
Sample records for

  1. Krčki kipovi majstora iz Campsine radionice

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gordana Sobota Matejčić


    Full Text Available Novopronađena tri kipa iz samostana Sv. Franje u gradu Krku te kip Sv. Marije Magdalene iz zbirke samostana Sv. Marije Magdalene u Portu temeljem komparativne analize s kipom Uskrslog Krista iz župne crkve Sv. Lovre u Soavi (1533. god., te kipom Bogorodice s Djetetom iz privatne zbirke (1534. god.; Italija, pripisuju se majstoru iz radionice Paola Campse. Nastali su u vrijeme kada radionica prihvaća umjetnička strujanja zrele renesanse, tijekom njena posljednjeg desetljeća djelovanja. Sva četiri kipa pokazuju visoku razinu umješnosti drvorezbarstva.

  2. Vojnici, odlikovanja i vojno znakovlje na nadgrobnim spomenicima iz Viminacija


    Milovanović, Bebina


    Vojnici, odlikovanja i vojna obilježja na nadgrobnim spomenicima iz Viminacija poznati su sa osam stela i jednog sarkofaga. Cijela figura vojnika prikazana na jednoj steli predstavlja osobu višeg ranga. Iz natpisa saznajemo da je spomenik napravljen u čast Gaja Kornelija Rufa, dekuriona (vijećnik) i augura (svećenik koji je imao zadatak protumačiti volju bogova promatrajući let i ponašanje ptica) iz Viminacija.Vojnik prikazan na sarkofagu je nižeg ranga. Vojna odlikovanja su prikazana u oblik...

  3. Spomenik Kvinta Valerija iz Hardomilja kod Ljubuškoga


    Dodig, Radoslav


    U radu je opisan rimski nadgrobni spomenik iz Hardomilja kod Ljubuškoga. Veteran Kvinto Valerije iz Ikonija bio je pripadnik Vii. legije, koja je na području Ljubuškoga ostavila 11 spomenika. Imena s natpisa: Q. Valerius Q. f., Q. Portorius i Q. Valerius Anteros, vjerojatno su maloazijski domoroci koji nose romanizirana imena. I ostali pripadnici vii. legije, koji se imali imanja na području Ljubuškoga, bili su unovačeni u M. Aziji: Milijada, Pesinunt, Konana i Sevastopol...

  4. Iz perevodov : [tõlkevalimik] / Svetlan Semenenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Semenenko, Svetlan, 1938-2007


    Sisu: Traat, Mats. Samoje lutshsheje vremja; Suuman, Aleksander. 'Voronu ne popast domoi...'; Viiding, Juhan. 'Vo sadu vo zeljonom...'; Kurg, Kalle. 'I zdes to Zhe samoje zdes to zhe samoje...'; Rummo, Paul-Eerik. Uteshenje; Nitshja; Alver, Betti. Mezhdu Jõgeva i Pedja : iz poemõ; S dikim krikom

  5. "Deti iz bezdnõ" Pavla Tshuhraja" / Lina Kornejeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kornejeva, Lina


    Pavel Tshuhrai USA televisiooni miniseriaalile tehtud dokumentaalfilm holokaustist "Sügaviku lapsed" ("Children from the Abyss"/"Deti iz bezdnõ"), mille tellis Steven Spielbergi asutatud fond "Shoa"

  6. [Historical notes on Infectious Diseases Hospital Francisco Javier Muñiz in Buenos Aires, Argentina]. (United States)

    Laval, Enrique


    The Infectious Diseases Hospital Francisco Javier Muñiz, Buenos Aires, Argentina, is the oldest in Latin America. It is over 100 years old and has a history worthy of pride. It became known as "Hospital of the pests" and was preceded by the old House of Insulation, which served as a quarantine station during epidemics of cholera, yellow fever and smallpox. The new House of Insulation, built in the neighborhood of Parque Patricios ("Barracks Hospital"), was renamed in 1904 in memory of Francisco Javier Muñiz, a former military doctor, naturalist and paleontologist. Its technical name is "Porteño Care Centre and National Reference Regional Infectious-Contagious Disease". It receives numerous national and foreign undergraduate and postgraduate students in its Departments of Infectious Diseases and Respiratory Diseases.

  7. Krvarenje iz karcinoma debelog crijeva


    Bušić, Željko; Radi, Mijo; Sekulić, Zvonimir; Bušić, Dubravka


    Od siječnja 1985. do lipnja 1987. godine, u Kirurškom odjelu Opće bolnice Nova Gradiška, lije­čeno je i operirano 28 bolesnika zbog karcinoma debelog crijeva. Ispitivani su učestalost i jačina krvarenja iz karcinoma debelog crijeva. Okultno i minimalno krvarenje preoperativno je dijagnosticirano u 20 bolesnika ili 71,5%.. Klinički manifestno obilnije krvarenje dijagnosticirano je samo u jednog bolesnika ili 3,5% bolesnika. Ni u jednom slučaju nije bila potrebna hitna kirurška intervencija zbo...

  8. Naknada štete za onečišćenje mora iz kopnenih izvora

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Axel Luttenberger


    Full Text Available Rad obrađuje složenu pravnu problematiku onečišćenja mora iz izvora na kopnu uz analizu odredaba Konvencije UN-a o pravu mora, Konvencije o sprečavanju onečišćenja iz izvora na kopnu, te Protokola o zaštiti Sredozemlja protiv onečišćenja iz kopnenih izvora i djelatnosti. Kao domaći izvori, rješenja Ustava i Deklaracije o zaštiti okoliša, te sustav zakona o zaštiti prirode i drugih ekoloških zakona, uz posebni naglasak na rješenja iz područja pomorstva. Naglašava se da je svrha regulative u propisivanju uređenja okoliša i načina obavljanja pojedinih djelatnosti, zajedno sa sustavom nadzora onečišćenja i sankcijama za nepridržavanje normi. Napominje se da je potrebno usvojiti propise tek nakon razmatranja stvarne mogućnosti primjene s odnosnim preventivnim mjerama i postupcima nakon nastupa štetnog događaja. Također se predlaže uspostava specijaliziranih neovisnih agencija zaduženih za nadzor oživotvorenja propisa.

  9. Aelred iz Rievaulxa o duhovnom prijeteljstvu


    Raguž, Ivica


    Članak predstavlja jedno od najvažnijih filozofsko-teoloških djela o prijateljstvu “De spirituali amicitia”, koje je napisao srednjovjekovni cistercit Aelred iz Rievaulxa. U prvomu dijelu članka ukratko se progovora o Aelredovu životu te o njegovu djelu “Speculum Caritatis” koje je korisno za bolje razumijevanje djela “De spirituali amicitia”. U drugomu, središnjem dijelu ovoga članka analiziraju se Aalredova promišljanja o prijateljstvu, i to u tri odlomka koja slijede s...

  10. Preživljavanje prirodne mikrobiote izolirane iz proizvoda akvakulture u simuliranim uvjetima gastrointestinalog trakta


    Matešić, Nikolina


    Mnogi bakterijski sojevi iz roda Lactobacillus i Bifidobacterium su okarakterizirani kao probiotici jer iskazuju pozitivne učinke na zdravlje domaćina. Preţivljavanje nepovoljnih uvjeta gastrointestinalnog trakta (GIT) je jedan od ključnih kriterija prilikom odabira probiotičkih sojeva budući da je GIT ciljno mjesto njihovog djelovanja. U ovome radu ispitano je preţivljavanje autohtonih izolata BMK iz riba i školjaka Jadranskog mora-Lactobacillus plantarum O1, Lactobacillus helveticus O9, Leu...

  11. Simulacija procesa in gospodarnosti izločanja ogljikovega dioksida iz dimnih plinov termoelektrarn


    Kekec, Primož


    V diplomskem delu je bil obravnavan proces za izločanje ogljikovega dioksida (CO2) iz dimnih plinov termoelektrarn, angleško imenovan »Calcium Looping« [7,21]. Ta proces je ena od možnih rešitev v sklopu tehnologij za tako imenovani CCS. Kar je angleška kratica za »Carbon Capture and Storage« in v prevodu pomeni zajem in shramba ogljika. Pri teh tehnologijah je CO2 izločen iz dimnih plinov, očiščen, utekočinjen, transportiran in shranjen na geološko primerni lokaciji. Cilj teh tehnologij je z...

  12. Identifikacija ocetnokislinskih bakterij iz industrijske proizvodnje jabolčnega kisa na osnovi medgenske regije 16S-23S rDNA


    Mori Štornik, Aleksandra


    Zavedanje ljudi o pomembnosti uživanja zdrave hrane postaja vedno močnejše, zato se v zadnjih letih povečuje trend uživanja živil, pridobljenih iz surovin, ki so čim manj izpostavljene kemikalijam, npr. s škropljenjem. Tudi kis, kot eden izmed pogosto uporabljenih dodatkov k hrani, se lahko pridobiva iz jabolk, ki so pridelana na konvencionalen način, s škropljenjem, ali pa brez škropljenja, s čimer pridobimo bio-jabolčni kis. V okviru te magistrske naloge smo primerjali mikrobioto iz industr...

  13. Zadarski akvatorij u Pîrî Reisovoj Knjizi pomorstva iz 1526. godine: Pomorsko-geografske slike dijela hrvatskoga Jadrana

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    Mithad Kozličić


    Full Text Available U radu su analizirane karte i tekstualni geografski opisi (peljar zadarskog akvatorija iz djela Kitâb-ı Bahriye (Knjiga pomorstva osmanskog moreplovca, pirata i kasnije admirala Pîrî Reisa. Komparativnom analizom sravnjeno je više primjeraka toga plovidbenog priručnika iz dosad poznatih istanbulskih izvora, ali i manje poznati primjerak iz Umjetničkog muzeja Walters (Walters Art Museum u Baltimoru. Cilj je bio usporediti saznanja koja su o širem zadarskom prostoru posredstvom skrovitog rada stranca iz neprijateljskih redova, Pîrî Reisa, dobili Osmanlije u odnosu na radove suvremenih mu mletačkih kartografa, kao “domaćina” na istočnoj jadranskoj obali. Preispitivanje njegova rada iz povijesno kartografske ali i imagološko-geografske perspektive pokazuje da je uspio izbalansirati potrebu za nastankom navigacijski i geografski iznimno kvalitetnog materijala s vlastitom pozicijom stranca na istočnom Jadranu. Kartografske i narativne slike Pîrî Reisa o zadarskom akvatoriju predstavljaju odraz dosega i mogućnosti osmanske kartografije što omogućuje njezino preispitivanje. Razlog leži u činjenici da kvaliteta kartografskog i narativnog dijela produkcije Pîrî Reisa nije dosegnuta u onodobnim plovidbenim priručnicima. Korištena toponimija upućuje na to da se Pîrî Reis služio tuđim dostupnim izvorima, primjerice uputama za plovidbu, ali ih je kombinirao s brojnim vlastitim opažanjima. Stoga njegov rad predstavlja posve izvoran opis zadarskog akvatorija, koji zbog obilja novih podataka donosi potpuno nove znanstvene spoznaje.



    Lekše, Simona


    Materiali rastlinskega izvora, med njimi tudi navadna smreka (Picea abies), vsebujejo substance, ki nastajajo v presnovi med razvojem rastline in se kopičijo v različnih delih rastlin. Prav tako te zdravilne rastline vsebujejo spojine, ki imajo številne specifične farmakološke in tehnološke vrednote. V diplomski nalogi smo raziskali različne postopke izolacije hlapnih aromatskih substanc (α- in β- pinena) iz lubja, žagovine in iglic navadne smreke. Izolacija monoterpenov je potekala s postopk...

  15. Ekstrakcija polifenola iz korijena biljke Urtica dioica L.


    Paić-Karega, Matea


    Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je usporediti različite metode ekstrakcije polifenola iz korijena koprive te prinose fenolnih spojeva u ovisnosi o primijenjenim metodama i uvjetima ekstrakcije UsporeĎivane su Soxhlet ekstrakcija te ekstrakcija superkritičnim CO2 Za Soxhlet ekstrakciju kao otapala su korišteni 96%-tni etanol te n-heksan kako bi se prikazao i utjecaj odabira otapala na prinos ekstrakcije. Soxhlet ekstrakcijom uz primjenu 96%-tnog etanola prinos polifenola iznosio je 14,14%, dok je p...

  16. Turisti iz Slovenije u hrvatskom primorju – obilježja i prostorni raspored turističkog prometa i internetske turističke ponude

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    Simon Kerma


    Full Text Available Hrvatsko primorje već je nekoliko desetljeća najznačajniju turistička destinacija za turiste iz Slovenije. Priobalna područja Istre, Kvarnera i Dalmacije te jadranski otoci postali su među Slovencima iznimno popularni za vrijeme intenzivnog razvoja turizma u bivšoj zajedničkoj državi. Danas je Hrvatska destinacija za čak oko 60% svih privatnih putovanja iz Slovenije. Afiniteti turista iz Slovenije za putovanja u inozemstvo uvodno su dopunjeni statističkim podatcima o posjetu Republike Hrvatske, dok se u nastavku rada posebna pozornost posvećuje broju, noćenjima i prosječnom boravku turista iz Slovenije te njihovu prostornom razmještaju u Hrvatskom primorju u 2007. godini. Istodobno je napravljena i usporedba s 1999. godinom. Središnji dio rada predstavlja analiza sadržaja internetske ponude slovenskih turističkih agencija na njihovim web-stranicama. Predmet detaljnije analize turističke ponude bila je struktura oglašavanih destinacija (primorskih krajeva po županijama te struktura ponude po vrsti turističkih usluga (ljetovanje, putovanje/izlet, krstarenje.



    Sušec, Miloš


    Diplomsko delo opisuje gospodarjenje z odpadki iz polimernih materialov s poudarkom na Evropski uniji (EU). V začetku so predstavljene osnove polimernih materialov. V sklopu tega je obravnavana najobsežnejša skupina polimernih materialov, to so plastične mase, kjer so opisana področja njihove uporabe, razvoj proizvodnje in porabe teh materialov ter količine njihovih odpadkov v svetu, EU in Sloveniji. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena problematika trajnostnega sonaravnega razvoja, njegova so...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zvonimir Jelinić


    Full Text Available Teško je prisjetiti se kada je jedan zakonski tekst iznjedrio više kontroverzi od Zakona o fi nancijskom poslovanju i predstečajnoj nagodbi. Intencija zakonodavca je bila jasna; pomoći trgovačkim subjektima u problemima da revitaliziraju svoje poslovanje, njihovim vjerovnicima da naplatu svojih potraživanja ostvare u većim iznosima nego što bi to bilo moguće u klasičnom stečajnom postupku te u konačnici, smatralo se da će predstečajni postupci doprinijeti očuvanju radnih mjesta. U radu se analizira struktura postupka predstečajne nagodbe te se propituje je li rješenje iz kasnije dijelom anuliranog hrvatskog propisa, prema kojemu je u prvoj fazi postupak provodilo posebno tijelo s administrativnim ovlastima, a u drugoj nadležni trgovački sudovi, u skladu s tumačenjima jamstva prava na pravičan postupak iz prakse Europskog suda za ljudska prava.

  19. La communication animale selon Ğāḥiz, à travers son œuvre Kitāb al-Ḥayawān

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aarab, Ahmed; Provencal, Philippe


    En præsentation af en af de tidligste analyser af kommunikation mellem individerne hos forskellige dyrearter. Denne analyse findes i værket fra det 9. århundrede Kitāb al-Ḥayawān skrevet af al-Ğāḥiz.......En præsentation af en af de tidligste analyser af kommunikation mellem individerne hos forskellige dyrearter. Denne analyse findes i værket fra det 9. århundrede Kitāb al-Ḥayawān skrevet af al-Ğāḥiz....

  20. Permeabilization of Saccharomyces fragilis IZ 275 cells with ethanol to obtain a biocatalyst with lactose hydrolysis capacity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Rodrigo Ito Morioka


    Full Text Available The permeabilization was used to transform microorganisms in cell biocatalysts with high enzymatic activity. The Saccharomyces fragilis IZ 275 yeast cells were permeabilized with ethanol, as permeabilizing agent. To optimize the permeabilization conditions were used the design of Box-Behnken 15 trials (3 central points. The independent variables and their levels were ethanol (29, 32 and 35%, temperature (15, 20 and 25°C and time (15, 20 and 25 min. The answer (Y function has beta-galactosidase activity (U mg-1. The optimum conditions for obtaining a high enzymatic activity were observed in 35% ethanol concentration, temperature 15ºC and 20 min. treatment time. The maximum activity of the enzyme beta-galactosidase obtained was 10.59 U mg-1. The permeabilization of the S. fragilis IZ 275 cells was efficient.

  1. Priprava lantanovega galata iz mešanega sistema reducentov in nitrata


    Pejovnik, Stane; Zupan, Klementina; Maček, Jadran; Kapun, Barbara


    Lantanov galat (LaGaO3), dopiran z dvovalentnimi elementi, je ionski prevodnik tako v oksidativni kot reduktivni atmosferi z zanemarljivo elektronsko prevodnostjo in je zato možen material za elektrolit za novo generacijo keramičnih gorivnih celic, ki bodo delovale pri temperaturah okoli 800 [kompozitum]C. nastaja v binarnem sistemu La2O3-Ga2O3 kot ena od dveh spojin, druga spojina je La4Ga2O9. Nedopiran lantanov galat smo pripravljali z zgorevalno sintezo iz raztopin v sistemu kovinski nitra...

  2. L'augment verbal romanç -ez-/-iz-: derivació vs. flexió

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Curtis Blaylock


    Full Text Available Ancient Greek could form denominal verbs by attaching a palatal semivowel to the noun stem and adding the verbal endings, thus creating verbs in -izo, -azo [això, clar, en caracters grecs], etc. Latin borrowed large enough numbers of those with vocalism in -i- so that an independently productive derivational pattern arose in Latin. As with the case of the native Latin -sk- affix, the -iz-/-ez- element developed a flexional role in some varieties of Romance. The derivational function, however, remained dominant and was even propagated to the Germanic languages.

  3. Fission gas release from the sintered UO{sub 2} fuel; Oslobadjanje fisionih gasova iz goriva od sinterovanog UO{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sigulinski, F; Stevanovic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia)


    This paper shoes the phenomena which control fission gases release from the sintered UO{sub 2} dependent of the burnup rate: ejection, release, diffusion, increased fission gas accumulation causing structural changes in the fuel. release of fission gases from the fuel for power reactors was studied as well. The influence of factors as temperature, characteristics of fuel, burnup rate and burnup level was analyzed. Prikazani su mehanizmi koji kontrolisu izdvajanje fisionih gasova iz sinterovanog UO{sub 2} pri razlicitim brzinama izgaranja: izletanje, izbijanje, difuzija, povecano izdvajanje fisionih gasova koje prati strukturne promene u gorivu. Razmatrano je proucavanje izdvajanja fisionih gasova iz goriva za reaktore snage. Analiziran je uticaj faktora kao sto su temperatura, karakteristike goriva, brzina i stepen izgaranja (author)

  4. Medicinal Plants of the markets of Izúcar de Matamoros and Acatlán de Osorio, Puebla

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Martínez Moreno


    Full Text Available In Mexico the traditional markets are places that reflect the interaction between people and plants, so they come to define the identity in the area where they are. Theobjective of the present study was to record marketing, use, and source of medicinal plants as well as the comparison between the markets of Izúcar de Matamoros and Acatlán de Osorio, in the State of Puebla. In order to achieve the proposed objective 6 visits to the 'Revolution' of Izúcar de Matamoros market and 24 to the "General Rafael Sanchez Taboada" market at of Acatlán de Osorio were made. Structured Interviews were made to people who sell the plants, in order to record their common name, use, preparation, route of administration, the kind of disease they cure, healing, cost per sample, origin of species, time in collecting them and, if they are indirectly bought, how much sellers pay for each one and how they learned the use of medicinal plants. The collection of the botanical material was conducted through the acquisition of samples in fresh and dry, for subsequent identification. The results showed that in the Izúcar de Matamoros market 1133 stands were recorded; in 0.71% of them medicinal plantsare sold; the number of registered species was 49 -49genera and 35 families- being the family Asteraceae the most outstanding, with 12 genera. As for its origin, 43 of these species are wild and 11 are grown, some of them have double performance. In the Acatlán de Osorio market 641 stands were registered, where the 1.71% are of medicinal plants; the number of medicinal species was 144, with 122 genera and 71 families. The most outstanding families were Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, and Fabaceae. From all the registered species of medicinal plants we found that 61 are introduced, 73 native and the origin of 10 of them is unknown. We also registered, according to the surveys applied to sellers, that 110 species are wild and 33 cultivated, all of which are sold both fresh and dry. The

  5. Spent fuel composition database system on WWW. SFCOMPO on WWW Ver.2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mochizuki, Hiroki; Suyama, Kenya; Nomura, Yasushi; Okuno, Hiroshi


    'SFCOMPO on WWW Ver.2' is an advanced version of 'SFCOMPO on WWW (Spent Fuel Composition Database System on WWW' released in 1997. This new version has a function of database management by an introduced relational database software 'PostgreSQL' and has various searching methods. All of the data required for the calculation of isotopic composition is available from the web site of this system. This report describes the outline of this system and the searching method using Internet. In addition, the isotopic composition data and the reactor data of the 14 LWRs (7 PWR and 7 BWR) registered in this system are described. (author)

  6. Entrevista a María de las Nieves Muñiz Muñiz sobre Leopardi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Pérez Andrés


    Full Text Available María de las Nieves Muñiz Muñiz, catedrática de Filología Italiana en el Departamento de Filología Románica de la Universidad de Barcelona, es una de las más reconocidas expertas en literatura italiana moderna y contemporánea de nuestro país. Sus investigaciones se centran en los contactos literarios entre Italia y España y en la Literatura italiana moderna y contemporánea, con especial atención a Leopardi, Manzoni y Pavese, aunque también se ha ocupado de lingüística contrastiva italiano-español. Desde 1995 dirige el Proyecto Boscán, que ha elaborado el Catálogo Histórico y Crítico de las traducciones españolas de la Literatura Italiana: 1300-1939 y desde 2006 elHipertexto del Orlando furioso de Ariosto. Actualmente coordina la edición hipertextual del Zibaldone di pensieri de Giacomo Leopardi en italiano, español e inglés. Forma parte del Consejo de Dirección de Filologia e critica y del comité científico de otras revistas internacionales (Rivista di Studi Italiani, Rivista Internazionale di Studi Leopardiani, Studia Aurea, Moderna, La Modernità letteraria, Esperienze Letterarie, Rinascimento Meridionale, Quaderni ginevrini di italianistica, entre otras, así como de distintas editoriales italianas (entre ellas Bulzoni: colección Biblioteca di Cultura. Entre sus libros publicados pueden señalarse: La novela histórica italiana (Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura 1980, Poetiche della temporalità (Palermo, Palumbo 1990, Introduzione a Pavese (Bari, Laterza 1992, la edición de I Promessi sposi de Manzoni (Estudio introductorio, anotación y traducción: Madrid, Cátedra 1985, seguida de otra edición anotada en italiano, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 1994, la edición de losCanti de Leopardi (Introducción, aparato, comentario a cada canto y traducción en verso, Índice de fuentes: Madrid, Cátedra, 1998; 2ª ed. aumentada y revisada, 2009, la edición, en colaboración con Cesare Segre, del

  7. Lietuvos Yamaha muzikos mokyklų valdymo ypatumai: franšizės metodas


    Užkuraitienė, Fausta


    Franšizė yra viena iš tarptautinio verslo internacionalizavimo galimybių. Teoretikai ir praktikai pabrėžia šios verslo formos pranašumus prieš alternatyvas eksportą, investicijas ar bendrų kompanijų kūrimą. Tačiau Lietuvos mokslininkų darbuose randame tik fragmentinius šios kontraktinės tarptautinio verslo plėtros formos analizės elementus. Menkai analizuojami valdymo, kontrolės, kultūrinės adaptacijos klausimai. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti Lietuvos Yamaha muzikos mokyklų valdymo ypatumus, vei...

  8. Spent fuel composition database system on WWW. SFCOMPO on WWW Ver.2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mochizuki, Hiroki [Japan Research Institute, Ltd., Tokyo (Japan); Suyama, Kenya; Nomura, Yasushi; Okuno, Hiroshi [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    'SFCOMPO on WWW Ver.2' is an advanced version of 'SFCOMPO on WWW' ('Spent Fuel Composition Database System on WWW') released in 1997. This new version has a function of database management by an introduced relational database software 'PostgreSQL' and has various searching methods. All of the data required for the calculation of isotopic composition is available from the web site of this system. This report describes the outline of this system and the searching method using Internet. In addition, the isotopic composition data and the reactor data of the 14 LWRs (7 PWR and 7 BWR) registered in this system are described. (author)



    Kovačec, Gregor


    Prihodki so eden najpomembnejših faktorjev pri določanju uspešnosti poslovanja podjetja. Zaradi slabe urejenosti tega področja s strani tedanjih rešitev v Mednarodnih standardih računovodskega poročanja oziroma ameriških Splošno sprejetih načel računovodenja (GAAP), sta se mednarodni odbor IASB in ameriški FASB že leta 2002 odločila, da je čas za prenovo obstoječih standardov. Maja 2014 je bil na podlagi sodelovanja obeh odborov izdan nov standard MSRP 15 – Prihodki iz pogodb s strankami. MSR...

  10. WWW chart of the nuclides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Xiaolong; Zhou Chunmei; Zhuang Youxiang; Zhao Zhixiang; Golashvili, T.V.; Chechev, V.P.


    WWW chart of the nuclides was established on the basis of the latest evaluations of nuclear structure and decay data. By viewing WWW chart of the nuclides, one can retrieve the fundamental data of nuclide such as atomic mass, abundance, spin and parity; the decay mode, branching ratio, half-life and Q-value of radioactive nuclide, energy and intensity of strong γ-ray, etc. The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of WWW chart of the nuclides is:,asp

  11. Subaqueous hot springs in Köyceğiz Lake, Dalyan Channel and Fethiye-Göcek Bay (SW Turkey): Locations, chemistry and origins

    KAUST Repository

    Avşar, Ö zgü r; Avsar, Ulas; Arslan, Şebnem; Kurtuluş, Bedri; Niedermann, Samuel; Gü leç , Nilgü n


    In this study, horizontal temperature measurements along organized grids have been used to detect subaqueous hot springs. The study area, located in the southwest of Turkey and comprised of Köyceğiz Lake, Dalyan Channel and Fethiye-Göcek Bay

  12. Earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformations and seismically amplified erosion rates recorded in varved sediments of Köyceğiz Lake (SW Turkey)

    KAUST Repository

    Avsar, Ulas; Jonsson, Sigurjon; Avşar, Ö zgü r; Schmidt, Sabine


    sequence of Köyceğiz Lake (SW Turkey) that we compare with estimated peak ground acceleration (PGA) values of several nearby earthquakes. We find that earthquakes exceeding estimated PGA values of ca. 20 cm/s2 can induce soft-sediment deformations (SSD

  13. Origen y evolución urbana de Alcañiz. De la villa medieval a la ciudad renacentista

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan José Barragán Villagrasa


    Full Text Available La ciudad de Alcañiz (Aragón constituye un ejemplo de las reformas que el urbanismo renacentista impulsó en las villas medievales, ligado en este caso al desarrollo del Concejo, y la progresiva independencia municipal respecto al señorío de la Orden de Calatrava, con sede en el castillo. Hemos indagado en el modelo de urbanismo medieval impulsado por los calatravos desde la repoblación del territorio, formado por dos líneas de muralla, una de ellas inédita, y que hemos denominado «muralla alta». Desde el Concejo medieval, con sede en las Casas Comunes, se desarrolla un nuevo modelo de urbanismo, con nuevos espacios públicos como la Plaza Mayor, una trama de calles más anchas y regulares, y el desarrollo de una edificación más estandarizada, que convivirá con lo culminando en la construcción de la Casa Consistorial por el Concejo posmedieval, institución que actualmente conocemos como Ayuntamiento.The town of Alcañiz, in Aragon, is a good example of the reforms that Renaissance town plannings spread in medieval towns. In this case, it is linked to the development of the town Council, and the progressive local independence from the Calatrava Lordship, whose headquarter were inside the castle. We have researched the medieval town planning promoted by the Calatravos since the repopulation of the territory. It is formed by two lines of city walls, one of which was unknown and we have called it «the high wall». From the medieval Council House, sited in the Common Houses, a new model of urbanism is developed, with new public spaces like the Main Square, wider and more regular street patterns and the development of a more standarized way of building that has co-existed with the medieval quarters until the present days.

  14. Ekstrakcija kofeina iz različnih naravnih virov ter njegov učinek na izbrane škodljivce


    Gačnik, Barbara


    Eden od pomembnejših sekundarnih metabolitov, ki ga najdemo v kavi, čajih, guarani itn. je kofein. Kofein rastlino ščiti pred herbivori in patogenimi organizmi. Naš namen je bil preveriti kakšne vsebnosti kofeina vsebujejo različni rastlinski viri in ali bi lahko kofein uporabili kot naravno sredstvo za varstvo rastlin pred škodljivci. V našem primeru sta bila to skladiščni škodljivec koruzni žužek (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky) in siva breskova uš (Myzus persicae Sulzer). Iz različnih nara...



    Drobež, Rozalija


    Eden glavnih okoljevarstvenih problemov živilskopredelovalne industrije je nenehno naraščajoča proizvodnja odpadkov različnega izvora. Proizvodnja bioplina iz organskih in živalskih odpadkov z anaerobno fermentacijo je primeren način za predelavo teh odpadkov. Predelava prinaša mnoge okoljske, ekonomske in družbene koristi. Po drugi strani procesna sistemska tehnika s svojimi vrhunskimi orodji, ki temeljijo na matematičnem programiranju oz. optimizaciji, omogoča generiranje optimalnih in d...

  16. WWW-based remote analysis framework for UniSampo and Shaman analysis software

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aarnio, P.A.; Ala-Heikkilae, J.J.; Routti, J.T.; Nikkinen, M.T.


    UniSampo and Shaman are well-established analytical tools for gamma-ray spectrum analysis and the subsequent radionuclide identification. These tools are normally run locally on a Unix or Linux workstation in interactive mode. However, it is also possible to run them in batch/non-interactive mode by starting them with the correct parameters. This is how they are used in the standard analysis pipeline operation. This functionality also makes it possible to use them for remote operation over the network. Framework for running UniSampo and Shaman analysis using the standard WWW-protocol has been developed. A WWW-server receives requests from the client WWW-browser and runs the analysis software via a set of CGI-scripts. Authentication, input data transfer, and output and display of the final analysis results is all carried out using standard WWW-mechanisms. This WWW-framework can be utilized, for example, by organizations that have radioactivity surveillance stations in a wide area. A computer with a standard internet/intranet connection suffices for on-site analyses. (author)

  17. Build a WWW Homepage for Your School! (United States)

    Chrobak, Kimberly


    Discusses the use of World Wide Web (WWW) Homepage for school information. Topics include school sites; installation of a WWW browser; file tags; sites for beginner's guides to the language (HTML); two Usenet discussion groups; and a sample lesson plan including objective, procedure, and evaluation. (AEF)


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada) LES TIC POUR PREVENIR ET. LUTTER CONTRE LES VBG. GROUPE D'ETUDES ET DE RECHERCHES GENRE ET SOCIETES. Une base technique utilisant des solutions open source. Il s'agit d'une plateforme web et mobile qui permet aux parties prenantes de pouvoir remonter et partager les ...

  19. "Iz bõli i krassok vozniknut novõje babotshki..." : [luuletused] / Jaan Kaplinski ; tlk. Svetlan Semenenko,

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaplinski, Jaan, 1941-


    Sisu: "Iz põli i krassok vozniknut novõje babotshki..." ; "Vertsingetorig skazal: Tsesar, tõ mozhesh..." ; "Tesnõm tõ stalo vremja..." ; "Daite mne vremeni vremeni..." ; "Lozh dorogo stoit lozh deshevo stoit..." ; "A ja hotshu vozduhhom bõt..." ; "Poetõ pust pishut stihhi a ja letutshaja..." ; "Net ni proshlogo ni budushtshego ni nastojashtshego..." ; "Legko trudnõm bõt..." ; "Ona pojot i ja govorju...". Orig.: "Tolmust ja värvidest saavad uued liblikad aga meid..." ; "Vercingetorix ütles: Caesar, sa võid..." ; "Ahtaks oled sa jäänud kaasaeg..." ; Andke mulle aega aega ; "Vale on kallis, vale on odav..." ; "Aga mina tahan õhk olla..." ; "Luuletajad luuletavad, mina olen kala kes tõuseb lendu..." ; "Ei ole minevikku tulevikku ega olevikku..." ; "Kerge on raske olla..." ; "Ta laulab ja mina räägin..."


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chhabra, H S; Harvey, Lee; Muldoon, S


    OBJECTIVE: To develop a web-based educational resource for health professionals responsible for the management of spinal cord injury (SCI). The is comprised of seven learning modules, each subdivided into various submodules. Six of the seven modules address the educatio......OBJECTIVE: To develop a web-based educational resource for health professionals responsible for the management of spinal cord injury (SCI). The is comprised of seven learning modules, each subdivided into various submodules. Six of the seven modules address...... the educational needs of all disciplines involved in comprehensive SCI management. The seventh module addresses prevention of SCI. Each submodule includes an overview, activities, self-assessment questions and references. DEVELOPMENT OF THE RESOURCE: Three hundred and thirty-two experts from The International...... Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) and various affiliated societies from 36 countries were involved in developing the resource through 28 subcommittees. The content of each submodule was reviewed and approved by the Education and Scientific Committees of ISCoS and finally by an Editorial Committee of 23 experts...

  1. Grebenshtshikovi kingitus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ansambli Akvarium viiepäevasest Ameerika-tuurist ja veebruaris ilmuvast uuest heliplaadist. Bändi ametlikul koduleheküljel on tasuta saadaval MP3 fail, mis sisaldab reggae-laulu "Rastamanõ iz glubinki" ("Rastamehed äärealadelt")

  2. Spent fuel isotopic composition data base system on WWW. SFCOMPO on W3

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suyama, Kenya [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    Spent Fuel Composition Data Base System `SFCOMPO` has been developed on IBM compatible PC. This data base system is not widely used, since users must purchase the data base software by themselves. `SFCOMPO on W3` is a system to overcome this problem. User can search and visualize the data in the data base by accessing WWW server through the Internet from local machine. Only a browsing software to access WWW should be prepared. It enables us to easily search data of spent fuel composition if we can access the Internet. This system can be operated on WWW server machine which supports use of Common Gateway Interface (CGI). This report describes the background of the development of SFCOMPO on W3 and is it`s user`s manual. (author)

  3. Biology at a single cell level

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mthunzi, P


    Full Text Available :// Induced pluripotent stem cells differentiated in culture Transfecting neuroblastomas Neuroblastoma ? Brain cells ? 80 ? 120 billion neurons in human... brain ? Non- renewing cell type ? Neurons difficult to transfect with established protocols ? Susceptible to degenerative disorders: - Parkinson?s disease - Multiple sclerosis - Alzheimer's disease http...

  4. Improvement of WWW chart of the nuclides interface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Okamoto, Tsutomu; Minato, Futoshi; Iwamoto, Osamu; Koura, Hiroyuki


    The booklet 'chart of the nuclides' is issued every 4 years since 1976 from Nuclear Data Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The chart of the nuclides for WWW (World Wide Web) was developed in 1999 in order to be available from the Internet browser. The Internet connection speeds, browser functions and JavaScript libraries has, however, progressed at present compared with the Internet technology in those days. In connection with the release of the 2014 edition of the chart of the nuclides, the interface of the WWW chart of the nuclides has been improved by introducing new Internet technologies aiming at enhancing convenience on accessibilities via browsers. We introduced a scrolling screen that would make capabilities of easy screen movement on a map with the addition of the drag scrolling function. Considering smart phone access, the light-weight edition which introduced automatic switch was prepared. The new system results in reduction in access time and usefulness in mobile environment. The method of making figures of the chart was reconsidered due to addition of new decay schemes to the 2014 edition. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) was adopted so as to make figures easily. It is concluded that the accessibilities of WWW chart of the nuclides are substantially improved from the previous version by introducing the new technologies. (author)

  5. Spent fuel isotopic composition data base system on WWW. SFCOMPO on W3

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Suyama, Kenya


    Spent Fuel Composition Data Base System 'SFCOMPO' has been developed on IBM compatible PC. This data base system is not widely used, since users must purchase the data base software by themselves. 'SFCOMPO on W3' is a system to overcome this problem. User can search and visualize the data in the data base by accessing WWW server through the Internet from local machine. Only a browsing software to access WWW should be prepared. It enables us to easily search data of spent fuel composition if we can access the Internet. This system can be operated on WWW server machine which supports use of Common Gateway Interface (CGI). This report describes the background of the development of SFCOMPO on W3 and is it's user's manual. (author)

  6. Accessing HEP Collaboration documents using WWW and WAIS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, T.D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Ritchie, D.J.


    WAIS stands for Wide Area Information Server. It is a distributed information retrieval system. A WAIS system has a client-server architecture which consists of clients talking to a server via a TCP/IP network using the ANSI standard Z39-50 VI protocol. A freely available version (FreeWAIS) is supported by the Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval, also known as CNIDR. FreeWAIS-sf, which is the software the authors are using at Fermilab, is an extension of FreeWAIS. FreeWAIS-sf supports all the functionalities which FreeWAIS offers as well as additional indexing and searching capabilities for structured fields. World Wide Web (WWW) was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN and is now the backbone for serving information on Internet. Here, the authors describe a system for accessing HEP collaboration documents using WWW and WAIS

  7. Accessing HEP Collaboration documents using WWW and WAIS

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nguyen, T.D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Ritchie, D.J.


    WAIS stands for Wide Area Information Server. It is a distributed information retrieval system. A WAIS system has a client-server architecture which consists of clients talking to a server via a TCP/IP network using the ANSI standard Z39-50 VI protocol. A freely available version (FreeWAIS) is supported by the Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval, also known as CNIDR. FreeWAIS-sf, which is the software the authors are using at Fermilab, is an extension of FreeWAIS. FreeWAIS-sf supports all the functionalities which FreeWAIS offers as well as additional indexing and searching capabilities for structured fields. World Wide Web (WWW) was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN and is now the backbone for serving information on Internet. Here, the authors describe a system for accessing HEP collaboration documents using WWW and WAIS.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ika Atman Satya


    Full Text Available Media Informasi secara tradisional telah kita kenai dengan menggunakan koran, televisi, radio dan buku referensi. Media informasi tersebut untuk penyebarannya memerlukan penunjang agar informasi tersebut dapat disebarkan secara lutis. Selain penggunaan media tradisional tersebut penyebaran informasi dengan menggunakan jaringan komputer Internet juga berkembang. Salah satu cara penyebaran informasi dengan menggunakan aplikasi WWW (World Wide Web yang mempunyai kemampuan menggabungkan gambar, text dan suara secara interaktif. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas tentang kemampuan, penggunaan dan pengembangan server WWW.

  9. Anđeo štitonoša s grbom obitelji de Judicibus – još jedan nepoznati suradnik Bonina Jakovljeva iz Milana


    Marković, Predrag


    U dalmatinskom kiparstvu prve polovice 15. stoljeća značajno mjesto pripada Boninu Jakovljevu iz Milana. U razmjerno kratkom razdoblju njegova djelovanja koje obuhvaća nepuna dva desetljeća on je uspio realizirati brojna klesarsko-kiparska djela u gotovo svim većim gradovima Dalmacije. Iako su zadnjih desetak godina tom lombardskom majstoru pripisana neka nova prilično značajna kiparska djela, odnosno ona slabija identificirana kao ostvarenja njegovih bliskih suradnika, njegova ukupna umjetni...



    Bosilj, Monika


    Namen diplomske naloge je določiti vpliv superkritičnega ogljikovega dioksida (SC CO2) na preživetje črnih kvasovk Trimmatostroma salinum in izločanje proteinov in nukleinskih kislin iz celične suspenzije T. salinum. Suspenzijo s kulturo T. salinum smo v visokotlačnem šaržnem reaktorju izpostavili SC CO2 pri tlaku 100 bar in 35 °C. Rezultati so pokazali, da se je s podaljševanjem časa inkubacije v SC CO2 preživelost celic T. salinum zmanjševala. Merili smo tudi aktivnost encimov celulaze, α-a...

  11. Earthquake-induced soft-sediment deformations and seismically amplified erosion rates recorded in varved sediments of Köyceğiz Lake (SW Turkey)

    KAUST Repository

    Avsar, Ulas


    Earthquake-triggered landslides amplify erosion rates in catchments, i.e. catchment response to seismic shocks (CR). In addition to historical eyewitness accounts of muddy rivers implying CRs after large earthquakes, several studies have quantitatively reported increased sediment concentrations in rivers after earthquakes. However, only a few paleolimnological studies could detect CRs within lacustrine sedimentary sequences as siliciclastic-enriched intercalations within background sedimentation. Since siliciclastic-enriched intercalations can easily be of non-seismic origin, their temporal correlation with nearby earthquakes is crucial to assign a seismic triggering mechanism. In most cases, either uncertainties in dating methods or the lack of recent seismic activity has prevented reliable temporal correlations, making the seismic origin of observed sedimentary events questionable. Here, we attempt to remove this question mark by presenting sedimentary traces of CRs in the 370-year-long varved sequence of Köyceğiz Lake (SW Turkey) that we compare with estimated peak ground acceleration (PGA) values of several nearby earthquakes. We find that earthquakes exceeding estimated PGA values of ca. 20 cm/s2 can induce soft-sediment deformations (SSD), while CRs seem only to be triggered by PGA levels higher than 70 cm/s2. In Köyceğiz Lake, CRs produce Cr- and Ni-enriched sedimentation due to the seismically mobilized soils derived from ultramafic rocks in the catchment. Given the varve chronology, the residence time of the seismically mobilized material in the catchment is determined to be 5 to 10 years.

  12. Kriminal i represivni sustav u Osijeku na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće promatran kroz elemente biopolitike i socijalne povijesti


    Pejić, Luka


    Elementi biopolitike i disciplinskog društva kao što su statistike, izvještaji, regulacije i standardizacije obrazovnih, zdravstvenih i drugih praksi postaju krajnje važni za „nadzor i kaznu“ subjekta tijekom 19. stoljeća. S obzirom na industrijski razvoj, ove je trendove moguće promotriti i u Osijeku krajem 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Primajući utjecaje iz Budimpešte, Beča, Zagreba i drugih gradova, osječke gradske vlasti poduzimaju nove korake u osiguravanju produktivne radne snage te izol...

  13. Sudar vozila u vlasništvu istog leasing društva i problem treće osobe iz AO osiguranja


    Radionov, Nikoleta; Padovan, Adriana Vincenca


    U radu se razmatraju pravni odnosi koji nastaju u slučaju sudara dvaju (ili više) vozila u vlasništvu istog leasing društva (slučaj leasing – leasing). Prema uvriježenoj praksi na domaćem tržištu osiguranja, u takvim slučajevima dolazi do isključenja iz osiguranja šteta na vozilu temeljem osiguranja automobilske odgovornosti (AO), s obzirom na to da su vozila u vlasništvu istog leasing društva koje je i jedini osiguranik po policama AO oba (ili više) vozila sudionika nezgode. Primatelj leasin...

  14. Image Reference Database in Teleradiology: Migrating to WWW (United States)

    Pasqui, Valdo

    The paper presents a multimedia Image Reference Data Base (IRDB) used in Teleradiology. The application was developed at the University of Florence in the framework of the European Community TELEMED Project. TELEMED overall goals and IRDB requirements are outlined and the resulting architecture is described. IRDB is a multisite database containing radiological images, selected because their scientific interest, and their related information. The architecture consists of a set of IRDB Installations which are accessed from Viewing Stations (VS) located at different medical sites. The interaction between VS and IRDB Installations follows the client-server paradigm and uses an OSI level-7 protocol, named Telemed Communication Language. After reviewing Florence prototype implementation and experimentation, IRDB migration to World Wide Web (WWW) is discussed. A possible scenery to implement IRDB on the basis of WWW model is depicted in order to exploit WWW servers and browsers capabilities. Finally, the advantages of this conversion are outlined.

  15. Design guidelines for teaching about design guidelines for educational WWW-sites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Collis, Betty; Winnips, Koos; Ottmann, Thomas; Tomek, Ivan


    This paper describes how the authors use a mixture of World Wide Web (WWW)-based functionalities and new didactics to teach educational technology students at the University of Twente (Netherlands) about the design of WWW-based learning environments. Topics discussed include: (1) the content of

  16. The influence of question design on the response to self-assessment in

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, N; Li, X-W; Zhou, M-W


    STUDY DESIGN: This is an interventional training session. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the difference in response to self-assessment questions in the original and an adjusted version for a submodule of for student nurses. SETTING: The study was condu......STUDY DESIGN: This is an interventional training session. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the difference in response to self-assessment questions in the original and an adjusted version for a submodule of for student nurses. SETTING: The study...... was conducted in a teaching hospital affiliated to Peking University, China. METHODS: In all, 28 student nurses divided into two groups (groups A and B; 14 in each) received a print-out of a Chinese translation of the slides from the 'Maintaining skin integrity following spinal cord injury' submodule in www.elearnSCI...... be avoided because it would increase the number of correct answers arrived at by guessing. When using multiple-answer MCQs, it is recommended that the questions asked should be in accordance with the content within the

  17. WWW-based environments for collaborative group work

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Collis, Betty


    Since 1994, we have been involved in the design and use of a series of WWW-based environments to support collaborative group work for students in a technical university in The Netherlands. These environments, and the course re-design that accompanies each new environment, began in April 1994 and

  18. Strategy of development and online marketing for website


    Fodor, Aleš


    The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to suggest particular online marketing strategy for People in need's website - Firstly the thesis is going to aim at analysing the present condition of marketing activities and the quality of the web site for Then the online marketing strategy is going be developed.

  19. Learner support in a distributed learning environment:the use of WWW-based teachware packages

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christian Langenbach


    Full Text Available Various forms of education and training, based on the classical Computer Based Training (CBT, have become well established within companies and in higher education. With regard to the flexibility in terms of time and location, as well as in terms of incurred cost, they are far superior to traditional forms of instruction. A relatively recent development which has not yet gained widespread acceptance is the use of the World Wide Web (WWW as a basis and platform for distributed computer assisted teaching and learning. In addition to the advantages outlined with regard to classical CBT, the WWW offers the two advantages of world wide availablity as well as ease of promptly updating courses, but also adds many possibilities of collaborative learning. Using the Java programming language and the ever improving means of online presentation it has become possible to realize sophisticated WWW-based teachware packages which are comparable in terms of appearance and functionality to classical CBT applications created with dedicated authoring systems.

  20. Regional information portal - / Piret Uus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Uus, Piret


    Piirkondlik infoportaal - - pakub mitmekülgset teavet Peipsi Koostöö Keskuse tegevuse, projektide, teadusuuringute tulemuste, aruannete kohta, samuti on kättesaadav info Peipsi järve keskkonnaseisundist, ajaloost, kultuurist, geograafiast jne

  1. Pravni odnosi iz zakupa broda prema odredbama BIMCO obrasca BARECON 2001

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Pijaca


    Full Text Available U ovom se radu analiziraju odredbe BIMCO-vog standardnog ugovornog obrasca o zakupu broda, kodnog naziva BARECON 2001, sadržane u njegovom drugom, središnjem dijelu. Analiza se sastoji od nekoliko tematski podijeljenih dijelova. Najprije se utvrđuje tko su stranke ugovornog odnosa zakupa broda, navode se definicije uvodnih pojmova obrasca te određuju specifičnosti trajanja ugovora o zakupu broda. Potom se utvrđuju temeljna prava i obveze ugovornih stranaka (predaja broda, otkaz ugovora zbog zakašnjenja predaje broda, zakupnina i vraćanje broda, a nakon toga i sva ostala prava i obveze vezane uz uporabu i izvršenje ugovora (npr. reguliranje troškova pregleda broda te pogonskog goriva i zaliha prilikom predaje i vraćanja, pravo nadzora broda, ograničenje uporabe broda, održavanje i obavljanje radova na brodu, osiguranje kod ugovora o zakupu broda, založno pravo (mortgage i lien, obeštećenje, ostvarenje prava na nagradu za spašavanje i doprinos u zajedničkoj havariji, uklanjanje podrtina, uvjeti prijenosa prava iz ugovora o zakupu na trećeg, bankarska garancija, plaćanje provizije agentu posredniku, prestanak ugovora prije proteka roka trajanja zakupa, deposesija broda, rješavanje sporova, obavijesti. Odredbe drugog, središnjeg dijela obrasca BARECON 2001 također se analiziraju u odnosu na prethodni obrazac BARECON 89. Kritički se osvrće na one odredbe obrasca BARECON 2001 za koje se smatra da mogu izazvati različita pravna tumačenja. U zaključnom razmatranju sumiraju se rješenja odredbi obrasca te se upućuje na nekoliko prijedloga poboljšanja njegova sadržaja.

  2. Strategi Branding Portal Online Dalam Membangun Brand Awareness Sebagai Portal Online Pariwisata Provinsi Riau


    Rahmadhani, Yuri; Lubis, Evawani Elysa


    Online portal online portal is one of the online portal in Riau Province that has its own uniqueness. These portals contain local content and the potential of tourism in the province of Riau. Since its establishment, do branding strategy in order to build brand awareness or trust the reader to be known as a tourism-themed online portal. As the selection of brand name Trip Riau, Riau Guide My tagline, as well as the implementation of travel instagram photo con...

  3. Computer programs to make a Chart of the nuclides for WWW

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakagawa, Tsuneo; Katakura, Jun-ichi; Horiguchi, Takayoshi


    Computer programs to make a chart of the nuclides for World Wide Web (WWW) have been developed. The programs make a data file for WWW chart of the nuclides from a data file containing nuclide information in the format similar to ENSDF, by filling unknown half-lives with calculated ones. Then, the WWW chart of the nuclides in the gif format is created from the data file. The programs to make html files and image map files, to select a chart of selected nuclides, and to show various information of nuclides are included in the system. All the programs are written in C language. This report describes the formats of files, the programs and 1998 issue of Chart of the Nuclides made by means of the present programs. (author)

  4. Genetic and morphological variation in sexual and asexual parasitoids of the genus Lysiphlebus - an apparent link between wing shape and reproductive mode

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrović, A.; Mitrović, M.; Ivanović, A.; Žikić, V.; Kavallieratos, N. G.; Starý, Petr; Mitrovski Bogdanović, A.; Tomanović, Ž.; Vorburger, C.


    Roč. 15, article number 5 (2015) ISSN 1471-2148 Grant - others:Swiss National Science Foundation(CH) IZ73Z0_128174; The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia(RS) III43001 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : Lysiphlebus Subject RIV: EG - Zoology Impact factor: 3.406, year: 2015

  5. Subaqueous hot springs in Köyceğiz Lake, Dalyan Channel and Fethiye-Göcek Bay (SW Turkey): Locations, chemistry and origins

    KAUST Repository

    Avşar, Özgür


    In this study, horizontal temperature measurements along organized grids have been used to detect subaqueous hot springs. The study area, located in the southwest of Turkey and comprised of Köyceğiz Lake, Dalyan Channel and Fethiye-Göcek Bay, was scanned by measuring temperatures horizontally, 2–3m above the bottom of the lake or sea. After analyzing the temperature data along the grids, the locations with anomalous temperature values were detected, and divers headed here for further verification. Accordingly, among these anomalies, the divers confirmed seven of them as subaqueous hot springs. Three of these hot springs are located in the Köyceğiz Lake, three of them are located in the Dalyan Channel and one hot spring is located in the Fethiye-Göcek Bay. At the locations where temperature anomalies were detected, the divers collected samples directly from the subaqueous hot spring using a syringe-type sampler. We evaluated these water samples together with samples collected from hot and cold springs on land and from local rivers, lakes and the sea, with an aim to generate a conceptual hydrogeochemical model of the geothermal system in the study area. This model predicts that rainwater precipitating in the highlands percolates through fractures and faults into the deeper parts of the Earth\\'s crust, here it is heated and ascends through the sea bottom via buried faults. Pervious carbonate nappes that are underlain and overlain by impervious rocks create a confined aquifer. The southern boundary of the Carbonate-Marmaris nappes is buried under alluvium and/or sea/lake water bodies and this phenomenon determines whether hot springs occur on land or subaqueous. The chemical and isotopic properties of the hot springs point to seawater mixing at deep levels. Thus, the mixing most probably occurs while the water is ascending through the faults and fractures. The gas geochemistry results reveal that the lowest mantle He contributions occur in the samples from K

  6. Subaqueous hot springs in Köyceğiz Lake, Dalyan Channel and Fethiye-Göcek Bay (SW Turkey): Locations, chemistry and origins (United States)

    Avşar, Özgür; Avşar, Ulaş; Arslan, Şebnem; Kurtuluş, Bedri; Niedermann, Samuel; Güleç, Nilgün


    In this study, horizontal temperature measurements along organized grids have been used to detect subaqueous hot springs. The study area, located in the southwest of Turkey and comprised of Köyceğiz Lake, Dalyan Channel and Fethiye-Göcek Bay, was scanned by measuring temperatures horizontally, 2-3 m above the bottom of the lake or sea. After analyzing the temperature data along the grids, the locations with anomalous temperature values were detected, and divers headed here for further verification. Accordingly, among these anomalies, the divers confirmed seven of them as subaqueous hot springs. Three of these hot springs are located in the Köyceğiz Lake, three of them are located in the Dalyan Channel and one hot spring is located in the Fethiye-Göcek Bay. At the locations where temperature anomalies were detected, the divers collected samples directly from the subaqueous hot spring using a syringe-type sampler. We evaluated these water samples together with samples collected from hot and cold springs on land and from local rivers, lakes and the sea, with an aim to generate a conceptual hydrogeochemical model of the geothermal system in the study area. This model predicts that rainwater precipitating in the highlands percolates through fractures and faults into the deeper parts of the Earth's crust, here it is heated and ascends through the sea bottom via buried faults. Pervious carbonate nappes that are underlain and overlain by impervious rocks create a confined aquifer. The southern boundary of the Carbonate-Marmaris nappes is buried under alluvium and/or sea/lake water bodies and this phenomenon determines whether hot springs occur on land or subaqueous. The chemical and isotopic properties of the hot springs point to seawater mixing at deep levels. Thus, the mixing most probably occurs while the water is ascending through the faults and fractures. The gas geochemistry results reveal that the lowest mantle He contributions occur in the samples from K

  7. - nuclear power has a German Internet address

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    2000-01-01 is the address on the worldwide web under which the German nuclear organizations, Deutsches Atomforum (DAtF), Informationskreis Kernenergie (IK), and Kerntechnische Gesellschaft (KTG) as well as atw - internationale Zeitschrift fuer Kernenergie, and INFORUM can be reached. Extensive sources of information, discussions, on-line dictionaries, computer codes, dynamic web pages, digital documents and multimedia offerings can be called up via the portal under the individual web sites. In this way, provides a comprehensive and up-to-date background of information about nuclear power and adjacent topics in the digital worldwide web. (orig.) [de

  8. Investigation of Innervation Zone Shift with Continuous Dynamic Muscle Contraction

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ken Nishihara


    Full Text Available Innervation zone (IZ has been identified as the origin of action potential propagation in isometric contraction. However, IZ shifts with changes in muscle length during muscle activity. The IZ shift has been estimated using raw EMG signals. This study aimed to investigate the movement of IZ location during continuous dynamic muscle contraction, using a computer program. Subjects flexed their elbow joint as repetitive dynamic muscle contractions. EMG signals were recorded from the biceps brachii muscle using an eight-channel surface electrode array. Approximately 100 peaks from EMG signals were detected for each channel and summed to estimate the IZ location. For each subject, the estimated IZ locations were subtracted from the IZ location during isometric contractions with the elbow flexed at 90°. The results showed that the IZ moved significantly with elbow joint movement from 45° to 135°. However, IZ movement was biased with only a 3.9 mm IZ shift on average when the elbow angle was acute but a 16 mm IZ shift on average when it was obtuse. The movement of IZ location during continuous dynamic muscle contraction can be investigated using this signal processing procedure without subjective judgment.

  9. Effect of and satisfaction with for training of nurse students

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, N; Li, X W; Zhou, M W


    STUDY DESIGN: Interventional training session. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect and satisfaction with didactic training using printed text of a submodule of for nurse students and to assess the answers of each question. SETTING: A Peking University teaching hospital. METHODS......: Twenty-eight nurse students in two groups (14 in each) were involved. Only group A received a translated print-out of the slides from the 'Nursing management' submodule in for 1-h self-study before the class. At the beginning of class, both groups were tested using the self assessment...... presentation are effective methods for training the content of to nurse students. The training satisfaction of this submodule within the is favorable....

  10. A WWW-based information system on resistance of bacteria to antibiotics. (United States)

    Schindler, J; Schindler, Z; Schindler, J


    The information system on resistance of bacteria to antibiotics (WARN--World Antibiotic Resistance Network) is implemented as a WWW server at Charles University in Prague (http:/(/) Its main goal is to give information about problems of antibiotic resistance of bacteria and to process data on isolated strains. The WARN web-site contains six main topics. Four of them form the core of the system: Topics of Interest bring information on selected timely topics in antibiotic resistance--pneumococci, staphylococci, beta-lactamases, glycopeptide--and aminoglycoside resistance. Global Monitor brings references and reports on resistance in the world as well as recommended method of surveillance. The topic Data contains raw data on strains in particular countries and hospitals. Data can be viewed in their original form as a list of records (strains) or processed to provide statistics about the resistance rates in the selected country or hospital respectively. The topic Search allows one to search for one or several terms in the whole document. Counts of accessed pages show, that there is a standing demand for information about the serious problems of antibiotic therapy of infectious diseases.

  11. A Framework for WWW Query Processing (United States)

    Wu, Binghui Helen; Wharton, Stephen (Technical Monitor)


    Query processing is the most common operation in a DBMS. Sophisticated query processing has been mainly targeted at a single enterprise environment providing centralized control over data and metadata. Submitting queries by anonymous users on the web is different in such a way that load balancing or DBMS' accessing control becomes the key issue. This paper provides a solution by introducing a framework for WWW query processing. The success of this framework lies in the utilization of query optimization techniques and the ontological approach. This methodology has proved to be cost effective at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Distributed Active Archive Center (GDAAC).

  12. Geographic structure with no evidence for host- associated lineages in European populations of Lysiphlebus testaceipes, an introduced biological control agent

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mitrović, M.; Petrović, A.; Kavallieratos, N. G.; Starý, Petr; Petrović-Obradović, O.; Tomanović, Ž.; Vorburger, C.


    Roč. 66, č. 3 (2013), s. 150-158 ISSN 1049-9644 Grant - others:Swiss National Science Foundation(CH) IZ73Z0_128174; Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia(RS) III43001 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50070508 Keywords : Lysiphlebus testaceipes * Microsatellite * cytochrome oxidase I Subject RIV: EH - Ecology, Behaviour Impact factor: 1.873, year: 2013

  13. Development of a search system of NRDF on WWW

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masui, Hiroshi; Ohbayashi, Yoshihide; Aoyama, Shigeyoshi; Ohnishi, Akira; Kato, Kiyoshi; Chiba, Masaki


    We develop a data search system and a data entry system for the Nuclear Reaction Data File (NRDF), which is one of the charged-particle reaction database compiled by Japan Charged Particle Reaction Group (JCPRG). Using a WWW browser, we can easily search, retrieve and utilize the data of NRDF. (author)

  14. Ionospheric Electron/Ion Densities Temperatures on CD-ROM and WWW (United States)

    Bilitza, Dieter; Papitashvili, Natasha; Schar, Bill; Grebowsky, Joseph


    As part of this project a large volume of ionospheric satellite insitu data from the sixties, seventies and early eighties were made accessible online in ASCII format for public use. This includes 14 data sets from the BE-B, Alouette 2, DME-A, AE-B, ISIS-1, ISIS-2, OGO-6, DE-2, AEROS-A, AE-C, AE-D, AE-E, and Hinotori satellites. The original data existed in various machine-specific, highly compressed, binary encoding on 7-, or 9-track magnetic tapes. The data were decoded and converted to a common ASCII data format, solar and magnetic indices were added, and some quality control measures were taken. The original intent of producing CD-ROMs with these data was overtaken by the rapid development of the Internet. Most users now prefer to obtain the data directly online and greatly value WWW-interfaces to browse, plot and subset the data. Accordingly the data were made available online on the anonymous ftp site of NASA's National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) at data/ and on NSSDC's ATMOWeb (, a WWW-interface for plotting, subsetting, and downloading the data. Several new features were implemented into ATMOWeb as part of this project including a filtering and scatter plot capability. The availability of this new database and WWW system was announced through several electronic mailer (AGU, CEDAR, IRI, etc) and through talks and posters during scientific meetings.

  15. Uuenes Eesti riigipea kodulehekülg / Kristel Peterson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peterson, Kristel


    Eesti Vabariigi Presidendi uuendatud kujundusega koduleheküljest aadressil Veebilehe kujunduse tellis presidendi kantselei firmalt ADM Interactive OÜ, loodusfotode autoriks on Jarek Jõepera

  16. = annual meeting on nuclear technology on the web

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)



    The ANNUAL MEETING ON NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY can be found under the new Internet address of as of now. The Web site offers systematic access to all important information and features about this largest European specialized meeting of its kind. Pages showing the program of the Conference with its plenary session, topical sessions, technical sessions, and the ''Nuclear Power Campus'' and ''Competency Workshop'' special events, are updated continuously. In addition, contributions to the technical sessions may be submitted on line at an early point in time; registrating for the meeting as well as booking hotel accommodation are also possible on line. The next ANNUAL MEETING ON NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY will be held at the Berlin Congress Center in Berlin/Germany on May 4-6, 2010. (orig.)

  17. [Learning from regional differences: online platform:]. (United States)

    Mangiapane, S


    In 2011, the Central Research Institute of Ambulatory Health Care in Germany (ZI) published the website, a portal that presents research results from regional health services in Germany. The Web portal provides a publicly accessible source of information and a growing number of selected analyses focusing on regional variation in health care. Each topic is presented in terms of interactive maps, tables, and diagrams and is supplemented by a paper that examines the results in detail and provides an explanation of the findings. The portal has been designed to provide a forum on which health service researchers can publish their results derived from various data sources of different institutions in Germany and can comment on results already available on For health policy actors, the discussion of regional differences offers a new, previously unavailable basis for determining the region-specific treatment needs and for providing health-care management with the goal of high-quality care for each resident.

  18. Boolean and advanced searching for EDGAR data on (United States)

    Securities and Exchange Commission — This search allows users to enter complex boolean queries to access all but the most recent day's EDGAR filings on Filings are from 1994 to present.

  19. webXice: an Infrastructure for Information Commerce on the WWW

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Wombacher, Andreas; Kostaki, Paraskevi; Aberer, Karl

    Systems for information commerce on the WWW have to support flexible business models if they should be able to cover a wide range of requirements imposed by the different types of information businesses. This leads to non-trivial functional and security requirements both on the provider and consumer

  20. Persuasive interface: Designing for the WWW

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dormann, Claire


    rhetorical figures such as metaphor, metonymy or visual pun are described and illustrated in relation with Web pages. The figures pertain to every aspect of Web design, images and concepts used to convey meaning, and the detailed visual characteristics of all Web components. Subsequently, their application...... to the design of Web pages is discussed. The rhetorical perspective suggests manners in which to express the most efficient statement. Rhetorical figures are techniques that are employed to enhance documents or to find original solutions to design problems. The concern here is to make Web authors aware......The design of Web documents is approached from the perspective of visual rhetoric and important aspects of persuasive discourses (e.g. the role of emotion) are presented in connection with the World Wide Web (WWW). The origin of the rhetorical figures is first briefly outlined. Then, a few...

  1. Information Literacy--Don't Search the WWW Without It! (United States)

    Cromer, Donna E.


    Physics and astronomy information resources are proliferating at a rapid pace today. The ability to differentiate between the myriad of resources available and to learn to evaluate them is a necessary skill if students are to succeed in college and beyond. This is not a new problem, in fact, yet it has become more urgent with the proliferation of the World Wide Web and the ability of anyone to put up a webpage. Too often students pay little attention to the authority behind a website, and use whatever they find without questioning the source. It is important, then, to include information literacy skills in the curriculum. Physics and astronomy librarians are uniquely qualified to assist in developing these skills. Even better is cooperation and collaboration between the librarian and the teaching faculty. In practice, this works best when any sort of information seeking assignment, including a research paper, is required for a class. Information literacy is defined and discussed, and an outline of an instruction session that could be used in conjunction with a research paper assignment is given.

  2. Divan Şiirinde Mitolojik ve Efsanevî Şahısların Kullanımına İyi Bir Örnek: Nev’izâde Atâyî Divanı A Good Example To The Use Of Mythological And Legendary Figures In Divan Poetry: Divan Of Nev'izâde Atâyî

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mehmet Halil ERZEN


    Full Text Available "Mythology" in terms of the place in classical Turkish poetry, itsshape of handling and the contribution to the world of the poet'simagination draws attention as an important source that feeds thispoetry tradition. The poets of Divan have especially been influenced byPersian mythology; they have benefited from the opportunities that theold narratives offered while trying to catch the original expressions.Divan of Nev'izâde Atâyî that we have handled in this study has been agood example to to be the source for the divan poetry of mythology. Agreat number of mythological and legendary figures that we cameacross their use in the work, the imagination that the poet has wovenaround these names and his skill in handling these elements, oldnarrative in the tradition of classical Turkish poetry and richness ofmeaning created by individuals provide us significant informations. Theheroes with the source of Sehnâme referred in many couplets or thefigures whose origins are Arab and Greek have offered newopportunities for the poet in terms of strengthening the neededimagination and the possibility of expression. The semantic implicationsthat the people who took place in the work and the motives carried tothe poetry also have revealed the cultural richness of classical Turkishpoetry. In this case, the examination of Divan of Nev'izâde Atâyî interms of the handling of the mythological - legendary - historicalpersonalities will provide an opportunity to illustrate an importantaspect of the Klassical Turkish poetry. Because this work is seen tocontain quite rich material to exemplify the uses of intertextualparticularly on behalf of individuals. In the line with the poetization ofnew and original dreams, how Atâyî evaluated these figures and alsowith what aspects he interpreted is just possible with sorting andanalysis of this material. Klasik Türk şiirindeki yeri, ele alınış şekli ve şairin hayal dünyasına katkısı bakımından

  3. TcruziDB, an Integrated Database, and the WWW Information Server for the Trypanosoma cruzi Genome Project

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Degrave Wim


    Full Text Available Data analysis, presentation and distribution is of utmost importance to a genome project. A public domain software, ACeDB, has been chosen as the common basis for parasite genome databases, and a first release of TcruziDB, the Trypanosoma cruzi genome database, is available by ftp from as well as versions of the software for different operating systems ( Moreover, data originated from the project are available from the WWW server at It contains biological and parasitological data on CL Brener, its karyotype, all available T. cruzi sequences from Genbank, data on the EST-sequencing project and on available libraries, a T. cruzi codon table and a listing of activities and participating groups in the genome project, as well as meeting reports. T. cruzi discussion lists ( and are being maintained for communication and to promote collaboration in the genome project

  4. A Portal to Dutch Academic Heritage:

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henriette Reerink


    Full Text Available The UNICUM development project, commissioned by the Dutch Academic Heritage Foundation Stichting Academisch Erfgoed (SAE, has been carried out by the five classic Dutch universities in 2010– 2012. UNICUM, short for ‘University Collections and University Museums’, has received a national government grant to create a digital portal to Dutch academic heritage. The portal, which can be reached via, presents both academic archives and museum and library collections. Images, collection metadata and items can be found on one site. The UNICUM idea is inspired by the Online Archive of California. The project is important because it crosses the traditional sector boundaries between museums, libraries and archives, it creates awareness of the opportunities which this cross-sectoral approach offers, and it retains the context of – and the relation between – objects within collections as a whole. Moreover, the joint effort brings to light the importance of creating metadata according to international standards to stimulate re-use and exchange of content. In addition, UNICUM intended to be a technical project in which multi-level descriptions are presented and can be browsed in a structured way (collections linked to objects, and archives linked to separate documents. Now the project is finished, the focus will shift to generating content.

  5. RSS (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Environmental Skeptics and Critics (ISSN 2224-4263

    Full Text Available Environmental Skeptics and Critics ISSN 2224-4263 URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope The more truth is debated, the clearer it becomes. Science will not proceed without debate and controversy. Wide and in-depth debate and controversy on human's knowledge, attitudes, policies and practices on the environment determines the future of our planet. There are numerous controversial and potentially controversial issues on environmental sciences and practices. ENVIRONMENTAL SKEPTICS and CRITICS (ISSN 2224-4263 is an international journal devoted to the publication of skeptical and critical articles/short communications/letters on theories, viewpoints, methodologies, practices, policies, etc., in ecological and environmental areas. The journal provides a forum for questioning, disputing, arguing, challenging, criticizing and judging known theories, methdologies, practices, and policies, etc., or presenting different ideas. The scope of Environmental Skeptics and Critics is wide and embraces all controversial, non-conclusive or unexplained issues in ecological and environmental areas. Authors can submit their works to the email box of this journal, All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period of this journal. Authors are asked to read Author Guidelines before submitting manuscripts. In addition to free submissions from authors around the world, special issues are also accepted. The organizer of a special issue can collect submissions (yielded from a research project, a research group, etc. on a specific research topic, or submissions of a scientific conference for publication of special issue.

  6. Alzheimer's Prevention Education: If We Build It, Will They Come? (United States)

    Isaacson, R S; Haynes, N; Seifan, A; Larsen, D; Christiansen, S; Berger, J C; Safdieh, J E; Lunde, A M; Luo, A; Kramps, M; McInnis, M; Ochner, C N


    Internet-based educational interventions may be useful for impacting knowledge and behavioral change. However, in AD prevention, little data exists about which educational tools work best in terms of learning and interest in participating in clinical trials. Primary: Assess effectiveness of interactive webinars vs. written blog-posts on AD prevention learning. Secondary: Evaluate the effect of AD prevention education on interest in participating in clinical trials; Assess usability of, and user perceptions about, an online AD education research platform; Classify target populations (demographics, learning needs, interests). Observational. Online. Men/Women, aged 25+, recruited via Alzheimer's Universe ( education research platform. Pre/post-test performance, self-reported Likert-scale ratings, completion rates. Over two-weeks, 4268 visits were generated. 503 signed-up for a user account (11.8% join rate), 196 participated in the lessons (39.0%) and 100 completed all beta-testing steps (19.9%). Users randomized to webinar instruction about AD prevention and the stages of AD demonstrated significant increases (p=0.01) in pre vs. post-testing scores compared to blog-post intervention. Upon joining, 42% were interested in participating in a clinical trial in AD prevention. After completing all beta-test activities, interest increased to 86%. Users were primarily women and the largest category was children of AD patients. 66.3% joined to learn more about AD prevention, 65.3% to learn more about AD treatment. Webinar-based education led to significant improvements in learning about AD prevention and the stages of AD. participation more than doubled interest in AD prevention clinical trial participation. Subjects were quickly and cost-effectively recruited, and highly satisfied with the AD education research platform. Based on these data, we will further refine prior to public launch and aim to study the effectiveness of 25

  7. The CpG island searcher: a new WWW resource. (United States)

    Takai, Daiya; Jones, Peter A


    Clusters of CpG dinucleotides in GC rich regions of the genome called "CpG islands" frequently occur in the 5' ends of genes. Methylation of CpG islands plays a role in transcriptional silencing in higher organisms in certain situations. We have established a CpG-island-extraction algorithm, which we previously developed [Takai and Jones, 2002], on a web site which has a simple user interface to identify CpG islands from submitted sequences of up to 50kb. The web site determines the locations of CpG islands using parameters (lower limit of %GC, ObsCpG/ExpCpG, length) set by the user, to display the value of parameters on each CpG island, and provides a graphical map of CpG dinucleotide distribution and borders of CpG islands. A command-line version of the CpG islands searcher has also been developed for larger sequences. The CpG Island Searcher was applied to the latest sequence and mapping information of human chromosomes 20, 21 and 22, and a total of 2345 CpG islands were extracted and 534 (23%) of them contained first coding exons and 650 (28%) contained other exons. The CpG Island Searcher is available on the World Wide Web at or

  8. All rights reserved and Estimation of exit ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    and Estimation of exit temperatures in the isentropic compression of real gases. 1 ..... other thermodynamic properties can be calculated within the framework of ... of negative compressibility) has no physical significance.

  9. WWW-intensive concept mapping for metacognition in solving ill-structured problems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stoyanov, S.; Stoyanov, Slavi; Kommers, Petrus A.M.


    Concept mapping is one of the most intimate and most dynamic learning support activities that needs still a drastic further evolution of methods and tools. WWW-based concept mapping gains momentum quite fast now and needs a solid reviewing of the various approaches and the empirical effects. This

  10. Design, Fabrication and Performance of Boron-Carbide Control Elements; Conception, Fabrication et Comportement de Lames de Commande en Carbure de Bore; Raschety, izgotovlenie i kharakteristiki reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej. Iz karbida Bora; Proyecto, Elaboracion y Rendimiento de Elementos de Control de Carburo de Boro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Brammer, H. A.; Jacobson, J. [General Electric Company, San Jose, CA (United States)


    acero al boro y motivos por los que se abandonaron en favor del carburo de boro. 2. Desarrollo progresivo del elemento de carburo de boro, comenzando con los primeros experimentos y las mediciones iniciales llevadas a cabo en el Vallecitos Atomic Laboratory en el marco del programa de desarrollo de materiales para barras de control de la AEC, hasta llegar a una descripcion de la configuracion definitiva de la barra de control. 3. Elaboracion de los elementos y procedimientos de control de calidad. 4. Resultados de los ensayos para determinar las caracteristicas mecanicas y la reactividad. 5. Experiencia adquirida Con los elementos y datos sobre los resultados de la inspeccion mecanica y de los ensayos de la reactividad al cabo de 2 aflos de utilizacion en los reactores. (author) [Russian] Regulirujushhee ustrojstvo s ispol'zovaniem krestoobraznoj kasety, Sostojashhej iz trubok iz nerzhavejushhej stali, zapolnennyh karbidom bora (B{sub 4}C), stali primenjat' v re aktorah s kipjashhej vodoj v aprele 1961 goda. S jetogo vremeni kasety stali standartnym jetalonom upravljajushhih sterzhnej v reaktorah s kipjashhej vodoj kompanii {sup D}zhene- ral Jelektrik{sup .} Oni zamenili kasety iz nerzhavejushhej stali s 2%-nym soderzhaniem bo r a . Jeti krestoobraznye kasety sostojat iz nabora nebol'shih vertikal'nyh trub iz nerzhavejushhej stali, zapolnennyh plotnym poroshkom karbida bora. Poroshok karbida bora pomeshhen v prodol'nom napravlenii v nezavisimyh otdalenijah putem gorjachej pakovki nad sharikopodshipnikami, razmeshhennymi, razmeshhennymi vnutri trub. R azr abotka i ispol'zovanie regulirujushhih sterzhnej iz karbida bora obsuzhdaetsja po sledujushhim pjati fazam: 1. Kratkoe opisanie opyta s pomoshh'ju stal'nyh kaset, soderzhashhih bor, i prichiny perehoda k regulirujushhim sterzhnjam iz karbida bora. 2 . Ustrojstvo kaset iz karbida bora, nachinaja s jeksperimentov po ra zrab otke i vkljuchaja samye pervye meroprijatija, provedennye v KAJe po ''Materialam dlja

  11. Situs Blog Pribadi dan Minat Menggunakan Jilbab (Studi Korelasional Pengaruh Situs Blog Pribadi Terhadap Minat Menggunakan Jilbab Pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadyah Sumatera Utara).


    Padang, Putri Sri Wahyuni


    The study entitled The Site of Personal Blog and Interest of Using a Hijab (The Study of Correlational About Influence The Site of Personal Blog Against The Interest of Using a Hijab On Coed Faculty of teacher training Education in North Sumatra Muhammadiyah University). Researchers used several theories relevant to research that is: The Uses and Gratifications Theory, Communications Technology, The Internet, Blogs and The Site of ...

  12. Creador de WWW: "ICANN no deberia estar controlada solo por EEUU"

    CERN Document Server

    Barros, X


    "El creador del sistema de intercambio de informacion World Wide Web (www), Tim Berners Lee, que participa hoy en la inauguracion de la Cumbre Mundial de la Sociedad de la Informacion, dijo que el registro de nombres de dominio en Internet no deberia depender unicamente de Estados Unidos" (1 page).

  13. RSS (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Network Biology (ISSN 2220-8879

    Full Text Available Network Biology ISSN 2220-8879 URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope NETWORK BIOLOGY (ISSN 2220-8879; CODEN NBEICS is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal that considers scientific articles in all different areas of network biology. It is the transactions of the International Society of Network Biology. It dedicates to the latest advances in network biology. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas. The topics to be covered by Network Biology include, but are not limited to: •Theories, algorithms and programs of network analysis •Innovations and applications of biological networks •Ecological networks, food webs and natural equilibrium •Co-evolution, co-extinction, biodiversity conservation •Metabolic networks, protein-protein interaction networks, biochemical reaction networks, gene networks, transcriptional regulatory networks, cell cycle networks, phylogenetic networks, network motifs •Physiological networks •Network regulation of metabolic processes, human diseases and ecological systems •Social networks, epidemiological networks •System complexity, self-organized systems, emergence of biological systems, agent-based modeling, individual-based modeling, neural network modeling, and other network-based modeling, etc. We are also interested in short communications that clearly address a specific issue or completely present a new ecological network, food web, or metabolic or gene network, etc. Authors can submit their works to the email box of this journal, All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period of this journal


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Brazil is the fourth cocoon producer in the world. In São Paulo State there are mulberry some hybrids whose productivity are higher than the commonly cultivated varieties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of mulberry hybrids (Morus spp. on the cocoon production of silkworm (Bombyx mori L.. The experiment was conducted at the Unidade Regional de Pesquisa de Gália do Instituto de Zootecnia, SP. The caterpillars were fed on leaves of the hybrids IZ-3/2, IZ-13/6, IZ-15/7, IZ-19/13, IZ-56/4, IZ-57/2, IZ- 40, IZ-64, in a rearing hut at 25 oC ± 3 oC and 75% ± 5% relative humidity. 'Korin' was used as standard. The hybrids affected the duration of the larval period and the weight of the caterpillars, prepupaes and the silk glands as well. There was a reduction in the duration of larval development when the caterpillars had been fed with hybrid IZ-56/4 and the 'Korin' variety. Hybrids IZ-57/2, IZ-56/4 and IZ-15/7 presented the highest cocoon production.

  15. Improved Coast Guard Communications Using Commercial Satellites and WWW Technology: Slide Presentation (United States)


    The slides in this file amplify a paper that was presented at International Mobile Satellite Conference, (IMSC-97), Pasadena CA on 18 June 1997. The text of that presentation can be found at

  16. Innervation zone of the vastus medialis muscle: position and effect on surface EMG variables

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gallina, A; Merletti, R; Gazzoni, M


    The aim of this study was to investigate the position of the innervation zone (IZ) of the vastus medialis (VM) and its effect on the electromyographic (EMG) amplitude and mean frequency estimates. Eighteen healthy subjects performed maximal isometric knee extensions at three knee angles. Surface EMG signals were collected by using a 16 × 8 electrode grid placed on the VM muscle. The position of the IZ was estimated through visual analysis, and traditional bipolar signals were obtained from channels over and away from it; amplitude and mean frequency values were extracted and compared using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. The IZ is shaped as a line running from the proximal–lateral to the distal–medial aspect of the VM muscle. The presence of an IZ under the electrodes lowered the EMG amplitude (P < 0.001, F = 58.11) and increased the EMG mean frequency (P < 0.001, F = 26.47); variations of these parameters due to the knee flexion angle were less frequently observed in EMG signals collected over than away from the IZ. Electrodes placed ‘over the belly of the VM muscle’ are likely to collect EMG signals influenced by the presence of the IZ, thus hindering the detection of changes in muscle activity. (paper)

  17. Estudio clínico y microbiológico de los micetomas observados en el Hospital de Infecciosas Francisco J. Muñiz en el período 1989-2004 Clinical and microbiological study of mycetomas at the Muñiz Hospital of Buenos Aires between 1989 and 2004

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Negroni


    Full Text Available Se presentan las características clínicas, microbiológicas y los resultados del tratamiento de 76 casos de micetomas observados en el período 1989-2004 en el Hospital Muñiz. Cuarenta y nueve fueron varones y 27 mujeres, con una edad promedio de 43,4 años. La mayor parte de los pacientes adquirió la infección en nuestro país, las provincias más afectadas fueron Santiago del Estero con 31 casos y el Chaco con 11; 8 enfermos procedían del exterior, 6 de Bolivia y 2 de Paraguay. El promedio de evolución de la enfermedad fue de 9,2 años. Las localizaciones más comunes fueron las de los miembros inferiores: pies 63, tobillos 3 y rodillas 2. Se comprobó compromiso óseo en 48 casos y adenomegalias en 5. Fueron identificados los siguientes agentes causales: Madurella grisea 29 casos, Actinomadura madurae 26, Scedosporium apiospermum 5, Nocardia brasiliensis 5, Acremoniun spp. 4 (Acremonium falciforme 2, Acremonium kiliense 1 y Acremonium recifei 1, Madurella mycetomatis 3, Fusarium solani 2, Nocardia asteroides y Streptomyces somaliensis 1 caso cada uno. Los tratamientos más frecuentemente utilizados fueron ketoconazol o itraconazol en los micetomas maduromicósicos y la asociación de cotrimoxazol con ciprofloxacina o amicacina en los micetomas actinomicéticos. La amputación del miembro afectado se realizó en 6 casos, 25 pacientes alcanzaron la remisión clínica completa y 34 presentaron mejorías importantes.This work presents clinical, microbiological and outcome data collected from 76 patients with mycetomas at the Muñiz Hospital from 1989 to 2004. Forty-nine patients were male and 27 female; the mean age was 43.4 years. The majority of the patients acquired the infection in Argentina: the most affected provinces were Santiago del Estero with 31 cases, and Chaco with 11; 8 cases came from other countries (Bolivia 6 and Paraguay 2. The mean evolution of the disease was 9.2 years. The most frequently observed sites were: feet 63

  18. [Preparation of the database and the Internet (WWW) homepage for regulations on chemicals in Japan]. (United States)

    Yamamoto, M; Morita, M; Kaminuma, T


    We prepared a database on chemical regulations in Japan. The regulations consist of "The Law concerning the Examination and Regulation of Manufacture, etc., of Chemical Substances", "Poisonous and Deleterious Substances", Control Law", "Waterworks Law", "Law for the Control of Household Products containing Harmful Substances", and Pesticide Residues in Food Sanitation Law". We also set up a World Wide Web (WWW) homepage containing an explanation of the law as well as chemical names, CAS registry numbers, and standards. The WWW pages contain lists of chemicals and the retrieval page for the database.

  19. 2018-05-11T19:26:48Z oai:ojs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    2018-05-11T19:26:48Z ... standards and confidentiality of HIV/AIDS status in the workplace — a South African case ... Article application/pdf African ...

  20. RSS (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Computational Ecology and Software (ISSN 2220-721X

    Full Text Available Computational Ecology and Software ISSN 2220-721X URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope COMPUTATIONAL ECOLOGY AND SOFTWARE (ISSN 2220-721X is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that considers scientific articles in all different areas of computational ecology. It is the transactions of the International Society of Computational Ecology. The journal is concerned with the ecological researches, constructions and applications of theories and methods of computational sciences including computational mathematics, computational statistics and computer science. It features the simulation, approximation, prediction, recognition, and classification of ecological issues. Intensive computation is one of the major stresses of the journal. The journal welcomes research articles, short communications, review articles, perspectives, and book reviews. The journal also supports the activities of the International Society of Computational Ecology. The topics to be covered by CES include, but are not limited to: •Computation intensive methods, numerical and optimization methods, differential and difference equation modeling and simulation, prediction, recognition, classification, statistical computation (Bayesian computing, randomization, bootstrapping, Monte Carlo techniques, stochastic process, etc., agent-based modeling, individual-based modeling, artificial neural networks, knowledge based systems, machine learning, genetic algorithms, data exploration, network analysis and computation, databases, ecological modeling and computation using Geographical Information Systems, satellite imagery, and other computation intensive theories and methods. •Artificial ecosystems, artificial life, complexity of ecosystems and virtual reality. •The development, evaluation and validation of software and

  1. Effect of and satisfaction with for training of nurse students: a submodule pilot study. (United States)

    Liu, N; Li, X W; Zhou, M W; Krassioukov, A V; Biering-Sørensen, F


    Interventional training session. To investigate the effect and satisfaction with didactic training using printed text of a submodule of for nurse students and to assess the answers of each question. A Peking University teaching hospital. Twenty-eight nurse students in two groups (14 in each) were involved. Only group A received a translated print-out of the slides from the 'Nursing management' submodule in for 1-h self-study before the class. At the beginning of class, both groups were tested using the self assessment questions. Then, a lecture according to the content of this submodule was carried out and afterwards both groups answered the self assessment questions again. Finally, both groups filled in a training course satisfaction questionnaire. At the beginning of the class, the mean score (max 9) of the self assessment in group A was 7.1 ± 1.1, which was significantly higher than that in group B (4.9 ± 1.7, P = 0.001). After the lecture, the mean score of the self assessment in group A had insignificantly increased to 7.4 ± 1.3, whereas in group B it increased significantly to 6.9 ± 0.8 (P org to nurse students. The training satisfaction of this submodule within the is favorable.

  2. 351.pdf | mar2007 | jbiosci | | | http: | Indian Academy ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; http:; jbiosci; mar2007; 351.pdf. 404! error. The page your are looking for can not be found! Please check the link or use the navigation bar at the top. YouTube; Twitter; Facebook; Blog. Academy News. IAS Logo. Summer Research Fellowship Programme 2018. Posted on 16 December 2017.

  3. NASA Parts Selection List (NPSL) WWW Site (United States)

    Brusse, Jay


    The NASA Parts Selection List (NPSL) is an on-line resource for electronic parts selection tailored for use by spaceflight projects. The NPSL provides a list of commonly used electronic parts that have a history of satisfactory use in spaceflight applications. The objective of this www site is to provide NASA projects, contractors, university experimenters, et al with an easy to use resource that provides a baseline of electronic parts from which designers are encouraged to select. The NPSL is an ongoing resource produced by Code 562 in support of the NASA HQ funded NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program. The NPSL is produced as an electronic format deliverable made available via the referenced www site administered by Code 562. The NPSL does not provide information pertaining to patented or proprietary information. All of the information contained in the NPSL is available through various other public domain resources such as US Military procurement specifications for electronic parts, NASA GSFC's Preferred Parts List (PPL-21), and NASA's Standard Parts List (MIL-STD975).

  4. RSS (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Arthropods (ISSN 2224-4255

    Full Text Available Arthropods ISSN 2224-4255 URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope ARTHROPODS (ISSN 2224-4255 is an international journal devoted to the publication of articles on various aspects of arthropods, e.g., ecology, biogeography, systematics, biodiversity (species diversity, genetic diversity, et al., conservation, control, etc. The journal provides a forum for examining the importance of arthropods in biosphere (both terrestrial and marine ecosystems and human life in such fields as agriculture, forestry, fishery, environmental management and human health. The scope of Arthropods is wide and embraces all arthropods-insects, arachnids, crustaceans, centipedes, millipedes, and other arthropods. Articles/short communications on new taxa (species, genus, families, orders, etc. and new records of arthropods are particularly welcome. Authors can submit their works to the email box of this journal, All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period of this journal. Authors are asked to read Author Guidelines before submitting manuscripts. In addition to free submissions from authors around the world, special issues are also accepted. The organizer of a special issue can collect submissions (yielded from a research project, a research group, etc. on a specific research topic, or submissions of a scientific conference for publication of special issue.

  5. Stihhi uhhodjashtshego goda, uhhodjashtshego veka / Svetlan Semenenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Semenenko, Svetlan, 1938-2007


    Sisu: "Postavil ja svetshku v hrame pustom..." ; Iz tsikla "S dvizhenija I, III ; Vtoroje pismo Katulla ; Kadriorg ; "Bõvajet takoje - v pokoje..." ; Nota bene ; "Ne vedite dnevnokov..." ; ""Gospodi, ne umeret bõ..." ; Tretje pismo Katulla ; Iz Paulja-Eerika Rummo ; Iz Nikolaja Baturina ; Iz Genrihha Sapgira


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Noorfiya Umniyati


    Full Text Available Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh terpaan informasi riset di Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi LIPI melalui website terhadap sikap mahasiswa mengenai penelitian. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh jumlah waktu yang digunakan dalam mengakses informasi terhadap sikap mahasiswa mengenai penelitian, isi pesan terhadap sikap mahasiswa mengenai penelitian, dan hubungan individu dengan media terhadap sikap mahasiswa mengenai penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa secara keseluruhan terpaan informasi riset melalui website berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap sikap mahasiswa Teknik Telekomunikasi Telkom University mengenai penelitian. Secara parsial, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel jumlah waktu yang digunakan dalam informasi dan variabel hubungan individu dengan media memberikan pengaruh yang siginifikan terhadap sikap mahasiswa mengenai penelitian. Sedangkan variabel isi pesan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang siginifikan karena memberikan pengaruh yang sedikit. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa secara keseluruhan informasi riset telah melakukan terpaan cukup besar terhadap sikap mahasiswa jurusan Teknik Telekomunikasi Telkom University mengenai penelitian yang mengakses website

  7. The influence of question design on the response to self-assessment in a submodule pilot study. (United States)

    Liu, N; Li, X-W; Zhou, M-W; Biering-Sørensen, F


    This is an interventional training session. The objective of this study was to investigate the difference in response to self-assessment questions in the original and an adjusted version for a submodule of for student nurses. The study was conducted in a teaching hospital affiliated to Peking University, China. In all, 28 student nurses divided into two groups (groups A and B; 14 in each) received a print-out of a Chinese translation of the slides from the 'Maintaining skin integrity following spinal cord injury' submodule in for self-study. Both groups were then tested using the 10 self-assessment multiple-choice questions (MCQs) related to the same submodule. Group A used the original questions, whereas group B received an adjusted questionnaire. The responses to four conventional single-answer MCQs were nearly all correct in both groups. However, in three questions, group A, with the option 'All of the above', had a higher number of correct answers than group B, with multiple-answer MCQs. In addition, in another three questions, group A, using the original multiple-answer MCQs, had fewer correct answers than group B, where it was only necessary to tick a single incorrect answer. Variations in design influence the response to questions. The use of conventional single-answer MCQs should be reconsidered, as they only examine the recall of isolated knowledge facts. The 'All of the above' option should be avoided because it would increase the number of correct answers arrived at by guessing. When using multiple-answer MCQs, it is recommended that the questions asked should be in accordance with the content within the

  8. ¿También un arte ‘macro-levantino’? El arquero de grandes dimensiones de Val del Charco del Agua Amarga (Alcañiz, Teruel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bea, Manuel


    Full Text Available The digital image analysis carried out in the rock art shelter of Val del Charco (Alcañiz, Teruel, has allowed us to identify an extraordinary large depiction of an archer. This motive can be considered as a real exception because of its large dimensions (130 cm high estimated, in addition to its classification into the so-called Centelles stylistic horizon. The motive is located in the central-upper part of the decorated panel, something that highlights its dominant position, emphasizing the visibility of the figure in the surroundings. The singular aspect of this representation could also point out the aggregation character of the rock art shelter, already underlined in other studies. Therefore, this motive appears as a unique case in the Levantine rock art panorama. In any case, all these particulars do not invalid the distinctive definitions of the Centelles stylistic horizon, appearing as a complement to them.El análisis mediante tratamiento digital de la imagen de una serie de restos pictóricos en el abrigo de Val del Charco nos permite identificar la figura de un gran arquero levantino. Son excepcionales sus extraordinarias dimensiones (130 cm de altura estimada, así como su clasificación dentro del denominado Horizonte Centelles. Su ubicación central y elevada en el abrigo subraya su posición dominante acentuando la visibilidad del motivo también desde el entorno inmediato. El carácter singular de esta representación podría igualmente abundar en la consideración del abrigo como un centro de agregación. La definición de este motivo aparece como un caso único en el panorama del arte levantino que complementa las caracterizaciones aportadas para el horizonte estilístico Centelles sin invalidarlas en modo alguno.

  9. DisseminACTION: disseminating science in the information age ( a website for researchers and parents)


    Matteo Mauri

    2015-01-01 is a website designed at the University of Cagliari, by the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, within the project “ACTION – Aggression in Children: unravelling gene-environment interplay to inform Treatment and InterventiON strategies”, a collaborative project which includes twelve international partners, funded under the 7th Framework Programme for Research, technological Development and Demonstration.Its aim is to properly disseminate official news, events, ...

  10. Network Biology (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Full Text Available Network Biology ISSN 2220-8879 URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope NETWORK BIOLOGY (ISSN 2220-8879; CODEN NBEICS is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal that considers scientific articles in all different areas of network biology. It is the transactions of the International Society of Network Biology. It dedicates to the latest advances in network biology. The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas. The topics to be covered by Network Biology include, but are not limited to: •Theories, algorithms and programs of network analysis •Innovations and applications of biological networks •Ecological networks, food webs and natural equilibrium •Co-evolution, co-extinction, biodiversity conservation •Metabolic networks, protein-protein interaction networks, biochemical reaction networks, gene networks, transcriptional regulatory networks, cell cycle networks, phylogenetic networks, network motifs •Physiological networks •Network regulation of metabolic processes, human diseases and ecological systems •Social networks, epidemiological networks •System complexity, self-organized systems, emergence of biological systems, agent-based modeling, individual-based modeling, neural network modeling, and other network-based modeling, etc. We are also interested in short communications that clearly address a specific issue or completely present a new ecological network, food web, or metabolic or gene network, etc. Authors can submit their works to the email box of this journal, All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period of this journal

  11. A taxonomic monograph of the leaf-litter inhabiting weevil genus Plumolepilius new genus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae: Conotrachelini) from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. (United States)

    Barrios-Izás, Manuel A; Anderson, Robert S; Morrone, Juan J


    We describe the Mesoamerican leaf litter weevil genus Plumolepilius Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new genus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Molytinae: Conotrachelini) (type species P. trifiniensis Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species), species of which inhabit mountain ecosystems from the state of Chiapas in southeastern Mexico to northern Panama. In this paper we describe nine new species from Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador: P. trifiniensis Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (El Salvador and Guatemala); P. branstetteri Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala and Mexico); P. longinoi Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala and Mexico); P. cortezi Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala and Mexico); P. canoi Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala); P. schusteri Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala and Mexico); P. daryi Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala); P. yolnabajensis Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala); and P. macalajauensis Barrios-Izás & Anderson, new species (Guatemala).        The genus and the species are named and described, information on their geographical distributions is given and images of the habitus of both sexes and the aedeagus are presented. A key to the species of Plumolepilius based on males is included.        The monophyly of Plumolepilius was confirmed by a parsimony analysis of external and male aedeagus morphology and the genus is best characterized by the presence of plumose scales lining the prosternal channel. Phylogenetic analysis supports that Lepilius Champion 1905 is the sister genus of Plumolepilius.

  12. Arthropods (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Full Text Available Arthropods ISSN 2224-4255 URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope ARTHROPODS (ISSN 2224-4255 is an international journal devoted to the publication of articles on various aspects of arthropods, e.g., ecology, biogeography, systematics, biodiversity (species diversity, genetic diversity, et al., conservation, control, etc. The journal provides a forum for examining the importance of arthropods in biosphere (both terrestrial and marine ecosystems and human life in such fields as agriculture, forestry, fishery, environmental management and human health. The scope of Arthropods is wide and embraces all arthropods-insects, arachnids, crustaceans, centipedes, millipedes, and other arthropods. Articles/short communications on new taxa (species, genus, families, orders, etc. and new records of arthropods are particularly welcome. Authors can submit their works to the email box of this journal, All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period of this journal. Authors are asked to read Author Guidelines before submitting manuscripts. In addition to free submissions from authors around the world, special issues are also accepted. The organizer of a special issue can collect submissions (yielded from a research project, a research group, etc. on a specific research topic, or submissions of a scientific conference for publication of special issue.

  13. a global educational initiative of ISCoS. (United States)

    Chhabra, H S; Harvey, L A; Muldoon, S; Chaudhary, S; Arora, M; Brown, D J; Biering-Sorensen, F; Wyndaele, J J; Charlifue, S; Horsewell, J; Ducharme, S; Green, D; Simpson, D; Glinsky, J; Weerts, E; Upadhyay, N; Aito, S; Wing, P; Katoh, S; Kovindha, A; Krassioukov, A; Weeks, C; Srikumar, V; Reeves, R; Siriwardane, C; Hasnan, N; Kalke, Y B; Lanig, I


    To develop a web-based educational resource for health professionals responsible for the management of spinal cord injury (SCI). The is comprised of seven learning modules, each subdivided into various submodules. Six of the seven modules address the educational needs of all disciplines involved in comprehensive SCI management. The seventh module addresses prevention of SCI. Each submodule includes an overview, activities, self-assessment questions and references. Three hundred and thirty-two experts from The International Spinal Cord Society (ISCoS) and various affiliated societies from 36 countries were involved in developing the resource through 28 subcommittees. The content of each submodule was reviewed and approved by the Education and Scientific Committees of ISCoS and finally by an Editorial Committee of 23 experts. The content of the learning modules is relevant to students and to new as well as experienced SCI healthcare professionals. The content is applicable globally, has received consumer input and is available at no cost. The material is presented on a website underpinned by a sophisticated content-management system, which allows easy maintenance and ready update of all the content. The resource conforms to key principles of e-learning, including appropriateness of curriculum, engagement of learners, innovative approaches, effective learning, ease of use, inclusion, assessment, coherence, consistency, transparency, cost effectiveness and feedback. provides a cost effective way of training healthcare professionals that goes beyond the textbook and traditional face-to-face teaching.

  14. Automatic Mirroring of the IRAF FTP and WWW Archives (United States)

    Fitzpatrick, Mike; Tody, Doug; Terrett, David L.

    Large FTP archives have long used mirrors (copies of the network archive maintained on remote hosts) to decrease the load on a particular server or shorten the network path to provide faster download times. Little has been done however to simplify mirroring of WWW (World Wide Web) pages, although many projects and users now rely on Web pages at least as heavily as anonymous FTP services. With the dramatically increasing use of the global Internet in the past year, the network has become overloaded, and network access, especially overseas, is often very slow during peak hours. We present a strategy based on host-independent URLs which allows Web pages to be automatically mirrored to both remote Web hosts and CD-ROMs. Issues affecting a site wishing to mirror a remote archive are discussed.

  15. A Worldwide Web-portal for Aquatic Mesocosm Facilities: WWW.MESOCOSM.EU (United States)

    Berger, S. A.; Nejstgaard, J. C.


    Experimental mesocosms are valuable tools to fill the gap between highly controlled/replicated lab experiments and uncontrolled/non-replicated natural environments such as rivers, lakes and oceans. WWW.MESOCOSM.EU is an open web-portal for leading aquatic mesocosm facilities around the world. It was created within the FP7 EU-project MESOAQUA (A network of leading MESOcosm facilities to advance the studies of future AQUAtic ecosystems from the Arctic to the Mediterranean). The goal of the portal is to increase international knowledge about existing mesocosm facilities, including information on locations, environment, equipment, contacts, research opportunities and mesocosm-based publications. MESOCOSM.EU specifically aims to be a tool to enhance the quality of research by facilitating international cooperative network building, announcement of new research initiatives, transfer of best practice, and dissemination of knowledge, public information and press releases. As an open platform for all aquatic ecosystem scale science (marine and freshwater), MESOCOSM.EU aims to fill the lack of a centralized, coordinating virtual infrastructure for international aquatic mesocosm research, from the mountains to the ocean and from polar to tropical regions.

  16. Induction of mutants in Durum Wheat by hybridization and irradiation techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al Ubaidi, M.O.; Ibrahim, I.F.


    This investigation presents a breeding program for induction and development a new genotypes of durum wheat, resistant to lodging with high yield, by irradiated seeds (F2) of durum wheat hybrid's (Sin Al-jemal X Izraa, Sin Al-Jemal X Cocorat and Izraa X Cocorat) with gamma rays 100 Gy dose. This program involves: Induction of variability, selection, evaluation of the best mutants at three different locations, Twaitha(Baghdad), Latifya (Babylon) and Swari (Kutt), for the period 1990-1999. Results revealed that the mutants ( Si X Iz-7, Si X Iz-22, Si X Co-43, Si X Co-48, Si X Co-50, Si X Co- 87, Iz X Co-95 and Iz X Co-105) showed resistance to lodging with a significant reduction in plant heigth, but mutant Si X Iz-22 surpassed the other mutants and it is origin in lodging resistance and reduction in plant heigth (84.8, 81.9 and 86.3 cm) at Twaitha, Latifya and Babylon respectively in M7 and M8 generations. Also there were a significant differences between the mutants and their origin in yield and yield components during the two successive generations, on the other hand mutant Iz X Co-105 surpassed the other mutants in spikes/m2 ( 278.8, 263.3 and 289) and grain yield (4950, 4820 and 5320 kg/ha) in the testing locations respectively

  17. [Medical information systems in the internet : current data about the dermatologic web site]. (United States)

    Diepgen, T L; Tanko, Z; Weisshaar, E; Matvijets, A; Simon, M

    2009-12-01 was established in 1994 as a dermatological information system with now more than 4,000 pages and over 7,500 dermatological images in an atlas. 1,200 dermatological diagnoses and medical information with 1,100 synonyms can be searched by body location and in alphabetical order. Additionally, there are seven information modules about skin cancer, atopic dermatitis, rosacea, skin care, eczema, fungal diseases and hemorrhoids with links to other medical pages like Cochrane Library. Pediatric skin diseases are covered in PeDOIA. is meanwhile available in German, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Turkish language. Current contents of this information system and user behavior are presented in this paper.

  18. Active and Passive Supplier Assessment Program (ASAP & PSAP) WWW Sites (United States)

    Brusse, Jay


    The Active and Passive Supplier Assessment Programs (ASAP and PSAP) WWW Sites provide general information to the electronic parts community regarding the availability of electronic parts. They also provide information to NASA regarding modifications to commonly used procurement specifications and test methods. The ASAP and PSAP www sites are ongoing resources produced by Code 562 in support of the NASA HQ funded NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program. These WWW sites do not provide information pertaining to patented or proprietary information. All of the information contained in these www sites is available through various other public domain resources such as US Military Qualified Producers Listings (QPLs) and Qualified Manufacturer Listings (QMLs) and industry working groups such as the Electronics Industry Alliance (EIA) and the Space Parts Working Group (SPWG).

  19. e73.pdf.pdf | 92 | OnlineResources | jgenet | | http ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; public; Volumes; jgen; 092; online; http;; jgenet; OnlineResources; 92; e73.pdf.pdf. 404! error. The page your are looking for can not be found! Please check the link or use the navigation bar at the top. YouTube; Twitter; Facebook; Blog. Academy News. IAS Logo. 29th Mid-year meeting. Posted on 19 ...

  20. Lessons from Afar: A Review of, Official Website of Daisaku Ikeda (United States)

    Arauz, Luis


    Daisaku Ikeda (1928- ) is a Buddhist leader, peace builder, school founder, and poet. His own biography and lifework provide a model for how one can transform adversity into alternative opportunities for some of the most disenfranchised students. Scrutinizing Ikeda's official website ( reveals an extensive collection of his…


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stjepan Šikoronja


    Full Text Available U radu autori ukazuju na nelogičnosti koje vladaju u području međunarodno priznatih ljudskih prava. Rad se temelji na tvrdnji kako sve ranjivije skupine, kao što su starije osobe, djeca i osobe s invaliditetom, zahtijevaju od društva povećanu zaštitu njihovih prava i interesa, uz uvažavanje dodatnih razlika unutar tih samih skupina. Zaštitu su do sada, pod okriljem Ujedinjenih naroda dobili djeca i osobe s invaliditetom. Autori stoga u radu analiziraju postoji li, iz perspektive Republike Hrvatske, potreba za podržavanjem izrade i donošenja Konvencije za zaštitu prava starijih osoba pod okriljem Ujedinjenih naroda. Nastavno je prikazano trenutno stanje regulacije posebnih prava starijih osoba na međunarodnoj, europskoj i nacionalnoj razini. Autori se ujedno i osvrću na relevantne presude Europskog suda za ljudska prava u izlaganju glavnih problema s kojima se susreću starije osobe, a pogotovo one s duševnim smetnjama, u Republici Hrvatskoj. Na temelju analize postojećeg stanja predlažu koja bi prava, potencijalno, Konvencija UN-a o pravima starijih osoba mogla, odnosno trebala sadržavati.

  2. New Conceptual Model for Soil Treatment Units: Formation of Multiple Hydraulic Zones during Unsaturated Wastewater Infiltration. (United States)

    Geza, Mengistu; Lowe, Kathryn S; Huntzinger, Deborah N; McCray, John E


    Onsite wastewater treatment systems are commonly used in the United States to reclaim domestic wastewater. A distinct biomat forms at the infiltrative surface, causing resistance to flow and decreasing soil moisture below the biomat. To simulate these conditions, previous modeling studies have used a two-layer approach: a thin biomat layer (1-5 cm thick) and the native soil layer below the biomat. However, the effect of wastewater application extends below the biomat layer. We used numerical modeling supported by experimental data to justify a new conceptual model that includes an intermediate zone (IZ) below the biomat. The conceptual model was set up using Hydrus 2D and calibrated against soil moisture and water flux measurements. The estimated hydraulic conductivity value for the IZ was between biomat and the native soil. The IZ has important implications for wastewater treatment. When the IZ was not considered, a loading rate of 5 cm d resulted in an 8.5-cm ponding. With the IZ, the same loading rate resulted in a 9.5-cm ponding. Without the IZ, up to 3.1 cm d of wastewater could be applied without ponding; with the IZ, only up to 2.8 cm d could be applied without ponding. The IZ also plays a significant role in soil moisture distribution. Without the IZ, near-saturation conditions were observed only within the biomat, whereas near-saturation conditions extended below the biomat with the IZ. Accurate prediction of ponding is important to prevent surfacing of wastewater. The degree of water and air saturation influences pollutant treatment efficiency through residence time, volatility, and biochemical reactions. Copyright © by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Inc.

  3. Environmental Skeptics and Critics (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Full Text Available Environmental Skeptics and Critics ISSN 2224-4263 URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope The more truth is debated, the clearer it becomes. Science will not proceed without debate and controversy. Wide and in-depth debate and controversy on human's knowledge, attitudes, policies and practices on the environment determines the future of our planet. There are numerous controversial and potentially controversial issues on environmental sciences and practices. ENVIRONMENTAL SKEPTICS and CRITICS (ISSN 2224-4263 is an international journal devoted to the publication of skeptical and critical articles/short communications/letters on theories, viewpoints, methodologies, practices, policies, etc., in ecological and environmental areas. The journal provides a forum for questioning, disputing, arguing, challenging, criticizing and judging known theories, methdologies, practices, and policies, etc., or presenting different ideas. The scope of Environmental Skeptics and Critics is wide and embraces all controversial, non-conclusive or unexplained issues in ecological and environmental areas. Authors can submit their works to the email box of this journal, All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period of this journal. Authors are asked to read Author Guidelines before submitting manuscripts. In addition to free submissions from authors around the world, special issues are also accepted. The organizer of a special issue can collect submissions (yielded from a research project, a research group, etc. on a specific research topic, or submissions of a scientific conference for publication of special issue.

  4. Effects of the innervation zone on the time and frequency domain parameters of the surface electromyographic signal. (United States)

    Smith, Cory M; Housh, Terry J; Herda, Trent J; Zuniga, Jorge M; Ryan, Eric D; Camic, Clayton L; Bergstrom, Haley C; Smith, Doug B; Weir, Joseph P; Cramer, Joel T; Hill, Ethan C; Cochrane, Kristen C; Jenkins, Nathaniel D M; Schmidt, Richard J; Johnson, Glen O


    The purposes of the present study were to examine the effects of electrode placements over, proximal, and distal to the innervation zone (IZ) on electromyographic (EMG) amplitude (RMS) and frequency (MPF) responses during: (1) a maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), and; (2) a sustained, submaximal isometric muscle action. A linear array was used to record EMG signals from the vastus lateralis over the IZ, 30mm proximal, and 30mm distal to the IZ during an MVIC and a sustained isometric muscle action of the leg extensors at 50% MVIC. During the MVIC, lower EMG RMS (p>0.05) and greater EMG MPF (ptime relationships over, proximal, and distal to the IZ occurred. Thus, the results of the present study indicated that during an MVIC, EMG RMS and MPF values recorded over the IZ are not comparable to those away from the IZ. However, the rates of fatigue-induced changes in EMG RMS and MPF during sustained, submaximal isometric muscle actions of the leg extensors were the same regardless of the electrode placement locations relative to the IZ. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Mura - čovjek - priroda


    Kantar, Sandra; Ivanek-Martinčić, Marjana; Augustinović, Zvjezdana


    U ovom je radu dan pregled radova studenata Visokoga gospodarskog učilišta iz Križevaca, nastalih u sklopu Interreg III A projekta suradnje pod naslovom »Mura - čovjek - priroda«. U projektu su sudjelovali Poljoprivredni fakultet Georgikon iz Keszthelyja Sveučilišta Veszprem, Poljoprivredni muzej Georgikon iz Keszthelyja, Nacionalni park Balaton, nevladina organizacija za zaštitu prirode »Bijeli gavran« i Visoko gospodarsko učilište iz Križevaca. Na hrvatskoj strani, priroda uz Muru je vrl...

  6. Automatic localisation of innervation zones: a simulation study of the external anal sphincter. (United States)

    Mesin, Luca; Gazzoni, Marco; Merletti, Roberto


    Traumas of the innervation zone (IZ) of the external anal sphincter (EAS), e.g. during delivery, can promote the development of faecal incontinence. Recently developed probes allow high-resolution detection of EMG signals from the EAS. The analysis of pelvic floor muscles by surface EMG (in particular, the estimation of the location of the IZ) has potential applications in the diagnosis and investigation of the mechanisms of incontinence. An automatic method (based on matched filter approach) for the estimation of the IZ distribution of EAS from surface EMG is discussed and tested using an analytical model of generation of EMG signals from sphincter muscles. Simulations are performed varying length of the fibres, thickness of the mucosa, position of the motor units, and force level. Different distributions of IZs are simulated. The performance of the proposed method in the estimation of the IZ distribution is affected by surface MUAP amplitude (as the estimation made by visual inspection), by mucosa thickness (performance decreases when fibre length is higher) and by different MU distributions. However, in general the method is able to identify the position of two IZ locations and can measure asymmetry of the IZ distribution. This strengthens the potential applications of high density surface EMG in the prevention and investigation of incontinence.


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    Djoni Haryadi Setiabudi


    Full Text Available This research is about the development of the e-commerce www.komputeronline. com website using MySQL as the database server, Apache as the web server and PHP4 as the scripting programming language with Linux as the operating system of the server . This site can be used to do the transaction of the selling computers and its accesorries. The implementation is about shopping mall's facilities (shopping cart for end users and catalog maintenance's facilities for the administrator. The facilities for the end users in the shopping mall are stuff list based on category and type, search, account status, and at the shopping cart part users can change the quantity, or even cancel the ordering. The facilities for the administrator in the catalog maintenance are search users, maintenance users, look at each user's transactions, look at today's transaction, and change the status of transaction from 'pending' to 'shipped'. The testing that has been done on the database, with 17 users login at the same time, accessing shopping mall database facilities, shows that the database server and the PHP4 scripting program can run well without any problems. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pembuatan website e-commerce www.komputeronline. com dengan menggunakan database server MySQL, pada web server Apache, dan perancangan scripting programming yang menggunakan bahasa scripting PHP4 yang berjalan di sistem operasi Linux. Website ini dipergunakan untuk melakukan transaksi penjualan komputer beserta aksesorisnya. Implementasi yang dilakukan pada antara lain adalah fasilitas shopping mall (shopping cart untuk end user, dan fasilitas pemeliharaan katalog untuk administrator. Fasilitas-fasilitas untuk end user yang diberikan pada shopping mall antara lain adalah daftar barang berdasarkan kategori dan type, search, account status, dan pada bagian shopping cart user dapat mengubah jumlah barang yang dibeli

  8. 2018-05-15T22:36:01Z oai ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    They are aware that the bees collect nectar and pollen and also know that the ... Even though the indigenous people recognize stingless bee honey as highly ... Article application/pdf ...

  9. goes European. How to get Mr. Smith hooked to energy efficient appliances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Attali, Sophie; Bush, Eric


    Topten is a consumer-oriented online search tool first created in Switzerland, which presents the 'best appliances' in various categories of products (white and brown goods, ITC, cars, lighting...). Energy efficiency is the key criteria. But Topten is more than an internet platform. It is a communication tool which helps to show how our energy consumption causes climate change and what we can do personally to reduce our impact. It is also a powerful instrument to influence manufacturers. Topten is independent of producers and retailers and relies on neutral tests and analyses of independent institutions and standardized declarations of manufacturers. The paper presents: The tool itself: what can be seen on, why it has been developed in this way, how it is constantly updated, who is behind it with which goals... The results in Switzerland after five years of growing success, the media's central role in rising awareness, Topten's role as a reference for energy efficiency policies, manufacturers' reactions,... The new policy orientation taken by Topten with the support of WWF Europe: the extension to other countries through a platform - in order to create multinational pressure at the European level to influence manufacturers while working specifically on national markets and adapting the concept to the specific needs of each country

  10. Computational Ecology and Software (

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Full Text Available Computational Ecology and Software ISSN 2220-721X URL: RSS: E-mail: Editor-in-Chief: WenJun Zhang Aims and Scope COMPUTATIONAL ECOLOGY AND SOFTWARE (ISSN 2220-721X is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that considers scientific articles in all different areas of computational ecology. It is the transactions of the International Society of Computational Ecology. The journal is concerned with the ecological researches, constructions and applications of theories and methods of computational sciences including computational mathematics, computational statistics and computer science. It features the simulation, approximation, prediction, recognition, and classification of ecological issues. Intensive computation is one of the major stresses of the journal. The journal welcomes research articles, short communications, review articles, perspectives, and book reviews. The journal also supports the activities of the International Society of Computational Ecology. The topics to be covered by CES include, but are not limited to: •Computation intensive methods, numerical and optimization methods, differential and difference equation modeling and simulation, prediction, recognition, classification, statistical computation (Bayesian computing, randomization, bootstrapping, Monte Carlo techniques, stochastic process, etc., agent-based modeling, individual-based modeling, artificial neural networks, knowledge based systems, machine learning, genetic algorithms, data exploration, network analysis and computation, databases, ecological modeling and computation using Geographical Information Systems, satellite imagery, and other computation intensive theories and methods. •Artificial ecosystems, artificial life, complexity of ecosystems and virtual reality. •The development, evaluation and validation of software and

  11. Ponovno odkritje dvoma o ikoni: študija izmišljenega primera iz prestolnice nekdanje sovjetske države

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lazaros E. Mavromatidis


    Full Text Available Cilj članka so opredelitev in obravnava radikalnih družbeno-kulturnih pristopov oblikovanja pokrajine v današnjih megamestih znotraj strogega kapitalističnega konteksta ter razpravljanje o njih. V ta namen je v članku teoretično in na primeru preučen prostorski izraz znotraj vsiljenega sodobnega foucaultovskega »stanja znanosti«. V okviru raziskovalne metodologije sta tako sočasno uporabljeni različni hipotezi, ki naj bi premostili vrzel med teoretičnim preučevanjem in stvarnim vidikom arhitekturnega ustvarjanja. Glavna hipoteza temelji na lacanovskem konceptu dvoma. V članku je dvom upoštevan kot chomskyjanska primitivna sila, ki oblikuje vsakršno zamisel ali koncept in lahko pokvari »radikalno imaginacijo« vsake družbe, kot jo v svojih delih opredeljuje Castoriadis. Druga glavna hipoteza temelji na analitični študiji ustvarjanja prostora znotraj strogih političnih in gospodarskih kontekstov, v okviru katere so na primeru nekdanje Sovjetske zveze preučene vrednote kulturne pokrajine v komunističnem in kapitalističnem režimu. Največ pozornosti se posveča Armeniji in zlasti preobrazbi pokrajine v prestolnici Erevan med prehodom iz komunizma v kapitalizem. V članku so najprej podrobno teoretično obravnavani neekonomski dejavniki, na podlagi katerih bi morale kapitalistične države upoštevati potrebe socialno šibkejših družbenih skupin, ki nimajo prostora v današnjih megamestih, nato pa je podrobno predstavljena izvirna zasnova pokrajine v okviru novejšega arhitekturnega natečaja, ki ga tu razumemo kot sodobno foucaultovsko »stanje znanosti«. Glavni cilj predstavljene arhitekturne zasnove je izpolnitev razpisnih pogojev in pri tem združitev vsiljene podobe globalnega kapitalizma z lokalnimi prvinami. Pri tem naj bi se oblikovala foucaultovska heterotopija, in sicer tako, da se različnim družbeno-kulturnim identitetam omogoči, da razpravljajo o predlagani ikonični prostorski podobi, jo izpodbijajo ali

  12. Next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to off-shell WWW production at the LHC arXiv

    CERN Document Server

    Schönherr, Marek

    Triboson processes allow for a measurement of the triple and quartic couplings of the Standard Model gauge bosons, which can be used to constrain anomalous gauge couplings. In this paper we calculate the next-to-leading order electroweak corrections to fully off-shell $W^-W^+W^+$ production, namely the production of a $\\ell_1^-\\ell_2^+\\ell_3^+\\bar{\

  13. 2018-04-06T22:56:04Z oai:ojs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Variable speed induction motor drives without mechanical speed sensors at the ... the magnitude and spatial orientation of the fundamental magnetic flux in the ... Article application/pdf ...

  14. A web community to foster science in developing countries:

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canessa, E [Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy); Fonda, E; Zennaro, M; Sreenivasan, K R [Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy)


    The experiences with the new ICTP website, aiming to satisfy the needs of a modem and appealing image as well as provide tailored on-line information and services to its scientists (in-house and around the world), are discussed as a case-study of an emerging web-based international community. This approach, which to our knowledge has not been similarly employed by the scientific community in the past, keeps in mind the special audience and the uniqueness of the ICTP scientific structure and organization. The present approach is a decentralized architecture that offers space and freedom for creativity specific to various scientific programs, while managing a minimal amount of common structure. The new website was developed using open source technologies and web standards certified by W3C. (author)



    Kramar, Vesna


    Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption Stephena Kinga in Grof Monte Cristo Alexandra Dumasa izhajata iz različnih literarnih žanrov in se razlikujeta v dogajanju, a imata kljub temu podobno motiviko in tematiko. V obeh zgodbah je nedolžen mož poslan v zapor, iz katerega je pobeg skorajda nemogoč, a se kljub temu obema uspe izmuzniti iz zapora na podoben način

  16. 2018-05-10T13:10:34Z oai:ojs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    In the retrobulbar injection group 25 (71.4%) patients had none or mild pains ... an aesthetic techniques are effective and safe for cataract surgery although the ... Article application/pdf ...

  17. Refinement and Verification of Predictive Models of Suspended Sediment Dispersion and Desorption of Toxics from Dredged Sediments. (United States)



  18. Endocrine and Metabolic Effects of Adipose Tissue in Children and Adolescents / Endokrina in Presnovna Funkcija Maščobnega Tkiva Pri Otrocih in Mladostnikih

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kotnik Primož


    Full Text Available Maščobno tkivo ima vlogo pri številnih endokrinih in presnovnih procesih. Lepin je bil med prvimi odkritimi dejavniki iz maščobnega tkiva, ki delujejo avto-, para- in endokrino. Od opredelitve leptina so odkrili še številne druge dejavnike, od katerih se nekateri izločajo iz maščobnih celic, nekateri pa iz drugih celic maščobnega tkiva.

  19. KONSEP TALAK: Versus Situs www. dan Undang- Undang Perkawinan di Indonesia

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    Sheila Fakhria


    baligh, berakal, mumayyiz yang mengerti dengan apa yang dilakukan. Selain itu, situs ini juga menjelaskan bahwa seorang istri tidak diperkenankan meminta cerai tanpa alasan yang syar’i, sebaliknya seorang istri diperbolehkan meminta untuk berpisah dengan suaminya dengan alasan syar’i diantaranya jika dia membenci kejelekan akhlak, agama, atau fisik suaminya, serta khawatir tidak mampu menegakkan hak-hak suaminya yang wajib ditunaikannya ketika hidup bersamanya. Oleh karena itu perlu dikaji tentang sejauh mana relevansi konsep keabsahan talak antara situs dan undang-undang perkawinan di Indonesia.

  20. Cybersecurity, massive data processing, community interaction, and other developments at WWW-based computational X-ray Server (United States)

    Stepanov, Sergey


    X-Ray Server ( is a WWW-based computational server for modeling of X-ray diffraction, reflection and scattering data. The modeling software operates directly on the server and can be accessed remotely either from web browsers or from user software. In the later case the server can be deployed as a software library or a data fitting engine. As the server recently surpassed the milestones of 15 years online and 1.5 million calculations, it accumulated a number of technical solutions that are discussed in this paper. The developed approaches to detecting physical model limits and user calculations failures, solutions to spam and firewall problems, ways to involve the community in replenishing databases and methods to teach users automated access to the server programs may be helpful for X-ray researchers interested in using the server or sharing their own software online.

  1. Cybersecurity, massive data processing, community interaction, and other developments at WWW-based computational X-ray Server

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepanov, Sergey


    X-Ray Server ( is a WWW-based computational server for modeling of X-ray diffraction, reflection and scattering data. The modeling software operates directly on the server and can be accessed remotely either from web browsers or from user software. In the later case the server can be deployed as a software library or a data fitting engine. As the server recently surpassed the milestones of 15 years online and 1.5 million calculations, it accumulated a number of technical solutions that are discussed in this paper. The developed approaches to detecting physical model limits and user calculations failures, solutions to spam and firewall problems, ways to involve the community in replenishing databases and methods to teach users automated access to the server programs may be helpful for X-ray researchers interested in using the server or sharing their own software online.

  2. 2018-03-21T13:09:49Z oai:ojs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abdu, SB Hassan, MR Adamu, HY Yashim, SM Oketona, GF Buck, digestibility, Gmelina arborea, maize cobs, red Sokoto bucks An experiment was conducted to ... info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion Peer-reviewed Article application/pdf Nigerian Journal of ...

  3. The TeleTOP Implementation Model: Establishing the use of a WWW-based course-management system in a university

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Boer, Willem; Collis, Betty


    The process that accompanies the decision to make an institutional commitment to new ways of teaching and learning supported by a WWW-based course management system is complex. Such a process is underway in the Faculty of Educational Science and Technology at the University of Twente in the

  4. The WWW as a research medium: an illustrative survey on paranormal belief. (United States)

    Göritz, A S; Schumacher, J


    Data collected with a short World Wide Web (WWW) survey on paranormal belief, age, sex, locus of control, extraversion, emotional and physical well-being, and mood were compared with findings from recent literature while controlling for effects of self-selection. Each variable was measured with one item. The sample comprised 342 women, 648 men, and 8 participants of unknown sex, of whom 76.7% were self-selected and 23.3% did not select themselves. There was a weak but, given the large sample, significant effect of self-selection regarding paranormal belief (rpb 932 = .08) but no relationships for paranormal belief and the examined variables. In the entire sample, statistically significant correlations ranging from .13 to .07 between paranormal belief and female sex, scores on external locus of control, good mood, extraversion, and emotional well-being corresponded with previous offline results.


    Le, Anh Thi Kim; Vu, Lan Hoang; Schelling, Esther


    Economic transition ( DoiMoi ) in the 1980s in Viet Nam has led to internal migration, particularly rural-to-urban migration. Many studies suggested that there is a difference between non-migrants and migrants in using health care services. Current studies have mostly focused on migrants working in industrial zones (IZs) but migrants working in private small enterprises (PSEs) and seasonal migrants seem to be ignored. However, these two groups of migrants are more vulnerable in health care access than others because they usually work without labor contracts and have no health insurance. The study aims to compare the utilization of health care services and explore its correlated factors among these three groups. This cross-sectional study included 1800 non-migrants and migrants aged 18-55 who were selected through stratified sampling in Long Bien and Ba Dinh districts, Hanoi. These study sites consist of large industrial zones and many slums where most seasonal migrants live in. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information on health service utilization in the last 6 months before the study. Utilization of heath care services was identified as "an ill person who goes to health care centers to seek any treatment (i.e. both private and public health care centers)". 644 of 1800 participants reported having a health problem in the last 6 months before the study. Among these 644 people, 335 people used health care services. The percentage of non-migrants using health care service was the highest (67.6%), followed by migrants working in IZ (53.7%), migrants working in PSE (44%), and seasonal migrants (42%). Multivariate logistic regression showed migrants, especially seasonal migrants and migrants working in PSE, were less likely to use health care services (OR=0.35, p=0.016 and 0.38, p= 0.004, respectively), compared to non-migrants. The study also found that having no health insurance was a risk factor of the utilization (OR=0.29, pincome were not related

  6. Webs on the Web (WOW): 3D visualization of ecological networks on the WWW for collaborative research and education (United States)

    Yoon, Ilmi; Williams, Rich; Levine, Eli; Yoon, Sanghyuk; Dunne, Jennifer; Martinez, Neo


    This paper describes information technology being developed to improve the quality, sophistication, accessibility, and pedagogical simplicity of ecological network data, analysis, and visualization. We present designs for a WWW demonstration/prototype web site that provides database, analysis, and visualization tools for research and education related to food web research. Our early experience with a prototype 3D ecological network visualization guides our design of a more flexible architecture design. 3D visualization algorithms include variable node and link sizes, placements according to node connectivity and tropic levels, and visualization of other node and link properties in food web data. The flexible architecture includes an XML application design, FoodWebML, and pipelining of computational components. Based on users" choices of data and visualization options, the WWW prototype site will connect to an XML database (Xindice) and return the visualization in VRML format for browsing and further interactions.

  7. Simulasi Saham Berbasis Web dengan Teknologi Virtual Private Network di Portal Www.Kontan.Co.Id

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Albert Verasius Dian Sano


    Full Text Available The objective of this research is to develop a web-based-online-stock-simulation application applying Virtual Private Network (VPN technology. The web-based application is prefered for user’s convenience and comfort since it does not require any software to be installed on the client side and is also accessable anywhere and anytime with internet connection availability. The application is developed by means of analysis and design towards the technology needed to establish the connectivity between servers through internet as well as database analysis and design. The data are real time derived from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX and forwarded through an official data vendor PT XYZ. Data from the IDX will be captured by a middleware application at PT XYZ and forwarded to This application has been tested and succesfully run by around 700 users. This tool is expected to provide a kind of education and motivation to beginner-level investors who want to be engaged with the stock-trading activities. 

  8. Anisotropic Migration in Slab Lattices; Migration Anisotrope dans les Reseaux a Plaques; Anizotropicheskaya migratsiya v reshetkakh iz plastin; Migracion Anisotropica en Reticulados de Placas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Honeck, H. C.; Quiquemelle, B. C. [Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY (United States)


    One of the newest applications of pulsed neutron experiments is the measurement of the thermal neutron diffusion coefficient in different directions in a heterogeneous medium. This paper describes a theoretical method developed to predict these diffusion coefficients and presents some results for experiments in progress at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The interpretation of these experiments is considerably simplified if the experimental assembly is large. Diffusion cooling can then be ignored, the spectra taken to be Maxwellian, and a single energy group considered. With this simplification, it is possible to solve the transport equation numerically for the case of slab geometry. We insert a solution of the form Empty-Set (x, y, z, {Omega}, t) = exp (iB{sub 1}X + iB{sub 2}y - {lambda}t) Empty-Set (x, {Omega}) into the transport equation and solve for Empty-Set (x, {Omega}) by a combination of DSN and integral transport theory methods. The principal advantages of this method over existing methods is that absorption and anisotropic scattering are easily included, and the cell may be composed of many sub-regions. While we might attempt to find the eigenvalue {lambda}, given B{sub 1} and B{sub 2}, it is more convenient to replace iB{sub 1} by K{sub 1}, iB{sub 2} by K{sub 2}, and determine K{sub 1}, given K{sub 2} and {lambda}. The {lambda} can then be expressed as a power series in K{sup 2}{sub 1} and K{sup 2}{sub 2} (or equivalently B{sup 2}{sub 1} and B{sup 2}{sub 2}). The diffusion coefficients are then given by D{sub n} = -d{lambda}/K{sup 2}{sub n} Experiments are in progress at Brookhaven National Laboratory on alternating slabs of aluminium and polyethylene. We have selected the following one-group cross-sections: aluminium, {Sigma}{sub a} = 0.01228 cm{sup -1}, {Sigma}{sub S} = 0.08428 cm{sup -1}, {mu} = 0; polyethylene, {Sigma}{sub a} = 0.01947 cm{sup -1}, {Sigma}{sub S} = 2.593 cm{sup -1}, {mu} = 0.25. (author) [French] Une des dernieres applications des

  9. Acceptance of the German e-mental health portal an online survey

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lisa Tlach


    Full Text Available Background. Taking into account the high prevalence of mental disorders and the multiple barriers to the use of mental health services, new forms of fostering patient information, involvement, and self-management are needed to complement existing mental health services. The study aimed at investigating acceptance regarding design and content of the e-mental health portal Methods. An online cross-sectional survey was conducted between May 2013 and May 2015 using a self-administered questionnaire including items on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude towards using, and perceived trust. Effects of different participants’ characteristics on the portals’ acceptance were analyzed. Results. The majority of the N = 252 respondents suffered from mental disorders (n = 139 or were relatives from persons with mental disorders (n = 65. The portal was assessed as “good” or “very good” by 71% of the respondents. High levels of agreement (89–96% were shown for statements on the perceived ease of use, the behavioral intention to use the portal, and the trustworthiness of the portal. Lower levels of agreement were shown for some statements on the perceived usefulness of the portals’ content. There were no effects of different participants’ characteristics on the perceived ease of use, the perceived usefulness, the attitude towards using the website and the perceived trust. Discussion. This survey provides preliminary evidence that the e-mental health portal appears to be a usable, useful and trustworthy information resource for a broad target group. The behavioral usefulness of the portals’ content might be improved by integrating more activating patient decision aids.

  10. Komentovaný překlad: Geografie und Klima in Dänemark. HTTP: 2010 (cit.2010-04-29). Dänemark Urlaub


    Šarounová, Anna


    The aim of this bachelor thesis is to create a German-Czech translation and to complete it with a commentary. The translated text consists of selected chapters from the website, where tourist information about Denmark can be found. The first part of the commentary includes a translation analysis of the original text. Based on the analysis is deduced the translation method, which affects further translation process and the way of solving specific translation problem...

  11. Tritium Content of Rainwater from the Eastern Mediterranean Area; Teneur en tritium des eaux de pluie dans la region de la Mediterranee orientale; Soderzhanie tritiya v dozhdevoj vode, vzyatoj iz vostochnogo rajona sredizemnogo morya; Contenido del tritio en las aguas de lluvia de la zona del Mediterraneo oriental

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gat, J R; Karfunkel, U; Nir, A [Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth (Israel)


    About 50 samples of rainwater collected during the years 1958-1960 in Israel and neighbouring countries were assayed for their tritium content by gas counting following electrolytic enrichment. The samples included single showers collected at two stations in Israel and one in Cyprus, as well as composite samples accumulated during each rainy season at a number of sites in Israel, Cyprus, Turkey and Greece. In addition samples, of cistern water, representative of rain from the 1956/57 and 1957/58 rainy seasons, were also analyzed. From the air circulation pattern and the timing of thermonuclear tests relative to the local rainy season it is inferred that little direct tropospheric transport of tritium from the test sites into the area occurs. The measured tritium levels hence are due to tritium leakage from high altitudes into lower air layers. Mean atmospheric residence times are estimated for stratospheric tritium from different sources. There is evidence that tritium is only slowly mixed throughout the stratosphere. Systematic differences between the tritium levels at various sites are explained in terms of the different rain producing situations. It is shown that the extent of mixing of maritime and continental air masses are of paramount importance for the resulting tritium content of rain and that the dimen- sions of the Mediterranean sea are small compared to the scale of meteorological phenomena involved. (author) [French] La teneur en tritium d'une cinquantaine d'echantillons d'eau de pluie preleves au cours des annees 1958-60 en Israel et dans des pays voisins a ete determinee au moyen de compteurs a gaz, apres enrichissement electrolytique. L'analyse a porte sur des echantillons de diverses precipitations, provenant de deux stations israeliennes et d'une station cypriote, ainsi que sur des echantillons d'eaux accumules pendant chaque saison des pluies dans plusieurs regions d'Israel, de Chypre, de Turquie et de Grece. En outre, on a analyse des

  12. WWW: The Scientific Method (United States)

    Blystone, Robert V.; Blodgett, Kevin


    The scientific method is the principal methodology by which biological knowledge is gained and disseminated. As fundamental as the scientific method may be, its historical development is poorly understood, its definition is variable, and its deployment is uneven. Scientific progress may occur without the strictures imposed by the formal…

  13. Pengaruh Trust Dan Penerimaan Teknologi Terhadap Minat Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Online (Studi Kasus


    Triatma, Adi; Akmila, Fitriati


    This study discusses the impact of trust and the acceptance of technology on consumer intention to purchase on line at The focus of the study was to test whether privacy, security, trust, risk, perceived usefulness and ease of use influence student intention to purchase online. The sample taken are from Accounting Department Universitas Islam Indonesia students who purchase on line at the web site The data were analyzed using multiple regression and SEM, then calcula...

  14. Pengaruh Trust dan Penerimaan Teknologi terhadap Minat Konsumen dalam Pembelian Online (Studi kasus


    Triatma, Adi; Akmila, Fitriati


    This study discusses the impact of trust and the acceptance of technology on consumer intention to purchase on line at The focus of the study was to test whether privacy, security, trust, risk, perceived usefulness and ease of use influence student intention to purchase online. The sample taken are from Accounting Department Universitas Islam Indonesia students who purchase on line at the web site The data were analyzed using multiple regression and SEM, then calcula...

  15. Prolonged passive static stretching-induced innervation zone shift in biceps brachii. (United States)

    Ye, Xin; Beck, Travis W; Wages, Nathan P


    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a bout of repeated and prolonged passive static stretching on the innervation zone (IZ) location of the human biceps brachii muscle. Eleven men performed 12 sets of 100-s passive stretches on their biceps brachii. Before (Pre) and immediately after (Post) the stretching intervention, isometric strength was tested during the maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) of the forearm flexors. The subjects also performed several separate isometric forearm flexion muscle actions at 30%, 50%, and 70% of their predetermined MVCs for examining the locations of the IZ at different contraction intensities. The IZ was identified through multi-channel surface electromyographic (EMG) recordings from a linear electrode array. The stretching intervention induced an average of 10% isometric strength loss for the forearm flexors (mean±SD: Pre-MVC vs. Post-MVC=332.12±59.40 N vs. 299.53±70.51 N; p<0.001). In addition, the average IZ shift was nearly 4.5 mm in average in the proximal direction. However, this shift was not specific to the contraction intensity. We believe that the IZ shift was caused by the elongation of the entire muscle-tendon unit in the proximal direction. Therefore, caution should be taken when using surface EMG technique to examine possible changes in the EMG variables after a stretching protocol, as these variables can be contaminated by the shift of the IZ.

  16. Imprinted zeolite modified carbon paste electrode as a potentiometric sensor for uric acid (United States)

    Khasanah, Miratul; Widati, Alfa Akustia; Fitri, Sarita Aulia


    Imprinted zeolite modified carbon paste electrode (carbon paste-IZ) has been developed and applied to determine uric acid by potentiometry. The imprinted zeolite (IZ) was synthesized by the mole ratio of uric acid/Si of 0.0306. The modified electrode was manufactured by mass ratio of carbon, IZ and solid paraffin was 40:25:35. The modified electrode had shown the measurement range of 10-5 M to 10-2 M with Nernst factor of 28.6 mV/decade, the detection limit of 5.86 × 10-6 M and the accuracy of 95.3 - 105.0%. Response time of the electrode for uric acid 10-5 M - 10-2 M was 25 - 44 s. The developed electrode showed the high selectivity toward uric acid in the urea matrix. Life time of the carbon paste-IZ electrode was 10 weeks.



    Lipovčić, Dijana


    Med dohodke iz kapitala spadajo obresti, dividende in dobiček iz kapitala. Države svoje rezidente obdavčujejo po načelu svetovnega dohodka, nerezidente pa glede na vir dohodka. Problem pri mednarodni obdavčitvi je možnost dvojnega obdavčevanja, saj je lahko davčni zavezanec obdavčen v tujini, kjer je dohodek dosegel, in tudi v državi rezidentstva. Države zato sklepajo sporazume o izogibanju dvojnega obdavčevanja. V diplomskem seminarju smo primerjali obdavčitev dohodkov iz kapitala v Slo...

  18. Tko su bili maiores civitatis


    Apostolova Maršavelski, Magdalena


    U radu je razmatrana nedovoljno eksplicitna odredba osnivačkog privilegija kojom se komentiraju mogućnosti priziva na odluke gradskoga suda. Analizirajući novouvedeni poredak potpune sudske autonomije, autorica komentira skromna izvješća o organizaciji suda iz druge polovice 13. stoljeća te sudske sporove iz kasnije prakse, dajući prijedlog odgovora na pitanje tko je činio kolegij maiores civitatis, koji je, po njezinu mišljenju, imao mnogo veće ovlasti nego što se to dade zaključiti iz doslo...

  19. Delimitacija i demarkacija vanjskih granica Republike Hrvatske

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vladimir-Đuro Degan


    Full Text Available Daje se sumaran prikaz delimitacije i demarkacije granica Hrvatske sa svim njezinim susjedima s preporukom da se taj odgovoran posao ne zanemari. Postignuti privremeni ili nerealizirani sporazumi ocjenjuju se temeljem pravilâ kodificiranih u Bečkoj konvenciji o pravu ugovora iz 1969. godine. Ali valja voditi računa i o drugim međunarodnim obvezama poput one iz Beogradske dunavske konvencije iz 1948. i prava fizičkih i pravnih osoba na uživanje njihovih nekretnina koje se nađu na drugoj strani granice.

  20. na internet com ecoturismo: uma interação comunicacional sustentável?


    Laudo Kiyohiro Natsui


    A Teia de Alcance Mundial, como é conhecida a www da população que já tem acesso à internet, tem se tornado no Brasil rapidamente expressiva em tempos de mercados globais e, dentro deste contexto, a atividade do ecoturismo é analisada enquanto oferta e mensagem online. Realiza-se um estudo qualitativo exploratório no intuito de discutir a presente oferta ecoturística online e a mensagem propagada via rede. O termo ecoturismo é questionado, assim como as iniciativas que se apropriam da palavra...

  1. All rights reserved www.ajol.infoand Impact of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    electricity has become a common practice all over the world (Langfort, 1990; Kaushal et al. .... electric power in the generator. The steam generated ..... little solar energy, it is assumed that its influence ..... Biometry: the principles and practice of ...

  2. DisseminACTION: disseminating science in the information age ( a website for researchers and parents

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matteo Mauri


    Full Text Available is a website designed at the University of Cagliari, by the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, within the project “ACTION – Aggression in Children: unravelling gene-environment interplay to inform Treatment and InterventiON strategies”, a collaborative project which includes twelve international partners, funded under the 7th Framework Programme for Research, technological Development and Demonstration.Its aim is to properly disseminate official news, events, medical discoveries carried out within the project, with an intent to connect European researchers and citizens with the official source of ACTION’s scientific research.One of the main problems of the so called “web 2.0” is represented by the growth of viral misinformation, which contributes to create rumours and hoaxes around scientific threads. In order to avoid this kind of problems, is also designed to directly reach its audience even with social networks integration and with newsletters.Informatics is the discipline that studies the information processing through automated elaborations. The term appears for the first time in 1957, and since that time Computer Science has grown, reaching an unthinkable evolution, so that the common devices we use in our everyday lives (personal computers, notebooks, tablets, smartphones are more powerful than the NASA calculators at the time of moon’s landing. This evolution leads to privacy and security matters: our devices process everyday an important number of sensitive data, and are everyday exposed to the risks of computer security. This website has been designed following usability guidelines, with a logical sitemap, an easy system of options, a clear graphic style, a responsive graphic template and a robust Content Management System, in order to ensure the website security and a rigid privacy policy. Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Neonatology and Satellite

  3. Characterization and surface treatment effects on topography of a glass-infiltrated alumina/zirconia-reinforced ceramic. (United States)

    Della Bona, Alvaro; Donassollo, Tiago A; Demarco, Flávio F; Barrett, Allyson A; Mecholsky, John J


    Characterize the microstructure, composition and some physical properties of a glass-infiltrated alumina/zirconia-reinforced ceramic (IZ) and the effect of surface treatment on topography. IZ ceramic specimens were fabricated according to ISO6872 instructions and polished through 1 microm alumina abrasive. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), backscattered imaging (BSI), electron dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and stereology. The elastic modulus (E) and Poisson's ratio (nu) were determined using ultrasonic waves, and the density (rho) using a helium pycnometer. The following ceramic surface treatments were used: AP-as-polished; HF-etching with 9.5% hydrofluoric acid for 90 s; SB-sandblasting with 25 microm aluminum oxide particles for 15s and SC-blasting with 30 microm aluminum oxide particles modified by silica (silica coating) for 15s. An optical profilometer was used to examine the surface roughness (Ra) and SEM-EDS were used to measure the amount of silica after all treatments. The IZ mean property values were as follows: rho=4.45+/-0.01 g/cm(3); nu=0.26 and E=245 GPa. Mean Ra values were similar for AP- and HF-treated IZ but significantly increased after either SC or SB treatment (pIZ ceramic. Treating IZ with either SB or SC produced greater Ra values and the SC showed a significant increase in the surface concentration of silica, which may enhance bonding to resin via silane coupling.

  4. 2018-03-20T01:33:40Z oai:ojs ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Ayoola, SO Le poisson chat d'Afrique (Clarias gariepinus) a été exposé à 0.0, 0.10, 0.50, 1.00, 2.0 et 4.5mg / l de la concentration de vert de malachite. ... Article application/pdf 10.4314/bahpa.v57i1.44051 Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa; Vol 57, No ...

  5. Cognitive functions after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus: changes during silent priod precede appearance of spontaneous recurrent seizures

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hort, J.; Brožek, Gustav; Mareš, Pavel; Langmeier, M.; Komárek, V.


    Roč. 40, č. 9 (1999), s. 1177-1183 ISSN 0013-9580 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA309/96/1592; GA MZd IZ2904; GA MZd IZ3510; GA AV ČR IAA7011603 Subject RIV: ED - Physiology Impact factor: 3.218, year: 1999

  6. How to make x-ray simulation software working on WWW: a simple recipe based on seven years of experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stepanov, S.


    Attaching WWW interfaces to scientific software opens new opportunities to researchers by making their results available to wide scientific community in a way complimentary to publication. We have shown that this task may be much easier than many used to think: the amount of additional code is small, the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) can be written in any language, not necessarily PERL, and the software can be interfaced on any operating system it was originally written and does not have to be ported to UNIX. This paper provides some useful recipes resulted from seven years of author's experience in developing and maintaining highly successful X-ray Web server project. All these solutions are based on free public domain software (Apache, GnuPlot, and InfoZip) and applicable for multiple computer platforms. Some practical examples are provided.

  7. Skvotterõ iz "Rotterdama"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Skvotteritest Tallinnas, Moskvas ja Peterburis. Tallinna skvotterite rühm NPNK pesitseb 2003. a. aprillist omavoliliselt ülevõetud hoones nimega Rotterdam. Hoone omandiküsimuse lahendamisele toetuse saamiseks levitatakse Tallinnas NPNK logoga plakateid. Venemaal juurdus skvotterite liikumine kunstnike ühenduste vormis. Peterburis tegutsevad skvotterite rühmitused "Vaba kultuur" ja "Retshnikud"

  8. Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome: Moleculat-genetic analysis of ten families

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kozák, L.; Francová, H.; Hrabincová, E.; Procházková, D.; Jittnerová, V.; Bezděch, V.; Šimek, Petr


    Roč. 23, - (2000), s. 409-412 ISSN 0141-8955 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA302/97/0742; GA MZd IZ4376; GA MZd IZ4379 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5007907 Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 1.307, year: 2000

  9. Effect of E-cadherin Expression on Hormone Production in Rat Anterior Pituitary Lactotrophs In Vitro

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kusumoto, Kenji; Kikuchi, Motoshi; Fujiwara, Ken; Horiguchi, Kotaro; Kouki, Tom; Kawanishi, Kotaro; Yashiro, Takashi


    Cadherins are a family of transmembrane glycoproteins that mediate cell-to-cell adhesion. A change in cadherin type in cells, i.e., cadherin switching, induces changes in the character of the cell. Recent studies of the developing rat adenohypophysis found that primordial cells co-expressed E- and N-cadherins, but that hormone-producing cells lost E-cadherin and ultimately possessed only N-cadherin. In the present study, we examined the roles of cadherin switching in cytogenesis of anterior pituitary cells by observing prolactin mRNA and protein expression in lactotrophs that were transformed with an E-cadherin expression vector. In hormone-producing cells that were transfected with a pIRES2-ZsGreen1 plasmid with a full-length E-cadherin cDNA (rE-cad-IZ) insert in primary culture, we detected E- and N-cadherins on plasma membrane and E-cadherin in cytoplasm. In these rE-cad-IZ-transfected cells, in situ hybridization revealed prolactin mRNA signals that were at a level identical to that in control cells, while prolactin protein was barely detectable using immunocytochemistry. The mean signal intensity of prolactin protein in rE-cad-IZ-transfected cells was approximately one fourth that in intact cells and in null-IZ-transfected cells (P<0.01). These results suggest that the expression of E-cadherin does not affect prolactin mRNA transcription; rather, it reduces prolactin protein content, presumably by affecting trafficking of secretory granules

  10. Think It Over

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Resonance – Journal of Science Education; Volume 12; Issue 12. Solution to 'A Problem in Graph Theory'. K P Savithri. Think It Over Volume 12 Issue 12 December 2007 pp 53-54. Fulltext. Click here to view fulltext PDF. Permanent link: Keywords.

  11. Continuous desulfurization and bacterial community structure of an integrated bioreactor developed to treat SO2 from a gas stream. (United States)

    Lin, Jian; Li, Lin; Ding, Wenjie; Zhang, Jingying; Liu, Junxin


    Sulfide dioxide (SO2) is often released during the combustion processes of fossil fuels. An integrated bioreactor with two sections, namely, a suspended zone (SZ) and immobilized zone (IZ), was applied to treat SO2 for 6months. Sampling ports were set in both sections to investigate the performance and microbial characteristics of the integrated bioreactor. SO2 was effectively removed by the synergistic effect of the SZ and IZ, and more than 85% removal efficiency was achieved at steady state. The average elimination capacity of SO2 in the bioreactor was 2.80g/(m(3)·hr) for the SZ and 1.50g/(m(3)·hr) for the IZ. Most SO2 was eliminated in the SZ. The liquid level of the SZ and the water content ratio of the packing material in the IZ affected SO2 removal efficiency. The SZ served a key function not only in SO2 elimination, but also in moisture maintenance for the IZ. The desired water content in IZ could be feasibly maintained without any additional pre-humidification facilities. Clone libraries of 16S rDNA directly amplified from the DNA of each sample were constructed and sequenced to analyze the community composition and diversity in the individual zones. The desulfurization bacteria dominated both zones. Paenibacillus sp. was present in both zones, whereas Ralstonia sp. existed only in the SZ. The transfer of SO2 to the SZ involved dissolution in the nutrient solution and biodegradation by the sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. This work presents a potential biological treatment method for waste gases containing hydrophilic compounds. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  12. Determination of the tritium content in the reactor heavy water; Odredjivanje porasta kolicine tritijuma u reaktorskoj teskoj vodi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribnikar, S [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Quantity of tritium was measured in the heavy water, in the heavy water vapour and radiolyzed deuterium from the helium cover gas of the RA reactor. It has been shown that isotopic equilibrium D{sub 2}O+DT{r_reversible}DTO+D{sub 2} exists and that it is catalyzed by irradiation. Small quantities of ammonium in the reactor cover gas are inhibiting the migration of tritium from the heavy water. Izmerena ja sadrzina tritijuma u tecnoj teskoj vodi, njenoj pari i radiolizovanom deuterijumu iz helijumske atmosfere reaktora RA. Pokazano je da postoji izotopska ravnoteza D{sub 2}O+DT{r_reversible}DTO+D{sub 2}, koja je katalizovana zracenjem. Male kolicine amonijaka reaktorske atmosfere deluju u smislu otezavanja migracije tritijuma iz teske vode (author)

  13. (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — provides comprehensive information about vehicles' fuel economy. The official U.S. government site for fuel economy information, it is operated by...

  14. Musik for folket!

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Grund, Cynthia M.; Araghipour, Janus Høgfeldt; Bonne, Jane


    The TV-documentary "Musik for folket!" (in Danish) was filmed during the November 11 lunchtime concert and through a series of interviews with Carsten Sjødahl, Jane Bonne, Leif Jensen, Søren R. Frimodt-Møller, Janus Høgfeldt Araghipour and Cynthia M. Grund, it recounts the story behind the luncht...... the lunchtime concert series at SDU. The program aired November 22-29, 2010 on ALTV and is permanently available from November 22, 2010 onwards at

  15. Predicted accommodative response from image quality in young eyes fitted with different dual-focus designs. (United States)

    Faria-Ribeiro, Miguel; Amorim-de-Sousa, Ana; González-Méijome, José M


    To investigate the separated and combined influences of inner zone (IZ) diameter and effective add power of dual-focus contact lenses (CL) in the image quality at distance and near viewing, in a functional accommodating model eye. Computational wave-optics methods were used to define zonal bifocal pupil functions, representing the optic zones of nine dual-focus centre-distance CLs. The dual-focus pupil functions were defined having IZ diameters of 2.10 mm, 3.36 mm and 4.00 mm, with add powers of 1.5 D, 2.0 D and 2.5 D (dioptres), for each design, that resulted in a ratio of 64%/36% between the distance and treatment zone areas, bounded by a 6 mm entrance pupil. A through-focus routine was implemented in MATLAB to simulate the changes in image quality, calculated from the Visual Strehl ratio, as the eye with the dual-focus accommodates, from 0 to -3.00 D target vergences. Accommodative responses were defined as the changes in the defocus coefficient, combined with a change in fourth and sixth order spherical aberration, which produced a peak in image quality at each target vergence. Distance viewing image quality was marginally affected by IZ diameter but not by add power. Near image quality obtained when focussing the image formed by the near optics was only higher by a small amount compared to the other two IZ diameters. The mean ± standard deviation values obtained with the three adds were 0.28 ± 0.02, 0.23 ± 0.02 and 0.22 ± 0.02, for the small, medium and larger IZ diameters, respectively. On the other hand, near image quality predicted by focussing the image formed by the distance optics was considerably lower relatively to the other two IZ diameters. The mean ± standard deviation values obtained with the three adds were 0.15 ± 0.01, 0.38 ± 0.00 and 0.54 ± 0.01, for the small, medium and larger IZ diameters, respectively. During near viewing through dual-focus CLs, image quality depends on the diameter of the most inner zone of the CL, while add power

  16. Investigation of Two Outbreaks of Gastroenteritis in Tržič in September 2011 / Preiskava Dveh Izbruhov Gastroenteritisa V Tržiču V Septembru 2011

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Krt Lah Andreja


    Full Text Available Uvod. Izbruh gastroenteritisa neopredeljene etiologije in izbruh salmoneloze sta bila hkrati v Tržiču septembra 2011. Namen preiskave izbruhov je bil odkriti izvor in poti prenosa okužbe s ciljem, da se sprejmejo ukrepi za prekinitev širjenja. Metode. V dveh retrospektivnih študijah primerov in kontrol je bila z univariatnimi in multivariatnimi analizami testirana povezava med gastroenteritisom neopredeljene etiologije oziroma salmonelozo in uživanjem hrane v gostilni ali pitjem vodovodne vode. Primer v prvi študiji je bil oboleli s salmonelozo, primer v drugi študiji pa je bil vsak občan z drisko in/ali bruhanjem. Primere obolelih so prijavili zdravniki; kontrole so bile izbrane med zdravimi osebami, ki so vrnile izpolnjeni vprašalnik. Rezultati. Osebe, izpostavljene hrani v gostilni, so imele 24,8-krat višje obete za obolevanje za salmonelozo kot neizpostavljeni (univariatna analiza RO 24,8; 95 % IZ 7,5-82,3; p < 0,05; multivariatna analiza RO 14,7; 95% IZ 3,5-61,3, p < 0,05. Občani, ki so pili vodo iz določenega vodnega vira, so imeli 3,4-krat višje obete, da so oboleli za gastroenteritisom neopredeljene etiologije kot neizpostavljeni (univariatna analiza RO 3,4; 95 % IZ je 2,2-5,1; p < 0,05; multivariatni analizi RO 2,9; 95 % IZ 1,7-5,3; p < 0,05. Statistično značilna je bila tudi povezava med obolevanjem in količino popite pitne vode. Zaključki. Z analitičnima študijama primerov in kontrol smo potrdili vzročno povezanost med salmonelozo in prehranjevanjem v določeni gostilni ter povezanost med gastroenteritisom neopredeljene etiologije in pitjem vodovodne vode iz določenega vodnega vira. Mogoč je vnos Salmonelle enteritidis v gostilno prek vodovodne vode


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Rune Nørgaard; Dale, Philip; Bleses, Dorthe


    Parent report has proven a valid and cost-effective means of evaluating early child language. Large scale datasets has proven to be useful both when it comes to basic research as well as in relation to assessment and intervention. And since norming studies based on parent reports contains great...

  18. All rights reserved and Drought ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    century as the result show a rapid decline in its occurrence which indicates improvement in rainfall. On the other ... caused a sudden break of early rainfall, poor spatio- temporal ..... Characteristics of 20th ... and Applied Genetics, 125, 625-645.

  19. A Family Finds Its Way (United States)

    ... conditions as a family. Photo courtesy of Stefan Radtke, The Woodruffs deal with Bob's ... be as she matures. Photo courtesy of Stefan Radtke, Do you talk with her ...

  20. Next-to-leading-order QCD and electroweak corrections to WWW production at proton-proton colliders (United States)

    Dittmaier, Stefan; Huss, Alexander; Knippen, Gernot


    Triple-W-boson production in proton-proton collisions allows for a direct access to the triple and quartic gauge couplings and provides a window to the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. It is an important process to test the Standard Model (SM) and might be background to physics beyond the SM. We present a calculation of the next-to-leading order (NLO) electroweak corrections to the production of WWW final states at proton-proton colliders with on-shell W bosons and combine the electroweak with the NLO QCD corrections. We study the impact of the corrections to the integrated cross sections and to kinematic distributions of the W bosons. The electroweak corrections are generically of the size of 5-10% for integrated cross sections and become more pronounced in specific phase-space regions. The real corrections induced by quark-photon scattering turn out to be as important as electroweak loops and photon bremsstrahlung corrections, but can be reduced by phase-space cuts. Considering that prior determinations of the photon parton distribution function (PDF) involve rather large uncertainties, we compare the results obtained with different photon PDFs and discuss the corresponding uncertainties in the NLO predictions. Moreover, we determine the scale and total PDF uncertainties at the LHC and a possible future 100 TeV pp collider.

  1. Application of Discrete Fourier Transform in solving the inverse problem in gamma-ray logging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zorski, T.


    A new approach to the solution of inverse problem in gamma-ray logging is presented. The equation: I(z) = ∫sup(+infinite)sub(-infinite) phi (z-z')Isub(infinite)(z')dz', which relates the measured intensity I(z) with the intensity Isub(infinite)(z) not disturbed by finite thickness of an elementary layer, is solved for Isub(infinite)(z). Discrete Fourier Transform and convolution theorem are used. As a result of our solution discrete values of Isub(infinite)(z) given at a step of Δh are obtained. Examples of application of this method for Δh <= 4.5 cm and for the curves I(z) theoretically calculated are also discussed. (author)

  2. Evro-integracije Republike Srbije: semiotička analiza

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Krstić


    Full Text Available U radu se pristupa tekućem procesu evro-integracija Republike Srbije iz semiotičke perspektive. S tim u vezi, na osnovu dostupnih podataka iz medija, evro-integracije se prvo uobličavaju u narativ, a zatim se dati narativ analizira iz semiotičke perspektive koristeći se postavkama, pre svega, Alžirdasa Žilijena Gremasa. U radu se semiotički analiziraju dva nivoa značenja: semio-narativni (površinski, sintagmatski i konkretni nivo se istražuje putem transformacijskog i aktancijalnog modela, i dubinski, apstraktni, paradigmatski i atemporalni nivo putem semiotičkog kvadrata. Cilj rada je razumevanje kako se proizvode znanje i značenja evro-integracija.

  3. Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD) (United States)

    Martel, L.; Taylor, J.


    NASA's Year of the Solar System is celebrating not only Solar System mission milestones but also the collective data reduction and analysis that happens here on Earth. The Cosmochemistry Program of NASA's Science Mission Directorate takes a direct approach to enhance student learning and engage the public in the latest research on meteorites, asteroids, planets, moons, and other materials in our Solar System with the website known as PSRD. The Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD) website at explores the science questions that researchers are actively pursuing about our Solar System and explains how the answers are discovered and what they mean. The site helps to convey the scientific basis for sample study to the broader scientific community and the excitement of new results in cosmochemistry to the general public. We share with our broad audience the fascinating discoveries made by cosmochemists, increasing public awareness of the value of sample-focused research in particular and of fundamental scientific research and space exploration in general. The scope of the website covers the full range of cosmochemical research and highlights the investigations of extraterrestrial materials that are used to better understand the origin of the Solar System and the processes by which planets, moons, and small bodies evolve. We relate the research to broader planetary science themes and mission results. Articles are categorized into: asteroids, comets, Earth, instruments of cosmochemistry, Jupiter system, Mars, Mars life issues, Mercury, meteorites, Moon, origins, and space weathering. PSRD articles are based on peer-reviewed, journal publications. Some PSRD articles are based on more than one published paper in order to present multiple views and outcomes of research on a topic of interest. To date, 150 PSRD articles have been based on 184 journal articles (and counting) written by some of the most active cosmochemists and planetary scientists


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fraine, Jonathan D.; Deming, Drake [Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 (United States); Gillon, Michaeel; Jehin, Emmanueel [Institute d' Astrophysique et de Geophysique, Universite de Liege, Liege (Belgium); Demory, Brice-Olivier; Benneke, Bjoern; Seager, Sara [Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, and Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Lewis, Nikole K. [Department of Planetary Sciences and Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 (United States); Knutson, Heather [Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Desert, Jean-Michel, E-mail: [Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138 (United States)


    We observed the transiting super-Earth exoplanet GJ1214b using warm Spitzer at 4.5 {mu}m wavelength during a 20 day quasi-continuous sequence in 2011 May. The goals of our long observation were to accurately define the infrared transit radius of this nearby super-Earth, to search for the secondary eclipse, and to search for other transiting planets in the habitable zone of GJ1214. We here report results from the transit monitoring of GJ1214b, including a reanalysis of previous transit observations by Desert et al. In total, we analyze 14 transits of GJ1214b at 4.5 {mu}m, 3 transits at 3.6 {mu}m, and 7 new ground-based transits in the I+z band. Our new Spitzer data by themselves eliminate cloudless solar composition atmospheres for GJ1214b, and methane-rich models from Howe and Burrows. Using our new Spitzer measurements to anchor the observed transit radii of GJ1214b at long wavelengths, and adding new measurements in I+z, we evaluate models from Benneke and Seager and Howe and Burrows using a {chi}{sup 2} analysis. We find that the best-fit model exhibits an increase in transit radius at short wavelengths due to Rayleigh scattering. Pure water atmospheres are also possible. However, a flat line (no atmosphere detected) remains among the best of the statistically acceptable models, and better than pure water atmospheres. We explore the effect of systematic differences among results from different observational groups, and we find that the Howe and Burrows tholin-haze model remains the best fit, even when systematic differences among observers are considered.

  5. Interleukin 2 gene therapy of residual disease in mice carrying tumours induced by HPV 16

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bubeník, Jan; Šímová, Jana; Mikyšková, Romana; Sobota, Vesna; Jandlová, Táňa; Šmahel, M.; Sobotková, E.; Vonka, V.


    Roč. 14, č. 3 (1999), s. 593-597 ISSN 1019-6439 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3516; GA MZd IZ4069; GA MZd NC45011; GA ČR GA312/96/1211; GA ČR GA312/98/0826 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915 Subject RIV: EC - Immunology Impact factor: 1.381, year: 1999

  6. "Ne opravilsja jeshtsho posle grippa..." : [luuletused] / Aleksei Koroljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koroljov, Aleksei


    Autor endast lk. 44. Sisu: "Ne opravilsja jeshtsho posle grippa..." ; "Tak plohho mne, kak ne bõlo davno..." ; "Vokrug tebja, kak satellit..." ; "Hotja i ne ossobenno ona..." ; Iz dnevnika ; Zdravõi smõsl ; "V ushko igolnoje prodenu..." ; "Zhenshtshine prostitelnõ nedostatki..." ; "Balagurja, taratorja..." "Kogda bõ sprava - rai..." ; 23-i skorõi ; "Velmozhi v rogozhe iz blazhi i drozhi..."

  7. IV srpsko-bugarska konferencija u Zrenjaninu 2005. godine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dragana Antonijević


    Full Text Available U Zrenjaninu je  od 25. do 28. oktobra 2005. godine održana IV srpsko-bugarska konferencija na temu "Svakodnevna kultura u postsocijalističkom periodu u Srbiji i Bugarskoj: balkanska transformacija i evropska integracija". Konferenciju su organizovali Etnografski institut SANU iz Beograda, Etnografski institut i muzej BAN iz Sofije i Narodni muzej Zrenjanin.

  8. Estimation of triterpenoids from Heliotropium marifolium Koen. ex Retz. in vivo and in vitro. I. Antimicrobial screening. (United States)

    Singh, B; Dubey, M M


    The hexane extract of Heliotropium marifolium yielded a mixture of triterpenoids: beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, beta-amyrin, friedelan-3beta-ol (epifriedelenol), cycloartenone, beta-amyrin acetate, friedelin and epifriedenyl acetate. Isolated triterpenoid and reference antibiotics (gentamycin/mycostatin) were tested against selected pathogenic bacteria and fungi, e.g. Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum. The inhibition zone (IZ) and the activity index (AI) of isolated compounds were recorded and it was found that epifriedenyl acetate (IZ = 17; AI = 1.06) was the most active. The present study deals with the quantification and assessment of their growth inhibitory potency. It has been reported that cycloartenone was the major triterpenoid in both in vivo (0.54%) and in vitro (0.11%) cell cultures. Copyright 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  9. The Arabidopsis co-expression tool (act): a WWW-based tool and database for microarray-based gene expression analysis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jen, C. H.; Manfield, I. W.; Michalopoulos, D. W.


    be examined using the novel clique finder tool to determine the sets of genes most likely to be regulated in a similar manner. In combination, these tools offer three levels of analysis: creation of correlation lists of co-expressed genes, refinement of these lists using two-dimensional scatter plots......We present a new WWW-based tool for plant gene analysis, the Arabidopsis Co-Expression Tool (act) , based on a large Arabidopsis thaliana microarray data set obtained from the Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre. The co-expression analysis tool allows users to identify genes whose expression...

  10. Enriquecimento da dieta do bicho-da-seda com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja Enrichment of the silkworms diet with soybean water soluble extract

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gustavo do Valle Polycarpo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a suplementação da dieta do bicho-da-seda com extrato hidrossolúvel de soja (EHS interfere na produção de casulos e no consumo de folhas de amoreira (Morus alba L. de diferentes cultivares pelas lagartas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4x5, com quatro cultivares de amoreira ('IZ64', 'IZ56/4', 'FM86' e 'FMSM' e cinco dietas (folhas não tratadas, folhas umedecidas com água, folhas enriquecidas com EHS, em três níveis: suplementação da dieta com 5, 10 e 20% de PB. O EHS foi aspergido sobre as folhas, tendo a água como agente dispersante. O consumo foi verificado pela diferença entre a quantidade de folhas fornecidas e a quantidade não consumida pelas lagartas. A ingestão de alimento apresentou-se de forma quadrática, diminuindo à medida que o EHS foi adicionado à dieta. Houve interação dos fatores cultivar e dieta. O fornecimento de folhas de amoreira com acréscimo proteico de 10% por meio do EHS melhorou a qualidade dos casulos do bicho-da-seda com a utilização das cultivares 'IZ56/4' e 'FMSM'. A pulverização de EHS nas folhas da cultivar 'IZ64' prejudicou a produção de casulos. Lagartas do bicho-da-seda, alimentadas com folhas de amoreira sem suplementação, produziram cascas séricas mais pesadas com folhas das cultivares 'IZ64' e 'FMSM'. A aspersão de água nas folhas incrementou o peso de cascas séricas produzidas a partir da cultivar 'FM86'. A suplementação da dieta com EHS diminui o consumo da lagarta do bicho-da-seda. A aplicação de EHS influencia a produção de casulos em função da cultivar utilizada.The aim of this research was to assess if the supplementation of the silkworm diet with soybean water soluble extract (WSE interferes on the consumption of mulberry leaves (Morus alba L. by the caterpillars and on cocoon production. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial arrangement 4x5

  11. Innervation zones of fasciculating motor units: observations by a linear electrode array. (United States)

    Jahanmiri-Nezhad, Faezeh; Barkhaus, Paul E; Rymer, William Z; Zhou, Ping


    This study examines the innervation zone (IZ) in the biceps brachii muscle in healthy subjects and those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using a 20-channel linear electromyogram (EMG) electrode array. Raster plots of individual waveform potentials were studied to estimate the motor unit IZ. While this work mainly focused on fasciculation potentials (FPs), a limited number of motor unit potentials (MUPs) from voluntary activity of 12 healthy and seven ALS subjects were also examined. Abnormal propagation of MUPs and scattered IZs were observed in fasciculating units, compared with voluntarily activated MUPs in healthy and ALS subjects. These findings can be related to muscle fiber reinnervation following motor neuron degeneration in ALS and the different origin sites of FPs compared with voluntary MUPs.

  12. Rheumatoid Arthritis: Can It Affect the Lungs? (United States)

    Rheumatoid arthritis: Can it affect the lungs? Can rheumatoid arthritis affect your lungs? Answers from April Chang-Miller, ... know. Arthritis Foundation. Accessed ...

  13. Progress report on research project [Plan for www interface layout

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukahori, T.


    Full text: Presentations and status reports. T. Fukahori reported the plan for www interface layout as a status report. Discussed were which functions were needed for new RIPL-3 web pages. The results are summarized in next section. Layout of the interfaces and retrieval tools and web. The RIPL-3 home page will include a summary description and link to the HANDBOOK: a) The web page for 'mass' segment contains same contents as RIPL-2 except to remove the information about ground state deformation. The abundance data will be replaced by those according to the new BNL wallet card (2005 version). The Q-value calculation tool will be also improved. The 'Nuclear Matter Density' will be renamed as 'Nucleon Density Distribution'. b) Those of 'levels' segment will be same as before, and the deformation parameters for excited levels will be moved from 'optical' segment with the name of 'deformation'. c) Those of 'resonances' segment will be same as before. It will be considered to replace RIPL-2 database with the new Mughabghab tables. d) Those of 'optical' segment will be same as before, and the deformation parameters for excited levels will be moved to 'optical' segment with the name of 'deformation'. The optical model calculation with ECIS and OPTMAN will be considered and double-folding calculation tool will be possibly provided. e) Those of 'densities' segment will be same as before, and the programs used to plot will be checked. The 3-7 sets of combination of GC, BSFG, GSFM with/without enhancement factors will be given. f) Those of 'gamma' segment will be same as before with adding MLO and theoretical GDR calculation. g) Those of 'fission' segment will be same as before, and 'Exp.' will be renamed. New barrier evaluations will be added. Some additional information could be included, for example, fission transition states. The fission spectrum calculation tool (codes and inputs) will be considered to be added. The fundamental format will be kept as before. For new

  14. Dosezanje izvan male znanstvene zajednice: modeli društvenog utjecaja na suradnju preko nacionalnih i disciplinarnih granica kod znanstvenika iz triju polja društvenih znanosti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Srebrenka Letina


    Full Text Available Suradnja sa znanstvenicima iz drugih područja znanosti ili drugih zemalja važna je općenito za napredak znanosti, osobito za znanstvenike koji djeluju u malim i perifernim znanstvenim zajednicama. Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati postoje li mrežni (strukturni efekti na vjerojatnost da će pojedini znanstvenik ostvariti koautorstvo/suradnju izvan svoje nacionalne i disciplinarne zajednice. Na temelju podataka o koautorstvu na publikacijama indeksiranim u dvjema međunarodnim bazama (Web of Science i Scopus i jednoj nacionalnoj bazi (Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica konstruirana je mreža koautorstva za tri područja društvenih znanosti u Hrvatskoj. Testirana su tri strukturna prediktora (aktivnost, zaraza i popularnost /Ego-2Star/, a korištenje autologističkih modela atributa aktera omogućilo je istovremeno kontroliranje šest atributa aktera. Rezultati su potvrdili hipotezu o postojanju pozitivnog učinka zaraze (vjerojatnost suradnje sa znanstvenicima izvan nacionalne i disciplinarne mreže veća je ako neposredni alter u mreži također ima vanjske suradnje i negativnog učinka aktivnosti (oni koji surađuju s jednim ili više znanstvenika izvan svoje mreže, manje surađuju unutar svoje mreže u mreži obrazovnih znanosti. Međutim, u mreži sociologa utvrđen je samo efekt negativne aktivnosti, dok u mreži psihologa nijedan strukturni efekt nije bio značajan prediktor suradnje izvan uže zajednice. Pronađen je značajan efekt broja radova napisanih u koautorstvu, ali ne i broja jednoautorskih radova, te dobi u svim trima poljima. Spol, lokacija i maksimalna snaga veze imali su različitu ulogu u trima istraživanim poljima. U radu su naglašeni metodološki aspekti analize mreža koautorstva i predlažu smjernice za buduća istraživanja.

  15. Analysis of the journalistic treatment given to the migration phenomenon in www.elPaí

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Sabés Turmo Ph. D.


    Full Text Available This article aims to analyze migration-related content incorporated in the portal www.elPaí The paper studies the formal treatment given, the issues and rights incorporated, the valuation made of migration and the migrant subject, and the main actors, among other aspects. The categories that divide the analysis are drawn from a review of the Barcelona Process-Union for the Mediterranean, the European Neighbourhood Policy, and the Alliance of Civilizations. All with the aim of establishing the way in the subject of migration appears in this online newspaper. To this end, we analyze both informative and editorial texts from the perspective of the social construction of reality theory.

  16. Usvojen prijedlog povećanja iznosa općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marija Pospišil Miler


    Full Text Available Izmjene Protokola iz 1996. godine (LLMC 1996 Međunarodne konvencije o ograničenju odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine iz 1976. godine (LLMC 1976 usvojene su 19. travnja 2012. na 99. zasjedanju Pravnog odbora IMO-a održanom u Londonu. Tim izmjenama iznos općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti za pomorske tražbine povećan je za 51% u odnosu na iznose iz čl. 3. LLMC 1996 koji se odnose na čl. 6.1(a i 6.1(b, LLMC 1976, dok iznosi iz čl. 7. Konvencije nisu mijenjani. Povećani iznosi primjenjivat će se od 8. lipnja 2015. godine. U radu se analiziraju razlozi koji su doveli do povećanja iznosa općeg (globalnog ograničenja odgovornosti kao i opravdanost ovog povećanja iznosa ograničenja odgovornosti ako se uzme u obzir da je samo u 1,34% slučajeva šteta prelazila sadašnji iznos ograničenja odgovornosti utvrđen u LLMC 1996. Analiziraju se pravne i ekonomske posljedice ovog povećanja iznosa općeg ograničenja odgovornosti te njegov neposredan utjecaj na druge međunarodne konvencije vezane na iznose općeg ograničenja odgovornosti kao što su Bunker konvencija iz 2001. i Međunarodna konvencija o uklanjanju podrtina iz 2007. godine. Upozorava se, međutim, da tendencija koja vodi prema previsokim iznosima ograničenja odgovornosti može izazvati smanjenje interesa država za ratifikacijom LLMC 1996 što će se negativno odraziti na unifikaciju prava u odnosu na ovo pitanje. U radu se stoga razmatraju rješenja koja bi omogućila pravednu naknadu oštećenima i ostvarenje svrhe instituta ograničenja odgovornosti, a ne bi ugrozila unifikacijska nastojanja.

  17. Toroidal high-spin isomers in the nucleus 304120 (United States)

    Staszczak, A.; Wong, Cheuk-Yin; Kosior, A.


    Background: Strongly deformed oblate superheavy nuclei form an intriguing region where the toroidal nuclear structures may bifurcate from the oblate spheroidal shape. The bifurcation may be facilitated when the nucleus is endowed with a large angular moment about the symmetry axis with I =Iz . The toroidal high-K isomeric states at their local energy minima can be theoretically predicted using the cranked self-consistent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method. Purpose: We use the cranked Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method to predict the properties of the toroidal high-spin isomers in the superheavy nucleus 120304184. Method: Our method consists of three steps: First, we use the deformation-constrained Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach to search for the nuclear density distributions with toroidal shapes. Next, using these toroidal distributions as starting configurations, we apply an additional cranking constraint of a large angular momentum I =Iz about the symmetry z axis and search for the energy minima of the system as a function of the deformation. In the last step, if a local energy minimum with I =Iz is found, we perform at this point the cranked symmetry- and deformation-unconstrained Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculations to locate a stable toroidal high-spin isomeric state in free convergence. Results: We have theoretically located two toroidal high-spin isomeric states of 120304184 with an angular momentum I =Iz=81 ℏ (proton 2p-2h, neutron 4p-4h excitation) and I =Iz=208 ℏ (proton 5p-5h, neutron 8p-8h) at the quadrupole moment deformations Q20=-297.7 b and Q20=-300.8 b with energies 79.2 and 101.6 MeV above the spherical ground state, respectively. The nuclear density distributions of the toroidal high-spin isomers 120304184(Iz=81 ℏ and 208 ℏ ) have the maximum density close to the nuclear matter density, 0.16 fm-3, and a torus major to minor radius aspect ratio R /d =3.25 . Conclusions: We demonstrate that aligned angular momenta of Iz=81 ℏ and 208 ℏ arising from

  18. Internet and Its Contributions to Library Services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yaşar Çelik


    Full Text Available This paper examines the major Internet services such as email, telnet and ftp and describes various information discovery and retrieval tools such as gopher, WAIS, and WWW. It also discusses the contributions of the Internet to library and information services.

  19. Birjuza iz Iznika / Galina Balashova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Balashova, Galina


    Türgi keraamika ja ebru kunsti näitus Tallinna juveelikeskuses Bindes. Izniki ajaloolisest keraamikast ja iidse ebru kunsti ajaloost ning tehnikast. Näha on kaasaegsete türgi kunstnike keraamilisi pannoosid, ehteid, suveniire jm. Izniki galeriist "Anikya" ning kaasaegse türgi kunstniku Hikmet Barutcugili ebru kunst

  20. A Semantic Lexicon-Based Approach for Sense Disambiguation and Its WWW Application (United States)

    di Lecce, Vincenzo; Calabrese, Marco; Soldo, Domenico

    This work proposes a basic framework for resolving sense disambiguation through the use of Semantic Lexicon, a machine readable dictionary managing both word senses and lexico-semantic relations. More specifically, polysemous ambiguity characterizing Web documents is discussed. The adopted Semantic Lexicon is WordNet, a lexical knowledge-base of English words widely adopted in many research studies referring to knowledge discovery. The proposed approach extends recent works on knowledge discovery by focusing on the sense disambiguation aspect. By exploiting the structure of WordNet database, lexico-semantic features are used to resolve the inherent sense ambiguity of written text with particular reference to HTML resources. The obtained results may be extended to generic hypertextual repositories as well. Experiments show that polysemy reduction can be used to hint about the meaning of specific senses in given contexts.

  1. Thermal Shock Tests on UO{sub 2} Small Spheres; Essais de choc thermique sur des elements spheriques de UO{sub 2}; Ispytaniya nebol'shikh sharikov iz UO{sub 2} teplovykh udarom; Ensayo de pequenas esferas de UO{sub 2} por choque.termico

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Perona, G.; Brutto, E.; Galbusera, U.; Palladino, G.; Sesini, R. [Centro Informazioni Studi Esperienze, Milan (Italy)


    If UO{sub 2} small spheres are used as fuel in a reactor in contact with the cooler, it is necessary to know the maximum value of the thermal stress, due to the work conditions in the reactor, which the small spheres are able to withstand without breaking. These conditions can be calculated if the physical properties of the material are known. Owing to the considerable number of properties involved, and in consideration of the uncertainty which always exists in each of them, it is preferable to test directly the spheres, submitting them to the same kind of stresses that they undergo in thereactor. In this work a thermal shock method for the small spheres has been studied, while conditions are indicated in which this method can reproduce stress conditions directly comparable with those existing in the reactor. As for small spheres, the difficulty consists in producing coolings with very high values of the coefficient of surface heat transfer. The experimental methods are described and the results obtained are indicated. The application of this method seems to be very interesting particularly in the field of the technological research for improving the characteristics of the UO{sub 2} small spheres by means of additives. In fact it allows the control of the total interesting effect with a single measurement. (author) [French] Si l'on veut utiliser comme combustible dans un reacteur des elements spheriques de UO{sub 2} en contact avec le refroidisseur, il faut au prealable determiner la valeur maximum de la contrainte thermique - due aux conditions regnant dans le reacteura laquelle les elements sont capables de resister sans se fissurer. Il est possible de calculer ces conditions si l'on connait les proprietes physiques du materiau utilise. En raison du nombre important des proprietes a prendre en consideration, et compte tenu de l'incertitude qui existe toujours pour chacune d'elles, il est preferable de faire des essais thermiques en soumettant directement les

  2. Demilitarization: Is It Worth It? (United States)


    available from; Internet; accessed on 17 March 2006. 27 Costa Rica Costa Rica is nestled among Nicaragua...muscle. New Zealand is actively committed to regional cooperation with Singapore, Malaysia , and the UK, and has participated in NATO and US-led

  3. Povezanost partnerske navezanosti staršev z njihovimi vzgojnimi stili


    Jurič, Sabina


    Stik med materjo in otrokom v najzgodnjejšem obdobju posameznikovega razvoja se je pokazal kot pomemben prediktor ne samo otrokove prilagojenosti, osebnostnih predispozicij ter oblikovanja sposobnosti, temveč predstavlja prototip navezovanja medosebnih odnosov otroka s pomembnimi drugimi kasneje v življenju (Bowlby, 1975). Temelji navezanosti iz otroštva so tisti, na podlagi katerih si odrasli izbirajo potencialne partnerje, s katerimi ponovijo poznan vzorec navezanosti iz zgodnjega odnosa z ...

  4. Novi trendovi u proizvodnji etanola kao biogoriva

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirela Ivančić Šantek


    Full Text Available Povećanje emisije stakleničkih plinova, energetska ovisnost i nestabilnost isporuke energenata posljedica su ubrzane potrošnje fosilnih goriva zbog ubrzanog rasta svjetske populacije i industrijalizacije. Bioetanol je postao atraktivno zamjensko biogorivo jer se proizvodi iz obnovljivih sirovina i ekološki je prihvatljiv. Upotrebljava se kao pogonsko gorivo i to kao hidrirani (96 % ili bezvodni (u mješavinama s benzinom. Bioetanol se proizvodi fermentacijom s kvascem S. cerevisiae ili nekim drugim mikroorganizmom iz ugljikohidrata kao što su jednostavni šećeri, škrob i celuloza. Nakon fermentacije, bioetanol se izdvaja i pročišćava destilacijom i dehidracijom. Sastav je propisan specifikacijama za primjenu u motornim gorivima. Uobičajeni usjevi, kao što su kukuruz, šećerna repa i trska, zasad su osnovne sirovine za proizvodnju bioetanola. Međutim, proizvodnja bioetanola iz ovih sirovina ne može zadovoljiti globalne potrebe za bioetanolom, zbog njihove primarne uloge u prehrani ljudi i životinja. Lignoceluloza je pogodna sirovina za proizvodnju bioetanola jer je široko rasprostranjena, obnovljiva i ne upotrebljava se u prehrani. Proizvodnja bioetanola iz lignoceluloznih sirovina je složen proces, koji se u mnogim aspektima razlikuje od proizvodnje iz šećernih ili škrobnih sirovina. U ovom radu prikazane su dosadašnje i nove tehnologije u proizvodnji bioetanola uključujući primjenu različitih sirovina, postupaka proizvodnje i radnih mikroorganizama. Nadalje, navedene su mogućnosti integracije osnovnih koraka u bioprocesima proizvodnje s ciljem povećanja produktivnosti i smanjenja troškova proizvodnje.

  5. The influence of electromyographic recording methods and the innervation zone on the mean power frequency-torque relationships. (United States)

    Herda, Trent J; Zuniga, Jorge M; Ryan, Eric D; Camic, Clayton L; Bergstrom, Haley C; Smith, Doug B; Weir, Joseph P; Cramer, Joel T; Housh, Terry J


    This study examined the effects of electromyographic (EMG) recording methods and innervation zone (IZ) on the mean power frequency (MPF)-torque relationships. Nine subjects performed isometric ramp muscle actions of the leg extensors from 5% to 100% of maximal voluntary contraction with an eight channel linear electrode array over the IZ of the vastus lateralis. The slopes were calculated from the log-transformed monopolar and bipolar EMG MPF-torque relationships for each channel and subject and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were constructed around the slopes for each relationship and the composite of the slopes. Twenty-two to 55% of the subjects exhibited 95% CIs that did not include a slope of zero for the monopolar EMG MPF-torque relationships while 25-75% of the subjects exhibited 95% CIs that did not include a slope of zero for the bipolar EMG MPF-torque relationships. The composite of the slopes from the EMG MPF-torque relationships were not significantly different from zero for any method or channel, however, the method and IZ location slightly influenced the number of significant slopes on a subject-by-subject basis. The log-transform model indicated that EMG MPF-torque patterns were nonlinear regardless of recording method or distance from the IZ. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Zdes : [luuletused] / Paul-Eerik Rummo ; per. Svetlan Semenenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rummo, Paul-Eerik, 1942-


    Autorist lk. 2. Sisu: "Vidish, grusha visnet na vetvjah..." ; Iz tsikla "Adress otpravitelja": "ne dumaju tshto mir menja poimjot..." ; "po tu no uzh po krainei mere i po etu storonu dobra i zla..." ; "teper dostalo b tolko sil..." ; "na vokzalah notshuja..." ; "po tu no uzh po krainei mere i po etu storonu dobra i zla..." ; Najavu ; Iz nedavnego proshlogo ; Iz knigi "Nemnogo muzõki v kafe": Nitshja ; Budto nojabr ; Stshastliv IV. Orig.: Kinni hoidmas ; "ei usu et maailm mind suuremat jagab..." ; "vähemalt kahel pool head ja kurja ikka..." ; "nüüd anna jumal jaksu joosta juhuste sajus..." ; "ööbides jaamades..." ; "kes mis kus mispärast kellele kellelt kellega..." ; "kohates igapäev ilmsi neid kes on jäänud nikolai-aega..." ; Ärkvel ; Lähemast minevikust ; Viik ; Nagu november ; Õnnelik IV

  7. Near-census Delineation of Laterally Organized Geomorphic Zones and Associated Sub-width Fluvial Landforms (United States)

    Pasternack, G. B.; Hopkins, C.


    A river channel and its associated riparian corridor exhibit a pattern of nested, geomorphically imprinted, lateral inundation zones (IZs). Each zone plays a key role in fluvial geomorphic processes and ecological functions. Within each zone, distinct landforms (aka geomorphic or morphological units, MUs) reside at the 0.1-10 channel width scale. These features are basic units linking river corridor morphology with local ecosystem services. Objective, automated delineation of nested inundation zones and morphological units remains a significant scientific challenge. This study describes and demonstrates new, objective methods for solving this problem, using the 35-km alluvial lower Yuba River as a testbed. A detrended, high-resolution digital elevation model constructed from near-census topographic and bathymetric data was produced and used in a hypsograph analysis, a commonly used method in oceanographic studies capable of identifying slope breaks at IZ transitions. Geomorphic interpretation mindful of the river's setting was required to properly describe each IZ identified by the hypsograph analysis. Then, a 2D hydrodynamic model was used to determine what flow yields the wetted area that most closely matches each IZ domain. The model also provided meter-scale rasters of depth and velocity useful for MU mapping. Even though MUs are discharge-independent landforms, they can be revealed by analyzing their overlying hydraulics at low flows. Baseflow depth and velocity rasters are used along with a hydraulic landform classification system to quantitatively delineate in-channel bed MU types. In-channel bar and off-channel flood and valley MUs are delineated using a combination of hydraulic and geomorphic indicators, such as depth and velocity rasters for different discharges, topographic contours, NAIP imagery, and a raster of vegetation. The ability to objectively delineate inundation zones and morphological units in tandem allows for better informed river management

  8. Y-TZP ceramic processing from coprecipitated powders: a comparative study with three commercial dental ceramics. (United States)

    Lazar, Dolores R R; Bottino, Marco C; Ozcan, Mutlu; Valandro, Luiz Felipe; Amaral, Regina; Ussui, Valter; Bressiani, Ana H A


    (1) To synthesize 3mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia (3Y-TZP) powders via coprecipitation route, (2) to obtain zirconia ceramic specimens, analyze surface characteristics, and mechanical properties, and (3) to compare the processed material with three reinforced dental ceramics. A coprecipitation route was used to synthesize a 3mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramic processed by uniaxial compaction and pressureless sintering. Commercially available alumina or alumina/zirconia ceramics, namely Procera AllCeram (PA), In-Ceram Zirconia Block (CAZ) and In-Ceram Zirconia (IZ) were chosen for comparison. All specimens (6mmx5mmx5mm) were polished and ultrasonically cleaned. Qualitative phase analysis was performed by XRD and apparent densities were measured on the basis of Archimedes principle. Ceramics were also characterized using SEM, TEM and EDS. The hardness measurements were made employing Vickers hardness test. Fracture toughness (K(IC)) was calculated. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test (alpha=0.05). ANOVA revealed that the Vickers hardness (pceramic materials composition. It was confirmed that the PA ceramic was constituted of a rhombohedral alumina matrix, so-called alpha-alumina. Both CAZ and IZ ceramics presented tetragonal zirconia and alpha-alumina mixture of phases. The SEM/EDS analysis confirmed the presence of aluminum in PA ceramic. In the IZ and CAZ ceramics aluminum, zirconium and cerium in grains involved by a second phase containing aluminum, silicon and lanthanum were identified. PA showed significantly higher mean Vickers hardness values (H(V)) (18.4+/-0.5GPa) compared to vitreous CAZ (10.3+/-0.2GPa) and IZ (10.6+/-0.4GPa) ceramics. Experimental Y-TZP showed significantly lower results than that of the other monophased ceramic (PA) (pceramics (pceramic processing conditions led to ceramics with mechanical properties comparable to commercially available reinforced ceramic materials.

  9. Numerical simulation and sensitivity study of a severe hailstorm in northeast Spain (United States)

    García-Ortega, E.; Fita, L.; Romero, R.; López, L.; Ramis, C.; Sánchez, J. L.


    During the afternoon of August 16th 2003 a severe hail event occurred in the town of Alcañiz in the Ebro Valley (Spain). This storm brought with it intense rain and hail precipitation that caused severe floods, damaged cars and street furniture. A diagnosis, using data from ECMWF, showed the presence of a mesolow at surface level centered over the Northeast of Spain, carrying winds from the Mediterranean Sea towards the Central Ebro Valley. At medium and high levels, a trough, whose axis extended over the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, moved eastwards preceded at 500 hPa by a thermal trough that caused increasing instability before the arrival of the geopotential trough. A numerical study of this event has been carried out using the MM5 model with a double aim. On the one hand, it attempts to check whether or not the simulation reproduces the storm in Alcañiz. On the other hand, it carries out a sensitivity experiment in order to evaluate the contribution of two specific factors: topography and solar radiation. Compared with radar data, the control simulation reproduces the region affected by the storm reasonably well. The suppression of topography and/or solar radiation substantially modifies the surface mesolow and the spatial distribution of the precipitation. Neither of these factors, considered independently, reproduces the precipitation caused by the storm in Alcañiz. However, the results illustrate the importance of the synergic effect of these two factors on the spatial localization of the storm and on the intensity of the precipitation registered.

  10. Stable large-scale CO2 storage in defiance of an energy system based on renewable energy - Modelling the impact of varying CO2 injection rates on reservoir behavior (United States)

    Bannach, Andreas; Hauer, Rene; Martin, Streibel; Stienstra, Gerard; Kühn, Michael


    The IPCC Report 2014 strengthens the need for CO2 storage as part of CCS or BECCS to reach ambitious climate goals despite growing energy demand in the future. The further expansion of renewable energy sources is a second major pillar. As it is today in Germany the weather becomes the controlling factor for electricity production by fossil fuelled power plants which lead to significant fluctuations of CO2-emissions which can be traced in injection rates if the CO2 were captured and stored. To analyse the impact of such changing injection rates on a CO2 storage reservoir. two reservoir simulation models are applied: a. An (smaller) reservoir model approved by gas storage activities for decades, to investigate the dynamic effects in the early stage of storage filling (initial aquifer displacement). b. An anticline structure big enough to accommodate a total amount of ≥ 100 Mega tons CO2 to investigate the dynamic effects for the entire operational life time of the storage under particular consideration of very high filling levels (highest aquifer compression). Therefore a reservoir model was generated. The defined yearly injection rate schedule is based on a study performed on behalf of IZ Klima (DNV GL, 2014). According to this study the exclusive consideration of a pool of coal-fired power plants causes the most intensive dynamically changing CO2 emissions and hence accounts for variations of a system which includes industry driven CO2 production. Besides short-term changes (daily & weekly cycles) seasonal influences are also taken into account. Simulation runs cover a variation of injection points (well locations at the top vs. locations at the flank of the structure) and some other largely unknown reservoir parameters as aquifer size and aquifer mobility. Simulation of a 20 year storage operation is followed by a post-operational shut-in phase which covers approximately 500 years to assess possible effects of changing injection rates on the long-term reservoir

  11. Usage of the AIDA diabetes software Website: a pilot study. (United States)

    Lehmann, Eldon D


    AIDA is a diabetes-computing program freely available from on the Web. The software is intended to serve as an educational support tool, and can be used by anyone who has an interest in diabetes, whether they be patients, relatives, health-care professionals, or students. In previous "Diabetes Information Technology & WebWatch" columns various indicators of usage of the AIDA program have been reviewed, and various comments from users of the software have been documented. One aspect of AIDA, though, that has been of considerable interest has been to investigate its Web-based distribution as a wider paradigm for more general medically related usage of the Internet. In this respect we have been keen to understand in general terms: (1) why people are turning to the Web for health-care/diabetes information; (2) more specifically, what sort of people are making use of the AIDA software; and (3) what benefits they feel might accrue from using the program. To answer these types of questions we have been conducting a series of audits/surveys via the AIDA Website, and via the software program itself, to learn as much as possible about who the AIDA end users really are. The rationale for this work is that, in this way, it should be possible to improve the program as well as tailor future versions of the software to the interests and needs of its users. However, a recurring observation is that data collection is easiest if it is as unobtrusive and innocuous as possible. One aspect of learning as much as possible about diabetes Website visitors and users may be to apply techniques that do not necessitate any visitor or user interaction. There are various programs that can monitor what pages visitors are viewing at a site. As these programs do not require visitors to do anything special, over time some interesting insights into Website usage may be obtained. For the current study we have reviewed anonymous logstats data, which are automatically collected at many

  12. Nearomatski naftalan - budući lijek za oralne lezije


    Alajbeg, I.; Cekić-Arambašin, A.; Alajbeg, A.; Ivanković, S.; Jurin, M.; Krnjević-Pezić, G.; Vrgožić, P.; Dobrić, I.


    Svrha je ovoga rada prikazati podatke dobivene iz nekoliko eksperimentata koje su proveli autori u vezi sa sastavom posebne frakcije Hrvatske nafte, nazvane “NeAromatskim - Visoko Steranskim (NAVS) naftalanom, te njezinim izraženim protutupalnim djelovanjem i djelovanjem na kontrolu stanične proliferacije. NAVS je dobiven iz nafte vrlo bogate steranima, koja se desetljećima uspješno upotrebljava u liječenju psorijaze (Naftalan, Ivanić Grad, Hrvatska). Proizvodi se gotovo potpunim uklanjanjem ...

  13. Nalaz tombusvirusa na vrsti Erigeron canadensis L.


    Jeknić, Zoran; Erić, Živojin; Grbelja, Julijana


    Iz listova zaraženih primjeraka korovne biljke Erigeron canadensis L. koji su rasli na nekoliko lokaliteta u Sarajevu izoliran je virus iz skupine tombusvirusi. Identifikacija virusa izvršena je na osnovi reakcije pokusnih biljaka, analize ultratankih presjeka kroz zaraženo tkivo, morfologije i veličine virusnih čestica, te na osnovi seroloških reakcija metodom dvostruke imunodifuzije u agarskom gelu i čvrsto fazne imunoelektronske mikroskopije (SPIEM). U serološkim pokusima upotrijebljen je ...

  14. Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diego Santos


    Full Text Available This article explores the relationship between censorship and (rewriting in Carlos Muñiz' theatre. The study of two of his masterpieces and their censorial reports leads to the analysis of the author's (rewriting process as an aesthetic shift to escape from censorship. This process is explored in two instances: firstly from positivism to expressionism and secondly as an enhancement of the latter. Finally the aesthetic impact of censorship in Muñiz' theatreis assessed.

  15. [Efficacy of the treatment and secondary antifungal prophylaxis in AIDS-related histoplasmosis. Experience at the Francisco J. Muñiz Infectious Diseases Hospital in Buenos Aires]. (United States)

    Negroni, Ricardo; Messina, Fernando; Arechavala, Alicia; Santiso, Gabriela; Bianchi, Mario

    Classic histoplasmosis is a systemic endemic mycosis due to Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum. A significant reduction in the morbidity and mortality of AIDS-related histoplasmosis has been observed since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) and secondary antifungal prophylaxis. The aim of this study was to determine the current state of prognosis and treatment response of HIV-positive patients with histoplasmosis in the Francisco J. Muñiz Infectious Diseases Hospital in Buenos Aires City. A retrospective study was conducted using the demographic, clinical, immunological and treatment data of 80 patients suffering from AIDS-related histoplasmosis. Of the 80 cases studied 65 were male, the median age was 36 years, with 73.7% of the patients being drug addicts, 82.5% of the patients was not receiving HAART at diagnosis, and 58.7% of the cases had less than 50 CD4+ cells/μl at the beginning of the treatment. The initial phase of treatment consisted of intravenous amphotericin B and/or oral itraconazole for 3 months, with 78.7% of the cases showing a good clinical response. Only 26/63 patients who were discharged from hospital continued with the follow-up of the HAART, secondary prophylaxis with itraconazole or amphotericin B. Secondary prophylaxis was stopped after more than one year of HAART if the patients were asymptomatic, had two CD 4 + cell counts greater than 150cells/μl, and undetectable viral loads. No relapses were observed during a two-year follow up after prophylaxis was stopped. The treatment of histoplasmosis in HIV-positive patients was effective in 78.8% of the cases. The combination of HAART and secondary antifungal prophylaxis is safe, well tolerated, and effective. The low adherence of patients to HAART and the lack of laboratory kits for rapid histoplasmosis diagnosis should be addressed in the future. The usefulness of primary antifungal prophylaxis for cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis HIV-positive patients

  16. Surface Electrical Potentials of Root Cell Plasma Membranes: Implications for Ion Interactions, Rhizotoxicity, and Uptake

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yi-Min Wang


    Full Text Available Many crop plants are exposed to heavy metals and other metals that may intoxicate the crop plants themselves or consumers of the plants. The rhizotoxicity of heavy metals is influenced strongly by the root cell plasma membrane (PM surface’s electrical potential (ψ0. The usually negative ψ0 is created by negatively charged constituents of the PM. Cations in the rooting medium are attracted to the PM surface and anions are repelled. Addition of ameliorating cations (e.g., Ca2+ and Mg2+ to the rooting medium reduces the effectiveness of cationic toxicants (e.g., Cu2+ and Pb2+ and increases the effectiveness of anionic toxicants (e.g., SeO42− and H2AsO4−. Root growth responses to ions are better correlated with ion activities at PM surfaces ({IZ}0 than with activities in the bulk-phase medium ({IZ}b (IZ denotes an ion with charge Z. Therefore, electrostatic effects play a role in heavy metal toxicity that may exceed the role of site-specific competition between toxicants and ameliorants. Furthermore, ψ0 controls the transport of ions across the PM by influencing both {IZ}0 and the electrical potential difference across the PM from the outer surface to the inner surface (Em,surf. Em,surf is a component of the driving force for ion fluxes across the PM and controls ion-channel voltage gating. Incorporation of {IZ}0 and Em,surf into quantitative models for root metal toxicity and uptake improves risk assessments of toxic metals in the environment. These risk assessments will improve further with future research on the application of electrostatic theory to heavy metal phytotoxicity in natural soils and aquatic environments.

  17. Pengaruh Prior Online Purchase Experience Terhadap Trust Dan Online Repurchase Intention (Survey Pada Pelanggan Zalora Indonesia Melalui Website


    Parastanti, Gadis Paramita


    This study aims to determine the effect of Prior Online Purchase Experience on the Trust and Online Repurchase Intention. Exogenous variables used in this study were Prior Online Purchase Experience, while the intervening variable in this study is the Trust and endogenous variables in this study are Online Repurchase Intention. Types of research used is explanatory research with quantitative approach. This study is done to the customer on the website ZALORA Indonesia ( Sampl...

  18. The specialized portals in the knowledge transfer systems: the ionizing radiation portal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arboli, M. Marco; Hernanz, Oscar; Couchoud Gregory, Milagros


    Full text: This paper shows the new infrastructure to disseminate RP knowledge and information developed by the community involved in radiation uses. The portal has been implemented by CIEMAT and CINDOC- CSIC with the support of the national and international organizations related to the radiation applications. The design and structure of the databases was developed by CIEMAT and CINDOC-CSIC using the experience acquired by both organizations in the knowledge transfer. The initiative aims to establish collaboration with the sector involved in the most important applications of the ionizing radiation uses. The goal is to share resources establishing a new system of information between the experts, researchers and public. The portal also brings the dialogue to the entire sector and provides details of the relevant research projects. The main specific objectives of this portal are: a) To inform about the new projects developed; b) To download publications, reports and papers; c) to learn more about ionizing radiation; d) To promote collaborative knowledge transfer. The portal shows particular relevance to representative international and national organizations, the private sector and the local community relevant organizations. Results: The resources include in the database of the portal are: the agenda, documents, research calls, legislation, research projects, most important journals and summaries, patents and other available tools. The information is presented in a categorized and classified structure. This virtual community offers better knowledge transfer. It also optimizes the communication and research dissemination to the society. (author)

  19. Obiteljska kohezivnost i zadovoljstvo životom djevojaka i mladića iz sela i iz grada


    Bezinović, Petar; Manestar, Kristina; Ristić Dedić, Zrinka


    Predmet rada jest obiteljska kohezivnost u seoskim i gradskim obiteljima, analizirana temeljem rezultata pregledna istraživanja (survey research) provedena na proporcionalnom uzorku srednjoškolaca (4.865 adolescenata) u Primorsko-goranskoj, Ličko-senjskoj i Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji. Ispitivanje je provedeno primjenom prilagođene ljestvice obiteljskih rituala i zajedničkih aktivnosti (Compan i sur., 2002). Rezultati upućuju na značajne razlike seoskih i gradskih obitelji u neki...

  20. HPLC određivanje sfingozina i sfinganina u serumu kao potencijalnih biomarkera metaboličkog sindroma


    Križanac, Andrea


    U ovom radu provedeno je određivanje koncentracije C18 sfingozina i C18-DL-erythrosfinganina ekstrahiranih iz uzoraka seruma zdravih ispitanika i ispitanika s dijagnosticiranim metaboličkim sindromom. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi mogu li navedene sfingoidne baze poslužiti kao specifični biomarkeri metaboličkog sindroma. Provedena je ekstrakcija ukupnih sfingolipida nakon čega su sfingoidne baze, C18 sfingozin i C18-DL-erythro-sfinganin, oslobođene iz kompleksnih sfingolipida metodom kisele hidr...



    Vindiš, Jure


    Problem, katerega si bomo postavili v ospredje, je, kako so urejena pogodbena razmerja pri mednarodnih poslih malih in srednje velikih podjetij. Skušali bomo ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so pogodbe pri poslovanju doma in mednarodni menjavi determinirane, in kateri so mehanizmi, s katerimi se podjetja zavarujejo, da se pogodbeni partner drži pogodbe. Osnovo za raziskovalna izhodišča bomo jemali iz študije iz leta 1963 z naslovom Preliminarna študija izvenpogodbenih razmerij v pos...



    Sać, Teuta


    V računovodskih izkazih se pojavijo posamezne napačne navedbe, ki lahko izvirajo iz naslova prevare ali napake. Revizorja pri revidiranju spremljajo tveganja, da ne bo odkril napačne navedbe in izrazil napačnega mnenja o poštenosti in resničnosti računovodskih izkazov, ki ga imenujemo revizijsko tveganje. Revizijsko tveganje je sestavljeno iz tveganja pri delovanju, tveganja pri kontroliranju in tveganja pri odkrivanju. Na tveganje pri delovanju lahko vplivajo okoliščine znotraj podjetja...

  3. Kako se nositi s ekonomskom depresijom: iskustvene i teorijske lekcije Velike depresije

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ognjen Radonjić


    Full Text Available Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na moguće razloge zbog kojih ne samo da dužnička kriza u evrozoni ne prolazi, već se produbljuje. Mišljenja sam da iskustvo Velike depresije iz tridesetih godina prošlog veka može pomoći ekonomskim teoretičarima i zvaničnicima da sagledaju problem iz druge perspektive, pošto je očigledno da ekonomska ortodoksija i mere ekonomske politike koje se na njoj zasnivaju ne daju željene rezultate. Ruzveltov fiskalni aktivizam i Kejnzova revolucionarna teorija su dali odgovor na pitanje zašto je u periodu krize neophodna odlučna fiskalna reakcija ekonomskih vlasti i zašto slobodno tržište nije u stanju da samostalno izađe iz magle koja vremenom, u slučaju nečinjenja, postaje sve gušća.

  4. The fate of prospective spine studies registered on (United States)

    Ohnmeiss, Donna D


    There has been concern expressed about research ethics with respect to not fully reporting data collected during clinical studies. One site available for all clinical trials is The original purpose of this site was to facilitate patients seeking a trial for the treatment of their particular condition. The internationally available site offers general information about the study, sponsor name, principal investigator, patient selection criteria, enrollment goal, study design, outcome measures, participating centers, initiation date, date posted, date completed, and other pertinent data. The site can be used to identify studies conducted for a particular condition or intervention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the fate of spine-related studies registered on, with particular focus on the publication rate of completed trials. Analysis and classification of clinical studies posted on an international research registry Web page and literature search for related publications. Not applicable. The primary outcome measure was publication of the study registered on Multiple searches were conducted on Web site to identify studies related to commonly treated spinal conditions, including herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. Studies related to tumors, fractures, or that included nonspine conditions were not included. For studies classified as completed more than 18 months before this review, literature searches were conducted to determine if the results of the study had been published and factors related to publication. The author has no financial conflict related to this work. There were 263 spine-related studies identified from searches on the site. Data on the site had the studies classified as follows: 72 completed, 70 active, not recruiting (generally indicates collecting follow-up data), 74 recruiting, 11 recruiting by

  5. 124 Ageing and its Effect on the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    lymphoblasts decreased with age while the medulla and lymphocytes increased. The fat content of the gland increased with age. The study showed a positive correlation of weight of the glands with age from birth to puberty, later the correlation becomes negative. There is a decrease in the activity of the gland as shown by ...

  6. Konstruktivistički pristup obrazovnom postignuću učenika


    Gutvajn, Nikoleta


    U savremenoj pedagoškoj literaturi, razlike u obrazovnom postignuću učenika se, veomaretko, proučavaju iz perspektive učenika što je, verovatno, jedan od bitnih razloga zakontinuiranu egzistenciju kategorije „neuspešan učenik”. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je dase problem školskog neuspeha razmotri iz perspektive učenika koji su pozicionirani kaoneuspešni. Umesto mnogobrojnih pretpostavki istraživača o tome zašto su neki učenicineusp...



    Domazet, Mladen


    Obzirom na raskorak između na europskoj razini izražene potrebe za većim brojem stručnjaka u području prirodnih znanosti i tehnologije (okvirno: prirodoslovlja), te višim stupnjem opće razine prirodoznanstvene pismenosti, i opadanje interesa osnovnoškolaca za teme iz područja prirodoslovlja, prikazuju se struktura i karakteristike nekih nacionalnih okvirnih kurikuluma u području prirodoslovlja, kao jednog od čimbenika usvajanja znanja i vještina iz područja prirodoslovlja na...



    Munda, Tamara


    V diplomskem delu smo raziskali možnosti barvanja bombažne tkanine z naravnimi rastlinskimi barvili, pridobljenimi iz kurkume, koprive in hrastovega lubja. Barvanje je potekalo po izčrpalnem postopku, ob dodatku različnih kovinskih soli (Fe, Al, Cu) ali brez njih, pri različnih pH vrednostih. Kovinske soli vplivajo na barvni ton in boljše vezanje barvila z vlaknom. Po barvanju smo vzorce oprali. Izvedli smo tudi spektrofotometrično vrednotenje barve na opranih in neopranih vzorcih. Pri barvan...

  9. Efeitos do cádmio sobre o crescimento das leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae PE-2 e Saccharomyces cerevisiae IZ-1904, e a capacidade da vinhaça em atenuar a toxicidade Effect of cadmium on the growth of two Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains, and the vinasse capacity to atenuate the toxicity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Mariano-da-Silva


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por finalidade estudar os efeitos do cádmio sobre a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, bem como avaliar a possibilidade de se utilizar a vinhaça como fornecedora de agentes ligantes, visando minimizar os efeitos deletérios do mesmo. Primeiramente montou-se um ensaio visando observar a ação tóxica de diferentes concentrações de cádmio (0; 0,05; 0,1 e 0,5mM, avaliada pelo crescimento de duas cepas da levedura S. cerevisiae (PE-2 e IZ-1904 em meio YED. O meio foi inoculado com 1mL de uma suspensão a 1% (m/v das respectivas cepas e incubado por 18 horas. Em tempos determinados durante o crescimento anaeróbio, alíquotas da suspensão de células foram retiradas e a concentração celular foi determinada. No final do ensaio, foram determinadas a viabilidade celular, a taxa de brotamento e a contaminação bacteriana. Os teores de trealose para cada tratamento, de ambas as cepas, foram dosados no início e no final do ensaio. Em uma segunda etapa, montou-se um ensaio visando avaliar a capacidade da vinhaça (0,15 e 30% do volume do meio em atenuar os efeitos tóxicos de duas doses de cádmio (0,1 e 0,5mM, empregando-se a levedura S. cerevisiae PE-2 em meio YED. O meio foi inoculado com 2mL de uma suspensão a 1% (m/v da levedura e incubado por 18 horas. Em tempos determinados durante o crescimento anaeróbio, alíquotas da suspensão de células foram retiradas e a concentração celular foi determinada. No final do ensaio, foram determinadas a viabilidade celular, a taxa de brotamento, a contaminação bacteriana e a produção de etanol. Os teores de trealose, para cada tratamento, foram dosados nas leveduras no início e no final do ensaio. O cádmio prejudicou o crescimento e a viabilidade celular das duas cepas da levedura S. cerevisiae. A vinhaça apresentou um discreto efeito tóxico, traduzido pela redução do crescimento. Porém, nos tratamentos contaminados com cádmio, apresentou um efeito protetor

  10. "Iz holoda" s ljubovju / Artur Veeber

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veeber, Artur


    Osaliselt Eestis filmitud mängufilm "Virtuoos" ("Out of the Cold") : režissöör Sasha Buravsky : Ameerika Ühendriigid - Venemaa - Eesti 1999. Lähemalt peaosalistest : Keith Carradine ja Mia Kirshner

  11. Analitiki iz / Gennadi Muravin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Muravin, Gennadi


    Internetileheküljel, kus ilmunud materjalide sisu vihjab nende päritolule presidendi- ja valitsusringkondadest, ilmub sageli materjale, mida võib lugeda ebasõbralikeks teiste riikide suhtes. Väljavõtteid tekstidest

  12. Iz zolushki - v modeli / Olga Grigorjeva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grigorjeva, Olga, 1983-


    Esimene rahvusvaheline laste ja noorte moeteatrite festival "Max Moda 2007" Tallinnas. Festivali peakorraldajast, moeteatrist Max Moda. Asutaja ja kunstiline juht on Maksim Hlebnikov. Kommenteerib Tatjana Hlebnikova



    Glavičić, Miroslav


    Tijekom arheoloških istraživanja uz sjeverni potez bedema Aserije godine 2000. i 2001. otkriveni su nadgrobni spomenici koji su se u sekundarnoj uporabi koristili kao pokrovi kasnoantičkih grobova. Za pokrivanje groba 22 iskorišteni su dijelovi dviju nadgrobnih stela. Od jedne je sačuvan donji dio s posljednja četiri, na žalost nečitljiva, retka natpisa. Na desnoj boènoj strani ovoga spomenika uklesana je radionička ili klesarska oznaka M, koja podrazumijeva serijsku obradu kamena i postojanj...

  14. Takoi zavodnoi i izõskannõi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    26. ja 27. mail Vene Kultuurikeskuses Roman Viktjuki Teatri külalisetendused. Mängitakse R. Viktjuki lavastust "Kellavärgiga apelsin" Anthony Burgessi romaani järgi ja Viktjuki versiooni Oscar Wilde'i kurbmängust "Salomé"

  15. Ovoshtshnoje ragu iz "Karnavalnõhh notshei"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Režissöör Eldar Rjazanov on teinud oma kultusfilmile "Karnevaliöö" uue 50 aastat hilisemasse aega, s.o. tänapäeva, toodud variandi "Karnevaliöö 2 ehk 50 aastat hiljem". Kes näitlejatest kehastab keda ja muid huvitavaid fakte. Uue variandi "Karnavalnaja notsh na Intere" on juba loonud ukraina kineastid. Aga kõigis kolmes filmis laulab Ljudmila Gurtshenko oma kuulsat laulu "Pjat minut"

  16. Otstavka iz-za jadernogo vzrõva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Jaapani kaitseminister Fumio Kyuma oli sunnitud lahkuma ametist, kuna soovitas jaapanlastel 1945. aasta aatomipommirünnakutega leppida, esmakordselt Jaapani ajaloos asub kaitseministritoolile naine Juriko Koike

  17. Bog rodom iz detstva / Jelena Skulskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Skulskaja, Jelena, 1950-


    Eldar Rjazanovi eluloofilm muinasjutuvestja Hans Christian Anderseni elust "Andersen. Elu ilma armastuseta" ("Andersen. Zhizn bez ljubvi"): stsenarist Irakli Kvirikadze : operaatorid Jevgeni Guslinski ja Vadim Alissov : helilooja Aleksei Rõbnikov : nimiosas Vanja Haratjan, Stanislav Rjadinski, Sergei Migitsko

  18. Iz ''general relativity'' necessary for the Einstein gravitation theory gravitation theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bondi, G.


    Main principles of relativity and gravitation theories are deeply analyzed. Problems of boundaries of applicability for these theories and possible ways of their change and generalization are discussed. It is shown that the notion of general relativity does not introduce any post-newton physics - it only deals with coordinate transformations. It is supposed that ''general relativity'' is a physically senseless phrase which can be considered only as a historical remainder of an interesting philosophic discourse. The paper reveals that there exists appropriate physical substantiation of the Einstein gravitation theory not including a physically senseless concept of general relativity and promoting its fundamental relations with the experiment



    Tomazin, Saša


    Razmere na trgu se iz dneva v dan spreminjajo, zato morajo biti podjetja fleksibilna v smislu prilagajanja in pozitivnega koriščenja sprememb. Ravno iz teh vzrokov lahko trdimo, da so podjetja neprestano v stanju potencialne krize. Latentna kriza pa prestavlja korak naprej, saj se že kažejo krizni simptomi v družbi, vendar jih vodstvo ne zazna, jih zanika ali nima informacij. O prikriti krizi govorimo torej tudi v primeru, če management pozna krizno situacijo, vendar ne ukrepa, ker so težave ...

  20. Plodnost i veličina legla kod europske srne (capreolus capreolus, L.) u šumi Haljevo


    Nikolandić, Đuro; Degmečić, Dražen


    U razdoblju od 1968. do 1972. godine vršena su ekološka istraživanja srna u šumama Baranje. Iz toga doba jednim projektom istraživanja postavljen je cilj ustanoviti plodnost populacije srna u šumi Haljevo. Redovito parenje srna počinjalo je u drugoj polovici srpnja a završavalo oko sredine kolovoza. Zametak (embrij) oplođenih srna je zbog postojanja embriotenije u fazi mirovanja, odnosno zbog neprimjetne diobe stanica zametka, sve do kraja prosinca, prostim okom čovjeka nije primjetan. Iz tog...

  1. Jazz v sloveniji


    Petek, Lara


    Jazz je glasba z dolgo in bogato zgodovino. Njegove korenine prihajajo iz Afrike, ki so se pozneje združile z vplivi iz Evrope. V osnovi gre za združitev afriških črnskih ritmov z evropskimi harmonijami. Za predhodnike jazza označujemo duhovno pesem, blues in ragtime. Skozi zgodovino pa so se izoblikovali različni stili jazza, kot so new orleans, dixieland, chicago, swing, bebop, cool jazz, free jazz, electric jazz. Za to so bili odgovorni različni najvidnejši izvajalci jazzovske glasbe, ki s...

  2. Uvajanje tehnologij pridobivanja električne in toplotne energije z uplinjanjem lesnih sekancev v podjetju BIOFIT d.o.o.


    Kuhar Osterman, Tadeja


    Glavni cilji evropske energetske in podnebne politike so varnost oskrbe, konkurenčnost in trajnost. Države članice EU so se zavezale znižati emisije toplogrednih plinov do leta 2030 za 40 % glede na delež iz leta 1990 in delež vse porabe energije iz obnovljivih virov energije zvišati na vsaj 27 %. Slovenija je ena najbolj gozdnatih držav v Evropi, zato les predstavlja pomemben obnovljiv vir energije. Slovenska zakonodaja z novim Energetskim zakonom ugodno vpliva tudi na razvoj in umeščanje te...

  3. Analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5:1 pri rokometu


    Kozole, Rok


    V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena analiza igre branilcev v conski obrambi 5:1 pri rokometu. Obrambna formacija 5:1 je po obrambi 6:0 druga najpogosteje uporabljena obrambna formacija, katere se poslužujejo tako ekipe iz vrhunskega rokometa kot tudi ekipe, ki tekmujejo v ligah nižje kakovosti. V skladu s hitrim razvojem rokometne igre se je razvijala tudi obramba 5:1. Obrambna formacija 5:1 se pri mlajših rokometaših uporablja tudi kot prehodna obramba oz. temelj za prehod iz bolj globokih (...

  4. Using effective and adequate IT tools for developing teachers' skills

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smyrnova-Trybulska, Eugenia; Morze, Nataliia; Pavlova, Tatiana; Kommers, Piet A.M.; Sekret, Iryna V.


    This article describes preliminary results of the implementation of Work Package 4 'Selection and testing new IT tools' within the framework of the international research network IRNet ( and by researchers from partner institutions from Portugal, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Czech

  5. Influence of sodalite zeolite infiltration on the coefficient of thermal expansion and bond strength of all-ceramic dental prostheses. (United States)

    Naji, Ghassan Abdul-Hamid; Omar, Ros Anita; Yahya, Rosiyah


    In all-ceramic systems, a high incidence of veneer chip-off has been reported in clinical studies. Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) behaviour is one of the factors that may increase residual stress in the interface and influence the veneer/core bond strength. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of sodalite zeolite-infiltration on the CTE behaviour and bond strength of different all-ceramic prostheses. The case-study groups were synthesized sodalite zeolite-infiltrated alumina (IA-SOD) and synthesized sodalite zeolite-infiltrated zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA) (IZ-SOD), while the control groups were glass-infiltrated alumina (IA-glass) and glass-infiltrated ZTA (IZ-glass). Forty cylindrical-shaped samples measuring 5 mm in diameter and 10 mm in height were tested for CTE using a thermo-mechanical analyser machine, and forty disc-shaped ceramic samples measuring 12 mm in diameter and 1.2 ± 0.2 mm in thickness were prepared using specially designed stainless steel split mould and veneered by cylinder-shaped (2 mm high × 2 mm diameter) low-fusing porcelain (Vita VM7). The veneer/core samples were sintered and tested for shear bond strength using a high precision universal testing machine. Scanning electron microscope, stereo microscope, atomic force microscope, and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy were used to investigate the structural characteristics of samples at the fracture surface. The collected data were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test (α=.05). IZ-SOD revealed highest CTE and shear bond strength values, while the IA-glass revealed the lowest values than the other groups. There was no significant difference in CTE and bond strength among IZ-SOD, IA-SOD and IZ-glass samples (p>0.05). The experimental SOD zeolite-infiltrated samples revealed higher CTE mismatch and bond strength along with a more favourable mode of failure than did the commercial glass-infiltrated samples. Sandblast technique is considered as effective

  6. Der Anfang vom Ende? - Das Assad-Regime in Syrien steht mit dem Rücken zur Wand

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mohns, Erik


    In spite of brutal repression, protests continue in the Syrian "Kingdom of Fear". The legitimacy of the regime will most likely continue to dwindle more and more as long as it proves unable to open up politically. The article is in German and a shorter version will be published in the journal iz3...

  7. The role of infarct transmural extent in infarct extension: A computational study. (United States)

    Leong, Chin-Neng; Lim, Einly; Andriyana, Andri; Al Abed, Amr; Lovell, Nigel Hamilton; Hayward, Christopher; Hamilton-Craig, Christian; Dokos, Socrates


    Infarct extension, a process involving progressive extension of the infarct zone (IZ) into the normally perfused border zone (BZ), leads to continuous degradation of the myocardial function and adverse remodelling. Despite carrying a high risk of mortality, detailed understanding of the mechanisms leading to BZ hypoxia and infarct extension remains unexplored. In the present study, we developed a 3D truncated ellipsoidal left ventricular model incorporating realistic electromechanical properties and fibre orientation to examine the mechanical interaction among the remote, infarct and BZs in the presence of varying infarct transmural extent (TME). Localized highly abnormal systolic fibre stress was observed at the BZ, owing to the simultaneous presence of moderately increased stiffness and fibre strain at this region, caused by the mechanical tethering effect imposed by the overstretched IZ. Our simulations also demonstrated the greatest tethering effect and stress in BZ regions with fibre direction tangential to the BZ-remote zone boundary. This can be explained by the lower stiffness in the cross-fibre direction, which gave rise to a greater stretching of the IZ in this direction. The average fibre strain of the IZ, as well as the maximum stress in the sub-endocardial layer, increased steeply from 10% to 50% infarct TME, and slower thereafter. Based on our stress-strain loop analysis, we found impairment in the myocardial energy efficiency and elevated energy expenditure with increasing infarct TME, which we believe to place the BZ at further risk of hypoxia. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  8. Seeing the doctor without fear: for the desensitization for medical visits in Autism Spectrum Disorders. (United States)

    Boada, Leticia; Parellada, Mara

    Doctor Tea is an online website designed to facilitate medical visits for those with autism spectrum disorder and other disabilities. People diagnosed with autism not only have greater medical needs than the general population, but also have particular characteristics that are often not accommodated by medical services. This lack of medical accommodation often creates a very complicated, and sometimes traumatic experience, when visiting medical facilities. Individuals with autism have great difficulty understanding social situations and contexts, such as medical tests or consultations, as well as difficulty in tolerating new situations and atypical sensory thresholds. Doctor Tea aims to reduce anxiety before medical consultations and procedures from a safe and well-known environment (school, home, etc.). The website,, provides information and materials (videos, cartoon, 3D animations, pictogram sequences, etc.) about the most frequent medical procedures and practices for patients with autism. The website also offers information to the doctors and families of patients with autism about the most common medical problems associated with autism. A total of 17,199 different users visited the website during 2015, with a total of 23,348 online visitors from more than 70 different countries since the website's release in November 2014. The familiarisation with the medical procedures and its environment appears to decrease the anxiety in patients with disabilities during medical visits, as well as optimising the effectiveness of their medical visits and tests. Copyright © 2016 SEP y SEPB. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  9. Crítica de Libros.


    Ramón Esteban Arnáiz; Mauricio Jalón; Fernando Colina Pérez; José Antonio Espina Barrio


    Robert GAUPP, El caso Wagner, Madrid, Asociación Española de Neuropsiquiatría, 1998. Ramón Esteban Arnáiz Pierre JANET, L’automatisme psychologique, París, Odile Jacob, 1998. Mauricio Jalón Pedro LAÍN ENTRALGO, La historia clínica.Historia y teoría del relato patográfico, Madrid, Triacastela, 1998. Ramón Esteban Arnáiz Henry EY, Estudios sobre los delirios, Madrid, Tricastela, 1998. Fernando Colina L. E. FONSECA FÁBREGAS, «Las Formas del Círculo»-Test Proyectivo Psicodramático, Barcelona, L.E...



    Janković, Andrea; Sindik, Joško; Jaman, Kamea


    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje nekih karakteristika gledanosti Big Brother show-a kod djece predškolske dobi, razloga gledanja te emisije, s aspekta preferiranih sadržaja emisije te ličnosti (kandidata) koje preferiraju djeca. Ispitan je prigodni uzorak djece srednje i starije vrtićke dobi iz 3 dječja vrtića iz Zagreba (Dječjeg vrtića Grigora Viteza i Dječjeg vrtića "Maksimir" i "Trnoružica", N = 142). Utvrđene su čestine razloga preferencije pojedinih sudionika show–a te pojedinih s...





    U prošlome smo se dvobroju Šumarskoga lista, obilježavajući 250. obljetnicu hrvatskoga šumarstva, osvrnuli na tekstove iz prvih godina njegovog tiskanja, povlačeći paralelu s današnjicom. Zbog uvida u povijesni slijed šumarske struke i interesantnost, pa i aktualnost tekstova, u ovome se dvobroju osvrćemo na tri teksta iz 1880. i 1881. god. vezana uz naslov. Prvi tekst odnosi se na „Naredbu c. k. ministarstva za poljodjelstvo od 13. veljače 1875, B 129/A. M., R.-G.-Bl. Br. 9, koja se odnosi n...

  12. Dieta pri hiperholesterolemiji


    Čerček Vilhar, Emanuela


    Holesterol je maščobna molekula, ki v telesu opravlja mnogo funkcij. Njegova biosinteza in pot po telesu kot nepolarna molekula je izredno zapletena. Pri tem se vključuje v lipoproteine in prehaja v jetra, kjer poteka glavna pot presnavljanja ter tvorba žolčnih soli. Značilno je, da holesterol v našem organizmu izvira iz dveh virov. Eno tretjino ga zaužijemo s hrano, preostanek pa ga tvorimo sami iz predhodne molekule acetil-CoA. Ljudje se v današnjem času čedalje pogosteje srečujejo s poviša...

  13. Make It, Take It, or Leave It: Heme Metabolism of Parasites

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kořený, Luděk; Oborník, Miroslav; Lukeš, Julius


    Roč. 9, č. 1 (2013), e1003088 E-ISSN 1553-7374 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP305/11/2179 Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) ED2.1.00/03.0110 Program:ED Institutional support: RVO:60077344 ; RVO:61388971 Keywords : Apicomplexan parasites * biosynthesis pathway * evolution * protein Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 8.057, year: 2013


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Turkish Literature has made flower culture very important inboth prose and poems. One of the products is also tulip kasides.These poems are different kaside from the point of view of forming anexample for tulip names . These poems takes place in Fâiz Efendi andSâkir Bey meganere which we shorten it as FSM, and it first meets theliterature scholar. t is the first time it has met teh literative world.

  15. The Abundance and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    indication that the area is an important ecological zone for benthos macroinvertebrates conservation. ... Heck and Coen, (1995), the estuarine and mangroves ..... ecological services. Callinectes amnicola was the most abundant and are economically important species locally; hence the need to integrate a sustainable ...

  16. DES J0454-4448: discovery of the first luminous z ≥ 6 quasar from the Dark Energy Survey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reed, S. L.; McMahon, R. G.; Banerji, M.; Becker, G. D.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Martini, P.; Ostrovski, F.; Rauch, M.; Abbott, T.; Abdalla, F. B.; Allam, S.; Benoit-Levy, A.; Bertin, E.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Burke, D.; Carnero Rosell, A.; da Costa, L. N.; D' Andrea, C.; DePoy, D. L.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H. T.; Doel, P.; Cunha, C. E.; Estrada, J.; Evrard, A. E.; Fausti Neto, A.; Finley, D. A.; Fosalba, P.; Frieman, J.; Gruen, D.; Honscheid, K.; James, D.; Kent, S.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Maia, M. A. G.; Makler, M.; Marshall, J.; Merritt, K.; Miquel, R.; Mohr, J.; Nord, B.; Ogando, R.; Plazas, A.; Romer, K.; Roodman, A.; Rykoff, E.; Sako, M.; Sanchez, E.; Santiago, B.; Schubnell, M.; Sevilla, I.; Smith, C.; Soares-Santos, M.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M. E. C.; Tarle, G.; Thomas, D.; Tucker, D.; Walker, A.; Wechsler, R. H.


    We present the first results of a survey for high-redshift, z ≥ 6, quasars using izY multicolour photometric observations from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Here we report the discovery and spectroscopic confirmation of the zAB, YAB = 20.2, 20.2 (M1450 = -26.5) quasar DES J0454-4448 with a redshift of z = 6.09±0.02 based on the onset of the Ly α forest and an H I near zone size of 4.1+1.1-1.2 proper Mpc. The quasar was selected as an i-band drop out with i-z = 2.46 and zAB < 21.5 from an area of ~300 deg2. It is the brightest of our 43 candidates and was identified for spectroscopic follow-up solely based on the DES i-z and z-Y colours. The quasar is detected by WISE and has W1AB = 19.68. The discovery of one spectroscopically confirmed quasar with 5.7 < z < 6.5 and zAB ≤ 20.2 is consistent with recent determinations of the luminosity function at z ~ 6. DES when completed will have imaged ~5000 deg2 to YAB = 23.0 (5σ point source) and we expect to discover 50–100 new quasars with z > 6 including 3–10 with z > 7 dramatically increasing the numbers of quasars currently known that are suitable for detailed studies.

  17. Internet and Its Contributions to Library Services Internet: Kütüphane Hizmetlerine Katkıları

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yaşar Çelik


    Full Text Available This paper examines the major Internet services such as email, telnet and ftp and describes various information discovery and retrieval tools such as gopher, WAIS, and WWW. It also discusses the contributions of the Internet to library and information services. Bu makalede elektronik posta, telnet ve ftp gibi belli başlı Internet hizmetleri tanıtılmış, çeşitli bilgi keşfetme ve erişim araçları (gopher, WAIS, WWW açıklanmıştır. İnternet'in kütüphane hizmetlerine katkıları kısaca tartışılmıştır.

  18. Historical tsunami database for France and its overseas territories

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. Lambert


    Full Text Available A search and analysis of a large number of historical documents has made it possible: (i to discover so-far unknown tsunamis that have hit the French coasts during the last centuries, and (ii conversely, to disprove the tsunami nature of several events referred to in recent catalogues. This information has been structured into a database and also made available as a website (www.tsunamis.f/" target="_blank"> that is accessible in French, English and Spanish. So far 60 genuine ("true" tsunamis have been described (with their dates, causes, oceans/seas, places observed, number of waves, flood and ebb distances, run-up, and intensities and referenced against contemporary sources. Digitized documents are accessible online. In addition, so as to avoid confusion, tsunamis revealed as "false" or "doubtful" have been compiled into a second catalogue.

    Both the database and the website are updated annually corresponding to the state of knowledge, so as to take into account newly discovered historical references and the occurrence of new tsunamis on the coasts of France and many of its overseas territories: Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, New Caledonia, Réunion, and Mayotte.

  19. Monte Carlo simulations of the Spin-2 Blume-Emery-Griffiths model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwashita, Takashi; Uragami, Kakuko; Muraoka, Yoshinori; Kinoshita, Takehiro; Idogaki, Toshihiro


    The magnetic properties of the spin S = 2 Ising system with the bilinear exchange interaction J 1 S iz S jz , the biquadratic exchange interaction J 2 S iz 2 S jz 2 and the single-ion anisotropy DS iz 2 are discussed by making use of the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation for the magnetization z >, sub-lattice magnetizations z (A)> and z (B)>, the magnetic specific heat C M and spin structures. This Ising spin system of S = 2 with interactions J 1 and J 2 and with anisotropy D corresponds to the spin-2 Blume-Emery-Griffiths model. The phase diagram of this Ising spin system on a two-dimensional square lattice has been obtained for exchange parameter J 2 /J 1 and anisotropy parameter D/J 1 . The shapes of the temperature dependence of sublattice magnetizations z (A)> and z (B)> are related with abnormal behavior of temperature dependence of z > at low temperatures and affected significantly by the single-ion anisotropy D. The staggered quadrupolar (SQ) ordering turns out to be different largely between Ising systems with the single-ion anisotropy (D ≠ 0) and without the one (D 0).


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sota, A.; Maiz Apellaniz, J.; Alfaro, E. J.; Walborn, N. R.; Barba, R. H.; Morrell, N. I.; Gamen, R. C.; Arias, J. I.


    We present the first installment of a massive spectroscopic survey of Galactic O stars, based on new, high signal-to-noise ratio, R ∼ 2500 digital observations from both hemispheres selected from the Galactic O-Star Catalog of MaIz Apellaniz et al. and Sota et al. The spectral classification system is rediscussed and a new atlas is presented, which supersedes previous versions. Extensive sequences of exceptional objects are given, including types Ofc, ON/OC, Onfp, Of?p, Oe, and double-lined spectroscopic binaries. The remaining normal spectra bring this first sample to 184 stars, which is close to complete to B = 8 and north of δ = -20 0 and includes all of the northern objects in MaIz Apellaniz et al. that are still classified as O stars. The systematic and random accuracies of these classifications are substantially higher than previously attainable, because of the quality, quantity, and homogeneity of the data and analysis procedures. These results will enhance subsequent investigations in Galactic astronomy and stellar astrophysics. In the future, we will publish the rest of the survey, beginning with a second paper that will include most of the southern stars in MaIz Apellaniz et al.

  1. New international ways in radiology continuing education: - an EAR project for online publication of radiological data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vorwerk, D.


    Eurorad ( is a joint project of EAR and has support of 27 national and 8 subspeciality radiology societies. Eurorad is the first noncommercial radiologicial publication that is exclusively based on the internet as a communication line with all steps of submission, reviewing and publication being performed online. Eurorad wants to build up a huge and exhaustive case file of diagnostic and interventional radiology. Like all scientific publications, Eurorad bases on an editor in chief and 13 section editors who are responsible for organizing each section of Eurorad. Each section has a number of peer reviewer with an overall total of more than 100. For submission and publication, all cases are structured in the same manner with case report, method and discussion. For the time being, Eurorad hosts 779 cases, of whom 346 are free available on the net. The actual rejection rate is 4.5%, other cases are under review. (orig.) [de

  2. Study of the absorbers and gaps influence on the reactor reactivity, IZ-061-0071-1961; Ispitivanje uticaja apsorbera i supljina na reaktivnost reaktora, IZ-061-0071-1961

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Martinc, R [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    It has been foreseen by the contract to study theoretically and experimentally the influence of the absorbers and gaps on the reactivity of the reactor. Within theoretical study it was planned to develop a method and find the approximation methods for calculations of these effects. Experimental part include development of equipment and performing the experiment at the RB reactor. Since it has not been possible to perform the experiment due to lack of heavy water, only the theoretical part of the task was completed with additional theoretical study of the VISA-1 experimental loop. This report includes the following annexes: influence of absorbers and gaps on the reactivity of the reactor, and calculation of flux depression in the VISA-1 loop. [Serbo-Croat] Ugovor predvidja teorijske i eksperimentalne radove u vezi ispitivanja uticaja apsorbera i praznina na reaktivnost reaktora. Za teorijski deo predvidjena je razrada metode i nalazenje aproksimativnih metoda za proracun ovih efekata. Eksperimentalni deo predvidja pripremu uredjaj i izvodjenje eksperimenata na reaktoru RB. S obzirom na nedostatak teske vode i nemogucnost izvodjenja eksperimenata, zadatak je obavljan samo teorijski a dodata mu je i teorijska obrada petlje VISA-1. Zadatak sadrzi sledece priloge: uticaj apsorbera i supljina na reaktivnost reaktora i proracun depresije fluksa u petlji VISA-1.



    Smrečnik, Sabina


    Vse več ljudi se zaradi vedno lažjega načina selitev in osebnih ali kakršnih koli drugih razlogov odloča, da se preselijo v drugo državo. Pri tem se soočajo z različnimi težavami, drugačno kulturo, tujim jezikom, spremenjenim načinom življenja in tudi z ureditvijo rezidentstva ter dvojnimi davki. Migracije poznamo že iz zgodovine. Ljudje so se zaradi najrazličnejših vzrokov preseljevali. Tudi danes se veliko selimo, naj gre le za vsakodnevne migracije iz kraja v kraj oziroma med bližnjimi ...

  4. Moral Waivers in Army Recruiting: It Is About Family (United States)


    Teen suicide risk linked to criminal record,” Contemporary Pediatrics, November 3, 2011, below replacement level for the past four years and is now at its lowest rate since the Great Depression , will cause a shrinking of total... suicide . Virtually every study of suicide clearly shows that those with criminal records have higher suicide rates. Highlighting this finding is a

  5. Shifting ontologies of a serious game and its relationships with English education for beginners

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansbøl, Mikala; Meyer, Bente


      This paper takes its point of departure in a language project, which is a subproject under the larger ongoing (2007-2011) research project Serious Games on a Global Market Place. The language project follows how the virtual universe known as Mingoville ( ) becomes an ...... and learning situations of English for beginners. Keywords: Entanglement approach, relational ontology, serious games, teaching and learning English for beginners, educational technology research...... an actor in English education for beginners. The virtual universe provides an online environment for students beginning to learn English in schools and at home. This paper will focus on the shifting ontologies of Mingoville and teaching and learning situations in beginners' English. This paper takes its......  This paper takes its point of departure in a language project, which is a subproject under the larger ongoing (2007-2011) research project Serious Games on a Global Market Place. The language project follows how the virtual universe known as Mingoville ( ) becomes...

  6. Monsieur www: grêce à Robert Cailliau

    CERN Document Server

    Fenoglio, Jérôme


    Non, he is not "richissime", and everybody is very astonished; In 1990, the belgian engineer created, with the british Tim Berners-Lee the World Wide Web and its protocols. Fifteen yeras later, the net wraps the whole planet. (1,5 page)

  7. Determination of Fallout Radionuclides in Environmental Samples by Gamma-Ray Spectrometry; Mesure Spectrometrique Gamma des Radionucleides de Retombee Presents dans des Echantillons du Millieu; Opredelenie radioizotopov radioaktivnykh osadkov v probakh iz okruzhayushchej sredy pri pomoshchi spektrometrii gamma-luchej; Determinacion, por Espectrometria Gamma, de los Radionuclidos de Precipitaciones en Muestras del Medio Ambiente

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ward, G. M.; Johnson, J. E.; Wilson, D. W. [Department of Animal Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO (United States)


    From May 1962 to date, many environmental samples have been collected from the University farm to study the passage of {sup 137}Cs through an important part of man's food chain. All samples were of low specific activity and determinations were made in a low level gamma-ray spectrometer system consisting of an 8-in diam., 4-in-thick Nal(Tl) crystal that was shielded from background by a 5-in-thick steel walled chamber and connected to a 400-channel pulse-height analyser. Air filter pads and large samples (1 kg) of dried forage, grains and bovine faeces were counted directly in a constant geometry. Precipitation samples were concentrated by passing through Dowex-50 cation exchange columns. Milk, meat, and urine Vere counted in large annular Lucite containers. {sup 137}Cs, {sup 40}K, {sup 131}I and Ba-{sup 14}'0La are the only gamma-ray emitting radionuclides found in milk, meat and urine, since these are the only fission products absorbed in appreciable amounts. In addition, the other samples contained {sup 141,} {sup 144}Ce, {sup 125}Sb, {sup 103,106}Ru, Zr-{sup 95}Nb and {sup 54}Mn. In these samples, which were collected in 1962 and 1963, only Zr-{sup 95}Nb (because of its relative abundance) could be determined reliably by gamma-ray spectrometry during a period of about six months after collection. Photopeaks of {sup 137}Cs, {sup 54}Mn and were completely obscured and lower energy nuclides ({sup 141}, {sup 144}Ce and {sup 103}Ru) had large Compton contributions from higher energy nuclides. Spectrum stripping is not reliable if the photopeaks are not apparent. When interference makes the direct determination of {sup 137}Cs and other nuclides impossible, storage of the samples until decay of Zr-{sup 95}Nb (T{sub Vulgar-Fraction-One-Half} = 65 d) and {sup 103}Ru (T{sub Vulgar-Fraction-One-Half} = 40 d) makes possible identification of the photopeaks of the remaining nuclides. {sup 137}Cs and {sup 54}Mn can be separated chemically by digesting samples in concentrated

  8. Usability Evaluation of

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bruun, Anders; Jensen, Janne Jul; Skov, Mikael B.

    This report presents the results of a usability evaluation of the website. The evaluation was carried out by a team of 4 HCI experts, and it involved 10 potential users. The evaluation is based on measurement of (1) task completion time, (2) task completion, (3) user satisfaction and (4......) perceived workload. We have also analyzed the user interaction with the website for (5) usability problems. Through the evaluation, we have found the following weaknesses of the website:   Reservation takes considerably more time than promised. The website indicates that a reservation can be made in 60...... is not useful for specific purposes. The user satisfaction is generally low. Except one high and two low scores, the user satisfaction was in the middle range. There are too many severe usability problems. The evaluation identified a considerable number of usability problems. 5 of them were critical which means...

  9., the Italian survival calculator to optimize donor to recipient matching and to identify the unsustainable matches in liver transplantation. (United States)

    Avolio, Alfonso W; Agnes, Salvatore; Cillo, Umberto; Lirosi, Maria C; Romagnoli, Renato; Baccarani, Umberto; Zamboni, Fausto; Nicolini, Daniele; Donataccio, Matteo; Perrella, Alessandro; Ettorre, Giuseppe M; Romano, Marina; Morelli, Nicola; Vennarecci, Giovanni; de Waure, Chiara; Fagiuoli, Stefano; Burra, Patrizia; Cucchetti, Alessandro


    Optimization of donor-recipient match is one of the exciting challenges in liver transplantation. Using algorithms obtained by the Italian D-MELD study (5256 liver transplants, 21 Centers, 2002-2009 period), a web-based survival calculator was developed. The calculator is available online at the URL The access is free. Registration and authentication are required. The website was developed using PHP scripting language on HTML platform and it is hosted by the web provider For a given donor (expressed by donor age) and for three potential recipients (expressed by values of bilirubin, creatinine, INR, and by recipient age, HCV, HBV, portal thrombosis, re-transplant status), the website calculates the patient survival at 90days, 1year, 3years, and allows the identification of possible unsustainable matches (i.e. donor-recipient matches with predicted patient survival less than 50% at 5 years). This innovative approach allows the selection of the best recipient for each referred donor, avoiding the allocation of a high-risk graft to a high-risk recipient. The use of the website can help transplant surgeons, hepatologists, and transplant coordinators in everyday practice of matching donors and recipients, by selecting the more appropriate recipient among various candidates with different prognostic factors. © 2012 The Authors. Transplant International © 2012 European Society for Organ Transplantation.

  10. Koren kvadratnõi iz prazdnikov / Aleksandr Ikonnikov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ikonnikov, Aleksandr


    Venemaa välisministeeriumi avaldusest seoses AVAKS süsteemi radar-lennuki ülelennuga Venemaa piiri läheduses, süüdistused Eesti ja Läti aadressil jõudsid nõudmisteni venekeelse elanikkonna õiguste kaitseks

  11. Shtazi bjot iz mogilõ / Viktor Kononov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kononov, Viktor


    Saksa DV salapolitsei Stasi arhiivid, mis ühinemise tagajärjel sattusid lääne uurijate kätte, rikuvad ja mõjutavad ikka veel inimeste elusid. Üks järjekordsetest ohvritest on tuntud Soome poliitik Alpo Rusi

  12. Cistein proteaza (kaparin) iz kapara (Capparis spinosa)


    Demir, Yasar; Güngör, Azize Alayli; Duran, Elif Duygu; Demir, Nazan


    Proteases are enzymes that perform very important functions in organisms and are used for a variety of objectives in vitro. In recent years, proteases have been used for clinical, pharmaceutical (alimentary digestion, anti-inflammatory, etc.) and industrial applications (cheese production, meat tenderizing, leather tanning). In this research, a protease has been purified from capsules of caper (Capparis spinosa) and characterized. Caper plants have been used for food and medicine since ancien...

  13. Biznes võhodit iz teni / Jevgeni Ashihmin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ashihmin, Jevgeni


    Maksu- ja tolliameti kontrollosakonna juht Egon Veermäe hindab Narva linnavalitsuse püüdeid linnaeelarve tulubaasi tõstmisel. Linnavalitsus saatis ligi neljasajale ettevõttele soovituse tõsta oma töötajate palku ning korrastada maksulaekumine linnaeelarvesse

  14. Kak sdelat iz slona voronu / Margarita Golovanova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Golovanova, Margarita


    25 aastat tagasi valmis NSV Liidus esimene plastiliinist nukkudega animafilm "Plastiliinist vares" ("Plastilinovaja vorona") : režissöör Aleksandr Tatarski : kunstnik-lavastaja Igor Kovaljov : helilooja Grigori Gladkov

  15. Stsenõ iz gorodskoi zhizni / Andrei Babin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babin, Andrei


    Eesti mängufilm "Sügisball" (režissöör Veiko Õunpuu, produtsent Katrin Kissa) sai Venezia 64. filmifestivali konkursiprogrammi Orizzonti peaauhinna. Ajakirjanik meenutab oma vestlust režissööriga 2006.a. mais, mil filmist oli valmis vaid stsenaarium

  16. Võru sozdajutsja gigantskije skulpturõ iz peska

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Võrus Tamula rannas toimuval rahvusvahelisel liivaskulptuurifestivalil valmib kümme suurt liivaskulptuuri. Lisaks Tamula ranna liivaskulptuuridele valmivad suured liivaskulptuurid veel Taevaskojas, Rõuges, Suur-Munamäel, Kubijal ja Piusal. Eestit esindab Kalle-Priit Pruuden. Festivali kuraator on Henry Timusk

  17. Iz uranovogo bolota - tsevetushtshii lug / Svetlana Loginova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loginova, Svetlana


    Silmetis toimus pidulikus õhkkonnas Sillamäe radioaktiivsete jäätmete hoidla konserveerimise esimese etapi lõpetamine. Osalesid keskkonnaministeeriumi, Euroopa Komisjoni, vabariigi valitsuse, rahvusvaheliste sponsorite jne. esindajad

  18. The sun and its impact on your health - Use it, don't abuse it

    CERN Multimedia


    At the invitation of the CERN Medical Service, nursing specialists from the Ligue genevoise contre le cancer (Geneva League against cancer) will be present in the Main Building from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, 16 June for a public-health promotional event.   Come along for advice, information, documentation... Make sure that the sun remains a pleasure. For more information:

  19. Computer Security: WWW censorship? Not at CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Stefan Lueders, Computer Security Team


    Whoops! We received a number of critical responses to our previous article on the upcoming DNS firewall (“DNS to the rescue!” - see here). While they were mostly constructive, the main question was “How dare we censor Internet access?” Let us clarify this.   Computer security at CERN must always find the right balance between CERN’s academic environment, its operations and security itself. Of course we can easily overdo it one way or another, but that would kill our academic freedom and bring the Organization to a halt. That certainly isn’t in our interest. On the other hand, CERN is permanently under attack and we have to do everything possible to ensure that those attacks are kept at bay. Otherwise they could impact CERN’s operations… So, have we found the right balance? Concerning access to the Internet and in particular to the web, we have not and will not block random websites because of their content unless &a...

  20. Unmanned Bomber: The Effects It Will Bring to the Nuclear Triad (United States)


    New York, NY: Avery Trade, 2011), 41. 16 Boeing, History of B-2 Spirit , b2 .page retrieved on January...factsheets/start1 retrieved on February 23, 2014 Boeing, History of B-2 Spirit , b2 .page retrieved on

  1. Il terzo incontro GIT navigando tra geologia, GIS e strumenti IT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Redazione Redazione


    Full Text Available GIT's third meeting between geology, GIS and IT instrumentsGIT's (Geology and Information Technology - third meeting took place in the striking town of Offida, in the italian Marche region. The event presented interesting sessions dedicated to geological-IT issues. The 2008 edition featured more than 70 reports, comprising of "wine poster sessions" and traditional interventions by various professional and academic charachters.

  2. Il terzo incontro GIT navigando tra geologia, GIS e strumenti IT

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Redazione Redazione


    Full Text Available GIT's third meeting between geology, GIS and IT instruments GIT's (Geology and Information Technology - third meeting took place in the striking town of Offida, in the italian Marche region. The event presented interesting sessions dedicated to geological-IT issues. The 2008 edition featured more than 70 reports, comprising of "wine poster sessions" and traditional interventions by various professional and academic charachters.

  3. Penis Fracture: Is It Possible? (United States)

    ... intercourse, but can also occur due to aggressive masturbation or taqaandan, a cultural practice in which the ... article: . Mayo Clinic ...

  4. Investigation of a potential scintigraphic marker of apoptosis: radioiodinated Z-Val-Ala-DL-Asp(O-methyl)-fluoromethyl ketone

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Haberkorn, Uwe E-mail:; Kinscherf, Ralf; Krammer, Peter H.; Mier, Walter; Eisenhut, Michael


    The imaging of apoptosis represents an attractive diagnostic goal in the area of tumor therapy, degenerative diseases and organ transplantation. Since caspases play a key role during the early period of the intracellular signal cascade of cells undergoing apoptosis we considered benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-DL-Asp(O-methyl)-fluoromethyl ketone [Z-VAD-fmk], a pan-caspase inhibitor, as a potential apoptosis imaging agent. Applying the Tl(TFA){sub 3}/[{sup 131}I]iodide method Z-VAD-fmk was successfully labeled at the benzyloxycarbonyl protecting group. The success of radioiodination, however, depended on the presence of carrier iodide resulting in specific radioactivities of 2.6 GBq/{mu}mol and the formation of a mixture of the 2- and 4-iodophenyl derivative (61%) which could not be separated by HPLC. Uptake measurements were performed with Morris hepatoma cells (MH3924Atk8) which showed expression of the Herpes Simplex Virus thymidine kinase (HSVtk) gene. Apoptosis was induced by treatment of the cells with 25 {mu}M ganciclovir. The TUNEL assay revealed 1.3{+-}0.3 and 23{+-}1.1% apoptotic cells immediately and 24 h after therapy, respectively. A two-fold increase of [{sup 131}I]IZ-VAD-fmk uptake was found at the end of treatment with the HSVtk/suicide system which constantly remained elevated for the following 4 hours. The slow cellular influx and lack of uptake saturation of [{sup 131}I]IZ-VAD-fmk are evidence for simple diffusion as transport mechanism. In addition, the absolute cellular uptake of [{sup 131}I]IZ-VAD-fmk was found to be low. This quality was related to the rather high lipophilicity of [{sup 131}I]IZ-VAD-fmk causing unspecific binding to macromolecules in the medium. Instead of using an inhibitor, synthetic caspase substrates are currently investigated which may accumulate in the apoptotic cell by metabolic trapping thereby enhancing the imaging signal.

  5. Produção de álcoois superiores por linhagens de Saccharomyces durante a fermentação alcoólica Production of higher alcohols by Saccharomyces strains during alcoholic fermentation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.E. Gutierrez


    Full Text Available A produção de álcoois superiores pelas leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae M-300-A, Saccharomyces uvarum IZ-1904 e levedura de panificação (Saccharomyces cerevisiae foi estudada em diversas condições de temperatura, concentração de sacarose, pH, fontes de nitrogênio e com inibidor 2-4 dinitrofenol (DNP. Em todas as condições estudadas, a levedura Saccharomyces uvarum IZ-1904 apresentou a menor formação de álcoois superiores enquanto a levedura de panifícação apresentou os teores mais elevados. Com o aumento de temperatura e da concentração de sacarose ocorreu maior formação de álcool isoamílico pelas leveduras estudadas. Em pH 4,5 ocorreu menor produção de álcoois superiores do que em pH 3,0. Na presença do inibidor DNP ocorreu significativa redução (pThe production of higher alcohols by Saccharomyces cerevisiae M-300-A, Saccharomyces uvarum IZ-1904 and baker's yeast (5. cerevisiae was studied under several temperature conditions, sucrose level, pH, nitrogen sources and with 2-4 dinitrophenol (DNP. The yeast IZ-1904 showed lower production of higher alcohols than other yeasts in all conditions studied. With the increase of temperature and higher level of sucrose an increase of isoamyl alcohol production was observed. A lower formation of higher alcohols was observed at pH 4.5 than at pH 3.0. With the addition of DNP occurred a significant reduction in isoamyl alcohol content. The yeasts did not show the sanie production of higher alcohols in relation to urea and ammonium sulfate.

  6. Network Update: WWW Page Writing and Design Helpers. (United States)

    Higgins, Chris


    Lists and describes the sites available on the World Wide Web used for Web-based projects for language education. Notes that the number and style of such sites has risen dramatically, reflecting a growing interest among language teaching faculty. Points out that both a program's content and its presentation affect its feasibility as an educational…

  7. a web application to estimate scores from different patient-reported outcome measures on a common scale. (United States)

    Fischer, H Felix; Rose, Matthias


    Recently, a growing number of Item-Response Theory (IRT) models has been published, which allow estimation of a common latent variable from data derived by different Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs). When using data from different PROs, direct estimation of the latent variable has some advantages over the use of sum score conversion tables. It requires substantial proficiency in the field of psychometrics to fit such models using contemporary IRT software. We developed a web application ( ), which allows estimation of latent variable scores more easily using IRT models calibrating different measures on instrument independent scales. Currently, the application allows estimation using six different IRT models for Depression, Anxiety, and Physical Function. Based on published item parameters, users of the application can directly estimate latent trait estimates using expected a posteriori (EAP) for sum scores as well as for specific response patterns, Bayes modal (MAP), Weighted likelihood estimation (WLE) and Maximum likelihood (ML) methods and under three different prior distributions. The obtained estimates can be downloaded and analyzed using standard statistical software. This application enhances the usability of IRT modeling for researchers by allowing comparison of the latent trait estimates over different PROs, such as the Patient Health Questionnaire Depression (PHQ-9) and Anxiety (GAD-7) scales, the Center of Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), PROMIS Anxiety and Depression Short Forms and others. Advantages of this approach include comparability of data derived with different measures and tolerance against missing values. The validity of the underlying models needs to be investigated in the future.

  8. monIT: A Portuguese Risk Communication Project on EMF

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Carla; Sebastiao, Daniel; Carpinteiro, Goncalo; Fernandes, Carlos A.; Correia, Luis M.


    The monIT project is a risk communication programme, aiming at providing information on exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from mobile communication systems in Portugal. monIT's website,, is the main interface for dissemination of information. Besides including relevant information about EMF for both the general public and the technical community, this website provides results from extensive measurement campaigns performed all over Portugal during the last three years. This paper presents the project's structure and activities, practical results achieved and ends with some conclusions and action lines for future work. (author)

  9. Eigenvalues of PT-symmetric oscillators with polynomial potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shin, Kwang C


    We study the eigenvalue problem -u''(z) - [(iz) m + P m-1 (iz)]u(z) λu(z) with the boundary condition that u(z) decays to zero as z tends to infinity along the rays arg z = -π/2 ± 2π/(m+2) in the complex plane, where P m-1 (z) = a 1 z m-1 + a 2 z m-2 + . . . + a m-1 z is a polynomial and integers m ≥ 3. We provide an asymptotic expansion of the eigenvalues λ n as n → +∞, and prove that for each real polynomial P m-1 , the eigenvalues are all real and positive, with only finitely many exceptions

  10. Andrej Pleterski: Kuhinjska kultura v zgodnjem srednjem veku / Küchenkultur im frühen Mittelalter. S prispevkom Helene Gorjup. Ljubljana: ZRC, 2008

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marjeta Šašel Kos


    Full Text Available Knjiga, ki je izšla sredi julija, kljub strokovnosti - napisal jo je arheolog in zgodovinar - lahko predstavlja tudi prijetno počitniško branje, saj je njena tematika širše zanimiva, in bo všeč vsem, ki jih zanima kuhinja nasploh. Zapolnila je vrzel, saj se vsaj za naš prostor nihče ni poglobljeno ukvarjal s tem, kaj je jedlo preprosto, predvsem slovansko ljudstvo po propadu rimskega cesarstva, kako si je pripravljalo hrano, kakšna orodja in znanja je prineslo iz pradomovine in kaj se je naučilo od romaniziranih staroselcev, ki so prej živeli v teh krajih.

  11. weblog:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Finnemann, Niels Ole

    2007-01-01 det er også et område, som mange mennesker ikke rigtig tør forholde sig til og nærmest fortrænger, både fordi de ligger under for IT profeternes demagogi, og fordi de selv føler sig fremmedgjorte overfor ny teknologi og nye medier. ...og IT-fremmedgørelsen Fremmedgørelsen over teknologi og...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dian Palupi Restuputri


    Full Text Available Usabilitas merupakan syarat dari suatu situs E-commerce. Hal ini disebabkan apabila konsumen tidak dapat belanja dengan mudah, maka situs online  tidak akan berguna. Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai dua situs e-commerce di Indonesia yaitu lazada dan mataharimall. Lazada adalah toko perbelanjaan online yang menawarkan berbagai jenis merk terkenal. Saat ini Lazada adalah situs e-commerce terbesar di Indonesia. Sedangkan mataharimall adalah e-commerce yang menawarkan berbagai jenis produk seperti pakaian, kosmetik dan kesehatan, elektronik dll. Mataharimall merupakan salah satu situs terlengkap di Indonesia. Variable usabilitas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 9 variable usabilitas yang digunakan dari model dasar Restuputri dan Yasierli (2014. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu 9 variable usabilitas ini valid untuk mengukur usabilitas di situs e-commerce jenis B2C (Bussiness to Customer yaitu lazada dan jenis O2O (Online-to-Offline dan Offline-to-Online yaitu mataharimall. Variabel yang perlu dilakukan perbaikan baik dari situs lazada maupun matahari yaitu variabel antara lain Bantuan, Kepuasan, Kualitas Informasi, Kehandalan, Jaminan dan Kontrak Perusahaan, Keamanan dan Fasilitas dan Universality. Untuk variabel Navigasi dan Indikator Waktu tidak perlu dilakukan tindakan perbaikan karena berada di kuadran ke empat yang artinya dinilai tidak penting maupun tidak puas   Abstract Usability is key from e-commerce. If a customer doesn’t like the site, customer simply looks for another e-commerce site to buy products from. This research assesses two largest e-commerce in Indonesia, which is lazada and mataarimall. Lazada is an online mall, offering a large selection of the world’s most popular brands. Currently, Lazada Indonesia is the nation’s leading business-to-consumer ecommerce site. MatahariMall is an ecommerce venture from the Lippo Group, offering one of the largest and most complete marketplaces in Indonesia. It covers fashion

  13. Quantifying the effects of electrode distance from the innervation zone on the electromyographic amplitude versus torque relationships

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herda, Trent J; Weir, Joseph P; Zuniga, Jorge M; Ryan, Eric D; Camic, Clayton L.; Bergstrom, Haley C; Cramer, Joel T; Housh, Terry J; Smith, Doug B


    The present study applied a log-transformation model to compare the electromyographic (EMG) amplitude versus torque relationships from monopolar EMG signals up to 35 mm proximal and distal from the innervation zone (IZ). Seven men (age = 23 ± 2 year; mass = 82 ± 10 kg) and two women (age = 21 ± 1 year; mass = 62 ± 8 kg) performed isometric ramp contractions of the right leg extensors with an eight-channel linear electrode array positioned over the vastus lateralis with the IZ located between channels 4 and 5. Linear regression models were fit to the log-transformed monopolar EMG RMS –torque relationships with the b terms (slope) and the a terms (Y-intercept) calculated for each channel and subject. The b terms for channels 4, 5, and 6 were higher (P ≤ 0.05) than the more distal channels 7 and 8 (P < 0.05). In contrast, there were no differences (P > 0.05) among the a terms of the eight channels. Thus, the shapes of the monopolar EMG RMS –torque relationships were altered as a function of distance between the IZ and recording area, which may be helpful for clinicians and researchers who infer changes in motor control strategies based on the shapes of the EMG RMS –torque relationships. (paper)

  14. Has the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Outlived Its Usefulness? (United States)


    August 2004 Not recorded Subway near Madison Square Garden August 2004 New York City Police Department Pakistani diplomat August 2004 FBI...40 Charlie Savage and Scott Shane, “Intelligence Improperly Collected on U.S. Citizens,” New York Times, December 16, 2009... 41 Savage , “Intelligence Improperly Collected on U.S. Citizens,”

  15. 'Deal with It. Name It': the diagnostic moment in film. (United States)

    Jutel, Thierry; Jutel, Annemarie


    The moment a serious diagnosis is announced creates an important crisis for a patient, as it shifts their sense of self and of their future potential. This essay discusses the creative representation and use of this diagnostic moment in film narratives. Using Still Alice , A Late Quartet , Wit and Cléo from 5 to 7 as examples, we describe how each of these uses the diagnostic moment in relation to narrative construction and characterisation in recognisable ways. We associate the diagnostic moment with certain narrative and visual devices that are frequently implemented in films as means for character development, and for managing the audience's empathy. This is the case whether or not the diagnosis is contested or accepted, and whether the diagnostic moment is the frame for the narrative, or a closing device. By analysing its representation in film, we emphasise the cultural significance of diagnosis as a life-transforming event. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  16. Greek Hepatoscopy and its Criteria

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vítek, Tomáš


    Roč. 112, č. 1 (2016), s. 139-164 ISSN 0033-4987 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : divination * liver * signs * divinatory treatises * Greek religion Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  17. Commercial WWW Site Appeal: How Does It Affect Online Food and Drink Consumers' Purchasing Behavior? (United States)

    White, Gregory K.; Manning, Barbara J.


    Reports on an online survey of consumer attitudes toward online storefronts marketing barbecue sauce, cheese, olive oil, potato chips, and other specialty food products. The relationship between consumer attitudes toward Web sites and the likelihood of purchase, as well as demographic factors related to online food and drink buying, are described.…

  18. Gamification Can It Increase the Quantity and Quality of Software (United States)


    Gamification? • iCollege –Visits to Second Life, debates in Second Life. • Michelin – teaches “enterprise architecture*” • Nike + –http...gamification to train interns , restructure proteins, and help solve medical mysteries –Foldit-- • IT Services –Help desks and network administrators are areas where gamification techniques could prove useful. • Businesses and Marketing

  19. Priprava lantanovega galata iz mešanega sistema reducentov in nitrata:


    Kapun, Barbara; Maček, Jadran; Pejovnik, Stane; Zupan, Klementina


    Lanthanum-gallate-based material is a candidate for the electrolyte in a new generation of low-temperature ceramic fuel cells due to its good ionic and negligible electronic conductivity. Lantn!an!um gallate is one of two compounds in the binary system La2O3-Ga2O3 together with La4Ga2O9. Undoped lanthanum gallate was prepared using combustion synthesis from metal nitrates and a reducing agent (urea and/or citric acid). In the mixed-fuel-type system the reaction intensifies and higer temperatu...

  20. 20 CFR 655.806 - Who may file a complaint and how is it processed? (United States)


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Who may file a complaint and how is it processed? 655.806 Section 655.806 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF... local telephone directories, and on the Department's informational site on the Internet at http://www...

  1. Antigravity - its manifestations and origin

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Křížek, Michal; Somer, L.


    Roč. 3, č. 3 (2013), s. 227-235 ISSN 2161-4717 Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : Hubble parameter * dark energy * antigravity Subject RIV: BN - Astronomy, Celestial Mechanics, Astrophysics

  2. Radiation protection at the RA Reactor in 1985, Part -2, Annex 2c, Reconstruction of the measuring device on the meteorology tower; Deo 2 - Zastita od zracenja kod reaktora RA u 1985. godini - Prilog 2c - Rekonstrukcija merne instalacije na meteoroloskom stubu

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Savic, Z; Stevanovic, M; Kovacevic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Original meteorology measuring instrumentation dates from 1960-1961. In order to enable more efficient measurements it was indispensable to reconstruct measuring devices completely. Description of the reconstruction works and specification is included in this report. [Serbo-Croat] Prvobitna instrumentacija namenjena meteoroloskim merenjima datira iz perioda 1960-1961. Sa ciljem da se merenja usavrse bilo je neophodno rekonstruisati celokupnu mernu opremu. Opis rekonstrukcije i specifikacija opreme sadrzani su u ovom izvestaju.

  3. Implications of WWW technologies for exchanging medical records

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maurice Dixon


    Full Text Available This article addresses some of the implications for medical record exchange of very recent developments in technology and tools that support the World Wide Web. It argues that XML (Extensible Mark-up Language is a very good enabling technology for medical record exchange. XML provides a much cheaper way of executing the exchange of medical information that circumvents the need for proprietary software. Use of XML can also simplify solutions to the problems associated with coping with the evolution of medical systems in time. However XML on its own does not resolve all the semantic heterogeneities.

  4. Zadarski gotički vezeni antependij u Budimpešti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Silvija Banić


    Full Text Available U Muzeju primijenjenih umjetnosti (Iparművészeti Múzeum u Budimpešti čuva se vezeni gotički antependij podrijetlom iz crkve benediktinskog samostana Sv. Krševana u Zadru. Antependij je u nepoznato vrijeme postao dijelom zbirke biskupa, povjesničara umjetnosti i kolekcionara Zsigmunda Bubicsa (biskup u Košicama u današnjoj Slovačkoj od 1887. do 1906. godine a u Muzeju primijenjenih umjetnosti je od 1909. godine. Dimenzije mu iznose 94 x 190 centimetara. Najveću površinu antependija zauzimaju svetački likovi pod trima zašiljenim gotičkim lukovima. U središnjem polju prikazana je Bogorodica s Djetetom na prijestolju, s lijeve strane je Sv. Krševan, a s desne Sv. Benedikt. U gornjem su dijelu dva dopojasno prikazana sveca koji bi se mogli identificirati kao Sv. Grgur Papa i Sv. Donat. ''Triptih'' sa svecima s lijeve je i desne strane flankiran bordurama u čijem su središnjem dijelu umetnute niše s dvama manjim stojećim likovima okrunjenih svetica (Sv. Katarina Aleksandrijska i Sv. Margareta. Lik donatora koji kleči s rukama sklopljenim u molitvi s lijeve strane Bogorodičina prijestolja nažalost nije popraćen nikakvim natpisom, no sasvim je jasno da je odjeven u benediktinski habit, s ponešto prenaglašenom kapuljačom koja mu pada preko leđa. Identitet benediktinca-donatora mogao bi se prepoznati u nekome od opata samostana Sv. Krševana. Pomišlja se da bi mogla biti riječ o Ivanu de Ontiacu (Joannes de Onciache iz lionske biskupije, koji je bio opatom samostana Sv. Krševana od 1345. do 1377. godine. Argumentira se da je antependij nastao u nekoj od venecijanskih vezilačkih radionica i to krajem šestog odnosno početkom sedmog desetljeća XIV. stoljeća, a na temelju usporedbi sa onovremenim slikarskim djelima te proizvodima umjetničkog (vezilačkog, tkalačkog i zlatarskog obrta. Na temelju zastupljenoga ikonografskog programa te podataka poznatih iz arhivskih izvora, pretpostavlja se da je antependij izrađen za

  5. Clinical and Business Intelligence: Why It's Important to Your Pharmacy. (United States)

    Pinto, Brian; Fox, Brent I


    According to the Healthcare Information Management and Systems Society, "Clinical & Business Intelligence (C&BI) is the use and analysis of data captured in the healthcare setting to directly inform decision-making" ( Some say that it is the right information given to the right person at the right time in the right way. No matter how you define it, the fact remains that timely access, synthesis, and visualization of clinical data have become key to how health professionals make patient care decisions and improve care delivery.

  6. Proceedings of the National Conference on Ada (trade mark) Technology (6th) Held on 14-18 March 1988 in Arlington, VA. (United States)


    IrdNaiirliIaii Illinois instituite of lt,,luiiog AK ellillrtr 1)e part nien t or coiput er scie ice It I 6V1-20.1 C hicag-o, IL 60616 Naperville-\\\\ heat on IZ I... financial support. It can also assist should be recognized that there are several in the resolution of issues, support the use of distinctly different...and programmers often view the users needs and the users financial resources. system and software requirements specifications as an authoritative

  7. The IFSO Website ( the Online Gateway to Obesity and Metabolic Disorders for Bariatric Surgery Professionals and Patients: On behalf of the IFSO Communications Committee. (United States)

    Khwaja, Haris; Coelho, António Jamel; Mazzarella, Manuela; Miller, Karl; Nimeri, Abdelrahman; Ponce, Jaime; Prachand, Vivek; Shikora, Scott; van Wagensveld, Bart; Weiner, Rudolf; Zundel, Natan


    The refurbished International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) website ( ) showcases a wealth of high-quality information for bariatric surgery professionals and patients. The website provides free online access to the organisational structure of IFSO and useful information on IFSO-endorsed congresses, symposia and courses. Online access to the journal, Obesity Surgery, and the IFSO Newsletter can also be obtained via the IFSO website. There is also easy-to-understand information on the topics of obesity and the various bariatric/metabolic surgeries for our patients.

  8. Exchange rate dynamics and its effect on macroeconomic volatility in selected CEE countries

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Audzei, Volha; Brázdik, F.


    Roč. 15, č. 1 (2017), s. 15-19 ISSN 1803-7089 Institutional support: Progres-Q24 Keywords : exchange rate dynamics * macroeconomic volatility Subject RIV: AH - Economic s


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hansen, K S [Technical Univ. of Denmark, Dept. of Energy Engineering, Lyngby (Denmark); Courtney, M S [Risoe National Lab., Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics Dept., Roskilde (Denmark)


    This paper describes the `Database on Wind Characteristics`, a world wide web hosted database of wind time series suitable for wind turbine designers. The paper marks the conclusion of the initialising Joule project and presents the database as a functioning and useful tool for the wind turbine community. An overview of the current contents of the database is given. The browser based search system is described and examples of potentially damaging wind time series found using the search system are presented. The paper concludes by placing the database in context, briefly mentioning associated projects and describing how the database will continue to function as an IEA annex. (au)


    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kurt Schaldemose; Courtney, Michael


    This paper describes the "Database on Wind Characteristics", a world wide web hosted database of wind time series suitable for wind turbine designers. The paper marks the conclusion of the initialising Joule project and presents the database as a functioning and useful tool for the wind turbine c...

  11. Anti-Inflammatory and Antimicrobial Properties of Flavonoids from Heliotropium subulatum Exudate. (United States)

    Singh, Bharat; Sharma, Ram A


    Heliotropium subulatum is an erect or procumbent perennial herb; leaves contain foliar trichomes and its resinous exudate is used in traditional medicine. The anti-inflammatory activity of dichloromethane fraction and isolated flavonoids was evaluated by using carrageenan and CFA-induced paw oedema models. Similarly, the disc diffusion and microdilution methods were used for the assessment of antimicrobial activity. Five isolated flavonoids were investigated for their antiinflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Eriodictyol demonstrated maximum anti-inflammatory activity (53.09%) at 30.0 mg/kg dose on 6(th) h and similarly, it inhibited the CFA-induced arthritis swelling (41.84%) with 30.0 mg/kg dose on 8(th) day respectively. As per disc diffusion and microdilution methods used for antimicrobial activity determination, the pinocembrin was found to be most active against Staphylococcus aureus (IZ=27±0.7 mm, 08 μg/ml dose) and Candida albicans (IZ=17±0.9 mm; 12 μg/ml dose). These investigated results revealed that the eriodictyol and pinocembrin showed significant anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activities. Further studies which aimed to investigate the mechanism of action of these isolated flavonoids in the treatment of inflammations and various types of infections have been initiated.

  12. CSIR and its activities in the European Union's (EU) framework programmes (FPs): special focus on FP6

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Meese, G


    Full Text Available for human health 1 Fraunhofer Institute, Germany FLOSSWorld Free/Libre/Open Source Software: Worldwide impact study 2 University of Maastricht - UNU-MERIT, The Netherlands index.php IST...-Africa Regional Impact of Information Society Technologies in Africa 2 International Information Management Corporation Limited, Ireland org/2005/ EUDEVLAS A framework for innovation comprising EU and Developing...

  13. Temperature thresholds and thermal requirements for development of Nasonovia ribisnigri (Hemiptera: Aphididae). (United States)

    Diaz, Beatriz Maria; Muñiz, Mariano; Barrios, Laura; Fereres, Alberto


    Early detection of Nasonovia ribisnigri (Mosley) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on lettuce is of primary importance for its effective control. Temperature thresholds for development of this pest were estimated using developmental rates [r(T)] at different constant temperatures (8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 26, and 28 degrees C). Observed developmental rates data and temperature were fitted to two linear (Campbell and Muñiz and Gil) and a nonlinear (Lactin) models. Lower temperature threshold estimated by the Campbell model was 3.6 degrees C for apterous, 4.1 degrees C for alates, and 3.1 degrees C for both aphid adult morphs together. Similar values of the lower temperature threshold were obtained with the Muñiz and Gil model, for apterous (4.0 degrees C), alates (4.2 degrees C), and both adult morphs together (3.7 degrees C) of N. ribisnigri. Thermal requirements of N. ribisnigri to complete development were estimated by Campbell and Muñiz and Gil models for apterous in 125 and 129 DD and for both adult morphs together in 143 and 139 DD, respectively. For complete development from birth to adulthood, the alate morph needed 15-18 DD more than the apterous morph. The lower temperature threshold determined by the Lactin model was 5.3 degrees C for alates, 2.3 degrees C for apterous, and 1.9 degrees C for both adult morphs together. The optimal and upper temperature thresholds were 25.2 and 33.6 degrees C, respectively, for the alate morph, 27 and 35.9 degrees C, respectively, for the apterous morph, and 26.1 and 35.3 degrees C, respectively, for the two adult morphs together. The Campbell model provided the best fit to the observed developmental rates data of N. ribisnigri. This information could be incorporated in forecasting models of this pest.

  14. Kalendar nedeli / Leta Gureli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gureli, Leta


    Iz soderzh.: 8 ijunja 120 let nazad spustja nedelju posle 72-letija skontshalas Amantina-Ljusil-Avrora Djupon (Zhorzh Sand); 11 ijunja 185 let so dnja rozhdenia russkogo literaturnogo kritika Vissariona Belinskogo

  15. NATO’s Changing its Posture Against Russia from Assurance to Deterrence: Does it Matter (United States)


    resurgence.73 However, this spending must continue in an upward trajectory and delinquent NATO members must hasten their attainment of the stated...accessed 17 Dec 2016) 2 history /nato-history.html 3 Paulauskas, Kestutis, (2016). On Deterrence. Retrieved from http

  16. European Embedding of Passive Houses.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Elswijk, M.; Kaan, H. (eds.) [and others


    The passive house concept has become a European wide accepted solution to reach a significant energy demand reduction in the built environment. The European Commission has published the ambition to construct newly built ho uses in 2015 accordingly to the passive ho use standard. In most project participating countries this ambition is shared. With the support of the Intelligent Energy Europe program this project 'Promotion of European Passive Houses' (PEP-project) contributed to achieve this ambition to clear the first market barriers internationally to reach the status 'Business As Usual' for passive houses in 2015. The PEP project aimed at the development of easy accessible web based documentation for stakeholders in the building process to solve national market introduction barriers regarding the passive house concept. The project also aimed at the distribution of this information via international and national workshops, seminars and conferences. It can be concluded that the PEP-project has been successful. All participating countries made significant progress in the societal embedding process of passive houses and in most countries the passive house concept is on the brink of breaking through nationally. Further, the PEP-project contributed successfully in the internationalisation of the Internal Passive House Conference and fixed the definition of a passive house for three geographical European regions. Finally, the PEP website with its wealth of information was a powerful tool for promotion of passive houses in Europe. In order to increase the implementation efficiency of the passive house concept it is recommended to develop additional information packages concerning passive house solutions for offices, schools and social homes (e.g. architectural examples, organisational issues); passive house renovations; financial schemes for passive houses; performance oriented quality approach for the design and construction process; industrial

  17. IN VITRO ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    conditions including liver abscess, empyema. (pus in lungs), endocarditis and chronic diarrhea, pneumonia ..... Prevalence and Risk. Factors for Opportunistic Infections in ... Chene G, Grarup J and Kirk O 2013 Risk. Factors and Outcomes for ...

  18. INDOOR RADON ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    in this study have concentration levels of indoor radon above the reference level of 100 Bq/m3 set by WHO ... MATERIAL AND METHODS. Sample ..... Rates of. Selected Building Materials in Tanzania. ... with a Diverse Pipeline of Projects in.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The concentrations of elements were determined by Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis ... activities in samples of spinach collect from a control area. Hence ... metals and radioactivity level in farm soils and agricultural products is recommended.

  20. and Evaluation of Serum Anion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    pregnant control, and 20 pregnant women in each of the three trimesters of pregnancy. Ethical approval was ... regulate nutrient balance during this period is critical to the health of the ... atoms fall back to the ground state, light of characteristic ...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    David Temba1, Lucy Namkinga2, Sabrina Moyo3, Thomas J. Lyimo4and Charles V. Lugomela5* ... of the most important factors that govern the ... outbreaks and environmental factors in East .... were performed using the Spearman's Rank.

  2. All rights reserved and Drought ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    vegetation growth and time lag in their response to dry or wet condition. © JASEM ... enhancing losses of life, human suffering and causing damage to the ... The southern part receives .... weather condition over most of the Sahelian stations.

  3. Thanks to 70 years of Inter American Statistical cooperation, the world's largest integrated census microdata dissemination site (United States)

    McCAA, Robert


    Seventy years of Inter American Statistical cooperation, symbolized by the 70 th anniversary of Estadística , made possible the construction of IPUMS-International, the world's largest integrated census microdata dissemination site, Currently, the site offers access to 238 samples totaling over 540 million person records representing 74 countries. The Americas, which account for only about one-seventh of the world's population, amount to over one-third (36%) of the person records in the IPUMS-International database. Likewise, 35% of the citations in the IPUMS-International bibliography are for studies focused on Latin America, with about half of these analyzing a single Latin American country. This article discusses salient features of the IPUMS integration methods and system. National Statistical Institutes that have not yet entrusted 2010 census microdata to the initiative are invited to do so. Researchers and teachers are invited to use the data freely in analysis and teaching. Setenta años de cooperación estadística inter-Americana, simbolizada por el 70 aniversario de la revista Estadística , han hecho posible la construcción de IPUMS-internacional, la base en línea de microdatos censales harmonizados más grande del mundo, Actualmente, IPUMS proporciona acceso a 238 muestras con más de 540 millones de registros individuales de 74 países. Las Américas, que albergan una séptima parte de la población mundial, representan más de un tercio (36%) de todos los registros individuales en la base de datos IPUMS-internacional. Asimismo, el 35% de todas las referencias en la bibliografía de IPUMS son de estudios realizados sobre América Latina, la mitad de éstas basadas en un sólo país de la región. Este artículo presenta las principales características del sistema de integración y difusión de datos de IPUMS. Los Institutos Nacionales de Estadísticas que todavía no ha entregado la muestra

  4. Distribution, diversity and abundance of bacterial laccase-like genes in different particle size fractions of sediments in a subtropical mangrove ecosystem. (United States)

    Luo, Ling; Zhou, Zhi-Chao; Gu, Ji-Dong


    This study investigated the diversity and abundance of bacterial lacasse-like genes in different particle size fractions, namely sand, silt, and clay of sediments in a subtropical mangrove ecosystem. Moreover, the effects of nutrient conditions on bacterial laccase-like communities as well as the correlation between nutrients and, both the abundance and diversity indices of laccase-like bacteria in particle size fractions were also studied. Compared to bulk sediments, Bacteroidetes, Caldithrix, Cyanobacteria and Chloroflexi were dominated in all 3 particle-size fractions of intertidal sediment (IZ), but Actinobacteria and Firmicutes were lost after the fractionation procedures used. The diversity index of IZ fractions decreased in the order of bulk > clay > silt > sand. In fractions of mangrove forest sediment (MG), Verrucomicrobia was found in silt, and both Actinobacteria and Bacteroidetes appeared in clay, but no new species were found in sand. The declining order of diversity index in MG fractions was clay > silt > sand > bulk. Furthermore, the abundance of lacasse-like bacteria varied with different particle-size fractions significantly (p clay > silt in both IZ and MG fractions. Additionally, nutrient availability was found to significantly affect the diversity and community structure of laccase-like bacteria (p fractions (p < 0.05). Therefore, this study further provides evidence that bacterial laccase plays a vital role in turnover of sediment organic matter and cycling of nutrients.

  5. Luiz Ruffato: Bili su mnogi konji / S portugalskog prevela Petra Petrač

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Ruffato


    Full Text Available Sveta Katarina Bolonjska, rođena u Ferrari 1413. Bila je opatica bolonjskog samostana klarisa. Na Božić 1456. primila je malenog Isusa iz Bogorodičinih ruku. Posvetila je život pomaganju siromaha i vršenju Božje volje. Umrla je 1463.Dolaze trojica, u koloni, putem uz rub ceste. Tamom skrivena tijela jedva da se naziru u skromnoj svjetlosti farova kamiona, autobusa i automobila što proriču zoru. Koračaju. Visoko suho šipražje dodiruje nogavice njihovih hlača.To su otac, sin i mladić kojeg znaju iz viđenja. Okuražen govori: Već deset godina idem pješice; zbog besparice pri kraju mjeseca. Odlučio im se pridružiti.Otac vozi kombi za jednog autoprijevoznika u Limau.Dječak ima deset-jedanaest godina, iako se zbog krhke građe doima mnogo mlađim. Trenutno ne ide u školu. Prodaje hot-dog ispred firme u kojoj mu radi otac – s kečapom ili majonezom – i Coca-Colu. Noću čuva kombi u dvorištu firme, čuvari ga drže na oku. Kad naraste, sanja, nestat će iz Brazila i postati vozač kamiona.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta García-Queiruga


    Full Text Available p>Purpose: To present the requirements, development, structure and results of an electronic interconsultation platform (e-Interconsultation for communication between primary and hospital care. Method: A working group was created and set out its purposes, working schedule, software requirements, the structure of the electronic platform, validation procedure, and its implementation. Once the software had been developed and validated and training sessions were conducted, the electronicplatform was launched in June 2015. Results: After 1 year of operation, a total of 321 electronic interconsultations had been made, 110 of which were referrals from hospital care to primary care in addition to 211 from primary to hospital care. The validation of prescriptions and the need for drug monitoring in primary care are among main reasons for consultation. Conclusions: The e-Interconsultation platform is a valid, efficient and user-friendly mean of consultation or patient referrals between both healthcare levels.

  7. The father of 'www' finally gets his due

    CERN Document Server

    Shannon, V


    Berners-Lee talks about the surprise of receiving the Millennium Technology Prize, how patenting might have ruined the Web as it is threatening to do with more recent software inventions, and what he plans to do with the money from the prize (2 pages)

  8. CMAQ predicted concentration files (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — model predicted concentrations. This dataset is associated with the following publication: Muñiz-Unamunzaga, M., R. Borge, G. Sarwar, B. Gantt, D. de la Paz, C....

  9. Search for Associated Higgs Boson Production WH→WWW*→l±νl'±ν'+X in pp Collisions at √(s)=1.96 TeV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abazov, V. M.; Piegaia, R.; Abbott, B.; Gutierrez, P.; Hall, I.; Jain, S.; Kopal, M.; Pompos, A.; Severini, H.; Skubic, P.; Strauss, M.; Abolins, M.; Benitez, J. A.; Brock, R.; Dyer, J.; Edmunds, D.; Hauser, R.; Kalk, J. R.; Kozminski, J.; Linnemann, J.


    We present a search for associated Higgs boson production in the process pp→WH→WWW*→l ± νl '± ν ' +X in final states containing two like-sign isolated electrons or muons (e ± e ± , e ± μ ± , or μ ± μ ± ). The search is based on D0 run II data samples corresponding to integrated luminosities of 360-380 pb -1 . No excess is observed over the predicted standard model background. We set 95% C.L. upper limits on σ(pp→WH)xBr(H→WW*) between 3.2 and 2.8 pb for Higgs boson masses from 115 to 175 GeV




    In July 2009, the International League against Epilepsy (ILAE) developed its four-year strategic plan in collaboration with past, current, and future leaders ( This is the first yearly progress report, prepared by the management committee and the chair of the Strategic Task Force, to highlight progress toward achieving the plan’s goals. PMID:21219305

  11. Franšizės verslo modelis : teorinės įžvalgos


    Levickaitė, Rasa; Reimeris, Ramojus


    The article is based on literature review, theoretical insights, and deals with the topic of franchise business model. The objective of the paper is to analyse peculiarities of franchise business model and its developing conditions in Lithuania. The aim of the paper is to make an overview on franchise business model and its environment in Lithuanian business context. The overview is based on international and local theoretical insights. In terms of practical meaning, this article should be re...

  12. Vanjski pojas Republike Hrvatske

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Vokić Žužul


    Full Text Available U radu se analizira međunarodnopravno uređenje vanjskog pojasa i njegova primjena u praksi država, kroz prizmu interesa Republike Hrvatske koja taj pojas još nije proglasila. Do 2010. godine vanjski pojas uspostavilo je osamdeset i pet država u svijetu, među kojima i četrnaest država članica Europske unije. U skladu s člancima 33. i 303. Konvencije UN-a o pravu mora iz 1982., Hrvatska bi u granicama svoga budućeg vanjskog pojasa, koji bi mogao obuhvaćati 14 272 četvorna kilometra u nastavku njezinoga teritorijalnog mora, mogla obavljati nadzor potreban radi sprječavanja i kažnjavanja kršenja njezinih carinskih, fiskalnih i zdravstvenih propisa kao i propisa o useljavanju, počinjenih na njezinome kopnenom području te u njezinim unutarnjim morskim vodama i u teritorijalnome moru. Hrvatska bi u tom prostoru stekla i prava vezana uz zaštitu predmeta arheološke i povijesne naravi koji su nađeni u moru, uključujući i kažnjavanje počinitelja njihovoga neovlaštenog vađenja s dna njezinih unutarnjih morskih voda, teritorijalnoga mora i vanjskoga pojasa. U prilog proglašenja vanjskog pojasa ispred hrvatskih obala ističu se i odredbe Konvencije UNESCO-a o zaštiti podvodne kulturne baštine iz 2001., kojom se naša država obvezala među prvima u svijetu. U skladu s člankom 8. te konvencije, države stranke mogu regulirati i odobriti aktivnosti usmjerene na podvodnu kulturnu baštinu unutar svoga vanjskog pojasa. Zbog zaštite vrijednih arheoloških lokaliteta koji se nalaze u podmorju izvan našega teritorijalnog mora, kao i bolje zaštite hrvatskih interesa iz sva četiri područja predviđena člankom 33(1. Konvencije iz 1982., predlaže se što skorije proglašenje vanjskog pojasa Republike Hrvatske.

  13. Places to Go: Sakai| (United States)

    Downes, Stephen


    Stephen Downes continues his examination of open source learning management systems (LMSs) with a visit to Sakai's Web site. While Sakai's Web site is not particularly easy to navigate, it provides access to a large community and constellation of related online learning products and initiatives. Visitors can visit discussion forums to ask…

  14. Kalendar nedeli / Leta Gureli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gureli, Leta


    Iz soderzh.: 26 apr. 50 let literaturnoi dejatelnosti Daniel Defo; 30 apr. 80 let so dnja rozhdenia Paulja Kuusberga; 2 maja ispolnjajetsja 140 let so dnja rozhdenia Vasilija Rozanova (russkii lit. kritik i filosof)

  15. Measuring consistency of web page design and its effects on performance and satisfaction. (United States)

    Ozok, A A; Salvendy, G


    This study examines the methods for measuring the consistency levels of web pages and the effect of consistency on the performance and satisfaction of the world-wide web (WWW) user. For clarification, a home page is referred to as a single page that is the default page of a web site on the WWW. A web page refers to a single screen that indicates a specific address on the WWW. This study has tested a series of web pages that were mostly hyperlinked. Therefore, the term 'web page' has been adopted for the nomenclature while referring to the objects of which the features were tested. It was hypothesized that participants would perform better and be more satisfied using web pages that have consistent rather than inconsistent interface design; that the overall consistency level of an interface design would significantly correlate with the three elements of consistency, physical, communicational and conceptual consistency; and that physical and communicational consistencies would interact with each other. The hypotheses were tested in a four-group, between-subject design, with 10 participants in each group. The results partially support the hypothesis regarding error rate, but not regarding satisfaction and performance time. The results also support the hypothesis that each of the three elements of consistency significantly contribute to the overall consistency of a web page, and that physical and communicational consistencies interact with each other, while conceptual consistency does not interact with them.

  16. Vitrinõ magazinov võhodjat iz modõ

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ameerika kaubatänavatel asendub kaupluste vaateakende traditsioon läbipaistmatute puit- või tellisseinadega. Läbipaistmatut interjööri kasutavad valitud klientidele mõeldud uued kauplusteketid. Sellist eksperimenti alustas kauplustekett Abercrombie & Fitch 2000. aastal

  17. Del Charco del Agua Amarga (Alcañiz

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tomás MAIGI


    Full Text Available En agosto de 1947, habiendo llegado a la excelentísima Diputación Provincial de Teruel rumores de recientes deterioros en el friso pintado del abrigo rupestre del "Charco del Agua Amarga", nos fué requerida oficialmente, por dicha Corporación, la presentación de un informe sobre la realidad de los hechos expuestos, así como el planeamiento de las medidas adecuadas para salvaguardar en forma eficaz, en el futuro, las referidas pinturas.

  18. Supernova SN 2008iz in M82 Galaxy

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    models to the data, a simple power-law model and a simplified Weiler model, yielding a decline index, β = -1.23±0.01 and ... (4.8 GHz), X (8.4 GHz), K (22.3 GHz) and Q-bands (43.2 GHz) to trace the evolution of the radio ... with a total bandwidth of 128 MHz, each in dual circular polarization. The flux calibrator 3C48 was ...

  19. Iskusstvo iz-za bolnitshnoi stenõ / Svetlana Karabut

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karabut, Svetlana


    Autsaiderite kunsti näitus "Kunst ühendab" Viljandis Ugala teatri fuajees. Näidatakse eesti taastuskeskuste Singel ja Vinger ning Peterburi psühhiaatriahaigla kunstistuudio töid. Kommenteerib Linda Luhse. Intervjuu Peterburi haigla kunstistuudio juhendajate Tatjana ja Vladimir Barsukovidega



    Kokol, Nejc


    V diplomski nalogi se ukvarjamo s platformami Android, iOS in Windows Phone. Predstavili smo sam začetek pametnih telefonov in prelomnico, ki so jo povzročili na globalnem trgu. Predvsem pa smo se osredotočili na vodilne mobilne platforme Android, Windows Phone in iOS. Opisali smo njihovo zgodovino razvoja in strukturo. Izpostavili smo tudi njihove prednosti in slabosti, ki so še danes prisotne. Velik poudarek smo namenili vidiku razvijalca, kateremu so danes ponujene različne priložnosti za ...

  1. Dantistõ iz PLOM zavlekajut ujutom / Urmas Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Urmas, 1981-2012


    Hambaravikabineti Plom kujundusest. Sisearhitekt Raul Tiitus büroost Pink on kavandanud ka osa mööblist. Sissepääsu kõrvale tuleb Ivari Männi riiul FlixFlax. Seintel ja laes Martin Pedaniku pildid. 3 ill

  2. Refraktīvā lēcas ķirurģija pie augstas pakāpes ametropijas


    Šamajeva, Nataļja


    Ametropija ir patoloģisks redzes stāvoklis, kad gaismas stari, izejot cauri acs optiskajām vidēm, fokusējas nevis uz tīklenes, bet pirms vai aiz tās, tad apkārtējo pasauli cilvēks redz neasi. Ametropijas veidi ir miopija, hipermetropija, astigmatisms, kā arī presbopija. Izšķir vājas, vidējas un augstas pakāpes ametropiju. Pilnībā sekmīgi izārstēt augstas pakāpes ametropijas var ar dabīgās acu lēcas aizvietošanu ar multifokālo intraokulāro lēcu. Turklāt pacientiem jāņem vērā, ka šai operā...

  3. Genomic Approaches for Detection and Treatment of Breast Cancer (United States)


    Homo sapiens open reading frame pools) were cloned into the T7FNS2 vector, a derivative of the T7-based vector T7Select 10-3b (Novagen...PF 4B RB X1 RB X1 UB E1 UB E2 J2 No rm al iz ed lo g2 r at io DLD-1 HCT116 HCC1954 HMEC A 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 FF 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 C el l vi ab...r at io -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 PP P1 R 1 2 A PR PS 2 PR PS 2 N o rm al iz ed l o g 2 r at io DLD-1 HCC1954 0 25 50 75 100

  4. Edo Mihevc – urbanist, arhitekt in oblikovalec. Vrednotenje povojnega urbanizma slovenske obale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jasna Kralj Pavlovec


    Full Text Available Edo Mihevc (1911–1985 je bil eden protagonistov slovenske moderne arhitekture po drugi svetovni vojni in eden Plečnikovih študentov, ki se je ločil od njegove manire ter zakorakal na pot samoizraznosti in iskanja skladja med modernizmom, regionalizmom in humanistično filozofijo. Pomen njegovega prispevka slovenski arhitekturi in kulturi je predstavljen skozi perspektivo večrazsežnostne dejavnosti, s poudarkom na vlogi urbanista slovenske obale. Posamezni deli iz njegovega opusa so predstavljeni z vidika časa nastanka, uporabe in arhitekturne vrednosti, pomen in vloga zamisli ter trendov pa skozi dela. V luči sodobnih doktrin varovanja kulturne dediščine, pravočasna ocena in minimalno varstvo njegove arhitekture mora biti doseženo, tudi za mojstrovine iz bližnje preteklosti.

  5. Effect of Rurality and Human Capital Resources in the Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Process / Vpliv ruralnega okolja in človeškega kapitala v procesu zaznavanja podjetniških priložnosti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kedmenec Irena


    Full Text Available V prispevku, v katerem je predstavljena študija na primeru Slovenije, smo želeli odgovoriti na vprašanje, zakaj posamezniki iz ruralnih okolij v svojem okolju manj pogosto razpoznavajo poslovne priložnosti. Naši podatki kažejo, da ima povečanje virov človeškega kapitala, sestavljenega iz izobrazbe, znanja, izkušenj in sposobnosti za podjetništvo, pomemben in pozitiven vpliv na identificiranje poslovnih priložnosti. Za oblikovalce ukrepov ekonomske politike so naši rezultati pomembni, saj nakazujejo, da so politike, usmerjene v podjetniško izobraževanje (predvsem tisto, ki vključuje pridobivanje izkušenj in veščin v realnem podjetniškem okolju, koristne, in to predvsem na ruralnih območjih.

  6. Sobstvennost nuzhna ne avtomobilju, a jego vladeltsu / Gortenzija Ivanova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ivanova, Gortenzija


    Garaažiühistute ümberregistreerimisest. Lisatud kommentaar: Järv. Maris. Iz garazhei mozhno sozdat kvartirnoje tovarishtshestvo. - Vastukaja artiklile: Suhnjova, Marina. Nuzhna li avtomobilju kvartirnaja sobstvennost // Delovõje Vedomosti, 13. juuni 2007, lk. 15

  7. Latitudinal effect in the transport of radiocarbon from stratosphere to troposphere; Eflet de la latitude sur le transport du radiocarbone de la stratosphere a la troposphere; Vliyanie geograficheskoj shiroty na peremeshchenie radioaktivnogo ugleroda iz stratosfery v troposferu; Efecto de la latitud sobre el transporte del carbono radiactivo de la estratosfera a la troposfera

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tauber, Henrik [Carbon-14 Dating Laboratory, Dept. of Natural Sciences, National Museum, Copenhagen (Denmark)


    The large amount of bomb-produced carbon-14 (approx. 3 Mc), which has been released chiefly in the stratosphere, offers possibilities of investigating the routes of transport of carbon dioxide from the stratosphere to the troposphere, as well as the mixing times within the stratosphere and the troposphere. This is done by measuring the rates of increase in the C{sup 14} content of atmospheric CO{sub 2} and of plant material. Such measurements are available from many different localities. Carbon-14 measurements in Denmark on cereals have shown that during 1958 and 1959 the increase in C{sup 14} content was several per cent higher in this country than the average increase for the hemisphere. By the summer of 1959 the C{sup 14} content was 33 % above the 1954 level. The large increases in 1958 and 1959 are probably a C{sup 14} parallel to the spring peaks in Sr{sup 90} fallout found in the North Temperate Zone in the same years. The additional increase in the C{sup 14} content of Danish cereals above the average for the hemisphere suggests latitudinal variations in C{sup 14} contamination. This is in keeping with the findings for particulate fallout, which is brought down from the stratosphere by a similar circulation mechanism. Latitudinal effects of this magnitude make it possible to track the routes of transport from the stratosphere to the troposphere by direct measurements of the C{sup 14} activity of tropospheric CO{sub 2} from a number of widespread sampling stations. The magnitude of a possible latitudinal effect in the pre-bomb steady state is estimated. Such an effect may be part of the explanation of the short-term oscillations in carbon-14 activity found in tree-rings from the last 1300 years. (author) [French] Les grandes quantites de carbone-14 (environ 3 Mc) que l'explosion de bombes a liberees, principalement dans la stratosphere, offrent la possibilite d'etudier les voies suivies par le gaz carbonique entre la stratosphere et la troposphere, ainsi que

  8. The Effects of Mineral Nitrogen on the Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen by Vicia Faba L; Vliyanie mineral'nogo azota na fiksatsiyu atmosfernogo azota u Vicia Faba L.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mouhova, G.; Apltauer, J. [Central' nyj Issledovatel' Skij Institut Rastenievodstva, Praga, CHSSR (Czech Republic)


    ammonium sulphate application (8.1%). It was found that 54% of the ammonium sulphate and 71% of the potassium nitrate was utilized by the plant. The greenhouse pot tests showed that the nitrogen fertilizer used did not exert any substantial effect on the yield of the aerial portions of the horse bean plant. On the other hand, gradually increased nitrogen fertilizer levels produced in the plant a higher proportion of the plant nitrogen content originating from the fertilizer. Thus, the proportion of the nitrogen fixed from the atmosphere was decreased, which was in good accord with the observation of a reduced number of nodules on the root of horse bean plant. (author) [Russian] V 1964 - 1966 godah v Central'nom nauchno-issledovatel'skom institute rastenievodstva v Prage provodilis' sistematicheskie issledovanija, kotorye presledovali cel' izuchit' vlijanie postepenno uvelichivajushhihsja urovnej azota i razlichnyh form azota v azotnyh udobrenijah na urozhajnost', soderzhanie azota i obrazovanie kluben'kov v kornjah konskogo boba (Vicia faba L.). S pomoshh'ju opredeljalos' obshhee kolichestvo azota v rastenii, postupivshego iz udobrenij, a takzhe obshhee ispol'zovanie rasteniem azotnyh udobrenij. Byli provedeny jeksperimenty s rjadom prob v teplichnyh gorshkah,vo vremja kotoryh ispol'zovalis' buraja pochva, a v kachestve istochnikov azota - sul'fat ammonija i nitrat kalija . Postepennoe uvelichenie urovnja azota v sul'fate ammonija (0; 5,2; 26,2; 52,5 i 105,0mg N na kg pochvy) ne okazyvalo nikakogo vlijanija na urozhajnost' nazemnyh chastej konskogo boba pri sbore urozhaja v period cvetenija. Soderzhanie azota v tkanjah udobrennyh rastenij otlichalos' ot kontrol'nyh obrazcov (bez azotnoj dobavki) tol'ko pri samom vysokom urovne azota (2,7% po sravneniju s 3,4% N). Kolichestvo azota, pogloshhennogo iz azotnyh udobrenij vsem rasteniem, uvelichivalos' pochti kak linejnaja funkcija postupajushhego azota. Takim obrazom, vse rastenie poluchilo 51 -57% azota iz udobrenij s pervymi

  9. Fair Trade - is it really fair?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Konečný, Tomáš; Mysliveček, Jan

    -, č. 367 (2008), s. 1-53 ISSN 1211-3298 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LC542 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70850503 Keywords : Fair Trade * coffee * price setting Subject RIV: AH - Economics

  10. Percent Daily Value: What Does It Mean? (United States)

    Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition and healthy eating What do the Daily Value numbers mean on food labels? Answers from ... 15, 2016 Original article: ...

  11. Tesauros en HTML. Un modelo de diseño y estructura para su consulta en la malla mundial (WWW.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valle Bracero, Antonio


    Full Text Available A new model is described for outliníng and structuring thesauri for their use as an aid in the database indexing through the World Wide Web (WWW. Several models used in the different on-line help managers were studied and used as main sources on the start up: AcroRead, HTML Help, NetHelp, etc. These on line help systems are used to provide easy access for the users to the operatíon guidelines for several commercial software packages. For this work the guidelines included in the «Microsoft's HTML Help» were used.

    The format used for the prototype thesauri in the trials is the native format of the CAT (Confección Automática de Tesauros application developed in CINDOC. From this format and using the methodology outlined in this paper, an HTML file system including search indexes, location indexes and links was developed. This file system allows the user to go to the precise point of the text that refers to the search term. In that point the user will find a number of indications about the relationship between the search term and cither related items. These later ones can be also used as starting points for new searches.

    The preliminary trials made with different thesauri, both on-line and on CD-ROM have provided very good results.

    Se describe un modelo de diseño y estructura de tesauros para su consulta y utilización en tratamientos de indización de bases de datos a través de la malla mundial (WWW. Como fuentes de estudio de partida se analizaron los modelos empleados en diferentes gestores de documentación de ayuda: AcroRead, HTML Help, NetHelp, etc., utilizados para facilitar, a los usuarios de las diferentes aplicaciones, las normas de uso de las mismas. Para la elaboración del trabajo, se han adoptado las directrices expuestas en «Microsoft's HTML Help».

    El formato origen de los tesauros piloto, empleados en las pruebas, ha sido el establecido para la aplicación CAT (Confección Automática de Tesauros

  12. Control of radiation fields at the RA reactor (Radiological data relevant for the period when irregularities on the fuel elements were observed), Part 2, Annex 1; Kontrola radijacionih polja na reaktoru RA (Neki podaci relevantni za ocenu radijacione situacije na reaktoru za period u kome su otkrivene neregularnosti na reaktorskom gorivu), Prilog 1, Deo 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ninkovic, M [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Within the radiation protection program at the RA reactor, the fundamental radiation field characteristics are the controlled and measured in the working environment. Gamma radiation levels are measured at typical points of the reactor system, neutron and gamma radiation levels are measured in each working room, radioactive aerosol concentration and radioactive gases contents in the air are measured in the working rooms. Contamination of working surfaces, tools, equipment, clothes are under control as well as individual radiation exposure. Internal and external exposure during manipulation of contaminated or activated objects, activated material, radiation sources and radioactive waste are controlled nad registered. All the measured data are registered in the diaries of the personnel on duty, and in the periodical reports. Review of these documents for the period February-March 1979 showed no discrepancies in comparison with the relevant data for the previous years. At the end of March, when irregularities were noticed on the fuel elements from the last batch in the reactor core, the question arose whether there was any fission product release from any of the fuel elements. Owing to the experience from the previous and up to now only event of fuel cladding failure, about nine years ago, it could have been concluded that there was no leaking. In case of leaking it would have been possible to register increase radiation level at typical points of the reactor components and in the working environment. It would have been possible to detect higher quantities of fresh fission products like {sup 131} I in the coolant. Nothing of the mentioned events was detected. It could be concluded that there no fuel element was leaking, and that the standard manipulation of fuel is safe and can be proceeded without risk of contamination of the working space or the environment. Annexes of this report include the original values of the measurements from the diaries and reports for the

  13. Kalendar nedeli : 28 avgusta - 1 sentjabrja / Natalja Lesnaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lesnaja, Natalja


    Iz soderzh.: 28 avgusta 70 let so dnja rozhdenia Juria Valentinovitsha Trifonova (1925); 31 avgusta 105 let so dnja rozhdenia Avgusta Alle (1890-1952); 1 sentjabrje 120 let so dnja rozhdenia Edgara Raisa Berrouza (1875-1950)

  14. Thanks to 70 years of Inter American Statistical cooperation, the world’s largest integrated census microdata dissemination site (United States)



    Seventy years of Inter American Statistical cooperation, symbolized by the 70th anniversary of Estadística, made possible the construction of IPUMS-International, the world’s largest integrated census microdata dissemination site, Currently, the site offers access to 238 samples totaling over 540 million person records representing 74 countries. The Americas, which account for only about one-seventh of the world’s population, amount to over one-third (36%) of the person records in the IPUMS-International database. Likewise, 35% of the citations in the IPUMS-International bibliography are for studies focused on Latin America, with about half of these analyzing a single Latin American country. This article discusses salient features of the IPUMS integration methods and system. National Statistical Institutes that have not yet entrusted 2010 census microdata to the initiative are invited to do so. Researchers and teachers are invited to use the data freely in analysis and teaching. Setenta años de cooperación estadística inter-Americana, simbolizada por el 70 aniversario de la revista Estadística, han hecho posible la construcción de IPUMS-internacional, la base en línea de microdatos censales harmonizados más grande del mundo, Actualmente, IPUMS proporciona acceso a 238 muestras con más de 540 millones de registros individuales de 74 países. Las Américas, que albergan una séptima parte de la población mundial, representan más de un tercio (36%) de todos los registros individuales en la base de datos IPUMS-internacional. Asimismo, el 35% de todas las referencias en la bibliografía de IPUMS son de estudios realizados sobre América Latina, la mitad de éstas basadas en un sólo país de la región. Este artículo presenta las principales características del sistema de integración y difusión de datos de IPUMS. Los Institutos Nacionales de Estadísticas que todavía no ha entregado la muestra

  15. Production of Strontium-90 Thermal Power Sources; Fabrication de sources d'energie thermique au strontium-90; Proizvodstvo istochnikov ''teplovoj ehnergii iz Sr''9''0; Preparacion de fuentes de energia termica con estroncio-90

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cochran, J. S.; Bloom, J. L.; Schneider, A. [Martin Company, Nuclear Division, Baltimore 3, MD (United States)


    One of the most attractive fields for utilization of large quantities of waste fission products is the field of direct-conversion power supplies for remote locations. Strontium-90 is being given the greatest exploitation because of its availability, nuclear properties, and the relative ease with which it can be fabricated into compact heat sources. Strontium-90 fuelled generators are being used to power automatic weather stations and navigational aids, and consideration is being given to the use of strontium-90 as a power source for space vehicles. Evaluation of several potentially useful strontium compounds led to the selection of the titanate as exhibiting overall properties most desirable for this purpose. Strontium-90, separated from crude fission product streams and purified to the requisite degree by the USAEC's Hanford Works, is shipped in the form of the carbonate to a hot cell facility operated by the Martin Company, where it is converted to titanate pellets. This process is an adaption to remote operation of conventional chemical and ceramic techniques. The pellets are encapsulated in Hastelloy C containers for use in thermoelectric power supplies. Unusual operational problems are encountered because the large quantities of strontium-90 handled (potentially millions of curies per year) represent formidable radiation and contamination hazards. Details of the facility, equipment, process, and safety criteria are given. The operational experience gained during the recent processing of the first 250 000 curies of strontium-90 into fuel for a SNAP-7 generator is described. Encapsulation, calorimetry, decontamination, and waste disposal procedures are also outlined. (author) [French] L'une des utilisations les plus interessantes des produits de fission en grande quantite consiste a les employer comme sources d'energie par combustion directe pour des installations geographiquement isolees. C'est le strontium-90 qui est l e plus utilise parce qu'on en dispose en


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    users were used to assess the system's acceptability, timeliness and data ... 1) recognises that injuries show clear patterns ... national levels; (iz) to enable the early identification of new fatal .... programme Epilnfo 6,'6 operating on a personal.

  17. WWW expert system on producer gas cleaning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schouten, E.J.; Lammers, G.; Beenackers, A.A.C.M. [University of Groningen (Netherlands)


    The University of Groningen (RUG) has developed an expert system on cleaning of biomass producer gas. This work was carried out in close co-operation with the Biomass Technology Group B.V. (BTG) in Enschede, The Netherlands within the framework of the EC supported JOR3-CT95-0084 project. The expert system was developed as a tool for the designer-engineer of downstream gas cleaning equipment and consists of an information package and a flowsheet package. The packages are integrated in a client/server system. The flowsheeting package of the expert system has been designed for the evaluation of different gas cleaning methods. The system contains a number of possible gas cleaning devices such as: cyclone, fabric filter, ceramic filter, venturi scrubber and catalytic cracker. The user can select up to five cleaning steps in an arbitrary order for his specific gas cleaning problem. After specification of the required design parameters, the system calculates the main design characteristics of the cleaning device. The information package is a collection of HTML{sup TM} files. It contains a large amount of information, tips, experience data, literature references and hyperlinks to other interesting Internet sites. This information is arranged per cleaning device. (orig.)

  18. Measurement of zero power reactor dynamic response by cross correlation method; Merenje dinamickog odziva reaktora nulte snage kros korelacionom metodom

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kostic, Lj; Petrovic, M [Boris Kidric Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Beograd (Yugoslavia)


    Pulse response is comprehensive description of linear system dynamics. In this paper, cross correlation method was used for measuring the response of zero power reactor. Reactor system was perturbed by pseudo-random signal, which was cross correlated with the reactor signal responding to this perturbation on the digital ZUSE Z-23 computer. Cross-correlation functions were measured for different positions of stochastic oscillator and ionization chamber in the critical system. From numerical processing of performed experimental data, it was concluded that a more powerful faster computer would be needed for processing statistical experiments. In that case it would be possible to obtain information about spatial effects in the reactor and propagation of neutron waves in the multiplication medium. Impulsni odziv je potpuni opis dinamike linearnog sistema. Za merenje impulsnog odziva nultog reaktora, u ovom radu, koriscena je kros korelaciona metoda. Reaktorski sistem je perturbovan pseudoslucajnim signalom, koji je u digitalnom racunaru ZUSE Z-23 kroskorelisan sa signalom odziva reaktora na ove perturbacije. Merene su kroskorelacione funkcije za razlicite polozaje stohastickog oscilatora i jonizacione komore u kriticnom sistemu. Iz numericki obradjivanih eksperimenta namece se kao zakljucak da bi za obradu statistickih eksperimenata kod nultih reaktora bio potreban racunar veceg kapaciteta i brzine. U tom slucaju bi se iz ovako postavljenog eksperimenta moglo doci i do informacija o prostornim efektima u reaktoru i prostiranju neutronskih talasa kroz multiplikativnu sredinu. (author)

  19. Journal of EEA, Vol. 27, 2010 COMPUTATIONALLY EFFICIENT ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    using a commercial structural analysis software system. .... In Eqs. (1), Ax and Iz.x represent the cross-sectional area and ... common types for the setup of analysis equations; these are ..... manual calculations based on the Cross method of.

  20. Kalendar nedeli : 4 - 10 nojabrja / Natalja Lesnaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lesnaja, Natalja


    Iz soderzh.: 6 nojab. 70 let so dnja rozhdenia Alberta Uustulnda; 8 nojab. 95 let so dnja rozhdenia Oskara Looritsa; 8 nojab. 95 let so dnja rozhdenia Margaret Mitshell; 9 nojab. 110 let so dnja rozhdenia Velimira Hlebnikova

  1. Shifting ontologies of a serious game and its relationships with English education for beginners

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansbøl, Mikala; Meyer, Bente


      This paper takes its point of departure in a language project, which is a subproject under the larger ongoing (2007-2011) research project Serious Games on a Global Market Place. The language project follows how the virtual universe known as Mingoville ( ) becomes...... point of departure in neither Mingoville as part of the media ecologies of the classroom, nor in the epistemological ramifications of Mingoville. Instead, it suggests that opening up the shifting ontologies of Mingoville (i.e. what mediates Mingoville and its relationships with doing beginners English...

  2. The Evolution of Veteran Affairs Healthcare - Is It High Time for Cannabis Treatment (United States)


    Neuropathic Pain in HIV, was later published with the National Center for Biotechnology Information and concluded that pain relief was greater magazine /issues/winter09/articles/winter09pg10-14.html, (accessed September 2015). 56 U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs...Medline Plus, PTSD: A Growing Epidemic, magazine /issues/winter09/articles/winter09pg10- 14.html, (accessed

  3. Valerius Maximus: Memorable Deeds and Sayings (review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maja Gril


    Full Text Available Očitno je bilo zadnjih nekaj let namenjenih prav antiki, saj je izšlo kar nekaj samostojnih del, prevodov in publikacij. Pod okriljem mariborske študentske založbe Litera, natančneje v zbirki Iz antičnega sveta, sta luč sveta ugledala prevoda dveh del: filozofski spis Marka Tulija Cicerona z naslovom Lelij - o prijateljstvu, ki ga je prevedla Barbara Zlobec Del Vecchio in naposled tudi delo Valerija Maksima: Spomina vredna dejanja in besede, delo, ki bo popestrilo pouk latinščine tudi na slovenskih šolah, da se bodo naši dijaki ob zgledih, ki so jih občudovali že Stari, lahko učili, kaj je prav in kaj ne, kaj se sme in kaj ne, kako se je treba obnašati do starejših, ipd.

  4. A study of sample mineralization methods for arsenic analysis of blood and urine by hydride generation and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sysalová, Jiřina; Spěváčková, V.


    Roč. 1, č. 2 (2003), s. 108-120 ISSN 1644-3624 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3980 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4031919 Keywords : Arsenic * HG AAS * GF AAS Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation

  5. Prognostic Significance of c-erbB-2 (HER-2/neu) Oncoprotein in Benign and Malignant Breast Tumor Tissue

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šimíčková, M.; Pecen, Ladislav; Černoch, M.; Vagunda, V.; Pochmon, D.; Vermousek, I.; Lang, B.; Pačovský, Z.


    Roč. 14, č. 4 (1999), s. 13-22 ISSN 0886-3849 Grant - others:IGA MZ(CZ) IZ2924 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research Impact factor: 0.326, year: 1999

  6. Tristan code and its application (United States)

    Nishikawa, K.-I.

    Since TRISTAN: The 3-D Electromagnetic Particle Code was introduced in 1990, it has been used for many applications including the simulations of global solar windmagnetosphere interaction. The most essential ingridients of this code have been published in the ISSS-4 book. In this abstract we describe some of issues and an application of this code for the study of global solar wind-magnetosphere interaction including a substorm study. The basic code (tristan.f) for the global simulation and a local simulation of reconnection with a Harris model (issrec2.f) are available at http:/˜kenichi. For beginners the code (isssrc2.f) with simpler boundary conditions is suitable to start to run simulations. The future of global particle simulations for a global geospace general circulation (GGCM) model with predictive capability (for Space Weather Program) is discussed.

  7. Blood Pressure: Does It Have a Daily Pattern? (United States)

    ... and night. With Sheldon G. Sheps, M.D. Kaplan NM. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and white coat ... Accessed Feb. 12, 2015. Kaplan NM, et al. Kaplan's Clinical Hypertension. 10th ed. ...

  8. Inflation persistence in new EU member states: is it different than in the euro area members?

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Franta, Michal; Saxa, Branislav; Šmídková, Kateřina

    -, č. 10 (2007), s. 1-37 ISSN 1803-2397 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70850503 Keywords : inflation persistence * new hybrid Phillips curve * new EU member states Subject RIV: AH - Economics

  9. Muzõka tshissel : [luuletused] / Nil Nerlin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nerlin, Nil, pseud., 1943-


    Sisu: "mirokolitsõ kolokol..." ; "vokrug obuglennogo diska..." ; "oblutshajushtshim vinu..." ; "zvjaknut kljutshi o zhelezo..." ; F. I. T. : iz transkriptsi ; A. D. S. ; Sumtshatõi zverjok ; Inferno-final : promezhutotshnõi reportazh ; Fundament ; Reliktovoje izutshenije ; Los Alamos ; "prosti zluju zorkost (pozornõi moi plen)..."

  10. Craniofacial abnormalities and their relevance for sleep apnoea syndrome aetiopathogenesis in acromegaly

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dostálová, S.; Šonka, K.; Šmahel, Zbyněk; Weiss, V.; Marek, J.; Hořínek, D.


    Roč. 144, - (2001), s. 491-497 ISSN 0804-4643 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3575 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5039906 Keywords : apnoea syndrome Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology Impact factor: 2.133, year: 2001

  11. 1982 Federal Acquisition Research Symposium, Integrating Theory and Experience: The Acquisition Research Connection (United States)


    Technology. March 1981. 114(157. 16-17. Guetzkow, Harold, Kotler , Philip, i Schultz, Randall L, Simulation in social and administrative science...07801 Mr. W. L. Armstrong Supervisory Contracting Officer Procurement and Production Directorate (DRSMI-IZ) US Army Missile Command Redstone

  12. Characterization of two nonsense mutations in the human dystrophin gene

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fajkusová, L.; Pekařík, V.; Hájek, J.; Kuhrová, V.; Blažková, M.; Fajkus, Jiří


    Roč. 12, - (1998), s. 183-189 ISSN 0167-7063 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3700 Institutional research plan: CEZ:A17/98:Z5-004-9-ii Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 1.357, year: 1998

  13. Kalendar nedeli : 21 - 27 oktjabrja / Natalja Lesnaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lesnaja, Natalja


    Iz soderzh.: 21.okt. 205 let so dnja rozhdenia Alfonsa Mari Lui de Lamartina; 22.okt. 125 let so dnja rozhdenia Ivana Bunina; 25.okt. 70 let so dnja rozhdenia Kalju Kangura; 26.okt. 115 let so dnja rozhdenia Andreja Belogo

  14. 7 dnei / Leta Gureli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gureli, Leta


    Iz soderzh.: 21 sentjabrja 130 let so dnja rozhdenia Gerberta Dzhordzha Uellsa; 22 sentjabrja 105 let so dnja rozhdenia Ruvim Frajerman; 24 sentjabrja 100 let so dnja rozhdenia Frensisa Skotta Fidzheralda; 24 sentjabrja 100 let so dnja rozhdenia Elzõ Triole

  15. EC FP6 Siberia-focused Enviro-RISKS Project and its Outcomes (United States)

    Baklanov, A. A.; Gordov, E. P.


    The FP6 Project "Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia" (Enviro-RISKS) strategic objective is to facilitate elaboration of solid scientific background and understanding of man-made associated environmental risks, their influence on all aspects of regional environment and optimal ways for it remediation by means of coordinated initiatives of a range of relevant RTD projects as well as to achieve their improved integration thus giving the projects additional synergy in current activities and potential for practical applications. List of Partners includes 3 leading European research organizations, 6 leading Russian research organizations (5 - located in Siberia) and 1 organization from Kazakhstan. Additionally several Russian and European research organizations joined to the Project as Associated Partners. Scientific background and foundation for the project performance is formed by a number of different levels RTD projects carried out by Partners and devoted to near all aspects of the theme. The set comprise coordinated/performed by partners EC funded thematic international projects, Russian national projects and other projects performed by NIS partners. Project outcomes include, in particular, development and support of the bilingual Enviro-RISKS web portal ( as the major tool for disseminations of environmental information and project results; achieved level of development of Siberia Integrated Regional Study (SIRS,, which is the Siberia-focused NEESPI Environmental Mega-Project ongoing under the auspices of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The main Project outcome are Memorandum on the state of the art of environmental RTD activity in Siberia and Recommendations on future environmental RTD activity in Siberia elaborated by four Working Experts Groups working in most important for Siberia Thematic Focuses. Three Thematic Focuses

  16. Viagra for Women: Why Doesn't It Exist? (United States)

    ... March 13, 2017. FDA approves first treatment for sexual desire disorder. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Accessed March 13, 2016. Addyi (prescribing information). Bridgewater, ... . ...

  17. The treatable intellectual disability APP A digital tool to enhance diagnosis & care for rare diseases

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    van Karnebeek Clara D M


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Intellectual disability (ID is a devastating and frequent condition, affecting 2-3% of the population worldwide. Early recognition of treatable underlying conditions drastically improves health outcomes and decreases burdens to patients, families and society. Our systematic literature review identified 81 such inborn errors of metabolism, which present with ID as a prominent feature and are amenable to causal therapy. The WebAPP translates this knowledge of rare diseases into a diagnostic tool and information portal. Methods & results Freely available as a WebAPP via and end 2012 via the APP store, this diagnostic tool is designed for all specialists evaluating children with global delay / ID and laboratory scientists. Information on the 81 diseases is presented in different ways with search functions: 15 biochemical categories, neurologic and non-neurologic signs & symptoms, diagnostic investigations (metabolic screening tests in blood and urine identify 65% of all IEM, therapies & effects on primary (IQ/developmental quotient and secondary outcomes, and available evidence For each rare condition a ‘disease page’ serves as an information portal with online access to specific genetics, biochemistry, phenotype, diagnostic tests and therapeutic options. As new knowledge and evidence is gained from expert input and PubMed searches this tool will be continually updated. The WebAPP is an integral part of a protocol prioritizing treatability in the work-up of every child with global delay / ID. A 3-year funded study will enable an evaluation of its effectiveness. Conclusions For rare diseases, a field for which financial and scientific resources are particularly scarce, knowledge translation challenges are abundant. With this WebAPP technology is capitalized to raise awareness for rare treatable diseases and their common presenting clinical feature of ID, with the potential to improve health outcomes

  18. The treatable intellectual disability APP A digital tool to enhance diagnosis & care for rare diseases (United States)


    Background Intellectual disability (ID) is a devastating and frequent condition, affecting 2-3% of the population worldwide. Early recognition of treatable underlying conditions drastically improves health outcomes and decreases burdens to patients, families and society. Our systematic literature review identified 81 such inborn errors of metabolism, which present with ID as a prominent feature and are amenable to causal therapy. The WebAPP translates this knowledge of rare diseases into a diagnostic tool and information portal. Methods & results Freely available as a WebAPP via and end 2012 via the APP store, this diagnostic tool is designed for all specialists evaluating children with global delay / ID and laboratory scientists. Information on the 81 diseases is presented in different ways with search functions: 15 biochemical categories, neurologic and non-neurologic signs & symptoms, diagnostic investigations (metabolic screening tests in blood and urine identify 65% of all IEM), therapies & effects on primary (IQ/developmental quotient) and secondary outcomes, and available evidence For each rare condition a ‘disease page’ serves as an information portal with online access to specific genetics, biochemistry, phenotype, diagnostic tests and therapeutic options. As new knowledge and evidence is gained from expert input and PubMed searches this tool will be continually updated. The WebAPP is an integral part of a protocol prioritizing treatability in the work-up of every child with global delay / ID. A 3-year funded study will enable an evaluation of its effectiveness. Conclusions For rare diseases, a field for which financial and scientific resources are particularly scarce, knowledge translation challenges are abundant. With this WebAPP technology is capitalized to raise awareness for rare treatable diseases and their common presenting clinical feature of ID, with the potential to improve health outcomes. This innovative digital

  19. Measurement of nuclear reactor noise at low power levels; Merenje nuklearnog reaktorskog suma na malim snagama

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Velickovic, Lj; Petrovic, M [Boris Kidric Institute of nuclear sciences Vinca, Belgrade (Yugoslavia)


    Spatial and time dependence relation of neutrons from fission and other reactions in the reactor core result in non Poisson fluctuations of neutron density. Analytical formula developed for auto-correlation function includes physical parameters which characterize time behaviour of neutrons in the reactor system. Since auto-correlation function can be easily measured, it is a useful tool for experimental determination of these parameters. Noise from the ionization chamber was measured and analyzed by a digital computer. measurements were analyzed completely in the time domain (auto-correlation functions). This enabled separating the noise caused by neutron detection from the noise from neutron density fluctuation in the reactor. All the results can be analyzed by spatial independent reactor theory. Physical analysis of reactor noise was limited to determination of {beta}/l ratio from auto-correlation measurements at 0.5 W power level (RB reactor in Vinca). Three different reactor core lattices were analyzed (lattice pitch 8 cm, 11.3 cm and 14 cm). It was shown that parameter {beta}/l could be determined from auto-correlation measurements of neutron density with high precision (few percents) Prostorna i vremenska povezanost neutrona koji nastaju u fisiji i drugim procesima koji se desavaju u reaktoru dovodi do ne Poisson-ovih fluktuacija neutronske gustine. Analiticka formula, razvijena za autokorelacionu funkciju ovih fluktuacija, sadrzi fizicke parametre koji karakterisu vremensko ponasanje neutrona u reaktorskom sistemu. Kako autokorelaciona funkcija moze lako da se meri, ona je korisno sredstvo za eksperimentalno odredjivanje ovih parametara. Sum iz jonizacione komore digitalno je meren i analiziran u digitalnom racunaru. Merenja su kompletno analizirana u vremenskom domenu (autokorelacione funkeije). To je olaksalo razdvajanje suma izazvanog procesom neutronske detekcije od suma koji potice od fluktuacija neutronske gustine u reaktorskom sistemu. Svi rezultati


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Turkish Literature has made advice culture very important in essays and poems. One of the products is also Durub-ı Emsâl-i Osmânî (Ottoman’s Proverbs. The kaside of a poet; named Meâlî whose name isn’t mentiened in the sources is an interestry example for these literary products. This poem is a different kaside from the point of view of forming an example for young educaters. This poem takes place in Fâiz Efendi and Şâkir Bey meganere which we shorten it as FŞM, and it first meets the literature scholar. It is the first time it has met teh literative world. Türk Edebiyatı nasihat kültürünü nesirde ve nazımda ön plana çıkarmıştır. Bu mahsullerin biri de Durûb-ı Emsâl-i Osmânîyelerdir. Kaynaklarda adı geçmeyen Mealî adlı şâirin kasidesi, bu edebî verimlerin ilginç bir örneğidir ve genç eğitimcilere için örnek teşkil etmesi bakımından farklı bir kasidedir. Bu manzume, FŞM şeklinde kısalttığımız Fâiz Efendi ve Şâkir Bey Mecmuasında yer almakta ve edebiyat âlimi ile ilk kez tanışmaktadır.

  1. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay: History and Legal Issues Regarding Its Lease Agreements (United States)


    Jennifer K. Elsea. 4 Information on the Office of Military Commissions may be found online at Naval Station Guantanamo...abrogated and replaced with a new friendship treaty, the 1934 Treaty of Relations. 10 The Senate gave its advice and consent without condition on May 31... online at 8 U.S.-Cuba Treaty, 33 Stat. 2248. Ratifications were exchanged in July 1904. 9

  2. Y chromosome and vimentin used to trace the fate of allogeneic keratinocytes delivered to the wound by the recombined human/pig skin

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pokorná, Eva; Brož, L.; Veselý, Pavel; Matoušková, Eva


    Roč. 47, č. 4 (2001), s. 128-134 ISSN 0015-5500 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ4368; GA MZd NK6126 Keywords : allogeneic keratinocytes * xenodermis * Y-chromosome FISH Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 0.519, year: 2001

  3. IL-10 is an effector molecule mediating urocanic acid-induced immunosuppression

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Krulová, Magdalena; Kuffová, Lucia; Zajícová, Alena; Filipec, M.; Holáň, Vladimír


    Roč. 31, - (1999), s. 1218-1219 ISSN 0041-1345 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3964; GA ČR GA310/97/1261; GA MŠk VS97099 Keywords : immunosuppression, urocanic acid Subject RIV: EC - Immunology Impact factor: 0.590, year: 1999

  4. Dipyridamole Body Surface Potential Mapping: Noninvasive Differentiation of Syndrome X from Coronary Artery Disease

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Boudík, F.; Anger, Z.; Aschermann, M.; Vojáček, J.; Tomečková, Marie


    Roč. 35, č. 3 (2002), s. 181-191 ISSN 0022-0736 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ4038 Keywords : body surface potential mapping * dipyridamole * coronary artery disease * syndrome X Subject RIV: BD - Theory of Information Impact factor: 0.599, year: 2002

  5. Tidal Power Potential in the Submerged Channels of Dar es

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    on the tidal plateau, shallow water area on the sand banks and in the submerged channels, using self—recording .... in a Cartesian frame where iz is directed towards the vertical, ix points ..... Bongoyo, there is a 15 m deep channel that passes.

  6. Susceptibility to .I.Leishmania major ./I.infection in mice: multiple loci and heterogeneity of immunopathological phenotypes

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lipoldová, Marie; Svobodová, M.; Krulová, Magdalena; Havelková, Helena; Badalová, Jana; Nohýnková, E.; Holáň, Vladimír; Hart, A.; Volf, P.; Demant, P.


    Roč. 1, č. 3 (2000), s. 200-206 ISSN 1466-4879 R&D Projects: GA MZd NM28; GA MZd IZ4122 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915 Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 3.222, year: 2000

  7. Biotransformation of Silybin and its Congeners

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Křen, Vladimír; Marhol, Petr; Purchartová, Kateřina; Gabrielová, E.; Modrianský, M.


    Roč. 14, č. 10 (2013), s. 1009-1021 ISSN 1389-2002 R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP301/11/0662; GA MŠk(CZ) LD11051 Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : Biotransformation * cytochrome P450 * diastereoisomers Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry Impact factor: 3.487, year: 2013

  8. A Social Network Site for the Elite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Roesen, Tine


    initially resembled yet another invention by New Russians who are eager to flash their riches, with its online social network serving as yet another exclusive club. However, in 2009 the site was opened for guest access and membership by subscription; it is now possible not only to establish the basic facts...

  9. WWW History Exhibition LEPFest 2000

    CERN Multimedia


    1990 NeXT browser, editor, server 1991 Line Mode Browser 1992 HEP servers 1993 CERN software is put in public domain 1994 First Conference 1994 Founding of Consortium 1995 Transfer to INRIA - ACM Award

  10. [WWW.2CHEAT.COM] Update (United States)

    Rooks, Clay D.


    This paper is an updated presentation on the subject of cheating and plagiarism via the World Wide Web. In a few hours searching the Internet, the author found even more "cheat" sites than in 1998 that offered not only all types of term and research papers, but college admission letters, reviews, case studies, even dissertations as well. Most now…

  11. CISG Nordic:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    CISG Nordic er en forskningsdatabase hvor den seneste information om den internationale købelovs anvendelse i de Nordiske lande offentliggøres. På hjemmesiden indgår retsafgørelser, bibliografiske noter, FN dokumenter m.m.......CISG Nordic er en forskningsdatabase hvor den seneste information om den internationale købelovs anvendelse i de Nordiske lande offentliggøres. På hjemmesiden indgår retsafgørelser, bibliografiske noter, FN dokumenter m.m....

  12. CISG Nordic:

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    CISG Nordic er en forskningsdatabase hvor den seneste information om den internationale købelovs anvendelse i de Nordiske lande offentliggøres. På hjemmesiden indgår retsafgørelser, bibliografiske noter, FN dokumenter m.m.......CISG Nordic er en forskningsdatabase hvor den seneste information om den internationale købelovs anvendelse i de Nordiske lande offentliggøres. På hjemmesiden indgår retsafgørelser, bibliografiske noter, FN dokumenter m.m....

  13. CISG Denmark (

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    CISG Denmark is the danish CISG website, attached to the Pace University, School of Law CISG Database.......CISG Denmark is the danish CISG website, attached to the Pace University, School of Law CISG Database....

  14. ( to foster

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    electronic or otherwise) without the express permission of the publishers. tradition, as he explores the topic in relation to research and psychotherapeutic interventions. In his synthetic review, he reminds the reader of such fundamentals as psychology representing the “speech of the soul” and the aspirations of the discipline ...

  15. Collagen: A review on its sources and potential cosmetic applications. (United States)

    Avila Rodríguez, María Isabela; Rodríguez Barroso, Laura G; Sánchez, Mirna Lorena


    Collagen is a fibrillar protein that conforms the conjunctive and connective tissues in the human body, essentially skin, joints, and bones. This molecule is one of the most abundant in many of the living organisms due to its connective role in biological structures. Due to its abundance, strength and its directly proportional relation with skin aging, collagen has gained great interest in the cosmetic industry. It has been established that the collagen fibers are damaged with the pass of time, losing thickness and strength which has been strongly related with skin aging phenomena [Colágeno para todo. 60 y más. 2016.]. As a solution, the cosmetic industry incorporated collagen as an ingredient of different treatments to enhance the user youth and well-being, and some common presentations are creams, nutritional supplement for bone and cartilage regeneration, vascular and cardiac reconstruction, skin replacement, and augmentation of soft skin among others [J App Pharm Sci. 2015;5:123-127]. Nowadays, the biomolecule can be obtained by extraction from natural sources such as plants and animals or by recombinant protein production systems including yeast, bacteria, mammalian cells, insects or plants, or artificial fibrils that mimic collagen characteristics like the artificial polymer commercially named as KOD. Because of its increased use, its market size is valued over USD 6.63 billion by 2025 [Collagen Market By Source (Bovine, Porcine, Poultry, Marine), Product (Gelatin, Hydrolyzed Collagen), Application (Food & Beverages, Healthcare, Cosmetics), By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2014 - 2025. Grand View Research. Published 2017.]. Nevertheless, there has been little effort on identifying which collagen types are the most suitable for cosmetic purposes, for which the present review will try to enlighten

  16. Is It Possible to Buy Political Stability

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Linek, Lukáš; Outlý, J.


    Roč. 5, č. 8 (2007), s. 10-14 ISSN 1214-1720 R&D Projects: GA MPS 1J004/04-DP1 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70280505 Keywords : political parties * party finance * party system Subject RIV: AD - Politology ; Political Sciences

  17. Electronic Principles Inventory, Keesler Technical Training Center. (United States)


    DEVICES S1188 56 PHOTO SENSITIVE DEVICES S1202 57 SYNCHRONOUS VIBRATIONS (CHOPPER LIRCUITS) $1207 58 INFRARED SYSTEMS T1216 59 LASERS T1244 60 DISPLAY...00 0 Iz 0 0 0 .. JZ 0- 4 a. LI 0 j a: o W c 0 ) 61w 3,v"kn V Ina.O..II 0 o I ww2 . ~ L 0 I Q9 CL. Q. C KV)W-94- K 4 JL U , -j 0-C wo w i6 It 5 - - P

  18. U.S. Government Security Response to Attacks on its Diplomatic Missions, 1979-2012: How Effective? (United States)


    in New York City;120 following years of apartheid , Nelson Mandela becoming South Africa’s first black president on May 10, 1994;121 Yasir Arafat’s...Sungusungu,” (Durban, South Africa , 2000), docs/1825_12883_ sungusungu.pdf (accessed April 28, 2013), 18...Neighbourhood Watch Groups–“Sungusungu,” (Durban, South Africa , 2000), docs/1825_12883_sungusungu.pdf (accessed April

  19. Phytochemicals and antimicrobial activities of aerial parts and roots of Trigonella tehranica L. essential oils

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Kiashi


    Full Text Available Background and objectives: Trigonella tehranica (Leguminosae is an indigenous plant in northern regions of Iran. There were many reports about antimicrobial activity of other specious of this genus; therefore, the aim of present study was investigation of chemical compounds and antimicrobial activities of T. tehranica essential oils for the first time. Methods: The essential oils of aerial parts and roots of T. tehranica from Taleqan, Alborz Province, Iran were obtained by hydro-distillation and analyzed by GC-MS. Antimicrobial activities of essential oils were tested against some Gram-positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative bacteria (Salmonella paratyphi-A, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Shigella dysenteriae and Proteus vulgarisis and fungi (Aspergillus brasiliensis, Aspergillus niger and Candidia albicans via disc diffusion method and minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs were reporte. Results: The abundant compounds of aerial parts essential oil were n-hexadecanoic acid (20.84%, camphane (11.45% and neo-menthol (5.05%. The major volatiles of roots essential oil were hexanal (14.83%, butane, 2-methyl (13.39% and 1-pentene (12.80%. The roots essential oil showed the most antimicrobial activitiy on Bacillus stubtilis (inhibition zone (IZ equal to 21 mm and the aerial parts essential oil demonstrated the most effects on Bacillus stubtilis (IZ as16 mm and Candida albicans (IZ as 20 mm. Conclusion: Although essential oils of T. tehranica were effective on many examined microorganisms, their antifungal activity was higher significantly.

  20. Čustva, učenje in zavzetost - pogovor z Vero Kodrič

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dušana Findeisen


    Full Text Available Življenjska zgodba, čustva, vrednote, izkustveno znanje, problemsko učenje in zavzetost so iz Vere Kodrič naredili »vseživljenjsko prostovoljko« in »vseživljenjsko učenko«. Odprtost za nove izkušnje, učenje, zaupanje, povezovalnost so bistvene vrline prostovoljcev. Prostovoljstvo ni najbolj uspešno, kadar prihaja od zunaj, kadar nekdo prostovoljsko vlogo naroči, jo določi, morda celo omeji, drugi pa jo opravlja. Prostovoljstvo je močan vir medgeneracijskega učenja in sodelovanja. Nikoli ni bila v prvih vrstah. Nikoli ni vodila tovarne, nikoli ni bila odgovorna za razvoj neke ustanove. Njen življenjepis ne kaže, da bi bila kdaj na vodstvenem delovnem mestu, toda pobude, učenje, odgovornost, zavzetost za druge in veselje do dobro opravljenega dela, navduševanje in povezovanje drugih, iskanje rešitev za druge in skupnost so iz nje kaj kmalu naredili neformalno vodjo, četudi se tega, to sem v najinem pogovoru spoznala, ni zavedala. Nikoli ni bila uradno v prvih vrstah, nikoli, vse do zadnjih let. Takrat je bila že dolga leta v pokoju in se je najverjetneje osvobodila nekaterih spon, prejela pa je že tudi mnoga priznanja. Tista prava priznanja od ljudi v svoji Ajdovščini, in takrat je nazadnje le spoznala, da sme, zmore in da mora stopiti iz sence. Pred petimi leti so jo izvolili za predsednico občinskega združenja Rdečega križa Ajdovščina - Vipava.

  1. Antimicrobial and anti-Quorum Sensing activities of selected medicinal plants of Ethiopia: Implication for development of potent antimicrobial agents. (United States)

    Bacha, Ketema; Tariku, Yinebeb; Gebreyesus, Fisseha; Zerihun, Shibru; Mohammed, Ali; Weiland-Bräuer, Nancy; Schmitz, Ruth A; Mulat, Mulugeta


    the control antibiotic [Gentamycin sulfate, (IZ, 25-30 mm)]. The lowest MIC value (12.5 mg/mL) was recorded for oil from husk of A. corrorima against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Of the total eighteen extracts evaluated, two of the extracts [Methanol extract of root of Albiza schimperiana (ASRM) and petroleum ether extract of seed of Justica schimperiana (JSSP)] interfered with cell-cell communication most likely by interacting with the signaling molecules. Traditional medicinal plants from Ethiopia are potential source of alternative medicine for the local community and scientific research in search for alternative drugs to halt challenges associated with the emerging antimicrobial resistance. Furthermore, the Quorum Quenching activities observed in two of the plant extracts calls for more comprehensive evaluation of medicinal plants for the control of many bacterial processes and phenotypic behaviors such as pathogenicity, swarming, and biofilm formation. Being the first assessment of its kind on the potential application of Ethiopian traditional medicinal plants for interference in microbial cell-cell communication (anti-Quorum Sensing activities), the detailed chemistry of the active compounds and possible mechanism(s) of actions of the bio-molecules responsible for the observed interference were not addressed in the current study. Thus, further evaluation for the nature of those active compounds (bio-molecules) and detailed mechanism(s) of their interaction with microbial processes are recommended.

  2. Bentonite Modification with Manganese Oxides and Its Characterization

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dolinská, S.; Schütz, T.; Znamenáčková, I.; Lovás, M.; Vaculíková, Lenka


    Roč. 35, č. 1 (2015), s. 213-218 ISSN 1640-4920 Institutional support: RVO:68145535 Keywords : bentonite * natrification * manganese oxide Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation Full _text/2015_full/IM%202-2015-a35.pdf

  3. Kalendar nedeli / Leta Gureli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gureli, Leta


    Iz soderzh.: 26 ijulja 155 let so dnja rozhdenija Karla Roberta Jakobsona; 27 ijulja 1856 rodilsja Dzhordzh Bernard Shou; 27 ijulja 135 let nazad rodilsja Vazha Pshavela; 27 ijulja 155 let nazad pogib Mihail Lermontov; 27 ijulja 100 let so dnja rozhdenija Borisa Shergina

  4. Abnormalities in succinylpurines in fumarase deficiency: Possible role in pathogenesis of CNS impairment

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zeman, J.; Krijt, J.; Stratilová, L.; Hansíková, H.; Wenchich, L.; Kmoch, S.; Chrastina, P.; Houštěk, Josef


    Roč. 23, - (2000), s. 371-374 R&D Projects: GA MŠk VS96127; GA ČR GA302/99/0648; GA MZd IZ4179 Grant - others:GA UK(XC) 65/1999 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5011922 Subject RIV: ED - Physiology

  5. Kometový Test: Princip metody a klinické aplikace

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Novotná, Božena; Neuwirtová, R.; Blažková, V.; Šišková, M.


    Roč. 140, č. 24 (2001), s. 761-766 ISSN 0008-7335 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ4119 Grant - others:GA VZP(XC) 021/97 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5039906 Keywords : comet assay * apoptosis Subject RIV: FE - Other Internal Medicine Disciplines

  6. Effect of antigens from gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and of ŕ-gliadin on the intestinal epithelial cell lines HT-29, SW-480 and Caco-2

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Funda, David P.; Farré, Maria Antionette; Horáková, Dana; Kolínská, Jiřina; Ceska, M.; Barot, R.; Tučková, Ludmila; Tlaskalová, Helena


    Roč. 75, č. 1 (1997), s. 52 ISSN 0818-9641. [International Congress of Mucosal Immunology /9./. 27.01.1997-31.01.1997, Sydney] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA7020716; GA ČR GA310/96/1366; GA MZd IZ3761

  7. A Spontaneous Ad Hoc Network to Share WWW Access

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lloret Jaime


    Full Text Available In this paper, we propose a secure spontaneous ad-hoc network, based on direct peer-to-peer interaction, to grant a quick, easy, and secure access to the users to surf the Web. The paper shows the description of our proposal, the procedure of the nodes involved in the system, the security algorithms implemented, and the designed messages. We have taken into account the security and its performance. Although some people have defined and described the main features of spontaneous ad-hoc networks, nobody has published any design and simulation until today. Spontaneous networking will enable a more natural form of wireless computing when people physically meet in the real world. We also validate the success of our proposal through several simulations and comparisons with a regular architecture, taking into account the optimization of the resources of the devices. Finally, we compare our proposal with other caching techniques published in the related literature. The proposal has been developed with the main objective of improving the communication and integration between different study centers of low-resource communities. That is, it lets communicate spontaneous networks, which are working collaboratively and which have been created on different physical places.

  8. Kinetics of yttrium dissolution from waste ceramic dust / Кинетика растворения иттрия из отходной керамической пыли / Kinetika rastvaranja itrijuma iz otpadnog keramičkog praha

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Srećko R. Stopić


    Full Text Available Yttrium is a silvery transition metal and has similar chemical properties to lanthanoids. Because of this similarity, yttrium belongs to rare earth elements. Ytttrium and yttrium oxide are mostly used in fluoroscent lamps, production of electrodes, in electronic filters, lasers, superconductors and as additives in various materials to improve their properties. Yttrium is mainly recovered from the minerals monazite [(Ce,La,Th,Nd,YPO4] and xenotime YPO4.The presence of radioactive elements such as thorium and uranium in the ore makes it difficult to separate yttrium oxide from primary raw materials. Environmental regulations are getting stricter every year, thus increasing the risk of lacking the supply of rare earths. Therefore, recovery of yttrium oxide from secondary sources such as red mud, coatings from ceramic industry and phosphors is extremely important. The main aim of this study is to examine the yttrium dissolution kinetics from waste ceramic dust using hydrochloric acid. / Иттрий светло-серебристый редкоземельный металл побочной группы, обладающий аналогичными лантатдоиду химическими свойствами. Иттрий и оксид иттрия используются в производстве люминесцеентных ламп, электродов, электронных фильтров, сверхпроводников и в качестве укрепляющих добавок к различным материалам. Большая часть иттрия извлекается из его минералов, таких как монациты [(Ce,La,Th,Nd,YPO4] и ксенотимы YPO4. Наличие радиоактивных элементов тория и урана, а также иттрия усложняет процесс получения оксида иттрия из руд и к

  9. Fast Plasma from a Coaxial Gun; Plasma Rapide Produit par un Canon Coaxial; Bystraya plazma iz koaksial'nogo inzhektora; Produccion de Plasma Rapido Mediante un Inyector Coaxial

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Marshall, J.; Henins, I. [Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    The coaxial gun in use here is a source or two different plasmas produced by separate mechanisms. Abundant slow ( Tilde-Operator 10{sup 7} cm/sec) deuterium plasma is produced directly by the j x B interaction of the radial plasma current and the magnetic field of the feed current along the centre electrode. The current disturbance moves through the injected gas toward the gun muzzle at Tilde-Operator 2.5 x 10{sup 7} cm/sec, storing energy behind it in magnetic field and plasma motion. The gun, with its stored energy, functions as a high power low impedance electrical generator to drive into the vacuum beyond the gun muzzle a jet of current which is the source of the fast plasma ( Tilde-Operator 5 x 10{sup 17} deuterons, Tilde-Operator 10{sup 8} cm/sec). The current jet and the plasma it produces are the subjects of these experiments. The mechanism of acceleration is complicated and imperfectly understood, but considerable insight has been gained by an extensive series of experiments, using as diagnostics the following: external diamagnetic pickup loops, intra vacuo Rogowsky loops, electric probes, external capacitive pickup electrodes, magnetic and electrostatic particle deflection analysis, spectroscopy, target light photography, time of flight with and without a guide field, d-d neutrons from the plasma volume and other methods. The picture which emerges is one of a complicated magneto-electric process taking place in front of the gun muzzle. The acceleration process depends on low gas density there as contrasted'with high density inside the gun. The fast plasma is largely derived from gas adsorbed on the electrodes. This makes necessary a clean vacuum so as to avoid contamination with highly ionized fast impurity ions (C{sup 5+}, 10{sup 8} cm/sec). Electrode material evaporates but appears not to be a serious contaminant because it comes late. The high voltage actually accelerating the ions is associated with the rapid expansion into vacuum of a magnetic flux

  10. Prezidentskii shef-povar prishel iz paba "Buldog" / Alo Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Alo


    Presidendi uuest peakokast, peakoka valimisest. Pealk. ajalehes Pjarnuskii Ekspress (2002/Sep/27) lk 6: "Shef-povarom prezidenta stanet shef-povar paba "Buldog"". Tõlgitud ajalehest Postimees (2002/Sep/21): "Presidendi peakokk tuleb Buldogi pubist"

  11. Iz novõh stihhov / Jaan Kaplinski ; per. Svetlan Semenenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaplinski, Jaan, 1941-


    J. Kaplinski elu- ja loomeloost lk. 2-12. Sisu: "Rasskazõval studentam o natshale gretsheskoi kulturõ..." ; "Net boga..." ; "Mezhdu dvumja porõvami vetra..." ; "Na ulitse Vallikraavi odinoki muravei tashtshil..." ; "Tshto v stihhah glavnoje? - ne soderzhanje, ne forma..." ; "Otnosja na pomoiku slantsevuju zolu i banki..." ; "Stihhi kak zelen - vesnoi ona rozhdajetsja..." ; "Vizhu tvoju reshitelnost: prevrashtshajesh svoju zhizn..." ; "Lini, kazhetsja, ne sushtshestvujet, jest tolko totshki..." ; "Natshal stirat rubashku sõna. Nashol v karmane bumazhku..." ; "Vspomnit, podumat o sginuvshem dne..." ; "Smert ne prihhodit izvne. Smert vnutri..." ; "Ja ne pishu stihhov o lete, ob osseni..." ; "Stihhi zhivut na zemle uzhe s eotsena. Ih predki zhili..." ; "Vneshnim vidom idealõ napominajut krolikov ili beshvostnõh..."

  12. Iz muzeja v Tsjurihe pohitili 4 shedevra / Hendrik Vosman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vosman, Hendrik


    Kunstiröövist Šveitsis. Zürichi muuseumist varastati Vincent van Goghi "Õitsvad kastanioksad", Edgar Degas' "Krahv Lepic ja tema tütred", Claude Monet' "Moonid Vetheuil' lähedal" ja Paul Cezanne'i "Poiss punases vestis"

  13. Pletjenõi tshemodan iz vinogradnoi lozõ / Nikolai Hrustaljov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hrustaljov, Nikolai


    Musta mere ääres Anapas lõppenud rahvusvahelisel filmifestivalil "Kinoshokk" sai Elmo Nüganeni "Nimed marmortahvlil" žürii eripreemia. Võitis Tadzhikistani režissööri Djamshed Usmonovi mitme riigi ühistööna valminud "Ingel paremal". Režiipreemia sai Aleksei German noorema "Viimane rong" ("Posledni pojezd"), Pavel Luspekajevi nimelise preemia "Au ja väärikuse eest" sai näitleja Sergei Jurski

  14. Iz Berlina v Tampere za neskolko tshasov? / Helga Balode

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Balode, Helga


    Rail Baltica raudtee, mis hakkab reisi- ja kaubaronge teenindama marsruudil Tallinn-Varssavi, läheb maksma miljardeid kroone. Kommenteerivad Soome transpordi- ja kommunikatsiooniministeeriumi nõunik Kai-Peter Mattson, Läti sideministeeriumi raudteeosakonnajuhataja Janis Veidmanis ja Eesti raudteeameti peadirektor Oleg Epner

  15. Primjena fenolnih spojeva iz vina za konzerviranje ribljega mesa


    Rodríguez-Vaquero, María José; Aredes Aredes-Fernández, Pedro; Manca de Nadra, María Cristina


    The aim of this work is to investigate the antibacterial effect of phenolic compound combinations and total polyphenols of Argentinean red wine varieties against Escherichia coli ATCC 35218 and Listeria monocytogenes using commercial fish meat as model food. Rutin-quercetin combination and three wine varieties (Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec and Merlot) caused cellular death of both bacteria on fish meat at 4 °C. Rutin-quercetin combination was effective on fish meat even at 20 °C. Clarified wine...

  16. Svetlan Semenenko iz novõh stihov : [stihi] / Svetlan Semenenko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Semenenko, Svetlan, 1938-2007


    Sisu : Beshenõi ogurets; 'Blagodarju, dorogaja moja model...'; 'Ne ljubite menja...'; Teatralnoje; Dva portreta s damoi; Oleg Oppengeim, Jan Stroselski; Putnik : Ljubamiru malinke; 'Kak horosho - taitsja...'

  17. Triazhdõ tri iz trjoh stran / Ljudmila Pribõlskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pribõlskaja, Ljudmila


    Fotonäitus "3+3+3" Pärnu Linnagaleriis. Osalevad fotograafid Leedust, Lätist ja Eestist. Shiauliai fotograafide Aleksandras Ostashenkovase ja Geraldas Jankauskase töödest näitusel. Eestit esindasid Kati Vaas, Haide Rannakivi ja Viljar Kõiv

  18. Anophthalmus Miroslavae sp. n. iz Slovenije (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae):


    Kofler, Bojan


    The geographical distribution and frequency of Anophthalmus alphonsi, an endemic hypogean beetle species from Škofjeloško Hribovje (north-western Slovenia) was studied. A long term search in the classical finding-places and also in newly discovered caves, abysses and shafts in the region was made. The abyss Brezno na Malem Lubniku on Mt. Lubnik, the cave Flančenk near the village Pevno, and the old shafts near the town Železniki are the new findings sites.

  19. Benzin iz rapsa : utopija ili realnaja perspektiva? / Oleg Samorodni

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Samorodni, Oleg, 1961-


    Suurärimees Rein Kilgi eesmärgiks on viia Lõuna Toiduainetööstus Lõuna-Eesti juhtivaks ettevõtteks, seepärast käib ka võitlus rapsitööstuse Werol Tehased ostmise ümber ärimeeste Oliver Kruuda ja Urmas Sõõrumaaga

  20. A web-based resource for the Arabidopsis P450, cytochromes b5, NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductases, and family 1 glycosyltransferases ( (United States)

    Paquette, Suzanne M; Jensen, Kenneth; Bak, Søren


    Gene and genome duplication is a key driving force in evolution of plant diversity. This has resulted in a number of large multi-gene families. Two of the largest multi-gene families in plants are the cytochromes P450 (P450s) and family 1 glycosyltransferases (UGTs). These two families are key players in evolution, especially of plant secondary metabolism, and in adaption to abiotic and biotic stress. In the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana there are 246 and 112 cytochromes P450 and UGTs, respectively. The Arabidopsis P450, cytochromes b(5), NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductases, and family 1 glycosyltransferases website ( is a sequence repository of manually curated sequences, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetic trees, sequence motif logos, 3D structures, intron-exon maps, and customized BLAST datasets.

  1. Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS): History, Ideology and Its Influences on Indian Policy Towards Pakistan (United States)

    2015-05-21 32 Pathak, K. K. Of Jaswant Singh, the BJP and the RSS. Mumbai : The Rajaji Foundation, 2010. Accessed 10 August...common holy ground, a common blood and a common culture . It is also noteworthy to mention that Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs were included in this...martin-marty/hindu-fundamentalism _b_5352547.html . 71 Ibid. 72 Pathak, K. K. Of Jaswant Singh, the BJP and the RSS. Mumbai : The Rajaji

  2. 32 CFR 701.118 - Privacy, IT, and PIAs. (United States)


    ...) Development. Privacy must be considered when requirements are being analyzed and decisions are being made...-347) directs agencies to conduct reviews of how privacy issues are considered when purchasing or... a PIA to effectively address privacy factors. Guidance is provided at (f...

  3. Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and its antibacterial activity ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 19, 2012 ... Available online at ... Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) support the biosynthesis and characterization of silver nanoparticles. ... nanoparticle from seaweed is a green chemical method ... operating at a voltage of 80 kV and a current of 30 mA (Chandran.

  4. Kalendar nedeli : 28 okt. - 3 nojab. / Natalja Lesnaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lesnaja, Natalja


    Iz soderzh.: 31 okt. 200 let so dnja rozhdenia Dzhona Kitsa; 31.okt. 160 let so dnja rozhdenia Krisjana Barona; 31.okt. 120 let so dnja rozhdenia Avetika Isaakjan; 3.nov. 135 let so dnja rozhdenia Pjetra Jkubovitsha; 3.nov. 100 let so dnja rozhdenia Eduarda Bagritskogo

  5. Airframe RDT&E Cost Estimating: A Justification for and Development of Unique Cost Estimating Relationships According to Aircraft Type. (United States)


    grouping data on a statistical basis and empirical clustering of observations. Simply stated, factor analysis develops a few constructs for the total...8217 . ; ;AI - U .*- .. ." ... , -Lt" U :% 170.,, ..’ ,:, -:iZ,: . APPENDIX G FACTOR ANALYSIS INITIAL 1 71 239= RUN UKI FACTOR ANALISIS 𔃾

  6. On the performance of pre-microRNA detection algorithms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saçar Demirci, Müşerref Duygu; Baumbach, Jan; Allmer, Jens


    assess 13 ab initio pre-miRNA detection approaches using all relevant, published, and novel data sets while judging algorithm performance based on ten intrinsic performance measures. We present an extensible framework, izMiR, which allows for the unbiased comparison of existing algorithms, adding new...

  7. Marxist-Leninist Doctrine and Humanitarianism - Communist China (United States)


    wrote in his " Diary " - III56, f!convyciot.Iraesc iz tho"ý grc.-. ten’t ev’l, a.:’ it ca)n be mAid to be theý gRe-test evil a&ttainOaý’lc; by man." Latl...34dialecticralliy enters each, othezr." I n a word, acc,,ordin--g toPa Jen., on’ly by revealina’ the’led "comrn-on basýý-Ic nn~tnre of mankind" aya


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. P. Mikhailovich


    Full Text Available A method of processing and presentation of the repeated landscape photographs for analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics of woody vegetation in tree line ecotone the Polar Urals (mountain Rai-Iz was developed. It is intended to solve problems with the use of such photographs so as to help the researcher to gain an integral representation of the space under study, obtain additional information about the region of interest, create and update annotation to photographs, and develop thematic maps using repeated landscape photography.

  9. Historical-Geographical Location of Lands Exploited by the Family of Christopher Columbus in the Port of San Juan (Huelva, Spain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David González Cruz


    Full Text Available This research presents as novelty the geographical location of certain places that were part of the process of gestation of the discovery of America In addition, it also confirms the linking of the portuguese Briolanja Muñiz —sister in law of Christopher Columbus— with the port of San Juan (Huelva, Spain, and at the same time, offers unpublished data on the boundaries of the estate where the family of the famous discoverer was seated while he managed and organized his first overseas trip.

  10. Study of the absorbers and gaps influence on the reactor reactivity, IZ-061-0071-1961

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinc, R.


    It has been foreseen by the contract to study theoretically and experimentally the influence of the absorbers and gaps on the reactivity of the reactor. Within theoretical study it was planned to develop a method and find the approximation methods for calculations of these effects. Experimental part include development of equipment and performing the experiment at the RB reactor. Since it has not been possible to perform the experiment due to lack of heavy water, only the theoretical part of the task was completed with additional theoretical study of the VISA-1 experimental loop. This report includes the following annexes: influence of absorbers and gaps on the reactivity of the reactor, and calculation of flux depression in the VISA-1 loop [sr

  11. 434 Urban Traffic Congestion and Its Attendant Health Effects on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 17, 2010 ... Keywords: Congestion, Effects, Health, Road Traffic, and Road Users. ..... of transport problems that can be identified are: bad roads, fuel problem (high fuel price .... archive.

  12. Mass Estimation and Its Applications (United States)


    parameters); e.g., the rect- angular kernel function has fixed width or fixed per unit size. But the rectangular function used in mass has no parameter...MassTER is implemented in JAVA , and we use DBSCAN in WEKA [13] and a version of DENCLUE implemented in R ( in our empirical evaluation...Proceedings of SIGKDD, 2010, 989-998. [13] I.H. Witten and E. Frank, Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques with Java Implementations

  13. Growing an Ideology: How the Mormons Do It (United States)


    environment to survive” ( Daft , 2001, p. 7) consuming resources and converting those into outputs. As with a for-profit business, “a religious organization...for the Scientific Study of Religion, 26(4), 465–485. Retreived from Daft , R. L. (2001). Essentials of

  14. Analysing Parallel and Passive Web Browsing Behavior and its Effects on Website Metrics


    von der Weth, Christian; Hauswirth, Manfred


    Getting deeper insights into the online browsing behavior of Web users has been a major research topic since the advent of the WWW. It provides useful information to optimize website design, Web browser design, search engines offerings, and online advertisement. We argue that new technologies and new services continue to have significant effects on the way how people browse the Web. For example, listening to music clips on YouTube or to a radio station on does not require users to sit...

  15. The Church of St. Michael in Olomouc and its type

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Švácha, Rostislav


    Roč. 61, č. 5 (2013), s. 398-421 ISSN 0049-5123 Institutional support: RVO:68378033 Keywords : architecture * typology * construction Subject RIV: AL - Art, Architecture, Cultural Heritage default .aspx

  16. Stainless-Steel-Gadolinium Alloys; Alliages Acier Inoxydable-Gadolinium; Splavy iz nerzhaveyushchej stali i gadoliniya; Aleaciones de Acero Inoxidable-Gadolinio

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Copeland, M.; Kato, H. [Albany Metallurgy Research Center, Bureau Of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, Albany, OR (United States)


    svojstvah i stojkosti k korrozii stali v gorjachej vode pri izuchenii splava stali s 3 ves. % gadolinija. Vsledstvie temperaturnyh ogranichenij izgotovlenija hromo-nikelevoj stali, vyzyvaemogo temperaturoj plavlenija vtorostepennyh faz, izuchalos' vozdejstvie gadolinija na hromovuju stal'. Byla otmechena lish' odna vtorostepennaja faza, kotoraja pokazala plavlenie pri temperature 1320 Degree-Sign S pri issledovanii izo- pleta s 10 ves.% soderzhaniem gadolinija v sisteme splavov hrom -zhelezo -gadolinij. Jeto svojstvo dast vozmozhnost' uravnoveshivat' i izgotovljat' takie stali iz gadolinija pri obychno ispol'zuemyh temperaturah. (author)

  17. Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 and the Function of Rat Hippocampal Hemicholinium-3 Sensitive Choline Carriers: Effects of a Proteolytic Degradation in Vitro

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Krištofíková, Z.; Tejkalová, H.; Klaschka, Jan


    Roč. 26, č. 3 (2001), s. 203-212 ISSN 0364-3190 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3702 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : abeta * bromelain * papain * choline uptake * hemicholinium-3 * rat hippocampus Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research Impact factor: 1.638, year: 2001

  18. Cyclic and Convolution Potential Sweep Voltammetry of Reversible Ion Transfer Across a Liquid Membrane

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Samec, Zdeněk; Trojánek, Antonín; Langmaier, Jan; Samcová, E.


    Roč. 481, č. 1 (2000), s. 1-6 ISSN 0022-0728 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA4040709; GA MZd IZ4398; GA AV ČR KSK2040602 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4040901 Subject RIV: CG - Electrochemistry Impact factor: 1.700, year: 2000

  19. Optimizing the Domestic Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Response Enterprise (United States)


    5.2.2 Coverage Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Appendix A. Storyboard ...matter experts and stakeholders. 97 Appendix A. Storyboard O pt im iz in g th e C he m ic al , B io lo gi ca l, R ad io lo gi ca l, an d N uc le ar

  20. International Journal of Modern Anthropology - Vol 1, No 9 (2016)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... Peopling of America and Medical implications · EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Jose de Palacio-Grüber, Ester Muñiz, Cristina Campos, Javier Alonso-Rubio, Eduardo Gomez-Casado, David Cruz-Robles, Manuel Martin-Villa, ...

  1. International Journal of Modern Anthropology - Vol 1, No 10 (2017)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    HLA genes in Atlantic Celtic populations: are Celts Iberians? EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT EMAIL FREE FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT DOWNLOAD FULL TEXT. Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Ana Carballo, Ignacio Juarez, Ester Muñiz, Cristina Campos, Beatriz Tejedor, Manuel Martín-Villa, Jose Palacio-Gruber, 50-72.

  2. Lomonossovi "Iiobi valitud oodist" / Juri Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lotman, Juri, 1922-1993


    17.-18. saj. Lääne-Euroopa ja Venemaa ideoloogilisest olukorrast M. Lomonossovi luuletuse "Iiobist valitud ood" alusel. Lisa: Lomonossov, Mihhail. Oda, võbrannaja iz Iovõ. Lk. 119-123. Varem ilm.: Lotman, J. M. Izbrannõje stati v treh tomah, t. II. - Tallinn, 1992. Lk. 29-39

  3. Določitev območij poselitve v Sloveniji po vodnogospodarskih vidikih

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leon Gosar


    Full Text Available Uveljavitev pravnega reda Evropske unije prinaša obsežno strokovno delo tudi v vodno gospodarstvo. Na vodilno, Okvirno direktivo o vodah (WFD se navezujejo številne druge. Izpolnjevanje določil Direktive o ravnanju z odpadnimi komunalnimi vodami (UWWTD in Direktive o celovitem preprečevanju in omejevanju onesnaževanja (IPPCD bo tudi v Sloveniji zahtevalo znatne investicije. Področje komunalnih voda na operativni ravni ureja občina, država pa mora izpolnjevati prevzete državne obveznosti do EU. Pravočasno doseganje ciljev zahteva koordinacijo aktivnosti, temelječo na strokovnih podlagah. V UWWTD je eden osnovnih parametrov aglomeracija kot zaokroženo območje tako zgoščene poselitve, da zanj veljajo posebna določila in dinamika iz direktive. Merilo zgoščenosti je število prebivalcev na hektar. Za Slovenijo so bili izdelani najprimernejša mreža eno-hektarskih kvadratnih celic in trije tipi celic poselitve. Območje posamezne aglomeracije sestavljajo celice dveh najgostejših tipov poselitve, ki se stikajo. Površina aglomeracij je mnogo manjša od površine naselij iz RPE, zato so skupne slovenske obveznosti iz direktiv manjše, kar pokaže tudi strokovna podlaga za nacionalni program zbiranja in čiščenja odpadnih komunalnih in padavinskih voda. Izdelane aglomeracije so osnovni element načrtovanja in ukrepanja tudi za druga vodnogospodarska načrtovanja (npr. proti poplavni ukrepi, lahko pa si bi jih uporabilo tudi za programe komunalnega opremljanja in druga razvojna načrtovanja v prostoru.

  4. »Kommunikation und Kybernetik in Einzeldarstellungen”. Herausgegeben von H. Wolter und W. D. Keidel. Band 2: Structural Linguistics and Human Communication. An Introduction into the Mechanism of Language and the Methodology of Linguistics By Bertil Malmbe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Žarko Muljačić


    Full Text Available Za razliku od priručnika istog pisca New Trends in Linguistics. An Orientation, Stockholm-Lund 1964 (koji predstavlja dotjerani i ažurirani prijevod švedskog originala iz 1959. god. i o kome v. recenziju koju smo objavili u »ZFLMS« X, Novi Sad 1967, str. 181-188, ova je odlična monografija namijenjena uzem krugu čitalaca koji već imaju dovoljnih znanja iz lingvistike i fonetike ili iz društvenih i prirodnih nauka, kojima su od koristi tekovine i metode suvremene lingvistike (psihologija, fonijatrija, logoterapija, metodika učenja stranih jezika, nauka o komunikacijama i sl.. Autor, ugledni romanist i profesor fonetike na sveučilištu u Lundu, a od nedavna i na Sorbonni, svijestan je opasnosti da će lingvistika, prikazana prvenstveno kao znanost koja studira jezično komuniciranje ljudi, nužno morati da se pozabavi i vrlo širokim krugom problema pa će tako neka poglavlja ispasti za jedne čitaoce prekomplicirapa a za druge preelementarna. Drugačije međutim nije moglo biti ako se željelo na relativno malenom prostoru prikazati tako različite pojmove kao sto su fonemi i značenje, decibeli i jezicna promjena, knjizevni stil i govorne smetnje. Metodski pristup gradi i kompozicija sasvim su drugačiji nego u New Trends in Linguistics. Dok su tamo poglavlja posvečena pojedinim lingvističkim školama i pravcima (a samo indirektno i nekim skupinama problema ukoliko se neka škola uglavnom njiina bavila, ova je monografija obrađena problemski.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Alonso Andrade Salazar


    Full Text Available This work aims to identify the reasons for living in displaced persons through a descriptive quantitative research. It uses a cross-sectional design with a sample of 100 persons which ages were between 18 and 81 years. They all were in forced displacement conditions. To collect the information it was used Cuestionario de razones para vivir (reasons for living inventory (Linehan, Goodstein, Nielsen & Chiles, 1983; Bascarán, Bobes, Bousoño, Portilla & Sáiz, 2006. Results show that coping skills (55%, responsibility with family (16%, and the fear to suicide (10% protect people from suicide acts; even in high stress situations.

  6. Self-reported "worth it" rating of aesthetic surgery in social media. (United States)

    Domanski, Mark C; Cavale, Naveen


    A wide variety of surveys have been used to validate the satisfaction of patients who underwent aesthetic surgery. However, such studies are often limited by patient number and number of surgeons. Social media now allows patients, on a large scale, to discuss and rate their satisfaction with procedures. The views of aesthetic procedures patients expressed in social media provide unique insight into patient satisfaction. The "worth it" percentage, average cost, and number of respondents were recorded on October 16, 2011, for all topics evaluated on the aesthetic procedure social media site . Procedures were divided into categories: surgical, liposuction, nonsurgical, and dental. For each group, procedures with the most respondents were chosen and ordered by "worth it" score. A literature search was performed for the most commonly rated surgical procedures and the satisfaction rates were compared. A total of 16,949 evaluations of 159 aesthetic surgery topics were recorded. A correlation between cost of the procedure and percentage of respondents indicating that the procedure was "worth it" was not found. The highest-rated surgical procedure was abdominoplasty, with 93 % of the 1,589 self-selected respondents expressing that abdominoplasty was "worth it." The average self-reported cost was $8,400. The highest-rated nonsurgical product was Latisse, with 85 % of 231 respondents reporting it was "worth it" for an average cost of $200. The satisfaction scores in the literature for commonly rated surgical procedures ranged from 62 to 97.6 %. No statistically significant correlations between literature satisfaction scores and "worth it" scores were found. Abdominoplasty had the highest "worth it" rating among aesthetic surgical procedures. Aesthetic surgeons should be wary that satisfaction scores reported in the literature might not correlate with commonly achieved results. Social media has opened a new door into how procedures are

  7. WWW-based rapid prototyping as a strategy for training university faculty to teach WWW-based courses

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Collis, Betty; Khan, Badrul H.


    At the Faculty of Educational Science and Technology of the University of Twente a major initiative is taking place. This initiative involves the re-design of our courses for more-flexible delivery, in particular to prepare for the simultaneous participation in our courses of three different groups

  8. Role of immunosuppressive therapy in refractory sprue-like disease

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rolny, P.; Sigurjonsdottir, H. A.; Remotti, H.; Nilsson, L. A.; Ascher, H.; Tlaskalová, Helena; Tučková, Ludmila


    Roč. 94, č. 1 (1999), s. 219-225 ISSN 0002-9270 R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA7020716; GA AV ČR IAA7020808; GA MZd NI5051; GA MZd IZ3761; GA MŠk VS96149 Subject RIV: EC - Immunology Impact factor: 2.945, year: 1999

  9. Localization of gamma-tubulin in interphase and mitotic cells of a unicellular eukaryote, Giardia intestinalis

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Nohýnková, E.; Dráber, Pavel; Reisching, J.; Kulda, J.


    Roč. 79, č. 6 (2000), s. 438-445 ISSN 0171-9335 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3190; GA MŠk VS96142; GA ČR GA204/98/1054 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915 Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 2.801, year: 2000

  10. Enhanced IL-10 and Decreased IL-2 Production after Orthotopic Corneal Transplantation in Mice

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Hašková, Z.; Filipec, M.; Holáň, Vladimír


    Roč. 45, č. 1 (1999), s. 21-25 ISSN 0015-5500 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA310/97/1261; GA MZd IZ3964; GA MŠk VS97099 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915 Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 0.493, year: 1999

  11. IL-10 Is an Effector Molecule Mediating Urocanic Acid-Induced Immunosuppression

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Krulová, Magdalena; Kuffová, Lucia; Zajícová, Alena; Holáň, Vladimír


    Roč. 31, 1-2 (1999), s. 1218-1219 ISSN 0041-1345 R&D Projects: GA MŠk VS97099; GA ČR GA310/97/1261; GA MZd IZ3964 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5052915 Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 0.590, year: 1999

  12. Expert System for Hematology

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Straka, L.; Kmoníček, M.; Šebesta, Václav; Stránský, P.


    Roč. 42, č. 2 (1999), s. 62 ISSN 1211-4286. [Scientific Conference of the Charles University Faculty of Medicine and Teaching Hospital /3./. 08.12.1998-09.12.1998, Hradec Králové] Grant - others:IGA MZ ČR(CZ) IZ3773 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915

  13. Twenty Years Lasting Interventional Study of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Middle Aged Men

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Tomečková, M.; Boudík, F.; Zvárová, Jana; Zvára, Karel; Štefek, Martin; Bultas, J.


    Roč. 13, Suppl.B (1997), s. 127B ISSN 0828-282X. [International Conference on Preventive Cardiology /4./ jointly with Annual Meeting of The Council on Epidemiology and Prevention /37./. 29.06.1997-03.07.1997, Montréal] Grant - others:COPERNICUS(XE) 10013; IGA MZ CR(CZ) IZ4038

  14. International Conference on Separations for Biotechnology: Reading, UK, (United States)


    absence of pilli is constructed. From this gene bank a cos- not j primary determinant of the ability mid clone which restores normal ’’IZ of cells to...line monitoring of flux and and reje,:tion almost instantaneously. rejection during microfiltration of pro- Heinemann and her coworkers have used the

  15. Trgovci iz gradova pokrajine Marche aktivni u Dubrovniku u 16. stoljeću

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marko Moroni


    Full Text Available As natural allies against Venetian supremacy in the Adriatic, Dubrovnik and Ancona had developed trade relations from medieval times. They reached their heyday in the sixteenth century, after the weakening of Venice under papal pressure and defeat in the battle of Agnadello, but also the Ottoman expansion in the Balkans and Hungarian downfall. By taking control of the Balkan trade, under special tributary terms with the Ottomans, Ragusans enjoyed most favourable privileges. The merchants of Ancona, whose port welcomed Ragusan ships laden with goods from the Balkans and the Levant, were attracted by the trade prospects across the Adriatic. Migration routes between the two Adriatic shores intensifi ed. Archival sources from as early as the fi fteenth century provide data on merchants from the Marche region with residence in Dubrovnik, from which they found it easier to manage their affairs in the Levant. At the same time, the Ragusans opened a consulate in Pesaro, a city from which, together with Ancona and Fermo, came the majority of Marche merchants. Besides trade, archive series Debiti di Notaria and Noli e Sicurtà of the State Archives in Dubrovnik testify to other business dealings undertaken by foreigners from the region of Marche in Dubrovnik, such as credit and insurance activities. Thus it comes as no surprise that these circumstances proved fertile ground for personal relations: Cvijeta Zuzorić, famous Ragusan poetess, spent many years in Ancona with her family, while the writer Michele Gabrieli alias Monaldi, originally from Prato, was highly esteemed by the Ragusan philosopher Nikola Vitov Gozze, who chose him as collocutor in his Discorsi sopra le Metheore d’Aristotile, published in Venice in 1584. Among many distinguished persons who arrived in Dubrovnik from the region of Marche in this period was Girolamo Matteucci, Archbishop of Dubrovnik from 1579 to 1583, and his cousin, Saporoso Matteucci, who acted as the “general of the

  16. Alloying of titanium by oxygen during chamber electroslag remelting/Legiranje titanijuma kiseonikom u peći za elektropretapanje pod troskom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anatoliy D. Ryabtsev


    Full Text Available The paper presents the results of alloying titanium by oxygen in the process of chamber electroslag remelting. As an oxygen-containing ligature, we used the electrodes-satellite from the reaction mass residues mixture from the retort lid for magnesium thermal reduction of a titanium sponge, a specially prepared gaseous argon oxygen mixture containing 30% oxygen applied directly to the melting space, microsize (10-15 mm powder particles of titanium oxide and titanium oxide nanopowder with a particle size of 21 ± 5 nm. The structure and the properties of titanium alloyed by oxygen from the oxygen-containing ligature, gas phase and titanium oxide powder during chamber electroslag remelting of the titanium sponge are investigated. It was found that at the oxygen content of 0.053%mas. to 0.22%mas. in the metal formed a homogeneous single-phase structure typical for commercial titanium formed by polyhedral grains of the α-phase. The increase of the oxygen concentration in titanium for more than 0.22%mas. leads to the formation of the microstructure with a typical needle structure, which allows it to be classified as the α ׳-phase. / U radu su prikazani rezultati legiranja titanijuma kiseonikom u procesu elektropretapanja pod troskom u peći. Za vezivo, koje sadrzi kiseonik, korišćene su satelit elektrode iz reakcije masenih ostataka mešavine iz poklopca retorte za termalnu redukciju magnezijumtitanijumskog sunđera, specijalno pripremljena mešavina gasa argona i kiseonika sa 30% kiseonika primenjena direktno na mesto topljenja, čestice praha titanijum-oksida mikroveličine 10-15mm i nanoprah titanijum-oksida veličine čestica od 21± 5 nm. Ispitane su struktura i karakteristike titanijuma legiranog kiseonikom iz veziva , gasne faze i praha titanijum-oksida tokom elektropretapanja titanijumovog sunđera pod troskom u peći. Utvrđeno je da se pri sadržaju kiseonika od 0.22%mas. u metalu formira homogena jednofazna struktura tipi

  17. What's in it for me? - Applied science in a busy world. (United States)

    Swanston, C.; Janowiak, M.; Brandt, L.; Butler, P.; Handler, S.; Ontl, T.; Shannon, D.; Schmitt, K.


    People are busy, which discourages partnership-building unless there are clear objectives and benefits. Scientists and natural resource practitioners typically have different work objectives, performance criteria, funding streams and associated targets, and levels of responsibility for actual resource management. These differences can further lead to very different day-to-day pressures and even world views, sometimes separated by a chasm of discipline-specific jargon. Co-production (jargon!) of information is increasingly valued by the scientific community, and relevant and useful information has always been valued by practitioner communities. In fact, there is a clear desire among practitioners for targeted assessments that address critical questions about species and ecosystem vulnerabilities while delivering this information in an accessible format. Further, there is high demand for practical processes to help apply this information within existing management programs and decision-making frameworks. Does this create a middle ground where these communities can partner practically and profitably? It depends largely on scientists' willingness to frame discussions in terms of stakeholder values, and focus on working with practitioners to create innovative solutions to their individual needs. In other words, what's in it for them? A partnership-based effort in the upper Midwest and Northeast called the Climate Change Response Framework (CCRF;; ensures relevance, breadth, and credibility of its products through stakeholder inclusion at all levels. The fundamental role of the CCRF is to help people meet their land stewardship goals while minimizing climate risk. This represents a subtle but important shift in focus to people and their values, as opposed to climate change and its effects. The CCRF has involved thousands of people and over 150 organizations, published seven ecoregional vulnerability assessments with

  18. Determination of the Effectiveness of Control Rods in the VVER Reactor Fuel Assemblies; Determination de l'Efficacite des Barres de Reglage dans les Ensembles Combustibles du reacteur VVER; Opredelenie ehffektivnosti reguliruyushchikh sterzhnej v sborkakh reaktora VVEHR; Determinacion de la Eficacia de las Barras de Control en los Conjuntos de Elementos Combustibles del Reactor VVER

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Semenov, V. N.; Lunin, G. L.; Komissarov, L. V.; Kamyshan, A. N.; Halizev, V. I.; Andrianov, G. Ja.; Voznesenskij, V. A.; Kuz' micheva, V. A.; Lebedev, V. I. [Ordena Lenina Institut Atomnoj Energii Im. I.V. Kurchatova, Moskva, SSSR (Russian Federation)


    The paper describes experiments done in homogeneous mock-ups of the fuel assemblies from the VVER Reactor (at one level of enrichment) to determine the effectiveness of absorbing systems comprising shim fuel assemblies or water cavities and of absorbing rods clad in jackets made of differing materials. The paper also gives data on some experiments that have been done in mock-ups of assemblies with differing levels of enrichment. These experiments make it possible to verify the methods used in calculation and to evaluate the prospects of using them for heterogeneous reactors. (author) [French] Le memoire decrit les experiences qui ont ete faites pour determiner l 'efficacite des absorbants contenus dans les barres de compensation, l'effet cavitaire et l 'efficacite des absorbants gaines de materiaux divers, au moyen d'assemblages homogenes de cartouches de combustible du reacteur VVER (reacteur de puissance ralenti et refroidi a l 'eau ayant le meme taux d'enrichissement. On y trouve en outre des donnees sur certaines experiences executees a l 'aide d'assemblages de cartouches de combustible taux d'enrichissement differents. Ces travaux permettent de verifier la methode de calcul et d'evaluer ses possibilites d'application aux reacteurs non homogenes. (author) [Spanish] Se describen en la memoria experimentos para determinar la eficacia de los materiales absorbentes contenidos en las barras de compensacion, el efecto de cavitacion y la eficacia de los materiales absorbentes revestidos de diversos materiales, realizados con ayuda de los conjuntos homogeneos de elementos combustibles del reactor VVER (reactor de potencia moderado y refrigerado por agua) con un solo grado de enriquecimiento. Ademas, se exponen datos sobre los experimentos efectuados con ayuda de conjuntos de grados de enriquecimientos; variados. Tales experimentos permiten verificar el metodo de calculo teorico, utilizad o y evaluar la posibilidad de aplicarlo a los reactores no homogeneos. (author

  19. Air Force Research Initiation Program 1986 Technical Report Volume 2 (United States)


    ikea && the utC~De~ir Of~~f? tpro.ti /ICI 0 . fil ~Iz.:TII2 FIQ~~~~~~~rs ~~ ad pMU~ ut~ rsudCdfcot tgis4.4hu rdit.okfrfA0 MACHI 1. 2 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.4

  20. Kalendar nedeli : 10 - 16 maja / Natalja Lesnaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lesnaja, Natalja


    Iz soderzh.: 10 maja 235 let so dnja rozhdenia Kloda Zhozefa Ruzhe de Lilja, (1760 - 1836); 13 maja 155 let so dnja rozhdenia Alfonsa Dode, (1840 - 1897); 15 maja 105 let so dnja rozhdenia Ketrin Enn Porter, (1890 - 1980); 16 maja 85 let so dnja rozhdenia Olgi Fjodorovnõ Berggolts, (1910 - 1975)

  1. Canadian Unilateralism in the Arctic: Using Scenario Planning to Help Canada Achieve Its Strategic Goals in the North (United States)


    Delegation," Government of Canada, app -acq/sam- mps/nouinfor-novadel-eng.html (accessed January 20, 2013). 103 Michael Byers...cooperation as countries’ focus on sustaining their economic revitalization after the global recession kicked off in 2008 finally ended in 2016. Global...34Briefing for Nova Scotia Government Delegation." Government of Canada. app -acq/sam- mps/nouinfor-novadel-eng.html

  2. Webometrics: Some Critical Issues of WWW Size Estimation Methods

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Srinivasan Mohana Arunachalam


    Full Text Available The number of webpages in the Internet has increased tremendously over the last two decades however only a part of it is indexed by various search engines. This small portion is the indexable web of the Internet and can be usually reachable from a Search Engine. Search engines play a big role in making the World Wide Web accessible to the end user, and how much of the World Wide Web is accessible on the size of the search engine’s index. Researchers have proposed several ways to estimate this size of the indexable web using search engines with and without privileged access to the search engine’s database. Our report provides a summary of methods used in the last two decades to estimate the size of the World Wide Web, as well as describe how this knowledge can be used in other aspects/tasks concerning the World Wide Web.

  3. Oncogenic Kinase Bcr-Abl and Its Resistance to Pharmacological Inhibitors

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kryštof, Vladimír


    Roč. 102, č. 9 (2008), s. 795-800 E-ISSN 1213-7103 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511 Keywords : imatinib * inhibitor * chronic myeloid leukaemia * kinase * cancer Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry

  4. Tracals Evaluation Report. Communications Initial Evaluation Report, Keesler AFB, Mississippi, 10-15 March 1980. (United States)


    antenna platform . Moving 320.1 MHz from antenna B to antenna G at the GATR site would reduce the lobing structure for this frequency and provide more...uniform coverage. Providing increased antenna separation by spacing only four antennas along the east and west sides of the antenna platform would also...E~ 0 / C4 Is- / It /;/ ,iK 4 I’~ / / ~;~:;’/if ~4Co j0 I i0 - - - -L C4- j Wix L -,> 3-4 = x GZ li i Iz 3 0 Cc -, A25-4 L Attachment 25 ooLa I.- 0

  5. Investigations Regarding Anesthesia during Hypovolemic Conditions. (United States)


    Physiol 232:H44-H48, 1977 145. Diaz FA, Bianco JA, Bello A, Beer N, Uelarde H, Izquierdo JP, Jaen R: Effects of ketamine on canine cardiovascular...tuka NL nthorane depr-et, :r\\ - IlkNt ii hinire gose ;tiitia.. nd ~hii t(ndralle~iluri. icrdiat mtin peit isin. and metabuolism in the d,ig Aties- ti...ago, i its o n lit ven tr i i Iar :10. 140, t 12n : d’)’s. Ait J P iiys iol1 2 32 :[144 -I1. , 197 7 .7. Ui.iz FA, [[lane, JA, [ilo1 A, Beer N, UCelicd

  6. Stress Corrosion-Cracking and Corrosion Fatigue Impact of IZ-C17+ Zinc Nickel on 4340 Steel (United States)


    corrosion fatigue performance of the base metals is critical to understand for intended applications. Although it works well, cadmium is toxic and a...fatigue performance of the base metals is critical to understand for intended applications. Although it works well, cadmium is toxic and a...12 List of Figures Figure 1. T-45 Pivot with IVD Aluminum Coating

  7. UNASUR and Its Future Impact on the Americas (United States)


    Community, “La Comunidad Sudamericana de Naciones: Un proyecto político y un gran programa de desarrollo” , on regional identity; and being an inclusive organization that promotes science, and technology. UNASUR includes twelve South American...economic issues; capitalizing on regional identity; and being an inclusive organization that promotes science, and technology. UNASUR includes twelve

  8. Generalized spectral radius and its max algebra version

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Müller, Vladimír; Peperko, A.


    Roč. 439, č. 4 (2013), s. 1006-1016 ISSN 0024-3795 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA201/09/0473; GA AV ČR IAA100190903 Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : generalized spectral radius * joint spectral radius * Berger-Wang formula Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics Impact factor: 0.983, year: 2013

  9. Mechanism of Action, Efficacy and Safety of Emergency Hormonal Contraception (levonorgestrel and ulipristal acetate and Attitudes of Pharmacists

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milosavljević Jelena


    Full Text Available Hitna hormonska kontracepcija se koristi za sprečavanje neželjene trudnoće postkoitalno. Mehanizam dejstva najčešće korišćenih preparata hitne kontracepcije, levonorgestrela (LNG i ulipristal-acetata (UPA još uvek nije u potpnosti poznat, ali klinička ispitivanja ukazuju da je u pitanju inhibicija ili odlaganje ovulacije. Za hitnu kontracepciju dugo se koristi LNG, jer ima dokazanu bezbednost i visoku efikasnost, ukoliko se primeni u periodu pre ovulacije. Najnoviji preparat iz ove grupe, UPA, koji se izdaje samo na recept, može se primeniti u periodu od 120 sati nakon seksualnog odnosa. U kliničkim ispitivanjima se nije pokazao lošijim u odnosu na LNG, a njegov uticaj na eventualno nastalu trudnoću se dodatno prati. Podaci ukazuju na činjenicu da UPA ne gubi na efikasnosti u periodu od 120 sati. Međutim, prisutne su mnoge zablude i kontroverzna mišljenja o hitnoj kontracepciji, čak i među farmaceutima. Pretraživanjem Medline baze podataka nađeno je 20 radova objavljenih u periodu od januara 1993. do decembra 2012. godine koji razmatraju znanje, stavove i praksu farmaceuta u vezi sa hitnom kontracepcijom. U ovim radovima se stavovi farmaceuta razlikuju po pitanju režima izdavanja hitne kontracepcije. Istraživanje u Australiji pokazalo je da lični stavovi i religijska uverenja utiču na način izdavanja hitne kontracepcije. U istraživanju u Novom Meksiku 30% farmaceuta je bilo protiv propisivanja hitne kontracepcije iz religioznih ili moralnih razloga. Među pronađenim radovima nije bilo podataka o istraživanjima iz Srbije. Preporuka je da se sprovedu istraživanja o znanju, stavovima i praksi farmaceuta u vezi sa hitnom hormonskom kontracepcijom u Srbiji.

  10. Undervisermetroen –

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lene Tortzen Bager


    Full Text Available Undervisermetroen er et studiemiljøprojekt som udspringer af AU’s Studiemiljøundersøgelse 2011, og har pædagogisk kompetenceudvikling af og mere systematisk viden- og god praksisdeling mellem undervisere som formål. Metroen består af underviserbidrag og er konciperet af Lene Tortzen Bager, Gitte Wichmann-Hansen, CUDiM, og projektstyret, samlet og redigeret af Peter Stray Jørgensen, Lotte Rienecker og webredaktører Charlotte Albrechtsen og Anni Pedersen. Projektet er forlænget og udvikles nu videre i hele 2012. Selve metroen er en blivende resurse. ”Faculty Metro” is one of over 30 study environment projects at the Faculty of Arts, University of Aarhus, to come out of the study environment investigation, 2011. The purpose is development of teaching competencies and a forum for sharing good teaching and learning practices among faculty. The metro lines and stops contain multimodal good practice descriptions produced by faculty, edited by the Humanities department’s Center for Teaching Development and Digital Media. The idea is conceived by Lene Tortzen Bager and Gitte Wichmann-Hansen. Pedagogical and web crew in 2012 are Peter Stray Jørgensen, Lotte Rienecker, Charlotte Albrechtsen and Anni Pedersen. The metro is a permanent resource.

  11. Newsbriefs January 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    In this newsbrief the topics covered include: categories of risk, nuclear materials, nuclear facilities, and radioactive sources; a special session of IAEA experts meeting on the subject; financing the prevention of terrorism; nuclear security discussed by the IAEA Board of Governors; technical cooperation for security; use of electron beam scanning for mail safety; sustainable development; radioactive waste management; health programs in Latin America; landmine cleanup; clean water programmes

  12. History of the U.S. Army Artillery and Missile School. Volume 4. 1958-1967 (United States)


    harden, Jr. Aug 1962 Col Edward de Saussure , Jr. *See also History of the USAAMS 1945-1957, p. IZ8. :i2: 16 -7.j -------------------.- t GUNNER Y DEPAR...Instruction), and Pershing Division (Instruction). DIREC TORS: 30 August 1962 COL Edward de Saussure , Jr. 15 August 1963 COL Robert J. Tolly S13 May

  13. Sustainability: Land Management (United States)


    8217. .’" , .. . . . . Aqula Harbour , , MCB Quantico Notification Area MMF Legend Flight Tracks - FixedW1ng - Rot;wy Wing TBS :::_-, FIXed Wing Alea ...Rot;wy Wing Alea TBS Rotary Wing /Vea lmpuln Noise Buffer SMile APZ~l Range Safety Zone C Range Safety Zone A IZ2Zl Corr4losile Su1ace

  14. Phenotypical characterization of intestinal lymphocytes from rats with gluten enteropathy

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štěpánková, Renata; Tlaskalová, Helena; Šinkora, Jiří; Hudcovic, Tomáš; Kofroňová, Olga


    Roč. 56, 1-3 (1997), s. 180 ISSN 0165-2478. [European Immunology Meeting /13./. Amsterdam, 22.06.1997-25.06.1997] R&D Projects: GA ČR GA303/96/1256; GA ČR GA311/97/0784; GA AV ČR IAA7020716; GA MZd IZ4150 Impact factor: 1.096, year: 1997

  15. Browse Title Index

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Items 1 - 50 of 50 ... Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Jose de Palacio-Grüber, Ester Muñiz, Cristina Campos, Javier Alonso-Rubio, Eduardo Gomez-Casado, David Cruz-Robles, Manuel Martin-Villa, Carlos Silvera. Vol 1, No 5 (2012), Iberian-Tartessian scripts/graffiti in Iruna-Veleia (Basque Country, North Spain): findings in both Iberia ...

  16. Novel dystrophin mutations revealed by analysis of dystrophin mRNA: alternative splicing suppresses the phenotypic effect of a nonsense mutation

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Fajkusová, L.; Lukáš, Z.; Tvrdíková, M.; Kuhrová, V.; Hájek, J.; Fajkus, Jiří


    Roč. 11, č. 2 (2001), s. 133-138 ISSN 0960-8966 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ3700; GA MZd NM19; GA MZd NA5227 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5004920 Keywords : Duchenne muscular dystrophy * Becker muscular dystrophy * dystrophin mRNA Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics Impact factor: 2.547, year: 2001



    DŽIN, Kristina


    U izboru antičkih javnih spomenika Pule (Colonia Iulia Pola) iz carskog Augustovog vremena, posebna pozornost se u članku daje slavoluku obitelji Sergijevaca, jednom od najljepših djela antičkog kamenoklesarstva i dometa dekorativnih elemenata izrađenih izuzetnim obrtničkim umijećem pod utjecajem helenističke umjetnosti.

  18. On the radiological consequences near and far away from the catastrophically damaged Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Susnik, J [Reactor Engineering Div., Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    The influence of the radioactive cloud rise at the site on the potential expected post accidental doses, using the WASH-1400 PWR-1A scenario and the CRAC 2 model, was studied. The UNSCEAR 1988 was used to estimate the activity of the cloud that contaminated Slovenia and neighbouring areas. The contamination levels at the J.Stefan Institute were used for comparison (the match was surprisingly good). Some of the expected doses due to early irradiation from the cloud, ground, inhalation and ingestion are also shown. Dose reduction possibilities were estimated. (author) [Slovenian] Preucili smo vpliv dviga radioaktivnega oblaka na lokaciji JE na potencialne ponezgodne doze, pri cemer smo izhajali iz WASH-1400 PWR-1A scenarija in uporabili program CRAC2. UNSCEAR 1988 smo uporabili za oceno aktivnosti oblaka, ki je onesnazil Slovenijo in sosednja podrocja. Nivoje kontaminacije izmerjene na lokaciji Instituta J. Stefan smo uporabili za primerjavo (ujemanje je bilo presenetljivo dobro). Podajamo tudi nekatere pricakovane doze zgodnjega obsevanja iz oblaka, s tal, vdihovanja in vnosa hrane. Ocenili smo mozna znizanja doz. [author].

  19. Izvori temeljnih principov vede fengshui skozi pojem korelativne kozmologije

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Matej ZIMA


    Full Text Available V članku obravnavam osnovne prvine kitajske vede fengshui 风水, ki se je razvila iz specifično kitajskih tehnično-magičnih praks. Zahodni tehničnih viri se pri raziskavi vede feng shui kažejo kot nezadostni, zato se posvečam klasičnim kitajskim izvorom te vede. Tem sledim zlasti skozi prevladujoči diskurz korelativne kozmologije iz dinastije Han, ko nastane tudi predhodnica vede fengshui – veda kanyu 堪舆. Fengshui v obdobju Šestih dinastij ter dinastijah Sui, Tang in Song doživi svoj razcvet, zlasti pa se takrat začne pojavljati prva prava fengshui literatura, ki jo v okviru »izumljanja tradicije« proizvajajo konfucijanski izobraženci. V dinastijah Yuan in Ming, ki tem tokovom bolj ali manj sledita, se fengshui že popularizira in postane del množične kulture. V dinastiji Qing poleg obravnavanja kulturnega pojava vede fengshui znotraj leposlovja opazimo tudi prve spremembe njenih praks, ki so plod zahodnih znanosti.

  20. Emancipatorni potencial gibanj v vstajah v Sloveniji 2012–2013

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lana Zdravković


    Full Text Available Prispevek premišljuje emancipatorni potencial gibanj v vstajah 2012–2013, najbolj silovitih v zgodovini samostojne Slovenije. Ne glede na njihovo organizacijsko obliko (iniciativa, kolektiv, neformalno združenje, društvo, zavod, politična stranka …, čas nastanka ali številčnost je v središču predvsem njihovo razumevanje politike in potencial za razvoj strategij za politično delovanje. Pri tem avtorica izhajam iz temeljnega aksioma, da resen premislek o politiki nujno vključuje premislek o temeljni radikalni enakosti med ljudmi, to je politiki emancipacije, ki ji je inherentna egalitarna norma. Analiza temelji na intervjujih s sogovorniki iz 19 gibanj, aktivnih v času vstaj, in pokaže na nasprotja, ki so se vzpostavila med gibanji znotraj paradigme »možnega«, kjer je politika razumljena kot vladavina, in tista na področju »nemožnega«, to je izumljanja prostorov politike, ki bi temeljili na radikalni enakosti onkraj boja za oblast.

  1. Implementacija javnih politika kao operativno upravljanje:analiza transformacije hrvatske politike prema osobama s invaliditetom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anka Kekez-Koštro


    Full Text Available U članku se razmatra transformacija procesa implementacije politike prema osobama s invaliditetom (OSI u Hrvatskoj, koja je posljedica transformacije modela kreiranja politike prema OSI – iz medicinskog u socijalni, s tendencijom prema razvoju modela ljudskih prava. S obzirom na procesnu usmjerenost analize, implementacija se sagledava na temelju koncepta javnog upravljanja te se koristi teorijski okvir višerazinskog upravljanja Michaela Hilla i Petera Hupea, koji implementaciju shvaćaju kao operativno upravljanje. Konceptualiziraju se i analiziraju promjene aktivnosti operativnog upravljanja na razini sustava, organizacije i pojedinca kao posljedica spomenute transformacije modela. Analizom intervjua aktera politike i provedbenih dokumenata, kao dijela interdisciplinarnog istraživačkog projekta, autorice pokazuju da je u hrvatskoj politici prema OSI došlo do neujednačene transformacije na različitim razinama implementacije (sustav/organizacija/pojedinac. Tako je na razini sustava utvrđena prisutnost socijalnog modela s tendencijom daljnjeg razvoja okvira implementacije prema modelu ljudskih prava. Razinu međuorganizacijskih odnosa obilježava socijalni model, a na razini pojedinca tek se događa izlazak iz medicinskog modela.

  2. Nekaj manj znanih strani iz zgodovine klasičnega seminarja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kajetan Gantar


    Full Text Available Dragi in spoštovani kolegici dr. Eriki Mihevc-Gabrovec ob visokem življenjskem jubileju   V tem zapisu bi rad zabeležil nekaj spominov na svoja srečanja z jubilantko, še posebej na četrt stoletja, ki sem ga preživel kot njen najožji sodelavec. Z veseljem se spominjam časov, ko sva prevzela predstojništvo klasičnega seminarja (oziroma Oddelka za klasično filologijo, kot se uradno imenuje in ga nato dve desetletji složno krmarila med čermi in ujmami, ki so se večkrat zgrinjale nadenj, pri čemer se nama je pozneje kot tretji kolega pridružil še Primož Simoniti.

  3. Andrei Mironov povzdoril s verbljudom iz-za odekolona / Viktoria Volkova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Volkova, Viktoria


    Tegijate meenutusi, kuidas sündis seiklusfilm "Vabariigi vara" ("Dostojanije respubliki") : režissöör Vladimir Bõtshkov : stsenarist Issai Kuznetsov : näitlejad Andrei Mironov jt. : Nõukogude Liit 1971

  4. Aktjorõ iz filma "12" sõgrali "lutshshuju muzhskuju pol"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Venemaa rahvusliku filmikunsti ja -teaduste akadeemia auhinnad "Kuldne Kotkas" ("Zolotoi Orjol") 2007.a. filmide eest. Peaauhinna sai Nimita Mihhalkovi "12". Seejuures sai parima meesnäitleja auhinna kogu filmitrupp - 12 näitlejat. Nimetatud ka teised auhinnasaajad

  5. Erektil'naya disfunktsiya kak odno iz proyavleniy dekompensatsii sakharnogo diabeta

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    D I Esaulenko


    Full Text Available Цель. Оценить характеристики ЭД у больных, находищяхися в состоянии декомпенсации СД, и влиянии нормализации углеводного обмена на эту клиническую форму нарушения половой функции у мужчин, страдающих СД. Материалы и методы. Для оценки компенсации СД у всех пациентов определяли уровень HbA1c; кроме того, оценивалось проведение пациентами регулярного самоконтроля гликемии и самостоятельной коррекции доз инсулина. У всех пациентов был собран анамнез половой жизни, произведена допплерография артерий полового члена и определена вибрационная, тактильной,температурная чувствительность полового члена, с оценкой бульбокавернозного рефлекса. Оценивались характеристики ЭД. В дальнейшее исследование были включены 8 пациентов с ЭД, у которых патогенез расстройства нельзя было объяснить наличием органических поражений сосудистой и нервной систем полового члена. Результаты. Средний балл ЭД по шкале МИЭФ составил 16,1 (15,2-17,0, что соответствует легкой степени тяжести ЭД. После проведенной терапии и компенсации СД у всех пациентов, наряду с улучшением общего состояния и исчезновением симптомов периферической диабетической полинейропатии, было отмечено достоверное улучшение половой функции (средний балл ЭД по шкале МИЭФ после терапии составил 22,6, вплоть до ее полного восстановления. После проведенной терапии и компенсации СД у всех пациентов с СД 2 также было отмечено достоверное улучшение половой функции (р

  6. Nacionalna sigurnost iz perspektive geoekonomije: slučaj Republike Hrvatske


    Grubić, Aleksandra


    U današnjem su svijetu nacionalna i međunarodna sigurnost uvelike pod utjecajem ekonomske domene. Kako bi se pružio analitički pregled ovih procesa, rad je podijeljen u tri dijela. Prvi dio obuhvaća teorijsku pozadinu procesa unutar kojeg geoekonomija ne zamjenjuje, već nadopunjuje geopolitičke kalkulacije. Drugi dio stavlja naglasak na proširenje i preračunavanje koncepta nacionalne sigurnosti u kontekstu kretanja od geopolitike prema geoekonomiji, proširujući tradicionalno promatranu pol...

  7. Three very simple games and what it takes to solve them

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rydval, O.; Ortmann, Andreas; Ostatnický, M.

    -, č. 347 (2008), s. 1-30 ISSN 1211-3298 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LC542 Institutional research plan: CEZ:MSM0021620846 Keywords : cognition * bounded rationality * guessing games Subject RIV: AH - Economics


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kavetskyy T. S.


    Full Text Available It is established radiation-induced decreasing in fragility of structural network takes place for γ-irradiated sample of Ge15,8As21S63,2 chalcogenide glass. It is concluded on the basis of the results obtained that radiation modification of chalcogenide glass leads to the rigidity of its matrix, and the vibrational (boson contribution in the low-frequency spectral region is dominatе on the relaxation quasi-elastic scattering.

  9. Soluble isoforms of CEACAM1 containing the A2 domain increase serum levels in patients with obstructive jaundice and differences in 3-fucosyl-N-acetyl-lactosamine moiety

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Dráberová, Lubica; Černá, Helena; Brodská, H.; Watt, S. M.; Stanners, C. P.; Dráber, Petr


    Roč. 101, č. 2 (2000), s. 279-287 ISSN 0019-2805 R&D Projects: GA MZd PL600; GA MZd IZ3755; GA MZd NM18; GA ČR GA310/00/0205; GA ČR GA204/00/0204; GA AV ČR KSK2038602 Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology Impact factor: 2.292, year: 2000

  10. Preparation of Poly(MA-alt-α-olefin-C6,8,12,18)

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    in situ generated nanofillers for use as a dual function organonanofiller. DEN˙IZ .... G2 Spirit Biotwin model High Contrast Transmission. Electron .... because solubility is a strict requirement for the NMR studies. ... sess a full condensed silica phase (i.e., corresponding ..... Da Z L, Zhang Q Q, Wu D M, Yang D Y and Qiu F X.

  11. SWANEA (Southwest Asia-Northeast Africa): A Climatological Study. Volume 1. The Horn of Africa (United States)


    Trough axes (interior Africa and Indian axes. West of the Ethiopian Highlands, the. convergent Ocean) can temporarily link tip along the Horn or Af~rica...FeqecisofVsibties in B pedo M kis, YemndHglns and p~~revailing di rectionfo Yemen u Haig (hlands. n piadwa ylni ufo rmteRba Musai), ana, ndT iz.Eatery ompnetsfor

  12. ApoER2 Controls Not Only Neuronal Migration in the Intermediate Zone But Also Termination of Migration in the Developing Cerebral Cortex. (United States)

    Hirota, Yuki; Kubo, Ken-Ichiro; Fujino, Takahiro; Yamamoto, Tokuo T; Nakajima, Kazunori


    Neuronal migration contributes to the establishment of mammalian brain. The extracellular protein Reelin sends signals to various downstream molecules by binding to its receptors, the apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2) and very low-density lipoprotein receptor and exerts essential roles in the neuronal migration and formation of the layered neocortex. However, the cellular and molecular functions of Reelin signaling in the cortical development are not yet fully understood. Here, to gain insight into the role of Reelin signaling during cortical development, we examined the migratory behavior of Apoer2-deficient neurons in the developing brain. Stage-specific labeling of newborn neurons revealed that the neurons ectopically invaded the marginal zone (MZ) and that neuronal migration of both early- and late-born neurons was disrupted in the intermediate zone (IZ) in the Apoer2 KO mice. Rescue experiments showed that ApoER2 functions both in cell-autonomous and noncell-autonomous manners, that Rap1, integrin, and Akt are involved in the termination of migration beneath the MZ, and that Akt also controls neuronal migration in the IZ downstream of ApoER2. These data indicate that ApoER2 controls multiple processes in neuronal migration, including the early stage of radial migration and termination of migration beneath the MZ in the developing neocortex. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  13. Geomechanical time series and its singularity spectrum analysis

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Lyubushin, Alexei A.; Kaláb, Zdeněk; Lednická, Markéta


    Roč. 47, č. 1 (2012), s. 69-77 ISSN 1217-8977 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA105/09/0089 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30860518 Keywords : geomechanical time series * singularity spectrum * time series segmentation * laser distance meter Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure Impact factor: 0.347, year: 2012

  14. Understanding the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Through Social Movement Theory, and Analyzing and Evaluating Its Potential Threat to Kazakhstan (United States)


    All Stages of Kazakh History,” YouTube video, 34:56, posted by Mordvin Mordvinov, March 16, 2014, 16...The author especially explains that religious repression, depressed economic conditions, political corruption, and the Soviet Union’s collapse...modified August 24, 2011, 107 “Karimov in Namangan,” YouTube video, 12:46, posted by TurkistonTV

  15. Three very simple games and what it takes to solve them

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Rydval, Ondřej; Ortmann, A.; Ostatnický, M.

    -, č. 347 (2008), s. 1-30 ISSN 1211-3298 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LC542 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z70850503 Keywords : cognition * bounded rationality * guessing games Subject RIV: AH - Economics

  16. Annotate-it: a Swiss-knife approach to annotation, analysis and interpretation of single nucleotide variation in human disease. (United States)

    Sifrim, Alejandro; Van Houdt, Jeroen Kj; Tranchevent, Leon-Charles; Nowakowska, Beata; Sakai, Ryo; Pavlopoulos, Georgios A; Devriendt, Koen; Vermeesch, Joris R; Moreau, Yves; Aerts, Jan


    The increasing size and complexity of exome/genome sequencing data requires new tools for clinical geneticists to discover disease-causing variants. Bottlenecks in identifying the causative variation include poor cross-sample querying, constantly changing functional annotation and not considering existing knowledge concerning the phenotype. We describe a methodology that facilitates exploration of patient sequencing data towards identification of causal variants under different genetic hypotheses. Annotate-it facilitates handling, analysis and interpretation of high-throughput single nucleotide variant data. We demonstrate our strategy using three case studies. Annotate-it is freely available and test data are accessible to all users at

  17. Spatial and temporal variations of albedo and absorbed solar radiation during 2009 - 2016 from IKOR-M satellite program (United States)

    Cherviakov, Maksim; Bogdanov, Mikhail; Spiryakhina, Anastasia; Shishkina, Elena; Surkova, Yana; Kulkova, Eugenia


    This report describes Earth's radiation budget IKOR-M satellite program which has been started in Russia. The first satellite "Meteor-M» No 1 of this project was put into orbit in September, 2009. The IKOR-M radiometer is a satellite instrument that measures reflected shortwave radiation (0.3-4.0 µm). It was created in Saratov State University and installed on Russian hydrometeorological satellites "Meteor-M" No 1 and No 2. Radiometer IKOR-M designed for satellite monitoring of the outgoing reflected short-wave radiation, which is one of the components of Earth's radiation budget. Such measurements can be used to derive Earth's surface albedo and absorbed solar radiation. This information also can be used in different models of long-term weather forecasts and in researches of climate change trends (Sklyarov et al., 2016). Satellite "Meteor-M" No 1 and No 2 are heliosynchronous that allows observing from North to South Poles. The basic products of data processing are given in the form of global maps of distribution outgoing short-wave radiation (OSR), albedo and absorbed solar radiation (ASR). Such maps were made for each month during observation period. The IKOR-M product archive is available online at all times. A searchable catalogue of data products is continually updated and users may search and download data products via the Earth radiation balance components research laboratory website ( as soon as they become available. Two series of measurements from two different IKOR-M are available. The first radiometer had worked from October, 2009 to August, 2014 and second - from August, 2014 to the present. Therefore, there is a period when both radiometers work at the same time. Top-of-atmosphere fluxes deduced from the "Meteor-M" No 1 measurements in August, 2014 show very good agreement with the fluxes determined from "Meteor-M" No 2 (Bogdanov et al., 2016). The effect of aging is investigated for first IKOR

  18. Game browse and its impact on selected grain crops

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Cerkal, R.; Vejražka, K.; Kamler, Jiří; Dvořák, J.


    Roč. 55, č. 5 (2009), s. 181-186 ISSN 1214-1178 R&D Projects: GA MZe(CZ) QF4192 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60930519 Keywords : game damages * herbivores * defoliation * compensatory response * leaf area reduction Subject RIV: GF - Plant Pathology, Vermin, Weed, Plant Protection Impact factor: 0.697, year: 2009

  19. Search for supersymmetry in events with photons and low missing transverse energy in pp collisions at" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:ja="" xmlns:mml="" xmlns:tb="" xmlns:sb="" xmlns:ce="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:cals="">s=7 TeV

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chatrchyan, S.; Khachatryan, V.; Sirunyan, A. M.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Aguilo, E.; Bergauer, T.; Dragicevic, M.; Erö, J.; Fabjan, C.; Friedl, M.; Frühwirth, R.; Ghete, V. M.; Hammer, J.; Hörmann, N.; Hrubec, J.; Jeitler, M.; Kiesenhofer, W.; Knünz, V.; Krammer, M.; Krätschmer, I.; Liko, D.; Mikulec, I.; Pernicka, M.; Rahbaran, B.; Rohringer, C.; Rohringer, H.; Schöfbeck, R.; Strauss, J.; Taurok, A.; Waltenberger, W.; Walzel, G.; Widl, E.; Wulz, C. -E.; Mossolov, V.; Shumeiko, N.; Suarez Gonzalez, J.; Bansal, M.; Bansal, S.; Cornelis, T.; De Wolf, E. A.; Janssen, X.; Luyckx, S.; Mucibello, L.; Ochesanu, S.; Roland, B.; Rougny, R.; Selvaggi, M.; Staykova, Z.; Van Haevermaet, H.; Van Mechelen, P.; Van Remortel, N.; Van Spilbeeck, A.; Blekman, F.; Blyweert, S.; DʼHondt, J.; Gonzalez Suarez, R.; Kalogeropoulos, A.; Maes, M.; Olbrechts, A.; Van Doninck, W.; Van Mulders, P.; Van Onsem, G. P.; Villella, I.; Clerbaux, B.; De Lentdecker, G.; Dero, V.; Gay, A. P. 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L.; Santoro, A.; Soares Jorge, L.; Sznajder, A.; Anjos, T. S.; Bernardes, C. A.; Dias, F. A.; Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R.; Gregores, E. M.; Lagana, C.; Marinho, F.; Mercadante, P. G.; Novaes, S. F.; Padula, Sandra S.; Genchev, V.; Iaydjiev, P.; Piperov, S.; Rodozov, M.; Stoykova, S.; Sultanov, G.; Tcholakov, V.; Trayanov, R.; Vutova, M.; Dimitrov, A.; Hadjiiska, R.; Kozhuharov, V.; Litov, L.; Pavlov, B.; Petkov, P.; Bian, J. G.; Chen, G. M.; Chen, H. S.; Jiang, C. H.; Liang, D.; Liang, S.; Meng, X.; Tao, J.; Wang, J.; Wang, X.; Wang, Z.; Xiao, H.; Xu, M.; Zang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Asawatangtrakuldee, C.; Ban, Y.; Guo, Y.; Li, W.; Liu, S.; Mao, Y.; Qian, S. J.; Teng, H.; Wang, D.; Zhang, L.; Zou, W.; Avila, C.; Gomez, J. P.; Gomez Moreno, B.; Osorio Oliveros, A. F.; Sanabria, J. C.; Godinovic, N.; Lelas, D.; Plestina, R.; Polic, D.; Puljak, I.; Antunovic, Z.; Kovac, M.; Brigljevic, V.; Duric, S.; Kadija, K.; Luetic, J.; Morovic, S.; Attikis, A.; Galanti, M.; Mavromanolakis, G.; Mousa, J.; Nicolaou, C.; Ptochos, F.; Razis, P. A.; Finger, M.; Finger, M.; Assran, Y.; Elgammal, S.; Ellithi Kamel, A.; Khalil, S.; Mahmoud, M. A.; Radi, A.; Kadastik, M.; Müntel, M.; Raidal, M.; Rebane, L.; Tiko, A.; Eerola, P.; Fedi, G.; Voutilainen, M.; Härkönen, J.; Heikkinen, A.; Karimäki, V.; Kinnunen, R.; Kortelainen, M. J.; Lampén, T.; Lassila-Perini, K.; Lehti, S.; Lindén, T.; Luukka, P.; Mäenpää, T.; Peltola, T.; Tuominen, E.; Tuominiemi, J.; Tuovinen, E.; Ungaro, D.; Wendland, L.; Banzuzi, K.; Karjalainen, A.; Korpela, A.; Tuuva, T.; Besancon, M.; Choudhury, S.; Dejardin, M.; Denegri, D.; Fabbro, B.; Faure, J. L.; Ferri, F.; Ganjour, S.; Givernaud, A.; Gras, P.; Hamel de Monchenault, G.; Jarry, P.; Locci, E.; Malcles, J.; Millischer, L.; Nayak, A.; Rander, J.; Rosowsky, A.; Shreyber, I.; Titov, M.; Baffioni, S.; Beaudette, F.; Benhabib, L.; Bianchini, L.; Bluj, M.; Broutin, C.; Busson, P.; Charlot, C.; Daci, N.; Dahms, T.; Dalchenko, M.; Dobrzynski, L.; Granier de Cassagnac, R.; Haguenauer, M.; Miné, P.; Mironov, C.; Naranjo, I. N.; Nguyen, M.; Ochando, C.; Paganini, P.; Sabes, D.; Salerno, R.; Sirois, Y.; Veelken, C.; Zabi, A.; Agram, J. -L.; Andrea, J.; Bloch, D.; Bodin, D.; Brom, J. -M.; Cardaci, M.; Chabert, E. 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A.; Sonnenschein, L.; Steggemann, J.; Teyssier, D.; Weber, M.; Bontenackels, M.; Cherepanov, V.; Erdogan, Y.; Flügge, G.; Geenen, H.; Geisler, M.; Haj Ahmad, W.; Hoehle, F.; Kargoll, B.; Kress, T.; Kuessel, Y.; Lingemann, J.; Nowack, A.; Perchalla, L.; Pooth, O.; Sauerland, P.; Stahl, A.; Aldaya Martin, M.; Behr, J.; Behrenhoff, W.; Behrens, U.; Bergholz, M.; Bethani, A.; Borras, K.; Burgmeier, A.; Cakir, A.; Calligaris, L.; Campbell, A.; Castro, E.; Costanza, F.; Dammann, D.; Diez Pardos, C.; Eckerlin, G.; Eckstein, D.; Flucke, G.; Geiser, A.; Glushkov, I.; Gunnellini, P.; Habib, S.; Hauk, J.; Hellwig, G.; Jung, H.; Kasemann, M.; Katsas, P.; Kleinwort, C.; Kluge, H.; Knutsson, A.; Krämer, M.; Krücker, D.; Kuznetsova, E.; Lange, W.; Lohmann, W.; Lutz, B.; Mankel, R.; Marfin, I.; Marienfeld, M.; Melzer-Pellmann, I. -A.; Meyer, A. B.; Mnich, J.; Mussgiller, A.; Naumann-Emme, S.; Novgorodova, O.; Olzem, J.; Perrey, H.; Petrukhin, A.; Pitzl, D.; Raspereza, A.; Ribeiro Cipriano, P. M.; Riedl, C.; Ron, E.; Rosin, M.; Salfeld-Nebgen, J.; Schmidt, R.; Schoerner-Sadenius, T.; Sen, N.; Spiridonov, A.; Stein, M.; Walsh, R.; Wissing, C.; Blobel, V.; Draeger, J.; Enderle, H.; Erfle, J.; Gebbert, U.; Görner, M.; Hermanns, T.; Höing, R. S.; Kaschube, K.; Kaussen, G.; Kirschenmann, H.; Klanner, R.; Lange, J.; Mura, B.; Nowak, F.; Peiffer, T.; Pietsch, N.; Rathjens, D.; Sander, C.; Schettler, H.; Schleper, P.; Schlieckau, E.; Schmidt, A.; Schröder, M.; Schum, T.; Seidel, M.; Sola, V.; Stadie, H.; Steinbrück, G.; Thomsen, J.; Vanelderen, L.; Barth, C.; Berger, J.; Böser, C.; Chwalek, T.; De Boer, W.; Descroix, A.; Dierlamm, A.; Feindt, M.; Guthoff, M.; Hackstein, C.; Hartmann, F.; Hauth, T.; Heinrich, M.; Held, H.; Hoffmann, K. H.; Husemann, U.; Katkov, I.; Komaragiri, J. R.; Lobelle Pardo, P.; Martschei, D.; Mueller, S.; Müller, Th.; Niegel, M.; Nürnberg, A.; Oberst, O.; Oehler, A.; Ott, J.; Quast, G.; Rabbertz, K.; Ratnikov, F.; Ratnikova, N.; Röcker, S.; Schilling, F. -P.; Schott, G.; Simonis, H. J.; Stober, F. M.; Troendle, D.; Ulrich, R.; Wagner-Kuhr, J.; Wayand, S.; Weiler, T.; Zeise, M.; Daskalakis, G.; Geralis, T.; Kesisoglou, S.; Kyriakis, A.; Loukas, D.; Manolakos, I.; Markou, A.; Markou, C.; Mavrommatis, C.; Ntomari, E.; Gouskos, L.; Mertzimekis, T. J.; Panagiotou, A.; Saoulidou, N.; Evangelou, I.; Foudas, C.; Kokkas, P.; Manthos, N.; Papadopoulos, I.; Patras, V.; Bencze, G.; Hajdu, C.; Hidas, P.; Horvath, D.; Sikler, F.; Veszpremi, V.; Vesztergombi, G.; Beni, N.; Czellar, S.; Molnar, J.; Palinkas, J.; Szillasi, Z.; Karancsi, J.; Raics, P.; Trocsanyi, Z. L.; Ujvari, B.; Beri, S. B.; Bhatnagar, V.; Dhingra, N.; Gupta, R.; Kaur, M.; Mehta, M. Z.; Nishu, N.; Saini, L. K.; Sharma, A.; Singh, J. B.; Kumar, Ashok; Kumar, Arun; Ahuja, S.; Bhardwaj, A.; Choudhary, B. C.; Malhotra, S.; Naimuddin, M.; Ranjan, K.; Sharma, V.; Shivpuri, R. K.; Banerjee, S.; Bhattacharya, S.; Dutta, S.; Gomber, B.; Jain, Sa.; Jain, Sh.; Khurana, R.; Sarkar, S.; Sharan, M.; Abdulsalam, A.; Choudhury, R. K.; Dutta, D.; Kailas, S.; Kumar, V.; Mehta, P.; Mohanty, A. K.; Pant, L. M.; Shukla, P.; Aziz, T.; Ganguly, S.; Guchait, M.; Maity, M.; Majumder, G.; Mazumdar, K.; Mohanty, G. B.; Parida, B.; Sudhakar, K.; Wickramage, N.; Banerjee, S.; Dugad, S.; Arfaei, H.; Bakhshiansohi, H.; Etesami, S. M.; Fahim, A.; Hashemi, M.; Hesari, H.; Jafari, A.; Khakzad, M.; Mohammadi Najafabadi, M.; Paktinat Mehdiabadi, S.; Safarzadeh, B.; Zeinali, M.; Abbrescia, M.; Barbone, L.; Calabria, C.; Chhibra, S. S.; Colaleo, A.; Creanza, D.; De Filippis, N.; De Palma, M.; Fiore, L.; Iaselli, G.; Lusito, L.; Maggi, G.; Maggi, M.; Marangelli, B.; My, S.; Nuzzo, S.; Pacifico, N.; Pompili, A.; Pugliese, G.; Selvaggi, G.; Silvestris, L.; Singh, G.; Venditti, R.; Zito, G.; Abbiendi, G.; Benvenuti, A. C.; Bonacorsi, D.; Braibant-Giacomelli, S.; Brigliadori, L.; Capiluppi, P.; Castro, A.; Cavallo, F. R.; Cuffiani, M.; Dallavalle, G. M.; Fabbri, F.; Fanfani, A.; Fasanella, D.; Giacomelli, P.; Grandi, C.; Guiducci, L.; Marcellini, S.; Masetti, G.; Meneghelli, M.; Montanari, A.; Navarria, F. L.; Odorici, F.; Perrotta, A.; Primavera, F.; Rossi, A. M.; Rovelli, T.; Siroli, G. P.; Travaglini, R.; Albergo, S.; Cappello, G.; Chiorboli, M.; Costa, S.; Potenza, R.; Tricomi, A.; Tuve, C.; Barbagli, G.; Ciulli, V.; Civinini, C.; DʼAlessandro, R.; Focardi, E.; Frosali, S.; Gallo, E.; Gonzi, S.; Meschini, M.; Paoletti, S.; Sguazzoni, G.; Tropiano, A.; Benussi, L.; Bianco, S.; Colafranceschi, S.; Fabbri, F.; Piccolo, D.; Fabbricatore, P.; Musenich, R.; Tosi, S.; Benaglia, A.; De Guio, F.; Di Matteo, L.; Fiorendi, S.; Gennai, S.; Ghezzi, A.; Malvezzi, S.; Manzoni, R. A.; Martelli, A.; Massironi, A.; Menasce, D.; Moroni, L.; Paganoni, M.; Pedrini, D.; Ragazzi, S.; Redaelli, N.; Sala, S.; Tabarelli de Fatis, T.; Buontempo, S.; Carrillo Montoya, C. A.; Cavallo, N.; De Cosa, A.; Dogangun, O.; Fabozzi, F.; Iorio, A. O. M.; Lista, L.; Meola, S.; Merola, M.; Paolucci, P.; Azzi, P.; Bacchetta, N.; Bisello, D.; Branca, A.; Carlin, R.; Checchia, P.; Dorigo, T.; Dosselli, U.; Gasparini, F.; Gozzelino, A.; Kanishchev, K.; Lacaprara, S.; Lazzizzera, I.; Margoni, M.; Meneguzzo, A. T.; Pazzini, J.; Pozzobon, N.; Ronchese, P.; Simonetto, F.; Torassa, E.; Tosi, M.; Vanini, S.; Zotto, P.; Zucchetta, A.; Zumerle, G.; Gabusi, M.; Ratti, S. P.; Riccardi, C.; Torre, P.; Vitulo, P.; Biasini, M.; Bilei, G. M.; Fanò, L.; Lariccia, P.; Mantovani, G.; Menichelli, M.; Nappi, A.; Romeo, F.; Saha, A.; Santocchia, A.; Spiezia, A.; Taroni, S.; Azzurri, P.; Bagliesi, G.; Bernardini, J.; Boccali, T.; Broccolo, G.; Castaldi, R.; DʼAgnolo, R. T.; DellʼOrso, R.; Fiori, F.; Foà, L.; Giassi, A.; Kraan, A.; Ligabue, F.; Lomtadze, T.; Martini, L.; Messineo, A.; Palla, F.; Rizzi, A.; Serban, A. T.; Spagnolo, P.; Squillacioti, P.; Tenchini, R.; Tonelli, G.; Venturi, A.; Verdini, P. G.; Barone, L.; Cavallari, F.; Del Re, D.; Diemoz, M.; Fanelli, C.; Grassi, M.; Longo, E.; Meridiani, P.; Micheli, F.; Nourbakhsh, S.; Organtini, G.; Paramatti, R.; Rahatlou, S.; Sigamani, M.; Soffi, L.; Amapane, N.; Arcidiacono, R.; Argiro, S.; Arneodo, M.; Biino, C.; Cartiglia, N.; Costa, M.; Demaria, N.; Mariotti, C.; Maselli, S.; Migliore, E.; Monaco, V.; Musich, M.; Obertino, M. M.; Pastrone, N.; Pelliccioni, M.; Potenza, A.; Romero, A.; Ruspa, M.; Sacchi, R.; Solano, A.; Staiano, A.; Vilela Pereira, A.; Belforte, S.; Candelise, V.; Casarsa, M.; Cossutti, F.; Della Ricca, G.; Gobbo, B.; Marone, M.; Montanino, D.; Penzo, A.; Schizzi, A.; Heo, S. G.; Kim, T. Y.; Nam, S. K.; Chang, S.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, G. N.; Kong, D. J.; Park, H.; Ro, S. R.; Son, D. C.; Son, T.; Kim, J. Y.; Kim, Zero J.; Song, S.; Choi, S.; Gyun, D.; Hong, B.; Jo, M.; Kim, H.; Kim, T. J.; Lee, K. S.; Moon, D. H.; Park, S. K.; Choi, M.; Kim, J. H.; Park, C.; Park, I. C.; Park, S.; Ryu, G.; Cho, Y.; Choi, Y.; Choi, Y. K.; Goh, J.; Kim, M. S.; Kwon, E.; Lee, B.; Lee, J.; Lee, S.; Seo, H.; Yu, I.; Bilinskas, M. J.; Grigelionis, I.; Janulis, M.; Juodagalvis, A.; Castilla-Valdez, H.; De La Cruz-Burelo, E.; Heredia-de La Cruz, I.; Lopez-Fernandez, R.; Magaña Villalba, R.; Martínez-Ortega, J.; Sánchez-Hernández, A.; Villasenor-Cendejas, L. M.; Carrillo Moreno, S.; Vazquez Valencia, F.; Salazar Ibarguen, H. A.; Casimiro Linares, E.; Morelos Pineda, A.; Reyes-Santos, M. A.; Krofcheck, D.; Bell, A. J.; Butler, P. H.; Doesburg, R.; Reucroft, S.; Silverwood, H.; Ahmad, M.; Ansari, M. H.; Asghar, M. I.; Hoorani, H. R.; Khalid, S.; Khan, W. A.; Khurshid, T.; Qazi, S.; Shah, M. A.; Shoaib, M.; Bialkowska, H.; Boimska, B.; Frueboes, T.; Gokieli, R.; Górski, M.; Kazana, M.; Nawrocki, K.; Romanowska-Rybinska, K.; Szleper, M.; Wrochna, G.; Zalewski, P.; Brona, G.; Bunkowski, K.; Cwiok, M.; Dominik, W.; Doroba, K.; Kalinowski, A.; Konecki, M.; Krolikowski, J.; Almeida, N.; Bargassa, P.; David, A.; Faccioli, P.; Ferreira Parracho, P. G.; Gallinaro, M.; Seixas, J.; Varela, J.; Vischia, P.; Belotelov, I.; Bunin, P.; Gavrilenko, M.; Golutvin, I.; Gorbunov, I.; Kamenev, A.; Karjavin, V.; Kozlov, G.; Lanev, A.; Malakhov, A.; Moisenz, P.; Palichik, V.; Perelygin, V.; Shmatov, S.; Smirnov, V.; Volodko, A.; Zarubin, A.; Evstyukhin, S.; Golovtsov, V.; Ivanov, Y.; Kim, V.; Levchenko, P.; Murzin, V.; Oreshkin, V.; Smirnov, I.; Sulimov, V.; Uvarov, L.; Vavilov, S.; Vorobyev, A.; Vorobyev, An.; Andreev, Yu.; Dermenev, A.; Gninenko, S.; Golubev, N.; Kirsanov, M.; Krasnikov, N.; Matveev, V.; Pashenkov, A.; Tlisov, D.; Toropin, A.; Epshteyn, V.; Erofeeva, M.; Gavrilov, V.; Kossov, M.; Lychkovskaya, N.; Popov, V.; Safronov, G.; Semenov, S.; Stolin, V.; Vlasov, E.; Zhokin, A.; Belyaev, A.; Boos, E.; Dubinin, M.; Dudko, L.; Ershov, A.; Gribushin, A.; Klyukhin, V.; Kodolova, O.; Lokhtin, I.; Markina, A.; Obraztsov, S.; Perfilov, M.; Petrushanko, S.; Popov, A.; Sarycheva, L.; Savrin, V.; Snigirev, A.; Andreev, V.; Azarkin, M.; Dremin, I.; Kirakosyan, M.; Leonidov, A.; Mesyats, G.; Rusakov, S. V.; Vinogradov, A.; Azhgirey, I.; Bayshev, I.; Bitioukov, S.; Grishin, V.; Kachanov, V.; Konstantinov, D.; Krychkine, V.; Petrov, V.; Ryutin, R.; Sobol, A.; Tourtchanovitch, L.; Troshin, S.; Tyurin, N.; Uzunian, A.; Volkov, A.; Adzic, P.; Djordjevic, M.; Ekmedzic, M.; Krpic, D.; Milosevic, J.; Aguilar-Benitez, M.; Alcaraz Maestre, J.; Arce, P.; Battilana, C.; Calvo, E.; Cerrada, M.; Chamizo Llatas, M.; Colino, N.; De La Cruz, B.; Delgado Peris, A.; Domínguez Vázquez, D.; Fernandez Bedoya, C.; Fernández Ramos, J. P.; Ferrando, A.; Flix, J.; Fouz, M. C.; Garcia-Abia, P.; Gonzalez Lopez, O.; Goy Lopez, S.; Hernandez, J. M.; Josa, M. I.; Merino, G.; Puerta Pelayo, J.; Quintario Olmeda, A.; Redondo, I.; Romero, L.; Santaolalla, J.; Soares, M. S.; Willmott, C.; Albajar, C.; Codispoti, G.; de Trocóniz, J. F.; Brun, H.; Cuevas, J.; Fernandez Menendez, J.; Folgueras, S.; Gonzalez Caballero, I.; Lloret Iglesias, L.; Piedra Gomez, J.; Brochero Cifuentes, J. A.; Cabrillo, I. J.; Calderon, A.; Chuang, S. H.; Duarte Campderros, J.; Felcini, M.; Fernandez, M.; Gomez, G.; Gonzalez Sanchez, J.; Graziano, A.; Jorda, C.; Lopez Virto, A.; Marco, J.; Marco, R.; Martinez Rivero, C.; Matorras, F.; Munoz Sanchez, F. J.; Rodrigo, T.; Rodríguez-Marrero, A. Y.; Ruiz-Jimeno, A.; Scodellaro, L.; Vila, I.; Vilar Cortabitarte, R.; Abbaneo, D.; Auffray, E.; Auzinger, G.; Bachtis, M.; Baillon, P.; Ball, A. H.; Barney, D.; Benitez, J. F.; Bernet, C.; Bianchi, G.; Bloch, P.; Bocci, A.; Bonato, A.; Botta, C.; Breuker, H.; Camporesi, T.; Cerminara, G.; Christiansen, T.; Coarasa Perez, J. A.; DʼEnterria, D.; Dabrowski, A.; De Roeck, A.; Di Guida, S.; Dobson, M.; Dupont-Sagorin, N.; Elliott-Peisert, A.; Frisch, B.; Funk, W.; Georgiou, G.; Giffels, M.; Gigi, D.; Gill, K.; Giordano, D.; Girone, M.; Giunta, M.; Glege, F.; Gomez-Reino Garrido, R.; Govoni, P.; Gowdy, S.; Guida, R.; Hansen, M.; Harris, P.; Hartl, C.; Harvey, J.; Hegner, B.; Hinzmann, A.; Innocente, V.; Janot, P.; Kaadze, K.; Karavakis, E.; Kousouris, K.; Lecoq, P.; Lee, Y. -J.; Lenzi, P.; Lourenço, C.; Magini, N.; Mäki, T.; Malberti, M.; Malgeri, L.; Mannelli, M.; Masetti, L.; Meijers, F.; Mersi, S.; Meschi, E.; Moser, R.; Mozer, M. U.; Mulders, M.; Musella, P.; Nesvold, E.; Orimoto, T.; Orsini, L.; Palencia Cortezon, E.; Perez, E.; Perrozzi, L.; Petrilli, A.; Pfeiffer, A.; Pierini, M.; Pimiä, M.; Piparo, D.; Polese, G.; Quertenmont, L.; Racz, A.; Reece, W.; Rodrigues Antunes, J.; Rolandi, G.; Rovelli, C.; Rovere, M.; Sakulin, H.; Santanastasio, F.; Schäfer, C.; Schwick, C.; Segoni, I.; Sekmen, S.; Sharma, A.; Siegrist, P.; Silva, P.; Simon, M.; Sphicas, P.; Spiga, D.; Tsirou, A.; Veres, G. I.; Vlimant, J. R.; Wöhri, H. K.; Worm, S. D.; Zeuner, W. D.; Bertl, W.; Deiters, K.; Erdmann, W.; Gabathuler, K.; Horisberger, R.; Ingram, Q.; Kaestli, H. C.; König, S.; Kotlinski, D.; Langenegger, U.; Meier, F.; Renker, D.; Rohe, T.; Sibille, J.; Bäni, L.; Bortignon, P.; Buchmann, M. A.; Casal, B.; Chanon, N.; Deisher, A.; Dissertori, G.; Dittmar, M.; Donegà, M.; Dünser, M.; Eugster, J.; Freudenreich, K.; Grab, C.; Hits, D.; Lecomte, P.; Lustermann, W.; Marini, A. C.; Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, P.; Mohr, N.; Moortgat, F.; Nägeli, C.; Nef, P.; Nessi-Tedaldi, F.; Pandolfi, F.; Pape, L.; Pauss, F.; Peruzzi, M.; Ronga, F. J.; Rossini, M.; Sala, L.; Sanchez, A. K.; Starodumov, A.; Stieger, B.; Takahashi, M.; Tauscher, L.; Thea, A.; Theofilatos, K.; Treille, D.; Urscheler, C.; Wallny, R.; Weber, H. A.; Wehrli, L.; Amsler, C.; Chiochia, V.; De Visscher, S.; Favaro, C.; Ivova Rikova, M.; Millan Mejias, B.; Otiougova, P.; Robmann, P.; Snoek, H.; Tupputi, S.; Verzetti, M.; Chang, Y. H.; Chen, K. H.; Kuo, C. M.; Li, S. W.; Lin, W.; Liu, Z. K.; Lu, Y. J.; Mekterovic, D.; Singh, A. P.; Volpe, R.; Yu, S. S.; Bartalini, P.; Chang, P.; Chang, Y. H.; Chang, Y. W.; Chao, Y.; Chen, K. F.; Dietz, C.; Grundler, U.; Hou, W. -S.; Hsiung, Y.; Kao, K. Y.; Lei, Y. J.; Lu, R. -S.; Majumder, D.; Petrakou, E.; Shi, X.; Shiu, J. G.; Tzeng, Y. M.; Wan, X.; Wang, M.; Asavapibhop, B.; Srimanobhas, N.; Adiguzel, A.; Bakirci, M. N.; Cerci, S.; Dozen, C.; Dumanoglu, I.; Eskut, E.; Girgis, S.; Gokbulut, G.; Gurpinar, E.; Hos, I.; Kangal, E. E.; Karaman, T.; Karapinar, G.; Kayis Topaksu, A.; Onengut, G.; Ozdemir, K.; Ozturk, S.; Polatoz, A.; Sogut, K.; Sunar Cerci, D.; Tali, B.; Topakli, H.; Vergili, L. N.; Vergili, M.; Akin, I. V.; Aliev, T.; Bilin, B.; Bilmis, S.; Deniz, M.; Gamsizkan, H.; Guler, A. M.; Ocalan, K.; Ozpineci, A.; Serin, M.; Sever, R.; Surat, U. E.; Yalvac, M.; Yildirim, E.; Zeyrek, M.; Gülmez, E.; Isildak, B.; Kaya, M.; Kaya, O.; Ozkorucuklu, S.; Sonmez, N.; Cankocak, K.; Levchuk, L.; Bostock, F.; Brooke, J. J.; Clement, E.; Cussans, D.; Flacher, H.; Frazier, R.; Goldstein, J.; Grimes, M.; Heath, G. P.; Heath, H. F.; Kreczko, L.; Metson, S.; Newbold, D. M.; Nirunpong, K.; Poll, A.; Senkin, S.; Smith, V. J.; Williams, T.; Basso, L.; Bell, K. W.; Belyaev, A.; Brew, C.; Brown, R. M.; Cockerill, D. J. A.; Coughlan, J. A.; Harder, K.; Harper, S.; Jackson, J.; Kennedy, B. W.; Olaiya, E.; Petyt, D.; Radburn-Smith, B. C.; Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H.; Tomalin, I. R.; Womersley, W. J.; Bainbridge, R.; Ball, G.; Beuselinck, R.; Buchmuller, O.; Colling, D.; Cripps, N.; Cutajar, M.; Dauncey, P.; Davies, G.; Della Negra, M.; Ferguson, W.; Fulcher, J.; Futyan, D.; Gilbert, A.; Guneratne Bryer, A.; Hall, G.; Hatherell, Z.; Hays, J.; Iles, G.; Jarvis, M.; Karapostoli, G.; Lyons, L.; Magnan, A. -M.; Marrouche, J.; Mathias, B.; Nandi, R.; Nash, J.; Nikitenko, A.; Papageorgiou, A.; Pela, J.; Pesaresi, M.; Petridis, K.; Pioppi, M.; Raymond, D. M.; Rogerson, S.; Rose, A.; Ryan, M. J.; Seez, C.; Sharp, P.; Sparrow, A.; Stoye, M.; Tapper, A.; Vazquez Acosta, M.; Virdee, T.; Wakefield, S.; Wardle, N.; Whyntie, T.; Chadwick, M.; Cole, J. E.; Hobson, P. R.; Khan, A.; Kyberd, P.; Leggat, D.; Leslie, D.; Martin, W.; Reid, I. D.; Symonds, P.; Teodorescu, L.; Turner, M.; Hatakeyama, K.; Liu, H.; Scarborough, T.; Charaf, O.; Henderson, C.; Rumerio, P.; Avetisyan, A.; Bose, T.; Fantasia, C.; Heister, A.; St. John, J.; Lawson, P.; Lazic, D.; Rohlf, J.; Sperka, D.; Sulak, L.; Alimena, J.; Bhattacharya, S.; Cutts, D.; Demiragli, Z.; Ferapontov, A.; Garabedian, A.; Heintz, U.; Jabeen, S.; Kukartsev, G.; Laird, E.; Landsberg, G.; Luk, M.; Narain, M.; Nguyen, D.; Segala, M.; Sinthuprasith, T.; Speer, T.; Tsang, K. V.; Breedon, R.; Breto, G.; Calderon De La Barca Sanchez, M.; Chauhan, S.; Chertok, M.; Conway, J.; Conway, R.; Cox, P. T.; Dolen, J.; Erbacher, R.; Gardner, M.; Houtz, R.; Ko, W.; Kopecky, A.; Lander, R.; Mall, O.; Miceli, T.; Pellett, D.; Ricci-tam, F.; Rutherford, B.; Searle, M.; Smith, J.; Squires, M.; Tripathi, M.; Vasquez Sierra, R.; Yohay, R.; Andreev, V.; Cline, D.; Cousins, R.; Duris, J.; Erhan, S.; Everaerts, P.; Farrell, C.; Hauser, J.; Ignatenko, M.; Jarvis, C.; Plager, C.; Rakness, G.; Schlein, P.; Traczyk, P.; Valuev, V.; Weber, M.; Babb, J.; Clare, R.; Dinardo, M. E.; Ellison, J.; Gary, J. W.; Giordano, F.; Hanson, G.; Jeng, G. Y.; Liu, H.; Long, O. R.; Luthra, A.; Nguyen, H.; Paramesvaran, S.; Sturdy, J.; Sumowidagdo, S.; Wilken, R.; Wimpenny, S.; Andrews, W.; Branson, J. G.; Cerati, G. B.; Cittolin, S.; Evans, D.; Golf, F.; Holzner, A.; Kelley, R.; Lebourgeois, M.; Letts, J.; Macneill, I.; Mangano, B.; Padhi, S.; Palmer, C.; Petrucciani, G.; Pieri, M.; Sani, M.; Sharma, V.; Simon, S.; Sudano, E.; Tadel, M.; Tu, Y.; Vartak, A.; Wasserbaech, S.; Würthwein, F.; Yagil, A.; Yoo, J.; Barge, D.; Bellan, R.; Campagnari, C.; DʼAlfonso, M.; Danielson, T.; Flowers, K.; Geffert, P.; Incandela, J.; Justus, C.; Kalavase, P.; Koay, S. A.; Kovalskyi, D.; Krutelyov, V.; Lowette, S.; Mccoll, N.; Pavlunin, V.; Rebassoo, F.; Ribnik, J.; Richman, J.; Rossin, R.; Stuart, D.; To, W.; West, C.; Apresyan, A.; Bornheim, A.; Chen, Y.; Di Marco, E.; Duarte, J.; Gataullin, M.; Ma, Y.; Mott, A.; Newman, H. B.; Rogan, C.; Spiropulu, M.; Timciuc, V.; Veverka, J.; Wilkinson, R.; Xie, S.; Yang, Y.; Zhu, R. Y.; Akgun, B.; Azzolini, V.; Calamba, A.; Carroll, R.; Ferguson, T.; Iiyama, Y.; Jang, D. W.; Liu, Y. F.; Paulini, M.; Vogel, H.; Vorobiev, I.; Cumalat, J. P.; Drell, B. R.; Ford, W. T.; Gaz, A.; Luiggi Lopez, E.; Smith, J. G.; Stenson, K.; Ulmer, K. A.; Wagner, S. R.; Alexander, J.; Chatterjee, A.; Eggert, N.; Gibbons, L. K.; Heltsley, B.; Khukhunaishvili, A.; Kreis, B.; Mirman, N.; Nicolas Kaufman, G.; Patterson, J. R.; Ryd, A.; Salvati, E.; Sun, W.; Teo, W. D.; Thom, J.; Thompson, J.; Tucker, J.; Vaughan, J.; Weng, Y.; Winstrom, L.; Wittich, P.; Winn, D.; Abdullin, S.; Albrow, M.; Anderson, J.; Bauerdick, L. A. T.; Beretvas, A.; Berryhill, J.; Bhat, P. C.; Bloch, I.; Burkett, K.; Butler, J. N.; Chetluru, V.; Cheung, H. W. K.; Chlebana, F.; Elvira, V. D.; Fisk, I.; Freeman, J.; Gao, Y.; Green, D.; Gutsche, O.; Hanlon, J.; Harris, R. M.; Hirschauer, J.; Hooberman, B.; Jindariani, S.; Johnson, M.; Joshi, U.; Kilminster, B.; Klima, B.; Kunori, S.; Kwan, S.; Leonidopoulos, C.; Linacre, J.; Lincoln, D.; Lipton, R.; Lykken, J.; Maeshima, K.; Marraffino, J. M.; Maruyama, S.; Mason, D.; McBride, P.; Mishra, K.; Mrenna, S.; Musienko, Y.; Newman-Holmes, C.; OʼDell, V.; Prokofyev, O.; Sexton-Kennedy, E.; Sharma, S.; Spalding, W. J.; Spiegel, L.; Taylor, L.; Tkaczyk, S.; Tran, N. V.; Uplegger, L.; Vaandering, E. W.; Vidal, R.; Whitmore, J.; Wu, W.; Yang, F.; Yumiceva, F.; Yun, J. C.; Acosta, D.; Avery, P.; Bourilkov, D.; Chen, M.; Cheng, T.; Das, S.; De Gruttola, M.; Di Giovanni, G. P.; Dobur, D.; Drozdetskiy, A.; Field, R. D.; Fisher, M.; Fu, Y.; Furic, I. K.; Gartner, J.; Hugon, J.; Kim, B.; Konigsberg, J.; Korytov, A.; Kropivnitskaya, A.; Kypreos, T.; Low, J. F.; Matchev, K.; Milenovic, P.; Mitselmakher, G.; Muniz, L.; Park, M.; Remington, R.; Rinkevicius, A.; Sellers, P.; Skhirtladze, N.; Snowball, M.; Yelton, J.; Zakaria, M.; Gaultney, V.; Hewamanage, S.; Lebolo, L. M.; Linn, S.; Markowitz, P.; Martinez, G.; Rodriguez, J. L.; Adams, T.; Askew, A.; Bochenek, J.; Chen, J.; Diamond, B.; Gleyzer, S. V.; Haas, J.; Hagopian, S.; Hagopian, V.; Jenkins, M.; Johnson, K. F.; Prosper, H.; Veeraraghavan, V.; Weinberg, M.; Baarmand, M. M.; Dorney, B.; Hohlmann, M.; Kalakhety, H.; Vodopiyanov, I.; Adams, M. R.; Anghel, I. M.; Apanasevich, L.; Bai, Y.; Bazterra, V. E.; Betts, R. R.; Bucinskaite, I.; Callner, J.; Cavanaugh, R.; Evdokimov, O.; Gauthier, L.; Gerber, C. E.; Hofman, D. J.; Khalatyan, S.; Lacroix, F.; Malek, M.; OʼBrien, C.; Silkworth, C.; Strom, D.; Turner, P.; Varelas, N.; Akgun, U.; Albayrak, E. A.; Bilki, B.; Clarida, W.; Duru, F.; Merlo, J. -P.; Mermerkaya, H.; Mestvirishvili, A.; Moeller, A.; Nachtman, J.; Newsom, C. R.; Norbeck, E.; Onel, Y.; Ozok, F.; Sen, S.; Tan, P.; Tiras, E.; Wetzel, J.; Yetkin, T.; Yi, K.; Barnett, B. A.; Blumenfeld, B.; Bolognesi, S.; Fehling, D.; Giurgiu, G.; Gritsan, A. V.; Guo, Z. J.; Hu, G.; Maksimovic, P.; Rappoccio, S.; Swartz, M.; Whitbeck, A.; Baringer, P.; Bean, A.; Benelli, G.; Kenny Iii, R. P.; Murray, M.; Noonan, D.; Sanders, S.; Stringer, R.; Tinti, G.; Wood, J. S.; Zhukova, V.; Barfuss, A. F.; Bolton, T.; Chakaberia, I.; Ivanov, A.; Khalil, S.; Makouski, M.; Maravin, Y.; Shrestha, S.; Svintradze, I.; Gronberg, J.; Lange, D.; Wright, D.; Baden, A.; Boutemeur, M.; Calvert, B.; Eno, S. C.; Gomez, J. A.; Hadley, N. J.; Kellogg, R. G.; Kirn, M.; Kolberg, T.; Lu, Y.; Marionneau, M.; Mignerey, A. C.; Pedro, K.; Skuja, A.; Temple, J.; Tonjes, M. B.; Tonwar, S. C.; Twedt, E.; Apyan, A.; Bauer, G.; Bendavid, J.; Busza, W.; Butz, E.; Cali, I. A.; Chan, M.; Dutta, V.; Gomez Ceballos, G.; Goncharov, M.; Hahn, K. A.; Kim, Y.; Klute, M.; Krajczar, K.; Luckey, P. D.; Ma, T.; Nahn, S.; Paus, C.; Ralph, D.; Roland, C.; Roland, G.; Rudolph, M.; Stephans, G. S. F.; Stöckli, F.; Sumorok, K.; Sung, K.; Velicanu, D.; Wenger, E. A.; Wolf, R.; Wyslouch, B.; Yang, M.; Yilmaz, Y.; Yoon, A. S.; Zanetti, M.; Cooper, S. I.; Dahmes, B.; De Benedetti, A.; Franzoni, G.; Gude, A.; Kao, S. C.; Klapoetke, K.; Kubota, Y.; Mans, J.; Pastika, N.; Rusack, R.; Sasseville, M.; Singovsky, A.; Tambe, N.; Turkewitz, J.; Cremaldi, L. M.; Kroeger, R.; Perera, L.; Rahmat, R.; Sanders, D. A.; Avdeeva, E.; Bloom, K.; Bose, S.; Butt, J.; Claes, D. R.; Dominguez, A.; Eads, M.; Keller, J.; Kravchenko, I.; Lazo-Flores, J.; Malbouisson, H.; Malik, S.; Snow, G. R.; Godshalk, A.; Iashvili, I.; Jain, S.; Kharchilava, A.; Kumar, A.; Alverson, G.; Barberis, E.; Baumgartel, D.; Chasco, M.; Haley, J.; Nash, D.; Trocino, D.; Wood, D.; Zhang, J.; Anastassov, A.; Kubik, A.; Mucia, N.; Odell, N.; Ofierzynski, R. A.; Pollack, B.; Pozdnyakov, A.; Schmitt, M.; Stoynev, S.; Velasco, M.; Won, S.; Antonelli, L.; Berry, D.; Brinkerhoff, A.; Chan, K. M.; Hildreth, M.; Jessop, C.; Karmgard, D. J.; Kolb, J.; Lannon, K.; Luo, W.; Lynch, S.; Marinelli, N.; Morse, D. M.; Pearson, T.; Planer, M.; Ruchti, R.; Slaunwhite, J.; Valls, N.; Wayne, M.; Wolf, M.; Bylsma, B.; Durkin, L. S.; Hill, C.; Hughes, R.; Kotov, K.; Ling, T. Y.; Puigh, D.; Rodenburg, M.; Vuosalo, C.; Williams, G.; Winer, B. L.; Adam, N.; Berry, E.; Elmer, P.; Gerbaudo, D.; Halyo, V.; Hebda, P.; Hegeman, J.; Hunt, A.; Jindal, P.; Lopes Pegna, D.; Lujan, P.; Marlow, D.; Medvedeva, T.; Mooney, M.; Olsen, J.; Piroué, P.; Quan, X.; Raval, A.; Safdi, B.; Saka, H.; Stickland, D.; Tully, C.; Werner, J. S.; Zuranski, A.; Brownson, E.; Lopez, A.; Mendez, H.; Ramirez Vargas, J. E.; Alagoz, E.; Barnes, V. E.; Benedetti, D.; Bolla, G.; Bortoletto, D.; De Mattia, M.; Everett, A.; Hu, Z.; Jones, M.; Koybasi, O.; Kress, M.; Laasanen, A. T.; Leonardo, N.; Maroussov, V.; Merkel, P.; Miller, D. H.; Neumeister, N.; Shipsey, I.; Silvers, D.; Svyatkovskiy, A.; Vidal Marono, M.; Yoo, H. D.; Zablocki, J.; Zheng, Y.; Guragain, S.; Parashar, N.; Adair, A.; Boulahouache, C.; Ecklund, K. M.; Geurts, F. J. M.; Li, W.; Padley, B. P.; Redjimi, R.; Roberts, J.; Zabel, J.; Betchart, B.; Bodek, A.; Chung, Y. S.; Covarelli, R.; de Barbaro, P.; Demina, R.; Eshaq, Y.; Ferbel, T.; Garcia-Bellido, A.; Goldenzweig, P.; Han, J.; Harel, A.; Miner, D. C.; Vishnevskiy, D.; Zielinski, M.; Bhatti, A.; Ciesielski, R.; Demortier, L.; Goulianos, K.; Lungu, G.; Malik, S.; Mesropian, C.; Arora, S.; Barker, A.; Chou, J. P.; Contreras-Campana, C.; Contreras-Campana, E.; Duggan, D.; Ferencek, D.; Gershtein, Y.; Gray, R.; Halkiadakis, E.; Hidas, D.; Lath, A.; Panwalkar, S.; Park, M.; Patel, R.; Rekovic, V.; Robles, J.; Rose, K.; Salur, S.; Schnetzer, S.; Seitz, C.; Somalwar, S.; Stone, R.; Thomas, S.; Cerizza, G.; Hollingsworth, M.; Spanier, S.; Yang, Z. C.; York, A.; Eusebi, R.; Flanagan, W.; Gilmore, J.; Kamon, T.; Khotilovich, V.; Montalvo, R.; Osipenkov, I.; Pakhotin, Y.; Perloff, A.; Roe, J.; Safonov, A.; Sakuma, T.; Sengupta, S.; Suarez, I.; Tatarinov, A.; Toback, D.; Akchurin, N.; Damgov, J.; Dragoiu, C.; Dudero, P. R.; Jeong, C.; Kovitanggoon, K.; Lee, S. W.; Libeiro, T.; Roh, Y.; Volobouev, I.; Appelt, E.; Delannoy, A. G.; Florez, C.; Greene, S.; Gurrola, A.; Johns, W.; Kurt, P.; Maguire, C.; Melo, A.; Sharma, M.; Sheldon, P.; Snook, B.; Tuo, S.; Velkovska, J.; Arenton, M. W.; Balazs, M.; Boutle, S.; Cox, B.; Francis, B.; Goodell, J.; Hirosky, R.; Ledovskoy, A.; Lin, C.; Neu, C.; Wood, J.; Gollapinni, S.; Harr, R.; Karchin, P. E.; Kottachchi Kankanamge Don, C.; Lamichhane, P.; Sakharov, A.; Anderson, M.; Belknap, D.; Borrello, L.; Carlsmith, D.; Cepeda, M.; Dasu, S.; Friis, E.; Gray, L.; Grogg, K. S.; Grothe, M.; Hall-Wilton, R.; Herndon, M.; Hervé, A.; Klabbers, P.; Klukas, J.; Lanaro, A.; Lazaridis, C.; Leonard, J.; Loveless, R.; Mohapatra, A.; Ojalvo, I.; Palmonari, F.; Pierro, G. A.; Ross, I.; Savin, A.; Smith, W. H.; Swanson, J.


    Many models of new physics, including versions of supersymmetry (SUSY), predict production of events with low missing transverse energy, electroweak gauge bosons, and many energetic final-state particles. The stealth SUSY model yields this signature while conserving R-parity by means of a new hidden sector in which SUSY is approximately conserved. The results of a general search for new physics, with no requirement on missing transverse energy, in events with two photons and four or more hadronic jets are reported. The study is based on a sample of proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV corresponding to 4.96 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity collected with the CMS detector in 2011. Based on good agreement between the data and the standard model expectation, the data are used to determine model-independent cross-section limits and a limit on the squark mass in the framework of stealth SUSY. With this first study of its kind, squark masses less than 1430 GeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level.

  20. Dynamics of information diffusion and its applications on complex networks (United States)

    Zhang, Zi-Ke; Liu, Chuang; Zhan, Xiu-Xiu; Lu, Xin; Zhang, Chu-Xu; Zhang, Yi-Cheng


    The ongoing rapid expansion of the Word Wide Web (WWW) greatly increases the information of effective transmission from heterogeneous individuals to various systems. Extensive research for information diffusion is introduced by a broad range of communities including social and computer scientists, physicists, and interdisciplinary researchers. Despite substantial theoretical and empirical studies, unification and comparison of different theories and approaches are lacking, which impedes further advances. In this article, we review recent developments in information diffusion and discuss the major challenges. We compare and evaluate available models and algorithms to respectively investigate their physical roles and optimization designs. Potential impacts and future directions are discussed. We emphasize that information diffusion has great scientific depth and combines diverse research fields which makes it interesting for physicists as well as interdisciplinary researchers.