
Sample records for uus keraamiline constant

  1. Eesti uus kunst ristlainetuses / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Noorte kunstnike 2007. aastal toimunud näitustest - "Uus laine. 21. sajandi eesti kunstnikud" Tallinna Kunstihoones ja selle galeriis, "POMO SAPIENS : see on tõesti midagi" Vaal galeriis ja "Uus laine. 21 sajandi Eesti kunst" Kultuuritehase Polymer III korruse alternatiivgaleriis Nongrata Kunstikonteineris Tallinnas

  2. Peterburi Uus-Hollandi saar vuntsitakse üles

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Inglise arhitekt Norman Foster kujundab ümber Peterburi südalinnas asuva Uus-Hollandi saare. Linna peaarhitekt Oleg Hartshenko sõnul ei projekteerita Uus-Hollandi saarele midagi ultramoodsat ja külma

  3. Uus eestikeelne logistikatarkvara

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    OÜ MS Micro poolt välja töötatud Logisticar paketist, mis koosneb tarkvarast ja koolitusest, ning võimaldab optimeerida laokulusid ning materjalihankeid. Skeem: Uus logistikatarkvara ühendab firma eri tegevused

  4. Aasta pärast on Eestil uus valitsus / Max Kaur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaur, Max, 1969-


    Autori sõnul on Res Publica uus poliitika osutunud euroremonditud vanaks poliitikaks ning ta ennustab, et järgmiseks sügiseks on Eestil uus valitsuskoalitsioon, mille peaminister on keskerakondlane

  5. Aastaaruannete esitamise uus kord

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Alates 1. jaan. 2010 hakkas kehtima majandusaasta aruannete esitamise uus kord, mille järgi ei saa enam aruandeid esitada paberil ega üles laadida pdf-failina. Väljavõte Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskuse juhendist

  6. Uus kontserdisaal Roomas / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Rooma uus muusikamaja on valmis. Kevadel avatud kahele saalile lisandus Santa Cecilia Muusikaakadeemia peasaal. Auditooriumi nime kandva kultuurikeskuse viimase osana valmib amfiteatritaoline vabaõhusaal. Arhitekt Renzo Piano

  7. Planeeringute uus veebiregister sai valmis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Varasem register jääb projekteerimistingimuste ja ehitusprojektide jaoks, Tallinna uus planeeringute register võimaldab kõigil huvitatutel linnaplaneerimises arvamust avaldada

  8. Bond, uus Bond / Laurence Lumiere

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lumiere, Laurence


    Uus Bondi-film "007: Casino Royale". Stsenaristid Ian Flemingi raamatu ainetel Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, Paul Haggis. Režissöör Martin Campbell, peaosas Daniel Craig - Ameerika Ühendriigid-Suurbritannia 2006

  9. Eesti lipul on uus seadus / Urmas Reinsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinsalu, Urmas, 1975-


    Sama ka Nädaline 2. aprill 2005, lk. 4 ; Vooremaa 2. aprill 2004, lk. 2 ; Valgamaalane 5. aprill 2005, lk. 2 ; Hiiu Leht 5. aprill 2005, lk. 2 ; vali Uudised 6. aprill 2005, lk. 2 ; Põhjarannik 31. märts 2005, lk. 2 ; Sakala 7. april 2005, lk. 2 ; Kuulutaja 1. aprill 2004, lk. 4 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Eesti sini-must-valgel trikolooril alates möödunud nädalast uus seadus ; Pärnu Postimees 12. aprill 2005, lk. 15 artiklis pealkiri kujul: Eesti lipul järgmisest aastast uus seadus

  10. Uus muuseum Argentinas / Maria-Kristiina Soomre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomre, Maria-Kristiina, 1978-


    Buenos Airese Palermo linnaosas avati kolme noore argentiina arhitekti projekteeritud uus ladina-ameerika kunsti muuseum. Muuseumi XX sajandi ladina-ameerika kunsti kogust, kuraator Augustin Arteaga kollektsiooni ülesandest.

  11. Sõrmuse uus retk / Ivar Laus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laus, Ivar


    Peter Jacksoni esimene film J.R.R. Tolkieni triloogia "Sõrmuste isand" alusel - "Sõrmuse vennaskond", "The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring" : Uus-Meremaa, Ameerika Ühendriigid 2001. Erinev elamus DVD vaatamisest kinoekraanil nähtuga võrreldes

  12. Spiraal : uus Victoria & Alberti muuseum Londonis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Daniel Libeskindi projekt Victoria & Alberti Muuseumi laiendamiseks on põhjustanud konservatiivsete londonlaste pahameele, kuid kutsunud esile ka hulgaliselt toetusavaldusi. Muuseumi uus osa (kokkuvarisemise piiril näiva ehitisena) peaks külastajaile avatama 2004. a.

  13. Milles avaldub uus haldusjuhtimine? / Jaanus Kiili

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiili, Jaanus, 1958-


    Uus juhtimise (haldamise) paradigma vaatleb kaost ja komplekssust mitte lahendamist vajava probleemina, vaid selle protsessi sisulise aspektina, millega elussüsteemid kohastuvad, uuenevad, säilitavad ja ületavad neid läbi iseorganiseerumise, väidab autor

  14. Uus-Kaledoonia kultuurikeskus / Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojari, Triin, 1974-


    Itaalia arhitekti Renzo Piano projekteeritud kultuurikeskus Nouméas Uus-Kaledoonia pealinnas. Omapärase fassaadi ئ 27 m kõrgused hiiglaslikud puidust kilbid kuuma õhu.ja päikesevalguse reguleerijatena ئ taha peituvad madalad, mitmesuguseid ühisruume sisaldavad 'onnid', kümmet koorik-onni ühendab pikk sisetänav.

  15. Saku uus logo liidab traditsioonid ja uuendusmeelsuse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Reklaamiagentuur Divisioni loometööd juhtinud Dan Mikkin Saku Õlletehase uue logo loomisprotsessist ja stiiliraamatu kokkupanemisest. Karin Sepa kommentaar "Uus logo on avatum". Illustratsiooniks Saku õlletehase logod läbi aegade

  16. Uus Bond on blond / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Uus Bond on briti näitleja Daniel Craig, kes mängib 21. Bondi-filmis "Casino Royale", režissöör Martin Campbell. Lisatud eelmiste Bondide nimekiri koos nende filmide loeteluga ning näidiseid esemetest, mis Bondi filmides ümbritsevad

  17. Uus õpikeskkond : globaalne vaatenurk / Sirje Virkus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Virkus, Sirje, 1956-


    2.-6. juunini 1997. a. Ameerika Ühendriikides Pennsylvania Riiklikus Ülikoolis toimunud rahvusvahelisest konverentsist teemal "Uus õpikeskkond : globaalne vaatenurk". Eestit esindas konverentsil Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli Infoteaduste osakonna infoteaduse õppetooli õppejõud Sirje Virkus ettekandega "Eesti kaugkoolitus võrgukeskonnas". Konverentsi ettekanded valgustasid kaugkoolituse probleeme kogu maailmas

  18. Uus kodulehekülg avatud! / Tiina Veldi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veldi, Tiina


    20. märtsil 2001. a. avati Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikooli uus kodulehekülg. Avamisele eelnes aastapikkune koostöö TPÜ ja All Web Industry vahel, kes on uue kodulehekülje kujunduse ja tehnilise teostuse autor

  19. Uus ja uhke campus valmib aastaks 2010

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli haldusdirektor Henn Karits tutvustab ülikooli lähimate aastate ehitusplaane - peamaja rekonstrueerimist, majandus- ja humanitaarteaduskondade hoone ning raamatukogu uue hoone ehitamist. Uus campus sisaldab endas ka maa-aluse parkla, spordikompleksi, üliõpilasühiselamud

  20. Uus Tants 7 / Mikko Orpana

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Orpana, Mikko


    Tallinnas 2005. aasta märtsikuus toimunud tantsufestifalist "Uus tants 7". Pikemalt peatutakse Mart Kangro lavastusel "Out of Functions" ning Oksana Titova ja Taavet Janseni lavastusel "The Last Hairy", aga juttu on ka Renate Valme teosest "Mesta", samuti Tiina Olleski ja Rene Nõmmiku "Body Experience Time", Katrin Essensoni ja Taavi Eelmaa "The Thoughts with Manus" ja Krõõt Juuraku "Artistic Approach 3. I"

  1. Uus moodsa kunsti muuseum / Maria-Kristiina Soomre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soomre, Maria-Kristiina, 1978-


    Liechtensteini pealinnas Vaduzis avatakse uus moodsa ja kaasaegse kunsti muuseum, mis keskendub itaalia ja saksa kunstile. Hetke tähtteos - Umberto Boccioni "Kontinuiteedi unikaalsed vormid ruumis". Šveitsi Morger, Degelo ja Kerezi arhitektuuribüroo kavandatud hoone anti üle 12. nov.

  2. Uus sugupõlv - kaotanud sugupõlv? / Liis Kolle

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kolle, Liis, 1971-


    Kolmest Berliinis nähtud Wagneri aasta üritusest: Näitus ja ürituste sari "Wagner 2013 - kunstnike positsioonid", üliõpilaste ühisprojekt "Armee. Neli operatsiooni Wagneri "Sõrmuse" kallal" ning koolinoorteprojekt ""Sõrmus": uus põlvkond"

  3. USA uus ÜRO saadik alustas pealetungi / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ameerika Ühendriikide uus ÜRO suursaadik John Bolton nõuab 190 liikmesriigile saadetud kirjas ÜRO reformikavades suurte ja oluliste muudatuste tegemist: reformikavast peaks USA arvates kustutama vähemalt 400 paragrahvi

  4. Uus omanik liidab Kalevi vabriku Poola tehasega / Andrus Karnau

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karnau, Andrus


    Kommivabriku Kalev ja piimatööstuse Tere uus omanik Indrek Rahumaa kavatseb ettevõtted liita Poola kommivabrikuga Mieszko ja Läti piimakombinaadiga Piensaimnieks, mille on ostnud Rahumaa enamusosalusega investeerimisfirma Alta Capital Partners. Lisa: CV

  5. Maalikunsti uus trend süveneb / Ants Juske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juske, Ants, 1956-2016


    Jaan Elkeni näitus "Ametroopia" ja Valeri Vinogradovi näitus "Triumfid ja austusavaldused" Vaal-galeriis.Uus suund maalikunstis on sõnumi edastamine graffiti-laadses vormis, kus pildi ja sõna seos on sama lahutamatu kui ikoonimaalis. Tekst kannab sõnumit ja on ka kujund

  6. Uus punapass saab mikrokiibiga järglase / Aleksei Günter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Günter, Aleksei, 1979-


    Anti välja esimene uue kujundusega Eesti kodaniku pass, järgmisel aastal plaanib kodakondsus- ja migratsiooniamet võtta kasutusele biomeetrilise passi, mis on varustatud mikrokiibiga. Lisa: Uus pass

  7. Uus korter ja midagi veel / Eve Kaunis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaunis, Eve


    Uus Maa kinnisvarabüroo eluruumide konsultant Eve Kaunis ostjate eelistustest korterite valikul. Peamised müügiargumendid on soodne hind ja rohked lisaväärtused. Näiteks toodud 2-toaline korter (sisekujundus: Aet Piel, 71 m2) Põhja-Tallinnas Eugen Sachariase projekti järgi ehitatud majas ja 3-toaline korter (66,4 m2) Keilas 1980. aastatel ehitatud elamus

  8. Õppiv organisatsioon ja juhtimise uus paradigma / Harry Roots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roots, Harry, 1950-2010


    Juhtimise uus paradigma tähendab varasemaga võrreldes märgatavalt soodsama õpikeskkonna loomist. Nii nagu igapäevane juhtimispraktika kujundab organisatsioonis domineerivat kultuuritüüpi, samamoodi see ka kas soodustab või tõkestab õppiva organisatsiooni kujunemist, leiab autor. Tabelid. Skeemid

  9. Jaan Klõšeiko soovitab: Jaan Tootseni film "Uus maailm"

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Režissöör Jaan Tootsen dokumentaalfilmi "Uus Maailm" (produtsent Jaak Kilmi, Kuukulgur Film, 2011) saamisloost ja filmist, mis valiti 25.-30. oktoobrini Tšehhis toimuvale Jihlava rahvusvahelisele dokumentaalfilmide festivalile

  10. Uus kava lükkab Kosovo iseseisvumise edasi / Jürgen Tamme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamme, Jürgen


    Uus ÜRO resolutsioonikava ei maini erivolinik Martti Ahtisaari välja pakutud ideed Kosovo piiratud iseseisvusest ja näeb ette vaid kõneluste taaselustamise Serbia ja sõltumatust taotleva Kosovo vahel. Vt. samas: Serbia ja Kosovo vägikaikavedu

  11. "Uus tants 9" - kirju ja elujõuline / Evelin Lagle, Leenu Nigu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lagle, Evelin


    19.-21. märtsini Tallinna teatrites ja saalides toimunud üheksandast Eesti uue tantsu ülevaatefestivalist "Uus Tants 9". Tantsulavastustest "Sula jagu", "Kahe korruse rahvas", "Can't Get No / Satisfaction", "Lokaalis täna: Kann/Valkeapää", "Kass ennustab tulevikku inimesest paremini", "Hoffmann-Promenade"

  12. Hispaanias võtab võimust uus põlvkond / Leslie Crawford, Mark Mulligan ; tõlk. Erik Aru

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Crawford, Leslie


    Mitmel põhjusel on Hispaania äri muutunud rahvusvahelisemaks, selle taga on uus ärijuhtide põlvkond, kes on hariduse omandanud mõnes ingliskeelses maailma elitaarses koolis. Lisa: Hispaania imeb 500-euroseid

  13. Uus linnaökoloogia = New Urban Ecology / Christopher Moller ; interv. Triin Ojari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Moller, Christopher


    Arhitekt Christopher Moller (sünd. 1961, Uus-Meremaa) rajas 1997. a. koos Burton Hamfelti (Kanada), Jonathan Woodroffe'i ja Dominic Papaga (Inglismaa) Amsterdamis büroo S333. Büroo lähenemisest linnaplaneerimisele, Europani võidutöö järgi valminud Groningeni elamukompleksist Schots 1+2, Nieuw-Vennepi linnakeskuse projektist (2000-), kvaliteetruumist, linnaökoloogiast, Tallinna ja siinsete arhitektide võimalustest jm. 7 ill

  14. Siim Nestor soovitab : Hea Uus Heli. Vibe 5. sünnipäev / Siim Nestor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nestor, Siim, 1974-


    Üritustest "Võlu Music" Mustpeade Majas 9. okt., "1ÖÖ%" Von Krahlis 10. okt., "Kontsert" Tartu Peetri kirikus 10. okt ja Tallinna Niguliste kirikus 11. okt., "Valge Laigu Klubi" Hobuveskis 11. okt. popmuusikafestivali "Hea Uus Heli" raames. Üritusest "Vibe" Liiva keskuses 11. oktoobril

  15. Muusikamaail. "Musica nova" Helsingis. Händeli festival Karlsruhes. Ooperikonkurss algas. Preemiaid ja tunnustusi. Ka Parmas uus ooperimaja. / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Soomes toimuvast uue muusika festivalist. Händeli festivalist Karlsruhes. Üle-euroopalisest noorte ooperilauljate konkursist. Ooperilaulja Doris Soffel sai Rootsi riigilt Kuningliku Põhjatähe ordeni. Sebastian Baumgarten sai ooperi "Tosca" eest noore režissööri preemia. Parmas valmis uus ooperimaja

  16. Uus sünagoog pani juudid tantsima / Peeter Kuimet, Kaia Otti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuimet, Peeter


    Tallinnas Karu tänaval avati 16. mail 2007 uus juudi sünagoog, avamistseremoonial viibisid Iisraeli asepeaminister Shimon Peres, Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves, peaminister Andrus Ansip, Venemaa pearabi Berl Lazar, Iisraeli pearabi Yona Metzger ja sünagoogi suurrahastaja Aleksander Bronshtein. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves viitas oma kõnes paralleelidele eestlaste ja juutide ajaloos. Vt. samas: Juutide usk, kombed ja toit; Sünagoogi avamist kommenteerivad meediaõppejõud Hagi Shein, dirigent Eri Klas. Vt. samas: Peres: elevantide keskel on väikestel raske magada. Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 17. mai 2007, lk. 2; Narvskaja Gazeta, 19. mai 2007, lk. 6 (autor Ksenia Repson)

  17. Skype'i uus boss : kasum pole kõige tähtsam / Josh Silverman ; interv. Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Silverman, Josh


    Skype'i uus juht vastab küsimustele, mis annab garantii, et Skype suudab olla edukas ka tasuliste teenustega, millised võimalused on Skype'i kasutajal 3 aasta pärast, mis Skype'i Eestis hoiab, kui terav on probleem väljastpoolt EL-i tööjõu värbamisega, milline oli tema roll USA demokraatide presidendikandidaadiks pürgiva Bill Bradley meeskonnas. Lisa: 100 miljardit tasuta kõneminutit

  18. Põrandakatete + ja - / Ivi-Els Schneider, Kadri - sisearhitekt Tarbe, Priit Põldme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Schneider, Ivi-Els, 1945-


    Sisearhitektid Ivi-Els Schneider, Kadri Tarbe Pärtelpoeg ja Priit Põldme sellest, millist põrandakattematerjali ja millal eelistada. Vaatluse all on naturaalne laudpõrand ja parkett, laminaatparkett, kork, lihvitud betoon, linoleum, vaipkate, keraamiline plaat, looduskivi

  19. Valgustid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tutvustatakse: põrandalamp "Lumo" (Marko Uibo), põrandalampide sari "Poeesia" (Jana Nõmm), padi-valgusti (Merle Lobjakas), keraamiline valgusti (Lauri Kilusk), laelampide sari "Valgusaasta" (Elize Hiiop), erinevate maade valgustid, mis on Eestis müügil

  20. Uus postimüügikataloog üritab end Eesti turule sisse süüa sõbra soovituste kaudu / Eda-Liis Kann, Tiina Kilkson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kann, Eda-Liis, 1979-


    TNS Emori uuring kinnitab, et kaks kolmandikku Eesti inimestest on valmis tegema sõprade soovitusel olulisi ostuotsuseid. Sellest lähtub ka Eesti ja Läti turule tulnud uus postimüügikataloog Neckermann, kes kasutab oma nn ekspertprogrammis ekspertidena tavalisi inimesi erinevatelt elualadelt. Vt. samas: Naistele meeldib katalooge lapata; Kataloogidele Eestis ruumi jagub; Ellos lõpetas Eestis postimüügi

  1. Muusikamaailm. Magnus Lindbergi festivali jätk. Jonas Forsell taas ooperijuhiks. Marcello Panni uus ooper. György Kurtagile Sonningi preemia. Peter Gradenwitz lahkunud / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    Soome helilooja Magnus Lindbergi mitmeid teoseid esitatakse Inglismaal. Rootsi heliloojast Jonas Forsellist sai jaanuaris Kopenhaageni trupi Den Anden Opera kunstiline juht. Firenzes tuli esiettekandele Marcello Panni uus ooper "The Banquet ئ Talking about Love". Helilooja György Kurtag pälvis Taani 2003.a. Leonie Sonningi muusikapreemia. 91aastasena suri muusikateadlane Peter Gradenwitz

  2. Muusika. Viis aastat Elleri muusikapreemiat. Asutati MTÜ Eesti Muusikafestivalid. Mati Palm taas Moskvas. Trio Romanss Helsingis. Rondelluse uus CD. Noored tshellistid jälle koos / Alo Põldmäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Põldmäe, Alo, 1945-


    Viiendat korda välja antavad Heino Elleri muusikapreemiaid said sel korral T. Steiner, A. Juozepenaite-Eesmaa ja T. Kaljuste. 5. III asutati Kultuuriministeeriumis MTÜ Eesti Muusikafestivalid. Mati Palm esines Moskvas Venemaa Kultuurifondi saalis. Trio Romanss esines veebruari lõpus Helsingis. Vanamuusika ansamblilt Rondellus ilmus uus CD "Sabbatum". 2.III leidis Tartus H. Elleri Muusikakoolis aset II Eesti noorte tshellistide festival

  3. Muusikamaailm : Gaudeamuse muusikanädal Amsterdamis. The Last Night of the Prom"s. Uusaastakontsert tuleb Uus-Meremaalt. Baieri Riigiooperi orkestri Euroopa reis. Kimanen jääb aastaks eemale Kuhmost / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    12. sept. lõppes Amsterdamis Gaudeamuse rahvusvaheline muusikanädal "Surprising New Sounds". Promenaadikontserdid Londoni Royal Albert Hallis (16.07-11.09) lõppesid suure lõppkontserdiga. Traditsioonilise uusaastakontserdi asemel Viinis kantakse sel aastavahetusel üle kontsert Uus-Meremaalt Gisborne"ist. Seoses R. Straussi mälestusaastapäevaga toimus Baieri Riigiooperi orkestri ringreis Euroopas. 30 aastat Kuhmo kammermuusikafestivali juhtinud S. Kimanen võtab aasta puhkust

  4. Keraamiline plaat, kork või klaasmosaiik? / Jana Rand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rand, Jana, 1963-


    Seinaplaadimood üllatab liiklusmärkidega klaasmosaiigi, merevaiguga ääristatud või nahka jäljendava keraamikaga. Nõuandeid seinaplaatide valikuks ja paigaldamiseks. Plaadisalongis Vivarec pakutavatest korkplaatidest ja disainer Fabio Novembre kujundatud Itaalia firma Bisazza mosaiikidest. 6 ill

  5. David Bruce Payton : väikeriigid mõistavad üksteist / David Bruce Payton ; interv. Marianne Mikko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Payton, David Bruce


    Uus-Meremaa suursaadik Eestis David Bruce Payton talupidaja toetamise loobumisest Uus-Meremaal, Uus-Meremaa põllumajandussektorist, veinidest, ekspordist, Eesti saamisest EL-i ja NATO liikmeks, Uus-Meremaa rahvastikust, elatustasemest, Iraagi võimalikust ründamisest, Põhja-Koreast

  6. Elongational flow of polymer melts at constant strain rate, constant stress and constant force (United States)

    Wagner, Manfred H.; Rolón-Garrido, Víctor H.


    Characterization of polymer melts in elongational flow is typically performed at constant elongational rate or rarely at constant tensile stress conditions. One of the disadvantages of these deformation modes is that they are hampered by the onset of "necking" instabilities according to the Considère criterion. Experiments at constant tensile force have been performed even more rarely, in spite of the fact that this deformation mode is free from necking instabilities and is of considerable industrial relevance as it is the correct analogue of steady fiber spinning. It is the objective of the present contribution to present for the first time a full experimental characterization of a long-chain branched polyethylene melt in elongational flow. Experiments were performed at constant elongation rate, constant tensile stress and constant tensile force by use of a Sentmanat Extensional Rheometer (SER) in combination with an Anton Paar MCR301 rotational rheometer. The accessible experimental window and experimental limitations are discussed. The experimental data are modelled by using the Wagner I model. Predictions of the steady-start elongational viscosity in constant strain rate and creep experiments are found to be identical, albeit only by extrapolation of the experimental data to Hencky strains of the order of 6. For constant stress experiments, a minimum in the strain rate and a corresponding maximum in the elongational viscosity is found at a Hencky strain of the order of 3, which, although larger than the steady-state value, follows roughly the general trend of the steady-state elongational viscosity. The constitutive analysis also reveals that constant tensile force experiments indicate a larger strain hardening potential than seen in constant elongation rate or constant tensile stress experiments. This may be indicative of the effect of necking under constant elongation rate or constant tensile stress conditions according to the Considère criterion.

  7. Constant physics and characteristics of fundamental constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tarrach, R.


    We present some evidence which supports a surprising physical interpretation of the fundamental constants. First, we relate two of them through the renormalization group. This leaves as many fundamental constants as base units. Second, we introduce and a dimensional system of units without fundamental constants. Third, and most important, we find, while interpreting the units of the a dimensional system, that is all cases accessible to experimentation the fundamental constants indicate either discretization at small values or boundedness at large values of the corresponding physical quantity. (Author) 12 refs

  8. Concise chemical thermodynamics

    CERN Document Server

    Peters, APH


    EnergyThe Realm of ThermodynamicsEnergy BookkeepingNature's Driving ForcesSetting the Scene: Basic IdeasSystem and SurroundingsFunctions of StateMechanical Work and Expanding GasesThe Absolute Temperature Scale Forms of Energy and Their Interconversion Forms of Renewable Energy Solar Energy Wind Energy Hydroelectric Power Geothermal Energy Biomass Energy References ProblemsThe First Law of Thermodynamics Statement of the First Law Reversible Expansion of an Ideal GasConstant-Volume ProcessesConstant-Pressure ProcessesA New Function: EnthalpyRelationship between ?H and ?UUses and Conventions of

  9. Cosmological Hubble constant and nuclear Hubble constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Horbuniev, Amelia; Besliu, Calin; Jipa, Alexandru


    The evolution of the Universe after the Big Bang and the evolution of the dense and highly excited nuclear matter formed by relativistic nuclear collisions are investigated and compared. Values of the Hubble constants for cosmological and nuclear processes are obtained. For nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies the nuclear Hubble constant is obtained in the frame of different models involving the hydrodynamic flow of the nuclear matter. Significant difference in the values of the two Hubble constant - cosmological and nuclear - is observed

  10. Potential constants and centrifugal distortion constants of octahedral hexafluoride molecules

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Manivannan, G [Government Thirumagal Mill' s Coll., Gudiyattam, Tamil Nadu (India)


    The kinetic constants method outlined by Thirugnanasambandham (1964) based on Wilson's (1955) group theory has been adapted in evaluating the potential constants for SF/sub 6/, SeF/sub 6/, WF/sub 6/, IrF/sub 6/, UF/sub 6/, NpF/sub 6/, and PuF/sub 6/ using the experimentally observed vibrational frequency data. These constants are used to calculate the centrifugal distortion constants for the first time.

  11. Notes on New Number / Martin Rünk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rünk, Martin, 1982-


    Kunstiprojekt-ajakiri Uus Number! on kogumik, mis sisaldab kultuuri- ja kunstiekspertide sissevaateid kultuuri ja kunsti kommunikatsiooni, on järg 2014. a. avaldatud kunstiprojekt-ajakirjale Uus Materjal. Väljaandja MTÜ Uus Materjal kolleegium - Madli Ehasalu, Marten Esko, Viktor Gurov, Eva-Erle Lilleaed, Evelyn Raudsepp, Brigita Reinert, Eda Tuulberg

  12. Are fundamental constants really constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Norman, E.B.


    Reasons for suspecting that fundamental constants might change with time are reviewed. Possible consequences of such variations are examined. The present status of experimental tests of these ideas is discussed

  13. Inflation with a smooth constant-roll to constant-roll era transition (United States)

    Odintsov, S. D.; Oikonomou, V. K.


    In this paper, we study canonical scalar field models, with a varying second slow-roll parameter, that allow transitions between constant-roll eras. In the models with two constant-roll eras, it is possible to avoid fine-tunings in the initial conditions of the scalar field. We mainly focus on the stability of the resulting solutions, and we also investigate if these solutions are attractors of the cosmological system. We shall calculate the resulting scalar potential and, by using a numerical approach, we examine the stability and attractor properties of the solutions. As we show, the first constant-roll era is dynamically unstable towards linear perturbations, and the cosmological system is driven by the attractor solution to the final constant-roll era. As we demonstrate, it is possible to have a nearly scale-invariant power spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations in some cases; however, this is strongly model dependent and depends on the rate of the final constant-roll era. Finally, we present, in brief, the essential features of a model that allows oscillations between constant-roll eras.

  14. From the Rydberg constant to the fundamental constants metrology; De la constante de Rydberg a la metrologie des constantes fondamentales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nez, F


    This document reviews the theoretical and experimental achievements of the author since the beginning of his scientific career. This document is dedicated to the spectroscopy of hydrogen, deuterium and helium atoms. The first part is divided into 6 sub-sections: 1) the principles of hydrogen spectroscopy, 2) the measurement of the 2S-nS/nD transitions, 3) other optical frequency measurements, 4) our contribution to the determination of the Rydberg constant, 5) our current experiment on the 1S-3S transition, 6) the spectroscopy of the muonic hydrogen. Our experiments have improved the accuracy of the Rydberg Constant by a factor 25 in 15 years and we have achieved the first absolute optical frequency measurement of a transition in hydrogen. The second part is dedicated to the measurement of the fine structure constant and the last part deals with helium spectroscopy and the search for optical references in the near infrared range. (A.C.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Is Eka Herawati


    Full Text Available Development of Islamic syariah banking industry still has its drawback, some of it were peoples understanding on the bank operational, narrow network, and limited skilled of human resources on syariah bank. The development of syariah bank depends on its ability to deliver excellent services to people who need product and service of Islamic syariah bank. One measure of excellent service and product is customer satisfaction. The result of this study showed that the reason in choosing BNI Syariah was not only religious factor but its quality of service which should be improved. In general, UUS BNI performance in all attributes of bank and deposit fund product have not satisfied its customers because there were still discrepancies between their actual and expected services. The most importance bank attributes according to the respondents were strategic location, branches network, credibility, professionalism, syariah ideology and hospitality. The most importance deposit fund product attributes according to the respondens were security of fund, convenience procedure of fund withdrawal, profit and loss sharing principle and technology. According to the results there were 4 (four options of marketing strategies recommended to UUS BNI in order to be more competitive in the market. Firstly, UUS BNI has to be able to create image as Islamic and professional banking. Secondly, UUS BNI has to develop market through additional of branches. Thirdly, UUS BNI has to improve its technology by adding features on ATM technology. Fourthly, UUS BNI has to offer more attractive profit sharing. Perkembangan perbankan syariah masih memiliki banyak hambatan, antara lain pemahaman atas operasional bank syariah, jumlah jaringan bank syariah dan keahlian sumber daya manusia dibidang bank syariah. Perkembangan perbankan syariah yang baik tergantung dari kemampuan memberikan produk dan jasa yang baik kepada nasabah. Satu ukuran tentang pemberian produk dan jasa yang baik

  16. Ion exchange equilibrium constants

    CERN Document Server

    Marcus, Y


    Ion Exchange Equilibrium Constants focuses on the test-compilation of equilibrium constants for ion exchange reactions. The book first underscores the scope of the compilation, equilibrium constants, symbols used, and arrangement of the table. The manuscript then presents the table of equilibrium constants, including polystyrene sulfonate cation exchanger, polyacrylate cation exchanger, polymethacrylate cation exchanger, polysterene phosphate cation exchanger, and zirconium phosphate cation exchanger. The text highlights zirconium oxide anion exchanger, zeolite type 13Y cation exchanger, and

  17. Statistical orientation fluctuations: constant angular momentum versus constant rotational frequency constraints

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goodman, A L [Tulane Univ., New Orleans, LA (United States)


    Statistical orientation fluctuations are calculated with two alternative assumptions: the rotational frequency remains constant as the shape orientation fluctuates; and, the average angular momentum remains constant as the shape orientation fluctuates. (author). 2 refs., 3 figs.

  18. Anisotropic constant-roll inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ito, Asuka; Soda, Jiro [Kobe University, Department of Physics, Kobe (Japan)


    We study constant-roll inflation in the presence of a gauge field coupled to an inflaton. By imposing the constant anisotropy condition, we find new exact anisotropic constant-roll inflationary solutions which include anisotropic power-law inflation as a special case. We also numerically show that the new anisotropic solutions are attractors in the phase space. (orig.)

  19. Mimicking the cosmological constant: Constant curvature spherical solutions in a nonminimally coupled model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bertolami, Orfeu; Paramos, Jorge


    The purpose of this study is to describe a perfect fluid matter distribution that leads to a constant curvature region, thanks to the effect of a nonminimal coupling. This distribution exhibits a density profile within the range found in the interstellar medium and an adequate matching of the metric components at its boundary. By identifying this constant curvature with the value of the cosmological constant and superimposing the spherical distributions arising from different matter sources throughout the universe, one is able to mimic a large-scale homogeneous cosmological constant solution.

  20. Molecular equilibrium structures from experimental rotational constants and calculated vibration-rotation interaction constants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pawlowski, F; Jorgensen, P; Olsen, Jeppe


    A detailed study is carried out of the accuracy of molecular equilibrium geometries obtained from least-squares fits involving experimental rotational constants B(0) and sums of ab initio vibration-rotation interaction constants alpha(r)(B). The vibration-rotation interaction constants have been...... calculated for 18 single-configuration dominated molecules containing hydrogen and first-row atoms at various standard levels of ab initio theory. Comparisons with the experimental data and tests for the internal consistency of the calculations show that the equilibrium structures generated using Hartree......-Fock vibration-rotation interaction constants have an accuracy similar to that obtained by a direct minimization of the CCSD(T) energy. The most accurate vibration-rotation interaction constants are those calculated at the CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ level. The equilibrium bond distances determined from these interaction...

  1. Stabilized power constant alimentation; Alimentation regulee a puissance constante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roussel, L [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The study and realization of a stabilized power alimentation variable from 5 to 100 watts are described. In order to realize a constant power drift of Lithium compensated diodes, we have searched a 1 per cent precision of regulation and a response time minus than 1 sec. Recent components like Hall multiplicator and integrated amplifiers give this possibility and it is easy to use permutable circuits. (author) [French] On decrit l'etude et la realisation d'une alimentation a puissance constante reglable dans une gamme de 5 a 100 watts. Prevue pour le drift a puissance constante des diodes compensees au lithium, l'etude a ete menee en vue d'obtenir une precision de regulation de 1 pour cent et un temps de reponse inferieur a la seconde. Des systemes recents tels que multiplicateurs a effet Hall et circuits integres ont permis d'atteindre ce but tout en facilitant l'emploi de modules interchangeables. (auteur)

  2. Stabilized power constant alimentation; Alimentation regulee a puissance constante

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roussel, L. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Saclay (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    The study and realization of a stabilized power alimentation variable from 5 to 100 watts are described. In order to realize a constant power drift of Lithium compensated diodes, we have searched a 1 per cent precision of regulation and a response time minus than 1 sec. Recent components like Hall multiplicator and integrated amplifiers give this possibility and it is easy to use permutable circuits. (author) [French] On decrit l'etude et la realisation d'une alimentation a puissance constante reglable dans une gamme de 5 a 100 watts. Prevue pour le drift a puissance constante des diodes compensees au lithium, l'etude a ete menee en vue d'obtenir une precision de regulation de 1 pour cent et un temps de reponse inferieur a la seconde. Des systemes recents tels que multiplicateurs a effet Hall et circuits integres ont permis d'atteindre ce but tout en facilitant l'emploi de modules interchangeables. (auteur)

  3. From the Rydberg constant to the fundamental constants metrology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nez, F.


    This document reviews the theoretical and experimental achievements of the author since the beginning of his scientific career. This document is dedicated to the spectroscopy of hydrogen, deuterium and helium atoms. The first part is divided into 6 sub-sections: 1) the principles of hydrogen spectroscopy, 2) the measurement of the 2S-nS/nD transitions, 3) other optical frequency measurements, 4) our contribution to the determination of the Rydberg constant, 5) our current experiment on the 1S-3S transition, 6) the spectroscopy of the muonic hydrogen. Our experiments have improved the accuracy of the Rydberg Constant by a factor 25 in 15 years and we have achieved the first absolute optical frequency measurement of a transition in hydrogen. The second part is dedicated to the measurement of the fine structure constant and the last part deals with helium spectroscopy and the search for optical references in the near infrared range. (A.C.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Un enfoque típico para valorar flujos de caja finitos es suponer que el endeudamiento es constante (generalmente como un endeudamiento objetivo o deseado y que por tanto, el costo del patrimonio, Ke y el costo promedio ponderado de capital CPPC, también son constantes. Para los flujos de caja perpetuos, y con el costo de la deuda, Kd como la tasa de descuento para el ahorro en impuestos o escudo fiscal, Ke y el CPPC aplicado al flujo de caja libre FCL son constantes si el endeudamiento es constante. Sin embargo esto no es verdad para los flujos de caja finitos. En este documento mostramos que para flujos de caja finitos, Ke y por lo tanto el CPPC dependen de la tasa de descuento que se utiliza para valorar el ahorro en impuestos, AI y según lo esperado, Ke y el CPPC no son constantes con Kd como la tasa de descuento para el ahorro en impuestos, aunque el endeudamiento sea constante. Ilustramos esta situación con un ejemplo simple. Analizamos cinco métodos: el flujo de caja descontado, FCD, usando APV, el FCD y la formulación tradicional y general del CPPC, el valor presente del flujo de caja del accionista, FCA más deuda y el flujo de caja de capital, FCC.

  5. Learning Read-constant Polynomials of Constant Degree modulo Composites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Chattopadhyay, Arkadev; Gavaldá, Richard; Hansen, Kristoffer Arnsfelt


    Boolean functions that have constant degree polynomial representation over a fixed finite ring form a natural and strict subclass of the complexity class \\textACC0ACC0. They are also precisely the functions computable efficiently by programs over fixed and finite nilpotent groups. This class...... is not known to be learnable in any reasonable learning model. In this paper, we provide a deterministic polynomial time algorithm for learning Boolean functions represented by polynomials of constant degree over arbitrary finite rings from membership queries, with the additional constraint that each variable...

  6. Kes joonistab uue kunstilaine kaardi? / Katrin Kivimaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivimaa, Katrin, 1969-


    Anders Härmi ja Hanno Soansi kureeritud näitusest "Uus laine. 21. sajandi eesti kunstnikud" Tallinna Kunstihoones ja Kunstihoone galeriis ning Non Grata kollektiivnäitusest "Uus laine. 20. sajandi kunst" Kultuuritehases Polymer

  7. Kes joonistab uue kunstilaine kaardi? / Katrin Kivimaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivimaa, Katrin, 1969-


    Eesti noorema kunsti näitus "Uus laine. 21. sajandi eesti kunstnikud" (kuraatorid Anders Härm, Hanno Soans) Tallinna Kunstihoones ja Kunstihoone galeriis. Non Grata kollektiivnäitus "Uus laine. 20. sajandi kunst" Kultuuritehases Polymer

  8. Constant leverage and constant cost of capital : A common knowledge half-truth


    Vélez Pareja, Ignacio; Ibragimov, Rauf; Tham , Joseph


    Un enfoque típico para valorar flujos de caja finitos es suponer que el endeudamiento es constante (generalmente como un endeudamiento objetivo o deseado) y que por tanto, el costo del patrimonio, Ke y el costo promedio ponderado de capital CPPC, también son constantes. Para los flujos de caja perpetuos, y con el costo de la deuda, Kd como la tasa de descuento para el ahorro en impuestos o escudo fiscal, Ke y el CPPC aplicado al flujo de caja libre FCL son constantes si el endeudamiento es co...

  9. Uus video, uus Euroopa / Kiwa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiwa, pseud., 1975-


    New Yorgi kunstikeskuses The Kitchen avatud endiste idablokimaade videokunstnike tööde näitusest. Eestlastest eksponeeritud Kiwa, Ene-Liis Semperi, Killu Sukmiti, Mari Laanemetsa, Tiia Johannsoni ja Kai Kaljo tööd. Kuraator Hamza Walker

  10. Skandaalne visioon : Portugal kaob / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Välismaal elav Portugali kirjanik Jose Saramago tegi ettepaneku, mille kohaselt muudetaks Portugali riik üheks Hispaania provintsiks, tekkinud uus riik võiks aga kanda Iberia nime. Kaart: Uus Euroopa riik? Lisa: Õpetab ka teisi riike


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    KEY WORDS: Metal complexes, Schiff base ligand, Formation constant, DFT calculation ... best values for the formation constants of the proposed equilibrium model by .... to its positive charge distribution and the ligand deformation geometry.

  12. Association constants of telluronium salts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovach, N.A.; Rivkin, B.B.; Sadekov, T.D.; Shvajka, O.P.


    Association constants in acetonitrile of triphenyl telluronium salts, which are dilute electrolytes, are determined through the conductometry method. Satisfactory correlation dependence of constants of interion association and threshold molar electroconductivity on the Litvinenko-Popov constants for depositing groups is identified. 6 refs

  13. Tuluke julgustab õpetajaid koos muresid murdma / Sirje Pärismaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärismaa, Sirje, 1958-


    Kuidas Norrast pärit koolikultuuri parandava LP-mudeli (learning environment and pedagogical analysis) kasutuselevõtt toimib, sellest räägivad Annelinna gümnaasiumi õpetajad. Projektist „Tõenduspõhine uus lähenemine - uus koolikultuur Eestis (TULUKE)”

  14. Mustamäe haigla juurdeehitus läheb maksma 400 miljonit krooni / Aleksei Günter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Günter, Aleksei, 1979-


    Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla koondab kõik oma raviteenused Mustamäe haiglasse ja ehitab selleks praeguse kompleksi juurde lisakorpuse. Uus korpus läheb maksma ligi 400 miljoni krooni, millest 170 miljonit saadakse Euroopa Liidu struktuurifondidest. Lisa: Uus korpus. Skeem

  15. Disainikaart : Rootsi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Rohkeid disainiauhindu noppinud Rootsi disainerite loomingut, mis on silma paistnud oma ergonoomilisuse, funktsionaalsuse ja innovatiivsusega - Marten Calessoni, Eero Koivisto ja Ola Rune punane tugitool "Pebbles", Katarina Krebsi sinikollastes rahvusvärvides moekollektsioon (2002.a.), Anna von Scheweni disainitud köök 2001. aasta sisustusnäituseks ning tema toolid "Kallistus" ja "Suur kallistus", Baby-Björni laste toidukauss ja lusikas, Gunnar Leijonbergi patareidega muruniitja, Inese Ljunggreni robottolmuimeja "Trilobiit", Andrea Djerfi hambakujuline keraamiline anum, Carl Frans Lundströmi tormitikud (1857.a.), Ebehard Segeri disainitud tolmuimeja (1910.a.), Ericssoni mobiiltelefon, Nils Bohlini disainitud kolmepunktiturvavöö (1959.a.), Bertil Aldmani beebi turvaiste (1963.a.), Erik Wallenbergi ja Ruben Rausingi disainitud tetrapakk (1951.a.), Gustav de Lavali koorelahutaja (1878.a.)

  16. Quintessence and the cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doran, M.; Wetterich, C.


    Quintessence -- the energy density of a slowly evolving scalar field -- may constitute a dynamical form of the homogeneous dark energy in the universe. We review the basic idea in the light of the cosmological constant problem. Cosmological observations or a time variation of fundamental 'constants' can distinguish quintessence from a cosmological constant

  17. Vaatab ja näeb teistmoodi / Aavo Kokk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kokk, Aavo, 1964-


    Kui varem oli strateegilise planeerimise alus ettevõtetes see, kuidas tulevikku paremini ette näha, siis nüüd arutavad ettevõtted selle üle, kuidas tekitada uus turg ja uus nõudlus. Lennukifirmade Airbus ja Boeing erinev ettekujutus lennunduse arengust

  18. Cosmological constants and variations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barrow, John D


    We review properties of theories for the variation of the gravitation and fine structure 'constants'. We highlight some general features of the cosmological models that exist in these theories with reference to recent quasar data that is consistent with time-variation in the fine structure 'constant' since a redshift of 3.5. The behaviour of a simple class of varying alpha cosmologies is outlined in the light of all the observational constraints. We also discuss some of the consequences of varying 'constants' for oscillating universes and show by means of exact solutions that they appear to evolve monotonically in time even though the scale factor of the universe oscillates

  19. Muusikauudiseid maailmast / Nele-Eva Steinfeld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    Lühisõnumeid maailmast: Paavo Järvile kolm suurt muusikapreemiat. Gramophone'i muusikapreemiate laureaadid. ECHO Klassiku laureaadid 2015. Uudised Leedsi pianistide konkursilt. Riccardo Chailly Luzerni festivali orkestri uus muusikajuht. Andris Nelsons Leipzigi Gewandhaus-orkestri uus peadirigent. Iraan ja Iisrael seisavad vastu Barenboimi kontserdile Teheranis

  20. Oskusest konflikti sekkuda on töös tuge / Sirje Pärismaa ; kommenteerinud Airiin Demir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärismaa, Sirje, 1958-


    Projekti „Tõenduspõhine uus lähenemine - uus koolikultuur Eestis (TULUKE)“ üheks alategevuseks on pädevuste arendamine tõenduspõhiste sekkumisprogrammide kasutuselevõtuks. Maarjamaa hariduskolleegiumi Emajõe õppekeskuse (endine Kaagvere erikool) töötajad on õppinud maailmas tunnustatud sekkumisprogrammide nippe

  1. Kodu Rotterdami kaubasadamas / Ada Org

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Org, Ada


    Vabakutselise kunstniku Sandy omapärasest kolmekorruselisest tellistest elamust aadressil kai number 2600. Enamus mööblist on korduvkasutuses, asjadele on leitud uus funktsioon, remonditööd on teinud Sandy ise. Kolmandal korrusel asuva vannitoa sisustus on uus. 13 värv. ill

  2. The Fine Structure Constant

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    The article discusses the importance of the fine structure constant in quantum mechanics, along with the brief history of how it emerged. Al- though Sommerfelds idea of elliptical orbits has been replaced by wave mechanics, the fine struc- ture constant he introduced has remained as an important parameter in the field of ...

  3. Tachyon constant-roll inflation (United States)

    Mohammadi, A.; Saaidi, Kh.; Golanbari, T.


    The constant-roll inflation is studied where the inflaton is taken as a tachyon field. Based on this approach, the second slow-roll parameter is taken as a constant which leads to a differential equation for the Hubble parameter. Finding an exact solution for the Hubble parameter is difficult and leads us to a numerical solution for the Hubble parameter. On the other hand, since in this formalism the slow-roll parameter η is constant and could not be assumed to be necessarily small, the perturbation parameters should be reconsidered again which, in turn, results in new terms appearing in the amplitude of scalar perturbations and the scalar spectral index. Utilizing the numerical solution for the Hubble parameter, we estimate the perturbation parameter at the horizon exit time and compare it with observational data. The results show that, for specific values of the constant parameter η , we could have an almost scale-invariant amplitude of scalar perturbations. Finally, the attractor behavior for the solution of the model is presented, and we determine that the feature could be properly satisfied.

  4. Varying Constants, Gravitation and Cosmology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jean-Philippe Uzan


    Full Text Available Fundamental constants are a cornerstone of our physical laws. Any constant varying in space and/or time would reflect the existence of an almost massless field that couples to matter. This will induce a violation of the universality of free fall. Thus, it is of utmost importance for our understanding of gravity and of the domain of validity of general relativity to test for their constancy. We detail the relations between the constants, the tests of the local position invariance and of the universality of free fall. We then review the main experimental and observational constraints that have been obtained from atomic clocks, the Oklo phenomenon, solar system observations, meteorite dating, quasar absorption spectra, stellar physics, pulsar timing, the cosmic microwave background and big bang nucleosynthesis. At each step we describe the basics of each system, its dependence with respect to the constants, the known systematic effects and the most recent constraints that have been obtained. We then describe the main theoretical frameworks in which the low-energy constants may actually be varying and we focus on the unification mechanisms and the relations between the variation of different constants. To finish, we discuss the more speculative possibility of understanding their numerical values and the apparent fine-tuning that they confront us with.

  5. Nuclear constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foos, J.


    This paper is written in two tables. The first one describes the different particles (bosons and fermions). The second one gives the isotopes nuclear constants of the different elements, for Z = 1 to 56. (A.L.B.)

  6. Nuclear constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foos, J.


    This paper is written in two tables. The first one describes the different particles (bosons and fermions). The second one gives the isotopes nuclear constants of the different elements, for Z = 56 to 68. (A.L.B.)

  7. Nuclear constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foos, J.


    This paper is written in two tables. The first one describes the different particles (bosons and fermions). The second one gives the isotopes nuclear constants of the different elements, for Z = 56 to 68. (A.L.B.)

  8. Determination of protonation constants of hydroquinone and stability constants of Th(IV) hydroquinone complex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawant, R.M.; Ramakumar, K.L.; Sharma, R.S.


    Protonation constants of hydroquinone and stability constants of thorium hydroquinone complexes were determined in 1 M NaClO 4 medium at 25 ± 0.5 degC, by varying concentration of thorium, using pH titration technique. Protonation constants of hydroquinone (β 1H = [HQ]/[H][Q] and β 2H = [H 2 Q]/[H] 2 [Q]) were found to be β 1H = 11.404 ± 0.014 and β 2H = 21.402 ± 0.012. The analysis of titration data of thorium-hydroquinone system appears to indicate the formation of species Th(H 2 Q) 3 (OH) and Th(H 2 O) 4 (OH). Equilibrium constants obtained for these species are -log β 13-I = 48.51 ± 0.67 and -log β 14-1 64.86 ± 1.25 respectively which are not reported in the literature. (author)

  9. Nuclear constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foos, J.


    This paper is made of two tables. The first table describes the different particles (bosons and fermions) while the second one gives the nuclear constants of isotopes from the different elements with Z = 1 to 25. (J.S.)

  10. Connecting Fundamental Constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Di Mario, D.


    A model for a black hole electron is built from three basic constants only: h, c and G. The result is a description of the electron with its mass and charge. The nature of this black hole seems to fit the properties of the Planck particle and new relationships among basic constants are possible. The time dilation factor in a black hole associated with a variable gravitational field would appear to us as a charge; on the other hand the Planck time is acting as a time gap drastically limiting what we are able to measure and its dimension will appear in some quantities. This is why the Planck time is numerically very close to the gravitational/electric force ratio in an electron: its difference, disregarding a π√(2) factor, is only 0.2%. This is not a coincidence, it is always the same particle and the small difference is between a rotating and a non-rotating particle. The determination of its rotational speed yields accurate numbers for many quantities, including the fine structure constant and the electron magnetic moment

  11. Constant load and constant displacement stress corrosion in simulated water reactor environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lloyd, G.J.


    The stress corrosion behaviour of selected water reactor constructional materials, as determined by constant load or constant displacement test techniques, is reviewed. Experimental results obtained using a very wide range of conditions have been collected in a form for easy reference. A discussion is given of some apparent trends in these data. The possible reasons for these trends are considered together with a discussion of how the observed discrepancies may be resolved. (author)

  12. Uus aeg, uus tehing / Kristjan Otsmann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Otsmann, Kristjan, 1971-


    Autor tutvustab ärikirjaniku Seth Godini soovitusi majanduslanguse edukaks üleelamiseks: muuta end asendamatuks, usaldusväärseks ning oma ala asjatundjaks, kasulikum on olla väike kui suur ettevõtja ning eesmärgid tuleb siduda konkreetsete tegevustega

  13. Construction of Lines of Constant Density and Constant Refractive Index for Ternary Liquid Mixtures. (United States)

    Tasic, Aleksandar Z.; Djordjevic, Bojan D.


    Demonstrates construction of density constant and refractive index constant lines in triangular coordinate system on basis of systematic experimental determinations of density and refractive index for both homogeneous (single-phase) ternary liquid mixtures (of known composition) and the corresponding binary compositions. Background information,…

  14. RNA structure and scalar coupling constants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tinoco, I. Jr.; Cai, Z.; Hines, J.V.; Landry, S.M.; SantaLucia, J. Jr.; Shen, L.X.; Varani, G. [Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States)


    Signs and magnitudes of scalar coupling constants-spin-spin splittings-comprise a very large amount of data that can be used to establish the conformations of RNA molecules. Proton-proton and proton-phosphorus splittings have been used the most, but the availability of {sup 13}C-and {sup 15}N-labeled molecules allow many more coupling constants to be used for determining conformation. We will systematically consider the torsion angles that characterize a nucleotide unit and the coupling constants that depend on the values of these torsion angles. Karplus-type equations have been established relating many three-bond coupling constants to torsion angles. However, one- and two-bond coupling constants can also depend on conformation. Serianni and coworkers measured carbon-proton coupling constants in ribonucleosides and have calculated their values as a function of conformation. The signs of two-bond coupling can be very useful because it is easier to measure a sign than an accurate magnitude.

  15. Asjade seis, viimane vaatus... / Anders Härm, Hanno Soans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Härm, Anders, 1977-


    Muutustest ühiskonnas ja vastuoludest kunstielus pärast kolme üheaegselt toimunud noortenäitust - Härmi-Soansi kureeritud "Uus laine. 21. sajandi Eesti kunstnikud", Non Grata "Uus laine. 21. sajandi kunst" ja Andres Lõo kureeritud "Pomo Sapiens"i, ka näituse kuraatorikontseptsioonidest, Non Grata juhtfiguuridest ja kriitikast

  16. Tshto novogo?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Moeteemalisi uudiseid Eestist: eesti olümpialaste riietus, autoriks Jaana Varkki (Monton); moetööstuse auhind "Suur Kuldnõel 2003" sai Merike Päärole; Kanal 2 moesaade "Glamorama"; avati Ivo Nikkolo moekauplus; Sangari uus kollektsioon uue disaineriga; Klementi uus logo; reklaamikonkursi Cresta Awards finaalis Montoni veebisait

  17. Kunstikonteiner on avatud kõigile headele ideedele / Tanel Saar, Sandra Jõgeva ; interv. R[eet] V[arblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Tanel


    Polymeri kultuuritehases Tallinnas (Ülase 16 / Madara 22) tegutsevast Academia Non Grata filiaalist ja alternatiivgaleriist Nongrata Kunstikonteiner. Näitustest, tulevikuplaanidest. Avanäituseks oli "Uus laine. 21. sajandi kunst", juuni lõpuni on avatud rahvusvahelise performance'ifestivali "Diverse Universe III" avanäitus "Aderlassenplatz" ja "Uus laine. II valik: tegevuskunst"

  18. Stability Constants of Some Biologically Important Pyrazoles and Their Ni2+ Complexes in Different Dielectric Constant of Medium

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. D. Deosarkar


    Full Text Available The proton-ligand stability constants of some biologically important new pyrazoles and formation constants of their complexes with Ni(II were determined at 0.1 mol dm-3 ionic strength and at 303.15 K in different dielectric constant of dioxane-water mixture by potentiometric method. The Calvin-Bjerrum's pH-titration technique as used by Irving and Rossotti was used for determination of stability constants. The results enabled to study the electrostatic forces of attraction between metal ion and ligand with changes in dielectric constant of the medium.

  19. A natural cosmological constant from chameleons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nastase, Horatiu; Weltman, Amanda


    We present a simple model where the effective cosmological constant appears from chameleon scalar fields. For a Kachru–Kallosh–Linde–Trivedi (KKLT)-inspired form of the potential and a particular chameleon coupling to the local density, patches of approximately constant scalar field potential cluster around regions of matter with density above a certain value, generating the effect of a cosmological constant on large scales. This construction addresses both the cosmological constant problem (why Λ is so small, yet nonzero) and the coincidence problem (why Λ is comparable to the matter density now)

  20. A natural cosmological constant from chameleons

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horatiu Nastase


    Full Text Available We present a simple model where the effective cosmological constant appears from chameleon scalar fields. For a Kachru–Kallosh–Linde–Trivedi (KKLT-inspired form of the potential and a particular chameleon coupling to the local density, patches of approximately constant scalar field potential cluster around regions of matter with density above a certain value, generating the effect of a cosmological constant on large scales. This construction addresses both the cosmological constant problem (why Λ is so small, yet nonzero and the coincidence problem (why Λ is comparable to the matter density now.

  1. A natural cosmological constant from chameleons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nastase, Horatiu, E-mail: [Instituto de Física Teórica, UNESP-Universidade Estadual Paulista, R. Dr. Bento T. Ferraz 271, Bl. II, Sao Paulo 01140-070, SP (Brazil); Weltman, Amanda, E-mail: [Astrophysics, Cosmology & Gravity Center, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch 7700 (South Africa)


    We present a simple model where the effective cosmological constant appears from chameleon scalar fields. For a Kachru–Kallosh–Linde–Trivedi (KKLT)-inspired form of the potential and a particular chameleon coupling to the local density, patches of approximately constant scalar field potential cluster around regions of matter with density above a certain value, generating the effect of a cosmological constant on large scales. This construction addresses both the cosmological constant problem (why Λ is so small, yet nonzero) and the coincidence problem (why Λ is comparable to the matter density now)

  2. On the constant-roll inflation (United States)

    Yi, Zhu; Gong, Yungui


    The primordial power spectra of scalar and tensor perturbations during slow-roll inflation are usually calculated with the method of Bessel function approximation. For constant-roll or ultra slow-roll inflation, the method of Bessel function approximation may be invalid. We compare the numerical results with the analytical results derived from the Bessel function approximation, and we find that they differ significantly on super-horizon scales if the constant slow-roll parameter ηH is not small. More accurate method is needed for calculating the primordial power spectrum for constant-roll inflation.

  3. The fundamental constants a mystery of physics

    CERN Document Server

    Fritzsch, Harald


    The speed of light, the fine structure constant, and Newton's constant of gravity — these are just three among the many physical constants that define our picture of the world. Where do they come from? Are they constant in time and across space? In this book, physicist and author Harald Fritzsch invites the reader to explore the mystery of the fundamental constants of physics in the company of Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and a modern-day physicist

  4. Constant Leverage And Constant Cost Of Capital: A Common Knowledge Half-Truth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ignacio Vélez–Pareja


    In this document we show that for finite cash flows, Ke and hence WACC depend on the discount rate that is used to value the tax shield, TS and as expected, Ke and WACC are not constant with Kd as the discount rate for the tax shield, even if the leverage is constant. We illustrate this situation with a simple example. We analyze five methods: DCF using APV, FCF and traditional and general formulation for WACC, present value of CFE plus debt and Capital Cash Flow, CCF.

  5. Spectrophotometric determination of association constant

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Least-squares 'Systematic Trial-and-Error Procedure' (STEP) for spectrophotometric evaluation of association constant (equilibrium constant) K and molar absorption coefficient E for a 1:1 molecular complex, A + B = C, with error analysis according to Conrow et al. (1964). An analysis of the Charge...

  6. Constant strength fuel-fuel cell

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vaseen, V.A.


    A fuel cell is an electrochemical apparatus composed of both a nonconsumable anode and cathode; and electrolyte, fuel oxidant and controls. This invention guarantees the constant transfer of hydrogen atoms and their respective electrons, thus a constant flow of power by submergence of the negative electrode in a constant strength hydrogen furnishing fuel; when said fuel is an aqueous absorbed hydrocarbon, such as and similar to ethanol or methnol. The objective is accomplished by recirculation of the liquid fuel, as depleted in the cell through specific type membranes which pass water molecules and reject the fuel molecules; thus concentrating them for recycle use

  7. Keila-Joa loss presidendi uueks residentsiks?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Riigi Kinnisvara AS võttis presidendi kantselei palvel müügist maha Keila-Joa lossikompleksi. Lossist võib tulevikus kujuneda riigipea residents. Ilmunud ka: Eesti Elu 15. juuni 2007, lk. 17, pealk.: Keila-Joale presidendi uus residents?; Eesti Hääl 10. aug. 2007, lk. 1, pealk.: Keila-Joale tuleb presidendi uus residents

  8. Universe of constant (United States)

    Yongquan, Han


    The ideal gas state equation is not applicable to ordinary gas, it should be applied to the Electromagnetic ``gas'' that is applied to the radiation, the radiation should be the ultimate state of matter changes or initial state, the universe is filled with radiation. That is, the ideal gas equation of state is suitable for the Singular point and the universe. Maybe someone consider that, there is no vessel can accommodate radiation, it is because the Ordinary container is too small to accommodate, if the radius of your container is the distance that Light through an hour, would you still think it can't accommodates radiation? Modern scientific determinate that the radius of the universe now is about 1027 m, assuming that the universe is a sphere whose volume is approximately: V = 4.19 × 1081 cubic meters, the temperature radiation of the universe (cosmic microwave background radiation temperature of the universe, should be the closest the average temperature of the universe) T = 3.15k, radiation pressure P = 5 × 10-6 N / m 2, according to the law of ideal gas state equation, PV / T = constant = 6 × 1075, the value of this constant is the universe, The singular point should also equal to the constant Author: hanyongquan

  9. Larson-Miller Constant of Heat-Resistant Steel (United States)

    Tamura, Manabu; Abe, Fujio; Shiba, Kiyoyuki; Sakasegawa, Hideo; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu


    Long-term rupture data for 79 types of heat-resistant steels including carbon steel, low-alloy steel, high-alloy steel, austenitic stainless steel, and superalloy were analyzed, and a constant for the Larson-Miller (LM) parameter was obtained in the current study for each material. The calculated LM constant, C, is approximately 20 for heat-resistant steels and alloys except for high-alloy martensitic steels with high creep resistance, for which C ≈ 30 . The apparent activation energy was also calculated, and the LM constant was found to be proportional to the apparent activation energy with a high correlation coefficient, which suggests that the LM constant is a material constant possessing intrinsic physical meaning. The contribution of the entropy change to the LM constant is not small, especially for several martensitic steels with large values of C. Deformation of such martensitic steels should accompany a large entropy change of 10 times the gas constant at least, besides the entropy change due to self-diffusion.

  10. Constant exposure technique in industrial radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Domanus, J.C.


    The principles and advantages of the constant exposure technique are explained. Choice of exposure factors is analyzed. Film, paper and intensifying screens used throughout the investigation and film and paper processing are described. Exposure technique and the use of image quality indicators are given. Methods of determining of radiographic image quality are presented. Conclusions about the use of constant exposure vs. constant kilovoltage technique are formulated. (author)

  11. Cosmological constant--the weight of the vacuum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Padmanabhan, T.


    Recent cosmological observations suggest the existence of a positive cosmological constant Λ with the magnitude Λ(Gℎ/c 3 )∼10 -123 . This review discusses several aspects of the cosmological constant both from the cosmological (Sections 1-6) and field theoretical (Sections 7-11) perspectives. After a brief introduction to the key issues related to cosmological constant and a historical overview, a summary of the kinematics and dynamics of the standard Friedmann model of the universe is provided. The observational evidence for cosmological constant, especially from the supernova results, and the constraints from the age of the universe, structure formation, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) anisotropies and a few others are described in detail, followed by a discussion of the theoretical models (quintessence, tachyonic scalar field, ...) from different perspectives. The latter part of the review (Sections 7-11) concentrates on more conceptual and fundamental aspects of the cosmological constant like some alternative interpretations of the cosmological constant, relaxation mechanisms to reduce the cosmological constant to the currently observed value, the geometrical structure of the de Sitter spacetime, thermodynamics of the de Sitter universe and the role of string theory in the cosmological constant problem

  12. Radiographic constant exposure technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Domanus, Joseph Czeslaw


    The constant exposure technique has been applied to assess various industrial radiographic systems. Different X-ray films and radiographic papers of two producers were compared. Special attention was given to fast film and paper used with fluorometallic screens. Radiographic image quality...... was tested by the use of ISO wire IQI's and ASTM penetrameters used on Al and Fe test plates. Relative speed and reduction of kilovoltage obtained with the constant exposure technique were calculated. The advantages of fast radiographic systems are pointed out...

  13. Constant-roll tachyon inflation and observational constraints (United States)

    Gao, Qing; Gong, Yungui; Fei, Qin


    For the constant-roll tachyon inflation, we derive the analytical expressions for the scalar and tensor power spectra, the scalar and tensor spectral tilts and the tensor to scalar ratio to the first order of epsilon1 by using the method of Bessel function approximation. The derived ns-r results are compared with the observations, we find that only the constant-roll inflation with ηH being a constant is consistent with the observations and observations constrain the constant-roll inflation to be slow-roll inflation. The tachyon potential is also reconstructed for the constant-roll inflation which is consistent with the observations.

  14. Belgia restoran Londonis

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Belgia ehk Belgo restoraniketi uus restoran Notting Hill Gate'i linnajaos Londonis endise tantsuteatri ruumides. Ümberehituse arhitektid ئ iraanlane Farshid Moussavi, hispaanlane Alejandro Zaera-Polo. Belgia köögi kolm märksõna: teod, friikartulid, õlu. Need kujutised on ka maja fassaadil, teokarbi kujust lähtub restorani uus interjöör

  15. Eesti kunst ristlainetuses / Ave Randviir

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randviir, Ave, 1981-


    Noorte kunstnike näitused "Uus laine. 21. sajandi eesti kunstnikud" Tallinna Kunstihoones (28.04.-28.05.2007) ja selle galeriis (28.04.-20.05.2007), "POMO SAPIENS : see on tõesti midagi" Vaal galeriis (2.05.-19.05.2007) ja "Uus laine. 21 sajandi Eesti kunst" Kultuuritehase Polymer III korruse alternatiivgaleriis Nongrata Kunstikonteineris (alates 11.05.2007) Tallinnas

  16. Graviton fluctuations erase the cosmological constant (United States)

    Wetterich, C.


    Graviton fluctuations induce strong non-perturbative infrared renormalization effects for the cosmological constant. The functional renormalization flow drives a positive cosmological constant towards zero, solving the cosmological constant problem without the need to tune parameters. We propose a simple computation of the graviton contribution to the flow of the effective potential for scalar fields. Within variable gravity, with effective Planck mass proportional to the scalar field, we find that the potential increases asymptotically at most quadratically with the scalar field. The solutions of the derived cosmological equations lead to an asymptotically vanishing cosmological "constant" in the infinite future, providing for dynamical dark energy in the present cosmological epoch. Beyond a solution of the cosmological constant problem, our simplified computation also entails a sizeable positive graviton-induced anomalous dimension for the quartic Higgs coupling in the ultraviolet regime, substantiating the successful prediction of the Higgs boson mass within the asymptotic safety scenario for quantum gravity.

  17. CODATA recommended values of the fundamental constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohr, Peter J.; Taylor, Barry N.


    A review is given of the latest Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) adjustment of the values of the fundamental constants. The new set of constants, referred to as the 1998 values, replaces the values recommended for international use by CODATA in 1986. The values of the constants, and particularly the Rydberg constant, are of relevance to the calculation of precise atomic spectra. The standard uncertainty (estimated standard deviation) of the new recommended value of the Rydberg constant, which is based on precision frequency metrology and a detailed analysis of the theory, is approximately 1/160 times the uncertainty of the 1986 value. The new set of recommended values as well as a searchable bibliographic database that gives citations to the relevant literature is available on the World Wide Web at and, respectively

  18. The Dielectric Constant of Lubrication Oils

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Carey, A


    The values of the dielectric constant of simple molecules is discussed first, along with the relationship between the dielectric constant and other physical properties such as boiling point, melting...

  19. New perspectives on constant-roll inflation (United States)

    Cicciarella, Francesco; Mabillard, Joel; Pieroni, Mauro


    We study constant-roll inflation using the β-function formalism. We show that the constant rate of the inflaton roll is translated into a first order differential equation for the β-function which can be solved easily. The solutions to this equation correspond to the usual constant-roll models. We then construct, by perturbing these exact solutions, more general classes of models that satisfy the constant-roll equation asymptotically. In the case of an asymptotic power law solution, these corrections naturally provide an end to the inflationary phase. Interestingly, while from a theoretical point of view (in particular in terms of the holographic interpretation) these models are intrinsically different from standard slow-roll inflation, they may have phenomenological predictions in good agreement with present cosmological data.

  20. The fine-structure constant before quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kragh, Helge


    This paper focuses on the early history of the fine-structure constant, largely the period until 1925. Contrary to what is generally assumed, speculations concerning the interdependence of the elementary electric charge and Planck's constant predated Arnold Sommerfeld's 1916 discussion of the dimensionless constant. This paper pays particular attention to a little known work from 1914 in which G N Lewis and E Q Adams derived what is effectively a numerical expression for the fine-structure constant

  1. Stability constants of scandium complexes, 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Itoh, Hisako; Itoh, Naomi; Suzuki, Yasuo


    The stability constants of scandium complexes with some carboxylate ligands were determined potentiometrically at 25.0 and 40.0 0 C and at an ionic strength of 0.10 with potassium nitrate as supporting electrolyte. The constants of the scandium complexes were appreciably greater than those of the corresponding lanthanoid complexes, as expected. The changes in free energy, enthalpy, and entropy for the formation of the scandium complexes were calculated from the stability constants at two temperatures. (author)

  2. Zero cosmological constant from normalized general relativity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davidson, Aharon; Rubin, Shimon


    Normalizing the Einstein-Hilbert action by the volume functional makes the theory invariant under constant shifts in the Lagrangian. The associated field equations then resemble unimodular gravity whose otherwise arbitrary cosmological constant is now determined as a Machian universal average. We prove that an empty space-time is necessarily Ricci tensor flat, and demonstrate the vanishing of the cosmological constant within the scalar field paradigm. The cosmological analysis, carried out at the mini-superspace level, reveals a vanishing cosmological constant for a universe which cannot be closed as long as gravity is attractive. Finally, we give an example of a normalized theory of gravity which does give rise to a non-zero cosmological constant.

  3. The time constant of the somatogravic illusion. (United States)

    Correia Grácio, B J; de Winkel, K N; Groen, E L; Wentink, M; Bos, J E


    Without visual feedback, humans perceive tilt when experiencing a sustained linear acceleration. This tilt illusion is commonly referred to as the somatogravic illusion. Although the physiological basis of the illusion seems to be well understood, the dynamic behavior is still subject to discussion. In this study, the dynamic behavior of the illusion was measured experimentally for three motion profiles with different frequency content. Subjects were exposed to pure centripetal accelerations in the lateral direction and were asked to indicate their tilt percept by means of a joystick. Variable-radius centrifugation during constant angular rotation was used to generate these motion profiles. Two self-motion perception models were fitted to the experimental data and were used to obtain the time constant of the somatogravic illusion. Results showed that the time constant of the somatogravic illusion was on the order of two seconds, in contrast to the higher time constant found in fixed-radius centrifugation studies. Furthermore, the time constant was significantly affected by the frequency content of the motion profiles. Motion profiles with higher frequency content revealed shorter time constants which cannot be explained by self-motion perception models that assume a fixed time constant. Therefore, these models need to be improved with a mechanism that deals with this variable time constant. Apart from the fundamental importance, these results also have practical consequences for the simulation of sustained accelerations in motion simulators.

  4. An Einstein-Cartan Fine Structure Constant Definition

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stone R. A. Jr.


    Full Text Available The fine structure constant definition given in Stone R.A. Jr. Progress in Physics, 2010, v.1, 11-13 is compared to an Einstein-Cartan fine structure constant definition. It is shown that the Einstein-Cartan definition produces the correct pure theory value, just not the measure value. To produce the measured value, the pure theory Einstein-Cartan fine structure constant requires only the new variables and spin coupling of the fine structure constant definition in [1].

  5. Arhitektuuriuudised / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Tate Moderni juurdeehitus Londonis, arhitektid Jacques Herzog ja Pierre de Meuron. Šveitsi arhitektuuribüroos Geninasca Delefortrie projekteeritud eramu. Konkursist Vockerode elektrijaama rekonstrueerimiseks Saksamaal. Portugali arhitekti Alvaro Leite Siza Viera projekteeritud eramu. VIP paviljon Valencias 2007. aasta purjeregatiks, arhitekt David Chipperfild. Berliini uus raudteejaama peahoone. Madridi lennujaama Barajas uus terminal, büroo Richard Rogers Partnership, võitis RIBA Stirling Prize'i


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    overall stability constants of the complexes were found to be similar. Keywords: Glycinato, titration ... +. −. = 1 where Ka = dissociation constant of the amino acid. [ ]+. H = concentration of the .... Synthesis and techniques in inorganic chemistry.

  7. Interacting universes and the cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alonso-Serrano, A.; Bastos, C.; Bertolami, O.; Robles-Pérez, S.


    In this Letter it is studied the effects that an interaction scheme among universes can have in the values of their cosmological constants. In the case of two interacting universes, the value of the cosmological constant of one of the universes becomes very close to zero at the expense of an increasing value of the cosmological constant of the partner universe. In the more general case of a chain of N interacting universes with periodic boundary conditions, the spectrum of the Hamiltonian splits into a large number of levels, each of them associated with a particular value of the cosmological constant, that can be occupied by single universes revealing a collective behavior that plainly shows that the multiverse is much more than the mere sum of its parts

  8. Interacting universes and the cosmological constant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alonso-Serrano, A. [Centro de Física “Miguel Catalán”, Instituto de Física Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid (Spain); Estación Ecológica de Biocosmología, Pedro de Alvarado 14, 06411 Medellín (Spain); Bastos, C. [Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Bertolami, O. [Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Avenida Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa (Portugal); Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007 Porto (Portugal); Robles-Pérez, S., E-mail: [Centro de Física “Miguel Catalán”, Instituto de Física Fundamental, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Serrano 121, 28006 Madrid (Spain); Estación Ecológica de Biocosmología, Pedro de Alvarado 14, 06411 Medellín (Spain); Física Teórica, Universidad del País Vasco, Apartado 644, 48080 Bilbao (Spain)


    In this Letter it is studied the effects that an interaction scheme among universes can have in the values of their cosmological constants. In the case of two interacting universes, the value of the cosmological constant of one of the universes becomes very close to zero at the expense of an increasing value of the cosmological constant of the partner universe. In the more general case of a chain of N interacting universes with periodic boundary conditions, the spectrum of the Hamiltonian splits into a large number of levels, each of them associated with a particular value of the cosmological constant, that can be occupied by single universes revealing a collective behavior that plainly shows that the multiverse is much more than the mere sum of its parts.

  9. Uus juht, uus olukord, uued nõuded

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Nõuandeid juhiks edutatule, kuidas rolli, alluvate ning ülesannete delegeerimisega edukalt toime tulla. Nõuanded pärinevad Loren B. Belkeri raamatust "Noorele juhile" ning ajakirja Harvard Management Update 2004. aasta juulikuu numbris avaldatud artiklist "Are YOU delegating so it sticks?"

  10. Solar constant values for estimating solar radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Huashan; Lian, Yongwang; Wang, Xianlong; Ma, Weibin; Zhao, Liang


    There are many solar constant values given and adopted by researchers, leading to confusion in estimating solar radiation. In this study, some solar constant values collected from literature for estimating solar radiation with the Angstroem-Prescott correlation are tested in China using the measured data between 1971 and 2000. According to the ranking method based on the t-statistic, a strategy to select the best solar constant value for estimating the monthly average daily global solar radiation with the Angstroem-Prescott correlation is proposed. -- Research highlights: → The effect of the solar constant on estimating solar radiation is investigated. → The investigation covers a diverse range of climate and geography in China. → A strategy to select the best solar constant for estimating radiation is proposed.

  11. Capacitive Cells for Dielectric Constant Measurement (United States)

    Aguilar, Horacio Munguía; Maldonado, Rigoberto Franco


    A simple capacitive cell for dielectric constant measurement in liquids is presented. As an illustrative application, the cell is used for measuring the degradation of overheated edible oil through the evaluation of their dielectric constant.

  12. Constant conditional entropy and related hypotheses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferrer-i-Cancho, Ramon; Dębowski, Łukasz; Moscoso del Prado Martín, Fermín


    Constant entropy rate (conditional entropies must remain constant as the sequence length increases) and uniform information density (conditional probabilities must remain constant as the sequence length increases) are two information theoretic principles that are argued to underlie a wide range of linguistic phenomena. Here we revise the predictions of these principles in the light of Hilberg’s law on the scaling of conditional entropy in language and related laws. We show that constant entropy rate (CER) and two interpretations for uniform information density (UID), full UID and strong UID, are inconsistent with these laws. Strong UID implies CER but the reverse is not true. Full UID, a particular case of UID, leads to costly uncorrelated sequences that are totally unrealistic. We conclude that CER and its particular cases are incomplete hypotheses about the scaling of conditional entropies. (letter)

  13. Systematics of constant roll inflation (United States)

    Anguelova, Lilia; Suranyi, Peter; Wijewardhana, L. C. R.


    We study constant roll inflation systematically. This is a regime, in which the slow roll approximation can be violated. It has long been thought that this approximation is necessary for agreement with observations. However, recently it was understood that there can be inflationary models with a constant, and not necessarily small, rate of roll that are both stable and compatible with the observational constraint ns ≈ 1. We investigate systematically the condition for such a constant-roll regime. In the process, we find a whole new class of inflationary models, in addition to the known solutions. We show that the new models are stable under scalar perturbations. Finally, we find a part of their parameter space, in which they produce a nearly scale-invariant scalar power spectrum, as needed for observational viability.

  14. Reactor group constants and benchmark test

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takano, Hideki [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    The evaluated nuclear data files such as JENDL, ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2 are validated by analyzing critical mock-up experiments for various type reactors and assessing applicability for nuclear characteristics such as criticality, reaction rates, reactivities, etc. This is called Benchmark Testing. In the nuclear calculations, the diffusion and transport codes use the group constant library which is generated by processing the nuclear data files. In this paper, the calculation methods of the reactor group constants and benchmark test are described. Finally, a new group constants scheme is proposed. (author)

  15. Inflation with a constant rate of roll

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Motohashi, Hayato; Starobinsky, Alexei A.; Yokoyama, Jun'ichi


    We consider an inflationary scenario where the rate of inflaton roll defined by ·· φ/H φ-dot remains constant. The rate of roll is small for slow-roll inflation, while a generic rate of roll leads to the interesting case of 'constant-roll' inflation. We find a general exact solution for the inflaton potential required for such inflaton behaviour. In this model, due to non-slow evolution of background, the would-be decaying mode of linear scalar (curvature) perturbations may not be neglected. It can even grow for some values of the model parameter, while the other mode always remains constant. However, this always occurs for unstable solutions which are not attractors for the given potential. The most interesting particular cases of constant-roll inflation remaining viable with the most recent observational data are quadratic hilltop inflation (with cutoff) and natural inflation (with an additional negative cosmological constant). In these cases even-order slow-roll parameters approach non-negligible constants while the odd ones are asymptotically vanishing in the quasi-de Sitter regime

  16. Note: Determination of torsional spring constant of atomic force microscopy cantilevers: Combining normal spring constant and classical beam theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Álvarez-Asencio, R.; Thormann, Esben; Rutland, M.W.


    A technique has been developed for the calculation of torsional spring constants for AFM cantilevers based on the combination of the normal spring constant and plate/beam theory. It is easy to apply and allow the determination of torsional constants for stiff cantilevers where the thermal power s...... spectrum is difficult to obtain due to the high resonance frequency and low signal/noise ratio. The applicability is shown to be general and this simple approach can thus be used to obtain torsional constants for any beam shaped cantilever. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC....

  17. Experimental Determination of the Avogadro Constant

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    mental physical constant such as charge of an electron or the. Boltzmann constant ... ideas was that the number of particles or molecules in a gas of given volume could not ... knowledge of at least one property of a single molecule. Loschmidt ...

  18. Wormholes and the cosmological constant problem. (United States)

    Klebanov, I.

    The author reviews the cosmological constant problem and the recently proposed wormhole mechanism for its solution. Summation over wormholes in the Euclidean path integral for gravity turns all the coupling parameters into dynamical variables, sampled from a probability distribution. A formal saddle point analysis results in a distribution with a sharp peak at the cosmological constant equal to zero, which appears to solve the cosmological constant problem. He discusses the instabilities of the gravitational Euclidean path integral and the difficulties with its interpretation. He presents an alternate formalism for baby universes, based on the "third quantization" of the Wheeler-De Witt equation. This approach is analyzed in a minisuperspace model for quantum gravity, where it reduces to simple quantum mechanics. Once again, the coupling parameters become dynamical. Unfortunately, the a priori probability distribution for the cosmological constant and other parameters is typically a smooth function, with no sharp peaks.

  19. The cosmological constant in theories with finite spacetime

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kummer, Janis


    We study the role of the cosmological constant in different theories with finite spacetime. The cosmological constant appears both as an initial condition and as a constant of integration. In the context of the cosmological constant problem a new model will be presented. This modification of general relativity generates a small, non-vanishing cosmological constant, which is radiatively stable. The dynamics of the expansion of the universe in this model will be analyzed. Eventually, we try to solve the emergent problems concerning the generation of accelerated expansion using a quintessence model of dark energy.

  20. The Hubble Constant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Neal Jackson


    Full Text Available I review the current state of determinations of the Hubble constant, which gives the length scale of the Universe by relating the expansion velocity of objects to their distance. There are two broad categories of measurements. The first uses individual astrophysical objects which have some property that allows their intrinsic luminosity or size to be determined, or allows the determination of their distance by geometric means. The second category comprises the use of all-sky cosmic microwave background, or correlations between large samples of galaxies, to determine information about the geometry of the Universe and hence the Hubble constant, typically in a combination with other cosmological parameters. Many, but not all, object-based measurements give H_0 values of around 72–74 km s^–1 Mpc^–1, with typical errors of 2–3 km s^–1 Mpc^–1. This is in mild discrepancy with CMB-based measurements, in particular those from the Planck satellite, which give values of 67–68 km s^–1 Mpc^–1 and typical errors of 1–2 km s^–1 Mpc^–1. The size of the remaining systematics indicate that accuracy rather than precision is the remaining problem in a good determination of the Hubble constant. Whether a discrepancy exists, and whether new physics is needed to resolve it, depends on details of the systematics of the object-based methods, and also on the assumptions about other cosmological parameters and which datasets are combined in the case of the all-sky methods.

  1. Constant-roll (quasi-)linear inflation (United States)

    Karam, A.; Marzola, L.; Pappas, T.; Racioppi, A.; Tamvakis, K.


    In constant-roll inflation, the scalar field that drives the accelerated expansion of the Universe is rolling down its potential at a constant rate. Within this framework, we highlight the relations between the Hubble slow-roll parameters and the potential ones, studying in detail the case of a single-field Coleman-Weinberg model characterised by a non-minimal coupling of the inflaton to gravity. With respect to the exact constant-roll predictions, we find that assuming an approximate slow-roll behaviour yields a difference of Δ r = 0.001 in the tensor-to-scalar ratio prediction. Such a discrepancy is in principle testable by future satellite missions. As for the scalar spectral index ns, we find that the existing 2-σ bound constrains the value of the non-minimal coupling to ξphi ~ 0.29–0.31 in the model under consideration.

  2. The Yamabe constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O Murchadha, N.


    The set of riemannian three-metrics with positive Yamabe constant defines the space of independent data for the gravitational field. The boundary of this set is investigated, and it is shown that metrics close to the boundary satisfy the positive-energy theorem. (Author) 18 refs

  3. Charge dependence of the pion-nucleon coupling constant

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. A. Babenko


    Full Text Available On the basis of the Yukawa potential we study the pion-nucleon coupling constants for the neutral and charged pions assuming that nuclear forces at low energies are mainly determined by the exchange of virtual pions. We obtain the charged pseudovector pion-nucleon coupling constant f2π± = 0.0804(7 by making the use of experimental low-energy scattering parameters for the singlet pp- and np-scattering, and also by use of the neutral pseudovector pion-nucleon coupling constant f2π0 = 0.0749(7. Corresponding value of the charged pseudoscalar pion-nucleon coupling constant g2π0 / 4π = 14.55(13 is also determined. This calculated value of the charged pseudoscalar pion-nucleon coupling constant is in fully agreement with the experimental constant g2π0 / 4π = 14.52(26 obtained by the Uppsala Neutron Research Group. Our results show considerable charge splitting of the pion-nucleon coupling constant.

  4. A quadri-constant fraction discriminator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Wei; Gu Zhongdao


    A quad Constant Fraction (Amplitude and Rise Time Compensation) Discriminator Circuit is described, which is based on the ECL high-speed dual comparator AD 9687. The CFD (ARCD) is of the constant fraction timing type (the amplitude and rise time compensation timing type) employing a leading edge discriminator to eliminate error triggers caused by noises. A timing walk measurement indicates a timing walk of less than +- 150 ps from -50 mV to -5 V

  5. On special relativity with cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Hanying; Huang Chaoguang; Xu Zhan; Zhou Bin


    Based on the principle of relativity and the postulate of invariant speed and length, we propose the theory of special relativity with cosmological constant SRc,R, in which the cosmological constant is linked with the invariant length. Its relation with the doubly special relativity is briefly mentioned

  6. Reliability concerns with logical constants in Xilinx FPGA designs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Quinn, Heather M [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Graham, Paul [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Morgan, Keith [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Ostler, Patrick [Los Alamos National Laboratory; Allen, Greg [JPL; Swift, Gary [XILINX; Tseng, Chen W [XILINX


    In Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Arrays logical constants, which ground unused inputs and provide constants for designs, are implemented in SEU-susceptible logic. In the past, these logical constants have been shown to cause the user circuit to output bad data and were not resetable through off-line rcconfiguration. In the more recent devices, logical constants are less problematic, though mitigation should still be considered for high reliability applications. In conclusion, we have presented a number of reliability concerns with logical constants in the Xilinx Virtex family. There are two main categories of logical constants: implicit and explicit logical constants. In all of the Virtex devices, the implicit logical constants are implemented using half latches, which in the most recent devices are several orders of magnitudes smaller than configuration bit cells. Explicit logical constants are implemented exclusively using constant LUTs in the Virtex-I and Virtex-II, and use a combination of constant LUTs and architectural posts to the ground plane in the Virtex-4. We have also presented mitigation methods and options for these devices. While SEUs in implicit and some types of explicit logical constants can cause data corrupt, the chance of failure from these components is now much smaller than it was in the Virtex-I device. Therefore, for many cases, mitigation might not be necessary, except under extremely high reliability situations.

  7. Fine-structure constant: Is it really a constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bekenstein, J.D.


    It is often claimed that the fine-structure ''constant'' α is shown to be strictly constant in time by a variety of astronomical and geophysical results. These constrain its fractional rate of change alpha-dot/α to at least some orders of magnitude below the Hubble rate H 0 . We argue that the conclusion is not as straightforward as claimed since there are good physical reasons to expect alpha-dot/α 0 . We propose to decide the issue by constructing a framework for a variability based on very general assumptions: covariance, gauge invariance, causality, and time-reversal invariance of electromagnetism, as well as the idea that the Planck-Wheeler length (10 -33 cm) is the shortest scale allowable in any theory. The framework endows α with well-defined dynamics, and entails a modification of Maxwell electrodynamics. It proves very difficult to rule it out with purely electromagnetic experiments. In a cosmological setting, the framework predicts an alpha-dot/α which can be compatible with the astronomical constraints; hence, these are too insensitive to rule out α variability. There is marginal conflict with the geophysical constraints: however, no firm decision is possible because of uncertainty about various cosmological parameters. By contrast the framework's predictions for spatial gradients of α are in fatal conflict with the results of the Eoetvoes-Dicke-Braginsky experiments. Hence these tests of the equivalence principle rule out with confidence spacetime variability of α at any level

  8. Weak Acid Ionization Constants and the Determination of Weak Acid-Weak Base Reaction Equilibrium Constants in the General Chemistry Laboratory (United States)

    Nyasulu, Frazier; McMills, Lauren; Barlag, Rebecca


    A laboratory to determine the equilibrium constants of weak acid negative weak base reactions is described. The equilibrium constants of component reactions when multiplied together equal the numerical value of the equilibrium constant of the summative reaction. The component reactions are weak acid ionization reactions, weak base hydrolysis…

  9. Production in constant evolution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lozano, T.


    The Cofrentes Nuclear Power Plant now has 25 years of operation behind it: a quarter century adding value and demonstrating the reasons why it is one of the most important energy producing facilities in the Spanish power market. Particularly noteworthy is the enterprising spirit of the plant, which has strived to continuously improve with the large number of modernization projects that it has undertaken over the past 25 years. The plant has constantly evolved thanks to the amount of investments made to improve safety and reliability and the perseverance to stay technologically up to date. Efficiency, training and teamwork have been key to the success of the plant over these 25 years of constant change and progress. (Author)

  10. Scalar-tensor cosmology with cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maslanka, K.


    The equations of scalar-tensor theory of gravitation with cosmological constant in the case of homogeneous and isotropic cosmological model can be reduced to dynamical system of three differential equations with unknown functions H=R/R, THETA=phi/phi, S=e/phi. When new variables are introduced the system becomes more symmetrical and cosmological solutions R(t), phi(t), e(t) are found. It is shown that when cosmological constant is introduced large class of solutions which depend also on Dicke-Brans parameter can be obtained. Investigations of these solutions give general limits for cosmological constant and mean density of matter in plane model. (author)

  11. Effects of Constant Flow vs. Constant Pressure Perfusion on Fluid Filtration in Severe Hypothermic Isolated Blood-Perfused Rat Lungs. (United States)

    Halsøy, Kathrine; Kondratiev, Timofey; Tveita, Torkjel; Bjertnaes, Lars J


    Victims of severe accidental hypothermia are prone to fluid extravasation but rarely develop lung edema. We hypothesize that combined hypothermia-induced increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) and a concomitant fall in cardiac output protect the lungs against edema development. Our aim was to explore in hypothermic-isolated blood-perfused rat lungs whether perfusion at constant pressure influences fluid filtration differently from perfusion at constant flow. Isolated blood-perfused rat lungs were hanging freely in a weight transducer for measuring weight changes (ΔW). Fluid filtration coefficient (Kfc), was determined by transiently elevating left atrial pressure (Pla) by 5.8 mmHg two times each during normothermia (37°C) and during hypothermia (15°C). The lung preparations were randomized to two groups. One group was perfused with constant flow (Constant flow group) and the other group with constant pulmonary artery pressure (Constant PPA group). Microvascular pressure (Pmv) was determined before and during elevation of Pla (ΔPmv) by means of the double occlusion technique. Kfc was calculated with the formula Kfc = ΔW/ΔPmv/min. All Kfc values were normalized to predicted lung weight (P LW ), which was based on body weight (BW) according to the formula: P LW  = 0.0053 BW - 0.48 and presented as Kfc PLW in mg/min/mmHg/g. At cessation, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid/perfusate protein concentration (B/P) ratio was determined photometrically. Data were analyzed with parametric or non-parametric tests as appropriate. p  Kfc PLW and B/P ratio increased significantly by more than 10-fold during hypothermia concerted by visible signs of edema in the trachea. Hemoglobin and hematocrit increased within the Constant flow group and between the groups at cessation of the experiments. In hypothermic rat lungs perfused at constant flow, fluid filtration coefficient per gram P LW and B/P ratio increased more than 10-fold concerted by increased

  12. Shapley Value for Constant-sum Games

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khmelnitskaya, A.B.


    It is proved that Young's axiomatization for the Shapley value by marginalism, efficiency, and symmetry is still valid for the Shapley value defined on the class of nonnegative constant-sum games and on the entire class of constant-sum games as well. To support an interest to study the class of

  13. Läti hea teatri mitu nägu / Rait Avestik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Avestik, Rait


    Läti teatri eelmise hooaja parimate uuslavastuste ülevaatefestivalist "Spelmanu Nakts 2006" ("Mängurite Ööd"). Etendustest: Albert Camus "Caligula" - lavastaja Dzh. Dzh. Dzhilindzhers (Dailes Teater), David Harrower "Noad kanade sees" - lavastaja Gatis Shmits (Dailes Teater), Umka.Iv ja Betontanc "Näita oma nägu" - lavastaja Matjazh Pograjc, Jorge Luis Borges "Hellus" - lavastaja Elina Cerpa (Riia Uus Teater), Vladimir Sorokin "Jää" - lavastaja Alvis Hermanis (Riia Uus Teater)

  14. Fundamental Constants in Physics and their Time Dependence

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    In the Standard Model of Particle Physics we are dealing with 28 fundamental constants. In the experiments these constants can be measured, but theoretically they are not understood. I will discuss these constants, which are mostly mass parameters. Astrophysical measurements indicate that the finestructure constant is not a real constant, but depends on time. Grand unification then implies also a time variation of the QCD scale. Thus the masses of the atomic nuclei and the magnetic moments of the nuclei will depend on time. I proposed an experiment, which is currently done by Prof. Haensch in Munich and his group. The first results indicate a time dependence of the QCD scale. I will discuss the theoretical implications.

  15. Elastic constants of diamond from molecular dynamics simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Guangtu; Van Workum, Kevin; Schall, J David; Harrison, Judith A


    The elastic constants of diamond between 100 and 1100 K have been calculated for the first time using molecular dynamics and the second-generation, reactive empirical bond-order potential (REBO). This version of the REBO potential was used because it was redesigned to be able to model the elastic properties of diamond and graphite at 0 K while maintaining its original capabilities. The independent elastic constants of diamond, C 11 , C 12 , and C 44 , and the bulk modulus were all calculated as a function of temperature, and the results from the three different methods are in excellent agreement. By extrapolating the elastic constant data to 0 K, it is clear that the values obtained here agree with the previously calculated 0 K elastic constants. Because the second-generation REBO potential was fit to obtain better solid-state force constants for diamond and graphite, the agreement with the 0 K elastic constants is not surprising. In addition, the functional form of the second-generation REBO potential is able to qualitatively model the functional dependence of the elastic constants and bulk modulus of diamond at non-zero temperatures. In contrast, reactive potentials based on other functional forms do not reproduce the correct temperature dependence of the elastic constants. The second-generation REBO potential also correctly predicts that diamond has a negative Cauchy pressure in the temperature range examined

  16. Cosmological constant problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weinberg, S.


    Cosmological constant problem is discussed. History of the problem is briefly considered. Five different approaches to solution of the problem are described: supersymmetry, supergravity, superstring; anthropic approach; mechamism of lagrangian alignment; modification of gravitation theory and quantum cosmology. It is noted that approach, based on quantum cosmology is the most promising one

  17. Dose rate constants for new dose quantities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tschurlovits, M.; Daverda, G.; Leitner, A.


    Conceptual changes and new quantities made is necessary to reassess dose rate quantities. Calculations of the dose rate constant were done for air kerma, ambient dose equivalent and directional dose equivalent. The number of radionuclides is more than 200. The threshold energy is selected as 20 keV for the dose equivalent constants. The dose rate constant for the photon equivalent dose as used mainly in German speaking countries as a temporary quantity is also included. (Author)

  18. Garbage-free reversible constant multipliers for arbitrary integers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mogensen, Torben Ægidius


    We present a method for constructing reversible circuitry for multiplying integers by arbitrary integer constants. The method is based on Mealy machines and gives circuits whose size are (in the worst case) linear in the size of the constant. This makes the method unsuitable for large constants...

  19. Constant-work-space algorithms for geometric problems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tetsuo Asano


    Full Text Available Constant-work-space algorithms may use only constantly many cells of storage in addition to their input, which is provided as a read-only array. We show how to construct several geometric structures efficiently in the constant-work-space model. Traditional algorithms process the input into a suitable data structure (like a doubly-connected edge list that allows efficient traversal of the structure at hand. In the constant-work-space setting, however, we cannot afford to do this. Instead, we provide operations that compute the desired features on the fly by accessing the input with no extra space. The whole geometric structure can be obtained by using these operations to enumerate all the features. Of course, we must pay for the space savings by slower running times. While the standard data structure allows us to implement traversal operations in constant time, our schemes typically take linear time to read the input data in each step.We begin with two simple problems: triangulating a planar point set and finding the trapezoidal decomposition of a simple polygon. In both cases adjacent features can be enumerated in linear time per step, resulting in total quadratic running time to output the whole structure. Actually, we show that the former result carries over to the Delaunay triangulation, and hence the Voronoi diagram. This also means that we can compute the largest empty circle of a planar point set in quadratic time and constant work-space. As another application, we demonstrate how to enumerate the features of an Euclidean minimum spanning tree (EMST in quadratic time per step, so that the whole EMST can be found in cubic time using constant work-space.Finally, we describe how to compute a shortest geodesic path between two points in a simple polygon. Although the shortest path problem in general graphs is NL-complete (Jakoby and Tantau 2003, this constrained problem can be solved in quadratic time using only constant work-space.

  20. Globally Coupled Chaotic Maps with Constant Force

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Jinghui


    We investigate the motion of the globally coupled maps (logistic map) with a constant force. It is shown that the constant force can cause multi-synchronization for the globally coupled chaotic maps studied by us.

  1. Equilibrium-constant expressions for aqueous plutonium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silver, G.L.


    Equilibrium-constant expressions for Pu disproportionation reactions traditionally contain three or four terms representing the concentrations or fractions of the oxidation states. The expressions can be rewritten so that one of the oxidation states is replaced by a term containing the oxidation number of the plutonium. Experimental estimations of the numerical values of the constants can then be checked in several ways. (author)

  2. Multiple constant multiplication optimizations for field programmable gate arrays

    CERN Document Server

    Kumm, Martin


    This work covers field programmable gate array (FPGA)-specific optimizations of circuits computing the multiplication of a variable by several constants, commonly denoted as multiple constant multiplication (MCM). These optimizations focus on low resource usage but high performance. They comprise the use of fast carry-chains in adder-based constant multiplications including ternary (3-input) adders as well as the integration of look-up table-based constant multipliers and embedded multipliers to get the optimal mapping to modern FPGAs. The proposed methods can be used for the efficient implementation of digital filters, discrete transforms and many other circuits in the domain of digital signal processing, communication and image processing. Contents Heuristic and ILP-Based Optimal Solutions for the Pipelined Multiple Constant Multiplication Problem Methods to Integrate Embedded Multipliers, LUT-Based Constant Multipliers and Ternary (3-Input) Adders An Optimized Multiple Constant Multiplication Architecture ...

  3. Dynamic Characteristics of The DSI-Type Constant-Flow Valves (United States)

    Kang, Yuan; Hu, Sheng-Yan; Chou, Hsien-Chin; Lee, Hsing-Han

    Constant flow valves have been presented in industrial applications or academic studies, which compensate recess pressures of a hydrostatic bearing to resist load fluctuating. The flow rate of constant-flow valves can be constant in spite of the pressure changes in recesses, however the design parameters must be specified. This paper analyzes the dynamic responses of DSI-type constant-flow valves that is designed as double pistons on both ends of a spool with single feedback of working pressure and regulating restriction at inlet. In this study the static analysis presents the specific relationships among design parameters for constant flow rate and the dynamic analyses give the variations around the constant flow rate as the working pressure fluctuates.

  4. FOREWORD: International determination of the Avogadro constant International determination of the Avogadro constant (United States)

    Massa, Enrico; Nicolaus, Arnold


    This issue of Metrologia collects papers about the results of an international research project aimed at the determination of the Avogadro constant, NA, by counting the atoms in a silicon crystal highly enriched with the isotope 28Si. Fifty years ago, Egidi [1] thought about realizing an atomic mass standard. In 1965, Bonse and Hart [2] operated the first x-ray interferometer, thus paving the way to the achievement of Egidi's dream, and soon Deslattes et al [3] completed the first counting of the atoms in a natural silicon crystal. The present project, outlined by Zosi [4] in 1983, began in 2004 by combining the experiences and capabilities of the BIPM, INRIM, IRMM, NIST, NPL, NMIA, NMIJ and PTB. The start signal, ratified by a memorandum of understanding, was a contract for the production of a silicon crystal highly enriched with 28Si. The enrichment process was undertaken by the Central Design Bureau of Machine Building in St Petersburg. Subsequently, a polycrystal was grown in the Institute of Chemistry of High-Purity Substances of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Nizhny Novgorod and a 28Si boule was grown and purified by the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung in Berlin. Isotope enrichment made it possible to apply isotope dilution mass spectroscopy, to determine the Avogadro constant with unprecedented accuracy, and to fulfil Egidi's dream. To convey Egidi's 'fantasy' into practice, two 28Si kilogram prototypes shaped as quasi-perfect spheres were manufactured by the Australian Centre for Precision Optics; their isotopic composition, molar mass, mass, volume, density and lattice parameter were accurately determined and their surfaces were chemically and physically characterized at the atomic scale. The paper by Andreas et al reviews the work carried out; it collates all the findings and illustrates how Avogadro's constant was obtained. Impurity concentration and gradients in the enriched crystal were measured by infrared spectroscopy and taken into

  5. Some comments on the universal constant in DSR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Girelli, Florian [SISSA, Via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste (Italy); INFN, Sezione di Trieste (Italy); Livine, Etera R [Laborat. de Physique, ENS Lyon, CNRS UMR 5672, 46 Allee d' Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07 (France)


    Deformed Special Relativity is usually presented as a deformation of Special Relativity accommodating a new universal constant, the Planck mass, while respecting the relativity principle. In order to avoid some fundamental problems (e.g. soccer ball problem), we argue that we should switch point of view and consider instead the Newton constant G as the universal constant.

  6. Some comments on the universal constant in DSR

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Girelli, Florian; Livine, Etera R


    Deformed Special Relativity is usually presented as a deformation of Special Relativity accommodating a new universal constant, the Planck mass, while respecting the relativity principle. In order to avoid some fundamental problems (e.g. soccer ball problem), we argue that we should switch point of view and consider instead the Newton constant G as the universal constant

  7. Cosmological constant is a conserved charge (United States)

    Chernyavsky, Dmitry; Hajian, Kamal


    Cosmological constant can always be considered as the on-shell value of a top form in gravitational theories. The top form is the field strength of a gauge field, and the theory enjoys a gauge symmetry. We show that cosmological constant is the charge of the global part of the gauge symmetry, and is conserved irrespective of the dynamics of the metric and other fields. In addition, we introduce its conjugate chemical potential, and prove the generalized first law of thermodynamics which includes variation of cosmological constant as a conserved charge. We discuss how our new term in the first law is related to the volume–pressure term. In parallel with the seminal Wald entropy, this analysis suggests that pressure can also be considered as a conserved charge.

  8. The cosmological constant problem

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dolgov, A.D.


    A review of the cosmological term problem is presented. Baby universe model and the compensating field model are discussed. The importance of more accurate data on the Hubble constant and the Universe age is stressed. 18 refs

  9. Building evolutionary architectures support constant change

    CERN Document Server

    Ford, Neal; Kua, Patrick


    The software development ecosystem is constantly changing, providing a constant stream of new tools, frameworks, techniques, and paradigms. Over the past few years, incremental developments in core engineering practices for software development have created the foundations for rethinking how architecture changes over time, along with ways to protect important architectural characteristics as it evolves. This practical guide ties those parts together with a new way to think about architecture and time.

  10. A null test of the cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chiba, Takeshi; Nakamura, Takashi


    We provide a consistency relation between cosmological observables in general relativity with the cosmological constant. Breaking of this relation at any redshift would imply the breakdown of the hypothesis of the cosmological constant as an explanation of the current acceleration of the universe. (author)

  11. On the constants for some Sobolev imbeddings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pizzocchero Livio


    Full Text Available We consider the imbedding inequality is the Sobolev space (or Bessel potential space of type and (integer or fractional order . We write down upper bounds for the constants , using an argument previously applied in the literature in particular cases. We prove that the upper bounds computed in this way are in fact the sharp constants if , , and exhibit the maximising functions. Furthermore, using convenient trial functions, we derive lower bounds on for in many cases these are close to the previous upper bounds, as illustrated by a number of examples, thus characterizing the sharp constants with little uncertainty.

  12. Cosmological constant and advanced gravitational wave detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, Y.; Turner, E.L.


    Interferometric gravitational wave detectors could measure the frequency sweep of a binary inspiral (characterized by its chirp mass) to high accuracy. The observed chirp mass is the intrinsic chirp mass of the binary source multiplied by (1+z), where z is the redshift of the source. Assuming a nonzero cosmological constant, we compute the expected redshift distribution of observed events for an advanced LIGO detector. We find that the redshift distribution has a robust and sizable dependence on the cosmological constant; the data from advanced LIGO detectors could provide an independent measurement of the cosmological constant. copyright 1997 The American Physical Society

  13. Stability constants for silicate adsorbed to ferrihydrite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Hans Christian Bruun; Wetche, T.P.; Raulund-Rasmussen, Karsten


    Intrinsic surface acidity constants (K(a1)intr, K(a2)intr) and surface complexation constant for adsorption of orthosilicate onto synthetic ferrihydrite (K(Si) for the complex = FeOSi(OH)3) have been determined from acid/base titrations in 0.001-0.1 m NaClO4 electrolytes and silicate adsorption...... experiments in 0.01 m NaNO3 electrolyte (pH 3-6). The surface equilibrium constants were calculated according to the two-layer model by Dzombak & Morel (1990). Near equilibrium between protons/hydroxyls in solution and the ferrihydrite surface was obtained within minutes while equilibration with silicate...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: Amino acids, dissociation constant, potentiometry, stability constant. INTRODUCTION. Acids – base titration involves the gradual addition or removal of protons for example using the deprotic form of glycine. The plot has two distinct stages corresponding to the deprotonation of the two different groups on glycine.

  15. Constant voltage and constant current control implementation for electric vehicles (evs) wireless charger (United States)

    Tampubolon, Marojahan; Pamungkas, Laskar; Hsieh, Yao Ching; Chiu, Huang Jen


    This paper presents the implementation of Constant Voltage (CV) and Constant Current (CC) control for a wireless charger system. A battery charging system needs these control modes to ensure the safety of the battery and the effectiveness of the charging system. Here, the wireless charger system does not employ any post-regulator stage to control the output voltage and output current of the charger. But, it uses a variable frequency control incorporated with a conventional PI control. As a result, the size and the weight of the system are reduced. This paper discusses the brief review of the SS-WPT, control strategy and implementation of the CV and CC control. Experimental hardware with 2kW output power has been performed and tested. The results show that the proposed CV and CC control method works well with the system.

  16. Hydrolysis and formation constants at 250C

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phillips, S.L.


    A database consisting of hydrolysis and formation constants for about 20 metals associated with the disposal of nuclear waste is given. Complexing ligands for the various ionic species of these metals include OH, F, Cl, SO 4 , PO 4 and CO 3 . Table 1 consists of tabulated calculated and experimental values of log K/sub xy/, mainly at 25 0 C and various ionic strengths together with references to the origin of the data. Table 2 consists of a column of recommended stability constants at 25 0 C and zero ionic strength tabulated in the column headed log K/sub xy/(0); other columns contain coefficients for an extended Debye-Huckel equation to permit calculations of stability constants up to 3 ionic strength, and up to 0.7 ionic strength using the Davies equation. Selected stability constants calculated with these coefficients for various ionic strengths agree to an average of +- 2% when compared with published experimental and calculated values

  17. f(R) constant-roll inflation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Motohashi, Hayato [Universidad de Valencia-CSIC, Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC), Valencia (Spain); Starobinsky, Alexei A. [L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, RAS, Moscow (Russian Federation); National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow (Russian Federation)


    The previously introduced class of two-parametric phenomenological inflationary models in general relativity in which the slow-roll assumption is replaced by the more general, constant-roll condition is generalized to the case of f(R) gravity. A simple constant-roll condition is defined in the original Jordan frame, and exact expressions for a scalaron potential in the Einstein frame, for a function f(R) (in the parametric form) and for inflationary dynamics are obtained. The region of the model parameters permitted by the latest observational constraints on the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio of primordial metric perturbations generated during inflation is determined. (orig.)

  18. Dynamics of the cosmological and Newton’s constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Smolin, Lee


    A modification of general relativity is presented in which Newton’s constant, G, and the cosmological constant, Λ, become a conjugate pair of dynamical variables. These are functions of a global time, hence the theory is presented in the framework of shape dynamics, which trades many-fingered time for a local scale invariance and an overall reparametrization of the global time. As a result, due to the fact that these global dynamical variables are canonically conjugate, the field equations are consistent. The theory predicts a relationship with no free parameters between the rates of change of Newton’s constant and the cosmological constant, in terms of the spatial average of the matter Lagrangian density. (paper)

  19. Higher success rate with transcranial electrical stimulation of motor-evoked potentials using constant-voltage stimulation compared with constant-current stimulation in patients undergoing spinal surgery. (United States)

    Shigematsu, Hideki; Kawaguchi, Masahiko; Hayashi, Hironobu; Takatani, Tsunenori; Iwata, Eiichiro; Tanaka, Masato; Okuda, Akinori; Morimoto, Yasuhiko; Masuda, Keisuke; Tanaka, Yuu; Tanaka, Yasuhito


    During spine surgery, the spinal cord is electrophysiologically monitored via transcranial electrical stimulation of motor-evoked potentials (TES-MEPs) to prevent injury. Transcranial electrical stimulation of motor-evoked potential involves the use of either constant-current or constant-voltage stimulation; however, there are few comparative data available regarding their ability to adequately elicit compound motor action potentials. We hypothesized that the success rates of TES-MEP recordings would be similar between constant-current and constant-voltage stimulations in patients undergoing spine surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the success rates of TES-MEP recordings between constant-current and constant-voltage stimulation. This is a prospective, within-subject study. Data from 100 patients undergoing spinal surgery at the cervical, thoracic, or lumbar level were analyzed. The success rates of the TES-MEP recordings from each muscle were examined. Transcranial electrical stimulation with constant-current and constant-voltage stimulations at the C3 and C4 electrode positions (international "10-20" system) was applied to each patient. Compound muscle action potentials were bilaterally recorded from the abductor pollicis brevis (APB), deltoid (Del), abductor hallucis (AH), tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius (GC), and quadriceps (Quad) muscles. The success rates of the TES-MEP recordings from the right Del, right APB, bilateral Quad, right TA, right GC, and bilateral AH muscles were significantly higher using constant-voltage stimulation than those using constant-current stimulation. The overall success rates with constant-voltage and constant-current stimulations were 86.3% and 68.8%, respectively (risk ratio 1.25 [95% confidence interval: 1.20-1.31]). The success rates of TES-MEP recordings were higher using constant-voltage stimulation compared with constant-current stimulation in patients undergoing spinal surgery. Copyright © 2017

  20. Association constants of telluronium salts; Konstanty assotsiatsii telluronievykh solej

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kovach, N A; Rivkin, B B; Sadekov, T D; Shvajka, O P


    Association constants in acetonitrile of triphenyl telluronium salts, which are dilute electrolytes, are determined through the conductometry method. Satisfactory correlation dependence of constants of interion association and threshold molar electroconductivity on the Litvinenko-Popov constants for depositing groups is identified. 6 refs.

  1. Identification of force constants in β-brass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Norvell, J. C.; Als-Nielsen, Jens Aage


    The phonon dispersion curves of β-brass have previously been measured by Gilat and Dolling and a fit was obtained to a Born-von Kármán model with forces extending to the fourth nearest neighbours. Although a factor of 10 was found between the second-nearest-neighbour Cu-Cu and Zn-Zn force constants......, the data did not allow an identification of these constants. By comparisons of neutron group intensities from two β-brass crystals, one with normal Cu and the other isotopically enriched with 65Cu, we are able to identify conclusively these force constants: αZn-Zn2nd similar, equals 10αCu-Cu2nd....

  2. Analysis of the chemical equilibrium of combustion at constant volume

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marius BREBENEL


    Full Text Available Determining the composition of a mixture of combustion gases at a given temperature is based on chemical equilibrium, when the equilibrium constants are calculated on the assumption of constant pressure and temperature. In this paper, an analysis of changes occurring when combustion takes place at constant volume is presented, deriving a specific formula of the equilibrium constant. The simple reaction of carbon combustion in pure oxygen in both cases (constant pressure and constant volume is next considered as example of application, observing the changes occurring in the composition of the combustion gases depending on temperature.

  3. Constant Width Planar Computation Characterizes ACC0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, Kristoffer Arnsfelt


    We obtain a characterization of ACC0 in terms of a natural class of constant width circuits, namely in terms of constant width polynomial size planar circuits. This is shown via a characterization of the class of acyclic digraphs which can be embedded on a cylinder surface in such a way that all...

  4. Stability constant of the trisglycinto metal complexes | Na'aliya ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The stability constants of iron, manganese, cobalt, and nickel complexes of glycine have been determined in aqueous solution by potentiometric titration with standard sodium hydroxide solution. The values of the stepwise stability constants were obtained by ORIGIN '50' program. The overall stability constants of the ...

  5. Bagatellid : maailm / Nele-Eva Steinfeld, Ivo Heinloo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Steinfeld, Nele-Eva


    Muusikasõnumeid maailmast: Helsingis avati uus kultuurikeskus Helsingi Musiikkitalo. Montrealis sain endale uue kontserdimaja La Maison Symphonique de Montreal. Lahkus tenor Salvatore Licitra. James Levine loobus Metropolitan Opera sügishooaja etenduste dirigeerimisest. Iisraeli Filharmoonikute kontsert BBC Promsil häiritud. Deutsche Grammophon kolis Berliini. Siemens loobub Bayereuthi festivali spondeerimisest. Kultuurivahetus Viini Riigiooperi ja La Scala ooperiteatrite vahel. MTV premeeris popimaailma tippe. Hiina tsenseerib Lääne popmuusikuid. uus Grammyde jagamise kord põhjustab pahameelt. Return to Forever taas koos. Chick Corea juubel

  6. Strain fluctuations and elastic constants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parrinello, M.; Rahman, A.


    It is shown that the elastic strain fluctuations are a direct measure of elastic compliances in a general anisotropic medium; depending on the ensemble in which the fluctuation is measured either the isothermal or the adiabatic compliances are obtained. These fluctuations can now be calculated in a constant enthalpy and pressure, and hence, constant entropy, ensemble due to recent develpments in the molecular dynamics techniques. A calculation for a Ni single crystal under uniform uniaxial 100 tensile or compressive load is presented as an illustration of the relationships derived between various strain fluctuations and the elastic modulii. The Born stability criteria and the behavior of strain fluctuations are shown to be related.

  7. Evolution of the solar constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newman, M.J.


    The ultimate source of the energy utilized by life on Earth is the Sun, and the behavior of the Sun determines to a large extent the conditions under which life originated and continues to thrive. What can be said about the history of the Sun. Has the solar constant, the rate at which energy is received by the Earth from the Sun per unit area per unit time, been constant at its present level since Archean times. Three mechanisms by which it has been suggested that the solar energy output can vary with time are discussed, characterized by long (approx. 10 9 years), intermediate (approx. 10 8 years), and short (approx. years to decades) time scales

  8. Spin-rotation and NMR shielding constants in HCl

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jaszuński, Michał, E-mail: [Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, 01-224 Warszawa, Kasprzaka 44 (Poland); Repisky, Michal; Demissie, Taye B.; Komorovsky, Stanislav; Malkin, Elena; Ruud, Kenneth [Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Tromsø—The Arctic University of Norway, N-9037 Tromsø (Norway); Garbacz, Piotr; Jackowski, Karol; Makulski, Włodzimierz [Laboratory of NMR Spectroscopy, Department of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Pasteura 1, 02-093 Warsaw (Poland)


    The spin-rotation and nuclear magnetic shielding constants are analysed for both nuclei in the HCl molecule. Nonrelativistic ab initio calculations at the CCSD(T) level of approximation show that it is essential to include relativistic effects to obtain spin-rotation constants consistent with accurate experimental data. Our best estimates for the spin-rotation constants of {sup 1}H{sup 35}Cl are C{sub Cl}  = −53.914 kHz and C{sub H}  = 42.672 kHz (for the lowest rovibrational level). For the chlorine shielding constant, the ab initio value computed including the relativistic corrections, σ(Cl) = 976.202 ppm, provides a new absolute shielding scale; for hydrogen we find σ(H) = 31.403 ppm (both at 300 K). Combining the theoretical results with our new gas-phase NMR experimental data allows us to improve the accuracy of the magnetic dipole moments of both chlorine isotopes. For the hydrogen shielding constant, including relativistic effects yields better agreement between experimental and computed values.

  9. Spin-rotation and NMR shielding constants in HCl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jaszuński, Michał; Repisky, Michal; Demissie, Taye B.; Komorovsky, Stanislav; Malkin, Elena; Ruud, Kenneth; Garbacz, Piotr; Jackowski, Karol; Makulski, Włodzimierz


    The spin-rotation and nuclear magnetic shielding constants are analysed for both nuclei in the HCl molecule. Nonrelativistic ab initio calculations at the CCSD(T) level of approximation show that it is essential to include relativistic effects to obtain spin-rotation constants consistent with accurate experimental data. Our best estimates for the spin-rotation constants of 1 H 35 Cl are C Cl   = −53.914 kHz and C H   = 42.672 kHz (for the lowest rovibrational level). For the chlorine shielding constant, the ab initio value computed including the relativistic corrections, σ(Cl) = 976.202 ppm, provides a new absolute shielding scale; for hydrogen we find σ(H) = 31.403 ppm (both at 300 K). Combining the theoretical results with our new gas-phase NMR experimental data allows us to improve the accuracy of the magnetic dipole moments of both chlorine isotopes. For the hydrogen shielding constant, including relativistic effects yields better agreement between experimental and computed values

  10. Elastic constants from microscopic strain fluctuations (United States)

    Sengupta; Nielaba; Rao; Binder


    Fluctuations of the instantaneous local Lagrangian strain epsilon(ij)(r,t), measured with respect to a static "reference" lattice, are used to obtain accurate estimates of the elastic constants of model solids from atomistic computer simulations. The measured strains are systematically coarse-grained by averaging them within subsystems (of size L(b)) of a system (of total size L) in the canonical ensemble. Using a simple finite size scaling theory we predict the behavior of the fluctuations as a function of L(b)/L and extract elastic constants of the system in the thermodynamic limit at nonzero temperature. Our method is simple to implement, efficient, and general enough to be able to handle a wide class of model systems, including those with singular potentials without any essential modification. We illustrate the technique by computing isothermal elastic constants of "hard" and "soft" disk triangular solids in two dimensions from Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations. We compare our results with those from earlier simulations and theory.

  11. Derivation of the optical constants of anisotropic (United States)

    Aronson, J. R.; Emslie, A. G.; Smith, E. M.; Strong, P. F.


    This report concerns the development of methods for obtaining the optical constants of anisotropic crystals of the triclinic and monoclinic systems. The principal method used, classical dispersion theory, is adapted to these crystal systems by extending the Lorentz line parameters to include the angles characterizing the individual resonances, and by replacing the dielectric constant by a dielectric tensor. The sample crystals are gypsium, orthoclase and chalcanthite. The derived optical constants are shown to be suitable for modeling the optical properties of particulate media in the infrared spectral region. For those materials where suitable size single crystals are not available, an extension of a previously used method is applied to alabaster, a polycrystalline material of the monoclinic crystal system.

  12. Conformally invariant braneworld and the cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guendelman, E.I.


    A six-dimensional braneworld scenario based on a model describing the interaction of gravity, gauge fields and 3+1 branes in a conformally invariant way is described. The action of the model is defined using a measure of integration built of degrees of freedom independent of the metric. There is no need to fine tune any bulk cosmological constant or the tension of the two (in the scenario described here) parallel branes to obtain zero cosmological constant, the only solutions are those with zero 4D cosmological constant. The two extra dimensions are compactified in a 'football' fashion and the branes lie on the two opposite poles of the compact 'football-shaped' sphere

  13. Stability constants of the Europium complexes with the chloride ions; Constantes de estabilidad de los complejos del europio con los iones cloruro

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jimenez R, M.; Solache R, M.; Rojas H, A. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, Departamento de Quimica, A.P. 18-1027, C.P. 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The stability constants of lanthanides complexes with chloride ions which were determined at the same ionic force but in different media, are significantly different. It does not exist a systematic study over these stability constants. The purpose of this work is to determine the stability constants of the europium complexes with chloride ions at 303 K, by the solvents extraction method. (Author)

  14. A stringy nature needs just two constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veneziano, G.


    Dual string theories of everything, being purely geometrical, contain only two fundamental constants: c, for relativistic invariance, and a length lambda, for quantization. Planck's and Newton's constants appear only through Planck's length, a ''calculable'' fraction of lambda. Only the existence of a light sector breaks a ''reciprocity'' principle and unification at lambda, which is also the theory's cut-off

  15. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest A-Ha "The Singles 1984-2004", Andrea Bocelli "Andrea", Def Leppard "Best Of", Elton John "Peachtree Road", Eminem "Encore", ERA "The Very Best Of", Jay-Z and Linkin Park "Callision Course", Kylie Minogue "Ultimate Kylie", Scooter "Mind the Gap", Shania Twain "Greatest Hits", Tina Turner "All The Best", "True Love 2", U2 "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb", "Bridget Jones. Soundtrack"

  16. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest Helloween "Rabbit Don't Come Easy", David Byrne "grown Backwards", Joss Stone "The Soul Session", Bass boom 3 "Faster Harder Louder", Lisa Miskovsky "Fallingwater", Paco de Lucia "Cositas Buenos", Soundtrack "Once Upon A Time In Mexico", Vanilla Ninja "Don't Go Too Fast", Novaspace "Cubes", "Elmari tantsuõhtu 4.", The Von Bondies "Pawn Snappe Heart", Godsmack "The Other Side", George Michael "Patience", Eric Clapton "Me and Mr Johnson"

  17. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest Marillion "Marbles", "The Prodigy", Massive Attack "Danny The Dog", Metallica "Some Kind Of Monster", Rammstein "Reise, Reise", Ahlee Simpson "Autobiography", Robbie Williams "Greatest Hits", Freestyles "Rawas F**K", "Michael Moore: Fahrenheit 9/11", Marilyn Manson "Lest We Forget", Gregorian "the Dark Side", Kool & The Kang "The Hits", Dream Theater "Live At Budokan", Feist "Let It Die", Compay Segundo, depeche Mode "Remixes", Bryan Adams "Room Service", mark Knopfler "Shangri La", Alfie "Soundtrack", Brian Wilson "Smile"

  18. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest John Cale "Hobosapiens", Sting "Sacred Love", R.E.M. "The Best of", Paul Oakenfold "Great Wall", Astor Piazolla "Remixed", Muse "Absolution", Texas "Careful What You Wish For", Robbie Williams "Live: Summer 2003", David Bowie "Black Tie White Noise", Francis Goya "Latin Romance", Bad Boys Blue "Around The World", Sõpruse Puiestee Mustale Merele"

  19. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest "Zuccero", Lanny Kravitz "Baptism", Alanis Morissette "So-Called Chaos", ABBA "The ABBA Story", Ash "Meltdown", Alya "They Died for Beuty", "Cafe del Moar. The Best of Jose Padilla, "Blue Note Revisited", Dingo "Dingomania"

  20. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Heliplaatidest: PS TRoika "Liitu meiega", Gicu Rau "Kaunid Eesti lood paaniflöödile", "Talvehitt 2004", Ice Cream "Oled minu järgi hull", Sõpruse Puiestee "Mustale merele", Metro Luminal "Ainult rottidele"

  1. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest Janet Jackson "Damita Jo", N.E.R.D. "Fly or Die", Oleg pissarenko Trio "The Little One's", "Dance Express", Neiokõsõ "Tii", Agnetha Fältskog "My Colouring Book", Diana Krall "The Girl In The Other Room", Hedvig Hanson & Andre Maaker "Nii õrn on öö", "D12 world", Blank&Jones "Monument", "Rock Ballads", "The Passion of The Christ", "Anastacia", "Kill Bill. Vol.2", Metro Luminal "Coca Cola, "No-Big-Silence & Kosmikud", Londonbeat "The very Best Of"

  2. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest Barry White "Love Songs", Charizma "Life in 3D", Toto Cutugno "il treno va...", "Talkin Loud 1990-1994", Delta Goodrem "Innocent Eyes", Astrud Gilberto "Astrud For Lovers", "Groove Is In The Heart", "The Last Samurai", Patricia Kaas "Sexe & Fort", Norah Jones "Feels Like Home", LeAnn Rimes "The Best Of", "Kumad Eesti hitid 2004", Thursday "War All The Time", Damageplan "New Found Power", Deep Purplr "Purpendicular", "Trance Allstars", Joseph Haydn "Symphonies 1-104", "Takorautaa", "DJ Esko. Setti2"

  3. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest Europe "Start From The Dark", The Music "Welcome To The North", K.D. Lang "hymns of the 49th parallel", Tom jones & Jools Holland, Phil Collins "Love Songs", Moby "Play: The B Sides", Los Lonely Boys, Joe Cocker "Heart & Soul", Louis Armstrong "What A Wonderful World", The Harem World Tour "Live From Las Vegas", R.E.M. "Around The Sun", "Late Nigth Moods", Jean Michel Jarre "AERO", Norah Jones "Feels Like Home"

  4. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest Bobby McFerrin "Beyond Words", Terri Lyne Carrington "Jazzs A Sirit", Bugge Wesseltorf "Moving", Richard Bona " Reverence", "Rull's Royce Rull's Choice", Trilok Gurtu "The Beat Of Love", Stan Getz "Getz For Lovers", Billy Cobham, "Drum'n'Voice - All That Groove", Pat Metheny "Speacing Of Now", Kimmo Pohjonen "Kluster", Fred Frith "Digital Wildlife", Uri Caine "Rio", Bobby Previte. Bump The Renaissance Band "Just Add Water", Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock, Jack DeJohnette "Inside Out"

  5. Uus plaat

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest plaatidest Celine Dion "1 fille & 4 types", "Travel Hits", Richard Clayderman "What A Wonderful World", Francis Gaya "Gold", David Bovie "Reality", Metro Luminal "Ainult rottidele", P.O.D. "Payable On Death", Tuulemaa "Küll süda teab", Tori Amos "Tales of a Librarian", Red Hot Chili Pepüers "Greatest Hits", Michael Jackson "Number Ones", Stone Temple Pilots "Thank You", Sonique "Born To Be Free", The Black Eyed Peas "Elephunk", Obie Trice "Cheers", One-T "L'album", "The Lords of Mystery", Ludacris "Chicken Beer", Lumidee "Almoust Famous", Robert Plant "Sixty Six To Timbuktu", Enrique Iglesias "Seven"

  6. GRUCAL, a computer program for calculating macroscopic group constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woll, D.


    Nuclear reactor calculations require material- and composition-dependent, energy averaged nuclear data to describe the interaction of neutrons with individual isotopes in material compositions of reactor zones. The code GRUCAL calculates these macroscopic group constants for given compositions from the material-dependent data of the group constant library GRUBA. The instructions for calculating group constants are not fixed in the program, but will be read at the actual execution time from a separate instruction file. This allows to accomodate GRUCAL to various problems or different group constant concepts. (orig.) [de

  7. Determination of the dissociation constants of some organic complexing agents and stability constants of their uranyl complexes by spectrophotometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The dissociation constants of the weak acids derived from quinizarin (1,4-dihydroxy anthraquinone); QMF (2-(2-fury l methyl)), QMPH (2-(2-phenyl methyl)) and QMN (2-(2-naphthyl methyl)) quinizarin were determined. The stability constants of uranyl complexes with the above mentioned ligands were investigated by: 1. The molar-ratio method. 2. Computer program

  8. Calculation of magnetic hyperfine constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bufaical, R.F.; Maffeo, B.; Brandi, H.S.


    The magnetic hyperfine constants of the V sub(K) center in CaF 2 , SrF 2 and BaF 2 have been calculated assuming a phenomenological model, based on the F 2 - 'central molucule', to describe the wavefunction of the defect. Calculations have shown that introduction of a small degree of covalence, between this central molecule and neighboring ions, is necessary to improve the electronic structure description of the defect. It was also shown that the results for the hyperfine constants are strongly dependent on the relaxations of the ions neighboring the central molecule; these relaxations have been determined by fitting the experimental data. The present results are compared with other previous calculations where similar and different theoretical methods have been used

  9. Vanishing cosmological constant in elementary particles theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pisano, F.; Tonasse, M.D.


    The quest of a vanishing cosmological constant is considered in the simplest anomaly-free chiral gauge extension of the electroweak standard model where the new physics is limited to a well defined additional flavordynamics above the Fermi scale, namely up to a few TeVs by matching the gauge coupling constants at the electroweak scale, and with an extended Higgs structure. In contrast to the electroweak standard model, it is shown how the extended scalar sector of the theory allows a vanishing or a very small cosmological constant. the details of the cancellation mechanism are presented. At accessible energies the theory is indistinguishable from the standard model of elementary particles and it is in agreement with all existing data. (author). 32 refs

  10. Determination of constants of factorized pairing force from conservation laws

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voronkov, Yu.P.; Mikhajlov, V.M.


    The constants of a factorized interaction in the particle-particle channel are evaluated on the basis of average field parameters and Cooper pairing. The relations between the constants of multipole particle-particle forces are derived for the spherical nuclei. The constants of the quadrupole pairing are obtained for deformed nuclei from the angular momentum conservation law. The calculated constants are compared with empiricalones

  11. On determining dose rate constants spectroscopically

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rodriguez, M.; Rogers, D. W. O.


    Purpose: To investigate several aspects of the Chen and Nath spectroscopic method of determining the dose rate constants of 125 I and 103 Pd seeds [Z. Chen and R. Nath, Phys. Med. Biol. 55, 6089–6104 (2010)] including the accuracy of using a line or dual-point source approximation as done in their method, and the accuracy of ignoring the effects of the scattered photons in the spectra. Additionally, the authors investigate the accuracy of the literature's many different spectra for bare, i.e., unencapsulated 125 I and 103 Pd sources. Methods: Spectra generated by 14 125 I and 6 103 Pd seeds were calculated in vacuo at 10 cm from the source in a 2.7 × 2.7 × 0.05 cm 3 voxel using the EGSnrc BrachyDose Monte Carlo code. Calculated spectra used the initial photon spectra recommended by AAPM's TG-43U1 and NCRP (National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements) Report 58 for the 125 I seeds, or TG-43U1 and NNDC(2000) (National Nuclear Data Center, 2000) for 103 Pd seeds. The emitted spectra were treated as coming from a line or dual-point source in a Monte Carlo simulation to calculate the dose rate constant. The TG-43U1 definition of the dose rate constant was used. These calculations were performed using the full spectrum including scattered photons or using only the main peaks in the spectrum as done experimentally. Statistical uncertainties on the air kerma/history and the dose rate/history were ⩽0.2%. The dose rate constants were also calculated using Monte Carlo simulations of the full seed model. Results: The ratio of the intensity of the 31 keV line relative to that of the main peak in 125 I spectra is, on average, 6.8% higher when calculated with the NCRP Report 58 initial spectrum vs that calculated with TG-43U1 initial spectrum. The 103 Pd spectra exhibit an average 6.2% decrease in the 22.9 keV line relative to the main peak when calculated with the TG-43U1 rather than the NNDC(2000) initial spectrum. The measured values from three different

  12. Pop nädal : Popuudised. Edetabel The Billboard 200 Top 20. Plaadiarvustus : The Jesus and Mary Chain - 21 Singles / Aivar Meos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Meos, Aivar


    8. okt. saabub müügile ansambli Jurassic 5 uus album "Power In Numbers", millel laulab ka Nelly Furtado. Šokk-rokkar Marilyn Manson avaldab peatselt uue kontsert-video/DVD "Guns, God and Government". Intellektuaalset industriaalmuusikat viljelev ansambel Einstürzende Neubauten annab oma Interneti aadressi:, teatades, et 23. sünnipäeva tähistamiseks peaks 2003. aasta kevadeks valmima bändil uus album. Christina Aguilera uuest singlist "Let's Get Dirty". Ansamblist The Jesus and Mary Chain

  13. Kas uus teerull või uus poliitika? / Ivar Tallo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tallo, Ivar, 1964-


    Autor küsib, kas koalitsioonileppe näol on tegemist ühiste väärtuste deklaratsiooni, järgmiste aastate riigivalitsemise tegevuskava või kohtade jaotusega riigi juhtimiseks. Riigieelarve teadliku vähendamise probleemist

  14. Lattice constant measurement from electron backscatter diffraction patterns

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saowadee, Nath; Agersted, Karsten; Bowen, Jacob R.


    Kikuchi bands in election backscattered diffraction patterns (EBSP) contain information about lattice constants of crystallographic samples that can be extracted via the Bragg equation. An advantage of lattice constant measurement from EBSPs over diffraction (XRD) is the ability to perform local ...

  15. Towards Grothendieck constants and LHV models in quantum mechanics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hua, Bobo; Li, Ming; Zhang, Tinggui; Zhou, Chunqin; Li-Jost, Xianqing; Fei, Shao-Ming


    We adopt a continuous model to estimate the Grothendieck constants. An analytical formula to compute the lower bounds of Grothendieck constants has been explicitly derived for arbitrary orders, which improves previous bounds. Moreover, our lower bound of the Grothendieck constant of order three gives a refined bound of the threshold value for the nonlocality of the two-qubit Werner states. (paper)

  16. Beauty vector meson decay constants from QCD sum rules

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lucha, Wolfgang [Institute for High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Nikolsdorfergasse 18, A-1050 Vienna (Austria); Melikhov, Dmitri [Institute for High Energy Physics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Nikolsdorfergasse 18, A-1050 Vienna (Austria); D. V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119991, Moscow (Russian Federation); Simula, Silvano [Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Roma Tre, Via della Vasca Navale 84, I-00146, Roma (Italy)


    We present the outcomes of a very recent investigation of the decay constants of nonstrange and strange heavy-light beauty vector mesons, with special emphasis on the ratio of any such decay constant to the decay constant of the corresponding pseudoscalar meson, by means of Borel-transformed QCD sum rules. Our results suggest that both these ratios are below unity.

  17. Inverse problem in anisotropic poroelasticity: drained constants from undrained ultrasound measurements. (United States)

    Berryman, James G; Nakagawa, Seiji


    Poroelastic analysis has traditionally focused on the relationship between dry and drained constants, which are assumed known, and the saturated or undrained constants, which are assumed unknown. However, there are many applications in this field of study for which the main measurements can only be made on the saturated/undrained system, and then it is uncertain what the effects of the fluids were on the system, since the drained constants remain a mystery. The work presented here shows how to deduce drained constants from undrained constants for anisotropic systems having symmetries ranging from isotropic to orthotropic. Laboratory ultrasound data are then inverted for the drained constants in three granular packings: one of glass beads, and two others for distinct types of more or less angular sand grain packings. Experiments were performed under uniaxial stress, which resulted in hexagonal (transversely isotropic) symmetry of the poroelastic response. One important conclusion from the general analysis is that the drained constants are uniquely related to the undrained constants, assuming that porosity, grain bulk modulus, and pore fluid bulk modulus are already known. Since the resulting system of equations for all the drained constants is linear, measurement error in undrained constants also propagates linearly into the computed drained constants.

  18. Inverse problem in anisotropic poroelasticity: Drained constants from undrained ultrasound measurements

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berryman, J.G.; Nakagawa, S.


    Poroelastic analysis has traditionally focused on the relationship between dry or drained constants which are assumed known and the saturated or undrained constants which are assumed unknown. However, there are many applications in this field of study for which the main measurements can only be made on the saturated/undrained system, and then it is uncertain what the eects of the uids were on the system, since the drained constants remain a mystery. The work presented here shows how to deduce drained constants from undrained constants for anisotropic systems having symmetries ranging from isotropic to orthotropic. Laboratory ultrasound data are then inverted for the drained constants in three granular packings: one of glass beads, and two others for distinct types of more or less angular sand grain packings. Experiments were performed under uniaxial stress, which resulted in hexagonal (transversely isotropic) symmetry of the poroelastic response. One important conclusion from the general analysis is that the drained constants are uniquely related to the undrained constants, assuming that porosity, grain bulk modulus, and pore uid bulk modulus are already known. Since the resulting system of equations for all the drained constants is linear, measurement error in undrained constants also propagates linearly into the computed drained constants.

  19. Optimal trace inequality constants for interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin discretisations of elliptic operators using arbitrary elements with non-constant Jacobians (United States)

    Owens, A. R.; Kópházi, J.; Eaton, M. D.


    In this paper, a new method to numerically calculate the trace inequality constants, which arise in the calculation of penalty parameters for interior penalty discretisations of elliptic operators, is presented. These constants are provably optimal for the inequality of interest. As their calculation is based on the solution of a generalised eigenvalue problem involving the volumetric and face stiffness matrices, the method is applicable to any element type for which these matrices can be calculated, including standard finite elements and the non-uniform rational B-splines of isogeometric analysis. In particular, the presented method does not require the Jacobian of the element to be constant, and so can be applied to a much wider variety of element shapes than are currently available in the literature. Numerical results are presented for a variety of finite element and isogeometric cases. When the Jacobian is constant, it is demonstrated that the new method produces lower penalty parameters than existing methods in the literature in all cases, which translates directly into savings in the solution time of the resulting linear system. When the Jacobian is not constant, it is shown that the naive application of existing approaches can result in penalty parameters that do not guarantee coercivity of the bilinear form, and by extension, the stability of the solution. The method of manufactured solutions is applied to a model reaction-diffusion equation with a range of parameters, and it is found that using penalty parameters based on the new trace inequality constants result in better conditioned linear systems, which can be solved approximately 11% faster than those produced by the methods from the literature.

  20. Nuclei quadrupole coupling constants in diatomic molecule

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, A.I.; Rebane, T.K.


    An approximate relationship between the constants of quadrupole interaction of nuclei in a two-atom molecule is found. It enabled to establish proportionality of oscillatory-rotation corrections to these constants for both nuclei in the molecule. Similar results were obtained for the factors of electrical dipole-quadrupole screening of nuclei. Applicability of these relationships is proven by the example of lithium deuteride molecule. 4 refs., 1 tab

  1. Non-minimally coupled varying constants quantum cosmologies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balcerzak, Adam


    We consider gravity theory with varying speed of light and varying gravitational constant. Both constants are represented by non-minimally coupled scalar fields. We examine the cosmological evolution in the near curvature singularity regime. We find that at the curvature singularity the speed of light goes to infinity while the gravitational constant vanishes. This corresponds to the Newton's Mechanics limit represented by one of the vertex of the Bronshtein-Zelmanov-Okun cube [1,2]. The cosmological evolution includes both the pre-big-bang and post-big-bang phases separated by the curvature singularity. We also investigate the quantum counterpart of the considered theory and find the probability of transition of the universe from the collapsing pre-big-bang phase to the expanding post-big-bang phase

  2. Effects of quantum entropy on bag constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Miller, D.E.; Tawfik, A.


    The effects of quantum entropy on the bag constant are studied at low temperatures and for small chemical potentials. The inclusion of the quantum entropy of the quarks in the equation of state provides the hadronic bag with an additional heat which causes a decrease in the effective latent heat inside the bag. We have considered two types of baryonic bags, Δ and Ω - . In both cases we have found that the bag constant without the quantum entropy almost does not change with temperature and quark chemical potential. The contribution from the quantum entropy to the equation of state clearly decreases the value of the bag constant. Furthermore, we construct states densities for quarks using the 'Thomas Fermi model' and take into consideration a thermal potential for the interaction. (author)

  3. Transport equivalent diffusion constants for reflector region in PWRs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tahara, Yoshihisa; Sekimoto, Hiroshi


    The diffusion-theory-based nodal method is widely used in PWR core designs for reason of its high computing speed in three-dimensional calculations. The baffle/reflector (B/R) constants used in nodal calculations are usually calculated based on a one-dimensional transport calculation. However, to achieve high accuracy of assembly power prediction, two-dimensional model is needed. For this reason, the method for calculating transport equivalent diffusion constants of reflector material was developed so that the neutron currents on the material boundaries could be calculated exactly in diffusion calculations. Two-dimensional B/R constants were calculated using the transport equivalent diffusion constants in the two-dimensional diffusion calculation whose geometry reflected the actual material configuration in the reflector region. The two-dimensional B/R constants enabled us to predict assembly power within an error of 1.5% at hot full power conditions. (author)

  4. Time variable cosmological constants from the age of universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Lixin; Lu Jianbo; Li Wenbo


    In this Letter, time variable cosmological constant, dubbed age cosmological constant, is investigated motivated by the fact: any cosmological length scale and time scale can introduce a cosmological constant or vacuum energy density into Einstein's theory. The age cosmological constant takes the form ρ Λ =3c 2 M P 2 /t Λ 2 , where t Λ is the age or conformal age of our universe. The effective equation of state (EoS) of age cosmological constant are w Λ eff =-1+2/3 (√(Ω Λ ))/c and w Λ eff =-1+2/3 (√(Ω Λ ))/c (1+z) when the age and conformal age of universe are taken as the role of cosmological time scales respectively. The EoS are the same as the so-called agegraphic dark energy models. However, the evolution histories are different from the agegraphic ones for their different evolution equations.

  5. Seed viability constants for Eucalyptus grandis Constantes de viabilidade para sementes de Eucalyptus grandis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jussara Bertho Fantinatti


    Full Text Available This work aimed to analyse Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden seed behaviour, under controlled deterioration, and to estimate viability equation constants for the species. Seeds were harvested in the growing season of 1999, and the moisture contents were adjusted from 11.3% to a range between 1.2 and 18.1% at 25ºC. The subsamples were sealed into laminate aluminium-foil packets, for storage in incubators at 40, 50 and 65±0.5ºC. The seeds presented orthodox performance, in which the constants for predicting seed longevity of E. grandis were K E = 9.661, C W = 6.467, C H = 0.03498 and C Q = 0.0002330. The usual and inverse relationship between water content and seed longevity was also observed. The lowest moisture content limit for application of the viability equation at 65ºC was 4.9%, estimated under hygroscopic equilibrium with 23% of relative humidity in the storage environment.Este trabalho teve como objetivos verificar o desempenho de sementes de Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden, após a deterioração em condições controladas, e obter as constantes da equação de viabilidade. As sementes foram colhidas na safra de 1999, e a umidade foi ajustada de 11,3% para valores entre 1,2 e 18,1% a 25ºC As subamostras foram acondicionadas em embalagens de alumínio termossoldadas, armazenadas a 40, 50 e 65±0,5ºC. As sementes apresentaram um desempenho ortodoxo em relação ao armazenamento. As constantes para a predição da longevidade foram K E = 9,661, C W = 6,467, C H = 0,03498 e C Q = 0,0002330. Foi observada a relação inversa entre teor de água e longevidade. O limite inferior de grau de umidade, calculado para aplicação da equação a 65ºC, foi de 4,9%, estimativa obtida sob equilíbrio higroscópico com umidade relativa de 23% no ambiente de armazenamento.

  6. Determination of Henry's constant, the dissociation constant, and the buffer capacity of the bicarbonate system in ruminal fluid. (United States)

    Hille, Katharina T; Hetz, Stefan K; Rosendahl, Julia; Braun, Hannah-Sophie; Pieper, Robert; Stumpff, Friederike


    Despite the clinical importance of ruminal acidosis, ruminal buffering continues to be poorly understood. In particular, the constants for the dissociation of H2CO3 and the solubility of CO2 (Henry's constant) have never been stringently determined for ruminal fluid. The pH was measured in parallel directly in the rumen and the reticulum in vivo, and in samples obtained via aspiration from 10 fistulated cows on hay- or concentrate-based diets. The equilibrium constants of the bicarbonate system were measured at 38°C both using the Astrup technique and a newly developed method with titration at 2 levels of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2; 4.75 and 94.98 kPa), yielding mean values of 0.234 ± 0.005 mmol ∙ L(-1) ∙ kPa(-1) and 6.11 ± 0.02 for Henry's constant and the dissociation constant, respectively (n/n = 31/10). Both reticular pH and the pH of samples measured after removal were more alkalic than those measured in vivo in the rumen (by ΔpH = 0.87 ± 0.04 and 0.26 ± 0.04). The amount of acid or base required to shift the pH of ruminal samples to 6.4 or 5.8 (base excess) differed between the 2 feeding groups. Experimental results are compared with the mathematical predictions of an open 2-buffer Henderson-Hasselbalch equilibrium model. Because pCO2 has pronounced effects on ruminal pH and can decrease rapidly in samples removed from the rumen, introduction of a generally accepted protocol for determining the acid-base status of ruminal fluid with standard levels of pCO2 and measurement of base excess in addition to pH should be considered. Copyright © 2016 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. On Riemannian manifolds (Mn, g) of quasi-constant curvature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rahman, M.S.


    A Riemannian manifold (M n , g) of quasi-constant curvature is defined. It is shown that an (M n , g) in association with other class of manifolds gives rise, under certain conditions, to a manifold of quasi-constant curvature. Some observations on how a manifold of quasi-constant curvature accounts for a pseudo Ricci-symmetric manifold and quasi-umbilical hypersurface are made. (author). 10 refs

  8. Profiles of equilibrium constants for self-association of aromatic molecules. (United States)

    Beshnova, Daria A; Lantushenko, Anastasia O; Davies, David B; Evstigneev, Maxim P


    Analysis of the noncovalent, noncooperative self-association of identical aromatic molecules assumes that the equilibrium self-association constants are either independent of the number of molecules (the EK-model) or change progressively with increasing aggregation (the AK-model). The dependence of the self-association constant on the number of molecules in the aggregate (i.e., the profile of the equilibrium constant) was empirically derived in the AK-model but, in order to provide some physical understanding of the profile, it is proposed that the sources for attenuation of the equilibrium constant are the loss of translational and rotational degrees of freedom, the ordering of molecules in the aggregates and the electrostatic contribution (for charged units). Expressions are derived for the profiles of the equilibrium constants for both neutral and charged molecules. Although the EK-model has been widely used in the analysis of experimental data, it is shown in this work that the derived equilibrium constant, K(EK), depends on the concentration range used and hence, on the experimental method employed. The relationship has also been demonstrated between the equilibrium constant K(EK) and the real dimerization constant, K(D), which shows that the value of K(EK) is always lower than K(D).

  9. Chandra Independently Determines Hubble Constant (United States)


    A critically important number that specifies the expansion rate of the Universe, the so-called Hubble constant, has been independently determined using NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. This new value matches recent measurements using other methods and extends their validity to greater distances, thus allowing astronomers to probe earlier epochs in the evolution of the Universe. "The reason this result is so significant is that we need the Hubble constant to tell us the size of the Universe, its age, and how much matter it contains," said Max Bonamente from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Ala., lead author on the paper describing the results. "Astronomers absolutely need to trust this number because we use it for countless calculations." Illustration of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Illustration of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect The Hubble constant is calculated by measuring the speed at which objects are moving away from us and dividing by their distance. Most of the previous attempts to determine the Hubble constant have involved using a multi-step, or distance ladder, approach in which the distance to nearby galaxies is used as the basis for determining greater distances. The most common approach has been to use a well-studied type of pulsating star known as a Cepheid variable, in conjunction with more distant supernovae to trace distances across the Universe. Scientists using this method and observations from the Hubble Space Telescope were able to measure the Hubble constant to within 10%. However, only independent checks would give them the confidence they desired, considering that much of our understanding of the Universe hangs in the balance. Chandra X-ray Image of MACS J1149.5+223 Chandra X-ray Image of MACS J1149.5+223 By combining X-ray data from Chandra with radio observations of galaxy clusters, the team determined the distances to 38 galaxy clusters ranging from 1.4 billion to 9.3 billion

  10. Procedures for determining MATMOD-4V material constants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lowe, T.C.


    The MATMOD-4V constitutive relations were developed from the original MATMOD model to extend the range of nonelastic deformation behaviors represented to include transient phenomena such as strain softening. Improvements in MATMOD-4V increased the number of independent material constants and the difficulty in determining their values. Though the constitutive relations are conceptually simple, their form and procedures for obtaining their constants can be complex. This paper reviews in detail the experiments, numerical procedures, and assumptions that have been used to determine a complete set of MATMOD-4V constants for high purity aluminum.

  11. Long Pulse Integrator of Variable Integral Time Constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yong; Ji Zhenshan; Du Xiaoying; Wu Yichun; Li Shi; Luo Jiarong


    A kind of new long pulse integrator was designed based on the method of variable integral time constant and deducting integral drift by drift slope. The integral time constant can be changed by choosing different integral resistors, in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, and avoid output saturation; the slope of integral drift of a certain period of time can be calculated by digital signal processing, which can be used to deduct the drift of original integral signal in real time to reduce the integral drift. The tests show that this kind of long pulse integrator is good at reducing integral drift, which also can eliminate the effects of changing integral time constant. According to experiments, the integral time constant can be changed by remote control and manual adjustment of integral drift is avoided, which can improve the experiment efficiency greatly and can be used for electromagnetic measurement in Tokamak experiment. (authors)

  12. Auto type-selection of constant supporting in nuclear power stations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Hu; Wang Fujun; Liu Wei; Li Zhaoqing


    To solve the type-selection of constant supporting in nuclear power stations, combining the characteristics of constant supporting which can adjust in the certain scope and the rules of load-displacement, the requirements and process for the type-selection of constant supporting is proposed, and the process of type-selection is optimized by Visual Basic. After inputting of the known parameters, the process can automatically select the most economical and reasonable constant supporting by array and function. (authors)

  13. Variación temporal de las constantes fundamentales (United States)

    Landau, S. J.; Vucetich, H.

    La variación temporal de las constantes fundamentales es un problema que ha motivado numerosos trabajos teóricos y experimentales desde la hipótesis de los grandes números de Dirac en 1937. Entre los métodos experimentales y observacionales para establecer restricciones sobre la variación de las constantes fundamentes es importante mencionar: comparación entre relojes atómicos[1], métodos geofísicos[2][3], análisis de sistemas de absorción en quasares[4][5][6] y cotas provenientes de la nucleosíntesis primordial[7]. En un trabajo reciente[5], se reportó una significativa variación en la constante de estructura fina. Intentos de unificar las cuatro interacciones fundamentales dieron como resultado teorías con múltiples dimensiones como las teorías de Kaluza-Klein y teorías de supercuerdas. Estas teorías proporcionan un marco teórico natural para el estudio de la variación temporal de las constantes fundamentales. A su vez, un modelo sencillo para estudiar la variación de la constante de estructura fina, fue propuesto en [8], a partir de premisas muy generales como ser covarianza, invarianza de gauge, causalidad y invarianza ante reversiones temporales en el electromagnetismo. Diferentes versiones de las teorías antes mencionadas coinciden en predecir variaciones temporales de las constantes fundamentales pero difieren en la forma de esta variación[9][10]. De esta manera, las restricciones establecidas experimentalmente sobre la variación de las constantes fundamentales pueden ser una herramienta importante para testear estas diferentes teorías. En este trabajo, utilizamos las cotas provenientes de diversas técnicas experimentales, para testear si las mismas son consistentes con alguna de las teorías antes mencionadas. En particular, establecemos cotas sobre la variación de los parámentros libres de las diferentes teorías como por ejemplo el radio de las dimensiones extras en las teorías tipo Kaluza-Klein.

  14. Fast optimization algorithms and the cosmological constant (United States)

    Bao, Ning; Bousso, Raphael; Jordan, Stephen; Lackey, Brad


    Denef and Douglas have observed that in certain landscape models the problem of finding small values of the cosmological constant is a large instance of a problem that is hard for the complexity class NP (Nondeterministic Polynomial-time). The number of elementary operations (quantum gates) needed to solve this problem by brute force search exceeds the estimated computational capacity of the observable Universe. Here we describe a way out of this puzzling circumstance: despite being NP-hard, the problem of finding a small cosmological constant can be attacked by more sophisticated algorithms whose performance vastly exceeds brute force search. In fact, in some parameter regimes the average-case complexity is polynomial. We demonstrate this by explicitly finding a cosmological constant of order 10-120 in a randomly generated 1 09-dimensional Arkani-Hamed-Dimopoulos-Kachru landscape.

  15. Convexity and concavity constants in Lorentz and Marcinkiewicz spaces (United States)

    Kaminska, Anna; Parrish, Anca M.


    We provide here the formulas for the q-convexity and q-concavity constants for function and sequence Lorentz spaces associated to either decreasing or increasing weights. It yields also the formula for the q-convexity constants in function and sequence Marcinkiewicz spaces. In this paper we extent and enhance the results from [G.J.O. Jameson, The q-concavity constants of Lorentz sequence spaces and related inequalities, Math. Z. 227 (1998) 129-142] and [A. Kaminska, A.M. Parrish, The q-concavity and q-convexity constants in Lorentz spaces, in: Banach Spaces and Their Applications in Analysis, Conference in Honor of Nigel Kalton, May 2006, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 2007, pp. 357-373].

  16. Dokumentaalsusest teatris 2015. aasta näitel / Madli Pesti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pesti, Madli, 1980-


    Dokumentaalteatri olemusest ning 2015. aastal esietendunud lavastustest "Kodumaa karjed" (NO99), "45 339 km² raba" (Endla), "non-sto SETO" (Taarka pärimusteater), "5 grammi sisemist rahu" (Must Kast), "Õpetaja Tammiku rehabiliteerimine" (Kinoteater), "1i" (Nukuteater), "Ma olen Ivo Linna" (eraprojekt), "Mamma lood" (MTÜ Hiiu Öko), "Kehameel" (Teatri- ja Muusikamuuseum), "kokku kukkumise hetk" (Tartu Uus Teater), "Baskin ehk Nalja põhivormid" (Tartu Uus Teater), "Ajarefrään" (Nukuteater), "Tõelised naised, tõelised mehed ja tõelised teised" (Vaba Lava), "sugu: N" (Vaba Lava), "Fantastika" (NO99)

  17. Tööandjate unistuste seaduse autorid olid tegelikult sotsid / Marika Tuus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuus, Marika, 1951-


    Uue töölepingu seaduse eelnõust. Ilmunud ka Virumaa Teataja 29. jaan. 2008, lk. 11 ; Hiiu Leht 29. jaan. 2008, lk. 2 ; Pärnu Postimees 29. jaan. 2008, lk. 15 ; Vali Uudised 30. jaan. 2008, lk. 2, pealkiri kujul: uus orjaaeg ; Meie Maa 29. jaan. 2008, lk. 2 ; Põhjarannik 30. jaan. 2008, lk. 2 ; Lääne Elu 29. jaan. 2008, lk. 2 ; Elva Postipoiss 2. veeb. 2008, lk. 4, pealkiri kujul: Kas uus orjaaeg? ; Kesknädal 6. veeb. 2008, lk. 2 ; Vooremaa 14. veeb. 2008, lk. 2

  18. Parametrised Constants and Replication for Spatial Mobility

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hüttel, Hans; Haagensen, Bjørn


    Parametrised replication and replication are common ways of expressing infinite computation in process calculi. While parametrised constants can be encoded using replication in the π-calculus, this changes in the presence of spatial mobility as found in e.g. the distributed π- calculus...... of the distributed π-calculus with parametrised constants and replication are incomparable. On the other hand, we shall see that there exists a simple encoding of recursion in mobile ambients....

  19. On the cosmical constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandra, R.


    On the grounds of the two correspondence limits, the Newtonian limit and the special theory limit of Einstein field equations, a modification of the cosmical constant has been proposed which gives realistic results in the case of a homogeneous universe. Also, according to this modification an explanation for the negative pressure in the steady-state model of the universe has been given. (author)

  20. Coupling constants deduced for the resonances in kaon photo-production

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheoun, M. K.; Kim, K. S.; Choi, T. K.


    We deduced the coupling constants of nucleon and hyperon resonances, which participate in kaon productions as intermediate states that are formed by electro-magnetic probes and that finally decay into hadronic final states. We used an isobaric model based on an effective Lagrangian approach to describe the processes, in which relevant coupling constants regarding related resonances are effectively determined by fitting available experimental data. Our scheme to deduce the coupling constants was as follows: First, we calculated the lower and the upper limits on the coupling constants by using the experimental decay data available until now and/or theoretical predictions, such as those from quark models and SU(3) symmetry. Second, we exploited those limits as physical constraints on our fitting scheme for the kaon photo-production data. Finally, the deduced values and regions of the coupling constants, which satisfy not only the reaction data but also the decay data, are presented as figures with respect to the strong and the electro-magnetic coupling constants, and their multiplicative values. Our results for the coupling constants give physical values that are more restricted than those allowed by the experimental data nowadays.

  1. Shifting from constant-voltage to constant-current in Parkinson's disease patients with chronic stimulation. (United States)

    Amami, P; Mascia, M M; Franzini, A; Saba, F; Albanese, A


    The study aimed to evaluate safety and efficacy of shifting stimulation settings from constant-voltage (CV) to constant-current (CC) programming in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and chronic subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN DBS). Twenty PD patients with chronic STN DBS set in CV programming were shifted to CC and followed for 3 months; the other stimulation settings and the medication regimen remained unchanged. Side effects, motor, non-motor, executive functions, and impedance were assessed at baseline and during follow-up. No adverse events were observed at time of shifting or during CC stimulation. Motor and non-motor measures remained unchanged at follow-up despite impedance decreased. Compared to baseline, inhibition processes improved at follow-up. The shifting strategy was well tolerated and the clinical outcome was maintained with no need to adjust stimulation settings or medications notwithstanding a decrease of impedance. Improvement of inhibition processes is a finding which needed further investigation.

  2. Problems of experimental determination of mononuclear hydroxocomplexes stability constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davydov, Yu. P.; Davydov, D. Yu.


    In order to determine the stability constants of hydroxocomplexes a methodical approach has been developed that involves the following steps: (1) Determination of pH and concentration intervals in which a metal is present only in a form of mononuclear hydroxocomplex in solution; (2) determination of initial form of hydrated cation and conditions under which it occurs in solution; (3) Determination of the forms of mononuclear hydroxocomplexes and their stability constants by at least two independent methods. This paper illustrates application of the above approach for Fe(III) hydroxocomplex stability constant determination. The hydrolysis with formation of mononuclear species was studied at lower iron concentration since a pH interval is wider in that case (pH 3+ (H 2 O) 6 in the interval of pH 1.0 - 1.5. Further increase of pH (higher than 1.5) leads to hydrolysis of Fe with formation of mononuclear hydroxocomplexes. The results of ion exchange and spectrophotometry experiments showed that in a pH interval 1.5- 3.0 Fe(III) form only one complex Fe(OH)2+. The stability constant of iron first hydroxocomplex has been calculated. Applying the above approach for studying a series of cation we came to a conclusion that nearly in every case only the first hydroxocomplex stability stability constant can be experimentally determined. Only in the case of Pu(IV) it was possible to determine also the second constant. This paper demonstrates also application of the above approach for calculation of the Pu(IV) hydroxocomplexes stability constants. (authors)

  3. Nuclear magnetic resonance J coupling constant polarizabilities of hydrogen peroxide

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kjær, Hanna; Nielsen, Monia R.; Pagola, Gabriel I.


    In this paper we present the so far most extended investigation of the calculation of the coupling constant polarizability of a molecule. The components of the coupling constant polarizability are derivatives of the NMR indirect nuclear spin-spin coupling constant with respect to an external elec...

  4. The geometry of plane waves in spaces of constant curvature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tran, H.V.


    We examined the geometry of possible plane wave fronts in spaces of constant curvature for three cases in which the cosmological constant is positive, zero, or negative. The cosmological constant and a second-order invariant determined by a congruence of null rays were used in the investigation. We embedded the spaces under investigation in a flat five-dimensional space, and studied the null hyperplanes passing through the origin of the flat five-dimensional space. The embedded spaces are represented by quadrics in the five-dimensional space. The plane wave fronts are represented by the intersection of the quadric with null hyperplanes passing through the origin of the five-dimensional space. We concluded that in Minkowski spaces (zero cosmological constant), the plane-fronted waves will intersect if and only if the second-order invariant mentioned above is non-zero. For deSitter spaces (positive cosmological constant), plane-fronted waves will always intersect. For anti-deSitter spaces (negative cosmological constant), plane-fronted waves may but need not intersect

  5. The cosmological constant, branes and non-geometry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gautason, Fridhrik Freyr


    In this thesis we derive an equation for the classical cosmological constant in general string compactifications by employing scaling symmetries present in string theory. We find that in heterotic string theory, a perturbatively small, but non-vanishing, cosmological constant is impossible unless non-perturbative and/or string loop corrections are taken into account. In type II string theory we show that the classical cosmological constant is given by a sum of two terms, the source actions evaluated on-shell, and a certain combination of non-vanishing fluxes integrated over spacetime. In many cases we can express the classical cosmological constant in terms of only the source contributions by exploiting two scaling symmetries. This result can be used in two ways. First one can simply predict the classical cosmological constant in a given setup without solving all equations of motion. A second application is to give constraints on the near brane behavior of supergravity fields when the cosmological constant is known. In particular we motivate that energy densities of some fields diverge in the well-known KKLT scenario for de Sitter solutions in type IIB string theory. More precisely, we show, using our results and minimal assumptions, that energy densities of the three-form fluxes diverge in the near-source region of internal space. This divergence is unusual, since these fields do not directly couple to the source, and has been interpreted as a hint of instability of the solution. In the last chapter of the thesis we discuss the worldvolume actions of exotic five-branes. Using a specific chain of T- and S-dualities in a spacetime with two circular isometries, we derive the DBI and WZ actions of the so-called 5 2 2 - and 5 2 3 -brane. These actions describe the dynamics of the branes as well as their couplings to the ten-dimensional gauge potentials. We propose a modified Bianchi identity for the non-geometric Q-flux due to one of the branes. Q-flux often appears

  6. Constant Cremer, voetballer in Tilburg met Afrikaanse wortels

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Drs. Thijs Kemmeren


    Constant Cremer is de eerste zwarte voetballer in Nederland. Hij is geboren in Belgisch Congo. Hij speelde bij Willem II in het seizoen 1904 -1905 en werd met Willem II Brabvants kampioen. Constant werd, als een donkere mulat een held in Tilburg. Hij kwam uiteindelijk terecht in Nederland Indie en

  7. The Cosmological Constant Problem (1/2)

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    I will review the cosmological constant problem as a serious challenge to our notion of naturalness in Physics. Weinberg’s no go theorem is worked through in detail. I review a number of proposals possibly including Linde's universe multiplication, Coleman's wormholes, the fat graviton, and SLED, to name a few. Large distance modifications of gravity are also discussed, with causality considerations pointing towards a global modification as being the most sensible option. The global nature of the cosmological constant problem is also emphasized, and as a result, the sequestering scenario is reviewed in some detail, demonstrating the cancellation of the Standard Model vacuum energy through a global modification of General Relativity.

  8. The Cosmological Constant Problem (2/2)

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    I will review the cosmological constant problem as a serious challenge to our notion of naturalness in Physics. Weinberg’s no go theorem is worked through in detail. I review a number of proposals possibly including Linde's universe multiplication, Coleman's wormholes, the fat graviton, and SLED, to name a few. Large distance modifications of gravity are also discussed, with causality considerations pointing towards a global modification as being the most sensible option. The global nature of the cosmological constant problem is also emphasized, and as a result, the sequestering scenario is reviewed in some detail, demonstrating the cancellation of the Standard Model vacuum energy through a global modification of General Relativity.

  9. Critical experiments analysis by ABBN-90 constant system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tsiboulia, A.; Nikolaev, M.N.; Golubev, V. [Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Obninsk (Russian Federation)] [and others


    The ABBN-90 is a new version of the well-known Russian group-constant system ABBN. Included constants were calculated based on files of evaluated nuclear data from the BROND-2, ENDF/B-VI, and JENDL-3 libraries. The ABBN-90 is intended for the calculation of different types of nuclear reactors and radiation shielding. Calculations of criticality safety and reactivity accidents are also provided by using this constant set. Validation of the ABBN-90 set was made by using a computerized bank of evaluated critical experiments. This bank includes the results of experiments conducted in Russia and abroad of compact spherical assemblies with different reflectors, fast critical assemblies, and fuel/water-solution criticalities. This report presents the results of the calculational analysis of the whole collection of critical experiments. All calculations were produced with the ABBN-90 group-constant system. Revealed discrepancies between experimental and calculational results and their possible reasons are discussed. The codes and archives INDECS system is also described. This system includes three computerized banks: LEMEX, which consists of evaluated experiments and their calculational results; LSENS, which consists of sensitivity coefficients; and LUND, which consists of group-constant covariance matrices. The INDECS system permits us to estimate the accuracy of neutronics calculations. A discussion of the reliability of such estimations is finally presented. 16 figs.

  10. The determination methods of the velocity constant for electrochemical reactions; Les methodes de determination de la constante de vitesse des reactions electrochimiques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Molina, R


    In a brief introduction are recalled the fundamental mechanisms of the electrochemical reaction and the definition of the intrinsic velocity constant of a such reaction. By the nature of the different parameters which enter in this definition are due some experimental problems which are examined. Then are given the principles of the measurement methods of the velocity constant. These methods are developed with the mathematical expression of the different rates of the mass transfer to an electrode. In each case are given the experimental limits of use of the methods and the size order of the velocity constant that can be reached. A list of fundamental works to be consulted conclude this work. (O.M.) [French] Dans une breve introduction sont rappeles les mecanismes fondamentaux de la reaction electrochimique et la definition de la constante de vitesse intrinseque d'une telle reaction. De la nature des differents parametres qui entrent dans celle definition, decoulent un certain nombre de problemes experimentaux qui sont passes en revue. On donne ensuite les principes des methodes de mesure de la constante de vitesse. L'exposition de ces methodes est developpee a l'aide de l'expression mathematique des differents regimes de transfert de masse a une electrode. On s'attache dans chaque cas, a donner les limitations experimentales d'utilisation des methodes et l'ordre de grandeur de la constante de vitesse qu'elles permettent d'atteindre. Une liste des ouvrages fondamentaux a consulter conclut ce travail. (auteur)

  11. A model for solar constant secular changes (United States)

    Schatten, Kenneth H.


    In this paper, contrast models for solar active region and global photospheric features are used to reproduce the observed Active Cavity Radiometer and Earth Radiation Budget secular trends in reasonably good fashion. A prediction for the next decade of solar constant variations is made using the model. Secular trends in the solar constant obtained from the present model support the view that the Maunder Minimum may be related to the Little Ice Age of the 17th century.

  12. Renormalization group equations with multiple coupling constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghika, G.; Visinescu, M.


    The main purpose of this paper is to study the renormalization group equations of a renormalizable field theory with multiple coupling constants. A method for the investigation of the asymptotic stability is presented. This method is applied to a gauge theory with Yukawa and self-quartic couplings of scalar mesons in order to find the domains of asymptotic freedom. An asymptotic expansion for the solutions which tend to the origin of the coupling constants is given

  13. High temperature elastic constant measurements: application to plutonium; Mesure des constantes elastiques a haute temperature application au plutonium

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bouchet, J M [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    We present an apparatus with which we have measured the Young's modulus and the Poisson's ratio of several compounds from the resonance frequency of cylinders in the temperature range 0 deg. C-700 deg. C. We especially studied the elastic constants of plutonium and measured for the first time to our knowledge the Young's modulus of Pu{sub {delta}} and Pu{sub {epsilon}}. E{sub {delta}} 360 deg. C = 1.6 10{sup 11} dy/cm{sup 2}; E{sub {epsilon}} 490 deg. C = 1.1 10{sup 11} dy/cm{sup 2}, {sigma}{sub {epsilon}} = 0.25 {+-} 0.03 Using our results, we have calculated the compressibility, the Debye temperature, the Grueneisen constant and the electronic specific heat of Pu{sub {epsilon}}. (author) [French] Nous decrivons un appareil qui permet de mesurer les constantes elastiques (module de Young et module de Poisson) jusqu'a 700 deg. C a partir des frequences de resonance de barreaux cylindriques. Nous avons plus specialement etudie le plutonium et determine pour la premiere fois a notre connaissance le module de Young des phases {delta} et {epsilon}: E{sub {delta}} 360 deg. C = 1.6 10{sup 11} dy/cm{sup 2}; E{sub {epsilon}} 490 deg. C = 1.1 10{sup 11} dy/cm{sup 2}, {sigma}{sub {epsilon}} = 0.25 {+-} 0.03 Nos mesures nous ont permis de calculer la compressibilite, la temperature de Debye, la constante de Gruneisen et la chaleur specifique electronique de Pu{sub {epsilon}}. (auteur)

  14. The contrasting roles of Planck's constant in classical and quantum theories (United States)

    Boyer, Timothy H.


    We trace the historical appearance of Planck's constant in physics, and we note that initially the constant did not appear in connection with quanta. Furthermore, we emphasize that Planck's constant can appear in both classical and quantum theories. In both theories, Planck's constant sets the scale of atomic phenomena. However, the roles played in the foundations of the theories are sharply different. In quantum theory, Planck's constant is crucial to the structure of the theory. On the other hand, in classical electrodynamics, Planck's constant is optional, since it appears only as the scale factor for the (homogeneous) source-free contribution to the general solution of Maxwell's equations. Since classical electrodynamics can be solved while taking the homogenous source-free contribution in the solution as zero or non-zero, there are naturally two different theories of classical electrodynamics, one in which Planck's constant is taken as zero and one where it is taken as non-zero. The textbooks of classical electromagnetism present only the version in which Planck's constant is taken to vanish.

  15. Strong coupling constant extraction from high-multiplicity Z +jets observables (United States)

    Johnson, Mark; Maître, Daniel


    We present a strong coupling constant extraction at next-to-leading order QCD accuracy using ATLAS Z +2 ,3,4 jets data. This is the first extraction using processes with a dependency on high powers of the coupling constant. We obtain values of the strong coupling constant at the Z mass compatible with the world average and with uncertainties commensurate with other next-to-leading order extractions at hadron colliders. Our most conservative result for the strong coupling constant is αS(MZ)=0.117 8-0.0043+0.0051 .

  16. Vector and axial constants of the baryon decuplet

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belyaev, V.M.; Blok, B.Y.; Kogan, Y.I.


    On the basis of the QCD sum rules for the polarization operator in external axial and vector fields we determine the vector and axial transition constants in the 3/2 + baryon decuplet. We show that the renormalization of the axial constant is due to the interaction of the external axial field with the quark condensate

  17. Measuring Boltzmann's Constant with Carbon Dioxide (United States)

    Ivanov, Dragia; Nikolov, Stefan


    In this paper we present two experiments to measure Boltzmann's constant--one of the fundamental constants of modern-day physics, which lies at the base of statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. The experiments use very basic theory, simple equipment and cheap and safe materials yet provide very precise results. They are very easy and…

  18. DFT computations of the lattice constant, stable atomic structure and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This paper presents the most stable atomic structure and lattice constant of Fullerenes (C60). FHI-aims DFT code was used to predict the stable structure and the computational lattice constant of C60. These were compared with known experimental structures and lattice constants of C60. The results obtained showed that ...

  19. Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and pion decay constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gogohia, V.Sh.; Kluge, Gy.


    Flavour non-singlet, chiral axial-vector Ward-Takahashi identity is investigated in the framework of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking. The use of the condition of stationarity for the bound-state amplitude is proposed in order to fully determine this quantity and the regular piece of the corresponding axial vertex. This makes it possible to express the pion decay constant in terms of the quark propagator variables only. An exact expression was found for the pion decay constant in current algebra and in Jackiw-Johnson representation as well. We also find a new expression for the pion decay constant in the Pagels-Stokar-Cornwall variables within the framework of Jackiw-Johnson representation. (author) 22 refs.; 2 figs

  20. Design study on quasi-constant gradient accelerator structure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang, J.W.; Littmann, B.W.


    In order to obtain high luminosity, the Next Linear Collider will operate in multibunch mode with ten or more bunches per bunch train. This leads to the need for detuning and/or damping of higher modes to control multibunch beam breakup. Continued studies of wake fields for a detuned structure with a Gaussian distribution of dipole modes showed encouraging results, and a detuned structure model has been tested experimentally. It is desirable to study the design method for this type of structure, which has a quasi-constant accelerating gradient. This note gives a brief summary of the design procedure. Also, the RF parameters of the structure are evaluated to compare with conventional constant gradient and constant impedance structures

  1. /sup 13/C-/sup 13/C spin-spin coupling constants in structural investigations. V. The direct carbon-carbon coupling constants in the vinyl group

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krivdin, L.B.; Shcherbakov, V.V.; Kalabin, G.A.


    The direct spin-spin coupling constants in the vinyl group were measured in 100 mono-substituted ethylene derivatives. The inductive effect of the substituent was found to be the major factor in the variation of this constant and, in some cases, the stereospecific effect of the unshared electron pairs of heteratoms makes a significant contribution to the /sup 13/C-/sup 13/C coupling constants.

  2. Planck intermediate results. XXIV. Constraints on variation of fundamental constants

    CERN Document Server

    Ade, P A R; Arnaud, M.; Ashdown, M.; Aumont, J.; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A.J.; Barreiro, R.B.; Battaner, E.; Benabed, K.; Benoit-Levy, A.; Bernard, J.P.; Bersanelli, M.; Bielewicz, P.; Bond, J.R.; Borrill, J.; Bouchet, F.R.; Burigana, C.; Butler, R.C.; Calabrese, E.; Chamballu, A.; Chiang, H.C.; Christensen, P.R.; Clements, D.L.; Colombo, L.P.L.; Couchot, F.; Curto, A.; Cuttaia, F.; Danese, L.; Davies, R.D.; Davis, R.J.; de Bernardis, P.; de Rosa, A.; de Zotti, G.; Delabrouille, J.; Diego, J.M.; Dole, H.; Dore, O.; Dupac, X.; Ensslin, T.A.; Eriksen, H.K.; Fabre, O.; Finelli, F.; Forni, O.; Frailis, M.; Franceschi, E.; Galeotta, S.; Galli, S.; Ganga, K.; Giard, M.; Gonzalez-Nuevo, J.; Gorski, K.M.; Gregorio, A.; Gruppuso, A.; Hansen, F.K.; Hanson, D.; Harrison, D.L.; Henrot-Versille, S.; Hernandez-Monteagudo, C.; Herranz, D.; Hildebrandt, S.R.; Hivon, E.; Hobson, M.; Holmes, W.A.; Hornstrup, A.; Hovest, W.; Huffenberger, K.M.; Jaffe, A.H.; Jones, W.C.; Keihanen, E.; Keskitalo, R.; Kneissl, R.; Knoche, J.; Kunz, M.; Kurki-Suonio, H.; Lamarre, J.M.; Lasenby, A.; Lawrence, C.R.; Leonardi, R.; Lesgourgues, J.; Liguori, M.; Lilje, P.B.; Linden-Vornle, M.; Lopez-Caniego, M.; Lubin, P.M.; Macias-Perez, J.F.; Mandolesi, N.; Maris, M.; Martin, P.G.; Martinez-Gonzalez, E.; Masi, S.; Matarrese, S.; Mazzotta, P.; Meinhold, P.R.; Melchiorri, A.; Mendes, L.; Menegoni, E.; Mennella, A.; Migliaccio, M.; Miville-Deschenes, M.A.; Moneti, A.; Montier, L.; Morgante, G.; Moss, A.; Munshi, D.; Murphy, J.A.; Naselsky, P.; Nati, F.; Natoli, P.; Norgaard-Nielsen, H.U.; Noviello, F.; Novikov, D.; Novikov, I.; Oxborrow, C.A.; Pagano, L.; Pajot, F.; Paoletti, D.; Pasian, F.; Patanchon, G.; Perdereau, O.; Perotto, L.; Perrotta, F.; Piacentini, F.; Piat, M.; Pierpaoli, E.; Pietrobon, D.; Plaszczynski, S.; Pointecouteau, E.; Polenta, G.; Ponthieu, N.; Popa, L.; Pratt, G.W.; Prunet, S.; Rachen, J.P.; Rebolo, R.; Reinecke, M.; Remazeilles, M.; Renault, C.; Ricciardi, S.; Ristorcelli, I.; Rocha, G.; Roudier, G.; Rusholme, B.; Sandri, M.; Savini, G.; Scott, D.; Spencer, L.D.; Stolyarov, V.; Sudiwala, R.; Sutton, D.; Suur-Uski, A.S.; Sygnet, J.F.; Tauber, J.A.; Tavagnacco, D.; Terenzi, L.; Toffolatti, L.; Tomasi, M.; Tristram, M.; Tucci, M.; Uzan, J.P.; Valenziano, L.; Valiviita, J.; Van Tent, B.; Vielva, P.; Villa, F.; Wade, L.A.; Yvon, D.; Zacchei, A.; Zonca, A.


    Any variation of the fundamental physical constants, and more particularly of the fine structure constant, $\\alpha$, or of the mass of the electron, $m_e$, would affect the recombination history of the Universe and cause an imprint on the cosmic microwave background angular power spectra. We show that the Planck data allow one to improve the constraint on the time variation of the fine structure constant at redshift $z\\sim 10^3$ by about a factor of 5 compared to WMAP data, as well as to break the degeneracy with the Hubble constant, $H_0$. In addition to $\\alpha$, we can set a constraint on the variation of the mass of the electron, $m_{\\rm e}$, and on the simultaneous variation of the two constants. We examine in detail the degeneracies between fundamental constants and the cosmological parameters, in order to compare the limits obtained from Planck and WMAP and to determine the constraining power gained by including other cosmological probes. We conclude that independent time variations of the fine structu...

  3. Planck's Constant as a Natural Unit of Measurement (United States)

    Quincey, Paul


    The proposed revision of SI units would embed Planck's constant into the definition of the kilogram, as a fixed constant of nature. Traditionally, Planck's constant is not readily interpreted as the size of something physical, and it is generally only encountered by students in the mathematics of quantum physics. Richard Feynman's…

  4. Stabilized power constant alimentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roussel, L.


    The study and realization of a stabilized power alimentation variable from 5 to 100 watts are described. In order to realize a constant power drift of Lithium compensated diodes, we have searched a 1 per cent precision of regulation and a response time minus than 1 sec. Recent components like Hall multiplicator and integrated amplifiers give this possibility and it is easy to use permutable circuits. (author) [fr

  5. Atomic weights: no longer constants of nature (United States)

    Coplen, Tyler B.; Holden, Norman E.


    Many of us were taught that the standard atomic weights we found in the back of our chemistry textbooks or on the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements hanging on the wall of our chemistry classroom are constants of nature. This was common knowledge for more than a century and a half, but not anymore. The following text explains how advances in chemical instrumentation and isotopic analysis have changed the way we view atomic weights and why they are no longer constants of nature

  6. Robust control for constant thrust rendezvous under thrust failure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Qi Yongqiang


    Full Text Available A robust constant thrust rendezvous approach under thrust failure is proposed based on the relative motion dynamic model. Firstly, the design problem is cast into a convex optimization problem by introducing a Lyapunov function subject to linear matrix inequalities. Secondly, the robust controllers satisfying the requirements can be designed by solving this optimization problem. Then, a new algorithm of constant thrust fitting is proposed through the impulse compensation and the fuel consumption under the theoretical continuous thrust and the actual constant thrust is calculated and compared by using the method proposed in this paper. Finally, the proposed method having the advantage of saving fuel is proved and the actual constant thrust switch control laws are obtained through the isochronous interpolation method, meanwhile, an illustrative example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed control design method.

  7. A Kalman-filter estimate of the tidal harmonic constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morsetti, R.


    A Kalman-filter estimate of the tidal harmonic constants is proposed in order to take into account their stochastic behaviour. The filter algorithm has been applied to a state-space model of a stochastic system in which the state is defined by the harmonic constants themselves. The results, analysing Trieste sea-level data, have demonstrated that this approach is very suitable for such a purpose, since good estimates and excellent resolution capabilities have been obtained. Furthermore, this method can be very useful also from a practical point of view because real-time computation of the harmonic constants can be developed where an opportune sea-level data acquisition system is available. In conclusion, this paper has emphasized that tidal harmonic constants have to be treated like random variables and, in consequence, new method of analysis can be used

  8. One-group constant libraries for nuclear equilibrium state

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mizutani, Akihiko; Sekimoto, Hiroshi [Tokyo Inst. of Tech. (Japan). Research Lab. for Nuclear Reactors


    One-group constant libraries for the nuclear equilibrium state were generated for both liquid sodium cooled MOX fuel type fast reactor and PWR type thermal reactor with Equilibrium Cell Iterative Calculation System (ECICS) using JENDL-3.2, -3, -2 and ENDF/B-VI nuclear data libraries. ECICS produced one-group constant sets for 129 heavy metal nuclides and 1238 fission products. (author)

  9. Fields of rational constants of cyclic factorizable derivations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Janusz Zielinski


    Full Text Available We describe all rational constants of a large family of four-variable cyclic factorizable derivations. Thus, we determine all rational first integrals of their corresponding systems of differential equations. Moreover, we give a characteristic of all four-variable Lotka-Volterra derivations with a nontrivial rational constant. All considerations are over an arbitrary field of characteristic zero. Our main tool is the investigation of the cofactors of strict Darboux polynomials. Factorizable derivations are important in derivation theory. Namely, we may associate the factorizable derivation with any given derivation of a polynomial ring and that construction helps to determine rational constants of arbitrary derivations. Besides, Lotka-Volterra systems play a significant role in population biology, laser physics and plasma physics.

  10. Stability constants of the Europium complexes with the chloride ions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jimenez R, M.; Solache R, M.; Rojas H, A.


    The stability constants of lanthanides complexes with chloride ions which were determined at the same ionic force but in different media, are significantly different. It does not exist a systematic study over these stability constants. The purpose of this work is to determine the stability constants of the europium complexes with chloride ions at 303 K, by the solvents extraction method. (Author)

  11. Formas estructurales de fuerza constante

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zalewski, Waclaw


    Full Text Available The author seeks to prove the need to obtain the most essential form in the various types of structures by applying a number of rational principles, of which the constant stress principle is one of the most decisive. The structural form should be a logical consequence of all its functional circumstances, and this requires a clear understanding of the general behaviour of each part of the structure, and also of the main stresses which operate on it, considered as a unitary whole. To complete his theoretical argument, the author gives some examples, in the design of which the criterion of constant stress has been adopted. The author considers the various aspects which are involved in obtaining a structural design that satisfies given functional and aesthetic requirements. In doing so he refers to his personal experience within Poland, and infers technical principles of general validity which should determine the rational design of the form, as an integrated aspect of the structural pattern. The projects which illustrate this paper are Polish designs of undoubted constructive significance, in which the principle of constant stress has been applied. Finally the author condenses his whole theory in a simple and straightforward practical formula, which should be followed if a truly rational form is to be achieved: the constancy of stress in the various structural elements.El autor se esfuerza en mostrar la necesidad de llegar a la forma real en las distintas estructuras siguiendo una serie de principios racionales, entre los que domina el criterio de la fuerza constante. La forma ha de ser una consecuencia lógica en todos sus aspectos, y esto exige un claro conocimiento del comportamiento general de cada una de las partes de la estructura, y de los esfuerzos generales que dominan en la misma al considerarla como un todo. Para completar la exposición de orden teórico, el autor presenta algunos ejemplos en cuyo proyecto se ha seguido el criterio de

  12. The Nature of the Cosmological Constant Problem (United States)

    Maia, M. D.; Capistrano, A. J. S.; Monte, E. M.

    General relativity postulates the Minkowski space-time as the standard (flat) geometry against which we compare all curved space-times and also as the gravitational ground state where particles, quantum fields and their vacua are defined. On the other hand, experimental evidences tell that there exists a non-zero cosmological constant, which implies in a deSitter ground state, which not compatible with the assumed Minkowski structure. Such inconsistency is an evidence of the missing standard of curvature in Riemann's geometry, which in general relativity manifests itself in the form of the cosmological constant problem. We show how the lack of a curvature standard in Riemann's geometry can be fixed by Nash's theorem on metric perturbations. The resulting higher dimensional gravitational theory is more general than general relativity, similar to brane-world gravity, but where the propagation of the gravitational field along the extra dimensions is a mathematical necessity, rather than a postulate. After a brief introduction to Nash's theorem, we show that the vacuum energy density must remain confined to four-dimensional space-times, but the cosmological constant resulting from the contracted Bianchi identity represents a gravitational term which is not confined. In this case, the comparison between the vacuum energy and the cosmological constant in general relativity does not make sense. Instead, the geometrical fix provided by Nash's theorem suggests that the vacuum energy density contributes to the perturbations of the gravitational field.

  13. Lifetime of titanium filament at constant current

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, T.S.; Lanni, C.


    Titanium Sublimation Pump (TSP) represents the most efficient and the least expensive method to produce Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) in storage rings. In ISABELLE, a proton storage accelerator under construction at Brookhaven National Laboratory, for example, TSP provides a pumping speed for hydrogen of > 2 x 10 6 l/s. Due to the finite life of titanium filaments, new filaments have to be switched in before the end of filament burn out, to ensure smooth operation of the accelerator. Therefore, several operational modes that can be used to activate the TSP were studied. The constant current mode is a convenient way of maintaining constant evaporating rate by increasing the power input while the filament diameter decreases as titanium evaporates. The filaments used in this experiment were standard Varian 916-0024 filaments made of Ti 85%, Mo 15% alloy. During their lifetime at a constant current of 48 amperes, the evaporation rate rose to a maximum at about 10% of their life and then flattened out to a constant value, 0.25 g/hr. The maximum evaporation rate occurs coincidently with the recrystallization of 74% Ti 26% Mo 2 from microstructure crystalline at higher titanium concentration to macrostructure crystalline at lower titanium concentration. As the macrocrystal grows, the slip plane develops at the grain boundary resulting in high resistance at the slip plane which will eventually cause the filament burn out due to local heating

  14. Development of constant-power driving control for light-emitting-diode (LED) luminaire

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Bin-Juine; Chen, Chun-Wei; Ong, Chin-Dian; Du, Bo-Han; Hsu, Po-Chien


    changes from 0 to 40 °C, the LED illumination varies slightly (-1.7%) for constant-power driving, as compared to that of constant-current driving (-12%) and constant-voltage driving (+50%). The constant-power driving has revealed advantage in stabilizing

  15. Development of $Mathematica$ Package 'StandardPhysicalConstants'

    CERN Document Server

    Ezhela, Vladimir V


    Here we report on the further development of the 'StandardPhysicalConstants' package which was presented for the first time at the last IMS 2001 conference. We would like to dwell on the following issues: the package structure; current status of the physical constant database; data sourses, current data collection and data structure; the main modules of data management system; the first version of "error propagator"; usage examples of one in calculations for high precision tests of physics theories. The outlook of the future development of the package is also given.

  16. Identification of elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric constants in piezoceramic disks. (United States)

    Perez, Nicolas; Andrade, Marco A B; Buiochi, Flavio; Adamowski, Julio C


    Three-dimensional modeling of piezoelectric devices requires a precise knowledge of piezoelectric material parameters. The commonly used piezoelectric materials belong to the 6mm symmetry class, which have ten independent constants. In this work, a methodology to obtain precise material constants over a wide frequency band through finite element analysis of a piezoceramic disk is presented. Given an experimental electrical impedance curve and a first estimate for the piezoelectric material properties, the objective is to find the material properties that minimize the difference between the electrical impedance calculated by the finite element method and that obtained experimentally by an electrical impedance analyzer. The methodology consists of four basic steps: experimental measurement, identification of vibration modes and their sensitivity to material constants, a preliminary identification algorithm, and final refinement of the material constants using an optimization algorithm. The application of the methodology is exemplified using a hard lead zirconate titanate piezoceramic. The same methodology is applied to a soft piezoceramic. The errors in the identification of each parameter are statistically estimated in both cases, and are less than 0.6% for elastic constants, and less than 6.3% for dielectric and piezoelectric constants.

  17. Daylight calculations using constant luminance curves

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Betman, E. [CRICYT, Mendoza (Argentina). Laboratorio de Ambiente Humano y Vivienda


    This paper presents a simple method to manually estimate daylight availability and to make daylight calculations using constant luminance curves calculated with local illuminance and irradiance data and the all-weather model for sky luminance distribution developed in the Atmospheric Science Research Center of the University of New York (ARSC) by Richard Perez et al. Work with constant luminance curves has the advantage that daylight calculations include the problem's directionality and preserve the information of the luminous climate of the place. This permits accurate knowledge of the resource and a strong basis to establish conclusions concerning topics related to the energy efficiency and comfort in buildings. The characteristics of the proposed method are compared with the method that uses the daylight factor. (author)

  18. Selected articles translated from Jadernye Konstanty (Nuclear Constants)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The document contains the following three papers: 'Evaluation of the decay characteristics of 3 H and 36 Cl', 'Validation of the ABBN/CONSYST constants system. Part 1: Validation through the critical experiments on compact metallic cores', and 'Validation of the ABBN/CONSYST constants system. Part 2: Validation through the critical experiments on cores with uranium solutions'. A separate abstract was prepared for each paper

  19. Simple Model with Time-Varying Fine-Structure ``Constant'' (United States)

    Berman, M. S.


    Extending the original version written in colaboration with L.A. Trevisan, we study the generalisation of Dirac's LNH, so that time-variation of the fine-structure constant, due to varying electrical and magnetic permittivities is included along with other variations (cosmological and gravitational ``constants''), etc. We consider the present Universe, and also an inflationary scenario. Rotation of the Universe is a given possibility in this model.

  20. Computing the Gromov hyperbolicity constant of a discrete metric space

    KAUST Repository

    Ismail, Anas


    Although it was invented by Mikhail Gromov, in 1987, to describe some family of groups[1], the notion of Gromov hyperbolicity has many applications and interpretations in different fields. It has applications in Biology, Networking, Graph Theory, and many other areas of research. The Gromov hyperbolicity constant of several families of graphs and geometric spaces has been determined. However, so far, the only known algorithm for calculating the Gromov hyperbolicity constant δ of a discrete metric space is the brute force algorithm with running time O (n4) using the four-point condition. In this thesis, we first introduce an approximation algorithm which calculates a O (log n)-approximation of the hyperbolicity constant δ, based on a layering approach, in time O(n2), where n is the number of points in the metric space. We also calculate the fixed base point hyperbolicity constant δr for a fixed point r using a (max, min)−matrix multiplication algorithm by Duan in time O(n2.688)[2]. We use this result to present a 2-approximation algorithm for calculating the hyper-bolicity constant in time O(n2.688). We also provide an exact algorithm to compute the hyperbolicity constant δ in time O(n3.688) for a discrete metric space. We then present some partial results we obtained for designing some approximation algorithms to compute the hyperbolicity constant δ.

  1. Atomic spectroscopy and highly accurate measurement: determination of fundamental constants; Spectroscopie atomique et mesures de grande precision: determination de constantes fonfamentales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schwob, C


    This document reviews the theoretical and experimental achievements of the author concerning highly accurate atomic spectroscopy applied for the determination of fundamental constants. A pure optical frequency measurement of the 2S-12D 2-photon transitions in atomic hydrogen and deuterium has been performed. The experimental setting-up is described as well as the data analysis. Optimized values for the Rydberg constant and Lamb shifts have been deduced (R = 109737.31568516 (84) cm{sup -1}). An experiment devoted to the determination of the fine structure constant with an aimed relative uncertainty of 10{sup -9} began in 1999. This experiment is based on the fact that Bloch oscillations in a frequency chirped optical lattice are a powerful tool to transfer coherently many photon momenta to the atoms. We have used this method to measure accurately the ratio h/m(Rb). The measured value of the fine structure constant is {alpha}{sub -1} = 137.03599884 (91) with a relative uncertainty of 6.7*10{sup -9}. The future and perspectives of this experiment are presented. This document presented before an academic board will allow his author to manage research work and particularly to tutor thesis students. (A.C.)

  2. Synthetic Strategies for High Dielectric Constant Silicone Elastomers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Frederikke Bahrt

    synthetic strategies were developed in this Ph.D. thesis, in order to create silicone elastomers with high dielectric constants and thereby higher energy densities. The work focused on maintaining important properties such as dielectric loss, electrical breakdown strength and elastic modulus....... The methodology therefore involved chemically grafting high dielectric constant chemical groups onto the elastomer network, as this would potentially provide a stable elastomer system upon continued activation of the material. The first synthetic strategy involved the synthesis of a new type of cross...... extender’ that allowed for chemical modifications such as Cu- AAC. This route was promising for one-pot elastomer preparation and as a high dielectric constant additive to commercial silicone systems. The second approach used the borane-catalysed Piers-Rubinsztajn reaction to form spatially well...

  3. Geometrical contributions to the exchange constants: Free electrons with spin-orbit interaction (United States)

    Freimuth, Frank; Blügel, Stefan; Mokrousov, Yuriy


    Using thermal quantum field theory, we derive an expression for the exchange constant that resembles Fukuyama's formula for orbital magnetic susceptibility (OMS). Guided by this formal analogy between the exchange constant and OMS, we identify a contribution to the exchange constant that arises from the geometrical properties of the band structure in mixed phase space. We compute the exchange constants for free electrons and show that the geometrical contribution is generally important. Our formalism allows us to study the exchange constants in the presence of spin-orbit interaction. Thereby, we find sizable differences between the exchange constants of helical and cycloidal spin spirals. Furthermore, we discuss how to calculate the exchange constants based on a gauge-field approach in the case of the Rashba model with an additional exchange splitting, and we show that the exchange constants obtained from this gauge-field approach are in perfect agreement with those obtained from the quantum field theoretical method.

  4. Determination of the fine-structure constant {alpha} by measuring the quotient of the Planck constant and the neutron mass

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krueger, E; Nistler, W; Weirauch, W [Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig (Germany)


    Using a special high-precision apparatus at ILL the quotient h/m{sub n} (h Planck constant, m{sub n} neutron mass) has been measured. The value measured for h/m{sub n} leads to {alpha}{sup -1} = 137.03601082(524) (relative uncertainty: 3.9{center_dot}10{sup -8}) It was the first time that this fundamental constant has been determined by means of neutrons. The experiment, which had been running since 1981 in a preliminary version and since 1987 in the final version, which was finished in December 1996, is described. (author).

  5. Emergent gravity in spaces of constant curvature

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alvarez, Orlando; Haddad, Matthew [Department of Physics, University of Miami,1320 Campo Sano Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33146 (United States)


    In physical theories where the energy (action) is localized near a submanifold of a constant curvature space, there is a universal expression for the energy (or the action). We derive a multipole expansion for the energy that has a finite number of terms, and depends on intrinsic geometric invariants of the submanifold and extrinsic invariants of the embedding of the submanifold. This is the second of a pair of articles in which we try to develop a theory of emergent gravity arising from the embedding of a submanifold into an ambient space equipped with a quantum field theory. Our theoretical method requires a generalization of a formula due to by Hermann Weyl. While the first paper discussed the framework in Euclidean (Minkowski) space, here we discuss how this framework generalizes to spaces of constant sectional curvature. We focus primarily on anti de Sitter space. We then discuss how such a theory can give rise to a cosmological constant and Planck mass that are within reasonable bounds of the experimental values.

  6. Measurement of the saturation magnetostriction constant of amorphous wire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mitra, A.; Vazquez, M.


    Measurement of the magnetostriction constant of amorphous wire by conventional techniques is very difficult because of its small diameter. However, accurate determination of the magnetostriction constant is important in the study of amorphous wires. Here the saturation magnetostriction constant (λ s ) for a low-magnetostriction amorphous wire of nominal composition (Fe 6.3 Co 92.7 Nb 1 ) 77.5 Si 7.5 B 15 has been determined by means of the small-angle magnetization-rotation method. λ s has been evaluated to be 2.1x10 -7 for its as-received state. The dependence of thermal treatment is also reported

  7. Sensitivity of molecular vibrational dynamics to energy exchange rate constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Billing, G D; Coletti, C; Kurnosov, A K; Napartovich, A P


    The sensitivity of molecular vibrational population dynamics, governing the CO laser operated in fundamental and overtone transitions, to vibration-to-vibration rate constants is investigated. With this aim, three rate constant sets have been used, differing in their completeness (i.e. accounting for single-quantum exchange only, or for multi-quantum exchange with a limited number of rate constants obtained by semiclassical calculations, and, finally, with an exhaustive set of rate constants including asymmetric exchange processes, as well) and in the employed interaction potential. The most complete set among these three is introduced in this paper. An existing earlier kinetic model was updated to include the latter new data. Comparison of data produced by kinetic modelling with the above mentioned sets of rate constants shows that the vibrational distribution function, and, in particular, the CO overtone laser characteristics, are very sensitive to the choice of the model. The most complete model predicts slower evolution of the vibrational distribution, in qualitative agreement with experiments

  8. Proceedings of the specialists' meeting on reactor group constants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katakura, Jun-ichi (ed.) [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Tokai, Ibaraki (Japan). Tokai Research Establishment


    This report is the Proceedings of the Specialists' Meeting on Reactor Group Constants. The meeting was held on February 22-23, 2001 at Tokai Research Establishment of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute with the participation of 59 specialists. The evaluation work for JENDL-3.3 is going on for the publication in a short time. The processing JENDL-3.3 file to make reactor group constants is needed when it is used in application fields. In the meeting, the present status of the reactor group constants was reviewed and the issues relating to them were discussed in such fields as thermal reactor, criticality safety, fast reactor, high energy region, burn-up calculation and radiation shielding. At the final session in the meeting, standardization of reactor group constants was discussed and the need of the reference group constants was confirmed by the participants. The 11 of the presented papers are indexed individually. (J.P.N.)

  9. Planck Constant Determination from Power Equivalence (United States)

    Newell, David B.


    Equating mechanical to electrical power links the kilogram, the meter, and the second to the practical realizations of the ohm and the volt derived from the quantum Hall and the Josephson effects, yielding an SI determination of the Planck constant. The NIST watt balance uses this power equivalence principle, and in 1998 measured the Planck constant with a combined relative standard uncertainty of 8.7 x 10-8, the most accurate determination to date. The next generation of the NIST watt balance is now being assembled. Modification to the experimental facilities have been made to reduce the uncertainty components from vibrations and electromagnetic interference. A vacuum chamber has been installed to reduce the uncertainty components associated with performing the experiment in air. Most of the apparatus is in place and diagnostic testing of the balance should begin this year. Once a combined relative standard uncertainty of one part in 10-8 has been reached, the power equivalence principle can be used to monitor the possible drift in the artifact mass standard, the kilogram, and provide an accurate alternative definition of mass in terms of fundamental constants. *Electricity Division, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Laboratory, Technology Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. Contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, not subject to copyright in the U.S.

  10. Some aspects of preparation and testing of group constants group constant system ABBN-90

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikolaev, M.N.; Tsiboulia, A.M.; Manturov, G.N.


    This paper presents an overview of activities performed to prepare and test the group constants ABBN-90. The ABBN-90 set is designed for application calculations of fast, intermediate and thermal nuclear reactors. The calculations of subgroup parameters are discussed. The processing code system GRUCON is mentioned in comparison to the NJOY code system. Proposals are made for future activities. (author). Figs, tabs

  11. Coupling constants (Tdn) and (Td*n) for local potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Belyaev, V.B.; Irgaziev, B.F.; Orlov, Yu.V.


    The coupling constants (Tdn) and (Td*n) are found solving the Faddeev equations with local potentials. It is shown that the polinomial extrapolation of the wave function to the nonphysical region of the variable Q 2 turns not to be sure for determination of the coupling constants

  12. Brane world perspective on the cosmological constant and the hierarchy problems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Flanagan, Eanna; Jones, Nicholas; Stoica, Horace; Tye, S.-H. Henry; Wasserman, Ira


    We elaborate on the recently proposed static brane world scenario, where the effective 4D cosmological constant is exponentially small when parallel 3-branes are far apart. We extend this result to a compactified model with two positive tension branes. In addition to an exponentially small effective 4D cosmological constant, this model incorporates a Randall-Sundrum-like solution to the hierarchy problem. Furthermore, the exponential factors for the hierarchy problem and the cosmological constant problem obey an inequality that is satisfied in nature. This inequality implies that the cosmological constant problem can be explained if the hierarchy problem is understood. The basic idea generalizes to the multibrane world scenario. We discuss models with piecewise adjustable bulk cosmological constants (to be determined by the 5-dimensional Einstein equation), a key element of the scenario. We also discuss the global structure of this scenario and clarify the physical properties of the particle (Rindler) horizons that are present. Finally, we derive a 4D effective theory in which all observers on all branes not separated by particle horizons measure the same Newton's constant and 4D cosmological constant

  13. A constant gradient planar accelerating structure for linac use

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Y.W.; Matthews, P.J.; Kustom, R.L.


    Planar accelerating millimeter-wave structures have been studied during the last few years at Argonne National Laboratory in collaboration with Technical University of Berlin. The cavity structures are intended to be manufactured by using x-ray lithography microfabrication technology. A complete structure consists of two identical planar half structures put together face-to-face. Since microfabrication technology can make a since-depth indentation on a planar substrate, realizing the constant impedance structure was possible but a constant gradient structure was difficult; changing the group velocity along the structure while maintaining the gap and the depth of the indentation constant was difficult. A constant gradient structure has been devised by introducing a cut between the adjacent cavity cells along the beam axis of each half structure. The width of the cut is varied along the longitudinal axis of the structure to have proper coupling between the cells. The result of the computer simulation on such structures is shown

  14. The holographic dictionary for Beta functions of multi-trace coupling constants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aharony, Ofer [Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics,Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001 (Israel); Gur-Ari, Guy [Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics,Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001 (Israel); Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 (United States); Klinghoffer, Nizan [Department of Particle Physics and Astrophysics,Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001 (Israel)


    Field theories with weakly coupled holographic duals, such as large N gauge theories, have a natural separation of their operators into ‘single-trace operators’ (dual to single-particle states) and ‘multi-trace operators’ (dual to multi-particle states). There are examples of large N gauge theories where the beta functions of single-trace coupling constants all vanish, but marginal multi-trace coupling constants have non-vanishing beta functions that spoil conformal invariance (even when all multi-trace coupling constants vanish). The holographic dual of such theories should be a classical solution in anti-de Sitter space, in which the boundary conditions that correspond to the multi-trace coupling constants depend on the cutoff scale, in a way that spoils conformal invariance. We argue that this is realized through specific bulk coupling constants that lead to a running of the multi-trace coupling constants. This fills a missing entry in the holographic dictionary.

  15. X-Ray Elastic Constants for Cubic Materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malen, K.


    The stress-strain relation to be used in X-ray stress measurements in anisotropic texture-free media is studied. The method for evaluation of appropriate elastic constants for a cubic medium is described. Some illustrative numerical examples have been worked out including line broadening due to elastic anisotropy. The elastic stress and strain compatibility at grain boundaries is taken into account using Kroner's method. These elastic constants obviously only apply when no internal stresses due to plastic deformation are present. The case of reorientation of free interstitials in the stress field can be taken into account

  16. X-Ray Elastic Constants for Cubic Materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Malen, K.


    The stress-strain relation to be used in X-ray stress measurements in anisotropic texture-free media is studied. The method for evaluation of appropriate elastic constants for a cubic medium is described. Some illustrative numerical examples have been worked out including line broadening due to elastic anisotropy. The elastic stress and strain compatibility at grain boundaries is taken into account using Kroner's method. These elastic constants obviously only apply when no internal stresses due to plastic deformation are present. The case of reorientation of free interstitials in the stress field can be taken into account

  17. X-Ray Elastic Constants for Cubic Materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malen, K


    The stress-strain relation to be used in X-ray stress measurements in anisotropic texture-free media is studied. The method for evaluation of appropriate elastic constants for a cubic medium is described. Some illustrative numerical examples have been worked out including line broadening due to elastic anisotropy. The elastic stress and strain compatibility at grain boundaries is taken into account using Kroner's method. These elastic constants obviously only apply when no internal stresses due to plastic deformation are present. The case of reorientation of free interstitials in the stress field can be taken into account

  18. Benjamin Constant. Libertad, democracia y pluralismo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Patricia Fonnegra Osorio


    Full Text Available A partir de un enfoque interpretativo, en este artículo se aborda por qué para Benjamin Constant la democracia solo puede darse en donde se presenta una relación necesaria entre la libertad entendida como defensa de los derechos individuales -libertad como independencia o negativa- y la libertad concebida como principio de la participación pública -libertad como autonomía o positiva-. Asimismo, se presenta la importancia que atribuye el autor a las tradiciones que dan vida a la configuración del universo cultural de un pueblo. Se concluye que en la obra de Constant se encuentra una clara defensa del Estado de derecho y del pluralismo, la cual puede iluminar la comprensión de los problemas políticos de la contemporaneidad.

  19. Pricing constant maturity credit default swaps under jumo dynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Jönsson, H.; Schoutens, W.


    In this paper we discuss the pricing of Constant Maturity Credit Default Swaps (CMCDS) under single sided jump models. The CMCDS offers default protection in exchange for a floating premium which is periodically reset and indexed to the market spread on a CDS with constant maturity tenor written on

  20. Universal relation between spectroscopic constants

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    (3) The author has used eq. (6) of his paper to calculate De. This relation leads to a large deviation from the correct value depending upon the extent to which experimental values are known. Guided by this fact, in our work, we used experimentally observed De values to derive the relation between spectroscopic constants.

  1. Constant mortality and fertility over age in Hydra

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schaible, R.; Scheuerlein, A.; Danko, M. J.


    that 2,256 Hydra from two closely related species in two laboratories in 12 cohorts, with cohort age ranging from 0 to more than 41 y, have extremely low, constant rates of mortality. Fertility rates for Hydra did not systematically decline with advancing age. This falsifies the universality......Senescence, the increase in mortality and decline in fertility with age after maturity, was thought to be inevitable for all multicellular species capable of repeated breeding. Recent theoretical advances and compilations of data suggest that mortality and fertility trajectories can go up or down......, or remain constant with age, but the data are scanty and problematic. Here, we present compelling evidence for constant age-specific death and reproduction rates in Hydra, a basal metazoan, in a set of experiments comprising more than 3.9 million days of observations of individual Hydra. Our data show...

  2. GRUCAL: a program system for the calculation of macroscopic group constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woll, D.


    Nuclear reactor calculations require material- and composition-dependent, energy-averaged neutron physical data in order to decribe the interaction between neutrons and isotopes. The multigroup cross section code GRUCAL calculates these macroscopic group constants for given material compositions from the material-dependent data of the group constant library GRUBA. The instructions for calculating group constants are not fixed in the program, but are read in from an instruction file. This makes it possible to adapt GRUCAL to various problems or different group constant concepts

  3. On time variation of fundamental constants in superstring theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maeda, K.I.


    Assuming the action from the string theory and taking into account the dynamical freedom of a dilaton and its coupling to matter fluid, the authors show that fundamental 'constants' in string theories are independent of the 'radius' of the internal space. Since the scalar related to the 'constants' is coupled to the 4-dimensional gravity and matter fluid in the same way as in the Jordan-Brans Dicke theory with ω = -1, it must be massive and can get a mass easily through some symmetry breaking mechanism (e.g. the SUSY breaking due to a gluino condensation). Consequently, time variation of fundamental constants is too small to be observed

  4. Direct battery-driven solar LED lighting using constant-power control

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Bin-Juine


    A direct battery-driven LED lighting technique using constant-power control is proposed in the present study. A system dynamics model of LED luminaire was derived and used in the design of the feedback constant-power control system. The test result has shown that the power of 18. W and 100. W LED luminaires can be controlled accurately with error at 2-5%. A solar LED street lighting system using constant-power and dimming control was designed and built for field test in a remote area. The long-term performance was satisfactory and no any failure since the installation. Since no high-power capacitor is used in the present constant-power control circuit, a longer lifetime is expected. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

  5. Long-range carbon-proton spin-spin coupling constants in conformational analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spoormaker, T.


    The author has collected a reliable set of data on long range 13 C- 1 H coupling constants in aliphatic compounds and developed the use of long range 13 C- 1 H coupling constants as a tool in the conformational analysis of aliphatic compounds. An empirical determination of the torsion angle dependence of the vicinal 13 C- 1 H coupling constant for model compounds is described and the dependence of long range 13 C- 1 H coupling constants on the electronegativity of substituents attached to the coupling pathway reported for the monohalogen substituted ethanes and propanes. The electronegativity dependence of the vicinal 13 C- 1 H coupling was studied in monosubstituted propanes whose substituents are elements from the first row of the periodic table and it is shown that the vicinal 13 C- 1 H coupling constant in aliphatic systems is a constitutive property. The geminal 13 C- 1 H coupling constants in ethyl, isopropyl and tert-butyl compounds, which have been substituted by an element of the first row of the periodic table or a haline atom, are reported and the influence of electronegative substituents on the vicinal 13 C- 1 H coupling constants in the individual rotamers of 13 CH 3 -C(X)H-C(Y)H- 1 H fragments discussed. The application of long range 13 C- 1 H coupling constants to the conformational analysis of CMP-N-Acetylneuraminic acid and 2,6-dichloro-1,4-oxathiane is described. (Auth.)

  6. Using Constant Time Delay to Teach Braille Word Recognition (United States)

    Hooper, Jonathan; Ivy, Sarah; Hatton, Deborah


    Introduction: Constant time delay has been identified as an evidence-based practice to teach print sight words and picture recognition (Browder, Ahlbrim-Delzell, Spooner, Mims, & Baker, 2009). For the study presented here, we tested the effectiveness of constant time delay to teach new braille words. Methods: A single-subject multiple baseline…

  7. Temperature dependence of grain boundary free energy and elastic constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Foiles, Stephen M.


    This work explores the suggestion that the temperature dependence of the grain boundary free energy can be estimated from the temperature dependence of the elastic constants. The temperature-dependent elastic constants and free energy of a symmetric Σ79 tilt boundary are computed for an embedded atom method model of Ni. The grain boundary free energy scales with the product of the shear modulus times the lattice constant for temperatures up to about 0.75 the melting temperature.

  8. Is the sun constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Blake, J.B.; Dearborn, D.S.P.


    Small fluctuations in the solar constant can occur on timescales much shorter than the Kelvin time. Changes in the ability of convection to transmit energy through the superadiabatic and transition regions of the convection zone cause structure adjustments which can occur on a time scale of days. The bulk of the convection zone reacts to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium (though not thermal equilibrium) and causes a luminosity change. While small radius variations will occur, most of the change will be seen in temperature

  9. CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 2002

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohr, Peter J.; Taylor, Barry N.


    This paper gives the 2002 self-consistent set of values of the basic constants and conversion factors of physics and chemistry recommended by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) for international use. Further, it describes in detail the adjustment of the values of the subset of constants on which the complete 2002 set of recommended values is based. Two noteworthy additions in the 2002 adjustment are recommended values for the bound-state rms charge radii of the proton and deuteron and tests of the exactness of the Josephson and quantum-Hall-effect relations K J =2e/h and R K =h/e 2 , where K J and R K are the Josephson and von Klitzing constants, respectively, e is the elementary charge, and h is the Planck constant. The 2002 set replaces the previously recommended 1998 CODATA set. The 2002 adjustment takes into account the data considered in the 1998 adjustment as well as the data that became available between 31 December 1998, the closing date of that adjustment, and 31 December 2002, the closing date of the new adjustment. The differences between the 2002 and 1998 recommended values compared to the uncertainties of the latter are generally not unreasonable. The new CODATA set of recommended values may also be found on the World Wide Web at

  10. Constant Width Planar Computation Characterizes ACC0

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, K.A.


    We obtain a characterization of ACC 0 in terms of a natural class of constant width circuits, namely in terms of constant width polynomial size planar circuits. This is shown via a characterization of the class of acyclic digraphs which can be embedded on a cylinder surface in such a way that all...

  11. Background Independent Open String Field Theory and Constant B-Field


    Nemeschansky, D.; Yasnov, V.


    We calculate the background independent action for bosonic and supersymmetric open string field theory in a constant B-field. We also determine the tachyon effective action in the presence of constant B-field.

  12. Translation of selected papers published in Nuclear Constants 5(59), 1984

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The papers selected for this issue of the publication deal with the following topics: The Neutron Physics Constants Bank of the I.V. Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy - its structure and contents such as libraries, programs and data preparation codes for reactor calculations. A new version of the unified constant system package (called OKS) has been developed for access to constant systems, such as ARAMAKO-2F, in calculating radiation transport. Input language and performance are described. The group neutron data library GNDL is described in terms of structure, organization and basic data representation formats. The ARMAN'YAK code is described. Its calculation time, special features, and present state are briefly mentioned. Use of the code (for the preparation of constants for calculations and for compiling a library of files of nuclear concentrations) is indicated. A library of neutron data for calculating group constants - the FOND library - is described. The computerized library includes data on the 67 most important nuclear reactor and radiation shielding materials. Under the title ''The INDEhkS program and machine system'' a set of programs for the comparative analysis of calculated and experimental data from integral and macroscopic experiments is presented. The present status of the ARAMAKO multigroup constant calculation system for solving neutron and gamma quantum transport equations is reviewed. A method and a program for automatic preparation of few-group constants for reactor calculations in three-dimensional hexagonal geometry is proposed. A program (GRUKON) for calculating group constants on the basis of libraries of evaluated neutron data is presented. Evaluation of the methodical error in 26-group approximation is discussed. The accuracy of calculation of linear and bilinear functionals using a 26-group approximation is evaluated. A description is given of a five-group system of constants along with a status report on its development

  13. Behaviour of coupling constants at high temperature in supersymmetric theories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Swee Ping Chia.


    An analysis is presented of the temperature dependence of the coupling constants using the improved one-loop approximation in the Wess-Zumino model and the supersymmetric O(N) model. It is found that all the coupling constants, both bosonic (Φ 4 type) and Yukawa, approach constant nonzero values as T→∞. The asymptotic values of the bosonic couplings are slightly smaller than the corresponding zero-temperature values, and those of the Yukawa couplings are the same as the zero-temperature values. (author)

  14. A study of group constant generation method in fast reactor analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takano, Hideki


    The methods of generating group constants have been studied to predict accurately the nuclear characteristics of fast reactors. In resonance energy region, the accuracy of the group constants was investigated, which were calculated by the approximate weighting spectrum used for a conventional standards group constant set such as ABBN. It was shown that the basic assumption of constant collision density for group constant calculation was not always satisfactory. Moreover, a multilevel formula was derived without losing the useful characteristics of the Breit-Wigner single level formula. Using this formula, the interference effect between resonances was examined. In addition, the mutual interference between different resonant nuclides was calculated. The cause of a systematic dependence of effective multiplication factors on U-238 concentration ratio was studied, and the cross section adjustment was performed. In the unresolved resonance region, the average resonance parameters were searched. As a result, the JFS-2 set was generated, and several studies were performed to advance the concept of the group constant set JFS-2. (Kako, I.)

  15. Determination of the π3He3H coupling constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nichitiu, F.; Sapozhnikov, M.G.


    Despersion relations for the real part of the antisymmetric amplitude of the π +-3 He scattering have been used in order to determine the π 3 He 3 H coupling constant. The coupling constant value determined by this method is larger than the elementary pion-nucleon coupling constant, but is in good agreement with the value obtained by another method. The obtained value is f 2 sub(π 3 He 3 H) = 0.12+-0.01. Shown is the importance of using the Coulomb corrections for dispersion relation calculations because the value of π 3 He 3 H coupling constant obtained with corrected total cross sections is larger by about 0.014 than the one obtained without these corrections. The best energy ranges for future π 3 He experiments are commented

  16. Implications of the Cosmological Constant for Spherically Symmetric Mass Distributions (United States)

    Zubairi, Omair; Weber, Fridolin


    In recent years, scientists have made the discovery that the expansion rate of the Universe is increasing rather than decreasing. This acceleration leads to an additional term in Albert Einstein's field equations which describe general relativity and is known as the cosmological constant. This work explores the aftermath of a non-vanishing cosmological constant for relativistic spherically symmetric mass distributions, which are susceptible to change against Einstein's field equations. We introduce a stellar structure equation known as the Tolman-Oppenhiemer-Volkoff (TOV) equation modified for a cosmological constant, which is derived from Einstein's modified field equations. We solve this modified TOV equation for these spherically symmetric mass distributions and obtain stellar properties such as mass and radius and investigate changes that may occur depending on the value of the cosmological constant.

  17. An adaptive-binning method for generating constant-uncertainty/constant-significance light curves with Fermi-LAT data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lott, B.; Escande, L.; Larsson, S.; Ballet, J.


    Here, we present a method enabling the creation of constant-uncertainty/constant-significance light curves with the data of the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT). The adaptive-binning method enables more information to be encapsulated within the light curve than with the fixed-binning method. Although primarily developed for blazar studies, it can be applied to any sources. Furthermore, this method allows the starting and ending times of each interval to be calculated in a simple and quick way during a first step. The reported mean flux and spectral index (assuming the spectrum is a power-law distribution) in the interval are calculated via the standard LAT analysis during a second step. In the absence of major caveats associated with this method Monte-Carlo simulations have been established. We present the performance of this method in determining duty cycles as well as power-density spectra relative to the traditional fixed-binning method.

  18. Canonoid transformations and constants of motion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Negri, L.J.; Oliveira, L.C.; Teixeira, J.M.


    The necessary and sufficient conditions for a canonoid transformation with respect to a given Hamiltonian are obtained in terms of the Lagrange brackets of the trasformation. The relation of these conditions with the constants of motion is discussed. (Author) [pt

  19. Constant force linear permanent magnet actuators

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Paulides, J.J.H.; Encica, L.; Meessen, K.J.; Lomonova, E.A.


    In applications, such as vibration isolation, gravity compensation, pick-and-place machines, etc., there is a need for (long-stroke) passive constant force actuators combined with tubular permanent magnet actuators to minimize the power consumption, hence, passively counteract the gravitational

  20. Theory of the change of elastic constants by interstitials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Breuer, N.; Dederichs, P.H.; Lehmann, C.; Leibfried, G.; Scholz, A.


    The theory of the change of elastic constants by point-defects, in particular by interstitials, is briefly summarized. The typical effects of spring changes in a defect lattice on the elastic data are discussed qualitatively. Numerical results for the change of elastic constants by self-interstitials and vacancies are given and compared with experimental data for Cu and Al

  1. Selected hydraulic test analysis techniques for constant-rate discharge tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spane, F.A. Jr.


    The constant-rate discharge test is the principal field method used in hydrogeologic investigations for characterizing the hydraulic properties of aquifers. To implement this test, the aquifer is stressed by withdrawing ground water from a well, by using a downhole pump. Discharge during the withdrawal period is regulated and maintained at a constant rate. Water-level response within the well is monitored during the active pumping phase (i.e., drawdown) and during the subsequent recovery phase following termination of pumping. The analysis of drawdown and recovery response within the stress well (and any monitored, nearby observation wells) provides a means for estimating the hydraulic properties of the tested aquifer, as well as discerning formational and nonformational flow conditions (e.g., wellbore storage, wellbore damage, presence of boundaries, etc.). Standard analytical methods that are used for constant-rate pumping tests include both log-log type-curve matching and semi-log straight-line methods. This report presents a current ''state of the art'' review of selected transient analysis procedures for constant-rate discharge tests. Specific topics examined include: analytical methods for constant-rate discharge tests conducted within confined and unconfined aquifers; effects of various nonideal formation factors (e.g., anisotropy, hydrologic boundaries) and well construction conditions (e.g., partial penetration, wellbore storage) on constant-rate test response; and the use of pressure derivatives in diagnostic analysis for the identification of specific formation, well construction, and boundary conditions

  2. 2006. aasta arhitektuurikonkursid / Karen Jagodin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jagodin, Karen, 1982-


    Toodud ka 2006. a. konkursside tulemused: Eesti Rahva Muuseumi uus hoone, Tartu Ida t. lastead, Kiviõli linnaväljak, Tartu Lutsu t. korterelamu fassaadilahendus, Paide spordihall, Pärnu piirivalvekordoni hoone, Tartu Rebase t. kortermajade kompleks, Viljandi Maagümnaasiumi juurdeehitus, Veneetsia X arhitektuuribiennaali Eesti kuraatorinäitus, betoonehitis 2005, Estonia Seltsi vana teatrimaja asukoha tähistamine, TTÜ uus raamatukogu, Maakri kvartali arhitektuurikonkursi I etapp, Viljandi Uku t. 1A Lidli kauplusehoone ja südalinna kvartali detailplaneering, Pärnu jõeäärse keskuse ideeplaneering, Karksi-Nuia keskväljak ja roheala, terasehitis 2006, Edela-Eesti loodus- ja keskkonnahariduskeskuse ehk ökomaja eskiisprojekt, puitehitis 2006

  3. Computing the Gromov hyperbolicity constant of a discrete metric space

    KAUST Repository

    Ismail, Anas


    , and many other areas of research. The Gromov hyperbolicity constant of several families of graphs and geometric spaces has been determined. However, so far, the only known algorithm for calculating the Gromov hyperbolicity constant δ of a discrete metric

  4. Cosmological constant in the quantum multiverse

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Larsen, Grant; Nomura, Yasunori; Roberts, Hannes L. L.


    Recently, a new framework for describing the multiverse has been proposed which is based on the principles of quantum mechanics. The framework allows for well-defined predictions, both regarding global properties of the universe and outcomes of particular experiments, according to a single probability formula. This provides complete unification of the eternally inflating multiverse and many worlds in quantum mechanics. In this paper, we elucidate how cosmological parameters can be calculated in this framework, and study the probability distribution for the value of the cosmological constant. We consider both positive and negative values, and find that the observed value is consistent with the calculated distribution at an order of magnitude level. In particular, in contrast to the case of earlier measure proposals, our framework prefers a positive cosmological constant over a negative one. These results depend only moderately on how we model galaxy formation and life evolution therein.

  5. Linearized stability analysis of thin-shell wormholes with a cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobo, Francisco S N; Crawford, Paulo


    Spherically symmetric thin-shell wormholes in the presence of a cosmological constant are constructed applying the cut-and-paste technique implemented by Visser. Using the Darmois-Israel formalism the surface stresses, which are concentrated at the wormhole throat, are determined. This construction allows us to apply a dynamical analysis to the throat, considering linearized radial perturbations around static solutions. For a large positive cosmological constant, i.e., for the Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution, the region of stability is significantly increased, relatively to the null cosmological constant case, analysed by Poisson and Visser. With a negative cosmological constant, i.e., the Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter solution, the region of stability is decreased. In particular, considering static solutions with a generic cosmological constant, the weak and dominant energy conditions are violated, while for a 0 ≤ 3M the null and strong energy conditions are satisfied. The surface pressure of the static solution is strictly positive for the Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-anti de Sitter spacetimes, but takes negative values, assuming a surface tension in the Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution, for high values of the cosmological constant and the wormhole throat radius

  6. The inconstant solar constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Willson, R.C.; Hudson, H.


    The Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM) of the Solar Maximum Mission satellite measures the radiant power emitted by the sun in the direction of the earth and has worked flawlessly since 1980. The main motivation for ACRIM's use to measure the solar constant is the determination of the extent to which this quantity's variations affect earth weather and climate. Data from the solar minimum of 1986-1987 is eagerly anticipated, with a view to the possible presence of a solar cycle variation in addition to that caused directly by sunspots

  7. Low-temperature monocrystal elastic constants of Fe-19Cr-10Ni

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ledbetter, H.M.


    By a pulse-echo-overlap ultrasonic method, we determined the monocrystal elastic constants (C 11 , C 12 , C 44 ) of an Fe-19Cr-10Ni alloy between 295 and 4 K. In composition this laboratory alloy approximates a technological austenitic stainless steel: AISI 304. Many previous studies on polycrystalline steels found a low-temperature magnetic phase transition that affects physical properties, including elastic constants. At the transition, anomalies occur in all polycrystal elastic constants: Young's modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus, and Poisson's ratio. The present study found that the transition, near 50 K, does not affect one monocrystal elastic constant: C 44 , the resistance to shear on a (100) plane in a [100]-type direction. We interpret this new observation from the viewpoint of a Born-type lattice model. Also, we comment about the relationship between the elastic-constant changes and the low-temperature magnetic state

  8. Coupler tuning for constant gradient travelling wave accelerating structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Xingkun; Ma Yanyun; Wang Xiulong


    The method of the coupler tuning for the constant gradient traveling wave accelerating structure was described and the formula of coupling coefficient p was deduced on the basis of analyzing the existing methods for the constant impedance traveling wave accelerating structures and coupling-cavity chain equivalent circuits. The method and formula were validated by the simulation result by CST and experiment data. (authors)

  9. Determination of Henry’s Law Constants Using Internal Standards with Benchmark Values (United States)

    It is shown that Henry’s law constants can be experimentally determined by comparing headspace content of compounds with known constants to interpolate the constants of other compounds. Studies were conducted over a range of water temperatures to identify temperature dependence....

  10. Direct battery-driven solar LED lighting using constant-power control

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Bin-Juine; Chen, Chun-Wei; Hsu, Po-Chien; Tseng, Wei-Min; Wu, Min-Sheng


    A direct battery-driven LED lighting technique using constant-power control is proposed in the present study. A system dynamics model of LED luminaire was derived and used in the design of the feedback constant-power control system. The test result

  11. Weak decay constants of light and heavy pseudoscalar mesons

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barik, N [Physics Department, Utkal Univ., Bhubaneswar (India); Kar, S; Dash, P C [Physics Dept., Prananath College, Khurda (India)


    We investigate the weak leptonic decays of light and heavy pseudoscalar mesons in a relativistic quark model of independent quarks. We perform a static calculation of the decay constant f{sub M} purely on grounds of simplicity. In order to minimize the possible uncertainty in the static calculation, we estimate the ratios of the decay constants which are found to be in good agreement, in the heavy flavor sector, with the predictions of other models available in the literature and existing experimental data. However, there is a noticeable discrepancy in the current prediction for pion decay constant which demonstrates the inherent limitations of the static approximation in the study of non-strange light mesons. (author). 25 refs., 1 fig., 3 tabs.

  12. Uus internetikunsti preemia

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    San Francisco Moodsa Kunsti Muuseum asutas internetikunsti aastapreemia - Webby Price (üle 700000 krooni). Preemiaga kaasneb digitaalse näituse ülesriputamine internetti. Seni suurim rahvusvaheline internetikunsti preemia, austerlaste Prix Ars Electronica läks 2000. a. arvutiprogrammile Linux.

  13. Algab uus kontserdisari

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Meloodilist ekstreem-metal'it viljelevast rootsi ansamblist Soilwork, kontserdist BEM Agency uue kontserdisarja Greenpit raames 20. veebr. Tallinnas klubis Rock CAfé (soojendusesinejaks ansambel Stem)

  14. Uus raamat arhitektuurist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    6. sept. esitleti "Võitlevas Sõnas" arhitektuuribüroo Künnapu & Padrik enda publitseeritud raamatut "Valitud töid/Selected Works", milles on pildiline kui tekstiline info nende loomingust alates 1984. a.

  15. Uus mõtlemine!

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Väljavõtted Pärnu turunduskonverentsi ettekannetest ja sõnavõttudest. Uue mõtlemise üle arutlevad Ola Alvarsson; Andrei Korobeinik; Aune Past; William Higham; Richard Laermer; Amnon Levav, Kristjan Port

  16. Uus Multiphonic Rodent

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tartus tegutsenud eksperimentaal-rock-duo Opium Flirt Eestisse jäänud liige Erki Hõbe (paarimees Ervin Trofimov tegutseb Ungaris) annab välja oma teise sooloalbumi nime all Multiphonic Rodent, heliplaadi "Astral Dance" esitluskontsert toimub 5. veebruaril Tallinnas baaris Juuksur

  17. Automated real time constant-specificity surveillance for disease outbreaks. (United States)

    Wieland, Shannon C; Brownstein, John S; Berger, Bonnie; Mandl, Kenneth D


    For real time surveillance, detection of abnormal disease patterns is based on a difference between patterns observed, and those predicted by models of historical data. The usefulness of outbreak detection strategies depends on their specificity; the false alarm rate affects the interpretation of alarms. We evaluate the specificity of five traditional models: autoregressive, Serfling, trimmed seasonal, wavelet-based, and generalized linear. We apply each to 12 years of emergency department visits for respiratory infection syndromes at a pediatric hospital, finding that the specificity of the five models was almost always a non-constant function of the day of the week, month, and year of the study (p accounting for not only the expected number of visits, but also the variance of the number of visits. The expectation-variance model achieves constant specificity on all three time scales, as well as earlier detection and improved sensitivity compared to traditional methods in most circumstances. Modeling the variance of visit patterns enables real-time detection with known, constant specificity at all times. With constant specificity, public health practitioners can better interpret the alarms and better evaluate the cost-effectiveness of surveillance systems.

  18. Online feedback-controlled renal constant infusion clearances in rats. (United States)

    Schock-Kusch, Daniel; Shulhevich, Yury; Xie, Qing; Hesser, Juergen; Stsepankou, Dzmitry; Neudecker, Sabine; Friedemann, Jochen; Koenig, Stefan; Heinrich, Ralf; Hoecklin, Friederike; Pill, Johannes; Gretz, Norbert


    Constant infusion clearance techniques using exogenous renal markers are considered the gold standard for assessing the glomerular filtration rate. Here we describe a constant infusion clearance method in rats allowing the real-time monitoring of steady-state conditions using an automated closed-loop approach based on the transcutaneous measurement of the renal marker FITC-sinistrin. In order to optimize parameters to reach steady-state conditions as fast as possible, a Matlab-based simulation tool was established. Based on this, a real-time feedback-regulated approach for constant infusion clearance monitoring was developed. This was validated by determining hourly FITC-sinistrin plasma concentrations and the glomerular filtration rate in healthy and unilaterally nephrectomized rats. The transcutaneously assessed FITC-sinistrin fluorescence signal was found to reflect the plasma concentration. Our method allows the precise determination of the onset of steady-state marker concentration. Moreover, the steady state can be monitored and controlled in real time for several hours. This procedure is simple to perform since no urine samples and only one blood sample are required. Thus, we developed a real-time feedback-based system for optimal regulation and monitoring of a constant infusion clearance technique.

  19. Decay constants in soft wall AdS/QCD revisited

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Braga, Nelson R.F., E-mail: [Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68528, RJ 21941-972 (Brazil); Diles, Saulo, E-mail: [Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Caixa Postal 68528, RJ 21941-972 (Brazil); Contreras, M.A. Martin, E-mail: [High Energy Group, Department of Physics, Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1, No 18A-10, Bloque Ip, ZIP 111711, Bogotá (Colombia)


    Phenomenological AdS/QCD models, like hard wall and soft wall, provide hadronic mass spectra in reasonable consistency with experimental and (or) lattice results. These simple models are inspired in the AdS/CFT correspondence and assume that gauge/gravity duality holds in a scenario where conformal invariance is broken through the introduction of an energy scale. Another important property of hadrons: the decay constant, can also be obtained from these models. However, a consistent formulation of an AdS/QCD model that reproduces the observed behavior of decay constants of vector meson excited states is still lacking. In particular: for radially excited states of heavy vector mesons, the experimental data lead to decay constants that decrease with the radial excitation level. We show here that a modified framework of soft wall AdS/QCD involving an additional dimensionfull parameter, associated with an ultraviolet energy scale, provides decay constants decreasing with radial excitation level. In this version of the soft wall model the two point function of gauge theory operators is calculated at a finite position of the anti-de Sitter space radial coordinate.

  20. Diffusional falsification of kinetic constants on Lineweaver-Burk plots. (United States)

    Ghim, Y S; Chang, H N


    The effect of mass transfer resistances on the Lineweaver-Burk plots in immobilized enzyme systems has been investigated numerically and with analytical approximate solutions. While Hamilton, Gardner & Colton (1974) studied the effect of internal diffusion resistances in planar geometry, our study was extended to the combined effect of internal and external diffusion in cylindrical and spherical geometries as well. The variation of Lineweaver-Burk plots with respect to the geometries was minimized by modifying the Thiele modulus and the Biot number with the shape factor. Especially for a small Biot number all the three Lineweaver-Burk plots fell on a single line. As was discussed by Hamilton et al. (1974), the curvature of the line for large external diffusion resistances was small enough to be assumed linear, which was confirmed from the two approximate solutions for large and small substrate concentrations. Two methods for obtaining intrinsic kinetic constants were proposed: First, we obtained both maximum reaction rate and Michaelis constant by fitting experimental data to a straight line where external diffusion resistance was relatively large, and second, we obtained Michaelis constant from apparent Michaelis constant from the figure in case we knew maximum reaction rate a priori.

  1. Analysis of constant-head well tests in nonporous fractured rock

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doe, T.; Remer, J.


    If one compares the results of steady analyses and transient flowrate analyses, the error in assuming steady flow is less than an order of magnitude for reasonable values of storativity, and this error can be minimized through proper choice of radius of influence. Although the steady flow assumptions do not result in large errors in the calculation of permeability, careful design of constant-head well tests can yield not only storativity, but also qualitative information on the areal extent of permeable zones or fractures tested. Constant-head well tests have several major advantages over other well test techniques in low permeability rock. Unlike pump tests, wellbore storage effects are virtually nonexistant. Provided low-flow measurement apparatus is available, constant-level tests are far more rapid than slug tests and, unlike pulse tests, compliance of equipment is not a factor, since the system is maintained at constant pressure throughout the test

  2. The Thickness Dependence of Optical Constants of Ultrathin Iron Films

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gao Shang; Lian Jie; Wang Xiao; Li Ping; Sun Xiao-Fen; Li Qing-Hao


    Ultrathin iron films with different thicknesses from 7.1 to 51.7 nm are deposited by magnetron sputtering and covered by tantalum layers protecting them from being oxidized. These ultrathin iron films are studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and transmittance measurement. An extra tantalum film is deposited under the same sputtering conditions and its optical constants and film thickness are obtained by a combination of ellipsometry and transmission measurement. After introducing these obtained optical constants and film thickness into the tantalum-iron film, the optical constants and film thicknesses of ultrathin iron films with different thicknesses are obtained. The results show that combining ellipsometry and transmission measurement improves the uniqueness of the obtained film thickness. The optical constants of ultrathin iron films depend strongly on film thicknesses. There is a broad absorption peak at about 370 nm and it shifts to 410 nm with film thickness decreasing

  3. Development of constant-power driving control for light-emitting-diode (LED) luminaire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Bin-Juine; Chen, Chun-Wei; Ong, Chin-Dian; Du, Bo-Han; Hsu, Po-Chien


    The illumination of an LED may be affected by operating temperature even under constant-current condition. A constant-power driving technique is proposed in the present study for LED luminaire. A linear system dynamics model of LED luminaire is first derived and used in the design of the feedback control system. The PI controller was designed and tuned taking into account the control accuracy and robust properties with respect to plant uncertainty and variation of operating conditions. The control system was implemented on a microprocessor and used to control a 150W LED luminaire. The test result shows that the feedback system accurately controls the input power of LED luminaire to within 1.3 per cent error. As the ambient temperature changes from 0 to 40 °C, the LED illumination varies slightly (−1.7%) for constant-power driving, as compared to that of constant-current driving (−12%) and constant-voltage driving (+50%). The constant-power driving has revealed advantage in stabilizing the illumination of LED under large temperature variation. - Highlights: ► A constant-power driving technique is proposed for LED luminaire. ► A linear system dynamics model of LED luminaire is used in the control system design. ► The test shows that the feedback system accurately controls the input power. ► The LED illumination varies slightly (−1.7%) for constant-power driving.

  4. Calculation of the Green functions by the coupling constant dispersion relations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bogomalny, E.B.


    The discontinuities of the Green functions on the cut in the complex plane of the coupling constant are calculated by the steepest descent method. The saddle points are given by the solutions of the classical field equations at those values of the coupling constant for which the classical theory has no ground state. The Green functions at the physical values of the coupling constant are determined by dispersion relations. (Auth.)

  5. Elastic constants and internal friction of fiber-reinforced composites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ledbetter, H.M.


    We review recent experimental studies at NBS on the anisotropic elastic constants and internal friction of fiber-reinforced composites. Materials that were studied include: boron-aluminum, boron-epoxy, graphite-epoxy, glass-epoxy, and aramid-epoxy. In all cases, elastic-constant direction dependence could be described by relationships developed for single crystals of homogeneous materials. Elastic stiffness and internal friction were found to vary inversely

  6. Estimation of effective elastic constants for grid plate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shibanuma, Kiyoshi; Kuriyama, Masaaki; Okumura, Yoshikazu


    This article contains a method of estimation for the effective elastic constants of a grid plate, which is a flat perforated plate with pipes for cooling. The elastic constants of the grid plate are formulated for two symmetric axes. In the case of using OFCu(E 0 = 12500 kg/mm 2 , ν 0 = 0.34) as the material of the grid, the results are given as follows. E sub(L) = 3180 kg/mm 2 , E sub(T) = 3860 kg/mm 2 upsilon sub(LT) = 0.12, upsilon sub(TL) = 0.15 (author)

  7. Effective cosmological constant within the expanding axion universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pierpoint, M.P., E-mail:; Kusmartsev, F.V., E-mail:


    We show that the value of an effective cosmological constant, Λ{sub eff}, is influenced by the dimensionality of the space. Results were obtained in the framework of the axion model describing expansion of the inhomogeneous universe. Λ{sub eff} determines the tension of the space (i.e. elasticity), and is relaxed when extra dimensions are accessible. We demonstrate that the effective value of the cosmological constant may be tuned to be consistent with experimental observation. Inhomogeneities considered are representative of temperature fluctuations observed within the cosmic microwave background radiation.

  8. Personalización de las constantes en las fórmulas de cálculo de la lente intraocular Personalization of constants in the intraocular lens calculation formulas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anneé Miranda Carracedo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: personalizar las constantes A, factor cirujano y profundidad de la cámara anterior para las fórmulas de cálculo de la lente intraocular en la cirugía de catarata en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" de mayo de 2007 a enero de 2011. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo donde se estudiaron las constantes A, factor cirujano y profundidad de la cámara anterior. También se evaluó la longitud axial preoperatoria por IOL Master, la mejor agudeza visual sin corrección, el componente esférico esperado, el componente esférico obtenido y los resultados refractivos. Resultados: las constantes optimizadas por interferometría de coherencia parcial son diferentes a las propuestas por los fabricantes de las lentes intraoculares. Estas constantes personalizadas para cada cirujano no mostraron diferencias significativas. Las constantes optimizadas según las longitudes axiales, tienen diferencias significativas en los 3 grupos de estudio. La diferencia entre la lente intraocular implantada y la propuesta con las nuevas constantes resultó menor de 1 D de error en 83,1 % de los pacientes. El 75,4 % quedó bien corregido en relación con la diferencia entre la refracción esperada y la obtenida. Conclusiones: las constantes optimizadas por interferometría de coherencia parcial resultan más elevadas que las propuestas por el fabricante. La optimización de estas en el cálculo de la lente permite, de acuerdo a las características individuales de cada ojo (longitud axial, usar la fórmula adecuada e incrementa la predictibilidad de los resultados refractivos posoperatorios.Objective: to personalize the A, surgeon factor and anterior chamber depth constants for intraocular lens calculation formulas in the cataract surgery at the “Ramón Pando Ferrer” Cuban Ophthalmological Institute from May 2007 to January 2011. Method: a retrospective and descriptive study was made to study the A constant

  9. Identifying and eliminating the problem with Einstein's cosmological constant (United States)

    Myers, Zachary


    The cosmological constant, L, was first introduced into Einstein's field equations in the early 20 th century. It was introduced as a quantity of outward-pushing energy in space that would counteract the contracting force of gravity thereby keeping the universe in a balanced and static state. Einstein willingly removed it once the universe was observed to be dynamic rather than static. However, as the decades have gone by, L has maintained its supporters and has continually been reintroduced to solve problems in cosmology. Presently, there is good reason to believe that L or something like it is indeed present in our universe. In the 1960s, in an effort to provide a physical basis for L, particle physicists turned to quantum vacuum energy and have since estimated a value for L to be ~ 10 110 erg/cm 3 , which happens to be significantly greater than its observationally constrained value of ~ 10 10 erg/cm 3 . This discrepancy of 120 orders of magnitude has come to be known as the cosmological constant problem. Any effort to resolve the inconsistency must also account for the various observations we attribute to L, such as cosmic inflation and cosmic acceleration. To date, there are two basic approaches to resolving the cosmological constant problem that we may call the Identity approach and the Eliminativist approach. The Identity approach entails that vacuum energy is responsible for all the relevant observations and the problem is to be solved by some cancellation mechanism within the internal components of the vacuum. The Eliminativist approach explicitly rejects the reality and cosmological efficacy of vacuum energy, seeks alternative explanations for the observations and eliminates the cosmological constant problem by eliminating the cosmological constant. The benefit of having a crisis between these two views at this particular stage in cosmology's history is that they can be tested against each other in an experimental situation. Whatever the outcome of the

  10. Large numbers hypothesis. IV - The cosmological constant and quantum physics (United States)

    Adams, P. J.


    In standard physics quantum field theory is based on a flat vacuum space-time. This quantum field theory predicts a nonzero cosmological constant. Hence the gravitational field equations do not admit a flat vacuum space-time. This dilemma is resolved using the units covariant gravitational field equations. This paper shows that the field equations admit a flat vacuum space-time with nonzero cosmological constant if and only if the canonical LNH is valid. This allows an interpretation of the LNH phenomena in terms of a time-dependent vacuum state. If this is correct then the cosmological constant must be positive.

  11. Kas Margaret Thatcher oli ikka naine? / Kadi Viik ; interv. Kalev Kesküla, Harry Liivrand, Margit Tõnson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Viik, Kadi


    Sotsiaalministeeriumi soolise võrdõiguslikkuse osakonna juhataja Kadi Viik korraldab rahvusvahelise konverentsi "New Masculinity Tallinn 2005" (Uus mehelikkus). Lisaks nimekiri: Eesti nais(kultuuri)juhte

  12. Turunduse tulevik on integratsioon / Mark Ritson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ritson, Mark


    Integreeritud turunduskommunikatsioon (IMC - Integrated Marketing Communications) kui uus turundusmeetod. Tabel ja skeem: sobilikud piirkonnad erinevate IMC tööriistade jaoks; tarbija otsustamise õpikumudel

  13. Битва с гигантами

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    SDE uus esimees Jüri Pihl teatas, et sotsiaaldemokraatidel on alternatiiv seni valitsenud neoliberaalsele ideoloogiale, Pihli vastasseis hakkab Reformierakonnaga olema hoopis teistsugune kui Keskerakonnaga

  14. Internetikunsti jätkuv tulemine / Meelis Kaldalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldalu, Meelis


    Internetikunst (veebikunst, interaktiivne kunst, võrgukunst, netikunst, - loominguline tegevus, mis peab Internetti oma auditooriumiks. Manifestid. Internetikunst ja reaalsuse populaarsus, uus meedia. Internetiaadressid

  15. Articles translated from journal Yadernye Konstanty (Nuclear Constants). Series: Nuclear Constants, Issue No. 2, 1999

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report contains translations of eleven papers published in the Nuclear Constants journal (Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki I Teknniki, seriya: Yadernye Konstanty (YK), vypusk 2, 1999). They are marked as ''Translated from Russian''. Four original papers published in YK in English are included with correction of found misprints and small format changes. As a result the report contains all papers presented in YK, 2 (1999). (author)

  16. Articles translated from Journal Yadernye Konstanty (Nuclear Constants). Series: Nuclear Constants, Issue No. 1, 2001

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report contains translations of eight papers published in the Nuclear Constants journal (Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki I Teknniki, seriya: Yadernye Konstanty (YK), vypusk 1, 2001). They are marked as 'Translated from Russian'. Six original papers published in YK in English are included with correction of found misprints and small format changes. As a result the report contains all papers presented in YK, 1 (2001). (author)

  17. Articles translated from Journal Yadernye Konstanty (Nuclear Constants). Series: Nuclear Constants, Issue No. 2, 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This report contains translations of five papers published in the Nuclear Constants journal (Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki I Teknniki, seriya: Yadernye Konstanty (YK), vypusk 2, 2000). They are marked as 'Translated from Russian'. Two original papers published in YK in English are included with correction of found misprints and small format changes. As a result, the report contains all papers presented in YK, 2 (2000). (author)

  18. Articles translated from Journal Yadernye Konstanty (Nuclear Constants). Series: Nuclear Constants, Issue No. 1, 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report contains translations of seven papers published in the Nuclear Constants journal (Voprosy Atomnoj Nauki I Teknniki, seriya: Yadernye Konstanty (YK), vypusk 1, 2000). They are marked as 'Translated from Russian'. Two original papers published in YK in English are included with correction of found misprints and small format changes. As a result the report contains all papers presented in YK, 1 (2000). (author)

  19. Advances in constant-velocity Moessbauer instrumentation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veiga, A.; Martinez, N.; Zelis, P. Mendoza; Pasquevich, G. A.; Sanchez, F. H.


    A prototype of a programmable constant-velocity scaler is presented. This instrument allows the acquisition of partial Moessbauer spectra in selected energy regions using standard drivers and transducers. It can be fully operated by a remote application, thus data acquisition can be automated. The instrument consists of a programmable counter and a constant-velocity reference. The reference waveform generator is amplitude modulated with 13-bit resolution, and is programmable in a wide range of frequencies and waveforms in order to optimize the performance of the transducer. The counter is compatible with most standard SCA, and is configured as a rate-meter that provides counts per selectable time slice at the programmed velocity. As a demonstration of the instrument applications, a partial Moessbauer spectrum of a natural iron foil was taken. Only positive energies were studied in 512 channels, accumulating 20 s per channel. A line width of 0.20 mm/s was achieved, performing with an efficiency of 80%.

  20. Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer universal constants generalized

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazaimeh, A.H.


    Weak- and moderate-coupling BCS superconductivity theory is shown to admit a more general T c formula, wherein T c approaches zero somewhat faster than with the familiar BCS T c -formula. This theory leads to a departure from the universal behavior of the gap-to-T c ratio and is consistent with some recent empirical values for exotic superconductors. This ratio is smaller than the universal BCS value of 3.53 in a way which is consistent with weak electron-boson coupling. Similarly, other universal constants related to specific heat and critical magnetic field are modified. In this dissertation, The author investigates the latter constants for weak-coupling and moderate-coupling and carry out detailed comparisons with experimental data for the cuprates and with the corresponding predictions of strong-coupling theory. This effort is to elucidate the nature of these superconductors with regards to coupling strength within an electron-boson mechanism

  1. Lepton Collider Operation with Constant Currents

    CERN Document Server

    Wienands, Ulrich


    Traditionally, electron-positron colliders have been operating in a top-off-and-coast fashion with a cycle time depending on the beam life time, typically on the order of an hour. Each top-off involves ramping detector systems in addition to the actual filling time. The loss in accumulated luminosity is typically 20-50%. During the last year, both B-Factories have commissioned a continuous-injection mode of operation in which beam is injected without ramping the detector, thus raising luminosity integration by constant operation at peak luminosity. Constant beam currents reduce thermal drift and trips caused by change in beam loading. To achieve this level of operation, special efforts were made to reduce the injection losses and also to implement special gating procedures in the detectors, minimizing dead time. Bunch-injection control decides which bunch to inject into next while maintaining small charge variation between bunches. Beam collimation can reduce injection noise but also cause an increase in back...

  2. Computerized data base of the fundamental constants of nature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Henry, E.A.; Hampel, V.E.


    Fifty-seven fundamental constants of nature were computerized from the up-to-date evaluations of E. R. Cohen and B. N. Taylor. The constants are annotated with regard to symbol, value, uncertainty, and scaling factor. This computerization is part of the scientific data base project of the Information Research Group at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. The MASTER CONTROL data base management system is used. The computerized fundamental constants can be requested from the ERDA Computer Program Exchange and Information Center of the Argonne National Laboratory or from the National Technical Information Service of the U. S. Department of Commerce. This is the first of a series of releases on preparation of computerized scientific and technological data banks. The next release is a data bank of conversion factors for different units of measurements. 3 figures

  3. Structural-optical study of high-dielectric-constant oxide films

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Losurdo, M. [Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and Plasmas, IMIP-CNR, Department of Chemistry and INSTM Universita di bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari (Italy)]. E-mail:; Giangregorio, M.M. [Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and Plasmas, IMIP-CNR, Department of Chemistry and INSTM Universita di bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari (Italy); Luchena, M. [Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and Plasmas, IMIP-CNR, Department of Chemistry and INSTM Universita di bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari (Italy); Capezzuto, P. [Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and Plasmas, IMIP-CNR, Department of Chemistry and INSTM Universita di bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari (Italy); Bruno, G. [Institute of Inorganic Methodologies and Plasmas, IMIP-CNR, Department of Chemistry and INSTM Universita di bari, Via Orabona 4, 70126 Bari (Italy); Toro, R.G. [Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Universita di Catania, and INSTM-UdR Catania, Viale A. Doria 6, I-95125 Catania (Italy); Malandrino, G. [Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Universita di Catania, and INSTM-UdR Catania, Viale A. Doria 6, I-95125 Catania (Italy); Fragala, I.L. [Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Universita di Catania, and INSTM-UdR Catania, Viale A. Doria 6, I-95125 Catania (Italy); Nigro, R. Lo [Istituto di Microelettronica e Microsistemi, IMM-CNR, Stradale Primosole 50, I-95121 Catania (Italy)


    High-k polycrystalline Pr{sub 2}O{sub 3} and amorphous LaAlO{sub 3} oxide thin films deposited on Si(0 0 1) are studied. The microstructure is investigated using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Optical properties are determined in the 0.75-6.5 eV photon energy range using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The polycrystalline Pr{sub 2}O{sub 3} films have an optical gap of 3.86 eV and a dielectric constant of 16-26, which increases with film thickness. Similarly, very thin amorphous LaAlO{sub 3} films have the optical gap of 5.8 eV, and a dielectric constant below 14 which also increases with film thickness. The lower dielectric constant compared to crystalline material is an intrinsic characteristic of amorphous films.

  4. 8. International conference on atomic masses and fundamental constants (AMCO-8)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Armbruster, P.; Barber, R.C.; Cohen, E.R.


    The current recommended values of the fundamental physical constants are base on an adjustment carried out in 1986. Physics, however, has not stood still. New measurements have been reported for the Rydberg constant and the gas constant. Improved calculations and measurements of the electron magnetic moment anomaly, a e have provided an improved value for the fine structure constant α = μ 0 ce 2 /2h. The decision to establish uniform international representation of the volts and ohms in terms of the Josephson effect and the quantized Hall resistance, respectively, stimulated new measurements of 2e/h and e/h 2 . These new data have significantly changed the error-space of the adjustment of the physical constants. In the 1986 adjustments, the one-standard deviation uncertainty in α was 0.045 ppm; the university of Washington measurements of a e and the final results of Kinoshita's 20-year program of numerical evaluation of the eight order QED diagrams yield a new value with an uncertainty of 0.0069 ppm. Combined with the Rydberg constant and the proton-electron mass ratio this means that N Λ h = M p α 2 c/(2(m p /m e )R ∞ ) is defined with an uncertainty of 0.025 ppm

  5. Uus Sakala arhitektuurivõistlus = The Uus Sakala architectural competition / Panu Lehtovuori

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehtovuori, Panu, 1968-


    Žürii liige konkursist: keskuse asukohast ja programmist, praeguse Sakala keskuse kasutamisest, konkursi tulemusest. Teise vooru valiti kolm projekti: võidutöö "Küpsis" (autorid Toomas Tammis, Inga Raukas, Tarmo Teedumäe, ArhitektuuriAgentuur), "Ocularis" (autorid Siiri Vallner, Indrek Peil), "Sõstrad" (autor Veronika Valk)

  6. AC loss time constant measurements on Nb3Al and NbTi multifilamentary superconductors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Painter, T.A.


    The AC loss time constant is a previously univestigated property of Nb 3 Al, a superconductor which, with recent technological developments, shows some advantages over the more commonly used superconductors, NbTi and Nb 3 Sn. Four Nb 3 Al samples with varying twist pitches and one NbTi sample are inductively measured for their AC loss time constants. The measured time constants are compared to the theoretical time constant limits imposed by the limits of the transverse resistivity found by Carr [5] and to the theoretical time constants found using the Bean Model as well as to each other. The measured time constants of the Nb 3 Al samples fall approximately halfway between the theoretical time constant limits, and the measured time constants of the NbTi sample is close to the theoretical lower time constant limit. The Bean Model adequately accounts for the variance of the permeability of the Nb 3 Al superconductor in a background magnetic field. Finally, the measured time constant values of the Nb 3 Al samples vary approximately according to the square of their twist pitch. (author)

  7. Determination of mass density, dielectric, elastic, and piezoelectric constants of bulk GaN crystal. (United States)

    Soluch, Waldemar; Brzozowski, Ernest; Lysakowska, Magdalena; Sadura, Jolanta


    Mass density, dielectric, elastic, and piezoelectric constants of bulk GaN crystal were determined. Mass density was obtained from the measured ratio of mass to volume of a cuboid. The dielectric constants were determined from the measured capacitances of an interdigital transducer (IDT) deposited on a Z-cut plate and from a parallel plate capacitor fabricated from this plate. The elastic and piezoelectric constants were determined by comparing the measured and calculated SAW velocities and electromechanical coupling coefficients on the Z- and X-cut plates. The following new constants were obtained: mass density p = 5986 kg/m(3); relative dielectric constants (at constant strain S) ε(S)(11)/ε(0) = 8.6 and ε(S)(11)/ε(0) = 10.5, where ε(0) is a dielectric constant of free space; elastic constants (at constant electric field E) C(E)(11) = 349.7, C(E)(12) = 128.1, C(E)(13) = 129.4, C(E)(33) = 430.3, and C(E)(44) = 96.5 GPa; and piezoelectric constants e(33) = 0.84, e(31) = -0.47, and e(15) = -0.41 C/m(2).

  8. Varying constants, black holes, and quantum gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carlip, S.


    Tentative observations and theoretical considerations have recently led to renewed interest in models of fundamental physics in which certain 'constants' vary in time. Assuming fixed black hole mass and the standard form of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, Davies, Davis and Lineweaver have argued that the laws of black hole thermodynamics disfavor models in which the fundamental electric charge e changes. I show that with these assumptions, similar considerations severely constrain 'varying speed of light' models, unless we are prepared to abandon cherished assumptions about quantum gravity. Relaxation of these assumptions permits sensible theories of quantum gravity with ''varying constants,'' but also eliminates the thermodynamic constraints, though the black hole mass spectrum may still provide some restrictions on the range of allowable models

  9. Clinical Course of Homozygous Hemoglobin Constant Spring in Pediatric Patients. (United States)

    Komvilaisak, Patcharee; Jetsrisuparb, Arunee; Fucharoen, Goonnapa; Komwilaisak, Ratana; Jirapradittha, Junya; Kiatchoosakun, Pakaphan


    Hemoglobin (Hb) Constant Spring is an alpha-globin gene variant due to a mutation of the stop codon resulting in the elongation of the encoded polypeptide from 141 to 172 amino acid residues. Patients with homozygous Hb Constant Spring are usually mildly anemic. We retrospectively describe clinical manifestations, diagnosis, laboratory investigations, treatment, and associated findings in pediatric patients with homozygous Hb Constant Spring followed-up at Srinagarind Hospital. Sixteen pediatric cases (5 males and 11 females) were diagnosed in utero (N=6) or postnatal (n=10). Eleven cases were diagnosed with homozygous Hb Constant Spring, 4 with homozygous Hb Constant Spring with heterozygous Hb E, and 1 with homozygous Hb Constant Spring with homozygous Hb E. Three cases were delivered preterm. Six patients had low birth weights. Clinical manifestations included fetal anemia in 6 cases, hepatomegaly in 1 case, hepatosplenomegaly in 2 cases, splenomegaly in 1 case. Twelve cases exhibited early neonatal jaundice, 9 of which required phototherapy. Six cases received red cell transfusions; 1 (3), >1 (3). After the first few months of life, almost all patients had mild microcytic hypochromic anemia and an increased reticulocyte count with a wide red cell distribution (RDW), but no longer required red cell transfusion. At 1 to 2 years of age, some patients still had mild microcytic hypochromic anemia and some had normocytic hypochromic anemia with Hb around 10 g/dL, increased reticulocyte count and wide RDW. Associated findings included hypothyroidism (2), congenital heart diseases (4), genitourinary abnormalities (3), gastrointestinal abnormalities (2), and developmental delay (1). Pediatric patients with homozygous Hb Constant Spring developed severe anemia in utero and up to the age of 2 to 3 months postnatal, requiring blood transfusions. Subsequently, their anemia was mild with no evidence of hepatosplenomegaly. Their Hb level was above 9 g/dL with hypochromic

  10. Quantum mechanical methods for calculation of force constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mullally, D.J.


    The focus of this thesis is upon the calculation of force constants; i.e., the second derivatives of the potential energy with respect to nuclear displacements. This information is useful for the calculation of molecular vibrational modes and frequencies. In addition, it may be used for the location and characterization of equilibrium and transition state geometries. The methods presented may also be applied to the calculation of electric polarizabilities and infrared and Raman vibrational intensities. Two approaches to this problem are studied and evaluated: finite difference methods and analytical techniques. The most suitable method depends on the type and level of theory used to calculate the electronic wave function. Double point displacement finite differencing is often required for accurate calculation of the force constant matrix. These calculations require energy and gradient calculations on both sides of the geometry of interest. In order to speed up these calculations, a novel method is presented that uses geometry dependent information about the wavefunction. A detailed derivation for the analytical evaluation of force constants with a complete active space multiconfiguration self consistent field wave function is presented

  11. Populizm dvadtsat pervogo veka / Roberto Lasserna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lasserna, Roberto


    Venezuelas, Boliivias ja Ecuadoris on tekkimas uus poliitiline liikumine, mida nende maade presidendid nimetavad 21. sajandi sotsialismiks, mis tegelikkuses ei erine milleski 20. sajandi sotsialismist

  12. Determination of stability constants of aminoglycoside antibiotics with their metal complexes (United States)

    Tiwow, Vanny M. A.


    One group of aminoglycoside antibiotics contains aminosugars. The aminosugar neomycin B with its derivate product neamine (2-Deoxy-4-0-(2,6-diamino-2,6-dideoxy-α-D-glucopyranosyl)-D-Streptamine) was identified as a free ligands and metal complexes. In particular, the stability constants of metal complexes by potentiometric titration techniques were investigated. Our previous study had determined the acid dissociation constants of these aminosugars with few metal complexes in fair depth. In this work, the complexation of two pyridine-containing amino alcohols and an amino sugar (neamine) have been measured potentiometrically. For instance, the stability constant of copper(II) complexation were determine and the model system generated an excellent fit. Stability constants with several metals have been determined and will be reported.

  13. High-temperature rate constant measurements for OH+xylenes

    KAUST Repository

    Elwardani, Ahmed Elsaid


    The overall rate constants for the reactions of hydroxyl (OH) radicals with o-xylene (k 1), m-xylene (k 2), and p-xylene (k 3) were measured behind reflected shock waves over 890-1406K at pressures of 1.3-1.8atm using OH laser absorption near 306.7nm. Measurements were performed under pseudo-first-order conditions. The measured rate constants, inferred using a mechanism-fitting approach, can be expressed in Arrhenius form as:k1=2.93×1013exp(-1350.3/T)cm3mol-1s-1(890-1406K)k2=3.49×1013exp(-1449.3/T)cm3mol-1s-1(906-1391K)k3=3.5×1013exp(-1407.5/T)cm3mol-1s-1(908-1383K)This paper presents, to our knowledge, first high-temperature measurements of the rate constants of the reactions of xylene isomers with OH radicals. Low-temperature rate-constant measurements by Nicovich et al. (1981) were combined with the measurements in this study to obtain the following Arrhenius expressions, which are applicable over a wider temperature range:k1=2.64×1013exp(-1181.5/T)cm3mol-1s-1(508-1406K)k2=3.05×109exp(-400/T)cm3mol-1s-1(508-1391K)k3=3.0×109exp(-440/T)cm3mol-1s-1(526-1383K) © 2015 The Combustion Institute.

  14. 40 CFR 57.302 - Performance level of interim constant controls. (United States)


    ... correction of the effects of any serious deficiencies in the system. For the purpose of this paragraph, at... system if the smelter owner has not upgraded serious deficiencies in the constant control system in... 40 Protection of Environment 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Performance level of interim constant...

  15. Imaging performance of an isotropic negative dielectric constant slab. (United States)

    Shivanand; Liu, Huikan; Webb, Kevin J


    The influence of material and thickness on the subwavelength imaging performance of a negative dielectric constant slab is studied. Resonance in the plane-wave transfer function produces a high spatial frequency ripple that could be useful in fabricating periodic structures. A cost function based on the plane-wave transfer function provides a useful metric to evaluate the planar slab lens performance, and using this, the optimal slab dielectric constant can be determined.

  16. Equilibrium Constant as Solution to the Open Chemical Systems


    Zilbergleyt, B.


    According to contemporary views, equilibrium constant is relevant only to true thermodynamic equilibria in isolated systems with one chemical reaction. The paper presents a novel formula that ties-up equilibrium constant and chemical system composition at any state, isolated or open as well. Extending the logarithmic logistic map of the Discrete Thermodynamics of Chemical Equilibria, this formula maps the system population at isolated equilibrium into the population at any open equilibrium at...

  17. Europium (III) and americium (III) stability constants with humic acid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, R.A.; Choppin, G.R.


    The stability constants for tracer concentrations of Eu(III) and Am(III) complexes with a humic acid extracted from a lake-bottom sediment were measured using a solvent extraction system. The organic extractant was di(2-ethylhexyl)-phosphoric acid in toluene while the humate aqueous phase had a constant ionic strength of 0.1 M (NaClO 4 ). Aqueous humic acid concentrations were monitored by measuring uv-visible absorbances at approx.= 380 nm. The total carboxylate capacity of the humic acid was determined by direct potentiometric titration to be 3.86 +- 0.03 meq/g. The humic acid displayed typical characteristics of a polyelectrolyte - the apparent pKsub(a), as well as the calculated metal ion stability constants increased as the degree of ionization (α) increased. The binding data required a fit of two stability constants, β 1 and β 2 , such that for Eu, log β 1 = 8.86 α + 4.39, log β 2 = 3.55 α + 11.06 while for Am, log β 1 = 10.58 α + 3.84, log β 2 = 5.32 α + 10.42. With hydroxide, carbonate, and humate as competing ligands, the humate complex associated with the β 1 constant is calculated to be the dominant species for the trivalent actinides and lanthanides under conditions present in natural waters. (orig.)

  18. Two-loop superstrings IV The cosmological constant and modular forms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    D'Hoker, E.; Phong, D.H.


    The slice-independent gauge-fixed superstring chiral measure in genus 2 derived in the earlier papers of this series for each spin structure is evaluated explicitly in terms of theta-constants. The slice-independence allows an arbitrary choice of superghost insertion points q 1 ,q 2 in the explicit evaluation, and the most effective one turns out to be the split gauge defined by S δ (q 1 ,q 2 )=0. This results in expressions involving bilinear theta-constants M. The final formula in terms of only theta-constants follows from new identities between M and theta-constants which may be interesting in their own right. The action of the modular group Sp(4,Z) is worked out explicitly for the contribution of each spin structure to the superstring chiral measure. It is found that there is a unique choice of relative phases which insures the modular invariance of the full chiral superstring measure, and hence a unique way of implementing the GSO projection for even spin structure. The resulting cosmological constant vanishes, not by a Riemann identity, but rather by the genus 2 identity expressing any modular form of weight 8 as the square of a modular form of weight 4. The degeneration limits for the contribution of each spin structure are determined, and the divergences, before the GSO projection, are found to be the ones expected on physical grounds

  19. Development of constant-power driving control for light-emitting-diode (LED) luminaire

    KAUST Repository

    Huang, Bin-Juine


    The illumination of an LED may be affected by operating temperature even under constant-current condition. A constant-power driving technique is proposed in the present study for LED luminaire. A linear system dynamics model of LED luminaire is first derived and used in the design of the feedback control system. The PI controller was designed and tuned taking into account the control accuracy and robust properties with respect to plant uncertainty and variation of operating conditions. The control system was implemented on a microprocessor and used to control a 150W LED luminaire. The test result shows that the feedback system accurately controls the input power of LED luminaire to within 1.3 per cent error. As the ambient temperature changes from 0 to 40 °C, the LED illumination varies slightly (-1.7%) for constant-power driving, as compared to that of constant-current driving (-12%) and constant-voltage driving (+50%). The constant-power driving has revealed advantage in stabilizing the illumination of LED under large temperature variation. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Pure odd-order oscillators with constant excitation (United States)

    Cveticanin, L.


    In this paper the excited vibrations of a truly nonlinear oscillator are analyzed. The excitation is assumed to be constant and the nonlinearity is pure (without a linear term). The mathematical model is a second-order nonhomogeneous differential equation with strong nonlinear term. Using the first integral, the exact value of period of vibration i.e., angular frequency of oscillator described with a pure nonlinear differential equation with constant excitation is analytically obtained. The closed form solution has the form of gamma function. The period of vibration depends on the value of excitation and of the order and coefficient of the nonlinear term. For the case of pure odd-order-oscillators the approximate solution of differential equation is obtained in the form of trigonometric function. The solution is based on the exact value of period of vibration. For the case when additional small perturbation of the pure oscillator acts, the so called 'Cveticanin's averaging method' for a truly nonlinear oscillator is applied. Two special cases are considered: one, when the additional term is a function of distance, and the second, when damping acts. To prove the correctness of the method the obtained results are compared with those for the linear oscillator. Example of pure cubic oscillator with constant excitation and linear damping is widely discussed. Comparing the analytically obtained results with exact numerical ones it is concluded that they are in a good agreement. The investigations reported in the paper are of special interest for those who are dealing with the problem of vibration reduction in the oscillator with constant excitation and pure nonlinear restoring force the examples of which can be found in various scientific and engineering systems. For example, such mechanical systems are seats in vehicles, supports for machines, cutting machines with periodical motion of the cutting tools, presses, etc. The examples can be find in electronics

  1. Hispaania võib oma väed Iraagist ära tuua / Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bahovski, Erkki, 1970-


    Hispaania parlamendivalimised võitnud sotsialistliku partei liider, arvatav uus peaminister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero lubas Hispaania väed Iraagist ära tuua. Diagrammid: Hispaania valimistulemused

  2. Turvalisus - meie kõigi õigus ja kohustus / Marek Helm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helm, Marek, 1973-


    Siseministeeriumis on alustatud siseturvalisuse arengukava koostamist, mis tähendab, et uus valitsus tahab oma koalitsioonilepingus kriminaalpoliitika arengusuundadele lisaks heaks kiita Eesti turvalisuspoliitika arengusuunad aastani 2015

  3. Rüütel kutsus Ansipi, Savisaare js Reiljani Kadriorgu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Arnold Rüütel kutsus Kadriorgu kolm erakonnajuhti, kes teatasid valmisolekust moodustada uus koalitsioon. Uue koalitsiooni peaministrikandidaadina näevad nad Reformierakonna esimeest Andrus Ansipit

  4. Finance minister resigns amid fraud probe / Aleksei Gunter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gunter, Aleksei, 1979-


    Rahandusminister Tõnis Paltsi tagasiastumisest. Uus kandidaat rahandusministri ametikohale on Res Publica parlamendifraktsiooni esimees ja rahanduskomisjoni liige Taavi Veskimägi. Kommentaarid Pakterminali juhatuse esimehelt Aadu Luukaselt

  5. Accurate and approximate thermal rate constants for polyatomic chemical reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nyman, Gunnar


    In favourable cases it is possible to calculate thermal rate constants for polyatomic reactions to high accuracy from first principles. Here, we discuss the use of flux correlation functions combined with the multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) approach to efficiently calculate cumulative reaction probabilities and thermal rate constants for polyatomic chemical reactions. Three isotopic variants of the H 2 + CH 3 → CH 4 + H reaction are used to illustrate the theory. There is good agreement with experimental results although the experimental rates generally are larger than the calculated ones, which are believed to be at least as accurate as the experimental rates. Approximations allowing evaluation of the thermal rate constant above 400 K are treated. It is also noted that for the treated reactions, transition state theory (TST) gives accurate rate constants above 500 K. TST theory also gives accurate results for kinetic isotope effects in cases where the mass of the transfered atom is unchanged. Due to neglect of tunnelling, TST however fails below 400 K if the mass of the transferred atom changes between the isotopic reactions

  6. Automated real time constant-specificity surveillance for disease outbreaks

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brownstein John S


    Full Text Available Abstract Background For real time surveillance, detection of abnormal disease patterns is based on a difference between patterns observed, and those predicted by models of historical data. The usefulness of outbreak detection strategies depends on their specificity; the false alarm rate affects the interpretation of alarms. Results We evaluate the specificity of five traditional models: autoregressive, Serfling, trimmed seasonal, wavelet-based, and generalized linear. We apply each to 12 years of emergency department visits for respiratory infection syndromes at a pediatric hospital, finding that the specificity of the five models was almost always a non-constant function of the day of the week, month, and year of the study (p Conclusion Modeling the variance of visit patterns enables real-time detection with known, constant specificity at all times. With constant specificity, public health practitioners can better interpret the alarms and better evaluate the cost-effectiveness of surveillance systems.

  7. Approximate Q.C.D. lower bound for the bag constant B

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nielsen, H.B.


    Using an article by Savvidy from 1977 in which a state in Q.C.D. with lower energy than the perturbative vacuum was found, the author calculates an approximate lower bound for the M.I.T. bag constant B relative to the Q.C.D. coupling parameter Λ. With an M.I.T. bag constant Bsup(1/4)=145 MeV the author finds Λsub(P)<=0.89 GeV when the propagator of the gluon is used to renormalize the coupling constant. (Auth.)

  8. Determination of intrinsic equilibrium constants at an alumina/electrolyte interface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available Intrinsic ionization and complexation constants at an alumina/electrolyte interface were studied by the site binding model, while the sorption of alkali cations from aqueous solutions was interpreted by the triple-layer model. The surface properties of alumina were investigated by the potentiometric acid-base titration method. The point of zero charge (pHpzc of alumina obtained by this method was found to be 7.2. The obtained mean values of the intrinsic protonation and ionization constants of the surface hydroxyl groups and the intrinsic surface complexation constant, in different electrolytes, are pKinta1 = 4.4, pKinta2 = 9.6 and pKintM+ = 9.5, respectively.

  9. Numerical counting ratemeter with variable time constant and integrated circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaiser, J.; Fuan, J.


    We present here the prototype of a numerical counting ratemeter which is a special version of variable time-constant frequency meter (1). The originality of this work lies in the fact that the change in the time constant is carried out automatically. Since the criterion for this change is the accuracy in the annunciated result, the integration time is varied as a function of the frequency. For the prototype described in this report, the time constant varies from 1 sec to 1 millisec. for frequencies in the range 10 Hz to 10 MHz. This prototype is built entirely of MECL-type integrated circuits from Motorola and is thus contained in two relatively small boxes. (authors) [fr

  10. The determination methods of the velocity constant for electrochemical reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Molina, R.


    In a brief introduction are recalled the fundamental mechanisms of the electrochemical reaction and the definition of the intrinsic velocity constant of a such reaction. By the nature of the different parameters which enter in this definition are due some experimental problems which are examined. Then are given the principles of the measurement methods of the velocity constant. These methods are developed with the mathematical expression of the different rates of the mass transfer to an electrode. In each case are given the experimental limits of use of the methods and the size order of the velocity constant that can be reached. A list of fundamental works to be consulted conclude this work. (O.M.) [fr

  11. Ventricular fibrillation time constant for swine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Jiun-Yan; Sun, Hongyu; Nimunkar, Amit J; Webster, John G; O'Rourke, Ann; Huebner, Shane; Will, James A


    The strength–duration curve for cardiac excitation can be modeled by a parallel resistor–capacitor circuit that has a time constant. Experiments on six pigs were performed by delivering current from the X26 Taser dart at a distance from the heart to cause ventricular fibrillation (VF). The X26 Taser is an electromuscular incapacitation device (EMD), which generates about 50 kV and delivers a pulse train of about 15–19 pulses s −1 with a pulse duration of about 150 µs and peak current about 2 A. Similarly a continuous 60 Hz alternating current of the amplitude required to cause VF was delivered from the same distance. The average current and duration of the current pulse were estimated in both sets of experiments. The strength–duration equation was solved to yield an average time constant of 2.87 ms ± 1.90 (SD). Results obtained may help in the development of safety standards for future electromuscular incapacitation devices (EMDs) without requiring additional animal tests

  12. A small cosmological constant and backreaction of non-finetuned parameters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krause, Axel


    We include the backreaction on warped geometry induced by non-finetuned parameters in a two domain-wall set-up to obtain an exponentially small Cosmological Constant Λ4. The mechanism to suppress the Cosmological Constant involves one classical fine-tuning as compared to an infinity of finetunings at the quantum level in standard D = 4 field theory. (author)

  13. Determination of low-energy constants of Wilson chiral perturbation theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herdoiza, Gregorio; Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Contoblanco; Univ. Autonoma de Madrid; Jansen, Karl; Univ. Cyprus, Nicosia; Michael, Chris; Ottnad, Konstantin; Urbach, Carsten; Univ. Bonn


    By matching Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD determinations of pseudoscalar meson masses to Wilson Chiral Perturbation Theory we determine the low-energy constants W 6 ' , W 8 ' and their linear combination c 2 . We explore the dependence of these low-energy constants on the choice of the lattice action and on the number of dynamical flavours.

  14. Constant-pH molecular dynamics using stochastic titration (United States)

    Baptista, António M.; Teixeira, Vitor H.; Soares, Cláudio M.


    A new method is proposed for performing constant-pH molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, that is, MD simulations where pH is one of the external thermodynamic parameters, like the temperature or the pressure. The protonation state of each titrable site in the solute is allowed to change during a molecular mechanics (MM) MD simulation, the new states being obtained from a combination of continuum electrostatics (CE) calculations and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of protonation equilibrium. The coupling between the MM/MD and CE/MC algorithms is done in a way that ensures a proper Markov chain, sampling from the intended semigrand canonical distribution. This stochastic titration method is applied to succinic acid, aimed at illustrating the method and examining the choice of its adjustable parameters. The complete titration of succinic acid, using constant-pH MD simulations at different pH values, gives a clear picture of the coupling between the trans/gauche isomerization and the protonation process, making it possible to reconcile some apparently contradictory results of previous studies. The present constant-pH MD method is shown to require a moderate increase of computational cost when compared to the usual MD method.

  15. New group wants better government / Gunta Kursisa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kursisa, Gunta


    Uus mittepoliitiline organisatsioon Meierovicsi Ühiskond tahab tavalisi inimesi poliitikasse kaasata. Meierovicsi Ühiskonna likkmed võivad kandideerida Lätis toimuvatel parlamendivalimistel poliitilise liidu Ühtsus nimekirjas

  16. Püha Jüri võitlus kapitalistliku hüdraga / Priit Hõbemägi, Andrei Hvostov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hõbemägi, Priit, 1957-


    SDE uus esimees Jüri Pihl teatas, et sotsiaaldemokraatidel on alternatiiv seni valitsenud neoliberaalsele ideoloogiale. Autorite hinnangul hakkab J. Pihli vastasseis Reformierakonnaga olema hoopis teistsugune kui Keskerakonnaga

  17. Muzei KUMU priglashajet russkih utshenikov / Andrei Babin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Babin, Andrei


    KUMU hariduskeskuse uus projekt "Remark"aitab vene õppekeelega koolide õpilastel ja lasteaedade lastel põhjalikumalt tutvuda eesti kunstiklassikaga. Kommenteerivad projekti koordinaator Jelena Levtshenkova ja programmijuht Karin Taidre

  18. "Kriitiline arhitektuur" ja selle vastased / George Baird

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Baird, George


    Ameerika kriitilisest arhitektuurist ja uuest projektiivsest arhitektuurist, mida ei saa arendada ilma projektiivse teooria toeta. Selleta muutuks uus arhitektuur autori arvates kiiresti lihtsalt pragmaatiliseks ja lihtsalt dekoratiivseks

  19. Relationship between electrophilicity index, Hammett constant and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Inter-relationships between the electrophilicity index (ω), Hammett constant (óp) and nucleus- independent chemical ... cess of DFT is that it provides simple working equa- tions to elucidate ... compasses both the ability of an electrophile to ac-.

  20. Constant resolution of time-dependent Hartree--Fock phase ambiguity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lichtner, P.C.; Griffin, J.J.; Schultheis, H.; Schultheis, R.; Volkov, A.B.


    The customary time-dependent Hartree--Fock problem is shown to be ambiguous up to an arbitrary function of time additive to H/sub HF/, and, consequently, up to an arbitrary time-dependent phase for the solution, PHI(t). The ''constant'' (H)'' phase is proposed as the best resolution of this ambiguity. It leads to the following attractive features: (a) the time-dependent Hartree--Fock (TDHF) Hamiltonian, H/sub HF/, becomes a quantity whose expectation value is equal to the average energy and, hence, constant in time; (b) eigenstates described exactly by determinants, have time-dependent Hartree--Fock solutions identical with the exact time-dependent solutions; (c) among all possible TDHF solutions this choice minimizes the norm of the quantity (H--i dirac constant delta/delta t) operating on the ket PHI, and guarantees optimal time evolution over an infinitesimal period; (d) this choice corresponds both to the stationary value of the absolute difference between (H) and (i dirac constant delta/delta t) and simultaneously to its absolute minimal value with respect to choice of the time-dependent phase. The source of the ambiguity is discussed. It lies in the time-dependent generalization of the freedom to transform unitarily among the single-particle states of a determinant at the (physically irrelevant for stationary states) cost of altering only a factor of unit magnitude

  1. Cosmological constant from a deformation of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garattini, Remo; Faizal, Mir


    In this paper, we consider the Wheeler–DeWitt equation modified by a deformation of the second quantized canonical commutation relations. Such modified commutation relations are induced by a Generalized Uncertainty Principle. Since the Wheeler–DeWitt equation can be related to a Sturm–Liouville problem where the associated eigenvalue can be interpreted as the cosmological constant, it is possible to explicitly relate such an eigenvalue to the deformation parameter of the corresponding Wheeler–DeWitt equation. The analysis is performed in a Mini-Superspace approach where the scale factor appears as the only degree of freedom. The deformation of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation gives rise to a Cosmological Constant even in absence of matter fields. As a Cosmological Constant cannot exist in absence of the matter fields in the undeformed Mini-Superspace approach, so the existence of a non-vanishing Cosmological Constant is a direct consequence of the deformation by the Generalized Uncertainty Principle. In fact, we are able to demonstrate that a non-vanishing Cosmological Constant exists even in the deformed flat space. We also discuss the consequences of this deformation on the big bang singularity.

  2. Cosmological constant from a deformation of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Remo Garattini


    Full Text Available In this paper, we consider the Wheeler–DeWitt equation modified by a deformation of the second quantized canonical commutation relations. Such modified commutation relations are induced by a Generalized Uncertainty Principle. Since the Wheeler–DeWitt equation can be related to a Sturm–Liouville problem where the associated eigenvalue can be interpreted as the cosmological constant, it is possible to explicitly relate such an eigenvalue to the deformation parameter of the corresponding Wheeler–DeWitt equation. The analysis is performed in a Mini-Superspace approach where the scale factor appears as the only degree of freedom. The deformation of the Wheeler–DeWitt equation gives rise to a Cosmological Constant even in absence of matter fields. As a Cosmological Constant cannot exist in absence of the matter fields in the undeformed Mini-Superspace approach, so the existence of a non-vanishing Cosmological Constant is a direct consequence of the deformation by the Generalized Uncertainty Principle. In fact, we are able to demonstrate that a non-vanishing Cosmological Constant exists even in the deformed flat space. We also discuss the consequences of this deformation on the big bang singularity.

  3. Classically exact surface diffusion constants at arbitrary temperature

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voter, A.F.; Cohen, J.M.


    An expression is presented for computing the classical diffusion constant of a point defect (e.g., an adatom) in an infinite lattice of binding sites at arbitrary temperature. The transition state theory diffusion constant is simply multiplied by a dynamical correction factor that is computed from short-time classical trajectories initiated at the site boundaries. The time scale limitations of direct molecular dynamics are thus avoided in the low- and middle-temperature regimes. The expression results from taking the time derivative of the particle mean-square displacement in the lattice-discretized coordinate system. Applications are presented for surface diffusion on fcc(100) and fcc(111) Lennard-Jones crystal faces

  4. Gladstone-Dale constant for CF4. [experimental design (United States)

    Burner, A. W., Jr.; Goad, W. K.


    The Gladstone-Dale constant, which relates the refractive index to density, was measured for CF4 by counting fringes of a two-beam interferometer, one beam of which passes through a cell containing the test gas. The experimental approach and sources of systematic and imprecision errors are discussed. The constant for CF4 was measured at several wavelengths in the visible region of the spectrum. A value of 0.122 cu cm/g with an uncertainty of plus or minus 0.001 cu cm/g was determined for use in the visible region. A procedure for noting the departure of the gas density from the ideal-gas law is discussed.

  5. The (φ4)3+1 theory with infinitesimal bare coupling constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yotsuyanagi, I.


    We study the (φ 4 ) 3+1 theory by means of a variational method improved with a BCS-type vacuum state. We examine the theory with both negative and positive infinitesimal bare coupling constants, where the theory has been suggested to exist nontrivially and stably in the infinite ultraviolet cutoff limit. When the cutoff is sent to infinity, we find the instability of the vacuum energy at the end point value of the variational parameter in the case of the negative bare coupling constant. For the positive bare coupling constant, we can renormalize the vacuum energy without using the extremal condition with respect to the variational mass parameter. We do not find an instability for the whole range of parameters including the end point. We still have a possibility that the theory with this bare coupling constant is nontrivial and stable. (orig.)

  6. Optimal Constant DC Link Voltage Operation of aWave Energy Converter

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mats Leijon


    Full Text Available This article proposes a simple and reliable damping strategy for wave powerfarm operation of small-scale point-absorber converters. The strategy is based on passiverectification onto a constant DC-link, making it very suitable for grid integration of the farm.A complete model of the system has been developed in Matlab Simulink, and uses real sitedata as input. The optimal constant DC-voltage is evaluated as a function of the significantwave height and energy period of the waves. The total energy output of the WEC is derivedfor one year of experimental site data. The energy output is compared for two cases, onewhere the optimal DC-voltage is determined and held constant at half-hour basis throughoutthe year, and one where a selected value of the DC-voltage is kept constant throughout theyear regardless of sea state.

  7. Exergy analysis of integrated photovoltaic thermal solar water heater under constant flow rate and constant collection temperature modes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Tiwari, A.; Dubey, Swapnil; Sandhu, G.S.; Sodha, M.S.; Anwar, S.I.


    In this communication, an analytical expression for the water temperature of an integrated photovoltaic thermal solar (IPVTS) water heater under constant flow rate hot water withdrawal has been obtained. Analysis is based on basic energy balance for hybrid flat plate collector and storage tank,

  8. Derivation of the fine-structure constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Samec, A.


    The fine-structure constant is derived as a dynamical property of quantum electrodynamics. Single-particle solutions of the coupled Maxwell and Dirac equations have a physical charge spectrum. The solutions are used to construct lepton-and quark-like particles. The strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational forces are described as the interactions of complex charges in multiple combinations

  9. Decay constants of subcritical system by diffusion theory for two groups

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moura Neto, C. de.


    The effects of a neutronic pulse applied to a subcritical multiplicative medium are analysed on the basis of the diffusion theory for one and two groups. The decay constants of the system for various values of geometric buckling were determined from the experimental data. A natural uranium-light water lattice was pulsed employing a Texas Nuclear 9905 neutron generator. The least square method was employed in the data reduction procedures to determine the decay constants. The separation of the decay constants associated with thermal and epithermal fluxes is attempted through two groups formulation. (author)

  10. Decay constants of a subcritical system by two-group diffusion theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Moura Neto, C. de.


    The effects of a neutronic pulse applied to a subcritical multiplicative medium are analyzed on the basis of the diffusion theory for one and two groups. The decay constants of the system were determined from the experimental data, for various values geometric buckling. A natural uranium light-water configuration was pulsed employing a Texas Nuclear 9905 neutron generator. The least square method was employed in the data reduction procedures to determine the decay constants. The separation of the decay constants associated with thermal and epithermal fluxes are verified through two groups formulation. (Author) [pt

  11. The time dependence of rate constants of esub(aq)sup(-) reactions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burcl, R.; Byakov, V.M.; Grafutin, V.I.


    Published data about the time dependence of rate constants k(esub(aq)sup(-)+Ac) of esub(aq)sup(-) reactions with the acceptor Ac are analyzed, using the results of rate constant k(Ps+Ac) measurements for positronium reactions. It is shown that neither esub(aq)sup(-) nor Ps reaction rate constants depend on time in the observable range. Experimentally found concentration dependence of k(esub(aq)sup(-)+Ac) is due to other factors, connected with the existence of electric charge of esub(aq)sup(-), e.g. ionic strength, tunnelling effect etc. (author)

  12. Examination of Effective Dielectric Constants Derived from Non-Spherical Melting Hydrometeor (United States)

    Liao, L.; Meneghini, R.


    The bright band, a layer of enhanced radar echo associated with melting hydrometeors, is often observed in stratiform rain. Understanding the microphysical properties of melting hydrometeors and their scattering and propagation effects is of great importance in accurately estimating parameters of the precipitation from spaceborne radar and radiometers. However, one of the impediments in the study of the radar signature of the melting layer is the determination of effective dielectric constants of melting hydrometeors. Although a number of mixing formulas are available to compute the effective dielectric constants, their results vary to a great extent when water is a component of the mixture, such as in the case of melting snow. It is also physically unclear as to how to select among these various formulas. Furthermore, the question remains as to whether these mixing formulas can be applied to computations of radar polarimetric parameters from non-spherical melting particles. Recently, several approaches using numerical methods have been developed to derive the effective dielectric constants of melting hydrometeors, i.e., mixtures consisting of air, ice and water, based on more realistic melting models of particles, in which the composition of the melting hydrometeor is divided into a number of identical cells. Each of these cells is then assigned in a probabilistic way to be water, ice or air according to the distribution of fractional water contents for a particular particle. While the derived effective dielectric constants have been extensively tested at various wavelengths over a range of particle sizes, these numerical experiments have been restricted to the co-polarized scattering parameters from spherical particles. As polarimetric radar has been increasingly used in the study of microphysical properties of hydrometeors, an extension of the theory to polarimetric variables should provide additional information on melting processes. To account for polarimetric

  13. Experimental determination of third-order elastic constants of diamond. (United States)

    Lang, J M; Gupta, Y M


    To determine the nonlinear elastic response of diamond, single crystals were shock compressed along the [100], [110], and [111] orientations to 120 GPa peak elastic stresses. Particle velocity histories and elastic wave velocities were measured by using laser interferometry. The measured elastic wave profiles were used, in combination with published acoustic measurements, to determine the complete set of third-order elastic constants. These constants represent the first experimental determination, and several differ significantly from those calculated by using theoretical models.

  14. Purohit's spectrophotometric method for determination of stability constants of complexes using Job's curves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Purohit, D.N.; Goswami, A.K.; Chauhan, R.S.; Ressalan, S.


    A spectrophotometric method for determination of stability constants making use of Job's curves has been developed. Using this method stability constants of Zn(II), Cd(II), Mo(VI) and V(V) complexes of hydroxytriazenes have been determined. For the sake of comparison, values of the stability constants were also determined using Harvey and Manning's method. The values of the stability constants developed by two methods compare well. This new method has been named as Purohit's method. (author)

  15. Multiphoton amplitude in a constant background field (United States)

    Ahmad, Aftab; Ahmadiniaz, Naser; Corradini, Olindo; Kim, Sang Pyo; Schubert, Christian


    In this contribution, we present our recent compact master formulas for the multiphoton amplitudes of a scalar propagator in a constant background field using the worldline fomulation of quantum field theory. The constant field has been included nonperturbatively, which is crucial for strong external fields. A possible application is the scattering of photons by electrons in a strong magnetic field, a process that has been a subject of great interest since the discovery of astrophysical objects like radio pulsars, which provide evidence that magnetic fields of the order of 1012G are present in nature. The presence of a strong external field leads to a strong deviation from the classical scattering amplitudes. We explicitly work out the Compton scattering amplitude in a magnetic field, which is a process of potential relevance for astrophysics. Our final result is compact and suitable for numerical integration.

  16. The FOND-2.2 evaluated neutron data library (Russian library of evaluated neutron data files for generating sets of constants in the ABBN constants system)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Koshcheev, V.N.; Nikolaev, M.N.; Korchagina, Zh.A.; Savoskina, G.V.


    A short description is given of the Russian evaluated neutron data library FOND-2.2. The main purpose of FOND-2.2 is to provide sets of constants for the ABBN constants system. A history of its compilation and the sources of the neutron data are given. The contents of FOND-2.2 are presented with brief comments. (author)

  17. An improved dosimeter having constant flow pump

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baker, W.B.


    A dosemeter designed for individual use which can be used to monitor toxic radon gas and toxic related products of radon gas in mines and which incorporates a constant air stream flowing through the dosimeter is described. (U.K.)

  18. Large Dielectric Constant Enhancement in MXene Percolative Polymer Composites

    KAUST Repository

    Tu, Shao Bo


    near the percolation limit of about 15.0 wt % MXene loading, which surpasses all previously reported composites made of carbon-based fillers in the same polymer. With up to 10 wt % MXene loading, the dielectric loss of the MXene/P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) composite indicates only an approximately 5-fold increase (from 0.06 to 0.35), while the dielectric constant increased by 25 times over the same composition range. Furthermore, the ratio of permittivity to loss factor of the MXene-polymer composite is superior to that of all previously reported fillers in this same polymer. The dielectric constant enhancement effect is demonstrated to exist in other polymers as well when loaded with MXene. We show that the dielectric constant enhancement is largely due to the charge accumulation caused by the formation of microscopic dipoles at the surfaces between the MXene sheets and the polymer matrix under an external applied electric field.

  19. Rapid and accurate determination of Stern-Volmer quenching constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goodpaster, John V.; McGuffin, Victoria L.


    In this work, a novel system has been designed, characterized, and validated for the determination of fluorescence quenching constants. Capillary flow injection methods are used to automate the preparation and mixing of the fluorophore and quencher solutions. Because of the small diameter of the capillary (75-200 μm), fluorescence measurements can be made without corrections for primary and secondary absorbance effects. The fluorescence spectrometer is equipped with a charge-coupled device (CCD) that has a detection limit of 3.0x10 -9 M (2.3 ppb) and a linear dynamic range of 10 5 for integration times of 0.01-10 s. This spectrometer has a 300 nm spectral range with 1 nm resolution, allowing the fluorescence quenching constants to be calculated at single wavelengths or over integrated wavelength ranges. This system was validated by comparison to traditional methods for the determination of Stern-Volmer constants for alternant and nonalternant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with nitromethane and triethylamine. (c) 2000 Society for Applied Spectroscopy

  20. Photodissociation constant of NO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nootebos, M.A.; Bange, P.


    The velocity of the dissociation of NO 2 into ozone and NO mainly depends on the ultraviolet sunlight quantity, and with that the cloudiness. A correct value for this reaction constant is important for the accurate modelling of O 3 - and NO 2 -concentrations in plumes of electric power plants, in particular in the case of determination of the amount of photochemical summer smog. An advanced signal processing method (deconvolution, correlation) was applied on the measurements. The measurements were carried out from aeroplanes

  1. On the gravitational constant change

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Milyukov, V.K.


    The nowadays viewpoint on the problem of G gravitational constant invariability is presented in brief. The methods and results of checking of the G dependence on the nature of substance (checking of the equivalence principle), G dependepce on distance (checking of Newton gravity law) and time (cosmological experiments) are presented. It is pointed out that all performed experiments don't give any reasons to have doubts in G constancy in space and time and G independence on the nature of the substance

  2. Effects of Density-Dependent Bag Constant and Strange Star Rotation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    ZHOU Qiao-Er; GUO Hua


    With the emphasis on the effects of the density-dependent bag constant and the rotation of strange star the limiting mass of strange star is calculated. The obtained results show that the limiting mass and the corresponding radius of strange star increase as the rotation frequency increases, and tend to be lowered when the density-dependent bag constant is considered.

  3. Determination of low-energy constants of Wilson chiral perturbation theory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Herdoiza, Gregorio [Mainz Univ. (Germany). Inst fuer Kernphysik, PRISMA Cluster of Excellence; Univ. Autonoma de Madrid, Contoblanco (Spain). Dept. de Fisica Teorica; Univ. Autonoma de Madrid (Spain). Inst. de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC; Jansen, Karl [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Zeuthen (Germany). John von Neumann-Inst. fuer Computing NIC; Univ. Cyprus, Nicosia (Cyprus). Dept. of Physics; Michael, Chris [Liverpool Univ. (United Kingdom). Theoretical Physics Division; Ottnad, Konstantin; Urbach, Carsten [Bonn Univ. (Germany). Helmholtz-Institut fuer Strahlen und Kernphysik; Univ. Bonn (Germany). Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics; Collaboration: European Twisted Mass Collaboration


    By matching Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD determinations of pseudoscalar meson masses to Wilson Chiral Perturbation Theory we determine the low-energy constants W{sub 6}{sup '}, W{sub 8}{sup '} and their linear combination c{sub 2}. We explore the dependence of these low-energy constants on the choice of the lattice action and on the number of dynamical flavours.

  4. gsub(ωrhoπ) coupling constant from QCD sum rules

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eletsky, V.L.; Ioffe, B.L.; Kogan, Ya.I.


    QCD sum rules for the vertex function of two vector and one axial vector currents are used to calculate the gsub(ωrhoπ) coupling constant (where gsub(ωrhoπ) is a transition coupling constant for ω → rhoπ process). The obtained value, gsub(ωrhoπ) approximately 17 GeV -1 is in a good agreement with experimental data

  5. „Verfassungshütung“ im Commonwealth als Vorbild für den deutschen Verfassungsstaat? Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Legitimation verfassungsgerichtlicher Normenkontrollrechte / Roman Kaiser, Daniel Wolff

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaiser, Roman


    Konstitutsioonikohtust kui kõrgeimast instantsist põhiseaduse normide tõlgendajana; põhiseaduslikkuse kaitse uuest mudelist (new commonwealth model of constitutionalism) Suurbritannias, Kanadas, Uus-Meremaal ja osal Austraalia territooriumil)

  6. Swed ei hooli enam turuosa kasvust. Sihikul suhe kliendiga / Kadri Bank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bank, Kadri


    Swedbanki juhtide kohtumisest panga peakontoris Eesti ajakirjanikega. Swedbank koolitab klienditeenindajaid, kuidas õppida klienti paremini tundma. Suurfirmade jaoks on loodud uus üksus, kus iga kliendiga tegeleb eraldi meeskond

  7. Muusika hiilgus ja pahupool Grammy peegelduses / Immo Mihkelson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mihkelson, Immo, 1959-


    Los Angeleses toimunud 44. Grammyde jagamisest 101 kategoorias. Parema kammeransambli esituse kategoorias pärjati võitjaks Gido Kremer ja Kremerata Baltica uus plaat "After Mozart". Muusikaauhindade valikloetelu

  8. Тартуский Колледж Здравоохранения = Tartu Healthcare College / Мария Фадеева

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Фадеева, Мария


    Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli uus hoone. Arhitektid Siiri Vallner, Indrek Peil, Johannes Feld, Andro Mänd, Sten-Mark Mändmaa, Ragnar Põllukivi (Kavakava). Sisearhitekt Tarmo Piirmets (PINK). Valmimisaasta: 2011

  9. E-supply chains : competitive advantage? / Hele Hammer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hammer, Hele


    Kaanel ajak. ilmumisaeg 2001/2002. Autor tutvustab tarneteketi efektiivse juhtimise meetodeid Continuous Replenishment Program (CRP) ja Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). Uus tehnoloogia on oluline uue äristrateegia juurutamisel

  10. Kod Londona / Nikolai Karajev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Karajev, Nikolai, 1978-


    Londoni ülesehitamisest peale 1666. a. suurt tulekahju. Arhitekt Christopher Wreni, aiakujundaja John Evelyni jt. eesmärgiks oli ehitada Uus Jeruusalemm. Säilinud joonistused-plaanid, valminud ehitused

  11. Gaza võitmatu armaada / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Katsest viia laevadega humanitaarabi Gaza sektorisse. Autor on arvamusel, et kui Vabaduse laevastik ongi saavutanud soovitu ja murdnud blokaadi, siis uus tasakaal pole julgeoleku mõttes sugugi kindlam

  12. Low noise constant current source for bias dependent noise measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Talukdar, D.; Bose, Suvendu; Bardhan, K. K.; Chakraborty, R. K.


    A low noise constant current source used for measuring the 1/f noise in disordered systems in ohmic as well as nonohmic regime is described. The source can supply low noise constant current starting from as low as 1 μA to a few tens of milliampere with a high voltage compliance limit of around 20 V. The constant current source has several stages, which can work in a standalone manner or together to supply the desired value of load current. The noise contributed by the current source is very low in the entire current range. The fabrication of a low noise voltage preamplifier modified for bias dependent noise measurements and based on the existing design available in the MAT04 data sheet is also described.

  13. Synthesis and Characterization of High-Dielectric-Constant Nanographite-Polyurethane Composite (United States)

    Mishra, Praveen; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra; Bhattacharya, B.; Mehra, R. M.


    In the face of ever-growing demand for capacitors and energy storage devices, development of high-dielectric-constant materials is of paramount importance. Among various dielectric materials available, polymer dielectrics are preferred for their good processability. We report herein synthesis and characterization of nanographite-polyurethane composite with high dielectric constant. Nanographite showed good dispersibility in the polyurethane matrix. The thermosetting nature of polyurethane gives the composite the ability to withstand higher temperature without melting. The resultant composite was studied for its dielectric constant (ɛ) as a function of frequency. The composite exhibited logarithmic variation of ɛ from 3000 at 100 Hz to 225 at 60 kHz. The material also exhibited stable dissipation factor (tan δ) across the applied frequencies, suggesting its ability to resist current leakage.

  14. Time constant of logarithmic creep and relaxation

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Nabarro, FRN


    Full Text Available length and hardness which vary logarithmically with time. For dimensional reasons, a logarithmic variation must involve a time constant tau characteristic of the process, so that the deformation is proportional to ln(t/tau). Two distinct mechanisms...

  15. Coupling-constant flows and dynamical symmetry breaking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamagishi, H.


    The Coleman-Weinberg theory is reformulated in terms of flows in coupling-constant space. It is shown that the existence of dynamical symmetry breaking is governed essentially by the b functions. An application is made to the massless Weinberg-Salam model

  16. Calibration of the k- ɛ model constants for use in CFD applications (United States)

    Glover, Nina; Guillias, Serge; Malki-Epshtein, Liora


    The k- ɛ turbulence model is a popular choice in CFD modelling due to its robust nature and the fact that it has been well validated. However it has been noted in previous research that the k- ɛ model has problems predicting flow separation as well as unconfined and transient flows. The model contains five empirical model constants whose values were found through data fitting for a wide range of flows (Launder 1972) but ad-hoc adjustments are often made to these values depending on the situation being modeled. Here we use the example of flow within a regular street canyon to perform a Bayesian calibration of the model constants against wind tunnel data. This allows us to assess the sensitivity of the CFD model to changes in these constants, find the most suitable values for the constants as well as quantifying the uncertainty related to the constants and the CFD model as a whole.

  17. The handbook on optical constants of metals in tables and figures

    CERN Document Server

    Adachi, Sadao


    This book presents data on the optical constants of metal elements (Na, Au, Mg, Hg, Sc, Al, Ti, β-Sn, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, La, Th, etc.) semimetal elements (graphite, Sb, etc.), metallic compounds (TiN, VC, TiSi2, CoSi2, etc.) and high-temperature superconducting materials (YBa2Cu3O7-δ, MgB2, etc.). A complete set of the optical constants are presented in tabular and graphical forms over the entire photon-energy range. They are: the complex dielectric constant ε(E)=ε1(E)+iε2(E), the complex refractive index n*(E)=n(E)+ik(E), the absorption coefficient α(E) and the normal-incidence reflectivity R(E). The book will aid many who are interested to know the optical constants of the metals, semimetals, metallic compounds and high-temperature superconducting materials in the course of their work.

  18. Role of the cosmological constant in the holographic description of the early universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Myung, Yun Soo


    We investigate the role of the cosmological constant in the holographic description of a radiation-dominated universe C 2 /R 4 with a positive cosmological constant Λ. In order to understand the nature of cosmological term, we first study the Newtonian cosmology. Here we find two aspects of the cosmological term: entropy (Λ→S Λ ) and energy (Λ→E Λ ). Also we solve the Friedmann equation parametrically to obtain another role. In the presence of the cosmological constant, the solutions are described by the Weierstrass elliptic functions on torus and have modular properties. In this case one may expect to have a two-dimensional Cardy entropy formula but the cosmological constant plays a role of the modular parameter τ(C 2 ,Λ) of torus. Consequently, the entropy concept of the cosmological constant is very suitable for establishing the holographic entropy bounds in the early universe. This contrasts to the role of the cosmological constant as a dark energy in the present universe

  19. The pulsed neutron method applied to the determination of the nuclear constants of graphite (1961); La methode des neutrons pulses appliquee a la determination des constantes nucleaires du graphite (1961)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lalande, J [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Grenoble (France). Centre d' Etudes Nucleaires


    A method for determining the nuclear constants {sigma}{sub a} and {lambda}{sub t} of a moderator is described. The disappearance of a burst of neutrons introduced into a finite medium is studied as a function of time. This decrease in the thermal neutron density is the product of two exponentials; one representing the absorption, the other the leakage. By varying one or other of these factors, the constants of the factor left unvaried can be determined, and from this the nuclear constant values are deduced. (author) [French] On decrit une methode permettant de determiner les constantes nucleaires {sigma}{sub a} et {lambda}{sub t} d'un moderateur. On etudie la decroissance dans le temps d'une bouffee de neutrons introduite dans un milieu fini. Cette decroissance de la densite en neutrons thermiques est le produit de deux exponentielles; l'une represente l'absorption, l'autre les fuites. Par variation de l'un ou l'autre de ces facteurs, on determine les constantes du facteur laisse invariant dont on deduit les valeurs des constantes nucleaires. (auteur)

  20. Rate constant for reaction of atomic hydrogen with germane (United States)

    Nava, David F.; Payne, Walter A.; Marston, George; Stief, Louis J.


    Due to the interest in the chemistry of germane in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and because previously reported kinetic reaction rate studies at 298 K gave results differing by a factor of 200, laboratory measurements were performed to determine the reaction rate constant for H + GeH4. Results of the study at 298 K, obtained via the direct technique of flash photolysis-resonance fluorescence, yield the reaction rate constant, k = (4.08 + or - 0.22) x 10(exp -12) cu cm/s.

  1. Efficient, Robust and Constant-Round Distributed RSA Key Generation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damgård, Ivan Bjerre; Mikkelsen, Gert Læssøe


    We present the first protocol for distributed RSA key generation which is constant round, secure against malicious adversaries and has a negligibly small bound on the error probability, even using only one iteration of the underlying primality test on each candidate number.......We present the first protocol for distributed RSA key generation which is constant round, secure against malicious adversaries and has a negligibly small bound on the error probability, even using only one iteration of the underlying primality test on each candidate number....

  2. Apparatus producing constant cable tension for intermittent demand (United States)

    Lauritzen, Ted


    The disclosed apparatus produces constant tension in superconducting electrical cable, or some other strand, under conditions of intermittent demand, as the cable is unreeled from a reel or reeled thereon. The apparatus comprises a pivotally supported swing frame on which the reel is rotatably supported, a rotary motor, a drive train connected between the motor and the reel and including an electrically controllable variable torque slip clutch, a servo transducer connected to the swing frame for producing servo input signals corresponding to the position thereof, a servo control system connected between the transducer and the clutch for regulating the torque transmitted by the clutch to maintain the swing frame in a predetermined position, at least one air cylinder connected to the swing frame for counteracting the tension in the cable, and pressure regulating means for supplying a constant air pressure to the cylinder to establish the constant tension in the cable, the servo system and the clutch being effective to produce torque on the reel in an amount sufficient to provide tension in the cable corresponding to the constant force exerted by the air cylinder. The drive train also preferably includes a fail-safe brake operable to its released position by electrical power in common with the servo system, for preventing rotation of the reel if there is a power failure. A shock absorber and biasing springs may also be connected to the swing frame, such springs biasing the frame toward its predetermined position. The tension in the cable may be measured by force measuring devices engageable with the bearings for the reel shaft, such bearings being supported for slight lateral movement. The reel shaft is driven by a Shmidt coupler which accommodates such movement.

  3. Apparatus producing constant cable tension for intermittent demand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lauritzen, T.


    The disclosed apparatus produces constant tension in superconducting electrical cable, or some other strand, under conditions of intermittent demand, as the cable is unreeled from a reel or reeled thereon. The apparatus comprises a pivotally supported swing frame on which the reel is rotatably supported, a rotary motor, a drive train connected between the motor and the reel and including an electrically controllable variable torque slip clutch, a servo transducer connected to the swing frame for producing servo input signals corresponding to the position thereof, a servo control system connected between the transducer and the clutch for regulating the torque transmitted by the clutch to maintain the swing frame in a predetermined position, at least one air cylinder connected to the swing frame for counteracting the tension in the cable, and pressure regulating means for supplying a constant air pressure to the cylinder to establish the constant tension in the cable, the servo system and the clutch being effective to produce torque on the reel in an amount sufficient to provide tension in the cable corresponding to the constant force exerted by the air cylinder. The drive train also preferably includes a fail-safe brake operable to its released position by electrical power in common with the servo system, for preventing rotation of the reel if there is a power failure. A shock absorber and biasing springs may also be connected to the swing frame, such springs biasing the frame toward its predetermined position. The tension in the cable may be measured by force measuring devices engageable with the bearings for the reel shaft, such bearings being supported for slight lateral movement. The reel shaft is driven by a Shmidt coupler which accommodates such movement

  4. Strong Nuclear Gravitational Constant and the Origin of Nuclear Planck Scale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Seshavatharam U. V. S.


    Full Text Available Whether it may be real or an equivalent, existence of strong nuclear gravitational con- stant G S is assumed. Its value is obtained from Fermi’s weak coupling constant as G S = 6 : 9427284 10 31 m 3 / kg sec 2 and thus “nuclear planck scale” is defined. For strong interaction existence of a new integral charged “confined fermion” of mass 105.383 MeV is assumed. Strong coupling constant is the ratio of nuclear planck energy = 11.97 MeV and assumed 105.383 MeV. 1 s = X s is defined as the strong interaction mass gen- erator. With 105.383 MeV fermion various nuclear unit radii are fitted. Fermi’s weak coupling constant, strong interaction upper limit and Bohr radius are fitted at funda- mental level. Considering Fermi’s weak coupling constant and nuclear planck length a new number X e = 294.8183 is defined for fitting the electron, muon and tau rest masses. Using X s , X e and 105 : 32 = 0 : 769 MeV as the Coulombic energy constant = E c , en- ergy coe cients of the semi-empirical mass formula are estimated as E v = 16 : 32 MeV ; E s = 19 : 37 MeV ; E a = 23 : 86 MeV and E p = 11 : 97 MeV where Coulombic energy term contains [ Z ] 2 : Starting from Z = 2 nuclear binding energy is fitted with two terms along with only one energy constant = 0.769 MeV. Finally nucleon mass and its excited levels are fitted.

  5. Running Newton constant, improved gravitational actions, and galaxy rotation curves

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reuter, M.; Weyer, H.


    A renormalization group (RG) improvement of the Einstein-Hilbert action is performed which promotes Newton's constant and the cosmological constant to scalar functions on spacetime. They arise from solutions of an exact RG equation by means of a 'cutoff identification' which associates RG scales to the points of spacetime. The resulting modified Einstein equations for spherically symmetric, static spacetimes are derived and analyzed in detail. The modifications of the Newtonian limit due to the RG evolution are obtained for the general case. As an application, the viability of a scenario is investigated where strong quantum effects in the infrared cause Newton's constant to grow at large (astrophysical) distances. For two specific RG trajectories exact vacuum spacetimes modifying the Schwarzschild metric are obtained by means of a solution-generating Weyl transformation. Their possible relevance to the problem of the observed approximately flat galaxy rotation curves is discussed. It is found that a power law running of Newton's constant with a small exponent of the order 10 -6 would account for their non-Keplerian behavior without having to postulate the presence of any dark matter in the galactic halo

  6. Atomic spectroscopy and highly accurate measurement: determination of fundamental constants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schwob, C.


    This document reviews the theoretical and experimental achievements of the author concerning highly accurate atomic spectroscopy applied for the determination of fundamental constants. A pure optical frequency measurement of the 2S-12D 2-photon transitions in atomic hydrogen and deuterium has been performed. The experimental setting-up is described as well as the data analysis. Optimized values for the Rydberg constant and Lamb shifts have been deduced (R = 109737.31568516 (84) cm -1 ). An experiment devoted to the determination of the fine structure constant with an aimed relative uncertainty of 10 -9 began in 1999. This experiment is based on the fact that Bloch oscillations in a frequency chirped optical lattice are a powerful tool to transfer coherently many photon momenta to the atoms. We have used this method to measure accurately the ratio h/m(Rb). The measured value of the fine structure constant is α -1 = 137.03599884 (91) with a relative uncertainty of 6.7*10 -9 . The future and perspectives of this experiment are presented. This document presented before an academic board will allow his author to manage research work and particularly to tutor thesis students. (A.C.)

  7. Análise crítica do desempenho evolutivo da visão subnormal no Instituto Benjamin Constant Critical analysis of the progressive performance of low vision in Benjamin Constant Institute

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helder Alves da Costa Filho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade do setor de Visão Subnormal no Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC e comprovar a real necessidade de um Instituto nos moldes do Instituto Benjamin Constant na atual política de inclusão. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico, realizado de 1º de outubro de 1990 a 20 de dezembro de 2002, analisando três períodos de atendimento no setor de Visão Subnormal no Instituto Benjamin Constant: a 1991 - início do atendimento; b 1995 - integração médico-pedagógica; c 2002 - estágio atual. Nesta análise foram estudados os seguintes indicadores: I - número de atendimentos no setor de Visão Subnormal; II - condições do setor de Visão Subnormal no Instituto Benjamin Constant e III - associados. RESULTADOS: Observou-se aumento do atendimento, que passou a ser mais abrangente após a integração médico-pedagógica. Outros indicadores, como a capacitação de profissionais médicos, a participação em cursos de capacitação no Instituto Benjamin Constant, o aumento do número de convênios e encaminhamentos para o Instituto Benjamin Constant, além da Reabilitação, também confirmam a efetividade do setor de Visão Subnormal no Instituto Benjamin Constant. CONCLUSÕES: O setor de Visão Subnormal mostrou ser a interface entre o serviço médico e o serviço pedagógico, passando a interagir posteriormente com a Reabilitação e a Coordenação de Educação Física. Isto acarretou mudança de postura de diferentes setores do Instituto Benjamin Constant com relação ao paciente portador de visão subnormal, desde o educando até o paciente da comunidade. Desse modo, o Instituto Benjamin Constant mostrou a sua utilidade no tocante à política de inclusão.PURPOSE: To evaluate effectiveness of the Low Vision the Benjamin Constant Institute (BCI and confirm the real necessity of an Institute like BCI in the present inclusion policy. METHODS: Ecological study, analyzing 3 periods of Low Vision Assistance at the Benjamin

  8. Semi-empirical proton binding constants for natural organic matter (United States)

    Matynia, Anthony; Lenoir, Thomas; Causse, Benjamin; Spadini, Lorenzo; Jacquet, Thierry; Manceau, Alain


    Average proton binding constants ( KH,i) for structure models of humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids were estimated semi-empirically by breaking down the macromolecules into reactive structural units (RSUs), and calculating KH,i values of the RSUs using linear free energy relationships (LFER) of Hammett. Predicted log KH,COOH and log KH,Ph-OH are 3.73 ± 0.13 and 9.83 ± 0.23 for HA, and 3.80 ± 0.20 and 9.87 ± 0.31 for FA. The predicted constants for phenolic-type sites (Ph-OH) are generally higher than those derived from potentiometric titrations, but the difference may not be significant in view of the considerable uncertainty of the acidity constants determined from acid-base measurements at high pH. The predicted constants for carboxylic-type sites agree well with titration data analyzed with Model VI (4.10 ± 0.16 for HA, 3.20 ± 0.13 for FA; Tipping, 1998), the Impermeable Sphere model (3.50-4.50 for HA; Avena et al., 1999), and the Stockholm Humic Model (4.10 ± 0.20 for HA, 3.50 ± 0.40 for FA; Gustafsson, 2001), but differ by about one log unit from those obtained by Milne et al. (2001) with the NICA-Donnan model (3.09 ± 0.51 for HA, 2.65 ± 0.43 for FA), and used to derive recommended generic values. To clarify this ambiguity, 10 high-quality titration data from Milne et al. (2001) were re-analyzed with the new predicted equilibrium constants. The data are described equally well with the previous and new sets of values ( R2 ⩾ 0.98), not necessarily because the NICA-Donnan model is overparametrized, but because titration lacks the sensitivity needed to quantify the full binding properties of humic substances. Correlations between NICA-Donnan parameters are discussed, but general progress is impeded by the unknown number of independent parameters that can be varied during regression of a model fit to titration data. The high consistency between predicted and experimental KH,COOH values, excluding those of Milne et al. (2001), gives faith in the proposed

  9. The role of Newton's constant in Einstein's gravity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    de Alfaro, V.


    The role of the Newton constant in Einstein particle physics is discussed. The troubles paguing the quantum theory of gravity, including the abscence of an effective cosmological constant, are discussed. The Planck length is studied. The key point is that gravity theory is invariant under general coordinate transformations (GCT). The law of transformations of a tensor under GCT, with attention on dilatations, is determined. The results are compared to the case of a conformal invariant theory in a flat space. The fields in the flat limit are redefined under this rule: in the flat limit the kinetic term must be invariant under conformal transformations. The procedure exhibits clearly the fundamental scale invariance of the Einstein theory

  10. On the Roche constants for main-sequence binaries

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giannuzzi, M.A.


    The ratios C 1 /C 2 of the constants defining the equipotential surfaces which describe the external forms of the components of a close binary system have been calculated on the basis of evolutionary models. Theoretical systems have been considered allowing for a wide range of input parameters (masses and separation) and taking into account the evolutionary effects on the radii of the stars during their Main-Sequence lifetime. The systems have not undergone any transfer of matter and are representative of detached binaries with Main-sequence components. The ratios of the constants are confined in limited intervals and, for the highest values of the mass-ratios, they are clustered around the unit. (Auth.)

  11. Improvement to the D0 luminosity monitor constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bantley, J.


    The D0 experiment has previously calculated its luminosity using the visible cross section (luminosity monitor constant) for its Level 0 trigger, σ L0 = 48.2 mb, based on the world average pp inelastic cross sections at √s = 1.8 TeV. The error on luminosity had been set at 12%. Recent studies using the MBR and DTUJET Monte Carlo event generators and unbiased D0 data samples have resulted in a more precise determination of the D0 luminosity monitor constant. The result, σ L0 = 46.7 ± 2.5 mb, lowers the central value by 3.1% and reduces the error to 5.4%. 12 refs., 7 figs., 9 tabs

  12. Sol-gel-derived mesoporous silica films with low dielectric constants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seraji, S.; Wu, Yun; Forbess, M.; Limmer, S.J.; Chou, T.; Cao, Guozhong [Washington Univ., Seattle, WA (United States). Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering


    Mesoporous silica films with low dielectric constants and possibly closed pores have been achieved with a multiple step sol-gel processing technique. Crack-free films with approximately 50% porosity and 0.9 {mu}m thicknesses were obtained, a tape-test revealing good adhesion between films and substrates or metal electrodes. Dielectric constants remained virtually unchanged after aging at room temperature at 56% humidity over 6 days. (orig.)

  13. Institutional context and representational strain in party-voter agreement in Western and Eastern Europa / Robert Rohrschneider, Stephen Whitefield

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rohrschneider, Robert


    Uus teoreetiline seletus valimisinstitutsioonide mõjust poliitika ühildumisele, võttes arvesse valijate kasvavat jagunemist, nt partisanid ja sõltumatud. Aluseks 24 Euroopa riigi (sh Eesti) andmed. Joonised, tabelid

  14. Majanduse tulemuslikkus ELi riikide enda asi / Stefano Micossi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Micossi, Stefano


    Autori hinnangul peaks Euroopa Komisjoni uus koosseis Lissaboni strateegia kõrvale jätma, keskendudes selle asemel Euroopa ühisturu loomise lõpuniviimisele ning liikmesriikide eelarvepoliitikate kontrolli all hoidmisele

  15. Eesti on Ida-Euroopa kõige vähem korrumpeerunud riik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Transparency Internationali koostatava korruptsioonitajumise indeksi alusel on maailma kõige korrumpeerunum riik Somaalia ja kõige korruptsioonivabam riik Uus-Meremaa, Eesti on riikide järjestuses 27. kohal. Graafikud

  16. Eksootikat suusatajaile / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    Worldloppeti sõitude koordinaatori ametit pidav Epp Paal uudistas sarja ihkavaid suusamaratone Kangaroo Hoppetit Austraalias Falls Creekis ja Merino Musteri maratoni Uus-Meremaal. Tabel: Uued eksootilised suusamaratonid Worldloppeti sarjas

  17. Villa mägijärve kaldal / Dagmar Reinolt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinolt, Dagmar


    ARS Projekti poolt rekonstrueeritud villa Šveitsis Lugano linnas, mille uus siselahendus on voolav, moodne ja mitmetahuline. Arhitekt: Rasmus Tamme. Sisearhitektid: Rene Safin ja Eero Jürgenson. Valmimisaasta: 2014

  18. Tugev ja isikupärane Catalano

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sanitaarkeraamikat tootvast Itaalia ettevõttest Catalano, mis tegutseb 1967. aastast. 2007. a. saab tootmisküpseks uus kollektsioon "Roma". Eestis on alates 2002. aastast Catalano ametlikuks maaletoojaks Gerhard OÜ

  19. Jagamismajandus / Tomio Geron

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Geron, Tomio


    Uus, populaarsust koguv majandusmudel, kus vara omanikud kasutavad digitaalseid arvelduskontosid, et saada tulu juba olemasolevatelt asjadelt, ja tarbijad rendivad asju eraisikutelt selle asemel, et neid osta või rentida

  20. Mina ka olen Ameerika / Michele Norris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Norris, Michele


    Washingtoni uus riiklik afroameerika ajaloo ja kultuuri muuseum ning selle mitmekülgne kollektsioon näitavad afroameeriklaste kannatuste, visaduse ja triumfide isiklikku poolt. Muuseumi peakuraatoriks on Rex Ellis

  1. Schengen Facility hankeprojektid on täies hoos / Helena Loorents

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Loorents, Helena


    Schengen Facility toetusest uutele EL-i liikmesriikidele. Schengen Facility programmi vahenditest toetatakse Eesti piirivalvele RIB C-1100 tüüpi paatide ning piirivalvekopter hankimist, valminud on uus merevalvekeskus

  2. Tagasi Pariisis / Karl Rumor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rumor, Karl, pseud., 1886-1971


    Prantsusmaa sisepoliitilisest olustikust. Poliitilistest oludest 1937. aasta Euroopas, sõjameeleoludest Vahemerel, Nyloni konverentsist. Varem ilmunud: Uus Eesti 21. juuni 1937, nr. 166; 8., 13. sept. 1937, nr. 243, 248

  3. Inglise-Eesti digitaalfilmiprojekt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eile kuulutati välja uus rahvusvaheline filmifestival "Põhjavalgus" ("Nordic Lights"), mille raames Marko Raat, Andri Luup ja Hendrik Toompere jun. lähevad Inglismaale sealse meeskonnaga filmi tegema

  4. E-supply chains : competitive advantage? / Hele Hammer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hammer, Hele


    Kaanel ajak. ilmumisaeg Winter 2001/2002. Autor tutvustab tarneteketi efektiivse juhtimise meetodeid Continuous Replenishment Program (CRP) ja Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). Uus tehnoloogia on oluline uue äristrateegia juurutamisel

  5. Anneliis Kõiv jälle esimees / Tõnis Tõnisson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tõnisson, Tõnis, 1945-


    29. mail valis Eesti Kultuurkapitali Raplamaa ekspertgrupi uus koosseis oma esimeheks Anneliis Kõivu, aseesimeheks Age Rebeli. Lisaks neile kuuluvad grupi uude koosseisu Darja Lehtsalu, Andres Elmik ja Riho Pohla

  6. Parts hindab oma valitsust "kolmega" / Juhan Parts ; interv. Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Juhan, 1966-


    Peaminister Juhan Parts vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad uue valitsuskoalitsiooni moodustamist. Peaminister peab oluliseks, et uus valitsus tekiks kiiresti, ning on nõus ise uue valitsuse kokku panema

  7. Uued noortemajad Sinimägede kanti / Tiit Elner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elner, Tiit


    Presidendi väljapakutud idee rajada riigi toetusel Ida-Virumaale noorte uus asum on muundumas korraliku eluaseme pakkumiseks kohalike tööstusettevõtete juhtidele ja kõrgepalgalistele spetsialistidele

  8. Muusikamaailm / Priit Kuusk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuusk, Priit, 1938-


    La Scalaga ei olda enam rahul, Dresdenis tuli lavale Richard Straussi ooper "Ariadne Naxoselt", uus orkestriteos John Adamsilt, Müncheni muusikabiennaali uudiseid, suri üks rahvusvahelise kooriliikumise silmapaistvamaid tegelasi

  9. Jüri Ratas : Tallinnasse rahvuspark! / Jüri Ratas ; interv. Ilmar Palli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ratas, Jüri, 1978-


    Tallinna uus linnapea Jüri Ratas rohelisest vööndist, keskkonnakaitsest, ohtlikest veostest, teede olukorrast, linna elukeskkonnast, asotsiaalide probleemist ning kohaliku omavalitsuse ja riigi koostööst

  10. Can coupling constants be related

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nandi, Satyanarayan; Ng, Wing-Chiu.


    We analyze the conditions under which several coupling constants in field theory can be related to each other. When the relation is independent of the renormalization point, the relation between any g and g' must satisfy a differential equation as follows from the renormalization group equations. Using this differential equation, we investigate the criteria for the feasibility of a power-series relation for various theories, especially the Weinberg-Salam type (including Higgs bosons) with an arbitrary number of quark and lepton flavors. (orig./WL) [de

  11. Constant force extensional rheometry of polymer solutions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Szabo, Peter; McKinley, Gareth H.; Clasen, Christian


    We revisit the rapid stretching of a liquid filament under the action of a constant imposed tensile force, a problem which was first considered by Matta and Tytus [J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. 35 (1990) 215–229]. A liquid bridge formed from a viscous Newtonian fluid or from a dilute polymer solution...... is first established between two cylindrical disks. The upper disk is held fixed and may be connected to a force transducer while the lower cylinder falls due to gravity. By varying the mass of the falling cylinder and measuring its resulting acceleration, the viscoelastic nature of the elongating fluid...... filament can be probed. In particular, we show that with this constant force pull (CFP) technique it is possible to readily impose very large material strains and strain rates so that the maximum extensibility of the polymer molecules may be quantified. This unique characteristic of the experiment...

  12. Some Dynamical Effects of the Cosmological Constant (United States)

    Axenides, M.; Floratos, E. G.; Perivolaropoulos, L.

    Newton's law gets modified in the presence of a cosmological constant by a small repulsive term (antigravity) that is proportional to the distance. Assuming a value of the cosmological constant consistent with the recent SnIa data (Λ~=10-52 m-2), we investigate the significance of this term on various astrophysical scales. We find that on galactic scales or smaller (less than a few tens of kpc), the dynamical effects of the vacuum energy are negligible by several orders of magnitude. On scales of 1 Mpc or larger however we find that the vacuum energy can significantly affect the dynamics. For example we show that the velocity data in the local group of galaxies correspond to galactic masses increased by 35% in the presence of vacuum energy. The effect is even more important on larger low density systems like clusters of galaxies or superclusters.

  13. How universe evolves with cosmological and gravitational constants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    She-Sheng Xue


    Full Text Available With a basic varying space–time cutoff ℓ˜, we study a regularized and quantized Einstein–Cartan gravitational field theory and its domains of ultraviolet-unstable fixed point gir≳0 and ultraviolet-stable fixed point guv≈4/3 of the gravitational gauge coupling g=(4/3G/GNewton. Because the fundamental operators of quantum gravitational field theory are dimension-2 area operators, the cosmological constant is inversely proportional to the squared correlation length Λ∝ξ−2. The correlation length ξ characterizes an infrared size of a causally correlate patch of the universe. The cosmological constant Λ and the gravitational constant G are related by a generalized Bianchi identity. As the basic space–time cutoff ℓ˜ decreases and approaches to the Planck length ℓpl, the universe undergoes inflation in the domain of the ultraviolet-unstable fixed point gir, then evolves to the low-redshift universe in the domain of ultraviolet-stable fixed point guv. We give the quantitative description of the low-redshift universe in the scaling-invariant domain of the ultraviolet-stable fixed point guv, and its deviation from the ΛCDM can be examined by low-redshift (z≲1 cosmological observations, such as supernova Type Ia.

  14. Measurement of the Anisotropy of Diffusion Constant in Media with Empty Channels; Mesure de l'Anisotropie de la Constante de Diffusion dans des Milieux a Canaux Vides; Izmerenie anizotropii postoyannoj diffuzii v srede s pustymi kanalami; Medicion de la Anisotropia de la Constante de Difusion en Varios Sistemas con Canales Vacios

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Copic, M.; Kalin, T.; Pregl, G.; Zerdin, F. [Nuclear Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia (Slovenia)


    Using the pulsed-neutron source technique, the diffusion constant was measured in systems with empty channels. Plexiglas was used as the neutron diffusing material. From separate sets of measurements on rectangular blocks the diffusion constants parallel and perpendicular to channels were determined. The average value of the diffusion constant was also obtained experimentally from measurements on cubes. The difference between both diffusion constants, D{sub Double-Up-Tack} - D{sub Up-Tack }, agrees with theoretical predictions inside the limits of experimental errors, yet the average diffusion constant lies systematically below the predictions of Behrens' theory. (author) [French] En se servant de la methode de la source des neutrons puises, les auteurs ont mesure la constante de diffusion dans des systemes a canaux vides. Comme matiere diffusant les neutrons, ils ont utilise du plexiglas. A partir de series de mesures differentes faites sur des blocs rectangulaires, ils ont determine les constantes de diffusion parallele et perpendiculaire aux canaux. Ils ont egalement obtenu experimentalement la valeiir moyenne de la constante de diffusion a i'aide de mesures faites sur des cubes. La difference entre les deux constantes de diffusion, D{sub Double-Up-Tack} - D{sub Up-Tack }, concorde avec les previsions theoriques dans les limites des erreurs d'experience; cependant, la valeur moyenne de la constante de diffusion reste systematiquement inferieure aux previsions etablies par la theorie de Behrens. (author) [Spanish] Utilizando la tecnica de la fuente neutronica pulsada, los autores midieron la constante de difusion en varios sistemas con canales vacios. Como material difusor de neutrones emplearon polimetacrilato de metilo. Basandose en varias series de mediciones efectuadas en bloques rectangulares, los autores determinaron las constantes de difusion Inverted-Question-Mark n sentido paralelo y perpendicular a los canales. Obtuvieron experimentalmente el valor

  15. Flavour breaking effects in the pseudoscalar meson decay constants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bornyakov, V.G. [Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino (Russian Federation); Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow (Russian Federation); Far Eastern Federal Univ., Vladivostok (Russian Federation). School of Biomedicine; Horsley, R. [Edinburgh Univ. (United Kingdom). School of Physics and Astronomy; Nakamura, Y. [RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Hyogo (Japan); Perlt, H.; Schiller, A. [Leipzig Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Pleiter, D. [Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). Juelich Supercomputing Centre; Regensburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Theoretische Physik; Rakow, P.E.L. [Liverpool Univ. (United Kingdom). Theoretical Physics Division; Schierholz, G. [DESY Hamburg (Germany); Stueben, H. [Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Regionales Rechenzentrum; Zanotti, J.M. [Adelaide Univ. (Australia). CSSM, Dept. of Physics; Collaboration: QCDSF-UKQCD Collaborations


    The SU(3) flavour symmetry breaking expansion in up, down and strange quark masses is extended from hadron masses to meson decay constants. This allows a determination of the ratio of kaon to pion decay constants in QCD. Furthermore when using partially quenched valence quarks the expansion is such that SU(2) isospin breaking effects can also be determined. It is found that the lowest order SU(3) flavour symmetry breaking expansion (or Gell-Mann-Okubo expansion) works very well. Simulations are performed for 2+1 flavours of clover fermions at four lattice spacings.

  16. Holographic dark energy with cosmological constant (United States)

    Hu, Yazhou; Li, Miao; Li, Nan; Zhang, Zhenhui


    Inspired by the multiverse scenario, we study a heterotic dark energy model in which there are two parts, the first being the cosmological constant and the second being the holographic dark energy, thus this model is named the ΛHDE model. By studying the ΛHDE model theoretically, we find that the parameters d and Ωhde are divided into a few domains in which the fate of the universe is quite different. We investigate dynamical behaviors of this model, and especially the future evolution of the universe. We perform fitting analysis on the cosmological parameters in the ΛHDE model by using the recent observational data. We find the model yields χ2min=426.27 when constrained by Planck+SNLS3+BAO+HST, comparable to the results of the HDE model (428.20) and the concordant ΛCDM model (431.35). At 68.3% CL, we obtain -0.07<ΩΛ0<0.68 and correspondingly 0.04<Ωhde0<0.79, implying at present there is considerable degeneracy between the holographic dark energy and cosmological constant components in the ΛHDE model.

  17. Holographic dark energy with cosmological constant

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu, Yazhou; Li, Nan; Zhang, Zhenhui [State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190 (China); Li, Miao, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [School of Astronomy and Space Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510275 (China)


    Inspired by the multiverse scenario, we study a heterotic dark energy model in which there are two parts, the first being the cosmological constant and the second being the holographic dark energy, thus this model is named the ΛHDE model. By studying the ΛHDE model theoretically, we find that the parameters d and Ω{sub hde} are divided into a few domains in which the fate of the universe is quite different. We investigate dynamical behaviors of this model, and especially the future evolution of the universe. We perform fitting analysis on the cosmological parameters in the ΛHDE model by using the recent observational data. We find the model yields χ{sup 2}{sub min}=426.27 when constrained by Planck+SNLS3+BAO+HST, comparable to the results of the HDE model (428.20) and the concordant ΛCDM model (431.35). At 68.3% CL, we obtain −0.07<Ω{sub Λ0}<0.68 and correspondingly 0.04<Ω{sub hde0}<0.79, implying at present there is considerable degeneracy between the holographic dark energy and cosmological constant components in the ΛHDE model.

  18. Holographic dark energy with cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu, Yazhou; Li, Nan; Zhang, Zhenhui; Li, Miao


    Inspired by the multiverse scenario, we study a heterotic dark energy model in which there are two parts, the first being the cosmological constant and the second being the holographic dark energy, thus this model is named the ΛHDE model. By studying the ΛHDE model theoretically, we find that the parameters d and Ω hde are divided into a few domains in which the fate of the universe is quite different. We investigate dynamical behaviors of this model, and especially the future evolution of the universe. We perform fitting analysis on the cosmological parameters in the ΛHDE model by using the recent observational data. We find the model yields χ 2 min =426.27 when constrained by Planck+SNLS3+BAO+HST, comparable to the results of the HDE model (428.20) and the concordant ΛCDM model (431.35). At 68.3% CL, we obtain −0.07<Ω Λ0 <0.68 and correspondingly 0.04<Ω hde0 <0.79, implying at present there is considerable degeneracy between the holographic dark energy and cosmological constant components in the ΛHDE model

  19. Relaxing a large cosmological constant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bauer, Florian; Sola, Joan; Stefancic, Hrvoje


    The cosmological constant (CC) problem is the biggest enigma of theoretical physics ever. In recent times, it has been rephrased as the dark energy (DE) problem in order to encompass a wider spectrum of possibilities. It is, in any case, a polyhedric puzzle with many faces, including the cosmic coincidence problem, i.e. why the density of matter ρ m is presently so close to the CC density ρ Λ . However, the oldest, toughest and most intriguing face of this polyhedron is the big CC problem, namely why the measured value of ρ Λ at present is so small as compared to any typical density scale existing in high energy physics, especially taking into account the many phase transitions that our Universe has undergone since the early times, including inflation. In this Letter, we propose to extend the field equations of General Relativity by including a class of invariant terms that automatically relax the value of the CC irrespective of the initial size of the vacuum energy in the early epochs. We show that, at late times, the Universe enters an eternal de Sitter stage mimicking a tiny positive cosmological constant. Thus, these models could be able to solve the big CC problem without fine-tuning and have also a bearing on the cosmic coincidence problem. Remarkably, they mimic the ΛCDM model to a large extent, but they still leave some characteristic imprints that should be testable in the next generation of experiments.

  20. Constraints on Alternate Universes: Stars and habitable planets with different fundamental constants


    Adams, Fred C.


    This paper develops constraints on the values of the fundamental constants that allow universes to be habitable. We focus on the fine structure constant $\\alpha$ and the gravitational structure constant $\\alpha_G$, and find the region in the $\\alpha$-$\\alpha_G$ plane that supports working stars and habitable planets. This work is motivated, in part, by the possibility that different versions of the laws of physics could be realized within other universes. The following constraints are enforce...

  1. Cylindrically symmetric, static strings with a cosmological constant in Brans-Dicke theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Delice, Oezguer


    The static cylindrically symmetric vacuum solutions with a cosmological constant in the framework of the Brans-Dicke theory are investigated. Some of these solutions admitting Lorentz boost invariance along the symmetry axis correspond to local, straight cosmic strings with a cosmological constant. Some physical properties of such solutions are studied. These strings apply attractive or repulsive forces on the test particles. A smooth matching is also performed with a recently introduced interior thick string solution with a cosmological constant

  2. Nonequilibrium method for estimating the first hydrolysis constant of tetravalent plutonium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silver, G.L.


    Six discrete formulas are used to estimate the equilibrium constant of the first hydrolysis reaction of tetravalent plutonium. They apply the pH, the oxidation number, one equilibrium constant, and fractions of two of the plutonium oxidation states. The new formulas are not restricted to the equilibrium condition. (author)

  3. A consistent set of thermodynamic constants for americium (III) species with hydroxyl and carbonate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kerrisk, J.F.; Silva, R.J.


    A consistent set of thermodynamic constants for aqueous species, and compounds of Am(III) with hydroxyl and carbonate ligands has been developed. The procedure used to develop these constants involved establishing a value for one formation constant at a time in a sequential order, starting with the hydrolysis products and hydroxide solids, and then proceeding to carbonate species. The EQ3NR chemical-equilibrium model was used to test the constants developed. These constants are consistent with most of the experimental data that form their basis; however, considerable uncertainty still exists in some aspects of the Am(III) data

  4. Best constants in a class of polymultiplicative inequalities for derivatives

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ilyin, A A


    Best constants are found in a class of multiplicative inequalities with k factors that give an estimate of the C-norm of a function (in R n or on S n ) in terms of the product of the L 2 -norms of fractional powers of the Laplace operator. Special attention is given to the detection of the cases of equality of the corresponding constants on the sphere and in Euclidean space

  5. Proceedings of the workshop: the solar constant and the Earth's atmosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zirin, H.; Moore, R.L.; Walter, J.


    The solar constant has long been a fundamental quantity in astrophysics, but as with many fundamental quantities, interest in its exact value or its variation has not been great over the last decade. This was particularly due to the fact that most models of stars indicated that their luminosity should be quite constant, varying only over nuclear burning times of hundreds of millions of years. Thus, after the pioneering work of Abbott, it has been more a subject of interest for atmospheric scientists who needed to know the exact inputs to the Earth's atmosphere. In recent years however, the celebrated problem of the missing solar neutrinos has brought into question the theories of stellar structure, and the solar constant is again being thought about. Standard solar models predict a lower solar constant in the past, 75% of the present, 4x10 9 years ago and a virtually constant value over short time scales (10 7 years). However, the lack of observed neutrinos predicted by this model suggests that the interior of the Sun is not really understood, which means that solar constant variations cannot be ruled out on the basis of the theory of stellar interiors. Measurement of the planets, the old Smithsonian measurements, and other data suggest that the Sun cannot have varied more than a few percent over the past hundred years, but some of the measurements even suggest small variation of the order of a percent. On the other hand, in the important near ultraviolet region, there is evidence for some variation in the 2700-3100 A region and up to 50% variation below 1600 A, dependent on solar activity. (Auth.)

  6. Mängu nimel tasub riskida / Toomas Velmet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Velmet, Toomas, 1942-


    3. aprillil Eesti Kontserdi sarjas "Eesti muusika kullafond" Estonia kontserdisaalis toimunud Uus Tallinna Trio kontserdist ja 4. aprillil sarjas "Akadeemiline kammermuusika" Kadrioru lossis toimunud Olga Voronova ning Mati Mikalai kontserdist

  7. Lutheri kvartali ehitaja lõpetas arendajaga koostöö / Garel Püüa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Püüa, Garel


    AS Eesti Ehitus lõpetas Lutheri kvartali ehituseks sõlmitud töövõtulepingu kinnisvaraarendajaga OÜ Grove Invest. Eesti Ehituse juhatuse esimehe Jaano Vinki selgitus. Lisa: Uus Lutheri elamukvartal

  8. Vene teatri interjööride restaureerimine ja sisekujundus. Vabaduse väljak 5, Tallinn / Aivar Oja, Riin Luuk, Piret Bender...[jt.

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5 värv. sisevaadet; sisekujundajad: A. Oja, R. Luuk (ajalooline osa), P. Bender (uus osa); siseviimistluse, maalingute ja valgustite restaureerimine: KAR Grupp; 1926. a. valminud hoone arhitekt: F. Skujinsh

  9. Vsjo na prodazhu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eminemi eksabikaasa peab ilmuma kohtusse. J. Timberlake on aasta mees. F. Kirkorov ja Diskomafija toetasid prostitutsiooni legaliseerimist. Vale-Zemfira esines Kasastanis. A. Pugatshoval uus sait internetis. Perekond Gazmanovid ootavad last

  10. Mees, kes mängis head natsi / Ulrich Tukur ; intervjueerinud Maria Ulfsak-Šeripova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tukur, Ulrich, 1957-


    Festivali "Uus saksa kino" raames on oodata Eestisse saksa kino elavat klassikut, kel kandev roll Michael Haneke auhinnatud filmis "Valge pael" ja nimosa filmis "John Rabe" (Saksamaa-Hiina-Prantsusmaa 2009)

  11. 2003. aasta logistikateo tegi DFDC Transport / Rivo Sarapik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sarapik, Rivo, 1981-


    Eesti Konverentsikeskuse ja Eesti Logistikaühingu poolt korraldatava konkursi Logistikategu 2003 tulemustest. Lisa: Logistikategu 2003 Suur Auhind - DFDC Transport AS. Vt. samas: Suur auhind: DFDC Transport - uus logistikakeskus Laagris

  12. Täna 20 aastat tagasi : jaanuar 1988 / Indrek Toome ; interv. Helle Raidla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toome, Indrek


    Uus rubriik, milles meenutatakse kuust kuusse Eesti iseseisvumise taastamise aja olulisi sündmusi. Vestlus Indrek Toomega, kes nimetati 1988. aasta jaanuaris Eesti Kommunistliku Partei Keskkomitee uueks ideoloogiasekretäriks

  13. Aasta Suurim Film? / Chili Palmer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Palmer, Chili


    Peter Jacksoni esimene film J.R.R. Tolkieni triloogia "Sõrmuste isand" alusel - "Sõrmuse vennaskond", ("The Lord of the Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring") : Uus-Meremaa, Ameerika Ühendriigid 2001

  14. Estonian Air valmistub odavate piletitega EasyJeti tulekuks / Erkki Erilaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erilaid, Erkki


    Estonian Air pidi langetama piletihindu Berliini ja Londoni liinil kolmandiku võrra, kuna oktoobri lõpust hakkab Tallinna lennujaamast reise tegema uus odavlennufirma Easy-Jet. Lisa: Estonian Airi hinnad internetis

  15. Res Publica objedinjajetsja s Sojuzom Otetshestva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Res Publica ja Isamaaliidu liitumisel tekib uus erakond - Eesti Eest!. Ida-Viru Isamaaliidu ja Res Publica esimeeste Hans Pindre, Vladislav Ponjatovski ning Narva Res Publica endise liidri Nikolai Golubevi arvamused

  16. Unit Link insurance product catches on in Latvia, finally

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Lätis tuleb turule uus elukindlustuse teenus, mille kaudu on võimalik kindlustuslepinguid siduda investeerimisfondidega. Eesti, Läti ja Leedu kindlustusturust. Tabel: Eesti elukindlustus ettevõtted : Eesti mitteelukindlustus ettevõtted

  17. Eks eklektikat Piiteris jätku ... / Andres Keil

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keil, Andres, 1974-


    Peterburi festivalist "Uus draama" (Novaja drama), pikemalt peatutakse Aleksei Kazantsevi ja Mihhail Rozhini juhitava Moskva dramaturgia ja rezhissuuri keskuse esitatud H. Kraussleri tükil "Peatus. Kummitused" I. Selini lavastuses

  18. Pervõi zamestitel polnomotsh̜ogo predstavitelja prezidenta Rossii v Severo-Zapadnom federalnom okruge Ljubov Sovershajeva : "Estonii sledujet obratit vinimanije na severo-zapad Rossii, a severo-zapadu - na Estoniju" / Eteri Kekelidze

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kekelidze, Eteri, 1944-


    Eesti ja Venemaa Loode regiooni majandussuhete võimalikkusest. Kommenteerib Ljubov Sovershajeva, Venemaa presidendi esindaja riigi Loode regioonis, kes võttis osa seminarist "Venemaa ja NATO : uus ajastu eesti-vene suhetes"

  19. Aias sadas saia = A man, a plan, a canal : Panama / Indrek Grigor

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Grigor, Indrek, 1981-


    Kunstnik Margus Tamme uus loominguline etapp 2013-2014: installatsioonid "Never odd or even" Hobusepea galeriis, "Novella" Haapsalu Linnagaleriis, "Raymond the diamond" Tartu Kunstimajas ja "Kolm esimest minutit" Tallinna Kunstihoone galeriis

  20. Exact constants in approximation theory

    CERN Document Server

    Korneichuk, N


    This book is intended as a self-contained introduction for non-specialists, or as a reference work for experts, to the particular area of approximation theory that is concerned with exact constants. The results apply mainly to extremal problems in approximation theory, which in turn are closely related to numerical analysis and optimization. The book encompasses a wide range of questions and problems: best approximation by polynomials and splines; linear approximation methods, such as spline-approximation; optimal reconstruction of functions and linear functionals. Many of the results are base