
Sample records for usa-s elu mngu

  1. Julma USA sõdurit ootab elu vanglas / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    USA sõjavägi hakkab mõistma kohut veebel Calvin Gibbsi üle, keda peetakse afgaani tsiviilisikuid tapnud ja ohvrite laipu rüvetanud jõugu eestvedajaks. Calvin Gibbs eitab kõiki talle esitatud süüdistusi

  2. Raadioteatril elu sees. Elu sees? / Mart Aas, Tõnis Leemets ; interv. Kutt Kommel

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aas, Mart


    Eesti Raadio raadioteatri 78. sünnipäeval esietendus Vikerraadios dokumentaalkuuldemäng "Elu sees" Aleksander Alleni (hilisema nimega Aleksander Aas) mälestuste põhjal. Theatrumi lavastuse on raadiole seadnud Mart Aas, Marius Peterson, Toomas Lõhmuste ja Tõnis Leemets

  3. Elu maal / Igor Gräzin

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gräzin, Igor, 1952-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje 6. dets. lk. 2, Võrumaa Teataja, Vooremaa 7. dets. lk. 2, Hiiu Leht 8. dets. lk. 2, Lääne Elu, Koit, Elva Postipoiss 9. dets. lk. 2,6,4, Meie Maa 13. dets. lk. 2, Sakala 22. dets. lk. 2. Autori sõnul jätkab Euroopa Liidu maaelupoliitika rahvusvastaseid traditsioone

  4. USA suursaadik : Eesti peaks meedia tähelepanu ära kasutama / Stanley Davis Phillips ; interv. Holger Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Phillips, Stanley Davis


    USA suursaadik räägib Tõnismäe pronkssõdurist, viisavabaduse võimalikkusest Eesti ja USA vahel, suursaadiku plaanidest Eestis, president Toomas Hendrik Ilvese eelseisvast kohtumisest USA presidendi George W. Bushiga, USA ja Venemaa suhetest, Iraagi sõjast ning kommenteerib ühe USA presidendikandidaadi Pat Buchanani väidet, et USA jaoks oleks absurdne astuda sõtta näiteks Venemaaga, et kaitsta Eestit. Suursaadik soovitab Eestil aktiivselt ära kasutada Venemaa-poolsete küberrünnakutega kaasnenud meediakajastust. Ilmunud ka: Vaba Eesti Sõna 7. juuni 2007, lk. 10; ingl. k. Eesti Elu 8. juuni 2007, lk. 8-9, pealk.: U.S Ambassador: Estonia should take advantage of media attention

  5. Elu pole seal, kus on kool, vaid kool on seal, kus on elu / Toomas Reinpõld

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinpõld, Toomas, 1960-


    Tänapäeval hoiab elu maal vaid töökohtade olemasolu ja normaalset toimetulekut võimaldav sissetulek. Lapsed tulevad maale tagasi siis, kui sinna asuksid elama noored inimesed. Maakoolide sulgemisest

  6. Kellele kuulub inimese elu? / Daniele Monticelli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Monticelli, Daniele, 1970-


    Eutanaasiaga seotud probleemide tuumikust - kellele kuulub inimelu, kellel on õigus otsustada inimese elu ja surma üle, kuidas hinnata enesetappu ning kuidas nüüdisaegse meditsiini areng neid küsimusi mõjutab. Teemat on vaadeldud mitte niivõrd (bio)eetilise, kuivõrd (bio)poliitilise probleemina

  7. Kas siin oleks elu kerge? / Elise Florenty

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Florenty, Elise


    Mari Laanemetsa kureeritud näitusest "Siin oleks elu kerge" ("Hier wäre das Leben leicht") Berliini Art Laboratory's. Osalesid Kadi Estland, Anton Koovit, Tere Recarens, Sirje Runge, Florian Wüst, Killu Sukmit, Mari Laanemets

  8. Elu algab teispool naudinguprintsiipi / Anita Vanaga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vanaga, Anita


    Läti kunstniku Ilmars Blumbergsi näitus "Vihma tibutab, vihma tibutab! Vihma tibutab! Ostke mõni pilt, ostke mõni pilt! Ostke mõni pilt! Voldemars Irbe elu, töö ja surm" Tallinna Kunstihoone Galeriis 31. maini. Näitus on avatud rahvusvahelise joonistustriennaali "Manu propria" raames

  9. Elu kui muinasjutt / Andrus Villem

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Villem, Andrus


    Ilmunud ka: Sakala, 20. okt. 2004, lk. 2; Pärnu Postimees, 20. okt. 2004, lk. 15; Järva Teataja, 21. okt. 2004, lk. 2; Nädaline, 21. okt. 2004, lk. 4; Koit, 21. okt. 2004, lk. 6; Hiiu Leht, 22. okt. 2004, lk. 2; Lääne Elu, 26. okt. 2004, lk. 2; Virumaa Teataja, 2. nov. 2004, lk. 7. Autor käsitleb mõistujutuna erakondade omavahelisi suhteid

  10. Madalmaade elu ja melu Tallinna kunstipubliku ees / Ants Juske

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Juske, Ants, 1956-2016


    Näitus "Elu melu. Madalmaade kuldajastu maalikunst" Kadrioru kunstimuuseumis 30. augustini 2009, kuraatorid Greta Koppel ja Minerva Keltanen. Eksponeeritakse Kadrioru kunstimuuseumi ja Sinebrychoffi kunstimuuseumi (Soome) kogudesse kuuluvaid teoseid

  11. Film ja festival - ilusam kui elu / Andres Maimik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimik, Andres, 1970-


    Tallinna I Rahvusvahelisel Filmifestivalil mängufilmid "Õnnelikult koos" ("Happy Together"), režissöör Wong Kar-Wai : Hongkong 1997 ja "Elu on ilus" ("La vita e bella"), režissöör Roberto Benigni : Itaalia 1997

  12. "Klass : elu pärast" võitis peaauhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Genfis toimunud rahvusvahelisel festivalil Cinema Tous Ecrans sai telesarjade võistlusprogrammis peaauhinna ETV sari "Klass : elu pärast", produtsent Gerda Kordemets, stsenarist Margit Keerdo, režissöörid Ilmar Raag, Gerda Kordemets, Liina Paakspuu, Priit Valkna ja Marek Miil

  13. Elu, lugu ja uurimine : metoodilisi vaatepunkte lähiminevikust jutustavate lugude uurimises / Tiiu Jaago

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaago, Tiiu, 1960-


    Tutvustus: Eda Kalmre. Hirm ja võõraviha sõjajärgses Tartus : pärimuslooline uurimus kannibalistlikest kuulujuttudest. Tartu : Eesti Kirjandusmuuseumi Teaduskirjastus, 2007. (Tänapäeva folkloorist ; 7) ; Ene Kõresaar. Elu ideoloogiad : kollektiivne mälu ja autobiograafiline minevikutõlgendus eestlaste elulugudes. Tartu : Eesti Rahva Muuseum, 2005. (Eesti Rahva Muuseumi sari ; 6)

  14. Tšarterkool USA-s / Johannes Kiersch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiersch, Johannes


    24.-27. mainì 01 toimub Tallinnas EFFE 2001 (European Forum of Freedom in Education) konverents "Haridus tänases kodanikuühiskonnas." Konverentsil esineb ka Witteni Waldorf-pedagoogika Instituudi õppejõud Johannes Kiersch. Lähemalt tema artiklist USA-s populaarsust võitvate tsharterkoolide kohta, mis on riigi- ja erakooli vahevorm

  15. President Bush : langenud nõuavad, et me jätkame võitlust! / Tõnis Erilaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erilaid, Tõnis, 1943-


    Salt Lake Citys USA sõjaveteranidele peetud kõnes ütles USA president George W. Bush, et tuleb jõuda eesmärgile, mille eest USA sõdurid oma elu andsid. Samas toimus sõjavastaste demonstratsioon

  16. Demokraatia mitu elu / Karin Dean, Märt Läänemets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Dean, Karin


    Demokraatiast ühiskonnas Aasia ja Ida-Euroopa riikide näitel. Tallinna Ülikooli Eesti Humanitaarinstituudi korraldatud rahvusvahelisest konverentsist "Demokraatia mitu elu: Euroopast Aasia ja Vaikse ookeani regioonini"

  17. Kuidas parandada elu Eestis - 1943. a. variant / Sirje Annist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Annist, Sirje


    Artikkel on jätkuks ajakirjas Kultuur ja Elu (1994, nr. 1-2) ilmunud lühitutvustusele "Kahtlaste leitud paberite lugu proloogi ja epiloogiga. Saksa okupatsiooni aegne autonoomiakava". Lisa: Raport poliitilisest kriisist ning selle tagajärgedest Eestis. Lk. 78-88

  18. USA-Balti harta 10. aastapäev / Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Valdis Zatlers, Valdas Adamkus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 1953-


    Ingl. k. ilmunud: Eesti Elu 18. jaan. 2008, lk. 11, pealk.: Joint statement of the Presidents of the Baltic States; Vaba Eesti Sõna 24. jaan. 2008, lk. 12 ja 27. märts 2008, lk. 12, pealk.: Joint statement 10th anniversary of the U.S.-Baltic Charter. 1998. aasta 16. jaanuaril Valges Majas toimunud tseremoonial allkirjastasid Ameerika Ühendriikide, Leedu, Läti ja Eesti presidendid USA-Balti partnerlusharta. Eesti president Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Läti president Valdis Zatlers ja Leedu president Valdas Adamkus meenutavad oma avalduses seda dokumenti ajaloolise poliitilise teetähisena riikide suhetes

  19. Skuteczność ketoprofenu stosowanego miejscowo w postaci żelu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Brygida Kwiatkowska


    Full Text Available Niesteroidowe leki przeciwzapalne są bardzo często stosowane w leczeniu bólu ostrego i przewlekłego. Wśród chorób, w których znajdują zastosowanie, wymienia się między innymi choroby reumatyczne, a szczególnie chorobę zwyrodnieniową, która jest trzecią co do częstości chorobą przewlekłą występującą w populacji ogólnej. Przy wyborze niesteroidowych leków przeciwzapalnych należy brać pod uwagę wiele czynników, takich jak wiek pacjenta, rodzaj choroby, rodzaj bólu (ostry, przewlekły, występowanie schorzeń współistnie‑ jących oraz leki przyjmowane przez chorego. Częstość choroby zwyrodnieniowej wzrasta z wiekiem – wystę‑ puje ona u około 50–60% osób >75. roku życia. W tej grupie wiekowej często występują również inne scho‑ rzenia i przyjmowane są leki, które w istotny sposób mogą ograniczać lub uniemożliwiać stosowanie ogólne niesteroidowych leków przeciwzapalnych. U takich chorych zalecane są przede wszystkim – w pierwszej linii – niesteroidowe leki przeciwzapalne podawane miejscowo. Ketoprofen w żelu cechuje największa siła działania przeciwbólowego i przeciwzapalnego oraz duży profil bezpieczeństwa. Ponieważ stężenie tego leku w postaci żelu w skórze, chrząstce stawowej i łąkotce jest duże, a w surowicy krwi małe, ketoprofen jest również zalecany w bólach urazowych.

  20. Õpetajate elu ja töö uurimine / Ivor F. Goodson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Goodson, Ivor F.


    Ülevaade viimase poolsajandi jooksul toimunud muutustest inglise keelt kõnelevate maade õpetajauurimises, ning erinevatest uurimuslikest käsitlustest ja meetoditest õpetaja elu ja töö analüüsimiseks

  1. Elu kui näitemäng / Helju Koger

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koger, Helju, 1943-


    VI kihelkonnapäevadest Juurus. Juuru Mihkli kirikus esines ansambel Resonabilis. Konverentsil räägiti Järlepa mõisast, Anu Allikvee pidas ettekande "August von Kotzebue elu nagu näitemäng" jm. Näitemängu "Pärmi Jaagu unenägu" nägi kohalike asjaarmastajate esituses

  2. "Klass : elu pärast" võitis rahvusvahelisel festivalil peaauhinna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Genfis toimunud rahvusvahelisel festivalil Cinema Tous Ecrans sai telesarjade võistlusprogrammis peaauhinna ETV sari "Klass : elu pärast", produtsent Gerda Kordemets, stsenarist Margit Keerdo, režissöörid Ilmar Raag, Gerda Kordemets, Liina Paakspuu, Priit Valkna ja Marek Miil

  3. Elu läheb kallimaks, mitte paremaks / Tarmo Mänd

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mänd, Tarmo, 1950-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, 16. juuni 2007, lk. 2; Nädaline, 19. juuni 2007, lk. 2; Hiiu Leht, 19. juuni 2007, lk. 2; Vooremaa, 19. juuni 2007, lk. 2; Meie Maa, 19. juuni 2007, lk. 2; Lääne Elu, 26. juuni 2007, lk. 2; Oma Saar, 26. juuni 2007, lk. 5; Valgamaalane, 26. juuni 2007, lk. 2; Koit, 7. juuli 2007, lk. 6; Pärnu Postimees, 13. juuli 2007, lk. 15. Autori sõnul kergitab kavandatav maksureform kõikide tooterühmade hindu. Eestimaa Rahvaliit on seisukohal, et senisest rohkem raha tuleks suunata sisejulgeoleku kindlustamiseks, hariduse ja tervishoiu arendamiseks, pensionide tõstmiseks, kohaliku omavalitsuse tulubaasi suurendamiseks

  4. The Ease of Language Understanding (ELU model: theoretical, empirical, and clinical advances

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jerker eRönnberg


    Full Text Available Working memory is important for online language processing during conversation. We use it to maintain relevant information, to inhibit or ignore irrelevant information, and to attend to conversation selectively. Working memory helps us to keep track of and actively participate in conversation, including taking turns and following the gist. This paper examines the Ease of Language Understanding model (i.e., the ELU model, Rönnberg, 2003; Rönnberg et al., 2008 in light of new behavioral and neural findings concerning the role of working memory capacity (WMC in uni-modal and bimodal language processing. The new ELU model is a meaning prediction system that depends on phonological and semantic interactions in rapid implicit and slower explicit processing mechanisms that both depend on WMC albeit in different ways. A revised ELU model is proposed based on findings that address the relationship between WMC and (a early attention processes in listening to speech, (b signal processing in hearing aids and its effects on short-term memory, (c inhibition of speech maskers and its effect on episodic long-term memory, (d the effects of hearing impairment on episodic and semantic long-term memory, and finally, (e listening effort. New predictions and clinical implications are outlined. Comparisons with other WMC and speech perception models are made.

  5. Briti tantsufilm küsib, mis on elu hind / Tiit Tuumalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tuumalu, Tiit, 1971-


    Tantsufilm "Elu hind" ("The Cost of Living") : lavastaja ja koreograaf Lloyd Newson : peaosades jalutu tantsija David Toole ja Eddie Kay : Suurbritannia 2004. Filmi aluseks on Londoni tantsuteatri DV 8 Physical Theatre' 2000.a. valminud lavastus

  6. Seadusemuudatused, mis teevad elu paremaks / Ene Kaups

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaups, Ene, 1963-


    2008. aastal jõustuvatest seadusemuudatustest. Ilmunud ka Koit 7. veeb. 2008, lk. 6 ; Lääne Elu 7. veeb. 2008, lk. 2 ; Hiiu Leht 8. veeb. 2008, lk. 2 ; Järva Teataja 9. veeb. 2008, lk. 2 ; Türi Rahvaleht 8. veeb. 2008, lk. 4, pealkiri kujul: Seadusemuudatustest ; Meie Maa 15. veeb. 2008, lk. 2 ; Sakala 15. veeb. 2008, lk. 2, pealkiri kujul: Käesolev aasta toob hulga olulisi muudatusi ; Sõnumitooja 27. veeb. 2008, lk. 2 ; Valgamaalane 26. veeb. 2008, lk. 2

  7. Elu alguse kaitse läbi Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohtu lahendite : [magistritöö] / Ele-Liis Jõgi ; Tartu Ülikool, õigusteaduskond ; juhendaja: Ants Nõmper

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jõgi, Ele-Liis


    Elu alguse mõiste, loode kui inimolend, abordi mõiste, elu alguse kaitse kehtivas õiguses (rahvusvaheline regulatsioon, Euroopa võrrelduna teiste mandritega , Eesti, Prantsusmaa), Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohtu praktika

  8. LHV soovib USA-s kohtuvälist kokkulepet / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Kohtuväline kokkulepe LHV ja USA väärtpaberituru järelevalveasutuse SEC vahel tähendaks külmutatud väärtpaberikontode avamist, ent tõenäoliselt ka seda, et LHV peab maksma trahvi. Kohtuistungil USA-s esindavad LHV töötajaid Kristjan Lepikut ja Oliver Peeki advokaadid. Lisa: Teisedki on "sundpuhkusel"

  9. Pepeljajev eesti näitlejatega USA-s

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sasha Pepeljajevi tantsulavastust "Uksed" etendati USA rahvusvahelisel teatrifestivalil "Arts & Ideas". Vene-Eesti trupi Apparatus lavastus on pühendatud Daniil Harmsi 100. sünniaastapäevale ning põhineb tema töödel

  10. Elu on väärt riskideski / Juta Üts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Üts, Juta, 1934-


    Tallinna Noorte Naiste ja Noorte Meeste Kristlik Ühing aitab läbi projektide "Terve Eesti laps" ja "Elu on väärt ka riskides" õpetada astma- ja suhkruhaigetele lastele toimetulekut oma haigusega. Projekte tutvustavad Tallinna NNKÜ ja NMKÜ peasekretär Katrin Ohno, Tallinna Kesklinna Lastepolikliiniku päevastatsionaari töötaja Viive Sirge ning endokrinoloog dr. Riina Shor

  11. Lahingustress ajab USA sõdurid jooma / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke, 15. märts 2007, lk. 10. USA kaitseministeeriumi siseuurimuse kohaselt kasvas alkoholi kuritarvitamine tegevteenistuses olevate USA sõjaväelaste seas aastatel 2002-2005 enam kui 30%. Alkoholi ja uimastite tarvitamisest Iraagis ja Afganistanis teenivate USA sõdurite hulgas. Vt. samas: USA relvajõududes puhkes uus homoskandaal

  12. Tööelu Eesti üleminekuühiskonnas Saku Õlletehase kontoritöötajate näitel / Agnes Aljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Aljas, Agnes


    1990. aastatel Eestis toimunud süsteemsed ühiskondliku ja majanduskeskkonna muutused ning järgnev areng mõjutasid igaühe argielu, sealhulgas tööelu. Artikkel põhineb Turu Ülikoolis kaitstud magistritööl, mis käsitleb Saku õlletööstuse kontoritöötajate töömaailmas aastatel 1990-2000 toimunud muutusi

  13. Presidendi sõnavõistlusele laekus 2030 sõna

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese algatatud sõnaloomevõistluse tulemustest. Ilmunud ka: Eesti Päevaleht 6. okt. 2010, lk. 6, pealk.: Sõnausel osales tuhandeid inimesi; Virumaa Teataja 6. okt. 2010, lk. 3, pealk.: President Ilvese sõnaus oli menukas; Põhjarannik 6. okt. 2010, lk. 7; Lääne Elu 7. okt. 2010, lk. 2; Vaba Eesti Sõna 7. okt. 2010, lk. 3, pealk.: Presidendi sõnavõistlusele laekus üle 2000 sõna; Meie Maa 7. okt. 2010, lk. 3, pealk.: Presidendi sõnavõistlusel lõi kaasa 11 saarlast; Eesti Elu 8. okt. 2010, lk. 7, pealk.: Sõnavõistlusele laekus 2030 sõna

  14. Reklaam kujundab inimeste elu / Anu Toots

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Toots, Anu, 1959-


    Poliitilisest reklaamist Eestis teiste Euroopa riikide ja USA taustal. Poliitilise reklaami olemusest ja arengust Eestis. Diagrammid: parlamendivalimiste kampaaniakulutused SBR-s 1983-1997; Briti parlamendivalimiste kulude struktuur 1997; Eesti suuremate erakondade kogukulu ühele mandaadile Riigikogu valimistel 1999

  15. Juhtide õpitud abitus süveneb / Teeli Remmelg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Remmelg, Teeli


    Ilmunud ka: Delovõje Vedomosti 14. juuni lk. 10. Eesti juhtide seas läbi viidud stressiuuring näitas, et kümne aastaga on juhtidel õpitud abitus pigem suurenenud kui taandunud. Vt. samas: Mare Teichmann. Ida-Euroopas kontrollivad juhid oma elu vähem kui Lääne-Euroopas ja USAs; Välise kontrollikeskmega juhid on eluga vähem rahul

  16. Saladusi mäletavad pildid : järelvaade Eric Soovere fotograafilisele dokumentalistikale / Peeter Linnap

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Linnap, Peeter, 1960-


    Ameerikas elanud eesti fotograafi Eric Soovere (sünd. Erich Soeson, 1916-2008) eluloolisi andmeid. Tema loomingust, mis jaguneb kolme perioodi: etnograafiline fotokooslus Lõuna-Eesti külaelanikest (1930ndate lõpp), Sooverede perekonna põgenemisteekond Eestist USA-sse (ca 1944-1949), perekonna elu Cincinnatis USA-s (1950ndad). Fotod eestlaste põgenemisteekonnast on avaldatud raamatus Eric Soovere. Käru ja kaameraga : pilte ja päevikulehti põgenemisteelt 1944-1949. Tallinn : Olion, 1999

  17. Tartu abiturientide elu võimalus: päev Ühendriikide sõjalaeva pardal / Mari-Liis Pintson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pintson, Mari-Liis


    USA suursaadik James D. Melville juunior tegi Tartu Kristjan Jaak Petersoni gümnaasiumi kooliperele üllatuse ja kutsus rühma abituriente sel nädalal Tallinnas viibiva Ameerika Ühendriikide sõjalaeva USS Hué City pardale.

  18. Ameerikat sõtta õhutanud Iraagi prominent kaotas USA soosingu / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Iraaklase Ahmed Chalabi tegevusest ja lubadustest USA Iraagi-vastase sõja alustamiseks. USA toetuse kahanemisest Chalabile ja süüdistustest, et ta andis salajast infot Iraanile USA vägede tegevuse kohta Iraagis

  19. S&P: meie kohus oli USA riigireitingut alandada / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Standard & Poor´s langetas USA reitingut tasemelt AAA tasemeni AA+. Agentuuri esindaja sõnul oli reitingu alandamine nende kohustus, sest nende arvates oli USA senine reiting liiga kõrge. Hiina nõuab, et USA hakkaks oma võlaprobleemiga tegelema. AAA reiting on nüüd vaid 15 riigil või territooriumil maailmas

  20. Happening'id ja disain - visioon kunsti ja elu terviklikkusest / Mari Laanemets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laanemets, Mari, 1975-


    Analüüsitakse kunsti ja disaini vahelist suhet 1970. aastatel esile kerkinud uue kunstikäsitluse ja kunstilise tegevuse ümbermõtestamise kontekstis. Mõlemad pidid lepitama inimest reaalsusega - disain elukeskkonda ülendades, õilistades ja happening'id - elu formaalseid struktuure lõhkudes. Ka almanahhi "Kunst ja Kodu" erilisest positsioonist lääne kaasaegse kunsti ja disaini tuvustamisel (toimetajaks 1973. aastast Andres Tolts) ning rühmitusest SOUP 1969 ja nende ideoloogide - Ando Keskküla, Andres Toltsi ja Leonhard Lapini tegevusest ja mõjust

  1. "Vedes päi elo tulob..." = "Veest saab elu alguse..." : [luuletused] / Miikul Pahomov ; tlk. Jaan Õispuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pahomov, Miikul


    Sisu: "Vedes päi elo tulob..." = "Veest saab elu alguse..." ; "Ei skuup voi pajatada denguush..." = "Ei kooner rahast laulda või..." ; "Coma neicud lyydilaane..." = "Kaunis neiu, lüüdi neiu..." ; "Olizhbo purjeh..." = "Oleks puri mul..." ; "Mi om meiden lyhyd elo..." = "Mis on meie pisku elu..." ; "Sinizhed lindud..." = "Sinised linnud..." ; "Ole, kaivo, puhtaz..." = "Ole, allik, puhas..." ; "Pimedas..." = "Pimedas..." ; Ken miä olen? = Kes ma olen ; Lüüdiland = Lüüdiland ; "Sa kuna mäned, minun rahvaz..." = "Kuhu lähed sa, minu rahvas..." ; Minu kibu - minun mua = Minu valu on minu maa ; Lüüdikiel̀ = Lüüdi keel ; Dälgmäizhed = Viimased ; Kand da latv = Känd ja latv ; Kardàlaine külü = Karjala saun ; Petruskoi = Petruskoi ; "Tägä Suomen taivhan al..." = "Siinse soome taeva all..." ; Viiburin - Piiterin tiel = Viiburi - Piiteri teel

  2. Pennimagasinist kopikaajakirjaks: viiekümne puugravüüri mitu elu 1832-1876 / Moonika Teemus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Teemus, Moonika, 1979-


    Inglise pildiajakirja "The Penny Magazine" tekkelugu ja side Eesti lugejaskonnaga. Tartusse jõudnud pennimagasinide puugravüüride uus elu eestikeelse ajakirja "Ma-ilm ja mõnda, mis seal sees leida on" sisu ja kujunduse määramisel. Kirjastaja Heinrich Laakmanni hangitud puugravüüride juurde kirjutas tekstid Fr. R. Kreutzwald

  3. Iraagis on surma saanud juba 2000 USA sõjaväelast / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    USA-s suri 2000. sõjaväelane Iraagis saadud haavadesse. Kui USA juhitud välismaiste relvajõudude esindaja Bagdadis kutsus meediat seda arvu mitte üle tähtsustama, siis USA meedia seevastu pidas seda just oluliseks märgiks. Diagrammid: Iraagi sõja inimkaotused

  4. Tööelu kvaliteet ja töörolli innovatsioon tagavad äriettevõtte resultatiivsuse / Ilmo Liiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liiv, Ilmo


    Kasut. kirj. lk. 51. - Kokkuvõte ingl. k. lk. 52. Eestis on vaja alustada massiliselt empiirilisi uurimusi tööelu sotsiaalse kvaliteedi, töörolli innovatsiooni ja äriettevõtte innovatiivsuse taseme mõõtmiseks iga majandusharu igas äriettevõttes ja igal kutselalal

  5. Mitu elu on ühel majal? = How many lives does a building have? / Alari Allik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Allik, Alari


    Puidu korduskasutusest Jaapanis. Jaapani pühamute arhitektuurist, mis nõuab pidevat ümbertegemist. Säilinud arusaamast, et ehitusprojektide puhul on oluline mõelda läbi kõik etapid, kuna ühel hoonel võib olla mitu elu. Moodsatest majadest. Uuele elule ärganud tööstushoonetest Tallinnas. Tallinna Linnahallist, mis on läbi raskuste leidmas endale uusi funktsioone

  6. The U.S.A. and the energy safety in East Asia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Harmat, K.


    In the contribution under consideration the author reports on the impact of the United States of America (U.S.A.) in East Asia. The American policy in East Asia is based on two fundamental principles: providing, that no regional authority may provoke the position of the U.S.A., as well as protection of the access to regional markets for the American economy. The U.S.A. fulfill their protective function of their Asiatic partners by means of their maritime superiority with the pacific fleet. Strong-points and safety contracts with Japan and the Republic of Korea form the support of the presence of the U.S. American military. The According to energy security, the interests of the U.S.A. in East Asia are: (a) Secure supply of the national economies in East Asia; (b) Security of the maritime supply systems; (c) Stability and liberalization of the international oil markets; (d) Responsible handling of nuclear energy; (e) Environmental protection. Furthermore, the author describes the conflict potentials between the U.S.A. and the energy safety in East Asia as well as the long-term significance of the energy safety in East Asia

  7. Al-Zarqawi - terrorist või kangelane? / Kalev Kask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kask, Kalev


    Ilmunud ka: Meie Maa 29. juuni lk. 5. Jordaanias sündinud palestiinlane Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, õige nimega Ahmed Fadel al-Khalaylah, on rühmituse Jama'at al-Tawhid wal Jihad juht ja hetkel kuulsaim sõjapealik Iraagis, kes on pühendanud oma elu võitlusele USA vastu

  8. Imitation, Sign Language Skill and the Developmental Ease of Language Understanding (D-ELU) Model. (United States)

    Holmer, Emil; Heimann, Mikael; Rudner, Mary


    Imitation and language processing are closely connected. According to the Ease of Language Understanding (ELU) model (Rönnberg et al., 2013) pre-existing mental representation of lexical items facilitates language understanding. Thus, imitation of manual gestures is likely to be enhanced by experience of sign language. We tested this by eliciting imitation of manual gestures from deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH) signing and hearing non-signing children at a similar level of language and cognitive development. We predicted that the DHH signing children would be better at imitating gestures lexicalized in their own sign language (Swedish Sign Language, SSL) than unfamiliar British Sign Language (BSL) signs, and that both groups would be better at imitating lexical signs (SSL and BSL) than non-signs. We also predicted that the hearing non-signing children would perform worse than DHH signing children with all types of gestures the first time (T1) we elicited imitation, but that the performance gap between groups would be reduced when imitation was elicited a second time (T2). Finally, we predicted that imitation performance on both occasions would be associated with linguistic skills, especially in the manual modality. A split-plot repeated measures ANOVA demonstrated that DHH signers imitated manual gestures with greater precision than non-signing children when imitation was elicited the second but not the first time. Manual gestures were easier to imitate for both groups when they were lexicalized than when they were not; but there was no difference in performance between familiar and unfamiliar gestures. For both groups, language skills at T1 predicted imitation at T2. Specifically, for DHH children, word reading skills, comprehension and phonological awareness of sign language predicted imitation at T2. For the hearing participants, language comprehension predicted imitation at T2, even after the effects of working memory capacity and motor skills were taken into

  9. Imitation, sign language skill and the Developmental Ease of Language Understanding (D-ELU model

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emil eHolmer


    Full Text Available Imitation and language processing are closely connected. According to the Ease of Language Understanding (ELU model (Rönnberg et al., 2013 pre-existing mental representation of lexical items facilitates language understanding. Thus, imitation of manual gestures is likely to be enhanced by experience of sign language. We tested this by eliciting imitation of manual gestures from deaf and hard-of-hearing (DHH signing and hearing non-signing children at a similar level of language and cognitive development. We predicted that the DHH signing children would be better at imitating gestures lexicalized in their own sign language (Swedish Sign Language, SSL than unfamiliar British Sign Language (BSL signs, and that both groups would be better at imitating lexical signs (SSL and BSL than non-signs. We also predicted that the hearing non-signing children would perform worse than DHH signing children with all types of gestures the first time (T1 we elicited imitation, but that the performance gap between groups would be reduced when imitation was elicited a second time (T2. Finally, we predicted that imitation performance on both occasions would be associated with linguistic skills, especially in the manual modality. A split-plot repeated measures ANOVA demonstrated that DHH signers imitated manual gestures with greater precision than non-signing children when imitation was elicited the second but not the first time. Manual gestures were easier to imitate for both groups when they were lexicalized than when they were not; but there was no difference in performance between familiar and unfamiliar gestures. For both groups, language skills at the T1 predicted imitation at T2. Specifically, for DHH children, word reading skills, comprehension and phonological awareness of sign language predicted imitation at T2. For the hearing participants, language comprehension predicted imitation at T2, even after the effects of working memory capacity and motor skills

  10. Mramornaja Britni borjotsja s abortami

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ameerika skulptor Daniel Edwards astub abordi vastu sünnitava Britney Spearsi realistliku skulptuuriga "Monument elu poolt : Sean Prestoni sünd". Eksponeeritakse New Yorgis Capla Kestingi kunstigaleriis

  11. USA kindral ei soovita sõjalist kohalolekut Iraagis niipea vähendada / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    USA vägede juhataja Iraagis David Petraeus ja suursaadik Iraagis Ryan Cocker käsitlesid USA Esindajatekoja relvajõudude ja väliskomitee ühisistungil olukorda Iraagis ja USA sõjalist kohalolekut. Nad soovisid Kongressilt USA vägede säilitamist enam-vähem praegusel tasemel kuni 2008. aasta suveni

  12. USA terroriekspert süüdistab Bushi lootuste petmises / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA-s toimuvad erikomisjoni kuulamised 11. septembri 2001 terrorirünnakute asjus, kus tunnistusi andnud terrorivastast võitlust juhtinud Richard Clarke kinnitas, et president George W. Bushi valitsus ei pidanud terrorismivastast võitlust kõige tähtsamaks

  13. 75 FR 6397 - AMC USA, Inc. v. International First Service S.A. a/k/a IFS S.A, its Agents, Affiliated, Related... (United States)


    ... Service USA, Inc. a/k/a IFS USA, Inc. d/b/a Global Wine Logistics USA Inc. a/k/a GWL USA, Inc., and Global... Wine Logistics USA Inc. a/k/a GWL USA, Inc. (``GWL USA''); Anita McNeil; International First Service... FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION [Docket No. 10-01] AMC USA, Inc. v. International First Service S.A. a...

  14. Filters and templates: stonefly (Plecoptera) richness in Ouachita Mountains streams, U.S.A (United States)

    Andrew L. Sheldon; Melvin L. Warren


    1. We collected adult stoneflies periodically over a 1-year period at 38 sites in twoheadwater catchments in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, U.S.A. The 43 speciescollected were a subset of the Ozark-Ouachita fauna and the much larger fauna of theeastern U.S.A. We estimated 78–91% species coverage in...

  15. Eesti ja USA sõlmisid kokkuleppe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kaitseminister Margus Tsahkna ja Ameerika Ühendriikide suursaadik Eestis James Melville allkirjastasid Eesti ja USA kaitsekoostöö kokkuleppe, mis hakkab reguleerima Eestis viibivate USA relvajõudude liikmete, nende pereliikmete ja lepinglaste õiguslikku staatust

  16. Iraagi sõjas on USA sõduritele suurim oht keemia- ja biorelv / Markus Larsson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Larsson, Markus


    Kuveidis viibiv keemiarelva avastamise lahingüksus on valvel võimalikeks Iraagi ennetusrünnakuteks Kuwait City või riigis paiknevate USA sõjaväebaaside vastu. Skeem: Kaitseriietus keemiarelva vastu

  17. 3 CFR 8357 - Proclamation 8357 of April 3, 2009. Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2009 (United States)


    ... economy and to contribute to their communities. Commemorating Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., we... Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2009 8357 Proclamation 8357 Presidential Documents Proclamations Proclamation 8357 of April 3, 2009 Proc. 8357 Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A., 2009By the President of the United States of...

  18. USA juhtivpoliitik sai süüdistuse pettuses / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA Kongressi vabariiklaste juht Tom DeLay astus ametist tagasi, kuna Texase osariigi Travise maakonna kohus esitas talle süüdistuse seotuse eest Texase valimiskampaania rahastamisskeemiga. Esindajatekoja uueks vabariiklaste juhiks sai Missouri osariigi kongresmen Roy Blunt

  19. Enamik USA sõdureid lõpetaks Iraagi-missiooni / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Arvamusuuringute organisatsiooni Zogby International poolt Iraagis korraldatud küsitluse tulemused näitavad, et kolmveerand Ameerika sõduritest on seisukohal, et USA peaks oma väed Iraagist välja viima 12 kuu jooksul, 29 protsenti vastanuist sooviks koju siirduda otsekohe

  20. Tuhandetel USA sõduritel pole lootust niipea Iraagist koju pääseda / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Kindral David Petraeus ja USA suursaadik Iraagis Ryan Crocker andsid aru senati sõjandus- ja välisasjade komiteede ühisistungil, kindrali väitel jätkub olude paranemine Iraagis, vägivalda on vähem ja märgata on poliitilist leppimust. USA senaatori Bob Crockeri sõnul tahavad ameeriklased teada, milline on Iraagi konflikti lõpplahendus

  1. Euroopa teadis USA salavanglaist / Tõnis Erilaid

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Erilaid, Tõnis, 1943-


    USA endise välisministri Colin Powelli sõnul pole see tema sõpradele Euroopas uudiseks, et USA on viinud vange riikidesse, kus tema seadused ei kehti. USA praeguse välisministri Condoleezza Rice'i sõnul on USA vange üle kuulanud väljaspool USA-d. USA Today kirjeldab Stare Kiejkuty küla Poolas, kus arvatavasti on olnud salavangla

  2. Kuradi mängumaa ja 909 inimese enesetapp / Ringo Ringvee

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ringvee, Ringo, 1968-


    Tartu vabaõhu filmifestivaliga "Tartuff - armastuse mitu nägu" paralleelselt toimub rahvusvaheline konverents "Religioonitolerants - võimalus, kohustus, vastutus", millega kaasneb dokfilmide programm Athena keskuses. Artiklis tutvustatakse filme "Kuradi mängumaa" (USA, 2002; režii Lucy Walker) ja "Jonestown: Rahva Templi elu ja surm" (USA, 2006; režii Stanley Nelson)

  3. 75 FR 15740 - Nittsu Shoji U.S.A., Inc. Troy, OH; Notice of Termination of Investigation (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-72,598] Nittsu Shoji U.S.A., Inc. Troy, OH; Notice of Termination of Investigation Pursuant to Section 223 of the Trade Act of 1974, as... official on behalf of workers of Nittsu Shoji U.S.A., Inc., Troy, Ohio. The petitioner has requested that...

  4. Guantanamo rikub USA seadusi / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    Kaks USA tsiviilkohut leiavad oma otsuses, et USA valitsus rikub USA-s ja Guantanamo sõjaväebaasis kinnipeetavate nn. vaenlasvõitlejate õigusi. Inimõigusorganisatsioonid avaldavad heameelt kohtute otsuste üle

  5. Islamiäärmuslased õhutavad Liibanoni ja Iisraeli vahel sõda / Olli Vesla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vesla, Olli


    Liibanoni shiiidi-moslemite äärmusrühmitus Hezbollah seadis Iisraeli fakti ette: viimane kas vabastab oma vanglatest araablastest kinnipeetavad või riskib pantvangi võetud Iisraeli sõdurite elu ja sõja puhkemisega. Kaart: Võitlus Liibanoni piiril

  6. Review of the uranium industry in the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, J.R.


    The 145 000 MWe of nuclear capacity that will be operational in the U.S.A. by 1985 will demand an annual production of U 3 O 8 of 39 000 tons (the 1976 figure is 17 000 tons). The short term pressures on the uranium industry to expand mining and milling capacity and the long-term pressures to discover more uranium and to increase basic reserves are therefore readily apparent. Milling capacity, for example, must grow from 28 000 tons of ore per day at present to 145 000 ton/day by 1985. In the face of these estimated requirements it is clear that changes in traditional exploration, mining and milling methods must take place. Current and possible future developments in exploration, mining and processing in the U.S.A. are outlined, as are the effects of increasingly important political and environmental considerations. Finally, mention is made of the governmental programme which is designed to provide industry with the data and technology needed for exploration and mining and to assess American uranium resources. (author)

  7. Hummingbird conservation: discovering diversity patterns in southwest U.S.A. (United States)

    Susan M. Wethington; George C. West; Barbara A. Carlson


    Using data obtained in 2002 and 2003 from sites in the Hummingbird Monitoring Network, we investigated the effect of geographic factors—latitude, longitude, and elevation—and year on hummingbird diversity patterns in Southwestern U.S.A. In California, none of these factors affected hummingbird richness but elevation significantly affected abundance. In southeastern...

  8. Vorm on see iva, sisu kahjuks - kooruke / Jaak Lõhmus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lõhmus, Jaak


    57. Cannes'i filmifestivali võistluskavas nähtud neli filmi - John Nosseiteri dokumentaal "Mondovino" (USA), Pedro Almodovari "Halb haridus" (Hispaania), Emir Kusturica "Elu on ime" (Jugoslaavia/Prantsusmaa), Hirokazu Koreeda "Ükski ei tea" (Jaapan)

  9. USA pelgab Hiina tehnoloogialuuret / Tõnis Arnover

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arnover, Tõnis, 1952-


    Hiina Ameerika-vastasest majandusluurest. USA luureameti andmetel on USA-s loodud üle kolme tuhande Hiina firma, kelle ülesandeks on tööstusliku või sõjalise tehnoloogia hankimine. Vt. samas: Hiina firmad ostavad üha suuremaid USA ettevõtteid

  10. Overview of concrete containment design practice in the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Stevenson, J.D.


    This paper presents a historical summary of the engineering practices and their evolution applied to the design of concrete containment structures in the U.S.A. during the period 1965 to 1974. It reviews the broad spectrum of concrete containment designs developed for the three major Nuclear Steam Supply Systems, Pressurized Water Reactor, Boiling Water Reactor and High Temperature Gas Reactor employed or planned in the U.S.A. during this period. The development of deformed rebar and one way prestress as well as fully prestressed reinforced concrete containment is discussed. Particular attention is paid to base mat-containment shell joint design details as well as the design of reinforcement around large penetrations and those penetrations subject to large pipe thrust loads. In addition to the historical summary, current trends in containment design are identified and projections of future developments are presented. Finally, potential innovations such as plastic liners are discussed. (author)

  11. Eric Alan Johnson : "Mne nravitsja tot duhh, kotorõi tõ oshtshushtshaejesh v Pitere" / Eric Alan Johnson ; interv. Liana Turpakova

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Johnson, Eric Alan


    USA saatkonna Eestis pressiatashee vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad tema elukäiku, vene keele õppimist, huvi Venemaa vastu, elu Leningradis, ülikoolis õppimist, tööd diplomaadina Moskvas ja Peterburis, muusika- ja kirjandushuvi

  12. Abielupaar süüdistas Maximat depressiooni ja peavalu tekitamises / Kristina Traks

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Traks, Kristina, 1976-


    Viktor ja Galina Petkevitsh vaidlesid Maxima Eestiga kuni riigikohtuni välja, süüdistades kauplust oma akende all kolistamises ning inimväärse elu rikkumises. Riigikohus poelt kahjutasu välja ei nõudnud

  13. Trends in U.S.A. on environmental assessment of the common industrial wastes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yamauchi, Kiyoshi


    In Japan, the waste materials are divided to two parts of radioactive wastes and common wastes according to the law on treatment and cleaning of the wastes, and the latter is divided further to two parts of life type wastes and business type wastes. Among them, a part of wastes called the industrial wastes in the business wastes causes some troubles. In Japan, maintenance of approval level of the wastes treatment was conducted by selection of treating method due to feature of the wastes, selection of treating matters due to the treating site and method, and environmental assessment of each treatment project program. However, in U.S.A., regulation on environmental impact due to various human actions has been executed since 1960, and environmental assessment is controlled by a law. And, regulations on the wastes, the treating facilities and the formed pollution were also determined by laws. Furthermore, technical field of the environmental assessment is already executed in U.S.A. but some parts are not in Japan. On the evaluation method, there are some differences between in U.S.A. and in Japan, but are some common points in technical informations, estimating methods and so on, where future technical cooperations and movements between them in environmental assessment on both common industrial wastes and high level radioactive wastes. (G.K.)

  14. Orkaan Rita ähvardab rüüstata USA naftatööstuse südame / Annika Matson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Matson, Annika, 1976-


    Orkaan Rita läheneb USA naftatööstuse südamele Texasele, kus toodetakse veerand USA naftatoodetest. Diagramm: Naftafirmade aktsiate tõus. Vt. samas: Bensiini hinna olulist tõusu Eestis prognoosida oleks ennatlik

  15. Sõda, mille USA on juba kaotanud / Mart Helme

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Helme, Mart, 1949-


    USA pole suutnud Iraagi-vastase sõja vajalikkust põhjendada, arvavad paljud USA poliitikavaatlejad. Rängaks diplomaatiliseks eksimuseks peetakse USA kaitseministri Donald Rumsfeldi avaldust, et USA ei vaja kellegi abi sõjas

  16. Glemmer USA Afghanistan nu?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo


    Hvis Obamas efterfølger kan skrue den rigtige strategiske fortælling sammen så vil USA ikke forlade Afghanistan med udgangen af 2016.......Hvis Obamas efterfølger kan skrue den rigtige strategiske fortælling sammen så vil USA ikke forlade Afghanistan med udgangen af 2016....

  17. Reflections on Catholic Education in the USA: A Dialogue across Generations from the 1950s to the 2000s (United States)

    Bernauer, James A.


    This study sought to construct rich accounts of the remembrances of Catholic grade school and high school graduates in the USA related to their school experiences and the continuing impacts of these experiences on their lives. Ten former students (comprised of five males and five females) who graduated from Catholic schools in the 1950s, 1960s,…

  18. USA väikesed sõbrad Valges Majas / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    President Kersti Kaljulaid külastab Washingtoni ja kohtub USA riigipea Donald Trumpiga. Eesti presidentide eelmistest kohtumistest USA riigipeadega ning Eesti ja Ameerika Ühendriikide kaitsekoostööst

  19. Sõda on poliitika jätkamine teiste vahenditega : kuidas Euroopa ja USA on jõudnud Iraagi sõja õhtule / Toomas Hendrik Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 1953-


    Järg Eesti Päevaleht : Eriväljaanne 20. märts lk. 3 (lüh.) ; 21. märts lk. 3 "Maailmakord pärast Iraagi sõda" (täistekst) ;15. aprill lk. 3 "Tavalised vahendid pärast sõda". Autor selgitab, millised sajandite kogemused on viinud Euroopa ja USA tüli ning Iraagi sõjani. Iraagi sõja mõjust maailma uuele julgeolekusüsteemile.USA visioon sõjajärgsest Iraagist ja Lähis-Idast. USA võidu mõju Lähis-Ida rahvastele ja riikidele, Venemaale. Arvete klaarimine minevikuga kui Iraagi demokratiseerimise võtmeküsimus. Kommenteerivad Henry Kissinger ja Francis Fukuyama

  20. USA tahab Iraagilt täispuutumatust / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    USA ja Iraagi läbirääkimised USA vägede staatuse üle venivad, USA soovib oma sõduritele täielikku immuniteeti. Iraak olevat nõus nende USA üksuste immuniteediga, kes on sõjalistes rajatistes või missioonil, milles on varem kokku lepitud

  1. A new species of Tallaperla (Plecoptera: Peltoperlidae) from North Carolina, U.S.A. (United States)

    Kondratieff, B.C.; Kirchner, R.F.; Zuellig, R.E.; Lenat, D.R.


    A new species of Tallaperla, T. maiyae, is described from Wilkes County, North Carolina, U.S.A. from two males. The new species is similar to T. maria and T. anna, but can be distinguished by the combination of a prominent spine-like epiproct and brown coloration.

  2. Nuclear electricity in the U.S.A. - A status report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Loewenstein, W B [American Nuclear Society, Hinsdale, IL (United States)


    The status of nuclear electricity programs in the USA is reviewed. About 20% of the electricity in the USA comes from nuclear generating stations. The potential impact of greenhouse concerns is prominent in plans for the future. Advanced reactor programs for water, liquid metal and gas cooled systems is reviewed. Safety and plant economics feature prominently in future considerations. The increasing average availability of nuclear stations in the USA provides some insights on lessons to be learned for the future. (author)

  3. Nuclear electricity in the U.S.A. - A status report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Loewenstein, W.B.


    The status of nuclear electricity programs in the USA is reviewed. About 20% of the electricity in the USA comes from nuclear generating stations. The potential impact of greenhouse concerns is prominent in plans for the future. Advanced reactor programs for water, liquid metal and gas cooled systems is reviewed. Safety and plant economics feature prominently in future considerations. The increasing average availability of nuclear stations in the USA provides some insights on lessons to be learned for the future. (author)

  4. Võidurelvastumise tagasitulek : USA kiiluvees Venemaa ja Hiina / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    USA eelarvekavas on ette nähtud kaitsekulutuste jätkuv suurenemine, suureneda võib ka relvajõudude isikkoosseis. Relvajõududele kulub USA-s ligi 4% SKT-st. Globaalselt liidetuna tõusid kõikide riikide kulutused relvajõududele 1990. aasta tasemele. Hiina ja Venemaa kaitsekulutustest. Lisad: Aasia riigid kasvatavad sõjalisi kulutusi; 25 riigil pole oma sõjaväge. Graafik: USA sõjalised kulutused

  5. Kartulisortide pikaaegne säilitamine krüomeetodil / Jaanika Edesi, Viive Rosenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Edesi, Jaanika


    Taimmaterjali krüosäilitus on hetkel uusim ja perspektiivikaim säilitusmeetod. Krüosäilituse all mõistetakse bioloogilise materjali säilitamist väga madalal temperatuuril elu- ja taastumisvõimelisena. Krüosäilitus toimub tavaliselt vedelas lämmastikus (-196 °C) või selle gaasilises faasis alla -150 °C kraadi.

  6. USA-reis nõuab biomeetrilist passi / Tuuli Koch

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koch, Tuuli


    USA-s pikendati viisavabastusprogrammi biomeetrilise passi tähtaega 2005. aasta 26. oktoobrini. USA Eesti-saatkonna töötaja Christopher Smithi sõnul ei kehti viisavabadusprogrammi raames reisimise puhul passid, mida ei saa masinaga lugeda

  7. Rannakalanduse tulevik sõltub varust / Ain Soome ; interv. Agnes Jürgens

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soome, Ain


    Kalapüügiseaduse muudatustest. Lisatud: kalastajad. Ilmunud ka Hiiu Leht 2. mai 2008, lk. 4 ; Oma Saar 6. mai 2008, lk. 4 ; Vooremaa 13. mai 2008, lk. 2 ; Lääne Elu 20. mai 2008, lk. 4, lisatud: taustainfo ; Harju Elu 3. juuni 2008, lk. 2 ; Peipsi Rannik = Tshudskoje Poberezhje mai 2008, lk.4, lisatud: taustinfo

  8. USA suursaadikuga Tallinna lahel / Katrin Kruss

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kruss, Katrin


    USA suursaadik Stanley Davis Phillips oma haridusteest, perekonnast, armastusest mere vastu, panusest isa Earl Phillipsi mööbliäri laiendamisse, golfiharrastusest, suursaadikute ettevalmistusest USA-s, suursaadiku residentsist Pirital ning uue saatkonnahoone otsingutest Tallinnas. Lisa: Stanley Davis Phillips

  9. Genomic and transcriptomic differences in community acquired methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 and USA400 strains. (United States)

    Jones, Marcus B; Montgomery, Christopher P; Boyle-Vavra, Susan; Shatzkes, Kenneth; Maybank, Rosslyn; Frank, Bryan C; Peterson, Scott N; Daum, Robert S


    Staphylococcus aureus is a human pathogen responsible for substantial morbidity and mortality through its ability to cause a number of human infections including bacteremia, pneumonia and soft tissue infections. Of great concern is the emergence and dissemination of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strains (MRSA) that are resistant to nearly all β-lactams. The emergence of the USA300 MRSA genetic background among community associated S. aureus infections (CA-MRSA) in the USA was followed by the disappearance of USA400 CA-MRSA isolates. To gain a greater understanding of the potential fitness advantages and virulence capacity of S. aureus USA300 clones, we performed whole genome sequencing of 15 USA300 and 4 USA400 clinical isolates. A comparison of representative genomes of the USA300 and USA400 pulsotypes indicates a number of differences in mobile genome elements. We examined the in vitro gene expression profiles by microarray hybridization and the in vivo transcriptomes during lung infection in mice of a USA300 and a USA400 MRSA strain by performing complete genome qRT-PCR analysis. The unique presence and increased expression of 6 exotoxins in USA300 (12- to 600-fold) compared to USA400 may contribute to the increased virulence of USA300 clones. Importantly, we also observed the up-regulation of prophage genes in USA300 (compared with USA400) during mouse lung infection (including genes encoded by both prophages ΦSa2usa and ΦSa3usa), suggesting that these prophages may play an important role in vivo by contributing to the elevated virulence characteristic of the USA300 clone. We observed differences in the genetic content of USA300 and USA400 strains, as well as significant differences of in vitro and in vivo gene expression of mobile elements in a lung pneumonia model. This is the first study to document the global transcription differences between USA300 and USA400 strains during both in vitro and in vivo growth.

  10. USA võtab hoogu maha / Tarvo Vaarmets

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaarmets, Tarvo


    Pärast riiklike soodustuste lõppu koduostjatele on USA-s vähenenud kinnisvara soetamine, jaemüüjate käive langes juunis võrreldes maiga 0,5%. USA keskpanga presidendi Ben Bernanke hinnangul on USA majandus ebatavaliselt ebamäärane

  11. Miks Cannes'is peab käima / Jaan Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Jaan, 1938-2017


    57. Cannes'i filmifestivalil nähtud filme - Sembene Ousmane'i "Moolaade" (Senegal), Agnes Jaoui "Vaata mind" (Prantsusmaa), John Nosseiteri dokumentaal "Mondovino" (USA), Pedro Almodovari "Halb haridus" (Hispaania), Emir Kusturica "Elu on ime" (Jugoslaavia/Prantsusmaa), Hirokazu Kore-Eda "Ükski ei tea" (Jaapan). Ka eesti produtsentide tegutsemisest filmiturul

  12. Katrina ohvrite mälestuspäev / Aldona Zofia Wos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wos, Aldona Zofia


    Ameerika Eesti suursaadiku soov on, et eestimaalased leiaksid 16. septembril - Katrina ohvrite mälestuspäeval - aega ja mõtleksid neile, kes kaotasid orkaani laastamistöö tulemusel oma elu. USA valitsuse abist pääste- ja taastamistööde läbiviimisele katastroofi piirkonnas

  13. USA otsib Iraanist aktiivselt tuumainfot / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Iraan avaldas protesti USA luurelendude üle Iraani kohal. USA endine kaitseminister James Baker peab Iraani ja Põhja-Koreaga nende tuumaprogrammide hävitamiseks sõja alustamist suurimaks veaks. Kuigi Bushi meeskond rõhutab vajadust lahendada küsimus rahumeelselt, toovad Dick Cheney' ja Condoleezza Rice'i avaldused mitme USA kommentaatori arvates meelde Iraagi sõja eelse taktika

  14. Väike naine Swalloẁ tänavalt : [luuletused] / W. S. Merwin ; tõlk. Jüri Talvet

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Merwin, W. S.


    Sisu: Väike naine Swalloẁ tänavalt ; Õhk ; Mõned viimased küsimused ; On märts ; Kui sõda on möödas ; Asiaadid suremas ; Uks ; Eile ; Poeg. Elu- ja loomeloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 521

  15. TTÜ ja TÜ osalevad USA armee miljoniprojektides

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    TTÜ ja TÜ liitusid USA-s tegutseva meditsiinitehnoloogia ettevõtete konsortsiumiga. Nii jõuavad juhtivate Eesti kõrgkoolide teadmised USA armeesse, kes konsortsiumi kaudu innovaatilisi tooteid ja teenuseid sisse ostab

  16. Viisavabadus USA-ga läheneb vaidlustes / Ahto Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    USA soovib Eesti kodanike viisanõudest vabastamiseks kõrgendatud turvameetmeid. Viisavabadust taotlev Tšehhi sõlmis USA-ga vastastikuse mõistmise memorandumi, EL-i nn. vanad liikmesriigid ja Euroopa Komisjon süüdistavad USA-ga kahepoolsete lepingute sõlmijaid Euroopa ühtsuse lõhestamises. Lisa: Eesti sõlmib lepingu ilmselt märtsi keskel

  17. Poola ootab USA maaväelasi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Poola kaitseministri Tomasz Siemoniaki sõnul saadab USA Poolasse maavägesid, et laeindada NATO kohalolekut ajal, mil pingeline olukord Ukrainas kestab, kirjutas Washington Post. Siemoniak ütles lehele, et sõjalised planeerijad juba töötavad vastava kava üksikasjade kallal. Ta lisas, et tõenäoliselt saadetakse USA sõdureid ka Baltimaadesse

  18. USA suursaadik : hirmud on alistanud lootuse / Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sildam, Toomas, 1961-


    Eestist lahkuv USA suursaadik Joseph de Thomas andis USA iseseisvuspäeva kõnes hinnangu Eesti toetusele Iraagis ja USA Iraagi-poliitikale. Parlamendiliige Eiki Berg USA suursaadiku kõnest. Vt. ka: Suursaadiku sõnum lk. 10

  19. Ilves : mida põrgut teeb Venemaa G8-s?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves viibis Prahas 4. ja 5. juunil 2007 toimunud konverentsil "Demokraatia ja julgeolek", kus ta seadis kahtluse alla selle, kas Euroopat rakettidega ähvardava Venemaa koht on ikka G8-s ja Euroopa Nõukogus. Ilmunud ka: Eesti Elu 8. juuni 2007, lk. 1,4, pealk.: Mida teeb Venemaa G8-s?, ingl. k. lk. 9, pealk.: Ilves: what is Russia doing in the G8? Vabariigi President töövisiidil Prahasse 4.-6.06.2007

  20. Kolmas mask : Eesti kutselise teatri sünniloo käsitlused tänapäeva lavadel / Veiko Märka

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Märka, Veiko, 1964-


    Veiko Märka, Katri Aaslav-Tepandi, Raivo Adlas, Andrus Kivirähk, Jaanus Rohumaa ja Ilmar Raag teevad kokkuvõtteid Eesti kutselise teatri sünniloo käsitlustest nii teatris kui kinos. Vaatluse all on lavastused : Ilmar Külveti "Menning" Vanemuises (1990) Raivo Adlase lavastuses, Jaanus Rohumaa/Mari Tuulingu "Ainus ja igavene elu" Tallinna Linnateatris (1996) Jaanus Rohumaa lavastuses, "Udumäe kuningas" Palamuse harrastusteatris (2003), autor ja lavastaja Raivo Adlas, Andrus Kivirähki "Adolf Rühka lühikene elu" Eesti Draamateatris (2005) Ingomar Vihmari lavastuses ja "Libahundi needus" (ETV ja Shop of Dreams, 2005), režissöör Rainer Sarnet, stsenaristid Ilmar Raag, Margus Kasterpalu, Rainer Sarnet

  1. Dallas reloaded. Pt. 1. Resurrection of the U.S.A. to the largest energy power. Fracking ensures a new gold rush mood; Dallas reloaded. T. 1. Auferstehung der USA zur groessten Energiemacht. Fracking sorgt fuer neue Goldrauschstimmung

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boettger, Gunnar


    The contribution under consideration reports on the risks and impacts of fracking on the power supply. The International Energy Agency (Paris, France) predicts that the U.S.A. will be the world's largest producer of petroleum and natural gas in five years. The international energy landscape will change dramatically over the next twenty years. This may involve policy changes. Then, the U.S.A. could be independent possibly.

  2. Läbikatsumine USA lennujaamades riivab siin tehtavast vähem / Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Raimo


    USA sisejulgeoleku ministeeriumi privaatsuse ja andmekaitse juht Mary Ellen Callahan kinnitab, et USA-sse reisivate inimeste krediitkaardiandmeid kasutatakse vaid elektroonilise reisi autoriseerimise süsteemi jaoks ning andmeid säilitab USA rahandusministeerium. Ta on arvamusel, et USA-s on kehaskannerite kasutamisel reisija privaatsuse kaitse parem kui Euroopas

  3. USA tankid jõudsid Tapale

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tapale saabus poolsada USA sõjamasinat, nende seas neli tanki Abrams M1A2 ja 15 jalaväe lahingumasinat Bradley. Tehnikat hakkab kasutama USA maaväe 4. jalaväediviisi 68. soomusrügemendi esimese pataljoni C-kompanii

  4. Present developmental conditions of petroleum substituting energies in the U.S.A; Sekiyu daitai energy no kaihatsu no genjo (Beikoku)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    The present developmental conditions of petroleum substituting energies in the U.S.A. were surveyed. The budget related to energy saving and petroleum substituting energies in the U.S.A. is on the increase. DOE`s expenditure on petroleum substituting energies increased from $6.8 billion in 1993 to $8.1 billion in 1995 (from 29.6% to 34.6% of DOE`s expenditure), showing the positive approach to development of petroleum substituting energies. Approaches to environmental protection are also in promotion such as positive use of electrical vehicles by U.S. government and emission regulation of specific pollutants by EPA. The state of California withdrew the regulation which prescribes that 2% of passenger cars sold in the state should be zero emission vehicles after 1998, because development of the battery with both sufficient mileage and output is impossible by 1998 in the present stage. The prospect of practical use of new batteries such as lithium battery is still far from certain for some years. Development of petroleum substituting energies in the U.S.A. is still insufficient. 17 refs., 1 fig., 4 tabs.

  5. Euroopa põhiseaduse lepingu sõnum jõudku iga kodanikuni / Marianne Mikko

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mikko, Marianne, 1961-


    Sama ka Meie Maa 2. veeb. 2005, lk. 2 ; Vali Uudised 2. veeb. 2005, lk. 2 ; Koit 3. veeb. 2005, lk. 6 ; Pärnu Postimees 10. veeb. 2005, lk. 15 ; Lääne Elu 5. veeb. 2005, lk. 2, artiklis pealkiri kujul: Euroopa põhiseadus vajab selgitust ; Põhjarannik 18. veeb. 2005, lk. 2, artiklis pealkiri kujul: Euroopa põhiseaduse leping mõjutab tavainimese elu

  6. USA andis Gruusiale vastakaid signaale / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA välisministri Condoleezza Riceþi saabumisest Thbilisisse, et avaldada Gruusiale toetust. USA poolt antud soovitustest Gruusia president Mihhail Saakashvilile mitte jõudu kasutada ega alluda Venemaa provokatsioonidele ning hoiatustest sõjalise konflikti tagajärgede eest. USA analüütikute arvamusi

  7. Bulgaaria valitsus tahab USA raketikilpi / Mihkel Niglas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Niglas, Mihkel


    Bulgaarias küsiti USA presidendilt George W. Bushilt, miks Poolasse ja Tšehhi kavandatav raketikilp ei hakka katma Bulgaariat. USA paigutab septembris Bulgaaria sõjabaasi üle 3000 sõduri. George W. Bush toetab Bulgaaria nõudmist Liibüale vabastada Bulgaaria meditsiiniõed

  8. USA sõjaväe endine hääletoru : esiterroristi jahi kõrval on ka koolid / Pamela Keeton ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Keeton, Pamela


    Endine USA armee pressiesindaja ja praegune USA Rahuinstituudi avalike suhete juht Pamela Keeton räägib intervjuus reporteri tööst Afganistanis ning leiab, et ajakirjanikud lähenevad sündmuste kajastamisele meedias erinevalt. Lisa: Pamela Keeton CV

  9. Ilves : usk vabadusse on Eesti ja USA liitlasteks sõlminud / Lauri Birkan

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Birkan, Lauri


    Washingtonis toimunud ligi kahe tunni pikkusel kohtumisel arutlesid USA president George W. Bush ja president Toomas Hendrik Ilves arengute üle Afganistanis ja Iraagis, rääkisid küberjulgeolekust, viisavabadusest, USA ja Venemaa ning Euroopa Liidu ja Venemaa suhetest. T.H. Ilves kutsus USAd osalema NATO küberkaitsekeskuse (Center of Excellence) loomisel Tallinnas. Kohtumise juures viibis ka USA asepresident Dick Cheney. Vabariigi President töövisiidil Ameerika Ühendriikides 25.-26.06.2007

  10. Tobacco industry marketing to low socioeconomic status women in the U.S.A. (United States)

    Brown-Johnson, Cati G; England, Lucinda J; Glantz, Stanton A; Ling, Pamela M


    Describe tobacco companies' marketing strategies targeting low socioeconomic status (SES) females in the U.S.A. Analysis of previously secret tobacco industry documents. Tobacco companies focused marketing on low SES women starting in the late 1970s, including military wives, low-income inner-city minority women, 'discount-susceptible' older female smokers and less-educated young white women. Strategies included distributing discount coupons with food stamps to reach the very poor, discount offers at point-of-sale and via direct mail to keep cigarette prices low, developing new brands for low SES females and promoting luxury images to low SES African-American women. More recently, companies integrated promotional strategies targeting low-income women into marketing plans for established brands. Tobacco companies used numerous marketing strategies to reach low SES females in the U.S.A. for at least four decades. Strategies to counteract marketing to low SES women could include (1) counteracting price discounts and direct mail coupons that reduce the price of tobacco products, (2) instituting restrictions on point-of-sale advertising and retail display and (3) creating counteradvertising that builds resistance to psychosocial targeting of low SES women. To achieve health equity, tobacco control efforts are needed to counteract the influence of tobacco industry marketing to low-income women. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  11. Rb-Sr ages of Precambrian sedimentary rocks in the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morton, J.P.; Long, L.E.


    Dating of Precambrian sedimentary rocks to determine the age of deposition has not been pursued as diligently in the U.S.A. as in other areas. Ages (which must be regarded as tentative) are summarized for the younger Precambrian stratified rocks of the Grand Canyon (Arizona), the Nonesuch Shale of the Keweenawan Series (Michigan), the Uinta Mountain Group (Utah), and the Belt-Supergroup (Idaho-Montana). An important question of interpretation is whether the ages correspond to times of deposition or of later diagenesis. (Auth.)

  12. Tšehhid protestisid USA raketikilbi vastu / Igor Taro

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Taro, Igor


    USA soovib rajada oma ballistiliste rakettide eest kaitsva süsteemi rajatisi Poola ja Tšehhi territooriumile, mille vastu on protestinud ka Venemaa. Tšehhi Trokaveci küla elanike korraldatud referendumist ja Prahas toimunud meeleavaldustest USA raketikilbi radarijaama vastu. Lisa: USA raketikilp

  13. China vs. USA: energy consumption of the two giants markets in 2010. Very strong growth in energy consumption in China and USA in 2010 which is well beyond the pre-crisis trend; this allows anticipation of a very strong global growth in 2010; China surpasses 10% of U.S.A's Energy consumption in 2010 - March 2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lapillonne, Bruno


    Enerdata compares 2010 energy consumption between China and USA: China surpasses 10% of U.S.A's Energy consumption in 2010; Very strong growth in energy consumption in China and USA in 2010 which is well beyond the pre-crisis trend; this allows anticipation of a very strong global growth in 2010. (authors)

  14. Regulation for the decommissioning of nuclear power plants in U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oishi, Yuichi


    Since beginning of operation in nuclear reactor for practical power generation for the first one in Japan in 1966, the rector already passed more than 30 years are found and some investigations on its abolition method and its countermeasure accompanied with its permanent operation finishing of the reactor for future have been progressed by government and the relative organizations. The Japan Engineering and Inspection Corporation, under trust of the Ministry of Economy and Industry, has carried out some surveys on abolition measure regulation in the world. On the regulation in U.S.A. as a part of the surveys, abstract of the survey results performed before 1999 was introduced. Items in the survey were regulation system, definition and configuration of the abolition measure, legal procedures on the measure, and the last radiation survey and evaluating method. In U.S.A., as contents on legal procedure and document to be proposed are in detail and concretely regulated, the abolition measure activity can be progressed in standard according to the legal regulation, difference between every plants is thought to be very small. And, in spite of being regulated in details, participation of regulation agency on the procedures is less than that under operation, and there are some exempted items automatically. This is to say, it is a method to be processed under check of the abolition measure activity by NRC through its notice, inspection and approval, under agreeing with desires of applicants. (G.K.)

  15. Etteheide: USA okupeerib Haitit / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Prantsusmaa ja Brasiilia on esitanud protesti, sest USA sõjalennukitele on antud eelisõigus Haiti pealinna Port-au-Prince'i lennujaama kasutamisel. Paljude kommentaatorite hinnangul on Prantsusmaa püüdnud haarata prominentset rolli Haiti abistamisel, kuid USA on tegutsenud kiiremini ja jõulisemalt. Kaart

  16. Lichen-based indices to quantify responses to climate and air pollution across northeastern U.S.A (United States)

    Susan Will-Wolf; Sarah Jovan; Peter Neitlich; JeriLynn E. Peck; Roger Rosentreter


    Lichens are known to be indicators for air quality; they also respond to climate. We developed indices for lichen response to climate and air quality in forests across the northeastern United States of America (U.S.A.), using 218–250 plot surveys with 145–161 macrolichen taxa from the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) Program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture,...

  17. Elu lihata ja saiata? / Ülle Hõbemägi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hõbemägi, Ülle


    USA arst Robert O. Young on pH-tasakaalu tähtsust tervisele uurinud 20 aastat ja leiab, et aluseline toit ja jook on tervise parandamisel ja kaalu kontrolli all hoidmisel võtmetähtsusega. Toitumisest ning pH-elustiili järgimisest räägivad lektor Eric Gammals, müügijuht Signe Varik ja hooldusjuht Marat Listra

  18. The polity debate regarding gay and lesbian ordination and/or installation in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roch� F. Vermaak


    Full Text Available The paper summarises the formation process of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.�s (PC(USA polity regarding the ordination and/or installation of partnered gays and lesbians as officers, i.e. deacons, elders and ministers of the Word and Sacrament, in light of General Assemblies� decisions and General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commissions� ecclesiastical rulings since the 1970's.

  19. USA seab tõkkeid odavatele Hiinas toodetud kaupadele / Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Rank, Sirje, 1966-


    USA kaubandusdefitsiit Hiinaga kasvab, USA Kongress süüdistab Hiinat ebaausas konkurentsis ja on seadmas Hiina kaupadele impordipiiranguid. Hiina kaalub vastusanktsioone. Diagramm: Kaubandusdefitsiit Hiinaga süveneb

  20. Riskiäri USA kõrbes / Tarmo Vahter, Sulev Vedler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vahter, Tarmo, 1970-


    Eesti Energia ostis USA kõrbes mahajäetud kaevanduse koos põlevkivivaruga, millest Brasiilia naftagigant Petrobras ja Jaapani suurfirma Mitsui ja Co loobusid. Eesti Energia põlevkiviprojektist USA-s

  1. USA raport hoiatab tuumaterroristide eest / Karin Volmer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Volmer, Karin


    USA-s tegutseva tuumaterrori vastase organisatsiooni Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) raport kinnitab maailma edusamme tuumamaterjali turvalisuses, kuid on ka palju ohuallikaid. Analüütikud kahtlevad Venemaa ja Pakistani armee usaldusväärsuses tuumamaterjali hoidmisel. Lisa: Tuumaterrori raport

  2. USA sõdib terrorismi vastu sobimatul moel / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Mõttekoja Rand Corporation analüüsi kohaselt ei piisa USA-l islamiekstremistidega võitlemisel vaid vägede suurendamisest, panustada tuleb kohalike võimude tõhustamisse, nende paremasse koolitamisse ja infovahetusse. Lisa: Guantanamo kuuik kohtu all

  3. Blair üritab muuta USA Euroopa-meelsemaks / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA presidendi George W. Bushi ja Suurbritannia peaministri Tony Blairi kohtumine Valges Majas. Blairi parteikaaslase Helen Jacksoni kriitika Blairi USA-poliitika kohta. Suurbritannia endise välisministri Robin Cooki sõnul on USA ja Euroopa poliitilised väärtushinnangud pigem lahknemas kui ühtimas

  4. Elu ilma Fonteseta? Elu ilma Tõnis Arrota? / Tõnis Arro ; interv. Taivo Paju

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arro, Tõnis, 1960-


    Eesti ühe vanema ja suurema konsultatsioonifirma Fontes omanik müüs 2005. aasta detsembris 15 aastase ettevõtte oma töötajatele maha, säilitades nõukogu esimehena siiski sõnaõiguse. Fontese ajaloost ning juhtimispõhimõtetest. Vt. samas: Tõnis Arro - Vanemuise lavalt tippkonsultandiks

  5. “Mosaic”VS.“Melting Pot”:Differences on Multiculturalism Between Canada and the U.S.A

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)



      Abstract]Canada and the U.S.A. are both countries of immigrants. Located in the same geographical position,both important economies, they share many similarities. Canada is usually described as being a 'mosaic'; America is a 'melting pot'. The thesis aims to reveal the different multicultural features be-tween the two states.

  6. The climate protection policy of the USA under president Obama; Die Klimaschutzpolitik der USA unter Praesident Obama

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fischer, Wolfgang; Schenk, Olga [Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). Inst. fuer Energieforschung - Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung; Holtrup-Mostert, Petra [Transatlantic Networks - Foreign Policy Analysis, Koenigswinter (Germany)


    Barack Obama's slogan 'Are you ready for a Change?' may become the motto fo the future climate protection policy of the USA. While the USA is slowly beginning to play a more active role in this area, there are many political and institutional obstacles to overcome before the USA can become one of the big global players here. The authors analyse the status quo of the US climate protection policy in an attempt to indicate national and international perspectives of climate protection. (orig.)

  7. Alar Laneman siirdub USA-sse kaitseatašeeks / Holger Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roonemaa, Holger


    Brigaadikindral Alar Lanemanist võib saada Eesti kaitseatašee USA-s. Endise kaitseministri Jürgen Ligi sõnul oli A. Laneman osaline mitmetes juhtimisvigades ning neist ühe puhul kestab senini kriminaalasi

  8. Economic scale of utilization of radiation (I): Industry. Comparison between Japan and the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tagawa, Seiichi; Kashiwagi, Masayuki; Kamada, Toshimitsu; Sekiguchi, Masayuki; Hosobuchi, Kazunari; Tominaga, Hiroshi; Ooka, Norikazu; Makuuchi, Keizo


    Utilization of radiation in the industrial field has been enlarged due to the variety of technologies. In the present paper, the economic scale between the U.S.A. and Japan is compared with selected industrial parameters such as sterilization, semiconductors, radiographic testing (RT) and radial tire production because the very large industrial markets make a whole comparison difficult. The economic scale revealed was about 56b$ (1$=121 yen) for the U.S.A. and 39b$ for Japan. The former is large in magnitude by a factor of 1.4. With respect to the relative ratio versus the GDP, the former was 0.7% and 0.9% for the latter. This implied that utilization of radiation in industry is large in magnitude and is expected to be further developed. Regarding electron beam (EB) accelerators, for example, 648 units were installed in North America and 308 units for Japan during the past 29 years. The large number of the former is attributed to use in curing and heat shrinkable tubes (film). (author)

  9. Calculation of embodied energy in Sino-USA trade: 1997–2011

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Ranran; Long, Ruyin; Yue, Ting; Shi, Haihong


    In order to find efficient trade measures to reduce China's energy consumption and to provide theoretical support for the climate talks between China and America, we investigate the impact of Sino-USA trade on energy consumption from the perspective of embodied energy. An Environmental Input–Output Life Cycle Assessment (EIO-LCA) model was established to calculate the total energy consumption coefficient, the direct consumption coefficient and the complete consumption coefficient of the sectors of the national economies of China and America. After taking into consideration the data of every sector of the national economy in Sino-USA trade, energy embodied in the import and export trade between China and America was calculated to verify the real energy flows in Sino-USA trade. The research results suggest the following: China is the net exporter of embodied energy in Sino-USA trade, and coal, crude oil and natural gas are the major components. In 1997–2011, the net exports of China's embodied energy totaled 1523,082,200 t of standard coal, the amount of China's energy consumption increased by 895,527,900 t of standard coal, and America's energy consumption decreased by 11,871,200 t of standard coal as a result of Sino-USA trade. On this basis, corresponding policies and recommendations are proposed. - Highlights: • An EIO-LCA model is established to examine China's embodied energy in Sino-USA trade. • Embodied energy is calculated from the perspective of energy sources. • China is found to be the net exporter of embodied energy in Sino-USA trade. • Coal, crude oil and natural gas are the major components of China's net embodied energy exports. • China's energy consumption has increased and America's has shifted to China in Sino-USA trade

  10. Survey on actual status of R and D fund assistance in the U.S.A.; Beikoku ni okeru kenkyu kaihatsu shikin enjo no jittai nado ni kansuru chosa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    As a basic survey to serve for establishment of science and technology policies, a survey was carried out on the actual status of R and D fund assistance in the U.S.A., roles of the government and civil sectors, and how they are interrelated. The survey was performed in detail on the following items: the assistance and cooperation measures taken by the U.S. government, and technological policies of the U.S. government; fund subsidies and policies toward technological research and development provided by the U.S. government; research and development plans and projects being the object of the subsidies given by the U.S. government; assistance and cooperation of private organizations for financing research and development activities in the U.S.A.; cooperation and joint works among industries, the government and universities (research consortiums) in the research and development activities; legal assistance policies for research and development in the U.S.A., the favorable tax system for research and development, the 1984 National Joint Research Act, and the actual status and analysis of the legal assistance policies in the U.S.A. for aiding research and development tests. (NEDO)

  11. Vabariigi President Tallinna Reaalkooli kõrval Vabadussõja õppur-sõduri monumendi juures / Toomas Hendrik Ilves

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ilves, Toomas Hendrik, 1953-


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese kõne 13. novembril 2007 Tallinna Reaalkooli juures asuva Vabadussõja õppur-sõduri monumendi juures. Ilmunud ka: Eesti Elu 16. nov. 2007, lk. 2, pealk.: Tallinnas tähistati õppur-sõduri mälestusmärgi püstitamise 80. aastapäeva (lüh.); ingl. k. ilmunud ka: Vaba Eesti Sõna 29. nov. 2007, lk. 12, pealk.: "Would we be prepared to show the same commitment to our country"

  12. Üle kuristiku : [luuletused] / Doris Kareva

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kareva, Doris, 1958-


    Sisu: Üle kuristiku ; Pärastlõuna ; Miski jääb lõpuni puudu ; "Nüüd, kus sa tead juba elust..." ; Lõpp ; Pühitsus 1-3 ; "Iga päev..." ; "Sellest maast, sellest saatusest..." ; "Me elu on me elu ainus mõte..." ; Midas ; Tagahoovid 2 ; Painaja ; Hääl ; "Ma tean, et meenun Sulle ainult siis..." ; Teerist ; Passioon 1-4 ; Erakiri ; "Käib aimamatut rada armastus..." ; Ärkamine ; "Sa lakkasid olemast ime..." ; "Läbi elu lendab surmakivi..." ; "Viib sünnieelsest unest surmaunne..." ; "Tark olla tahtmise ja teadmissunni..." ; "Kui palve püsib puhas leht su ees..." ; "Puud kohisevad. Mu elu..." ; "Ta vaikib, su Õpetaja..." ; "Ma kirjutasin maha, liivale..." ; "Kõik, keda nägin..."

  13. USA relvastab araabia maid miljardite dollaritega / Kunnar Kukk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kukk, Kunnar


    USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice ja kaitseminister Robert Gates tegid visiidi Saudi-Araabiasse. Arvatakse, et nad on pehmendamas katastroofi, mis järgneks USA vägede järk-järgulisele taandumisele Iraagist. USA kavatseb anda Pärsia riikidele sõjalist abi, et tuua Iraan kolmepoolsetele läbirääkimistele. Lisa: Kodusõda võib olla vältimatu

  14. Valitsus vaeb USA viisavabadusenõudeid / Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Raimo


    USA viisavabaduse aluseks oleva vastastikuse mõistmise memorandumi projekt on täna valitsuse istungi päevakorras. Tšehhi ja USA on juba sõlminud kahepoolse memorandumi, mõnedel hinnangutel on Tšehhi järele andnud kogu ameeriklaste nõudmiste paketile. Lisa: Andmekaitsjad pole viimase seisuga kursis

  15. Rice nimetas Iraani USA suurimaks väljakutseks / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice sõnas välissuhete komitees esinedes, et tuumatehnoloogiale ja piirkondlikule hegemooniale suuna võtnud Iraan on USA-le Lähis-Idas suurim strateegiline väljakutse. Vt. samas: Pariis: Iraanil on sõjaline tuumaprojekt

  16. Tšehhi võimud tahavad endale USA raketikilpi / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    USA rajab 2011. aastaks raketirünnakute tõrje süsteemi. Raketikilbi Euroopa-keskuse asukohale kandideerivad Tšehhi ja Poola, samas on suur osa tshehhe USA baasi rajamise vastu. Skeem: USA tähesõdade programm. Lisa: Peaminister vaid nime poolest

  17. 78 FR 53498 - Petition for Exemption From the Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Fuji Heavy Industries U.S.A... (United States)


    ... From the Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Fuji Heavy Industries U.S.A., Inc. AGENCY: National Highway... deterring motor vehicle theft as compliance with the parts-marking requirements of the Theft Prevention Standard 49 CFR part 541, Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard. FUSA requested confidential...

  18. Hydraulic fracturing as an interpretive policy problem: lessons on energy controversies in Europe and the U.S.A.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dodge, Jennifer; Metze, Tamara


    This special issue addresses hydraulic fracturing for shale gas extraction as an interpretive policy problem. Bringing together empirical cases from the U.S.A., the Netherlands, the U.K., Poland, and Germany, we identify three approaches to the interpretation of hydraulic fracturing in the article:

  19. USA panustab keskkonda / Jeffrey Goldstein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Goldstein, Jeffrey


    USA uus energiapoliitika kava näeb ette bensiini tarbimise vähendamist järgneva 10 aasta jooksul 20%, mis omakorda vähendab ameeriklaste autodest eralduva süsihappegaasi heitmete kasvu ning vähendab sõltuvust naftast

  20. USA politoloogid : Obama võit oleks ka Eesti oma / Laura Vetik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vetik, Laura


    USA politoloogide sõnul oleks pingestunud Venemaa ja USA suhete taustal Eestile kasulikum, kui 56. USA presidendivalimised võidaks demokraat Barack Obama. Erinevate politoloogide hinnanguid. Vt. samas: Obama ja McCain loovad kabinette

  1. USA üritab leida Teherani agente Iraagist / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    USA süüdistab Iraani, et see abistab Iraagis mahdiste, mida juhib Muqtada al-Sadri. Autori sõnul on Iraani eliitüksuse Qudsi korpuse koostööd al-Sadriga aga sama vähe tõestatud kui omal ajal USA väidet Saddam Husseini ja al-Qaida vahel

  2. Integration of GCAM-USA into GLIMPSE: Update and ... (United States)

    The purpose of this presentation is to (i) discuss changes made to the GCAM-USA model to more fully support long-term, coordinated environmental-climate-energy planning within the U.S., and (ii) demonstrate the graphical user interface that has been constructed to construct modeling scenarios, execute GCAM-USA, and visualize and compare model outputs. GLIMPSE is intended to provide insights into linkages and synergies among the goals of air quality management, climate change mitigation, and long-range energy planning. We have expanded GLIMPSE to also incorporate the open-source Global Change Assessment Model-USA (GCAM-USA), which has state-level representation of the U.S. energy system. With GCAM-USA, GLIMPSE can consider more aspects of the economy, linkages to the water and climate systems, and interactions with other regions of the world. A user-friendly graphical interface allows the system to be applied by analysts to explore a range of policies, such emission taxes or caps, efficiency standards, and renewable portfolio standards. We expect GLIMPSE to be used within research and planning activities, both within the EPA and beyond.

  3. USA järelevalve e-side üle maailmas tugevneb / Tõnis Arnover

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arnover, Tõnis, 1952-


    USA Kongress võttis vastu seaduse, mis annab eriteenistustele suurema tegutsemisvabaduse rahvusvahelise e-side jälgimisel ning nõuab USA-d külastavate viisavabade riikide ärimeestelt eelinfot oma tegevuse kohta. Lisa: USA-s heakskiidetud terrorismivastased abinõud

  4. Vaiksed professionaalid USA erivägedes on tulevased liidrid / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA eriüksuste juhid kinnitavad esiterrorist Osama bin Ladeni peatset tabamist. Floridas Tampas asuvast USA Lähis-Ida operatsioonide peastaabist. Lisa: USA erioperatsioonide keskused. Vt. samas: Ameerika pikk ja väsitav sõda

  5. USA suursaadik : toetame Eestit / Stanley Davis Phillips ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Phillips, Stanley Davis


    USA suursaadik Eestis Stanley Davis Phillips vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad USA positsiooni Tõnismäe pronkssõduri suhtes, Eesti saatkonna piiramist Moskvas, USA ja Venemaa suhteid ning koostööd, sõda terrorismiga, USA kava paigutada Tšehhi ja Poolasse raketitõrjebaasid, Eesti presidendi Toomas Hendrik Ilvese visiiti USAsse. Lisa: Stanley Davis Phillips. Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 16. mai lk. 5

  6. 77 FR 1973 - Petition for Exemption From the Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Fuji Heavy Industries U.S.A... (United States)


    ... From the Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard; Fuji Heavy Industries U.S.A., Inc. AGENCY: National Highway... effective in reducing and deterring motor vehicle theft as compliance with the parts-marking requirements of the Theft Prevention Standard 49 CFR part 541, Federal Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Standard. FUSA...

  7. USA väed võivad hakata Iraagist lahkuma / Kaarel Kaas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaas, Kaarel, 1978-


    USA on Iraagis toimuvate valimiste eel saatnud sinna lisavägesid. Vägivalla tõttu võivad mõnes Iraagi piirkonnas valimised ära jääda. USA välisministri Colin Powelli sõnul võivad USA sõdurid juba sel aastal hakata järk-järgult Iraagist lahkuma, kui Iraagil endal õnnestub saada suurem roll turvalisuse tagamisel. Lisa: Kaotused Iraagis

  8. Overview of management programs for plutonium-contaminated solid waste in the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramsey, R.W. Jr.; Daly, G.H.


    Programs for transuranium-contaminated solid wastes (TRU) in the U.S.A. are emphasizing a reduction in waste generation and the development of appropriate treatments to reduce the volume of wastes requiring interim storage and final disposal. Research and Development is emphasizing the establishment of sufficient information on treatment, hazards and storage to adopt a standardized procedure for handling wastes during an interim retrievable period and for final disposal. Federal responsibility for TRU waste is being proposed except for minimum amounts acceptable for commercial burial

  9. Atraktsioon atraktsioonis / Madli Vitismann

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vitismann, Madli, 1950-


    Teadlaste öö Eesti Meremuuseumis uuris meremeeste hingeelu: vaadata sai näitust "Soolase elu kirjad", Professor Mati Heidmets vestles amatööreksperdi Marko Matverega ruumipsühholoogiast, Teadusajakirjanike Selts andis üle ajakirjandussõbralikuma teadlase auhinna "Ökul" Tarmo Soomerele. Paksus Margaretas saab vaadata laevapostkaartide näitust soome koguja Keijo Polóni kogust ja Lennusadamas USA näituseproduktsioonifirma Premier Exhibitionsi näitust "Titanic"

  10. President Ilves annab nõu president Obamale / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves andis rahvusvahelises uudisteajakirjas Newsweek nõu USA presidendiks valitud Barack Obamale: Ilves, Toomas Hendrik. The Challenge in Europe. Newsweek : Special Edition Issues, 2008, dets., lk. 35. ( Eesti president kutsub Ameerika Ühendriike üles kaitsma liberaalse demokraatia väärtusi ning rõhutab USA ja Euroopa koostöö tähtsust Venemaa ohjeldamisel. Ülevaade artiklist ilmunud ka: Eesti Elu 9. jaan. 2009, lk. 16, pealk.: President Ilves andis nõu president Obamale; Eesti Päevaleht (Stockholm) 21. jaan. 2009, lk. 2, pealk.: Eesti president kutsuti USA uuele presidendile nõu andma; Vaba Eesti Sõna 22. jaan. 2009, lk. 3, pealk.: President Ilves annab president Obamale nõu

  11. Hvad SKER der med drikkevandet i USA?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ramsay, Loren Mark


    Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år.......Forskellige lande har forskellige traditioner indenfor drikkevandsbehandling. Denne beretning fra ”Water Quality Technology Conference” i USA er set med en særlig vinkel, da forfatteren er amerikansk statsborger, men har arbejdet i den danske vandbranche i mere end 25 år....

  12. USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nedergaard, Peter

  13. USA välispoliitiliste hoiakute muutumine XXI sajandi alguses / Aap Neljas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Neljas, Aap, 1967-


    USA poliitikas on olnud ilmne tendents jagada "rahulikes piirkondades" korrahoidmise koormat teiste suurriikidega ja säilitada vabad käed suuremate kriiside lahendamiseks, kus kaalul on otseselt USA rahvuslikud huvid (nt ligipääs naftale või juhtroll maailmas)

  14. USA kaitseminister Robert Gates süüdistas liitlasvägesid oskamatuses / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    USA kaitseminister Robert Gates väitis ajalehes The Los Angeles Times avaldatud intervjuus, et Lõuna-Afganistani olukord on halvenenud seal võitlevate USA liitlasvägede puuduliku väljaõppe tõttu. Liitlasriikide reageeringuid. Arvamust avaldavad Jaak Aaviksoo, Kaarel Kaas

  15. Complete genome sequence of community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (strain USA400-0051, a prototype of the USA400 clone

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina Farrel Côrtes

    Full Text Available Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus, commonly referred as S. aureus, is an important bacterial pathogen frequently involved in hospital- and community-acquired infections in humans, ranging from skin infections to more severe diseases such as pneumonia, bacteraemia, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, and disseminated infections. Here, we report the complete closed genome sequence of a community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus strain, USA400-0051, which is a prototype of the USA400 clone.

  16. USA : rünnak võib olla parim kaitse / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA uues rahvusliku julgeoleku strateegias rõhutatakse, et tuumaambitsioonidega Iraak kujutab USA jaoks suurimat strateegilist väljakutset ning märgitakse, et teatud juhtudel on ohtude ennetamiseks vajalik jõu kasutamine. Vt. samas: Ameeriklaste toetus Iraagi sõjale väheneb. Lisa: Pessimistlik USA

  17. USA kongresmen Chandler - sõber, kes aitas Eestil tunnustust leida / Eric A. Johnson, Oliver Prits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Johnson, Eric A.


    Advokaadi ja USA kongressi liikme Walter M. Chandleri (1867-1935) tegevusest Balti riikide de jure tunnustamiseks. Lisatud: USA valitsuse avaldus Balti riikide tunnustamisest ; väike elulugu : Jeesuse advokaat

  18. Ravimitööstuse tuleviku kujundavad USA pensionärid / Mikk Salu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Salu, Mikk, 1975-


    Kolmveerand maailma ravimitööstuse kasumist tuleb USA-st. Ravimitootjate tähelepanu pälvivad need haigused, mis USA-s enim levinud - kõige rohkem on raha eraldatud ülekaalulisusega seotud haiguste, samuti vähi raviks

  19. USA toetab Lähis-Ida konfliktides Iisraeli / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA kasutas ÜRO Julgeolekunõukogus vetoõigust resolutsiooni suhtes, milles nõuti Iisraelilt Gaza sektoris toimuvate rünnakute kohest lõpetamist, USA ÜRO suursaadiku John Boltoni sõnul oleks dokumendi vastuvõtmine õõnestanud Julgeolekunõukogu usaldusväärsust

  20. USA moos määrib Eesti naabritest mõjukamaks / Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Raimo


    Sel sügisel on toimunud mitu Eesti ja USA poliitikute kohtumist. Peaminister Andrus Ansipi ja kaitseminister Jaak Aaviksoo USA-visiitide korraldamisega kursis olevad ametnikud ei nõustu, et kohtumiste taga oleks olnud USA lobitöö Iraagi missiooni pikendamiseks

  1. USA saadik : Lihula sammas oli solvav / Aldona Zofia Wos ; interv. Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wos, Aldona Zofia


    USA suursaadik Eestis vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad Eesti-USA suhteid, eestlaste võimalust saada kunagi sõita USA-sse ilma viisata, Lihula mälestusmärgi mahavõtmist, valimisi ja jätkuvat vägivalda Iraagis, HI-viiruse levikut

  2. Kõige värskem filminelik / Martin Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Oja, Martin, 1978-


    23. nov. PÖFFi raames toimuval animafilmifestifalil "Animated Dreams"esilinastus neli uut eesti animafilmi : Ülo Pikkovi "Elu maitse", Kaspar Jancise "Maraton", Elisabeth Salmini "Elu võimalikkusest arbuusil" ja üks osa - "Taimne direktor" (režii Priit Tender) Eesti Joonisfilmis töös olevast seitsmest lühifilmist koosnevast filmist "Must lagi"

  3. Eesti joonisfilm torgib paljastustega / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    23. nov. PÖFFi raames toimuval animafilmifestifalil "Animated Dreams"esilinastus neli uut eesti animafilmi : Ülo Pikkovi "Elu maitse", Kaspar Jancise "Maraton", Elisabeth Salmini "Elu võimalikkusest arbuusil" ja üks osa - "Taimne direktor" (režii Priit Tender) Eesti Joonisfilmis töös olevast seitsmest lühifilmist koosnevast filmist "Must lagi"

  4. USA National Phenology Network observational data documentation (United States)

    Rosemartin, Alyssa H.; Denny, Ellen G.; Gerst, Katharine L.; Marsh, R. Lee; Posthumus, Erin E.; Crimmins, Theresa M.; Weltzin, Jake F.


    The goals of the USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN, are to advance science, inform decisions, and communicate and connect with the public regarding phenology and species’ responses to environmental variation and climate change. The USA-NPN seeks to advance the science of phenology and facilitate ecosystem stewardship by providing phenological information freely and openly. To accomplish these goals, the USA-NPN National Coordinating Office (NCO) delivers observational data on plant and animal phenology in several formats, including minimally processed status and intensity datasets and derived phenometrics for individual plants, sites, and regions. This document describes the suite of observational data products delivered by the USA National Phenology Network, covering the period 2009–present for the United States and accessible via the Phenology Observation Portal ( and via an Application Programming Interface. The data described here have been used in diverse research and management applications, including over 30 publications in fields such as remote sensing, plant evolution, and resource management.

  5. Strategy for nuclear technical cooperation between Korea and U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Kyoung Pyo; Kim, Young Min


    The Republic of Korea maintains joint coordination committee meeting in the field of nuclear technology with seven countries throughout the world. Among the committees, the R.O.K. - U.S.A. Joint Standing Committee on Nuclear Energy Cooperation (JSCNET) is regarded as one of the most active committees considering the long cooperative relationship relationship between the two countries. The cooperative programs between two countries range not only technical issues but also nuclear policy and safeguards endeavors. It is noted that at present there are eight items for co-operation in nuclear policy field, fourteen technical cooperation programs, thirteen safety related items for mutual co-operation, and six items for safeguards concerns. KAERI plays a key role in the implementation of joint cooperative programs as has been during the past. Among the various cooperative programs currently on-going, thirteen technical items and two safety programs are being initiated by KAERI. (author). 1 tab., 1 fig

  6. Barriers to accepting e-prescribing in the U.S.A. (United States)

    Smith, Alan D


    With the number of prescriptions rising nationally each year, it is surprising that Web-based technology is not fully embraced in the pharmacy industry as an aid to quality-assuring prescribing processes. Traditional prescription handling is done in a manual fashion with physicians hand-writing prescriptions for the patients during an office visit, giving the patient the responsibility of taking the prescription to a pharmacy or mailing the prescription to a mail order company for fulfillment. Electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) has the ability not only to streamline the prescription writing process, but also to reduce the number of errors that may be incurred with hand-written prescriptions. The purpose of this paper is to investigate these phenomena in the U.S.A. A number of hypotheses were tested using principal-components analysis (PCA) and factor analyses. As a result, a total of 55 fully employed, professional and semi-professional service management and internet users, representing a college-educated and knowledge-based sample derived from the metropolitan section of Pittsburgh, was selected. The six major constructs generated from the factor loadings in descending order of importance were: profit and risk factors, shipping and handling, saving, customer relationship management (CRM) and ethics, age, and awareness. The dependent variable chosen to be regressed against these major independent factor-based constructs was willingness to purchase prescriptions online. The overall relationship was found to be statistically significant (F = 2.971, p = 0.015) in predicting willingness to use e-prescribing options based on the various independent constructs. However, when testing the various standardized beta coefficients in the linear model, only the factor score-based construct CRM and ethics was found to significantly contribute to predicting the willingness to purchase prescriptions online (t = -3.074, p = 0.003). Although this study appears to represent the

  7. Characterization of the Population Structures in Wildland Collections of Dalea Ornata and Dalea Searlsiae from the Western U.S.A. (United States)

    Dalea ornata and D. searlsiae are non-toxic native legumes that have potential for increasing forage production and forage quality of degraded rangelands in the western U.S.A. It is important to characterize the population structures in both species for developing new plant materials through plant ...

  8. USA näeb tuumaenergias oma võimalust / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA presidendi George W. Bushi ja energiaministri asetäitja Clay Sell'i sõnul on USA administratsiooni uue globaalse tuumaenergia partnerluse programmi eesmärgiks leida võimalusi maailma üha suurenevate energiavajaduste rahuldamiseks tuumaenergia abil. Lisa: Tuumaenergia

  9. Pöffi eelmänguks valmis kolm uut eesti joonisfilmi / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    23. nov. algab PÖFFi raames toimuv animafilmifestifal "Animated Dreams", kus osaleb ka kolm uut eesti animafilmi - Ülo Pikkovi "Elu maitse", Kaspar Jancise "Maraton", Elisabeth Salmini "Elu võimalikkusest arbuusil". Samuti linastub üks osa - "Taimne direktor" (režii Priit Tender) Eesti Joonisfilmis töös olevast seitsmest lühifilmist koosnevast filmist "Must lagi"

  10. Determinants of Organic Cotton Apparel Purchase: A Comparison of Young Consumers in the U.S.A. and South Korea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tae-Im Han


    Full Text Available The purpose of this research was to examine consumers from distinct cultural groups and identify similarities and differences in their green purchase behaviors. The sample consisted of consumers from the U.S.A. and South Korea and the theory of planned behavior was used as a theoretical framework to test the influence of diverse constructs on consumers’ purchase intentions toward organic cotton apparel. For both countries, perceived behavioral control (PBC and descriptive norms were strong predictors of purchase intentions and injunctive norms strongly influenced attitude formation. However, the study also found different results between the two groups. For example, while attitude was the strongest predictor of purchase intentions in the U.S.A. group (strength of influence on intentions: attitude > descriptive norms > PBC > injunctive norms, it had an insignificant effect in the South Korea group. For the South Korea group descriptive norms and PBC had strongest effects on consumers purchase intentions (strength of influence on intentions: descriptive norms = PBC > injunctive norms > attitude. South Koreans were more affected by the social pressure: their purchase intentions were strongly influenced by both injunctive norms and descriptive norms in contrast to the findings from American consumers. Injunctive norms were an insignificant predictor of purchase intentions in the U.S.A. group. This result is consistent with previous research that suggest conformity is a crucial factor for people belonging to a collectivistic culture. Exposure of others’ purchasing behavior is particularly important in motivating consumers’ buying in collectivistic culture. Marketers of organic cotton apparel may consider using diverse formats of media to display consumers’ ethical buying behaviors or creating product design or packaging that can directly reveal the ethical features of the product to display greater exposure in the market.

  11. First European record of Haliclona loosanoffi Hartman, 1958 (Porifera, Haplosclerida), a species hitherto known only from the New England coast (U.S.A.)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Soest, van R.W.M.


    An encrusting gemmuliferous haliclonid species is described from the Oosterschelde (S.W.- part of the Netherlands), which is demonstrated to be conspecific with Haliclona loosanoffi Hartman, 1958. This species was hitherto only known from the New England coast (U.S.A.). The species is compared with

  12. Tropical Trametes lactinea is widely distributed in the eastern USA

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Vlasák, Josef; Kout, J.


    Roč. 115, č. 1 (2011), s. 271-279 ISSN 0093-4666 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50510513 Keywords : Basidiomycota, USA new record, taxonomy * USA new record * taxonomy Subject RIV: EF - Botanics Impact factor: 0.709, year: 2011

  13. Enhancing Economic Sustainability by Markdown Money Supply Contracts in the Fashion Industry: China vs U.S.A.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bin Shen


    Full Text Available Supply chain contracts, such as the markdown money policy (MMP, are commonly adopted in the fashion industry. In this paper, we explore how fashion companies can use MMP to enhance economic sustainability from the cross-cultural perspective. We conduct case studies on two fashion firms (suppliers, one from China and one from U.S.A., that are adopting MMP in their respective supply chains. Via semi-structured interviews with staff members and some public data searching of the target companies, we find that the cultural factors, such as power distance and collectivism/individualism, affect contract selection, contract management, supplier–retailer leadership, and supplier–retailer relationship. We use the Hofstede’s national cultural dimensions theory to explain our insights. Specifically, in China, a country with a relatively high degree of power distance and collectivism, the companies tend to care more about the group interest and loyalty. The Chinese fashion companies are more willing to play the leading role in managing the relationships with their retailers, and offer MMP to them. In the U.S.A., a country with a relatively low degree of power distance and individualism, the companies are more likely to emphasize their own interest in trading. In fact, we find that American fashion suppliers tend to bargain with their retailers, and they are less willing to proactively provide the markdown money as a sponsor. Finally, managerial implications are provided, and several future challenges on MMP are examined.

  14. Potassium, uranium, thorium radiogenic heat contribution to heat flow in the Precambrian and younger silicic rocks of the Zuni and Florida Mountains, New Mexico (U.S.A.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brookins, D.G.


    High heat flow in the Zuni Mountains, New Mexico, U.S.A., has been explained by the possible presence of a buried felsic pluton. Alternately, high K, U, Th abundances have been proposed to account for part of the high heat flow. The mean radiogenic heat contricution for 60 samples of Precambrian core rocks is 7.23 μcal/gm-yr, which is slightly higher than the average for western U.S.A. granitic rocks and significantly higher than the average for continental 'crust'; hence, the K, U, Th radiogenic contribution from Precambrian rocks to the overall heat flow is significant. Radiogenic K, U, Th heat for 32 samples for the Florida Mountains, New Mexico, U.S.A., yields a lower mean of 5.46 μcal/gm-yr. This value is somewhat anomalous in that the predominantly syenitic rocks commonly yield higher values. Furthermore, heat flow is higher in areas distant from the Floridas and the radiogenic heat contribution is considered small. (orig.)

  15. USA ja Iraak püüavad jõuda sel aastal vägede lepinguni / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    USA ja Iraak püüavad enne 31. juulit sõlmida lepingu, mis käsitleb USA vägede viibimist Iraagis. Washington Posti andmeil on valitsused loobunud laiahaardelise ja pikaajalise vägede lepingu sõlmimisest, keskendudes nn. sillakavale, mis oleks üleminekuleping ja peaks võimaldama USA sõjaliste operatsioonide jätkamist pärast ÜRO mandaadi lõppu. Lisa: USA taandub roheliset tsoonist?

  16. Eesti saab tõenäoliselt USA-lt pooletoobise viisavabaduse / Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Raimo


    Algasid läbirääkimised USA-ga viisavabaduse saavutamiseks. USA eksperdid tulevad hindama Eesti riigipiiri pidavust, koostatakse vastastikuse arusaamise memorandum. Tõenäoliselt hakkab Eesti puhul kehtima teistsugune süsteem kui on praegu 27 riigil, kellel on USA-ga viisavabadus ja kellest 15 on EL-i nn vanad riigid. USA sisejulgeoleku ministeeriumi asekantsleri Richard Barthi seisukohti. Vt. samas: Eesti näide võib tekitada vastuolulist reaktsiooni

  17. 77 FR 30027 - Manufacturer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Registration; Siegfried (USA) (United States)


    ...; Notice of Registration; Siegfried (USA) By Notice dated January 6, 2012, and published in the Federal Register on January 17, 2012, 77 FR 2323, Siegfried (USA), 33 Industrial Park Road, Pennsville, New Jersey... U.S.C. 823(a) and determined that the registration of Siegfried (USA), to manufacture the listed...

  18. 78 FR 53728 - Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA) AGENCY: International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of an... the Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA). The purpose of the Board is to guide the...

  19. 78 FR 44531 - Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA) AGENCY: International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. ACTION: Notice of an... the Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA). The purpose of the Board is to guide the...

  20. "Riia ring, "luurepost ja tööjaotus USA esindustest Baltikumis 1920. aastatel / Eero Medijainen""

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Medijainen, Eero, 1959-


    Diplomaatilisest taustast. USA esinduste rajamisest Baltikumi. Olukorrast USA saatkonnas 1922. aastal. USA sõjalisest vaatlejast "Balti provintsides" 1919-1922. Luurekeskusest ja Sergius Riisist. "Vene sektsiooni" formaliseeerumisest.


    The paired catchment study at the forested Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) U.S.A. documents interactions among short- to long-term processes of acidification. In 1987-1989, runoff from the two catchments was nearly identical in quality and quantity. Ammonium sulfate has been...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wayne W. Smith


    Full Text Available Tourism marketers focus on understanding the many different segments that comprise their visitors. Understanding these segments’ motivations for travel is important in order to motivate repeat visitation and to attract like-minded consumers to visit. But how about those who do not travel? This surprisingly large percentage of the population is a lost opportunity for the industry. The research that follows, based upon a very significant USA-based sample of non-travelers, suggests that non-travelers can be effectively segmented and targeted. Understanding these segments will better allow vacation marketers to craft their product and their message, hopefully bringing more travelers to the mix.

  3. Regulatory environment of transitioning to risk-informed regulations in U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, C. H.; Kim, C. H.


    With the publication of the PRA Policy Statement and recent regulatory guides, the U.S.NRC makes a continuous approach towards risk-informed regulations with the goal of establishing an overall framework for risk-informed decisions in all regulatory activities as well as plant specific licensing issues. Faced with the changing environment of deregulation of the electricity generation market, the licensee's effort to reduce design margins to enhance flexibility and to relieve unnecessary regulatory burdens have been focused on the control and reduction of plant operating costs. The risk-informed approach provides a structured, systematic, and defensible method that can be applied not only to rulemaking, but also to licensing, inspection, enforcement, and performance assessment, as well as provides basis for prioritization in the establishment of programs and the allocation of resources. This report describes the current regulatory environment of transitioning to risk-informed regulations with an emphasis on its background, concepts, regulatory guides, proposed options for modifying the 10CFR50, and risk-informed applications in U.S.A. Review of the risk informed applications utilizing the information provided by the PRAs and their insights in the U.S.NRC and nuclear industry will provide the insights of predicting the expected regulation changes in Korea. Also it could provide the applicable methods or guides for the implementation of the risk-informed applications in plant design and operations. (author)

  4. Mamalia, Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae: Filling hibernacula distribution gaps for cave roosting bats from Iowa (U.S.A..

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dixon, J. W.


    Full Text Available Adequate roost sites for hibernacula are an important factor in the distribution and abundance of temperate batspecies and knowledge of specific hibernacula is necessary to make sound management decisions. Caves are recognized asone of the most important roosting sites for bats, yet surveys in caves are uncommon in North America. This paper presentsdata on the distribution and abundance of bats hibernating in Iowa (U.S.A. caves and includes new hibernacula records.These are the first published records of bats in Iowa caves in almost 25 years.

  5. Enamik Mõtteloo Sihtkapitali rahast kasvab USA aktsiates / Mart Trummal ; interv. Anne Oja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trummal, Mart


    Intervjuu Eesti Mõtteloo Sihtkapitali juhi Mart Trummaliga. Tabel: Mõtteloo Sihtkapitali vara on USA-s noteeritud indeksifondides; Investeeringud Eesti aktsiatesse. Diagramm: Finantsinvesteeringute maht. Vt. samas: Anne Oja. Dividendisaajate esirinnas. Kommenteerib Annika Matson

  6. Die territorialen Grenzen der Human Rights Litigation in den USA / Michael Stürner

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Stürner, Michael


    Kahju hüvitamisest rahvusvaheliste õigusnormide rikkumise puhul, territoriaalsetest piiridest inimõiguste alases kohtuvaidluses USA-s. Kohtuasjast Kiobel versus Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. Ameerika Ühendriikide kohtutesse saab esitada inimõiguste rikkumisega seotud hagisid ka USA kodakondsust mitteomavad inimesed

  7. The historical development of Presbyterian ordination polity as background to the gay and lesbian ordination debate in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roch� F. Vermaak


    Full Text Available The United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. united in 1983 to form the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.. Since 1978, these three denominations have been involved in an ongoing debate regarding same-gender relationships. Subsequently, General Assemblies and General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commissions (GAPJC � the highest denominational court � have formed a polity regarding the election and ordination and/or installation of gays and lesbians as officers, i.e. deacons, elders, and ministers of the Word and Sacrament, as well as same-gender blessings and marriages. This first of three papers will focus on the historical development of Presbyterian ordination polity with emphasis on specific markers such as the Adopting Act of 1729 with its emphasis on scrupling and essentials, the five fundamentals of 1910 and the Special Commission of 1925 regarding subscription, G-6.0106b Book of Order, and relevant GAPJC rulings.

  8. 78 FR 30333 - Manufacturer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Registration; Siegfried (Usa), Llc. (United States)


    ...; Notice of Registration; Siegfried (Usa), Llc. By Notice dated November 19, 2012, and published in the Federal Register on November 27, 2012, 77 FR 70825, Siegfried (USA), LLC., 33 Industrial Park Road... 21 U.S.C. 823(a) and determined that the registration of Siegfried (USA), LLC., to manufacture the...

  9. Endine USA sõdur : vihkan oma armeed / Canyon Porter ; interv. Liisa Past

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Porter, Canyon


    Pärast 11. septembri terrorirünnakut armeega liitunud, Iraagis missioonil viibinud endine luurespetsialist räägib Abu Ghraibi vanglas toimunust ning armeest lahkumisest. Tema arvates poleks USA üldse pidanud Iraaki minema

  10. USA-Hiina luurelennukitüli ähvardab suureks paisuda / Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bahovski, Erkki, 1970-


    USA-Hiina tüli luurelennuki pärast võib kahjustada Hiina pääsu WTO-sse. Analüütikute arvates näitavad mitmed hiljutised intsidendid USA huvi Hiina sõjasaladuste vastu. Vt. samas "Eesti rannikut seirab Vene lennuk"

  11. Danazol treatment of benign breast disease: a survey of U.S.A. multi-centre studies. (United States)

    Brookshaw, J D


    514 patients with benign breast disease provided records from multicentre studies in the U.S.A. Results showed that a high proportion responded with either decrease or elimination of symptoms, response usually being apparent 15 to 45 days after commencing treatment. Dosage schedules varied between 50 and 400 mg danazol daily and length of treatment between 15 and 196 days. There was a tendency for patients with more severe symptoms to respond better to the higher dosages, and for the elimination rate for all grades of severity to improve with time. Side effects were not severe, and of the expected type including weight gain, oiliness of skin and hair, and acne.

  12. Ameerika suursaadik Aldona Sofia Wos : toon kättpidi USA suurfirmad Eestisse / Aldona Zofia Wos ; interv. Airi Ilisson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Wos, Aldona Zofia


    USA suursaadik Eestis vastab küsimustele, mis on seotud Londonis USA riigidepartemangu korraldatud konverentsiga, kus Balti riikide juhid rääkisid USA ettevõtete esindajatele, miks tuleks investeerida Balti riikidesse. USA tehtud investeeringutest Eestisse, Eesti ettevõtjate võimalustest USA-s. Lisa: Tõhus rahapüüdja

  13. Trends in coal gasification technology development in the U.S.A. (Volume 2); Beikoku ni okeru sekitan gas ka gijutsu kaihatsu no doko. 2

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Studies were carried out subsequently from fiscal 1986 on trends in coal gasification technology development in the U.S.A., as a voluntary study of the Coal Utilizing Hydrogen Manufacturing Technology Research Association. In the U.S.A., the governmental organizations and private sectors are working in a body on developing coal technologies. The present survey has seen activities at the Morgan Town Energy Technology Center (METC) being a national research organization, the Institute of Gas Technology Research (IGT) having a long history, and the Great Plains project, a commercialization project. The great accumulation of technologies as the advanced research nation is impressive. In the present study, site surveys were carried out in the U.S.A. in October last year in addition to the surveys made from the aspects of literatures available inside and outside Japan. Section 1 describes the development of the policies of the METC for comprehensive coal gasification research and development, and the development of advanced gasification technologies. Section 2 describes research activities of IGT covering a wide range, the U-Gas process, a plan for the commercial coal gasification plant using Utah coal, and the high-pressure agglomeration (U-gas process). Section 3 describes the summary of the Great Plains coal gasification project and the way to the commercialization thereof. (NEDO)

  14. Afganistan ja USA tülitsevad vangide ja oopiumi pärast / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    USA presidendi George W. Bushiga kohtumise järel nõudis Afganistani president Hamid Karzai USA käes olevate Afganistani vangide väljaandmist, ta oli nördinud teadete üle, kuidas vange on koheldud. Karzai nõudis kontrolli Afganistanis viibivate USA sõdurite üle ja relvastatud reidide lõpetamist afgaanide kodudesse. Lisa: USA ründab Afganistani narkoäri

  15. Proceedings fo the Seventeenth Annual Sea Turtle Symposium, 4-8 March 1997, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.


    Epperly, Sheryan P.; Braun, Joanne


    The 17th Annual Sea Turtle Symposium was held at the Delta Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida U.S.A. from March 4-8, 1997. The symposium was hosted by Florida Atlantic University, Mote Marine Laboratory, University of Central Florida, University of Florida, Florida Atlantic University and the Comité Nacional para la Conservación y Protección de las Totugas Marinas. The 17th was the largest symposium to date. A total of 720 participants registered, including sea turtle biologists, stu...

  16. USA jälgib Valgevenet valimiste eel pingsalt / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 9. märts lk. 10. USA pöörab suurt tähelepanu 19. märtsil Valgevenes toimuvatele presidendivalimistele. USA välisministeeriumi Euroopa ja Euraasia osakonna asejuhataja David Krameri sõnul tuleb Valgevene võimudel tagada presidendivalimiste ausus ja kandidaatide turvalisus. Lisa. Valimised

  17. USA ja Iraak mängivad ÜROs kassi ja hiirt / Kadri Liik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liik, Kadri, 1970-


    Arengutest USA-Iraagi konfliktis: ÜRO-sse saadetud Iraagi kirjast kutsuda relvastusinspektorid Iraaki tagasi; USA soovist võtta ÜRO-s vastu uus resolutsioon, mis lubaks relvastusinspektorid ka Saddam Husseini paleedesse, kaasaks sõjaväe, annaks õiguse Iraagi rünnata. Skeem: Iraaki puudutavad ÜRO resolutsioonid. Vt. samas kommenteerib Jüri Luik

  18. Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in donkeys (Equus asinus) from the U.S.A. and isolation of T. gondii from cats on donkey farms (United States)

    Donkeys (Equus asinus) are used as companion animals, in leisure activities as working animals, for onotherapy, and their meat and milk is used for human consumption in certain countries. Here we report first serological survey for Toxoplasma gondii in donkeys in the U.S.A. Serum samples were collec...

  19. Draw-and-Write Technique Elicits Children's Perceptions of Health in the USA and Guatemala (United States)

    Renslow, Jillian; Maupin, Jonathan


    Objective: Using the draw-and-write methodology, this study examined cross-cultural similarities and differences in children's perceptions of health. Design: Cross-sectional design. Setting: One public elementary school in the USA and in Guatemala. Method: The total sample included 161 children 9-10 years of age, 80 in the USA and 81 in Guatemala.…

  20. Pension tuleb maal tasuta koju ka tulevikus / Siim-Valmar Kiisler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kiisler, Siim, 1965-


    Regionaalminister Siim-Valmar Kiisleri sõnul toetas riigikogu sotsiaalkomisjon tema ettepanekut ning otsustas kirjutada eelnõusse sisse sätte, et hajaasustusega piirkondades ning asulates, kus pangateenused pole kättesaadavad, jääb pensionide ning hüvitiste kojukanne edaspidigi tasuta. Ilmunud ka: Harju Elu 17. okt. lk. 2, Vooremaa 16. okt. lk. 2; Harju Elu 17. okt. lk. 2; Kuulutaja 17. okt. lk. 4; Võrumaa Teataja 18. okt. lk. 2; Meie Maa 16. okt. lk. 2; Koit 21. okt. lk. 6; Sakala 22. okt. lk. 2; Oma Saar 23. okt. lk. 5

  1. Influence of trees on residential property values in Athens, Gerogia (U.S.A.): a survey based on actual sales prices (United States)

    L.M. Anderson; H.K. Cordell


    survey of the sales of 844 single family residential properties in Athens, Georgia, U.S.A., indicated that landscaping with trees was associated with 3.5%-4.5% increase in sales prices. During the 1978-I 980 study period, the average house sold for about $38 100 (in I978 constant dollars) and had five trees in its front yard. The average sales price increase due to...

  2. DØ Collaboration at FNAL, USA

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Home; Journals; Pramana – Journal of Physics. DØ Collaboration at FNAL, USA. Articles written in Pramana – Journal of Physics. Volume 62 Issue 3 March 2004 pp 561-563 Experimental Particle Physics. Search for narrow-width t t ¯ resonances in p p ¯ collisons at ( s ) = 1.8 TeV · Supriya Jain DØ Collaboration at FNAL, ...

  3. A survey of LMFBR cavitation technology in the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cha, Y.S.; Huebotter, P.R.; Hopenfeld, J.


    Several experimental programmes of a basic and applied nature were established in the USA in order to develop guidelines to ensure design and operation of LMFBR hydraulic components free from cavitation and/or cavitation damage. As of March 1976, most of these experimental programs are still in progress. Each programme is briefly described. The available interium data are presented. References that are relevant are provided

  4. Terrorihirmus USA võimud jälgisid pangatehinguid / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    New York Times esitatud andmete kohaselt on president Bushi administratsioon neli ja pool aastat rahvusvahelise pangandustehinguid koordineeriva organisatsiooni SWIFT vahendusel kontrollinud riigi elanike rahvusvahelisi pangatehinguid. Mitmete kolumnistide arvates on eraelu puutumatuse põhimõttega mindud vastuollu. President Bushi administratsioon kinnitas, et jälitustegevus oli vajalik USA julgeoleku tagamiseks. Lisa: USA jälgib. Vt. samas: Iraagi mässulised ähvardavad Briti sõdurite peresid

  5. Landscape patterns of understory composition and richness across a moisture and nitrogen mineralization gradient in Ohio (U.S.A.) Quercus forests (United States)

    Todd F. Hutchinson; Ralph E.J. Boerner; Louis R. Iverson; Steve Sutherland; Elaine Kennedy Sutherland


    This study quantified relationships of understory vascular plant species composition and richness along environmental gradients over a broad spatial scale in second-growth oak forests in eastern North America. Species frequencies were recorded in 108 25 x 25 m plots in four study sites extending over 70 km in southern Ohio, U.S.A. The plots were stratified into three...

  6. Impact of National Physical Activity and Health Guidelines and Documents on Research on Teaching K-12 Physical Education in U.S.A. (United States)

    Li, Weidong; Xiang, Ping; Gao, Zan; Shen, Bo; Yin, Zhihua; Kong, Qingtao


    Purpose: This study examined the impact of published national physical activity (PA) and health guidelines, documents, and initiatives on the evolution of research on teaching K-12 physical education (PE) in U.S.A. from 1996 to October 2013. Methods: A total of 262 peer-reviewed, data-based journal articles meeting our inclusion and exclusion…

  7. USA tööviljakus kasvab Euroopast kiiremini / Bradford J. DeLong

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DeLong, Bradford J.


    Vaatamata tööpuuduse suurenemisele on USA-s tööjõu tootlikkuse kasvutempo väga kõrge. Ameerika majandusteadlane Robert Gordoni hinnangul hoogustus tööviljakuse kasvutempo tänu infotehnoloogia kiiresti langevatele hindadele, mida omakorda soodustas konkurents ja avatus uutele ettevõtluse viisidele.

  8. USA Today: 20 años después

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel Álvaro Sarmiento


    Full Text Available Se recalca que la historia natural de la prensa escrita es la historia darwinista de la supervivencia de las especies. Trata sobre el diario norteamericano Usa Today que nació hace 20 años y al que no se le auguraba un futuro promisorio, pero hasta la presente está en pie. Se diseñó y programó basándose en estudio de mercado y sondeando los intereses de los consumidores. La prensa escrita fue lenta, tardía, en adoptar los medios de medición que su competencia electrónica venía utilizando para calibrar el producto y presentárselo a su audiencia.

  9. Pudivere sõdib kotka eest ja karjääri vastu / Tanel Mazur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mazur, Tanel, 1971-


    Põltsamaa valla Pudivere ja teiste ümberkaudsete külade elanikud kardavad, et kavandatav dolokivikaevandus rikub nende kaevuvee, häirib igapäevast elu ja peletab minema kaitsealuse väike-konnakotka. Kommenteerib Kotkaklubi Jõgevamaa ekspert Joosep Tuvi

  10. USA 2008 : maailma ilmselt mõjukaima mehe või naise valik sai hoo sisse / Liisa Past

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Past, Liisa


    USA riigipea institutsiooni muutumisest. Autori sõnul on USA riigipea institutsioon võimsam kui kunagi varem ja pidevalt lisandunud uued rollid on muutunud selle lausa ohtlikult tugevaks. Kõige olulisemalt on viimase poole sajandi jooksul muutunud presidendi suhted kodumaise avalikkusega. Lisad: 2008. aasta USA presidendivalimised; Valimistsükkel

  11. Ämari baas sobib USA-le ja brittidele

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eelmisel nädalal Eestit külastanud USA ja Ühendkuningriigi sõjalised esindajad NATO juures kindralleitnandid David R. Hogg ja Christopher Harper kinnitasid, et on valmis oma lennukeid Ämari baasist opereerima

  12. Sõda kahel rindel ähvardab murda USA armee selgroo / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    Kaks äsja avaldatud raportit hoiatavad, et USA armeel on Iraagis ja Afganistanis ettevõetud operatsioonide ulatuse tõttu suuri probleeme. W. Perry ja M. Albrighti tellitud uurimus süüdistab G. Bushi valitsust, et ressursse pole õigesti hinnatud. USA kaitseminister Donald Rumsfeld lükkas mõlemad väited tagasi. Lisa: Iraagi ülesehitus terava kriitika all

  13. Leinatuli : noored süütasid iga küüditamisohvri mälestuseks küünla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti noorteühendused süütasid 25. märtsil 2010. a. Tallinnas Vabaduse väljakul 1949. a. märtsiküüditamise ohvrite mälestuseks üle 20 000 küünla. Mälestusüritusel osales ka president Toomas Hendrik Ilves, kes pidas kõne ja asetas Vabadussõja võidusamba jalamile küüditatute ja nende lähedaste mälestuseks pärja. Ilmunud ka: Eesti Elu 26. märts 2010, lk. 25, pealk.: Mälestati küüditatuid

  14. Karzai nõuab USA-lt võitu, ähvardades muidu rahu teha / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Afganistani president Hamid Karzai nõuab USA-lt ajakava selle kohta, millal NATO kavatseb Talibani üle võidu saavutada. Afganistanis visiidil viibinud USA president George W. Bush avaldas toetust Barack Obama kavale keskenduda veelgi enam Afganistanis sõdimisele

  15. Fate of acetone in an outdoor model stream in southern Mississippi, U.S.A. (United States)

    Rathbun, R.E.; Stephens, D.W.; Shultz, D.J.; Tai, D.Y.


    The fate of acetone in water was investigated in an outdoor model stream located in southern Mississippi, U.S.A. Acetone was injected continuously for 32 days resulting in small milligram-perliter concentrations in the stream. Rhodamine-WT dye was injected at the beginning and at the end of the study to determine the time-of-travel and dispersion characteristics of the stream. A 12-h injection of t-butyl alcohol (TBA) was used to determine the volatilization characteristics of the stream. Volatilization controlled the acetone concentration in the stream. Significant bacterial degradation of acetone did not occur, contrary to expectations based on previous laboratory studies. Attempts to induce degradation of the acetone by injecting glucose and a nutrient solution containing bacteria acclimated to acetone were unsuccessful. Possible explanations for the lack of bacterial degradation included a nitrate limitation and a limited residence time in the stream system. ?? 1988.

  16. USA toetab arvatust enam Ukraina opositsiooni / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Briti ajalehe The Guardian kommentaatori Ian Traynor'i sõnul on Ukraina sündmuste puhul tegemist viimase nelja aasta jooksul juba neljanda USA poolt korraldatud ja finantseeritud ettevõtmisega endises idablokis, kus soovitakse vanameelseid režiime võimult tõugata. Sarnase skeemi järgi on tema hinnangul toimunud valimistejärgsed rahutused Jugoslaavias, Gruusias ja Valgevenes

  17. Reproductive health of bass in the Potomac, U.S.A., drainage: part 1. Exploring the effects of proximity to wastewater treatment plant discharge. (United States)

    Iwanowicz, Luke R; Blazer, Vicki S; Guy, Christopher P; Pinkney, Alfred E; Mullican, John E; Alvarez, David A


    Intersex (specifically, testicular oocytes) has been observed in male smallmouth bass (SMB; Micropterus dolomieu) and other centrarchids in the South Branch of the Potomac River, U.S.A., and forks of the Shenandoah River, U.S.A., during the past five years. This condition often is associated with exposure to estrogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals in some fish species, but such chemicals and their sources have yet to be identified in the Potomac. In an attempt to better understand the plausible causes of this condition, we investigated the reproductive health of bass sampled up- and downstream of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent point sources on the Potomac River in Maryland, U.S.A. Smallmouth bass were sampled from the Conococheague Creek and the Monocacy River, and largemouth bass (LMB; Micropterus salmoides) were collected near the Blue Plains WWTP on the mainstem of the Potomac River. Chemical analyses of compounds captured in passive samplers at these locations also were conducted. A high prevalence of intersex (82-100%) was identified in male SMB at all sites regardless of collection area. A lower prevalence of intersex (23%) was identified in male LMB collected at the Blue Plains site. When up- and downstream fish were compared, significant differences were noted only in fish from the Conococheague. Differences included condition factor, gonadosomatic index, plasma vitellogenin concentration, and estrogen to testosterone ratio. In general, chemicals associated with wastewater effluent, storm-water runoff, and agriculture were more prevalent at the downstream sampling sites. An exception was atrazine and its associated metabolites, which were present in greater concentrations at the upstream sites. It appears that proximity to effluent from WWTPs may influence the reproductive health of bass in the Potomac watershed, but inputs from other sources likely contribute to the widespread, high incidence of testicular oocytes.

  18. Habitat relationships of reptiles in pine beetle disturbed forests of Alabama, U.S.A., with guidelines for a modified drift-fence sampling method (United States)

    William B. Sutton; Yong Wang; Callie J. Schweitzer


    Understanding vertebrate habitat relationships is important to promote management strategies for the longterm conservation of many species. Using a modified drift fence method, we sampled reptiles and compared habitat variables within the William B. Bankhead National Forest (BNF) in Alabama, U.S.A from April 2005 to June 2006. We captured 226 individual reptiles...

  19. Effectiveness of Chain Link Turtle Fence and Culverts in Reducing Turtle Mortality and Providing Connectivity along U.S. Hwy 83, Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska, USA (United States)


    We evaluated the effectiveness of existing turtle fences through collecting and analyzing turtle mortality data along U.S. Hwy 83, in and around Valentine National Wildlife Refuge, Nebraska, USA. We also investigated the level of connectivity for tur...

  20. Thermal gasification of biomass technology development in the U.S.A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babu, S P [Inst. of Gas Technology, Des Plaines, IL (United States); Bain, R L; Craig, K R [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (United States)


    In the U.S.A., the widely recognized importance of biomass utilization in controlling carbon build-up in the biosphere and the potential benefit of creating new industries associated with new job opportunities, particularly in the rural areas, have added impetus to the development and commercialization of advanced biomass energy conversion methods. Recent analyses and evaluations have shown that many short rotation energy crops (SREC) produce significant net-energy (i.e., energy yield greater than the energy input for plant growth). SREC such as willow, poplar, and miscanthus may yield up to 20 dry tonnes/yr/ha/year of biomass feedstocks, some with about 20 % moisture, after the third year of plantation. Implementation by U.S. EPA of the recent Clean Water Act Federal Biosolids Rules specified as Code 40 of Federal Register 503, should make available large quantities of high nitrogen content, pathogen-free municipal sludges ideally suited as an inexpensive source of organic fertiliser, thus improving the economics of SREC. The concept of herbaceous SREC can be further augmented when value-added byproducts, such as cattle feed, could be produced along with biomass energy feedstocks. Since 1990, there has been renewed interest in the United States in developing advanced power-generating cycles utilizing biomass gasification. The advanced systems have the potential for higher generation efficiencies, 35 % to 40 %, and lower costs of electricity, $0.045 to $0.055/kWh, compared to conventional direct-combustion systems. The efficiency of power production can be even higher (about 55 %) when the fuel gas is converted to hydrogen followed by electrochemical conversion to electricity in a fuel cell. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 includes a number of provisions to promote the commercialisation of biomass power production. The recent Global Climate Change Action Plan also includes several programs and incentives for biomass power production. A summary of U.S. demonstration

  1. Thermal gasification of biomass technology development in the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Babu, S.P.; Bain, R.L.; Craig, K.R.


    In the U.S.A., the widely recognized importance of biomass utilization in controlling carbon build-up in the biosphere and the potential benefit of creating new industries associated with new job opportunities, particularly in the rural areas, have added impetus to the development and commercialization of advanced biomass energy conversion methods. Recent analyses and evaluations have shown that many short rotation energy crops (SREC) produce significant net-energy (i.e., energy yield greater than the energy input for plant growth). SREC such as willow, poplar, and miscanthus may yield up to 20 dry tonnes/yr/ha/year of biomass feedstocks, some with about 20 % moisture, after the third year of plantation. Implementation by U.S. EPA of the recent Clean Water Act Federal Biosolids Rules specified as Code 40 of Federal Register 503, should make available large quantities of high nitrogen content, pathogen-free municipal sludges ideally suited as an inexpensive source of organic fertiliser, thus improving the economics of SREC. The concept of herbaceous SREC can be further augmented when value-added byproducts, such as cattle feed, could be produced along with biomass energy feedstocks. Since 1990, there has been renewed interest in the United States in developing advanced power-generating cycles utilizing biomass gasification. The advanced systems have the potential for higher generation efficiencies, 35 % to 40 %, and lower costs of electricity, $0.045 to $0.055/kWh, compared to conventional direct-combustion systems. The efficiency of power production can be even higher (about 55 %) when the fuel gas is converted to hydrogen followed by electrochemical conversion to electricity in a fuel cell. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 includes a number of provisions to promote the commercialisation of biomass power production. The recent Global Climate Change Action Plan also includes several programs and incentives for biomass power production. A summary of U.S. demonstration

  2. Thermal gasification of biomass technology development in the U.S.A

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Babu, S.P. [Inst. of Gas Technology, Des Plaines, IL (United States); Bain, R.L.; Craig, K.R. [National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO (United States)


    In the U.S.A., the widely recognized importance of biomass utilization in controlling carbon build-up in the biosphere and the potential benefit of creating new industries associated with new job opportunities, particularly in the rural areas, have added impetus to the development and commercialization of advanced biomass energy conversion methods. Recent analyses and evaluations have shown that many short rotation energy crops (SREC) produce significant net-energy (i.e., energy yield greater than the energy input for plant growth). SREC such as willow, poplar, and miscanthus may yield up to 20 dry tonnes/yr/ha/year of biomass feedstocks, some with about 20 % moisture, after the third year of plantation. Implementation by U.S. EPA of the recent Clean Water Act Federal Biosolids Rules specified as Code 40 of Federal Register 503, should make available large quantities of high nitrogen content, pathogen-free municipal sludges ideally suited as an inexpensive source of organic fertiliser, thus improving the economics of SREC. The concept of herbaceous SREC can be further augmented when value-added byproducts, such as cattle feed, could be produced along with biomass energy feedstocks. Since 1990, there has been renewed interest in the United States in developing advanced power-generating cycles utilizing biomass gasification. The advanced systems have the potential for higher generation efficiencies, 35 % to 40 %, and lower costs of electricity, $0.045 to $0.055/kWh, compared to conventional direct-combustion systems. The efficiency of power production can be even higher (about 55 %) when the fuel gas is converted to hydrogen followed by electrochemical conversion to electricity in a fuel cell. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 includes a number of provisions to promote the commercialisation of biomass power production. The recent Global Climate Change Action Plan also includes several programs and incentives for biomass power production. A summary of U.S. demonstration

  3. Tšetšeenia - sõja lõppu ei paista / Aadu Hiietamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiietamm, Aadu, 1954-


    Autori väitel on praegune olukord Tšetšeenias halvem kui 1999. aastal, maailma tähelepanu Tšetšeenias toimuvale on nõrgenenud. Vt. samas: Igor Taro. Ramzan Kadõrov: tapan elu lõpuni. Katrin Lust-Buchanan. Tšetšeenid armastavad vabadust

  4. Short history of regulations and approved indications of antimicrobial drugs for food animals in the USA. (United States)

    Volkova, V V; DeMars, Z


    We review historical availability and regulation, and recent indications of antimicrobial drugs for food animals in the USA. We summarize the timeline of introduction of individual antimicrobial drug classes from the 1930s to present, history of regulation of antimicrobial drugs from the 1930s to present and indications of antimicrobial drugs in 1996-2014 for food animals in the USA. The history of antimicrobial drug regulation demonstrates a historical precedent for harmonized regulations of antimicrobials 'for human and other animals' in the USA. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. USA toetus Eestile

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ameerika Ühendriikide riigisekretär Condoleezza Rice kinnitas 3. mail 2007 telefonikõnes president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesele USA toetust Eestile ning tõsist muret Venemaa käitumise üle oma naaberriigi suhtes. Ilmunud ka: Meie Kodu 9. mai 2007, lk. 2, pealk.: USA riigisekretär Vabariigi Presidendile: Ühendriigid toetavad Eestit


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The paper aimed to present the evolution of milk production and dairy products in the USA during the period 2004-2006, based on USDA Statistics. The USA is a top produce of milk and dairy products in the world. Milk production accounted for 181,798 Millions Pounds in the year 2006. Its continuously increase during the last years has been positively influenced by the increasing number of dairy cows and average milk yield . The top states are California, Wisconsin, New York, Idaho and Pennsylvania, which all together achieve about 54 % of the country milk production. Over 99.37 % of Milk Production is marketed. Considering all milk marketings, Million USD 23,422 cash receiptscould be obtained from a dairy farm in the year 2006. The average return per Cwt was about USD 13 in 2006 . Milk is processed by about 1,000 manufacturing plants in a large variety of dairy products. Cheese production was about 9.5 Billion Pounds in the last analyzed years. The US also produces important amounts of butter , yogurt, ice cream etc. About 8.3 % of the US dairy products are exported, the most markets being Japan, Mexico and Canada.

  7. USA välisminister silus vägistamisskandaali / Aadu Hiietamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiietamm, Aadu, 1954-


    USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice väljendas Jaapani visiidil sügavat kahetsust seoses juhtumiga, milles Ühendriikide merejalaväelast süüdistatakse 14aastase Jaapani tüdruku vägistamises. Vt. samas: Ameerika väed Jaapanis

  8. 77 FR 6587 - Startek USA, Inc. Alexandria, LA; Startek USA, Inc., Collinsville, VA; Amended Certification... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-75,089; TA-W-75,089A] Startek USA, Inc. Alexandria, LA; Startek USA, Inc., Collinsville, VA; Amended Certification Regarding Eligibility... for Worker Adjustment Assistance on January 26, 2011, applicable to workers of StarTek USA, Inc...

  9. Järva-Jaani / Heiki Pärdi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pärdi, Heiki, 1951-


    Järva-Jaani alevi ajaloost. Tähtsamad hooned: kirikumõisa peahoone, apteeker A. Steini maja, P. Pentre jahu-, sae- ja villaveski hoone (hävinud), arst Rennenbergi maja (praegu Järva-Jaani vallamaja) Pikk 28, K. Sargi elu- ja ärimaja Pikk 18, A. Vinki elu- ja ärimaja Pikk 22, kunagine kohtuhoone Pikk 19, J. Laupa elu- ja ärimajad Pikk 34, 41, 45, pritsimaja Pikk 24 (praegu tuletõrjemuuseum), rahvamaja Pikk 30, H. Rööpsoni elu- ja ärimaja Jaani 5, H. Janovi elu- ja ärimaja Jaani 9, L. Türgi elumaja Lai 5, J. Lüüde elumaja Lai 21

  10. Selected Aspects of Soil Science History in the USA - Prehistory to the 1970s (United States)

    Brevik, Eric C.; Fenton, Thomas E.; Homburg, Jeffrey A.


    Interest in understanding America's soils originated in prehistory with Native Americans. Following European settlement, notable individuals such as Thomas Jefferson and Lewis and Clark made observations of soil resources. Moving into the 1800s, state geological surveys became involved in soil work and E.W. Hilgard started to formulate ideas similar to those that would eventually lead to V.V. Dokuchaev being recognized as the father of modern soil science. However, Hilgard's advanced ideas on soil genesis were not accepted by the wider American soil science community at the time. Moving into the 1900s, the National Cooperative Soil Survey, the first nationally organized detailed soil survey in the world, was founded under the direction of M. Whitney. Initial soil classification ideas were heavily based in geology, but over time Russian ideas of soil genesis and classification moved into the American soil science community, mainly due to the influence of C.F. Marbut. Early American efforts in scientific study of soil erosion and soil fertility were also initiated in the 1910s and university programs to educate soil scientists started. Soil erosion studies took on high priority in the 1930s as the USA was impacted by the Dust Bowl. Soil Taxonomy, one of the most widely utilized soil classification systems in the world, was developed from the 1950s through the 1970s under the guidance of G.D. Smith and with administrative support from C.E. Kellogg. American soil scientists, such as H. Jenny, R.W. Simonson, D.L. Johnson, and D. Watson-Stegner, developed influential models of soil genesis during the 20th Century, and the use of soil information expanded beyond agriculture to include issues such as land-use planning, soil geomorphology, and interactions between soils and human health.

  11. Notes on Pauropoda (Myriapoda from U.S.A. with descriptions of two new species

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ulf Scheller


    Full Text Available Two new species of Pauropoda are described from USA, Kionopauropus alyeskaensis sp. n. (Pauropodidae, and Eurypauropus arcuatus sp. n. (Eurypauropodidae. The genus Kionopauropus is reported from the Western Hemisphere for the first time.

  12. Mis on hinge hind ehk Imet ei sündinud / Jaanus Kulli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kulli, Jaanus, 1955-


    Mängufilm "Ristumine peateega" : režissöör ja produtsent Arko Okk : Stsenarist oma näidendi järgi Jaan Tätte : Operaator Dmitri Jermakov : Kunstnik Pille Jänes : Helilooja Jukka Linkola : Acuba Film 1999. Lisa : Arko Oki elu ja loomingu lühikokkuvõte

  13. Dominant, Residual, and Emergent: Opposing Forces Hovering over John Dos Passos’ U.S.A

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rahmat Ollah Mahtabi


    Full Text Available This study is an attempt to investigate John Dos Passos’s U.S.A. Trilogy; The 42nd Parallel (1930; 1919 (1932; and The Big Money (1936 in the light of Raymond Williams. Analyzing the trilogy in terms of Williams’ hegemonic forces between dominant and emergent, it is recognized that the trilogy is full of tragic lives of characters living in the capitalist society of America. According to what Williams says, there are clashes between cultures in a society. He believes that the dominant culture constantly changes and it would not let other cultures to become the controlling power in the society. This tragedy is not an individual experience, but is rather like a collective consciousness. Each and every character is doing their best to change their condition into better but is opposed by the dominant. This is exactly in line with the idea of Williams that the dominant is able to project its own ideology and way of seeing the world so that the subordinated ones accept it as something natural and common. Although there are different types of hegemony including economic and cultural ones, hegemony in this trilogy is mostly the affirmation of the relations between economic and super-structural aspects of it.

  14. EL nõuab USA vangilaagri sulgemist / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    EL on seisukohal, et Guantanamo vangla tuleb sulgeda. Amnesty International nimetas kolme enesetappu Guantanamo vanglas aastatepikkuse õigusevastase ja lõputu vangistuse tagajärjeks. Vangilaagi komandant aga peab neid enesetappe osaks USA-vastasest asümmeetrilisest sõjast. Lisa: Enam kui 40 enesetapukatset

  15. Resistance of Benghal Dayflower (Commelina benghalensis) Seeds to Harsh Environments and the Implications for Dispersal by Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) in Georgia, U.S.A. (United States)

    The potential dispersal of Benghal dayflower seeds by mourning doves was studied in southern Georgia, U.S.A. The gut contents (both crop and gizzard) of mourning doves harvested in the autumn months were investigated to determine if mourning doves fed on Benghal dayflower and whether seeds can surv...

  16. Exemplary Programs Supporting Teacher Professional Development in the U.S.A. (United States)

    Passow, Michael J.


    By Law, there is no national curriculum in the U.S.A., so each State sets its own regulations for teacher certification and professional development. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS, provide guidelines for teacher training and curriculum development in Earth Science, Life Science, and the physical sciences (chemistry and biology). Presented here are examples of effective programs designed to support in-service Earth Science teachers, especially at the middle school and high school level (grades 6 - 12, ages 12 - 18). The Earth2Class Workshops for Teachers at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University (E2C) provides monthly gatherings of research scientists and teachers to learn about cutting-edge investigations in a wide variety of fields, and develop lesson plans to share these discoveries. The E2C website,, also provides a wide variety of educational resources used by teachers and students to learn about the planet. The National Earth Science Teachers Association ( is the largest professional society focused on pre-college Earth Science education. Together with its partner, Windows to the Universe (, NESTA offers workshops and other programs at national and regional teacher conferences, a quarterly journal designed for classroom use, monthly E-Newsletters, and one of the largest collection of web resources in education. For more than twenty years, the American Meteorological Society has trained teachers across the country through its online courses: DataStreme Weather, DataStreme Ocean, and DataStreme Earth's Climate System ( Informal science education institutions also provide strong in-person and web-based professional development programs. Among these are the American Museum of Natural History's "Seminars on Science" ( and many programs for educators

  17. USA kahepaiksest mängust / Jüri Lina

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lina, Jüri, 1949-


    Sama artikkel on ilmunud ka Eesti 2000 : sõltumatu almanahh ühiskonna ja vaimuelu küsimustes nr. 4 ja nr. 6. Autori väitel on USA muu hulgas huvitatud maakera rahvastiku drastilisest vähendamisest, seepärast ongi pärast Teist maailmasõda kunstlikult lõkkele puhutud sadu sõjalisi konflikte. Lisatud Jüri Lina lühielulugu lk. 23

  18. Persistent environmental contamination with USA300 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogenic strain types in households with S. aureus skin infections. (United States)

    Eells, Samantha J; David, Michael Z; Taylor, Alexis; Ortiz, Nancy; Kumar, Neha; Sieth, Julia; Boyle-Vavra, Susan; Daum, Robert S; Miller, Loren G


    To understand the genotypic spectrum of environmental contamination of Staphylococcus aureus in households and its persistence. Prospective longitudinal cohort investigation. Index participants identified at 2 academic medical centers. Adults and children with S. aureus skin infections and their household contacts in Los Angeles and Chicago. Household fomites were surveyed for contamination at baseline and 3 months. All isolates underwent genetic typing. We enrolled 346 households, 88% of which completed the 3-month follow-up visit. S. aureus environmental contamination was 49% at baseline and 51% at 3 months. Among households with a USA300 methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) body infection isolate, environmental contamination with an indistinguishable MRSA strain was 58% at baseline and 63% at 3 months. Baseline factors associated with environmental contamination by the index subject's infection isolate were body colonization by any household member with the index subject's infection isolate at baseline (odds ratio [OR], 10.93 [95% confidence interval (CI), 5.75-20.79]), higher housing density (OR, 1.47 [95% CI, 1.10-1.96]), and more frequent household fomite cleaning (OR, 1.62 [95% CI, 1.16-2.27]). Household environmental contamination with the index subject's infection strain at 3 months was associated with USA300 MRSA and a synergistic interaction between baseline environmental contamination and body colonization by any household member with the index subject's infection strain. We found that infecting S. aureus isolates frequently persisted environmentally in households 3 months after skin infection. Presence of pathogenic S. aureus strain type in the environment in a household may represent a persistent reservoir that places household members at risk of future infection.

  19. USA esindajad Iraagis soovitasid Bushi kurssi / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    USA vägede juht Iraagis kindral David Petraeus ja suursaadik Iraagis Ryan Crocker rõhutasid Kongressis esinedes, et Ameerika sõjaline kohalolu on Iraagis vajalik, sest vägivald on riigis vähenenud, vägede lahkumise korral hakkaks julgeolek vähenema

  20. 75 FR 22864 - In the Matter of CAN USA, Inc., Harvey, Louisiana; General License Pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20... (United States)


    ... CAN USA, Inc., Harvey, Louisiana; General License Pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20; Confirmatory Order (Effective Immediately) I CAN USA, Inc. (CAN USA or Licensee) is the holder of State of Louisiana Materials..., pursuant to 10 CFR 150.20(a)(1), CAN USA is granted a general license by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory...

  1. Sustaining non-proliferation in the 1980s

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nye, J.S.


    The subject is discussed as follows: introduction; the non-proliferation regime - 1950s to 1970s (IAEA safeguards; Non-proliferation Treaty; oil crisis; proposed sale of facilities for producing weapons-usable materials; USA position); the Carter Administration approach; INFCE (International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Evaluation); incentives (USA); export legislation (USA); domestic breeder policy (USA); maintaining the regime in the 1980s (safeguards; Pu and highly enriched uranium management; international spent fuel storage; fuel assurances); the problem of priority; rate vs. degree of proliferation; relations among regimes (international regimes); conclusion. (U.K.)

  2. Õhuvägi loobus USA pakutud lennukitest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti õhuvägi loobus USA poolt kingituseks pakutud kahest sõjaväe transportlennukist Sherpa C-23B+. Põhjalikuma analüüsi tulemusel on kaalumisel alternatiivsed variandid ja Sherpasid õhuvägi praeguse seisuga kasutusse ei võta, ütles kaitseväe peastaabi pressiesindaja

  3. Rahumeelsemasse maailma sõjaootusega / Eiki Berg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Berg, Eiki, 1970-


    Ilmunud ka: Nädaline, 8. mai 2004, lk. 4; Meie Maa, 8. mai 2004, lk. 2; Lääne Elu, 11. mai 2004, lk. 4; Vooremaa, 11. mai 2004, lk. 2; Põhjarannik, 11. mai 2004, lk. 2; Severnoje Poberezhje, 11. mai 2004, lk. 2; Valgamaalane, 11. mai 2004, lk. 2; Hiiu Leht, 11. mai 2004, lk. 2; Vali Uudised, 12. mai 2004, lk. 2. Seoses EL-iga liitumisega toimunud hinnatõusudest, kauba kallinemist mõjutavatest teguritest

  4. USA National Phenology Network’s volunteer-contributed observations yield predictive models of phenological transitions (United States)

    Crimmins, Theresa M.; Crimmins, Michael A.; Gerst, Katherine L.; Rosemartin, Alyssa H.; Weltzin, Jake


    In support of science and society, the USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) maintains a rapidly growing, continental-scale, species-rich dataset of plant and animal phenology observations that with over 10 million records is the largest such database in the United States. Contributed voluntarily by professional and citizen scientists, these opportunistically collected observations are characterized by spatial clustering, inconsistent spatial and temporal sampling, and short temporal depth. We explore the potential for developing models of phenophase transitions suitable for use at the continental scale, which could be applied to a wide range of resource management contexts. We constructed predictive models of the onset of breaking leaf buds, leaves, open flowers, and ripe fruits – phenophases that are the most abundant in the database and also relevant to management applications – for all species with available data, regardless of plant growth habit, location, geographic extent, or temporal depth of the observations. We implemented a very basic model formulation - thermal time models with a fixed start date. Sufficient data were available to construct 107 individual species × phenophase models. Of these, fifteen models (14%) met our criteria for model fit and error and were suitable for use across the majority of the species’ geographic ranges. These findings indicate that the USA-NPN dataset holds promise for further and more refined modeling efforts. Further, the candidate models that emerged could be used to produce real-time and short-term forecast maps of the timing of such transitions to directly support natural resource management.

  5. Controlled population-based comparative study of USA and international adult [55-74] neurological deaths 1989-2014. (United States)

    Pritchard, C; Rosenorn-Lanng, E; Silk, A; Hansen, L


    A population-based controlled study to determine whether adult (55-74 years) neurological disease deaths are continuing to rise and are there significant differences between America and the twenty developed countries 1989-91 and 2012-14. Total Neurological Deaths (TND) rates contrasted against control Cancer and Circulatory Disease Deaths (CDD) extrapolated from WHO data. Confidence intervals compare USA and the other countries over the period. The Over-75's TND and population increases are examined as a context for the 55-74 outcomes. Male neurological deaths rose >10% in eleven countries, the other countries average rose 20% the USA 43% over the period. Female neurological deaths rose >10% in ten counties, averaging 14%, the USA up 68%. USA male and female neurological deaths increased significantly more than twelve and seventeen countries, respectively. USA over-75s population increased by 49%, other countries 56%. Other countries TND up 187% the USA rose fourfold. Male and female cancer and CDD fell in every country averaging 26% and 21%, respectively, and 64% and 67% for CDD. Male neurological rates rose significantly more than Cancer and CCD in every country; Female neurological deaths rose significantly more than cancer in 17 countries and every country for CDD. There was no significant correlation between increases in neurological deaths and decreases in control mortalities. There are substantial increases in neurological deaths in most countries, significantly so in America. Rises in the 55-74 and over-75's rates are not primarily due to demographic changes and are a matter of concern warranting further investigation. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Quebec-USA electricity export contracts

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Labbe, J.-F.


    Electricity exports from Hydro-Quebec to utilities in the USA significantly affects the economy and environment of Quebec. These exports may be arranged under interconnection agreements to sell excess capacity and production during off-peak periods or under firm sales contracts. Hydro-Quebec exports could also replace power plants that would otherwise be needed in the USA. The economic environment for Hydro-Quebec exports to the USA is reviewed along with the regulatory environment applicable to international trade (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Canada-USA Free Trade Agreement, North American Free Trade Agreement), Quebec (Canadian federal and provincial law), and the USA (federal and state law). A jurisdictional analysis of power export contracts is then presented, citing examples of contracts already signed by Hydro-Quebec with utilities in New York and New England. Contract law and contract provisions are discussed, including common clauses and particular clauses. Suggestions are made for new clauses that would improve the electricity trade. 215 refs., 13 figs., 3 tabs

  7. Nordkorea kan endelig ramme USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Peter Viggo


    Nordkoreas evne til at nå USA baner vej for en forhandlet løsning, fordi præsident Trump ikke har andre alternativer. Krig vil koste over en million døde, og Kina er imod effektive sanktioner. Det nødvendige pres for at få USA til forhandlingsbordet er nu på plads.......Nordkoreas evne til at nå USA baner vej for en forhandlet løsning, fordi præsident Trump ikke har andre alternativer. Krig vil koste over en million døde, og Kina er imod effektive sanktioner. Det nødvendige pres for at få USA til forhandlingsbordet er nu på plads....

  8. Identification and Comparison of Requirements Imposed on Brand Managers: Cross-National Study in the U.S.A. and in the Czech Republic

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zuzana Wroblowská


    Full Text Available Purpose of the article: The author’s interest focuses on human factor of brand managers, as brands and their added value are considered to be among the most important sources of competitive advantage for business in a competitive marketplace. There is no doubt that for succeeding in their job role, brand managers must have knowledge, dispositional traits and concomitant soft skills that arise from these traits. The purpose of the article is to provide the insight into the offering of brand manager posts in the Czech Republic and in the U.S.A. and to analyse the collected data with the special interest in finding the answer whether the employers are searching the brand managers possessing personal dispositions and skills of knowledge workers, and if there is no significant difference in the requirements between the Czech and American recruitment advertisers. Methodology/methods: For a successful empirical research, the content analysis method by Berelson was used to study the texts in the advertisements publicly available on career portals. The statistical verifications of results were conducted using the chi-square test. Scientific aim:The goal of the primary survey was to provide the answers to the research questions that arise from the following research assumptions: (1 employers do not publish different requirements for candidates for the job of Brand Manager in the U.S.A. and in the Czech Republic, (2 the set of requirements for candidates for the job of Brand Manager in the U.S.A. will confirm that a brand manager is one of the workers who has skills and personality prerequisites expected from knowledge workers. Findings: The results of the actual research project confirmed the fundamental need for excellent communication skills (69.0% and presentation skills (65.5%. Unlike employers in the Czech Republic, the American companies are more interested in people with a high degree of responsibility (41.4% that is the third highest relative

  9. The evolution of nuclear power in the USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Davis, W.K.


    The development and deployment of commercial nuclear power in the USA has been impressive since the programme began in the early 1950s. Today there are 73 commercial power reactors operating in the USA with combined capacity of about 56 GW(e). By 1990, an additional 64 nuclear power plants with a total capacity of approximately 123 GW(e) will be in operation supplying about 25% of US electrical energy requirements. Despite the cancellation of 91 new units since 1972 and lack of any new plant orders, there is a clear and continuing role for nuclear energy in the USA if we are to experience continued economic growth. New growth for US nuclear industry requires several things to happen. The prospective demand for electricity and new generating plants must increase; the US Government must show that it will fulfill its responsibilities to dispose of nuclear waste; a more stable regulatory process must be implemented so that nuclear power plants can be built with a reasonable degree of assurance beforehand as to what the final design, cost and schedule will be. President Reagan's July 1981 policy statement on Non-Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Co-operation and October 1981 Domestic Nuclear Policy Statement provide the policy framework necessary for the USA to maintain a viable domestic nuclear industry to enable nuclear power to make its essential contribution to future US energy needs and to re-establish the USA as a predictable and reliable partner for international nuclear co-operation under adequate safeguards. The US Government has structured its programmes and activities to implement these policies and initiatives. (author)

  10. 20. märts kuni 20. aprill : Kes meie elu mõjutavad? / Allan Espenberg

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Espenberg, Allan


    Bosnia ja Hertsegoviina: kolmeliikmelise Presidentuuri serblasest liikmeks valiti Borislav Paravac; Eesti: president Arnold Rüütel nimetas ametisse Juhan Partsi juhitava valitsuse; Iraak: USA erukindral Jay Garner sai Iraagi üleminekuvalitsuse juhiks; Kesk-Aafrika Vabariik: pärast riigipööret kuulutas end uueks presidendiks Francois Bozize; Malawi: II asepresidendiks nimetati Chakufwa Chihana; Nauru: presidendi surma järel nimetati tema kohusetäitjaks Derog Gioura; Soome: uueks peaministriks sai Anneli Jäätteenmäki

  11. Venemaad süüdistas inimeste vabaduste piiramises ka Bush / Erkki Bahovski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Bahovski, Erkki, 1970-


    USA presidendi George Bushi sõnul on üks USA põhimuresid Venemaa majanduslik natsionalism. Senaator John McCain süüdistas Venemaad naabrite hirmutamises ja oma kodanike õiguste rikkumises. Lisa: USA etteheited. Vt. samas: Vene energiaminister tõrjus USA süüdistusi

  12. Balti põgenike problemaatika USA poliitikas 1945-1952 / Kaja Kumer-Haukanõmm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kumer-Haukanõmm, Kaja


    Teise maailmasõja järel lähtus enamik riike pagulaste kohta käivate otsuste langetamisel USA tegevusest. Sõjapõgenike küsimusega tegelenud organisatsioonidest. Perioodi jooksul toimunud muutustest põgenikelaagrites viibinute suhtes. Keeruline aeg Balti riikide pagulaste jaoks oli 1946. aasta ja 1947. aasta esimene pool. Tõenäoliselt ei abistanud USA balti põgenikke ainult humanistlikel kaalutlustel, vaid neid kasutati külma sõja algul Nõukogude Liiduga suheldes sageli manipuleerimisvahendina

  13. Paldisklased said USA mereväelt tasuta arstiabi / Eda Post

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Post, Eda, 1983-


    Kriisimeditsiiniõppuseks Tallinna sõitnud USA mereväe hospidalilaevas Comfort saavad erialast väljaõpet 245 meedikut ning tasuta hambaravi ja nägemise kontrolli üle poolesaja vähekindlustatud Paldiski elaniku

  14. A taxonomic revision of the Cymindis (Pinacodera limbata species group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini, including description of a new species from Florida, U.S.A.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wesley Hunting


    Full Text Available The Cymindis (Pinacodera limbata species group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiini is a precinctive New World taxon with ranges extended from portions of temperate southeastern Canada and the U.S.A. through the montane regions of Mexico, south to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. The group is distinguishable from all other members of the subgenus Pinacodera by males possessing a distinctive sclerite (endophallic plate at the apex of the endophallus. In the past, a lack of material and misunderstandings of range of variation within species have contributed to confusion about how many species there really are.This revision of the limbata species group includes a classification, a key to groups within the subgenus Pinacodera and species within the limbata group, descriptions of species, re-rankings and new synonymies. In total 10 taxa are treated, with 6 new synonyms proposed, 1 new combination introduced and 1 new species described: Cymindis (Pinacodera rufostigma (type locality: Archbold Biological Station, Highlands County, Florida, U.S.A.. Each taxon is characterized in terms of structural features of adults, habitat, geographical distribution, and chorological affinities. Available ecological information and treatments of variation are included.

  15. 75 FR 74711 - Planet Energy (USA) Corp.; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. ER11-2166-000] Planet Energy (USA) Corp.; Supplemental Notice That Initial Market-Based Rate Filing Includes Request for Blanket... proceeding, of Planet Energy (USA) Corp.'s application for market-based rate authority, with an accompanying...

  16. Petrophysical and Petrographic Characterization, Mixed Carbonate - Siliciclastic - Evaporite Cclic System, upper Desmoinesian (Middle Pennsylvanian) of the Paradox Basin (SE Utah, U.S.A.)


    Nussbaumer, Christophe


    Pour la caractérisation pétrophysique et pétrographique des roches du système mixte carbonaté, siliciclastique et évaporitique du Desmoinesien supérieur du Bassin du Paradox (Utah, USA), trois affleurements de terrain et six carottes de forage ont été visités. Les données pétrophysiques mesurées sur échantillon sont la densité, la porosité, la perméabilité, et les vitesses ultrasoniques des ondes P et S. Pour la pétrographie, les observations en lame mince (texture, composants, porosité, type...

  17. Det sorte USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brøndal, Jørn

    Bogen gennemgår det sorte USAs historie fra 1776 til 2016, idet grundtemaet er spændingsforholdet mellem USAs grundlæggelsesidealer og den racemæssige praksis, et spændingsforhold som Gunnar Myrdal kaldte "det amerikanske dilemma." Bogen, der er opbygget som politisk, social og racemæssig histori......, er opdelt i 13 kapitler og består af fire dele: Første del: Slaveriet; anden del: Jim Crow; tredje del. King-årene; fjerde del: Frem mod Obama....

  18. Kuidas sai Arvo Pärdist USA aasta helilooja? / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Arvo Pärdi (järgmisel aastal 70. sünnipäev) nimetamisest aasta inimeseks USA muusikainfoteatmiku Musical America poolt. Teatmiku peatoimetaja valikust. Aasta muusiku tiitel soome lauljale Karita Mattilale, aasta dirigent Osmo Vänskä

  19. USA üritab Assange'i ja sõnavabadust risti lüüa / Birgitta Jónsdóttir ; intervjueerinud Askur Alas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jónsdóttir, Birgitta


    Intervjuu Islandi parlamendisaadiku ja Wikileaksi endise kaastöötajaga USA nõudmisest, et Twitter annaks USA-le saadiku isiklikku infot, põhjusest, miks ta pole enam Wikileaksiga seotud. Ta usub, et samasuguseid internetisaite ja organisatsioone tekib veelgi

  20. [Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus isolates related to USA300 clone: Origin of community-genotype MRSA in Colombia?]. (United States)

    Escobar-Pérez, Javier Antonio; Castro, Betsy Esperanza; Márquez-Ortiz, Ricaurte Alejandro; Gaines, Sebastián; Chavarro, Bibiana; Moreno, Jaime; Leal, Aura Lucía; Vanegas, Natasha


    USA300 is a genetic lineage found both in methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) isolates. In Colombia, hospital and community MRSA infections are caused by a USA300-related community genotype MRSA (CG-MRSA) clone. The genetic origin of this clone is unknown yet. To identify and characterize methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) isolates in order to improve the information about the origin of the CG-MRSA isolates in Colombia. USA300-related MSSA isolates were detected and characterized from a study of 184 S. aureus isolates (90 MRSA and 94 MSSA) recovered from infections. The genetic relatedness of the isolates was established by means of pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and protein A gene typification ( spa typing). Among 184 isolates, 27 (14.7%) showed molecular characteristics and genetic relationship with the USA300 clone, of which 18 were MRSA and nine were MSSA. All USA300-related MRSA harbored Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCC mec ) IVc (3.1.2). In the MSSA isolates, SCC mec remnants or att B duplicate sites were not detected. In Colombia, the CG-MRSA isolates probably originated in the dissemination of an USA300-related MSSA clone which later acquired SCC mec IVc.

  1. Süüteod meditsiini valdkonnas - kas uus peatükk karistusseadustikus? / Margus Kurm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kurm, Margus, 1976-


    Inimese tervise, halduskorra, patsiendi õiguste ning sündimata inimese elu ja tervise vastased meditsiinisüüteod, kunstliku viljastamise ja siirdamisega seonduvad süüteod ning keelatud meditsiiniteaduslik tegevus. Meditsiinisüütegude reguleerimise vajalikkus karistusseadustikus

  2. Toomas Annus. Elu koos kapoga / Kadri Jakobson

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jakobson, Kadri, 1970-


    Merko suuromanik Toomas Annus räägib hirmuõhustikust ja kahtlustustest tema ümber, sõpradest ja toetajatest, süüdistusest ja prokuratuuri käitumisest. Vt. samas: Skandaal hakks kaks aastat tagasi. Kommenteerivad: Enn Veskimägi, Juhan Parts, Indrek Neivelt

  3. USA NCAP - a glance at harmonization

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morgan, R.M.; Park, B.T.; Beuse, N.M.; Lowrie, J.C. [National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, DC (United States); Swanson, J.L.; Rockwell, T.E. [ACE Systems Technologies, Inc. (United States)


    This paper is separated roughly into four parts. First, the authors discuss the frontal tests of the USA New Car Assessment Program (NCAP) and then consider similarities and differences in the two different types of frontal tests worldwide. Second, the focus is placed on the side crash of the USA NCAP and comparisons are made between the results of the two different types of lateral tests worldwide. Third, the paper explains the Congressional requirements to establish a child safety rating system (in the USA) by model year 2003 and looks at the approach taken by NCAPs worldwide. Finally, the growth in requests for consumer information (in the USA) is measured. (orig.)

  4. Museums USA: Art, History, Science, and Other Museums. (United States)

    National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, DC.

    The results and analysis of an earlier museum survey, presented in "Museum U.S.A.: Highlights" (ED 093 777), are given in this document. The purpose is to present a comprehensive picture of museums in the United States--their numbers and locations, types and functions, facilities and finances, personnel and trustees, and activities and attendance.…

  5. A. The nuclear power industry in U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The nuclear industry in the USA at present is on the defensive - opposition to nuclear power is growing, costs are escalating, new orders are outweighed by cancellations and spent fuel is accumulating as no commercial fuel reprocessing plants are operating. This latter is probably the greatest problem facing the industry and the lack of a decision on the use of mixed oxide fuel is a complicating factor. Other controversial subjects are the safety of power plants, the long term disposal of high level waste, the supply of uranium, enrichment facilities and safeguards. However nuclear power is already supplying 10% of the nations electricity and it may be that some of the current problems stem directly from the rapid growth of the industry. Thus, the current slowing of the growth rate could be advantageous. The industry has an enviable safety record and referenda held in a number of states on various nuclear issues have all suggested that in spite of the well-publicised problems, the public does not want nuclear power to be abandoned or too seriously constrained

  6. Mängufilm 2001.aasta 11. septembri katastroofist on USA-s edukas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Paul Greengrassi mängufilm "United 93" annab oma versiooni sündmustest lennukis, mis pidi terroristide soovil sööstma kas Valgesse Majja või Kapitooliumi. Avanädalavahetusel kogus film peaaegu 12 miljonit dollarit

  7. Work of multiple organizations to improve seed potato health in U.S.A. and an example of change to reduce Potato virus Y in seed potato lots (United States)

    Work of multiple organizations to improve seed potato health in U.S.A. and an example of change to reduce Potato virus Y in seed lots. In the United States, seed potato improvement starts with the individual seed potato grower. The seed grower also has resources that are available from university e...

  8. USA Withdrawal from Paris Agreement – What Next?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergey Chestnoy


    Full Text Available In June 2017, President Trump announced the USA’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which had been ratified for less than a year, thanks in large part to the USA. That drastic shift followed the change in residency at the White House. Withdrawing from the Paris Accord presents an interesting topic for analysis. There’s the practical side of the withdrawal procedure as set out in Article 28 of the agreement, not to mention the consequences of US non-participation in addressing international climate issues. There are other international forums (Such as G8 and G20, which also have an interest in climate related topics. The Article analyses the U.S. position in negotiations and its commitments assumed the moment the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC came into effect until now: the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, financial aid and reporting. It also provides general analysis of national legal obligations under the Paris Accord, ratification of that agreement in general and in particularly another that took place in the USA, it focuses on the specifics of withdrawal. The specified three-year period from the Agreement becoming active, after which any party may withdraw from it (2019, is a noteworthy detail. It is well-known that the Paris Agreement provides a framework that does not impose individual national commitments or a commitment to a compliance system. In essence, and from a legal point of view, it is nonbinding. This was what allowed the USA to accept the terms of the accord relatively quickly and to use the simplified procedure, which by-passed Congress. In the opinion of the authors, President Trump’s resolution to withdraw should, possibly, be considered as a simple continuation of his election discourse and the fulfilment of a campaign promise. Additionally, President Trump’s declared intent to review the Paris Accord has legal grounds on which to launch further international negotiations

  9. Linlaste huvid ärist tähtsamaks / Jarno Laur

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laur, Jarno, 1975-


    Sotsiaaldemokraatliku Erakonna juhatusse kuuluv Riigikogu liige selgitab, et sotsiaaldemokraadid peavad Tartu arengu võtmeküsimuseks linna säilitamist inimsõbraliku ning akadeemilise elu- ja töökeskkonnana

  10. About the treaty of complete nuclear test ban: the USA between unilateralism and multilateralism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sur, S.


    This article analyses the possible reasons that have led the US Senate to reject the treaty of comprehensive nuclear test ban. Even if this decision did not retained the attention of the international public opinion, it appears as surprising because the USA have worked a lot for the elaboration of this treaty and were considered as the main beneficiaries of it. Three interpretations are proposed by the author: some purely internal disputes inside Clinton's administration, a real will of the USA to abandon the arms control policy, or an intermediate attitude which allows the USA to act on different levels and to get rid of common rules. (J.S.)

  11. [Women pioneers: first female cardiothoracic surgeons in the USA and in Israel]. (United States)

    Fertouk, Michal; Bekerman, Ziv; Kremer, Ran; Adler, Zvi; Bolotin, Gil


    At the beginning of the 1960's, three female doctors managed to break the glass ceiling and become the first female cardiothoracic surgeons in the USA. Since then, the number of certified female cardiothoracic surgeons has steadily increased. Nevertheless, females stilt only account for a minority of cardiothoracic surgeons in the USA. In Israel, three women have become specialists in cardiothoracic surgery over the last two decades, aLthough these surgeons are working as general thoracic surgery consultants, without any representative females in cardiac surgery.

  12. USA leiab maailmas aina enam hukkamõistu / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke, 25. jaan. 2007, lk. 9. 25 maailma riigis korraldatud BBC küsitlusuurimus näitas, et üha suurem osa maailmast mõistab hukka USA praeguse kursi, eriti pälvib kriitikat sõda Iraagis ja terroristide vangilaagri pidamine Kuubal Guantanamo Bays

  13. Isa-ema maa : [luuletused] / Leelo Tungal

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tungal, Leelo, 1947-


    Sisu: Isa-ema maa ; Vahetund ; Päkapikk võis näha ; Kodune jutt ; Koeruse mõõt ; mütsid ; Loomade laul ; Igal sügisel ; Väike jõulusoov ; Millal tuled, jõuluvana ; Paharet ; Suur õun ; Teiste laste mänguasjad ; Oi heldeke! ; Tere-tere ; Kui ma ... ; Magus tähestik ; Pluss ja miinus ; Pinalis ; Esimese klassi õpilane ; Teise klassi õpilane ; Miks on kana vana? ; Hommik ; Seitsme maa ja mere taga ; Köha pere ; Harjad ; Täna sügist mängib suvi ; Toas ; Laps jäi voodis magama ; Klassivennad ; Talvehommik ; Siili elu ; Hiirehernesupp ; Hundi lugemine ; Karu ärkamine ; Unelaul ; Salajutt ; Kooli eel ; Laiskvorsti elu ; Kindel plaan ; Oma kohal ; Puhkama ; Vana vahva lasteaed ; Sama laps ; Tüli

  14. The energy situation in the Usa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This analyses discusses the energy supplying security, the natural gas demand increase and its consequences, the climatic change in the long-dated, the long dated perspectives of the Usa energy policy, the law on the energy and the consequences for the nuclear activity, the financial incentives in favor of the construction of new nuclear power plants in the Usa and the good nuclear energy industry situation in the Usa. (A.L.B.)

  15. Assa Evolution - lukustuse uus põlvkond / Maigi Peeduli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peeduli, Maigi


    Rootsi lukufirma Assa AB tootearendus põhineb moodulsüsteemil, mis teeb elu mugavaks arhitektidel, ehitajatel ja lukukasutajatel, kuna see võimaldab lukuraame komplekteerida erinevate südamike, linkide ja katetega

  16. Assa Evolution - novoje pokolenije zamkov / Maigi Peeduli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Peeduli, Maigi


    Rootsi lukufirma Assa AB tootearendus põhineb moodulsüsteemil, mis teeb elu mugavaks arhitektidel, ehitajatel ja lukukasutajatel, kuna see võimaldab lukuraame komplekteerida erinevate südamike, linkide ja katetega

  17. Infoleke salavanglate kohta häirib USA võime / Tõnu Prei

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Prei, Tõnu, 1950-


    USA võimud võtsid sisuliselt omaks teistesse maailma riikidesse, s.h. Ida-Euroopasse asutatud Luure Keskagentuuri (CIA) salavanglad, kui asusid uurima infolekkeid, mille tõttu sai võimalikuks nende olemasolule viitava artikli avaldamine ajalehes Washington Post

  18. Short history of PACS. Part I: USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Huang, H.K., E-mail: [Departments of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California (United States); Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hong Kong); Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)


    This historical review covers the PACS development in the USA during the past 28 years from 1982 to 2010. General historical remarks of PACS and international scene in three stages from infancy, puberty to adolescence are presented. Early PACS development was mostly financed by the federal government including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. PACS evolution went through several stages. The earliest stages included the definition of large-scale PACS, establishment of the DICOM and other standards, the development of some early key PACS related technologies, and PACS implementation strategies. The later stages were in the concept of enterprise PACS, IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) workflow profiles, and ePR with image distribution. The current most excited accomplishment is in the development of the new field in medical imaging informatics. This review goes through these stages and events in the USA during these 28 years, whenever an event involved participants from other countries, the contributors are cited.

  19. Short history of PACS. Part I: USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, H.K.


    This historical review covers the PACS development in the USA during the past 28 years from 1982 to 2010. General historical remarks of PACS and international scene in three stages from infancy, puberty to adolescence are presented. Early PACS development was mostly financed by the federal government including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. PACS evolution went through several stages. The earliest stages included the definition of large-scale PACS, establishment of the DICOM and other standards, the development of some early key PACS related technologies, and PACS implementation strategies. The later stages were in the concept of enterprise PACS, IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) workflow profiles, and ePR with image distribution. The current most excited accomplishment is in the development of the new field in medical imaging informatics. This review goes through these stages and events in the USA during these 28 years, whenever an event involved participants from other countries, the contributors are cited.

  20. Economic scale of utilization of radiation (2): agriculture. Comparison between Japan and the U.S.A.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kume, Tamikazu [Japan Atomic Energy Research Inst., Takasaki, Gunma (Japan). Takasaki Radiation Chemistry Research Establishment; Amano, Etsuo [Fukui Prefectural Univ., Research Center for Bioresources Dept., Awara, Fukui (Japan); Nakanishi, Tomoko M. [Tokyo Univ., Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Tokyo (Japan); Chino, Mitsuo [Akita Prefectural Univ., Faculty of Bioresource Sciences, Akita (Japan)


    The economic scale of the application of radiation in the field of agriculture in Japan was estimated from public documents to be about 964M$ (million dollars) in 1997. In the food irradiation, an amount of 15,000t of potatoes irradiated per year in Hokkaido was estimated to be worth 16M$. Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) used for combating losses due to the melon fly in the mainly Okinawa region produced as much as 70M$ in benefits. Production of rice using varieties developed by mutation breeding was about 3% of overall production in Japan and the economic scale was 774M$. Radioisotope (RI) utilized in laboratory work, environmental analysis and chronology was accounted to be as high as 24M$. The relative ratios of radiation processing (136M$), mutation breeding (804M$) and RI utilization (24M$) were 14%, 83%, and 3%, respectively. The economic scale surveys in food irradiation and mutation breeding were extended to the United Sates of America (hereinafter abbreviated as U.S.A. or U.S.) for a direct comparison to the situation in Japan. As to maximum estimation, it amounted to be 3.2b$ (billion dollars) for food irradiation and 11.2b$ for mutation breeding. The economic scale for agriculture products within our scope was 14.5b$ for the U.S. and about 0.8b$ for Japan, implying that the former is larger in magnitude by a factor of about 18. (author)

  1. Economic scale of utilization of radiation (2): agriculture. Comparison between Japan and the U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kume, Tamikazu; Nakanishi, Tomoko M.; Chino, Mitsuo


    The economic scale of the application of radiation in the field of agriculture in Japan was estimated from public documents to be about 964M$ (million dollars) in 1997. In the food irradiation, an amount of 15,000t of potatoes irradiated per year in Hokkaido was estimated to be worth 16M$. Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) used for combating losses due to the melon fly in the mainly Okinawa region produced as much as 70M$ in benefits. Production of rice using varieties developed by mutation breeding was about 3% of overall production in Japan and the economic scale was 774M$. Radioisotope (RI) utilized in laboratory work, environmental analysis and chronology was accounted to be as high as 24M$. The relative ratios of radiation processing (136M$), mutation breeding (804M$) and RI utilization (24M$) were 14%, 83%, and 3%, respectively. The economic scale surveys in food irradiation and mutation breeding were extended to the United Sates of America (hereinafter abbreviated as U.S.A. or U.S.) for a direct comparison to the situation in Japan. As to maximum estimation, it amounted to be 3.2b$ (billion dollars) for food irradiation and 11.2b$ for mutation breeding. The economic scale for agriculture products within our scope was 14.5b$ for the U.S. and about 0.8b$ for Japan, implying that the former is larger in magnitude by a factor of about 18. (author)

  2. Update on Plans to Establish a National Phenology Network in the U.S.A. (United States)

    Betancourt, J.; Schwartz, M.; Breshears, D.; Cayan, D.; Dettinger, M.; Inouye, D.; Post, E.; Reed, B.; Gray, S.


    The passing of the seasons is the most pervasive source of climatic and biological variability on Earth, yet phenological monitoring has been spotty worldwide. Formal phenological networks were recently established in Europe and Canada, and we are now following their lead in organizing a National Phenology Network (NPN) for the U.S.A. With support from federal agencies (NSF, USGS, NPS, USDA-FS, EPA, NOAA, NASA), on Aug. 22-26 we organized a workshop in Tucson, Arizona to begin planning a national-scale, multi-tiered phenological network. A prototype for a web-based NPN and preliminary workshop results are available at The main goals of NPN will be to: (1) facilitate thorough understanding of phenological phenomena, including causes and effects; (2) provide ground truthing to make the most of heavy public investment in remote sensing data; (3) allow detection and prediction of environmental change for a wide of variety of applications; (4) harness the power of mass participation and engage tens of thousands of "citizen scientists" in meeting national needs in Education, Health, Commerce, Natural Resources and Agriculture; (5) develop a model system for substantive collaboration across different levels of government, academia and the private sector. Just as the national networks of weather stations and stream gauges are critical for providing weather, climate and water-related information, NPN will help safeguard and procure goods and services that ecosystems provide. We expect that NPN will consist of a four-tiered, expandable structure: 1) a backbone network linked to existing weather stations, run by recruited public observers; 2) A smaller, second tier of intensive observations, run by scientists at established research sites; 3) a much larger network of observations made by citizen scientists; and 4) remote sensing observations that can be validated with surface observations, thereby providing wall-to-wall coverage for the U.S.A. Key to

  3. Fate of acetone in an outdoor model stream with a nitrate supplement, southern Mississippi, U.S.A. (United States)

    Rathbun, R.E.; Stephens, D.W.; Tai, D.Y.


    The fate of acetone in an outdoor model stream to which nitrate was added as a nutrient supplement was determined. The stream, in southern Mississippi, U.S.A. was 234 m long. Water was supplied to the stream by an artesian well at about 1.21 s-1, resulting in a mean water velocity of about 0.5 m min-1. Acetone was injected continuously for 26 days resulting in concentrations of 20-40 mg l-1. A nitrate solution was injected for 21 days resulting in an instream concentration of about 1.7 mg l-1 at the upstream end of the stream. Rhodamine-WT dye was used to determine the travel time and dispersion characteristics of the stream, and t-butyl alcohol was used to determine the volatilization characteristics. Volatilization controlled the fate of acetone in the model stream. The lack of substantial bacterial degradation of acetone was contrary to expectations based on the results of laboratory degradation studies using model stream water enriched with nitrate. A possible explanation for the lack of significant degradation in the model stream may be the limited 6-h residence time of the acetone in the stream. ?? 1991.

  4. Análisis comparativo de la capacidad resistente a flexo-compresión de soportes proyectados con la teoría clásica y con la instrucción actual en ELS y ELU

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pamies-Rahan, T.


    Full Text Available Operation and Maintenance of inherited concrete structures is becoming a very important process. Although the revision of these concrete structures shows that does not exist structural suffering, it is necessary to know the criteria the structures were designed and constructed with to understand their behaviour. This paper includes a comparison of interaction diagrams of columns with Classical Theory and with Current Standards at SLS and ULS. The security of the structures is represented by ratios that the Classical Theory stresses can be multiplied by to reach the current standards stresses at SLS and ULS. A pre-analysis of an existing concrete structure is obtained in this paper.Las labores de mejora y conservación del patrimonio heredado cada vez son más frecuentes. La experiencia va desvelando, al revisar estructuras existentes de hormigón, que rara vez hay «sufrimiento estructural», lo que aconseja conocer los criterios con que se proyectaron y construyeron esas estructuras para entender su comportamiento y sacarles más partido. En este artículo se comparan los diagramas de interacción de las estructuras calculadas según la Teoría Clásica, y según la Instrucción actual en ELS y en ELU para determinar los resguardos de seguridad en estructuras existentes, si los hay. Estos resguardos se cuantifican con unas ratios que representan el valor por el que se pueden multiplicar los esfuerzos admisibles según la Teoría Clásica para llegar a los esfuerzos considerados hoy, en servicio y en rotura.

  5. Pereorganisatsioon ja sõdur tegevteenistuses : ühe pere lugu / John McShane ; tõlk. Kristopher Rikken

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    McShane, John


    Ühe USA sõjaväelase perekonna näite varal annab USA major ülevaate sõjaväelaste perekondade toetussüsteemi arengust USA-s ning selgitab perekaitserühmade tegevuse vajalikkust. Lisa: Peretoetusprogrammist Eestis

  6. Plaat : Pop & Rock, Õlu, Crossover, Klassika

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Uutest heliplaatidest. Eesti plaadid : Ivo Linna & Rock Hotel "Kõva ketas", Väikeste Lõõtspillide Ühing "See terve ilm on imelik", Kuldsed Lindid "Ootamatud sõnad", Laine Mustasaar "Naise elu ja armastus"

  7. Intrinsic climate dependency of ecosystem light and water-use-efficiencies across Australian biomes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi, Hao; Li, Longhui; Eamus, Derek; Cleverly, James; Huete, Alfredo; Yu, Qiang; Beringer, Jason; Van Gorsel, Eva; Hutley, Lindsay


    The sensitivity of ecosystem gross primary production (GPP) to availability of water and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) differs among biomes. Here we investigated variations of ecosystem light-use-efficiency (eLUE: GPP/PAR) and water-use-efficiency (eWUE: GPP/evapotranspiration) among seven Australian eddy covariance sites with differing annual precipitation, species composition and temperature. Changes to both eLUE and eWUE were primarily correlated with atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) at multiple temporal scales across biomes, with minor additional correlations observed with soil moisture and temperature. The effects of leaf area index on eLUE and eWUE were also relatively weak compared to VPD, indicating an intrinsic dependency of eLUE and eWUE on climate. Additionally, eLUE and eWUE were statistically different for biomes between summer and winter, except eWUE for savannas and the grassland. These findings will improve our understanding of how light- and water-use traits in Australian ecosystems may respond to climate change. (letter)

  8. Noor peab saama sõna sekka öelda / Gerri Lesk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lesk, Gerri


    Ilmunud ka: Valgamaalane 25. okt., lk. 2, Harjumaa 25. okt., lk. 2, Vali Uudised 26. okt., lk. 2, Sõnumitooja 26. okt., lk. 2, Põhjarannik 26. okt., lk. 2, Severnoje Poberezhje 26. okt. lk. 2, Nädaline 27. okt. lk. 2, Virumaa Teataja 28. okt., lk. 7, Meie Maa 28. okt., lk. 2, Kuulutaja 28. okt. lk. 4, Lääne Elu 29. okt. lk. 2. Noorte Sotsiaaldemokraatide president teeb lõppenud kohalikest valimistest kokkuvõtte

  9. Harry Pye postkaart Londonist : Elevant ja Kindlus = Harry Pye's Postcard from London : The Elephant & Castle / Harry Pye

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pye, Harry, 1973-


    Londoni kirjanik ja kunstnik Harry Pye Lõuna-Londoni linnaosast Elephant & Castle, mille võlu ta avastab koos sõpradega linnaosast näituse jaoks fotosid tehes. Fotod eksponeeritakse grupinäitusel "Tõeline elu"

  10. Midagi ebatavalist: Chavez andis vangi USA-le välja / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Venezuela andis USA-le välja Colombias tegutsenud ja Venezuelas tabatud narkokartelli juhi ja tema kaks kaasosalist. Venezuela on peamine kokaiini transiidikanal Aafrikasse ja Euroopasse, Colombia süüdistab Venezuelat terroristide varjamises

  11. USA allveelaev uputas kalalaeva / Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Suurkask, Heiki, 1972-


    Hawaii lähistel õppustel kiiret pinnaletõusu harjutanud USA allveelaev USS Greeneville põrkas kokku Jaapani õppelaevaga Ehime Maru, õnnetuse tagajärjel hukkus tõenäoliselt 9 jaapanlast. Skeem: Õnnetused USA allveelaevadega

  12. Eesti on USA uus lemmik / Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ideon, Argo, 1966-


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilvese visiidist Washingtoni, kohtumistest USA presidendi George W. Bushi, asepresident Dick Cheney, asevälisminister John Negroponte, kaitseminister Robert M. Gates'i, USA Kongressi esindajatekoja spiikri Nancy Pelosi ja kongresmenidega. Eestil õnnestus korraldada USA pealinnas kohtumised, mille järjekorras ootab hulk palju suuremaid riike. Vabariigi President töövisiidil Ameerika Ühendriikides 25.-26.06.2007

  13. USA-s jõudis eetrisse ajalooline suurseriaal "Rooma" / Liivi Shein

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Šein, Liivi


    11-osaline ajalooline kostüümidraama - seriaal Rooma impeeriumi ajast "Rooma" valmis koostöös Ameerika tootjaga Home Box Office (HBO) BBC-ga. Stsenaariumiga töötas viis kirjanikku, lavastas seitse režissööri

  14. Tooge need Eestisse! : paar soovitust meie teatrifestivalide korraldajatele / Rait Avestik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Avestik, Rait, 1974-


    Tampere teatrisuve meeldejäävamad lavastused - Riia Uue Teatri lavastus "Pikk elu" (lav. A. Hermanis), Kasahstani teatri Art and shock lavastus "Back in U.S.S.R" (lav. G. Pjalova) ja Islandi Vesturport and Artboxi Shakespeare'i "Romeo ja Julia" G. Ö. Gardarssoni lavastuses

  15. Quo vadis, USA dollar? : finantsturgude viimastest arengutest / Robert Liljequist

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Liljequist, Robert


    Swedbank AB Soome strateegiajuht vastab küsimustele, mis puudutavad USA majandust alanud aastal, dollari n.-ö turvalise valuuta staatuse kaotamise ohtu, võlakirjade ostmise vähendamist ja selle mõju USA dollarile, Euroopa Keskpanga poliitika mõju euro ja USA dollari suhtele. Swebanki prognoos USA dollari kohta

  16. USA Withdrawal from Paris Agreement – What Next?


    Sergey Chestnoy; Dinara Gershinkova


    In June 2017, President Trump announced the USA’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord, which had been ratified for less than a year, thanks in large part to the USA. That drastic shift followed the change in residency at the White House. Withdrawing from the Paris Accord presents an interesting topic for analysis. There’s the practical side of the withdrawal procedure as set out in Article 28 of the agreement, not to mention the consequences of US non-participation in address...

  17. Swimming in the USA: Beachgoer Characteristics and Health Outcomes at U.S. Marine and Freshwater Beaches (United States)

    Swimming in lakes and oceans is popular, but tittle is known about the demographic characteristics, behaviors, and health risks of beachgoers on a national level. Data from a prospective cohort study of beachgoers at multiple marine and freshwater beaches in the USA were used to ...

  18. Predators collected from balsam woolly adelgid and Cooley spruce gall adelgid in western Oregon and Washington, U.S.A., with reference to biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) (United States)

    Darrell W. Ross; Glenn R. Kohler; Kimberly F. Wallin


    As part of a comprehensive study to survey predators associated with hemlock woolly adelgid, Adelges tsugae Annand, 1928 in the Pacific Northwest (PNW), U.S.A. (Kohler et al. 2008), predators of balsam woolly adelgid, Adelges piceae (Ratzeburg, 1844) and Cooley spruce gall adelgid, Adelges cooleyi (Gillette...

  19. Interpretation of the U.S.A. oceanographer sounding and radon data over the Arabian Sea during June 1967

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, Y.P.; Desai, B.N.


    U.S.A. 'Oceanographer' sounding and radon data during June 1967 have been discussed with reference to the synoptic charts. During the period 14 to 21 June, there was above the surface layer of maritime air, less moist air with nearly saturation adiabatic lapse from the south Arabian Sea instead of the dry continental air from northeast Africa and Arabia. The 'Oceanographer' soundings compare well with those at Bombay, if one keeps in mind the effect of the Ghats for the latter location. The radon data show that there was presence of the maritime air from across the equator, which had got mixed to some extent with continental air from northeast Africa and Arabia; the high radon values off Saurashtra-Konkan were not due to vertical mixing of the lower maritime air with the upper continental air (author)

  20. Interpretation of the U.S.A. oceanographer sounding and radon data over the Arabian Sea during June 1967

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rao, Y.P.; Desai, B.N.


    U.S.A. 'Oceanographer' sounding and radon data during June 1967 have been discussed with reference to the synoptic charts. During the period 14 to 21 June, there was above the surface layer of maritime air, less moist air with nearly saturation adiabatic lapse from the south Arabian Sea instead of the dry continental air from northeast Africa and Arabia. The 'Oceanographer' soundings compare well with those at Bombay, if one keeps in mind the effect of the Ghats for the latter location. The radon data show that there was presence of the maritime air from across the equator, which had got mixed to some extent with continental air from northeast Africa and Arabia; the high radon values off Saurashtra-Konkan were not due to vertical mixing of the lower maritime air with the upper continental air. (author)

  1. USA's litterære superstjerne

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bjerre, Thomas Ærvold


    Jonathan Franzen er den mest omtalte forfatter i USA lige nu og ombejlet af alle fra Time Magazine til Oprah Winfrey. Hvad er det, han kan, manden bag ”Freedom”?......Jonathan Franzen er den mest omtalte forfatter i USA lige nu og ombejlet af alle fra Time Magazine til Oprah Winfrey. Hvad er det, han kan, manden bag ”Freedom”?...

  2. Evaluation of air pollutant emissions projections from the GCAM-USA integrated assessment model (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — This dataset contains 2010 emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, and fine particulate matter by sector and state as modeled using the GCAM-USA integrated...

  3. Isegi geisrite riigi Islandi elu pole päris muretu / Ingibjörg Solrun Gisladottir ; interv. Heiki Suurkask

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Gisladottir, Ingibjörg Solrun


    Islandi välisminister vastab küsimustele, kas Island vajab NATO liikme staatust ja kas Island panustab oma kaitsesse piisavalt või toetub vaid NATO-le, samuti küsimustele, mis puudutavad suhteid USA-ga, Islandi majandust, võimalikku kompromissi vaalapüüdjate ja keskkonnakaitse huvide vahel

  4. Elage kaua ja hästi / Robert J. Shiller

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Shiller, Robert J., 1946-


    Inimese elu pikkus sõltub majandusest ja vastupidi. Pikaealisusega kaasnevad ka suuremad riskid, millega on hakanud tegelema finantsturud. Euroopa Investeerimispanga koostööst erapanga BNP Paribasega maailma esimese pikaealisuse võlakirja väljaandmisest

  5. Genetic variation in populations of Culicoides variipennis complex in the six New England states, U.S.A. (United States)

    Holbrook, F R; Tabachnick, W J; Brady, R


    We investigated the identity and distribution of members of the Culicoides variipennis complex in the six New England states of the U.S.A., a region where bluetongue transmission has not been detected. Analyses of seven polymorphic isozyme-encoding loci showed that only C.v.variipennis, not considered to be a vector of the bluetongue viruses, was present. The populations of C.v.variipennis were significantly more hetero-zygous than C.v.sonorensis and C.v.occidentalis populations from similar studies in the state of California. Estimates of genetic diversity among populations of C.v.variipennis in New England were similar to C.v.sonorensis in the state of Colorado, but were significantly more genetically divergent than California populations of C.v.occidentalis. The impact of these findings on the status of New England as a possible bluetongue-free region for the purpose of international trade in ruminant livestock and their germplasm is discussed.

  6. What drives low-severity fire in the southwestern USA? (United States)

    Sean A. Parks; Solomon Z. Dobrowski; Matthew H. Panunto


    Many dry conifer forests in the southwestern USA and elsewhere historically (prior to the late 1800’s) experienced fairly frequent surface fire at intervals ranging from roughly five to 30 years. Due to more than 100 years of successful fire exclusion, however, many of these forests are now denser and more homogenous, and therefore they have a greater probability of...

  7. Short history of PACS. Part I: USA. (United States)

    Huang, H K


    This historical review covers the PACS development in the USA during the past 28 years from 1982 to 2010. General historical remarks of PACS and international scene in three stages from infancy, puberty to adolescence are presented. Early PACS development was mostly financed by the federal government including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command. PACS evolution went through several stages. The earliest stages included the definition of large-scale PACS, establishment of the DICOM and other standards, the development of some early key PACS related technologies, and PACS implementation strategies. The later stages were in the concept of enterprise PACS, IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) workflow profiles, and ePR with image distribution. The current most excited accomplishment is in the development of the new field in medical imaging informatics. This review goes through these stages and events in the USA during these 28 years, whenever an event involved participants from other countries, the contributors are cited. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Organisatsiooni DNA neli komponenti / Gary Neilson, Bruce A. Pasterneck, Decio Mendes ; tõlk. Kadre Vaik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Neilson, Gary


    Autorid selgitavad organisatsiooni nelja põhikomponendi - struktuuri, otsustusõiguse, motivaatorite ning informatsiooni omavahelisi seoseid. Diagramm: Kontrolli ulatuse võrdlus. Skeem: Liivakell-organisatsioon. Vt. samas: Quest Diagnostic DNA analüüs; "Me leidsime just elu saladuse!"

  9. USA dollari jätkuv nõrgenemine toob Kreenholmile tulu / Eric Katskowski

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Katskowski, Eric


    Kreenholm Holding Groupi finantsdirektori Aivar Meldersi sõnul on dollari nõrgenemine olnud ettevõttele kasulik. Kreenholm tarnib pool puuvillakogusest USA-st ning müüb 85% kaubast Lääne-Euroopasse. Graafik: Dollari kurss Eesti krooni suhtes

  10. Policy and innovation: Nanoenergy technology in the USA and China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, Na; Guan, JianCheng


    The USA is a leading country while China is an up-and-coming one in nanotechnology. We carried out a cross-country comparative study on policy and innovation of the two countries in subset nanoenergy field. They both created favorable policy environments for nanotechnology involving applications of nanotechnology in the energy sector. However, Chinese policy deployments for nanotechnology lack coordinated arrangements and effective assessment mechanisms. China performs better than the USA in technological quantity, but weaker in technological influence. The USA expresses an industry-oriented model in nanoenergy technological research and development, but China exhibits a university-and-institute-oriented model. Interorganizational collaboration relationships in the two countries are both still very rare and have huge development space. They both have a long way to go in converting their technological achievements into commercial products, especially China. Finally, we provide the policy implications of this study. In particular, the Chinese government should strengthen its efforts in policies by changing the national S&T evaluation system to set up the basic idea that quality is better than quantity in order to raise the original innovation motivations of innovators. - Highlights: •We compare development status of nanoenergy technologies between China and the USA. •We mainly focus on their policies, innovation performance and pattern in nanoenergy. •Differences are observed in nanoenergy technologies developed in these two countries. •We propose their endeavor directions in nanoenergy based on this study.

  11. USA, terroristid ja röövlid on tapnud ligi 25 000 iraaklast / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    USA-Briti valitsusvälise keskuse Iraq Body Count uuringu järgi on Iraagi sõja algusest Iraagis tapetud ligi 25 000 tsiviilisikut, haavata on saanud üle 42 000 tsiviilisiku. Kaart, diagrammid, tabel: Iraagi sõja tsiviilohvrid

  12. Ideaalne torm USA majanduses / Ken Goldstein ; interv. Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Goldstein, Ken


    USA majandusuuringute organisatsiooni The Conference Board analüütik USA majanduse olukorrast, mõjust maailmamajandusele, arenguvõimalustest ning uue presidendi vajalikest sammudest majanduses. Lisa: Enamuse arvates on USA valel teel

  13. Spending on social and public health services and its association with homicide in the USA: an ecological study. (United States)

    Sipsma, Heather L; Canavan, Maureen E; Rogan, Erika; Taylor, Lauren A; Talbert-Slagle, Kristina M; Bradley, Elizabeth H


    To examine whether state-level spending on social and public health services is associated with lower rates of homicide in the USA. Ecological study. USA. All states in the USA and the District of Columbia for which data were available (n=42). Homicide rates for each state were abstracted from the US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting. After adjusting for potential confounding variables, we found that every $10 000 increase in spending per person living in poverty was associated with 0.87 fewer homicides per 100 000 population or approximately a 16% decrease in the average homicide rate (estimate=-0.87, SE=0.15, phomicide rates at the state level. Although we cannot infer causality from this research, such spending may provide promising avenues for homicide reduction in the USA, particularly among states with lower levels of poverty. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  14. Ilves kritiseeris USA juhtidega Venemaad / Dagne Hanschmidt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hanschmidt, Dagne


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 21. apr. lk. 4. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves kohtus töövisiidil Ameerika Ühendriikidesse USA asepresidendi Dick Cheney ja riigisekretär Condoleezza Rice'iga. Arutusel olid Euroopa Liidu suhted Venemaaga, Venemaa käitumine Gruusiaga, NATO viimase tippkohtumise tulemused. USA välisminister C. Rice avaldas Eesti presidendile tänu Eesti silmapaistva panuse eest Afganistanis. Kohtumisi kommenteerivad Riigikogu Euroopa Liidu asjade komisjoni esimees Marko Mihkelson ja Riigikogu väliskomisjoni esimees Sven Mikser. Vt. samas: Euroliit andis USA viisavabadusele rohelise tee. Euroopa Liidu sise- ja justiitsministrite kohtumisel kiideti heaks otsused, mis võimaldavad Eestil liituda USA viisavabadusprogrammiga. Vabariigi President töövisiidil Ameerika Ühendriikides 17.-23.04.2008

  15. 77 FR 27082 - StarTek USA, Inc., 244 Dundee Avenue, Greeley, CO; StarTek USA, Inc., 1250 H Street, Greeley, CO... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration [TA-W-74,850; TA-W-74,850A] StarTek USA, Inc., 244 Dundee Avenue, Greeley, CO; StarTek USA, Inc., 1250 H Street, Greeley, CO; Amended... workers and former workers of StarTek USA, Inc., Greeley, Colorado. The Department's notice of...

  16. The USA Space Policy in the Context of the Termination of the Arms Race

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. V. Zhuravlova


    Full Text Available The USA Space Policy as one of the leading factors in the process of the arms race’ stop in late 80’s and early 90’s has been examined in the article. American Presidential Directives, international agreements and a wide range of research provided an opportunity to make informative conclusions about the positive role of space topics in the process of a detente and «Cold War» ending. It is important to note that the development of astronautics became one of the spin-offs from «Cold War» and the arms race, as it was the nuclear race logic that stimulated the development of weapons. At the same time, in the process of US-Soviet competition, space became a new sphere of international relations. Therefore, the cooperation in the space sphere became a symbol of the compromise and good will that were required during the most difficult negotiations about arms reduction. The warming and detente periods of international relations have been indicated. Furthermore, the majority of American and Russian researchers conclude that the Strategic Defense Initiative of Reagan became an important element of the USA strategy on the Soviet Union’s pressure, pushing it to more constructive position in negotiations on disarmament. Further results showed the effectiveness of the detente policies’ process of the USA government in this sphere. In addition, the uncertainty in the possibilities of the Soviet economy to respond to the challenge of a new stage of the space systems’ scientific and technological rivalry led to the reduction of armaments of the Soviet Union. At the same time, it was space topics discussion that provided the deepening of the detente process. It is worth to note, that space cooperation relations, which recovered during 80’s-early 90’s, have turned into an important political signal transmission channel between the two countries and caused the facilitating interaction between the parties on wider range of problems. And in the

  17. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Mo–S bond which is a characteristic feature of Mo–S chemistry.41–43 Like the ... present report is focused on the synthesis of the elu- sive [Mo7S24]6– complex as the corresponding oxo analogue can be easily synthesized. The results of these investigations are ..... [MoS4] in quantitative yields. This reaction works.

  18. Brottse otpravljajetsja v put / Iosef Kats

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kats, Iosef


    Raimo Pullati koostatud kogumiku "Johann Christoph Brotze. Estonica" esitlustest Euroopa maades. Album sisaldab Johann Christoph Brotze kirjeldusi, akvarelle ning joonistusi 18. sajandi Eesti elu-olust. Raamat valmis Eesti, Läti ja Saksamaa spetsialistide koostöös

  19. Ülo Isberg : Tahtsin midagi Eesti heaks teha / Riho Laurisaar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laurisaar, Riho


    14. juunil sõitis koos Estpla-11 kergejalaväerühmaga Iraaki koalitsioonivägede (Multinational Corps-Iraq) teavitusosakonna teenistusse reservohvitser Ülo Isberg. Sõjaväeametniku elu- ja teenistuskäigust. Lisa: Ülo Isberg

  20. Rõõmutud maised rõõmud / Johannes Saar

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Saar, Johannes, 1965-


    Eesti inglane Paul Rodgers organiseeris rahvusvahelise sümpoosioni 'Maised rõõmud' Tallinna Botaanikaaias, mis räägib taimedest, elu tärkamisest ja selle kallal toimuvast vägivallast. Pikemalt Jaan Jaanisoo kassipojauputamise videost.

  1. Comparing forest fragmentation and its drivers in China and the USA with Globcover v2.2 (United States)

    Chen, Mingshi; Mao, Lijun; Zhou, Chunguo; Vogelmann, James E.; Zhu, Zhiliang


    Forest loss and fragmentation are of major concern to the international community, in large part because they impact so many important environmental processes. The main objective of this study was to assess the differences in forest fragmentation patterns and drivers between China and the conterminous United States (USA). Using the latest 300-m resolution global land cover product, Globcover v2.2, a comparative analysis of forest fragmentation patterns and drivers was made. The fragmentation patterns were characterized by using a forest fragmentation model built on the sliding window analysis technique in association with landscape indices. Results showed that China’s forests were substantially more fragmented than those of the USA. This was evidenced by a large difference in the amount of interior forest area share, with China having 48% interior forest versus the 66% for the USA. China’s forest fragmentation was primarily attributed to anthropogenic disturbances, driven particularly by agricultural expansion from an increasing and large population, as well as poor forest management practices. In contrast, USA forests were principally fragmented by natural land cover types. However, USA urban sprawl contributed more to forest fragmentation than in China. This is closely tied to the USA’s economy, lifestyle and institutional processes. Fragmentation maps were generated from this study, which provide valuable insights and implications regarding habitat planning for rare and endangered species. Such maps enable development of strategic plans for sustainable forest management by identifying areas with high amounts of human-induced fragmentation, which improve risk assessments and enable better targeting for protection and remediation efforts. Because forest fragmentation is a long-term, complex process that is highly related to political, institutional, economic and philosophical arenas, both nations need to take effective and comprehensive measures to mitigate

  2. Flex concept for US-A BWR extended loss of AC power events

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Powers, J.; Aoyagi, Y.; Kataoka, K.; Thomas, S.; Mookhoek, B.


    The US-Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (US-A BWR), certified by the US NRC, is a third generation, evolutionary boiling water reactor design which is the reference for the South Texas Project Units 3 and 4 (Stp 3 and 4) Combined License Application (Cola) and incorporates numerous design and technology enhancements for improved safety performance. Nuclear Innovation North America (NINA) is the License Applicant for this new build project, and Toshiba is the selected primary technology contractor. The Stp 3 and 4 project has finished the US NRC technical review of the Cola, and the final safety evaluation report (FSER) is scheduled to be issued by the US NRC in 2015. Following the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, the US-A BWR was reviewed for Beyond Design Basis Event (BDBE) safety using industry and regulatory guidance for US NRC Order EA-12-049 Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation of Beyond Design Basis External Events (BDBEE). By virtue of the design approach, the US-A BWR is capable of providing an indefinite coping period for a station blackout. The use of installed systems with extended coping times is a significant advantage of the US-A BWR compared to most of the plants currently operating in the U.S. In addition, the Stp 3 and 4 design incorporates enhancements consistent with the current US industry Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (Flex) initiative. The final technical topic requiring review by the US NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was the Flex Integrated Plan submitted by NINA, and this review was successfully completed. This paper summarizes the progress of the US-A BWR in licensing the Flex Integrated Plan for the project, and describes the technology and features of the US-A BWR design that contribute to safety post-Fukushima. It also provides an informational comparison of the design capabilities of the US-A BWR for extreme external events, and relates these capabilities to re

  3. Flex concept for US-A BWR extended loss of AC power events

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Powers, J. [Toshiba America Nuclear Energy, Charlotte, North Carolina (United States); Aoyagi, Y.; Kataoka, K. [Toshiba Corporation, Kawasaki, Kanagawa (Japan); Thomas, S.; Mookhoek, B., E-mail: [Nuclear Innovation North America, Lake Jackson, Texas (United States)


    The US-Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (US-A BWR), certified by the US NRC, is a third generation, evolutionary boiling water reactor design which is the reference for the South Texas Project Units 3 and 4 (Stp 3 and 4) Combined License Application (Cola) and incorporates numerous design and technology enhancements for improved safety performance. Nuclear Innovation North America (NINA) is the License Applicant for this new build project, and Toshiba is the selected primary technology contractor. The Stp 3 and 4 project has finished the US NRC technical review of the Cola, and the final safety evaluation report (FSER) is scheduled to be issued by the US NRC in 2015. Following the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, the US-A BWR was reviewed for Beyond Design Basis Event (BDBE) safety using industry and regulatory guidance for US NRC Order EA-12-049 Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation of Beyond Design Basis External Events (BDBEE). By virtue of the design approach, the US-A BWR is capable of providing an indefinite coping period for a station blackout. The use of installed systems with extended coping times is a significant advantage of the US-A BWR compared to most of the plants currently operating in the U.S. In addition, the Stp 3 and 4 design incorporates enhancements consistent with the current US industry Diverse and Flexible Coping Strategies (Flex) initiative. The final technical topic requiring review by the US NRC Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards was the Flex Integrated Plan submitted by NINA, and this review was successfully completed. This paper summarizes the progress of the US-A BWR in licensing the Flex Integrated Plan for the project, and describes the technology and features of the US-A BWR design that contribute to safety post-Fukushima. It also provides an informational comparison of the design capabilities of the US-A BWR for extreme external events, and relates these capabilities to re

  4. USA kunstidessant Venemaale

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    USA kunstnike näitus "Kolm sajandit ameerika kunsti" Moskvas Pushkini muuseumis. Eksponeeritakse Mark Rothko, Jean-Michel Basguiat', Roy Lichtensteini, Robert Rauschenbergi, Georgia O'Keefe'i, Willem de Kooningi töid

  5. Effects of Low-Dose Amoxicillin on Staphylococcus aureus USA300 Biofilms. (United States)

    Mlynek, Kevin D; Callahan, Mary T; Shimkevitch, Anton V; Farmer, Jackson T; Endres, Jennifer L; Marchand, Mélodie; Bayles, Kenneth W; Horswill, Alexander R; Kaplan, Jeffrey B


    Previous studies showed that sub-MIC levels of β-lactam antibiotics stimulate biofilm formation in most methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains. Here, we investigated this process by measuring the effects of sub-MIC amoxicillin on biofilm formation by the epidemic community-associated MRSA strain USA300. We found that sub-MIC amoxicillin increased the ability of USA300 cells to attach to surfaces and form biofilms under both static and flow conditions. We also found that USA300 biofilms cultured in sub-MIC amoxicillin were thicker, contained more pillar and channel structures, and were less porous than biofilms cultured without antibiotic. Biofilm formation in sub-MIC amoxicillin correlated with the production of extracellular DNA (eDNA). However, eDNA released by amoxicillin-induced cell lysis alone was evidently not sufficient to stimulate biofilm. Sub-MIC levels of two other cell wall-active agents with different mechanisms of action-d-cycloserine and fosfomycin-also stimulated eDNA-dependent biofilm, suggesting that biofilm formation may be a mechanistic adaptation to cell wall stress. Screening a USA300 mariner transposon library for mutants deficient in biofilm formation in sub-MIC amoxicillin identified numerous known mediators of S. aureus β-lactam resistance and biofilm formation, as well as novel genes not previously associated with these phenotypes. Our results link cell wall stress and biofilm formation in MRSA and suggest that eDNA-dependent biofilm formation by strain USA300 in low-dose amoxicillin is an inducible phenotype that can be used to identify novel genes impacting MRSA β-lactam resistance and biofilm formation. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  6. Field investigations of historic covered timber bridges in the USA (United States)

    James Wacker; Travis Hosteng; Brent. Phares


    The Federal Highway Administration is sponsoring a comprehensive research program on Historic Covered Timber Bridges in the USA. This national program's main purpose is to develop improved methods to preserve, rehabililate, and restore the timber bridge trusses that were developed during the early 1800s, and in many cases are still in service today. The overall...

  7. USA raketikilbi rajatisi Tšehhisse ja Poolasse ei tule / Kaivo Kopli, Ott Heinapuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    USA loobub raketikilbi rajamisest Tšehhi ja Poolasse, kaitseminister Robert Gates lubas, et Põhja- ja Vahemere piirkonda saadetakse radarite ja püüdurrakettidega Aegis-klassi sõjalaevad, maapealsed kaitsesüsteemid kavatsetakse rajada II faasis

  8. Inpatient burden of childhood functional GI disorders in the USA: an analysis of national trends in the USA from 1997 to 2009. (United States)

    Park, R; Mikami, S; LeClair, J; Bollom, A; Lembo, C; Sethi, S; Lembo, A; Jones, M; Cheng, V; Friedlander, E; Nurko, S


    Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) are among the most common outpatient diagnoses in pediatric primary care and gastroenterology. There is limited data on the inpatient burden of childhood FGIDs in the USA. The aim of this study was to evaluate the inpatient admission rate, length of stay (LoS), and associated costs related to FGIDs from 1997 to 2009. We analyzed the Kids' Inpatient Sample Database (KID) for all subjects in which constipation (ICD-9 codes: 564.0-564.09), abdominal pain (ICD-9 codes: 789.0-789.09), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (ICD-9 code: 564.1), abdominal migraine (ICD-9 code: 346.80 and 346.81) dyspepsia (ICD-9 code: 536.8), or fecal incontinence (ICD-codes: 787.6-787.63) was the primary discharge diagnosis from 1997 to 2009. The KID is the largest publicly available all-payer inpatient database in the USA, containing data from 2 to 3 million pediatric hospital stays yearly. From 1997 to 2009, the number of discharges with a FGID primary diagnosis increased slightly from 6,348,537 to 6,393,803. The total mean cost per discharge increased significantly from $6115 to $18,058 despite the LoS remaining relatively stable. Constipation and abdominal pain were the most common FGID discharge diagnoses. Abdominal pain and abdominal migraine discharges were most frequent in the 10-14 year age group. Constipation and fecal incontinence discharges were most frequent in the 5-9 year age group. IBS discharge was most common for the 15-17 year age group. Hospitalizations and associated costs in childhood FGIDs have increased in number and cost in the USA from 1997 to 2009. Further studies to determine optimal methods to avoid unnecessary hospitalizations and potentially harmful diagnostic testing are indicated. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Nuclear chemistry and Radiochemistry in the USA; Kern- und Radiochemie in den USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kronenberg, A. [Los Alamos National Lab., NM (United States). Isotope and Nuclear Chemistry Div.; Stoyer, M. [Lawrence Livermore National Lab., CA (United States)


    Nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry are very young sciences which developed at an extremely brisk pace within a very short period of time after the discovery of nuclear fission in 1938, and caused profound societal changes. In the United States, nuclear chemistry developed very differently from Germany, where nuclear research initially had been banned after the Second World War. The prime mover in the development in the United States was the Manhattan Project, the construction of the atomic bomb. The counteract the impending shortage of qualified personnel, important institutions have begun to establish training and support programs in the field. The National Laboratories in the United States introduced a National Security Internship Program, while the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) tries to promote cooperation, and thus the training of personnel, by launching programs of its own. Yet, a greater shortage of qualified personnel is becoming apparent. The situation of nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry in the United States can be summarized in the finding that research at the National Laboratories is very wide ranging. It receives sufficient funds from the DOE. However, the National Laboratories show a very high proportion of elderly personnel, a problem which will have to be corrected in the years to come. This may be helped by the Summer Schools financed by the DOE, though a summer school of six weeks cannot replace a sound training in nuclear chemistry of the kind still to be found in Germany. (orig.) [German] Kern- und Radiochemie sind sehr junge Wissenschaften, die sich nach der Entdeckung der Kernspaltung 1938 innerhalb kuerzester Zeit extrem rasant entwickelt und tiefe gesellschaftliche Veraenderungen bewirkt haben. In den USA hat sich die Kernchemie sehr unterschiedlich im Vergleich zu Deutschland entwickelt, wo die Kernforschung nach dem 2. Weltkrieg vorerst verboten war. Massgeblich in den USA war dabei das Manhatten-Projekt zum Bau von Nuklearwaffen

  10. Krossil on probleeme USA viisaga? / Raimo Poom

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Poom, Raimo


    Eesti Päevaleht esitas USA Eesti-saatkonnale järelepärimise seoses sellega, et Eerik-Niiles Krossi USA-viisa on tühistatud. Saatkonna pressi- ja kultuuriatašee James Landi vastusest. Eerik-Niiles Krossi kommentaare

  11. Pildistamise jutt, matkast kõnelemata / Sulev Kuuse

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kuuse, Sulev


    Sulev Kuuse ja Aarne Leima fotonäitus "Ajarännak. Elu mägedes, mägede elu" Eesti Rahva Muuseumi näitusemajas, kus eksponeeriti 1998. ja 2001. a. matkafotosid Himaalajast, Nepalist. Kasutatud fotoaparatuurist

  12. Miks ja millal ameeriklased sõtta lähevad? / Erik Reinhold

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinhold, Erik


    Artiklis tutvustatakse 2. novembril 1984 USA kaitseministri C. W. Weinberger'i poolt peetud kõnes "Sõjalise jõu kasutamine" esitatud sõjajõudude kasutamise põhimõtteid väljaspool USA-d, mida tuntakse ka "Weinbergeri doktriini" nime all. Weinbergeri kriteeriumide rakendamise võimalustest Eestis. Tabel: USA sõjalised aktsioonid ja Weinbergeri doktriin Vietnamist Bosniani (Michael I. Handeli järgi)

  13. The USA-NPN Information Management System: A tool in support of phenological assessments (United States)

    Rosemartin, A.; Vazquez, R.; Wilson, B. E.; Denny, E. G.


    The USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN) serves science and society by promoting a broad understanding of plant and animal phenology and the relationships among phenological patterns and all aspects of environmental change. Data management and information sharing are central to the USA-NPN mission. The USA-NPN develops, implements, and maintains a comprehensive Information Management System (IMS) to serve the needs of the network, including the collection, storage and dissemination of phenology data, access to phenology-related information, tools for data interpretation, and communication among partners of the USA-NPN. The IMS includes components for data storage, such as the National Phenology Database (NPD), and several online user interfaces to accommodate data entry, data download, data visualization and catalog searches for phenology-related information. The IMS is governed by a set of standards to ensure security, privacy, data access, and data quality. The National Phenology Database is designed to efficiently accommodate large quantities of phenology data, to be flexible to the changing needs of the network, and to provide for quality control. The database stores phenology data from multiple sources (e.g., partner organizations, researchers and citizen observers), and provides for integration with legacy datasets. Several services will be created to provide access to the data, including reports, visualization interfaces, and web services. These services will provide integrated access to phenology and related information for scientists, decision-makers and general audiences. Phenological assessments at any scale will rely on secure and flexible information management systems for the organization and analysis of phenology data. The USA-NPN’s IMS can serve phenology assessments directly, through data management and indirectly as a model for large-scale integrated data management.

  14. Ray Hammond: "Kirjutamine on minu jaoks tulevikuideede labor" / Ray Hammond ; interv. Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hammond, Ray


    Briti tuleviku-uurija Ray Hammondi nendib, et kuigi tulevikus toimuvaid sündmusi ei ole võimalik konkreetselt ennustada, saab ometi kindlaks määrata ja avastada suundi, mis tulevikus inimkonna elu mõjutavad. Maailma arengust 21. sajandil

  15. USA tunnistab valge fosfori relvana kasutamist Iraagis / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Kui varem USA eitas valge fosfori kasutamist Iraagis Falluja linnas, siis nüüd on ta eitamisest loobunud. USA välisministeeriumi pressiteate kohaselt ei kasutatud fosforit keemiarelvana. Sütitavate relvade kasutamine tsiviilisikute vastu on keelatud. Vt. samas: Ahto Lobjakas. Europarlamendis USA hukkamõist

  16. USA kindral: liitlased panustavad hästi, eelarvetest hoolimata / Mark Hertling ; intervjueerinud Lauri Tankler

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hertling, Mark


    Intervjuu õppust "Saber Strike" külastanud USA Euroopa vägede ülema kindralleitnant Mark Hertlingiga. Tema sõnul ei ole Euroopa kaitse-eelarvete vähenemine siinsete liitlaste panust kehvemaks teinud

  17. Uudised : Muusikal Lennonist kukkus läbi. Erkki Otsman. Hip-hop

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Don Scardino lavastatud John Lennoni elu ja heliloomingu pinnalt sündinud muusikali etendamisest Ameerikas. Erkki Otsmani esinemisest 24. sept. Euroopa keelte päeva raames Krakovis. Los Angelese hip-hop-muusika plaadifirma Stones Throw sügisene Euroopa-turnee sel nädalal Tallinnas: Rock Café's 24. sept. esinevad MCd Wildchild, Declaime ja MED

  18. Linking Stream Dissolved Oxygen with the Dynamic Environmental Drivers across the Pacific Coast of U.S.A. (United States)

    Araya, F. Z.; Abdul-Aziz, O. I.


    This study utilized a systematic data analytics approach to determine the relative linkages of stream dissolved oxygen (DO) with the hydro-climatic and biogeochemical drivers across the U.S. Pacific Coast. Multivariate statistical techniques of Pearson correlation matrix, principal component analysis, and factor analysis were applied to a complex water quality dataset (1998-2015) at 35 water quality monitoring stations of USGS NWIS and EPA STORET. Power-law based partial least squares regression (PLSR) models with a bootstrap Monte Carlo procedure (1000 iterations) were developed to reliably estimate the relative linkages by resolving multicollinearity (Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency, NSE = 0.50-0.94). Based on the dominant drivers, four environmental regimes have been identified and adequately described the system-data variances. In Pacific North West and Southern California, water temperature was the most dominant driver of DO in majority of the streams. However, in Central and Northern California, stream DO was controlled by multiple drivers (i.e., water temperature, pH, stream flow, and total phosphorus), exhibiting a transitional environmental regime. Further, total phosphorus (TP) appeared to be the limiting nutrient for most streams. The estimated linkages and insights would be useful to identify management priorities to achieve healthy coastal stream ecosystems across the Pacific Coast of U.S.A. and similar regions around the world. Keywords: Data analytics, water quality, coastal streams, dissolved oxygen, environmental regimes, Pacific Coast, United States.

  19. Master-klass za obedennõm stolom / Vladimir Makarenko ; interv. Jelena Skulskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Makarenko, Vladimir


    Vestlus Pariisis töötava kunstniku Volodimir Makarenkoga ajakirjaniku kodus õhtusöögil, kus Volodimir Makarenko (Makar) ja tema sõbrad Vjatsheslav Semerikov ja Anatoli Strahhov joonistasid võõrustajat. Vestluse sisuks oli Makarenko Pariisi-elu ja kunstnikud seal

  20. Vasha paugutab püstolit päriselus nagu filmis / Andres Laasik

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Laasik, Andres, 1960-2016


    Võrdlus Hannu Saloneni Eesti, Soome, Saksa ja Iiri koostööfilmis "Vasha" toimunu ja tegelike sündmustega tšetšeeni emigrantide hulgas. Tegelik elu on traagilisem ja dünaamilisem kui mängufilmis näidatu

  1. Viis aastat iPhone’i / Tõnu Ojala

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ojala, Tõnu, 1969-


    Jaanuar ajaloos: 9. jaanuaril 2007. aastal esitles Apple'i juht Steve Jobs esimest iPhone'i. 13. jaan. 1942 päästis Saksa katselendur Helmut Schenck esimese lendurina oma elu katapulteerumisega. 12. jaan. 1907 sündis Sergei Koroljov

  2. Kuidas ma sain selleks, kes ma olen?

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kultuurikoja juurest alguse saanud töörühm on sel õppeaastal eesti koolides korraldanud Elamusaastat. Elamusaasta raames käivad eri loomevaldkondade esindajad kooliõpilastele rääkimas oma elu märgilistest sündmustest ja elamustest

  3. "Душа хотела б быть звездой..." / Николай Соловей

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Соловей, Николай


    23. nov. 2003 tähistatakse Fjodor Tjuttševi 200. sünniaastapäeva. Eestis asuvad vene organisatsioonid on kuulutanud 2003. a. Tjuttševi aastaks. Sisaldab ka viktoriiniküsimusi F. Tjuttševi elu ja loomingu kohta

  4. Friedrich Puksoo auhind

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Kaljo-Olev Veskimäele rmt. "Nõukogude unelaadne elu : tsensuur Eesti NSV-s ja tema peremahed" eest, ära märgiti Arvo Teringi töö "Descartes ja tema ideede jõudmine Baltimaile 17. saj. ja 18. saj. algul"

  5. USA ja EL vähendavad kaubandustõkkeid / Kertu Ruus

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ruus, Kertu, 1977-


    Tippkohtumisel Washingtonis arutasid Euroopa Komisjoni president Jose Manuel Barroso ja USA president George W. Bush, kuidas EL-i ja USA majandussuhteid vabamaks muuta. Diagramm: EL-i kaubavahetus USA-ga

  6. Spatial and temporal variation in de facto wastewater reuse in drinking water systems across the U.S.A. (United States)

    Rice, Jacelyn; Westerhoff, Paul


    De facto potable reuse occurs when treated wastewater is discharged into surface waters upstream of potable drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) intakes. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) discharges may pose water quality risks at the downstream DWTP, but additional flow aids in providing a reliable water supply source. In this work de facto reuse is analyzed for 2056 surface water intakes serving 1210 DWTPs across the U.S.A. that serve greater than 10,000 people, covering approximately 82% of the nation’s population. An ArcGIS model is developed to assess spatial relationships between DWTPs and WWTPs, with a python script designed to perform a network analysis by hydrologic region. A high frequency of de facto reuse occurrence was observed; 50% of the DWTP intakes are potentially impacted by upstream WWTP discharges. However, the magnitude of de facto reuse was seen to be relatively low, where 50% of the impacted intakes contained less than 1% treated municipal wastewater under average streamflow conditions. De facto reuse increased greatly under low streamflow conditions (modeled by Q95), with 32 of the 80 sites yielding at least 50% treated wastewater, this portion of the analysis is limited to sites where stream gauge data was readily available.

  7. 76 FR 35715 - Establishment of the SelectUSA Initiative (United States)


    ... Establishment of the SelectUSA Initiative By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the... unnecessary obstacles to investment. Sec. 2. SelectUSA Initiative. (a) Establishment. There is established the SelectUSA Initiative (Initiative), a Government-wide initiative to attract and retain investment in the...

  8. Poiti dalshe Ramsfelda / Joseph S. Nye ; tõlk. Nikolai Zhdanovitsh

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nye, Joseph S.


    USA kongressi vahevalimistel saadud kaotus ning Iraagi sõja kriitika viis kaitseminister Donald Rumsfeldi tagasiastumiseni. USA võitlus terrorismiga ja sündmused Iraagis osutavad, et pealesunnitud demokraatial on piirid. Sise- ja välispoliitilised probleemid ning parteide koostöö

  9. Interactions of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in polymicrobial wound infection.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Irena Pastar

    Full Text Available Understanding the pathology resulting from Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa polymicrobial wound infections is of great importance due to their ubiquitous nature, increasing prevalence, growing resistance to antimicrobial agents, and ability to delay healing. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus USA300 is the leading cause of community-associated bacterial infections resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. We utilized a well-established porcine partial thickness wound healing model to study the synergistic effects of USA300 and P. aeruginosa on wound healing. Wound re-epithelialization was significantly delayed by mixed-species biofilms through suppression of keratinocyte growth factor 1. Pseudomonas showed an inhibitory effect on USA300 growth in vitro while both species co-existed in cutaneous wounds in vivo. Polymicrobial wound infection in the presence of P. aeruginosa resulted in induced expression of USA300 virulence factors Panton-Valentine leukocidin and α-hemolysin. These results provide evidence for the interaction of bacterial species within mixed-species biofilms in vivo and for the first time, the contribution of virulence factors to the severity of polymicrobial wound infections.

  10. Defending dreamer’s rock


    Beck, Günter U.


    Defending dreamer’s rock : Geschichte, Geschichtsbewusstsein und Geschichtskultur im Native drama der USA und Kanadas. - Trier : WVT Wiss. Verl. Trier, 2007. - 445 S. - (CDE - Studies ; 14). - Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 2006

  11. Harm reduction in the USA: the research perspective and an archive to David Purchase. (United States)

    Des Jarlais, Don C


    The history of harm reduction in the USA has led to the development of some of the most important methods for treating persons for drug use disorders, such as methadone and buprenorphine for opiate use disorder. However, there has been fierce political resistance to implementation and scale-up of harm reduction in the USA. This resistance is rooted in historical demonization of particular psychoactive drugs that were associated with stigmatized racial/ethnic groups.With the discovery of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in 1981, harm reduction became important not only for treating substance use disorders, but for reducing transmission of blood-borne infection. However, within the context of the crack cocaine epidemic in the 1980s, it was very difficult to implement any programs that appeared to "condone" drug use.It was not until the late 1980s that syringe exchange programs began at the state and local level in the USA. With funding primarily from state and local governments and the support of the North American Syringe Exchange Network (NASEN), there are now approximately 200 programs for syringe exchange in the USA. Research has shown that these programs have been extremely effective in reducing human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission among persons who inject drugs (PWID). The programs in the USA also offer many additional services for drug users, including condom distribution, referrals to substance abuse treatment, HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV) counseling and testing, overdose education and naloxone distribution to reverse for overdose.Currently, the USA is experiencing an opioid/heroin epidemic, with significant increases in overdose deaths among drug users. Much of this epidemic is occurring in suburban and rural of the country without harm reduction services. The current challenges for harm reduction and harm reduction research involve expansion of services to suburban and rural areas and implementation science on

  12. Greens protest at U. S. Embassy / Nick Coleman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Coleman, Nick


    Protestijad kogunesid USA Riia saatkonna hoone ette. Väljendati oma rahulolematust USA tahtmatuse suhtes vähendada süsinikdioksüüdi paiskamist õhkkonda, mis ilmnes eelmisel kuul peetud kliimamuutuse konverentsil Haagis

  13. Invited series of talks and lectures at Yale University (USA) on Rolf Nordahl's research

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nordahl, Rolf


    in several topics. The lectures will address his innovative experiments on using methods from Film and Filmsound to inform research in Computer Games and Virtual Reality applications with real-life examples from the Natural Interactive Walking (NIW) project - a EU-funded project headed at Aalborg University......Rolf Nordahl , Medialogy in Copenhagen, will be giving an invited series of lectures at Yale University, Connecticut, USA in the last week of March, 2010. Rolf has been invited to give talks to Professors, research fellows, Ph.D.'s and graduate students of Yale University (USA), on his research...

  14. Eesti mälu bibliograafi käes / Anne Ainz

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ainz, Anne, 1940-


    Autori ettekanne 16. veebruaril 2015 toimunud VIII bibliograafiapäeval, mis oli pühendatud Endel Annuse 100. sünniaastapäevale. Esitleti raamatut „Elu raamatute keskel: Endel Annus 100”. Bibliograafiapäeva korraldas Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemiline Raamatukogu

  15. Pildi ja vaataja kahekõne / Kristina Leer

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Leer, Kristina


    Eesti Rahva Muuseumi näitusemajas fotograaf Jakob Bockmanni (1889-1993) pärandi näitus. Fotografeeris rindel, 1917. a. Peterburis, pärast jäädvustas sündmusi Eestis (laulupeod, paraadid, mälestussammaste avamine, Ambla elu-olu jne.)

  16. Jänese mälestusmärk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Venemaal Pihkva oblastis Mihhailovskojes on mälestusmärk jänesele, kes takistas 1825. a. Aleksandr Pushkinil Peterburi dekabristide juurde sõitmast ja päästis nii poeedi elu - verstapost, millel on kiri "Senati väljakuni on 416 versta"

  17. The situation of nuclear energy in the USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barthelt, K.


    Owing to the fact that peaceful utilization of nuclear energy receives much coverage in the mass media, at party congresses and lately even in respectable journals in a way characterized by much emotional commitment and little factual knowledge, there is a danger of transferring the situation in the USA too easily to the Federal Republic of Germany along with all those well-known arguments. In the article, the author points out the differences between the continent USA and the comparatively small country Federal Republic of Germany reading the conclusion that any sweeping comparison of both countries is misleading so, too, in energy supply. In detail, there is a brief overview on the historical development of nuclear power utilization in the USA, a discussion of the reasons for cancelling/shutting-down nuclear power plants in the USA, an analysis of the effects of modified demand predictions on power station construction and of funding problems as well as an investigation into the profitability of nuclear energy in the USA. (orig./UA) [de

  18. Ruslands betændte forhold til USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Skak, Mette


    Rusland udgør en anden stormagtsudfordring for USA. Rusland er en stormagt i forfald, som imidlertid har genopfundet sin gamle sovjetiske 'Manifest Destiny'.......Rusland udgør en anden stormagtsudfordring for USA. Rusland er en stormagt i forfald, som imidlertid har genopfundet sin gamle sovjetiske 'Manifest Destiny'....

  19. Echinococcus granulosus in gray wolves and ungulates in Idaho and Montana, USA. (United States)

    Foreyt, William J; Drew, Mark L; Atkinson, Mark; McCauley, Deborah


    We evaluated the small intestines of 123 gray wolves (Canis lupus) that were collected from Idaho, USA (n=63), and Montana, USA (n=60), between 2006 and 2008 for the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. The tapeworm was detected in 39 of 63 wolves (62%) in Idaho, USA, and 38 of 60 wolves (63%) in Montana, USA. The detection of thousands of tapeworms per wolf was a common finding. In Idaho, USA, hydatid cysts, the intermediate form of E. granulosus, were detected in elk (Cervus elaphus), mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus), and a mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus). In Montana, USA, hydatid cysts were detected in elk. To our knowledge, this is the first report of adult E. granulosus in Idaho, USA, or Montana, USA. It is unknown whether the parasite was introduced into Idaho, USA, and southwestern Montana, USA, with the importation of wolves from Alberta, Canada, or British Columbia, Canada, into Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, and central Idaho, USA, in 1995 and 1996, or whether the parasite has always been present in other carnivore hosts, and wolves became a new definitive host. Based on our results, the parasite is now well established in wolves in these states and is documented in elk, mule deer, and a mountain goat as intermediate hosts.

  20. Comment on "Exposure to mercury and Aroclor 1268 congeners in least terns (Sternula antillarum) in coastal Georgia, USA" by G. L. Robinson, G. L. Mills, A. H. Lindell, S. H. Schweitzer and S. M. Hernandez, Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17, 1424. (United States)

    Fuchsman, P C; Henning, M H; Magar, V S


    In a recent paper published in this journal (Robinson et al., Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17, 1424), Robinson et al. reported concentrations of Aroclor 1268 congeners in least tern eggs in coastal Georgia, USA. This comment describes important omissions in Robinson et al.'s interpretation of those egg concentrations that alter the overall conclusions of the least tern study.

  1. Lahemaa maastik / Nele Nutt, Mart Hiob

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Nutt, Nele, 1969-


    Kahe aasta jooksul läbi viidud uuringu Lahemaa elu suunavate meetmete väljatöötamiseks tellis Keskkonnaamet. Töö teostas Artes Terrae OÜ. Mõte oli Lahemaa elu piirangute raames leida meetmed üha hõreneva püsielanikkonna suurendamiseks

  2. Tobacco control in California compared with the rest of the USA: trends in adult per capita cigarette consumption. (United States)

    Pierce, John P; Shi, Yuyan; Hendrickson, Erik M; White, Martha M; Noble, Madison L; Kealey, Sheila; Strong, David R; Trinidad, Dennis R; Hartman, Anne M; Messer, Karen


    In the 1990s, California led the USA in state-level tobacco control strategies. However, after 2000, California lost ground on cigarette taxes, although it maintained higher levels of smoke-free homes among smokers. Trends in per capita cigarette consumption were assessed through taxed sales data and from self-report in repeated national cross-sectional surveys. Linear regressions identified changes in trends after year 2000 separately for California and the rest of the USA. Using data from each state, a linear regression tested the association between different tobacco control strategies and per capita consumption. Change in self-reported per capita consumption was partitioned into contributions associated with initiation, quitting and reduction in cigarette consumption level. Both taxed cigarette sales and per capita consumption declined rapidly in the USA from 1985 to 2015. Declines were particularly fast in California before 2000 but slowed thereafter. In 2014, per capita consumption in California was 29.4 packs/adult/year, but 90% higher in the rest of the USA. Modelling state-level data, every $1 increase in cigarette taxes reduced consumption by 4.8 (95% CI 2.9 to 6.8) packs/adult/year. Every 5% increase in the proportion of smokers with smoke-free homes reduced consumption by 8.0 (95% CI 7.0 to 8.9) packs/adult/year. The different patterns in California and the rest of the USA are at least partially explained by these two variables. The slow down in per capita consumption in California can be attributed to changes in initiation, quitting and especially smokers reducing their consumption level. Tobacco control strategies need to be continually updated to maintain momentum towards a smoke-free society. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  3. National Fire Risk Map for Continental USA: Creation and Validation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang, Q; Wollersheim, M; Griffiths, S; Maddox, I


    A nation-wide fire risk map for the continental USA has been created based on a hybrid fire risk model, incorporating a combination of static risk indicators which change very slowly over time, and dynamic risk indicators that may vary significantly from week-to-week. Static risk indicators include: terrain elevation, terrain slope, terrain aspect, and distance from roads and settlements. Each of the static risk indicators are derived from Intermap's high-accuracy NEXTMap ® USA database. The dynamic risk indicators are derived from satellite-based multi-spectral imagery and provide a snapshot of the fuel-moisture conditions during fire seasons. Each of these risk indicators are combined to produce a map provided at 5m posting and normalized to the range of 0 (very low risk) and 255 (very high risk). The map has been validated in two selected areas using historical fire information

  4. 77 FR 47671 - TA-W-81,520, T-Mobile USA, Inc., Call Center, Allentown, PA; TA-W-81,520G, T-Mobile USA, Inc... (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Employment and Training Administration TA-W-81,520, T-Mobile USA, Inc., Call Center, Allentown, PA; TA- W-81,520G, T-Mobile USA, Inc., Headquarters Office, Bellevue, WA; Amended... of T-Mobile USA, Inc., Call Center, Allentown, Pennsylvania (TA-W-81,520), Fort Lauderdale, Florida...

  5. Süüteod elu ja tervise vastu / Jaan Sootak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Sootak, Jaan, 1948-


    Raske tervisekahjustuse tunnustes tehtud täiendusi ning lisandunud kakluses osalemise koosseisu (KarS § 1191) ja kehalise väärkohtlemise kooseisus (KarS § 121) tehtud muudatusi karistusseadustikus

  6. USA välisminister kaitses CIA salaaktsioone vangidega / Aadu Hiietamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiietamm, Aadu, 1954-


    USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice kaitses Berliinis USA Luure Keskagentuuri (CIA) salaaktsioone. Välisminister teatas, et USA ei piina vange ning kinnipeetavate välisriikidesse toimetamise eesmärk on vältida terrorirünnakuid ja päästa inimelusid

  7. Elu on Rock 'n' roll! / Mari Hiiemäe

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Hiiemäe, Mari


    Üritusesarjast "The 1st Tallinn Rocknroll Weekend Party" (korraldaja Eero Palusalu) Tallinnas Rock Cafés. Inglise rockansamblitest Matchbox ja Crazy Cavan & The Rhythm Rockers (kontsert 15. sept. Rock Cafés)

  8. USA Hire Testing Platform (United States)

    Office of Personnel Management — The USA Hire Testing Platform delivers tests used in hiring for positions in the Federal Government. To safeguard the integrity of the hiring processes and ensure...

  9. Slope movements triggered by heavy rainfall, November 3–5, 1985, in Virginia and West Virginia, U.S.A. (United States)

    Jacobson, Robert B.; Cron, Elizabeth D.; McGeehin, John P.


    Study of slope movements triggered by the storm of November 3–5, 1985, in the central Appalachian Mountains, U.S.A., has helped to define the meteorologic conditions leading to slope movements and the relative importance of land cover, bedrock, surficial geology, and geomorphology in slope movement location. This long-duration rainfall at moderate intensities triggered more than 1,000 slope movements in a 1,040-km2 study area. Most were shallow slips and slip-flows in thin colluvium and residuum on shale slopes. Locations of these failures were sensitive to land cover and slope aspect but were relatively insensitive to topographic setting. A few shallow slope movements were triggered by the same rainfall on interbedded limestone, shale, and sandstone. Several large debris slide-avalanches were triggered in sandstone regolith high on ridges in areas of the highest measured rainfall. Most of these sites were on slopes that dip 30 to 35° and lie parallel to bedding planes, presumably the sites of least stability.

  10. Noored - tööelanikkonna tulevik / Karin Reinhold

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinhold, Karin, 1976-


    Espoos 20.-22. novembrini 2002. a. toimunud sümpoosionil "Noored ja töö" käsitleti kolme peateemat: õpilaste ettevalmistamine tööeluks, üleminek koolist tööle, noored töötajad ja tervislik tööelu

  11. Understanding Food Insecurity in the USA and Canada: Potential Insights for Europe. (United States)

    Gundersen, Craig


    Food insecurity is a leading nutrition-related health care issue in the USA due to the magnitude of the problem (almost 50 million Americans are food insecure) and its association with a wide array of negative health and other outcomes. Alongside this interest in the USA, there has also been growing interest in Canada. In contrast, food insecurity has received less attention in Europe. Nevertheless, there is both direct and indirect evidence that food insecurity and its attendant consequences are present in Europe. Given the similarities between the USA, Canada, and Europe, previous research can offer numerous insights into the causes and consequences of food insecurity in Europe and possible directions to address these through measurement and public policies. I first cover the methods used to measure food insecurity in the USA and Canada. In both countries, a series of 18 questions in the Core Food Security Module are used to identify whether a household is food insecure. I then briefly cover the current extent of food insecurity in each country along with some discussion of the recent history of food insecurity. A central advantage to using the Core Food Security Module in Europe is that the measure has been proven useful in other high-income countries, and using a standardized measure would allow for cross-country comparisons. I next cover two large-scale food assistance programs from the USA, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as the Food Stamp Program) and the National School Lunch Program. For each, I summarize how the program is structured, how eligibility is established, and how participation proceeds. Europe has generally used income-based assistance programs to improve the well-being of low-income households; I consider a couple of reasons for why food assistance programs may also be worth considering. © 2016 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  12. Clinton: USA kaotab infosõjas Hiina, Venemaa ja Al Jazeeraga / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    USA välisministri Hillary Clintoni hinnangul on USA propaganda nõrgenenud ning USA mõjuvõim väheneb pidevalt. H. Clintoni vastusest Senati väliskomisjonis senaator Richard Lugari küsimusele USA pingutustest diplomaatilise kommunikatsiooni vallas

  13. Outline of developing projects of atomic bomb in Japan and USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukui, Shuji


    The content of the title connecting with the World War II is described hoping that younger researchers of nuclear physics could know some of the facts that scientists and the military of Japan and USA, respectively, had have developing projects of atomic bomb by fission reaction, although there are no official documents of those in Japan, even if there are some unofficial documents that are uncertain partly in Japan. Described are a chronological table, the content of research and development of atomic bombs, Japan's experiments by Kikuchi Laboratory of Osaka Imperial University and Nishina Laboratory of RIKEN, as well as the USA's action such as production of fissile nuclide, Pu-239 and U-235, selection of the site to fabricate atomic bomb, investigation the state of research and development of atomic bombs in Germany, Italy and Japan. (S.Y.)

  14. Pre-spawning migration of adult Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, in the Willamette River, Oregon, U.S.A. (United States)

    Clemens, Benjamin J.; Mesa, Matthew G.; Magie, Robert J.; Young, Douglas A.; Schreck, Carl B.


    We describe the migration distances and timing of the adult Pacific lamprey, Entosphenus tridentatus, in the Willamette River Basin (Oregon, U.S.A.). We conducted aerial surveys to track radio-tagged fish upstream of a major waterfall and hydropower complex en route to spawning areas. We detected 24 out of the 43 fish that passed the waterfall-hydropower complex. Of the detected fish, 17 were detected multiple times. Their maximum migration distance upstream in the mainstem Willamette approximated a normal distribution. The maximum distance migrated upstream did not significantly correlate with total body length (r = −0.186, P = 0.385) or date that the fish passed Willamette Falls (r = −0.118, P = 0.582). Fish migrated primarily during the spring to early summer period before stopping during the summer, when peak river temperatures (≥20°C). However, at least three fish continued to migrate upstream after September. Behavior ranged from relatively slow migration, followed by holding; to rapid migration, followed by slow migration further up in the basin. This study provides a basis for informing more detailed research on Pacific lamprey in the future.

  15. Dissemination of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), USA300 Sequence Type 8 Lineage in Latin-America (United States)

    Reyes, Jinnethe; Rincón, Sandra; Díaz, Lorena; Panesso, Diana; Contreras, Germán A.; Zurita, Jeannete; Carrillo, Carlos; Rizzi, Adele; Guzmán, Manuel; Adachi, Javier; Chowdhury, Shahreen; Murray, Barbara E.; Arias, Cesar A.


    Background Methicillin-resistant Staphylococus aureus (MRSA) is an important nosocomial and community-associated (CA) pathogen. Recently, a variant of the MRSA USA300 clone emerged and disseminated in South-America causing important clinical problems. Methods S. aureus isolates were prospectively collected (2006 to 2008) from 32 tertiary hospitals in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. MRSA isolates were subjected to antimicrobial susceptibility testing, pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and categorized as healthcare-associated (HA)-like or CA-like clones based on genotypic characteristics and detection of genes encoding the Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) and staphylococcal cassette mec (SCCmec) IV. Additionally, MLST of representative isolates of each major CA-MRSA pulsotype, and detection of USA300-associated toxins and the arcA gene were performed in all isolates categorized as CA-MRSA. Results A total of 1570 S. aureus were included; 651 were MRSA (41%), with the highest rates of MRSA isolation in Peru (62%), and lowest in Venezuela (26%) and 71%, 27%, and 2% were classified as HA-like, CA-like, and non-CA/HA-like clones, respectively. Only 9 MRSA isolates were confirmed to have reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides (GISA phenotype). The most common pulsotype (designated ComA) amongst the CA-like MRSA strains was found in 96% of isolates with the majority (81%) having ≤6 bands difference with the USA300-0114 strain. Representative isolates of this clone were ST8 but, unlike the USA300-0114 strain, they harbored a different SCCmec IV subtype and lacked arcA (an indicator of the arginine catabolic mobile element (ACME)). Conclusion A variant CA-MRSA USA300 clone has now become established in South America and, in some countries, is endemic in hospital settings. PMID:19911971

  16. USA erisaadik : USA investorid Eestis rahul / J. Frank Mermoud ; interv. Sirje Rank

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Mermoud, J. Frank


    Ameerika Ühendriikide välisministri nõunik ja erisaadik majandusküsimustes kiidab Eesti edu, räägib USA investorite rahuolust Eesti majanduskeskkonnaga ja väljendab muret Euroopa Liidu kavade pärast maksude ühtlustamiseks

  17. Tenth annual scientific conference of the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA), July 19, 1995, Seattle, Washington

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holm, V.A.; Hudgins, L. [Univ. of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA (United States); Cassidy, S.B. [Univ. of Washington School of Medicine, and Children`s Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, WA (United States)]|[Univ. Hospitals of Cleveland, OH (United States)


    Each year for the last 10 years, scientists conducting research on Prader-Willi syndrome have come together to exchange information during a scientific conference held in conjunction with the annual Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) meeting. Presentations based on submitted abstracts encompass such varied fields as genetics, endocrinology, pediatrics, nutrition, psychology, psychiatry, and education. This year`s scientific conference was held in Seattle, Washington, on July 19, 1995, in conjunction with the 14th PWSA (USA) meeting held July 20-23. Seventeen reports were presented at the scientific meeting, the abstracts of which follow.

  18. Population increase in Kirtland's warbler and summer range expansion to Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula, USA (United States)

    John R. Probst; Deahn Donner; Carol I. Bocetti; Steve Sjogren


    The threatened Kirtland`s warbler Dendroica kirtlandii breeds in stands of young jack pine Pinus banksiana growing on well-drained soils in Michigan, USA. We summarize information documenting the range expansion of Kirtland`s warbler due to increased habitat management in the core breeding range in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan...

  19. USA ärritab Poolat ideega ehitada raketikilp hoopis Leetu / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    Kuigi USA ja Poola vahel jätkuvad läbirääkimised raketikilbi üle, on rahvusvahelisse meediasse imbunud oletus, et USA võib raketikilbi paigutada hoopis Leetu. Poola asevälisministri Witold Waszczykowski hinnangul kasutab USA Leedut survestusvahendina. Nii Leedu välisministeerium kui ka USA-poolne kõneluste juht John Rood kinnitavad, et raketikilbiküsimust on riigid omavahel arutanud

  20. Travel and tourism in the USA: industry development trends


    Smal, Valentyna


    The travel and tourism industry has evolved over the past six decades into one of the world’s most significant economic sectors. Travel and tourism are critical to the American economy. This growing industry offers significant potential for job creation across all regions of the country. A considerable competitive advantage of the USA as a tourism destination lies in the variety of experiences the country offers, ranging from large cities and small-town to the many unique historic places and ...

  1. Plan estratégico para Toyota USA 2011-2013


    Arrieta Clavijo, María Luisa Jesús; Cabero Rojas, Augusto Mauricio; Quinto Tapia, Daniel Federico


    Plan Estratégico para Toyota USA 2011-2013 permitirá, a través del uso de herramientas propias del análisis externo e interno, identificar sus ventajas competitivas, su posición competitiva y establecer los planes funcionales en tres ámbitos principales: marketing, operaciones y recursos humanos. Estos planes funcionales se enfocarán en las acciones estratégicas que permitan a Toyota generar una mayor eficiencia operativa, redireccionarse a su consumidor y aplicar una estrategia de marketin...

  2. USA kindral: muutustel on kõrge hind / Argo Ideon

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Ideon, Argo, 1966-


    President Toomas Hendrik Ilves alustas 5. oktoobril 2010. a. töövisiiti Afganistanis, kohtudes pealinnas Kabulis Afganistani presidendi Hamid Karzaiga. Eesti riigipea kohtus ka rahvusvaheliste julgeolekutagamisjõudude (ISAF) komandöri, USA kindrali David Petraeusega. Vt. samas: 3 küsimust president Toomas Hendrik Ilvesele. Tsitaat T.H. Ilveselt vt. ka lk. 13. Artikkel lühend. ilmunud ka: Sakala 6. okt. 2010, lk. 5, pealk.: President Toomas Hendrik Ilves sõitis Afganistani. Töövisiit Afganistani 03.-08.10.2010

  3. USA saadik loodab võita eestlaste poolehoiu / Joseph M. DeThomas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    DeThomas, Joseph M.


    USA suursaadik Eestis Joseph DeThomas vastab on-line intervjuus Eesti Päevalehe lugejate küsimustele Iraagi ründamise, USA ja Euroopa vahelise lõhe, USA Eesti saatkonna võimaliku ümberkolimise kohta

  4. Neli vaadet tuumale ja näivusele / Märt Väljataga

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väljataga, Märt, 1965-


    Arvustus: Tuglas, Friedebert. Valik proosat / koostanud ja saatetekstid kirjutanud Jaan Undusk. Tallinn : Avita, 2009 ; Nietzsche, Friedrich. Tragöödia sünd. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2009 ; Kesküla, Kalev. Elu sumedusest. Tallinn : Tuum, 2009 ; Sirkel, Mati. Uued orva-aastad. Kommentaarium. Tallinn : Tuum, 2009

  5. "Las põhjatuul vingub ja kõikjal on jää ..." : [luuletused] / Gennadi Jushkov

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jushkov, Gennadi


    Sisu : "Las põhjatuul vingub ja kõikjal on jää ..." ; "Elu ju õnnena koidab ..." ; "Noorpõlve kestel ..." ; Inimene olen veel ; Kajakas ; "Ma sündinud Komis ..." ; "Komi Jumal mult küsis jah ...". Eluloolisi andmeid autori kohta lk. 293. Luuletused paralleelselt komi ja eesti keeles

  6. Superconducting wire for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inoue, Itaru; Ikeda, Masaru; Tanaka, Yasuzo; Meguro, Shinichiro


    In Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in USA, the development of a mirror type nuclear fusion reactor is carried out, and for plasma confinement, superconducting magnets are used. For the axicell coil generating a 12 T magnetic field in one of these magnets, Nb 3 Sn superconducting wires are to be used, and after the completion, it will be the largest magnet in the world as high magnetic field superconducting magnets. Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. has completed the delivery of Nb 3 Sn superconducting wires used for this purpose. Since the Nb 3 Sn superconducting wires are very brittle, attention was paid to the manufacture to satisfy the required characteristics, and it was able to obtain the good reputation that the product was highly homogeneous as the superconducting wires of this type. In this paper, the design, manufacture and various characteristics of these superconducting wires are reported. The Nb 3 Sn superconducting wires were manufactured on industrial scale of 8 tons. The features of these Nb 3 Sn wires are the compound structure with semi-hard copper for low temperature stability and strengthening. (Kako, I.)


    The extent of aquatic off-channel habitats such as secondary and side channels, sloughs, and alcoves, have been reduced more than 50% since the 1850s along the upper main stem of the Willamette River, Oregon, USA. Concurrently, the hydrogeomorphic potential, and associated flood...

  8. EL taotleb USA-lt viisavabaduse võrdsust / Ahto Lobjakas, Anneli Ammas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    Euroopa Komisjon soovib, et USA kiirendaks EL-i uute liikmesriikide kaasamist oma viisavabastusprogrammi. USA peab illegaalseid tööotsijaid üheks peamiseks tõkkeks viisavabaduse saavutamise teel. Kriteeriumidest, millele peavad USA-ga viisavabadust taotlevad riigid vastama

  9. The birth and growth of neuroradiology in the USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gutierrez, C.; Goettingen Univ. Germany, F.R. Klinik fuer Neurochirurgie)


    Neuroradiology in the USA was started by the neurosurgeons Harvey Cushing, who personally made the first X-rays used to treat a patient with a neurological disability, and Walter Dandy, who first performed air ventriculography, ventriculoscopy, air encephalography and air myelography. The father of neuroradiology in the USA was Merrill Sosman, Cushing's associate. Modern neuroradiology was introduced into the USA from Europe by Mannie Schechter who was one of the original team of three Chief Editors of Neuroradiology. (orig.)

  10. Wage dispersion and pension funds: Financialisation of non-financial corporations in the USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available The paper argues that wage dispersion between white-collar and blue-collar workers has caused the rise and expansion of pension funds in a direct and long-run structural manner in the USA. Using data from the Saez-Zucman and the St. Louis Fed’s FRED datasets, the argument is empirically analysed on yearly data for the period 1964-2012 in the USA. The results confirm the existence of a long-run relationship of causality from wage dispersion to the share of pension funds within US households’ financial wealth. Applying a vector error correction model to the data it emerges that the variance in pension funds due to wage dispersion starts to rise after the fifth period, and reaches 69% in the tenth period. .

  11. Safety Analysis Report for Packaging (SARP): USA/5790/BLF (ERDA-AL) and USA/5791/BLF (ERDA-AL)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Griffin, J.F.; Bertram, R.E.; Blauvelt, R.K.; Edling, D.A.; Flanagan, T.M.; Peterson, J.B.; Prosser, D.L.


    The Safety Analysis Report for Packaging (SARP) satisfies the request of the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration for a formal safety analysis of the two insulated drum shipping containers identified as USA/5790/BLF ERDA-AL and USA/5791/BLF ERDA-AL. Discussions of structural integrity, thermal resistance, radiation shielding and radiological safety, nuclear criticality safety, and quality control are included. Much of the information was previously submitted to ERDA/OSD/ALO and the Department of Transportation (DOT) and provided the basis for obtaining special permits DOT-SP-5790 and DOT-SP-5791 as well as the Interim Certificates of Compliance until the SARP could be prepared. Complete physical and technical descriptions of the packages are presented. Each package consists of a modified DOT Specification 2R cylindrical steel inner container centered within an insulated steel drum. The contents may be any radioactive materials which satisfy the requirements established in this SARP. A shipment of Plutonium-238 in the form of a solid oxide is evaluated in this SARP as an example. The results of the nuclear criticality safety analysis show how much of the fissile isotopes may be shipped as Fissile Class I, II, or III for each container. Design and development considerations, the test and evaluations required to prove the ability of the containers to withstand normal transportation conditions, and the sequence of four hypothetical accident conditions (free drop, puncture, thermal, and water immersion) are discussed

  12. Ameerika sõdurite Eestis viibimine saab selgemad reeglid / Mihkel Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tamm, Mihkel


    Eesti ja USA vahelisest kaitsekoostöö lepingust, millega kavatsetakse anda selgem raamistik USA vägede siinolekuks ja lihtsustada relvajõudude Eestis tegutsemist. Kokkuleppes pannakse paika kahe riigi suhted ja õigused, mis puudutavad näiteks Eesti kaitseväe alade ja ehitiste kasutamist, ameeriklaste maksusoodustusi, ehitusõigusi ning USA sõdurite väär- ja kriminaaltegude menetlemist

  13. U.S. Army Medical Department Journal, January-March 2006 (United States)


    Caries Detection z MAJ Jerry Carbone, DC, USA, et al Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of a Patient with Amelogenesis Imperfecta: 41 A Clinical Report LTC...Rehabilitation of a having) posterior restorations you’ll enjoy LTC Patient with Amelogenesis Inpecta: A Clinical Nicholas Coppola’s "A Policy...Prosthodontic Rehabilitation of a Patient with Amelogenesis Imperfecta: A Clinical Report LTC Minaxi I. Patel, DC, USA LTC David A. Mott, DC, USA COL

  14. Energy conservation in ICT-businesses. Green computing in the USA; Energiereductie topprioriteit ICT-bedrijven. Green computing is hot in de USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hulsebos, M.


    A brief overview of the initiatives in ICT-businesses in the USA to save energy, also known as 'green computing'. [Dutch] Een kort overzicht van de initiatieven bij ICT-bedrijven in de USA om energie te besparen, ook bekend onder de naam 'green computing'.

  15. Oleme võrdsed puu, hundi ja sipelgaga / Toomas Trapido

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trapido, Toomas, 1972-


    Ilmunud ka: Severnoje Poberezhje, Pärnu Postimees, Lääne Elu, Sakala, Virumaa Teataja, Koit, Võrumaa Teataja, Valgamaalane, Järva Teataja 5. nov lk. 2;7;4;4;3;3;4;5, Vooremaa 6. november lk. 3. Fondi tegevjuht Toomas Trapido loodab, et Euroopa Liiduga liitudes süveneb Eestis suund säästvusele ja loodushoiule. Lisa: EL rahastab Eesti keskkonnaehitusi

  16. [Raamatute tutvustus] / Tiit Pruuli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pruuli, Tiit, 1965-


    Tutvustus: Asmus, Ronald D. Väike sõda, mis raputas maailma. Gruusia, Venemaa ja Lääne tulevik. Tallinn : Eesti Ajalehed, 2010 ; Ševardnadze, Eduard. Kui raudne eesriie rebenes. Tallinn : Olion, 2009 ; Vene-Gruusia sõda 08.08.2008. Kuidas see tegelikkuses oli. Tallinn :, 2010 ; Raudam, Dagmar. Minu Gruusia. Elu nagu mägitee. Tartu : Petrone Print, 2010

  17. Varadhan, Prof. Srinivasa S R

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Varadhan, Prof. Srinivasa S R . Date of birth: 2 January 1940. Address: Department of Mathematics, Courant Institute, New York University, 251, Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012, U.S.A.. Contact: Office: (+1-212) 982 9883

  18. USA salajane riigiametnike komisjon võib panna ka oma kodanikud tapanimekirja / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    Jeemenis USA droonirünnakus hukkunud Anwar al-Awlaki, keda USA valitsusesindajad nimetasid al-Qaida talendiotsijaks ja värvatute motiveerijaks, oli väidetavalt esimene USA kodanik, kes oli pandud USA vastu võitlevate terroristide nn. tapanimekirja

  19. Tänavune Jõulujazz tuleb Olav Ehala ja Courtney Pine'iga / Madli-Liis Parts

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Parts, Madli-Liis, 1969-


    Jazzüritustest: rootsi jazzlauljatari Rigmor Gustafssoni kontserdist 8. dets. Estonia kontserdisaalis, inglise saksofonisti Courtney Pine heliplaadi "Resistance" esitluskontserdist 15. dets. Rock Café's, Eesti Raadio ja Jazzkaare heategevuskontserdist "Aita alustada elu" O. Ehala muusikaga, Moskva vokaalkvarteti Cool & Jazzy kontserdist, Hedvig Hansoni kontserdist "Vaikuse kaja" 1. dets. Nigulistes

  20. Oh seda Eesti elu! : väljavõte Eesti Ekspressi kõige kummalisematest uudistest aastal 2002 : Rahvusraamatukogu ostis 1000 dollari eest tasuta raamatu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    RR tellis USA firmalt Rector Press raamatu "Estonian Companies Handbook 2001", selgus, et tegemist on AS Connectuse kirjastatava eestikeelse kataloogiga "KOMPASS Eesti TOP Firmad 2001", mida oleks võinud saada tasuta

  1. Proposal for the award of two contracts for the provision of high-speed data circuits to the USA

    CERN Document Server


    This document concerns the award of two contracts for high-speed (10 Gbit/s) data circuits for Wide Area Network (WAN) connectivity between CERN and the STARLIGHT Internet exchange in Chicago through the MANLAN Internet exchange in New York, USA, on behalf of a consortium comprising CERN, the US Department of Energy, the World Health Organisation and the Centre de Resources Informatiques de la Haute-Savoie (France). The Finance Committee is invited to agree to the negotiation of two contracts, together covering the provision of up to four high-speed (10 Gbit/s) data circuits to the USA, with: GLOBAL CROSSING (CH) for one 10 Gbit/s circuit between CERN and New York, two 10 Gbit/s circuits between New York and Chicago and Internet access points in Geneva and New York, for a period of three years for a total amount of 2 764 517 Swiss francs, not subject to revision. The contract will include options for one additional 10 Gbit/s circuit between CERN and New York and two additional 10 Gbit/s circuits between New Y...

  2. Stockholmi Moodsa Kunsti Muuseumi uus elu / Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Varblane, Reet, 1952-


    Stockholmi Moodsa Kunsti Muuseumist, mille Stockholmi südalinnas Skeppsholmeni saarel asuvas uues, spetsiaalselt kaasaegse kunsti näitamiseks ja hoidmiseks projekteeritud hoones (arhitekt Rafael Moneo) avati 14. veebr. kunsti-, foto- ja arhitektuurimuuseum. Muuseumi ajaloost, eesmärkidest. Moderna Museet'i direktori David Eliott'i esimesest kuraatoritööst (koos Pier Luigi Tazziga) "Haavad".

  3. Reconstructed Temperature And Precipitation On A Millennial Timescale From Tree-Rings In The Southern Colorado Plateau, U.S.A.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Salzer, M.W. [Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 85721 (United States); Kipfmueller, K.F. [Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 55455 (United States)


    Two independent calibrated and verified climate reconstructions from ecologically contrasting tree-ring sites in the southern Colorado Plateau, U.S.A. reveal decadal-scale climatic trends during the past two millennia. Combining precisely dated annual mean-maximum temperature and October through July precipitation reconstructions yields an unparalleled record of climatic variability. The approach allows for the identification of thirty extreme wet periods and thirty-five extreme dry periods in the 1,425-year precipitation reconstruction and 30 extreme cool periods and 26 extreme warm periods in 2,262-year temperature reconstruction. In addition, the reconstructions were integrated to identify intervals when conditions were extreme in both climatic variables (cool/dry, cool/wet, warm/dry, warm/wet). Noteworthy in the reconstructions are the post-1976 warm/wet period, unprecedented in the 1,425-year record both in amplitude and duration, anomalous and prolonged late 20th century warmth, that while never exceeded, was nearly equaled in magnitude for brief intervals in the past, and substantial decadal-scale variability within the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age intervals.

  4. Strontium-90 migration in Hanford sediments, USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Steefel, C.I.; Yang, L.; Carroll, S.A.; Roberts, S.; Zachara, J.M.; Yabusaki, S.B.


    Full text of publication follows: Strontium-90 is an important risk-driving contaminant at the Hanford site in eastern Washington, USA. Disposal operations at the Hanford 100-N area released millions of liters of reactor cooling water containing high concentrations of strontium-90 into the vadose zone immediately adjacent to the Columbia River. The effectiveness of pump-and-treat methods for remediation have been questioned, largely because the strontium is strongly sorbed on subsurface sediments via ion exchange reactions and co-precipitation in carbonates. In addition, groundwater monitoring wells show a fluctuating seasonal behavior in which high strontium-90 concentrations correlate with high Columbia River stage, even while average concentrations remain approximately constant. A series of fully saturated reactive transport column experiments have been conducted to investigate the important controls on strontium migration in Hanford groundwater [1]. The experiments were designed to investigate the multicomponent cation exchange behavior of strontium in competition with the cations Na + , Ca +2 , and Mg +2 , the concentration of which differs between river water and groundwater. Reactive transport modeling of the experiments indicates that the Sr +2 selectivity coefficient becomes larger with increasing NaNO 3 concentration, a behavior also shown by the divalent cations Ca +2 and Mg +2 . A new set of column experiments investigates the effect of wetting and drying cycles on strontium- 90 sorption and migration by considering episodic flow in Hanford sediments. In addition, the effect of fluctuating aquifer chemistry as a result of changes in the Columbia River stage on Sr +2 sorption is addressed. Modeling of multicomponent reactive transport under variably saturated conditions is used to interpret the results of the episodic flow/chemistry experiments. [1] Experimental and modeling studies of the migration behavior of strontium in Hanford sediments, USA. C

  5. Comparative Study of Middle School Students' Attitudes towards Science: Rasch Analysis of Entire TIMSS 2011 Attitudinal Data for England, Singapore and the U.S.A. as Well as Psychometric Properties of Attitudes Scale (United States)

    Oon, Pey Tee; Subramaniam, R.


    We report here on a comparative study of middle school students' attitudes towards science involving three countries: England, Singapore and the U.S.A. Complete attitudinal data sets from TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2011 were used, thus giving a very large sample size (N = 20,246), compared to other studies in the…

  6. Pricing behavior of USA exporter in wheat international market (United States)

    Wibowo, R. P.; Sumono; Iddrisu, Y.; Darus, M.; Sihombing, L. P.; Jufri


    The number of wheat producing countries is changing over time. It is expected the change in wheat supply will lead world wheat market become more competitive and reduce market power of major exporter country. This paper tries to identify and examined the degree of market power on wheat international market for USA by using the Pricing to Market (PTM) method. USA is the biggest producer and exporter in wheat market. The PTM method found that USA impose noncompetitive strategy by applying price discrimination and apply market power to their importer country.

  7. Children’s Blood Lead Seasonality in Flint, Michigan (USA), and Soil-Sourced Lead Hazard Risks (United States)

    Laidlaw, Mark A.S.; Filippelli, Gabriel M.; Sadler, Richard C.; Gonzales, Christopher R.; Ball, Andrew S.; Mielke, Howard W.


    In Flint; MI; USA; a public health crisis resulted from the switching of the water supply from Lake Huron to a more corrosive source from the Flint River in April 2014; which caused lead to leach from water lines. Between 2010 and 2015; Flint area children’s average blood lead patterns display consistent peaks in the third quarter of the year. The third quarter blood lead peaks displayed a declining trend between 2010 and 2013; then rose abruptly between the third quarters of 2013 from 3.6% blood lead levels ≥5 µg/dL to a peak of about 7% in the third quarter of 2014; an increase of approximately 50%. The percentage of blood lead level ≥5 µg/dL in the first quarter of 2015 then dropped to 2.3%; which was the same percentage as the first quarter of 2014 (prior to the Flint River water source change). The Flint quarterly blood lead level peak then rose to about 6% blood lead levels ≥ 5 µg/dL in the third quarter of 2015; and then declined to about 2.5% in the fourth quarter of 2015. Soil lead data collected by Edible Flint food collaborative reveal generally higher soil lead values in the metropolitan center for Flint; with lower values in the outskirts of the city. The questions that are not being asked is why did children’s blood lead levels display a seasonal blood lead pattern before the introduction of the new water supply in Flint; and what are the implications of these seasonal blood lead patterns? Based upon previous findings in Detroit and other North American cities we infer that resuspension to the air of lead in the form of dust from lead contaminated soils in Flint appears to be a persistent contribution to lead exposure of Flint children even before the change in the water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River. PMID:27023578

  8. LHV töötajad jäid USA börsil vahele salajase info hankimisega / Aivar Reinap, Aleksei Günter

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reinap, Aivar, 1968-


    USA väärtpaberijärelevalve (SEC) ametnike andmetel varastasid Investeerimisfirma Lõhmus, Haavel & Viisemann (LHV) töötajad Oliver Peek ja Kristjan Lepik arvutiprogrammi abil USA börsiettevõtete veel avaldamata pressiteateid, teenides selle abil USA börsidel vähemalt 7,8 miljonit dollarit kasumit. SEC andis LHV ja tema kaks töötajad petuskeemi korraldamise süüdistusega kohtusse. Lisa: LHV tehingud. Vt. samas: Hindrek Riikoja, Aivar Reinap. Skandaal LHV äri Eestis veel ohtu ei sea. Kommenteerivad: ettevõtja Heldur Meerits, Eesti Panga nõukogu esimees Mart Sõrg, IT-spetsialist Linnar Viik, Tallinna Börsi juht Kaidi Oone

  9. Trumpi sõnul on Eesti väärtuslik liitlane ja sõber

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ameerika Ühendriikide president Donald Trump saatis riigipeale Kersti Kaljulaidile Eesti iseseisvuse 99. sünnipäeva puhul õnnitluskirja, milles nimetas Eestit väärtuslikuks liitlaseks ja sõbraks. USA president nimetab Eestit NATO liitlase musternäidiseks, sest Eesti kulutab kaks protsenti SKTst riigikaitsele ja osaleb NATO sõjalistel välismissioonidel

  10. USA kliimamuutuse vastu: Kopenhaagenis ja edaspidi / Michael C. Polt

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Polt, Michael C., 1954-


    Käsitledes Kopenhaageni kliimakonverentsi, märgib USA Eesti-suursaadik, et USA on valmis paika panema eesmärgi vähendada kohalike seadustega kooskõlas 2020. aastaks kasvuhoonegaaside heitmete emissiooni tasemeni, mis oleks 17% väiksem 2005. aasta tasemest

  11. Der allerschönste Krieg : [aus "Kõige ilusam sõda"¡ ("Der allerschönste Krieg")] : [luuletused] / Asko Künnap ; tlk. Irja Grönholm ja Gisbert Jänicke

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Künnap, Asko


    Sisu: Der allerschönste Krieg : Ich suchte mein nichtgelebtes Leben ; Wie fühlt sich's Seite an Seite ; So toll, dass wir kommen konnten ; Wie kommt man lebend aus Schweden zurück? ; Im Schlaf vereint ; Ruft die Spinnen - dass sie die Nacht weben ; Du hältst die Welt von mir fern ; Ruder mich zur Insel ; In den Augen des Mädchens aus dem Norden ; Der allerschönste Krieg ; Der Teufel im Sakko zu sechshundert Kronen. Orig.: Kõige ilusam sõda : Otsisin oma elamata jäänud elu ; Kuidas on kõrvuti olla ; Nii tore, et tulla saime ; Kuidas tulla elusana tagasi Rootsist? ; Unes ühes ; Kutsuge ämblikud - las punuvad öö ; Sina hoiad maailma minust ära ; Sõua mind saareni ; Ühe põhjamaa tüdruku silmades ; Kõige ilusam sõda ; Kurat kuuesajakroonises pintsakus

  12. Eesti-USA suhetes loevad väärtused / Vello Andres Pettai

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pettai, Vello, 1968-


    Ilmunud ka: Järva Teataja 30. nov. lk. 6 lüh. Tartu Ülikooli võrdleva poliitika professor vastab Postimees Online'i lugejate küsimustele, mis puudutavad USA presidendi visiiti Eestisse, viisavabadust USA-ga, USA presidendi võimu, NATO-t, välispoliitikat, riikidevahelisi suhteid, ajakirjandusvabadust, inimõigusi ja demokraatiat

  13. Eesti üksused näitavad YouTube'is oma tegevust Afganistanis / Holger Roonemaa

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Roonemaa, Holger


    Eesti kaitseväelased Iraagis on juba üle aasta näidanud oma tegevust internetis. Vanemleitnant Ingrid Mühlingu sõnul kaitsevägi videote avalikustamises üldjuhul probleemi ei näe, kuid alati tuleb arvestada, et video avaldamisega ei seataks ohtu enda ega kaasvõitlejate elu ja tervist

  14. Che legend elab ka 40 aastat hiljem / Evelyn Kaldoja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaldoja, Evelyn, 1980-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 9. okt. lk. 10. Argentinas sündinud ja 1967. aastal hukatud revolutsionääri Ernesto Che Guevara poliitikukarjäärist, tema panusest Kuuba revolutsiooni ja poliitikasse. Ernesto Che Guevara mälestamisest Ladina-Ameeerika riikides. Lisa: Kuuba revolutsioon; Che Guevara elu

  15. Visualising variation in mortality rates across the life course and by sex, USA and comparator states, 1933-2010. (United States)

    Vanderbloemen, Laura; Dorling, Danny; Minton, Jonathan


    Previous research showed that younger adult males in the USA have, since the 1950s, died at a faster rate than females of the same age. In this paper, we quantify this difference, and explore possible explanations for the differences at different ages and in different years. Using data from the Human Mortality Database (HMD), the number of additional male deaths per 10 000 female deaths was calculated for each year from 1933 to 2010, and for each year of age from 0 to 60 years, for the USA, and a number of other countries for comparison. The data were explored visually using shaded contour plots. Gender differences in excess mortality have increased. Coming of age (between the ages of 15 and 25 years of age) is especially perilous for men relative to women now compared with the past in the USA; the visualisations highlight this change as important. Sex differences in mortality risks at various ages are not static. While women may today have an advantage when it comes to life expectancy, in the USA, this has greatly increased since the 1930s. Just as young adulthood for women has been made safer through safer antenatal and childbirth practices, changes in public policy can make the social environment safer for men. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  16. New Estimates of Land Use Intensity of Potential Bioethanol Production in the U.S.A. (United States)

    Kheshgi, H. S.; Song, Y.; Torkamani, S.; Jain, A. K.


    We estimate potential bioethanol land use intensity (the inverse of potential bioethanol yield per hectare) across the United States by modeling crop yields and conversion to bioethanol (via a fermentation pathway), based on crop field studies and conversion technology analyses. We apply the process-based land surface model, the Integrated Science Assessment model (ISAM), to estimate the potential yield of four crops - corn, Miscanthus, and two variants of switchgrass (Cave-in-Rock and Alamo) - across the U.S.A. landscape for the 14-year period from 1999 through 2012, for the case with fertilizer application but without irrigation. We estimate bioethanol yield based on recent experience for corn bioethanol production from corn kernel, and current cellulosic bioethanol process design specifications under the assumption of the maximum practical harvest fraction for the energy grasses (Miscanthus and switchgrasses) and a moderate (30%) harvest fraction of corn stover. We find that each of four crops included has regions where that crop is estimated to have the lowest land use intensity (highest potential bioethanol yield per hectare). We find that minimizing potential land use intensity by including both corn and the energy grasses only improves incrementally to that of corn (using both harvested kernel and stover for bioethanol). Bioethanol land use intensity is one fundamental factor influencing the desirability of biofuels, but is not the only one; others factors include economics, competition with food production and land use, water and climate, nitrogen runoff, life-cycle emissions, and the pace of crop and technology improvement into the future.

  17. Comparison of Cancer Incidence between China and the USA. (United States)

    Wang, Yong-Chuan; Wei, Li-Juan; Liu, Jun-Tian; Li, Shi-Xia; Wang, Qing-Sheng


    The incidence of cancer varies around the globe, especially between less-developed and developed regions. The aim of this study is to explore differences in cancer incidence between China and the USA. Data were obtained from the GLOBOCAN 2008 database. Estimated numbers of new cancer cases in the USA were obtained from the American Cancer Society, while the numbers of cases in China, including those in urban and rural areas, were obtained from 36 cancer registries (2003-2005). Cancer incidence for major sites between China and the USA were analyzed. In China, lung cancer was the predominant type of cancer detected in males; in females, breast cancer was the main type of cancer. Gastrointestinal cancers, such as those of the liver, stomach, and esophagus, were more commonly seen in China than in the USA. A significant difference in the incidence of melanoma of the skin was observed between China and the USA. During comparison of differences in the age-standardized rates by world population (ASRWs) of major cancer sites between the two countries, 4 sites in males (i.e., nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach, and liver) and 6 sites in females (i.e., nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, and cervix uteri) showed higher cancer incidence rates in China than in the USA. Significant differences in cancer incidence sites were found between the two countries. Cancer may be prevented through public education and awareness. Programs to promote cancer prevention in China, especially those of the lung, breast, and gastrointestinal region, must also be implemented.

  18. Oletus : USA luurevanglad on Poolas ja Rumeenias / Krister Paris

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Paris, Krister, 1977-


    USA ajalehe Washington Post andmeil hoiab USA terrorismis kahtlustavaid Ida-Euroopa riikides. Poola ajalehe allikate väitel on üks neist riikidest Poola. Poola, Rumeenia, Bulgaaria tõrjuvad kahtlustusi, Tšehhi väitel on ameeriklaste palvele vange majutada ära öeldud

  19. Source of arsenic-bearing pyrite in southwestern Vermont, USA: Sulfur isotope evidence

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mango, Helen, E-mail: [Department of Natural Sciences, Castleton State College, 233 South Street, Castleton, VT 05735 (United States); Ryan, Peter, E-mail: [Department of Geology, Middlebury College, 276 Bicentennial Way, Middlebury, VT 05753 (United States)


    Arsenic-bearing pyrite is the source of arsenic in groundwater produced in late Cambrian and Ordovician gray and black slates and phyllites in the Taconic region of southwestern Vermont, USA. The aim of this study is to analyze the sulfur isotopic composition of this pyrite and determine if a relationship exists between pyrite δ{sup 34}S and arsenic content. Pyrite occurs in both sedimentary/diagenetic (bedding-parallel layers and framboids) and low-grade metamorphic (porphyroblast) forms, and contains up to > 2000 ppm As. The sulfur isotopic composition of arsenic-bearing pyrite ranges from − 5.2‰ to 63‰. In the marine environment, the sulfur in sedimentary pyrite becomes increasingly enriched in {sup 34}S as the geochemical environment becomes increasingly anoxic. There is a positive correlation between δ{sup 34}S and arsenic content in the Taconic pyrite, suggesting that uptake of arsenic by pyrite increased as the environment became more reducing. This increased anoxia may have been due to a rise in sea level and/or tectonic activity during the late Cambrian and Ordovician. Low-grade metamorphism appears to have little effect on sulfur isotope composition, but does correlate with lower arsenic content in pyrite. New groundwater wells drilled in this region should therefore avoid gray and black slates and phyllites that contain sedimentary/diagenetic pyrite with heavy δ{sup 34}S values. - Highlights: • Pyrite is the source of arsenic in groundwater in the Taconic region of Vermont, USA. • As-bearing pyrite δ{sup 34}S = – 5.2 to 63‰ with higher {sup 34}S as environment becomes more anoxic. • High sea level, tectonic activity create anoxia, with incorporation of As into pyrite. • New wells should avoid slate/phyllite containing sedimentary pyrite with heavy δ{sup 34}S.

  20. Source of arsenic-bearing pyrite in southwestern Vermont, USA: Sulfur isotope evidence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mango, Helen; Ryan, Peter


    Arsenic-bearing pyrite is the source of arsenic in groundwater produced in late Cambrian and Ordovician gray and black slates and phyllites in the Taconic region of southwestern Vermont, USA. The aim of this study is to analyze the sulfur isotopic composition of this pyrite and determine if a relationship exists between pyrite δ 34 S and arsenic content. Pyrite occurs in both sedimentary/diagenetic (bedding-parallel layers and framboids) and low-grade metamorphic (porphyroblast) forms, and contains up to > 2000 ppm As. The sulfur isotopic composition of arsenic-bearing pyrite ranges from − 5.2‰ to 63‰. In the marine environment, the sulfur in sedimentary pyrite becomes increasingly enriched in 34 S as the geochemical environment becomes increasingly anoxic. There is a positive correlation between δ 34 S and arsenic content in the Taconic pyrite, suggesting that uptake of arsenic by pyrite increased as the environment became more reducing. This increased anoxia may have been due to a rise in sea level and/or tectonic activity during the late Cambrian and Ordovician. Low-grade metamorphism appears to have little effect on sulfur isotope composition, but does correlate with lower arsenic content in pyrite. New groundwater wells drilled in this region should therefore avoid gray and black slates and phyllites that contain sedimentary/diagenetic pyrite with heavy δ 34 S values. - Highlights: • Pyrite is the source of arsenic in groundwater in the Taconic region of Vermont, USA. • As-bearing pyrite δ 34 S = – 5.2 to 63‰ with higher 34 S as environment becomes more anoxic. • High sea level, tectonic activity create anoxia, with incorporation of As into pyrite. • New wells should avoid slate/phyllite containing sedimentary pyrite with heavy δ 34 S

  1. Au tööle / Andreas Trossek, Margus Tamm

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Trossek, Andreas, 1980-


    Vastuseks Mari Laanemetsa ja Indrek Sirkli artiklike "Elu on läinud paremaks, elu on läinud lõbusamaks ...?" (Sirp, 2009, 31. 07, lk. 18-19) Eesti kunsti ja visuaalkultuuri ajakirja "" 2009. aasta nr. 1-2 sisu ja kujunduse kohta. Ajakirja uus toimetus: Andreas Trossek - peatoimetaja, Heie Treier, Ave Randviir, kujundaja Margus Tamm

  2. Ovide Decroly ja tema meetod / Aleksander Elango

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Elango, Aleksander, 1902-2004


    Belgia pedagoog, arst, psühholoog, Euroopa kooliuuendusliikumise juhte Ovide Decroly (1871-1932), kes töötas välja uued meetodid anormaalsete laste õpetamiseks ning uuendas ka normaalsete laste juures kasutatavaid õppemeetodeid. Decroly-meetodist ning sel meetodil töötanud katsekoolist Brüsselis, nimetusega Ermitaaži-kool ehk "kool elu jaoks - elu kaudu"

  3. IVF global histories, USA: between Rock and a marketplace

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Charis Thompson


    Full Text Available The USA has played, and continues to play, a distinctive and significant part in the history of IVF and assisted reproductive technology worldwide. American IVF emerged in the scientific context of contraceptive and fertility research, in the social context of a wealthy nation without universal healthcare, and in the political context of the abortion debate and its impact on federal versus state funding and regulation. IVF had its first clinical success in the USA in 1981. Since then, IVF in the USA has become known for procedures involving third, fourth and fifth parties as gamete donors and surrogates. The USA has also been one of the pioneers in domestic and transnational deployment of IVF for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT parenthood, and a pioneer of the social egg-freezing revolution. US IVF has been marked by professional and patient advocacy for such things as the honest reporting of success rates, recognition of the risks of postponed childbearing, and the need for insurance coverage. Certain landmark legal custody disputes over IVF embryos and offspring, as well as media attention to gendered, racialized, and class-based access to and pricing of assisted reproductive technology, have also driven the development of IVF in the USA.

  4. Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the USA: a population-based disease burden and cost analysis. (United States)

    Attina, Teresa M; Hauser, Russ; Sathyanarayana, Sheela; Hunt, Patricia A; Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre; Myers, John Peterson; DiGangi, Joseph; Zoeller, R Thomas; Trasande, Leonardo


    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) contribute to disease and dysfunction and incur high associated costs (>1% of the gross domestic product [GDP] in the European Union). Exposure to EDCs varies widely between the USA and Europe because of differences in regulations and, therefore, we aimed to quantify disease burdens and related economic costs to allow comparison. We used existing models for assessing epidemiological and toxicological studies to reach consensus on probabilities of causation for 15 exposure-response relations between substances and disorders. We used Monte Carlo methods to produce realistic probability ranges for costs across the exposure-response relation, taking into account uncertainties. Estimates were made based on population and costs in the USA in 2010. Costs for the European Union were converted to US$ (€1=$1·33). The disease costs of EDCs were much higher in the USA than in Europe ($340 billion [2·33% of GDP] vs $217 billion [1·28%]). The difference was driven mainly by intelligence quotient (IQ) points loss and intellectual disability due to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (11 million IQ points lost and 43 000 cases costing $266 billion in the USA vs 873 000 IQ points lost and 3290 cases costing $12·6 billion in the European Union). Accounting for probability of causation, in the European Union, organophosphate pesticides were the largest contributor to costs associated with EDC exposure ($121 billion), whereas in the USA costs due to pesticides were much lower ($42 billion). EDC exposure in the USA contributes to disease and dysfunction, with annual costs taking up more than 2% of the GDP. Differences from the European Union suggest the need for improved screening for chemical disruption to endocrine systems and proactive prevention. Endocrine Society, Ralph S French Charitable Foundation, and Broad Reach Foundation. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Hilissügise õhtul : [luuletused] / Ain Väät

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Väät, Ain


    Sisu: Hilissügise õhtul ; Kalalkäik ; Koerailm ; Tasakaal ; Hiirte elu ; Vabaõhukontsert ; Õhtu varestega ; Heliredel ; Noorte kukkede koor ; Lindude kaitseks ; Valge hommik ; Kala mäng ; Siili vatitekk ; Taevane lugu ; Toad on vahel segamini ; Õhtu tuleb ; Õhtul ; Juss sööb õuna ; Sirtsud ; Tõnu jõulusalm

  6. Gazprom - lõks Venemaale endale / Kaarel Tarand

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tarand, Kaarel, 1966-


    Hans Rebase Euroopa Instituudi korraldatud konverentsil tõdeti muu hulgas, et mida ulatuslikumalt Venemaa ainult ühele kaardile - maagaasile - mängib, seda hukatuslikum see talle on. Julgustades ja finantseerides laenudega Gazpromi arendamist, ehitatakse Venemaast multifunktsionaalset riiki, mille kogu elu sõltub ühe tööstuse tegevusest, ütleb autor

  7. Medieval and Post-medieval archaeology of the native rural population / Heiki Valk

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Valk, Heiki, 1959-


    Kohaliku elnikkonna elu keskajal ja keskajajärgsel perioodil uuriva arheoloogia arengust Eestis. Uuringud selles valdkonnas suurenesid märgatavalt alates 1970ndate aastate lõpust. Kohaliku elanikkonna asustusest säilinud leiumaterjal erineb oluliselt baltisaksa "euroopalikest" keskustest leitust. Arheoloogilise leiumaterjali põhjal on alust rääkida selgest etno-sotsiaalsest eristumisest

  8. Skazka dlja vzroslõhh / Jeva Zhdanovskaja

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Zhdanovskaja, Jeva


    Eldar Rjazanovi eluloofilm muinasjutuvestja Hans Christian Anderseni elust "Andersen. Elu ilma armastuseta" ("Andersen. Zhizn bez ljubvi"): stsenarist Irakli Kvirikadze : operaatorid Jevgeni Guslinski ja Vadim Alissov : helilooja Aleksei Rõbnikov : nimiosas Vanja Haratjan, Stanislav Rjadinski, Sergei Migitsko : Venemaa, 2006. Režissöör ja näitlejad S. Migitsko ja A. Babenko filmist

  9. USA-USSR protocol

    CERN Multimedia


    On 30 November the USA Atomic Energy Commission and the USSR State Committee for the Utilization of Atomic Energy signed, in Washington, a protocol 'on carrying out of joint projects in the field of high energy physics at the accelerators of the National Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia) and the Institute for High Energy Physics (Serpukhov)'. The protocol will be in force for five years and can be extended by mutual agreement.

  10. [Dissemination of medical information in Europe, the USA and Japan, 1850-1870: focusing on information concerning the hypodermic injection method]. (United States)

    Tsukisawa, Miyoko


    Modern medicine was introduced in Japan in the second half of the nineteenth century. In order to investigate this historical process, this paper focuses on the dissemination of information of a new medical technology developed in the mid-nineteenth century; it does so by making comparisons of the access to medical information between Europe, the USA and Japan. The hypodermic injection method was introduced in the clinical field in Europe and the USA as a newly developed therapeutic method during the 1850s and 1870s. This study analyzed information on the medical assessments of this method by clinicians of these periods. The crucial factor in accumulating this information was to develop a worldwide inter-medical communication circle with the aid of the medical journals. Information on the hypodermic injection method was introduced in Japan almost simultaneously with its introduction in Europe and the USA. However, because of the geographical distance and the language barrier, Japanese clinicians lacked access to this worldwide communication circle, and they accepted this new method without adequate medical technology assessments.

  11. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Rio de Janeiro hospitals: dissemination of the USA400/ST1 and USA800/ST5 SCCmec type IV and USA100/ST5 SCCmec type II lineages in a public institution and polyclonal presence in a private one. (United States)

    Caboclo, Roberta Mello Ferreira; Cavalcante, Fernanda Sampaio; Iorio, Natalia Lopes Pontes; Schuenck, Ricardo Pinto; Olendzki, André Nogueira; Felix, Maria José; Chamon, Raiane Cardoso; dos Santos, Kátia Regina Netto


    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections have changed since certain non-multiresistant MRSA lineages have emerged in hospitals. In this study, 99 MRSA isolates, 77 from a public and 22 from a private hospital, were characterized. Isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility, whereas staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) typing and Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes were assessed by polymerase chain reaction. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and multilocus sequence typing analyses were carried out to determine the MRSA lineages. High rates of resistance were found to erythromycin (96%), ciprofloxacin (93%), and clindamycin (90%). The SCCmec types found were as follows: type II (14.2%), III (62.6%), and IV (23.2%). Approximately 85% of type III isolates was related to the Brazilian epidemic clone in both hospitals. For type IV isolates, 94.4% were related to both USA400/ sequence type (ST) 1 and USA800/ST5 lineages in the public hospital, whereas the USA400/ST1, USA800/ST5, USA1100/ST30, and EMRSA (Epidemic MRSA)-15/ST22 lineages were detected in the private hospital. Among the SCCmec II isolates, approximately 85% were related to the USA100/ST5 lineage. Three MRSA isolates were positive to Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes. The study showed that there was an emergence of USA400/ST1, USA800/ST5 SCCmec IV, and USA100/ST5 SCCmec II MRSA lineages in both hospitals. There was a dissemination of them in the public hospital and a polyclonal presence of the MRSA isolates in the private hospital. The spread of these lineages can be facilitated by the characteristics of the health institution. Copyright © 2013 Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Thioridazine Induces Major Changes in Global Gene Expression and Cell Wall Composition in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Thorsing, Mette; Klitgaard, Janne Kudsk; Atilano, Magda L.


    and the transcriptomic response of S. aureus to known inhibitors of cell wall synthesis suggests that TDZ disturbs PGN biosynthesis at a stage that precedes transpeptidation by penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs). In support of this notion, dramatic changes in the muropeptide profile of USA300 were observed following....... In the present study, we have examined the effect of a subinhibitory concentration of TDZ on antimicrobial resistance, the global transcriptome, and the cell wall composition of MRSA USA300. We show that TDZ is able to sensitize the bacteria to several classes of antimicrobials targeting the late stages...... a major impact on the cell wall biosynthesis pathway in S. aureus and provides new insights into how MRSA may be sensitized towards β-lactam antibiotics....

  13. Prevalence and spatial distribution of intraerythrocytic parasite(s) in Puget Sound rockfish (Sebastes emphaeus) from the San Juan Archipelago, Washington (USA) (United States)

    Van Der Straaten, N.; Jacobson, A.; Halos, D.; Hershberger, P.; Kocan, A.A.; Kocan, R.


    Two morphologically distinct forms of an intraerythrocytic parasite(s) were detected by microscopic observation of Giemsa-stained blood films in 45.7% of 119 rockfish (Sebastes emphaeus) from the San Juan Archipelago (Washington State, U.S.A.). Infection prevalence for both forms was 53% in males, 44% in females, and 33% in fish of undetermined gender. A binucleate "ring-stage" was present at all 4 geographic sites, with a mean prevalence of 45.7%, while mean prevalence of a larger gamont-like form from the same sites was 5.1%. The relationship of the 2 forms to each other could not be determined. Neither schizogony nor binary fission was evident in any of the infected erythrocytes and the parasites contained no obvious pigment. The possibility of the 2 morphologic forms being 2 distinct species is supported by the observation that no difference in parasitemia was seen in the binucleate form among sites (1.6-1.9%), while parasitemia of the gamont-like form varied significantly among sites, ranging from a high of 4% to a low of 0.1%. Taxonomic status of either form could not be determined at this time based on limited existing morphologic data. ?? American Society of Parasitologists 2005.

  14. SAT for NPP personnel training in USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Spinney, R.


    This discussion addressed the experience with the application of SAT at USA NPPs. In particular, the transition of NPP training processes, staff composition, and reporting structure from the TMI accident to present. As well, oversight and guidance activities of the INPO and more intensive inspection by the NRC began during this period. The average NPP training staff grew to 30-40 per unit, along with a change in reporting line from plant to corporate management. With the reduction of resources occurring in the late 1980s, overall training staff size decreased, the composition changed, and reporting line reverted to plant management. The overall lessons-learned for application of the SAT consisted of the need for simplification, management involvement, and exploitation of the technology

  15. Peak discharge of a Pleistocene lava-dam outburst flood in Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA (United States)

    Fenton, Cassandra R.; Webb, Robert H.; Cerling, Thure E.


    The failure of a lava dam 165,000 yr ago produced the largest known flood on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. The Hyaloclastite Dam was up to 366 m high, and geochemical evidence linked this structure to outburst-flood deposits that occurred for 32 km downstream. Using the Hyaloclastite outburst-flood deposits as paleostage indicators, we used dam-failure and unsteady flow modeling to estimate a peak discharge and flow hydrograph. Failure of the Hyaloclastite Dam released a maximum 11 × 10 9 m 3 of water in 31 h. Peak discharges, estimated from uncertainty in channel geometry, dam height, and hydraulic characteristics, ranged from 2.3 to 5.3 × 10 5 m 3 s -1 for the Hyaloclastite outburst flood. This discharge is an order of magnitude greater than the largest known discharge on the Colorado River (1.4 × 10 4 m 3 s -1) and the largest peak discharge resulting from failure of a constructed dam in the USA (6.5 × 10 4 m 3 s -1). Moreover, the Hyaloclastite outburst flood is the oldest documented Quaternary flood and one of the largest to have occurred in the continental USA. The peak discharge for this flood ranks in the top 30 floods (>10 5 m 3 s -1) known worldwide and in the top ten largest floods in North America.

  16. Intestinal Helminths in Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) from Arizona, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee, U.S.A. (United States)

    Lee, K.A.; Franson, J.C.; Kinsella, J.M.; Hollmen, T.; Hansen, S.P.; Hollmen, A.


    We examined 115 hunter-killed mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) from 4 states (Arizona, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Tennessee, U.S.A.) in 1998 and 1999 to investigate geographical variation in the prevalence and intensity of intestinal helminth infections. Four intestinal helminth species were identified: Killigrewia delafondi, Ornithostrongylus crami, Ascaridia columbae, and Capillaria obsignata. The number of worms (all helminth species combined) per infected bird ranged from 1 to 166 (mean ± SE = 12.7 ± 7.45, median = 2.0). Filarids. Aproctella stoddardi, were found in 2 birds but were probably adhering to the outside of the intestine. Overall, 18% of the doves were infected with 1 or more species of helminths. The percentage of doves infected with at least 1 helminth species varied from 4% in Arizona to 27% in South Carolina. Mixed infections occurred in only 3 individuals (14% of infected birds). We found no significant differences in prevalence of infection among any of the 4 helminths by host age or sex, and prevalences were too low to test for differences among states. The intensity of O. crami was higher in males than in females but did not differ significantly among states. Intensities of the other 3 helminths did not differ by sex or state, and we found no differences in helminth intensity by age. Intestinal length was significantly greater in infected than in uninfected birds.

  17. Range Expansion and the Origin of USA300 North American Epidemic Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lavanya Challagundla


    Full Text Available The USA300 North American epidemic (USA300-NAE clone of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has caused a wave of severe skin and soft tissue infections in the United States since it emerged in the early 2000s, but its geographic origin is obscure. Here we use the population genomic signatures expected from the serial founder effects of a geographic range expansion to infer the origin of USA300-NAE and identify polymorphisms associated with its spread. Genome sequences from 357 isolates from 22 U.S. states and territories and seven other countries are compared. We observe two significant signatures of range expansion, including decreases in genetic diversity and increases in derived allele frequency with geographic distance from the Pennsylvania region. These signatures account for approximately half of the core nucleotide variation of this clone, occur genome wide, and are robust to heterogeneity in temporal sampling of isolates, human population density, and recombination detection methods. The potential for positive selection of a gyrA fluoroquinolone resistance allele and several intergenic regions, along with a 2.4 times higher recombination rate in a resistant subclade, is noted. These results are the first to show a pattern of genetic variation that is consistent with a range expansion of an epidemic bacterial clone, and they highlight a rarely considered but potentially common mechanism by which genetic drift may profoundly influence bacterial genetic variation.

  18. FY2015 Analysis of the Teamwork USA Program. Memorandum (United States)

    Howard, Mark


    The Department of Research and Evaluation (DRE) has completed an analysis of the performance of students who participated in the Teamwork USA Program, administered in FY2014 at three District schools. Teamwork USA hopes to improve student achievement at select Title I elementary schools via its Instrumental Music Program grant. This memorandum to…

  19. Fossil fuels and air pollution in USA after the Clean Air Act

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chuveliov, A.V.


    This paper addresses environmental issues in the USA after the Clean Air Act. Economic damage assessment to population and environment due to air pollution from stationary and mobile sources producing and utilizing fossil fuels in the USA for the period of 1970--1986 is determined and discussed. A comparison of environmental damage assessments for the USA and USSR is provided. The paper also addresses ecologo-economical aspects of hydrogen energy and technology. The effectiveness of hydrogen use in ferrous metallurgy and motor vehicles in the USA is determined and discussed

  20. Iraani president: USA võim aitas kaasa terrorirünnakute korraldamisele / Kaivo Kopli

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kopli, Kaivo


    ÜRO peaassambleel kõne pidanud Iraani presidendi Mahmoud Ahmadinejadi hinnangul on kapitalism kokku varisemas ja on tekkinud vajadus uue maailma juhtimise süsteemi järele. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leidis, et ameeriklased võisid ära kasutada üht terrorirühmitust ja aidata sellel rünnakuid korraldada. USA, EL-i riikide, Austraalia, Uus-Meremaa, Kanada ja Costa Rica delegatsioonid lahkusid saalist

  1. Chapter 9: The rock coast of the USA (United States)

    Hapke, Cheryl J.; Adams, Peter N.; Allan, Jonathan; Ashton, Andrew; Griggs, Gary B.; Hampton, Monty A.; Kelly, Joseph; Young, Adam P.


    The coastline of the USA is vast and comprises a variety of landform types including barrier islands, mainland beaches, soft bluffed coastlines and hard rocky coasts. The majority of the bluffed and rocky coasts are found in the northeastern part of the country (New England) and along the Pacific coast. Rocky and bluffed landform types are commonly interspersed along the coastline and occur as a result of relative lowering of sea level from tectonic or isostatic forcing, which can occur on timescales ranging from instantaneous to millenia. Recent research on sea cliffs in the contiguous USA has focused on a broad range of topics from documenting erosion rates to identifying processes and controls on morphology to prediction modelling. This chapter provides a detailed synthesis of recent and seminal research on rocky coast geomorphology along open-ocean coasts of the continental United States (USA).

  2. USA asekaitseminister seisab Eesti eest

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eestis visiidil viibiv USA asekaitseminister poliitika alal Michele Flournoy ütles, et pooldab koostöökohtade otsimist Moskvaga, kuid on kindlal seisukohal, et Venemaa ei tohi end siin piirkonnas kehtestada. Flournoy tunnustas Eesti panust Afganistani ning samuti liitlassuhetesse laiemalt

  3. Iraagi raport ei veennud sõjavastaseid / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke, 12. sept. 2007, lk. 7. USA vägede ülemjuhataja kindral David Petraeus ja USA Iraagi suursaadik Ryuan Crocker kirjeldasid Kongressile Iraagi olukorda, mis ei suutnud sõja suhtes selgelt negatiivsetel positsioonidel rahvaesindajaid veenda, et operatsioonide jätkamine on vajalik. Vt. samas: Ingvar Bärenklau. Riigikogu peab otsustama Eesti missiooni saatuse

  4. ÜRO asesekretäri kriitika USA suunal ajas viimase marru / Liise Lehtsalu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lehtsalu, Liise


    ÜRO asesekretär Malloch Brown kritiseeris oma kõnes USA tahtmatust teavitada ameeriklasi ÜRO osast USA välispoliitikas. USA ÜRO-suursaadiku John Boltoni reageering Browni märkustele. Lisa: Rikaste ja vaeste riikide vastuolud

  5. Suur Peeter on Väikse Peetri toidukoti tühjaks söönud / Andrus Villem

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Villem, Andrus


    Ilmunud ka: Meie Maa, 3. nov. 2004, lk. 2; Koit, 4. nov. 2004, lk. 6; Vooremaa, 4. nov. 2004, lk. 2; Harjumaa, 5. nov. 2004, lk. 2; Hiiu Leht, 5. nov. 2004, lk. 2; Elva Postipoiss, 6. nov. 2004, lk. 4; Lääne Elu, 9. nov. 2004, lk. 2; Kesknädal, 10. nov. 2004, lk. 1; Pärnu Postimees, 11. nov. 2004, lk. 11; Virumaa Teataja, 11. nov. 2004, lk. 7. Res Publica ja Reformierakonna liitumiskokkuleppest, selle tagamaadest ja tagajärgedest

  6. Natura 2000 ei lõpeta elu maal / Aleksei Lotman

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lotman, Aleksei, 1960-


    Natura alade kaitsekorralduse alused sätestab loodusdirektiivi paragrahv 6. Selle põhimõte on vältida elupaikade kahjustamist Natura aladel. Mingi ala kandmine Natura 2000 võrgustikku ei tähenda sugugi igasuguse inimtegevuse automaatset keelamist

  7. Evaluating and monitoring forest fuel treatments using remote sensing applications in Arizona, U.S.A. (United States)

    Petrakis, Roy; Villarreal, Miguel; Wu, Zhuoting; Hetzler, Robert; Middleton, Barry R.; Norman, Laura M.


    The practice of fire suppression across the western United States over the past century has led to dense forests, and when coupled with drought has contributed to an increase in large and destructive wildfires. Forest management efforts aimed at reducing flammable fuels through various fuel treatments can help to restore frequent fire regimes and increase forest resilience. Our research examines how different fuel treatments influenced burn severity and post-fire vegetative stand dynamics on the San Carlos Apache Reservation, in east-central Arizona, U.S.A. Our methods included the use of multitemporal remote sensing data and cloud computing to evaluate burn severity and post-fire vegetation conditions as well as statistical analyses. We investigated how forest thinning, commercial harvesting, prescribed burning, and resource benefit burning (managed wildfire) related to satellite measured burn severity (the difference Normalized Burn Ratio – dNBR) following the 2013 Creek Fire and used spectral measures of post-fire stand dynamics to track changes in land surface characteristics (i.e., brightness, greenness and wetness). We found strong negative relationships between dNBR and post-fire greenness and wetness, and a positive non-linear relationship between dNBR and brightness, with greater variability at higher severities. Fire severity and post-fire surface changes also differed by treatment type. Our results showed harvested and thinned sites that were not treated with prescribed fire had the highest severity fire. When harvesting was followed by a prescribed burn, the sites experienced lower burn severity and reduced post-fire changes in vegetation greenness and wetness. Areas that had previously experienced resource benefit burns had the lowest burn severities and the highest post-fire greenness measurements compared to all other treatments, except for where the prescribed burn had occurred. These results suggest that fire treatments may be most effective at

  8. Euroopat väisav Rice kaitseb USA karme võtteid terrorisõjas / Ahto Lobjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Lobjakas, Ahto, 1970-


    EL päris USA-lt ametlikult aru seoses CIA lennukite liikumisega Euroopas ja spekulatsioonidega salavanglate ümber. USA välisminister Condoleezza Rice teatas avalduses, et USA ei piina vange ega vea neid selleks ühest riigist teise. Analüütikute hinnangul üritab enamik EL-ist konfrontatsiooni USA-ga vältida

  9. Baltimaade kunsti turnee USAs

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    5. nov.-st USA Lõuna-Carolina osariigis Wellington B. Grey galeriis ja Jenkins Fine Art Center's 13 eesti, läti ja leedu kunstniku näitus, mis hakkab kolme aasta jooksul ringlema Ameerikas. Eksponeeritud fotokunst, video, installatsioon, joonistused. Kuraator Peeter Linnap ja Mari Laanemets peavad ettekande näituse avamisega samal ajal toimuval Fotohariduse Ühingu konverentsil

  10. Valge Maja hämab USA vägede tulevikust Iraagis / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Kuigi USA president George W. Bush on kõnelenud ja USA vägede ülemjuhataja Iraagis George Casey esitanud konkreetse plaani USA vägede väljatoomisest Iraagist, pole Valge Maja konkreetset plaani ametlikult kinnitanud. Lisa: Sõjatandrilt lahkumine

  11. Kas keegi teab? Kas keegi oskab aidata? / Küllo Arjakas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Arjakas, Küllo, 1959-


    1968. aasta sündmustest Tšehhoslovakkias, nn Praha kevadest. Autor palub abi seal hukatud eestlasest sõjaväelase isiku kindlakstegemisel. Sama ka : Harjumaa, 27. okt., lk. 3 ; Võrumaa Teataja, 28. okt., lk. 7 ; Hiiu Leht, 31. okt., lk. 4 ; Lääne Elu, 31. okt., lk. 2 ; Vooremaa, 31. okt., lk. 2 ; Põhjarannik, 1. dets., lk. 2 ; Narva Postiljon, 2. dets., lk. 2 ; Nädaline, 12. dets., lk. 12

  12. 77 FR 38039 - Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA) (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Corporation for Travel Promotion (dba Brand USA) AGENCY: International Trade Administration, Commerce. ACTION: Notice of an opportunity for... Corporation for Travel Promotion (Board) (dba Brand USA). The purpose of the Board is to guide the Corporation...

  13. New fracking technologies in the USA; Nieuwe fracking-technologieen in de Verenigde Staten

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Van der Meij-Kranendonk, J.


    At the moment, 23% of the natural gas in the USA is extracted from shale gas fields and, according to the US Energy Information Administration, this will increase to 49% in 2035. The production of shale gas does have a number of down sides, such as its high water use, possibly being the cause of earthquakes, the environmental impact and the flaring. This articles discusses the various technological solutions to the challenges facing the shale gas industry. [Dutch] Op dit moment wordt 23% van het natuurlijke gas in de USA gewonnen uit schaliegasvelden en zal naar verwachting van de U.S. Energy Information Administration stijgen naar 49% in 2035. Aan de productie van schaliegas zit een aantal mindere kanten, zoals het grote watergebruik, het mogelijk veroorzaken van aardbevingen, de omgevingsimpact en het affakkelen. In dit artikel worden verschillende technologische oplossingen besproken voor de uitdagingen voor de schaliegasindustrie.

  14. Elu raamatute keskel : Kyra Roberti tegemisi meenutamas / Tiiu Reimo

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Reimo, Tiiu, 1953-


    25. juulil 2011 möödus 95 aastat Kyra Roberti sünnist. Aprilli alguses Tallinna Ülikooli Akadeemilises Raamatukogus toimunud aastapäevakonverentsil meenutati selle maja kauaaegset töötajat ning avati mälestusnäitus

  15. Predicting summer residential electricity demand across the U.S.A using climate information (United States)

    Sun, X.; Wang, S.; Lall, U.


    We developed a Bayesian Hierarchical model to predict monthly residential per capita electricity consumption at the state level across the USA using climate information. The summer period was selected since cooling requirements may be directly associated with electricity use, while for winter a mix of energy sources may be used to meet heating needs. Historical monthly electricity consumption data from 1990 to 2013 were used to build a predictive model with a set of corresponding climate and non-climate covariates. A clustering analysis was performed first to identify groups of states that had similar temporal patterns for the cooling degree days of each state. Then, a partial pooling model was applied to each cluster to assess the sensitivity of monthly per capita residential electricity demand to each predictor (including cooling-degree-days, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, per capita electricity demand of previous month and previous year, and the residential electricity price). The sensitivity of residential electricity to cooling-degree-days has an identifiable geographic distribution with higher values in northeastern United States.

  16. USA passib Iisraeli-Liibanoni konfliktis oma võimalust / Neeme Raud

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Raud, Neeme, 1969-


    Mitmete USA ajalehtede andmeil on USA ja Iisrael jõudnud kulisside taga kokkuleppele, et lähipäevadel ei sekku Ühendriigid veel Lähis-Ida konflikti, mis võimaldab Iisraelil jätkata äärmusrühmituse Hezbollah tugipunktide hävitamist

  17. Eesti filmid "30 minutit vaikust" ja "5 x 2" Sõpruses

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Sõpruse ekraanile jõuab kaks kodumaist filmitööd: Ove Mustingu lühifilm "30 minutit vaikust" ning Märt Sildvee dokumentaalfilm "Parema elu nimel". Viga pealkirjas. "5 x 2" on prantsuse režissööri F. Ozoni linateos ning selle näitamine järgneb O. Mustingu filmile. Korrektne pealkiri oleks: Eesti filmid "30 minutit vaikust" ja "Parema elu nimel" Sõpruses

  18. The development of permanent isolation surface barriers: Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, U.S.A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wing, N.R.; Gee, G.W.


    Permanent isolation surface barriers are being developed to isolate wastes disposed of in situ (in place) at the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site in Washington State (USA). The current focus of development efforts is to design barriers that will function in a semiarid to subhumid climate, Emit infiltration and percolation of water through the waste zone to near-zero amounts, be maintenance free, and last up to 1000 years or more. A series of field tests, experiments, and lysimeter studies have been conducted for several years. The results of tests to date confirm that the Hanford barrier concepts are valid for both present and wetter climatic conditions. The data collected also have provided the foundation for the design of a large prototype barrier to be constructed later in 1993. This paper presents the results of some of the field tests, experiments, and lysimeter studies

  19. Elu mütoloogilises psühhoruumis / Vaapo Vaher

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Vaher, Vaapo, 1945-


    Tutvustus: Lukjanenko, Sergei. Öine Vahtkond / tlk. Tanel Rõigas. Tallinn : Varrak, 2008 ; Rubina, Dina. Päikeselisel tänavapoolel / tlk. Veronika Einberg. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2008 ; Suhhotšev, Aleksandr. Goa sündroom / tlk. Veronika Einberg. Tallinn : Tänapäev, 2008

  20. Laenuraha ja vabadus / Eugen Veges

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veges, Eugen, 1955-


    Ilmunud ka: Lääne Elu 10. jaan. lk. 2, Kuulutaja 11. jaan. lk. 4, Koit 12. jaan. lk. 6, Võrumaa Teataja 15. jaan. lk. 2, Valgamaalane, Tartu Ekspress 17. jaan. lk. 2,6. Autori sõnul võib kollektiivne tarbimise vähenemine olla üpris mõjus hoob põhjendamatu kiirusega hindade kasvu peatamiseks

  1. Hämmastavad esikteosed / Aita Kivi

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kivi, Aita, 1954-


    Sisu : Andrew Miller. Salakaval valu; Helen Dewitt. Viimane samurai; Michel Faber. Naha all; Ana̐s Nin. Venuse delta; Eeva Park. Vaba langemine; Henri Troyat. Kohutavad keisrinnad; 11. september : terrorirünnaku tagamaad : / [koost. Stefan Aust, Cordt Schnibben... jt.]; Deepak Chopra. Täiuslik tervis; Charlie Jones. Elu on võrratu; Matt Ridley, Matt. Vooruse lätted

  2. Riigilt saab toetust senisest rohkem inimesi / Heljo Pikhof

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pikhof, Heljo, 1958-


    Ilmunud ka: Meie Maa, 30. okt. 2001, lk. 2; Vooremaa, 30. okt. 2001, lk. 2; Koit, 30. okt. 2001, lk. 6; Lääne Elu, 30. okt. 2001, lk. 4. Vastuseks M. Treiali art.-le üle 80-aastastele pensionilisa maksmise kohta. Vanus ei ole objektiivne alus, et lisaraha maksta. Uuest toetuste süsteemist. Autor: Rahvaerakond Mõõdukad

  3. Uudised

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Eesti Ajaloomuuseumis säilitatava W. A. Mozarti 5. jaan. 1791. a. lõpetatud klaverikontserdi soolokadentside käsikirja ettekandest Suurgildi saalis 3. juunil. "R2 LIVE" kogumiku esitlusest 1. juunil Von Krahli Teatris. Mongoolia pealinnas Ulaanbaataris mängitavast Tshingish-khaani elu kajastavast rock-ooperist. Animabändi Gorillaz kunstnik Jamie Hewlett kuulutati aasta disaineriks

  4. Mark Raidpere : Autoportreede nihkuv fookus, küsimusteks dubleeritud vastused... = The shifting focus of self-portraits - answers redubbed as questions... / Hanno Soans

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Soans, Hanno, 1974-


    Modellina ja moefotoga alustanud videokunstnik Mark Raidpere jõudmisest äärmuseni isikliku kunsti juurde, kus ta videopihtimusena eksponeerib personaalset identiteedikriisi, lõhestatud perekonna sisedraamasid, nende elu, mälestusi lähivaates, näidates seejuures ka omaenese ebamäärast süütunnet ja pannes vaataja kaasa elama millelegi väga intiimsele

  5. Rjazanov võpustil "Andersena" / Nikita Kartsev

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kartsev, Nikita


    Vene režissööril Eldar Rjazanovil esilinastus Moskva kinomajas eluloofilm muinasjutuvestja Hans Christian Anderseni elust "Andersen. Elu ilma armastuseta" ("Andersen. Zhizn bez ljubvi"). Stsenaarium valmis Rjazanovil koostöös Irakli Kvirikadzega, operaatorid olid Jevgeni Guslinski ja Vadim Alissov, helilooja Aleksei Rõbnikov. Nimiosas on kolm näitlejat - Vanja Haratjan, Stass Rjadinski, Sergei Migitsko

  6. Liquid metal reactor cover gas purification and analysis in the USA

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Allen, K J [Argonne National Laboratory, EBR-II Division, Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Meadows, G E; Schuck, W J [Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, WA (United States)


    Two sodium cooled reactors are currently being operated In the United States of America for the U.S. Department of Energy. These are Experimental Breeder Reactor II, EBR-ll, and the Fast Flux Test Facility, FFTF. EBR-ll is located near Idaho Falls, Idaho and the FFTF is near Rich land, Washington. These reactors are currently engaged In a wide range of testing including fuels and materials tests, and plant system performance and safety development. The U.S. DOE program also includes designs of a next generation sodium cooled power reactor. This paper discusses the efforts to develop and operate cover gas systems for the sodium cooled nuclear reactor program in the USA.

  7. Liquid metal reactor cover gas purification and analysis in the USA

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Allen, K.J.; Meadows, G.E.; Schuck, W.J.


    Two sodium cooled reactors are currently being operated In the United States of America for the U.S. Department of Energy. These are Experimental Breeder Reactor II, EBR-ll, and the Fast Flux Test Facility, FFTF. EBR-ll is located near Idaho Falls, Idaho and the FFTF is near Rich land, Washington. These reactors are currently engaged In a wide range of testing including fuels and materials tests, and plant system performance and safety development. The U.S. DOE program also includes designs of a next generation sodium cooled power reactor. This paper discusses the efforts to develop and operate cover gas systems for the sodium cooled nuclear reactor program in the USA

  8. Eesti ja USA juhtide kohtumiste peateema on NATO ja demokraatia / Vahur Koorits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Koorits, Vahur, 1981-


    USA presidendi George W. Bushi visiidi ajal toimuvatel USA ja Eesti riigijuhtide kohtumistel räägitakse NATO ja demokraatia tulevikust, samuti tulevad kõne alla missioonid Afganistanis ja Iraagis ning eestlaste viisavabadus USA-sse reisimisel. Lisa: Millest kavatsevad riigijuhid kohtumistel rääkida: Ansip, Ilves, Bush. Vt. samas: Bushi visiidi ajal vilksatab Eesti üheks õhtuks ameeriklaste teleekraanidel

  9. President Meri näitas USA-le vabaduse ilu / Daniel Fried ; interv. Kaarel Kaas

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Fried, Daniel, 1952-


    USA abivälisminister Daniel Fried USA välispoliitika ühest eesmärgist - demokraatia levitamisest maailmas, demokraatia olukorrast Venemaal ning USA ja Venemaa vahelistest suhetest. Lisa: Daniel Fried

  10. Mati Vanni firma Neoqi paneb USAs saunad püsti

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Ärimees Mati Vanni firma Neoqi saunakomplekse Cube paigaldatakse tänavu mitmesse USA firma KWC America salongi, seni on Neoqi lõõgastusseadmeid müüdud rohkem kui 50 riiki. USA firma Sybaritic hagist Neoqi vastu ja Neoqi avaldusest Sybariticu tegevuse kohta, saavutatud leppest

  11. Distribution, hosts and identification of Meloidogyne partityla in the USA (United States)

    Pecan, Carya illinoensis, is an economically important nut crop and member of the Juglandaceae native to the southern USA. Discovered in South Africa in 1986, Meloidogyne partityla was first found infecting pecan in USA in 1996 and currently occurs in Texas, New Mexico, Georgia, Arizona, Oklahoma a...

  12. Nichols Ranch In-Sutu Leach Uranium Mine Wyoming, USA – A Case History

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catchpole, G.; Thomas, Glenda


    Company Incorporated in 1999 under the name Carleton Ventures Corp. In 2005 Changed name to Uranerz Energy Corporation and adopted the following Business Model: acquire quality uranium properties with the potential of being mined using the ISL extraction method with the objective of achieving uranium production as soon as practical. Focus on production; not grass roots exploration. Primary target area for property acquisition - western U.S.A., specifically Texas and Wyoming

  13. Avian metapneumovirus in the USA (United States)

    In the United States of America (USA), avian metapneumovirus (aMPV) causes an upper respiratory tract infection in turkeys; no outbreaks have been reported in commercial chicken flocks. Typical clinical signs of the disease in turkey poults include coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, tracheal rale...

  14. Coliseo de Jacksonville, (U.S.A.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ryad Fisher, G.


    Full Text Available This hall has room for 1,200 spectators, sitting down, and is suitable for holding wrestling, boxing and other similar sporting activities, also conventions, lectures, industrial exhibitions, festivals, circus, skating spectacles and other performances. The roof of this hall is its most significant feature, and also the manner of arrangement of the seats, which makes it possible to distribute them in a variety of ways.Este edificio, capaz de albergar a 1.200 espectadores sentados, ha sido construido para celebrar: combates de lucha libre y de boxeo, convenciones, conferencias, exposiciones industriales, festivales, partidos de hockey sobre hielo, baloncesto, sesiones de circo, campeonatos de tenis, espectáculos sobre hielo, etc. Lo más notable del Coliseo es la solución estructural adoptada para la cubierta, así como la disposición dada a los asientos para permitir una gran flexibilidad de usos.

  15. The Ukraine Crisis Reflections in the Speeches of USA and Russian Political Leaders

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Unikaitė-Jakuntavičienė Ingrida


    Full Text Available This paper focuses on the rhetoric of USA and Russian political leaders during the Ukraine crisis by analyzing changes appearing in their speeches during the different stages of the crisis. The goal of the analysis is to investigate the speeches delivered by political leaders of the United States and Russia, being important actors in the Ukraine crisis, by identifying both countries’ attitudes to one another, further intentions regarding the management of the crisis and changes of topics in each stage. The speeches of the following most influential politicians in foreign policy formation in the USA and Russia are analyzed: President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden, President Vladimir Putin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. The speeches were collected from the official websites of U.S. and Russian government institutions. The analysis revealed that from the beginning of the crisis the main tool in the Ukraine crisis was rhetoric. Western parties began to take real actions only later: sanctions on Russia were imposed, international organizations started to play more active role, ceasefire agreements were signed. In terms of communications strategies used by both countries, the USA rhetoric and its communication strategy as well as Russian leaders were using a combination of proactive and reactive strategies.

  16. Neurological deaths of American adults (55-74) and the over 75's by sex compared with 20 Western countries 1989-2010: Cause for concern. (United States)

    Pritchard, Colin; Rosenorn-Lanng, Emily


    Have USA total neurological deaths (TNDs) of adults (55-74) and the over 75's risen more than in twenty Western Countries? World Health Organization TND data are compared with control mortalities cancer mortality rates (CMRs) and circulatory disease deaths (CDDs) between 1989-1991 and 2008-2010 and odds ratios (ORs) and confidence intervals calculated. Neurological Deaths - Twenty country (TC) average 55-74 male rates per million (pm) rose 2% to 503 pm, USA increased by 82% to 627 pm. TC average females rose 1% to 390 pm, USA rising 48% to 560 pm. TC average over 75's male and female increased 117% and 143%; USA rising 368% and 663%, significantly more than 16 countries. Cancer mortality - Average 55-74 male and female fell 20% and 12%, USA down 36% and 18%. TC average over 75's male and female fell 13% and 15%, the USA 29% and 2%. Circulatory deaths - TC average 55-74 rates fell 60% and 46% the USA down 54% and 53%. Over 75's average down 46% and 39%, USA falling 40% and 33%. ORs for rose substantially in every country. TC average 75's ORs for CMR: TND male and females were 1:2.83 and 1:3.04 but the USA 1:5.18 and 1:6.50. The ORs for CDD: TND male and females TC average was 1:3.42 and 1:3.62 but the USA 1:6.13 and 1:9.89. Every country's neurological deaths rose relative to the controls, especially in the USA, which is a cause for concern and suggests possible environmental influences.

  17. 2010-2014: A Comparative Evolution of Sustainability Reporting and Its Assurance in Europe and the U.S.A.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tînjală Diana-Maria


    Full Text Available The concept of sustainability has evolved to encompass environmental, social and governance issues regarding corporate behaviour. For the last few years, stakeholders have begun putting pressure on companies to report on sustainability issues. Several national and international regulations and standards have been adopted to guide companies in their reporting. To ensure the accuracy and comparability of non-financial data needed for the stakeholders' decision making process, there is an increasing preference for the external assurance of sustainability reporting. The internationally recognized CSR report assurance standards are the International Standard on Assurance Engagements, ISAE 3000, and AccountAbility's AA1000 Assurance Standard (AA1000AS. This study focuses on the evolution of corporate sustainability reporting, using two non-financial indicators: ESG reporting, and Assurance of ESG reporting. The data for the study is based on content analysis of both CSR reports and corporate websites, courtesy of Sustainalytics. We assessed the evolution of the two indicators from June 2010 to February 2014, for 50 listed European companies and 50 American ones. The comparative approach illustrates the different evolutions of sustainability in Europe and the USA, emphasising the need for stronger regulations and guidelines in the USA, similar to those already implemented in European Countries. For the selected time period, US companies are shown to be worse reporters than European ones, having a negligible number of reports externally verified.

  18. 78 FR 64020 - Manufacturer of Controlled Substances, Notice of Registration, Siegfried USA, LLC (United States)


    ..., Notice of Registration, Siegfried USA, LLC The Notice dated July 23, 2013, and published in the Federal Register on August 1, 2013, 78 FR 46613, page 18338, Siegfried (USA), LLC., 33 Industrial Park Road...), and Poppy Straw Concentrate (9670). On August 6, 2013, Siegfried (USA), LLC., subsequently withdrew...

  19. Philometrid nematodes infecting fishes from the Everglades National Park, Florida, USA, with description of two new species

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Moravec, František; Bakenhaster, M.


    Roč. 57, č. 3 (2010), s. 213-222 ISSN 0015-5683 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LC522 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60220518 Keywords : Philometridae * Marine fish * USA Subject RIV: GJ - Animal Vermins ; Diseases, Veterinary Medicine Impact factor: 1.533, year: 2010

  20. 20th-century glacial-marine sedimentation in Vitus Lake, Bering Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. (United States)

    Molnia, B.F.; Post, A.; Carlson, P.R.


    Vitus Lake, the ice-marginal basin at the southeastern edge of Bering Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A., is a site of modern, rapid, glacial-marine sedimentation. Rather than being a fresh-water lake, Vitus Lake is a tidally influenced, marine to brackish embayment connected to the Pacific Ocean by an inlet, the Seal River. Vitus Lake consists of five deep bedrock basins, separated by interbasinal highs. Glacial erosion has cut these basins as much as 250 m below sea level. High-resolution seismic reflection surveys conducted in 1991 and 1993 of four of Vitus Lake's basins reveal a complex, variable three-component acoustic stratigraphy. Although not fully sampled, the stratigraphy is inferred to be primarily glacial-marine units of (1) basal contorted and deformed glacial-marine and glacial sediments deposited by basal ice-contact processes and submarine mass-wasting; (2) acoustically well-stratified glacial-marine sediment, which unconformably overlies the basal unit and which grades upward into (3) acoustically transparent or nearly transparent glacial-marine sediment. Maximum thicknesses of conformable glacial-marine sediment exceed 100 m. All of the acoustically transparent and stratified deposits in Vitus Lake are modern in age, having accumulated between 1967 and 1993. The basins where these three-part sequences of "present-day" glacial-marine sediment are accumulating are themselves cut into older sequences of stratified glacial and glacial-marine deposits. These older units outcrop on the islands in Vitus Lake. In 1967, as the result of a major surge, glacier ice completely filled all five basins. Subsequent terminus retreat, which continued through August 1993, exposed these basins, providing new locations for glacial-marine sediment accumulation. A correlation of sediment thicknesses measured from seismic profiles at specific locations within the basins, with the year that each location became ice-free, shows that the sediment accumulation at some locations

  1. Puentes gemelos soldados, en la carretera interestatal núm. 70, USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Thomas, H. B.


    Full Text Available The demands in the layout of the interstate road no. 70, in Ohio, USA, have made it essential to build two twin bridges, which run over the Pennsylvania railway. Construction operations were hindered by the poor soil conditions and by a number of technical factors connected with traffic. This forced the engineers to seek a more rational and easy construction procedure, which would offer a larger margin of safety, in the face of any unexpected events that might arise, once the bridges were in service. In spite of this, The American Institute of Steel Construction declared that the two bridges were the most beautiful work of its type openend to traffic in the United States, in 1965.Las exigencias del trazado de la carretera interestatal número 70, en Ohio, U.S.A.,, han hecho necesaria la construcción de dos puentes gemelos que pasan sobre la vía del ferrocarril de Pennsylvania. La construcción se ha visto dificultada por las malas condiciones del terreno y por una serie de factores técnicos y de circulación que obligaron a buscar la solución más racional y cómoda desde el punto de vista ingenieril, con el fin de conseguir todas las garantías ante los incidentes de todo tipo que se podían presentar una vez puesta en servicio. A pesar de ello, el American Institute of Steel Construction declaró los dos puentes como la obra más bella en su género abierta al tráfico en 1965, en Estados Unidos.

  2. First report of Panton–Valentine leukocidin-positive methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus ST88 harbouring ΦSa2usa isolated from refractory breast abscesses in Japan

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Togashi


    Full Text Available A methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus with Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL genes was isolated from refractory breast abscesses of 12-year-old girl in Japan, and classified into ST88, spa-t1245 and coa-IIIa. This strain harboured PVL phage ΦSa2usa, which is usually found in ST8 community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus clone USA300.

  3. 78 FR 64020 - Manufacturer of Controlled Substances; Notice of Registration; Siegfried USA, LLC (United States)


    ...; Notice of Registration; Siegfried USA, LLC By Notice dated May 22, 2013, and published in the Federal Register on May 30, 2013, 78 FR 32458, Siegfried USA, LLC., 33 Industrial Park Road, Pennsville, New Jersey... determined that the registration of Siegfried USA, LLC., to manufacture the listed basic class of controlled...

  4. P1 Morgen: Konfliktløsning over skolemaden i USA

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    Valg af materiale/medie/form: Radio Valg af arbejdsform: Formidling Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Formidling af erfaring og forskning fra USA......Valg af materiale/medie/form: Radio Valg af arbejdsform: Formidling Begrundelse for valg af materiale/medie/form/arbejdsform: Formidling af erfaring og forskning fra USA...

  5. Endise USA vastuluuraja naasmine / Priit Pullerits

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pullerits, Priit, 1965-


    USA poliitikateaduste professorist Christopher L. Kukest, kes käesoleval õppeaastal töötab Fulbright Scholar programmi stipendiaadina Tartu Ülikoolis. Lisa: CV. Kommenteerib Tartu Ülikooli riigiteaduste instituudi doktorant Mihkel Solvak

  6. 77 FR 18848 - Accreditation and Approval of Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory (United States)


    ... Intertek USA, Inc., as a Commercial Gauger and Laboratory AGENCY: U.S. Customs and Border Protection... commercial gauger and laboratory. SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to 19 CFR 151.12 and 19 CFR 151.13, Intertek Caleb Brett, 6050 Egret Court, Benicia, CA 94510, has been approved to gauge and...

  7. Euroliit palus USA-l sulgeda Guantanamo vangla / Kaarel Kaas, Toomas Sildam

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Kaas, Kaarel, 1978-


    Ilmunud ka: Postimees : na russkom jazõke 22. juuni lk. 8. Euroopa Liidu ja USA tippkohtumisel Viinis oli arutluse all Guantanamo vangilaagri sulgemine, kõneldi Iraani tuumaprogrammist, maailmakaubandusest ning USA viisavabaduse kehtestamisest kõigile Euroopa Liidu liikmetele

  8. Climatological relevance of major USA weather losses during 1991-1994 (United States)

    Changnon, David; Changnon, Stanley A.


    Two insurance indices, which integrate storm types with their losses from 1948 to 1994, were examined to assess the frequency and intensity of damaging weather in the USA from 1991 to 1994. These indices adjust for changing socio-economic conditions, allowing meaningful temporal assessment of 1991-1994 conditions against those in earlier years.Catastrophes, as defined by property loss insurers, were assessed for two groups, those 707 storms with insured losses between 10 and 100 million and those 189 with greater than 100 million. Both categories experienced their greatest frequency and caused more loss during the 1991-1994 period than in any prior period. However, the temporal behaviour of annual frequency and losses for both categories were very different, with steady increases found for the 10 to 100 million catastrophes, while the number of >100 million catastrophes exhibited a high-low-high distribution and the annual cost distribution was flat with a few isolated peaks. For both categories the temporal behaviour of storm intensity was similar, with moderate intensities found in the recent period and the highest intensities in the 1950s. The crop-hail losses were high in 1992-1994, and the annual loss costs for the 1948-1994 period had a U-shaped time distribution similar to that of the >100 million catastrophes.Weather conditions (USA mean temperature and surface cyclone frequency) were found to largely define: (i) when major, highly expensive weather events occur (and their annual losses), and (ii) how intense catastrophic storm conditions and crop-damaging hailstorms are during each year. Conversely, the shifting target (population as an index) for damaging (non-hurricane) storms across the USA is the major factor in creating storms with losses reaching into the low (10 million) to moderate ($100 million) range.

  9. An economic evaluation of alternative biofuel deployment scenarios in the USA

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gbadebo Oladosu


    Full Text Available Energy market conditions have shifted dramatically since the USA renewable fuel standards (RFS1 in 2005; RFS2 in 2007 were enacted. The USA has transitioned from an increasing dependence on oil imports to abundant domestic oil production. In addition, increases in the use of ethanol, the main biofuel currently produced in the USA, is now limited by the blend wall constraint. Given this, the current study evaluates alternative biofuel deployment scenarios in the USA, accounting for changes in market conditions. The analysis is performed with a general equilibrium model that reflects the structure of the USA biofuel market as the transition to advanced biofuels begins. Results suggest that ethanol consumption would increase, albeit slowly, if current biofuel deployment rates of about 10% are maintained as persistently lower oil prices lead to a gradual increase in the consumption of liquid transportation fuels. Without the blend wall constraint, this study finds that the overall economic impact of a full implementation of the USA RFS2 policy is largely neutral before 2022. However, the economic impacts become slightly negative under the blend wall constraint since more expensive bio-hydrocarbons are needed to meet the RFS2 mandates. Results for a scenario with reduced advanced biofuel deployment based on current policy plans show near neutral economic impacts up to 2027. This scenario is also consistent with another scenario where the volume of bio-hydrocarbons deployed is reduced to adjust for its higher cost and energy content relative to deploying the mandated RFS2 advanced biofuel volumes as ethanol. The important role of technological change is demonstrated under pioneer and accelerated technology scenarios, with the latter leading to neutral or positive economic effects up to 2023 under most blend wall scenarios. All scenarios evaluated in this study are found to have positive long-term benefits for the USA economy.

  10. 75 FR 9455 - U.S. Biomedical Corp., (f/k/a United Textiles & Toys, Inc.), U.S. Environmental Solutions, Inc... (United States)


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] U.S. Biomedical Corp., (f/k/a United Textiles & Toys, Inc.), U.S. Environmental Solutions, Inc. (n/k/a EnviroResolutions, Inc.), USA Bridge....S. Biomedical Corp. (f/k/a United Textiles & Toys, Inc.) because it has not filed any periodic...

  11. The Economic Relationships Between China and the USA Through the Exchange Rate: A Look at the Yuan RMB-US$ Controversy from an European Perspective

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Guido Ferrari


    In this paper,the debate on Yuan RMB & US$ exchange rate is analyzed from the financial-political point of view,supported with statistical-economic evidence in order to verify whether or not it is artificially kept undervalued,as claimed by the USA government and economists and therefore the cause of ChinaUSA strong trade imbalance which in turn affects the rate of unemployment in the USA.After discussing the different points of view in the subject,the paper stresses the strong re-valuation operated by the China 's government through the People's Bank of China,and after putting in evidence that the exchange rate cannot be imputed of being the main source of trade imbalance,concludes that the still existing undervaluation as compared to the purchasing power parity is "physiological",represents quite wellthe economic exchange rate and cannot be considered the cause of the unemployment rate in the USA.

  12. Marketing and Testosterone Treatment in the USA: A Systematic Review. (United States)

    Bandari, Jathin; Ayyash, Omar M; Emery, Sherry L; Wessel, Charles B; Davies, Benjamin J


    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration only for classic hypogonadism, although off-label indications have resulted in a dramatic expansion in prescriptions in the USA. Marketing may significantly affect prescriber behavior. To systematically review all available evidence on marketing and TRT in the USA. PubMed, Embase, and Scopus were searched up to July 2017 for all relevant publications reporting on assessments of the TRT market size, economic costs associated with hypogonadism, trends in TRT prescriptions, drug discontinuation rates, and advertising and sales efforts in the USA. Twenty retrospective studies were included in the final analysis. The market size for hypogonadism constitutes 5.6-76.8% of men in the USA, with the lower end of the range representing the strictest criteria for diagnosis. Men with a diagnosis of hypogonadism consume $14 118 in direct and indirect costs to the payer. Over the last 2 decades, TRT prescriptions have increased between 1.8- and 4-fold. After 1 yr, 80-85% of men discontinue TRT. There is an association between direct-to-consumer advertising and testosterone testing, TRT prescriptions, and TRT without testosterone testing. There is a high prevalence of misinformation on Internet advertising. Off-label indications have driven the dramatic expansion of TRT prescriptions over the last 2 decades. Direct-to-consumer advertising poses a unique challenge in the USA. Overtreatment can be avoided by applying strict diagnostic criteria for hypogonadism, which limits the addressable market for TRT. In this report, we reviewed the relationship between marketing and testosterone therapy in the USA. We found that many patients are prescribed testosterone without an appropriate diagnosis of hypogonadism, which may be related to the marketing efforts for off-label prescribing. Copyright © 2017 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Lessons Learned from the First Two Years of Nature's Notebook, the USA National Phenology Network's Plant and Animal Observation Program (United States)

    Crimmins, T. M.; Rosemartin, A.; Denny, E. G.; Weltzin, J. F.; Marsh, L.


    Nature’s Notebook is the USA National Phenology Network’s (USA-NPN) national-scale plant and animal phenology observation program. The program was launched in March 2009 focusing only on plants; 2010 saw the addition of animals and the name and identity “Nature’s Notebook.” Over these two years, we have learned much about how to effectively recruit, train, and retain participants. We have engaged several thousand participants and can report a retention rate, reflected in the number of registered individuals that report observations, of approximately 25%. In 2009, participants reported observations on 133 species of plants on an average of nine days of the year, resulting in over 151,000 records in the USA-NPN phenology database. Results for the 2010 growing season are still being reported. Some of our most valuable lessons learned have been gleaned from communications with our observers. Through an informal survey, participants indicated that they would like to see more regular and consistent communications from USA-NPN program staff; clear, concise, and readily available training materials; mechanisms to keep them engaged and continuing to participate; and quick turn-around on data summaries. We are using this feedback to shape our program into the future. Another key observation we’ve made about our program is the value of locally and regionally-based efforts to implement Nature’s Notebook; some of our most committed observers are participating through partner programs such as the University of California-Santa Barbara Phenology Stewardship Program, Arbor Day Foundation, and the Great Sunflower Project. Future plans include reaching out to more partner organizations and improving our support for locally-based implementations of the Nature’s Notebook program. We have also recognized that the means for reaching and retaining potential participants in Nature’s Notebook vary greatly across generations. As the majority of our participants to

  14. Assessment of multiple sources of anthropogenic and natural chemical inputs to a morphologically complex basin, Lake Mead, USA (United States)

    Rosen, Michael R.; Van Metre, P.C.


    Lakes with complex morphologies and with different geologic and land-use characteristics in their sub-watersheds could have large differences in natural and anthropogenic chemical inputs to sub-basins in the lake. Lake Mead in southern Nevada and northern Arizona, USA, is one such lake. To assess variations in chemical histories from 1935 to 1998 for major sub-basins of Lake Mead, four sediment cores were taken from three different parts of the reservoir (two from Las Vegas Bay and one from the Overton Arm and Virgin Basin) and analyzed for major and trace elements, radionuclides, and organic compounds. As expected, anthropogenic contaminant inputs are greatest to Las Vegas Bay reflecting inputs from the Las Vegas urban area, although concentrations are low compared to sediment quality guidelines and to other USA lakes. One exception to this pattern was higher Hg in the Virgin Basin core. The Virgin Basin core is located in the main body of the lake (Colorado River channel) and is influenced by the hydrology of the Colorado River, which changed greatly with completion of Glen Canyon Dam upstream in 1963. Major and trace elements in the core show pronounced shifts in the early 1960s and, in many cases, gradually return to concentrations more typical of pre-1960s by the 1980s and 1990s, after the filling of Lake Powell. The Overton Arm is the sub-basin least effected by anthropogenic contaminant inputs but has a complex 137Cs profile with a series of large peaks and valleys over the middle of the core, possibly reflecting fallout from nuclear tests in the 1950s at the Nevada Test Site. The 137Cs profile suggests a much greater sedimentation rate during testing which we hypothesize results from greatly increased dust fall on the lake and Virgin and Muddy River watersheds. The severe drought in the southwestern USA during the 1950s might also have played a role in variations in sedimentation rate in all of the cores. ?? 2009.

  15. Elu kui konstrueeritud kaos

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Hardo Pajula ja Alari Purju osalesid Lõuna-Inglismaal Great Offleys toimunud rahvusvahelisel institutsionaalse ökonoomika seminaril. Vestlusest Pisa ülikooli professori Giovanni Dosi ja Mario Morroniga Itaalia sisepoliitikast ehk äri, poliitika, kuritegevuse ja meedia põimumisest. Itaalia peaministrist Silvio Berlusconist


    Volety, Aswani K., S. Greg Tolley and James T. Winstead. 2002. Parasitic and Symbiotic Fauna in Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and Mud Crabs (Panopeus spp.) from the Caloosahatchee Estuary, Florida, USA (Abstract). Presented at the 4th International Conference on Molluscan Shell...

  17. Aktuální trendy v přístupu USA k regionalismu


    Doležal, Martin


    The thesis deals with current progress of U. S. trade policy and the approach of this country to regionalism. Specifically, the thesis focuses on the sphere of financial and economic crisis, the onset of administration of B. Obama and the conclusion of the Doha Development Round of WTO. From the overall perspective the thesis concentrates on the influence of these three spheres on the U. S. policy in order to answer a question whether the three listed spheres cause the shift of USA from regio...

  18. Dyslexia Laws in the USA (United States)

    Youman, Martha; Mather, Nancy


    Throughout the various states of the USA, the appropriate identification of dyslexia and the timely provision of interventions are characterized by variability and inconsistency. Several states have recognized the existence of this disorder and the well-established need for services. These states have taken proactive steps to implement laws and…

  19. 76 FR 59167 - Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Oncology Care Systems Division, Concord, CA; Siemens Medical... (United States)


    ... Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Oncology Care Systems Division, Concord, CA; Siemens Medical Solutions USA... Solutions USA, Inc. (Siemens), Oncology Care Systems Division, Concord, California (subject firm). The...., Oncology Care Systems Division, Concord, California (TA-W-73,158) and Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc...

  20. Eesmärk on säästa inimeste elu / Jüri Pihl

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Pihl, Jüri, 1954-


    Ilmunud ka: Vali Uudised, 9. nov. 2007, lk. 9; Virumaa Teataja, 13. nov. 2007, lk. 11; Meie Maa, 13. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Võrumaa Teataja, 13. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Koit, 13. nov. 2007, lk. 6; Sakala, 21. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Valgamaalane, 27. nov. 2007, lk. 2; Lõunaleht, 6. dets. 2007, lk. 4. Siseministeeriumi ja politsei tegevusest liiklusõnnetuste ja neis hukkuvate inimeste arvu vähendamiseks. Tabel ja diagramm: 2006. ja 2007. aasta 10 kuu jooksul liiklusõnnetustest hukkunud