
Sample records for univer toivo univer

  1. Le vide univers du tout et du rien

    CERN Document Server

    Diner, Simon


    Pourquoi l'Univers plutôt que le vide ? Le temps et l'espace existent-ils en l'absence de l'Univers ? Que reste-t-il quand tout est enlevé ? Pourquoi quelque chose plutôt que rien ? Depuis des siècles, ces interrogations mobilisent philosophes et physiciens. Mais aujourd'hui, le vide n'est pas le rien. Il serait même l'acteur central de l'histoire de la matière et de l'Univers, le partenaire privilégié de la physique. Vide et matière ne sont plus deux manifestations séparées de la nature, mais deux aspects d'une même réalité. Le vide est l'état de base dont la matière émerge, sans couper son cordon ombilical Le vide comme Univers du rien cède la place au vide comme Univers du tout. Que le vide puisse être conçu par les physiciens comme réservoir potentiel d'univers, voici qui ne devrait laisser personne indifférent. Ce livre ouvre un débat et nous convie à une réflexion surprenante.

  2. Kyushu Univ.; Kyushu daigaku

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    Groups such as Kyushu Univ. the perfume the Netherlands Co. confirmed having the effect in which the porous tile made in industrial waste eases the heat island phenomenon of the city. It was proven that it took a heat of the circumference by the process in which the water evaporates, when the water is scattered in the tile, and lowers the temperature near the largest 3 degrees C surface. Research group mainly on Yoshinori Suzuki professors of Kyushu Univ. noticed having water retentiveness of the degree in which the porous cost tile in which small hole opened enough is equal to the sand. The experiment which confirmed the cooling effect of the tile was carried out. By burning stone powder and passage mud of lakes and marshes which came out, when the stone material is cut down, the tile made it. The temperature of ground 1.2m was examined, after sidewalks of housing complex in the Fukuoka City and school building in Kyushu Univ., etc. are covered with this tile, and after the water is scattered. As the result, it was low a little, even if it passed over 2 hours, shade. (translated by NEDO)

  3. L'Univers chiffonné

    CERN Document Server

    Luminet, Jean-Pierre


    Quelle est la forme de l'univers ? Est-il courbe, refermé sur lui-même ? Est-il en expansion ? Vers quoi tend-il ? L'espace serait-il « chiffonné » au point de créer des images fantômes des lointaines galaxies ? Telles sont les questions que pose Jean-Pierre Luminet avant d'y répondre dans une langue toujours claire et fluide. Spécialiste des trous noirs et du big bang, il nous fait voyager dans de surprenants couloirs de l'espace-temps où topologies de l'univers, explorations de l'infini et mirages cosmiques conjuguent leurs mystérieux attraits pour dérouter nos sens. La construction de l'ouvrage épouse la forme de son sujet: une lecture à multiples entrées, des pistes à explorer pour s'y perdre, bifurquer à nouveau ou revenir en arrière, au gré du plaisir ou de la curiosité de chacun. Anecdotes cocasses et révélations historiques étonnantes agrémentent un parcours très visuel. Dans quel univers sommes-nous plongés ? A travers les concepts les plus déconcertants de la cosmologie, l...

  4. Georges et les secrets de l'univers

    CERN Document Server

    Hawking, Lucy; Galfard, Christophe; Parsons, Gary


    Un voyage ex-tra-or-di-naire dans l'Univers! Le jour où Georges rencontre ses nouveaux voisins, il est loin d'imaginer que sa vision du monde va être totalement bouleversée. Chez la jeune Annie et Éric, son scientifique de père, le garçon découvre Cosmos, l'ordinateur le plus perfectionné qui soit. Sa super intelligence permet de protéger Georges et ses amis aux quatre coins de l'Univers ! Hélas, quelqu'un nourrit de sombres projets... et quand on sait qu'il n y a rien de plus dangereux dans l'espace qu'un trou noir, il y a du souci à se faire ! Un roman essentiel sur l'Univers avec les découvertes de Stephen Hawking.

  5. Cosmologie l'univers avant le Big Bang

    CERN Multimedia

    Larousserie, David


    Tout n'a pas commencé par une explosion. L'histoire du cosmos avait débuté bien avant le Big Bang, si l'on suit la théorie défendue par les partisans d'une nouvelle cosmologie issue de la mystérieuse théorie des cords. A l'heure où vacillent les scénarios classiques du XXe siècle, se prépare un grand chamboulement de nos idées sur la naissance de l'Univers et son devenir, sur l'existence possible d'univers parallèles.

  6. L'Univers avant le Big Bang

    CERN Document Server

    Rouat, Sylvie


    "Tout n'a pas commencé par une explosion. L'historie du cosmos avait débuté biena vant le Big Bang, si l'on suit la théorie défendue par les partisans d'une nouvelle cosmologie issue de la mystérieuse théorie des cordes. A l'heure où vacillent les scénarios classiques du XXe siècle, se prépare un grand chamboulement de nos idées sur la naissance de l'Univers et son devenir, sur l'existence possible d'univers parallèles. Des théories séduisantes qui seront mises à l'épreuve au cours de la prochaine décennie" (11 pages)

  7. L'Univers dans une coquille de noix

    CERN Document Server

    Hawking, Stephen


    Après Une brève histoire du temps et Trous noirs et bébés univers, Stephen Hawking fait le point sur les stupéfiantes percées théoriques qui ont eu lieu depuis la publication de son précédent livre. Avec le style à la fois érudit et accessible qui le caractérise, il nous fait découvrir tour à tour la relativité einsteinienne, le principe d'incertitude, la mécanique quantique, les cinq théories des cordes, la théorie M et les mystérieuses p-branes - voie d'accès, peut-être, au Graal de la physique : la " théorie de tout ". Nous faisant partager l'enthousiasme croissant de la communauté scientifique, il nous guide, telle Alice au pays des merveilles, à travers un univers à onze dimensions qui ne correspond peut-être qu'à l'une des innombrables histoires alternatives dans lesquelles les trous noirs s'évaporent, les supercordes s'enroulent sur elles-mêmes et des univers parallèles se contractent jusqu'à disparaître.

  8. La plénitude de l'Univers

    CERN Document Server

    Bohm, David


    "Selon les calculs de Bohm, chaque centimètre cube d'espace vide contient plus d'énergie que ce qu'on pourrait trouver dans toute la matière de l'univers connu. L'univers entier, tel que nous le connaissons, n'est qu'une simple petite trace d'excitation quantifiée en forme de vague, une ride dans cet immense océan d'énergie cosmique. C'est cet arrière-plan énergétique caché qui engendre les projections tridimensionnelles constituant le monde phénoménal que nous percevons dans notre vie de tous les jours... " N'importe quel événement, objet ou entité, observable et descriptible, quel qu'il soit, est abstrait, d'un flux uni, indéfinissable et inconnu, le holomouvement... " David Bohm offre une nouvelle vision globale du monde qui représente une révision radicale de l'image de l'univers découlant de la science traditionnelle. Bien qu'inspiré à l'origine par les paradoxes de la physique quantique relativiste, son modèle offre de profondes implications concernant un vaste éventail de discipl...

  9. Des univers multiples nouveaux horizons cosmiques

    CERN Document Server

    Barrau, Aurélien


    Notre univers ne serait-il qu’une fraction d’un vaste multivers ? À l’heure des résultats expérimentaux de Planck et du LHC, de nouvelles questions essentielles se posent quant à l’unicité de l’Univers lui-même. Se pourrait-il que notre cosmos ne soit qu’un îlot dérisoire perdu dans un vaste multivers ? Il est aujourd’hui légitime de le supposer. Mais cette proposition vertigineuse est-elle encore scientifique ? La récente mesure détaillée du rayonnement cosmologique fossile ouvre la voie à de nouvelles approches. Faisant le point sur ces avancées, Aurélien Barrau nous dévoile, dans cette édition actualisée, les théories cosmologiques les plus audacieuses.

  10. La naissance de l'Univers

    CERN Document Server

    Lizhi, Fang


    Cet ouvrage, excellente introduction à la cosmologie, expose la théorie du Big Bang dans ses derniers développements, de l'expansion de l'Univers à la cosmologie quantique, de la formation de structures à grande échelle à la physique de l'ère de Planck.

  11. A la poursuite des ondes gravitationnelles dernières nouvelles de l'Univers

    CERN Document Server

    Binétruy, Pierre


    Nous sommes habitués à observer la lumière des étoiles pour comprendre l’Univers. Ce n’est pourtant pas la radiation la plus présente dans l’Univers mais c’est celle que nous avons d’abord identifiée car nos yeux sont des « détecteurs de lumière ». Or l’Univers est mu par la gravité, non par la lumière. C’est donc la radiation associée, appelée onde gravitationnelle, qui est de première importance pour comprendre le fonctionnement de l’Univers. La détection des ondes gravitationnelles annoncée le 11 février 2016, par le détecteur américain Ligo, a fait l'effet d'une bombe dans les médias. Ce livre, rédigé par un acteur important de cette physique de pointe, nous décrit cet étrange univers gravitationnel qui s'ouvre à nous.

  12. ACADEMIC TRAINING (O. BRUNING / CERN-SL, S. TAPPROGGE / Helsinki Univ. of Physics, E. TSESMELIS / Helsinki Univ. of Physics , CERN-EST)

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    21, 22, 23 May LECTURE SERIES from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Auditorium, bldg. 500 The LHC Machine/Experiment Interface by O. BRUNING / CERN-SL, S. TAPPROGGE / Helsinki Univ. of Physics, E. TSESMELIS / Helsinki Univ. of Physics, CERN-EST     This series of three lectures will provide an overview of issues arising at the interface between the LHC machine and the experiments, which are required for guiding the interaction between the collider and the experiments when operation of the LHC commences. A basic description of the LHC Collider and its operating parameters, such as its energy, currents, bunch structure and luminosity, as well as variations on these parameters, will be given. Furthermore, the optics foreseen for the experimental insertions, the sources and intensities of beam losses and the running-in scenarios for the various phases of operation will be discussed. A second module will cover the specific requirements and expectations of each experiment in terms of the layout of experiment...

  13. La face cachée de l'Univers comment explorer les âges sombres et le contenu manquant?

    CERN Document Server


    La matière connue n’est qu’une goutte d’eau dans l’Univers. De quoi celui-ci est-il majoritairement constitué ? Que sont ces étranges matière noire et énergie sombre ? Comment imaginer les débuts et la fin de l’Univers ? Y a-t-il même eu un début, ou l’Univers ne fait-il que se dilater et se contracter dans un éternel rebond ? Avec ce dossier, faites le point sur les grandes questions actuelles de la cosmologie.

  14. Une invitation au voyage dans l'univers

    CERN Multimedia

    Garay, Corinne


    "Philippe de la Catardière, écrivain et journaliste originaire de Priay, publie un essai chez l'Archipel. "Comsmologie à usage du piéton". Il vulgarise pour le grand public les connaissances sur le ciel et l'étude de l'univers. Sa passion pour l'astronomie est née dans son enfance en regardant les ciels étoilés... elle ne l'a plus quitté" (2 pages)

  15. La mélodie secrète et l'homme créa l'univers

    CERN Document Server

    Trinh, Xuan Thuan


    L'Univers nous sera-t-il un jour révélé dans la totalité de sa réalité? Parviendrons-nous à percer le secret de sa vraie mélodie? Comment l'infiniment petit a-t-il accouché de l'infiniment grand et comment l'univers tout entier, avec ses centaines de milliards de galaxies, a-t-il jailli d'un "vide microscopique"? Comment, grâce à l'alchimie créatrice des étoiles et à l'existence des planètes, la vie et la conscience ont-elles surgi? Telles sont quelques-unes des questions que ce livre aborde. Il s'adresse à 1"`honnête homme'; curieux du monde qui l'entoure et intéressé par les progrès récents dans l'étude du Cosmos, sans être pour autant équipé du bagage scientifique du spécialiste. En retraçant l'évolution, à travers les âges, de la vision de l'Univers que s'est faite l'homme, il accorde une attention particulière à l'univers actuel, celui du big bang. Mais il sait dépasser l'argument proprement scientifique pour aborder les questions qui se posent inévitablement dans tou...

  16. Big Bang et au-delà les nouveaux horizons de l'Univers

    CERN Document Server

    Barrau, Aurélien


    Notre Univers a-t-il un début ? Est-il unique ? La science moderne a révolutionné notre compréhension de l’Univers. Bien que l’étude du cosmos soit sans doute aussi ancienne que la pensée, notre image du réel est en ce moment même en train de se redessiner. Il est maintenant possible de connaître certains aspects des processus qui eurent lieu moins d’un milliardième de milliardième de milliardième de seconde après le Big Bang. À la lumière des dernières découvertes du satellite Planck, Aurélien Barrau décrit en termes simples le cosmos qui se dessine sous nos yeux. Trous noirs, modèle standard de la physique des particules, gravité… les piliers et les énigmes du Big Bang sont abordés les uns après les autres, à la manière d’une balade aux origines de l’Univers. « Parce que la science est avant tout une aventure humaine, j’ai esquissé, ici et là, en contrepoint des explications physiques fournies dans la langue la plus simple et la plus accessible possible, mon expér...

  17. Comment fonctionne l’Univers ? Ce que le LHC peut nous apprendre

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    L'Univers en son enfance était une "soupe" de particules, de plus en plus chaudes (de plus haute énergie) à mesure qu'on remonte vers sa naissance, le "big bang". C'est ainsi que les observations à des énergies de plus en plus élevées nous permettent, par exemple, de nous approcher de plus près de la prime jeunesse de l'Univers et, donc, de mieux le comprendre. L'étude du macro- et du micro-cosme sont une science unique dans laquelle, de façon surprenante, ce que nous comprenons le moins bien est le vide, qui ne semble pas l'être: il existe une différence fondamentale entre le vide et le néant. Le LHC pourrait nous permettre de voir les vibrations de la "substance" du vide, qu'on appelle les particules 'de Higgs'.

  18. Le jardin des particules l'Univers tel que le voient les physiciens

    CERN Document Server

    Kane, Gordon


    Que savons-nous de l'Univers ? Que nous reste-t-il encore à comprendre ? Ce livre explique de façon limpide - et non sans humour - comment les physiciens travaillent, quels sont leurs outils, leurs certitudes et leurs interrogations.

  19. All-in-one 3D printed microscopy chamber for multidimensional imaging, the UniverSlide (United States)

    Alessandri, Kevin; Andrique, Laetitia; Feyeux, Maxime; Bikfalvi, Andreas; Nassoy, Pierre; Recher, Gaëlle


    While live 3D high resolution microscopy techniques are developing rapidly, their use for biological applications is partially hampered by practical difficulties such as the lack of a versatile sample chamber. Here, we propose the design of a multi-usage observation chamber adapted for live 3D bio-imaging. We show the usefulness and practicality of this chamber, which we named the UniverSlide, for live imaging of two case examples, namely multicellular systems encapsulated in sub-millimeter hydrogel shells and zebrafish larvae. We also demonstrate its versatility and compatibility with all microscopy devices by using upright or inverted microscope configurations after loading the UniverSlide with fixed or living samples. Further, the device is applicable for medium/high throughput screening and automatized multi-position image acquisition, providing a constraint-free but stable and parallelized immobilization of the samples. The frame of the UniverSlide is fabricated using a stereolithography 3D printer, has the size of a microscopy slide, is autoclavable and sealed with a removable lid, which makes it suitable for use in a controlled culture environment. We describe in details how to build this chamber and we provide all the files necessary to print the different pieces in the lab.

  20. All-in-one 3D printed microscopy chamber for multidimensional imaging, the UniverSlide (United States)

    Alessandri, Kevin; Andrique, Laetitia; Feyeux, Maxime; Bikfalvi, Andreas; Nassoy, Pierre; Recher, Gaëlle


    While live 3D high resolution microscopy techniques are developing rapidly, their use for biological applications is partially hampered by practical difficulties such as the lack of a versatile sample chamber. Here, we propose the design of a multi-usage observation chamber adapted for live 3D bio-imaging. We show the usefulness and practicality of this chamber, which we named the UniverSlide, for live imaging of two case examples, namely multicellular systems encapsulated in sub-millimeter hydrogel shells and zebrafish larvae. We also demonstrate its versatility and compatibility with all microscopy devices by using upright or inverted microscope configurations after loading the UniverSlide with fixed or living samples. Further, the device is applicable for medium/high throughput screening and automatized multi-position image acquisition, providing a constraint-free but stable and parallelized immobilization of the samples. The frame of the UniverSlide is fabricated using a stereolithography 3D printer, has the size of a microscopy slide, is autoclavable and sealed with a removable lid, which makes it suitable for use in a controlled culture environment. We describe in details how to build this chamber and we provide all the files necessary to print the different pieces in the lab. PMID:28186188

  1. Immigration et crise d'identite dans l'Univers Romanesque de Sami ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Immigration et crise d'identite dans l'Univers Romanesque de Sami Tchak. ... La littérature africaine du XXIème siècle a eu une grande transformation. Cela est dû au fait ... It is established that Sami Tchak takes profound interest in projecting and handling the themes of immigration and identity crisis in his novelistic world.

  2. LHC : sur la piste des mysteres de l`Univers par Michael Doser

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Le CERN, le plus grand centre en physique des particules au monde, va mettre en service le Grand collisionneur de hadrons (Large Hadron Collider), le LHC. Cette machine, le plus grand rouage du complexe d’accélérateurs du CERN, doit répondre aux énigmes qui subsistent sur les briques élémentaires de la matière et l’histoire de l’Univers.

  3. Antimatière Est-elle la clé de l'Univers?

    CERN Multimedia

    Grousson, Mathieu


    "De quoi est fait l'Univers? De matière ordinaire et, selon la théorie actuelle, de matière noire et d'énergie noire... dont nul ne sait rien! Et s'il s'agissait plutôt d'antimatière? Car elle permet de réécrire l'histoire du cosmos sans déroger à ses lois et, cette fois, sans nulle zone d'ombre. Reste à vérifier qu'elle antigravite bien..." (14 pages)

  4. Univé customer survey: Pay-As-You-Drive (PAYD) insurance : Report PAYD-2. Feedback from Pay-As-You-Drive insurance, both outside and inside the car

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Lewis Evans, Ben; den Heijer, Anne; Dijksterhuis, Chris; de Waard, Dick; Brookhuis, Karel; Tucha, Oliver


    On the 10th of January 2013 over 3500 Univé clients were contacted and asked to fill in an online survey via Qualtrics, a survey website company licenced by the University of Groningen, about the future of car insurance at Univé. These customers could be classified under three main headings; car

  5. Support for ECHONET-based smart home environments in the universAAL ecosystem


    Pham, Van Cu; Lim, Yuto; Tan, Yasuo; Chong, Nak Young


    With the advent of information and communication technology, many Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions are being proposed to increase the quality of life of elderly people and reduce health and social care costs. Among these AAL solutions, universAAL seems to be the most promising platform for easy and economical development of AAL services. However, in its current state, the platform is incompatible with smart home systems which are based on the ECHONET standard. This paper presents the b...

  6. La matière noire, clé de l'univers ?

    CERN Document Server

    Combes, Françoise


    Si ces dernières années de nombreuses découvertes ont permis de mieux connaître notre Univers, 95 % de son contenu, constitué de matière et d énergie noires, nous est encore aujourd hui totalement inconnu. Quelle est la nature de cette matière noire, de ces particules exotiques, sans lesquelles ne pourraient se former les galaxies ? L ouvrage, rédigé par Françoise Combes astrophysicienne dont les travaux de recherche dans ce domaine sont unanimement reconnus fait le point sur l état actuel des connaissances, les découvertes les plus récentes et les prochains défis à relever.

  7. Einstein dans l'Univers - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Dans le cadre de l'Année internationale de la physique, la section de physique de l'Université de Genève organise une série de conférences pour les non-initiés. Chacune des conférences débute par une démonstration de détection de rayons cosmiques dans l'auditoire et l'utilisation de ces signaux venus du fond de l'Univers pour créer une « musique cosmique », en collaboration avec le Professeur Ellberger du Conservatoire de musique de Genève. La cinquième conférence, donnée par le professeur Michele Maggiore de l'Université de Genève, s'intéresse à l'une des contributions les plus remarquables d'Einstein, la relativité générale. L'une des prédictions de cette théorie est l'existence des ondes gravitationnelles, véritables vibrations de l'espace-temps qui peuve...

  8. L'univers créativité cosmique et créativité artistique

    CERN Document Server

    Reeves, Hubert; Champion, Claire


    Avec le talent de vulgarisateur qu'on lui connaît, Hubert Reeves explique, en faisant d'habiles parallèles avec la créativité humaine, ce que l'on sait aujourd'hui de la création de l'Univers. Avec ses mots et ses idées simples, épurées comme des haïkus, Hubert Reeves arrive à faire comprendre l'infiniment complexe, tout en amenant ses lecteurs au bord du gouffre métaphysique.

  9. L'univers des particules une introduction

    CERN Document Server

    Diu, Bernard


    Au début du XXe siècle, les scientifiques imaginaient que l'ensemble du monde était construit à partir de trois "particules élémentaires" (électron, proton, photon). Depuis, nous avons appris que notre univers contient un nombre considérable de particules - soit des corps individualisés d'extension réduite - de natures et de caractéristiques très diverses, qu'il serait illusoire de chercher à énumérer de manière formelle et systématique. C'est pourquoi le propos de ce livre suit une stratégie fondamentalement différente. Il s'organise autour de certaines propriétés générales que laissent apparaître l'observation et l'étude des particules dans leur existence et leur conduite primaire. Aussi, chacune des parties de cet ouvrage rassemble plusieurs chapitres de thèmes voisins, mais un sujet donné peut également être traité en divers endroits et, de ce fait, être abordé sous différents angles de manière complémentaire. De telles compositions et décompositions d'éléments proche...

  10. La forme de l’espace, des trous noirs à l’Univers chiffonné

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Trous noirs, forme de l’Univers, structure de l’espace-temps… Décrire la forme de notre espace a toujours mis en jeu de nombreux modèles géométriques, chacun impliquant une théorie physique sous-jacente. L'un des grands défis de la physique fondamentale du XXIe siècle est de visualiser la distorsion de l’espace-temps, engendrée par les champs gravitationnels et quantiques. La conférence sera illustrée par de spectaculaires animations issues de simulations d'ordinateur.

  11. Georges Lemaître et la théorie du big bang qu'y avait-t-il au commencement de l'univers ?

    CERN Document Server

    Landa, Pauline


    Découvrez enfin tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur Georges Lemaître et ses inventions en moins d'une heure !L'origine de l'univers, voilà une problématique qui a tenu en haleine de très nombreux scientifiques. Alors que l'on pourrait croire que l'homme s'est posé cette question depuis la nuit des temps, il n'en est rien. C'est Georges Lemaître, un prêtre belge et grand astrophysicien, qui le premier cherche à dater l'univers et à tenter de découvrir ce qu'il y avait au commencement, alors même que l'ensemble de la communauté scientifique était persuadé qu'il avait toujours exis

  12. Si tu devais me dessiner l'Univers

    CERN Document Server

    Saison-Marsollier, Sandrine; Pralavorio, Corinne; Spiro, Michel; Goldberg, Marc


    Le CERN a lancé en 2014 un concours de dessins dans les classes de primaire des villes des environs : les enfants étaient invités à s’interroger sur l’Univers, la matière et le métier de chercheur. Le succès de l’opération a été tel qu’il a été décidé d’en faire un livre que l’enseignant pourra parcourir en classe avec ses élèves, discuter avec eux des questions et découvrir ensemble les réponses. Le livre est en effet construit ainsi : sur une double page la question que s’est posée l’enfant et le dessin l’illustrant trouvent leur réponse sur la page d’en face, via un court texte écrit par le chercheur référent (Michel Spiro), qu’accompagne une citation tirée du domaine culturel, destinée à montrer les passerelles entre science, littérature et philosophie. Exemples de questions : Qu’y avait-il avant le Big Bang ? Les chercheurs sont-ils des personnes comme les autres ? Pourquoi les lois de la physique ne changent-elles pas ? Peut-on attraper les particules ?...

  13. Cosmicflows Constrained Local UniversE Simulations (United States)

    Sorce, Jenny G.; Gottlöber, Stefan; Yepes, Gustavo; Hoffman, Yehuda; Courtois, Helene M.; Steinmetz, Matthias; Tully, R. Brent; Pomarède, Daniel; Carlesi, Edoardo


    This paper combines observational data sets and cosmological simulations to generate realistic numerical replicas of the nearby Universe. The latter are excellent laboratories for studies of the non-linear process of structure formation in our neighbourhood. With measurements of radial peculiar velocities in the local Universe (cosmicflows-2) and a newly developed technique, we produce Constrained Local UniversE Simulations (CLUES). To assess the quality of these constrained simulations, we compare them with random simulations as well as with local observations. The cosmic variance, defined as the mean one-sigma scatter of cell-to-cell comparison between two fields, is significantly smaller for the constrained simulations than for the random simulations. Within the inner part of the box where most of the constraints are, the scatter is smaller by a factor of 2 to 3 on a 5 h-1 Mpc scale with respect to that found for random simulations. This one-sigma scatter obtained when comparing the simulated and the observation-reconstructed velocity fields is only 104 ± 4 km s-1, I.e. the linear theory threshold. These two results demonstrate that these simulations are in agreement with each other and with the observations of our neighbourhood. For the first time, simulations constrained with observational radial peculiar velocities resemble the local Universe up to a distance of 150 h-1 Mpc on a scale of a few tens of megaparsecs. When focusing on the inner part of the box, the resemblance with our cosmic neighbourhood extends to a few megaparsecs (<5 h-1 Mpc). The simulations provide a proper large-scale environment for studies of the formation of nearby objects.

  14. Du Burger-King au pavillon. L’illégitimité des univers paradisiaques de l’individu contemporain.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marc Dumont


    Full Text Available Une fois n’est pas coutume, ce sont cette fois deux types de blogs qui ont retenu l’attention du site du mois : le premier sur l’ univers de la culture fast-food , les seconds constituant une série sur les autoconstructeurs ( Didier et son chantier , puis Autoconstructeur dans la Drôme ainsi qu’ autoconstruction à St Prix — bien d’autres auraient pu être cités, mais le visiteur peut aisément glisser de liens en liens à partir de ces sites. Pavillons, MacDo et blog : ...

  15. Atomes une exploration visuelle de tous les éléments connus dans l'univers

    CERN Document Server

    Gray, Theodore


    Quelle est leur température critique ? Qu'est-ce que la masse atomique, la densité d'un matériau, l'ordre de remplissage des électrons ? Cet ouvrage invite avec pédagogie et humour à un passionnant voyage au pays des éléments, à partir de leur tableau périodique universel. Soutenue par une exploration visuelle qui montre l'élément à l'état pur mais aussi ses composés et ses applications les plus caractéristiques dans la vie quotidienne, cette approche pratique offre une combinaison parfaite de science chimique et de photographies, qui séduira les lecteurs les plus avertis comme tous les autres habitants sensibles de l'univers.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane Kelly Oliveira Friestino


    Full Text Available O envelhecimento é um processo normal do desenvolvimento do ser humano, caracterizado por mudanças fisiológicas (senescência ou patológicas (senilidade. Com o avançar da idade, as comorbidades podem estar presentes no idoso. O desempenho das atividades de vida diária fica prejudicado e, devido a alterações sensório-motoras, cognitivas e psicossociais, aumenta a vulnerabilidade para a ocorrência de quedas e acidentes domésticos, comprometendo a capacidade funcional e podendo levar à morte. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar o relato de experiência do oferecimento de oficinas intituladas: “Acidentes domésticos com pessoa idosa: prevenção e ação” a um grupo de idosos participantes de um programa específico para essa faixa etária. As oficinas foram ofertadas como parte do Programa de Extensão Universitária–UniversIDADE de uma Universidade pública do interior de São Paulo. Os encontros da oficina foram realizados entre maio e agosto de 2015, com duração de uma hora cada encontro, totalizando sete encontros. Uma enfermeira e uma fisioterapeuta foram mediadoras voluntárias. Os temas abordados foram: quedas, alterações sensoriais, estratégias de prevenção e ação em acidentes domésticos, queimaduras e hemorragias. Quanto aos resultados das oficinas destacaram-se a participação ativa dos idosos nas discussões dos temas abordados e a relevância dos mesmos para a prevenção dos acidentes domésticos e da ocorrência de queda. Considerou-se importante a atuação dos idosos como agentes multiplicadores das informações adquiridas nas atividades, com extensão aos seus familiares, a outros idosos de seu convívio e para sua própria qualidade de vida. Palavras-chave: Extensão Universitária, Relações Comunidade-Instituição, Acidentes domésticos, Prevenção, Saúde do Idoso.   Workshops on falls and general domestic accidents in elderly people in the UniversIDADE Program Abstract: Aging is a natural

  17. L'état de plasma le feu de l'Univers

    CERN Document Server

    Lehner, Thierry


    Dans l'Antiquité, les Grecs considéraient que les constituants du monde dérivaient de quatre éléments essentiels : la terre, l'eau, l'air et le feu. Il n'est pas difficile de voir dans les trois premiers l'équivalent de nos états solide, liquide et gazeux. Mais l'état physique le plus répandu dans l'Univers - correspondant au feu des Anciens - n'est apparu que récemment et n'a été reconnu par la communauté des physiciens qu'en 1928 : c'est le plasma. Cet état très étrange - gazeux, électrique, lumineux, impalpable - reste le plus exotique et le plus inattendu. Il a donné naissance aux trois autres états puisque, à l'exception des éléments ultra-légers que sont l'hydrogène et l'hélium, tous ceux qui constituent notre monde (carbone, oxygène, fer, etc.) sont apparus dans ces fourneaux gigantesques, ces monstres de plasma, qu'étaient les premières étoiles. La vie elle-même en découle par ricochet, ce qui a permis de dire que nous ne sommes que des " poussières d'étoiles ". Décou...

  18. SURFS: Riding the waves with Synthetic UniveRses For Surveys (United States)

    Elahi, Pascal J.; Welker, Charlotte; Power, Chris; Lagos, Claudia del P.; Robotham, Aaron S. G.; Cañas, Rodrigo; Poulton, Rhys


    We present the Synthetic UniveRses For Surveys (SURFS) simulations, a set of N-body/Hydro simulations of the concordance Λ Cold Dark Matter (ΛCDM) cosmology. These simulations use Planck cosmology, contain up to 10 billion particles, and sample scales and halo masses down to 1 kpc and 108 M⊙. We identify and track haloes from z = 24 to today using a state-of-the-art 6D halo finder and merger tree builder. We demonstrate that certain properties of haloes merger trees are numerically converged for haloes composed of ≳100 particles. Haloes smoothly grow in mass, Vmax, with the mass history characterized by log M(a) ∝ exp [-(a/β)α], where a is the scale factor, α(M) ≈ 0.8 & β(M) ≈ 0.024, with these parameters decreasing with decreasing halo mass. Subhaloes follow power-law cumulative mass and velocity functions, i.e. n( > f) ∝ f-α with αM = 0.83 ± 0.01 and α _{V_max}=2.13± 0.03 for mass and velocity, respectively, independent of redshift, as seen in previous studies. The halo-to-halo scatter in amplitude is 0.9 dex. The number of subhaloes in a halo weakly correlates with a halo's concentration c and spin λ:haloes of high c and low λ have 60 per cent more subhaloes than similar mass haloes of low c and high λ. High cadence tracking shows subhaloes are dynamic residents, with 25 per cent leaving their host halo momentarily, becoming a backsplash subhalo, and another 20 per cent changing hosts entirely, in agreement with previous studies. In general, subhaloes have elliptical orbits, e ≈ 0.6, with periods of 2.3^{+2.1}_{-1.7} Gyrs. Subhaloes lose most of their mass at pericentric passage with mass loss rates of ˜ 40 per cent Gyr-1. These catalogues will be made publicly available.

  19. Don Quijote et Dulcinea, ou quand l’univers fictionnel interroge la réalité de l’amour

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Odile Lasserre Dempure


    Full Text Available Vaste mise en miroir d’une fiction qui n’en finit pas d’interroger son rapport ambigu au réel, le chef d’œuvre de Cervantès place le mouvement dialectique entre univers fictionnel et réalité au cœur même de son écriture. Au sein de cette dialectique, l’amour multiplement fictionnel de don Quichotte pour Dulcinée joue cependant un rôle majeur que ce travail se propose d’examiner. Lieu d’épanouissement privilégié d’un questionnement du rapport entre fiction et réalité, la mise en écriture de cet amour participe en effet de la vaste entreprise de révision des concepts menée par la pensée humaniste : c’est une exploration de la notion même d’amour, de sa réalité, de sa vérité, que permet le voyage au pays de l’amour auquel le Quichotte de Cervantès invite le lecteur.

  20. A strategy for improving public confidence of nuclear energy based on the segmentation of stake holders -Focused on Univ. Students, the Opinion Leader in the Next Generation-

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jang, Jenam


    Korea Nuclear Energy Promotion Agency(hereafter, referred as KONEPA) is a public institution established in March, 1992 to improve correct understanding of nuclear energy through development and dissemination of objective, scientific knowledge on the peaceful use of nuclear energy. KONEPA divided the targeted group into four large groups? opinion leaders, civil-social group, LOCA governments, general public/next-generation students/teachers? according to the knowledge levels of nuclear power and involvements in nuclear power plants, and implemented 'customized strategy' suited to the own characteristic of each group. Of these four groups, the next generation, focused on the 'Univ. students' will be discussed with their activities and future plans in this paper

  1. PREFACE Preface (United States)

    Takahashi, Migaku; Saito, Hitoshi; Yoshimura, Satoru; Takanashi, Koki; Sahashi, Masashi; Tsunoda, Masakiyo


    23 countries, with about 40 percent of participants attending from overseas (see figure). The program involved 4 plenary talks (45 minutes each), 37 invited talks (30 minutes), 85 contributed talks (15 minutes), and 352 posters. Pie chart Organizing Committee of ISAMMA 2010 M TakahashiTohoku Univ., Japan, Chairman K TakanashiTohoku Univ., Japan, Chair of the Program Committee H SaitoAkita Univ., Japan, Chair of the Publication Committee M SahashiTohoku Univ., Japan, Chair of the Treasury Committee M TsunodaTohoku Univ., Japan, General Secretary H AkinagaAIST, Japan H FukunagaNagasaki Univ., Japan K HonoNIMS, Japan S IshioAkita Univ., Japan S IwataNagoya Univ., Japan K NakagawaNihon Univ., Japan S NakagawaTokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan T OnoKyoto Univ., Japan Y SuzukiOsaka Univ., Japan M TanakaEhime Univ., Japan T Tanaka Univ. of Tokyo, Japan Program Committee of ISAMMA 2010 K TakanashiTohoku Univ., Japan, ChairS MizukamiTohoku Univ., Japan M MizuguchiTohoku Univ., Japan, Vice-chairH NaganumaTohoku Univ., Japan M DoiTohoku Univ., JapanS NakagawaTokyo Inst. of Tech., Japan A FujitaTohoku Univ., JapanK NakamuraTohoku Univ., Japan K IshiyamaTohoku Univ., JapanK OnoKEK, Japan T KatoNagoya Univ., JapanT OnoKyoto Univ., Japan T KawagoeOsaka Pref. Univ.of Edu., JapanF SatoTohoku Univ., Japan O KitakamiTohoku Univ., JapanM ShiraiTohoku Univ., Japan Y KitamotoTokyo Inst. of Tech., JapanS SugimotoTohoku Univ., Japan F MatsukuraTohoku Univ., JapanM YamaguchiTohoku Univ., Japan C MitsumataHitachi Metals, Japan Publication Committee of ISAMMA 2010 H SaitoAkita Univ., Japan, ChairS MitaniNIMS, Japan S YoshimuraAkita Univ., Japan, Vice-chairH MuraokaTohoku, Japan Y AndoTohoku Univ., JapanM NakanoNagasaki Univ., Japan J AriakeAIT, JapanR NakataniOsaka Univ., Japan H AsanoNagoya Univ., JapanK O'GradyUniv. of York, UK M FutamotoChuo Univ., JapanA SakumaTohoku Univ., Japan J HayakawaHitachi, ARL, JapanT SatoKeio Univ., Japan T HondaKyushu Inst. of Tech., JapanT SatoShinshu Univ., Japan M

  2. Eestlane ostis tüki USA veinitööstusest / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Skype'i endine juhtinsener Toivo Annus ostis osaluse veinitööstuses Crushpad Winery. Crushpad kaasab kliendid veinitootmisse alates viinamarjade korjamisest ning lõpetades pudelite sildistamisega. Vt. samas lühiintervjuud Toivo Annusega

  3. International Training Program on Nuclear Engineering at Kinki University

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hohara, Sin-ya; Wakabayashi, Genichiro; Yamanishi, Hirokuni; Itoh, Tetsuo


    Outline of the Training Program: • This training program is a 3-years program since 2013. • This program is conducted with 5 universities’ cooperation: Kyushu Univ., Nagoya Univ., Kyung Hee Univ., Kyoto Univ. and Kinki Univ.; • Education is provided in 3 experimental fields: Kinki Univ. Reactor: UTR-KINKI, Kyung Hee Univ. Reactor: AGN-201K, Reconstruction Support Test Field in Fukushima: RSTF; • The language used in the program is English which is not mother tongue for neither Japanese nor Korean students

  4. Freva - Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework for Scientific HPC Infrastructures in Earth System Modeling (United States)

    Kadow, C.; Illing, S.; Schartner, T.; Grieger, J.; Kirchner, I.; Rust, H.; Cubasch, U.; Ulbrich, U.


    The Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework (Freva - is a software infrastructure for standardized data and tool solutions in Earth system science (e.g., Freva runs on high performance computers to handle customizable evaluation systems of research projects, institutes or universities. It combines different software technologies into one common hybrid infrastructure, including all features present in the shell and web environment. The database interface satisfies the international standards provided by the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). Freva indexes different data projects into one common search environment by storing the meta data information of the self-describing model, reanalysis and observational data sets in a database. This implemented meta data system with its advanced but easy-to-handle search tool supports users, developers and their plugins to retrieve the required information. A generic application programming interface (API) allows scientific developers to connect their analysis tools with the evaluation system independently of the programming language used. Users of the evaluation techniques benefit from the common interface of the evaluation system without any need to understand the different scripting languages. The integrated web-shell (shellinabox) adds a degree of freedom in the choice of the working environment and can be used as a gate to the research projects HPC. Plugins are able to integrate their e.g. post-processed results into the database of the user. This allows e.g. post-processing plugins to feed statistical analysis plugins, which fosters an active exchange between plugin developers of a research project. Additionally, the history and configuration sub-system stores every analysis performed with the evaluation system in a database. Configurations and results of the tools can be shared among scientists via shell or web system. Furthermore, if configurations match

  5. Freva - Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework for Scientific Infrastructures in Earth System Modeling (United States)

    Kadow, Christopher; Illing, Sebastian; Kunst, Oliver; Schartner, Thomas; Kirchner, Ingo; Rust, Henning W.; Cubasch, Ulrich; Ulbrich, Uwe


    The Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework (Freva - is a software infrastructure for standardized data and tool solutions in Earth system science. Freva runs on high performance computers to handle customizable evaluation systems of research projects, institutes or universities. It combines different software technologies into one common hybrid infrastructure, including all features present in the shell and web environment. The database interface satisfies the international standards provided by the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). Freva indexes different data projects into one common search environment by storing the meta data information of the self-describing model, reanalysis and observational data sets in a database. This implemented meta data system with its advanced but easy-to-handle search tool supports users, developers and their plugins to retrieve the required information. A generic application programming interface (API) allows scientific developers to connect their analysis tools with the evaluation system independently of the programming language used. Users of the evaluation techniques benefit from the common interface of the evaluation system without any need to understand the different scripting languages. Facilitation of the provision and usage of tools and climate data automatically increases the number of scientists working with the data sets and identifying discrepancies. The integrated web-shell (shellinabox) adds a degree of freedom in the choice of the working environment and can be used as a gate to the research projects HPC. Plugins are able to integrate their e.g. post-processed results into the database of the user. This allows e.g. post-processing plugins to feed statistical analysis plugins, which fosters an active exchange between plugin developers of a research project. Additionally, the history and configuration sub-system stores every analysis performed with the evaluation system in a database

  6. Cloud Computing: Virtual Clusters, Data Security, and Disaster Recovery (United States)

    Hwang, Kai

    Dr. Kai Hwang is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Director of Internet and Cloud Computing Lab at the Univ. of Southern California (USC). He received the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Univ. of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining USC, he has taught at Purdue Univ. for many years. He has also served as a visiting Chair Professor at Minnesota, Hong Kong Univ., Zhejiang Univ., and Tsinghua Univ. He has published 8 books and over 210 scientific papers in computer science/engineering.

  7. Experimental nuclear physics: Progress report, September 1986-July 1987

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamilton, J.H.


    The research activities of the experimental nuclear structure group at Vanderbilt University carried out under Contract AS05-76ER05034 with the Department of Energy for the period September 1986 to July 1987 are reported here. Research continues in the areas of (1) in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy including cooperations with scientists at Oak Ridge, Univ. of Rochester, Univ. of Koeln, Louisiana State Univ., Univ. of Florida, Idaho Falls, and Univ. of Notre Dame; (2) studies of nuclei far from stability at UNISOR and at the recoil mass spectrometer at the University of Rochester; (3) nucleon transfer reaction and fusion-fission studies with scientists at ORNL, Argonne National Laboratory, Univ. of Michigan, and University of Kansas; (4) theoretical studies with scientists at Univ. Frankfurt, Univ. Tuebingen, Univ. Lund, Brookhaven, Lawrence Berkeley, and ORNL; (5) other studies. In general, abstracts of papers published or submitted for publication in this period make up this report along with brief reports of work in process and complete copies of a few conference papers

  8. Les villes-ports, laboratoires de la mondialisation


    DUCRUET , César


    Madeleine BROCARD, Univ. du Havre Jacques CHARLIER, Univ. Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique) Denise PUMAIN, Univ. Paris I Sorbonne Brian SLACK, Univ. Concordia (Canada) Pierre THOREZ, Univ. du Havre; More than other cities, port cities must constantly adapt to a rapidly changing international trade environment. This adaptation is spurred by their ties to both maritime and land networks and by specific spatio-functional relations between cities and ports, from the local to the global level. For compa...

  9. Advances in mathematical economics

    CERN Document Server

    Yamazaki, Akira


    A lot of economic problems can be formulated as constrained optimizations and equilibration of their solutions. Various mathematical theories have been supplying economists with indispensable machineries for these problems arising in economic theory. Conversely, mathematicians have been stimulated by various mathematical difficulties raised by economic theories. The series is designed to bring together those mathematicians who are seriously interested in getting new challenging stimuli from economic theories with those economists who are seeking effective mathematical tools for their research. The editorial board of this series comprises the following prominent economists and mathematicians: Managing Editors: S. Kusuoka (Univ. Tokyo), T. Maruyama (Keio Univ.). Editors: R. Anderson (U.C. Berkeley), C. Castaing (Univ. Montpellier), F.H. Clarke (Univ. Lyon I), G. Debreu (U.C. Berkeley), E. Dierker (Univ. Vienna), D. Duffie (Stanford Univ.), L.C. Evans (U.C. Berkeley), T. Fujimoto (Okayama Univ.), J.-M. Grandmont...

  10. Global Emerging Sciences and Technology Assessment (United States)


    Auckland (New Zealand), and University of Western Australia—all of those in no particular order. Comparing this data to the list from 5 years ago, the...China) (88), University of Auckland (94), and Nagoya University (99). Five years ago there were only 15 Asia/Pacific institutions on the list, the...Univ. of New South Wales (29), Peking Univ. (35), Univ. of Auckland (38), KAIST (40), Monash Univ. (45), Hong Kong Polytechnic (49), with the remaining

  11. Source Hierarchy List. Volume 2. E through N (United States)



  12. Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems and their Finite Dimensional Analogues. (United States)


    Rolla ____t___e ___o, __.Paul Steen Cornell Univ.Andrew Szeri Cornell Univ. ByEdriss Titi Univ. of Chicago _Distributi-on/ -S. Tsaltas Unvcrsity of...Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 Edriss Titi University of Chicago Dept. of Mathematics 5734 S. University Ave.Chicago, IL 60637 Spiros Tsaltas Dept

  13. Shahat et al., Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2017) 14(2):161 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The obtained dry extract was weighed and the percentage yield was expressed in terms of air dried weight of plant materials. Material for Antimicrobials. The bacterial, fungal and yeast strains were personally obtained from the microbiology Lab, Botany Dept.,. Fac. of Sci. (Al- Azhar Univ. Assiut, Assiut Univ. and Minia Univ.).

  14. Navy-ASEE Summer Faculty Research Program. Navy-ASEE Sabbatical Leave Program. (United States)


    University Arnall Physical Therapy N. Arizona Univ. I Azimi-Sadjadi Elec. Eng. Colorado St. Univ. Baird Chem. Univ. of Alabama in Huntsville I Bandy Mech...provide the framework for the analysis of data in magneto -optics and on tunneling structures for a number of years. Dr. Bilal M. Ayyub Associate

  15. Navy/ASEE (American Society for Engineering Education) Summer Faculty Research Program, 1985. (United States)



  16. On the Issue of a Narrow Dating of the Manuscript of the Treaties De Cerimoniis Aulae Byzantinae (Leipzig, Univ. Bibl. Rep. I 17

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marina A. Kurysheva


    Full Text Available The paper offers new arguments for the more exact dating – autumn-winter of 963 – of the manuscript of the treatise De cerimoniis aulae byzantinae (Leipzig, Univ. Bibl. Rep. I 17. At the end of the list of the tombs of the emperors in the Mausoleum of Constantine the Great in the Church of the Holy Apostles, included in this compilation treatise, the scribe missed three empty lines. The last emperor in the list of buried emperors is Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus; there is no sarcophagus of his son Roman II, known from the later lists of tombs. The list ends with a mention of the “small sarcophagus” (τὸ λαρνάκιον; and there is no indication, whether there was someone buried there. Judging by the chronicles of Yahya of Antioch and Leo Deacon, as well as The Brief History by Michael Psellos, since the death of Emperor Roman II there was a constant danger of the liquidation of his children – Basil, Constantine and Anna. Apparently, this small coffin was prepared for them, and the scribe of the codex left a place to finish the final distribution of the last representatives of the imperial house in the mausoleum. However, all the children saved their lives, and three blank lines in the manuscript were never filled. Consequently, the manuscript was already completed after August 16, 963, and it is unlikely that the work on it was completed much later than the autumn-winter of 963.

  17. The Shock and Vibration Digest. Volume 14, Number 12 (United States)


    and A.D. Tran School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Nuclear Engrg., Key Words: Beams, Sandwich structures, Damped structures, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman ...Reddy * Dept. of Mech. Engrg., Univ. of Adelaide, Adelaide, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman , OK 73019, Rept. No. South Australia, Australia, J. Sound Vib...T.E ............. 1686 Smalley, A.J ............ 1810 Spector, J .............. 1760 Shovlin, M.D ............. 308 Smallwood , D.O .......... 2018

  18. Mida tohib ja mida ei tohi teha teadlane / Toivo Maimets ; intervjueerinud Raivo Juurak

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Maimets, Toivo, 1957-


    Intervjuu Tartu Ülikooli Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituudi direktori, UNESCO rahvusvahelise bioeetika komitee aseesimehe professori Toivo Maimetsaga. Samas ka Oxfordi ülikooli professorist Richard Dawkinist

  19. Reserve Component Manpower Readiness and Mobilization Policy. Volume 2. Based on the Colloquium on Mobilization with Special Emphasis on Guard and Reserve Components, 1-4 November 1983 (United States)


    of Liberal Arts Rand Graduate Institute Syracuse Univ., College of Arts & Sciences Texas ASM Univ., College of Liberal Arts Tulane Univ., School of...and actuarial factors. Because tne Services have inadequate ,»rsonnel management data on the Reserve retiree population, inventory changes are...Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Office of the DoD Actuary and the respective service FY84-88 Program Objective Memorandum (POM). K/« cjr

  20. Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE: Engaging Underrepresented Students in Physics and Astronomy (United States)

    Rudolph, Alexander L.; Smecker-Hane, Tammy A.; Cal-Bridge Team; CAMPARE Team


    We describe two programs, Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE, with the common mission of increasing participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in astronomy, through summer research opportunities, in the case of CAMPARE, scholarships in the case of Cal-Bridge, and significant mentoring in both programs, creating a national impact on their numbers successfully pursuing a PhD in the field. In 9 years, the CAMPARE program has sent 150 students, >80% from underrepresented groups, to conduct summer research at one of 14 major research institutions throughout the country. Of the CAMPARE scholars who have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree, almost two-thirds (65%) have completed or are pursuing graduate education in physics, astronomy, or a related field, at institutions including UCLA, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, USC, Stanford, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Rochester, Michigan State Univ., Georgia Tech, Georgia State Univ., Kent State, Indiana Univ., Univ. of Oregon, Syracuse Univ., Montana State Univ., and the Fisk- Vanderbilt Master’s-to-PhD program. Now in its fourth year, the Cal-Bridge program is a CSU-UC Bridge program comprised of physics and astronomy faculty from 9 University of California (UC), 15 California State University (CSU), and more than 30 California Community College (CCC) campuses throughout California. In the first four years, 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars have been selected, including 22 Hispanic, 3 African-American and 13 women students, 10 of whom are from URM groups. Thirty (30) of the 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars are first generation college students. In the last three years, 17 of 21 Cal-Bridge Scholars have begun or been accepted PhD programs in physics or astronomy at top PhD programs nationally. Three (3) of these scholars have won NSF Graduate Research Fellowships; one more received an Honorable Mention. Once selected, Cal-Bridge Scholars benefit from substantial financial support, intensive, joint mentoring by CSU

  1. Eestlased rahastavad Venemaa arvutimänguäri / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Allan Martinsonile ja Joakim Heleniusele kuuluv riskikapitalifond MartinsonTrigon investeeris koos partneritega Venemaa suurimasse arvutimängude tootja- ja levifirmasse Novõi Disk 200 miljonit krooni, Skype'i endine juhtinsener Toivo Annus paigutas kaks miljonit dollarit Singapuri tarkvarafirmasse Garena

  2. Organization of the Integrated Photonics Topical Meeting Held in Victoria, British Columbia on 30 March-1 April 1998. Technical Digest Series. Volume 4. Postconference Edition (United States)


    Pesquera, N. Mustafa, Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Spain; I. Esquivias, Univ. Politecnica de Madrid, Spain. We show that carrier transport has...Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria, Spain; J. Dellunde, Univ. Barcelona, Spain; K.A. Shore, Univ. Wales, U.K. Low mode partition noise of solitary multi...Continuous-wave measurement of the fiber nonlinear Index, D. Monzon, A.N. Starodumov.Yu.O. Barmenkov, I. Torres, Centro de Investigaciones en Optica

  3. 771 Moi Univer

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Sep 21, 2015 ... and landfills, reuse and recycling of solid waste, willingness to pay for waste disposal, and enhanced good rapport ... of air, soil, water, clogging of drains and creation of ... due to lack of knowledge and awareness about SWM.

  4. Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE: Engaging Underrepresented Students in Physics and Astronomy (United States)

    Rudolph, Alexander L.; Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE Teams


    We describe two programs, Cal-Bridge and CAMPARE, with the common mission of increasing participation of groups traditionally underrepresented in astronomy, through summer research opportunities, in the case of CAMPARE, scholarships in the case of Cal-Bridge, and significant mentoring in both programs, creating a national impact on their numbers successfully pursuing a PhD in the field.In 8 years, the CAMPARE program has sent 112 students, >80% from underrepresented groups, to conduct summer research at one of 14 major research institutions throughout the country. Of the CAMPARE scholars who have graduated with a Bachelor’s degree, almost two-thirds (65%) have completed or are pursuing graduate education in physics, astronomy, or a related field, at institutions including UCLA, UC Riverside, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, USC, Stanford, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Rochester, Michigan State Univ., Georgia Tech, Georgia State Univ., Kent State, Indiana Univ., Univ. of Oregon, Syracuse Univ., Montana State Univ., and the Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-PhD program.Now entering its fourth year, the Cal-Bridge program is a CSU-UC Bridge program comprised of >140 physics and astronomy faculty from 9 University of California (UC), 15 California State University (CSU), and 30 California Community College (CCC) campuses throughout California. In the first four years, 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars have been selected, including 22 Hispanic, 3 African-American and 13 women students, 10 of whom are from URM groups. Thirty (30) of the 34 Cal-Bridge Scholars are first generation college students. In the last two years, 11 of 13 Cal-Bridge Scholars have begun PhD programs in physics or astronomy at top PhD programs nationally. Three (3) of these 11 scholars have won NSF Graduate Research Fellowships; one more received an Honorable Mention. The next cohort applies this fall.Cal-Bridge provides much deeper mentoring and professional development experiences over the last

  5. Academic Training: 2nd Term - 09.01.2006 - 31.03.2006

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    2005 - 2006 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES The world quantum matter by M. Weidemüller, Univ. Freiburg, D 23, 24, 25, 26 January 11:00 -1200 - Auditorium, bldg 500 Deep space telescopes by G. Bignami, CNRS, Toulouse, F 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 February 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, bldg 500 Bioinformatics: analysing the genome by V. Jongeneel, O. Michielin, S. Antonorakis A. Thomas and P. Descombes 27, 28 February, 1, 2, 3 March11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, bldg 500 LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challengesby A. de Roeck,CERN-PH, D. Bortoletto, Purdue Univ. USA R. Wigmans, Texas Tech. Univ. USA, W. Riegler, CERN-AT, W. Smith, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA 13, 14, 15, 16, March 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, bldg 500 Supersymmetry and the LHC by M. Drees, Univ. of Bonn, D 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 March 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, bldg 500 The lectures are open to all those interested, without application. The abstract of the lectures, as well as any change to the above information (title, dates, time, place etc.) will be...

  6. Nuclear I and C research and education under UNENE program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jiang, J.


    Univ. Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering (UNENE) is a not-for-profit organization. It is a unique industry - Univ. alliance in carrying out research to support Canadian nuclear industries. At this time, there are six major research areas in this network. One of them is Control, Instrumentation, and Electrical Systems for Nuclear Power plants. In this paper, a brief description of the structure and research activities of nuclear I and C at the Univ. of Western Ontario is provided. (authors)

  7. Test

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bendixen, Carsten


    Bidrag med en kortfattet, introducerende, perspektiverende og begrebsafklarende fremstilling af begrebet test i det pædagogiske univers.......Bidrag med en kortfattet, introducerende, perspektiverende og begrebsafklarende fremstilling af begrebet test i det pædagogiske univers....

  8. University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy (United States)


    Thornton, Scott Sheppard, and Wei-Hao Wang. Visiting colleagues included Marcelo Emilio , Miwa Go- to, Olivier Guyon, Masatoshi Imanishi, Roland Meier...Univ. Nevada, Las Vegas ), and C. Deliyannis (Indiana Univ.). Spectroscopic observations at high spectral resolu- tion of unevolved stars in globular

  9. Academic Training: Physics technologies in medicine

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise benz


    24, 25, 26, 27 January 2004-2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 Physics technologies in medicine M. GILARDI / Univ. of Milano, I. - U. AMALDI / Univ. of Milano Bicocca and TERA Foundation - M. SCHOLZ / GSI, Darmstadt, D. - O. JÄKEL / Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, D Monday 24 January The frontiers of medical imaging M. GILARDI / Univ. of Milano, I. Tuesday 25 January From the discovery of X-rays to CT/PET diagnostics and conformal radiation therapy U. AMALDI / Univ. of Milano Bicocca and TERA Foundation Wednesday 26 January The increased biological effectiveness of heavy charged particle radiation: from cell culture experiments to biophysics modelling M. SCHOLZ / GSI, Darmstadt, D. Thursday 27 January Medical Physics aspects of radiotherapy with ions O. JÄKEL / Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, D The lectures are open to all those interested, without application. The abstract of the lectures...

  10. Interfacial Effects and Organization of Inorganic-Organic Composite Solids. (United States)


    alkoxide are examined by liquid state 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance)NMR) spectroscopy. The morphology of the coating is dependent upon chemical...Lopez, Univ de Malaga, Dept d* Quimica Inorganica, CnatalograAa It Mineralogia Malaga, SPAIN; Deborah Jones, Univ de Montpellier II, Lab dei

  11. Le LHC, un tunnel cosmique

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Et si la lumière au bout du tunnel du LHC était cosmique ? En d’autres termes, qu’est-ce que le LHC peut nous apporter dans la connaissance de l’Univers ? Car la montée en énergie des accélérateurs de particules nous permet de mieux appréhender l’univers primordial, chaud et dense. Mais dans quel sens dit-on que le LHC reproduit des conditions proches du Big bang ? Quelles informations nous apporte-t-il sur le contenu de l’Univers ? La matière noire est-elle détectable au LHC ? L’énergie noire ? Pourquoi l’antimatière accumulée au CERN est-elle si rare dans l’Univers ? Et si le CERN a bâti sa réputation sur l’exploration des forces faibles et fortes qui opèrent au sein des atomes et de leurs noyaux, est-ce que le LHC peut nous apporter des informations sur la force gravitationnelle qui gouverne l’évolution cosmique ? Depuis une trentaine d’années, notre compréhension de l’univers dans ses plus grandes dimensions et l’appréhension de son comportement aux plus peti...

  12. Conference on the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (3rd) (United States)


    TREATMENT IN PARADOXICAL SLEEP I. Portell-Cortes, DEPRIVATION PLATFORMS IN RATS . Norpdo-Bernal Area do Psicobiologia Dept. de Psicologia do la Salut Univ...Ignacio Morgado-Bernal Dr. Georges Moroz Area de Psicobiologia CNS Development Psicologia do la Salud CIBA-GEIGY Corp. Univ. Autonoma do Barcelona DEV

  13. The Shock and Vibration Digest. Volume 13, Number 5 (United States)


    Efficiency Method J.R. Willis R.K. Jeyapalan and P.E. Doak School of Mathematics, Bath Univ., Claverton Down, Inst. Sound Vib. Res., Univ. of Southampton S09...Grossman, D.T ............ 947 Jepson, D ............... 873 Lew, H.S ............... 1158 Guex, L ................ 974 Jeyapalan , R.K.......... 1047 Lewis

  14. Protohistoric ceramics of Dwarka and Bet Dwarka

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Gaur, A.S; Sundaresh; Gudigar, P; Tripati, S

    stream_size 7 stream_content_type text/plain stream_name Role_Univ_Res_Inst_Mar_Archaeol_1992_165.pdf.txt stream_source_info Role_Univ_Res_Inst_Mar_Archaeol_1992_165.pdf.txt Content-Encoding ISO-8859-1 Content-Type text.../plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 ...

  15. Religion til Hverdag

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Christensen, Dorthe Refslund


    Live rollespil er ikke religion men rollespillet bruges ofte hvor man ellers ville bruge religionens univers fx til mytologisering og ritualisering Udgivelsesdato: september......Live rollespil er ikke religion men rollespillet bruges ofte hvor man ellers ville bruge religionens univers fx til mytologisering og ritualisering Udgivelsesdato: september...

  16. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Physics Technologies in Medicine

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    10, 11, 12, 13, 14 June LECTURE SERIES from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Auditorium, bldg. 500 Physics Technologies in Medicine by G. K. Von Schulthess / Univ. of Zürich, S. Wildermuth, A. Buck / Univ. Hospital Zürich, K. Jäger / Univ. Hospital Basel, R. Kreis / Univ. Hospital Bern Modern medicine is a large consumer of physics technologies. The series of lectures covers medical imaging starting with an overview and the history of medical imaging. Then follows four lectures covering x-ray imaging positron emission tomography imaging blood flow by ultrasound magnetic resonance Monday 10 June 100 Years of Medical Imaging Pr. Gustav K. von Schulthess MD, PhD / University of Zurich History and overview of Medical Imaging Tuesday 11 June X-rays: still going strong Dr. Simon Wildermuth / MD, University Hospital Zurich Multidetector computed tomography: New developments and applications Wednesday 12 June Nuclear Medicine: PET Positron Emission Tomography Dr. Alfred Buck / MD, MSc, University...

  17. ACADEMIC TRAINING: Physics Technologies in Medecine

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    10, 11, 12, 13, 14 June LECTURE SERIES from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Auditorium, bldg. 500 Physics Technologies in Medecine by G. K. Von Schulthess / Univ. of Zürich, S. Wildermuth, A. Buck / Univ. Hospital Zürich, K. Jäger / Univ. Hospital Basel, R. Kreis / Univ. Hospital Bern Modern medicine is a large consumer of physics technologies. The series of lectures covers medical imaging starting with an overview and the history of medical imaging. Then follows four lectures covering x-ray imaging positron emission tomography imaging blood flow by ultrasound magnetic resonance Monday 10 June 100 Years of Medical Imaging Pr. Gustav K. von Schulthess MD, PhD / University of Zurich History and overview of Medical Imaging Tuesday 11 June X-rays: still going strong Dr. Simon Wildermuth / MD, University Hospital Zurich Multidetector computed tomography: New developments and applications Wednesday 12 June Nuclear Medicine: PET Positron Emission Tomography Dr. Alfred Buck / MD, MSc, University...

  18. ACADEMIC TRAINING Physics Technologies in Medicine

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    10, 11, 12, 13, 14 June LECTURE SERIES from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Auditorium, bldg. 500 Physics Technologies in Medicine by G. K. Von Schulthess / Univ. of Z rich, S. Wildermuth, A. Buck / Univ. Hospital Z rich, K. Jäger / Univ. Hospital Basel, R. Kreis / Univ. Hospital Bern Modern medicine is a large consumer of physics technologies. The series of lectures covers medical imaging starting with an overview and the history of medical imaging. Then follows four lectures covering x-ray imaging positron emission tomography imaging blood flow by ultrasound magnetic resonance Monday 10 June 100 Years of Medical Imaging Pr. Gustav K. von Schulthess MD, PhD / University of Zurich History and overview of Medical Imaging Tuesday 11 June X-rays: still going strong Dr. Simon Wildermuth / MD, University Hospital Zurich Multidetector computed tomography: New developments and applications Wednesday 12 June Nuclear Medicine: PET Positron Emission Tomography Dr. Alfred Buck / MD, MSc, University Hospital Zurich Elucidati...

  19. The Importance of Reggae Music in the Worldwide Cultural Universe «L'importance de la musique Reggae dans l'univers culturel mondial»

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jérémie Kroubo Dagnini


    Full Text Available Lorsque le reggae émergea à la fin des années 1960, il eut un impact culturel considérable non seulement à la Jamaïque, mais à travers le monde. Le reggae a influencé les sociétés du monde entier, contribuant au développement de nouveaux mouvements contre-culturels, en particulier en Europe, aux États-Unis et en Afrique. En effet, à la fin des années 1960, il concourut à la naissance du mouvement skinhead au Royaume-Uni. Dans les années 1970, il eut un impact certain sur les cultures punk rock/ pop occidentales et inspira les premiers rappeurs aux États-Unis. Enfin, depuis la fin des années 1970, il influence également de nombreux chanteurs originaires d’Afrique, Alpha Blondy, Tiken Jah Fakoly et Lucky Dube étant de parfaits exemples. Ainsi, cet essai se propose d’étudier l’impact du reggae jamaïcain dans l’univers culturel mondial, notamment en Europe, aux États-Unis et en Afrique.When reggae emerged in the late 1960s, it came as a cultural bombshell not only to Jamaica but the whole world. Reggae has influenced societies throughout the world, contributing to the development of new counterculture movements, particularly in Europe, in the USA and Africa. Indeed, by the end of the 1960s, it participated in the birth of the skinhead movement in the UK. In the 1970s, it impacted on Western punk rock/ pop cultures and inspired the first rappers in the USA. Finally, since the late 1970s onwards, it has also influenced singers originating from Africa, Alpha Blondy, Tiken Jah Fakoly and Lucky Dube being perfect examples. Thus, my paper will examine the impact of Jamaican reggae music on the worldwide cultural universe, especially on Europe, the USA and Africa.

  20. The Shock and Vibration Digest. Volume 16, Number 6 (United States)


    Meuurement of Rigid Body Modes for Dynamic Deagn N. Okuboand T. Furukawa CAMAL Chuo Univ., Tokyo, Japan, Intl. Modal Analysis Conf., Proc. 2nd, Orlando... CAMAL , Chuo Univ., Tokyo, Japan, Intl. VV :ä\\ Analysis Conf., Proc. 2nd, Orlando, FL, Feh ö-Q. 1984, Spons. by Union College

  1. Biophysics of Water: A Working Conference. (United States)


    R.J.W. Hefford Royal Free Hospital Unilever Research London, England Port Sunlight, England C. Gabriel H.C. Hempling Queens College Med. Univ. of...Goodfellow J.F. Holzwarth Birkbeck College F. Haber Inst. Berlin London, England Berlin, W. Germany G.W. Gould E. Hagelberg Unilever Research Univ. of

  2. Prof. T. S. Sadasivan | History | About IASc | Indian Academy of ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Career: Univ. of Lucknow, Dept. of Botany: Demonstrator 40-41; Fruit and Vegetable Preservation Lab., Lyaupur: Microbiologist 41-44; Univ. of Madras, Centre for Ad-vanced Studies in Botany: Director/Prof. 44-73; CSIR, Plant-based Lab.: Consultant 73-76; Birbal Sahni Professor, Lucknow 77-80; Vidyashram, Kodaikanal: ...

  3. Tõeline modernist Allan Murdmaa / Toivo Tammik, Arne Maasik, Martin Pedanik, Heie Treier ; intervjueerinud Reet Varblane

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Allan Murdmaast (4. 08. 1934-15. 11. 2009) vestlevad 18. novembril Arhitektuuri- ja Disainigaleriis avatud Allan Murdmaa näituse ja raamatu "Monumentaalne : Allan Murdmaa" autorid arhitektid Toivo Tammik ja Arne Maasik ning graafiline disainer Martin Pedanik, lisaks kunstiteadlane Heie Treier

  4. Minute Ventilation Limitations of Two Field Transport Ventilators. (United States)

    Szpisjak, Dale F; Horn, Gregory; Shalov, Samuel; Abes, Alvin Angelo; Van Decar, Lauren


    Knowledge of transport ventilator performance impacts patient safety. This study compared minute ventilation (V E ) of the MOVES and Uni-Vent 731 when ventilating the VentAid Training Test Lung with compliance (C) ranging from 0.02 to 0.10 L/cm H 2 O and three different airway resistances (R) (none, Rp5, or Rp20). Tidal volume (V T ) was 800 ± 25 mL. Respiratory rate was increased to ventilator's maximum or until auto-PEEP > 5 cm H 2 O. Respiratory parameters were recorded with the RSS 100HR Research Pneumotach. Data were reported as median (interquartile range). Peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) of the Uni-Vent and MOVES ranged from 22.3 (22.2-22.5) to 82.6 (82.2-83.2) and 20.8 (20.6-20.9) to 50.6 (50.2-50.9) cm H 2 O, respectively. V E of the Uni-Vent and MOVES ranged from 17.7 (17.7-17.7) to 31.5 (31.5-31.5) and 11.3 (10.5-11.3) to 20.2 (19.7-20.5) L/min, respectively. Linear regression demonstrated strong, negative correlation of V E with PIP for the MOVES (V E [L/min] = 26 - 0.31 × PIP [cm H 2 O], r = -0.97) but weak, positive correlation for the Uni-Vent (r = 0.05). Uni-Vent V E exceeded MOVES V E under each test condition (p = 0.0002). If patient V E requirements exceed those predicted by the MOVES regression equation, then using the Uni-Vent should be considered. Reprint & Copyright © 2017 Association of Military Surgeons of the U.S.

  5. Bienvenue dans l'Univers

    CERN Document Server

    Pinesi, Jean


    Revolution in the cosmos: our Universe seems to be only one part of a greater space! And it seems to be born a long time before the Big Bang. A new theory, called of "strings" open the doors of the prehistory of the Universe

  6. Optimal Simulations by Butterfly Networks: Extended Abstract, (United States)


    Typescript , Univ. of Massachusetts; submitted for nublication. 1_2.2 Ll, - W 12. ifliU 1.8 UI1.25 . l i I 61 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL...1987): An optimal mapping of the FFT algorithm onto the tlypercube architecture. Typescript , Univ. of Massachusetts; submitted for publication. (HR I

  7. Monitoring of water resources using satellite information: Applications of MOD16 evapotranspiration

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Jovanovic, Nebojsa


    Full Text Available , Argentina 4Estadística y Biometría, Facultad Ciencias Agropecuarias, Av Valparaiso S/N, Campus Univ. Nacional de Córdoba, C.P 5000, Argentina 5CETA, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas Exactas y Naturales, Av Filloy S/N, Campus Univ. Nacional de Córdoba, C...

  8. Pramana – Journal of Physics | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    ... Cagliari, Italy; IPN, Univ. de Paris-Sud and CNRS-IN2P3, Orsay, France; Università del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria and INFN-Torino, Italy; INR, Moscow, Russia; Also at Fac. Physics and Nuclear Techniques, Univ. Mining and Metallurgy, Cracow, Poland; CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ...

  9. The Physics and Chemistry of carbides, Nitrides and Borides. Volume 185 (United States)


    Mater. Sci. Engng., 27, 83. [5) Grathwohl, G., Reets, T.H. and Thummler, F. (1981) Sci. Ceram., 11, 425. [6) Djemel, A., Cadoz , J. and Philibert, J...Monatsh 3, 49-55. 28. Jepps, N. W. (1979), Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. Cambridge, UK. 29. Gauther, J.P. (1978), Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Claude Bernard

  10. Kuidas vormitakse meistreid? / Terje Jaksen, Kristi Tiido, Toivo Pärnapuu ; intervjueerinud Liina Liiv

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Jaksen, Terje


    2.–5. oktoobrini toimusid Prantsusmaal Lille’i linnas Euroopa kutsemeistrivõistlused „EuroSkills 2014”. Oma mõtteid juhendamisest ja võistlemistest jagasid koka eriala ekspert Kristi Tiido Tallinna teeninduskoolist, ehitusviimistluse eriala ekspert Terje Jaksen Tallinna ehituskoolist ja infotehnoloogia eriala ekspert Toivo Pärnpuu Tallinna polütehnikumist. Veebidisainer Silver Mähar võitis EuroSkillsil kuldmedali

  11. Source Hierarchy List. Volume 1. A through D (United States)



  12. Entropy as a new measure of mechanical pain sensitivity in the masseter muscle

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Castrillon, Eduardo; Sato, Hitoshi; Tanosoto, Tomohiro

    ENTROPY AS A NEW MEASURE OF MECHANICAL PAIN SENSITIVITY IN THE MASSETER MUSCLE Author Block: E. E. Castrillon1, H. Sato2,3, T. Tanosoto4, T. Arima4, L. Baad-Hansen1, P. Svensson1, 1Clinical Oral Physiology, Århus Univ., Aarhus, Denmark, 2Dept. of Dentistry & Oral Physiology, Sch. of Med., Keio Un...... injections (Pmechanical pain sensitivity that captures new aspects of spatial characteristics and could therefore complement more classical assessments of TMD pain patients.......ENTROPY AS A NEW MEASURE OF MECHANICAL PAIN SENSITIVITY IN THE MASSETER MUSCLE Author Block: E. E. Castrillon1, H. Sato2,3, T. Tanosoto4, T. Arima4, L. Baad-Hansen1, P. Svensson1, 1Clinical Oral Physiology, Århus Univ., Aarhus, Denmark, 2Dept. of Dentistry & Oral Physiology, Sch. of Med., Keio Univ......., Tokyo, Japan, 3Japan Society for the Promotion of Sci., Tokyo, Japan, 4Dept. of Oral Rehabilitation, Graduate Sch. of Dental Med., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan : Aim of Investigation: Manual palpation is a psychophysical technique to evaluate mechanical pain sensitivity in craniofacial muscles...

  13. Academic Training: 2005 - 2006 Academic Training Programme

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    1st Term : 03.10. 2005 - 16.12.2005 LECTURE SERIES Einstein's impact on the physics of the Twentieth Century by N. Straumann / Univ. Zürich, CH 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 October 11:00 -1200 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 Surviving in space: the challenges of a manned mission to Mars by L. S. Pinsky / Univ. Houston, USA 26, 27, 28 October 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 Climate change and challenges for the environment by C. Schluechter, Univ. Ber, CH 14, 15, 16 November 11:00-12:00 - TH Auditorium, Bldg 4, 3rd Floor Introduction to Cryogenic Engineering by Goran Perinic, CERN- AT 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 December 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 Predicting natural catastrophes by E. Okal, Northwestern Univ. , USA 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 December 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 The lectures are open to all those interested, without application. The abstract of the lectures, as well as any change to the above information (title, dates, time, place etc.) will be published in the CERN bulletin, the WWW, and by Notices before ea...

  14. Academic Training: 3rd Term - 01 April - 30 June 2005

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    2004 - 2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME 3rd Term - 01 April - 30 June 2005 REGULAR LECTURE PROGRAMME Monte Carlo generators fot the LHC by T. Sjostrand / CERN-PH 4, 5, 6, 7 April The LHC machine experiment interface by S. Tapprogge / Univ. Gutenberg, Mainz, D R. Assmann, CERN-AB, E. Tsesmelis and D. Macina / CERN-TS 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 April Cosmology for particle physicists by S. Carroll / Univ. of Chicago, USA 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 May The ITER projects: technological challenges by P. Bruzzone / EPFL CRPP, Zürich, CH J. Lister / EPFL CRPP, Lausanne, CH 30, 31 May, 1, 2, 3 June String theory by C. Johnson / Univ. of Southern California, USA 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 June Small may be beautiful By M. Davier / LAL, Orsay, F. T. Soldner / ILL, Grenoble, F. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 June Climate change and challenges for the environment by C. Schluchter / Univ. Bern. CH 20, 21, 22 June LECTURE SERIES FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS Particle detectors - principles and techniques by C. Joram, L. Ropelewski, M. Moll, C. ...

  15. 100 watts in a confetti; 100 watts dans un confetti

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Guezel, J.Ch.


    Technologies transferred from microelectronics will allow to build miniature power generators for portable applications. This short article gives an overview of some techniques under study: the free-piston engine of the Honeywell Technology Center, the micro-combustion system with Seebeck effect of South Carolina Univ., the hydrogen micro-turbine of the MIT, the Wankel gas micro-engine of Berkeley univ. (J.S.)

  16. On the Maximum Separation of Visual Binaries M. I. Nouh1,∗ & M. A. ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Stars, Kuiper, G. P. 1935, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific., 47(15), 12. Öpik, E. 1924, Publ. Obs. Astro. Univ. Tartu., 25, 6. Press, W. H., Teukolsky, S. A., Vetterling, W. H., Flannery, B.P. 1992, Numerical Recipes. (Cambridge Univ. Press). Reed, B. C. 1984, J. R. Astron. Soc. Can.

  17. L’échec de la magie dans le Jeu de la Feuillée


    Travieso Ganaza, Mercedes


    L'univers médiéval peut être envisagé, selon les analyses de Le Goff (1985), comme une structure tripartite : l'univers de l'ordinaire, habité par les hommes ; l'univers d'un au-delà bénéfique, occupé dans la tradition chrétienne par la divinité céleste ; et un au-delà maléfique, satanique, spatialisé dans l'Enfer. Les frontières entre l'ici-bas et l'au-delà étant perméables, c'est à l'intersection de ces mondes qu'il faudrait situer les fées du Jeu de la Feuillée d'Adam de la Halle ; leur ca...

  18. Skype'i looja tahab hüdroelektrijaama püsti panna / Toivo Tänavsuu

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Tänavsuu, Toivo


    Üks Skype'i asutajatest Toivo Annus, e-hääletuse projektijuht Tarvi Martens ning Oracle Eesti filiaalis töötav Andres Pagarand lõid firma Uus Energia ja kavatsevad panna tööle hüdroelektrijaama. Firma eesmärk on ka taastada ja väärtustada veskikultuuri. Lisa: Eesti Energial on võimsaim hüdroelektrijaam

  19. Digital Inequalities as Class Inequalities? A comparison of youth in advanced societies in-and outside Europe


    DRABOWICZ, Tomasz Piotr


    Defence date: 13 July 2012; Examining Board: Professor Jaap Dronkers (formerly EUI/Univ. Maastricht) (Supervisor); Professor Fabrizio Bernardi (EUI); Professor Monique Volman (Univ. Amsterdam); Professor Kim Weeden (Cornell University) This dissertation merges two streams of research hitherto rarely mixed together: class analysis and digital inequality studies. It also focuses on the comparative research of adolescents from advanced societies – a social category relatively underrepresented...

  20. United States Air Force Research Initiation Program for 1987. Volume 4. (United States)


    University of - 7 N. Carolina A&T State Univ. - I Dillard University - 1 N. Carolina-Greensboro, Univ - I Drury College - 1 Northwestern University - 1...Specialty: Educational Psychology Specialty: Management Science Dr. Michael Matthews Dr. Charles Lance (1986) Drury College University of Georgia...Molecular Biology of the Cell, pp 611-668, 918-947, Garland Publishing Company, Inc. New York, 1983. 2. Anderson, Colin , Manual for the Examination of

  1. European Scientific Notes. Volume 36, Number 11. (United States)


    and polyisocyanides appear to by S. Piccarolo (Univ. of Palermo , Italy) of the be unique in their behavior in solution, thermal expansion of...of solvent down polyethylenes was investigated by D. Curto an activity gradient coupled with time- (Univ. of Palermo , Italy). When the rheo- dependent...ambitious in Paris. Projects are projected to start in program for a number of reasons, which were 1983 in Pakistan, India, Colombia , and Saudi discussed

  2. Recent Naval Postgraduate School Publications. (United States)


    Univ. of Texas - Arlington. 1983. Evered, R The Falklands War: Intercultural and transcultural issues Int. Soc. of Political Psychol. Conf., Oxford Univ...OF NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (cont’d) Valenta, J Empire strikes back: Falkland Islands crisis Atlantic Allies and Discord...H; Darius R G Responding to crisis in Southwest Asia: the RDJTF and its alternatives IN R. H. Magnus and J. W. Amos: Regional reaction to the RDJTF

  3. Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe (24th) on May 29 - Jun 2, 2000 in Aegean Sea, Greece (United States)


    XI WOCSDICE 2000 Aegean Sea. Greece May 29 - June 02. 2000 Prof. Elias Muiioz Universita Politecnica de Madrid ETSI Telecomunicacion , IEL...Beaumont", and P. Gibart" ’lEL, ETSl Telecomunicacion , Univ. Politecnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040-Madrid, Spain 2CNRS-CRHEA, Pare Sophia...Gibart2 ’IEL, ETS1 Telecomunicacion , Univ. Politecnica de Madrid, Ciudad Universitaria, 28040-Madrid, Spain 2CNRS-CRHEA, Pare Sophia Antipolis

  4. La vie dans l'Univers

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Press Office. Geneva


    The Universe is indescribably huge. Can it be possible that humanity is the only form of intelligent life that exists in all this immensity? Are we really alone ? Throughout history there have been reported sightings of creatures from elsewhere. Science fiction novels and films with flying saucers and bizarre looking aliens are part of our general culture. Perhaps the Earth is really only an experiment designed by mice and soon we will all be destroyed to make way for a new interstellar highway!

  5. L'origine de l'univers

    CERN Multimedia

    Duplat, Guy


    Sixty about the most brilliant physicists in cosmology meet in Bruxelles. They want to reconcile Einstein's theory and quantic mechanic, and upset our vision of the world since the Big Bang to the borders of the universe

  6. 1 Building Department Federal Univers

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jul 27, 2014 ... investment in infrastructure the world over, close to 3 billion people, or about 40% of the world s population ... water supply, sanitation and sewerage; and public works such ... (2006) stated that one of the benchmarks used in ...

  7. Corrosion Control through a Better Understanding of the Metallic Substrate/Organic Coating/Interface. (United States)


    Cards. Each activation of the XXXX Subprogram (XXXX=SAVE, LIBR, DISP, UNIV, SEXT , or ALLO) is associated with a certain group of DATA Cards which Figure 40. The structure of the SIRIUS Data Card Package. AAAA, BBBB, .... ZZZZ replace any of SAVE, LIBR, DISP, UNIV, SEXT , ALLO. -95- respect to constraining the fitted parameters. For M6ssbauer spectra containing several sextets the SEXT subprogram can be recommended. The ALLO

  8. Program and Abstracts of the National Meeting of the Society for Leukocyte Biology (25th) Held in Washington, DC on October 27-30, 1988. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. Volume 44, Number 4 (United States)


    Servicio de Inmunologia, Univ. Autonoma. Hospital de Ia Princesa. c/Diego de Leon, 62- 28006 Madrid, Spain. 5:15 PM 68. PROTEIN KINASE C ISOTYPE...Montreal General Hospital Research Insti- Ladner. G. Martin and S. Haskill, Depts. of tute, Montreal, Canada H3G 1A4 and *Department of Micro . and...Botet and M.O. de University and UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Landazuri. Servicio de Inmunologia. Univ. Autonoma. Medical School, Piscataway, NJ 08854

  9. Mammalian complex I: A regulable and vulnerable pacemaker in mitochlondrial respiratory function

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Papa, S.; De Rasmo, D.; Scacco, S.; Signorile, A.; Dobrová, Zuzana; Palmisano, G.; Sardanelli, A. M.; Papa, F.; Panelli, D.; Scaringi, R.; Santeramo, A.


    Roč. 1777, 7-8 (2008), s. 719-728 ISSN 0005-2728 Grant - others:IT(IT) National Project on "Molecular Mechanisms, Physiology and Pathology of Membrane Bioenergetics System" 2005-Ministero dell Istruzione, Univ. Ricerca, Italy, Res. grant Univ. Bari, Research Foundation cassa di Risparmio di Puglia Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50200510 Keywords : complex I * proton pump * mitochondrial import Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 4.447, year: 2008

  10. Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Pribadi dan Semangat Kewirausahaan Mahasiswa di Jember


    Hidayah, Tamriatin; Sulaksono, Hary


    Entrepreneurship education will be integrated into the education system has the potential to support economic growth. Sector of entrepreneur should start to grow, not only for the general public, but also among the students. On the other side, there were many differences in the Personal Entrepreneurial Competency (PEC) among students between state univer-sities and private universities. Target of research was description potency and intention of student in private university and state univers...

  11. Aux frontières de l'astrophysique et de la philosophie entre infiniment grand et infiniment petit

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    « L’Univers est en changement. Nous ne sommes pas des étrangers dans l’Univers : les récentes découvertes en astrophysique apportent la preuve de notre lien étroit avec tout ce qui brille dans le ciel ». par Hubert Reeves Conférence en français – Traduction simultanée en anglais À vos agendas ! Hubert Reeves, astrophysicien, philosophe et grand communicateur, est de retour au Globe de la science et de l’innovation, deux ans après la découverte du boson de Higgs au CERN, pour parler des frontières de la physique, de l’astronomie et de la philosophie. Si vous vous êtes déjà demandé dans quelle mesure cette découverte a changé notre connaissance de l’Univers et renforcé le lien entre le monde infinime...

  12. Academic Training: Physics technologies in medicine

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    24, 25, 26, 27 January 2004-2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES from 11.00 to 12.00 hrs - Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 Physics technologies in medicine M. GILARDI / Univ. of Milano, I. - U. AMALDI / Univ. of Milano Bicocca and TERA Foundation - M. SCHOLZ / GSI, Darmstadt, D. - O. JÄKEL / Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, D Monday 24 January The frontiers of medical imaging M. GILARDI / Univ. of Milano, I. The lecture will deal with the evolution of diagnostic imaging techniques, focussing on tomographic methods (x rays Computerized Tomography, CT, Magnetic Resonance Imaging. MRI, Positron Emission Tomography, PET). The physical parameters characterizing the performance of current generation scanners and their potential future improvement will be discussed. The clinical diagnostic value of multi modal imaging and the relevance of image fusion to image guided radiotherapy will be also presented. Tuesday 25 January From the discovery of X-rays to CT/PET diagnostics and co...

  13. Y a-t-il eu un instant zéro ?

    CERN Document Server

    Klein, Etienne


    D'où vient l'univers ? Et d'où vient même qu'il y ait un univers ? Aura-t-il une fin ? Pourquoi les humains y sont-ils apparus ? Si ces questions nous obsèdent depuis toujours, celle de l'origine demeure la plus mystérieuse, la plus vertigineuse, d'où la profusion de discours — mythologiques, religieux ou philosophiques — qui tentent d'y répondre. C'est grâce à la science, aux découvertes de Newton, Galilée, Edwin Hubble, Alexandre Friedmann et Georges Lemaître, qu'on peut retracer le grand récit de l'univers, remonter son histoire à 13,7 milliards d'années, jusqu'à cette phase très dense et très chaude qu'on a appelée le big bang. Mais celui-ci n'est pas pour autant, comme on l'a imaginé, cette explosion originelle qui aurait créé tout ce qui existe. Cet instant zéro, peut-on le décrire, le penser, raconter d'où il peut bien provenir ? Et d'où serait venu l'univers d'avant le big bang ? Mystère ! Qu'il y ait eu origine ou pas, on ne part donc jamais de zéro. En parler, c'est p...

  14. Isotopic composition of nitrate in the central Arabian Sea and eastern tropical North Pacific: A tracer for mixing and nitrogen cycles

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Brandes, J.A.; Devol, A.H.; Yoshinari, T.; Jayakumar, D.A.; Naqvi, S.W.A.

    Trench. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles. -. AND I. R. KAPLAN. 1975. Isotopic fractionation of dissolved nitrate during denitrification in the eastern tropical North Pa- cific. Mar. Chem. 3: 271-299. CODISPOTI, L. A., AND J. P....-K. 1979. Geochemistry of inorganic nitrogen compounds in two marine environments: The Santa Barbara basin and the ocean off Peru. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of California, Los Angeles. -, AND I. R. KAPLAN. 1989. The eastern tropical Pacific as a source of 15N...

  15. Adaptive Incentive Controls for Stackelberg Games with Unknown Cost Functionals. (United States)





    Nakamura , S.


    A round-robin experiment were to be carried out by 6 laboratories in Japan (Nishikawa ; Tokyo Inst. Tech., Sakurai and Igata ; Univ. of Tokyo, Ishikawa ; Hitachi, Tanino ; Nippon Steel Corp. and Nakamura ; Osaka Univ.) under the normal operating condition (T < l00 °K,. pulse fraction ~ 15% ~, P < 10-9 torr). Fe-Cr-Al and W-25%Re alloys, which are divided from a single wire were chosen as the specimen materials. A preliminary analysis of the W-Re alloy of the laboratory concerned show the good...

  17. Due South special research 2002; Plein sud special recherche 2002

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This document gives a general overview of the research works carried out in the different laboratories belonging to Paris Sud University which cover a wide range of disciplines like pharmacy (Chatenay-Malabry univ.), astrophysics, sport science, neuro-biology, theoretical and particle physics, molecular catalysis, physical chemistry, mathematics, electronics, computer science (Orsay univ.), medicine and surgery (Kremlin-Bicetre), public law and economics (Sceaux). One article deals with the BaBar collaboration and the first results obtained on CP violation at the linear accelerator laboratory of Orsay. (J.S.)

  18. Den sproglige leg er super fly

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Just, Sine Nørholm


    Man kan rappe om alt. I hvert fald hvis man er Marvelous Mosell. I spændingsfeltet mellem fiktion og virkelighed skaber Mosell sin persona i et forjættende 80' er-univers der på en og samme tid er vildt overdrevet og helt autentisk.......Man kan rappe om alt. I hvert fald hvis man er Marvelous Mosell. I spændingsfeltet mellem fiktion og virkelighed skaber Mosell sin persona i et forjættende 80' er-univers der på en og samme tid er vildt overdrevet og helt autentisk....

  19. Validation of remotely-sensed evapotranspiration and NDWI using ground measurements at Riverlands, South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Jovanovic, Nebojsa


    Full Text Available .P 5000, Argentina 3EHCPA, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Av. Armada Argentina 3555, Campus Córdoba, C.P 5017, Argentina 4Estadística y Biometría, Facultad Ciencias Agropecuarias, Av Valparaiso S/N, Campus Univ. Nacional de Córdoba, C.P 5000, Argentina 5...CETA, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas Exactas y Naturales, Av Filloy S/N, Campus Univ. Nacional de Córdoba, C.P 5000, Argentina ABSTRACT Quantification of the water cycle components is key to managing water resources. Remote sensing techniques and products...

  20. Qu'est-ce que l'Univers ?

    CERN Document Server


    Les plus grans spécialistes français sont réunis dans ce quatrième volume. Ils éclairent les grandes questions que pose la cosmologie, le Système solaire, les étoiles et les galaxies, la Terre, les océans et le climat, la matière et son organisation, l'évolution des mathématiques, la complexité, les transformations chimiques.

  1. Department of Geography, Osun State Univ

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 1, 2017 ... growing food and domestic uses; tourism and cultural ... activities have profound impact on the quality and quantity of .... wide gentle sloping valleys are the dark vertisol and .... Changes in pH lead to a negative impact on ...

  2. Ceramic superconductivity research at Alfred Univ

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Snyder, R.L.


    A survey of the science and technology advances made by the research groups at Alfred will be presented. These ranges on the technology side from the first melt-textured and glass ceramic superconductors to recently demonstrating that 123 thin films can be deposited below the superconducting transition at atmospheric pressure using an aerosol plasma deposition technique. On the science side advances in understanding have come from looking at the crystal structures, high and low temperature reactions, phase equilibria, effects of doping and XRD standards. Recent advances will be summarized

  3. Operationalization of Prediction, Hindcast, and Evaluation Systems using the Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework (Freva) incl. a Showcase in Decadal Climate Prediction (United States)

    Kadow, Christopher; Illing, Sebastian; Schartner, Thomas; Ulbrich, Uwe; Cubasch, Ulrich


    Operationalization processes are important for Weather and Climate Services. Complex data and work flows need to be combined fast to fulfill the needs of service centers. Standards in data and software formats help in automatic solutions. In this study we show a software solution in between hindcasts, forecasts, and validation to be operationalized. Freva (see below) structures data and evaluation procedures and can easily be monitored. Especially in the development process of operationalized services, Freva supports scientists and project partners. The showcase of the decadal climate prediction project MiKlip ( shows such a complex development process. Different predictions, scientists input, tasks, and time evolving adjustments need to be combined to host precise climate informations in a web environment without losing track of its evolution. The Freie Univ Evaluation System Framework (Freva - is a software infrastructure for standardized data and tool solutions in Earth system science. Freva runs on high performance computers to handle customizable evaluation systems of research projects, institutes or universities. It combines different software technologies into one common hybrid infrastructure, including all features present in the shell and web environment. The database interface satisfies the international standards provided by the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF). Freva indexes different data projects into one common search environment by storing the meta data information of the self-describing model, reanalysis and observational data sets in a database. This implemented meta data system with its advanced but easy-to-handle search tool supports users, developers and their plugins to retrieve the required information. A generic application programming interface (API) allows scientific developers to connect their analysis tools with the evaluation system independently of the programming language used. Users of the

  4. Academic Training - LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    ACADEMIC TRAINING LECTURE SERIES 13, 14, 15, March, from 11:00 to 12:00 - 16 March from 10:00 to 12:00 Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 on 14, 15 March, Council Room on 13, 16 March LHC luminosity upgrade: detector challenges A. De Roeck / CERN-PH, D. Bortoletto / Purdue Univ. USA, R. Wigmans / Texas, Tech Univ. USA, W. Riegler / CERN-PH, W. Smith / Wisconsin Univ. USA The upgrade of the LHC machine towards higher luminosity (1035 cm-2s-1) has been studied over the last few years. These studies have investigated scenarios to achieve the increase in peak luminosity by an order of magnitude, as well as the physics potential of such an upgrade and the impact of a machine upgrade on the LHC DETECTORS. This series of lectures will cover the following topics: Physics motivation and machine scenarios for an order of magnitude increase in the LHC peak luminosity (lecture 1) Detector challenges including overview of ideas for R&D programs by the LHC experiments: tracking and calorimetry, other new detector ...

  5. An example of environmental applications of PTR-MS: characterization of pollution outflow from India and Arabia - biomass burning and fossil fuel combustion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wisthaler, A.; Hansel, A.; Stehr, J.W.; Dickerson, R.R.; Guazzotti, S.A.; Prather, K.A.


    Full text: One objective of the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX 1999) was to characterize the chemical composition of pollution outflow from South Asia. Real-time single particle analysis (ATOFMS, Univ. of California- Riverside), CO analysis (Nondispersive Infrared Gas Filter Correlation Photometer, Univ. of Maryland) and fast-response VOC measurements (PTR-MS, Univ. of Innsbruck) measurements were performed onboard the NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown. Gas phase and aerosol chemical composition of encountered air parcels changed according to their geographic origin traced by backtrajectory analysis (continental air from Arabia and India; maritime air). The relative strength of combustion related pollution sources (biomass burning (BB) vs. fossil fuel (FF) combustion) was determined from the relative abundance of different tracers: acetonitrile (BB), CO (BB and FF), submicron particles containing carbon but no potassium (FF), submicron particles containing carbon and potassium (BB and coal combustion), submicron particles containing carbon, potassium and lithium (coal combustion). Arabian air clearly reflected the signature of fossil fuel combustion, while air from the Indian subcontinent was strongly influenced by biomass burning. (author)

  6. Mineralogy of Interplanetary Dust Particles from the Comet Giacobini-Zinner Dust Stream Collections (United States)

    Nakamura-Messenger, K.; Messenger, S.; Westphal, A. J.; Palma, R. L.


    The Draconoid meteor shower, originating from comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner, is a low-velocity Earth-crossing dust stream that had a peak anticipated flux on Oct. 8, 2012. In response to this prediction, NASA performed dedicated stratospheric dust collections to target interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) from this comet stream on Oct 15-17, 2012 [3]. Twelve dust particles from this targeted collection were allocated to our coordinated analysis team for studies of noble gas (Univ. Minnesota, Minnesota State Univ.), SXRF and Fe-XANES (SSL Berkeley) and mineralogy/isotopes (JSC). Here we report a mineralogical study of 3 IDPs from the Draconoid collection..

  7. The Seismotectonic Map of Africa (United States)

    Meghraoui, Mustapha


    . Paulina Amponsah (AECG, Accra), Abdelhakim Ayadi (CRAAG, Algiers), Atalay Ayele (Univ. Addis Ababa), Ateba Bekoa (Bueah Univ. Yaounde), Abdunnur Bensuleman (Tripoli Univ.), Damien Delvaux (MRAC-Tervuren); Mohamed El Gabry (NRIAG, Cairo), Rui-Manuel Fernandes (Beira Univ.) ; Vunganai Midzi & Magda Roos (CGS, Pretoria), Youssef Timoulali (Univ. Mohamed V, Rabat). Website:

  8. 20. Vous avez dit Big Bang ?


    Uzan, Jean-Philippe


    La cosmologie est la discipline scientifique qui vise à construire une description cohérente de notre Univers. Pour cela, nous devons formuler un modèle cosmologique, c’est-à-dire une représentation idéalisée de l’univers qui se fonde sur nos connaissances des lois de la nature et les observations du ciel. Le modèle cosmologique contemporain est connu sous le nom très médiatique de Big Bang. Ce terme a été forgé lors d’une émission de la BBC le 28 mars 1949 par l’astronome Fred Hoyle, farouch...

  9. Chancen und Gefahren von Global-Marketing-Konzepten


    Berndt, Ulrike


    Chancen und Gefahren von Global-Marketing-Konzepten. - Augsburg : Förderges. Marketing, 1990. - 57, XII S. - Zugl: Augsburg, Univ., Diplomarb. - (Arbeitspapiere zur Schriftenreihe Schwerpunkt Marketing ; 29)

  10. The TOPOMOD-ITN project: unravel the origin of Earth's topography from modelling deep-surface processes (United States)

    Faccenna, C.; Funiciello, F.


    EC-Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) projects aim to improve the career perspectives of young generations of researchers. Institutions from both academic and industry sectors form a collaborative network to recruit research fellows and provide them with opportunities to undertake research in the context of a joint research training program. In this frame, TOPOMOD - one of the training activities of EPOS, the new-born European Research Infrastructure for Geosciences - is a funded ITN project designed to investigate and model how surface processes interact with crustal tectonics and mantle convection to originate and develop topography of the continents over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. The multi-disciplinary approach combines geophysics, geochemistry, tectonics and structural geology with advanced geodynamic numerical/analog modelling. TOPOMOD involves 8 European research teams internationally recognized for their excellence in complementary fields of Earth Sciences (Roma TRE, Utrecht, GFZ, ETH, Cambridge, Durham, Rennes, Barcelona), to which are associated 5 research institutions (CNR-Italy, Univ. Parma, Univ. Lausanne, Univ. Montpellier, Univ. Mainz) , 3 high-technology enterprises (Malvern Instruments, TNO, G.O. Logical Consulting) and 1 large multinational oil and gas company (ENI). This unique network places emphasis in experience-based training increasing the impact and international visibility of European research in modeling. Long-term collaboration and synergy are established among the overmentioned research teams through 15 cross-disciplinary research projects that combine case studies in well-chosen target areas from the Mediterranean, the Middle and Far East, west Africa, and South America, with new developments in structural geology, geomorphology, seismology, geochemistry, InSAR, laboratory and numerical modelling of geological processes from the deep mantle to the surface. These multidisciplinary projects altogether aim to

  11. Biomass Thermochemical Conversion Program. 1983 Annual report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schiefelbein, G.F.; Stevens, D.J.; Gerber, M.A.


    Highlights of progress achieved in the program of thermochemical conversion of biomass into clean fuels during 1983 are summarized. Gasification research projects include: production of a medium-Btu gas without using purified oxygen at Battelle-Columbus Laboratories; high pressure (up to 500 psia) steam-oxygen gasification of biomass in a fluidized bed reactor at IGT; producing synthesis gas via catalytic gasification at PNL; indirect reactor heating methods at the Univ. of Missouri-Rolla and Texas Tech Univ.; improving the reliability, performance, and acceptability of small air-blown gasifiers at Univ. of Florida-Gainesville, Rocky Creek Farm Gasogens, and Cal Recovery Systems. Liquefaction projects include: determination of individual sequential pyrolysis mechanisms at SERI; research at SERI on a unique entrained, ablative fast pyrolysis reactor for supplying the heat fluxes required for fast pyrolysis; work at BNL on rapid pyrolysis of biomass in an atmosphere of methane to increase the yields of olefin and BTX products; research at the Georgia Inst. of Tech. on an entrained rapid pyrolysis reactor to produce higher yields of pyrolysis oil; research on an advanced concept to liquefy very concentrated biomass slurries in an integrated extruder/static mixer reactor at the Univ. of Arizona; and research at PNL on the characterization and upgrading of direct liquefaction oils including research to lower oxygen content and viscosity of the product. Combustion projects include: research on a directly fired wood combustor/gas turbine system at Aerospace Research Corp.; adaptation of Stirling engine external combustion systems to biomass fuels at United Stirling, Inc.; and theoretical modeling and experimental verification of biomass combustion behavior at JPL to increase biomass combustion efficiency and examine the effects of additives on combustion rates. 26 figures, 1 table.

  12. Cosmologie L'Univers avant le Big Bang

    CERN Multimedia

    Rouat, Sylvie


    Tout n'a pas commencé par une explosion. L'histoire du cosmos avait débuté bien avant le Big Bang, si l'on suit la théorie défendue par les partisans d'une nouvelle cosmologie issue de la mystérieuse théorie des cordes

  13. Department of Zoological Sciences, Addis Ababa Univer

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Dec 2, 2016 ... unprecedented negative effects thereby exasperating natural disasters which ultimately will cause a negative .... such farms there is substantial activity in animal husbandry. .... capensis, Prunus africana, Cordia africana, and ...

  14. Multivers mondes possibles de l'astrophysique, de la philosophie et de l'imaginaire

    CERN Document Server

    Barrau, Aurélien; Kistler, Max; Uzan, Jean-Philippe


    Et si notre Univers n'était qu un parmi d'autres ? Cette idée d'univers multiples, qui est envisagée depuis l'Antiquité, n'est entrée que récemment - et avec fracas - dans le champ de la science. Si l'hypothèse fascine, elle n'en est pas moins dérangeante : comment se formeraient ces mondes invisibles ? Auraient-ils les mêmes lois physiques ? Peut-on tester et réfuter leur existence ? Une telle hypothèse est-elle vraiment scientifique ? Faut-il en rester aux critères de scientificité traditionnels ou ouvrir la porte aux mondes possibles de l'astrophysique, de la philosophie et de l'imaginaire ? Un cosmologiste, un physicien théoricien, un philosophe et un historien de la science-fiction nous invitent à nous immerger au coeur de la physique théorique, à révolutionner la manière de concevoir ce qu'est une théorie physique signifiante, à extrapoler les lois de la nature pour décrire d'autres univers. Ils nous montrent qu'il y a une multiplicité de «manières de faire des mondes» et que n...

  15. La physique des infinis

    CERN Document Server

    Bernardeau, Francis; Laplace, Sandrine; Spiro, Michel


    Écrire l'histoire de l'Univers, tel est l'objectif commun des physiciens des particules et des astrophysiciens. Pour y parvenir, deux approches s'épaulent : la voie de l'infiniment petit, que l'on emprunte via de gigantesques accélérateurs de particules, et celle de l'infiniment grand, dont le laboratoire est l'Univers. Un Univers qui est bien loin d'avoir livré tous ses secrets. On connaît à peine 4,8 % de la matière qui le constitue, le reste étant composé de matière noire (25,8 %) et d'énergie noire (69,4 %), toutes deux de nature inconnue. Et si la récente découverte du boson de Higgs valide le Modèle standard de la physique des particules, celui-ci est toujours incomplet et doit être étendu à ou dépassé. Est-on arrivé au bout du jeu de poupées russes de la matière ? Quelles sont les particules manquantes ? Faut-il revoir les lois fondamentales ? Quels instruments faut-il mettre en œuvre pour accéder à cette « nouvelle physique » ? Comment parler de Super Big Science aux citoye...

  16. Fellowship | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    SV Univ.) Date of birth: 20 April 1966. Specialization: Ionospheric Electrodynamics & Plasma Instabilities, Space Weather, Radar Probing Techniques Address: Head, Ionospheric & Space Physics Group, National Atmospheric Research ...

  17. Memory, place, and ecology in the contemporary American novel


    Schliephake, Christopher


    Memory, place, and ecology in the contemporary American novel. - In: Literature, ecology, ethics / Timo Müller ... (eds.). - Heidelberg : Univ.-Verl. Winter, 2012. - S. 95-112. - (Anglistische Forschungen ; 432)

  18. 78 FR 52934 - Government-Owned Inventions; Availability for Licensing (United States)


    ... low systemic toxicity. Potential Commercial Applications: Pharmaceutical compositions to selectively... (NCI), Rui Sousa (Univ. Texas Health Science Ctr) Publications: 1. Guajardo R, Sousa R. A model for the...

  19. The undefined function differs from the pointwise undefined function


    Dosch, Walter (Prof.)


    The undefined function differs from the pointwise undefined function. - In: Joint Conference on Declarative Programming : Proceedings / Maria I. Sessa ... (eds.). - Salerno : Univ. degli Studi, 1995. - S. 257-268

  20. Goal Driven Software Project Risk Management: Design eines COSO II-ERM-basierten Domain Models


    Schiessl, Christoph


    von Christoph Schiessl Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 2016

  1. Wolframcarbid/Silber-Kontaktwerkstoffe durch Gasdruckinfiltration


    Stadler, Thomas


    von Thomas Stadler Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 2017

  2. The practice of teaching mathematics


    Hefendehl-Hebeker, Lisa


    The practice of teaching mathematics : experimental conditions of change. - In: The culture of the mathematics classroom / ed. by Falk Seeger .... - Cambridge u.a. : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998. - S. 104-124

  3. How Blockchain technology and other innovations change(d) the future of banking


    Semenchenko, Mariia


    von Mariia Semenchenko Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Masterarbeit, 2016

  4. The Role of Trust in Participatory Processes


    Dobrova, Anna


    von Anna Dobrova Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 2017

  5. Ab-initio Rechnungen für Th dotiertes Kalziumfluorid (CaF2)


    Dessovic, Philipp


    von Philipp Dessovic Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 2016

  6. Ontology matchmaking of product ramp-up knowledge in manufacturing industries - How to transfer a cake-baking recipe between bakeries


    Willmann, Roland


    von Roland Willmann Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Dissertation, 2016

  7. Der Einsatz von Online-Datenbanken für Objektinnovationen im Systemgeschäft


    Noch, Rainer


    Der Einsatz von Online-Datenbanken für Objektinnovationen im Systemgeschäft. - Augsburg : FGM-Verl., 1990. - 62, LVII S. - Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diplomarb. - (Arbeitspapiere zur Schriftenreihe Schwerpunkt Marketing ; 31)

  8. Du vide et de l'éternité

    CERN Document Server

    Cassé, Michel


    Gravité quantique, supersymétrie, univers multiples : la cosmologie et la physique quantique nous donnent aujourd hui de l'univers une image stupéfiante, à même de défier l'imagination la plus délirante. Conjuguant la puissance de la science et le souffle de la poésie, Michel Cassé parvient à nous rendre intelligibles les concepts les plus abstraits et les théories les plus ardues. Quand le vide quantique, sous sa plume, fleurit en particules élémentaires puis, en un clin d oeil cosmique (l « inflation »), se déploie en stupéfiants « plurivers », la physique et la cosmologie s éclairent du bonheur de l écriture.

  9. Modeled Wet Nitrate Deposition (United States)

    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency — Modeled data on nitrate wet deposition was obtained from Dr. Jeff Grimm at Penn State Univ. Nitrate wet depostion causes acidification and eutrophication of surface...

  10. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    "Laboratories for Biomembrane Research and Biotechnology, Biochemistry Department, College of Medicine, Univer- sity of Ibadan ... stable structures called advanced glycated end-prod- ... in a population of normal red cells is covalently.

  11. Defending dreamer’s rock


    Beck, Günter U.


    Defending dreamer’s rock : Geschichte, Geschichtsbewusstsein und Geschichtskultur im Native drama der USA und Kanadas. - Trier : WVT Wiss. Verl. Trier, 2007. - 445 S. - (CDE - Studies ; 14). - Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 2006



    Malík, Andrej


    von Andrej Malík Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprueft Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des Verfassers Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 2016

  13. Modeling of droplet dynamic and thermal behaviour during spray ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Supersonic atomization; droplets; thermal history; solid fraction; secondary dendrite arm spacing. 1. Introduction .... velocity with distance as illustrated in (1) (Eon-Sik Lee and Ahn ...... Uhlenwinkel and U Fritsching (Bremen, Germany: Univer-.

  14. tracts of Cnestis ferruginea

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    “Laboratories for Biomembrane Research and Biotechnology, Biochemistry Department, College of Medicine, Univer- sity of Ibadan ... stable structures called advanced glycated end-prod- ... in a population of normal red cells is covalently.

  15. New Fellows and Honorary Fellow

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    SV Univ.), FNASc, FNA. Date of birth: 1 July 1957. Specialization: Environmental Microbiology, Biodegradation, Bioremediation Address: Department of Animal Biology, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad 500 046, A.P.

  16. Modern processing technologies and food quality. 18th Food Technology Days '97 dedicated to prof. F. Bitenc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zlender, Bozidar; Gasperlin, Lea; Hocevar, Ivica; Slemenik, Barbka; Hocevar, Polona


    Modern processing technologies and food quality. Proceedings of thematic survey of topics in food science and technology and nutrition for postgraduate students, Ljubljana Univ. (Slovenia). Biotechnical Fac., Food Science and Technology Dept

  17. Temperature and salinity measurements taken from the BLUE, PENOBSCOT and other Slocum glider platforms in the Coastal N Atlantic, Coastal S Atlantic and other locations from 2012 to 2014 (NCEI Accession 0123079) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Temperature and salinity measurements found in dataset IOOS taken from the BLUE (Slocum glider; WMO 4801504; operated by Univ. of Massachusetts Dartmouth), PENOBSCOT...

  18. The Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on EU Competition Law: A Review of Recent Case Law of the EU Courts


    Ben Van Rompuy


    Since the Lisbon Treaty came into force on December 1, 2009, there has been no Treaty provision proclaiming adherence to the principle of undistorted competition. Ben Van Rompuy (Georgetown Univ. Law Center)

  19. Extracted chlorophyll-a and phaeopigment concentrations and other data from R/V Endeavor from 1995-01-11 to 1995-06-16 (NODC Accession 9900026) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — This accession contains "extracted chlorophyll-a and phaeopigment" concentrations collected for the GLOBEC Georges Bank project by Dr. Dian Gifford, Univ. of Rhode...

  20. Science of Guessing Passwords

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    First page Back Continue Last page Graphics. Science of Guessing Passwords. Joseph Bonneau. Ph.D. Thesis,. Univ. of Cambridge, 2012. Advisor: Ross Anderson, FRS. NSA AWARD FOR THE BEST SCIENTIFIC CYBERSECURITY PAPER.

  1. Thermal Design for a Diffraction-Limited Doppler Spectrometer (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The Univ. of Notre Dame is building a new high-resolution spectrometer named “iLocater” to achieve unprecedented radial velocity (RV) precision for stellar Doppler...

  2. Alpha decay calculations with a new formula

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akrawy, D T; Poenaru, D N


    A new semi-empirical formula for calculations of α  decay half-lives is presented. It was derived from the Royer relationship by introducing new parameters which are fixed by fit to a set of experimental data. We are using three sets: set A with 130 e–e (even–even), 119 e–o (even–odd), 109 o–e, and 96 o–o, set B with 188 e–e, 147 e–o, 131 o–e and 114 o–o, and set C with 136 e–e, 84 e–o, 76 o–e and 48 o–o alpha emitters. A comparison of results obtained with the new formula (newF) and the following well known relationships: semiempirical relationship based on fission theory (semFIS), analytical superasymmetric fission (ASAF) model and universal formula (UNIV) made in terms of rms standard deviation. We also introduced a weighted mean value of this quantity, allowing us to compare the global properties of a given model. For set B the order of the four models is the following: semFIS, UNIV, newF and ASAF. Nevertheless for even–even alpha emitters, UNIV gives the second best result after semFIS, and for odd–even parents the second is newF. Despite its simplicity in comparison with semFIS, newF, presented in this article, behaves quite well, competing with the other well known relationships. (paper)

  3. Research and development of the system for group examination of lung cancer by helical CT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    For the ultimate purpose of heavy particle therapy of lung cancer at an early stage, the system in the title with low dose radiation has been investigated by cooperation of NIRS (as a leading part) and medical/industrial facilities all over the country. The project started essentially in 1984 and has been continuing at 2003. This book described Results hitherto and Materials for application to medical care at disaster (Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster in 1995) together with reference materials. Results contain all fields of nuclear medicine and of imaging involved in examination/diagnosis of lung cancer, achieved by NIRS, by Health management center and Faculty of Medicine, Chiba University and Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association in Chiba, by the 3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Fac. Med., Chiba Univ., by Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases, by Nippon Med. School, Arakawa-ku cancer protection center and Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. of Health Sciences, by Hitachi health management center, by Fukui Med. College, by Hitachi Medical Corp., by NTT research laboratories, and by Toyohashi Univ. of Technology. The Materials involve Process and summary of conducting the medical care activities, Improvement of the examination automobile, Supplementary equipments and measures for legal problems, System for the medical care activities, Record of the examination automobile activities, Problems in future, and Completion of the medical activities. Reference materials are related with the Materials above. (N.I.)

  4. Pathways, Networks and Systems Medicine Conferences

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nadeau, Joseph H. [Pacific Northwest Research Institute


    The 6th Pathways, Networks and Systems Medicine Conference was held at the Minoa Palace Conference Center, Chania, Crete, Greece (16-21 June 2008). The Organizing Committee was composed of Joe Nadeau (CWRU, Cleveland), Rudi Balling (German Research Centre, Brauschweig), David Galas (Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle), Lee Hood (Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle), Diane Isonaka (Seattle), Fotis Kafatos (Imperial College, London), John Lambris (Univ. Pennsylvania, Philadelphia),Harris Lewin (Univ. of Indiana, Urbana-Champaign), Edison Liu (Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore), and Shankar Subramaniam (Univ. California, San Diego). A total of 101 individuals from 21 countries participated in the conference: USA (48), Canada (5), France (5), Austria (4), Germany (3), Italy (3), UK (3), Greece (2), New Zealand (2), Singapore (2), Argentina (1), Australia (1), Cuba (1), Denmark (1), Japan (1), Mexico (1), Netherlands (1), Spain (1), Sweden (1), Switzerland (1). With respect to speakers, 29 were established faculty members and 13 were graduate students or postdoctoral fellows. With respect to gender representation, among speakers, 13 were female and 28 were male, and among all participants 43 were female and 58 were male. Program these included the following topics: Cancer Pathways and Networks (Day 1), Metabolic Disease Networks (Day 2), Day 3 ? Organs, Pathways and Stem Cells (Day 3), and Day 4 ? Inflammation, Immunity, Microbes and the Environment (Day 4). Proceedings of the Conference were not published.

  5. Crab Haul Creek Tide Gauge Data, North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 2001 • Feb2008. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services The Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) collects, analyzes and...

  6. Ecocriticism and ´The House of Mirth´?


    Caupert, Christina


    Ecocriticism and ´The House of Mirth´? : imaginative literature and cultural-ecological ethics. - In: Literature, ecology, ethics / Timo Müller ... (eds.). - Heidelberg : Univ.-Verl. Winter, 2012. - S. 131-145. - (Anglistische Forschungen ; 432)

  7. Information management in Malawi's prevention of Mother-to-Child ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Information Management in Malawi's PMTCT program 306. © 2017 The College of ..... system in Malawi: issues, innovations and results. Oxf Univ Press ... Role of Information and Knowledge Managers: Managers Perspectives. In Barcelona ...

  8. Preparing Future Geoscientists at the Critical High School-to-College Junction: Project METALS and the Value of Engaging Diverse Institutions to Serve Underrepresented Students (United States)

    White, L. D.; Maygarden, D.; Serpa, L. F.


    Since 2010, the Minority Education Through Traveling and Learning in the Sciences (METALS) program, a collaboration among San Francisco State Univ., the Univ. of Texas at El Paso, the Univ. of New Orleans, and Purdue Univ., has created meaningful, field-based geoscience experiences for underrepresented minority high school students. METALS activities promote excitement about geoscience in field settings and foster mutual respect and trust among participants of different backgrounds and ethnicities. These gains are strengthened by the collective knowledge of the university partners and by faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, scientists, and science teachers who guide the field trips and who are committed to encouraging diversity in the geosciences. Through the student experiences it provides, METALS has helped shape and shift student attitudes and orientation toward geoscience, during and beyond their field experience, just as these students are poised at the critical juncture from high school to college. A review of the METALS findings and summative evaluation shows a distinct pattern of high to moderately high impact on most students in the various cohorts of the program. METALS, overall, was perceived by participants as a program that: (1) opens up opportunities for individuals who might not typically be able to experience science in outdoor settings; (2) offers high-interest geology content in field contexts, along with social and environmental connections; (3) promotes excitement about geology while encouraging the development of mutual respect, interdependence, and trust among individuals of different ethnicities; (4) influences the academic choices of students, in particular their choice of major and course selection in college. Summative data show that multiple aspects of this program were highly effective. Cross-university collaborations create a dynamic forum and a high-impact opportunity for students from different backgrounds to meet and develop

  9. The Language Policy Practice in Mathematics Education in the ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    mathematics lesson periods in English at the lower primary level. Efforts to use the native language for meaningful mathematics instructions are constrained by teachers' inability to speak the ..... Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 9-33.

  10. Research Article Special Issue

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 15, 2018 ... Padjadjaran,. 2. Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unive ... AL MODEL FOR DISSOLVED OXYGEN PREDICTION IN. IR, WEST JAVA ... The simulation program was created using Visual Studio 2012 C# software with ANN model.

  11. IDRC in the West Bank and Gaza

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    stress. Researchers from Birzeit Univer- sity and Canada's Queen's University studied more than ... Research Institute, West Bank. The economy of ... youth. Research findings will inform the work ... Grantee: The American Near East. Refugee ...

  12. Novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for the helophytic plant ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    colonies were amplified using TempliPhi (GE Healthcare,. Buckinghamshire ... value. A ccession no. HM01. F: 5. -. T. GTTGTGCAGAGAGACTGAGG-3. (GA). 17. 161–163. 3 .... Window–based freeware for population genetic analysis. Univer-.

  13. New Fellows and Honorary Fellow

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    . (Univ. Calif., Berkeley), FNA. Date of birth: 1 January 1935. Date of death: 15 November 2004. Specialization: Genetics, Cell Biology and Cytogenetics Last known address: Professor, Genetic Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University ...

  14. A Simple Correlation for Neutron Capture Rates from Nuclear Masses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Couture, Aaron Joseph [Los Alamos National Lab. (LANL), Los Alamos, NM (United States)


    Recent studies of neutron capture performed at LANL have revealed a previously unrecognized connection between nuclear masses and the average neutron capture cross section. A team of three scientists from Los Alamos (P-27), Yale Univ., and Istanbul Univ. (Turkey) recently discovered this connection and have published their results as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review C. Neutron capture is a reaction in which a free neutron is absorbed by the nucleus, keeping the element unchanged, but changing isotopes. This reaction is typically exothermic. As a result, the reaction can proceed even when many other reaction channels are closed. In an astrophysical environment, this means that neutron capture is the primary mechanism by which all of the elements with atomic number greater than nickel are produced is neutron capture.

  15. PREFACE: Nanosafe2010: International Conference on Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials (United States)

    Sentein, Carole; Schuster, Frédéric; Tardif, François



  16. Impacts of climate change, variability and adaptation strategies on ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    economic development (Majule, 2008). Over 70% of the ... of Gross Net Product and about 66% of total export earnings. ... stantial effects on economic performance and livelihood ...... M.Sc. Dissertation, IRA, Univer. of Dares Salaam, Dares.

  17. Poppers "Kritischer Rationalismus"


    Obermeier, Otto P.


    Poppers "Kritischer Rationalismus" : e. Auseinandersetzung über d. Reichweite seiner Philosophie. - München : Vögel, 1980. - 213 S. - Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 1979. - (Schriften der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Universität Augsburg ; 19)

  18. Long-Term Spartina alterniflora biomass, productivity, porewater chemistry and marsh elevation in North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC: 1984-2011. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — The salt marsh in the North Inlet estuary was sampled approximately monthly for estimates of biomass, productivity, porewater chemistry, and salt marsh elevation....

  19. PER 2009(1)

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Dr Tanya du Plessis

    of involvement of a public authority in guardianship procedures.31. Although ... definition of adoptability applies for national as well as international purposes. Therefore ......; Lammerant 2005 Rev Droit Univ Sherbrooke 349. Based on ...

  20. A simple depression-filling method for raster and irregular elevation ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    1Department of River and Harbor Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean Univ., Keelung 202,. Taiwan ... In this study, topographic data of two watershed areas were provided to test the ..... Catchment hydrologic response with a fully distributed.

  1. Laser Enhanced System for Ultra-Fine Microstructure Formation

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Chen, Ray T


    .... High-speed polymer-based EO modulator arrays and polymer-based optical true-time delay modules have been built through the existing programs involving UT Austin (Chen), USC (Steier), UCLA (Fetterman) and Univ. of Washington (Dalton...

  2. interference effects of blue ence effects of bluetooth on wlan ence

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    1DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC E. 2, 3DEPARTMENT OF ... ENGINEERING, FEDERAL UNIV. .... The paper [9] dealt with the coexistence simulation of. IEEE 802.11b/g ... This research work employed software tools like. Netstumbler ...

  3. Mobile economy


    Turowski, Klaus


    Mobile economy : Transaktionen, Prozesse, Anwendungen und Dienste ; 4. Workshop Mobile Commerce, 02.-03. Februar 2004, Univ. Augsburg / K. Turowski ... (Hrsg.). - Bonn : Ges. für Informatik, 2004. - 189 S. : Ill., graph. Darst. - (GI-Edition : Proceedings ; 42)

  4. Detection of bearing defects in three-phase induction motors using ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    The results of various studies show that bearing problems ... methods for indication of these faults by use of stator current measurement (Kliman & Stein. 1990 ..... Riddle J 1955 Ball bearing maintenance (Norman, OK: Univ. of Oklohama Press).

  5. North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve’s (NERR) Estuarine Surface Water Nutrient, Suspended Sediment, and Chlorophyll a Data for the North Inlet and Winyah Bay Estuaries, Georgetown, South Carolina: 2002-2004 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — National Estuarine Research Reserve System The National Estuarine Research Reserve System was established by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (as amended) and...

  6. CISNet Project’s Water Quality Monitoring Database for North Inlet and ACE Basin Estuaries, South Carolina: 1999-2001. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — EPA/NOAA/NASA CISNet Partnership The Coastal Intensive Site Network (CISNet) was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and...

  7. North Inlet • Winyah Bay (NIW) National Estuarine Research Reserve Meteorological Data, North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 2000 • 2004. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — National Estuarine Research Reserve System The National Estuarine Research Reserve System was established by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (as amended) and...

  8. CISNet Project's Phytoplankton Pigment Monitoring Database for the North Inlet and Ace Basin Estuaries, South Carolina: 1999-2001 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — EPA/NOAA/NASA CISNet Partnership The Coastal Intensive Site Network (CISNet) was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and...

  9. Institut fuer Kernchemie, Univ. Mainz. Annual report 1983

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, M.


    This annual report contains extended abstracts about the work performed at the named institute together with a list of publications and speeches. The work concern fast chemical separations, the detection of short-lived nuclides, mass separations, nuclear spectroscopy, nuclear fission, heavy ion research, superheavy elements, radionuclide ecology, and the operation of the TRIGA Mainz reactor. (HSI) [de

  10. Deepak Pental, Univ. Delhi South Campus, New Delhi

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Oilseed mustard is grown in around 6-7 million hectares of land, mostly in the north- western dryland regions of India during the winter season. In 1993 our group made a major observation that hybrids between mustard lines of Indian gene pool and lines of east European gene pool are heterotic for yield. It took about 10 ...

  11. L’univers des anciens prisonniers politiques en Syrie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yassin al-Haj Saleh


    Full Text Available Les prisonniers politiques furent très nombreux en Syrie des années 1970 jusqu’à leur libération progressive de 1991 à 2005. Si leur conditions de vie en prison, les interrogatoires et la torture sont parfois abordés par les ex-prisonniers, leur existence après la prison ne semble susciter aucun intérêt. Cet article se propose de commencer à combler cette lacune, en analysant les facteurs qui pèsent sur la vie post-carcérale. Les conditions et la durée d’incarcération, le milieu social et affectif trouvé à la sortie, les réseaux de relation, la chance de trouver un travail et des moyens de subsistance sont autant d’éléments qui créent des conditions plus ou moins favorables à la réinsertion. Les ex-prisonniers politiques rencontrent quoi qu’il en soit d’énormes difficultés, y compris à gérer leur propre image. Des initiatives commencent à se faire jour pour tenter d’obtenir la réhabilitation et des dédommagements pour ces individus injustement brisés.

  12. L’univers des anciens prisonniers politiques en Syrie


    Yassin al-Haj Saleh


    Les prisonniers politiques furent très nombreux en Syrie des années 1970 jusqu’à leur libération progressive de 1991 à 2005. Si leur conditions de vie en prison, les interrogatoires et la torture sont parfois abordés par les ex-prisonniers, leur existence après la prison ne semble susciter aucun intérêt. Cet article se propose de commencer à combler cette lacune, en analysant les facteurs qui pèsent sur la vie post-carcérale. Les conditions et la durée d’incarcération, le milieu social et aff...

  13. UniversEcom : Tu tienda de informática


    Palau Girón, Carles


    Junto al desarrollo y popularización de internet, ha nacido comercialmente un nuevo aire optimista que prefiere ofrecer sus productos virtualmente acogiendo nuevas ventajas competitivas: comodidad, instantaneidad y universalidad. Pero no todo son beneficios en el comercio electrónico ya que éste impide al cliente conocer en primera persona el producto que va a comprar, formular quejas de manera eficaz y diligente ni tampoco garantiza la seguridad de los datos personales del comprador ante la ...

  14. North Inlet • Winyah Bay (NIW) National Estuarine Research Reserve Meteorological Data, North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1997 • 1999. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — The North Inlet Estuary and the adjacent lower northeastern section of Winyah Bay Estuary were designated as part of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System...

  15. CREEK Project's Water Chemistry, Chlorophyll a, and Suspended Sediment Weekly Monitoring Database for Eight Creeks in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: 1997-2000. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A group of eight tidal creeks dominated by oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA were studied using a replicated BACI (Before -...

  16. CREEK Project's Internal Creek Habitat Survey for Eight Creeks in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: January 1998. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A group of eight intertidal creeks with high densities of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA were studied using a replicated...

  17. CREEK Project's Oyster Growth and Survival Monitoring Database for Eight Creeks in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: 1997-1999. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A group of eight intertidal creeks with high densities of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA were studied using a replicated...

  18. CREEK Project's Microzooplankton Seasonal Monitoring Database for Eight Creeks in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: 1997-1999 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A group of eight intertidal creeks with high densities of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA were studied using a replicated...

  19. CREEK Project's Nekton Database for Eight Creeks in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: 1997-1998. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A group of eight intertidal creeks with high densities of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA were studied using a replicated...

  20. North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve's (NERR) Estuarine Water Quality Data for the North Inlet and Winyah Bay Estuaries, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1993-2002 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — The North Inlet Estuary and the adjacent lower northeastern section of the Winyah Bay Estuary were designated as part of the National Estuarine Research Reserve...

  1. CREEK Project's Oyster Biomass Database for Eight Creeks in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A group of eight tidal creeks dominated by oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina, USA were studied using a replicated BACI (Before -...

  2. CREEK Project: RUI: the Role of Oyster Reefs in the Structure and Function of Tidal Creeks. A Project Overview: 1996-2000. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A group of eight tidal creeks dominated by oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in North Inlet, South Carolina, USA were studied using a replicated BACI (Before - After...

  3. SDIO (Strategic Defense Initiative Office) Technical Information Management Center Bibliography of Unclassified Reports: January - December 1986. (United States)


    Corp.Author: Stanford Univ., Edward L. Ginzton Lab., Stanford, CA94305 Index Terms: Piezoelectric Film Transducer Polyvinylidene Fluoride Phased Acoustic ...Graphite Nosetip Boundary Layer Transition Turbulent Flow Hypervelocity Radiation Pyrometer Pgs. 42 Classification: U Security Marks: Accession

  4. Interpolating Polynomial Macro-Elements with Tension Properties (United States)


    Univ. Calgary, 1978. Paolo Costantini Dipartimento di Matematica " Roberto Magari" Via del Capitano 15 53100 Siena, Italy costantini~unisi. it Carla...Manni Dipartimento di Matematica Via Carlo Alberto 10 10123 Torino, Italy manniDdm .unito. it

  5. Use of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Rubberized Concrete in Cold Regions (United States)


    This report documents and presents the use of steel fiber-reinforced rubberized concrete (SFRRC) in cold regions. Further investigation of SFRRC use was conducted with the wheel tracker rut and freeze-thaw laboratory testing procedures at the Univers...

  6. Genetiese parameters van speenkafrf^ eienskappe by ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Genetiese en. Omgewingsparameters van 'n VIeisraskudde. Ph.D.-tesis,. Univ. van die Oranje-Vrystaat. VAN MARLE, J., 1964. Untersuchungen tiber Einfltisse von. Umwelt und Erbanlage auf die Gewichtsentwicklung von. Fleischrinden unter extensiven Weidebedingungen der. Versuchstation Armoedsvlakte in Stidafrika.

  7. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Climate Data with Water Parameters from North Inlet Meteorological Station, North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1982-1996. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Meteorological data with water parameters were collected on an hourly basis from June 3, 1982 through April 29, 1996 in the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown County,...

  8. Intercropping of corn with cowpea and bean: Biomass yield and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 19, 2008 ... An experiment was carried out at the Bornova experimental fields of Field Crops Department of Agriculture. Faculty., Ege Univ. .... design with three replicates. ... Corn plant height increased in the mixture with legumes and the ...

  9. Research News from Norway, Sweden, and Finland

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sven Skjenneberg


    Full Text Available Norge: 1 Forskningsavd ved Reindriftsadministrasjonen. 2 Avd. for arktisk biologi, Univ. i Tromsø 3 Viltforskningen ved DN, Trondheim 4 Institutt for biologi og geologi, Univ. i Tromsø 5 Institutt for husdyrnæring, Norges landbrukshøgskole 6 Institutt for zoologi, Norges landbrukshøgskole 7 Stipendiat Norges landbruksvit. forskningsråd 8 Statens veterinære laboratorium i Nord-Norge Sverige: 1 Renförsöksavdelningen, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet 2 Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt 3 Statens naturvårdsverk Finland: 1 Vilt- och fiskeriforskningsinstitutet, Renforskning 2 Kaamanen försöksstation, Renägareföreningen 3 Veterinärmedicinska högskolan 4 Helsingfors universitets husdjursvetenskapliga institut 5 Kuopios och Uleåborgs universiteter 6 Helsingfors universitets geologiska institut 7 Jyväskyläs universitet 8 Lantbrukets forskningscentral

  10. Institute of Physics Awards 2002

    CERN Multimedia


    The IOP Physics Awards for 2002 include: Prof. M Lockwood, Univ. Southhampton and Rutherford Laboratory, Charles Chree Medal and Prize; Dr. S Myers, CERN, Duddell Medal and Prize; Dr S Langridge, Rutherford Laboratory, Charles Vernon Boys Medal and Prize.

  11. The Dynamics of the Microbial Population as Measured by the Quantification of adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) at Three Sampling Locations Within the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, SC: 1981-1985. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Water samples were collected daily at approximately 10:00 AM, from a depth of 50 cm at three stations, and transported immediately to the laboratory. The three...

  12. Water velocities collected using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) from the R.V. Weicker in the Eastern Long Island Sound for the Global Ocean Data Archaeology and Rescue Project from 2009-11-29 to 2010-08-25 (NCEI Accession 0145671) (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — A 600 kHz RD Instruments ADCP was installed in the well of the R/V Weicker (Univ of Connecticut) and used to collect measurements of water velocity profiles along...

  13. Venkataraman, Prof. Chandra

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Elected: 2018 Section: Earth & Planetary Sciences. Venkataraman, Prof. Chandra Ph.D. (Univ. Calif., Los Angeles), FNAE, FNASc. Date of birth: 3 June 1963. Specialization: Aerosol Science & Engineering, Environmental & Climate Science, Atmospheric Science Address: Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian ...

  14. The Early Years of the University of the Witwatersrand Medical ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Jan 20, 1973 ... Witwatersrand Medical School and its Students*. G. R. BEATON, M.B. B.CH. UNIV. .... sion to South African universities, and to travel to. Europe became the .... provement of the residence food at the Queen Victoria. Hospital.

  15. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) National Weather Service Station Data for the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1986 - 1996 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Meteorological data were collected on a daily basis from December 1, 1986 through March 3, 1996 at the Oyster Landing Research site in the North Inlet Estuary,...

  16. Analyses of otoliths from juvenile black sea bass collected from estuaries in SC, FL, NJ, and NY: 2008-2009. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Snappers/Groupers have traditionally been some of the most desired demersal fishes in the South Atlantic Bight and are the most abundant and diverse group of large...

  17. Med fodbold som "hook" - et udviklingsprojekt på tværs af grænser

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Klausen, Bodil; Greve, Charlotte


    Artiklen beskriver et socialt innovationsprojekt som udspringer af et samarbejde mellem de to fodboldklubber: Premier League-fodboldklubben West Ham United fra East London og fodboldklubben AC Horsens & de to uddannelsesinstitutioner: VIA University College, Pædagoguddannelsen i Gedved og Univers...

  18. Evaluation of concrete structures affected by alkali-silica reaction and delayed ettringite formation - part 2. (United States)


    This report details the results of a comprehensive research project aimed at evaluating the potential use of : non-destructive testing (NDT) to assess structures affected by ASR and/or DEF. This project was a : collaborative effort between the Univer...

  19. Groundwater Dynamics along Forest-Marsh-Tidal Creek Transects in North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: 1994-1996 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Ground water level elevations were collected every 10 to 15 days from piezometers stationed along three forest-marsh-tidal creek transects (B, C, and D) across the...

  20. The Operations Research Society of South Africa

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Ittmann, HW


    Full Text Available ), the Univer- sity of the Witwatersrand (WITS), the North- West University, and also the University of Pretoria. One or two of the ??previously disad- vantaged institutions??, or Historically Black Universities, have relative large OR depart- ments...

  1. 2260-IJBCS-Article-Prof Trokourey Albert

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Datché TRAORE1,2, A.S.M. ABDELAZIZ2, Yapi S. BROU1 and Albert TROKOUREY1*. 1 Laboratoire ... preparation by simple mixing a modifier with the paste. ..... copper mixed chelate complexation. An. Univ. ... electrode modified with iron (II).

  2. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. Astronomical Observatory, Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia. LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Universities, UPMC Univ. Paris 06, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France.

  3. Descriptor data of Castanea accessions at the University of Missouri (United States)

    Chestnut, Castanea L., trees were propagated and planted in repositories at the Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center, New Franklin, Missouri in 1996, 2002, 2009 with additional accessions acquired annually. Trees have been pruned, fertilized, irrigated, and pests controlled following Unive...

  4. A Qual Abyssi ity cha inica C aracter Cass.) p rization produc Et n of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    eed oil ara Reg olomon Lib. Wolkite Unive. Bahir Dar, Et. 15 olesterol and opia. Acid v ... High cholesterol, smoking and high blood pressure are the principal risk factors ... cholesterol also has essential functions in the body such as providing ...

  5. Sane, Prof. Sanjay Prafullachandra

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Sane, Prof. Sanjay Prafullachandra Ph.D. (Univ. Calif., Berkeley). Date of birth: 12 September 1970. Specialization: Neuroethology, Biomechanics, Fluid Mechanics Address: National Centre for Biological Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bengaluru 560 065, Karnatka Contact: Office: (080) 2366 7020. Residence: (080) 4097 0586

  6. On the Measurement of Morphology and Its Change. (United States)


    that transitions within the ceratopsian dinosaurs necessitated overly complex or impossible grid deformations. THETA-RHO ANALYSIS An alternative...1982, A robust comparison of the three dimensional configurations of protein molelcules. Tech. Rpt. 224, Ser. 2, Dept. Statistics Princeton Univ., 18 p

  7. Traditional Chinese Medicine

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    2008495 Visualized study on acupuncture treatment of children autism using single photon emission computed tomography.JIA Shaowei(贾少微),et al.Dept Nucl Med,Shenzhen Hosp,Peking Univ,Shenzhen 518036.Chin J Integr & West Med 2008,28(10):886-889.


    A Bioinformatic Strategy to Rapidly Characterize cDNA LibrariesG. Charles Ostermeier1, David J. Dix2 and Stephen A. Krawetz1.1Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics, & Institute for Scientific Computing, Wayne State Univer...

  9. United States Air Force Summer Faculty Research Program, 1988. Program Technical Report. Volume 3 (United States)


    Ph.D., Biostatistics , 1982 Assistant Professor Specialty: Biostatistics , Exp. Design Dept. of Mathematics Assigned: School of Aerospace Medicine Univ... Dentistry Dept. of Preventive Dentistry Assigned: Wilford Hall Medical Center ant’ Community Health Meharry Medical College 1005 D.B. Todd Blvd

  10. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Macrobenthos Data for the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1981-1992 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Samples were taken from two estuarine tidal creek stations (designated BB and DD) in the North Inlet Estuary, SC. Two large cores, with a sediment surface area of...

  11. special article the medico-legal prerequisite for initiating quarantine

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    1Department of Biological, Environmental and Occupational Health Science, School of Public Health, Univer- ... and isolation in public health emergency management. ... The implementation of quarantine or isolation ... ety, technological systems within a given population ..... Ghana Civil Aviation Act, 2004 (Act 678).

  12. Analgesic effect of ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block after total abdominal hysterectomy

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Røjskjaer, Jesper O; Gade, Erik; Kiel, Louise B


    OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of bilateral ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block with ropivacaine compared with placebo as part of a multimodal analgesic regimen. DESIGN: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial following the CONSORT criteria. SETTING: Hvidovre Univers...

  13. Anxiety and Overgener a lization: Negative Results (United States)

    Murray, E. Neil


    Research supported in part by a United States Public Health Service grant. Article based on a PhD thesis submitted to the University of Pittsburgh. Reprints from: E.N. Murray, Dept of Psychology, State Univ of N.Y., Buffalo, N.Y.

  14. Rainfall Variability along the Southern Flank of the Bambouto ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    . 2 - Univ. Yaoundé I, Faculty of Science, Department of Earth Science, P.O. Box 812 ..... hollow alveolar in the centre which is elevated at the borders. This situation entraps air inside that is warmed- up and creates rising ...

  15. CREEK Project's Phytoplankton Pigment Monitoring Database for Eight Creeks in the North Inlet Estuary, South Carolina: 1997-1999 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — The CREEK Project began in January of 1996 and was designed to help determine the role of oysters, Crassostrea virginica, in tidal creeks of the North Inlet Estuary,...

  16. The big experiment

    CERN Multimedia

    MacEacheran, Mike


    "From an academic laboratory in Switzerland, Cern, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, is conducting physics experiments that are mesmerising everyone. But are its scientitsts really going to answer the questions of life, the Univers and everyhing in between?" (4 pages)

  17. On the robust nonparametric regression estimation for a functional regressor


    Azzedine , Nadjia; Laksaci , Ali; Ould-Saïd , Elias


    On the robust nonparametric regression estimation for a functional regressor correspondance: Corresponding author. (Ould-Said, Elias) (Azzedine, Nadjia) (Laksaci, Ali) (Ould-Said, Elias) Departement de Mathematiques--> , Univ. Djillali Liabes--> , BP 89--> , 22000 Sidi Bel Abbes--> - ALGERIA (Azzedine, Nadjia) Departement de Mathema...

  18. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Daily Estuarine Surface Water Nutrient and Water Quality, Suspended Sediment, and Chlorophyll a Data for the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1978-1993 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A one 1000 ml (one Liter) water sample was collected daily (at approximately 1000 hrs EST - but see note below in section 1.2.3 Supplemental Information) at a depth...

  19. Taking a break

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundgaard Andersen, Linda; Zukas, Miriam


    This chapter focuses on the doctoral summer school as a challenging pedagogy for doctoral education, in which the traditional supervisory relationship and the disciplinary curriculum are deconstructed through intensive group processes. We draw on our experiences as pedagogues at the Roskilde Univ...

  20. The Determinants of the Scientific Revolutionl

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    in the technological, economic, intellectual and social life of the society. ... 1 This article is reproduced from the book Science in the West and India: Some Historical ..... S J W J Ong, Ramus, Method and the Decay 0/ the Dialogue, Harvard Univ.

  1. Variation in age and physical status prior to total knee and hip replacement surgery

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Ackerman, Ilana N; Dieppe, Paul A; March, Lyn M


    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether variation exists in the preoperative age, pain, stiffness, and physical function of people undergoing total knee replacement (TKR) and total hip replacement (THR) at several centers in Australia and Europe. METHODS: Individual Western Ontario and McMaster Univers...

  2. WAJM 28 (5).pmd

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Departments of *Surgery, †Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah Univ. of Science and Technology, Private Mail. Bag, University Post Office, Kumasi, Ghana, E-Mail: Correspondence: Dr Michael Ohene-Yeboah, Department of Surgery, School of Medical Sciences, ...

  3. GENOMICS SYMPOSIUM: Using genomic approaches to uncover sources of variation in age at puberty and reproductive longevity in sows (United States)

    Genetic variants associated with traits such as age at puberty and litter size could provide insight into the underlying genetic sources of variation impacting sow reproductive longevity and productivity. Genomewide characterization and gene expression profiling were used using gilts from the Univer...

  4. Long-Term Low Tide Monitoring Data for Fishes, Shrimps, & Crabs in Oyster Landing Creek, North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1983-2003. (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Seine samples of the nekton community were taken every 2 weeks with a 6-millimeter mesh bag seine at low tide, in an intertidal creek pool in the Oyster Landing...

  5. North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve's (NERR) Estuarine Surface Water Nutrient, Suspended Sediment, and Chlorophyll a Data for the North Inlet and Winyah Bay Estuaries, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1993-2001 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — A one 1000 ml (one Liter) water sample was collected every 20 days at 2 hour and 4 minute intervals for 2 complete tidal cycles (26 hours) with an ISCO automated...

  6. Dynamic simulation of a process inherent ultimate safety power plant (PIUS)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khamis, Ibrahim.


    Short communication. A summary of a thesis submitted to the Department of Nuclear and Energy Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science with a major in nuclear engineering in the graduate college, Univ. of Arizona 1986


    The report gives, for the first time, results of an extensive study of the effect of ventilation on radon concentrations and radon entry rate in a single-family dwelling. Measurements of radon concentrations, building dynamics, and environmental parameters made in Princeton Unive...

  8. Determination of physico-chemical parameters and heavy metals in ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 4(3), pp. 145-148 .... litres rubber bottles, which have been previously washed with 10%. HNO3 and 1:1 HCl for 48 h. .... Handbook of drinking water quality. Indiana Univ. Press pp ...

  9. Development of a 30 kW Inductively Coupled Plasma Torch Facility for Advanced Aerospace Material Investigations (United States)


    Mac MEDIA. Nature & Type: Identification: SOFTWARE . Name: Microsoft Word 2010 KEY WORDS LANGUAGE CODE ENG APPROVAL. Plasma torch, ground...15. P. F. Barbante, “Accurate and Efficient Modeling of High Temperature Non- equilibrium Air Flows,” Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Libre de Bruxelles

  10. Comparison of activity coefficient models for electrolyte systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lin, Yi; ten Kate, Antoon; Mooijer, Miranda


    Three activity coefficient models for electrolyte solutions were evaluated and compared. The activity coefficient models are: The electrolyte NRTL model (ElecNRTL) by Aspentech, the mixed solvent electrolyte model (MSE) by OLI Systems Inc., and the Extended UNIQUAC model from the Technical Univer...

  11. Long-Term Large Mesozooplankton (Motile Epibenthos) Data for the North Inlet Estuary, Georgetown, South Carolina: 1981-2003 (United States)

    Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences, Univ of South Carolina — Three consecutive tows of an epibenthic sled fitted with a 365-micron mesh net were used to collect small (1-20 mm) motile animals from just above the bottom of two...

  12. Allanach Benjamin, LAPTH, France Altarelli Guido, CERN ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Allanach Benjamin, LAPTH, France. Altarelli Guido, CERN, Switzerland. Ananthanarayan Balasubramanian,. IISc, Bangalore, India. Antoniadis Ignatios, CERN, Switzer- land. Aziz T, TIFR, Mumbai, India. Babu K S, Oklahoma State Univ., USA. Bailey Stephen, Harvard/BaBar, USA. Bailin David, University of Sussex, UK.

  13. Irradiation effects on reactor structural materials. Semiannual progress report, March 1975--July 1975

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Claudson, T.T.


    Mechanical properties and irradiation effects are reported by Aerojet, ANL, AI, GE, HEDL, NRL, ORNL, PNL, and Univ. of Cincinnati for: Type 304, 304L, and 316 stainless steels; Inconel 718; nickel; Ni alloys; V alloys; Mo; Nb; and Nb--1 Zr

  14. Central Asia | Page 85 | IDRC - International Development Research ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    univers numérique des pays en développement. Language French. Read more about Politiques d'aide étrangère de l'Inde et de la Chine. Language French. Read more about Appui aux transitions dans le monde arabe. Language French.

  15. The effects of improvement of the main shaft on the operating conditions of the Agnew turbine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yassi, Y. [Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran (Iran)


    Agnew turbine is a 45 axial flow Kaplan type micro hydro. The turbine was designed by an ex-lecturer of the Univ. of Glasgow, to operate without guide vanes. Later due to a joint research program between the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) and the Univ. of Glasgow it was developed to operate under low head and limited flow potentials in Iran. The original design of the main shaft of the turbine was supported by a bearing housing consisting of three bearings outside the main casing, leaving the rest of the shaft, hub and the runner without any supports inside the turbine.Later a suitable support near the runner and inside the casing was designed and installed. Standard turbine tests showed considerable improvements in operating characteristics of the turbine due to these design modifications. This paper presents details of these improvements and the related outcomes. (author)

  16. Invest more in different energy sources 1999 - 2011; Satsa mer paa olika energikaellor 1999 - 2011

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hedberg, Per; Holmberg, Soeren


    The SOM Institute at Gothenburg Univ. conducts, every fall since 1986, a national survey 'National SOM' in order to identify the Swedish public's habits and attitudes on theme's of society, politics and media. Data is collected yearly through postal questionnaires and investigations are conducted under essentially the same conditions, for the results to be comparable from the different years. The SOM Institute is a collaboration between two departments at Gothenburg Univ.: Dept. of Journalism, Media and Communication, and Dept. of Political Science. Several research projects are involved in the National SOM survey - most with roots in any of these Institutions but also external projects and other actors participate regularly. The results of the National SOM survey are reported in the annual publications, in which the participant researchers present analysis based on recent results, focusing where possible, on long-term advocacy and media trends.

  17. Modelling UK energy demand to 2000

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, S.D.


    A recent long-term demand forecast for the UK was made by Cheshire and Surrey. (SPRU Occasional Paper Series No.5, Science Policy Research Unit, Univ. Of Sussex, 1978.) Although they adopted a sectoral approach their study leaves some questions unanswered. Do they succeed in their aim of making all their assumptions fully explicit. How sensitive are their estimates to changes in assumptions and policies. Are important problems and 'turning points' fully identified in the period up to and immediately beyond their time horizon of 2000. The author addresses these questions by using a computer model based on the study by Cheshire and Surrey. This article is a shortened version of the report, S.D. Thomas, 'Modelling UK Energy Demand to 2000', Operational Research, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 1979, in which full details of the author's model are given. Copies are available from the author. (author)

  18. Modelling UK energy demand to 2000

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Thomas, S D [Sussex Univ., Brighton (UK)


    A recent long-term demand forecast for the UK was made by Cheshire and Surrey. (SPRU Occasional Paper Series No.5, Science Policy Research Unit, Univ. Of Sussex, 1978.) Although they adopted a sectoral approach their study leaves some questions unanswered. Do they succeed in their aim of making all their assumptions fully explicit. How sensitive are their estimates to changes in assumptions and policies. Are important problems and 'turning points' fully identified in the period up to and immediately beyond their time horizon of 2000. The author addresses these questions by using a computer model based on the study by Cheshire and Surrey. This article is a shortened version of the report, S.D. Thomas, 'Modelling UK Energy Demand to 2000', Operational Research, Univ. of Sussex, Brighton, UK, 1979, in which full details of the author's model are given. Copies are available from the author.

  19. Interlaboratory comparison and accreditation in quality control testing of diagnostic X-ray equipment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kepler, K.; Vladimirov, A.; Servomaa, A.


    The Univ. of Tartu provides a quality control service to the majority of diagnostic X-ray departments in Estonia. Its methodology has been adopted from the IEC and other relevant standards. Recently the Testing Centre of the Univ. of Tartu was accredited on this methodology by ISO/IEC 17025. Besides the implementation of the quality management system, participation in interlaboratory comparison (ILC) was one of the prerequisites for the accreditation. Tests for estimating reproducibility of tube voltage and dose rate, accuracy of the voltage and accuracy of exposure time were carried out on a diagnostic X-ray unit in the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Helsinki. The measurement performance was judged by calculating deviation En normalised with respect to the stated uncertainties. En values for all tests were less than unity and by the common ILC criteria the testing performance could be considered as acceptable. (authors)

  20. Academic Training - The use of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes in radiation physics and dosimetry

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    2005-2006 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 27, 28, 29 June 11:00-12:00 - TH Conference Room, bldg. 4 The use of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes in radiation physics and dosimetry F. Salvat Gavalda,Univ. de Barcelona, A. FERRARI, CERN-AB, M. SILARI, CERN-SC Lecture 1. Transport and interaction of electromagnetic radiation F. Salvat Gavalda,Univ. de Barcelona Interaction models and simulation schemes implemented in modern Monte Carlo codes for the simulation of coupled electron-photon transport will be briefly reviewed. Different schemes for simulating electron transport will be discussed. Condensed algorithms, which rely on multiple-scattering theories, are comparatively fast, but less accurate than mixed algorithms, in which hard interactions (with energy loss or angular deflection larger than certain cut-off values) are simulated individually. The reliability, and limitations, of electron-interaction models and multiple-scattering theories will be analyzed. Benchmark comparisons of simu...

  1. European Scientific Notes. Volume 37, Number 6. (United States)


    Univ. voir membrane systems or with specially of Mainz, West Germany). shaped devices, essentially linear Dr. F.G. Hutchinson (ICI Pharma - release can...languages, such as Course- of the printing press. writer, TUTOR , and PILOT, are themselves software systems that help educators write courseware. According

  2. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    1Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia. 2Astronomical Observatory, Volgina 7, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia. 3LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Universities,. UPMC Univ. Paris 06, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France.

  3. Mead features fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (lalvin k1 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Eduardo Morales

    Full Length Research Paper. Mead features fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (lalvin k1-1116). Eduardo Marin MORALES1*, Valmir Eduardo ALCARDE2 and Dejanira de Franceschi de. ANGELIS1. 1Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Institute of Biosciences, UNESP - Univ Estadual Paulista, Av. 24-A,.

  4. Influence of decelerating flow on incipient motion of a gravel-bed ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    mobile-bed velocity profiles, it is revealed that the parabolic law method (PLM) and the ... motion of stream-beds is a fundamental aspect of river mechanics that has applications to a wide variety of ...... M S thesis, 184 pp. Univ. of Wash. Seattle ...

  5. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Bellissard Jean, Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, USA. Bernard Guilhem, LAPTh, Annecy-le-Vieux, France. Blanchard Philippe, Univ. Bielefeld, Germany. Boudjema Fawzi, LAPTh, Annecy-le-Vieux, France. Brezin Edouard, LPT, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. Bros Jacques, DSM/IPhT, CEA Saclay, France.

  6. Cosmos & Glass

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beim, Anne


    The article unfolds the architectural visions of glass by Bruno Taut. It refers to inspirations by Paul Sheerbart and litterature and the Crystal Chain, also it analyses the tectonic univers that can be found in the glass pavillion for the Werkbund exposition in Cologne....

  7. effect of turning parameters on metal removal and tool wear rates

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    2 SCHOOL OF AEROSPACE, TRANSPORT AND MANUFACTURING, CRANFIELD UNIV., ... AISI 1018 low carbon steel during turning operation to reduce tooling costs as a result of tool wear and achieve optimum metal ... performance of a system, part or component while ... traditional and experimental design methods of.

  8. Academic Training: Climate change and challenges for the environment / POSTPONED!!!

    CERN Multimedia

    Françoise Benz


    2004-2005 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME LECTURE SERIES 20, 21, 22 June 20, 21, 22 June, from 11:00 to 12:00 – Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 Climate change and challenges for the environment C. SCHLUECHTER / Univ. Bern, CH The Academic Training is postponed.

  9. Rational Belief. (United States)


    and Feyerabend (1970) have pointed out, such generalizations are, particularly early on, maintained in the face of falsifying evidence. That is, they... Feyerabend , P. (1970) Against method. In Studies in the philosonhy of science, ed. Radner & Winokur, 17-130. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press. Finetti

  10. Geographical distribution of torture: An epidemiological study of torture reported by asylum applicants examined at the Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Copenhagen

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Busch, Johannes Rødbro; Hansen, Steen Holger; Hougen, Hans Petter


    Using reports from 154 examinations of alleged torture victims among asylum applicants to Denmark conducted by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Univer- sity of Copenhagen, between 2001 and 2013, we have categorized the victims into four geographical regions, as well as according to the conflict...

  11. Dietary patterns and diet quality among diverse older adults: The University of Alabama at Birmingham study of aging (United States)

    Objectives: To characterize dietary patterns among a diverse sample of older adults (= 65 years). Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Five counties in west central Alabama. Participants: Community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries (N=416; 76.8 ± 5.2 years, 56% female, 39% African American) in the Univer...

  12. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology: Editorial Policies

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology publishes original research papers, shot ... State Univ., Mubi, Nigeria., Molecular biology and bioremediation ... Dr. Kelechi C. Njoku, Dept. of Cell Biology & Genetics, University of Lagos, Lagos,, Environmental Biology ... HOW TO USE AJOL.

  13. Aerodynamic Control of Exhaust

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hyldgård, Carl-Erik

    In the autumn of 1985 the Unive!Sity of Aalborg was approached by the manufacturer C. P. Aaberg, who had obtained aerodynilmic control of the exhaust by means of injection. The remaining investigations comprising optimizations of the system with regard to effect, consumption, requirements...

  14. Decompositions of Multiattribute Utility Functions Based on Convex Dependence. (United States)


    School of Business, 200E, BEB Decision Research University of Texas at Austin 1201 Oak Street Austin, Texas 78712 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Professor Norman ...Stephen M. Robinson Dept. of Industrial Engineering Dr. Richard D. Smallwood Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison Applied Decision Analysis, Inc. 1513 University

  15. Czy Woda Zastapi Olej W Napedach Hydraulicznych

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Conrad, Finn; Garbacik, Andrzej; Szewczyk, Kazimierz


    The paper presents results from research cooperation project on water hydraulic systems versus oil hydraulic systems undertaken between Dept of Control and Engineering Design, DTU and Institute of Heavy Duty Machines, Cracow Univ of Technology.The project has focus on advantages of using pure tap...

  16. Database Description - The Rice Growth Monitoring for The Phenotypic Functional Analysis | LSDB Archive [Life Science Database Archive metadata

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available on: Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo Univers...ity Contact address 1-1, Toyosatodai, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 320-8551 Japan Department of Biosciences, Faculty of Science and Engine...ering, Teikyo University Tomoko Shinomura E-mail : Database classification Plant da

  17. The role of chemistry in poisonous plant research: Current status and future prospects (United States)

    Poisonous plants are a major cause of economic loss to livestock producers in many parts of the world. Losses include deaths, abortions, birth defects, reduced production and lost forage value. The USDA-ARS-Poisonous Plant Research Lab in collaboration with the Inner Mongolia Agricultural Univers...

  18. Assessment of seasonal and year-to-year surface salinity signals retrieved from SMOS and Aquarius missions in the Bay of Bengal

    Digital Repository Service at National Institute of Oceanography (India)

    Akhil, V.P.; Lengaigne, M.; Durand, F.; Vialard, J.; Chaitanya, A.V.S.; Keerthi, M.G.; Gopalakrishna, V.V.; Boutin, J.; de Boyer, M.C.

    , Sorbonne Universités (UPMC, Univ Paris 06)-CNRS-IRD-MNHN, Paris, France; dNIO, Goa, India; eLOS, IFREMER, Plouzané, France ABSTRACT The Bay of Bengal (BoB) exhibits a wide range of sea surface salinity (SSS), with very fresh water induced by heavy monsoonal...

  19. A Literature Survey on Inverse Scattering for Electron Density Profile Determination. Volume II. (United States)


    THE INVERSE SCATTERING PROBLEM4 FOR THE EQUAT ION Of ACOUSTIC$ AVILA, G.S.S. DEPT. DE MATEMATICA . INST. DE CIENCIAS EXATAS. UNIV. Of BRASILIA...of Colict support Portinari. Joao C. Departamento do Matematica . Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio do Janeiro. Brasil J. Math

  20. Effect of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia on the response of IL-6, TNF-alpha, and FFAs to low-dose endotoxemia in humans

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Krogh-Madsen, Rikke; Møller, Kirsten; Dela, Flemming


    Effect of hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia on the response of IL-6, TNF-alpha, and FFAs to low-dose endotoxemia in humans.Krogh-Madsen R, Moller K, Dela F, Kronborg G, Jauffred S, Pedersen BK. Professor of Internal Medicine, Dept. of Infectious Diseases 7641, Univ. Hospital Rigshospitalet...

  1. use of standalone photovoltaic system for office building

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    OF TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING, FEDERAL UNIV. ... This paper presents the design of a cost effective energy system for National Centre for ... company. In GC system, when the amount of energy generated by a PV system exceeds the demand loads, .... used by the researchers and the management staff of.

  2. damaliscus dorcas phillipsi

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    D.Sc.-tesis, Univ. Pretoria. GLEES, A., 1967. Progress report on wildlife utilization in Tanzania. July 1967. Project report FE 428. (Aangehaaldeur von La Chevallerie, 1970). HOFMEYR, H.S., KROON, FREDERIKA E. & VAN. RENSBURG,W.J.J., 1971.(Ongepubliseerd). PANARETTO, B.A., 1968. Body composition in animals.

  3. The Shock and Vibration Digest. Volume 18, Number 6 (United States)


    linear, quadratic, or cubic. Bessel function Reed [124] reported a method for computing solutions were obtained for a truncated pyramid amplitudes of a...86-1198 A. Ragab, Chung C. Fu Seismic Analysis of a Large LMFBR with Flu- Cairo Univ., Giza , Egypt . . *. id-Structure Imteractions Computers Struc

  4. European Scientific Notes. Volume 37, Number 9. (United States)


    isocyanates, have been crosslinked production of ethyl alcohol from glucose with water (See Klein and Manecke, using whole yeast cells in epoxy-based 1982...more specialized studies ic particles. Dr. J.L. Sarmiento were presented. (Princeton Univ., US) presented prelim- Dr. P.G. Brewer (National Science inary

  5. Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy | Indian Academy of Sciences

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Jan 27, 2016 ... Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Science, King Saud University, P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia. LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Research University, CNRS, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ. Paris 06, 5 Place Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon Cedex, France.

  6. Putting a Spin on Photon Entanglement (United States)


    the renowned ‘ EPR ’ paper questioning the completeness of quantum theory3. In recent decades, with the advent of quantum information science4...780 ( 1935 ). 4. Nielsen, M. A. & Chuang, I. L. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000). 5. Blinov, B. B., Moehring

  7. Vida extraterrestre


    Guerrero, Ricardo, 1943-; Berlanga Herranz, Mercedes


    L'univers és ple de núvols de gas, pols i matèria orgànica. Els radiotelescopis han detectat la presència d"aigua i gran varietat de molècules orgàniques, peces essencials per al meccano de la vida.

  8. Jam Session reloaded: Von der Marmeladenfabrik zum Kultur- und Kreativraum : Revitalisierung und Umnutzung der Zuegg-Marmeladenfabrik am Tribusplatz in Lana, Südtirol


    Hillebrand, Annika


    von Annika Hillebrand Zusammenfassung in englischer Sprache Parallelt. [Übers. des Autors]: Jam Session Reloaded: From the jam factory to the cultural and creative space revitalization and redevelopment of Zuegg jam factory on Tribusplatz in Lana, South Tyrol Technische Universität Wien, Univ., Diplomarbeit, 2015

  9. Multispectral Passive Microwave Correlations with an Antecedent Precipitation Index Using the Nimbus 7 SMMR. (United States)


    M.D. Smallwood , 1981: An evaluation of the spatial resolution of soil moisture information. NASA CR-166724, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD...Thesis, Dept of Meteor- ology, Univ. of Okla., Norman , 59 pp. Theis, S.W., 1979: Surface soil moisture estimation with the Electri- cally Scanning

  10. The essential spectrum of Schroedinger operators with asymptotically constant magnetic fields on the Poincare upper-half plane

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Inahama, Yuzuru; Shirai, Shin-ichi


    We study the essential spectrum of the magnetic Schroedinger operators on the Poincare upper-half plane and establish a hyperbolic analog of Iwatsuka's result [J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 23(3), 475-480 (1983)] on the stability of the essential spectrum under perturbations from constant magnetic fields


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    COPEPODA) parasitic on New Zealand freshwater fish with a re-examination of. Paeonodes exiguus Wilson. Zool. Pubis Vict. Univ. Wellington, 50: 32-39. TRIPATHI, Y S. 1960. Parasitic copepods from Indian fishes. II: two new families. Therodamasidae and Catlaphillidae. Sobretiro del libro homenage al Doctor Eduardo.

  12. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    However, this cannot be at the exclusion of the classical subjects such as botany, zoology, microbiology, genetics, biochemistry and geology. Many univer- sities are unfortunately closing down these departments that were their strength in the past or are converting them to departments of biotechnology/genetic engineering.

  13. NASA space radiation transport code development consortium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Townsend, L. W.


    Recently, NASA established a consortium involving the Univ. of Tennessee (lead institution), the Univ. of Houston, Roanoke College and various government and national laboratories, to accelerate the development of a standard set of radiation transport computer codes for NASA human exploration applications. This effort involves further improvements of the Monte Carlo codes HETC and FLUKA and the deterministic code HZETRN, including developing nuclear reaction databases necessary to extend the Monte Carlo codes to carry out heavy ion transport, and extending HZETRN to three dimensions. The improved codes will be validated by comparing predictions with measured laboratory transport data, provided by an experimental measurements consortium, and measurements in the upper atmosphere on the balloon-borne Deep Space Test Bed (DSTB). In this paper, we present an overview of the consortium members and the current status and future plans of consortium efforts to meet the research goals and objectives of this extensive undertaking. (authors)

  14. The many facets of climate change - Conference proceedings

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This conference day on climate change was organized by the French meteorological society (SMF) at the Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris. This document brings together the available presentations given at the conference. Eight presentations (slides) are compiled in this document and deal with: 1 - Climate change today and tomorrow, the research stakes (Herve Le Treut, IPSL); 2 - Rise of sea levels: estimations and regional variability (Guy Woeppelmann, La Rochelle Univ.); 3 - Polar ice caps and continental cryo-sphere as seen from space (A. Kouraev, F. Remy, E. Berthier, LEGOS); 4 - Impacts of climate change on exploited marine populations: projections and uncertainties (Patrick Lehodey, CLS); 5 - Climate change stakes on agricultural and winery activities in France (Eric Duchene, INRA); 6 - Impacts of climate change on forest trees phenology and their consequences on trees life and survival (Francois Lebourgeois, ENGREF); 7 - Remote-epidemiology: a health-aid in a climate change context (Murielle Lafaye, CNES); 8 - Socio-economic aspects and adaptation: a climate history, for what? (Emmanuel Garnier, Caen Univ.)

  15. The many facets of climate change - Conference proceedings; Les multiples facettes du changement climatique - Recueil des presentations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)



    This conference day on climate change was organized by the French meteorological society (SMF) at the Ecole Normale Superieure of Paris. This document brings together the available presentations given at the conference. Eight presentations (slides) are compiled in this document and deal with: 1 - Climate change today and tomorrow, the research stakes (Herve Le Treut, IPSL); 2 - Rise of sea levels: estimations and regional variability (Guy Woeppelmann, La Rochelle Univ.); 3 - Polar ice caps and continental cryo-sphere as seen from space (A. Kouraev, F. Remy, E. Berthier, LEGOS); 4 - Impacts of climate change on exploited marine populations: projections and uncertainties (Patrick Lehodey, CLS); 5 - Climate change stakes on agricultural and winery activities in France (Eric Duchene, INRA); 6 - Impacts of climate change on forest trees phenology and their consequences on trees life and survival (Francois Lebourgeois, ENGREF); 7 - Remote-epidemiology: a health-aid in a climate change context (Murielle Lafaye, CNES); 8 - Socio-economic aspects and adaptation: a climate history, for what? (Emmanuel Garnier, Caen Univ.)

  16. Exhibition

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    Univers Du 9 au 20 avril 2018 | CERN Meyrin, Bâtiment principal Stéphanie Cousin Obsédée par les rêves, les mondes surréalistes et insolites, je m’empare de formes provenant des mes propres travaux photographiques ou d’images que je modifie et mixe. Je fais évoluer mes univers oniriques de femmes-animaux ainsi que mes espaces et natures imaginaires. Avec ma démarche artistique, je cherche à mettre en images nos rêves et nos cauchemars, l’irréel et le surréel, le mystique et les affres de notre inconscient. Je cherche à représenter tout ce qui sommeille au plus profond de nous-même à l’aide de symboles, parfois en utilisant des images de cultures ancestrales. Photographie-collage, je cherche à ajouter quelques notes à la définition de la photographie du 21iè...

  17. L'univers quantique tout ce qui peut arriver arrive

    CERN Document Server

    Cox, Brian


    Brian Cox et Jeff Forshaw révèlent dans cet ouvrage la signification profonde de la physique quantique. Ils montrent pourquoi elle fournit une description de la Nature avec un immense pouvoir prédictif et explicatif, couvrant une vaste gamme de phénomènes, des puces de silicium aux fonctionnement des étoiles. L'histoire commence au tournant du XXe siècle, avec l'hypothèse de Max Planck qui postule que le rayonnement lumineux dégagé par un corps chaud est constituée de petits paquets d'énergie qu'il nomme "quanta". Brian Cox et Jeff Forshaw explorent ensuite plus d'un siècle de découvertes et de questionnements, jusqu'au fameux boson de higgs, clé de voûte du modèle standard décrivant la matière à son niveau le plus élémentaire.

  18. Research in particle physics. [Dept. of Physics, Boston Univ

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Whitaker, Scott J.


    Research accomplishments and current activities of Boston University researchers in high energy physics are presented. Principal areas of activity include the following: detectors for studies of electron[endash]positron annihilation in colliding beams; advanced accelerator component design, including the superconducting beam inflector, electrostatic quadrupoles, and the electrostatic muon kicker''; the detector for the MACRO (Monopole, Astrophysics, and Cosmic Ray Observatory) experiment; neutrino astrophysics and the search for proton decay; theoretical particle physics (electroweak and flavor symmetry breaking, hadron collider phenomenology, cosmology and astrophysics, new field-theoretic models, nonperturbative investigations of quantum field theories, electroweak interactions); measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon; calorimetry for the GEM experiment; and muon detectors for the GEM experiment at the Superconducting Super Collider.

  19. Constrained Local UniversE Simulations: a Local Group factory (United States)

    Carlesi, Edoardo; Sorce, Jenny G.; Hoffman, Yehuda; Gottlöber, Stefan; Yepes, Gustavo; Libeskind, Noam I.; Pilipenko, Sergey V.; Knebe, Alexander; Courtois, Hélène; Tully, R. Brent; Steinmetz, Matthias


    Near-field cosmology is practised by studying the Local Group (LG) and its neighbourhood. This paper describes a framework for simulating the `near field' on the computer. Assuming the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model as a prior and applying the Bayesian tools of the Wiener filter and constrained realizations of Gaussian fields to the Cosmicflows-2 (CF2) survey of peculiar velocities, constrained simulations of our cosmic environment are performed. The aim of these simulations is to reproduce the LG and its local environment. Our main result is that the LG is likely a robust outcome of the ΛCDMscenario when subjected to the constraint derived from CF2 data, emerging in an environment akin to the observed one. Three levels of criteria are used to define the simulated LGs. At the base level, pairs of haloes must obey specific isolation, mass and separation criteria. At the second level, the orbital angular momentum and energy are constrained, and on the third one the phase of the orbit is constrained. Out of the 300 constrained simulations, 146 LGs obey the first set of criteria, 51 the second and 6 the third. The robustness of our LG `factory' enables the construction of a large ensemble of simulated LGs. Suitable candidates for high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations of the LG can be drawn from this ensemble, which can be used to perform comprehensive studies of the formation of the LG.

  20. Research in elementary particle physics. [Ohio State Univ. , Columbus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    Experimental and theoretical work on high energy physics is reviewed. Included are preparations to study high-energy electron-proton interactions at HERA, light-cone QCD, decays of charm and beauty particles, neutrino oscillation, electron-positron interactions at CLEO II, detector development, and astrophysics and cosmology.

  1. Download this PDF file

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. The author is grateful to the Department of Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University,. Aligarh, India for providing IR data. REFERENCES. - ai ways in naroonage univers Behaviour o i f. 1. Zabicky, J. The Chemistry of Anilides, Interscience: London; 1970,. Paul, K.C. New Pathways in Inorganic Chemistry ...

  2. Some studies on liver and rumen flukes of bovines in Sri Lanka

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Keywords: liver and rumen flukes, bovines, influence of climate, Sri Lanka. INTRODUCTION .... they were given two changes of absolute alcohol, each longing ..... inland and where fresh water ditches, streams and large water ... India. Res. ull. Panjab Univ., New series, 18: 369-337. sen J, Perry B. 1994. The epidemiology,.

  3. Rao, Prof. Kalya Jagannatha

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Rao, Prof. Kalya Jagannatha Ph.D. (IIT, Kanpur), D.Sc. (IISc), FNA, FNASc, D.Sc. (h.c., Univ. Bordeaux, France) Council Service: 1998-2003. Date of birth: 7 December 1940. Specialization: Physical Chemistry of Amorphous Solids & Ceramics and Phase Transitions Address: 187/1, Tadvanam Estate, Halasinganahalli Road ...

  4. A Summary of the Third Persh Conference: Strategic Issues in Materials for National Defense (United States)


    such as aerogels , shape-memory alloys, polymers, electronic ink, and zeolites. The second demonstration kit, “Zoom in on Life,” investigates how Aircraft ", Academic Panel on Accreditation, Balance, Curricula for the 21st Prof Mark Tuttle (Univ. of Washington), Asst Prof Brian Landi (Ril

  5. Behaviour of veterinary drugs in soil, plant and water system : transport investigation of antiparasitic drugs in soil-plant-water


    Islam, Marivil Dabalus


    submitted by Marivil Dabalus Islam Zsfassung in dt. Sprache Wien, Univ. für Bodenkultur, Diss., 2013 OeBB Food Addit /

  6. Information and Announcements Refresher Course on Frontiers in ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    This Refresher Course for teachers from graduate and post-graduate colleges and univer- sity departments aims at providing a unified view of modern inorganic chemistry and hands-on experience in doing a few selected exciting laboratory experiments. Emphasis will be given to unique interdisciplinary nature of inorganic ...

  7. Identifying the Learning Styles and Instructional Tool Preferences of Beginning Food Science and Human Nutrition Majors (United States)

    Bohn, D. M.; Rasmussen, C. N.; Schmidt, S. J.


    Learning styles vary among individuals, and understanding which instructional tools certain learning styles prefer can be utilized to enhance student learning. Students in the introductory Food Science and Human Nutrition course (FSHN 101), taught at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, were asked to complete Gregorc's Learning Style…

  8. Questioning Mechanisms During Tutoring, Conversation, and Human-Computer Interaction (United States)


    Robert J. Seidel Dept. Psicologia Basica OERI US Army Research Institute Univ. Barcelona 555 New Jersey Ave., NW 5001 Eisenhower Ave. 08028 Barcelona...having a different set of random starting weights in the weight space and running the simulation 10 times. As a crude, but conservative estimate, a GOP

  9. Dynamics Days Arizonia 1993. A Workshop held at Tempe, Arizona on 5-9 January 1993 (United States)



  10. Accuracy Assessment of Global Barotropic Ocean Tide Models (United States)


    Altimetry, Venice . Cartwright, D. E. (1999), Tides: A Scientific History , Cambridge Univ. Press, New York. Cartwright, D. E., and R. D. Ray (1990), Oceanic...E. Harrison, and D. Stammer, p. 4, ESA Publication WPP-306, Venice , Italy. Book, J. W., H. Perkins, and M. Wimbush (2009), North Adriatic tides

  11. Chakravarti, Prof. Aravinda

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Fellow Profile. Elected: 2008 Honorary. Chakravarti, Prof. Aravinda. Date of birth: 6 February 1954. Address: Director - CCDG, McKusick-Nathans Inst. of Genetic, Medicine, Johns Hopkins Univ., School of Medicine, 733 N.Broadway, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA Contact: Office: (+1-410) 502 7525. Fax: (+1-410) 502 7544

  12. Motivating the Notion of Generic Design within Information Processing Theory: the Design Problem Space (United States)


    company or a social welfare policy for a state. On this account, anyone dissatisfied with existing states of affairs and attempting to transform them into...Norman Cliff Dipartimento di Psicologia Department of Psychology Via della Pergola 48 Univ. of So. California 50121 Firenze Los Angeles, CA 90089-1061

  13. The 2001 U.S. Naval Observatory Double Star CD-Rom. III. The Third Catalog of Interferometric Measurements of Binary Stars (United States)


    CHARA southern speckle program from 1989 to 1996 (cf. Hartkopf et al. 1996), and by the more recent speckle e†orts of Horch and colleagues (cf. Horch ...Mason, B. D. 2001, Third Catalog of Interferometric Measurements of Binary Stars (CHARA Contrib. No. 4) (Atlanta : Georgia State Univ.) Horch , E


    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    13.1 Infection2003374 The relationship between dexamethasone and expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor and its receptor gene in experimental bacterial meningitis. LILing(李玲), et al. Dept Neurol, Children’ s Hosp, Sch Med Zhejiang Univ, Hangzhou 310003. Chin J Infect Dis2003;21(2):128-131

  15. JPRS Report, Soviet Union, Political Affairs (United States)


    other over some strawberries ? It was the same in Sukhumi. Does anyone really think all that bloodshed took place over a branch of the univer- sity...departments within them which service the capitols... Second, office space. We are literally jammed into small rooms and two of our employees

  16. Students' Viewpoint of Computer Game for Training in Indonesian Universities and High Schools (United States)

    Wahyudin, Didin; Hasegawa, Shinobu; Kamaludin, Apep


    This paper describes the survey--conducted in Indonesian universities (UNIV) and high schools (HS)--whose concern is to examine preferences and influences of computer game for training. Comparing the students' viewpoint between both educational levels could determine which educational level would satisfy the need of MAGNITUDE--mobile serious game…

  17. A Description of the Framework of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment (ABLE) Model (United States)


    between soil, urban, vegetation , and/or surface water and the atmosphere and radiation. We seek to fill a gap in Army capabilities by developing a...the Atmosphere; Cambridge Univ. Press, 393 pp, 2010. Wyngaard, J. C. Toward Numerical Modeling in the “ Terra Incognita.” Journal of Atmospheric

  18. Measurements of Acoustic Backscatter of the Deep Sea Floor Using a Deeply Towed Vehicle. (United States)


    the calcite compensation depth. Site E lies on 25 million years old crust between the Clipperton and Clarion fracture zones which define a major...Applied Research Laboratory c/o Univ. of California, San Diego - White Oak Newport, Rhode Island 20844 P.O. Box 8029 La Jolla, California 92093 Silver

  19. Rover exploration on the lunar surface; a science proposal for SELENE-B mission (United States)

    Sasaki, S.; Kubota, T.; Akiyama, H.; Hirata, N.; Kunii, Y.; Matsumoto, K.; Okada, T.; Otake, M.; Saiki, K.; Sugihara, T.

    LUNARSURFACE:ASCIENCES. Sasaki (1), T. Kubota (2) , H. Akiyama (1) , N. Hirata (3), Y. Kunii (4), K. Matsumoto (5), T. Okada (2), M. Otake (3), K. Saiki (6), T. Sugihara (3) (1) Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Univ. Tokyo, (2) Institute of Space and Astronautical Sciences, (3) National Space Development Agency of Japan, (4) Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chuo Univ., (5) National Aerospace Laboratory of Japan, (6) Research Institute of Materials and Resources, Akita Univ. sho@eps.s.u A new lunar landing mission (SELENE-B) is now in consideration in Japan. Scientific investigation plans using a rover are proposed. To clarify the origin and evolution of the moon, the early crustal formation and later mare volcanic processes are still unveiled. We proposed two geological investigation plans: exploration of a crater central peak to discover subsurface materials and exploration of dome-cone structures on young mare region. We propose multi-band macro/micro camera using AOTF, X-ray spectrometer/diffractometer and gamma ray spectrometer. Since observation of rock fragments in brecciaed rocks is necessary, the rover should have cutting or scraping mechanism of rocks. In our current scenario, landing should be performed about 500m from the main target (foot of a crater central peak or a cone/dome). After the spectral survey by multi-band camera on the lander, the rover should be deployed for geological investigation. The rover should make a short (a few tens meter) round trip at first, then it should perform traverse observation toward the main target. Some technological investigations on SELENE-B project will be also presented.

  20. Interdisciplinary Environmental Summer Study Abroad in Southern Africa as a Mechanism for the Development of an International Research and Education Consortium (United States)

    Swap, R. J.; Sabea, H.; Annegarn, H.; Ford, C.; Netshandama-Funyufunyu, V.; Omara-Ojungu, P.; Vaz, K.; Ribeiro, N.; Twine, W.; Terni, C.; Estes, L.


    We describe an interdisciplinary course for non-specialist undergraduates in which the students experience firsthand issues of regional environmental complexity and have the unique opportunity to gain insight into the role the environment plays in shaping the people and culture of southern Africa. Undergraduates receive 3 hours of credit both in Environmental Science and Anthropology for the ``People, Culture and Environment of Southern Africa" study abroad program. The program is an intensive introduction to the physical geography, history and culture of the region and involves an intensive blend of in-class lectures and field trips with daily debriefing discussions. Over the duration of the 30 day program, students are exposed to elements of geology, ecology, hydrology and atmospheric science and how the interconnectedness of these different aspects of the physical environment help shape the history of the people and their culture in the region. Information about logistics and course development as well as to how this summer study abroad program has contributed to the development and expansion of the Southern Africa Virginia Networks and Associations (SAVANA) consortium will be detailed. The program builds upon more than 12 years of relationships between UVA faculty and their southern African colleagues developed during the course of several regional scale research programs with the most recent being the Southern African Regional Science Initiative - SAFARI 2000. Students enrolled with the UVA program are joined by their counterparts and interact with faculty from institutional partners both in the classroom and in the field. Participants operate out of four major locations: Johannesburg, RSA (Univ. of the Witwatersrand); Thohoyondou, RSA (Univ. of Venda); Maputo, MOZ (Univ. of Eduardo Mondlane); and Acornhoek, RSA (Univ. of the Witwatersrand - Rural Facility). Class size is limited to 15 students from UVA and about 6 SAVANA consortium students. This pairing with

  1. ONRASIA Scientific Information Bulletin. Volume 17, Number 1, January- March 1992 (United States)


    Neurocomputing System with Learning Capabilities Ishikawa , Masatoshi (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan) ( ISHIKAWA @K2.T.U-TOKYO.AC.JP) 05-3 Modular Architectures...automated by means of a fuzzy logic At Hosei University I met with Kaoru flip-flop is that it embodies the binary controller composed of a relatively small

  2. Knowledge Assessment of Food Safety Managers in Utah and Its Implications on the Exam and Instruction (United States)

    Nummer, Brian A.; Guy, Stanley M.; Bentley, Joanne P. H.


    Food Safety Manager's Certification is offered through a state-local Extension partnership in Utah using an online course management system. Exams and course materials were created by an Extension Specialist at Utah State Univ. Extension Agents provide exam and curriculum facilitation in each county. This form of distance education enables access…


    DETERMINATION OF URINARY TRIVALENT ARSENICALS (MMAsIII and DMAsIII) IN INDIVIDUALS CHRONICALLY EXPOSED TO ARSENIC. L. M. Del Razo1, M. Styblo2, W. R. Cullen3, and D.J. Thomas4. 1Toxicology Section, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico, D.F., 2Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; 3Uni...

  4. feed intake of non.pregnant, pregnant and lactating ewes on native ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Die invloed v,an dragtigheid en laktasie op die vrywillige inname en verteerbaarheid von voere deur Merinoooie. M. Sc. (Land) Tesis Univ. Stellenbosch. HADJIPIERES, G. & HOLMES, W., 1966. Studies on feed intake and feed utilization by sheep. I. The voluntary feed intake of dry, pregnant and lactating ewes. J. agric Sci.

  5. Annual Typhoon Report 1979. (United States)


    clouds and latent and sensible heat A case study, based on an active transfer from the ocean. Preliminary tests tropical cyclone period, is being...GABLES, FL 44) CINCPACFLT (5) NOAA/EDS WASHINGTON, DC (2) CIUDAD UNIV, MEXICO (1) NOAA/ERL BOULDER, CO (1) CIVIL DEFENSE, GUAM (4) NOAA/ERL MIAMI (2

  6. Annotated Bibliography for Lake Erie. Volume III. Engineering, (United States)


    the ecology is examined. 83. Bar- Kochba , Y. and A. J. Simon. 1971. Rainfall and floods in Northeastern Ohio. Dept. of Eng. Univ. Akron. 87 p. This...Bar- Kochba , Y. Bergs, A. Dept. of Civil Eng. 1 Yonge Street University of Akron Toronto, Ontario Akron, Ohio 44304 Canada Barnhouse Associates Bethlehem

  7. To Bargain or Govern: The Impact of Yeshiva on Private and Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Higher Education. (United States)

    Benson, Dena Elliott


    The history of excluding supervisory employees from National Labor Relations Board protection is traced and the Yeshiva University case and implications for higher education are outlined. It is concluded that further court action is needed so as not to further undermine the university's effectiveness. (Journal availability: Ohio N. Univ. Law…

  8. Jameel, Dr Shahid

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Jameel, Dr Shahid Ph.D. (Washington State Univ.), FNASc, FNA. Date of birth: 8 August 1957. Specialization: Molecular Biology and Molecular Virology Address: Chief Executive Officer, The Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance, 8-2-684/3/K/19, Kaushik Society, Road NO. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500 034, A.P.. Contact:

  9. A New Approach to Structural Reliability in Fatigue Failure (United States)


    6. AUTHOR(S) Dr. Sia Nemat-Nasser (PI) Dr. Joseph Zarka 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAMES(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION UniveBity of...their own problems. IV PUBLICATIONS Huang, J., J. Zarka and P. Navidi, "A New Approach in Relaibility of Welded Structures," Proceedings of the ASCE

  10. The Shock and Vibration Digest, Volume 17, Number 8 (United States)


    Spectrum at Low 6. R andom Imperfections for Dynamic Frequencies -- D.O. SMALLWOOD , Sandia Pulse Buckling -- H.E. LINDBERG, APTEK, National...Stress, Rel. Des., Trans. Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman , OK ASME, W07 (1), pp 19-25 (Jan 1985), 11 J. Vib., Acoust. Stress, Rel. Des., Trans. figs, 13 refs

  11. Aerodynamics Education: Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going (United States)


    2661. June 1992. 3 Kroo. I.. "Aerodynamic Analyses for Design and Education ... AIAA Paper 92-2664 . . lune 1992. 12 American Institute of Aeronautics...Paper 98-2792 . . lune 1998. 13 Anderson. J.D .. A l-/ist01y <~/Aero<~wwmics. Cambridge Univers ity Press. Cambridge. 1998. 14http

  12. Primary and Secondary Vestibular Connections in the Brain Stem and Cerebellum: An Axoplasmic Transport Study in the Monkey and Cat (United States)


    Edinger-Westphal nucleus in the cat, Brain Research, 141 (1978) 153-159. Lorente de No, R., Etudes sur le cerveau posterieur. Ill, Sur 1 es connexions...extra-cerebelleuses des fascicules afferents au cerveau , et sur la fontion de cet organe, Trav. Lab. Rech. Biol. Univ. Madrid, 22 (1924) 51-65

  13. The Exercise: An Exercise Generator Tool for the SOURCe Project (United States)

    Kakoyianni-Doa, Fryni; Tziafa, Eleni; Naskos, Athanasios


    The Exercise, an Exercise generator in the SOURCe project, is a tool that complements the properties and functionalities of the SOURCe project, which includes the search engine for the Searchable Online French-Greek parallel corpus for the UniveRsity of Cyprus (SOURCe) (Kakoyianni-Doa & Tziafa, 2013), the PENCIL (an alignment tool)…

  14. Educational and Nonprofit Institutions Receiving Prime Contract Awards for Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation. Fiscal Year 1987. (United States)


    Haytiard California 49 CORNELL UNIVERSITY 11,196 * Long Beach Cilifornia 2,535 Ithaca New York 9, 62 Sacramento Califjrnia 39 Ithaca Collge New York... PHYSICAL SCIENCE LABPATORY 58 * NORTH DAKOTA ST UNIVER ALUMN4I 50 Las Cruces New Mexroc 58 Fargo N Dakota 50 PIERCE JOHN B FOUNDATION LAB 116 NORH TEXAS

  15. Alle prese con l'immaginario ligure

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jansen, Hanne


    En analyse af forskellige strategier anvendt i oversættelse til dansk af den italienske digter Eugenio Montale, med fokus især på digtenes brug af det liguriske landskab i opbygningen af det lyriske univers, og de særlige problemer knyttet til gengivelse på dansk i den forbindelse....

  16. An irradiation facility with a horizontal beam for radiobiological studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Czub, J.; Banas, D.; Braziewicz, J.; Choinski, J.; Jaskola, M.; Korman, A.; Szeflinski, Z.; Wojcik, A.


    A facility with a horizontal beam for radiobiological experiments with heavy ions has been designed and constructed at the Heavy Ion Laboratory in Warsaw Univ.. The facility is optimal to investigate the radiobiological effects of charged heavy particles on a cellular or molecular level as in the region of the Bragg peak. (authors)

  17. Impact des termites dans les champs paysans de riz et de mais en ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Imidacloprid- Novo insecticida para o controle do cupium (Syntermes molestus) na cultura do arroz. (Oryza sativa L). In: XVII Congresso Brasieiro de. Entomologia Resumos. pp. 206 -222. Diomandé T., 1983. Le peuplement en fourmis terricoles de deux forêts ombrophiles de Côte- d'Ivoire. Ann. Univ. Abidjan, E. 16 : 39-56.

  18. The histology of dermal glands of mating Breviceps with comments ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    CONAWAY, C.H. & METTER, D.E. 1967. Skin glands associated with breeding in Microhyla carolinensis. Copeia 3: 672 - 673. FITCH, H.S. 1956. A field study of the Kansas ant-eating frog,. Gaslrophryne olivacea. Univ. Kans. Publ. Mus. Nal. Hisl. 8;. 275 - 306. INGER, R.F. 1954. Systematics and zoogeography of Philippine.

  19. Mixing Under Transcritical Flow Conditions (United States)


    between them. The signals were then sent to two amplifiers (Krohn-Hite model 7500 and a Trek model PZD2000A), one for each piezo-siren. The amplified...In Annual Research Briefs, pages 73–84. Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames/Stanford Univ., 1999. [61] C. Segal and SA Polikhov. Subcritical to

  20. Experiments and Numerical Simulation of Mixing under Supercritical Conditions (PREPRINT) (United States)


    prescribed phase between them. The signals were then sent to two amplifiers (Krohn-Hite model 7500 and a Trek model PZD2000A), one for each piezo... NASA Ames/Stanford Univ., 1999. [61] C. Segal and SA Polikhov. Subcritical to supercritical mixing. Physics of Fluids, 20:052101, 2008. [62] L. Selle and

  1. The Poincaré series of a local Gorenstein ring of multiplicity up to 10 ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    As a by-product we prove the rationality of PR for all local, Gorenstein rings of multiplicity at most ..... Due to the choice of α4,...,αn we have. ∑n i=4 αiβi,j ∈ M. Thus aaj ..... [Ma] Matsumura H, Commutative ring theory (Univ. Press: Cambridge) ...

  2. Network Dynamics: Modeling And Generation Of Very Large Heterogeneous Social Networks (United States)


    P11035 (2014). [19] P. L. Krapivsky and S. Redner, Phys. Rev. E. 71, 036118 (2005). [20] M. O. Jackson and B. W. Rogers, Amer. Econ . Rev. 97, 890...P06004 (2010). [24] M. E. J. Newman, Networks: An Introduction (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2010). [25] P. J. Flory, Principles of Polymer Chemistry

  3. Permeation of Mixed Penetrants through Glassy Polymer Membranes. (United States)


    and LOPE. Also, ESCA was used in conjunction with plasma etching to determine the effects of the gas phase fluorine concentration and 35 3C. ARD-AISS5 65 PERMEATION OF MIXED PENETRANTS THROUGH GLASSY POLYMER 213 MENBRANES (U) NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV AT RALEIGH R T CHERN ET AL. 15

  4. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    IAS Admin

    Serge Haroche, Collège de France, Paris, France, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France. David J Wineland, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, USA; Univer- sity of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA. Chemistry. “for studies of G-protein-coupled receptors” to. Robert J Lefkowitz, Howard Hughes ...

  5. List of Participants 183

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Narasimhan S L, BARC, Mumbai,. India. Nisha C K, IICT, Hyderabad, India. Pal O R, UICT, Mumbai, India. Pande S S, BARC, Mumbai, India. Paranjpe A S, BARC, Mumbai, India. Paranjpe S K, IAEA, Vienna, Austria. Parmar Rohini N, Saurashtra Univer- sity, Rajkot, India. Patil S R, MS University of Baroda,. Vadodara, India.

  6. Plasma Instabilities and Transport in the MPD Thruster (United States)


    driven plasma accelera- tion vesrus current-deiven energy dissipation Part III: anomalous trasnport . In 2 8’A Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville... trasnport In the March/April Bi- monthly Progress Report of the Electric Propulsion and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory. Technical Report MAE 1776.36, EPPDyL, Princeton Univer- sity, 1992. 0 0

  7. Den barokke guldalder - eller "Flaskens Længsel efter Proppen"

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Linnet, Ragni


    Artiklen undersøger forholdet mellem det idealistiske, hegelinspirerede billedsyn, Heiberg gør sig til talsmand for i sine kunstteoretiske tekster og de værker, som kommer til syne når man følger hans smagsdomme op: et svulstigt, sanseligt og livsbekræftende, beskuerinddragende univers, langt fra...

  8. Zahrotes subfasciatus.JBoh.

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A hybridization 'be~n breedin~ programme aimed at breeding b~a;'s resistant against the be'an bruchid species Z. subfasciatus. which destroys beans in storiige was carried outat Sokoine Univ~rsityofAgricul lure (SUA) Morogkro. Tanza'!ia between 1994 - 1997. Five potential local bean varieties/lines were crossed to a ...

  9. Integral Manifold in System Design with Application to Flexible Link Robot Control (United States)


    environment. I am very grateful to my advisor . Professor Kokotovic. whose insight and guidance in my research work led me to the beginning of my...MANIFOLD IN SVSTEM DESIGN WITH RPLICATION TT 2Z2 FLEXIBLE LINK ROBO (U) ILLINOIS UNIV AT URBANA DECISION AND CONTROL LAB H C TSENG JUN 98

  10. carbon coated copper grids

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Nov 2, 2009 ... Structure, Academic Press Inc (London) Ltd., London. Hemmes JH, Winkler KC, Kool SM (1960). Virus survival as a seasonal factor in influenza and poliomyelitis. Nature, 188: 430-431. Ijaz MK (1985). Studies on the airborne survival of rotaviruses and a human coronavirus. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Ottawa, ...

  11. Jeu et fiction dans un jeu de cartes à collectionner : le cas de Magic : l’Assemblée

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pierre Cuvelier


    Full Text Available Le genre du jeu de cartes à collectionner apparaît en 1993 avec Magic : l’Assemblée de Richard Garfield. Si la plupart des émules de Magic sont des jeux dérivés d’univers de licence comme Pokémon, Magic se fondait sur un univers de fantasy inédit, enrichi par des extensions successives, et dont les cartes restent le principal vecteur. Je me propose ici de réfléchir sur les rapports qui se nouent entre le jeu et la fiction dans Magic, et d’examiner les contraintes, le fonctionnement et les principaux procédés fictionnels propres à ce support singulier. Magic fait partie des jeux à composante fictionnelle forte, dont les règles comportent un caractère mimétique certain, bien que limité. Les différents éléments d’une même carte et les cartes entre elles fonctionnent comme des fragments qui se combinent pour pointer vers une réalité fictive qui, bien que conçue par l’éditeur sur le modèle des univers de licence à forte cohérence (notamment les récentes fictions transmédiatiques, laisse à rêver aux joueurs par les blancs et les ambiguïtés inhérentes à cette articulation entre jeu et fiction. Les tâtonnements de l’éditeur au fil des extensions sont riches d’enseignements sur les possibilités et les limites d’un tel support, où la fiction narrative linéaire doit laisser place, à petite échelle, à une fiction plus structurelle, prenant la forme d’environnements mis en tension plutôt que de narrations linéaires.

  12. Wireless IP and building the mobile Internet

    National Research Council Canada - National Science Library

    Dixit, Sudhir; Prasad, Ramjee


    ..., as well as the shortage of technical material in a single place in the field of wireless IP and closely related technologies that form the critical success factors. Therefore, we decided to invite the experts who are truly active in the field: the equipment manufacturers, mobile operators, and those working in research laboratories and unive...

  13. Reincarnation of Streaming Applications (United States)


    clear and crisp description of the legacy problem • What should be the scope of SFE? • Should SFE be confined to a single: – Class of programs...Th dM HPM Toolkit (IBM) Jumpshot (Argonne-DOE) Monitor rea on Timescan (Etnus) TRAPPER WARTS MPIMAP (LLNL) mpiP(ORNL/LLNL) Pable/SvPablo( Univ

  14. Evaluation of the Coreless Linear Conduction Pump for Thermoelectromagnetic Pumps, (United States)


    pitot -tube type) in the NaK Cart Loop had a range that was not compatible with the pressure head to be developed by the VCLCP. A remotely operated...B.Bleaney, Electricity and Magnetism. 3rd Ed., Oxford Univ. Press 1976. < = > Boeker, Henry G., An Approach to Science. McGraw-Hill, New York 1959

  15. liggaamsmass,a en testesgrootte van afrikaner.. hereford

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Tonometer for measuring testiticular consistency of bulls to pre- dict semen quality. ,tr. Anirn. Sc'i. 29,483. JUBB, K.V.F. & KENNEDY. P.C.. 1970. Pathology of domestic animals. Vol. l. New York and London. Academic. Press. NAUDE, R.T., I9T4.lntensiewe vleisproduksie uit melkrasbeeste. D.Sc. (Agric.)-tesis. Univ. Pretoria.

  16. Parameters, Volume 18, Number 1, March 1988. (United States)


    frontation, with two barrels of machismo out in the middle of the street on the edge of the void about to blow each other to smithereens. He was not...Frederick, Md.: Univ. Publications of America, 1987), p. 7 . 7. "Contadora" is the name given to diplomatic efforts by Colombia , Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela

  17. Baudrillard og Pædagogikkens Andet

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Madsen, Ulla Ambrosius


    Artiklen introducerer til den franske filosof Jean Baudrillard og spørger hvad grunden er til, at det pædagogiske forskningsfelt har været så relativ uberørt af Baudrillards ideer, som tilfældet synes at være. Med udgangspunkt i det teoretiske univers, Baudrillard tilbyder skelnes mellem...

  18. Determining the effects of Trichoderma harzianum and some ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Oct 31, 2011 ... Furthermore, sustainable farming systems strive to minimise the use of synthetic pesticides and to optimise ..... value obtained in control which was at the end of the list, was 5.806 cm. Leaf numbers on flower stalks were ..... Ph.D thesis, Wageningen Agricult. Univ., p.173. Schneider JHM, Van den Boogert ...

  19. Protein and Site Specificity of Fucosylation in Liver-Secreted Glycoproteins

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pompach, Petr; Ashline, David J.; Brnáková, Z.; Benicky, J.; Sanda, M.; Goldman, R.


    Roč. 13, č. 12 (2014), s. 5561-5569 ISSN 1535-3893 R&D Projects: GA MŠk LH13051; GA ČR GAP206/12/0503 Grant - others:Charles Univ.(CZ) UNCE_204025/2012 Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : fucose * glycoproteins * liver * site specificity Subject RIV: CE - Biochemistry Impact factor: 4.245, year: 2014

  20. Summer Student Lecture Programme

    CERN Multimedia


    Main Auditorium, bldg. 500 DATE TIME LECTURER TITLE Monday 2 August 09:15 - 10:00 P. Wells (CERN) The Higgs Saga at LEP 10:15 - 11:00 G. Cowan (Univ. of London) Introduction to Statistics (2/3) 11:15 - 12:00 G. Cowan (Univ. of London) Introduction to Statistics (3/3) DATE TIME LECTURER TITLE Tuesday 3 August 09:15 - 10:00 P. Sphicas (CERN) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems (1/2) 10:15 - 11:00 R. Jacobsen (LBLN) From Raw Data to Physics Results (1/2) 11:15 - 12:00 R. Jacobsen (LBLN) G. Cowan (University of London) Discussion Session DATE TIME LECTURER TITLE Wednesday 4 August 09:15 - 10:00 P. Sphicas (CERN) Trigger and Data Acquisition Systems (2/2) 10:15 - 11:00 R. Jacobsen (LBLN) From Raw Data to Physics Results (2/2) 11:15 - 12:00 N. Palanque-Delabrouille (CEA) Astroparticle Physics (1/3) DATE TIME LECTURER TITLE Thursday 5 August 09:15 - 10:00 N. Palanque-Delabrouille (CEA) Astroparticle Physics (2/3) 10:15 - 11:00 N. Palanque-Delabrouille (CEA) A...

  1. Biblioteca universitária proativa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Fátima Pereira Raposo


    Full Text Available O trabalho visa apresentar alguns procedimentos que podem caracterizar uma postura proativa em bibliotecas universitárias. Para tanto, apresenta aspectos do conceito de proatividade em um contexto onde o uso e a aplicação das tecnologias de informação (TI constituem-se ferramentas essenciais para promover a inclusão social/digital no Brasil. O trabalho é abordado no contexto das bibliotecas do Centro Universitário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro – UNIVER CIDADE. A adoção de procedimentos pró-ativos no Sistema de Bibliotecas da UNIVER CIDADE possibilitou um maior alcance dos problemas de informação de seus usuários, oferecendo, assim, subsídios para uma gestão eficiente da informação. Conseqüentemente, a confiança nos serviços da biblioteca e a participação nos programas instituídos cresceram proporcionalmente às ações pró-ativas adotadas pelo Sistema de Bibliotecas.

  2. Academic Training: 2003 - 2004 Academic Training Programme

    CERN Multimedia


    ACADEMIC TRAINING Françoise Benz tel. 73127 3rd Term - 5 April to 2nd July 2004 REGULAR LECTURE PROGRAMME 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 April Complex Systems, Chaos and Measurements by P. Collet / Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France 26, 27, 28, 29 April The Theory of Heavy Ion Collisions by U. Wiedemann / CERN-PH/TH 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 May Particle Identification at the LHC by D. Fournier / LAL, Orsay, France 1, 2, 3, 4 June Neural Systems, Genetic Algorithms by V. Robles Forcada and M. Perez Hernandez / Univ. Politecnica de Madrid E. 7, 8, 9, June Real Time Process Control by T. Riesco / CERN-TS 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 June The Cosmic Microwave Background by M. Zaldarriaga / Harvard University, USA 21, 22, 23, June Fixed Target Physics at CERN : Results and Prospects by J. Engelen / CERN-DG 28, 29, 30 June, 1, 2, July Search for Dark Matter by B. Sadoulet / Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA The lectures are open to all those interested, without application. The abstrac...

  3. Et rien ne fut plus comme avant... - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Dans le cadre de l'Année internationale de la physique, la section de physique de l'Université de Genève ouvre ses portes aux non initiés et organise une série de conférences de vulgarisation scientifique. Chacune des conférences débute par une démonstration de détection de rayons cosmiques dans l'auditoire et l'utilisation de ces signaux venus du fond de l'Univers pour créer une « musique cosmique », en collaboration avec le Professeur Ellberger du Conservatoire de musique de Genève. La seconde conférence, intitulée « symétrie brisée », aura lieu le 1er février 2005 et sera donnée par le Professeur Chris Quigg de Fermilab à Chicago. Selon les cosmologistes, l'Univers a jailli d'un Big Bang d'énergie extrême mais d'une grande uniformité. Le Professeur Q...

  4. Improvements of MCOR: A Monte Carlo depletion code system for fuel assembly reference calculations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tippayakul, C.; Ivanov, K. [Pennsylvania State Univ., Univ. Park (United States); Misu, S. [AREVA NP GmbH, An AREVA and SIEMENS Company, Erlangen (Germany)


    This paper presents the improvements of MCOR, a Monte Carlo depletion code system for fuel assembly reference calculations. The improvements of MCOR were initiated by the cooperation between the Penn State Univ. and AREVA NP to enhance the original Penn State Univ. MCOR version in order to be used as a new Monte Carlo depletion analysis tool. Essentially, a new depletion module using KORIGEN is utilized to replace the existing ORIGEN-S depletion module in MCOR. Furthermore, the online burnup cross section generation by the Monte Carlo calculation is implemented in the improved version instead of using the burnup cross section library pre-generated by a transport code. Other code features have also been added to make the new MCOR version easier to use. This paper, in addition, presents the result comparisons of the original and the improved MCOR versions against CASMO-4 and OCTOPUS. It was observed in the comparisons that there were quite significant improvements of the results in terms of k{sub inf}, fission rate distributions and isotopic contents. (authors)


    CERN Multimedia

    TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT; Françoise Benz; Tel. 73127


    Introduction to Particle Accelerators by E.J.N. Wilson / CERN-AC 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 September 10:00-12:00 - Auditorium 11, 12, 13, 14 and Council Chamber 15 September (early starting time) Introduction to Field Theory by R. Kleiss, Univ. of Nijmegen, NL 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 October 10:00-12:00 - Auditorium (early starting time) Introduction to QCD by B. Webber, Univ. of Cambridge, GB 30, 31 October, 1, 2, 3 November 10:00-12:00 - Auditorium (early starting time) Introduction to the Standard Model by G. Ridolfi (TH-Division) 20, 21, 22, 23 & 24 November 10:00-12:00 - Auditorium (early starting time) Beyond the Standard Model by G. Giudice (TH-Division) 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 December 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium The lectures are open to all those interested, without application. The abstract of the lectures, as well as any change to the above information (title, dates, time, place etc.) will be published in the CERN bulletin, the WWW, and by Notices before each term and for each series of lectures.

  6. Cruising for Burgers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Knakkergård, Martin


    Frank Zappas konceptalbum og filmmanuskript Uncle Meat fra 1969 kan på flere måder ses som en nøgle til hans kunst, hans samfundsopfattelse og hans livsforståelse. Allerede titlen synes at dække over et på samme tid humoristisk og aparte, ja, nærmest makabert dramatisk univers, og den lange...... programnote – præambel – støtter dette indtryk med sit skin af mytologi og karikeret science-fiction. I sit konkrete materiale fremstår Uncle Meat både tekstligt og musikalsk som en tætført pastiche sat kalejdoskopisk sammen af unikke brokker af især rock, jazz, musique concrète, pop, electronic og neoklassik......, som i forening med tekster, baseret på et til tider absurd billedsprog, fremstiller menneskelig fremmedgørelse, fornedrelse og tingsliggørelse. Artiklen her er en aftegning af Uncle Meats univers stykket sammen af deskriptive analyser af et udvalg af værkets nøgle- og hovedelementer med henblik på...

  7. Speaking Truth to Power: A Personal Journey through the Politics of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    minority on the campus, and felt like colonial subjects in a white world. Rhodes ... according to gender, and female students had to be in by a certain time. They .... feminism, the environment, and partic i patory forms of democracy) to univer - sities like Rhodes ... business or inter na tional insti tu tions such as the World Bank.

  8. CERN: la république des professeurs Tournesols

    CERN Multimedia

    Charles, Gilbert


    8'000 physiciens travaillent au prestigieux Conseil européen pour la recherche nucléaire, à Genève. Un monde à part où, en toute démocratie et sans hiérarchie apparente, des savants de 85 nationalités tentent de percer les mystères de l'Univers. (3 pages)

  9. Experimental typography : reviewing the modernist and the current approaches


    Makal, Eray


    Ankara : The Department of Graphic Design and Institute of Fine Arts, Bilkent Univ., 1993. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993. Includes bibliographical references leaves 65-66. The intention of this study is to evaluate the experimental typography within the history of graphic design by taking in consideration of two epochs. The Modernist and The Current. Makal, Eray M.S.

  10. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Materials Research Laboratory progress report for FY 1993 and research proposal for FY 1994

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Birnbaum, H.K.


    The materials research laboratory program is about 30% of total Materials Science and Engineering effort on the Univ. of Illinois campus. Coordinated efforts are being carried out in areas of structural ceramics, grain boundaries, field responsive polymeric and organic materials, molecular structure of solid-liquid interfaces and its relation to corrosion, and x-ray scattering science.

  11. The use of 65Zn in the study of Heliothis armigera larva's behavior on tomatoes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saour, George.


    Short communication. A summary of a DEA report submitted under the title ''Etude au moyen du Zinc Radioactif 65 Zn du comportement des chenilles d'Heliothis armigera hubner (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) sur Tomate.'' Univ. de Droit d'Economie et des Sciences d'Aix-Marseille-III. Faculte des Sciences et Techniques de Saint-Jerome. INRA-MONTEAVET, Station de Zoologie

  12. Genfortællinger

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Dorte Greisgaard

    studie om frame-making flyttes fokus til den ramme, fortællerne i samarbejde med tilhøreren skaber om de enkelte versioner, og i det tredje studie retter jeg opmærksomheden mod det univers i form af bl.a. tid, sted og personer, som etableres, dvs. fortællerens world-making. I det sidste studie analyserer...

  13. Studies on storage rot of cocoyam

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    uc network

    42(3): 2059-2068. Eze, C.S (1984). Studies on storage rot of cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) at Nsukka. MSc. Dissertation, Dept of Botany, Univ of Nigeria, Nsukka. 73pp. Loyonga, S. N and Nzietchueng S. (1987). Cocoyam and African food crisi. In: Tropical Root Crops: Root crops and the African food crisis Terry ...

  14. Stemcell Information: SKIP000586 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ... Lei Ye Lei Ye Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Mi...nnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America ... Division of Cardiology, Department... of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America ... Division of Cardiology...l, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America ... Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Univers

  15. Khinchin's inequality, Dunford–Pettis and compact operators on the ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Department of Mathematics, University of Constanta, 8700 Constanta, Romania. E-mail: MS received 10 November 2005. Abstract. We prove that if X, Y are Banach spaces, a compact Hausdorff space and. U: C( ,X) → Y is a bounded linear operator, and if U is a Dunford–Pettis operator the range of ...

  16. Genetic and phenotypic parameters of pelt traits in a Karakul control ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    D.Sc.(Agric)-tesis, Univ. van die O.V.S.. VAN NIEKERK, A.1.A., SCHOEMAN, S.1. & NEL, lA., 1968. Oorerflikhede van en genetiese korrelasies tussen Karakoel- pelseienskappe. Hand. S.-Afr. Diereprod. 7, 161. YAO, T.S., SIMMONS, V.L. & SCHOTT, R.G., 1953. Heritablity of fur. ,;haracters and birth weight in Karakul lambs.

  17. Teaching Social Research Methods on an International, Collaborative Environment & Sustainability Degree Programme: Exploring plagiarism, group work, and formative feedback


    Laycock, R


    International collaboration is central to the Sustainable Development agenda given environmental challenges that span national boundaries. Education for Sustainability therefore needs to account for international/intercultural understandings, such as though international collaborative degree programmes in Higher Education. This paper evaluates a module taught on an international collaborative Bachelor’s degree programme in Environment & Sustainability taught between Nanjing Xiaozhuang Univers...

  18. Dynamique de croissance et taux de mortalité de Rhizophora spp ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    30 janv. 2015 ... Dynamique des paysages végétaux du littoral centre-ouest du Gabon autour de. Port-Gentil : Approche spatiale et analyse des données de terrain. Thèse de doctorat. Univ. Paul-Valery Montpellier 3, France. 302 p. Spalding MD, Blasco F, Field CD, 1997. World. Mangrove Atlas. ISME, Okinawa, Japan. 251.

  19. Programming Environments for High Level Scientific Problem Solving. IFIP WG 2.5 Working Conference 6 Held in Karlsruhe, Germany on September 23 - 27, 1991 (United States)


    Springer Verlag (1989). (13] Hulshof , B.J.A. and van Hulzen, J.A.: "Automatic error cumulation control", Proceedir EUROSAM 󈨘 (J. Fitch. ed.), Springer...User’s Manual", Dept of Comp. Science. Univ. of Twente (In preparation). 268 [15] van Hulzen, J.A., Hulshof , B.J.A.. Gates, B.L. and van Heerwaarden, M.C

  20. Automatic Methods in Image Processing and Their Relevance to Map-Making. (United States)


    folding fre- quency = .5) and s is the "shaoing fac- tor" which controls the spatial frequency content of the signal; the signal band- width increases...ARIZONA UNIV TUCSON DIGITAL IAgE ANALYSIS LAB Iris 8/ 2AUTOMATIC METHOOS IN IMAGE PROCESSING AND THEIR RELEVANCE TO MA-.ETC~tl;FEB 1 S R HUNT DAA629

  1. Indications for colonoscopy

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    symptoms,I endoscopic examination of the colon in patients with suspected colonic disease is not as univer- sally accepted. It remains current practice for many of these patients to be ... disease.2 In addition colonoscopy can act as both a diag- nostic and a ... tic method in cases of suspected colonic disease.' While this may ...

  2. Original Research Original Research

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Argon, G.T. (1986). Estudo geoquimico de metais pesados em sediments da planicie de mare da Enseada das. Garcas. Baia de Sepetiba. RJ.T.Mest., Inst. Quimica,. Univ.fed. Fluminense. 135. Berrow, M.L. and Stein, W.M. (1983). Extraction of metals from soils and sewage by refluxing with aqua regia. Analyst 108: 277-285 ...

  3. The sedimentary record and petrophysical logs from the Spanish Central Pyrenees: Implications for paleoclimate change in the Early Devonian

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Slavík, Ladislav; Valenzuela-Ríos, J. I.; Hladil, Jindřich; Chadimová, Leona; Liao, J-Ch.; Hušková, Aneta; Calvo, H.; Hrstka, Tomáš


    Roč. 21, - (2015), s. 350-350 ISSN 1608-8166. [International Congress on Stratigraphy /2./. STRATI 2015. 19.07.2015-23.07.2015, Graz] Institutional support: RVO:67985831 Keywords : stratigraphy * Early Devonian * sedimentary record * paleoclimate change * Spanish Central Pyrenees Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy

  4. Les Jeux Video en Negroculture : Contribution a Une Anthropologie ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Il va dès lors de soi que, celui qui s'y adonne est plongé dans l'univers socioculturel, idéel et ... Cette présentation de l'environnement physique est .... plutôt que tel autre, parce qu'on estime qu'il est meilleur ou qu'il sied le mieux à la.

  5. An Alternative Estimator for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Two Extreme Response Patterns. (United States)


    is the item discrimination parameter and b is the g X g item response difficulty parameter which satisfies (2.3) - = b 0 < b1 < b 2 < ....... < b...Tuscon, AZ 85721 4833 Rugby Avenue Dr. John B. Carroll Bethesda, MD 20014 Psychometric Lab 1 Dr. Leonard Feldt Univ. of No. Carolina Lindquist Center for

  6. Fulltext PDF

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    [1] R Brauer, On a theorem of Frobenius,Amer. Math. Monthly, Vo1.76, pp. 12-15, 1969. [2] Dinesh Khurana and Anjana Khurana, On a theorem of Fro ben ius and its applications, preprint. [3] J Rust, On a Conjucture ofFrobenius, PhD Thesis, Univ of Chicago, 1966. Picture of the flrst polarograph designed by J Heyrovsky.

  7. Estimation from incomplete multinomial data. Ph.D. Thesis - Harvard Univ. (United States)

    Credeur, K. R.


    The vector of multinomial cell probabilities was estimated from incomplete data, incomplete in that it contains partially classified observations. Each such partially classified observation was observed to fall in one of two or more selected categories but was not classified further into a single category. The data were assumed to be incomplete at random. The estimation criterion was minimization of risk for quadratic loss. The estimators were the classical maximum likelihood estimate, the Bayesian posterior mode, and the posterior mean. An approximation was developed for the posterior mean. The Dirichlet, the conjugate prior for the multinomial distribution, was assumed for the prior distribution.

  8. Wright St Univ Participation in AFRL University Engineering Design Challenge (United States)


    Methods Purpose: The purpose of this evaluation is to determine the strength of our selected epoxy when subject to shear loading in the Kevlar ...size and appropriate heat treatment. Method: Evolution one (1) tested the shear force of the epoxy on both a one square inch Kevlar patch and two...Parameters To Reflect Described Methods 3) Apply Epoxy to Kevlar Patch 4) Adhere Patch to Masonry Sample 5) Perform Prescribed Curing Method 6) Run

  9. Des batisseurs d'univers creent au CERN de minuscules antimondes

    CERN Multimedia


    "Apres des annees de travail des physiciens du CERN en creant artificiellement des dizaines de milliers de minuscules antimondes - des atomes d'antihydrogene - dont la revue Nature rend compte dans son edition du 18 septembre 2002" (1 page).

  10. The sound of moving bodies. Ph.D. Thesis - Cambridge Univ. (United States)

    Brentner, Kenneth Steven


    The importance of the quadrupole source term in the Ffowcs, Williams, and Hawkings (FWH) equation was addressed. The quadrupole source contains fundamental components of the complete fluid mechanics problem, which are ignored only at the risk of error. The results made it clear that any application of the acoustic analogy should begin with all of the source terms in the FWH theory. The direct calculation of the acoustic field as part of the complete unsteady fluid mechanics problem using CFD is considered. It was shown that aeroelastic calculation can indeed be made with CFD codes. The results indicate that the acoustic field is the most susceptible component of the computation to numerical error. Therefore, the ability to measure the damping of acoustic waves is absolutely essential both to develop acoustic computations. Essential groundwork for a new approach to the problem of sound generation by moving bodies is presented. This new computational acoustic approach holds the promise of solving many problems hitherto pushed aside.

  11. Vie dans l'Univers: l'histoire d'une longue quete (United States)

    Briot, Danielle


    The search for life in the Universe is a very old quest of humanity. This search initiated the science nammed astrobiology, or bioastronomy, or exobiology. We give some elements for the history of this science, since the Greek antiquity up to now, in the occidental civilisation. After reminding the main steps of this history during Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, we point out some little known or unknown studies published during the Modern and Contemporary epochs. We specially develop the studies of two pioneers during the twentieth century: Ary Sternfeld, a Polish scientist who was also a pioneer of astronautics, and Gavril Tikhov, a Russian astronomer who created the astrobotany.

  12. Raamat "Raidmets" = "Raidmets" book

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae


    Tutvustus: Toivo Raidmets / koostanud Toivo Raidmets ; toimetanud Leele Välja ; tekstid: Krista Kodres, Sirje Helme, Harry Liivrand, Mart Kalm. Tallinn : Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, 2011. Loetletud Toivo Raidmetsa tehtud töid

  13. Geoscience Education Research: A Brief History, Context and Opportunities (United States)

    Mogk, D. W.; Manduca, C. A.; Kastens, K. A.


    with visualizations, the affective domain, observing and assessing student learning, metacognition, and understanding complex systems. Geoscience education research is a growing and thriving field of scholarship that includes new PhD programs in geocognition (e.g. Michigan State Univ., Purdue Univ., Arizona State Univ., North Carolina State Univ.), and numerous collaborative research consortia (e.g. Synthesis of Research on Learning in the Geosciences; Spatial Intelligence and Learning Center, Geoscience Affective Research Network). The results of geoscience education research are presently being incorporated into the geoscience curriculum through teaching activities and textbooks. These many contributions reveal the need for sustained research on related topics: assessments of student learning, learning environments (lab and field), "what works" for different learning audiences, learning in upper division disciplinary courses, the nature of geoscience expertise. The National Research Council is currently reviewing the Status, Contributions, and Future Direction of Discipline-Based Education Research (DBER), see:

  14. Tool John / Ell-Maaja Randküla

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Randküla, Ell-Maaja, 1939-2016


    Autor Toivo Raidmets. Tootja: OÜ Toivo. Tool pälvis Eesti Sisearhitektide Liidu 2004. a. aastapreemiate konkursil vormipreemia. Toivo Raidmetsast, tema tähtsamad tööd. Ill.: arhitekti portreefoto, kaks tooli vaadet

  15. Stemcell Information: SKIP000850 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available s neural differentiation ... Zhiping P. Pang Zhiping P. Pang Child Health Institute of New Jerse...y, Rutgers University-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers Unive...rsity-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Ru...tgers University-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers University

  16. Stemcell Information: SKIP000851 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available s neural differentiation ... Zhiping P. Pang Zhiping P. Pang Child Health Institute of New Jerse...y, Rutgers University-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers Unive...rsity-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Ru...tgers University-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers University

  17. Trans World Tidal Gravity Profile. (United States)



  18. Stemcell Information: SKIP000588 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ... Lei Ye Lei Ye Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of M...innesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America ... Division of Cardiology, Departmen...t of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America ... Division of Cardiology...ol, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America ... Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Univer

  19. Axonal Regeneration in Mammals with Spinal Cord Injury (United States)


    Cajal, S. 1905. Notas preventivas sobre la degeneracion y regeneracion las vias nerviosos centrales . Trab. Lab. Invest. Biol. Univ. Madrid, 4: 295-301...S. 1914. Degeneracion y Regeneration del Sistema Nervioso , Vol. 1, 2. (Nicolas Moya, Madrid), Ramon y Cajal, S. 1928. Degeneration and Regeneration...field of central nervous system (CNS) regeneration research. These developments have revealed important aspects regarding the histology and

  20. Essential Oils of Echinophora lamondiana (Apiales: Umbelliferae): A Relationship Between Chemical Profile and Biting Deterrence and Larvicidal Activity Against Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) (United States)


    Science and Letters, Gazi Univer- sity, 06500 Ankara, Turkey. 5 USDA-ARS, Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Ento- mology, Gainesville, FL... Microbiology Department, College of Science, King Saud University, 11451 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 8 Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, University of...Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service (USDA- ARS), Gainesville, FL. For biting deterrence

  1. La cacaoculture hybride à l'ère du retour des employés deflatés au ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Car, obligés de développer de petites activités agricoles pour survivre dans leur nouvel univers social qu'est la campagne, ils se concentrent naturellement sur la cacaoculture en souvenir de l'unique et ancienne source de revenus du monde rural. Mais, parallèlement, d'autres nouvelles cultures se développent et tentent ...

  2. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Le Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé doit être abrégé sous la forme: J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo). Les articles du Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé (Togo) sont abstractés et indexés dans la base de données AJOL.

  3. Assessing the Food Safety Knowledge of University of Maine Students (United States)

    Ferk, Chelsea C.; Calder, Beth L.; Camire, Mary Ellen


    Foodborne illness is a global public health issue. Young adults may work in foodservice while they are university students, and their habits may later shape the practices and well-being of their children. The objective of this study was to establish baseline data and assess the food safety knowledge of 18- to 26-year-old Univ. of Maine students.…

  4. Example and Non-Example Pada Pembelajaran Matematika


    Yunarto, Wanda Nugroho


    Abstrak Example and Non-Example Learning Model merupakan model pembelajaran yang menggunakan gambar sebagai media pembelajaran yang bertujuan mendorong mahasiswa untuk belajar berfikir kritis dengan jalan memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan yang terkandung dalam contoh-contoh permasalahan/ konsep yang disajikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran mengenai bagaimana penerapan model pembelajaran Example and non-Example pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Matematika Univ...

  5. Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. I. Abiotic conditions and biological responses

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Neale, P.J.; Sobrino, C.; Segovia, M.; Mercado, J.M.; Leon, P.; Cortés, M.D.; Tuite, P.; Picazo, A.; Salles, S.; Cabrerizo, M.J.; Prášil, Ondřej; Montecino, V.; Reul, A.; Fuentes-Lema, A.


    Roč. 22, č. 2 (2014), s. 25-41 ISSN 1864-7790 R&D Projects: GA MŠk ED2.1.00/03.0110 Grant - others:Univ. Málaga(ES) Program Plan Propio; NASA (US) NNX09AM85G Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : phytoplankton * nutrients * CO2 * irradiance Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 1.258, year: 2014

  6. Palynologie et environnements de dépôt des sédiments d'âge ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Sédimentologie, biostrati- graphie.Thèse de Doctorat, univ.Pau, 366p. Digbehi Z. B ; Yao K. R ; Tea Y. Y. & Boblai G., 1996. Contribution à l'étude palynologique et environnementale du Campanien et du. Maastrichtien du bassin offshore de Côte d'Ivoire. Géologie Méditerranéenne, tome XXIII, n°2, 1996, pp. 155-171.

  7. Pollen quality, quantity and fruit set of some self- compatible and self ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Apr 25, 2011 ... (Prunus dulcis (Mill) D.A.Webb) as affected by cross, self-, and non- pollination. Ann. Bot. 51: 469-479. Pırlak L (2001). Investigations on the fertilization biology of some sweet cherry varieties grown in Çoruh valley ecological conditions. J. Agric. Fac. Atatürk Univ. 32 (4): 391-402. Pırlak L (2002). The effects ...

  8. Reference Aid: Glossary of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Special Terms Used in the Western Europe Romance-Language Press. (United States)


    Artistic Agency for Cultural Exchange (Fr) Ground Forces Tactical Air Support (Fr) Association for the Struggle Against Kidney Diseases (Spa...Union for the New Republic (Fr) National Union of Italian Univer- sity Representa- tives (Ita) Popular Unity (Ita) Peoples Artist Union (Spa...of beiges Societes Luxembourg Luxembour- Gymnastic Socie- geoises de ties (Lux) Gymnastique 124 uso Union Workers Trade Sindical Union (Spa

  9. Dark Relics in Cosmology

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Tram, Thomas


    For 13,7 milliarder år siden befandt Universet sig i en meget varm og tæt tilstand, og siden da har det udvidet sig og er blevet afkølet. Kosmologi forsøger at forklare hvordan vores Univers har udviklet sig fra Big Bang og frem til i dag. Udviklingen afhænger af de fundamentale naturlove, så der...

  10. Organization development and performance improvement planning: a case study of STFA ENERCOM


    Düzgün, Alev


    Ankara : The Department of Management and the Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1991. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1991. Includes bibliographical references. Organization Development is a guidance of the Performance Improvement Planning Method, which is widely used to operationalize organizational change. The fundemental assumption of this study is that the Process Consultation Technique is an effective means to facilitate organiz...

  11. Stemcell Information: SKIP000872 [SKIP Stemcell Database[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available ... Jerome Mertens--Fred H. Gage Jerome Mertens--Fred H. Gage Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Lang...s, Laboratory of Genetics Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Language Ability, Jiangsu Normal Unive...rsity--The Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Laboratory of Genetics Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Ce...ogical Studies, Laboratory of Genetics Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Language Ability, Jiangsu

  12. La prodigieuse odyssée des particules élémentaires du bigbang jusqu'aux être pensants, et ensuite ? : essai

    CERN Document Server

    Bourdinaud, Michel


    Notre univers est un fragment échappé du chaos fondamental au travers du Big Bang et cristallisé sous une forme stable d’un point de vue cosmique. Bien des questions restent sans réponse. • Pourquoi y a-t-il quelque chose plutôt que rien ? • Ce quelque chose est-il le fruit d’un dessein ? • D’où proviennent les lois physiques qui gouvernent l’univers ? • Comment expliquer l’insolite et incessante organisation de la matière depuis le Big Bang ? • L’eau est une des clés de la vie, pourquoi une telle quantité sur la Terre ? • Par quel prodige les particules élémentaires sont-elles parvenues à constituer des êtres pensants ? Dans une expansion vertigineuse aux allures de fuite en avant, l’humanité aborde une crise majeure, car son économie est dévastatrice et ses comportements irrationnels la mènent au bord de l’autodestruction. Parvenir au contrôle des moyens d’anéantissement qu’elle a elle-même enfantés, ainsi que rapidement mettre un terme au pillag...

  13. 2005 - 2006 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME From 1st of May to 30 June

    CERN Multimedia


    LECTURE SERIES Physics at the Tevatron by B. Heinemann Univ. of Liverpool - Fermilab 15, 16, 17, 18 May 11:00 -1200 - Auditorium, Bldg 500, 18 May - Council Chamber Pulsed SC Magnets by M. Wilson, 29, 30, 31 May, 1, 2 June 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 Exploring planets and moons in our solar system by H.O. Rucker / Academy of Sciences, Graz, A 6, 7, 8, 9 June 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 Technological challenges of CLIC by R. Corsini, S. Doebert, S. Redaelli, T. Lefevre / CERN-AB, G. Arnau Izquiedo, H. Mainaud / CERN-TS 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, June 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 The use of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes in radiation physics and dosimetry by A. Ferrari, CERN-AB, M. Silari, CERN-SC, F. Salvat, Facultat de Fisica, Univ. Barcelona, E. 26, 27, 28 June 11:00-12:00 - TH Auditorium, Bldg 4, room 3-006 The lectures are open to all those interested, without application. The abstract of the lectures, as well as any change to the above information (title, dates, time, place ...

  14. Le corps, instrument de connaissance du monde: la connaissance des Anciens Toltèques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mabel Franzone


    Full Text Available Cet article traite le corps comme instrument de la connaissance de l’univers. Le corps s’étend vers des contrées infinies, se prolonge, atteint d’autres règnes, cherche l’unité absolue de ce qu’on appelle l’intention. L’intention est le mot clé pour les Anciens Toltèques, réunissant sous ce mot le visible et l’invisible, la volonté de la Nature et celle de l’univers. Le corps n’est qu’un instrument et pour arriver à le parfaire devons chercher la totalité de nous-mêmes, réussir la communication de deux côtés, droit et gauche, aller à la quête d’autres expériences, inimaginables. Les conditions nécessaires sont d’avoir un corps puissant et d’emmagasiner de l’énergie. Tout l’enseignement des sorciers est fondé dans un vrai changement de conception du monde et de la perception de ce monde. L’objectif final est celui de pouvoir choisir sa propre mort ; la vraie, la seule, l’unique liberté de l’homme.

  15. 2002-2003 ACADEMIC TRAINING PROGRAMME, 2nd Term : 20 January to 31 March 2003, LECTURE SERIES

    CERN Multimedia


    20, 21, 22, 23, 24 January High Performance Networking by A. Van Praag, CERN-IT 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 January Cosmology : The Homogeneous Universe and the Evolution of Structures by R. Durrer, Univ. of Geneva, CH 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 on 27, 28, 30, 31 January. Council Room on 29 January 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 February Searching for Supersymmetry at the LHC by F. Gianotti (CERN-EP) and G. Ridolfi, Univ. di Genova, I 10:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 February Introduction to General Relativity and Black Holes by T. Damour, IHES, Bures-su-Yvette, F 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 24, 25, 26 February Physics at a Future Collider beyond the LHC and TeV Class Linear Collider by M. Battaglia, (CERN-EP) 11:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 5, 6, 7 March Modern Project Management by R. Sauter, STS, CH 10:00-12:00 - Auditorium, Bldg 500 17, 18, 19 March Internet Networking Technologies by R. D. Cowles, SLAC 11:00-12:00 ...

  16. UWGSP6: a diagnostic radiology workstation of the future (United States)

    Milton, Stuart W.; Han, Sang; Choi, Hyung-Sik; Kim, Yongmin


    The Univ. of Washington's Image Computing Systems Lab. (ICSL) has been involved in research into the development of a series of PACS workstations since the middle 1980's. The most recent research, a joint UW-IBM project, attempted to create a diagnostic radiology workstation using an IBM RISC System 6000 (RS6000) computer workstation and the X-Window system. While the results are encouraging, there are inherent limitations in the workstation hardware which prevent it from providing an acceptable level of functionality for diagnostic radiology. Realizing the RS6000 workstation's limitations, a parallel effort was initiated to design a workstation, UWGSP6 (Univ. of Washington Graphics System Processor #6), that provides the required functionality. This paper documents the design of UWGSP6, which not only addresses the requirements for a diagnostic radiology workstation in terms of display resolution, response time, etc., but also includes the processing performance necessary to support key functions needed in the implementation of algorithms for computer-aided diagnosis. The paper includes a description of the workstation architecture, and specifically its image processing subsystem. Verification of the design through hardware simulation is then discussed, and finally, performance of selected algorithms based on detailed simulation is provided.

  17. Integrated Life-Cycle Framework for Maintenance, Monitoring and Reliability of Naval Ship Structures (United States)


    uncertainty in quantitative risk and policy analysis, Cambridge Univer- sity Press. NEVES, L. C, FRANGOPOL, D. M., AND CRUZ , P. J. 2006 Probabilistic lifetime...L. C, FRANGOPOL, D. M., AND CRUZ , P. J. 2006 Probabilistic life- time-oriented multiobjective optimization of bridge maintenance: single...Wright Aeronautical Laboratory. Wright- Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio; 1981. [5| Chung H-Y, Manuel L, Frank KH. Optimal inspection

  18. Didactic strategy to contribute to the development of communicative competence in Health Psychology students


    Ana María Molina Gómez; Angelina Roméu Escobar; Miriam Gutiérrez Escobar; María Elinor Dulzaides Iglesias


    Background: the cognitive, socio-cultural and communicative language teaching approach reveals the importance of syntactic speech closely related to semantic and pragmatic dimensions and aimed at understanding, analysis and construction of discourse. Objective: to design a didactic strategy that contributes to the development of communicative competence. Methods: pedagogic research on the teaching- learning process of Spanish grammar for first year students of Health Psychology in the Univers...

  19. Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Focus and Scope. Le Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé doit être abrégé sous la forme: J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo). Les articles du Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé (Togo) sont abstractés et indexés dans la base de données AJOL.

  20. The Effects of Endotracheal Suctioning with Manual Hyperventilation on Cerebrovascular Status of Closed Head Injured Patients (United States)


    PERFORMING ORGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION AFIT STUDENT AT (if applicable) AFIT/CIA Univ of MDI 6c. ADDRESS (City, State...Medicine, Pediatrics, ICU USAF Regional Hospital RAF Lakenheath, England 1987-Present Graduate Student Air Force Institute of Technology or closed head injury to determine the acute physiologic alterations in cerebrovascular status that occurred during chest physiotherapy (CPT). ICP

  1. Frequency Assignment, Sharing and Conservation in Systems (Aerospace). (l’Attribution, le partage et la conservation des frequences pour les systemes aeronautiques et spatiales) (United States)


    NETWORKS C. Bousofto-Calzön A.R. Figueiras-Vidal Dpto. Tecnologias de las Comunicaciones Univ. Carlos III de Madrid C/Butarque, 15; 28911 Leganes...Attribution, le partage et la conservation des frequences pour les systemes aeronautiques et spatiales) Papers presented at the Information Systems...PROCEEDINGS 13 Frequency Assignment, Sharing and Conservation in Systems (Aerospace) (V Attribution, le partage et la conservation des frequences pour

  2. China’s Growing Military Power: Perpectives on Security, Ballistic Missiles, and Conventional Capabilities (United States)


    Rice recently com pared th e present s y stem of agreem ents to th e geocentric concept of th e univ erse; th e future s y s tem of th e w orld to...neces sary . Norm ally , th e reserv e com m and post is staffed by th e w ar zone deputy logistics com m ander, oth er required staff officers

  3. Design of a WWW database server for Atomic Spectroscopy Data

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Contis, A


    The department of Atomic Spectroscopy at Lund Univ produces large amounts of experimental data on energy levels and emissions for atomic systems. In order to make this data easily available to users outside the institution, a database has been produced and made available on the Internet. This report describes the organization of the data and the Internet interface of the data base. 4 refs.

  4. COMBAT - A Prospective, Randomized Investigation of Plasma First Resuscitation for Traumatic Hemorrhage and Attenuation of Acute Coagulopathy of Trauma (United States)


    demographic variables (age, gender ), injury severity (Injury Severity Score, blunt versus penetrating mechanism), degree of shock (field SBP, field heart rate... authorship . Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: A. D’Alessandro, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Univ. of Colorado, Denver... authorship . The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National

  5. COMBAT: A Prospective, Randomized Investigation of Plasma First Resuscitation for Traumatic Hemorrhage and Attenuation of Acute Coagulopathy of Trauma (United States)


    demographic variables (age, gender ), injury severity (Injury Severity Score, blunt versus penetrating mechanism), degree of shock (field SBP, field heart rate... authorship . Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: A. D’Alessandro, Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Univ. of Colorado, Denver... authorship . The content of this article is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National

  6. . اﻟﻤﺰﺑﻠﺔ؛ اﻟﺴﺎﺋﻞ اﻟﻨﺎﺗﺞ ﻋﻦ اﻟﻨﻔﺎﻳﺎت؛ اﻟﻤﻌﺎدن اﻟﺜﻘﻴ

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    concentrations importantes particulièrement en chrome, en zinc et en plomb, confirmant ainsi la pollution des eaux souterraines. ..... Apports de la géologie et de l'hydrogéologie à l'étude de l'impact de la décharge d'oued Akrech sur les ressources en eau, Ph.D. Thése, 3éme cycle, Univ. Mohamed V, Rabat, Maroc,. 1997.

  7. Cinematic realism and digital special effects in Hollywood cinema


    Güney, Tolga


    Ankara : Department of Graphic Design and Institute of Fine Arts, Bilkent Univ., 1996. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1996. Includes bibliographical refences. This thesis attempts to understand changing conceptions of realism in entertainment cinema by the emergence of digital special effects as an implication of new modes of production in contemporary Hollywood cinema. It focuses on the reflexive, intertextual, and hyperreal characteristics of contemporary Holl...

  8. United States Air Force Summer Faculty Research Program 1989. Program Technical Report. Volume 3 (United States)


    351-2807 R. H. Cofer Degree: PhD Professor Specialty: Electrical Eng. Florida Institute Assigned: Avionics Laboratory 150 W. University Blvd. Melbourne ...West University Blvd. Melbourne , FL 32901 407\\768-8000 Ernest Hallford Degree: PhD Assistant Prof. Specialty: Psychology Moorhead State Univ. Assigned...3. Henisch, Heinz K., Semiconductor Contacts: An Approach to Ideas and Models, Oxford, England, Clarendon Press, 1984. 118-15 1989 USAF-UES SUMMER

  9. Potential Impacts of Extended Winter Navigation upon Migratory Birds of the Upper U.S. Great Lakes. Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway Navigation Season Extension Program (United States)


    esophagus. However, it is doubtful whether the ducks actually selected this material because of its low nutritional value. We strongly suspect that...Feeding ecology, nutrition and reproductive bio- energetics of wood ducks. Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. of Missouri., Columbia, MO. 170 pp. Drury, W. H., and W. J... Swiming - - Campinr -W - alking dogs - - Hunting - other ....- Picnicing . . .-.- Is it likely that humans, dogs or other animals are removing

  10. Excellence Initiatives to Establish World-Class Universities: Evaluation of Recent Experiences


    Jamil Salmi; Isak Froumin


    Jamil Salmi, Ph. D., coordinator of the World Banks tertiary education program (NW, Washington, D.C., United States), member of the International Advisory Panel, National Research University -Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation. Email: Address: The World Bank Institute, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20433, United States.Isak Froumin, Ped.D., Professor, Director of Research and Development at the Education Institute, National Research Unive...

  11. Location preferences of groups in public leisure spaces: the case of Likya Cafe in Ankara


    Altay, Can


    Ankara : Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Bilkent Univ., 1999. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1999. Includes bibliographical references. In this study, public leisure spaces are examined considering the social and spatial behavior of occupant groups. After an introduction to the concepts of leisure, its types, its relations with public life and cultural concepts, the study discusses leisure ...

  12. Circuit theoretical methods for efficient solution of finite element structural mechanics problems


    Ekinci, Ahmet Suat


    Ankara : The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1999. Thesis (Ph.D.) -- Bilkent University, 1999. Includes bibliographical references leaves 78-84. Shrinking device dimensions in integrated circuit technology made integrated circuits with millions of components a reality. As a result of this advance, electrical circuit simulators that can handle very large number of components have emerged. These...

  13. Is Culture a superficial barrier to global marketing?: A Case study of food and drink products in Turkey


    Sezer, Sibel


    Ankara : The Department of Management and the Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ. , 1989. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1989. Includes bibliographical references leaves 50-51. In a world of converging needs and desires, globally standardizing products would lead to lower production costs, improved quality of products as well as management. The validity of this argument proposed by "global marketing" is discussed taking into considerat...

  14. Departure from the world formula. The new invention of physics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laughlin, Robert B.


    Robert B. Laughlin, the most brilliant physicist since Richard Feynman, explains the new theory of emergence: Why all, what we know about physics, must be newly thought and why the greatest physical mysteries ly not at the end of the univers, but in an ice cube ore a salt grain. The Nobel-price carrier draws a clear picture of that, which physics will be in the future

  15. The Shock and Vibration Digest. Volume 12, Number 12, (United States)


    Pressure Fields 80-2610 K.P, Byrne Post -Test lAnalyses f DICE TIIROW School of Mechanical and Industrial Engrg., Univ. of Vehicles New South Wales...Huetzler, D .............. 558 Ikushima, T ......... 1290,2425 Jacobson, M.J ............ 346 Huffington , N.J., Jr ......... 109 Ikuta, A... McDonald ,A ............ 1583 MadigoskyW.M ........... 162 Lord, H.W.............. 688 McDonald , A.M .......... 2042 Maestrello, L ........ 1091, 1104 Lordi

  16. A producer survey on Turkish furniture industry


    Öğün, Emir Polat


    Ankara : The Department of Management and Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1996. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1996. Includes bibliographical references leaves 79-80. Turkish furniture industry has been growing steadily since the liberalization of Turkish economy in early 1980’s. However, the industry faces some technological and economical problems which affects the competitiveness of the firms in the global market. The major problems ...

  17. Aqua-Reslin droplet analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brown, J.R.; Steinke, W.E.; Zhai, J.; Sykes, D.


    Emerging acid rain problems and problems related to various airborne toxins and effects in soils are discussed by David Schindler, the Volvo Environment Prize winner, a member of the Dept. of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Alberta, Canada. A chain of events involving depletion of basic cations in soils and global warming can result ultimately in a significant threat to indigenous peoples living at high latitudes

  18. From acid rain to toxic snow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schindler, D.


    Emerging acid rain problems and problems related to various airborne toxins and effects in soils are discussed by David Schindler, the Volvo Environment Prize winner, a member of the Dept. of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Alberta, Canada. A chain of events involving depletion of basic cations in soils and global warming can result ultimately in a significant threat to indigenous peoples living at high latitudes

  19. Happiness Among College Students: A Cross-Sectional Web-Based Study Among Iranian Medical Students


    Lesani; Mohammadpoorasl; Javadi; Ansari; Fakhari


    Background During the recent decades, happiness and psychological wellbeing have been among the most attractive issues for researchers in the fields of social sciences and health. Medical and paramedical students in comparison with other college students are less happy due to work circumstance in hospital and special education. Objectives The aim of the present study was to evaluate happiness among college students of Qazvin Unive...

  20. Graduate Education in the Social Sciences. Report of Master Plan Committee R. (United States)

    Illinois State Board of Higher Education, Springfield. Master Plan Committee.

    This report analyzes data on the current (1965-67) production of, and future need for, M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in the social sciences in Illinois. While in 1966-67 Illinois produced approximately 8% of all such degrees nationwide, in 1965-66 60% of its M.A.'s and 75% of its Ph.D.'s were graduates of nonpublic institutions, primarily the Univ. of…

  1. The liquid scintillation counter of the NAVF-It-district Central Norway

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Traetteberg, J.


    NAVF have placed an automatic liquid sciuntillation counter at the disposal of Prof. K. Eik-Nes of the Institute of Biophysics at Trondheim Univ.,Norges Tekniske Hoegskole. The instrument is an uncooled Searle Isocap 300, and is mainly used in biochemical research with radioactive tracers. The apparatus and its operation in 1978 are briefly described. Experience has shown that the instrument is very reliable. (JIW)

  2. The effects of dictionary training on Turkish EFL students' reading comprehension and vocabulary learning


    Altun, Arif


    Ankara : The Institute of Economic and Social Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1995. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995. Includes bibliographical references leaves 55-59 The present study investigated the effects of monolingual dictionary training on Turkish EFL students' reading comprehension and vocabulary learning. Thirty-seven intermediate-level Turkish EFL preparatory students in the Department of English Language Teaching at Mustafa Kemal University participated in this st...

  3. A comparative study on the effectiveness of still pictures and moving pictures as aids in vocabulary instruction to Turkish EFL students


    Kumbaroğlu, Didem


    Ankara : The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1998. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1998. Includes bibliographical refences. Vocabulary instruction is an important aspect of language teaching, whose difficulty is acknowledged by researchers as well as teachers and students. Still pictures and moving pictures (video) are often used as aids in EFL vocabulary instruction. However, few studies have been conducted to examine the role of ...

  4. The relationship between students' perceptual learning style preferences, language learning strategies and English language vocabulary size


    Gorevanova, Anna


    Ankara : The Institute of Economic and Social Sciences Bilkent Univ., 2000. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2000. Includes bibliographical references leaves 54-58 This study investigated the relationship between students’ perceptual learning style preferences, language learning strategies and English language vocabulary size. It is very important for teachers to be aware of students’ preferences in learning to help them be more successful and to avoid conflicts when...

  5. The effectiveness of two techniques in teaching content words to EFL students at a Turkish university


    Raif, Özge Tılsım


    Ankara : The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1999. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1999. Includes bibliographical refences. This relationship study aimed at investigating the effects of the mnemonic keyword technique on recall of vocabulary items in comparison to a dictionary-meaning supplied group. The study was conducted at Middle East Technical University, Department of Basic English. The participants were thirty-two Pre-Interme...

  6. Persistent Data/Knowledge Base (United States)


    systems, the most powerful and representative one is probably POSTGRES [20], from the Univer- sity of California at Berkeley. POSTGRES is so named...The POSTGRES system provides objects, Ob- ject IDentifiers (OIDs), compound objects, multiple inheritance, versions, historical data, procedures, and...Stonebreaker and L. Rowe, 1986: The Design of POSTGRES . Pro- ceedings of SIGMOD Conference, Washington DC. [21] U. Dayal and J. Smith, 1985: PROBES: A

  7. Design of a WWW database server for Atomic Spectroscopy Data

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Contis, A.


    The department of Atomic Spectroscopy at Lund Univ produces large amounts of experimental data on energy levels and emissions for atomic systems. In order to make this data easily available to users outside the institution, a database has been produced and made available on the Internet. This report describes the organization of the data and the Internet interface of the data base. 4 refs

  8. Toward Determining the Comprehensibility of Machine Translations (United States)


    responses to a stimulus (Macmillan and Creelman , 1991). It has been applied in areas such as lie detection (truth/lie), inspection (ac- ceptable...1-1/(2N) (Macmil- lan and Creelman , 1991). Negative values, which usually indicate response confusion, were eliminated. The results of...Macmillan, Neil and C. Douglas Creelman . (1991). Detection theory: A User’s guide. Cambridge Univer- sity Press, pp. 10 &125. Marchant

  9. Mid-IR Lasers: Challenges Imposed by the Population Dynamics of the Gain System (United States)


    MicroSystems (IOMS) Central-Field Approximation: Perturbations 1. a) Non-centrosymmetric splitting (Coulomb interaction) ⇒ total orbital angular momentum b...Accordingly: ⇒ total electron-spin momentum 2. Spin-orbit coupling (“LS” coupling) ⇒ total angular momentum lanthanides: intermediate coupling (LS / jj) 3...MicroSystems (IOMS) Luminescence Decay Curves Rate-equation for decay: Solution ( Bernoulli -Eq.): Linearized solution: T. Jensen, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Hamburg

  10. A generalized L1-approach for a kernel estimator of conditional quantile with functional regressors: Consistency and asymptotic normality



    Abstract A kernel estimator of the conditional quantile is defined for a scalar response variable given a covariate taking values in a semi-metric space. The approach generalizes the median?s L1-norm estimator. The almost complete consistency and asymptotic normality are stated. correspondance: Corresponding author. Tel: +33 320 964 933; fax: +33 320 964 704. (Lemdani, Mohamed) (Laksaci, Ali) mohamed.lemdani@univ-lill...


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Frohlich, I.; Agakishiev, G.; Agodi, C.; Balanda, A.; Bellia, G.; Belver, D.; Belyaev, A.; Blanco, A.; Böhmer, M.; Boyard, J. L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Cabanelas, P.; Castro, E.; Chernenko, S.; Christ, T.; Destefanis, M.; Díaz, J.; Dohrmann, F.; Dybczak, A.; Eberl, T.; Fabbietti, L.; Fateev, O.; Finocchiaro, P.; Fonte, P.; Friese, J.; Galatyuk, T.; Garzón, J.A.; Gernhäuser, R.; Gil, A.; Gilardi, C.; Golubeva, M.; Gonzalez-Diaz, D.; Grosse, E.; Guber, F.; Heilmann, M.; Hennino, T.; Holzmann, R.; Ierusalimov, A.; Iori, I.; Ivashkin, A.; Jurkovic, M.; Kämpfer, B.; Kanaki, K.; Karavicheva, T.; Kirschner, D.; Koenig, I.; Koenig, W.; Kolb, B.W.; Kotte, R.; Kozuch, A.; Krása, Antonín; Křížek, Filip; Krücken, R.; Kuhn, W.; Kugler, Andrej; Kurepin, A.; Lamas-Valverde, J.; Lang, S.; Lange, J.S.; Lapidus, K.; Lopes, L.; Maier, L.; Mangiarotti, A.; Marín, J.; Markert, J.; Metag, V.; Michalska, B.; Michel, J.; Mishra, D.; Moriniére, E.; Mousa, J.; Muntz, C.; Naumann, L.; Novotny, R.; Otwinowski, J.; Pachmayer, Y.C.; Palka, M.; Parpottas, Y.; Pechenov, V.; Pechenova, O.; Cavalcanti, T.P.; Pietraszko, J.; Przygoda, W.; Ramstein, B.; Reshetin, A.; Roy-Stephan, M.; Rustamov, A.; Sadovsky, A.; Sailer, B.; Salabura, P.; Schmah, A.; Simon, R. S.; Sobolev, Yuri, G.; Spataro, S.; Spruck, B.; Strobele, H.; Stroth, J.; Sturm, C.; Sudol, M.; Tarantola, A.; Teilab, K.; Tlustý, Pavel; Traxler, M.; Trebacz, R.; Tsertos, H.; Veretenkin, I.; Wagner, Vladimír; Wen, H.; Wisniowski, M.; Wojcik, T.; Wüstenfeld, J.; Yurevich, S.; Zanevsky, Yu.; Zhou, P.; Zumbruch, P.


    Roč. 24, 2-3 (2009), s. 317-326 ISSN 0217-751X. [Conference MESON 2008. Jagiellonian Univ, Cracow, 06.06.2008-10.06.2008] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100480803; GA MŠk LC07050 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 Keywords : Mesons * di-electrons * resonances Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 0.941, year: 2009

  12. Developing an Effective and Efficient Real Time Strategy Agent for Use as a Computer Generated Force (United States)


    Coello, Carlos A., Gary B. Lamont, and David A. Van Veldhuizen . Evolution- ary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems (Genetic and...Practice. Oxford Univer- sity Press, 1996. 4. Bakkes, Sander, Philip Kerbusch, Pieter Spronck, and Jaap van den Herik. “Au- tomatically Evaluating...Pieter Spronck, and Jaap van den Herik. “Phase-dependent Evaluation in RTS games”. Proceedings of the 19th Belgian-Dutch Conference on Artificial

  13. Workshop on the Destruction of Bacterial Spores Held in Brussels, Belgium on May 1-3, 1985. (United States)


    Food Research - Bristol Laboratory Langford 4 Bristol BS18 7DY Prof. Grahame Gould, Dr. Derrick Kilsby Unilever Research Laboratory Colworth House...Introduction: Spores & military G. Silverman rations (US Army Labs, Natick, USA) 2. Introduction: Broad review of heat G.W. Gould ( Unilever Research...Cambridge Univ. UK) , and unique chemistry 5. Bacterial spores: chemical/ G.W. Gould ( Unilever Research, biochemical basis of heat resistance Colworth

  14. Recent advances in analysis and prediction of Rock Falls, Rock Slides, and Rock Avalanches using 3D point clouds (United States)

    Abellan, A.; Carrea, D.; Jaboyedoff, M.; Riquelme, A.; Tomas, R.; Royan, M. J.; Vilaplana, J. M.; Gauvin, N.


    The acquisition of dense terrain information using well-established 3D techniques (e.g. LiDAR, photogrammetry) and the use of new mobile platforms (e.g. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) together with the increasingly efficient post-processing workflows for image treatment (e.g. Structure From Motion) are opening up new possibilities for analysing, modeling and predicting rock slope failures. Examples of applications at different scales ranging from the monitoring of small changes at unprecedented level of detail (e.g. sub millimeter-scale deformation under lab-scale conditions) to the detection of slope deformation at regional scale. In this communication we will show the main accomplishments of the Swiss National Foundation project "Characterizing and analysing 3D temporal slope evolution" carried out at Risk Analysis group (Univ. of Lausanne) in close collaboration with the RISKNAT and INTERES groups (Univ. of Barcelona and Univ. of Alicante, respectively). We have recently developed a series of innovative approaches for rock slope analysis using 3D point clouds, some examples include: the development of semi-automatic methodologies for the identification and extraction of rock-slope features such as discontinuities, type of material, rockfalls occurrence and deformation. Moreover, we have been improving our knowledge in progressive rupture characterization thanks to several algorithms, some examples include the computing of 3D deformation, the use of filtering techniques on permanently based TLS, the use of rock slope failure analogies at different scales (laboratory simulations, monitoring at glacier's front, etc.), the modelling of the influence of external forces such as precipitation on the acceleration of the deformation rate, etc. We have also been interested on the analysis of rock slope deformation prior to the occurrence of fragmental rockfalls and the interaction of this deformation with the spatial location of future events. In spite of these recent advances

  15. Workers exposure to 0-300 GHz electromagnetic fields - The New European Directive 2013/35/UE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The non-ionizing radiations section of the French Society for Radiation Protection (SFRP) has organized this conference with the aim to present the new European Directive 2013/35/UE about the occupational exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. The topics approached have permitted to better understand its content, background and practical impact for labour physicians, safety engineers and any other people involved in labour risks monitoring. The document brings together 15 presentations (slides) and their corresponding abstract. Content is as follows: Session 1 - electromagnetic fields and health: What is an electromagnetic field? (Alain Azoulay (Consultant)); What are the health impacts of fields? (Isabelle Lagroye (IMS Bordeaux univ.)); Who are the most concerned workers? (Martine Souques (EDF)); Session 2 - Presentation of the directive, from its foundation to its transposition (Isabelle Magne (EDF)): ICNIRP's (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) guidelines (Bernard Veyret (IMS Bordeaux univ.)); The New European Directive 2013/35/UE (Patrick Moureaux (INRS)); transposition works of the directive into French law (Peggy Mathieu (DGT)); Session 3 - Evaluation of electromagnetic fields exposure levels (Allal Ouberehil (TDF)): how to measure and electromagnetic field and to estimate its measurement uncertainty? (Emmanuel Nicolas (Bureau Veritas)); ELF - how to calculate the electric field induced in the human body and with which uncertainty? (Noel Burais (Ampere Univ. Lyon)); how to calculate the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the human body and with which uncertainty? (Joe Wiart (Orange Labs)); Session 4 - Occupational exposures - overview and experience feedbacks (Martine SOUQUES (EDF)): overview of occupational exposures (Patrick Moureaux (INRS)); Implementation of the 2004/40/CE directive at TDF and perspectives of the 2013/35/UE directive (Allal Ouberehil (TDF)); Implementation of the 2004/40/CE directive at RTE

  16. Machines géantes pour sonder l'univers de l'atome

    CERN Multimedia

    Wilde, M, S


    To always more deeply explore the infinitely small world of the atom, Science is paradoxically brought to build buildings and machines increasingly larger - Giant accelerators producing high energy particle beams that can dissociate the structures of the atomic nucleus

  17. 195 Immigration Et Crise D'identite Dans L'Univers Romanesque De ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    pour démontrer comment le jeune romancier togolais a abordé le ... deux mondes appartenant ni à l'un ni à l'autre. L'exile y est ..... m'a déjà été donné de visiter ailleurs dans le monde. Ces lieux qui sont comme les ventres des océans. Entrer dedans en explorateur, prendre tout son temps, avoir la patience nécessaire ...

  18. Floating Ocean Platform (United States)


    Proc ICOSSAR 89 5th Int Conf Struct Saf Reliab, 1989, p 183-190 Fukusumi, Tadahiro (Kobe Univ); Kusakabe, Kaoru , Dynamic response 162 characteristics...Harbor Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan, October, 348--359, 1994 Maeda, N. and Morikawa, M. and Ishikawa , K. and Kakuta, Y., Fatigue...Harbor Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan, October, 383--394, 1994 Morikawa, M. and Suzuki, H. and Ishikawa , K. and Komiya, H. and Yoshida

  19. African Journals Online: Togo

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé. Le Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé doit être abrégé sous la forme: J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo). Les articles du Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé (Togo) sont abstractés et indexés dans la base de ...

  20. A time-based control policy for a perishable inventory system with lost sales


    Tekin, Eylem


    Ankara : Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent Univ., 1998. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1998. Includes bibliographical references leaves 49-52 In this study, we propose a new time-based poiicy for continuous review inventory systems where the products have fixed fife times and unmet denicinds are iost. We cierive the exact expressions of the key operating characteristics of the rnociei. Based on these perfo...

  1. Introduction: Mobilizing Shakespeare During the Great War


    Smialkowska, Monika


    This introduction situates this special issue in the context of ongoing debates surrounding the “cultural mobilization” of Shakespeare during the Great War. The key areas of these debates include the degree to which Shakespeare could successfully be appropriated during the war for totalizing – nationalist and imperialist – purposes; the challenges to such appropriations (for instance, from the colonized nations); ideological fractures produced by seeing Shakespeare, simultaneously, as “univer...


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Křížek, Filip


    Roč. 24, 2-3 (2009), s. 603-606 ISSN 0217-751X. [Conference MESON 2008. Jagiellonian Univ, Cracow, 06.06.2008-10.06.2008] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100480803; GA MŠk LC07050 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 Keywords : Light vector mesons * pair production * heavy ion collisions Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders Impact factor: 0.941, year: 2009

  3. Acute Toxicity of Tributyltins and Tributyltin Leachates from Marine Antibiofouling Paints. (United States)


    RO-0184 224 ACUTE TOXICITY OF TRIBUTYLTINS AND TRIBUTYLTIN i/I LEACHATES FROM MARINE ANTIBIOFOULING PAINTS(U) CALIFORNIA UNIV OAKLAND NAVAL...Classification) (U) ACUTE TOXICITY OF TRIBUTYLTINS AND TRIBUTYLTIN LEACHATES FROM MARINE ANTIBIOFOULING PAINTS 12, PERSO A UHR Laugin, Koy"., Linden, Olof and...xins causing acute toxicity or two amphipou species at concentrations as low as 10 g/L . Orchestia traskiana was exposed to bis ( tributyltin ) oxide

  4. An Archaeological Sample Survey of the Whitlow Ranch Reservoir, Pinal County, Arizona. (United States)


    in situ Hohokam developme,z. The Salado concept itself may be questioned; Hohokam and Salade cc-stitute similar manifes- tations and the criteria for...Gila Aqueducts, Agua Fria River to Gila River, Arizona. Arizona State University Anthropological Research Paper 1. Forrester, J. D. 1962 Folio of...Weaver, Donald E., Jr. 1974 Archaeological investigations at the Westwing site, AZ T:7:27 (ASU), Agua Fria River Valley, Arizona. Arizona State Univer

  5. Effect of Anti-Parasite Chemotherapeutic Agents on Immune Reactions. (United States)


    observations). Similar effects of a number of other alkylating agents have been noticed (9, and personal observa- tions). Similarly, corticosteroids inhibit...Wellham, L. L., and Sigel, M. M. Ef- fect of anti-cancer chemotherapeutic agents on immune reactions of mice. I. Comparison of two nitrosoureas . J...7 D-Ri138 852 EFFECT OF ANTI-PARASITE CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC AGENTS ON i/i IMMUNE REACTIONS(U) SOUTH CAROLINA UNIV COLUMBIA DEPT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND

  6. Design studio as a life space in architectural education: privacy requirements


    Demirbaş, Özgen Osman


    Ankara : The Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Institute of Fine Arts of Bilkent Univ., 1997. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1997. Includes bibliographical refences. There is a very important relationship between the educational outcomes and the architectural design of educational facilities. The most commonly used space in an architectural education is the design studio. Therefore, it is claimed that there should be a living process in a ...

  7. Deutsche Bibliotheksstatistik (DBS): Konzept, Umsetzung und Perspektiven für eine umfassende Datenbasis zum Bibliothekswesen in Deutschland : 10 Fragen von Bruno Bauer an Ronald M. Schmidt, Leiter der DBS


    Bauer, Bruno; Schmidt, Ronald M.


    The DBS, Deutsche Bibliotheksstatistik (German Library Statistics,, reports since 1974. Around 9000 libraries file data on facilities, equipment, holdings, usage, budget and staff. Data collection, evaluation, and presentation today are carried out online only. Aim of DBS is the formation of a national data pool containing statistical data on all types of libraries. The interview informs about the concept of DBS and its differentation of public, unive...

  8. A case study: forming an effective quality management system according to ISO 9000 standards


    Zağyapan, Orhan


    Ankara : The Faculty of Management and the Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1995. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995. Includes bibliographical references leaves 87-88 In today's world, companies which adopt themselves to certain internationally recognized standards are one step ahead of their competitors. ISO 9000 Quality System Standards captured the most attention among all. The aim of the standard is to provide an international bench...

  9. Cortical Photostimulation Technology for Vision Prosthesis (United States)


    Milestone Brain tissue harvest completed 12 ongoing (15%) *When obstacles arose during the synthesis of oxNI-Glu, we prepared an alternative caged...photostimulation, which permits better penetration into brain tissue. Characterization of the properties of oxNI-Glu, most important being photolysis kinetics and...Name Patrick O. Kanold Project Role Site P.I. at Univ. of Maryland, College Park Researcher identifier eRA Commons: Pkanold Person months worked 1

  10. Social support over Facebook as predictor of life satisfaction among Malaysian university students




    Many young people interact and thus receive and communicate social support over the online world, particularly through Facebook. This paper focuses on how Malaysian university students perceived social support over Facebook. More specifically, this study focuses on how perceived social support influence university students’ life satisfaction. Participants were 800 university students from southern of Malaysia (178 male and 622 female). The finding showed that social support is related to univ...

  11. International Conference (4th) on Nanostructured Materials Held in Stockholm, Sweden on 14-19 June 1998. Book of Abstracts (United States)


    de Fisica de Sistemas, Spain Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany Univ. of Delaware, USA EPFL, Switzerland Tohoku University, Japan Virginia...Dominguez2, E.Roldan2, J.Campora3, P. Palma3 and A. Fernandez! institute de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Centra de Investigaciones Cintificas...34Isk de la Cartuja", Avda. Americo Vespucio s/n, 41092-Sevilla, SPAIN < 2Depto. de Qufmica- Fisica , Universidad de Sevilla,

  12. Cultural themes in elementary EFL textbooks in use in Turkey: a content analysis of pictorial representations


    Bayrakcıl, Ferda, 1967-


    Ankara : The Faculty of Letters and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1990. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1990. Includes bibliographical references leaves 75-79. The topic of this study is ”A content analysis of the cultural themes presented in pictorial form in elementary level EFL textbooks”. The literature review (see Chapter IT) concerns itself first with the general definitions of culture, as derived from anthropological, ...

  13. A profile on the methodology courses at the ELT departments of the education faculties in Turkey


    Dalkılıç, Nilüfer


    Ankara : Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Bilkent Univ., 1996. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1996. Includes bibliographical references leaves 78-80 In this study, the methodology courses at ELT departments in Turkey were examined in terms of design, content and delivery. In order to collect data, sample ELT Departments of the Education Faculties in Turkey were chosen from different parts of Turkey. Data were collected through questionnaires administered to two ...

  14. Scheduling with artificial neural networks


    Gürgün, Burçkaan


    Ankara : Department of Industrial Engineering and The Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent Univ., 1993. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993. Includes bibliographical references leaves 59-65. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) attempt to emulate the massively parallel and distributed processing of the human brain. They are being examined for a variety of problems that have been very difficult to solve. The objective of this thesis is to review the curren...

  15. Development of Personalized Cancer Therapy for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer (United States)


    MD Anderson. Fusion analysis of the first 19 cases demonstrates 10 cases are ETS fusion positive, while 9 cases are ETS fusion negative. Notably...Foundation Grants Officer: Jane Zuber, Director, Contracts & Grants, Texas A&M Univ. System 400 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South, Suite 300 College Station, TX...prostate cancer PDXs for expression of targets of interest to company. 18 ARAUJO, John None BROOM, Bradley ACTIVE Bioinformatics Gift ( Weinstein

  16. International Conference on the Science and Technology of Zirconia (ZrO2IV) (4th) Held in Anaheim, California on Nov 1-3, 1989 (United States)


    niobia-zirconia powder from freshly precipitated hydrous zirconia and niobium- Different ceria stabilized TZP ceram- ammonium oxalate . Zirconia mol% Nb205 showed single orthorhombic phase an acid soluble Zr-Y-REE-Nb-Ta-sili- while this phase always coexisted with mono- cate occurring in a...C :1RCONIA, Chen-Feng Kao and Tsu-Meng BY HYDROTHERMAL PRECIPITATION METHOD, S. P Fueng, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Somiya*, Nishi-Tokyo Univ

  17. Aircraft Flight Safety: A Bibliography. (La Securite en Vol: Une Bibliographie) (United States)


    having been installed 93A27135 with the wrong bolts during maintenance. An DRURY , COLIN G. (New York State Univ., analysis of the complex events...accident rates. The REJMAN, MICHAEL H.; SYMONDS, COLIN J.; 0 conclusion made is that, Judgement Training has SHEPHERD, ERIC W. (City of London Polytech...from training 0 software to controlled dynamic simulations 93N19702 conducted with mockups, tooling, and subjects in SYMONDS, COLIN J.; REJMAN

  18. Techniques for motivating students to write, for teaching writing and for systematizing writing assessment


    Küçükal, Şerife


    Ankara : Faculty of Letters and the Institute of Economics and Social Science of Bilkent Univ., 1990. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1990. Includes bibliographical references. The purpose of this study is to investigate the suggestions that experts in the field of teaching composition have for motivating students to write, teaching writing and assessing writing and the ways that these suggestions could be used in Turkish EFL Hazirlik classes for elementary level students. ...

  19. Synergistic effect of UV radiation and nutrient limitation on Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta) cultures grown in outdoor cylindrical photobioreactors

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Malpartida, I.; Jerez, C.G.; Morales, M.M.; Nascimento, E.; Freire, I.; Ezequiel, J.; Rico, R.M.; Peralta, E.; Malapascua, J.R.; Florez, Y.; Masojídek, Jiří; Abdala, R.; Figueroa, F.L.; Navarro, E.


    Roč. 22, č. 2 (2014), s. 141-158 ISSN 1864-7790 Grant - others:Univ. Málaga, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spanish Government(ES) Acción Complementaria CTM2011-15659-E; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spanish Government(ES) BFU2010-22053 Institutional support: RVO:61388971 Keywords : bio-optics * radiation * Chlorella * chlorophyll Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology Impact factor: 1.258, year: 2014


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Gazda, D.; Mareš, Jiří; Friedman, E.; Gal, A.


    Roč. 24, 2-3 (2009), s. 438-441 ISSN 0217-751X. [Conference MESON 2008. Jagiellonian Univ, Cracow, 06.06.2008-10.06.2008] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100480617 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10480505 Keywords : (K)over-bar-nuclear RMF calculations * (K)over-bar-nuclear bound states * kaon condensation Subject RIV: BE - Theoretical Physics Impact factor: 0.941, year: 2009

  1. Electron-photon angular correlation measurements for excitation of the 2P state of hydrogen at 55 and 100 eV

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slevin, J.; Eminyan, M.; Woolsey, J.M.; Vassilev, G.; Porter, H.Q.


    Electron-photon angular correlations have been measured for excitation of the 2P state of hydrogen at incident energies of 55 and 100 eV. The data presented extend the results of Weigold and co-workers (Flinders Univ. preprint (1980)) to smaller scattering angles and reveal the existence of a deep minimum in the parameter lambda thetasub(e) = 10 0 at and incident electron energy of 100 eV. (author)

  2. Pemanfaatan Limbah Batu Marmer Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Pada Campuran Aspal Beton Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall


    Syaiful Amal, Andi; Saleh, Chairil


    PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH BATU MARMER SEBAGAI PENGGANTI AGREGAT KASAR PADA CAMPURAN ASPAL BETON TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MARSHALLThe Implementation Of Stone Marble Waste For Changer The Aggregate Rough To Mix Aplhalt Concrete Characteristics Of MarshalAndi Syaiful Amal1 & Chairil Saleh21,2Jurusan Teknik Sipil – Fakultas Teknik Univ. Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang 65144Email : The waste of marble stone is waste produced when manu...

  3. The Ethnic Factor in the Soviet Armed Forces. The Muslim Dimension (United States)


    2Ronald A. Reminick, Theory of Ethnicity: An Anthropologist’s Perspective, Univer- sity Press of America , New York and London, 1983, p. 2; Donald L...South Asia, Africa, and Latin America ). The main reason for the special intensity of inter-ethnic violence in the developing countries stems from the...language policy as it affected the various ethnic groups, see Isabelle T. Kreindler (ed.), Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Soviet National Languages

  4. A scalable PC-based parallel computer for lattice QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fodor, Z.; Katz, S.D.; Pappa, G.


    A PC-based parallel computer for medium/large scale lattice QCD simulations is suggested. The Eoetvoes Univ., Inst. Theor. Phys. cluster consists of 137 Intel P4-1.7GHz nodes. Gigabit Ethernet cards are used for nearest neighbor communication in a two-dimensional mesh. The sustained performance for dynamical staggered (wilson) quarks on large lattices is around 70(110) GFlops. The exceptional price/performance ratio is below $1/Mflop

  5. A scalable PC-based parallel computer for lattice QCD

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fodor, Z.; Papp, G.


    A PC-based parallel computer for medium/large scale lattice QCD simulations is suggested. The Eoetvoes Univ., Inst. Theor. Phys. cluster consists of 137 Intel P4-1.7 GHz nodes. Gigabit Ethernet cards are used for nearest neighbor communication in a two-dimensional mesh. The sustained performance for dynamical staggered(wilson) quarks on large lattices is around 70(110) GFlops. The exceptional price/performance ratio is below $1/Mflop. (orig.)

  6. Initiatives and evaluation of teaching-learning process in translation training


    Olvera Lobo, Mar??a Dolores; Guti??rrez-Artacho, Juncal


    The ability to manage information and communication technologies (ICT) is a professional prerequisite for translators. The translation discipline is aware of this trend because ICTs have changed and developed the translation profession. Translation training is more than just learning a proficient command of languages, and translators must also develop other important skills ??? such as accessing and managing information resources. A group of teachers from various departments of the Univers...

  7. Metas' turnaround case: a study about the turnaround strategies and the related decision streams shaping them


    Tüzüner, Tolga


    Ankara : The Department of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1995. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1995. Includes bibliographical references. Meta§ which is the first private steel factory with arc furnace technology, begins to implement the “turnaround” strategy during the 90’s. This case aims to determine the reasons that cause the turnaround strategy and the strategic decision streams through the turnaround. Meta$ could not succeed financially in the e...

  8. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, Japan, 89 Sairas Symposium (United States)


    Electric) B2-5 Region Segmentation Process for Visual Data Mikio Fukase, Tsugito Maruyama, Takashi Uchiyama (Fujitsu Labs.) Osamu Okamoto, Isao Yamaguchi (N...Shigeoki Hirai, Tomomasa Sato (ETL) Tadao Hiruma (Meiji Univ.) B2-12 A Teleoperating Assembly System Hajime Morikawa, Nobuaki Takanashi, Norio Tagawa...Processing for Space Robot Teleoperation 230 Eiichi Ogawa, Shigeki Kuzuoka (Mitsubrshi Electric) B32-5 Region Segmentation Process for Visual Data 234 Mikio

  9. Factors Affecting University Library Website Design


    Kim, Yongi-Mi; University of Oklahoma


    Existing studies have extensively explored factors that affect users’ intentions to use university library website resources (ULWR); yet little attention has been given to factors affecting university library website design. This paper investigates factors that affect university library website design and assesses the success of the university library website from both designers’ and users’ perspectives. The findings show that when planning a website, university web designers consider univers...

  10. Tree Based Decision Strategies and Auctions in Computational Multi-Agent Systems

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šlapák, M.; Neruda, Roman


    Roč. 38, č. 4 (2017), s. 335-342 ISSN 0257-4306 Institutional support: RVO:67985807 Keywords : auction systems * decision making * genetic programming * multi-agent system * task distribution Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science OBOR OECD: Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8)

  11. Gordon Research Conference on Chronobiology (United States)


    AMHERST MA 01002 DR ANTONI DIEZ-NOGUERA OFF UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA 3434907869 LABORATORY DE FISIOLOGIA ATTENDEE FACULTAT 03 FARMACIA, AV JOAN XXIII SIN...WALTHAM MA 02254 DR BEATRIZ FUENTES-PARDO P 303 UNIV. NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE MEXICO 525-623-2362 DEPARTAMENTO DE FISIOLOGIA , FAC. DE KED. ATTENDEE APDO...Vilaplana, T.Cambras (Laboratori de Fisiologia , Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Barcelona): Effects of period length of light/dark cycles in the

  12. Performance Envelopes and Optimal Appropriateness Measurement. (United States)


    20370 Dr. Hans Crombag University of Leyden Mr. Raymond E. Christal Education Research Center AFHRL/MOE Boerhaavelaan 2 Brooks AFB, TX 78235 2334 EN... Leyden The NETHERLANDS Dr. Norman Cliff Department of Psychology CTB/McGraw-Hill Library Univ. of So. California 2500 Garden Road University Park...Psychology Dr William Montague University of Western Australia NPRDC Code 13 Nedlands W.A. 6009 San Diego, CA 92152 AUSTRALIA Ms. Kathleen Moreno Dr

  13. Local Electric Field Effects on Rhodium-Porphyrin and NHC-Gold Catalysts (United States)


    AFRL-OSR-VA-TR-2015-0023 (NII) - Local Electric Field Effects on Rhodium -Porphyrin and NHC-Gold Catalysts MATTHEW KANAN LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIV...Effects on Rhodium -Porphyrin and NHC-Gold Catalysts Principal Investigator: Matthew W. Kanan Project Publications: 1. “An Electric Field–Induced Change...Stanford University Grant/Contract Title The full title of the funded effort. (NII)-Local Electric Field Effects on Rhodium -Porphyrin and NHC-Gold

  14. Infection

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)


    2008350 A comparative evaluation of enzyme linked immunospot assay and IS6110 polymerase chain reaction for early diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis. QUAN Chao(全超), et al. Dept Neurol, Huashan Hosp, Shanghai, Med Coll, Fudan Univ, Shanghai 200040. Chin J Neurol 2008;41(3):176-179.Objective To establish an early diagnostic testfor tuberculous meningitis(TBM)with good sensitivity and specificity.Methods Twenty-five patients with a clinical

  15. The Programs of Japan in the Philippines (United States)


    functions of theI U cii’?rsi:rity in tho follo,:ing way: : ’"The purposo an’d - fanc - tion of th Unive-rsiy o.f ti.e Phil) ippines shall be to provide .. ;i :if Japan co to the P’hilippines very soon tor a, series of genes wv-h.:i t - local- players. The ( loa.ding) teoia is (T" ..:yo. Six - .3

  16. Inflation accounting and effects of inflation adjusted accounting figures on decision making


    Özkaşıkcı, Ali İhsan


    Ankara : Faculty of Management and the Graduate School of Business Administration of Bilkent Univ., 1995. Thesis (Master's) -- İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University, 1995. Includes bibliographical refences. Various studies in accounting have shown that, historical cost model can not adapt itself to the changing economic environment. The change that is being suggested is a modification to the existing accounting practice of reporting only historical cost information. The sco...

  17. Self-perception of knowledge and adherence reflecting the effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy


    Dagli-Hernandez, Carolina; Lucchetta, Rosa Camila; de Nadai, Tales Rubens; Galdur?z, Jos? Carlos Fernandez; Mastroianni, Patricia de Carvalho


    Carolina Dagli-Hernandez,1 Rosa Camila Lucchetta,1 Tales Rubens de Nadai,2 José Carlos Fernandez Galduróz,3 Patricia de Carvalho Mastroianni1 1Department of Drugs and Medications, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the UNESP – Univ Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, 2Department of Surgery and Anatomy, Americo Brasiliense State Hospital, 3Department of Psychobiology, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, Brazil Objectives:...

  18. Analysis of multimedian problems on time dependent networks


    Salman, F Sibel


    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Enginering and Science of Bilkent Univ., 1994. Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1994. Includes bibliographical references leaves 81-85. Time dependency arises in transportation and computer-communication networks due to factors such as time varying demand, traffic intensity, and road conditions. This necessitates a locational decision to be based on an analysis involving a time horizon. In this st...

  19. Biotechnology 2000: a new German R&D programme


    Ekkehard Warmuth


    Biotechnology 2000 is a German programme to continue the development of biotechnology started in 1982. It includes two new scientific fields for industrial innovation — genome research and neurobiology. Together with industry and the science community, the biotechnology programme will create a basis for future generations of biologically derived products and processes, including the development of safety precautions for the contained use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and of univers...

  20. Bionomics of the Primary Malaria Vector, Anopheles pseudopunctipennis, in the Tapachula Foothill Area of Southern Mexico (United States)


    use of herbicides and genetically manipulated algae contaitting toxic bacteria crystals; e.g., Bacillus rhuringensis israelensis and B. sphoericus (W...Anopheline Complex of Western America. 7. Univ. Cal. Press, Berlceley and Los Angeles. 2. AJvarado CA; Heredia RL.I947. Observaciones Sabre una Nueva ...Guayaquil, ImJRllta de Ia Universidad, Ecuador. 9. Mann F G. 1950. Dos Nuevas Sub-especies del AfIOpheles pseudopunctipennis Th. 1901. Biologica Vm-XI:33