
Sample records for usando um website

  1. Interação Humano - Computador usando Visão Computacional

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    Bernardo Bucher B. Barbosa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho visa estudar maneiras de se explorar a Interação Humano Computador, usando Visão Computacional. A idéia tem como objetivo um esforço para tornar o computador mais interativo com o usuário, sem a necessidade da compra de um hardware ou acessório específico para tal. O produto final deste trabalho em desenvolvimento é um software que contempla esta funcionalidade, tornando o computador mais interativo.


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    Antonio Carlos Vilanova


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma avaliação metodológica para otimizar parâmetros em um conhecido modelo de propagação de ondas de rádio na troposfera. O modelo de propagação é baseado no Divisor de passos de Fourier para resolver equações parabólicas. Nossa abordagem utiliza algoritmo genético para determinar os valores dos parâmetros que maximize a intensidade de campo em uma determinada posição do observador. Usando algoritmo genético o tempo necessário na busca dos parâmetros ótimos é reduzido significativamente. A avaliação preliminar dos resultados através da simulação mostra que a nossa abordagem é promissora.

  3. Elaboração e avaliação de um website sobre o desenvolvimento da linguagem infantil: portal dos bebês - desenvolvimento da linguagem

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    Aline Martins


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: criar e desenvolver um website na área de fonoaudiologia com enfoque no desenvolvimento da linguagem de bebês de 0 a 48 meses, além de avaliar a qualidade do conteúdo apresentado e os recursos tecnológicos utilizados. MÉTODOS: na primeira fase do projeto foi realizado um levantamento de dados por meio de revisão de literatura sobre o desenvolvimento e aquisição da linguagem infantil. Em seguida esse conteúdo foi inserido no website e avaliado por 20 pais e/ou cuidadores. RESULTADO: o website Portal dos Bebês - Desenvolvimento da Linguagem foi desenvolvido com linguagem voltada a pais e/ou cuidadores, e seu conteúdo foi dividido em três temas: "Desenvolvimento da Linguagem", "Fala e Linguagem" e "Linguagem e o Ambiente". No que se refere à qualidade do conteúdo e da apresentação, o website foi avaliado como "excelente" por todos os participantes da amostra. Quanto à avaliação sobre o vocabulário utilizado e a forma de apresentação do conteúdo, 70% e 75% respectivamente, consideraram o website como "excelente". Em relação à apresentação visual, 85% dos participantes classificaram como "excelentes", já o tipo de navegação foi classificado como "satisfatório" por 50% dos participantes. Quanto à importância que os pais e/ou cuidadores julgam sobre o site a maioria classificou como "excelente" o auxilio que o mesmo dá no desenvolvimento da linguagem da criança. CONCLUSÃO: o website Portal dos Bebês - Desenvolvimento da Linguagem pode ser acessado pelo endereço online, e seu conteúdo e recursos tecnológicos utilizados foram avaliados como satisfatório a excelente pelos pais e/ou cuidadores participantes.


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    Hugo Andrés Ruiz


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta un método para resolver el problema de estimación de estado en sistemas eléctricos usando optimización combinatoria. Su objetivo es el estudio de mediciones con errores de difícil detección, que afectan el desempeño y calidad de los resultados cuando se emplea un estimador de estado clásico. Dada su complejidad matemática, se deducen indicadores de sensibilidad de la teoría de puntos de apalancamiento que se usan en el algoritmo de optimización de Chu-Beasley, con el fin de disminuir el esfuerzo computacional y mejorar la calidad de los resultados. El método propuesto se valida en un sistema IEEE de 30 nodos.Neste artigo apresenta-se um método para resolver o problema de estimativa de estado em sistemas elétricos usando otimização combinatória. Seu objetivo é o estudo de medidas com erros de difícil detecção, que afetam o desempenho e qualidade dos resultados quando se emprega um estimador de estado clássico. Dada sua complexidade matemática, deduzem-se indicadores de sensibilidade da teoria de pontos de alavancagem que se usam no algoritmo de otimização de Chu-Beasley, com o fim de diminuir o esforço computacional e melhorar a qualidade dos resultados. O método proposto se valida em um sistema IEEE de 30 nós.In this paper a method to solve the state estimation problem in electric systems applying combinatorial optimization is presented. Its objective is the study of measures with difficult detection errors, which affect the performance and quality of the results when a classic state estimator is used. Due to the mathematical complexity, sensibility indicators are deduced from the theory of leverage points used in the Chu-Beasley optimization algorithm with the purpose of reducing the computational effort and enhance the quality of the results. The proposed method is validated in a 30-node IEEE system.

  5. Monitorização de transplante cardíaco usando análises do eletrograma intracavitário

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    BROFMAN Paulo Roberto S.


    Full Text Available Uma série de registros do eletrograma intracavitário tem sido utilizada para monitorização não invasiva da rejeição em pacientes transplantados usando um marcapasso de dupla câmara e eletrodos endocavitários revestidos com estrutura fractal. Os sinais têm sido avaliados usando o sistema CHARM (Computerized Heart Acute Rejection Monitoring _ sistema computadorizado para monitorização da rejeição cardíaca aguda. Os relatórios obtidos com este sistema contêm curvas com parâmetros sensíveis à rejeição, que demonstram uma boa correlação com a clínica e os resultados das biópsias convencionais. A monitorização a longo prazo, usando estas análises, mostrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa no acompanhamento destes pacientes.

  6. Lesão brônquica e pneumotórax após reintubação usando um cateter para troca da via aérea

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    Juliano P. de Almeida


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Relatamos um caso de pneumotórax causado por perfuração brônquica durante uma reintubação usando um cateter para troca da via aérea (CTVA em um paciente com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 53 anos, com carcinoma de orofaringe, foi internado na UTI com pneumonia grave e síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda (SARA. O paciente foi identificado como sendo de difícil intubação e uma sonda endotraqueal (SET foi inserida através de um broncoscópio. Após uma semana de tratamento, observou-se ruptura do manguito endotraqueal. A troca da sonda endotraqueal foi necessária para obter uma ventilação pulmonar satisfatória. Um cateter para troca da via aérea (Cook, tamanho 14 foi usado para realizar a reintubação. Depois da reintubação, o paciente apresentou piora na saturação de oxigênio e uma radiografia revelou um grande pneumotórax. Um dreno torácico foi inserido e uma melhora imediata na saturação de oxigênio foi observada. A repetição da radiografia confirmou o posicionamento correto do dreno torácico e a reexpansão do pulmão direito. A broncoscopia realizada mostrou uma laceração posterior do brônquio principal direito. O paciente foi extubado no dia seguinte. Depois de quatro dias, o dreno torácico foi removido. A radiografia realizada um dia depois da retirada do dreno revelou um pequeno pneumotórax no lobo superior direito, mas o paciente permaneceu assintomático. CONCLUSÕES: O cateter para troca da via aérea é uma ferramenta valiosa para lidar com pacientes difíceis de intubar. Embora os médicos geralmente concentrem sua atenção em evitar um barotrauma causado pelo suplemento de oxigênio ou ventilação a jato através do CTVA, a preocupação com a técnica de inserção pode minimizar as complicações que ameaçam a vida e aumentar a segurança do CTVA.

  7. Quality assessment of the Website for Eating Disorders: a systematic review of a pending challenge Avaliação da qualidade do Website de Transtornos da Alimentação: uma revisão sistemática de um desafio pendente

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    Rocío Guardiola-Wanden-Berghe


    Full Text Available A Systematic review of articles from peer-reviewed journals was conducted, studying the complete texts in all cases. The key words selected were: "Eating Disorders" and "Internet." Descriptive analysis was performed on the variables selected, and Fisher's Exact test was used to analyze the presence of a linear relationship between qualitative variables. Of the 7 studies reviewed, 5 (71.42% focused on content criteria and 2 (28.57% examined both documentary and content criteria. Documentary quality was evaluated using two assessment instruments developed by two of the authors, comprising a set of 20 different variables, 5 of which were common to both studies (25% observed percentage agreement. Fisher's Exact test revealed significant differences between the two questionnaires (p = 0.049. Studies assessing Website content used 30 different topics to classify the subject matter, of which 6 were common to 2 studies. Although generic instruments for assessing the quality of Websites devoted to eating disorders were found, no validated questionnaire was found. This research did not locate any checklist or simple tool which could be used by consumers of health information available on the Web.Revisão sistemática de artigos provenientes de periódicos com revisão por pares, estudando os textos completos em todos os casos. Os Descritores selecionados foram:"Transtornos Alimentares" e "Internet". A análise descritiva foi realizada para as variáveis selecionadas, e o teste exato de Fischer foi usado para analisar a presença de uma relação linear entre variáveis qualitativas. Dos 7 estudos revistos, 5 (71.42% enfocaram critérios de conteúdo e 2 (28.57% examinaram tanto critérios documentais e de conteúdo. A qualidade documental foi estudada usando-se dois instrumentos de avaliação desenvolvidos por dois dos autores, compreendendo um conjunto de 20 variáveis diferentes, 5 das quais eram comuns a ambos estudos (25% de percentagem de concord

  8. Um esquema de autorização para a segurança em sistemas distribuídos de larga escala


    Westphall, Carla Merkle


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2000. A especificação e o gerenciamento de políticas de autorização em sistemas que usam objetos distribuídos de larga escala representa um desafio para o estabelecimento de ambientes seguros. Esta tese propõe um Esquema de Autorização para sistemas distribuídos usando abstrações do modelo CORBA de segurança integrado aos suportes de segurança das plataformas Java e Web. Este esquema de autorização, construído usando...

  9. Desenvolvimento e aplicação de modelo descritivo-normativo para análise de websites Development and application of a descriptive/ normative framework for website analysis

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    Stephania Padovani


    Full Text Available Este estudo tem como objetivo desenvolver um modelo descritivo-normativo para análise de websites. Inicialmente, explicamos no que consiste a análise de similares, quais os objetivos e benefícios desse estágio no processo de design. Em seguida, descrevemos alguns modelos descritivos e normativos voltados à análise de sistemas de informação e representações gráficas, encontrados na literatura das áreas de design da informação e ergonomia. Por fim, apresentamos uma proposta de modelo descritivo-normativo a ser utilizado na fase de análise de similares em projetos de websites, exemplificando sua aplicação em um website do gênero informativo.In this study, we propose a descriptive and normative framework for website analysis. To begin with, we explain competitor analysis, outlining the aims and benefits of this stage within the design process. After that, we describe a range of descriptive and normative frameworks aimed at analyzing information systems and graphic representations found in Ergonomics and Information Design literature. Finally, we propose a new descriptive and normative framework to be used during the competitor analysis phase in website design, illustrating its application with an informative website.

  10. Implementação de um sistema SIP para o sistema operacional Linux


    Davison Gonzaga da Silva


    Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta a implementação de um Sistema de VoIP usando o Protocolo SIP. Este Sistema SIP foi desenvolvido para o Linux, usando-se a linguagem C++ em conjunto com a biblioteca QT. O Sistema SIP é composto de três entidades básicas: o Terminal SIP, o Proxy e o Servidor de Registros. O Terminal SIP é a entidade responsável por estabelecer sessões SIP com outros Terminais SIP. Para o Terminal SIP, foi desenvolvida uma biblioteca de acesso à placa de áudio, que permite a modi...


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    Serje Schmidt


    Full Text Available Após a utilização da Internet para fins comerciais, a indústria turística mudou a sua estrutura. Intermediários estão perdendo espaço e hotéis estão contatando os clientes diretamente. Na Ilha de Mallorca, Espanha, um dos principais destinos turísticos internacionais, gerenciar os websites dos hotéis se tornou função essencial com essas mudanças. Este artigo objetiva medir a presença na Internet e o nível de desenvolvimento dos sites de Internet dessa região. Para esse propósito, 284 hotéis foram analisados e o nível de desenvolvimento de seus sites verificados por meio de um instrumento construído com base na literatura relativa ao tema. Os resultados sugerem que os sites ainda traduzem o conceito de mídia de massa, na medida em que a interatividade e os processos internos necessários para manter o site “vivo” necessitam ser revistos. Palavras-chave: Marketing Internet; Indústria hoteleira; Turismo; Website.



    Ricarte Tavares; Rodolpho Ornitz Oliveira Souza; Alayne de Oliveira Correia


    Atualmente, as novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação estão proporcionando diferentes formas de expressão para a população mundial, em particular para os jovens. Contudo, é necessário que façamos da tecnologia uma aliada a favor da humanidade, usando principalmente como processo de ensino-aprendizagem nas escolas. Neste contexto, a TIC funciona como um recurso na inserção de um novo método de ensino, despertando no aluno o interesse dos assuntos abordados, muitas vezes em sala de aula....


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    Kauan Cristiano De Souza


    Full Text Available Atualmente o mercado de Sistemas de Desenho auxiliado por Computador (CAD, sofre extrema carência de processos automatizados de reconhecimento de fala. O surgimento de tecnologias de automação facilita no desenvolvimento de aplicações capazes de auxiliar nestes processos. Baseando-se nestas afirmações construiu-se um modelo utilizando tecnologias capazes de transformar fala em sinais digitais, sendo possível a interpretação por sofisticados computadores. Observando ausência de tais ferramentas, o presente trabalho busca uma proposta capaz de acrescentar mecanismos os quais possibilitem a criação de modelos tridimensionais usando tecnologias como servidores HTTP, dispositivos moveis, linguagens de programação Java e PHP, Computação Gráfica e linguagem de interpretação por blocos. Os resultados obtidos na confecção do presente trabalho corroboram com as necessidades atuais representadas na sociedade propondo sustentabilidade, acessibilidade, portabilidade e facilidade de comunicação.

  14. Um estudo da viabilidade de pequenos aerogeradores na produção de energia elétrica


    Martins de Melo, Gilberto


    Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um aplicativo e discute ambos os resultados econômicos e técnicos obtidos com um procedimento chamado PEL - perfil de energia local. Esta ferramenta é a elaboração de metodologia alternativa para a estimativa de energia elétrica obtida a partir de energia eólica disponível usando turbinas de pequeno eixo horizontal. Os dados necessários para este procedimento são registrados como série simultânea anual da temperatura de ar e velocidade ...

  15. Podem os Websites Revelar a Cultura de um País? Um Estudo Multicultural nas maiores Empresas de Brasil, China e FrançaCan the Websites Reveal the Culture of a Country? A Multicultural Study in major Companies in Brazil, China and France¿Los Websites Revelan la Cultura de un País? Un Estudio Multicultural en la mayores Empresas de Brasil, China y Francia

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    LUCIAN, Rafael


    Full Text Available RESUMOO ambiente de negócios vem sendo mudado significativamente em função do crescimento acelerado de novas tecnologias, como a Internet. Como resultado dessa tecnologia, os mercados tornam-se mais globais, o que resulta na mudança da realidade competitiva das empresas. Este estudo tem o objetivo de verificar se os websites das empresas de Brasil, China e França refletem a cultura local. O método utilizado tem um caráter exploratório-descritivo. A primeira etapa objetivou identificar os principais atributos utilizados pelos websites investigados através de uma desk research e da observação sistemática. A segunda etapa descritiva utilizou métodos quantitativos (correlação de Spearman e análise cluster como forma de atingir o objetivo desta pesquisa. A conclusão indica que os websites corporativos analisados retratam a cultura local. Esse achado revela que ainda não há uma cultura global on-line entre as maiores empresas de Brasil, China e França.ABSTRACTThe business environment is changing significantly in last years. New technologies, as the Internet, are the reason of these changes. As result of this new technology, the markets become more global. This study has the objective to verify if the corporate websites of Brazil, China and France reflect the local culture. The used method has an exploratory-descriptive character. The first stage has the objective to identify the main attributes used in the investigated websites through a desk research and a systematic observation. The second stage (descriptive used the quantitative methods (Spearman correlation and cluster analysis to reach the objective of this research. Conclusions indicate that the analyzed corporative websites portray the local culture. This finding discloses that there is not an on-line global culture between the corporations of Brazil, China and France.RESUMENEl entorno empresarial está cambiando significativamente en los últimos años. Las nuevas tecnolog

  16. Trust in prescription drug brand websites: website trust cues, attitude toward the website, and behavioral intentions. (United States)

    Huh, Jisu; Shin, Wonsun


    Direct-to-consumer (DTC) prescription drug brand websites, as a form of DTC advertising, are receiving increasing attention due to the growing number and importance as an ad and a consumer information source. This study examined consumer trust in a DTC website as an important factor influencing consumers' attitude toward the website and behavioral intention. Applying the conceptual framework of website trust, the particular focus of investigation was the effect of the website trust cue factor on consumers' perceived DTC website trust and subsequent attitudinal and behavioral responses. Results show a significant relation between the website trust cue factor and consumers' perceived DTC website trust. Perceived DTC website trust, in turn, was found to be significantly associated with consumers' attitude toward the DTC website and behavioral intention.

  17. The Archived Website and Website Philology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brügger, Niels


    characterizing the archiving of other types of traces of human activity, including other media types. The primary problem is that the actual act of finding, collecting and preserving changes the website that was on the live web in a number of ways, thus creating a unique version of it and not simply a copy......Website history can be considered an emerging discipline at the intersection between media history and Internet history. In this discipline, the individual website is regarded as the unifying entity of the historical analysis rather than the Internet or the Web. Writing the history of a website...

  18. Leverage Website Favicon to Detect Phishing Websites

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    Kang Leng Chiew


    Full Text Available Phishing attack is a cybercrime that can lead to severe financial losses for Internet users and entrepreneurs. Typically, phishers are fond of using fuzzy techniques during the creation of a website. They confuse the victim by imitating the appearance and content of a legitimate website. In addition, many websites are vulnerable to phishing attacks, including financial institutions, social networks, e-commerce, and airline websites. This paper is an extension of our previous work that leverages the favicon with Google image search to reveal the identity of a website. Our identity retrieval technique involves an effective mathematical model that can be used to assist in retrieving the right identity from the many entries of the search results. In this paper, we introduced an enhanced version of the favicon-based phishing attack detection with the introduction of the Domain Name Amplification feature and incorporation of addition features. Additional features are very useful when the website being examined does not have a favicon. We have collected a total of 5,000 phishing websites from PhishTank and 5,000 legitimate websites from Alexa to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. From the experimental results, we achieved a 96.93% true positive rate with only a 4.13% false positive rate.

  19. Leverage Website Favicon to Detect Phishing Websites


    Kang Leng Chiew; Jeffrey Soon-Fatt Choo; San Nah Sze; Kelvin S. C. Yong


    Phishing attack is a cybercrime that can lead to severe financial losses for Internet users and entrepreneurs. Typically, phishers are fond of using fuzzy techniques during the creation of a website. They confuse the victim by imitating the appearance and content of a legitimate website. In addition, many websites are vulnerable to phishing attacks, including financial institutions, social networks, e-commerce, and airline websites. This paper is an extension of our previous work that leverag...

  20. Criptosporidiose em paciente com espondilite anquilosante usando adalimumabe Cryptosporidiosis in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis treated with adalimumab

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    Fernando Augusto Chiuchetta


    Full Text Available A criptosporidiose é uma doença parasitária causada pelo protozoário Cryptosporidium sp. Observou-se um aumento no número de diagnósticos realizados nos últimos vinte anos, principalmente em pacientes que apresentam imunodeficiências como a síndrome da imunodeficiência humana adquirida e as imunodeficiências induzidas como em pacientes transplantados e nos que necessitam realizar hemodiálise frequentemente. Relata-se o caso de um jovem com espondilite anquilosante que, usando adalimumabe, apresentou diarreia devido à criptosporidiose.Cryptosporidiosis is a parasitic disease caused by a protozoan called Cryptosporidium sp. An increased number of diagnoses were made in the last 20 years, especially in patients with immunodeficiency like the acquired human immunodeficiency syndrome and induced immunodeficiency, such as in transplant patients and those who need frequent hemodialysis, has been observed. We report the case of a young patient with ankylosing spondylitis treated with adalimumab who developed chronic diarrhea secondary to cryptosporidiosis

  1. As terapias de imagens mentais como recurso terapêutico complementar na tireoidite de Hashimoto: um estudo bibliográfico


    Hilel, Alexandre Santana


    Esta pesquisa enfoca um estudo bibliográfico das Terapias de Imagens Mentais como uma proposta terapêutica para abordagem da Tireoidite de Hashimoto. Teve sua origem através da observação empírica de resultados da atuação clinica do pesquisador, usando-se a imaginação dirigida na diminuição da contagem laboratorial de auto-anticorpos presentes na tireoidite. O presente trabalho é organizado em um capítulo de apresentação da Tireoidite de Hashimoto em seus aspectos prevalência, ...


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    John Michael Espinosa Durán

    Full Text Available Este artículo describe el diseño de un microsistema programable para el procesamiento de efectos de audio digital implementado en un FPGA. El microsistema es diseñado usando un procesador de propósito específico y reconfigurable, un banco de RAMs y una interfaz gráfica de usuario basada en una pantalla táctil LCD. El procesador es diseñado usando 15 efectos de audio basados en retardos y procesamiento en el dominio dinámico y de la frecuencia. Los efectos son diseñados usando Megafunciones y el compilador FIR de Quartus II, son simulados en Simulink5 usando DSP Builder6, y son configurados utilizando una interfaz gráfica de usuario. El microsistema programable es implementado en el sistema de desarrollo DE2-70, y su funcionamiento es verificado usando un reproductor MP3 y un parlante. Adicionalmente, el microsistema permite la generación de efectos con alta fidelidad usando una tasa de muestreo máxima de 195.62 MSPS, y puede ser embebido en un SoC.


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    Ricardo André Hornburg


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Uma das grandes dificuldades que se tem na avaliação em massa de imóveis é encontrar um modelo que mostre a realidade do mercado de imóveis para que se possa construir uma Planta de Valores Genéricos (PVG, usada como base para a cobrança do Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano (IPTU. Este artigo apresenta um método que combina o uso da econometria espacial com a geoestatística bayesiana visando estimar o valor dos imóveis levando em consideração as interações espaciais devidas às características da localização. Os métodos da regressão espacial e da krigagem bayesiana são usados com esta finalidade. A técnica da regressão espacial possibilita a modelagem da dependência espacial. A técnica da krigagem bayesiana permite estimar valores de variáveis espacialmente distribuídas a partir de valores adjacentes considerados como interdependentes. Dessa maneira, a krigagem é considerada um método de médias móveis. O semivariograma é a ferramenta básica de suporte às técnicas de krigagem, permitindo representar quantitativamente a variação de um fenômeno regionalizado no espaço. Uma aplicação do método proposto é realizada no bairro Centro da cidade de Balneário Camboriú (SC, usando-se uma amostra de dados de mercado para a avaliação em massa de imóveis do tipo apartamento. Destaca-se como contribuição do método apresentado uma possibilidade de melhora na determinação do valor justo dos imóveis numa avaliação em massa, amparando assim a equidade e consequente justiça fiscal quando aplicados pelos municípios. ABSTRACT: One of the greatest difficulties in bulk value appraisal of buildings is to find a model that shows the reality of the real estate market so you can build a Standard Ground Value (SGV, used as a basis for the collection of Land and Territorial Tax Urban (Land Tax. This paper presents a method that combines the use of spatial econometrics with Bayesian geostatistics in order to

  4. Efeito de instruções usando DVD-ROM no desempenho técnico de massoterapia miofascial e sua retenção


    Luiz Francisco Cachoni


    Contextualização: Existem poucas investigações sobre recursos didáticos modernos para o ensino de habilidades técnicas de massoterapia. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de instruções usando filme no formato DVD associado ao ensino tradicional (aula expositiva com demonstração do instrutor em um voluntário), no aprendizado e na retenção de massagem miofascial (MM). Método: Estudo retrospectivo e duplo cego. Uma fisioterapeuta experiente que atuou como professora (cega ao objetivo do estudo) e 60 fis...

  5. Aplicação de um framework orientado a objetos para escalonamento de tarefas no ambiente ExPSEE

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    Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a aplicação de um framework orientado a objetos para escalonamento de tarefas no ambiente ExPSEE. ExPSEE é um ambiente experimental de engenharia de software orientado a processos, no entanto, o framework também pode ser utilizado em outros domínios tais como sistemas de gerenciamento de workflow e sistemas de gerenciamento de projetos. O framework foi concebido com base em métodos atuais para desenvolvimento de frameworks e em um padrão existente para gerenciadores de processos. Um protótipo do framework foi desenvolvido usando a linguagem Java. O trabalho desenvolvido mostra a experiência de extração de um framework a partir de aplicações conhecidas e que pode ser reutilizado em domínios de aplicação prática. Assim, o presente trabalho contribui tanto na produção de um framework quanto na geração de conhecimento sobre a aplicação de técnicas inovadoras de desenvolvimento de frameworks

  6. Website Optimization

    CERN Document Server

    King, Andrew


    Remember when an optimized website was one that merely didn't take all day to appear? Times have changed. Today, website optimization can spell the difference between enterprise success and failure, and it takes a lot more know-how to achieve success. This book is a comprehensive guide to the tips, techniques, secrets, standards, and methods of website optimization. From increasing site traffic to maximizing leads, from revving up responsiveness to increasing navigability, from prospect retention to closing more sales, the world of 21st century website optimization is explored, exemplified a

  7. Um objeto-modelo didático do movimento aparente do Sol em relação ao fundo de estrelas

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    Francisco Catelli


    “Por que o Sol nunca passa pela constelação de Órion?” A resposta a essa pergunta, feita por um aluno, inicia com uma revisão da literatura sobre modelos, em especial aqueles relacionados aos objetos-modelo didáticos. A pergunta é respondida, então, inicialmente, usando um mapa do céu, o qual é, em seguida, transformado em um cilindro, e este, por sua vez, é montado em um dispositivo didático de modo a materializar o movimento aparente da abóbada celeste, em uma latitude escolhida, constituindo-se, assim, em um verdadeiro “mini planetário”. Contudo, para chegar a um nível de resposta que inclua conceitos como o da vertical do lugar, a invariância da orientação do eixo de rotação da Terra, o equador celeste e a eclíptica, fazem-se necessários outros modelos. Por fim, conclui-se que não é apenas um, mas sim um conjunto articulado de modelos que pode levar a uma resposta aceitável à questão proposta.

  8. Extração do óleo de manjericão usando fluido supercrítico: analise experimental e matemática

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    Nídia Alves de Barros


    Full Text Available O óleo essencial de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L. é valorizado no mercado internacional e amplamente usado nas indústrias de condimentos, cosméticos e medicinais. Entre todos os processos que podem ser aplicados na obtenção do óleo, a extração usando fluido supercrítico (EFS pode ser um método seletivo e eficiente, dependendo das condições operacionais, como temperatura e pressão, que precisam ser otimizadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a eficiência da extração supercrítica, utilizando planejamento experimental, na extração do óleo de manjericão com os métodos convencionais (hidrodestilação e soxhlet. Para a realização da parte experimental, foi utilizado dióxido de carbono como solvente para a EFS e hexano, para aplicação no soxhlet. Foi realizado um delineamento central composto rotacional (DCCR, aplicando três pressões (100, 200 e 300 bar e três temperaturas (30, 40 e 50ºC. Através da hidrodestilação, obteve-se o menor rendimento (0,26%, usando o Soxhlet, o rendimento foi de 2,39% sendo superior, comparado á EFS, que foi de 0,43%. O DCCR mostrou que, para otimizar o processo, é necessário aumentar a pressão e a temperatura para o alcance de maiores rendimentos. Foi possível constatar que o modelo matemático representou bem o processo de extração, propiciando o "scale-up" deste.

  9. Datalogger usando nios ii


    Campoverde Rugel, Luis Enrique; Velásquez Vargas, Washington Adrián; Ponguillo, Ronald


    El presente proyecto consiste en la implementación de un Datalogger utilizando el microprocesador NIOS II el cual fue embebido en el FPGA CYCLONE II que se encuentra integrada en la tarjeta de desarrollo ALTERA DE2, el cual obtiene datos de distintos sensores y los almacena en una tarjeta SD Card. Para la realización del proyecto se aplican cuatro etapas. La primera etapa está basada en obtener los datos mediante el uso de sensores y la transmisión usando un PIC, la siguiente etapa se basa...

  10. Website history and the website as an object of study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brügger, Niels


    This article puts on the agenda one of the fundamental theoretical questions within the emerging field of website history: how can the object of historical study — the website — be delimited? Its focus is on the 'website' artefact as a medium and a text. After elaborating a definition...

  11. A contabilidade e o hipertexto: um estudo sobre o uso de websites como meio de disseminação científica contábil por instituições de ensino superior brasileiras Accounting and hypertext: a study on the websites use as a means of disseminating scientific accounting by Brazilian Postsecondary Education Institutions

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    José Renato Sena Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este estudo buscou investigar como as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES brasileiras utilizam os Websites institucionais para disseminar a produção acadêmico-científica da área contábil. Foi realizado um estudo com IES que oferecem o curso de graduação em Ciências Contábeis e que se submeteram ao Exame Nacional de Cursos (ENC 2003. O universo de pesquisa compreendeu 461 cursos que se submeteram ao ENC. A amostra foi composta pelos cursos que obtiveram conceitos A, B ou C (médios ou superiores à média no referido exame, totalizando 303 cursos. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo empírico-exploratório. Foram efetuados 5.711 registros referentes à produção científica. Concluiu-se que a maneira como as IES pesquisadas utilizam os Websites pode ser considerada tímida, uma vez que um elevado número de Instituições não utiliza os sites como meio de disseminação do conhecimento e as evidências apresentaram forte concentração sob os diversos parâmetros analisados: região geográfica, unidade federativa e conceito no ENC 2003.The present study investigated how the institutional Websites are being used by the Brazilian schools (heretofore "IES" for disseminating accounting academic-scientific knowledge. A research was carried out with those IESs, which offer the undergraduate program in Accounting and were submitted to the National Exam of Educational Programs (ENC 2003, coordinated by the Ministry of Education. The total research - includes 461 programs in Accounting offered in Brazil that were submitted to the ENC. The sample was composed of the 303 programs graded A, B or C (medium or superior to the average in the above mentioned Exam. The methodology used was an empiric-exploratory study. - There were 5.711 entries referring to scientific knowledge. The use of Websites by the analyzed IESs can be considered incipient given the high number of institutions that - do not have sites as a way of disseminating - knowledge

  12. Influência de fatores ambientais sobre o desempenho de um sistema de bombeamento fotovoltaico: um estudo de caso

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    José Airton Azevedo Santos


    Full Text Available A energia elétrica é uma das formas de energia mais utilizadas no mundo. Ela é gerada, principalmente, nas usinas hidrelétricas, usando o potencial energético da água. A instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos tem se tornado uma fonte alternativa de fornecimento de energia elétrica em locais distantes da rede elétrica. Entretanto, esses painéis, apresentam-se sujeitos a fatores ambientais como variações de intensidade solar e temperatura ambiente, que alteram os seus desempenhos. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o desempenho, em função da variação de temperatura e irradiação solar, de um sistema fotovoltaico de bombeamento de água na cidade de Medianeira, Região Oeste Paranaense.

  13. Lei da gravitação universal e os satélites: uma abordagem histórico-temática usando multimídia

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    Elvis Vilela Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Examina-se, neste artigo, o desenvolvimento de aulas de Física em que, usando-se uma multimídia, a Lei da Gravitação Universal é abordada de forma contextualizada a partir da História da Ciência e de um tema atual (os satélites. O objetivo foi examinar como estudantes de Ensino Médio aceitam e se envolvem nesse estudo. Usando uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, a multimídia apresenta o que são e como funcionam os satélites artificiais, trazendo uma narrativa histórica desde as ideias de movimento do sistema planetário de Ptolomeu até as de Isaac Newton sobre o movimento dos corpos, culminando na Lei da Gravitação Universal. Entrevistas, observações de sala de aula e documentos produzidos pelos estudantes mostram que as imagens, os filmes e os textos contidos na multimídia enriquecem, de modo significativo, o conteúdo, facilitando o entendimento de conceitos da Física. A contextualização histórico-temática, por sua vez, produz maior envolvimento dos alunos no estudo da Física.

  14. Terapia baseada em realidade virtual usando o leap motion controller para reabilitação do membro superior após acidente vascular cerebral = Virtual reality therapy using the leap motion controller for post-stroke upper limb rehabilitation Virtual reality therapy using the Leap Motion Controller for post-stroke upper limb rehabilitation

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    Soares, Nayron Medeiros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a aplicabilidade de um sensor de movimento, baseado em realidade virtual, para promover a reabilitação do membro superior após um acidente vascular cerebral. RELATO DOS CASOS: Três pacientes após acidente vascular cerebral realizaram um treino para reabilitação do membro superior com realidade virtual usando a tecnologia Leap Motion Controller e o jogo Playground 3D®, durante três dias consecutivos. No primeiro e no terceiro dia, foram avaliados com os testes Caixa e Blocos, Coordenação Óculo-Manual de Melo e Estimulação Magnética Transcraniana. No último dia, foram aplicadas Fichas de Avaliação da Experiência do paciente. Após o treinamento proposto, observou-se diminuição do limiar motor em ambos os hemisférios cerebrais e melhores desempenhos nos testes que avaliaram a habilidade manual e óculo-manual. A terapia proposta foi bem recebida pelos pacientes testados. CONCLUSÕES: Não foram observados efeitos adversos e os resultados mostram-se promissores e precisos no treinamento realizado com realidade virtual usando a tecnologia Leap Motion Controller e o jogo Playground 3D®. O treinamento proporcionou uma participação ativa dos pacientes na reabilitação das sequelas de extremidade superior após um acidente vascular cerebral

  15. Pengujian Dan Analisa Keamanan Website Terhadap Serangan SQL Injection (Studi Kasus : Website UMK)


    Dahlan, Mohammad; Latubessy, Anastasya; Nurkamid, Mukhamad; Anggraini, Laelly Hidayah


    Keamanan merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam membangun sebuah website. Hal tersebut menjadi sebuah tantangan tersendiri bagi para pengembang website, karena tidak ada jaminan yang pasti akan defenisi aman? itu sendiri. Tidak ada sistem yang benar-benar aman, bukanlah sebuah pernyataan semata, namun telah dirasakan dalam realitas. Website UMK merupakan website yang digunakan sebagai media dan sarana informasi kampus. Mengingat website ini dapat diakses secara luas...

  16. Research on website construction based on website group platform of Chengdu sport institution (United States)

    Hu, Zunyu


    This paper describes the necessity of website construction based on the website group of Chengdu sport institute, and discusses the technical features of the website group, Based on the website group platform architecture, the key technologies such as Web Service, AJAX, RSS and other key technologies are used to realize the construction of the website. Based on the website group platform architecture of the site, it effectively solves the information isolated island between the sites, and realizes the information sharing and resource integration. It is also more convenient that site and other sites have composed of site group integrated operation and maintenance.

  17. Análise de decisão Multicritério: um caso empregando o Macbeth

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    André Andrade Longaray


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo descrever o emprego da metodologia MCDA-Construtivista no processo de apoio à decisão para auxiliar um decisor na compra de um imóvel para sua família. Para tanto, após a contextualização do cenário decisório, é demonstrada a forma pela qual foram determinadas as funções de valor para os critérios e subcritérios do modelo, por meio de julgamento semântico, usando o software MACBETH. As taxas de substituição do modelo, bem como a fórmula de agregação aditiva global, também são delineadas. Por fim, é feita a análise de sensibilidade de três alternativas de imóveis.

  18. Internet food marketing on popular children's websites and food product websites in Australia. (United States)

    Kelly, Bridget; Bochynska, Katarzyna; Kornman, Kelly; Chapman, Kathy


    The aim of the present study was to describe the nature and extent of food marketing on popular children's websites and food product websites in Australia. Food product websites (n 119) and popular children's websites (n 196) were selected based on website traffic data and previous research on frequently marketed food brands. Coding instruments were developed to capture food marketing techniques. All references to food on popular children's websites were also classified as either branded or non-branded and according to food categories. Websites contained a range of marketing features. On food product websites these marketing features included branded education (79.0% of websites), competitions (33.6%), promotional characters (35.3%), downloadable items (35.3%), branded games (28.6%) and designated children's sections (21.8%). Food references on popular children's websites were strongly skewed towards unhealthy foods (60.8% v. 39.2% healthy food references; Pfood references for unhealthy foods. Branded food references displayed similar marketing features to those identified on food product websites. Internet food marketing uses a range of techniques to ensure that children are immersed in brand-related information and activities for extended periods, thereby increasing brand familiarity and exposure. The relatively unregulated marketing environment and increasing use of the Internet by children point to the potential increase in food marketing via this medium. Further research is required to investigate the impact of Internet food marketing on children's food preferences and consumption, and regulatory options to protect children.

  19. Pirólise catalítica do PEBD usando como catalisador a vermiculita modificada

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    Franciel Aureliano Bezerra


    Full Text Available Resumo O polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD é um dos polímeros mais usados atualmente, e a grande quantidade desse polímero produzida resulta em toneladas de resíduos, que necessitam ser tratados. Neste trabalho foi realizada a pirólise termocatalítica do PEBD usando como catalisador a argila vermiculita modificada, como alternativa para o tratamento dos resíduos. A argila foi tratada com solução de ácido nítrico a diferentes concentrações e calcinada a 400 °C. Os materiais foram caracterizados por técnicas de difratometria de raios X, termogravimetria, adsorção de nitrogênio e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva. A pirólise térmica e termocatalítica foi realizada em um micro reator acoplado com GC/MS, a 500 °C. O intuito da pirólise de resíduos poliméricos é a obtenção de hidrocarbonetos leves (C<16, que possam ser empregados na indústria química e petroquímica, através de quebras na cadeia polimérica. Os resultados foram satisfatórios, com aumento no rendimento para hidrocarbonetos leves ao empregar os catalisadores chegando a 71,4% de produtos com C<16, enquanto a pirólise térmica resultou apenas de 25,8%.

  20. WordPress Website Development


    Lassila, Joonas


    The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to develop a WordPress mobile-first style website for the customer, Pohjois-Suomen Pesis. The main purpose of the development was to learn website designing principles and create a responsive website for the mobile and desktop platforms. The development process began defining the requirements of the website and creating the requirements document. Then next step was learning how to design a website layout and to choose the colour scheme for the site. T...

  1. Reconocimiento de Huellas Dactilares Usando Características Locales

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    Gualberto Aguilar


    Full Text Available El reconocimiento de huellas dactilares es uno de los métodos más populares usados con mayor grado de éxito para la identificación de personas. La huella dactilar tiene características únicas llamadas minucias, las cuales son puntos donde los bordes terminan o se dividen. Los sistemas de identificación que usan patrones biométricos de huella dactilar se denominan AFIS (Sistema de Identificación Automático de Huella Dactilar. En este trabajo se realizó un sistema para reconocimiento de huella dactilar usando combinación de Transformada Rápida de Fourier (FFT con Filtros de Gabor para aclarar la imagen y después un novedoso método para el reconocimiento usando características locales.

  2. Archiving Websites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brügger, Niels

    This book treats the micro archiving of websites, i.e. archiving by researchers, students or others without special technical knowledge who, using a standard computer, wish to save a website for further study. The phenomenon is discussed from the standpoint that Internet research must be able...

  3. WEB USABILITY OF PUBLIC ORGANIZATION WEBSITES: The Case of Indonesian Ministry Websites

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    Ali Rokhman


    Full Text Available As a consequence of the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT, nowadays almost all governments around the world, included Indonesian government have official websites to provide information and services for their citizen. In the second period of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration has thirty two ministries and each ministries have an official website. However implementation of the ministry websites have not been measured yet on usability aspect. The objective of this research is to examine the usability of ministry websites of Indonesian Government. Eleven websites was taken as sample in this study. Respondents are 128 Internet users who have competency for assessing web usability. Usability of websites were measured by several indicators were adapted from E-Government Toolkit for Developing Countries that was prepared by the National Informatics Centre and UNESCO. The main indicators consist of navigation architecture, layout design, and content.

  4. Reconocimiento de Gestos usando Cámaras de Profundidad




    El proyecto pretende detectar un repertorio de gestos a partir de nubes de puntos 3D obtenidas con cámaras de profundidad tipo Kinect. Jhonson García, FA. (2017). Reconocimiento de Gestos usando Cámaras de Profundidad. TFGM

  5. Impact of Perceived Website Service Quality on Customer E-Loyalty on a Lodging Website (United States)

    Jeon, Myunghee


    Customer loyalty on websites, "e-loyalty", is reflected on customer behavior, regardless of online or offline business. Specifically, it is believed that customer loyalty on a website is strongly associated with website service quality. This study rigorously reviewed previously reported research in the website service quality dimensions and…

  6. Identificación de sistemas no lineales usando series Volterra – Laguerre


    Medina Ramos, Carlos Celestino; Medina Ramos, Carlos Celestino


    Este trabajo de Tesis está enfocado en la identificación de sistemas no lineales de modelo dinámico no conocido, adicionalmente y en base a los resultados obtenidos, se propone la aplicación del sistema de Control Predictivo no Lineal Basado en Modelos, NMPC, usando el algoritmo de la Matriz Dinámica de Control no Lineal, NDMC. El primer objetivo de este trabajo consiste en implementar una metodología para la identificación de sistemas no lineales usando series de Volterra truncadas; proye...

  7. Pro website development and operations streamlining DevOps for large-scale websites

    CERN Document Server

    Sacks, Matthew


    Pro Website Development and Operations gives you the experience you need to create and operate a large-scale production website. Large-scale websites have their own unique set of problems regarding their design-problems that can get worse when agile methodologies are adopted for rapid results. Managing large-scale websites, deploying applications, and ensuring they are performing well often requires a full scale team involving the development and operations sides of the company-two departments that don't always see eye to eye. When departments struggle with each other, it adds unnecessary comp

  8. Tipos, organização e visibilidade de informações em páginas iniciais de websites de universidades brasileiras / Types, organization, and visibility of information of brasilian universities website

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    Lígia Dias de Freitas


    Full Text Available Apresenta pesquisa realizada com o objetivo de investigar a relação entre o tipo de informação disponibilizada nas páginas iniciais de websites de universidades brasileiras e a forma como ela está organizada, especificamente: verificar a visibilidade dada a cada tipo de informação por meio da área utilizada nas páginas iniciais dos websites das universidades escolhidas; identificar a visão das universidades em relação a seus websites; e relacionar tipos de informação disponibilizadas e tipos de organização nas páginas iniciais dos websites das universidades. Para isto, o artigo discorre sobre Arquitetura de Informação, a presença das universidades na web e o papel de suas páginas iniciais. A motivação da pesquisa baseia-se na identificação de um padrão para as informações organizadas nos websites de universidades, visto que estes agregam conteúdo para diferentes públicos-alvo. As universidades escolhidas como objeto de pesquisa foram as dez primeiras brasileiras no Webometrics Ranking of World Universities, de julho de 2010. A metodologia consiste em analisar as capturas de telas das páginas iniciais e as respostas a três questões abertas feitas aos setores de comunicação das universidades. Os resultados mostram que o tipo de informação mais freqüente é o Administrativo e institucional e a organização predominante é por Assunto. Acredita-se que o método de análise aqui proposto é útil para o estudo de websites e pode ser aplicado a diferentes tipos de instituições.

  9. Information Classification on University Websites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nawaz, Ather; Clemmensen, Torkil; Hertzum, Morten


    Websites are increasingly used as a medium for providing information to university students. The quality of a university website depends on how well the students’ information classification fits with the structure of the information on the website. This paper investigates the information classifi......Websites are increasingly used as a medium for providing information to university students. The quality of a university website depends on how well the students’ information classification fits with the structure of the information on the website. This paper investigates the information...... classification of 14 Danish and 14 Pakistani students and compares it with the information classification of their university website. Brainstorming, card sorting, and task exploration activities were used to discover similarities and differences in the participating students’ classification of website...... information and their ability to navigate the websites. The results of the study indicate group differences in user classification and related taskperformance differences. The main implications of the study are that (a) the edit distance appears a useful measure in cross-country HCI research and practice...

  10. Information Classification on University Websites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nawaz, Ather; Clemmensen, Torkil; Hertzum, Morten


    Websites are increasingly used as a medium for providing information to university students. The quality of a university website depends on how well the students’ information classification fits with the structure of the information on the website. This paper investigates the information classifi......Websites are increasingly used as a medium for providing information to university students. The quality of a university website depends on how well the students’ information classification fits with the structure of the information on the website. This paper investigates the information...... classification of 14 Danish and 14 Pakistani students and compares it with the information classification of their university website. Brainstorming, card sorting, and task exploration activities were used to discover similarities and differences in the participating students’ classification of website...... information and their ability to navigate the websites. The results of the study indicate group differences in user classification and related task-performance differences. The main implications of the study are that (a) the edit distance appears a useful measure in cross-country HCI research and practice...

  11. ILRS Website Redesign (United States)

    Noll, C.; Lee, L.; Torrence, M.


    The International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) website,, is the central source of information for all aspects of the service. The website provides information on the organization and operation of ILRS and descriptions of ILRS components, data, and products. Furthermore, the website and provides an entry point to the archive of these data and products available through the data centers. Links are provided to extensive information on the ILRS network stations including performance assessments and data quality evaluations. Descriptions of supported satellite missions (current, future, and past) are provided to aid in station acquisition and data analysis. The current format for the ILRS website has been in use since the early years of the service. Starting in 2010, the ILRS Central Bureau began efforts to redesign the look and feel for the website. The update will allow for a review of the contents, ensuring information is current and useful. This poster will detail the proposed design including specific examples of key sections and webpages.

  12. Engaging patients through your website. (United States)

    Snyder, Kimberlee; Ornes, Lynne L; Paulson, Pat


    Legislation requires the healthcare industry to directly engage patients through technology. This paper proposes a model that can be used to review hospital websites for features that engage patients in their healthcare. The model describes four levels of patient engagement in website design. The sample consisted of 130 hospital websites from hospitals listed on 2010 and 2011 Most Wired Hospitals. Hospital websites were analyzed for features that encouraged patient interaction with their healthcare according to the levels in the model. Of the four levels identified in the model, websites ranged from "informing" to "collaborative" in website design. There was great variation of features offered on hospital websites with few being engaging and interactive. © 2012 National Association for Healthcare Quality.

  13. Website Policies / Important Links | DOepatents (United States)

    Links Website Policies / Important Links Javascript Not Enabled OSTI Security Website Policies and first) Publication Date (oldest first) Close Clear All Find DOepatents Website Policies / Important Important Links Some links on this page may take you to non-federal websites. Their policies may differ from



    Faruk, Md.


    The goal of this thesis was to create an electronic online store website. Before building this website, the thesis explains about the ecommerce website because there is considerable amount classification of ecommerce. Moreover, the overall web page design and constructing process of an online store is shown on the constructed website. Header, body, footer, content menu and navigation system are represented through the website. Every successful project needs a proper plan. This project ...

  15. Efetividade de website de educação em saúde bucal para adolescentes

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    priscilla Bittencourt de Almeida figueiredo


    Full Text Available RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade de um website desenvolvido como ferramenta de educação em saúde bucal para adolescentes. Métodos: Estudo experimental realizado no município de Belém-PA, no período entre agosto e novembro/2012. A amostra foi composta por 160 escolares, na faixa etária de 11 a 15 anos, de escolas pública e particular. Dois grupos foram formados, sendo um grupo experimental com participação em atividade educativa, com diferencial de acesso a um website contendo informações sobre saúde bucal para adolescentes. Os dados foram coletados por meio de dois questionários auto-administrados aos alunos antes e depois da intervenção educativa. Foram verificadas variáveis de conhecimentos e atitudes sobre saúde bucal. A análise dos dados foi a partir do Teste Qui-quadrado para verificar a associação entre as variáveis categóricas e da Análise de Variância (ANOVA um critério e Teste de Tukey para comparação da quantidade de acertos das questões. Resultados: Observou-se que os escolares, de ambos os grupos, após as atividades educativas, obtiveram bom conhecimento acerca das questões sobre cárie e etiologia do câncer bucal, tendo os escolares do grupo experimental apresentado melhor desempenho sobre esses temas. A maioria dos escolares participantes da pesquisa nunca realizou o autoexame bucal e não possuem conhecimento adequado sobre doença periodontal. Conclusão: O método educativo experimental avaliado demonstrou-se parcialmente efetivo na modificação de conhecimentos sobre doença periodontal. Em contrapartida, foi significantemente efetivo sobre a cárie dentária e os métodos de higienização bucal.

  16. Creating a practice website. (United States)

    Downes, P K


    A website is a window to the outside world. For a dental practice, it may be the first point of contact for a prospective new patient and will therefore provide them with their 'first impression'; this may be days or weeks before actually visiting the practice. This section considers the different ways of creating a dental practice website and lists some of the main dental website design companies. It also describes what factors make a successful website and offers advice on how to ensure that it complies with current regulations and recommendations.

  17. The Effects of Website Information Utility on the Outcomes of User-Website Interactions (United States)

    Hasley, Joseph Paul


    This study investigates the relationships between website information content utility and various outcomes of user interactions with e-tail websites. Although previous research has consistently identified high quality information content as a critical factor of successful e-commerce websites, those studies have not reported how to identify the…

  18. A trajetória de um autista e suas implicações com a temporalidade

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    Marília Amaro da Silveira Modesto Santos

    Full Text Available Este trabalho se propõe a relatar a longa trajetória de um menino autista, no que diz respeito ao estabelecimento da noção de tempo. Usando referenciais teóricos winnicottianos, procuro mostrar como o autismo é a evidência de um “não tempo”, de um processo que estagnou para se proteger de vivências terroríficas, vazias de qualquer sentido de significado. Utilizando histórias que funcionaram durante muito tempo e de várias formas como o único elo de ligação entre nós, Lucas passa da utilização do ritmo (meu ritmo de leitura a uma utilização do conteúdo para estabelecer dentro de si o tempo. Tempo de processo, tempo de mudança, tempo de vida. A sua posição diante da vida, muda. Lucas revela interesse pelo seu ambiente. Depende muito de minha adaptação e da minha habilidade para compreendê-lo e dar sentido ao que viver, agora. Num tempo de descobrimento.

  19. School Executive Website Study (United States)

    Thiede, Robert


    The School Executive Website will be a one-stop, online site for officials who are looking for educational data, best practices, product reviews, school documents, professional opinions, and/or job-related networking. The format of the website is designed in certain sections similar to other current and popular websites, such as Angie's,…

  20. Factors Affecting University Library Website Design

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yongi-Mi Kim


    Full Text Available Existing studies have extensively explored factors that affect users’ intentions to use university library website resources (ULWR; yet little attention has been given to factors affecting university library website design. This paper investigates factors that affect university library website design and assesses the success of the university library website from both designers’ and users’ perspectives. The findings show that when planning a website, university web designers consider university guidelines, review other websites, and consult with experts and other divisions within the library; however, resources and training for the design process are lacking. While website designers assess their websites as highly successful, user evaluations are somewhat lower. Accordingly, use is low, and users rely heavily on commercial websites. Suggestions for enhancing the usage of ULWR are provided.

  1. Benchmarked Library Websites Comparative Study

    KAUST Repository

    Ramli, Rindra M.; Tyhurst, Janis


    This presentation provides an analysis of services provided by the benchmarked library websites. The exploratory study includes comparison of these websites against a list of criterion and presents a list of services that are most commonly deployed by the selected websites. In addition to that, the investigators proposed a list of services that could be provided via the KAUST library website.

  2. Evaluating Dermatology Residency Program Websites. (United States)

    Ashack, Kurt A; Burton, Kyle A; Soh, Jonathan M; Lanoue, Julien; Boyd, Anne H; Milford, Emily E; Dunnick, Cory; Dellavalle, Robert P


    Internet resources play an important role in how medical students access information related to residency programs.Evaluating program websites is necessary in order to provide accurate information for applicants and provide information regarding areas of website improvement for programs. To date, dermatology residency websites (D  WS) have not been evaluated.This paper evaluates dermatology residency websites based on availability of predefined measures. Using the FREIDA (Fellowship and Residency Electronic Interactive Database) Online database, authors searched forall accredited dermatology program websites. Eligible programs were identified through the FREIDA Online database and had a functioning website. Two authors independently extracted data with consensus or third researcher resolution of differences. This data was accessed and archived from July 15th to July 17th, 2015.Primary outcomes measured were presence of content on education, resident and faculty information, program environment, applicant recruitment, schedule, salary, and website quality evaluated using an online tool ( Out of 117 accredited dermatology residencies, 115 had functioning webpages. Of these, 76.5% (75) had direct links found on the FRIEDA Online database. Most programs contained information on education, faculty, program environment, and applicant recruitment. However, website quality and marketing effectiveness were highly variable; most programs were deemed to need improvements in the functioning of their webpages. Also, additional information on current residents and about potential away rotations were lacking from most websites with only 52.2% (60) and 41.7% (48) of programs providing this content, respectively. A majority of dermatology residency websites contained adequate information on many of the factors we evaluated. However, many were lacking in areas that matter to applicants. We hope this report will encourage dermatology residencyprograms

  3. Creating flat design websites

    CERN Document Server

    Pratas, Antonio


    This book contains practical, step-by-step tutorials along with plenty of explanation about designing your flat website. Each section is introduced sequentially, building up your web design skills and completing your website.Creating Flat Design Websites is ideal for you if you are starting on your web development journey, but this book will also benefit seasoned developers wanting to start developing in flat.

  4. Competências do cuidador informal atribuídas pelos enfermeiros comunitários: um estudo Delphi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria Assunção Almeida Nogueira


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar as competências que um cuidador informal deve possuir para cuidar, em domicílio, de pessoas com dependência. Trata-se de estudo exploratório-descritivo, realizado com enfermeiros de Centros de Saúde no Norte de Portugal, que recorreu ao método Delphi, com dois rounds, usando questionários para o efeito. Foi utilizada a análise de conteúdo no primeiro round de Delphi, confirmando-se uma complexidade de fatores que condicionam as competências dos cuidadores no cuidar de um doente com dependência no domicílio. Com recurso de análise estatística, no segundo round, os indicadores de competências cognitivas, psicomotoras e relacionais obtiveram níveis de concordância excelentes. Foi reconhecida como fundamental a motivação do cuidador informal, considerada o leitmotiv no processo de cuidar. Para além disto, o cuidador necessita de apoio, ensino, treino e encaminhamento para se munir das competências para cuidar de um doente dependente no domicílio, com segurança.

  5. LHCb launches new website

    CERN Multimedia


    A new public website for the LHCb experiment was launched last Friday to coincide with CERN’s Open Day weekend. Designed to provide accessible information on all aspects of the experiment, the website contains images and key facts about the LHCb detector, its design and installation and the international team behind the project. "LHCb is going to be one of the most important b-physics experiments in the world when it starts taking data later this year", explains Roger Forty, the experiment’s deputy spokesperson. "We hope the website will be a valuable resource, enabling people to learn about this fascinating area of research." The new website can be found at:

  6. Website Policies / Important Links | Data Explorer (United States)

    Website Policies / Important Links Javascript Not Enabled OSTI Security Website Policies and Important ) Publication Date (oldest first) Close Clear All Find DOE Data Explorer Website Policies / Important Links Science | Office of Scientific and Technical Information Website Policies / Important Links * Site Map

  7. Modelagem estocástica de sequências de disparos de um conjunto de neurônios


    Azrielex Andres Arias Rodriguez


    O presente trabalho constitui um primeiro esforço por modelar disparos de neurônios usando cadeias estocásticas de memória de alcance variável. Esses modelos foram introduzidos por Rissanen (1983). A ideia principal deste tipo de modelos consiste em que a definição probabilística de cada símbolo depende somente de uma porção finita do passado e o comprimento dela é função do passado mesmo, tal porção foi chamada de \\"contexto\\" e o conjunto de contextos pode ser representado através de uma ár...

  8. Verification of the websites optimality


    Hozjan, Boštjan


    Today, search engines are an important source of information for internet users. Whenever user performs a search, search engines display a vast number of results. Results are ranked by search engines’ own algorithms, which are not public. If a website owner wants his website to be found in search engines and consequently wants to generate traffic to the website through search engines, the website must appear among the first search results. Website’s position within the search engine result...

  9. Library Website Usability Test Project

    KAUST Repository

    Ramli, Rindra M.; Bukhari, Duaa


    This usability testing project was conducted to elicit an understanding of our community use of the library website. The researchers wanted to know how our users are interacting with the library website and the ease of obtaining relevant information from the website. The methodology deployed was computer user testing where participants are made to answer several questions and executing the actions on the library website. Their actions are recorded via Techsmith Camtasia software for later analysis by the researchers.

  10. Library Website Usability Test Project

    KAUST Repository

    Ramli, Rindra M.


    This usability testing project was conducted to elicit an understanding of our community use of the library website. The researchers wanted to know how our users are interacting with the library website and the ease of obtaining relevant information from the website. The methodology deployed was computer user testing where participants are made to answer several questions and executing the actions on the library website. Their actions are recorded via Techsmith Camtasia software for later analysis by the researchers.

  11. Factors Affecting University Library Website Design


    Kim, Yongi-Mi; University of Oklahoma


    Existing studies have extensively explored factors that affect users’ intentions to use university library website resources (ULWR); yet little attention has been given to factors affecting university library website design. This paper investigates factors that affect university library website design and assesses the success of the university library website from both designers’ and users’ perspectives. The findings show that when planning a website, university web designers consider univers...

  12. Website-analyse

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorlacius, Lisbeth


    eller blindgyder, når han/hun besøger sitet. Studier i design og analyse af de visuelle og æstetiske aspekter i planlægning og brug af websites har imidlertid kun i et begrænset omfang været under reflektorisk behandling. Det er baggrunden for dette kapitel, som indleder med en gennemgang af æstetikkens......Websitet er i stigende grad det foretrukne medie inden for informationssøgning,virksomhedspræsentation, e-handel, underholdning, undervisning og social kontakt. I takt med denne voksende mangfoldighed af kommunikationsaktiviteter på nettet, er der kommet mere fokus på at optimere design og...... planlægning af de funktionelle og indholdsmæssige aspekter ved websites. Der findes en stor mængde teori- og metodebøger, som har specialiseret sig i de tekniske problemstillinger i forbindelse med interaktion og navigation, samt det sproglige indhold på websites. Den danske HCI (Human Computer Interaction...

  13. Um estudo piloto na avaliação das estratégias posturais em jovens e idosos usando um sistema eletromagnético tridimensional A pilot study on the evaluation of postural strategies in young and elderly subjects using a tridimensional electromagnetic system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Ailton Oliveira Carneiro


    Full Text Available Para manter o equilíbrio postural, algumas estratégias posturais são normalmente usadas. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as estratégias posturais de jovens e idosos em diferentes condições sensoriais usando um sistema de sensores eletromagnéticos tridimensionais posicionados na primeira vértebra torácica e região sacral. Também reportamos valores de oscilação postural dos jovens e idosos. MÉTODO: Estudo transversal observacional. Participaram do estudo 25 jovens e 16 idosas. O equipamento PolhemusTM com dois sensores foi usado para avaliar os parâmetros de oscilação postural (deslocamento máximo, velocidade média e trajetória. A aquisição dos dados foi realizada com os sujeitos em pé, realizando um teste de 90 segundos para as quatro condições sensoriais: olhos abertos e fechados nas superfícies estável e instável. RESULTADOS: Os sensores 1 e 2 apresentaram alta correlação cruzada em todas as condições sensoriais para ambos os grupos (r > 0.99; p One resorts to various postural strategies while attempting to maintain balance. OBJECTIVE: To assess the postural strategies adopted by young and elderly subjects in varying sensory conditions by using a system of tridimensional electromagnetic sensors positioned on the projection of the first thoracic vertebra and on the sacral region. Postural oscillation values for young and elderly subjects were also reported. METHOD: This observational cross-sectional study enrolled 25 young and 16 elderly individuals. A PolhemusTM device equipped with two sensors was used to assess postural oscillation parameters (maximum displacement, mean velocity, and trajectory. Data acquisition was carried out with subjects standing while undergoing a 90-second test in four sensory conditions: eyes opened, eyes closed, on a stable surface, and on an unstable surface. RESULTS: Sensors 1 and 2 presented significant cross-correlations in all sensory conditions for both groups (r > 0.99; p < 0.001. No

  14. The potential of hospital Website marketing. (United States)

    Sanchez, P M


    In recent years, hospital website marketing has witnessed explosive growth. Industry experts cite an almost 100% growth in hospital website marketing over the last several years. At one time lagging in the adoption of Internet technology, hospitals have now begun making significant strides in catching up with other industries. In spite of the general proliferation of hospital websites, however, the full potential of the Internet with its unique characteristics has yet to be realized. In this paper, current trends fueling the growth of hospital website marketing are first explored. Secondly, barriers to realizing the potential of website marketing are investigated. Finally, recommendations for improving hospital website marketing are developed.

  15. Experience of maintaining laboratory educational website's sustainability. (United States)

    Dimenstein, Izak B


    Laboratory methodology websites are specialized niche websites. The visibility of a niche website transforms it into an authority site on a particular "niche of knowledge." This article presents some ways in which a laboratory methodology website can maintain its sustainability. The optimal composition of the website includes a basic content, a blog, and an ancillary part. This article discusses experimenting with the search engine optimization query results page. Strategic placement of keywords and even phrases, as well as fragmentation of the post's material, can improve the website's visibility to search engines. Hyperlinks open a chain reaction of additional links and draw attention to the previous posts. Publications in printed periodicals are a substantial part of a niche website presence on the Internet. Although this article explores a laboratory website on the basis of our hands-on expertise maintaining "Grossing Technology in Surgical Pathology" ( website with a high volume of traffic for more than a decade, the recommendations presented here for developing an authority website can be applied to other professional specialized websites. The authority websites visibility and sustainability are preconditions for aggregating them in a specialized educational laboratory portal.

  16. Legal Aspects of a School Library Website (United States)

    Johnson, Tom


    School library websites enhance and explain the services provided by the library. Most schools have a library website. Jurkowski (2004) reviewed thirty-four school library websites and ranked the most common features: website links, databases, policies, Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), and websites by subject. These features give patrons a…

  17. Measuring the quality of governmental websites in a controlled versus a laboratory setting with the Website Evaluation Questionnaire

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Elling, Sanne; Lentz, Leo; de Jong, Menno D.T.; van den Bergh, Huub


    The quality of governmental websites is often measured with questionnaires that ask users for their opinions on various aspects of the website. This article presents the Website Evaluation Questionnaire (WEQ), which was specifically designed for the evaluation of governmental websites. The

  18. Avaliação pré-clínica de um material substituto ósseo xenógeno a base de hidroxiapatita/colágeno = Preclinical evaluation of a xenogenic hydroxyapatite/collagen-based bone substitute material

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bittencourt, Rafael Cotias


    Full Text Available Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas de um xenoenxerto bovino para o reparo ósseo. Métodos: Análise físico-química foi conduzida usando difração de raios X, espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Biocompatibilidade in vitro foi avaliada através de ensaios de citotoxicidade e adesão celular usando culturas de linhagem celular de fibroblastos e pré-osteoblastos murinos, respectivamente. Além disso, por ensaio in vivo usando enxertia subcutânea no modelo rato (5 e 10 semanas, hidroxiapatita sintética como material controle e ainda um experimento a longo prazo em defeitos de tamanho crítico em calvária (6 e 9 meses, coágulo sanguíneo e osso autógeno como controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente. Resultados: O material teste apresentou uma arquitetura tridimensional consistindo de grânulos densos e microporos (várias dimensões, composto de hidroxiapatita cristalina/fibras colágenas. O xenoenxerto foi citocompatível e após 7 dias foi observado espraiamento de pré-osteoblastos sobre grânulos do material. Análise histopatológica do material implantado no subcutâneo de ratos mostrou o xenoenxerto intato após 10 semanas circundado por tecido conjuntivo frouxo com suave infiltrado inflamatório e células gigantes multinucleadas ao redor de partículas (5 e 10 semanas similar à hidroxiapatita sintética. Considerando os defeitos de tamanho crítico em calvária foi observada 1,7 vezes mais formação de novo osso no xenoenxerto do que no grupo controle (P<0,001, um resultado similar verificado no autoenxerto. Não houve variação significante na densidade de volume do xenoenxerto (37,9%±4,3. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que o material xenógeno é biomimético, biocompatível, osseocondutor e nãoreabsorvível, portanto sendo um material promissor para o reparo óss

  19. Estimação e compensação da influência da temperatura do gás manométrico em um sensor de pressão: um estudo de caso usando sensor piezoresistivo


    Francisco Ermelindo de Magalhaes


    Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a necessidade de compensação dos efeitos da temperatura do gás manométrico em um sensor de pressão. A influência da temperatura pode ser observada durante a utilização de um Padrão Digital de Pressão (DPG). Uma motivação para este trabalho foi a possibilidade de usar um sensor de pressão de baixo custo como padrão secundário de transferência de pressão visando o aumento da vida útil do DPG. Propositadamente foi escolhido um sensor cuja saída fosse influe...

  20. Quality and content of dental practice websites. (United States)

    Nichols, L C; Hassall, D


    To investigate the quality and content of dental practice websites by constructing an audit framework based on regulations, guidance and expert advice, and applying this framework to a random sample of UK dental practices' websites. An audit framework was constructed and in-depth data collected from a random sample of 150 UK dental practices. Thirty-five percent of dental practices in this study were found to have websites. Compliance with rules and regulations regarding dental practice websites was generally poor. Use of advised content for practice promotion was variable. Many websites were poorly optimised. Eighty-nine percent of the websites advertised tooth whitening, despite the issues surrounding its legality; 25% of the websites advertised Botox even though advertising of prescription only medicines is illegal. Some websites gave misleading information about the specialist status of their dentists. Those responsible for dental practice websites need to be aware of a wide range of regulations and guidance, and are advised to follow expert advice on content and optimisation in order to maximise the potential of their websites.

  1. Automotive websites

    CERN Document Server

    Jensen, Todd A


    For anyone buying a new car, restoring an old favorite, collecting license plates or looking for motorsports information, the internet is the place to go and this is the book to help you get there. Now with over 650 internet addresses, this expanded and updated guide provides detailed descriptions and reviews of the biggest, best and most interesting automotive websites on the net. Beginning with a brief internet history and helpful hints, it aids the novice (or not so novice) user in picking through the countless automotive sites on the internet. Websites are arranged by topics such as afterm

  2. An audit of alcohol brand websites. (United States)

    Gordon, Ross


    The study investigated the nature and content of alcohol brand websites in the UK. The research involved an audit of the websites of the 10 leading alcohol brands by sales in the UK across four categories: lager, spirits, Flavoured Alcoholic Beverages and cider/perry. Each site was visited twice over a 1-month period with site features and content recorded using a pro-forma. The content of websites was then reviewed against the regulatory codes governing broadcast advertising of alcohol. It was found that 27 of 40 leading alcohol brands had a dedicated website. Sites featured sophisticated content, including sports and music sections, games, downloads and competitions. Case studies of two brand websites demonstrate the range of content features on such sites. A review of the application of regulatory codes covering traditional advertising found some content may breach the codes. Study findings illustrate the sophisticated range of content accessible on alcohol brand websites. When applying regulatory codes covering traditional alcohol marketing channels it is apparent that some content on alcohol brand websites would breach the codes. This suggests the regulation of alcohol brand websites may be an issue requiring attention from policymakers. Further research in this area would help inform this process. © 2010 Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs.

  3. Padrões alimentares e fatores associados entre crianças de um a seis anos de um município do Sul do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosangela de Leon Veleda de Souza


    Full Text Available O estudo teve como objetivos descrever padrões alimentares e investigar a associação com fatores demográficos e socioeconômicos entre crianças de um a seis anos na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foi utilizada a correlação de Pearson para agrupar os alimentos. Os padrões alimentares foram construídos por meio da análise de componentes principais. As associações foram verificadas usando-se o teste de KruskalWallis (α = 0,05. Foram avaliadas 667 crianças. Identificou-se cinco padrões alimentares: "vegetais", "tradicional" (pão, margarina/margarina, arroz/massa, café, açúcar, "guloseimas e embutidos", "lanches" (laticínios, achocolatados, biscoitos e sucos e "frutas". Os padrões "vegetais" e "frutas"tiveram maior adesão entre as crianças cujas mães tinham maior escolaridade e renda familiar. O padrão "tradicional" foi o mais observado entre crianças cujas mães tinham menor escolaridade e renda familiar. Os padrões "vegetais" e "tradicional" apresentaram o maior percentual de variância. As condições socioeconômicas das famílias exercem um papel fundamental na determinação do padrão alimentar das crianças.


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    Wirania Swasty


    Full Text Available Abstrak Website merupakan salah satu alat komunikasi berupa pemasaran-online interaktif yang dirancang untuk melibatkan pelanggan agar dapat meningkatkan kesadaran dan citra merek, atau memicu penjualan produk dan jasa. Website relatif terjangkau terutama bagi Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM. Permasalahan yang dihadapi UMKM di antaranya lemahnya kegiatan branding dan promosi serta kurang ahli dalam penguasaan teknologi. Menjembatani hal ini, maka diperlukan studi mengenai identitas merek pada website. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman akan pemanfaatan warna dalam identitas merek yang diaplikasikan pada website perusahaan. Diharapkan studi ini dapat berguna bagi UMKM dalam membangun merek dan melakukan program pemasaran dengan memanfaatkan warna identitas.Studi diawali dengan pengumpulan data melalui tinjauan literatur terkait dengan warna dan desain antarmuka website. Observasi kemudian dilakukan pada tiga website (,, dan sebagai studi kasus, yang merupakan situs resmi UMKM dari Bandung. UMKM yang digunakan sebagai studi kasus dipilih secara acak dari berbagai industri (makanan, layanan, dan kerajinan. Kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada responden secara acak kepada warga Kota Bandung dan sekitarnya. Dari studi ini terungkap bahwa Zanana dinilai telah berhasil memanfaatkan peranan warna dalam membangun merek. Studi ini juga menyarankan bahwa penerapan warna yang konsisten juga dapat menjadi faktor penentu suatu sistem identitas visual. Kata Kunci: identitas, merek, UMKM, warna, website Abstract Website is one of communication tool in the form of interactive online marketing which is designed to engage the customer in order to increase awareness and brand image, or trigger sales of products and services. Website relatively affordable, especially for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs. The problem faced by SMEs are weak branding and promotional activities as well as the lack of experts

  5. Arquitetura óptica: análise de um modelo de associação de espelhos cilíndricos como representação dos prédios da Procuradoria Geral da República

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    Jair Lúcio Prados Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Os dois prédios da Procuradoria Geral da República em Brasília possuem formato cilíndrico e são cobertos por vidros refletores, assemelhando-se a uma associação de dois espelhos convexos cilíndricos. A partir de um modelo experimental usando duas lixeiras cilíndricas cromadas, é discutida a formação da imagem de um prédio por reflexão no outro e as aberrações ópticas presentes. O artigo busca mostrar um possível diálogo entre as disciplinas da arquitetura e da física, o qual é raro na literatura acadêmica.

  6. Estudo clínico de um sistema cardioversor-desfibrilador implantável que apresenta limiares de desfibrilação baixos usando eletrodos de estrutura fractal Clinical studies of an implantable cardioversor - defibrillators system providing low defibrillation thresholds as well as high signal amplitudes due to fractal coated electrodes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando A. LUCCHESE


    Full Text Available Em função do contínuo desenvolvimento tecnológico, a geração atual de cardioversores-desfibriladores implantáveis (CDI garante um alto grau de segurança e eficiência na detecção e reversão de taquiarritmias ventriculares. O presente trabalho sumariza os resultados clínicos obtidos com 1058 CDI de câmara única (Phylax 6, Phylax XM, Biotronik utilizando eletrodo único e tecnologia de carcaça ativa, SPS e Kainox RV (com uma mola intracavitária de choque, SL-ICD e Kainox SL (com duas molas intracavitárias de choque, Biotronik. Na quase totalidade dos pacientes, com exceção de 3 (> 99%, foram obtidos limiares de desfibrilação com baixa energia usando apenas um eletrodo transvenoso. Isto tem permitido substituir o teste de limiar de desfibrilação usual por um teste simples durante o implante, afim de minimizar os riscos associados com repetidas induções de fibrilação e conseqüente extensão do período de anestesia.Due to continuously improved technologies, the present generation of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD guarantees a high degree of safety and efficacy for detecting and terminating ventricular tachyarrhythmias. This paper summarizes the clinical results obtained with 1058 single-chamber ICD (Phylax 6, Phylax XM, Biotronik employing single-lead and active housing technology (SPS and Kainox RV (single coil, SL-ICD and Kainox SL (double coil, Biotronik. In all but 3 patients (> 99%, reliable low-energy defibrillation was achieved using transvenous leads only. This has led to the trend to replace DFT testing by a short function test during implantation in order to minimize the risks associated with repeated induction of fibrillation and extended anesthesia.

  7. Avaliação de website sobre assistência de enfermagem na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica Evaluación de un website sobre la asistencia de enfermería en la sala de recuperación post-anestésica Evaluation of a website on nursing care in the post anesthesia recovery room

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thaís Honório Lins


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver um website sobre a assistência de enfermagem em sala de recuperação pós-anestésica e avaliar o conteúdo, apresentação e atualização das informações. MÉODOS: Foi utilizada metodologia de Clement Mok, DADI, composta por definição, arquitetura, design e implementação. A avaliação do website foi realizada por enfermeiros por meio de um questionário contendo itens sobre autoridade, conteúdo geral, apresentação e confiabilidade das informações. Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizada a estatística descritiva. RESULTADOS: Os resultados foram satisfatórios, tendo como aprovação de 99,67%. Comprovou-se que a construção e disponibilização de informações sobre a temática referida no website são confiáveis e válidas. CONCLUSÃO: A importância e a relevância da World Wide Web para a transmissão de informações, em especial, para a enfermagem permitem uma aproximação do conhecimento científico à prática de atualização e de troca de experiências, independente da localização geográfica.OBJETIVOS: Desarrollar un website sobre la asistencia de enfermería en una sala de recuperación post-anestésica y evaluar el contenido, presentación y actualización de las informaciones. MÉTODOS: Se utilizó la metodología de Clement Mok, DADI, compuesta por definición, arquitectura, design e implementación. La evaluación del website fue realizada por enfermeros por medio de un cuestionario que contenía items sobre autoridad, contenido general, presentación y confiabilidad de las informaciones. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó la estadística descriptiva. RESULTADOS: Los resultados fueron satisfactorios, teniendo una aprobación del 99,67%. Se comprobó que la construcción y disponibilidad de informaciones sobre la temática referida en el website son confiables y válidas. CONCLUSIÓN: La importancia y la relevancia de la World Wide Web para la transmisión de informaciones, en


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    Carlos Augusto de P. Sampaio


    Full Text Available RESUMO Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver um anemômetro de fio quente para operar à temperatura constante usando-se, como elemento sensível, filamento de tungstênio de lâmpada incandescente, como braço da ponte de Wheatstone. Um circuito eletrônico foi construído e testado, permitindo controlar a tensão no sensor e restaurar o equilíbrio da ponte de Wheatstone em processos de troca de calor pelo sensor. Os resultados mostraram que a corrente elétrica e a temperatura de operação do sensor, mediante compromisso entre vida útil e sensibilidade, foram de 160mA e 140°C, respectivamente; a calibração com o sensor no circuito ponte de Wheatstone mostrou sensibilidade para medir a velocidade do ar no intervalo de 0,00 e 5,00m.s-1 e que o circuito eletrônico apresentou saturação para velocidades do ar inferiores a 0,50m.s-1.

  9. Theoretical Foundations for Website Design Courses. (United States)

    Walker, Kristin


    Considers how theoretical foundations in website design courses can facilitate students learning the genres of Internet communication. Proposes ways that theories can be integrated into website design courses. Focuses on two students' website portfolios and ways they utilize genre theory and activity theory discussed in class to produce websites…

  10. Measuring Design Metrics In Websites


    Navarro, Emilio; Fitzpatrick, Ronan


    The current state of the World Wide Web demands website designs that engage consumers in order to allow them to consume services or generate leads to maximize revenue. This paper describes a software quality factor to measure the success of websites by analyzing web design structure and not relying only on websites traffic data. It is also documents the requirements and architecture to build a software tool that measures criteria for determining Engagibility. A new set of social crit...

  11. Tinjauan Desain Website Kemlu.Go.Id


    Danu Widhyatmoko


    Review of website design is a research report on website design. website aims to be the information gateway of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also as guidelines of foreign politic policies of Republic of Indonesia. The review had been accomplished by using analytical method based on the "Nine Essential Principles for Good Web Design" developed by Collis Ta'eed (2007). At the end of the article, several recommendations in developing website are...

  12. Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites

    CERN Document Server

    Kennedy, A


    Although web standards-based websites can scale effectively - and basic CSS will give you basic results - there are considerations and obstacles that high traffic websites must face to keep your development and hosting costs to a minimum. There are many tips and tricks, as well as down-to-earth best practice information, to make sure that everything runs quickly and efficiently with the minimum amount of fuss or developer intervention. Targeted at "high traffic" websites - those receiving over 10,000 unique visitors a day - Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites gives you inside informati

  13. Tinjauan Desain Website Kemlu.Go.Id

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Danu Widhyatmoko


    Full Text Available Review of website design is a research report on website design. website aims to be the information gateway of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also as guidelines of foreign politic policies of Republic of Indonesia. The review had been accomplished by using analytical method based on the "Nine Essential Principles for Good Web Design" developed by Collis Ta'eed (2007. At the end of the article, several recommendations in developing website are presented to create better appearance.  

  14. Public Websites and Human–computer Interaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørum, Hanne; Andersen, Kim Normann; Vatrapu, Ravi


    system use by representatives. A Pearson correlation analysis of user evaluation from 296 websites that participated in the Danish web award Bedst på Nettet (‘Top of the Web’) showed no significant positive correlation between website quality and user satisfaction. We put forward recommendations...... for further investigation: (1) inclusion of real users (citizens and businesses) in real-use setting in the evaluation process could help move forward the understanding of the relationship between website quality and end-user satisfaction; (2) the lack of correlation between website quality and user...


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    Kim Ming


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study is to evaluate website, in order to improve user satisfaction as an online media and the extent to which the level of user satisfaction to the presentation of the website. The website criteria: perceived usefulness, ease of use, ease of finding information, and the design/layout of page is examined to determine the effect on user satisfaction. Analysis of site infrastructure has been meeting the needs of web and database servers, database structure, web analytics to determine the user visits the website and area/location where a user visiting the website. The survey results showed variable Perceived usefullness, Ease of use, Ease of finding information, and Design/Layout of page significant effect on user satisfaction.

  16. Cosmetic websites Scotland: legal or lurid. (United States)

    Gunn, Eilidh G M; Loh, Charles Yuen Yung; Athanassopoulos, Thanassi


    The provision of cosmetic interventions and their advertising have recently come under intense scrutiny in the wake of the PIP scandal and Keogh report. A study of Scottish websites offering esthetic procedures was conducted to determine adherence to the advertising standards and regulations currently in place. Regulations are provided by the Advertising Standards Authority, Committee on Advertising Practice, Independent Healthcare Advisory Services and General Medical Council. An Internet search was then conducted to search for providers of non-surgical and surgical cosmetic procedures. Overall 125 websites were reviewed. 109 local and 16 national with 17 websites associated with cosmetic surgeons. 26 websites failed to adhere to regulations. Failure was related to advertising of POM on the homepage or dropdown menu (20), offering enticements inappropriately (6). 26.6% of websites did not display qualifications of the practitioners. Only 16.6% of websites described the specific and the non-specific side effects of "anti-wrinkle injections" and only 12.5% mentioned alternative treatments. The majority of websites reviewed adhered to current advertising standards. Plastic surgeons provide a small percentage of cosmetic procedures. Greater regulation at the point of product entry and of all esthetic practitioners is required. Crown Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Programação funcional usando Java


    Jorge Juan Zavaleta Gavidia


    Desde a introdução da World Wide Web para o mundo nos inícios de 1990, usando a Internet como uma rede para transferir dados, empregando uma forma de expressão chamada de Hipertexto, a qual liga as informações relacionadas e combinadas com multimídia, os Webs resultantes têm aberto novas possibilidades de expressão e comunicação. A quantidade de tráfego de dados na Web e o número de computadores ofertando informação vem crescendo dramaticamente, mas falta expressividade e qualidade interativa...

  18. Website Design and Localisation: A Content Analysis of Malaysian Universities Websites


    Ahmed, Tanveer; Mouratidis, Haralambos; Preston, David


    Design of a neutral and universal website for all countries and cultures is yet a challenging task. It appears that there is a need for a local website to address a particular culture. To some extent, culture dimensions can be applied to identify differences amongst cultures that may have an effect on how people make decisions. This study is a form of continuation of the previous study (Ahmed, Mouratidis and Preston, 2007). It applies simultaneously Hofstede’s individualism/collectivism, powe...

  19. Efektivitas Website Sebagai Media E-Government dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Elektronik Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Website Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jombang

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Santy Nurina Aprilia


    Full Text Available Latar Belakang Penelitian ini adalah semakin berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, pemerintah dituntut untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan public khususnya pelayanan publik berupa layanan elektronik atau e-service, khususnya dalam hal ini adalah website, dimana website pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat menjadi media e-government sebagai sarana interaksi antara pemerintah dengan masyarakat maupun mempermudah layanan elektronik. Penulisan Tesis dengan judul “Efektivitas Website Sebagai Media E-government dalam Meningkatkan Pelayanan Elektronik Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Pada Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Jombang” merupakan sebuah studi dimana dalam penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengetahui seberapa efektif website pemerintah daerah sebagai media e-government. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah: Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang; Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis faktor pendukung efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang; Untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis faktor penghambat efektivitas website sebagai media e-government dalam meningkatkan pelayanan elektronik pemerintah daerah di Kabupaten Jombang. Hasil temuan di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa website Pemerintah Kabupaten Jombang telah efektif sebagai media pemberi informasi kepada masyarakat, namun belum efektif sebagai media dalam memberikan pelayanan publik secara elektronik (e-service seperti mendownload blangko, formulir, dll. Kata kunci: Efektivitas, E-government, E-service, Media, Teknologi Informasi, Website

  20. Constructing corporate identities on websites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bøilerehauge, Dorrit


    En analyse og diskussion af hvorledes internationale virksomheder konstruerer deres identitet på deres corporate websites.......En analyse og diskussion af hvorledes internationale virksomheder konstruerer deres identitet på deres corporate websites....

  1. Defining Information Quality Into Health Websites: A Conceptual Framework of Health Website Information Quality for Educated Young Adults. (United States)

    Tao, Donghua; LeRouge, Cynthia; Smith, K Jody; De Leo, Gianluca


    Today's health care environment encourages health care consumers to take an active role in managing their health. As digital natives, young educated adults do much of their health information management through the Internet and consider it a valid source of health advice. However, the quality of information on health websites is highly variable and dynamic. Little is known about the understandings and perceptions that young educated adults have garnered on the quality of information on health websites used for health care-related purposes. To fill this gap, the aim of this study was to develop a conceptual framework of health website information quality with quality dimensions (ie, criteria) and associated quality drivers (ie, attributes) specified in the context of young educated adults' use of health websites for health care-related purposes. This aim was achieved by (1) identifying information quality dimensions of health websites from the perspective of young educated adults; (2) identifying the importance ratings of these quality dimensions; and (3) constructing a framework of health website information quality with quality dimensions and associated drivers specified in the context of young educated adults' use of health websites for health care-related purposes. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods. Methods included semistructured group interviews and an individual quality assessment exercise grounded in visiting various websites and responding to Likert scale questions regarding the importance ratings of information quality dimensions and open-ended questions with specifying website quality drivers. Study participants included junior and senior undergraduate and graduate students in business, allied health, and public health majors. Qualitative, open-coding procedures were used to develop the conceptual framework reflecting the participants' means of assessing information quality on health websites. Five dimensions of information


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    Nyoman Purnama


    Full Text Available Sistem klasifikasi merupakan proses temu balik informasi yang sangat bergantung dari elemen-elemen penyusunnya.Sistem ini banyak digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan segmentasi data. Klasifikasi dapat digunakan pada website sebagaimetode untuk mengelompokkan website. Website merupakan salah satu data yang memiliki informasi yang beraneka-ragam,sehingga pengelompokan data ini penting untuk diteliti. Sistem klasifikasi dimulai dengan melakukan proses pengumpulaninformasi dari halaman website (parsing dan untuk setiap hasil parsing dilakukan proses penghapusan kata henti, stemming,feature selection dengan tf-idf. Hasil dari proses ini berupa fitur yang menjadi inputan algoritma Multilayer Perceptron. Dalamalgoritma ini terjadi proses pembelajaran terhadap pola input masukan dan pembuatan bobot pelatihan. Bobot ini akandigunakan pada proses klasifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa algoritma Multilayer Perceptron dapatmenghasilkan klasifikasi website dengan akurasi yang bagus. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan beberapa tahapan penelitian yangberbeda dan didapatkan nilai akurasi rata-rata diatas 70%.

  3. An effective quality model for evaluating mobile websites

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, W.U.; Nawaz, M.T.; Syed, T.H.; Naseem, A.


    The Evolution in Web development in recent years has caused emergence of new area of mobile computing, Mobile phone has been transformed into high speed processing device capable of doing the processes which were suppose to be run only on computer previously, Modem mobile phones now have capability to process data with greater speed then desktop systems and with the inclusion of 3G and 4G networks, mobile became the prime choice for users to send and receive data from any device. As a result, there is a major increase in mobile website need and development but due to uniqueness of mobile website usage as compared to desktop website, there is a need to focus on quality aspect of mobile website, So, to increase and preserve quality of mobile website, a quality model is required which has to be designed specifically to evaluate mobile website quality, To design a mobile website quality model, a survey based methodology is used to gather the information regarding website unique usage in mobile from different users. On the basis of this information, a mobile website quality model is presented which aims to evaluate the quality of mobile websites. In proposed model, some sub characteristics are designed to evaluate mobile websites in particular. The result is a proposed model aims to evaluate features of website which are important in context of its deployment and its usability in mobile platform. (author)

  4. Website accessibility in the tourism industry: an analysis of official national tourism organization websites around the world. (United States)

    Domínguez Vila, Trinidad; Alén González, Elisa; Darcy, Simon


    To analyze the accessibility of official national tourism organization websites of countries around the world, in order to establish possible common patterns and rankings of those with exemplary practice through to those with the highest number of issues. The purpose for undertaking such an analysis is to provide a quasi-indicator of inclusive organizational practice for online accessibility for both destination managers and their accessible tourism consumers - domestic and overseas people with disability visiting the websites. The official tourism websites of 210 countries included in the latest World Tourism Organization report were analyzed. A website accessibility evaluation tool (website accessible test) was used in the analysis, according to AA and AAA levels of conformance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 requirements. Different patterns compliance to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 were established for the clusters, which were rather similar for both AA and AAA conformance levels. The main issues in the least accessible websites were also identified, mainly focused on the following guidelines: navigable, compatible, adaptability, text alternatives and also referred to other assistive technologies. Once the main issues were established several alternatives are suggested to address them, such as implementing more prescriptive laws and regulations, complying with mandatory benchmark standards and/or having external agencies audit website designs. However, in addition to using benchmark standards, efforts to improve this situation should also be made by programmers, who should also rely on preexistent experiences and develop more dynamic knowledge. This knowledge may include text alternatives for any nontext content; creation of content that can be presented in different ways without losing information; provide ways to help users navigate, find content, determine where they are and navigate websites to maximize compatibility with assistive

  5. Promoting Diversity through Program Websites: A Multicultural Content Analysis of School Psychology Program Websites (United States)

    Smith, Leann V.; Blake, Jamilia J.; Graves, Scott L.; Vaughan-Jensen, Jessica; Pulido, Ryne; Banks, Courtney


    The recruitment of culturally and linguistically diverse students to graduate programs is critical to the overall growth and development of school psychology as a field. Program websites serve as an effective recruitment tool for attracting prospective students, yet there is limited research on how school psychology programs use their websites to…

  6. Technical Information/Website Preservation (United States)

    PintoRey, Christian R.


    This document reviews the work of the author in NASA's Motivating Undergraduates in Science and Technology (MUST) internship. The intern worked on the Space Shuttles hydraulic systems (i.e., Auxiliary Power Units (APU's) and Hydraulic Pump Units (HPU's)), and website preservation of the hydraulic technology captured in websites relating to the coming.the Space Shuttle Retirement. Several figures and pictures show an overview of the orbiter's hydraulic systems


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    Eduardo MartinsToledo


    Full Text Available A curcumina é um pigmento amarelo-laranja extraído do rizoma da planta Curcuma longa L. Tem-se destacado por apresentar um amplo potencial terapêutico, com atividade antibacteriana, anti-inflamatória, antioxidante, pró-apoptótica, quimiopreventiva, anticarcinogênica entre outras. Apesar das diversas propriedades biológicas identificadas, existem poucos estudos teóricos sobre este candidato a fármaco. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou-se no estudo dos comprimentos de ligação da forma cetônica da curcumina no vácuo, utilizando o método de Dinâmica Molecular de Car-Parrinello. Para os cálculos, a molécula foi disposta em uma caixa cúbica, com dimensões de 23 Å. O funcional de energia de troca e correlação foi modelado usando o funcional do gradiente corrigido PBE. Os elétrons do núcleo foram tratados com pseudopotenciais ultrasolf de Vanderbilt, e os de valência foram representados pelo conjunto de funções de base em ondas planas, truncadas em energia cinética de corte de 20 Ry. As simulações de DMCP foram realizadas a 300 K, com um passo de integração de 6,0 a.t.u. e massa fictícia de 500 a.u. Os resultados mostram uma boa concordância com as propriedades estruturais da forma cetônica da curcumina determinadas por outros métodos teóricos. Este estudo contribui para a compreensão inicial das propriedades estruturais da forma cetônica da curcumina.

  8. Website Sharing in Online Health Communities: A Descriptive Analysis. (United States)

    Nath, Chinmoy; Huh, Jina; Adupa, Abhishek Kalyan; Jonnalagadda, Siddhartha R


    An increasing number of people visit online health communities to seek health information. In these communities, people share experiences and information with others, often complemented with links to different websites. Understanding how people share websites can help us understand patients' needs in online health communities and improve how peer patients share health information online. Our goal was to understand (1) what kinds of websites are shared, (2) information quality of the shared websites, (3) who shares websites, (4) community differences in website-sharing behavior, and (5) the contexts in which patients share websites. We aimed to find practical applications and implications of website-sharing practices in online health communities. We used regular expressions to extract URLs from 10 WebMD online health communities. We then categorized the URLs based on their top-level domains. We counted the number of trust codes (eg, accredited agencies' formal evaluation and PubMed authors' institutions) for each website to assess information quality. We used descriptive statistics to determine website-sharing activities. To understand the context of the URL being discussed, we conducted a simple random selection of 5 threads that contained at least one post with URLs from each community. Gathering all other posts in these threads resulted in 387 posts for open coding analysis with the goal of understanding motivations and situations in which website sharing occurred. We extracted a total of 25,448 websites. The majority of the shared websites were .com (59.16%, 15,056/25,448) and WebMD internal (23.2%, 5905/25,448) websites; the least shared websites were social media websites (0.15%, 39/25,448). High-posting community members and moderators posted more websites with trust codes than low-posting community members did. The heart disease community had the highest percentage of websites containing trust codes compared to other communities. Members used websites to

  9. Cybertutor: um objeto de ensino na Dermatologia Cybertutor: a teaching tool in Dermatology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariana Soirefmann


    Full Text Available Foi desenvolvido um objeto de ensino em Dermatologia voltado para a graduação, que utiliza um web site interativo, o Cybertutor. Selecionaram-se casos clínicos didáticos, aulas teóricas e referências bibliográficas atualizadas. As fotografias das lesões foram obtidas pela seleção de pacientes atendidos no ambulatório de Dermatologia. Os temas das aulas se basearam no currículo vigente da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS. O Cybertutor é um objeto de ensino dinâmico, moderno e atual, que possibilita constante inovação.It was developed a teaching tool in Dermatology for undergraduate medical students, using an interactive website, the Cybertutor. Clinical cases, lectures and updated bibliography were selected. Photographies of dermatological lesions were taken from ambulatory patients. The topics of the lectures were based on the current curriculum of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. The Cybertutor is a dynamic and modern teaching tool, allowing constant innovation.

  10. Five Steps to an Accessible Classroom Website (United States)

    Amundson, Linda


    When teachers or technology coordinators publish a website, they are providing a product for a diverse group of people. That's why website design should follow accessibility guidelines. Websites should be accessible to those with visual, hearing, movement, cognitive, and speech disabilities. Good design means greater accessibility for all. This…

  11. Website Usability in Asia “From Within”

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nawaz, Ather; Clemmensen, Torkil


    As the number of website users in Asia grows, there is an increasing need to gain an overview of human–computer interaction (HCI) research about users and websites in that context. This article presents an overview of HCI research on website usability in Asia “from within,” which outlines...... discusses the results and the need for a greater sensitivity to what is “local” and “from within” in HCI research and what this can add to the existing literature on website usability....

  12. SEO Techniques for Business Websites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available In the world of website marketing, search engines are an essential key to success. They are the most important way to bring traffic to websites. Understanding how search engines work and what they require is an important first step to harnessing their marketing power. There are proven methods to search engine marketing involving website design, content adaptation, and keyword strategy. The primary goal of these methods is to bring traffic to your site. The secondary goal is for that traffic to be targeted to your product. In the internet marketing game, exposure is essential. But marketing efficiency requires effective exposure to the right prospects.

  13. SEO Techniques for Business Websites

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    Alexandru ENACEANU


    Full Text Available In the world of website marketing, search engines are an essential key to success. They are the most important way to bring traffic to websites. Understanding how search engines work and what they require is an important first step to harnessing their marketing power. There are proven methods to search engine marketing involving website design, content adaptation, and keyword strategy. The primary goal of these methods is to bring traffic to your site. The secondary goal is for that traffic to be targeted to your product. In the internet marketing game, exposure is essential. But marketing efficiency requires effective exposure to the right prospects.

  14. Robotic surgery claims on United States hospital websites. (United States)

    Jin, Linda X; Ibrahim, Andrew M; Newman, Naeem A; Makarov, Danil V; Pronovost, Peter J; Makary, Martin A


    To examine the prevalence and content of robotic surgery information presented on websites of U.S. hospitals. We completed a systematic analysis of 400 randomly selected U.S. hospital websites in June of 2010. Data were collected on the presence and location of robotic surgery information on a hospital's website; use of images or text provided by the manufacturer; use of direct link to manufacturer website; statements of clinical superiority; statements of improved cancer outcome; mention of a comparison group for a statement; citation of supporting data and mention of specific risks. Forty-one percent of hospital websites described robotic surgery. Among these, 37% percent presented robotic surgery on their homepage, 73% used manufacturer-provided stock images or text, and 33% linked to a manufacturer website. Statements of clinical superiority were made on 86% of websites, with 32% describing improved cancer control, and 2% described a reference group. No hospital website mentioned risks. Materials provided by hospitals regarding the surgical robot overestimate benefits, largely ignore risks and are strongly influenced by the manufacturer. © 2011 National Association for Healthcare Quality.

  15. Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kepuasan Pengguna Website Kampus

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    Enggal Sriwardiningsih


    Full Text Available The benefit of internet website is not maximall unless students are satisfied with the campus website. This study proposed and tested model explaining student satisfaction when the website is used as supplementary learning tool of face to face class method. The model is integrated determinants from Media Richness Theory, Self-Determination Theory, Knowledge Based Theory and Attribution Theory, and participant charateristics cited in the research literature. Following a demonstration and using website system in Binus University website system, data were collected from 210 college students. Structural Equation Modelling provided better support for a model that hypothesized stringer effect of website charateristics on e-service quality, motivation, and culture on using internet consumer satisfaction.

  16. O modelo SERVQUAL na construção de um Website : um estudo exploratório na área de negócio das peças auto


    Almeida, Ana Lucília Cunha


    Dissertação de mestrado em Gestão Na área dos serviços, um fator crítico de sucesso é a confiança que o cliente deposita no fornecedor, sendo, por isso, necessário mostrar que as empresas se regem por um conjunto de boas práticas. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade do serviço prestado através da plataforma online da Zenit Automóveis. Tendo por base a revisão bibliográfica começou-se, por analisar os diferentes formatos de comércio eletrónico. Analisar...

  17. Evaluation of otolaryngology residency program websites. (United States)

    Svider, Peter F; Gupta, Amar; Johnson, Andrew P; Zuliani, Giancarlo; Shkoukani, Mahdi A; Eloy, Jean Anderson; Folbe, Adam J


    Prior to applying or interviewing, most prospective applicants turn to the Internet when evaluating residency programs, making maintenance of a comprehensive website critical. While certain "intangibles" such as reputation may not be communicated effectively online, residency websites are invaluable for conveying other aspects of a program. Prior analyses have reported that certain criteria such as research experience and didactics are important considerations for applicants. To evaluate the comprehensiveness of otolaryngology residency websites. Review of otolaryngology residency program websites. Websites of 99 civilian residency programs were searched for the presence of 23 criteria. Presence of 23 criteria for application process, incentives, instruction, research, clinical training, and other. Only 5 programs contained at least three-quarters of the criteria analyzed; on average programs reported less than 50% of information sought. Among the 99 residency program websites, a description of the following criteria was noted: comprehensive faculty listing (88%), didactics (80%), contact e-mail (77%), current residents (74%), description of facilities (70%), intern schedule (70%), research requirements (69%), otolaryngology rotation schedule (64%), other courses (61%), ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) link (55%), year-to-year responsibility progression (47%), call schedule (40%), active/past research projects (37%), area information (34%), message from the program director (33%) or chair (23%), selection criteria (30%), salary (directly on site) (23%), surgical statistics (18%), parking (9%), and meal allowance (7%). The mean (SD) percentage present of factors encompassing "clinical training" was 55% (23%), significantly higher than the mean (SD) percentage of factors covered under the "incentives" category (19% [11%]; P = .01). The proportion of overall criteria present on websites did not differ on organizing programs by region (range, 42

  18. Readability of websites containing information on dental implants. (United States)

    Jayaratne, Yasas S N; Anderson, Nina K; Zwahlen, Roger A


    It is recommended that health-related materials for patients be written at sixth grade level or below. Many websites oriented toward patient education about dental implants are available, but the readability of these sites has not been evaluated. To assess readability of patient-oriented online information on dental implants. Websites containing patient-oriented information on dental implants were retrieved using the Google search engine. Individual and mean readability/grade levels were calculated using standardized formulas. Readability of each website was classified as easy (≤ 6th-grade level) or difficult (≥ 10th grade level). Thirty nine websites with patient-oriented information on dental implant were found. The average readability grade level of these websites was 11.65 ± 1.36. No website scored at/below the recommended 6th grade level. Thirty four of 39 websites (87.18%) were difficult to read. The number of characters, words, and sentences on these sites varied widely. All patient-oriented websites on dental implants scored above the recommended grade level, and majority of these sites were "difficult" in their readability. There is a dire need to create patient information websites on implants, which the majority can read. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Gender Differences in Website Design: Implications for Education

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    Gloria Moss


    Full Text Available This study examines the implications of a gendered website production and preference aesthetic for the teaching of computer studies. Where the website production aesthetic is concerned, it finds evidence of statistically significant differences on 13 of the 23 factors against which sixty student websites were rated. These results were suggestive of a website aesthetic continuum with male and female production aesthetic tendencies at either end. The preference tests, conducted with 67 subjects, revealed preferences to be in tune with production aesthetics such that men had a statistically significant tendency to prefer home pages produced by men, and women those produced by women. This latter tendency was higher than the former. The finding of gendered differences in website production and preference aesthetics has important implications for teaching and assessment. Teachers selecting or assessing websites, whether commercial or produced by pupils and students, need to be mindful of the aesthetic employed in those websites. When selecting websites for educational purposes, a match should be made between the website and end-user preferences. Assessment of students' work should ideally be mindful of the potential for positive bias on the part of the assessor in the direction of work displaying their own favoured aesthetic.


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    Ciro Eduardo Gusatti


    Full Text Available A realidade ascendente do comércio eletrônico de bens e serviço sugere novas perspectivas relacionais entre as organizações e os consumidores. Essas negociações online oferecem elementos exclusivos de investigação sob o ponto de vista do marketing, da economia e do próprio comportamento do consumidor. Elege-se aqui a teoria da sinalização da qualidade como interface para análise destes contextos. Define-se como enfoque deste estudo o contexto das negociações de serviços na internet. Pesquisas recentes indicam que a sinalização da qualidade tem impacto na confiança de consumidores em produtos na internet. A partir do desenvolvimento de um experimento se buscou verificar a influência da sinalização da qualidade de uma organização (através do investimento no seu website na confiança do consumidor sobre um serviço promovido na internet. O experimento contou com o desenvolvimento de websites de com diferentes níveis de investimento (alto, médio e baixo para uma empresa fictícia de serviços. Os canais foram acessados, o serviço analisado e, posteriormente, avaliado pelos participantes da pesquisa quanto a sua percepção de confiança. Resultados provenientes de análises de variância (ANOVA e correlação confirmaram as hipóteses de que existem associações significativas entre as variáveis percepção de investimento da organização e a confiança do consumidor sobre o serviço apresentado no website.

  1. Successful Statewide Walking Program Websites (United States)

    Teran, Bianca Maria; Hongu, Nobuko


    Statewide Extension walking programs are making an effort to increase physical activity levels in America. An investigation of all 20 of these programs revealed that 14 use websites as marketing and educational tools, which could prove useful as the popularity of Internet communities continues to grow. Website usability information and an analysis…

  2. The Top Ten Websites in Critical Care Medicine Education Today. (United States)

    Wolbrink, Traci A; Rubin, Lucy; Burns, Jeffrey P; Markovitz, Barry


    The number of websites for the critical care provider is rapidly growing, including websites that are part of the Free Open Access Med(ical ed)ucation (FOAM) movement. With this rapidly expanding number of websites, critical appraisal is needed to identify quality websites. The last major review of critical care websites was published in 2011, and thus a new review of the websites relevant to the critical care clinician is necessary. A new assessment tool for evaluating critical care medicine education websites, the Critical Care Medical Education Website Quality Evaluation Tool (CCMEWQET), was modified from existing tools. A PubMed and Startpage search from 2007 to 2017 was conducted to identify websites relevant to critical care medicine education. These websites were scored based on the CCMEWQET. Ninety-seven websites relevant for critical care medicine education were identified and scored, and the top ten websites were described in detail. Common types of resources available on these websites included blog posts, podcasts, videos, online journal clubs, and interactive components such as quizzes. Almost one quarter of websites (n = 22) classified themselves as FOAM websites. The top ten websites most often included an editorial process, high-quality and appropriately attributed graphics and multimedia, scored much higher for comprehensiveness and ease of access, and included opportunities for interactive learning. Many excellent online resources for critical care medicine education currently exist, and the number is likely to continue to increase. Opportunities for improvement in many websites include more active engagement of learners, upgrading navigation abilities, incorporating an editorial process, and providing appropriate attribution for graphics and media.

  3. Produções imaginativas sobre dificuldades sexuais: um estudo psicanalítico

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    Elisa Corbett


    Full Text Available Objetivamos investigar psicanaliticamente o imaginário coletivo de estudantes de Psicologia sobre dificuldades sexuais, tendo em vista que queixas relativas à esfera sexual da vida humana são comuns na prática psicológica. Realizamos entrevistas coletivas com três grupos de alunos, usando o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema como recurso facilitador. Obtivemos, assim, 47 produções. Tais comunicações foram interpretativamente consideradas, de acordo com o método psicanalítico, permitindo a produção de quatro campos de sentido afetivo-emocional: "Falha mecânica", "Até que a morte nos separe", "Quem sou eu?" e "Rejeição". O quadro geral revela um imaginário conservador, a partir do qual podem emergir condutas preconceituosas e excludentes e que persiste apesar de inegáveis conquistas de movimentos sociais que focalizam as questões de gênero.

  4. [Content analysis of websites directed to low back pain]. (United States)

    Gülcü, Nebahat; Bulut, Sefa


    In this study, we aimed to evaluate the websites directed at providing information about low back pain with respect to their content and quality. The websites were detected by scanning the words 'low back pain' from the Turkish pages module of the Google search portal. One hundred and fifty websites introduced on the first 20 pages were evaluated; the 65 websites determined to fulfill the desired criteria were analyzed in detail. Twenty of the 65 websites were excluded due to low quality, extraction from another website, sales promotion-related books/products, or qualified as news. In the majority of websites, no site administrator was indicated. When an administrator was indicated, the common specialities were physical therapists (13%), neurosurgeons (8%) and anesthesiologists (4%). Ten of the websites (22%) provided a pain definition close to international standards, whereas pain classification was available on most of the websites (84%). There was no mention of methods of pain scoring on any of them. Treatment modalities for which information was given included mostly behavioral, physical and pharmacological therapies, respectively. Complementary techniques, in order, included acupuncture, yoga and bioenergy. On 10 websites, text was supported with medical photographs, and videos were available on two. None of the websites had a provision for selection of other languages. Websites directed to low back pain should be enriched with respect to scientific content, thereby serving to increase the level of social education related to pain management.

  5. Hyperlink Analysis of E-commerce Websites for Business Intelligence: Exploring Websites of Top Retail Companies of Asia Pacific and USA


    Kannan, Rathimala; Govindan, Marthandan


    Hyperlinks, which connect web pages on the World Wide Web, are rich sources of hidden information. E- Commerce Websites, which are created for different purposes from online sales to company promotion, would benefit if they receive more links from other websites as this would lead to increase the traffic to these websites. This paper analyses the structure of e-commerce websites using webometric approach to uncover any hidden information from the hyperlinks. The top 50 retail companies' e-com...


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    Cindy Novianty


    Full Text Available Responsive web design merupakan sebuah desain website yang dapat menyesuaikan tiap ukuran pada tiap device. Berdasarkan hasil dari beberapa responden menyatakan 62% responden setuju jika beberapa website yang belum mampu menyesuaikan ukuran tampilan web, 54% responden setuju bahwa desain yang responsive mempengaruhi faktor kenyamanan responden, 60% responden setuju bahwa konten utama dan fungsionalitas dari website yang sulit diakses melalui perangkat mobile, 56% responden setuju bahwa tampilan website yang kurang responsive berpengaruh buruk terhadap faktor kenyamanan responden, 52% responden setuju bahwa website yang belum mampu menyesuaikan ukuran pada tiap perangkat mobile. Dari hasil review tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa website yang tidak responsive mempengaruhi ketidak nyamanan para pengguna untuk mengakses informasi melalui website online.

  7. Entertaining Whilst Defacing Websites: Psychological Games for Hackers

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    Ashish K Das


    Full Text Available Aim/Purpose: This study aims to investigate various characteristics from both victims as defaced websites and defacers that linked to a risk of being defaced through a set of descriptive analysis. Background: The current figures from a spectrum of sources, both academic and non-academic reports, proved a progressive increase of website defacement attacks to numerous organisations. Methodology: This study obtains a set of data from Zone-H site, which is accessible to the public, including 99,437 defaced websites. The descriptive analysis is applied in order to understand the motives of defacers and the probability of website re-defacements through the statistical investigation. Findings: The motives for defacing websites are driven mainly due to entertaining reasons. This in turn has an implication on the type of techniques defacers attack websites.


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    Full Text Available Este trabajo presenta la viabilidad de los sistemas de refrigeración solar por absorción usando soluciones de monometilamina - agua (MMA-A para aplicaciones en conservación de alimentos en las regiones rurales de Colombia, sin acceso a la red de energía eléctrica. Para suplirlos requerimientos de energía térmica se propone un sistema de calentamiento de agua con energía solar usando colectores de placa y un sistema de respaldo convencional. En este trabajo se determinó el coeficiente de operación (COP del sistema de refrigeración solar por absorción de una sola etapa en función de la temperatura en los diferentes componentes del ciclo. Los resultados indican que el sistema podría mejorarse mediante un mejor diseño en el intercambiador de calor de solución, el evaporador y el rectificador. Los resultados teóricos demuestran que el uso de la solución de MMA-A puede ser usada en sistemas de refrigeración por absorción operados con energía térmica de baja calidad, tales como la energía solar.Este trabalho apresenta a viabilidade e aplicabilidade dos sistemas de refrigeração solar por absorção usando como parelha a monometilamina - agua (MMA-W para fins de conservação de alimentos ñas regiões rurais da Colômbia, onde não há energía disponível. Propõese um sistema de calefação solar mediante coletores solares de placa plana com um sistema convencional de aquecimento auxiliar para suprir as necessidades energéticas do refrigerador por absorção. Determinou-se o coeficiente de desempenho (COP do sistema de refrigeração solar por absorção só de uma etapa em funçã da temperatura nos diferentes componentes do ciclo. Os resultados indicam que o sistema poderia se melhorar mediante um desenho melhorno intercambiador de calor de solução, o evaporador e o retificador os resultados teóricos demonstram que o uso da solução de MMA-W pode ser usada em sistemas de refrigeração como parelha absortiva operado

  9. Estimate of DMFT index using teeth most affected by dental caries in twelve-year-old children Estimación del índice DMFT usando los dientes más afectados por caries dentales en niños de doce años Estimativa do Índice CPOD usando os dentes mais afetados pela cárie dentária aos doze anos

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    Stela Márcia Pereira


    desenvolver modelos de regressão para delinear o perfil epidemiológico da cárie dentária em localidade com baixa prevalência de cárie aos 12 anos de idade. Foram examinadas duas amostras probabilísticas (n=1.763 de indivíduos de escolas públicas e privadas de Piracicaba,(SP. Dados sobre os dentes mais afetados foram coletados em 2005 e validados utilizando um banco de dados (2001. A média (dp do CPOD foi de 1,7 (2,08 em 2001 e os modelos de regressão desenvolvidos estimaram um CPOD de 1,67 (1,98 em 2005, o qual representa 98,2% do CPOD em 2001. Os resultados apresentaram detalhes do perfil da cárie dentária aos 12 anos, usando uma abordagem analítica atual. Os modelos de regressão poderiam ser considerados como uma forma acurada e factível no auxílio do planejamento e avaliação dos serviços em saúde bucal.

  10. Estimativa dos coeficientes de afetação dos custos às atividades agrícolas usando a teoria da máxima entropia

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    Maria do Socorro Rosário


    Full Text Available Neste artigo, pretende-se estimar os coeficientes de afetação dos custos às atividades agrícolas, a partir de informação incompleta. Um modelo de desagregação dos custos de fatores de produção variáveis por atividade foi desenvolvido com base na teoria da máxima entropia e foi aplicado à região alentejo, usando os dados da base RICA de 2008. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a teoria da entropia é uma opção flexível e robusta para realizar a estimação de coeficientes de afetação dos custos das atividades num contexto de informação incompleta. Entre as duas variantes utilizadas, o modelo da entropia cruzada generalizada revelou maior capacidade de previsão, uma vez que os coeficientes estimados são mais próximos dos valores reais.

  11. A prática de Arquitetura de Informação de websites no Brasil

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    Sueli Mara Soares Pinto Ferreira

    Full Text Available O projeto de Arquitetura de Informação é uma das etapas iniciais do projeto de um website, por isso a detecção e correção de erros nessa etapa são mais fáceis e econômicas do que nas etapas seguintes. Porém, para minimizar erros, é necessária, para os projetos de Arquitetura de Informação, uma metodologia que organize o trabalho do profissional e garanta a qualidade do produto final. Foram analisados o perfil do profissional que trabalha com Arquitetura de Informação no Brasil (pesquisa quantitativa por meio de um questionário on-line e as dificuldades, técnicas e metodologias encontradas nos seus projetos (pesquisa qualitativa por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com apoio da abordagem do Sense-Making. Conclui-se que as metodologias de projetos de Arquitetura de Informação precisam evoluir na adoção das abordagens de Design Centrado no Usuário e nas formas de avaliar seus resultados.

  12. High and low spatial frequencies in website evaluations. (United States)

    Thielsch, Meinald T; Hirschfeld, Gerrit


    Which features of websites are important for users' perceptions regarding aesthetics or usability? This study investigates how evaluations of aesthetic appeal and usability depend on high vs. low spatial frequencies. High spatial frequencies convey information on fine details, whereas low spatial frequencies convey information about the global layout. Participants rated aesthetic appeal and usability of 50 website screenshots from different domains. Screenshots were presented unfiltered, low-pass filtered with blurred targets or high-pass filtered with high-pass filtered targets. The main result is that low spatial frequencies can be seen to have a unique contribution in perceived website aesthetics, thus confirming a central prediction from processing fluency theory. There was no connection between low spatial frequencies and usability evaluations, whereas strong correlations were found between ratings of high-pass filtered websites and those of unfiltered websites in aesthetics and usability. This study thus offers a new perspective on the biological basis of users' website perceptions. This research links ergonomics to neurocognitive models of visual processing. This paper investigates how high and low spatial frequencies, which are neurologically processed in different visual pathways, independently contribute to users' perceptions of websites. This is very relevant for theories of website perceptions and for practitioners of web design.

  13. Dental practice websites: creating a Web presence. (United States)

    Miller, Syrene A; Forrest, Jane L


    Web technology provides an opportunity for dentists to showcase their practice philosophy, quality of care, office setting, and staff in a creative manner. Having a Website provides a practice with innovative and cost-effective communications and marketing tools for current and potential patients who use the Internet. The main benefits of using a Website to promote one's practice are: Making office time more productive, tasks more timely, follow-up less necessary Engaging patients in an interactive and visual learning process Providing online forms and procedure examples for patients Projecting a competent and current image Tracking the usage of Web pages. Several options are available when considering the development of a Website. These options range in cost based on customization of the site and ongoing support services, such as site updates, technical assistance, and Web usage statistics. In most cases, Websites are less expensive than advertising in the phone book. Options in creating a Website include building one's own, employing a company that offers Website templates, and employing a company that offers customized sites. These development options and benefits will continue to grow as individuals access the Web and more information and sites become available.

  14. Gender Differences in Website Design: Implications for Education


    Gloria Moss; Rod W Gunn


    This study examines the implications of a gendered website production and preference aesthetic for the teaching of computer studies. Where the website production aesthetic is concerned, it finds evidence of statistically significant differences on 13 of the 23 factors against which sixty student websites were rated. These results were suggestive of a website aesthetic continuum with male and female production aesthetic tendencies at either end. The preference tests, conducted with 67 subjects...

  15. Estrutura e classificação de um remanescente de floresta ripária no município de Lages, SC

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    André Rosalvo Terra Nascimento


    Full Text Available Este estudo objetiva descrever a diversidade e investigar aspectos da classificação de um remanescente de floresta ripária na região de Lages, estado de Santa Catarina. Usando o método de parcelas foram alocadas vinte e cinco unidades amostrais ao longo do curso de água, sendo mensuradas todas as espécies arbóreas com diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP maior ou igual a 5 cm. A comunidade apresentou um dossel multiestratificado com espécies emergentes de grande porte e uma riqueza de 67 espécies arbóreas. A distribuição em diâmetro evidenciou uma comunidade autoregenerativa, com um grande número de indivíduos de pequenos diâmetros, os quais juntamente com as árvores de grande porte, somaram altos valores de área basal e densidade por hectare. A classificação separou os trechos mais desenvolvidos com maior área basal e complexidade com a presença de Cabralea canjerana e Myrcia hatschbachii dos trechos mais instáveis e com presença das espécies mais generalistas Celtis iguanaea e Ilex brevicuspis, denotando uma grande variabilidade ambiental nesse tipo de floresta.

  16. Um modelo integrado econométrico+insumo-produto para previsão de longo prazo da demanda de combustíveis no Brasil

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    Flaviane Souza Santiago


    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta um modelo integrado de tipo econométrico+insumo-produto para previsões de longo prazo da demanda de combustíveis no Brasil. O modelo é baseado na integração por ligação de um modelo vetorial de correção de erros com um modelo de insumo-produto híbrido para a economia brasileira e permite fazer previsões anuais de consumo para quatro grupos de combustível: gasolina, óleo diesel, óleo combustível e álcool. No processo de desenvolvimento, tanto o modelo econométrico quanto o modelo integrado foram submetidos a testes de desempenho preditivo, com o último sendo calibrado para melhor performance, usando-se dados disponíveis para o período de 2004 a 2007. Posteriormente, o modelo integrado é usado para gerar previsões no período de 2008 a 2017. As previsões são baseadas em dois cenários alternativos, um prevendo duração curta, e o outro, duração longa para a atual crise econômica mundial. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, em ambos os casos, ocorrerá significativo aumento da demanda de combustíveis nos próximos 10 anos.

  17. Implementación del sistema para municipios, usando pmi


    Cruz Ruiz, Victor Hugo; Buenaño Vera, Sulay Pamela; Freire Cobo, Lenin


    El objetivo de informe de graduación, es plantear y describir la implementación de un sistema informático en una entidad municipal usando PMI, siguiendo las pautas definidas en la Guía del PMBOK. Nuestro estudio es aplicar la Metodología Administración de Proyectos PMI a un proyecto ya terminado. Para este proyecto hemos tomado la información de la implementación del Sistema CABILDO ERP en el Gobierno Municipal de San Jacinto de Yaguachi, realizado por la empresa ecuatoriana...

  18. Evaluation of Spam Impact on Arabic Websites Popularity

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    Mohammed N. Al-Kabi


    Full Text Available The expansion of the Web and its information in all aspects of life raises the concern of how to trust information published on the Web especially in cases where publisher may not be known. Websites strive to be more popular and make themselves visible to search engines and eventually to users. Website popularity can be measured using several metrics such as the Web traffic (e.g. Website: visitors’ number and visited page number. A link or page popularity refers to the total number of hyperlinks referring to a certain Web page. In this study, several top ranked Arabic Websites are selected for evaluating possible Web spam behavior. Websites use spam techniques to boost their ranks within Search Engine Results Page (SERP. Results of this study showed that some of these popular Websites are using techniques that are considered spam techniques according to Search Engine Optimization guidelines.

  19. Perception Analysis of Desktop and Mobile Service Website

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    Rizqiyatul Khoiriyah


    Full Text Available The research was conducted as a qualitative study of the website to deeper explore and examine the analysis of user perception of desktop and mobile website services. This research reviewed about user perception of desktop and mobile service website used by using qualitative methods adapted to WebQual and User Experience approach. This qualitative research refered to the theoretical reference written by Creswell (2014. The expected outcome is to know the user perceptions of the available services and information in the website along with the possibility of desktop and mobile gap arising from differences in the two services. These results can be used as a service model on the website of the user experience.

  20. Experience with a Spanish-language laparoscopy website. (United States)

    Moreno-Sanz, Carlos; Seoane-González, Jose B


    Although there are no clearly defined electronic tools for continuing medical education (CME), new information technologies offer a basic platform for presenting training content on the internet. Due to the shortage of websites about minimally invasive surgery in the Spanish language, we set up a topical website in Spanish. This study considers the experience with the website between April 2001 and January 2005. To study the activity of the website, the registry information was analyzed descriptively using the log files of the server. To study the characteristics of the users, we searched the database of registered users. We found a total of 107,941 visits to our website and a total of 624,895 page downloads. Most visits to the site were made from Spanish-speaking countries. The most frequent professional profile of the registered users was that of general surgeon. The development, implementation, and evaluation of Spanish-language CME initiatives over the internet is promising but presents challenges.

  1. The relationship between website sport consumption motives and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Knowledge and skill in addressing website consumption motives are essential aspects in contemporary sport marketing. There is growing body of literature on website consumption motives in sport. However, there is a dearth of research on the relationship between website consumption motives and future behavioural ...

  2. An Intelligent Framework for Website Usability

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    Alexiei Dingli


    Full Text Available With the major advances of the Internet throughout the past couple of years, websites have come to play a central role in the modern marketing business program. However, simply owning a website is not enough for a business to prosper on the Web. Indeed, it is the level of usability of a website that determines if a user stays or abandons it for another competing one. It is therefore crucial to understand the importance of usability on the web, and consequently the need for its evaluation. Nonetheless, there exist a number of obstacles preventing software organizations from successfully applying sound website usability evaluation strategies in practice. From this point of view automation of the latter is extremely beneficial, which not only assists designers in creating more usable websites, but also enhances the Internet users’ experience on the Web and increases their level of satisfaction. As a means of addressing this problem, an Intelligent Usability Evaluation (IUE tool is proposed that automates the usability evaluation process by employing a Heuristic Evaluation technique in an intelligent manner through the adoption of several research-based AI methods. Experimental results show there exists a high correlation between the tool and human annotators when identifying the considered usability violations.

  3. A model for website analysis and\tconception: the Website Canvas Model applied to\

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    Carles Sanabre Vives


    Full Text Available This article presents the model of ideation and analysis called Website CanvasModel. It allows identifying the key aspects for a website to be successful, and shows how ithas been applied to As a result, the key factors prompting the success of thisdigital newspaper have been identified.

  4. Infecção cirúrgica em colecistectomia videolaparoscópica usando ácido peracético como esterilizante dos instrumentais

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    Edluza Maria Viana Bezerra de Melo

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Determinar a frequência de infecção de sítio cirúrgico em pacientes submetidos à colecistectomia videolaparoscópica usando o ácido peracético como esterilizante. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo retrospectivo descritivo do tipo coorte transversal. O ácido peracético foi usado para esterilização seguindo protocolo preconizado pelo fabricante. Foram observados os critérios e indicadores de processo e estrutura para prevenção de infecção de sítio cirúrgico no pré e intraoperatório. Para a vigilância epidemiológica, consultas ambulatoriais eram agendadas para o 15º e entre o 30º e 45º dias após a alta. RESULTADOS: Entre 247 pacientes foram diagnosticados dois casos de infecção de sítio cirúrgico (0,8%. Um paciente reinternou para antibioticoterapia sistêmica e punção percutânea; no outro, a infecção foi superficial e acompanhada ambulatorialmente. CONCLUSÃO: Eticamente não é permitida a realização de um estudo prospectivo pelo fato do ácido peracético ter sido proibido para a esterilização de instrumentais que penetrem em órgãos e cavidades; contudo, estes resultados encorajam estudo prospectivo caso-controle, comparando o uso dele (controle histórico com a esterilização por óxido de etileno.

  5. Emergency Contraception Website (United States)

    Text Only Full media Version Get Emergency Contraception NOW INFO about Emergency Contraception Q&A about Emergency Contraception Español | Arabic Find a Morning After Pill Provider Near You This website ...

  6. Concepção dos enfermeiros sobre o conteúdo do website sala de recuperação pós-anestésica Concepciones de los enfermeros acerca del contenido del sitio web sala de recuperación post-anestésica Conceptions of nurses about the content of the website post-anesthetic recovery room

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    Thaís Honório Lins


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem por objetivo identificar a concepção de enfermeiros acerca do conteúdo de website sobre sala de recuperação pósanestésica (SRPA. Pesquisa de campo, descritiva, realizada durante o 8º Congresso Brasileiro de Enfermagem em Centro Cirúrgico, Recuperação Anestésica e Centro de Material e Esterilização com docentes de enfermagem e enfermeiros. 95,65% dos enfermeiros consideraram importante um website com disponibilização de informações sobre SRPA e apresentou uma grande diversidade entre os assuntos que devem fazer parte do conteúdo do website, porém todos os aspectos devem ser abordados desde que sejam informações seguras e confiáveis. É importante saber a opinião e expecta tivas de enfermeiros relacionadas a um website que disponibilize informações sobre SRPA.El presente artículo pretende identificar el diseño de las enfermeras sobre el contenido del sitio web en la sala de recuperación postanestésica. Búsqueda de campo, descriptivo, celebrada durante el 8º Congreso Brasileño de Enfermería en la Sala de Operaciones, Anestesia y Centro de Recuperación de Materiales y Esterilización con los maestros, enfermeras y enfermería. El 95,65% de las enfermeras consideran importantes con un sitio web para proporcionar información SRPA y presentó una gran diversidad entre las cuestiones que deben que deben formar parte de los contenidos del sitio web, sino a todos los aspectos deben abordarse si son seguros y de la información fiable. Es importante escuchar la opinión de las enfermeras y expectivas en relación con un sitio web que proporciona información sobre SRPA.The present article has as its objective to identify the concept of the registered nurses in relation to the contents in a website about the post-anesthetic recovery room. The descriptive field research was done during the 8th Brazilian Nursing Congress in Surgical Nursing, Anesthetic Recovery and the Central Supply, Sterilization and

  7. Optimal strategy for selling on group-buying website

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    Xuan Jiang


    Full Text Available Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to help business marketers with offline channels to make decisions on whether to sell through Group-buying (GB websites and how to set online price with the coordination of maximum deal size on GB websites. Design/methodology/approach: Considering the deal structure of GB websites especially for the service fee and minimum deal size limit required by GB websites, advertising effect of selling on GB websites, and interaction between online and offline markets, an analytical model is built to derive optimal online price and maximum deal size for sellers selling through GB website. This paper aims to answer four research questions: (1 How to make a decision on maximum deal size with coordination of the deal price? (2 Will selling on GB websites always be better than staying with offline channel only? (3 What kind of products is more appropriate to sell on GB website? (4How could GB website operator induce sellers to offer deep discount in GB deals? Findings and Originality/value: This paper obtains optimal strategies for sellers selling on GB website and finds that: Even if a seller has sufficient capacity, he/she may still set a maximum deal size on the GB deal to take advantage of Advertisement with Limited Availability (ALA effect; Selling through GB website may not bring a higher profit than selling only through offline channel when a GB site only has a small consumer base and/or if there is a big overlap between the online and offline markets; Low margin products are more suitable for being sold online with ALA strategies (LP-ALA or HP-ALA than high margin ones; A GB site operator could set a small minimum deal size to induce deep discounts from the sellers selling through GB deals. Research limitations/implications: The present study assumed that the demand function is determinate and linear. It will be interesting to study how stochastic demand and a more general demand function affect the optimal

  8. Praksisorienteret forskningsformidling via et offentligt website

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kirkeskov, Jesper

    I dialog med brugerne gennemføres en videreudvikling af By og Bygs website,, som primært henvender sig til professionelle praktikere der beskæftiger sig med byggeriet og det byggede miljø. Ex ante antages det at såvel navigationsstruktur som søgefaciliteter skal rekonstrueres...... lignende informationstunge websites med fordel vil kunne hente inspiration i den udviklede løsning. Afhandlingen beskriver endvidere en komplet rekonstruktion af By og Bygs website, inkl. en ny navigationsstruktur som imødekommer brugernes behov for en emnebaseret indgang til websitets indhold. Ved den...... forskningsrapporter i traditionel, lineær form. Ex post synes det således fortsat at være en stor udfordring at hypermediere forskningsresultater med henblik på anvendelsesorientering. Afhandlingen ledsages af en betaversion af By og Bygs ny website, som blev idriftsat april 2004 på adressen ....

  9. I made a website! Now what?

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    When you finish your website (or a web app) and you are ready to show it to the world, it's not the end of your work, it's just the beginning. Users will ask you to add new features, some bugs will be discovered or you will simply have to answer some emails about the website. But before this happens, you need to put is somewhere, so people can see it and start using it. Now, how do you select which of the 1047 different hosting companies will be the best? Or where do you get a cheap domain? How do you know that your website is up and running when you don't look or how do you communicate with people who subscribed to your newsletter? You don't know? Don't worry, during this talk I will give you some examples of tools and services that you can use when launching your website (with an emphasis on cheap/free and reliable tools).

  10. Website Redesign: A Case Study. (United States)

    Wu, Jin; Brown, Janis F


    A library website redesign is a complicated and at times arduous task, requiring many different steps including determining user needs, analyzing past user behavior, examining other websites, defining design preferences, testing, marketing, and launching the site. Many different types of expertise are required over the entire process. Lessons learned from the Norris Medical Library's experience with the redesign effort may be useful to others undertaking a similar project.

  11. Online Sellers’ Website Quality Influencing Online Buyers’ Purchase Intention (United States)

    Shea Lee, Tan; Ariff, Mohd Shoki Md; Zakuan, Norhayati; Sulaiman, Zuraidah; Zameri Mat Saman, Muhamad


    The increase adoption of Internet among young users in Malaysia provides high prospect for online seller. Young users aged between 18 and 25 years old are important to online sellers because they are actively involved in online purchasing and this group of online buyers is expected to dominate future online market. Therefore, examining online sellers’ website quality and online buyers’ purchase intention is crucial. Based on the Theory of planned behavior (TPB), a conceptual model of online sellers’ website quality and purchase intention of online buyers was developed. E-tailQ instrument was adapted in this study which composed of website design, reliability/fulfillment, security, privacy & trust, and customer service. Using online questionnaire and convenience sampling procedure, primary data were obtained from 240 online buyers aged between 18 to 25 years old. It was discovered that website design, website reliability/fulfillment, website security, privacy & trust, and website customer service positively and significantly influence intention of online buyers to continuously purchase via online channels. This study concludes that online sellers’ website quality is important in predicting online buyers’ purchase intention. Recommendation and implication of this study were discussed focusing on how online sellers should improve their website quality to stay competitive in online business.

  12. Hotel Overbooking and Cooperation with Third-Party Websites

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    Yufeng Dong


    Full Text Available Hotels cooperate with third-party websites to enhance their competitive position and attain sustainable development in the era of e-commerce. Furthermore, hotel managers overbook to hedge against last-minute cancellations and customer no-shows. This paper discusses pricing and overbooking strategies of a hotel in the context of cooperation with multiple third-party websites and analyzes how these strategies influence the cooperation process. The increase in profits resulting from the overbooking strategy is also examined. A model of a Stackelberg game between the hotel and third-party websites and a Nash game among the third-party websites are developed to analyze the process. Results indicate that the compensation coefficient has a slight influence on hotel pricing strategy, but causes a sharp decrease in overbooking level. As the hotel demands to lessen the probability of denying under higher compensation rate, the third-party websites would exert less sales effort to reduce the demand of online customers. Results also show that under a given market demand, hotel effort only serves to redistribute market shares among the hotel and third-party websites, without influencing hotel pricing and overbooking decisions. Specifically, the market shares of the third-party websites decrease in the effort level of the hotel resulting from an increase in the hotel market share. Finally, in the numerical example where one hotel and two websites are analyzed, hotel overbooking strategy improves hotel profit by 4.20%, whereas profit improvements for Websites 1 and 2 are as high as 5.26% and 5.21%, respectively. Managerial implications of the study are also provided.

  13. Assessing the Quality of Hospitals’ Websites in Khorasan Razavi Province

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    Meisam Dastani


    Full Text Available Background and Objectives: The aim of the present study was to demonstrate a clear vision of the quality status of Khorasan Razavi hospitals’ websites in four dimensions of content, performance, management and using the website. Material and Methods: This was a survey study. The sample size consisted of 49 hospital websites of Khorasan Razavi province. A check list including 21 components and four criteria (content, performance, management and how to use the website was used as the assessing instrument. Its validity and reliability have been proved through previous studies. Also, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: The findings showed that only 59% of the hospitals in Khorasan Razavi had active websites.  The overall status of the websites showed the following: too weak (51%, moderate (26.5% and weak (16.3%, respectively. Regarding the content, performance, management and using the website and design criteria, the findings showed that 40.8% of the websites had an unfavorable condition. Of the 16 high quality websites selected, only three websites including Sina Hospital in Mashhad, Javdoll-Aemeh in Mashhad and Razavi were in good condition; meanwhile the others were in poor condition. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that most websites do not consider minimal medical standards and also, they could not establish good relationships with their audiences. In fact, in Iran, considering the quality and performance of websites has not been a priority for improving service quality in hospitals. The findings of this study can be effective in the identification and development of hospital websites quality criteria in terms of design, content, performance and management and how to use websites.

  14. A Retrospective Look at Website Accessibility over Time (United States)

    Hackett, Stephanie; Parmanto, Bambang; Zeng, Xiaoming


    Websites were retrospectively analysed to study the effects that technological advances in web design have had on accessibility for persons with disabilities. A random sample of general websites and a convenience sample of US government websites were studied and compared for the years 1997-2002. Web accessibility barrier (WAB) and complexity…

  15. Website visibility the theory and practice of improving rankings

    CERN Document Server

    Weideman, Melius


    The quest to achieve high website rankings in search engine results is a prominent subject for both academics and website owners/coders. Website Visibility marries academic research results to the world of the information practitioner and contains a focused look at the elements which contribute to website visibility, providing support for the application of each element with relevant research. A series of real-world case studies with tested examples of research on website visibility elements and their effect on rankings are reviewed.Written by a well-respected academic and practitioner in the

  16. Cocleostomia transcanal: resultados em longo prazo de um estudo de coorte Transcanal cochleostomy in cochlear implant surgery: long-term results of a cohort study

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    Michelle Lavinsky-Wolff


    Full Text Available A técnica de acesso combinado (TAC ao implante coclear (IC é uma variação da técnica clássica de mastoidectomia e timpanotomia posterior (MPTA. A TAC combina um acesso transcanal à cocleostomia com uma timpanotomia posterior reduzida para a inserção dos eletrodos. OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a segurança e efetividade em longo prazo alcançados com a TAC e MPTA em pacientes submetidos a IC em um centro brasileiro. Desenho científico: Estudo de série. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Pacientes submetidos a IC usando TAC e MPTA foram acompanhados em um estudo de coorte. Os desfechos avaliados foram complicações, avaliação audiométrica e radiológica pós-operatórias. RESULTADOS: Quarenta e quatro pacientes foram implantados usando a TAC e 31 usando MPTA. Não houve casos de paralisia facial, mastoidite, colesteatoma ou fístula após 3,4±1,0 anos. A avaliação radiológica da posição dos eletrodos a mediana de eletrodos fora da cóclea foi de 0 no grupo TAC e de 3 no MPTA (p The combined approach technique (CAT is a variation of the classical the mastoidectomy-posterior tympanotomy technique (MPTA that combines a transcanal approach to cochleostomy with a reduced posterior tympanotomy for insertion of electrodes. AIM: To compare and evaluate long-term safety and effectiveness outcomes obtained with the CAT and with MPTA approach in patients submitted to cochlear implant (CI surgery. Design: series study. METHODS: Patients who underwent CI using CAT or MPTA at a Brazilian center were followed in a cohort study. Main outcomes were complications,audiometric performance and radiological evaluation of electrode position. RESULTS: Fourty-four patients were implanted using CAT and 31 MPTA. There were no cases of facial nerve paralysis, mastoiditis, cholesteatoma or cerebrospinal fluid leaks after 3.4±1.0 years. Radiological evaluation of electrode position revealed that the median number of electrodes outside the cochlea was 0 in CAT and 3 in

  17. Applying machine learning to build a website interface adaptation system




    In this article we present the architecture and model of a website interface optimization system. We describe how we use clustering and genetic algorithms to automatically select a website interface with the highest conversion from website visitor to website user. In particular, we describe an algorithm for streamed clustering, which allows for real-time analysis of high traffic website users.

  18. How to improve medical education website design. (United States)

    Sisson, Stephen D; Hill-Briggs, Felicia; Levine, David


    The Internet provides a means of disseminating medical education curricula, allowing institutions to share educational resources. Much of what is published online is poorly planned, does not meet learners' needs, or is out of date. Applying principles of curriculum development, adult learning theory and educational website design may result in improved online educational resources. Key steps in developing and implementing an education website include: 1) Follow established principles of curriculum development; 2) Perform a needs assessment and repeat the needs assessment regularly after curriculum implementation; 3) Include in the needs assessment targeted learners, educators, institutions, and society; 4) Use principles of adult learning and behavioral theory when developing content and website function; 5) Design the website and curriculum to demonstrate educational effectiveness at an individual and programmatic level; 6) Include a mechanism for sustaining website operations and updating content over a long period of time. Interactive, online education programs are effective for medical training, but require planning, implementation, and maintenance that follow established principles of curriculum development, adult learning, and behavioral theory.

  19. About This Website (United States)

    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) website serves to disseminate authoritative, evidence-based, and up-to-date information about cancer and NCI-supported cancer research. Much of the information is available for content reuse and syndication.

  20. Internet poker websites and pathological gambling prevention policy. (United States)

    Khazaal, Yasser; Chatton, Anne; Bouvard, Audrey; Khiari, Hiba; Achab, Sophia; Zullino, Daniele


    Despite the widespread increase in online poker playing and the risk related to excessive poker playing, research on online poker websites is still lacking with regard to pathological gambling prevention strategies offered by the websites. The aim of the present study was to assess the pathological gambling-related prevention strategies of online poker websites. Two keywords ("poker" and "poker help") were entered into two popular World Wide Web search engines. The first 20 links related to French and English online poker websites were assessed. Seventy-four websites were assessed with a standardized tool designed to rate sites on the basis of accountability, interactivity, prevention strategies, marketing, and messages related to poker strategies. Prevention strategies appeared to be lacking. Whereas a substantial proportion of the websites offered incitation to gambling such as betting "tips," few sites offered strategies to prevent or address problem gambling. Furthermore, strategies related to poker, such as probability estimation, were mostly reported without acknowledging their limitations. Results of this study suggest that more adequate prevention strategies for risky gambling should be developed for online poker.

  1. Impact of a dermatology wiki website on dermatology education. (United States)

    Karimkhani, Chante; Boyers, Lindsay N; Ellis, Lixia Z; Brice, Sylvia; Chen, David L; Dunnick, Cory A; Dellavalle, Robert P


    The Dermatology Education Wiki (dermwiki) website serves as a resource platform for medical students and residents. The readily accessible interface provides dermatology articles, survival guides, didactic lectures, and links to faculty talks as well as research opportunities. To assess medical student and resident satisfaction with the dermwiki website. Fourth-year medical students taking a dermatology elective were provided with a temporary password to access relevant dermwiki information. A satisfaction survey was created to assess whether medical students found the website helpful. Second- and third-year dermatology residents were also surveyed to compare satisfaction scores prior to and after the introduction of the dermwiki website. End-of-rotation medical student exam scores were tabulated and compared to the average scores from years prior to the development of the dermwiki website. Medical students rated the dermatology elective with the dermwiki website higher than rotations without a wiki (8.12 vs 7.31). Students planning to go into dermatology were more satisfied with the dermwiki website, reported accessing the website more frequently (11 times vs 9.5 times), and reported more time spent studying (12.2 hours vs 6.7 hours) than students not going into dermatology. End-of-rotation medical student exam scores did not differ from those prior to the development of the demwiki website. Ten second- and third-year dermatology residents unanimously stated that they were more satisfied with the program after the institution of the dermwiki website. Overall, addition of the dermwiki website to the dermatology elective curriculum has improved medical student and resident satisfaction scores. The improvement is greater among students planning to enter the field of dermatology. This study serves as a model for the incorporation of internet-based interactive tools to transform and supplement the learning environment.

  2. Pengujian Kualitas Website Ditinjau dari Perspektif Accessibility, Experience, Marketing dan Technology

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    Diyurman Gea


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the websites managed by individuals, companies and governments. The test results would be useful for managers to pay more attention to the quality of the website optimally through several perspectives: accessibility, experience, marketing and technology. The research used samples from 350 websites and the data were divided into seven categories, namely: website managed by SMEs (small and medium, website of universities, website of governments, e-commerce, news websites, website of industrial companies, and website of non-profit organization. We used Nibler as the testing tool to facilitate the assessment process. Data were analyzed using WEKA presented in the form of a decision tree. The results showed that the tested websites had an average value of 4.66 or worse (scale 1-10. The conclusion is that the manager of the website should perform repairs on the data and applications, in particular in the perspective of technology, accessibility and experience.

  3. Desenvolvimento e aplicação do Litterae: um sistema para marcação, etiquetação, estatística e busca de unidades textuais e processuais


    Daniel Couto Vale


    Esta dissertação, desenvolvida no âmbito do projeto SEGTRAD (Segmentação Cognitiva e Sistemas de Memória de Tradução) e vinculada ao LETRA (Laboratório Experimental de Tradução) da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, propõe um novo método de anotação de registros de teclado (keylog) gravados pelo Translog® com a ferramenta Litterae. Usando os registros do SEGTRAD analisados por Renata R. Rodrigues (2009) de 12 tradutores profissionais nos pares lingüísticos alemão-por...

  4. Visual website aesthetics : the relationship between dimensions of visual website aesthetics, website trust and consumers' intention to visit the website


    Dalen, Mie Birgitte


    A review of previous research about visual aesthetics revealed inconsistencies and contradicting views. Due to the important role of visual aesthetics in the online environment, a more thorough understanding of the construct was beneficial. Therefore, the first aim of this thesis was to develop a new structural framework of the dimensions of visual website aesthetics based on a review of previous research findings and theories. This conceptualisation process revealed that visua...

  5. Resultados preliminares de um sistema computadorizado e estereoscópico para pupilometria in vivo Preliminary results of a computerized and stereoscopic system for in vivo pupillometry

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    Luis Alberto Vieira de Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Desenvolver um sistema digital, com capacidade de induzir acomodação, para medida do diâmetro e formato da pupila para dez diferentes níveis de iluminação (LUX, variando do nível mesópico ao fotópico. MÉTODOS: Um sistema óptico para conjugar imagens da pupila iluminada por LED infravermelho e branco foi projetado e montado usando um capacete típico de oftalmoscópio e uma máscara típica de mergulhador como suporte e uma câmera CCD de alta resolução e sensibilidade. Algoritmos usando princípios de processamento de imagens foram implementados para leitura do arquivo de vídeo e a detecção automática do centro geométrico e diâmetro da pupila para cada quadro. RESULTADOS: Apresentamos dados preliminares deste sistema para um paciente voluntário. Os dados sobre posição horizontal (x, vertical (y do centro geométrico e do diâmetro da pupila foram exportados para arquivos texto que podem ser impressos usando um programa convencional de planilha (Excel. O processo de acomodação é garantido por uma mira virtual (LED branco localizada a 6 metros do olho do paciente e o nível de iluminação é precisamente controlado por uma placa eletrônica que alimenta o LED central que tem sua potência controlada pelo "software". CONCLUSÕES: Com o instrumento desenvolvido dados precisos da posição e tamanhos da pupila podem então ser obtidos estereoscopicamente (para ambas as pupilas e ao mesmo tempo para qualquer paciente. Acreditamos que tal instrumento possa ser útil em algumas práticas oftálmicas onde as características geométricas da pupila sejam importantes.PURPOSE: We developed a digital system with accommodation capacities for measurement of the diameter and shape of the in vivo pupil for 10 different levels of illumination intensity, varying from mesopic to photopic. METHODS: An optical system for conjugating images from an infrared and white light illuminated pupil was designed and mounted using an

  6. Tags on healthcare information websites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lykke, Marianne; Ådland, Marit Kristine


    This paper explores tags and tagging behaviour on health information websites using an empirical, user-oriented, exploratory case study. Taggers and editors were interviewed about tags and tagging, while taggers solved tasks that included applying tags to a website. This qualitative data...... articles, request information, and value article content. Some of these show that tags are not only not only topical descriptions, but communicative by intent. This result can potentially inform the design of tagging features....

  7. Peningkatan Niat Pembelian melalui Website

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    Wirawan Wirawan


    Full Text Available In globalization era, technology is rapidly growing. Nowadays many companies use technology in their business with the purpose to support internal and external activities, such as online sales. Currently, the level of competition in the field of online sales is getting bigger because there are many companies get into the market. The purpose of this study is to help new website of PT Pos Indonesia (Galeripos face competition and increase the intention of visitor to visit Galeripos and the number of transaction there as well. This study was conducted to know how website quality and perceived risk influence online trust of web visitors and the impact on online purchase intention. The method used in this research is path analysis. Data had collected by distributing questionnaires through social media. As conclusion, website quality, perceived risk, and online trust, individually and simultaneously, have significant influence on online purchase intention.

  8. Health Websites: Accessibility and Usability for American Sign Language Users (United States)

    Kushalnagar, Poorna; Naturale, Joan; Paludneviciene, Raylene; Smith, Scott R.; Werfel, Emily; Doolittle, Richard; Jacobs, Stephen; DeCaro, James


    To date, there have been efforts towards creating better health information access for Deaf American Sign Language (ASL) users. However, the usability of websites with access to health information in ASL has not been evaluated. Our paper focuses on the usability of four health websites that include ASL videos. We seek to obtain ASL users’ perspectives on the navigation of these ASL-accessible websites, finding the health information that they needed, and perceived ease of understanding ASL video content. ASL users (N=32) were instructed to find specific information on four ASL-accessible websites, and answered questions related to: 1) navigation to find the task, 2) website usability, and 3) ease of understanding ASL video content for each of the four websites. Participants also gave feedback on what they would like to see in an ASL health library website, including the benefit of added captioning and/or signer model to medical illustration of health videos. Participants who had lower health literacy had greater difficulty in finding information on ASL-accessible health websites. This paper also describes the participants’ preferences for an ideal ASL-accessible health website, and concludes with a discussion on the role of accessible websites in promoting health literacy in ASL users. PMID:24901350


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    Full Text Available On-line communication is fundamental for tourism development. The possibility to access desired websites favors not only the attractiveness of a tourism destination, but also encourages visits. The ease of access, the content of the websites, the professionalism reflected in the website organisation and up-dating are elements that highlight the tourism operators’ interest towards their present and future clients. In Romania, the potential for the e-commerce development is huge. The statistical data included in this article support this statement. But, a careful analysis of the toursm websites reveals the existence of an unexpected and negative situation at the same time. The author analyzed the attraction websites in Brașov County, a famous tourist destination in our country. Although the number of tourism attractions is high, only three of them have their own websites. These websites were analyzed based on six groups of features, namely product information, non-product information, reservations, payment, functionality and customer relationship management. The results reveal the low degree of fulfillment for these parameters, the lack of online bookings, the lack of relevant tourist information such as the description of services offered within the tourist attraction or local transport modes, etc. The author proposes the completion of these websites, setting up new websites for prestigious tourism attractions included on the UNESCO Heritage List, as well as marketing researches among visitors in order to identify their expectations and the websites’ management accordingly.

  10. Compatibility of Firm Positioning Strategy and Website Content: Highest

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    Full Text Available Corporate websites are essential platforms through which firms introduce their goods and services on B2B and B2C level, express financial information for the stakeholders and share corporate values, purposes and activities. Due to its facilities, websites take part in firm positioning strategy. Accordingly this study aims to understand the innovation oriented positioning through corporate websites. The method applied in this study has been adapted from the 2QCV2Q Model developed by Mich and Franch (2000 to evaluate websites and top 30 firms with the highest Research and Development expenditures listed in Turkishtime (2015 have been analyzed. Within this context, this study presents a revised and updated method for the assessments of websites through positioning strategy framework. Findings indicate no direct relationship between website evaluation and R&D expenditure, though some common weaknesses have been put forward, such as information about management of the firms. Besides, publicly traded firms are recognized to facilitate websites more efficiently than non-publicly traded firms. Study contribute to both academia and practitioners as putting forward a new approach for 2QCV2Q Model and indicating the similarities and differences among the corporate websites through positioning perspective.

  11. Features influencing Islamic websites use: A Muslim user perspective

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    Mansur Aliyu


    Full Text Available Muslim scholars and organisations use the Internet through various websites to spread Islam globally. The presence of many websites providing Islamic contents online makes it necessary to examine their Islamic features and the factors that influence Muslims to use Islamic websites. This paper empirically investigates the Islamic features that influence the use of Islamic websites by Muslim users. The identified Islamic factors were grouped under five factors: beliefs, ethics, services, symbols, and values. A survey of 246 Muslim Islamic website users was conducted between November and December  2012 at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM. The study develops and tests a path measurement model to confirm the psychometric properties of the five identified factors. The study found that Islamic features significantly influence Muslims to use Islamic websites. The measurement model and empirical results provide valuable indicators for the direction of future research and also suggest guidelines for developing Islamic websites that will easily influence many Internet users to visit them in order to learn about Islamic teachings and practices. The findings are also of considerable importance as they contribute to the present body of knowledge on Islamic websites’ evaluation and for practice in designing and developing quality Islamic websites.

  12. The Impact Of Website Design Features On Behavioral Intentions

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    Chun-Chin Chiu


    Full Text Available The design of a website interface plays an important role in online purchasing and customers are more likely to visit and buy from better-designed websites. However previous studies have not provided consistent information about the features a website should provide. Based on Hausman and Siekpes 2009 comprehensive model this study aims to empirically verify whether the model can be applied in e-service markets to predict and explain website users behavioral intentions trade intentions and revisit intentions. Based on the data from a survey of 303 Internet users the results indicate that computer factors and human factors the key website design features are significantly related to website users experiences perceived usefulness perceived entertainment value and perceived informativeness in turn significantly affect the intermediary outcomes of attitude toward the site and ultimately influence users behavioral intentions.

  13. Building business websites with Squarespace 7

    CERN Document Server

    Coffey, Miko


    This book is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to use the latest version of Squarespace to create a website from scratch and take it through to go-live. You don't need any prior experience with Squarespace, HTML or CSS, or building websites in general as everything is done using Squarespace's simple, browser-based interface.

  14. Lesão brônquica e pneumotórax após reintubação usando um cateter para troca da via aérea Lesión brónquica y neumotórax posterior a la reintubación usando un catéter para el cambio de la vía aérea Bronchial injury and pneumothorax after reintubation using an airway exchange catheter

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    Juliano P. de Almeida


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Relatamos um caso de pneumotórax causado por perfuração brônquica durante uma reintubação usando um cateter para troca da via aérea (CTVA em um paciente com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 53 anos, com carcinoma de orofaringe, foi internado na UTI com pneumonia grave e síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda (SARA. O paciente foi identificado como sendo de difícil intubação e uma sonda endotraqueal (SET foi inserida através de um broncoscópio. Após uma semana de tratamento, observou-se ruptura do manguito endotraqueal. A troca da sonda endotraqueal foi necessária para obter uma ventilação pulmonar satisfatória. Um cateter para troca da via aérea (Cook, tamanho 14 foi usado para realizar a reintubação. Depois da reintubação, o paciente apresentou piora na saturação de oxigênio e uma radiografia revelou um grande pneumotórax. Um dreno torácico foi inserido e uma melhora imediata na saturação de oxigênio foi observada. A repetição da radiografia confirmou o posicionamento correto do dreno torácico e a reexpansão do pulmão direito. A broncoscopia realizada mostrou uma laceração posterior do brônquio principal direito. O paciente foi extubado no dia seguinte. Depois de quatro dias, o dreno torácico foi removido. A radiografia realizada um dia depois da retirada do dreno revelou um pequeno pneumotórax no lobo superior direito, mas o paciente permaneceu assintomático. CONCLUSÕES: O cateter para troca da via aérea é uma ferramenta valiosa para lidar com pacientes difíceis de intubar. Embora os médicos geralmente concentrem sua atenção em evitar um barotrauma causado pelo suplemento de oxigênio ou ventilação a jato através do CTVA, a preocupação com a técnica de inserção pode minimizar as complicações que ameaçam a vida e aumentar a segurança do CTVA.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: Relatamos aquí un caso de neumotórax causado

  15. Development of the Nutrition4Kids website. (United States)

    Williams, Michelle S


    According to the 2009 National Vital Statistics Report, cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the United States. Researchers have determined that consuming a diet low in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is a common risk factor associated with the risk of developing several types of cancer including stomach, colorectal, breast, and pancreatic. Currently, there are few websites devoted to increasing students' knowledge about the role of a healthy diet in cancer prevention. The Nutrition4Kids website is a unique health education tool that targets youth aged 10 to 14 years. The website content and design were based on the Health Belief Model, the Information-Motivation and Behavioral Skills Model, and the principles of health literacy. The information included on the website was based on recommendations from the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund. The website contains nutrition information, recipes that emphasize the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and interactive games. The primary objectives of the Nutrition4Kids website are to 1) increase students' knowledge of how poor dietary habits can affect their health, 2) increase students' knowledge of healthy dietary habits that can reduce their risk for cancer, 3) increase students' ability to prepare healthy, well-balanced meals and snacks, 4) increase students' ability to discuss healthy eating with their family and friends, and 5) increase students' knowledge of nutrients that have healthful benefits.

  16. Avaliação da preceptoria na residência médica em cirurgia geral, no centro cirúrgico, comparação entre um hospital universitário e um hospital não universitário

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    Elizabeth Gomes Santos

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a preceptoria no programa de residência médica em Cirurgia Geral, no centro cirúrgico, em um hospital universitário e em um hospital não universitário, a partir da ótica dos residentes que ingressaram em 2010 e 2011. MÉTODOS: Questionário aplicado aos residentes, modificado de Sarker SK, Vincent C, e Darzi AW e usando-se a escala de Likert para qualificar o ítem pesquisado sobre as atitudes dos preceptores. A comparação da distribuição das respostas entre os dois hospitais foi analisada pelo teste de c² para tendências. RESULTADOS: No hospital universitário foram avaliados 12 preceptores por sete residentes. No hospital não universitário foram 11 preceptores avaliados por 13 residentes. O hospital não universitário apresentou a tendência de resposta discordante e indiferente (DC, D e I maior que o hospital universitário. Só o resultado de uma pergunta apresentou significância estatística. Não houve diferença significativa na comparação das respostas nas demais perguntas entre os dois hospitais. CONCLUSÃO: Os hospitais apresentaram preceptoria semelhante.

  17. Designing attractive gamification features for collaborative storytelling websites. (United States)

    Hsu, Shang Hwa; Chang, Jen-Wei; Lee, Chun-Chia


    Gamification design is considered as the predictor of collaborative storytelling websites' success. Although aforementioned studies have mentioned a broad range of factors that may influence gamification, they neither depicted the actual design features nor relative attractiveness among them. This study aims to identify attractive gamification features for collaborative storytelling websites. We first constructed a hierarchical system structure of gamification design of collaborative storytelling websites and conducted a focus group interview with eighteen frequent users to identify 35gamification features. After that, this study determined the relative attractiveness of these gamification features by administrating an online survey to 6333 collaborative storytelling websites users. The results indicated that the top 10 most attractive gamification features could account for more than 50% of attractiveness among these 35 gamification features. The feature of unpredictable time pressure is important to website users, yet not revealed in previous relevant studies. Implications of the findings were discussed.

  18. Assessing website pharmacy drug quality: safer than you think?

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    Roger Bate

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Internet-sourced drugs are often considered suspect. The World Health Organization reports that drugs from websites that conceal their physical address are counterfeit in over 50 percent of cases; the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA works with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP to regularly update a list of websites likely to sell drugs that are illegal or of questionable quality. METHODS AND FINDINGS: This study examines drug purchasing over the Internet, by comparing the sales of five popular drugs from a selection of websites stratified by NABP or other ratings. The drugs were assessed for price, conditions of purchase, and basic quality. Prices and conditions of purchase varied widely. Some websites advertised single pills while others only permitted the purchase of large quantities. Not all websites delivered the exact drugs ordered, some delivered no drugs at all; many websites shipped from multiple international locations, and from locations that were different from those advertised on the websites. All drug samples were tested against approved U.S. brand formulations using Raman spectrometry. Many (17 websites substituted drugs, often in different formulations from the brands requested. These drugs, some of which were probably generics or perhaps non-bioequivalent copy versions, could not be assessed accurately. Of those drugs that could be assessed, none failed from "approved", "legally compliant" or "not recommended" websites (0 out of 86, whereas 8.6% (3 out of 35 failed from "highly not recommended" and unidentifiable websites. CONCLUSIONS: Of those drugs that could be assessed, all except Viagra(R passed spectrometry testing. Of those that failed, few could be identified either by a country of manufacture listed on the packaging, or by the physical location of the website pharmacy. If confirmed by future studies on other drug samples, then U.S. consumers should be able to reduce their risk by

  19. Tools and Workflows for Collaborating on Static Website Projects

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    Kaitlin Newson


    Full Text Available Static website generators have seen a significant increase in popularity in recent years, offering many advantages over their dynamic counterparts. While these generators were typically used for blogs, they have grown in usage for other web-based projects, including documentation, conference websites, and image collections. However, because of their technical complexity, these tools can be inaccessible to content creators depending on their level of technical skill and comfort with web development technologies. Drawing from experience with a collaborative static website project, this article will provide an overview of static website generators, review different tools available for managing content, and explore workflows and best practices for collaborating with teams on static website projects.

  20. A Persian Cued Speech Website Fromthe Deaf Professionals’ Views

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    Guita Movallali


    Full Text Available Objectives: Increasingly people are using the internet to find information about medical and educational issues and one of the simplest ways to obtain information is internet. Persian Cued Speech is a very new system to Iranian families with deaf child and the professionals and a few educators have enough knowledge about it, so the purpose of this study was to introduce Persian Cued Speech website to deaf educators and rehabilitation professionals and assess their views about the website and their accessibility to important information through its use. Methods:The sample group was randomly selected fromdeaf educators and rehabilitation professionals working in different educational settings for deaf children in Tehran, our capital .They completed a questionnaire which was adopted from different website assessing questionnaires. Researchers also completed an interview with the sample group. Results: Our findings show that from the deaf educators and rehabilitation professionals point of view,the Persian Cued Speech website was a helpful and informing website. They also wanted more pictures and videos,bigger font sizes and more practical parts.So we decide to change some parts of the website to be more usable for them. Discussion: Using informational websites can be a very helpful tool in the internet area. Helpful websites are those which are more accessible, readable and appropriately designed and are user-friendly.

  1. Design and implementation of website information disclosure assessment system. (United States)

    Cho, Ying-Chiang; Pan, Jen-Yi


    Internet application technologies, such as cloud computing and cloud storage, have increasingly changed people's lives. Websites contain vast amounts of personal privacy information. In order to protect this information, network security technologies, such as database protection and data encryption, attract many researchers. The most serious problems concerning web vulnerability are e-mail address and network database leakages. These leakages have many causes. For example, malicious users can steal database contents, taking advantage of mistakes made by programmers and administrators. In order to mitigate this type of abuse, a website information disclosure assessment system is proposed in this study. This system utilizes a series of technologies, such as web crawler algorithms, SQL injection attack detection, and web vulnerability mining, to assess a website's information disclosure. Thirty websites, randomly sampled from the top 50 world colleges, were used to collect leakage information. This testing showed the importance of increasing the security and privacy of website information for academic websites.

  2. Design and implementation of website information disclosure assessment system.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ying-Chiang Cho

    Full Text Available Internet application technologies, such as cloud computing and cloud storage, have increasingly changed people's lives. Websites contain vast amounts of personal privacy information. In order to protect this information, network security technologies, such as database protection and data encryption, attract many researchers. The most serious problems concerning web vulnerability are e-mail address and network database leakages. These leakages have many causes. For example, malicious users can steal database contents, taking advantage of mistakes made by programmers and administrators. In order to mitigate this type of abuse, a website information disclosure assessment system is proposed in this study. This system utilizes a series of technologies, such as web crawler algorithms, SQL injection attack detection, and web vulnerability mining, to assess a website's information disclosure. Thirty websites, randomly sampled from the top 50 world colleges, were used to collect leakage information. This testing showed the importance of increasing the security and privacy of website information for academic websites.

  3. Website Making Foundation Al-husna Using Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0


    Eka Febriyanti; Don Elsyafitra., SKom


    Website is one of the means to publish a firm or individual who has information to beknown by the wider community, especially users of internet service. At this writing willdiscuss ways in making website.The method used in this writing is to use Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.0 on Windows1998 and Internet Explorer as your browser Exploler 5. Reasons for using MacromediaDreamweaver 4.0 is to be able to design a website according to the author wishes.A good website is a website that can attract the a...


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    Jorge Arnaldo Maluf Filho


    Full Text Available The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the voluntary disclosures of relevant information on the websites of a sample of 282 non-financial Bovespa-listed publicly-quoted companies. Based on the relevance of the corporate information (financial and governance assessed by the information intermediaries and that provide the basis for constituting weighted disclosure indices the results suggest that there is more disclosure: i the bigger the firm is and the bigger the return on company shares; ii in companies that have a special type of corporate governance; iii for those categories of corporate information that are more requested by the rating agencies and by stock brokers; iv in companies with larger debts.

  5. WISER ranking of the African national libraries' websites | Gupta ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... as number of webpages, in-links, rich content files, publications in Google Scholar. It was also found that the website of National Library of South Africa also holds the first rank in WISER among the selected websites of African national libraries. Keywords: National, Libraries, Webometrics, WIF, WISER, Website, evaluation, ...

  6. Creating a Pilot Educational Psychiatry Website: Opportunities, Barriers, and Next Steps. (United States)

    Torous, John; O'Connor, Ryan; Franzen, Jamie; Snow, Caitlin; Boland, Robert; Kitts, Robert


    While medical students and residents may be utilizing websites as online learning resources, medical trainees and educators now have the opportunity to create such educational websites and digital tools on their own. However, the process and theory of building educational websites for medical education have not yet been fully explored. To understand the opportunities, barriers, and process of creating a novel medical educational website. We created a pilot psychiatric educational website to better understand the options, opportunities, challenges, and processes involved in the creation of a psychiatric educational website. We sought to integrate visual and interactive Web design elements to underscore the potential of such Web technology. A pilot website (PsychOnCall) was created to demonstrate the potential of Web technology in medical and psychiatric education. Creating an educational website is now technically easier than ever before, and the primary challenge no longer is technology but rather the creation, validation, and maintenance of information for such websites as well as translating text-based didactics into visual and interactive tools. Medical educators can influence the design and implementation of online educational resources through creating their own websites and engaging medical students and residents in the process.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se realiza un estudio del proceso de clarificación en sistemas de tratamiento de aguas industriales usando un coagulante inorgánico polimerizado (hidroxicloruro de aluminio. Inicialmente, se establecen los elementos conceptuales más importantes de las etapas del proceso de clarificación (coagulación, floculación y sedimentación. Luego, se señalan los principales coagulantes convencionales utilizados en el tratamiento de aguas y se abordan los policloruros de aluminio (PAC´s como integrantes de una nueva generación de coagulantes alternativos cuyo uso se ha incrementado en las últimas décadas dado su mejor desempeño respecto a los coagulantes convencionales; se especifican los aspectos técnicos y operativos que se deben considerar al momento de implementar un proceso de clarificación de aguas usando un PAC como coagulante. Finalmente, se presentan datos comparativos de condiciones operacionales reales de un proceso de clarificación de aguas, producto de un trabajo previo, donde se remplazó un coagulante convencional (sulfato de aluminio por hidroxicloruro de aluminio, donde se corrobora el mejor desempeño del proceso luego del remplazo.

  8. O acesso à contracepção de emergência como um direito? Os argumentos do Consórcio Internacional sobre Contracepção de Emergência

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    Luíza Lena Bastos


    Full Text Available O Consórcio Internacional sobre Contracepção de Emergência (ICEC tem sido um dos principais difusores da Contracepção de Emergência (CE, um medicamento estratégico para as políticas públicas que envolvem os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos. Ele se constitui em forte interlocutor político e acadêmico, fomentando o debate entre os vários continentes. Este artigo pretende refletir sobre alguns elementos discursivos apresentados pelo consórcio, em seu website, para expandir o acesso à CE.

  9. Investigating a Student-Driven Taxonomy for Library Website Design (United States)

    Hulseberg, Anna; Monson, Sarah


    Libraries spend countless hours developing websites to connect users and resources. However, how much do we really know about what website terminology and features are meaningful to our patrons? And how can we best organize websites to facilitate access to resources? This article examines these questions by presenting a case study of a…


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    José Wilson Vieira


    Full Text Available Nos modelos computacionais de exposição (MCEs do DEN/UFPE, um fantoma (simulador antropomórfico é acoplado ao código Monte Carlo (MC EGSnrc para avaliações dosimétricas. Os modelos também precisam de um simulador da fonte emissora de radiação. Este trabalho apresenta um algoritmo MC não paramétrico de uma fonte radioativa planar, isotrópica por rotação, dependente da variável radial e da função de distribuição acumulada (FDA do problema, conhecida, mas não inversível. O algoritmo escolhe N valores da variável radial e calcula os correspondentes valores da função densidade de probabilidade (FDP e da FDA do problema. A suposição usada é que, se os valores da FDA fossem discretos, corresponderiam a frequências de raio (FR em intervalos consecutivos do domínio. Usando um gerador de números aleatórios (GNA uniformes normalizados em [0, 1, a técnica MC da inversão generalizada e interpolações lineares, foi possível obter amostras de r. Para comparações dosimétricas, foi reutilizado o MCE MSTA (Mash STAnding = fantoma MASH + EGSnrc + algoritmo baseado na FDP exponencial e montado o MSTA_FR. As implementações foram adicionadas ao software MonteCarlo, desenvolvido pelos autores e atualizado sempre que necessário. Os resultados apresentados e comentados estabelecem um novo algoritmo para uma fonte radioativa planar.


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    Dalva Maria Righi Dotto


    Full Text Available Com a utilização cada vez mais frequente da internet na busca de informações para a escolha dentre as opções de turismo disponíveis, a otimização dos websites turísticos por parte dos municípios pode ser uma ferramenta importante para o desenvolvimento do turismo. Informações  claras sobre os atrativos turísticos facilitam aos turistas escolher o destino, assim como informações sobre a disponibilidade de hotéis e, também, a gastronomia que o local oferece. Com o objetivo de analisar qualitativamente os websites de municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, este estudo, através de uma pesquisa exploratória, pretende disponibilizar aos gestores um diagnóstico comparativo, no intuito de auxiliar na visibilidade do atrativo turístico e sensibilização dos turistas potenciais, para incremento do setor e da economia local.

  12. Website Quality To Increase Franchise Marketing Performance Excellent

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    Erwin Halim


    Full Text Available According to Indonesia Association of Service Provider (APJII survey in 2014, the internet user in Indonesia increased up to around 88 million. This number expresses that the use of the internet to seek business franchise information will increase as well. The increase of internet using should be followed by the quality of franchisor's website. The franchisor's website will relate to system quality, information quality and service quality (DeLone and McLean, 2003. This research uses SEM LISREL to see the loading factors of each indicator impact in variables and website quality variables impact to intention to purchase franchise. The result shows that all variables (System quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality give significant impact to dependent variable Website Quality.

  13. National library associations: websites and electronic discussion ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    This article reviews the state of national library association websites in Africa based on an examination and analysis of the Botswana, Namibia, Nigeria, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zambia sites. Problems identified include lack of regular updates, technical errors, lack of funds to acquire quality website editing tools and ...

  14. Commercial Motor Vehicle Driving Safety Website


    Tidwell, Scott; Trimble, Tammy; Blanco, Myra


    This report documents the CMV Driving Safety website (, which was created by the National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence (NSTSCE) as an outreach effort to assist commercial motor vehicle (CMV) fleets and drivers, driver trainers, CMV training schools, and insurance companies. The website contains 15 unique pages and provides six downloadable training modules on driver distraction, driver health, hours of service, driver drowsiness and fatigue,...

  15. Perception Analysis of Desktop and Mobile Service Website


    Khoiriyah, Rizqiyatul


    The research was conducted as a qualitative study of the website to deeper explore and examine the analysis of user perception of desktop and mobile website services. This research reviewed about user perception of desktop and mobile service website used by using qualitative methods adapted to WebQual and User Experience approach. This qualitative research refered to the theoretical reference written by Creswell (2014). The expected outcome is to know the user perceptions of the available ser...

  16. The PHEDEx next-gen website

    CERN Document Server

    Wildish, Anthony


    PhEDEx is the data-transfer management solution written by CMS. It consists of agents running at each site, a website for presentation of information, and a web-based data-service for scripted access to information. The website allows users to monitor the progress of data-transfers, the status of site agents and links between sites, and the overall status and behaviour of everything about PhEDEx. It also allows uses to make and approve requests for data-transfers and for deletion of data. It is the main point-of-entry for all users wishing to interact with PhEDEx. For several years, the website has consisted of a single perl program with about 10K SLOC. This program has limited capabilities for exploring the data, with only coarse filtering capabilities and no context-sensitive awareness. Graphical information is presented as static images, generated on the server, with no interactivity. It is also not well connected to the rest of the PhEDEx codebase, since much of it was written before the data-service wa...

  17. Desenvolvimento de um programa computacional didático para o projeto de colunas de absorção

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    Nehemias Curvelo Pereira


    Full Text Available A absorção de gases é uma operação unitária da engenharia química na qual há a transferência de massa de uma corrente gasosa para uma corrente líquida. O princípio desta operação é simples e as dificuldades no dimensionamento das colunas de absorção estão associadas à execução de um conjunto de balanços de massa e de energia nas condições de operação do sistema. Elaborou-se, usando a linguagem de programação DELPHI, voltada ao ambiente WINDOWS, e algumas equações encontradas na literatura, um programa computacional de caráter didático para o projeto de torres de absorção isotérmicas, com diversos tipos de recheio e com operação em contracorrente. Os resultados são apresentados tanto em forma numérica como de gráficos, sendo possível sua impressão. Alguns exemplos tirados da literatura foram usados para testar a eficácia do software e observou-se que os erros apresentados pelos resultados do programa variam em torno de 5%

  18. Controle dos vasos renais usando clips vasculares e fio cirúrgico em nefrectomias vídeo-assistidas de doadores vivos

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    Alcides José Branco Filho

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A nefrectomia laparoscópica em doadores vivos para transplante renal vem assumindo um papel importante na era das cirurgias minimamente invasivas, acarretando menor morbidade aos doadores, e resultados semelhantes à técnica aberta no que se refere ao enxerto renal. O objetivo do presente artigo é relatar a experiência do nosso serviço utilizando a técnica de controle dos vasos renais usando fio cirúrgico e clips vasculares. MÉTODO: Foram realizadas 45 nefrectomias utilizando a técnica vídeo-assistida, com ligadura dos vasos renais com clips de titânio (LT-300 e fio cirúrgico. As variáveis analisadas foram tempo cirúrgico, perda sangüínea, tempo de isquemia quente, permanência hospitalar, necessidade de conversão e complicações. RESULTADOS: O procedimento foi realizado com sucesso em todos os casos. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 118 minutos, com perda sangüínea estimada em 84ml e tempo de isquemia quente de 4,3 minutos. Dois casos de íleo prolongado, uma lesão de veia gonadal, um escape de artéria renal e uma necrose de ureter foram observados. A permanência hospitalar média foi de 3,7 dias. O uso de clips vasculares e fio cirúrgico reduziu a perda de tecido venoso comparado à técnica com staplers e gerou redução de custos. CONCLUSÕES: A nefrectomia vídeo-assistida com a técnica descrita é factível e mostrou ser efetiva na contenção de gastos e na redução de tecido venoso perdido.

  19. Consumer input into research: the Australian Cancer Trials website. (United States)

    Dear, Rachel F; Barratt, Alexandra L; Crossing, Sally; Butow, Phyllis N; Hanson, Susan; Tattersall, Martin Hn


    The Australian Cancer Trials website (ACTO) was publicly launched in 2010 to help people search for cancer clinical trials recruiting in Australia, provide information about clinical trials and assist with doctor-patient communication about trials. We describe consumer involvement in the design and development of ACTO and report our preliminary patient evaluation of the website. Consumers, led by Cancer Voices NSW, provided the impetus to develop the website. Consumer representative groups were consulted by the research team during the design and development of ACTO which combines a search engine, trial details, general information about trial participation and question prompt lists. Website use was analysed. A patient evaluation questionnaire was completed at one hospital, one week after exposure to the website. ACTO's main features and content reflect consumer input. In February 2011, it covered 1, 042 cancer trials. Since ACTO's public launch in November 2010, until the end of February 2011, the website has had 2, 549 new visits and generated 17, 833 page views. In a sub-study of 47 patient users, 89% found the website helpful for learning about clinical trials and all respondents thought patients should have access to ACTO. The development of ACTO is an example of consumers working with doctors, researchers and policy makers to improve the information available to people whose lives are affected by cancer and to help them participate in their treatment decisions, including consideration of clinical trial enrolment. Consumer input has ensured that the website is informative, targets consumer priorities and is user-friendly. ACTO serves as a model for other health conditions.

  20. Evaluation of websites that contain information relating to malaria in pregnancy. (United States)

    Hamwela, V; Ahmed, W; Bath, P A


    The study identified available websites on malaria in pregnancy on the World Wide Web and sought to evaluate their readability and information quality. A purposeful sample of websites were selected which provided information on Malaria in pregnancy. A total of 31 websites were identified from searches using Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines. Two generic tools (Discern and HON), one specific tool designed to assess information quality of malaria in pregnancy and readability tests (Flesch Reading Ease and Flesh-Kincaid Grade level) were used to evaluate the websites. Most of the websites scored below 50% with the HON Code tool, with most lacking information on the symptoms. One website scored over 70 with the reading ease with two (2) achieving a score of 7 for the reading level test. The readability of the websites was too advanced for an ordinary consumer. The results of this study indicated that the information quality of malaria in pregnancy websites varied from fair to medium. It was also found that the readability of the websites was too advanced for an ordinary consumer. These findings suggest that most websites are not comprehensive in addressing all the relevant aspects of malaria in pregnancy. Copyright © 2018 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Rhetorical Features of the Company Website

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Anne Ellerup


    will discuss the functional and the compositional aspects of corporate communication on the World Wide Web by comparing company websites with traditional market communication media. I will focus on linguistic and visual features of the company website and briefly account for some of the media constraints......Recent years have seen a growing body of literature ceoncerned with the World Wide Web as a new form of communication, and numerous discussions on composition, structure and design of successful company websites are being held in all kinds of forums within and outside the Internet. However, most...... these discussions seem to focus on the technological properties of the Internet or tend to serve purely practical purposes and only few researchers discuss the rhetorical features of web communication, the exception being a litited number of researchers dealing with metaphors on the Web. In this paper I...

  2. On Realistically Attacking Tor with Website Fingerprinting

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    Wang Tao


    Full Text Available Website fingerprinting allows a local, passive observer monitoring a web-browsing client’s encrypted channel to determine her web activity. Previous attacks have shown that website fingerprinting could be a threat to anonymity networks such as Tor under laboratory conditions. However, there are significant differences between laboratory conditions and realistic conditions. First, in laboratory tests we collect the training data set together with the testing data set, so the training data set is fresh, but an attacker may not be able to maintain a fresh data set. Second, laboratory packet sequences correspond to a single page each, but for realistic packet sequences the split between pages is not obvious. Third, packet sequences may include background noise from other types of web traffic. These differences adversely affect website fingerprinting under realistic conditions. In this paper, we tackle these three problems to bridge the gap between laboratory and realistic conditions for website fingerprinting. We show that we can maintain a fresh training set with minimal resources. We demonstrate several classification-based techniques that allow us to split full packet sequences effectively into sequences corresponding to a single page each. We describe several new algorithms for tackling background noise. With our techniques, we are able to build the first website fingerprinting system that can operate directly on packet sequences collected in the wild.

  3. Australian health professionals' health website recommendation trends. (United States)

    Usher, Wayne T


    This study was concerned with indentifying motivations and trends associated with a health website recommendation from eight of Australia's major health professions to the health consumer. Health professions included in this study are: psychiatrists, general practitioners, social workers, dietitians, chiropractors, physiotherapists, optometrists and pharmacists. An online survey ( was developed from a common set of questions negotiated between all eight health professions. Survey questions were constructed in an attempt to identify participants' reasons for or against recommending a health website to a patient. A 5-point scale (not, slightly, neutral, moderately, strongly) to measure influence was used throughout the question set. This study indicates that Australian general practitioners (GPs) were the highest Australian health professionals to undertake a health website recommendation (86%), followed by psychiatrists (80%), with the lowest being physiotherapists (42%) and optometrists (33%). A profile of the Australian health professional who recommends a health website is identified as male, aged above 50 years, has had more than 10 years experience, works in a major city, is in private practice and has patient numbers exceeding 500 in a 12-month period (2009). Recommendations from this study include the need to develop mechanisms that identify high-quality online medical information and the development and implementation of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses which up-skill health professionals concerning the recommendation of health websites for health care delivery.

  4. Regular website transformation to mobile friendly methodology development


    Miščenkov, Ilja


    Nowadays, rate of technology improvement grows faster than ever which results in increased mobile device usage. Internet users often choose to browse their favorite websites via computers as well as mobile devices, however, not every website is suited to be displayed on both types of technology. As an example the website of Vilnius University’s Mathematics and Informatics faculty. Therefore the objective of this work is to develop a step-by-step procedure which is used to turn a regular websi...



    Mariana Coancă


    Most of the time the visitors of a website are willing to purchase products if the content of the website is presented in their native language. Therefore, translators become the most import key, because they translate not only the words and sentences on the website, but also the general tone and the key messages, adapting each cultural reference. We focused on the translators’ task and we presented some techniques regarding the translation process. In order to exemplify this aspect, we selec...

  6. Website development with PyroCMS

    CERN Document Server

    Vineyard, Zachary


    A practical and a fast-paced guide that gives you all the information you need to start developing websites with PyroCMS. The book is an excellent resource for developers and makes website development easy and financially viable for everyone.This book is ideal if you are a PHP developer who is looking for a great content management system or a web developer looking to speed up your development times. If you are a web developer, you will need to have some familiarity with OOP and the MVC programming pattern, especially if you want to extend PyroCMS by building add-ons.

  7. Craniofacial Surgery Fellowship Websites. (United States)

    Silvestre, Jason; Agarwal, Divyansh; Taylor, Jesse A


    Applicants for craniofacial surgery fellowships utilize Internet-based resources like the San Francisco (SF) Match to manage applications. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accessibility and content of craniofacial surgery fellowship websites (CSFWs). A list of available craniofacial surgery fellowships was compiled from directories of the American Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ACSFS) and SF Match. Accessibility of CSFWs was assessed via links from these directories and a Google search. Craniofacial surgery fellowship websites were evaluated on education and recruitment content and compared via program characteristics. Twenty-four of the 28 US-based craniofacial surgery fellowship programs had a CSFW (86%). The ACSFS and SF Match databases had limited CSFW accessibility, but a Google search revealed most CSFWs had the top search result (76%). In total, CSFWs provided an average of 39% of education and recruitment variables. While most programs provided fellowship program descriptions (96%), application links (96%), and faculty listings (83%), relatively few provided rotation schedules (13%), fellow selection process information (13%), or interview dates (8%). CSFW content did not vary by program location, faculty size, accreditation status, or institutional affiliations (P > 0.05). Craniofacial surgery fellowships often lack readily accessible websites from national program lists and have limited information for interested applicants. The consistent lack of online information across programs suggests future opportunities exist to improve these educational resources.

  8. An Analysis of European Online micro-lending Websites


    Arvind Ashta; Djamchid Assadi


    Purpose of the paper: With the development of web 2.0, a new kind on lending is taking place on the internet, termed peer to peer lending or social lending. In Europe, this includes commercial lending websites such as Zopa, smava, boober, Kokos, Monetto. At the same time, following the lead of Kiva in the US, European microcredit web platforms are coming up including MyC4 and Babyloan in Europe. The paper examines how the legal design of the online websites differs from the microcredit websit...

  9. Consumer input into research: the Australian Cancer Trials website

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Butow Phyllis N


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The Australian Cancer Trials website (ACTO was publicly launched in 2010 to help people search for cancer clinical trials recruiting in Australia, provide information about clinical trials and assist with doctor-patient communication about trials. We describe consumer involvement in the design and development of ACTO and report our preliminary patient evaluation of the website. Methods Consumers, led by Cancer Voices NSW, provided the impetus to develop the website. Consumer representative groups were consulted by the research team during the design and development of ACTO which combines a search engine, trial details, general information about trial participation and question prompt lists. Website use was analysed. A patient evaluation questionnaire was completed at one hospital, one week after exposure to the website. Results ACTO's main features and content reflect consumer input. In February 2011, it covered 1, 042 cancer trials. Since ACTO's public launch in November 2010, until the end of February 2011, the website has had 2, 549 new visits and generated 17, 833 page views. In a sub-study of 47 patient users, 89% found the website helpful for learning about clinical trials and all respondents thought patients should have access to ACTO. Conclusions The development of ACTO is an example of consumers working with doctors, researchers and policy makers to improve the information available to people whose lives are affected by cancer and to help them participate in their treatment decisions, including consideration of clinical trial enrolment. Consumer input has ensured that the website is informative, targets consumer priorities and is user-friendly. ACTO serves as a model for other health conditions.

  10. Website Quality in Government

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sørum, Hanne; Andersen, Kim Normann; Clemmensen, Torkil


    . Social implications – The overall digital enabled transformation of government appears to be guided by a rather heterogeneous set of quality standards. While a variance of quality standards might stimulate innovation in websites, it can also lead to a substantial difference in digital services provided...... to citizens. Thus, the authors' research stimulates the awareness of diversity of quality parameters and could have as an implication that national and international standards beyond accessibility standards are more explicitly shared and debated. Originality/value – The aim of this paper is to provide......Purpose – The objective of this paper is to investigate how webmasters within government bodies explain quality of websites. Despite the central position for advancing the communication, bridging usability tests and design, there are surprisingly few studies on how webmasters perceive, experience...

  11. Spanish language content on reproductive endocrinology and infertility practice websites. (United States)

    Londra, Laura C; Tobler, Kyle J; Omurtag, Kenan R; Donohue, Michael B


    To analyze the use of Spanish language translation on the websites of reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI) practices in the context of evidence of underuse of infertility services by minority populations. Cross-sectional survey of websites from REI practices. Not applicable. None. None. Assessment of the relationship between having a Spanish-translated website and REI practice characteristics. Variables included concurrent use of social media, size of the practice, Spanish-speaking practitioner in the practice, being a private or a university-based practice, being in a mandated insurance state, and being in an area with different levels of percentage of Hispanic population, adjusted for annual income levels of the population. Of the 376 REI practice websites analyzed, 101 (27%) offered at least some information in Spanish. We identified 97 Spanish-speaking practitioners at 71 REI practices. Having a Spanish-translated website was significantly associated with the practice's use of social media, having an international/out-of-town web page, and having a Spanish-speaking physician in the practice. The size of the practice, as measured in number of cycles reported per year, was not associated with having a translated website. In practices located in the top 60 metropolitan areas by Hispanic population, the odds of having a Spanish-translated website were only related to the percentage of Hispanic population after adjusting for state-mandated insurance and average annual income level of the Hispanic population. Sixty-six of the websites with Spanish-translated content had been automatically translated. An additional eight websites were partially translated automatically. REI practices in metropolitan areas with a higher percentage of Hispanics were more likely to reach out to this minority population by translating their website content into Spanish. These practices were also more likely to use social media. Future studies are needed to determine whether

  12. Implementasi Highly Available Website Dengan Distributed Replicated Block Device

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mulyanto Mulyanto


    Full Text Available As an important IT infrastructure, website is a system which requires high reliability and availability levels. Website meets the criteria as a highly available system because website must provide services to clients in real time, handle a large amount of data, and not lose data during transaction. A highly available system must meet the condition of being able to run continuously as well as guaranteeing consistency on data requests. This study designed a website with high availability. The approach was building network cluster with failover and replicated block device functions. Failover was built to provide service availability, while replicated block device provides data consistency during failure of service.  With failover cluster and replicated block device approaches, a cluster which is able to handle service failures of web server and database server on the website. The result of this study was the services of the website could run well if there was any failure in node members of the cluster. The system was able to provide 99,999 (five nines availability on database server services and 99,98  (three nines on web server services.

  13. Subjective and objective measurement of websites quality in a chemical industry

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    Julius Jillbert


    Full Text Available This paper assesses the Website of a chemical company, Deza, relative to strategy and Website quality. In an attempt to obtain both an objective and subjective measure of the quality of the Deza website, two assessment methods have been used. Firstly, a subjective assessment was conducted based on the WebQual survey instrument proposed by Barnes and Vidgen (2000. Secondly, a more objective assessment was conducted via an “informational content analysis”, based on the work of Carlson et. al. (2001. Analysis of the results of the WebQual survey suggest that overall, the Deza Website is perceived by the user as being of a higher quality than the Koppers Website, but a lower quality then the Nalon Website. The Information content analysis also ranks the Deza website as being superior to Koppers and inferior to Nalon.



    Cindy Novianty


    Responsive web design merupakan sebuah desain website yang dapat menyesuaikan tiap ukuran pada tiap device. Berdasarkan hasil dari beberapa responden menyatakan 62% responden setuju jika beberapa website yang belum mampu menyesuaikan ukuran tampilan web, 54% responden setuju bahwa desain yang responsive mempengaruhi faktor kenyamanan responden, 60% responden setuju bahwa konten utama dan fungsionalitas dari website yang sulit diakses melalui perangkat mobile, 56% responden setuju bahwa tampil...

  15. Assessment of Project Website Sustainability: Case of the Arctic EIA Project

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    Sonja H Bickford


    Full Text Available In many cases, temporary websites may be simple, accessible solutions for knowledge management and dissemination of information. However, such sites may become outdated as the funding ends, but yet in many cases, still publicly available through the Internet. The issue of website sustainability is a relevant topic for all organizations that have websites. Website lifecycle, knowledge management, and website sustainability issues are discussed through a theoretical-based literature review. These issues are then summarized and used as lessons learned for the case study approach of this paper. The aim is to identify a solution to address a website’s life and longevity, post project. A practical case study assessment of the issue of project website sustainability is needed to address the website’s longevity—post project—as creation is often made through temporary endeavors. Recommendations for future project websites are made as the outcomes and results of this study and are expressed in the form of suggested practices for project website sustainability in future projects.

  16. An evaluation of telehealth websites for design, literacy, information and content. (United States)

    Whitten, Pamela; Holtz, Bree; Cornacchione, Jennifer; Wirth, Christina


    We examined 62 telehealth websites using four assessment criteria: design, literacy, information and telehealth content. The websites came from the member list of the American Telemedicine Association and the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth and partner sites, and were included if they were currently active and at least three clicks deep. Approximately 130 variables were examined for each website by two independent researchers. The websites reviewed contained most of the design variables (mean 74%, SD 6), but fewer of those relating to literacy (mean 26%, SD 6), website information (mean 35%, SD 16) and telehealth content (mean 37%, SD 18). Only 29% of websites encouraged users to ask about telehealth, and 19% contained information on overcoming telehealth barriers. Nonetheless, 84% promoted awareness of telehealth. All evaluation assessments were significantly correlated with each other except for literacy and information. The present study identified various matters that should be addressed when developing telehealth websites. Although much of this represents simple common sense in website design, our evaluation demonstrates that there is still much room for improvement.


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    Ludwig Miguel Agurto Berdejo


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho empírico, procuram-se evidências do impacto na performance das empresas decorrente da participação da organização na lista de empresas com melhores práticas para com os seus empregados (MPE. O trabalho sustenta-se no construto da resource-based view (RBV da empresa, estruturado em Barney (1991, entendendo a presença da empresa nas listagens de MPE como um recurso idiossincrático e difícil de ser imitado, o que leva a considerar este recurso como uma fonte de vantagem competitiva sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a presença constante na lista de MPE no período de 2004 a 2006 proporciona uma performance financeira, medida pelo ROA e ROE, e de mercado, medida pelo Q de Tobin, superior em relação a um grupo de empresas comparáveis incluídas dentro de um grupo de controle. O período completo da análise compreende de 2001 a 2006, tendo sido testados 26 pares de empresas. Usando o Teste Wilcoxon, observouse que, para o ano de 2006, as amostras apresentam uma diferença significativa ao nível de 5% para o ROA e de 3% para o ROE evidenciando um melhor desempenho das empresas pertencentes à lista de MPE. Adicionalmente, usando a técnica de dados em painel, observou-se que a variável que denota a quantidade de participações que a empresa possui na listagem das MPE para o período de 2001 a 2006 apresenta significância para um nível menor do que 10%, contribuindo para o modelo do valor da empresa medido pelo Q de Tobin. Desta forma, este trabalho traz evidências que contribuem para demonstrar que a performance foi positivamente impactada pela sustentação de capacidades intangíveis e socialmente complexas. Com a sustentação destas capacidades podendo dificultar a sua imitação por concorrentes atuais e futuros.

  18. Komunikasi Corporate Social Responsibility pada Official Website Perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara

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    Nurjannah Nurjannah


    Full Text Available This study describes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR message on official website of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs and features of official website as CSR communication medium. Quantitative content analysis is used as the method. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics. This study selected 55 Indonesian SOEs official website. The result shows that state-owned companies have not applied transparency of CSR communication messages on their official website. The study finds that a number of state-owned companies do not present CSR information on their official website. In general, CSR communication on the official website of state-owned companies is limited to presenting information related to government program called Partnership Program and Community Development (PKBL. The official websites of state-owned companies have not utilized potential use of the website as communication medium of CSR. State-owned companies have not fully realized the role of official website as strategic media in conveying CSR communication message.

  19. Website Detection Using Remote Traffic Analysis


    Gong, Xun; Kiyavash, Negar; Schear, Nabíl; Borisov, Nikita


    Recent work in traffic analysis has shown that traffic patterns leaked through side channels can be used to recover important semantic information. For instance, attackers can find out which website, or which page on a website, a user is accessing simply by monitoring the packet size distribution. We show that traffic analysis is even a greater threat to privacy than previously thought by introducing a new attack that can be carried out remotely. In particular, we show that, to perform traffi...

  20. Factors Adopting E-Travel Website: The Case of Indonesia


    Vera Pujani; Alfitman; Refdinal Nazir


    E-travel is travel agency-s companies employing internet and website as e-commerce context. This study presents numerous initial key factors of electronic travel model based on small travel agencies perspectives. Browsing previous studies related to website travel activities are conducted. Five small travel agencies in Indonesia has been deeply interviewed in case studies. The finding of this research is identifying numerous characteristics and dimension factors and travel website operations ...

  1. Conceptualising how SMEs incorporate green content in their websites


    Craig M. Parker; Emilia Bellucci; Luba Torlina; Ambika Zutshi; Bardo Fraunholz


    This paper presents a framework on how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can proactively incorporate content relating to their ecological responsibility (or green) activities in their websites. SME studies offer limited guidance on, and conceptualisation of, how organisations can incorporate different types of content into their website designs. This paper addresses this problem by presenting the results of an exploratory, qualitative content analysis of Australian SME websites where emerge...

  2. Website Design and Localisation: A Comparison of Malaysia and Britain

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tanveer Ahmed


    Full Text Available This study aims to explore the local cultural values on Malaysian and British websites selected from different sectors. In recent years, a number of studies have addressed the issue of local culture in website design, but most of the studies have focused on USA representing western cultures, whereas Chinese and Japanese cultures have been the main focal point of Asian cultures. This study intends to fill this gap, focusing on less-debated cultures: Malaysia and Britain. It applies Hofstede’s individualism/collectivism, and power distance, and Hall’s high/low-context cultural dimensions, and analyses how these cultural values are reflected in Malaysian and British websites. A content analysis of the websites highlights considerable differences in representing local cultural values on the local websites.


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    Tanveer Ahmed


    Full Text Available This study aims to explore the local cultural values on Malaysian and British websites selected from different sectors. In recent years, a number of studies have addressed the issue of local culture in website design, but most of the studies have focused on USA representing western cultures, whereas Chinese and Japanese cultures have been the main focal point of Asian cultures. This study intends to fill this gap, focusing on less-debated cultures: Malaysia and Britain. It applies Hofstede’s individualism/collectivism, and power distance, and Hall’s high/low-context cultural dimensions, and analyses how these cultural values are reflected in Malaysian and British websites. A content analysis of the websites highlights considerable differences in representing local cultural values on the local websites.

  4. Professionalism and Commercialism on Cosmetic Surgeons' Websites. (United States)

    Park, Sung-Yeon; Park, SangHee


    This study analyzed the homepages of 250 cosmetic surgeons' websites by focusing on the representation of cosmetic surgery providers, cosmetic surgery recipients, and cosmetic surgery practice itself. Based on a literature review, some common elements of the webpages were preidentified as the indicators of professionalism or commercialism. Subsequently, each homepage was scrutinized for their presence and salience. Overall, cosmetic surgeons' websites were high in professionalism and low in commercialism in their representation of the service providers. In depicting the recipients, the websites were moderate in both professionalism and commercialism. The representation of practice was low in professionalism and moderate in commercialism. Implications of these findings for doctors, regulators, and consumer advocates are discussed and directions for future research are proposed.

  5. Participatory Design of Websites with Web Design Workshops

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    Alison Bersani


    Full Text Available At the University of Rochester's River Campus Libraries we have included users in technology development with great success. "Participatory design" entails collaboration among designers, developers, and users from the earliest stages of conception through to implementation of websites and other technology. Using participatory methods, a project to redesign the library website began with workshops to identify user needs and preferences. The results of these workshops led to the identification of key tasks for the main page. They also generated a hierarchy of tasks for sub-pages and rich information about how students and faculty members use current websites in their work. In our article, we explain our reasons for running participatory design workshops, describe our methods, review participants and recruitment, and summarize key findings. We also include information about our local implementation and general conclusions about the value of design workshops for website design and development.

  6. Conceptualising how SMEs incorporate green content in their websites

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    Craig M. Parker


    Full Text Available This paper presents a framework on how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs can proactively incorporate content relating to their ecological responsibility (or green activities in their websites. SME studies offer limited guidance on, and conceptualisation of, how organisations can incorporate different types of content into their website designs. This paper addresses this problem by presenting the results of an exploratory, qualitative content analysis of Australian SME websites where emergent themes are interpreted using framing and legitimacy theories. It describes three dimensions (location, presentation, and specificity which comprise the framework, under which the themes are grouped. The paper outlines how scholars can use the framework to develop models and carry out evaluations regarding how SMEs embed green content, and potentially other specific content types, in their websites. It also summarises how the framework can assist SMEs (or website developers serving them make informed decisions regarding framing their websites as green, or de-emphasising this content, by paying attention to its location (e.g. homepage, navigation bars and presentation (e.g. how paragraphs, images, etc are used within webpages. The legitimacy or credibility of the green content can be enhanced using different types of specificity (e.g. statistics, detail of processes and actions, and third-party substantiation.

  7. MicroRNAs: um novo paradigma no tratamento e diagnóstico da insuficiência cardíaca?

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    Vagner Oliveira-Carvalho


    Full Text Available MicroRNAs (miRNAs são um grupo recém-descoberto de pequenos RNAs, não codificantes, que representam uma das áreas mais estimulantes da ciência médica moderna por modularem uma enorme e complexa rede regulatória da expressão dos genes.Recentemente, linhas de evidências sugerem que os miRNAs desempenham um papel crucial na patogênese da insuficiência cardíaca. Alguns miRNAs altamente expressos no coração como o miR-1, miR-133 e miR-208 estão fortemente associados ao desenvolvimento da hipertrofia cardíaca, enquanto o exato papel de miR-21 no sistema cardiovascular permanece controverso. Os níveis séricos de miRNAs circulantes como o miR-423-5p estão sendo avaliados como potenciais biomarcadores no diagnóstico e prognóstico da insuficiência cardíaca.Por outro lado, a manipulação dos níveis de miRNAs usando técnicas como os mimetizadores de miRNAs (miRmimics e miRNAs antagônicos(antagomiRs está tornando cada vez mais evidente o enorme potencial dos miRNAs como promissoras estratégias terapêutica sna insuficiência cardíaca.

  8. Resultados do desenvolvimento de um propulsor à plasma no Brasil (United States)

    Ferreira, I. S.; Ferreira, J. L.


    Uma das partes mais importantes de um satélite é o controle de atitude do mesmo. E se tratando de um satélite científico, a atenção para este sistema deve ser redobrada. Uma possibilidade atraente para executar esta tarefa é a propulsão elétrica. Aqui, mostraremos resultados obtidos pelo propulsor à plasma PHALL-01, desenvolvido na Universidade de Brasília entre 2000 e 2003. Este é derivado do propulsor russo SPT-100 (Stationary Plasma Thruster), mas com o emprego inovador de um arranjo de imãs permanentes como fonte do campo magnético, este último o agente da aceleração do plasma. Esta alteração foi motivada pelo objetivo de que o mesmo operasse com o mínimo de potência elétrica. A partir da formulação teórica do mecanismo de aceleração, tendo como base as equações da magnetohidrodinâmica, pode-se obter vínculos sob os quais o propulsor pudesse ser construído. O mais forte destes é o que dita a topologia do campo magnético. Sendo assim, foram realizadas simulações computacionais, que definiram a geometria do propulsor. Após construído, este foi diagnosticado usando-se sondas de Langmuir e analisadores de energia. Como resultados, obtivemos a distribuição espacial da temperatura, densidade e potencial do plasma, bem como a distribuição angular do feixe produzido pelo mesmo em vários regimes de operação. O espectro de energia do feixe de plasma também foi medido, indicando íons de até 560eV. Combinando estes resultados, calculou-se o empuxo do propulsor: 84mN; e o impulso específico: 1083s. Estes demonstram que o mesmo estará qualificado, num futuro próximo, para o emprego no controle de atitude de satélites científicos, ou até mesmo como parte do conjunto propulsor primário, responsáveis pela transferência de órbitas.

  9. Analyzing the security posture of South African websites

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Mtsweni, Jabu, S


    Full Text Available observed. Research studies also suggest that over 80% of the active websites are vulnerable to a myriad of attacks. This paper reports on a study conducted to passively analyze and determine the security posture of over 70 South African websites from...

  10. Factors shaping the user experience on utiliterian websites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hompe, T.; Leker, J.; Mast, C. van der; Neerincx, M.A.


    This paper explores factors that influence the user experience when using utilitarian websites. A theoretical model for the user experience of utilitarian websites is proposed and investigated. This model is an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The effects of perceived ease of use,



    Suzana Markovic; Sanja Raspor; Tomislav Car; Jelena Komsic


    In the competitive hotel industry the content of hotel websites has an important role in achieving and maintaining business success and profitability. The purpose of this study is to analyze the websites of a selected group of hotels (three, four and five star) by applying content analysis by six dimensions (contact information, information about facilities, reservations and the surrounding area, as well as communication with customers and web-site functionality) and 22 characteristics. The a...

  12. Upgrade the website of Nuclear Training Center for online training

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen Minh Duc; Nguyen Thuy Hang; Nguyen Thi Lien; Luu Thi Thu Hoa; Pham Thi Thu Trang


    In 2016, Nuclear Training Center (NTC) proposed the task of improving and upgrading NTC website’s technology for better performance, more attractive interface and more accessible information to site visitors. This website will be designed to meet the demand for integrated online training site, integrated training management page later. For this task, it is expected to build a website with full modules, English interface of website and especially, the professional website to apply online training technology and tightly integrated close to the present site of a nuclear training center. (author)

  13. Marketing Digital e Turismo: Uso de Websites para Atração de Turistas nos Municípios do Rio Grande Do Sul/ Brasil

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    Dalva Maria Righi Dotto


    Full Text Available Com a utilização cada vez mais frequente da internet na busca de informações para a escolha dentre as opções de turismo disponíveis, a otimização dos websites turísticos por parte dos municípios pode ser uma ferramenta importante para o desenvolvimento do turismo. Informações  claras sobre os atrativos turísticos facilitam aos turistas escolher o destino, assim como informações sobre a disponibilidade de hotéis e, também, a gastronomia que o local oferece. Com o objetivo de analisar qualitativamente os websites de municípios do Rio Grande do Sul, este estudo, através de uma pesquisa exploratória, pretende disponibilizar aos gestores um diagnóstico comparativo, no intuito de auxiliar na visibilidade do atrativo turístico e sensibilização dos turistas potenciais, para incremento do setor e da economia local.

  14. Analysis of Usage Patterns in Large Multimedia Websites (United States)

    Singh, Rahul; Bhattarai, Bibek

    User behavior in a website is a critical indicator of the web site's usability and success. Therefore an understanding of usage patterns is essential to website design optimization. In this context, large multimedia websites pose a significant challenge for comprehension of the complex and diverse user behaviors they sustain. This is due to the complexity of analyzing and understanding user-data interactions in media-rich contexts. In this chapter we present a novel multi-perspective approach for usability analysis of large media rich websites. Our research combines multimedia web content analysis with elements of web-log analysis and visualization/visual mining of web usage metadata. Multimedia content analysis allows direct estimation of the information-cues presented to a user by the web content. Analysis of web logs and usage-metadata, such as location, type, and frequency of interactions provides a complimentary perspective on the site's usage. The entire set of information is leveraged through powerful visualization and interactive querying techniques to provide analysis of usage patterns, measure of design quality, as well as the ability to rapidly identify problems in the web-site design. Experiments on media rich sites including the SkyServer - a large multimedia web-based astronomy information repository demonstrate the efficacy and promise of the proposed approach.

  15. Design element alternatives for stress-management intervention websites. (United States)

    Williams, Reg A; Gatien, Gary; Hagerty, Bonnie


    Typical public and military-sponsored websites on stress and depression tend to be prescriptive. Some require users to complete lengthy questionnaires. Others reproduce printed flyers, papers, or educational materials not adapted for online use. Some websites require users to follow a prescribed path through the material. Stress Gym was developed as a first-level, evidence-based, website intervention to help U.S. military members learn how to manage mild to moderate stress and depressive symptoms using a self-help intervention with progress tracking and 24/7 availablility. It was designed using web-based, health-management intervention design elements that have been proven effective and users reported they prefer. These included interactivity, self-pacing, and pleasing aesthetics. Users learned how to manage stress by accessing modules they choose, and by practicing proven stress management strategies interactively immediately after login. Test results of Stress Gym with Navy members demonstrated that it was effective, with significant decreases in reported perceived stress levels from baseline to follow-up assessment. Stress Gym used design elements that may serve as a model for future websites to emulate and improve upon, and as a template against which to compare and contrast the design and functionality of future online, health-intervention websites. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Evaluation of E-Commerce Website Functionality Using a Mamdani Fuzzy System

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    L. Al-Qaisi


    Full Text Available The majority of leader companies are running their businesses using online E-commerce websites. These E-commerce websites are becoming significant revenue drivers and major retailers. Hence, it is critical to evaluate the functionality of these websites which are expected to support growing business needs. The evaluation of the functionality of E-commerce websites is not a straightforward process due to the many constraints and standards that should be considered. Fuzzy logic is a powerful technique used in modeling impreciseness and uncertainties. This paper proposes a Mamdani fuzzy system that evaluates the functionality of E-commerce websites over different parameters: accuracy, flexibility, client support, and availability of product information. Experimental results provide positive relations between accuracy and flexibility on the functionality of E-commerce websites.

  17. A Webometric Investigation of Visibility and Collaboration of Iranian Nanotechnology Websites

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    Faramarz Sohili


    Full Text Available The present investigation intends to review the extent of visibility, impact and collaboration of Iranian nanotechnology websites using webometric method of link analysis. The sample consists of all websites dealing with nanotechnology in Iran. Findings showed that these sites have low visibility, web impact factor and page count. Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative, Nano Ideas and Iranian Nanotechnology Association had the highest number of inlinks and therefore highest visibility, while Nanotechnology Department Website had the lowest visibility. Findings also indicated that Amir Kabir Technical University Nanotechnology Committee website, Iran Nanotechnology initiative and Nano Ideas websites had the highest web impact factor, while Kashan University Institute for Nano Science and Technology had the lowest web impact factor. It was further established that Iranian Nanotech websites collaborate within two clusters. A Multi-dimensional scale was used.

  18. Analisis Web Accessibility Pada Perancangan Website Chat


    Yushan, Subhansyah


    Chat is a popular application where one user can communicate to another using text. Nowadays in the internet, many websites provide chat applications, such as Instant Messaging, Yahoo Messanger, and etc. Website which provides chat application cannot accomodate users who have any dissabilities, especialy users with visual disabilities. This situation makes communication process more complicated, where accessibility level of sending and receiving information has became low. The ...

  19. Consumers’ responses to brand websites: An interdisciplinary review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voorveld, H.A.M.; Neijens, P.C.; Smit, E.G.


    Purpose - The aims of this paper are to provide an integrated literature review of factors influencingconsumers’ responses to brand websites; to describe the state of research in the past ten years; and togive an overview of the theories used in brand website studies. Design/methodology/approach -

  20. Evaluation Of Delta State E-Government Website | Chete ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study evaluates Delta state government website by adopting the method used since 2001 in evaluating national government websites. The questionnaire and web survey techniques were adopted for this study. The data from the questionnaire was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) and the ...

  1. 16 CFR 305.20 - Paper catalogs and websites. (United States)


    ... 16 Commercial Practices 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Paper catalogs and websites. 305.20 Section 305.20 Commercial Practices FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION REGULATIONS UNDER SPECIFIC ACTS OF CONGRESS RULE... Disclosures § 305.20 Paper catalogs and websites. (a) Any manufacturer, distributor, retailer, or private...

  2. College Students' Perceived Attributes of Internet Websites and Online Shopping (United States)

    Seock, Yoo-Kyoung; Norton, Marjorie J. T.


    The purpose of this study was to examine perceptions of attributes of clothing retailers' Internet websites in relation to previous and intended future purchase from the websites. Survey data from 414 U.S. college students, non-married and aged 18-22 with online clothing shopping experience and favorite clothing websites were used. Five clothing…

  3. The School Website: Facilitating Communication Engagement and Learning (United States)

    Taddeo, Carmel; Barnes, Alan


    School websites are providing education settings with the opportunity to transform and enhance the schooling experience. However, the perceived importance of school websites and the resources invested in developing and maintaining them varies considerably across settings. There is a need to better understand what constitutes an effective website…

  4. On Domain Registries and Website Content

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwemer, Sebastian Felix


    such as Internet access service providers, hosting platforms, and websites that link to content. This article shows that in recent years, however, that the (secondary) liability of domain registries and registrars, and more specifically country code top-level domain registries (ccTLDs) for website content, has...... been tested in several EU Member States. The article investigates tendencies in the national lower-court jurisprudence and explores to what extent the liability exemption regime of the E-Commerce Directive applies to domain registries. The analysis concludes that whereas domain registries fall under...

  5. Análisis de la biodiversidad genética del algodón peruano usando marcadores moleculares: Avances en el 2004


    Olórtegui, José; Espinoza, Marco; Espinoza, José; Montoya, Ysabel


    Tres mini preparaciones de extracción de ADN de algodón fueron comparadas en términos de calidad y rendimiento. El método de extracción de ADN usando CTAB fue el más eficiente (30 ug) en comparación con un kit comercial de extracción (20 ug) a partir de 100 mg de hojas cotiledonarias. La óptima calidad del ADN fue evaluada con las enzimas de restricción EcoRI y MseI. El ADN preparado será usado para iniciar el análisis de la biodiversidad genética del algodón peruano, usando marcadores mole...

  6. Analisis Faktor Kredibilitas Website E-Commerce Indonesia Studi pada Online Purchasing

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    Muhammad Cordiaz


    Full Text Available In the number of Internet users in Indonesia continues to increase. Internet increasingly being used for purchasing online. There are many e-commerce websites that offer goods and services online. Internet users should be able to distinguish which websites are credible before engaging in electronic commerce activities. Be an interesting question, what factors are rated by visitors of a website as an e-commerce website that is credible or reliable. Using a web-based survey methods, respondents were asked what factors support the credibility of the website in electronic commerce purchasing transactions. The respondents were Internet users. Proposed survey questions are grouped into four factors, namely, kerpercayaan factors, factors expertise, sponsorship factors and specific factors. The survey results were tested with descriptive statistic. Based on the data obtained, the Trust Factor respondents prefer e-commerce website that is trusted by his close associates, while the respondents assess the Skill Factor of websites that apply when payments online transactions through banks Indonesia is considered more reliable. In the Sponsorship Factor and Specific Factor, respondents believe the e-commerce website that does television ads in the media and managed by official institutions. Keywords : credibility, trustworthiness, expertise, electronic commerce, online purchasing

  7. Plain Language to Communicate Physical Activity Information: A Website Content Analysis. (United States)

    Paige, Samantha R; Black, David R; Mattson, Marifran; Coster, Daniel C; Stellefson, Michael


    Plain language techniques are health literacy universal precautions intended to enhance health care system navigation and health outcomes. Physical activity (PA) is a popular topic on the Internet, yet it is unknown if information is communicated in plain language. This study examined how plain language techniques are included in PA websites, and if the use of plain language techniques varies according to search procedures (keyword, search engine) and website host source (government, commercial, educational/organizational). Three keywords ("physical activity," "fitness," and "exercise") were independently entered into three search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo) to locate a nonprobability sample of websites ( N = 61). Fourteen plain language techniques were coded within each website to examine content formatting, clarity and conciseness, and multimedia use. Approximately half ( M = 6.59; SD = 1.68) of the plain language techniques were included in each website. Keyword physical activity resulted in websites with fewer clear and concise plain language techniques ( p websites with more clear and concise techniques ( p language techniques did not vary by search engine or the website host source. Accessing PA information that is easy to understand and behaviorally oriented may remain a challenge for users. Transdisciplinary collaborations are needed to optimize plain language techniques while communicating online PA information.

  8. Tratamento do chorume de aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos utilizando um coagulante à base de Tanino, tratamento biológico e ozonização

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edir Filipe Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A crescente produção de resíduos sólidos, demanda a realização de pesquisas visando atenuar os impactos ambientais decorrentes da destinação desses despejos. Sabe-se que as características qualitativas dos resíduos produzidos no Brasil, são predominantemente de origem orgânica, sendo que a pluviosidade causa a geração de grandes volumes de chorume. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar duas diferentes alternativas para o abatimento da carga poluidora do chorume gerado, no aterro sanitário de resíduos sólidos urbanos, localizado em um município do meio oeste de Santa Catarina. Através da caracterização e tratamento por processos biológicos seguido de físico-químicos usando um coagulante a base de tanino e um floculante catiônico de alto peso molecular, a fim de se obterem efluentes com características que permitam o seu descarte de acordo com a legislação. Potencializando a eficiência do processo de tratamento, de forma que, a empresa operadora possa adotar em escala real o processo estudado em laboratório.

  9. Evaluating mobile centric information access and interaction compatibility for learning websites

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Chipangura, B


    Full Text Available guidelines for One web design, not all websites meet these standards. Research has shown that accessing websites that were designed for desktop computer access on mobile hand held devices results in negative user experience [12]. The reasons... to identify mobile phone accessibility problems of university websites [14, 18]. At organizational level, many universities are struggling with adapting their current desktop-based websites to be accessible on mobile devices [20]. A number...

  10. Evaluating asthma websites using the Brief DISCERN instrument

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    Banasiak NC


    Full Text Available Nancy Cantey Banasiak,1 Mikki Meadows-Oliver2 1Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Specialty, Yale University School of Nursing, New Haven, CT, USA; 2University of Connecticut School of Nursing, Storrs, CT, USA Purpose: The primary purpose of this study was to examine the quality of sponsored and unsponsored asthma websites using the Brief DISCERN instrument and to evaluate whether the Health On the Net Code of Conduct (HONcode logo was present, thereby indicating that the site met the criteria. The Internet is an important source of health information for patients and their families. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the quality of sponsored and unsupported asthma websites. A secondary aim was to determine the readability and reading ease of the materials for each website along with the grade level. Methods: We queried seven Internet search engines using the keyword “asthma.” The websites were evaluated using the six-item Brief DISCERN instrument and by ascertaining whether the HONcode quality label was present. The websites were also evaluated for readability employing Flesch-Kincaid grade level and Flesch reading ease tools using Microsoft Office Word 2013 software. Results: A total of 22 unique websites were included in the study. Approximately 68% of the websites reviewed had a Brief DISCERN cutoff score of ≥16. The overall Brief DISCERN scores ranged from 6 to 30, and the mean score was 17.32 (SD =6.71. The Flesch-Kincaid grade level scores ranged from 2.9 to 15.4, and the average reading grade score was 9.49 (SD =2.7. The Flesch reading ease scores ranged from 17 to 82.7, with a mean reading ease score of 53.57 (SD =15.03. Sites with a HONcode quality label had significantly higher Brief DISCERN scores than those without one (t=2.3795; df=20; p=0.02. Conclusion: Brief DISCERN scores revealed that there is quality asthma information for children and their families available on the Internet. The grade level ranged between 2

  11. Developing and design a website for mc kalla oy


    Bekele, Henok


    This bachelor thesis is about Website development and design. I have a chance to work with Mc kalla Oy. Mc kalla Oy is a construction company from Kempele which was founded 2011. They have projects in Central-Finland, through Northern Finland to Lapland. This thesis is to develop and design a new website to Mc kalla Oy. Wordpress is used to develop the new website. For the development process I use school server ( The Thesis contains two main parts designing the ...

  12. Measuring the Quality of the Website User Experience (United States)

    Sauro, Jeff


    Consumers spend an increasing amount of time and money online finding information, completing tasks, or making purchases. The quality of the website experience has become a key differentiator for organizations--affecting whether they purchase and their likelihood to return and recommend a website to friends. Two instruments were created to more…

  13. Examining E-Loyalty in a Sexual Health Website: Cross-Sectional Study. (United States)

    Nunn, Alexandra; Crutzen, Rik; Haag, Devon; Chabot, Cathy; Carson, Anna; Ogilvie, Gina; Shoveller, Jean; Gilbert, Mark


    Web-based sexual health resources are typically evaluated in terms of their efficacy. Information is lacking about how sexual health promotion websites are perceived and used. It is essential to understand website use to address challenges with adherence and attrition to Web-based health interventions. An existing theoretical framework for examining loyalty to electronic health (eHealth) interventions has been not yet been applied in the context of sexual health promotion nor has the association between e-loyalty and intended intervention efficacy outcomes been investigated. The objectives of this study were to investigate users' loyalty toward a sexual health website (ie, e-loyalty), measure user perceptions of the website, and measure the association between e-loyalty and perceived knowledge increase and intent to change behavior. Over 4 months, website users (clients and health care providers) participated in an open, online, cross-sectional survey about their user experiences that measured e-loyalty, user perceptions, and intended website efficacy outcomes. Relationships between user perceptions and e-loyalty were investigated using structural equation modeling (SEM). Associations between e-loyalty and website efficacy outcomes were tested using Spearman rank correlation. A total of 173 participants completed user perception questions and were included in the analysis. E-loyalty was high for both clients and providers and was significantly correlated with clients' perceived knowledge increase (ρ(171)=.30, Ployalty. Finding the website "easy to understand" was significantly related to active trust (ie, participants' willingness to act upon information presented on the website). E-loyalty may be related to the efficacy of the selected website in improving one's sexual health and was significantly associated with all three intended knowledge and behavioral outcomes. To increase e-loyalty, trustworthiness and active trust are important user perceptions to

  14. Evaluation of Interactive Website Design Indicators for e-Entrepreneurship

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    Chih-Chao Chung


    Full Text Available Using an analytic network process (ANP as an analytical tool, this study aims to construct an ANP evaluation model of interactive website design indicators. Through a review of the literature, interactive website design of e-entrepreneurship is generalized to the following dimensions: (1 Design; (2 Checking; (3 Service; (4 Interactive; and (5 Promotion, including 19 design indicators. The research is conducted for a case company. According to the findings, the model helps the case company review its current execution of interactive website design indicators and the experts’ opinions of the importance of interactive website design indicators. In addition, by comprehensive comparison, it confirms key design indicators and analyzes the managerial implications to help the case company set up precise strategic planning and resource distribution to enhance corporate operational performance and competitiveness.

  15. Trajectory Browser Website (United States)

    Foster, Cyrus; Jaroux, Belgacem A.


    The Trajectory Browser is a web-based tool developed at the NASA Ames Research Center to be used for the preliminary assessment of trajectories to small-bodies and planets and for providing relevant launch date, time-of-flight and V requirements. The site hosts a database of transfer trajectories from Earth to asteroids and planets for various types of missions such as rendezvous, sample return or flybys. A search engine allows the user to find trajectories meeting desired constraints on the launch window, mission duration and delta V capability, while a trajectory viewer tool allows the visualization of the heliocentric trajectory and the detailed mission itinerary. The anticipated user base of this tool consists primarily of scientists and engineers designing interplanetary missions in the context of pre-phase A studies, particularly for performing accessibility surveys to large populations of small-bodies. The educational potential of the website is also recognized for academia and the public with regards to trajectory design, a field that has generally been poorly understood by the public. The website is currently hosted on NASA-internal URL with plans for a public release as soon as development is complete.

  16. Website Vulnerability Scanning Custom Reports (United States)

    US Agency for International Development — CISO is implementing an automated solution that will provide actionable reports to the owners of USAIDfunded websites. The solution will automate creation and...

  17. Quality assessment of websites providing educational content for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. (United States)

    Siddhanamatha, Harish Rajashekarappa; Heung, Eric; Lopez-Olivo, Maria de Los Angeles; Abdel-Wahab, Noha; Ojeda-Prias, Ana; Willcockson, Irmgard; Leong, Amye; Suarez-Almazor, Maria Eugenia


    We performed an environmental scan of currently available websites providing educational information about rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and evaluated the quality of these websites. We searched three separate search engines, Google, Bing, and, on August 27, 2015, using two search terms, "arthritis" and "rheumatoid." Only patient education websites were included. Two independent investigators evaluated the accuracy, completeness, technical elements, design and esthetics, readability, usability, and accessibility of the websites. The navigation experience was also evaluated by an adult training expert. We identified 46 websites. Nearly all websites (98%) provided accurate information. However, no website covered all essential RA topics. Common essential topics not covered included epidemiology, pathogenesis, treatment and disease monitoring, complications, self-management, risks and benefits of treatment, prognosis, treatment adherence, questions for patients to ask their doctors, and costs. For the technical elements, all websites disclosed their ownership, but the date that the content was last updated was mentioned in only 10 websites, ranging from 2007 to 2015. The mean reading level was grade 12.1 (standard deviation ±2.3). Most websites (78%) were easy to navigate but only 33% were friendly for people with visual and/or hearing impairments. The navigation experience was rated fair or poor in 41% of the websites. Current patient information on the Internet does not comprehensively address all educational needs of patients with RA, and is often outdated. The findings from our study highlight potential areas for improvement in online education materials for patients with RA. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  18. Evaluating the effectiveness of Neuro web design model in business websites (observational study

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    Boshra Sedghi Shamir


    Full Text Available By combining Neuromarketing، social psychology and e-commerce، a new area has been added to the world of consumer neuroscience named Nero web design. The practical Neuro business web design model consists of 67 applicable and implementable techniques in business websites and has been gathered in three sequential phases: attraction، message delivery، and reshaping with the aim of negotiating to the visitor’s brain to increase the conversion rate on a business website. Eight websites have been implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of this model: A simple website without using the model، a complete website (using all 67 techniques in the model، and six other websites that differentiate in reshaping groups. The unique and targeted visitors for each websites obtained through internet advertisements. They became 957 new visitors altogether. In the period of two months of observational studying، Website heat maps that track the mouse movements of visitors، showed that visitors attracted to all parts of the complete website homepage particularly order form module but not so for the simple website. This reflects the success of attraction phase of the model. The results showed that the conversion rate of each of the seven model websites as compared to simple website is greatly high and even more than the international average conversion rate.

  19. Review of the World Bank Road Safety website.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Maas, J.M.


    The Road Safety website of The World Bank needs to be redeveloped. The website should reflect the new developments in the work field and the IT policy of The World Bank and support its implementation. The report is meant as a brief business case, describing the target audience, purposes of the site,

  20. The I-35W bridge Project Website

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kampf, Constance

    How can websites be used to rebuild trust?  In August 2007, the Interstate Highway 35-W bridge in Minneapolis, MN collapsed during rush hour.  Although many people were rescued and casualties were as limited as could be expected due to quick and effective intervention, the image of a major bridge...... collapsing during rush hour damaged the Minnesota Department of Transportation's reputation and resulted in the loss of public trust for the organization.  The ensuing bridge reconstruction project included a project website intended to rebuild this trust through transparency, community involvement......, and the use of multimodal features.  This paper looks at the I35-W bridge reconstruction project in Minneapolis through web-based communication by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) about the project. The MnDOT bridge reconstruction website will be examined using a combination of 1). Weick...

  1. Perancangan dan Pembuatan Website E-Commerce Mulia Kencana Motor


    Ericko, Stefanus; Dewi, Lily Puspa; Rostianingsih, Silvia


    Mulia Kencana Motor is a motorcycle repair shop. It sells spareparts which is located in Yogyakarta. Since it has opened until present, the selling-buying process is done directly, the user come to the seller, Mulia Kencana Motor, then buys the goods or either makes an order. Mulia Kencana Motor need to have an online website that could connect both parties to sell and buy via website, therefore the range area of customer will be expanded.Through website, Mulia Kencana Motor could do an onlin...

  2. The Woodworker's Website: A Project Management Case Study (United States)

    Jance, Marsha


    A case study that focuses on building a website for a woodworking business is discussed. Project management and linear programming techniques can be used to determine the time required to complete the website project discussed in the case. This case can be assigned to students in an undergraduate or graduate decision modeling or management science…

  3. Visual Presentation and Communication of Croatian Academic Websites (United States)

    Selthofer, Josipa


    Introduction: The aim of the research is to analyse and compare visual identity elements of Croatian academic Websites with ones of European countries using Hofstede's model of cultural dimensions. The purpose of the research is to point to the influence a culture has on the design of Websites. Method: Graphical elements of university home pages…

  4. Um modelo orientativo para a gestão municipal dos RCCs

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    Maria da Paz Medeiros Fernandes

    Full Text Available Resumo Os resíduos da construção civil (RCCs decorrem de perdas e desperdícios na construção, demolição, reforma e reparos de obras. Sua geração é elevada nos sistemas de produção correntes, organizados em linha com geração e descarte dos resíduos. Tentando minorar essa problemática, municipalidades brasileiras vêm experimentando a gestão diferenciada dos RCCs, notadamente após a Resolução n. 307/2002 (modificada pelas Resoluções ns. 348/2004, 431/2011 e 448/2012 do Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Conama e a Lei n. 12.305/2010, que instituiu a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS. Com o objetivo de auxiliá-las, o presente artigo, fruto de pesquisa de doutorado, apresenta um modelo orientativo para gestão municipal dos RCCs. Para a elaboração do modelo foi utilizada a metodologia dos sistemas flexíveis ou metodologia SSM (Soft Systems Methodology, adequada para situações reais e complexas como esta, que necessita reunir e sistematizar práticas, legislação, percepções, conceitos e interesses diversos dos atores envolvidos. O levantamento de dados foi realizado de 2009 a 2013 usando pesquisa bibliográfica, documentação indireta em oito municípios com boas práticas e documentação direta em Belo Horizonte e João Pessoa. Como resultado obteve-se um modelo cíclico que, através de suas diretrizes, estratégias e metas, fornece ajuda aos municípios brasileiros na incorporação de melhorias graduais e consistentes para esse desafio.

  5. Readability and quality assessment of websites related to microtia and aural atresia. (United States)

    Alamoudi, Uthman; Hong, Paul


    Many parents and children utilize the Internet for health-related information, but the quality of these websites can vary. The objective of this study was to assess the quality and readability of microtia and aural atresia related websites. The search engine Google was queried with the terms 'microtia' and 'aural atresia.' The first 30 results were evaluated, and those websites containing original information written in English were reviewed. Quality of content was assessed with the DISCERN instrument, and readability was assessed with the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Grade Level (FKGL) and the Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES) tests. Each website was also reviewed for ownership and the date of last update. Sixteen microtia and 14 aural atresia websites were included for full review. The mean DISCERN score for microtia websites was 54.4 (SD=8.3), and for aural atresia websites it was 47.6 (SD=10.7), which indicates 'good' and 'fair' quality of content, respectively. Readability assessments showed an average reading level requiring a grade 10 education on FKGL, and only one microtia (6.3%) and one aural atresia (7.1%) websites were deemed to be at 'reasonable' reading level on FRES. High-quality websites that are considered easily comprehensible to the general public were lacking. Since parents and children may use websites when making treatment decisions, physicians should be aware of the quality of health information pertaining to their area of expertise available on the Internet. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Vaccination persuasion online: a qualitative study of two provaccine and two vaccine-skeptical websites. (United States)

    Grant, Lenny; Hausman, Bernice L; Cashion, Margaret; Lucchesi, Nicholas; Patel, Kelsey; Roberts, Jonathan


    Current concerns about vaccination resistance often cite the Internet as a source of vaccine controversy. Most academic studies of vaccine resistance online use quantitative methods to describe misinformation on vaccine-skeptical websites. Findings from these studies are useful for categorizing the generic features of these websites, but they do not provide insights into why these websites successfully persuade their viewers. To date, there have been few attempts to understand, qualitatively, the persuasive features of provaccine or vaccine-skeptical websites. The purpose of this research was to examine the persuasive features of provaccine and vaccine-skeptical websites. The qualitative analysis was conducted to generate hypotheses concerning what features of these websites are persuasive to people seeking information about vaccination and vaccine-related practices. This study employed a fully qualitative case study methodology that used the anthropological method of thick description to detail and carefully review the rhetorical features of 1 provaccine government website, 1 provaccine hospital website, 1 vaccine-skeptical information website focused on general vaccine safety, and 1 vaccine-skeptical website focused on a specific vaccine. The data gathered were organized into 5 domains: website ownership, visual and textual content, user experience, hyperlinking, and social interactivity. The study found that the 2 provaccine websites analyzed functioned as encyclopedias of vaccine information. Both of the websites had relatively small digital ecologies because they only linked to government websites or websites that endorsed vaccination and evidence-based medicine. Neither of these websites offered visitors interactive features or made extensive use of the affordances of Web 2.0. The study also found that the 2 vaccine-skeptical websites had larger digital ecologies because they linked to a variety of vaccine-related websites, including government websites. They

  7. The producers of civic websites for young people in the Netherlands

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hirzalla, F.


    The aim of CivicWeb work package 7 is to investigate the organisational properties of (civic) youth websites, and to assess how the producers of these websites conceptualise their work and audiences. In the Netherlands, we conducted interviews with the producers of twelve websites to investigate

  8. Website applications in urbanism and architecture

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Furundžić Danilo S.


    Full Text Available In the context of rapid technology development, followed by Internet spreading worldwide, the amount of information related to urbanism and architecture has remarkably increased. This paper lists a website selection with the aim to present the state of Internet based information sources on urbanism and architecture. The idea is to help colleagues cope with numerous available on-line contents. The websites are, according to their contents, classified into following categories: associations and institutions, international documents, urban planning and design, information and communication technologies in urbanism, on-line available magazines and books, civic networks, architectural design, famous architects and best examples.

  9. The Travel Agency Website – Factor for Business Success

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    Băltescu Codruța Adina


    Full Text Available E-commerce is a constant of contemporary life. The online purchase of tourist products is a complex and delicate process, and in this respect, the website has a decisive role. The way the website is designed, the information provided and the functional characteristics can make a difference between an ordinary and a successful travel agency. This article provides an analysis of the websites of the best known travel agencies in Brașov County. The evaluation highlight that, in terms of product, non-product and reservation features, the analyzed websites meet the desired characteristics. But as concerning payment, functionality and customer relationship management features, these elements are poorly highlighted. This assessment suggests the preference of travel agencies to address to local inhabitants, thus demonstrating their propensity on the outgoing component of the intermediary activities they carry out.

  10. Analysis of the accessibility in websites of Ecuadorian universities of excellence

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    Tania Acosta


    Full Text Available Since the publication of the Ecuadorian Technical Standard NTE INEN ISO / IEC 40500 in 2014 and the Ecuadorian Technical Regulation RTE INEN 288 "The web contents accessibility" in 2016, web accessibility in Ecuador has taken great importance. In the educational field, the websites of Higher Education Institutions (HEI have become a communication channel, where universities publish the information and services they offer. In addition, HEI must satisfy the rights of all citizens to have access to education, which includes persons with disabilities. In order to ensure access to the websites of HEI to all people it is important that HEI incorporate web accessibility as an essential requirement in their websites. The objective of this research is to perform the accessibility analysis of the websites of the Ecuadorian universities of excellence belonging to categories A, B and C; identify websites accessibility errors and to present some recommendations for a better fulfillment of the WCAG 2.0 accessibility guidelines by website designers and developers.

  11. Comparison of the pain severity, drug leakage and ecchymosis rates caused by the application on tramadol intramuscular injection in Z-track and Air-lock techniques Comparación de la severidad del dolor y las tasas de escape de líquido y equimosis causadas por la aplicación intramuscular de tramadol usando las técnicas de cámara de aire y Z-track Comparação da severidade da dor e as taxas de fuga de líquidas equimoses causadas pela aplicação intramuscular de tramadol usando as técnicas de câmaras de ar e Z-track

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Shahla Najafidolatabad


    líquido e equimoses causadas pela aplicação das injeções intramusculares usando o técnico Z-track (ZT e a técnica da câmara de ar (CA. Metodologia. Leste é um ensaio clínico não cego onde um grupo de 90 mulheres entre os 18 e 60 anos foram aleatoriamente atribuídas a dois grupos; O primeiro grupo recebeu a injeção por meio da técnica ZT e o segundo por meio da técnica de CA. Uso-se uma escala visual linear de 10 centímetros para medir a intensidade da dor causada pela injeção. A longitude da escala foi considerada como a severidade da dor. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o programa SPSS versão 13. A idade, o índice de Massa Corporal (IMC, e a intensidade da dor dos grupos foram comparados usando o teste do t para mostras independentes. Resultados. O estudo mostrou que a severidade da dor e as taxas de escape de líquido e equimoses nas pacientes avaliadas usando o método CA era menor do que a dor causada pela técnica ZT (p< 0.05. Não teve diferença estatística significativa entre a idade, o número prévio de injeções aplicadas e o IMC entre os dois grupos. Conclusão. O método CA produziu menos dor, e menores as taxas de escape de líquido e equimoses comparado com a ZT.

  12. The impact of Craigslist’s entry on competing employment websites

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    Vera Brenčič


    Full Text Available Abstract Craigslist, a website that hosts job- and help-wanted ads, expanded rapidly across the states in the USA over a very short period of time, thereby changing abruptly the market structure faced by competing employment websites. We exploit this abrupt change to evaluate its impact on competing websites’ online traffic and pricing. We find that Craigslist’s entry was associated with a decrease in the number of visitors that an average competing employment website attracted and with a decrease in the number of pages an average visitor reviewed during a typical visit. We also find that employment websites lowered some of the fees they charged their users. Overall, these findings offer one explanation for why Craigslist, despite its popularity, had little effect on the unemployment rate in the labor markets it entered: the entry of Craigslist cannibalized online traffic at competing employment websites. JEL Classification: J20, L10, L86

  13. Websites in brand communication: interactivity and cross-media effects

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Voorveld, H.A.M.


    This dissertation gives insight into two elements that are critical for expanding our understanding of the websites of brands. The first element represents the key characteristic of websites: interactivity. The dissertation investigates two forms of interactivity: actual and perceived interactivity.

  14. Patient-targeted websites on overactive bladder: What are our patients reading? (United States)

    Clancy, Aisling A; Hickling, Duane; Didomizio, Laura; Sanaee, May; Shehata, Fady; Zee, Rebekah; Khalil, Hisham


    Patients often turn to the Internet for information on medical conditions. We sought to evaluate the quality and readability of highly visible websites on overactive bladder (OAB). A survey of 42 consecutive patients attending outpatient urogynecology clinics was performed to identify the most commonly used Internet search engines and search terms for information on OAB. The three most commonly used search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo!) were then queried using the three most commonly used search terms. The first 20 relevant websites from each search were reviewed. After excluding duplicates, 35 websites were analyzed. Website quality of information on OAB was evaluated using the DISCERN score, JAMA benchmark criteria, and Health on the Net code (HONcode) accreditation status. Readability was assessed using the Simplified Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) and Dale-Chall indices. Websites were classified as advertisement/commercial (31%), health portal (29%), professional (26%), patient group (6%), and other (9%). The overall mean DISCERN score was 44 ± 18 (maximum possible score of 80). Three websites (9%) met all four JAMA benchmark criteria. Seventeen percent of websites provided adequate information on content authorship and contributions. Median SMOG and Dale-Chall indices were 9.9 (IQR 9.3-11.2) and 9.0 (IQR 8.1-9.4), respectively. Nine websites (26%) were HONcode certified. Popular websites on OAB are of low quality, written for a high school to college-level readership, and often lack adequate information to assess the potential for commercial bias. Patients should be cautioned that incomplete and potentially biased information on OAB is prevalent online. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Parental Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner-Developed Pediatric Neurosurgery Website. (United States)

    Vogel, Tina Kovacs; Kleib, Manal; Davidson, Sandra J; Scott, Shannon D


    Parents often turn to the Internet to seek health information about their child's diagnosis and condition. Information, support, and resources regarding pediatric neurosurgery are scarce, hard to find, and difficult to comprehend. To address this gap, a pediatric nurse practitioner designed a website called the Neurosurgery Kids Fund (NKF). Analyzing the legitimacy of the NKF website for parents seeking health information and fulfilling their social and resource needs is critical to the website's future development and success. To explore parental usage of the NKF website, track visitor behavior, evaluate usability and design, establish ways to improve user experience, and identify ways to redesign the website. The aim of this study was to assess and evaluate whether a custom-designed health website could meet parents' health information, support, and resource needs. A multimethod approach was used. Google Analytic usage reports were collected and analyzed for the period of April 23, 2013, to November 30, 2013. Fifty-two online questionnaires that targeted the website's usability were collected between June 18, 2014, and July 30, 2014. Finally, a focus group was conducted on August 20, 2014, to explore parents' perceptions and user experiences. Findings were analyzed using an inductive content analysis approach. There were a total of 2998 sessions and 8818 page views, with 2.94 pages viewed per session, a 56.20% bounce rate, an average session duration of 2 minutes 24 seconds, and a 56.24% new sessions rate. Results from 52 eligible surveys included that the majority of NKF users were Caucasian (90%), females (92%), aged 36-45 years (48%), with a university or college degree or diploma (69%). Half plan to use the health information. Over half reported turning to the Internet for health information and spending 2 to 4 hours a day online. The most common reasons for using the NKF website were to (1) gather information about the 2 summer camps, (2) explore the Media

  16. Trust in health information websites: A systematic literature review on the antecedents of trust. (United States)

    Kim, Yeolib


    Health websites are important sources of information for consumers. In choosing websites, trust in websites largely determines which website to access and how to best utilize the information. Thus, it is critical to understand why consumers trust certain websites and distrust others. A systematic literature review was conducted with the goal of identifying the antecedents of trust in health information websites. After four rounds of screening process, 20 articles between 2000 and 2013 were harvested. Factors that determine trust are classified into individual difference antecedents, website-related antecedents, and consumer-to-website interaction-related antecedents. The most frequently studied antecedents were socio-demographics, information quality, appearance, and perceived reputation of the website. Each antecedent of trust are discussed in detail and future research directions are proposed. © The Author(s) 2014.

  17. Quality of Public Hospitals Websites: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study in Iran. (United States)

    Salarvand, Shahin; Samadbeik, Mahnaz; Tarrahi, Mohammad Javad; Salarvand, Hamed


    Nowadays, hospitals have turned increasingly towards the Internet and develop their own web presence. Hospital Websites could be operating as effective web resources of information and interactive communication mediums to enhance hospital services to the public. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the quality of websites in Tehran's public hospitals. This cross-sectional analysis involved all public hospitals in Iran's capital city, Tehran, with a working website or subsites between April and June, 2014 (N=59). The websites were evaluated using three validated instruments: a localized checklist, Google page rank, and the Alexa traffic ranking. The mentioned checklist consisted of 112 items divided into five sections: technical characteristics, hospital information and facilities, medical services, interactive on-line services and external activities. Data were analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. The mean website evaluation score was 45.7 out of 224 for selected public hospitals. All the studied websites were in the weak category based on the earned quality scores. There was no statistically significant association between the website evaluation score with Google page rank (P=0.092), Alexa global traffic rank and Alexa traffic rank in Iran (P>0.05). The hospital websites had a lower quality score in the interactive online services and external activities criteria in comparing to other criteria. Due to the low quality level of the studied websites and the importance of hospital portals in providing information and services on the Internet, the authorities should do precise planning for the appreciable improvement in the quality of hospital websites.

  18. A framework for automatic information quality ranking of diabetes websites. (United States)

    Belen Sağlam, Rahime; Taskaya Temizel, Tugba


    Objective: When searching for particular medical information on the internet the challenge lies in distinguishing the websites that are relevant to the topic, and contain accurate information. In this article, we propose a framework that automatically identifies and ranks diabetes websites according to their relevance and information quality based on the website content. Design: The proposed framework ranks diabetes websites according to their content quality, relevance and evidence based medicine. The framework combines information retrieval techniques with a lexical resource based on Sentiwordnet making it possible to work with biased and untrusted websites while, at the same time, ensuring the content relevance. Measurement: The evaluation measurements used were Pearson-correlation, true positives, false positives and accuracy. We tested the framework with a benchmark data set consisting of 55 websites with varying degrees of information quality problems. Results: The proposed framework gives good results that are comparable with the non-automated information quality measuring approaches in the literature. The correlation between the results of the proposed automated framework and ground-truth is 0.68 on an average with p < 0.001 which is greater than the other proposed automated methods in the literature (r score in average is 0.33).

  19. Comprehensive Evaluation Criteria for English Learning Websites Using Expert Validity Surveys (United States)

    Yang, Ya-Ting C.; Chan, Chia-Ying


    This study aimed to develop a set of evaluation criteria for English learning websites. These criteria can assist English teachers/web designers in designing effective websites for their English courses and can also guide English learners in screening for appropriate and reliable websites to use in increasing their English ability. To fulfill our…

  20. Content and technical evaluation of Type III Iranian medical universities\\' websites

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    Khadejeh Shabankareh


    Full Text Available Background: Besides the role that universities websites have in reflection of universities’ educational and research activities, they have also significant importance in promotion of universities’ national and international ranking in webometrics ranking of world universities and also in webometric ranking of Islamic world Science Citation and subsequently obtaining national and international credibility and gaining student and funding. So, continuous evaluation of universities websites in different aspects, especially based on considering index of these ranking systems, is important. Therefore, present study aimed to review the situation of Type 3 Iranian medical universities’ websites based on content and technical features effecting on promotion of webometric rank. Materials and Methods : Present study is a survey with descriptive approach which descriptive the present situation of Type 3 Iranian medical universities’ websites. Data were collected using a researcher-made checklist which was consisted of two parts including content criteria effecting on webometric ranking (50 criteria and technical criteria of search engines optimization (52 criteria. Content evaluation of websites was done by researcher direct referring and observing. In order to evaluation of these websites, based on technical criteria of search engines optimization, automatic tools about website evaluation were used. Data were analyzed by SPSS20. Results: The finding of this study showed that, Gonabad, Bushehr & Shahrekord universities of medical sciences have the most accommodation with the research checklist.  Bam, Dezful & Jiroft universities of medical sciences have the least accommodation. According to research findings less than 50 percent of the research community, reached more than 50 percent of the criteria in checklist. Conclusion: Evaluation of studied websites indicated that whole websites are far from ideal situation. So type 3 medical universities

  1. Descrição de uma ferramenta digital e de um ambiente virtual para fins de segunda opinião em oftalmologia Description of a digital image system and a virtual environment to be used as a remote second referral option in ophthalmology

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    Alessandro Dantas Pennella


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Idealizar, desenvolver e verificar a funcionalidade um sistema de teleoftalmologia para diagnóstico remoto em casos clínicos. MÉTODOS: Descrever o funcionamento e utilização do sistema, sua capacidade de captura, arquivamento e envio de imagens via internet, e de um domínio virtual voltado ao telediagnóstico, aconselhamento ou segunda opinião. RESULTADOS: Foram definidos os requisitos básicos, detalhes de programação e de funcionamento de um programa de captura de imagens. O funcionamento do mesmo acoplado a uma placa de captura de imagens foi realizado com sucesso, bem como a criação, na internet, de um domínio médico-oftalmológico. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados preliminares permitiram a avaliação de um sistema misto para o suporte médico em nosso meio. Os instrumentos diagnósticos disponíveis bem como suas conexões com a rede foram satisfatórias e suficientes para viabilizar um estudo piloto bem su-cedido. O sistema revelou-se potencialmente adequado para o telediagnóstico e segunda opinião. O método necessita de testes clínicos e compa-ração com métodos diagnósticos tradicionais para comprovar a sua eficácia.PURPOSE: To investigate the possibilities of a teleophthalmology system to be used in a remote second referral program. METHODS: Digital images of the anterior segment were digitized by the Eyemail program and attached to the clinical description of the case and the file was sent to the website for remote telediagnosis. The telediagnosis was then compared with the in loco diagnosis. RESULTS: The Eyemail system was able to capture images from the slit lamp and to send the files to the website. The website received the files and the operator was able to make the diagnosis using those files. CONCLUSION: The Eyemail system proved to have a potential use as a second referral program.


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    Luís Paulo de Carvalho Piassi

    Full Text Available O uso da ficção científica no ensino de Ciências tem sido proposto por diversos autores. Neste trabalho lançamos mão da semiótica greimasiana, que con sidera a significação do texto sob o ponto de vista narrativo, para a análise de um con to de Arthur Clarke. Consideramos o texto a partir dos três níveis propostos pela teoria de Greimas: o discursivo, o narrativo e o fundamental. Pela articulação desses níveis construímos um modelo de análise baseado no nível discursivo, especifica mente na relação entre tema e figura, para funcionar como ferramenta para se ma pearem os temas sociais e políticos conexos com a ciência em obras de ficção cien tífica, para a elaboração de atividades didáticas que não se restrinjam à simples dis cussão conceitual.

  3. Content and functionality of alcohol and other drug websites: results of an online survey. (United States)

    Klein, Britt; White, Angela; Kavanagh, David; Shandley, Kerrie; Kay-Lambkin, Frances; Proudfoot, Judith; Drennan, Judy; Connor, Jason; Baker, Amanda; Young, Ross


    There is a growing trend for individuals to seek health information from online sources. Alcohol and other drug (AOD) use is a significant health problem worldwide, but access and use of AOD websites is poorly understood. To investigate content and functionality preferences for AOD and other health websites. An anonymous online survey examined general Internet and AOD-specific usage and search behaviors, valued features of AOD and health-related websites (general and interactive website features), indicators of website trustworthiness, valued AOD website tools or functions, and treatment modality preferences. Surveys were obtained from 1214 drug (n = 766) and alcohol website users (n = 448) (mean age 26.2 years, range 16-70). There were no significant differences between alcohol and drug groups on demographic variables, Internet usage, indicators of website trustworthiness, or on preferences for AOD website functionality. A robust website design/navigation, open access, and validated content provision were highly valued by both groups. While attractiveness and pictures or graphics were also valued, high-cost features (videos, animations, games) were minority preferences. Almost half of respondents in both groups were unable to readily access the information they sought. Alcohol website users placed greater importance on several AOD website tools and functions than did those accessing other drug websites: online screening tools (χ²(2) = 15.8, P user groups was an Internet site with email therapist support. Explorations of demographic differences were also performed. While gender did not affect survey responses, younger respondents were more likely to value interactive and social networking features, whereas downloading of credible information was most highly valued by older respondents. Significant deficiencies in the provision of accessible information on AOD websites were identified, an important problem since information seeking was the most common reason for

  4. Measuring interactivity on tobacco control websites. (United States)

    Freeman, Becky; Chapman, Simon


    With the increased reach of Web 2.0, Internet users expect webpages to be interactive. No studies have been conducted to assess whether tobacco control-relevant sites have implemented these features. The authors conducted an analysis of an international sample of tobacco control-relevant websites to determine their level of interactivity. The sample included 68 unique websites selected from Google searches in 5 countries, on each country's Google site, using the term smoking. The 68 sites were analyzed for 10 categories of interactive tools. The most common type of interactive content found on 46 (68%) of sites was for multimedia featuring content that was not primarily text based, such as photo galleries, videos, or podcasts. Only 11 (16%) websites-outside of media sites-allowed people to interact and engage with the site owners and other users by allowing posting comments on content and/or hosting forums/discussions. Linkages to social networking sites were low: 17 pages (25%) linked to Twitter, 15 (22%) to Facebook, and 11 (16%) to YouTube. Interactivity and connectedness to online social media appears to still be in its infancy among tobacco control-relevant sites.

  5. Feasibility of a Smartphone website to support antenatal Perineal massage in pregnant women. (United States)

    Takeuchi, Shoko; Horiuchi, Shigeko


    In Japan, 85% of pregnant women do not practice antenatal perineal massage. Therefore, we developed a smartphone website to support the practice of antenatal perineal massage. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the feasibility of our smartphone website. Pregnant women were recruited at five hospitals or clinics in Tokyo, Japan. Participants assigned to the smartphone website group (n = 74) were asked to register on the smartphone website. After completing registration, they could login and use all the contents of the website. After giving birth, participants completed a 5-item questionnaire evaluating the acceptability of the smartphone website. Participants assigned to the leaflet group (n = 71) received a leaflet on antenatal perineal massage and completed a similar 4-item questionnaire evaluating the leaflet. Data were collected from April 2014 to November 2014. Data analysis was performed using chi-square and t-tests to analyze responses to close-ended questions, and content analysis was conducted to analyze responses of open-ended questions. In the smartphone website group, 9 women (12.2%) did not register on the smartphone website. Approximately 80% of the women who responded indicated that the smartphone site was easy to understand and useful for practicing antenatal perineal massage. In the smartphone website group, the reply rate for reporting the frequency of massage was 43.6%. Although the ratings and frequency at which the material was accessed tended to be higher in the smartphone website group than in the leaflet group, there were no significant differences. Most pregnant women in the smartphone website group provided a favorable evaluation for the smartphone website. However, some participants had suggestions for improvement, which need to be incorporated in a revised version of the website. Therefore, the present study's results demonstrate the feasibility of a smartphone website to support the practice of antenatal perineal

  6. Student satisfaction with a Website designed for three nursing courses. (United States)

    Zwolski, K


    The website described was not designed to replace classroom teaching, but to serve as an additional tool for students attending a traditional course. Based on my experience and the data obtained from the evaluation questionnaire, the following points can be made: students are enthusiastic about the Internet and will access a web page that accompanies a particular course or courses a website can allow for objectives, not normally engendered by traditional methods, to be achieved. These may include, for instance, fostering a sense of community, providing new means of communication between professor and student and serving as a portal to the vast resources of the Internet. A single-theme website can effectively address the learning needs of students at different levels, in this case both undergraduate and graduate students A well-designed website can increase the visibility of the educational institution that sponsors it It is not easy to measure a website's effectiveness in helping students achieve traditional course objectives or its impact on student learning. The questionnaire results confirm students' satisfaction with the website and their belief that it was an important and useful learning tool. This is significant and positive. Future research is needed to measure the degree to which a website can increase learning in a particular area. The site required about 150 hours to construct and about 6-8 hours per week to maintain. This is a considerable amount of faculty time. Although I cannot speak for others, I firmly believe that this is a worthwhile investment. The website is clearly appreciated by students, and it seems logical to conclude that it is fulfilling some learning needs that may not be met by other methods. In addition, it provides the educator with a new vehicle for communication. It is exhilarating to create with new formats and to use expertise in a given area to reach students, foster community, and establish a presence beyond the classroom

  7. Swisster – a news website for Anglophones

    CERN Multimedia


    Employees of CERN can now sign up for a free account at, an English language website devoted to Swiss news and current affairs. « prev next » The website, which is aimed at English speakers in Switzerland, normally requires an annual subscription of 300 CHF, but has teamed up with sponsors to offer a free subscription for CERN employees. The service provides a daily newsletter containing the main news and other information sent to subscribers every working day. The Swisster website also offers a variety of services such as health, education and food forums called "corners", as well as weather & snow forecasts, blogs and even a TV guide for Anglophones. The editorial team of English-speaking journalists is based in Lausanne, Geneva, Zurich and Neuchatel and covers news for expatriates and English speakers living and working in Switzerland. also has a Saturday morning radio show from 08:30 to 09:30, on Radio Cit�...

  8. New website dealing with CERN-EU relations

    CERN Multimedia


    A new website dealing with CERN-EU relations ( is being brought into production. Thanks are due to several people for their contributions, and especially to the primary authors - Piotr Kurpiel, a Technical Student, and Miguel Marquina / IT. This site is designed to help people looking for information concerning interactions between Europe and particle physics in general, and the CERN programme in particular. FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC For members of the public, links are provided to several websites of general interest and there is also a search facility to help navigation among the main sources of information on EU programmes. FACILITIES ONLY AVAILABLE TO CERN USERS Entry to the CERN area of the site requires authentication via your NICE login name and password. In this area: You can look at information about present or past EU co-funded projects at CERN. For projects with their own websites you can click through to the site to obtain more detailed information. You can subscribe to ...


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    Ioana Ancuţa IANCU


    Full Text Available In a technology era, institutions have to be present on the World Wide Web (www, not only because of the competitiveness but also for a better presentation of their academic offers. Being a communication channel, universities’ websites must contain a series of information addressed not only to students or future students but also to the foreign students, academic staff, governmental institutions and press. While assessing Romania’s and Bulgaria’s Technical Universities’ websites, in March 2017, we searched and analyzed 104 criterion. We have grouped them into four dimensions: content, interactivity, navigation and appearance. Each criterion and dimension received a certain score (a grade for the presence / absence of a criterion using the ProfNet procedure. Of the two countries that we have analyzed (Romania and Bulgaria we have concluded, that the websites of the Romanian Universities possess a little more functionalities, gathering a score of 14.39 points (the means on all dimensions, compared to the Bulgarian ones which scored 14.25 points.

  10. An Evaluation and Ranking of Children's Hospital Websites in the United States. (United States)

    Huerta, Timothy R; Walker, Daniel M; Ford, Eric W


    Children's hospitals are faced with the rising need for technological innovation. Their prospective health care consumers, who increasingly depend on the Web and social media for communication and consumer engagement, drive this need. As patients and family members navigate the Web presence of hospitals, it is important for these specialized organizations to present themselves and their services efficiently. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the website content of children's hospitals in order to identify opportunities to improve website design and create benchmarks to judge improvement. All websites associated with a children's hospital were identified using a census list of all children's hospitals in the United States. In March of 2014, each website and its social media were evaluated using a Web crawler that provided a 5-dimensional assessment that included website accessibility, marketing, content, technology, and usability. The 5-dimensional assessment was scored on a scale ranging from 0 to 10 with positive findings rated higher on the scale. Websites were ranked by individual dimensions as well as according to their average ranking across all dimensions. Mean scores of 153 websites ranged from 5.05 to 8.23 across all 5 dimensions. Results revealed that no website scored a perfect 10 on any dimension and that room exists for meaningful improvement. Study findings allow for the establishment of baseline benchmarks for tracking future website and social media improvements and display the need for enhanced Web-based consumer engagement for children's hospitals.

  11. The Advanced Labs Website: resources for upper-level laboratories (United States)

    Torres-Isea, Ramon


    The Advanced Labs web resource collection is an effort to create a central, comprehensive information base for college/university faculty who teach upper-level undergraduate laboratories. The website is produced by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). It is a part of ComPADRE, the online collection of resources in physics and astronomy education, which itself is a part of the National Science Foundation-funded National Science Digital Library (NSDL). After a brief review of its history, we will discuss the current status of the website while describing the various types of resources available at the site and presenting examples of each. We will detail a step-by-step procedure for submitting resources to the website. The resource collection is designed to be a community effort and thus welcomes input and contributions from its users. We will also present plans, and will seek audience feedback, for additional website services and features. The constraints, roadblocks, and rewards of this project will also be addressed.

  12. A Website for Astronomy Education and Outreach (United States)

    Impey, C.; Danehy, A.


    Teach Astronomy is a free, open access website designed for formal and informal learners of astronomy. The site features: an online textbook complete with quiz questions and a glossary; over ten thousand images; a curated collection of the astronomy articles in Wikipedia; a complete video lecture course; a video Frequently Asked Questions tool; and other materials provided by content partners. Clustering algorithms and an interactive visual interface allow users to browse related content. This article reviews the features of the website and how it can be used.


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    Endang Supriyati


    Full Text Available ABSTRAK E-commerce berevolusi dengan mengadopsi web 2.0 yang mempunyai kapabilitas meningkatkan partisipasi pelanggan dan meningkatkan nilai ekonomi. Fenomena baru ini dikenal dengan istilah social commerce (s-commerce. Kualitas website dipengaruhi tiga hal yaitu kulitas system (system quality, kualitas layanan(service quality dan kualitas informasi (information quality. Kualitas pelayanan yang baik dapat membantu pengguna mendapatkan kekuatan penuh dari website dengan cara mencocokan dengan harapan mereka. Kualitas informasi menunjukkan sejauh mana isi dari website tersebut tepat waktu (up date, akurat, dan lengkap.Penelitian ini bersifat empirik dengan menerapkan model kualitas website pada dua s-commerce yaitu dan Metode yang digunakan adalah analisa sistemmatis, perbandingan dan observasi. Dari model yang diterapkan didapat hasil bahwa tokopedia memiliki lebih banyak atribut-atribut kualitas website. Kata kunci: s-commerce, kualitas web site, system, service, informasi.

  14. Sistema de Aquisição de Baixo Custo para um Dinamômetro Biomédico / Acquisition system of a low cost biomedical dynamometer

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    Paulo José Oliveira Cortez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: criar um Sistema de Aquisição de baixo custo, otimizando um dispositivo de fabricação própria. Método: Para tanto, foi idealizado um sistema dedicado, o qual é alimentado por uma bateria central de 12V. A ponte completa de “Wheatstone” é alimentada pela bateria central, regulada em 9V. Resultados: O sinal dos extensômetros apresenta uma variação de 0 a 30 mV, o qual é amplificado e filtrado por um Condicionador de Sinais de fabricação própria, usando um LM 324. O sinal elétrico então passa a variar de 0 a 5V, que serão tratados em uma entrada analógica de um Microcontrolador PIC. Os testes para registro e interpretação dos dados ocorrem através do software MyOpenLab. Conclusão: O trabalho está em andamento e os primeiros resultados sugerem que o sistema será capaz de mensurar a força muscular de forma precisa e com custo reduzido. Objective: to create a purchasing system for optimizing a low cost device fabrication itself. Method: For this purpose was designed a system which is powered by a 12V battery center. The full bridge of "Wheatstone" is powered by the central battery set to 9V. Results: The sign of the strain has a range of 0 to 30 mV which is amplified filtered by a signal conditioner own manufacturing using an LM 324. The electrical signal then passes to vary from 0 to5V which will be processed in an analog input of PIC microcontroller. Tests for the registration and interpretation of data are through software MyOpenLab. Conclusion: The work is in progress and initial results suggest that the system will be able to measure muscular strength accurately and cost-effective.

  15. Non-Science Majors' Critical Evaluation of Websites in a Biotechnology Course (United States)

    Halverson, Kristy L.; Siegel, Marcelle A.; Freyermuth, Sharyn K.


    Helping students develop criteria for judgment and apply examination skills is essential for promoting scientific literacy. With the increasing availability of the Internet, it is even more essential that students learn how to evaluate the science they gather from online resources. This is particularly true because publishing information on the web is not restricted to experts, and content quality can vary greatly across websites. The responsibility of evaluating websites falls upon the user. Little research has examined undergraduates' evaluation of web sites in science classes. The purpose of this study was to investigate on which websites college students selected and how they evaluated the websites used when developing individual positions about stem-cell research. We used a qualitative approach in search of patterns in undergraduates' website selection and evaluation criteria. We found that students used a variety of web resources from eleven types of websites to complete their independent research report. Students also used eleven evaluation criteria to evaluate these sources, some useful (e.g., credibility) and some not useful (e.g., readability). We found that university students struggled with critically evaluating online resources. Undergraduates need prompts to learn how to critically evaluate the science content provided within websites. This type of scaffold can facilitate useful evaluation and promote critical thinking required for becoming scientifically literate.

  16. Knowledge management in design teams using a project website

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Otter, den A.F.H.J.; Lima, C.P


    In this paper the sharing of knowledge in architectural design teams using a Project Website is discussed. The results of multiple case studies, being part of a recently finished PhD research project to communication and performance of design teams using a Project Website, show that systems for

  17. Compósitos polímero-madeira preparados por polimerização in situ de metil metacrilato usando aditivos bifuncionais

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    Bruno Dufau Mattos


    Full Text Available Resumo O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a confecção de compósitos polímero-madeira por meio de polimerização in situ de metil metacrilato (MMA, utilizando ácido metacrílico (MAA e glicidil metacrilato (GMA como agentes de ligação e reticulação. Amostras de madeira de guapuruvu foram impregnadas em um sistema de vácuo e pressão e polimerizadas em estufa a 90°C por 10h, usando 1,5% de peroxido de benzoíla como catalisador. Os compósitos foram caracterizados por meio de testes de absorção de água e estabilidade dimensional, molhabilidade, ATR-IR, TGA, MEV e WPG. Os espectros de ATR-IR mostraram incrementos nas bandas a 1746, 1460, e 1145 cm–1, referentes as estruturas químicas dos polímeros dentro da madeira, confirmado posteriormente pelas imagens de MEV. A termogravimetria apontou reações químicas entre os copolímeros e a parede celular da madeira nos compósitos com GMA e MAA. Os compósitos preparados com MMA apresentaram incrementos acima de 50% nas propriedades higroscópicas e de estabilidade dimensional, entretanto a adição de GMA e MAA resultou em maiores incrementos nas mesmas propriedades, entre 66-90%.

  18. Health information on internet: quality, importance, and popularity of persian health websites. (United States)

    Samadbeik, Mahnaz; Ahmadi, Maryam; Mohammadi, Ali; Mohseni Saravi, Beniamin


    The Internet has provided great opportunities for disseminating both accurate and inaccurate health information. Therefore, the quality of information is considered as a widespread concern affecting the human life. Despite the increasingly substantial growth in the number of users, Persian health websites and the proportion of internet-using patients, little is known about the quality of Persian medical and health websites. The current study aimed to first assess the quality, popularity and importance of websites providing Persian health-related information, and second to evaluate the correlation of the popularity and importance ranking with quality score on the Internet. The sample websites were identified by entering the health-related keywords into four most popular search engines of Iranian users based on the Alexa ranking at the time of study. Each selected website was assessed using three qualified tools including the Bomba and Land Index, Google PageRank and the Alexa ranking. The evaluated sites characteristics (ownership structure, database, scope and objective) really did not have an effect on the Alexa traffic global rank, Alexa traffic rank in Iran, Google PageRank and Bomba total score. Most websites (78.9 percent, n = 56) were in the moderate category (8 ≤ x ≤ 11.99) based on their quality levels. There was no statistically significant association between Google PageRank with Bomba index variables and Alexa traffic global rank (P > 0.05). The Persian health websites had better Bomba quality scores in availability and usability guidelines as compared to other guidelines. The Google PageRank did not properly reflect the real quality of evaluated websites and Internet users seeking online health information should not merely rely on it for any kind of prejudgment regarding Persian health websites. However, they can use Iran Alexa rank as a primary filtering tool of these websites. Therefore, designing search engines dedicated to explore accredited


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    Ţarcă Naiana


    Full Text Available Number of Internet users who access the websites of different companies to find information and to buy online is growing. In these conditions, the companies to be able to communicate the informational message, promotional message or intention to initiate trading exchange, must be present in the virtual environment. The company's website can be used as a tool in marketing strategy, as a means of developing identity or increasing the brand exposure, as a support for communication with potential clients or as a means for market research. The website, as an interface between customers and company, must answer as many questions as possible and it must trigger the impulse that motivates consumers to return and buy products/services from the company. This paper contains a study of the websites belonging to 330 companies from the Bihor County. In the study conducted were considered companies in Bihor County that are present in the virtual environment through websites. The elements that have been analysed are the measure and the manner in which companies use the online environment to comunicate their identity. The websites are analysed in terms of their design, in terms of the way it influences the experience in visualising the site and in terms of the design elements used to facilitate navigability, to encourage interaction between the visitor and the company, to prove credibility, accuracy and valability of the information and to demonstrate that the information is presented in an objective manner. We considered the following criteria for evaluation of sites: the presence of information about the organization such as general information, information about products and means of distribution, company location; the structure used to present the information on the website home page, the navigability elements, the elements to prove credibility, the quality level of the company products, the presence and percentage of graphics, applying the design principles


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    Rodrigo Teske


    Full Text Available A produção de mapas pedológicos por meio de técnicas do mapeamento digital de solos (MDS pode ser dificultada pela falta de mapas pedológicos tradicionais de referência. Nessas situações, o conhecimento tácito do mapeador pode ser usado para o delineamento manual das unidades de mapeamento (UMs a partir de geração de um mapa de ocorrência de tipos de solos preditos pelo MDS. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar e comparar mapas de solos gerados por dois métodos, um denominado “MDS direto”, em que foi gerado um mapa preditor de UMs com base no modelo estabelecido com informações provenientes de um mapa pedológico convencional de referência preexistente, e outro em que o modelo preditor foi estabelecido a partir do exame de atributos morfológicos de 193 perfis de solo para identificar os tipos de solos, gerando-se um mapa com a indicação de ocorrência de tipos de solos sobre o qual foi realizado o delineamento manual das UMs, com base em mudanças das feições da superfície do solo. As predições foram feitas usando árvores de classificação Simple Cart,correlacionando oito variáveis do terreno com a ocorrência de UMs identificadas com nomes de classes de solos do Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos. A acurácia dos mapas foi avaliada pela “verdade de campo” (verificação em campo do tipo de solo ocorrente e comparação com o previsto no mapa e pela concordância dos mapas gerados com o mapa de referência. Quando avaliado pela “verdade de campo”, a acurácia do mapa gerado pelo método MDS direto foi de 74 %, enquanto a acurácia do mapa de MDS com delineamento manual foi de 79 %. Os dois métodos apresentaram resultados satisfatórios; o método que usou o delineamento manual e a identificação em alguns locais dos tipos de solo no campo apresentou a vantagem de não necessitar de mapas pedológicos de referência para o treinamento dos modelos preditores.

  1. Automated Detection of HONcode Website Conformity Compared to Manual Detection: An Evaluation


    Boyer, Célia; Dolamic, Ljiljana


    Background To earn HONcode certification, a website must conform to the 8 principles of the HONcode of Conduct In the current manual process of certification, a HONcode expert assesses the candidate website using precise guidelines for each principle. In the scope of the European project KHRESMOI, the Health on the Net (HON) Foundation has developed an automated system to assist in detecting a website?s HONcode conformity. Automated assistance in conducting HONcode reviews can expedite the cu...

  2. Evaluation of Web-Based Consumer Medication Information: Content and Usability of 4 Australian Websites. (United States)

    Raban, Magdalena Z; Tariq, Amina; Richardson, Lauren; Byrne, Mary; Robinson, Maureen; Li, Ling; Westbrook, Johanna I; Baysari, Melissa T


    Medication is the most common intervention in health care, and written medication information can affect consumers' medication-related behavior. Research has shown that a large proportion of Australians search for medication information on the Internet. To evaluate the medication information content, based on consumer medication information needs, and usability of 4 Australian health websites: Better Health Channel, myDr, healthdirect, and NPS MedicineWise . To assess website content, the most common consumer medication information needs were identified using (1) medication queries to the healthdirect helpline (a telephone helpline available across most of Australia) and (2) the most frequently used medications in Australia. The most frequently used medications were extracted from Australian government statistics on use of subsidized medicines in the community and the National Census of Medicines Use. Each website was assessed to determine whether it covered or partially covered information and advice about these medications. To assess website usability, 16 consumers participated in user testing wherein they were required to locate 2 pieces of medication information on each website. Brief semistructured interviews were also conducted with participants to gauge their opinions of the websites. Information on prescription medication was more comprehensively covered on all websites (3 of 4 websites covered 100% of information) than nonprescription medication (websites covered 0%-67% of information). Most websites relied on consumer medicines information leaflets to convey prescription medication information to consumers. Information about prescription medication classes was less comprehensive, with no website providing all information examined about antibiotics and antidepressants. Participants (n=16) were able to locate medication information on websites in most cases (accuracy ranged from 84% to 91%). However, a number of usability issues relating to website

  3. Design of the Resources and Environment Monitoring Website in Kashgar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Z; Lin, Q Z; Wang, Q J


    Despite the development of the web geographical information system (web GIS), many useful spatial analysis functions are ignored in the system implementation. As Kashgar is rich in natural resources, it is of great significance to monitor the ample natural resource and environment situation in the region. Therefore, with multiple uses of spatial analysis, resources and environment monitoring website of Kashgar was built. Functions of water, vegetation, ice and snow extraction, task management, change assessment as well as thematic mapping and reports based on TM remote sensing images were implemented in the website. The design of the website was presented based on database management tier, the business logic tier and the top-level presentation tier. The vital operations of the website were introduced and the general performance was evaluated

  4. Party website – instrument of political communication. Case study:

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monica Pătruţ


    Full Text Available Romanian political parties’ websites have developed especially after 2000 and have been used to disseminate information about candidates, campaigns and political agendas. Combining the quantitative content analysis with well-known models I will quantify the degree in which the Romanian Social Democratic Party website contributes to informing, connecting, involving, and mobilizing visitors. Another objective of the analysis is to pinpoint the place that websites occupy on the trajectory web 1.0 – web 2.0. The findings show that the political website is used more to inform and less to involve or mobilize visitors and that the SDP website is far from the web 2.0. taking account the virtual practices performed.

  5. Accessible Website Content Guidelines for Users with Intellectual Disabilities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Karreman, Joyce; van der Geest, Thea; Buursink, Esmee


    Background: The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative has issued guidelines for making websites better and easier to access for people with various disabilities (W3C Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines 1999). - Method: The usability of two versions of a website (a non-adapted site and a site that was



    Romānovs, Andrejs; Lektauers, Arnis; Merkurjevs, Jurijs; Klimovs, Ruslans


    The paper presents an approach of researches effective organization in sphere of operational IT risk governance. For this purpose, the application of digital multilanguage research area is advised, which can simplify discussion processes for users/researchers from different countries. The concept of multilanguage website is developed based on performed analysis of following modern IT application trends of website development: Web 2.0., social networks, blogs, wiki, etc. Then, practical soluti...

  7. Emerging and continuing trends in vaccine opposition website content. (United States)

    Bean, Sandra J


    Anti-vaccination websites appeal to persons searching the Internet for vaccine information that reinforces their predilection to avoid vaccination for themselves or their children. Few published studies have systematically examined these sites. The aim of this study was to employ content analysis as a useful tool for examining and comparing anti-vaccination websites for recurring and changing emphases in content, design, and credibility themes since earlier anti-vaccination website content analyses were conducted. Between February and May 2010, using a commonly available search engine followed by a deep web search, 25 websites that contained anti-vaccination content were reviewed and analyzed for 24 content, 14 design, and 13 credibility attributes. Although several content claims remained similar to earlier analyses, two new themes emerged: (1) the 2009 H1N1 epidemic threat was "manufactured," and (2) the increasing presence of so-called "expert" testimony in opposing vaccination. Anti-vaccination websites are constantly changing in response to the trends in public health and the success of vaccination. Monitoring the changes can permit public health workers to mount programs more quickly to counter the opposition arguments. Additionally, opposition claims commonly appeal to emotions whereas the supporting claims appeal to reason. Effective vaccine support may be better served by including more emotionally compelling content. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Developing an e-commerce Website for Spicetown Oy, using Drupal.


    Inegbedion, Usunobun


    This project is aimed at creating a website to be used for e-commerce by Spicetown Oy, a wholesaler of African and Asian food products based in Helsinki. Spicetown Oy is a traditional brick-and-mortar business in the process of transitioning into a business model combining tra-ditional business carried out on physical premises with running an online shop. The main aim of this project is to design and build a website with an online store for Spicetown Oy. The website is implemented using Drup...

  9. Usable guidelines for usable websites? an analysis of five e-government heuristics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Welle Donker-Kuijer, M.C.J.; de Jong, Menno D.T.; Lentz, Leo


    Many government organizations use web heuristics for the quality assurance of their websites. Heuristics may be used by web designers to guide the decisions about a website in development, or by web evaluators to optimize or assess the quality of an existing website. Despite their popularity, very

  10. How emotions stimulate people affected by cancer to use personalised health websites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Suncica Hadzidedic Bazdarevic


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on helping people affected by cancer – which is the leading cause of death worldwide - by identifying their personalisation needs for health websites. The aim is to identify a set of personalisation features that users prefer on these websites. Delving in a less explored area, the study also seeks to understand how user emotional states correlate with their needs for personalisation, to better define user models for health websites. Through a controlled experiment, based on the survey questionnaire method, we established that participants perceived that personalisation features offered on the evaluated website do meet their needs. More interestingly, perceived personalisation needs are influenced by certain emotions, primarily positively valenced emotions (e.g., interest. Finally, two factors positively impact intentions to reuse the website: personalisation needs and post-usage emotions. The outcomes of this study inform on ways to increase user engagement on health websites and improve online support available to people affected by cancer.

  11. The Use of Modified Webqual Method in Evaluation of Website Service Quality of Local Government (Penggunaan Metode Webqual Modifikasi Dalam Evaluasi Kualitas Layanan Website Pemerintah Daerah)


    Masthori, Arif; Nugroho, Hanung Adi; Ferdiana, Riri


    Website is an important facility that should be owned by government agency in the implementation of e-government. A good websiteservice quality will encourage the effectiveness in the implementation of e-government. To ensure the websiteservice quality, evaluating is needed.Existing evaluation method just only measure the website quality, not measure the level of benefits.This research aims to modifythe webqual method so it explores the website services quality from the user's perception and ...

  12. Alzheimer's disease dietary supplements in websites. (United States)

    Palmour, Nicole; Vanderbyl, Brandy L; Zimmerman, Emma; Gauthier, Serge; Racine, Eric


    Consumer demand for health information and health services has rapidly evolved to capture and even propel the movement to online health information seeking. Seventeen percent (52 million) of health information internet users will look for information about memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer's disease (AD) (Fox Pew Internet & American life project: Online health search. Report. Pew Research Center. 2006, Pew Research Center. 2011). We examined the content of the 25 most frequently retrieved websites marketing AD dietary supplements. We found that the majority of websites and their products claimed AD-related benefits, including improvement and enhancement of function, treatment for AD, prevention of AD, maintenance of function, delayed progression of AD, and decreased symptoms. Supplements were described as effective, natural, powerful or strong, dependable and pure or of high quality. Peer reviewed references to proper scientific studies were infrequent on websites. Statements highlighting the risks of dietary supplements were as common as statements mitigating or minimizing these risks. Different strategies were used to promote supplements such as popular appeals and testimonials. Further enforcement of relevant policy is needed and preparation of clinicians to deal with requests of patients and caregivers is indicated.

  13. Usability study of youtube websites for Malaysian teenagers (United States)

    Razak, Mohd Nur Faiz Abd; Hussain, Azham; Hamdi, Mohd Maizan Fishol


    Nowadays, YouTube is the 3rd most visited website in the world. It was created for users to search, watch and share video. Statistics show that YouTube run in more than 88 countries and support 76 different languages which covered almost 95% of Internet population globally. Therefore, a usability study is for specific type of users such as based on gender, range of age and country is considered a must for this kind of top website. In this study, we focus on YouTube website usability for Malaysian teenagers that are currently schooling in boarding school with limited access of Internet. It was done in a controlled lab environment with proper devices and software as MacBook, LCD Monitor, and WhatPulse heat map tracker. The evaluation was made based on usability metrics: ease of use, usefulness and satisfaction of users with combination of recording videos, mouse and keyboard heat map and questionnaires. Findings show that most of the respondents just use YouTube for video watching only while ignoring other features in the same time. There are difficulties in using it at the first moment but could catch up in short time. It shows how usable YouTube website especially in the learnability and memorability aspects.

  14. Designing a Medical Tourism Website: A Qualitative Study (United States)

    SAMADBEIK, Mahnaz; ASADI, Heshmatollah; MOHSENI, Mohammad; TAKBIRI, Afsaneh; MOOSAVI, Ahmad; GARAVAND, Ali


    Background: Informing plays a prominent role in attracting medical tourists. The enjoyment of proper medical information systems is one of the most important tools for the attraction of medical tourists. Iran’s ability in designing and implementing information networks has remained largely unknown. The current study aimed to explore information needs for designing a medical tourism website. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in 2015 for designing Hospital Medical-Tourism Website (HMTW). A purposive sampling method was used and data were gathered using a semi-structured questionnaire. Totally, 12 faculty members and experts in the field of medical tourism were interviewed. Data were analyzed using the MAXQDA10 software. Results: Totally 41 sub-themes and 10 themes were identified. The themes included the introduction of hospital, general guide for patients, tourism information, information related to physicians in hospital, costs, treatment follow-up, online hospital appointment scheduling in website, statistics and news of hospital medical tourism, photo gallery and contacts. Among the themes, the participants highly emphasized four themes including costs (100%), tourism information (91.6%), information related to physicians in hospital, (83.3%) and treatment follow-up (83.3%). Conclusion: This profitable industry can be developed through considering information requirements for hospital medical tourism website. PMID:28451562

  15. Designing a Medical Tourism Website: A Qualitative Study. (United States)

    Samadbeik, Mahnaz; Asadi, Heshmatollah; Mohseni, Mohammad; Takbiri, Afsaneh; Moosavi, Ahmad; Garavand, Ali


    Informing plays a prominent role in attracting medical tourists. The enjoyment of proper medical information systems is one of the most important tools for the attraction of medical tourists. Iran's ability in designing and implementing information networks has remained largely unknown. The current study aimed to explore information needs for designing a medical tourism website. This qualitative study was conducted in 2015 for designing Hospital Medical-Tourism Website (HMTW). A purposive sampling method was used and data were gathered using a semi-structured questionnaire. Totally, 12 faculty members and experts in the field of medical tourism were interviewed. Data were analyzed using the MAXQDA10 software. Totally 41 sub-themes and 10 themes were identified. The themes included the introduction of hospital, general guide for patients, tourism information, information related to physicians in hospital, costs, treatment follow-up, online hospital appointment scheduling in website, statistics and news of hospital medical tourism, photo gallery and contacts. Among the themes, the participants highly emphasized four themes including costs (100%), tourism information (91.6%), information related to physicians in hospital, (83.3%) and treatment follow-up (83.3%). This profitable industry can be developed through considering information requirements for hospital medical tourism website.

  16. Commitment to sustainability: A content analysis of website for university organisations (United States)

    Hasim, M. S.; Hashim, A. E.; Ariff, N. R. M.; Sapeciay, Z.; Abdullah, A. S.


    This research aim on investigating the commitments of organisations towards sustainability. For this research context, ‘commitment’ refers to the extent of information provided by universities in their website which demonstrated initiatives towards achieving the sustainability goal. The objective of this study was to identify sustainability initiatives highlighted within university websites using Australia as a case study. Thirty-nine (39) websites were reviewed and web content analysis was performed to publicly available data including any relevant accessible PDF documents attached to the universities website. Specific websites information was reviewed to detect sustainability themes in the broad university management and operations (i.e., in general policies, corporate mission statements, research activities, positions available and strategies). The commitment of Australian universities was significant and well established with a set of twenty (20) related themes were identified. The findings have some limitations because the established themes only emerged from the websites’ content without human validation which possibly weakens the correlations between website information and organisations actual practice. This possibility is recognised and for this reason, further assessment may be advantageous to provide verification of the findings. Therefore, further studies using other techniques are suggested such as interviews or observations for validation of data and reinforce the entire conclusions. An interesting aspect of this study is the validity of reviewing organisational websites for gauging actual practice and a number of researchers supporting this approached as indicated in methodology section of this paper.

  17. Website Service Quality in Ireland: An Empirical Study (United States)

    Connolly, Regina

    Despite the fact that service quality is a critical determinant of website success, studies show that consumers frequently view the service quality delivered through websites as unsatisfactory. This paper outlines a study that investigated the dimensions of website service excellence valued by Irish customers of a small-to-medium enterprise specialising in gifts. The E-S-QUAL measurement instrument was applied to the customers who purchase products online from this retailer, in order to determine their purchasing patterns and the dimensions of e-service quality that they value. The results of this study indicate the effectiveness of the instrument in determining gaps in e-service quality. The findings will be of benefit both to practitioners and researchers seeking to improve their understanding of the factors that contribute towards the creation and maintenance of consumer satisfaction in Irish online transactions.

  18. Online politics: a cross-national explanatory analysis of political websites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Noort, G.; Kruikemeier, S.; Aparaschivei, A.; Boomgaarden, H.; Vliegenthart, R.


    This study provides a systematic investigation of party and candidate websites in five European countries: Germany, Romania, Hungary, The Netherlands and Great Britain. It examines three features of online political communication that are presented on political websites (interactivity,

  19. 'Total girlfriend experience': examining marketplace mythologies on sex tourism websites. (United States)

    Gezinski, Lindsay B; Karandikar, Sharvari; Levitt, Alexis; Ghaffarian, Roxane


    The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic content analysis of sex tour websites to understand how sex tours are marketed to potential clients. A total of 380 web pages from 21 sex tour websites were reviewed. The sex tour websites sought to promote privacy and hassle-free travel with a local 'escort' and the opportunity for 'hooks-ups' with no strings attached. Three themes emerged around the description of sex workers: (1) enjoyment and complete acceptance, (2) a 'total girlfriend experience' and (3) exoticisation of the 'Third World' woman. The majority of the sex tourism websites used marketplace mythologies concerning racism, sexism and imperialism to appeal to sex tourists' desires for fantasy experiences, power and domination, and a renewed sense of identity. Legal and STI-related information was largely missing from the websites, and when it was included it was aimed at protecting sex tourists, not sex workers. It is of importance for researchers, social workers and others engaging with sex workers and sexscapes to recognise the power of language, cultural myths and framings and their ability to generate real-world social and health implications.

  20. Treatments and services for neurodevelopmental disorders on advocacy websites: Information or evaluation?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Di Pietro, Nina C; Whiteley, Louise Emma; Illes, Judy


    The Internet has quickly gained popularity as a major source of health-related information, but its impact is unclear. Here, we investigate the extent to which advocacy websites for three neurodevelopmental disorders—cerebral palsy (CP), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and fetal alcohol spectrum...... disorder (FASD)—inform stakeholders about treatment options, and discuss the ethical challenges inherent in providing such information online. We identified major advocacy websites for each disorder and assessed website accountability, the number, attributes, and accessibility of treatments described......, and the valence of treatment information. With the exception of FASD websites, we found that advocacy websites provide a plethora of information about a wide variety of readily available products and services. Treatment information is primarily targeted at families and is overwhelmingly encouraging, regardless...

  1. Perancangan Model Data Flow Diagram Untuk Mengukur Kualitas Website Menggunakan Webqual 4.0

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Karina Hapsari


    Full Text Available The more competition the e-commerce company and the development of technology company in Indonesia, website of Zalora Indonesia traffic rank declining. Measuring the quality of website by using WebQual 4.0 will help manage the web to be able to adjust the quality of the web with user perception.  The research aims to make design of Data Flow Diagram model to measure website quality using WebQual 4.0 based on user satisfaction variable. A case study was conducted on the Zalora Indonesia website. Data Flow model is used to make design of system model recommendation, while WebQual 4.0 method is used to measure website quality to user satisfaction. The research data using primary data in the form of questionnaires involving 384 respondents in the city of Bandung who had transacted on the website Zalora Indonesia. Data analysis technique applies descriptive analysis. Based on the research result on the quality of the website Zalora Indonesia, simultaneous positive and significant impact on user satisfaction Zalora Indonesia website. t test result showed that three variables partially have a posotive impact on user satisfaction Zalora Indonesia website is usability quality, information quality and service interaction quality, with Information quality variable has largest impact. Therefore, the modeling system using the Context Diagram-Data Flow Diagram focused on information quality variable.

  2. Building a new core website for CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Bulletin


    The web was born at CERN, but as early adopters, our own web presence now needs some love. With a new era of discovery ahead of us, the Communication Group is embarking on a project to develop a new core website for CERN that will make it easier and more enjoyable to access information in a timely way. The Bulletin catches up with Dan Noyes, who is leading this project, to learn more.   CERN’s online presence is currently spread across  many disparate websites, all separately managed. For example, there is no single home for news and announcements; the Bulletin is published every two weeks and, in between publications, news and announcements appear in a number of channels such as the users' page, Twitter, the Quantum Diaries blog, e-mails from Management direct to staff and users, and so on. "The idea of the new core website for CERN is to create a single place where one can find all this information," says Dan. The project, supported by the DG and th...

  3. A Literature Review: Website Design and User Engagement.


    Garett, R; Chiu, J; Zhang, L; Young, SD


    Proper design has become a critical element needed to engage website and mobile application users. However, little research has been conducted to define the specific elements used in effective website and mobile application design. We attempt to review and consolidate research on effective design and to define a short list of elements frequently used in research. The design elements mentioned most frequently in the reviewed literature were navigation, graphical representation, organization, c...

  4. Hotel website performance: evidence from a transition country


    Ljudevit Pranić; Daniela Garbin Praničević; Josip Arnerić


    The Purpose – An evaluation of 197 hotel websites in Croatia was conducted to determine whether hotels in this economically lagging transition country exploit the potentials of the Internet as a marketing tool. Design/Methodology/Approach – A team of 30 trained assistants evaluated the websites using an amended modified Balanced Scorecard (mBSC) approach from the user-friendliness, site attractiveness, marketing effectiveness, and F&B informativeness perspectives. MANOVA was used to test m...

  5. Radiology on Internet: advice in consulting websites and evaluating their quality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rolland, Y.; Bousquet, C.; Duvauferrier, R.; Pouliquen, B.; Le Beux, P.; Fresnel, A.


    Services offered by Internet are increasing continually and 15,000 medical websites covering all the specialties are available presently. Finding relevant information with a spider-web organization is difficult. We recommend starting with hierarchical lists which propose a selection of sites corresponding to medical specialties. We give our selection of important radiological websites dealing with image databases, case reports, radioanatomy and continuing medical education. While surfing the Web, an evaluation of the quality of websites is necessary. We used quality criteria proposed by Darmoni to rate the quality of ten websites. The global quality is good; help pages and external links are the main noticed shortcomings. All webmasters should pay attention to quality criteria and show visible marks of Darmoni criteria on their home page. To be able to foresee which Internet options should be developed, we evaluated our website and sent a questionnaire to our users. Clinical cases are the most requested facilities; they could be used for continuing medical education. (orig.)

  6. Babies' Portal Website Hearing Aid Section: Assessment by Audiologists

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bastos, Bárbara Guimarães


    Full Text Available Introduction The family has ultimate responsibility for decisions about the use and care during the daily routine and problem solving in the manipulation of hearing aids (HA in infants and children. Objective The purpose of the study was to assess technical and content quality of Babies' Portal website Hearing Aid section by audiologists. Methods Letters and e-mails were sent inviting professionals to surf the website and anonymously fill out an online form with 58 questions covering demographic data as well as the website's technical (Emory questionnaire with the subscales of accuracy, authorship, updates, public, navigation, links, and structure and content quality. Results A total of 109 professionals (tree men and 106 women with mean age of 31.6 years participated in the study. Emory percentage scores ranged from 90.1 to 96.7%. The Hearing Aid section contents were considered good or very good. Conclusion The website was deemed to have good technical and content quality, being suitable to supplement informational counseling to parents of hearing-impaired children fitted with hearing aids.

  7. A review of pediatric dentistry program websites: what are applicants learning about our programs? (United States)

    Lin, Jenn-Yih; Lee, Jung; Davidson, Bo; Farquharson, Kara; Shaul, Cheryl; Kim, Sara


    The purpose of this study was twofold: 1) to examine website content provided by U.S. and Canadian pediatric dentistry residency programs, and 2) to understand aspects of program websites that dental students report to be related to their interests. Sixty-eight program websites were reviewed by five interprofessional evaluators. A thirty-six-item evaluation form was organized into 1) program descriptive items listed on the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) website (n=21); 2) additional program descriptive items not listed on the AAPD website but of interest (n=9); and 3) items related to website interface design (n=5). We also surveyed fifty-four dental students regarding their interest in various aspects of program descriptions. The results of this study suggest that pediatric dentistry residency programs in general tend to provide identical or less information than what is listed on the AAPD website. The majority of respondents (76 percent) reported that residency program websites would be their first source of information about advanced programs. The greatest gap between the available website information and students' interests exists in these areas: stipend and tuition information, state licensure, and program strengths. Pediatric dentistry residency programs underutilize websites as a marketing and recruitment tool and should incorporate more information in areas of students' priority interests.

  8. Designing Public Library Websites for Teens: A Conceptual Model (United States)

    Naughton, Robin Amanda


    The main goal of this research study was to develop a conceptual model for the design of public library websites for teens (TLWs) that would enable designers and librarians to create library websites that better suit teens' information needs and practices. It bridges a gap in the research literature between user interface design in human-computer…

  9. Adding dimensions to the analysis of the quality of health information of websites returned by Google. Cluster analysis identifies patterns of websites according to their classification and the type of intervention described.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pietro eGhezzi


    Full Text Available Background and aims: Most of the instruments used to assess the quality of health information on the Web (e.g. the JAMA criteria only analyze one dimension of information quality, trustworthiness. We try to compare these characteristics with the type of treatments the website describe, whether evidence-based medicine or note, and correlate this with the established criteria.Methods: We searched Google for migraine cure and analyzed the first 200 websites for: 1 JAMA criteria (authorship, attribution, disclosure, currency; 2 class of websites (commercial, health portals, professional, patient groups, no-profit; and 3 type of intervention described (approved drugs, alternative medicine, food, procedures, lifestyle, drugs still at the research stage. We used hierarchical cluster analysis to assess associations between classes of websites and types of intervention described. Subgroup analysis on the first 10 websites returned was performed. Results: Google returned health portals (44%, followed by commercial websites (31% and journalism websites (11%. The type of intervention mentioned most often was alternative medicine (55%, followed by procedures (49%, lifestyle (42%, food (41% and approved drugs (35%. Cluster analysis indicated that health portals are more likely to describe more than one type of treatment while commercial websites most often describe only one. The average JAMA score of commercial websites was significantly lower than for health portals or journalism websites, and this was mainly due to lack of information on the authors of the text and indication of the date the information was written. Looking at the first 10 websites from Google, commercial websites are under-represented and approved drugs over-represented. Conclusions: This approach allows the appraisal of the quality of health-related information on the Internet focusing on the type of therapies/prevention methods that are shown to the patient.

  10. Application of an object-oriented framework for task scheduling in an ExPSEE environment Aplicação de um framework orientado a objetos para escalonamento de tarefas no ambiente ExPSEE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes


    Full Text Available The application of an object-oriented framework for task scheduling in the ExPSEE Environment is provided. ExPSEE is an experimental Process-centred Software Engineering Environment. However, this framework can be used in other domains such as Workflow Management Systems and Project Management Systems. The task scheduling framework was based on both current methods for the development of frameworks and on an existing architectural pattern for process managers. A prototype of the framework was developed using the Java Language. It shows the experience of extracting a framework from well-known applications that can be reused in practical domains. The research in current paper contributes in the production of a framework and gives insights in the application of novel techniques towards the development of frameworksEste artigo apresenta a aplicação de um framework orientado a objetos para escalonamento de tarefas no ambiente ExPSEE. ExPSEE é um ambiente experimental de engenharia de software orientado a processos, no entanto, o framework também pode ser utilizado em outros domínios tais como sistemas de gerenciamento de workflow e sistemas de gerenciamento de projetos. O framework foi concebido com base em métodos atuais para desenvolvimento de frameworks e em um padrão existente para gerenciadores de processos. Um protótipo do framework foi desenvolvido usando a linguagem Java. O trabalho desenvolvido mostra a experiência de extração de um framework a partir de aplicações conhecidas e que pode ser reutilizado em domínios de aplicação prática. Assim, o presente trabalho contribui tanto na produção de um framework quanto na geração de conhecimento sobre a aplicação de técnicas inovadoras de desenvolvimento de frameworks

  11. Internet Information for Patients on Cancer Diets - an Analysis of German Websites. (United States)

    Herth, Natalie; Kuenzel, Ulrike; Liebl, Patrick; Keinki, Christian; Zell, Joerg; Huebner, Jutta


    In recent years, the Internet has become an important source of information for cancer patients. Various cancer diets that are publicized on the Web promise significant benefits. The aim of our study was to evaluate the quality of online patient information about cancer diets. A patient's search for 'cancer diets' on German websites was simulated using the search engine Google. The websites were evaluated utilizing a standardized instrument with formal and content aspects. An analysis of 60 websites revealed that websites from nonprofit associations as well as self-help groups offer the best content and formal ranking. Websites whose owners aim to make a profit, practices that offer cancer diet therapies, and newspapers received the poorest quality score. The majority of content provided on the Web gets published by profit-oriented content groups. The divergence between profit-driven websites offering low-quality content and the few trustworthy websites on cancer diets is enormous. The information given online about cancer diets may turn out to be a hazardous pitfall. In order to present evidence-based information about cancer diets, online information should be replenished to create a more accurate picture and give higher visibility to the right information. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  12. Comprehensive Evaluation and Analysis of China's Mainstream Online Map Service Websites (United States)

    Zhang, H.; Jiang, J.; Huang, W.; Wang, Q.; Gu, X.


    With the flourish development of China's Internet market, all kinds of users for map service demand is rising continually, within it contains tremendous commercial interests. Many internet giants have got involved in the field of online map service, and defined it as an important strategic product of the company. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate these online map service websites comprehensively with a model, and analyse the problems according to the evaluation results. Then some corresponding solving measures are proposed, which provides a theoretical and application guidance for the future development of fiercely competitive online map websites. The research consists of three stages: (a) the mainstream online map service websites in China are introduced and the present situation of them is analysed through visit, investigation, consultant, analysis and research. (b) a whole comprehensive evaluation quota system of online map service websites from the view of functions, layout, interaction design color position and so on, combining with the data indexes such as time efficiency, accuracy, objectivity and authority. (c) a comprehensive evaluation to these online map service websites is proceeded based on the fuzzy evaluation mathematical model, and the difficulty that measure the map websites quantitatively is solved.

  13. What drives Users' Website Registration?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    T. Li (Ting); P.A. Pavlou (Paul)


    textabstractUser registration is an important prerequisite for the success of many websites by enabling users to gain access to domain information and personalized content. It is not always desirable for users, however, because they need to disclose personal information. This paper examines what

  14. Automated assessment of the quality of depression websites. (United States)

    Griffiths, Kathleen M; Tang, Thanh Tin; Hawking, David; Christensen, Helen


    Since health information on the World Wide Web is of variable quality, methods are needed to assist consumers to identify health websites containing evidence-based information. Manual assessment tools may assist consumers to evaluate the quality of sites. However, these tools are poorly validated and often impractical. There is a need to develop better consumer tools, and in particular to explore the potential of automated procedures for evaluating the quality of health information on the web. This study (1) describes the development of an automated quality assessment procedure (AQA) designed to automatically rank depression websites according to their evidence-based quality; (2) evaluates the validity of the AQA relative to human rated evidence-based quality scores; and (3) compares the validity of Google PageRank and the AQA as indicators of evidence-based quality. The AQA was developed using a quality feedback technique and a set of training websites previously rated manually according to their concordance with statements in the Oxford University Centre for Evidence-Based Mental Health's guidelines for treating depression. The validation phase involved 30 websites compiled from the DMOZ, Yahoo! and LookSmart Depression Directories by randomly selecting six sites from each of the Google PageRank bands of 0, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8. Evidence-based ratings from two independent raters (based on concordance with the Oxford guidelines) were then compared with scores derived from the automated AQA and Google algorithms. There was no overlap in the websites used in the training and validation phases of the study. The correlation between the AQA score and the evidence-based ratings was high and significant (r=0.85, Psites with zero PageRanks were included the association was weak and non-significant (r=0.23, P=.22). When sites with zero PageRanks were excluded, the correlation was moderate (r=.61, P=.002). Depression websites of different evidence-based quality can be

  15. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um protótipo classificador de tábuas usando técnicas de visão artificial Development and evaluation of a prototype to classify lumber using artificial vision techniques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Marcelo Gomes


    Full Text Available A classe de qualidade de uma peça de madeira serrada é determinada pelos defeitos apresentados e por algumas características associadas a eles, como: dimensões da peça e dos defeitos, posição dos defeitos, quantidade e tipo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram desenvolver e avaliar um protótipo para classificação de tábuas de madeira de eucalipto, com base em imagens digitais, composto por uma esteira rolante onde são inseridas as tábuas para obtenção das imagens de suas faces. O protótipo pode utilizar tanto a norma da Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT quanto a norma comercial de uma serraria. O processo pode ser acompanhado no microcomputador, que apresenta em seguida a imagem da tábua com o resultado final de sua classificação. A taxa de acerto no processo de classificação foi de 64,3%, usando-se a norma da ABNT, e de 81,0% com o emprego da norma comercial. A produtividade do protótipo desenvolvido foi de 7,9 m³ h-1, na classificação de madeira serrada de eucalipto.Lumber quality is determined by the defects presented and other characteristics such as: size, position, amount and type. The purpose of this research was to develop and evaluate a prototype to classify eucalyptus lumber using digital images. This prototype was built with a conveyor belt where the lumbers are inserted for image acquisition. Either the Brazilian standard (ABNT or the commercial rule can be used for classification. The process can be followed in a microcomputer that shows the lumber image with its final grade. The overall accuracy rate in the classification process was 64.3% using the ABNT norm, and 81.0% percent using the commercial norm. Productivity of the developed prototype was 7.9 m³ h-1.

  16. Online servicescape dimensions as predictors of website trust in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    completely. Therefore organisations should focus on designing user-friendly websites with efficient payment procedures (Harris & Goode 2010: 242). Website trust. 1Trust can be defined as customers' confidence in an organisation's reliability and integrity to refrain from opportunistic behaviour (Morgan & Hunt 1994: 20;.

  17. Improving customer generation by analysing website visitor behaviour


    Ramlall, Shalini


    This dissertation describes the creation of a new integrated Information Technology (IT) system that assisted in the collection of data about the behaviour of website visitors as well as sales and marketing data for those visitors who turned into customers. A key contribution to knowledge was the creation of a method to predict the outcome of visits to a website from visitors’ browsing behaviour. A new Online Tracking Module (OTM) was created that monitored visitors’ behaviour while they brow...

  18. Website Quality to Increase Franchise Marketing Performance Excellence


    Erwin Halim; Yohannes Kurniawan


    According to Indonesia Association of Service Provider (APJII) survey in 2014, the internet user in Indonesia increased up to around 88 million. This number expresses that the use of the internet to seek business franchise information will increase as well. The increase of internet using should be followed by the quality of franchisor's website. The franchisor's website will relate to system quality, information quality and service quality (DeLone and McLean, 2003). This research uses S...

  19. User Experience Design (UX Design) in a Website Development : Website redesign


    Orlova, Mariia


    The purpose of the study was to implement an approach of user experience for a website design. Mostly, I concentrated on revealing and understanding the concepts of UX design which include usability, visual design and human factors affecting the user experience. Another aim of the study was to investigate people’s behaviour related to web design. The thesis based on a project. The project was to redesign an existing web design for a company called Positive Communications. They provide differe...

  20. Key Design Characteristics for Developing Usable E-Commerce Websites in the Arab World

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    Layla Hasan


    Full Text Available This research aims to suggest key design characteristics that are necessary for developing usable e-commerce websites in the Arab world. A comprehensive usability evaluation of four leading Arab e-commerce websites was conducted using the heuristic evaluation method. The results identified major and minor usability problems and major and minor good design characteristics on the selected websites. Based on the results, 51 key design characteristics were suggested. The recommended key design characteristics comprised two levels according to their priority: level one which includes mandatory key design characteristics and level two which includes supplementary design characteristics. The key design characteristics in each level were categorized under specific pages and areas that can be found on any e-commerce website. Such categorizations could direct website evaluators and designers to important pages and areas that should be considered to improve the overall usability of e-commerce websites. The results of this research are particularly important to developing countries which are still facing challenges that may affect the design and accessibility of usable and useful websites. These relate to low speed of accessing the Internet and a lack of website designers who have experience in customers’ needs and websites’ usable design characteristics.

  1. Heuristic Evaluation of Optical and Optometry Franchise Websites

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    Luis Enrique Martínez Martínez


    Full Text Available The aim of this research is to determine the degree of quality, stated in terms of interactivity and usability, of websites from Spanish franchises in the field of Optics and Optometry. For this purpose, all the existing bibliography was checked and the concept of interactivity and usability in websites was also defined. Besides, a series of indicators (Nielsen were chosen which enabled us to set up parameters to measure the level of interactivity. The objective public for the franchise company was outlined and hence the analysis of websites of companies from the Optical and Optometry sector was carried out. The techniques of analysis used were those which limit observation to a single moment in time with the aim of describing the present situation. The objective was to determine whether the websites are being designed, and therefore used, as corporate catalogues or else, they favour the participation of possible users (customers, current franchisers and potential franchise-holders thus establishing a feed-back process by means of which the addressees play an active role. As a final conclusion, the hypothesis of the research is corroborated and it can be stated that websites of franchises from the Optical and Optometry sector are not designed offering a high degree in interactivity and accesibility in communication through the Internet with their different objective publics. The possible advantages of the Internet are wasted by a low level of interaction. Our research team is in favour of a higher interactivity level which corresponds to that in which a marketing and communication strategy of the franchise may offer added value to the brand and could let the contributions of customers, franchisers and potential franchise holders be taken into account.

  2. Content Analysis of Virtual Reference Data: Reshaping Library Website Design. (United States)

    Fan, Suhua Caroline; Welch, Jennifer M


    An academic health sciences library wanted to redesign its website to provide better access to health information in the community. Virtual reference data were used to provide information about user searching behavior. This study analyzed three years (2012-2014) of virtual reference data, including e-mail questions, text messaging, and live chat transcripts, to evaluate the library website for redesigning, especially in areas such as the home page, patrons' terminology, and issues prompting patrons to ask for help. A coding system based on information links in the current library website was created to analyze the data.

  3. Create your own website using WordPress in a weekend

    CERN Document Server

    Moore, Alannah


    Having a website built can be a complicated and expensive undertaking. For large businesses this is a necessary expense, but for the ever-increasing number of independents and small businesses, this can easily be handled by the intrepid amateur. In Create Your Own Website Using WordPress in a Weekend, author Alannah Moore draws on her extensive experience to show how, in just a weekend, almost anyone can create a website in WordPress that looks professional and is entirely tailored to their needs and preferences. Through carefully structured step-by-step tutorials, the book takes the

  4. HELAS: local helioseismology data website

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schunker, Hannah; Gizon, Laurent; Roth, Markus


    The Local Helioseismology Network Activity is part of the European Helio-and Asteroseismology Network (HELAS). One aspect of the network activity is to collate multipurpose data sets and make them available to the community for local helioseismic analysis. The first stage of the project is underway whereby high quality and useful data sets have been selected and acquired. The HELAS Local Helioseismology Network Activity website at provides this data ready to download. Furthermore, the data is supplemented with relevant documentation necessary for further analysis, including details about the data reduction process that has already been applied. The data primarily consists of Doppler velocity observations but also includes observations of the line-of-sight magnetic field, vector magnetic field measurements, intensity and travel time maps. The website will be continuously updated with data thereby providing convenient access to comprehensive data sets appropriate for use in local helioseismology.

  5. An assessment of the usability of undergraduate healthcare management program websites. (United States)

    Roggenkamp, Susan D


    Prospective students in higher education programs increasingly use the Internet as a source of information to assist in the selection of both university and major programs of study. Therefore, having an informative and well designed website is now an integral component of a higher education program's marketing mix. This article attempts to inform undergraduate health administration programs about the elements of good website design, namely content that is important and relevant to users, site layout appeal, and ease of navigation. Content analyses of undergraduate health administration program websites in 2002 and 2005 assessed both the extent of content from a standard list of twenty-five information elements and usability features of the sites. Implications for improvements to program websites are discussed.

  6. Portal information website construction and practice of Southwestern Institute of Physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Yiming; Zeng Liping


    The portal website of an organization, which directly reflects its image, is an important platform for providing the public with information service and publicizing the corporate philosophy and culture. For a scientific research institute, the portal website plays an active role in publicizing and popularizing scientific and technological knowledge as well as the above roles. Good development and management of the portal website will help to display the good image of a corporation, promote its exchanges with other countries and enhance the smooth running of each work. This paper introduces the preliminary attempt and practice of the Fusion Information Division, SWIP in building SWIP portal website and raising its vigor and vitality so as to promote common exchange and development. (authors)

  7. Do You Ignore Information Security in Your Journal Website? (United States)

    Dadkhah, Mehdi; Borchardt, Glenn; Lagzian, Mohammad


    Nowadays, web-based applications extend to all businesses due to their advantages and easy usability. The most important issue in web-based applications is security. Due to their advantages, most academic journals are now using these applications, with papers being submitted and published through their websites. As these websites are resources for knowledge, information security is primary for maintaining their integrity. In this opinion piece, we point out vulnerabilities in certain websites and introduce the potential for future threats. We intend to present how some journals are vulnerable and what will happen if a journal can be infected by attackers. This opinion is not a technical manual in information security, it is a short inspection that we did to improve the security of academic journals.


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    Ajeng Widya Paramita


    Full Text Available One of the implications of information technology to which attention is currently paid is its impact on the existence of Intellectual Property Right. One of the crimes committed to the right of intellectual property is the illegal imitation of presentation on web page of sites belonging to others popularly known as Offense against Intellectual Property. Based on the background above, the problems discussed in this study are the formulation of criminal act and the policy of formulation in the future system of sanction imposed upon the imitation of presentation of website in Indonesia. Normative method based on the regulations of laws related to the crime of the imitation of presentation of website in Indonesia was used in the present study. The results of the study showed that the elements of the formulation of criminal act of the imitation of presentation of website in Indonesia are subjective and objective ones. The policy of the formulation of the system of criminal sanction imposed upon the limitation of presentation of website in Indonesia applies the type of cumulative criminal threaten which includes two types of punishment. The formulation is a 2 (two year imprisonment and/or a maximum spesific fine of Rp. 150.000.000,00 (one hundred fifty thousand rupiahs, based on Article 72 Clause (6 jo Article 24 of the Criminal Law.

  9. Customer privacy on UK healthcare websites. (United States)

    Mundy, Darren P


    Privacy has been and continues to be one of the key challenges of an age devoted to the accumulation, processing, and mining of electronic information. In particular, privacy of healthcare-related information is seen as a key issue as health organizations move towards the electronic provision of services. The aim of the research detailed in this paper has been to analyse privacy policies on popular UK healthcare-related websites to determine the extent to which consumer privacy is protected. The author has combined approaches (such as approaches focused on usability, policy content, and policy quality) used in studies by other researchers on e-commerce and US healthcare websites to provide a comprehensive analysis of UK healthcare privacy policies. The author identifies a wide range of issues related to the protection of consumer privacy through his research analysis using quantitative results. The main outcomes from the author's research are that only 61% of healthcare-related websites in their sample group posted privacy policies. In addition, most of the posted privacy policies had poor readability standards and included a variety of privacy vulnerability statements. Overall, the author's findings represent significant current issues in relation to healthcare information protection on the Internet. The hope is that raising awareness of these results will drive forward changes in the industry, similar to those experienced with information quality.

  10. Exploring the use and effects of deliberate self-harm websites: an Internet-based study. (United States)

    Harris, Isobel Marion; Roberts, Lesley Martine


    In the United Kingdom, rates of deliberate self-harm (DSH) are rising. Alongside this, there has been an increase in the number of websites available with DSH content, and the Internet is known as a valuable resource for those who feel isolated by their condition(s). However, there is little and contradictory evidence available on the effects of using such websites. Further research is therefore required to examine the use and effects of DSH websites. Our objectives were to explore (1) the reasons people engage in the use of self-harm forums/websites, (2) the beliefs of users of self-harm forums regarding the role of such websites, (3) how the use of self-harm forums/websites modulates self-harm behaviors, and (4) other ways that self-harm forums affect the lives of individuals who use them. Data were collected by a questionnaire hosted on 20 websites with self-harm content. Participants were self-selected from users of these sites. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and simple thematic analysis. In total, 329 responses were received with 91.8% (302/329) from female site users. The majority of participants (65.6%, 187/285) visited these sites at least twice per week, and most participants used the sites to find information (78.2%, 223/285) or participate in the forums (68.4%, 195/285). Positive effects of website use such as gaining help and support, isolation reduction, and a reduction in self-harm behaviors were reported by a large number of participants. However, smaller but important numbers reported negative effects including worsened self-harm, being triggered to self-harm, and additional negative physical and psychological effects. This is the first multisite study to explore DSH website use in depth. There are clear and important benefits to engaging in website use for many individuals; however, these are not experienced by all website users. Negative effects were experienced by moderate numbers following website use, and clinicians should

  11. Providing information and enabling transactions: which website function is more important for success?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hoekstra, Janny C.; Huizingh, Eelko K.R.E.; Bijmolt, Tammo H.A.; Krawczyk, Adriana


    In this study, we propose and test a chain of effects from website content, through informational and transactional success to overall website success and company performance. This framework enables us to determine the relative importance of the informational and transaction-related website

  12. Information about epilepsy on the internet: An exploratory study of Arabic websites. (United States)

    Alkhateeb, Jamal M; Alhadidi, Muna S


    The aim of this study was to explore information about epilepsy found on Arabic websites. The researchers collected information from the internet between November 2016 and January 2017. Information was obtained using Google and Yahoo search engines. Keywords used were the Arabic equivalent of the following two keywords: epilepsy (Al-saraa) and convulsion (Tashanoj). A total of 144 web pages addressing epilepsy in Arabic were reviewed. The majority of web pages were websites of medical institutions and general health websites, followed by informational and educational websites, others, blogs and websites of individuals, and news and media sites. Topics most commonly addressed were medical treatments for epilepsy (50% of all pages) followed by epilepsy definition (41%) and epilepsy etiology (34.7%). The results also revealed that the vast majority of web pages did not mention the source of information. Many web pages also did not provide author information. Only a small proportion of the web pages provided adequate information. Relatively few web pages provided inaccurate information or made sweeping generalizations. As a result, it is concluded that the findings of the present study suggest that development of more credible Arabic websites on epilepsy is needed. These websites need to go beyond basic information, offering more evidence-based and updated information about epilepsy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Surfing depth on a behaviour change website: predictors and effects on behaviour. (United States)

    Jacobs, Nele; De Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse; Claes, Neree


    The primary objectives of the present study were to gain insight into website use and to predict the surfing depth on a behaviour change website and its effect on behaviour. Two hundred eight highly educated adults from the intervention condition of a randomised trial received access to a medical intervention, individual coaching (by e-mail, post, telephone or face-to-face) and a behaviour change website. Website use (e.g. surfing depth, page view duration) was registered. Online questionnaires for physical activity and fat intake were filled out at baseline and after 6 months. Hierarchical linear regression was used to predict surfing depth and its effect on behaviour. Seventy-five per cent of the participants visited the website. Fifty-one and fifty-six per cent consulted the physical activity and fat intake feedback, respectively. The median surfing depth was 2. The total duration of interventions by e-mail predicted deeper surfing (beta=0.36; pSurfing depth did not predict changes in fat intake (beta=-0.07; p=0.45) or physical activity (beta=-0.03; p=0.72). Consulting the physical activity feedback led to more physical activity (beta=0.23; p=0.01). The findings from the present study can be used to guide future website development and improve the information architecture of behaviour change websites.

  14. Pectus patient information website has improved access to care and patient reported outcomes. (United States)

    Tikka, Theofano; Webb, Joanne; Agostini, Paula; Kerr, Amy; Mannion, Glenn; Steyn, Richard S; Bishay, Ehab; Kalkat, Maninder S; Rajesh, Pala B; Naidu, Babu


    Pectus is the most common congenital disorder. Awareness amongst primary care physicians and the general public is poor. NHS commissioning bodies plan to withdraw funding for this surgery because they deem a lack of sufficient evidence of benefit. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of introducing a patient information website on referral and activity patterns and on patients reported outcomes. We produced an innovative information website, , accessible to the general public, providing information about pectus deformities; management options and advice about surgery. Referral patterns and number of cases where studied before and after the introduction of the website in 2010. Patients' satisfaction post-op was assessed using the Brompton's single step questionnaire (SSQ). The website had considerable traffic with 2179 hits in 2012, 4983 in 2013 and 7416 in 2014. This has led to 1421 contacts and 372 email enquiries. These emails have resulted in an increased number of patients who have been assessed and go on to have surgery. We asked 59 pectus excavatum patients who were operated from 2008 to 2014 to complete the SSQ. We received 32 replies. Eighty-four percent (16/19) of patients who visited the website and then underwent surgery, found the website useful. All patients scored satisfactorily in SSQ. Even though those who visited the website tended to be more satisfied with the surgical outcomes this did not reach statistical significance. This group of patients said that would have the operation again given the option compared to 76.9 % of the group who did not visit the website before surgery (p=0.031). Despite the fact that patients who visited the website experienced more post-operative complications were equally or more satisfied with post-operative outcomes. The overall SSQ obtainable score was not different for the two subgroups, being more widespread in the group that did not visit the website. The introduction of a pectus

  15. Website Interface Design: Similarity and Differences between Saudi Arabian and United States University Websites (United States)

    Alyahya, Dalia Mohammed


    The expansion of the Internet and online learning around the globe makes it more important to understand the differences in website design among cultures. Furthermore, the members of educational institutions around the world rely on the Internet more than ever before in a variety of aspects. Also, web design differs from culture to culture. Saudi…

  16. Meningite tuberculosa: avaliação da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR como ferramenta diagnóstica – um estudo piloto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Guilherme Geib


    Full Text Available Meningite é uma forma grave e potencialmente fatal de tuberculose. O diagnóstico envolve a detecção de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no líquido cefalorraquidiano por microscopia ou cultura. Entretanto, a dificuldade de detectar o organismo representa um desafio ao diagnóstico. O uso da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR na abordagem diagnóstica de meningite causada por Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB tem sido relatado como um método rápido e preciso, com diversos kits comerciais disponíveis. Como alternativa, algumas instituições vêm desenvolvendo testes in house com baixo custo. Em nossa instituição, usamos PCR in house para tuberculose. O desempenho de nossa PCR para o diagnóstico de meningite causada por MTB foi analisado em 148 pacientes consecutivos, usando a cultura do MBT como padrão-ouro. A sensibilidade da PCR no líquido cefalorraquidiano para o diagnóstico de meningite causada por MTB foi de 50%, especificidade de 98,6% e concordância coma cultura de 96% (kappa = 0,52. O desempenho de nossa PCR é semelhante ao obtido com os kits comerciais disponíveis.

  17. Twelve Years in the Life of Airline Websites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C. Michael Powell


    Full Text Available Perhaps no innovation in history has affected marketing management as pervasively as has the advent of e-commerce. This revolutionary new channel has required businesses to acquire an entirely new set of skills and approaches to promotion, pricing, and distribution. The necessity for e-commerce website operators to more deeply understand consumer behavior when engaged in e-commerce has become a central and crucial factor in website success or failure. As predicted nearly 20 years ago, travel bookings have moved almost entirely to the World Wide Web (WWW. For the past 12 years, data have been collected concerning traveler’s preferences, concerns, and perceptions of airline websites in particular. This research reviews and comments on the evolution of those sites and consumer perceptions of efficiency, ease of use, and usefulness. The results of this study are intended to guide airlines in their pursuit of customer satisfaction and increased profits.

  18. Website Fingerprinting Defenses at the Application Layer

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cherubin Giovanni


    Full Text Available Website Fingerprinting (WF allows a passive network adversary to learn the websites that a client visits by analyzing traffic patterns that are unique to each website. It has been recently shown that these attacks are particularly effective against .onion sites, anonymous web servers hosted within the Tor network. Given the sensitive nature of the content of these services, the implications of WF on the Tor network are alarming. Prior work has only considered defenses at the client-side arguing that web servers lack of incentives to adopt countermeasures. Furthermore, most of these defenses have been designed to operate on the stream of network packets, making practical deployment difficult. In this paper, we propose two application-level defenses including the first server-side defense against WF, as .onion services have incentives to support it. The other defense is a lightweight client-side defense implemented as a browser add-on, improving ease of deployment over previous approaches. In our evaluations, the server-side defense is able to reduce WF accuracy on Tor .onion sites from 69.6% to 10% and the client-side defense reduces accuracy from 64% to 31.5%.

  19. Question, answer, compare: a cross-category comparison of answers on question and answer websites (United States)

    Ocepek, Melissa G.; Westbrook, Lynn


    Online information seekers make heavy use of websites that accept their natural language questions. This study compared the three types of such websites: social question and answer (Q&A), digital reference services, and ask-an-expert services. Questions reflecting daily life, research, and crisis situations were posed to high use websites of all three types. The resulting answers' characteristics were analyzed in terms of speed, transparency, formality, and intimacy. The results indicate that social Q&A websites excel in speed, ask-an-expert websites in intimacy, and digital reference services in transparency and formality.

  20. An Analysis of Website Accessibility in Higher Education in Indonesia Based on WCAG 2.0 Guidelines (United States)

    Arasid, W.; Abdullah, A. G.; Wahyudin, D.; Abdullah, C. U.; Widiaty, I.; Zakaria, D.; Amelia, N.; Juhana, A.


    Website accessibility is a simple way to access a website by everyone so that information on the website can be easily understood. This study aims to improve the accessibility of universities’ website to analyze website accessibility problems based on WCAG 2.0 guidelines. This study analyzed 13 universities’ websites in West Java, Indonesia by using TAW as an evaluation tool. The evaluation results were presented in a graph showing the error rate of each university’s website. The same errors that occurred in almost all websites were: non-text content, info and relationships, page title, link purpose, language of page, on input, labels and instructions, parsing, and name, role, value criteria. This study was expected to provide information to the university and to perform as guidelines for website accessibility improvements.

  1. Why Should I Use University Library Website Resources? Discipline Differences (United States)

    Kim, Yong-Mi


    Users across academic disciplines utilize different information sources based on the resource's usefulness and relevance. This study's findings show that users from arts and sciences disciplines are much more likely to utilize university library website resources and printed materials than business users who heavily rely on commercial websites.…

  2. Online Marketing for Media : The Case of Greek News Websites

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Antonopoulos, N.; Veglis, A.; Emmanouloudis, A.

    Nowadays it is quite easy to create a news website and start promoting it online. However, the structure of a significant amount of news websites seems to have been changing, often deviating from trends of past years or even setting their own marketing direction. Based on seven hypotheses related

  3. Do UK Universities Communicate Their Brands Effectively through Their Websites? (United States)

    Chapleo, Chris; Duran, Maria Victoria Carrillo; Diaz, Ana Castillo


    This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of UK universities' websites. The area of branding in higher education has received increasing academic investigation, but little work has researched how universities demonstrate their brand promises through their websites. The quest to differentiate through branding can be challenging in the…

  4. The Reach and Impact of Direct Marketing via Brand Websites of Moist Snuff. (United States)

    Timberlake, David S; Bruckner, Tim A; Ngo, Vyvian; Nikitin, Dmitriy


    Restricting tobacco marketing is a key element in the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) public health framework for regulating tobacco. Given the dearth of empirical data on direct marketing, the objective of this study was to assess the reach and impact of promotions on sales through snuff websites. Nine brands of snuff, representing more than 90% of market share, were monitored for content of coupons, sweepstakes, contests, and other promotions on their respective websites. Monthly sales data and website traffic for the 9 brands, corresponding to the 48-month period of January 2011 through December 2014, were obtained from proprietary sources. A time-series analysis, based on the autoregressive, integrated, moving average (ARIMA) method, was employed for testing the relationships among sales, website visits, and promotions. Website traffic increased substantially during the promotion periods for most brands. Time-series analyses, however, revealed that promotion periods for 5 of 7 brands did not significantly correlate with monthly snuff sales. The success in attracting tobacco consumers to website promotions demonstrates the marketing reach of snuff manufacturers. This form of direct marketing should be monitored by the FDA given evidence of adolescents' exposure to cigarette brand websites.

  5. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender content on reproductive endocrinology and infertility clinic websites. (United States)

    Wu, Harold Y; Yin, Ophelia; Monseur, Brent; Selter, Jessica; Collins, Lillian J; Lau, Brandyn D; Christianson, Mindy S


    To assess geographical distribution and practice characteristics of fertility clinics inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) patients. Cross-sectional analysis. Not applicable. None. None. Prevalence and geographical distribution of fertility clinic websites with LGBT-specific content, indicated by keywords and home page cues specific to the LGBT patient population. Assessment of relationship between LGBT-specific content and clinic characteristics, including U.S. region, clinic size, private versus academic setting, and state-mandated fertility insurance coverage. Of 379 websites analyzed, 201 (53%) contained LGBT content. Clinics with the highest proportion of LGBT website content were in the Northeast (59/82, 72%) and West (63/96, 66%), while the lowest proportion was in the Midwest (29/74, 39%) and South (50/127, 39%). Most frequently used terms included lesbian (72%), LGBT/LGBTQ (69%), and gay (68%), while less used terms included trans/transgender (32%) and bisexual (15%). Larger clinic size was associated with LGBT-specific website content (odds ratio, 4.42; 95% confidence interval, 2.07-9.67). Practice type and state-mandated fertility insurance coverage were not associated with a clinic website having LGBT content. Over half of Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology member fertility clinics included LGBT content on their websites, yet those in the Midwest and South were significantly less likely to do so. Predictive factors for having LGBT website content included location in northeastern and western regions and increasing clinic size. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether inclusion of LGBT content on clinic websites impacts use of reproductive services by the LGBT patient population. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Using ant-behavior-based simulation model AntWeb to improve website organization (United States)

    Li, Weigang; Pinheiro Dib, Marcos V.; Teles, Wesley M.; Morais de Andrade, Vlaudemir; Alves de Melo, Alba C. M.; Cariolano, Judas T.


    Some web usage mining algorithms showed the potential application to find the difference among the organizations expected by visitors to the website. However, there are still no efficient method and criterion for a web administrator to measure the performance of the modification. In this paper, we developed an AntWeb, a model inspired by ants' behavior to simulate the sequence of visiting the website, in order to measure the efficient of the web structure. We implemented a web usage mining algorithm using backtrack to the intranet website of the Politec Informatic Ltd., Brazil. We defined throughput (the number of visitors to reach their target pages per time unit relates to the total number of visitors) as an index to measure the website's performance. We also used the link in a web page to represent the effect of visitors' pheromone trails. For every modification in the website organization, for example, putting a link from the expected location to the target object, the simulation reported the value of throughput as a quick answer about this modification. The experiment showed the stability of our simulation model, and a positive modification to the intranet website of the Politec.

  7. Availability of and ease of access to calorie information on restaurant websites.

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    Gary G Bennett

    Full Text Available Offering calories on restaurant websites might be particularly important for consumer meal planning, but the availability of and ease of accessing this information are unknown.We assessed websites for the top 100 U.S. chain restaurants to determine the availability of and ease of access to calorie information as well as website design characteristics. We also examined potential predictors of calorie availability and ease of access.Eighty-two percent of restaurants provided calorie information on their websites; 25% presented calories on a mobile-formatted website. On average, calories could be accessed in 2.35±0.99 clicks. About half of sites (51.2% linked to calorie information via the homepage. Fewer than half had a separate section identifying healthful options (46.3%, or utilized interactive meal planning tools (35.4%. Quick service/fast casual, larger restaurants, and those with less expensive entrées and lower revenue were more likely to make calorie information available. There were no predictors of ease of access.Calorie information is both available and largely accessible on the websites of America's leading restaurants. It is unclear whether consumer behavior is affected by the variability in the presentation of calorie information.

  8. Availability of and ease of access to calorie information on restaurant websites. (United States)

    Bennett, Gary G; Steinberg, Dori M; Lanpher, Michele G; Askew, Sandy; Lane, Ilana B; Levine, Erica L; Goodman, Melody S; Foley, Perry B


    Offering calories on restaurant websites might be particularly important for consumer meal planning, but the availability of and ease of accessing this information are unknown. We assessed websites for the top 100 U.S. chain restaurants to determine the availability of and ease of access to calorie information as well as website design characteristics. We also examined potential predictors of calorie availability and ease of access. Eighty-two percent of restaurants provided calorie information on their websites; 25% presented calories on a mobile-formatted website. On average, calories could be accessed in 2.35±0.99 clicks. About half of sites (51.2%) linked to calorie information via the homepage. Fewer than half had a separate section identifying healthful options (46.3%), or utilized interactive meal planning tools (35.4%). Quick service/fast casual, larger restaurants, and those with less expensive entrées and lower revenue were more likely to make calorie information available. There were no predictors of ease of access. Calorie information is both available and largely accessible on the websites of America's leading restaurants. It is unclear whether consumer behavior is affected by the variability in the presentation of calorie information.

  9. Use of social networking websites as a care instrument for hospitalized adolescents

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    Camila Amaral Borghi


    Full Text Available Abstract Objective: This study aimed to understand how social networking websites are used by adolescents and their importance during the hospitalization process. Method: A descriptive and qualitative study was supported by the virtual ethnographic method and resorted to the symbolic interactionism as theoretical framework. Eleven hospitalized adolescents were interviewed. Results: Three categories were identified based on the analysis of interviews and posts: Being able to use social networking websites during hospitalization; Using the Facebook® chat to keep connected to friends; Seeking support from friends through social networking websites. Final considerations: Facebook® was the social networking website that adolescents used the most, standing out as an important form of entertainment during hospitalization that facilitates communication and social support. Healthcare professionals should value the use of social networking websites by hospitalized adolescents and encourage access to these tools, providing hospital resources to expand and facilitate this access.

  10. SUstaiNability: a science communication website on environmental research (United States)

    Gravina, Teresita; Rutigliano, Flora Angela


    Environmental news mainly reach not specialist people by mass media, which generally focuses on fascinating or catastrophic events without reporting scientific data. Otherwise, scientific data on environment are published in peer-reviewed journals with specific language, so they could be not understandable to common people. In the last decade, Internet spread made easier to divulge environmental information. This allows everyone (scientist or not) to publish information without revision. In fact, World Wide Web includes many scientific sites with different levels of confidence. Within Italian scientific websites, there are those of University and Research Centre, but they mainly contain didactic and bureaucratic information, generally lacking in research news, or reporting them in peer-reviewed format. University and Research Centre should have an important role to divulge certified information, but news should be adapted to a general audience without scientific skills, in order to help population to gain knowledge on environmental issues and to develop responsible behavior. Therefore, an attractive website ( has been created in order to divulge research products of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies Department (DiSTABiF) of Second University of Naples-SUN (Campania, Southern Italy). This website contains divulgation articles derived from peer-reviewed publications of DiSTABiF researchers and concerning studies on environmental, nutrition, and health issues, closely related topics. Environmental studies mainly referred to Caserta district (Southern Italy), where DiSTABiF is located. Divulgation articles have been shared by main social networks (Facebook: sunability, Twitter: @SUNability) and accesses have been monitored for 28 days in order to obtain demographic and geographic information about users and visualization number of both DiSTABiF website and social network pages. Demographic and geographic

  11. Small Business Conformity with Quality Website Design Criteria in a Marketing Communication Context

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    Martine Robinson Beachboard


    Full Text Available Aim/Purpose: Professional companies selling persuasive-communication services via the World Wide Web need to be exemplars of effective informing practices. Their credibility is at risk if their websites do not excel in marketing message and use of medium. Their unique brands need to be expressed through website technology and content, or they cannot compete successfully. Background: Compares marketing communication consultants’ websites with expert criteria. Methodology: Content analysis of 40 advertising agency websites. Contribution: Links an evaluation of advertising agency compliance with expert website criteria to established branding constructs. Findings: Most small advertising agencies could improve their brand reputations through better compliance with experts’ recommended website design and content criteria. Recommendations for Practitioners: A hierarchy of recommendations for practitioners is offered, addressing ease and importance. Impact on Society: Clarity and credibility of message and medium improve our ability to practice effective informing. Future Research: Explore online communications of specialized populations such as digital marketing experts.

  12. Design thinking for website optimization. A case study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Somoza Sanchez, Vella Veronica; Andersen, Frederik; Schneider-Kamp, Peter

    This paper presents results from a pilot study, which is part of a larger research project where we study the process innovation of website optimization as a service through the use of big data. Over a process of design thinking we investigate which type of website design best addresses the needs...... for observing the users in their native environment. Furthermore, we use the method of Digital Anthropology to complete the loop between the human-centric designs and the possibilities offered by the analysis of big data....

  13. A study on measuring the quality of university website

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    Zahra Andalib


    Full Text Available During the past few years, many organizations try to provide some of their services through their websites. This would help them provide fast and reliable services to various people around the world. In this paper, we present an empirical survey to measure the relative performance of a university website in Iran using Parasuraman's technological readiness index. The proposed study uses a standard questionnaire and distributes it among 387 active website users and the results are analyzed using structural equation modeling. The proposed study of this paper considers the effects of four factors including efficiency, accessibility, achievement and security on customer loyalty via two variables of trust and satisfaction. The results demonstrate that three components of trust, efficiency and achievement play essential role on customer loyalty.

  14. Destination website quality, users’ attitudes and the willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences

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    Jano Jiménez-Barreto


    Full Text Available Purpose - An official destination website (ODW is a key component for tourist’s decision-making processes. ODW acts as a direct channel where users may share experiences and opinions about previous or future travels. At the same time, it drives user participation in destination branding activities. In this context, it is crucial to identify how the destination website, using Web 2.0 technologies, could motivate user’s participation with the brand. The purpose of this paper is to propose and evaluate a model that posits the destination website quality as a determinant factor to predict users’ attitudes toward the website and their willingness to participate in co-creation experiences. Design/methodology/approach - Using a combined qualitative and quantitative method, this paper provides an exploratory research that examines the role of destination website quality on attitudes toward the website and the willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Findings - Findings confirm that there is a direct and significant relationship between website quality, attitudes toward the website and willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Moreover, attitudes toward the website partially mediate relationships between destination website quality and willingness to participate in online co-creation experiences. Originality/value - The literature of value co-creation is trying to identify which factors drive consumer’s participation with brands across different consumption contexts. This study provides evidence that confirms, from a tourism destination website point of view, that website quality is one of these key factors that motives user’s co-creation with a destination.

  15. Magazine "Companion Websites" and the Demand for Newsstand Sales and Subscriptions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaiser, Ulrich; Kongsted, H.C.


    analysis finds some support for the widespread belief that the Internet cannibalizes print media. On average, a 1% increase in companion website traffic is associated with a weakly significant decrease in total print circulation by 0.15%. This association is mainly driven by a statistically significant...... and negative mapping between website visits and kiosk sales, although they do not find any statistically significant relationship between website visits and subscriptions. The latter finding is reassuring for publishers because advertisers value a large subscriber base. Moreover, the authors show...

  16. Sharing Control, Embracing Collaboration: Cross-Campus Partnerships for Library Website Design and Management (United States)

    Stephenson, Kimberley


    Cross-campus collaboration for library website design and management can be challenging, but the process can produce stronger, more attractive, and more usable library websites. Collaborative library website design and management can also lead to new avenues for marketing library tools and services; expert consultation for library technology…

  17. Historical Website Ecology : Analyzing Past States of the Web Using Archived Source Code

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Helmond, A.; Brügger, N.


    In this chapter I offer a historical perspective on the changing composition of a website over time. I propose to see the website as an ecosystem through which we can analyze the larger techno-commercial configurations that websites are embedded in. In doing so, I reconceptualize the study of

  18. Perancangan Model Data Flow Diagram Untuk Mengukur Kualitas Website Menggunakan Webqual 4.0


    Karina Hapsari


    The more competition the e-commerce company and the development of technology company in Indonesia, website of Zalora Indonesia traffic rank declining. Measuring the quality of website by using WebQual 4.0 will help manage the web to be able to adjust the quality of the web with user perception.  The research aims to make design of Data Flow Diagram model to measure website quality using WebQual 4.0 based on user satisfaction variable. A case study was conducted on the Zalora Indonesia websit...

  19. Study of knowledge sharing and university libraries website management in Tehran City

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    Mohaddeseh Dokhtesmati


    Full Text Available Knowledge sharing (KS is a process through which individuals mutually exchange their knowledge with each other and potentially through this process, opportunity for learning new experiences, training and implementing experience, skills and abilities are provided. Therefore, KS is important for various organizations. Accordingly, and because of the importance of KS, this research studies the status of KS and management of public universities’ central libraries websites in Tehran city. Survey method is pilot-descriptive and research tool is a questionnaire. Research community is staffs and stakeholders who are working or commenting on websites. Results of research show that sharing knowledge and influencing factors (including individual factors, organizational and information technology in the study population have a more favorable situation. Findings indicate that among the above three factors, organizational factors than other factors are more barriers on KS. Website management does not have good situation and website management by libraries and good condition, by a library is limited to content part and other parts of technical and structural are managed by the University’s IT Section. Employee’s capabilities and skills that could be effective on working with the website and KS do not have good situation, especially in website’s structural and technical parts and staffs have more skill for working with the content of website. In all, although KS has a good situation among staffs, but KS and management of website is not coherent, dynamic and efficient.

  20. Content, Quality, and Assessment Tools of Physician-Rating Websites in 12 Countries: Quantitative Analysis. (United States)

    Rothenfluh, Fabia; Schulz, Peter J


    Websites on which users can rate their physician are becoming increasingly popular, but little is known about the website quality, the information content, and the tools they offer users to assess physicians. This study assesses these aspects on physician-rating websites in German- and English-speaking countries. The objective of this study was to collect information on websites with a physician rating or review tool in 12 countries in terms of metadata, website quality (transparency, privacy and freedom of speech of physicians and patients, check mechanisms for appropriateness and accuracy of reviews, and ease of page navigation), professional information about the physician, rating scales and tools, as well as traffic rank. A systematic Web search based on a set of predefined keywords was conducted on Google, Bing, and Yahoo in August 2016. A final sample of 143 physician-rating websites was analyzed and coded for metadata, quality, information content, and the physician-rating tools. The majority of websites were registered in the United States (40/143) or Germany (25/143). The vast majority were commercially owned (120/143, 83.9%), and 69.9% (100/143) displayed some form of physician advertisement. Overall, information content (mean 9.95/25) as well as quality were low (mean 18.67/47). Websites registered in the United Kingdom obtained the highest quality scores (mean 26.50/47), followed by Australian websites (mean 21.50/47). In terms of rating tools, physician-rating websites were most frequently asking users to score overall performance, punctuality, or wait time in practice. This study evidences that websites that provide physician rating should improve and communicate their quality standards, especially in terms of physician and user protection, as well as transparency. In addition, given that quality standards on physician-rating websites are low overall, the development of transparent guidelines is required. Furthermore, attention should be paid to the

  1. Construcción de Distribuciones Multivariadas con Marginales Dependientes Usando Cópulas en R


    Jaramillo-Elorza, M. C; Lozano, J. A


    Las cópulas se han convertido en una herramienta popular para la construcción de modelos multivariados en campos donde la dependencia multivariada es de gran interés. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar las cópulas tanto en su concepto teórico, como en su implementación en el software estadístico R y profundizar en la construcción de distribuciones multivariadas con marginales dependientes, usando la clase mvdc del paquete copula, la cual permite utilizar varias y diferentes marginales ...

  2. Construção de um trecho experimental em SMA usando bagaço de cana-de-açúcar como aditivo

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    Cláudio Luiz Dias Leal


    Full Text Available Pesquisadores da área de pavimentação têm buscado soluções apropriadas para melhoria do desempenho de nossos pavimentos frente às modificações dos veículos comerciais. O Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA é uma excelente alternativa para elevar o desempenho dos pavimentos brasileiros. Essa mistura asfáltica, com granulometria descontínua e cerca de 70% de agregado graúdo, otimiza o contato grão a grão, aumentando consideravelmente o desempenho estrutural da camada de rolamento, principalmente quanto às deformações permanentes. Misturas do tipo SMA, em função do alto teor de ligante asfáltico, necessitam de fibras como aditivo estabilizante para que não haja segregação ou exsudação durante o processo de mistura e espalhamento. A produção de açúcar e álcool gera cerca de 270 quilogramas de bagaço por tonelada de cana-de-açúcar moída. A maior parte do bagaço é queimada nas caldeiras das usinas para produção de energia térmica ou elétrica. Estima-se que aproximadamente 20% do bagaço não é queimado. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal estudar o aproveitamento do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar como aditivo estabilizante, nas misturas asfálticas do tipo SMA, produzida com asfalto modificado por borracha moída de pneus, em substituição à fibra de celulose. Para verificação dessa hipótese foi feito um estudo laboratorial e um trecho experimental foi construído para avaliação da mistura em serviço.

  3. Herança maldita e política monetária em um modelo de assimetria de informação

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    Carlos E. S. Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Neste artigo mostramos - usando um modelo de dois períodos com assimetria de informação quanto às preferências do governo - que é possível que uma política monetária restritiva seja capaz de arrefecer as expectativas de inflação ainda que a situação fiscal do país não seja muito sólida. Se por um lado, uma dívida mais elevada pressiona a inflação para cima (efeito de dominância fiscal, por outro ela possibilita que um governo conservador se separe, sob os olhos do público, de um governo gastador. Por conta deste incentivo a sinalizar, inflação esperada e realizada não são positivamente correlacionadas com o estoque de dívida herdada. Assim, a "herança maldita" do governo FHC pode ter ajudado o governo Lula em sua tarefa de sinalizar seu tipo antiinflacionário para a sociedade.In this paper we use a simple two-period model in which government's preferences are private information to show that a tough monetary stance may help in bringing inflation expectations to lower levels even if the fiscal side of the economy is not in good shape. True, a restrictive monetary policy leads to higher debt levels and potentially to higher expected inflation (fiscal dominance effect. But, on the other hand, it also allows a tough-type government to separate itself from a lax-type one in the eyes of the public (signaling effect. A feature of the model is that inflation and inherited debt are not necessarily positive correlated for all levels of debt. Concretely, the high debt levels Lula's administration inherited from FHC´s term in office (the so-called "damned heritage" may have helped the former to signal to markets its degree of inflation aversion.

  4. Using Google Analytics to measure visitor statistics: The case of food composition websites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pakkala, H.; Presser, K.; Christensen, Tue


    , thus suggesting that promotion be increased and search engines be taken into account more during website design. About 15–20% of users visited the website more than nine times and about 20% spent there more than 10min on the site. Following traffic from referring websites showed that most...

  5. Using the Genetics Home Reference Website | NIH MedlinePlus the Magazine (United States)

    ... of this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Genetics 101 Using the Genetics Home Reference Website Past Issues / Summer 2013 Table ... as the GHR website keeps growing. What Is Genetic Counseling? Genetic counseling provides information and support to ...

  6. Website quality indicators for consumers. (United States)

    Griffiths, Kathleen M; Christensen, Helen


    The rating tool DISCERN was designed for use by consumers without content expertise to evaluate the quality of health information. There is some evidence that DISCERN may be a valid indicator of evidence-based website quality when applied by health professionals. However, it is not known if the tool is a valid measure of evidence-based quality when used by consumers. Since it is a lengthy instrument requiring training in its use, DISCERN may prove impractical for use by the typical consumer. It is therefore important to explore the validity of other simpler potential indicators of site quality such as Google PageRank. This study aimed to determine (1) whether the instrument DISCERN is a valid indicator of evidence-based Web content quality for consumers without specific mental health training, and (2) whether Google PageRank is an indicator of website content quality as measured by an evidence-based gold standard. This was a cross-sectional survey of depression websites using consumer and health professional raters. The main outcome measures were (1) site characteristics, (2) evidence-based quality of content as measured by evidence-based depression guidelines, (3) DISCERN scores, (4) Google PageRank, and (5) user satisfaction. There was a significant association between evidence-based quality ratings and average DISCERN ratings both for consumers (r = 0.62, P = .001) and health professionals (r = 0.80, P PageRank (r = 0.59, P = .002). However, the correlation between DISCERN scores and user satisfaction was higher than the correlation between Google PageRank and user satisfaction. DISCERN has potential as an indicator of content quality when used either by experts or by consumers. Google PageRank shows some promise as an automatic indicator of quality.


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    Hamonangan Tambunan


    Kata Kunci: pembelajaran berbasis website, pengaturan mesin listrik DEVELOPING THE WEBSITE-BASED LEARNING FOR THE ELECTRICAL MACHINE REGULATION COURSE Abstract: This study was aimed at developing an e-learning system in the form of website-based learning. This was a research and development study, involving students, vocational high school teachers, and lecturers. The study stages were: (1 analysis; (2 design; (3 development; (4 implementation; and (5 evaluation. The data, analyzed descriptively, were collected through literature study, expert review, observation, interview, questionnaires, and documentation. The analysis showed the basic needs of learning activities in electric machine regulations, namely (1 the management of learning materials;(2 the learning process; (3 the presentation of the material; (4 downloadability by students; (5 inquiry learning process; (6 evaluation process; and (7 the material is made in the form of animation. Keywords: web-based learning in electric machine regulation

  8. The Effect of Brand on the Evaluation of Websites (United States)

    de Angeli, Antonella; Hartmann, Jan; Sutcliffe, Alistair

    The effect of brand on consumer attitudes towards real and virtual goods is largely documented in consumer psychology and marketing. There is an obvious link between the design of a website and its brand. Yet, this effect has attracted little attention from the HCI community. This paper presents empirical evidence showing that brand attitude influences the evaluation of websites. The effect was reliable across different measures: people holding better attitudes were more positive in the evaluation of aesthetics, pleasure and usability. A sample of students (N=145) with a background in HCI was tested, suggesting that brand may influence the output of expert evaluators. The study provides support to the proposition of UX as a contextual-dependent response to the interaction with computing systems and has important implications for the design and evaluation of websites which are discussed in the conclusion.


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    H. Zhang


    Full Text Available With the flourish development of China's Internet market, all kinds of users for map service demand is rising continually, within it contains tremendous commercial interests. Many internet giants have got involved in the field of online map service, and defined it as an important strategic product of the company. The main purpose of this research is to evaluate these online map service websites comprehensively with a model, and analyse the problems according to the evaluation results. Then some corresponding solving measures are proposed, which provides a theoretical and application guidance for the future development of fiercely competitive online map websites. The research consists of three stages: (a the mainstream online map service websites in China are introduced and the present situation of them is analysed through visit, investigation, consultant, analysis and research. (b a whole comprehensive evaluation quota system of online map service websites from the view of functions, layout, interaction design color position and so on, combining with the data indexes such as time efficiency, accuracy, objectivity and authority. (c a comprehensive evaluation to these online map service websites is proceeded based on the fuzzy evaluation mathematical model, and the difficulty that measure the map websites quantitatively is solved.


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    Lailatussaadah Lailatussaadah


    Full Text Available Website-based management information system (SIM is a data processing system in an organization which has functions to collect, process, store, and provide accurate data on time. An employee’s skill in using website-based SIM is necessary as a the key factor. The aim of this research is to know the ability of employees to use website-based SIM, 2 the implementation of website-based SIM, and 3 the the challenges in using website-based SIM. This research is using a descriptive method and qualitative approach. The data were gathered by using observation, interview, and document analysis. The subjects of the research are employee, headmaster, the chief of administration, teacher, and student. The result shows that 1 the employee are skillful in collecting, entrying, storing, processing, and providing data in the website and are able to finish their job effectively. 2 website-based SIM has a role in school development among others as it can collect, store, and provide infomation, analyze students’ prestige by using prestige standard calculation, simplifies the prospective students to know the information about the department that suit with their preferences and talent, also provides an up- to-date data for their alumni. 3 the difficulties faced by the employees in using website-based SIM are: some employees who are still incapable of operating computer and internet, small amount of bandwidth provided by JARDIKNAS, unstable electricity and website that often went down, and spyware and malware threats.


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    Oana ȚUGULEA


    Full Text Available This study aims to investigate important aspects to concern on when building a commercial presentation website, in order to increase the credibility of the certain categories of a presentation website. Factor analysis was used in order to identify the dimensions of each category. The categories and resulted dimensions discussed were: “image” – with the following dimensions: Projected image, Specialist, Advert and Coherence, “relationship” – with the following dimensions: Bi-directional communication and Contact information, “product presentation” – with the following dimensions: In-depth description and Variety and “site functionality” – with the following dimensions: Usefulness, Official relationship, Complete communication, Exterior communication, Information format and References.

  12. Komparasi Destination Branding dalam Official Website Negara Singapura-Malaysia-Indonesia

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    Ryan Pratama Sutanto


    Full Text Available High profit income has attracted South Asian countries to compete in the fields of tourism marketing. Destination branding as a differentiating factor is an alternative approach in marketing communication. The purpose of this research is to make a comparison study of destination branding application in Singapore's, Malaysia's and Indonesia's tourism official websites. Destination branding in websites as part of promotion campaigns is a strategy used by each country to promote tourism to consumers worldwide. This research uses qualitative method, and involves experts in the fields of Information Technology (IT and Visual Communication Design. Each website's elements contributes in the success of a country's destination branding and influences its brand image.

  13. Assessing Website quality in context: retrieving information about genetically modified food on the Web

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    Claire R. McInerney


    Full Text Available Introduction. Knowing the credibility of information about genetically modified food on the Internet is critical to the everyday life information seeking of consumers as they form opinions about this nascent agricultural technology. The Website Quality Evaluation Tool (WQET is a valuable instrument that can be used to determine the credibility of Websites on any topic. Method. This study sought to use the WQET to determine the quality of Websites in the context of biotechnology or genetically modified food and to seek one or more easily identified characteristics, such as bias, commitment, use of metatags and site update-access interval (length of time between last update of the site and the date reviewed that might be used as a quick discriminator of a Website's quality. Analysis. Using SPSS, ANOVA and regression analyses were performed with the website variables of a population of one hundred Websites about genetically modified food. Results. Only the site update-access interval was determined to be a shortcut quality indicator with an inverse relationship. The longer the interval the lower the quality score. Conclusion. The study established a model for Website quality evaluation. The update-access interval proved to be the single clear-cut indicator to judge Website quality in everyday information seeking.

  14. Cross Cultural Comparison of Interactivity on Internet Service Providers'(ISP Websites Between Iran and Malaysia

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    shahriar azizi


    Full Text Available This study aims to examine the content of ISPs' websites in two countries, Iran and Malaysia. The sample contained 31 Iranian and 19 Malaysian websites. Each website was content analyzed for use of various interactivity functions in three dimensions of consumer – message, consumer – marketer and consumer – consumer interactivity. Our findings indicate that Iranian websites tend to emphasize consumer – marketer interactivity (H2, whereas Malaysian websites highlight consumer – message (H1 and consumer – consumer interactivity.

  15. Communication Assessment of the Most Frequented Breast Cancer Websites: Evaluation of Design and Theoretical Criteria. (United States)

    Whitten, Pamela; Smith, Sandi; Munday, Samantha; LaPlante, Carolyn


    The internet is a prominent source of health information for the public. This research evaluated both basic use and design tenets and the presence of theoretical components to motivate healthy breast cancer behavior for users of the most frequented breast cancer websites. Each website was evaluated with 2 sets of questions. The first attends to the basic use and design tenets of the website. The second coding form assessed the websites use of 3 behavior change theories. The majority of the websites fared well with regards to their use of basic tenet and design principles. Theoretical components were used sparingly on the majority of websites. The most frequented breast cancer websites are currently well equipped with basic use and design tenets. However, their lack of behavioral change components is likely to impede users' motivations to protect themselves against breast cancer.


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    Dina Lončarić


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of a museum’s website design on visitors’ intentions. Three hypotheses were set which assume that the design of a museum website has a positive influence on the intention of visitors to return to the website, to personally visit the museum, and to recommend the website to their friends and relatives. To achieve the purpose of the research, empirical research was carried out. The respondents evaluated the websites of 145 Croatian museums and responded to questions which indicate their intention of revisiting the website, personally visiting the museums and recommending the website to other people. The hypotheses are tested and confirmed using the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM. This research confirmed the perception of the website design to be a significant predictor of visitors’ intentions regarding website revisits and of visiting the museums personally. Research results have also confirmed a significant and positive impact of visitors’ assessment of a museum website and their intentions to recommend the website to others. The results of this research contribute to the theory and practice. Interpretation and generalization of the findings should be taken with caution because this study used a convenient sample of university students, which does not represent the entire population of museum website users. The research model represents a novelty in the current research studies, since it contains a new dimension “Overall impression” which has the most effect on the positive evaluation of the website.

  17. Agency through bodily alterity: the case of "proanorexia" websites


    Kleyn, Megan; Clark, Jude


    The phenomenon of pro-anorexia websites is beginning to receive attention within the academy following its increasing visibility in popular media. Pro-Ana is vibrant, yet subversive online community, with membership purportedly comprised of girls in their mid to late teens. This article draws on an Honours research project that explored discursive representation on two such websites. It draws on post-structuralist feminist theoretical resources, and discourse analysis to explore the construct...

  18. Evaluation of Interactive Website Design Indicators for e-Entrepreneurship


    Chih-Chao Chung; Li-Chung Chao; Chin-Hui Chen; Shi-Jer Lou


    Using an analytic network process (ANP) as an analytical tool, this study aims to construct an ANP evaluation model of interactive website design indicators. Through a review of the literature, interactive website design of e-entrepreneurship is generalized to the following dimensions: (1) Design; (2) Checking; (3) Service; (4) Interactive; and (5) Promotion, including 19 design indicators. The research is conducted for a case company. According to the findings, the model helps the case compa...

  19. Design vs. Content: A Study of Adolescent Girls' Website Design Preferences (United States)

    Agosto, Denise E.


    This study considered the utility of gender schema theory in examining girls' website design preferences. It built on a previous study which identified eight website evaluation criteria related to biological sex: collaboration, social connectivity, flexibility, motility, contextuality, personal identification, inclusion, and graphic/multimedia…

  20. Proposing a New Pedagogy-Based Website Design: A Usability Test with Lifelong Learners (United States)

    Khlaisang, Jintavee


    This study aimed to create a new pedagogy-based website based on the analysis of the needs of 7147 website users who visited the Thailand Cyber University (TCU) project website during 2011-2013. The study consisted of 4 stages: (1) examining learners' needs and literature related to developing a lifelong learning framework, (2) designing a site…

  1. Health and nutrition content claims on Australian fast-food websites. (United States)

    Wellard, Lyndal; Koukoumas, Alexandra; Watson, Wendy L; Hughes, Clare


    To determine the extent that Australian fast-food websites contain nutrition content and health claims, and whether these claims are compliant with the new provisions of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code ('the Code'). Systematic content analysis of all web pages to identify nutrition content and health claims. Nutrition information panels were used to determine whether products with claims met Nutrient Profiling Scoring Criteria (NPSC) and qualifying criteria, and to compare them with the Code to determine compliance. Australian websites of forty-four fast-food chains including meals, bakery, ice cream, beverage and salad chains. Any products marketed on the websites using health or nutrition content claims. Of the forty-four fast-food websites, twenty (45 %) had at least one claim. A total of 2094 claims were identified on 371 products, including 1515 nutrition content (72 %) and 579 health claims (28 %). Five fast-food products with health (5 %) and 157 products with nutrition content claims (43 %) did not meet the requirements of the Code to allow them to carry such claims. New provisions in the Code came into effect in January 2016 after a 3-year transition. Food regulatory agencies should review fast-food websites to ensure compliance with the qualifying criteria for nutrition content and health claim regulations. This would prevent consumers from viewing unhealthy foods as healthier choices. Healthy choices could be facilitated by applying NPSC to nutrition content claims. Fast-food chains should be educated on the requirements of the Code regarding claims.

  2. Evaluation of Quality and Readability of Health Information Websites Identified through India's Major Search Engines. (United States)

    Raj, S; Sharma, V L; Singh, A J; Goel, S


    Background. The available health information on websites should be reliable and accurate in order to make informed decisions by community. This study was done to assess the quality and readability of health information websites on World Wide Web in India. Methods. This cross-sectional study was carried out in June 2014. The key words "Health" and "Information" were used on search engines "Google" and "Yahoo." Out of 50 websites (25 from each search engines), after exclusion, 32 websites were evaluated. LIDA tool was used to assess the quality whereas the readability was assessed using Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES), Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL), and SMOG. Results. Forty percent of websites (n = 13) were sponsored by government. Health On the Net Code of Conduct (HONcode) certification was present on 50% (n = 16) of websites. The mean LIDA score (74.31) was average. Only 3 websites scored high on LIDA score. Only five had readability scores at recommended sixth-grade level. Conclusion. Most health information websites had average quality especially in terms of usability and reliability and were written at high readability levels. Efforts are needed to develop the health information websites which can help general population in informed decision making.

  3. Evaluation and Comparison Research on the Support of Websites to Enterprise's E-Commerce

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    SHAO Peiji; HUANG Yixiao; WAN Jie; YANG Jing


    This paper comparatively analyzes the existing evaluation index of websites, and puts forward the evaluation index and method about the support of a website to enterprise's e-commerce.Through researching on 56 super enterprises of information industry in Sichuan province, throughout China and the world, analyzing and comparatively studying the support ability of a website to an enterprise's e-commerce, this paper brings forward using five levels to categorize the support ability of a website to enterprise's e-commerce. In the end, the flaw of enterprise's e-commerce practice in Sichuan province and corresponding countermeasure will be illustrated.

  4. Library’s Website: A Marketing Instrument in the Public District Libraries in Romania

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    Andreea Bugheanu


    Full Text Available This paper is an attempt to determine whether the Romanian public district libraries use their websites as marketing instruments. It is based on a study conducted during February-March 2006. The study consists of the analysis of a questionnaire that was completed by 20 of the 26 district libraries that owned a website at the time and offers information about the evolution of the number of libraries that developed their own website, the users they target, the services they promote online, their plans for developing the websites and the advantages they have for the library and its users.

  5. Readability assessment of patient education materials on major otolaryngology association websites. (United States)

    Eloy, Jean Anderson; Li, Shawn; Kasabwala, Khushabu; Agarwal, Nitin; Hansberry, David R; Baredes, Soly; Setzen, Michael


    Various otolaryngology associations provide Internet-based patient education material (IPEM) to the general public. However, this information may be written above the fourth- to sixth-grade reading level recommended by the American Medical Association (AMA) and National Institutes of Health (NIH). The purpose of this study was to assess the readability of otolaryngology-related IPEMs on various otolaryngology association websites and to determine whether they are above the recommended reading level for patient education materials. Analysis of patient education materials from 9 major otolaryngology association websites. The readability of 262 otolaryngology-related IPEMs was assessed with 8 numerical and 2 graphical readability tools. Averages were evaluated against national recommendations and between each source using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post hoc Tukey's honestly significant difference (HSD) analysis. Mean readability scores for each otolaryngology association website were compared. Mean website readability scores using Flesch Reading Ease test, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Coleman-Liau Index, SMOG grading, Gunning Fog Index, New Dale-Chall Readability Formula, FORCAST Formula, New Fog Count Test, Raygor Readability Estimate, and the Fry Readability Graph ranged from 20.0 to 57.8, 9.7 to 17.1, 10.7 to 15.9, 11.6 to 18.2, 10.9 to 15.0, 8.6 to 16.0, 10.4 to 12.1, 8.5 to 11.8, 10.5 to 17.0, and 10.0 to 17.0, respectively. ANOVA results indicate a significant difference (P < .05) between the websites for each individual assessment. The IPEMs found on all otolaryngology association websites exceed the recommended fourth- to sixth-grade reading level.

  6. Promotion and marketing of bioidentical hormone therapy on the internet: a content analysis of websites. (United States)

    Yuksel, Nese; Treseng, Laetitia; Malik, Bushra; Ogbogu, Ubaka


    To evaluate the quality of information presented and claims made on websites offering bioidentical hormone therapy (BHT) products or services. A quantitative content analysis was completed on 100 websites promoting or offering BHT products or services. Websites were identified through Google search engine from September to October 2013. Search terms included "bioidentical hormone therapy" or "bioidentical progesterone," accompanied by "purchase or buy," "service," or "doctors." The Brief DISCERN instrument was used to determine the quality of the health information. Websites were from Canada (59%), United States (38%), and other countries (3%). Almost half of the websites originated from medical clinics (47%), and healthcare professionals offering BHT services included physicians (50%), pharmacists (19%), and naturopaths (16%). Majority of websites promoted BHT as custom-compounded formulations (62%), with only 27% indicating that BHT is also commercially available. Websites overall claimed that BHT had less risk compared with conventional hormone therapy (62%). BHT was described as having less breast cancer risk (40%), whereas over a quarter of websites described BHT as "protective" for breast cancer. Websites mainly targeted women (99%), with males mentioned in 62% of websites. Product descriptors used to promote BHT included individualization (77%), natural (70%), hormone imbalance (56%), and antiaging (50%). The mean Brief DISCERN score was 15, indicating lower quality of information. Claims made about BHT on the internet are misleading and not consistent with current professional organizations' recommendations. Understanding how BHT may be promoted on the internet can help healthcare professionals when educating patients.

  7. Examining E-Loyalty in a Sexual Health Website: Cross-Sectional Study

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nunn, Alexandra; Crutzen, Rik; Haag, Devon; Chabot, Cathy; Carson, Anna; Ogilvie, Gina; Shoveller, Jean; Gilbert, Mark


    Background: Web-based sexual health resources are typically evaluated in terms of their efficacy. Information is lacking about how sexual health promotion websites are perceived and used. It is essential to understand website use to address challenges with adherence and attrition to Web-based health

  8. Evaluating ecommerce websites cognitive efficiency: an integrative framework based on data envelopment analysis. (United States)

    Lo Storto, Corrado


    This paper presents an integrative framework to evaluate ecommerce website efficiency from the user viewpoint using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). This framework is inspired by concepts driven from theories of information processing and cognition and considers the website efficiency as a measure of its quality and performance. When the users interact with the website interfaces to perform a task, they are involved in a cognitive effort, sustaining a cognitive cost to search, interpret and process information, and experiencing either a sense of satisfaction or dissatisfaction for that. The amount of ambiguity and uncertainty, and the search (over-)time during navigation that they perceive determine the effort size - and, as a consequence, the cognitive cost amount - they have to bear to perform their task. On the contrary, task performing and result achievement provide the users with cognitive benefits, making interaction with the website potentially attractive, satisfying, and useful. In total, 9 variables are measured, classified in a set of 3 website macro-dimensions (user experience, site navigability and structure). The framework is implemented to compare 52 ecommerce websites that sell products in the information technology and media market. A stepwise regression is performed to assess the influence of cognitive costs and benefits that mostly affect website efficiency. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

  9. Website Feedback | Center for Cancer Research (United States)

    Thank you for providing feedback about the CCR website. There are 5 comment areas available via this webform, but it may be submitted as often as needed. Whenever possible please be specific - give the url of the page and details about your concern.

  10. The effectiveness of targeted online advertising - Case: Muotikuutio website


    Huynh, Maria


    This thesis examines the effectiveness of Facebook advertising as a means of increasing brand awareness and driving Facebook users to a specific website. The case of the research was the 'Muotikuutio' campaign by Bestseller Whole Oy and the blog website In this thesis, the effectiveness of ‘Facebook Ads’ is analysed and evaluated, and recommendations for future social media campaigns are given. In the Muotikuutio campaign, Facebook advertising was used to promote the camp...

  11. Designing Websites for Learning and Enjoyment: A study of museum experiences

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    Aleck C. H. Lin


    Full Text Available This study reports on an exploratory research study that examined the design of websites that encourage both learning and enjoyment. This study examines museum websites that offer educational materials. As part of their mission, most museums provide the general public with educational materials for study and enjoyment. Many museums use the Internet in support of their mission. Museum websites offer excellent opportunity to study learning environments designed for enjoyment. Computer-supported learning of various types has been studied over the years, including computer-aided learning, computer-aided instruction, computer-managed learning, and more recently, learning via the Internet. Some relevant work appears in the literature on pleasure; however, the concept of online learning for enjoyment – specifically when learning is not part of a formal instructional undertaking – has not been well studied and thus is not well understood. This study seeks to redress this gap in the literature, specifically ‘learning for enjoyment,’ by reporting on a number of semi-structured in-depth interviews with museum and educational experts in Taiwan. Our study identified a number of characteristics required of online learning websites, and we conclude some suggested guidelines for developing an online learning website for enjoyment.

  12. Could we do better? Behavioural tracking on recommended consumer health websites. (United States)

    Burkell, Jacquelyn; Fortier, Alexandre


    This study examines behavioural tracking practices on consumer health websites, contrasting tracking on sites recommended by information professionals with tracking on sites returned by Google. Two lists of consumer health websites were constructed: sites recommended by information professionals and sites returned by Google searches. Sites were divided into three groups according to source (Recommended-Only, Google-Only or both) and type (Government, Not-for-Profit or Commercial). Behavioural tracking practices on each website were documented using a protocol that detected cookies, Web beacons and Flash cookies. The presence and the number of trackers that collect personal information were contrasted across source and type of site; a second set of analyses specifically examined Advertising trackers. Recommended-Only sites show lower levels of tracking - especially tracking by advertisers - than do Google-Only sites or sites found through both sources. Government and Not-for-Profit sites have fewer trackers, particularly from advertisers, than do Commercial sites. Recommended sites, especially those from Government or Not-for-Profit organisations, present a lower privacy threat than sites returned by Google searches. Nonetheless, most recommended websites include some trackers, and half include at least one Advertising tracker. To protect patron privacy, information professionals should examine the tracking practices of the websites they recommend. © 2015 Health Libraries Group.

  13. Usability Testing of an HPV Information Website for Parents and Adolescents (United States)

    Starling, Randall; Nodulman, Jessica A.; Kong, Alberta S.; Wheeler, Cosette M.; Buller, David B.; Woodall, W. Gill


    Objective Parents make the decisions regarding their children’s health care. Unfortunately, many parents are misinformed about HPV and HPV vaccines. In order to help parents make an informed decision regarding HPV vaccination for their daughter, the GoHealthyGirls website was created for parents and their adolescent daughters. Usability testing was conducted with members of the target population to refine the website prior to conducting an efficacy trial. Methods Parents with girls (n=9) between the ages of 11-13 and 11-13 year old adolescents (n=10) were recruited for usability testing. The testing consisted of completing twelve scenarios where participants were asked to find specific information on the GoHealthyGirls site. This was followed by a self-administered system usability scale—to determine ease of use and functionality of the website—and a user satisfaction survey. Results Both adult and adolescent participants were able to easily find the requested information and reported an increased positive opinion of HPV vaccines after visiting the website. Both groups of participants reported favorable evaluations of using the website. Conclusion The GoHealthyGirls website has the potential to help parents of adolescent daughters make an informed decision about HPV vaccination. A large scale efficacy trial will determine its usefulness. PMID:26594313

  14. Guía metodológica para obtener patrones de accidentabilidad laboral usando Data Mining


    Cevallos Chacón, Alvaro


    El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar y proponer una metodología clara y objetiva que permita a las empresas de cualquier industria, investigar sobre patrones de accidentabilidad laboral usando la minería de datos como herramienta de análisis. Para tal efecto se combina los conceptos de seguridad industrial relacionados con la investigación de accidentes y toma como marco principal, la normatividad nacional vigente en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo. Estos conceptos son ...

  15. A Cross-Cultural Web Usability Analysis of Asian Countries’ Official Tourism Websites

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    Jaslin Md. Dahlan


    Full Text Available Demands for tourism websites from worldwide providers is now surging. It is a quality measurement of advertising, information providing and persuasive marketing all in one. The evaluation of website’s usability illuminates the specific strengths and weaknesses of each websites studied. A selection of 39 Asian countries was studied. A criterion for selection was for the country to have an official tourism website hosted and managed by a government agency. This non-commercial study is to ensure the reliability of information. A walkthrough content analysis method was used for the evaluation. The month-long evaluation experiments the seven elements of webs’ features and functions with 44 attributes. Results were varied with highest and lowest scores were tabulated and discussed. Tourism websites that scored the highest overall and categorical sections obviously placed tourism as their main industry of the economy. The study is limited by the availability of the websites during the evaluation period. No re-evaluation on another date was done, as to avoid biasness.

  16. Better Educational Website Interface Design: The Implications from Gender-Specific Preferences in Graduate Students (United States)

    Hsu, Yu-chang


    This study investigated graduate students gender-specific preferences for certain website interface design features, intending to generate useful information for instructors in choosing and for website designers in creating educational websites. The features investigated in this study included colour value, major navigation buttons placement, and…

  17. Evaluate E-loyalty of sales website: a Fuzzy mathematics method (United States)

    Yi, Ying; Liu, Zhen-Yu; Xiong, Ying-Zi

    The study about online consumer loyalty is limited, but how to evaluate the customers' E-loyalty to a sales website is always a noticeable question. By using some methods of fuzzy mathematics, we provide a more accurate way to evaluate E-loyalty of sales website. Moreover, this method can differentiate level and degree of each factor that influences E-loyalty.

  18. An empirical study on website usability elements and how they affect search engine optimisation

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    Eugene B. Visser


    Full Text Available The primary objective of this research project was to identify and investigate the website usability attributes which are in contradiction with search engine optimisation elements. The secondary objective was to determine if these usability attributes affect conversion. Although the literature review identifies the contradictions, experts disagree about their existence.An experiment was conducted, whereby the conversion and/or traffic ratio results of an existing control website were compared to a usability-designed version of the control website,namely the experimental website. All optimisation elements were ignored, thus implementing only usability. The results clearly show that inclusion of the usability attributes positively affect conversion,indicating that usability is a prerequisite for effective website design. Search engine optimisation is also a prerequisite for the very reason that if a website does not rank on the first page of the search engine result page for a given keyword, then that website might as well not exist. According to this empirical work, usability is in contradiction to search engine optimisation best practices. Therefore the two need to be weighed up in terms of importance towards search engines and visitors.

  19. Introduction of electronic journal of advanced maintenance website structure and editorial operation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ito, Takashi; Nakamura, Mayu


    Electronic Journal of Advanced Maintenance (EJAM) has been issued on the website of Japan Society of Maintenology (JSM) on May 25th, 2009. This report introduces EJAM website structure and Editorial Operation. (author)

  20. Performance And Satisfaction Rating Of One State University Website In The Philippines

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    Randy Joy Magno Ventayen


    Full Text Available The Pangasinan State University information website was redesigned last August 2016. Since then the website is the main online source of information from the institution. Last June 2016 the rank of PSU website in region 1 compared to other SUC is ranked 6th with a global rank of around 9 million. Thus this study was conducted to know the satisfaction and performance rating of the institutional website of Pangasinan State University for the SY 2016-2017 after it was redesigned. For the first part of the study it uses the survey as primary means to gather information from the online visitors the researcher uses an online form to gather the data. It uses integrated sheets with pivot analysis for testing and data science analytical software RapidMiner to generate the graphical presentation. On the second part of the study Web analytics tools were used to visualize the performance of the website. The researcher extracted sessions from August 2016 to April 2017 to identify demographics of visitors from the historical data. The researcher also compared other SUC website rankings gathered from historical data for the last 3 months. The result of this study is expected to be good but there is no perfect website that could satisfy everything that a visitor needs. In this study it identifies the needs for improvement and importance of maintenance such as continuous customer feedback for continuous improvement. This study is recommended to be continuous and includes social media performance in the future study. This research fall under as NHERA-2 priority research areas in Education and Education Management.

  1. Strong is the new skinny: A content analysis of fitspiration websites. (United States)

    Boepple, Leah; Ata, Rheanna N; Rum, Ruba; Thompson, J Kevin


    "Fitspiration" websites are media that aim to inspire people to live healthy and fit lifestyles through motivating images and text related to exercise and diet. Given the link between similar Internet content (i.e., healthy living blogs) and problematic messages, we hypothesized that content on these sites would over-emphasize appearance and promote problematic messages regarding exercise and diet. Keywords "fitspo" and "fitspiration" were entered into search engines. The first 10 images and text from 51 individual websites were rated on a variety of characteristics. Results indicated that a majority of messages found on fitspiration websites focused on appearance. Other common themes included content promoting exercise for appearance-motivated reasons and content promoting dietary restraint. "Fitspiration" websites are a source of messages that reinforce over-valuation of physical appearance, eating concerns, and excessive exercise. Further research is needed to examine the impact viewing such content has on participants' psychological health. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Hot news recommendation system from heterogeneous websites based on bayesian model. (United States)

    Xia, Zhengyou; Xu, Shengwu; Liu, Ningzhong; Zhao, Zhengkang


    The most current news recommendations are suitable for news which comes from a single news website, not for news from different heterogeneous news websites. Previous researches about news recommender systems based on different strategies have been proposed to provide news personalization services for online news readers. However, little research work has been reported on utilizing hundreds of heterogeneous news websites to provide top hot news services for group customers (e.g., government staffs). In this paper, we propose a hot news recommendation model based on Bayesian model, which is from hundreds of different news websites. In the model, we determine whether the news is hot news by calculating the joint probability of the news. We evaluate and compare our proposed recommendation model with the results of human experts on the real data sets. Experimental results demonstrate the reliability and effectiveness of our method. We also implement this model in hot news recommendation system of Hangzhou city government in year 2013, which achieves very good results.

  3. Advertising and disclosure of funding on patient organisation websites: a cross-sectional survey

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    Tisocki Klara


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Patient organisations may be exposed to conflicts of interest and undue influence through pharmaceutical industry (Pharma donations. We examined advertising and disclosure of financial support by pharmaceutical companies on the websites of major patient organisations. Method Sixty-nine national and international patient organisations covering 10 disease states were identified using a defined Google search strategy. These were assessed for indicators of transparency, advertising, and disclosure of Pharma funding using an abstraction tool and inspection of annual reports. Data were analysed by simple tally, with medians calculated for financial data. Results Patient organisations websites were clear about their identity, target audience and intention but only a third were clear on how they derived their funds. Only 4/69 websites stated advertising and conflict of interest policies. Advertising was generally absent. 54% of sites included an annual report, but financial reporting and disclosure of donors varied substantially. Corporate donations were itemised in only 7/37 reports and none gave enough information to show the proportion of funding from Pharma. 45% of organisations declared Pharma funding on their website but the annual reports named more Pharma donors than did the websites (median 6 vs. 1. One third of websites showed one or more company logos and/or had links to Pharma websites. Pharma companies' introductions were present on 10% of websites, some of them mentioning specific products. Two patient organisations had obvious close ties to Pharma. Conclusion Patient organisation websites do not provide enough information for visitors to assess whether a conflict of interest with Pharma exists. While advertising of products is generally absent, display of logos and corporate advertisements is relatively common. Display of clear editorial and advertising policies and disclosure of the nature and degree of corporate

  4. Advertising and disclosure of funding on patient organisation websites: a cross-sectional survey. (United States)

    Ball, Douglas E; Tisocki, Klara; Herxheimer, Andrew


    Patient organisations may be exposed to conflicts of interest and undue influence through pharmaceutical industry (Pharma) donations. We examined advertising and disclosure of financial support by pharmaceutical companies on the websites of major patient organisations. Sixty-nine national and international patient organisations covering 10 disease states were identified using a defined Google search strategy. These were assessed for indicators of transparency, advertising, and disclosure of Pharma funding using an abstraction tool and inspection of annual reports. Data were analysed by simple tally, with medians calculated for financial data. Patient organisations websites were clear about their identity, target audience and intention but only a third were clear on how they derived their funds. Only 4/69 websites stated advertising and conflict of interest policies. Advertising was generally absent. 54% of sites included an annual report, but financial reporting and disclosure of donors varied substantially. Corporate donations were itemised in only 7/37 reports and none gave enough information to show the proportion of funding from Pharma. 45% of organisations declared Pharma funding on their website but the annual reports named more Pharma donors than did the websites (median 6 vs. 1). One third of websites showed one or more company logos and/or had links to Pharma websites. Pharma companies' introductions were present on 10% of websites, some of them mentioning specific products. Two patient organisations had obvious close ties to Pharma. Patient organisation websites do not provide enough information for visitors to assess whether a conflict of interest with Pharma exists. While advertising of products is generally absent, display of logos and corporate advertisements is relatively common. Display of clear editorial and advertising policies and disclosure of the nature and degree of corporate donations is needed on patient organisations' websites. An ethical

  5. Modelagem dos Recursos Eólicos sobre Moçambique Considerando um Cenário de Mudanças Climáticas

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    Emerson Mariano da Silva

    Full Text Available Resumo Este trabalho apresenta uma aplicação da técnica de redução de escala (dynamic downscaling usando-se o modelo regional RAMS6.0 (Regional Atmospheric Modelling System forçado por campos de saída do modelo de circulação global HadGEM2-ES, com objetivo de estimar o potencial eólico nas regiões de Moçambique considerando um cenário de mudanças climáticas definido pelo IPCC. Os resultados mostraram desempenho satisfatório do modelo RAMS6.0 na reprodução de padrões médios de campos dos ventos obtidos nas reanálises do CFSR e MERRA durante o período de 1985-2005. Os campos de ventos simulados a 10, 50 e 100 m de altura, sob condições do cenário de emissão RCP8.5 do IPCC, para o período de 2079-2099, mostraram-se com valores superiores em relação aos campos de ventos para o período de 1985-2005. Além disso, há evidências de um aumento na densidade de energia eólica nas regiões de Moçambique para o período de 2079-2099, particularmente durante o inverno nas regiões centro e sul do país.

  6. Communicating Sustainability: An Operational Model for Evaluating Corporate Websites

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    Alfonso Siano


    Full Text Available The interest in corporate sustainability has increased rapidly in recent years and has encouraged organizations to adopt appropriate digital communication strategies, in which the corporate website plays a key role. Despite this growing attention in both the academic and business communities, models for the analysis and evaluation of online sustainability communication have not been developed to date. This paper aims to develop an operational model to identify and assess the requirements of sustainability communication in corporate websites. It has been developed from a literature review on corporate sustainability and digital communication and the analysis of the websites of the organizations included in the “Global CSR RepTrak 2015” by the Reputation Institute. The model identifies the core dimensions of online sustainability communication (orientation, structure, ergonomics, content—OSEC, sub-dimensions, such as stakeholder engagement and governance tools, communication principles, and measurable items (e.g., presence of the materiality matrix, interactive graphs. A pilot study on the websites of the energy and utilities companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability World Index 2015 confirms the applicability of the OSEC framework. Thus, the model can provide managers and digital communication consultants with an operational tool that is useful for developing an industry ranking and assessing the best practices. The model can also help practitioners to identify corrective actions in the critical areas of digital sustainability communication and avoid greenwashing.

  7. Evaluating a Website to Teach Children Safety with Dogs: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    David C. Schwebel


    Full Text Available Dog bites represent a significant threat to child health. Theory-driven interventions scalable for broad dissemination are sparse. A website was developed to teach children dog safety via increased knowledge, improved cognitive skills in relevant domains, and increased perception of vulnerability to bites. A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 69 children aged 4–5 randomly assigned to use the dog safety website or a control transportation safety website for ~3 weeks. Assessment of dog safety knowledge and behavior plus skill in three relevant cognitive constructs (impulse control, noticing details, and perspective-taking was conducted both at baseline and following website use. The dog safety website incorporated interactive games, instructional videos including testimonials, a motivational rewards system, and messaging to parents concerning child lessons. Our results showed that about two-thirds of the intervention sample was not adherent to website use at home, so both intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were conducted. Intent-to-treat analyses yielded mostly null results. Per-protocol analyses suggested children compliant to the intervention protocol scored higher on knowledge and recognition of safe behavior with dogs following the intervention compared to the control group. Adherent children also had improved scores post-intervention on the cognitive skill of noticing details compared to the control group. We concluded that young children’s immature cognition can lead to dog bites. Interactive eHealth training on websites shows potential to teach children relevant cognitive and safety skills to reduce risk. Compliance to website use is a challenge, and some relevant cognitive skills (e.g., noticing details may be more amenable to computer-based training than others (e.g., impulse control.

  8. A Study of Color Transformation on Website Images for the Color Blind


    Siew-Li Ching; Maziani Sabudin


    In this paper, we study on color transformation method on website images for the color blind. The most common category of color blindness is red-green color blindness which is viewed as beige color. By transforming the colors of the images, the color blind can improve their color visibility. They can have a better view when browsing through the websites. To transform colors on the website images, we study on two algorithms which are the conversion techniques from RGB colo...

  9. A study of undue pain and surfing: using hierarchical criteria to assess website quality. (United States)

    Lorence, Daniel; Abraham, Joanna


    In studies of web-based consumer health information, scant attention has been paid to the selective development of differential methodologies for website quality evaluation, or to selective grouping and analysis of specific ;domains of uncertainty' in healthcare. Our objective is to introduce a more refined model for website evaluation, and illustrate its application using assessment of websites within an area of ongoing medical uncertainty, back pain. In this exploratory technology assessment, we suggest a model for assessing these ;domains of uncertainty' within healthcare, using qualitative assessment of websites and hierarchical concepts. Using such a hierarchy of quality criteria, we review medical information provided by the most frequently accessed websites related to back pain. Websites are evaluated using standardized criteria, with results rated from the viewpoint of the consumer. Results show that standardization of quality rating across subjective content, and between commercial and niche search results, can provide a consumer-friendly dimension to health information.

  10. Ergonomic adjustments on a website from the usability of functions: Can deficits impair functionalities?

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    Dalila Giovana Pagnoncelli Laperuta


    Full Text Available Current study assesses whether deficits and usability of ergonomics impair the functionality of a university website. The concepts of functionality, usability and ergonomics were foregrounded by contextualizing them within a university profile. Later, a satisfaction survey was proposed to users to measure the satisfaction in the use of the website and to map the problems in usability. In addition, an ergonomic inspection was performed on the site by applying Bastien and Scapin´s ergonomic criteria. After analyzing results by descriptive statistics and content analysis, the ergonomic and usability problems were detected, or rather, feedback deficits, minimum action (navigation, flexibility and experience impaired the excellence of website´s functionality, causing dissatisfaction or abandonment of the website by the users. After the analysis of the results, ergonomic adjustments were suggested for the website. They may be a help in new website projects or adjust products in which usability has not been incorporated to the development process.


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    Anca Constantinescu-Dobra


    Full Text Available The websites marketing is becoming an important tool both for multinationals and SMEs, in their effort to internationalizing their business.This study focuses on the international opportunities that are present within the European markets. The paper aims at identifying the degree of websites marketing standardization vs. adaptation, as a marketing tool for cosmetic products. Moreover, the study examines in a comparative manner the standardization strategy of multinationals and small and medium enterprises (SMEs, leaders in European markets, for different cosmetic cathegories.The evaluation of online advertising standardization is based on the modified Model for Testing Advertising Standardization, developed by Whitelock and Chung. The web sites degree of localizations areanalyzed based upon 98 criteria, as resulted from an adapted methodology of ProfNet Institut fur Internet Marketing, Munster (Germany. The sample includes the 101 leaders from European markets.The research outcomes reflect a standardized websites marketing policy for SMEs and localized for multinationals. Also, for perfumes, dental care products and toiletry, European cosmetic leaders implementstandardized websites marketing policies and balanced for the other cosmetics categories. The hypothesis concerning a strong correlation between standardization and handling dimension was supported.

  12. Design of Provider-Provisioned Website Protection Scheme against Malware Distribution (United States)

    Yagi, Takeshi; Tanimoto, Naoto; Hariu, Takeo; Itoh, Mitsutaka

    Vulnerabilities in web applications expose computer networks to security threats, and many websites are used by attackers as hopping sites to attack other websites and user terminals. These incidents prevent service providers from constructing secure networking environments. To protect websites from attacks exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications, service providers use web application firewalls (WAFs). WAFs filter accesses from attackers by using signatures, which are generated based on the exploit codes of previous attacks. However, WAFs cannot filter unknown attacks because the signatures cannot reflect new types of attacks. In service provider environments, the number of exploit codes has recently increased rapidly because of the spread of vulnerable web applications that have been developed through cloud computing. Thus, generating signatures for all exploit codes is difficult. To solve these problems, our proposed scheme detects and filters malware downloads that are sent from websites which have already received exploit codes. In addition, to collect information for detecting malware downloads, web honeypots, which automatically extract the communication records of exploit codes, are used. According to the results of experiments using a prototype, our scheme can filter attacks automatically so that service providers can provide secure and cost-effective network environments.

  13. Knowledge management in design teams using a project website


    Otter, den, A.F.H.J.; Lima, C.P


    In this paper the sharing of knowledge in architectural design teams using a Project Website is discussed. The results of multiple case studies, being part of a recently finished PhD research project to communication and performance of design teams using a Project Website, show that systems for sharing of knowledge in such teams are hard to change and better systems are difficult to implement for various reasons. Sharing of knowledge in such teams is important for collective understanding of ...

  14. Hard Content, Fab Front-End : Archiving Websites of Dutch Public Broadcasters

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Baltussen, L; Blom, J; Medjoune, L; Pop, R; van Gorp, Jasmijn; Huurdeman, H; Haaijer, L


    Although there are a great variety of web archiving projects around the world, there are not many that focus explicitly on websites of broadcasters. The reason is that funds are often lacking to do this, and that broadcaster websites are difficult to archive, due to their dynamic and audiovisual

  15. Automação de um sistema de pulverização para aplicação de agroquímicos a taxa variada usando injeção direta


    Heitor Vinicius Mercaldi


    Neste trabalho, a automação de um sistema de pulverização a taxa variada com injeção direta é apresentado. A automação do sistema de pulverização montado em uma bancada laboratorial estática foi baseado em um controlador programável com capacidade de tempo real. Os sistemas de pulverização com injeção direta possibilitam o uso de diferentes agroquímicos em uma mesma aplicação, e adicionalmente reduzem os impactos toxicológico e ambiental relacionados com o preparo e descarte da mistura de agr...

  16. E-loyalty towards a cancer information website: applying a theoretical framework. (United States)

    Crutzen, Rik; Beekers, Nienke; van Eenbergen, Mies; Becker, Monique; Jongen, Lilian; van Osch, Liesbeth


    To provide more insight into user perceptions related to e-loyalty towards a cancer information website. This is needed to assure adequate provision of high quality information during the full process of cancer treatment-from diagnosis to after care-and an important first step towards optimizing cancer information websites in order to promote e-loyalty. Participants were cancer patients (n = 63) and informal caregivers (n = 202) that visited a website providing regional information about cancer care for all types of cancer. Subsequently, they filled out a questionnaire assessing e-loyalty towards the website and user perceptions (efficiency, effectiveness, active trust and enjoyment) based on a theoretical framework derived from the field of e-commerce. A structural equation model was constructed to test the relationships between user perceptions and e-loyalty. Participants in general could find the information they were looking for (efficiency), thought it was relevant (effectiveness) and that they could act upon it (active trust) and thought the visit itself was pleasant (enjoyment). Effectiveness and enjoyment were both positively related with e-loyalty, but this was mediated by active trust. Efficiency was positively related with e-loyalty. The explained variance of e-loyalty was high (R(2)  = 0.70). This study demonstrates that the importance of user perceptions is not limited to fields such as e-commerce but is also present within the context of cancer information websites. The high information need among participants might explain the positive relationship between efficiency and e-loyalty. Therefore, cancer information websites need to foster easy search and access of information provided. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Constantinescu-Dobra Anca


    Full Text Available With a constant yearly growth of more than 20% over the last five years and adding up to10% of the GDP, the Romanian Information Technology (IT sector has an important potential for development. Emphasizing on websites marketing in this sector could enhance more profitability. Even though this tool is considered to be much depersonalized, the users like getting a sense of the company behind the website. Having a wide range of information facilitates this understanding. In a very competitive environment, the IT managers have to realize that the overall site is what represents their organization to users. Prospectors look at product pages and read the site content when they are evaluating an organization as a possible vendor, business partner, employer, investment opportunity. Therefore, websites marketing is one of aspects that need to be constantly reevaluated in an ever-changing word of communication. Given this facts, the present study identifies the extent to which the most valuable IT Romanian companies practice webpage’s marketing. Specifically, we examine the content, in-time communication tools, navigability and style of the websites in correlation with their outcome and size. Moreover, the paper analyzes the differences between websites characteristics of Romanian IT SMEs and large companies from top 100, according to their turnover. The specific objectives in order to investigate the websites marketing of Romanian IT companies are: -To evaluate the websites marketing policies of the software developer, hardware and IT distributors; -To analyze in depth the Romanian IT companies websites performance in correlation with their profit, turnover and number of employees; -To assess the differences between websites policy of SMEs and large companies from Romanian IT industry; This study is exploratory and consists in a qualitative assessment of websites from top100 software, hardware and IT distributor companies. The sample consists of

  18. Physician choice making and characteristics associated with using physician-rating websites: cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Emmert, Martin; Meier, Florian; Pisch, Frank; Sander, Uwe


    Over the past decade, physician-rating websites have been gaining attention in scientific literature and in the media. However, little knowledge is available about the awareness and the impact of using such sites on health care professionals. It also remains unclear what key predictors are associated with the knowledge and the use of physician-rating websites. To estimate the current level of awareness and use of physician-rating websites in Germany and to determine their impact on physician choice making and the key predictors which are associated with the knowledge and the use of physician-rating websites. This study was designed as a cross-sectional survey. An online panel was consulted in January 2013. A questionnaire was developed containing 28 questions; a pretest was carried out to assess the comprehension of the questionnaire. Several sociodemographic (eg, age, gender, health insurance status, Internet use) and 2 health-related independent variables (ie, health status and health care utilization) were included. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and t tests. Binary multivariate logistic regression models were performed for elaborating the characteristics of physician-rating website users. Results from the logistic regression are presented for both the observed and weighted sample. In total, 1505 respondents (mean age 43.73 years, SD 14.39; 857/1505, 57.25% female) completed our survey. Of all respondents, 32.09% (483/1505) heard of physician-rating websites and 25.32% (381/1505) already had used a website when searching for a physician. Furthermore, 11.03% (166/1505) had already posted a rating on a physician-rating website. Approximately 65.35% (249/381) consulted a particular physician based on the ratings shown on the websites; in contrast, 52.23% (199/381) had not consulted a particular physician because of the publicly reported ratings. Significantly higher likelihoods for being aware of the websites could be

  19. "Smoking revolution": a content analysis of electronic cigarette retail websites. (United States)

    Grana, Rachel A; Ling, Pamela M


    Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) have been increasingly available and marketed in the U.S. since 2007. As patterns of product adoption are frequently driven and reinforced by marketing, it is important to understand the marketing claims encountered by consumers. To describe the main advertising claims made on branded e-cigarette retail websites. Websites were retrieved from two major search engines in 2011 using iterative searches with the following terms: electronic cigarette, e-cigarette, e-cig, and personal vaporizer. Fifty-nine websites met inclusion criteria, and 13 marketing claims were coded for main marketing messages in 2012. Ninety-five percent of the websites made explicit or implicit health-related claims, 64% had a smoking cessation-related claim, 22% featured doctors, and 76% claimed that the product does not produce secondhand smoke. Comparisons to cigarettes included claims that e-cigarettes were cleaner (95%) and cheaper (93%). Eighty-eight percent stated that the product could be smoked anywhere and 71% mentioned using the product to circumvent clean air policies. Candy, fruit, and coffee flavors were offered on most sites. Youthful appeals included images or claims of modernity (73%); increased social status (44%); enhanced social activity (32%); romance (31%); and use by celebrities (22%). Health claims and smoking-cessation messages that are unsupported by current scientific evidence are frequently used to sell e-cigarettes. Implied and overt health claims, the presence of doctors on websites, celebrity endorsements, and the use of characterizing flavors should be prohibited. Copyright © 2014 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Study on upgrade on nuclear control related open source information website

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, H. T.; Park, S. S.; Park, W. S.; Choi, Y. M.


    The open source information relevant to the nuclear control is regularly collected, analyzed, and published to the three web sites by the Technology Center for Nuclear Control (TCNC) of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). These web sites are world-wide, KAERI-wide, and TCNC-wide, respectively. We are to upgrade the KAERI-wide website to the access-controlled world-wide web site with some additional functionality. In this research, the current status of the three nuclear control related open source information websites managed by the TCNC was introduced and methods for upgrading the KAERI-wide open source information website and associated information security technology were reviewed

  1. Evaluating the Dental Caries-Related Information on Brazilian Websites: Qualitative Study. (United States)

    Aguirre, Patricia Estefania Ayala; Coelho, Melina Martins; Rios, Daniela; Machado, Maria Aparecida Andrade Moreira; Cruvinel, Agnes Fátima Pereira; Cruvinel, Thiago


    Dental caries is the most common chronic oral disease, affecting 2.4 billion people worldwide who on average have 2.11 decayed, missing, or filled teeth. It impacts the quality of life of patients, socially and economically. However, the comprehension of dental caries may be difficult for most people, as it involves a multifactorial etiology with the interplay between the tooth surface, the dental biofilm, dietary fermentable carbohydrates, and genetic and behavioral factors. Therefore, the production of effective materials addressed to the education and counseling of patients for the prevention of dental caries requires a high level of specialization. In this regard, the dental caries-related contents produced by laypersons and their availability on the Internet may be low-quality information. The aim of this study was to assess the readability and the quality of dental caries-related information on Brazilian websites. A total of 75 websites were selected through Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and Baidu. The websites were organized in rankings according to their order of appearance in each one of the 4 search engines. Furthermore, 2 independent examiners evaluated the quality of websites using the DISCERN questionnaire and the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) benchmark criteria. The readability of the websites was assessed by the Flesch Reading Ease adapted to Brazilian Portuguese (FRE-BP). In addition, the information presented on the websites was categorized as etiology, prevention, and treatment of dental caries. The statistical analysis was performed using Spearman rank correlation coefficient, Mann-Whitney U test, hierarchical clustering analysis by Ward minimum variance method, Kruskal-Wallis test, and post hoc Dunn test. Pcaries information showed significantly higher quality scores than those with limited contents (P=.009). On the basis of this sample, dental caries-related contents available on Brazilian websites were considered simple, accessible

  2. Using Rapid Prototyping to Design a Smoking Cessation Website with End-Users. (United States)

    Ronquillo, Charlene; Currie, Leanne; Rowsell, Derek; Phillips, J Craig


    Rapid prototyping is an iterative approach to design involving cycles of prototype building, review by end-users and refinement, and can be a valuable tool in user-centered website design. Informed by various user-centered approaches, we used rapid prototyping as a tool to collaborate with users in building a peer-support focused smoking-cessation website for gay men living with HIV. Rapid prototyping was effective in eliciting feedback on the needs of this group of potential end-users from a smoking cessation website.

  3. Position of the Translator as an Agent in Website Localization: The Case of Turkey (United States)

    Alkan, Sinem Canim


    The rapid growth of e-commerce has contributed to the development of website localization activity as a major professional industry. Despite the high volume of website localization practices, there is little research on translators participating in website localization projects. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the position of…

  4. O uso de um painel restrito de anticorpos monoclonais no diagnóstico diferencial das síndromes linfoproliferativas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lorand-Metze Irene


    Full Text Available O uso da imunofenotipagem, ao lado da morfologia do sangue periférico, é um elemento imprescindível no diagnóstico diferencial das síndromes linfoproliferativas. Empregamos com este propósito um painel de anticorpos monoclonais: CD19/CD10, CD20/CD5, CD23, CD3/CD4, CD3/CD8, além de anticorpos contra cadeias leves de imunoglobulina de superfície lidos em citometria de fluxo. Aplicamos este painel em 44 pacientes do nosso Serviço usando como confirmação a morfologia do sangue periférico. Em 29 pacientes foi encontrado o fenótipo típico de Leucemia Linfóide Crônica-B e dois casos foram Leucemia Linfóide Crônica-T. Em oito casos o imunofenótipo foi insuficiente para fechar o diagnóstico que foi confirmado pela morfologia do sangue periférico: seis casos de imunocitoma e dois de leucemia prolinfocítica. Nos cinco casos de linfoma de células do manto, em três deles a imunofenotipagem do sangue periférico ou do aspirado de linfonodo fechou o diagnóstico. Nos outros dois o diagnóstico foi confirmado pela biópsia de linfonodo. Estes achados ressaltam o papel da imunofenotipagem no diagnóstico correto das síndromes linfoproliferativas. O painel usado, apesar de pequeno, foi suficiente, necessitando do apoio da morfologia em poucos casos.

  5. MD-portal: Highly Effective Website for Nuclear Materials Information Management

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kil, Soyeon; Lee, Gyeonggeun; Kwon, Junhyun


    A web-based system is widespread in not only everyday activities but also business fields. In past years, the systematic information of various properties of materials usually has been provided as tabulated documents; however it recently has been provided as web-based DB. There are many websites providing material properties information, representative examples include MatWeb from the United States, Granta MI from England and MatNavi from Japan. In 2003, the nuclear materials division in KAERI established a website about nuclear materials property DB, called MatDB. To inherit it, a website called MD-portal has been recently set up to release degradation information and various properties of nuclear materials. In this presentation, the structure and characteristics of MD-portal will be mentioned, and comments on its application will be given

  6. A qualitative analysis of the beliefs of Japanese anti-influenza vaccination website authors

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    Tsuyoshi Okuhara


    Full Text Available Background: Influenza vaccine coverage among the Japanese population is less than optimal. Anti-vaccination sentiment exists worldwide, and Japan is no exception. Anti-influenza vaccination activists argue on the internet that influenza vaccine has little or no efficacy and a high risk of side effects, and they warn that people should forgo vaccination. We conducted a qualitative analysis to explore beliefs underlying the messages of anti-influenza vaccination websites, by focusing on the perceived value these beliefs provide to those who hold them. Methods: We conducted online searches in January 2017 using two major Japanese search engines (Google Japan and Yahoo! Japan. Targeted websites were classified as “pro”, “anti”, or “neutral” depending on their claims. We applied a dual analytic approach—inductive thematic analysis and deductive interpretative analysis—to textual data of the anti websites. Results: Of the 113 anti websites, we identified two themes that correspond to beliefs: it is necessary to 1 protect others against risks and exploitation related to influenza vaccination, and 2 educate others about hidden truths and self-determination. Authors of anti websites ascribed two values (people's “safety” and one's own “self-esteem” to their beliefs. Discussion: Website authors may engage in anti-vaccination activities because they want to feel they are virtuous, saving people from harm caused by vaccination, and to boost their self-esteem, thinking “I am enlightening uninformed people.” The anti-vaccination beliefs of website authors were considered to be strong. In promoting vaccination, it would be better not to target outright vaccine refusers, such as the authors of anti-vaccination websites; it is preferable to target vaccine-hesitant people who are more amenable to changing their attitudes toward vaccination. We discuss possible means of promoting vaccination in that target population. Keywords

  7. A qualitative analysis of the beliefs of Japanese anti-influenza vaccination website authors. (United States)

    Okuhara, Tsuyoshi; Ishikawa, Hirono; Kato, Mio; Okada, Masafumi; Kiuchi, Takahiro


    Influenza vaccine coverage among the Japanese population is less than optimal. Anti-vaccination sentiment exists worldwide, and Japan is no exception. Anti-influenza vaccination activists argue on the internet that influenza vaccine has little or no efficacy and a high risk of side effects, and they warn that people should forgo vaccination. We conducted a qualitative analysis to explore beliefs underlying the messages of anti-influenza vaccination websites, by focusing on the perceived value these beliefs provide to those who hold them. We conducted online searches in January 2017 using two major Japanese search engines (Google Japan and Yahoo! Japan). Targeted websites were classified as "pro", "anti", or "neutral" depending on their claims. We applied a dual analytic approach-inductive thematic analysis and deductive interpretative analysis-to textual data of the anti websites. Of the 113 anti websites, we identified two themes that correspond to beliefs: it is necessary to 1) protect others against risks and exploitation related to influenza vaccination, and 2) educate others about hidden truths and self-determination. Authors of anti websites ascribed two values (people's "safety" and one's own "self-esteem") to their beliefs. Website authors may engage in anti-vaccination activities because they want to feel they are virtuous, saving people from harm caused by vaccination, and to boost their self-esteem, thinking "I am enlightening uninformed people." The anti-vaccination beliefs of website authors were considered to be strong. In promoting vaccination, it would be better not to target outright vaccine refusers, such as the authors of anti-vaccination websites; it is preferable to target vaccine-hesitant people who are more amenable to changing their attitudes toward vaccination. We discuss possible means of promoting vaccination in that target population.

  8. About Making Music and Website Design, Film, and Novel Latest Usingmacromedia Dreamweaver Mx 2004 and Php


    Tamara Prastya Bakti


    Website is one of the means to deliver a new information at this time. To create a website required a variety of means of support, one that is software. Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 is one of the software to design or build a website. By using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, we can create websites that look interesting that in accordance with the wishes. In addition, we can insert media from several other Macromedia. Scientific writing contains about creating and designing websites about mo...

  9. Analyzing determinants influencing an individual׳s intention to use social commerce website

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prerna Lal


    Full Text Available The evolution of social media has changed the landscape of online commerce for both organizations as well as customers. Introduction of social commerce websites has bought shift in consumers׳ buying decision, i.e. from individual to social shopping. This study aims to identify factors that influence an individual׳s decision to use social commerce websites in an Indian Context. A conceptual model was developed based on extensive literature review. Wherein total six factors that influence an individual׳s intention to use social commerce were identified and were divided into three broad categories: social factors (informational support and community commitment, trust (towards members and community and website quality (ease of use and service quality. Research model was empirically examined using structural equation modeling. The findings of this study demonstrated positive relationship between all six factors and an individual׳s intention to use social commerce website. Additionally, study identified informational support as the most significant factor that influences an individual׳s intention to use social commerce website followed by trust towards members, service equality, trust towards community, ease of navigation, and community commitment.

  10. Instant website optimization for retina displays how-to

    CERN Document Server

    Larson, Kyle J


    Written in an accessible and practical manner which quickly imparts the knowledge you want to know. As a How-to book it will use applied examples and teach you to optimize websites for retina displays. This book is for web designers and developers who are familiar with HTML, CSS, and editing graphics who would like to improve their existing website or their next web project with high-resolution images. You'll need to have a high-definition device to be able to test the examples in this book and a server to upload your code to if you're not developing it on that device.

  11. Use of News Articles and Announcements on Official Websites of Universities (United States)

    Yolcu, Ozgu


    Since corporate websites have become indispensable tools of public relations in parallel with the increase in the number of Internet users, they offer remarkable opportunities for universities as well. University websites are operated in a more professional manner due to increasing number of visits by not only students and the academic staff, but…

  12. Do Magazines' "Companion  Websites" Cannibalize the Demand for the Print Version?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kaiser, Ulrich; Kongsted, Hans Christian

    We analyze the extent to which visits to a magazine's companion website affects total circulation, subscription, kiosk sales and foreign sales using Granger causality tests on the basis of monthly data for the German magazine market spanning the period January 1998 to September 2005. We find...... evidence for positive effects of website visits on magazine subscription but negative effects on magazine kiosk sales. Contrary to the widespread belief that the Internet will cannibalize print media markets, our results do not, however, provide evidence for website visits adversely affecting total...

  13. Welcome to the Poster Website | Poster (United States)

    By Melissa Porter, Executive Editor The Poster newsletter staff is pleased to present you with the all-new Poster website. Now you can access all the latest information from the National Cancer Institute at Frederick from your smart phone, tablet, notebook, or any other device with an Internet connection.

  14. KSC Technical Capabilities Website (United States)

    Nufer, Brian; Bursian, Henry; Brown, Laurette L.


    This document is the website pages that review the technical capabilities that the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) has for partnership opportunities. The purpose of this information is to make prospective customers aware of the capabilities and provide an opportunity to form relationships with the experts at KSC. The technical capabilities fall into these areas: (1) Ground Operations and Processing Services, (2) Design and Analysis Solutions, (3) Command and Control Systems / Services, (4) Materials and Processes, (5) Research and Technology Development and (6) Laboratories, Shops and Test Facilities.



    Dina Lončarić; Marina Perišić Prodan; Ivana Ribarić


    The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of a museum’s website design on visitors’ intentions. Three hypotheses were set which assume that the design of a museum website has a positive influence on the intention of visitors to return to the website, to personally visit the museum, and to recommend the website to their friends and relatives. To achieve the purpose of the research, empirical research was carried out. The respondents evaluated the websites of 145 Croatian museums and r...

  16. Ceratectomia lamelar anterior profunda usando a técnica "big-bubble" em pacientes com ceratocone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandro Antonini Coscarelli


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar através de um estudo retrospectivo pacientes com ceratocone, a partir do 12º mês após a ceratectomia lamelar anterior profunda usando a técnica "big-bubble". MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de consecutivos 79 olhos de 71 pacientes com ceratocone moderado a grave, com baixa acuidade visual após as correções ópticas e intolerantes à adaptação de lente de contato. Todos os transplantes foram realizados pelo mesmo experiente cirurgião, no período de janeiro de 2007 a fevereiro de 2009, utilizando a técnica de ceratectomia lamelar anterior profunda pelo "big-bubble". Os dados analisados foram sexo, idade, paquimetria corneana, densidade endotelial, astigmatismo dinâmico e melhor acuidade visual corrigida (BCVA após a ceratectomia. RESULTADOS: A idade média verificada foi de 30,4 (± 10,2 anos, com 39 (54,9% do sexo feminino e 32 (45,1% do masculino. A paquimetria ultrassônica média foi de 518,6 (± 29,5 μm. Setenta e dois (91,1% dos transplantes realizados obtiveram acuidade visual dinâmica corrigida melhor ou igual a 20/50. A média do astigmatismo dinâmico foi de - 3,5 (± 1,5 dioptrias cilíndricas. A média da densidade endotelial encontrada conforme a faixa etária teve a distribuição com os pacientes de 11 a 20 anos com 3.053 (± 532 cél/mm²; 21 a 30 anos com 2.674 (± 725 cél/mm²; 31 a 40 anos com 2.737 (± 575 cél/mm²; 41 a 50 anos com 2.585 (± 476 cél/mm² e 51 a 60 anos com 2.398 (± 667 cél/mm². Microperfuração no per-operatório teve uma incidência de 8,8%. CONCLUSÃO: A ceratectomia lamelar anterior profunda pela técnica "big-bubble" é um valioso tratamento para pacientes com ceratocone, alcançando uma melhor acuidade visual corrigida final semelhante ao transplante penetrante. A contagem média de células endoteliais apresenta-se dentro da normalidade para a faixa etária após o procedimento. Não foram encontradas córneas rejeitadas ou com edema após a retirada de todos os

  17. Evaluation of Quality and Readability of Health Information Websites Identified through India’s Major Search Engines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S. Raj


    Full Text Available Background. The available health information on websites should be reliable and accurate in order to make informed decisions by community. This study was done to assess the quality and readability of health information websites on World Wide Web in India. Methods. This cross-sectional study was carried out in June 2014. The key words “Health” and “Information” were used on search engines “Google” and “Yahoo.” Out of 50 websites (25 from each search engines, after exclusion, 32 websites were evaluated. LIDA tool was used to assess the quality whereas the readability was assessed using Flesch Reading Ease Score (FRES, Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL, and SMOG. Results. Forty percent of websites (n=13 were sponsored by government. Health On the Net Code of Conduct (HONcode certification was present on 50% (n=16 of websites. The mean LIDA score (74.31 was average. Only 3 websites scored high on LIDA score. Only five had readability scores at recommended sixth-grade level. Conclusion. Most health information websites had average quality especially in terms of usability and reliability and were written at high readability levels. Efforts are needed to develop the health information websites which can help general population in informed decision making.

  18. Public Library Websites as Electronic Branches: A Multi-Country Quantitative Evaluation (United States)

    Velasquez, Diane L.; Evans, Nina


    Introduction: This paper describes the findings of a study of 1517 public library Websites in Australia, Canada, and the United States over a period of four years. These Websites are referred to as 'electronic branches' of the libraries, thereby extending the definition of physical library branches into the digital realm. The purpose of the…

  19. Desenvolvimento de software e hardware para irrigação de precisão usando pivô central Development of software and hardware for precision irrigation using the center pivot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tadeu M. de Queiroz


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver softwares e hardwares para aplicação ao monitoramento e controle automático para a irrigação de precisão usando sistemas do tipo pivô central. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Engenharia Rural - LER, da Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - ESALQ, da Universidade de São Paulo - USP, em Piracicaba - SP. Foram utilizados componentes eletrônicos discretos, circuitos integrados diversos, módulos de radiofreqüência, microcontroladores da família Basic Step e um microcomputador. Foram utilizadas as linguagens Delphi e TBasic. O hardware é constituído de dois circuitos eletrônicos, sendo um deles para "interface" com o computador e o outro para monitoramento e transmissão da leitura de tensiômetros para o computador via radiofreqüência. Foram feitas avaliações do alcance e da eficiência na transmissão de dados dos módulos de radiofreqüência e do desempenho do software e do hardware. Os resultados mostraram que tanto os circuitos quanto os aplicativos desenvolvidos apresentaram funcionamento satisfatório. Os testes de comunicação dos rádios indicaram que esses possuem alcance máximo de 50 m. Concluiu-se que o sistema desenvolvido tem grande potencial para utilização em sistemas de irrigação de precisão usando pivô central, bastando para isso que o alcance dos rádios seja aumentado.The objective of this work was to develop softwares and hardwares applied to the management and automatic control for precision irrigation using center pivot systems. They were developed in the Rural Engineering Department - LER, at the "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture - ESALQ, of São Paulo University - USP, in Piracicaba, SP-Brazil. It was used discrete electronic components, several integrated circuits, radio frequency modules, microcontrollers from the Basic Step family and a microcomputer. The computer software was developed in Delphi language, and

  20. [Information quality and health risks in Spanish-language retail websites for Chinese herbal medicine]. (United States)

    Tejedor-García, Noelia; García-Pastor, Coral; Benito-Martínez, Selma; de Lucio-Cazaña, Francisco Javier

    The growing use of purchase online via Internet retailers favours the access to potentially toxic natural products. It also contributes to the quick dissemination of the claims made by the retailers on efficacy and safety, these claims being not always based upon reliable information. Here, we have conducted an online search to find Spanish-language retail websites for Chinese herbal medicine and we have analysed them for the quality of product information and the potential health risks. i) Online search in Google España to find Spanish-language retail websites for Chinese herbal medicine in which we analysed both the claims regarding possible health benefits and adequate safe use indications ii) Identification of potentially toxic herbs in the websites iii) Quantification of Chinese herbal medicines withdrawn by the Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios (AEMPS). 1) Only one third of the 30 Spanish-language retail websites found which sell Chinese herbal medicine observe the law, given that the other websites include illegal Western disease claims as marketing tools, 2) Five websites provide some safety information, 3) Two websites offer potentially toxic herbs and 4) Chinese herbal medicine adulterated with sibutramine, silfenafil or their analogues make a considerable percentage of the total products withdrawn by the AEMPS. Online health seekers should be warned about misinformation on retail websites for Chinese herbal medicine and directed to a Spanish government Web site for guidance in safely navigating the Internet for buying Chinese herbal medicine. Copyright © 2017 SESPAS. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  1. Hot News Recommendation System from Heterogeneous Websites Based on Bayesian Model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhengyou Xia


    Full Text Available The most current news recommendations are suitable for news which comes from a single news website, not for news from different heterogeneous news websites. Previous researches about news recommender systems based on different strategies have been proposed to provide news personalization services for online news readers. However, little research work has been reported on utilizing hundreds of heterogeneous news websites to provide top hot news services for group customers (e.g., government staffs. In this paper, we propose a hot news recommendation model based on Bayesian model, which is from hundreds of different news websites. In the model, we determine whether the news is hot news by calculating the joint probability of the news. We evaluate and compare our proposed recommendation model with the results of human experts on the real data sets. Experimental results demonstrate the reliability and effectiveness of our method. We also implement this model in hot news recommendation system of Hangzhou city government in year 2013, which achieves very good results.

  2. A content analysis of electronic cigarette manufacturer websites in China (United States)

    Yao, Tingting; Jiang, Nan; Grana, Rachel; Ling, Pamela M; Glantz, Stanton A


    Objective The goal of this study was to summarise the websites of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) manufacturers in China and describe how they market their products. Methods From March to April 2013, we used two search keywords ‘electronic cigarette’ (Dian Zi Xiang Yan in Chinese) and ‘manufacturer’ (Sheng Chan Chang Jia in Chinese) to search e-cigarette manufacturers in China on Alibaba, an internet-based e-commerce business that covers business-to-business online marketplaces, retail and payment platforms, shopping search engine and data-centric cloud computing services. A total of 18 websites of 12 e-cigarette manufacturers in China were analysed by using a coding guide which includes 14 marketing claims. Results Health-related benefits were claimed most frequently (89%), followed by the claims of no secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure (78%), and utility for smoking cessation (67%). A wide variety of flavours, celebrity endorsements and e-cigarettes specifically for women were presented. None of the websites had any age restriction on access, references to government regulation or lawsuits. Instruction on how to use e-cigarettes was on 17% of the websites. Conclusions Better regulation of e-cigarette marketing messages on manufacturers’ websites is needed in China. The frequent claims of health benefits, smoking cessation, strategies appealing to youth and women are concerning, especially targeting women. Regulators should prohibit marketing claims of health benefits, no SHS exposure and value for smoking cessation in China until health-related, quality and safety issues have been adequately addressed. To avoid e-cigarette use for initiation to nicotine addiction, messages targeting youth and women should be prohibited. PMID:25335902

  3. Public reporting in Germany: the content of physician rating websites. (United States)

    Emmert, M; Sander, U; Esslinger, A S; Maryschok, M; Schöffski, O


    Physician rating websites (PRWs) are gaining in popularity among patients seeking quality information about physicians. However, little knowledge is available about the quantity and type of information provided on the websites. To determine and structure the quantity and type of information about physicians in the outpatient sector provided on German-language physician rating websites. In a first step, we identified PRWs through a systematic internet search using German keywords from a patient´s perspective in the two search engines Google and Yahoo. Afterwards, information about physicians available on the websites was collected and categorised according to Donabedian´s structure/process/outcome model. Furthermore, we investigated whether the information was related to the physician himself/ herself or to the practice as a whole. In total, eight PRWs were detected. Our analysis turned up 139 different information items on eight websites; 67 are related to the structural quality, 4 to process quality, 5 to outcomes, and 63 to patient satisfaction/experience. In total, 37% of all items focus specifically on the physician and 63% on the physician's practice. In terms of the total amount of information provided on the PRWs, results range from 61 down to 13.5 items. A broad range of information is available on German PRWs. While structural information can give a detailed overview of the financial, technical and human resources of a practice, other outcome measures have to be interpreted with caution. Specifically, patient satisfaction results are not risk-adjusted, and thus, are not appropriate to represent a provider's quality of care. Consequently, neither patients nor physicians should yet use the information provided to make their final decision for or against an individual physician.

  4. The PhEDEx next-gen website

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Egeland, R; Sundarrajan, P; Huang, C-H; Rossman, P; Wildish, T


    PhEDEx is the data-transfer management solution written by CMS. It consists of agents running at each site, a website for presentation of information, and a web-based data-service for scripted access to information. The website allows users to monitor the progress of data-transfers, the status of site agents and links between sites, and the overall status and behaviour of everything about PhEDEx. It also allows users to make and approve requests for data-transfers and for deletion of data. It is the main point-of-entry for all users wishing to interact with PhEDEx. For several years, the website has consisted of a single perl program with about 10K SLOC. This program has limited capabilities for exploring the data, with only coarse filtering capabilities and no context-sensitive awareness. Graphical information is presented as static images, generated on the server, with no interactivity. It is also not well connected to the rest of the PhEDEx codebase, since much of it was written before the data-service was developed. All this makes it hard to maintain and extend. We are re-implementing the website to address these issues. The UI is being rewritten in Javascript, replacing most of the server-side code. We are using the YUI toolkit to provide advanced features and context-sensitive interaction, and will adopt a Javascript charting library for generating graphical representations client-side. This relieves the server of much of its load, and automatically improves server-side security. The Javascript components can be re-used in many ways, allowing custom pages to be developed for specific uses. In particular, standalone test-cases using small numbers of components make it easier to debug the Javascript than it is to debug a large server program. Information about PhEDEx is accessed through the PhEDEx data-service, since direct SQL is not available from the clients’ browser. This provides consistent semantics with other, externally written monitoring tools, which

  5. German dentists' websites on periodontitis have low quality of information. (United States)

    Schwendicke, Falk; Stange, Jörg; Stange, Claudia; Graetz, Christian


    The internet is an increasingly relevant source of health information. We aimed to assess the quality of German dentists' websites on periodontitis, hypothesizing that it was significantly associated with a number of practice-specific parameters. We searched four electronic search engines and included pages which were freely accessible, posted by a dental practice in Germany, and mentioned periodontal disease/therapy. Websites were assessed for (1) technical and functional aspects, (2) generic quality and risk of bias, (3) disease-specific information. For 1 and 2, validated tools (LIDA/DISCERN) were used for assessment. For 3, we developed a criterion catalogue encompassing items on etiologic and prognostic factors for periodontitis, the diagnostic and treatment process, and the generic chance of tooth retention in periodontitis patients. Inter- and intra-rater reliabilities were largely moderate. Generalized linear modeling was used to assess the association between the information quality (measured as % of maximally available scores) and practice-specific characteristics. Seventy-one websites were included. Technical and functional aspects were reported in significantly higher quality (median: 71%, 25/75th percentiles: 67/79%) than all other aspects (p periodontitis are not fully trustworthy and relevant information are not or insufficiently considered. There is great need to improve the information quality from such websites at least with regards to periodontitis.

  6. Advertising, Internet Based Networking Websites (IBNWs) and New Ventures


    Jara, Carlos; Wayburne, Terence


    With the explosion of technology we are finding that our methods of communication are  changing rapidly year to year. The way that we interact with each other from personal  levels to more formal business is all being affected. With the birth of the internet we have  seen continuous growth  of communication methods via this medium and most recently is  the boom of the Internet Based Networking Websites (IBNWs) that allow the, over  300million, users to interact with each other. Websites like ...

  7. Testing an Academic Library Website for Usability with Faculty and Graduate Students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Monica Claassen‐Wilson


    Full Text Available Objectives – This usability study was developed to observe faculty and graduate students’ reactions to a recent redesign of the University of Kansas (KU Libraries’ website. The redesign included new navigational features, introduction of a federated search tool, a quick search box on the front page, and research subject pages. The study also provided the opportunity to observe the practices of faculty and graduate students in locating and retrieving information on the Libraries’ website.Methods – Ten participants (five faculty and five graduate students representing diverse disciplines were solicited for the study. Participants were required to access the Libraries’ website to answer a series of questions regarding new and updated features of the website. Observational analysis using Morae™ software was conducted and interviews with each participant provided details of their opinions on how these new features would influence their research and teaching activities.Results – Most of the participants either did not notice or ignored the major website changes. Links to and locations of commonly used resources (e.g. catalogue; databases; e‐journals had been changed minimally, and the faculty and graduate student participants gravitated to those familiar features to complete tasks. Prior to the study, participants had not accessed the new discovery tools; however, once previewed, responses to the tools’ utility were generally favourable. After using the federated search tool on a familiar topic, several participants noted that, when directed to databases they had not previously considered, they were able to locate citations they had missed in the past. Observers noted pitfalls in navigating the site such as inconsistent underscoring of links, ambiguous terminology, and unclear icons meant to expand subject heading lists. Unexpected searching behaviours were observed, including inconsistent and lack of conceptual understanding in

  8. A Concise and Practical Framework for the Development and Usability Evaluation of Patient Information Websites. (United States)

    Peute, L W; Knijnenburg, S L; Kremer, L C; Jaspers, M W M


    The Website Developmental Model for the Healthcare Consumer (WDMHC) is an extensive and successfully evaluated framework that incorporates user-centered design principles. However, due to its extensiveness its application is limited. In the current study we apply a subset of the WDMHC framework in a case study concerning the development and evaluation of a website aimed at childhood cancer survivors (CCS). To assess whether the implementation of a limited subset of the WDMHC-framework is sufficient to deliver a high-quality website with few usability problems, aimed at a specific patient population. The website was developed using a six-step approach divided into three phases derived from the WDMHC: 1) information needs analysis, mock-up creation and focus group discussion; 2) website prototype development; and 3) heuristic evaluation (HE) and think aloud analysis (TA). The HE was performed by three double experts (knowledgeable both in usability engineering and childhood cancer survivorship), who assessed the site using the Nielsen heuristics. Eight end-users were invited to complete three scenarios covering all functionality of the website by TA. The HE and TA were performed concurrently on the website prototype. The HE resulted in 29 unique usability issues; the end-users performing the TA encountered eleven unique problems. Four issues specifically revealed by HE concerned cosmetic design flaws, whereas two problems revealed by TA were related to website content. Based on the subset of the WDMHC framework we were able to deliver a website that closely matched the expectancy of the end-users and resulted in relatively few usability problems during end-user testing. With the successful application of this subset of the WDMHC, we provide developers with a clear and easily applicable framework for the development of healthcare websites with high usability aimed at specific medical populations.

  9. The determinants of conversion rates in SME e-commerce websites


    Di Fatta, D.; Patton, Dean; Viglia, G.


    © 2017 Web retailers invest significant resources to improve the proportion of website visitors that make a purchase, also known as the conversion rate. Improving this rate is particularly important to SMEs that have traditionally lagged behind larger firms as they have found it difficult to justify the significant investment involved in website development against the historical low returns associated with an online sales channel. Identifying methods that increase conversion rates reduces th...

  10. Komparasi Destination Branding dalam Official Website Negara Singapura-Malaysia-Indonesia


    Ryan Pratama Sutanto; Listia Natadjaja; Erandaru .


    High profit income has attracted South Asian countries to compete in the fields of tourism marketing. Destination branding as a differentiating factor is an alternative approach in marketing communication. The purpose of this research is to make a comparison study of destination branding application in Singapore's, Malaysia's and Indonesia's tourism official websites. Destination branding in websites as part of promotion campaigns is a strategy used by each country to promote tourism to consu...

  11. Medida de espessura de filmes finos com interferometro de haidinger


    Elisabeth Andreoli de Oliveira


    Resumo: Apresentamos um método não destrutivo para medida de espessura de filmes finos transparentes depositados em substratos transparentes, usando um interferômetro de Haidinger. A partir das frações de interferência, medidas para vários comprimentos de onda, e do índice de refração para um único comprimento de onda, determinamos a espessura do filme e sua dispersão cromática, através de um procedimento analítico-numérico Abstract: We introduce a non-destructive method for the thickness ...

  12. Evaluation of internet websites marketing herbal weight-loss supplements to consumers. (United States)

    Jordan, Melanie A; Haywood, Tasha


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality and quantity of drug information available to consumers on Internet websites marketing herbal weight-loss dietary supplements in the United States. We conducted an Internet search using the search engines Yahoo and Google and the keywords "herbal weight loss." Website content was evaluated for the presence of active/inactive ingredient names and strengths and other Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling requirements. Information related to drug safety for the most common herbal ingredients in the products evaluated was compared against standard herbal drug information references. Thirty-two (32) websites were evaluated for labeling requirements and safety information. All sites listed an FDA disclaimer statement and most sites (84.4%) listed active ingredients, although few listed strengths or inactive ingredients. Based on the drug information for the most common ingredients found in the weight-loss dietary supplements evaluated, potential contraindications for cardiovascular conditions, pregnancy/nursing, and high blood pressure were listed most frequently (73%, 65.5%, and 37%, respectively), whereas few websites listed potential drug interactions or adverse reactions. Potential hazards posed by dietary supplements may not be accurately, if at all, represented on Internet websites selling these products. Since consumers may not approach their physicians or pharmacists for information regarding use of dietary supplements in weight loss, it becomes necessary for health care providers to actively engage their patients in open discussion regarding the use, benefits, and hazards of dietary supplements.

  13. From the Field and into the Classroom: Information Architecture Assessment and Website Usability Tests (United States)

    Clayton, Michael J.; Hettche, Matt


    Although it is difficult these days to find a company that does not have a website, you do not have to look very far for to find a website with significant design and architecture flaws. Getting a visitor to your website is one thing, making the experience effortless and allowing them to find exactly what they need is another story. That being…

  14. Palliative care content on cancer center websites. (United States)

    Vater, Laura B; Rebesco, Gina; Schenker, Yael; Torke, Alexia M; Gramelspacher, Gregory


    Professional guidelines recommend that palliative care begin early in advanced cancer management, yet integration of palliative and cancer care remains suboptimal. Cancer centers may miss opportunities to provide palliative care information online. In this study, we described the palliative care content on cancer center websites. We conducted a systematic content analysis of 62 National Cancer Institute- (NCI) designated cancer center websites. We assessed the content of center homepages and analyzed search results using the terms palliative care, supportive care, and hospice. For palliative and supportive care webpages, we assessed services offered and language used to describe care. Two researchers analyzed all websites using a standardized coding manual. Kappa values ranged from 0.78 to 1. NCI-designated cancer center homepages presented information about cancer-directed therapy (61%) more frequently than palliative care (5%). Ten percent of cancer centers had no webpage with palliative care information for patients. Among centers with information for patients, the majority (96%) defined palliative or supportive care, but 30% did not discuss delivery of palliative care alongside curative treatment, and 14% did not mention provision of care early in the disease process. Cancer center homepages rarely mention palliative care services. While the majority of centers have webpages with palliative care content, they sometimes omit information about early use of care. Improving accessibility of palliative care information and increasing emphasis on early provision of services may improve integration of palliative and cancer care.

  15. Design of a website for home modifications for older persons with dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kort, H.S.M.; Hoof, van J.


    BACKGROUND: At present, persons with dementia and their family caregivers in the Netherlands are not adequately supported to modify their dwellings to match their personal needs. OBJECTIVE: To facilitate aging-in-place for persons with dementia, a website was designed. METHODS: The website was

  16. Website design: technical, social and medical issues for self-reporting by elderly patients. (United States)

    Taylor, Mark J; Stables, Rod; Matata, Bashir; Lisboa, Paulo J G; Laws, Andy; Almond, Peter


    There is growing interest in the use of the Internet for interacting with patients, both in terms of healthcare information provision and information gathering. In this article, we examine the issues in designing healthcare websites for elderly users. In particular, this article uses a year-long case study of the development of a web-based system for self-reporting of symptoms and quality of life with a view to examine the issues relating to website design for elderly users. The issues identified included the technical, social and medical aspects of website design for elderly users. The web-based system developed was based on the European Quality of Life 5-Dimensions health-status questionnaire, a commonly used tool for patient self-reporting of quality of life, and the more specific coronary revascularisation outcome questionnaire. Currently, self-reporting is generally administered in the form of paper-based questionnaires to be completed in the outpatient clinic or at home. There are a variety of issues relating to elderly users, which imply that websites for elderly patients may involve different design considerations to other types of websites.

  17. Estabilidade do movimento rotacional de satélites artificiais


    Regina Elaine Santos Cabette


    Usando uma formulação canônica, neste trabalho é analisada a estabilidade do movimento de rotacional de um satélite artificial que considera perturbações devido ao torque de gradiente de gravidade. Aqui as variáveis de Andoyer são usadas para descrever o movimento de rotacional. Uma das aproximações que permitem a análise da estabilidade de sistemas hamiltonianos necessita da redução da hamiltoniana na forma normal. Primeiramente são encontrados pontos de equilíbrio e usando coordenadas gener...

  18. A Literature Review: Website Design and User Engagement. (United States)

    Garett, Renee; Chiu, Jason; Zhang, Ly; Young, Sean D


    Proper design has become a critical element needed to engage website and mobile application users. However, little research has been conducted to define the specific elements used in effective website and mobile application design. We attempt to review and consolidate research on effective design and to define a short list of elements frequently used in research. The design elements mentioned most frequently in the reviewed literature were navigation, graphical representation, organization, content utility, purpose, simplicity, and readability. We discuss how previous studies define and evaluate these seven elements. This review and the resulting short list of design elements may be used to help designers and researchers to operationalize best practices for facilitating and predicting user engagement.

  19. Consumer evaluation of 'Veggycation®', a website promoting the health benefits of vegetables. (United States)

    Rekhy, Reetica; Khan, Aila; van Ogtrop, Floris; McConchie, Robyn


    Issue addressed Whether the website Veggycation ® appeals to particular groups of consumers significantly more than other groups. Methods Australian adults aged ≥18 years (n = 1000) completed an online survey. The website evaluation instrument used was tested for validity and reliability. Associations between demographic variables and website evaluation dimensions of attractiveness, content, user-friendliness and loyalty intentions were examined using a general linear model (GLM). The appraisal of the website was further investigated based on the respondents' daily consumption level of vegetables and the importance they attach to vegetable consumption in their diet, using GLM and a Tukey's all-pair comparison. Results Veggycation ® has a high level of acceptance among the Australian community with certain groups evaluating the website more favourably. These include women, people aged≤29 years, higher income respondents, non-metro respondents and those who viewed vegetables as extremely important in their daily diet. Conclusions Customisation of the website for consumer groups with low vegetable consumption is recommended. Designing tailored communication tools will assist in enhancing the knowledge base of vegetable-related health benefits and may promote vegetable consumption among the Australian population. So what? The promotion of higher vegetable consumption is aided by tailored, well-designed web communication. This study adds to the existing body of knowledge for the education of organisations developing e-tools for promoting health education and literacy.

  20. Medical universities educational and research online services: benchmarking universities' website towards e-government. (United States)

    Farzandipour, Mehrdad; Meidani, Zahra


    Websites as one of the initial steps towards an e-government adoption do facilitate delivery of online and customer-oriented services. In this study we intended to investigate the role of the websites of medical universities in providing educational and research services following the E-government maturity model in the Iranian universities. This descriptive and cross- sectional study was conducted through content analysis and benchmarking the websites in 2012. The research population included the entire medical university website (37). Delivery of educational and research services through these university websites including information, interaction, transaction, and Integration were investigated using a checklist. The data were then analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and using SPSS software. Level of educational and research services by websites of the medical universities type I and II was evaluated medium as 1.99 and 1.89, respectively. All the universities gained a mean score of 1 out of 3 in terms of integration of educational and research services. Results of the study indicated that Iranian universities have passed information and interaction stages, but they have not made much progress in transaction and integration stages. Failure to adapt to e-government in Iranian medical universities in which limiting factors such as users' e-literacy, access to the internet and ICT infrastructure are not so crucial as in other organizations, suggest that e-government realization goes beyond technical challenges.

  1. "Click for Closer Care": A Content Analysis of Community Pharmacy Websites in Four Countries. (United States)

    Zwier, Sandra


    Combinations of professional and commercial communication are typically very controversial, particularly in health care communication on the Internet. Websites of licensed community pharmacies on the other hand tend to raise remarkably little controversy, although they typically contain controversial combinations of clinical and commercial services previously unprecedented in professional health care communication. The aim of this study was to fill the void of knowledge about the combination of clinical and commercial services presented on the websites of licensed community pharmacies. A content analysis of clinical and commercial services presented in a random sample of 200 licensed community pharmacy websites from Great Britain, the Netherlands, the Canadian provinces British Columbia and Manitoba, and the Australian states New South Wales and Western Australia was conducted. The top five specific services mentioned on the community pharmacy websites were cosmetic products (126/200, 63.0%), medication refill request options (124/200, 62.0%), over-the-counter medicine (115/200, 57.5%), complementary and alternative medicine (107/200, 53.5%), and home medical aids (98/200, 49.0%). On average, 72.5% (145/200) of the community pharmacy websites across the 4 countries included a combination of clinical and commercial services. A combination of clinical and commercial services was more often present on chain pharmacy websites (120/147, 82.8%) than single pharmacy websites (25/53, 47%; Ppharmacy websites, followed by the Australian, British, and Dutch pharmacy websites, respectively (Ppharmacies' homepages contained a combination of clinical and commercial images (107/200, 53.5%), and almost half of the homepage menus contained a combination of clinical and commercial items (99/200, 49.5%). The latter were, again, more common on chain pharmacy than single pharmacy websites (Ppharmacies in Great Britain, the Netherlands, Canada, and Australia combine clinical services

  2. Characteristics of international websites with information on developmental disabilities. (United States)

    Reichow, Brian; Gelbar, Nicholas W; Mouradjian, Keri; Shefcyk, Allison; Smith, Isaac C


    The Internet often serves as a primary resource for individuals seeking health-related information, and a large and growing number of websites contain information related to developmental disabilities. This paper presents the results of an international evaluation of the characteristics and content of the top 10 ranked results (i.e., not including sponsored results - pay-per-click) returned when one of five terms related to developmental disabilities (i.e., ADHD, autism, down syndrome, learning disability, intellectual disability) was entered into one of six country specific Google online search engines (i.e., Australia (, Canada (, Ireland (, New Zealand (, the United Kingdom (, and the United States ( on October 22, 2013. Collectively, we found that international consumers of websites related to developmental disabilities will encounter different websites with differing content and terminology, and should be critical consumers to ensure they locate the information they are seeking. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dr. Nazik E. M. Mustafa


    Sep 5, 2011 ... 2. Khartoum State Ministry of Health, P.O. Box 303 Khartoum, Sudan ... Um-Jingir is a fermented indigenous Sudanese food product made mainly from ... street vended Um-Jingir might have negative effects on public health. Therefore ..... McLauchlin J, Little C and BC Hobbs Hobbs' food poisoning and food.

  4. Qualitative website analysis of information on birth after caesarean section. (United States)

    Peddie, Valerie L; Whitelaw, Natalie; Cumming, Grant P; Bhattacharya, Siladitya; Black, Mairead


    The United Kingdom (UK) caesarean section (CS) rate is largely determined by reluctance to augment trial of labour and vaginal birth. Choice between repeat CS and attempting vaginal birth after CS (VBAC) in the next pregnancy is challenging, with neither offering clear safety advantages. Women may access online information during the decision-making process. Such information is known to vary in its support for either mode of birth when assessed quantitatively. Therefore, we sought to explore qualitatively, the content and presentation of web-based health care information on birth after caesarean section (CS) in order to identify the dominant messages being conveyed. The search engine Google™ was used to conduct an internet search using terms relating to birth after CS. The ten most frequently returned websites meeting relevant purposive sampling criteria were analysed. Sampling criteria were based upon funding source, authorship and intended audience. Images and written textual content together with presence of links to additional media or external web content were analysed using descriptive and thematic analyses respectively. Ten websites were analysed: five funded by Government bodies or professional membership; one via charitable donations, and four funded commercially. All sites compared the advantages and disadvantages of both repeat CS and VBAC. Commercially funded websites favoured a question and answer format alongside images, 'pop-ups', social media forum links and hyperlinks to third-party sites. The relationship between the parent sites and those being linked to may not be readily apparent to users, risking perception of endorsement of either VBAC or repeat CS whether intended or otherwise. Websites affiliated with Government or health services presented referenced clinical information in a factual manner with podcasts of real life experiences. Many imply greater support for VBAC than repeat CS although this was predominantly conveyed through subtle

  5. Toward standardization of slow earthquake catalog -Development of database website- (United States)

    Kano, M.; Aso, N.; Annoura, S.; Arai, R.; Ito, Y.; Kamaya, N.; Maury, J.; Nakamura, M.; Nishimura, T.; Obana, K.; Sugioka, H.; Takagi, R.; Takahashi, T.; Takeo, A.; Yamashita, Y.; Matsuzawa, T.; Ide, S.; Obara, K.


    Slow earthquakes have now been widely discovered in the world based on the recent development of geodetic and seismic observations. Many researchers detect a wide frequency range of slow earthquakes including low frequency tremors, low frequency earthquakes, very low frequency earthquakes and slow slip events by using various methods. Catalogs of the detected slow earthquakes are open to us in different formats by each referring paper or through a website (e.g., Wech 2010; Idehara et al. 2014). However, we need to download catalogs from different sources, to deal with unformatted catalogs and to understand the characteristics of different catalogs, which may be somewhat complex especially for those who are not familiar with slow earthquakes. In order to standardize slow earthquake catalogs and to make such a complicated work easier, Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Science of Slow Earthquakes" has been developing a slow earthquake catalog website. In the website, we can plot locations of various slow earthquakes via the Google Maps by compiling a variety of slow earthquake catalogs including slow slip events. This enables us to clearly visualize spatial relations among slow earthquakes at a glance and to compare the regional activities of slow earthquakes or the locations of different catalogs. In addition, we can download catalogs in the unified format and refer the information on each catalog on the single website. Such standardization will make it more convenient for users to utilize the previous achievements and to promote research on slow earthquakes, which eventually leads to collaborations with researchers in various fields and further understanding of the mechanisms, environmental conditions, and underlying physics of slow earthquakes. Furthermore, we expect that the website has a leading role in the international standardization of slow earthquake catalogs. We report the overview of the website and the progress of construction. Acknowledgment: This

  6. The websites adoption in the Spanish agrifood firms

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    López-Becerra, E.I.; Arcas-Lario, Francisco Alcon N.


    Currently, the use of websites in the firms of the Spanish agrifood sector has not become widespread despite the possible benefits to be derived from their adequate integration and management within the firms. Among these advantages, the increase in the quality of the services offered and the improvement in the relations with their stakeholders should be highlighted. In this context, the objective of the present work is to determine to what extent websites are used by firms in the agrifood sector of Spain, analysing the background which explains why they are adopted and the consequences of introducing them. To do so, a theoretical framework is posed which allows these factors to be identified, and an empirical study is carried out with Spanish agrifood firms. The results of the work indicate that the adoption of websites will be favoured when the directors of the firm are higher qualified, the firm is bigger in size, the firm’s function is distribution, and when the relative advantage and technology compatibility is perceived, among others. Technology adoption consequences analysis suggests that the benefits of adoption are related with improving the relationships with suppliers, customers, owning partners and, in general, the quality of the services offered by the firm.

  7. The websites adoption in the Spanish agrifood firms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    López-Becerra, E.I.; Arcas-Lario, Francisco Alcon N.


    Currently, the use of websites in the firms of the Spanish agrifood sector has not become widespread despite the possible benefits to be derived from their adequate integration and management within the firms. Among these advantages, the increase in the quality of the services offered and the improvement in the relations with their stakeholders should be highlighted. In this context, the objective of the present work is to determine to what extent websites are used by firms in the agrifood sector of Spain, analysing the background which explains why they are adopted and the consequences of introducing them. To do so, a theoretical framework is posed which allows these factors to be identified, and an empirical study is carried out with Spanish agrifood firms. The results of the work indicate that the adoption of websites will be favoured when the directors of the firm are higher qualified, the firm is bigger in size, the firm’s function is distribution, and when the relative advantage and technology compatibility is perceived, among others. Technology adoption consequences analysis suggests that the benefits of adoption are related with improving the relationships with suppliers, customers, owning partners and, in general, the quality of the services offered by the firm.

  8. Destination brands and website evaluation: a research methodology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J Fernández-Cavia


    Full Text Available Introduction:The World Wide Web has become the primary instrument used by tourists in order to search for information. As a result, tourism websites pertaining to destinations need to be appealing and must convey their brand image in an appropriate, effective manner. However, there is no methodology in place to assess the quality and communicative effectiveness of destination websites that is scientifically sound and universally accepted. The development of such a methodology is one of the tasks we have proposed within the framework of the research project: “New strategies for advertising and promoting Spanish tourism brands online” (CSO2008-02627, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Method: The project team have developed an interdisciplinary, all-embracing analysis template combining certain automated analyses with other qualitative and quantitative ones. The template comprises a total of 12 subject areas and 154 indicators prepared on the basis of contributions from prominent experts in each of the fields of work. This article sets out the analysis methodology drawn up and possible applications are given. Results: The primary aim of the project is to provide an assessment methodology that would make it possible to optimise destination brand websites, thus providing a tool to support the work of public tourism destination managers.

  9. Searching for suicide-related information on Chinese websites. (United States)

    Chen, Ying-Yeh; Hung, Galen Chin-Lun; Cheng, Qijin; Tsai, Chi-Wei; Wu, Kevin Chien-Chang


    Growing concerns about cyber-suicide have prompted many studies on suicide information available on the web. However, very few studies have considered non-English websites. We aimed to analyze online suicide-related information accessed through Chinese-language websites. We used Taiwan's two most popular search engines (Google and Yahoo) to explore the results returned from six suicide-related search terms in March 2016. The first three pages listing the results from each search were analyzed and rated based on the attitude towards suicide (pro-suicide, anti-suicide, neutral/mixed, not a suicide site, or error). Comparisons across different search terms were also performed. In all, 375 linked webpages were included; 16.3% of the webpages were pro-suicide and 41.3% were anti-suicide. The majority of the pro-suicide sites were user-generated webpages (96.7%). Searches using the keywords 'ways to kill yourself' (31.7%) and 'painless suicide' (28.3%) generated much larger numbers of harmful webpages than the term 'suicide' (4.3%). We conclude that collaborative efforts with internet service providers and search engines to improve the ranking of anti-suicide webpages and websites and implement online suicide reporting guidelines are highly encouraged. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Modelo de Gerenciamento de Suporte e Entrega de Serviços de Tecnologia da Informação: Estudo de Caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adilson Ricardo da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo do artigo é apresentar um modelo de gerenciamento de infraestrutura de Tecnologia da Informação (TI usando o ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library em conjunto com o OcoMon, software para Gerenciamento de TI. Realizou-se um estudo de caso a fim de analisar os benefícios de se aplicar essas práticas de gerenciamento de suporte de serviços.

  11. Design of a website for home modifications for older persons with dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dr. H.S.M. Kort; Joost van Hoof


    At present, persons with dementia and their family caregivers in the Netherlands are not adequately supported to modify their dwellings to match their personal needs.To facilitate aging-in-place for persons with dementia, a website was designed. The website was designed with persons with dementia

  12. Design of a website for home modifications for older persons with dementia

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    J. van Hoof; Dr. H.S.M. Kort


    At present, persons with dementia and their family caregivers in the Netherlands are not adequately supported to modify their dwellings to match their personal needs. To facilitate aging-in-place for persons with dementia, a website was designed. The website was designed with persons with dementia

  13. Penerimaan Masyarakat terhadap Website


    Ningrum, Dyah Ary Setya; Rochmaniah, Ainur


    This study aimed to describe community reception of website This research used descriptive qualitative method with in-depth interview technique. The focus of this research discussed perception, thinking, preference, interpretation, ease of use, easy of finding information, design of page, web traffic and search in website of Complaint Service Center (P3M). Data analysis technique in this research used interactive analysis, with five informant. The research found that P3...

  14. An Exploratory Study on Small Business Website Creation and Usage


    Chuleeporn Changchit; Tim Klaus


    This study aims at exploring the factors related to the implementation of E-commerce websites by small business owners. While large organizations often consider E-commerce as a fundamental piece of their business strategy, small businesses place varying degrees of importance on E-commerce as a strategic tool to business success. Through a survey of small businesses, this study examines the creation and usage of E-commerce websites for small businesses. For companies with only a web presence, ...

  15. Evaluation of content and accessibility of hand fellowship websites. (United States)

    Silvestre, Jason; Guzman, Javier Z; Abbatematteo, Joseph M; Chang, Benjamin; Levin, L Scott


    Graduates of general, orthopedic, and plastic surgery residencies utilize web-based resources when applying for hand fellowship training. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accessibility and content of hand fellowship websites (HFWs). Websites of accredited hand surgery fellowships were eligible for study inclusion. HFWs were evaluated for comprehensiveness in the domains of education and recruitment. Website content was correlated with program characteristics via Fisher exact tests. Fifteen plastic, 65 orthopedic, and 1 general surgery hand fellowships were analyzed. Seventy-four hand fellowships maintained an HFW (91 %). HFWs were not found for 3 plastic and 4 orthopedic hand programs (20 versus 6 %, p = 0.118). HFWs provided only half of all analyzed content (54 %-education and 49 %-recruitment). Orthopedic programs had more education content than plastic surgery programs (55 versus 44 %, p = 0.030). Programs in the South had more education content than programs in the Northeast (63 versus 47 %, p = 0.001), but not more than programs in the West (54 %) or Midwest (55 %). Larger programs with more fellows had greater education content than those with only one fellow (57 versus 49 %, p = 0.042). Programs affiliated with top-ranked medical schools had less education content than lower-ranked schools (48 versus 56 %, p = 0.045). No differences existed in recruitment content between programs. Most hand surgery fellowships lack readily accessible and comprehensive websites. The paucity of online content suggests HFWs are underutilized as educational resources and future opportunity may exist to optimize these tools.

  16. A content analysis of electronic cigarette manufacturer websites in China. (United States)

    Yao, Tingting; Jiang, Nan; Grana, Rachel; Ling, Pamela M; Glantz, Stanton A


    The goal of this study was to summarise the websites of electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) manufacturers in China and describe how they market their products. From March to April 2013, we used two search keywords 'electronic cigarette' (Dian Zi Xiang Yan in Chinese) and 'manufacturer' (Sheng Chan Chang Jia in Chinese) to search e-cigarette manufacturers in China on Alibaba, an internet-based e-commerce business that covers business-to-business online marketplaces, retail and payment platforms, shopping search engine and data-centric cloud computing services. A total of 18 websites of 12 e-cigarette manufacturers in China were analysed by using a coding guide which includes 14 marketing claims. Health-related benefits were claimed most frequently (89%), followed by the claims of no secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure (78%), and utility for smoking cessation (67%). A wide variety of flavours, celebrity endorsements and e-cigarettes specifically for women were presented. None of the websites had any age restriction on access, references to government regulation or lawsuits. Instruction on how to use e-cigarettes was on 17% of the websites. Better regulation of e-cigarette marketing messages on manufacturers' websites is needed in China. The frequent claims of health benefits, smoking cessation, strategies appealing to youth and women are concerning, especially targeting women. Regulators should prohibit marketing claims of health benefits, no SHS exposure and value for smoking cessation in China until health-related, quality and safety issues have been adequately addressed. To avoid e-cigarette use for initiation to nicotine addiction, messages targeting youth and women should be prohibited. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  17. Comparative Analysis of Official Tourist Destination Websites

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mariela Tapia León


    Full Text Available El gobierno ecuatoriano ha apostado por el turismo para dinamizar la economía del país. Aunque muchos factores confluyen para lograr que Ecuador se convierta en potencia turística, uno de los pilares para lograrlo consiste en la promoción para generar demanda. El uso de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC y en particular los sitios web toman relevancia como estrategias comunicacionales para mejorar la promoción de un destino turístico. Entre las funciones que desempeñan los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados (GAD municipales se encuentran regular, controlar y promover el desarrollo de la actividad turística cantonal. La mayoría de los GAD municipales poseen su sitio web en donde muestran información de turismo, pero muy pocos son los que poseen un sitio web exclusivo para publicar la información turística. Además, como se muestra en este trabajo, la información turística que se proporciona es muy baja. El método que se empleó en esta investigación fue el análisis de contenido mediante un análisis sistemático, objetivo y cuantitativo. El estudio se realizó mediante una observación directa de los sitios web de los GAD municipales del Ecuador y a sus similares en Colombia y España. Los resultados mostraron que la gran mayoría de los GAD municipales poseen sitios web de sus alcaldías, pero muy pocos son los sitios web que están haciendo un uso apropiado de los servicios que una web exclusiva destinada al turismo podría ofrecer.  Ecuador debe trabajar más en mejorar su promoción de turismo en la Web si realmente desea convertirse en una potencia turística como plantea el gobierno ecuatoriano.  Abstract The Ecuadorian government has opted for tourism to boost the economy of the country. Although many factors converge to make Ecuador a tourist power, one of the pillars to achieve this is the promotion to generate demand. The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT, and the websites

  18. Comparison of online marketing techniques on food and beverage companies' websites in six countries. (United States)

    Bragg, Marie A; Eby, Margaret; Arshonsky, Josh; Bragg, Alex; Ogedegbe, Gbenga


    Food and beverage marketing contributes to poor dietary choices among adults and children. As consumers spend more time on the Internet, food and beverage companies have increased their online marketing efforts. Studies have shown food companies' online promotions use a variety of marketing techniques to promote mostly energy-dense, nutrient-poor products, but no studies have compared the online marketing techniques and nutritional quality of products promoted on food companies' international websites. For this descriptive study, we developed a qualitative codebook to catalogue the marketing themes used on 18 international corporate websites associated with the world's three largest fast food and beverage companies (i.e. Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken). Nutritional quality of foods featured on those websites was evaluated based on quantitative Nutrient Profile Index scores and food category (e.g. fried, fresh). Beverages were sorted into categories based on added sugar content. We report descriptive statistics to compare the marketing techniques and nutritional quality of products featured on the company websites for the food and beverage company websites in two high-income countries (HICs), Germany and the United States, two upper-middle-income countries (UMICs), China and Mexico, and two lower-middle-income countries (LMICs), India and the Philippines. Of the 406 screenshots captured from company websites, 67·8% depicted a food or beverage product. HICs' websites promoted diet food or beverage products/healthier alternatives (e.g. baked chicken sandwich) significantly more often on their pages (25%), compared to LMICs (14·5%). Coca-Cola featured diet products significantly more frequently on HIC websites compared to LMIC websites. Charities were featured more often on webpages in LMICs (15·4%) compared to UMICs (2·6%) and HICs (2·3%). This study demonstrates that companies showcase healthier products in wealthier countries and advertise

  19. Síntesis de oxitocina en fase sólida usando derivados de terbutoxicarbonilo y fluorenilmetoxicarbonilo


    Calvo, Julio C; Barrera, Nubia F.; García, Josué A.; Guzman, Fanny; Espejo, Fabiola; Patarroyo, Manuel E.


    La oxitocina, péptido cíclico cuya secuencia es CYIQNCPLG, fué el primer péptido de importancia biológica que pudo ser sintetizado. En este trabajo se compara la síntesis de la oxitocina usando resina p metilbenzhidrilamina (MBHA) para la síntesis por estrategia t-Boc y resina Rink p-metilbenzhidrilamina (Rink MBHA) para la síntesis por estrategia Fmoc, con altos rendimientos. El péptido crudo se ciclizó en una disolución acuosa de dimetilsulfóxido al 10%. La caracterización se llevó a cabo p...

  20. Polluted online information? Surfing Italian websites dealing with the topic of waste and health

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Orizio, G; Gelatti, U; Locatelli, M K; Caimi, L


    In the field of health communication, a particularly critical issue is communication to the public of environmental risks, especially on topics for which there is still a high degree of scientific uncertainty regarding risk estimates. One such topic is undoubtedly the impact of waste on people's health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence and characteristics of Italian websites dealing with the topic of waste and health. The keywords 'waste' and 'health' were entered in 2010 in the three most commonly used search engines, and the first five pages were analysed. The selected websites were coded according to the content analysis method. For websites of interest we evaluated the 'page rank'. Out of the 150 occurrences analysed, the number of websites found to deal with this subject was only 19, four of which were of an institutional nature. The majority of websites gave a message of increased health risk associated with the three kinds of waste disposal tackled. As regards visibility, only one of the four institutional websites maintained its position on the first page of the three search engines. We found that institutional health websites have low visibility, despite extensive media coverage of waste and health issues in Italy as a result of the Naples case, which was debated globally. This indicates that public health institutions' web strategies are basically unable to meet people's health information requirements, which could strengthen rival health information providers.