
Sample records for university simulator modelado

  1. Modelado de Secaderos Rotatorios en Isocorriente

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    F. Castaño


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo presenta una metodología para el modelado de secaderos rotatorios de s ólidos en isocorriente. El planteamiento del modelo está basado tanto en ecuaciones diferenciales paramétricas como en el uso de algunas correlaciones que permiten simplificar su tratamiento. En el trabajo se muestran aspectos de modelado que son comunes a la mayoría de instalaciones de secado y se detallan algunos puntos que pueden ser particulares o específicos de cada planta en función de su configuración o del material de secado. Se muestran también los ensayos a los que hay que someter al material para la determinación de algunas expresiones analíticas imprescindibles en el modelo. Asimismo, se presenta la aplicación del modelado a una planta experimental de secado de arena. Palabras clave: Secadero rotatorio, modelado, ecuaciones diferenciales, parámetros distribuidos, coeficientes de correlación

  2. Modelado y uso de escenarios de aprendizaje en entornos b-learning desde la práctica educativa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Burgos, Daniel; Corbalan, Gemma


    Please, cite this publication as: Burgos, D. & Corbalan, G. (2006). Modelado y uso de escenarios de aprendizaje en entornos b-learning desde la práctica educativa. III Jornadas Campus Virtual. September, Madrid (Spain): University Complutense of Madrid. Retrieved June 30th, 2006, from

  3. Método y sistema de modelado de memoria cache


    Posadas Cobo, Héctor; Villar Bonet, Eugenio; Díaz Suárez, Luis


    Un método de modelado de una memoria cache de datos de un procesador destino, para simular el comportamiento de dicha memoria cache de datos en la ejecución de un código software en una plataforma que comprenda dicho procesador destino, donde dicha simulación se realiza en una plataforma nativa que tiene un procesador diferente del procesador destino que comprende dicha memoria cache de datos que se va a modelar, donde dicho modelado se realiza mediante la ejecución en dicha plataforma nativa...

  4. Metodología de modelado de aplicaciones web móviles basada en componentes


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González González, Carina Soledad; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea


    Esta línea de investigación busca crear una metodología de modelado utilizando una extensión conservativa de UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) que permita diseñar aplicaciones web móviles centrándose en el modelado de la interfaz de usuario mediante la utilización de componente configurables. El objetivo final es la generación automática del código fuente completo de la aplicación. Para lograr tal fin se extienden los diagramas de clases y componentes de UML. El diagrama de clases es exten...

  5. Modelado de un amortiguador magneto-reológico mediante EcosimPro


    Rodríguez Cadenas, Rubén


    El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una librería en la herramienta de modelado y simulación EcosimPro enfocada a amortiguadores magneto‐reológicos. El modelado y simulación mediante cualquier herramienta informática permite la obtención de datos y el desarrollo de componentes con un coste inferior al que habría que invertir mediante una experimentación real. Además, permite llevar el componente hasta el límite sin el riesgo de romperlo o dejarlo inutilizable. Por tanto, se puede de...


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    Full Text Available La arquitectura de automatización PROSA es una descripción orientada hacia objetos que implementan sistemas de producción. Un enfoque basadoen sistemas para eventos discretos, detección de eventos y la teoría de control supervisorio, representa el comportamiento de una unidad de producción controlada. Para obtener la descripción orientada a objetosde esta unidad, se aplicó modelado conceptual y se utilizó el Lenguaje unificado de modelado.

  7. Aproximación al modelado del componente conceptual básico del Dispositivo Hipermedial Dinámico

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    Rodríguez, Guillermo L.


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo interdisciplinario, propone una primera aproximación conceptual y de uso al modelado descriptivo y de simulación para el análisis del Dispositivo Hipermedial Dinámico con la finalidad de avanzar hacia la generación de configuraciones más efectivas que posibiliten desarrollos e implementaciones tanto de tecnologías sociales como digitales para la construcción de variadas alternativas de integración responsable de las TIC. Se plantea la utilización del formalismo DEVS (Discrete EVents dynamic Systems que propone una teoría de modelado de sistemas a tiempo continuo usando modelado de eventos discretos. En ese sentido, se presenta el modelado y simulación del denominado "Paquete Hipermedial", como componente conceptual básico del DHD. Lo expuesto aporta un posible camino hacia el análisis evaluativo sobre cómo se desarrollan o se podrían implementar procesos de participación responsable a través de redes sociotécnicas que tengan por objeto investigar, educar y producir en actual contexto físico-virtual.

  8. Ácido mandélico: Modelado de su estructura y espectro de rotación


    Lirio Martínez, Ángel


    En este trabajo, se ha realizado el modelado teórico del panorama conformacional de la molécula del ácido mandélico, mediante el uso de diversos tipos de métodos computacionales. Una vez obtenidos los confórmeros más estables, todos con energías menores a 1000 cm-1, se llevado a cabo un análisis de las interacciones intramoleculares que se dan. A partir de los datos obtenidos se ha realizado el modelado del espectro de rotación de cada confórmero, en el rango del espectro de 1...

  9. Una extensión de UML para el modelado de servicios Web

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    Esperanza Marcos M.


    Full Text Available Los servicios Web han surgido para proveer un marco basado en estándares, que permite la interacción de aplicaciones a través de la Web. A pesar de que existen varias tecnologías que facilitan el desarrollo de servicios Web y aplicaciones orientadas a servicios, la carencia de una base metodológica sólida para el desarrollo de tales aplicaciones, plantea la necesidad de nuevos métodos o técnicas de modelado que puedan garantizar la calidad en el desarrollo de este tipo de aplicaciones. MIDAS es un marco metodológico orientado a modelos para el desarrollo de SIWs, que está basado en UML, XML y tecnología objetorelacional y que propone el modelado del comportamiento del sistema basado en servicios Web. En este artículo se presenta una extensión de UML para el modelado de servicios Web, basada en el estándar Web Service Description Language (WSDL propuesto por el W3C para la descripción de servicios Web. La extensión propuesta aporta una notación en UML que, por un lado, permite obtener una representación gráfica de un servicio Web y por otro, facilitará la generación automática de código WSDL a partir de un diagrama UML.

  10. Modelado y Simulación del Proceso de Producción del Azúcar

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    A. Merino


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se muestra una metodología para el desarrollo de librerías de modelos matemáticos dinámicos para la industria azucarera. Las especificaciones y requisitos de esta librería hacen necesaria la utilización del paradigma de modelado Modelado Orientado a Objetos Basado en Ecuaciones. Utilizando una herramienta que utiliza este paradigma se han desarrollado una serie de librerías de modelos, que contienen los elementos necesarios para la construcción del modelo conjunto de una fábrica azucarera completa. En este artículo se muestran los detalles constructivos más interesantes de algunas de éstas librerías, así como algunos de los problemas que se han abordado durante su desarrollo. Mediante la aplicación de los mecanismos de agregación que posee la herramienta de modelado utilizada, es posible la construcción del modelo de fábricas azucareras completas en base a la conexión de las distintas unidades de proceso que la componen. Las principales aportaciones de la librería desarrollada, respecto a otras herramientas y librerías existentes en la actualidad en el mercado, son el hecho de utilizar modelos dinámicos detallados de proceso y el que estos modelos incluyan anomalías y malfunciones. Esto ofrece una gran versatilidad en la utilización de la librería en aplicaciones como el diseño de controladores, los simuladores de entrenamiento o la utilización de los modelos como fuente de datos en herramientas de optimización en línea de procesos. Palabras clave: Modelado de Procesos Continuos, Simulación de procesos, Industria Azucarera

  11. Modeling automation of hydraulic networks with application in training simulators; Automatizacion del modelado de redes hidraulicas con aplicacion en simuladores para entrenamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roldan, Edgardo; Tavira, Jose [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The modeling of hydraulic networks is a fundamental task in the development of simulators for operator`s training. Having an automatic tool that eases the implementation of this models in a simulator, without the need that the user has to formulate and program his specific problem, represents a great saving of time and effort. In this paper the generalities of a computer program that allows the characterization and testing of models of hydraulic networks, are presented. A graphical interface is described; the principles on which the six types of models that the user can choose, are summarized and the results obtained, are presented. [Espanol] El modelado de redes hidraulicas es una tarea primordial dentro del desarrollo de simuladores para el entrenamiento de operadores. El contar con una herramienta automatica que facilite la implantacion de estos modelos en un simulador, sin que el usuario tenga que formular y programar su problema especifico, representa un gran ahorro en tiempo y esfuerzo. En este articulo se presentan las generalidades de un programa computacional que permite caracterizar y probar modelos de redes hidraulicas. Se describe su interfaz grafica; se resumen los principios en que se basan los seis tipos de modelos que el usuario puede elegir, y se presentan los resultados obtenidos.

  12. Modeling automation of hydraulic networks with application in training simulators; Automatizacion del modelado de redes hidraulicas con aplicacion en simuladores para entrenamiento

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Roldan, Edgardo; Tavira, Jose [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca (Mexico)


    The modeling of hydraulic networks is a fundamental task in the development of simulators for operator`s training. Having an automatic tool that eases the implementation of this models in a simulator, without the need that the user has to formulate and program his specific problem, represents a great saving of time and effort. In this paper the generalities of a computer program that allows the characterization and testing of models of hydraulic networks, are presented. A graphical interface is described; the principles on which the six types of models that the user can choose, are summarized and the results obtained, are presented. [Espanol] El modelado de redes hidraulicas es una tarea primordial dentro del desarrollo de simuladores para el entrenamiento de operadores. El contar con una herramienta automatica que facilite la implantacion de estos modelos en un simulador, sin que el usuario tenga que formular y programar su problema especifico, representa un gran ahorro en tiempo y esfuerzo. En este articulo se presentan las generalidades de un programa computacional que permite caracterizar y probar modelos de redes hidraulicas. Se describe su interfaz grafica; se resumen los principios en que se basan los seis tipos de modelos que el usuario puede elegir, y se presentan los resultados obtenidos.


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    Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias


    Full Text Available En este trabajo, se presenta el modelado de un Sistema de Manufactura Flexible (SMF, con procesos concurrentes y recursos compartidos mediante Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SED, específicamente Redes de Petri (RdP, y GRAFCET. El SMF se plantea como un modelo hipotético que se modela con una RdP con el objeto de identificar su dinámica y hallar la secuencia óptima de funcionamiento del sistema. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático que permite estimar el vector de tiempo acumulado de un proceso modelado mediante una RdP, el cual constituye la base para hallar la mejor secuencia posible del sistema modelado. Por último, se realizó una implementación en el Laboratorio de Automatización de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, que simula el funcionamiento del SMF modelado por un montaje electrohidroneumático controlado con GRAFCET mediante PLC.

  14. Modelado y análisis de sistemas fotovoltaicos


    Guasch Murillo, Daniel


    Bajo la etiqueta de "Modelado y análisis de sistemas fotovoltaicos" se presentan los trabajos realizados a lo largo del doctorado. Estos estudios centran su aplicación en el área de los sistemas fotovoltaicos. Tienen por objetivo conseguir un entorno de trabajo que permita analizar la problemática asociada a instalaciones fotovoltaicas desde su diseño hasta su puesta en marcha y posterior explotación. Se ha escogido Matlab/Simulink como núcleo del entorno de trabajo debido a la gran potencia ...

  15. Una formalización del modelado multi-nivel


    Álvarez Picallo, Mario


    Los sistemas formales de modelado, como el Unified Modeling Language (UML), son bien cono-cidos por todos los ingenieros de software. Los mismos permiten razonar sobre la estructura a gran escala de los sistemas de la información, facilitando el análisis, diseño e implementación de los mismos, así como su mantenimiento posterior, y simplificando tareas como la refactorización automática o la generación de códi-go. Por otro lado, a pesar del éxito que han tenido estas herramientas, no están...

  16. Modelado específico de procedimientos en el dominio de la Administración Electrónica

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    Aquilino Adolfo Juan Fuente


    Full Text Available Debido a la complejidad que reviste el dominio de la Administración Electrónica (AE, las desarrolladas deberán ser capaces de integrarse con la multitud de plataformas y sistemas que componen dicho dominio. El impacto de esta integración además mejorar la tramitación de procedimientos. En el presente trabajo se propone un lenguaje de modelado gráfico (DSL para la tramitación de procedimientos en el dominio específico de la AE. Este lenguaje parte de la definición de un metamodelo de AE que identifica sus principales entidades y define sus relaciones. Además se construyó una herramienta gráfica de modelado la cual fue probada con dos casos de estudio reales.

  17. Modelado y simulación de la cadena de suministro con AnyLogic®

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    Beatriz Andres


    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta una herramienta de software AnyLogic, para el modelado y simulación de la Cadena de Suministro (CS proporcionando ayuda a la toma de decisiones a través de la simulación de escenarios de un mismo modelo de CS. AnyLogic da soporte a las metodologías de simulación más conocidas: sistemas de eventos discretos, dinámica de sistemas y modelado de agentes. Este artículo se centra en el contexto de dinámica de sistemas permitiendo la simulación de dos tipos de CS: colaborativa y no-colaborativa. Finalmente, se presenta un ejemplo ilustrativo en AnyLogic que permite comparar los dos modelos de CS (i no-colaborativa  vs. (ii colaborativa, caracterizada por un modelo de Inventario Administrado por el Proveedor (en inglés Supplier Managed Inventory, SMI, en la que existe colaboración entre el proveedor y el fabricante de la CS.

  18. Ingeniería guiada por Modelado y Simulación de Eventos Discretos:

    CERN Document Server

    Bonaventura, Matias Alejandro; The ATLAS collaboration


    En este trabajo presentamos una metodología iterativa e incre-mental para desarrollo de proyectos de ingeniería guiados por modelado y simu-lación (M&S) formal. Basándonos en el marco formal DEVS (Discrete Event Systems Specification), y sumando prácticas estándar en proyectos de software, se obtienen modelos que dan respuesta a preguntas de diseño y optimización de redes de datos. Presentamos una aplicación práctica de la metodología a un caso de estudio de ingeniería de redes, en el contexto de un experimento científico a gran escala: el experimento ATLAS (Máquina de Dios) en el cual científicos de todo el mundo intentan responder preguntas sobre el origen del universo. Estas redes absorben en tiempo real datos de experimentos físicos, y por su criticidad se someten a diseños exhaustivos y mejoras continuas. Sin embargo, por la es-cala del proyecto, estas redes están disponibles para ensayos solo esporádica-mente. Mostramos como asistimos su diseño mediante técnicas de modelado y si...

  19. Uso de Plataformas para el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Virtuales en el Modelado de Robot Manipuladores

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    Róger E. Sánchez-Alonso


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se propone el uso de plataformas para el desarrollo de aplicaciones virtuales como herramientas para el modelado de robots manipuladores. La propuesta se basa en aprovechar el gran potencial que actualmente tienen estas plataformas para solucionar la dinámica de cuerpos rígidos, lo que permite modelar de forma sencilla los aspectos mecánicos del manipulador. Por otro lado, la posibilidad ofrecida por estas plataformas de incorporar código de programación en lenguajes convencionales, permite modelar el comportamiento dinámico de sistemas físicos reales, tales como sensores y actuadores, lo que hace posible la implementación de una etapa virtual de instrumentación y control tal y como se realiza en un robot real. El uso de estas plataformas permite modelar desde cero cualquier robot manipulador. El modelado de un robot paralelo reconfigurable es presentado como caso de estudio. Abstract: This paper describes the use of platforms for the development of virtual applications as tools for modeling of robot manipulators. The proposal is based on take advantage of the potential that these platforms currently have for solving the rigid body dynamics, which easily allows modeling the mechanical aspects of the manipulator. On the other hand, the possibility offered by these platforms of incorporate programming code in conventional languages allows to modeling the dynamic behavior of real physical systems, such as sensors and actuators, which allows implementing the development of the instrumentation and control stage of an industrial robot in the same way as a real one. Using these platforms allows the modeling from the bases of any manipulator robot. The modeling of a reconfigurable parallel robot is presented as a case study. Palabras clave: Modelado, Robots manipuladores, Realidad virtual, Sistemas dinámicos, Keywords: Modeling, Manipulator Robots, Virtual reality, Dynamic systems


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    Sergio Alexander Salinas


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el modelado matemático y estructural, la simulación por computador y el control por par calculado del robot para cirugía laparoscópica ‘LapBot’, que ha sido desarrollado en el Grupo de Investigación de Automática Industrial de la Universidad del Cauca, Colombia. Inicialmente se muestra un resumen de los principales robots utilizados como asistentes para cirugías de laparoscopia en el mundo, y de cómo tratan ellos el problema del paso por la incisión practicada en la cavidad abdominal. Con base en lo anterior se describen los requerimientos que deben cumplir los robots de este tipo y a partir de éstos se diseña el robot LapBot. Se muestra el modelo cinemático y dinámico del robot LapBot, así como el modelo de la restricción espacial que representa el punto de incisión abdominal. Se implementa una estrategia de control basada en el modelo del robot (control por par calculado. Diversas trayectorias en un plano y en un espacio de tres dimensiones son utilizadas para validar tanto el modelo como el controlador.This paper presents the mathematical and structural model, simulation and computed torque control of the LapBot robot, developed by the Group of Investigation of Industrial Automatics, of the University of Cauca, Colombia. First, a summary of the principal surgery assistant robots of the world is presented, and how they solve the problem of passing through the incision into the abdominal cavity. Based on this, the conditions that must be fulfilled by the robots of this type is exposed, and from these conditions the LapBot robot is designed. Its kinematics and dynamics model is shown, as well as the mathematical spatial restriction that incision represents. A control strategy based on the model (computed torque control is implemented. Several trajectories defined in a plane and in a three dimensions space are used to validate the model and the control.

  1. Modelado de sistemas bioquímicos: De la Ley de Acción de Masas a la Aproximación Lineal del Ruido

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    Jesús Picó


    of this tutorial describes the deterministic modeling and model reduction techniques, as applied to the class of biochemical reactions specific to molecular cell biology.Noise plays a crucial role in the biological circuitry dynamics. In the field of automatic control there is a long tradition of modeling using linear stochastic differential equations, under the simplifying assumption that noise has a magnitude independent of the state. This assumption is not valid in biological circuits. The second part of the tutorial describes the most widely used methods for stochastic modeling in molecular cell biology, paying special attention to the so-called linear noise approximation. Palabras clave: Sistemas estocásticos, Ecuaciones diferenciales, Modelado de sistemas continuos, Reducción de modelos, Simulación de sistemas, Ruido, Sistemas biológicos, biotecnológicos y bioprocesos., Keywords: Stochastic systems, Differential equations, Modeling of continuous systems, Model reduction, Simulation, Noise, Biological and biotechnological systems and bioprocesses.

  2. Modelado de Amortiguadores guiado por sus Diagramas Característicos

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    Jorge de-J. Lozoya-Santos


    Full Text Available Resumen: Una metodología para modelar amortiguadores guiada por sus diagramas característicos es presentada y validada. Los diagramas característicos del amortiguador son construidos a partir de datos experimentales generados por pruebas estándar: fuerza versus desplazamiento y velocidad versus aceleración. Estos son explorados en las frecuencias de interés. Los diagramas son clasificados en siete patrones, los cuales sirven de guía para construir el modelo matemático el cual puede identificarse con algoritmos convencionales. La metodología es validada con cuatro amortiguadores comerciales de diferentes tecnologías, obteniendo resultados con errores de estimación menores al 5%. Abstract: A methodology for modeling guided by its characteristic damping diagrams is proposed. From experimental data generated by standard tests the damper characteristic diagrams are constructed, which considers the force versus displacement, velocity and acceleration for the frequencies of interest. These characteristic diagrams can be classified into seven patterns, which serve as a guide to build the same mathematical model that can be identified with algorithms conventional. The methodology was validated with four different technologies of commercial dampers. The precision of the results presented errors less than 5%. Keywords: semi-active damper passive damper modeling methodology simulation, Palabras clave: amortiguador semi-activo, amortiguador pasivo, modelado, metodología, simulación

  3. Modelado sólido y análisis por elementos finitos de un cilindro de motor endotérmico de 2 tiempos de altas prestaciones


    Pérez Ferreirós, Oscar


    El proyecto pretende explicar el proceso de evolución de un cilindro monobloque de motor endotérmico, 2 tiempos de altas prestaciones. El proceso real de evolución del motor consta de los siguientes pasos: - Modelado en 3D del cilindro, de una forma sencilla para que sea fácilmente modificable (modelado con Pro-Engineer WildFire). - Hipótesis de cálculo para realizar un cálculo de esfuerzos sobre los pernos que fijan el culatín y la culata del cilindro (Se proponen 2 estudio...


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    Carlos Rolando Macías Gelabert


    Full Text Available

    En este documento se propone un método general para el modelado de procesos de trabajo intensivos en conocimiento, donde se establece la necesidad de integrar los esfuerzos de mejoramiento de flujos de trabajo y del conocimiento. Se plantean criterios para la selección del proceso utilizando enfoques cualitativos, su análisis a través de la matriz de la estructura de diseño y el modelado genérico de actividades, que contribuyen a determinar la dependencia y estructuración del conocimiento en las actividades, respectivamente. Estas herramientas permiten identificar factores a considerar para la toma de decisiones de mejoramiento en dichos procesos de trabajo. El método fue aplicado en una organización cubana de la industria del software.

  5. LMPS como propuesta alterna a BPMN para el modelado de procesos de software

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    Sandro Javier Bolaños Castro


    Full Text Available This paper presents an overview of the recently-released LMPS (Lenguaje de Modelado de Procesos de Software language, intended for modeling software processes. LMPS is compared with the BPMN (Business Process Management Notation standard, establishing differences and similarities in their notation, perspective, tools and proposal. The idea is to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the notations and encourage the reader’s reflections about an alternative approach that allows modeling software processes in an easy and customized way.

  6. Cosmicflows Constrained Local UniversE Simulations (United States)

    Sorce, Jenny G.; Gottlöber, Stefan; Yepes, Gustavo; Hoffman, Yehuda; Courtois, Helene M.; Steinmetz, Matthias; Tully, R. Brent; Pomarède, Daniel; Carlesi, Edoardo


    This paper combines observational data sets and cosmological simulations to generate realistic numerical replicas of the nearby Universe. The latter are excellent laboratories for studies of the non-linear process of structure formation in our neighbourhood. With measurements of radial peculiar velocities in the local Universe (cosmicflows-2) and a newly developed technique, we produce Constrained Local UniversE Simulations (CLUES). To assess the quality of these constrained simulations, we compare them with random simulations as well as with local observations. The cosmic variance, defined as the mean one-sigma scatter of cell-to-cell comparison between two fields, is significantly smaller for the constrained simulations than for the random simulations. Within the inner part of the box where most of the constraints are, the scatter is smaller by a factor of 2 to 3 on a 5 h-1 Mpc scale with respect to that found for random simulations. This one-sigma scatter obtained when comparing the simulated and the observation-reconstructed velocity fields is only 104 ± 4 km s-1, I.e. the linear theory threshold. These two results demonstrate that these simulations are in agreement with each other and with the observations of our neighbourhood. For the first time, simulations constrained with observational radial peculiar velocities resemble the local Universe up to a distance of 150 h-1 Mpc on a scale of a few tens of megaparsecs. When focusing on the inner part of the box, the resemblance with our cosmic neighbourhood extends to a few megaparsecs (<5 h-1 Mpc). The simulations provide a proper large-scale environment for studies of the formation of nearby objects.

  7. Validación de un cuestionario para investigar concepciones de profesores sobre ciencia y modelado científico en el contexto de la física

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    Fernando Lang da Silveira


    Full Text Available Aunque los términos ‘naturaleza de la ciencia’ y ‘modelo científico’ sean polisémicos en la Enseñanza de Ciencias, hay una especie de consenso en el área en cuanto a la importancia de la epistemología y del modelado científico en la formación de estudiantes y profesores. Por eso, diversos investigadores han dedicado esfuerzos a la enseñanza y a la investigación de esos temas. Parte de esos investigadores, así como nosotros, creen que la estrategia del modelado científico aplicada a la Enseñanza de Ciencias, además de ser una herramienta útil para la resolución de problemas, puede favorecer la construcción de una visión de ciencia adecuada a la práctica científica contemporánea. Pero una de las preguntas de investigación que sigue pendiente se refiere a los instrumentos de evaluación de las concepciones de estudiantes y profesores sobre esos temas. Dentro de ese contexto, este estudio tuvo el objetivo de validar un cuestionario para investigar en qué medida las concepciones de profesores sobre ciencia se correlacionan con las de modelado científico en el contexto de la Física. Compuesto inicialmente por 48 afirmaciones, el cuestionario fue aplicado a 218 personas. El análisis de las respuestas llevó a: a la identificación de cuatro factores subyacentes al contenido de las afirmaciones; b una fuerte correlación entre las concepciones sobre ciencia en general y modelado científico en Física; y c la construcción de dos formas alternativas y equivalentes del cuestionario, cada una con 23 afirmaciones, que pueden ser útiles cuando se pretende reducir posibles efectos de test en delineamientos experimentales. Enfatizamos que un instrumento de ese tipo puede ser útil como herramienta auxiliar para la evaluación de estrategias didácticas fundamentadas en elementos teórico - metodológicos pertinentes al proceso de modelado científico que pretendan integrar contenidos de naturaleza epistemológica en la


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    Gustavo Cruz-Cárdenas


    Full Text Available A ntes de realizar el modelado de la distribución potencial de una especie, se recomienda ha - cer una preselección de covariables pues la redundancia o variables irrelevantes pueden in - ducir sesgos en la mayoría de los modelos. En este estudio, se propuso un método automati - zado para la selección a priori de covariables utilizadas en el modelado. Se emplearon cinco especies típicas de la flora mexicana ( Catopheria chiapensis, Liquidambar styraciflua, Quercus martinezii, Telanthopora grandifolia y Viburnum acutifolium y 56 covariables ambientales. Se generaron matrices de presencia-ausencia para cada especie y se analizaron empleando regresión logística; el modelo resul - tante de cada especie se evaluó mediante un remuestreo bootstrap. La distribución de las cinco especies se modeló usando el algoritmo de máxima entropía y con el empleo de tres conjuntos de covariables ambientales. La precisión de los modelos generados se evaluó con intervalos de confianza de cada curva característica operativa del receptor (COR. Los intervalos de confianza de las curvas COR resultantes no mostraron diferencia significativa ( P < 0.05 entre los tres modelos predictivos generados; sin em - bargo, el modelo más parsimonioso se obtuvo con el método propuesto.

  9. Método para el Modelado y Prueba de Diagramas de Actividades Mediante Redes de Petri

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    Lionel Baquero Hernández


    Full Text Available Las redes de Petri son ideales para describir y estudiar sistemas que procesan información y con características concurrentes, asíncronas, distribuidas, paralelas, no determinísticas y/o estocásticas. . Sin embargo, la teoría clásica de estas redes se enfrenta al desafío de adecuarse a las nuevas necesidades de los sistemas informáticos que los ingenieros diseñan en la actualidad. Un diagrama de actividades representa una secuencia de actividades. Podría aplicarse a cualquier propósito, pero se considera especialmente útil para visualizar los flujos de trabajo y los procesos del negocio, o casos de uso. El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado con el objetivo de diseñar un método para el modelado y prueba de diagramas de actividades mediante redes de Petri. El método propuesto brinda una serie de pasos necesarios para modelar un diagrama de actividades con redes de Petri y a partir de dicha red obtener una representación matemática de la misma. Esta representación matemática se utiliza para con ella realizar una serie de operaciones basadas en el marcaje de la red que permiten realizar pruebas al diagrama. Este método es capaz de identificar errores comunes que se cometen en el modelado de los diagramas de actividades, lo cual se demostró a través del método de experimentación.

  10. Evaluación de alternativas de modelado y visualización para la construcción


    Isaza Pulido, Jorge Alonso


    Durante décadas las prácticas de CAD [computer-aided design: diseño asistido por compu-tador] han estado presentes en los proyectos de AEC/FM [architecture, engineering, construction and facilities management: arquitectura, ingeniería, construcción y administración de inmuebles]; sin embargo, los últimos años las prácticas de BIM [building information modeling: modelado de información en construcción] están seduciendo a los profesionales en Colombia y en el mundo, por sus grandes ventajas, co...


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    M. Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available


    El presente trabajo expone una visión general de los parámetros inerciales necesarios para el modelado biomecánico del cuerpo humano desde una perspectiva biomecánica, realizando un análisis retrospectivo, situación actual así como tendencias futuras en este ámbito. El modelado del cuerpo humano implica la determinación de una serie de puntos anatómicos y segmentos interconectados, que deben ser complementados con información inercial como es la masa segmentaria, el vector posición del centro de gravedad, los ejes de un sistema de referencia local segmentario, así como los momentos de inercia. La obtención de estos parámetros inerciales se considera imprescindible para el análisis biomecánico ya que permiten obtener algunas variables consideradas como básicas en cualquier análisis cuantitativo del movimiento, como son el centro de gravedad (CG tanto segmentario como corporal, el momento de inercia (I y el momento angular (H segmentario y corporal.
    PALABRAS CLAVE: Biomecánica, parámetros inerciales. .



    This work gives a general view of the inertial parameters needed for the biomechanical modelling of the human body from the biomechanical point of view, making an analysis of the past, present situations and future tendencies in this subject. Human body modelling needs to determine several anatomical points and interconnected segments, which should be complemented with inertial information such as the segmentary mass, centre of gravity position vector, axes of the local segmentary reference system, and also the moments of inertia. The process of obtaining this inertial parameters is essential for biomechanical analysis since it enables us to obtain several basic variables needed in any quantitative analysis of movement, for example

  12. Aproximación a una ontología para lenguajes de modelado gráfico

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    Marcela Naranjo


    Full Text Available UML, SysML y WebML son lenguajes de modelado gráfico (LMG similares que no se pueden interpretar conjuntamente, pues tienen diferencias en tipos de modelos y diagramas. En la literatura se encuentran técnicas que estudian las características de algunos LMG, pero se aplican sobre lenguajes particulares, sin considerar sus características comunes. En este artículo se propone el diseño e implementación de una ontología que resuma los principales conceptos y relaciones de los LMG, utilizando una metodología creada en la Universidad de Stanford. La ontología desarrollada responde 35 preguntas de competencia, de las cuales algunas se ejemplifican en el artículo./ UML, SysML, and WebML are graphical modeling languages (GML. Despite their similarities, these languages can not be jointly interpreted, since they exhibit different kinds of models and diagrams. Some studies for examining the features of some GML are proposed in the state of the art, but applied to individual languages, avoiding the common features among such languages. In this paper, we propose an ontology design and implementation for summarizing GML concepts and relations. We use a methodology created in the Stanford University. The developed ontology can successfully answer 35 competence questions, some of them exemplified in this paper.


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    Full Text Available En este artículo se presenta el estudio y modelado de un brazo robótico lego de tres grados de libertad en asocio con sus respectivos modelos de su cinemática directa e inversa junto con una aproximación al análisis dinámico para la generación de trayectorias de este robot. Las ecuaciones que rigen el movimiento son deducidas de los modelos matemáticos propios a las cadenas cinemáticas y son implementadas en el lenguaje de programación Java y ejecutadas por el robot a través de la extensión Java -LeJOS.

  14. Modelado y generación del Prototipo Virtual de una máquina calibradora para la inspección de fruta en postcosecha. Simulación de funcionamiento de sus partes móviles




    [ES] Las tareas a realizar serían, usando la aplicación de modelado Inventor/Solidworks: ¿Elaboración de los modelos 3D de todas las partes básicas de la máquina de inspección. ¿Generación del prototipo virtual de la máquina. ¿Generación de los planos. ¿Simulación de las partes móviles. Tormo Soler, E. (2015). Modelado y generación del Prototipo Virtual de una máquina calibradora para la inspección de fruta en postcosecha. Simulación de funcionamiento de sus partes móviles....

  15. Modelado, Simulación y Control de Satélites en los Puntos de Lagrange del Sistema Tierra - Luna

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    F. Alonso Zotes


    Full Text Available Resumen: El objetivo de este artículo es modelar, analizar y controlar una constelación de cinco satélites, situados en los puntos de Lagrange del sistema Tierra – Luna. El modelo se ha desarrollado incluyendo efectos complejos no considerados habitualmente, como el viento solar, la no esfericidad de los planetas y la deriva de la órbita lunar, para hacerlo más realista. Sobre los satélites se ejerce una propulsión continua, calculada por medio de controladores tipo PD, tanto convencionales como borrosos, y cuya finalidad es situar y mantener a cada satélite en su punto de Lagrange frente a las inestabilidades y derivas inherentes al sistema. El sistema completo se ha implementado en el lenguaje de modelado Modelica, para el que se han creado una serie de elementos aeroespaciales, y las simulaciones se han desarrollado con el software Dymola. Tanto con los controladores clásicos como con los borrosos se han obtenido muy buenos resultados. Palabras clave: modelado, simulación, control borroso, satélites, puntos de Lagrange, sistema Tierra-Luna

  16. Modelado Energético de Convertidores Primarios para el Aprovechamiento de las Energías Renovables Marinas

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    Amable López


    this paper is to present the most common harnessing methods for different types of renewable energy from the sea, and to analyze energy models of the devices used for their exploitation. These models are required for the design of the device as well as for the studying of their dynamic behavior. The knowledge of these models is also necessary for dynamic simulation and for the design of control algorithms in order to achieve energy and economic optimizations. In this paper, some of the different types of ocean energy are presented and the interest in the development of specific devices for the exploitation of sea currents and waves is justified. A small classification based on the depth of water in the area where these devices are to be installed is presented too. For wave energy converters, which are generally resonant type, a general methodology is presented. The different fields of acting forces and methods for obtaining the time and frequency responses are analyzed. For devices for the exploitation of energy from sea currents, it is presented a simplified methodology of dynamic modeling that can be used in analysis of the particular device. It is taken into account the hydrodynamic profiles used in these devices, the data flow profile with depth and wave model together with the gearbox-generator set dynamics. The proposed methodology is applied to a specific case study, corresponding to a horizontal axis rotor from a device for harnessing of tidal energy. The obtained results allow to analyze the effects of wave and flow conditions of non uniform current over the most important energy variables. Palabras clave: energías renovables marinas, modelado y simulación, teoría del elemento de pala, modelado del recurso, absorbedor puntual, Keywords: marine renewable energies, modelling and simulation, blade element theory, resource modelling, point absorber

  17. Incorporación de TICs de modelado molecular en la enseñanza universitaria de la Química

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    Marzocchi, Victorio A.


    Full Text Available Se informan logros alcanzados en la incorporación de TICs de visualización y modelado molecular en el inicio de carreras de grado de la Facultad de Ingeniería Química, UNL. A partir de 2008 desarrollamos una serie de actividades: promovimos la instalación de doble booteo en los gabinetes informáticos, seleccionamos e instalamos software libre de visualización y modelado molecular, dictamos un ciclo de charlas y realizamos talleres para estudiantes y docentes. Estas actividades iniciales lograron despertar un imprescindible interés y generar el involucramiento y compromiso de docentes que permitieron proponer y respaldar actualizaciones curriculares que incluyen estas TICs tanto en asignaturas optativas como del tercio inicial. La modificación curricular más importante es la realizada en la asignatura Informática que se dicta para los ingresantes de todas las carreras de la FIQ. En el primer cuatrimestre de 2011 se incluyó el Gabedit, interfaz gráfica con un avanzado constructor de moléculas, y en el primer cuatrimestre de 2012 se amplió al Jmol que permite animación con visión estereoscópica usando lentes 3D anaglifo. Estos logros configuran un hecho de alto impacto en todas las actividades de docencia, que potenciará diversas iniciativas de actualización, perfeccionamiento, aplicación y desarrollo con estas herramientas.

  18. A universal simulator for ecological models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Holst, Niels


    Software design is an often neglected issue in ecological models, even though bad software design often becomes a hindrance for re-using, sharing and even grasping an ecological model. In this paper, the methodology of agile software design was applied to the domain of ecological models. Thus...... the principles for a universal design of ecological models were arrived at. To exemplify this design, the open-source software Universal Simulator was constructed using C++ and XML and is provided as a resource for inspiration....

  19. Modelado de Control de Nivel en Molde para Vaciado Continuo de Palanquillas de Acero

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    Guillermo González Yero


    significant impact on the operation of the plant. For hydraulic servo system achieved a gray box model contributes to a better understanding of the process and evaluates incidence of the multi-frequency implemented under conventional outline. Obtained the model can be studied scale simulation system operation and the effectiveness of advanced control solutions. The developed work is part of an I+D process that in the course of more than 10 years, it has contributed to that in the steelmaking where is carried out the investigation, there is a mould level control system that has positive impact on the quality of steel produced. Palabras clave: Modelado, industria del acero, control de nivel, Keywords: Modeling, Steel Industry, Level Control

  20. Control y Operación de Estaciones Depuradoras de Aguas Residuales: Modelado y Simulación

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    Ramon Vilanova


    Full Text Available Resumen: Este trabajo constituye la primera parte de una revisión de la problemática del control y operación de estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales (EDAR para el tratamiento de agua residual urbana. En esta primera parte nos centramos en el modelado y simulación mientras que la segunda parte se dedica en exclusiva al control y operación. Esta depuración se realiza, mayoritariamente, mediante procesos biológicos, concretamente, mediante el denominado proceso de fangos activados. El hecho de tratar con un proceso biológico conlleva una elevada complejidad tanto desde el punto de vista de modelado como, por supuesto, de control y operación. Para poder ubicar convenientemente el problema, se presenta una caracterización de las aguas residuales urbanas y las necesidades de depuración asociadas. El control y operación descansan en gran medida en la disponibilidad de modelos apropiados y, ya hoy en día, de una elevada fiabilidad. Se presentan los modelos de la familia ASM; poniendo especial énfasis en el ASM1 que se describe en más detalle; así como las características de otras unidades de proceso como el decantador y su interconexión. En estos modelos destacan los entornos BSM de benchmarking, que han sido esenciales para todo el posterior desarrollo en la actividad de control y operación. Abstract: This tutorial is the first part of a review of the problems arising with the control and operation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP for urban wastewater. This first part will concentrate in the modelling and simulation steps whereas the second part will cover the control and operation issues. This treatment is carried out, mainly, by biological processes. Specifically, by the so-called activated sludge process. Dealing with a biological process entails a high complexity both from the viewpoint of modelling and, of course, from what matters to control and operation. In order to properly locate the problem, a characterisation of



    Jorge Alexander Aponte Rodríguez; Darío Amaya Hurtado; Astrid Rubiano Fonseca; Vladimir Prada Jiménez


    Este artículo presenta el modelado, diseño y construcción de un cohete tipo aficionado de bajo costo, empleando un sistema de control activo por medio de una tobera móvil para lograr una mayor estabilidad. Se plantean los métodos y procedimientos utilizados en el experimento, desarrollando el análisis, simulación e implementación de un prototipo de control para lograr una trayectoria de vuelo.


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    Jorge Alexander Aponte Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta el modelado, diseño y construcción de un cohete tipo aficionado de bajo costo, empleando un sistema de control activo por medio de una tobera móvil para lograr una mayor estabilidad. Se plantean los métodos y procedimientos utilizados en el experimento, desarrollando el análisis, simulación e implementación de un prototipo de control para lograr una trayectoria de vuelo.

  3. Análisis traceológico de la cerámica: modelado y espacio social durante el postalayótico (V-I A.C.) en la Península de Santa Ponça (Calvià, Mallorca)


    Garcia Rosselló, Jaume


    La tesis doctoral que presentamos a continuación bajo el título: “Análisis traceológico de la cerámica: modelado y espacio social durante el postalayótico (V-I A.C.) en la Península de Santa Ponça (Calvià, Mallorca) tiene una doble orientación: Por una parte es una nueva propuesta metodológica fundamentada en la reconstrucción de los sistemas de modelado por medio de la traceología cerámica. Por otro, es una aplicación metodológica sobre un conjunto de cerámicas adscritas a la edad de hierro ...

  4. Compactified cosmological simulations of the infinite universe (United States)

    Rácz, Gábor; Szapudi, István; Csabai, István; Dobos, László


    We present a novel N-body simulation method that compactifies the infinite spatial extent of the Universe into a finite sphere with isotropic boundary conditions to follow the evolution of the large-scale structure. Our approach eliminates the need for periodic boundary conditions, a mere numerical convenience which is not supported by observation and which modifies the law of force on large scales in an unrealistic fashion. We demonstrate that our method outclasses standard simulations executed on workstation-scale hardware in dynamic range, it is balanced in following a comparable number of high and low k modes and, its fundamental geometry and topology match observations. Our approach is also capable of simulating an expanding, infinite universe in static coordinates with Newtonian dynamics. The price of these achievements is that most of the simulated volume has smoothly varying mass and spatial resolution, an approximation that carries different systematics than periodic simulations. Our initial implementation of the method is called StePS which stands for Stereographically projected cosmological simulations. It uses stereographic projection for space compactification and naive O(N^2) force calculation which is nevertheless faster to arrive at a correlation function of the same quality than any standard (tree or P3M) algorithm with similar spatial and mass resolution. The N2 force calculation is easy to adapt to modern graphics cards, hence our code can function as a high-speed prediction tool for modern large-scale surveys. To learn about the limits of the respective methods, we compare StePS with GADGET-2 running matching initial conditions.

  5. Compactified Cosmological Simulations of the Infinite Universe (United States)

    Rácz, Gábor; Szapudi, István; Csabai, István; Dobos, László


    We present a novel N-body simulation method that compactifies the infinite spatial extent of the Universe into a finite sphere with isotropic boundary conditions to follow the evolution of the large-scale structure. Our approach eliminates the need for periodic boundary conditions, a mere numerical convenience which is not supported by observation and which modifies the law of force on large scales in an unrealistic fashion. We demonstrate that our method outclasses standard simulations executed on workstation-scale hardware in dynamic range, it is balanced in following a comparable number of high and low k modes and, its fundamental geometry and topology match observations. Our approach is also capable of simulating an expanding, infinite universe in static coordinates with Newtonian dynamics. The price of these achievements is that most of the simulated volume has smoothly varying mass and spatial resolution, an approximation that carries different systematics than periodic simulations. Our initial implementation of the method is called StePS which stands for Stereographically Projected Cosmological Simulations. It uses stereographic projection for space compactification and naive O(N^2) force calculation which is nevertheless faster to arrive at a correlation function of the same quality than any standard (tree or P3M) algorithm with similar spatial and mass resolution. The N2 force calculation is easy to adapt to modern graphics cards, hence our code can function as a high-speed prediction tool for modern large-scale surveys. To learn about the limits of the respective methods, we compare StePS with GADGET-2 running matching initial conditions.

  6. University Research in Support of TREAT Modeling and Simulation, FY 2016

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    DeHart, Mark David [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States)


    Idaho National Laboratory is currently evolving the modeling and simulation (M&S) capability that will enable improved core operation as well as design and analysis of TREAT experiments. This M&S capability primarily uses MAMMOTH, a reactor physics application being developed under the Multi-physics Object Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) framework. MAMMOTH allows the coupling of a number of other MOOSE-based applications. In support of this research, INL is working with four universities to explore advanced solution methods that will complement or augment capabilities in MAMMOTH. This report consists of a collection of year end summaries of research from the universities performed in support of TREAT modeling and simulation. This research was led by Prof. Sedat Goluoglu at the University of Florida, Profs. Jim Morel and Jean Ragusa at Texas A&M University, Profs. Benoit Forget and Kord Smith at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Prof. Leslie Kerby of Idaho State University and Prof. Barry Ganapol of University of Arizona. A significant number of students were supported at various levels though the projects and, for some, also as interns at INL.

  7. The role of simulation in designing for universal access

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keates, Simeon; Looms, Peter


    the difficulty of finding and recruiting suitable participants. Simulation aids offer a potentially cost-effective replacement or complement to participatory design. This paper examines a number of the issues associated with the use of simulation aids when designing for Universal Access. It concludes...

  8. Herramientas de software con licencia pública general para el modelado por elementos finitos

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    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados de una revisión realizada a varios programas con licencias GPL para el modelamiento de problemas con elementos finitos. Este estudio permitió realizar la caracterización de estos programas teniendo en cuenta criterios como el tipo de análisis permitido, la compatibilidad con programas CAD, el tipo de soporte ofrecido, la actualización de las versiones, el tipo de interfaz de usuario implementado y la curva de aprendizaje para nuevos usuarios, entre otros. Posteriormente se estudiaron tres casos diferentes, los cuales fueron modelados con elementos finitos empleando distintos programas GPL. En la parte final del documento se comparan los resultados obtenidos con software libre, los arrojados por un programa comercial (Ansys, y los modelos analíticos derivados de la solución de la ecuación diferencial que rige el fenómeno particular, obteniendo una convergencia aceptable entre todos los resultados

  9. Robótica Submarina: Conceptos, Elementos, Modelado y Control

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    Héctor A. Moreno


    Full Text Available Resumen: Los robots submarinos han revolucionado la exploración del fondo marino. Por otro lado, estos robots han permitido realizar operaciones en aguas profundas sin la necesidad de enviar un veh́ıculo tripulado por humanos. El futuro de esta tecnoloǵıa es prometedor. El propo’ito de este documento es servir de primer contacto con este tema y va dirigido a estudiantes de postgrado, ingenieros e investigadores con intere’ en la robótica submarina. Adema’, se reporta el estado actual de los diferentes aspectos que giran alrededor de esta área de la robótica. Abstract: Underwater robots have considerably changed the exploration of deep sea. Even more, these robots allow performing opera- tions in remote subsea installations. The future of this techno- logy is promising. The purpose of this work is to provide an insight into the subject to postgraduate students, engineers and researchers interested in underwater robotics. Additionally, this work presents a survey of the different subjects that this branch of robotics include. Palabras clave: Robots Submarinos, Introducción, Componentes, Modelado, Control, Estado del Arte, Keywords: Underwater Robotics, Introduction, Components, Modeling, Control, State of the Art.

  10. Simulating the universe on an intercontinental grid

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Portegies Zwart, S.; Ishiyama, T.; Groen, D.; Nitadori, K.; Makino, J.; de Laat, C.; McMillan, S.; Hiraki, K.; Harfst, S.; Grosso, P.


    The computational requirements of simulating a sector of the universe led an international team of researchers to try concurrent processing on two supercomputers half a world apart. Data traveled nearly 27,000 km in 0.277 second, crisscrossing two oceans to go from Amsterdam to Tokyo and back.



    Johanna Stella Castellanos Arias; Leonardo Enrique Solaque Guzmán


    En este trabajo, se presenta el modelado de un Sistema de Manufactura Flexible (SMF), con procesos concurrentes y recursos compartidos mediante Sistemas a Eventos Discretos (SED), específicamente Redes de Petri (RdP), y GRAFCET. El SMF se plantea como un modelo hipotético que se modela con una RdP con el objeto de identificar su dinámica y hallar la secuencia óptima de funcionamiento del sistema. Se desarrolló un modelo matemático que permite estimar el vector de tiempo acumulado de un proces...



    Aponte Rodríguez, Jorge Alexander; Amaya Hurtado, Darío; Rubiano Fonseca, Astrid; Prada Jiménez, Vladimir


    Este artículo presenta el modelado, diseño y construcción de un cohete tipo aficionado de bajo costo, empleando un sistema de control activo por medio de una tobera móvil para lograr una mayor estabilidad. Se plantean los métodos y procedimientos utilizados en el experimento, desarrollando el análisis, simulación e implementación de un prototipo de control para lograr una trayectoria de vuelo. This paper presents the modeling, design and construction of a Rocket amateur of low cost, using ...

  13. Redes de Petri: Modelado e implementación de algoritmos para autómatas programables

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    Luis Diego Murillo


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo es una monografía orientada hacia la utilización del formalismo de las Redes de Petri, propuesto por Carl Petri en la descripción de Sistemas Dinámicos de Eventos Discretos (DEDS. Las Redes de Petri, cuyo acrónimo en inglés es PN, fueron utilizadas inicialmente para el análisis de algoritmos en la computación paralela o concurrente, pero dada la complejidad de los procesos productivos actuales, las PN son un método alternativo de diseño tanto para el procesoindustrial como para el controlador. En este sentido, este estudio hace una revisión de las referencias bibliográficas donde se indica cómo realizar el modelado y la implementación de algoritmos de control en Controladores Lógicos Programables (PLCs por sus siglas en inglés.

  14. RELAP/SCDAPSIM Reactor System Simulator Development and Training for University and Reactor Applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hohorst, J.K.; Allison, C.M.


    The RELAP/SCDAPSIM code, designed to predict the behaviour of reactor systems during normal and accident conditions, is being developed as part of an international nuclear technology development program called SDTP (SCDAP Development and Training Program). SDTP involves more than 60 organizations in 28 countries. One of the important applications of the code is for simulator training of university faculty and students, reactor analysts, and reactor operations and technical support staff. Examples of RELAP/SCDAPSIM-based system thermal hydraulic and severe accident simulator packages include the SAFSIM simulator developed by NECSA for the SAFARI research reactor in South Africa, university-developed simulators at the University of Mexico and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, and commercial VISA and RELSIM packages used for analyst and reactor operations staff training. This paper will briefly describe the different packages/facilities. (authors)

  15. RELAP/SCDAPSIM Reactor System Simulator Development and Training for University and Reactor Applications

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hohorst, J.K.; Allison, C.M. [Innovative Systems Software, 1242 South Woodruff Avenue, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 (United States)


    The RELAP/SCDAPSIM code, designed to predict the behaviour of reactor systems during normal and accident conditions, is being developed as part of an international nuclear technology development program called SDTP (SCDAP Development and Training Program). SDTP involves more than 60 organizations in 28 countries. One of the important applications of the code is for simulator training of university faculty and students, reactor analysts, and reactor operations and technical support staff. Examples of RELAP/SCDAPSIM-based system thermal hydraulic and severe accident simulator packages include the SAFSIM simulator developed by NECSA for the SAFARI research reactor in South Africa, university-developed simulators at the University of Mexico and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, and commercial VISA and RELSIM packages used for analyst and reactor operations staff training. This paper will briefly describe the different packages/facilities. (authors)

  16. Hibridación de técnicas de ingeniería inversa para el modelado preciso de estructuras, edificios y ciudades


    Cosido Cobos, Óscar Jesús


    Uno de los temas más candentes de investigación en gráficos por computador de los últimos años es el uso de técnicas de realidad virtual y aumentada para el archivado, preservación y divulgación del patrimonio histórico y cultural. En este contexto, se plantea esta tesis relacionada con Sistemas de Gestión de la Información, GIS y Modelado 3D, Sistemas Estructurales y Patrimonio Industrial. Para poder simular y virtualizar la evolución histórica de una ciudad es necesario representar en prime...

  17. Ingeniería guiada por Modelado y Simulación de Eventos Discretos: Metodología y Caso de Estudio en la Red de Datos del Experimento ATLAS

    CERN Document Server

    Bonaventura, Matias Alejandro; The ATLAS collaboration


    En este trabajo presentamos una metodología iterativa e incremental para desarrollo de proyectos de ingeniería guiados por modelado y simulación (M&S) for-mal. Basándonos en el marco formal DEVS (Discrete Event Systems Specification), y sumando prácticas estándar en proyectos de software, se obtienen modelos que dan respuesta a preguntas de diseño y optimización de redes de datos. Presentamos una aplicación práctica de la metodología a un caso de estudio de ingeniería de redes, en el contexto de un experimento científico a gran escala: el experimento ATLAS (Máquina de Dios) en el cual científicos de todo el mundo intentan responder preguntas acerca del origen del universo. Estas redes absorben en tiempo real datos de experimentos físicos, y por su criticidad se someten a diseños exhaustivos y mejoras continuas. Sin embargo, por la escala del problema, estas redes están disponibles para ensayos solo esporádicamente. Mostraremos como asistimos su diseño mediante técnicas de modelado y s...

  18. The Use of Simulation Business Games in University Education

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    Z. Birknerova


    Full Text Available Rapid and deep changes in economics and business environment along with the dynamic development of computer art and communication technologies represent the main factors identifying the development in the area of simulation business games. These games may be considered a strange, content-determined group of simulation games. The description of their content specialties, basic elements, and possibilities of their use are the essence of our report. In the conclusion we present a short research carried out at the Faculty of Management of the University of Prešov in Prešov where we made an investigation of the students´ opinions on the use of business games in the university educational process.

  19. Three-dimensional simulation of large-scale structure in the universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Centrella, J.; Melott, A.L.


    High and low density cloud-in-cell models were used to simulate the nonlinear growth of adiabatic perturbations in collisionless matter to demonstrate the development of a cellular structure in the universe. Account was taken of a short wvelength cutoff in collisionless matter, with a focus on resolving filaments and low density pancakes. The calculations were performed with a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker model, and the gravitational potential of dark matter was obtained through solution of the Poisson equation. The simulation began with z between 100-1000, and initial particle velocities were set at zero. Spherically symmetric voids were observed to form, then colide and interact. Sufficient particles were employed to avoid depletion during nonlinear collapse. No galaxies formed during the epoch studied, which has implications for the significance of dark, baryonic matter in the present universe.

  20. High Energy Ion Bombardment Simulation Facility at the University of Pittsburgh

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McGruer, J.N.; Choyke, W.J.; Doyle, N.J.; Spitznagel, J.A.


    The High Energy Ion Bombardment Simulation (HEIBS) Facility located at the University of Pittsburgh is now operational. The E-22 tandem accelerator of the Nuclear Physics Laboratory, fitted with a UNIS source, provides the heavy high energy ions. An auxiliary Van de Graaff accelerator is used for the simultaneous production of He ions. Special features of the simulation laboratory are reported

  1. The Mars Simulation Laboratory, University of Aarhus (United States)

    Merrison, J. P.; Field, D.; Finster, K.; Lomstein, B. Aa.; Nørnberg, P.; Ramsing, N. B.; Uggerhøj, E.


    Present day Mars presents an extremely hostile environment to organic material. The average temperature is low (-50C), the atmospheric pressure is also low (7mbar) and there is little water over most of the planet. Chemically the surface is extremely oxidising and no signs of organic material have been detected. There is also a strong component of ultra violet radiation in the Martian sun light, lethal to most organisms. At Aarhus University we have constructed a Mars simulation environment which reproduces the physical, chemical and mineralogical conditions on Mars. It is hoped to set limits on where organic matter (or even life) might exist on Mars, for example at some depth under the surface, beneath the polar ice or within rocks. It is also possible to adjust the conditions in the simulation to investigate the most extreme environments in which organisms can be preserved or still function.

  2. Modelado e implementación de un sistema multiagente para el diagnóstico de enfermedades de transmisión sexual

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    Mauro Callejas Cuervo


    Full Text Available Esta investigación presenta el modelado e implementación de una aplicación informática basada en un sistema multiagente como herramienta de apoyo a programas de prevención de enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS. Para ello se abordó el proceso de investigación concerniente al área de los agentes de software y los sistemas multiagentes, así como también las características que identifican las enfermedades de transmisión sexual; finalmente se exponen las principales fases del desarrollo de una aplicación web basado en sistemas multiagentes para la prevención de estas enfermedades, siguiendo la metodología Ingenias y usando la plataforma Java Agent Development Framework.

  3. A universal preconditioner for simulating condensed phase materials

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Packwood, David; Ortner, Christoph, E-mail: [Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL (United Kingdom); Kermode, James, E-mail: [Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling, School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL (United Kingdom); Mones, Letif [Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL (United Kingdom); Engineering Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ (United Kingdom); Bernstein, Noam [Center for Materials Physics and Technology, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 (United States); Woolley, John [Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL (United Kingdom); Gould, Nicholas [Scientific Computing Department, STFC-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Chilton, Oxfordshire OX11 0QX (United Kingdom); Csányi, Gábor, E-mail: [Engineering Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ (United Kingdom)


    We introduce a universal sparse preconditioner that accelerates geometry optimisation and saddle point search tasks that are common in the atomic scale simulation of materials. Our preconditioner is based on the neighbourhood structure and we demonstrate the gain in computational efficiency in a wide range of materials that include metals, insulators, and molecular solids. The simple structure of the preconditioner means that the gains can be realised in practice not only when using expensive electronic structure models but also for fast empirical potentials. Even for relatively small systems of a few hundred atoms, we observe speedups of a factor of two or more, and the gain grows with system size. An open source Python implementation within the Atomic Simulation Environment is available, offering interfaces to a wide range of atomistic codes.

  4. Physical Characterization of Florida International University Simulants

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Florida International University shipped Laponite, clay (bentonite and kaolin blend), and Quality Assurance Requirements Document AZ-101 simulants to the Savannah River Technology Center for physical characterization and to report the results. The objectives of the task were to measure the physical properties of the fluids provided by FIU and to report the results. The physical properties were measured using the approved River Protection Project Waste Treatment Plant characterization procedure [Ref. 1]. This task was conducted in response to the work outlined in CCN066794 [Ref. 2], authored by Gary Smith and William Graves of RPP-WTP.

  5. Contribución al modelado acústico de la línea de escape en motores de combustión. Aplicación a silenciadores y catalizadores


    Antebas -, Antoine


    Esta Tesis se centra en el desarrollo e implementación de métodos eficaces para el diseño y modelado acústico de la línea de escape de motores de combustión, y en concreto, de dos de sus componentes más relevantes desde el punto de vista de control de emisiones sonoras, como son los silenciadores y los catalizadores. Por ello, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los modelos unidimensionales y la representación matricial asociada. También se lleva a cabo una revisión de la literatura ...

  6. Contribución al modelado acústico de la línea de escape en motores de combustión. Aplicación a silenciadores y catalizadores


    Antebas -, Antoine


    Esta Tesis se centra en el desarrollo e implementación de métodos eficaces para el diseño y modelado acústico de la línea de escape de motores de combustión, y en concreto, de dos de sus componentes más relevantes desde el punto de vista de control de emisiones sonoras, como son los silenciadores y los catalizadores. Por ello, se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los modelos unidimensionales y la representación matricial asociada. También se lleva a cabo una revisión de la literatura ...

  7. NEAMS-Funded University Research in Support of TREAT Modeling and Simulation, FY15

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dehart, Mark; Mausolff, Zander; Goluoglu, Sedat; Prince, Zach; Ragusa, Jean; Haugen, Carl; Ellis, Matt; Forget, Benoit; Smith, Kord; Alberti, Anthony; Palmer, Todd


    This report summarizes university research activities performed in support of TREAT modeling and simulation research. It is a compilation of annual research reports from four universities: University of Florida, Texas A&M University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Oregon State University. The general research topics are, respectively, (1) 3-D time-dependent transport with TDKENO/KENO-VI, (2) implementation of the Improved Quasi-Static method in Rattlesnake/MOOSE for time-dependent radiation transport approximations, (3) improved treatment of neutron physics representations within TREAT using OpenMC, and (4) steady state modeling of the minimum critical core of the Transient Reactor Test Facility (TREAT).

  8. NEAMS-Funded University Research in Support of TREAT Modeling and Simulation, FY15

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dehart, Mark [Idaho National Lab. (INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States); Mausolff, Zander [Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States); Goluoglu, Sedat [Univ. of Florida, Gainesville, FL (United States); Prince, Zach [Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States); Ragusa, Jean [Texas A & M Univ., College Station, TX (United States); Haugen, Carl [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); Ellis, Matt [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); Forget, Benoit [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); Smith, Kord [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (United States); Alberti, Anthony [Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR (United States); Palmer, Todd [Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR (United States)


    This report summarizes university research activities performed in support of TREAT modeling and simulation research. It is a compilation of annual research reports from four universities: University of Florida, Texas A&M University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Oregon State University. The general research topics are, respectively, (1) 3-D time-dependent transport with TDKENO/KENO-VI, (2) implementation of the Improved Quasi-Static method in Rattlesnake/MOOSE for time-dependent radiation transport approximations, (3) improved treatment of neutron physics representations within TREAT using OpenMC, and (4) steady state modeling of the minimum critical core of the Transient Reactor Test Facility (TREAT).

  9. Galaxy clusters in simulations of the local Universe: a matter of constraints (United States)

    Sorce, Jenny G.; Tempel, Elmo


    To study the full formation and evolution history of galaxy clusters and their population, high-resolution simulations of the latter are flourishing. However, comparing observed clusters to the simulated ones on a one-to-one basis to refine the models and theories down to the details is non-trivial. The large variety of clusters limits the comparisons between observed and numerical clusters. Simulations resembling the local Universe down to the cluster scales permit pushing the limit. Simulated and observed clusters can be matched on a one-to-one basis for direct comparisons provided that clusters are well reproduced besides being in the proper large-scale environment. Comparing random and local Universe-like simulations obtained with differently grouped observational catalogues of peculiar velocities, this paper shows that the grouping scheme used to remove non-linear motions in the catalogues that constrain the simulations affects the quality of the numerical clusters. With a less aggressive grouping scheme - galaxies still falling on to clusters are preserved - combined with a bias minimization scheme, the mass of the dark matter haloes, simulacra for five local clusters - Virgo, Centaurus, Coma, Hydra, and Perseus - is increased by 39 per cent closing the gap with observational mass estimates. Simulacra are found on average in 89 per cent of the simulations, an increase of 5 per cent with respect to the previous grouping scheme. The only exception is Perseus. Since the Perseus-Pisces region is not well covered by the used peculiar velocity catalogue, the latest release lets us foresee a better simulacrum for Perseus in a near future.

  10. MCdevelop - a universal framework for Stochastic Simulations (United States)

    Slawinska, M.; Jadach, S.


    We present MCdevelop, a universal computer framework for developing and exploiting the wide class of Stochastic Simulations (SS) software. This powerful universal SS software development tool has been derived from a series of scientific projects for precision calculations in high energy physics (HEP), which feature a wide range of functionality in the SS software needed for advanced precision Quantum Field Theory calculations for the past LEP experiments and for the ongoing LHC experiments at CERN, Geneva. MCdevelop is a "spin-off" product of HEP to be exploited in other areas, while it will still serve to develop new SS software for HEP experiments. Typically SS involve independent generation of large sets of random "events", often requiring considerable CPU power. Since SS jobs usually do not share memory it makes them easy to parallelize. The efficient development, testing and running in parallel SS software requires a convenient framework to develop software source code, deploy and monitor batch jobs, merge and analyse results from multiple parallel jobs, even before the production runs are terminated. Throughout the years of development of stochastic simulations for HEP, a sophisticated framework featuring all the above mentioned functionality has been implemented. MCdevelop represents its latest version, written mostly in C++ (GNU compiler gcc). It uses Autotools to build binaries (optionally managed within the KDevelop 3.5.3 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)). It uses the open-source ROOT package for histogramming, graphics and the mechanism of persistency for the C++ objects. MCdevelop helps to run multiple parallel jobs on any computer cluster with NQS-type batch system. Program summaryProgram title:MCdevelop Catalogue identifier: AEHW_v1_0 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: Standard CPC licence, http

  11. Simulating a singularity-free universe outside the problem boundary in poisson

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Halbach, K.; Schlueter, R.


    An exact analytical solution developed from the Dirichlet problem exterior to a circle is employed in the magnetostatics code POISSON to provide a boundary condition option which simulates a singularity-free universe external to the problem domain. Problems with domains of large unequal extents in perpendicular directions are treated by first conformally mapping the exterior of an ellipse onto the exterior of the unit circle. Problems exhibiting symmetry in one or two planes are modeled using a semi or quarter, respectively, in conjunction with the singularity-free rest-of-universe boundary condition

  12. Developing a discrete event simulation model for university student shuttle buses (United States)

    Zulkepli, Jafri; Khalid, Ruzelan; Nawawi, Mohd Kamal Mohd; Hamid, Muhammad Hafizan


    Providing shuttle buses for university students to attend their classes is crucial, especially when their number is large and the distances between their classes and residential halls are far. These factors, in addition to the non-optimal current bus services, typically require the students to wait longer which eventually opens a space for them to complain. To considerably reduce the waiting time, providing the optimal number of buses to transport them from location to location and the effective route schedules to fulfil the students' demand at relevant time ranges are thus important. The optimal bus number and schedules are to be determined and tested using a flexible decision platform. This paper thus models the current services of student shuttle buses in a university using a Discrete Event Simulation approach. The model can flexibly simulate whatever changes configured to the current system and report its effects to the performance measures. How the model was conceptualized and formulated for future system configurations are the main interest of this paper.

  13. Músculos Inteligentes en Robots Biológicamente Inspirados: Modelado, Control y Actuación

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    J. Colorado


    Full Text Available Resumen: Las aleaciones metálicas que exhiben una propiedad conocida como efecto de memoria de forma, pertenecen a la clase de materiales inteligentes cuya aplicación más notable en el campo de la robótica se refleja en el uso de actuadores musculares artificiales, ó músculos inteligentes. Estos materiales tienen una estructura cristalina uniforme que cambia radicalmente en función de su temperatura de transición, causando su deformación. Se les denomina materiales inteligentes por la capacidad de recordar su configuración inicial después de recibir dicho estímulo térmico. Este artículo presenta la implementación de un actuador muscular inteligente aplicado en un micro-robot aéreo bio-inspirado tipo murciélago. Esto mamíferos voladores desarrollaron poderosos músculos que se extienden a lo largo de la estructura ósea de las alas, adquiriendo una asombrosa capacidad de maniobra gracias a la capacidad de cambiar la forma del ala durante el vuelo. Replicar este tipo de alas mórficas en un prototipo robótico requiere el análisis de nuevas tecnologías de actuación, abordando los problemas de modelado y control que garanticen la aplicabilidad de este actuador compuesto por fibras musculares de SMAs. Palabras clave: Aleación con Memoria de Forma (SMA, Robots bio-inspirados, Alas mórficas

  14. Experiencia basada en la triada TICs, enseñanza por proyectos y modelado para la enseñanza de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales

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    Jose-Arturo Molina-Mora


    Full Text Available Uno de los retos en la educación es la mejora continua a fin de buscar nuevas estrategias en la gestión del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje y la calidad del mismo. La incorporación de las TICs (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, la enseñanza por proyectos y el modelado matemático se proponen en una estrategia para la enseñanza de los sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales a nivel universitario. La implementación realizada mostró resultados favorables de los estudiantes, los cuales tuvieron que describir esquemáticamente el problema, plantear el modelo matemático, realizar y analizar simulaciones y predicciones, en todos los casos con problemas relacionados con el área académica del estudiante.

  15. Modelado de la política de cooperación entre países vecinos para el crecimiento económico

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    Fernando Ávila Carreón


    Full Text Available El modelado matemático de variables económicas ha sido aplicado con relativo éxito en los últimos años (Markowich, 2007, en particular para la riqueza (Chukwu, 1998 y haciendo uso de ecuaciones diferenciales (Zhang, 2005. En (Chukwu, 2003 se aplicó para dicha modelación la ecuación diferencial en derivadas parciales. La riqueza para tales efectos fue definida como la suma de inversión directa en la economía de la república + bienes de capital + el producto de población empleada por salarios + el cociente de la cuantificación de las habilidades empresariales dividido entre la población. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta para modelar de alguna manera el nivel de crecimiento económico que se puede obtener a partir de un manejo adecuado de las operaciones comerciales a través del TLC con los EU.

  16. Modelado y control de un sistema de levitación magnética basado en un cojinete magnético activo

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    Marlon Cruz Pegueros


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se presenta el diseño, modelado e implementación de un sistema de levitación magnética de un grado de libertad, que consiste en una viga actua da por un cojine te magnético activo en configuración pendular. Se obt iene su representación en espacio de estado y, tras una linealización tangente, su función de transferencia correspondiente. Se describen las características del dispositivo experimental, su instrumentación electrónica y mecanismo, particularmente el proce dimiento de diseño del actuador electromagnético empleado, así como su caracterización para determinar la constante de proporc ionalidad de la fuerza electromagné tica. Finalmente, se muestra la simulación numérica e implementación experimental de esquemas c lásicos de control para estabilizar en el punto de equilibrio del sistema.

  17. Modelado paramétrico de edificios en el aula de matemáticas

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    Raúl Manuel Falcón Ganfornina


    Full Text Available El estudio analítico de curvas y superficies adquiere una importancia significativa en estudios universitarios asociados a Arquitectura y Edificación, si bien suele desarrollarse en el aula de Matemáticas únicamente a nivel teórico. No obstante, cualquier herramienta informática de diseño gráfico que utilice el alumnado a lo largo de su vida académica y profesional a la hora de modelar proyectos arquitectónicos se basa internamente en una computación matemática de todos y cada uno de los elementos que intervienen en el mismo, si bien el usuario no llega a vislumbrar el vínculo existente entre su proyecto y la base matemática en la que se fundamenta. El uso de herramientas informáticas que permitan modelar curvas y superficies a partir de sus ecuaciones paramétricas se convierte por tanto en un nexo de unión, que se potencia aún más en cuanto se procede a modelar construcciones arquitectónicas reales. En este sentido, el presente artículo muestra cómo, haciendo uso de su conocimiento matemático y de la información disponible en internet, el alumnado de la asignatura de Matemática Aplicada a la Edificación en el Grado de Ingeniería de Edificación de la Universidad de Sevilla ha realizado como experiencia docente el modelado matemático de un conjunto de edificios de estructura no trivial. La mejora del rendimiento académico es también analizada.

  18. Modelado tridimensional y análisis funcional de una cabria para la extracción del mineral

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    José Ignacio Rojas-Sola


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo se analiza en detalle un ejemplo del patrimonio industrial minero del antiguo distrito minero de Linares- La Carolina (Jaén, España, como es una cabria de mampostería con su castillete metálico, utilizada en la extracción del mineral de plomo, concretamente de galena o sulfuro de plomo. En particular, se ha realizado el modelado tridimensional con ayuda de software paramétrico gracias a técnicas empíricas de cada uno de los elementos que componen el conjunto. Asimismo, una vez obtenido el modelo 3D, se ha realizado un análisis funcional mediante técnicas de Ingeniería Asistida por Ordenador, basadas en el análisis tensional y el análisis de desplazamientos, comprobando que las mayores concentraciones de tensiones se producen en la parte media e inferior de los muros, que los mayores valores de tensión se producen en los alrededores de los huecos de los muros, y que la mayor concentración de desplazamientos de la cabria de mampostería se encuentran en los muros en la parte media y superior, y del castillete en las correas de la cubierta.


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    Full Text Available En los contactos localizados, la búsqueda de las relaciones entre la carga, la geometría de los cuerpos, sus propiedades elásticas y la geometría de la zona de contacto, constituye un campo del conocimiento de alto impacto tecnológico. El conocimiento de estas relaciones permite entender mejor el comportamiento de los sistemas tribológicos para mejorar su diseño y desempeño. Este artículo busca dar a conocer una herramienta matricial útil para el modelado de problemas bidimiensionales de contactos elásticos. Basada en una generalización del problema de Flamant, dicha matriz constituye un vínculo entre los desplazamientos perpendiculares a la superficie que experimentan los puntos de ésta y la forma como se distribuye la carga en la zona de contacto, permitiendo encontrar una de estas variables en función de la otra. Esta es una herramienta sencilla y de gran utilidad para la solución de problemas complejos de este tipo. Para mostrar su utilidad, esta matriz fue empleada para resolver el problema del contacto elástico entre dos cilindros largos, problema inicialmente planteado por Hertz; los resultados encontrados son iguales a los obtenidos por Hertz en su solución analítica.

  20. Modelado del sistema de enfriamiento primario en máquinas de colada de acero con cristalizador curvo//Modelling of continuos casting steel during first cooling system with curve mold

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    Yusdel Díaz‐Hernández


    Full Text Available En el proceso de enfriamiento primario durante la colada continua de aceros sucede una serie de transformaciones físicas que inciden directamente en la calidad final del producto. Los modelos matemáticos que explican este fenómeno no pueden ser tratados indistintamente para una instalación u otra debido a las disímiles variables implicadas en el proceso. En esta investigación se obtuvo un modelo físico- estadístico mediante regresiones múltiples sucesivas para el caudal necesario de agua en máquinas de colada continua de aceros con cristalizador curvo. Para el modelado se tuvo en cuenta las variables de operación del enfriamiento en cristalizadores curvos así como la validación estadística encondiciones de explotación en tiempo real. El modelo obtenido permitió estimar el comportamiento de las variables de control del proceso con suficiente precisión.Palabras claves: enfriamiento, solidificación, colada continua, modelado, aceración.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractIn the process of primary cooling in the continuous casting of Steel there are physical transformations that affect directly the quality of the final product. The mathematical models that explain this phenomenon cannot be applied to different installations because the variables involved in the process are different. Inthis research, a physical-statistical model was obtained through multiple and successive regression for the flow of water which is necessary in this complex process. For the modeling the variables of operations in the cured cooling systems were taken into account as well as the statistical validation in conditions ofexploitation in real time. The model permitted to predict the behavior of the variables with sufficient precision.Key words: cooling, solidifications, continuous casting, modeling, steelmaking.

  1. Expansive learning in the university setting: the case for simulated clinical experience. (United States)

    Haigh, Jacquelyn


    This paper argues that simulated practice in the university setting is not just a second best to learning in the clinical area but one which offers the potential for deliberation and deep learning [Eraut, M., 2000. Non-formal learning, implicit learning and tacit knowledge in professional work. Journal of Educational Psychology, 70, 113-136]. The context of student learning in an undergraduate midwifery programme is analysed using human activity theory [Engeström, Y., 2001. Expansive learning at work: toward an activity theoretical reconceptualization. Journal of Education and Work, 14, 133-156]. The advantages of this approach to student learning as opposed to situated learning theory and the concept of legitimate peripheral participation [Lave, J., Wenger, E., 1991. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University Press, New York] are discussed. An activity system changes as a result of contradictions and tensions between what it purports to produce and the views of stakeholders (multi-voicedness) as well as its historical context (Historicity of activity). A focus group with students highlights their expressed need for more simulated practice experience. The views of midwifery lecturers are sought as an alternative voice on this tension in the current programme. Qualitative differences in types of simulated experience are explored and concerns about resources are raised in the analysis. Discussion considers the value of well planned simulations in encouraging the expression of tacit understanding through a group deliberative learning process [Eraut, M., 2000. Non-formal learning, implicit learning and tacit knowledge in professional work. Journal of Educational Psychology, 70, 113-136].

  2. Real-Time Climate Simulations in the Interactive 3D Game Universe Sandbox ² (United States)

    Goldenson, N. L.


    Exploration in an open-ended computer game is an engaging way to explore climate and climate change. Everyone can explore physical models with real-time visualization in the educational simulator Universe Sandbox ² (, which includes basic climate simulations on planets. I have implemented a time-dependent, one-dimensional meridional heat transport energy balance model to run and be adjustable in real time in the midst of a larger simulated system. Universe Sandbox ² is based on the original game - at its core a gravity simulator - with other new physically-based content for stellar evolution, and handling collisions between bodies. Existing users are mostly science enthusiasts in informal settings. We believe that this is the first climate simulation to be implemented in a professionally developed computer game with modern 3D graphical output in real time. The type of simple climate model we've adopted helps us depict the seasonal cycle and the more drastic changes that come from changing the orbit or other external forcings. Users can alter the climate as the simulation is running by altering the star(s) in the simulation, dragging to change orbits and obliquity, adjusting the climate simulation parameters directly or changing other properties like CO2 concentration that affect the model parameters in representative ways. Ongoing visuals of the expansion and contraction of sea ice and snow-cover respond to the temperature calculations, and make it accessible to explore a variety of scenarios and intuitive to understand the output. Variables like temperature can also be graphed in real time. We balance computational constraints with the ability to capture the physical phenomena we wish to visualize, giving everyone access to a simple open-ended meridional energy balance climate simulation to explore and experiment with. The software lends itself to labs at a variety of levels about climate concepts including seasons, the Greenhouse effect

  3. National autonomous university of Mexico RELAP/SCDAPSIM-based plant simulation and training applications to the Laguna Verde NPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chavez-Mercado, C.; Hohorst, J.K.; Allison, C.M.


    The RELAP/SCDAPSIM code, designed to predict the behavior of reactor systems during normal and accident conditions, is being developed by Innovative Systems Software as part of the International SCDAP Development and Training Program (SDTP). This code is being used as the simulator engine for the National Autonomous University of Mexico's Simulation and Training Facility located at the Campus Morelos in Jiutepec, Mexico. This paper describes the RELAP/SCDAPSIM code, the Simulation and Training facility at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and the application of the training system to the Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant located in the Mexican state of Veracruz. (author)

  4. Improving Resilience and Self-Esteem among University Students with Entrepreneurship Simulation Board Game (United States)

    Prihadi, Kususanto; Cheow, Damien Z. Y.; Yong, Jonathan H. E.; Sundrasagran, Megaanesh


    This study aims to evaluate the effect of the frequency of playing a board game that simulates entrepreneurial experience called "Traders" on the university students' resilience and self-esteem. Traders Board Game (TBG) was developed in 2015 with an aim to improve several entrepreneurship skills among young adults, and resilience being…

  5. University of Central Florida / Deep Space Industries Asteroid Regolith Simulants (United States)

    Britt, Daniel; Covey, Steven D.; Schultz, Cody


    Introduction: The University of Central Florida (UCF), in partnership with Deep Space Industries (DSI) are working under a NASA Phase 2 SBIR contract to develop and produce a family of asteroid regolith simulants for use in research, engineering, and mission operations testing. We base simulant formulas on the mineralogy, particle size, and physical characteristics of CI, CR, CM, C2, CV, and L-Chondrite meteorites. The advantage in simulating meteorites is that the vast majority of meteoritic materials are common rock forming minerals that are available in commercial quantities. While formulas are guided by the meteorites our approach is one of constrained maximization under the limitations of safety, cost, source materials, and ease of handling. In all cases our goal is to deliver a safe, high fidelity analog at moderate cost.Source Materials, Safety, and Biohazards: A critical factor in any useful simulant is to minimize handling risks for biohazards or toxicity. All the terrestrial materials proposed for these simulants were reviewed for potential toxicity. Of particular interest is the organic component of volatile rich carbonaceous chondrites which contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), some of which are known carcinogens and mutagens. Our research suggests that we can maintain rough chemical fidelity by substituting much safer sub-bituminous coal as our organic analog. A second safety consideration is the choice of serpentine group materials. While most serpentine polymorphs are quite safe we avoid fibrous chrysotile because of its asbestos content. Terrestrial materials identified as inputs for our simulants are common rock forming minerals that are available in commercial quantities. These include olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, smectite, serpentine, saponite, pyrite, and magnetite in amounts that are appropriate for each type. For CI's and CR’s, their olivines tend to be Fo100 which is rare on Earth. We have substituted Fo90 olivine

  6. Modelado e impresión en 3D en la enseñanza de las matemáticas: un estudio exploratorio

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    Beltrán Pellicer, Pablo


    Full Text Available Las impresoras en 3D constituyen un recurso que poco a poco está encontrando su hueco en los centros educativos, de la mano de docentes innovadores y creativos. Normalmente, son profesores de Tecnología o Informática en educación secundaria, o los de ciertas especialidades de ciclos formativos, los que buscan utilizar el diseño de piezas y su posterior impresión como medio para alcanzar sus objetivos de aprendizaje. Nos planteamos aquí como objetivo el justificar la utilización de este recurso para la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Método: Se adopta una metodología de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio. Se realiza, en primer lugar, un breve análisis de la tecnología de impresión y de modelado de objetos en 3D. Posteriormente, a partir de una serie de experiencias de aula, analizamos algunas tareas que se pueden plantear para comprobar que se ponen en juego conocimientos matemáticos, aplicando la noción de configuración de objetos y significados matemáticos. Resultados: Las configuraciones de objetos matemáticos para cada una de las situaciones revelan contenidos propios del nivel educativo del alumnado al que se dirigen. Conclusiones: Es pertinente, desde el punto de vista epistémico, considerar propuestas de enseñanza-aprendizaje que hagan uso del modelado y la impresión en 3D. Abstract: 3D printers are finding their place in educational institutions, as innovative and creative teachers use them to propose activities in their lessons. Usually, they are teachers of technology and computer science in secondary education, or of certain specialties in professional training. In these cases, the tasks involve designing and printing solid pieces as a means of achieving the learning objectives. The purpose of this paper is to justify using this resource in the teaching of mathematics at different educational levels. Method: We adopt a descriptive and exploratory qualitative methodology, first depicting 3D printing technology and

  7. Efficient universal quantum channel simulation in IBM's cloud quantum computer (United States)

    Wei, Shi-Jie; Xin, Tao; Long, Gui-Lu


    The study of quantum channels is an important field and promises a wide range of applications, because any physical process can be represented as a quantum channel that transforms an initial state into a final state. Inspired by the method of performing non-unitary operators by the linear combination of unitary operations, we proposed a quantum algorithm for the simulation of the universal single-qubit channel, described by a convex combination of "quasi-extreme" channels corresponding to four Kraus operators, and is scalable to arbitrary higher dimension. We demonstrated the whole algorithm experimentally using the universal IBM cloud-based quantum computer and studied the properties of different qubit quantum channels. We illustrated the quantum capacity of the general qubit quantum channels, which quantifies the amount of quantum information that can be protected. The behavior of quantum capacity in different channels revealed which types of noise processes can support information transmission, and which types are too destructive to protect information. There was a general agreement between the theoretical predictions and the experiments, which strongly supports our method. By realizing the arbitrary qubit channel, this work provides a universally- accepted way to explore various properties of quantum channels and novel prospect for quantum communication.

  8. Modelling and simulation of the steam line, the high and low pressure turbines and the pressure regulator for the SUN-RAH nucleo electric university simulator; Modelado y simulacion de la linea de vapor, las turbinas de alta y de baja presion y el regulador de presion para el simulador universitario de nucleo electricas SUN RAH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lopez R, A. [DEPFI, Campus Morelos, en IMTA Jiutepec, Morelos, UNAM (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    In the following article the development of a simulator that allows to represent the dynamics of the following systems: steam line, nozzle, vapor separator, reheater, high pressure turbine, low pressure turbine, power generator and the pressure regulator of a nucleo electric power station. We start from the supposition that this plant will be modeled from a nuclear reactor type BWR (Boiling Water Reactor), using models of reduced order that represent the more important dynamic variables of the physical processes that happen along the steam line until the one generator. To be able to carry out the simulation in real time the Mat lab mathematical modeling software is used, as well as the specific simulation tool Simulink. It is necessary to point out that the platform on which the one is executed the simulator is the Windows operating system, to allow the intuitive use that only this operating system offers. The above-mentioned obeys to that the objective of the simulator it is to help the user to understand some of the dynamic phenomena that are present in the systems of a nuclear plant, and to provide a tool of analysis and measurement of variables to predict the desirable behavior of the same ones. The model of a pressure controller for the steam lines, the high pressure turbine and the low pressure turbine is also presented that it will be the one in charge of regulating the demand of the system according to the characteristics and critic restrictions of safety and control, assigned according to those wanted parameters of performance of this system inside the nucleo electric plant. This simulator is totally well defined and it is part of the University student nucleo electric simulator with Boiling Water Reactor (SUN-RAH), an integral project and of greater capacity. (Author)

  9. Urban simulation evaluation with study case of the Singapore Management University, Singapore (United States)

    Seanders, O.


    This paper reports and discusses about the urban simulation evaluation with a study case, The Singapore Managemant University (SMU), the first major university to be located in the city centre. It is located in Bras Basah District, with some controversy on the geographical establishment, the physical realization of the University in the original plan required some demolishes, urban historical building, a public park and in the end will impact the lose of some certain qualities of the urban space. From this case we can see that the urban design and cultural heritage principles could come into conflicts with the more practical concerns of space constraints and transportation efficiency. This SMU case reflect the problem of the developing countries that have to decide between conservation of buildings and green spaces and space demands. In this case, for Singapore, it marks a progress in the step of greater community involvement in the planning process.

  10. Universal Generating Function Based Probabilistic Production Simulation Approach Considering Wind Speed Correlation

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    Yan Li


    Full Text Available Due to the volatile and correlated nature of wind speed, a high share of wind power penetration poses challenges to power system production simulation. Existing power system probabilistic production simulation approaches are in short of considering the time-varying characteristics of wind power and load, as well as the correlation between wind speeds at the same time, which brings about some problems in planning and analysis for the power system with high wind power penetration. Based on universal generating function (UGF, this paper proposes a novel probabilistic production simulation approach considering wind speed correlation. UGF is utilized to develop the chronological models of wind power that characterizes wind speed correlation simultaneously, as well as the chronological models of conventional generation sources and load. The supply and demand are matched chronologically to not only obtain generation schedules, but also reliability indices both at each simulation interval and the whole period. The proposed approach has been tested on the improved IEEE-RTS 79 test system and is compared with the Monte Carlo approach and the sequence operation theory approach. The results verified the proposed approach with the merits of computation simplicity and accuracy.

  11. A Simulation-Based LED Design Project in Photonics Instruction Based on Industry-University Collaboration (United States)

    Chang, S. -H.; Chen, M. -L.; Kuo, Y. -K.; Shen, Y. -C.


    In response to the growing industrial demand for light-emitting diode (LED) design professionals, based on industry-university collaboration in Taiwan, this paper develops a novel instructional approach: a simulation-based learning course with peer assessment to develop students' professional skills in LED design as required by industry as well as…

  12. Simulation Environment Based on the Universal Verification Methodology

    CERN Document Server



    Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) is a standardized approach of verifying integrated circuit designs, targeting a Coverage-Driven Verification (CDV). It combines automatic test generation, self-checking testbenches, and coverage metrics to indicate progress in the design verification. The flow of the CDV differs from the traditional directed-testing approach. With the CDV, a testbench developer, by setting the verification goals, starts with an structured plan. Those goals are targeted further by a developed testbench, which generates legal stimuli and sends them to a device under test (DUT). The progress is measured by coverage monitors added to the simulation environment. In this way, the non-exercised functionality can be identified. Moreover, the additional scoreboards indicate undesired DUT behaviour. Such verification environments were developed for three recent ASIC and FPGA projects which have successfully implemented the new work-flow: (1) the CLICpix2 65 nm CMOS hybrid pixel readout ASIC desi...

  13. Mapping the Protein Fold Universe Using the CamTube Force Field in Molecular Dynamics Simulations. (United States)

    Kukic, Predrag; Kannan, Arvind; Dijkstra, Maurits J J; Abeln, Sanne; Camilloni, Carlo; Vendruscolo, Michele


    It has been recently shown that the coarse-graining of the structures of polypeptide chains as self-avoiding tubes can provide an effective representation of the conformational space of proteins. In order to fully exploit the opportunities offered by such a 'tube model' approach, we present here a strategy to combine it with molecular dynamics simulations. This strategy is based on the incorporation of the 'CamTube' force field into the Gromacs molecular dynamics package. By considering the case of a 60-residue polyvaline chain, we show that CamTube molecular dynamics simulations can comprehensively explore the conformational space of proteins. We obtain this result by a 20 μs metadynamics simulation of the polyvaline chain that recapitulates the currently known protein fold universe. We further show that, if residue-specific interaction potentials are added to the CamTube force field, it is possible to fold a protein into a topology close to that of its native state. These results illustrate how the CamTube force field can be used to explore efficiently the universe of protein folds with good accuracy and very limited computational cost.

  14. Modelling of the dynamics of the vessel and circuits of recirculation of a BWR type nucleo electric as part of the SUN-RAH university simulator; Modelado de la dinamica de la vasija y circuitos de recirculacion de una nucleoelectrica tipo BWR como parte del simulador universitario SUN-RAH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez S, R A [DEPFI, Campus Morelos, en IMTA, Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)


    In the present project, the development of a model for the dynamics of the process of energy transport generated in the nuclear fuel until the main steam lines of a nucleo electric central with BWR type nuclear reactor, using mathematical models of reduced order is presented. These models present the main characteristics of the reactor vessel and of the recirculation system, defined by the main phenomena that intervene in those physical processes. Likewise, the objective of the general project of the one University student nucleo electric simulator with Boiling Water Reactor (SUN-RAH) for later on to establish the modeling equations for each part of the nuclear reactor as well as of the load pursuit system. Also, its were described the graphic interfaces implemented in an three layers architecture in which the different measuring variables are presented in the monitor. It fits signalize that the advantage presented by the University student nucleo electric simulator is the possibility to carry out changes in the magnitudes of those different variables that intervene in the physical processes made in the one reactor and in the recirculation system in execution time of the same one. Of same way, the creation of a graphic intuitive interface, friendly, and designed with the same technology with the one that the video games are programmed in the present time. Besides all the above mentioned, the pending goals inside of the project are exposed, as well as the developments in construction process or conceptualized to be included in future versions of the simulator. Finally its are thinking about possible scenarios of applications of SUN-RAH, as well as their reaches. (Author)

  15. Conference: Probing the warped side of our Universe with gravitational waves and computer simulations | 16 September | Uni Dufour

    CERN Multimedia


    Probing the warped side of our Universe with gravitational waves and computer simulations, by Kip Thorne, recipient of the Tomalla Prize for Gravity 2016.   "Probing the warped side of our Universe with gravitational waves and computer simulations" Uni Dufour - Auditorium U300 Friday, 16 September at 6 p.m.   Kip Thorne. (Photo: ©Jon Rou) Abstract: A half century ago, John Wheeler challenged his students and colleagues to explore Geometrodynamics: the nonlinear dynamics of curved spacetime. How does the curvature of spacetime behave when roiled in a storm, like a storm at sea with crashing waves. We tried to explore this, and failed. Success eluded us until two new tools became available: computer simulations, and gravitational wave observations. Thorne will describe what these have begun to teach us, and he will offer a vision for the future of Geometrodynamics.

  16. Virtual Property Manager: Providing a Simulated Learning Environment in a New University Program of Study

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    Andrew Carswell


    Full Text Available This paper relates the experience that students have while accessing Virtual Property Manager (VPM, a Web-based simulation learning tool designed to introduce students to a new discipline being offered at the university – Residential Property Management. The VPM simulation was designed in part to develop student interest in the new program. Results indicate that this simple simulation device did make a notable impact on student interest. Additionally, student acceptance and self-reported impact differed significantly based upon the delivery context. Adding a competitive reward element to the simulation experience improved student's evaluation of the software and self-reported interest in the field. Results indicate that educational simulation evaluation, acceptance, and performance may often be substantially influenced by the delivery context, rather than simply the program itself. Developers may do well to focus "outside the box" of program content to promote audience-specific delivery environments.

  17. SUN-RAH: a nucleoelectric BWR university simulator based in reduced order models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morales S, J.B.; Lopez R, A.; Sanchez B, A.; Sanchez S, R.; Hernandez S, A.


    The development of a simulator that allows to represent the dynamics of a nucleo electric central, with nuclear reactor of the BWR type, using reduced order models is presented. These models present the characteristics defined by the dominant poles of the system (1) and most of those premature operation transitories in a power station can be reproduced with considerable fidelity if the models are identified with data of plant or references of a code of better estimate like RAMONA, TRAC (2) or RELAP. The models of the simulator are developments or own simplifications starting from the physical laws and retaining the main terms. This work describes the objective of the project and the general specifications of the University student of Nucleo electric simulator with Boiling Water Reactor type (SUN-RAH) as well as the finished parts that fundamentally are the nuclear reactor, the one of steam supply (NSSS), the plant balance (BOP), the main controllers of the plant and the implemented graphic interfaces. The pendent goals as well as the future developments and applications of SUN-RAH are described. (Author)

  18. Universality and Realistic Extensions to the Semi-Analytic Simulation Principle in GNSS Signal Processing

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    O. Jakubov


    Full Text Available Semi-analytic simulation principle in GNSS signal processing bypasses the bit-true operations at high sampling frequency. Instead, signals at the output branches of the integrate&dump blocks are successfully modeled, thus making extensive Monte Carlo simulations feasible. Methods for simulations of code and carrier tracking loops with BPSK, BOC signals have been introduced in the literature. Matlab toolboxes were designed and published. In this paper, we further extend the applicability of the approach. Firstly, we describe any GNSS signal as a special instance of linear multi-dimensional modulation. Thereby, we state universal framework for classification of differently modulated signals. Using such description, we derive the semi-analytic models generally. Secondly, we extend the model for realistic scenarios including delay in the feed back, slowly fading multipath effects, finite bandwidth, phase noise, and a combination of these. Finally, a discussion on connection of this semi-analytic model and position-velocity-time estimator is delivered, as well as comparison of theoretical and simulated characteristics, produced by a prototype simulator developed at CTU in Prague.

  19. Simulation of seismograms in a 2-D viscoelastic Earth by pseudospectral methods

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carcione, Jose M [Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste (Italy); Helle, Hans B [Norsk Hydro a.s., 0 and E Research Centre, Bergen (Norway); Seriani, Geza [Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), Trieste (Italy); Plasencia Linares, Milton P [Facultad de Ciencias Astronomicas y Geofisicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata (Argentina)


    Using an improved global pseudospectral modeling algorithm we synthesize seismograms generated by oceanic and continental earthquakes. Attention is given to attenuation, to explicit modeling of boundary conditions at the ocean-bottom interface, simulation of the Rayleigh window and interface-wave propagation. The algorithm is based on Fourier and Chebyshev differential operators and a domain-decomposition technique - one grid for the fluid and another grid for the solid. Wave propagation in the oceanic and continent crusts and mantle is modeled by using a viscoelastic stress-strain relation based on memory variables. The main physical phenomena associated with an ocean-crust system are modeled, including Scholte waves, leaking Rayleigh waves, dispersive modes, and the Rayleigh-window phenomenon due to a minimum in the reflection coefficient of the ocean bottom, which has not been simulated with direct methods. In particular, we model Rayleigh modes (mainly the M11 mode), and coupled Rayleigh-Scholte waves, for which the dispersion relation is solved in simple cases. Also, we model the effects of random. [Spanish] El algoritmo de modulacion seudoespectral es mejorado y aplicado a la simulacion de sismogramas generados por sismos oceanicos y continentales, como atencion a la atenuacion y a la modelacion explicita de condiciones a la frontera en el fondo oceanico y a la simulacion de la ventana de Rayleigh y la propagacion en interfases. El algoritmo se basa en los operadores diferenciales de Fourier y de Chebyshev con una tecnica de decomposicion de dominios, una malla para el fluido y otra para el solido. Para la propagacion se usa una relacion de esfuerzo-deformacion basada en variables de memoria. Entre los fenomenos modelados se incluyen las ondas de Scholte, las ondas evanescentes de Rayleigh y los modos dispersivos, asi como la ventana de Rayleigh, un minimo del coeficiente de reflexion en el fondo oceanico que nunca ha sido simulado con metodos directos. Hemos


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    Full Text Available El objetivo general es realizar un modelado específico de dominio para la construcción de módulos en sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje (LMS independientes de la plataforma. Para esto, el punto de partida es un metamodelo para la construcción de un lenguaje específico de dominio (DSL que con ingeniería dirigida por modelos (MDE y aplicando las debidas transformaciones se consiga de un modelo independiente de la plataforma, el despliegue de este modelo se realizara en varias plataformas LMSs.

  1. Evolution of the distribution of baryons in a simulated Local Group Universe (United States)

    Peirani, S.


    Using hydrodynamical zoom simulations in the standard ΛCDM cosmology, we have investigated the evolution of the distribution of baryons (gas and stars) in a local group-type universe. We found that physical mechanisms able to drive the gas out of the virial radius at high redshifts (such as AGN) will have a stronger impact on the deficit of baryons in the mass budget of Milky Way type-galaxies at present times than those that expel the gas in the longer, late phases of galaxy formation.

  2. Automática marina: una revisión desde el punto de vista del control

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    Jesús M. de la Cruz García


    Full Text Available Resumen: La Automática es una disciplina horizontal muchos de cuyos temas se aplican en el campo del sector marítimo, como son: la robótica, la ingeniería de control, la inteligencia artificial, el modelado y la simulación, los sensores y los actuadores. En este trabajo hacemos una revisión de los avances que han tenido lugar en los últimos años desde el punto de vista del modelado, la identificación y el control de los vehículos marinos Abstract: Automatic control is an horizontal subject and many of their branches are applied in the marine fields: robotics, control engineering, artificial intelligence, modeling and simulation, sensors and actuators. The paper presents an overview of some of the major advances that have taken place from the point of view of marine vehicles modeling, identification and control.^p Palabras clave: Sistemas marinos, autopilotos, posicionamiento dinámico, estabilización del alabeo, modelado, identificación y control de vehículos marinos, sistemas sub actuados, hidrodinámica, Keywords: Marine systems, autopilots, dynamic positioning, roll stabilization, control, modeling, identification, underactuated autonomous vehicles, hydrodynamics^p

  3. Two-dimensional simulation of the gravitational system dynamics and formation of the large-scale structure of the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Doroshkevich, A.G.; Kotok, E.V.; Novikov, I.D.; Polyudov, A.N.; Shandarin, S.F.; Sigov, Y.S.


    The results of a numerical experiment are given that describe the non-linear stages of the development of perturbations in gravitating matter density in the expanding Universe. This process simulates the formation of the large-scale structure of the Universe from an initially almost homogeneous medium. In the one- and two-dimensional cases of this numerical experiment the evolution of the system from 4096 point masses that interact gravitationally only was studied with periodic boundary conditions (simulation of the infinite space). The initial conditions were chosen that resulted from the theory of the evolution of small perturbations in the expanding Universe. The results of numerical experiments are systematically compared with the approximate analytic theory. The results of the calculations show that in the case of collisionless particles, as well as in the gas-dynamic case, the cellular structure appeared at the non-linear stage in the case of the adiabatic perturbations. The greater part of the matter is in thin layers that separate vast regions of low density. In a Robertson-Walker universe the cellular structure exists for a finite time and then fragments into a few compact objects. In the open Universe the cellular structure also exists if the amplitude of initial perturbations is large enough. But the following disruption of the cellular structure is more difficult because of too rapid an expansion of the Universe. The large-scale structure is frozen. (author)

  4. Effect of Simulation on the Confidence of University Nursing Students in Applying Cardiopulmonary Assessment Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial. (United States)

    Tawalbeh, Loai I


    Simulation is an effective teaching strategy. However, no study in Jordan has examined the effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying heart and lung physical examination skills. The current study aimed to test the effect of simulation on the confidence of university nursing students in applying heart and lung physical examination skills. A randomized controlled trial design was applied. The researcher introduced the simulation scenario regarding cardiopulmonary examination skills. This scenario included a 1-hour PowerPoint presentation and video for the experimental group (n= 35) and a PowerPoint presentation and a video showing a traditional demonstration in the laboratory for the control group (n = 34). Confidence in applying cardiopulmonary physical examination skills was measured for both groups at baseline and at 1 day and 3 months posttest. A paired t test showed that confidence was significantly higher in the posttest than in the pretest for both groups. An independent t test showed a statistically significant difference (t(67) = -42.95, p skills. Both simulation and traditional training in the laboratory significantly improved the confidence of participants in applying cardiopulmonary assessment skills. However, the simulation training had a more significant effect than usual training in enhancing the confidence of nursing students in applying physical examination skills.

  5. Pharmacy practice simulations: performance of senior pharmacy students at a University in southern Brazil

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    Galato D


    Full Text Available Objective: A simulation process known as objective structured clinical examination (OSCE was applied to assess pharmacy practice performed by senior pharmacy students.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted based on documentary analysis of performance evaluation records of pharmacy practice simulations that occurred between 2005 and 2009. These simulations were related to the process of self-medication and dispensing, and were performed with the use of patients simulated. The simulations were filmed to facilitate the evaluation process. It presents the OSCE educational experience performed by pharmacy trainees of the University of Southern Santa Catarina and experienced by two evaluators. The student general performance was analyzed, and the criteria for pharmacy practice assessment often identified trainees in difficulty.Results: The results of 291 simulations showed that students have an average yield performance of 70.0%. Several difficulties were encountered, such as the lack of information about the selected/prescribed treatment regimen (65.1%; inadequate communication style (21.9%; lack of identification of patients’ needs (7.7% and inappropriate drug selection for self-medication (5.3%.Conclusions: These data show that there is a need for reorientation of clinical pharmacy students because they need to improve their communication skills, and have a deeper knowledge of medicines and health problems in order to properly orient their patients.

  6. Building Model for the University of Mosul Computer Network Using OPNET Simulator

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    Modhar Modhar A. Hammoudi


    Full Text Available This paper aims at establishing a model in OPNET (Optimized Network Engineering Tool simulator for the University of Mosul computer network. The proposed network model was made up of two routers (Cisco 2600, core switch (Cisco6509, two servers, ip 32 cloud and 37 VLANs. These VLANs were connected to the core switch using fiber optic cables (1000BaseX. Three applications were added to test the network model. These applications were FTP (File Transfer Protocol, HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol and VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol. The results showed that the proposed model had a positive efficiency on designing and managing the targeted network and can be used to view the data flow in it. Also, the simulation results showed that the maximum number of VoIP service users could be raised upto 5000 users when working under IP Telephony. This means that the ability to utilize VoIP service in this network can be maintained and is better when subjected to IP telephony scheme.

  7. A Universal Educational and Research Stand to Simulate Electrical Drive Loading

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    V. S. Grishin


    Full Text Available Universal educational and research stand was developed for analyzing an electrical drive’s behavior with different load disturbance effects. Major components of the stand are two electrical drives with rigidly coupled shafts. As a result, first electrical drive (loader has a capability to imitate effects of different loading types to another one (trial drive.Control software for the stand is developed. It allows us to combine a variety of loading types and change parameters of current loading such as joint moment, damping, additional inertia, and external torque. Also there is a capability to imitate effects of elasticity and backlash of mechanical transmissions. The paper considers the main challenge of creating the given system, i.e. discretization with a variable step. Some methods to decrease its negative effects on system stability are suggested.The given system allows to change loading parameters more rapidly and in a wider range as compared to a system with real mechanical outfit.These stands are currently used for laboratory classes within the course “Electrical robotic drives” at SM7 department in Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Also the system of interdepended stands for semi-realistic simulation of manipulation systems is under development.

  8. Dark Matter and Super Symmetry: Exploring and Explaining the Universe with Simulations at the LHC

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gutsche, Oliver [Fermilab


    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, is one of the largest machines on this planet. It is built to smash protons into each other at unprecedented energies to reveal the fundamental constituents of our universe. The 4 detectors at the LHC record multi-petabyte datasets every year. The scientific analysis of this data requires equally large simulation datasets of the collisions based on the theory of particle physics, the Standard Model. The goal is to verify the validity of the Standard Model or of theories that extend the Model like the concepts of Supersymmetry and an explanation of Dark Matter. I will give an overview of the nature of simulations needed to discover new particles like the Higgs boson in 2012, and review the different areas where simulations are indispensable: from the actual recording of the collisions to the extraction of scientific results to the conceptual design of improvements to the LHC and its experiments.

  9. Análisis y modelado de una estructura sensorial ultrasónica MIMO basado en M-CSS y técnicas de correlación

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    Alberto Ochoa


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se propone el análisis y modelado de una estructura sensorial ultrasónica empleando un algoritmo de procesamiento que utiliza un conjunto de macro-secuencias y técnicas de correlación para obtener respuestas impulsivas de canales de transmisión de forma simultánea. La estructura sensorial está formada por múltiples transductores ultrasónicos que transmiten y reciben información del entorno simultáneamente. Este algoritmo de procesamiento emplea una macro-secuencia pseudo-aleatoria obtenida a partir un conjunto complementario de M secuencias (M-CSS con las cuales, mediante funciones de auto-correlación y correlación cruzada, se generan las respuestas impulsivas del entorno. Para modelar el sistema de transmisión ultrasónico se emplea el modelo MIMO de frecuencia selectiva, con el cual se logra analizar cada instante del proceso de emisión-reflexión-recepción de las señales generadas. Una vez que el modelo del sistema de transmisión ultrasónico MIMO es desarrollado y los algoritmos de correlación son implementados para la detección de las macro-secuencias, se presenta en este documento el modelo matemático y los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones así como en las pruebas experimentales. Estos validan la utilización de la metodología del modelado de canal aplicado, como de la estimación de las respuestas impulsivas de los canales de transmisión al procesar los ecos recibidos correspondientes a un objeto frente al sistema sensor. El modelo implementado permite desarrollar sobre de él, algoritmos y técnicas de procesamiento, antes de que estos sean implementados físicamente, con el fin de reducir el tiempo de desarrollo de aplicaciones. En cada uno de los casos considerados, se logró obtener las respuestas impulsivas considerando que está presente un objeto frente a la estructura sensorial. Abstract: This paper describes the analysis and modeling of an ultrasonic sensorial structure

  10. Modelado y control en vuelo estacionario de helicópteros autónomos con cable de fijación a tierra

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    Luis A. Sandino


    way of illustration of previous ideas, several simulations under artificially generated wind influences are presented and compared. Palabras clave: Robótica Aérea, Sistemas Aéreos no Tripulados, Dinámica de Helicópteros, Modelado, Control, Estabilización, Keywords: Aerial Robotics, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Helicopter Dynamics, Modeling, Control, Stabilization

  11. Simulation environment based on the Universal Verification Methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fiergolski, A.


    Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) is a standardized approach of verifying integrated circuit designs, targeting a Coverage-Driven Verification (CDV). It combines automatic test generation, self-checking testbenches, and coverage metrics to indicate progress in the design verification. The flow of the CDV differs from the traditional directed-testing approach. With the CDV, a testbench developer, by setting the verification goals, starts with an structured plan. Those goals are targeted further by a developed testbench, which generates legal stimuli and sends them to a device under test (DUT). The progress is measured by coverage monitors added to the simulation environment. In this way, the non-exercised functionality can be identified. Moreover, the additional scoreboards indicate undesired DUT behaviour. Such verification environments were developed for three recent ASIC and FPGA projects which have successfully implemented the new work-flow: (1) the CLICpix2 65 nm CMOS hybrid pixel readout ASIC design; (2) the C3PD 180 nm HV-CMOS active sensor ASIC design; (3) the FPGA-based DAQ system of the CLICpix chip. This paper, based on the experience from the above projects, introduces briefly UVM and presents a set of tips and advices applicable at different stages of the verification process-cycle.

  12. Application perspectives of simulation techniques CFD in nuclear power plants; Perspectivas de aplicacion de tecnicas de modelado CFD en plantas nucleoelectricas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Galindo G, I. F., E-mail: [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Reforma No. 113, Col. Palmira, 62490 Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    The scenarios simulation in nuclear power plants is usually carried out with system codes that are based on concentrated parameters networks. However situations exist in some components where the flow is predominantly 3-D, as they are the natural circulation, mixed and stratification phenomena. The simulation techniques of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) have the potential to simulate these flows numerically. The use of CFD simulations embraces many branches of the engineering and continues growing, however, in relation to its application with respect to the problems related with the safety in nuclear power plants, has a smaller development, although is accelerating quickly and is expected that in the future they play a more emphasized paper in the analyses. A main obstacle to be able to achieve a general acceptance of the CFD is that the simulations should have very complete validation studies, sometimes not available. In this article a general panorama of the state of the methods application CFD in nuclear power plants is presented and the problem associated to its routine application and acceptance, including the view point of the regulatory authorities. Application examples are revised in those that the CFD offers real benefits and are also presented two illustrative study cases of the application of CFD techniques. The case of a water recipient with a heat source in its interior, similar to spent fuel pool of a nuclear power plant is presented firstly; and later the case of the Boron dilution of a water volume that enters to a nuclear reactor is presented. We can conclude that the CFD technology represents a very important opportunity to improve the phenomena understanding with a strong component 3-D and to contribute in the uncertainty reduction. (Author)

  13. Introducing IT-Based environmental simulation courses at Slovak technical universities

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hensen, J.L.M.; Hraska, J.; Mallory-Hill, S.M.; Rabenseifer, F.; Maldonado, E.; Yannas, Y.


    Since the 1995/96 academic year, four Slovak universities (Slovak Technical University Bratislava, Technical University Kosice, Slovak Agricultural University Nitra and Technical University Zvolen) in cooperation with two EU universities (University of Strathclyde Glasgow and Eindhoven University of

  14. [Innovative education: simulation-based training at the Institute of Health Sciences, Semmelweis University, Hungary]. (United States)

    Csóka, Mária; Deutsch, Tibor


    In Hungary, the Institute of Health Sciences at Semmelweis University was the first institution to introduce patient simulation-based practical training of non-physician professionals. Before introducing this novel educational methodology, students could only practice particular examinations and interventions on demonstration tools. Using the simulator they can also follow and analyze the effects of the interventions that have been made. The high fidelity, adult Human Patients Emergency Care Simulator (HPS-ECS, Medical Education Technologies Incorporation, Sarasota, Florida, USA) is particularly suitable for acquiring skills related to the management of various emergency situations. The 180 cm and 34 kg mannequin which can operate in lying and sitting positions has both respiration and circulation which can be examined the same way as in a living person. It is capable to produce several physical and clinical signs such as respiration with chest movement, electric cardiac activity, palpable pulse, and measurable blood pressure. In addition, it can also exhibit blinking, swelling of the tongue and whole-body trembling while intestinal, cardiac and pulmonary sounds can equally be examined. The high fidelity simulator allows various interventions including monitoring, oxygen therapy, bladder catheterization, gastric tube insertion, injection, infusion and transfusion therapy to be practiced as part of complex patient management. Diagnostic instruments such as ECG recorder, sphygmomanometer, pulse-oxymeter can be attached to the simulator which can also respond to different medical interventions such as intubation, defibrillation, pacing, liquid supplementing, and blood transfusion. The mannequin's physiological response can be followed up and monitored over time to assess whether the selected intervention has been proven adequate to achieve the desired outcome. Authors provide a short overview of the possible applications of clinical simulation for education and

  15. Experience with simulation education at the University of the Third Age at JFM CU in Martin

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    Mária Zanovitová


    Full Text Available Background: Considering current demographic trends in society, education of seniors has become real needs and a challenge for the field of education and training institutions. Universities of the Third Age (UTA represent one option for senior education allowing them to study various fields at university level. Within UTA studies, the seniors are interested in studying mainly the issues of health and disease, aging and the social and legal issues. Seniors represent a group of students with specific educational needs. In teaching them it is therefore important to choose teaching methods that take account of developmental changes of the period, contain elements of clearness, and provide the space for communication and activity with the use of previous experiences of seniors. In the framework of elderly education at the UTA at Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin (JFM CU the simulation methods are also used that bring elements of clarity and attractiveness into the teaching and serve to bridge theoretical education and practical training. Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the UTA senior students’ views on the use of simulation models and simulations in education and to find out what is their satisfaction with the training in the Simulation Center at JFM CU in Martin. Methods: Questionnaire of own construction was used to gather empirical data. The study involved 30 senior students of the third year of studies in the program “Elderly Care”, out of which 25 were women and 5 men. The average age of respondents was 67.3 years (SD 5.6. Results: Within education and training in Simulation Center, the seniors most positively evaluated preparedness, presentation and interpretation of the lecturer (4.96 and the way in which information were administered (4.76. They had the opportunity of hands-on work with the simulation models and practical training of their skills and such experience was evaluated as excellent (4.70. Seniors also

  16. A Universal Reactive Machine

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Henrik Reif; Mørk, Simon; Sørensen, Morten U.


    Turing showed the existence of a model universal for the set of Turing machines in the sense that given an encoding of any Turing machine asinput the universal Turing machine simulates it. We introduce the concept of universality for reactive systems and construct a CCS processuniversal...

  17. Simulation as a tool to develop guidelines for the design of portable library in the campus of Mansoura university

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ahmed, Ahmed Nabih; Farag, M.A.; Samann Osama, Mina Michael; El Aishy, Alaa Shams [Department of Architectural Engineering, University of Mansoura (Egypt)


    In recent years, due to population growth, the numbers of enrolled students in Mansoura University, Egypt, has significantly increased, leading to a lack of library space. As a solution to this issue, the aim of this paper is to present the design procedures for building a portable library. The process consists of conducting a feasibility study, then identifying the most relevant parameters and using a software to create an energy efficient structure. A case study was conducted in Mansoura University on a portable library measuring 6.60mx9.90mx4.20m; simulations were carried out with the Ecotect simulation software. Results showed that the proposed methodology was successful in designing a portable library and that it allowed a reduction in energy consumption of 40% compared to the baseline case. This paper provided design guidelines for the construction of portable libraries through the use of transient building performance.

  18. Universal extensions to simulate specifications

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Hesselink, Wim H.

    A previous paper introduced eternity variables as an alternative to the prophecy variables of Abadi and Lamport and proved the formalism to be semantically complete: every simulation F. K -> L that preserves quiescence contains a composition of a history extension, an extension with eternity

  19. Tools to probe the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lagage, P.O.; Augueres, J.L.; Amiaux, J.; Cara, Ch.; Fontignie, J.; Rio, Y.; Fermon, C.; Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; De Vismes, A.; Cordier, B.; Fesquet, M.; Ferrando, Ph.; Authier, M.; Pantin, E.; Glicenstein, J.F.; Boulade, O.; Refregier, A.; Stolarczyk, Th.; Agnese, P.; Rodriguez, L.; Agnese, P.; Pigot, C.; Duband, L.; Limousin, O.; Delagnes, E.; Turck-Chieze, S.; Carton, P.H.; Starck, J.L.; Bournaud, F.; Teyssier, R.; Audit, E.; Brun, A.S.; Leca, P.; Menache, Ch.; Pomarede, D.; Thooris, B.; Meis, C.


    This special issue of Clefs CEA journal is entirely devoted to astrophysics and to the exploration and probing of the Universe. The second part of this dossier, described here, makes a status of the tools used to probe the universe: telescopes, imaging spectrometers, data processing and simulation. Content: A - Telescopes of the future: 1. Seeing further out: JWST: looking back on a past 13 billion years old, Space specifics: the learning curve to know-how, Fabricating a corona-graph mask, SVOM, a satellite to detect the explosions of the first stars to be formed in the Universe; 2. Seeing more precisely: SIMBOL-X, pioneering formation flying, ELT/METIS, a 42-meter giant, One hundred telescopes for the CTA arrays; 3. Seeing wider: Euclid, mapping the extragalactic sky, ANTARES: the neutrino, another cosmic messenger; B - The new generation of imaging spectrometers: Observing the Universe in the submillimeter spectral region, The X-ray Universe, Space cryo-coolers, Out in the extreme, tumultuous Universe, Probing the Sun with GOLF-NG, Focus: From light to imagery; C - Data analysis in astrophysics; D - Numerical simulation in astrophysics: Information technology and theoretical predictions in astrophysics, Supercomputers for a better understanding of the Universe, The visualization of astrophysical simulations, Godunov, a numerical platform for education and research

  20. Design and Application of Interactive Simulations in Problem-Solving in University-Level Physics Education (United States)

    Ceberio, Mikel; Almudí, José Manuel; Franco, Ángel


    In recent years, interactive computer simulations have been progressively integrated in the teaching of the sciences and have contributed significant improvements in the teaching-learning process. Practicing problem-solving is a key factor in science and engineering education. The aim of this study was to design simulation-based problem-solving teaching materials and assess their effectiveness in improving students' ability to solve problems in university-level physics. Firstly, we analyze the effect of using simulation-based materials in the development of students' skills in employing procedures that are typically used in the scientific method of problem-solving. We found that a significant percentage of the experimental students used expert-type scientific procedures such as qualitative analysis of the problem, making hypotheses, and analysis of results. At the end of the course, only a minority of the students persisted with habits based solely on mathematical equations. Secondly, we compare the effectiveness in terms of problem-solving of the experimental group students with the students who are taught conventionally. We found that the implementation of the problem-solving strategy improved experimental students' results regarding obtaining a correct solution from the academic point of view, in standard textbook problems. Thirdly, we explore students' satisfaction with simulation-based problem-solving teaching materials and we found that the majority appear to be satisfied with the methodology proposed and took on a favorable attitude to learning problem-solving. The research was carried out among first-year Engineering Degree students.

  1. Mars Gardens in the University - Red Thumbs: Growing Vegetables in Martian regolith simulant. (United States)

    Guinan, Edward Francis


    Over the next few decades NASA and private enterprise missions plan to send manned missions to Mars with the ultimate aim to establish a permanent human presence on this planet. For a self-sustaining colony on Mars it will be necessary to provide food by growing plants in sheltered greenhouses on the Martian surface. As part of an undergraduate student project in Astrobiology at Villanova University, experiments are being carried out, testing how various plants grow in Martian regolith. A wide sample of plants are being grown and tested in Mars regolith simulant commercially available from The Martian Garden (TheMartian This Mars regolith simulant is based on Mojave Mars Simulant (MMS) developed by NASA and JPL for the Mars Phoenix mission. The MMS is based on the Mojave Saddleback basalt similar that used by JPL/NASA. Additional reagents were added to this iron rich basalt to bring the chemical content close to actual Mars regolith. The MMS used is an approximately 90% similar to regolith found on the surface of Mars - excluding poisonous perchlorates commonly found on actual Mars surface.The students have selected various vegetables and herbs to grow and test. These include carrots, spinach, dandelions, kale, soy beans, peas, onions, garlic and of course potatoes and sweet potatoes. Plants were tested in various growing conditions, using different fertilizers, and varying light conditions and compared with identical “control plants” grown in Earth soil / humus. The results of the project will be discussed from an education view point as well as from usefulness for fundamental research.We thank The Martian Garden for providing Martian regolith simulant at education discounted prices.

  2. Galaxy Zoo: Comparing the visual morphology of synthetic galaxies from the Illustris simulation with those in the real Universe. (United States)

    Dickinson, Hugh; Lintott, Chris; Scarlata, Claudia; Fortson, Lucy; Bamford, Steven; Cardamone, Carolin; Keel, William C.; Kruk, Sandor; Masters, Karen; Simmons, Brooke D.; Vogelsberger, Mark; Torrey, Paul; Snyder, Gregory; Galaxy Zoo Science Team


    We present a comparision between the Illustris simulations and classifications from Galaxy Zoo, aiming to test the ability of modern large-scale cosmological simulations to accurately reproduce the local galaxy population. This comparison is enabled by the increasingly high spatial and temporal resolution obtained by such surveys.Using classifications that were accumulated via the Galaxy Zoo citizen science interface, we compare the visual morphologies for simulated images of Illustris galaxies with a compatible sample of images drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Legacy Survey.For simulated galaxies with stellar masses less than 1011 M⊙, significant differences are identified, which are most likely due to the limited resolution of the simulation, but could be revealing real differences in the dynamical evolution of populations of galaxies in the real and model universes. Above 1011 M⊙, Illustris galaxy morphologies correspond better with those of their SDSS counterparts, although even in this mass range the simulation appears to underproduce obviously disk-like galaxies. Morphologies of Illustris galaxies less massive than 1011 M⊙ should be treated with care.

  3. El modelado artificial de la cabeza durante la Colonia: Una tradición maya en el espejo de las fuentes históricas Artificial Head Modification during the Colonial Era: A Mayan Tradition in the Mirror of Historical Sources

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera Tiesler


    Full Text Available Este trabajo aporta una mirada alterna sobre la modificación cefálica artificial entre los mayas, concretamente utilizando las observaciones de los cronistas que aún la vieron en la época Colonial. Sin querer, ellas nos comunican motivaciones íntimamente vinculadas con el rol que una vez tuvo la costumbre cefálica dentro de la cosmovisión y la ritualidad cotidiana de los mayas prehispánicos; así, estos testimonios constituyen puntos de partida invaluables para comprender los motivos culturales profundos que el modelado cefálico satisfacía originalmente. Por último, contrastamos y discutimos la información de las fuentes conjuntamente con el registro craneológico en siete series coloniales del territorio cultural maya. Los resultados confirman que el modelado cefálico pronto pierde vigencia en los centros urbanos con mayor presencia europea al mismo tiempo que se observa su pervivencia en los espacios rurales y selváticos más aislados, como los paraderos remotos de la selva lacandona.This paper contributes an alternative view on artificial head shaping practices among the Maya, which we examine through the lens of those European chroniclers who still witnessed it as a living practice during the colonial era. Unwillingly, these sources testify longstanding cultural motivations for the ancient tradition of modifying infants' vaults, which appear intimately tied to prehispanic Maya worldviews and daily ritual practices. The recognition of these motives provides a valuable point of departure for understanding the deeply embedded cultural roles this head practice once played. The last part of the paper compares and discusses the information provided by the colonial sources jointly with the results obtained from a study of seven colonial skeletal series from the Maya area. Our results confirm that Maya head modeling quickly dwindled within the urban spheres, where the European dominion was most immediate, while surviving over the

  4. La teoría de los conjuntos-T aplicada al desarrollo de la competencia de modelado matemático

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    Full Text Available En este artículo queremos dar a conocer apartes de la teoría de los conjuntos-T y cómo se aplica en la educación superior para desarrollar la competencia de modelado matemático de los sujetos. Esta teoría surge como respuesta a los problemas de enseñanza aprendizaje de las matemáticas que se originan en los programas curriculares diseñados para adquirir exclusivamente información y no para desarrollar las competencias matemáticas de los estudiantes. The theory of the Conjuntos-T applied to the development of the competition of mathematical modeling In this article we want to present parts of the theory of joint-T and how it is applied in higher education to develop the competence of mathematical modeling subjects. We explain how the theory can develop the skills of students. This theory is a response to the problems of learning of mathematics that originate in the curriculum designed to acquire information and not only to develop the math skills of students. A teoria de Conjuntos-T aplicada ao desenvolvimento da concorrência  modelagem matemática Neste artigo, nos queremos apresentar algumas noções da teoria dos conjuntos-T e como ela é aplicada na docência, de ensino superior, para desenvolver a competência da modelagem matemática. Nos vamos explicar como a teoria pode desenvolver as habilidades dos alunos. Esta teoria é uma resposta para os problemas de ensino e aprendizagem da matemática que se originam nos programas curriculares destinados a adquirir somente informação e não para desenvolver as habilidades matemáticas dos alunos.

  5. Modeling and simulation of the feedwater system, associated controller and interface with the user for the SUN-RAH nucleo electric plants university student simulator; Modelado y simulacion del sistema de agua de alimentacion, controlador asociado e interfaz con el usuario para el simulador universitario de nucleoelectricas SUN-RAH

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanchez B, A. [Laboratorio de Analisis de Ingenieria de Reactores Nucleares, DEPFI Campus Morelos, en IMTA Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    The simulation process of the component systems of the feedwater of a nucleo electric plant is presented, using several models of reduced order that represent the diverse elements that compose the systems like: the heaters of feedwater, the condenser, the feedwater pump, etc. The integration of the same ones in one simulative structure, and the development of a platform that to give the appearance of to be executed in continuous time, it is the objective of the feedwater simulator, as well as of the SUN-RAH simulator, of which is part. The simulator uses models of reduced order that respond to the observed behavior of a nuclear plant of BWR type. Likewise, it is presented a model of a flow controller of feedwater that will be the one in charge of regulating the demand of the system according to the characteristics and criticize restrictions of safety and controllability, assigned according to those wanted parameters of performance of this system inside the nucleo electric plant. The integration of these models, the adaptation of the variables and parameters, are presented in a way that the integration with the other ones models of the remaining systems of the plant (reactor, steam lines, turbine, etc.), be direct and coherent with the principles of thermodynamic cycles relative to this type of generation plants. The design of those graphic interfaces and the environment where the simulator works its are part of those developments of this work. The reaches and objectives of the simulator complement the description of the simulator. (Author)

  6. Modelado y Simulación de un Sistema Conjunto de Energía Solar y Eólica para Analizar su Dependencia de la Red Eléctrica

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    M. Mikati


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este artículo se presenta un estudio de la transferencia de energía entre sistemas híbridos de energía renovable y la red eléctrica, para cubrir ciertas demandas de potencia. Se analiza con detalle el sistema de suministro para dos modelos de demanda, una vivienda y una pequeña industria o comercio, utilizando sistemas renovables de pequeña escala situados cerca del usuario, con conexión a la red eléctrica. Se han modelizado y simulado cada uno de los sistemas: tanto los recursos naturales solar y eólico, como el sistema fotovoltaico y el aerogenerador de pequeña escala, así como las demandas, incluyendo en todos ellos efectos no considerados en la literatura. Es decir, se ha desarrollado una plataforma de simulación con todos los elementos, que permite analizar el mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos y la dependencia de la red eléctrica para distintas configuraciones, en función de la relación entre las demandas y los recursos renovables. También permite analizar el dimensionamiento de los recursos. El criterio utilizado para la evaluación es la transferencia de energía con la red y la contribución de la red eléctrica a la demanda (compra-venta, con los correspondientes gastos y pérdidas asociados. Abstract: This study presents an analysis of the power transfer between a small-scale hybrid renewable energy system and the electricity grid to cover some power demands. The renewable energy supply system consists of a small-scale wind turbine and a photovoltaic array located close to the power demand. Power generators and the demand are connected to the electricity grid and the potential of selling excess power back to the grid or buying it if needed is assumed to exist. Two types of power demands are simulated: a large housing area and a small factory. Detailed models are implemented for a small-scale wind turbine and a photovoltaic array, as well as for the wind and solar resources. Simulation results are

  7. Implementation in free software of the PWR type university nucleo electric simulator (SU-PWR)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valle H, J.; Hidago H, F.; Morales S, J.B.


    Presently work is shown like was carried out the implementation of the University Simulator of Nucleo-electric type PWR (SU-PWR). The implementation of the simulator was carried out in a free software simulation platform, as it is Scilab, what offers big advantages that go from the free use and without cost of the product, until the codes modification so much of the system like of the program with the purpose of to improve it or to adapt it to future routines and/or more advanced graphic interfaces. The SU-PWR shows the general behavior of a PWR nuclear plant (Pressurized Water Reactor) describing the dynamics of the plant from the generation process of thermal energy in the nuclear fuel, going by the process of energy transport toward the coolant of the primary circuit the one which in turn transfers this energy to the vapor generators of the secondary circuit where the vapor is expanded by means of turbines that in turn move the electric generator producing in this way the electricity. The pressurizer that is indispensable for the process is also modeled. Each one of these stages were implemented in scicos that is the Scilab tool specialized in the simulation. The simulation was carried out by means of modules that contain the differential equation that mathematically models each stage or equipment of the PWR plant. The result is a series of modules that based on certain entrances and characteristic of the system they generate exits that in turn are the entrance to other module. Because the SU-PWR is an experimental project in early phase, it is even work and modifications to carry out, for what the models that are presented in this work can vary a little the being integrated to the whole system to simulate, but however they already show clearly the operation and the conformation of the plant. (Author)

  8. Implementación de un mantenimiento basado en la condición usando modelado y simulación: caso de estudio de un motor sin-crónico de imanes permanentes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jabid Quiroga Méndez


    Full Text Available Este artículo introduce la arquitectura de un CBM (mantenimiento basado en la condición en una aplicación eléctrica. La detección de fallas de manera oportuna y eficiente constituye uno de los retos más importantes asociados al CBM y el enfoque basado en modelos en el medio para conseguirlo. Un caso de estudio en un motor sincrónico de imanes permanentes (PMSM es ejecutado para ilustrar cómo el modelado es utilizado en la implementación de un CBM. El monitoreo fue implementado en tiempo real usando Matlab® y dSpace®. Se emplea como indicadora de falla la diferencia entre los valores de la componente secuencial negativa para las corrientes predichas usando una red neuronal multicapa y la corriente obtenida del motor. Resultados experimentales demostraron la efectividad del modelo propuesto en la detección de la falla de cortocircuito en el estator en distintos niveles de severidad y carga, obteniendo una confiabilidad en la detección mayor al 95%.

  9. Simulation of the Application Layer in NarrowBand Networks with Conditional Data Injection XML Scheme Based on Universal Data Generator

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ondrej Vondrous


    Full Text Available In this article, we would like to deal with challenges and analysis approaches in the area of narrow band communication networks. Especially those networks which use TCP/IP protocol family. We also present a new universal data generator for OMNeT++ simulation environment. We created this generator to satisfy the evaluation, stress testing and benchmarking demands of more and more complex industrial and the Internet of Things networks. We also present the methods for evaluation and comparison of results obtained from simulated and real TCP/IP based networks in this article.

  10. Construction of the Hunveyor-Husar space probe model system for planetary science education and analog studies and simulations in universities and colleges of Hungary. (United States)

    Bérczi, Sz.; Hegyi, S.; Hudoba, Gy.; Hargitai, H.; Kokiny, A.; Drommer, B.; Gucsik, A.; Pintér, A.; Kovács, Zs.

    Several teachers and students had the possibility to visit International Space Camp in the vicinity of the MSFC NASA in Huntsville Alabama USA where they learned the success of simulators in space science education To apply these results in universities and colleges in Hungary we began a unified complex modelling in planetary geology robotics electronics and complex environmental analysis by constructing an experimental space probe model system First a university experimental lander HUNVEYOR Hungarian UNiversity surVEYOR then a rover named HUSAR Hungarian University Surface Analyser Rover has been built For Hunveyor the idea and example was the historical Surveyor program of NASA in the 1960-ies for the Husar the idea and example was the Pathfinder s rover Sojouner rover The first step was the construction of the lander a year later the rover followed The main goals are 1 to build the lander structure and basic electronics from cheap everyday PC compatible elements 2 to construct basic experiments and their instruments 3 to use the system as a space activity simulator 4 this simulator contains lander with on board computer for works on a test planetary surface and a terrestrial control computer 5 to harmonize the assemblage of the electronic system and instruments in various levels of autonomy from the power and communication circuits 6 to use the complex system in education for in situ understanding complex planetary environmental problems 7 to build various planetary environments for application of the

  11. Modelado, Identificación y Control de Actuadores Lineales Electroneumáticos. Aplicación en Plataforma de Dos Grados de Libertad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Ernesto Rubio


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un método de análisis y diseño de un controlador para actuadores lineales electro-neumáticos. El análisis del modelo físico de estos sistemas se hace con un nuevo enfoque: considerando la diferencia entre las constantes de tiempo de las cámaras del cilindro y el subdimensionado del carrete de la válvula, obteniendo como resultado un modelo que describe de forma más precisa la dinámica de estos sistemas. El modelo es validado con la identificación experimental por tramos de un sistema electro-neumático de pruebas. Luego, partiendo del modelo, se propone el diseño de un controlador lineal por ubicación de polos cuyo desempeño se verifica en la planta de pruebas. Finalmente, este método de análisis y diseño es aplicado en una plataforma industrial electro-neumática de dos grados de libertad (simulador de conducción, ofreciendo resultados satisfactorios. Palabras clave: Sistema electro-neumático, modelado, identificación en lazo cerrado, control

  12. TRNSYS coupled with previs for simulation and sizing of solar water heating system: University Campus as case study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dkiouak, R.; Ahachad, M.


    A solar plant for hot-water production was investigated by the dynamic simulation code TRNSYS coupled with PREVIS code. Typical daily university campus consumption for a 240 students was considered. The hot-water demand temperature (45 degree centigrade) is controlled by a conventional fuel auxiliary heater and a tempering valve. The fluids circulate by pumps activated by electricity. Annual energy performance, in terms of solar fraction, was calculated for Tangier.(Author)

  13. Emisión Acústica y Redes Neuronales para Modelado y Caracterización del Proceso de Soldadura por Fricción Agitación

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    Emilio Jiménez Macías


    Full Text Available Resumen: En esta investigación se realiza un análisis para el modelado y la caracterización de los parámetros del proceso de soldadura por fricción agitación (FSW a partir de las señales vibro-acústicas generadas por el proceso. El modelo se basa en una red neuronal empleada para predecir los parámetros del proceso de soldadura a partir de la medición on-line de las señales generadas durante su ejecución. En los ensayos se han soldado chapas de aluminio AA1050 H24 con 3 mm de espesor, y las señales del proceso de soldadura han sido adquiridas empleando un sistema de adquisición NI USB-9234. Como entradas para el modelo basado en la Red Neuronal Artificial (RNA se han empleado parámetros de caracterización de las señales a partir de la señal temporal y su descomposición a partir de la aplicación de Transformada Wavelet. Como salidas del modelo se han escogido los parámetros del proceso: velocidad de rotación, avance y diseño de la herramienta. Se ha empleado una red multicapas feed-forward, estudiándose diferentes topologías y algoritmos de entrenamiento. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de la comparación de los datos experimentales y los estimados por la RNA, demuestran la validez del modelo obtenido a partir de las investigaciones, el cual abre la puerta a avances en el control automático de los parámetros del proceso a partir de las señales vibro-acústicas, como línea natural de continuidad para futuras investigaciones. Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the correlation between acoustic emission (AE signals and the main parameters of friction stir welding (FSW process, based on artificial neural networks (ANN. The AE signals have been acquired by the data acquisition instrument NI USB-9234, applied during the welding process carried out on plates of 3 mm thick of aluminium AA1050 alloy. Statistical and temporal parameters of discomposed EA signals using Wavelet Transform (WT have been used as input

  14. Modelling and simulation of the steam line, the high and low pressure turbines and the pressure regulator for the SUN-RAH nucleo electric university simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez R, A.


    In the following article the development of a simulator that allows to represent the dynamics of the following systems: steam line, nozzle, vapor separator, reheater, high pressure turbine, low pressure turbine, power generator and the pressure regulator of a nucleo electric power station. We start from the supposition that this plant will be modeled from a nuclear reactor type BWR (Boiling Water Reactor), using models of reduced order that represent the more important dynamic variables of the physical processes that happen along the steam line until the one generator. To be able to carry out the simulation in real time the Mat lab mathematical modeling software is used, as well as the specific simulation tool Simulink. It is necessary to point out that the platform on which the one is executed the simulator is the Windows operating system, to allow the intuitive use that only this operating system offers. The above-mentioned obeys to that the objective of the simulator it is to help the user to understand some of the dynamic phenomena that are present in the systems of a nuclear plant, and to provide a tool of analysis and measurement of variables to predict the desirable behavior of the same ones. The model of a pressure controller for the steam lines, the high pressure turbine and the low pressure turbine is also presented that it will be the one in charge of regulating the demand of the system according to the characteristics and critic restrictions of safety and control, assigned according to those wanted parameters of performance of this system inside the nucleo electric plant. This simulator is totally well defined and it is part of the University student nucleo electric simulator with Boiling Water Reactor (SUN-RAH), an integral project and of greater capacity. (Author)


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    María Verónica Leiva Guerrero


    Full Text Available Este artículo forma parte de una de las investigaciones desarrolladas dentro del Proyecto de Mejoramiento Institucional (PMI UCV1203 de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, que busca promover la realización de estudios de alta calidad, relevantes entre universidad y sistema escolar, para orientar la formación inicial docente. El objetivo de este estudio consiste en determinar la eficacia de una intervención docente para el trabajo de contenidos procedimentales (inferencias en la comprensión lectora. Con este objetivo se propone un estudio evaluativo, con dos fases de naturaleza cuantitativa y cualitativa, donde participaron un docente de aula y 20 alumnos de un segundo año básico de un colegio particular subvencionado de la comuna de Valparaíso, Chile. Los resultados permitieron observar que un enfoque constructivista de enseñanza y aprendizaje para la comprensión lectora que propicia el desarrollo de contenidos procedimentales (inferencia, con una concepción interactiva de la lectura, facilita la formación de lectores activos que comprenden la información que leen.  Palabras clave: Intervención Docente. Contenidos Procedimentales. Inferencia. Comprensión Lectora. Modelado.


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    Mercè Gisbert Cervera


    Full Text Available This paper consists of a reflection on how the technological environments can play a key role in the current Higher Education scene. This reflection observes the structural configuration and the key agents of the educational process. The content is developed firstly locating the student in the University of the 21st century; the methodological renovation is analyzed from two perspectives: the development of the technologies and the new role of teacher and student in this new scene; finally the simulations in technological environments are proposed as a valuable strategy to give response to the formative needs of the student in the current society.

  17. Modelling and simulation of multi spindle drilling redundant SCARA robot using SolidWorks and MATLAB/SimMechanics

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    Saravana Mohan Mariappan


    Full Text Available Los robots son sistemas electromecánicos que necesitan enfoque mecatrónico antes de fabricarlos, esto con el fin de reducir el costo de desarrollo. En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo intento de modelado PRRP (prismáticos-revoluto-revoluto-prismático, una configuración redundante SCARA (Brazo robótico articulado de respuesta selectiva, herramienta de perforación milti-eje (MSDT usando el software CAD de SolidWorks y el estudio dinámico con la ayuda de MATLAB/SimMechanics de perforación. Un SCARA con MSDT se utiliza para perforar varios agujeros en las placas de circuito impreso (PCB y la chapa metálica. En este trabajo, el modelo de CAD 3D del robot propuesto se convierte en un diagrama de bloque SimMechanics exportando a MATLAB/SimMechanics segunda generación de tecnología de modelado y simulación. Entonces se realiza una simulación SimMechanics y utilizando su capacidad de detección de movimiento la velocidad de parámetros dinámicos y la torsión del manipulador se observa la estructura del robot variable modificado. Los resultados de la simulación indican un cambio considerable en el rendimiento dinámico para diferentes parámetros de diseño.

  18. Methods of Thrust Allocation in a DP Simulation System of Maritime University of Szczecin

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    Zalewski Paweł


    Full Text Available Vessels conducting dynamic positioning (DP operations are usually equipped with thruster configurations that enable generation of resultant force and moment in any direction. These configurations are deliberately redundant in order to reduce the consequences of thruster failures and increase the safety. On such vessels a thrust allocation system must be used to distribute the control actions determined by the DP controller among the thrusters. The optimal allocation of thrusters′ settings in DP systems is a problem that can be solved by several convex optimization methods depending on criteria and constraints used. The paper presents linear programming (LP and quadratic programming (QP methods adopted in DP control model which is being developed in Maritime University of Szczecin for ship simulation purposes.

  19. Universal block diagram based modeling and simulation schemes for fractional-order control systems. (United States)

    Bai, Lu; Xue, Dingyü


    Universal block diagram based schemes are proposed for modeling and simulating the fractional-order control systems in this paper. A fractional operator block in Simulink is designed to evaluate the fractional-order derivative and integral. Based on the block, the fractional-order control systems with zero initial conditions can be modeled conveniently. For modeling the system with nonzero initial conditions, the auxiliary signal is constructed in the compensation scheme. Since the compensation scheme is very complicated, therefore the integrator chain scheme is further proposed to simplify the modeling procedures. The accuracy and effectiveness of the schemes are assessed in the examples, the computation results testify the block diagram scheme is efficient for all Caputo fractional-order ordinary differential equations (FODEs) of any complexity, including the implicit Caputo FODEs. Copyright © 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Simulations of ultra-high energy cosmic rays in the local Universe and the origin of cosmic magnetic fields (United States)

    Hackstein, S.; Vazza, F.; Brüggen, M.; Sorce, J. G.; Gottlöber, S.


    We simulate the propagation of cosmic rays at ultra-high energies, ≳1018 eV, in models of extragalactic magnetic fields in constrained simulations of the local Universe. We use constrained initial conditions with the cosmological magnetohydrodynamics code ENZO. The resulting models of the distribution of magnetic fields in the local Universe are used in the CRPROPA code to simulate the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We investigate the impact of six different magneto-genesis scenarios, both primordial and astrophysical, on the propagation of cosmic rays over cosmological distances. Moreover, we study the influence of different source distributions around the Milky Way. Our study shows that different scenarios of magneto-genesis do not have a large impact on the anisotropy measurements of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. However, at high energies above the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK)-limit, there is anisotropy caused by the distribution of nearby sources, independent of the magnetic field model. This provides a chance to identify cosmic ray sources with future full-sky measurements and high number statistics at the highest energies. Finally, we compare our results to the dipole signal measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory. All our source models and magnetic field models could reproduce the observed dipole amplitude with a pure iron injection composition. Our results indicate that the dipole is observed due to clustering of secondary nuclei in direction of nearby sources of heavy nuclei. A light injection composition is disfavoured, since the increase in dipole angular power from 4 to 8 EeV is too slow compared to observation by the Pierre Auger Observatory.

  1. El modelado familiar y el papel educativo de los padres en la etiología del consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes

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    Pons Diez Javier


    Full Text Available FUNDAMENTO: Se pretende determinar las relaciones existentes entre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas por parte de los adolescentes y dos variables psicosociales: el consumo alcohólico de los otros miembros del sistema familiar y las estrategias educativas paternas. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionó una muestra de 1.100 adolescentes de ambos sexos, de edades comprendidas entre los 15 y los 19 años en la ciudad de Valencia. Se evaluaron a través de los instrumentos pertinentes tres variables: a estrategias paternas de socialización familiar; b percepción del adolescente respecto al consumo de siete tipos de bebidas alcohólicas en los miembros de su familia; y c consumo de siete tipos diferentes de bebidas alcohólicas por parte de los adolescentes en los fines de semana. RESULTADOS: Una vez aplicado el análisis de varianza, se detectó que el consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes está significativamente relacionado con el consumo de los otros miembros de su familia, y con la utilización por parte de los padres de estrategias educativas basadas principalmente en la reprobación y en la ausencia de comprensión y afecto. CONCLUSIONES: Se infiere la necesidad de implicar a los padres en los procesos preventivos a fin de crear un ambiente familiar positivo y además ofrecer a los hijos un modelado racional y controlado en el uso familiar de bebidas alcohólicas. La prevención debería incluir a los padres como un agente central de la intervención.

  2. Simulation of the Universal-Time Diurnal Variation of the Global Electric Circuit Charging Rate (United States)

    Mackerras, D.; Darvenzia, M.; Orville, R. E.; Williams, E. R.; Goodman, S. J.


    A global lightning model that includes diurnal and annual lightning variation, and total flash density versus latitude for each major land and ocean, has been used as the basis for simulating the global electric circuit charging rate. A particular objective has been to reconcile the difference in amplitude ratios [AR=(max-min)/mean] between global lightning diurnal variation (AR approx. = 0.8) and the diurnal variation of typical atmospheric potential gradient curves (AR approx. = 0.35). A constraint on the simulation is that the annual mean charging current should be about 1000 A. The global lightning model shows that negative ground flashes can contribute, at most, about 10-15% of the required current. For the purpose of the charging rate simulation, it was assumed that each ground flash contributes 5 C to the charging process. It was necessary to assume that all electrified clouds contribute to charging by means other than lightning, that the total flash rate can serve as an indirect indicator of the rate of charge transfer, and that oceanic electrified clouds contribute to charging even though they are relatively inefficient in producing lightning. It was also found necessary to add a diurnally invariant charging current component. By trial and error it was found that charging rate diurnal variation curves in Universal time (UT) could be produced with amplitude ratios and general shapes similar to those of the potential gradient diurnal variation curves measured over ocean and arctic regions during voyages of the Carnegie Institute research vessels.

  3. Análisis y modelado del generador de inducción doblemente alimentado. Analysis and Modeling of Doubly Fed Induction Generators.

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    Lesyani T. León Viltre


    Full Text Available Uno de los generadores eólicos de velocidad variable más utilizados en la actualidad es el generador de inducción doblemente alimentado (DFIG. En el presente trabajo se presenta un esquema de control del DFIG. El convertidor de potencia del lado de la red es modelado y controlado usando el vector de tensión orientado a los ejes dq, lo que garantiza que con la componente del eje d de la corriente se pueda controlar la potencia activa y, por consiguiente, la tensión del bus DC. La componente del eje q es forzada a cero para mantener un factor de potencia unitario. En el convertidor del lado del rotor se utiliza un control orientado al flujo del estator. Para la sincronización con la red se utiliza un método novedoso basado en el método GDSC-PLL (Generalizad delayed signal cancellation. Además, se presenta un análisis del comportamiento del DFIG, ante huecos de tensión.  One of the variable speed wind turbines most commonly used today is the doubly feed induction generator(DFIG.A control scheme of DFIG is discussed in this paper. The power converter connected to the grid side (bus is modeled and controlled using voltage vectororiented dq reference frame, whichguarantees that the active power can be controlled by the daxiscurrent component and consequently the DC bus voltage. The qaxis component is forced to be zero in order to ensurethe unitary power factor. Astator flux oriented control in the rotor circuit converter is used.A novel GDSC-PLL method is used in order to achieve an efficient synchronization with the grid.Onthe order hand, this paper presents an analysis about the DFIG (Double Feed Induction Generator behavior during voltages sags.

  4. Análisis y modelado del generador de inducción doblemente alimentado; Analysis and Modeling of Doubly Fed Induction Generators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lesyani T- León Viltre


    Full Text Available Uno de los generadores eólicos de velocidad variable más utilizados en la actualidad es el generador de inducción doblemente alimentado (DFIG. En el presente trabajo se presenta un esquema de control del DFIG. El convertidor de potencia del lado de la red es modelado y controlado usando el vector de tensión orientado a los ejes dq, lo que garantiza que con la componente del eje d de la corriente se pueda controlar la potencia activa y, por consiguiente, la tensión del bus DC. La componente del eje q es forzada a cero para mantener un factor de potencia unitario. En el convertidor del lado del rotor se utiliza un control orientado al flujo del estator. Para la sincronización con la red se utiliza un método novedoso basado en el método GDSC-PLL (Generalizad delayed signal cancellation. Además, se presenta un análisis del comportamiento del DFIG, ante huecos de tensión. One of the variable speed wind turbines most commonly used today is the doubly feed induction generator(DFIG.A control scheme of DFIG is discussed in this paper. The power converter connected to the grid side (bus is modeled and controlled using voltage vectororiented dq reference frame, whichguarantees that the active power can be controlled by the daxiscurrent component and consequently the DC bus voltage. The qaxis component is forced to be zero in order to ensurethe unitary power factor. Astator flux oriented control in the rotor circuit converter is used.A novel GDSC-PLL method is used in order to achieve an efficient synchronization with the grid.Onthe order hand, this paper presents an analysis about the DFIG (Double Feed Induction Generator behavior during voltages sags

  5. Constrained Local UniversE Simulations: a Local Group factory (United States)

    Carlesi, Edoardo; Sorce, Jenny G.; Hoffman, Yehuda; Gottlöber, Stefan; Yepes, Gustavo; Libeskind, Noam I.; Pilipenko, Sergey V.; Knebe, Alexander; Courtois, Hélène; Tully, R. Brent; Steinmetz, Matthias


    Near-field cosmology is practised by studying the Local Group (LG) and its neighbourhood. This paper describes a framework for simulating the `near field' on the computer. Assuming the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model as a prior and applying the Bayesian tools of the Wiener filter and constrained realizations of Gaussian fields to the Cosmicflows-2 (CF2) survey of peculiar velocities, constrained simulations of our cosmic environment are performed. The aim of these simulations is to reproduce the LG and its local environment. Our main result is that the LG is likely a robust outcome of the ΛCDMscenario when subjected to the constraint derived from CF2 data, emerging in an environment akin to the observed one. Three levels of criteria are used to define the simulated LGs. At the base level, pairs of haloes must obey specific isolation, mass and separation criteria. At the second level, the orbital angular momentum and energy are constrained, and on the third one the phase of the orbit is constrained. Out of the 300 constrained simulations, 146 LGs obey the first set of criteria, 51 the second and 6 the third. The robustness of our LG `factory' enables the construction of a large ensemble of simulated LGs. Suitable candidates for high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of the LG can be drawn from this ensemble, which can be used to perform comprehensive studies of the formation of the LG.

  6. 7th International Workshop on Statistical Simulation

    CERN Document Server

    Mignani, Stefania; Monari, Paola; Salmaso, Luigi


    The Department of Statistical Sciences of the University of Bologna in collaboration with the Department of Management and Engineering of the University of Padova, the Department of Statistical Modelling of Saint Petersburg State University, and INFORMS Simulation Society sponsored the Seventh Workshop on Simulation. This international conference was devoted to statistical techniques in stochastic simulation, data collection, analysis of scientific experiments, and studies representing broad areas of interest. The previous workshops took place in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1994, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005, and 2009. The Seventh Workshop took place in the Rimini Campus of the University of Bologna, which is in Rimini’s historical center.

  7. Medical Simulation Practices 2010 Survey Results (United States)

    McCrindle, Jeffrey J.


    Medical Simulation Centers are an essential component of our learning infrastructure to prepare doctors and nurses for their careers. Unlike the military and aerospace simulation industry, very little has been published regarding the best practices currently in use within medical simulation centers. This survey attempts to provide insight into the current simulation practices at medical schools, hospitals, university nursing programs and community college nursing programs. Students within the MBA program at Saint Joseph's University conducted a survey of medical simulation practices during the summer 2010 semester. A total of 115 institutions responded to the survey. The survey resus discuss overall effectiveness of current simulation centers as well as the tools and techniques used to conduct the simulation activity

  8. Simulation in International Relations Education. (United States)

    Starkey, Brigid A.; Blake, Elizabeth L.


    Discusses the educational implications of simulations in international relations. Highlights include the development of international relations simulations; the role of technology; the International Communication and Negotiation Simulations (ICONS) project at the University of Maryland; evolving information technology; and simulating real-world…

  9. Verification of time-delay interferometry techniques using the University of Florida LISA interferometry simulator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mitryk, Shawn J; Wand, Vinzenz; Mueller, Guido, E-mail: smitryk@phys.ufl.ed, E-mail: mueller@phys.ufl.ed [Department of Physics, University of Florida, PO Box 118440, Gainesville, FL 32611-8440 (United States)


    Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a cooperative NASA/ESA mission proposed to directly measure gravitational waves (GW) in the frequency range from 30 muHz to 1 Hz with an optimal strain sensitivity of 10{sup -21}/sq root(Hz) at 3 mHz. LISA will utilize a modified Michelson interferometer to measure length changes of 40 pm/sq root(Hz) between drag-free proof masses located on three separate spacecraft (SC) separated by a distance of 5 Gm. The University of Florida has developed a hardware-in-the-loop simulator of the LISA constellation to verify the laser noise cancellation technique known as time-delay interferometry (TDI). We replicate the frequency stabilization of the laser on the local SC and the phase-locking of the lasers on the far SC. The laser photodetector beatnotes are electronically delayed, Doppler shifted and applied with a mock GW signal to simulate the laser link between the SC. The beatnotes are also measured with a LISA-like phasemeter and the data are used to extract the laser phase and residual phase-lock loop noise in post-processing through TDI. This uncovers the GW modulation signal buried under the laser noise. The results are then compared to the requirements defined by the LISA science collaboration.

  10. Verifying the Simulation Hypothesis via Infinite Nested Universe Simulacrum Loops (United States)

    Sharma, Vikrant


    The simulation hypothesis proposes that local reality exists as a simulacrum within a hypothetical computer's dimension. More specifically, Bostrom's trilemma proposes that the number of simulations an advanced 'posthuman' civilization could produce makes the proposition very likely. In this paper a hypothetical method to verify the simulation hypothesis is discussed using infinite regression applied to a new type of infinite loop. Assign dimension n to any computer in our present reality, where dimension signifies the hierarchical level in nested simulations our reality exists in. A computer simulating known reality would be dimension (n-1), and likewise a computer simulating an artificial reality, such as a video game, would be dimension (n +1). In this method, among others, four key assumptions are made about the nature of the original computer dimension n. Summations show that regressing such a reality infinitely will create convergence, implying that the verification of whether local reality is a grand simulation is feasible to detect with adequate compute capability. The action of reaching said convergence point halts the simulation of local reality. Sensitivities to the four assumptions and implications are discussed.

  11. Universality of ac conduction in disordered solids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyre, Jeppe; Schrøder, Thomas


    The striking similarity of ac conduction in quite different disordered solids is discussed in terms of experimental results, modeling, and computer simulations. After giving an overview of experiment, a macroscopic and a microscopic model are reviewed. For both models the normalized ac conductivity...... as a function of a suitably scaled frequency becomes independent of details of the disorder in the extreme disorder limit, i.e., when the local randomly varying mobilities cover many orders of magnitude. The two universal ac conductivities are similar, but not identical; both are examples of unusual non......-power-law universalities. It is argued that ac universality reflects an underlying percolation determining dc as well as ac conductivity in the extreme disorder limit. Three analytical approximations to the universal ac conductivities are presented and compared to computer simulations. Finally, model predictions...

  12. Cosmological N -body simulations including radiation perturbations

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Brandbyge, Jacob; Rampf, Cornelius; Tram, Thomas


    CosmologicalN-body simulations are the standard tools to study the emergence of the observed large-scale structure of the Universe. Such simulations usually solve for the gravitational dynamics of matter within the Newtonian approximation, thus discarding general relativistic effects such as the ......CosmologicalN-body simulations are the standard tools to study the emergence of the observed large-scale structure of the Universe. Such simulations usually solve for the gravitational dynamics of matter within the Newtonian approximation, thus discarding general relativistic effects...

  13. 3D Simulation as a Learning Environment for Acquiring the Skill of Self-Management: An Experience Involving Spanish University Students of Education (United States)

    Cela-Ranilla, Jose María; Esteve-Gonzalez, Vanessa; Esteve-Mon, Francesc; Gisbert-Cervera, Merce


    In this study we analyze how 57 Spanish university students of Education developed a learning process in a virtual world by conducting activities that involved the skill of self-management. The learning experience comprised a serious game designed in a 3D simulation environment. Descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests were used in the…

  14. The impact of university provided nurse electronic medical record training on health care organizations: an exploratory simulation approach. (United States)

    Abrahamson, Kathleen; Anderson, James G; Borycki, Elizabeth M; Kushniruk, Andre W; Malovec, Shannon; Espejo, Angela; Anderson, Marilyn


    Training providers appropriately, particularly early in their caregiving careers, is an important aspect of electronic medical record (EMR) implementation. Considerable time and resources are needed to bring the newly hired providers 'up to speed' with the actual use practices of the organization. Similarly, universities lose valuable clinical training hours when students are required to spend those hours learning organization-specific EMR systems in order to participate in care during clinical rotations. Although there are multiple real-world barriers to university/health care organization training partnerships, the investment these entities share in training care providers, specifically nurses, to use and understand EMR technology encourages a question: What would be the cumulative effect of integrating a mutually agreed upon EMR system training program in to nursing classroom training on downstream hospital costs in terms of hours of direct caregiving lost, and benefits in terms of number of overall EMR trained nurses hired? In order to inform the development of a large scale study, we employed a dynamic systems modeling approach to simulate the theoretical relationships between key model variables and determine the possible effect of integrating EMR training into nursing classrooms on hospital outcomes. The analysis indicated that integrating EMR training into the nursing classroom curriculum results in more available time for nurse bedside care. Also, the simulation suggests that efficiency of clinical training can be potentially improved by centralizing EMR training within the nursing curriculum.

  15. Numerical cosmology: Revealing the universe using computers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Centrella, J.; Matzner, R.A.; Tolman, B.W.


    In this paper the authors present two research projects which study the evolution of different periods in the history of the universe using numerical simulations. The first investigates the synthesis of light elements in an inhomogeneous early universe dominated by shocks and non-linear gravitational waves. The second follows the evolution of large scale structures during the later history of the universe and calculates their effect on the 3K background radiation. Their simulations are carried out using modern supercomputers and make heavy use of multidimensional color graphics, including film to elucidate the results. Both projects provide the authors the opportunity to do experiments in cosmology and assess their results against fundamental cosmological observations

  16. Universality of dark matter haloes shape over six decades in mass: insights from the Millennium XXL and SBARBINE simulations (United States)

    Bonamigo, Mario; Despali, Giulia; Limousin, Marceau; Angulo, Raul; Giocoli, Carlo; Soucail, Geneviève


    For the last 30 yr many observational and theoretical evidences have shown that galaxy clusters are not spherical objects, and that their shape is much better described by a triaxial geometry. With the advent of multiwavelength data of increasing quality, triaxial investigations of galaxy clusters is gathering a growing interest from the community, especially in the time of `precision cosmology'. In this work, we aim to provide the first statistically significant predictions in the unexplored mass range above 3 × 1014 M⊙h-1, using haloes from two redshift snapshots (z = 0 and z = 1) of the Millennium XXL simulation. The size of this cosmological dark matter-only simulation (4.1 Gpc) allows the formation of a statistically significant number of massive cluster scale haloes (≈500 with M > 2× 1015 M⊙ h-1, and 780 000 with M > 1014 M⊙ h-1). Besides, we aim to extend this investigation to lower masses in order to look for universal predictions across nearly six orders of magnitude in mass, from 1010 to almost 1016 M⊙ h-1. For this purpose we use the SBARBINE simulations, allowing us to model haloes of masses starting from ≈1010 M⊙ h-1. We use an elliptical overdensity method to select haloes and compute the shapes of the unimodal ones (approximately 50 per cent), while we discard the more unrelaxed. The minor to major and intermediate to major axis ratio distributions are found to be well described by simple universal functional forms that do not depend on cosmology or redshift. Our results extend the findings of Jing & Suto to a higher precision and a wider range of mass. This `recipe' is made available to the community in this paper and in a dedicated web page.

  17. Simulation Techniques That Work. (United States)

    Beland, Robert M.


    At the University of Florida, simulated experiences with disabled clients help bridge the gap between coursework and internships for recreation therapy students. Actors from the university's drama department act out the roles of handicapped persons, who are interviewed by therapy students. (PP)

  18. Superconducting Machines at the Technical University of Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jensen, Bogi Bech; Abrahamsen, Asger Bech; Mijatovic, Nenad


    Two high temperature superconducting (HTS) machine prototypes constructed at the Technical University of Denmark are presented. The construction process is presented and the excellent agreement between simulation results and experimental results are presented for one of the prototypes.......Two high temperature superconducting (HTS) machine prototypes constructed at the Technical University of Denmark are presented. The construction process is presented and the excellent agreement between simulation results and experimental results are presented for one of the prototypes....

  19. High Level Architecture Distributed Space System Simulation for Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization Simulation Smackdown (United States)

    Li, Zuqun


    Modeling and Simulation plays a very important role in mission design. It not only reduces design cost, but also prepares astronauts for their mission tasks. The SISO Smackdown is a simulation event that facilitates modeling and simulation in academia. The scenario of this year s Smackdown was to simulate a lunar base supply mission. The mission objective was to transfer Earth supply cargo to a lunar base supply depot and retrieve He-3 to take back to Earth. Federates for this scenario include the environment federate, Earth-Moon transfer vehicle, lunar shuttle, lunar rover, supply depot, mobile ISRU plant, exploratory hopper, and communication satellite. These federates were built by teams from all around the world, including teams from MIT, JSC, University of Alabama in Huntsville, University of Bordeaux from France, and University of Genoa from Italy. This paper focuses on the lunar shuttle federate, which was programmed by the USRP intern team from NASA JSC. The shuttle was responsible for provide transportation between lunar orbit and the lunar surface. The lunar shuttle federate was built using the NASA standard simulation package called Trick, and it was extended with HLA functions using TrickHLA. HLA functions of the lunar shuttle federate include sending and receiving interaction, publishing and subscribing attributes, and packing and unpacking fixed record data. The dynamics model of the lunar shuttle was modeled with three degrees of freedom, and the state propagation was obeying the law of two body dynamics. The descending trajectory of the lunar shuttle was designed by first defining a unique descending orbit in 2D space, and then defining a unique orbit in 3D space with the assumption of a non-rotating moon. Finally this assumption was taken away to define the initial position of the lunar shuttle so that it will start descending a second after it joins the execution. VPN software from SonicWall was used to connect federates with RTI during testing

  20. The Use of Simulation Business Games in University Education


    Z. Birknerova


    Rapid and deep changes in economics and business environment along with the dynamic development of computer art and communication technologies represent the main factors identifying the development in the area of simulation business games. These games may be considered a strange, content-determined group of simulation games. The description of their content specialties, basic elements, and possibilities of their use are the essence of our report. In the conclusion we present a short research ...

  1. Wear promoted in the apical third of simulated canals after instrumentation with protaper universal system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kathrein Tapia da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the wear in the apical third of simulate canals after preparation with ProTaper Universal Rotary System. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 24 sets of instruments were used in 24 simulated canals in transparent epoxy resin blocks with degree of curvature of either 20°or 40°. The canals were photographed preoperatively and after preparation of the apical stop with ProTaper F3, F4 and F5 instruments. The initial and final images were exported to Adobe Photoshop® software and superimposed to detect the root canal wall differences (in mm between them, in two points located 1 (A and 5 (B mm from the point where the working length was established. Data were subjected to analysis of variance to verify the existence of interaction among the factors: canal curvature, instrument size and curve location. Significant level was set at 5%. RESULTS: Regardless of the location and the canal curvature, F4 and F5 instruments produced the greatest wear (p<0.05. CONCLUSIONS: There was a deviation from the original pathway towards the outside of the root curvature in both analyzed points. All instruments produced canal transportation, but the F4 and F5 instruments produced more than the other instruments, and should thus be used with care in curved canals.

  2. Robots Móviles con Orugas Historia, Modelado, Localización y Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramón González


    Full Text Available Resumen: Uno de los campos de aplicación más significativos de la robótica móvil consiste en robots capaces de operar en condiciones exteriores sobre terrenos no preparados (robots planetarios, robots en agricultura, robot en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate, robots militares, etc.. Sin embargo, conseguir que los robots se muevan de forma eficiente y precisa en este tipo de entornos no es una tarea sencilla. Un primer aspecto crítico es el sistema de locomoción. En este caso, las orugas constituyen una alternativa sólida a otro tipo de sistemas y desde principios del siglo XX han demostrado sus bondades en vehículos tripulados. En este artículo se motiva y se demuestra mediante pruebas reales la idoneidad de este tipo de locomoción para robots móviles en terrenos no preparados. Es importante remarcar que este artículo pretende ser un resumen extendido del libro recientemente publicado por los autores “Autonomous Tracked Robots in Planar Off-Road Conditions” (González et al., 2014, y, por lo tanto, no pretende ser una contribución original. Inicialmente se presenta una perspectiva histórica de los vehículos y los robots con orugas. Posteriormente se discuten los aspectos de modelado con especial mención al fenomeno del deslizamiento. A continuación, se analizan varias estrategias de localización, en particular, la odometria visual. También se analiza el aspecto del control de navegación, para ello se analizan varias estrategias con compensación del deslizamiento. Finalmente se expresan las conclusiones del trabajo en base a la experiencia de los autores en este campo. Abstract: One of the most significant research field in mobile robotics deals with robots operating in off-road conditions (planetary rovers, agriculture robots, search and rescue operations, military robots, etc.. However, obtaining a successful result is not an easy task. One primary point is the

  3. A universal postprocessing toolkit for accelerator simulation and data analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Borland, M.


    The Self-Describing Data Sets (SDDS) toolkit comprises about 70 generally-applicable programs sharing a common data protocol. At the Advanced Photon Source (APS), SDDS performs the vast majority of operational data collection and processing, most data display functions, and many control functions. In addition, a number of accelerator simulation codes use SDDS for all post-processing and data display. This has three principle advantages: first, simulation codes need not provide customized post-processing tools, thus simplifying development and maintenance. Second, users can enhance code capabilities without changing the code itself, by adding SDDS-based pre- and post-processing. Third, multiple codes can be used together more easily, by employing SDDS for data transfer and adaptation. Given its broad applicability, the SDDS file protocol is surprisingly simple, making it quite easy for simulations to generate SDDS-compliant data. This paper discusses the philosophy behind SDDS, contrasting it with some recent trends, and outlines the capabilities of the toolkit. The paper also gives examples of using SDDS for accelerator simulation

  4. Simulation experiences of paramedic students: a cross-cultural examination

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    Williams B


    Full Text Available Brett Williams,1 Chloe Abel,1 Eihab Khasawneh,2 Linda Ross,1 Tracy Levett-Jones31Department of Community Emergency Health & Paramedic Practice, Monash University, Frankston, Victoria, Australia; 2Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan; 3School of Nursing and Midwifery, The University of Newcastle, Callaghan, New South Wales, AustraliaBackground: Simulation-based education is an important part of paramedic education and ­training. While accessing clinical placements that are adequate in quality and quantity continues to be challenging, simulation is being recognized by paramedic academics as a potential alternative. Examining students’ satisfaction of simulation, particularly cross-culturally is therefore important in providing feedback to academic teaching staff and the international paramedic community.Objective: This study aimed to compare simulation satisfaction among paramedic students from universities in Australia and Jordan.Methods: A cross-sectional study using a paper-based English version of the Satisfaction with Simulation Experience Scale was administered to paramedic students from all year levels.Results: A total of 511 students participated in this study; 306 students (60% from Australia (Monash University and 205 students (40% from Jordan (Jordan University of Science and Technology. There were statistically significant differences with large effect size noted in all three original factors between Australian and Jordanian students: debrief and feedback (mean =38.66 vs mean =34.15; P<0.001; d=0.86, clinical reasoning (mean =21.32 vs mean =18.28; P<0.001; d=0.90, and clinical learning (mean =17.59 vs mean =15.47; P<0.001; d=1.12.Conclusion: This study has demonstrated that simulation education is generally well received by students in Australia and Jordan although Australian students reported having higher satisfaction levels then their Jordanian counterparts. These results

  5. Microcomputer Simulated CAD for Engineering Graphics. (United States)

    Huggins, David L.; Myers, Roy E.


    Describes a simulated computer-aided-graphics (CAD) program at The Pennsylvania State University. Rationale for the program, facilities, microcomputer equipment (Apple) used, and development of a software package for simulating applied engineering graphics are considered. (JN)

  6. Black-hole universe: time evolution. (United States)

    Yoo, Chul-Moon; Okawa, Hirotada; Nakao, Ken-ichi


    Time evolution of a black hole lattice toy model universe is simulated. The vacuum Einstein equations in a cubic box with a black hole at the origin are numerically solved with periodic boundary conditions on all pairs of faces opposite to each other. Defining effective scale factors by using the area of a surface and the length of an edge of the cubic box, we compare them with that in the Einstein-de Sitter universe. It is found that the behavior of the effective scale factors is well approximated by that in the Einstein-de Sitter universe. In our model, if the box size is sufficiently larger than the horizon radius, local inhomogeneities do not significantly affect the global expansion law of the Universe even though the inhomogeneity is extremely nonlinear.

  7. 20th Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance

    CERN Document Server

    Bez, Wolfgang; Focht, Erich; Patel, Nisarg; Kobayashi, Hiroaki


    The book presents the state of the art in high-performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It explores general trends in hardware and software development, and then focuses specifically on the future of high-performance systems and heterogeneous architectures. It also covers applications such as computational fluid dynamics, material science, medical applications and climate research and discusses innovative fields like coupled multi-physics or multi-scale simulations. The papers included were selected from the presentations given at the 20th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance at the HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany in December 2015, and the subsequent Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance at Tohoku University in February 2016.

  8. Monte Carlo and analytic simulations in nanoparticle-enhanced radiation therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paro AD


    Full Text Available Autumn D Paro,1 Mainul Hossain,2 Thomas J Webster,1,3,4 Ming Su1,4 1Department of Chemical Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA; 2NanoScience Technology Center and School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA; 3Excellence for Advanced Materials Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 4Wenzhou Institute of Biomaterials and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science, Wenzhou Medical University, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China Abstract: Analytical and Monte Carlo simulations have been used to predict dose enhancement factors in nanoparticle-enhanced X-ray radiation therapy. Both simulations predict an increase in dose enhancement in the presence of nanoparticles, but the two methods predict different levels of enhancement over the studied energy, nanoparticle materials, and concentration regime for several reasons. The Monte Carlo simulation calculates energy deposited by electrons and photons, while the analytical one only calculates energy deposited by source photons and photoelectrons; the Monte Carlo simulation accounts for electron–hole recombination, while the analytical one does not; and the Monte Carlo simulation randomly samples photon or electron path and accounts for particle interactions, while the analytical simulation assumes a linear trajectory. This study demonstrates that the Monte Carlo simulation will be a better choice to evaluate dose enhancement with nanoparticles in radiation therapy. Keywords: nanoparticle, dose enhancement, Monte Carlo simulation, analytical simulation, radiation therapy, tumor cell, X-ray 

  9. From binary black hole simulation to triple black hole simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bai Shan; Cao Zhoujian; Han, Wen-Biao; Lin, Chun-Yu; Yo, Hwei-Jang; Yu, Jui-Ping


    Black hole systems are among the most promising sources for a gravitational wave detection project. Now, China is planning to construct a space-based laser interferometric detector as a follow-on mission of LISA in the near future. Aiming to provide some theoretical support to this detection project on the numerical relativity side, we focus on black hole systems simulation in this work. Considering the globular galaxy, multiple black hole systems also likely to exist in our universe and play a role as a source for the gravitational wave detector we are considering. We will give a progress report in this paper on our black hole system simulation. More specifically, we will present triple black hole simulation together with binary black hole simulation. On triple black hole simulations, one novel perturbational method is proposed.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Orejas Valdés


    Full Text Available

    El lenguaje unificado de modelado (Unified Modeling Language, UML es un lenguaje de modelado estándar para problemas generales, sin embargo, es necesario extenderlo para dominios específicos como puede ser el caso de determinadas arquitecturas. Aquí se presenta una extensión mediante un perfil para una arquitectura de componentes y conectores genéricos.

  11. Tools to probe the universe; Des outils pour sonder l'univers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lagage, P.O.; Augueres, J.L.; Amiaux, J.; Cara, Ch.; Fontignie, J.; Rio, Y.; Fermon, C.; Pannetier-Lecoeur, M.; De Vismes, A.; Cordier, B.; Fesquet, M.; Ferrando, Ph.; Authier, M.; Pantin, E.; Glicenstein, J.F.; Boulade, O.; Refregier, A.; Stolarczyk, Th.; Agnese, P.; Rodriguez, L.; Agnese, P.; Pigot, C.; Duband, L.; Limousin, O.; Delagnes, E.; Turck-Chieze, S.; Carton, P.H.; Starck, J.L.; Bournaud, F.; Teyssier, R.; Audit, E.; Brun, A.S.; Leca, P.; Menache, Ch.; Pomarede, D.; Thooris, B.; Meis, C.


    This special issue of Clefs CEA journal is entirely devoted to astrophysics and to the exploration and probing of the Universe. The second part of this dossier, described here, makes a status of the tools used to probe the universe: telescopes, imaging spectrometers, data processing and simulation. Content: A - Telescopes of the future: 1. Seeing further out: JWST: looking back on a past 13 billion years old, Space specifics: the learning curve to know-how, Fabricating a corona-graph mask, SVOM, a satellite to detect the explosions of the first stars to be formed in the Universe; 2. Seeing more precisely: SIMBOL-X, pioneering formation flying, ELT/METIS, a 42-meter giant, One hundred telescopes for the CTA arrays; 3. Seeing wider: Euclid, mapping the extragalactic sky, ANTARES: the neutrino, another cosmic messenger; B - The new generation of imaging spectrometers: Observing the Universe in the submillimeter spectral region, The X-ray Universe, Space cryo-coolers, Out in the extreme, tumultuous Universe, Probing the Sun with GOLF-NG, Focus: From light to imagery; C - Data analysis in astrophysics; D - Numerical simulation in astrophysics: Information technology and theoretical predictions in astrophysics, Supercomputers for a better understanding of the Universe, The visualization of astrophysical simulations, Godunov, a numerical platform for education and research

  12. Information system for strategic planning the university sustainable development

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drevs, Yu.G.


    Issues of designing the information system which helps the University principal's office to take decisions as concerns the strategic planning are discussed. The importance of having the University simulation model is emphasized; model representation in terms of system dynamics is given [ru

  13. Climate change negotiation simulations for students: responses across gender and age.A case study: San Francisco State University World Climate Exercises (United States)

    Rasheva, E. A.


    For decades, role-play and simulation exercises have been utilized for learning and policy decision making. While the power of Model UN simulations in building first-person experience and understanding of complex international issues is well known, the effectiveness of simulations for inspiring citizen engagement in scientific public-policy issues is little studied. My work hypothesizes that climate-change negotiation simulations can enhance students' scientific literacy and policy advocacy. It aims to determine how age and gender influence the responsiveness of students to such simulations. During the 2015 fall semester, I am conducting World Climate exercises for fellow graduate and undergraduate students at San Francisco State University. At the end of the exercise, I will have collected the responses to an anonymous questionnaire in which the participants indicate age and gender. The questionnaire asks participants to describe their hopes and fears for the future and to propose public and personal actions for achieving a strong climate change agreement. I am tracking differences to determine whether participants' age and gender correlate with particular patterns of feeling and thinking. My future research will aim to determine whether and how strongly the World Climate Exercise has affected participants' actual policy engagement. This work will also reflect on my experiences as a World Climate facilitator. I will describe the facilitation process and then discuss some of my observations from the sessions. I will specify the challenges I have encountered and suggest strategies that can strengthen the learning process. World Climate is a computer-simulation-based climate change negotiations role-playing exercise developed by Climate Interactive in partnership with the System Dynamics Group at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

  14. Three-dimensional modeling and virtual TRIGA reconfigure for specialized training; Modelado 3D y TRIGA virtual reconfigurable para entrenamiento especializado

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Plata M, A. C.; Morales S, J. B.; Flores, M. [Facultad de Ingenieria, Division de Estudios de Posgrado, Campus Morelos, UNAM, Paseo Cuauhnahuac 8532, Col. Progreso, 62550 Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)], e-mail:


    The news products that have been realized for the training virtual room which is developing in the Engineering Faculty of National Autonomous University of Mexico are presented. These improvements are mainly in modeling of virtual reality of the reactor building, as well as internal parts of reactor. It was modified the dynamic modeling of control rods of reaction in chain and included new elements to reactor. which exist not necessarily in all the TRIGA, but that, for educational purposes are highly useful. Such is the case of addition of valves, pumps, tanks, injection lines of light or borated water, as well as a heat exchanger, with it can recycle only pool water from side to other, or to extract energy toward a secondary controller from the operator console. The models of heat decay were included, of subcooled and nucleated boiling of coolant-moderator in the core, the dynamics of xenon and samarium. These last with independent multipliers of simulation time to allow variations very fast that real time. All these additions modify the coolant-moderator characteristics and consequently the answer of simulator. The controls are separated in: an operator console (student) very similar to the real systems, another of instructor that has additional access to parameters not directly measurement in the facilities but that allow to modify the system to illustrate another not easily possible effects in the real system. The traveling crane is also modeled and is controlled in a third console from where can to replacement to reactor as well as to add or to replacement: intakes and discharges of coolant circulators, measuring instruments, reflectors and neutron sources. The dynamic models have been tested in SCILAB and SCICOS. At present is working in the integration of the dynamic simulator and the virtual reality mainly with the design requirement of allowing functions of increased reality. (Author)

  15. The influence of simulated clinical use on the flexibility of rotary ProTaper Universal, K3 and EndoSequence nickel-titanium instruments. (United States)

    Viana, A C D; Pereira, E S J; Bahia, M G A; Buono, V T L


    To investigate the influence of cyclic flexural and torsional loading on the flexibility of ProTaper Universal, K3 and EndoSequence nickel-titanium instruments, in view of the hypothesis that these types of loading would decrease the flexibility of the selected NiTi rotary files. The instruments evaluated were S2 and F1 ProTaper Universal, sizes 20 and 25, .06 taper K3, and sizes 20 and 25, .06 taper EndoSequence. Flexibility was determined by 45° bending tests according to ISO 3630-1 specification. Values of the bending moment (MB ) obtained with new instruments were considered as the control group (CG). Bending tests were then conducted in instruments previously fatigued to one-fourth and three-fourths of their average fatigue life (fatigue groups, FG¼ and FG¾), as well as after cyclic torsional loading (torsional group, TG). Fatigue tests were carried out in a bench device that allowed the files to rotate freely inside an artificial canal with an angle of curvature of 45° and a radius of 5 mm. Cyclic torsional loading tests were performed that entailed rotating the instrument from zero angular deflection to 180° and then returning to zero applied torque in 20 cycles. Data were analysed using one-way analysis of variance at a significance level of 5%. Simulated clinical use by means of flexural fatigue tests did not affect the flexibility of the instruments, except for a significant increase in flexibility observed in a few instruments (P instruments and after cyclic torsional loading showed no significant differences between them (P > 0.05). The flexibility of rotary ProTaper Universal, K3 and EndoSequence NiTi instruments, measured in bending tests, was not adversely affected by simulated clinical use in curved root canals. © 2013 International Endodontic Journal. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Massively parallel quantum computer simulator

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    De Raedt, K.; Michielsen, K.; De Raedt, H.; Trieu, B.; Arnold, G.; Richter, M.; Lippert, Th.; Watanabe, H.; Ito, N.


    We describe portable software to simulate universal quantum computers on massive parallel Computers. We illustrate the use of the simulation software by running various quantum algorithms on different computer architectures, such as a IBM BlueGene/L, a IBM Regatta p690+, a Hitachi SR11000/J1, a Cray

  17. Universal properties of relaxation and diffusion in condensed matter

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ngai K L


    By and large the research communities today are not fully aware of the remarkable universality in the dynamic properties of many-body relaxation/diffusion processes manifested in experiments and simulations on condensed matter with diverse chemical compositions and physical structures. I shall demonstrate the universality first from the dynamic processes in glass-forming systems. This is reinforced by strikingly similar properties of different processes in contrasting interacting systems all having nothing to do with glass transition. The examples given here include glass-forming systems of diverse chemical compositions and physical structures, conductivity relaxation of ionic conductors (liquid, glassy, and crystalline), translation and orientation ordered phase of rigid molecule, and polymer chain dynamics. Universality is also found in the change of dynamics when dimension is reduced to nanometer size in widely different systems. The remarkable universality indicates that many-body relaxation/diffusion is governed by fundamental physics to be unveiled. One candidate is classical chaos on which the coupling model is based, Universal properties predicted by this model are in accord with diverse experiments and simulations. (paper)

  18. Experience of computer technology usage within university training for future specialists of nuclear power plants under «the university-enterprise» program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Semenov, V.K.; Vol'man, M.A.; Zhuravleva, V.S.


    The article deals with the aspects of training program for future specialists of nuclear power plants. This program is realized at NPP Department of Ivanovo State University and Kalinin NPP. The usage of computer and simulation modeling at the university are the main components of this concept [ru

  19. Lenguaje específico de dominio para aplicaciones de modelación glaciológica


    Gel, Matías; Urciuolo, Adriana Beatriz; Iturraspe, Rodolfo Javier


    Las aplicaciones de software de modelado de la naturaleza se caracterizan por la complejidad propia de la información y procesos ambientales. Se requiere un nivel de abstracción adecuado y flexibilidad para la modelación de los procesos naturales. Algunas limitaciones del software del dominio provienen del uso de herramientas y lenguajes que carecen de facilidades para representar los conceptos particulares de estas aplicaciones. El Modelado específico del dominio (DSM) propone elevar el nive...

  20. Didáctica de la literatura: ¿cómo se contagia la literatura?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Federico Altamirano Flores


    Full Text Available El artículo tiene como objetivo proponer una estrategia de contagio de la literatura para la intervención práctica en la educación literaria de los estudiantes. Se propone el modelado estético como una estrategia pertinente para transmitir la pasión por la literatura. La propuesta se sustenta en la teoría del contagio literario, la pedagogía dialogante y la estética general. La formulación de la estrategia se inspira, por un lado, en el modelado cognitivo de Bandura y, por el otro, en las experiencias pedagógicas del escritor Vladimir Nabokov, quien ejerció la educación literaria con mucho éxito. A partir del análisis de las clases y testimonios de Nabokov, se elabora el modelado estético con sus respectivos procedimientos didácticos. Esta estrategia puede ser una alternativa didáctica para educar la sensibilidad literaria de los estudiantes.

  1. A Simulation Technique for Three-Dimensional Mechanical Systems Using Universal Software Systems of Analysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. A. Trudonoshin


    Full Text Available The article proposes a technique to develop mathematical models (MM of elements of the three-dimensional (3D mechanical systems for universal simulation software systems that allow us automatically generate the MM of a system based on MM elements and their connections. The technique is based on the MM of 3 D body. Linear and angular velocities are used as the main phase variables (unknown in the MM of the system, linear and angular movements are used as the additional ones, the latter being defined by the normalized quaternions that have computational advantages over turning angles.The paper has considered equations of dynamics, formulas of transition from the global coordinate system to the local one and vice versa. A spherical movable joint is presented as an example of the interaction element between the bodies. The paper shows the MM equivalent circuits of a body and a spherical joint. Such a representation, as the equivalent circuit, automatically enables us to obtain topological equations of the system. Various options to build equations of the joint and advices for their practical use are given.

  2. Geneva University - Cancelled

    CERN Multimedia

    Université de Genève


    École de physique - Département de physique nucléaire et corspusculaire 24, quai Ernest-Ansermet 1211 GENEVA 4 Tel: (022) 379 62 73 - Fax: (022) 379 69 92 Monday 19 April 2010 17h00 - Stückelberg Auditorium Into the darkness: Simulating the distribution of dark matter in our Universe Prof. Volker Springel - Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies   THE COLLOQUIUM IS CANCELLED. Prof. Markus Büttiker

  3. Reminiscence of CFD simulation; CFD simulation no omoide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shimamoto, Y. [University of Shiga Prefecture, Shiga (Japan)


    Upon graduation from university, the author began studying internal combustion engines, and has been engaged in the numerical analysis of gas flows for 45 years. His graduation study involved the measurement of velocity distribution at the turbine nozzle outlet in the subsonic domain. When he was in the internal engine laboratory of the graduate school, Mentor Fujio Nagao presented him with an essay of E. Jenny on the characteristic curve method, that is, a writing on the numerical analysis of gas flows in the exhaust system of a pulse operation engine. From that time onward, he has been involved with numerical simulation in this field. Some seniors of his gave him various advice about his way too much inclined toward numerical calculation. But the author believes that, as far as one is interested in numerical analysis and does not refrain from touching things, new discoveries related to engineering will occur at the same probability, whether one is absorbed in experiment or in simulation. In the study of simulation, although the engineers concerned are supposed to make propositions on practical programs for prediction that may be applicable to various fields well as to seek for new schemes, it is desired that cooperative studies between industries and universities will become real that are open to the public. (NEDO)

  4. Simulation Exploration Experience 2018 Overview (United States)

    Paglialonga, Stephen; Elfrey, Priscilla; Crues, Edwin Z.


    The Simulation Exploration Experience (SEE) joins students, industry, professional associations, and faculty together for an annual modeling and simulation (M&S) challenge. SEE champions collaborative collegiate-level modeling and simulation by providing a venue for students to work in highly dispersed inter-university teams to design, develop, test, and execute simulated missions associated with space exploration. Participating teams gain valuable knowledge, skills, and increased employability by working closely with industry professionals, NASA, and faculty advisors. This presentation gives and overview of the SEE and the upcoming 2018 SEE event.

  5. Universal emergence of PageRank

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Frahm, K M; Georgeot, B; Shepelyansky, D L, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Laboratoire de Physique Theorique du CNRS, IRSAMC, Universite de Toulouse, UPS, 31062 Toulouse (France)


    The PageRank algorithm enables us to rank the nodes of a network through a specific eigenvector of the Google matrix, using a damping parameter {alpha} Element-Of ]0, 1[. Using extensive numerical simulations of large web networks, with a special accent on British University networks, we determine numerically and analytically the universal features of the PageRank vector at its emergence when {alpha} {yields} 1. The whole network can be divided into a core part and a group of invariant subspaces. For {alpha} {yields} 1, PageRank converges to a universal power-law distribution on the invariant subspaces whose size distribution also follows a universal power law. The convergence of PageRank at {alpha} {yields} 1 is controlled by eigenvalues of the core part of the Google matrix, which are extremely close to unity, leading to large relaxation times as, for example, in spin glasses. (paper)

  6. Universal emergence of PageRank

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Frahm, K M; Georgeot, B; Shepelyansky, D L


    The PageRank algorithm enables us to rank the nodes of a network through a specific eigenvector of the Google matrix, using a damping parameter α ∈ ]0, 1[. Using extensive numerical simulations of large web networks, with a special accent on British University networks, we determine numerically and analytically the universal features of the PageRank vector at its emergence when α → 1. The whole network can be divided into a core part and a group of invariant subspaces. For α → 1, PageRank converges to a universal power-law distribution on the invariant subspaces whose size distribution also follows a universal power law. The convergence of PageRank at α → 1 is controlled by eigenvalues of the core part of the Google matrix, which are extremely close to unity, leading to large relaxation times as, for example, in spin glasses. (paper)

  7. Trident: A Universal Tool for Generating Synthetic Absorption Spectra from Astrophysical Simulations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hummels, Cameron B. [TAPIR, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Smith, Britton D. [San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego, CA 92121 (United States); Silvia, Devin W. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 (United States)


    Hydrodynamical simulations are increasingly able to accurately model physical systems on stellar, galactic, and cosmological scales; however, the utility of these simulations is often limited by our ability to directly compare them with the data sets produced by observers: spectra, photometry, etc. To address this problem, we have created trident, a Python-based open-source tool for post-processing hydrodynamical simulations to produce synthetic absorption spectra and related data. trident can (i) create absorption-line spectra for any trajectory through a simulated data set mimicking both background quasar and down-the-barrel configurations; (ii) reproduce the spectral characteristics of common instruments like the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph; (iii) operate across the ultraviolet, optical, and infrared using customizable absorption-line lists; (iv) trace simulated physical structures directly to spectral features; (v) approximate the presence of ion species absent from the simulation outputs; (vi) generate column density maps for any ion; and (vii) provide support for all major astrophysical hydrodynamical codes. trident was originally developed to aid in the interpretation of observations of the circumgalactic medium and intergalactic medium, but it remains a general tool applicable in other contexts.

  8. Trident: A Universal Tool for Generating Synthetic Absorption Spectra from Astrophysical Simulations (United States)

    Hummels, Cameron B.; Smith, Britton D.; Silvia, Devin W.


    Hydrodynamical simulations are increasingly able to accurately model physical systems on stellar, galactic, and cosmological scales; however, the utility of these simulations is often limited by our ability to directly compare them with the data sets produced by observers: spectra, photometry, etc. To address this problem, we have created trident, a Python-based open-source tool for post-processing hydrodynamical simulations to produce synthetic absorption spectra and related data. trident can (I) create absorption-line spectra for any trajectory through a simulated data set mimicking both background quasar and down-the-barrel configurations; (II) reproduce the spectral characteristics of common instruments like the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph; (III) operate across the ultraviolet, optical, and infrared using customizable absorption-line lists; (IV) trace simulated physical structures directly to spectral features; (v) approximate the presence of ion species absent from the simulation outputs; (VI) generate column density maps for any ion; and (vii) provide support for all major astrophysical hydrodynamical codes. trident was originally developed to aid in the interpretation of observations of the circumgalactic medium and intergalactic medium, but it remains a general tool applicable in other contexts.

  9. Trident: A Universal Tool for Generating Synthetic Absorption Spectra from Astrophysical Simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hummels, Cameron B.; Smith, Britton D.; Silvia, Devin W.


    Hydrodynamical simulations are increasingly able to accurately model physical systems on stellar, galactic, and cosmological scales; however, the utility of these simulations is often limited by our ability to directly compare them with the data sets produced by observers: spectra, photometry, etc. To address this problem, we have created trident, a Python-based open-source tool for post-processing hydrodynamical simulations to produce synthetic absorption spectra and related data. trident can (i) create absorption-line spectra for any trajectory through a simulated data set mimicking both background quasar and down-the-barrel configurations; (ii) reproduce the spectral characteristics of common instruments like the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph; (iii) operate across the ultraviolet, optical, and infrared using customizable absorption-line lists; (iv) trace simulated physical structures directly to spectral features; (v) approximate the presence of ion species absent from the simulation outputs; (vi) generate column density maps for any ion; and (vii) provide support for all major astrophysical hydrodynamical codes. trident was originally developed to aid in the interpretation of observations of the circumgalactic medium and intergalactic medium, but it remains a general tool applicable in other contexts.

  10. Universal scaling in sports ranking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Weibing; Li Wei; Cai Xu; Bulou, Alain; Wang Qiuping A


    Ranking is a ubiquitous phenomenon in human society. On the web pages of Forbes, one may find all kinds of rankings, such as the world's most powerful people, the world's richest people, the highest-earning tennis players, and so on and so forth. Herewith, we study a specific kind—sports ranking systems in which players' scores and/or prize money are accrued based on their performances in different matches. By investigating 40 data samples which span 12 different sports, we find that the distributions of scores and/or prize money follow universal power laws, with exponents nearly identical for most sports. In order to understand the origin of this universal scaling we focus on the tennis ranking systems. By checking the data we find that, for any pair of players, the probability that the higher-ranked player tops the lower-ranked opponent is proportional to the rank difference between the pair. Such a dependence can be well fitted to a sigmoidal function. By using this feature, we propose a simple toy model which can simulate the competition of players in different matches. The simulations yield results consistent with the empirical findings. Extensive simulation studies indicate that the model is quite robust with respect to the modifications of some parameters. (paper)

  11. Herramientas colaborativas multiplataforma en la enseñanza de la ingeniería de software


    Neil, Carlos; De Vincenzi, Marcelo; Battaglia, Nicolás; Martínez, Roxana


    En el uso de herramientas CASE (Computer Aided Software Engineering) como soporte de modelado para la enseñanza de la ingeniería de software, suelen utilizarse productos comerciales de uso profesional o herramientas de modelado de acceso libre no tan comunes en el mercado. Surge entonces la necesidad de contar con herramientas CASE que permitan asistir al alumno a adquirir y afianzar los contenidos académicos desarrollados dentro de un espacio que facilite tanto a sus pares como al docente co...

  12. UAICase: integración de un entorno académico con una herramienta CASE en una plataforma virtual colaborativa


    Battaglia, Nicolás; Neil, Carlos; De Vincenzi, Marcelo; Martínez, Roxana


    En el uso de herramientas CASE como soporte de modelado para la enseñanza de la ingeniería de software, suelen utilizarse productos comerciales de uso profesional muy complejos o herramientas de modelado de acceso libre no tan comunes en el mercado. Surge entonces la necesidad de contar con herramientas CASE que permitan asistir al alumno a adquirir y afianzar los contenidos académicos desarrollados dentro de un espacio que facilite tanto a sus pares como al docente colaborar entre sí, sin...

  13. Computer-Based Simulation Games in Public Administration Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kutergina Evgeniia


    Full Text Available Computer simulation, an active learning technique, is now one of the advanced pedagogical technologies. Th e use of simulation games in the educational process allows students to gain a firsthand understanding of the processes of real life. Public- administration, public-policy and political-science courses increasingly adopt simulation games in universities worldwide. Besides person-to-person simulation games, there are computer-based simulations in public-administration education. Currently in Russia the use of computer-based simulation games in Master of Public Administration (MPA curricula is quite limited. Th is paper focuses on computer- based simulation games for students of MPA programmes. Our aim was to analyze outcomes of implementing such games in MPA curricula. We have done so by (1 developing three computer-based simulation games about allocating public finances, (2 testing the games in the learning process, and (3 conducting a posttest examination to evaluate the effect of simulation games on students’ knowledge of municipal finances. Th is study was conducted in the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE and in the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA during the period of September to December 2015, in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Two groups of students were randomly selected in each university and then randomly allocated either to the experimental or the control group. In control groups (n=12 in HSE, n=13 in RANEPA students had traditional lectures. In experimental groups (n=12 in HSE, n=13 in RANEPA students played three simulation games apart from traditional lectures. Th is exploratory research shows that the use of computer-based simulation games in MPA curricula can improve students’ outcomes by 38 %. In general, the experimental groups had better performances on the post-test examination (Figure 2. Students in the HSE experimental group had 27.5 % better

  14. Hardware Accelerated Simulated Radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laney, D; Callahan, S; Max, N; Silva, C; Langer, S; Frank, R


    We present the application of hardware accelerated volume rendering algorithms to the simulation of radiographs as an aid to scientists designing experiments, validating simulation codes, and understanding experimental data. The techniques presented take advantage of 32 bit floating point texture capabilities to obtain validated solutions to the radiative transport equation for X-rays. An unsorted hexahedron projection algorithm is presented for curvilinear hexahedra that produces simulated radiographs in the absorption-only regime. A sorted tetrahedral projection algorithm is presented that simulates radiographs of emissive materials. We apply the tetrahedral projection algorithm to the simulation of experimental diagnostics for inertial confinement fusion experiments on a laser at the University of Rochester. We show that the hardware accelerated solution is faster than the current technique used by scientists

  15. Dynamic simulation of urban hybrid electric vehicles; Dynamische Simulation von Stadthybridfahrzeugen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Winke, Florian; Bargende, Michael [Stuttgart Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Verbrennungsmotoren und Kraftfahrwesen (IVK)


    As a result of the rising requirements on the development process of modern vehicles, simulation models for the prediction of fuel efficiency have become an irreplaceable tool in the automotive industry. Especially for the design of hybrid electric drivetrains, the increasingly short development cycles can only be met by the use of efficient simulation models. At the IVK of the University of Stuttgart, different approaches to simulating the longitudinal dynamics of hybrid electric vehicles were analysed and compared within the presented project. The focus of the investigations was on urban operation. The objective was to develop a hybrid vehicle concept that allows an equitable comparison with pure battery electric vehicles. (orig.)

  16. Modeling and simulation of the generation automatic control of electric power systems; Modelado y simulacion del control automatico de generacion de sistemas electricos de potencia

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caballero Ortiz, Ezequiel


    This work is devoted to the analysis of the Automatic Control of Electrical Systems Generation of power, as of the information that generates the loop with Load-Frequency Control and the Automatic Voltage Regulator loop. To accomplish the analysis, the control classical theory and feedback control systems concepts are applied. Thus also, the modern theory concepts are employed. The studies are accomplished in the digital computer through the MATLAB program and the available simulation technique in the SIMULINK tool. In this thesis the theoretical and physical concepts of the automatic control of generation are established; dividing it in load frequency control and automatic voltage regulator loops. The mathematical models of the two control loops are established. Later, the models of the elements are interconnected in order to integrate the loop with load frequency control and the digital simulation of the system is carried out. In first instance, the function of the primary control in are - machine, area - multi machine and multi area - multi machine power systems, is analyzed. Then, the automatic control of generation of the area and multi area power systems is studied. The economic dispatch concept is established and with this plan the power system multi area is simulated, there in after the energy exchange among areas in stationary stage is studied. The mathematical models of the component elements of the control loop of the automatic voltage regulator are interconnected. Data according to the nature of each component are generated and their behavior is simulated to analyze the system response. The two control loops are interconnected and a simulation is carry out with data generated previously, examining the performance of the automatic control of generation and the interaction between the two control loops. Finally, the Poles Positioning and the Optimum Control techniques of the modern control theory are applied to the automatic control of an area generation

  17. Labotratory Simulation Experiments of Cometary Plasma


    MINAMI, S.; Baum, P. J.; Kamin, G.; White, R. S.; 南, 繁行


    Laboratory simulation experiment to study the interaction between a cometary plasma and the solar wind has been performed using the UCR-T 1 space simulation facility at the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, the University of California, Riverside. Light emitting plasma composed of Sr, Ba and/or C simulating cometary coma plasma is produced by a plasma emitter which interacts with intense plasma flow produced by a co-axial plasma gun simulating the solar wind. The purpose of this ...

  18. Invariance and universality in social agent-based simulations (United States)

    Cioffi-Revilla, Claudio


    Agent-based simulation models have a promising future in the social sciences, from political science to anthropology, economics, and sociology. To realize their full scientific potential, however, these models must address a set of key problems, such as the number of interacting agents and their geometry, network topology, time calibration, phenomenological calibration, structural stability, power laws, and other substantive and methodological issues. This paper discusses and highlights these problems and outlines some solutions. PMID:12011412

  19. Construction and simulation of a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer at the University of Notre Dame

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schultz, B.E., E-mail:; Kelly, J.M.; Nicoloff, C.; Long, J.; Ryan, S.; Brodeur, M.


    One of the most significant problems in the production of rare isotopes is the simultaneous production of contaminants, often time isobaric. Thus, a high-resolution beam purification method is required which needs to be compatible with both the low yield and short half-life of the desired radionuclide. A multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer meets all these criteria, in addition to boasting a smaller footprint relative to traditional separator dipole magnets. Such a device is currently under construction at the University of Notre Dame and is intended to be coupled to the IG-ISOL source of the planned cyclotron facility. The motivation and conceptual design are presented, as well as the status of simulations to determine the feasibility of using a Bradbury–Nielsen gate for bunching ion beams during initial system testing.

  20. Rainfall simulation in education (United States)

    Peters, Piet; Baartman, Jantiene; Gooren, Harm; Keesstra, Saskia


    Rainfall simulation has become an important method for the assessment of soil erosion and soil hydrological processes. For students, rainfall simulation offers an year-round, attractive and active way of experiencing water erosion, while not being dependent on (outdoors) weather conditions. Moreover, using rainfall simulation devices, they can play around with different conditions, including rainfall duration, intensity, soil type, soil cover, soil and water conservation measures, etc. and evaluate their effect on erosion and sediment transport. Rainfall simulators differ in design and scale. At Wageningen University, both BSc and MSc student of the curriculum 'International Land and Water Management' work with different types of rainfall simulation devices in three courses: - A mini rainfall simulator (0.0625m2) is used in the BSc level course 'Introduction to Land Degradation and Remediation'. Groups of students take the mini rainfall simulator with them to a nearby field location and test it for different soil types, varying from clay to more sandy, slope angles and vegetation or litter cover. The groups decide among themselves which factors they want to test and they compare their results and discuss advantage and disadvantage of the mini-rainfall simulator. - A medium sized rainfall simulator (0.238 m2) is used in the MSc level course 'Sustainable Land and Water Management', which is a field practical in Eastern Spain. In this course, a group of students has to develop their own research project and design their field measurement campaign using the transportable rainfall simulator. - Wageningen University has its own large rainfall simulation laboratory, in which a 15 m2 rainfall simulation facility is available for research. In the BSc level course 'Land and Water Engineering' Student groups will build slopes in the rainfall simulator in specially prepared containers. Aim is to experience the behaviour of different soil types or slope angles when (heavy) rain

  1. Propuesta de un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje para la asignatura Diseño de Software como proceso de software

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lund, María Inés


    Full Text Available La cátedra Diseño de Software se dicta actualmente en 4º año de las carreras del Departamento de Informática de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (FCEFN de la Universidad Nacional de San Juan (UNSJ. Esta materia se enfoca principalmente al Diseño Orientado a Objetos (DOO, brindando conceptos y conocimientos desarrollados en forma teórica y con un fuerte componente práctico, de todos los diagramas de modelado de software que provee el Lenguaje de Modelado Unificado (UML, con el fin de comprender acabadamente el objetivo que se persigue con cada uno de ellos y en qué casos es conveniente o útil aplicarlos. El presente trabajo se sustenta de la experiencia adquirida en la práctica aplicada para la enseñanza de DOO, utilizando UML para el modelado, donde las actividades prácticas abarcan desde el análisis hasta llegar a una propuesta de diseño de implementación. Se presenta un modelo de proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, como proceso de software, y los artefactos utilizados para guiar al alumno en la resolución de un problema de desarrollo de software específico, utilizando para su especificación el lenguaje de metamodelado de procesos SPEM 2.0 y para generar el modelado del proceso de software la herramienta Eclipse Process Framework Composer (EPFC.

  2. Computer-Based Simulation Games in Public Administration Education


    Kutergina Evgeniia


    Computer simulation, an active learning technique, is now one of the advanced pedagogical technologies. Th e use of simulation games in the educational process allows students to gain a firsthand understanding of the processes of real life. Public- administration, public-policy and political-science courses increasingly adopt simulation games in universities worldwide. Besides person-to-person simulation games, there are computer-based simulations in public-administration education. Currently...

  3. nIFTy galaxy cluster simulations II: radiative models

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Sembolini, F


    Full Text Available Valerio 2, I-34127 Trieste, Italy 12Physics Department, University of the Western Cape, Cape Town 7535, Sotuh Africa 13Physics Department, University of Western Cape, Bellville, Cape Town 7535, South Africa 14South African Astronomical Observatory, PO Box...IFTy cluster comparison project (Sembolini et al., 2015): a study of the latest state-of- the-art hydrodynamical codes using simulated galaxy clusters as a testbed for theories of galaxy formation. Simulations are indis- pensable tools in the interpretation...

  4. Una propuesta para incorporar más semántica de los modelos al código generado


    Pérez Lovelle, Sonia; Cue Galindo, Julio C.; Hernández Perenzuela, Alexei; Arredondo López, Andry; Recio Nápoles, Luis R.; Carnero González, Frances


    Actualmente hay un amplio uso del paradigma Model Driven Architecture (MDA) para la generación de código a partir de modelos, pues esto garantiza menores tiempos de desarrollo y de puesta a punto. Los modelos creados a partir de los diagramas del Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (UML) son de amplia utilización teniendo en cuenta que se trata de un estándar y además, la gran cantidad de herramientas de modelado que existen para ello. Cada diagrama de UML es un punto de vista diferente del sistem...

  5. Generación automática de aplicaciones web móviles mediante componentes configurables


    Vera, Pablo Martín; Pons, Claudia; González, Carina; Rodríguez, Rocío Andrea; Giulianelli, Daniel Alberto


    Teniendo como objetivo final la generación completa del código fuente de una aplicación, se ha desarrollado CBDHM (Metodología de Modelado Hipermedia Basada en Componentes). Esta metodología está basada en UML (Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado) y permite diseñar y construir aplicaciones web móviles utilizando dos modelos: el modelo de datos y el modelo de interfaz de usuario. El modelo de datos está basado en el diagrama de clases UML extendido para poder generar la base de datos y sus relacion...

  6. Hardware-Accelerated Simulated Radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laney, D; Callahan, S; Max, N; Silva, C; Langer, S.; Frank, R


    We present the application of hardware accelerated volume rendering algorithms to the simulation of radiographs as an aid to scientists designing experiments, validating simulation codes, and understanding experimental data. The techniques presented take advantage of 32-bit floating point texture capabilities to obtain solutions to the radiative transport equation for X-rays. The hardware accelerated solutions are accurate enough to enable scientists to explore the experimental design space with greater efficiency than the methods currently in use. An unsorted hexahedron projection algorithm is presented for curvilinear hexahedral meshes that produces simulated radiographs in the absorption-only regime. A sorted tetrahedral projection algorithm is presented that simulates radiographs of emissive materials. We apply the tetrahedral projection algorithm to the simulation of experimental diagnostics for inertial confinement fusion experiments on a laser at the University of Rochester

  7. Design and Realization of Universal Data Interface

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jong-Woo Kim


    Full Text Available KARI studied data interface of Space Applications for developing Space Experimental Instrument in International Space Station, designed, and manufactured the UDIS (International Sapce Station Universal Data Interface simulator according to requirements of the data interface. This paper explains the design and implementation of UDIS for space application. UDIS is the instrument which simulate to interface the data from ISS to experiment module, payload and habitation module and use the development of a experiment system in the space. This simulator will be used to the GSE (Ground Support Equipment for test of experiment system. By realization of the simulator, we ensure data interface skills for a manned-space data communication system.

  8. Relativistic numerical cosmology with silent universes (United States)

    Bolejko, Krzysztof


    Relativistic numerical cosmology is most often based either on the exact solutions of the Einstein equations, or perturbation theory, or weak-field limit, or the BSSN formalism. The silent universe provides an alternative approach to investigate relativistic evolution of cosmological systems. The silent universe is based on the solution of the Einstein equations in 1  +  3 comoving coordinates with additional constraints imposed. These constraints include: the gravitational field is sourced by dust and cosmological constant only, both rotation and magnetic part of the Weyl tensor vanish, and the shear is diagnosable. This paper describes the code simsilun (free software distributed under the terms of the reposi General Public License), which implements the equations of the silent universe. The paper also discusses applications of the silent universe and it uses the Millennium simulation to set up the initial conditions for the code simsilun. The simulation obtained this way consists of 16 777 216 worldlines, which are evolved from z  =  80 to z  =  0. Initially, the mean evolution (averaged over the whole domain) follows the evolution of the background ΛCDM model. However, once the evolution of cosmic structures becomes nonlinear, the spatial curvature evolves from ΩK =0 to ΩK ≈ 0.1 at the present day. The emergence of the spatial curvature is associated with ΩM and Ω_Λ being smaller by approximately 0.05 compared to the ΛCDM.

  9. Monte-Carlo simulation of electromagnetic showers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amatuni, Ts.A.


    The universal ELSS-1 program for Monte Carlo simulation of high energy electromagnetic showers in homogeneous absorbers of arbitrary geometry is written. The major processes and effects of electron and photon interaction with matter, particularly the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect, are taken into account in the simulation procedures. The simulation results are compared with experimental data. Some characteristics of shower detectors and electromagnetic showers for energies up 1 TeV are calculated

  10. Signature for the shape of the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomero, G.I.; Reboucas, M.J.; Teixeira, A.F.F.


    If the universe has a nontrival shape (topology) the sky may show multiple correlated images of cosmic objects. These correlations can be counched in terms of distance correlations. We propose a statistical quantity which can be used to reveal the topological signature of any Roberston-Walker (RW) spacetime with nontrivial topology. We also show through computer-aided simulations how one can extract the topological signatures of flat elliptic and hyperbolic RW universes with nontrivial topology. (author)

  11. Nuclear energy research in Germany 2008. Research centers and universities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tromm, Walter


    This summary report presents nuclear energy research at research centers and universities in Germany in 2008. Activities are explained on the basis of examples of research projects and a description of the situation of research and teaching in general. Participants are the - Karlsruhe Research Center, - Juelich Research Center (FZJ), - Dresden-Rossendorf Research Center (FZD), - Verein fuer Kernverfahrenstechnik und Analytik Rossendorf e.V. (VKTA), - Technical University of Dresden, - University of Applied Sciences, Zittau/Goerlitz, - Institute for Nuclear Energy and Energy Systems (IKE) at the University of Stuttgart, - Reactor Simulation and Reactor Safety Working Group at the Bochum Ruhr University. (orig.)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valeria V. Gribova


    Full Text Available A toolset of a medical computer learning simulator for ophthalmology with virtual reality and its implementation are considered in the paper. The simulator is oriented for professional skills training for students of medical universities

  13. The macroeconomic consequences of renouncing to universal access to antiretroviral treatment for HIV in Africa: a micro-simulation model. (United States)

    Ventelou, Bruno; Arrighi, Yves; Greener, Robert; Lamontagne, Erik; Carrieri, Patrizia; Moatti, Jean-Paul


    Previous economic literature on the cost-effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment (ART) programs has been mainly focused on the microeconomic consequences of alternative use of resources devoted to the fight against the HIV pandemic. We rather aim at forecasting the consequences of alternative scenarios for the macroeconomic performance of countries. We used a micro-simulation model based on individuals aged 15-49 selected from nationally representative surveys (DHS for Cameroon, Tanzania and Swaziland) to compare alternative scenarios : 1-freezing of ART programs to current levels of access, 2- universal access (scaling up to 100% coverage by 2015, with two variants defining ART eligibility according to previous or current WHO guidelines). We introduced an "artificial" ageing process by programming methods. Individuals could evolve through different health states: HIV negative, HIV positive (with different stages of the syndrome). Scenarios of ART procurement determine this dynamics. The macroeconomic impact is obtained using sample weights that take into account the resulting age-structure of the population in each scenario and modeling of the consequences on total growth of the economy. Increased levels of ART coverage result in decreasing HIV incidence and related mortality. Universal access to ART has a positive impact on workers' productivity; the evaluations performed for Swaziland and Cameroon show that universal access would imply net cost-savings at the scale of the society, when the full macroeconomic consequences are introduced in the calculations. In Tanzania, ART access programs imply a net cost for the economy, but 70% of costs are covered by GDP gains at the 2034 horizon, even in the extended coverage option promoted by WHO guidelines initiating ART at levels of 350 cc/mm(3) CD4 cell counts. Universal Access ART scaling-up strategies, which are more costly in the short term, remain the best economic choice in the long term. Renouncing or

  14. Simulation in computer forensics teaching: the student experience


    Crellin, Jonathan; Adda, Mo; Duke-Williams, Emma; Chandler, Jane


    The use of simulation in teaching computing is well established, with digital forensic investigation being a subject area where the range of simulation required is both wide and varied demanding a corresponding breadth of fidelity. Each type of simulation can be complex and expensive to set up resulting in students having only limited opportunities to participate and learn from the simulation. For example students' participation in mock trials in the University mock courtroom or in simulation...

  15. Protostar formation in the early universe. (United States)

    Yoshida, Naoki; Omukai, Kazuyuki; Hernquist, Lars


    The nature of the first generation of stars in the universe remains largely unknown. Observations imply the existence of massive primordial stars early in the history of the universe, and the standard theory for the growth of cosmic structure predicts that structures grow hierarchically through gravitational instability. We have developed an ab initio computer simulation of the formation of primordial stars that follows the relevant atomic and molecular processes in a primordial gas in an expanding universe. The results show that primeval density fluctuations left over from the Big Bang can drive the formation of a tiny protostar with a mass 1% that of the Sun. The protostar is a seed for the subsequent formation of a massive primordial star.

  16. A short introduction to digital simulations in electrochemistry: simulating the Cottrell experiment in NI LabVIEW

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Soma Vesztergom


    Full Text Available A brief introduction to the use of digital simulations in electrochemistry is given by a detailed description of the simulation of Cottrell’s experiment in the LabVIEW programming language. A step-by-step approach is followed and different simulation techniques (explicit and implicit Euler, Runge–Kutta and Crank–Nicolson methods are applied. The applied techniques are introduced and discussed on the basis of Padé approximants. The paper might be found useful by undergraduate and graduate students familiarizing themselves with the digital simulation of electrochemical problems, as well as by university lecturers involved with the teaching of theoretical electrochemistry.

  17. Modelling of the dynamics of the vessel and circuits of recirculation of a BWR type nucleo electric as part of the SUN-RAH university simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez S, R.A.


    In the present project, the development of a model for the dynamics of the process of energy transport generated in the nuclear fuel until the main steam lines of a nucleo electric central with BWR type nuclear reactor, using mathematical models of reduced order is presented. These models present the main characteristics of the reactor vessel and of the recirculation system, defined by the main phenomena that intervene in those physical processes. Likewise, the objective of the general project of the one University student nucleo electric simulator with Boiling Water Reactor (SUN-RAH) for later on to establish the modeling equations for each part of the nuclear reactor as well as of the load pursuit system. Also, its were described the graphic interfaces implemented in an three layers architecture in which the different measuring variables are presented in the monitor. It fits signalize that the advantage presented by the University student nucleo electric simulator is the possibility to carry out changes in the magnitudes of those different variables that intervene in the physical processes made in the one reactor and in the recirculation system in execution time of the same one. Of same way, the creation of a graphic intuitive interface, friendly, and designed with the same technology with the one that the video games are programmed in the present time. Besides all the above mentioned, the pending goals inside of the project are exposed, as well as the developments in construction process or conceptualized to be included in future versions of the simulator. Finally its are thinking about possible scenarios of applications of SUN-RAH, as well as their reaches. (Author)

  18. Adiabatic quantum simulators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. D. Biamonte


    Full Text Available In his famous 1981 talk, Feynman proposed that unlike classical computers, which would presumably experience an exponential slowdown when simulating quantum phenomena, a universal quantum simulator would not. An ideal quantum simulator would be controllable, and built using existing technology. In some cases, moving away from gate-model-based implementations of quantum computing may offer a more feasible solution for particular experimental implementations. Here we consider an adiabatic quantum simulator which simulates the ground state properties of sparse Hamiltonians consisting of one- and two-local interaction terms, using sparse Hamiltonians with at most three-local interactions. Properties of such Hamiltonians can be well approximated with Hamiltonians containing only two-local terms. The register holding the simulated ground state is brought adiabatically into interaction with a probe qubit, followed by a single diabatic gate operation on the probe which then undergoes free evolution until measured. This allows one to recover e.g. the ground state energy of the Hamiltonian being simulated. Given a ground state, this scheme can be used to verify the QMA-complete problem LOCAL HAMILTONIAN, and is therefore likely more powerful than classical computing.

  19. 20th and 21st Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance

    CERN Document Server

    Bez, Wolfgang; Focht, Erich; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Qi, Jiaxing; Roller, Sabine


    The book presents the state of the art in high-performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It covers trends in hardware and software development in general, and the future of high-performance systems and heterogeneous architectures specifically. The application contributions cover computational fluid dynamics, material science, medical applications and climate research. Innovative fields like coupled multi-physics or multi-scale simulations are also discussed. All papers were chosen from presentations given at the 20th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance in December 2014 at the HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany, and the subsequent Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance at Tohoku University in February 2015.  .

  20. Quantum computer gate simulations | Dada | Journal of the Nigerian ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A new interactive simulator for Quantum Computation has been developed for simulation of the universal set of quantum gates and for construction of new gates of up to 3 qubits. The simulator also automatically generates an equivalent quantum circuit for any arbitrary unitary transformation on a qubit. Available quantum ...

  1. Workplace Simulation: An Integrated Approach to Training University Students in Professional Communication (United States)

    Ismail, Norhayati; Sabapathy, Chitra


    In the redesign of a professional communication course for real estate students, a workplace simulation was implemented, spanning the entire 12-week duration of the course. The simulation was achieved through the creation of an online company presence, the infusion of communication typically encountered in the workplace, and an intensive and…

  2. Simulation in teaching regional anesthesia: current perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Udani AD


    Full Text Available Ankeet D Udani,1 T Edward Kim,2,3 Steven K Howard,2,3 Edward R Mariano2,3On behalf of the ADAPT (Anesthesiology-Directed Advanced Procedural Training Research Group1Department of Anesthesiology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA; 2Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA; 3Anesthesiology and Perioperative Care Service, Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA, USAAbstract: The emerging subspecialty of regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine represents an opportunity to evaluate critically the current methods of teaching regional anesthesia techniques and the practice of acute pain medicine. To date, there have been a wide variety of simulation applications in this field, and efficacy has largely been assumed. However, a thorough review of the literature reveals that effective teaching strategies, including simulation, in regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine are not established completely yet. Future research should be directed toward comparative-effectiveness of simulation versus other accepted teaching methods, exploring the combination of procedural training with realistic clinical scenarios, and the application of simulation-based teaching curricula to a wider range of learner, from the student to the practicing physician.Keywords: regional anesthesia, simulation, medical education, ultrasound, nerve block, simulator

  3. Informe científico de investigador: Giner, Sergio Adrián (2011-2012)


    Giner, Sergio Adrián


    Se incluye el plan presentado para este período, en el informe previo Diseño de procesos de formación de alimentos deshidratados saludables listos para consumir 1 Producto de soja crocante 1.1.Estudio de la cinética de secado en lecho fluido entre 120 y 160 ºC. Modelado matemático considerando encogimiento y cambio de densidad 1.2.Modelado del sistema de lecho fluidizado en base a la información cinética. 1.3 Estudios de inactivación-cocción de acuerdo a distintas rutas de procesami...

  4. Three Dimensional Numerical Code for the Expanding Flat Universe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kyoung W. Min


    Full Text Available The current distribution of galaxies may contain clues to the condition of the universe when the galaxies condensed and to the nature of the subsequent expansion of the universe. The development of this large scale structure can be studied by employing N-body computer simulations. The present paper describes the code developed for this purpose. The computer code calculates the motion of collisionless matter action under the force of gravity in an expanding flat universe. The test run of the code shows the error less than 0.5% in 100 iterations.

  5. SUN-RAH: a nucleoelectric BWR university simulator based in reduced order models; SUN-RAH: simulador universitario de nucleoelectrica BWR basado en modelos de orden reducido

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Morales S, J.B.; Lopez R, A.; Sanchez B, A.; Sanchez S, R.; Hernandez S, A. [DEPFI, Campus Morelos, en IMTA Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    The development of a simulator that allows to represent the dynamics of a nucleo electric central, with nuclear reactor of the BWR type, using reduced order models is presented. These models present the characteristics defined by the dominant poles of the system (1) and most of those premature operation transitories in a power station can be reproduced with considerable fidelity if the models are identified with data of plant or references of a code of better estimate like RAMONA, TRAC (2) or RELAP. The models of the simulator are developments or own simplifications starting from the physical laws and retaining the main terms. This work describes the objective of the project and the general specifications of the University student of Nucleo electric simulator with Boiling Water Reactor type (SUN-RAH) as well as the finished parts that fundamentally are the nuclear reactor, the one of steam supply (NSSS), the plant balance (BOP), the main controllers of the plant and the implemented graphic interfaces. The pendent goals as well as the future developments and applications of SUN-RAH are described. (Author)

  6. X-ray clusters from a high-resolution hydrodynamic PPM simulation of the cold dark matter universe (United States)

    Bryan, Greg L.; Cen, Renyue; Norman, Michael L.; Ostriker, Jermemiah P.; Stone, James M.


    A new three-dimensional hydrodynamic code based on the piecewise parabolic method (PPM) is utilized to compute the distribution of hot gas in the standard Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)-normalized cold dark matter (CDM) universe. Utilizing periodic boundary conditions, a box with size 85 h(exp-1) Mpc, having cell size 0.31 h(exp-1) Mpc, is followed in a simulation with 270(exp 3)=10(exp 7.3) cells. Adopting standard parameters determined from COBE and light-element nucleosynthesis, Sigma(sub 8)=1.05, Omega(sub b)=0.06, we find the X-ray-emitting clusters, compute the luminosity function at several wavelengths, the temperature distribution, and estimated sizes, as well as the evolution of these quantities with redshift. The results, which are compared with those obtained in the preceding paper (Kang et al. 1994a), may be used in conjuction with ROSAT and other observational data sets. Overall, the results of the two computations are qualitatively very similar with regard to the trends of cluster properties, i.e., how the number density, radius, and temeprature depend on luminosity and redshift. The total luminosity from clusters is approximately a factor of 2 higher using the PPM code (as compared to the 'total variation diminishing' (TVD) code used in the previous paper) with the number of bright clusters higher by a similar factor. The primary conclusions of the prior paper, with regard to the power spectrum of the primeval density perturbations, are strengthened: the standard CDM model, normalized to the COBE microwave detection, predicts too many bright X-ray emitting clusters, by a factor probably in excess of 5. The comparison between observations and theoretical predictions for the evolution of cluster properties, luminosity functions, and size and temperature distributions should provide an important discriminator among competing scenarios for the development of structure in the universe.

  7. Space plasma simulation chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Scientific results of experiments and tests of instruments performed with the Space Plasma Simulation Chamber and its facility are reviewed in the following six categories. 1. Tests of instruments on board rockets, satellites and balloons. 2. Plasma wave experiments. 3. Measurements of plasma particles. 4. Optical measurements. 5. Plasma production. 6. Space plasms simulations. This facility has been managed under Laboratory Space Plasma Comittee since 1969 and used by scientists in cooperative programs with universities and institutes all over country. A list of publications is attached. (author)

  8. Simulation and serious games for education

    CERN Document Server

    Goei, Sui; Trooster, Wim


    This book introduces state-of-the-art research on simulation and serious games for education. The major part of this book is based on selected work presented at the 2014 Asia-Europe Symposium on Simulation and Serious Games held in Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands (Oct 1–2, 2014). It covers three major domains of education applications that use simulation and serious games: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Education; Special Needs Education and Humanity and Social Science Education. Researchers and developers in simulation and serious games for education benefit from this book, and it also offers educators and professionals involved in training insights into the possible applications of simulation and serious games in various areas.

  9. 18th and 19th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance

    CERN Document Server

    Bez, Wolfgang; Focht, Erich; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Patel, Nisarg


    This book presents the state of the art in high-performance computing and simulation on modern supercomputer architectures. It covers trends in hardware and software development in general and the future of high-performance systems and heterogeneous architectures in particular. The application-related contributions cover computational fluid dynamics, material science, medical applications and climate research; innovative fields such as coupled multi-physics and multi-scale simulations are highlighted. All papers were chosen from presentations given at the 18th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance held at the HLRS, University of Stuttgart, Germany in October 2013 and subsequent Workshop of the same name held at Tohoku University in March 2014.  

  10. The use of augmented reality glasses in central line simulation: "see one, simulate many, do one competently, and teach everyone"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huang CY


    Full Text Available Cynthia Y Huang,1 Jonathan B Thomas,2 Abdullah Alismail,3 Avi Cohen,1 Waleed Almutairi,3 Noha S Daher,4 Michael H Terry,5 Laren D Tan1,3 1Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Hyperbaric and Sleep Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA; 2Zapara School of Business, La Sierra University, Riverside, CA, USA; 3Cardiopulmonary Sciences Department, School of Allied Health Professions, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA; 4Department of Allied Health Studies, School of Allied Health Professions, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, USA; 5Department of Respiratory Care, Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda, CA, USA Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using augmented reality (AR glasses in central line simulation by novice operators and compare its efficacy to standard central line simulation/teaching. Design: This was a prospective randomized controlled study enrolling 32 novice operators. Subjects were randomized on a 1:1 basis to either simulation using the augmented virtual reality glasses or simulation using conventional instruction. Setting: The study was conducted in tertiary-care urban teaching hospital. Subjects: A total of 32 adult novice central line operators with no visual or auditory impairments were enrolled. Medical doctors, respiratory therapists, and sleep technicians were recruited from the medical field. Measurements and main results: The mean time for AR placement in the AR group was 71±43 s, and the time to internal jugular (IJ cannulation was 316±112 s. There was no significant difference in median (minimum, maximum time (seconds to IJ cannulation for those who were in the AR group and those who were not (339 [130, 550] vs 287 [35, 475], p=0.09, respectively. There was also no significant difference between the two groups in median total procedure time (524 [329, 792] vs 469 [198, 781], p=0.29, respectively. There was a significant

  11. Dynamic models of staged gasification processes. Documentation of gasification simulator; Dynamiske modeller a f trinopdelte forgasningsprocesser. Dokumentation til forgasser simulator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    In connection with the ERP project 'Dynamic modelling of staged gasification processes' a gasification simulator has been constructed. The simulator consists of: a mathematical model of the gasification process developed at Technical University of Denmark, a user interface programme, IGSS, and a communication interface between the two programmes. (BA)

  12. Investigation of Universal Behavior in Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Melts (United States)

    Medapuram, Pavani

    Coarse-grained theories of dense polymer liquids such as block copolymer melts predict a universal dependence of equilibrium properties on a few dimensionless parameters. For symmetric diblock copolymer melts, such theories predict a universal dependence on only chieN and N¯, where chie is an effective interaction parameter, N is the degree of polymerization, and N¯ is a measure of overlap. This thesis focuses on testing the universal behavior hypothesis by comparing results for various properties obtained from different coarse-grained simulation models to each other. Specifically, results from pairs of simulations of different models that have been designed to have matched values of N¯ are compared over a range of values of chiN. The use of vastly different simulation models allows us to cover a vast range of chi eN ≃ 200 - 8000 that includes most of the experimentally relevant range. Properties studied here include collective and single-chain correlations in the disordered phase, block and chain radii of gyration in the disordered phase, the value of chieN at the order-disorder transition (ODT), the free energy per chain, the latent heat of transition, the layer spacing, the composition profile, and compression modulus in the ordered phase. All results strongly support the universal scaling hypothesis, even for rather short chains, confirming that it is indeed possible to give an accurate universal description of simulation models that differ in many details. The underlying universality becomes apparent, however, only if data are analyzed using an adequate estimate of chie, which we obtained by fitting the structure factor S( q) in the disordered state to predictions of the recently developed renormalized one-loop (ROL) theory. The ROL theory is shown to provide an excellent description of the dependence of S(q on chain length and thermodynamic conditions for all models, even for very short chains, if we allow for the existence of a nonlinear dependence of

  13. The "Statecraft" Simulation and Foreign Policy Attitudes among Undergraduate Students (United States)

    Saiya, Nilay


    Professors of international relations are increasingly realizing that simulations can be a fun and effective way of teaching the complexities of the field to their students. One popular simulation that has emerged in recent years--the "Statecraft" simulation--is now used by more than 190 colleges and universities worldwide. Despite…

  14. HPC Co-operation between industry and university

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ruhle, R.


    The full text of publication follows. Some years ago industry and university were using the same kind of high performance computers. Therefore it seemed appropriate to run the systems in common. Achieved synergies are larger systems to have better capabilities, to share skills in operating and using the system and to have less operating cost because of larger scale of operations. An example for a business model which allows that kind of co-operation would be demonstrated. Recently more and more simulations especially in the automotive industry are using PC clusters. A small number of PC's are used for one simulation, but the cluster is used for a large number of simulations as a throughput device. These devices are easily installed on the department level and it is difficult to achieve better cost on a central site, mainly because of the cost of the network. This is in contrast to the scientific need which still needs capability computing. In the presentation, strategies will be discussed for which cooperation potential in HPC (high performance computing) still exists. These are: to install heterogeneous computer farms, which allow to use the best computer for each application, to improve the quality of large scale simulation models to be used in design calculations or to form expert teams from industry and university to solve difficult problems in industry applications. Some examples of this co-operation are shown

  15. Simulations, serious games and their applications

    CERN Document Server

    Goei, Sui


    This book presents the state of the art technology in Serious Games which is driven extensive by applications and research in simulation. The topics in this book include: (1) Fashion simulation; (2) Chinese calligraphy ink diffusion simulation; (3) Rehabilitation (4) Long vehicle turning simulation; (5) Marine traffic conflict control; (6) CNC simulation; (7) Special needs education. The book also addresses the fundamental issues in Simulation and Serious Games such as rapid collision detection, game engines or game development platforms. The target audience for this book includes scientists, engineers and practitioners involved in the field of Serious Games and Simulation. The major part of this book comprises of papers presented at the 2012 Asia-Europe Workshop on Serious Games and Simulation held in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (May 9, 2012).  All the contributions have been peer reviewed and by scientific committee members with report about quality, content and originality.

  16. The role of simulation in teaching pediatric resuscitation: current perspectives

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lin Y


    Full Text Available Yiqun Lin,1 Adam Cheng2 1KidSIM-ASPIRE Simulation Research Program, Alberta Children's Hospital, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada; 2KidSIM-ASPIRE Research Program, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Emergency Medicine, University of Calgary, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, AB, Canada Abstract: The use of simulation for teaching the knowledge, skills, and behaviors necessary for effective pediatric resuscitation has seen widespread growth and adoption across pediatric institutions. In this paper, we describe the application of simulation in pediatric resuscitation training and review the evidence for the use of simulation in neonatal resuscitation, pediatric advanced life support, procedural skills training, and crisis resource management training. We also highlight studies supporting several key instructional design elements that enhance learning, including the use of high-fidelity simulation, distributed practice, deliberate practice, feedback, and debriefing. Simulation-based training is an effective modality for teaching pediatric resuscitation concepts. Current literature has revealed some research gaps in simulation-based education, which could indicate the direction for the future of pediatric resuscitation research. Keywords: simulation, pediatric resuscitation, medical education, instructional design, crisis resource management, health care

  17. Protection and control of modeled local power systems and simulation of safe power feeding systems; Proteccion y control local de sistemas electricos de potencia modelado y simulacion de sistemas de alimentacion segura

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rothschild, Marcelo A. [SADE SKANSKA S.A., Buenos Aires (Argentina)]. E-mail:


    This document presents a guideline for modeling and simulation of safe feeding systems. Examples of systems currently in operation are presented for which, based on attended project by simulation, it has been possible to introduce substantial improvements in relation to the reliability and security of those installations.

  18. Galaxy Formation Efficiency and the Multiverse Explanation of the Cosmological Constant with EAGLE Simulations (United States)

    Barnes, Luke A.; Elahi, Pascal J.; Salcido, Jaime; Bower, Richard G.; Lewis, Geraint F.; Theuns, Tom; Schaller, Matthieu; Crain, Robert A.; Schaye, Joop


    Models of the very early universe, including inflationary models, are argued to produce varying universe domains with different values of fundamental constants and cosmic parameters. Using the cosmological hydrodynamical simulation code from the EAGLE collaboration, we investigate the effect of the cosmological constant on the formation of galaxies and stars. We simulate universes with values of the cosmological constant ranging from Λ = 0 to Λ0 × 300, where Λ0 is the value of the cosmological constant in our Universe. Because the global star formation rate in our Universe peaks at t = 3.5 Gyr, before the onset of accelerating expansion, increases in Λ of even an order of magnitude have only a small effect on the star formation history and efficiency of the universe. We use our simulations to predict the observed value of the cosmological constant, given a measure of the multiverse. Whether the cosmological constant is successfully predicted depends crucially on the measure. The impact of the cosmological constant on the formation of structure in the universe does not seem to be a sharp enough function of Λ to explain its observed value alone.

  19. Immersive Simulation in Constructivist-Based Classroom E-Learning (United States)

    McHaney, Roger; Reiter, Lauren; Reychav, Iris


    This article describes the development of a simulation-based online course combining sound pedagogy, educational technology, and real world expertise to provide university students with an immersive experience in storage management systems. The course developed in this example does more than use a simulation, the entire course is delivered using a…

  20. BioNessie - a grid enabled biochemical networks simulation environment


    Liu, X.; Jiang, J.; Ajayi, O.; Gu, X.; Gilbert, D.; Sinnott, R.O.


    The simulation of biochemical networks provides insight and understanding about the underlying biochemical processes and pathways used by cells and organisms. BioNessie is a biochemical network simulator which has been developed at the University of Glasgow. This paper describes the simulator and focuses in particular on how it has been extended to benefit from a wide variety of high performance compute resources across the UK through Grid technologies to support larger scale simulations.


    Gedlu, Etsegenet; Tadesse, Amezene; Cayea, Danelle; Doherty, Meg; Bekele, Abebe; Mekasha, Amha; Derbew, Miliard; Jung, Julianna


    As one of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa with a low physician to population ratio, Ethiopia has sought to mitigate the problem by increasing the number of students enrolling in the existing medical schools. This increase in enrolment was not accompanied by expansion of clinical training venues, which has resulted in less patient contact time for each student. As part of the solution to fill the gap simulation-based teaching was introduced. To describe the process of introducing Simulation based medical education (SBME) at Addis Ababa University College of Health Sciences, school of medicine. Two rounds of intensive training was given by John Hopkins in collaboration with Medical Education partner Initiative (MEPI). to the core clinical educators to introduce them the six-step model of curriculum development for medical education and standardized patient (SP) techniques with the ultimate aim of introducing SPs in the teaching and learning process for medical students. The training included didactic and workshop elements, with group work and created complete educational modules. Each pre and post course assessment of experience and attitude were surveyed. Data was analyzed in aggregate using paired t -test to compare pre and post course means. There were total of 22 faculty members participated in the first group ,the majority of whom had no prior training in curriculum development or SBME and were skeptical of the value of SBME, as evidenced in their survey responses. (3.42/5 in Likert scale 1 = least 5 = most) at the end of the course the participant were comfortable with the concept of curriculum development the rating increased to 4.45/5 (P educational method.

  2. Development of a nasogastric tube insertion simulator: a collaborative interdisciplinary effort. (United States)

    Summer, Lindsay; Gonzalez, Laura; Jimeno, Miguel; Christensen, Ken


    The nursing faculty shortage has created the need for more innovative and effective ways to better stimulate nursing students. Simulation technology is one way to increase the effectiveness of teaching faculty. In this article, a collaborative project between the College of Nursing and College of Engineering at the University of South Florida to develop and evaluate a PC-based software simulator based on videogame technologies for nursing skill acquisition is discussed. A software simulator for teaching and assessing mastery of the procedure for nasogastric tube insertion is described. The purpose of the simulator is to complement the standard training of nasogastric tube insertion that uses static mannequins and instruction/assessment by nursing instructors. The simulator was used in a fundamentals of nursing class at the University of South Florida, with 75 students enrolled. Evaluation showed that the simulator significantly increased the confidence of the students in their ability to perform nasogastric tube insertion.

  3. Coala: an R framework for coalescent simulation. (United States)

    Staab, Paul R; Metzler, Dirk


    Simulation programs based on the coalescent efficiently generate genetic data according to a given model of evolution. We present coala, an R package for calling coalescent simulators with a unified syntax. It can execute simulations with several programs, calculate additional summary statistics and combine multiple simulations to create biologically more realistic data. The package is publicly available on CRAN and on under the conditions of the MIT license. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  4. Simulation model of the transmission grid for a large offshore windfarm, used in education and research st the Technical University of Denmark

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Akhmatov, V.; Nielsen, A.H.


    A small test software-model for the transmission system containing a number of central power plants, consumption centres, local wind turbines and a large offshore windfarm has been implemented in the simulation tool Powerfactory (DigSilent). This model demonstrates the interaction between electricity-producing wind turbines and a realistic transmission system, for instance short-term voltage stability and ride-through capability of the wind turbines. The model has been developed by the Danish Transmission System Operator for use by the Centre for Electric Technology (CET) at Technical University of Denmark. It has been applied in the education of electric power engineers and in research projects. An example of its use is presented. [Author].

  5. Universe or Multiverse? (United States)

    Carr, Bernard


    Part I. Overviews: 1. Introduction and overview Bernard Carr; 2. Living in the multiverse Steven Weinberg; 3. Enlightenment, knowledge, ignorance, temptation Frank Wilczek; Part II. Cosmology and Astrophysics: 4. Cosmology and the multiverse Martin J. Rees; 5. The anthropic principle revisited Bernard Carr; 6. Cosmology from the top down Stephen Hawking; 7. The multiverse hierarchy Max Tegmark; 8. The inflationary universe Andrei Linde; 9. A model of anthropic reasoning: the dark to ordinary matter ratio Frank Wilczek; 10. Anthropic predictions: the case of the cosmological constant Alexander Vilenkin; 11. The definition and classification of universes James D. Bjorken; 12. M/string theory and anthropic reasoning Renata Kallosh; 13. The anthropic principle, dark energy and the LHC Savas Dimopoulos and Scott Thomas; Part III. Particle Physics and Quantum Theory: 14. Quarks, electrons and atoms in closely related universes Craig J. Hogan; 15. The fine-tuning problems of particle physics and anthropic mechanisms John F. Donoghue; 16. The anthropic landscape of string theory Leonard Susskind; 17. Cosmology and the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics Viatcheslav Mukhanov; 18. Anthropic reasoning and quantum cosmology James B. Hartle; 19. Micro-anthropic principle for quantum theory Brandon Carter; Part IV. More General Philosophical Issues: 20. Scientific alternatives to the anthropic principle Lee Smolin; 21. Making predictions in a multiverse: conundrums, dangers, coincidences Anthony Aguirre; 22. Multiverses: description, uniqueness and testing George Ellis; 23. Predictions and tests of multiverse theories Don N. Page; 24. Observation selection theory and cosmological fine-tuning Nick Bostrom; 25. Are anthropic arguments, involving multiverses and beyond, legitimate? William R. Stoeger; 26. The multiverse hypothesis: a theistic perspective Robin Collins; 27. Living in a simulated universe John D. Barrow; 28. Universes galore: where will it all end? Paul

  6. X-ray clusters in a cold dark matter + lambda universe: A direct, large-scale, high-resolution, hydrodynamic simulation (United States)

    Cen, Renyue; Ostriker, Jeremiah P.


    A new, three-dimensional, shock-capturing, hydrodynamic code is utilized to determine the distribution of hot gas in a cold dark matter (CDM) + lambda model universe. Periodic boundary conditions are assumed: a box with size 85/h Mpc, having cell size 0.31/h Mpc, is followed in a simulation with 270(exp 3) = 10(exp 7.3) cells. We adopt omega = 0.45, lambda = 0.55, h identically equal to H/100 km/s/Mpc = 0.6, and then, from the cosmic background explorer (COBE) and light element nucleosynthesis, sigma(sub 8) = 0.77, omega(sub b) = 0.043. We identify the X-ray emitting clusters in the simulation box, compute the luminosity function at several wavelength bands, the temperature function and estimated sizes, as well as the evolution of these quantities with redshift. This open model succeeds in matching local observations of clusters in contrast to the standard omega = 1, CDM model, which fails. It predicts an order of magnitude decline in the number density of bright (h nu = 2-10 keV) clusters from z = 0 to z = 2 in contrast to a slight increase in the number density for standard omega = 1, CDM model. This COBE-normalized CDM + lambda model produces approximately the same number of X-ray clusters having L(sub x) greater than 10(exp 43) erg/s as observed. The background radiation field at 1 keV due to clusters is approximately the observed background which, after correction for numerical effects, again indicates that the model is consistent with observations.

  7. Surface Dynamic Process Simulation with the Use of Cellular Automata

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Adamska-Szatko, M.; Bala, J.


    Cellular automata are known for many applications, especially for physical and biological simulations. Universal cellular automata can be used for modelling complex natural phenomena. The paper presents simulation of surface dynamic process. Simulation uses 2-dimensional cellular automata algorithm. Modelling and visualisation were created by in-house developed software with standard OpenGL graphic library. (authors)

  8. Game Based Learning (GBL) adoption model for universities: cesim ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Game Based Learning (GBL) adoption model for universities: cesim simulation. ... The global market has escalated the need of Game Based Learning (GBL) to offer a wide range of courses since there is a ... AJOL African Journals Online.

  9. Confident but not theoretically grounded – experienced simulation educators’ perceptions of their own professional development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Allvin R


    Full Text Available Renée Allvin,1 Magnus Berndtzon,2 Liisa Carlzon,3 Samuel Edelbring,4,5 Håkan Hult,6 Magnus Hultin,7 Klas Karlgren,5,8 Italo Masiello,9 Marie-Louise Södersved Källestedt,10 Éva Tamás,11 1Clinical Skills Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Health, School of Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro, 2Metodikum – Skill Centre of Medical Simulation Region County Jönköping, Jönköping, 3Simulation Centre West, Department of Research, Education and Development, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, 4Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Linköping University, Linköping, 5Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 6Institute of Medicine and Health, Medical Faculty, Linköping University, Linköping, 7Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Medical Faculty, Umeå University, Umeå, 8Department of Research, Education and Development and Innovation, Södersjukhuset Hospital, Stockholm, 9Department of Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institutet, Södersjukhuset Hospital, Stockholm, 10Clinical Skills Centre, Centre for Clinical Research, Uppsala University, Västerås, 11Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, Institute of Medicine and Health, Medical Faculty, University of Linköping, Linköping, Sweden Background: Medical simulation enables the design of learning activities for competency areas (eg, communication and leadership identified as crucial for future health care professionals. Simulation educators and medical teachers follow different career paths, and their education backgrounds and teaching contexts may be very different in a simulation setting. Although they have a key role in facilitating learning, information on the continuing professional development (pedagogical development of simulation educators is not available in the literature. Objectives: To explore changes in

  10. Universality of anomalous diffusion in extremely disordered systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Dyre, Jeppe; Jacobsen, Jacob M.


    The universal time-dependence of the mean-square displacement for motion in a random energy landscape with equal minima is evaluated analytically and numerically in the percolation path approximation (PPA), which was recently shown by extensive computer simulations in two and three dimensions [Dy...

  11. Effects of the Size of Cosmological N-body Simulations on Physical ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Apart from N-body simulations, an analytical prescription given by Press & ...... Little, B., Weinberg, D. H., Park, C. 1991, MNRAS, 253, 295. Ma, C.-P. ... Padmanabhan, T. 1993, Structure Formation in the Universe, Cambridge University Press.

  12. Transferring Nuclear Knowledge by NPP Simulators Developers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Levchenko, A.; Duginov, O.; Levchenko, V.


    Full text: In relation to nuclear power, safety is closely linked with the human factor. Knowledge and skills of staff should more closely match the needs of the industry and employers. This can be achieved through more efficient training using simulators. Such simulators must be available at all stages of study and cover the needs of trainees with different levels of knowledge. Simulator developers can solve this problem by implement knowledge management in the using of simulators for practical training. Due to the nature of their activities, they have everything needed for this. This paper describes the solutions of Simulation Systems Ltd Company for nuclear power plants, universities and other parties. (author

  13. The TAO Accelerator Simulation Program

    CERN Document Server

    Sagan, David


    A new accelerator design and analysis simulation environment based on the BMAD relativistic charged particle dynamics library is in development at Cornell University. Called TAO (Tool for Accelerator Optimization), it is a machine independent program that implements the essential ingredients needed to solve simulation problems. This includes the ability to: 1. Design lattices subject to constraints, 2. Simulate errors and changes in machine parameters, and 3. Simulate machine commissioning including simulating data measurement and correction. TAO is designed to be easily customizable so that extending it to solve new and different problems is straight forward. The capability to simultaneously model multiple accelerator lattices, both linacs and storage rings, and injection from one lattice to another allows for the design and commissioning of large multi stage accelerators. It can also simultaneously model multiple configurations of a single lattice. Single particle, particle beam and macroparticle tracking i...

  14. OncoSimulR: genetic simulation with arbitrary epistasis and mutator genes in asexual populations. (United States)

    Diaz-Uriarte, Ramon


    OncoSimulR implements forward-time genetic simulations of biallelic loci in asexual populations with special focus on cancer progression. Fitness can be defined as an arbitrary function of genetic interactions between multiple genes or modules of genes, including epistasis, restrictions in the order of accumulation of mutations, and order effects. Mutation rates can differ among genes, and can be affected by (anti)mutator genes. Also available are sampling from simulations (including single-cell sampling), plotting the genealogical relationships of clones and generating and plotting fitness landscapes. Implemented in R and C ++, freely available from BioConductor for Linux, Mac and Windows under the GNU GPL license. Version 2.5.9 or higher available from: . GitHub repository at: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  15. Computer Simulation Western

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rasmussen, H.


    Computer Simulation Western is a unit within the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Western Ontario. Its purpose is the development of computational and mathematical methods for practical problems in industry and engineering and the application and marketing of such methods. We describe the unit and our efforts at obtaining research and development grants. Some representative projects will be presented and future plans discussed. (author)

  16. TEL4Health research at University College Cork (UCC)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Drachsler, Hendrik


    Drachsler, H. (2013, 12 May). TEL4Health research at University College Cork (UCC). Invited talk given at Application of Science to Simulation, Education and Research on Training for Health Professionals Centre (ASSERT for Health Care), Cork, Ireland.

  17. Cogeneration system simulation/optimization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puppa, B.A.; Chandrashekar, M.


    Companies are increasingly turning to computer software programs to improve and streamline the analysis o cogeneration systems. This paper introduces a computer program which originated with research at the University of Waterloo. The program can simulate and optimize any type of layout of cogeneration plant. An application of the program to a cogeneration feasibility study for a university campus is described. The Steam and Power Plant Optimization System (SAPPOS) is a PC software package which allows users to model any type of steam/power plant on a component-by-component basis. Individual energy/steam balances can be done quickly to model any scenario. A typical days per month cogeneration simulation can also be carried out to provide a detailed monthly cash flow and energy forecast. This paper reports that SAPPOS can be used for scoping, feasibility, and preliminary design work, along with financial studies, gas contract studies, and optimizing the operation of completed plants. In the feasibility study presented, SAPPOS is used to evaluate both diesel engine and gas turbine combined cycle options

  18. Innovative simulation systems

    CERN Document Server

    Jędrasiak, Karol


    This monograph provides comprehensive guidelines on the current and future trends of innovative simulation systems. In particular, their important components, such as augmented reality and unmanned vehicles are presented. The book consists of three parts. Each part presents good practices, new methods, concepts of systems and new algorithms. Presented challenges and solutions are the results of research and conducted by the contributing authors. The book describes and evaluates the current state of knowledge in the field of innovative simulation systems. Throughout the chapters there are presented current issues and concepts of systems, technology, equipment, tools, research challenges and current, past and future applications of simulation systems. The book is addressed to a wide audience: academic staff, representatives of research institutions, employees of companies and government agencies as well as students and graduates of technical universities in the country and abroad. The book can be a valuable sou...

  19. Explaining formation of Astronomical Jets using Dynamic Universe Model (United States)

    Naga Parameswara Gupta, Satyavarapu


    Astronomical jets are observed from the centres of many Galaxies including our own Milkyway. The formation of such jet is explained using SITA simulations of Dynamic Universe Model. For this purpose the path traced by a test neutron is calculated and depicted using a set up of one densemass of the mass equivalent to mass of Galaxy center, 90 stars with similar masses of stars near Galaxy center, mass equivalents of 23 Globular Cluster groups, 16 Milkyway parts, Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies at appropriate distances. Five different kinds of theoretical simulations gave positive results The path travelled by this test neutron was found to be an astronomical jet emerging from Galaxy center. This is another result from Dynamic Universe Model. It solves new problems like a. Variable Mass Rocket Trajectory Problem b. Explaining Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations c. Astronomical jets observed from Milkyway Center d. Prediction of Blue shifted Galaxies e. Explaining Pioneer Anomaly f. Prediction of New Horizons satellite trajectory etc. Dynamic Universe Model never reduces to General relativity on any condition. It uses a different type of mathematics based on Newtonian physics. This mathematics used here is simple and straightforward. As there are no differential equations present in Dynamic Universe Model, the set of equations give single solution in x y z Cartesian coordinates for every point mass for every time step

  20. Design-based research in designing the model for educating simulation facilitators. (United States)

    Koivisto, Jaana-Maija; Hannula, Leena; Bøje, Rikke Buus; Prescott, Stephen; Bland, Andrew; Rekola, Leena; Haho, Päivi


    The purpose of this article is to introduce the concept of design-based research, its appropriateness in creating education-based models, and to describe the process of developing such a model. The model was designed as part of the Nurse Educator Simulation based learning project, funded by the EU's Lifelong Learning program (2013-1-DK1-LEO05-07053). The project partners were VIA University College, Denmark, the University of Huddersfield, UK and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. As an outcome of the development process, "the NESTLED model for educating simulation facilitators" (NESTLED model) was generated. This article also illustrates five design principles that could be applied to other pedagogies. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Los Sistemas de Suspensión Activa y Semiactiva: Una Revisión

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Hurel Ezeta


    Full Text Available Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es efectuar una revisión del estado del conocimiento en el modelado y control de los sistemas de suspensión activa y semiactiva. Se analizan las principales características de los diferentes tipos de sistemas de suspensión: pasiva, activa y semiactiva. Respecto al modelado y simulación de los sistemas de suspensión, se examinan los distintos enfoques, herramientas y aplicaciones en el contexto de la dinámica vehicular. Además, para el modelo de un cuarto de vehículo, ampliamente utilizado en la literatura, se ofrece su desarrollo mediante ecuaciones diferenciales, función de transferencia, y ecuaciones de estado, incluyendo soluciones y simulaciones en Simulink y SimMechanics. En cuanto al control, se revisan las principales estrategias para la suspensión de vehículos y se apuntan aplicaciones en otros campos de la ingeniería. Abstract: This paper reviews the state of the art in modeling and control of active and semi-active suspension systems. Distinctive characteristics are established for the major types of suspension systems: passive, active, and semi-active. Regarding modeling and simulation, different approaches, tools and applications are discussed in the context of vehicle dynamics. Besides, the quarter car model, which is widely used in research, is developed with differential equations, transfer functions, and state-space equations, as well as solutions for simulation in Simulink and SimMechanics. As for control of active and semi-active systems, the major strategies for vehicle suspension are reviewed. Furthermore, the paper outlines suspension control in other engineering applications. Palabras clave: Simulación, Suspensión activa, Modelos, Suspensión pasiva, Robótica, Keywords: Active suspension, Passive suspension, Models, Control

  2. Using STELLA Simulation Models to Teach Natural Resource Economics (United States)

    Dissanayake, Sahan T. M.


    In this article, the author discusses how graphical simulation models created using STELLA software can be used to present natural resource systems in an intuitive way in undergraduate natural resource economics classes based on his experiences at a leading research university, a state university, and a leading liberal arts college in the United…

  3. Simulation of Heat Transfer and Electromagnetic Fields of Protected Microcomputers

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Josef Lakatos


    Full Text Available The paper presents results of collaboration between Department of mechatronics and electronics at University of Žilina and VÚVT Engineering a.s. Žilina in area of heat transfer simulations and disturbing electromagnetic radiation simulations in computer construction. The simulations results were used in development of protected microcomputer prototypes in frame of applied research at both of workplaces.

  4. Alternative teaching experiences: simulations and contact with local social actors developed with Federal University of Santa Catarina’s students

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Clarissa Franzoi Dri


    Full Text Available Este artigo discute experiências voltadas para a criação de ambientes inovadores de ensino e aprendizagem no curso de graduação em Relações Internacionais da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. As duas primeiras experiências referem-se a atividades de interação com atores sociais da região na qual a UFSC está inserida, enquanto as duas últimas dizem respeito à construção de papeis por parte dos estudantes em processos simulados de tomada de decisão internacional. This paper discusses innovative experiences of teaching and learning in the undergraduate course of International Relations at Federal University of Santa Catarina. The two first experiences are related to the construction, by students, of political roles in simulation practices of international decision-making, while the two last exercises go beyond laboratory practices by promoting interactions with social actors surrounding UFSC

  5. Numerical and experimental simulation of accident processes using KMS large-scale test facility under the program of training university students for nuclear power industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aniskevich, Yu.N.


    The KMS large-scale test facility is being constructed at NITI site and designed to model accident processes in VVER reactor plants and provide experimental data for safety analysis of both existing and future NPPs. The KMS phase I is at the completion stage. This is a containment model of 2000 m3 volume intended for experimentally simulating heat and mass transfers of steam-gas mixtures and aerosols inside containment. The KMS phase II will incorporate a reactor model (1:27 scale) and be used for analysing a number of events including primary and secondary LOCA. The KMS program for background training of university students in the nuclear field will include preparation and conduction of experiments, analysis of experiment data. The KMS program for background training of university students in nuclear will include: participation in the development and application of experiment procedures, preparation and carrying out experiments; carrying out pretest and post-test calculations with different computer codes; on-the-job training as operators of experiment scenarios; training of specialists in measurement and information acquisition technologies. (author)

  6. Ion trap simulations of quantum fields in an expanding universe. (United States)

    Alsing, Paul M; Dowling, Jonathan P; Milburn, G J


    We propose an experiment in which the phonon excitation of ion(s) in a trap, with a trap frequency exponentially modulated at rate kappa, exhibits a thermal spectrum with an "Unruh" temperature given by k(B)T=Planck kappa. We discuss the similarities of this experiment to the response of detectors in a de Sitter universe and the usual Unruh effect for uniformly accelerated detectors. We demonstrate a new Unruh effect for detectors that respond to antinormally ordered moments using the ion's first blue sideband transition.

  7. The magnetic universe through vector potential SPMHD simulations (United States)

    Stasyszyn, F. A.


    The use of Smoothed Particle Magneto Hydrodynamics (SPMHD) is getting nowadays more and more common in Astrophysics. From galaxy clusters to neutron starts, there are multiple applications already existing in the literature. I will review some of the common methods used and highlight the successful approach of using vector potentials to describe the evolution of the magnetic fields. The latter have some interesting advantages, and their results challenge previous findings, being the magnetic divergence problem naturally vanished. We select a few examples to discuss some areas of interest. First, we show some Galaxy Clusters from the MUSIC project. These cosmological simulations are done with the usual sub-grid recipes, as radiative cooling and star formation, being the first ones obtained with an SPH code in a self consistent way. This demonstrates the robustness of the new method in a variety of astrophysical scenarios.

  8. AESS: Accelerated Exact Stochastic Simulation (United States)

    Jenkins, David D.; Peterson, Gregory D.


    The Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA) developed by Gillespie provides a powerful mechanism for exploring the behavior of chemical systems with small species populations or with important noise contributions. Gene circuit simulations for systems biology commonly employ the SSA method, as do ecological applications. This algorithm tends to be computationally expensive, so researchers seek an efficient implementation of SSA. In this program package, the Accelerated Exact Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (AESS) contains optimized implementations of Gillespie's SSA that improve the performance of individual simulation runs or ensembles of simulations used for sweeping parameters or to provide statistically significant results. Program summaryProgram title: AESS Catalogue identifier: AEJW_v1_0 Program summary URL: Program obtainable from: CPC Program Library, Queen's University, Belfast, N. Ireland Licensing provisions: University of Tennessee copyright agreement No. of lines in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 10 861 No. of bytes in distributed program, including test data, etc.: 394 631 Distribution format: tar.gz Programming language: C for processors, CUDA for NVIDIA GPUs Computer: Developed and tested on various x86 computers and NVIDIA C1060 Tesla and GTX 480 Fermi GPUs. The system targets x86 workstations, optionally with multicore processors or NVIDIA GPUs as accelerators. Operating system: Tested under Ubuntu Linux OS and CentOS 5.5 Linux OS Classification: 3, 16.12 Nature of problem: Simulation of chemical systems, particularly with low species populations, can be accurately performed using Gillespie's method of stochastic simulation. Numerous variations on the original stochastic simulation algorithm have been developed, including approaches that produce results with statistics that exactly match the chemical master equation (CME) as well as other approaches that approximate the CME. Solution

  9. Design and simulation of a totally digital image system for medical image applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Archwamety, C.


    The Totally Digital Imaging System (TDIS) is based on system requirements information from the Radiology Department, University of Arizona Health Science Center. This dissertation presents the design of this complex system, the TDIS specification, the system performance requirements, and the evaluation of the system using the computer-simulation programs. Discrete-event simulation models were developed for the TDIS subsystems, including an image network, imaging equipment, storage migration algorithm, data base archive system, and a control and management network. The simulation system uses empirical data generation and retrieval rates measured at the University Medical Center hospital. The entire TDIS system was simulated in Simscript II.5 using a VAX 8600 computer system. Simulation results show the fiber-optical-image network to be suitable; however, the optical-disk-storage system represents a performance bottleneck

  10. Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator Reference Guide Version 6.6.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keiter, Eric R. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Aadithya, Karthik Venkatraman [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Mei, Ting [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Russo, Thomas V. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Schiek, Richard [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sholander, Peter E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Thornquist, Heidi K. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Verley, Jason [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This document is a reference guide to the Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator, and is a companion document to the Xyce Users' Guide [1] . The focus of this document is (to the extent possible) exhaustively list device parameters, solver options, parser options, and other usage details of Xyce . This document is not intended to be a tutorial. Users who are new to circuit simulation are better served by the Xyce Users' Guide [1] . The information herein is subject to change without notice. Copyright c 2002-2016 Sandia Corporation. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements The BSIM Group at the University of California, Berkeley developed the BSIM3, BSIM4, BSIM6, BSIM-CMG and BSIM-SOI models. The BSIM3 is Copyright c 1999, Regents of the University of California. The BSIM4 is Copyright c 2006, Regents of the University of California. The BSIM6 is Copyright c 2015, Regents of the University of California. The BSIM-CMG is Copyright c 2012 and 2016, Regents of the University of California. The BSIM-SOI is Copyright c 1990, Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. The Mextram model has been developed by NXP Semiconductors until 2007, Delft University of Technology from 2007 to 2014, and Auburn University since April 2015. Copyrights c of Mextram are with Delft University of Technology, NXP Semiconductors and Auburn University. The MIT VS Model Research Group developed the MIT Virtual Source (MVS) model. Copyright c 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The EKV3 MOSFET model was developed by the EKV Team of the Electronics Laboratory-TUC of the Technical University of Crete. Trademarks Xyce TM Electronic Simulator and Xyce TM are trademarks of Sandia Corporation. Orcad, Orcad Capture, PSpice and Probe are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Microsoft, Windows and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Medici, DaVinci and Taurus are registered trademarks of Synopsys Corporation. Amtec and Tec

  11. Detailed Transients Simulation of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Turbine System with the EMTP-Type OVNI Simulator


    Lukić Armstrong, Mažana; R. Martí, José; Kundur, Prabha


    Doubly fed induction generator wind turbines are increasingly used in new wind turbine installations all over the world. Growing concerns about the impact of a large number of these generators on transient and voltage stability of power system networks has led engineers to revisit modelling and simulation practices used for system stability analyses. In this paper, the latest advancements in design of the general purpose power system simulator OVNI developed at the University o...

  12. Integrated modeling of a turbo-generator: analysis, simulation and compensation; Modelado integrado de un turbogenerador: analisis, simulacion y compensacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez Rodriguez, Isaura Victoria


    Currently, most turbogenerator control systems consist of decentralized control schemes with independent control-loops for the turbine and the generator. These schemes do not take into account the interaction between the power and voltage control loops, which can degrade the turbogenerator response. To improve this situation, and to develop better control schemes, it is necessary to build full-scope mathematical models of the turbine generator set, which are able to emulate the dynamics throughout the operating range, including the interaction effects. In this thesis the mathematical model of a synchronous generator, which includes damping windings and rotor iron magnetic saturation, is developed. The model was modularly programmed using per-unit parameters. This model was coupled to the existing model of a gas turbine to compose the full-scope model of a 32 MVA combustion turbogenerator. The numerical stability of the generator and turbogenerator models demonstrated through steady-state simulation experiments. The dynamic behavior was demonstrated using power and voltage control loops based on digital PID algorithms. Then, the results of previous experiments were used to design a control scheme based on two fuzzy compensators: one for power and another for voltage. The proposed fuzzy scheme significantly reduced the unwanted interaction effects of decentralized conventional control schemes. It was demonstrated the proposed turbogenerator model is valid in a wide operating range and allows designing and evaluating high performance control schemes, which take into account the interaction between the turbine and the generator. Besides, the turbogenerator model is being used at the Electrical Research Institute to integrate a real-time bench test for turbogenerator control systems. [Spanish] Actualmente, la mayoria de los sistemas de control para turbogeneradores contemplan esquemas de control descentralizados con lazos de control independientes para la turbina y el

  13. The method research of the simulator training and examination of the nuclear electricity staff

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Fangzhi; Zhang Yuanfang


    The simulator training and examination of nuclear power plant operator are of an important guarantee for the nuclear power plant operation safety. The authors introduce various training courses which have been held in the Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Training Center of Tsinghua University since 1988, and analyze the different requirements and features for different classes such as operator candidate training course, operator retraining course and nuclear and electricity staff course. The lesson arrangement, examination method and mark standard are presented, which is carried out in the Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Training Center of Tsinghua University

  14. Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator Users' Guide Version 6.6.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keiter, Eric R. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Aadithya, Karthik Venkatraman [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Mei, Ting [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Russo, Thomas V. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Schiek, Richard [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sholander, Peter E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Thornquist, Heidi K. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Verley, Jason [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This manual describes the use of the Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator. Xyce has been de- signed as a SPICE-compatible, high-performance analog circuit simulator, and has been written to support the simulation needs of the Sandia National Laboratories electrical designers. This development has focused on improving capability over the current state-of-the-art in the following areas: Capability to solve extremely large circuit problems by supporting large-scale parallel com- puting platforms (up to thousands of processors). This includes support for most popular parallel and serial computers. A differential-algebraic-equation (DAE) formulation, which better isolates the device model package from solver algorithms. This allows one to develop new types of analysis without requiring the implementation of analysis-specific device models. Device models that are specifically tailored to meet Sandia's needs, including some radiation- aware devices (for Sandia users only). Object-oriented code design and implementation using modern coding practices. Xyce is a parallel code in the most general sense of the phrase -- a message passing parallel implementation -- which allows it to run efficiently a wide range of computing platforms. These include serial, shared-memory and distributed-memory parallel platforms. Attention has been paid to the specific nature of circuit-simulation problems to ensure that optimal parallel efficiency is achieved as the number of processors grows. The information herein is subject to change without notice. Copyright c 2002-2016 Sandia Corporation. All rights reserved. Acknowledgements The BSIM Group at the University of California, Berkeley developed the BSIM3, BSIM4, BSIM6, BSIM-CMG and BSIM-SOI models. The BSIM3 is Copyright c 1999, Regents of the University of California. The BSIM4 is Copyright c 2006, Regents of the University of California. The BSIM6 is Copyright c 2015, Regents of the University of California. The BSIM-CMG is Copyright c

  15. 24th & 25th Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance

    CERN Document Server

    Bez, Wolfgang; Focht, Erich; Gienger, Michael; Kobayashi, Hiroaki


    This book presents the state of the art in High Performance Computing on modern supercomputer architectures. It addresses trends in hardware and software development in general, as well as the future of High Performance Computing systems and heterogeneous architectures. The contributions cover a broad range of topics, from improved system management to Computational Fluid Dynamics, High Performance Data Analytics, and novel mathematical approaches for large-scale systems. In addition, they explore innovative fields like coupled multi-physics and multi-scale simulations. All contributions are based on selected papers presented at the 24th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, held at the University of Stuttgart’s High Performance Computing Center in Stuttgart, Germany in December 2016 and the subsequent Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, held at the Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University, Japan in March 2017.

  16. Universal contact of strongly interacting fermions at finite temperatures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hu Hui; Liu Xiaji; Drummond, Peter D, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [ARC Centre of Excellence for Quantum-Atom Optics, Centre for Atom Optics and Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne 3122 (Australia)


    The recently discovered universal thermodynamic behavior of dilute, strongly interacting Fermi gases also implies a universal structure in the many-body pair-correlation function at short distances, as quantified by the contact I. Here, we theoretically calculate the temperature dependence of this universal contact for a Fermi gas in free space and in a harmonic trap. At high temperatures above the Fermi degeneracy temperature, T{approx}>T{sub F}, we obtain a reliable non-perturbative quantum virial expansion up to third order. At low temperatures, we compare different approximate strong-coupling theories. These make different predictions, which need to be tested either by future experiments or by advanced quantum Monte Carlo simulations. We conjecture that in the universal unitarity limit, the contact or correlation decreases monotonically with increasing temperature, unless the temperature is significantly lower than the critical temperature, T<universal contact in either homogeneous or harmonically trapped Fermi gases.

  17. Validation/Uncertainty Quantification for Large Eddy Simulations of the heat flux in the Tangentially Fired Oxy-Coal Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Smith, P.J.; Eddings, E.G.; Ring, T.; Thornock, J.; Draper, T.; Isaac, B.; Rezeai, D.; Toth, P.; Wu, Y.; Kelly, K.


    The objective of this task is to produce predictive capability with quantified uncertainty bounds for the heat flux in commercial-scale, tangentially fired, oxy-coal boilers. Validation data came from the Alstom Boiler Simulation Facility (BSF) for tangentially fired, oxy-coal operation. This task brings together experimental data collected under Alstom’s DOE project for measuring oxy-firing performance parameters in the BSF with this University of Utah project for large eddy simulation (LES) and validation/uncertainty quantification (V/UQ). The Utah work includes V/UQ with measurements in the single-burner facility where advanced strategies for O2 injection can be more easily controlled and data more easily obtained. Highlights of the work include: • Simulations of Alstom’s 15 megawatt (MW) BSF, exploring the uncertainty in thermal boundary conditions. A V/UQ analysis showed consistency between experimental results and simulation results, identifying uncertainty bounds on the quantities of interest for this system (Subtask 9.1) • A simulation study of the University of Utah’s oxy-fuel combustor (OFC) focused on heat flux (Subtask 9.2). A V/UQ analysis was used to show consistency between experimental and simulation results. • Measurement of heat flux and temperature with new optical diagnostic techniques and comparison with conventional measurements (Subtask 9.3). Various optical diagnostics systems were created to provide experimental data to the simulation team. The final configuration utilized a mid-wave infrared (MWIR) camera to measure heat flux and temperature, which was synchronized with a high-speed, visible camera to utilize two-color pyrometry to measure temperature and soot concentration. • Collection of heat flux and temperature measurements in the University of Utah’s OFC for use is subtasks 9.2 and 9.3 (Subtask 9.4). Several replicates were carried to better assess the experimental error. Experiments were specifically designed for the


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    Alfred H. Miller


    Full Text Available For programmatic accreditation by the Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP, business programs are required to meet STANDARD #4, Measurement and Analysis of Student Learning and Performance. Business units must demonstrate that outcome assessment systems are in place using documented evidence that shows how the results are being used to further develop or improve the academic business program. The Higher Colleges of Technology, a 17 campus federal university in the United Arab Emirates, differentiates its applied degree programs through a ‘learning by doing ethos,’ which permeates the entire curricula. This paper documents benchmarking of education for managing innovation. Using business simulation for Bachelors of Business, Year 3 learners, in a business strategy class; learners explored through a simulated environment the following functional areas; research and development, production, and marketing of a technology product. Student teams were required to use finite resources and compete against other student teams in the same universe. The study employed an instrument developed in a 60-sample pilot study of business simulation learners against which subsequent learners participating in online business simulation could be benchmarked. The results showed incremental improvement in the program due to changes made in assessment strategies, including the oral defense.

  19. Numerical simulation of a sour gas flare

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Chambers, A. [Alberta Research Council, Devon, AB (Canada)


    Due to the limited amount of information in the literature on sour gas flares and the cost of conducting wind tunnel and field experiments on sour flares, this presentation presented a modelling project that predicted the effect of operating conditions on flare performance and emissions. The objectives of the project were to adapt an existing numerical model suitable for flare simulation, incorporate sulfur chemistry, and run simulations for a range of conditions typical of sour flares in Alberta. The study involved the use of modelling expertise at the University of Utah, and employed large eddy simulation (LES) methods to model open flames. The existing model included the prediction of turbulent flow field; hydrocarbon reaction chemistry; soot formation; and radiation heat transfer. The presentation addressed the unique features of the model and discussed whether LES could predict the flow field. Other topics that were presented included the results from a University of Utah comparison; challenges of the LES model; an example of a run time issue; predicting the impact of operating conditions; and the results of simulations. Last, several next steps were identified and preliminary results were provided. Future work will focus on reducing computation time and increasing information reporting. figs.

  20. University Internationalization and University Autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turcan, Romeo V.; Gulieva, Valeria


    Turcan and Gulieva deepen our theoretical understanding of the process of university internationalisation by exploring the relationship between university internationalisation and university autonomy. They conjecture that the process of university internationalisation and its sustainability are d......, dissimilar, and sometimes conflicting dimensions of the financial, legal, organisational, staffing, and academic autonomy of the host country, are compromising key aspects of their own autonomy and core mission?......Turcan and Gulieva deepen our theoretical understanding of the process of university internationalisation by exploring the relationship between university internationalisation and university autonomy. They conjecture that the process of university internationalisation and its sustainability...... are determined by the structure and exercise of university autonomy settings at home and in the host countries, and that the process itself cannot be successfully achieved and maintained without changes in the autonomy settings. The key question the authors ask is to what degree universities, in embracing new...

  1. Evolution of the plasma universe: I. Double radio galaxies, quasars, and extragalactic jets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Peratt, A.L.


    Cosmic plasma physics and our concept of the universe is in a state of rapid revision. This change started with in-situ measurements of plasmas in Earth's ionosphere, cometary atmospheres, and planetary magnetospheres; the translation of knowledge from laboratory experiments to astrophysical phenomena; discoveries of helical and filamentary plasma structures in the Galaxy and double radio sources; and the particle simulation of plasmas not accessible to in-situ measurement. Because of these, Birkeland (field-aligned) currents, double layers, and magnetic-field-aligned electric fields are now known to be far more important to the evolution of space plasma, including the acceleration of charged particles to high energies, than previously thought. This paper and its sequel investigate the observational evidence for a plasma universe threaded by Birkeland currents or filaments. This model of the universe was inspired by the advent of three-dimensional fully electromagnetic particle simulations and their application to the study of laboratory z pinches. This study resulted in totally unexpected phenomena in the data post-processed from the simulation particle, field, and history dumps. In particular, when the simulation parameters were scaled to galactic dimensions, the interaction between pinched filaments led to synchrotron radiation whose emission properties were found to share the following characteristics with double radio galaxies and quasars: power magnitude, isophotal morphology, spectra, brightness along source, polarization, and jets. The evolution of these pinched synchrotron emitting plasmas to elliptical, peculiar, and spiral galaxies by continuing the simulation run is addressed in a sequel paper

  2. Design and Implementation of a General Decision-Making Model in RoboCup Simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Changda Wang


    Full Text Available The study of the collaboration, coordination and negotiation among different agents in a multi-agent system (MAS has always been the most challenging yet popular in the research of distributed artificial intelligence. In this paper, we will suggest for RoboCup simulation, a typical MAS, a general decision-making model, rather than define a different algorithm for each tactic (e.g. ball handling, pass, shoot and interception, etc. in soccer games as most RoboCup simulation teams did. The general decision-making model is based on two critical factors in soccer games: the vertical distance to the goal line and the visual angle for the goalpost. We have used these two parameters to formalize the defensive and offensive decisions in RoboCup simulation and the results mentioned above had been applied in NOVAURO®, original name is UJDB, a RoboCup simulation team of Jiangsu University, whose decision-making model, compared with that of Tsinghua University, the world champion team in 2001, is a universal model and easier to be implemented.

  3. Classical Simulation of Intermediate-Size Quantum Circuits


    Chen, Jianxin; Zhang, Fang; Chen, Mingcheng; Huang, Cupjin; Newman, Michael; Shi, Yaoyun


    We introduce a distributed classical simulation algorithm for general quantum circuits, and present numerical results for calculating the output probabilities of universal random circuits. We find that we can simulate more qubits to greater depth than previously reported using the cluster supported by the Data Infrastructure and Search Technology Division of the Alibaba Group. For example, computing a single amplitude of an $8\\times 8$ qubit circuit with depth $40$ was previously beyond the r...

  4. Black Holes, the Brightest Objects in the Universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McKinney, Jonathan (Stanford University)


    Black holes are everywhere in the Universe. They form when massive stars end their life in a simultaneous violent collapse and energetic explosion. Galaxies end up littered with small black holes, each roughly the mass of ten Suns. Nearly every galaxy center ends up with a single huge black hole, with the mass of a million to a billion Suns. During their lifetimes, black holes chew up their surroundings and spew out ultra-energetic beams of radiation and matter that are visible from across the Universe. In this lecture, I will discuss how black holes form, outline how we detect them, and show movies that illustrate how they work according to Einstein and state-of-the-art computer simulations. We will see that these blackest of all objects in the Universe actually shine the brightest.


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    Vadim Vladimirovich Chirkov


    Full Text Available Manipulation robots are complex spatial mechanical systems having five or six degrees of freedom, and sometimes more. For this reason, modeling manipulative robots movement, even in the kinematic formulation, is a complex mathematical task. If one moves from kinematic modeling of motion to dynamic modeling then there must be taken into account the inertial properties of the modeling object. In this case, analytical constructing of such a complex object mathematical model as a manipulation robot becomes practically impossible. Therefore, special computer-aided design systems, called CAE-systems, are used for modeling complex mechanical systems. The purpose of the paper is simulation model construction of a complex mechanical system, such as the industrial robot TUR10-K, to obtain its dynamic characteristics. Developing such models makes it possible to reduce the complexity of designing complex systems process and to obtain the necessary characteristics. Purpose. Developing the simulation model of the industrial robot TUR10-K and obtaining dynamic characteristics of the mechanism. Methodology: the article is used a computer simulation method. Results: There is obtained the simulation model of the robot and its dynamic characteristics. Practical implications: the results can be used in the mechanical systems design and various simulation models.

  6. Universal Dark Halo Scaling Relation for the Dwarf Spheroidal Satellites (United States)

    Hayashi, Kohei; Ishiyama, Tomoaki; Ogiya, Go; Chiba, Masashi; Inoue, Shigeki; Mori, Masao


    Motivated by a recently found interesting property of the dark halo surface density within a radius, {r}\\max , giving the maximum circular velocity, {V}\\max , we investigate it for dark halos of the Milky Way’s and Andromeda’s dwarf satellites based on cosmological simulations. We select and analyze the simulated subhalos associated with Milky-Way-sized dark halos and find that the values of their surface densities, {{{Σ }}}{V\\max }, are in good agreement with those for the observed dwarf spheroidal satellites even without employing any fitting procedures. Moreover, all subhalos on the small scales of dwarf satellites are expected to obey the universal relation, irrespective of differences in their orbital evolutions, host halo properties, and observed redshifts. Therefore, we find that the universal scaling relation for dark halos on dwarf galaxy mass scales surely exists and provides us with important clues for understanding fundamental properties of dark halos. We also investigate orbital and dynamical evolutions of subhalos to understand the origin of this universal dark halo relation and find that most subhalos evolve generally along the {r}\\max \\propto {V}\\max sequence, even though these subhalos have undergone different histories of mass assembly and tidal stripping. This sequence, therefore, should be the key feature for understanding the nature of the universality of {{{Σ }}}{V\\max }.

  7. Using Simulations to Visualize Astronomy Concepts (United States)

    Lee, Kevin M.


    Advances in computer programming environments and the internet have made sophisticated simulations abundant and instantly accessible. This presentation will showcase simulations developed by the University of Nebraska's Astronomy Education Group that are publicly available on the web at These interactive tools can be extremely useful in helping college students visualize challenging topics. Methods for using these tools interactively in the classroom through having a dialog with students, asking them to record predictions, and providing feedback on think-pair-share questions will be discussed.

  8. Monte Carlo simulation of a photodisintegration of 3 H experiment in Geant4 (United States)

    Gray, Isaiah


    An upcoming experiment involving photodisintegration of 3 H at the High Intensity Gamma-Ray Source facility at Duke University has been simulated in the software package Geant4. CAD models of silicon detectors and wire chambers were imported from Autodesk Inventor using the program FastRad and the Geant4 GDML importer. Sensitive detectors were associated with the appropriate logical volumes in the exported GDML file so that changes in detector geometry will be easily manifested in the simulation. Probability distribution functions for the energy and direction of outgoing protons were generated using numerical tables from previous theory, and energies and directions were sampled from these distributions using a rejection sampling algorithm. The simulation will be a useful tool to optimize detector geometry, estimate background rates, and test data analysis algorithms. This work was supported by the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory REU program at Duke University.

  9. Simulation in JFL: Business Writing (United States)

    Fukushima, Tatsuya


    This article discusses a simulation wherein learners of Japanese as a Foreign Language (JFL) in a business writing course at an American university are assigned tasks to write a series of business letters based on situations that are likely to occur in actual business settings. After an overview of the theoretical background, this article…

  10. On simulation of local fluxes in molecular junctions (United States)

    Cabra, Gabriel; Jensen, Anders; Galperin, Michael


    We present a pedagogical review of the current density simulation in molecular junction models indicating its advantages and deficiencies in analysis of local junction transport characteristics. In particular, we argue that current density is a universal tool which provides more information than traditionally simulated bond currents, especially when discussing inelastic processes. However, current density simulations are sensitive to the choice of basis and electronic structure method. We note that while discussing the local current conservation in junctions, one has to account for the source term caused by the open character of the system and intra-molecular interactions. Our considerations are illustrated with numerical simulations of a benzenedithiol molecular junction.

  11. Design and Application of Interactive Simulations in Problem-Solving in University-Level Physics Education (United States)

    Ceberio, Mikel; Almudí, José Manuel; Franco, Ángel


    In recent years, interactive computer simulations have been progressively integrated in the teaching of the sciences and have contributed significant improvements in the teaching-learning process. Practicing problem-solving is a key factor in science and engineering education. The aim of this study was to design simulation-based problem-solving…

  12. Simulating the universe(s) III: observables for the full bubble collision spacetime

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Johnson, Matthew C. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, Toronto, On, M3J 1P3 (Canada); Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2Y5 (Canada); Wainwright, Carroll L.; Aguirre, Anthony [SCIPP and Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, 95064 (United States); Peiris, Hiranya V. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, London WC1E 6BT (United Kingdom)


    This is the third paper in a series establishing a quantitative relation between inflationary scalar field potential landscapes and the relic perturbations left by the collision between bubbles produced during eternal inflation. We introduce a new method for computing cosmological observables from numerical relativity simulations of bubble collisions in one space and one time dimension. This method tiles comoving hypersurfaces with locally-perturbed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker coordinate patches. The method extends previous work, which was limited to the spacetime region just inside the future light cone of the collision, and allows us to explore the full bubble-collision spacetime. We validate our new methods against previous work, and present a full set of predictions for the comoving curvature perturbation and local negative spatial curvature produced by identical and non-identical bubble collisions, in single scalar field models of eternal inflation. In both collision types, there is a non-zero contribution to the spatial curvature and cosmic microwave background quadrupole. Some collisions between non-identical bubbles excite wall modes, giving extra structure to the predicted temperature anisotropies. We comment on the implications of our results for future observational searches. For non-identical bubble collisions, we also find that the surfaces of constant field can readjust in the presence of a collision to produce spatially infinite sections that become nearly homogeneous deep into the region affected by the collision. Contrary to previous assumptions, this is true even in the bubble into which the domain wall is accelerating.

  13. Investigación de las funciones del modelado de la información de construcción en la industria de la construcción en Palestina

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adnan Enshassi

    Full Text Available El objetivo de este artículo es investigar la importancia de las funciones del Modelado de la Información de la Construcción (BIM, por sus siglas en inglés en la industria de la construcción desde el punto de vista de los profesionales, en la Franja de Gaza, Palestina. Se utilizó una encuesta tipo cuestionario respondido por 270 profesionales de la industria. Los datos fueron analizados usando el análisis factorial exploratorio. Los hallazgos del estudio indicaron que las funciones del BIM son muy necesarias e importantes para los profesionales de la industria de la construcción en la Franja de Gaza. Los hallazgos de este estudio revelaron tres componentes de las funciones del BIM: (1 Gestión de datos y utilización en la planificación, operación y mantenimiento; (2 Diseño y análisis visualizados y (3 Construcción y operación. La optimización de la eficiencia energética resultó ser la función más importante de la primera componente del BIM ya que existe alta demanda por una construcción y desarrollo sustentables. En cuanto a la segunda componente, la simulación funcional destinada a elegir la mejor solución para la iluminación y energía resultó ser la función más alta. Esta función ayuda a identificar los métodos para reducir el consumo de recursos e incrementar las oportunidades de energías renovables en el sitio. La estimación de costos basada en el modelo demostró ser la función más alta en la tercera componente. Los profesionales de la industria de la construcción se verán beneficiados con los hallazgos presentados de este estudio al poder comprender las funciones del BIM que los impulsarán a aplicar sus herramientas con el fin de mejorar sustancialmente la realización de los proyectos de construcción.

  14. An Interprofessional Approach to Continuing Education With Mass Casualty Simulation: Planning and Execution. (United States)

    Saber, Deborah A; Strout, Kelley; Caruso, Lisa Swanson; Ingwell-Spolan, Charlene; Koplovsky, Aiden


    Many natural and man-made disasters require the assistance from teams of health care professionals. Knowing that continuing education about disaster simulation training is essential to nursing students, nurses, and emergency first responders (e.g., emergency medical technicians, firefighters, police officers), a university in the northeastern United States planned and implemented an interprofessional mass casualty incident (MCI) disaster simulation using the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) management framework. The school of nursing and University Volunteer Ambulance Corps (UVAC) worked together to simulate a bus crash with disaster victim actors to provide continued education for community first responders and train nursing students on the MCI process. This article explains the simulation activity, planning process, and achieved outcomes. J Contin Educ Nurs. 2017;48(10):447-453. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  15. Modeling ecological niches and predicting geographic distributions: a test of six presence-only methods Modelado de nichos ecológicos y predicción de distribuciones geográficas: comparación de seis métodos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miguel A. Ortega-Huerta


    Full Text Available Modeling ecological niches of species as a means to predict geographic distributions is a growing field that has been applied to numerous challenges of importance in ecology, systematics, and human well-being. The increasing availability and variety of such predictive algorithms requires testing their performance. In this study, we compare 6 such algorithms (Maxent, BioMapper, DOMAIN, FloraMap, the genetic algorithm GARP, and weights of evidence as regards their ability to predict the geographic distributions of 10 species of Mexican birds for which ample distributional data are available. The results of this study nevertheless led to reflections on how model quality should be evaluated.La predicción de las distribuciones geográficas de las especies obtenida mediante el modelado de sus nichos ecológicos, representa una línea de investigación en expansión, la cual ha sido aplicada en múltiples áreas de conocimiento tales como ecología, sistemática y salud pública. La creciente disponibilidad y variedad de tales métodos y algoritmos de predicción determina su evaluación como necesaria. En este estudio, comparamos 6 algoritmos (Maxent, BioMapper, Domain, FloraMap, GARP, Weights of Evidence con respecto a su habilidad para predecir las distribuciones geográficas de 10 especies de aves de México, para las cuales se cuenta con suficientes datos distribucionales. No obstante, los resultados de nuestro estudio sugieren la necesidad de elaborar nuevos criterios para la evaluación de modelos.

  16. Análisis y modelado de la transmisión de variabilidad dimensional en un proceso de producción de baldosas cerámicas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gras, M.


    Full Text Available Dimensional variability in low water absorption tiles manufacturing is a problem which is not solved enough yet and, despite the efforts performed by manufacturers in order to control the processes, results are still exceeding tolerances set by the market; this is a usual situation in many multi-stage transformation processes, in which final variation arises from the one generated and transmitted by the different stages of the manufacturing. The study brings up a preventive focus on the problem using variability transmission modelling methodologies usually applied in other manufacturing processes, combined with the use of statistical tools to estimate and validate in a real case a mathematical model which explained the result of dimensional variability from each one of the related process variables, estimating the contribution of each one of them to the problem. Having an explicative mathematical model of the problem will allow a better design of control plans and giving priority to improvement actions focused to minimise the problem.

    La variación dimensional es un problema todavía no resuelto en los procesos de fabricación de baldosas cerámicas de baja absorción de agua y pese a los esfuerzos realizados por los fabricantes para controlar el proceso los resultados no cumplen con las especificaciones del mercado; esta situación es común en muchos procesos de trasformación multi-etapa en los que la variación observable en una determinada característica del producto es consecuencia de la generada y trasmitida por las distintas etapas del proceso. Este estudio plantea un enfoque preventivo para el análisis del problema utilizando métodos para el modelado de la trasmisión de la variabilidad habitualmente utilizados en procesos de fabricación, combinados con la utilización de herramientas estadísticas para estimar y validar en un caso real un modelo matemático que explique la variación de la característica de calidad final a

  17. 'BioNessie(G) - a grid enabled biochemical networks simulation environment


    Liu, X; Jiang, J; Ajayi, O; Gu, X; Gilbert, D; Sinnott, R


    The simulation of biochemical networks provides insight and understanding about the underlying biochemical processes and pathways used by cells and organisms. BioNessie is a biochemical network simulator which has been developed at the University of Glasgow. This paper describes the simulator and focuses in particular on how it has been extended to benefit from a wide variety of high performance compute resources across the UK through Grid technologies to support larger scal...

  18. Scaling and Universality at Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions. (United States)

    Heyl, Markus


    Dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs) at critical times appear as nonanalyticities during nonequilibrium quantum real-time evolution. Although there is evidence for a close relationship between DQPTs and equilibrium phase transitions, a major challenge is still to connect to fundamental concepts such as scaling and universality. In this work, renormalization group transformations in complex parameter space are formulated for quantum quenches in Ising models showing that the DQPTs are critical points associated with unstable fixed points of equilibrium Ising models. Therefore, these DQPTs obey scaling and universality. On the basis of numerical simulations, signatures of these DQPTs in the dynamical buildup of spin correlations are found with an associated power-law scaling determined solely by the fixed point's universality class. An outlook is given on how to explore this dynamical scaling experimentally in systems of trapped ions.

  19. Integrated Research/Education University Aircraft Design Program Development (United States)


    of the art ; Substantial engineering analysis using industry-standard simulation techniques and tools; Substantial testing and analysis / test...flight vehicle configurations that would be a contribution to the state of the art in airplane design. DISTRIBUTION A: Distribution approved for public...Dr. Eli Livne Boeing Endowed Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics Adjunct Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of

  20. Visual software system for memory interleaving simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Milenković Katarina


    Full Text Available This paper describes the visual software system for memory interleaving simulation (VSMIS, implemented for the purpose of the course Computer Architecture and Organization 1, at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. The simulator enables students to expand their knowledge through practical work in the laboratory, as well as through independent work at home. VSMIS gives users the possibility to initialize parts of the system and to control simulation steps. The user has the ability to monitor simulation through graphical representation. It is possible to navigate through the entire hierarchy of the system using simple navigation. During the simulation the user can observe and set the values of the memory location. At any time, the user can reset the simulation of the system and observe it for different memory states; in addition, it is possible to save the current state of the simulation and continue with the execution of the simulation later. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III44009

  1. Huge-scale molecular dynamics simulation of multibubble nuclei

    KAUST Repository

    Watanabe, Hiroshi


    We have developed molecular dynamics codes for a short-range interaction potential that adopt both the flat-MPI and MPI/OpenMP hybrid parallelizations on the basis of a full domain decomposition strategy. Benchmark simulations involving up to 38.4 billion Lennard-Jones particles were performed on Fujitsu PRIMEHPC FX10, consisting of 4800 SPARC64 IXfx 1.848 GHz processors, at the Information Technology Center of the University of Tokyo, and a performance of 193 teraflops was achieved, which corresponds to a 17.0% execution efficiency. Cavitation processes were also simulated on PRIMEHPC FX10 and SGI Altix ICE 8400EX at the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Tokyo, which involved 1.45 billion and 22.9 million particles, respectively. Ostwald-like ripening was observed after the multibubble nuclei. Our results demonstrate that direct simulations of multiscale phenomena involving phase transitions from the atomic scale are possible and that the molecular dynamics method is a promising method that can be applied to petascale computers. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. An approach to 3D modeling of marine platforms in operation; Un enfoque al modelado 3D de plataformas marinas en operacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomez Camargo, Octavio [Instituto de Investigaciones Electricas, Cuernavaca, Morelos (Mexico)


    marinas se estan disenando con herramientas CAD, por lo que antes de su instalacion cuentan con un modelo 3D, el cual se va actualizando conforme avanza el diseno, hasta llegar a la version aprobada para construccion. Posteriormente, el modelo digital de la plataforma marina sirve para guiar en la construccion y dar seguimiento al avance de la misma. De igual forma, el modelo 3D se debe de actualizar respecto a los cambios surgidos durante la construccion e instalacion, hasta la puesta en servicio de la plataforma, sin embargo, muchas de estas fueron construidas cuando aun no se disponia de estas herramientas, por lo que se torna necesario construir el modelo digital de acuerdo al estado actual que presenten. Para desarrollar el modelo digital de las plataformas marinas en operacion, las actividades se agrupan en tres grandes etapas: especificacion de alcance, recuperacion de informacion y modelado.

  3. Testing advanced driver assistance systems with the interactive driving simulator; Erprobung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen mit dem Interactive Driving Simulator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Friedrichs, A.; Grosse-Kappenberg, S.; Happe, J. [Zentrum fuer Lern- und Wissensmanagement und Lehrstuhl Informatik im Maschinenbau ZLW/IMA der RWTH Aachen (Germany)


    The Centre for Learning and Knowledge Management and Department of Computer Science in Engineering of the Technical University Aachen has developed a truck driving simulator which combines a driving simulation as well as traffic flow calculations to the interactive Driving Simulator (InDriveS). In real-time the effects of the driver's behaviour on the surrounding traffic are considered and vice versa. The integrative part of InDriveS is a software-in-the-loop and hardware-in-the-loop development environment. By means of this tool, all phases of development (Analysis, Design, Modelling, Simulation, Implementation as well as Testing and Evaluation) of new vehicle technologies, e.g. Information and Assistance Systems, can be realised in consideration of the road traffic and the driver's behaviour. (orig.)

  4. Statistical analysis of simulation calculation of sputtering for two interaction potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shao Qiyun


    The effects of the interaction potentials (Moliere potential and Universal potential) are presented on computer simulation results of sputtering via Monte Carlo simulation based on the binary collision approximation. By means of Wilcoxon two-Sample paired sign rank test, the statistically significant difference for the above results is obtained

  5. Numerical simulation of flow around the NREL S826 airfoil at moderate Reynolds number using delayed detached Eddy simulation (DDES) (United States)

    Prytz, Erik R.; Huuse, Øyvind; Müller, Bernhard; Bartl, Jan; Sætran, Lars Roar


    Turbulent flow at Reynolds numbers 5 . 104 to 106 around the NREL S826 airfoil used for wind turbine blades is simulated using delayed detached eddy simulation (DDES). The 3D domain is built as a replica of the low speed wind tunnel at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) with the wind tunnel walls considered as slip walls. The subgrid turbulent kinetic energy is used to model the sub-grid scale in the large eddy simulation (LES) part of DDES. Different Reynoldsaveraged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models are tested in ANSYS Fluent. The realizable k - ∈ model as the RANS model in DDES is found to yield the best agreement of simulated pressure distributions with the experimental data both from NTNU and the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the latter for a shorter spanwise domain. The present DDES results are in excellent agreement with LES results from DTU. Since DDES requires much fewer cells in the RANS region near the wing surface than LES, DDES is computationally much more efficient than LES. Whereas DDES is able to predict lift and drag in close agreement with experiment up to stall, pure 2D RANS simulations fail near stall. After testing different numerical settings, time step sizes and grids for DDES, a Reynolds number study is conducted. Near stall, separated flow structures, so-called stall cells, are observed in the DDES results.

  6. Is universal coverage via social health insurance financially feasible ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    SHI would take up an increasing proportion of total health expenditure over the simulation period and become the dominant health financing mechanism. In principle, and on the basis of the assumed policy variables, universal coverage could be reached within 6 years through the implementation of an SHI scheme based ...

  7. Modeling and simulation of the feedwater system, associated controller and interface with the user for the SUN-RAH nucleo electric plants university student simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez B, A.


    The simulation process of the component systems of the feedwater of a nucleo electric plant is presented, using several models of reduced order that represent the diverse elements that compose the systems like: the heaters of feedwater, the condenser, the feedwater pump, etc. The integration of the same ones in one simulative structure, and the development of a platform that to give the appearance of to be executed in continuous time, it is the objective of the feedwater simulator, as well as of the SUN-RAH simulator, of which is part. The simulator uses models of reduced order that respond to the observed behavior of a nuclear plant of BWR type. Likewise, it is presented a model of a flow controller of feedwater that will be the one in charge of regulating the demand of the system according to the characteristics and criticize restrictions of safety and controllability, assigned according to those wanted parameters of performance of this system inside the nucleo electric plant. The integration of these models, the adaptation of the variables and parameters, are presented in a way that the integration with the other ones models of the remaining systems of the plant (reactor, steam lines, turbine, etc.), be direct and coherent with the principles of thermodynamic cycles relative to this type of generation plants. The design of those graphic interfaces and the environment where the simulator works its are part of those developments of this work. The reaches and objectives of the simulator complement the description of the simulator. (Author)

  8. Thermal Hydraulic Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Investigation of Deformed Fuel Assemblies

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mays, Brian [AREVA Federal Services, Lynchburg, VA (United States); Jackson, R. Brian [TerraPower, Bellevue, WA (United States)


    The project, Toward a Longer Life Core: Thermal Hydraulic CFD Simulations and Experimental Investigation of Deformed Fuel Assemblies, DOE Project code DE-NE0008321, was a verification and validation project for flow and heat transfer through wire wrapped simulated liquid metal fuel assemblies that included both experiments and computational fluid dynamics simulations of those experiments. This project was a two year collaboration between AREVA, TerraPower, Argonne National Laboratory and Texas A&M University. Experiments were performed by AREVA and Texas A&M University. Numerical simulations of these experiments were performed by TerraPower and Argonne National Lab. Project management was performed by AREVA Federal Services. The first of a kind project resulted in the production of both local point temperature measurements and local flow mixing experiment data paired with numerical simulation benchmarking of the experiments. The project experiments included the largest wire-wrapped pin assembly Mass Index of Refraction (MIR) experiment in the world, the first known wire-wrapped assembly experiment with deformed duct geometries and the largest numerical simulations ever produced for wire-wrapped bundles.

  9. Study on Evolutionary Path of University Students’ Entrepreneurship Training

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daojian Yang


    Full Text Available Aiming at studying the evolution pattern of cultivating the ability of university students’ entrepreneurship, this paper established the payoff matrix between the university and students agent with the evolutionary economics method. The analysis of the evolution of the communication process model reveals how the choice strategy of individuals influences that of groups. Numerical simulation also demonstrates the influences of different values of decision-making parameters and the change of initial conditions on the result of evolution. It is found that the evolution path system of university students’ entrepreneurial ability has two kinds of modes: one is the ideal state; and the other one is the bad “lock” state. By adjusting parameters, we can jump out of the bad “lock” state, thus optimizing cultivation path.

  10. Multi-Bunch Simulations of the ILC for Luminosity Performance Studies

    CERN Document Server

    White, Glen; Walker, Nicholas J


    To study the luminosity performance of the International Linear Collider (ILC) with different design parameters, a simulation was constructed that tracks a multi-bunch representation of the beam from the Damping Ring extraction through to the Interaction Point. The simulation code PLACET is used to simulate the LINAC, MatMerlin is used to track through the Beam Delivery System and GUINEA-PIG for the beam-beam interaction. Included in the simulation are ground motion and wakefield effects, intra-train fast feedback and luminosity-based feedback systems. To efficiently study multiple parameters/multiple seeds, the simulation is deployed on the Queen Mary High-Throughput computing cluster at Queen Mary, University of London, where 100 simultaneous simulation seeds can be run.

  11. Reactor Subsystem Simulation for Nuclear Hybrid Energy Systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shannon Bragg-Sitton; J. Michael Doster; Alan Rominger


    Preliminary system models have been developed by Idaho National Laboratory researchers and are currently being enhanced to assess integrated system performance given multiple sources (e.g., nuclear + wind) and multiple applications (i.e., electricity + process heat). Initial efforts to integrate a Fortran-based simulation of a small modular reactor (SMR) with the balance of plant model have been completed in FY12. This initial effort takes advantage of an existing SMR model developed at North Carolina State University to provide initial integrated system simulation for a relatively low cost. The SMR subsystem simulation details are discussed in this report.

  12. Viscosity calculations at molecular dynamics simulations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirova, E M; Norman, G E


    Viscosity and diffusion are chosen as an example to demonstrate the universality of diagnostics methods in the molecular dynamics method. To emphasize the universality, three diverse systems are investigated, which differ from each other drastically: liquids with embedded atom method and pairwise interatomic interaction potentials and dusty plasma with a unique multiparametric interparticle interaction potential. Both the Einstein-Helfand and Green-Kubo relations are used. Such a particular process as glass transition is analysed at the simulation of the aluminium melt. The effect of the dust particle charge fluctuation is considered. The results are compared with the experimental data. (paper)

  13. A new nuclear materials laboratory at Queen's University

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holt, R.A.; Daymond, M.R.


    The Reactor Materials Testing Laboratory (RMTL) at Queen's University and the results of commissioning tests are described. RMTL uses energetic protons (up to 8MeV) to simulate fast neutron damage in materials for reactor components. The laboratory is also capable of He implantation (up to 12 MeV) to simulate the effects of transmutation He in reactor components. The $17.5M laboratory comprises a new building, a 4MV tandem accelerator, two electron microscopes, mechanical testing and specimen preparation equipment, and a radiation detection laboratory. RMTL focusses on studying dynamic effects of irradiation (irradiation creep, irradiation growth, irradiation induced swelling, fatigue under irradiation) in-situ. (author)

  14. NASA Lunabotics Mining Competition for Universities: Results and Lessons Learned (United States)

    Mueller, Robert P.; Murphy, Gloria A.


    Space Mining for resources such as water ice, and regolith, which contain many elements in the form of metals, minerals, volatiles and other compounds, is a necessary step in Space Resource Utilization. One of the primary goals is to extract propellants from the regolith such as oxygen and hydrogen which could then be used for in-space transportation. In addition, the space mining system can be used for various construction tasks that can benefit human and robotic exploration as well as scientific investigations based on the exposed topography. The National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) Lunabotics Mining Competition is a university-level competition designed to engage and retain students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). NASA will directly benefit from the competition by encouraging the development of innovative lunar excavation concepts from universities which may result in clever ideas and solutions which could be applied to an actual lunar excavation device or payload. The challenge is for students to design and build a remote controlled or autonomous excavator, called a lunabot, that can collect and deposit a minimum of 10 kilograms of lunar simulant within 15 minutes. The complexities of the challenge include the abrasive characteristics of the lunar simulant, the weight and size limitations of the lunabot, and the ability to control the lunabot from a remote control center. This paper will present the results of the first and second annual Lunabotics Mining Competitions held in May 2010 and May 2011. In 2010, 22 United States (US) universities competed, and in May 2011 the competition was opened to international participation, with 46 Universities expected to attend. There are 12 international teams and 34 US teams. This combined total directly inspired an estimated 544 university students. More students and the public were engaged via internet broadcasting and social networking media. The various designs will be

  15. Toward Endemic Deployment of Educational Simulation Games: A Review of Progress and Future Recommendations (United States)

    Moizer, Jonathan; Lean, Jonathan


    This article presents a conceptual analysis of simulation game adoption and use across university faculty. The metaphor of epidemiology is used to characterize the diffusion of simulation games for teaching and learning. A simple stock-flow diagram is presented to illustrate this dynamic. Future scenarios for simulation game adoption are…

  16. Simulación como herramienta de ayuda para la toma de decisiones empresariales. Un caso práctico || Simulation as a business decision making tool. A case study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Puche Regaliza, Julio César


    Full Text Available La toma de decisiones empresariales es un factor crítico para la viabilidad de las empresas. En el actual escenario más dinámico, global y competitivo, este factor crítico abre espacio a requerimientos más amplios. El modelado y la simulación tradicionalmente han formado parte sustancial del juego de herramientas utilizadas para el soporte a la toma de decisiones, especialmente en referencia a la toma de decisiones estratégicas. En este trabajo, pretendemos mostrar una perspectiva clara sobre el valor añadido que ofrece la simulación. En primer lugar, se describen las etapas que deben llevarse a cabo para completar un proceso de toma de decisiones mediante simulación. A continuación, se desarrolla un caso práctico en el que se plasman dichas etapas frente a la decisión de implantar un comportamiento PUSH o un comportamiento PULL en una determinada empresa. Los resultados obtenidos nos conducen a la decisión de implantar PULL en favor de PUSH, mostrando que el valor esperado de las técnicas de simulación justifica que una organización madura incorpore tales técnicas en su banco de talento corporativo. || Business decision making is a critical factor to the viability of companies. In the current more dynamic, global and competitive scenario, this critical factor opens space to wider requirements. Modeling and simulation have traditionally formed a substantial part of the toolkit used to support decision making, especially in the business strategy field. In this paper, our aim is to open a clear perspective on the added value offered by simulation. We first introduce an overview about the process of decision making based on simulation. Next, a case study is developed, in which such steps are reflected to decide whether to implement a PUSH behavior or a PULL behavior in a particular company. The results obtained lead us to the decision to implement PULL instead of PUSH, showing that simulation techniques are a very valuable tool to

  17. Simulation as an educational tool in acute nursing care

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Mona


    satisfying. The purpose of the study was to investigate if theory based lessons in combination with simulation-based lectures (FAM Camp) were superior to theory based lessons alone on above mentioned variables. Method: This was a controlled intervention study among nursing students at University College...... lessons. Conclusion: Different skills are required to practice as an acute nurse. Believe in own abilities is one of them (self-efficacy) and this skill was trained best in simulation-based lessons in an authentic setting. Contrary, it is uncertain whether simulation training improves fundamental...

  18. Properties of galaxies reproduced by a hydrodynamic simulation (United States)

    Vogelsberger, M.; Genel, S.; Springel, V.; Torrey, P.; Sijacki, D.; Xu, D.; Snyder, G.; Bird, S.; Nelson, D.; Hernquist, L.


    Previous simulations of the growth of cosmic structures have broadly reproduced the `cosmic web' of galaxies that we see in the Universe, but failed to create a mixed population of elliptical and spiral galaxies, because of numerical inaccuracies and incomplete physical models. Moreover, they were unable to track the small-scale evolution of gas and stars to the present epoch within a representative portion of the Universe. Here we report a simulation that starts 12 million years after the Big Bang, and traces 13 billion years of cosmic evolution with 12 billion resolution elements in a cube of 106.5 megaparsecs a side. It yields a reasonable population of ellipticals and spirals, reproduces the observed distribution of galaxies in clusters and characteristics of hydrogen on large scales, and at the same time matches the `metal' and hydrogen content of galaxies on small scales.

  19. Simulator program as a form of implementation of electronic teaching tools for self-study of foreign students at the stage of pre-university training

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andriy O. Savel'ev


    Full Text Available Questions of empowerment the organization of classroom and extracurricular self-study of foreign students at the stage of pre-university training through the implementation of electronic teaching tools as a component of computer training facilities in educational process are considered. Classification of modern electronic teaching tools as a component of computer hardware training, developed on the basis of modern information and communication technologies is offered. Version of program-simulator "Introductory course" is offered. The program is created by means of WEB-programming and uses training material of introductory course. Introductory course is one of the most important elements of teaching of scientific style of speech within the language training for the foreign students at the preparatory faculty.

  20. Criteria for exact qudit universality

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brennen, Gavin K.; O'Leary, Dianne P.; Bullock, Stephen S.


    We describe criteria for implementation of quantum computation in qudits. A qudit is a d-dimensional system whose Hilbert space is spanned by states vertical bar 0>, vertical bar 1>, ..., vertical bar d-1>. An important earlier work [A. Muthukrishnan and C.R. Stroud, Jr., Phys. Rev. A 62, 052309 (2000)] describes how to exactly simulate an arbitrary unitary on multiple qudits using a 2d-1 parameter family of single qudit and two qudit gates. That technique is based on the spectral decomposition of unitaries. Here we generalize this argument to show that exact universality follows given a discrete set of single qudit Hamiltonians and one two-qudit Hamiltonian. The technique is related to the QR-matrix decomposition of numerical linear algebra. We consider a generic physical system in which the single qudit Hamiltonians are a small collection of H jk x =(ℎ/2π)Ω(vertical bar k> jk y =(ℎ/2π)Ω(i vertical bar k> jk x,y are allowed Hamiltonians. One qudit exact universality follows iff this graph is connected, and complete universality results if the two-qudit Hamiltonian H=(ℎ/2π)Ω vertical bar d-1,d-1> 87 Rb and construct an optimal gate sequence using Raman laser pulses

  1. Computer simulation program for medium-energy ion scattering and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (United States)

    Nishimura, Tomoaki


    A computer simulation program for ion scattering and its graphical user interface (MEISwin) has been developed. Using this program, researchers have analyzed medium-energy ion scattering and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry at Ritsumeikan University since 1998, and at Rutgers University since 2007. The main features of the program are as follows: (1) stopping power can be chosen from five datasets spanning several decades (from 1977 to 2011), (2) straggling can be chosen from two datasets, (3) spectral shape can be selected as Gaussian or exponentially modified Gaussian, (4) scattering cross sections can be selected as Coulomb or screened, (5) simulations adopt the resonant elastic scattering cross section of 16O(4He, 4He)16O, (6) pileup simulation for RBS spectra is supported, (7) natural and specific isotope abundances are supported, and (8) the charge fraction can be chosen from three patterns (fixed, energy-dependent, and ion fraction with charge-exchange parameters for medium-energy ion scattering). This study demonstrates and discusses the simulations and their results.

  2. Soil loss prediction using universal soil loss equation (USLE ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Soil loss prediction using universal soil loss equation (USLE) simulation model in a mountainous area in Ag lasun district, Turkey. ... The need for sufficient knowledge and data for decision makers is obvious hence the present study was carried out. The study area, the Alasun district, is in the middle west of Turkey and is ...

  3. Dynamic Interactions for Network Visualization and Simulation (United States)


    projects.htm, Site accessed January 5, 2009. 12. John S. Weir, Major, USAF, Mediated User-Simulator Interactive Command with Visualization ( MUSIC -V). Master’s...Computing Sciences in Colleges, December 2005). 14. Enrique Campos -Nanez, “nscript user manual,” Department of System Engineer- ing University of

  4. [Suture simulator - Cleft palate surgery]. (United States)

    Devinck, F; Riot, S; Qassemyar, A; Belkhou, A; Wolber, A; Martinot Duquennoy, V; Guerreschi, P


    Cleft palate requires surgery in the first years of life, furthermore repairing anatomically the soft and hard palate is complex on a surgical level because of the fine tissues and the local intraoral configuration. It is valuable to train first on simulators before going to the operating room. However, there is no material dedicated to learning how to perform intraoral sutures in cleft palate surgery. We made one, in an artisanal manner, in order to practice before the real surgical gesture. The simulator was designed based on precise anatomical data. A steel pipe, fixed on a rigid base represented the oral cavity. An adapted split spoon represented the palate. All pieces could be removed in order to apply a hydrocellular dressing before training for sutures. Our simulator was tested by 3 senior surgeons in our department in close to real-life conditions in order to evaluate its anatomical accuracy. It is valuable to have a simulator to train on cleft palate sutures within teaching university hospitals that manage this pathology. Our simulator has a very low cost, it is easy to make and is anatomically accurate. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  5. Scientific Challenges for Understanding the Quantum Universe

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khaleel, Mohammad A.


    A workshop titled "Scientific Challenges for Understanding the Quantum Universe" was held December 9-11, 2008, at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center-National Accelerator Laboratory. The primary purpose of the meeting was to examine how computing at the extreme scale can contribute to meeting forefront scientific challenges in particle physics, particle astrophysics and cosmology. The workshop was organized around five research areas with associated panels. Three of these, "High Energy Theoretical Physics," "Accelerator Simulation," and "Experimental Particle Physics," addressed research of the Office of High Energy Physics’ Energy and Intensity Frontiers, while the"Cosmology and Astrophysics Simulation" and "Astrophysics Data Handling, Archiving, and Mining" panels were associated with the Cosmic Frontier.

  6. Promoting Simulation Globally: Networking with Nursing Colleagues Across Five Continents. (United States)

    Alfes, Celeste M; Madigan, Elizabeth A

    Simulation education is gaining momentum internationally and may provide the opportunity to enhance clinical education while disseminating evidence-based practice standards for clinical simulation and learning. There is a need to develop a cohesive leadership group that fosters support, networking, and sharing of simulation resources globally. The Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University has had the unique opportunity to establish academic exchange programs with schools of nursing across five continents. Although the joint and mutual simulation activities have been extensive, each international collaboration has also provided insight into the innovations developed by global partners.

  7. Investigating robustness of interatomic potentials with universal interface

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jelinek, Bohumir; Felicelli, Sergio D; Solanki, Kiran; Peters, John F


    We present a set of Python routines to perform basic tests of classical atomistic potentials and their example applications. These routines are implemented using universal Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) and LAMMPS molecular dynamics code. ASE is utilized to create atomic configurations, to write input scripts for LAMMPS, and to read results from output files. Evaluated properties are formation energies and volumes of simple point defects (vacancies, substitutions, and interstitials), formation energies of basic surfaces, heats of formation of simple binary compounds, and elastic constants. The flexibility of LAMMPS allows easy switching between different semi-empirical potentials, while the universality of ASE allows to compare results with a variety of electronic structure codes.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zavala, J.; Jing, Y. P.; Faltenbacher, A.; Yepes, G.; Hoffman, Y.; Gottloeber, S.; Catinella, B.


    Using constrained simulations of the local universe for generic cold dark matter (CDM) and for 1 keV warm dark matter (WDM), we investigate the difference in the abundance of dark matter halos in the local environment. We find that the mass function (MF) within 20 h -1 Mpc of the Local Group is ∼2 times larger than the universal MF in the 10 9 -10 13 h -1 M sun mass range. Imposing the field of view of the ongoing H I blind survey Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) in our simulations, we predict that the velocity function (VF) in the Virgo-direction region (VdR) exceeds the universal VF by a factor of 3. Furthermore, employing a scheme to translate the halo VF into a galaxy VF, we compare the simulation results with a sample of galaxies from the early catalog release of ALFALFA. We find that our simulations are able to reproduce the VF in the 80-300 km s -1 velocity range, having a value ∼10 times larger than the universal VF in the VdR. In the low-velocity regime, 35-80 km s -1 , the WDM simulation reproduces the observed flattening of the VF. In contrast, the simulation with CDM predicts a steep rise in the VF toward lower velocities; for V max = 35 km s -1 , it forecasts ∼10 times more sources than the ones observed. If confirmed by the complete ALFALFA survey, our results indicate a potential problem for the CDM paradigm or for the conventional assumptions about energetic feedback in dwarf galaxies.

  9. Modelación númerica de procesos de esterilización térmica de alimentos usando volúmenes de control: Aproximación cilíndrica./Numerical simulation of thermal sterilization process of foods using control volumes: Cylindrical aproximation.


    Ciro Velásquez, Héctor José; González, Carlos; García, Eduardo


    Un proceso de esterilización térmica de alimentos fue modelado usando la técnica de diferenciación finita aplicada a volúmenes de control. El modelo de simulación fue desarrollado en coordenadas cilíndricas con un ejemplo de aplicación tomando como referencia un producto cárnico (carne de res). Los resultados de la simulación mostraron que el algoritmo desarrollado es independiente de la red nodal seleccionada, permitiendo cuantificar las curvas de penetración de calor en el punto crítico del...


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernanda Galvão de Barba


    Full Text Available The real estate market crisis in North America in 2007 has strongly affected the capital markets in the US and Europe. Financial crises of the magnitude of that of 2007/2008 bring up important issues about financial markets. This paper investigates how distribution specification influences volatility modeling in the period including the financial crisis of 2007/2008.  Analysis was carried out by using weekly index data from the main stock exchanges of  BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China and the United States, using the APARCH model. The modeling is done in three subdivisions of  the sample considering six different distributions, normal, skewed normal, t-student, skewed  t-student, generalized and skewed generalized. Results of this research showed a variation in the distribution better adjusted during the crisis period, for almost all countries. Variation  in the distributions as well as in the significances and magnitudes of the coefficients can lead to the conclusion  that periods of financial oscillation and instability can influence the modeling of financial series, changing the magnitude and significance of coefficients, and be due to the  contagion  effect.La  crisis en el mercado inmobiliario norte-americano, en 2007, alcanzó estrechamente los mercados de capitales de los EEU y de los países europeos. Crisis financieras con la magnitud de la crisis de 2007/2008 traen a tono importantes cuestiones relativas a los mercados financieros. Este trabajo desea investigar como la especificación de la distribución influenció el modelado de la volatilidad en el periodo que alcanzó la crisis financiera de 2007/2008. Para el análisis fueron utilizados datos semanales de los índices de las principales bolsas del BRIC (Brasil, Rusia, India y China y de los Estados Unidos, usándose el modelo APARCH. El modelado se realiza en  tres subdivisiones de la muestra, suponiéndose seis distribuciones distintas: normal

  11. Modelling of the travelling wave piezoelectric motor stator: an integrated review and new perspective

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodríguez, H.


    Full Text Available Articles from different areas which are closely related to the modelling of the stator of travelling wave ultrasonic motors (TWUMs are reviewed in this work. Thus, important issues relevant to this problem are identified from the areas of vibration of annular plates, laminated plate theories, and modelling of piezoelectric transducers. From this integrated point of view, it becomes clear that there are some very important issues yet to be addressed in the modelling of TWUMs. Firstly, the influence of material properties and stator dimensions on output efficiency, electromechanical coupling coefficients (EMCC and maximum output energy is to be investigated in more detail. Secondly, the modelling of the electric potential field (by explicitly including the charge equation for TWUMs seems to be a must for better prediction of displacements and electric fields close to the resonance, as suggested by some recent works [1]. Moreover, the improvement of current models by using shear deformation (or higher order laminated plate theories (LPTs in conjunction with approximated methods of solution are discussed. In addition to analytical models, those works using Finite Element and Finite difference Methods (FEM and FDM for the modelling and simulation of the TWUM stator dynamics are reviewed.

    En este trabajo se realiza una revisión de los trabajos de investigación realizados en diversas áreas sobre el modelado del estátor de los motores ultrasónicos de onda viajera (TWUMs. Entre los problemas relevantes que se han estudiado podemos citar la vibración de placas anulares, las teorías de placas laminadas y el modelado de transductores piezoeléctricos. A raíz de este punto de vista integral se hace manifiesto que todavía quedan asuntos importantes que estudiar en el modelado de los TWUMs. En primer lugar, la influencia de las propiedades del material y las dimensiones del estátor en la eficiencia del motor, los coeficientes de acoplamiento

  12. [Use of driving simulators in psychological research]. (United States)

    Andysz, Aleksandra; Waszkowska, Małgorzata; Merecz, Dorota; Drabek, Marcin


    The history of simulators dates back to the first decades of the twentieth century. At the beginning they were used to train pilots, and eventually they were used in the automotive industry for testing the strength of new vehicles and ergonomic solutions. With time research institutions and technical universities from outside the automotive industry have become more and more interested in simulators. Attractiveness of simulators for researchers is based on a number of important factors: they create the possibility of modeling, control and repeatability of different experimental situations, reducing at the same time the impact of confounding factors. Simulators have a great potential for data collection and processing. What's more, they are safe and ecologic. These values make them almost an ideal research tool. The article presents a review of psychological studies with use of vehicle driving simulators. It also points to advantages and disadvantages of these devices and outlines the future prospects for experimental research.

  13. Faster-than-real-time robot simulation for plan development and robot safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Crane, C.D. III; Dalton, R.; Ogles, J.; Tulenko, J.S.; Zhou, X.


    The University of Florida, in cooperation with the Universities of Texas, Tennessee, and Michigan and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is developing an advanced robotic system for the US Department of Energy under the University Program for Robotics for Advanced Reactors. As part of this program, the University of Florida has been pursuing the development of a faster-than-real-time robotic simulation program for planning and control of mobile robotic operations to ensure the efficient and safe operation of mobile robots in nuclear power plants and other hazardous environments

  14. A Flexible System for Simulating Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (United States)

    Maly, Kurt; Overstreet, C. M.; Andey, R.


    At Old Dominion University, we have built Aeronautical Telecommunication Network (ATN) Simulator with NASA being the fund provider. It provides a means to evaluate the impact of modified router scheduling algorithms on the network efficiency, to perform capacity studies on various network topologies and to monitor and study various aspects of ATN through graphical user interface (GUI). In this paper we describe briefly about the proposed ATN model and our abstraction of this model. Later we describe our simulator architecture highlighting some of the design specifications, scheduling algorithms and user interface. At the end, we have provided the results of performance studies on this simulator.

  15. ROBOSIM, a simulator for robotic systems (United States)

    Hinman, Elaine M.; Fernandez, Ken; Cook, George E.


    ROBOSIM, a simulator for robotic systems, was developed by NASA to aid in the rapid prototyping of automation. ROBOSIM has allowed the development of improved robotic systems concepts for both earth-based and proposed on-orbit applications while significantly reducing development costs. In a cooperative effort with an area university, ROBOSIM was further developed for use in the classroom as a safe and cost-effective way of allowing students to study robotic systems. Students have used ROBOSIM to study existing robotic systems and systems which they have designed in the classroom. Since an advanced simulator/trainer of this type is beneficial not only to NASA projects and programs but industry and academia as well, NASA is in the process of developing this technology for wider public use. An update on the simulators's new application areas, the improvements made to the simulator's design, and current efforts to ensure the timely transfer of this technology are presented.

  16. Status of the development on simulation technology for pyrochemical reprocessing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arie, Kazuo; Kawabe, Akihiro; Fujita, Reiko; Yamamura, Tsutomu; Sato, Yuzuru; Goto, Takuya; Minato, Kazuo; Tosaka, Ikuo; Amano, Osamu; Yamamoto, Kazuhiko


    The computerized simulation technique of element behaviors in pyrochemical reprocessing is largely useful to raise the efficiency in development of pyrochemical reprocessing technique and moreover to operate reasonably practical plans in the near future. The simulation code SPR1.0 has currently been developed, which can simultaneously analyze the electrochemical and chemical reactions and can deal generally also with many elements of study. It was found from some trial calculations that this code can analyze an electrolytic behavior of MOX. The present study was performed by Toshiba Co., Ltd. together with Tohoku University. and Kyoto University as entrusted from Japan Atomic Power Company Co., Ltd. in cooperation with JAERI, Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. and Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (M.H.)

  17. RS-485 Bus Design of a Missile Simulation Training System

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liu Fang


    Full Text Available In a missile simulation training system with one-master and multi-slaves distributed system structure, a universal controller is necessary due to the system composed with several controllers. In this research, the designed controllers communicate with each other and upper control computer through RS-485 field bus. RS-485 bus including interface circuits, transmission protocol, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC method and upper control test software is designed and proposed. The universal controller adopting the designed RS-485 interface circuits is connected through twisted-pair and makes the simulation system, then the controller is tested in line. The results show that the RS-485 bus communicates effectively using the protocol and CRC method, data transmission rates reaches 115.2 kbps, and has a good stability.

  18. The impact of dark energy on galaxy formation. What does the future of our Universe hold? (United States)

    Salcido, Jaime; Bower, Richard G.; Barnes, Luke A.; Lewis, Geraint F.; Elahi, Pascal J.; Theuns, Tom; Schaller, Matthieu; Crain, Robert A.; Schaye, Joop


    We investigate the effect of the accelerated expansion of the Universe due to a cosmological constant, Λ, on the cosmic star formation rate. We utilise hydrodynamical simulations from the EAGLE suite, comparing a ΛCDM Universe to an Einstein-de Sitter model with Λ = 0. Despite the differences in the rate of growth of structure, we find that dark energy, at its observed value, has negligible impact on star formation in the Universe. We study these effects beyond the present day by allowing the simulations to run forward into the future (t > 13.8 Gyr). We show that the impact of Λ becomes significant only when the Universe has already produced most of its stellar mass, only decreasing the total co-moving density of stars ever formed by ≈15%. We develop a simple analytic model for the cosmic star formation rate that captures the suppression due to a cosmological constant. The main reason for the similarity between the models is that feedback from accreting black holes dramatically reduces the cosmic star formation at late times. Interestingly, simulations without feedback from accreting black holes predict an upturn in the cosmic star formation rate for t > 15 Gyr due to the rejuvenation of massive (>1011M⊙) galaxies. We briefly discuss the implication of the weak dependence of the cosmic star formation on Λ in the context of the anthropic principle.

  19. Simulating the universe(s) II: phenomenology of cosmic bubble collisions in full general relativity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wainwright, Carroll L.; Aguirre, Anthony [SCIPP and Department of Physics, University of California, 1156 High St., Santa Cruz, CA, 95064 (United States); Johnson, Matthew C. [Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, 4700 Keele St., Toronto, On, M3J 1P3 Canada (Canada); Peiris, Hiranya V., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower St., London, WC1E 6BT U.K. (United Kingdom)


    Observing the relics of collisions between bubble universes would provide direct evidence for the existence of an eternally inflating Multiverse; the non-observation of such events can also provide important constraints on inflationary physics. Realizing these prospects requires quantitative predictions for observables from the properties of the possible scalar field Lagrangians underlying eternal inflation. Building on previous work, we establish this connection in detail. We perform a fully relativistic numerical study of the phenomenology of bubble collisions in models with a single scalar field, computing the comoving curvature perturbation produced in a wide variety of models. We also construct a set of analytic predictions, allowing us to identify the phenomenologically relevant properties of the scalar field Lagrangian. The agreement between the analytic predictions and numerics in the relevant regions is excellent, and allows us to generalize our results beyond the models we adopt for the numerical studies. Specifically, the signature is completely determined by the spatial profile of the colliding bubble just before the collision, and the de Sitter invariant distance between the bubble centers. The analytic and numerical results support a power-law fit with an index 1< κ ∼< 2. For collisions between identical bubbles, we establish a lower-bound on the observed amplitude of collisions that is set by the present energy density in curvature.

  20. Galactic Pairs in the Early Universe (United States)

    Kohler, Susanna


    ,000 objects. They find that roughly 50 have a redshift of z 7, and 22 have a redshift of z 8. None of the galaxies at z 7 are in pairs, but the sample at z 8 includes three groups for which the distance between galaxies is less than 1 arcsecond.But are these three pairs actual merging galaxies?Conclusions from StatisticsTop: Gas density at z 7.7 in the authors simulation output. Bottom: Mock observations of this output withHubbles WFC3 (left) and JWSTs NIRCam (right). [Adapted from Chaikin et al. 2018]To answer this question, the authors next perform numerical simulations of galaxy formation and produce mock observations showing what the simulatedfield would look like in an equivalent deep Hubble exposure.Based on their simulation statistics, Chaikin and collaborators argue that the three pairs at z 8 do represent an unusually high merger fraction but projection coincidences or lensing are far less likely scenarios to account for all three pairs. If the three pairs are indeed all merging galaxies, it could indicate that this Hubble field corresponds to a local overdensity at a redshift of z 8.Looking AheadThe best way to improve on these measurements is to repeat this study with more advanced telescopes. Chaikin and collaborators demonstrate the superiority of the observations that the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will provide. They also point out the potential power of the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) currently under threat under the proposed 2019 federal budget to extend the observational horizon well into the epoch of reionization.Continued studies backed by the power of these future telescopes are sure to discover a wealth of additional distant galactic duos, helping us to characterize the universe in its early stages.CitationEvgenii A. Chaikin et al 2018 ApJ 853 81. doi:10.3847/1538-4357/aaa196

  1. Use of Torness simulator as a design and commissioning tool

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamilton, J.; Hacking, D.


    Real-time replica control room simulators are now in general use for the training of nuclear power plant operators, and the almost universal trend towards accurate physics-based plant models and detailed operator interface has opened up interesting and valuable engineering applications. This paper discusses the use of the Torness AGR Simulator in its dual role of commissioning support tool and operator training facility. (author)

  2. An FSI Simulation of the Metal Panel Deflection in a Shock Tube Using Illinois Rocstar Simulation Suite

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Jung Hun; Sa, Jeong Hwan; Kim, Han Gi; Cho, Keum Won [Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    As the recent development of computing architecture and application software technology, real world simulation, which is the ultimate destination of computer simulation, is emerging as a practical issue in several research sectors. In this paper, metal plate motion in a square shock tube for small time interval was calculated using a supercomputing-based fluid-structure-combustion multi-physics simulation tool called Illinois Rocstar, developed in a US national R and D program at the University of Illinois. Afterwards, the simulation results were compared with those from experiments. The coupled solvers for unsteady compressible fluid dynamics and for structural analysis were based on the finite volume structured grid system and the large deformation linear elastic model, respectively. In addition, a strong correlation between calculation and experiment was shown, probably because of the predictor corrector time-integration scheme framework. In the future, additional validation studies and code improvements for higher accuracy will be conducted to obtain a reliable open-source software research tool.

  3. closed-shell variational quantum monte carlo simulation for the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1Department of Physics & Energy Studies, Achievers University, P.M.B. 1030 Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria. 2Department ..... simulation as it helps to reduce fluctuations and the cost of ... molecule from experiment is considerably low compared to.

  4. Crash simulation: an immersive learning model. (United States)

    Wenham, John; Bennett, Paul; Gleeson, Wendy


    Far West New South Wales Local Emergency Management Committee runs an annual crash simulation exercise to assess the operational readiness of all local emergency services to coordinate and manage a multi-casualty exercise. Since 2009, the Broken Hill University Department of Rural Health (BHUDRH) has collaborated with the committee, enabling the inclusion of health students in this exercise. It is an immersive interprofessional learning experience that evaluates teamwork, communication and safe effective clinical trauma management outside the hospital setting. After 7 years of modifying and developing the exercise, we set out to evaluate its impact on the students' learning, and sought ethics approval from the University of Sydney for this study. At the start of this year's crash simulation, students were given information sheets and consent forms with regards to the research. Once formal debriefing had finished, the researchers conducted a semi-structured focus-group interview with the health students to gain insight into their experience and their perceived value of the training. Students also completed short-answer questionnaires, and the anonymised responses were analysed. Crash simulation … evaluates teamwork, communication and safe effective clinical trauma management IMPLICATIONS: Participants identified that this multidisciplinary learning opportunity in a pre-hospital mass casualty situation was of value to them. It has taken them outside of their usually protected hospital or primary care setting and tested their critical thinking and communication skills. We recommend this learning concept to other educational institutions. Further research will assess the learning value of the simulated event to the other agencies involved. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd and The Association for the Study of Medical Education.

  5. Carbon in the Universe (United States)

    Allamandola, Louis J.


    Over the past few decades, NASA missions have revealed that we live in a Universe that is not a hydrogen-dominated, physicist's paradise, but in a molecular Universe with complex molecules directly interwoven into its fabric. These missions have shown that molecules are an abundant and important component of astronomical objects at all stages of their evolution and that they play a key role in many processes that dominate the structure and evolution of galaxies. Closer to home in our galaxy, the Milky Way, they have revealed a unique and complex organic inventory of regions of star and planet formation that may well represent some of the prebiotic roots to life. Astrobiology emerges from the great interest in understanding astrochemical evolution from simple to complex molecules, especially those with biogenic potential and the roles they may play as primordial seeds in the origin of life on habitable worlds. The first part of this talk will highlight how infrared spectroscopic studies of interstellar space, combined with dedicated laboratory simulations, have revealed the widespread presence of complex organics across deep space. The remainder of the presentation will focus on the evolution of these materials and astrobiology.

  6. Implementation in free software of the PWR type university nucleo electric simulator (SU-PWR); Implementacion en software libre del simulador universitario de nucleoelectrica tipo PWR (SU-PWR)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Valle H, J.; Hidago H, F.; Morales S, J.B. [UNAM, Laboratorio de Analisis de Ingenieria de Reactores Nucleares DEPFI, Campus Morelos, en IMTA Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)]. e-mail:


    Presently work is shown like was carried out the implementation of the University Simulator of Nucleo-electric type PWR (SU-PWR). The implementation of the simulator was carried out in a free software simulation platform, as it is Scilab, what offers big advantages that go from the free use and without cost of the product, until the codes modification so much of the system like of the program with the purpose of to improve it or to adapt it to future routines and/or more advanced graphic interfaces. The SU-PWR shows the general behavior of a PWR nuclear plant (Pressurized Water Reactor) describing the dynamics of the plant from the generation process of thermal energy in the nuclear fuel, going by the process of energy transport toward the coolant of the primary circuit the one which in turn transfers this energy to the vapor generators of the secondary circuit where the vapor is expanded by means of turbines that in turn move the electric generator producing in this way the electricity. The pressurizer that is indispensable for the process is also modeled. Each one of these stages were implemented in scicos that is the Scilab tool specialized in the simulation. The simulation was carried out by means of modules that contain the differential equation that mathematically models each stage or equipment of the PWR plant. The result is a series of modules that based on certain entrances and characteristic of the system they generate exits that in turn are the entrance to other module. Because the SU-PWR is an experimental project in early phase, it is even work and modifications to carry out, for what the models that are presented in this work can vary a little the being integrated to the whole system to simulate, but however they already show clearly the operation and the conformation of the plant. (Author)

  7. Simple simulation schemes for CIR and Wishart processes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pisani, Camilla


    We develop some simple simulation algorithms for CIR and Wishart processes. The main idea is the splitting of their generator into the sum of the square of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck matrix process and a deterministic process. Joint work with Paolo Baldi, Tor Vergata University, Rome...

  8. Forecasting the Acquisition of University Spin-Outs: An RBF Neural Network Approach

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Weiwei Liu


    Full Text Available University spin-outs (USOs, creating businesses from university intellectual property, are a relatively common phenomena. As a knowledge transfer channel, the spin-out business model is attracting extensive attention. In this paper, the impacts of six equities on the acquisition of USOs, including founders, university, banks, business angels, venture capitals, and other equity, are comprehensively analyzed based on theoretical and empirical studies. Firstly, the average distribution of spin-out equity at formation is calculated based on the sample data of 350 UK USOs. According to this distribution, a radial basis function (RBF neural network (NN model is employed to forecast the effects of each equity on the acquisition. To improve the classification accuracy, the novel set-membership method is adopted in the training process of the RBF NN. Furthermore, a simulation test is carried out to measure the effects of six equities on the acquisition of USOs. The simulation results show that the increase of university’s equity has a negative effect on the acquisition of USOs, whereas the increase of remaining five equities has positive effects. Finally, three suggestions are provided to promote the development and growth of USOs.

  9. Simple 3-D stimulus for motion parallax and its simulation. (United States)

    Ono, Hiroshi; Chornenkyy, Yevgen; D'Amour, Sarah


    Simulation of a given stimulus situation should produce the same perception as the original. Rogers et al (2009 Perception 38 907-911) simulated Wheeler's (1982, PhD thesis, Rutgers University, NJ) motion parallax stimulus and obtained quite different perceptions. Wheeler's observers were unable to reliably report the correct direction of depth, whereas Rogers's were. With three experiments we explored the possible reasons for the discrepancy. Our results suggest that Rogers was able to see depth from the simulation partly due to his experience seeing depth with random dot surfaces.

  10. A Modular Set of Mixed Reality Simulators for Blind and Guided Procedures (United States)


    presented the mixed reality simulator among other technologies at a lecture at the University of Southern California Institute of Creative Technologies (ICT...AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0113 TITLE: A Modular Set of Mixed Reality Simulators for “blind” and Guided Procedures PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR...2015 – 07/31/2016 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER A Modular Set of Mixed Reality Simulators for “Blind” and Guided Procedures 5b

  11. ¿Cómo afecta la unidad espacial a la visualización y modelado del área de mercado con sistemas de información geográfica? Implicaciones para el geomarketing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Moreno Jiménez, Antonio


    Full Text Available In geomarketing, mapping and modelling market areas, using GIS and statistical techniques, are common tasks when approaching spatial decision problems by retail and service firms. To this end, concepts and data concerning to demand (e.g. penetration rate, market share, sales per customer, etc., referred to spatial units, are used. Based on previous evidence on the so-called modifiable spatial unit problem, in this paper it is explored how the cartographic representation and modelling of market area are affected when different spatial units are used. The conclusions allow to apprehend the scope of such effects, provide suggestions for a more thoughtful choice of spatial units when GIS are applied, and, lastly, help to improve decision making on new store location through the analog approach.

    Dentro del geomarketing, y en aras de solventar problemas de decisión espacial por parte de las empresas comerciales y de servicios a escala local, una de las tareas comunes estriba en cartografiar y modelar las áreas de mercado, combinando la tecnología SIG con técnicas estadísticas. A tal fin se parte de conceptos y datos relativos a la demanda (por ejemplo, tasa de penetración, cuota de mercado, gasto per cápita, etc. referidos a determinadas unidades espaciales. Ante las evidencias que estudios previos han obtenido sobre el llamado problema de la unidad espacial modificable (PUEM, en este trabajo se investiga cómo se ve afectada la representación y modelado del área mercado cuando se adoptan conjuntos distintos de unidades espaciales. Las conclusiones permiten valorar el alcance de dichos efectos, proporcionan recomendaciones para elegir de manera más atinada las unidades espaciales a la hora de aplicar los SIG y coadyuvan, en última instancia, a mejorar la toma de decisiones sobre localización de nuevos establecimientos mediante el método de la analogía.

  12. Centre of Excellence For Simulation Education and Innovation (CESEI). (United States)

    Qayumi, A Karim


    Simulation is becoming an integral part of medical education. The American College of Surgeons (ACS) was the first organization to recognize the value of simulation-based learning, and to award accreditation for educational institutions that aim to provide simulation as part of the experiential learning opportunity. Centre of Excellence for Simulation Education and Innovation (CESEI) is a multidisciplinary and interprofessional educational facility that is based at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Vancouver Costal Health Authority (VCH). Centre of Excellence for Simulation Education and Innovation's goal is to provide excellence in education, research, and healthcare delivery by providing a technologically advanced environment and learning opportunity using simulation for various groups of learners including undergraduate, postgraduate, nursing, and allied health professionals. This article is an attempt to describe the infrastructure, services, and uniqueness of the Centre of Excellence for Simulation Education and Innovation. Copyright 2010 Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Integrating Medical Simulation Into the Physician Assistant Physiology Curriculum. (United States)

    Li, Lixin; Lopes, John; Zhou, Joseph Yi; Xu, Biao


    Medical simulation has recently been used in medical education, and evidence indicates that it is a valuable tool for teaching and evaluation. Very few studies have evaluated the integration of medical simulation in medical physiology education, particularly in PA programs. This study was designed to assess the value of integrating medical simulation into the PA physiology curriculum. Seventy-five students from the PA program at Central Michigan University participated in this study. Mannequin-based simulation was used to simulate a patient with hemorrhagic shock and congestive heart failure to demonstrate the Frank-Starling force and cardiac function curve. Before and after the medical simulation, students completed a questionnaire as a self-assessment. A knowledge test was also delivered after the simulation. Our study demonstrated a significant improvement in student confidence in understanding congestive heart failure, hemorrhagic shock, and the Frank-Starling curve after the simulation. Medical simulation may be an effective way to enhance basic science learning experiences for students and an ideal supplement to traditional, lecture-based teaching in PA education.

  14. Optimisation of a thermal storage installation in Wollerau. Appendix 1; Optimisation par simulation calee de l'installation de stockage Wollerau. Annexe 1: modele de simulation pour l'installation de Wollerau

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pahud, D.


    This appendix to a final report for the Swiss Federal Office of Energy describes the dynamic simulation models and parameters developed at the University of Applied Science of Southern Switzerland that were used for the simulation of the heating and cooling system of an industrial building in Wollerau, Switzerland. The models used to simulate the principal components of the system are described. The quantities calculated by the system and the simulation parameters used for the reference system are discussed and the energy-balance simulated is presented.

  15. Numerical relativity and the early Universe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mironov Sergey


    Full Text Available We consider numerical simulations in general relativity in ADM formalism with cosmological ansatz for the metric. This ansatz is convenient for investigations of the Universe creation in laboratory with Galileons. Here we consider toy model for the software: spherically symmetric scalar field minimally coupled to the gravity with asymmetric double well potential. We studied the dependence of radius of critical bubble on the parameters of the theory. It demonstrates the wide applicability of thin-wall approximation. We did not find any kind of stable bubble solution.

  16. Observing Galaxy Mergers in Simulations (United States)

    Snyder, Gregory


    I will describe results on mergers and morphology of distant galaxies. By mock-observing 3D cosmological simulations, we aim to contrast theory with data, design better diagnostics of physical processes, and examine unexpected signatures of galaxy formation. Recently, we conducted mock surveys of the Illustris Simulations to learn how mergers would appear in deep HST and JWST surveys. With this approach, we reconciled merger rates estimated using observed close galaxy pairs with intrinsic merger rates predicted by theory. This implies that the merger-pair observability time is probably shorter in the early universe, and therefore that major mergers are more common than implied by the simplest arguments. Further, we show that disturbance-based diagnostics of late-stage mergers can be improved significantly by combining multi-dimensional image information with simulated merger identifications to train automated classifiers. We then apply these classifiers to real measurements from the CANDELS fields, recovering a merger fraction increasing with redshift in broad agreement with pair fractions and simulations, and with statistical errors smaller by a factor of two than classical morphology estimators. This emphasizes the importance of using robust training sets, including cosmological simulations and multidimensional data, for interpreting observed processes in galaxy evolution.

  17. Computer simulation program for medium-energy ion scattering and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nishimura, Tomoaki, E-mail:


    A computer simulation program for ion scattering and its graphical user interface (MEISwin) has been developed. Using this program, researchers have analyzed medium-energy ion scattering and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry at Ritsumeikan University since 1998, and at Rutgers University since 2007. The main features of the program are as follows: (1) stopping power can be chosen from five datasets spanning several decades (from 1977 to 2011), (2) straggling can be chosen from two datasets, (3) spectral shape can be selected as Gaussian or exponentially modified Gaussian, (4) scattering cross sections can be selected as Coulomb or screened, (5) simulations adopt the resonant elastic scattering cross section of {sup 16}O({sup 4}He, {sup 4}He){sup 16}O, (6) pileup simulation for RBS spectra is supported, (7) natural and specific isotope abundances are supported, and (8) the charge fraction can be chosen from three patterns (fixed, energy-dependent, and ion fraction with charge-exchange parameters for medium-energy ion scattering). This study demonstrates and discusses the simulations and their results.

  18. Methodology for predicting oily mixture properties in the mathematical modeling of molecular distillation; Metodología para la predicción de propiedades de mezclas oleosas en el modelado matemático de la destilación molecular

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gayol, M.F.; Pramparo, M.C.; Miró Erdmann, S.M.


    A methodology for predicting the thermodynamic and transport properties of a multi-component oily mixture, in which the different mixture components are grouped into a small number of pseudo components is shown. This prediction of properties is used in the mathematical modeling of molecular distillation, which consists of a system of differential equations in partial derivatives, according to the principles of the Transport Phenomena and is solved by an implicit finite difference method using a computer code. The mathematical model was validated with experimental data, specifically the molecular distillation of a deodorizer distillate (DD) of sunflower oil. The results obtained were satisfactory, with errors less than 10% with respect to the experimental data in a temperature range in which it is possible to apply the proposed method. [Spanish] Se presenta una metodología para la predicción de las propiedades termodinámicas y de transporte de mezclas oleosas multicomponentes, en la cual se agrupan los diferentes componentes de la mezcla en un número reducido de pseudocomponentes. Esta predicción de propiedades se utiliza en el modelado matemático de la destilación molecular que consta de un sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales, según los principios de los fenómenos de transporte y se resuelve mediante un método implícito de diferencias finitas mediante un código computacional. El modelo matemático fue validado con datos experimentales, específicamente de la destilación molecular de un destilado de desodorización (DD) de aceite de girasol. Los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios, con un error menor al 10% en un rango de temperaturas.

  19. Leading teams during simulated pediatric emergencies: a pilot study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Coolen EH


    Full Text Available Ester H Coolen,1 Jos M Draaisma,2 Sabien den Hamer,3 Jan L Loeffen2 1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Amalia Children’s Hospital, Radboud University Medical Center, 2Department of Pediatrics, Amalia Children’s Hospital, Radboud University Medical Center, 3Department of Communication Science, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands Purpose: Leadership has been identified as a key variable for the functioning of teams and as one of the main reasons for success or failure of team-based work systems. Pediatricians often function as team leaders in the resuscitation of a critically ill child. However, pediatric residents often report having little opportunity to perform in the role of team leader during residency. In order to gain more insight into leadership skills and behaviors, we classified leadership styles of pediatric residents during simulated emergencies. Methods: We conducted a prospective quantitative study to investigate leadership styles used by pediatric residents during simulated emergencies with clinical deterioration of a child at a pediatric ward. Using videotaped scenarios of 48 simulated critical events among 12 residents, we were able to classify verbal and nonverbal communication into different leadership styles according to the situational leadership theory. Results: The coaching style (mean 54.5%, SD 7.8 is the most frequently applied by residents, followed by the directing style (mean 35.6%, SD 4.1. This pattern conforms to the task- and role-related requirements in our scenarios and it also conforms to the concept of situational leadership. We did not find any significant differences in leadership style according to the postgraduate year or scenario content. Conclusion: The model used in this pilot study helps us to gain a better understanding of the development of effective leadership behavior and supports the applicability of situational leadership theory in training leadership skills during residency. Keywords

  20. Universal quantum computation by discontinuous quantum walk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Underwood, Michael S.; Feder, David L.


    Quantum walks are the quantum-mechanical analog of random walks, in which a quantum ''walker'' evolves between initial and final states by traversing the edges of a graph, either in discrete steps from node to node or via continuous evolution under the Hamiltonian furnished by the adjacency matrix of the graph. We present a hybrid scheme for universal quantum computation in which a quantum walker takes discrete steps of continuous evolution. This ''discontinuous'' quantum walk employs perfect quantum-state transfer between two nodes of specific subgraphs chosen to implement a universal gate set, thereby ensuring unitary evolution without requiring the introduction of an ancillary coin space. The run time is linear in the number of simulated qubits and gates. The scheme allows multiple runs of the algorithm to be executed almost simultaneously by starting walkers one time step apart.

  1. Neutral hydrogen in the post-reionization universe (United States)

    Padmanabhan, Hamsa


    The evolution of neutral hydrogen (HI) across redshifts is a powerful probe of cosmology, large scale structure in the universe and the intergalactic medium. Using a data-driven halo model to describe the distribution of HI in the post-reionization universe (z ~ 5 to 0), we obtain the best-fitting parameters from a rich sample of observational data: low redshift 21-cm emission line studies, intermediate redshift intensity mapping experiments, and higher redshift Damped Lyman Alpha (DLA) observations. Our model describes the abundance and clustering of neutral hydrogen across redshifts 0 - 5, and is useful for investigating different aspects of galaxy evolution and for comparison with hydrodynamical simulations. The framework can be applied for forecasting future observations with neutral hydrogen, and extended to the case of intensity mapping with molecular and other line transitions at intermediate redshifts.

  2. Molecular dynamics simulations and free energy profile of ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, bDepartment of Chemistry, Amirkabir University of Technology,. 15875-4413 ... Lipid bilayers; Paracetamol; free energy; molecular dynamics simulation; membrane. 1. ..... bilayer is less favourable due to the hydrophobic nature .... Orsi M and Essex J W 2010 Soft Matter 6 3797. 54.

  3. Designing a Distributed Space Systems Simulation in Accordance with the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) (United States)

    Cowen, Benjamin


    Simulations are essential for engineering design. These virtual realities provide characteristic data to scientists and engineers in order to understand the details and complications of the desired mission. A standard development simulation package known as Trick is used in developing a source code to model a component (federate in HLA terms). The runtime executive is integrated into an HLA based distributed simulation. TrickHLA is used to extend a Trick simulation for a federation execution, develop a source code for communication between federates, as well as foster data input and output. The project incorporates international cooperation along with team collaboration. Interactions among federates occur throughout the simulation, thereby relying on simulation interoperability. Communication through the semester went on between participants to figure out how to create this data exchange. The NASA intern team is designing a Lunar Rover federate and a Lunar Shuttle federate. The Lunar Rover federate supports transportation across the lunar surface and is essential for fostering interactions with other federates on the lunar surface (Lunar Shuttle, Lunar Base Supply Depot and Mobile ISRU Plant) as well as transporting materials to the desired locations. The Lunar Shuttle federate transports materials to and from lunar orbit. Materials that it takes to the supply depot include fuel and cargo necessary to continue moon-base operations. This project analyzes modeling and simulation technologies as well as simulation interoperability. Each team from participating universities will work on and engineer their own federate(s) to participate in the SISO Spring 2011 Workshop SIW Smackdown in Boston, Massachusetts. This paper will focus on the Lunar Rover federate.

  4. Preparing FCS Professionals: Using Simulations to Raise Awareness and Change Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination (United States)

    Heiden, Kathleen; Harpel, Tammy


    Many universities offer courses in multiculturalism to broaden students' perspectives, but are the courses effective? This article explores the effects of using simulations to raise awareness and challenge students' perspectives of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination. The results of three simulation activities are presented. Three…

  5. Re-ranking via User Feedback: Georgetown University at TREC 2015 DD Track (United States)


    Re-ranking via User Feedback: Georgetown University at TREC 2015 DD Track Jiyun Luo and Hui Yang Department of Computer Science, Georgetown...involved in a search process, the user and the search engine. In TREC DD , the user is modeled by a simulator, called “jig”. The jig and the search engine...simulating user is provided by TREC 2015 DD Track organizer, and is called “jig”. There are 118 search topics in total. For each search topic, a short

  6. Simulations of phase transitions in ionic systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panagiotopoulos, A Z


    A review of recent simulation work in the area of phase transitions in ionic systems is presented. The vapour-liquid transition for the restricted primitive model has been studied extensively in the past decade. The critical temperature is now known to excellent accuracy and the critical density to moderate accuracy. There is also strong simulation-based evidence that the model is in the Ising universality class. Discretized lattice versions of the model are reviewed. Other systems covered are size- and charge-asymmetric electrolytes, colloid-salt mixtures, realistic salt models and charged chains. Areas of future research needs are briefly discussed

  7. The First National Student Conference: NASA University Research Centers at Minority Institutions (United States)

    Daso, Endwell O. (Editor); Mebane, Stacie (Editor)


    The conference includes contributions from 13 minority universities with NASA University Research Centers. Topics discussed include: leadership, survival strategies, life support systems, food systems, simulated hypergravity, chromium diffusion doping, radiation effects on dc-dc converters, metal oxide glasses, crystal growth of Bil3, science and communication on wheels, semiconductor thin films, numerical solution of random algebraic equations, fuzzy logic control, spatial resolution of satellite images, programming language development, nitric oxide in the thermosphere and mesosphere, high performance polyimides, crossover control in genetic algorithms, hyperthermal ion scattering, etc.

  8. Universal and local time components in Schumann resonance intensity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. P. Nickolaenko


    Full Text Available We extend the technique suggested by Sentman and Fraser (1991 and discussed by Pechony and Price (2006, the technique for separating the local and universal time variations in the Schumann resonance intensity. Initially, we simulate the resonance oscillations in a uniform Earth-ionosphere cavity with the distribution of lightning strokes based on the OTD satellite data. Different field components were used in the Dayside source model for the Moshiri (Japan, geographic coordinates: 44.365° N, 142.24° E and Lehta (Karelia, Russia, 64.427° N, 33.974° E observatories. We use the extended Fourier series for obtaining the modulating functions. Simulations show that the algorithm evaluates the impact of the source proximity in the resonance intensity. Our major goal was in estimating the universal alteration factors, which reflect changes in the global thunderstorm activity. It was achieved by compensating the local factors present in the initial data. The technique is introduced with the model Schumann resonance data and afterwards we use the long-term experimental records at the above sites for obtaining the diurnal/monthly variations of the global thunderstorms.

  9. Mixed reality ventriculostomy simulation: experience in neurosurgical residency. (United States)

    Hooten, Kristopher G; Lister, J Richard; Lombard, Gwen; Lizdas, David E; Lampotang, Samsun; Rajon, Didier A; Bova, Frank; Murad, Gregory J A


    Medicine and surgery are turning toward simulation to improve on limited patient interaction during residency training. Many simulators today use virtual reality with augmented haptic feedback with little to no physical elements. In a collaborative effort, the University of Florida Department of Neurosurgery and the Center for Safety, Simulation & Advanced Learning Technologies created a novel "mixed" physical and virtual simulator to mimic the ventriculostomy procedure. The simulator contains all the physical components encountered for the procedure with superimposed 3-D virtual elements for the neuroanatomical structures. To introduce the ventriculostomy simulator and its validation as a necessary training tool in neurosurgical residency. We tested the simulator in more than 260 residents. An algorithm combining time and accuracy was used to grade performance. Voluntary postperformance surveys were used to evaluate the experience. Results demonstrate that more experienced residents have statistically significant better scores and completed the procedure in less time than inexperienced residents. Survey results revealed that most residents agreed that practice on the simulator would help with future ventriculostomies. This mixed reality simulator provides a real-life experience, and will be an instrumental tool in training the next generation of neurosurgeons. We have now implemented a standard where incoming residents must prove efficiency and skill on the simulator before their first interaction with a patient.

  10. University Prosperity Game. Final report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Boyack, K.W.; Berman, M.


    Prosperity Games are an outgrowth and adaptation of move/countermove and seminar War Games. Prosperity Games are simulations that explore complex issues in a variety of areas including economics, politics, sociology, environment, education and research. These issues can be examined from a variety of perspectives ranging from a global, macroeconomic and geopolitical viewpoint down to the details of customer/supplier/market interactions in specific industries. All Prosperity Games are unique in that both the game format and the player contributions vary from game to game. This report documents the University Prosperity Game conducted under the sponsorship of the Anderson Schools of Management at the University of New Mexico. This Prosperity Game was initially designed for the roadmap making effort of the National Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (NEMI) of the Electronics Subcommittee of the Civilian Industrial Technology Committee under the aegis of the National Science and Technology Council. The game was modified to support course material in MGT 508, Ethical, Political, and Social Environment of Business. Thirty-five students participated as role players. In this educational context the game`s main objectives were to: (1) introduce and teach global competitiveness and business cultures in an experiential classroom setting; (2) explore ethical, political, and social issues and address them in the context of global markets and competition; and (3) obtain non-government views regarding the technical and non-technical (i.e., policy) issues developed in the NEMI roadmap-making endeavor. The negotiations and agreements made during the game, along with the student journals detailing the players feelings and reactions to the gaming experience, provide valuable insight into the benefits of simulation as an advanced learning tool in higher education.

  11. Addressing the challenges of ECMO simulation. (United States)

    Alinier, Guillaume; Hassan, Ibrahim Fawzy; Alsalemi, Abdullah; Al Disi, Mohammed; Ait Hssain, Ali; Labib, Ahmed; Alhomsi, Yahya; Bensaali, Fayçal; Amira, Abbes; Ibrahim, Abdulsalam Saif


    The patient's condition and high-risk nature of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) therapy force clinical services to ensure clinicians are properly trained and always ready to deal effectively with critical situations. Simulation-based education (SBE), from the simplest approaches to the most immersive modalities, helps promote optimum individual and team performance. The risks of SBE are negative learning, inauthenticity in learning and over-reliance on the participants' suspension of disbelief. This is especially relevant to ECMO SBE as circuit/patient interactions are difficult to fully simulate without confusing circuit alterations. Our efforts concentrate on making ECMO simulation easier and more realistic in order to reduce the current gap there is between SBE and real ECMO patient care. Issues to be overcome include controlling the circuit pressures, system failures, patient issues, blood colour and cost factors. Key to our developments are the hospital-university collaboration and research funding. A prototype ECMO simulator has been developed that allows for realistic ECMO SBE. The system emulates the ECMO machine interface with remotely controllable pressure parameters, haemorrhaging, line chattering, air bubble noise and simulated blood colour change. The prototype simulator allows the simulation of common ECMO emergencies through innovative solutions that enhance the fidelity of ECMO SBE and reduce the requirement for suspension of disbelief from participants. Future developments will encompass the patient cannulation aspect.

  12. Dynamic simulation of a sodium-cooled fast reactor power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinaishin, M.A.M.


    Simulation of the dynamic behavior of the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant (CRBRP) is dealt with. The range of transients under consideration extends from a moderate transient, of the type referred to as Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS), to a transient initiated by an unexpected accident followed by reactor scram. The moderate range of transients can be simulated by a digital simulator referred to as the CRBRP ATWS simulator. Two versions of this simulator were prepared; in one, the plant controllers were not included, whereas, in the other, the controllers were incorporated. In addition to the usual assumption of lumped parameters, uniform heat transfer and point kinetics (prompt jump) have been the main approximations in this and other simulators (see below). Two different transport-delay models have also been installed in all simulators. The simulators were constructed using the DARE-P System, developed by the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Arizona

  13. Assessment of surgeon fatigue by surgical simulators

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tuwairqi K


    Full Text Available Khaled Tuwairqi,1 Jessica H Selter,2 Shameema Sikder3 1College of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 2Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 3Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA Background: The impact of fatigue on surgical performance and its implications for patient care is a growing concern. While investigators have employed a number of different tools to measure the effect of fatigue on surgical performance, the use of the surgical simulator has been increasingly implemented for this purpose. The goal of this paper is to review the published literature to achieve a better understanding of evaluation of fatigue on performance as studied with surgical simulators. Methods: A PubMed and Cochrane search was conducted using the search terms “simulator”, “surgery”, and “fatigue”. In total, 50 papers were evaluated, and 20 studies were selected after application of exclusion criteria. Articles were excluded if they did not use the simulator to assess the impact of fatigue on surgeon performance. Systematic reviews and case reports were also excluded. Results: Surgeon fatigue led to a consistent decline in cognitive function in six studies. Technical skills were evaluated in 18 studies, and a detrimental impact was reported in nine studies, while the remaining nine studies showed either no change or positive results with regard to surgical skills after experience of fatigue. Two pharmacological intervention studies reversed the detrimental impact of fatigue on cognitive function, but no change or a worsening effect was recognized for technical skills. Conclusion: Simulators are increasingly being used to evaluate the impact of fatigue on the surgeon's performance. With regard to the impact of fatigue in this regard, studies have demonstrated a consistent decline in cognitive function and mixed outcomes for technical skills. Larger studies that relate the simulator's results to real surgical

  14. An economic evaluation: Simulation of the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of universal prevention strategies against osteoporosis-related fractures. (United States)

    Nshimyumukiza, Léon; Durand, Audrey; Gagnon, Mathieu; Douville, Xavier; Morin, Suzanne; Lindsay, Carmen; Duplantie, Julie; Gagné, Christian; Jean, Sonia; Giguère, Yves; Dodin, Sylvie; Rousseau, François; Reinharz, Daniel


    A patient-level Markov decision model was used to simulate a virtual cohort of 500,000 women 40 years old and over, in relation to osteoporosis-related hip, clinical vertebral, and wrist bone fractures events. Sixteen different screening options of three main scenario groups were compared: (1) the status quo (no specific national prevention program); (2) a universal primary prevention program; and (3) a universal screening and treatment program based on the 10-year absolute risk of fracture. The outcomes measured were total directs costs from the perspective of the public health care system, number of fractures, and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). Results show that an option consisting of a program promoting physical activity and treatment if a fracture occurs is the most cost-effective (CE) (cost/fracture averted) alternative and also the only cost saving one, especially for women 40 to 64 years old. In women who are 65 years and over, bone mineral density (BMD)-based screening and treatment based on the 10-year absolute fracture risk calculated using a Canadian Association of Radiologists and Osteoporosis Canada (CAROC) tool is the best next alternative. In terms of cost-utility (CU), results were similar. For women less than 65 years old, a program promoting physical activity emerged as cost-saving but BMD-based screening with pharmacological treatment also emerged as an interesting alternative. In conclusion, a program promoting physical activity is the most CE and CU option for women 40 to 64 years old. BMD screening and pharmacological treatment might be considered a reasonable alternative for women 65 years old and over because at a healthcare capacity of $50,000 Canadian dollars ($CAD) for each additional fracture averted or for one QALY gained its probabilities of cost-effectiveness compared to the program promoting physical activity are 63% and 75%, respectively, which could be considered socially acceptable. Consideration of the indirect costs could

  15. The Universe's Most Extreme Star-forming Galaxies (United States)

    Casey, Caitlin


    Dusty star-forming galaxies host the most intense stellar nurseries in the Universe. Their unusual characteristics (SFRs=200-2000Msun/yr, Mstar>1010 Msun) pose a unique challenge for cosmological simulations and galaxy formation theory, particularly at early times. Although rare today, they were factors of 1000 times more prevalent at z~2-5, contributing significantly to the buildup of the Universe's stellar mass and the formation of high-mass galaxies. At even earlier times (within 1Gyr post Big Bang) they could have played a pivotal role in enriching the IGM. However, an ongoing debate lingers as to their evolutionary origins at high-redshift, whether or not they are triggered by major mergers of gas-rich disk galaxies, or if they are solitary galaxies continually fed pristine gas from the intergalactic medium. Furthermore, their presence in early protoclusters, only revealed quite recently, pose intriguing questions regarding the collapse of large scale structure. I will discuss some of the latest observational programs dedicated to understanding dust-obscuration in and gas content of the early Universe, their context in the cosmic web, and future long-term observing campaigns that may reveal their relationship to `normal’ galaxies, thus teaching us valuable lessons on the physical mechanisms of galaxy growth and the collapse of large scale structure in an evolving Universe.

  16. The advanced computational testing and simulation toolkit (ACTS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drummond, L.A.; Marques, O.


    During the past decades there has been a continuous growth in the number of physical and societal problems that have been successfully studied and solved by means of computational modeling and simulation. Distinctively, a number of these are important scientific problems ranging in scale from the atomic to the cosmic. For example, ionization is a phenomenon as ubiquitous in modern society as the glow of fluorescent lights and the etching on silicon computer chips; but it was not until 1999 that researchers finally achieved a complete numerical solution to the simplest example of ionization, the collision of a hydrogen atom with an electron. On the opposite scale, cosmologists have long wondered whether the expansion of the Universe, which began with the Big Bang, would ever reverse itself, ending the Universe in a Big Crunch. In 2000, analysis of new measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation showed that the geometry of the Universe is flat, and thus the Universe will continue expanding forever. Both of these discoveries depended on high performance computer simulations that utilized computational tools included in the Advanced Computational Testing and Simulation (ACTS) Toolkit. The ACTS Toolkit is an umbrella project that brought together a number of general purpose computational tool development projects funded and supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). These tools, which have been developed independently, mainly at DOE laboratories, make it easier for scientific code developers to write high performance applications for parallel computers. They tackle a number of computational issues that are common to a large number of scientific applications, mainly implementation of numerical algorithms, and support for code development, execution and optimization. The ACTS Toolkit Project enables the use of these tools by a much wider community of computational scientists, and promotes code portability, reusability, reduction of duplicate efforts

  17. The advanced computational testing and simulation toolkit (ACTS)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Drummond, L.A.; Marques, O.


    During the past decades there has been a continuous growth in the number of physical and societal problems that have been successfully studied and solved by means of computational modeling and simulation. Distinctively, a number of these are important scientific problems ranging in scale from the atomic to the cosmic. For example, ionization is a phenomenon as ubiquitous in modern society as the glow of fluorescent lights and the etching on silicon computer chips; but it was not until 1999 that researchers finally achieved a complete numerical solution to the simplest example of ionization, the collision of a hydrogen atom with an electron. On the opposite scale, cosmologists have long wondered whether the expansion of the Universe, which began with the Big Bang, would ever reverse itself, ending the Universe in a Big Crunch. In 2000, analysis of new measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation showed that the geometry of the Universe is flat, and thus the Universe will continue expanding forever. Both of these discoveries depended on high performance computer simulations that utilized computational tools included in the Advanced Computational Testing and Simulation (ACTS) Toolkit. The ACTS Toolkit is an umbrella project that brought together a number of general purpose computational tool development projects funded and supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). These tools, which have been developed independently, mainly at DOE laboratories, make it easier for scientific code developers to write high performance applications for parallel computers. They tackle a number of computational issues that are common to a large number of scientific applications, mainly implementation of numerical algorithms, and support for code development, execution and optimization. The ACTS Toolkit Project enables the use of these tools by a much wider community of computational scientists, and promotes code portability, reusability, reduction of duplicate efforts

  18. GNES-R: Global nuclear energy simulator for reactors task 1: High-fidelity neutron transport

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Clarno, K.; De Almeida, V.; D'Azevedo, E.; De Oliveira, C.; Hamilton, S.


    A multi-laboratory, multi-university collaboration has formed to advance the state-of-the-art in high-fidelity, coupled-physics simulation of nuclear energy systems. We are embarking on the first-phase in the development of a new suite of simulation tools dedicated to the advancement of nuclear science and engineering technologies. We seek to develop and demonstrate a new generation of multi-physics simulation tools that will explore the scientific phenomena of tightly coupled physics parameters within nuclear systems, support the design and licensing of advanced nuclear reactors, and provide benchmark quality solutions for code validation. In this paper, we have presented the general scope of the collaborative project and discuss the specific challenges of high-fidelity neutronics for nuclear reactor simulation and the inroads we have made along this path. The high-performance computing neutronics code system utilizes the latest version of SCALE to generate accurate, problem-dependent cross sections, which are used in NEWTRNX - a new 3-D, general-geometry, discrete-ordinates solver based on the Slice-Balance Approach. The Global Nuclear Energy Simulator for Reactors (GNES-R) team is embarking on a long-term simulation development project that encompasses multiple laboratories and universities for the expansion of high-fidelity coupled-physics simulation of nuclear energy systems. (authors)

  19. Soil Erosion Study through Simulation: An Educational Tool. (United States)

    Huber, Thomas P.; Falkenmayer, Karen


    Discusses the need for education about soil erosion and advocates the use of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) to show the impacts of human and natural action on the land. Describes the use of a computer simulated version of the USLE in several environmental and farming situations. (TW)

  20. Use of Immersive Simulations to Enhance Graduate Student Learning: Implications for Educational Leadership Programs (United States)

    Voelkel, Robert H.; Johnson, Christie W.; Gilbert, Kristen A.


    The purpose of this article is to present how one university incorporates immersive simulations through platforms which employ avatars to enhance graduate student understanding and learning in educational leadership programs. While using simulations and immersive virtual environments continues to grow, the literature suggests limited evidence of…

  1. Computing the universe: how large-scale simulations illuminate galaxies and dark energy (United States)

    O'Shea, Brian


    High-performance and large-scale computing is absolutely to understanding astronomical objects such as stars, galaxies, and the cosmic web. This is because these are structures that operate on physical, temporal, and energy scales that cannot be reasonably approximated in the laboratory, and whose complexity and nonlinearity often defies analytic modeling. In this talk, I show how the growth of computing platforms over time has facilitated our understanding of astrophysical and cosmological phenomena, focusing primarily on galaxies and large-scale structure in the Universe.

  2. Web-based multimedia courseware for emergency cardiac patient management simulations. (United States)

    Ambrosiadou, V; Compton, T; Panchal, T; Polovina, S


    This is a multidisciplinary inter-departmental/faculty project between the departments of computer science, electronic, communications and electrical engineering and nursing and paramedic sciences. The objective is to develop a web based multimedia front end to existing simulations of cardiac emergency scenaria. It will be used firstly in the teaching of nurses. The University of Hertfordshire is the only University in Britain using simulations of cardiac emergency scenaria for nurse and paramedic science education and therefore this project will add the multimedia dimension in distributed courses over the web and will assess the improvement in the educational process. The use of network and multimedia technologies, provide interactive learning, immediate feedback to students' responses, individually tailored instructions, objective testing and entertaining delivery. The end product of this project will serve as interactive material to enhance experiential learning for nursing students using the simulations of cardiac emergency scenaria. The emergency treatment simulations have been developed using VisSim and may be compiled as C code. The objective of the project is to provide a web based user friendly multimedia interface in order to demonstrate the way in which patients may be managed in critical situations by applying advanced technological equipment and drug administration. Then the user will be able to better appreciate the concepts involved by running the VisSim simulations. The evaluation group for the proposed software will be the Department of Nursing and Paramedic Sciences About 200 nurses use simulations every year for training purposes as part of their course requirements.

  3. Formation of a ''child'' universe in an inflationary cosmological model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Holcomb, K.A.; Park, S.J.; Vishniac, E.T.


    The evolution of a flat, spherically symmetric cosmological model, containing radiation and an inhomogeneous scalar field, is simulated numerically to determine whether the inhomogeneity could cause a ''child'' universe, connected by a wormhole to the external universe, to form. The gravitational and field quantities were computed self-consistently by means of the techniques of numerical relativity. Although we were unable to follow the process to its completion, preliminary indications are that the ''budding'' phenomenon could occur under very general initial conditions, as long as the scalar field is sufficiently inhomogeneous that the wormhole forms before the inflation is damped by the expansion of the background spacetime

  4. Heavy vehicle simulator testing of trial sections for CALTRANS.

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Rust, FC


    Full Text Available ) commissioned the University of California at Berkely (UCB), Dynatest Consulting and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa to conduct a pilot study to evaluate the potential of the South African Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS...

  5. Large-eddy simulation of sand dune morphodynamics (United States)

    Khosronejad, Ali; Sotiropoulos, Fotis; St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota Team


    Sand dunes are natural features that form under complex interaction between turbulent flow and bed morphodynamics. We employ a fully-coupled 3D numerical model (Khosronejad and Sotiropoulos, 2014, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 753:150-216) to perform high-resolution large-eddy simulations of turbulence and bed morphodynamics in a laboratory scale mobile-bed channel to investigate initiation, evolution and quasi-equilibrium of sand dunes (Venditti and Church, 2005, J. Geophysical Research, 110:F01009). We employ a curvilinear immersed boundary method along with convection-diffusion and bed-morphodynamics modules to simulate the suspended sediment and the bed-load transports respectively. The coupled simulation were carried out on a grid with more than 100 million grid nodes and simulated about 3 hours of physical time of dune evolution. The simulations provide the first complete description of sand dune formation and long-term evolution. The geometric characteristics of the simulated dunes are shown to be in excellent agreement with observed data obtained across a broad range of scales. This work was supported by NSF Grants EAR-0120914 (as part of the National Center for Earth-Surface Dynamics). Computational resources were provided by the University of Minnesota Supercomputing Institute.

  6. Theory and Simulations of Solar System Plasmas (United States)

    Goldstein, Melvyn L.


    "Theory and simulations of solar system plasmas" aims to highlight results from microscopic to global scales, achieved by theoretical investigations and numerical simulations of the plasma dynamics in the solar system. The theoretical approach must allow evidencing the universality of the phenomena being considered, whatever the region is where their role is studied; at the Sun, in the solar corona, in the interplanetary space or in planetary magnetospheres. All possible theoretical issues concerning plasma dynamics are welcome, especially those using numerical models and simulations, since these tools are mandatory whenever analytical treatments fail, in particular when complex nonlinear phenomena are at work. Comparative studies for ongoing missions like Cassini, Cluster, Demeter, Stereo, Wind, SDO, Hinode, as well as those preparing future missions and proposals, like, e.g., MMS and Solar Orbiter, are especially encouraged.

  7. ParaTrough v1.0: Librería en Modelica para Simulación de Plantas Termosolares

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan A. Romera Cabrerizo


    Full Text Available Resumen: El presente trabajo describe una librería desarrollada en Modelica que utiliza el entorno Dymola 6.1 para modelar y simular plantas termosolares de tecnología de colector cilindro-parabólico. El actual software de modelado y simulación es cada vez más potente gracias a los avances en computación y programación, pudiendo conseguir estimaciones muy precisas del comportamiento de estas plantas térmicas. Como mejora a otras propuestas actuales, la librería ParaTrough se ofrece como una herramienta pública, gratuita bajo licencia Modelica License 2, de código libre, flexible, modular, y por lo tanto fácilmente ampliable y modificable para los requerimientos específicos de cada planta y proceso en particular. En la versión 1.0 contemplada en este artículo, esta librería se puede usar para el modelado y simulación del recurso solar y del sistema de fluido de transferencia calorífica sin cambio de fase. Los modelos han sido validados con datos reales de una planta en operación, Andasol 3, en los términos municipales de Aldeire y La Calahorra (Granada. El objetivo de ParaTrough es poder ser utilizada gratuitamente y de forma amigable por analistas de procesos para uno o varios de los siguientes casos: evaluación del rendimiento, detección de fallos, exploración de nuevos modos de operación y optimización de la planta. Aunque en futuras versiones se puedan añadir otros elementos, esta aportación cubre una nueva área de aplicación específica para el software de Modelica y en su estado actual facilita la operación y mantenimiento de estas plantas. Abstract: This paper describes a Modelica-based library developed to the modeling and simulation of solar thermal plants with parabolic trough collectors. The Dymola 6.1 environment has been used. Unlike other commercial tools, the ParaTrough library is offered as a free open source tool, under Modelica License 2. Its modular code makes it easily extensible and modifiable to

  8. Impact of Simulation Based Education on Biology Student's Academic Achievement in DNA Replication (United States)

    Reddy, M. Vijaya Bhaskara; Mint, Phyu Phyu


    The aim of this study is to determine the effect of simulation methods in teaching Science on education students' academic achievement. 70 students (35 control, 35 experimental) who studied at Srinivasa College of education, SV University in the Department of Education. 2015-2016 academic year students were participated in this simulation based…

  9. Ophthalmoscopy simulation: advances in training and practice for medical students and young ophthalmologists

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ricci LH


    Full Text Available Lucas Holderegger Ricci,1 Caroline Amaral Ferraz2 1Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Laureate International Universities, São Paulo (SP, Brazil; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP, São Paulo (SP, Brazil Objective: To describe and appraise the latest simulation models for direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy as a learning tool in the medical field. Methods: The present review was conducted using four national and international databases – PubMed, Scielo, Medline and Cochrane. Initial set of articles was screened based on title and abstracts, followed by full text analysis. It comprises of articles that were published in the past fifteen years (2002–2017.Results: Eighty-three articles concerning simulation models for medical education were found in national and international databases, with only a few describing important aspects of ophthalmoscopy training and current application of simulation in medical education. After secondary analysis, 38 articles were included.Conclusion: Different ophthalmoscopy simulation models have been described, but only very few studies appraise the effectiveness of each individual model. Comparison studies are still required to determine best approaches for medical education and skill enhancement through simulation models, applied to both medical students as well as young ophthalmologists in training. Keywords: direct ophthalmoscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, skills, simulator, simulation models

  10. Virtual reality simulator for vitreoretinal surgery using integrated OCT data


    Kozak, Igor; Banerjee,Pat; Luo,Jia; Luciano,Cristian


    Igor Kozak,1 Pat Banerjee,2 Jia Luo,2 Cristian Luciano21King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital, Vitreoretinal Division, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 2College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USAAbstract: Operative practice using surgical simulators has become a part of training in many surgical specialties, including ophthalmology. We introduce a virtual reality retina surgery simulator capable of integrating optical coherence tomography (OCT) scans from real p...

  11. Developing Foreign Language Communicative Competence for English Business Meetings Using Business Meeting Simulations


    Mateja Dostal


    This article reports on the analysis of business meeting simulation data investigating the use of Business English (BE) in business meeting simulations at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The research explores the use of business meeting simulations in a higher education setting in order to bring into focus how patterns of linguistic interactions among BE students are structured, with and without a BE teacher’s corrective feedback. The findings provide possible sol...

  12. Quantum computing without wavefunctions: time-dependent density functional theory for universal quantum computation. (United States)

    Tempel, David G; Aspuru-Guzik, Alán


    We prove that the theorems of TDDFT can be extended to a class of qubit Hamiltonians that are universal for quantum computation. The theorems of TDDFT applied to universal Hamiltonians imply that single-qubit expectation values can be used as the basic variables in quantum computation and information theory, rather than wavefunctions. From a practical standpoint this opens the possibility of approximating observables of interest in quantum computations directly in terms of single-qubit quantities (i.e. as density functionals). Additionally, we also demonstrate that TDDFT provides an exact prescription for simulating universal Hamiltonians with other universal Hamiltonians that have different, and possibly easier-to-realize two-qubit interactions. This establishes the foundations of TDDFT for quantum computation and opens the possibility of developing density functionals for use in quantum algorithms.

  13. Dynamic modelling and simulation of complex drive systems of large belt conveyors; Dynamische Modellierung und Simulation komplexer Antriebssysteme von Grossbandanlagen

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Burgwinkel, Paul; Vreydal, Daniel; Eltaliawi, Gamil; Vijayakumar, Nandhakumar [RWTH Aachen (DE). Inst. fuer Maschinentechnik der Rohstoffindustrie (IMR)


    For the first time the Co-simulation method was successfully used for full representation of a large belt conveyor for an open cast mine in a simulation model at the Institute for Mechanical Engineering in the Raw Materials Industry at Rhineland-Westphalia Technological University in Aachen. The aim of this project was the development of an electro-mechanical simulation model, which represents all components of a large belt conveyor from the drive motor to the conveyor belt in one simulation model and thus makes the interactions between the individual assemblies verifiable by calculations. With the aid of the developed model it was possible to determine critical operating speeds of the represented large belt conveyor and derive suitable measures to combat undesirable resonance states in the drive assembly. Furthermore it was possible to clarify the advantage of the full numerical representation of an electromechanical drive system. (orig.)

  14. Science-Based Simulation Model of Human Performance for Human Reliability Analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kelly, Dana L.; Boring, Ronald L.; Mosleh, Ali; Smidts, Carol


    Human reliability analysis (HRA), a component of an integrated probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), is the means by which the human contribution to risk is assessed, both qualitatively and quantitatively. However, among the literally dozens of HRA methods that have been developed, most cannot fully model and quantify the types of errors that occurred at Three Mile Island. Furthermore, all of the methods lack a solid empirical basis, relying heavily on expert judgment or empirical results derived in non-reactor domains. Finally, all of the methods are essentially static, and are thus unable to capture the dynamics of an accident in progress. The objective of this work is to begin exploring a dynamic simulation approach to HRA, one whose models have a basis in psychological theories of human performance, and whose quantitative estimates have an empirical basis. This paper highlights a plan to formalize collaboration among the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), the University of Maryland, and The Ohio State University (OSU) to continue development of a simulation model initially formulated at the University of Maryland. Initial work will focus on enhancing the underlying human performance models with the most recent psychological research, and on planning follow-on studies to establish an empirical basis for the model, based on simulator experiments to be carried out at the INL and at the OSU.

  15. Desarrollo y validación experimental de un modelo computacional de pilas de combustible tipo PEM y su aplicación al análisis de monoceldas


    Iranzo Paricio, Alfredo


    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental el desarrollo de un modelo computacional para pilas de combustible tipo PEM, que suponga un avance con respecto al estado actual del modelado de pilas de combustible. ... * Desarrollo de un model

  16. Enhancing Student Engagement through Simulation in Programming Sessions (United States)

    Isiaq, Sakirulai Olufemi; Jamil, Md Golam


    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore the use of a simulator for teaching programming to foster student engagement and meaningful learning. Design/methodology/approach: An exploratory mixed-method research approach was adopted in a classroom-based environment at a UK university. A rich account of student engagement dimensions…

  17. Building a National Simulation Program in Rwanda Through the Use ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    KHI) and VVOB (the Flemish Interna- tional Corporation in Belgium). Through this partnership former KHI, currently College of Medicine and. Health Sciences of the University of Rwanda – ( UR-CMHS) was able to build an initial simulation ...

  18. Online simulation of classical inorganic analysis - interactive, self instructive simulations give more lab-time

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Josephsen, Jens


    Laboratory exercises, investigations, and experiments are invariably included in university chemistry teaching. The learning of empirical facts, chemical procedures and methods in chemistry depends heavily on the experience, which may be obtained from such teaching activities [1]. Experimental work...... in teaching is, however, both expensive and time consuming, and should therefor effectively benefit from the allotted student time, money, and staff time. If the instructions are too ambitious regarding what the students can manage to do and are overloaded with information [2,3] it may result in the students...... (and in university programmes it often isn’t), but rather to give them experience with chemicals and methods, a computer-based laboratory simulation may function as a cheap and fast extension of student lab time. Virtual investigations seem to be a promising kind of tool [6,7,8] for several reasons...

  19. Microscopic Car Modeling for Intelligent Traffic and Scenario Generation in the UCF Driving Simulator : Year 2 (United States)


    A multi-year project was initiated to introduce autonomous vehicles in the University of Central Florida (UCF) Driving Simulator for real-time interaction with the simulator vehicle. This report describes the progress during the second year. In the f...

  20. Exploring the Early Universe on Mobile Devices (United States)

    Kocevski, Dale; McGrath, E. J.; CANDELS Collaboration


    The widespread adoption of smart phones and tablet computers has the potential to revolutionize the way in which educational material is shared with the general public. As part of the outreach effort for the CANDELS survey, we have developed a free interactive astronomy education application named Hubble Universe for iPad and iPhone devices. The application focuses on extragalactic science topics related to the CANDELS legacy survey, which is documenting galaxy evolution in the early universe. I will provide an overview of the application, which contains a wide range of interactive content, including 3D models of astrophysical phenomenon, informative diagrams and computer simulations. I will discuss how the application can be used to enhance classroom learning both by providing a database of interactive media and by encouraging students to explore astronomical topics away from traditional settings like the classroom or the desktop computer.

  1. Availability of thermodynamic system with multiple performance parameters based on vector-universal generating function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Qi; Shang Yanlong; Chen Lisheng; Zhao Yuguang


    Vector-universal generating function was presented to analyze the availability of thermodynamic system with multiple performance parameters. Vector-universal generating function of component's performance was defined, the arithmetic model based on vector-universal generating function was derived for the thermodynamic system, and the calculation method was given for state probability of multi-state component. With the stochastic simulation of the degeneration trend of the multiple factors, the system availability with multiple performance parameters was obtained under composite factors. It is shown by an example that the results of the availability obtained by the binary availability analysis method are somewhat conservative, and the results considering parameter failure based on vector-universal generating function reflect the operation characteristics of the thermodynamic system better. (authors)

  2. SLiM 2: Flexible, Interactive Forward Genetic Simulations. (United States)

    Haller, Benjamin C; Messer, Philipp W


    Modern population genomic datasets hold immense promise for revealing the evolutionary processes operating in natural populations, but a crucial prerequisite for this goal is the ability to model realistic evolutionary scenarios and predict their expected patterns in genomic data. To that end, we present SLiM 2: an evolutionary simulation framework that combines a powerful, fast engine for forward population genetic simulations with the capability of modeling a wide variety of complex evolutionary scenarios. SLiM achieves this flexibility through scriptability, which provides control over most aspects of the simulated evolutionary scenarios with a simple R-like scripting language called Eidos. An example SLiM simulation is presented to illustrate the power of this approach. SLiM 2 also includes a graphical user interface for simulation construction, interactive runtime control, and dynamic visualization of simulation output, facilitating easy and fast model development with quick prototyping and visual debugging. We conclude with a performance comparison between SLiM and two other popular forward genetic simulation packages. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  3. A new nuclear materials laboratory at Queen's University

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Holt, R.A.; Daymond, M.R., E-mail:, E-mail: [Queen' s University, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Kingston, ON (Canada)


    The Reactor Materials Testing Laboratory (RMTL) at Queen's University and the results of commissioning tests are described. RMTL uses energetic protons (up to 8MeV) to simulate fast neutron damage in materials for reactor components. The laboratory is also capable of He implantation (up to 12 MeV) to simulate the effects of transmutation He in reactor components. The $17.5M laboratory comprises a new building, a 4MV tandem accelerator, two electron microscopes, mechanical testing and specimen preparation equipment, and a radiation detection laboratory. RMTL focusses on studying dynamic effects of irradiation (irradiation creep, irradiation growth, irradiation induced swelling, fatigue under irradiation) in-situ. (author)


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriela Ižaríková


    Full Text Available The article is an example of using the software simulation @Risk designed for simulation in Microsoft Excel spread sheet, demonstrated the possibility of its usage in order to show a universal method of solving problems. The simulation is experimenting with computer models based on the real production process in order to optimize the production processes or the system. The simulation model allows performing a number of experiments, analysing them, evaluating, optimizing and afterwards applying the results to the real system. A simulation model in general is presenting modelling system by using mathematical formulations and logical relations. In the model is possible to distinguish controlled inputs (for instance investment costs and random outputs (for instance demand, which are by using a model transformed into outputs (for instance mean value of profit. In case of a simulation experiment at the beginning are chosen controlled inputs and random (stochastic outputs are generated randomly. Simulations belong into quantitative tools, which can be used as a support for a decision making.

  5. Voltage Mode Universal Biquad Using CCCII

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ashish Ranjan


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a multi-input single-output (MISO second-order active-C voltage mode (VM universal filter using two second-generation current-controlled current conveyors (CCCIIs and two equal-valued capacitors. The proposed circuit realizes low pass, band pass, high pass, all pass, and notch responses from the same topology. The filter uses-minimum number of passive components and no resistor which is suitable for IC Design. The filter enjoys low-sensitivity performance and exhibits electronic and orthogonal tunability of pole frequency (0 and quality factor (0 via bias current of CCCIIs. PSPICE simulation results confirm the theory.

  6. 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications

    CERN Document Server

    Koziel, Slawomir; Kacprzyk, Janusz; Leifsson, Leifur; Ören, Tuncer


    This book includes extended and revised versions of a set of selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2013) which was co-organized by the Reykjavik University (RU) and sponsored by the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC). SIMULTECH 2013 was held in cooperation with the ACM SIGSIM - Special Interest Group (SIG) on SImulation and Modeling (SIM), Movimento Italiano Modellazione e Simulazione (MIMOS) and AIS Special Interest Group on Modeling and Simulation (AIS SIGMAS) and technically co-sponsored by the Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS), Liophant Simulation, Simulation Team and International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP). This proceedings brings together researchers, engineers, applied mathematicians and practitioners working in the advances and applications in the field of system simulation.

  7. Scaling and universality of ac conduction in disordered solids

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schrøder, Thomas; Dyre, Jeppe


    Recent scaling results for the ac conductivity of ionic glasses by Roling et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2160 (1997)] and Sidebottom [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3653 (1999)] are discussed. We prove that Sidebottom's version of scaling is completely general. A new approximation to the universal ac conduct...... conductivity arising in the extreme disorder limit of the symmetric hopping model, the "diffusion cluster approximation," is presented and compared to computer simulations and experiments.......Recent scaling results for the ac conductivity of ionic glasses by Roling et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2160 (1997)] and Sidebottom [Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3653 (1999)] are discussed. We prove that Sidebottom's version of scaling is completely general. A new approximation to the universal ac...

  8. Serious Simulations (for fun)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Christian Ulrik


    , their laws of physics and their rule structure not only belong to the game world. Incessantly and innovatively, they reach far beyond the game universe and into reality. The computer game today is the place where we not only escape reality, but also relate to reality – similar to the role of the movie......’Serious Simulations (for fun)’ deals with a dramatic change in the area of computer games. Computer games have throughout the past decades given us the opportunity to experience, tell stories and play in virtual, computer generated worlds. Today, however, the narratives of the computer games...... in the 20th century. They have become an important part of marketing, teaching, political activism, communication and information to the public. It is the language of the future, the language for and about the reality we are living in. The game simulations are still compelling and entertaining...

  9. Imprints of dark energy on the structuring of the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouillot, V.


    This thesis is dedicated to the research of specific imprints of Dark Energy in both linear and non-linear gravitational collapse processes through theoretical and numerical developments. Indeed, many aspects of cosmology has been tackled: first, to study the influence of various complex Dark Energy models on the halo clustering, we develop in a covariant formalism the usual linear cosmological perturbation theory. It gives an extent of the classical Sasaki-Mukhanov equations to scalar fields coupled with multiple cosmological fluids. The result is the description of the evolution of linear perturbations of complex Dark Energy models with a minimal number of degrees of freedom. In the last decade, the number and quality of cosmological observations on the matter distribution in the Universe as well on the velocity fields have increased exponentially. In particular, recent measurements show the existence of abnormally high velocity fields with respect to the linear theory in ΛCDM. The explanation of this cosmic flow excess at intermediate scales is the main contribution of this thesis: reinterpreting the anomalous cosmic flow (Watkins et al.) measured at scales ∼ 50 Mpc/h as a rare event realization in linear theory, we propose a new cosmological probe. This probe uses the scale of convergence of the measured cosmic flow with the theoretical one. We develop the sensibility on this new cosmological probe in three competitive Dark Energy models. Those results, based on analytical methods, are compared with measures issued from state-of-the-art numerical simulations we are deeply involved in. Then, starting from those numerical simulations, we investigate the dynamical origin of such a cosmic flow: we prove this movement to be due to an asymmetry of the three-dimensional matter distribution at higher scales (∼ 80 Mpc/h). This asymmetry is shown by introducing an original estimator of the matter field, which quantify the deviation from symmetry of a given field

  10. Modelado de Caden as Cinemáticas mediante Matrices de Desplazamiento. Una alternativa al método de Denavit-Hartenberg

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Barrientos


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta un método para el modelado de cadenas cinemáticas de robots que salva las dificultades asociadas a la elección de los sistemas de coordenadas y obtención de los parámetros de Denavit-Hartenberg. El método propuesto parte del conocimiento de la posición y orientación del extremo del robot en su configuración de reposo, para ir obteniendo en qué se transforman éstas tras los sucesivos movimientos de sus grados de libertad en secuencia descendente, desde el más alejado al más cercano a su base. Los movimientos son calculados en base a las Matrices de Desplazamiento, que permiten conocer en que se transforma un punto cuando éste es desplazado (trasladado o rotado con respecto a un eje que no pasa por el origen. A diferencia del método de Denavit-Hartenberg, que precisa ubicar para cada eslabón el origen y las direcciones de los vectores directores de los sistemas de referencia asociados, el método basado en las Matrices de Desplazamiento precisa solo identificar el eje de cada articulación, lo que le hace más simple e intuitivo que aquel. La obtención de las Matrices de Desplazamiento y con ellas del Modelo Cinemático Directo a partir de los ejes de la articulación, puede hacerse mediante algunas simples operaciones, fácilmente programables. Abstract: In this paper, a new method for modelling kinematic chains in Robotics is presented. This method eludes the difficulties de- rived from selecting the coordinate frames required to obtain Denavit-Hartenberg parameters. The proposed method arises from knowing the position and orientation of the end-effector of the robot in its home position. This algorithm allows obtaining their transformations according to the successive variations of its degrees of freedom in descending order from the remotest to the closest to the base.The movements are calculated based on the Displacement Matrixes by determining

  11. A study of pleasantness and annoyance in simulated soundscapes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Alvarez, Jorge; Konstantinos, Angelakis; Rindel, Jens Holger


    An experimental study has been conducted in the Acoustic Technology Department of the Technical University of Denmark. Audio-visual simulations of a park and an urban square were attempted; a series of listening tests were carried out. The subjects were asked to qualify the soundscape in terms...

  12. SED-ML web tools: generate, modify and export standard-compliant simulation studies. (United States)

    Bergmann, Frank T; Nickerson, David; Waltemath, Dagmar; Scharm, Martin


    The Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (SED-ML) is a standardized format for exchanging simulation studies independently of software tools. We present the SED-ML Web Tools, an online application for creating, editing, simulating and validating SED-ML documents. The Web Tools implement all current SED-ML specifications and, thus, support complex modifications and co-simulation of models in SBML and CellML formats. Ultimately, the Web Tools lower the bar on working with SED-ML documents and help users create valid simulation descriptions. . . © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  13. Modelado del transformador para eventos de alta frecuencia; Transformer model for high frequency events

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica Adriana Galván Sánchez


    Full Text Available La función de un transformador es cambiar el nivel de tensión a través de un acoplamiento magnético. Debido a su construcción física, su representación como un circuito y su modelo matemático son muy complejos. El comportamiento electromagnético del transformador, al igual que todos los elementos de la red eléctrica de potencia, depende de la frecuencia involucrada. Por esta razón cuando se tienen fenómenos de alta frecuencia su modelo debe ser muy detallado para que reproduzca el comportamientodel estado transitorio. En este trabajo se analiza cómo se pasa de un modelo muy simple, a un modelo muy detallado para hacer simulación de eventos de alta frecuencia. Los eventos que se simulan son la operación de un interruptor por una falla en el sistema y el impacto de una descarga atmosférica sobre la línea de transmisión a una distancia de 5 km de una subestación de potencia. The transformer’s function is to change the voltage level through a magnetic coupling. Due to its physical construction, its representation as a circuit and its mathematical model are very complex. The electromagnetic behavior and all the elements in the power network depend on the involved frequency. So, for high frequency events, its model needs to be very detailed to reproduce the electromagnetic transient behavior. This work analyzes how to pass from a simple model to a very detailed model to simulated high frequency events. The simulated events are the switch operation due to a fault in the system and the impact of an atmospheric discharge (direct stroke in the transmission line, five km far away from the substation.

  14. Modelado del transformador para eventos de alta frecuencia ;Transformer model for high frequency events

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Verónica Adriana – Galván Sanchez


    Full Text Available La función de un transformador es cambiar el nivel de tensión a través de un acoplamiento magnético.Debido a su construcción física, su representación como un circuito y su modelo matemático son muycomplejos. El comportamiento electromagnético del transformador, al igual que todos los elementos de lared eléctrica de potencia, depende de la frecuencia involucrada. Por esta razón cuando se tienenfenómenos de alta frecuencia su modelo debe ser muy detallado para que reproduzca el comportamientodel estado transitorio. En este trabajo se analiza cómo se pasa de un modelo muy simple, a un modelo muydetallado para hacer simulación de eventos de alta frecuencia. Los eventos que se simulan son la operaciónde un interruptor por una falla en el sistema y el impacto de una descarga atmosférica sobre la línea detransmisión a una distancia de 5 km de una subestación de potencia.The transformer’s function is to change the voltage level through a magnetic coupling. Due to its physicalconstruction, its representation as a circuit and its mathematical model are very complex. Theelectromagnetic behavior and all the elements in the power network depend on the involved frequency. So,for high frequency events, its model needs to be very detailed to reproduce the electromagnetic transientbehavior. This work analyzes how to pass from a simple model to a very detailed model to simulated highfrequency events. The simulated events are the switch operation due to a fault in the system and the impactof an atmospheric discharge (direct stroke in the transmission line, five km far away from the substation.

  15. Simulation based virtual learning environment in medical genetics counseling

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Makransky, Guido; Bonde, Mads T.; Wulff, Julie S. G.


    BACKGROUND: Simulation based learning environments are designed to improve the quality of medical education by allowing students to interact with patients, diagnostic laboratory procedures, and patient data in a virtual environment. However, few studies have evaluated whether simulation based...... the perceived relevance of medical educational activities. The results suggest that simulations can help future generations of doctors transfer new understanding of disease mechanisms gained in virtual laboratory settings into everyday clinical practice....... learning environments increase students' knowledge, intrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy, and help them generalize from laboratory analyses to clinical practice and health decision-making. METHODS: An entire class of 300 University of Copenhagen first-year undergraduate students, most with a major...

  16. Waveguiding and mirroring effects in stochastic self-similar and Cantorian ε(∞) universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iovane, G.


    A waveguiding effect is considered with respect to the large scale structure of the Universe, where the structures formation appears as if it were a classically self-similar random process at all astrophysical scales. The result is that it seems we live in an El Naschie's ε (∞) Cantorian space-time, where gravitational lensing and waveguiding effects can explain the appearing Universe. In particular, we consider filamentary and planar large scale structures as possible refraction channels for electromagnetic radiation coming from cosmological structures. From this vision the Universe appears like a large self-similar adaptive mirrors set. Consequently, an infinite Universe is just an optical illusion that is produced by mirroring effects connected with the large scale structure of a finite and not so large Universe. Thanks to the presented analytical model supported by a numerical simulation, it is possible to explain the quasar luminosity distribution and the presence of 'twin' or 'brother' objects. More generally, the infinity and the abundance of astrophysical objects could be just a mirroring effect due to the peculiar self-similarity of the Universe

  17. Study of Physiological Responses to Acute Carbon Monoxide Exposure with a Human Patient Simulator (United States)

    Cesari, Whitney A.; Caruso, Dominique M.; Zyka, Enela L.; Schroff, Stuart T.; Evans, Charles H., Jr.; Hyatt, Jon-Philippe K.


    Human patient simulators are widely used to train health professionals and students in a clinical setting, but they also can be used to enhance physiology education in a laboratory setting. Our course incorporates the human patient simulator for experiential learning in which undergraduate university juniors and seniors are instructed to design,…

  18. Hospital simulated patient programme: a guide. (United States)

    Barrett, Jenny; Hodgson, Jan


    Many university courses employ simulated patients to work with students in the development of communication skills. Our challenge was to build a sustainable programme that could be adapted for medical, nursing and allied health staff, and groups of students, on our hospital campus. In recognition of the need to provide practice opportunities for junior medical staff to hone their capacity to communicate effectively with parents, we employed professional actors who are also qualified teachers. Junior doctors have multiple opportunities over their training time to work one-to-one with an actor-tutor in the role of simulated parent. The simulated parents are skilled in helping the trainees reflect on the conversation, and the trainees are given a recording of their sessions for further reflection and feedback from a colleague. This model has been adapted to meet the 'topic' needs and scheduling requirements of other staff and hospital-based student groups. In adapting the original medical staff programme, we came to appreciate not only the logistical but also the ethical considerations inherent in a simulated parent/patient programme. Our guide highlights the importance of safeguarding the educational integrity of the design, maintaining the fidelity of the simulations and ensuring the safety of all involved. © Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011.

  19. Simulator technology as a tool for education in cardiac care. (United States)

    Hravnak, Marilyn; Beach, Michael; Tuite, Patricia


    Assisting nurses in gaining the cognitive and psychomotor skills necessary to safely and effectively care for patients with cardiovascular disease can be challenging for educators. Ideally, nurses would have the opportunity to synthesize and practice these skills in a protected training environment before application in the dynamic clinical setting. Recently, a technology known as high fidelity human simulation was introduced, which permits learners to interact with a simulated patient. The dynamic physiologic parameters and physical assessment capabilities of the simulated patient provide for a realistic learning environment. This article describes the High Fidelity Human Simulation Laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing and presents strategies for using this technology as a tool in teaching complex cardiac nursing care at the basic and advanced practice nursing levels. The advantages and disadvantages of high fidelity human simulation in learning are discussed.

  20. Simulating the formation of cosmic structure. (United States)

    Frenk, C S


    A timely combination of new theoretical ideas and observational discoveries has brought about significant advances in our understanding of cosmic evolution. Computer simulations have played a key role in these developments by providing the means to interpret astronomical data in the context of physical and cosmological theory. In the current paradigm, our Universe has a flat geometry, is undergoing accelerated expansion and is gravitationally dominated by elementary particles that make up cold dark matter. Within this framework, it is possible to simulate in a computer the emergence of galaxies and other structures from small quantum fluctuations imprinted during an epoch of inflationary expansion shortly after the Big Bang. The simulations must take into account the evolution of the dark matter as well as the gaseous processes involved in the formation of stars and other visible components. Although many unresolved questions remain, a coherent picture for the formation of cosmic structure is now beginning to emerge.

  1. Learning through simulated independent practice leads to better future performance in a simulated crisis than learning through simulated supervised practice. (United States)

    Goldberg, A; Silverman, E; Samuelson, S; Katz, D; Lin, H M; Levine, A; DeMaria, S


    Anaesthetists may fail to recognize and manage certain rare intraoperative events. Simulation has been shown to be an effective educational adjunct to typical operating room-based education to train for these events. It is yet unclear, however, why simulation has any benefit. We hypothesize that learners who are allowed to manage a scenario independently and allowed to fail, thus causing simulated morbidity, will consequently perform better when re-exposed to a similar scenario. Using a randomized, controlled, observer-blinded design, 24 first-year residents were exposed to an oxygen pipeline contamination scenario, either where patient harm occurred (independent group, n=12) or where a simulated attending anaesthetist intervened to prevent harm (supervised group, n=12). Residents were brought back 6 months later and exposed to a different scenario (pipeline contamination) with the same end point. Participants' proper treatment, time to diagnosis, and non-technical skills (measured using the Anaesthetists' Non-Technical Skills Checklist, ANTS) were measured. No participants provided proper treatment in the initial exposure. In the repeat encounter 6 months later, 67% in the independent group vs 17% in the supervised group resumed adequate oxygen delivery (P=0.013). The independent group also had better ANTS scores [median (interquartile range): 42.3 (31.5-53.1) vs 31.3 (21.6-41), P=0.015]. There was no difference in time to treatment if proper management was provided [602 (490-820) vs 610 (420-800) s, P=0.79]. Allowing residents to practise independently in the simulation laboratory, and subsequently, allowing them to fail, can be an important part of simulation-based learning. This is not feasible in real clinical practice but appears to have improved resident performance in this study. The purposeful use of independent practice and its potentially negative outcomes thus sets simulation-based learning apart from traditional operating room learning. © The Author

  2. LATTICEEASY A Program for Lattice Simulations of Scalar Fields in an Expanding Universe

    CERN Document Server

    Felder, G; Tkachev, Igor; Felder, Gary


    We describe a C++ program that we have written and made available for calculating the evolution of interacting scalar fields in an expanding universe. The program is particularly useful for the study of reheating and thermalization after inflation. The program and its full documentation are available on the Web at In this paper we provide a brief overview of what the program does and what it is useful for.

  3. Exploring simulated early star formation in the context of the ultrafaint dwarf galaxies (United States)

    Corlies, Lauren; Johnston, Kathryn V.; Wise, John H.


    Ultrafaint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) are typically assumed to have simple, stellar populations with star formation ending at reionization. Yet as the observations of these galaxies continue to improve, their star formation histories (SFHs) are revealed to be more complicated than previously thought. In this paper, we study how star formation, chemical enrichment, and mixing proceed in small, dark matter haloes at early times using a high-resolution, cosmological, hydrodynamical simulation. The goals are to inform the future use of analytic models and to explore observable properties of the simulated haloes in the context of UFD data. Specifically, we look at analytic approaches that might inform metal enrichment within and beyond small galaxies in the early Universe. We find that simple assumptions for modelling the extent of supernova-driven winds agree with the simulation on average, whereas inhomogeneous mixing and gas flows have a large effect on the spread in simulated stellar metallicities. In the context of the UFDs, this work demonstrates that simulations can form haloes with a complex SFH and a large spread in the metallicity distribution function within a few hundred Myr in the early Universe. In particular, bursty and continuous star formation are seen in the simulation and both scenarios have been argued from the data. Spreads in the simulated metallicities, however, remain too narrow and too metal-rich when compared to the UFDs. Future work is needed to help reduce these discrepancies and advance our interpretation of the data.

  4. Priming the search for cosmic superstrings using GADGET2 simulations (United States)

    Cousins, Bryce; Jia, Hewei; Braverman, William; Chernoff, David


    String theory is an extensive mathematical theory which, despite its broad explanatory power, is still lacking empirical support. However, this may change when considering the scope of cosmology, where “cosmic superstrings” may serve as observational evidence. According to string theory, these superstrings were stretched to cosmic scales in the early Universe and may now be detectable, via microlensing or gravitational radiation. Negative results from prior surveys have put some limits on superstring properties, so to investigate the parameter space more effectively, we ask: “where should we expect to find cosmic superstrings, and how many should we predict?” This research investigates these questions by simulating cosmic string behavior during structure formation in the universe using GADGET2. The sizes and locations of superstring clusters are assessed using kernel density estimation and radial correlation functions. Currently, only preliminary small-scale simulations have been performed, producing superstring clustering with low sensitivity. However, future simulations of greater magnitude will offer far higher resolution, allowing us to more precisely track superstring behavior within structures. Such results will guide future searches, most imminently those made possible by LSST and WFIRST.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.C. Yim


    Full Text Available A diverse series of research projects have taken place or are underway at the NEES Tsunami Research Facility at Oregon State University. Projects range from the simulation of the processes and effects of tsunamis generated by sub-aerial and submarine landslides (NEESR, Georgia Tech., model comparisons of tsunami wave effects on bottom profiles and scouring (NEESR, Princeton University, model comparisons of wave induced motions on rigid and free bodies (Shared-Use, Cornell, numerical model simulations and testing of breaking waves and inundation over topography (NEESR, TAMU, structural testing and development of standards for tsunami engineering and design (NEESR, University of Hawaii, and wave loads on coastal bridge structures (non-NEES, to upgrading the two-dimensional wave generator of the Large Wave Flume. A NEESR payload project (Colorado State University was undertaken that seeks to improve the understanding of the stresses from wave loading and run-up on residential structures. Advanced computational tools for coupling fluid-structure interaction including turbulence, contact and impact are being developed to assist with the design of experiments and complement parametric studies. These projects will contribute towards understanding the physical processes that occur during earthquake generated tsunamis including structural stress, debris flow and scour, inundation and overland flow, and landslide generated tsunamis. Analytical and numerical model development and comparisons with the experimental results give engineers additional predictive tools to assist in the development of robust structures as well as identification of hazard zones and formulation of hazard plans.

  6. Coupled scalar fields in a flat FRW universe. Renormalisation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Baacke, Juergen [Technische Univ. Dortmund (Germany). Fakultaet Physik; Covi, Laura [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Kevlishvili, Nina [Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (Germany); Andronikashvili Institute of Physics, Tbilisi (Georgia)


    We study the non-equilibrium dynamics of a system of coupled scalar fields in a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe. We consider the evolution of spatially homogeneous ''classical'' fields and of their quantum fluctuations including the quantum backreaction in the one-loop approximation. We discuss in particular the dimensional regularisation of the coupled system and a special subtraction procedure in order to obtain the renormalised equations of motion and the renormalised energy-momentum tensor and ensure that the energy is well-defined and covariantly conserved. These results represent at the same time a theoretical analysis and a viable scheme for stable numerical simulations. As an example for an application of the general formalism, we present simulations for a hybrid inflationary model. (orig.)

  7. A study of hierarchical clustering of galaxies in an expanding universe (United States)

    Porter, D. H.

    The nonlinear hierarchical clustering of galaxies in an Einstein-deSitter (Omega = 1), initially white noise mass fluctuations (n = 0) model universe is investigated and shown to be in contradiction with previous results. The model is done in terms of an 11,000-body numerical simulation. The independent statics of 0.72 million particles are used to simulte the boundary conditions. A new method for integrating the Newtonian N-body gravity equations, which has controllable accuracy, incorporates a recursive center of mass reduction, and regularizes two body encounters is used to do the simulation. The coordinate system used here is well suited for the investigation of galaxy clustering, incorporating the independent positions and velocities of an arbitrary number of particles into a logarithmic hierarchy of center of mass nodes. The boundary for the simulation is created by using this hierarchy to map the independent statics of 0.72 million particles into just 4,000 particles. This method for simulating the boundary conditions also has controllable accuracy.

  8. High-Reynolds Number Viscous Flow Simulations on Embedded-Boundary Cartesian Grids (United States)


    AFRL-AFOSR-VA-TR-2016-0192 High- Reynolds Number Viscous Flow Simulations on Embedded-Boundary Cartesian Grids Marsha Berger NEW YORK UNIVERSITY Final...TO THE ABOVE ORGANIZATION. 1. REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YYYY) 30/04/2016 2. REPORT TYPE Final 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) High- Reynolds 4. TITLE AND...SUBTITLE High- Reynolds Number Viscous Flow Simulations on Embedded-Boundary Cartesian Grids 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER FA9550-13-1

  9. Modeling and simulation of chillers with Dymola/Modelica; Modellierung und Simulation von Kaeltemaschinen mit Dymola/Modelica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rettich, Daniel [Hochschule Biberach (Germany). Inst. fuer Gebaeude- und Energiesysteme (IGE)


    Within the contribution under consideration, a chiller was modeled and simulated with the program package Dymola / Modelica using the TIL Toolbox. An existing refrigeration technology test bench at the University of Biberach (Federal Republic of Germany) serves as a reference for the chiller illustrated in the simulation. The aim of the simulation is the future use of the models in a hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) test bench in order to test different controllers with respect to their function and logic under identical framework conditions. Furthermore, the determination of the energy efficiency according to the regulation VDMA 24247 is in the foreground at the test bench as well as within the simulation. Following the final completion of the test bench, the models are validated against the test bench, and the model of the refrigerator will be connected to a detailed space model. Individual models were taken from the TIL toolbox, adapted for the application and parameterized with the design values of the laboratory chiller. Modifications to the TIL models were necessary in order to reflect the dynamic effects of the chiller in detail. For this purpose, investigations on indicators of the various dynamic components were employed. Subsequently to the modeling, each model was tested on the bases of design values and documents of the manufacturer. First simulation studies showed that the simulation in Dymola including the developed models provide plausible results. In the course of the modeling and parameterization of these modified models a component library was developed. Different models for future simulation studies can be extracted.

  10. Modern Physics Simulations (United States)

    Brandt, Douglas; Hiller, John R.; Moloney, Michael J.


    The Consortium for Upper Level Physics Software (CUPS) has developed a comprehensive series of Nine Book/Software packages that Wiley will publish in FY `95 and `96. CUPS is an international group of 27 physicists, all with extensive backgrounds in the research, teaching, and development of instructional software. The project is being supported by the National Science Foundation (PHY-9014548), and it has received other support from the IBM Corp., Apple Computer Corp., and George Mason University. The Simulations being developed are: Astrophysics, Classical Mechanics, Electricity & Magnetism, Modern Physics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State, Thermal and Statistical, and Wave and Optics.

  11. Simulating the interaction of galaxies and the intergalactic medium (United States)

    Carin, Robert A.


    The co-evolution of galaxies and the intergalactic medium as a function of environment is studied using hydrodynamic simulations of the ΛCDM cosmogony. It is demonstrated with non-radiative calculations that, in the absence of non-gravitational mechanisms, dark matter haloes accrete a near-universal fraction (˜ 0.9Ω_{b}/&Omega_;{m}) of baryons. The absence of a mass or redshift dependence of this fraction augurs well for parameter tests that use X-ray clusters as cosmological probes. Moreover, this result indicates that non-gravitational processes must efficiently regulate the formation of stars in dark matter haloes if the halo mass function is to be reconciled with the observed galaxy luminosity function. Simulations featuring stellar evolution and non-gravitational feedback mechanisms (photo-heating by the ultraviolet background, and thermal and kinetic supernovae feedback) are used to follow the evolution of star formation, and the thermo- and chemo-dynamical evolution of baryons. The observed star formation history of the Universe is reproduced, except at low redshift where it is overestimated by a factor of a few, possibly indicating the need for feedback from active galactic nuclei to quench cooling flows around massive galaxies. The simulations more accurately reproduce the observed abundance of galaxies with late-type morphologies than has been reported elsewhere. The unique initial conditions of these simulations, based on the Millennium Simulation, allow an unprecedented study of the role of large-scale environment to be conducted. The cosmic star formation rate density is found to vary by an order of magnitude across the extremes of environment expected in the local Universe. The mass fraction of baryons in the observationally elusive warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM), and the volume filling factor that this gas occupies, is also shown to vary by a factor of a few across such environments. This variation is attributed to differences in the halo

  12. Universality and the approach to the continuum limit in lattice gauge theory

    CERN Document Server

    De Divitiis, G M; Guagnelli, M; Lüscher, Martin; Petronzio, Roberto; Sommer, Rainer; Weisz, P; Wolff, U; de Divitiis, G; Frezzotti, R; Guagnelli, M; Luescher, M; Petronzio, R; Sommer, R; Weisz, P; Wolff, U


    The universality of the continuum limit and the applicability of renormalized perturbation theory are tested in the SU(2) lattice gauge theory by computing two different non-perturbatively defined running couplings over a large range of energies. The lattice data (which were generated on the powerful APE computers at Rome II and DESY) are extrapolated to the continuum limit by simulating sequences of lattices with decreasing spacings. Our results confirm the expected universality at all energies to a precision of a few percent. We find, however, that perturbation theory must be used with care when matching different renormalized couplings at high energies.

  13. Lost in space: design of experiments and scientific exploration in a Hogarth Universe. (United States)

    Lendrem, Dennis W; Lendrem, B Clare; Woods, David; Rowland-Jones, Ruth; Burke, Matthew; Chatfield, Marion; Isaacs, John D; Owen, Martin R


    A Hogarth, or 'wicked', universe is an irregular environment generating data to support erroneous beliefs. Here, we argue that development scientists often work in such a universe. We demonstrate that exploring these multidimensional spaces using small experiments guided by scientific intuition alone, gives rise to an illusion of validity and a misplaced confidence in that scientific intuition. By contrast, design of experiments (DOE) permits the efficient mapping of such complex, multidimensional spaces. We describe simulation tools that enable research scientists to explore these spaces in relative safety. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Dynamics of the baryonic component in hierarchical clustering universes (United States)

    Navarro, Julio


    I present self-consistent 3-D simulations of the formation of virialized systems containing both gas and dark matter in a flat universe. A fully Lagrangian code based on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics technique and a tree data structure has been used to evolve regions of comoving radius 2-3 Mpc. Tidal effects are included by coarse-sampling the density of the outer regions up to a radius approx. 20 Mpc. Initial conditions are set at high redshift (z greater than 7) using a standard Cold Dark Matter perturbation spectrum and a baryon mass fraction of 10 percent (omega(sub b) = 0.1). Simulations in which the gas evolves either adiabatically or radiates energy at a rate determined locally by its cooling function were performed. This allows us to investigate with the same set of simulations the importance of radiative losses in the formation of galaxies and the equilibrium structure of virialized systems where cooling is very inefficient. In the absence of radiative losses, the simulations can be rescaled to the density and radius typical of galaxy clusters. A summary of the main results is presented.

  15. Modeling universal dynamics of cell spreading on elastic substrates. (United States)

    Fan, Houfu; Li, Shaofan


    A three-dimensional (3D) multiscale moving contact line model is combined with a soft matter cell model to study the universal dynamics of cell spreading over elastic substrates. We have studied both the early stage and the late stage cell spreading by taking into account the actin tension effect. In this work, the cell is modeled as an active nematic droplet, and the substrate is modeled as a St. Venant Kirchhoff elastic medium. A complete 3D simulation of cell spreading has been carried out. The simulation results show that the spreading area versus spreading time at different stages obeys specific power laws, which is in good agreement with experimental data and theoretical prediction reported in the literature. Moreover, the simulation results show that the substrate elasticity may affect force dipole distribution inside the cell. The advantage of this approach is that it combines the hydrodynamics of actin retrograde flow with moving contact line model so that it can naturally include actin tension effect resulting from actin polymerization and actomyosin contraction, and thus it might be capable of simulating complex cellular scale phenomenon, such as cell spreading or even crawling.

  16. Influence of Operator's Experience on the Shaping Ability of Protaper Universal and Waveone Systems: A Comparative Study on Simulated Root Canals. (United States)

    Troiano, Giuseppe; Dioguardi, Mario; Cocco, Armando; Giannatempo, Giovanni; Laino, Luigi; Ciavarella, Domenico; Berutti, Elio; Lo Muzio, Lorenzo


    To assess the influence of operator experience on: shaping and centering ability, mean preparation time and presence of canal aberrations of ProTaper Universal and WaveOne systems on simulated root canals. Sixty S-shaped canals in resin blocks were assigned to four groups (n=15 for each group). Group1 (Experienced operator, ProTaper), Group2 (Experienced operator, WaveOne), Group3 (Inexperienced operator, ProTaper), Group4 (Inexperienced operator, WaveOne). Photographic method was used to record pre- and post-instrumentations images. After superimposition, it has been evaluated presence of canal aberrations and differences in shaping and centering ability between groups. WaveOne system produced a lower amount of canal aberrations both in the hand of expert than inexpert operators. However, a WaveOne instrument breakage occurred in the hands of an inexperienced operator. No differences have been found in the evaluation of shaping ability with both systematics. Operator's experience doesn't influence the shaping ability of ProTaper and WaveOne systems. Experience factor could influence the centering ability in the use of both the systematics. However, WaveOne Primary reduce the mean preparation time and the presence of canal aberrations.

  17. Microcanonical simulations in classical and quantum field theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olson, D.P.


    In the first part of this thesis, a stochastic adaptation of the microcanonical simulation method is applied to the numerical simulation of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hamiltonian for polyacetylene, a one-dimensional polymer were fermion-boson interactions play a dominant role in the dynamics of the system. The pure microcanonical simulation method fails in the marginally ergodic case and a stochastic adaptation, the hybrid microcanonical method, is employed to resolve problems with ergodicity. The hybrid method is shown to be an efficient method for higher dimensional fermionic quantum systems. In the second part of this thesis, a numerical simulation of the evolution of a network of global cosmic strings is an expanding Robertson-Walker universe is carried out. The system is quenched through an order-disorder phase transition and the nature of the string distribution is examined. While the string distribution observed at the phase transition is in good agreement with earlier estimates, the simulation reveals that the dynamics of the strings are suppressed by interactions with the Goldstone field. The network decays by topological annihilation and no spatial correlations are observed at any point in the simulation


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mihaela DIACONU


    Full Text Available The entrepreneurship, as an integral part of education, is now widely accepted worldwide. Entrepreneurial education is considered today as a holistic and inclusive process and not just a component of education in business. The activity of developing the entrepreneurial spirit organized on new principles must be seen by the universities as the foundation of successful fulfillment of university’s mission in contributing to social and economic development. This paper's main purpose is to identify a number of solutions on how they can ensure through cross-border cooperation the development of entrepreneurial skills within the universities through learning experiences contexts. In this regard, the paper proposes a model of entrepreneurial project which takes the form of simulated enterprise developed by the University of Pitesti, and a number of solutions for this project to be developed and implemented through cross-border cooperation, in accordance with the strategies and principles promoted by European Commission and European Parliament, which stresses the importance of developing through international cooperation of innovative methods that go beyond the traditional frame in which, currently, are formed the competencies and the educational process is performed. Thus, the proposed model can be expanded and implemented "in the mirror" and internationally by building partnerships between countries, universities and economic agents from those countries with real benefits for all parties involved through valuing the national specificities.

  19. Stochastic inflation lattice simulations: Ultra-large scale structure of the universe

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salopek, D.S.


    Non-Gaussian fluctuations for structure formation may arise in inflation from the nonlinear interaction of long wavelength gravitational and scalar fields. Long wavelength fields have spatial gradients α -1 triangledown small compared to the Hubble radius, and they are described in terms of classical random fields that are fed by short wavelength quantum noise. Lattice Langevin calculations are given for a ''toy model'' with a scalar field interacting with an exponential potential where one can obtain exact analytic solutions of the Fokker-Planck equation. For single scalar field models that are consistent with current microwave background fluctuations, the fluctuations are Gaussian. However, for scales much larger than our observable Universe, one expects large metric fluctuations that are non-Guassian. This example illuminates non-Gaussian models involving multiple scalar fields which are consistent with current microwave background limits. 21 refs., 3 figs

  20. Design and simulation of 3½-cell superconducting gun cavity and beam dynamics studies of the SASE-FEL System at the Institute of Accelerator Technologies at Ankara University

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yildiz, H. Duran; Cakir, R.; Porsuk, D.


    Design and simulation of a superconducting gun cavity with 3½ cells have been studied in order to give the first push to the electron beam for the linear accelerating system at The Institute of Accelerator Technologies at Ankara University. Electrons are accelerated through the gun cavity with the help of the Radiofrequency power suppliers from cryogenic systems. Accelerating gradient should be as high as possible to accelerate electron beam inside the cavity. In this study, electron beam reaches to 9.17 MeV energy at the end of the gun cavity with the accelerating gradient; E c =19.21 MV/m. 1.3 GHz gun cavity consists of three TESLA-like shaped cells while the special designed gun-cell includes a cathode plug. Optimized important beam parameters inside the gun cavity, average beam current 3 mA, transverse emittance 2.5 mm mrad, repetition rate 30 MHz and other parameters are obtained for the SASE-FEL System. The Superfish/Poisson program is used to design each cell of the superconducting cavity. Superconducting gun cavity and Radiofrequency properties are studied by utilizing 2D Superfish/Poisson, 3D Computer Simulation Technology Microwave Studio, and 3D Computer Simulation Technology Particle Studio. Superfish/Poisson is also used to optimize the geometry of the cavity cells to get the highest accelerating gradient. The behavior of the particles along the beamline is included in this study. ASTRA Code is used to track the particles

  1. Design and simulation of 3½-cell superconducting gun cavity and beam dynamics studies of the SASE-FEL System at the Institute of Accelerator Technologies at Ankara University

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yildiz, H. Duran, E-mail: [Institute of Accelerator Technologies, Ankara University, Ankara (Turkey); Cakir, R. [Nanotechnology Engineering Department, Recep Tayyip Erdogan University, Rize (Turkey); Porsuk, D. [Physics Department, Dumlupinar University, Kutahya (Turkey)


    Design and simulation of a superconducting gun cavity with 3½ cells have been studied in order to give the first push to the electron beam for the linear accelerating system at The Institute of Accelerator Technologies at Ankara University. Electrons are accelerated through the gun cavity with the help of the Radiofrequency power suppliers from cryogenic systems. Accelerating gradient should be as high as possible to accelerate electron beam inside the cavity. In this study, electron beam reaches to 9.17 MeV energy at the end of the gun cavity with the accelerating gradient; E{sub c}=19.21 MV/m. 1.3 GHz gun cavity consists of three TESLA-like shaped cells while the special designed gun-cell includes a cathode plug. Optimized important beam parameters inside the gun cavity, average beam current 3 mA, transverse emittance 2.5 mm mrad, repetition rate 30 MHz and other parameters are obtained for the SASE-FEL System. The Superfish/Poisson program is used to design each cell of the superconducting cavity. Superconducting gun cavity and Radiofrequency properties are studied by utilizing 2D Superfish/Poisson, 3D Computer Simulation Technology Microwave Studio, and 3D Computer Simulation Technology Particle Studio. Superfish/Poisson is also used to optimize the geometry of the cavity cells to get the highest accelerating gradient. The behavior of the particles along the beamline is included in this study. ASTRA Code is used to track the particles.

  2. Modelización, Análisis y Control de Sistemas de Cojinetes Magnéticos Activos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    I. Arredondo


    Full Text Available Resumen: En este estudio se presentan el modelado, diseño de control, análisis de robustez y procedimiento de reducción activa de vibraciones de un sistema consistente en un eje sustentado mediante levitación magnética activa. Primero se describen la obtención del modelo y las características fundamentales del sistema. Empleando dicho modelo y aprovechando propiedades de simetría, se diseña un control de sustentación. Este se ajusta experimentalmente mediante un estudio de robustez, según el estándar ISO 14839-3. Por último, se realiza una reducción de las vibraciones que se producen en rotación, utilizando control adaptativo. El controlador final diseñado ha sido implementado experimentalmente con éxito. Palabras Clave: Cojinetes magnéticos, Modelado, Robustez, Control Activo, Máquina Herramienta

  3. Reducciones temporales para convertir la sintaxis abstracta del diagrama de flujo de tareas no estructurado al álgebra de tareas

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    Carlos Alberto Fernández-y-Fernández


    Full Text Available Este artículo describe nuestro trabajo en el modelado de software usando reducciones temporales para representar diagramas de flujo no estructurado, como una representación intermedia para construir una expresión textual en una álgebra de procesos particular. Este trabajo fue realizado para poder construir una herramienta CASE de apoyo para la fase del modelado de tareas en el Método Discovery para el desarrollo de software. Inicialmente explicaremos las similitudes entre dos tipos de diagramas, el diagrama de actividades de UML y el diagrama de flujo de tareas con su representación formal (el álgebra de tareas. Posteriormente, ofreceremos una explicación explicando la generación automática, usando las reducciones temporales, de expresiones en el álgebra de tareas usando información abstracta que es obtenida de los diagramas de flujo de tareas.

  4. The impact of peer-led simulations on student nurses. (United States)

    Valler-Jones, Tracey

    Simulation within nurse education has been widely accepted as an educational approach. However, this is mainly led by the facilitator with the student maintaining a passive role in the learning. This paper describes a study that was undertaken to analyse the effectiveness of peer-led simulations in the undergraduate nursing programme. A mixed-method approach was used for this study design. This study took place in a simulation suite within a university in the Midlands. Twenty four second-year child branch students were purposively selected to take part. Students designed and facilitated a simulation based on the care of a critically ill child. Formal assessment of the learning was collected via the use of a structured clinical examination. Students completed an evaluation of their perceived confidence and competence levels. There was 100% pass rate in the assessment of students' clinical competence following the simulation. Thematic analysis of the evaluation highlighted the learning achieved by the students, not only of their clinical skills but also their personal development. The use of peer-led simulation promotes new learning and is a valuable educational approach.

  5. Cosmic Explosions, Life in the Universe, and the Cosmological Constant (United States)

    Piran, Tsvi; Jimenez, Raul; Cuesta, Antonio J.; Simpson, Fergus; Verde, Licia


    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are copious sources of gamma rays whose interaction with a planetary atmosphere can pose a threat to complex life. Using recent determinations of their rate and probability of causing massive extinction, we explore what types of universes are most likely to harbor advanced forms of life. We use cosmological N -body simulations to determine at what time and for what value of the cosmological constant (Λ ) the chances of life being unaffected by cosmic explosions are maximized. Life survival to GRBs favors Lambda-dominated universes. Within a cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant, the likelihood of life survival to GRBs is governed by the value of Λ and the age of the Universe. We find that we seem to live in a favorable point in this parameter space that minimizes the exposure to cosmic explosions, yet maximizes the number of main sequence (hydrogen-burning) stars around which advanced life forms can exist.

  6. Cosmic Explosions, Life in the Universe, and the Cosmological Constant. (United States)

    Piran, Tsvi; Jimenez, Raul; Cuesta, Antonio J; Simpson, Fergus; Verde, Licia


    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are copious sources of gamma rays whose interaction with a planetary atmosphere can pose a threat to complex life. Using recent determinations of their rate and probability of causing massive extinction, we explore what types of universes are most likely to harbor advanced forms of life. We use cosmological N-body simulations to determine at what time and for what value of the cosmological constant (Λ) the chances of life being unaffected by cosmic explosions are maximized. Life survival to GRBs favors Lambda-dominated universes. Within a cold dark matter model with a cosmological constant, the likelihood of life survival to GRBs is governed by the value of Λ and the age of the Universe. We find that we seem to live in a favorable point in this parameter space that minimizes the exposure to cosmic explosions, yet maximizes the number of main sequence (hydrogen-burning) stars around which advanced life forms can exist.

  7. Estimation of channel impulse response and FPGA simulation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    YU Longjie


    Full Text Available Wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA is a 3G wireless communication network.The common pilot channel in downlink of WCDMA provides an effective method to estimate the channel impulse response.In this paper,universal software radio peripheral (USRP is utilized to sample and process WCDMA signal which is emitted by China Unicom base station.Firstly,the received signal is pre-processed with filtering and down-sampling.Secondly,fast algorithm of WCDMA cell search is fulfilled.Thirdly,frequency shift caused by USRP′s crystal oscillator is checked and compensated.Eventually,channel impulse response is estimated.In this paper,MATLAB is used to describe the above algorithm and field programmable gate array (FPGA is used to simulate algorithm.In the process of simulation,pipeline and IP core multiplexing are introduced.In the case of 32 MHz clock frequency,FPGA simulation time is 80.861 ms.Simulation results show that FPGA is able to estimate the channel impulse response quickly and accurately with less hardware resources.

  8. Fully Adaptive Radar Modeling and Simulation Development (United States)


    using an object oriented programming (OOP) approach. It includes a FAR engine to control the operation of the perception-action (PA) cycle unlimited 41 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization OOP object oriented programming OSU The Ohio State University PA perception-action PDF...development and testing on simulated, previously collected, and real-time streaming data. The architecture is coded in MATLAB using an object oriented

  9. Relativistic N-body simulations with massive neutrinos (United States)

    Adamek, Julian; Durrer, Ruth; Kunz, Martin


    Some of the dark matter in the Universe is made up of massive neutrinos. Their impact on the formation of large scale structure can be used to determine their absolute mass scale from cosmology, but to this end accurate numerical simulations have to be developed. Due to their relativistic nature, neutrinos pose additional challenges when one tries to include them in N-body simulations that are traditionally based on Newtonian physics. Here we present the first numerical study of massive neutrinos that uses a fully relativistic approach. Our N-body code, gevolution, is based on a weak-field formulation of general relativity that naturally provides a self-consistent framework for relativistic particle species. This allows us to model neutrinos from first principles, without invoking any ad-hoc recipes. Our simulation suite comprises some of the largest neutrino simulations performed to date. We study the effect of massive neutrinos on the nonlinear power spectra and the halo mass function, focusing on the interesting mass range between 0.06 eV and 0.3 eV and including a case for an inverted mass hierarchy.

  10. Disaster Medicine Training Through Simulations for Fourth-Year Students. (United States)

    Cloutier, Marc G.; Cowan, Michael L.


    The use of a six-day multiple-simulation exercise in the military disaster medical services training program of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences is described. It is the second part of a clerkship that includes a classroom/laboratory phase using a disaster problem-solving board game. (MSE)

  11. Step-based cognitive virtual surgery simulation: an innovative approach to surgical education. (United States)

    Oliker, Aaron; Napier, Zachary; Deluccia, Nicolette; Qualter, John; Sculli, Frank; Smith, Brandon; Stern, Carrie; Flores, Roberto; Hazen, Alexes; McCarthy, Joseph


    BioDigital Systems, LLC in collaboration with New York University Langone Medical Center Department of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery has created a complex, real-time, step-based simulation platform for plastic surgery education. These simulators combine live surgical footage, interactive 3D visualization, text labels, and voiceover as well as a high-yield, expert-approved testing mode to create a comprehensive virtual educational environment for the plastic surgery resident or physician.

  12. Validation study of a computer-based open surgical trainer: SimPraxis® simulation platform

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    Tran LN


    Full Text Available Linh N Tran,1 Priyanka Gupta,2 Lauren H Poniatowski,2 Shaheen Alanee,3 Marc A Dall’Era,4 Robert M Sweet21Department of Internal Medicine, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, 2Department of Urology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, 3Urology Service, Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, 4Department of Urology, University of California, Davis, CA, USABackground: Technological advances have dramatically changed medical education, particularly in the era of work-hour restrictions, which increasingly highlights a need for novel methods to teach surgical skills. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of a novel, computer-based, interactive, cognitive simulator for training surgeons to perform pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND.Methods: Eight prostate cancer experts evaluated the content of the simulator. Contextual aspects of the simulator were rated on a five-point Likert scale. The experts and nine first-year residents completed a simulated PLND. Time and deviations were logged, and the results were compared between experts and novices using the Mann–Whitney test.Results: Before training, 88% of the experts felt that a validated simulator would be useful for PLND training. After testing, 100% of the experts felt that it would be more useful than standard video training. Eighty-eight percent stated that they would like to see the simulator in the curriculum of residency programs and 56% thought it would be useful for accreditation purposes. The experts felt that the simulator aided in overall understanding, training indications, concepts and steps of the procedure, training how to use an assistant, and enhanced the knowledge of anatomy. Median performance times taken by experts and interns to complete a PLND procedure on the simulator were 12.62 and 23.97 minutes, respectively. Median deviation from the incorporated procedure pathway for experts was 24.5 and was 89 for novices

  13. Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Nanostructured Ceramic Materials on Parallel Computers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vashishta, Priya; Kalia, Rajiv


    Large-scale molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations have been performed to gain insight into: (1) sintering, structure, and mechanical behavior of nanophase SiC and SiO2; (2) effects of dynamic charge transfers on the sintering of nanophase TiO2; (3) high-pressure structural transformation in bulk SiC and GaAs nanocrystals; (4) nanoindentation in Si3N4; and (5) lattice mismatched InAs/GaAs nanomesas. In addition, we have designed a multiscale simulation approach that seamlessly embeds MD and quantum-mechanical (QM) simulations in a continuum simulation. The above research activities have involved strong interactions with researchers at various universities, government laboratories, and industries. 33 papers have been published and 22 talks have been given based on the work described in this report

  14. Applied Nuclear Physics at Kenyatta University

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hashim, N.


    Laboratory Facilities include Water Cherenkov counter for measurement of cosmic ray muons – Kenyatta University and Sodium Iodide Detector . Research Findings include a typical g-ray spectrum of sand samples from Diani, South Kenya, W.O. Gor (2017) , Radioactivity concentration values measured in soil samples from Shinyalu, Western Kenya. M.E. Khabana (2017) , Estimated doses from soil samples from Minjingu, Arusha, Tanzania, J. Herman (2017 and Monte Carlo simulation of g-rays transport in concrete J.P. Were (2017), Linear attenuation coefficient for g-rays in concrete J.P. Were (2017) and Mass attenuation coefficient for g-rays in PbO-polymer composites, K.O. Erick (2017)

  15. Real-time hybrid simulation using the convolution integral method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Sung Jig; Christenson, Richard E; Wojtkiewicz, Steven F; Johnson, Erik A


    This paper proposes a real-time hybrid simulation method that will allow complex systems to be tested within the hybrid test framework by employing the convolution integral (CI) method. The proposed CI method is potentially transformative for real-time hybrid simulation. The CI method can allow real-time hybrid simulation to be conducted regardless of the size and complexity of the numerical model and for numerical stability to be ensured in the presence of high frequency responses in the simulation. This paper presents the general theory behind the proposed CI method and provides experimental verification of the proposed method by comparing the CI method to the current integration time-stepping (ITS) method. Real-time hybrid simulation is conducted in the Advanced Hazard Mitigation Laboratory at the University of Connecticut. A seismically excited two-story shear frame building with a magneto-rheological (MR) fluid damper is selected as the test structure to experimentally validate the proposed method. The building structure is numerically modeled and simulated, while the MR damper is physically tested. Real-time hybrid simulation using the proposed CI method is shown to provide accurate results

  16. Extended behavioural device modelling and circuit simulation with Qucs-S (United States)

    Brinson, M. E.; Kuznetsov, V.


    Current trends in circuit simulation suggest a growing interest in open source software that allows access to more than one simulation engine while simultaneously supporting schematic drawing tools, behavioural Verilog-A and XSPICE component modelling, and output data post-processing. This article introduces a number of new features recently implemented in the 'Quite universal circuit simulator - SPICE variant' (Qucs-S), including structure and fundamental schematic capture algorithms, at the same time highlighting their use in behavioural semiconductor device modelling. Particular importance is placed on the interaction between Qucs-S schematics, equation-defined devices, SPICE B behavioural sources and hardware description language (HDL) scripts. The multi-simulator version of Qucs is a freely available tool that offers extended modelling and simulation features compared to those provided by legacy circuit simulators. The performance of a number of Qucs-S modelling extensions are demonstrated with a GaN HEMT compact device model and data obtained from tests using the Qucs-S/Ngspice/Xyce ©/SPICE OPUS multi-engine circuit simulator.

  17. Effectiveness of simulation with team-based learning in newborn nursing care. (United States)

    Kang, Kyung-Ah; Kim, Shin-Jeong; Oh, Jina; Kim, Sunghee; Lee, Myung-Nam


    This study determines the effect of simulation with team-based learning (TBL) on newborn nursing care. This randomized controlled trial included 74 nursing students from one university located in Seoul, South Korea. Participants were categorized into two groups according to educational modality: one group involved both simulation and TBL, and the other involved simulation alone. Learning attitudes, academic achievement, and simulation performance were examined to assess effectiveness. The mean difference in learning attitudes between the two groups was non-significant. Low academic achievement differed significantly between the two groups (t = 3.445, P = 0.002). There was no significant difference in mean scores for simulation performance between the two groups. In this study, simulation with TBL was effective in improving learning outcomes. In current nursing education, various learning methods are employed within complex nursing situations and require flexibility and problem-solving approaches. © 2015 Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  18. Virtual reality simulator for vitreoretinal surgery using integrated OCT data

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    Kozak I


    Full Text Available Igor Kozak,1 Pat Banerjee,2 Jia Luo,2 Cristian Luciano21King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital, Vitreoretinal Division, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; 2College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USAAbstract: Operative practice using surgical simulators has become a part of training in many surgical specialties, including ophthalmology. We introduce a virtual reality retina surgery simulator capable of integrating optical coherence tomography (OCT scans from real patients for practicing vitreoretinal surgery using different pathologic scenarios.Keywords: optical coherence tomography

  19. Nuclear Human Resources Development Program using Educational Core Simulator

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Yu Sun; Hong, Soon Kwan


    KHNP-CRI(Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.-Central Research Institute) has redesigned the existing Core Simulator(CoSi) used as a sort of training tools for reactor engineers in operating nuclear power plant to support Nuclear Human Resources Development (NHRD) Program focusing on the nuclear department of Dalat university in Vietnam. This program has been supported by MOTIE in Korea and cooperated with KNA(Korea Nuclear Association for International Cooperation) and HYU(Hanyang University) for enhancing the nuclear human resources of potential country in consideration with Korean Nuclear Power Plant as a next candidate energy sources. KHNP-CRI has provided Edu-CoSi to Dalat University in Vietnam in order to support Nuclear Human Resources Development Program in Vietnam. Job Qualification Certificates Program in KHNP is utilized to design a training course for Vietnamese faculty and student of Dalat University. Successfully, knowhow on lecturing the ZPPT performance, training and maintaining Edu-CoSi hardware are transferred by several training courses which KHNP-CRI provides

  20. Nuclear Human Resources Development Program using Educational Core Simulator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Choi, Yu Sun; Hong, Soon Kwan [KHNP-CRI, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    KHNP-CRI(Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co.-Central Research Institute) has redesigned the existing Core Simulator(CoSi) used as a sort of training tools for reactor engineers in operating nuclear power plant to support Nuclear Human Resources Development (NHRD) Program focusing on the nuclear department of Dalat university in Vietnam. This program has been supported by MOTIE in Korea and cooperated with KNA(Korea Nuclear Association for International Cooperation) and HYU(Hanyang University) for enhancing the nuclear human resources of potential country in consideration with Korean Nuclear Power Plant as a next candidate energy sources. KHNP-CRI has provided Edu-CoSi to Dalat University in Vietnam in order to support Nuclear Human Resources Development Program in Vietnam. Job Qualification Certificates Program in KHNP is utilized to design a training course for Vietnamese faculty and student of Dalat University. Successfully, knowhow on lecturing the ZPPT performance, training and maintaining Edu-CoSi hardware are transferred by several training courses which KHNP-CRI provides.

  1. Hypersingular integral equations, waveguiding effects in Cantorian Universe and genesis of large scale structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iovane, G.; Giordano, P.


    In this work we introduce the hypersingular integral equations and analyze a realistic model of gravitational waveguides on a cantorian space-time. A waveguiding effect is considered with respect to the large scale structure of the Universe, where the structure formation appears as if it were a classically self-similar random process at all astrophysical scales. The result is that it seems we live in an El Naschie's o (∞) Cantorian space-time, where gravitational lensing and waveguiding effects can explain the appearing Universe. In particular, we consider filamentary and planar large scale structures as possible refraction channels for electromagnetic radiation coming from cosmological structures. From this vision the Universe appears like a large self-similar adaptive mirrors set, thanks to three numerical simulations. Consequently, an infinite Universe is just an optical illusion that is produced by mirroring effects connected with the large scale structure of a finite and not a large Universe

  2. Simulations of mixing in Inertial Confinement Fusion with front tracking and sub-grid scale models (United States)

    Rana, Verinder; Lim, Hyunkyung; Melvin, Jeremy; Cheng, Baolian; Glimm, James; Sharp, David


    We present two related results. The first discusses the Richtmyer-Meshkov (RMI) and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities (RTI) and their evolution in Inertial Confinement Fusion simulations. We show the evolution of the RMI to the late time RTI under transport effects and tracking. The role of the sub-grid scales helps capture the interaction of turbulence with diffusive processes. The second assesses the effects of concentration on the physics model and examines the mixing properties in the low Reynolds number hot spot. We discuss the effect of concentration on the Schmidt number. The simulation results are produced using the University of Chicago code FLASH and Stony Brook University's front tracking algorithm.

  3. The topology of large-scale structure. VI - Slices of the universe (United States)

    Park, Changbom; Gott, J. R., III; Melott, Adrian L.; Karachentsev, I. D.


    Results of an investigation of the topology of large-scale structure in two observed slices of the universe are presented. Both slices pass through the Coma cluster and their depths are 100 and 230/h Mpc. The present topology study shows that the largest void in the CfA slice is divided into two smaller voids by a statistically significant line of galaxies. The topology of toy models like the white noise and bubble models is shown to be inconsistent with that of the observed slices. A large N-body simulation was made of the biased cloud dark matter model and the slices are simulated by matching them in selection functions and boundary conditions. The genus curves for these simulated slices are spongelike and have a small shift in the direction of a meatball topology like those of observed slices.

  4. The topology of large-scale structure. VI - Slices of the universe (United States)

    Park, Changbom; Gott, J. R., III; Melott, Adrian L.; Karachentsev, I. D.


    Results of an investigation of the topology of large-scale structure in two observed slices of the universe are presented. Both slices pass through the Coma cluster and their depths are 100 and 230/h Mpc. The present topology study shows that the largest void in the CfA slice is divided into two smaller voids by a statistically significant line of galaxies. The topology of toy models like the white noise and bubble models is shown to be inconsistent with that of the observed slices. A large N-body simulation was made of the biased cloud dark matter model and the slices are simulated by matching them in selection functions and boundary conditions. The genus curves for these simulated slices are spongelike and have a small shift in the direction of a meatball topology like those of observed slices.

  5. Simulation of a group of rangefinders adapted to alterations of measurement angle (United States)

    Baikov, D. V.; Pastushkova, A. A.; Danshin, V. V.; Chepin, E. V.


    As part of the National Research Nuclear University of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (MEPhI) at the Department of Computer Systems and Technologies working laboratory "Robotics." University teachers and laboratory staff implement a training program for master's program "Computer technology in robotics." Undergraduates and graduate students conduct laboratory research and development in several promising areas in robotics. One of the methodologies that are actively used in carrying out dissertation research is the modeling of advanced hardware and software systems, robotics. This article presents the results of such a study. The purpose of this article is to simulate a sensor comprised of a group of laser rangefinders. The rangefinders should be simulated according to the following principle. Beams will originate from one point though with a deviation from normal, providing thereby simultaneous scanning of different points. The data obtained in our virtual test room should be used to indicate an average distance from the device to obstacles for all the four sensors in real time. By leveling the divergence angle of the beams we can simulate different kinds of rangefinders (laser and ultrasonic ones). By adjusting noise parameters we can achieve results similar to those of real models (rangefinders), and obtain a surface map displaying irregularities. We should use a model of an aircraft (quadcopter) as a device to install the sensor. In the article we made an overview of works on rangefinder simulation undertaken at institutions around the world and performed tests. The article draws a conclusion about the relevance of the suggested approach, the methods used, necessity and feasibility of further research in this area.

  6. Students' interaction for enhancing learning motivation and learning success: findings from integrating a simulation game into a university course


    Otto, Daniel


    In recent decades, a vast amount of literature has been published discussing the educational use of simulation games in higher education. Since their emergence in the 1960s, simulation games have had a substantial effect on the way we think about teaching and learning in higher education. One reason simulation games are regarded as superior to traditional teaching is that they encourage students to interact and collaborate. Simulation games can therefore be subsumed under Kolbs learning model...

  7. Sheet universes and the shapes of Friedmann universes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lynden-Bell, D.; Redmount, I.H.


    Unless Ω>1,the Big Bang did not start from a point. Consideration shows sheet universes in which matter is confined to a homogeneous universe. Sheet universes and the corresponding embeddings of FRW universes into Minkowski space are drawn. Their initial singularities are shown to be point-like for the 'closed' case, line-like for the 'flat' (Ω=1) case and surface-like for the 'open' case. In contrast to the cross-sections at constant comoving proper time, typical spacelike cross-sections of the 'flat' universes are closed and encounter their extensive singularities. All cross-sections of the 'closed' universe are closed and only very special cross-sections encounter the point singularities at the Big Bang or the Big Crunch. (author)


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Haber, I.; Haber, I.; Bernal, S.; Kishek, R.A.; O'Shea, P.G.; Papadopoulos, C.; Reiser, M.; Feldman, R.B.; Stratakis, D.; Walter, M.; Vay, J.-L.; Friedman, A.; Grote, D.P.


    One of the areas of fundamental beam physics that have served as the rationale for recent research on UMER is the study of the generation and evolution of beam halos. Recent experiments and simulations have identified imperfections in the source geometry, particularly in the region near the emitter edge, as a significant potential source of halo particles. The edge-generated halo particles, both in the experiments and the simulations are found to pass through the center of the beam a short distance downstream of the anode plane. Understanding the detailed evolution of these particle orbits is therefore important to designing any aperture to remove the beam halo

  9. An Undergraduate Course in Modeling and Simulation of Multiphysics Systems (United States)

    Ortiz-Rodriguez, Estanislao; Vazquez-Arenas, Jorge; Ricardez-Sandoval, Luis A.


    An overview of a course on modeling and simulation offered at the Nanotechnology Engineering undergraduate program at the University of Waterloo. The motivation for having this course in the undergraduate nanotechnology curriculum, the course structure, and its learning objectives are discussed. Further, one of the computational laboratories…

  10. The Monash University Interactive Simple Climate Model (United States)

    Dommenget, D.


    The Monash university interactive simple climate model is a web-based interface that allows students and the general public to explore the physical simulation of the climate system with a real global climate model. It is based on the Globally Resolved Energy Balance (GREB) model, which is a climate model published by Dommenget and Floeter [2011] in the international peer review science journal Climate Dynamics. The model simulates most of the main physical processes in the climate system in a very simplistic way and therefore allows very fast and simple climate model simulations on a normal PC computer. Despite its simplicity the model simulates the climate response to external forcings, such as doubling of the CO2 concentrations very realistically (similar to state of the art climate models). The Monash simple climate model web-interface allows you to study the results of more than a 2000 different model experiments in an interactive way and it allows you to study a number of tutorials on the interactions of physical processes in the climate system and solve some puzzles. By switching OFF/ON physical processes you can deconstruct the climate and learn how all the different processes interact to generate the observed climate and how the processes interact to generate the IPCC predicted climate change for anthropogenic CO2 increase. The presentation will illustrate how this web-base tool works and what are the possibilities in teaching students with this tool are.

  11. Tightly coupled simulation of nuclear reactor transients with artificial intelligence

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makowitz, H.; Ragheb, M.; Laats, E.T.; Bray, M.A.


    The authors' current efforts are directed toward exploring new avenues of research in simulation of nuclear reactor kinetics transients with artificial intelligence (AI). Being examined are advanced graphics systems such as the Nuclear Plant Analyzer designed to run in parallel with the RELAP5 code, faster than real-time best-estimate simulations, the utilization of the multi-CPU super computers, and simulation as knowledge by attempting to develop new assessment methodologies for artificial intelligence systems and their associated interfaces. This new and fertile area of research should be viewed by the educational and university community as an indication of the future possibilities for AI developments in a number of academic and engineering disciplines

  12. Numerical characteristics of quantum computer simulation (United States)

    Chernyavskiy, A.; Khamitov, K.; Teplov, A.; Voevodin, V.; Voevodin, Vl.


    The simulation of quantum circuits is significantly important for the implementation of quantum information technologies. The main difficulty of such modeling is the exponential growth of dimensionality, thus the usage of modern high-performance parallel computations is relevant. As it is well known, arbitrary quantum computation in circuit model can be done by only single- and two-qubit gates, and we analyze the computational structure and properties of the simulation of such gates. We investigate the fact that the unique properties of quantum nature lead to the computational properties of the considered algorithms: the quantum parallelism make the simulation of quantum gates highly parallel, and on the other hand, quantum entanglement leads to the problem of computational locality during simulation. We use the methodology of the AlgoWiki project ( to analyze the algorithm. This methodology consists of theoretical (sequential and parallel complexity, macro structure, and visual informational graph) and experimental (locality and memory access, scalability and more specific dynamic characteristics) parts. Experimental part was made by using the petascale Lomonosov supercomputer (Moscow State University, Russia). We show that the simulation of quantum gates is a good base for the research and testing of the development methods for data intense parallel software, and considered methodology of the analysis can be successfully used for the improvement of the algorithms in quantum information science.

  13. Comparison of meaningful learning characteristics in simulated nursing practice after traditional versus computer-based simulation method: a qualitative videography study. (United States)

    Poikela, Paula; Ruokamo, Heli; Teräs, Marianne


    Nursing educators must ensure that nursing students acquire the necessary competencies; finding the most purposeful teaching methods and encouraging learning through meaningful learning opportunities is necessary to meet this goal. We investigated student learning in a simulated nursing practice using videography. The purpose of this paper is to examine how two different teaching methods presented students' meaningful learning in a simulated nursing experience. The 6-hour study was divided into three parts: part I, general information; part II, training; and part III, simulated nursing practice. Part II was delivered by two different methods: a computer-based simulation and a lecture. The study was carried out in the simulated nursing practice in two universities of applied sciences, in Northern Finland. The participants in parts II and I were 40 first year nursing students; 12 student volunteers continued to part III. Qualitative analysis method was used. The data were collected using video recordings and analyzed by videography. The students who used a computer-based simulation program were more likely to report meaningful learning themes than those who were first exposed to lecture method. Educators should be encouraged to use computer-based simulation teaching in conjunction with other teaching methods to ensure that nursing students are able to receive the greatest educational benefits. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Numerically robust and efficient nonlocal electron transport in 2D DRACO simulations (United States)

    Cao, Duc; Chenhall, Jeff; Moses, Greg; Delettrez, Jacques; Collins, Tim


    An improved implicit algorithm based on Schurtz, Nicolai and Busquet (SNB) algorithm for nonlocal electron transport is presented. Validation with direct drive shock timing experiments and verification with the Goncharov nonlocal model in 1D LILAC simulations demonstrate the viability of this efficient algorithm for producing 2D lagrangian radiation hydrodynamics direct drive simulations. Additionally, simulations provide strong incentive to further modify key parameters within the SNB theory, namely the ``mean free path.'' An example 2D polar drive simulation to study 2D effects of the nonlocal flux as well as mean free path modifications will also be presented. This research was supported by the University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics.

  15. Salt Effect on Osmotic Pressure of Polyelectrolyte Solutions: Simulation Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan-Michael Y. Carrillo


    Full Text Available Abstract: We present results of the hybrid Monte Carlo/molecular dynamics simulations of the osmotic pressure of salt solutions of polyelectrolytes. In our simulations, we used a coarse-grained representation of polyelectrolyte chains, counterions and salt ions. During simulation runs, we alternate Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulation steps. Monte Carlo steps were used to perform small ion exchange between simulation box containing salt ions (salt reservoir and simulation box with polyelectrolyte chains, counterions and salt ions (polyelectrolyte solution. This allowed us to model Donnan equilibrium and partitioning of salt and counterions across membrane impermeable to polyelectrolyte chains. Our simulations have shown that the main contribution to the system osmotic pressure is due to salt ions and osmotically active counterions. The fraction of the condensed (osmotically inactive counterions first increases with decreases in the solution ionic strength then it saturates. The reduced value of the system osmotic coefficient is a universal function of the ratio of the concentration of osmotically active counterions and salt concentration in salt reservoir. Simulation results are in a very good agreement with osmotic pressure measurements in sodium polystyrene sulfonate, DNA, polyacrylic acid, sodium polyanetholesulfonic acid, polyvinylbenzoic acid, and polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride solutions.

  16. [Anesthesia simulators and training devices]. (United States)

    Hartmannsgruber, M; Good, M; Carovano, R; Lampotang, S; Gravenstein, J S


    Simulators and training devices are used extensively by educators in 'high-tech' occupations, especially those requiring an understanding of complex systems and co-ordinated psychomotor skills. Because of advances in computer technology, anaesthetised patients can now be realistically simulated. This paper describes several training devices and a simulator currently being employed in the training of anaesthesia personnel at the University of Florida. This Gainesville Anesthesia Simulator (GAS) comprises a patient mannequin, anaesthesia gas machine, and a full set of normally operating monitoring instruments. The patient can spontaneously breathe, has audible heart and breath sounds, and palpable pulses. The mannequin contains a sophisticated lung model that consumes and eliminates gas according to physiological principles. Interconnected computers controlling the physical signs of the mannequin enable the presentation of a multitude of clinical signs. In addition, the anaesthesia machine, which is functionally intact, has hidden fault activators to challenge the user to correct equipment malfunctions. Concealed sensors monitor the users' actions and responses. A robust data acquisition and control system and a user-friendly scripting language for programming simulation scenarios are key features of GAS and make this system applicable for the training of both the beginning resident and the experienced practitioner. GAS enhances clinical education in anaesthesia by providing a non-threatening environment that fosters learning by doing. Exercises with the simulator are supported by sessions on a number of training devices. These present theoretical and practical interactive courses on the anaesthesia machine and on monitors. An extensive system, for example, introduces the student to the physics and clinical application of transoesophageal echocardiography.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  17. Rigid body motion in stereo 3D simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zabunov, Svetoslav


    This paper addresses the difficulties experienced by first-grade students studying rigid body motion at Sofia University. Most quantities describing the rigid body are in relations that the students find hard to visualize and understand. They also lose the notion of cause-result relations between vector quantities, such as the relation between torque and angular momentum. Consequently, the understanding of physical laws and conservation principles in free rigid body motion is hampered. This paper presents the capabilities of a 3D simulation, which aims to clarify these questions to the students, who are taught mechanics in the general physics course. The rigid body motion simulations may be observed at, and are intended to complement traditional learning practices, not replace them, as the author shares the opinion that no simulation may fully resemble reality.

  18. University-Community Engagement: Case Study of University Social Responsibility (United States)

    Chile, Love M.; Black, Xavier M.


    Corporatisation of universities has drawn parallels between contemporary universities and business corporations, and extended analysis of corporate social responsibility to universities. This article reports on a case study of university-community engagement with schools and school communities through youth engagement programmes to enhance…

  19. Simulation program for multiple expansion Stirling machines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Walker, G.; Weiss, M.; Fauvel, R.; Reader, G.; Bingham, E.R.


    Multiple expansion Stirling machines have been a topic of interest at the University of Calgary for some years. Recently a second-order computer simulation program with integral graphics package for Stirling cryocoolers with up to four stages of expansion were developed and made available to the Stirling community. Adaptation of the program to multiple expansion Stirling power systems is anticipated. This paper briefly introduces the program and presents a specimen result

  20. Characterizing Representational Learning: A Combined Simulation and Tutorial on Perturbation Theory (United States)

    Kohnle, Antje; Passante, Gina


    Analyzing, constructing, and translating between graphical, pictorial, and mathematical representations of physics ideas and reasoning flexibly through them ("representational competence") is a key characteristic of expertise in physics but is a challenge for learners to develop. Interactive computer simulations and University of…

  1. Eighteenth Workshop on Recent Developments in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics

    CERN Document Server

    Landau, David P; Schüttler, Heinz-Bernd; Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics XVIII


    This volume represents a "status report" emanating from presentations made during the 18th Annual Workshop on Computer Simulations Studies in Condensed Matter Physics at the Center for Simulational Physics at the University of Georgia in March 2005. It provides a broad overview of the most recent advances in the field, spanning the range from statistical physics to soft condensed matter and biological systems. Results on nanostructures and materials are included as are several descriptions of advances in quantum simulations and quantum computing as well as.methodological advances.

  2. Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator Reference Guide Version 6.4

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Keiter, Eric R. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Mei, Ting [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Russo, Thomas V. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Schiek, Richard [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sholander, Peter E. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Thornquist, Heidi K. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Verley, Jason [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Baur, David Gregory [Raytheon, Albuquerque, NM (United States)


    This document is a reference guide to the Xyce Parallel Electronic Simulator, and is a companion document to the Xyce Users' Guide [1] . The focus of this document is (to the extent possible) exhaustively list device parameters, solver options, parser options, and other usage details of Xyce . This document is not intended to be a tutorial. Users who are new to circuit simulation are better served by the Xyce Users' Guide [1] . Trademarks The information herein is subject to change without notice. Copyright c 2002-2015 Sandia Corporation. All rights reserved. Xyce TM Electronic Simulator and Xyce TM are trademarks of Sandia Corporation. Portions of the Xyce TM code are: Copyright c 2002, The Regents of the University of California. Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Written by Alan Hindmarsh, Allan Taylor, Radu Serban. UCRL-CODE-2002-59 All rights reserved. Orcad, Orcad Capture, PSpice and Probe are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Microsoft, Windows and Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Medici, DaVinci and Taurus are registered trademarks of Synopsys Corporation. Amtec and TecPlot are trademarks of Amtec Engineering, Inc. Xyce 's expression library is based on that inside Spice 3F5 developed by the EECS Department at the University of California. The EKV3 MOSFET model was developed by the EKV Team of the Electronics Laboratory-TUC of the Technical University of Crete. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Contacts Bug Reports (Sandia only) World Wide Web (Sandia only) Email (outside Sandia) (Sandia only)

  3. Cosmological observations with a wide field telescope in space: Pixel simulations of EUCLID spectrometer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zoubian, Julien


    The observations of the supernovae, the cosmic microwave background, and more recently the measurement of baryon acoustic oscillations and the weak lensing effects, converge to a Lambda CDM model, with an accelerating expansion of the today Universe. This model need two dark components to fit the observations, the dark matter and the dark energy. Two approaches seem particularly promising to measure both geometry of the Universe and growth of dark matter structures, the analysis of the weak distortions of distant galaxies by gravitational lensing and the study of the baryon acoustic oscillations. Both methods required a very large sky surveys of several thousand square degrees. In the context of the spectroscopic survey of the space mission EUCLID, dedicated to the study of the dark side of the universe, I developed a pixel simulation tool for analyzing instrumental performances. The proposed method can be summarized in three steps. The first step is to simulate the observables, i.e. mainly the sources of the sky. I work up a new method, adapted for spectroscopic simulations, which allows to mock an existing survey of galaxies in ensuring that the distribution of the spectral properties of galaxies are representative of current observations, in particular the distribution of the emission lines. The second step is to simulate the instrument and produce images which are equivalent to the expected real images. Based on the pixel simulator of the HST, I developed a new tool to compute the images of the spectroscopic channel of EUCLID. The new simulator have the particularity to be able to simulate PSF with various energy distributions and detectors which have different pixels. The last step is the estimation of the performances of the instrument. Based on existing tools, I set up a pipeline of image processing and performances measurement. My main results were: 1) to validate the method by simulating an existing survey of galaxies, the WISP survey, 2) to determine the

  4. Playing With Conflict: Teaching Conflict Resolution through Simulations and Games (United States)

    Powers, Richard B.; Kirkpatrick, Kat


    Playing With Conflict is a weekend course for graduate students in Portland State University's Conflict Resolution program and undergraduates in all majors. Students participate in simulations, games, and experiential exercises to learn and practice conflict resolution skills. Graduate students create a guided role-play of a conflict. In addition…

  5. Computer Simulation of the UMER Gridded Gun

    CERN Document Server

    Haber, Irving; Friedman, Alex; Grote, D P; Kishek, Rami A; Reiser, Martin; Vay, Jean-Luc; Zou, Yun


    The electron source in the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) injector employs a grid 0.15 mm from the cathode to control the current waveform. Under nominal operating conditions, the grid voltage during the current pulse is sufficiently positive relative to the cathode potential to form a virtual cathode downstream of the grid. Three-dimensional computer simulations have been performed that use the mesh refinement capability of the WARP particle-in-cell code to examine a small region near the beam center in order to illustrate some of the complexity that can result from such a gridded structure. These simulations have been found to reproduce the hollowed velocity space that is observed experimentally. The simulations also predict a complicated time-dependent response to the waveform applied to the grid during the current turn-on. This complex temporal behavior appears to result directly from the dynamics of the virtual cathode formation and may therefore be representative of the expected behavior in...

  6. Digital Quantum Simulation of Spin Models with Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Y. Salathé


    Full Text Available Systems of interacting quantum spins show a rich spectrum of quantum phases and display interesting many-body dynamics. Computing characteristics of even small systems on conventional computers poses significant challenges. A quantum simulator has the potential to outperform standard computers in calculating the evolution of complex quantum systems. Here, we perform a digital quantum simulation of the paradigmatic Heisenberg and Ising interacting spin models using a two transmon-qubit circuit quantum electrodynamics setup. We make use of the exchange interaction naturally present in the simulator to construct a digital decomposition of the model-specific evolution and extract its full dynamics. This approach is universal and efficient, employing only resources that are polynomial in the number of spins, and indicates a path towards the controlled simulation of general spin dynamics in superconducting qubit platforms.

  7. A Virtual Engineering Framework for Simulating Advanced Power System

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mike Bockelie; Dave Swensen; Martin Denison; Stanislav Borodai


    In this report is described the work effort performed to provide NETL with VE-Suite based Virtual Engineering software and enhanced equipment models to support NETL's Advanced Process Engineering Co-simulation (APECS) framework for advanced power generation systems. Enhancements to the software framework facilitated an important link between APECS and the virtual engineering capabilities provided by VE-Suite (e.g., equipment and process visualization, information assimilation). Model enhancements focused on improving predictions for the performance of entrained flow coal gasifiers and important auxiliary equipment (e.g., Air Separation Units) used in coal gasification systems. In addition, a Reduced Order Model generation tool and software to provide a coupling between APECS/AspenPlus and the GE GateCycle simulation system were developed. CAPE-Open model interfaces were employed where needed. The improved simulation capability is demonstrated on selected test problems. As part of the project an Advisory Panel was formed to provide guidance on the issues on which to focus the work effort. The Advisory Panel included experts from industry and academics in gasification, CO2 capture issues, process simulation and representatives from technology developers and the electric utility industry. To optimize the benefit to NETL, REI coordinated its efforts with NETL and NETL funded projects at Iowa State University, Carnegie Mellon University and ANSYS/Fluent, Inc. The improved simulation capabilities incorporated into APECS will enable researchers and engineers to better understand the interactions of different equipment components, identify weaknesses and processes needing improvement and thereby allow more efficient, less expensive plants to be developed and brought on-line faster and in a more cost-effective manner. These enhancements to APECS represent an important step toward having a fully integrated environment for performing plant simulation and engineering

  8. Economics of Utility Scale Photovoltaics at Purdue University (United States)

    Arnett, William

    The research for this case study shows that utility scale solar photovoltaics has become a competitive energy investment option, even when a campus operates a power plant at low electricity rates. To evaluate this an economic model called SEEMS (Solar Economic Evaluation Modelling Spreadsheets) was developed to evaluate a number of financial scenarios in Real Time Pricing for universities. The three main financing structures considered are 1) land leasing, 2) university direct purchase, and 3) third party purchase. Unlike other commercially available models SEEMS specifically accounts for real time pricing, where the local utility provides electricity at an hourly rate that changes with the expected demand. In addition, SEEMS also includes a random simulation that allows the model to predict the likelihood of success for a given solar installation strategy. The research showed that there are several options for utility scale solar that are financially attractive. The most practical financing structure is with a third party partnership because of the opportunity to take advantage of tax incentives. Other options could become more attractive if non-financial benefits are considered. The case study for this research, Purdue University, has a unique opportunity to integrate utility-scale solar electricity into its strategic planning. Currently Purdue is updating its master plan which will define how land is developed. Purdue is also developing a sustainability plan that will define long term environmental goals. In addition, the university is developing over 500 acres of land west of campus as part of its Aerospace Innovation District. This research helps make the case for including utility-scale solar electricity as part of the university's strategic planning.

  9. Exploring the relationship between university internationalization and university autonomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Turcan, Romeo V.; Gullieva, Valeria

    This paper explores a research gap at the intersection of university internationalization and university autonomy. A process model of university internationalization is put forward whereby the process of university internationalization is mediated by university internationalization capacity...... and moderated by target country institutional autonomy and globalization; and entry modes, timing and pace, as well as product mix of internationalization define university’s internationalization pattern. A systematic review is conducted to identify empirical studies at this intersection. One of the questions...

  10. Study of university students' attitudes toward office space at universities

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    S.M. Eteadifard


    Full Text Available Office space is the space where students first experience the university. In this paper, the attitude of students toward office space in the public sphere of university is discussed. This article is the result of the research conducted for the “Institute for Social and Cultural Studies” by the author. The main issues in this paper are: university students' attitudes towards quality office space at the universities and mental basis of common issues among students at the universities. Data were collected through individual and group interviews. More than eighty interviews with activists and students of University of Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Sharif University of Technology and Kharazmi University were done. The main indicators of office space in this study include: students’ satisfaction of office space, students’ welfare affairs and students’ feedback about this space. Problems and obstacles relating to the office space and their solutions were also studied in this paper.

  11. Used nuclear fuel separations process simulation and testing

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira, C.; Krebs, J.F.; Copple, J.M.; Frey, K.E.; Maggos, L.E.; Figueroa, J.; Willit, J.L.; Papadias, D.D.


    Recent efforts in separations process simulation at Argonne have expanded from the traditional focus on solvent extraction flowsheet design in order to capture process dynamics and to simulate other components, processing and systems of a used nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. For example, the Argonne Model for Universal Solvent Extraction (AMUSE) code has been enhanced to make it both more portable and more readily extensible. Moving away from a spreadsheet environment makes the addition of new species and processes simpler for the expert user, which should enable more rapid implementation of chemical models that simulate evolving processes. The dyAMUSE (dynamic AMUSE) version allows the simulation of transient behavior across an extractor. Electrochemical separations have now been modeled using spreadsheet codes that simulate the electrochemical recycle of fast reactor fuel. The user can follow the evolution of the salt, products, and waste compositions in the electro-refiner, cathode processors, and drawdown as a function of fuel batches treated. To further expand capabilities in integrating multiple unit operations, a platform for linking mathematical models representing the different operations that comprise a reprocessing facility was adapted to enable systems-level analysis and optimization of facility functions. (authors)

  12. Used nuclear fuel separations process simulation and testing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira, C.; Krebs, J.F.; Copple, J.M.; Frey, K.E.; Maggos, L.E.; Figueroa, J.; Willit, J.L.; Papadias, D.D. [Argonne National Laboratory: 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439 (United States)


    Recent efforts in separations process simulation at Argonne have expanded from the traditional focus on solvent extraction flowsheet design in order to capture process dynamics and to simulate other components, processing and systems of a used nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. For example, the Argonne Model for Universal Solvent Extraction (AMUSE) code has been enhanced to make it both more portable and more readily extensible. Moving away from a spreadsheet environment makes the addition of new species and processes simpler for the expert user, which should enable more rapid implementation of chemical models that simulate evolving processes. The dyAMUSE (dynamic AMUSE) version allows the simulation of transient behavior across an extractor. Electrochemical separations have now been modeled using spreadsheet codes that simulate the electrochemical recycle of fast reactor fuel. The user can follow the evolution of the salt, products, and waste compositions in the electro-refiner, cathode processors, and drawdown as a function of fuel batches treated. To further expand capabilities in integrating multiple unit operations, a platform for linking mathematical models representing the different operations that comprise a reprocessing facility was adapted to enable systems-level analysis and optimization of facility functions. (authors)

  13. Single and Multiple UAV Cyber-Attack Simulation and Performance Evaluation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ahmad Y. Javaid


    Full Text Available Usage of ground, air and underwater unmanned vehicles (UGV, UAV and UUV has increased exponentially in the recent past with industries producing thousands of these unmanned vehicles every year.With the ongoing discussion of integration of UAVs in the US National Airspace, the need of a cost-effective way to verify the security and resilience of a group of communicating UAVs under attack has become very important. The answer to this need is a simulation testbed which can be used to simulate the UAV Network (UAVNet. One of these attempts is - UAVSim (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Simulation testbed developed at the University of Toledo. It has the capability of simulating large UAV networks as well as small UAV networks with large number of attack nodes. In this paper, we analyse the performance of the simulation testbed for two attacks, targeting single and multiple UAVs. Traditional and generic computing resource available in a regular computer laboratory was used. Various evaluation results have been presented and analysed which suggest the suitability of UAVSim for UAVNet attack and swarm simulation applications.

  14. Annual Report: Carbon Capture Simulation Initiative (CCSI) (30 September 2012)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Miller, David C. [National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States); Syamlal, Madhava [National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States); Cottrell, Roger [URS Corporation. (URS), San Francisco, CA (United States); National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States); Kress, Joel D. [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Sun, Xin [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Sundaresan, S. [Princeton Univ., NJ (United States); Sahinidis, Nikolaos V. [Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA (United States); National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States); Zitney, Stephen E. [NETL; Bhattacharyya, D. [West Virginia Univ., Morgantown, WV (United States); National Energy Technology Lab. (NETL), Morgantown, WV (United States); Agarwal, Deb [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Tong, Charles [Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Lin, Guang [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Dale, Crystal [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States); Engel, Dave [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Calafiura, Paolo [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Beattie, Keith [Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States); Shinn, John [SynPatEco. Pleasant Hill, CA (United States)


    industrial challenge problems, CCSI ensures that the simulation tools are developed for the carbon capture technologies of most relevance to industry. CCSI is led by the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) and leverages the Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories' core strengths in modeling and simulation, bringing together the best capabilities at NETL, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). The CCSI's industrial partners provide representation from the power generation industry, equipment manufacturers, technology providers and engineering and construction firms. The CCSI's academic participants (Carnegie Mellon University, Princeton University, West Virginia University, and Boston University) bring unparalleled expertise in multiphase flow reactors, combustion, process synthesis and optimization, planning and scheduling, and process control techniques for energy processes. During Fiscal Year (FY) 12, CCSI released its first set of computational tools and models. This pre-release, a year ahead of the originally planned first release, is the result of intense industry interest in getting early access to the tools and the phenomenal progress of the CCSI technical team. These initial components of the CCSI Toolset provide new models and computational capabilities that will accelerate the commercial development of carbon capture technologies as well as related technologies, such as those found in the power, refining, chemicals, and gas production industries. The release consists of new tools for process synthesis and optimization to help identify promising concepts more quickly, new physics-based models of potential capture equipment and processes that will reduce the time to design and troubleshoot new systems, a framework to quantify the uncertainty of model predictions, and various enabling tools that

  15. Hybrid Network Simulation for the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) System

    CERN Document Server

    Bonaventura, Matias Alejandro; The ATLAS collaboration; Castro, Rodrigo Daniel; Foguelman, Daniel Jacob


    The poster shows the ongoing research in the ATLAS TDAQ group in collaboration with the University of Buenos Aires in the area of hybrid data network simulations. he Data Network and Processing Cluster filters data in real-time, achieving a rejection factor in the order of 40000x and has real-time latency constrains. The dataflow between the processing units (TPUs) and Readout System (ROS) presents a “TCP Incast”-type network pathology which TCP cannot handle it efficiently. A credits system is in place which limits rate of queries and reduces latency. This large computer network, and the complex dataflow has been modelled and simulated using a PowerDEVS, a DEVS-based simulator. The simulation has been validated and used to produce what-if scenarios in the real network. Network Simulation with Hybrid Flows: Speedups and accuracy, combined • For intensive network traffic, Discrete Event simulation models (packet-level granularity) soon becomes prohibitive: Too high computing demands. • Fluid Flow simul...

  16. A Monte Carlo Simulation Framework for Testing Cosmological Models

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heymann Y.


    Full Text Available We tested alternative cosmologies using Monte Carlo simulations based on the sam- pling method of the zCosmos galactic survey. The survey encompasses a collection of observable galaxies with respective redshifts that have been obtained for a given spec- troscopic area of the sky. Using a cosmological model, we can convert the redshifts into light-travel times and, by slicing the survey into small redshift buckets, compute a curve of galactic density over time. Because foreground galaxies obstruct the images of more distant galaxies, we simulated the theoretical galactic density curve using an average galactic radius. By comparing the galactic density curves of the simulations with that of the survey, we could assess the cosmologies. We applied the test to the expanding-universe cosmology of de Sitter and to a dichotomous cosmology.

  17. [Does annual simulation training influence the safety climate of a university hospital? : Prospective 5‑year investigation using dimensions of the safety attitude questionnaire]. (United States)

    St Pierre, M; Gall, C; Breuer, G; Schüttler, J


    Simulation-based training with a focus on non-technical skills can have a positive influence on safety relevant attitudes of participants. If an organization succeeds in training sufficient staff, it may experience a positive change in the safety climate. As the effects of a single training are of a transient nature, annual training sessions may lead to an incremental improvement of safety relevant attitudes of employees over time. In spring 2012 the Department of Anesthesia at the University Hospital of Erlangen established an annual simulation-based training for staff members (e.g. consultants, trainee anesthetists and nurse anesthetists). The study aimed to test whether an annual simulation-based training would result in an incremental longitudinal improvement in attitudes towards teamwork, safety and stress recognition. A survey comprising three domains (teamwork climate, safety climate and stress recognition) of the safety attitudes questionnaire (SAQ) and items addressing briefing and speaking up was distributed to all participants in an annual in-house simulation training. Participants filled out the questionnaire in the morning of each training day. The attitudes were measured before the first training series in 2012, 6 months after the first training and then every year (2013-2016). Participants generated a personalized identification code which allowed individuals to be anonymously tracked over time. Results of the 5‑point Likert scale were transformed to a 100-point scale. Results were calculated at the group level and at the individual level. Univariable linear regression was used to calculate mean changes per year. Over a period of 5 years (2012-2016) a total of 255 individuals completed the questionnaire. Each year, 14-20% of all nurse anesthetists and 81-90% of all anesthetists participated in the simulation-based training. As a result of annual staff turnover 16-24% of participants were new staff members. A personalized code allowed the

  18. Universal quantum computing using (Zd) 3 symmetry-protected topologically ordered states (United States)

    Chen, Yanzhu; Prakash, Abhishodh; Wei, Tzu-Chieh


    Measurement-based quantum computation describes a scheme where entanglement of resource states is utilized to simulate arbitrary quantum gates via local measurements. Recent works suggest that symmetry-protected topologically nontrivial, short-ranged entangled states are promising candidates for such a resource. Miller and Miyake [npj Quantum Inf. 2, 16036 (2016), 10.1038/npjqi.2016.36] recently constructed a particular Z2×Z2×Z2 symmetry-protected topological state on the Union Jack lattice and established its quantum-computational universality. However, they suggested that the same construction on the triangular lattice might not lead to a universal resource. Instead of qubits, we generalize the construction to qudits and show that the resulting (d -1 ) qudit nontrivial Zd×Zd×Zd symmetry-protected topological states are universal on the triangular lattice, for d being a prime number greater than 2. The same construction also holds for other 3-colorable lattices, including the Union Jack lattice.

  19. Propriedades morfológicas do peritônio da paca (Cuniculus paca, L. 1766 a fresco e conservados em glicerina 98%

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angela Daniele De Camargo


    Full Text Available   Objetivou-se, com este estudo, descrever as características morfológicas de amostras de peritônio a fresco e conservadas em glicerina a 98%, por períodos de 30, 60 e 90 dias, de quatro pacas adultas. As amostras foram analisadas por meio da microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Verificou-se um evidente arranjo entre o tecido conjuntivo denso modelado e o tecido conjuntivo denso não modelado, além de insignificante modificação na integridade tecidual do peritônio da paca, quando submetida a ação da glicerina nos diferentes períodos. Conclui-se que o peritônio da paca pode ser utilizado como mais uma opção de material biológico.

  20. Una Herramienta para el Análisis de la Colaboración Diseñada con UWE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ofelia Uicab Aldana


    Full Text Available UML Web Engineering (UWE es uno de los métodos en Ingeniería Web para el diseño de aplicaciones que se desarrollan para la World Wide Web; utiliza la simbología estándar del Lenguaje de Modelado Unificado, así como simbología propia para desarrollo orientado a la Web. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño de una aplicación Web desarrollada como herramienta de apoyo para analizar la interacción (HAI de estudiantes en su proceso de aprendizaje, donde el modelado básico se realiza mediante UWE. Dicha aplicación recupera el registro de publicaciones que realizan los estudiantes en el muro grupal de Facebook y aplica un modelo diseñado para el análisis de la colaboración con el fin de identificar las habilidades colaborativas de cada uno de los estudiantes.