
Sample records for utilizando marcadores rapd


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    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a variabilidade genética da coleção de trabalho de acessos de araticum da Embrapa Cerrados e outros materiais próximos ao Distrito Federal, utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD, microssatélites e análise de características morfológicas. Folhas de 18 acessos de araticum foram coletadas e utilizadas para a extração das amostras de DNA genômico, as quais foram amplificadas para obtenção de marcadores moleculares RAPD e microssatélites. Na análise morfológica, foram avaliadas 23 características dos acessos de araticum. As dissimilaridades genéticas entre os 18 genótipos de araticum evidenciaram a variabilidade genética dos acessos e as análises de agrupamento levaram à formação de três grupos de similaridade. Verificaram-se coeficientes de dissimilaridades genéticas baixos entre os materiais oriundos da Embrapa Cerrados e altos entre os outros materiais. Esses acessos são importantes fontes de variabilidade para o enriquecimento da atual coleção de trabalho da Embrapa Cerrados e para futuros estudos de caracterização morfológica e agronômica.


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    Full Text Available Estudou-se a variabilidade genética em couve (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala D.C. tipo manteiga por intermédio do polimorfismo enzimático em gel de poliacrilamida e do polimorfismo de DNA, denominado RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA, com base na amplificação de segmentos de DNA ao acaso. Avaliaram-se quinze clones de couve-manteiga do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma do Instituto Agronômico (IAC, utilizando-se extratos de folhas para análise de isoenzimas e marcador RAPD com os "primers" dos kits A e B da Operon Technologies. Entre as isoenzimas estudadas, as mais polimórficas foram as fosfoglucomutase (PGM, peroxidase (PRX e esterase (EST, tendo o sistema PGM realizado a melhor caracterização. Verificou-se a ocorrência de variabilidade genética por meio de isoenzimas e RAPD, porém não foi observada a similaridade entre os dendrogramas obtidos por ambos os tipos de marcadores, sugerindo que as isoenzimas forneceram menos informação sobre o genoma. A maior eficácia do RAPD foi devida à possibilidade de processar maior número de análises, evidenciando mais detalhes sobre o genoma.

  3. Caracterização de genótipos de mirtilo utilizando marcadores moleculares Characterization of blueberry genotypes using molecular markers

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    Sergio Delmar dos Anjos e Silva


    Full Text Available O cultivo do mirtilo está em expansão no Brasil, em especial em regiões de clima temperado, onde há grande demanda em relação a cultivares adaptadas às condições edafoclimáticas regionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar genótipos de mirtilo do programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Clima Temperado, utilizando marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD e SSR. Foram caracterizados 40 genótipos de mirtilo por RAPD e oito cultivares por microssatélites. Os nove primers utilizados na técnica de RAPD geraram 89 marcadores. A similaridade genética entre os genótipos variou de 64 a 89%. Utilizando a similaridade média (66%, foram obtidos quatro grupos. Foram gerados 11 marcadores a partir de três pares de primers de microssatélites. A similaridade genética entre as cultivares variou de 25 a 75%. Com similaridade média (42,4%, foram obtidos três grupos. Com apenas três pares de primers de SSR, foi possível definir o padrão das oito cultivares de mirtilo, revelando a eficiência da técnica de microssatélite na caracterização de genótipos dessa espécie. Esses resultados revelam a eficiência dos marcadores tipo RAPD e SSR na caracterização de genótipos de mirtilo. Entretanto, os marcadores tipo microssatélites geram resultados mais precisos, sendo os mais recomendados para uso em programas de melhoramento e identificação de cultivares.The blueberry crop planting area is increasing in Brazil, especially in Temperate Climate Zones, generating demands relating to suitable cultivars adapted to regional climate and soil conditions. This work aimed to characterize blueberry genotypes from Embrapa Clima Temperado breeding program, using RAPD and SSR molecular markers. There were characterized 40 blueberry genotypes using RAPD and 8 cultivars using SSR molecular markers. The 9 RAPD primers generated 89 markers. The genetic similarity ranged from 64 to 89%. Through the average similarity (66%, it was possible to identify four

  4. Caracterização de genótipos de cebola com a utilização de marcadores moleculares RAPD

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    Gerson Henrique Wamser

    Full Text Available A divergência genética foi avaliada entre quinze genótipos de cebola cultivados em Santa Catarina, com a utilização de marcadores moleculares RAPD. Onze oligonucleotídeos iniciadores da série Operon Technologies foram utilizados e produziram 35 marcadores, destes, 28 foram polimórficos. Os produtos da amplificação foram visualizados em gel de agarose 1,4%, corado com brometo de etídeo. Uma matriz de similaridade utilizando-se o coeficiente de Jaccard foi construída a partir dos dados moleculares. Um dendrograma foi gerado para melhor visualização da similaridade genética através do método de agrupamento UPGMA. Três grupos foram formados utilizando o coeficiente de similaridade 0,6 como ponto de corte. O primeiro grupo reuniu os genótipos Super Superprecoce e Gauchinha. O segundo grupo reuniu doze genótipos. Dentro desse grupo, os genótipos Bella Vista e Bella Dura foram os que apresentaram o maior coeficiente de similaridade, em torno de 0,89. Bela Vista e Superprecoce, Catarina e o híbrido Bella Vista, com coeficiente de similaridade de 0,88 entre os pares. O terceiro grupo apresentou apenas o genótipo Crioula Roxa, que obteve o menor valor (0,31 para o coeficiente de similaridade. Tendo em vista os resultados obtidos, cruzamentos entre os genótipos do primeiro e segundo grupo e destes com o genótipo Crioula Roxa, podem ser melhores por apresentarem maior divergência entre si. A técnica de RAPD mostrou-se eficaz na caracterização molecular dos genótipos de cebola, evidenciando que existe variabilidade entre os genótipos estudados.

  5. Marcadores RAPD para la identificación del sexo en papaya (Carica papaya L. en Colombia

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    Chaves-Bedoya Giovanni


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    La determinación del sexo en plantas de papaya es considerado un sistema intrigante, debido a que esta especie presenta tres sexos (macho, hembra y hermafrodita determinados por un locus multialélico. Además, esta especie no presenta cromosomas sexuales morfológicamente diferenciables. Los marcadores moleculares pueden asociarse a características de interés, como en el presente caso, al sexo en plántulas de papaya. Con el objetivo de identificar marcadores moleculares que permitan una rápida identificación del sexo en genotipos colombianos de plántulas de papaya, se aplicó la técnica RAPD (ampliación aleatoria de polimorfismos del ADN. El estudio encontró tres marcadores RAPD polimórficos, los cuales permitieron diferenciar los sexos de la papaya. Dos marcadores fueron específicos para plantas macho y hermafrodita, y un tercero para plantas hembra. Estos nuevos marcadores moleculares podrán ser beneficiosos en la determinación del sexo en genotipos colombianos de papaya.


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    Full Text Available Foram coletadas, em área comercial da fazenda Córrego dos Bois, município de Canápolis -- MG, 20 plantas matrizes de abacaxizeiro cultivar Smooth Cayenne, para avaliação de similaridade e padrões genotípicos através de marcadores moleculares RAPD e padrões isoenzimáticos. As plantas matrizes foram selecionadas mediante as seguintes características: planta sadia, frutos cilíndricos, ausência de fasciação, pedúnculo curto, ausência de espinhos nas folhas, "olho" do fruto chato e peso dos frutos entre 1,6 a 2,2kg. Para análise de marcadores RAPD, foram testados 100 "primers", dos quais, 43 foram eficientes na amplificação das amostras, onde foram observados padrões de bandas diferentes entre as plantas matrizes utilizadas, indicando a existência de variabilidade genética. Nos padrões isoenzimáticos, dos 15 sistemas utilizados para revelação das amostras, 8 apresentaram atividade enzimática, sendo 5 deles com baixa resolução; entretanto, estes sistemas não foram eficientes em diferenciar as amostras devido à ausência de polimorfismoTwenty matrix plants of pineapple cultivar Smooth Cayenne were collected from commercial area in the farm Córrego dos Bois, Canápolis city - MG, to evaluate similarity and genotypes patterns by both molecular markers, RAPD and isozymes analysis. Collected matrix plants presented the following characteristics: healthy plants, cylindrical fruits, no fasciation, short peduncle, spineless leaves, boring bubilles and fruit weight between 1,6 to 2,2kg. One hundred primers were tested to analyze RAPD patterns, within them, 43 were efficient to amplify the samples. Distinct patterns were observed among the matrix plants indicating that there is genetic variability. In relation to isozyme profiles, 15 isoenzyme systems were tested but only 8 revealed enzymatic activity, where 5 of them presented low resolution. In spite of this, the 8 systems weren't efficient to differentiate the samples not

  7. Divergência genética entre cultivares de gérbera utilizando marcadores RAPD Genetic divergence among cultivars of gerbera using RAPD markers

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    Rodrigo Kelson Silva Rezende


    Full Text Available No processo de produção comercial de mudas de gérbera, a cor da flor é uma das principais características morfológicas de interesse agronômico, sendo uma característica importante em programas de melhoramento genético. A utilização de marcadores moleculares pode servir para direcionar cruzamentos, confirmar novos híbridos ou genótipos mutantes e identificar novos genótipos para fins comerciais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a divergência genética entre seis cultivares de Gerbera jamesonii ('Jaguar Yellow', 'Jaguar Cream', 'Jaguar Lemon', 'Jaguar Salmon Pastel', 'Jaguar Red', 'Jaguar Deep Rose'. A análise de divergência genética entre as cultivares de gérbera foi realizada utilizando-se 21 primers, os quais amplificaram 37 fragmentos polimórficos de DNA, que foram usados para estimar o coeficiente de Jaccard, o qual apresentou uma média de 0,38, variando de 0,28 a 0,56. A estrutura genética entre as cultivares foi estimada pelo UPGMA, revelando dois grupos distintos, a 38% de similaridade genética. A maior similaridade genética encontrada (56% foi entre as cultivares 'Jaguar Yellow' e 'Jaguar Lemon'. Os resultados demonstram que a técnica RAPD oferece uma maneira rápida, relativamente barata e útil para a caracterização da divergência genética entre as diferentes cultivares de Gerbera jamesonii com relação à cor da flor.During the commercial production of gerbera seedlings, flower color is one of the main morphological aspects that have an agronomic interest and becoming an important feature in genetic breeding programs. The use of molecular markers may serve to direct crossings, new hybrids and mutants, besides confirm and identify new genotypes for commercial purposes. In that context, this work aimed to analyze the genetic divergence among six cultivars of Gerbera jamesonii ('Jaguar Yellow', 'Jaguar Cream', 'Jaguar Lemon', 'Jaguar Salmon Pastel', 'Jaguar Red', 'Jaguar Deep Rose'. The

  8. Variabilidade genética de acessos silvestres e comerciais de Passiflora edulis Sims. com base em marcadores RAPD Genetic variability of wild and commercial passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims. accessions using RAPD markers

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    Graciele Bellon


    Full Text Available No Cerrado brasileiro, há uma grande diversidade de cores, tamanhos e aromas de frutos em acessos silvestres de P. edulis. Estes acessos também são importantes fontes de resistência a doenças, podendo ser incorporados em programas de melhoramento genético do maracujazeiro azedo. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estimar a variabilidade genética existente em acessos silvestres e comerciais de P. edulis utilizando-se de marcadores RAPD. O DNA genômico de cada acesso foi extraído e amplificado com treze iniciadores decâmeros (OPD-04, OPD-07, OPD-08, OPD-16, OPE-18, OPE-20, OPF-01, OPF-14, OPG-05, OPG-08, OPH-04, OPH-12 e OPH-16 para a obtenção dos marcadores RAPD. Os marcadores obtidos foram convertidos em uma matriz de dados binários, a partir da qual foram estimadas as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos e realizadas análises de agrupamento e de dispersão gráfica. Um total de 187 marcadores foi gerado, sendo que apenas 28 (14,97% deles foram monomórficos. As distâncias genéticas entre os 15 acessos de maracujazeiro variaram de 0,091 a 0,496. Os marcadores moleculares demonstraram a alta variabilidade genética dos acessos de P. edulis, sendo que os acessos de frutos amarelos apresentaram maior distanciamento em relação aos de frutos roxos. Menores distâncias genéticas foram verificadas entre os acessos de mesma origem geográfica.There are a great diversity of colors, sizes and aromas of fruits in wild accessions of P. edulis in Brazilian Savannah. These accessions are also important resistance sources against illness which can be incorpored in passionfruit breeding programs. In this work, the objetive was to evaluate the genetic variability in wild and commercial P. edulis accessions using RAPD markers. The genomic DNA of each accession was extracted and amplified using thirteen decamer primers (OPD-04, OPD-07, OPD-08, OPD-16, OPE-18, OPE-20, OPF-01, OPF-14, OPG-05, OPG-08, OPH-04, OPH-12 and OPH-16 to obtain RAPD markers

  9. Genetic variations among passion fruit species using rapd markers Variação genética entre espécies de maracujá utilizando marcadores rapd

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    Ana Paula de Andrade Aukar


    Full Text Available It has been evaluated the genetic variability through the use of RAPD molecular markers on the following passionflower species: Passiflora amethystina, P. caerulea, P. cincinnata, P. coccinea, P. serrato digitata, P. foetida, P. maliformis, P. alata, P. giberti, P. laurifolia, P. macrocarpa, P. nitida, P. setacea, P. suberosa, P. ligularis, P. capsularis, P. edulis Sims and its botanical variety P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg. In this research work, the analyses of the random amplified polymorphic DNA products (RAPD were employed to estimate the genetic diversity and the taxonomic linkage within the species above. The total of 21 primers were used in this study which generated 270 different polymorphic products. It was possible to detect that the Passiflora species had shown a similarity of 17,3%, and between Passiflora edulis Sims and Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa a similarity of 34,35% has been found. The rate of similarity within edulis specie is low, making it clear that a large variability between the yellow and the purple forms exists.Foram avaliadas as variações genéticas através de marcadores moleculares RAPD, as seguintes espécies de maracujá: Passiflora amethystina, P. caerulea, P. cincinnata, P. coccinea, P. serrato digitata, P. foetida, P. maliformis, P. alata, P. giberti, P. laurifolia, P. macrocarpa, P. nitida, P. setacea, P. suberosa, P. ligularis, P. capsularis, P. edulis Sims e sua variedade botânica P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg. Neste estudo, a análise dos produtos da amplificação ao acaso do DNA polimórfico (RAPD foi usada para estimar a diversidade genética e as relações taxonômicas entre as espécies. Foram utilizados 21 "primers", que produziram um total de 270 bandas polimórficas. Verificou-se que as espécies de Passiflora apresentaram uma média de similaridade de 17,3%, e entre Passiflora edulis Sims e Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa, de 34,35%. Pode-se perceber que o valor de

  10. Análise da recuperação do genitor recorrente em maracujazeiro-azedo por meio de marcadores RAPD Recovery analysis of recurrent genitor in sour passion fruit through RAPD markers

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    Kenia Gracielle da Fonseca


    Full Text Available O Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de maracujá, entretanto tem-se observado redução na produtividade do maracujazeiro nos últimos anos, devido, principalmente, a fatores fitossanitários. Na Embrapa Cerrados, a transferência de genes de resistência de espécies silvestres para as comerciais de maracujazeiro tem sido feita por meio de hibridações interespecíficas seguidas de um programa de retrocruzamentos auxiliados por marcadores moleculares. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar a recuperação do genoma recorrente nas plantas RC4 e RC5 [(Passiflora edulis x Passiflora setacea x Passiflora edulis ] com base em marcadores RAPD. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Genética e Biologia Molecular da Embrapa Cerrados. Amostras de DNA de cada material genético (17 plantas RC4, 16 plantas RC5, Passiflora edulis e Passiflora setacea foram amplificadas para obtenção de marcadores RAPD. Foram utilizados 12 primers decâmeros para as plantas RC4 e 14 primers decâmeros para as plantas RC5. Os marcadores RAPD gerados foram convertidos em matriz de dados binários. Verificou-se alta porcentagem de marcadores polimórficos em consequência do cruzamento-base interespecífico. A menor similaridade genética foi observada entre as espécies P. edulis e P. setacea, evidenciando a grande distância genética dessas espécies.Brazil is the largest world producer of passion fruit, however, it has been observed a reduction in the productivity in recent years due, mainly, to phytosanitary factors. At Embrapa Cerrados, the transfer of resistance genes from wild to commercial species of passion fruit has been made through interspecific hybridations, followed by a backcrossing molecular marker-assisted program. The objective this work was to verify the recovery of recurrent genome at the plants RC4 and RC5 [(Passiflora edulis x Passiflora setacea x Passiflora edulis] based on RAPD markers. The study was developed at Embrapa Cerrados

  11. Marcadores moleculares RAPD e descritores morfológicos na avaliação da diversidade genética de goiabeiras (Psidium guajava L. = RAPD molecular markers and morphological descriptors in the evaluation of genetic diversity of guava (Psidium guajava L.

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    Aroldo Gomes Filho


    Full Text Available O conhecimento da variabilidade genética e fenotípica entre diferentes acessos de goiabeiras é importante para se apoiar programas de melhoramento dessa espécie na região Norte Fluminense que carece de novas culturas capazes de gerar renda aos produtores locais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a divergência genética entre seis cultivares e 19 acessos de goiabeiras, por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD e características morfoagronômicas. Foram obtidas 117 marcas polimórficas, utilizando-se 28 iniciadores. Os resultados mostraram uma concordância parcial entre os métodos de agrupamentos estudados, com a formação de 12 grupos. O acesso Vita 3 e o acesso 6 foram os mais divergentes, apresentando distância genética de 0,663. A análise comparativa dos agrupamentos revelou que os marcadores RAPD e os descritores morfológicos foram eficientes para discriminação dos acessos e que houve variabilidade genética potencial para uso em Programa de Melhoramento Genético.The knowledge of the genetic and phenotypic variability among different accessions of guava is important for supporting improvement programs of this specie in northern Rio de Janeiro state, which needs new cultivars able to generate income for local farmers. This work aimed to evaluate the genetic divergence among six cultivars and 19 accessions of guava via RAPD molecular markers and morphologicalcharacteristics. One hundred and seventeen polymorphic markers were obtained from 28 primers. The results showed a partial agreement between the methods of studied groupings, with the formation of 12 groups. The accessions ‘Vita 3’and ‘6’ were the most divergent, showing genetic distance of 0.663. The comparative analysis of groupings showed that RAPD markers and morphological descriptors were effective in discriminating the accessions and to show potentialgenetic variability useful in genetic improvement programs.

  12. Caracterização molecular de butiazeiro por marcadores RAPD Molecular characterization of Pindo palm by RAPD markers

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    Adrise Medeiros Nunes


    Full Text Available O grupo botânico Arecaceae é de extremo interesse por compreender plantas em extinção e por apresentar um grande potencial de exploração econômica. O butiazeiro (Butia capitata (Mart. Becc. ocorre naturalmente no Sul do Brasil. Sua caracterização molecular é de extremo interesse para futuros trabalhos de melhoramento genético. Assim sendo, verificou-se a variabilidade genética existente entre vinte e dois genótipos de butiazeiro da espécie (Butia capitata, pertencentes ao BAG (Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de frutíferas nativas do Centro Agropecuário da Palma - UFPel. Esses genótipos foram analisados usando marcadores do tipo RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Um total de 136 fragmentos foram obtidos, sendo 77 polimórficos. O primer OPA11 apresentou maior polimorfismo, produzindo 9 perfis diferentes. A análise de agrupamento, realizada pelo método UPGMA, produziu um dendrograma que permitiu a clara separação dos genótipos em dois grupos principais. Verificou-se que, com a técnica de marcadores de RAPD, foi possível obter um perfil molecular único e uma estimativa da variabilidade existente entre os genótipos de butiazeiro avaliados.The study of the botanical group Arecaceae is of extreme interest for evolving several endangered species of plants and for presenting a great potential of economical exploration. The Pindo palm (or wine palm, jelly palm (Butia capitata (Mart. Becc. is natural from the south of Brazil. Its molecular characterization is of extreme interest for future researches of genetic improvement. Since little is known about the variability of the species, the existent genetic variability was verified among twenty-two genotypes of Pindo palm (or wine palm, jelly palm, from BAG (Germoplasm Assets Bank of fruit trees native from the Agricultural Center of the Palma - UFPEL, which were analyzed using markers RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA with Operon Technologies' decamers primers. With 21 primers

  13. Caracterização de três genótipos de umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. por marcadores RAPD Characterization of three mume genotypes (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. by RAPD markers

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    Newton Alex Mayer


    Full Text Available Um projeto de pesquisa visando à utilização de clones de umezeiro (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc. como porta-enxertos para pessegueiro [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] está sendo conduzido na FCAV/UNESP, Câmpus de Jaboticabal-SP, com promissoras perspectivas de sucesso. Três genótipos de umezeiro foram selecionados de acordo com características agronômicas desejáveis para esta finalidade. A distinção dos três genótipos entre si, baseada exclusivamente em características morfológicas, apresenta limitações. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi identificar marcadores RAPD capazes de diferenciar e caracterizar os Clones 05, 15 e a cv. Rigitano (Clone 10 de umezeiro, utilizando-se das cultivares Aurora-1 e Okinawa de pessegueiro como outgroup. Dos 220 primers testados, foram selecionados 42, que amplificaram todos os cinco genótipos. Verificou-se que os marcadores RAPD permitiram a distinção entre o Clone 05, o Clone 15 e a cv. Rigitano de umezeiro, demonstrando a existência de variabilidade genética entre os mesmos. Dentre os três genótipos de umezeiro estudados, constatou-se que a similaridade genética é maior entre o Clone 05 e o Clone 15.A research project with the objective do develop mume clones (Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc., to be used as rootstocks for peach tree [Prunus persica (L. Batsch] is been carried out at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus, São Paulo State, Brazil. These project showed promising perspectives of success, with three clones that were selected according to their characteristics for peach rootstock. But the distinction of the three clones among them, based only in morphologic characteristics, has presented limitations. The objective of the present research was to identify RAPD markers able to characterize and differentiate the 05 and 15 Clones and Rigitano mume cultivar, using Aurora-1 and Okinawa peach tree as outgroup. Among the 220 tested

  14. Diversidade genética de porta-enxertos cítricos baseada em marcadores moleculares RAPD

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    Schäfer Gilmar


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a diversidade genética, através do marcador molecular RAPD, dos porta-enxertos da Coleção de Citros da Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (EEA/UFRGS e acessos de porta-enxertos cítricos coletados em viveiristas da Região do Vale do Rio Caí do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, coletaram-se folhas de nove porta-enxertos cítricos da EEA/UFRGS e de dez acessos de trifoliata (Poncirus trifoliata de viveiristas. Com o uso de nove seqüências inicializadoras, foi possível separar os porta-enxertos cítricos em dois grupos principais, um formado pelo limoeiro ?Cravo? e outro pelo trifoliata e seus híbridos, apresentando alta dissimilaridade genética entre os grupos. Marcadores moleculares RAPD foram eficientes para caracterizar variedades de porta-enxertos de citros e para separar o porta-enxerto P. trifoliata de seus híbridos podendo serem utilizados para caracterização de plantas matrizes, análise de variabilidade genética entre genitores em programas de melhoramento genético de porta-enxertos e para identificar a origem sexual ou nucelar de mudas de trifoliata em viveiros comerciais.

  15. Genética poblacional de cobayas de Colombia, Cavia spp. (Rodentia: Caviidae con marcadores moleculares RAPD

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    Héctor Aníbal Campos


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio, mostramos los primeros resultados moleculares de formas colombianas de Cavia. Claramente, la población silvestre de C. anolaimae fue genéticamente diferenciada de la forma doméstica, C. porcellus, tal como ha sido demostrado por otros autores utilizando resultados morfométricos, osteológicos y cariotípicos. Ambas especies mostraron un considerable nivel de diversidad genética, aunque el segundo taxon mostró niveles mayores de esta diversidad. Los niveles de heterogeneidad genética también fueron mayores entre las poblaciones de C. porcellus (F ST = 0.254 que entre las poblaciones de C. anolaimae (F ST = 0.118. Esos niveles significativos de heterogeneidad genética, y los consiguientes bajos niveles de flujo génico, fueron discutidos comparativamente con los resultados por otros autores analizando otros marcadores moleculares (citocromo-b mitocondrial. Los resultados aquí mostrados son coherentes con un complejo proceso de domesticación en Cavia porcellus.Population genetics of Colombian Guinea Pigs, Cavia spp. (Rodentia: Caviidae with RAPD molecular markers. The genus Cavia occurs in South America, mainly in grasslands.. We collected blood samples from 97 individuals in six field populations and analyzed them with RAPD molecular markers. One wild type (C. anolaimae was differentiated from the domestic form (C. porcellus, in agreement with other authors who used morphological, osteological and karyotipic results. Genetic diversity was considerable in both species, but higher in C. porcellus. The levels of genetic heterogeneity were also higher among the populations of C. porcellus (F ST = 0.254 than among the populations of C. anolaimae (F ST = 0.118. These significant levels of genetic heterogeneity, and the low levels of gene flow, were consistent with a complex domestication process for Cavia porcellus. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3: 1481-1501. Epub 2008 September 30.

  16. Diversidade genética de pitayas nativas do cerrado com base em marcadores RAPD Genetic diversity of native pitaya native from brazilian savannas with basis on RAPD markers

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    Keize Pereira Junqueira


    Full Text Available As pitayas do Cerrado vegetam naturalmente sobre maciços rochosos de arenito ou quartzito, troncos de árvores e em solos arenosos de campos rupestres de Minas Gerais, Bahia, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Tocantins, Rio de Janeiro e Bahia, havendo fortes evidências de que a região central do Brasil seja o maior centro de dispersão das pitayas, tendo em vista a grande diversidade fenotípica observada em acessos coletados. Objetivou-se realizar o estudo da diversidade genética de 13 acessos de pitayas mantidos na coleção de germoplasma da Embrapa Cerrados por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. O DNA genômico de cada acesso foi extraído, e quatorze iniciadores decâmeros foram utilizados para a obtenção de marcadores moleculares RAPD, que foram convertidos em matriz de dados binários, a partir da qual foram estimadas as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos com base no complemento do coeficiente de similaridade de Nei e Li (1979 e realizadas análises de agrupamento e de dispersão gráfica. Foram obtidos 162 marcadores RAPD, perfazendo uma média de 11,57 marcadores por primer. Do total de marcadores, 154 (95,06% foram polimórficos. As distâncias genéticas variaram entre 0,088 e 0,848, sendo que os maiores valores observados se referem a distância entre o acesso de Unaí-MG e o acesso Seleção Embrapa Cerrados. O acesso que mais se diferenciou dos demais foi "Unaí-MG", que apresentou uma distância genética média de 0,675 em relação aos demais acessos. A alta distância genética verificada é devido ao fato de os referidos acessos não pertencerem à mesma espécie. Os agrupamentos dos acessos de pitaya pouco se relacionaram com a origem geográfica dos mesmos. A grande diversidade genética das pitayas encontradas no Cerrado permite incluir esse Bioma no centro de diversidade e abre boas perspectivas para maiores estudos acerca do potencial dessa frutífera.Brazilian savanna pitayas

  17. Genetic variability of Pantaneiro horse using RAPD-PCR markers Variabilidade genética do cavalo Pantaneiro utilizando marcadores RAPD-PCR

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    Andréa Alves do Egito


    Full Text Available Blood samples were collected from Pantaneiro Horses in five regions of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso States. Arabian, Mangalarga Marchador and Thoroughbred were also included to estimate genetic distances and the existing variability among and within these breeds by RAPD-PCR (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase Chain Reaction molecular markers. From 146 primers, 13 were chosen for amplification and 44 polymorphic bands were generated. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA indicated that the greatest portion of detected variability was due to differences between individuals within populations (75.47%. Analysis of the genetic variability between pairs of populations presented higher estimates for the five Pantaneiro populations with the Arabian breed, while lowest estimates were presented by pairs formed among the Pantaneiro populations with the Mangalarga Marchador. Highest genic diversity was shown by the Pantaneiro (0.3396, which also showed highest genetic distance with the Arabian and lowest with Mangalarga Marchador breed. UPGMA dendrogram showed distinct differences between naturalized (Pantaneiro and Mangalarga Marchador and exotic (Arabian and Thoroughbred breeds. In the dendrogram generated by UPGMA method, the similarity matrix generated by the Jaccard coefficient showed distinction between the naturalised breeds, Pantaneiro and Mangalarga Marchador, and the exotic breeds, Árab and English Thoroughbred. Results suggest that the Pantaneiro presents a higher genetic variability than the other studied breeds and has a close relationship with the Mangalarga Marchador.Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de cavalos Pantaneiros de cinco regiões dos estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso. As raças Mangalarga Marchador, Árabe e Puro-Sangue Inglês (PSI usando marcadores moleculares RAPD-PCR (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase Chain Reaction foram incluídas no intuito de se calcular as distâncias gen

  18. Diversidade genética em cultivares locais e comerciais de feijão baseada em marcadores RAPD Genetic diversity in cultivars and landraces of common bean based on RAPD markers analysis

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    Beatriz Marti Emygdio


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a diversidade genética dentro e entre cultivares locais e comerciais de feijão, por meio de marcadores RAPD, e avaliar a capacidade destes em agrupar genótipos de feijão de acordo com o centro de domesticação e coloração de semente. Foram avaliadas 35 cultivares, 13 comerciais e 22 locais, de diversas regiões do Rio Grande do Sul. As distâncias genéticas foram obtidas pelo complemento do coeficiente de similaridade de Sorensen-Dice e a representação simplificada destas distâncias realizada mediante um dendrograma. Marcadores RAPD foram eficientes ao agrupar cultivares de acordo com o centro de domesticação, mas não foram capazes de separar as cultivares de acordo com a coloração da semente. Cultivares locais e comerciais, mesoamericanas, foram agrupadas separadamente. Cultivares comerciais, em cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul apresentam alto grau de similaridade.The objective of this work was to characterize the genetic diversity within and among cultivars and landraces of common bean from RAPD markers analysis, and to evaluate the capacity of this markers in clustering common bean genotypes according to domestication centers and seed color. Thirty five common bean genotypes including 13 commercial cultivars and 22 landraces, from State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, were evaluated. Genetic distances were calculated using Sorensen-Dice's similarity coefficient, displayed in a dendrogram. RAPD markers were efficient in separating cultivars and landraces according to domestication centers, but not according to seed color. Mesoamerican commercial cultivars and landraces have been clustered in different groups. A high degree of similarity was observed among cultivars in use in Rio Grande do Sul.

  19. Variabilidade genética de acessos de pitaya com diferentes níveis de produção por meio de marcadores RAPD Pitaya accesses genetic variability with different pruduction levels through RAPD markers

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    Keize Pereira Junqueira


    Full Text Available A espécie de pitaya mais cultivada atualmente é Hylocereus undatus, a pitaya-vermelha-de-polpa-branca. Colômbia e México são os principais produtores mundiais e, devido à sua rusticidade, a pitaya é considerada uma alternativa potencialmente viável também para o aproveitamento de solos pedregosos, arenosos e maciços rochosos. Apesar da crescente demanda, ainda não há uma cultivar lançada no mercado que atenda às necessidades climáticas de produção e às exigências do consumidor brasileiro. O presente trabalho é parte do programa de seleção e melhoramento da pitaya CPAC PY-01 da Embrapa Cerrados. Objetivou-se realizar o estudo da variabilidade genética de 16 acessos de pitayas mantidos na coleção de germoplasma da Embrapa Cerrados, apresentando diferentes características fenotípicas relacionadas especialmente à produção, por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. O DNA genômico de cada acesso foi extraído, e onze iniciadores decâmeros foram utilizados para a obtenção de marcadores moleculares RAPD, que foram convertidos em matriz de dados binários, a partir da qual foram estimadas as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos e realizadas análises de agrupamento e de dispersão gráfica. Foram obtidos 111 marcadores RAPD, perfazendo uma média de 10,1 marcadores por primer, dos quais 45 (40,54% foram polimórficos. As distâncias genéticas entre os 16 acessos variaram entre 0,006 e 0,148. As maiores distâncias genéticas foram obtidas entre os acessos "52" e "61", sendo que, em 2007, o primeiro produziu mais de 25 frutos, e o segundo, nenhum. Assim, deduz-se que, nesse caso, a próvável causa da variação seja genotípica. As menores distâncias genéticas foram constatadas entre os acessos "63"e "55" e entre "19"e "59". Os dois grupos apresentaram valores de produção próximos. Os marcadores moleculares RAPD mostraram que, mesmo dentro da mesma espécie, há variabilidade gen

  20. Polymorphism of the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides populations revealed by RAPD Polimorfismo em populações do gafanhoto Rhammatocerus schistocercoides revelado por marcadores RAPD

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    João Batista Tavares da Silva


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to study the genetic variability of the grasshopper Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Orthoptera: Acrididae using RAPD analysis among individuals from three populations, one from Colombia and two from Brazil (Goiás and Mato Grosso States. Ninety scorable binary markers were obtained by fingerprinting with 11 oligonucleotide primers. Most of the polymorphism was attributed to 42 markers with variable frequency among the different populations. Although the existence of significant difference among populations (PO objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variabilidade genética do gafanhoto Rhammatocerus schistocercoides (Orthoptera: Acrididae por meio da análise de RAPD entre indivíduos de três populações, uma da Colômbia e duas do Brasil (Goiás e Mato Grosso. Noventa marcadores binários foram selecionados através de análise de polimorfismo com o uso de 11 oligonucleotídeos. A maior parte do polimorfismo observado foi atribuída a 42 marcadores com freqüência variável entre as diferentes populações. Apesar da existência de diferença significativa interpopulacional (P<0,0001, grande proporção da variabilidade genética foi detectada dentro das populações (87,7% da variação total. As distâncias entre as populações colombianas e brasileiras foram 0,12 (P<0,0001 e 0,18 (P<0,0001 para Goiás e Mato Grosso, respectivamente. A distância obtida entre Goiás e Mato Grosso foi 0,06 (P<0,0001. Estes dados indicam que as diferenças fenotípicas entre populações estão associadas principalmente às distâncias geográficas entre as populações do Brasil e a da Colômbia.

  1. Análise da variabilidade genética de arnica (Lychnophora ericoides Less. - Asteraceae usando marcadores RAPDs Genetic variability analysis of arnica (Lychnophora ericoides Less. - Asteraceae using RAPD markers

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    Luciana Queiroz Melo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e quantificar a variabilidade genética entre e dentro das populações de arnica por meio de marcadores RAPD. Foram amostradas quatro populações na região geoeconômica do Distrito Federal: Parque Nacional de Brasília (2, Fazenda Água Limpa - UnB (1 e Reserva do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE (1. Folhas de 24 indivíduos de cada região foram coletadas, totalizando 96 indivíduos. Num total de 105 iniciadores testados foram selecionados 15, totalizando 60 bandas polimórficas. Marcadores RAPDs selecionados foram analisados com a utilização dos programas NTSYS e Amova. O dendrograma obtido pelo método UPGMA e coeficiente de dissimilaridade Dice evidenciou quatro agrupamentos consistentes, com índice de dissimilaridade variando entre 62 a 71%. O teste de Mantel aplicado estabeleceu uma correlação cofenética com valores de r = 0.82, significando que as distâncias geográficas entre as populações amostradas estão correlacionadas com a distância genética. A análise de AMOVA mostrou uma percentagem variabilidade genética entre populações de 35,7% e dentro de populações de 64,3%, evidenciando uma alta variação entre populações, sendo um importante resultado para definição de uma estratégia de conservação da espécie que se encontra em situação vulnerável à extinção.The main objective of this research was to analyze and quantify the genetic variability within and between populations of arnica using RAPD markers. Four populations from Federal District area, Brazil were sampled: Parque Nacional de Brasília - (2 , Fazenda Água Limpa -UnB (1, and Reserva do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE (1. Leaves from twenty-four individuals from each population were collected and preserved under refrigeration. Fifteen primers were selected from 105 tested, totalizing 60 polymorphic bands. Scored RAPD markers were analyzed using NTSYS and Amova

  2. Avaliação da dissimilaridade genética em genótipos de bananeira (Musa spp. via marcadores RAPD Evaluation of genetics dissimilarity in banana tree genotypes (Musa spp. by means of RAPD markers

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    Carolina Maria Palácios de Souza


    Full Text Available A bananicultura possui grande importância econômica e social. A UENF, por meio do Laboratório de Melhoramento Genético Vegetal iniciou um trabalho de introdução de cultivares de bananeira. Foram introduzidas cultivares com procedência da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura e Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar um estudo de diversidade genética entre 21 cultivares e obter a correta identificação de possíveis genótipos introduzidos na UENF. Foram avaliados os seguintes genótipos: Fhia 18, Prata-Anã, UENF 1526, Pacovan, Caipira, Maçã, UENF 1527, Nanicão, Thap Maeo, UENF 1528, UENF 1529, Grande Naine, Ambrósia, Bucaneiro, Calipso, PV42-68, PV42-85, PV42-142, ST12-31, Calcutta e BB da França. A análise de divergência genética foi feita com base na caracterização molecular, utilizando-se da técnica RAPD. Para serem obtidas marcas moleculares RAPD, foram utilizados 31 "primers", gerando um total de 94 marcas totais. Os resultados mostraram que os marcadores moleculares RAPD foram eficazes em revelar a existência de diversidade genética entre os 21 genótipos de bananeira. Na interpretação das análises moleculares, foi utilizado o complemento aritmético do Índice de Jaccard. Com base nas análises de agrupamento hierárquicas UPGMA e o método de otimização de Tocher, essa diversidade pôde ser observada pela presença de genótipos similares e divergentes.Banana is a very important social and economic crop. The introduction of of banana cultivars was initiated through the Plant Genetics Laboratory at UENF. Cultivars from Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits and Western Amazon were introduced. The objective of the present work was to analyze the genetic dissimilarity between 21 cultivars and obtain the correct identification of the possible genotypes introduced at UENF. The following genotypes were evaluated: Fhia 18, Prata Anã, UENF 1526, Pacovan, Caipira, Maçã, UENF 1527, Nanicão, Thap

  3. RAPD markers utilization and other parameters in the determination of mango hybrids genitors Utilização de marcadores RAPD e outros parâmetros na determinação de genitores em híbridos de mangueira

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    Maria Cristina Rocha Cordeiro


    Full Text Available Actually mango (Mangifera indica, L. is considered one of the largest Brazilian fruitbusiness for the export market. Cultivar selection having high fruit quality is a fundamental step to obtain excellent results in this business. A mango breeding program based on intervarietal hybridization may produce new improved cultivars for mango growers. Mango hybrids have been obtained by controlled or open crosses. In the last one, it is important to identify the male parent because it is useful for the genetic cultivar history, thus it is important for planning further improvements. This work presents a parentage test using among others parameters RAPD (Random amplified Polymorphic DNA markers to estimate the male parent of the selected hybrids in an open cross plot by using five mango cultivars densely planted in a latin square design.Atualmente, o cultivo da mangueira (Mangifera indica, L. é considerado um dos maiores agronegócios frutícolas brasileiros para o mercado externo. A seleção de cultivares com elevada qualidade de frutos é uma etapa fundamental para o sucesso deste negócio. O melhoramento genético da mangueira, baseado em hibridações intervarietais, pode originar cultivares superiores aos padrões disponíveis no mercado, ofertando uma nova alternativa ao produtor. Híbridos de mangueira têm sido obtidos por meio de cruzamentos controlados ou abertos. Neste último, é importante identificar o genitor masculino visando a obter a história genética da cultivar além de ser importante no planejamento do melhoramento subseqüente. Este trabalho apresenta um teste de paternidade, utilizando, entre outros parâmetros, marcadores RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA, para estimar o genitor masculino de híbridos selecionados em uma área de cruzamento aberto contendo cinco cultivares de manga plantadas em alta densidade, no delineamento experimental do quadrado latino.

  4. Identificação molecular de isolados de fungos de interesse médico por meio de marcadores RAPD - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v8i2.1110

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    Anabele Azevedo Lima


    Full Text Available Aspergillus e Penicillium são microrganismos capazes de provocar complicações clínicas consideráveis principalmente em pacientes imunossuprimidos. A análise molecular é uma estratégia importante para a identificação rápida e precisa desses agentes patogênicos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever padrões de marcadores RAPD específicos para a identificação de isolados de Aspergillus e Penicillium causadores de doenças de interesse médico. A análise morfológica revelou que 14 isolados eram do gênero Aspergillus, 7 eram Penicillium, 1 correspondente a Fusarium e um isolado não foi identificado. A análise por RAPD com dez iniciadores produziram fragmentos de DNA característicos para cada gênero. O dendrograma revelou grupos de isolados dentro de cada gênero de fungo de acordo com perfis de marcadores específicos, identificando isolados muito semelhantes que apresentaram alto coeficiente de similaridade. Esses dados fornecem opções para o desenvolvimento de oligonucleotídios de PCR para a identificação específica de isolados específicos ocorrendo no ambiente médico-hospitalar.

  5. Caracterização molecular de cultivares de cebola por marcadores RAPD Molecular characterization of onion cultivars by RAPD markers

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    Daniela L Leite


    Full Text Available Em plantas alógamas, as cultivares constituem uma fonte de variação genética planta-a-planta no qual o melhorista pode obter novos materiais. A variabilidade genética entre indivíduos ou populações tem sido medida através de marcadores moleculares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar molecularmente, através da análise de RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorphic DNA, a diversidade genética existente em um grupo de cultivares de cebola recomendadas para o cultivo na Região Sul do Brasil. Foram analisados 11 iniciadores em DNAs provenientes de um total de 90 plantas individuais oriundas das cultivares Baia Periforme, Bola Precoce, BRS Cascata, Crioula, Primavera e Roxa. As plantas foram genotipadas através dos produtos visualizados em gel de agarose e uma matriz de presença/ausência de bandas foi utilizada nas análises de similaridade genética (coeficiente de Jaccard e de agrupamento pelo método UPGMA. Os 11 iniciadores geraram 140 (86,4% bandas polimórficas. O número de fragmentos por iniciador variou de 10 (UBC105 até 18 (OPA10; OPC11; OPI1 com uma média de 15 bandas por iniciador. A técnica de RAPD mostrou-se eficiente na caracterização molecular, permitindo a formação de grupos de cultivares de acordo com a sua população de origem, com uma similaridade média de 63%. Conclui-se que as cultivares de cebola recomendadas para a Região Sul do Brasil, apresentam divergência genética, com potencial de serem exploradas por melhoristas, no desenvolvimento de genótipos superiores.In alogam plants, the cultivars constitute a source of plant-to-plant genetic variation from which the breeder can obtain new materials. Genetic variability among individuals or populations has been measured through molecular markers. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity in a group of onion cultivars recommended for cultivation in the Southern Region of Brazil by RAPD (Random Amplified Polimorphic DNA analysis. Eleven

  6. Caracterização e identificação de cultivares e seleções de pereiras através de marcadores RAPD

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    Full Text Available Trinta e seis acessos de pereira representando diversas espécies, híbridos e seleções do banco de germoplasma do Instituto Agronômico (IAC foram geneticamente caracterizados através de marcadores RAPD. Cada primer originou de 10 a 19 bandas, sendo que 26 deles forneceram 250 bandas polimórficas, de um total de 353. Os primers OPC02, OPC08, OPD02, OPD19, OPD20 e OPE06 revelaram bandas específicas para as peras orientais e OPA01, OPA11, OPC08, OPD04, OPD09 e OPD15 para as ocidentais. O dendograma obtido foi confirmado pela análise de coordenada principal, originando três principais agrupamentos: 1 Todas as pereiras lançadas pelo IAC, como 'Seleta', 'Triunfo', 'Primorosa', 'Tenra', IAC 16-41, 'Centenária', além de 'William's', 'Packham's Triumph', 'D'água', 'Hood', 'M. Sieboldt', 'Kieffer','Branca Francesa' e 'Schimidt'. 2 As pereiras asiáticas, como 'Okusankichi', 'Shinseiki', 'Atago', 'Hakko', 'Hosui', 'Nijiseiki', 'Kosui' e 'Ya-li', além de 'Nodji', 'Limeira' e todas as seleções IAC das séries 193; 293 e 393. 3 Todas as pereiras porta-enxertos da série Taiwan (P. calleryana D., além de 'Manshu Mamenashi' (P. betulaefolia B.. Evidenciou-se que os cultivares IAC possuem maior proximidade genética com as peras ocidentais (Pyrus communis L., mesmo sendo descendentes de 'Hood', material suspeito de ser híbrido interespecífico entre P. communis e P. serotina R.. Os resultados ratificaram a importância dos marcadores RAPD para a identificação de cultivares, seleções e híbridos pertencentes aos diferentes grupos botânicos, mostrando ser ferramenta de apoio adequada a programas de melhoramento genético de fruteiras.


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    Full Text Available Os marcadores moleculares apresentam várias aplicações no melhoramento de plantas, permitindo uma série de análises genéticas. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estabelecer marcadores RAPD para serem utilizados em estudos de mapeamento genético e na seleção de híbridos entre tangerina-'Cravo' (Citrus reticulata Blanco e laranja-'Pêra' (C. sinensis (L. Osbeck. Extraiu-se DNA de folhas dos parentais e de seis híbridos F1. As reações de amplificação foram preparadas em 13 uL de solução, constituída por tampão 1x GIBCO BRL; soluções 1,54 mM de MgCl2 e 0,2 mM de cada dNTP; 15 ng de cada 'primer'; 1,5 unidade de 'Taq DNA Polymerase' e 15 ng de DNA genômico. As reações foram realizadas em termocicladores programados para 36 ciclos de 1 min a 92ºC, 1 min a 36ºC, 2 min a 72ºC e 10 min de extensão a 72ºC. Foram testados 'primers' decâmeros arbitrários dos 'kits' A, AB, AT, AV, B, C, D, E, G, H, M, N, P, Q, R e U da Operon, sendo selecionados 113 por apresentarem polimorfismo, com número de marcadores variando de 1 a 6 por 'primer'. Esses 'primers' amplificaram 201 (23,13% bandas polimórficas, aplicáveis no mapeamento genético e seleção de híbridos. A freqüência de 'primers' com 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 e 6 bandas polimórficas foi de 49,5%, 33,6%, 9,7%, 4,4%, 1,8% e 1,0%, respectivamente.Molecular markers have many applications in plant breeding, enabling some types of genetic analyses. The aim of this work was to establish RAPD markers to be used to genetic mapping studies and selection of hybrids between 'Cravo' tangerine (Citrus reticulata Blanco and 'Pêra' orange (C. sinensis (L. Osbeck. DNA of the parents and six hybrids F1 was isolated from the leaves. The amplification reactions were performed in volumes of 13 µL, composed by GIBCO BRL 1x buffer, 1,54 mM MgCl2, 0,2 mM of each dNTP, 15 ng of each primer, 1,5 unit of Taq DNA Polymerase and 15 ng of genomic DNA. These reactions were carried out in

  8. Uso de marcadores moleculares na análise da variabilidade genética em acerola (Malpighia emarginata D.C.

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    Full Text Available A acerola (Malpighia emarginata é uma frutífera tropical encontrada nativa na América Central e no Norte da América do Sul, sendo de grande importância econômica e social devido ao seu alto conteúdo de vitamina C (ácido ascórbico. Pomares de acerola têm sido preferencialmente estabelecidos por métodos de propagação vegetiva. No entanto, a propagação sexuada por sementes é igualmente utilizada e permite revelar um alto grau de polimorfismo na cultura, possibilitando a identificação de genótipos portadores de características de interesse agronômico. Vinte e quatro acessos de acerola, pertencentes ao Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, foram analisados, usando marcadores RAPD (Random amplified Polymorphic DNA e obtidos com iniciadores (primers de seqüência simples repetidas (SSRs. Um total de 164 e 73 marcadores foram obtidos com primers de RAPD e SSR, respectivamente. Os marcadores obtidos foram analisados, usando o método de agrupamentos UPGMA. A análise comparativa dos dendrogramas gerados com os primers de RAPD e com os primers SSR mostrou que, enquanto alguns acessos se associaram em grupos diferentes, outros apresentaram a mesma associação. Entretanto, maior polimorfismo entre acessos foi detectado com os primers de RAPD. A análise dos resultados revelou a alta variabilidade contida na coleção, permitindo associar o grau de similaridade genética, obtido por marcadores de DNA, com caracteres morfológicos compartilhados entre os acessos.





    Se realizó un proyecto de I+D a través del cual se identificaron, caracterizaron y seleccionaron marcadores de ADN del tipo RAPD-SCAR, RFLP, SSR, ADNmt e ITS, en el genoma de especies de salmones, truchas, abalones y mitílidos. Los marcadores fueron seleccionados en vistas a generar servicios con marcadores de ADN y asesoría genética para identificar organismos, detectar asociación con características específicas de importancia productiva, y así contribuir a su selección gen...

  10. Variabilidade genética de populações naturais de caroá por meio de marcadores RAPD Genetic variability estimated among caroá populations through RAPD markers

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    Daniela Garcia Silveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a variabilidade genética entre e dentro de populações de caroá (Neoglaziovia variegata, por meio de marcadores "random amplified polymorphic DNA" (RAPD. Foram analisados 180 genótipos de caroá, provenientes dos municípios de Guanambi, Juazeiro e Valente, no Estado da Bahia. Foi observado elevado polimorfismo entre as populações de caroá. As dissimilaridades genéticas entre os genótipos variaram de 0,08 a 0,95, com média de 0,44.Avariância molecular mostrou que 56% da variação total foi explicada pelas diferenças entre indivíduos dentro de locais. As diferenças entre municípios explicaram 17% da variação total, enquanto as diferenças entre locais dentro dos municípios explicaram 26% da variação.The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic variability within and among populations of caroá (Neoglaziovia variegata using random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD markers. One hundred eighty caroá genotypes from Guanambi, Juazeiro and Valente counties in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were analyzed. A high polymorphism was observed among the caroá populations. The genetic dissimilarities among all genotypes ranged from 0.08 to 0.95 with an average of 0.44. The molecular variance showed that 56% of the total variation was explained by the differences among individuals with in locations.The differences among counties explained 17% of the total variation, while the differences among places within counties explained 26% of the variation.

  11. Analysis of the genetic diversity in Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker (Hemiptera, Aphididae by RAPD markers Análise da diversidade genética de Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker (Hemiptera, Aphididae por meio de marcadores RAPD

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    Marcelo Lopes-da-Silva


    Full Text Available The emergence of host-races within aphids may constitute an obstacle to pest management by means of plant resistance. There are examples of host-races within cereals aphids, but their occurrence in Rose Grain Aphid, Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker, 1849, has not been reported yet. In this work, RAPD markers were used to assess effects of the hosts and geographic distance on the genetic diversity of M. dirhodum lineages. Twenty-three clones were collected on oats and wheat in twelve localitites of southern Brazil. From twenty-seven primers tested, only four primers showed polymorphisms. Fourteen different genotypes were revealed by cluster analysis. Five genotypes were collected only on wheat; seven only on oats and two were collected in both hosts. Genetic and geographical distances among all clonal lineages were not correlated. Analysis of molecular variance showed that some molecular markers are not randomly distributed among clonal lineages collected on oats and on wheat. These results suggest the existence of host-races within M. dirhodum, which should be further investigated using a combination of ecological and genetic data.A emergência de raças hospedeiro-especialistas em afídeos pode constituir um obstáculo ao manejo de pragas por meio de plantas resistentes. Existem exemplos de raças hospedeiro-especialistas em afídeos de cereais, embora a ocorrência de raça hospedeiro-especialista no pulgão-verde-pálido-do-trigo Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker, 1849 (Hemiptera, Aphididae não tenha sido relatada ainda. Marcadores RAPD foram utilizados para avaliar os efeitos da distância geográfica e do hospedeiro sobre a diversidade genética de linhas clonais de M. dirhodum. Vinte e três clones foram coletados em aveia e trigo em doze localidades do sul do Brasil. De vinte e sete iniciadores usados para a análise, apenas quatro iniciadores mostraram polimorfismos. A análise de agrupamento por similaridade genética revelou haver quatorze

  12. Similaridade genética entre clones de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis, por meio de marcadores RAPD Genetic similarity among rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis clones using RAPD markers

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    Karine Cristina Bicalho


    Full Text Available A seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex. Adr. de Juss Muell.-Arg.] é uma espécie nativa da região amazônica e compreende a maior fonte produtora de borracha natural do mundo. Na busca de condições mais favoráveis ao cultivo, além da busca pela auto-suficiência na produção de borracha natural, o cultivo da seringueira migrou para outras regiões do país. Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, estimar a similaridade genética de genótipos de seringueira, provenientes de regiões distintas do país, Lavras-MG (UFLA e Campinas-SP (IAC, por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD. A análise foi efetuada em 41 indivíduos, representados por 17 genótipos diferentes, com base em 19 primers, que geraram 121 fragmentos polimórficos. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o software NTSYS-pc - 2.1, por meio do coeficiente de Dice e pelo método das médias (UPGMA. A similaridade genética entre o material analisado variou de 0,56 a 1,00. Na análise do dendrograma, foram observados 18 grupos. Os clones (RRIM600, GT1, PB235, PL PIM e FX2261, utilizados em diferentes repetições, foram idênticos, quando comparados entre si, entretanto o mesmo não foi observado para os clones identificados como RRIM 701. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o material avaliado na UFLA é o mesmo implantado no IAC, exceto o RRIM 701, mostrando uma ampla variabilidade genética, disponível para estudos e propagação da cultura.The rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex. Adr. de Juss Muell.-Arg.] is a native species from Amazon region, and represents the biggest source of natural rubber in the world.. However, the rubber tree culture has had an expansion to other brazilian regions, in search of more favorable conditions for its cultivation and self-sufficiency in natural rubber. The aim of this work was to estimate genetic similarity among rubber tree clones, from different Brazilian regions, Lavras (UFLA and Campinas (IAC, by using RAPD molecular markers

  13. Fusarium verticillioides strains isolated from corn feed: characterization by fumonisin production and RAPD fingerprinting

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    Elisabete Yurie Sataque Ono


    Full Text Available In this study a total of 16 Fusarium verticillioides strains isolated from corn feed samples were characterized by fumonisin (FB production and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD. All the strains produced FB1 and FB2 with levels ranging from 2.41 to 3996.36 µg/g, and from 1.18 to 1209.91 µg/g, respectively. From the 16 F. verticillioides strains, four were identified as low (3.59 to 1289.84 µg/g, eight as intermediate (>1289.84 to 3772.44 µg/g and four strains as high (>3772.44 µg/g fumonisin producers. From the total of 105 loci amplified, 60 (57.14% were polymorphic. RAPD analysis showed very similar patterns among low, moderate and high fumonisin-producing strains. Although RAPD markers were capable of discriminating the different F. verticillioides strains, there was no clear association between these makers and fumonisin production.Neste estudo, 16 cepas de F. verticillioides isoladas de amostras de ração de milho foram caracterizadas com base na produção de fumonisinas (FB e em marcadores de polimorfismos de DNA amplificado ao acaso (RAPD. Todas as cepas produziram FB1 e FB2, com níveis variando, respectivamente, de 2,41 a 3996,36 µg/g e 1,18 a 1209,91 µg/g. De acordo com a produção de fumonisinas totais (FB1 + FB2 e a distribuição por análise de quartis, do total de 16 cepas de F. verticillioides, quatro foram identificadas como baixas produtoras de fumonisinas (3,59 a 1289,84 µg/g, oito como intermediárias (>1289,84 a 3772,44 µg/g e quatro como altas produtoras de fumonisinas (>3772,44 µg/g. Os 10 primers utilizados amplificaram 105 locos, 60 (57,14% dos quais foram polimórficos. As análises de RAPD mostraram padrões muito similares entre as cepas baixas, médias e altas produtoras de fumonisinas. Embora os marcadores RAPD tenham se mostrado capazes de discriminar as diferentes cepas de F. verticillioides, não foi detectada nenhuma associação entre estes marcadores e a produção de fumonisinas.

  14. Variabilidade genética de acessos obtidos de populações cultivadas e silvestres de maracujazeiro-doce com base em marcadores rapd Genetic diversity obtained from cultivated population and native accesses of seewt passion fruit based on rapd markers

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    Graciele Bellon


    Full Text Available O maracujazeiro-doce (Passiflora alata Curtis, devido a preços diferenciados, vem ganhando importância dentro do mercado de frutas in natura. O melhoramento genético é fundamental para elevar a qualidade e a produtividade da cultura. Os marcadores moleculares do DNA têm sido muito úteis por permitirem a obtenção de um número praticamente ilimitado de polimorfismo genético sem influência do ambiente. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, estudar a variabilidade genética de 17 acessos de maracujá-doce, com base em marcadores moleculares RAPD. Um acesso de P. quadrangularis e um de P. edulis foram utilizados como outgroups. Amostras de DNA genômico de cada acesso foram extraídas e 11 iniciadores decâmeros (OPD 04; 07; 08 e16; OPE 18 e 20; OPF 01 e 14; OPG 08; OPH 12 e 16 foram utilizados para a obtenção dos marcadores. Os marcadores obtidos foram convertidos em uma matriz de dados binários, a partir da qual foram estimadas as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos e realizadas análises de agrupamento e de dispersão gráfica. Do total de marcadores, considerando-se apenas os acessos de P. alata, observaram-se 87 (62,12% bandas polimórficas, evidenciando a grande variabilidade intraespecífica. A análise de agrupamento realizada com base nas distâncias genéticas permitiu subdividir os 17 acessos de P. alata em, pelo menos, cinco grupos de similaridade genética. Os acessos silvestres foram os que mais contribuíram para a ampliação da base genética dos materiais estudados, abrindo perspectivas para o uso desses materiais em programas de melhoramento.Sweet passion fruit (Passiflora alata Curtis is gaining importance in the in natura fruit market due to differential value. Genetic breeding is crucial to improve crop quality and productivity. Molecular markers of DNA have been very useful by allowing obtaining a virtually unlimited number of genetic polymorphism without environment influence. This work's objective was to study the

  15. Diversidade genética entre híbridos de laranja-doce e tangor 'Murcott' avaliada por fAFLP e RAPD Genetic diversity among hybrids of sweet orange and 'Murcott' tangor evaluated by fAFLP and RAPD markers

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    Marinês Bastianel


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a diversidade genética em uma população de 148 híbridos de tangor 'Murcott' (Citrus reticulata Blanco x C. sinensis L. Osbeck e laranja 'Pêra' (C. sinensis L. Osbeck obtidos por polinização controlada, pelo uso de marcadores fAFLP e RAPD. Marcadores polimórficos (416 marcadores fAFLP e 33 RAPD foram utilizados para avaliar a similaridade genética entre os híbridos, calculada com o coeficiente Jaccard pelo método UPGMA. A consistência de cada agrupamento foi determinada pelo programa BOOD. Houve alta similaridade genética entre os parentais. A laranja 'Pêra' apresentou maior número (132 de loci em heterozigose em relação ao tangor 'Murcott' (105, corroborando a teoria de origem híbrida para a laranja-doce. Observaram-se dois grupos distintos de plantas, e um deles abrangeu 80% dos híbridos com maior similaridade com a laranja 'Pêra'. A análise bootstrap não revelou consistência estatística entre esses grupos. Marcadores fAFLP são mais eficientes na avaliação do polimorfismo, sendo indicados para seleção de indivíduos híbridos mais próximos a um dos parentais.The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic diversity in a population of 148 hybrids of 'Murcott' tangor (Citrus reticulata Blanco x C. sinensis L. Osbeck and 'Pêra' sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck, obtained by controlled polination, using fAFLP and RAPD markers. Polymorphic markers (416 fAFLP and 33 RAPD markers were used to evaluate genetic similarity among the hybrids, calculated by the coefficient of Jaccard, using the UPGMA method. The consistency of each group was determined by software BOOD. There was high genetic similarity within the parents. 'Pêra' sweet orange had a higher number of loci in heterozygosis (132 compared to 'Murcott' tangor (105, supporting the theory of hybrid origin for sweet oranges. Two distinct groups of plants were observed: one group had 80% of the hybrids that displayed

  16. Divergência genética em tomate estimada por marcadores RAPD em comparação com descritores multicategóricos Genetic divergence among tomato accessions using RAPD markers and its comparison with multicategoric descriptors

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    Leandro SA Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A estimativa da variabilidade genética existente em um banco de germoplasma é importante não só para a conservação dos recursos genéticos, mas também para aplicações no melhoramento de plantas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a divergência genética entre 78 acessos de uma coleção de germoplasma de tomateiro, com base em 74 marcadores RAPD e correlacionar esses resultados àqueles da caracterização morfoagronômica realizada para 27 descritores. Foi utilizado o agrupamento hierárquico UPGMA para analisar os dados, observando-se a formação de 13 grupos. Esses grupos foram correlacionados a cinco descritores (hábito de crescimento, tipo de folha, cor do fruto, número de lóculos e formato do fruto. Alguns grupos apresentaram peculiaridades, a exemplo do grupo IV, que reuniu acessos com frutos no formato de pêra; o grupo VII com acessos resistentes a murcha-bacteriana e o grupo IX, que englobou acessos com folhas do tipo batata. As análises por bootstrap revelaram poucos agrupamentos consistentes. Houve correlação positiva e altamente significativa entre as matrizes geradas pelos 27 descritores qualitativos e pelos marcadores RAPD (t = 14,02. A correlação de Mantel (r = 0,39 foi altamente significativa, porém de baixa magnitude. O baixo valor verificado para esta correlação sugere que ambas as etapas de caracterização (morfoagronômica e molecular são importantes para um conhecimento mais amplo e melhor discriminação entre os acessos de tomate.The estimation of genetic variability in a germplasm bank is important not only for the conservation of the genetic resources, but also for applications in plant breeding. The genetic divergence among 78 tomato accessions was studied, based on 74 RAPD markers. Also, a correlation between the molecular profile and 27 morphological and agronomic data was performed. Cluster analysis (UPGMA, used to study the data, resulted in 13 groups that were correlated with

  17. Caracterização genética da raça bovina Crioulo Lageano por marcadores moleculares RAPD Genetic characterization of Criollo Lageano cattle by RAPD markers

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    Álvaro Spritze


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi a caracterização genética da raça bovina Crioulo Lageano por marcadores RAPD em comparação com as raças Holandesa e Nelore. Foram selecionados 43 primers, que geraram 77 bandas polimórficas. Os animais foram distribuídos em cinco subgrupos de Crioulo Lageano (I a V, e um subgrupo em cada uma das raças Holandesa (VI e Nelore (VII. A maior parte da variância genética total (65,05% foi causada pela diferença de indivíduos dentro dos grupos, e o restante pelas diferenças entre grupos. A análise conjunta dos grupos I a V apresentou variabilidade genética entre grupos de 25,28% e dentro dos grupos de 74,72%. A diversidade gênica vem se mantendo ao longo das gerações no núcleo de conservação do Crioulo Lageano. A raça Holandesa apresentou a menor diversidade gênica (0,1204, e a Crioulo Lageano a maior (0,3154. A maior distância genética (0,3747 foi entre as raças Nelore e Holandesa. Os grupos de Crioulo Lageano apresentaram diferenças entre si e apenas alguns indivíduos de cada grupo posicionaram-se junto a outros grupos. A técnica RAPD é capaz de estimar a distância genética entre raças ou populações e de auxiliar na escolha de indivíduos, visando aos trabalhos de conservação de recursos genéticos.The objective of this study was to characterize genetically the Crioulo Lageano cattle breed, using RAPD markers and compare it to the Holstein and Nelore breeds. Forty three primers were selected, and they generated 77 polymorphic bands. Seven groups were studied: 5 subgroups of Crioulo Lageano (I to V and one each Holstein (VI and Nellore (VII. Using all groups, the greater part of the genetic variance (65.05% was due to differences within groups and the rest due to differences between groups. Using five Crioulo Lageano groups (I to V the results showed 25.28% variation between groups and 74.72% within groups. Genetic diversity has been maintained throughout the generations in this

  18. Marcadores moleculares na predição do sexo em plantas de mamoeiro Molecular markers for sex identification in papaya

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    Eder Jorge de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar marcadores moleculares, previamente identificados como ligados ao sexo do mamoeiro, para utilização na seleção indireta em genótipos comerciais. Foram analisadas duas variedades do grupo Solo e dois híbridos do grupo Formosa, com utilização de 20 plantas por genótipo, quatro marcadores do tipo SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region e um RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. O RAPD BC210 permitiu a identificação de todas as plantas femininas e hermafroditas, o que revela grande potencial para ser usado na seleção assistida em alguns dos genótipos mais cultivados no Brasil. Os marcadores do tipo SCAR não permitiram a identificação correta do sexo dos genótipos, pois detectou-se a presença de falso-positivos e falso-negativos nas análises.The objective of this work was the validation of previous discovered sex related molecular markers of papaya, aiming at the indirect selection of Brazilian commercial genotypes. Two varieties of the Solo group and two hybrids of the Formosa group (20 plants for genotype, four SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region and one RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers were used. All hermaphrodite and female plants were correctly predicted by RAPD BC210, showing its high potential for marker assisted selection in important commercial genotypes used in Brazil. The SCAR markers did not show the true sex identification of these genotypes, revealing the presence of false positives and negatives in the analyses.

  19. Total protein electrophoresis and RAPD fingerprinting analysis for the identification of Aeromonas at the species level Análise eletroforética de proteínas totais e marcadores de RAPD na identificação de Aeromonas ao nível de espécie

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    Ana Paula Longaray Delamare


    Full Text Available Fifteen well-defined strains of Aeromonas of thirteen species were analyzed by SDS protein electrophoretic analysis (SDS-PAGE and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD. The comparison between the patterns obtained by both methods allowed differentiating all the strains. Clusters formed by the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages applied to protein data correlates with the genetic and biochemical information about the species. The results show that protein fingerprinting has the potential to differentiate Aeromonas species, but the low qualitative variation indicates that this technique is not efficient for the characterization of strains within a species. Conversely, RAPD fingerprinting allows the identification of strains but the high variability limits its potential as an aiding method for species identification.Quinze linhagens de Aeromonas pertencentes a treze espécies foram avaliadas através de eletroforese de proteínas totais (SDS-PAGE e segmentos de DNA amplificados ao acaso (RAPD. A comparação entre os padrões obtidos por ambos métodos permitiu diferenciar todas as linhagens. Agrupamentos formados com base nos dados protéicos mostraram relação com informações bioquímicas e genéticas a respeito das espécies. Os resultados mostraram que análises protéicas têm potencial para diferenciar espécies de Aeromonas, mas a baixa variação qualitativa indica que esta técnica não é eficiente para a caracterização entre linhagens dentro de espécies. Ao contrário, marcadores de RAPD permitem identificar linhagens, mas a alta variabilidade limita seu potencial como método auxiliar na identificação de espécies.

  20. Análisis de la diversidad genética de 21 aislamientos del hongo Moniliophthora roreri basado en marcadores RAPD

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    Boris Gutarra Castillo


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Estudiar la diversidad genética de 21 aislamientos del hongo que afecta al cultivo del cacao, Moniliophthora roreri, en tres zonas cacaoteras del Perú (Tocache, Mariscal Cáceres y Leoncio Prado. Métodos: Se utilizó 14 iniciadores RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA polimórficos y una pareja de oligonucleótidos, los que fueron empleados bajo condiciones de amplificación estandarizadas. Con los datos obtenidos se construyó un dendograma utilizando el coeficiente de Jaccard y el algoritmo UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method using Arithmetic Average. La estructura genética fue estimada en función del análisis molecular de variancia (AMOVA y la diversidad mediante los índices de Shannon y Nei. Resultados: Fueron conseguidas 59 bandas RAPD con un 73% de polimorfismo. El dendograma obtenido a un índice de similitud de 0,70, claramente dividió los individuos en tres grupos. El análisis de la diversidad genética mostró altos valores en las zonas estudiadas de acuerdo con el índice de Shannon (0,3936 y de Nei (0,2622, con mayor riqueza en Leoncio Prado. Estas zonas presentan alta variabilidad, y según el AMOVA realizado: 88% entre accesiones por zona y solo 12% entre zonas. Conclusiones: Existe más de un grupo genético de Moniliophthora roreri en la Amazonía del Perú. Estos grupos, provenientes del Ecuador, pudieron haber ingresado por el intercambio de semillas y/o de forma natural por medio de los ríos en común y estarían originando nuevos grupos genéticos locales.

  1. Identification of common bean alleles resistant to anthracnose using RAPD

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    Ana L.M. Castanheira


    Full Text Available RAPD markers were identified close to common bean alleles responsible for resistance to the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum and may be useful in selecting plants resistant to this pathogen. DNA from F2 plants of the crosses Carioca 300V x P45, Carioca 300V x Ouro and P24 x Ouro was amplified by RAPD. Line P45 has the Co.4 allele for resistance, and the Ouro cultivar has the Co.5 allele. The primer OPC08 amplified a DNA fragment of about 1059 bp linked to the Co.4 allele. The recombination frequency was 0.133 (SE = 0.039; 95% CI = 0.056-0.211. Using the primer OPF10 a DNA fragment of about 912 bp was amplified and found to be associated with the Co.5 allele. The recombination frequency was 0.115 (SE = 0.038; 95% CI = 0.041-0.189. A second marker (1122 pb amplified by the OPR03 primer was identified in the population P24 x Ouro. The recombination frequency for this marker was 0.363 (SE = 0.081; 95% CI = 0.205-0.522. Both these markers flanked the Co.5 allele. The markers identified in this study may be useful in identifying lines with the Co.4 and Co.5 alleles.Marcadores RAPD foram identificados próximos de alelos do feijão responsáveis pela resistência ao Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, visando auxiliar na seleção de plantas resistentes ao patógeno. Empregou-se o método dos bulks segregantes de DNA extraídos de plantas F2 dos seguintes cruzamentos: Carioca 300V x P45, Carioca 300V x Ouro e P24 x Ouro. A linhagem P45 é portadora do alelo Co.4 de resistência e o cultivar Ouro é portador do alelo Co.5, os quais foram marcados. Procedeu-se à reação RAPD dos bulks e foi identificado o iniciador OPC08 que amplificou um fragmento de DNA com cerca de 1059 pb, ligado ao alelo Co.4. A freqüência de recombinação foi de 0,133 (erro padrão 0,039 e o intervalo de confiança foi 0,056 e 0,211, com 95% de probabilidade. Em relação ao alelo Co.5 foi identificado um fragmento de DNA amplificado pelo iniciador OPF10 com cerca de 912 pb, na

  2. Separation of the genera in the subtribe Cassiinae (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioidae using molecular markers Separação dos gêneros na subtribo Cassiinae (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioidae utilizando marcadores moleculares

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    Laxmikanta Acharya


    Full Text Available Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD, Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR and Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP markers were used to verify the segregation of the genus Cassia L. senso lato into three distinct genera namely Chamaecrista Moench., Senna P. Mill. and Cassia L. sensostricto Eighteen representatives of the three taxa were characterized using the molecular markers. 25 RAPD, six ISSR primers and six AFLP primer combinations resulted in the amplification of 612, 115 and 622 bands (loci respectively. Most of the loci are found to be polymorphic, showing high degrees of genetic diversity among the different taxa studied. The dendrogram constructed on the basis of the RAPD, ISSR and AFLP data using SHAN clustering, divided Cassia L. senso lato. into three different clusters as Chamaecrista Moench. Senna P. Mill. and Cassia L. senso stricto High bootstrap value revealed that all the clusters were stable and robust. It was observed from the present investigation that these genera have their identity at molecular level, which supports the elevation of the genus Cassia L. senso lato to the level of subtribe Cassiinae and segregation into three distinct genera instead of intrageneric categories.Técnicas de Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD, Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR e Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism markers (AFLP foram utilizadas para verificar a segregação do gênero Cassia L. senso lato em três diferentes gêneros, Chamaecrista Moench., Senna P. Mill. e Cassia L. senso stricto Dezoito representantes dos três táxons foram caracterizados com o uso de marcadores moleculares: 25 RAPD, seis iniciadores ("primers" ISSR e seis AFLP combinações de iniciadores, resultando na amplificação de 612, 115 e 622 bandas (loci, respectivamente. A maioria dos loci apresentou-se como polimórfico, mostrando um alto grau de diversidade genética entre os táxons estudados. O dendrograma construído com base nos dados de

  3. Utilização de microssatélites e RAPD na caracterização molecular de acessos de Paspalum urvillei Steudel Genetic diversity among accesses of Paspalum urvillei Steudel estimated by microssatelites and RAPD markers

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    Joaquim Taizo Sawasato


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de verificar a diversidade genética na coleção de acessos de P. urvillei do Departamento de Plantas Forrageiras e Agrometeorologia (DPFA da Faculdade de Agronomia (UFRG visando sua utilização em futuros trabalhos de seleção. Foram avaliados 64 acessos provenientes do Rio Grande do Sul, 1 de Xanxerê, Santa Catarina, três de Curitiba, Paraná, e 1 da Argentina. A diversidade genética foi analisada por meio de marcadores do tipo RAPD e SSR. Utilizaram-se dez primers para marcadores RAPD, o que possibilitou obter 56 bandas polimórficas e 11 grupos no dendrograma com similaridade média de 0,70. Na técnica de SSR, foram utilizados sete primers e obtidas 28 bandas polimórficas, formando sete grupos no dendrograma com similaridade média de 0,66. Ambos os marcadores foram eficientes para o agrupamento de acessos coletados. O uso de maior número de primers para gerar mais bandas polimórficas foi necessário para obtenção de fingerprintsgenômicos dos indivíduos similares. Os dendrogramas gerados neste estudo dão subsídios para futuros cruzamentos de gerações parentais contrastantes ou similares no melhoramento de Paspalum urvillei.The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic diversity among accesses of P. urvillei of Departamento de Plantas Forrageiras e Agrometeorologia (DPFA of the College of Agronomy - UFRGS and to evaluate their use in selection programs. Sixty four accesses from different cities of the Southern Region of Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Parana States and from Argentine were analyzed by RAPD and SSR molecular markers. Ten primers of RAPD markers were used and resulted in 56 polymorphic bands and 11 groups in a dendrogram with average similarity 0.70. Seven primers were used for the SSR technique and resulted in 28 polymorphic bands and seven groups in a dendrogram with average similarity 0.66. Both markers were efficient on grouping the accesses

  4. Expressão dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e CASPASE-3 no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago


    Ferreira,Valério Alves; Czeczko,Nicolau Gregori; Ribas-Filho,Jurandir Marcondes; Malafaia,Osvaldo; Ribas,Carmen Austrália Paredes Marcondes; Gomes,Claudia Stein; Cunha,Regina Maria da; Cuenca,Ronaldo M.


    OBJETIVO: Analisar citofotometricamente a expressão do marcador de densidade microvascular CD-34 e de apoptose caspase-3 no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago, e correlacionar os marcadores entre si. MÉTODOS: Análise imunoistoquímica de 29 peças cirúrgicas de carcinomas epidermóides de esôfago, baseada nos índices de marcagem dos anticorpos CD-34 e caspase-3, utilizando-se sistema de citofotometria computadorizada. Comparou-se a expressão quantitativa destes marcadores, a relação entre eles, a ...

  5. Diferenciação genética entre Melipona mondury, Smith 1863, Melipona rufiventris, Lepeletier, 1836 e Melipona sp. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, utilizando marcadores ISSR


    Dias, Fábia Guimarães


    Melipona rufiventris, Lepeletier, 1836 e M. mondury, Smith, 1863 (Hymenoptera, Apidae) são espécies geneticamente similares, popularmente conhecidas como uruçu amarela. Estudos recentes, utilizando marcadores moleculares mostraram que as populações de uruçu amarela em Minas Gerais formam grupos distintos, sendo M. mondury pertencente à região de Mata Atlântica, M. rufiventris e uma terceira espécie, ainda não identificada aqui denominada de Melipona sp., pertencentes à região do Cerrado. O ob...

  6. Genetic diversity of tropical-adapted onion germplasm assessed by RAPD markers Diversidade genética em germoplasma tropical de cebola estimada via marcadores RAPD

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    Maria do Desterro M dos Santos


    relation to main 'Baia Periforme' group. This germplasm displayed a relatively low genetic diversity, with the predominance of materials originated from the base population 'Baia Periforme'. There are, however, some accessions, which can add genetic diversity to this germplasm and they can be exploited by onion breeding programs aiming to develop cultivars for tropical regions of the world.A cebola é uma cultura de expressiva importância socioeconômica para o Brasil. Marcantes contribuições para o desenvolvimento da cultura têm sido feitas utilizando-se germoplasma de cebola adaptado às regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a diversidade genética existente em uma coleção de germoplasma potencialmente útil ao desenvolvimento de cultivares para essas regiões. Para isso, a variabilidade genética de um grupo de 21 acessos foi analisada via marcadores RAPD. Esses acessos ('Red Creole', 'Roxa IPA-3', 'Valenciana 14', 'Beta Cristal', 'Diamante', 'Composto IPA-6', 'Aurora', 'Bojuda Rio Grande', 'Alfa Tropical', 'Pêra IPA-4', 'Primavera', 'Belém IPA-9', 'Crioula Alto Vale', 'Conquista', 'Pira-Ouro', 'Vale-Ouro IPA-11', 'Franciscana IPA-10', 'Serrana', 'CNPH 6400', 'Petroline' e 'Baia Periforme' têm sido empregados como germoplasma e/ou foram desenvolvidos pelos programas de melhoramento genético de cebola conduzidos no Brasil. Dos 520 iniciadores ('primers' utilizados na triagem inicial, somente 38 confirmaram polimorfismos entre os 21 acessos. Esses 38 'primers' produziram 624 amplicons, dos quais 522 (83,7% foram monomórficos e 102 (16,3% polimórficos. Com base nos padrões revelados, seis grupos foram formados de acordo com a similaridade média global entre os acessos (= 0,72. Somente um desses seis grupos englobou mais de um acesso. O grupo principal (formado por 16 acessos incluiu, predominantemente, as cultivares que apresentam no seu pedigree a contribuição de 'Baia Periforme' ('Diamante

  7. Diversidade genética de Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell. Morong. no Baixo Rio São Francisco, por meio de marcadores RAPD Genetic diversity of Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell. Morong. in the low San Francisco river by RAPD markers

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    Georgea da Cruz Santana


    Full Text Available Enterolobium contortisiliquum Vell. Morong (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae é uma espécie muito utilizada em programas de recuperação de matas ciliares no Baixo Rio São Francisco, devido ao seu rápido crescimento inicial. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD, a diversidade genética de oito indivíduos de uma população remanescente dessa espécie, visando contribuir para a definição de estratégias de coleta de sementes. Os indivíduos estão situados em uma área de 100 ha de mata ciliar do Baixo Rio São Francisco. Para a extração do DNA, pelo método CTAB 2%, foram utilizadas folhas tenras dos indivíduos. Testaram-se 20 oligonucleotídios de 10 bases de seqüência arbitrária, cujos produtos foram separados em gel de agarose 0,8%, submetidos à eletroforese horizontal, corados com brometo-de-etídio e visualizados em luz ultravioleta. A similaridade genética entre os indivíduos foi calculada pelo Coeficiente de Similaridade de Jaccard e a construção do dendrograma, realizada utilizando-se o método UPGMA. O valor médio de diversidade genética entre as matrizes foi de 49%, variando de 33 a 85%. Os indivíduos 6 e 7 apresentaram relativa proximidade genética (67%, não sendo indicado o plantio de suas mudas ou semeadura direta para recuperação de área ciliar em locais muito próximos. A partir dos resultados observados, podem-se desenvolver estratégias para a coleta de sementes e produção de mudas, auxiliando, assim, programas de restauração ambiental.Enterolobium contortisiliquum Vell. Morong (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae is very much used in riparian forest restoration programs in the Low San Francisco River because of its fast initial growth. The objective of this work was to evaluate by RAPD molecular markers the genetic diversity of eight individuals of a remaining population of this species, in order to contribute for the definition of strategies for seed production. The

  8. Variações genéticas em populações de Eucalyptus spp. detectadas por meio de marcadores moleculares Genetic variations in Eucalyptus spp. genotypes detected by means of molecular markers

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    Ronaldo Pereira Caixeta


    Full Text Available A tecnologia de marcadores moleculares, aliada às técnicas clássicas do melhoramento, pode contribuir significativamente para o conhecimento básico da cultura e do caráter estudado e para a geração e o desenvolvimento de produtos melhorados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizar marcadores RAPD para detectar e maximizar a variabilidade genética em genótipos Eucalyptus, identificando cruzamentos favoráveis para um programa de melhoramento florestal, visando o uso múltiplo. Foram analisados 44 genótipos de híbridos naturais do gênero Eucalyptus, plantados na região noroeste de Minas Gerais. Os marcadores moleculares RAPD apresentaram poder de discriminação eficiente entre os 44 genótipos avaliados, constatando-se uma distância genética média entre os genótipos de Eucalyptus de 54% e divergência genética variando de 24 a 73%. Este fato indica que entre os indivíduos analisados existe uma ampla base genética, o que possibilita a manipulação desse material em programas de melhoramento. A distância genética entre os genótipos 5 e 9; 9 e 10; 9 e 19; 9 e 25; 9 e 33; 9 e 35; 9 e 36; 9 e 44; 10 e 33; 12 e 19; 12 e 33; e 12 e 39 apresentou-se maior ou igual a 70%. A análise de agrupamento estabelecida, utilizando UPGMA e o critério de corte de 80% da distância genética total, permitiu a formação de nove grupos distintos. Esses grupos apresentaram divergência genética média superior a 60%. A maior média de distância ocorreu entre o grupo I e os demais, com 67%. A avaliação por marcadores moleculares RAPD forneceu uma identificação direta da variação genética dos genótipos e, neste sentido, novos cruzamentos para produção de híbridos específicos poderão ser gerados, aumentando, assim, a divergência genética e a produtividade de derivados de madeira de qualidade superior para usos múltiplos em programas de melhoramento florestal.Molecular marker technology combined with the classic breeding techniques

  9. Diversity within American cassava germ plasm based on RAPD markers

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    Carlos Colombo


    Full Text Available This work focuses on the genetic diversity of American cassava through RAPD molecular markers. The 126 genotypes studied were distributed on four geographical levels ranging from local to continental. Samples included ethnocultivars from the Santa Isabel community in the Brazilian Amazon, local cultivars collected in the State of São Paulo, native accessions from very diverse Brazilian regions, and representative accessions from the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT core collection. Eighty-eight polymorphic bands were analyzed. Results revealed the weak genetic structure of the cassava analyzed. The pattern formed by the first two axes of the principal coordinates analysis (PCoA revealed an overlapping of the São Paulo State genotype, the Brazilian group and the core collection accessions. The Santa Isabel ethnocultures formed a separate group. The weak genetic structure of cassava can be explained by the common practice of exchanging botanical material among small producers as well as by recombinations among genotypes. When the genotypes were analyzed using climatic data, the sample sites were found to be structured according to temperature and precipitation. RAPD markers proved very useful in the genetic diversity study, resulting in important implications for cassava germ plasm collections and genetic breeding.Este trabalho enfoca a diversidade genética de mandiocas americanas através de marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD. Os 126 genótipos estudados estão distribuídos em quatro escalas geográficas, indo do local ao continental, ou seja, etnocultivares de uma comunidade chamada Santa Isabel, na Amazônia brasileira, cultivares locais coletados no Estado de São Paulo, um grupo representado por acessos oriundos das mais diversas regiões brasileiras e acessos representantes da "core collection" do CIAT. Oitenta e oito bandas RAPD polimórficas foram retidas para as análises. A estrutura genética das mandiocas deste

  10. Distinción de especies del género Persea mediante RAPD e ISSR de ADN


    Reyes-Alemán, Juan Carlos; Valadez-Moctezuma, Ernestina; Simuta-Velázco, Lisandro; Barrientos-Priego, Alejandro Facundo; Gallegos-Vázquez, Clemente


    Con la finalidad de establecer bases para diferenciar parte de la diversidad genética de Persea y en especial del subgénero Persea resguardado en la colección nacional de germoplasma de aguacate de México, se estudiaron ocho especies (P. americana, P. steyermarkii, P. schiedeana, P. lingue, P. nubigena, P. floccosa, P. cinerascens y P. indica) con marcadores moleculares mediante las técnicas de RAPD e ISSR, donde los productos de PCR fueron separados en geles de acrilamida. Las huellas de ADN...


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    Ferm\\u00EDn Orona-Castro


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar marcadores DNA Polimórfico Amplificado al Azar (RAPDs y Secuencias Simples Repetidas (SSR s también conocidos como Mi crosatélites asocia dos con la resistencia al daño causado por fitoplasmas en papa. Se evaluó la severidad de la punta morada de la papa (PMP y la apa rición de color pardo en el tubérculo, así como también se realizaron análisis moleculares en varie dades y líneas avanzadas de papa . El estudio se realizó en el laboratorio de biotecnología de la Facultad de Cie ncia s Biológicas de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León - Instituto Na cional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INI FAP, México en el 2003 y 2004. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron RAPDs y SSRs también conocido microsatélites. Tres genotip os mostraron resistencia a la apa rición del color pardo deltubérculo, mie ntras que del análisis molecular seis materia les formaron un grupo que incluyó los genotip os con valores de daño mínimos (entre uno y tres de la escala. Los genotip os restantes formaron dos grupos con presencia de color pardo en el tubérculo mayor (entre cinco y siete. Se identificaron marcadores moleculares posiblemente asocia dos con tolerancia a la coloración parda del tubérculo. En el análisis de componentes principa les y el dendograma generado los materia les que presentaron menor severidad de daño, quedaron incluidos en un mismo grupo, mie ntras que materia les con mayor severidad de daño quedaron en un grupo diferente

  12. Genetic divergence among Dimorphandra spp. accessions using RAPD markers Divergência genética entre acessos de Dimorphandra spp. usando marcadores RAPD

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    Cláudia Pombo Sudré


    entre acessos de D. mollis, D. gardneriana e D. wilsonii, foram realizadas coletas de frutos separados por planta em três estados brasileiros em um total de 57 acessos que foram analisados por meio da técnica RAPD. Utilizaram-se vinte sementes por progênie e o DNA, extraído de folhas definitivas, jovens, e coletadas em bulk. Os dados foram analisados utilizando-se uma matriz de dados binários. Para formação da matriz de dissimilaridade, foi utilizado o complemento aritmético do Índice de Jaccard e posteriormente o agrupamento pelo algoritmo de Neighbor Joining. O estudo revelou que existe variabilidade entre e dentro das espécies de Dimorphandra spp., o qual formou quatro grupos. Apesar da variabilidade genética constatada, as expedições de coleta demonstraram que a maioria das áreas amostradas está sujeita a perdas de recursos genéticos de fava-d'anta devido aos seguintes fatores: ocorrência de ação antrópica contínua; propensão a incêndios naturais; e diminuição dos dispersores naturais de sementes (grandes mamíferos frugíveros. Assim, a proteção destas áreas e a conservação ex situ, são primordiais para manutenção da variabilidade genética dessas espécies.

  13. Análisis de la variación genética en clones de caucho (Hevea brasiliensis de Asia, Suramérica y Centroamérica usando marcadores RAPD Analysis of genetic variation in clones of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis from Asían, South and Central American origin using RAPDs markers

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    Lobo Arias Mario


    Full Text Available El caucho natural (Hevea brasiliensis representa a especies potenciales para reforestación y programas de explo­tación comercial en ciudades tropicales como Colombia. La variabilidad genética de una colección de caucho que se encuentra en la Estación experimental de Paraguaycito en Buenavista, departamento del Quindio en Colom­bia fue estudiada para aumentar el conocimiento en cuanto a las especies y realizar un mejor uso de los árboles disponibles. Un total de 25 clones, seis de Sur América, 17 de Asia y 2 de América Central fueron seleccionados y analizados usando RAPDs. Las muestras aisladas de ADN de los árboles fueron con 102 primers, 23 de los cuales mostraron polimorfismos. Aunque se encontró un alto grado de similaridad, los análisis grupales de datos llevaron a diferenciar los árboles de de caucho en términos de su origen geográfico. Por lo tanto, las relaciones genéticas que se encontraron entre los clones podrían ayudar a seleccionar parentales para uso en programas de reproducción y diseño de estrategias para la conservación de los clones que tengan características agronómicas deseables. Palabras clave: identificación de cultivos, distancia genética, diversidad genética, Hevea brasiliensis, marcadores RAPD.Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis represents a potential species for reforestation and commercial exploitation programmes in tropical countries such as Colombia. The genetic variability of a rubber collection kept at the Paraguaicito Experimental Station in Buenavista in the Quindio department of Colombia was studied to improve knowledge regarding this species and make better use of the trees available. A total of 25 clones, six from South-America, 17 from Asia and two from Central-América were selected and analysed using RAPDs. DNA samples isolated from the trees were screened with 102 primers, 23 of which revealed polymorphism. Although a high degree of similarity was found, clustering analysis of the data led

  14. Caracterización molecular de un banco de germoplasma del género Theobroma mediante la técnica RAPD* Molecular characterisation of a germplasm bank for Theobroma genus using the RAPD technique

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    Quintero Lorena


    Full Text Available Mediante la utilización de marcadores RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA, se analizaron 145 materiales (128 de T. grandiflorum y 17 de T. bicolor pertenecientes al banco de germoplasma ex situ del género Theobroma del Instituto Sinchi, localizado en San José del Guaviare. A partir de un número inicial de 20, se seleccionaron los 5 cebadores capaces de generar mayor número de polimorfismos para generar 114 bandas que lograron distinguir entre más del 99% de los materiales analizados: 57 bandas para T. grandiflorum (84,2% polimórficas, 45 bandas para T. bicolor (26,7% polimórficas y 12 bandas compartidas entre las dos especies (58,3% polimórficas. A partir de la matriz de semejanza generada utilizando el índice de Dice, representada en un dendrograma UPGMA, y el análisis de componentes principales, se determinó un alto grado de semejanza intraespecífica en los materiales analizados, particularmente en T. bicolor. Luego de comparar este análisis con el morfoagronómico previamente realizado en algunos materiales de T. grandiflorum, se encontró que los grupos generados por dicha evaluación morfológica y agronómica son heterogéneos a nivel molecular. La información obtenida se utilizará como herramienta para la toma de decisiones en cuanto a las estrategias de mantenimiento, enriquecimiento y uso del banco. Palabras clave: Theobroma grandiflorum, Theobroma bicolor, RAPD, caracterización molecular.RAPD markers (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA were used for analysing 145 individuals (128 T. grandiflorum and 17 T. bicolor from the ex situ Theobroma genus germplasm bank at Instituto Sinchi, located at San José del Guaviare. 5 primers able to generated polymorphism were selected from an initial set of 20, generating 114 bands that enable to us to distinguish between more than 99% of individuals analysed: 57 bands for T. grandiflorum (84.2% polymorphic, 45 bands for T. bicolor (26.7% polymorphic and 12 bands shared between

  15. Variabilidade genética em populações naturais de Ziziphus joazeiro Mart., por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD

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    Itamara Bomfim Gois


    Full Text Available Os estudos de diversidade genética em populações naturais são imprescindíveis para a elaboração de estratégias de conservação. Assim, este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar geneticamente, por meio de marcadores Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD, populações naturais de Ziziphus joazeiro Mart., localizadas na região do Baixo São Francisco sergipano. Foram empregados 20 oligonucleotídeos e, a partir do polimorfismo observado, foram estimadas a porcentagem de polimorfismo, a variabilidade genética e a similaridade genética (Sgij, por meio do coeficiente de Jaccard. O teste de Mantel foi realizado para avaliar a correlação entre a similaridade genética e a distância geográfica; sendo o fluxo gênico também estimado. O polimorfismo observado nas populações de Z. joazeiro variou de 58,1 a 66,5% e a similaridade genética, de 44 a 54%. A similaridade genética não está correlacionada com a distância geográfica, e os valores observados para o índice de diversidade genética de Nei, para o índice de Shannon e para os parâmetros HS, HT e GST foram considerados altos e semelhantes aos encontrados em outras espécies arbóreas. A porcentagem de locos polimórficos foi considerada baixa. Maior identidade genética foi encontrada entre as populações de Canindé do São Francisco e Santana do São Francisco; e a maior distância genética entre as populações de Canhoba e Canindé do São Francisco. O fluxo gênico foi maior que 1. Com base nos resultados, pode-se afirmar que há alta variabilidade genética entre as populações e que estas podem estar geneticamente estruturadas.

  16. Caracterización de tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp. con marcadores moleculares RAPD Characterization of the red tilapia Oreochromis sp. through molecular markers RAPD

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    Julieta Torres Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Se utilizó la técnica RAPD (amplificación al azar de ADN polimórfico para el estudio de la diversidad genética de Oreochromis sp. (tilapia roja en cinco piscícolas del Valle del Cauca (Colombia y en la determinación del nivel de introgresión de las especies parentales Oreochromis mosambicus, O. niloticus y O. aureus. Se evaluaron 25 cebadores, ocho fueron polimórficos y se obtuvieron 109 bandas. Los valores de heterocigosidad esperada (0.196 a 0.256 y la estructura genética (Gst = 0.22 para Oreochromis sp. indicaron un elevado grado de polimorfismo y alta estructuración genética. Estos resultados fueron consistente con el Fst = 0.268 (P Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD markers were used to study genetic diversity on red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp. species collected from five fish farms located in the Valle del Cauca, Colombia and to determine the level of introgression from three parental species O. mosambicus, O. niloticus and O. aureus into local Oreochromis populations. from the 25 RAPD primers evaluated, eight were polymorphic and 109 banding patterns were observed, any of them were specific. The expected levels of heterozygosis (0.1964 to 0.2561 and genetic structure (Gst = 0.22 funded for Oreochrosmis sp. indicate high grade of polymorphism and genetic structuring. This results were observed following the analysis of molecular variance [AMOVA] (Fst = 0.268 (P <0.0001 and Multiple correspondence analysis (Gst = 0.040. The values of genetic similarity, the analysis of group, the analysis of multiple correspondence and the level of introgression, indicated that the differences in the introgression levels(P=0.0001 were significant. The low level of observed genetic differentiation among populations, could be the result of fish with the same genetic origin, whereas the high variation within populations can be displayed by handling practices and the pressure of selection to favor commercial phenotypes. The level of introgression

  17. Variabilidade genética de acessos de maracujá-suspiro com base em marcadores moleculares Genetic variability of wild passion fruit determined by molecular markers

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    Keize Pereira Junqueira


    Full Text Available Passiflora nitida é uma espécie silvestre amplamente distribuída pelo território brasileiro, constituindo-se em fonte de resistência a doenças foliares e de raízes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a variabilidade genética entre acessos de P. nitida procedentes de diferentes tipos fitofisionômicos de Cerrado e estados brasileiros (Goiás, Distrito Federal, Tocantins, Mato Grosso e Amazonas, usando marcadores moleculares RAPD. O DNA genômico de cada acesso foi extraído, e doze iniciadores decâmeros foram utilizados para a obtenção de marcadores moleculares RAPD, que foram convertidos em matriz de dados binários, a partir da qual foram estimadas as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos e realizadas análises de agrupamento e de dispersão gráfica. Foram obtidos 196 marcadores para P. nitida, dos quais 63,81% foram polimórficos. As distâncias genéticas entre os acessos de maracujá variaram de 0,031 a 0,614 e, considerando apenas P. nitida, de 0,031 a 0,417. Os marcadores moleculares demonstraram alta variabilidade genética dos acessos de P. nitida. Menores distâncias genéticas foram verificadas entre os acessos originados do mesmo estado. Considerando-se os acessos de um mesmo estado, menores distâncias genéticas foram verificadas entre os acessos provenientes de tipos fitofisionômicos próximos. O acesso "Manaus 2" apresentou o maior distanciamento genético em relação aos demais acessos.Passiflora nitida is a wild species widely distributed in Brazilian territory. It is a source of resistance to foliar and soil borne diseases. The objective of this work was to evaluate the genetic variability among accessions of P. nitida proceeding from different types of Cerrado (Brazilian savannah vegetation and brazilian states (Goiás, Distrito Federal, Tocantins, Mato Grosso and Amazonas using RAPD molecular markers. The genomic DNA of each origin was extracted and amplified using 12 decamer primers to obtain RAPD

  18. Caracterização da diversidade genética entre acessos crioulos de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L. coletados em Santa Catarina por marcadores RAPD Characterization of the genetic diversity of landraces of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. collected in Santa Catarina State by RAPD markers

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    Márcio Fonseca de Carvalho


    Full Text Available O conhecimento da diversidade genética, por meio da dissimilaridade entre os genótipos, permite a organização, a amostragem e a utilização eficiente do germoplasma em programas de melhoramento genético. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a dissimilaridade entre acessos crioulos de feijão coletados no Estado de Santa Catarina, integrantes do banco ativo de germoplasma de feijão da UDESC e de três cultivares comerciais ("Pérola", "SCS 202-Guará" e "BRS Valente", por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD. Foram utilizados 21 iniciadores decâmeros que permitiram a visualização de 96 bandas, sendo que 41 (42,7% apresentaram polimorfismo entre os acessos estudados, resultando em bandas entre 650 e 2000pb. A dissimilaridade foi calculada utilizando-se o coeficiente de Sorensen-Dice e o agrupamento foi realizado pelo método UPGMA. Os acessos foram separados em dois grupos principais, com dissimilaridade relativamente alta, quando comparada com a dissimilaridade observada dentro de cada grupo. Os dois grupos formados indicam os centros de domesticação, Mesoamericano ou Andino, dos acessos analisados. A dissimilaridade entre as cultivares avaliadas ("SCS 202-Guará", "BRS Valente" e "Pérola" é baixa (0,15, se comparada com a dissimilaridade entre os demais acessos do banco de germoplasma (0,65. A menor dissimilaridade entre os acessos estudados (BAF63 e BAF04 foi de 0,02. A inexistência de acessos repetidos reforça a necessidade de novas coletas de germoplasma, o que resultará em um banco de germoplasma de feijão mais representativo da variabilidade genética remanescente em Santa Catarina.The knowledge of the genetic diversity through the divergence among the genotypes allows the organization of the germplasm, sampling and efficient utilization in breeding programs. The objective of this study was to analyze the dissimilarity among germplasm collected in Santa Catarina State, stored in UDESC germplasm active bank of common bean

  19. Variabilidade genética e ecológica de Stylosanthes macrocephala determinadas por RAPD e SIG Genetic and ecological variability of Stylosanthes macrocephaladetermined by RAPD markers and GIS

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    Ana Maria Barros


    Full Text Available Stylosanthes macrocephala M. B. Ferr. et S. Costa é uma leguminosa utilizada sob consorciação em pastagens, adubação e recuperação de áreas degradadas. A falta de características morfológicas e agronômicas estáveis e de informações ecogeográficas dos locais de coleta dos acessos tem dificultado o melhoramento genético da espécie. A fim de obter descritores ecológicos, moleculares e avaliar a variabilidade genética da coleção de S. macrocephala, 87 acessos foram analisados com o auxílio do Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG e de marcadores moleculares RAPD. Os acessos provieram de sete Estados, cinco bacias hidrográficas, sete tipos de vegetação e sete tipos de solos. As altitudes dos locais de coleta variaram de 1 a 1.298 m e a pluviometria anual média de 550 a 2.870 mm. A variabilidade de descritores ecológicos sugeriu diversidade adaptativa na coleção. Com base em 161 marcadores RAPD, verificou-se que as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos de S. macrocephala variaram entre 0,02 e 0,42. Com base nessas distâncias, dez grupos de similaridade genética foram estabelecidos. Observou-se tendência de separação por bacias hidrográficas e elevada variabilidade gen��tica entre os acessos coletados nos estados da Bahia e de Minas Gerais. A alta variabilidade genética da coleção de S. macrocephala evidencia a importância desses acessos para futuros trabalhos de melhoramento genético.Stylosanthes macrocephala M. B. Ferr et S. Costa is a leguminous species used as forage, cover crop and as a pioneer plant to recover degraded areas. Inexistence of stable morphological descriptors and lack of ecogeographic information about collecting sites bring difficulties to the studies of this species. The objective of this work was to use the geographic information system (GIS and RAPD markers to obtain ecological and molecular descriptors and to study the genetic variability of 87 S. macrocephala accessions. The

  20. Diversidade genética de três estoques de piapara (Leporinus elongatus, utilizando RAPD = Genetic diversity of three stocks of piapara (Leporinus elongatus, using RAPD

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    Patrícia Cristina Gomes


    Full Text Available Recentemente a produção aquícola brasileira tem apresentado grandeprogresso. Dentre as espécies nativas cultivadas no Brasil, a piapara (Leporinus elongatus tem sido amplamente preconizada. Com objetivo de avaliar os programas de repovoamento, foram analisadas a variabilidade e a divergência genética de três estoques de piapara com a técnica de RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic. O primeiro estoque pertence à Estação de Aquicultura e Hidrologia da Duke Energy International (A; o segundo, à piscicultura de Rolândia (B e o terceiro, ao Programa de Repovoamento dos Rios do Paraná (C. Os dezprimers para RAPD utilizados produziram 105 fragmentos polimórficos, conferindo um polimorfismo de 98,1% para os três estoques avaliados. A porcentagem de locos polimórficos e índice de Shannon foi superior para o estoque A. Porém, todos valores foram elevados, indicando alta diversidade intrapopulacional. Os valores de Gst indicam que houvebaixa diferenciação genética entre os estoques A x B e moderada diferenciação entre os demais. O Nm foi maior entre os estoques A x B. A distância genética e o dendrograma indicam que os estoques A x B são menos distantes geneticamente.Latelly, aquiculture production in Brazil has made great strides. Among the native species cultivated in Brazil, piapara (Leporinus elogatus has been widely praised. With the objective of evaluating restocking programs, the variability and genetic divergence ofthree piapara stocks were analyzed using the RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA technique. The first stock belongs to the Aquiculture and Hydrology Station of Duke Energy International (A; the second one belongs to a fish farm in the city of Rolândia(B; and the third to the River Restocking Program of Paraná (C. The ten primers used for RAPD produced 105 polymorphic loci, conferring a polymorphism of 98.1% for the three evaluated stocks. Polymorphic loci percentage and Shannon index were higher for stock A

  1. Assessment of genetic diversity on a sample of cocoa accessions resistant to witches' broom disease based on RAPD and pedigree data Avaliação da diversidade genética em uma amostra de acessos de cacau resistentes à doença vassoura-de-bruxa, com base em dados de RAPD e pedigree

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    Ronaldo Carvalho dos Santos


    Full Text Available Genetic diversity in cocoa (Theobroma cacao L. has been assessed based on morphological and molecular markers for germplasm management and breeding purposes. Pedigree data is available in cocoa but it has not been used for assessing genetic relatedness. The geneitic diversity of 30 clonal cocoa accessions resistant to witche´ broom disease, from the CEPEC series, were studied on the basis of RAPD data and pedigree information. Twenty of these accessions descend from the TSA-644 clone, originated from a cross between the Upper Amazon germplasm called Scavina-6, the main source of resistance to witches' broom disease, and IMC-67. The ten remaining clones come from different sources including Amazon and Trinitario germplasm. RAPD data was collected using 16 primers and pedigree information was obtained from the International Cocoa Germplasm Database. Genetic similarities, genetic distances and coefficient of parentage were calculated using available software. Relatively low genetic diversity was observed in this germplasm set, probably because of great genetic relatedness amongst accessions studied and the poor representation of the germplasm. The TSA-644 descendants were more diverse than the other accessions used in the study. This might be due to the origin of the TSA clone, which was derived from highly divergent genotypes. Association between genetic similarities based on RAPD data and coefficient of parentage, based on pedigree data, was very low, probably due to the homogeneity of the breeding stocks and poor pedigree information. These findings are useful to cocoa breeders in planning crosses for the development of hybrid and clonal cultivars.A diversidade genética em cacau (Theobroma cacao L., embasada em dados morfológicos e em marcadores moleculares, tem sido avaliada com fins de manejo de germoplasma e uso no melhoramento genético. Dados de genealogia de cacau, embora disponíveis, não têm sido utilizados. Foi analisada a

  2. Expressão dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e CASPASE-3 no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago

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    Valério Alves Ferreira

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar citofotometricamente a expressão do marcador de densidade microvascular CD-34 e de apoptose caspase-3 no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago, e correlacionar os marcadores entre si. MÉTODOS: Análise imunoistoquímica de 29 peças cirúrgicas de carcinomas epidermóides de esôfago, baseada nos índices de marcagem dos anticorpos CD-34 e caspase-3, utilizando-se sistema de citofotometria computadorizada. Comparou-se a expressão quantitativa destes marcadores, a relação entre eles, a relação com a idade dos pacientes, tamanho das lesões e classificação TNM. RESULTADOS: O valor da mediana do índice de marcagem do CD-34 foi de 72,6% e o da caspase-3 de 96,5%. Não se obteve significância estatística na correlação destes marcadores com o tamanho tumoral ou com a idade dos pacientes. Houve discreta tendência à correlação positiva entre o CD-34 e a classificação TNM. O marcador caspase-3, apesar de apresentar maior índice de marcagem que o CD-34 nestes tumores, não revelou nenhuma correlação com as variáveis estudadas. A correlação entre o CD-34 e a caspase-3 apresentou tênue tendência positiva. CONCLUSÃO: Ambos os marcadores têm boa expressão no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago, onde o CD-34 tem menor expressividade que a caspase-3 e os mesmos não apresentam correlação entre si.

  3. Variabilidade genética de etnovariedades de mandioca, avaliada por marcadores de DNA Genetic diversity of cassava folk varieties assessed by DNA markers

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    Gilda Santos Mühlen


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar a variabilidade genética de etnovariedades ("folk varieties" de mandioca e examinar a distribuição desta variabilidade entre grupos de etnovariedades de diferentes locais de origem e tipos. Foram escolhidas 54 etnovariedades de mandioca originárias de quatro regiões brasileiras: 45 etnovariedades da Amazônia (23 do Rio Negro, 6 do Rio Branco e 16 do Rio Solimões e 9 do litoral sul do Estado de São Paulo. A variedade moderna Mantiqueira¹, de ampla distribuição mundial, também foi incluída. Destas, 38 variedades eram mandiocas bravas e 17 de mesa (aipins ou macaxeiras. Foram utilizados três tipos de marcador de DNA: RAPD, AFLP e microssatélites. A análise dos resultados consistiu na descrição do padrão de bandas, cálculo de índices de similaridade (Nei & Li; 1979 e análise de coordenadas principais (PCoA, para cada tipo de marcador. Para os locos de microssatélites foram calculados também: heterozigozidade, índices de diversidade (DI, de Weir e coeficientes de diferenciação genética (G ST. A variabilidade genética mostrou-se mais concentrada dentro de regiões do que entre regiões (G ST = 0,07. A heterozigozidade média foi de 56%. Os índices médios de similaridade entre variedades variaram em função do tipo de marcador: S = 0,89 para RAPD, S = 0, 85 para AFLP e S = 0,59 para microssatélites. Análises de coordenadas principais mostraram agrupamentos separando as variedades de mesa das bravas.The objective of this work was to quantify the genetic diversity among cassava folk varieties as well as to examine the distribution of the genetic diversity among varieties of different origin and type. Fifty-four cassava varieties were chosen from 4 Brasilian regions: 45 of the Amazon basin (23 from River Negro, 6 of the River Branco and 16 of the River Solimões and 9 of the south coast of the São Paulo State, Brazil. The modern variety Mantiqueira was also included as a

  4. Identificação de marcas moleculares associadas à ausência de sementes em videira Identification of molecular markers associated to the absence of seeds in grapevine

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    Ana Veruska Cruz da Silva


    Full Text Available A ausência de sementes tem sido uma característica bastante exigida pelos consumidores de uvas de mesa. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcas moleculares associadas à ausência de sementes, utilizando as técnicas RAPD e fAFLP. Foram utilizadas folhas jovens de 19 cultivares. Na análise RAPD 30, iniciadores possibilitaram amplificação de todas as amostras, produzindo 392 bandas polimórficas. Foi possível encontrar uma marca específica para a ausência de sementes, utilizando o iniciador UBC 443, que poderá futuramente ser utilizado para o desenvolvimento de marcadores SCAR, possibilitando a criação de um teste de identificação rápida e precoce de apirenia em videira. A análise fAFLP proporcionou a visualização de um dendrograma com grupos específicos de cultivares com sementes, sem sementes e porta enxertos.Seedless has been an important characteristic of table grapes required by consumers. The objective was to identify molecular markers associated to seedless, by RAPD and fAFLP techniques with young leaves samples of 19 cultivars. Thirty primers were used for RAPD analysis, producing a total of 337 polymorphic bands. It was also to find a specific mark for seedless, using UBC 443 primer. This mark would be transformed in a scar marker, making possible the early identification of seedless grape possible. The fAFLP analysis provided a visualization of a dendrogram with specific groups, separated in three different cultivars: with seeds, without seeds and the rootstocks.

  5. RAPD

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    Mar 20, 2009 ... isolates. Key words: Cyanobacteria, phylogenetic analysis, RAPD, PCR, primers. ... For example many species of the genera Oscillatoria,. Lyngbya ..... sequences in eubacteria and application to fingerprinting of bacterial.

  6. Caracterización de tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp. con marcadores moleculares RAPD

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    Julieta Torres Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Se utilizó la técnica RAPD (amplificación al azar de ADN polimórfico para el estudio de la diversidad genética de Oreochromis sp. (tilapia roja en cinco piscícolas del Valle del Cauca (Colombia y en la determinación del nivel de introgresión de las especies parentales Oreochromis mosambicus, O. niloticus y O. aureus. Se evaluaron 25 cebadores, ocho fueron polimórficos y se obtuvieron 109 bandas. Los valores de heterocigosidad esperada (0.196 a 0.256 y la estructura genética (Gst = 0.22 para Oreochromis sp. indicaron un elevado grado de polimorfismo y alta estructuración genética. Estos resultados fueron consistente con el Fst = 0.268 (P < 0.0001 dado por el Amova y el Gst = 0.040 del análisis de correspondencia múltiple. Los valores de similitud genética, el análisis de grupo, el análisis de correspondencia múltiple y el nivel de introgresion, indicaron diferencias significativas (P<0.0001 en los niveles de introgresión. El bajo nivel de diferenciación genética entre poblaciones podría ser el resultado de peces con el mismo origen genético y la alta variación dentro de poblaciones se puede presentar por prácticas de manejo. La introgresión entre piscícolas es significativa para O. aureus, mientras que las especies O. niloticus y O. mosambicus se encuentran introgresadas de forma similar en las poblaciones de Oreochromis sp.

  7. Caracterización de tilapia roja (Oreochromis sp. con marcadores moleculares RAPD

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    Muñoz Jaime Eduardo


    Full Text Available Se utilizó la técnica RAPD (amplificación al azar de ADN polimórfico para el estudio de la diversidad genética de Oreochromis sp. (tilapia roja en cinco piscícolas del Valle del Cauca (Colombia y en la determinación del nivel de introgresión de las especies parentales Oreochromis mosambicus, O. niloticus y O. aureus. Se evaluaron 25 cebadores, ocho fueron polimórficos y se obtuvieron 109 bandas. Los valores de heterocigosidad esperada (0.196 a 0.256 y la estructura genética (Gst = 0.22 para Oreochromis sp. indicaron un elevado grado de polimorfismo y alta estructuración genética. Estos resultados fueron consistente con el Fst = 0.268 (P < 0.0001 dado por el Amova y el Gst = 0.040 del análisis de correspondencia múltiple. Los valores de similitud genética, el análisis de grupo, el análisis de correspondencia múltiple y el nivel de introgresion, indicaron diferencias significativas (P<0.0001 en los niveles de introgresión. El bajo nivel de diferenciación genética entre poblaciones podría ser el resultado de peces con el mismo origen genético y la alta variación dentro de poblaciones se puede presentar por prácticas de manejo. La introgresión entre piscícolas es significativa para O. aureus, mientras que las especies O. niloticus y O. mosambicus se encuentran introgresadas de forma similar en las poblaciones de Oreochromis sp.

  8. RAPD

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    Feb 7, 2011 ... albicans isolates obtained from Monastir dental hospital ... RAPD-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a molecular tool used to differentiate the ... the skin and mucosal surfaces of the genital and intest- ... MATERIALS AND METHODS ... symptoms associated with oral Candida infection were ranged from.

  9. Sorologia da hanseníase utilizando PGL-I: revisão sistemática


    Moura,Rodrigo Scaliante de; Calado,Karla Lucena; Oliveira,Maria Leide W.; Bührer-Sékula,Samira


    A sorologia utilizando o antígeno espécie-específico do Mycobacterium leprae, PGL-I, pode ser um marcador de carga bacteriana em pacientes com hanseníase. Estudos identificaram potencial de uso da sorologia na classificação de pacientes para fins de tratamento, monitoramento de terapia, risco de recidiva e na seleção dos contatos com maior risco de adoecer. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática e 26 artigos foram incluídos na análise comparativa. Avaliamos os resultados do uso da sorologia PG...

  10. Application of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique has been widely applied to identify different varieties of plants for molecular breeding. However, application of RAPD markers to identify parthenogenesis in plants has not been reported. In this investigation, we used pedigree and RAPD markers to differentiate ...

  11. Differentiation of ricin using rapd markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vivodik, M.; Balazova, Z.


    The aim of this study was to assess genetic diversity within the set of 111 ricin genotypes using 13 RAPD primers. For differentiation of 111 ricin genotypes 13 RAPD primers were used. Amplification of genomic DNA of 111 genotypes using RAPD analysis yielded 102 fragments, with an average of 7.85 polymorphic fragments per primer. Number of amplified fragments with RAPD primers ranged from 3 to 13, with the size of amplicons ranging from 100 to 1500 bp. The polymorphism information content (PIC) value ranged from 0.491 to 0.898 with an average of 0.764 and diversity index (DI) value ranged from 0.576 to 0.900 with an average of 0.776. The dendrogram based on hierarchical cluster analysis using UPGMA algorithm was prepared. In dendrogram separated unique genotype RM-32 from other 110 genotypes which were further grouped into 3 subclusters (1, 2, 3). Only four genotypes were not distinguished. Using more polymorphic RAPD markers genetically close genotypes can be distinguished. Knowledge on the genetic diversity of castor can be used for future breeding programs for increased oil production to meet the ever increasing demand of castor oil for industrial uses as well as for biodiesel production. (author)

  12. Guia de marcadors socials, setembre 2012


    Gené Pujols, Esteve


    Los marcadores sociales son una forma sencilla y popular de almacenar, clasificar y compartir enlaces web. Aquí se explican en detalle: Delicious, Mister Wong y Diigo. Els marcadors socials són una forma senzilla i popular d'emmagatzemar, classificar i compartir enllaços web. Aquí s'expliquen en detall: Delicious, Mister Wong i Diigo. Social bookmarking is an easy and popular way to store, sort and share web links. Here are explained in detail: Delicious, Mister Wong and Diigo.

  13. Marcadores moleculares em estudos de caracterização de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St.Hil.: o sabor Molecular markers in erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis araguariensis St.Hil. characterization studies: the taste

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    Mario Angelo Vidor


    Full Text Available A Epagri (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina S.A possui uma das maiores coleções brasileiras de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St.Hil.. A partir de ensaios agronômicos preliminares, apresentaram destaque as procedências Barão de Cotegipe e Água Doce. Dentre essas, verificaram-se diferentes sabores (mais amargo e menos amargo, aparentemente, em função do tipo de folha (CL - curta e larga; LE - longa e estreita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de tentar associar os padrões obtidos mediante marcadores moleculares, com as procedências ou acessos e características fenotípicas desejáveis - altura de planta, diâmetro de copa, densidade folhar, sobrevivência das plantas e comportamento de rebrota -, dentro do caráter sabor em erva-mate. Para isto, utilizaram-se marcadores moleculares que amplificam DNA, do tipo RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Os resultados indicaram não ser possível, com o número de iniciadores utlizados como marcadores moleculares, definir geneticamente o caráter sabor, ainda que os mesmos tenham indicado tendência para tal.The Santa Catarina State Agricultural Research and Extensios Organization - Epagri SA, owns one of the largest Brazilian colletions or erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St.Hil.. Preliminary agronomic trials identified two promissing erva-mate materials named Barão de Cotegipe and Água Doce. Different tastes within each material were also identified, i.e. tastes with different grades of bitterness, apparently associated with the shape of leaves (CL - short and wide; LE - long and narrow. This study aimed to associate this plant patterns using molecular markers with plant origins and desirable fenotipic characteristics such as plant height, crown diameter, leaf density, plant survival, regrowth behaviour, within each taste group. For this molecular markers which amplify DNA of RAPD type (Random Amplified Polimorphic DNA was used. The results did not allow

  14. Genotype characterization of Haematobia irritans from different Brazilian geographic regions based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD analysis Caracterização genotípica de Haematobia irritans procedentes de diferentes regiões geográficas brasileiras baseada na análise do DNA polimórfico amplificado ao acaso (RAPD-PCR

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    Luciana G. Brito


    Full Text Available Blood-sucking diptera are important parasites in bovine production systems, especially regarding confinement conditions. Haematobia irritans, the horn fly, is one of the most troublesome species within bovine production systems, due to the intense stress imposed to the animals. An important aspect while studying the variability within a species is the study of the geographic structure of its populations and, attempting to find out the genetic flow of Brazilian populations of horn fly, the RAPD technique, which is suited for this purpose, has been used. The use of molecular markers generated from RAPD made it possible to identify the geographic origin of samples from different Brazilian geographic regions, as well as to estimate the genotypic flow among the different Brazilian populations of the horn fly.Dípteras hematófagos são importantes parasitas dentro de sistemas de produção de bovinos, especialmente em confinamento. Haematobia irritans, a mosca-dos-chifres, é uma das espécies que maiores problemas causa em sistemas de produção de bovinos, dado ao intenso estresse que impõe aos animais. Um importante aspecto quando se estuda a variabilidade genética dentro das espécies é o estudo da estrutura geográfica destas populações. Buscando-se estimar a similaridade genotípica das diferentes populações brasileiras da mosca do chifre utilizou-se a técnica do DNA polimórfico amplificado ao acaso (RAPD-PCR, que mostrou-se eficiente para tal propósito. A utilização dos marcadores moleculares gerados através da técnica de RAPD-PCR tornou possível a identificação da origem geográfica das amostras das diferentes regiões geográficas brasileiras, assim como, estimar o fluxo genotípico entre as diferentes populações brasileiras da mosca-dos-chifres.

  15. The reproducibility of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    RAPD) profiles of Streptococcus thermophilus strains by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Several factors can cause the amplification of false and non reproducible bands in the RAPD profiles. We tested three primers, OPI-02 MOD, ...

  16. Genetic variability among Commelina weed species from the states of Paraná and São Paulo, Brazil Variabilidade genética entre espécies de plantas daninhas do gênero Commelina provenientes dos estados do Paraná e São Paulo, Brasil

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    D.C. Rocha


    Full Text Available This work aims to carry out a comparative analysis using RAPD molecular markers in four Commelina weed species from the state of Paraná and C. benghalensis populations from the states of Paraná and São Paulo, Brazil. The genomic plant DNA sample was extracted from the leaves, separated, randomly fragmented and amplified by PCR. Random amplified polymorphic DNA fragments (RAPD markers were analyzed by using POPGENE statistical program. Eighty-five primer sequences were tested but only three were suitable as molecular markers producing 37 DNA polymorphic fragments for comparisons among four Commelina species and 22 polymorphic fragments for comparisons among C. benghalensis populations. The results showed that there were inter-specific and intra-specific genetic variabilities among Commelina plant genera. Genetic diversity analysis between species indicated four mono-specific clusters and it was suggested to keep C. villosa as one species. Regarding the intra-specific genetic variability of C. benghalensis alone, three groups were verified, although there were 13 populations from two geographical areas. However, these clusters do not correspond to the distinct characteristics verified.O presente trabalho procurou analisar a variabilidade genética, utilizando-se de marcadores RAPD, comparando quatro espécies de Commelina procedentes do Estado do Paraná e entre populações de C. benghalensis procedentes dos Estados do Paraná e São Paulo. Foi amostrado o DNA genômico extraído das folhas, o qual foi separado, fragmentado aleatoriamente e amplificado por PCR. Os fragmentos polimórficos de DNA (marcadores RAPD foram analisados pelo programa estatístico POPGENE. Oitenta e cinco primers foram testados, mas somente três sequências foram consideradas marcadores moleculares, produzindo 37 bandas de DNA polimórfico para comparação entre as quatro espécies de Commelina e outras 22 para comparação entre as populações de C. benghalensis

  17. Estimativa da similaridade genética e identificação de cultivares do morangueiro por análise de RAPD Estimate of the genetic similarity and identification of strawberry cultivars by RAPD analysis

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    José Henrique Conti


    Full Text Available Caracteres moleculares do morango foram avaliados para conhecer cultivares que estão sendo introduzidas no Brasil. Utilizou-se o método do polimorfismo de DNA amplificado ao acaso (RAPD. Os caracteres moleculares com maior poder de discriminação foram os "marcadores" gerados pelos "primers" Operon B8, Operon B19 e Operon G5, que foram eficientes para discriminar as vinte e seis cultivares estudadas. Os dados foram interpretados com o auxílio de dendograma, mapa de bandas, quadro de identificação e chave dicotômica. Foi possível distinguir seis grupos de similaridade, dois deles com cultivares selecionadas no Brasil, sendo um com 'Campinas', 'Agf 80', 'Piedade', 'Jundiaí' e 'Monte Alegre' e o outro com 'Obaira' e 'Mantiqueira'; três grupos com cultivares introduzidas, sendo o primeiro com 'Lassen', 'Reiko', 'Chandler', 'Pajaro', 'Blackmore' e 'Seascape', o segundo com 'Fern' e 'Oso Grande' e o terceiro com 'Florida Belle' e 'Selva' O último grupo reuniu as cultivares 'Dover' e 'Dabreak' junto com 'Princesa Isabel'.Strawberry cultivars introduced in Brazil were identified through molecular study. The method of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD was used. Molecular characters with larger discrimination power were produced by the primers Operon B8, Operon B19 and Operon G5. These were efficient to discriminate the twenty six studied cultivars. Data were analised through dendogram, bandmap, picture and dicotomic key. Six similarity groups were distinguished: Two with cultivars selected in Brazil, one with 'Campinas', 'Agf 80', 'Piedade', 'Jundiaí' and 'Monte Alegre' and the other with 'Obaira' and 'Mantiqueira'; three with introduced cultivars the first of which 'Lassen', 'Reiko', 'Chandler', 'Pajaro', 'Blackmore' and 'Seascape', the second with 'Fern' and 'Oso Grande' and the third with 'Florida Belle' and 'Selva'. The last group united the cultivars 'Dover' and 'Dabreak' with 'Princesa Isabel'.

  18. The reproducibility of RAPD profiles: Effects of PCR components on RAPD analysis of four centaurium species

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    Skorić Marijana


    Full Text Available Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD analysis is a simple and reliable method used to detect DNA polymorphism. Several factors can affect the amplification profiles, thereby causing false bands and non-reproducibility of the assay. In this study, we analyzed the effects of different concentrations of primer, magnesium chloride, template DNA and Taq DNA polymerase to develop and standardize a RAPD protocol for Centaurium species. The optimized PCR reaction mixture included: 50 ng of DNA extracted using a CTbased protocol, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 7.5 pmol primer and 2 U of Taq polymerase in a final volume of 25 μl. Each of the five primers used in experiments (OPB11, OPB15, OPB18, OPF05 and OPH02 generated reproducible and distinguishable fingerprinting patterns of four Centaurium species. The obtained optimized RAPD protocol and the selected primers are useful for our further work in the genetic diversity studies of Centaurium species.

  19. Caracterización de la diversidad genética en el pez Brycon henni (Characiformes: Characidae en Colombia central por medio de marcadores RAPD

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    Hermes Pineda Santis


    Full Text Available El conocimiento sobre la diversidad genética de especies nativas de peces, es esencial para la conservación y manejo apropiado de animales en los programas de repoblación. Brycon henni ha sido reportada en las cuencas de los ríos Magdalena y Cauca; actualmente, la especie ha disminuido su número de animales y reducido su distribución geográfica como consecuencia de los efectos antrópicos. Por lo tanto, es necesario conocer el componente genético de los reducidos grupos de animales en los riachuelos, para iniciar algunos programas de repoblación. En este estudio el Polimorfismo de ADN Amplificado al Azar (RAPD, fue utilizado para estimar el componente genético actual en esta especie. Para este propósito; se evaluaron seis sitios de muestreo localizados en el departamento de Antioquia, cordillera Central de Colombia. De cuarenta iniciadores utilizados, treinta y cinco de ellos (87.5 % produjeron 1 466 fragmentos reproducibles y consistentes; 417 fueron considerados como fragmentos únicos, que permitieron discriminar entre las muestras de las cuencas de los ríos Magdalena (Humarada-1 y Humarada-2 y Cauca (Piedras, La Clara y Guaracú, sugiriendo que cada una es una unidad discreta. Esta diversidad en los resultados, según el sitio de muestreo y por las características de cada uno de ellos, posiblemente sugiere, que los efectos antrópicos como presión por pesca, construcción de embalses, deforestación y contaminación del agua, han contribuido al aislamiento de estos grupos de peces en las zonas de alta montaña. Brycon moorei y Colossoma macropomum, como grupos de control inter especifico, se ubicaron fuera del grupo general de B. henni, confirmando su clasificación taxonómica mediante datos morfológicos. La técnica de RAPD fue útil para conocer la diversidad genética y discriminar entre poblaciones de B. henni de diferente origen geográfico, ello permitiría realizar un plan apropiado de conservación y manejo en medio

  20. Genetic structure of populations of Mugil cephalus using RAPD ...

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    , Andhra Pradesh and. Tamil Nadu in India was studied using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Five selective primers provided distinct and consistent RAPD profiles in all the four populations. The bands.

  1. Guía de marcadores sociales, setiembre 2012


    Gené Pujols, Esteve


    Los marcadores sociales son una forma sencilla y popular de almacenar, clasificar y compartir enlaces web. Aquí se explican en detalle: Delicious, Mister Wong y Diigo. Els marcadors socials són una forma senzilla i popular d'emmagatzemar, classificar i compartir enllaços web. Aquí s'expliquen en detall: Delicious, Mister Wong i Diigo. Social bookmarking is an easy and popular way to store, sort and share web links. Here are explained in detail: Delicious, Mister Wong and Diigo.

  2. Estructura genética e historia demográfica del Jaguar ( Panthera onca en Colombia: Contraste entre marcadores moleculares y datos craneométricos

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    M. Ruíz-García


    Full Text Available Se estudio la estructura genética de los jaguares en Colombia (n=49, e igualmente, se com-pararon los resultados moleculares obtenidos con otros 16 jaguares procedentes de Guatemala,Perú, Bolivia y zona central de la Amazonía brasileña. Para ello se emplearon 18 marcadores microsatélites (STRPs diseñados para gato doméstico. Estos marcadores fueron Fca 01, 08, 24,43, 45, 70, 94, 96, 126, 136, 176, 200, 225, 251, 290, 294, 391 y 506, localizados en losdiferentes cromosomas felinos. Mediante tests exactos utilizando cadenas de Markov y elmétodo de Fisher se determinó un fuerte exceso de homocigotos en todos los niveles jerárquicosanalizados, lo cual pone en evidencia la posible importancia del efecto Wahlund en esta especiey la no existencia de correspondencia con las subespecies morfológicamente propuestas en elpasado. Se calculó también el asignamiento poblacional de los jaguares analizados, a las dossubespecies de jaguares presentes en Colombia mediante el método de verosimilitud y con elmétodo basado en distancias con los procedimientos “as is” y “leave one out”.

  3. Efficiency of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Efficiency of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers for genotype fingerprinting and genetic diversity studies in canola ( ) ... The number of amplified fragments with RAPD primers ranged from 8 to 21, with the size of amplicons ranging from 162 to 3154 bp.

  4. Relationship of status of polymorphic rapd bands with genotypic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Relationship of status of polymorphic rapd bands with genotypic adaptation in early finger millet genotypes. S Das, RC Misra, GR Rout, MC Pattanaik, S Aparajita. Abstract. Molecular characterisation of the 15 early duration finger millet (Eleusine coracana G) genotypes was done through RAPD markers. Twenty-five ...

  5. Sorologia da hanseníase utilizando PGL-I: revisão sistemática Leprosy serology using PGL-I: a systematic review


    Rodrigo Scaliante de Moura; Karla Lucena Calado; Maria Leide W. Oliveira; Samira Bührer-Sékula


    A sorologia utilizando o antígeno espécie-específico do Mycobacterium leprae, PGL-I, pode ser um marcador de carga bacteriana em pacientes com hanseníase. Estudos identificaram potencial de uso da sorologia na classificação de pacientes para fins de tratamento, monitoramento de terapia, risco de recidiva e na seleção dos contatos com maior risco de adoecer. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática e 26 artigos foram incluídos na análise comparativa. Avaliamos os resultados do uso da sorologia PG...

  6. DNA Sequences of RAPD Fragments in the Egyptian cotton ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) is a DNA polymorphism assay based on the amplification of random DNA segments with single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence. Despite the fact that the RAPD technique has become a very powerful tool and has found use in numerous applications, yet, the nature of ...

  7. Comparative results of RAPD and ISSR markers for genetic diversity ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    the mean level of genetic similarity with populations of M. baccifera by using RAPD .... The statistical data for 9 RAPD and 17 ISSR primers used for analyzing 12 accessions of M. .... (Numerical Taxonomy and Multivariate Analysis System, Bio-.

  8. Uso de selección asistida con marcadores para resistencia a antracnosis en fríjol común

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    Garzón Luz Nayibe


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    La antracnosis causada por Colletotrichum lindemuthianum puede llegar a generar pérdidas hasta del 95% de la producción en fríjol (Phaseolus vulgaris L., por eso es considerada una de las enfermedades más limitantes. Con el presente trabajo se inició un programa de mejoramiento utilizando selección asistida por marcadores. Se usó como parental resistente el cultivar Mesoamericano G2333, para incorporar a fríjoles volubles comerciales de Colombia los genes Co-5 y Co-42 , que confieren resistencia a C. lindemuthianum. Se obtuvieron progenies RC1F1 provenientes de cruces entre G2333 y siete parentales volubles tipo Bola roja y Rojo moteado cultivados en zonas productoras de fríjol de Cundinamarca y Boyacá. La selección de plantas RC1F1 se realizó con los marcadores moleculares SCAR SAB3 y SAS13, ligados a los genes Co-5 y Co-42 , respectivamente. En la evaluación genotípica de 1.271 plantas RC1F1, 608 amplificaron con SAB3 y 603 con SAS13. La segregación para cada marcador se ajustó a la razón 1:1 esperada en pruebas de chi-cuadrado (X2 = 2,38, P= 0,12 para SAB3 y X2 = 3,32, P= 0,07 para SAS13. Un total de 299 plantas RC1F1 amplificaron con ambos SCAR, ajustándose a la razón esperada (X2= 1,11, P= 0,78 y confirmando la segregación independiente. Estas plantas fueron seleccionadas para continuar el programa de mejoramiento, ya que se espera que porten los genes Co-5 y Co-42. Se logró implementar la selección asistida por marcadores para antracnosis, y acelerar la introducción y piramidación de genes de resistencia en fríjol de importancia económica en Colombia.

  9. Método Taguchi para optimizar marcadores RAPD-PCR y determinar diversidad genética: un modelo, la tortuga cabezona Caretta caretta (Testudines: Cheloniidae

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    Julio Martínez-Ortega


    Full Text Available Implementation of Taguchi method to optimize RAPD-PCR Markers for determining the genetic diversity: an example the loggerhead turtle, Caretta caretta (Testudines:Cheloniidae. DNA was isolated from Caretta caretta two zone of the Colombian Caribbean (Don Diego N=5 and Rosario Islands N=3 and quantified it. Was applied a Taguchi orthogonal matriz of four variables to standardize RAPD-PCR reaction. The data were analyzed with the program PopGen. The conditions were standardized to 7.85 ng/ml of DNA, 3.5 mM MgCl2, 200 mM dNTP's, 0.5 mM oligonucleotide and one unit of Taq DNA polymerase in a final reaction volume of 20 ml. Thermocycling conditions initiated at 94°C for 5 min, followed by 40 cycles of: 94°C for 40 s, 37°C for 40 s and 72°C for 90 s. The markers were recorded in a binary matrix of presence (1 and absence (0, and as a model example of genetic diversity was determined using the Shannon index (H '= 0.44 + / -0.27 individuals and Don Diego H '= 0.25 + / -0.32 for Isla del Rosario, the average rate of genetic structure (Gst=0.27 and the effective migration rate (Nm=1.28. Methodology was standardized using Taguchi method that produces bands of light, legible and reproducible that can be used as a reliable alternative for studies of genetic diversity in the loggerhead turtle and other species, and further, integrate them into the curriculum of molecular biology and/or biochemistry for undergraduate and graduate students.

  10. Caracterização molecular e variabilidade genética de acessos elite de mandioca para fins industriais Molecular characterization and genetic variability of elite cassava accessions for industrial purpose

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    Eduardo Alano Vieira


    Full Text Available Marcadores moleculares são ferramentas úteis na caracterização molecular de acessos de mandioca, em razão de apresentarem elevada capacidade de detecção das informações contidas no genoma. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar, por meio de marcadores RAPD, 20 acessos de mandioca para fins industriais conservados no Banco Regional de Germoplasma de Mandioca do Cerrado (BGMC. Em laboratório, os acessos foram avaliados por meio de marcadores RAPD, sendo posteriormente estimada a matriz de similaridade genética entre os acessos, por meio do índice de Jaccard. A análise, feita através de 11 iniciadores, gerou um total de 120 marcadores RAPD, dos quais 74 (62% foram polimórficos, revelando a presença de elevada variabilidade genética no grupo de acessos avaliados. A análise de agrupamento revelou a formação de apenas um agrupamento forte, formado pelos acessos BGMC 1130, BGMC 788, BGMC 1270 e BGMC 1107, o que indica que, no melhoramento genético de mandioca, não devem ser priorizadas hibridações entre esses acessos, sob pena de efeitos de endogamia. Por sua vez, o acesso BGMC 436 foi o mais divergente em relação aos demais e, como expressa elevado potencial produtivo na região do Cerrado do Brasil Central, representa boa opção como genitor para o melhoramento de mandioca para essa região. O estudo comprovou que os marcadores RAPD são eficientes na determinação da variabilidade genética dos acessos avaliados e que neste grupo existe elevada variabilidade genética passível de ser utilizada no melhoramento genético.Molecular markers are useful tools for the molecular characterization of cassava accessions since they present high capacity to detect information within the genome. The aim of this research was to characterize through RAPD molecular markers, 20 industrial cassava accessions conserved in the Cerrado Cassava Regional Germoplasm Bank ("Banco Regional de Germoplasma de Mandioca do Cerrado"-BGMC. Upon

  11. Genetic diversity of wild and cultivated genotypes of pigeonpea through RAPD and SSR markers. (United States)

    Walunjkar, Babasaheb C; Parihar, Akarsh; Singh, Nirbhay Kumar; Parmar, L D


    Eight wild and four cultivated pigeonpea genotypes were subjected to RAPD and microsatellite analysis, with 40 primers each. Out of these, eight RAPD and five SSR primers were found polymorphic. RAPD primers showed 100% polymorphism and produced a total of 517 DNA fragments, whereas SSR primers produced 67 fragments and they too showed 100% polymorphism. The RAPD markers revealed highest similarity co-efficient of 0.93 (GT-100 and ICPL-87), whereas the highest similarity co-efficient obtained with SSR markers was 1.00 (GTH-1 and GT-100). Average PIC value obtained with RAPD and SSR were 0.90 and 0.18, respectively. The arithmetic mean heterozygosity and marker index were 0.90 and 22.47 respectively with RAPD marker, whereas the corresponding values for SSR markers were 0.18 and 33.66. Moreover; the four wild genotypes (Cajanus scarabaeoides, Rhyncosia rufescence, Cajanus cajanifolius and Rhyncosia canna) and the four cultivars (GTH-1, GT-100, ICPL-87 and GT-1) grouped distinctly in the same subgroups of the dendrograms obtained with both RAPD and SSR analysis. Therefore, the findings of SSR supplement and validate the results obtained with RAPD analysis.

  12. RAPD and ISSR Methods Used for Fingerprinting of Selected Accessions of Viburnum

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    Full Text Available Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR markers were used to investigate genetic variability within thirteen Viburnum species (Viburnum × hillieri; V. dilatatum; Viburnum × carlcephalum; V. opulus; V. hupehense; Viburnum× bodnantense; Viburnum × burkwoodii; V. sieboldii; Viburnum × globosum ‘Jermyns Globe’; V. alnifolium (lantanoides; V. plicatum ‘Sterile’; V. plicatum f. tomentosum and V. plicatum ‘Watanabe’ of wide geographical distribution, collected in the Dendrological Garden in Przelewice (the north-west part of Poland. Twenty-three RAPD and fourteen ISSR primers generated a total of 690 and 418 reproducible bands, respectively, and 39% (RAPD and 55.5% (ISSR of them were polymorphic for the two marker systems, which suggest high genetic variability within Viburnum genus. However, high numbers of genotype-specific bands, i.e. 60.9% (RAPD and 44.5% (ISSR, were seen in Viburnum. Genetic similarity assessed within Viburnum species with the RAPD and ISSR analyses ranged from 6 to 42% and from 6 to 31%, respectively. Both RAPD and ISSR-based dendrograms clustered in five main groups. The Mantel test between two Nei’s similarity matrices gave correlation coefficient r=0.305*, showing low correlation between RAPD- and ISSR- based matrices. Thus, both marker systems were equally important for the genetic diversity analysis in Viburnum genus.

  13. Limitations of the RAPD technique in phylogeny reconstruction in Drosophila

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van de Zande, Louis; Bijlsma, R.

    In this study the limitations of the RAPD technique for phylogenetic analysis of very closely related and less related species of Drosophila are examined. In addition, assumptions of positional homology of amplified fragments in different species are examined by cross-hybridization of RAPD

  14. [Effect of BSA on random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) in plants]. (United States)

    Bian, Cai-Miao; Li, Jun-Min; Jin, Ze-Xin; Ge, Ming-Ju


    Using Metasequoia glyptostroboides and Heptacodium miconioides DNA as templates,the effect of bovine serum albumin (BSA) on RAPD in plants was studied. The results showed that suitable concentrations of BSA used in Metasequoia glyptostroboides and Heptacodium miconioides RAPD were different, which were 0.6 microg/microl and 1 microg/microl, respectively. The inhibition of acetylated BSA on the amplification of plant RAPD could be relieved by BSA. BSA could reduce the dosage of Taq DNA polymerase.

  15. Isozyme and RAPD studies in Prosopis glandulosa and P. Velutina (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae

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    Bessega Cecilia


    Full Text Available Allozyme and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD techniques have been compared for their usefulness for genetic and taxonomic studies in Prosopis glandulosa and P. velutina populations. Isozymes and RAPDs yielded similarly high estimates of genetic variability. Genetic structure and differentiation were analyzed through non-hierarchical Wright's F DT. For all populations considered, both markers produced low gene flow (Nm 1, in agreement with that expected for conspecific populations. However, in RAPD data the expected reduction in F DT and the increase in Nm were not observed. Correlation between F DT and geographical distance matrices (Mantel test for all populations was significant (P = 0.02 when based on isozymes, but not so (P = 0.33 when based on RAPDs. No significant associations among genetic and geographical or climatic variables were observed. Two isoenzyme systems (GOT and PRX enabled us to distinguish between P. glandulosa and P. velutina, but no diagnostic band for recognition of populations or species studied here were detected by RAPD. However, RAPD markers showed higher values for genetic differentiation among conspecific populations of P. glandulosa and a lower coefficient of variation than those obtained from isozymes.

  16. Mapeamento de QTLs para reação ao oídio e mancha-angular do feijoeiro-comum em diferentes locais

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    Melo Leonardo Cunha


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram mapear, em diferentes locais, marcadores RAPD ligados a QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci de reação do feijoeiro-comum ao oídio e à mancha-angular, avaliar a interação de QTLs por locais e comparar os métodos de mapeamento e regressão múltipla no processo de detecção de QTLs. Foram avaliadas 196 linhagens recombinantes, oriundas do cruzamento entre as cultivares Carioca e Flor de Mayo, em duas épocas de cultivo: época da seca, para mancha-angular, e inverno para oídio, nos anos de 1996, 1997 e 1998, em dois locais de Minas Gerais. Foram conduzidos sete experimentos de avaliação fenotípica utilizando o delineamento experimental em látice quadrado simples. Os resultados mostraram que a interação QTLs por locais foi significativa, mas foram identificados alguns QTLs com maior estabilidade. O método da regressão múltipla detectou maior número de marcadores ligados a QTLs do que o processo de mapeamento por intervalo composto; não houve concordância entre os resultados apresentados pelos dois métodos. Os marcadores que se mostraram mais estáveis e promissores para serem utilizados em programas de seleção assistida foram OPR02-832, OPD08-759 e OPN10-851 para reação a oídio; OPN02-436, e OPN07-1072 para reação à mancha-angular.

  17. La infección por el virus del papiloma humano, un posible marcador biológico de comportamiento sexual en estudiantes universitarios

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    Sánchez-Alemán Miguel A


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de infección por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH en estudiantes universitarios y utilizar dicha frecuencia como un marcador biológico para evaluar el comportamiento sexual. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal, en estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma del estado de Morelos, México, durante el periodo 2000-2001. Se aplicó un cuestionario y se colectaron muestras genitales para detectar ADN de los VPH oncogénicos. Los datos se analizaron utilizando pruebas de Ji cuadrada y razones de momios. Resultados. La prevalencia global del VPH en 194 estudiantes fue de 14.4%. Las mujeres con dos o más parejas sexuales durante el último año presentaron mayor riesgo de infección por el VPH (RM 6.0 IC 1.7-21.1, al igual que las que utilizaron anticonceptivos hormonales y espermicidas en su última relación sexual (RM 3.0 IC 1.0-8.7. Los hombres que consumieron cocaína tuvieron más riesgo de infección por el VPH (RM 7.6 IC 1.3-45.1. Conclusiones. La prevalencia del VPH es relativamente alta. La utilización del VPH como un marcador biológico de comportamientos sexuales en mujeres es pertinente; en hombres, es necesario ampliar la muestra.

  18. Entendendo o papel de marcadores biológicos no câncer de pulmão




    Marcadores biológicos são componentes celulares, estruturais e bioquímicos, que podem definir alterações celulares e moleculares tanto em células normais quanto aquelas associadas a transformação maligna. Podem ser de dois tipos: 1) marcadores intermediários, que medem alterações celulares e moleculares antes do aparecimento da malignidade; 2) marcadores diagnósticos, presentes em associação com a malignidade. O processo de identificação e validação para uso clínico do marcador tem diversas e...

  19. Comparative assessment of genetic diversity in Sesamum indicum L. using RAPD and SSR markers. (United States)

    Dar, Aejaz Ahmad; Mudigunda, Sushma; Mittal, Pramod Kumar; Arumugam, Neelakantan


    Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an ancient oilseed crop known for its nutty seeds and high-quality edible oil. It is an unexplored crop with a great economic potential. The present study deals with assessment of genetic diversity in the crop. Twenty two RAPD and 18 SSR primers were used for analysis of the 47 different sesame accessions grown in different agroclimatic zones of India. A total of 256 bands were obtained with RAPD primers, of which 191 were polymorphic. SSR primers gave 64 DNA bands, of which all of were polymorphic. The Jaccard's similarity coefficient of RAPD, SSR, and pooled RAPD and SSR data ranged from 0.510 to 0.885, 0.167 to 0.867, and 0.505 to 0.853, respectively. Maximum polymorphic information content was reported with SSRs (0.194) compared to RAPDs (0.186). Higher marker index was observed with RAPDs (1.426) than with SSRs (0.621). Similarly, maximum resolving power was found with RAPD (4.012) primers than with SSRs (0.884). The RAPD primer RPI-B11 and SSR primer S16 were the most informative in terms of describing genetic variability among the varieties under study. At a molecular level, the seed coat colour was distinguishable by the presence and absence of a group of marker amplicon/s. White and brown seeded varieties clustered close to each other, while black seeded varieties remained distanced from the cluster. In the present study, we found higher variability in Sesamum indicum L. using RAPD and SSR markers and these could assist in DNA finger printing, conservation of germplasm, and crop improvement.

  20. Análise da variabilidade genética de Alphitobius diaperinus utilizando marcadores moleculares de DNA - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v8i2.1141

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    Paulo Roberto Queiroz Silva


    Full Text Available Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer, 1797 é uma espécie cosmopolita originária do continente africano encontrada em grande quantidade em cama de frango causando problemas sanitários e econômicos, afetando a saúde e o crescimento das aves e atuando também como transmissor de doenças. Indivíduos A. diaperinus originários de três localidades da região sul do Brasil foram analisados molecularmente por meio da técnica de RAPD. Para isso foi adaptada uma metodologia para extração de DNA e testados os iniciadores decaméricos OPA-03, OPA-04, OPA-10, OPA-11 e OPA-13. O protocolo de extração de DNA que foi adaptado produziu fragmentos de DNA para a análise das populações de cascudinho originárias da região sul do Brasil por RAPD. Foi encontrada alta variabilidade genética entre as populações de cascudinho. Além disso, sugere-se que indivíduos de A. diaperinus ocorrendo no Paraná possam ter se deslocado para os estados de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul.

  1. Genetic similarity among strawberry cultivars assessed by RAPD and ISSR markers

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    Rafael Gustavo Ferreira Morales


    Full Text Available Most strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne cultivars used in Brazil are developed in other countries, it became clear the need to start the strawberry breeding program in the country. To start a breeding program is necessary the genetic characterization of the germplasm available. Molecular markers are important tools that can be used for this purpose. The objectives of the present study were to assess the genetic similarity among 11 strawberry cultivars using RAPD and ISSR molecular markers and to indicate the possible promising crosses. The DNA of the eleven strawberry cultivars was extracted and amplified by PCR with RAPD and ISSR primers. The DNA fragments were separated in agarose gel for the RAPD markers and in polyacrylamide gel for the ISSR markers. The genetic similarity matrix was estimated by the Jaccard coefficient. Based on this matrix, the cultivars were grouped using the UPGMA method. The dendogram generated by the RAPD markers distributed the cultivars in three groups while the ISSR markers generated two groups. There was no direct relationship between the marker groups when the two types of markers were compared. The grouping proposed by the ISSR markers was more coherent with the origin and the genealogy of the cultivars than that proposed by the RAPD markers, and it can be considered the most efficient method for the study of genetic divergence in strawberry. The most promising crosses, based on the genetic divergence estimated from the RAPD and ISSR molecular data were between the Tudla and Ventana and the Oso Grande and Ventana cultivars, respectively.

  2. Diversidade genética de três estoques de piapara (Leporinus elongatus, utilizando RAPD - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4710 Genetic diversity of three stocks of piapara (Leporinus elongatus, using RAPD - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v30i2.4710

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    Lauro Vargas


    Full Text Available Recentemente a produção aquícola brasileira tem apresentado grande progresso. Dentre as espécies nativas cultivadas no Brasil, a piapara (Leporinus elongatus tem sido amplamente preconizada. Com objetivo de avaliar os programas de repovoamento, foram analisadas a variabilidade e a divergência genética de três estoques de piapara com a técnica de RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic. O primeiro estoque pertence à Estação de Aquicultura e Hidrologia da Duke Energy International (A; o segundo, à piscicultura de Rolândia (B e o terceiro, ao Programa de Repovoamento dos Rios do Paraná (C. Os dez primers para RAPD utilizados produziram 105 fragmentos polimórficos, conferindo um polimorfismo de 98,1% para os três estoques avaliados. A porcentagem de locos polimórficos e índice de Shannon foi superior para o estoque A. Porém, todos valores foram elevados, indicando alta diversidade intrapopulacional. Os valores de indicam que houve baixa diferenciação genética entre os estoques A x B e moderada diferenciação entre os demais. O Nm foi maior entre os estoques A x B. A distância genética e o dendrograma indicam que os estoques A x B são menos distantes geneticamente.Latelly, aquiculture production in Brazil has made great strides. Among the native species cultivated in Brazil, piapara (Leporinus elogatus has been widely praised. With the objective of evaluating restocking programs, the variability and genetic divergence of three piapara stocks were analyzed using the RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA technique. The first stock belongs to the Aquiculture and Hydrology Station of Duke Energy International (A; the second one belongs to a fish farm in the city of Rolândia (B; and the third to the River Restocking Program of Paraná (C. The ten primers used for RAPD produced 105 polymorphic loci, conferring a polymorphism of 98.1% for the three evaluated stocks. Polymorphic loci percentage and Shannon index were higher for stock A

  3. Marcadores periféricos e a fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar


    Pedro V. S. Magalhães; Gabriel R. Fries; Flávio Kapczinski


    INTRODUÇÃO: O entendimento da fisiopatologia do transtorno bipolar vem tendo avanços consistentes nos últimos anos. Um enfoque na relação entre carga alostática e alterações sistêmicas vem tomando corpo, com o objetivo de se entender a frequente progressão da doença. Proeminentes entre os mediadores periféricos têm sido as moléculas que poderiam ser amplamente agrupadas em neurotrofinas, marcadores de estresse oxidativo e marcadores inflamatórios. OBJETIVO: Descrever achados recentes em relaç...

  4. Identification of Glomerella cingulata f. sp phaseoli recombinants by RAPD markers. (United States)

    Camargo, O A; Souza, E A; Mendes-Costa, M C; Santos, J B; Soares, M A


    We examined the capacity of strains of Glomerella cingulata f. sp phaseoli fungus (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum sexual stage) to form recombinants, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Crosses of all possible combinations between strains 40, 42, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 were made on Petri dishes using M3 culture medium. The 42 x 21 cross produced the largest number of perithecia and five asci; the respective ascospores were isolated. RAPD analysis was performed on the parents and descendants. The 62 polymorphic RAPD bands obtained were used to assess the genetic similarity using the method of Sorence and Dice and clustering analysis in the form of a dendrogram by the UPGMA method. The RAPD markers allowed identification of recombinants from the cross between strains 42 and 21 of G. cingulata f. sp phaseoli and 40 ascospores presented 63 and 49% genetic similarity with parents 2 (strain 42) and 1 (strain 21), respectively.

  5. [RAPD analysis of four species of Cuscuta in Shandong Province]. (United States)

    Lin, Huibin; Lin, Jianqun; Lin, Jianqiang


    To explore the genome difference of four species of Cuscuta in different hosts. RAPD was used by 50 primers. Four species of genus Cuscuta can be identified by 8 primers. Both Cuscuta chinensis and C. australis from Subg. Grammica had 3 bands whose molecular weights were 1.3 kb, 1.45 kb and 1.53 kb respectively. C. japonica and C. lupuliformis from Subg. Monogyna had a 1.48 kb specific band. Cuscuta of same subgenus had similar RAPD result and close genetic relationship. Same species of Cuscuta in different hosts showed DNA polymorphism. It indicated that hosts can affect genome of Cuscuta to some extent. RAPD can be used to identify the species of Cuscuta or same Cuscuta in different hosts.

  6. Genetic diversity of worldwide Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) germplasm as revealed by RAPD markers. (United States)

    Wangsomnuk, P P; Khampa, S; Wangsomnuk, P; Jogloy, S; Mornkham, T; Ruttawat, B; Patanothai, A; Fu, Y B


    Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is a wild relative of the cultivated sunflower (H. annuus); it is an old tuber crop that has recently received renewed interest. We used RAPD markers to characterize 147 Jerusalem artichoke accessions from nine countries. Thirty RAPD primers were screened; 13 of them detected 357 reproducible RAPD bands, of which 337 were polymorphic. Various diversity analyses revealed several different patterns of RAPD variation. More than 93% of the RAPD variation was found within accessions of a country. Weak genetic differentiation was observed between wild and cultivated accessions. Six groups were detected in this germplasm set. Four ancestral groups were found for the Canadian germplasm. The most genetically distinct accessions were identified. These findings provide useful diversity information for understanding the Jerusalem artichoke gene pool, for conserving Jerusalem artichoke germplasm, and for choosing germplasm for genetic improvement.

  7. Potential rapd markers for population studies in tree legumes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomez, S.M.; Ramasubramanian, T.; Mohankumar, S.


    RAPDs were quite efficient in bringing out the diversity at DNA level among non-edible legumes viz., Acacia nilotica, Adenanthera pavonina, Prosopis juliflora, Pithecolobium dulce, Clitoria ternatea and Pongamia pinnata. The RAPD primer index reveals the information content of the RAPD primer per se. Of the 82 primers tested, OPE 8, OPI 6, OPL 2, OPL 16, OPI 18, OPI 13, OPI 14, OPP 1, OPE 20 and OPI 4 with comparatively higher primer index were more informative and can be used for further DNA finger printing and population studies in tree legumes. CTAB protocol was found to be superior in isolating genomic DNA of good quality. The 260/280 ratios varied between 1.70 and 2.09. Though the genomic DNA isolated by potassium acetate method was found to be intact in 0.8% agarose gel, the yield was significantly lower than the modified CTAB method. (author)

  8. Genetic variation between susceptible and non-susceptible snails to Schistosoma infection using random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPDs Variação genética entre moluscos susceptíveis e não susceptíveis à infecção pelo Schistosoma através da análise do DNA polimórfico amplificado aleatóriamente (RAPDs

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    Abdel-Hamid Zaki ABDEL-HAMID


    Full Text Available Susceptibility of snails to infection by certain trematodes and their suitability as hosts for continued development has been a bewildering problem in host-parasite relationships. The present work emphasizes our interest in snail genetics to determine what genes or gene products are specifically responsible for susceptibility of snails to infection. High molecular weight DNA was extracted from both susceptible and non-susceptible snails within the same species Biomphalaria tenagophila. RAPD was undertaken to distinguish between the two types of snails. Random primers (10 mers were used to amplify the extracted DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE and silver staining. The results suggest that RAPD represents an efficient means of genome comparison, since many molecular markers were detected as genetic variations between susceptible and non-susceptible snails.A susceptibilidade de moluscos à infecção por certos trematódeos e a sua capacidade como hospedeiro para o contínuo desenvolvimento é o problema mais deslumbrante nas relações parasita hospedeiro. O presente trabalho, focaliza nosso interesse na genética dos moluscos para determinar quais genes ou produtos gênicos são especificamente responsáveis pela susceptibilidade do molusco à infecção. DNA de alto peso molecular, foi extraído de ambos moluscos susceptíveis e não susceptíveis da espécie Biomphalaria tenagophila. Iniciadores aleatórios com 10 pares de bases foram usados na amplificação aleatória (RAPD de ambos os DNAs e análise por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida e coloração com prata. Os resultados mostram que a amplificação aleatória do DNA representa um eficiente caminho para a comparação dos genomas desde que marcadores moleculares foram detectados como variantes genéticos entre os moluscos susceptíveis e não susceptíveis.

  9. Genetic relatedness of Brazilian Colletotrichum truncatum isolates assessed by vegetative compatibility groups and RAPD analysis. (United States)

    Sant'Anna, Juliane R; Miyamoto, Cláudia T; Rosada, Lúcia J; Franco, Claudinéia C S; Kaneshima, Edilson N; Castro-Prado, Marialba A A


    The genetic variation among nine soybean-originating isolates of Colletotrichum truncatum from different Brazilian states was studied. Nitrate non-utilizing (nit) mutants were obtained with potassium chlorate and used to characterize vegetative compatibility reactions, heterokaryosis and RAPD profile. Based on pairings of nit mutants from the different isolates, five vegetative complementation groups (VCG) were identified, and barriers to the formation of heterokaryons were observed among isolates derived from the same geographic area. No complementation was observed among any of the nit mutants recovered from the isolate A, which was designed heterokaryon-self-incompatible. Based on RAPD analysis, a polymorphism was detected among the wild isolate C and their nit1 and NitM mutants. RAPD amplification, with five different primers, also showed polymorphic profiles among Brazilian C. truncatum isolates. Dendrogram analysis resulted in a similarity degree ranging between 0.331 and 0.882 among isolates and identified three RAPD groups. Despite the lack of a correlation between the RAPD analysis and the vegetative compatibility grouping, results demonstrated the potential of VCG analysis to differentiate C. truncatum isolates genotypically similar when compared by RAPD.

  10. RAPD analysis of alfalfa DNA mutation via N+ implantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Yufeng; Huang Qunce; Yu Zengliang; Liang Yunzhang


    Germination capacity of alfalfa seeds under low energy N + implantation manifests oscillations going down with dose strength. From analyzing alfalfa genome DNA under low energy N + implantation by RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphous DNA), it is recommended that 30 polymorphic DNA fragments be amplified with 8 primers in total 100 primers, and fluorescence intensity of the identical DNA fragment amplified by RAPD is different between CK and treatments. Number of different polymorphic DNA fragments between treatment and CK via N + implantation manifests going up with dose strength

  11. RAPD analysis of genetic variation in the Australian fan flower, Scaevola. (United States)

    Swoboda, I; Bhalla, P L


    The use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) to study genetic variability in Scaevola (family Goodeniaceae), a native Australian species used in ornamental horticulture, is demonstrated. Plants of the genus Scaevola are commonly known as "fan flowers," due to the fan-like shape of the flowers. Nineteen accessions of Scaevola (12 cultivated and 7 wild) were studied using 20 random decamer arbitrary primers. Eight primers gave a distinct reproducible amplification profile of 90 scorable polymorphic fragments, enabling the differentiation of the Scaevola accessions. RAPD amplification of genomic DNA revealed a high genetic variability among the different species of Scaevola studied. Molecular markers were used to calculate the similarity coefficients, which were then used for determining genetic distances between each of the accessions. Based on genetic distances, a dendrogram was constructed. Though the dendrogram is in general agreement with the taxonomy, it also highlights discrepancies in the classification. The RAPD data showed that Scaevola aemula (series Pogogynae) is closer to Scaevola glandulifera of series Globuliferae than to the rest of members of series Pogogynae. In addition, the RAPD banding pattern of white flower S. aemula, one of the commercial cultivars, was identical to that of Scaevola albida, indicating their genetic similarity. Our study showed that there is a large genetic distance between commercial cultivars of Scaevola (Purple Fanfare, Pink Perfection, and Mauve Cluster), indicating considerable genetic variation among them. The use of RAPDs in intra- and inter-specific breeding of Scaevola is also explored.

  12. Molecular performance of commercial MTG variety oil palm based on RAPD markers (United States)

    Putri, L. A. P.; Setyo, I. E.; Basyuni, M.; Bayu, E. S.; Setiado, H.; Reynaldi, N. F.; Laia, H.; Puteri, S. A. K.; Arifiyanto, D.; Syahputra, I.


    The oil palm, an economically important tree in Indonesia, has been one of the world’s major sources of edible oil and a significant precursor of biodiesel fuel. This research is conducted by taking individual tree sample of commercial MTG variety germplasm oil palm one years old. The purpose of this research is to analyse molecular performance of some oil palm MTG variety based on RAPD markers. In this experiment, the DNA profile diversity was assessed using markers of oil palm’s random RAPD markers (OPD-20, SB-19, OPM-01 and OPO-11). A total of 15 trees commercial MTG oil palm variety were used for analysis. The results of the experiment indicated out of 4 RAPD markers (OPD-20, SB-19, OPM-01 and OPO-11) showed polymorphic of PCR product. These preliminary results demonstrated RAPD marker can be used to evaluate genetic relatedness among trees of commercial MTG variety oil palm and detecting either genetic variants or mislabelled.

  13. La influencia de la localización del partido, el nivel del oponente y el marcador en la posesión del balón en el fútbol de alto nivel

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    Carlos Lago Peñas


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio consistió en examinar el efecto de la localización del partido, el nivel del oponente y el marcador sobre las estrategias de posesión del balón en un equipo de fútbol profesional. Para ello fueron analizados 27 partidos de la temporada 2005-2006 de la Liga Española de Fútbol utilizando un sistema computerizado de análisis del juego. Los partidos fueron divididos en episodios de juego de acuerdo con la evolución del marcador. Los resultados del análisis de regresión lineal muestran que la posesión del balón en global y el porcentaje de minutos que el equipo observado tuvo la posesión del balón en cada zona del campo de juego (zona defensiva 1/3, zona media 1/3 y zona ofensiva 1/3 estuvieron condicionados por las variables de situación analizadas, bien de forma independiente o de forma interactiva. La combinación de estas variables y sus interacciones puede ser utilizada para construir modelos que estimen la posesión del balón en el fútbol. Los hallazgos ponen en evidencia la necesidad para los entrenadores e investigadores de tener en cuenta los potenciales efectos independientes e interactivos de la localización del partido, el nivel del oponente y el marcador durante la evaluación del rendimiento de los equipos y los jugadores.

  14. Assessment of genetic diversity in okra (abelmoschus esculentus l.) using rapd markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haq, I.; Khan, A.A.; Azmat, M.A.


    Thirty nine okra genotypes were assessed for genetic variability using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Twenty polymorphic RAPD primers amplified 111 DNA fragments, with an average of 5.5 fragments per primer. Among 39 okra genotypes, 107 fragments (96%) were found to be polymorphic. The UPGMA cluster analysis placed okra genotypes into seven main clusters. Sabzpari 2001 and Acc. No. 019221 had shown maximum similarity (83%) while the minimum similarity (44.14%) was observed between the genotypes Punjab Selection and Acc. No. 019217. Thus, by using RAPD primers a considerable polymorphism appeared to exist, which showed genetic variability in the okra genotypes. (author)

  15. SELEÇÃO DE MARCADORES ISSR PARA Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum (Huber ex. Ducke Barneby

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    Adelson Lemes da Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar primers ISSR para serem utilizados em futuras análises de diversidade genética em população de S. amazonicum, conhecido popularmente como Paricá. Para isto, foram utilizadas folhas coletadas em 5 indivíduos da espécie em estudo, para a realização da extração e purificação do DNA genômico. Posteriormente, as amostras de DNA foram submetidas a ensaios de PCR utilizando 43 primers, seguida por eletroforese em gel de agarose, de modo a permitir a avaliação e seleção dos primers com maior qualidade de amplificação. Foram selecionados 11 primers por possuírem número considerável de locos polimórficos, além de serem nítidos e bem definidos. Os primers selecionados geraram 129 fragmentos, demonstrando que a quantidade de marcadores moleculares ISSR utilizados neste estudo são suficientes para quantificar a diversidade genética em futuros trabalhos com populações da espécie.

  16. Estrutura genética de populações de Crinipellis perniciosa e Moniliophthora roreri utilizando marcadores RAPD e SSR


    Moreira, Ricardo Franco Cunha [UNESP


    Vassoura-de-bruxa e podridão de Moniliophthora, causadas pelos fungos Crinipellis perniciosa e Moniliophthora roreri, respectivamente, são as doenças de maior impacto econômico da cultura do cacau e estão presentes na maioria dos países produtores do Continente Americano. Evidências biológicas e moleculares comprovam que estes fitopatógenos estão intimamente relacionados. O uso de resistência genética através de dones resistentes de cacaueiro, é a medida mais eficiente no controle destas doen...

  17. Genetic relatedness of Brazilian Colletotrichum truncatum isolates assessed by vegetative compatibility groups and RAPD analysis

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    Full Text Available The genetic variation among nine soybean-originating isolates of Colletotrichum truncatum from different Brazilian states was studied. Nitrate non-utilizing (nit mutants were obtained with potassium chlorate and used to characterize vegetative compatibility reactions, heterokaryosis and RAPD profile. Based on pairings of nit mutants from the different isolates, five vegetative complementation groups (VCG were identified, and barriers to the formation of heterokaryons were observed among isolates derived from the same geographic area. No complementation was observed among any of the nit mutants recovered from the isolate A, which was designed heterokaryon-self-incompatible. Based on RAPD analysis, a polymorphism was detected among the wild isolate C and their nit1 and NitM mutants. RAPD amplification, with five different primers, also showed polymorphic profiles among Brazilian C. truncatum isolates. Dendrogram analysis resulted in a similarity degree ranging between 0.331 and 0.882 among isolates and identified three RAPD groups. Despite the lack of a correlation between the RAPD analysis and the vegetative compatibility grouping, results demonstrated the potential of VCG analysis to differentiate C. truncatum isolates genotypically similar when compared by RAPD.

  18. Molecular characterization of Salmonella isolates by REP-PCR and RAPD analysis. (United States)

    Albufera, U; Bhugaloo-Vial, P; Issack, M I; Jaufeerally-Fakim, Y


    Eighteen Salmonella isolates from both human and food (non-human) sources (fish, meat, and poultry) were characterized using conventional culture methods, biochemical, serological, and molecular analyses. REP-PCR and RAPD produced DNA profiles for differentiation purposes. Enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC), repetitive extragenic palindronic (REP) and BOXAIR primers were selected for REP-PCR and two arbitrary primers, namely OPP-16 and OPS-11 were used for RAPD to generate DNA fingerprints from the Salmonella isolates. REP-PCR method showed greater discriminatory power in differentiating closely related strains of the related strains of Salmonella and produced more complex banding patterns as compared with RAPD. A dendogram was constructed with both sets of profiles using SPSS Version 13.0 computer software and showed that most human isolates were separately clustered from the non-human isolates. Two of the human isolates were closely related to some of the non-human isolates. A good correlation was also observed between the serogrouping of the O antigen and the molecular profiles obtained from REP-PCR and RAPD data of the Salmonella isolates. The results of a principal coordinate analysis (PCA) corresponded to the clustering in the dendrogram.

  19. Diversidade genética de isolados de Mycosphaerella musicola obtidos de bananais do norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil por meio de marcadores RAPD Genetic diversity of Mycosphaerella musicola isolates obtained from bananas of north of Minas Gerais, Brazil by using RAPD markers

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    Janaína Ribeiro Oliveira


    Full Text Available Onze primers RAPD foram utilizados para avaliar a variabilidade genética de 31 isolados de M. musicola coletados a partir de folhas de bananeiras 'Prata Anã' e 'Nanica', cultivadas no Norte de Minas Gerais. Foram amplificados um total de 83 bandas sendo 73 polimórficas, dando uma média de 6,6 bandas polimórficas por primer. As distâncias genéticas observadas variaram de 0,56 a 0,06 entre os isolados, com distância média de 0,25. O dendrograma construído com base no método UPGMA revelou a formação de 8 grupos, não sendo observada correlação entre a diversidade genética dos isolados e as origens geográficas dos isolados avaliados.Eleven primers RAPD were used to estimate the genetic variability between 31 isolates of M. musicola collected from 'PrataAnã' and Nanica bananas that were cultivated in northern Minas Gerais, Brazil. A total o 83 fragments were amplified, of which 73 were polymorphic, corresponding to an average of 6.6 polymorphic fragments per primer. The genetic distances ranged from 0.06 to 0.56 and the average distance of 0.21. A dendrogram constructed based on the UPGMA clustering method revealed 8 and no correlation between molecular grouping and geographical origin was observed.

  20. Karyotype analysis, DNA content and molecular screening in Lippia alba (Verbenaceae

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    Patrícia M.O. Pierre


    Full Text Available Cytogenetic analyses, of pollen viability, nuclear DNA content and RAPD markers were employed to study three chemotypes of Lippia alba (Mill. (Verbenaceae in order to understand the genetic variation among them. Different ploidy levels and mixoploid individuals were observed. This work comprises the first report of different chromosome numbers (cytotypes in L. alba. The chromosome numbers of La2-carvone and La3-linalool chemotypes suggested that they are polyploids. Flow cytometric analysis showed an increase of nuclear DNA content that was not directly proportional to ploidy level variation. A cluster analysis based on RAPD markers revealed that La3-linalool shares genetic markers with La1-citral and La2-carvone. The analysis showed that the majority of genetic variation of La3-linalool could be a consequence of ixoploidy. ur data indicates that sexual reproduction aong those three chemotypes is unlikely and suggests the beginning of reproductive isolation. The results demonstrated that chromosome analysis, nuclear DNA content estimation and RAPD markers constitute excellent tools for detecting genetic variation among L. alba chemotypes.Análises citogenéticas, de viabilidade do pólen, do conteúdo de DNA nuclear e marcadores RAPD foram empregadas no estudo de três quimiotipos de Lippia alba (Mill. (Verbenaceae visando contribuir para o entendimento da variação genética entre os mesmos. Diferentes níveis de ploidia e indivíduos mixoploides foram observados. Este trabalho compreende o primeiro relato de diferentes números cromossômicos (citótipos em L. alba. Os números cromossômicos dos quimiotipos La2-carvona e La3-linalol sugere que eles seja poliploides. A análise da citometria de fluxo mostrou um aumento do conteúdo de DNA nuclear que não foi diretamente proporcional à variação no nível de ploidia. A análise de agrupamento baseada nos marcadores RAPD demonstrou que La3-linalol compartilha marcadores genéticos com La1

  1. Variabilidad genética según RAPD de árboles de guayabo 'Media China' procedentes de cuatro plantaciones y su respuesta morfológica a baja disponibilidad de nutrimentos

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    J. L. Domínguez Álvarez


    Full Text Available En la presente investigación se evaluó la variabilidad molecular y morfológica mediante marcadores tipo RAPD’s (Polimorfismos en el ADN Amplificados al Azar, de plantas de guayabo (Psidium guajava L. ‘Media China’ derivadas de semilla y sometidas a baja disponibilidad de Fe y Zn. Se establecieron asociaciones entre diecisiete caracteres morfológicos y 49 loci RAPD’s y la respuesta de las plantas al estrés nutrimental, mediante análisis de agrupamiento empleando el NTSYS, DARwin y χ2. El análisis de los patrones RAPD’s obtenidos de una muestra de 82 plantas indicó la existencia de variabilidad genética entre las mismas. De un total de 49 loci evaluados el 96 % fueron polimórficos, con un índice de diversidad promedio igual a 0.744. El análisis comparativo de la eficiencia de los marcadores RAPD’s derivados de 82 plantas contra marcadores morfológicos obtenidos de 72 plantas para definir y diferenciar grupos de genotipos con y sin síntomas de deficiencia de Fe y Zn, indicó que los marcadores RAPD’s son más eficientes para tal propósito. Los grupos de plantas sin síntomas se asociaron con la presencia de los loci RAPD’s A20-4, A20-2 y A20-1, con un peso molecular de 0.85, 1.4 y 1.6 kb y una frecuencia de 86.5, 78 y 89 %, respectivamente; mientras que la característica común para las plantas con síntomas fue la presencia de una banda A03-3, de 1.3 kb y una frecuencia de 74 %. Por la asociación de tres loci y el caracter ausencia de síntomas, se infiere que este caracter es poligénico, determinado por el efecto combinado de las bandas A20- 4, A20-2 Y A20-1, es necesaria esta combinación para la definición de los grupos sin síntomas por deficiencia de Fe y Zn. Al calcular la correlación, se encontró una asociación no significativa, con una r = 0.05743. Cuando el análisis se realizó integrando los dos tipos de marcadores en una sola matriz y utilizando el coeficiente χ2, no se encontró separación entre los

  2. RAPD- and ERIC-Based Typing of Clinical and Environmental Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolates. (United States)

    Auda, Ibtesam Ghadban; Al-Kadmy, Israa M S; Kareem, Sawsan Mohammed; Lafta, Aliaa Khyuon; A'Affus, Mustafa Hussein Obeid; Khit, Ibrahim Abd Aloahd; Al Kheraif, Abdulaziz Abdullah; Divakar, Darshan Devang; Ramakrishnaiah, Ravikumar


    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of nosocomial infection in children and adults, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality due to its ability to acquire drug resistance. The ability of P. aeruginosa in the environment to cause infection in individuals has been reported previously; henceforth, surveillance of the emergence and transmission of P. aeruginosa strains among patients is important for infection control in a clinical setup. Various gene-typing methods have been used for epidemiological typing of P. aeruginosa isolates for the purpose of surveillance. In this work, the suitability and comparability of two typing methods, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)-PCR and random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR fingerprinting, were studied to characterize P. aeruginosa strains isolated from clinical and environmental sources. Forty-four clinical and environmental bacterial isolates of P. aeruginosa were collected between October 2015 and January 2016. DNA extraction, ERIC-PCR and RAPD-PCR, agarose gel electrophoresis, and phylogenetic analyses were carried using the unweighted pair-group method with mean. RAPD typing revealed less clonality among clinical isolates, whereas the ERIC method showed greater similarity in comparison with RAPD. Environmental isolates, however, showed greater similarity using RAPD compared with ERIC typing. With only a few exceptions, most clinical isolates were distinct from environmental isolates, irrespective of the typing method. In conclusion, both the RAPD and ERIC typing methods proved to be good tools in understanding clonal diversity. The results also suggest that there is no relationship between clinical and environmental isolates. The absence of clonality among the clinical isolates may indicate that most P. aeruginosa infection cases could be endemic and not epidemic and that endemic infections may be due to nonclonal strains of P. aeruginosa.

  3. Genetic variability among 18 cultivars of cooking bananas and plantains by RAPD and ISSR markers

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    Full Text Available Poerba YS, Ahmad F (2010 Genetic variability among 18 cultivars of cooking bananas and plantains by RAPD and ISSR markers. Biodiversitas 11: 118-123. This study was done to assess the molecular diversity of 36 accessions (18 cultivars of the plantain and cooking bananas (Musa acuminata x M. balbisiana, AAB, ABB subgroups based on Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD and and Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR markers and to determine genetic relationships in the bananas. RAPD and ISSR fingerprinting of these banana varieties was carried out by five primers of RAPDs and two primers of ISSRs. RAPD primers produced 63 amplified fragments varying from 250 to 2500 bp in size. 96.82% of the amplification bands were polymorphic. ISSR primers produced 26 amplified fragments varying from 350 bp to 2000 bp in size. The results showed that 92.86% of the amplification bands were polymorphic. The range of genetic distance of 18 cultivars was from 0.06-0.67.

  4. Risk assessment of cadmium-contaminated soil on plant DNA damage using RAPD and physiological indices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Wan; Yang, Y.S.; Li, P.J.; Zhou, Q.X.; Xie, L.J.; Han, Y.P.


    Impact assessment of contaminants in soil is an important issue in environmental quality study and remediation of contaminated land. A random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) 'fingerprinting' technique was exhibited to detect genotoxin-induced DNA damage of plants from heavy metal contaminated soil. This study compared the effects occurring at molecular and population levels in barley seedlings exposed to cadmium (Cd) contamination in soil. Results indicate that reduction of root growth and increase of total soluble protein level in the root tips of barley seedlings occurred with the ascending Cd concentrations. For the RAPD analyses, nine 10-base pair (bp) random RAPD primers (decamers) with 60-70% GC content were found to produce unique polymorphic band patterns and subsequently were used to produce a total of 129 RAPD fragments of 144-2639 base pair in molecular size in the root tips of control seedlings. Results produced from nine primers indicate that the changes occurring in RAPD profiles of the root tips following Cd treatment included alterations in band intensity as well as gain or loss of bands compared with the control seedlings. New amplified fragments at molecular size from approximately 154 to 2245 bp appeared almost for 10, 20 and 40 mg L -1 Cd with 9 primers (one-four new polymerase chain reaction, (PCR) products), and the number of missing bands enhanced with the increasing Cd concentration for nine primers. These results suggest that genomic template stability reflecting changes in RAPD profiles were significantly affected and it compared favourably with the traditional indices such as growth and soluble protein level at the above Cd concentrations. The DNA polymorphisms detected by RAPD can be applied as a suitable biomarker assay for detection of the genotoxic effects of Cd stress in soil on plants. As a tool in risk assessment the RAPD assay can be used in characterisation of Cd hazard in soil

  5. Genetic diversity of sesame (sesamum indicum L.) germplasm from Pakistan using RAPD markers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akbar, F; Rabbani, M A; Masood, M S; Shinwari, Z.K., E-mail:


    Genetic diversity among 20 sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) accessions was examined at DNA level by means of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Ten primers used produced a total of 93 RAPD fragments, of which 70 (75%) were polymorphic. Each primer generated 5 to 17 amplified fragments with an average of 9.3 bands per primer. Based on pair-wise comparisons of RAPD amplification products, Nei and Li's similarity coefficients were computed to assess the associations among the accessions. Pair-wise similarity indices varied from 0.65 to 0.91. A UPGMA cluster analysis based on these genetic similarities located most of the accessions far apart from one another, showing a high level of polymorphism. Genetically, all the genotypes were classified into two major groups and six subgroups or clusters. A single accession (22243) was relatively distinct from rest of the accessions and created independent cluster. In conclusion, even with the use of a limited set of primers, RAPD technique revealed a high level of genetic variation among sesame accessions collected from diverse ecologies of Pakistan. This high level of genetic diversity among the genotypes suggested that RAPD technique is valuable for sesame systematic, and can be helpful for the upholding of germplasm banks and the competent choice of parents in breeding programs. (author)

  6. Genetic diversity of sesame (sesamum indicum L.) germplasm from Pakistan using RAPD markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akbar, F; Rabbani, M.A.; Masood, M.S.; Shinwari, Z.K.


    Genetic diversity among 20 sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) accessions was examined at DNA level by means of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Ten primers used produced a total of 93 RAPD fragments, of which 70 (75%) were polymorphic. Each primer generated 5 to 17 amplified fragments with an average of 9.3 bands per primer. Based on pair-wise comparisons of RAPD amplification products, Nei and Li's similarity coefficients were computed to assess the associations among the accessions. Pair-wise similarity indices varied from 0.65 to 0.91. A UPGMA cluster analysis based on these genetic similarities located most of the accessions far apart from one another, showing a high level of polymorphism. Genetically, all the genotypes were classified into two major groups and six subgroups or clusters. A single accession (22243) was relatively distinct from rest of the accessions and created independent cluster. In conclusion, even with the use of a limited set of primers, RAPD technique revealed a high level of genetic variation among sesame accessions collected from diverse ecologies of Pakistan. This high level of genetic diversity among the genotypes suggested that RAPD technique is valuable for sesame systematic, and can be helpful for the upholding of germplasm banks and the competent choice of parents in breeding programs. (author)

  7. Genetic diversity of Phytophthora sojae isolates in Heilongjiang Province in China assessed by RAPD and EST-SSR (United States)

    Wu, J. J.; Xu, P. F.; Liu, L. J.; Wang, J. S.; Lin, W. G.; Zhang, S. Z.; Wei, L.

    Random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and EST-SSR markers were used to estimate the genetic relationship among thirty-nine P.sojae isolates from three locations in Heilongjiang Province, and nine isolates from Ohio in America were made as reference strains. 10 of 50 RAPD primers and 5 of 33 EST-SSR were polymorphic across 48 P.sojae isolates. Similarity values among P.sojae isolates were from 49% to 82% based on the RAPD data. The similarities based on EST-SSR markers ranged from 47% to 85%. The genetic diversity revealed by EST-SSR marker analysis was higher than that obtained from RAPD. The similarity matrices for the SSR data and the RAPD data were moderately correlated (r = 0.47). Genetic similarity coefficients were also relatively lower, which demonstrated complicated genetic background within each location. The high similarity values range revealed the ability of RAPD/EST-SSR markers to distinguish even among morphological similar phytophthora.

  8. Uso prático de marcadores moleculares para seleção assistida no melhoramento de uvas de mesa apirênicas Practical use of molecular markers for seedlessness assisted selection in grapevine breeding

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    Luís Fernando Revers


    Full Text Available A hipótese mais bem aceita atualmente para explicar a genética complexa da estenoespermocarpia, observada na videira, indica que a expressão deste fenótipo é controlada por três genes recessivos, independentemente herdados e controlados por um gene regulador dominante (sdI. Em estudo anterior, Lahogue et al. (1998 identificaram um marcador RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA ligado ao gene sdI e utilizaram-no para desenvolver um SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region co-dominante denominado SCC8, que pode distinguir, em uma progênie, indivíduos com semente como também selecionar indivíduos apirênicos. Neste trabalho, são apresentados resultados da avaliação do potencial de aplicação do marcador molecular SCAR SCC8 para seleção assistida do caráter da apirenia no melhoramento de uvas de mesa sem sementes. A utilização deste marcador na seleção assistida para apirenia em uvas de mesa mostrou-se viável, e as conseqüências da sua utilização no programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Uva e Vinho são discutidas.The inheritance of seedlessness in grapevine is based on a complex genetic system, where the expression of three independently inherited recessive genes is controlled by a dominant regulator gene (sdI. In a previous study, Lahogue et al. (1998 identified a random amplified polymorphic DNA marker, tightly linked to the sdI gene and developed a codominant SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region marker named SCC8, that allows the distinction of seeded and seedless plants in a segregating progeny. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the usefullness of the SCAR marker SCC8 for assisted selection of the seedlessness character in grape breeding. According to our results, the use of the SCC8 marker is economically viable and the consequences of its use in the grapevine breeding program at Embrapa Uva e Vinho are discussed.

  9. O papel de marcadores moleculares na genética forense

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    Daniele Decanine


    Full Text Available O objetivo desse trabalho foi apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as tecnologias utilizadas na Genética Forense, enfatizando o uso de marcadores moleculares para a identificação humana. Apresento aqui alguns exemplos do potencial da Biologia Molecular para auxiliar na investigação criminal, bem como na definição de parentesco (maternidade e paternidade. A utilização desses marcadores é atualmente a peça fundamental para os testes de DNA forense. Estes sistemas são, na sua maioria, baseados na análise de painéis de sequências microssatélites específicas (STRs. Foi possível discorrer sobre o uso forense do DNA, sobre a presença de regiões hipervariáveis no material genético, o papel de marcadores moleculares, bem como abordar técnicas de análise de DNA e suas aplicações. A busca por novas metodologias se faz importante para reduzir os custos e impulsionar uma nova cultura genética na Ciência Forense, as quais terão impacto no futuro do DNA forense com a expansão da Biologia Molecular.

  10. Evaluation of genetic diversity in Piper spp using RAPD and SRAP markers. (United States)

    Jiang, Y; Liu, J-P


    Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) analysis were applied to 74 individual plants of Piper spp in Hainan Island. The results showed that the SRAP technique may be more informative and more efficient and effective for studying genetic diversity of Piper spp than the RAPD technique. The overall level of genetic diversity among Piper spp in Hainan was relatively high, with the mean Shannon diversity index being 0.2822 and 0.2909, and the mean Nei's genetic diversity being 0.1880 and 0.1947, calculated with RAPD and SRAP data, respectively. The ranges of the genetic similarity coefficient were 0.486-0.991 and 0.520-1.000 for 74 individual plants of Piper spp (the mean genetic distance was 0.505 and 0.480) and the within-species genetic distance ranged from 0.063 to 0.291 and from 0.096 to 0.234, estimated with RAPD and SRAP data, respectively. These genetic indices indicated that these species are closely related genetically. The dendrogram generated with the RAPD markers was topologically different from the dendrogram based on SRAP markers, but the SRAP technique clearly distinguished all Piper spp from each other. Evaluation of genetic variation levels of six populations showed that the effective number of alleles, Nei's gene diversity and the Shannon information index within Jianfengling and Diaoluoshan populations are higher than those elsewhere; consequently conservation of wild resources of Piper in these two regions should have priority.

  11. Validação de marcadores moleculares para resistência à giberela em genótipos brasileiros de trigo

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    Adriana Scherloski


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar 19 marcadores microssatélites para resistência do trigo à giberela, em uma população não estruturada. Foram utilizados marcadores moleculares descritos na literatura como flanqueando QTLs de resistência à giberela em trigo, nos cromossomos 3B, 5A e 6B. Foram avaliadas 96 linhagens e cultivares de trigo quanto à severidade da infecção por giberela, em dois anos de avaliação. As linhagens e as cultivares foram genotipadas com 19 marcadores microssatélites. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Tukey e pelas análises de correlação, regressão linear simples e regressão múltipla; também foi estimada a eficiência de seleção dos marcadores moleculares. A severidade da doença variou de 1,95 a 41,3%, na média dos dois anos. Foram validados os QTLs nos três cromossomos avaliados. Os marcadores Xgwm389, Xgwm533, Xbarc180, Xbarc24, Wmc397, Xbarc101 e Wmc398 foram associados significativamente à resistência do trigo à giberela, tendo sido identificados alelos de resistência e de suscetibilidade. Os marcadores Wmc397, Xbarc101 (cromossomo 6B e Xbarc180 (cromossomo 5A têm potencial para uso na seleção assistida por marcadores moleculares, para resistência do trigo à giberela.

  12. Procalcitonina como marcador de sepsis en niños

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    Diana González Rangel


    Conclusión. La procalcitonina tiene un buen rendimiento diagnóstico como marcador de sepsis en niños —con mayor utilidad cuando toma valores negativos— y buen valor pronóstico al relacionarse con mortalidad.

  13. RAPD-PCR – still a suitable Method for Genetically Underexplored Species?

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    Konstanze Ursula Behrmann


    Full Text Available Saithe (Pollachius virens is a commercially important fish species; the annual catch quota in the Northeast Atlantic exceeds 100.000 t. Despite that saithe is underexplored from a fish population genetically view. Because saithe is a highly migratory species, which undergoes a long larval drift, the population structure of saithe within the Northeast Atlantic is not fully understood. Models used as a basis for the management plan are based on tagging studies, which have been carried out in the 1960th. But still there are doubts regarding the numbers of stocks living in the Northeast Atlantic. Migration routes are affected by salmon farming, growing steadily from the 1990th. In the last years a hyperstability of the saithe stock in the North Sea had been detected underlining the need to have a closer look on the saithe stocks in the Northeast Atlantic. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD - PCR is a DNA fingerprinting technique often used in species identification and population genetic research for species, whose genome has not been sequenced very extensive as being the case for most of the food fishes. We applied RAPD-PCR in a study of saithe populations from the North Atlantic. The suitability of RAPD-PCR was improved by optimisations for enhanced reproducibility. The “classical” protocol for RAPD-PCR was modified by increasing the annealing temperature and shortening the time of annealing, providing a much better reproducibility. Thus, RAPD-PCR was found to be a straightforward and low-cost way, compared to other population genetic tools, to get a first insight into the population structure of less sequenced fish species within a very short time, being useful for preliminary studies or laboratories without large capacities for DNA sequencing.

  14. using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    To study the pattern of genetic diversity in 45 genotypes of common bean, 19 RAPD primers were used. Of 253 bands produced, 236 bands (94.22%) were polymorphic in which maximum number (20 polymorphic bands) were observed in the profiles of the primer OPB-07. Highest PIC value (0.79) was observed for the ...

  15. Assessment of genetic diversity in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) germplasm using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Sharma, Shubhangi; Kumar, Pankaj; Gambhir, Geetika; Kumar, Ramesh; Srivastava, D K


    The importance of germplasm characterization is an important link between the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources in various breeding programmes. In the present study, genetic variability and relationships among 25 Lactuca sativa L. genotypes were tested using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers. A total of 45 random decamer oligonucleotide primers were examined to generate RAPD profiles, out of these reproducible patterns were obtained with 22 primers. A total of 87 amplicon were obtained, out of which all were polymorphic and 7 were unique bands. The level of polymorphism across genotypes was 100% as revealed by RAPD. Genetic similarity matrix, based on Jaccard's coefficients ranged from 13.7 to 84.10% indicating a wide genetic base. Dendrogram was constructed by unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages method. RAPD technology could be useful for identification of different accessions as well as assessing the genetic similarity among different genotypes of lettuce. The study reveals the limited genetic base and the needs to diversify using new sources from the germplasm.

  16. Genetic variation in Phoca vitulina (the harbour seal) revealed by DNA fingerprinting and RAPDs

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kappe, A.L.; van de Zande, L.; Vedder, E.J.; Bijlsma, R.; van Delden, Wilke

    Genetic variation in two harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) populations from the Dutch Wadden Sea and Scotland was examined by RAPD analysis and DNA fingerprinting. For comparison a population of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) was studied. The RAPD method revealed a very low number of polymorphic bands.

  17. RAPD analysis of genetic variability in a multiprovenance base population of Eucalyptus grandis hill ex maiden Variabilidade genética através da técnica RAPD de uma população-base multiprocedências de Eucalyptus grandis hill ex maiden

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    Susi Meire Maximino Leite


    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate the genetic variability among individuals of a base population of Eucalyptus grandis and to build a molecular marker database for the analyzed populations. The Eucalyptus grandis base population comprised 327 individuals from Coff's Harbour, Atherton and Rio Claro. A few plants came from other sites (Belthorpe MT. Pandanus, Kenilworth, Yabbra, etc.. Since this base population had a heterogeneous composition, the groups were divided according to geographic localization (latitude and longitude, and genetic breeding level. Thus, the influence of those two factors (geographic localization and genetic breeding level on the genetic variability detected was discussed. The RAPD technique allowed the evaluation of 70 loci. The binary matrix was used to estimate the genetic similarity among individuals using Jaccard's Coefficient. Parametric statistical tests were used to compare within-group similarity of the means. The obtained results showed that the base population had wide genetic variability and a mean genetic similarity of 0.328. Sub-group 3 (wild materials from the Atherton region showed mean genetic similarity of 0.318. S.P.A. (from Coff's Harbour region had a mean genetic similarity of 0.322 and was found to be very important for maintenance of variation in the base population. This can be explained since the individuals from those groups accounted for most of the base population (48.3% for it. The base population plants with genetic similarity higher than 0.60 should be phenotypically analyzed again in order to clarify the tendency of genetic variability during breeding programs.Este estudo visou avaliar a variabilidade e distância genética dentro de uma população-base de melhoramento genético de Eucalyptus grandis. A avaliação da variabilidade genética tem como objetivos principais analisar a base genética da população-base e montar um banco de dados marcadores moleculares da população em an

  18. Genetic structure of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum populations estimated by RAPD Estrutura genética de populações de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum estimada por RAPD

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    Eduardo Alano Vieira


    populações de azevém anual, sendo três populações do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e uma do Uruguai. O nível de diversidade e a estrutura genética destas populações foram estudados com marcadores RAPD. A análise de 375 indivíduos amostrados nas populações, com seis iniciadores, gerou um total de 82 bandas que foram utilizados nas análises, dentre as quais 73 (89,02% foram polimórficas. O valor do índice de diversidade genética total obtido, (0,71 foi elevado evidenciando a presença de uma grande diversidade genética nas quatro populações. A análise da estrutura genética revelou que 98% da diversidade total esta contida dentro das populações, enquanto que a diversidade genética entre as populações representou somente 2%. Sugere-se que antes da separação destas populações, as mesmas tenham passado por um período de troca de genes e que mesmo após o evento de separação elas mantiveram a freqüência destes em níveis semelhantes aos originais, não tendo ocorrido uma seleção diferencial destes genes nos locais de cultivo.

  19. Genetic diversity characterization of cassava cultivars (Manihot esculenta Crantz.: I RAPD markers

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    Colombo Carlos


    Full Text Available RAPD markers were used to investigate the genetic diversity of 31 Brazilian cassava clones. The results were compared with the genetic diversity revealed by botanical descriptors. Both sets of variates revealed identical relationships among the cultivars. Multivariate analysis of genetic similarities placed genotypes destinated for consumption "in nature" in one group, and cultivars useful for flour production in another. Brazil?s abundance of landraces presents a broad dispersion and is consequently an important resource of genetic variability. The botanical descriptors were not able to differentiate thirteen pairs of cultivars compared two-by-two, while only one was not differentiated by RAPD markers. These results showed the power of RAPD markers over botanical descriptors in studying genetic diversity, identifying duplicates, as well as validating, or improving a core collection. The latter is particularly important in this vegetatively propagated crop.

  20. Conversion of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Conversion of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker UBC#116 linked to Fusarium crown and root rot resistance gene (Frl) into a co-dominant sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker for marker-assisted selection of tomato.

  1. Variabilidade genética entre isolados de Colletotrichum gossypii do algodoeiro Genetic variability among the isolates of Colletotrichum gossypii of cotton

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    Yeshwant R. Mehta


    Full Text Available O algodoeiro é atacado por Colletotrichum gossypii (CG e C. gossypii var. cephalosporioides (CGC. Ambos os patógenos são transmitidos pela semente e sua distinção morfológica é extremamente difícil e inconsistente. Tentativas foram feitas no presente trabalho para verificar a variabilidade genética entre CG e CGC através de RAPD-PCR, ERIC- e REP-PCR e PCR-RFLP da região ITS rDNA. Foram utilizados 53 isolados coletados de sementes e folhas de plantas de diferentes cultivares nos estados do Paraná, São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais, e Paraiba, entre 1999 e 2003. Baseado em testes de patogenicidade, vinte e um isolados foram classificados como CG e 32 como CGC. Os resultados obtidos por RAPD-PCR, utilizando-se oito primers, revelaram dois grupos distintos sendo que o primeiro foi formado por 94% dos isolados de sementes e o segundo por 95% dos isolados de folhas. Na análise de ERIC- e REP-PCR, resultados semelhantes a RAPD foram obtidos, sendo que o primeiro grupo foi formado por 93% dos isolados provenientes das sementes e o segundo por 78% dos isolados provenientes das folhas. Quando o produto de amplificação da região ITS rDNA foi digerido com oito enzimas de restrição, um perfil de bandas semelhante para todos os isolados foi obtido. Resultados de RAPD, ERIC- e REP-PCR demonstraram que existem diferenças genéticas entre os isolados provenientes das sementes e aqueles provenientes de parte aérea, e esses dois grupos foram claramente distintos. Estudos futuros devem ser realizados utilizando outras técnicas moleculares para a obtenção de marcadores capazes de distinguir entre isolados de CG e CGC.Cotton is attacked by Colletotrichum gossypii (CG and C. gossypii var. cephalosporioides (CGC. Both the pathogens are transmitted by seed and their morphological distinction is extremely difficult and inconsistent. In the present study, attempts were made to verify the genetic variability among 53 isolates of CG and CGC using

  2. Informe científico de investigador: Balatti, Pedro Alberto (2012)


    Balatti, Pedro Alberto


    Se analizó la diversidad genética existente en los rizobios de crecimiento rápido que nodulan la soja. Por medio de la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa y con diversos primers se generaron marcadores ERIC, REP y RAPD. Además, se amplificó el RNA de 16S el que restringión con endonucleasas. Por medio de estos marcadores se estableció, entre los representantes de Sinorhizobium fredii aislados de la China y Vietnam y Rhizobium sp. NGR234, la diversidad genética existente entre ellos. Además se...

  3. RAPD study on some common species of Porphyra in China (United States)

    Kuang, Mei; Wang, Su-Juan; Li, Yao; Shen, Da-Leng; Zeng, Cheng-Kui


    RAPD analysis of seven samples of five Porphyra species, P haitanensis (three samples of cultured population), P. katadai var. hemiphylla, P. oligospermatangia, P. suborbiculata and P. yezoensis, showed the closest relationship existing among the three cultured populations of P. haitanensis. The genetic distance between P. haitanensis and P. oligospermatangia was the same as that between P. haitanensis and P. suborbiculata, both were 0.9. The genetic distances, among the other species of Porphyra ranged from 0.7 to 0.8. UPGMA analysis showed P. suborbiculata and P. yezoensis belong to another lineage. Results of this study suggests that RAPD analysis is effective at population level.

  4. Use of RAPD and PCR double amplification in the study of ancient DNA

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    F. Balzano


    Full Text Available This project analysed the DNA extracted from bones of ancient sheep which have been brought to light in Sardinian different archaeological sites. In order to better analyse this highly fragmented DNA, a double amplification technique was chosen. The first approach consisted of RAPD-PCR abd the second one in classic PCR. The RAPD-PCR amplified random fragments and allowed the production of numerous amplicons. The products of RAPD amplification have been amplified, more specifically, by the second PCR using primers for a sequence of 176 bp of mitochondrial D-loop region. These DNA fragments have been sequenced and the sequence analysis has confirmed that it belonged to Ovis aries. Consequently, this provedure can be considered a valid tool to perform amplification of degraded DNA, such as ancient DNA.

  5. Development of RAPD-SCAR markers for different Ganoderma species authentication by improved RAPD amplification and molecular cloning. (United States)

    Fu, J J; Mei, Z Q; Tania, M; Yang, L Q; Cheng, J L; Khan, M A


    The sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) is a valuable molecular technique for the genetic identification of any species. This method is mainly derived from the molecular cloning of the amplified DNA fragments achieved from the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). In this study, we collected DNA from 10 species of Ganoderma mushroom and amplified the DNA using an improved RAPD technique. The amplified fragments were then cloned into a T-vector, and positive clones were screened, indentified, and sequenced for the development of SCAR markers. After designing PCR primers and optimizing PCR conditions, 4 SCAR markers, named LZ1-4, LZ2-2, LZ8-2, and LZ9-15, were developed, which were specific to Ganoderma gibbosum (LZ1-4 and LZ8-2), Ganoderma sinense (LZ2-2 and LZ8-2), Ganoderma tropicum (LZ8-2), and Ganoderma lucidum HG (LZ9-15). These 4 novel SCAR markers were deposited into GenBank with the accession Nos. KM391935, KM391936, KM391937, and KM391938, respectively. Thus, in this study we developed specific SCAR markers for the identification and authentication of different Ganoderma species.

  6. Characterization of Boerhavia diffusa L. mutant lines by RAPD and isozyme, selected for agronomically valuable traits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shukla, N.; Sangwan, N.S.; Misra, H.O.; Sangwan, R.S.


    Boerhavia diffusa is a medicinally important plant and finds extensive uses in traditional herbal drug preparations. For the development of improved varieties in terms of superior yield and quality of herb/root of B. diffusa, mutation breeding was attempted. Mutants generated by physical and chemical mutagenic treatments were screened for yield and quality parameters of the root/herb up to three consecutive generations. The selected-screened lines generated by physical and chemical mutagenic treatments on two selected genotypes I and II were molecularly analyzed using eight isozymes and eleven RAPD primers producing good amplification. Mutants from BD10 (selected genotype I) were distinct, while, in case of BD22 (selected genotype II), only one mutant BDMu7 was recorded distinct by isozyme analysis. The wild mutant (BDMu16, with maximum height and mouve coloured flower) was distinct in RAPD banding pattern. Isozymes differentiated the mutants from their respective controls, whereas RAPD differentiated the mutants and controls and also distinguished the mutants. The RAPD analysis was found to be better suited than isozymes for detecting genetic differences among controls and their mutants. However, both RAPD and isozyme analyses gave similar patterns of genetic relationships [it

  7. Spar genetic analysis of two invasive species of Cichla (Tucunaré (Perciformes: Cichlidae in the Paraná river basin = Análise genética via spar, de duas espécies de Cichla (Tucunaré (Perciformes: Cichlidae introduzidas na Bacia do rio Paraná

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    Giovanna Caputo Almeida-Ferreira


    Full Text Available The introduction of exotic species in lake ecosystems has been greatly highlighted in the literature worldwide. Since introduction may threaten diversity of native fish, the issue turns up to be of paramount importance. Ecological effects may be predation, competition, parasitism or genetic, that is, changes in the genetic pool of populations owing to the occurrence of hybrids. Although the Tucunaré fish (Cichla is native to the Amazon region, it can be foundin other hydrographic basins in which it has been introduced. RAPD molecular marker research showed that there are two species (Cichla kelberi and C. piquiti belonging to the genus Cichla in the rivers of the Paraná basin. Different morphotypes in the region may also be due to hybridization. Current research used SPAR molecular markers to confirm the presence of hybrids and the rupture of isolation mechanisms. Seventy-two specimens collected in several sites of the river Paraná and Amazon basins were analyzed. Since exclusive SPAR molecular markers were obtained for Cichla kelberi and C. piquiti populations, the introduction of the two species in the region has been confirmed. Identification of the markers in specimens of theParaná river basin confirmed hybridization between these exotic species.A introdução de espécies exóticas nos ecossistemas lacustres tem sido muito destacada na literatura mundial, pois ameaça a diversidade de peixes nativos, tornando-se uma questão de extrema importância. Os efeitos observados podem ser ecológicos, como predação, competição e parasitismo ou genéticos, como a ocorrência de híbridos. Apesar do peixe tucunaré (Cichla ser nativo da região amazônica, ele pode ser encontrado em outras bacias hidrográficas nas quais foram introduzidos. Estudos utilizando marcadores moleculares RAPD revelaram que existem duas espécies (Cichla kelberi e C. piquiti do gênero Cichla na bacia do alto rio Paraná e morfotipos diferentes que podem ser devido

  8. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers reveal genetic ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study evaluated genetic variability of superior bael genotypes collected from different parts of Andaman Islands, India using fruit characters and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Genomic DNA extracted from leaf material using cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method was ...

  9. Sobretreinamento: teorias, diagnóstico e marcadores Sobreentrenamiento: teorías, diagnóstico y marcadores Overtraining: theories, diagnosis and markers

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    Giovani dos Santos Cunha


    Full Text Available O objetivo do treinamento esportivo é o aumento e a melhora do desempenho físico. Quando a intensidade, a duração e a carga de trabalho diário dos exercícios são apropriadas, adaptações fisiológicas positivas ocorrem. Entretanto, existe uma linha muito tênue entre um ótimo desempenho e uma diminuição do mesmo em função do sobretreinamento. O sobretreinamento pode incluir lesão e fraqueza muscular, ativação das citosinas, mudanças hormonais e hematológicas, alterações no humor, depressão psicológica e problemas nutricionais que podem causar diminuição do apetite e diarréia. Muitos estudos sobre o sobretreinamento foram realizados num esforço de identificar suas causas, seus sintomas, hipóteses e marcadores que pudessem identificá-lo, mas este diagnóstico é muito difícil, pois os sintomas do sobretreinamento se confundem com os do pré-sobretreinamento e com os do treinamento normal, sendo que é difícil dissociá-los. No momento não existe um simples marcador que possa prever o sobretreinamento; dessa forma, a diminuição no desempenho físico ainda é considerada o padrão-ouro. Marcadores hormonais, bioquímicos, imunes, psicológicos e o estresse oxidativo podem dar informações relevantes para um diagnóstico preciso e confiável para o sobretreinamento.El objetivo del entrenamiento deportivo es el aumento y la mejora del desempeño físico. Cuando la intensidad, la duración y la carga de trabajo diaria de los ejercicios son apropiadas, ocurren adaptaciones fisiológicas positivas. Sin embargo, existe una línea muy tenue entre un desempeño óptimo y una disminución del mismo, en función del sobreentrenamiento. El sobreentrenamiento puede incluir lesión y debilidad muscular, activación de las citosinas, cambios hormonales y hematológicas, alteraciones en el humor, depresión psicológica y problemas nutricionales que pueden causar disminución del apetito y diarrea. Se han realizado muchos estudios

  10. Biochemical and genetic variation of some Syrian wheat varieties using NIR, RAPD and AFLPs techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saleh, B.


    This study was performed to assess chemical components and genetic variability of five Syrian wheat varieties using NIR, RAPD and AFLP techniques. NIR technique showed that Cham6 was the best variety in term of wheat grain quality due to their lowest protein (%), hardness, water uptake and baking volume and the highest starch (%) compared to the other tested varieties. PCR amplifications with 21 RAPD primers and 13 AFLP PCs primer combinations gave 104 and 466 discernible loci of which 24 (18.823%) and 199 (45.527%) were polymorphic for the both techniques respectively. Our data indicated that the three techniques gave similar results regarding the degree of relatedness among the tested varieties. In the present investigation, AFLP fingerprinting was more efficient than the RAPD assay. Where the letter exhibited lower Marker Index (MI) average (0.219) compared to AFLP one (3.203). The pattern generated by RAPD, AFLPs markers or by NIR separated the five wheat varieties into two groups. The first group consists of two subclusters. The first subcluster involved Cham8 and Bohous6, while the second one includes Cham6 that is very closed to precedent varieties. The second group consists of Bohous9 and Cham7 that were also closely related. Based on this study, the use of NIR, RAPD and AFLP techniques could be a powerful tool to detect the effectiveness relationships of these technologies. (author)

  11. Comparative evaluation of genetic diversity using RAPD, SSR and ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    1Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, 2Ranichauri Hill Campus, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture ... Comparison of RAPD, SSR and cytochrome P450 gene based markers, in terms of the ...... project programme.

  12. RAPD analysis of Nectomys squamipes (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae populations

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    Almeida Francisca C.


    Full Text Available Random amplified of polymorphic DNA (RAPD analysis was used to assess genetic distance and the genetic structure of populations of Nectomys squamipes, a semiaquatic rodent species distributed along watercourses. DNA samples of five populations were analyzed using three primers, producing 45 scorable bands, 31 of which were polymorphic. There was a significant differentiation among populations [F ST = 0.17; phiST = 0.14 (P < 0.004] but gene flow (Nm = 1.25 was sufficient to overcome genetic drift effects. No fixed specific markers were found for any population. The Mantel's test and UPGMA cluster analysis showed a lack of relationship between genetic and geographic distances. The apparent homogeneity indicated by RAPD markers coincided with morphometric data, despite the wide geographic range of N. squamipes. Alternative hypotheses for explaining our results include recurrent processes of local extinction and recolonization or a recent and sudden increase in the geographic distribution of this species.

  13. Actualización en marcadores genéticos ultrasonográficos del 1º trimestre del embarazo

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    Felicia Amaralis Trull Martínez


    Full Text Available Se aborda el tema de los marcadores ultrasonográficos del 1º trimestre del embarazo, brindando una actualización del tema. Se hace énfasis en los marcadores predictivos de las anomalías congénitas más frecuentes y se concluyó con importantes aspectos a tener en cuenta para una correcta interpretación de estos hallazgos.

  14. Assessing the germplasm of Laminaria (phaeophyceae) with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method (United States)

    He, Yingjun; Zou, Yuping; Wang, Xiaodong; Zheng, Zhiguo; Zhang, Daming; Duan, Delin


    Eighteen gametophytes including L. japonica, L. ochotensis and L. longissima, were verified with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Eighteen ten-base primers were chosen from 100 primers selected for final amplification test. Among the total of 205 bands amplified, 181 (88.3%) were polymorphic. The genetic distance among different strains ranged from 0.072 to 0.391. The dendrogram constructed by unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic (UPGMA) method showed that the female and male gametophytes of the same cell lines could be grouped in pairs respectively. It indicated that RAPD analysis could be used not only to distinguish different strains of Laminaria, but also to distinguish male and female gametophyte within the same cell lines. There is ambiguous systematic relationship if judged merely by the present data. It seems that the use of RAPD marker is limited to elucidation of the phylogenetic relationship among the species of Laminaria.

  15. La Beta 2 Microglobulina como Marcador Tumoral.


    Saúco Márquez, Juan José


    En el presente trabajo hemos efectuado un estudio acerca del valor que tiene la Beta 2 Microglobulina para ser empleada como marcador tumoral. Esta sustancia es una microproteína que es producida por casi todas las células del organismos excepto los eritrocitos y las células trofoblásticas, es liberada a la circulación y es filtrada a nivel glomerular siendo reabsorbida por los túbulos renales en cuyas células es catabolizada y degradada ha...

  16. Molecular heterogeneity of Malassezia pachydermatis through RAPD-PCR = Heterogeneidade molecular da Malassezia pachydermatis através de RAPD-PCR

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    Patrícia da Silva Nascente


    Full Text Available Several methodologies in molecular biology have been used in theinvestigation of Malassezia pachydermatis and its differentiation into subtypes. Recent molecular research of this species includes the use of samples isolated from canine otitis externa and dermatitis, as well as from healthy animals, having in view an epidemiologicalstudy of the yeast. The aim of this study was to identify molecular differences in M. pachydermatis samples isolated from dogs with otitis externa. The M. pachydermatis strains were analyzed by means of the Random Amplification Primer DNA - Polimerase Chain Reaction (RAPD–PCR for molecular heterogeneity research. DNA extraction was carried out with phenol-chloroform and the RAPD technique using the AGAATCCGCC primer. A variation was observed in the number and arrangement of the bands among the 49 studied isolates, grouped into nine patterns. Isolate groupings were not found to be related to animal breed, age or sex. It was concluded that M. pachydermatis has differences in its molecular profile, as shown by the molecular technique (RAPD – PCR, which allows isolates to be classified into nine subtypes.Várias metodologias em biologia molecular têm sido aplicadas para estudar a M. pachydermatis diferenciando-a em subgrupos. Recentemente utiliza-se a investigação molecular desta espécie isolada de otite externa e dermatite, e também de isolados da mesma de animais hígidos, para um estudo epidemiológico da levedura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar diferenças moleculares entre isolados de M. pachydermatis obtidos de casos de otite externa canina. Para isto, amostras da levedura provenientes de cães com esta enfermidade foram estudadas através da técnica de Polimorfismo de DNA Amplificado aoAcaso - Reação da Polimerase em Cadeia (RAPD–PCR para pesquisa de heterogeneidade molecular. A extração de DNA foi realizada no processo fenol-cloroformio e a técnica de RAPD foi estudada com o primer

  17. ( Quercus spp. ) using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Quercus is one of the most important woody genera of the Northern hemisphere and considered as one of the main forest tree species in Iran. In this study, genetic relationships in the genus Quercus, using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was examined. Five species, including: Quercus robur, Quercus ...

  18. Characterization of specific random amplified polymorphic (RAPD ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 10, 2013 ... GGG CCA CTG T. 8. 8. 0. 97. OPY-20. AGC CGT GGA A. 7. 7. 0. 98. OPZ-13. GAC TAA GCC C. 0. 0. 0 fingerprinting differentiation was combined with bulked segregant analysis (Michelmore, et al. 1991). A total of. 98 operon RAPD primers (Almaeda, USA) were used in the first step differential screening in ...

  19. Genetic diversity in sugar apple (Annona squamosa L. by using RAPD markers

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    João Filipi Rodrigues Guimarães


    Full Text Available Genetic diversity in a collection of 64 sugar apple accessions collected from different municipalities in northern Minas Gerais was assessed by RAPD analysis. Using 20 selected RAPD primers 167 fragments were generated, of which 48 were polymorphic (28.7% producing an average of 2.4 polymorphic fragments per primer. Low percentage of polymorphism (< 29% was observed by using the set of primers indicating low level of genetic variation among the 64 accessions evaluated. Genetic relationships were estimated using Jaccard's coefficient of similarity. Accessions from different municipalities clustered together indicating no correlation between molecular grouping and geographical origin. The dendrogram revealed five clusters. The first cluster grouped C19 and G29 accessions collected from the municipalities of Verdelândia and Monte Azul, respectively. The second cluster grouped G16 and B11 accessions collected from the municipalities of Monte Azul and Coração de Jesus, respectively. The remaining accessions were grouped in three clusters, with 8, 15 and 37 accessions, respectively. In summary, RAPD showed a low percentage of polymorphism in the germplasm collection.

  20. Screening and characterization a RAPD marker of tobacco brown ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    RAPD) methods were used to analyze F2 individuals of 82-3041 × Yunyan 84 to screen and characterize the molecular marker linked to brown-spot resistant gene. A total of 800 arbitrary decamer oligonucleotide primers were used for RAPD ...

  1. Usos marginales de los marcadores del discurso. Su efecto en la comprensión lectora en español como lengua extranjera

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    María Fernanda Pelayo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo abordamos lo que hemos denominado usos marginales de los marcadores del discurso y cómo afectan a la comprensión lectora en español como lengua extranjera. Tras un análisis y definición de estos usos no ortodoxos de los marcadores del discurso, realizamos una clasificación preliminar de los mismos. Finalmente, diseñamos y llevamos a cabo un estudio empírico acerca de la manera en que los usos marginales de los marcadores del discurso podrían afectar a la comprensión lectora de textos en español como lengua extranjera. Losresultados obtenidos en este estudio experimental muestran que existe una tendencia bastante generalizada que nos hace aventurarnos a concluir que efectivamente los lectores de español como lengua extranjera muestran tenerproblemas para comprender textos en los que se han empleado usos marginales de los marcadores del discurso. Por otra parte, el uso ortodoxo de los marcadores del discurso parece favorecer la comprensión adecuada del texto.

  2. Biological effects and RAPD analysis of alfalfa (medicago sativa L.) irradiated by fast neutrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Han Weibo; Zhang Yuexue; Tang Fenglan; Liu Jielin; Liu Fengqi; Shang Chen; Kong Fuquan; Wang Xiao; Liu Luxiang


    Dry seeds of alfalfa variety Zhaodong were irradiated by fast neutrons generated by linear accelerator with three fluences, 3.60 × 10 11 , 7.10 × 10 11 and 3.54 × 10 12 /cm 2 respectively. Seed germination, growth, and RAPD analysis on the mutation were reported in this study. The results showed that germination vigor and germination rate of irradiated seeds were higher than those of control, but seedling height and root length were reduced with the increase of fluences. When the dosages reached 3.54 × 10 12 /cm 2 , seedling root length decreased by 81.63% compared with the control, but the seedling didn't grow any true leaves except for cotyledon. 36 primers were used in RAPD analysis, and the results showed that the RAPD polymorphic loci rate was 7.25%, 6.52% and 5.80% among the 3.60 × 10 11 /cm 2 , 7.10 × 10 11 /cm 2 and 3.54 × 10 12 /cm 2 treated M 1 plants. RAPD polymorphic loci rate in the 3.60 × 10 11 /cm 2 treated plants was the highest among three treatment. It is concluded that 3.60 × 10 11 /cm 2 could be on optimum fluences for a alfalfa mutation by fast neutrons. (authors)

  3. Identificação de variantes somaclonais em bananeiras 'Prata Anã', utilizando técnicas moleculares e citogenéticas Identification of somaclonal variants in 'Prata Anã' banana using molecular and cytogenetic techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nilson César Castanheira Guimarães


    Full Text Available Variação somaclonal é uma variação fenotípica de origem genética, ou seja, uma variação cromossômica que se torna herdável nas gerações seguintes, ou epigenética, que é uma variação transitória devido ao estresse fisiológico que o material sofre, quando submetido ao cultivo in vitro. Um problema específico envolvendo a variação somaclonal em bananeiras 'Prata Anã' foi observado em Andradas, Minas Gerais, em plantas oriundas de micropropagação. A maior dificuldade na separação dos indivíduos normais e variantes é que os caracteres morfológicos, que são inerentes a este tipo de variação, só se tornam evidentes quando a planta está adulta, o que impossibilita a eliminação dos indivíduos variantes ainda em viveiro. Com o objetivo de identificar, ainda em viveiro aqueles indivíduos variantes somaclonais, técnicas moleculares (RAPD e SSR e citogenéticas (contagem cromossômica e citometria de fluxo foram utilizadas. Cento e três primers RAPD, 11 combinações de dois primers RAPD, e 33 pares de primers SSR foram utilizados na tentativa de se encontrar marcadores polimórficos capazes de distinguir os indivíduos normais dos variantes, além de distinguir bananeiras 'Prata Anã' de 'Prata'. O primer OPW-08 gerou um fragmento polimórfico que distinguiu uma planta variante de todas as demais, provando que a variação não ocorre de maneira uniforme no genoma dos indivíduos variantes e que não há um retorno à cultivar Prata. As análises com marcadores SSR e a contagem cromossômica não possibilitaram a distinção dos indivíduos variantes, nem a separação das cultivares Prata e Prata Anã. As análises de citometria de fluxo evidenciaram a grande instabilidade cromossômica das bananeiras, porém elas não foram eficientes na identificação de variantes somaclonais.Somaclonal variation is a phenotypical variation of genetic origin, that is, a chromosomal variation that becomes inheritable in the

  4. Low Genetic Diversity Among Garlic (Allium sativum L. Accessions Detected Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD Escasa Diversidad Genética entre Accesiones de Ajo (Allium sativum L. Detectada Mediante ADN Polimórfico Amplificado al Azar (RAPD

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    Mario Paredes C


    Full Text Available Garlic (Allium sativum L. is a species of vegetative propagation, showing high morphological diversity. Besides, its clones have specific adaptations to different agroclimatic regions. The objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of 65 garlic clones collected in Chile and introduced from different countries, by using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Fourty random primers of 10 mers generated a total of 398 bands with an 87% of polymorphism. Each primer amplified between two and 20 bands. The size of the fragments obtained fluctuated between 3200 and 369 bp. The results showed that the clones analyzed had a genetic similarity rate of 94%. In addition, 70% of them were clustered in one major group. However, in spite of that situation several clones have different agronomic characteristicsEl ajo (Allium sativum L. es una especie de propagación vegetativa, que presenta una amplia variabilidad morfológica. Los clones de esta especie tienen una adaptación específica a diferentes regiones agroclimáticas. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la diversidad genética existente en 65 clones de ajos colectados en Chile e introducidos desde diferentes países, utilizando RAPD (ADN Polimórfico Amplificado al Azar. Para esta evaluación se utilizaron 40 partidores de 10-mers. Los partidores generaron entre dos y 20 bandas, observándose un alto número de patrones con bandas múltiples. Los fragmentos generados difieren en su tamaño entre 3.200 y 369 pb. Los partidores generaron 398 bandas, de las cuales un 87% fueron polimórficas. El análisis estadístico realizado detectó una similitud genética alta, de un 94% entre las accesiones evaluadas, donde aproximadamente un 70% de los clones formaron un grupo homogéneo. Sin embargo, este grupo incluye clones que presentan diferentes características agronómicas

  5. Genetic Diversity of Iraqi Date Palm (Phoenix ‎dactylifera L.) by using RAPD Technique


    Muhanned Abdul Hasan Kareem; Ali Hmood Al-Saadi ‎; Hassan Fadhil Naji


    In this study provided all molecular markers of Random amplified polymorphic (RAPD) successfully with the sixty five Iraqi date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars, which collected from Hilla city in Iraq, to determine fingerprinting, polymorphic value, and relationships among varieties of date palm cultivars, and also with the same type of cultivars. Data analysis of ten RAPD has been revealed. Number of amplified DNA fragments were (592) bands, polymorphism per all primers were (%64.2),...

  6. Genetic Diversity of Iraqi Date Palm (Phoenix ‎dactylifera L.) by using RAPD Technique


    Muhanned Abdul Hasan; Ali ‎ Hmood Al-Saadi; Hassan Fadhil Naji


    In this study provided all molecular markers of Random amplified polymorphic (RAPD) successfully with the sixty five Iraqi date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivars, which collected from Hilla city in Iraq, to determine fingerprinting, polymorphic value, and relationships among varieties of date palm cultivars, and also with the same type of cultivars. Data analysis of ten RAPD has been revealed. Number of amplified DNA fragments were (592) bands, polymorphism per all primers were (%64.2),...

  7. RAPD markers for screening shoot gall maker (Betousa stylophora Swinhoe tolerant genotypes of amla (Phyllanthus emblica L.

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    Sethuraman Thilaga


    Full Text Available Phyllanthus emblica Linn. is the most important medicinally useful tree crop in Asian Subcontinent and is severely infested by Betousa stylophora Swinhoe, known as shoot gall maker (SGM. This pest tunnels the shoots of seedlings and actively growing branches of trees and develops gall, leading to stunted growth, unusual branching and death of actively growing shoots. Our study revealed that trees possessing smooth bark were free from the attack of this pest than those with rough bark surface. Unfortunately, this character is not detectable either at seedling stage or during early growth of trees in the orchard. RAPD genetic fingerprinting of trees possessing smooth and rough bark revealed distinguishable and highly reproducible DNA banding pattern between the two genotypes. Of the 20 RAPD primers tested, five of them produced distinguishable RAPD bands between rough and smooth barked genotypes of P. emblica. Trees with smooth bark produced five unique RAPD bands with molecular weight ranging from 350 bp to 1500 bp and those with rough bark produced six RAPD bands (350 bp–650 bp to utilize these DNA bands as potential DNA marker for screening tolerant genotypes of this crop against SGM. The utility of this finding in genetic improvement of this tree crop against SGM is discussed.

  8. Rapid identification of dairy lactic acid bacteria by M13-generated, RAPD-PCR fingerprint databases. (United States)

    Rossetti, Lia; Giraffa, Giorgio


    About a thousand lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from dairy products, especially cheeses, were identified and typed by species-specific PCR and RAPD-PCR, respectively. RAPD-PCR profiles, which were obtained by using the M13 sequence as a primer, allowed us to implement a large database of different fingerprints, which were analysed by BioNumerics software. Cluster analysis of the combined RAPD-PCR fingerprinting profiles enabled us to implement a library, which is a collection of library units, which in turn is a selection of representative database entries. A library unit, in this case, can be considered to be a definable taxon. The strains belonged to 11 main RAPD-PCR fingerprinting library units identified as Lactobacillus casei/paracasei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus brevis, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactococcus lactis. The possibility to routinely identify newly typed, bacterial isolates by consulting the library of the software was valued. The proposed method could be suggested to refine previous strain identifications, eliminate redundancy and dispose of a technologically useful LAB strain collection. The same approach could also be applied to identify LAB strains isolated from other food ecosystems.

  9. Analogy of ISSR and RAPD markers for comparative analysis of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Analogy of ISSR and RAPD markers for comparative analysis of genetic diversity among different Jatropha curcas genotypes. S Gupta, M Srivastava, GP Mishra, PK Naik, RS Chauhan, SK Tiwari, M Kumar, R Singh ...

  10. High-resolution melt-curve analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-HRM) for the characterisation of pathogenic leptospires

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tulsiani, Suhella; Craig, S B; Graham, G C


    as well as inter-serovar divergence between strains of different serovars. The results indicate that intra-serovar heterogeneity and inter-serovar homogeneity may limit the application of RAPD-HRM in routine diagnostics. They also indicate that genetic attenuation of aged, high-passage-number isolates...... could undermine the use of RAPD-HRM or any other molecular technology. Such genetic attenuation may account for a general decrease seen in titres of rabbit hyperimmune antibodies over time. Before RAPD-HRM can be further advanced as a routine diagnostic tool, strains more representative of the wild...

  11. RAPD-SCAR marker and genetic relationship analysis of three Demodex species (Acari: Demodicidae). (United States)

    Zhao, Ya-E; Wu, Li-Ping


    For a long time, classification of Demodex mites has been mainly based on their hosts and phenotype characteristics. The study was the first to conduct molecular identification and genetic relationship analysis for six isolates of three Demodex species by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Totally, 239 DNA fragments were amplified from six Demodex isolates with 10 random primers in RAPD, of which 165 were polymorphic. Using a single primer, at least five fragments and at most 40 in the six isolates were amplified, whereas within a single isolate, a range of 35-49 fragments were amplified. DNA fingerprints of primers CZ 1-9 revealed intra- and interspecies difference in six Demodex isolates, whereas primer CZ 10 only revealed interspecies difference. The genetic distance and dendrogram showed the intraspecific genetic distances were closer than the interspecific genetic distances. The interspecific genetic distances of Demodex folliculorum and Demodex canis (0.7931-0.8140) were shorter than that of Demodex brevis and D. canis (0.8182-0.8987). The RAPD-SCAR marker displayed primer CZ 10 could be applied to identify the three Demodex species. The 479-bp fragment was specific for D. brevis, and the 261-bp fragment was specific for D. canis. The conclusion was that the RAPD-SCAR multi-marker was effective in molecular identification of three Demodex species. The genetic relationship between D. folliculorum and D. canis was nearer than that between D. folliculorum and D. brevis.

  12. Genetic diversity analysis of Zingiber Officinale Roscoe by RAPD collected from subcontinent of India. (United States)

    Ashraf, Kamran; Ahmad, Altaf; Chaudhary, Anis; Mujeeb, Mohd; Ahmad, Sayeed; Amir, Mohd; Mallick, N


    The present investigation was undertaken for the assessment of 12 accessions of Zingiber officinale Rosc. collected from subcontinent of India by RAPD markers. DNA was isolated using CTAB method. Thirteen out of twenty primers screened were informative and produced 275 amplification products, among which 261 products (94.90%) were found to be polymorphic. The percentage polymorphism of all 12 accessions ranged from 88.23% to 100%. Most of the RAPD markers studied showed different levels of genetic polymorphism. The data of 275 RAPD bands were used to generate Jaccard's similarity coefficients and to construct a dendrogram by means of UPGMA. Results showed that ginger undergoes genetic variation due to a wide range of ecological conditions. This investigation was an understanding of genetic variation within the accessions. It will also provide an important input into determining resourceful management strategies and help to breeders for ginger improvement program.

  13. Expressão citofotométrica dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e fator VIII no câncer de cólon


    Garcia,Cacilda Joyce Ferreira da Silva; Cuenca,Ronaldo M.; Bora,Fabio Roberto; Ribas-Filho,Jurandir Marcondes; Czeczko,Nicolau Gregori; Ribas,Carmen Austrália Paredes Marcondes; Wagenführ Jr.,Jorge


    OBJETIVOS: Verificar a posssibilidade de quantificar a expressão dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e Fator VIII no câncer de cólon; verificar se existe superioridade entre um marcador e outro para estudo da angiogênese; verificar se há correlação na análise do índice de marcagem e a densidade óptica média nos marcadores utilizados. MÉTODOS: Dezessete casos de adenocarcinoma colorretal recuperados de blocos de parafina e confirmados pela hematoxilina-eosina, foram submetidos à coloração imunoistoq...

  14. Study On Application Of Molecular Techniques (RAPD-PCR And RAMP-PCR) To Detect Mutation In Rice Breeding

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoang Thi My Linh; Phan, D. T. Son; Nguyen Thi Vang; Nguyen, T. T. Hien; Le XuanTham


    The project was carried out in 2007 with the purpose of consideration for using the two simple and inexpensive molecular techniques to estimate changes in DNA of rice mutant after gamma irradiation. Three rice cultivars: Basmati370, Tam Thom (TT1), IR64 and three gamma irradiated mutants BDS, TDS and VND 95-20 respectively, were used. Suitable DNA extraction procedure was obtained. PCR optimization was conducted on three important factors including: amount of MgCl 2 , DNA concentration and annealing temperature. 2.5 mM of MgCl 2 for RAPD-PCR and 3.75 mM for RAMP-PCR were found the best. 40 ng DNA provided a good amplification for RAMP-PCR; this figure was 50 ng for RAPD-PCR. Annealing temperatures were determined at 36 o C for RAPD primer and at 55±3 o C for Microsatellite primer. Final results showed that, both RAPD-PCR and RAMP-PCR could detect changes in DNA of rice mutants after gamma irradiation compared to their parents. Percentage of DNA changes determined by RAPD-PCR and RAMP-PCR on Basmati370 and its mutant BDS were 11.49% and 21.2% respectively; These on TT1 and TDS were 8.98% and 15.4%; and on IR64 and VND 95-20 were 3.45% and 4.95%. (author)

  15. In Vitro propagation of enterolobium cyclocarpum (guanacaste from nodal explants of axenic seedlings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Araceli Rodríguez Sahagún


    Full Text Available Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq. Griseb. es un árbol leguminoso de uso múltiple, el cual es considerado una especie amenazada, resultado de la sobreexplotación y las bajas tasas de propagación natural debidas a las características intrínsecas del árbol. Una alternativa para superar este problema es el establecimiento de sistemas para su propagación masiva en tiempos cortos. En este trabajo, se investigó un protocolo para la propagación in vitro de E. cyclocarpum utilizando los segmentos nodales axénicos obtenidos de plántulas germinadas in vitro. Las semillas colectadas en dos comunidades mexicanas fueron germinadas tanto ex vitro como in vitro, y se evaluó el efecto de un pre-tratamiento de escarificación térmica. Para los experimentos de propagación se seleccionaron semillas provenientes de sólo una de las comunidades, debido a que presentaban una menor variabilidad genética de acuerdo con marcadores RAPD y a que existía una gran variación en las respuestas observadas en lotes de semillas mezclados. Esta variación fisiológica presente en semillas mezcladas, probablemente refleja un efecto del genotipo.Los segmentos nodales obtenidos de las plántulas fueron cultivados en medio basal MS suplementado con 30 g/L de sacarosa en presencia de distintas concentraciones de ácido 1-naftalenacético (ANA en combinación con benziladenina (BA o kinetina (KIN. La mayor tasa de multiplicación (de 4.75 brotes por explante en promedio se obtuvo cuando el medio MS fue suplementado con 2.2 µM BA y 10.7 µM ANA. Los brotes obtenidos fueron enraizados en medio MS con la mitad de concentración de sales y sin reguladores de crecimiento. Las plántulas micropropagadas fueron aclimatadas y transferidas exitosamente a suelo con una tasa de sobrevivencia del 90%. Estas plantas eran morfológicamente similares a la planta madre y no se detectó variación entre ellas por el uso de marcadores RAPD, lo cual hace posible el uso de este

  16. Genetic diversity in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) landraces from Zimbabwe revealed by RAPD and SSR markers. (United States)

    Mujaju, C; Sehic, J; Werlemark, G; Garkava-Gustavsson, L; Fatih, M; Nybom, H


    Low polymorphism in cultivated watermelon has been reported in previous studies, based mainly on US Plant Introductions and watermelon cultivars, most of which were linked to breeding programmes associated with disease resistance. Since germplasm sampled in a putative centre of origin in southern Africa may harbour considerably higher variability, DNA marker-based diversity was estimated among 81 seedlings from eight accessions of watermelon collected in Zimbabwe; five accessions of cow-melons (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) and three of sweet watermelons (C. lanatus var. lanatus). Two molecular marker methods were used, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeats (SSR) also known as microsatellite DNA. Ten RAPD primers produced 138 markers of which 122 were polymorphic. Nine SSR primer pairs detected a total of 43 alleles with an average of 4.8 alleles per locus. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.47 to 0.77 for the RAPD primers and from 0.39 to 0.97 for the SSR loci. Similarity matrices obtained with SSR and RAPD, respectively, were highly correlated but only RAPD was able to provide each sample with an individual-specific DNA profile. Dendrograms and multidimensional scaling (MDS) produced two major clusters; one with the five cow-melon accessions and the other with the three sweet watermelon accessions. One of the most variable cow-melon accessions took an intermediate position in the MDS analysis, indicating the occurrence of gene flow between the two subspecies. Analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA) attributed most of the variability to within-accessions, and contrary to previous reports, sweet watermelon accessions apparently contain diversity of the same magnitude as the cow-melons.

  17. RAPD-based detection of genomic instability in cucumber plants ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 20, 2009 ... 2School of biology and Environmental Sciences, Belfield, Dublin 4, ... detectable differences between the somatic embryo derived plants compared to their F1 parents in the. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) test using five primers ... The mixture was allowed to thaw and ice-cold polyvinyl-.

  18. Performance of optimized McRAPD in identification of 9 yeast species frequently isolated from patient samples: potential for automation. (United States)

    Trtkova, Jitka; Pavlicek, Petr; Ruskova, Lenka; Hamal, Petr; Koukalova, Dagmar; Raclavsky, Vladislav


    Rapid, easy, economical and accurate species identification of yeasts isolated from clinical samples remains an important challenge for routine microbiological laboratories, because susceptibility to antifungal agents, probability to develop resistance and ability to cause disease vary in different species. To overcome the drawbacks of the currently available techniques we have recently proposed an innovative approach to yeast species identification based on RAPD genotyping and termed McRAPD (Melting curve of RAPD). Here we have evaluated its performance on a broader spectrum of clinically relevant yeast species and also examined the potential of automated and semi-automated interpretation of McRAPD data for yeast species identification. A simple fully automated algorithm based on normalized melting data identified 80% of the isolates correctly. When this algorithm was supplemented by semi-automated matching of decisive peaks in first derivative plots, 87% of the isolates were identified correctly. However, a computer-aided visual matching of derivative plots showed the best performance with average 98.3% of the accurately identified isolates, almost matching the 99.4% performance of traditional RAPD fingerprinting. Since McRAPD technique omits gel electrophoresis and can be performed in a rapid, economical and convenient way, we believe that it can find its place in routine identification of medically important yeasts in advanced diagnostic laboratories that are able to adopt this technique. It can also serve as a broad-range high-throughput technique for epidemiological surveillance.

  19. Insight into the genomic diversity and relationship of Astragalus glycyphyllos symbionts by RAPD, ERIC-PCR, and AFLP fingerprinting. (United States)

    Gnat, Sebastian; Małek, Wanda; Oleńska, Ewa; Trościańczyk, Aleksandra; Wdowiak-Wróbel, Sylwia; Kalita, Michał; Wójcik, Magdalena


    We assessed the genomic diversity and genomic relationship of 28 Astragalus glycyphyllos symbionts by three methodologies based on PCR reaction, i.e., RAPD, ERIC-PCR, and AFLP. The AFLP method with one PstI restriction enzyme and selective PstI-GC primer pair had a comparable discriminatory power as ERIC-PCR one and these fingerprinting techniques distinguished among the studied 28 A. glycyphyllos symbionts 18 and 17 genomotypes, respectively. RAPD method was less discriminatory in the genomotyping of rhizobia analyzed and it efficiently resolved nine genomotypes. The cluster analysis of RAPD, ERIC-PCR, and AFLP profiles resulted in a generally similar grouping of the test strains on generated dendrograms supporting a great potential of these DNA fingerprinting techniques for study of genomic polymorphism and evolutionary relationship of A. glycyphyllos nodulators. The RAPD, ERIC-PCR, and AFLP pattern similarity coefficients between A. glycyphyllos symbionts studied was in the ranges 8-100, 18-100, and 23-100%, respectively.

  20. RAPD and SSR Polymorphisms in Mutant Lines of Transgenic Wheat Mediated by Low Energy Ion Beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Tiegu; Huang Qunce; Feng Weisen


    Two types of markers-random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat DNA (SSR)-have been used to characterize the genetic diversity among nine mutant lines of transgenic wheat intermediated by low energy ion beam and their four receptor cultivars. The objectives of this study were to analyze RAPD-based and SSR-based genetic variance among transgenic wheat lines and with their receptors, and to find specific genetic markers of special traits of transgenic wheat lines. 170 RAPD primers were amplified to 733 fragments in all the experimental materials. There were 121 polymorphic fragments out of the 733 fragments with a ratio of polymorphic fragments of 16.5%. 29 SSR primer pairs were amplified to 83 fragments in all the experiment materials. There were 57 polymorphic fragments out of the 83 fragments with a ratio of polymorphic fragments of 68.7%. The dendrograms were prepared based on a genetic distance matrix using the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-group Method with Arithmetic averaging) algorithm, which corresponded well to the results of the wheat pedigree analysis and separated the 13 genotypes into four groups. Association analysis between RAPD and SSR markers with the special traits of transgenic wheat mutant lines discovered that three RAPD markers, s1, opt-16, and f14, were significantly associated with the muticate trait, while three SSR markers, Rht8 (Xgwm261), Rht-B1b, and Rht-D1b, highly associated with the dwarf trait. These markers will be useful for marker-assistant breeding and can be used as candidate markers for further gene mapping and cloning

  1. RAPD and SSR Polymorphisms in Mutant Lines of Transgenic Wheat Mediated by Low Energy Ion Beam (United States)

    Wang, Tiegu; Huang, Qunce; Feng, Weisen


    Two types of markers-random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat DNA (SSR)-have been used to characterize the genetic diversity among nine mutant lines of transgenic wheat intermediated by low energy ion beam and their four receptor cultivars. The objectives of this study were to analyze RAPD-based and SSR-based genetic variance among transgenic wheat lines and with their receptors, and to find specific genetic markers of special traits of transgenic wheat lines. 170 RAPD primers were amplified to 733 fragments in all the experimental materials. There were 121 polymorphic fragments out of the 733 fragments with a ratio of polymorphic fragments of 16.5%. 29 SSR primer pairs were amplified to 83 fragments in all the experiment materials. There were 57 polymorphic fragments out of the 83 fragments with a ratio of polymorphic fragments of 68.7%. The dendrograms were prepared based on a genetic distance matrix using the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-group Method with Arithmetic averaging) algorithm, which corresponded well to the results of the wheat pedigree analysis and separated the 13 genotypes into four groups. Association analysis between RAPD and SSR markers with the special traits of transgenic wheat mutant lines discovered that three RAPD markers, s1, opt-16, and f14, were significantly associated with the muticate trait, while three SSR markers, Rht8 (Xgwm261), Rht-B1b, and Rht-D1b, highly associated with the dwarf trait. These markers will be useful for marker-assistant breeding and can be used as candidate markers for further gene mapping and cloning.

  2. RAPD and SSR Polymorphisms in Mutant Lines of Transgenic Wheat Mediated by Low Energy Ion Beam

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tiegu, Wang [Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Bio-Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052 (China); Qunce, Huang [Henan Provincial Key Laboratory of Ion Beam Bio-Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052 (China); Weisen, Feng [Luoyang Institute of Agricultural Science, Luoyang 471022 (China)


    Two types of markers-random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and simple sequence repeat DNA (SSR)-have been used to characterize the genetic diversity among nine mutant lines of transgenic wheat intermediated by low energy ion beam and their four receptor cultivars. The objectives of this study were to analyze RAPD-based and SSR-based genetic variance among transgenic wheat lines and with their receptors, and to find specific genetic markers of special traits of transgenic wheat lines. 170 RAPD primers were amplified to 733 fragments in all the experimental materials. There were 121 polymorphic fragments out of the 733 fragments with a ratio of polymorphic fragments of 16.5%. 29 SSR primer pairs were amplified to 83 fragments in all the experiment materials. There were 57 polymorphic fragments out of the 83 fragments with a ratio of polymorphic fragments of 68.7%. The dendrograms were prepared based on a genetic distance matrix using the UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-group Method with Arithmetic averaging) algorithm, which corresponded well to the results of the wheat pedigree analysis and separated the 13 genotypes into four groups. Association analysis between RAPD and SSR markers with the special traits of transgenic wheat mutant lines discovered that three RAPD markers, s1, opt-16, and f14, were significantly associated with the muticate trait, while three SSR markers, Rht8 (Xgwm261), Rht-B1b, and Rht-D1b, highly associated with the dwarf trait. These markers will be useful for marker-assistant breeding and can be used as candidate markers for further gene mapping and cloning.

  3. A comparative phylogenetic analysis of medicinal plant Tribulus terrestris in Northwest India revealed by RAPD and ISSR markers

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    Full Text Available Kumar A, Verma N. 2012. A comparative phylogenetic analysis of medicinal plant Tribulus terrestris in Northwest India revealed by RAPD and ISSR markers. Biodiversitas 13: 107-113. Several DNA marker systems and associated techniques are available today for fingerprinting of plant varieties. A total of 5 RAPD and 8 ISSR primers were used. Amplification of genomic DNA of the 6 genotypes, using RAPD analysis, yielded 164 fragments that could be scored, of which 47 were polymorphic, with an average of 9.4 polymorphic fragments per primer. Number of amplified fragments with random primers ranged from 6 (AKR-1 to 10 (AKR-4 and varied in size from 200 bp to 2,500 bp. Percentage polymorphism ranged from 16% (AKR-4 to a maximum of 41% (AKR-4, with an average of 29.6%. The 8 ISSR primers used in the study produced 327 bands across 6 genotypes, of which 114 were polymorphic. The number of amplified bands varied from 7 (ISSR 7 to 12 (ISSR 1&3, with a size range of 250-2,800 bp. The average numbers of bands per primer and polymorphic bands per primer were 40.87 and 14.25, respectively. Percentage polymorphism ranged from 24% (ISSR 4 to 53.84% (ISSR 2, with an average percentage polymorphism of 35.59% across all the genotypes. The 3′-anchored primers based on poly (AC and poly (AT motifs produced high average polymorphisms of 53.84% and 40.81%, respectively. ISSR markers were more efficient than the RAPD assay, as they detected 35.59% polymorphic DNA markers in Tribulus terrestris as compared to 29.6% for RAPD markers. Clustering of genotypes within groups was not similar when RAPD and ISSR derived dendrogram were compared, whereas the pattern of clustering of the genotypes remained more or less the same in ISSR and combined data of RAPD and ISSR.

  4. Genetic Diversity of Rose germplasm based on RAPD analysis

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 12, 2012 ... identification and analysis of genetic variation within a collection of 4 species and 30 accessions of rose using RAPD analysis technique. The results showed the molecular distinctions among the ... that range in colour from white and yellow to many shades of pink and red have been developed. Since.

  5. Unraveling the efficiency of RAPD and SSR markers in diversity analysis and population structure estimation in common bean. (United States)

    Zargar, Sajad Majeed; Farhat, Sufia; Mahajan, Reetika; Bhakhri, Ayushi; Sharma, Arjun


    Increase in food production viz-a-viz quality of food is important to feed the growing human population to attain food as well as nutritional security. The availability of diverse germplasm of any crop is an important genetic resource to mine the genes that may assist in attaining food as well as nutritional security. Here we used 15 RAPD and 23 SSR markers to elucidate diversity among 51 common bean genotypes mostly landraces collected from the Himalayan region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. We observed that both the markers are highly polymorphic. The discriminatory power of these markers was determined using various parameters like; percent polymorphism, PIC, resolving power and marker index. 15 RAPDs produced 171 polymorphic bands, while 23 SSRs produced 268 polymorphic bands. SSRs showed a higher PIC value (0.300) compared to RAPDs (0.243). Further the resolving power of SSRs was 5.241 compared to 3.86 for RAPDs. However, RAPDs showed a higher marker index (2.69) compared to SSRs (1.279) that may be attributed to their higher multiplex ratio. The dendrograms generated with hierarchical UPGMA cluster analysis grouped genotypes into two main clusters with various degrees of sub clustering within the cluster. Here we observed that both the marker systems showed comparable accuracy in grouping genotypes of common bean according to their area of cultivation. The model based STRUCTURE analysis using 15 RAPD and 23 SSR markers identified a population with 3 sub-populations which corresponds to distance based groupings. High level of genetic diversity was observed within the population. These findings have further implications in common bean breeding as well as conservation programs.

  6. Características clínicas, perfil hormonal y marcadores de autoinmunidad de pacientes con enfermedad de Graves.

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    Deysy Cieza Diaz


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, el perfil hormonal y los marcadores de autoinmunidad de pacientes con enfermedad de Graves (EG, atendidos en el servicio de endocrinología de un hospital general. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de EG atendidos en el servicio de endocrinología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia durante el año 2005. Los pacientes fueron identificados utilizando el Registro Diario de Atención y Otras Actividades del consultorio externo. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 12,0. Resultados: Se revisaron 111 historias clínicas. La edad promedio fue de 40,6 ± 14 años. El 71,2% eran mujeres. El 20,7% tenía antecedente familiar de otra enfermedad autoinmune. El tiempo de enfermedad promedio antes de la consulta fue 18,9 ± 30,4 meses. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: tremor, piel delgada, palpitaciones y baja de peso. El peso promedio de la glándula tiroides estimado por palpación fue 69 ± 27,5 gr, 38,7% presentaba exoftalmos y 18,9% mixedema pretibial. El perfil hormonal mostró TSH suprimida, T4 libre y T3 total elevados. El 86,7% de los casos tenía autoanticuerpos anti-peroxidasa tiroidea (anti-TPO positivo. En 95,5% el tratamiento incluyó el uso de tionamidas. El análisis bivariado mostró que las mujeres tuvieron antecedente familiar de enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune en mayor frecuencia que los varones (27,8 vs. 9,4% (p=0,04. Conclusión: La población estudiada con EG fueron con mayor frecuencia mujeres entre la tercera y sexta década de la vida. El peso estimado de la glándula tiroides fue tres veces lo normal, con alta frecuencia de oftalmopatía y mixedema. La mayoría tiene marcadores humorales de autoinmunidad y el tratamiento inicial se basa en el uso de tionamidas. (Rev Med Hered 2008; 19:152-157.

  7. Assessment of genetic variability in rice (oryza sativa l.) germplasm from Pakistan using rapd markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pervaiz, Z.H.; Rabbani, M.A.; Shinwar, Z.K.; Masood, M.S.; Malik, S.A.


    Information on genetic diversity and relationships among rice genotypes from Pakistan is currently very limited. Molecular marker analysis can truly be beneficial in analyzing the diversity of rice germplasm providing useful information to broaden the genetic base of modern rice cultivars. The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic polymorphism of 75 rice accessions and improved cultivars using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique. Twenty-eight decamer-primers generated a total of 145 RAPD fragments, of which 116 (80%) were polymorphic. The number of amplification products produced by each primer varied from 3 to 9 with an average of 5.2 alleles primer-1. The size of amplified fragments ranged from 250 to 4000bp. A dendrogram was generated from minimal variance algorithm using Ward method. All the 75 genotypes were grouped into two main groups corresponding to aromatic and non-aromatic types of indica rice. Clustering of accessions did not show any significant pattern of association between the RAPD fingerprints and collection sites. This type of analysis grouping different rice accessions in relation to fragrance, a major rice quality determinant, and varietal group is extremely useful to develop a core collection and gene bank management. Further more, the information revealed by the RAPDs regarding genetic variation is helpful to the plant breeder in selecting diverse parents and for future orientation of rice breeding program. (author)

  8. Genetic diversity in natural populations of Jacaranda decurrens Cham. determined using RAPD and AFLP markers

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    Bianca W. Bertoni


    Full Text Available Jacaranda decurrens (Bignoniaceae is an endemic species of the Cerrado with validated antitumoral activity. The genetic diversity of six populations of J. decurrens located in the State of São Paulo was determined in this study by using molecular markers for randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP. Following optimization of the amplification reaction, 10 selected primers generated 78 reproducible RAPD fragments that were mostly (69.2% polymorphic. Two hundred and five reproducible AFLP fragments were generated by using four selected primer combinations; 46.3% of these fragments were polymorphic, indicating a considerable level of genetic diversity. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA using these two groups of markers indicated that variability was strongly structured amongst populations. The unweighted pair group method with arithmatic mean (UPGMA and Pearson's correlation coefficient (RAPD -0.16, p = 0.2082; AFLP 0.37, p = 0.1006 between genetic matrices and geographic distances suggested that the population structure followed an island model in which a single population of infinite size gave rise to the current populations of J. decurrens, independently of their spatial position. The results of this study indicate that RAPD and AFLP markers were similarly efficient in measuring the genetic variability amongst natural populations of J. decurrens. These data may be useful for developing strategies for the preservation of this medicinal species in the Cerrado.

  9. Molecular characterization of Iranian black cumin ( Nigella sativa L. accessions using RAPD marker

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    Mahmoud Ghorbanzadeh Neghab


    Full Text Available Nigella sativa L. (2n = 12 is an annual flowering plant belonging to the family Ranunculaceae known for medicinal properties demonstrating valuable components that are widely used in food and pharmaceutical industries. Nine Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPD were used in this study, in order to characterize the genetic variation of 16 black cumin varieties collected from Iran’s different regions. The amplification reaction produced 95 bands with sizes ranging from about 100 to 500 bp. The average frequency of bands was 20 while the averages of polymorphism were about 8.11 per primer. The Jaccard similarity coefficient and the Unweighted Pair-Group Method Analysis (UPGMA clustering algorithm were applied to the RAPD data sets in order to understand the genetic relationships among the tested accessions. The accessions were categorized into three groups using cluster analysis. The results were supported by the Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA cluster analysis. The results showed that the tested black cumin genotypes had a high genetic diversity and could be used in black cumin germplasm conservation programs. Moreover, the RAPD is a versatile approach to the diversity analysis of native accessions of black cumin.

  10. Identificação de marcadores microssatélites relacionados ao escurecimento de grãos em feijão

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    Karla Rodrigues Couto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcadores microssatélites ligados ao loco de características quantitativas (QTL responsável pelo escurecimento tardio do tegumento de feijões do tipo carioca, a fim de reduzir o tempo de avaliação necessário para seleção quanto a essa característica. Foram utilizados dados de avaliação fenotípica de 185 progênies F2:3 derivadas do cruzamento VC-3 x 'BRSMG Majestoso', para o estudo do controle genético do escurecimento dos grãos. Com esses dados, foram confeccionados dois "bulks" segregantes de DNA, empregados para a avaliação de 444 pares de primers SSR. Os aplicativos computacionais GQMOL e Sisvar foram utilizados para avaliar as segregações, confeccionar um grupo de ligação e realizar análises de marca simples e de regressão múltipla pelo método "backward". Oito marcadores apresentaram polimorfismo nos "bulks". Seis desses marcadores foram agrupados em um grupo de ligação de 80,49 cM, e destes, três mostraram-se estreitamente ligados ao QTL responsável pelo escurecimento tardio dos grãos. O marcador PVM02TC116 cossegregou com o QTL em questão, e os marcadores PVESTBR-98 (2,00 cM e PV176 (12,24 cM flanqueiam essa região, o que sugere elevada eficiência para possível uso na seleção assistida.

  11. Characterization of onion genotypes by use of RAPD markers

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    Pavlović Nenad


    Full Text Available In order to estimate, at the molecular level, the divergence of parental lines that were used in diallel crossbreeding for production of superior offspring (F1 generation hybrids at the Institute for Vegetable Crops, the molecular analysis using five RAPD markers for five pairs of parents has been performed. It gives an insight into their genetic polymorphism and the possibility of their further use in breeding programs. Information from this research has pioneered the application of molecular markers of onion in Serbia. Analyses were performed using the RAPD primers, which in previous studies established a high degree of polymorphism. In all five cases there was a corresponding amplification of DNA segments. From totally 50 bands analyzed, the length of fragments ranged from 500 to 3000 bp. Number of polymorphic band per example was 8 to 13. In our research at the level of the analyzed primers, a high degree of polymorphism between analyzed genotypes has been found. Based on UPGMA dendogram, analyzed genotypes were divided into two main clusters and two subclusters.

  12. Identification of ISSR and RAPD markers linked to yield traits in bread wheat under normal and drought conditions

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    A.G.A. Khaled


    Full Text Available Genetic variability and identification of some molecular markers were studied in twenty promising lines of wheat using agronomic traits, ISSR (inter simple sequences repeats and RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA markers. Significant variation was evidenced in all agronomic traits. The lines proved to be superior to the check cultivar Sahel1 in yield and its component traits. Lines L2, L7 and L8 were the best in most yield component traits in both seasons. Moreover, Lines L2, L4, L5, L7 and L8 showed drought tolerance by which they displayed high performance in agronomic traits as well as a low drought susceptibility index. The percentage of polymorphism was 39.3% and 53.2% for ISSRs and RAPDs, respectively. UBC-881 belonged to penta-nucleotide repeat sequences (GGGTG that produced the highest level of polymorphism, while UBC-846 belonged to di-nucleotide repeat sequences (CA that produced the lowest level of polymorphism. Genetic similarities among wheat lines based on ISSR and RAPD markers ranged from 0.81 to 1.00 and from 0.86 to 0.98, respectively. There was a low average of PIC (polymorphism information content values which were 0.10 (ISSR and 0.15 (RAPD. The RAPD technique exhibited a higher marker index (MI = 0.69 compared to ISSR (MI = 0.43. There was insignificant correlation between ISSR and RAPD data (0.168, p > 0.05. There were two markers (UBC-881450bp and OPF-10540bp, on each of which two traits regressed significantly. The associated markers each explained a maximum regression of 18.92–34.95% of the total available variation for individual associated traits.

  13. Assessment of genetic diversity using RAPD analysis in a germplasm collection of sea buckthorn

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    Full Text Available Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD markers were used to characterize a part of a sea buckthorn gene bank collected for plant breeding purposes. Molecular markers were generated in 55 cultivars and accessions, representing five subspecies of Hippophae rhamnoides L. and intraspecific hybrids between different subspecies. Sixty-three markers were used to generate a Dice's similarity coefficient matrix of pairwise comparisons between individual RAPD profiles. Cluster (UPGMA and principal co-ordinate analyses, based on this matrix, revealed clustering of plants into groups which generally correspond to their taxonomic classification or geographic origin. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA was found useful for estimating components of genetic variation between and within taxonomic and geographic groups of accessions and cultivars. Whereas both alternatives for grouping the material (taxonomic or geographic origin resulted in significant between-group variation, the major part of molecular variance (approximately 75% was still attributed to variation within groups. We conclude that the RAPD analysis is useful for clarification of taxonomic and geographic origin of accessions and cultivars of sea buckthorn.

  14. RAPD Analysis and Antibiotic Susceptibility for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains Isolated from Different Locations in Egypt

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    Ali, A. M.


    Full Text Available The routine identification of mycobacterial strains isolated from patients in different locations in Egypt was confirmed by specific DNA fragment amplification. The susceptibilities of 72 Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains against the four antibiotics used in tuberculosis treatment (Isoniazid, INH; Rifampicin, Rif; Streptomycin, St and Ethambutol, E were examined. Our results indicated that, multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB represents about 19.5% of the tested strains, whereas sensitive strains represented 26.4%. The genetic polymorphism of the tested strains was examined using RAPD analysis. Six selected strains represent the different antibiotic susceptibility groups were examined using RAPD fingerprinting. No difference between the strains was recorded using the RFLP analysis of amplified specific fragment. The discrimination power of RAPD analysis was inadequate to clarify the genetic correlation between the tested strains. MDR-TB was approximately double time in 2008 compared with the value in 2007. Most of the new MDRTB was correlated with resident dense population regions.

  15. Marcadores reduzidos para a avaliação da personalidade em adolescentes Marcadores reducidos para la evaluación de la personalidad en adolescentes Brazilian mini-markers for assessing personality in adolescents

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    Nelson Hauck Filho


    Full Text Available Os Marcadores Reduzidos para a Avaliação da Personalidade mensuram os Cinco Grandes Fatores (CGF mediante 25 adjetivos comumente utilizados para descrever diferenças individuais em português brasileiro. Contudo, até o momento, suas propriedades psicométricas com adolescentes não haviam sido investigadas. Dessa maneira, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a estrutura fatorial do instrumento em duas amostras de estudantes adolescentes. O primeiro estudo contou com 208 estudantes escolares (média de idades=15,97; DP=1,00. Análises de componentes principais do instrumento revelaram uma estrutura de cinco componentes oblíquos com apenas 20 marcadores. Esse modelo foi testado em uma segunda amostra com 280 estudantes (média de idades=15,53; DP=1,00 de forma confirmatória contra modelos alternativos. Os índices de ajuste também favoreceram um modelo de cinco fatores oblíquos. Os resultados, em conjunto, sugerem a adequação de uma versão do instrumento com apenas 20 marcadores para uso com adolescentes.Los Marcadores Reducidos para la Evaluación de la Personalidad mensuran los Cinco Grandes Factores (CGF mediante 25 adjetivos comúnmente utilizados para describir diferencias individuales en portugués brasileño. Todavía, hasta ahora, sus propiedades psicométricas con adolescentes no habían sido investigadas. De esa manera, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la estructura factorial del instrumento en dos muestras de estudiantes adolescentes. El primer estudio contó con 208 estudiantes (promedio de edades=15,97; DP=1,00. Análisis de componentes principales del instrumento revelaron una estructura de cinco componentes oblicuos con apenas 20 marcadores. Ese modelo fue testado en una segunda muestra con 280 estudiantes (promedio de edades=15,53; DP=1,00 de forma confirmatoria contra modelos alternativos. Los índices de ajuste también favorecieron un modelo de cinco factores oblicuos. Los resultados, en conjunto


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    Róbinson Grajales Alzate


    Full Text Available En la actualidad las investigaciones sobre los marcadores discursivos se centran, más que en su clasificación, en la descripción de marcadores en particular o grupos de ellos. En este trabajo se define para cada una de las funciones del marcador discursivo pues su significado semántico-pragmático y su frecuencia de aparición. Para esta descripción se tomaron como base otras investigaciones sobre este marcador con el fin establecer las funciones que se han encontrado en la literatura especializada y usarlas como referencia para el análisis. La muestra de las ocurrencias del marcador discursivo pues se tomó del corpus PRESEEA-Medellín. Se encontraron siete funciones para este marcador en dicha comunidad de habla, de las cuales una no estaba registrada en la literatura revisada, lo cual contribuye a ampliar la descripción de este marcador en el español general y abre nuevas posibilidades para continuar la investigación del uso del marcador discursivo pues.Current research on discourse markers centers on the description of particular markers or groups of markers, rather than on their classification. This article defines the semantic-pragmatic meaning and the frequency of occurrence for each one of the functions of the discourse marker pues. This description took into account other research on this marker in order to establish the functions found in the specialized literature and to use them as reference for the analysis. The occurrence sample of the discourse marker pues was taken from the PRESEEA-Medellín corpus. Seven functions were found for this marker in that speech community, of which one was not registered in the reviewed literature. Thus, the article contributes to the expansion of the description of this marker in Spanish in general and opens up new possibilities for further research on the use of the discourse marker pues.

  17. Molecular analysis of RAPD DNA based markers: their potential use for the detection of genetic variability in jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis L Schneider). (United States)

    Amarger, V; Mercier, L


    We have applied the recently developed technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for the discrimination between two jojoba clones at the genomic level. Among a set of 30 primers tested, a simple reproducible pattern with three distinct fragments for clone D and two distinct fragments for clone E was obtained with primer OPB08. Since RAPD products are the results of arbitrarily priming events and because a given primer can amplify a number of non-homologous sequences, we wondered whether or not RAPD bands, even those of similar size, were derived from different loci in the two clones. To answer this question, two complementary approaches were used: i) cloning and sequencing of the amplification products from clone E; and ii) complementary Southern analysis of RAPD gels using cloned or amplified fragments (directly recovered from agarose gels) as RFLP probes. The data reported here show that the RAPD reaction generates multiple amplified fragments. Some fragments, although resolved as a single band on agarose gels, contain different DNA species of the same size. Furthermore, it appears that the cloned RAPD products of known sequence that do not target repetitive DNA can be used as hybridization probes in RFLP to detect a polymorphism among individuals.

  18. Molecular Characterization of Cultivated Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) Using RAPD Markers (United States)

    Hongwen Huang; Desmond R. Layne; Thomas L. Kubisiak


    Thirty-four extant pawpaw [Asimina triloba (L.) Dunal] cultivars and advanced selections representing a large portion of the gene pool of cultivated pawpaws were investigated using 71 randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to establish genetic identities and evaluate genetic relatedness. All 34 cultivated pawpaws were uniquely...

  19. Selection processes in a citrus hybrid population using RAPD markers

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    Oliveira Roberto Pedroso de


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to evaluate the processes of selection in a citrus hybrid population using segregation analysis of RAPD markers. The segregation of 123 RAPD markers between 'Cravo' mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco and 'Pêra' sweet orange (C. sinensis (L. Osbeck was analysed in a F1 progeny of 94 hybrids. Genetic composition, diversity, heterozygosity, differences in chromosomal structure and the presence of deleterious recessive genes are discussed based on the segregation ratios obtained. A high percentage of markers had a skeweness of the 1:1 expected segregation ratio in the F1 population. Many markers showed a 3:1 segregation ratio in both varieties and 1:3 in 'Pêra' sweet orange, probably due to directional selection processes. The distribution analysis of the frequencies of the segregant markers in a hybrid population is a simple method which allows a better understanding of the genetics of citrus group.

  20. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD analysis of Lutzomyia longipalpis laboratory populations

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    DiaS Edelberto S.


    Full Text Available The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis has been incriminated as a vector of American visceral leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania chagasi. However, some evidence has been accumulated suggesting that it may exist in nature not as a single but as a species complex. Our goal was to compare four laboratory reference populations of L. longipalpis from distinct geographic regions at the molecular level by RAPD-PCR. We screened genomic DNA for polymorphic sites by PCR amplification with decamer single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequences. One primer distinguished one population (Marajó Island, Pará State, Brazil from the other three (Lapinha Cave, Minas Gerais State, Brazil; Melgar, Tolima Department, Colombia and Liberia, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica. The population-specific and the conserved RAPD-PCR amplified fragments were cloned and shown to differ only in number of internal repeats.

  1. Marcadores tumorais no câncer de pulmão: um caminho para a terapia biológica




    Os avanços recentes na genética e na biologia molecular permitiram a identificação de genes e proteínas produzidos ou superexpressados pelos tumores. Tais produtos, os chamados marcadores tumorais, antes utilizados apenas como ferramentas de diagnóstico e prognóstico, vêm atualmente tomando papel importante no desenvolvimento de novas modalidades de tratamento, direcionadas a quebrar o ciclo biológico da progressão tumoral. Neste artigo, revisa-se o papel de alguns marcadores tumorais tradici...

  2. Expressão citofotométrica do marcador CD34 no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago Citophotometric expression of CD34 in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus

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    Olímpia Alves Teixeira Lima


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: O câncer de esôfago está entre as seis neoplasias malignas mais comuns do mundo. Devido à sua grande agressividade clínica, o subtipo carcinoma epidermóide constitui um dos tumores de pior prognóstico, com alto índice de morbi-mortalidade. Marcadores de biologia molecular tem sido apontados como forte coadjuvante no diagnóstico e graduação de tumores. A angiogênese, evento essencial para a progressão tumoral, pode ser estudada pelo marcador CD34. OBJETIVO: Determinar por citofotometria, usando o sistema SAMBA 4000, a expressão do marcador CD34 no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago e, correlacioná-los com dados clínico-patológicos (idade, sexo, grau de diferenciação do tumor, estadio, tamanho, localização, profundidade e acometimento de linfonodos. MÉTODOS: Avaliaram-se 29 amostras teciduais de carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago utilizando-se coloração imunoistoquímica com marcador anti-CD34. A quantificação da expressão deste marcador foi realizada por citometria de imagem, pelo sistema SAMBA 4000 nas variáveis índice de marcagem e densidade óptica. A correlação entre subgrupos e análise estatística dos resultados foi realizada com o programa SPSS. RESULTADOS: A expressão média do marcador CD34 foi de 73,40% + 15,20 no índice de marcagem e 56,10 + 23,54 na densidae óptica. O CD34 não apresenta correlação estatisticamente significativa com as características clínico-histopatológicas estudadas (idade, sexo, grau de diferenciação do tumor, estadio, tamanho, localização, profundidade e acometimento de linfonodos. CONCLUSÃO: O marcador CD34 apresenta expressão no carcinoma epidermóide de esôfago, com maior valor no índice de marcagem em relação à densidade óptica. Ele4 não apresenta correlação com as características clínico-histopatológicas estudadas.BACKGROUND: Esophagus carcinoma is rated among the six more common malignant neoplasias in the world. Due to its aggressive

  3. Analysis of genetic diversity of certain species of Piper using RAPD-based molecular markers. (United States)

    Chowdhury, Utpal; Tanti, Bhaben; Rethy, Parakkal; Gajurel, Padma Raj


    The utility of RAPD markers in assessing genetic diversity and phenetic relationships of six different species of Piper from Northeast India was investigated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with four arbitrary 10-mer oligonucleotide primers applied to the six species produced a total of 195 marker bands, of which, 159 were polymorphic. On average, six RAPD fragments were amplified per reaction. In the UPGMA phenetic dendrogram based on Jaccard's coefficient, the different accessions of Piper showed a high level of genetic variation. This study may be useful in identifying diverse genetic stocks of Piper, which may then be conserved on a priority basis.

  4. Polimorfismos genéticos de aislamientos del género Malassezia obtenidos en Colombia de pacientes con lesión dermatológica y sin ella.

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    Adriana M. Celis


    Full Text Available Introducción. Las especies del género Malassezia se consideran levaduras oportunistas emergentes de gran importancia. Han sido asociadas a diferentes patologías dermatológicas y sistémicas de las cuales se aislan una o más especies de este género. El papel de estas levaduras en las enfermedades dermatológicas no se ha aclarado completamente, ya que la Malassezia spp. pertenece a la flora normal de la piel. Objetivo. Buscar marcadores genéticos en los aislamientos de Malassezia spp. que permitan correlacionar las lesiones dermatológicas con las especies aisladas. Materiales y métodos. Se obtuvieron 103 aislamientos de Malassezia spp. a partir de muestras de pacientes con pitiriasis versicolor, dermatitis seborreica, dermatitis seborreica en pacientes positivos para VIH, dermatitis atópica, y de individuos sanos. Para los controles se usaron ocho cepas del Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (CBS, Holanda. El perfil genético se realizó utilizando la técnica de ADN polimórfico amplificado aleatorio (RAPD con tres iniciadores (OPA2, OPA4, OPA13. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron con los programas Diversity Database y SYN-TAX-PC. Resultados. Se observó heterogeneidad genética intraespecífica en Malassezia furfur, Malassezia globosa, Malassezia restricta, Malassezia slooffiae y Malassezia obtusa, mientras que Malassezia sympodialis mostró mayor homogeneidad. Conclusión. No se determinó ningún patrón genético específico mediante la técnica de RAPD para las especies de Malassezia que se pudiera relacionar con la entidad dermatológica implicada.

  5. Expressão citofotométrica dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e fator VIII no câncer de cólon

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    Cacilda Joyce Ferreira da Silva Garcia

    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Verificar a posssibilidade de quantificar a expressão dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e Fator VIII no câncer de cólon; verificar se existe superioridade entre um marcador e outro para estudo da angiogênese; verificar se há correlação na análise do índice de marcagem e a densidade óptica média nos marcadores utilizados. MÉTODOS: Dezessete casos de adenocarcinoma colorretal recuperados de blocos de parafina e confirmados pela hematoxilina-eosina, foram submetidos à coloração imunoistoquímica pelo método da estreptoavidina-biotina-peroxidase e utilizados os marcadores tumorais CD-34 e Fator VIII. Após este processo as lâminas foram submetidas à leitura no sistema Samba 4000® e avaliadas pelo software Immuno®. Os parâmetros estudados foram: índice de marcagem e densidade óptica, expressos por médias, medianas, valores mínimos, valores máximos e desvios-padrão, analisados estatisticamente. RESULTADOS: Para o marcador CD-34 não houve normalidade dos dados em relação ao índice de marcagem e houve para a densidade óptica. Para o Fator VIII, houve normalidade de dados em relação ao índice de marcagem e para a densidade óptica. CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível quantificar a expressão dos marcadores tumorais CD-34 e Fator VIII através do índice de marcagem e da densidade óptica média; não houve diferença entre os marcadores em relação à média do índice de marcagem e da densidade óptica, não sendo possível definir superioridade entre um e outro; não foi observada tendência à correlação quando comparados densidade óptica e índice de marcagem do Fator VIII e do CD-34 isoladamente estudados; não houve correlação entre o índice de marcagem do Fator VIII quando comparado com o CD-34, bem como a densidade óptica do Fator VIII com o CD-34.

  6. Distribution of Penicillium commune isolates in cheese dairies mapped using secondary metabolite profiles, morphotypes, RAPD and AFLP fingerprinting

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lund, Flemming; Nielsen, A.B.; Skouboe, P.


    ) and amplified fragment length polymorphism, (AFLP). For a sub-set of 272 P. commune isolates RAPD analysis generated 33 RAPD groups whereas AFLP profiling revealed 55 AFLP groups. This study conclusively showed that the discriminatory power of AFLP was high compared to RAPD and that AFLP fingerprinting matched...... morphotyping, P. commune isolates with identical profiles using all four typing techniques were interpreted as closely related isolates with a common origin and the distribution of these isolates in the processing environment indicated possible contamination points in the cheese dairies. The coating process...... and unpacking of cheeses with growth of P. commune seemed to cause the contamination problems. Several identical P. commune isolates remained present in the processing environment for more than 7 years in both dairies....

  7. Genetic structure and inter-generic relationship of closed colony of laboratory rodents based on RAPD markers. (United States)

    Kumar, Mahadeo; Kumar, Sharad


    Molecular genetic analysis was performed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) on three commonly used laboratory bred rodent genera viz. mouse (Mus musculus), rat (Rattus norvegicus) and guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) as sampled from the breeding colony maintained at the Animal Facility, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow. In this study, 60 samples, 20 from each genus, were analyzed for evaluation of genetic structure of rodent stocks based on polymorphic bands using RAPD markers. Thirty five random primers were assessed for RAPD analysis. Out of 35, only 20 primers generated a total of 56.88% polymorphic bands among mice, rats and guinea pigs. The results revealed significantly variant and distinct fingerprint patterns specific to each of the genus. Within-genera analysis, the highest (89.0%) amount of genetic homogeneity was observed in mice samples and the least (79.3%) were observed in guinea pig samples. The amount of genetic homogeneity was observed very high within all genera. The average genetic diversity index observed was low (0.045) for mice and high (0.094) for guinea pigs. The inter-generic distances were maximum (0.8775) between mice and guinea pigs; and the minimum (0.5143) between rats and mice. The study proved that the RAPD markers are useful as genetic markers for assessment of genetic structure as well as inter-generic variability assessments.


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    Abelardo San Martín Núñez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo es ampliar nuestra aproximación variacionista, informada en Rojas et al. (2012, a los marcadores de reformulación en el español hablado en Santiago de Chile. Para tal propósito, se identificaron las partículas que cumplían la mencionada función en una muestra de 54 entrevistas que conforman el Corpus Sociolingüístico de preseea de Santiago. En el análisis, se consideraron el concepto y la clasificación de los marcadores del discurso de Martín Zorraquino y Montolío (1998; Martín Zorraquino y Portolés (1999; Portolés (2001; y Loureda y Acín (2010. Se identificaron las partículas que cumplían la función de reformulación, según diferentes subtipos (explicación, rectificación, recapitulación y distanciamiento. Basándonos en la conmutabilidad funcional (semántica y pragmática de estos marcadores, se procedió a su análisis cuantitativo, según las variables sexo, edad y nivel educacional de los informantes. En general, los resultados del estudio muestran que las partículas o sea, igual y al final, así como el subtipo de los reformuladores explicativos, son los más frecuentes. Asimismo, el factor edad de los sujetos es el más sensible al empleo de las partículas relevadas.

  9. Comparison of Manzanilla and wild type olives by RAPD-PCR ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Feb 15, 2010 ... In this study, the cultivated type olive Manzanilla was supplied from Olive ... America and Australia continents (MOARA, 2006). Olive ... reserved as table olives and 52.869 tons for oil produc- .... phism rate indicates a high genetic diversity in varieties. ... olive germplasm bank by means of RAPD markers.

  10. Preliminary genetic linkage map of Miscanthus sinensis with RAPD markers

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Atienza, S.G.; Satovic, Z.; Petersen, K.K.; Dolstra, O.; Martin, A.


    We have used an "offspring cross" mapping strategy in combination with the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay to construct the first genetic map of the species Miscanthus sinensis (2n = 2x = 38). This map is based on an outbred population of 89 individuals resulting from the cross between

  11. Breeding wheat mutant Longfu 03D51 with resisting stem rust and genetic analyzation of resisting disease and RAPD maker

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun Yan; Yin Jing; Wang Guangjin; Zhang Hongji; Huang Jinghua; Guo Qiang; Diao Yanling; Liu Dongjun


    Longfu 03D51 was bred using Long 6239 immature embryo as explants through radiation mutagenesis breeding coupled with tissue culture technique. By artificial inoculation and field breeding identified Longfu 03D51 was identified with high resistance to dominant strain 21C 3 CPH, good quality and high yield. Genetic analysis suggested that stem rust was controlled by a single gene. The DNA polymorphism on Longfu 03D51 and its parents were studied by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), 3 primers out of 60 RAPD primers were found polymorphism between the Longfu 03D51 and its parent Long 6239, and 3 stable polyphymorphic bands amplified in Longfu 03D51 with the size of 380bp, 700bp, 600 bp by random primer E07, E11, E17, respectively. Genetic and RAPD analysis indicated that 3 RAPD primers E07, E11, E17 might be linked to the gene of stem rust resistance. (authors)

  12. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Iranian Jujube Ecotypes (Ziziphus spp. Using RAPD Molecular Marker

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    S Abbasi


    Full Text Available Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill. is a valuable medicinal plant which is important in Iranian traditional medicines. Although the regional plants such as jujube play an important role in our economy, but they are forgotten in research and technology. Considering the economic and medicinal importance of jujube, the first step in breeding programs is determination of the genetic diversity among the individuals. 34 ecotypes of jujube, which have been collected from eight provinces of Iran, were used in this study. The genetic relationships of Iranian jujube ecotypes were analyzed using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD marker. Six out of 15 random decamer primers applied for RAPD analysis, showed an informative polymorphism. According to clustering analysis using UPGMA's methods, the ecotypes were classified into two major groups at the 0.81 level of genetic similarity. The highest value of similarity coefficient (0.92 was detected between Mazandaran and Golestan ecotypes and the most genetic diversity was observed in ecotypes of Khorasan-Jonoubi. The affinity of Khorasan-Jonoubi and Esfahan ecotypes indicated a possible common origin for the variation in these areas. Results indicated that RAPD analysis could be successfully used for the estimation of genetic diversity among Ziziphus ecotypes and it can be useful for further investigations.

  13. Quality parameters and RAPD-PCR differentiation of commercial baker's yeast and hybrid strains. (United States)

    El-Fiky, Zaki A; Hassan, Gamal M; Emam, Ahmed M


    Baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a key component in bread baking. Total of 12 commercial baker's yeast and 2 hybrid strains were compared using traditional quality parameters. Total of 5 strains with high leavening power and the 2 hybrid strains were selected and evaluated for their alpha-amylase, maltase, glucoamylase enzymes, and compared using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The results revealed that all selected yeast strains have a low level of alpha-amylase and a high level of maltase and glucoamylase enzymes. Meanwhile, the Egyptian yeast strain (EY) had the highest content of alpha-amylase and maltase enzymes followed by the hybrid YH strain. The EY and YH strains have the highest content of glucoamylase enzyme almost with the same level. The RAPD banding patterns showed a wide variation among commercial yeast and hybrid strains. The closely related Egyptian yeast strains (EY and AL) demonstrated close similarity of their genotypes. The 2 hybrid strains were clustered to Turkish and European strains in 1 group. The authors conclude that the identification of strains and hybrids using RAPD technique was useful in determining their genetic relationship. These results can be useful not only for the basic research, but also for the quality control in baking factories. © 2012 Institute of Food Technologists®

  14. Identification of SSR and RAPD markers associated with QTLs of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 3, 2008 ... Parents and. F3 families had significant differences in studied traits (p ≤. 0.01). In this study, SSR and RAPD markers were used together for constructing linkage groups and rescanning the genome of rapeseed to identify QTLs controlling winter survival and related traits. For this, the parental polymorphism ...

  15. Comparative molecular analysis of Herbaspirillum strains by RAPD, RFLP, and 16S rDNA sequencing

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    Soares-Ramos Juliana R.L.


    Full Text Available Herbaspirillum spp. are endophytic diazotrophic bacteria associated with important agricultural crops. In this work, we analyzed six strains of H. seropedicae (Z78, M2, ZA69, ZA95, Z152, and Z67 and one strain of H. rubrisubalbicans (M4 by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP using HindIII or DraI restriction endonucleases, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD, and partial sequencing of 16S rDNA. The results of these analyses ascribed the strains studied to three distinct groups: group I, consisting of M2 and M4; group II, of ZA69; and group III, of ZA95, Z78, Z67, and Z152. RAPD fingerprinting showed a higher variability than the other methods, and each strain had a unique electrophoretic pattern with five of the six primers used. Interestingly, H. seropedicae M2 was found by all analyses to be genetically very close to H. rubrisubalbicans M4. Our results show that RAPD can distinguish between all Herbaspirillum strains tested.

  16. Oscilação genética em populações submetidas a métodos de seleção tradicionais e associados a marcadores moleculares Genetic drift in populations under traditional and marker assisted selection

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    Paulo Luiz Souza Carneiro


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da oscilação genética em populações sob seleção com diferentes tamanhos efetivos, foram simulados dados utilizando-se o programa GENESYS. A seleção foi praticada durante 20 gerações consecutivas, com base na seleção individual (SI e nos valores genéticos preditos pelo BLUP Clássico (BLUP e pelo BLUP Marcadores (BLUPM, com 30 repetições. A matriz de similaridade adotada no BLUP Marcadores foi obtida utilizando-se 100 marcadores moleculares do tipo microssatélite, por meio de um coeficiente de similaridade correspondente à distância euclidiana média para dados quantitativos. Foram simuladas seis populações de seleção, correspondendo a dois tamanhos efetivos (18,18 e 66,66 e três sistemas de acasalamento dos reprodutores selecionados (reprodutores acasalados ao acaso, exclusão de irmãos completos e exclusão de irmãos completos e meio-irmãos. O parâmetro avaliado foi o valor fenotípico médio. Observou-se grande variação nos valores fenotípicos obtidos pelos métodos, em razão da oscilação genética, principalmente para a seleção baseada nos valores genéticos preditos pelo BLUP e BLUPM e para as populações com tamanho efetivo menor (18,18. Os resultados sugerem que, em programas de melhoramento que utilizam pequenas populações sob seleção, os resultados podem ser influenciados pela oscilação genética, podendo apresentar grandes variações nos ganhos genéticos.The effect of genetic drift in populations under selection with different effective sizes was evaluated using data simulated by the GENESYS program. Selection was applied during 20 generations based on Individual selection (IS using breeding values predicted by classical best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP and BLUP associated with molecular markers (BLUPM. The similarity matrix used in BLUPM was obtained by simulation of 100 micro-satellites markers (simple sequence repeats using a similarity coefficient

  17. Tratamiento de los marcadores discursivos en documentos de referencia y curriculares: el caso del MCER y del PCIC

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    Torre Torre, Aroa Mª


    Full Text Available En este artículo tenemos como objetivo analizar cómo el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y el Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes tratan los marcadores discursivos dentro del conjunto de los elementos pragmáticos. Averiguar las pistas que se dan sobre este aspecto en los documentos de referencia y curriculares resulta de especial interés porque son los documentos más manejados por profesores, evaluadores y creadores de materiales. De hecho, las indicaciones que en ellos se ofrecen tienen una gran repercusión en la planificación y elaboración de propuestas didácticas para el aula de ELE. De la revisión minuciosa de estos documentos se desprende que en el MCER no se da un tratamiento sistemático o riguroso a los marcadores discursivos y que, en el PCIC, si bien se opta por una forma determinada de presentar los marcadores en el inventario, a lo largo del mismo se cae en algunos contrasentidos, especialmente en el caso de los conversacionales.

  18. Identification of RAPD marker associated with brown rust resistance in sugarcane (United States)

    Susceptibility to brown rust caused by Puccinia melanocephala is a major reason for the withdrawal of sugarcane cultivars from production. An efficient way to control the disease is to breed cultivars with durable resistance. Our aim was to identify random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers ...

  19. Asociaciones de marcadores moleculares con la resistencia a enfermedades, caracteres morfológicos y agronómicos en familias diploides de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.

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    Julio Gabriel


    Full Text Available Quince familias de papa (840 genotipos provenientes de cruzas inter-específicas entre especies de Solanum stenotomum, S. goniocalyx y S. phureja  fueron genotipadas, con el objetivo de asociar  seis marcadores moleculares (GP94, HC, Nl25, Gro 1-4, RYSC3 y CP60 con genes mayores de resistencia para tizón tardío (Phytophthora infestans, verruga (Synchytrium endobioticum, nematodo - quiste (Globodera pallida y G. rostochiensis y virus PVY y PVX. Los resultados mostraron que cinco de los marcadores aplicados fueron polimórficos y amplificaron en más del 80% de las familias. El marcador RYSC3 que co-localiza con el gen Ryadg no amplificó en ninguna de las familias evaluadas. La familia 8 amplificó la banda para tres marcadores (CP60, GP94 y NL25 en la totalidad de sus clones. La prueba de χ2 se utilizó para determinar el ajuste de las proporciones de segregación de cada familia para cada marcador y genotipar los progenitores. Nueve caracteres agronómicos y morfológicos fueron evaluados en la cosecha. Mediante agrupamiento cluster fueron seleccionados 107 clones con resistencia a PVX, P. infestans, G. rostochiensis y S. endobioticum, alto rendimiento y volumen de tubérculos, elevado número de tubérculos y ojos superficiales. Sobre la base de estos resultados, aspectos prácticos para la aplicación eficiente de la selección asistida por marcadores moleculares son discutidos en este artículo.

  20. Experimental infection of chickens and turkeys with Mycoplasma gallisepticum reference strain S6 and North Carolina field isolate RAPD type B. (United States)

    Sanei, B; Barnes, H J; Vaillancourt, J P; Leyc, D H


    During an epidemic of mycoplasmosis in chicken and turkey flocks in North Carolina between 1999 and 2001, isolates of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) from affected flocks were characterized by random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD), and eight distinct RAPD types were identified. MG RAPD type B accounted for more than 90% of the isolates and was associated with moderate-to-severe clinical signs and mortality. The virulence of MG RAPD type B for chickens and turkeys was compared with sham-inoculated negative controls and MG S6 (a virulent strain)-inoculated positive controls. Clinical signs occurred in chickens and turkeys inoculated with either MG RAPD type B or MG S6. However, they were not as frequent or severe as those seen in naturally affected flocks, and there was no mortality in the experimental groups. Based on gross and microscopic findings, MG RAPD type B was equal to or more virulent than MG S6. All MG-inoculated birds were culture and PCR positive at 7 and 14 days postinoculation (PI). Among serological tests, the serum plate agglutination test was positive for the majority of chickens and turkeys (58%-100%) infected with either strain of MG at both 7 and 14 days PI. The hemagglutination inhibition test was negative for all birds at 7 days PI and positive for a few chickens (8%-17%) and several turkey sera (40%-60%) at 14 days PI. Only a single serum was positive by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (an MG S6-infected turkey) at 14 days PI.

  1. El triángulo de McDowell y otros recursos para trabajar la expresión escrita y los marcadores del discurso en el aula de E/LE

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    Adrián Ombuena Cabanes


    Full Text Available En esta comunicación se presentan un conjunto de actividades ordenadas gradualmente siguiendo el triángulo de McDowell: cada actividad se define según el grado de control del docente sobre la tarea de los alumnos. La última actividad es una actividad comunicativa de expresión escrita (EE donde se aprovechan los contenidos vistos a lo largo de la secuencia didáctica. La actividad final consiste en escribir un texto expositivo-argumentativo utilizando marcadores discursivos (MD. No todas las actividades son de EE, pero sí todas están encaminadas a preparar una buena EE (reconocer MD, localizar MD, organizar MD, planificar la EE con MD. Además, en esta secuencia se utilizan actividades de aprendizaje cooperativo (como el puzle de Aronson, cuya aplicación asegura el aprendizaje significativo. Se presenta aquí una propuesta para acercar a los alumnos de E/LE la importancia del uso de MD y de la planificación para lograr una EE satisfactoria.

  2. Polyembryony and identification of Volkamerian lemon zygotic and nucellar seedlings using RAPD Poliembrionia e identificação de seedlings zigóticos e nucelares de limão volkameriano com RAPD

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    María Andrade-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available The objectives of this work were to evaluate the frequency of polyembryony, and to identify zygotic and nucellar seedlings of Citrus volkameriana using RAPD. Twenty-five polyembryonic and eight monoembryonic seeds were cultivated in vitrofor six months. DNA from seedlings was extracted and used in combination with five RAPD primers to identify zygotic or nucellar origin of the seedlings. Environmental conditions of the year affected significantly (POs objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar a freqüência da poliembrionia e indentificar os seedlings zigóticos e nucelares de Citrus volkameriana usando RAPD. Cultivaram-se in vitro 25 sementes poliembriônicas e 8 monoembriônicas, por seis meses. Extraiu-se o DNA dos seedlings e usou-se em combinação com cinco primers RAPD para identificar a origem zigótica e nucelar das plântulas. Os resultados mostraram que as condições ambientais do ano afetaram significativamente (P<0,05 as características morfológicas dos frutos e o número de embriões por semente. Os índices de sementes poliembriônicas variaram nos três anos de avaliação (30,9%, 44,8% e 54,4%. As características morfológicas não se correlacionaram com a poliembrionia. A cultura in vitro possibilita que todos os embriões de cada semente cresçam, favorecendo os seedlings identificados como zigóticos. Nas sementes poliembriônicas e monoembriônicas, 25,9% e 87,5% dos seedlings, respectivamente, originaram-se sexualmente. Nem todos os seedlings zigóticos foram produzidos por embriões localizados no micrófilo das sementes poliembriônicas.

  3. Genetic relatedness of artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) hybrids using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting. (United States)

    Sharaf-Eldin, M A; Al-Tamimi, A; Alam, P; Elkholy, S F; Jordan, J R


    The artichoke (Cynara scolymus L.) is an important food and medicinal crop that is cultivated in Mediterranean countries. Morphological characteristics, such as head shape and diameter, leaf shape, and bract shape, are mainly affected by environmental conditions. A molecular marker approach was used to analyze the degree of polymorphism between artichoke hybrid lines. The degree of genetic difference among three artichoke hybrids was evaluated using random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR). In this study, the DNA fingerprints of three artichoke lines (A13-010, A11-018, and A12-179) were generated, and a total of 10 decamer primers were applied for RAPD-PCR analyses. Polymorphism  (16.66 to 62.50%) was identified using eight arbitrary decamers and total genomic DNA extracted from the hybrids. Of the 59 loci detected, there were 25 polymorphic and 34 monomorphic loci. Jaccard's similarity index (JSI) ranged between 1.0 and 0.84. Based on the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) similarity matrix and dendrogram, the results indicated that two hybrids (A13-010 and A11-018) were closely related to each other, and the A12-179 line showed more divergence. When identifying correct accessions, consideration of the genetic variation and genetic relationships among the genotypes are required. The RAPD-PCR fingerprinting of artichoke lines clearly showed that it is possible to analyze the RAPD patterns for correlation between genetic means and differences or resemblance between close accessions (A13-010 and A11- 018) at the genomic level.

  4. Identification of SSR and RAPD markers associated with QTLs of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Because of importance of winter survival in winter type of Brassica napus, this study was performed to identify the QTLs controlling winter survival and related traits using SSR and RAPD markers. For this, an F2:3 population of 200 families derived from crossing between cv. 'SLMO46' (winter type and cold resistant) and cv.

  5. RAPD tagging of salt tolerance gene in rice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ding, H.; Zhang, G.; Guo, Y.; Chen, S.; Chen, S.


    Salinity, which is critical in determining the growth and development of plants, is a major problem affecting ever-increasing areas throughout the world. A salt tolerant rice mutant (M-20) was obtained from accession 77-170 (Oryza sativa) through EMS mutagenesis and selection in vitro. The use of 220 10-mer RAPD primers allowed the identification of a new molecular marker, whose genetic distance from a salt tolerance gene is about 16.4 cM. (author)

  6. Los marcadores de reformulación alemanes: entre la conexión y la argumentación

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    Ferran Robles Sabater


    Full Text Available Reformulation markers (das heißt, und zwar, beziehungsweise, nämlich are discourse units that fulfil extrapredicative functions related to text coherence and cohesion, as well as to the guiding of the inferences which facilitate the construction of sentence meaning in view of a given communicative context. Contemporary German grammars have dealt with these units in a very partial way and have not attempted to find similarities in their meaning and discursive behaviour that allow us to define reformulation markers as a pragmatic (and not a lexical category. Our research intends to show that the comprehensive representation of a marker must comprise the identification of the metalinguistic operations that it is able to carry out and of the different kinds of relations (connexion, coherence, cohesion, rhetorical and stylistic effects, etc. that its use elicits. For this purpose, we have analysed a corpus of samples from the reference corpus of written German IDS-Korpora, which provides sufficient and representative evidence on the different values that a specific marker can acquire in a text. The resulting data of this study confirm that connectivity is just one of the defining features of markers and that the actual reason for their appearance in text is to be found in the desire of a speaker to direct cooperatively the interpretation of discourse. Our study, which focuses on the prototypical reformulation marker das heißt, leads us to conclude that the thorough description of a reformulation marker must pay attention to all dimensions of discourse and, besides, render information about the grammatical properties of the marker if it seeks to become a useful reference tool for the discursive education of learners of German as an L1 or L2.Los marcadores de reformulación (das heißt,und zwar, beziehungsweise, nämlich son unidades del discurso que cumplen funciones a nivel extraoracional relacionadas con la coherencia y la cohesión textual, as

  7. Los niveles de ferritina y los marcadores de riesgo cardiovascular se correlacionan con mayor tiempo sedentario auto-reportado en hombres aparentemente sanos

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    Milton F. Suárez, Bact., MSc


    Conclusiones: el tiempo sedentario (minutos sentado/semana reportado por los sujetos, se correlacionó de manera positiva con los niveles de ferritina así como con la resistencia a la insulina y los marcadores de riesgo cardiovascular. Los depósitos de hierro corporales estimados como ferritina sérica, al relacionarse con parámetros de sedentarismo, se comportan como un potencial marcador de riesgo cardiovascular.

  8. Genetic diversity and relationships in mulberry (genus Morus as revealed by RAPD and ISSR marker assays

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    Thangavelu K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The genus Morus, known as mulberry, is a dioecious and cross-pollinating plant that is the sole food for the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori. Traditional methods using morphological traits for classification are largely unsuccessful in establishing the diversity and relationships among different mulberry species because of environmental influence on traits of interest. As a more robust alternative, PCR based marker assays including RAPD and ISSR were employed to study the genetic diversity and interrelationships among twelve domesticated and three wild mulberry species. Results RAPD analysis using 19 random primers generated 128 discrete markers ranging from 500–3000 bp in size. One-hundred-nineteen of these were polymorphic (92%, with an average of 6.26 markers per primer. Among these were a few putative species-specific amplification products which could be useful for germplasm classification and introgression studies. The ISSR analysis employed six anchored primers, 4 of which generated 93 polymorphic markers with an average of 23.25 markers per primer. Cluster analysis of RAPD and ISSR data using the WINBOOT package to calculate the Dice coefficient resulted into two clusters, one comprising polyploid wild species and the other with domesticated (mostly diploid species. Conclusion These results suggest that RAPD and ISSR markers are useful for mulberry genetic diversity analysis and germplasm characterization, and that putative species-specific markers may be obtained which can be converted to SCARs after further studies.

  9. Avaliação por RAPD de plantas de abacaxizeiro cultivar Smooth Cayenne derivadas do seccionamento do talo e cultura de tecidos Evaluation of pineapple plants cultivar Smooth Cayenne from peduncle division and tissue culture by RAPD

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    Full Text Available Foram coletadas, em área comercial da fazenda Córrego dos Bois, município de Canápolis -- MG, plantas de abacaxizeiro cultivar Smooth Cayenne, para serem avaliadas quanto à propagação pelo método do seccionamento do talo e cultura de tecidos, bem como análise por RAPD das mudas decorrentes destes dois processos de propagação. A propagação pelo seccionamento do talo foi eficiente na produção de mudas, tanto em quantidade como em qualidade, em um curto espaço de tempo, além de apresentar a mesma característica genotípica (análise por RAPD das plantas-matrizes de origem. Já no processo de produção de mudas por cultura de tecidos, não foi obtida uma quantidade suficiente de mudas que comprovasse a utilização de uma metodologia mais sofisticada. Além da perda por contaminação em laboratório de 70% do material em estudo, foi necessária a utilização de um longo período, aproximadamente 18 meses, para a obtenção das mudas. Na análise por RAPD das plantas decorrentes deste processo de propagação, foram observados padrões de bandas diferentes em algumas amostras, as quais podem estar relacionadas com uma possível variação somaclonal.Plants of pineapple Smooth Cayenne cultivar were collected from a commercial area, Córrego dos Bois farm, in Canápolis, state of Minas Gerais, to evaluate two different processes of propagation, peduncle division and tissue culture. These same plants were characterized by RAPD analysis. According to the two propagation method, the peduncle division was efficient in seedlings propagation, in quantity as well as in quality, at a short period of time, resulting the same phenotype and genetic characteristics (RAPD analysis from the matrix descent plants. In the tissue culture method, the quantity of seedlings obtained were not good enough that could prove the use of a sophisticated methodology. Besides loosing 70% of the material, it was necessary to expend a long period of time, at

  10. Genetic diversity in three populations of Avicennia marina along the eastcoast of India by RAPD markers. (United States)

    Hazarika, Dimendra; Thangaraj, M; Sahu, Sunil Kumar; Kathiresan, K


    Genetic diversity was analysed in three populations of the mangrove species, Avicennia marina by using random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). Ten random decamer primers were used to score the diversity from three locations of eastcoast of India: Parangipettai (Tamil Nadu), Kakkinada (Andhra Pradesh) and Sundarbans (West Bengal). These primers produced 388 scorable DNA fragments, of which 252 (64.98%) were polymorphic, 182 (46.90%) were monomorphic, and 14 (3.61%) were unique. RAPD banding patterns displayed variations between and within the populations, while, there was no morphological variation.

  11. Genetic (RAPD) diversity between Oleria onega agarista and Oleria onega ssp. (Ithomiinae, Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera) in north-eastern Peru. (United States)

    Gallusser, S; Guadagnuolo, R; Rahier, M


    Oleria onega agarista Felder and Felder and Oleria onega ssp. nov. are two Ithomiinae subspecies from north-eastern Peru, that differ for some morphological and behavioural traits. Two contact zones are known near the town of Tarapoto: Ahuashiyacu, where both subspecies cohabit but do not seem to hybridise, and Estero (near the village of Shapaja), where they apparently hybridise. Genetic differences between the two subspecies and between populations were investigated with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Both Cluster and Principal Coordinates Analyses (CCoA and PCoA) performed using these data, provided a clear but weak discrimination between the two subspecies. Genetic diversity is much higher within the populations than between them. Moreover, the geographically more distant populations are grouped together by the genetic data. Morphological traits on the wing patterns of the hybrids are intermediary between the two butterflies subspecies, while RAPDs data place them closer to O. onega agarista than to O. onega ssp. The individuals of the Ahuashiyacu population are clearly separated into two groups, those of O. onega ssp. and O. onega agarista, by both morphology and RAPDs data. Moreover, none of those individuals show RAPD similarity with the hybrids, suggesting that hybridisation has not occurred in this population.

  12. Molecular differentiation of sheep and cattle isolates of Fasciola hepatica using RAPD-PCR

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    Khakpour, M.


    Full Text Available Understanding genetic structure and status of genetic variation of Fasciola hepatica isolates from different hosts, has important implications on epidemiology and effective control of fasciolosis. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR was used to study the genetic variation of F. hepatica in sheep and cattle. DNA was extracted from adult helminthes removed from livers of each infected animal in slaughterhouse at East-Azerbaijan province, North-West of Iran. DNA template amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, using three oligonucleotide decamers with arbitrary DNA sequences as primers. RAPD patterns showed the specific but different pattern DNA patterns for each primer. The intraspecific similarity coefficient within two isolates of F. hepatica was ranged between 69 to 100%. Present findings showed that the interspecific genetic distance was higher than intraspecific genetic distances (19-47% compares to 0-19%. Pair wise similarity matrices generated from each isolates-primer combination were totaled and the similarity coefficient between strains were calculated both manually (Nei and Li method and software analysis (Free-Tree-Freeware program. The inferred phylogenetic tree on the fingerprinting of these isolates clearly demonstrated the existence of population genetic diversity sub structuring within F. hepatica of sheep and cattle of Iran, raising interesting questions on the host specificity, epidemiology (e.g., zoonotic transmission and ecology of this fluke. RAPD-PCR is useful for both individual identification and epidemiological investigations in endemic regions.

  13. Assessment of genetic diversity in Trigonella foenum-graecum and Trigonella caerulea using ISSR and RAPD markers

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    Ranjekar Prabhakar K


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Various species of genus Trigonella are important from medical and culinary aspect. Among these, Trigonella foenum-graecum is commonly grown as a vegetable. This anti-diabetic herb can lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Another species, Trigonella caerulea is used as food in the form of young seedlings. This herb is also used in cheese making. However, little is known about the genetic variation present in these species. In this report we describe the use of ISSR and RAPD markers to study genetic diversity in both, Trigonella foenum-graecum and Trigonella caerulea. Results Seventeen accessions of Trigonella foenum-graecum and nine accessions of Trigonella caerulea representing various countries were analyzed using ISSR and RAPD markers. Genetic diversity parameters (average number of alleles per polymorphic locus, percent polymorphism, average heterozygosity and marker index were calculated for ISSR, RAPD and ISSR+RAPD approaches in both the species. Dendrograms were constructed using UPGMA algorithm based on the similarity index values for both Trigonella foenum-graecum and Trigonella caerulea. The UPGMA analysis showed that plants from different geographical regions were distributed in different groups in both the species. In Trigonella foenum-graecum accessions from Pakistan and Afghanistan were grouped together in one cluster but accessions from India and Nepal were grouped together in another cluster. However, in both the species accessions from Turkey did not group together and fell in different clusters. Conclusions Based on genetic similarity indices, higher diversity was observed in Trigonella caerulea as compared to Trigonella foenum-graecum. The genetic similarity matrices generated by ISSR and RAPD markers in both species were highly correlated (r = 0.78 at p = 0.001 for Trigonella foenum-graecum and r = 0.98 at p = 0.001 for Trigonella caerulea indicating congruence between these two systems

  14. RAPD and Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequence Analyses Reveal Zea nicaraguensis as a Section Luxuriantes Species Close to Zea luxurians (United States)

    Wang, Pei; Lu, Yanli; Zheng, Mingmin; Rong, Tingzhao; Tang, Qilin


    Genetic relationship of a newly discovered teosinte from Nicaragua, Zea nicaraguensis with waterlogging tolerance, was determined based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA using 14 accessions from Zea species. RAPD analysis showed that a total of 5,303 fragments were produced by 136 random decamer primers, of which 84.86% bands were polymorphic. RAPD-based UPGMA analysis demonstrated that the genus Zea can be divided into section Luxuriantes including Zea diploperennis, Zea luxurians, Zea perennis and Zea nicaraguensis, and section Zea including Zea mays ssp. mexicana, Zea mays ssp. parviglumis, Zea mays ssp. huehuetenangensis and Zea mays ssp. mays. ITS sequence analysis showed the lengths of the entire ITS region of the 14 taxa in Zea varied from 597 to 605 bp. The average GC content was 67.8%. In addition to the insertion/deletions, 78 variable sites were recorded in the total ITS region with 47 in ITS1, 5 in 5.8S, and 26 in ITS2. Sequences of these taxa were analyzed with neighbor-joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods to construct the phylogenetic trees, selecting Tripsacum dactyloides L. as the outgroup. The phylogenetic relationships of Zea species inferred from the ITS sequences are highly concordant with the RAPD evidence that resolved two major subgenus clades. Both RAPD and ITS sequence analyses indicate that Zea nicaraguensis is more closely related to Zea luxurians than the other teosintes and cultivated maize, which should be regarded as a section Luxuriantes species. PMID:21525982

  15. Genetic diversity analysis of chewing sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L. varieties by using RAPD markers

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    S. M. Sarid Ullah


    Full Text Available In the present study an efficient and easy method was followed for the isolation of DNA from meristem cylinder in five chewing sugarcane varieties, namely Amrita, Bomaby, Babulal (Co.527, Q83 and Misrimala. The quality and quantity of DNA were assured by visual estimation using agarose gel electrophoresis and UV spectrophotometry. The highest amount of DNA was retrieved from the Amrita (3250 ng/ml and the lowest amount was attained from the variety Q83 (1450 ng/ml. The amount of recovered DNA was enough for PCR amplification and marker studies such as random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD. Using RAPD markers, bands obtained from fingerprinting (190 bp to 1200 bp showed 73.5% polymorphism. The dendrogram, based on linkage distance using unweighted pair group method of arithmetic means (UPGMA, indicated segregation of the five chewing varieties of sugarcane into two main clusters. Amrita, Bombay and Misrimala were grouped in cluster 1 (C1 followed by sub-clusters. Babulal and Q83 were grouped in cluster 2 (C2. The results of the present investigation also revealed that the twenty RAPD primers were able to identify and classify the chewing sugarcane varieties based on their genetic relationship.

  16. Genetic Variability of the Tomato Leaf Miner (Tuta absoluta Meirick; Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae, in Tunisia, Inferred from RAPD-PCR Variabilidad Genética del Minador de Hojas de Tomate (Tuta absoluta Meyrick; Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae en Túnez desde RAPD-PCR

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    Asma Bettaibi


    Full Text Available The tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta Meyrick has invaded tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. crop in Tunisia since 2008 and is representing today a major threat to the production of this crop. In this study, we used the Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR technology to assess the genetic variability within and among seven populations of T. absoluta, collected on tomato from different regions in Tunisia. Using five RAPD-PCR primers and 108 individuals, 140 polymorphic fragments were recorded. From 335 different RAPD phenotypes generated, 71 were redundant and 264 unique to a specific population. The genetic structure of T. absoluta was investigated using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA, genetic distances (Fst and multidimensional scaling (MDS. We detected a high genetic diversity within and among populations in conjunction with a significant differentiation between populations, suggesting that different founder genotypes would have been responsible of the introduction of T. absoluta in Tunisia. The presence of overlapping phenotypes probably indicates migration events between populations, mainly through infested plant material carried by humans.El minador de hojas de tomate Tuta absoluta Meyrick ha invadido el cultivo del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L. en Túnez desde 2008 y actualmente representa una importante amenaza para su producción. En este estudio usamos la tecnología de ADN polimórfico amplificado al azar-reacción de cadena polimerasa (RAPD-PCR para evaluar la variabilidad genética dentro y entre siete poblaciones de T. absoluta, colectadas desde tomate en diferentes regiones de Túnez. Usando cinco primers RAPD-PCR y 108 individuos, se registraron 140 fragmentos polimórficos. Se generaron 335 fenotipos RAPD diferentes, entre los cuales 71 fueron redundantes y 264 únicos para una población específica. La estructura genética de T. absoluta se investigó usando análisis de varianza molecular

  17. Molecular Polymorphisms in Tunisian Pomegranate (Punica granatum L. as Revealed by RAPD Fingerprints

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    Jemni Chibani


    Full Text Available The genetic diversity among Tunisian pomegranate cultivars has been investigated. Using universal primers, the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD method was used to generate banding profiles from a set of twelve cultivars. Data was then computed with appropriate programs to construct a dendrogram illustrating the relationships between the studied cultivars. Our data proved the efficiency of the designed method to examine the DNA polymorphism in this crop since the tested primers are characterized by a collective resolving power of 12.83. In addition, the cluster analysis has exhibited a parsimonious tree branching independent from the geographic origin of the cultivars. In spite of the relatively low number of primers and cultivars, RAPD constitutes an appropriate procedure to assess the genetic diversity and to survey the phylogenetic relationships in this crop.

  18. Prevalência de marcadores sorológicos do vírus da hepatite B em trabalhadores do serviço hospitalar

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    Fernandes José V.


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de marcadores sorológicos do vírus da hepatite B (VHB e identificar fatores de risco, de transmissão desse vírus, no ambiente hospitalar. MÉTODOS: Foram examinados 210 indivíduos de diversas profissões que trabalham em hospital universitário. O método empregado foi o ELISA e utilizou-se, como grupo-controle, 45 doadores voluntários de sangue. RESULTADOS: Constatou-se que 20,5% dos profissionais que trabalham no hospital apresentavam positividade para, pelo menos, um dos três marcadores dos vírus pesquisados, contra 6,6% do grupo-controle. Nos trabalhadores do hospital, a prevalência de cada marcador isoladamente foi: anti-HBc 8,1%, anti-HBs 5,2% e AgHBs 2,9% , sendo que em 4,3% desses indivíduos foi detectada a presença simultânea dos marcadores anti-HBc e anti-HBs. No grupo-controle, foi detectada apenas a presença dos marcadores anti-HBc e anti-HBs, isoladamente, com prevalências de 4,4 e 2,2%, respectivamente. Os maiores índices de positividade observados foram: pessoal de laboratório, 24,0%; pessoal de enfermagem, 23,6%; médicos, 20,8%; e pessoal da limpeza, 18,2%. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados indicam que os profissionais da saúde estão mais expostos à infecção pelo VHB, sugerindo que o contato com pacientes e a manipulação de fluidos corporais são fatores de risco de transmissão ocupacional desse vírus, recomendando-se a vacinação desses profissionais contra a hepatite B.

  19. Marcadores moleculares derivados de sequências expressas do genoma café potencialmente envolvidas na resistência à ferrugem

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    Samuel Mazzinghy Alvarenga


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcadores moleculares relacionados à resistência do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica à ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix. Foram identificadas sequências de DNA potencialmente envolvidas na resistência do cafeeiro a doenças, por meio de análise "in silico", a partir das informações geradas pelo Projeto Brasileiro do Genoma Café. A partir das sequências mineradas, foram desenhados 59 pares de iniciadores para amplificá-las. Os 59 iniciadores foram testados em 12 cafeeiros resistentes e 12 susceptíveis a H. vastatrix. Vinte e sete iniciadores resultaram em bandas únicas e bem definidas, enquanto um deles amplificou fragmento de DNA em todos os cafeeiros resistentes, mas não nos suscetíveis. Esse marcador molecular polimórfico amplificou uma região do DNA que corresponde a uma janela aberta de leitura parcial do genoma de C. arabica que codifica uma proteína de resistência a doenças. O marcador CARF 005 é capaz de diferenciar os cafeeiros analisados em resistentes e susceptíveis a H. vastatrix.

  20. Phylogenetic relationship among five geckos from Egypt based on RAPD-PCR and protein electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE

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    Nadia H.M. Sayed


    Full Text Available Genetic variations between five gekkonid species from Egypt; Tropiocolotes tripolitanus, Tropiocolotes steudneri, Tropiocolotes nattereri, Tarentola mauritanica and Tarentola annularis were analyzed by SDS–PAGE for water soluble proteins and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD analysis. Based on SDS–PAGE of water soluble proteins for all species, the obtained results revealed a total of 17 bands at molecular weights that ranged from 95 to 16 kDa. The polymorphic bands among species were 11 (64.7% and the mean similarity matrix value between them was 70.7%. Using RAPD-PCR, the results showed eight total amplified bands at molecular weights that ranged from 1408 to 360 bp. The polymorphic bands between species were 7 (87.5% and the mean similarity matrix between them was 44.6%. The dendrogram showed that, the five gekkonid species are separated from each other into two clusters. The first cluster contains three species of the genus Tropiocolotes. The second cluster includes the two species of the genus Tarentola. Based on SDS–PAGE and RAPD-PCR results, T. nattereri is sister to T. steudneri with higher genetic similarity than with T. tripolitanus. It is concluded that, the similarity coefficient and the genetic distance values between the five gekkonid species indicate that the five gekkonid species are not identical and are separated from each other. From these results, it is indicated that the protein and RAPD analysis are useful molecular tools to indicate genetic variation between the species in the same genus or in the different genera.

  1. Comparison of RAPD, RFLP, AFLP and SSR markers for diversity studies in tropical maize inbred lines

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    Antonio A. F. Garcia


    Full Text Available In order to compare their relative efficiencies as markers and to find the most suitable marker for maize diversity studies we evaluated 18 inbred tropical maize lines using a number of different loci as markers. The loci used were: 774 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs; 262 random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs; 185 restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs; and 68 simple sequence repeats (SSR. For estimating genetic distance the AFLP and RFLP markers gave the most correlated results, with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.87. Bootstrap analysis were used to evaluate the number of loci for the markers and the coefficients of variation (CV revealed a skewed distribution. The dominant markers (AFLP and RAPD had small CV values indicating a skewed distribution while the codominant markers gave high CV values. The use of maximum values of genetic distance CVs within each sample size was efficient in determining the number of loci needed to obtain a maximum CV of 10%. The number of RFLP and AFLP loci used was enough to give CV values of below 5%, while the SSRs and RAPD loci gave higher CV values. Except for the RAPD markers, all the markers correlated genetic distance with single cross performance and heterosis which showed that they could be useful in predicting single cross performance and heterosis in intrapopulation crosses for broad-based populations. Our results indicate that AFLP seemed to be the best-suited molecular assay for fingerprinting and assessing genetic relationships among tropical maize inbred lines with high accuracy.

  2. Genetic and metabolic diversity in Stevia rebaudiana using RAPD and HPTLC analysis. (United States)

    Chester, Karishma; Tamboli, Ennus Tajuddin; Parveen, Rabea; Ahmad, Sayeed


    Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Asteraceae) is an important medicinal plant and is much used due to its zero calories sweetening property. Stevia leaves as well as its extracts and pure compounds are currently used in the preparation of several medicines, food products and neutraceuticals. To study the genetic and metabolic variability in S. rebaudiana among accessions of different geographical regions of India using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers and high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis. The RAPD analysis of Stevia rebaudiana (11 accessions) was carried out using 20 random operon primers. Dendrogram was constructed for cluster analysis based on the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means (UPGMA) using Winboot. The HPTLC analysis of all samples was carried out on silica using acetone:ethyl acetate:water (5:4:1, v/v/v) for fingerprinting and quantification of stevioside and rebaudioside A at 360 nm after spraying with anisaldehyde sulphuric acid. Ten out of 20 primers screened were found most informative; amplification products of the genotypes yielded a total of 87 scorable bands (67 polymorphic), whereas genetic similarity (GS) coefficient (0.01-0.08) and polymorphism (67.24-92.40%) showed huge variability. Similarly, HPTLC analysis showed large variation among different samples with respect to their presence or absence of metabolite and their concentration. Out of the 11 Stevia accessions, Delhi and Mohali varieties showed much relatedness with each other and were concluded to be the superior genotype in context to RAPD and HPTLC analysis. The information obtained here could be valuable for devising strategies for cultivating this medicinal plant.

  3. RAPD-PCR characterization of lactobacilli isolated from artisanal meat plants and traditional fermented sausages of Veneto region (Italy). (United States)

    Andrighetto, C; Zampese, L; Lombardi, A


    The study was carried out to evaluate the use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) as a method for the identification of lactobacilli isolated from meat products. RAPD-PCR with primers M13 and D8635 was applied to the identification and intraspecific differentiation of 53 lactobacilli isolates originating from traditional fermented sausages and artisanal meat plants of the Veneto region (Italy). Most of the isolates were assigned to the species Lactobacillus sakei and Lact. curvatus; differentiation of groups of strains within the species was also possible. RAPD-PCR could be applied to the identification of lactobacilli species most commonly found in meat products. The method, which is easy and rapid to perform, could be useful for the study of the lactobacilli populations present in fermented sausages, and could help in the selection of candidate strains to use as starter cultures in meat fermentation.

  4. Detection and genetic distance of resistant populations of Pseudosuccinea columella (Mollusca: Lymnaeidae) to Fasciola hepatica (Trematoda: Digenea) using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Calienes, Aymé Fernandez; Fraga, Jorge; Pointier, Jean-Pierre; Yong, Mary; Sanchez, Jorge; Coustau, Christine; Gutiérrez, Alfredo; Théron, André


    Twelve natural populations of Pseudosuccinea columella snails, sampled in the western and central regions of Cuba, were analyzed using the RAPD-PCR technique to screen for resistance to Fasciola hepatica. Ten OPA primers previously shown to produce marker bands for resistance and susceptibility were tested. A new population of P. columella (El Azufre, Pinar del Río) exhibited the amplification patterns of resistant snails, and its resistant status was confirmed after experimental exposure to miracidia. No genetic variability was detected across or within the susceptible isolates. Similarly, the novel resistant isolate displayed an RAPD profile identical to the profile of two other isolates previously identified as resistant to F. hepatica. However, clear differences in RAPD banding patterns and genetic distance were observed between resistant and susceptible isolates.

  5. Distribuição de famílias de diptera em uma área urbana de Brasília, DF - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v9i1.1200

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    Francisco de Assis Franco Rochefort


    Full Text Available A identificação de insetos, quando esses são vestígios, é uma importante ferramenta para a solução de crimes. Contudo, em virtude da grande diversidade de espécies, o trabalho de identificação apenas por características morfológicas torna-se difícil. A análise de DNA por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA e DNA mitocondrial apresentam potencial para a identificação das espécies de insetos e poderão subsidiar a estimativa do intervalo post mortem (IPM. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram analisar a distribuição de frequência acumulada de insetos da ordem Diptera de interesse forense em uma localidade do Distrito Federal, visando gerar subsídios para estimativas do IPM e identificar indivíduos da espécie Chrysomya albiceps por marcadores RAPD e mitocondriais. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo logístico é adequado para descrever a distribuição de frequência acumulada de moscas das famílias Calliphoridae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Além disso, um fragmento de RAPD de 580 pb e de DNAmt de 350 pb pode ser aplicado na identificação de C. albiceps. Assim, se estabeleceu um método molecular de identificação de uma espécie de interesse forense que poderá servir de auxílio na identificação de vestígios incompletos ou imaturos de dípteros.

  6. Genetic variability of Pantaneiro horse using RAPD-PCR markers


    Egito,Andréa Alves do; Fuck,Beatriz Helena; McManus,Concepta; Paiva,Samuel Rezende; Albuquerque,Maria do Socorro Maués; Santos,Sandra Aparecida; Abreu,Urbano Gomes Pinto de; Silva,Joaquim Augusto da; Sereno,Fabiana Tavares Pires de Souza; Mariante,Arthur da Silva


    Blood samples were collected from Pantaneiro Horses in five regions of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso States. Arabian, Mangalarga Marchador and Thoroughbred were also included to estimate genetic distances and the existing variability among and within these breeds by RAPD-PCR (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase Chain Reaction) molecular markers. From 146 primers, 13 were chosen for amplification and 44 polymorphic bands were generated. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA)...

  7. Marcadores ancestrales culturales y genéticos: investigación de apellidos mapuche

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    Corach, Daniel


    Full Text Available Las comunidades aborígenes que habitan las regiones andinas se caracterizan por haber conservado elementos lingüísticos originarios en sus apellidos. Estos han sufrido procesos de “occidentalización”, manteniendo, no obstante, rasgos etnia-específicos. Tal situación permite disponer de un criterio simple para identificar con cierto grado de certeza la ancestralidad de un individuo. Con el objeto de evaluar el grado de correlación entre este marcador cultural y marcadores genéticos hemos llevado a cabo una investigación con individuos varones no relacionados provenientes de las provincias de Río Negro y Chubut (N=136. Los donantes se seleccionaron de acuerdo a la presencia de elementos lingüísticos Mapuche en sus apellidos e individuos con apellidos europeos. Se emplearon tres criterios de clasificación: apellidos, presencia del haplogrupo Q-M3 y presencia de Haplogrupos mitocondriales amerindios (ABCD. Los grupos clasificados de acuerdo con estos criterios fueron analizados mediante 15 STRs autosómicos y 9 Y-STRs. En ambas provincias más del 95% de los individuos portadores de apellidos Mapuche exhibían hgs matri y/o patrilineales amerindios. Por otro lado, en Río Negro y Chubut sólo 18 y 17%, respectivamente, no exhibieron ni apellidos ni marcadores genéticos asociables con ancestros amerindios; en éstos los hgmt más representados fueron H (6.5%, U5 (4.3% y K (2.8%, seguidos por T (1.4%, V (0.7%, X (0.7% y M (0.7%. También fue detectado el hg Africano en baja frecuencia (1.4%. Nuestros resultados confirman una correlación estrecha entre apellidos Mapuche y polimorfismos genéticos étnia-específicos.


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    Giuseppina Pace Pereira Lima


    Full Text Available Marcadores bioquímicos têm sido usados na análise de plantas submetidas a vários tipos de estresse, entre eles a salinidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar o estresse salino em calos de Eucalyptus urograndis em relação ao conteúdo de poliaminas. Explantes (hipocótilos obtidos de sementes foram inoculados em meio indutivo de calos e foram submetidos a diferentes níveis de NaCl e analisados aos 10, 20 e 30 dias de inoculação. As poliaminas livres foram extraídas, isoladas e quantificadas usando TLC (Cromatografia de Camada Delgada. O conteúdo de putrescina foi maior, enquanto que o conteúdo de espermidina apresentou decréscimo, em calos submetidos a condições salinas. Os resultados mostram que o acúmulo de putrescina está relacionado com a exposição a NaCl em calos de Eucalyptus urograndis. A diminuição do conteúdo de espermina pode ser usada como marcador bioquímico de calos de Eucalyptus sujeitos à salinidade.

  9. Evidências de validade de marcadores reduzidos para a avaliação da personalidade no modelo dos cinco grandes fatores

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    Nelson Hauck Filho

    Full Text Available Instrumentos psicométricos breves para a avaliação da personalidade têm recebido uma crescente atenção. Até o momento, entretanto, existia a carência de tais instrumentos no contexto brasileiro. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar as propriedades psicométricas de um instrumento reduzido para mensurar os Cinco Grandes Fatores (CGF, derivado de um instrumento originalmente com 64 marcadores. Os participantes foram 674 estudantes universitários (média de idade = 23,5; DP = 6,46. Foram utilizados critérios teórico-semânticos e estatísticos para eleger um conjunto reduzido de marcadores. A solução fatorial final contou com 25 marcadores, sendo cinco para cada um dos CGF, explicando 53,92% da variância. Ao final, discute-se a necessidade de estudos subsequentes avaliando a validade convergente do instrumento, bem como potencialidades do mesmo.

  10. Molecular characterization of Aspergillus infections in an Iranian educational hospital using RAPD-PCR method

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    Kambiz Diba


    Conclusion: The hospital sources for the Aspergillus clinical isolates included air condition and walls. RAPD-PCR analysis can play a trivial role to find the hospital sources of Aspergillus clinical isolates.

  11. Cortesía verbal y modalidad: Los marcadores discursivos


    Cepeda,Gladys; Poblete,María Teresa


    El trabajo muestra evidencia, a nivel del contexto de entrevista clínica a mujeres pacientes, que los marcadores discursivos están implicados en la marcación de las estrategias de cortesía verbal y de la modalidad del discurso. Los análisis realizados se enmarcan en lateoría de la pragmática, el análisis conversacional y las estrategias de cortesía, facilitadoras de las relaciones sociales y la expresión de los roles de los interactantes (Brown & Levinson,1987). Los resultados del análisi...

  12. Impact of gamma rays on the Phaffia rhodozyma genome revealed by RAPD-PCR. (United States)

    Najafi, N; Hosseini, Ramin; Ahmadi, Ar


    Phaffia rhodozyma is a red yeast which produces astaxanthin as the major carotenoid pigment. Astaxanthin is thought to reduce the incidence of cancer and degenerative diseases in man. It also enhances the immune response and acts as a free-radical quencher, a precursor of vitamin A, or a pigment involved in the visual attraction of animals as mating partners. The impact of gamma irradiation was studied on the Phaffia rhodozyma genome. Ten mutant strains, designated Gam1-Gam10, were obtained using gamma irradiation. Ten decamer random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers were employed to assess genetic changes. Nine primers revealed scorable polymorphisms and a total of 95 band positions were scored; amongst which 38 bands (37.5%) were polymorphic. Primer F with 3 bands and primer J20 with 13 bands produced the lowest and the highest number of bands, respectively. Primer A16 produced the highest number of polymorphic bands (70% polymorphism) and primer F showed the lowest number of polymorphic bands (0% polymorphism). Genetic distances were calculated using Jaccard's coefficient and the UPGMA method. A dendrogram was created using SPSS (version 11.5) and the strains were clustered into four groups. RAPD markers could distinguish between the parental and the mutant strains of P. rhodozyma. RAPD technique showed that some changes had occurred in the genome of the mutated strains. This technique demonstrated the capability to differentiate between the parental and the mutant strains.

  13. Monocitose é um marcador de risco independente para a doença arterial coronariana

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    Afiune Neto Abrahão


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Inflamação e ativação das células do sistema imunológico têm participação importante na patogênese da aterosclerose. Este estudo analisa o leucograma que incluiu neutrófilos, eosinófilos, linfócitos, monócitos e basófilos dos pacientes com doença arterial coronariana (DAC crônica e no infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM. MÉTODOS: Analisamos o leucograma de 232 pacientes não-diabéticos, com idade entre 15 e 88 anos. A DAC estava presente em 142 pacientes (57 com DAC estável e 85 com IAM, diagnosticada angiograficamente, comparada a 90 indivíduos-controle. Os grupos controle e DAC foram comparáveis para a idade, índice de massa corpórea, antecedentes familiares, tabagismo, hipertensão, HDL e LDL (todas variáveis com p > 0,25. RESULTADOS: A análise univariada mostrou maior prevalência de leucocitose na DAC, sendo maior nos pacientes com IAM quando comparados com a DAC estável. O mesmo comportamento foi observado para os monócitos. Porém, a distribuição foi semelhante para as demais células do hemograma. A análise multivariada pelo método da regressão logística, utilizando-se os modelos stepwise (todas variáveis e backward (p < 0,25, mostrou que a monocitose foi variável independente para DAC e para o IAM. CONCLUSÃO: O número de monócitos, um dos mais importantes componentes do processo inflamatório na placa aterosclerótica, foi um marcador de risco independente para a DAC e para o IAM.

  14. Molecular Characterization of Selected Local and Exotic Cattle Using RAPD Marker

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    M. Mahfuza Khatun


    Full Text Available In order to develop specific genetic markers and determine the genetic diversity of Bangladeshi native cattle (Pabna, Red Chittagong and exotic breeds (Sahiwal, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD analysis was performed using 12 primers. Genomic DNA was extracted from 20 cattle (local and exotic blood samples and extracted DNA was observed by gel electrophoresis. Among the random primers three were matched and found to be polymorphic. Genetic relations between cattle’s were determined by RAPD polymorphisms from a total of 66.67%. Statistical analysis of the data, estimating the genetic distances between cattle and sketching the cluster trees were estimated by using MEGA 5.05 software. Comparatively highest genetic distance (0.834 was found between RCC-82 and SL-623. The lowest genetic distance (0.031 was observed between M-1222 and M-5730. The genetic diversity of Red Chittagong and Sahiwal cattle was relatively higher for a prescribed breed. Adequate diversity in performance and adaptability can be exploited from the study results for actual improvement accruing to conservation and development of indigenous cattle resources.

  15. Estimation of genetic distance among genotypes of caraway (Carum carvi L. using RAPD-PCR

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    Katarzyna Seidler-Łożykowska


    Full Text Available In order to estimate genetic diversity among starting materials and breeding strains of caraway, a collection of 17 accessions from botanical gardens in Europe, two cultivars ‘Rekord’ and ‘Kończewicki’, and four own breeding strains were analyzed by RAPD-PCR. The representative samples, each of five individual plants of accession, cultivar or strain, were taken from young rosette leaves. Forty of Genset Oligos RAPD primers were used for analysis and eight of them produced clear and reproducible banding patterns. In total, 62 banding patterns were obtained revealing 23 polymorphic bands, whereas the number of polymorphic bands ranged from two to four for one primer. The GS12 and GS43 primers generated two polymorphic bands, while each of the GS8, GS21, GS22, GS41 and GS53 primers generated three bands. The GS53 primer was the most informative one, revealing 60% of the estimated polymorphism. The estimated value of genetic distance ranged from 0.22 to 0.67. The lowest genetic distance was found between accessions from Cluj and Lousanne (0.22. The highest genetic distance was estimated between accession fromBerlinand the strain no. 6 of cultivar ‘Kończewicki’ (0.67. UPGMA cluster analysis, based on eight RAPD primers, categorized the analyzed genotypes into four groups.

  16. Caracterização molecular de acessos de mandioca biofortificados com potencial de uso no melhoramento genético Molecular characterization of biofortified cassava accessions with potential for use in genetic improvement

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    Eduardo Alano Vieira


    Full Text Available A mandioca apresenta potencial como fonte de carotenóides na alimentação humana, em especial β-caroteno (nas raízes amarelas e licopeno (nas raízes rosadas. Assim, a possibilidade da mandioca ser, além de fonte de calorias, uma fonte de vitaminas e antioxidantes, é encarada como forma de melhorar a nutrição dos habitantes de países em desenvolvimento. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar por meio de marcadores RAPD 20 acessos de mandioca biofortificados com potencial de uso no melhoramento genético. Os acessos foram avaliados por meio de marcadores RAPD, sendo posteriormente estimada a matriz de similaridade genética entre os acessos, por meio do índice de Jaccard. A análise por meio de 12 iniciadores gerou um total de 144 bandas das quais 120 (83% foram polimórficas. A análise de agrupamento revelou a formação três grupos, sendo o grupo um formado por sete acessos com cor da polpa da raiz rosada e dois acessos com cor da polpa da raiz amarela, o grupo dois formado por oito acessos com cor da polpa da raiz amarela e um acesso com cor da polpa da raiz rosada e o grupo três formado pelos acessos melhorados com cor da polpa da raiz creme e branca. Os marcadores RAPD foram eficientes na determinação da variabilidade genética entre acessos de mandioca com cor da polpa da raiz amarela, rosada, creme e branca, diferenciaram os acessos melhorados dos demais acessos e revelaram uma tendência de separação dos acessos com cor da polpa da raiz rosada dos com a cor da polpa da raiz amarela.Cassava presents potential as source of carotenoids for human diet, in special β-carotene (within the yellow roots and lycopene (within the pinkish roots. So, the possibility for cassava to be, besides source of calories, source of vitamins and antioxidants as well is faced as a manner to improve the nutrition of inhabitants of developing countries. In the present work, the aim was to characterize by RAPD markers 20 accessions of


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    Full Text Available El mildeo velloso de la rosa es la enfermedad más limitante de este cultivo en Colombia. Aunque algunos trabajos de investigación se han adelantado recientemente sobre la epidemiología de esta enfermedad, uno de los campos menos estudiados es el nivel de variabilidad de su agente causal. El conocimiento de este aspecto es fundamental para definir las estrategias de manejo, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con la resistencia genética y el control químico. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron confirmar la identidad taxonómica del agente causal del mildeo velloso de la rosa y profundizar en el conocimiento de su estructura poblacional en Colombia. Para esto se colectaron 34 aislamientos del pseudohongo en cultivos de rosas ubicados en Antioquia y la sabana de Bogotá y se extrajo su ADN, para proceder a la amplificación mediante PCR de la región ITS del ADNr utilizando los primers especieespecíficos PS3 y PS1. Dichos productos se emplearon tanto para su secuenciación directa como para la evaluación de variabilidad genética mediante la técnica PCRRFLP, resultados que se complementaron con la utilización de los marcadores RAPD y RAMS. La presencia de un amplicón de aproximadamente 700 pb que compartió un porcentaje de identidad del 100% con secuencias depositadas en el GenBank, permitió confirmar a los aislamientos como pertenecientes a Peronospora sparsa, mientras que el análisis de RFLP, RAPD y RAMS indicó un muy bajo nivel de variabilidad entre todos los aislamientos, concluyéndose que la población de P. sparsa en Colombia es predominantemente clonal

  18. Effect of nickel on regeneration in Jatropha curcas L. and assessment of genotoxicity using RAPD markers

    KAUST Repository

    Sarkar, Tanmoy


    The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of nickel on shoot regeneration in tissue culture as well as to identify polymorphisms induced in leaf explants exposed to nickel through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). In vitro leaf explants of Jatropha curcas were grown in nickel amended Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium at four different concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.1, 1 mM) for 3 weeks. Percent regeneration, number of shoots produced and genotoxic effects were evaluated by RAPD using leaf explants obtained from the first three treatments following 5 weeks of their subsequent subculture in metal free MS medium. Percent regeneration decreased with increase in addition of nickel to the medium up to 14 days from 42.31% in control to zero in 1.0 mM. The number of shoot buds scored after 5 weeks was higher in control as compared to all other treatments except in one of the metal free subculture medium wherein the shoot number was higher in 0.01 mM treatment (mean = 7.80) than control (mean = 7.60). RAPD analysis produced only 5 polymorphic bands (3.225%) out of a total of 155 bands from 18 selected primers. Only three primers OPK-19, OPP-2, OPN-08 produced polymorphic bands. The dendrogram showed three groups A, B, and C. Group A samples showed 100% genetic similarity within them. Samples between groups B and C were more genetically distant from each other as compared to samples between groups A and B as well as groups A and C. Cluster analysis based on RAPD data correlated with treatments. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.

  19. Análise de distância genética entre acessos do gênero Psidium via marcadores ISSR

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    Názila Nayara Silva de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a distância genética entre 37 acessos da espécie cultivada Psidium guajava, L. (goiaba e de araçás do gênero Psidium do banco de germoplasma da Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF, via marcadores moleculares ISSR. Nos 17 marcadores selecionados, foram obtidas 216 bandas polimórficas. Pelo método de agrupamento UPGMA, houve a formação de cinco principais grupos. Os acessos de araçá da espécie P. cattleyanum Sabine , ficaram alocados nos grupos I e II. No grupo II, foi observada, dentro da espécie P cattleyanum, maior proximidade com a goiabeira. No grupo III, ficou alocado o acesso da espécie P. guineense Sw (araçá-do-campo e dentre os araçás, foi o que ficou mais próximo da goiaba. Os genótipos de goiabeira ficaram alocados do grupo IV e V, confirmando sua alta divergência. Os marcadores moleculares foram eficientes em estimar a distância genética intra e interespecífica.

  20. Use of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) for generating specific DNA probes for oxyuroid species (Nematoda). (United States)

    Jobet, E; Bougnoux, M E; Morand, S; Rivault, C; Cloarec, A; Hugot, J P


    Random amplified DNA markers (RAPD; Williams et al., 1990) were used to obtained specific RAPD fragments characterising different species of oxyuroids. We tested six species of worms parasitizing vertebrates or invertebrates: Passalurus ambiguus Rudolphi, 1819, parasite of Leporids; Syphacia obvelata (Rudolphi, 1802) Seurat, 1916, a parasite of rodents; Blatticola blattae (Graeffe, 1860) Chitwood, 1932 parasite of the cockroach Blattella germanica; Hammerschmidtiella diesingi (Hammerschmidt, 1838) Chitwood, 1932 and Thelastoma bulhoesi (Magalhaes, 1990) Travassos, 1929, parasites of the cockroach Periplaneta americana, and an undescribed parasite species of a passalid insect from New Caledonia. Among 15 oligonucleotides tested, nine produced several specific bands allowing the interspecific discrimination.

  1. Molecular characterization and identification of markers for toxic and non-toxic varieties of Jatropha curcas L. using RAPD, AFLP and SSR markers. (United States)

    Sudheer Pamidimarri, D V N; Singh, Sweta; Mastan, Shaik G; Patel, Jalpa; Reddy, Muppala P


    Jatropha curcas L., a multipurpose shrub has acquired significant economic importance for its seed oil which can be converted to biodiesel, is emerging as an alternative to petro-diesel. The deoiled seed cake remains after oil extraction is toxic and cannot be used as a feed despite having best nutritional contents. No quantitative and qualitative differences were observed between toxic and non-toxic varieties of J. curcas except for phorbol esters content. Development of molecular marker will enable to differentiate non-toxic from toxic variety in a mixed population and also help in improvement of the species through marker assisted breeding programs. The present investigation was undertaken to characterize the toxic and non-toxic varieties at molecular level and to develop PCR based molecular markers for distinguishing non-toxic from toxic or vice versa. The polymorphic markers were successfully identified specific to non-toxic and toxic variety using RAPD and AFLP techniques. Totally 371 RAPD, 1,442 AFLP markers were analyzed and 56 (15.09%) RAPD, 238 (16.49%) AFLP markers were found specific to either of the varieties. Genetic similarity between non-toxic and toxic verity was found to be 0.92 by RAPD and 0.90 by AFLP fingerprinting. In the present study out of 12 microsatellite markers analyzed, seven markers were found polymorphic. Among these seven, jcms21 showed homozygous allele in the toxic variety. The study demonstrated that both RAPD and AFLP techniques were equally competitive in identifying polymorphic markers and differentiating both the varieties of J. curcas. Polymorphism of SSR markers prevailed between the varieties of J. curcas. These RAPD and AFLP identified markers will help in selective cultivation of specific variety and along with SSRs these markers can be exploited for further improvement of the species through breeding and Marker Assisted Selection (MAS).

  2. RAPD analysis of mutants obtained by ion beam irradiation to hinoki cypress shoot primordia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ishii, K.; Yamada, Y.; Hase, Y.; Shikazono, N.; Tanaka, A.


    Mutants were induced by irradiation of the shoot primordia of Hinoki cypress with 50 MeV 4 He 2+ heavy ion beam. Fresh shoot primordia on the CD medium in the plastic Petri dish (35 x 10 mm) were irradiated. Xanta mutants were induced from 38 to 266 Gy irradiation. Waxy mutants were induced from 76 to 266 Gy irradiation. Xanta, waxy and control type of regenerated Hinoki cypress in vitro were checked for their DNA level difference using RAPD analysis. Among 81 primers used, 23 primers produced the 68 bands. Among them stable 44 bands produced by 15 primers were compared between mutants and control plant. So far, there is no variation among the RAPD analysis band patterns of those mutants. Bigger test size may detect the gene variation specific for mutants

  3. Avaliação da Anexina-V e Calceína-AM como marcadores de apoptose em linfócitos


    Palma, Priscila Filomena Rodrigues


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências de Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmácia A avaliação dos níveis de apoptose por citometria de fluxo é geralmente realizada por métodos que utilizam anexina V-FITC como marcador vital, que se associa aos resíduos de fosfatidilserina, externalizados no início do processo apoptótico. A utilização conjunta do marcador nuclear fluorescente iodeto de propídio (PI), por sua vez, torna possível verificar as ...

  4. Loci de rasgos binarios que influyen en la expresión del comportamiento higiénico de las abejas melíferas


    Miguel E. Arechavaleta-Velasco; Greg J. Hunt; Marla Spivak; Carmen Camacho-Rea


    Este estudio se realizó para detectar loci de rasgos binarios (BTL) que influyen en la expresión del comportamiento higiénico de abejas obreras y para localizar marcadores genéticos asociados a estos BTL en un mapa de ligamiento. Se recolectaron abejas que realizaron el comportamiento higiénico y abejas que no realizaron el comportamiento higiénico de una colonia producto de una retrocruza. Se construyó un mapa genético utilizando marcadores AFLP generados a partir del ADN de las abejas que r...

  5. Genetic analysis of Penthorum chinense Pursh by improved RAPD and ISSR in China

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    Zhiqiang Mei


    Conclusions: This study indicated that improved RAPD and ISSR methods are useful tools for evaluating the genetic diversity and characterizing P. chinense. Our findings can provide the theoretical basis for cultivar identification, standardization, and molecular-assisted breeding of P. chinense for medicinal use.

  6. Caracterização molecular de animais da raça Nelore utilizando microssatélites e genes candidatos

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    Tambasco Daniella Debenedetti


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho, 180 fêmeas da raça Nelore, provenientes de oito rebanhos, foram analisadas quanto aos marcadores microssatélites TEXAN15, BM1224 e CSFM50 e aos polimorfismos de comprimento de fragmentos de restrição (RFLP nos locos k-caseína, beta-lactoglobulina e hormônio de crescimento (GH. Com exceção de GH, todos os marcadores foram polimórficos na amostra estudada. Os valores de heterozigosidade, diversidade gênica, conteúdo de informação polimórfica (PIC e probabilidade de exclusão de paternidade (PE foram estimados. Os maiores valores de PIC (0,685 e PE (0,521 foram obtidos para o marcador BM1224.

  7. Aplicação clínica dos marcadores tumorais séricos em carcinoma não-pequenas células do pulmão

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    Full Text Available O valor clínico dos marcadores tumorais séricos em câncer de pulmão é incerto. Objetivos: Avaliar a associação da concentração sérica de marcadores tumorais com a extensão da neoplasia e seu valor prognóstico. Casuística e método: Entre fevereiro de 1995 e setembro de 1997 foram estudados 103 pacientes, no Departamento de Cirurgia Torácica do Hospital do Câncer. Antes do tratamento os pacientes foram submetidos à coleta de sangue para dosagem da concentração do CEA, CYFRA21.1, CA15.3, CA19.9, CA72.4 e NSE. Resultados: O CYFRA21.1 foi o marcador mais freqüentemente elevado (55%. Os pacientes com neoplasia avançada tiveram concentração sérica média do CEA (90,82 ± 329,08ng/ml, CYFRA21.1 (20,34 ± 58,42ng/ml e CA15.3 (56,54 ± 86,81U/ml significativamente superior às observadas nos tumores localizados, respectivamente, 10,24 ± 35,96ng/ml, 12,67 ± 25,23ng/ml e 22,22 ± 15,86U/ml. Mesmo considerando todos os marcadores deste estudo, apenas os pacientes com CEA elevado tiveram chance 5,6 vezes maior de ser portadores de neoplasia avançada, quando comparados com aqueles com CEA normal. A sobrevida foi influenciada pelo performance status (p = 0,001, extensão anatômica (p = 0,006, concentração aumentada do CEA (p = 0,043, mais que dois marcadores aumentados (p < 0,001 e tipo de tratamento (p < 0,001. O valor prognóstico da extensão da neoplasia atingiu o limite da significância (p = 0,052; entretanto, a presença de mais do que dois marcadores aumentados e a modalidade terapêutica tiveram valor prognóstico independente (respectivamente, p = 0,035 e p = 0,005. Conclusões: Nenhum dos marcadores tumorais séricos avaliados apresenta utilidade clínica no manejo dos pacientes com CNPCP.

  8. Molecular Identification of Date Palm Cultivars Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers. (United States)

    Al-Khalifah, Nasser S; Shanavaskhan, A E


    Ambiguity in the total number of date palm cultivars across the world is pointing toward the necessity for an enumerative study using standard morphological and molecular markers. Among molecular markers, DNA markers are more suitable and ubiquitous to most applications. They are highly polymorphic in nature, frequently occurring in genomes, easy to access, and highly reproducible. Various molecular markers such as restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), simple sequence repeats (SSR), inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR), and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers have been successfully used as efficient tools for analysis of genetic variation in date palm. This chapter explains a stepwise protocol for extracting total genomic DNA from date palm leaves. A user-friendly protocol for RAPD analysis and a table showing the primers used in different molecular techniques that produce polymorphisms in date palm are also provided.

  9. Identification of Bacillus Probiotics Isolated from Soil Rhizosphere Using 16S rRNA, recA, rpoB Gene Sequencing and RAPD-PCR. (United States)

    Mohkam, Milad; Nezafat, Navid; Berenjian, Aydin; Mobasher, Mohammad Ali; Ghasemi, Younes


    Some Bacillus species, especially Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus pumilus groups, have highly similar 16S rRNA gene sequences, which are hard to identify based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis. To conquer this drawback, rpoB, recA sequence analysis along with randomly amplified polymorphic (RAPD) fingerprinting was examined as an alternative method for differentiating Bacillus species. The 16S rRNA, rpoB and recA genes were amplified via a polymerase chain reaction using their specific primers. The resulted PCR amplicons were sequenced, and phylogenetic analysis was employed by MEGA 6 software. Identification based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing was underpinned by rpoB and recA gene sequencing as well as RAPD-PCR technique. Subsequently, concatenation and phylogenetic analysis showed that extent of diversity and similarity were better obtained by rpoB and recA primers, which are also reinforced by RAPD-PCR methods. However, in one case, these approaches failed to identify one isolate, which in combination with the phenotypical method offsets this issue. Overall, RAPD fingerprinting, rpoB and recA along with concatenated genes sequence analysis discriminated closely related Bacillus species, which highlights the significance of the multigenic method in more precisely distinguishing Bacillus strains. This research emphasizes the benefit of RAPD fingerprinting, rpoB and recA sequence analysis superior to 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis for suitable and effective identification of Bacillus species as recommended for probiotic products.

  10. DNA landmarks for genetic relatedness and diversity assessment in Pakistani wheat genotypes using RAPD markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siddiqui, M.F.; Iqbal, S.; Naz, N.; Khan, S.; Erum, S.


    DNA profiles from 10 Pakistani wheat genotypes were evaluated for diversity assessment based on RAPD markers. A total of 79 DNA fragments were generated by 10 RAPD primers, with an average of 7.9 bands primer-1. Of these, 64 fragments (81%) were polymorphic among 10 genotypes. Genetic diversity was evaluated via UPGMA cluster analysis by constructing dendrogram, which were used for the calculation of similarity coefficients between these genotypes. The greatest similarity (95%) was observed between PR-94 and PR-95, whereas PR-96 with PR-90 showed the lowest similarity (60%). Adoption of this technology would be useful to the plant protection regulatory systems, especially for plant variety identification and registration of new plant varieties, breeding programs and protection purposes. (author)

  11. DNA landmarks for genetic relatedness and diversity assessment in Pakistani wheat genotypes using RAPD markers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Siddiqui, M F; Iqbal, S; Naz, N; Khan, S [Federal Seed Certification and Registration Dept., Islamabad (Pakistan); Erum, S [National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad (Pakistan). Plant Genetic Resources Inst.


    DNA profiles from 10 Pakistani wheat genotypes were evaluated for diversity assessment based on RAPD markers. A total of 79 DNA fragments were generated by 10 RAPD primers, with an average of 7.9 bands primer-1. Of these, 64 fragments (81%) were polymorphic among 10 genotypes. Genetic diversity was evaluated via UPGMA cluster analysis by constructing dendrogram, which were used for the calculation of similarity coefficients between these genotypes. The greatest similarity (95%) was observed between PR-94 and PR-95, whereas PR-96 with PR-90 showed the lowest similarity (60%). Adoption of this technology would be useful to the plant protection regulatory systems, especially for plant variety identification and registration of new plant varieties, breeding programs and protection purposes. (author)

  12. Genetic relationships among Orobanche species as revealed by RAPD analysis. (United States)

    Román, B; Alfaro, C; Torres, A M; Moreno, M T; Satovic, Z; Pujadas, A; Rubiales, D


    RAPD markers were used to study variation among 20 taxa in the genus OROBANCHE: O. alba, O. amethystea, O. arenaria, O. ballotae, O. cernua, O. clausonis, O. cumana, O. crenata, O. densiflora, O. foetida, O. foetida var. broteri, O. gracilis, O. haenseleri, O. hederae, O. latisquama, O. mutelii, O. nana, O. ramosa, O. rapum-genistae and O. santolinae. A total of 202 amplification products generated with five arbitrary RAPD primers was obtained and species-specific markers were identified. The estimated Jaccard's differences between the species varied between 0 and 0.864. The pattern of interspecific variation obtained is in general agreement with previous taxonomic studies based on morphology, and the partition into two different sections (Trionychon and Orobanche) is generally clear. However, the position in the dendrogram of O. clausonis did not fit this classification since it clustered with members of section TRIONYCHON: Within this section, O. arenaria was relatively isolated from the other members of the section: O. mutelii, O. nana and O. ramosa. Within section Orobanche, all O. ramosa populations showed a similar amplification pattern, whereas differences among O. crenata populations growing on different hosts were found. Orobanche foetida and O. densiflora clustered together, supporting the morphological and cytological similarities and the host preferences of these species.

  13. The use of PCR techniques to detect genetic variations in Cassava (Manihot esculenta L. Crantz): minisatellite and RAPD analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pawlicki, N.; Sangwan, R.S.; Sangwan-Norreel, B.; Koffi Konan, N.


    Cassava is an important tuber crop grown in the tropical and subtropical regions. Recently, we developed protocols for efficient somatic embryogenesis using zygotic embryos and nodal axillary meristems in order to reduce the genotype effect. Thereafter flow cytophotometry and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess the ploidy level and the genetic fidelity of cassava plants regenerated by somatic embryogenesis. No change in the ploidy level of the regenerated plants was observed in comparison with the control plants. In the same way, monomorphic profiles of RAPD were obtained for the different cassava plants regenerated by somatic embryogenesis. The genetic analysis of calli showed only a few differences. Using two pairs of heterologous micro satellite primers developed in a wild African grass, a monomorphic pattern was also detected. Moreover, cultivars of different origins were also analysed using these PCR techniques. Our data from RAPD and materialistic analyses suggested that these techniques can be efficiently used to detect genetic variations in cassava. (author)

  14. Variabilidade genética e sensibilidade de acessos de Pistia stratiotes ao herbicida glyphosate Genetic variability and sensitivity of Pistia stratiotes accesses to glyphosate

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    E.A.S. Cícero


    Full Text Available A alface-d'água (Pistia stratiotes é uma das principais entre as macrófitas aquáticas que causam problemas em corpos hídricos no Brasil e são consideradas como plantas daninhas. O presente trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos de conhecer melhor a variabilidade genética dessa macrófita e relacionar essa variabilidade com a resposta à aplicação do herbicida glyphosate. Para isso, foram coletados indivíduos em 12 corpos hídricos em diferentes cidades do território nacional (Americana, Cambaratiba, Curitiba, Itapura, Jaboticabal, Lagoa Santa, Piraí, Rio Grande, Rubinéia, Salto Grande, Santa Gertrudes e Três Lagoas. Os acessos foram caracterizados pelo uso de marcadores RAPD (DNA Polimórfico Amplificado ao Acaso, que permitiram, com o auxílio de iniciadores aleatórios, a caracterização dos locos polimórficos identificados por uma matriz de ausência e presença de bandas. Utilizando essa matriz, a análise de agrupamento permitiu nítida classificação dos acessos em três grupos com diferenças genéticas entre eles. Um ensaio de controle químico, com plantas mantidas em vasos plásticos (5 L e pulverizadas com o herbicida glyphosate nas concentrações de 0,0, 0,6, 1,2, 1,8 e 2,4 kg ha-1, identificou, utilizando avaliações aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após aplicação, que as duas maiores doses promoveram melhor efeito herbicida. Foi verificado também que os acessos de Curitiba e Cambaratiba apresentaram menor suscetibilidade ao herbicida glyphosate. Não houve correspondência entre a estrutura de grupos dos acessos pela análise multivariada de agrupamento com a técnica RAPD e a suscetibilidade da alface-d'água ao glyphosate.Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes is one the most important macrophytes, classified as weed and causing serious problems in watercourses in Brazil. The aim of this research was to evaluate the genetic variability of water lettuce and its relationship with this plant's susceptibility to glyphosate

  15. Molecular Analysis of Synedrela Nodiflora (L. Gaertn. Resistance Against Fomesafen using RAPD Markers

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    Murni Dwiati


    Based on the RAPD markers used in this study, it can be concluded that genetic distance between susceptible and resistant S. nodiflora is higher than that within susceptible samples supporting our previous morphological and protein data, although genetic variation among susceptible individuals seems to be significantly high.

  16. Assessment of RAPD Markers to Analyse the Genetic Diversity among Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. Genotypes

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    Ali Raza


    Full Text Available Genetic diversity estimation among different species is an important tool for genetic improvement to maximize the yield, desirable quality, wider adaptation, pest and insect resistance that ultimately boosting traditional plant breeding methods. The most efficient way of diversity estimation is application of molecular markers. In this study, twenty random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD primers were utilized to estimate the genetic diversity between ten sunflower genotypes. Overall 227 bands were amplified by 20 primers with an average of 11.35 bands per primer. RAPD data showed 86.34% polymorophic bands and 13.65% of monomorophic bands. Genetic similarity was ranged from 50.22% to 87.22%. The lowest similarity (50.22% was observed between FH-352 and FH-359 and the maximum similarity 87.22% was observed between A-23 and G-46. Polymorphic information content (PIC values were varying from 0.05 to 0.12 with a mean of 0.09. Cluster analysis based on RAPD results displayed two major distinct groups 1 and 2. Group-2 contains FH-352 which was the most diverse genotype, while group-1 consists of few sub groups with all other genotypes. Ample diversity was found in all the genotypes. Present study reveals novel information about sunflower genome which can be used in future studies for sunflower improvement.

  17. Genetic Diversity in Commercial Rapeseed (Brassica napus L. Varieties from Turkey as Revealed by RAPD

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    Özlem ÖZBEK


    Full Text Available In cultivated commercial crop species, genetic diversity tends to decrease because of the extensive breeding processes. Therefore, germplasm of commercial crop species, such as Brassica napus L. should be evaluated and the genotypes, which have higher genetic diversity index, should be addressed as potential parental cross materials in breeding programs. In this study, the genetic diversity was analysed by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD technique in nine Turkish commercial rapeseed varieties. The RAPD primers (10-mer oligonucleotides produced 51 scorable loci, 31 loci of which were polymorphic (60.78% and 20 loci (39.22% were monomorphic The RAPD bands were scored as binary matrix data and were analysed using POPGENE version 1.32. At locus level, the values of genetic diversity within population (Hs and total (HT were 0.15 and 0.19 respectively. The genetic differentiation (GST and the gene flow (Nm values between the populations were 0.20 and 2.05 respectively. The mean number of alleles (na, the mean number of effective alleles (nae, and the mean value of genetic diversity (He were 2.00, 1.26, and 0.19 respectively. According to Pearson’s correlation, multiple regression and principal component analyses, eco-geographical conditions in combination had significant effect on genetic indices of commercial B. napus L. varieties were discussed.

  18. Marcadores SNP: conceitos básicos, aplicações no manejo e no melhoramento animal e perspectivas para o futuro


    Caetano,Alexandre Rodrigues


    Os primeiros estudos de identificação, caracterização e utilização de marcadores moleculares para a caracterização de recursos genéticos e geração de ferramentas para o melhoramento animal datam do final da década de 80. Nos últimos 20 anos as tecnologias para geração de dados moleculares passaram por vários ciclos de renovação. A última onda de inovações tecnológicas representa uma verdadeira revolução e trouxe metodologias para identificar e genotipar marcadores SNP (do inglês Single Nucleo...

  19. Application of RAPD for molecular characterization of plant species of medicinal value from an arid environment. (United States)

    Arif, I A; Bakir, M A; Khan, H A; Al Farhan, A H; Al Homaidan, A A; Bahkali, A H; Al Sadoon, M; Shobrak, M


    The use of highly discriminatory methods for the identification and characterization of genotypes is essential for plant protection and appropriate use. We utilized the RAPD method for the genetic fingerprinting of 11 plant species of desert origin (seven with known medicinal value). Andrachne telephioides, Zilla spinosa, Caylusea hexagyna, Achillea fragrantissima, Lycium shawii, Moricandia sinaica, Rumex vesicarius, Bassia eriophora, Zygophyllum propinquum subsp migahidii, Withania somnifera, and Sonchus oleraceus were collected from various areas of Saudi Arabia. The five primers used were able to amplify the DNA from all the plant species. The amplified products of the RAPD profiles ranged from 307 to 1772 bp. A total of 164 bands were observed for 11 plant species, using five primers. The number of well-defined and major bands for a single plant species for a single primer ranged from 1 to 10. The highest pair-wise similarities (0.32) were observed between A. fragrantissima and L. shawii, when five primers were combined. The lowest similarities (0) were observed between A. telephioides and Z. spinosa; Z. spinosa and B. eriophora; B. eriophora and Z. propinquum. In conclusion, the RAPD method successfully discriminates among all the plant species, therefore providing an easy and rapid tool for identification, conservation and sustainable use of these plants.

  20. Identification of species of leishmania isolated from patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis in Kermanshah; using RAPD-PCR technique

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    Yazdan Hamzavi


    Full Text Available Annually many numbers of pationts with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL have been reported in Kermanshah province- IRAN. The study aimed to identify species of Leishmania isolated from patients with CT in Kermanshah. Seven isolates of Leishmania obtained from patients with CL, without any travelling to other provinces, were cultured in NNN medium. After mass production of leptomonads in RPMI 1640 medium DNA was purified and the species were diagnosed using RAPD-PCR technique. The study of electrophoretic fingerprints of the product of RAPD-PCR in seven isolates showed that Leshmania major was the causative agent of CL patients in Kermanshah province. More studies in this field recommended.

  1. Characterization of Grain Amaranth (Amaranthus spp. Germplasm in South West Nigeria Using Morphological, Nutritional, and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD Analysis

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    Pamela E. Akin-Idowu


    Full Text Available Efficient utilization of plant genetic resources for nutrition and crop improvement requires systematic understanding of the important traits. Amaranthus species are distributed worldwide with an interesting diversity of landraces and cultivars whose leaves and seeds are consumed. Despite their potential to enhance food security and economic livelihoods, grain amaranth breeding to improve nutritional quality and adoption by farmers in sub-Saharan Africa is scanty. This study assessed the variation among 29 grain amaranth accessions using 27 phenotypic (10 morphological and 17 nutritional characters and 16 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD primers. Multivariate analysis of phenotypic characters showed the first four principal components contributing 57.53% of observed variability, while cluster analysis yielded five groups at 87.5% similarity coefficient. RAPD primers generated a total of 193 amplicons with an average of 12.06 amplicons per primer, 81% of which were polymorphic. Genetic similarities based on Jaccard’s coefficient ranged from 0.61 to 0.88. The RAPD-based unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean dendrogram grouped the accessions into nine clusters, with the same species clustering together. RAPD primers distinguished the accessions more effectively than phenotypic markers. Accessions in the different clusters as obtained can be exploited for heterotic gain in desired nutritional traits.

  2. Detection of genetic variability in Basmati and non-Basmati rice varieties and their radiation induced mutants through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Farooq, S; Iqbal, N; Arif, M [Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB), Faisalabad (Pakistan)


    Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) markers were utilized to detect polymorphism between pure lines and commercially available Basmati rice varieties to assess variation which may be helpful in quality control and varietal identification (Basmati-370 and derived radiation induced mutants), differentiation of mutants and parents, and identification of RAPD markers co-segregating with important agronomic traits including plant height, days to flower and grain quality. Basmati varieties were distinguished from non-Basmati varieties with the help of five diagnostic markers which will be useful for detecting mixing of non-Basmati and Basmati rices, currently a serious marketing problem. Different Basmati cultivars were identified with the help of diagnostic RAPD markers which can be used in quality control as well as for ``fingerprinting`` of cultivars. Different radiation induced mutants were also successfully distinguished from the parents on the basis of variety specific and mutant specific markers which will be useful for varietal identification. In addition to this, other markers were also identified which can differentiate mutants from each other and are being, used for the fingerprinting of different mutants, particularly the dwarf mutants having similar appearance but different parentage. For identification of RAPD markers co-segregating with plant height and days to flower, 50 F{sub 2} plants and four F{sub 3} families were studied from a reciprocal cross made between Kashmir Basmati (tall and early) and Basmati-198 (dwarf and late). Segregating bands were observed within these populations, and indicating the possible use of RAPD markers for tagging gene(s) of agronomic importance in rice. (author). 38 refs, 6 figs, 3 tabs.

  3. Detection of genetic variability in Basmati and non-Basmati rice varieties and their radiation induced mutants through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farooq, S.; Iqbal, N.; Arif, M.


    Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) markers were utilized to detect polymorphism between pure lines and commercially available Basmati rice varieties to assess variation which may be helpful in quality control and varietal identification (Basmati-370 and derived radiation induced mutants), differentiation of mutants and parents, and identification of RAPD markers co-segregating with important agronomic traits including plant height, days to flower and grain quality. Basmati varieties were distinguished from non-Basmati varieties with the help of five diagnostic markers which will be useful for detecting mixing of non-Basmati and Basmati rices, currently a serious marketing problem. Different Basmati cultivars were identified with the help of diagnostic RAPD markers which can be used in quality control as well as for ''fingerprinting'' of cultivars. Different radiation induced mutants were also successfully distinguished from the parents on the basis of variety specific and mutant specific markers which will be useful for varietal identification. In addition to this, other markers were also identified which can differentiate mutants from each other and are being, used for the fingerprinting of different mutants, particularly the dwarf mutants having similar appearance but different parentage. For identification of RAPD markers co-segregating with plant height and days to flower, 50 F 2 plants and four F 3 families were studied from a reciprocal cross made between Kashmir Basmati (tall and early) and Basmati-198 (dwarf and late). Segregating bands were observed within these populations, and indicating the possible use of RAPD markers for tagging gene(s) of agronomic importance in rice. (author)

  4. The use of RAPD fingerprinting to detect genetic variation of a selected signal grass mutant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Affrida Abu Hassan; Ghazali HAzhar Mohamad; Abdul Rahim Harun


    Signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens) has been used for many years as grazing pasture for ruminants but it may know to be toxic to small ruminants. Mutagenesis provides an alternative approach to create phenotypic variability in the grass that might be free from toxicity and allow greater selection potential for desired characteristics. The mutant of Brachiara decumbens, which was obtained through induced mutation by gamma irradiation at dose 900 Gh showed phenotypic changes in term of tiller number, leaf to stem ratio and internode length. The variations caused by irradiation were detected by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Decamer oligonucleotide primers were used to generate DNA profiles. 575 bp polymorphic DNA band was observed between control and the mutant. RAPD has been proven to be useful to detect polymorphism between mutants and the control. (Author)

  5. Entendendo o papel de marcadores biológicos no câncer de pulmão Understanding the role of biological markers in lung cancer

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    Full Text Available Marcadores biológicos são componentes celulares, estruturais e bioquímicos, que podem definir alterações celulares e moleculares tanto em células normais quanto aquelas associadas a transformação maligna. Podem ser de dois tipos: 1 marcadores intermediários, que medem alterações celulares e moleculares antes do aparecimento da malignidade; 2 marcadores diagnósticos, presentes em associação com a malignidade. O processo de identificação e validação para uso clínico do marcador tem diversas etapas: identificação inicial feita em linhagens celulares do tumor em questão; teste do marcador em tecido proveniente de biópsias de pacientes com diagnóstico estabelecido do tumor em questão; teste em biópsias de tecidos normais e com processo inflamatório; teste em escarro, sangue ou urina para validação como teste não-invasivo que possa ser usado em população de alto risco. Marcadores biológicos diagnósticos sorológicos e histológicos são componentes celulares, estruturais e bioquímicos, presentes não só em células tumorais como também em células normais, que podem ser medidos quantitativamente por métodos bioquímicos, imunológicos e moleculares nos fluidos ou nos tecidos corporais, respectivamente, associados a neoplasias e possivelmente ao órgão de origem da neoplasia. Marcadores biológicos são estudados em diferentes neoplasias primárias, porém poucos tiveram seu valor clínico definido. O papel dos marcadores biológicos em câncer de pulmão ainda é incerto, pois apenas um pequeno número de marcadores foi avaliado de maneira adequada. O objetivo deste trabalho é entender o papel dos marcadores biológicos sorológicos e diagnósticos no prognóstico e sobrevida de pacientes com câncer de pulmão baseado em uma coletânea de trabalhos realizada pela autora. Apresenta-se também uma perspectiva futura para a detecção precoce do câncer de pulmão baseada no papel dos marcadores biol

  6. Genetic Assessment of Moroccan Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. Genotypes by RAPD and SSR Markers

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    Rajae Amraoui


    Full Text Available For the first time eight local tomato cultivars collected from four different regions of Morocco were assessed with RAPD and SSR methods. Most of RAPD markers give monomorphic banding profiles. Only OPU03 marker showed a total of 4 polymorphic amplicons out of 8 recorded in FIGUIG2 cultivar. The analysis with SSR markers gives more polymorphism. The number of alleles amplified assessed from 2 to 5 alleles among cultivars. The similarity matrix subjected by the unweighted pairgroup arithmetic method (UPGMA clustering grouped the cultivars in four groups where FIGUIG2 cultivar formed a separate and more distant cluster. In addition this cultivar holds the very high percentage of uniformity (99% indicating that is an homogeneous traditional cultivar with high purity. This genotype can be conserved and used in breeding programs. More traditional Moroccan cultivars must be collected in order to determine their genetic structure.

  7. High-resolution melt-curve analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-HRM) for the characterisation of pathogenic leptospires: intra-serovar divergence, inter-serovar convergence, and evidence of attenuation in Leptospira reference collections. (United States)

    Tulsiani, S M; Craig, S B; Graham, G C; Cobbold, R C; Dohnt, M F; Burns, M-A; Jansen, C C; Leung, L K-P; Field, H E; Smythe, L D


    High-resolution melt-curve analysis of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-HRM) is a novel technology that has emerged as a possible method to characterise leptospires to serovar level. RAPD-HRM has recently been used to measure intra-serovar convergence between strains of the same serovar as well as inter-serovar divergence between strains of different serovars. The results indicate that intra-serovar heterogeneity and inter-serovar homogeneity may limit the application of RAPD-HRM in routine diagnostics. They also indicate that genetic attenuation of aged, high-passage-number isolates could undermine the use of RAPD-HRM or any other molecular technology. Such genetic attenuation may account for a general decrease seen in titres of rabbit hyperimmune antibodies over time. Before RAPD-HRM can be further advanced as a routine diagnostic tool, strains more representative of the wild-type serovars of a given region need to be identified. Further, RAPD-HRM analysis of reference strains indicates that the routine renewal of reference collections, with new isolates, may be needed to maintain the genetic integrity of the collections.

  8. Genetic similarity between coriander genotypes using ISSR markers Similaridade genética entre genótipos de coentro por marcadores ISSR

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    Roberto de A Melo


    trabalhos de estimativas de similaridade genética. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a similaridade genética entre dez genótipos de coentro (nove cultivares e uma linhagem por meio de marcadores ISSR. As cultivares utilizadas foram Americano, Asteca, Palmeira, Português, Santo, Supéria, Tabocas, Tapacurá, Verdão e a linhagem experimental HTV-9299. A similaridade genética entre as cultivares foi estimada com base nos marcadores moleculares de ISSR, utilizando-se 227 regiões de bandas de ISSR. O oligonucleotídeo UBC 897 gerou o maior número de fragmentos (16, resultando em um maior polimorfismo. Os resultados indicam que os vinte e nove oligonucleotídeos escolhidos foram satisfatórios para detecção de polimorfismo. Como resultado da análise de agrupamento a partir dos dados de similaridade, verificou-se a presença de dois grupos e dois subgrupos. A similaridade calculada para os genótipos variou de 52 a 75%. A menor similaridade ficou entre Português e Verdão, com 52%. Já a maior similaridade foi obtida entre Português e Palmeira com 75%. O ISSR é eficiente na identificação de polimorfismo de DNA em coentro.

  9. Sensibilidad a la colocación de los marcadores en el modelo convencional de análisis cinemático de la marcha


    Villarroya, A.; Alonso, A.; Franco, M.A.; Ramírez-Escurdero, N.; García, I.; Calvo, Begoña


    La correcta evaluación del movimiento articular a través de sistemas de análisis del movimiento depende, entre otros factores, de la correcta colocación de los marcadores reflectantes sobre los sujetos analizados. En el modelo convencional de marcha, de los 15 marcadores de miembro inferior, la mayoría se localizan en puntos anatómicos fáciles de localizar y que tienen poca posibilidad de error. Sin embargo, hay dificultad en otros, como el de la articulación de la rodilla y, sobre todo, en l...

  10. Valor pronóstico del perfil lipídico en insuficiencia cardiaca y su relación con marcadores inflamatorios y nutricionales


    Salamanca Bautista, María del Prado


    Introducción: Los lípidos, además de ser un factor de riesgo cardiovascular, podrían jugar también un papel como marcador pronóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca.Objetivos: Valorar si los niveles de colesterol y otros parámetros lipiditos son predictores de mala evolución en insuficiencia cardiaca y su relación con otros marcadores pronósticos y la situación inflamatoria y nutricional.Material y méto dos: Se recogieron 110 pacientes consecutivos hospitalizados por IC y se les determino un perfil...

  11. Detection of toxin genes and RAPD analysis of bacillus cereus isolates from different soil types

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    Savic Dejana


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to detect genes for enterotoxins (hbla, entFM and bceT and for emetic toxin (cer, to determine antibiotic resistance, and to estimate intraspecies diversity in B. cereus isolates by RAPD analysis. B. cereus was identified in 12 out of 117 indigenous Bacillus spp. using the classical microbiological methods and PCR. All isolates were resistant to penicillin and ampicillin, two to tetracyclin and four to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole. Also, all isolates produced inducible penicillinases and β-lactamase. Toxin genes were detected with PCR. EntFM and cer genes were present in all isolates, hbla in all, but two, and bceT in none. RAPD analysis was performed with four different primers, two of them designed for this study. The intraspecies diversity revealed 10 different patterns at the 90% similarity level. Two separate clusters were formed regardless of a soil type or utilization. The detection of genes encoding toxins in all B. cereus isolates indicated these bacteria as potentially pathogenic and seriously for human health. Regardless of a soil type or utilization, the RAPD analysis showed high intraspecies heterogeneity in B. cereus isolates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to analyse the presence of entero- and emetic toxin genes and genetic heterogeneity in B. cereus isolates from different soil types and different soil utilization in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR37006


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    M.G. Mostafa


    Full Text Available Genetic diversity of two wild Kalibaus, Labeo calbasu populations and one hatchery stock was studied using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD method. The three 10–mer random primers (OPA01, OPB02 and OPC03 yielded a total of 26 reproducible and consistently scorable RAPD bands of which 15 (57.69% were considered as polymorphic (P95 indicating a high level of genetic variation in all the studied populations. Among the three populations, Padma population shows low level of genetic diversity (0.1238 compared to other two and it might be caused by habitat degradation in many ways which ultimately affects the genetic variation of Kalibaus. The UPGMA dendrogram based on Nei’s (1972 original measures of genetic distance (D indicated the segregation of two wild and hatchery populations of L. calbasu into two distinct clusters: the Hatchery and Padma populations produced one cluster whereas the Jamuna population belonged to another cluster. This indicates that hatchery brood stock is derived from Padma River. Nevertheless, the preliminary study revealed that RAPD technique could be an effective tool in the assessment of population genetic structure of Kalibaus.

  13. Assessment of DNA Damage by RAPD in Paracentrotus lividus Embryos Exposed to Amniotic Fluid from Residents Living Close to Waste Landfill Sites

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    Maurizio Guida


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to assess the genotoxic effects of environmental chemicals on residents living near landfills. The study was based on samples of amniotic fluid from women living in the intensely polluted areas around the Campania region of Italy compared to a nonexposed control group. We evaluated the genetic effects that this amniotic fluids collected in contaminated sites had on Paracentrotus lividus embryos. DNA damage was detected through changes in RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA profiles. The absence of the amplified DNA fragments indicated deletions in Paracentrotus lividus DNA exposed to the contaminated amniotic fluids when compared to equal exposure to uncontaminated fluids. These results show the ability of RAPD-PCR to detect and isolate DNA sequences representing genetic alterations induced in P. lividus embryos. Using this method, we identified two candidate target regions for DNA alterations in the genome of P. lividus. Our research indicates that RAPD-PCR in P. lividus embryo DNA can provide a molecular approach for studying DNA damage from pollutants that can impact human health. To our knowledge, this is the first time that assessment of DNA damage in P. lividus embryos has been tested using the RAPD strategy after exposure to amniotic fluid from residents near waste landfill sites.

  14. Natural hybridization between Phlomis lycia D. Don x P. bourgaei Boiss., (Lamiaceae) revealed by RAPD markers. (United States)

    Yüzbaşioğlu, Ertuğrul; Dadandi, Mehmet Yaşar; Ozcan, Sebahattin


    Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPD) were used to assess the hybrid identity of individuals sampled as Phlomis x termessi Davis. Out of 95 primers screened, 11 primers produced reproducible amplification patterns used for discrimination of P. x termessi and their parents. Eleven primers produced 81 bands. Forty two percent of the RAPD bands existed in parents. Of the 54 bands found in P. lycia, 19 were found only in this species and 7 of these were monomorphic. Similarly, of 57 RAPD bands observed in P. bourgaei, 18 were found only in P. bourgaei and 6 of these were monomorphic. Among hybrid individuals, 35 of the 73 markers were monomorphic. Fifteen of these existed in individual parents showing that parents were homozygous for these markers. Of the 35 monomorphic bands observed among hybrid individuals, 5 were present in the samples of one of the parents and completely absent from the samples of the other; therefore, additive inheritance is indicated. Of the 5 additive bands, 1 was inherited from P. bourgaei and 4 were inherited from P. lycia. Among 38 polymorhic markers observed in hybrid individuals, 9 were new and hybrid-specific. Pollen fertility was also investigated. Mean pollen fertility for P. lycia and P. bourgaei was 93% and 97% respectively. However, mean pollen fertility for hybrids was 65% (+/-10.5).

  15. Assessment of genetic diversity in ragi [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn] using morphological, RAPD and SSR markers. (United States)

    Prabhu, Kalapad Santosh; Das, Anath Bandhu; Dikshit, Nilamani


    Finger millet (Eleusine coracana L. Gaertn., 2n=36) is one of the most important minor crops, commonly known as 'ragi' and used as a staple food grain in more than 25 countries including Africa and south Asia. Twenty-seven accessions of ragi were collected from different parts of India and were evaluated for morpho-genetic diversity studies. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used for assessment of genetic diversity among 27 genotypes of E. coracana. High degree of similarity (90%) was obtained between 'IC49979A' and 'IC49974B' genotypes, whereas low level of similarity (9.09%) was found between 'IC204141' and 'IC49985' as evident in morphological and DNA markers. A total of 64 SSR and 301 RAPD amplicons were produced, out of which 87.50% and 77.20% DNA fragments showed polymorphism, respectively. The clustering pattern obtained among the genotypes corresponded well with their morphological and cytological data with a monophyletic origin of this species which was further supported by high bootstrap values and principal component analysis. Cluster analysis showed that ragi accessions were categorised into three distinct groups. Genotypes IC344761, IC340116, IC340127, IC49965 and IC49985 found accession specific in RAPD and SSR markers. The variation among ragi accessions might be used as potential source of germplasm for crop improvement.

  16. Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Colletotrichum spp. Isolates Associated with Leguminosae Using Multigene Loci, RAPD and ISSR

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    Farshid Mahmodi


    Full Text Available Genetic diversity and differentiation of 50 Colletotrichum spp. isolates from legume crops studied through multigene loci, RAPD and ISSR analysis. DNA sequence comparisons by six genes (ITS, ACT, Tub2, CHS-1, GAPDH, and HIS3 verified species identity of C. truncatum, C. dematium and C. gloeosporiodes and identity C. capsici as a synonym of C. truncatum. Based on the matrix distance analysis of multigene sequences, the Colletotrichum species showed diverse degrees of intera and interspecific divergence (0.0 to 1.4% and (15.5–19.9, respectively. A multilocus molecular phylogenetic analysis clustered Colletotrichum spp. isolates into 3 well-defined clades, representing three distinct species; C. truncatum, C. dematium and C. gloeosporioides. The ISSR and RAPD and cluster analysis exhibited a high degree of variability among different isolates and permitted the grouping of isolates of Colletotrichum spp. into three distinct clusters. Distinct populations of Colletotrichum spp. isolates were genetically in accordance with host specificity and inconsistent with geographical origins. The large population of C. truncatum showed greater amounts of genetic diversity than smaller populations of C. dematium and C. gloeosporioides species. Results of ISSR and RAPD markers were congruent, but the effective maker ratio and the number of private alleles were greater in ISSR markers.

  17. Genetic diversity of different accessions of Thymus kotschyanus using RAPD marker

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    Ahmad Ismaili


    Full Text Available Analysis of genetic diversity is a major step for understanding evolution and breeding applications. Recent advances in the application of the polymerase chain reaction make it possible to score individuals at a large number of loci. The RAPD technique has been successfully used in a variety of taxonomic and genetic diversity studies. The genetic diversity of 18 accessions of Thymus kotschyanus collected from different districts of Iran has been reported in this study, using 30 random amplified polymorphic DNA primers. Multivariate statistical analyses including principal coordinate analysis (PCOA and cluster analysis were used to group the accessions. From 29 primers, 385 bands were scored corresponding to an average of 13.27 bands per primer with 298 bands showing polymorphism (77.40%. A dendrogram constructed based on the UPGMA clustering method revealed three major clusters. The obtained results from grouping 18 accessions of T. kotschyanus with two studied methods indicated that in the most cases the applied methods produced similar grouping results. This study revealed nearly rich genetic diversity among T. kotschyanus accessions from different regions of Iran. The results showed RAPD marker was a useful marker for genetic diversity studies of T. kotschyanus and it was indicative of geographica variations.

  18. Genetic stability evaluation of quercus suber l. somatic embryogenesis by rapd analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fernandes, P.; Costa, A.; Rocha, A.C.C.; Santos, C.


    A reliable protocol for adult Quercus suber L. somatic embryogenesis (SE) was developed recently. To evaluate the potential use of this protocol in cork oak forest breeding programs, it is essential to guarantee somatic embryos/emblings genetic stability. Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is currently used to assess somaclonal variation providing information on genetic variability of the micropropagation process. In this work, SE was induced from adult trees by growing leaf explants on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D and zeatin. Embling conversion took place on MS medium without growth regulators. DNA from donor tree, somatic embryos and emblings was used to assess genetic variability by RAPD fingerprinting. Fourteen primers produced 165 genetic loci with high quality and reproducibility. Despite somatic embryos originated some poor quality PCR-profiles, replicable and excellent fingerprints were obtained for both donor plant and embling. Results presented no differences among regenerated emblings and donor plant. Hence, the SE protocol used did not induce, up to moment, any genetic variability, confirming data previously obtained with other molecular/genetic techniques, supporting that this protocol may be used to provide true-to-type plants from important forestry species. (author)

  19. Genetic diversity of Pinus halepensis Mill. populations detected by RAPD loci


    Gómez , Aránzazu; Alía , Ricardo; Bueno , María


    International audience; Genetic diversity of Pinus halepensis Mill. was analysed in nine populations (six Spanish populations and one each from Tunisia, France and Greece). Twenty four RAPD loci were amplified with 60 megagametophyte DNA samples from each population. Populations' contribution to Nei gene diversity and to allelic richness were calculated. Results showed higher within population genetic variation but also a $G_{{\\rm ST}} = 13.6\\%$ higher than those detected in previous studies ...

  20. O desenvolvimento de marcadores para a avaliação da personalidade no modelo dos cinco grandes fatores The development of the big five markers for personality assessment in Brazil

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    Claúdio S. Hutz


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver marcadores para a avaliação da personalidade no Modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores para uso no Brasil, funcionalmente equivalente ao inventário de Goldberg (1992. Participaram deste estudo 976 estudantes de diversas universidades da região sul do Brasil, de ambos os sexos. Os sujeitos se auto-descreveram, respondendo a um instrumento previamente desenvolvido, que continha 96 termos (adjetivos obtidos através de um estudo piloto que examinou cerca de 180 descritores de traços frequentemente utilizados em português. Esses termos foram também considerados por juízes como descritores dos cinco fatores. Análises fatoriais, utilizando diferentes métodos de extração, mostraram que uma solução de 5 fatores é apropriada. Independentemente do método de análise, a estrutura fatorial dos itens se mantém estável. Os fatores extraídos correspondem aos descritos na literatura. O primeiro fator foi "Socialização" ("agreableness", seguido por "Extroversão", "Escrupulosidade" ("conscientiousness", "Neuroticismo" e "Abertura para Experiência". Os resultados mostraram ainda que os marcadores retidos formam escalas psicometricamente adequadas.The aim of the present paper was to develop markers for personality assessment within the framework of the Big Five Personality Factors Model in Brazilian Portuguese that are functionally equivalent to those developed by Goldberg (1992. The participants were 976 students of both sexes of several universities in southern Brazil. Subjects described themselves using 96 adjectives which were previously obtained in a pilot study that examined 180-trait descriptors frequently used in Portuguese. These descriptors were also considered by judges as descriptors of the Big Five Factors. Factor analysis, using different extraction methods showed that a 5-factor solution was adequate. Independently of the method of analysis, the items loaded in the same factors and the

  1. Genetic variability of Passiflora spp. from commercial fields in the Federal District, Brazil Variabilidade genética de Passiflora spp. em plantios comerciais do Distrito Federal, Brasil

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    Ana Paula Gomes de Castro


    Full Text Available This study aimed to characterize the genetic variability in commercial accessions of passion fruit from the Federal District, Brazil, by RAPD markers. Genetic analyses were done with leaf samples of 30 accessions. DNA samples were amplified by RAPD technique, and respective markers converted into a binary matrix, from which the genetic distances between the accessions were estimated. Clustering analyis based on genetic distances allowed to detect a wide range of genetic variabillity among the accessions of sour passion fruit, and to separate them from the two sweet passion fruit. The graphical positioning of 'BRS Ouro Vermelho' confirms its potential to improve the genetic variability of commercial varieties of sour passion fruit. Dispersal of genetic distances among commercial accessions of sour passion fruit supports evidence for different genetic origins of the materials planted in the Federal District. The verified genetic variability indicates the potential success of future breeding programs for this region.Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar a variabilidade genética de acessos de maracujá comerciais no Distrito Federal por meio de marcadores RAPD. Análises genéticas foram feitas com amostras foliares de 30 acessos. As amostras de DNA foram amplificadas pela técnica de RAPD e os respectivos marcadores convertidos em uma matriz binária, a partir da qual as distâncias genéticas entre os acessos foram estimadas. Análises de agrupamento baseadas em distâncias genéticas permitiram detectar uma ampla gama de variabilidade genética entre os acessos de maracujazeiro-azedo, bem como para separá-los dos dois de maracujazeiro-doce. O posicionamento gráfico de 'BRS Ouro Vermelho' confirma a sua importante contribuição para aumentar a variabilidade genética das atuais variedades comerciais de maracujazeiro-azedo. A dispersão das distâncias genéticas entre os acessos comerciais de maracujazeiro-azedo suportam as evid

  2. RAPD cluster analysis and chlorate sensitivity of some Indian isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina from sorghum and their relationships with pathogenicity. (United States)

    Das, I K; Fakrudin, B; Arora, D K


    Charcoal rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is an economically important disease in sorghum grown during the post rainy season in India. Variations in random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) polymorphisms, chlorate sensitivity and pathogenicity were studied among sorghum isolates of M. phaseolina collected from different parts of India. RAPD data based on 14 random primers of Kit A and C (OPA and OPC) on 20 isolates showed a high degree of polymorphism (98.1%) in different isolates. UPGMA dendrogram on RAPD data produced 7 clusters at the level of 37% similarity. Isolates from the same locations showed a tendency to group closer, substantiating closer genetic relatedness. Sorghum infecting Macrophomina isolates showed a mixed response for sensitivity to potassium chlorate (120 mM). Chlorate-resistant isolates were predominant (>65% of the isolates) over sensitive isolates. Chlorate-sensitive isolates were found to be genetically closer among them than the resistant ones. For the first time it was shown that chlorate sensitivity in Macrophomina had some relations with charcoal rot severity in sorghum.

  3. Evolución de la Calcemia y de los Marcadores de Remodelamiento Óseo durante la Gestación, el Parto y el Postparto Normales.


    Toro Salas, Antonio de


    La consecuencia final de la gestación, el parto y el puerperio sobre la masa ósea maternas, no ha sido bien definida, a pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas sobre el tema. Se han realizado estudios sobre la evolución gestacional de los marcadores bioquímicos de remodelamiento ósea, del calcio, y de las hormonas calciotrópicas, que han ido evolucionando en el diseño, en las técnicas, y en los marcadores utilizados. Han apar...



    Duque-Estrada, Megan


    Este trabalho investiga o uso dos marcadores pragmáticos né e sabe em narrativas orais acerca do imaginário da Amazônia, tendo como objeto a identificação da ideia de relevância em histórias de encantamento e assombração. É uma pesquisa de cunho empírico-indutivo, com suporte teórico básico da Análise da Conversação, complementado por conceitos oriundos da Pragmática, do Princípio da Pertinência e das Estruturas de Expectativa, além de estudos sobre a narrativa oral, na linha da Sociolinguíst...

  5. Monitoring Genetic Stability in Quercus serrata Thunb. Somatic Embryogenesis Using RAPD Markers


    Ramesh C., Thakur; Susumu, Goto; Katsuaki, Ishii; S. Mohan, Jain; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute; Fukuoka Prefecture Forest Research and Extension Center; Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute; University of Helsinki


    Genetic stability of propagules regenerated via somatic embryogenesis is of paramount importance for its application to clonal forestry. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to determine the genetic stability in somatic embryogenesis of Quercus serrata Thunb. (Japanese white oak). Forty samples from an embryogenic line, consisting of regenerated plantlets, somatic embryos, and embryogenic calli, were examined using 54 decanucleotide primers. A total of 6520 clear reproduc...



    Vilela, Regina Célia Freitas


    Este trabalho teve como objetivos principais investigar os fatores ecológicos envolvidos no sistema de reprodução de espécies em simpatria de jabuticabeiras (Myrciaria spp.). Para isso, foram realizados estudos quanto ao comportamento da floração, biologia floral e sistema reprodutivo, aliando estes dados aos dados genéticos obtidos através de marcadores moleculares tipo RAPD. Foram realizados cruzamentos interespecíficos para avaliar a capacidade de formação de híbridos e investigar a presen...

  7. Morphological characterization and molecular fingerprinting of Nostoc strains by multiplex RAPD. (United States)

    Hillol, Chakdar; Pabbi, Sunil


    Morphological parameters studied for the twenty selected Nostoc strains were mostly found to be consistent with the earlier reports. But the shape of akinetes observed in this study was a little deviation from the existing descriptions and heterocyst frequency was also found to be different in different strains in spite of growing in the same nitrogen free media. Multiplex RAPD produced reproducible and completely polymorphic amplification profiles for all the strains including some strain specific unique bands which are intended to be useful for identification of those strains. At least one to a maximum of two unique bands was produced by different dual primer combinations. For ten strains out of twenty, strain specific bands were found to be generated. Cluster analysis revealed a vast heterogeneity among these Nostoc strains and no specific clustering based on geographical origin was found except a few strains. It was also observed that morphological data may not necessarily correspond to the genetic data in most of the cases. CCC92 (Nostoc muscorum) and CCC48 (Nostoc punctiforme) showed a high degree of similarity which was well supported by high bootstrap value. The level of similarity of the strains ranged from 0.15 to 0.94. Cluster analysis based on multiplex RAPD showed a good fit revealing the discriminatory power of this technique.

  8. Marcadores inflamatórios e anticorpos anti-chlamydia em pacientes com síndrome metabólica

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    Rosecler Riethmuller Franco


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica está associada ao aumento de risco de eventos cardiovasculares. Marcadores inflamatórios e anticorpos anti-Chlamydia têm sido relacionados ao desenvolvimento e à progressão da aterosclerose e dos eventos cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os marcadores inflamatórios interleucina-6 (IL-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TNF-α e os anticorpos anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae em pacientes com síndrome metabólica (SM, com e sem eventos cardiovasculares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal constituído por 147 indivíduos. Desses, 100 (68% com SM e sem eventos cardiovasculares; e 47 (32% com SM e com eventos cardiovasculares. Dos indivíduos que sofreram eventos cardiovasculares, 13 (6,11% apresentam infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM, e dez (4,7%, acidente vascular cerebral (AVC. O diagnóstico da SM foi determinado pelos critérios do NCEP-ATPIII. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos sujeitos com eventos cardiovasculares foi de 61,26 ± 8,5 e de 59,32 ± 9,9 nos indivíduos sem esses eventos (p=0,279, havendo predomínio do sexo feminino. O grupo com SM e sem evento apresentou maior peso, altura, IMC e circunferência abdominal. Para os indivíduos com eventos cardiovasculares (p=0,001, os marcadores inflamatórios IL-6 e TNF-α e a doença vascular periférica foram significativamente maiores. Obtiveram-se níveis elevados de anticorpos IgG para Chlamydia pneumoniae no grupo SM, sem eventos e de IgA no grupo com eventos quando comparados os dois grupos. Com relação ao IAM e ao AVC, os anticorpos anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae não demonstraram significância estatística, comparados ao grupo sem eventos cardiovasculares. Associação foi observada com o uso de estatinas, hipoglicemiantes orais, injetáveis e anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais no grupo com esses eventos. CONCLUSÃO: Marcadores inflamatórios encontram-se significativamente elevados em pacientes com SM, com IAM e AVC. Anticorpos anti-Chlamydia n

  9. Genetic variability among the brown rust resistant and susceptible genotypes of sugarcane by RAPD technique (United States)

    Brown leaf rust in sugarcane is caused by Puccinia melanocephala (Syd. & P. Syd.), which is major cause of cultivar withdrawal. We attempted to analyze the RAPD diversity of two discrete phenotypic classes i.e. rust resistant (R) and rust susceptible (S) of six commercially available sugarcane elite...

  10. Introducción de los marcadores del discurso en los manuales del ELE del nivel B2 usados en Brasil

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    Nogueira da Silva, Antonio Messias


    Full Text Available Este estudio pretende comprobar, en términos generales, si los manuales del ELE del nivel B2, que actualmente son usados en Brasil, introducen adecuadamente la clase de los marcadores del discurso en sus unidades didácticas. Esta investigación no sólo ha pretendido deslindar qué grupos de marcadores son introducidos en estos manuales sino también ofrecer a los profesores, aprendices y autores pautas más precisas que aporten a modos de mejorar y profundizar la enseñanza de estas unidades discursivas tanto en el aula de ELE como en la elaboración de materiales didácticos en los que se deberá tener en cuenta sus valores semántico-pragmáticos.

  11. Evaluación de marcadores moleculares asociados con resistencia a gota (Phytophthora infestans L. en papas diploides y tetraploides

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    D. K. Juyó


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: Evaluation of molecular markers associated with resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans L.  in diploid and tetraploid potatoes Resumen La papa, cultivo de importancia a nivel mundial es gravemente afectado por gota, enfermedad ocasionada por el oomycete Phytophthora infestans. Actualmente la forma más efectiva para combatir la enfermedad es mediante el desarrollo de cultivares resistentes al patógeno. Para esto, una estrategia es identificar genes que confieran resistencia al patógeno, para lo cual se buscan marcadores asociados con el carácter de resistencia. En este estudio se evaluaron marcadores moleculares tipo SCAR (Sequence Characterized Amplified Region: CosA, GP179, BA47f2 y Prp1 asociados con resistencia a P. infestans y el gen de resistencia R1, en 22 cultivares tetraploides pertenecientes a la subespecie andigena y cinco especies silvestres. Se evaluó el polimorfismo y se determinó si los alelos polimórficos permitían diferenciar genotipos resistentes de susceptibles. Se comparó el  tamaño de los fragmentos obtenidos con los fragmentos esperados asociados con resistencia de acuerdo a reportes. El análisis se realizó considerando presencia/ausencia de los fragmentos: CosA210, CosA250, R11400, R11800, BA47f2500, GP179570, Prp1300, Prp1600, y Prp1900. Los resultados indicaron que en los cultivares tetraploides y silvestres, se presentaron polimorfismos en todos los marcadores evaluados, con excepción del marcador GP179. No se encontró correlación entre el rasgo de resistencia y los alelos. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que hay repuesta diferencial a los marcadores entre las subsp. tuberosum y subsp. Andigena.   Palabras clave: Phytophthora infestans, resistencia a gota, marcadores diagnóstico, Solanum tuberosum subsp. Andigena. Abstract Potato is an important worldwide crop seriously affected by late blight disease caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans. Currently, the

  12. Identification of SSR and RAPD markers linked to a resistance allele for angular leaf spot in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris line ESAL 550

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    Gilvan Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to identify RAPD and SSR markers associated with a resistant allele for angular leaf spot (Phaeoisariopsis griseola from the line 'ESAL 550', derived from the Andean 'Jalo EEP 558' cultivar, to assist selection of resistant genotypes. The resistant line 'ESAL 550' and the susceptible cultivar 'Carioca MG' were crossed to generate F1 and F2 populations. One hundred and twenty F2:3 families were evaluated. The DNA of the 12 most resistant families was bulked and the same was done with the DNA of the 10 most susceptible, generating two contrasting bulks. One RAPD and one SSR marker was found to be linked in coupling phase to the resistant allele. The SSR marker was amplified by the primer PV-atct001(282C, and its distance from the resistant allele was 7.6 cM. This is the most useful marker for indirect selection of resistant plants in segregating populations. The RAPD marker was amplified by the primer OPP07(857C linked in coupling phase to the resistant allele, and distant 24.4 cM. Therefore, this RAPD marker is not so useful in assisting selection because it is too far from the resistant allele.

  13. Relationships between some Thai cultivars of pineapple (Ananas comosus revealed by RAPD analysis

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    Siam Popluechai


    Full Text Available RAPD analysis of nine Thai pineapple cultivars, including 'Phulae', 'Sawee', 'Tradsithong', 'Phuket', 'Pattavia', 'Intrachitdang', 'Intrachitkhow', 'Petburi No.1', and 'Nanglae', showed that, of 40 arbitrary 10- mer primers, 17 primers gave 206 DNA fragments ranging from 510 to 4,700 bp. One hundred and forty-five (70.4% of the amplified fragments were polymorphic. RAPD analysis using NTSYS-pc Version 2.01e also showed that the similarity coefficients among the cultivars were 0.643-0. 963. The dendrogram indicated that the cultivars were clustered into 3 groups, consistent with the morphological data. The first group, consisting of 'Phuket', 'Phulae', 'Tradsithong', 'Sawee', and 'Petburi No.1', had morphological characteristics of the Queen group, while those of the second ('Intrachitdang' and 'Intrachitkow' and the third ('Nanglae' and 'Pattavia' groups could be determined morphologically to be members of the Spanish and Cayenne groups, respectively. 'Intrachitdang' and 'Intrachitkow' have similarity coefficient of 0.963, while that of 'Phulae' and 'Phuket' is 0.950. These pairs of cultivars are probably the same cultivars. The morphological differences between them are probably caused by mutations, differences in environment and agricultural practices, or combinations of these factors.

  14. Molecular characterisation of a germplasm bank for Theobroma genus using the RAPD technique

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    Yovany Moreno


    Full Text Available RAPD markers (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA were used for analysing 145 individuals (128 T. grandiflorum and 17 T. bicolor from the ex situ Theobroma genus germplasm bank at Instituto Sinchi, located at San José del Guaviare. 5 primers able to generated polymorphism were selected from an initial set of 20, generating 114 bands that enable to us to distinguish between more than 99% of individuals analysed: 57 bands for T. grandiflorum (84.2% polymorphic, 45 bands for T. bicolor (26.7% polymorphic and 12 bands shared between the two species (58.3% polymorphic. A high degree of intra-specific similarity particularly in T. bicolor was established from the similarity matrix obtained by using the Dice index and represented in a UPGMA dendrogram and the principal components analysis (PCA. The comparison of this analysis with a previous morpho-agronomic evaluation of some T. grandiflorum individuals revealed that the groups generated on the basis of its agronomic and morphological traits were heterogeneous at molecular level. The obtained information will be used as a tool in strategies regarding maintenance, enrichment and use of the germplasm bank. Key words: Theobroma grandiflorum, Theobroma bicolour, RAPD, molecular characterisation.

  15. Trypanosoma rangeli: RAPD-PCR and LSSP-PCR analyses of isolates from southeast Brazil and Colombia and their relation with KPI minicircles. (United States)

    Marquez, D S; Ramírez, L E; Moreno, J; Pedrosa, A L; Lages-Silva, E


    This study presents the first genetic characterization of five Trypanosoma rangeli isolates from Minas Gerais, in the southeast of Brazil and their comparison with Colombian populations by minicircle classification, RAPD-PCR and LSSP-PCR analyses. Our results demonstrated a homogenous T. rangeli population circulating among Didelphis albiventris as reservoir host in Brazil while heterogeneous populations were found in different regions of Colombia. KP1(+) minicircles were found in 100% isolates from Brazil and in 36.4% of the Colombian samples, whereas the KP2 and KP3 minicircles were detected in both groups. RAPD-PCR and LSSP-PCR profiles revealed a polymorphism within KP1(+) and KP1(-) T. rangeli populations and allowed the division of T. rangeli in two branches. The Brazilian KP1(+) isolates were more homogenous than the KP1(+) isolates from Colombia. The RAPD-PCR were entirely consistent with the distribution of KP1 minicircles while those obtained by LSSP-PCR were associated in 88.9% and 71.4% with KP1(+) and KP1(-) populations, respectively.

  16. Genetic characterization of early maturing maize hybrids (Zea mays L. obtained by protein and RAPD markers

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    Bauer Iva


    Full Text Available Knowledge of maize germplasm genetic diversity is important for planning breeding programmes, germplasm conservation per se etc. Genetic variability of maize hybrids grown in the fields is also very important because genetic uniformity implies risks of genetic vulnerability to stress factors and can cause great losts in yield. Early maturing maize hybrids are characterized by shorter vegetation period and they are grown in areas with shorter vegetation season. Because of different climatic conditions in these areas lines and hybrids are developed with different features in respect to drought resistance and disease resistance. The objective of our study was to characterize set of early maturing maize hybrids with protein and RAPD markers and to compare this clasification with their pedigree information. RAPD markers gave significantly higher rate of polymorphism than protein markers. Better corelation was found among pedigree information and protein markers.

  17. Loci de rasgos binarios que influyen en la expresión del comportamiento higiénico de las abejas melíferas

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    Miguel E. Arechavaleta-Velasco


    Full Text Available Este estudio se realizó para detectar loci de rasgos binarios (BTL que influyen en la expresión del comportamiento higiénico de abejas obreras y para localizar marcadores genéticos asociados a estos BTL en un mapa de ligamiento. Se recolectaron abejas que realizaron el comportamiento higiénico y abejas que no realizaron el comportamiento higiénico de una colonia producto de una retrocruza. Se construyó un mapa genético utilizando marcadores AFLP generados a partir del ADN de las abejas que realizaron el comportamiento higiénico. Se realizó una prueba de bondad de ajuste a cada marcador del mapa para detectar desviaciones en el patrón de segregación esperado (1,1. Los marcadores que presentaron desviaciones significativas del patrón de segregación esperado en las abejas que realizaron el comportamiento higiénico, se generaron en el grupo de abejas que no realizó el comportamiento. Los marcadores que presentaron desviaciones en el patrón de segregación esperado en las abejas que realizaron el comportamiento higiénico pero no en el grupo que no realizó el comportamiento, se sometieron a una prueba de homogeneidad para detectar asociaciones entre el marcador y la expresión del comportamiento higiénico. Doce de los marcadores presentaron desviaciones en el patrón de segregación en las abejas que realizaron el comportamiento (P0.05, y nueve de los marcadores estuvieron asociados a la expresión del comportamiento higiénico (P<0.05. Los nueve marcadores genéticos representan siete BTL que influyen en la expresión del comportamiento higiénico de las abejas.

  18. Genetic analysis of the genus Diospyros ssp. using RAPD and i-PBS methods

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    Jana Raddová


    Full Text Available Molecular techniques (RAPD and i-PBS were used to study genetic diversity within persimmon collection at Horticulture Faculty of Mendel University in Lednice. The aim of the work was to distinguish 14 known and 6 of unknown origin persimmon cultivars. The basic screening of 20 OPT primers was applied to 4 cultivars differring in the place of origin. Within the group of screened primers there were chosen those, which gave polymorphic repeatable strong and middle strong bands. Selected primers were used for the RAPD reactions within the whole persimmon collection. Three OPA primers previously described in the literature were also used for the RAPD reactions within the whole persimmon collection. Additional 16 i-PBS primers previously described in the literature were also used for i-PBS analysis of the whole group of cultivars. Amplification was successful with 12 i-PBS primers. The FreeTree software package was used to gen­erate a similarity matrix and then to produce a dendrogram using UPGMA analyses. The similarity dendrograms of all persimmon cultivars were created based on both approaches and also on combination of both analyses by program Tree View. All the dendrograms clearly separated the assessed cultivars into 4 clusters. There are cluster of American persimmons – Meader’ (1, ’Garretson’ (2 and ’Early Golden’ (3. They are representatives of D. virginiana. Further part of dendrogram includes single D. lotus (5, which is also clearly separated from other cultivars of the genus Diospyros. The third cluster includes interspecific hybrids ’Rossiyanka’ (10 and ’Nikitskaiya Bordovaiya’ (13, which arised from crosses of D. virginiana and D. kaki. The last cluster is formed by cultivars of Japanese persimmon – ’Mikatani Gosho’, ’Zenjimaru’, ’Tone Wase’, ’Hiratanenashi’, ’Fuyu’, Chinese cultivar – ’Sansi’ and two Italian cultivars ’Vaniglia’ and ’Tipo’. They are clustered without significant

  19. Genetic diversity of Bemisia tabaci (Genn. Populations in Brazil revealed by RAPD markers

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    L.H.C. Lima


    Full Text Available Bemisia tabaci (Genn. was considered a secondary pest in Brazil until 1990, despite being an efficient geminivirus vector in beans and soybean. In 1991, a new biotype, known as B. tabaci B biotype (=B. argentifolii was detected attacking weed plants and causing phytotoxic problems in Cucurbitaceae. Nowadays, B. tabaci is considered one of the most damaging whitefly pests in agricultural systems worldwide that transmits more than 60 different plant viruses. Little is known about the genetic variability of these populations in Brazil. Knowledge of the genetic variation within whitefly populations is necessary for their efficient control and management. The objectives of the present study were to use RAPD markers (1 to estimate the genetic diversity of B. tabaci populations, (2 to study the genetic relationships among B. tabaci biotypes and two other whitefly species and (3 to discriminate between B. tabaci biotypes. A sample of 109 B. tabaci female individuals obtained from 12 populations in Brazil were analyzed and compared to the A biotype from Arizona (USA and B biotype from California (USA and Paraguay. Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Aleurodicus cocois samples were also included. A total of 72 markers were generated by five RAPD primers and used in the analysis. All primers produced RAPD patterns that clearly distinguished the Bemisia biotypes and the two other whitefly species. Results also showed that populations of the B biotype have considerable genetic variability. An average Jaccard similarity of 0.73 was observed among the B biotype individuals analyzed. Cluster analysis demonstrated that, in general, Brazilian biotype B individuals are scattered independently in the localities where samples were collected. Nevertheless, some clusters were evident, joining individuals according to the host plants. AMOVA showed that most of the total genetic variation is found within populations (56.70%, but a significant portion of the variation is found

  20. Seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional en banco de sangre de Colombia

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    Jair Alberto Patiño Bedoya


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar la seroprevalencia de marcadores de infecciones transmisibles por vía transfusional. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con fuente de información secundaria, basada en los resultados de pruebas biológicas en los donantes de un banco de sangre de Medellín, Colombia, de 2007 a 2010. Se determinó la seroprevalencia de los marcadores de infección y se compararon según sexo y tipo de donante a través de análisis de frecuencias, chi cuadrado, Fisher y razones de prevalencia. RESULTADOS: La población de base estuvo conformada por 65.535 donantes de los cuales, 3,3% presentaran al menos una prueba biológica positiva. El marcador más prevalente en las pruebas del banco de sangre fue sífilis (1,2%, seguido de tripanosomiasis (1,0%, virus de la hepatitis C (VHC (0,6%, virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH (0,5% y virus de la hepatitis B (VHB (0,2%. Con base en el laboratorio de referencia se halló una prevalencia de 0,6% para sífilis, 0,1% para VHB y 0% para VHC, VIH y Chagas. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticas en la prevalencia de VHB y sífilis según sexo y tipo de donante. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados son coherentes con las prevalencias dadas por la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS y se pueden correlacionar con la prevalencia mundial de las infecciones transmisibles por via transfusional. Los resultados hallados en las pruebas del banco de sangre posibilitan la disminución del riesgo transfusional pero limitan la optimización de recursos al excluir donantes clasificados como falsos positivos.

  1. Genetic Diversity Analysis of Elops machnata (Forskal Populations in South East and West Coasts of India Using RAPD Markers

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    Vellaichamy RAMANADEVI


    Full Text Available The Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD technique was used to study the genetic diversity of four Elops machnata populations in South India. Elops machnata is considered as a least concern species (LC, categorized by the International Union for Conservation and Nature (IUCN. The population trends are currently stable in Indian Ocean, Eastern Africa, but are unknown throughout the rest of its expansive range, especially in Indian estuaries. Among the ten RAPD primers tested, eight primers got amplified and gave scorable bands. In total, 119 scorable bands were observed in all populations. The overall observed and effective number of alleles was found to be 2.000 ± 0.000 and 1.5307 ± 0.2503 respectively for the entire population. The overall polymorphic loci were 61.00% and the overall gene flow among the four populations was predicted to 0.1032. The genetic distance and geographic distance between the four populations showed a positive correlation. The highest genetic similarity (0.6824 was found between Parangipettai and Muthupettai population, which reflected the geographical relationship between them. Tow main clusters were obtained based on UPGMA dendrogram. This study proves that RAPD analysis has the ability to discriminate E. machnata populations in South Indian coastal waters.


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    Mercedes Susana Carranza Patiño


    Full Text Available El presente estudio consistió en determinar la diversidad genética basada en los marcadores RAPD´s (Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA de 20 accesiones de cacao (Theobroma cacao la variedad Nacional, con características de productividad, y niveles de resistencia, susceptibilidad y tolerancia a las rincipales enfermedades causadas por hongos como Ceratocistys fimbriata, Moniliophtora roreri y Crinipelis perniciosa. Este germoplasma de cacao se encuentra localizado en el Centro de Cacao de Aroma Tenguel, en la Finca Experimental “La Buseta” propiedad de la Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. La extracción de ADN se la realizó utilizando el protocolo de Doyle & Doyle (1990 con algunas modificaciones. 14 oligonucleótidos fueron utilizados para la obtención de marcadores RAPD´s, de los cuales 9 amplificaron productos reproducibles OPA-15, OPC-07, OPC-9, OPC-4, OPC-3, OPC-1, OPA-12 OPC-13 y OPA-7. Los productos de amplificación fueron migrados en geles de agarosa al 1.2% a 90 voltios por una hora. Los marcadores moleculares fueron analizados por medio de una matriz de datos binarios para calcular las distancias genéticas. Los nueve cebadores utilizados generaron 67 bandas de las cuales 59 (88% fueron polimórficas. El dendrograma mostró dos grupos A y B, en el grupo A se incluyo dos accesiones, y en el grupo B se encuentran los 18 restantes el cual incluye 2 subgrupos B1 y B2 en el subgrupo B1 se incluye la accesión (L-22-H-40, y en el subgrupo B2 están incluidas las accesiones que poseen características de productividad. El nivel de diversidad más alto se obtuvo con los oligonucleótidos OPC 04 (0.80, OPC 07 (0.82. El cebador OPC 01 (0.37 reportó el nivel más bajo. Las accesiones (L-22-H-40 (O.75, (L-34-H-07 (0.86 y el (L-42-H-60 (0.72 presentaron los niveles de variabilidad más altos, siendo los valores más bajos los mostrados por las accesiones (L-26-H-64 (O.48 y (L-23-H63 (O.47. El valor de la diversidad

  3. Marcadores de inmunorrespuesta en la periodontitis juvenil

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    Amparo Pérez Borrego,


    Full Text Available La periodontitis juvenil es una enfermedad del periodonto propia de adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, afecta principalmente los primeros molares y los incisivos y se caracteriza por la pérdida severa del hueso alveolar alrededor de dientes permanentes sin correspondencia entre la rapidez y severidad de la destrucción con los factores locales. En la causa de la enfermedad se citan factores genéticos, infecciosos e inmunológicos. Estudiamos algunos marcadores de inmunorrespuesta en 6 adolescentes que acudieron a nuestro servicio con el diagnóstico de periodontitis juvenil, además de su valoración clínica y radiológica. Ambos sexos se afectaron por igual, la movilidad dentaria y el sangramiento al sondeo fueron los hallazgos clínicos más relevantes y el índice de higiene bucal fue adecuado en todos los casos. No encontramos homogeneidad en las alteraciones inmunológicas, pero todos los pacientes estuvieron afectados en más de un marcador. Predominaron las alteraciones funcionales de linfocitos T en los estudios celulares. La hipogammaglobulinemia y la IgM elevada fueron las alteraciones más frecuentes en la inmunidad de anticuerpos. Se señala la dificultad que aún existe para explicar la patogenia de la enfermedad basándose solamente en un único factor de riesgo, así como la importancia de la valoración individual de cada enfermo.Juvenile periodontitis is a disease of the periodontium inherent to adolescents and young adults, affecting mainly the first molars and incisives and characterized by the severe loss of the alveolar bone sorrounding the permanent teeth with no correspondance between the celerity and severity of the destruction and the local factors. Genetic, infectious and immunological factors are considereed as the causes of the disease. Some immunoresponse markers were studied in 6 adolescents that were seen at our service with the diagnosis of juvenile periodontitis in addition to their clinical and radiological

  4. Levantamento e caracterização da dipterofauna necrófaga em uma localidade de Brasília - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v6i2.456

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    Gabriel Alonzo Carreira


    Full Text Available Os dípteros representam um grupo de extrema relevância para a criminalística graças a sua capacidade de encontrar corpos em decomposição, permitindo a estimativa do intervalo post mortem. A dificuldade de identificação dos dípteros é um problema que muitos dos profissionais têm que lidar para obter informações acuradas que possam ser utilizadas como provas de crime. Para resolver este problema as identificações por marcadores moleculares se mostram um método eficiente. O objetivo desse trabalho foi descrever a população de dípteros de interesse forense em Brasília por meio de marcadores moleculares baseados em DNA. Os resultados indicaram que marcadores RAPD e de DNAmt podem ser usados para a identificação de Chrysomya albiceps. Sendo assim, estabeleceu-se um método molecular de identificação de uma espécie de interesse forense que poderá servir de auxílio na elucidação de crimes na região ou na identificação de vestígios incompletos ou imaturos de dípteros.



    Becerra V., Viviana; Paredes C., Mario


    En las últimas décadas ha habido un notorio aumento en los marcadores genéticos disponibles para estudios de diversidad genética. Algunos de ellos tienen diferentes bases moleculares, pero todos están enfocados a determinar la organización de la estructura genética en las poblaciones naturales y cultivadas. Además, ellos muestran la similitud entre y dentro de las poblaciones evitando el efecto ambiental. Conocer la similitud entre los individuos y las poblaciones es de gran utilidad en los p...

  6. Genetic diversity in mesoamerican populations of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla), assessed using RAPDs. (United States)

    Gillies, A C; Navarro, C; Lowe, A J; Newton, A C; Hernández, M; Wilson, J; Cornelius, J P


    Swietenia macrophylla King, a timber species native to tropical America, is threatened by selective logging and deforestation. To quantify genetic diversity within the species and monitor the impact of selective logging, populations were sampled across Mesoamerica, from Mexico to Panama, and analysed for RAPD DNA variation. Ten decamer primers generated 102 polymorphic RAPD bands and pairwise distances were calculated between populations according to Nei, then used to construct a radial neighbour-joining dendrogram and examine intra- and interpopulation variance coefficients, by analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA). Populations from Mexico clustered closely together in the dendrogram and were distinct from the rest of the populations. Those from Belize also clustered closely together. Populations from Panama, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras, however, did not cluster closely by country but were more widely scattered throughout the dendrogram. This result was also reflected by an autocorrelation analysis of genetic and geographical distance. Genetic diversity estimates indicated that 80% of detected variation was maintained within populations and regression analysis demonstrated that logging significantly decreased population diversity (P = 0.034). This study represents one of the most wide-ranging surveys of molecular variation within a tropical tree species to date. It offers practical information for the future conservation of mahogany and highlights some factors that may have influenced the partitioning of genetic diversity in this species across Mesoamerica.

  7. [Reticulate evolution of parthenogenetic species of the Lacertidae rock lizards: inheritance of CLsat tandem repeats and anonymous RAPD markers]. (United States)

    Chobanu, D; Rudykh, I A; Riabinina, N L; Grechko, V V; Kramerov, D A; Darevskiĭ, I S


    The genetic relatedness of several bisexual and of four unisexual "Lacerta saxicola complex" lizards was studied, using monomer sequences of the complex-specific CLsat tandem repeats and anonymous RAPD markers. Genomes of parthenospecies were shown to include different satellite monomers. The structure of each such monomer is specific for a certain pair of bisexual species. This fact might be interpreted in favor of co-dominant inheritance of these markers in bisexual species hybridogenesis. This idea is supported by the results obtained with RAPD markers; i.e., unisexual species genomes include only the loci characteristic of certain bisexual species. At the same time, in neither case parthenospecies possess specific, autoapomorphic loci that were not present in this or that bisexual species.

  8. Analysis of genetic diversity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum from eggplant by mycelial compatibility, random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD and simple sequence repeat (SSR analyses

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    Fatih Mehmet Tok


    Full Text Available The genetic diversity and pathogenicity/virulence among 60 eggplant Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolates collected from six different geographic regions of Turkey were analysed using mycelial compatibility groupings (MCGs, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD and simple sequence repeat (SSR polymorphism. By MCG tests, the isolates were classified into 22 groups. Out of 22 MCGs, 36% were represented each by a single isolate. The isolates showed great variability for virulence regardless of MCG and geographic origin. Based on the results of RAPD and SSR analyses, 60 S. sclerotiorum isolates representing 22 MCGs were grouped in 2 and 3 distinct clusters, respectively. Analyses using RAPD and SSR markers illustrated that cluster groupings or genetic distance of S. sclerotiorum populations from eggplant were not distinctly relative to the MCG, geographical origin and virulence diversity. The patterns obtained revealed a high heterogeneity of genetic composition and suggested the occurrence of clonal and sexual reproduction of S. sclerotiorum on eggplant in the areas surveyed.

  9. Identification of genetically diverse genotypes for photoperiod insensitivity in soybean using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Singh, R K; Bhatia, V S; Yadav, Sanjeev; Athale, Rashmi; Lakshmi, N; Guruprasad, K N; Chauhan, G S


    Most of the Indian soybean varieties were found to be highly sensitive to photoperiod, which limits their cultivation in only localized area. Identification of genetically diverse source of photoperiod insensitive would help to broaden the genetic base for this trait. Present study was undertaken with RAPD markers for genetic diversity estimation in 44 accessions of soybean differing in response to photoperiod sensitivity. The selected twenty-five RAPD primers produced a total of 199 amplicons, which generated 89.9 % polymorphism. The number of amplification products ranged from 2 to 13 for different primers. The polymorphism information content ranged from 0.0 for monomorphic loci to 0.5 with an average of 0.289. Genetic diversity between pairs of genotypes was 37.7% with a range of 3.9 to 71.6%. UPGMA cluster analysis placed all the accessions of soybean into four major clusters. No discernable geographical patterns were observed in clustering however; the smaller groups corresponded well with pedigree. Mantel's test (r = 0.915) indicates very good fit for clustering pattern. Two genotypes, MACS 330 and 111/2/1939 made a very divergent group from other accessions of soybean and highly photoperiod insensitive that may be potential source for broadening the genetic base of soybean for this trait.

  10. Characterization of rhizobia that nodulate Arachis pintoi by RAPD analysis Caracterização de rizóbios capazes de nodular Arachis pintoi via análise de "RAPD"

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    Patrícia Pereira Pinto


    Full Text Available The genetic relationships of 85 Arachis pintoi nodulating Rhizobium strains were determined using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD methods. The analysis included 75 strains isolated from Cerrado soils and 10 other ones of different origins. The results indicated that there is a high level of similarity between these strains and that geographic distribution may affect their phylogenetic relationship. In addition, the results allowed the selection of the most suitable primers for characterisation of these Rhizobium strains which will be useful for implementation of competitiveness studies in Cerrado soils.As relações genéticas de 85 estirpes de Rhizobium capazes de nodular Arachis pintoi foram determinadas usando o método de "RAPD" (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. As análises incluíram 75 estirpes isoladas de solos de Cerrado e 10 de diferentes origens. Os resultados indicaram que existe um alto grau de similaridade entre estas estirpes e que a distribuição geográfica pode afetar suas relações filogenéticas. Além disso, os resultados permitiram a seleção de "primers" mais adequados para a caracterização dessas estirpes de Rhizobium, os quais serão úteis para a implementação de estudos de competitividade nos solos de Cerrado.

  11. Genetic Diversity of Iraqi Date Palm (Phoenix ‎dactylifera L. by using RAPD Technique

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    Muhanned Abdul Hasan Kareem


    Full Text Available In this study provided all molecular markers of Random amplified polymorphic (RAPD successfully with the sixty five Iraqi date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. cultivars, which collected from Hilla city in Iraq, to determine fingerprinting, polymorphic value, and relationships among varieties of date palm cultivars, and also with the same type of cultivars. Data analysis of ten RAPD has been revealed. Number of amplified DNA fragments were (592 bands, polymorphism per all primers were (%64.2, primer efficiency was 0.1, and discriminatory value was (%0.09, which revealed a high percentage similarity about %67 to %100 between cultivars belong to the same variety. There are relationships with twenty four genotypes, divided in to two clusters, clusterΙ ranged distance from 0.74 to 1.30 represented(Maddany, Ashrasi, Greatli, Smeasmi and sukkary and clusterII ranged distance from 0.25 to 0.60 which divided into three sub group, there are sub group I represented (Sultana, Khestawi, Breem, Sabb Drrah, Hamrawi, Brban, and Khadrawi, sub groupiesII represented (Zahdi, Tebarzal, Maktom, brahi, Chipchab and Fom Alrman, sub groupies III represented (Usta Umran, Nersi, Najdi, Guntar, Shwethi and Ghanami Ahmer.

  12. Genetic Diversity of Iraqi Date Palm (Phoenix ‎dactylifera L. by using RAPD Technique

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    Muhanned Abdul Hasan


    Full Text Available In this study provided all molecular markers of Random amplified polymorphic (RAPD successfully with the sixty five Iraqi date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. cultivars, which collected from Hilla city in Iraq, to determine fingerprinting, polymorphic value, and relationships among varieties of date palm cultivars, and also with the same type of cultivars. Data analysis of ten RAPD has been revealed. Number of amplified DNA fragments were (592 bands, polymorphism per all primers were (%64.2, primer efficiency was 0.1, and discriminatory value was (%0.09, which revealed a high percentage similarity about %67 to %100 between cultivars belong to the same variety. There are relationships with twenty four genotypes, divided in to two clusters, clusterΙ ranged distance from 0.74 to 1.30 represented(Maddany, Ashrasi, Greatli, Smeasmi and sukkary and clusterII ranged distance from 0.25 to 0.60 which divided into three sub group, there are sub group I represented (Sultana, Khestawi, Breem, Sabb Drrah, Hamrawi, Brban, and Khadrawi, sub groupiesII represented (Zahdi, Tebarzal, Maktom, brahi, Chipchab and Fom Alrman, sub groupies III represented (Usta Umran, Nersi, Najdi, Guntar, Shwethi and Ghanami Ahmer.  

  13. Diminuição do teor de óxido de crômio (III usado como marcador externo Reduction in chromium (III oxide level as an external marker

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    Hermann Bremer Neto


    Full Text Available A sensibilidade do método espectrofotométrico da s-difenilcarbazida de determinação do crômio permite que esse metal possa ser determinado em teores e em massas de amostras tão pequenas que as concentrações atualmente usadas de óxido de crômio (III como marcador externo em ensaios biológicos poderiam ser drasticamente diminuídas. Utilizando-se do piauçu (Leporinus macrocephalus para um estudo sobre o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA da fração protéica, seis níveis de óxido de crômio (III - 0,01% - 0,02% - 0,03% - 0,05% - 0,1% e 0,2% - foram incorporados em dietas isoprotéica e isoenergética, objetivando-se verificar se o cálculo do CDA seria afetado pela variação do teor do marcador. Os seis tratamentos foram dispostos em um delineamento em blocos inteiramente casualisados, sendo as fezes coletadas durante 16 dias. Verificou-se que os resultados do coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da fração protéica não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significativas devidas aos teores incorporados do marcador à ração e aos dias de coleta. Conseqüentemente, e em experimentos dessa natureza, nada impede que seja reduzido o teor de óxido de crômio (III ao menos até 0,01%: além da economia relativa ao consumo do mesmo e da facilidade na manipulação de menor quantidade de amostras de fezes, o método espectrofotométrico da s-difenilcarbazida permite dosar esse nível (e até menor do que 0,01% de modo simples e rápido, com precisão e exatidão.The objective of this study was to reduce the level of the biological marker Cr2O3 in animal diets, due to the sensibility of the sdiphenylcarbazide spectrophotometric method for chromium determination in feces, recently developed. Six levels of marker, chromium (III oxide (0.01% - 0.02% - 0.03% - 0.05% - 0.1% and 0.2%, were incorporated into isoproteic and isoenergetic diets, for the apparent digestibility assay of the "piauçu" (Leporinus macrocephalus, in a

  14. Estudios bioarqueológios de marcadores de estrés ocupacional en cazadores recolectores pampeanos del Holoceno Temprano-Medio

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    Scabuzzo, Clara


    Full Text Available El objetivo general de este trabajo es, desde una perspectiva bioarqueológica, aproximarse a los modos de vida de los cazadores recolectores a partir del análisis de las actividades físicas cotidianas. Específicamente se plantea llevar a cabo el estudio de los marcadores de estrés ocupacional (M.E.O. Estas marcas de actividad, que quedan registrados en el esqueleto como consecuencia del uso del cuerpo y de los patrones de actividad física de los individuos, pueden ser tanto de carácter patológico como no patológico. Dentro de las modificaciones patológicas se incluye la osteoartritis, las fracturas y las lesiones de estrés; en tanto que las no patológicas abarcan los marcadores de estrés músculo-esqueletal y los posturales. En este trabajo fueron consideradas las señales de degeneración articular y los marcadores de estrés músculo-esqueletal. Se analizaron los esqueletos adultos del sitio Arroyo Seco 2 (Partido de Tres Arroyos, Provincia de Buenos Aires. En este sitio se exhumó un total de 44 esqueletos, de adultos y subadultos, ubicados temporalmente a partir de varios fechados radiocarbónicos, en el Holoceno temprano-medio. Los resultados sugieren que en los grupos cazadores recolectores pampeanos de esa etapa existió una división en las tareas cotidianas entre los sexos. Los hombres estuvieron implicados desde la adultez temprana en actividades físicas de mayor exigencia corporal, en tanto que las mujeres desarrollaron tareas de menor desgaste físico

  15. Polytene chromosome maps and RAPD polymorphisms in Glossina austeni

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gariou-Papalexiou, A.; Yannopoulos, G.; Zacharopoulou, A.; Robinson, A.S.


    A combined methodology of cloned RAPD (random amplification of polymorphic DNA) polymorphic bands and in situ hybridisation to polytene chromosomes is an efficient way to initiate construction of a physical and genetic map of insect disease vectors (Dimopoulos et al. 1996, Mutebi et al. 1997). The studies presented here are the first step in developing this approach in tsetse flies. This technology will be used to support tsetse sterile insect technique (SIT) programmes by providing tools with which population structure and isolation can be assessed and genetic markers that can be used to differentiate released flies from wild flies identified. An added benefit is their possible use in unravelling epidemiological complexity and problems regarding speciation (Besansky et al. 1997). Polytene chromosomes of Diptera have been shown to be excellent material for the study of chromosome structure and function as well as for an understanding of the genetics of natural populations (Lefevre 1976). They provide a means for the accurate mapping of chromosome rearrangements and the precise localisation of genes, using both rearrangement analysis and in situ hybridisation. Previous reports on the cytology of the tsetse flies (Riordan 1968, Maudlin 1970, 1979, Southern et al. 1972, Southern and Pell 1973, Davies and Southern 1976, Southern 1980) have described the basic mitotic karyotype in several Glossina species, and demonstrated the presence of well banded polytene chromosomes in pupal trichogen cells (Southern and Pell 1974, 1981, Pell and Southern 1976). Polytene chromosomes were described for G. austeni Newstead, G. morsitans morsitans Westwood, G. pallidipes Austen and G. fuscipes fuscipes Newstead, but these descriptions are difficult to work with as they are drawings of polytene chromosome elements. In this paper, the photographic chromosome maps of pupal scutellar bristles of G. austeni are presented. They show that these chromosomes can be used with much greater ease

  16. Principales marcadores moleculares utilizados para la identificación de Babesia bovis y Babesia bigemina

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    Sandra Ríos T.


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe los principales marcadores moleculares utilizados para la identificación de B. bovis y B. bigemina reportados en la literatura científica. Para ello se diseñó una revisión sistemática a partir de la aplicación de la estrategia metodológica PICO modificada con el objetivo de definir las secuencias nucleotídicas detectadas en los diferentes sitios geográficos y su utilidad diagnóstica. Se realizó una búsqueda avanzada con los términos “Babesia bovis” y “DNA” y “Babesia bigemina” y “DNA” en las bases de datos ScienceDirect, SpringerLink y PubMed que después de ser filtradas permitieron obtener un resultado total de 68 artículos originales. Tanto los artículos incluidos como los excluidos fueron almacenados en tablas, en las cuales se presenta la justificación de su condición dentro del estudio. A los 68 artículos seleccionados se les aplicó una evaluación con criterios de inclusión y exclusión previamente definidos, de este modo, 21 artículos originales cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y se incluyeron en el estudio. Se describe la utilidad de los marcadores moleculares referenciados en la literatura científica desde 1995 hasta el 2010: la subunidad pequeña RNAr, el gen citocromo b, gen msa-1 and msa-2c, el gen Bv, el factor de elongación alfa (EF-1α, el gen de la beta-Tubulina, SBP 1-2-3, y los RAP; su aplicación diagnóstica y su utilización en los diferentes sitios geográficos. Los marcadores moleculares utilizados para la detección de las babesias bovinas varían dependiendo de la región geográfica, grado de conservación genética y resultados de estudios previos que concluyen su utilidad diagnóstica.

  17. Tipificación de marcadores genéticos sanguíneos en raza Hereford


    Quinteros, Indalecio Rodolfo; Tejedor, Eugenio Daniel; Poli, Mario Andrés; Antonini de Ruiz, Alicia Graciela


    El paso inicial de esta investigación ha sido tipificar al Bovino Hereford de Argentina para definirlo mediante la metodología de la Inmunogenética. Se buscaron "expresiones" propias y coincidencias con los "marcadores genéticos sanguíneos" descubiertos en esta raza por otros países. Su gran adaptabilidad a "hábitats" diferentes induce a mantener intacto su germoplasma y enriquecerlo con el agregado de nuevos genes. No obstante su homogeneidad racial, el Hereford Argentino presenta destacado ...

  18. Evaluación de ligamiento del Trastorno Afectivo Bipolar con marcadores STR en las regiones cromosómicas 18p12, 18q22-23, 21q22 Y 12q23

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    Patricia Montoya


    los criterios diagnósticos utilizados en cada uno. Lo anterior establece la dificultad para definir regiones claramente comprometidas en la etiología del TAB y subraya la necesidad de estudios adicionales que evalúen cada una de las regiones candidatas. Es por esto que nos proponemos, como objetivo general, evaluar hipótesis de ligamiento del TAB a marcadores candidatos en cuatro regiones del genoma en familias estudiadas en la Clínica de Trastornos Afectivos (CTA del Departamento de Psiquiatría del Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Antioquia; esto se hará utilizando métodos paramétricos en aquellas familias que cumplan con los siguientes criterios: 1- Depuración de fenotipo en los sujetos de las familias participantes utilizando protocolos clínicos específicos (DSM I V, FIGS, DIGS, BED. 2- Escogencia de los extendidos familiares, que por análisis de simulación, presenten el mayor poder (LS > 3 con P >0.05. Por ultimo se realizará la genotipificación de marcadores anónimos (STRs que han sido reportados en la literatura con algún grado de asociación o ligamiento al fenotipo. Hasta el momento se tienen muestras de DNA pertenecientes a miembros de cuatro familias que cumplen con los requerimientos anteriormente descritos; el próximo paso será la genotipificación de los marcadores a estudiar en cada uno de ellos.

  19. Comparison of the yeast microbiota of different varieties of cool-climate grapes by PCR-RAPD

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    Iwona Drożdż


    Full Text Available The yeast microbiota occurring on different varieties of grapes grown in cool-climate is not completely researched. Therefore, its identification is important to research. On the other hand, yeasts occurring in these fruits can be potentially used as starter cultures to obtain particularly demanded features in the production of wine. In addition, rapid methods for yeast identification allow to eliminate the contamination with pathogenic yeasts, which could cause the loss of wine production. The aim of the study was to isolate and identify the yeasts occurring on the surface of the different varieties of white and red grapes, grown in cool-climate of Poland. Also, the aim was to compare the qualitative and quantitative composition of yeasts on the tested grapes. The 84 cultures of yeasts were isolated, that were initially macroscopic and microscopic analyzed and the purity of cultures was rated on the WL medium. Identification of yeasts by PCR-RAPD was carried using the M13 primer. In the PCR-RFLP method ITS1 and ITS4 primers, as well as restriction enzymes HhaI, HinfI, HaeIII, were used. Preliminary identification of yeasts by standard methods produced results very different from the results obtained by molecular methods. Among the isolated microorganisms yeasts were dominating, but bacteria and molds were also present. Using the PCR-RAPD method most strains of yeasts were identified. Yeast microflora of different varieties of white and red grapes was very similar as the same species of yeasts were identified. Yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces were present in all varieties of grapes. The Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Metschnikowia pulcherrima, Rhodotorula minuta, Pichia kluyveri, Hanseniaspora uvarum and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa were identified by PCR-RAPD. 4 of the 33 tested strains of yeasts were identified by PCR-RFLP. By PCR-RAPD only Hanseniaspora uvarum was identified. The quantity and quality of microorganisms living

  20. Caracterização molecular de acessos de mandioca açucarados e não açucarados Molecular characterization of sugary and non-sugary cassava accessions

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    Eduardo Alano Vieira


    Full Text Available Acessos de mandioca que armazenam açúcares livres em suas raízes de reserva e não somente amido, como os acessos de mandioca cultivados comercialmente, vêm recebendo destaque atualmente. Esses acessos são popularmente conhecidos como mandiocas açucaradas ou mandiocabas, e evidenciam potencial de uso na produção de álcool combustível. Entretanto, esse germoplasma ainda não foi suficientemente estudado quanto àsua variabilidade genotípica, o que é fundamental para sua conservação e utilização no melhoramento genético. Neste tabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar por meio de marcadores RAPD 14 acessos de mandioca açucarados e não açucarados. Em laboratório, os acessos foram avaliados por meio de 12 iniciadores RAPD. Posteriormente, foi estimada a matriz de dissimilaridade genética entre os acessos, por meio da utilização do complemento do índice de Jaccard. Os iniciadores geraram 131 marcadores RAPD, dos quais 73% foram polimórficos, evidenciando a existência de variabilidade e a eficiência da técnica de RAPD. Os acessos mais similares foram BGMC 1207 e BGMC 1209, ambos açucarados e os menos similares foram o açucarado BGMC 1219 e a cultivar BGMC 436. Os acessos foram divididos em quatro grupos, sendo o primeiro grupo formado pelos 10 acessos açucarados, o segundo grupo formado por dois acessos locais não açucarados, o terceiro e o quarto foram formados pelos acessos melhorados BGMC 753 e BGMC 436. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de elevada variabilidade genética entre os acessos avaliados e diferenciaram os acessos açucarados das cultivares locais não açucaradas e das cultivares comerciais não açucaradas.Emphasis has been given lately to cassava accessions that accumulate free sugars in their storage roots, besides starch, such as the commercial cultivars. These accessions are popularly known as sugary cassavas or "mandiocabas", and present a high potential for the use in ethanol biofuel

  1. Identification and characterization of a RAPD-PCR marker for distinguishing Asian and North American gypsy moths (United States)

    K.J. Garner; J.M. Slavicek


    The recent introduction of the Asian gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) into North America has necessitated the development of genetic markers to distinguish Asian moths from the established North American population, which originated in Europe. We used RAPD-PCR to identify a DNA length polymorphism that is diagnostic for the two moth strains. The...

  2. Terbinafine susceptibility and genotypic heterogeneity in clinical isolates of Trichophyton mentagrophytes by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). (United States)

    Alipour, M; Mozafari, N A


    The four RAPD systems tested in the present study have aimed at investigating DNA fingerprinting of Trichophyton mentagrophytes strains and the correlation between genotyping and antifungal susceptibility to terbinafine. Twenty-nine clinical isolates of T. mentagrophytes were recovered from patients suspected of having active dermatophytosis who were referred to the laboratory of medical mycology department in Tehran university. Then, they were subjected to conventional examination by performing direct microscopic examination, culture on primary media, physiological tests. The in vitro antifungal susceptibility of twenty-nine T. mentagrophytes isolates against terbinafine was evaluated by modified agar dilution method to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Twenty-one sensitive and eight resistant to terbinafine, were submitted to RAPD using 4 decamer primers (A, B, C, D) with the purpose of encountering a genetic marker to terbinafine sensibility and resistance. The UPGMA-Jaccard's correlation coefficient was used to build up dendogram that could represent clusters of similarity. According to their correlation coefficient, the samples were classified as much related (100%), moderately related (80%) and unrelated (terbinafine. All susceptible samples were properly grouped, but a few numbers of resistant isolates were also included. Nevertheless, further biochemical and molecular biological studies will be required to fully elucidate the point that resistance might be the result of a mutation in the gene encoding squalene epoxidase in T. mentagrophytes. This study proved efficacy of applying RAPD molecular technique to complement traditional mycological culture and drug susceptibility tests for accurate and appropriate management of recurrent dermatophytosis and highlights the need for newer antifungals that can combat the emergence of terbinafine-resistant T. mentagrophytes strains. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

  3. Estimation of genetic variability among elite wheat genotypes using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    BIBI, S.; Khan, I.A.; Naqvi, M.H.; Siddiqui, M.A.; Yasmeen, S.; Seema, M.


    Twenty four wheat varieties/lines were assessed through RAPD for genetic diversity. Of forty primers, thirteen were able to amplify the genomic DNA and yielded 269 polymorphic bands. The percentage of the polymorphic loci was 86.22%. Nei's genetic diversity (h) ranged from 0.248 to 0.393, with an average of 0.330. Shanon's index ranged from 0.382 to 0.567, with an average of 0.487. The proportion of genetic variation among the populations ( Ds) accounted for 28.58 % of the whole genetic diversity. The level of gene flow (Nm) was 1.25. Some specific RAPD bands were also identified, variety C-591, and QM-4531 contain a specific segment of 4.9 kbp. Whereas SARC-1 and PKV-1600 amplified a specific DNA segment with primer A-09. Marvi-2000 contains two specific segments of 3.2 kb and 200 bp amplified with primer B-07. Genetically most similar genotypes were C-591 and Pasban-90 (76%) and most dissimilar genotypes were Rawal-87 and Khirman (36.1%). On the basis of results, 24 wheat varieties under study could be divided into 'two' groups and five clusters 'A' to 'E. (author)

  4. El índice neutrófilo/linfocito como marcador de disfunción sistémica endotelial en sujetos asintomáticos

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    Diego Martínez-Urbistondo


    Conclusiones: El índice neutrófilo/linfocito surge como un potencial marcador de disfunción endotelial sistémica económico, rápido, no invasivo e independiente de otros factores conocidos, en sujetos asintomáticos.

  5. Marcadores Hemoquímicos de afectación al tejido nervioso como indicadores de daño en la hipertensión arterial esencial y en el ictus


    González García, Sergio


    En el presente trabajo se aborda la aplicabilidad clínica de las determinaciones séricas de algunos marcadores hemoquímicos de daño del SNC (NSE y S100B), inflamatorios (PCR, C3, C4 y AAT), de trombosis (fibrinógeno y DD) y de disfunción endotelial (μalb) en dos enfermedades íntimamente relacionadas, donde la afectación vascular constituye la base fisiopatológica: la HTA esencial y el ictus agudo. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue evaluar la utilidad de marcadores hemoquímicos c...

  6. Genetic diversity in soybean germplasm identified by SSR and EST-SSR markers Diversidade genética em germoplasma de soja identificada por marcadores SSR e EST-SSR

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    Bruno Mello Mulato


    órficos, e 259 alelos foram encontrados. O número de alelos por lócus variou entre 2-21, com média de 8,63. Os acessos possuem uma quantidade significativa de alelos raros, sendo os acessos 19, 35, 63 e 65 os que apresentaram maior número de alelos exclusivos. Os acessos 75 e 79 são os mais similares e os acessos 31 e 35, e 40 e 78 são os mais divergentes. Foi observada baixa correlação entre resultados de SSR e EST-SSR. Portanto, uma análise adequada de diversidade em soja deve ser feita utilizando-se tanto marcadores microssatélites genômicos como funcionais. A diversidade genética dos acessos selecionados é alta, tendo sido encontrados cinco grupos e vários subgrupos. Observou-se moderada relação entre divergência genética e origem geográfica dos acessos.

  7. Assessment of genetic diversity and relationships among Egyptian mango (Mangifera indica L.) cultivers grown in Suez Canal and Sinai region using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Mansour, Hassan; Mekki, Laila E; Hussein, Mohammed A


    DNA-based RAPD (Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA) markers have been used extensively to study genetic diversity and relationships in a number of fruit crops. In this study, 10 (7 commercial mango cultivars and 3 accessions) mango genotypes traditionally grown in Suez Canal and Sinai region of Egypt, were selected to assess genetic diversity and relatedness. Total genomic DNA was extracted and subjected to RAPD analysis using 30 arbitrary 10-mer primers. Of these, eleven primers were selected which gave 92 clear and bright fragments. A total of 72 polymorphic RAPD bands were detected out of 92 bands, generating 78% polymorphisms. The mean PIC values scores for all loci were of 0.85. This reflects a high level of discriminatory power of a marker and most of these primers produced unique band pattern for each cultivar. A dendrogram based on Nei's Genetic distance co-efficient implied a moderate degree of genetic diversity among the cultivars used for experimentation, with some differences. The hybrid which had derived from cultivar as female parent was placed together. In the cluster, the cultivars and accessions formed separate groups according to bearing habit and type of embryo and the members in each group were very closely linked. Cluster analysis clearly showed two main groups, the first consisting of indigenous to the Delta of Egypt cultivars and the second consisting of indigenous to the Suez Canal and Sinai region. From the analysis of results, it appears the majority of mango cultivars originated from a local mango genepool and were domesticated later. The results indicated the potential of RAPD markers for the identification and management of mango germplasm for breeding purposes.

  8. Seleção tradicional e associada a marcadores moleculares na avaliação genética animal Traditional and associated selection with molecular markers in the genetic evaluation of animals

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    Paulo Luiz Souza Carneiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a seleção, utilizando valores genéticos preditos pelo BLUP clássico (BLUP, BLUP marcadores (BLUPM e pela seleção individual (SI, usando simulação com o programa Genesys. Para obter a matriz de similaridade genética utilizada no BLUPM, foram simulados cem marcadores moleculares do tipo microssatélite (SSR - Simple Sequence Repeat, por meio de um coeficiente de similaridade correspondente à distância euclideana média para dados quantitativos. A fim de comparar os diferentes métodos, utilizaram-se populações com tamanho efetivo de 66,66 e média de 30 repetições, avaliando-se os valores fenotípicos médios. Os ganhos ao longo das 20 gerações de seleção foram maiores para o BLUP em relação ao BLUPM, e este foi superior à SI. Quanto ao ganho obtido nas cinco primeiras gerações, o BLUPM apresentou ganhos semelhantes ao BLUP e superiores à SI. Diferentes sistemas de acasalamento dos reprodutores selecionados não revelaram diferenças em ganho genético nos métodos baseados no BLUP.The objective of this work was to compare selection based on breeding values predicted by classical best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP, BLUP associated with molecular markers (BLUPM and individual selection (IS using data simulated with the Genesys program. To obtain the genetic similarity matrix to be used in BLUPM, a hundred microsatellite markers (simple sequence repeats were simulated using a similarity coefficient corresponding to the mean Euclidean distance between quantitative data. The different selection methods were compared using populations of an effective size of 66.66 and a mean of 30 repetitions, and mean phenotypic values were determined. Genetic gain obtained over 20 generations of selection was higher for BLUP than BLUPM, which in turn was superior to IS. Similar genetic gains were obtained for BLUPM and BLUP only when the gain for the first five generations was considered, and these

  9. [Genetic variation and differentiation in striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius inferred from RAPD-PCR analysis]. (United States)

    Atopkin, D M; Bogdanov, A S; Chelomina, G N


    Genetic variation and differentiation of the trans-Palearctic species Apodemus agrarius (striped field mouse), whose range consists of two large isolates-European-Siberian and Far Eastern-Chinese, were examined using RAPD-PCR analysis. The material from the both parts of the range was examined (41 individual of A. agrarius from 18 localities of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Kazakhstan); the Far-Eastern part was represented by samples from the Amur region, Khabarovsk krai, and Primorye (Russia). Differences in frequencies of polymorphic RAPD loci were found between the European-Siberian and the Far Eastern population groups of striped field mouse. No "fixed" differences between them in RAPD spectra were found, and none of the used statistical methods permitted to distinguish with absolute certainty animals from the two range parts. Thus, genetic isolation of the European-Siberian and the Far Eastern population groups of A. agrarius is not strict. These results support the hypothesis on recent dispersal of striped field mouse from East to West Palearctics (during the Holocene climatic optimum, 7000 to 4500 years ago) and subsequent disjunction of the species range (not earlier than 4000-4500 years ago). The Far Eastern population group is more polymorphic than the European-Siberian one, while genetic heterogeneity is more uniformly distributed within it. This is probably explained by both historical events that happened during the species dispersal in the past, and different environmental conditions for the species in different parts of its range. The Far Eastern population group inhabits the area close to the distribution center of A. agrarius. It is likely that this group preserved genetic variation of the formerly integral ancestral form, while some amount of genetic polymorphism could be lost during the species colonization of the Siberian and European areas. To date, the settlement density and population number in general are higher than within the European

  10. Genetic variations among Echinococcus granulosus isolates in Egypt using RAPD-PCR. (United States)

    Taha, Hoda A


    Cystic echinococcosis (CE), caused by hydatid cysts, is a widespread and hazardous disease in humans and animals worldwide. The aim of the current study was to investigate the genetic variations among Echinococcus granulosus cyst strains isolated from sheep, camel, pig, and donkey using RAPD-PCR analysis. Seven primers of arbitrary sequences were used in the PCR reactions. The screened primers gave total patterns ranging from 27 to 39 reproducible bands for each isolate. Each population isolate gave its specific pattern. Although distinct polymorphic patterns were obtained among the four isolates, there were several shared bands among them in each primer used. A comparison of the different RAPD-PCR patterns showed that primers P1, P3, and OPH 04 yielded band patterns that revealed a high degree of divergence among the four isolates of E. granulosus that allowed easy distinction between them. The remaining primers (P2, P4, P5, and OPH14) amplified DNA fragments that were common to two or more isolates but diversified in the other two or three isolates. The study revealed that the most closely related isolates were of donkey and camel where the similarity coefficent between them ranging from 53 % to 78 %, followed by isolates of pig and sheep (sc = 40 % to 68 %), while the similarity coefficent between isolates of camel and sheep was 33-45 %, between camel and pig was 36 to 57 %, between donkey and pig was 37 to 52 %, and between donkey and sheep was 35 to 54 % which means that they more or distant from each other. In conclusion, hydatid cysts isolated from camel may have the genotypic characters of donkey strain.

  11. Estádio da meiose do micrósporo como marcador do final da endodormência em pessegueiro

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    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar a validade da técnica da meiose polínica como marcador do final da endodormência em pessegueiro, em condições de inverno subtropical. Determinou-se o número de unidades de calor (GDHºC - Growing Degree Hour Celsius acumulado desde 1º de maio até o final da meiose e desta até 10 e 50 % de florescimento. Foram efetuadas correlações entre tétrades + pólen versus GDHºC e tétrades + pólen versus número de horas de frio (temperaturas do ar £ 7,2 ºC, nas diferentes datas de observação compreendidas entre 1º de maio e final da meiose. Pelos resultados dos dois anos de observação, verificou-se que há necessidade de calor para que as células-mãe de pólen atinjam o estádio de tétrades. O método da meiose polínica mostrou-se inadequado como marcador do final da endodormência em pessegueiro.

  12. Aplicação clínica dos marcadores tumorais séricos em carcinoma não-pequenas células do pulmão




    O valor clínico dos marcadores tumorais séricos em câncer de pulmão é incerto. Objetivos: Avaliar a associação da concentração sérica de marcadores tumorais com a extensão da neoplasia e seu valor prognóstico. Casuística e método: Entre fevereiro de 1995 e setembro de 1997 foram estudados 103 pacientes, no Departamento de Cirurgia Torácica do Hospital do Câncer. Antes do tratamento os pacientes foram submetidos à coleta de sangue para dosagem da concentração do CEA, CYFRA21.1, CA15.3, CA19.9,...


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    Maki Cristina Sayuri


    Full Text Available The growth of thirty-four Lentinula edodes strains submitted to different mycelial cultivation conditions (pH and temperature was evaluated and strain variability was assessed by RAPD molecular markers. The growth at three pH values (5, 6 and 7 and four different temperatures (16, 25, 28 and 37ºC was measured using the in vitro mycelial development rate and water retention as parameters. Mycelial cultivation was successful at all pH tested, while the ideal temperature for mycelial cultivation ranged between 25 and 28ºC. The water content was lower in strains grown at 37ºC. Among 20 OPA primers (Operon Technologies, Inc. used for the RAPD analyses, seventeen presented good polymorphism (OPA01 to OPA05, OPA07 to OPA14, OPA17 to OPA20. The clustering based on similarity coefficients allowed the separation of strain in two groups with different geographic origins.

  14. Conservation and multiplication of encapsulated micro shoots of Rauvolfia vomitoria--an endangered medicinal tree: ISSR and RAPD based evaluation of genetic fidelity of converted plantlets. (United States)

    Mehrotra, Shakti; Rahman, Liaq Ur; Mishra, Jahnvi; Kukreja, Arun K


    The in vitro grown axillary micro shoots of Rauvolfia vomitoria were encapsulated in alginate beads. Following 6 months of normal storage at 25 +/- 2 degrees C the regrowth of encapsulated micro shoots, reached 95.2% within 40 days of incubation on MS medium containing 1.0 mg/L BAP and 0.1 mg/L NAA. Among the responding encapsulated explants 69.6% showed emergence of multiple shoots. The developing shoots showed rhizogenesis in two weeks following their transfer to rooting medium. Healthy plants were established in a glass house with 95% survival. Of the 50 RAPD primers tested, 10 produced 23 clear and reproducible amplicons, with an average of 2.3 bands per primer. Eleven ISSR primers produced a total of 42 bands, with a size range of 0.1-1.9 kb. The number of scorable bands for each primer varied from 2 to 6, with an average of 3.81. The similarity matrix, calculated individually from the results obtained from ISSR and RAPD analysis, showed similarity coefficients ranging from 1.0 for RAPD and 0.85 to 1.0 for ISSR.

  15. Estudio de marcadores de transición epitelio-mesénquima en neoplasias renales


    Cadenas González, Nuria


    HIPÓTESIS: La expresión de ciertas proteínas, ligadas a eventos de transición epitelio-mesénquima en el cáncer renal, podrían estar relacionada con la agresividad biológica y comportarse como marcadores pronósticos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: La población de estudio son 156 pacientes con cáncer renal de las cinco variedades histológicas más frecuentes: carcinoma de células claras (con el subtipo sarcomatoide), carcinoma papilar, carcinoma cromófobo y oncocitoma. El periodo mínimo de seguimiento s...

  16. Ácidos graxos como marcadores biológicos da ingestão de gorduras


    Vaz,Juliana dos Santos; Deboni,Fabíola; Azevedo,Mirela Jobim de; Gross,Jorge Luiz; Zelmanovitz,Themis


    Os ácidos graxos da dieta têm sido associados ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas. Os inquéritos alimentares, utilizados em estudos clínicos e epidemiológicos para estimativa da ingestão de nutrientes, apresentam limitações na coleta de informações. Nesse sentido, a utilização da composição de ácidos graxos do plasma e do tecido adiposo como marcadores do tipo de gordura alimentar pode fornecer uma medida mais acurada da ingestão de gorduras. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo evidenciar aspe...

  17. Ensayos para la extracción de ADN y estandarización de RAPDs en Moniliophthora roreri

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    Luis Enrique Quintero-Nuñez


    Full Text Available Background: Moniliophthora roreri is the causal agent of cocoa moniliasis, a limiting disease presented by cocoa producing regions (Theobroma cacao L., being the main phytosanitary problem for Colombia. Knowing the behavior of M. roreri In vitro, it is important for its study. In addition, continuing the work that defines the genetic structure of phytopathogen populations is interesting because it reflects their evolutionary history and their potential for evolution. Objective: To observe the growth and development of 11 isolates of M. roreri obtained from 6 municipalities of Norte de Santander: El Zulia, Cúcuta, Sardinata, El Tarra, Agua Clara, Tibú, to standardize Random Amplified polymorphic DNA. Methods: Five incubation methods were tested for phytopathogen isolation in PDB, the method where the fungus remained agitated for 1 day at 120 rpm with light / dark periods of 12h / 12h at 25 to 28 ° C, and incubation at 28 ° C in complete darkness; Showed better results, when observing growth of M. roreri mycelium during 8 days reason for which the extraction of DNA from the isolates was continued, and RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA technique was standardized. Results: Incubation at 28 ° C in complete darkness showed better results in fungus growth and RAPDs were standardized with Oligo 4, Oligo 8, Oligo 10 and OPA 10. In the PCR, with a denaturation temperature of 94 ° C for five minutes, 35 cycles at 94 ° C for 30 seconds, alignment temperature of 36 ° C (for Oligo 8 and 10 and 32 ° C (for Oligo 4 and OPA 10 for one minute, 72 ° C for 2 minutes and a final cycle of 72 ° C for 7 minutes. Conclusion: it was possible to determine the incubation temperature of 28 ° C in the dark and to standardize the RAPDs technique for Moniliophthora roreri.

  18. RAPD analysis on male sterility mutant of Lilium asiatic hybrids 'pollyanna' induced by irradiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jia Yuehui; Zhao Xiangyun; Zhang Kezhong; Huang Shangwu; Lu Changxun


    RAPD analysis of 80 random 10-mer primers on Lilium Asiatic hybrids 'pollyanna' and its 20 phenotype male sterility mutants induced by irradiation was carried out. Of the tested primers, 31 primers could produced ideal amplification bands on all materials, 4 primers generated stable different polymorphic bands among 9 mutants and 'pollyanna'. Different polymorphic bands of 7-18 were found among 9 mutants and 'pollyanna'. It was showed that 9 mutants were phenotype male sterility mutant of 'pollyanna'. (authors)

  19. Genetic Diversity in Commercial Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Varieties from Turkey as Revealed by RAPD


    Özlem ÖZBEK; Betül Uçar GIDIK


    In cultivated commercial crop species, genetic diversity tends to decrease because of the extensive breeding processes. Therefore, germplasm of commercial crop species, such as Brassica napus L. should be evaluated and the genotypes, which have higher genetic diversity index, should be addressed as potential parental cross materials in breeding programs. In this study, the genetic diversity was analysed by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD) technique in nine Turkish com...

  20. Genetic relatedness between cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz and M. flabellifolia and M. Peruviana based on both RAPD and AFLP markers

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    Colombo Carlos


    Full Text Available The taxonomy of the genus Manihot is still uncertain and the genetic origin of cassava (M. esculenta Crantz continues to be controversial. We studied the degree of genetic relatedness between cassava and two naturally occurring species (M. flabellifolia and M. peruviana which are probably involved in the evolution of cassava, using RAPD and AFLP molecular markers. Thirty-three clonal accessions of cassava of known genetic diversity and 15 accessions of the wild species M. flabellifolia and M. peruviana were analyzed using 92 polymorphic RAPD bands and 73 polymorphic AFLP bands. The genetic markers were unable to differentiate the two wild species, which confirms their botanical similarity. Half of the total number of amplified bands were monomorphic in all of the genotypes evaluated. The mean genetic similarity (Jaccard between cassava and the species M. flabellifolia/M. peruviana was 0.59. A grouping analysis (neighbor-joining method with RAPD markers of cultivated cassava, M. flabellifolia/M. peruviana and the other wild species located the genotypes of cassava and M. flabellifolia/M. peruviana at one extremity and the three Mexican species (M. aesculifolia, M. michaelis and M. chlorostica at the other. An intermediate position between these groups was occupied by two wild species (M. glaziovii and M. reptans native to central and northeastern Brazil. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the species M. flabellifolia and M. peruviana gave rise to the cultivated species.

  1. Regression Association Analysis of Yield-Related Traits with RAPD Molecular Markers in Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.

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    Saeid Mirzaei


    Full Text Available Introduction: The pistachio (Pistacia vera, a member of the cashew family, is a small tree originating from Central Asia and the Middle East. The tree produces seeds that are widely consumed as food. Pistacia vera often is confused with other species in the genus Pistacia that are also known as pistachio. These other species can be distinguished by their geographic distributions and their seeds which are much smaller and have a soft shell. Continual advances in crop improvement through plant breeding are driven by the available genetic diversity. Therefore, the recognition and measurement of such diversity is crucial to breeding programs. In the past 20 years, the major effort in plant breeding has changed from quantitative to molecular genetics with emphasis on quantitative trait loci (QTL identification and marker assisted selection (MAS. The germplasm-regression-combined association studies not only allow mapping of genes/QTLs with higher level of confidence, but also allow detection of genes/QTLs, which will otherwise escape detection in linkage-based QTL studies based on the planned populations. The development of the marker-based technology offers a fast, reliable, and easy way to perform multiple regression analysis and comprise an alternative approach to breeding in diverse species of plants. The availability of many makers and morphological traits can help to regression analysis between these markers and morphological traits. Materials and Methods: In this study, 20 genotypes of Pistachio were studied and yield related traits were measured. Young well-expanded leaves were collected for DNA extraction and total genomic DNA was extracted. Genotyping was performed using 15 RAPD primers and PCR amplification products were visualized by gel electrophoresis. The reproducible RAPD fragments were scored on the basis of present (1 or absent (0 bands and a binary matrix constructed using each molecular marker. Association analysis between


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    Imron Imron


    Full Text Available Indonesia is rich of giant fresh water prawn (GFP germ plasms. Best utilization of these resources for the purpose of either aquaculture development or conservation of genetic resources requires some information on the structure and levels of their genetic diversity. This study was aimed to characterize those GFP genetic resources by applying RAPD genetic markers. Six Indonesian populations of GFP from Asahan, Barito, Ciasem, Ogan, GImacro and Papua were collected and analyzed for their genetic variation using five RAPD primers. The results showed the diversity within the populations, as revealed by the level of polymorphism, ranged from 29% to 76% while genetic divergence between populations as shown by genetic distance ranged from 0.04 to 0.50. In terms of genetic divergence, two genetically distinct groups of GFP, namely the Papua GFP in one group and the remaining five GFP populations in the other, were identified. The results also showed the presence of specific population markers that are useful for genetic identification of GFP populations. Implication of these finding with regard to breed development is discussed.

  3. Caracterización molecular con marcadores RAM de árboles nativos de Psidium guajava (guayaba en el Valle del Cauca

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    Sanabria Hilsy L


    Full Text Available COMPENDIO Se evaluaron 53 accesiones de Psidium guajava Valle del Cauca, utilizando marcadores microsatélites aleatorios RAM. Los seis primeros usados generaron 74 bandas polimórficas, con pesos moleculares de 100 a 700 pb. El porcentaje de loci Polimórfico en cinco de los primeros resultó ser del 100% (P < 0.05 y la diversidad génica de 0.4386. El Análisis de Varianza Molecular (AMOVA reveló que el 64.51% de la varianza total haplotípica contabiliza para variaciones dentro de transectos. El análisis de clasificación reflejó un agrupamiento que no correspondía a un patrón geográfico, lo cual indica que la especie de guayaba tiene alta diseminación. El análisis conjunto de las características morfológicas y moleculares suministró una caracterización confiable. La variación total de los descriptores morfológicos y valores moleculares fue explicada en un 77.58% mediante CP, donde las variables originales alcanzaron valores de comunalidad desde 57.22 a un 95.99% dentro de cinco variables sintéticas generadas. El ACM permitió caracterizar las accesiones en cuatro grupos, en los cuales según el análisis discriminante casi el 100% de las accesiones quedaron debidamente clasificadas. Palabras claves: Psidium guajava, accesiones, biodiversidad, marcadores genéticos, análisis molecular, clasificación. ABSTRACT Molecular characteristics of Psidium guajava in the Cauca Valley, Colombia. 53 accessions of Psidium guajava were collected in 9 zones of the Valley of the Cauca. The accessions were characterized molecularly by Microsatellite Amplificated Random RAMs, with the purpose to estimate the diversity and genetic structure that this specie possesses. Six primers were utilized and generated 74 polymorphisms bands with molecular weights from 100 to 700 pb. Five primers resulted to be 100% (P<0.05 polymorphic and the estimated gene diversity was 0.4386. The Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA showed that the 64

  4. Assessment of genetic diversity within the Merodon ruficornis species group (Diptera: Syrphidae by RAPD analysis

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    Andrić Andrijana


    Full Text Available As one of the most distinct groups in the hoverfly genus Merodon, the monophyletic ruficornis species group has been the focus of several studies using different approaches. Molecular methods have shown incongruences between morphological and molecular data. In the present study, we investigated four species of the Merodon ruficornis group (i.e. M. loewi, M. armipes, M. papillus and M. hoplitis with the aim of detecting intra- and interspecific genetic diversity, and we examined the usefulness of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD in an integrative taxonomic approach to species delimitation. Analysis of Nei’s genetic variation over all loci showed that genetic diversity for the analyzed Merodon species was h=0.24. Based on UPGMA, PCoA and Bayesian clustering analyses, our results clearly differentiated four groups that correspond to the four morphologically-defined Merodon species. Among the analyzed species, M. armipes and M. hoplitis showed the lowest level of genetic divergence; M. loewi was clearly separated from both M. armipes and M. papillus. Based on our data, we propose the use of RAPD-PCR as an additional tool for resolving taxonomic problems within Merodon. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no.173002

  5. Utilidade dos marcadores tumorais no acompanhamento de doentes com carcinoma brônquico

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    C. Robalo Cordeiro


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Os autores descrevem dois estudos de Marcadores Tumorais realizados no lnstituto de Patologia Geral da Faculdade de Medicina de Coimbra, em colaboração com o Serviço de Pneumologia dos HUC.Num primeiro trabalho, em que se dosearam CEA, NSE, SCC, CA19.9 e CA125, em 58 doentes com Carcinoma Brônquico (CB, em 29 índivíduos saudáveis e em 15 doentes com Tuberculose Pulmonar (TP, apenas se realizaram estudos de especificidade e de sensibilidade (isolada e em paineis de marcadores.No segundo trabalho realizaram-se doseameotos de CEA, NSE, TPS, CYFRA 21.1., e SCC, no soro, em líquidos de lavagem broocoalveolar e em líquidos pleurais, em 24 doentes com CB, em 9 doentes com Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC, em 8 doentes com TP e em 14 indivíduos saudáveis; acompanhou-se 12 doentes em terapêutica citostática e 4 doentes submetidos a intervenção cirúrgica.Dos resultados obtidos salientam-se diferenças significativas nos valores obtidos, com o TPS, no soro, comparando os doentes com CB, quer com todo o grupo controlo (DPOC e saudáveis,- p=0.007 -, quer apenas com os indivíduos saudáveis - p=0.0007 -; na comparação dos níveis séricos dos doentes com DPOC com os dos indivíduos saudáveis, igualmente se registaram diferenças significativas para o TPS- p=0.002 -, bern como para o CEA- p=0.0004 - e para o CYFRA 21.1.- p=0.04.Das correlaçõoes histopatológicas, apenas o CEA revelou níveis significativamente elevados- p=0.02- em adenocarcinomas, relativamente aos outros tipos.Verificaram-se diferenças significativas, para os doentes come sem metástases a distância, nos valores de CEA- p=0.01 -,bern como, no que diz respeito ao TPS, nos doentes estadiados ate ao grupo IIIa, relativamente aos estadios IIIb e IV -p=0.02-. Do acompanhamento dos doentes em quimioterapia e cirurgia, retiram-se úteis sugestões, que se discutem.Relativamente aos estudos nos líquidos de Lavagem broncoalveolar, e embora se verifiquem

  6. Realidad aumentada en fisiología: descarga y breves instrucciones del uso de la aplicación HP REVEAL (AURASMA) sobre marcadores de nivel 1 y 2 en la docencia


    Domínguez Vías, Germán; Carrasco Viñuela, Manuel; González Forero, David; Portillo Pacheco, Federico Luís; Vallo de Castro, Jose Juan


    Diálogo (Script): - Hola a todos. Una vez descargada la aplicación Aurasma, ahora llamada HP Reveal, tendréis que pulsar la aplicación, app AURASMA, y buscar y darle a seguir al grupo fisiologiaUCA. A continuación, podréis probar en clase activando el escáner y enfocando sobre marcadores de realidad aumentada de nivel 1, como código, o al final de este video marcadores de nivel 2, como son las fotos. Os saldrán, como estáis viendo, animaciones que os ayudarán a ver y comprender conceptos ...

  7. Análisis comparativo de marcadores de lesión en modelos de isquemia cerebral focal y global en ratas

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    Ángel Enrique Céspedes


    Full Text Available Introducción. Los indicadores espacio-temporales de lesión son esenciales en el estudio neuropatológico y terapéutico de la isquemia cerebral. Objetivo. Optimizar la técnica de dos modelos de isquemia cerebral (focal y global y hacer un análisis comparativo de la progresión del daño cerebral, mediante marcadores de neurodegeneración. Materiales y métodos. Se sometieron ratas Wistar a oclusión temporal de la arteria cerebral media o aoclusión de cuatro vasos, y se evaluaron comparativamente el tiempo quirúrgico, la tasa de supervivenciay la recuperación neurológica. Se utilizó trifenilo de tetrazolio para establecer la distribución del infarto y tinción con Fluoro-Jade B® como marcador de neurodegeneración. La inmunorreacción de la astroglía  se evaluó con el anticuerpo contra la proteína acídica fibrilar de la glía (Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein,GFAP y el anticuerpo AT-8 contra la proteína tau hiperfosforilada, 24, 48 y 72 horas después de la isquemia. Resultados. Los modelos de isquemia utilizados requirieron menor tiempo quirúrgico y hubo menorriesgo de muerte, respecto a estudios previos. En el modelo focal, las células positivas con Fluoro-Jade B® y los astrocitos reactivos, se evidenciaron en corteza e hipocampo a las 24 horas después de la isquemia. En el modelo global, se observó tinción Fluoro-Jade B® positiva a las 24 horas, aumentando significativamente la reacción de la GFAP a las 72 horas en corteza y a las 48 horas en el hipocampo. La reacción contra la proteína tau hiperfosforilada aumentó progresivamente y fue máxima a las 72horas en ambos modelos. Conclusiones. Los dos modelos de isquemia cerebral, oclusión temporal de la arteria cerebral media y oclusión de cuatro vasos, fueron optimizados. En estos modelos, los marcadores la tinción Fluoro-Jade B® y la GFAP permitieron detectar procesos de neurodegeneración 24 horas después de la isquemia, en tanto el marcador de proteína tau

  8. O uso de marcadores para identificação de posicionamento dentário em telerradiografias frontais póstero-anteriores: proposta de um método The use of markers as dental landmark in Frontal Cephalometric Radiography: method proposal

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    Júlio de Araújo Gurgel


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: avaliar a confiabilidade na identificação de marcadores observados em radiografias PA. METODOLOGIA: em 3 crânios humanos secos procedeu-se à instalação de aparelhos expansores do tipo Hyrax, nos quais adaptaram-se marcadores nos acessórios ortodônticos. RESULTADOS: a comparação estatística dos 27 cefalogramas confeccionados revelou para as medidas angulares valores dos erros com pequenas variações, entretanto os menores erros foram encontrados para as medidas lineares entre os marcadores. Deste modo, conclui-se que a pouca variabilidade na identificação dos marcadores demonstrou sua confiabilidade para o uso em estudo com telerradiografias PA.Os erros para as medias angulares atribui-se às dificuldades na determinação de estruturas anatômicas. CONCLUSÃO: os marcadores avaliados neste estudo parecem prestarem-se como estruturas confiáveis em telerradiografias PA utilizadas em pesquisas longitudinais.AIM: to evaluate the reliability in the identification of the markers observed in frontal Cephalometric x-rays. METHODS: in 3 dry humans skull were adapted expansor appliances, in which markers were attached at orthodontics brackets and tubes. RESULTS: the statistical comparison of the 27 postero-anterior cephalograms revealed that the angular measures showed small variations; however the smallest error were for the lineal measures among the markers. CONCLUSION: the markers demonstrated its reliability for the use in longitudinal researches with frontal cephalometric x-rays.

  9. Genetic analysis of somaclonal variants and induced mutants of potato ( solanum tuberosum l.) cv. diamant using RAPD markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Afrasiab, H.; Iqbal, J.


    The objective of this work was to genetically analyze somaclonal variants and gamma induced mutants of potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Diamant using RAPD-PCR technique. In the present work, callus was induced from nodes, inter nodes and leaf explants in MS medium supplemented with NAA (1.0 mg/l) and BAP (0.5 mg/l) and plants were regenerated from 14-20 weeks old calli. For gamma irradiation, ten-week old well proliferating calli were exposed to doses ranging from 5-50 Gy. All the four selected somaclonal variants and five gamma induced mutants were differentiated by banding patterns obtained from 22 primers that generated 140 polymorphic bands. The presence of polymorphic bands in variants and mutants suggest that genetic variation occurred in all the treatments as compared to control. Similarity and clustered analysis were conducted using Jaccard's coefficients and the un-weighted pair-group method using arithmetic averages. The results summarized in a dendrogram, show genetic diversity among the variants and mutants. The study shows that RAPD markers were efficient in discriminating somaclonal variants and induced mutants of potato. (author)

  10. Candidíase oral como marcador de prognóstico em pacientes portadores do HIV


    Cavassani Valdinês Gonçalves dos Santos; Andrade Sobrinho Jozias de; Homem Maria da Graça Naclério; Rapoport Abrão


    Introdução: A candidíase oral é uma das doenças oportunistas mais fortemente associadas à infecção pelo Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV). Vários relatos epidemiológicos enfatizam a prevalência da candidíase em pacientes HIV positivos e ressaltam a sua importância como marcador da progressão da doença e preditivo para o aumento da imunodepressão. Objetivo: Verificar as alterações estomatológicas em pacientes portadores do HIV tratados no Hospital Heliópolis - São Paulo, Brasil e comparar...

  11. Estomatitis aftosa recurrente: Determinación de marcadores de inmunidad celular

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    Amparo Pérez Borrego


    Full Text Available La estomatitis aftosa recurrente, aftosis oral o aftas, es la enfermedad más frecuente de todas las lesiones de la mucosa oral. Su etiopatogenia no es completamente conocida, pero se citan factores genéticos, alimentarios, infecciosos, alérgicos, medicamentosos, traumáticos e inmunológicos. Estudiamos 51 pacientes atendidos en el Servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital Pediátrico " William Soler", que padecen de esta enfermedad para valorar el estado de inmunocompetencia celular mediante la determinación del porcentaje de células formadoras de rosetas activas y espontáneas. La edad promedio en nuestro grupo fue de 12 años, ambos sexos se afectaron por igual, y se encontró un predominio franco de los enfermos de raza blanca sobre los de raza negra. El 73 % de los enfermos mostró afectación al menos de un marcador de inmunorrespuesta, 25 pacientes tuvieron ambos marcadores por debajo de lo normal y 12 casos presentaron alteración en uno de los dos. Se concluye que la enfermedad se asocia con defectos de la inmunidad celular, lo cual debe considerarse al indicar tratamiento, teniendo en cuenta que hasta el momento no disponemos de ninguna droga curativa.Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, oral aphthosis or aphthae is the most frequent of all oral mucosal membrane diseases. Its etiology and pathogenesis are not totally known but genetic, food, infectious, allergic, drug, trauma and immunological factors are involved. We studied 51 patients who suffered from this disease and were seen at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department of "William Soler" Pediatric Hospital. Our objective was to assess the cell immunocompetence by determining the percentage of active and spontaneous rosette-forming cells. The average age of the group was 12 years, both sexes were equally affected but white patients greatly prevailed over black patients. At least one immunoresponse marker of 73% of the patients was affected; 25 patients had both markers under the

  12. Identificação e validação de marcadores microssatélites ligados ao gene Rpp5 de resistência à ferrugem-asiática-da-soja Identification and validation of microsatellite markers linked to the Rpp5 gene conferring resistance to Asian soybean rust

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    Thaiza Galhardo Silva Morceli


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar novos marcadores microssatélites, ligados ao gene Rpp5 de resistência à ferrugem-da-soja, e validar os marcadores previamente mapeados, para que possam ser utilizados em programas de seleção assistida por marcadores moleculares (SAM. Para tanto, uma população F2 com 100 indivíduos, derivada do cruzamento entre a PI 200526 e a cultivar Coodetec 208, suscetível à ferrugem, foi artificialmente infectada e avaliada quanto à sua reação de resistência à ferrugem. Marcadores microssatélites foram testados nos genitores e em dois "bulks" contrastantes, para a identificação de marcadores ligados. Dois novos marcadores, potencialmente associados à resistência, foram testados em plantas individuais, e se constatou que eles estão ligados ao gene Rpp5 e estão presentes no grupo de ligação N da soja. A eficiência de seleção foi determinada em relação a todos os marcadores ligados ao gene Rpp5, e a combinação entre os marcadores Sat_275+Sat_280 foi de 100%.The main objective of this work was to identify new microsatellite markers, linked to the Rpp5 resistance gene to Asian soybean rust, and to validate previously mapped markers for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS programs. To this end, a F2 population with 100 individuals, derived from crossing between PI 200526 and cultivar Coodetec 208, susceptible to rust, was artificially infected and evaluated for its reaction of resistance to rust. Microsatellite markers were tested on parents and in the two contrasting bulks to identifying linked markers. Two new markers, potentially associated with resistance, were tested in individual plants, and they were found to be linked to gene Rpp5 and to be present in the N linkage group of soybean. The selection efficiencies were determined for all markers linked to gene Rpp5, and the combination of the markers Sat_275+Sat_280 was 100%.

  13. Aplicação de genes marcadores em estudos de ecologia microbiana com ênfase no sistema GUS Applications of markers genes on ecologic microbial studies with enphasis on GUS system

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    Fábio Martins Mercante


    Full Text Available Muitos aspectos ecológicos envolvidos nas interações entre espécies leguminosas e estirpes de rizóbio têm sido facilmente entendidos com o emprego de técnicas que utilizam genes marcadores. A introdução de um gene marcador específico tem se mostrado altamente viável para análises dessas interações. Os genes marcadores são capazes de codificar para produtos que podem ser facilmente identificados ou medidos, especialmente, enzimas que podem atuar em diferentes substratos, fornecendo produtos coloridos ou fluorescentes facilmente detectáveis. De uma maneira geral, os genes marcadores têm sido utilizados em diferentes aspectos da ecologia microbiana, como nos estudos de competição entre estirpes de rizóbio, expressão de genes simbióticos, colonização da rizosfera e raízes, entre outros. Em todos esses estudos, os genes repórteres precisam ser introduzidos no genoma alvo através de um plasmídeo ou por inserção cromossomal. Nesta revisão, são enfatizados, principalmente, os diversos usos e aplicações de genes marcadores nos estudos de ecologia microbiana, com ênfase no sistema GUS (b-glucuronidase.Many of the ecological aspects involved with the interactions between legume species and rhizobia strains have been made easily to understood with the use of reporter gene techniques. The introduction of a specific reporter gene in an organism has shown to be highly efficient to analyze such interactions. These reporter genes generally code for products that can be easily identified or measured, mainly enzymes that can act on a variety of substrates, supplying colored or fluorescent detectable products. In general, the marker genes have been used in different aspects of microbial ecology, as in the competition studies among rhizobia strains, symbiotic gene expression, rhizosphere and root colonization, among others. In all studies, the marker genes need to be introduced into the genome by a plasmid or through a chromosomal

  14. Analysis of genetic diversity and genome relationships of four eggplant species (Solanum melongena L) using RAPD markers (United States)

    Susilo; Setyaningsih, M.


    Solanum melongena (eggplant) is one of the diversity of the Solanum family which is grown and widely spread in Indonesia and widely used by the community. This research explored the genetic diversity of four local Indonesian eggplant species namely leuca, tekokak, gelatik and kopek by using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). The samples were obtained from Agricultural Technology Assessment Institute (BPTP) Bogor, Indonesia. The result of data observation was in the form of Solanum melongena plant’s DNA profile analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. 30 DNA bands (28 polymorphic and 2 monomorphic) were successfully scored by using four primers (OPF-01, OPF-02, OPF-03, and OPF-04). The Primers were used able to amplify all of the four eggplant samples. The result of PCR-RAPD visualization produces bands of 300-1500 bp. The result of cluster analysis showed the existence of three clusters (A, B, and C). Cluster A (coefficient of equal to 49%) consisted of a gelatik, cluster B (coefficient of 65% equilibrium) consisted of TPU (Kopek) and TK (Tekokak), and cluster C (55% equilibrium coefficient) consisted of LC (Leunca). These results indicated that the closest proximity is found in samples of TK (Tekokak) and TPU (Kopek).

  15. Caipira sweet orange + Rangpur lime: a somatic hybrid with potential for use as rootstock in the Brazilian citrus industry

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    Fernanda Januzzi Mendes-da-Glória


    Full Text Available Protoplast culture following polyethylene glycol-induced fusion resulted in the regeneration of somatic hybrid plants between Caipira sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck and Rangpur lime (C. limonia L. Osbeck. The plants were confirmed as somatic hybrids by leaf morphology, chromosome number and RAPD profile. All regenerated plants were tetraploid (2n = 4x = 36, with intermediate leaf morphology and complementary RAPD banding profile of both parents. This combination may be useful as a rootstock for the citrus industry in Southeastern Brazil since this somatic hybrid could combine the drought tolerance and vigor of Rangpur lime with the blight tolerance of Caipira sweet orange.Híbridos somáticos de laranja doce (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck e limão Cravo (C. limonia L. Osbeck foram regenerados após a fusão (polietileno glicol e cultura de protoplastos. Os híbridos somáticos foram confirmados pela análise da morfologia das folhas, determinação do número de cromossomos e marcadores moleculares (RAPD. Todas as plantas analisadas revelaram-se tetraplóides (2n = 4x = 36, possuíam folhas de morfologia intermediária e uma combinação do padrão de bandas de RAPD de ambos os parentais. Esta combinação pode se tornar útil como porta-enxerto para a Região Sudeste da indústria citrícola brasileira. Este híbrido somático potencialmente combinará as características de tolerância à seca e o vigor do limão Cravo com a tolerância ao declínio da laranja Caipira.

  16. Marcadores morfológicos y métricos del sexo en un conjunto osteológico del formativo de Tilcara (Sitio SJ Til. 20

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    Barboza, María Carolina


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos al aplicar un conjunto de técnicas basadas en el uso de marcadores biológicos (morfológicos y métricos del sexo en los individuos adultos de una colección osteológica correspondiente al Período Formativo (AMS Calibrado de 2 Sigma, Prob. 95%, Cal AD 545 a 660; Cal BP 1405 -1290 de la Quebrada de Humahuaca (Mendonça et al., 2002. Los restos óseos fueron recuperados en el transcurso de excavaciones sistemáticas en el así denominado "Sitio Mulqui" (SJ Til. 20, de la ciudad de Tilcara (Pcia. de Jujuy y constituyen una colección de 16 individuos, única de estas características para el período considerado (Bordach et al., 1999. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido estudiar el comportamiento del patrón general de variabilidad sexual en los individuos adultos del Sitio Mulqui. Para ello se realizó un estudio comparativo en el que se confronta la información proporcionada por los distintos marcadores óseos para determinación sexual. Nuestros resultados permiten comprobar la existencia de concordancias y discordancias en las asignaciones sexuales de índole osteológica, según el complejo o estructura anatómica considerada, las cuales son discutidas e interpretadas a la luz de la información tanto biológica como cultural disponible. Se presentan los marcadores osteológicos considerados más efectivos para esta muestra en particular.

  17. Identification and tracing of Enterococcus spp. by RAPD-PCR in traditional fermented sausages and meat environment. (United States)

    Martín, B; Corominas, L; Garriga, M; Aymerich, T


    Four local small-scale factories were studied to determine the sources of enterococci in traditional fermented sausages. Different points during the production of a traditional fermented sausage type (fuet) were evaluated. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR was used to type 596 Enterococcus isolates from the final products, the initial meat batter, the casing, the workers' hands and the equipment. Species-specific PCR-multiplex and the partial sequencing of atpA gene and 16S rRNA gene sequencing allowed the identification of the isolates: Enterococcus faecalis (31.4%), Enterococcus faecium (30.7%), Enterococcus sanguinicola (14.9%), Enterococcus devriesei (9.7%), Enterococcus malodoratus (7.2%), Enterococcus gilvus (1.0%), Enterococcus gallinarum (1.3%), Enterococcus casseliflavus (3.4%), Enterococcus hermanniensis (0.2%), and Enterococcus durans (0.2%). A total of 92 different RAPD-PCR profiles were distributed among the different factories and samples evaluated. Most of the genotypes found in fuet samples were traced back to their source. The major sources of enterococci in the traditional fermented sausages studied were mainly the equipment followed by the raw ingredients, although a low proportion was traced back to human origin. This work contributes to determine the source of enterococcal contamination in fermented sausages and also to the knowledge of the meat environment.

  18. RAPD markers on genetic diversity in three populations of pisifera type of oil palm (elaeis guineensis) (United States)

    Basyuni, M.; Prayogi, H.; Putri, L. A. P.; Syahputra, I.; Siregar, E. S.; Risnasari, I.; Wati, R.; Arifiyanto, D.


    Palm oil (E. guineensis) is one of the major commodity and contributing largely to non-petroleum oil of Indonesian foreign exchange. E. guineensis has three fruit types, dura (female), pisifera (male), and tenera —a hybrid between dura and pisifera. Pisifera plays an important function in the production of seed oil palm. The purpose of this research is to analyze genetic diversity of pisifera type of E. guineensis from three populations, Yangambi, Lame and Lame further cross in Bangun Bandar, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Eighteen samples for each population were analyzed using six RAPD markers. Results showed that RAPD markers were low polymorphic with 1.49, 1.39, and 1.00 average number alleles detected for Yagambi, Lame, and Lame further cross, respectively. The level of genetic diversity detected for each population was 0.28, 0.22, and 0.21 for Yagambi, Lame, and Lame further cross, respectively, indicating that the populations had little genetic variation. The highest of polymorphic information content (PIC) was found on the P11 primer of Yangambi (0.49) and P10 primer for lame further cross (0.49). By contrast, the lowest PIC belongs to P21 for Lame population (0.01). This data is likely to contributing oil palm breeding.

  19. Marcadores inflamatórios e anticorpos anti-chlamydia em pacientes com síndrome metabólica Marcadores inflamatorios y anticuerpos anti-chlamydia en pacientes con síndrome metabólico Inflammatory markers and antichlamydial antibodies in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Rosecler Riethmuller Franco


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: A síndrome metabólica está associada ao aumento de risco de eventos cardiovasculares. Marcadores inflamatórios e anticorpos anti-Chlamydia têm sido relacionados ao desenvolvimento e à progressão da aterosclerose e dos eventos cardiovasculares. OBJETIVO: Avaliar os marcadores inflamatórios interleucina-6 (IL-6 e fator de necrose tumoral-alfa (TNF-α e os anticorpos anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae em pacientes com síndrome metabólica (SM, com e sem eventos cardiovasculares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal constituído por 147 indivíduos. Desses, 100 (68% com SM e sem eventos cardiovasculares; e 47 (32% com SM e com eventos cardiovasculares. Dos indivíduos que sofreram eventos cardiovasculares, 13 (6,11% apresentam infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM, e dez (4,7%, acidente vascular cerebral (AVC. O diagnóstico da SM foi determinado pelos critérios do NCEP-ATPIII. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos sujeitos com eventos cardiovasculares foi de 61,26 ± 8,5 e de 59,32 ± 9,9 nos indivíduos sem esses eventos (p=0,279, havendo predomínio do sexo feminino. O grupo com SM e sem evento apresentou maior peso, altura, IMC e circunferência abdominal. Para os indivíduos com eventos cardiovasculares (p=0,001, os marcadores inflamatórios IL-6 e TNF-α e a doença vascular periférica foram significativamente maiores. Obtiveram-se níveis elevados de anticorpos IgG para Chlamydia pneumoniae no grupo SM, sem eventos e de IgA no grupo com eventos quando comparados os dois grupos. Com relação ao IAM e ao AVC, os anticorpos anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae não demonstraram significância estatística, comparados ao grupo sem eventos cardiovasculares. Associação foi observada com o uso de estatinas, hipoglicemiantes orais, injetáveis e anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais no grupo com esses eventos. CONCLUSÃO: Marcadores inflamatórios encontram-se significativamente elevados em pacientes com SM, com IAM e AVC. Anticorpos anti-Chlamydia n

  20. Establishing a diagnostic system for detecting Ralstonia solanacearum and genetic differentiation using RAPD molecular markers

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    Edisson Chavarro Mesa


    Full Text Available A polymerase chain reaction-based diagnostic test (PCR has been developed for amplifying a región and obtaining a 292 bp product by using specific 16S rDNA primers for the rapid and precise identification of the causative agent (Ralstonia solanacearum of bacterial withering of potato in asymptomatic tubers. The bacteria was isolated from potato tubers and banana fruit using culturing techniques and immunological and molecular ELISA-NCM and PCR tests, respectively. PCR detected the presence of R. solanacearum on asymptomatic tubers by contrast with ELISA-NCM which did not detect this pathogen. Analysing random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD led to differentiating and grouping R. solanacearum by geographical región and bacterial strain, suggesting that differences exist amongst existing collections according to their place of origin, presenting high genetic variability. The results showed that PCR is a sensitive and specific test for detecting R. solanacearum and can therefore be implemented as a method for controlling this pathogen in seed production and certification programmes in áreas free of the disease. The pathogen has been shown to be genetically heterogeneous according to the samples' geographical área thereby hampering control in áreas of Colombia experiencing phytosanitary problems with R. solanacearum in potato crops Key words: bacterial withered, moko, PCR-16S rADN, ELISA-NCM, PCR-RAPD.

  1. Taxonomic relationships of some species of orobanche l. evidence from rapd-pcr and issr markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharawy, S.; Karakish, E.


    The taxonomic relationships among 25 samples representing nine species of Orobanche L. (Orobanchaceae) were determined by the analysis of morphological characters and molecular polymorphism using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR). In order to construct dendrogram elucidating the relationships among the examined taxa, the coded data were analyzed using the software package NTSYS-pc 2.1 based on the Neighbor-joining (NJ) tree building method based on a distance matrix. The aim of this study is to develop taxonomic relationship based on morphological and molecular data, in order to obtain a more reliable taxonomic relationship of Orobanche species under study. The dendrogram produced by the analysis of the molecular data (RAPD and ISSR) resembled that constructed by NJ dendrogram for the morphological variation. The studied taxa were separated in two groups, the first comprised of the five species of section Trionychon (O. purpurea, O.lavandulacea, O. ramosa, O. mutelii and O. aegyptiaca) and the second comprised of the four species of section Orobanche (O.cernua, O. crenata, O. minor and O. pubescens). High similarity was detected between O. pubescens and O. minor. The results confirmed the close relationship between O. ramosa and O. mutelii. Moreover, this study demonstrated the grouping of the studied taxa in most cases by geographically isolated population. (author)

  2. Frequency Of Pancreatic Beta-Cell Autoimmunity Markers In Patients With Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Frecuencia de marcadores de autoinmunidad beta pancreática en pacientes con enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune

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    María E. Primo


    Full Text Available A total of 305 ambulatory patients recruited at the Division of Endocrinology, Hospital de Clínicas, University of Buenos Aires, with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD were studied to search for associations between autoimmune thyroid disease and presence of serum markers of autoimmune diabetes mellitus. Screening for markers of pancreatic beta-cell autoimmunity was performed by radioligand binding assays (RBA as follows: autoantibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADA and proinsulin (PAA were determined in all sera, whereas autoantibodies to protein tyrosine phosphatase (IA-2A and insulin (IAA were additionally measured in 200 sera randomly selected from the total collection. In addition, every GADA positive serum among the remaining 105 sera was systematically tested for the presence of IA-2A and IAA. In the cohort of 305 AITD patients 22 (7.2% were previously diagnosed as type 1, type 2 or insulin-requiring type 2 diabetics. Ten of these patients presented serum marker positivity specific for β-cell autoantigens and 12 were marker negative. On the other hand, considering the majority of non-diabetic AITD patients (n=283, β-cell marker positivity was detected in 17 individuals (6.0%. The prevalence of autoimmune diabetes markers was much higher in the studied population than in the general population utilized as a control group, and GADA was the most frequent marker.Se investigó la asociación entre enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y la presencia de marcadores séricos de diabetes mellitus en 305 pacientes ambulatorios con enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune reclutados en la División Endocrinología. La búsqueda de marcadores de autoinmunidad contra las células beta pancreáticas se realizó por la técnica de unión de radioligandos (RBA como se detalla a continuación: se determinaron autoanticuerpos contra la decarboxilasa del ácido glutámico (GADA y proinsulina (PAA en todos los sueros, mientras que los anticuerpos contra la prote

  3. RAPD analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana transferred with total DNA of cabbage by ion beam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bian Po; Yu Zengliang; Qin Guangyong; Huo Yuping; Wang Yan


    Two mutants were found among the Arabidopsis thaliana transferred with total DNA of cabbage. Variation of genome of T6 and its offspring were analyzed by RAPD-PCR with 40 random primers. The result from S168 primer was different from the CK, indicating that variation of genome can be made by total DNA transferring by use of ion beam, and this variation is hereditary. It is found that S 168-1850 is included within the gene of ABC transporter by aligning with genome of Arabidopsis thaliana in TAIT

  4. [Genetic analysis and estimation of genetic diversity in east-European breeds of swift hounds (Canis familiaris L.) based on the data of genomic studies using RAPD markers]. (United States)

    Semenova, S K; Illarionova, N A; Vasil'ev, V A; Shubkina, A V; Ryskov, A P


    The method of polymerase chain reaction with a set of arbitrary primers (RAPD-PCR) was used to describe genetic variation and to estimate genetic diversity in East-European swift hounds, Russian Psovyi and Hortyi Borzois. For comparison, swift hounds of two West-European breeds (Whippet and Greyhound) and single dogs of other breed groups (shepherd, terriers, mastiffs, and bird dogs) were examined. For all dog groups, their closest related species, the wolf Canis lupus, was used as an outgroup. Variation of RAPD markers was studied at several hierarchic levels: intra- and interfamily (for individual families of Russian Psovyi and Hortyi Borzois), intra- and interbreed (for ten dog breeds), and interspecific (C. familiaris-C. lupus). In total, 57 dogs and 4 wolfs were studied. Using RAPD-PCR with three primers, 93 DNA fragments with a length of 150-1500 bp were detected in several Borzoi families with known filiation. These fragments were found to be inherited as dominant markers and to be applicable for estimation of genetic differences between parents and their offspring and for comparison of individuals and families with different level of inbreeding. A high level of intra- and interbreed variation was found in Russian Psovyi and Hortyi Borzois. In these dog groups, genetic similarity indices varied in a range of 72.2 to 93.4% (parents-offspring) and 68.0 to 94.5 (sibs). Based on the patterns of RAPD markers obtained using six primers, a dendrogram of genetic similarity between the wolf and different dog breeds was constructed, and indices of intragroup diversity were calculated. All studied breeds were found to fall into two clusters, swift hounds (Borzoi-like dogs) and other dogs. Russian Borzois represent a very heterogeneous group, in which the Russian Psovyi Borzoi is closer to Greyhound than the Russian Hortyi Borzoi. All studied wolfs constituted a separate cluster. Significant differences were found between the wolf and dogs by the number of RAPD markers

  5. Similaridade genética de populações naturais de pimenta-de-macaco por análise RAPD Genetic similarity of natural populations of pimenta-de-macaco (Piper aduncum L. obtained throug RAPD analysis

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    José Maria D. Gaia


    Full Text Available A espécie conhecida como pimenta-de-macaco (Piper aduncum L. possui grande potencial para exploração econômica em função da comprovada utilidade do seu óleo essencial na agricultura e saúde humana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a diversidade genética de populações naturais dessa planta. Um total de dezoito acessos da planta, provenientes de quatro procedências da Amazônia Brasileira, foi examinado por meio de locos de DNA, gerados por análise RAPD (polimorfismo de DNA amplificado ao acaso. O estudo evidenciou a existência de real diversidade entre as populações examinadas, sendo provável que dentro das localidades investigadas, os padrões da diversidade genética acompanhem os padrões de distribuição geográfica.The species known as pimenta-de-macaco (Piper aduncum L. has great economic explotation potential based on the proved usefulness of the essential oil in agriculture and human health. The genetic diversity of their natural populations was characterized. A total of eighteen accessions of the plant, obtained from four different origins in the Brazilian Amazon, was examined by means of DNA loci, generated by RAPD analysis. Real genetic diversity was observed between the analyzed populations and it appear that the patterns of the genetic diversity follow the patterns of the geographical distribution.

  6. A tradução de marcadores culturais em Sargento Getúlio à luz da lingüística de corpus

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    Elisangela Fernandes Martins


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a tradução de marcadores culturais em Sergeant Getulio em relação ao seu original Sargento Getúlio, ambos do escritor e autotradutor João Ubaldo Ribeiro. A fundamentação teórica apóia-se nos Estudos da Tradução baseados em corpus de Baker e de Camargo, na Lingüística de Corpus de Berber Sardinha, nos trabalhos sobre domínios culturais de Nida e de Aubert, e na proposta das modalidades tradutórias reformuladas por Aubert. Quantos aos procedimentos metodológicos, usamos as ferramentas de busca disponibilizadas pelo programa WordSmith Tools, versão 4.0. Os resultados obtidos revelam que João Ubaldo Ribeiro busca uma maior aproximação entre o leitor de língua inglesa e a mensagem do original por meio do uso de recursos da modulação, da explicitação e da adaptação ao traduzir, para o inglês, marcadores culturais específicos da realidade brasileira.

  7. Estudo citofotométrico da expressão dos marcadores tumorais Ki-67 e CD34 no adenocarcinoma de próstata

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    Paulo Faria Barbosa

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Quantificar a porcentagem da imunomarcação no índice de marcagem e densidade óptica do Ki-67 e CD34 no adenocarcinoma de próstata e compará-las entre si. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados, através de imunoistoquímica, o Ki-67 e o CD34 em 34 casos de adenocarcinoma de próstata provenientes de prostatectomia radical no período de 2000 a 2005 realizado no Hospital Regional do Gama em Brasília. Estes marcadores foram quantificados através do software SAMBA 4000 ® Sistema de Análise Microscópica de Busca Automática e do software IMMUNO® para análise das variáveis índice de marcagem e densidade óptica. Para avaliação da associação entre as expressões do marcador, foi estimado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman. Para a comparação do tipo de lesão, foi usado o teste t de Student em amostras pareadas e não paramétrico de Wilcoxon. RESULTADOS: Dos 34 blocos que foram para leitura dos marcadores tumorais, 15 marcaram expressão com Ki-67, 34 com CD34 e 14 com ambos os marcadores. O índice de marcagem do CD34 teve valor mediano de 72,72%, valor mínimo 5,14% e valor máximo 88,81%. O índice de marcagem do Ki-67 teve mediana de 73,78%, mínimo de 16,87% e máximo de 87,47%. A densidade óptica do CD34 teve mediana de 48,33, mínimo de 35,65 e máximo de 85,86. Na densidade óptica do Ki-67 o valor da mediana foi 40,03 sendo a mínima de 21,53 e a máxima de 52,43. CONCLUSÃO: A expressão citofotométrica do Ki-67 teve índice médio de marcação de 64,04% e o CD34 de 61,64%. A expressão citofotométrica da densidade óptica média do Ki-67 foi de 39,49 e no CD34 de 53,69. Há diferença significativa entre a imunomarcação do Ki-67 e CD34 em relação à densidade óptica (p=0,025, não havendo diferença significativa no índice de marcagem (p=0,470.

  8. Expressão imuno-histoquímica dos marcadores pcna, KI67 e p53 em carcinomas epidermóides do trato aerodigestivo superior

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    João Paulo Esposito

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Os carcinomas epidermóides do trato aerodigestivo superior são tumores de comportamento biológico heterogêneo. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a expressão imuno-histoquímica dos marcadores Ki67, PCNA e P53 apresenta correlações com parâmetros prognósticos clínico-patológicos. MÉTODOS: Determinação da expressão imuno-histoquímica dos antígenos Ki67, PCNA e P53 em espécimes tumorais fixados e embebidos em parafina de 53 pacientes com carcinoma epidermóide em diferentes sítios primários do trato aerodigestivo superior. RESULTADOS: Os marcadores tiveram altos índices de expressão imuno-histoquímica, sendo 46,5% para o Ki67, 66,5% para o PCNA e 36,5% para o P53. Não houve correlação da expressão do Ki67 e do PCNA com o estadiamento TNM (AJCC, nem com o grau de malignidade. A expressão do Ki67 apresentou correlação positiva com a expressão do PCNA (p = 0,037. O mesmo aconteceu para o PCNA e o número de mitoses por campo (p = 0,001. CONCLUSÕES: De acordo com estes resultados, concluiu-se que a determinação da imunorreatividade dos marcadores Ki67 e PCNA é um método objetivo e quantificável para avaliar proliferação celular que pode subsidiar as informações prognósticas.

  9. DNA polymorphisms revealed by the RAPD technique show differences between radionuclide-contaminated and uncontaminated mosquitofish populations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Theodorakis, C.W.; Shugart, L.R.


    In 1977, approximately 250 Mosquitofish (Gambusia affines) were transplanted from a relatively uncontaminated site into a small pond on the Oak Ridge Reservation that is heavily contaminated with radionuclides. DNA polymorphisms, using the RAPD technique, were examined in order to determine if any genetic differentiation had occurred between the two populations. Also, fish from another radionuclide-contaminated population (White Oak Lake) and two unrelated non-contaminated populations were also examined. The RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) technique uses the polymerase chain reaction with a short oligonucleotide primer to produce DNA fragments of various lengths. When analyzed by gel electrophoresis, these fragments form banding patterns similar to DNA fingerprints. A total of 26 primers were used to produce DNA band patterns, many of which revealed population differences. In addition several primers revealed banding patterns which differentiated between the Crystal Springs and Pond 3513 populations. Furthermore, bands found at high frequency in Pond 3513 and White Oak Lake populations were absent or present at a lower frequency in the non-contaminated populations. For some primers, the contaminated populations showed more DNA bands per individual, and fish with more bands had fewer DNA strand breaks than the fish with fewer bands. These data will be discussed with relation to biomonitoring programs and evolution of resistance to genotoxins in natural populations

  10. RAPD-SCAR Markers for Genetically Improved NEW GIFT Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus L.) and Their Application in Strain Identification. (United States)

    Li, Si-Fa; Tang, Shou-Jie; Cai, Wan-Qi


    The NEW GIFT Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus L.) is a nationally certificated new strain selected over 14 years and 9 generations from the base strain of GIFT Nile tilapia, introduced in 1994. This new variety has been extended in most of areas of China. The management of genetically improved strains, including the genetic markers for identification is needed urgently. RAPD analysis was conducted and their conversion to SCAR markers was developed. From NEW GIFT Nile tilapia, two strain-specific RAPD bands, S(304 )(624 bp ) and S(36 )(568 bp ) were identified. The strain-specific RAPD bands were gel-purified, cloned, and sequenced. Locus-specific primers were then designed to amplify the strain-specific bands. PCR amplification was conducted to test the variations in allele frequencies of two converted SCAR markers among the NEW GIFT Nile tilapia and its base strains, as well as 7 additional farmed strains worldwide. The frequency of SCAR marker I (553 bp) was 85.7% in NEW GIFT Nile tilapia, but 16.7% in the base strain. The frequency of SCAR marker II (558 bp) was 91.4% in NEW GIFT Nile tilapia, but 0% - 70% in the 7 other strains. In order to confirm the utility of these two markers, an examination was conducted for a wild population from Egypt, resulted the frequency of SCAR I and II was 10% and 70%, respectively, much lower than that of New GIFT strain. The increase in allele frequency of these two SCAR markers suggests that these markers might be genetically linked to the quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlining the performance traits by long term selection, and indicate the bright potential of SCAR marker technology for tracking generations during selection progress and for distinguishing among genetically improved strain and other strains.

  11. Inheritance of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) RAPD markers in a backcross progeny with Brassica campestris

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mikkelsen, T.R.; Jensen, J.; Bagger Jørgensen, Rikke


    Different cultivars/transgenic lines of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) were crossed (as females) with different cultivars/populations of Brassica campestris. All cross combinations produced seed, with an average seed set per pollination of 9.8. Backcrossing of selected interspecific hybrids (as...... females) to B. campestris resulted in a much lower seed set, average 0.7 seed per pollination. In the single backcross progeny where a large enough population (92 plants) was obtained for analysis, 33 B. napus specific RAPD markers were investigated to determine the extent of transfer of oilseed rape...

  12. Determinación riesgo ocupacional en población laboral con trabajo en altura por medición sérica de marcadores

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    Sonja Liliana Lozano Socarras


    Full Text Available Title: Occupational hazard determination workforce with work at heightby measuring serum markers.ResumenA la luz de la nueva legislación en prevención de riesgos profesionales, se propone el diseño e implementación de sistemas integrales de vigilancia epidemiológica ocupacional como herramienta estratégica, porque permite conocer el comportamiento de los diferentes eventos relacionados con el proceso salud - enfermedad, posibilitando el diseño e implementación de acciones que intervengan el proceso causal y el monitoreo profesional en las personas expuestas a un determinado factor de riesgo. El objetivo fue determinar el riesgo ocupacional en una población laboral que realiza trabajo en altura, por medio de la medición sérica de marcadores biológicos de riesgo cardiovascular. En el año 2009 se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo utilizando la base de datos de la IPS Prevenir Uno A, con un tamaño de muestra de 93 pacientes. Las variables fueron sexo, edad, y variables antropométricas de peso y talla con las cuales se calculó el IMC, colesterol total - LDL, HDL triglicéridos, y glucemia, dando como resultado el promedio del nivel de glucemia de 90,19 (83.8% mg/dl, de colesterol total 199.1 mg/dl. Col.LDL 112.6mg/dl, Col HDL 52.2mg/dl (48.5% y triglicéridos de 153.6mg/dl. Los niveles de marcadores biológicos de riesgo cardiovascular en esta población laboral que realiza trabajo en altura no representan un factor de riesgo ocupacional. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 1, 23 - 32AbstractIn the light of the new legislation on prevention of occupational risks is proposed the design and implementation of comprehensive systems of occupational epidemiological surveillance as a strategic tool, because it allows to know the behavior of the different events related to the process health-disease, allowing the design and implementation of actions involving the causal process and monitoring professional in persons exposed to a particular risk factor

  13. Comparison of multilocus sequence typing, RAPD, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for typing of β-lactam-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains. (United States)

    Sachse, Svea; Bresan, Stephanie; Erhard, Marcel; Edel, Birgit; Pfister, Wolfgang; Saupe, Angela; Rödel, Jürgen


    Extended spectrum of β-lactam (ESBL) resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae has become an increasing problem in hospital infections. Typing of isolates is important to establish the intrahospital surveillance of resistant clones. In this study, the discriminatory potential of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) analyses were compared with multilocus sequence typing (MLST) by using 17 β-lactam-resistant K. pneumoniae isolates of different genotypes. MLST alleles were distributed in 8 sequence types (STs). Among ESBL strains of the same ST, the presence of different β-lactamase genes was common. RAPD band patterns also revealed 8 types that corresponded to MLST-defined genotypes in 15 out of 17 cases. MALDI-TOF analysis could differentiate 5 clusters of strains. The results of this work show that RAPD may be usable as a rapid screening method for the intrahospital surveillance of K. pneumoniae, allowing a discrimination of clonally related strains. MALDI-TOF-based typing was not strongly corresponding to genotyping and warrants further investigation. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Estudo citofotométrico da expressão dos marcadores tumorais Caspase-3 e Ki-67 no adenocarcinoma gástrico Cytophotometric study of the expression of tumoral markers Caspase-3 and Ki-67 in gastric adenocarcinoma

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    Pedro Manuel Gonzales Cuellar


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: A carcinogênese gástrica é processo complexo e depende de fatores genéticos, ambientais e infecciosos. Nos últimos anos, houve grandes avanços nos campos da genética e da biologia molecular, sobre o desenvolvimento dos tumores. Os marcadores tumorais são substâncias ausentes nos tecidos normais e que podem ser identificadas em tecidos com câncer. Através de procedimentos imunoistoquímicos eles podem ser estudados. OBJETIVOS: Descrever a expressão citofotométrica do marcador tumoral Ki-67 analisando a densidade óptica e o índice de marcagem no adenocarcinoma de estômago. Descrever a expressão citofotométrica do marcador tumoral Caspase-3 analisando a densidade óptica e o índice de marcagem no adenocarcinoma de estômago. Comparar o índice de marcagem e densidade óptica dos marcadores tumorais Ki-67 e Caspase-3 no adenocarcinoma de estômago. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados, inicialmente, 58 blocos com espécime de adenocarcinoma gástrico coletados nos Serviços de Anátomo-Patologia do Hospital do Gama - Brasília (DF e Hospital Dom Orione - Araguaina (TO, e analizados no Laboratório de Citologia e Histopalogia Ltda - CITOLAB, Curitiba (PR. Foram aproveitados 31 blocos para o estudo histológico e imunoistoquímico realizado pelo sistema de análise computarizado SAMBA 4000. RESULTADOS: Das 31 lâminas estudas, 15 (48% foram marcadas pelo marcador Ki-67, 22 (71% foram marcadas pelo marcador Caspase-3 e 14 (45% marcaram com os dois marcadores. CONCLUSÕES: A expressão citofométrica do marcador Ki-67 foi observada em 15 lâminas da amostra estudada e apresentaram média do índice de marcagem de 36,85%, enquanto a densidade óptica apresentou média de 29,33 pixels. A expressão citofotométrica do marcador Caspase-3 foi observada em 22 lâminas da amostra estudada e apresentaram média do índice de marcagem de 87,71% e 60,74 pixels de média para a densidade óptica. Na comparação do índice de marcagem dos

  15. La medición de la nicotina como marcador aéreo del humo ambiental de tabaco Nicotine measurement as an airborne marker of environmental tobacco smoke

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    M. Nebot


    Full Text Available Introducción: Numerosos estudios científicos han demostrado la asociación del humo ambiental de tabaco (HAT con múltiples riesgos para la salud. Sin embargo, la medición de la exposición a este humo ha sido poco precisa hasta hace pocos años. En este artículo se revisan diversos estudios que han utilizado la nicotina como marcador aéreo del HAT. Métodos: Se revisan los diferentes métodos utilizados en la medición de la exposición al HAT, con especial énfasis en el uso de la nicotina como marcador aéreo de su presencia, comparando sus características con las de los demás marcadores y analizando los resultados encontrados en diferentes estudios en los que se ha medido la concentración de nicotina en muestras de aire en espacios públicos y en el medio laboral. Resultados: La nicotina reúne las características deseables de los marcadores del HAT, y los resultados de diversos estudios en los que se ha utilizado muestran un amplio rango de valores. Así, en cafeterías y restaurantes la concentración de nicotina oscila entre 0,52 y 47,86 μg/m³, mientras que en los lugares de trabajo sin restricciones relativas al tabaco, las concentraciones varían entre 3,4 y 14 μg/m³, y en aquellos con prohibición total de fumar, la concentración oscila entre 0,09 y 0,7 μg/m³. Los lugares de ocio nocturno son los lugares donde las concentraciones son más elevadas, llegando a alcanzar valores que superan los 65 μg/m³. Discusión: El uso de la nicotina como marcador aéreo permite medir de manera objetiva la exposición al HAT. Los valores obtenidos en los estudios que utilizan este marcador muestran que en los lugares con restricciones o prohibiciones relativas al consumo de tabaco la exposición al HAT es mucho menor que en los en los que no hay ningún tipo de regulación.Introduction: Several studies have demonstrated the relationship between environmental tobacco smoke (ETS and different types of health risk. Despite this evidence

  16. (Intersubjetivização de marcadores discursivos de base verbal: instâncias de gramaticalização

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    Cláudia Andrea Rost Snichelotto


    Full Text Available Este artigo objetiva apresentar, numa perspectiva pancrônica, uma descrição da multifuncionalidade dos marcadores discursivos olha e vê¹ em amostras de escrita e de fala catarinense. A análise é sustentada por uma abordagem funcionalista da gramaticalização, com ênfase na mudança semântico-pragmática e categorial dos itens, considerando a questão da (intersubjetividade e (intersubjetivização e sua relação com as funções da linguagem no processo de mudança. As ocorrências examinadas evidenciam que (i das práticas comunicativas emergem polissemias pragmáticas, que sinalizam, em graus variáveis, o envolvimento do falante com o ouvinte, bem como um incremento de significados vinculados à atitude do falante a respeito do que é dito, além de tímida função dos itens no âmbito textual; (ii os diferentes contextos de atuação discursiva de olha e vê são atestados a partir de frequências de uso que apontam tanto para situações de variação como para contextos de restrição de uso; (iii há indícios de gramaticalização desses marcadores discursivos, estando olha num processo mais adiantado do que vê.

  17. Efeitos de um marcador temporal sobre respostas de escolha por maior atraso e magnitude do reforço em crianças

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    Tatiana Chagas Correia


    Full Text Available ResumoO presente experimento verificou se a apresentação de um marcador temporal durante o período de atraso do reforço aumentaria as respostas no componente com maior magnitude e atraso do reforço (autocontrole, diminuindo as escolhas pelo componente de menor atraso e magnitude (impulsividade, em um esquema concorrente. Três valores de atraso do reforço foram investigados. Participaram nove crianças distribuídas em três condições manipuladas no período de atraso do reforço: relógio, não-relógio e blackout. Escolhas entre o componente de autocontrole e impulsividade ocorriam na tela de computador sendo consequencia dos pontos trocados por brindes. Encontrou-se autocontrole na primeira apresentação dos menores valores de atraso no componente de maior atraso, mas não com valores maiores, independentemente da condição em vigor. O marcador temporal não indicou ser uma condição que aumente as respostas de autocontrole. Tais respostas estiveram relacionadas aos valores do atraso.

  18. Invasion and spreading of Cabomba caroliniana revealed by RAPD markers (United States)

    Jin, Xiaofeng; Ding, Bingyang; Gao, Shuqin; Jiang, Weimei


    Applying randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), the genetic variation of Cabomba caroliniana Gray (cabomba or fanwort), a new alien plant in China, was analyzed in this paper. Total 143 bands, including 47 polymorphic bands, were amplified from 23 primers in 20 samples. The sampling distance was large, but its genetic diversity was low. The main results were that: (1) Cabomba, which grew and dispersed mainly in fragment, was an abundant and dominant species in freshwater, and its main dispersal mechanism was vegetative reproduction (2) Cabomba was originally introduced into China as an aquarium submerged plant. Somehow, those discarded cabomba became invasive species in the areas of Hangzhou, Shanghai, and Meicheng, and other places. (3) Although the level of genetic diversity in cabomba was low, their rapid dispersion and propagation could seriously harm to local aquatic community. Therefore, specific measure should be used to control cabomba from uncontrolled spreading and damage to local vegetation communities.

  19. Genetic diversity of improved salt tolerant calli of maize (Zea mays L.) using RAPD (United States)

    Saputro, Triono Bagus; Dianawati, Siti; Sholihah, Nur Fadlillatus; Ermavitalini, Dini


    Maize is one of important cultivated plants in the world, in terms of production rates, utilization rates and demands. Unfortunately, the increment of demands were not followed by the increase of production rates since the cultivation area were significantly decrease. Coastal area is the marginal land that have a good potential to extend the cultivation area. The main challenge of this area is the high content of salt. The aims of this research were try to induce a new varian of local maize through in vitro culture and observe its genetic variation using RAPD. Bluto variety from Madura island was used as an explant in callus induction. Induction of callus were conducted using MS basal medium supplemented with 3 mg/L of 2,4 D under dark condition. While the selection stage was conducted using MS basal medium supplemented with 3 mg/L of 2,4 D with the addition of various concentration of NaCl (0 mg/L; 2500 mg/L; 5000 mg/L; and 7500 mg/L). The research were arranged in a completely randomized design with three replications. The exposion of NaCl were significantly decrease the mass of maize callus. The highest addition of callus weight was 210 mgs in control treatment, while the lowest is in 7500 mg/L with 3 mgs. The RAPD technique was utilized to characterize the genotype of maize callus. Out of five primers, only three primers can produce polymorphic bands named OPA10, OPB07 and OPC02. Taken together, the surviving callus of Bluto varians can be further developed as potential somaclone that has high tolerance to salt stress.

  20. RAPD em Pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke: adaptação do método para coleta de amostras in situ, ajuste das condições de PCR e apresentação de um processo para selecionar bandas reprodutíveis RAPD in Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke: adequation of a method for in situ sample collecting, PCR adjustments and presentation of a procedure to select reproducible amplified fragments

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    Ronaldo Pereira Santos


    Full Text Available O Pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke é uma espécie importante economicamente para a Região Amazônica, porque sua madeira é fonte de linalol, insumo utilizado pelas perfumarias. Esta espécie foi explorada durante décadas e, ainda assim, o conhecimento acerca da diversidade genética intra-específica é muito restrito. Foram objetivos deste trabalho: 1 validar um protocolo para coleta de folhas de pau-rosa que permitisse preservar a integridade do DNA até a estocagem em "freezer"; 2 selecionar um protocolo para extração de DNA em quantidade e qualidade adequadas para geração de bandas RAPD e 3 desenvolver um critério para avaliar o grau de reprodutibilidade que pudesse auxiliar a seleção de bandas RAPD úteis para análises de diversidade genética. Imediatamente após a coleta, as folhas foram acondicionadas em tubos de polietileno com sílica gel e aí permaneceram por até 10 dias. Foram testados três protocolos para a extração de ácidos nucléicos destas folhas, condições ideais para as PCR e a reprodutibilidade dos padrões RAPD. Critérios para a eliminação das bandas que mais contribuíram para o afastamento dos resultados do ideal da reprodutibilidade total foram desenvolvidos e a significância estatística das diferenças geradas pela aplicação dos critérios ao conjunto de dados foi testada. DNA com qualidade e em quantidade suficiente para a geração de padrões RAPD, nas condições ideais definidas para as PCRs, foi obtido. A eliminação de bandas com reprodutibilidade menor que 70% não diferiu do controle. A eliminação de bandas com reprodutibilidade menor que 90% diferiu dos demais tratamentos em todos os arranjos testados (P Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke is one of the economically valuable species in the Amazon region, because it is the principal source of linalool which is demanded by the perfumery industry. This species was submitted to hard exploitation along the past decades and besides this

  1. Estudio del polimorfismo genético de las células de la médula ósea y del sistema nervioso central de ratas mediante la técnica de RAPD


    Esteban Alberti; Jorge Fraga; Rocío García; Elizabeth Hernández; Karelys de la Cuetara; Lázara Castillo; Teresa Serrano


    Study of genetic polymorphism of the bone marrow and the central nervous system of rats cells by RAPD technique    Título corto: RAPD a células de ratas. Resumen Los modelos experimentales en rata han sido de gran utilidad en las evaluaciones terapéuticas o de reemplazo de células en enfermedades neurodegenerativas. Se ha comprobado que las células de la médula ósea (CMO) de ratas pueden diferenciarse en células que no forman parte de sus linajes normales. Hay evidencias de e...

  2. Molecular Diversity of Antagonistic Streptomyces spp. against Botrytis allii, the agent of onion gray mold using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD Markers

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    M. Jorjandi


    Full Text Available As an aim in sustainable agriculture, biological control of plant diseases has received intensive attention mainly as a response to public concern about the use of chemical fungicides in the environment. Soil Actinomycetes particularly Streptomyces spp. enhance soil fertility and have antagonistic activity against wide range of plant pathogens. To investigate for biocontrol means against the pathogen, 30 isolates of Actinomycetes have been isolated from agricultural soils of Kerman province of Iran and assayed for antagonistic activity against Botrytis allii, the agent of onion gray mold. RAPD DNA analysis has been used to determine the relatedness of active and non-active isolates based on their RAPD-PCR fingerprints. PCR amplifiable DNA samples have been isolated using the CTAB method and amplified fragments have been obtained from 5 random 10-mer primers. Different DNA fingerprinting patterns have been obtained for all of the isolates. Electrophoretic and cluster analysis of the amplification products has revealed incidence of polymorphism among the isolates. A total of 138 bands, ranging in size from 150-2800 bp, have been amplified from primers which 63.7% of the observed bands have been polymorphic. Genetic distances among different varieties have been analyzed with a UPGMA (Unweighted pair-group method, arithmetic average-derived dendrogram. Resulting dendrogram has showed from 0.65 to 0.91 similarities among varieties and divided the isolates into five major groups. Isolates which haven’t had any antagonistic activity against B. allii have been separated into a group and other isolates classified into four groups. The results indicate that RAPD is an efficient method for discriminating and studying genetic diversity of Streptomyces isolates.


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    Francisco , Moura Neto


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    The study aimed to evaluate the capacity of SSR markers to detect the gene flow between the red rice (RR and the cultivated rice (CR. SSR is currently used in plant genomic analysis due to the high information content, to be co-dominant, and based on the PCR reaction. The field experiment was organized in ten concentric circles, 5 m to 50 m apart from a central red rice plant, assumed as the pollen donor. One hundred twenty rice CR plants, cv. BR-Irga 409, were planted in the intersections of the concentric circles and the twelve radii. From 51 SSR markers, four were selected due to their capacity to detect the polymorphism between RR and CR, aiming to identify RR alleles in seeds produced by BR-Irga 409 plants. The maximum distance found for gene flow between RR and CR plants was 10 m from the RR plant. In theory, at 0.1% cross pollination rate, this distance can generate 4,710 hybrids between RR and CR. In the next generation, about 3,532 plants would produce exclusively rice grains with red color. The SSR markers were able to identify the gene flow between RR and CR; therefore, they can be useful to increase the precision of cross pollination rate estimates in rice, mainly if used with other methodologies (e.g., herbicide tolerant plants.

    KEY WORDS: Cross pollination; microsatellite markers; Oryza sativa.

    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a capacidade de marcadores SSR em detectar a ocorrência de fluxo gênico entre o arroz vermelho (AV e o arroz cultivado (AC. Marcadores SSR são utilizados em análise genômica de plantas devido ao alto conteúdo informativo, serem co-dominantes e baseados na reação de PCR. O ensaio de campo foi realizado em dez círculos concêntricos de 5 m a 50 m de distância, a partir de uma planta AV central, que foi a fonte

  4. Isozyme, ISSR and RAPD profiling of genotypes in marvel grass (Dichanthium annulatum). (United States)

    Saxena, Raghvendra; Chandra, Amaresh


    Genetic analysis of 30 accessions of marvel grass (Dichanthium annulatum Forsk.), a tropical range grass collected from grasslands and open fields of drier regions, was carried out with the objectives of identifying unique materials that could be used in developing the core germplasm for such regions as well as to explore gene (s) for drought tolerance. Five inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers [(CA)4, (AGAC), (GACA) 4; 27 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and four enzyme systems were employed in the present study. In total, ISSR yielded 61 (52 polymorphic), RAPD 269 (253 polymorphic) and enzyme 55 isozymes (44 polymorphic) bands. The average polymorphic information content (PIC) and marker index (MI) across all polymorphic bands of 3 markers systems ranged from 0.419 to 0.480 and 4.34 to 5.25 respectively Dendrogram analysis revealed three main clusters with all three markers. Four enzymes namely esterase (EST), polyphenoloxidase (PPO), peroxidase (PRX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) revealed 55 alleles from a total of 16 enzyme-coding loci. Of these, 14 loci and 44 alleles were polymorphic. The mean number of alleles per locus was 3.43. Mean heterozygosity observed among the polymorphic loci ranged from 0.406 (SOD) to 0.836 (EST) and accession wise from 0.679 (1G3108) to 0.743 (IGKMD-10). Though there was intermixing of few accessions of one agro-climatic region to another largely groupings of accessions were with their regions of collections. Bootstrap analysis at 1000 iterations also showed large numbers of nodes (11 to 17) having strong clustering (> 50 bootstrap values) in all three marker systems. The accessions of the arid and drier regions forming one cluster are assigned as distinct core collection of Dichanthium and can be targeted for isolation of gene (s) for drought tolerance. Variations in isozyme allele numbers and high PIC (0.48) and MI (4.98) as observed with ISSR markers indicated their usefulness for germplasm characterization.

  5. Assessment of genetic stability in micropropagules of Jatropha curcas genotypes by RAPD and AFLP analysis

    KAUST Repository

    Sharma, Sweta K.


    Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae), a drought resistant non edible oil yielding plant, has acquired significant importance as an alternative renewable energy source. Low and inconsistent yields found in field plantations prompted for identification of high yielding clones and their large scale multiplication by vegetative propagation to obtain true to type plants. In the current investigation plantlets of J. curcas generated by axillary bud proliferation (micropropagation) using nodal segments obtained from selected high yielding genotypes were assessed for their genetic stability using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. For RAPD analysis, 21 out of 52 arbitrary decamer primers screened gave clear reproducible bands. In the micropropagated plantlets obtained from the 2nd sub-culture, 4 out of a total of 177 bands scored were polymorphic, but in the 8th and 16th sub-cultures (culture cycle) no polymorphisms were detected. AFLP analysis revealed 0.63%, 0% and 0% polymorphism in the 2nd, 8th and 16th generations, respectively. When different genotypes, viz. IC 56557 16, IC 56557 34 and IC 56557 13, were assessed by AFLP, 0%, 0.31% and 0.47% polymorphisms were found, respectively, indicating a difference in genetic stability among the different genotypes. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report on assessment of genetic stability of micropropagated plantlets in J. curcas and suggests that axillary shoot proliferation can safely be used as an efficient micropropagation method for mass propagation of J. curcas. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.

  6. Population structure of Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Nematoda: Metastrongylidae) in Thailand based on PCR-RAPD markers. (United States)

    Thaenkham, Urusa; Pakdee, Wallop; Nuamtanong, Supaporn; Maipanich, Wanna; Pubampen, Somchit; Sa-Nguankiat, Surapol; Komalamisra, Chalit


    Angiostrongylus cantonensis is the causative agent of angiostrongyliasis, which is widely distributed throughout the world. It can specifically infect many species of intermediate and definitive hosts. This study examined the genetic differentiation and population structure using the RAPD-PCR method of parasites obtained from 8 different geographical areas of Thailand. Based on 8 primers, high levels of genetic diversity and low levels of gene flow among populations were found. Using genetic distance and neighbor-joining dendrogram methods, A. cantonensis in Thailand could be divided into two groups with statistically significant genetic differentiation of the two populations. However, genotypic variations and haplotype relationships need to be further elucidated using other markers.

  7. Evidence of transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting in Taipei City, Taiwan. (United States)

    Harn, H J; Shen, K L; Ho, L I; Yu, K W; Liu, G C; Yueh, K C; Lee, J H


    AIMS: To determine, by strain identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, whether transmission has occurred between individuals or whether new strains are present. METHODS: A rapid protocol for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was developed. This protocol was applied to 64 strains of M tuberculosis that had been confirmed by culture and microbiological methods. RESULTS: There are five groups of M tuberculosis prevalent in Taipei city, Taiwan. The major types are groups I and III. Groups I and II had been prevalent until the end of last year when, according to our group analysis, they had been eradicated. However, group III was continuously present from the middle of 1995 to the middle of 1996, and group IV was present at the end of both years, which indicated that both groups were transmitted continuously. These clustered strains had demographic characteristics consistent with a finding of transmission tuberculosis. Also, there were 13 of 64 strains with unique RAPD fingerprints that were inferred to be due primarily to the reactivation of infection. In the drug resistance analysis, the major type represented included group III and part of group IV. CONCLUSIONS: Our preliminary data imply, not only that the prevalence of M tuberculosis in Taipei city is due to transmission rather than reactivation, but that drug resistance also may play a role in tuberculosis transmission. Images PMID:9378819

  8. Caracterización de accesiones de papaya (Carica papaya L.) a través de marcadores AFLP en Cuba


    Maruchi Alonso Esquivel; Martín Bautista Alor; Matilde Ortiz García; Adriana Quiroz Moreno; Wolfgang Rohde; Lorenzo Felipe Sánchez Teyer


    Los marcadores moleculares son herramientas valiosas en los estudios genéticos en plantas, y están siendo empleados exitosamente en programas de mejoramiento principalmente en la elección de progenitores y en la selección. El polimorfismo observado mediante la técnica molecular AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) ha sido de utilidad para estudios de diversidad genética en frutales. En el presente trabajo se realizó la caracterización molecular de 12 accesiones de papaya (Carica papa...

  9. Caracterización de accesiones de papaya (Carica papaya L.) a través de marcadores AFLP en Cuba


    Esquivel, Maruchi Alonso; Bautista Alor, Martín; Ortiz García, Matilde; Quiroz Moreno, Adriana; Rohde, Wolfgang; Sánchez Teyer, Lorenzo Felipe


    Los marcadores moleculares son herramientas valiosas en los estudios genéticos en plantas, y están siendo empleados exitosamente en programas de mejoramiento principalmente en la elección de progenitores y en la selección. El polimorfismo observado mediante la técnica molecular AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) ha sido de utilidad para estudios de diversidad genética en frutales. En el presente trabajo se realizó la caracterización molecular de 12 accesiones de papaya (Carica papa...


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    María C. Costa


    Full Text Available Se realizó el estudio melisopalinológico de 49 muestras de miel provenientes del noroeste de la provincia de Córdoba. Prosopis spp., Larrea divaricata , Schinopsis spp., Condalia microphylla , Sarcomphalus mistol , Cercidium praecox , Geoffroea decorticans , Capparis atamisquea , Aloysia gratissima , Mimosa spp. y Schinus spp. fueron los tipos polínicos de mayor importancia y frecuencia de aparición, todos representantes de la flora nativa. Cuatro grupos de mieles se diferenciaron por análisis discriminante: Traslasierra, Perisalina, Chaco Árido y Chaco Serrano; algunas especies permitieron diferenciarlos entre sí: Schinus areira , Maytenus vitis-idaea , Cantinoa mutabilis y Schinopsis spp., respectivamente. Los tipos polínicos con mayor índice de importancia de especie y frecuencia se proponen como marcadores útiles para la Denominación de Origen.

  11. Genetic variability of the Brazilian hair sheep breeds Variabilidade genética de raças de ovelhas deslanadas do Brasil

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    Samuel Rezende Paiva


    Full Text Available The objectives of this work were to investigate the genetic structure of the Brazilian hair sheep breeds and to determine the origin of the Santa Inês breed. Molecular similarity was determined using Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase Chain Reaction markers in 238 individuals from five naturalized sheep breeds: Santa Inês (48 animals, Rabo Largo (48, Somali (48, Morada Nova (48 and Bergamasca (46, collected in Goiás, Sergipe, Bahia, and Ceará States as well as in the Federal District. Fifty-four loci were selected from 19 primers, after a pilot test using 140 primers. Qualitative analyses indicate diagnostic markers for all breeds. All breeds were significantly different from each other. Interbreed differences were explained by 14.92% of the total variation. Santa Inês clustered with Bergamasca (97% bootstrap and with Rabo Largo, composing the third member of the group (81% bootstrap while Morada Nova and Somali breeds clustered separately. Each breed should be considered as a separate management and conservation unit, and special care should be taken with Rabo Largo, Morada Nova and Somali breeds, represented by small herds in Brazil.Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar a origem racial de ovinos Santa Inês e avaliar a unicidade das populações das principais raças naturalizadas brasileiras de ovinos deslanado. Foi realizado um estudo dos padrões de semelhança molecular a partir de marcadores RAPD-PCR, utilizando-se 238 indivíduos dos Estados de Goiás, Sergipe, Bahia, e Ceará assim como do Distrito Federal, distribuídos entre as raças Santa Inês (48 animais, Bergamácia (46, Rabo Largo (48, Morada Nova (48 e Somali (48. Após triagem com 140 primers, foram selecionados 54 locos a partir de 19 primers e todas as raças apresentaram marcadores específicos. Análises qualitativas mostraram a presença de marcadores diagnóstico-específicos para todas as raças. As diferenças inter-raciais foram

  12. Using cytogenetic analysis RAPD in determination of genetic variations among four species of ornamental fishes of family: Poecilidae (Order: Cyprinodontiform

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    Abu-Almaaty A.H.


    Full Text Available The karyological and molecular analysis of four fresh water fish species of Family: Poecilidae and their genetic relationships have been studied. Xiphophorus maculates and Xiphophorus hellerii have the same diploid chromosome number 2n=48, but they were different in their karyotypes. Poecilia sphenops and Poecilia reticulata have the same diploid chromosome number 2n=46 and the same fundamental number FN=46, also the same karyotype one group of acrocentric chromosomes. Nine RAPD primers, showed monomorphic bands, were used for the construction of the dendrogram and a similarity matrix. A total of 65 bands were obtained; 39 of them were monomorphic bands. Similarity values among the studied samples ranged from 21% to 38%. High similarity value was obtained between Xiphophorus maculates and Xiphophorus hellerii. (38% and the low similarity values were obtained between Xiphophorus hellerii and Poecilia reticulata (21%. The cluster analysis clearly differentiated Xiphophorus maculates and Xiphophorus hellerii from Poecilia sphenops and Poecilia reticulata. RAPD analysis confirmed that the four species under study are genetically different from each other. These cytogenetic data obtained can be applied for further studies in cytotaxonomy and evolutionary relationships of fishes.

  13. Inheritance of rapeseed (Brassica napus)-specific RAPD markers and a transgene in the cross B.juncea x (B.juncea x B.napus)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frello, S.; Hansen, K.R.; Jensen, J.


    , with B. juncea as the female parent, was successful both in controlled crosses and spontaneously in the field. The controlled backcrossing of selected hybrids to B. juncea, again with B. juncea as the female parent, also resulted in many seeds. The BC1 plants contained from 0 to 20 of the rapeseed RAPD...

  14. Estudios bioarqueológios de marcadores de estrés ocupacional en cazadores recolectores pampeanos del Holoceno Temprano-Medio


    Scabuzzo, Clara


    El objetivo general de este trabajo es, desde una perspectiva bioarqueológica, aproximarse a los modos de vida de los cazadores recolectores a partir del análisis de las actividades físicas cotidianas. Específicamente se plantea llevar a cabo el estudio de los marcadores de estrés ocupacional (M.E.O). Estas marcas de actividad, que quedan registrados en el esqueleto como consecuencia del uso del cuerpo y de los patrones de actividad física de los individuos, pueden ser tanto de carácter patol...

  15. RAPD-PCR na identificação molecular de plantas medicinais regulamentadas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde do Brasil | RAPD-PCR in molecular identification of medicinal plants regulated by the Unified Health System in Brazil

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    José Luiz Neves Aguiar


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento de metodologia altamente discriminatória para a identificação e caracterização de genótipos das espécies de plantas medicinais regulamentadas pelo sistema público de saúde brasileiro (SUS é de suma importância para o controle de qualidade destas espécies como matérias-primas na produção de medicamentos fitoterápicos, consequentemente, minimizar o risco sanitário associado à ineficácia terapêutica devido ao uso de matéria prima de identidade duvidosa. Por isto, foi utilizado o método RAPD-PCR para a elaboração de um perfil genético de três espécies de plantas medicinais regulamentadas pelo SUS do Brasil: Mikania glomerata, Maytenus ilicifolia e Schinus terebinthifolius, a partir de exemplares destas plantas, que foram cedidas pela Coleção Temática de Plantas Medicinais do Instituto de Pesquisas do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Os 60 iniciadores utilizados no RAPD-PCR com o DNA das três espécies geraram 1284 produtos amplificados que variaram de 100-1500 pb. Foram selecionados cinco iniciadores que geraram no total 76 fragmentos entre 200-1100 pb com astrês espécies, sendo os iniciadores OPG18, OPA7 e OPG17 para a Mikania glomerata, os iniciadores OPG20, OPC13 e OPA11 para a Maytenus ilicifolia e OPA4, OPA18 e OPG14 para a Schinus terebinthifolius e os iniciadores OPA17 e OPC6 para as três espécies. Os perfis resultantes permitiram a identificação eficiente das espécies. Foram identificados iniciadores que geraram um único fragmento que poderão servir para desenhar um iniciador específico, que poderá ser usado na identificação da planta em produtos como monofarmacos e associações. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Development of a highly discriminatory method for the identification of genotypes and species of medicinal plants regulated by the Brazilian public health system (SUS is of paramount importance for the

  16. Associação entre periodontite crônica e marcadores de risco para doença cardiovascular


    André Luis Velloso Caúla Soares


    Pesquisas recentes têm demonstrado que a periodontite pode modificar a concentração sanguínea de uma série de tipos celulares e substâncias bioquímicas, que são considerados fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a associação entre a periodontite crônica e marcadores de risco para doença cardiovascular. No Estudo I foram examinados 100 pacientes aparentemente saudáveis sistemicamente, sendo 66 portadores de periodontite crônica e 34 pacientes c...

  17. Comparative analysis of DNA polymorphisms and phylogenetic relationships among Syzygium cumini Skeels based on phenotypic characters and RAPD technique. (United States)

    Singh, Jitendra P; Singh, Ak; Bajpai, Anju; Ahmad, Iffat Zareen


    The Indian black berry (Syzygium cumini Skeels) has a great nutraceutical and medicinal properties. As in other fruit crops, the fruit characteristics are important attributes for differentiation were also determined for different accessions of S. cumini. The fruit weight, length, breadth, length: breadth ratio, pulp weight, pulp content, seed weight and pulp: seed ratio significantly varied in different accessions. Molecular characterization was carried out using PCR based RAPD technique. Out of 80 RAPD primers, only 18 primers produced stable polymorphisms that were used to examine the phylogenetic relationship. A sum of 207 loci were generated out of which 201 loci found polymorphic. The average genetic dissimilarity was 97 per cent among jamun accessions. The phylogenetic relationship was also determined by principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) that explained 46.95 per cent cumulative variance. The two-dimensional PCoA analysis showed grouping of the different accessions that were plotted into four sub-plots, representing clustering of accessions. The UPGMA (r = 0.967) and NJ (r = 0.987) dendrogram constructed based on the dissimilarity matrix revealed a good degree of fit with the cophenetic correlation value. The dendrogram grouped the accessions into three main clusters according to their eco-geographical regions which given useful insight into their phylogenetic relationships.

  18. Transmission trials, ITS2-PCR and RAPD-PCR show identity of Toxocara canis isolates from red fox and dog. (United States)

    Epe, C; Meuwissen, M; Stoye, M; Schnieder, T


    Toxocara canis isolates from dog and from red fox were compared in transmission trials and with molecular analysis using RAPD-PCR technique and comparison of the ITS2 sequence. After oral infection of bitches with 20,000 embryonated T. canis eggs of vulpine and canine origin, the vertical transmission to pup's was examined. All animals of both groups developed typical clinical symptoms of toxocarosis. The haematological, serological, parasitological and post mortem results showed no differences between both isolates except for the infectivity of T. canis stages in mice where the fox isolate showed a significant higher infectivity than the dog isolate. The RAPD-PCR showed a similarity coefficient of 0.95, similar to the range of intraspecific variation in Toxocara cati and Toxascaris leonina specimens as outgroups. The ITS2 comparison showed a 100% identity between both isolates with no intraspecific variations. Therefore, the study shows that the fox and the dog isolate of T. canis were identical in infectivity, transmission and molecular structure; a host adaptation could not be found and the fox has to be seen as a reservoir for T. canis infections in dogs. Considering the increasing number of foxes in urban areas the importance of helminth control in dogs is stressed.

  19. Toxigenic diversity of two different RAPD groups of Stachybotrys chartarum isolates analyzed by potential for trichothecene production and for boar sperm cell motility inhibition

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Peltola, J.; Niessen, L.; Nielsen, Kristian Fog


    . Unweighted pair group method of arithmetic averages (UPGMA) cluster analysis of RAPID fragments clustered the 31 S. chartarum isolates in two distinct groups designated as RAPD groups 1 and 2. The grouping of S. chartarum isolates obtained by UPGMA cluster analysis of RAPID fragments was identical...

  20. Use of RAPD marker for identification of DNA polymorphism in gamma rays treated Jatropha Curcas L

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dhakshanamoorthy, Dharman; Selvaraj, Radhakrishnan


    The aim of this study is to examine the discriminatory power of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker in Jatropha curcas, and to determine the effect of various dose exposures (0, 5, 10, f, 20 and 25 Kr) of gamma rays on J. curcas, at molecular level. All the ten random primers used produced reproducible polymorphic bands. PCR products of mutant genome revealed a total of 40 bands, out of which 27 were polymorphic. Polymorphism information content (PIC) values were ranged from 0.00 to 0.40 and the highest PIC value of 0.40 was observed in primer OPU-13 followed by primers OPAL-II and OPT-18 (0.30) while no PIC value were reported in primers OPH-18 and OPM-13. Jaccard's coefficient of similarity varied from 0.476 to 0.723, indicative of high level of genetic variation among the mutants studied. UPGMA cluster analysis indicated three distinct clusters, one comprising control while the second included four mutants viz., 10, 15, 25 and 20 Kr. The mutant 5 Kr remained distinct and formed third cluster indicating its higher genetic diversity from the rest of the mutants and control. The primer OPU-13 produced maximum number of bands (8) showed highest discriminatory power and PIC (0.40) by showing maximum number of polymorphic bands (5) when compared to other primers used. The study reveals that RAPD molecular markers can be used to assess polymorphism among the mutants and can be a useful tool to supplement the distinctness, uniformity and stability analysis for plant varietal identification and protection. (author)

  1. Estimation of the genetic diversity in tetraploid alfalfa populations based on RAPD markers for breeding purposes. (United States)

    Nagl, Nevena; Taski-Ajdukovic, Ksenija; Barac, Goran; Baburski, Aleksandar; Seccareccia, Ivana; Milic, Dragan; Katic, Slobodan


    Alfalfa is an autotetraploid, allogamous and heterozygous forage legume, whose varieties are synthetic populations. Due to the complex nature of the species, information about genetic diversity of germplasm used in any alfalfa breeding program is most beneficial. The genetic diversity of five alfalfa varieties, involved in progeny tests at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, was characterized based on RAPD markers. A total of 60 primers were screened, out of which 17 were selected for the analysis of genetic diversity. A total of 156 polymorphic bands were generated, with 10.6 bands per primer. Number and percentage of polymorphic loci, effective number of alleles, expected heterozygosity and Shannon's information index were used to estimate genetic variation. Variety Zuzana had the highest values for all tested parameters, exhibiting the highest level of variation, whereas variety RSI 20 exhibited the lowest. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that 88.39% of the total genetic variation was attributed to intra-varietal variance. The cluster analysis for individual samples and varieties revealed differences in their population structures: variety Zuzana showed a very high level of genetic variation, Banat and Ghareh were divided in subpopulations, while Pecy and RSI 20 were relatively uniform. Ways of exploiting the investigated germplasm in the breeding programs are suggested in this paper, depending on their population structure and diversity. The RAPD analysis shows potential to be applied in analysis of parental populations in semi-hybrid alfalfa breeding program in both, development of new homogenous germplasm, and identification of promising, complementary germplasm.

  2. Estimation of the Genetic Diversity in Tetraploid Alfalfa Populations Based on RAPD Markers for Breeding Purposes

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    Slobodan Katic


    Full Text Available Alfalfa is an autotetraploid, allogamous and heterozygous forage legume, whose varieties are synthetic populations. Due to the complex nature of the species, information about genetic diversity of germplasm used in any alfalfa breeding program is most beneficial. The genetic diversity of five alfalfa varieties, involved in progeny tests at Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, was characterized based on RAPD markers. A total of 60 primers were screened, out of which 17 were selected for the analysis of genetic diversity. A total of 156 polymorphic bands were generated, with 10.6 bands per primer. Number and percentage of polymorphic loci, effective number of alleles, expected heterozygosity and Shannon’s information index were used to estimate genetic variation. Variety Zuzana had the highest values for all tested parameters, exhibiting the highest level of variation, whereas variety RSI 20 exhibited the lowest. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA showed that 88.39% of the total genetic variation was attributed to intra-varietal variance. The cluster analysis for individual samples and varieties revealed differences in their population structures: variety Zuzana showed a very high level of genetic variation, Banat and Ghareh were divided in subpopulations, while Pecy and RSI 20 were relatively uniform. Ways of exploiting the investigated germplasm in the breeding programs are suggested in this paper, depending on their population structure and diversity. The RAPD analysis shows potential to be applied in analysis of parental populations in semi-hybrid alfalfa breeding program in both, development of new homogenous germplasm, and identification of promising, complementary germplasm.

  3. Use of RAPD marker for identification of DNA polymorphism in gamma rays treated Jatropha Curcas L

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dhakshanamoorthy, Dharman; Selvaraj, Radhakrishnan [Department of Botany, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar (India)


    The aim of this study is to examine the discriminatory power of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker in Jatropha curcas, and to determine the effect of various dose exposures (0, 5, 10, f, 20 and 25 Kr) of gamma rays on J. curcas, at molecular level. All the ten random primers used produced reproducible polymorphic bands. PCR products of mutant genome revealed a total of 40 bands, out of which 27 were polymorphic. Polymorphism information content (PIC) values were ranged from 0.00 to 0.40 and the highest PIC value of 0.40 was observed in primer OPU-13 followed by primers OPAL-II and OPT-18 (0.30) while no PIC value were reported in primers OPH-18 and OPM-13. Jaccard's coefficient of similarity varied from 0.476 to 0.723, indicative of high level of genetic variation among the mutants studied. UPGMA cluster analysis indicated three distinct clusters, one comprising control while the second included four mutants viz., 10, 15, 25 and 20 Kr. The mutant 5 Kr remained distinct and formed third cluster indicating its higher genetic diversity from the rest of the mutants and control. The primer OPU-13 produced maximum number of bands (8) showed highest discriminatory power and PIC (0.40) by showing maximum number of polymorphic bands (5) when compared to other primers used. The study reveals that RAPD molecular markers can be used to assess polymorphism among the mutants and can be a useful tool to supplement the distinctness, uniformity and stability analysis for plant varietal identification and protection. (author)

  4. The Evolution of Vicia ramuliflora (Fabaceae) at Tetraploid and Diploid Levels Revealed with FISH and RAPD (United States)

    Han, Ying; Liu, Yuan; Wang, Haoyou; Liu, Xiangjun


    Vicia ramuliflora L. is a widely distributed species in Eurasia with high economic value. For past 200 years, it has evolved a tetraploid cytotype and new subspecies at the diploid level. Based on taxonomy, cytogeography and other lines of evidence, previous studies have provided valuable information about the evolution of V. ramuliflora ploidy level, but due to the limited resolution of traditional methods, important questions remain. In this study, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were used to analyze the evolution of V. ramuliflora at the diploid and tetraploid levels. Our aim was to reveal the genomic constitution and parents of the tetraploid V. ramuliflora and the relationships among diploid V. ramuliflora populations. Our study showed that the tetraploid cytotype of V. ramuliflora at Changbai Mountains (M) has identical 18S and 5S rDNA distribution patterns with the diploid Hengdaohezi population (B) and the diploid Dailing population (H). However, UPGMA clustering, Neighbor-Joining clustering and principal coordinates analysis based on RAPD showed that the tetraploid cytotype (M) has more close relationships with Qianshan diploid population T. Based on our results and the fact that interspecific hybridization among Vicia species is very difficult, we think that the tetraploid V. ramuliflora is an autotetraploid and its genomic origin still needs further study. In addition, our study also found that Qianshan diploid population (T) had evolved distinct new traits compared with other diploid populations, which hints that V. ramuliflora evolved further at diploid level. We suggest that diploid population T be re-classified as a new subspecies. PMID:28135314

  5. El discurso argumentativo de los estudiantes universitarios en los foros de discusión de un campus virtual: análisis del uso de marcadores discursivos

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    Luis Ahumada


    Full Text Available En el marco de un programa de virtualización de asignaturas de pregrado como apoyo a la docencia presencial impulsado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso-Chile, se analizó el uso que se realiza de los foros de discusión como uno de los Recursos de Comunicación disponibles en el Campus Virtual de dicha Universidad. El objetivo de los foros de discusión es fomentar la discusión y colaboración de los participantes, siendo ésta una instancia de reflexión y aprendizaje en donde prima el género argumentativo, ya sea para rebatir o apoyar una línea argumental. En esta investigación se evaluó el discurso argumentativo en los foros de discusión mediante el análisis de diversos marcadores discursivos. Mediante el análisis de un corpus previamente seleccionado de 195 foros realizados en 7 asignaturas pertenecientes a distintas Facultades de la Universidad, se categorizaron los marcadores discursivos presentes en los foros de discusión para posteriormente realizar un análisis de la aparición de éstos en las distintas asignaturas investigadas. Los resultados dan cuenta de diferencias en la frecuencia de uso de los marcadores discursivos de tipo argumentativos entre las asignaturas estudiadas. Específicamente, se observa una mayor frecuencia de conectores en las asignaturas de Macroeconomía y Finanzas; y de reformuladores en las asignaturas de Finanzas, Contabilidad, Psicología Social y Teoría de Sistemas. Estos resultados pueden resultar orientadores respecto a si los foros de discusión favorecen la generación de nuevos conocimientos, constituyéndose en un espacio de interacción y diálogo entre los participantes.

  6. RAPD markers and black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold intraspecies taxonomy - Evidence from the study of nine populations

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    Zlatko Liber


    Full Text Available Although intraspecies researches within the black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold have a long tradition, the intraspecies taxonomy, classification and chorology are still unclear. Among the numerous reasons that have caused this situation the most important are: the absence of a study that would completely cover the whole range of this species, the impossibility of connection of results of the existing detailed studies of certain areas, and the high variability of traits which have been used so far. Since the characteristics of the molecular systematic techniques could make possible the research free of the mentioned shortages, the intention of this study was to determine the relationships among nine populations of black pine using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD. The obtained results were compared to the recent results of the morphological and anatomical analysis of the leaves of the same populations. The RAPD results clearly divided the Croatian populations from populations of Austria (subsp. nigra and Turkey (subsp. pallasiana, while among Croatian populations, as in previous study, the existence of several groups (subsp. illyrica, subsp. dalmatica and transitional population between them was noticed. It is assumed that the optimisations conducted in this study will finally make possible estimating the relationships on the level of the whole range of the black pine and the classification based on molecular traits that are probably less dependent on environmental influences than it has been the case with the characteristics mostly used so far.





    Lupinus elegans HBK. es una especie representativa de la Flora del Centro-Occidente de México. Esta especie se utiliza en proyectos de restauración de bosques de coníferas en la Meseta Purépecha porque crea microambientes para el establecimiento de especies de Pinus, además de fijar nitrógeno y mejorar las condiciones del suelo empobrecido. En este estudio se evalúa la variación genética de poblaciones de L. elegans por medio de RAPD. Se colectaron un total de 159 individuos en...

  8. Evaluation of some garlic (Allium Sativum L.) mutants resistant to white rot disease by RAPD analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nabulsi, I.; Al-Safadi, B.; Mir ali, N.; Arabi, M.I.E.


    Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to evaluate genetic diversity among eight garlic mutants resistant to white rot disease (Sclerotium cepivorum) and two controls. Twelve of 13 synthetic random primers were found to identify polymorphism in amplification products. Mutants characterised with moderate resistance to white rot were closely related to the control using cluster and correlation analyses. On the other hand, highly resistant mutants were quite distant from the control with low correlation coefficients. The banding patterns produced by primer OPB-15 (GGAAGGGTGTT) with highly resistant mutants may be used as genetic markers for early selection of resistant plants. (author)

  9. Caracterização genética de espécies de Passiflora por marcadores moleculares análogos a genes de resistência Genetic characterization of Passiflora species via resistance genes analog markers

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    Mariana da Silva Paula


    Full Text Available O cultivo comercial do maracujá é afetado por diversos problemas fitossanitários, os quais contribuem para quebras de produção e significativa redução da vida útil dos plantios. Em algumas situações, a incidência de doenças pode inviabilizar o cultivo do maracujá. Fontes de resistência a distintas doenças têm sido identificadas em acessos de espécies de Passiflora. Neste trabalho, buscou-se avaliar a diversidade genética de acessos de oito espécies silvestres (P. setacea, P. nitida, P. serratodigitata, P. caerulea, P. gibertii, P. odontophyla, P. edulis e P. coccinea e de um híbrido interespecífico (P. setacea x P. coccinea, utilizando marcadores moleculares análogos a genes de resistência (RGAs. Verificou-se uma grande diversidade no perfil eletroforético de RGAs nos acessos de Passiflora, permitindo a anotação de 96 amplicons polimórficos entre, pelo menos, um par de acessos. Os níveis de dissimilaridade genética (calculados exclusivamente com os marcadores RGAs variaram entre 0,40 e 0,89 nos acessos das espécies de Passiflora avaliadas. A análise de sequência de um subgrupo destes amplicons obtidos com primers RGAs indicou que estas bandas correspondem a regiões genômicas que contêm segmentos (motivos com identidade aos encontrados em genes de resistência previamente caracterizados em outras espécies vegetais. Desta forma, os dados indicam a existência de um repertório variado de marcadores do tipo RGA em Passiflora que podem ser potencialmente úteis em sistemas de caracterização molecular de germoplasma e em programas de melhoramento genético visando à resistência a doenças nesta cultura.The commercial cultivation of passion fruit can be affected by many diseases, which might induce sever fruit yield losses and significant life cycle reduction of the crop. In some situations disease incidence can make the passion fruit production not economically viable. Sources of resistance against several

  10. Análisis socíolíngüístíco de los marcadores discursivos en la comunidad de habla barranquillera

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    Full Text Available El presente articulo forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre los mareadores dise ursiuas en elhabla de laciudad de Barranquilla. En él expondremos, desde un punto de vista variacionista, la caracterización de dichos marcadores, partiendo, por un lado, del análisis de las narrativas cotidianas (géneros discursivos como epicentros lingüísticos en los que se realizan con mayor facilidad tales marcas discursivas, y. por otro, las variables sociales que las generan. El propósito central del mismo esdeterminar, tanto a nivel discursivo como social, el funcionamiento de tales marcas en esta comunidad de habla, ylos tipos de conocimiento lingülstico-discursivo-social que los hablantes tienen de ellos. Como quiera que los marcadores discursivos constituyen estrategias comunicativas que hacen posible la interrelación de los individuos en el proceso de socialización, hemos considerado apropiado lacualificación como técnica de análisis. Este procedimiento (la cualificación implica estudiar lafunna ylafunción de dichas unidades en el contexto de enunciación, su organización y clasificación, así como las estructuras discursivas: narrativa, expositiva, descriptiva, y argumentativa, donde aparecen estas particulas.

  11. Evaluación fisiológica del lactato como marcador bioquímico utilizado para indicar la intensidad del ejercicio


    Álvarez Romero, Javier Alejandro


    Pretende esta revisión contribuir en la posibilidad de utilización del lactato como marcador cuantitativo de la intensidad del ejercicio. Además, es conocido que esta sustancia tiene una estrecha relación con la liberación de hidrogeniones pero ha sido catalogada erróneamente como una relación causa efecto en lo referente a la acidosis láctica. Se muestran en esta revisión otras funciones del lactato recientemente descubiertas y las aplicaciones de dichas funciones en la Fisiología del Ejerci...

  12. Diversity analysis of Bemisia tabaci biotypes: RAPD, PCR-RFLP and sequencing of the ITS1 rDNA region


    Rabello, Aline R.; Queiroz, Paulo R.; Simões, Kenya C.C.; Hiragi, Cássia O.; Lima, Luzia H.C.; Oliveira, Maria Regina V.; Mehta, Angela


    The Bemisia tabaci complex is formed by approximately 41 biotypes, two of which (B and BR) occur in Brazil. In this work we aimed at obtaining genetic markers to assess the genetic diversity of the different biotypes. In order to do that we analyzed Bemisia tabaci biotypes B, BR, Q and Cassava using molecular techniques including RAPD, PCR-RFLP and sequencing of the ITS1 rDNA region. The analyses revealed a high similarity between the individuals of the B and Q biotypes, which could be distin...

  13. Utilização de bioensaios e marcadores moleculares para detecção da resistência de coleópteros de produtos armazenados a inseticidas

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    Ceruti Fabiane Cristina


    Full Text Available The qualitative and quantitative losses caused by stored product insects are of great concern, and since there is only a few active ingredients available for their control it is very important to have a frequent insect resistance monitoring. The objective of this research is to evaluate combination of bioassays and molecular marker techniques to detect insecticide resistance in stored product beetles. The Coleoptera species used for the tests were Sitophilus oryzae (L. (Curculionidae, Rhyzopertha dominica (F. (Bostrichidae and Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L. (Silvanidae. For the bioassays it was used the impregnated filter paper technique, applying 1 mL of deltamethrin (K-Obiol 25 CE TM using four concentrations and five replicates, including a control with solvent only. Ten adults of each species were liberated separately on each dish. The mortality was evaluated after 24 h and resistance determined by probit analysis. The samples used for the PCR-RAPD were either in vivo or preserved in 70% ethanol, kept in -18°C freezer. After extraction, quantification and DNA quality analysis, the 25 µL samples had the DNA amplified and tested with six primers. The bioassays showed a crescent mortality proportional to insecticide concentration. The resistance factor for R. dominica, S. zeamais and S. oryzae were: 2,2; 3,2 and 9,2, respectively, compared to the susceptible populations of each species. The PCR-RAPD analysis revealed bands which indicate inter and intraspecific variability in the populations, but it was not possible to correlate them to resistance. The association of bioassay and PCR-RAPD represents a precise and valuable tool for resistance management of stored product insects, but more populations and primers should be tested.

  14. Assessment of diversity among populations of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. Ex. Kurtz. from Southern Western Ghats of India, based on chemical profiling, horticultural traits and RAPD analysis. (United States)

    Nair, Vadakkemuriyil Divya; Raj, Rajan Pillai Dinesh; Panneerselvam, Rajaram; Gopi, Ragupathi


    Genetic, morphological and chemical variations of ten natural populations of Rauvolfia serpentina Benth. Ex. Kurtz. from Southern Western Ghats of India were assessed using RAPD markers reserpine content and morphological traits. An estimate of genetic diversity and differentiation between genotypes of breeding germplasm is of key importance for its improvement. Populations were collected from different geographical regions. Data obtained through three different methods were compared and the correlation among them was estimated. Statistical analysis showed significant differences for all horticultural characteristics among the accessions suggesting that selection for relevant characteristics could be possible. Variation in the content of Reserpine ranges from 0.192 g/100 g (population from Tusharagiri) to 1.312 g/100 g (population from Aryankavu). A high diversity within population and high genetic differentiation among them based on RAPDs were revealed caused both by habitat fragmentation of the low size of most populations and the low level of gene flow among them. The UPGMA dendrogram and PCA analysis based on reserpine content yielded higher separation among populations indicated specific adaptation of populations into clusters each of them including populations closed to their geographical origin. Genetic, chemical and morphological data were correlated based on Mantel test. Given the high differentiation among populations conservation strategies should take into account genetic diversity and chemical variation levels in relation to bioclimatic and geographic location of populations. Our results also indicate that RAPD approach along with horticultural analysis seemed to be best suited for assessing with high accuracy the genetic relationships among distinct R. serpentina accessions. © 2013.

  15. Identification and characterization of RAPD-SCAR markers linked to glyphosate-susceptible and -resistant biotypes of Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. (United States)

    Cha, Thye San; Anne-Marie, Kaben; Chuah, Tse Seng


    Eleusine indica is one of the most common weed species found in agricultural land worldwide. Although herbicide-glyphosate provides good control of the weed, its frequent uses has led to abundant reported cases of resistance. Hence, the development of genetic markers for quick detection of glyphosate-resistance in E. indica population is imperative for the control and management of the weed. In this study, a total of 14 specific random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were identified and two of the markers, namely S4R727 and S26R6976 were further sequence characterized. Sequence alignment revealed that marker S4R727 showing a 12-bp nucleotides deletion in resistant biotypes, while marker S26R6976 contained a 167-bp nucleotides insertion in the resistant biotypes. Based on these sequence differences, three pairs of new sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) primers were developed. The specificity of these primer pairs were further validated with genomic DNA extracted from ten individual plants of one glyphosate-susceptible and five glyphosate-resistant (R2, R4, R6, R8 and R11) populations. The resulting RAPD-SCAR markers provided the basis for assessing genetic diversity between glyphosate-susceptible and -resistant E. indica biotypes, as well for the identification of genetic locus link to glyphosate-resistance event in the species.

  16. Using the marker CD34 as tool to discriminate adenoma versus hepatocellular; Uso del marcador de CD34 como herramienta para discriminar adenoma versus hepatocarcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mohs Alfaro, Monica


    The CD34 marker is used as immunohistochemistry technique to detect and differentiate between the hepatocellular adenoma of the hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver lesions are described. The hepatic angiogenesis is explained [Spanish] El marcador CD34 es usado como tecnica de inmunohistoquimica para detectar y diferenciar entre el adenoma hepatocelular del carcinoma hepatocelular. La lesiones en el higado son descritas. La angiogenesis hepatica es explicada.

  17. Changes in Growth, Genomic DNA, Protein Profiles in Wheat Plant Using Physiological and RAPD-PCR Techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Tarras, A.


    Wheat is the major winter cereal crop in the world. The total cultivated area of this crop in Egypt is about two million feddans. Soil salinity represent a serious problem to agriculture in arid and semi-arid in the world. Mexico wheat (Triticum vulgar var. Ycora rojo) was imported in 1999 for cultivation. Mexico wheat was exposed to gamma rays (cobalt 60) from 10 to 80 Krad The unirradiated and irradiated wheat were cultivated in the presence of 0, 5000,10000 and 20000 mg/L of salt solution and 16 hour light /25 degree C. The previous treatment was repeated in combination with 5, 10 mg/l ABA and 10, 20 mg/l GA3 separately. Different accessed parameters were used for evaluation, these parameters were: germination percentage, length of shoots and roots, pigment contents (chl. a,b and a/b carotenoids and total pigments), total protein patterns and RAPD, PCR techniques. The results showed that both of radiation and salinity reduced the percentage of germination. Soaking grains in GA3 considerably increased the shoot and root lengths. Highest value of carotenoids obtained act as a defense mechanism against harmful salinity action. Also, the seedling exposed to 80 Krad and treated with ABA (5 or 10 mg/l) can survive during the experimental period, while plants treated with 10 and 20 mg/l GA3 and exposed to 80 Krad can not survive. At low radiation doses (10 and 20 Krad) there was no difference in the number and density of bands of the total protein patterns, while in the RAPD, PCR technique in presence and/or absence of DNA band in unirradiated and irradiated wheat seeds were observed

  18. Primer reporte de empleo de marcadores AFLP en Asteraceae en Cuba

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    Grecia Montalvo Fernández


    Full Text Available Título en ingles: First report of the employment of AFLP markers in Asteraceae in Cuba. Resumen: Rhodogeron coronopifolius Griseb., es una especie vegetal de la familia Asteraceae, que se encuentra en peligro crítico de extinción. Es endémico de la provincia Villa Clara en la región central de Cuba. Habita en el matorral xeromorfo sub espinoso sobre serpentina. Existen solo cinco poblaciones naturales dentro de un área protegida, la principal causa de amenaza es la fragmentación de su hábitat por acciones antrópicas. Debido a su situación de conservación, se hace necesario realizar estudios de la diversidad genética de las poblaciones naturales para así generar información básica y diseñar una estrategia de conservación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar de manera preliminar la diversidad genética de cuatro poblaciones de esta especie utilizando marcadores AFLP (Polimorfismo de Longitud de Fragmentos Amplificados. Se emplearon dos combinaciones de iniciadores y se evaluó el porcentaje de polimorfismo así como la similitud entre los individuos.  Se obtuvieron 165 loci de los cuales el 78,7 % fueron polimórficos. La población de mayor polimorfismo fue Corojito con 85,2%, de manera general el polimorfismo fue alto con valores entre 75 y  87%. La similitud entre los individuos también fue alta con un promedio de 0,74. El agrupamiento genético fue independiente a la población de procedencia, lo que sugiere que existe intercambio genético entre las poblaciones y que estas comparten más del 80 % de los alelos que fueron analizados. Los resultados obtenidos son importantes para el mantenimiento in situ de la especie y para tomar decisiones en aras de su conservación. Palabras clave: Rhodogeron coronopifolius, peligro de extinción, polimorfismo, conservación. Abstract: Rhodogeron coronopifolius Griseb., is a specie of Asteraceae family, in critical danger of extinction. It is an endemic of Villa Clara city in the

  19. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of industrial purpose cassava accessions with potential for adaptation to the conditions of Cerrado of Central BrazilCaracterização fenotípica e molecular de acessos de mandioca de indústria com potencial de adaptação às condições do Cerrado do Brasil Central

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    Marilia Santos Silva


    adaptação às condições do Cerrado do Brasil Central, por meio de caracteres quantitativos, qualitativos e marcadores moleculares de forma isolada e conjunta, bem como estimar a correlação entre as estimativas obtidas com base em cada grupo de caracteres. Dezesseis acessos de mandioca de indústria com potencial de adaptação às condições do Cerrado do Brasil Central foram avaliados a campo quanto a 11 caracteres quantitativos e 33 caracteres qualitativos, em experimento conduzido na Embrapa Cerrados. Os acessos foram também avaliados quanto a marcadores RAPD em laboratório. Posteriormente, foram estimadas as matrizes de dissimilaridade/distância genética entre os acessos por meio dos caracteres qualitativos, quantitativos e marcadores moleculares e pela análise conjunta dos dados. Além disso, foi estimada a correlação entre as matrizes. No grupo de acessos de indústria avaliados existe ampla variabilidade quanto aos caracteres quantitativos, qualitativos e moleculares aferidos. As únicas correlações significativas encontradas foram entre (i a matriz de dissimilaridade estimada por meio da análise conjunta e a matriz de dissimilaridade estimada por meio de dados qualitativos (r = 0,52 e; (ii a matriz de dissimilaridade estimada por meio da análise conjunta e a matriz de dissimilaridade estimada por meio de marcadores moleculares (r= 0,75. A fraca associação entre essas medidas indicou que a melhor estratégia para orientar ações de conservação e uso de germoplasma de mandioca de indústria é por meio de estudos de divergência genética com o emprego de marcadores moleculares, caracteres qualitativos e caracteres quantitativos de forma conjunta e complementar.

  20. Utility of RAPD marker for genetic diversity analysis in gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS)-treated Jatropha curcas plants. (United States)

    Dhakshanamoorthy, Dharman; Selvaraj, Radhakrishnan; Chidambaram, Alagappan


    The presence of important chemical and physical properties in Jatropha curcas makes it a valuable raw material for numerous industrial applications, including the production of biofuel. Hence, the researcher's interest is diversified to develop more and better varieties with outstanding agronomic characteristics using conventional breeding. Among these, mutation breeding is one of the best approaches to bring genetic changes in plant species. The aim of this study is to evaluate the diversity and genetic relationship among J. curcas mutants, which were obtained from different doses of gamma rays (control, 5 Kr, 10 Kr, 15 Kr, 20 Kr and 25 Kr) and EMS (1%, 2%, 3% and 4%), using RAPD marker. Among the 21 random primers, 20 produced polymorphic bands. The primers, OPM-14 and OPAW-13, produced a minimum number of bands (3) each across the ten mutants, while the primer OPF-13 produced the maximum number of bands (10), followed by the primers OPU-13, OPAM-06, OPAW-09 and OPD-05, which produced 9 bands each. The number of amplicons varied from 3 to 10, with an average of 7 bands, out of which 4.57 were polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphism ranged from 0.00 to 100 with an average of 57%. In the present study, RAPD markers were found most polymorphic, with an average polymorphism information content (PIC) value of 0.347, effective multiplex ratio (EMR) of 35.14, marker index (MI) of 14.19, resolution power (Rp) of 11.19, effective marker index (EMI) of 8.21 and genotype index (GI) of 0.36, indicating that random primers are useful in studies of genetic characterization in J. curcas mutant plants. In a dendrogram constructed based on Jaccard's similarity coefficients, the mutants were grouped into three main clusters viz., (a) control, 10 Kr, 15 Kr, 20 Kr, 2% EMS, and 3% EMS, (b) 5 Kr and 1% EMS, and (c) 25 Kr and 4% EMS mutants. Based on the attributes of the random primers and polymorphism studied, it is concluded that RAPD analysis offers a useful molecular marker

  1. Morphological and genetic differentiation among Chilean populations of Bufo spinulosus (Anura: Bufonidae Diferenciación morfológica y genética entre poblaciones chilenas de Bufo spinulosus (Anura: Bufonidae

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    Marco A. Méndez


    Full Text Available Bufo spinulosus has a wide and fragmented range distribution in Chile (18° to 33° S along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients. Genetic variation was estimated using RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers in 10 populations from northern and central Chile. Morphometric and genetic information was analyzed as a function of geographical origin. The correlation between genetic and morphometric differentiation was analyzed by the Mantel test. An increase in body size as a function of latitude was observed. Specimens from El Tatio had the smallest body size and the greatest morphometric divergence. The AMOVA applied to genetic data indicated that 57.85 % of the variance is explained by interregional differences and that 30.12 % of the variance is found within populations. Low levels of within-regions genetic differentiation was observed in northern populations while higher levels of genetic differentiation was found in populations from central Chile. Mantel tests revealed a significant, positive correlation between genetic variation and geographic distance. When we excluded El Tatio population, Mantel test analyses showed significant correlations between morphological distance and genetic and geographic distances. We discuss whether water temperature could explain the morphological divergence observed in individuals from El TatioBufo spinulosus presenta una amplia y fragmentada distribución en Chile (18º a 33º S a lo largo de gradientes altitudinales y latitudinales. La variación genética fue estimada utilizando marcadores RAPD ("Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA" en diez poblaciones del norte y centro de Chile. La información morfométrica y genética fue analizada en función de la procedencia geográfica. La correlación entre diferenciación genética y morfométrica fue analizada utilizando la prueba de Mantel. Se observó un incremento en el tamaño corporal en función de la latitud. Los individuos de El Tatio mostraron el tama

  2. Strong genetic differentiation among east Atlantic populations of the sword razor shell ( Ensis siliqua) assessed with mtDNA and RAPD markers (United States)

    Arias, Alberto; Fernández-Moreno, Mercedes; Fernández-Tajes, Juan; Gaspar, Miguel B.; Méndez, Josefina


    The sword razor shell Ensis siliqua (Linnaeus, 1758) is a bivalve with a high commercial value being appreciated in fresh and processed markets. However, the genetic studies carried out in populations of E. siliqua are scarce. In this work, the genetic variability and differentiation of the sword razor shell was assessed using PCR-RFLPs of a fragment of the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene and random amplified polymorphic loci (RAPD) in nine localities from Ireland, Spain, and Portugal. In the 314 individuals examined for the mitochondrial fragment, 12 composite haplotypes were observed; meanwhile, a unique phenotype was observed for each of the 242 individuals analyzed with 61 RAPD loci. Two of the mitochondrial composite haplotypes accounted for the majority of individuals (89.81%) and showed a remarkably disjoint distribution between Irish and Iberian samples, with the exception of Aveiro which exhibited as the most frequent haplotype the same found in Ireland. The level of variability observed for each sample was generally correlated with both types of markers and the results obtained suggest the existence of a strong population differentiation between Irish and Iberian localities, except for the Portuguese sample from Aveiro which is surprisingly closer to Irish individuals, although it is probably highly differentiated.

  3. Determinación de marcadores inflamatorios y anabólicos articulares en caballos jóvenes estabulados con osteocondrosis tarsocrural


    Carmona, Jorge; López, Catalina; Prades, Marta


    Objetivo. Describir los valores de las concentraciones en líquido sinovial (LS) de prostaglandina E2 (PGE2), óxido nítrico (NO), ácido hialurónico (HA) y proteína total (PT) en caballos jóvenes estabulados con osteocondrosis (OC) tarsocrural y correlacionar los valores de estos marcadores con el recuento total de células del LS, el grado de efusión sinovial (ES) y con el grado de cojera (GC). Materiales y métodos. Las concentraciones en LS de PGE2 fueron determinadas mediante ELISA, las de NO...

  4. Determinación de marcadores inflamatorios y anabólicos articulares en caballos jóvenes estabulados con osteocondrosis tarsocrural


    Carmona, Jorge; López, Catalina; Prades, Marta


    Objetivo. Describir los valores de las concentraciones en líquido sinovial (LS) de prostaglandina E2 (PGE2), óxido nítrico (NO), ácido hialurónico (HA) y proteína total (PT) en caballos jóvenes estabulados con osteocondrosis (OC) tarsocrural y correlacionar los valores de estos marcadores con el recuento total de células del LS, el grado de efusión sinovial (ES) y con el grado de cojera (GC). Materiales y métodos. Las concentraciones en LS de PGE2fueron determinadas mediante ELISA, las de NO ...

  5. Descripción de marcadores del discurso de hablantes con afasia afluente : anómica, de conducción y de Wernicke.


    Sinacay Caldas, Enrique Manuel


    El trabajo presentado a continuación es un estudio cualitativo, en el cual se pretende describir, en primer lugar, las características de los marcadores del discurso utilizados durante el habla espontánea de 4 pacientes con afasia; además, en segundo lugar, se procura determinar las diferencias y similitudes respecto del uso de aquellos elementos lingüísticos entre los tipos de afasia estudiados (anómica, de conducción y de Wernicke) de un centro hospitalario del Callao. La ...

  6. La infección por el virus del papiloma humano, un posible marcador biológico de comportamiento sexual en estudiantes universitarios Human papillomavirus infection is a possible biological marker of sexual behavior among university students

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    Miguel A Sánchez-Alemán


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de infección por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH en estudiantes universitarios y utilizar dicha frecuencia como un marcador biológico para evaluar el comportamiento sexual. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal, en estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma del estado de Morelos, México, durante el periodo 2000-2001. Se aplicó un cuestionario y se colectaron muestras genitales para detectar ADN de los VPH oncogénicos. Los datos se analizaron utilizando pruebas de Ji cuadrada y razones de momios. Resultados. La prevalencia global del VPH en 194 estudiantes fue de 14.4%. Las mujeres con dos o más parejas sexuales durante el último año presentaron mayor riesgo de infección por el VPH (RM 6.0 IC 1.7-21.1, al igual que las que utilizaron anticonceptivos hormonales y espermicidas en su última relación sexual (RM 3.0 IC 1.0-8.7. Los hombres que consumieron cocaína tuvieron más riesgo de infección por el VPH (RM 7.6 IC 1.3-45.1. Conclusiones. La prevalencia del VPH es relativamente alta. La utilización del VPH como un marcador biológico de comportamientos sexuales en mujeres es pertinente; en hombres, es necesario ampliar la muestra.Objective. To estimate the prevalence of Human papillomavirus (HPV among university students and to use it as a biological marker to assess sexual behavior. Material and Methods. A cross-sectional study was carried out between 2000 and 2001 among 194 students at Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Mexico. A data collection instrument was applied and genital samples were taken to detect oncogenic HPV DNA. Data were analyzed using the chi-squared test and odds ratios. Results. Overall HPV prevalence was 14.4%. Women who had had two or more sexual partners during the previous year showed a greater risk of HPV infection (OR 6.0, 95% CI 1.7-21.1, as did women who had used oral contraceptives and spermicides at their latest intercourse (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1


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    Full Text Available Alteraciones ambientales causadas por el calentamiento global y principalmente causa-das por la acción del hombre, han reducido poblaciones naturales de peces. Como forma de conservación, programas de repoblamiento han sido utilizados; sin embargo, sin una debida orientación científica, estas medidas pueden generar disturbios genéticos sobre la diversidad genética de poblaciones de peces naturales y sobre el ecosistema. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar y analizar la variabilidad genética de dos lotes y una progenie de Brycon orbignyanus utilizados en programas de repoblamiento, utilizando el marcador molecular RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Cincuenta y ocho reproductores de dos lotes (A y C y 30 larvas de la progenie del lote A (B pertenecientes a la Estação de Aqüicultura e Hidrologia da Duke Energy Internacional (Geração Parana-panema; São Paulo, Brasil fueron analizados. Los resultados de variabilidad genética estimados por el índice de diversidad de Shannon (A: 0,3184; B: 0,3433 y C: 0,3687 y por el porcentaje de fragmentos polimórficos (A: 54,02%; B: 57,47% y C: 58,62% mostraron que la variabilidad genética fue mantenida en la progenie, debido posiblemente al adecuado manejo reproductivo y al efecto fundador. Por el contrario, la variabilidad encontrada entre los dos lotes de reproductores indica una similaridad genética, a pesar de ser originarios de diferentes pisciculturas. Este resultado es comprobado en el valor moderado de diferenciación genética encontrado (0,0968, en el alto Nm (4,67 y en el dendrograma, que sugieren que los lotes poseen un pool genético similar

  8. Influência da migração na prevalência de marcadores sorológicos de hepatite B em comunidade rural: 1- Análise da prevalência segundo local de nascimento

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    Afonso D. C. Passos


    Full Text Available Como parte de uma investigação epidemiológica de campo sobre hepatite B num município de características rurais do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi estudada a distribuição de marcadores sorológicos dessa doença segundo à área de residência e o local de nascimento dos indivíduos. Para o município estudado como um todo, a prevalência encontrada para um ou mais dos marcadores sorológicos de hepatite B foi de 7,7%, com os habitantes rurais apresentando risco mais elevado que os urbanos (9,8% e 4,9%, respectivamente. A análise da positividade, de acordo com o local de nascimento, mostrou valores mais altos entre os migrantes provenientes de outros Estados do País (15,8%, seguidos dos oriundos de outros municípios de São Paulo (9,2%: entre os nascidos no município estudado e, particularmente em Ribeirão Preto, centro urbano de localização próxima ao mesmo, observaram-se as menores prevalências (5,2% e 2,5%, respectivamente. Discute-se a importância de se analisar em estudos epidemiológicos, a procedência dos indivíduos, variável capaz de influir na história natural da hepatite B numa comunidade, e, eventualmente, explicar diferenças nas distribuições de marcadores dessa infecção em populações aparentemente semelhantes.

  9. Influência da migração na prevalência de marcadores sorológicos de hepatite B em comunidade rural: 1- Análise da prevalência segundo local de nascimento

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    Passos Afonso D. C.


    Full Text Available Como parte de uma investigação epidemiológica de campo sobre hepatite B num município de características rurais do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, foi estudada a distribuição de marcadores sorológicos dessa doença segundo à área de residência e o local de nascimento dos indivíduos. Para o município estudado como um todo, a prevalência encontrada para um ou mais dos marcadores sorológicos de hepatite B foi de 7,7%, com os habitantes rurais apresentando risco mais elevado que os urbanos (9,8% e 4,9%, respectivamente. A análise da positividade, de acordo com o local de nascimento, mostrou valores mais altos entre os migrantes provenientes de outros Estados do País (15,8%, seguidos dos oriundos de outros municípios de São Paulo (9,2%: entre os nascidos no município estudado e, particularmente em Ribeirão Preto, centro urbano de localização próxima ao mesmo, observaram-se as menores prevalências (5,2% e 2,5%, respectivamente. Discute-se a importância de se analisar em estudos epidemiológicos, a procedência dos indivíduos, variável capaz de influir na história natural da hepatite B numa comunidade, e, eventualmente, explicar diferenças nas distribuições de marcadores dessa infecção em populações aparentemente semelhantes.

  10. Identification of RAPD and SCAR markers associated with yield traits in the Indian tropical tasar silkworm Antheraea mylitta drury (United States)

    Dutta, Suhrid R.; Kar, Prasanta K.; Srivastava, Ashok K.; Sinha, Manoj K.; Shankar, Jai; Ghosh, Ananta K.


    The tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta, is a semi-domesticated vanya silk-producing insect of high economic importance. To date, no molecular marker associated with cocoon and shell weights has been identified in this species. In this report, we identified a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker and examined its inheritance, and also developed a stable diagnostic sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. Silkworms were divided into groups with high (HCSW) and low (LCSW) cocoon and shell weights, and the F2 progeny of a cross between these two groups were obtained. DNA from these silkworms was screened by PCR using 34 random primers and the resulting RAPD fragments were used for cluster analysis and discriminant function analysis (DFA). The clustering pattern in a UPGMA-based dendogram and DFA clearly distinguished the HCSW and LCSW groups. Multiple regression analysis identified five markers associated with cocoon and shell weights. The marker OPW16905 bp showed the most significant association with cocoon and shell weights, and its inheritance was confirmed in F2 progeny. Cloning and sequencing of this 905 bp fragment showed 88% identity between its 134 nucleotides and the Bmc-1/Yamato-like retroposon of A. mylitta. This marker was further converted into a diagnostic SCAR marker (SCOPW 16826 bp). The SCAR marker developed here may be useful in identifying the right parental stock of tasar silk-worms for high cocoon and shell weights in breeding programs designed to enhance the productivity of tasar silk. PMID:23271934

  11. Micropropagation and assessment of genetic fidelity of Dendrocalamus strictus (Roxb.) nees using RAPD and ISSR markers. (United States)

    Goyal, Arvind Kumar; Pradhan, Sushen; Basistha, Bharat Chandra; Sen, Arnab


    Dendrocalamus strictus popularly known as 'Male bamboo' is a multipurpose bamboo which is extensively utilized in pharmaceutical, paper, agricultural and other industrial implements. In this study, in vitro regeneration of D. strictus through nodal culture has been attempted. Murashige and Skoog's medium supplemented with 4 mg/l BAP was found to be most effective in shoot regeneration with 3.68 ± 0.37 shoots per explant. The effect of Kn was found to be moderate. These hormones also had considerable effect on the shoot length. The highest shoot length after 6 weeks (3.11 ± 0.41 cm) was noted with 5 mg/l BAP followed by 3.07 ± 0.28 cm with 5 mg/l Kn, while decrease in the shoot length was noted with other treatments. The effect of IBA and NAA individually or in combination at different concentrations on rooting was evaluated. The highest number of root (1.36 ± 0.04) was regenerated on full-strength MS medium supplemented with 3 mg/l NAA, while maximum length of 1.64 ± 0.03 cm of roots was recorded with combination of 1 mg/l IBA and 3 mg/l NAA. Tissue-cultured plants thus obtained were successfully transferred to the soil. The clonal fidelity among the in vitro-regenerated plantlets was assessed by RAPD and ISSR markers. The ten RAPD decamers produced 58 amplicons, while nine ISSR primers generated a total of 66 bands. All the bands generated were monomorphic. These results confirmed the clonal fidelity of the tissue culture-raised D. strictus plantlets and corroborated the fact that nodal culture is perhaps the safest mode for multiplication of true to type plants.

  12. PCR en tiempo real para el sexaje y análisis citológico de la sinapsis del bivalente más pequeño en espermatocitos en paquiteno de Oreochromis niloticus

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    Zulita Prieto


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue dar a conocer nuevos marcadores moleculares para la PCR en tiempo real asociados a los cromosomas sexuales y el análisis de la sinapsis del bivalente más pequeño en espermatocitos en paquiteno de Oreochromis nil oticus . Se diseñaron cuatro pares de cebadores y se pusieron a prueba por PCR punto final y por PCR en tiempo real utilizando el fluorescente SYBR® Green en muestras de ADN de hembras XX, machos XY y supermachos YY. Los tamaños de los fragmentos amplificad os por PCR punto final fueron concordantes a los valores esperados y por PCR en tiempo real se demostró igual especificidad pero con ventaja en rapidez en la detección de amplificación de marcadores asociados a los cromosoma X y Y, de acuerdo con las condi ciones de la PCR establecidas. Las diferencias genéticas entre las regiones de los cromosomas X y Y demostradas con los marcadores específicos no fueron perceptibles citológicamente en los espermatocitos en paquiteno de O. niloticus XY. En base a las difer encias y homologías de las secuencias de ADN entre las accesiones KC710223 y KC710224 de los cromosomas X y Y se propone un modelo de sinapsis del bivalente XY.

  13. Comparison between Oligoryzomys nigripes and O. flavescens by RAPD and genetic diversity in O. nigripes (Rodentia, Cricetidae

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    AJ Mossi

    Full Text Available The genus of Oligoryzomys includes species of small size, morphologically similar, which may impede taxonomic identification, mainly between O. flavescens (Waterhouse, 1837 and O. nigripes (Olfers, 1818. The main objective of this work was to investigate whether the RAPD markers are capable of genetically differentiating the specimens O. nigripes and O. flavescens, coming from Rio Grande do Sul (RS and Santa Catarina (SC states, and also to estimate the genetic variability among populations of O. nigripes, with the Uruguay River as a geographical barrier. For this purpose, samples were collected in fragments of forests situated in the North of RS, at FLONA (Floresta Nacional de Passo Fundo and in fragments from SC, close to the Uruguay River. The karyotyping of two samples for each species was carried out and compared using the RAPD technique together with non- karyotyped individuals. Samples of O. nigripes presented 2n = 62; NA = 82, with submetacentric arms on the largest chromosomes, while samples of O. flavescens showed 2n = 64; NA = 66, with the largest chromosomes presenting acrocentric morphology, making such a result the main difference between the species. The analysis was able to detect two distinct groups, being the first one with karyotyped O. flavescens and the second with karyotyped O. nigripes. Identification afforded 211 loci, among them 181 (85.78% polymorphic. The Jaccard similarity coefficient was in the range of 0.45 to 0.87. The UPGMA and Main Coordinate Analysis techniques demonstrated the existence of heterogeneous genetics among populations, but did not separate them completely in terms of geographical standards, and they are not influenced by the Uruguay River, which did not act as an efficient barrier.

  14. Diseño e implementación de un sitio web utilizando Drupal 7




    En el presente proyecto se mostrará el diseño e implementación de un sitio web utilizando Drupal 7. El proyecto será una página web de un gimnasio llamado Nova Forme, con la finalidad de tener al alcance toda la información de todos los servicios de belleza ofrecidos por el gimnasio, informaciones de todas las actividades y horarios impartidas en el gimnasio, e información de las entradas del hammam entre otras. Pons Tur, MJ. (2012). Diseño e implementación de un sitio web utilizando Drupa...

  15. [The genetic diversity and homology of Anabaena azollae and its host plant (Azolla) based on rapd analysis]. (United States)

    Chen, Jian; Zheng, Wei-wen; Xu, Guo-zhong; Song, Tie-ying; Tang, Long-fei


    Symbiotic Anabeana azollae and its host plant Anabeana-free Azolla were isolated from 16 Azolla accessions representing different Azolla species or geographic origins.DNA polymorphic fragments were obtained by simultaneous RAPD amplification of both symbiont and host. The UPGMA clusters of Anabeana azollae and its host Azolla were established separately based on Dice coefficient caculation and a coordinated relationship was shown between Anabeana azollae and its Azolla host along both individual genetic divergence,but this genetic homology was reduced among different strains within Azolla species while the obvious mutants of Anabeana azollae were detected in some Azolla tested strains collected from different geographic area in the same host species.

  16. Prevalência dos marcadores sorológicos dos vírus da hepatite B e D em crianças das tribos Caiabietxucarramãe do parque indígena do Xingu, Brasil central

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    Ramiro Anthero Azevedo


    Full Text Available O Parque Indígena do Xingu (PIX está localizado no estado do Mato Grosso, na região de transição de cenado ao sul e da floresta Amazônica ao norte. Dados de literatura mostram que a população adulta apresenta elevada prevalência de marcadores do vírus da hepatite B (HBV. O presente estudo visa determinar a prevalência dos marcadores do HBV e do HDV na população indígena do PIX de zero a 14 anos, e investigar a forma de transmissão do HBV na região. Entre as 17 tribos existentes no PIX escolheu-se os Caiabi e os Txucairamãe que diferem em seus hábitos de vida e habitam a região Norte do parque com características de clima, vegetação e fauna semelhantes ás da região Amazônica. Avaliaram-se 222 crianças (116 Txucarramãe e 106 Caiabi e 33 mulheres em idade fértil. A pesquisa de marcadores sorológicos para HBV e HDV foi feita por técnica imunoenzimãtica. A prevalência global dos marcadores sorológicos nas crianças foi: HBsAg 4,5%; anti-HBs 39,6%; anti- HBc 44,1%; presença de algum marcador do HBV 47,3% e anti-HDV 0,0%, enquanto que nas mulheres em idade fértil foi: HBsAg 12%, todas anti-HBe positivas. A infecção pelo HBV ocoireu mais precocemente entre os Txucarramãe, quando se considerou algum marcador do HBV (p The medical literature bas shoum that the inhabitants of the Amazon region are highly affected by hepatites B and delta viruses infection, but this has never been studied in Indian children by age group. A study of the prevalence of serological markers of hepatitis B and delta viruses in Indian children aged 0 to 14 years living in the PIX was carried out. Tim Park is located in Central Brazil, a region which is in the transition between the savannah to the south and the Amazon jungle to the north. To determine the prevalence of HBV and HDV markers in Indian children and to characteiize the route of HBV transmission in this region. Out of the 17 tribes living in the PIX, two - the Caiabi and the


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Denman, S.E.; McSweeney, C.S.; Makoto Mitsumori


    focus on the conserved ribosomal regions for phylogenetic diversity studies are those that amplify up random genomic sequences. The two most common methods are random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)

  18. Genetic diversity and relationships between wild and cultivated populations of the sea lettuce, Enteromorpha prolifera, in Korea revialed by RAPD markers


    Huh, Man; Lee, Hak; Lee, Bok; Choi, Joo


    RAPD analysis was conducted to estimate genetic diversity and population structure of the wild (natural) and cultivated sea lettuce, Enteromorpha prolifera. The objectives of this study were to estimate the levels of genetic diversity in the wild and cultivated populations and to describe how the genetic variation of this species is distributed within and among its populations. In wild sea lettuce, 93.2% of loci at the species level showed polymorphism. The cultivated populations were found t...

  19. Ácidos graxos como marcadores biológicos da ingestão de gorduras Fatty acids as biological markers of fat intake

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    Juliana dos Santos Vaz


    Full Text Available Os ácidos graxos da dieta têm sido associados ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas. Os inquéritos alimentares, utilizados em estudos clínicos e epidemiológicos para estimativa da ingestão de nutrientes, apresentam limitações na coleta de informações. Nesse sentido, a utilização da composição de ácidos graxos do plasma e do tecido adiposo como marcadores do tipo de gordura alimentar pode fornecer uma medida mais acurada da ingestão de gorduras. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo evidenciar aspectos metabólicos de alguns ácidos graxos e o papel como marcadores da ingestão de gorduras, e apresentar as técnicas analíticas empregadas na sua determinação. A biópsia do tecido adiposo, com determinação da composição de ácidos graxos, fornece uma informação a longo prazo da ingestão de gorduras, enquanto que a avaliação da composição das frações lipídicas séricas representa a ingestão a curto e médio prazos. Os ácidos graxos essenciais, os ácidos graxos saturados com número ímpar de carbonos (15:0 e 17:0 e os ácidos graxos trans, por não apresentarem síntese endógena, são utilizados como marcadores biológicos da ingestão de gorduras ou de sua própria ingestão. As principais técnicas utilizadas para a determinação de ácidos graxos são a cromatografia gasosa e a cromatografia líquida de alta precisão. No presente momento, o uso de marcadores biológicos para a ingestão de gorduras, associados aos inquéritos alimentares, representa a forma mais completa de avaliação da ingestão de gorduras.Dietary fatty acids have been associated with the development of chronic diseases. The methods commonly used in dietary assessment for estimating nutrient intake in clinical and epidemiological studies present limitations regarding data collection. The use of plasma and adipose tissue fatty acid composition as markers of the type of fat ingested has been studied and can provide a more accurate measurement

  20. Caracterización de marcadores inmunológicos en pacientes infectados con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH

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    María Teresa Rugeles López


    Full Text Available

    Los individuos infectados con VIH pueden dividirse en 4 subgrupos según la progresión de la infección: progresores típicos tiempo promedio de evolución a SIDA de 6-8 años, progresores rápidos (desarrollan SIDA en 2-3 años, progresores lentos (permanecen
    asintomáticos hasta por 20 años, y sobrevivientes a largo plazo
    (desarrollan SIDA en el mismo tiempo que los progresores típicos pero obreviven por más tiempo. La existencia de los progresores lentos indica la posibilidad de una respuesta inmune protectora. En ellos se ha identificado una respuesta específica de linfocitos T citotóxicos (CTL y T ayudadores. Se han definido proteínas virales que son blanco de los CTL y se ha encontrado que la respuesta a Gag y Env, está asociada a mejor evolución clínica y control de la viremia (1. También se bserva una respuesta fuerte contra proteínas Gag por células T ayudadoras (2, las cuales son importantes para mantener la actividad de los CTL. La inmunidad humoral, particularmente de mucosa a través de IgA, parece ser importante en prevenir la diseminación de la infección y el progreso de la enfermedad. Nuestro estudio pretende caracterizar marcadores inmunológicos que permitan clasificar los pacientes VIH positivos en uno de estos subgrupos, determinar si el tratamiento con antirretrovirales produce algún cambio en esos marcadores y, si es posible, basados en los parámetros que se puedan establecer, reevaluar el esquema de tratamiento en algunos pacientes.



  1. Ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje utilizando realidad aumentada

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    Diana Nancy Martínez García


    Full Text Available Realidad aumentada o Augmented reality es una nueva tecnología que al combinarla con espacios físicos permite ampliar el espectro de la información relacionada con dichos espacios; esto se hace a través de la superposición de imágenes, información o material audiovisual específico aplicado a cualquier área de conocimiento. Los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje basados en realidad aumentada prometen innovación debido a que transforman los escenarios de aprendizaje real mediante el uso de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al ámbito educativo, complementando de esta manera la percepción e interacción con el mundo real; logrando el acceso a nuevos contenidos prescindiendo de recursos físicos. En cuanto al uso de la realidad aumentada aplicada al área de enfermería, existe un sinnúmero de herramientas para complementar una clase magistral y enriquecer el proceso de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los desarrollos realizados utilizando realidad aumentada proviene de contextos diferentes al nuestro, por lo que resulta importante fomentar el uso de este tipo de herramientas para que suscite el interés de los desarrolladores locales de tecnologías aplicadas al ámbito educativo y más específicamente el de salud. El objetivo de la presente revisión fue fundamentar teóricamente acerca de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje utilizando aplicaciones basadas en realidad aumentada.

  2. Portal WEB 2.0. utilizando Framework Struts


    Palacín Mateo, Manuel


    El propósito de este proyecto es la implementación de un portal interactivo de contactos utilizando las tecnologías J2EE mediante Struts y siguiendo la tendencia Web 2.0. Previo a esta implementación se ha hecho una valoración del mercado actual de los portales de contactos y se han evaluado los servicios que ofrecen para posteriormente añadirlos a la demostración tecnológica. Tras esto se ha explicado lo que es la tendencia Web 2.0. Finalmente se han evaluado las diferentes opciones o tec...

  3. Evaluation of genetic variability in micropropagated propagules of ornamental pineapple [Ananas comosus var. bracteatus (Lindley) Coppens and Leal] using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Santos, M D M; Buso, G C S; Torres, A C


    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the genetic variability in micropropagated plantlets of ornamental pineapple, after the fourth period of subculture. The basal culture medium consisted of MS salts, vitamins, 3% sucrose, liquid formulation, supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) at concentrations of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/L. The addition of BAP influenced the occurrence of genetic variation revealed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Of a total of 520 primers tested, 44 were selected and amplified; 402 monomorphic bands (97.2%) and 18 polymorphic bands (2.8%) resulted among regenerated plantlets. The polymorphic fragments were produced by 12 primers (OPA-01, OPA-20, OPB-01, OPB-19, OPC-19, OPF-13, OPL-17, OPM-13, OPP-16, OPT-07, OPV-19, and OPX-03). Among the primers that identified polymorphism, OPA-01, OPA-20, OPB-19, OPC-19, OPL-17, OPP-16, and OPX-3 each showed, one polymorphic band and OPF-13 amplified a maximum of three bands. In this study, the RAPD technique was effective in showing the occurrence of somaclonal variations that occur during the micropropagation process of ornamental pineapple cultivation in BAP-supplemented medium, and it is possible to detect the presence of genetic variation in early stages of plant development.

  4. Optimization of random amplified polymorphic DNA techniques for use in genetic studies of Cuban triatominae Optimización de la técnica de ADN polimórfico amplificado al azar (RAPD para su utilización en la caracterización genética de triatomíneos cubanos

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    Jorge Fraga


    Full Text Available Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD technique is a simple and reliable method to detect DNA polymorphism. Several factors can affect the amplification profiles, thereby causing false bands and non-reproducibility of assay. In this study, we analyzed the effect of changing the concentration of primer, magnesium chloride, template DNA and Taq DNA polymerase with the objective of determining their optimum concentration for the standardization of RAPD technique for genetic studies of Cuban Triatominae. Reproducible amplification patterns were obtained using 5 pmoL of primer, 2.5 mM of MgCl2, 25 ng of template DNA and 2 U of Taq DNA polymerase in 25 µL of the reaction. A panel of five random primers was used to evaluate the genetic variability of T. flavida. Three of these (OPA-1, OPA-2 and OPA-4 generated reproducible and distinguishable fingerprinting patterns of Triatominae. Numerical analysis of 52 RAPD amplified bands generated for all five primers was carried out with unweighted pair group method analysis (UPGMA. Jaccard's Similarity Coefficient data were used to construct a dendrogram. Two groups could be distinguished by RAPD data and these groups coincided with geographic origin, i.e. the populations captured in areas from east and west of Guanahacabibes, Pinar del Río. T. flavida present low interpopulation variability that could result in greater susceptibility to pesticides in control programs. The RAPD protocol and the selected primers are useful for molecular characterization of Cuban Triatominae.La técnica de ADN polimórfico amplificado al azar (RAPD es un método simple para detectar el polimorfismo genético del ADN. Diferentes factores afectan los perfiles de amplificación lo que se manifiesta en la presencia de bandas falsas y en la reproducibilidad del ensayo. En nuestro trabajo analizamos los cambios de la concentración de cebador, ADN molde, cloruro de magnesio y de Taq ADN polimerasa con el objetivo de determinar su

  5. Dano muscular: resposta inflamatória sistêmica após ações excêntricas máximas Daño muscular: respuesta inflamatoria sistémica después de acciones excéntricas máximas Muscle damage: systemic inflammatory response after maximal eccentric actions

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    Ricardo Paes de Barros Berton


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a resposta inflamatória induzida por grande número de ações excêntricas (AE máximas realizadas pelos flexores do cotovelo. Participaram do estudo nove homens jovens, que realizaram 35 séries de seis AE nos flexores de cotovelo, com intervalo de um minuto, utilizando um dinamômetro isocinético em uma velocidade de 210º.s-1. As variáveis mensuradas foram: a contração isométrica voluntaria máxima (CIVM, a amplitude de movimento (AM, a dor muscular de inicio tardio (DMIT, a interleucina-6 (IL-6 e o fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-α. Alterações significantes foram observadas para os marcadores indiretos de dano muscular (CIVM, AM e DMIT, entretanto não houve modificações para os marcadores inflamatórios (IL-6 e TNF-α. Em conclusão, os resultados demonstraram que mesmo com alterações nos marcadores indiretos de dano muscular após a realização de um grande número de AE não foram observadas alterações na resposta inflamatória sistêmica.El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la magnitud de la respuesta inflamatoria inducida por un gran número de acciones excéntricas (AE de los flexores del codo. Han participado del estudio nueve jóvenes que llevaron a cabo 35 series de seis AE de los flexores del codo, con un intervalo de un minuto, utilizando un dinamómetro isocinético a 210º.s-1. Fueran mensurados la máxima contracción voluntaria isométrica (CIVM, la amplitud de movimiento (AM, el dolor muscular de aparición tardía (DMIT, la interleucina 6 (IL-6 y el factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α. Se observaron cambios significativos para los marcadores de daño muscular (CIVM, AM y DMIT, sin embargo, no hubo cambios en los marcadores de inflamación IL-6 y TNF-α. En conclusión, los resultados indican que mismo con un gran número de AE y cambios en los marcadores indirectos de daño muscular, no se observaron cambios en la respuesta inflamatoria sist

  6. Micropropagation and validation of genetic and biochemical fidelity amongst regenerants of Cassia angustifolia Vahl employing RAPD marker and HPLC. (United States)

    Chetri, Siva K; Sardar, Pratima Rani; Agrawal, Veena


    In vitro protocol has been established for clonal propagation of Cassia angustifolia Vahl which is an important source of anticancerous bioactive compounds, sennoside A and B. Nodal explants excised from field raised elite plant (showing optimum level of sennoside A and B) of C. angustifolia when reared on Murashige and Skoog's medium augmented with different cytokinins, viz. N(6)-benzyladenine (BA), N(6)-(2-isopentenyl) adenine (2iP) and 6-furfuryl aminopurine (Kn) differentiated multiple shoots in their axils. Of the three cytokinins, BA at 5 μM proved optimum for differentiating multiple shoots in 95 % cultures with an average of 9.14 shoots per explant within 8 weeks of culture. Nearly, 95 % of the excised in vitro shoots rooted on half strength MS medium supplemented with 10 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). The phenotypically similar micropropagated plants were evaluated for their genetic fidelity employing random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Eleven individuals, randomly chosen amongst a population of 120 regenerants were compared with the donor plant. A total of 36 scorable bands, ranging in size from 100 to 1,000 bp were generated amongst them by the RAPD primers. All banding profiles from micropropagated plants were monomorphic and similar to those of mother plant proving their true to the type nature. Besides, high performance liquid chromatography evaluation of the sennoside A and B content amongst leaves of the mature regenerants and the elite mother plant too revealed consistency in their content.

  7. Development of SRAP, SRAP-RGA, RAPD and SCAR markers linked with a Fusarium wilt resistance gene in eggplant. (United States)

    Mutlu, Nedim; Boyaci, Filiz Hatice; Göçmen, Münevver; Abak, Kazim


    Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f. sp. melongenae) is a vascular disease of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.). The objectives of this work were (1) to confirm the monogenic inheritance of fusarium wilt resistance in eggplant, (2) to identify molecular markers linked to this resistance, and (3) to develop SCAR markers from most informative markers. We report the tagging of the gene for resistance to fusarium wilt (FOM) in eggplant using SRAP, RGA, SRAP-RGA and RAPD markers. Analysis of segregation data confirmed the monogenic inheritance of resistance. DNA from F(2) and BC(1) populations of eggplant segregating for fusarium wilt resistance was screened with 2,316 primer combinations to detect polymorphism. Three markers were linked within 2.6 cM of the gene. The codominant SRAP marker Me8/Em5 and dominant SRAP-RGA marker Em12/GLPL2 were tightly linked to each other and mapped 1.2 cM from the resistance gene, whereas RAPD marker H12 mapped 2.6 cM from the gene and on the same side as the other two markers. The SRAP marker was converted into two dominant SCAR markers that were confirmed to be linked to the resistance gene in the F(2,) BC(1) and F(2) of BC(3) generations of the same cross. These markers provide a starting point for mapping the eggplant FOM resistance gene in eggplant and for exploring the synteny between solanaceous crops for fusarium wilt resistance genes. The SCAR markers will be useful for identifying fusarium wilt-resistant genotypes in marker-assisted selection breeding programs using segregating progenies of the resistant eggplant progenitor used in this study.

  8. Genetic variation of wild and hatchery populations of the catla Indian major carp (Catla catla Hamilton 1822: Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae revealed by RAPD markers

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    S.M. Zakiur Rahman


    Full Text Available Genetic variation is a key component for improving a stock through selective breeding programs. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD markers were used to assess genetic variation in three wild population of the catla carp (Catla catla Hamilton 1822 in the Halda, Jamuna and Padma rivers and one hatchery population in Bangladesh. Five decamer random primers were used to amplify RAPD markers from 30 fish from each population. Thirty of the 55 scorable bands were polymorphic, indicating some degree of genetic variation in all the populations. The proportion of polymorphic loci and gene diversity values reflected a relatively higher level of genetic variation in the Halda population. Sixteen of the 30 polymorphic loci showed a significant (p < 0.05, p < 0.01, p < 0.001 departure from homogeneity and the F ST values in the different populations indicated some degree of genetic differentiation in the population pairs. Estimated genetic distances between populations were directly correlated with geographical distances. The unweighted pair group method with averages (UPGMA dendrogram showed two clusters, the Halda population forming one cluster and the other populations the second cluster. Genetic variation of C. catla is a useful trait for developing a good management strategy for maintaining genetic quality of the species.

  9. Mutation breeding of banana tube-buds in vitro. Pt. 5: Genomic variation of Zhangjiao No.8 strain detected by RAPD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Jianhui; Cai Enxing; Chen Liping; Huang Xidong; Shen Mingshan; Hong Fuxiang


    Zhangjiao No.8, a new variety induced from irradiation by 60 Co γ-rays, was analyzed by RAPD using 20 random primers against Mus AAA Grand Cavendish. The result showed that 68 bands could be amplified by 12 primers, 53 were homologous, accounted for 77.9%, of total bands; only 22.1% were differential bands, the polymorphism difference up to 24.6% between Zhangjiao No.8 and CK, indicating its stable heredity. Three differential bands from S 10 and S 19 could be used as markers for identification and anti-degeneration of Zhangjiao No.8

  10. Estudio de casos y controles de marcadores sanguíneos para el diagnóstico precoz de cáncer de mama


    Bayo Calero, Juan Lucas


    En el mundo desarrollado, el cáncer de mama es la neoplasia femenina más frecuente y que causa más mortalidad. Los programas de detección precoz contribuyen a un diagnóstico temprano de la enfermedad y por tanto a mejorar la supervivencia de la misma. No existen marcadores tumorales específicos para la fase precoz del cáncer de mama; si existiera alguno eficaz, podría servir de apoyo al screening radiológico. Sin embargo, ya en la fase de estudio clínico y diagnóstico final, se solicitan much...

  11. Análisis de la salud circadiana como factor predictivo de éxito en la pérdida de peso


    Bandín Saura, María Cristina


    OBJETIVOS: Objetivo 1: Investigar la relación entre la pérdida de peso y la ritmicidad circadiana, utilizando la temperatura de la muñeca y mediciones de actimetría, en mujeres sometidas a un programa de pérdida de peso, con el fin de evaluar si la ritmicidad circadiana pudiera ser un marcador de la eficacia de los tratamientos de pérdida de peso. Objetivo 2: Investigar los efectos de los cambios en el horario de las comidas sobre el gasto de energía, la tolerancia a la glucosa y variables ci...

  12. Análisis de la salud circadiana como factor predictivo de éxito en la pérdida de peso


    Bandín Saura, María Cristina


    OBJETIVOS: Objetivo 1: Investigar la relación entre la pérdida de peso y la ritmicidad circadiana, utilizando la temperatura de la muñeca y mediciones de actimetría, en mujeres sometidas a un programa de pérdida de peso, con el fin de evaluar si la ritmicidad circadiana pudiera ser un marcador de la eficacia de los tratamientos de pérdida de peso. Objetivo 2: Investigar los efectos de los cambios en el horario de las comidas sobre el gasto de energía, la tolerancia a la glucosa y variab...

  13. Análisis de la biodiversidad genética del algodón peruano usando marcadores moleculares: Avances en el 2004


    Olórtegui, José; Espinoza, Marco; Espinoza, José; Montoya, Ysabel


    Tres mini preparaciones de extracción de ADN de algodón fueron comparadas en términos de calidad y rendimiento. El método de extracción de ADN usando CTAB fue el más eficiente (30 ug) en comparación con un kit comercial de extracción (20 ug) a partir de 100 mg de hojas cotiledonarias. La óptima calidad del ADN fue evaluada con las enzimas de restricción EcoRI y MseI. El ADN preparado será usado para iniciar el análisis de la biodiversidad genética del algodón peruano, usando marcadores mole...

  14. Detección de fraude bancario en tiempo real utilizando tecnologías de procesamiento distribuido


    Mansilla Montero, Javier


    En este Trabajo de Fin de Máster se desarrollará un sistema de detección de fraude en pagos con tarjeta de crédito en tiempo real utilizando tecnologías de procesamiento distribuido. Concretamente se considerarán dos tecnologías: TIBCO, un conjunto de herramientas comerciales diseñadas para el procesamiento de eventos complejos, y Apache Spark, un sistema abierto para el procesamiento de datos en tiempo real. Además de implementar el sistema utilizando las dos tecnologías propuestas, un objet...

  15. Marcadores discursivos e enunciação: uma possibilidade de debate sobre a elaboração discursiva da imagem de si e do Outro.

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    Ivani Cristina Silva Fernandes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho visa discutir a importância e as especificidades da atividade analítica e didática sobre os marcadores discursivos em português como língua materna e em espanhol como língua estrangeira para brasileiros. Para esta finalidade, pretendemos analisar um corpus composto por textos do gênero jornalístico, de tendência argumentativa, de alguns dos mais importantes jornais do Brasil, Espanha e Argentina. Baseados nessa análise, esperamos identificar os principais desafios ao enfocar os marcadores discursivos como eixo para refletir sobre questões tais como a construção do ethos e da alteridade em língua materna e estrangeira e as estratégias de persuasão a partir da retórica contrastiva, entre outras. Fundamentados na Linguística da Enunciação, área que reúne as principais teorias a partir das quais os pesquisadores refletem sobre fenômenos relacionados à enunciação, como nos trabalhos de Benveniste; e nos estudos pragmáticos e enunciativos sobre os Marcadores do Discurso, representados especialmente por Martín Zorraquino e Portolés, almejamos comentar o papel dos marcadores como guias de determinados efeitos de sentido que influenciam diretamente na construção do ethos e na percepção da alteridade no discurso. Tais construções e percepções podem seguir distintos percursos em língua materna e estrangeira, o que potencializa uma discussão sobre a relação entre forma e sentido na materialidade linguística, no português e no espanhol, enfocando a questão de como o sujeito se marca na língua. The present paper aims at discussing the importance and specific aspects of analytical and didactic work on the discourse markers in Portuguese as a mother tongue and Spanish as a foreign language to Brazilians. In order to accomplish that, we intend to analyze a corpus composed of texts of journalistic genre and argumentative tendency, from some of the most important Brazilian, Spanish and Argentine

  16. New method for early detection of two random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD groups of Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis infection in Paraná State, Brazil

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    Dicezar Gonçalves


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to develop a fast and accurate molecular approach to allow early detection of two RAPD groups of S. aureus causing bovine mastitis. Seventy five S. aureus isolates from infected animals were characterized by RAPD. Genomic fragments isolated from the unique bands present in either group were cloned and sequenced. Based on the DNA sequences, specific primers were designed to allow for the simultaneous detection of either group by multiplex PCR of S. aureus DNA isolated from clinical and subclinical bovine mastitis. Results showed that these proposed primers set could be used to detect various clinical and subclinical S. aureus isolates as well as the detection of the microorganism in bulk milk. Their use as a specific method for effective and early diagnostic tool for S. aureus infection in dairy herds is suggested.Esta pesquisa objetivou o desenvolvimento de técnica rápida e eficiente para diagnosticar precocemente diferentes linhagens de S. aureus causadoras de mastite bovina. Como resultados da metodologia empregada, foram isoladas duas linhagens destas bactérias que causam diferentes tipos de mastite bovina. Os fragmentos de DNA genômico caracterizando ambas as linhagens, por meio de RAPD foram inseridos em vetor plasmidial pGEM e clonados por meio de clones T10 F1 de Escherichia coli. As seqüências obtidas permitiram desenhar iniciadores específicos para o reconhecimento de ambas as linhagens, os quais foram testados com amostras de S. aureus e com outras linhagens próximas. O diagnóstico por meios moleculares, pode ser realizado diretamente de amostras coletadas de rebanhos leiteiros assim como dos equipamentos de ordenha. A significância deste estudo consiste em um rápido e acurado método para localizar animais infectados, representando importante ferramenta no manejo do rebanho, na redução de custos com tratamentos e, rápida recuperação de rebanhos infectados.

  17. Prevalência de marcadores de trombofilia em pacientes portadores da síndrome de May-Thurner e trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda Prevalence of thrombophilia factors in patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis

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    Marcos Arêas Marques


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A relação entre trombose venosa profunda e trombofilia tem sido pouco estudada em indivíduos portadores de compressão da veia ilíaca comum esquerda, conhecida clinicamente como síndrome de May-Thurner. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de marcadores de trombofilia nos pacientes portadores de síndrome de May-Thurner e trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda. MÉTODOS: Entre março de 1999 e dezembro de 2008, 20 pacientes com síndrome de May-Thurner e trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda foram avaliados retrospectivamente quanto à presença de marcadores de trombofilia. RESULTADOS: Foi detectada a associação entre síndrome de May-Thurner e marcadores de trombofilia em 8 pacientes (40%. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de marcadores de trombofilia em pacientes com trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda e síndrome de May-Thurner é frequente, porém não difere da prevalência encontrada em pacientes portadores de trombose venosa profunda sem a síndrome associada.BACKGROUND: The relationship between deep venous thrombosis and thrombophilia has been little studied in patients with left common iliac vein compression, clinically known as May-Thurner syndrome. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of thrombophilia markers in patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis. METHODS: From March 1999 to December 2008, 20 patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis were retrospectively investigated for the presence of thrombophilia markers. RESULTS: The association between May-Thurner syndrome and thrombophilia markers was found in 8 patients (40%. CONCLUSION: There is a high prevalence of thrombophilia markers in patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis. The prevalence, however, is not different from that found in patients with deep venous thrombosis without May-Thurner syndrome.

  18. Expressão de marcadores de proliferação celular e apoptose em carcinoma basocelular Markers expression of cell proliferation and apoptosis in basal cell carcinoma

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    Marília de Pádua Dornelas Corrêa


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTOS: O carcinoma basocelular é o câncer mais comum em humanos. Estudos que utilizam recursos da biologia molecular e genética, associados à histomorfologia, permitem a identificação de fatores de risco no desenvolvimento de lesões mais recorrentes e agressivas. OBJETIVO: Correlacionar a expressão dos marcadores de apoptose (p53 e Bcl-2 e proliferação celular (Ki-67 e PCNA com os indicadores histológicos de gravidade do tumor. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se cinco amostras das formas nodular, morfeiforme e superficial, respectivamente, e um grupo-controle com três pacientes livres de lesão. Empregou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney na comparação da expressão desses marcadores com a forma de apresentação do carcinoma basocelular. RESULTADOS: Verificou-se que a marcação do Bcl-2 foi expressiva nos CBCs ditos agressivos (variantes morfeiforme e nodular. Dos tumores estudados, 66,7% (n = 10 indicaram fortemente o p53. Nossos resultados mostram maior expressão do Ki-67 no carcinoma basocelular nodular e superficial, sem expressão nos controles. O PCNA mostrou forte marcação em todos os tipos de tumores e nos controles. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados nos permitem concluir que o Bcl-2 e o p53 apresentam tendência para diagnosticar gravidade do carcinoma basocelular e o Ki-67, por seu comportamento variável, não pode ser considerado como marcador de gravidade, assim como o PCNA, que não foi um bom marcador de proliferação celular.BACKGROUND: - Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of human cancer. Studies employing molecular and genetic biology techniques, associated with histomorphology, lead to the identification of risk factors in the development of more recurring and aggressive lesions. OBJECTIVE - To correlate markers expression of apoptosis (p53 and bcl-2 and cell proliferation (Ki-67 and PCNA with histological indicators of tumor severity. METHODS - Five samples of the nodular, morpheaform and superficial types of carcinoma

  19. Prevalencia de los marcadores serológicos de hepatitis viral B y C en retardados mentales

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    Georgina Ma. Suárez Mendoza


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 200 pacientes retrasados mentales del Hospital "La Castellana", a los cuales se les determinaron los marcadores serológicos: antígeno de superficie para el virus de la hepatitis B y anticuerpo para el virus de la hepatitis C, donde se encontró una seroprevalencia para el VHB de un 5 % y de un 17 % para el VHC; se comprueba que los pacientes con un régimen interno, con mayor tiempo de institucionalización y con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles son más susceptibles a adquirir estos virusSUMMARY: 200 mentally retarded patients from «La Castellana» Hospital were studied. The following serological markers were determined: hepatitis B surface antigen and hepatitis C antibody. A seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C of 5 % and 17 %, respectively, was found. It was proved that interned patients with longer length of institutionalization and with non-communicable chronic diseases are more susceptible to get these viruses

  20. RAPD-PCR typing of Yersinia enterocolitica (Enterobacteriaceae O:3 serotype strains isolated from pigs and humans

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    Tereza Cristina A. Leal


    Full Text Available Sixteen strains of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3, isolated from apparently healthy pigs collected in Rio de Janeiro, and four human strains of serotypes O:4, O:5, O:6 and O:13 were analyzed by RAPD-PCR. The strains were grouped into five genotypic profiles according to the amplification patterns obtained with three random primers. Fifteen of the 16 pig strains had identical amplification patterns, which was named genotypic profile 1. The one different profile was named genotypic profile 2. Genotypic profile 1 was also exhibited by the O:6 human serotype strain. The O:4 and O:13 human serotype strains showed similar amplification profiles with two primers. However, the third primer induced a distinct profile in each strain. Therefore, these two strains were placed into genotypic profile 3 and 4, respectively. Each primer produced a completely different amplification profile in the O:5 human serotype strain; therefore, it was named genotypic profile 5. The presence or absence of plasmids in the strains studied did not affect the amplification results. These results show that genetic variations can exist within a serotype, and strains of different serotypes can exhibit the same amplification profile when compared using other primers.Foram utilizados três "primers" aleatórios para caracterizar pela técnica RAPD-PCR 16 cepas de Yersinia enterocolitica do sorotipo O:3, isoladas de suínos sadios do Rio de Janeiro. Pelos resultados dos padrões de amplificação, as 16 cepas dos suínos e as 4 cepas humanas usadas como referência (sorotipos O:4, O:5, O:6 e O:13 foram agrupadas em 5 perfis genotípicos. Quinze cepas de suínos apresentaram um padrão de amplificação idêntico (perfil genotípico 1 e somente uma apresentou um perfil de amplificação diferente (perfil genotípico 2. O mesmo padrão de amplificação do perfil genotípico 1 foi também observado em uma cepa humana do sorotipo O:6. As cepas humanas dos sorotipos O:4 e O:13

  1. Identification of a RAPD marker linked to the Co-6 anthracnose resistant gene in common bean cultivar AB 136

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    Alzate-Marin Ana Lilia


    Full Text Available The pathogenic variability of the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum represents an obstacle for the creation of resistant common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. varieties. Gene pyramiding is an alternative strategy for the development of varieties with durable resistance. RAPD markers have been proposed as a means to facilitate pyramiding of resistance genes without the need for multiple inoculations of the pathogens. The main aims of this work were to define the inheritance pattern of resistance present in common bean cultivar AB 136 in segregating populations derived from crosses with cultivar Rudá (susceptible to most C. lindemuthianum races and to identify RAPD markers linked to anthracnose resistance. The two progenitors, populations F1 and F2, F2:3 families and backcross-derived plants were inoculated with race 89 of C. lindemuthianum under environmentally controlled greenhouse conditions. The results indicate that a single dominant gene, Co-6, controls common bean resistance to this race, giving a segregation ratio between resistant and susceptible plants of 3:1 in the F2, 1:0 in the backcrosses to AB 136 and 1:1 in the backcross to Rudá. The segregation ratio of F2:3 families derived from F2 resistant plants was 1:2 (homozygous to heterozygous resistant. Molecular marker analyses in the F2 population identified a DNA band of approximately 940 base pairs (OPAZ20(940, linked in coupling phase at 7.1 cM of the Co-6 gene. This marker is being used in our backcross breeding program to develop Rudá-derived common bean cultivars resistant to anthracnose and adapted to central Brazil.

  2. Análise de teoria de resposta ao item de marcadores reduzidos da personalidade = Item response theory analysis of the mini-markers of personality = Análisis de teoría de respuesta al ítem de marcadores reducidos de la personalidad

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    Machado, Wagner de Lara


    Full Text Available As propriedades psicométricas de Marcadores Reduzidos no modelo dos Cinco Grandes Fatores da Personalidade, contendo 25 itens, foram investigadas por meio de análises fatoriais exploratórias e do modelo de Teoria de Resposta ao Item Rating Scale. Participaram do estudo 887 estudantes de graduação (média de idade = 28,41, SD = 9,71. O modelo de cinco fatores oblíquos demonstrou melhor ajuste aos dados. Os itens das cinco escalas mostraram ajuste ao modelo de mensuração Rating Scale, apesar da pequena amplitude dos parâmetros de dificuldade dos itens. Os resultados fornecem evidências de validade de construto e estimativas de fidedignidade para a nova medida reduzida para a avaliação da personalidade no Brasil

  3. El uso de marcadores del discurso en textos escritos por estudiantes del grado de Maestro y de la especialidad de lengua castellana y literatura del MUFPS


    Cano Vela, Ángel Gregorio


    Vamos a analizar aquí el uso de marcadores del discurso (MD) en tareas grupales, memorias de prácticas y TFG en el grado de Maestro, así como TFM en el MUFPS con el fin de evaluar la competencia pragmática y discursiva del alumnado en este ámbito. El objetivo principal es observar cómo evoluciona el uso de MD a lo largo de la formación inicial de los futuros maestros y profesores de secundaria.

  4. Preliminary study on peroxidase isoenzyme detection and RAPD molecular verification for sweet pepper 87-2 carried by a recoverable satellite

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Min; Li Jinguo; Wang Yalin; Zhang Zan; Xue Huai; Zhang Chunhua; Li Sherong


    The detection technology of peroxidase isoenzyme pattern and RAPD (Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA) analysis were used to space-flown sweet pepper variety of 87-2 carried by a recoverable satellite, and its correspondent ground control Longjiao-2. Determination of peroxidase isoenzyme revealed that the physiological activities of space-flown sweet pepper were significantly higher than those of its ground control. To detect the polymorphism of gene sequence and the difference in molecular level. 42 primers were used, among them, 38 primers amplified polymorphic products, and the amplified products from 5 primers of sweet pepper 87-2 differed from those of ground control

  5. Origen étnico y estructura genética de tres poblaciones colombianas con ascendencia africana: estudio combinado de microsatélites y marcadores bialélicos del cromosoma Y

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    Julián Oliverio Mora Oberlaender


    África occidental y central, acorde con los datos históricos acerca de la procedencia de los esclavos traídos a América durante los siglos XVI-XIX. Tanto para marcadores bialélicos como microsatelitales, se observó una cercanía de Palenque con poblaciones nativas de Gambia, y de Quibdó con otros grupos del norte de Camerún, de afiliación Bantú.

  6. Appraisal of genetic diversity of different peach cultivars and genotypes through rapd markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bakht, J.; Jamal, N.; Shafi, M


    The present study was amid to investigate the genetic diversity of twenty peach cultivars and genotypes by RAPD primers at the Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, KPK Agricultural University Peshawar. The result indicated that fifteen primers (GLCO9, GLC20, GLA20, GLA13, GLB10, GLB20, GLB06, GLB19, GLA19, GLB19, GLD16, GLB15, GLA15, GLB12, GLB11) gave genetic distance among the peach cultivars and genotypes under study by PCR amplification. Average genetic diversity (estimated as genetic distance) ranged between 12 and 58%. The molecular size of most of the bands were from 150 bp to 1000 bp. Based on dendrogram analysis, Khyber 1 and Khyber 2 was grouped in cluster A, and Tex-A6-69 and BY-8-135 in cluster B, Candan and 6A were most closely related cultivars and genotypes among the 20 peach cultivars and genotypes while Lering, Flam crest, Tex x-9, early grand and Floradaking were distinctly grouped when compared with the rest of population. (author)

  7. RAPD analysis of the genetic diversity of mango (Mangifera indica) germplasm in Brazil. (United States)

    Souza, I G B; Valente, S E S; Britto, F B; de Souza, V A B; Lima, P S C


    We evaluated genetic variability of mango (Mangifera indica) accessions maintained in the Active Germplasm Bank of Embrapa Meio-Norte in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, using RAPDs. Among these accessions, 35 originated from plantings in Brazil, six from the USA and one from India. Genomic DNA, extracted from leaf material using a commercial purification kit, was subjected to PCR with the primers A01, A09, G03, G10, N05, and M16. Fifty-five polymorphic loci were identified, with mean of 9.16 ± 3.31 bands per primer and 100% polymorphism. Application of unweighted pair group method using arithmetic average cluster analysis demonstrated five genotypic groups among the accessions examined. The genotypes Rosa 41, Rosa 48 and Rosa 49 were highly similar (94% similarity), whereas genotypes Sensation and Rosa 18 were the most divergent (only 7% similarity). The mango accessions were found to have considerable genetic variability, demonstrating the importance of analyzing each genotype in a collection in order to efficiently maintain the germplasm collection.

  8. Produtos naturais ativadores de PPAR e marcadores associados ao processo inflamatório na Síndrome Metabólica

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    L.F. Brito


    Full Text Available O processo inflamatório é o elo entre a síndrome metabólica e as doenças cardiovasculares. Para verificar a presença e o grau da inflamação, vários biomarcadores têm sido propostos e investigados. Este trabalho tem como objetivo revisar as recentes pesquisas que associam alguns marcadores expressos no tecido adiposo, enfatizando, dentre eles, a adiponectina, a resistina, a leptina e o transportador de glicose GLUT-4 na síndrome metabólica, a relação da inflamação decorrente desse conjunto de desordens metabólicas sob os receptores proliferadores peroxissomais (PPARs, bem como o efeito de diferentes extratos vegetais e produtos naturais bioativos na ativação desses receptores.

  9. Analysis of the genetic diversity of physic nut, Jatropha curcas L. accessions using RAPD markers. (United States)

    Rafii, M Y; Shabanimofrad, M; Puteri Edaroyati, M W; Latif, M A


    A sum of 48 accessions of physic nut, Jatropha curcas L. were analyzed to determine the genetic diversity and association between geographical origin using RAPD-PCR markers. Eight primers generated a total of 92 fragments with an average of 11.5 amplicons per primer. Polymorphism percentages of J. curcas accessions for Selangor, Kelantan, and Terengganu states were 80.4, 50.0, and 58.7%, respectively, with an average of 63.04%. Jaccard's genetic similarity co-efficient indicated the high level of genetic variation among the accessions which ranged between 0.06 and 0.81. According to UPGMA dendrogram, 48 J. curcas accessions were grouped into four major clusters at coefficient level 0.3 and accessions from same and near states or regions were found to be grouped together according to their geographical origin. Coefficient of genetic differentiation (G(st)) value of J. curcas revealed that it is an outcrossing species.

  10. Variabilidad genética del membrillo cimarrón (Malacomeles denticulata [Kunth] Jones) obtenida mediante marcadores Inter Secuencias Simples Repetidas o Intermicrosatélites (ISSR)


    González-Cerritos, Daniela; Núñez-Colín, Carlos Alberto; Villordo-Pineda, Emiliano; Medina-Ramos, Gabriela; González-Chavira, Mario Martín


    Malacomeles denticulata es un fruto nativo de México al que recientemente se le ha encontrado características funcionales para proponerlo como una opción frutal. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo elucidar la variabilidad de doce poblaciones de M. denticulata mediante marcadores Inter Secuencias Simples Repetidas o Intermicrosatélites (ISSR). Todos los ISSR presentaron altos valores en el Contenido de Información Polimórfica (PIC, por sus siglas en inglés) y el índice de diferenciación pob...

  11. Determinação da variabilidade em isolados de Colletotrichum lindemuthianum por meio de marcadores morfológicos e culturais Determination of variability in isolates of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum based on morphological and cultural markers

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    Breno Oliveira de Souza


    Full Text Available Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (teleomorfo Glomerella cingulata f. sp. phaseoli apresenta ampla variabilidade genética, demonstrada por suas características morfológicas. Com este trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar, por meio de marcadores morfológicos, diferentes isolados de C. lindemuthianum e identificar marcadores morfológicos com uso potencial em análises genéticas. Foram avaliados os seguintes caracteres morfológicos e culturais: cor e textura das colônias, compatibilidade vegetativa e sexual, índice de velocidade de crescimento micelial (IVCM, diâmetro colonial (DC, capacidade de esporulação (CE, dimensões e formas conidiais, dimensões dos ascósporos, formação de estruturas reprodutivas e formação de anastomoses entre hifas e conídios. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os isolados de C. lindemuthianum possuem ampla variabilidade genética para todas as características avaliadas e que a forma do conídio pode ser usada como marcador morfológico em análises genéticas.Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (teleomorfo Glomerella cingulata f. sp. phaseoli presents wide genetic variability, demonstrated by its morphological traits. The objective of this study was to characterize morphological markers in different isolates of C. lindemuthianum and, to identify useful morphological markers in genetic analyses. The following morphological and cultural traits were evaluated: color and texture of the colonies, vegetative and sexual compatibility, micelial growth index (MGI, colonial diameter (CD, esporulation capacity (EC, conidia dimensions and form, ascospores dimensions and formation of reproductive structures. The data showed wide genetic variability for all traits and that conidial form can be used as morphological marker in genetic analysis.

  12. Estudio de la maduración de los ritmos circadianos de temperatura y movimiento en prematuros como marcadores precoces del desarrollo neurológico


    Fuentes Hernández, Silvia


    Objetivos: El objetivo principal es analizar los parámetros identificadores de los ritmos de temperatura y actividad en niños prematuros de 30-34 semanas y niños nacidos a término y compararlos con los resultados obtenidos mediante test psico-motores y de comportamiento a 6, 12 y 18 meses de vida, para su validación como marcadores del desarrollo neurológico en niños. Metodología: Se reclutaron 24 niños prematuros con una edad gestacional comprendida entre las 30 y 34 semanas y 37 niños recié...

  13. In vitro propagation and assessment of genetic stability of acclimated plantlets of Cornus alba L. using RAPD and ISSR markers. (United States)

    Ilczuk, Agnieszka; Jacygrad, Ewelina


    Cornus alba L. (white dogwood) is an important ornamental shrub having a wide range of applications such as reforestation programs and soil retention systems. The vegetative propagation of dogwood by cuttings may be slow, difficult, and cultivar dependent; therefore, an improved micropropagation method was developed. Nodal stem segments of C. alba cultivars 'Aurea' and 'Elegantissima' were cultured on media enriched with six different sources of macronutrients. Media were supplemented with either N 6 -benzyladenine (BA) or thidiazuron (TDZ) in combination with 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Regardless of the cultivar, the best shoot proliferation was observed on Lloyd and McCown medium (woody plant medium (WPM)) at pH 6.2, containing 1.0 mg L -1 BA, 0.1 mg L -1 NAA, and 20-30 g L -1 sucrose. Rooting of regenerated shoots was achieved by an in vitro method when different concentrations of NAA or indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) were tested. Microcuttings were rooted for 8 wk on medium enriched with 0.25 mg L -1 NAA and potted into P9 containers in the greenhouse. The final survival rate of the plants after 20 wk was 80% for 'Aurea' and 90% for 'Elegantissima'. Genetic stability of the micropropagated plants was confirmed by using two DNA-based molecular marker techniques. A total of 30 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 20 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers resulted in 197-199 and 184-187 distinct and reproducible band classes, respectively, in 'Aurea' and 'Elegantissima' plantlets. All of the RAPD and ISSR profiles were monomorphic and comparable with the mother plant.

  14. Genetic Variant Detected by RAPD-PCR and ISSR in Catharanthus roseus (L.) Cells Exposed to Low Doses of Gamma Rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salama, I.M.; Ali, G.M.


    Catherine's roseus (L.) (C. roseus) 10 samples, genetically different of irradiated and control cell suspension culture were detected by both random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (Raped-Pcr) and inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR). The RAPD-PCR and ISSR-PCR profiles were used for building phenetic trees by using Totallab Quant software, showing similarity in the topology of the trees. Both dendograms presented three major clusters that 10 samples irradiated and control, according to genetic similarity. The control and the irradiated samples at 2.5 and 4 Gy, which are highly in the similarity index recorded as 0.101, while the lowest similarity index recorded was 0.058, which was observed between 3.5 and 4.5 Gy. A dendrogram RAPD-PCR for the genetic relationships among the 10 samples irradiated and control of C. roseus the cell suspension culture taxa was carried out. The 10 samples irradiated and control from C. roseus cell suspension culture taxa were separated into three clusters; cluster one included 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 Gy, while the cluster two included control, 2, 2.5, 3.5, 4 and 4.5 Gy. The cluster three included 4.5 and 5 Gy. The best doses of gamma rays were from 0.5 to 5 Gy in order to C. roseus cells genome manipulation and induced mutations. The genome modification was the stimulation of the gene expression changes in order to changes of physiological cell and production of cell lines. The aim of the production cell lines to elicit cells enjoys the attributes of high productivity, secondary products, which are used in widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.

  15. Endogamia, fixação de alelos e limite de seleção em populações selecionadas por métodos tradicionais e associados a marcadores moleculares Inbreeding, alleles fixation and selection limit in populations under traditional or marker assisted selection methods

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    Paulo Luiz Souza Carneiro


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o coeficiente de endogamia, a fixação de alelos e o limite de seleção em populações selecionadas durante 20 gerações. A seleção foi baseada nos valores genéticos preditos pelo BLUP clássico (BLUP e pelo BLUP marcadores (BLUPM e na seleção individual (SI utilizando diferentes sistemas de acasalamento. Para se obter a matriz de similaridade genética utilizada no BLUPM, foram simulados 100 marcadores moleculares do tipo microssatélite, por meio de um coeficiente de similaridade correspondente à distância euclidiana média para dados quantitativos. Para comparar os diferentes métodos de seleção, utilizaram-se populações com tamanho efetivo de 66,66 e média de 30 repetições. Observou-se maior incremento de endogamia para o BLUPM, seguido pelo BLUP e SI. Os métodos baseados no BLUP levaram a maior fixação de alelos favoráveis e desfavoráveis. O BLUPM foi o método que proporcionou maior redução no limite de seleção nas 20 gerações avaliadas. Os acasalamentos dos reprodutores selecionados que excluíram o acasalamento entre irmãos resultaram em menor taxa de incremento de endogamia, menores perdas pela fixação de alelos desfavoráveis e menor redução no limite da seleção.This study aimed to evaluate the inbreeding coefficient, alleles fixation and selection limit in a population selected during 20 generations. Selection was based on breeding values predicted by classical best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP, BLUP associated with molecular markers (BLUPM and individual selection (IS using different mating designs. The genetic similarity matrix used in BLUPM was obtained by simulating 100 micro satellite markers (simple sequence repeats using a similarity coefficient corresponding to the mean Euclidean distance between quantitative data. The selection methods were compared using populations with an effective size of 66.66 and a mean of 30 repetitions. The largest increase in inbreeding was

  16. [The use of RAPD and ITE molecular markers to study genetical structure of the Crimean population of Triticum boeoticum Boiss]. (United States)

    Mallabaeva, D Sh; Ignatov, A N; Sheĭko, I A; Isikov, V P; Geliuta, V P; Boĭko, N G; Seriapin, A A; Dorokhov, D B


    Wild wheat Triticum boeoticum Boiss. is the rare species are included in the Red Book of Ukraine. This species are reducing the magnitude of population and the area of distribution under anthropogenic activity. We studied genetic structure of two populations of T. boeoticum, located on Sapun Mountain and in Baidar Valley in Crimea. According RAPD and ITE molecular analysis we have estimated that the population of T. boeoticum on Sapun Mountain is genetically more impoverished than a population from the Baidar Valley. For preservation of maximal natural genetic polymorphism of the rare species it is recommended to direct efforts to preservations of a population of T. boeoticum from the Baidar Valley.

  17. Assessment of Cd-induced genotoxic damage in Urtica pilulifera L. using RAPD-PCR analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ilhan Dogan


    Full Text Available Plants can be used as biological indicators in assessing the damage done by bioaccumulation of heavy metals and their negative impact on the environment. In the present research, Roman nettle (Urtica pilulifera L. was employed as a bioindicator for cadmium (Cd pollution. The comparisons between unexposed and exposed plant samples revealed inhibition of the root growth (∼25.96% and ∼45.92% after treatment with 100 and 200 µmol/L Cd concentrations, respectively, reduction in the total soluble protein quantities (∼53.92% and ∼66.29% after treatment with 100 and 200 µmol/L Cd concentrations, respectively and a gradual genomic instability when the Cd concentrations were increased. The results indicated that alterations in randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD profiles, following the Cd treatments, included normal band losses and emergence of new bands, when compared to the controls. Also, the obtained data from F1 plants, utilized for analysis of genotoxicity, revealed that DNA alterations, occurring in parent plants due to Cd pollution, were transmitted to the next generation.

  18. Introduction of exogenous wild soybean DNA into cultivated soybean and RAPD molecular verification

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    谢纬武; 王斌; 雷勃钧; 李希臣; 卢翠华; 钱华; 周思君


    The exogenous total DNA of the wild high-protein soybean was transferred to cultivatedsoybean through the pollen tube channel and the genomic variation of the transformed progeny was detected bythe method of RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA).Distinguished variations were found in one of the 7 transformed plants of the first generation(D1),ofwhich the traits of fruition,outward appearance,leaf shape and flower colour were almost identical withthose of the recipient parent;of which grain weight,seed coat colour and stem strength were situated betweenthe two parents;and there were greatly more pods per plant and 12.5% higher content of protein in seedsthan that of the recipient parent.All the properties have been invariably inherited for 3 generations.Through RAPD analysis of the genomes of the donor,the recipient and the transformed progeny(D3)as agroup,DNA polyrnorphisms were found in amplified products by 24 of 150 primers.The results prove thatthe exogenous DNA caused the distinct variance of the genome.The authors infer that the homogeneousrecombination of large exogenous DNA is the main cause for the variance.

  19. Caracterización molecular de Colletotrichum gloeosporioides aislado de plantas de ñame de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana utilizando la técnica “DNA Amplification Fingerprinting (DAF”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Natalia Giraldo Marroquín


    Full Text Available La antracnosis en ñame, causada por el hongo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, es una enfermedad relevante que posee el potencial de destruir el 100% de la cosecha, convirtiéndose en la principal limitante fitosanitaria para el rendimiento del cultivo en el país. Esta es una situación preocupante considerando que aproximadamente 35.000 familias de pequeños y medianos agricultores de la Costa Atlántica Colombiana subsisten de este cultivo; es por esto que el objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar molecularmente 42 aislamientos del hongo procedentes de plantas de ñame con síntomas de la enfermedad, utilizando la técnica molecular “DNA Amplification Fingerprinting (DAF”, caracterizada por su resolución en la determinación de la variabilidad genética de diferentes organismos. Para la determinación de polimorfismos, se amplificaron 16 marcadores DAF implementando iniciadores tipo decámero, los cuales fueron visualizados por electroforesis en microchip con el equipo MCE-202 MultiNA. Se evaluó la reproducibilidad de la técnica DAF. La amplificación arrojó 391 bandas inequívocamente polimórficas en todas las muestras, el coeficiente de Dice identificó cinco grupos con 0.30% de similaridad y el índice de diversidad genética fue de 0.28; datos que reflejan un alto grado de variabilidad en la colección estudiada de C. gloeosporioides. Ésta puede deberse, al intercambio de germoplasma, a su condición heterotálica, a las mutaciones y al alto potencial de dispersión de las conidias que le permiten mantener la viabilidad bajo condiciones adversas. Por último, se encontró que DAF es una técnica reproducible, confirmando que es una metodología fiable para la caracterización molecular de hongos.

  20. Uma Abordagem de Monitoração de Tráfego de Rede utilizando Lógica Difusa


    Silveira, Enio Rovere; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina; Dantas, M. A.R.; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


    Neste artigo, apresentamos um trabalho de pesquisa de monitoração de tráfego de rede utilizando uma abordagem de lógica difusa. Nossa contribuição está focada na criação de um protótipo que pudesse ser avaliado em uma configuração real de produção de uma grande organização, utilizando-se de hardware e software existentes na empresa. Resultados experimentais obtidos através de estudos de casos reais no ambiente, indicam o sucesso da abordagem na melhoria da monitoração de tráfego da rede....