
Sample records for tys ch na

  1. Produkce vybraných metabolitů karotenogenními kvasinkami kultivovanými na potravinářských odpadech


    Turková, Lucie


    U použitých kmenů kvasinek (Cystofilobasidium capitatum, Rhodotorula glutinis, Sporobolomyces shibatanus a Sporobolomyces roseus) byla sledována produkce vybraných metabolitů - zejména karotenoidů, dále pak i ergosterolu a koenzymu Q. Kvasinky byly kultivovány na odpadních substrátech z vinařství - výliscích (slupkách) a třapinách. Odpadní substráty byly podrobeny analýze obsahu sacharidů, tuků, tříslovin, polyfenolů a dalších látek. Kultivace probíhaly též na chemicky a enzymově hydrolyzovan...

  2. Výběr vhodných autochtonních kvasinek pro výrobu vína


    Krátká, Veronika


    Cílem této diplomové práce byl výběr vhodných autochtonních kvasinek pro výrobu vína. Testované kvasinky byly izolovány z hroznů, které poskytlo vinařství Maňák Žádovice. Dále byly testovány kvasinky, izolované v rámci diplomových prací z let 2009 – 2012, a pro srovnání jedna komerční kvasinka. V teoretické časti je kladen důraz na technologii výroby vína, zejména na kvašení. Dále je práce zaměřena na kvasinky, jejich metabolismus a taxonomii. Byl popsán princip metody PCR-RFLP, a princip met...

  3. Automatizace útoku MitM na WiFi sítích


    Vondráček, Martin


    Tato bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na výzkum v oblasti bezpečnosti bezdrátových sítí. Práce přináší studii široce využívaných síťových technologií a principů zajištění bezpečnosti bezdrátových sítí. Analyzované technologie a způsoby zabezpečení trpí slabinami, které mohou být zneužity k provedení útoku MitM . Práce zahrnuje přehled dostupných nástrojů zaměřených na využití jednotlivých slabin. Výsledkem této práce je balíček wifimitm a CLI nástroj, oba implementované v jazyce Python. Balíček p...

  4. Single-molecule study of full-length NaChBac by planar lipid bilayer recording.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andrew Jo

    Full Text Available Planar lipid bilayer device, alternatively known as BLM, is a powerful tool to study functional properties of conducting membrane proteins such as ion channels and porins. In this work, we used BLM to study the prokaryotic voltage-gated sodium channel (Nav NaChBac in a well-defined membrane environment. Navs are an essential component for the generation and propagation of electric signals in excitable cells. The successes in the biochemical, biophysical and crystallographic studies on prokaryotic Navs in recent years has greatly promoted the understanding of the molecular mechanism that underlies these proteins and their eukaryotic counterparts. In this work, we investigated the single-molecule conductance and ionic selectivity behavior of NaChBac. Purified NaChBac protein was first reconstituted into lipid vesicles, which is subsequently incorporated into planar lipid bilayer by fusion. At single-molecule level, we were able to observe three distinct long-lived conductance sub-states of NaChBac. Change in the membrane potential switches on the channel mainly by increasing its opening probability. In addition, we found that individual NaChBac has similar permeability for Na+, K+, and Ca2+. The single-molecule behavior of the full-length protein is essentially highly stochastic. Our results show that planar lipid bilayer device can be used to study purified ion channels at single-molecule level in an artificial environment, and such studies can reveal new protein properties that are otherwise not observable in in vivo ensemble studies.

  5. Analýza nestrukturovaných dat z bankovních stránek na sociální síti Facebook

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lucie Šperková


    Full Text Available Sociální sítě jako novodobý kanál pro sdílení online Word of Mouth představuje pro bankovní společnosti příležitost, jak analyzovat komunikaci a názory svých zákazníků, které zde veřejně sdílejí. Článek ukazuje proces a výsledky pokročilé kontextové analýzy těchto nestrukturovaných dat vybraných veřejných bankovních stránek na sociální síti Facebook. Analýza zákaznických názorů, problémů a přání může hrát významnou roli pro pozici těchto společností na trhu a jejich orientaci na zákazníky. Využity byly metody shlukování a sentiment analýz, výsledky odrážejí stav chování zákazníků a bank na této síti. Článek zdůrazňuje důležitost problematiky Word of Mouth a jeho analýz informačními technologiemi. Zároveň diskutuje, jak analýza kontextu může přenést marketing na další úroveň identifikace zákazníkova chování a jeho vztahu ke společnosti.

  6. Využití umělé inteligence na kapitálových trzích


    Skoumal, Karel


    Práce se zabývá problematikou obchodování na kapitálových trzích, využitím prostředků umělé inteligence, umělých neuronových sítí, pro modelování chování akcií. Práce obsahuje popis kapitálových trhů, burzovního obchodování, metod umělé inteligence. Hlavní částí je model pro predikci kurzu a trendu akcií fungující v prostředí MATLAB, který sloužící jako podpora pro obchodní rozhodování The thesis deals with the trading on capital markets, the use of artificial intelligence, artificial neur...

  7. Confidence Gap a její vliv na participaci žen ve vedoucích pozicích


    Kudrnáčová, Michaela


    Confidence gap a její vliv na participaci žen ve vedoucích pozicích Michaela Kudrnáčová Abstract This thesis is aimed on the gap between male and female confidence and its influence on women in leadership. The paper serves as a summary of the most important current information concerning this topic. The aim is to find the extend of the deficit of women's confidence on participation on women in leadership, and to identify this problem in the Czech context. Depending on the literature and other...

  8. Posouzení vlivu nestandardních přítokových proudových poměrů na Q/h charakteristiku ostrohranného přelivu s obdélníkovým výřezem


    Šmidrkalová, Nina


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou měřících systémů, především užívajících metody Q/H charakteristiky. Popisuje ostrohranné přelivy a zmiňuje se i o měrných žlabech. Uvádí možnosti monitorování průtoků v napevno nainstalovaných profilech s volnou hladinou. Součástí práce je i experiment, který je zaměřen na simulaci nestandardních přítokových proudových poměrů před instalovaným přelivem pro stanovení jejich vlivu na Q/H charakteristiku. Experiment je proveden na pravoúhlém ostrohran...

  9. Ověření pravosti pomerančové šťávy Tesco na základě vybraných chemických parametrů


    Belková, Renáta


    Tato práce se zabývá ověřením pravosti pomerančové šťávy Tesco na základě vybraných chemických parametrů. V teoretické části je definována pomerančová šťáva podle platné normy, popsána její výroba a legislativní požadavky pro pomerančové šťávy v Evropské unii a v České republice. Dále jsou uvedeny základní způsoby falšování ovocných šťáv i možnosti jejich odhalení a různé analytické metody pro zjišťování pravosti ovocných šťáv. V experimentální části byla testována pravost vzorku pomerančové ...

  10. Vplyv sofistikovaného hybridného Honeypotu na efektivitu architektúry systému detekcie prieniku v distribuovaných počítačových

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    Martin Chovanec


    Full Text Available Pri súčasnom vývoji technológií, rapídnom raste počítačových sietí a distribuovaných systémov, je reálne riziko útoku čoraz pravdepodobnejšie. Pre zvýšenie samotnej bezpečnosti systémov už bolo vytvorených a implementovaných množstvo riešení, ktoré mali slúžiť na detekciu a/alebo prevenciu pred samotnými útokmi. Najpoužívanejšie riešenie predstavuje použitie systému na detekciu prieniku (IDS v kooperácii s firewallom. Avšak ani IDS a ani firewall nedokážu reagovať v reálnom čase, pokiaľ sa jedná o špecifický typ útoku. Táto práca sa zaoberá detekčným mechanizmom na báze technológie Honeypot a jeho využitím v navrhovanej architektúre pre zvýšenie bezpečnosti v počítačových systémoch. Podstatou práce je poukázať na to, ako dokáže sofistikovaný hybridný Honeypot vplývať na dizajn architektúry IDS a tým zvýšiť jej efektivitu.

  11. Analýza zabezpečení přenosu dat na různých vrstvách referenčního modelu OSI


    Kňazovický, Pavel


    Táto práca sa zaoberá analýzou protokolov zaisťujúcich zabezpečený prenos dát. V prvej časti je stručne popísaný referenčný model ISO/OSI. Druhá časť je zameraná na samotné zabezpečené protokoly na jednotlivých vrstvách ISO/OSI modelu, z ktorých je v tretej časti podrobne analyzovaný protokol SSL/TLS. Posledná časť sa venuje často používaným útokom v oblasti počítačových sietí a ich služieb, kde je uvedená aj základná prevencia proti nim. The aim of this Bachelor's thesis is the analysis o...

  12. Production of gaseous radiotracers CH3I and I2 through Na123I salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Candeiro, R.E.M.; Pereira, W.P.


    The objective of the present work was to develop, separately, methodology for production of two gaseous tracers through the sodium iodide NaI marked with 123 I. Found in the nature in form different, the iodine has been used in diverse works in the area of the industry and health. These two forms of the gaseous iodine, the methyl iodide, CH 3 I, and molecular iodine, I 2 , are very unstable and volatile in the ambient temperature and presents different problems in clean-up and monitoring systems. The syntheses were processed with sodium iodide (NaI) 1M aqueous solution marked with 1 23I . The production of gas I 2 was realized with in chlorine acid (HCl) and sodium iodate salt (NaIO 3 ) and the CH 3 I was used, the salt of NaI and the reagent (CH 3 ) 2 SO 4 . The production of gases was initially realized through in unit in glass with an inert material and the purpose was to study the kinetic of reaction and to determine the efficiency of production. The two synthesis occurs in the reaction bottle and after of produced, the gas is stored in the collect bottle that contains a starch solution for fixed the I 2 , and in syntheses of CH 3 I contains a silver nitrate solution for your fixation. To determine the efficiency of production of gases, analytic tests were realized, where the consumption of iodide ions of the bottle of reaction are measured. The optimization of production of the each gaseous tracer was studied varying parameter as: concentration of iodide, concentration of acid and temperature. After, the syntheses of the radiotracers were realized in the compact unit, having been used as main reagent the salt radiated of sodium iodide, Na 123 I. The transportation of elementary iodine and methyl iodine was studied by a scintillation detector NaI (2 x 2)' positioned in the reaction bottle. (author)

  13. Výzkumy vlivu některých typů technologií na vědomosti a dovednosti žáků v matematice

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    Jarmila Robová


    Full Text Available Článek je věnován přehledu a analýze našich i zahraničních výzkumů, které se zabývají vlivem technologií na vědomosti a dovednosti žáků v matematice v období od devadesátých let dvacátého století až po současnost. Postupně jsou prezentovány a rozebírány metody i výsledky experimentů zaměřených na používání některých typů technologií, a to grafických kalkulátorů, programů dynamické geometrie a webových výukových zdrojů. Pozornost je věnována zejména relevantním výzkumům, které zkoumaly začlenění uvedených technologií do vyučování matematice na úrovni střední školy. Závěrem jsou shrnuty hlavní přínosy a rizika integrace těchto technologií a uvedeny současné trendy jejich integrace.

  14. Zpracování obrazu a videa na mobilních telefonech


    Gazdík, Martin


    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou zpracování obrazu a videa na mobilních telefonech s podporou operačního systému Symbian. Popisuje postup při instalaci nástrojů potřebných pro úspěšný vývoj aplikací. Samotnému vývoji však předchází studium a inspirace v existujících aplikacích. Účelem této práce je vytvořit nástroj pro snadnou práci s integrovaným fotoaparátem a obrázky. V závěru zhodnotíme dosažené výsledky a možnost budoucího vývoje. This paper deals with image and video processing on ...

  15. Vliv žárového zinkování na vlastnosti vysokopevnostích ocelí


    Křemen, Jan


    Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem žárového zinkování na vlastnosti vysokopevnostních ocelí. Žárové zinkování nepříznivě ovlivňuje mechanické vlastnosti vysokopevnostních ocelí. Tato práce se také zabývá vlivem žárového zinkování na tvrdost vysokopevnostních ocelí. Úkolem je posoudit do jaké meze kluzu lze oceli zinkovat. This thesis deals with the influence of hod dip galvanizing on properties of high-strenght steel. Galvanizing adversely affects the mechanical properties of high-strenght s...

  16. Volba řešitelských strategií v závislosti na věku

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    Petr Eisenmann


    Full Text Available Příspěvek popisuje experiment, který byl součástí dlouhodobého výzkumu Rozvíjení kultury řešení matematických problémů ve školské praxi. Experiment byl proveden na vzorku celkem 584 respondentů ve věku 11–17 let a mapuje vývoj ve volbě řešitelských strategií matematických úloh u různých věkových skupin žáků. Žákům 6. a 8. ročníku základní školy, I. a III. ročníku střední školy byly předloženy tři úlohy, které se dají efektivně řešit pomocí heuristických strategií. Kromě úspěšnosti řešení úloh byla věnována pozornost také způsobu jejich řešení. Výsledkem experimentu je zjištění, že existují heuristické strategie, které žáci použili při řešení úloh i přesto, že s nimi ve výuce nebyli seznámeni. U některých z nich se jejich výskyt nemění v závislosti na věku.

  17. Efeito da ingestão de 1g de chá branco, chá verde e chá preto na glicémia pós-prandial de indivíduos saudáveis após uma prova de tolerância oral à glucose


    Lopes, Sandra Marisa Gomes


    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Nutrição Clínica Enquadramento: O chá é a segunda bebida mais consumida em todo o mundo. Vários estudos realizados em modelos animais e em humanos têm sugerido um possível efeito benéfico sobre a glicémia pós prandial estando este efeito directamente associado à riqueza em polifenóis do chá bem como à sua actividade antioxidante. Objectivos: Estudar o efeito da ingestão de 1 g de C. sinensis na forma de chá branco, chá verde e chá preto na ...

  18. Vývoj kompozitních maltových a cementových směsí


    Hlavinková, Eva


    Předkládaná diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem složení a studiem vlastností ternárního pojivého systému na bázi účelového vzniku ettringitu, následně užitého k přípravě samonivelačních podlahových hmot typu potěr a stěrka. U navržených skladeb daných směsí je posléze zaměřena pozornost na optimalizaci dávkování dvou druhů plastifikační přísady s následným posouzením jejich vlivu na technologické vlastnosti těchto hmot. This diploma thesis deals with the design of composition and the study o...

  19. Production of gaseous radiotracers CH{sub 3}I and I{sub 2} through Na{sup 123}I salt

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Candeiro, R.E.M., E-mail: [Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (DIFOR/CNEN-CE), Fortaleza, CE (Brazil). Distrito de Fortaleza; Brandao, L.B. [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (IEN/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Pereira, W.P. [Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niteroi, RJ (Brazil)


    The objective of the present work was to develop, separately, methodology for production of two gaseous tracers through the sodium iodide NaI marked with {sup 123}I. Found in the nature in form different, the iodine has been used in diverse works in the area of the industry and health. These two forms of the gaseous iodine, the methyl iodide, CH{sub 3}I, and molecular iodine, I{sub 2}, are very unstable and volatile in the ambient temperature and presents different problems in clean-up and monitoring systems. The syntheses were processed with sodium iodide (NaI) 1M aqueous solution marked with 1{sup 23I}. The production of gas I{sub 2} was realized with in chlorine acid (HCl) and sodium iodate salt (NaIO{sub 3}) and the CH{sub 3}I was used, the salt of NaI and the reagent (CH{sub 3}){sub 2}SO{sub 4}. The production of gases was initially realized through in unit in glass with an inert material and the purpose was to study the kinetic of reaction and to determine the efficiency of production. The two synthesis occurs in the reaction bottle and after of produced, the gas is stored in the collect bottle that contains a starch solution for fixed the I{sub 2}, and in syntheses of CH{sub 3}I contains a silver nitrate solution for your fixation. To determine the efficiency of production of gases, analytic tests were realized, where the consumption of iodide ions of the bottle of reaction are measured. The optimization of production of the each gaseous tracer was studied varying parameter as: concentration of iodide, concentration of acid and temperature. After, the syntheses of the radiotracers were realized in the compact unit, having been used as main reagent the salt radiated of sodium iodide, Na{sup 123}I. The transportation of elementary iodine and methyl iodine was studied by a scintillation detector NaI (2 x 2)' positioned in the reaction bottle. (author)

  20. Instrukce k citování literatury dostupné v prostředí WWW na vysokých školách v ČR. Analýza a hodnocení na základě standardu ČSN ISO 690 a ČSN ISO 690-2


    Kubálková, Petra


    Bakalárská práce se zameruje na popis a utrídení textu instrukcí k citování literatury lokalizovaných na WWW serverech vysokých škol v CR. V úvodní cásti práce jsou strucne popsány pojmy informacní etika a citacní etika a vysvetlen vztah bibliografických citací k Autorskému zákonu Ceské republiky. Zvláštní pozornost je venována platným normám pro bibliografické citování (CSN ISO 690 a CSN ISO 690-2), které jsou podrobne analyzovány v druhé kapitole. Tretí kapitola nabízí rozbor reprezentantu ...

  1. Uwarunkowania rozwoju przedsiębiorczości na przykładzie miasta Szczecin


    Klóska, Rafał


    W artykule sprecyzowano czynniki determinujące powstawanie przedsiębiorstw w Szczecinie i scharakteryzowano wybrane działania władz lokalnych na rzecz rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w mieście. Liczba ponad 60 tys. przedsiębiorstw prowadzących działalność gospodarczą w Szczecinie wydaje się być wystarczająca dla tej aglomeracji. Dalsze zakładanie i funkcjonowanie mikro i małych przedsiębiorstw zależy nie tylko od szans i zagrożeń stwarzanych przez rynek, lecz także od pomocy i wsparcia udzielanego...

  2. Generování 3D stromů na základě vzorových obrázků


    Kubiš, František


    Diplomová práce se zabývá studiem možností generování 3D stromů za použití různých metod včetně bezkontextových gramatik a L-systémů. Diplomová práce dále obsahuje kapitolu o evolučních a genetických algoritmech, kde je stručně shrnuta jejich funkce. V této práci byl navržen algoritmus, který má na vstupu 2D obrázek a od uživatele dostane přibližný obrys stromu s polohou počátku kmene. Na základě těchto informací pomocí genetického algoritmu vytvoří 3D strom jenž se vizuálně blíží předloze. K...

  3. Účinky individuálně navržených programů tělesné přípravy založených na normách americké armády na motorické schopnosti zaměstnanců slovinských ozbrojených sil The effects of individually designed programs of physical training based on US army standards on motor abilities of Slovene armed forces personnel

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    Franc Rožman


    Full Text Available Přiměřená fyzická zdatnost je významným aspektem obecné připravenosti ozbrojených sil a nedílnou součástí armádní podpory. Cílem tohoto průzkumu bylo zjistit účinky výcvikového programu, založeného na individuálně přizpůsobené míře intenzity, na motorické schopnosti zaměstnanců slovinských ozbrojených sil (SV. Vzorek zahrnoval 34 členů SV (16 zařazených do experimentální skupiny – ES a 18 do kontrolní skupiny – KS ve věku od 35 do 40 let. Výsledky byly zpracovány pomocí programu SPSS 8.0 pro Windows. Zpracování výsledků bylo prováděno v několika etapách. Nejprve byly stanoveny základní statistické charakteristiky a distribuce individuálních proměnných, byla vypočtena míra střední tendence a stupeň disperze, byla použita metoda pro analýzu s rizikem odchylky 5 %. Výsledky prokázaly, že charakteristického zvýšení úrovně určitých motorických schopností sledovaného souboru lze dosáhnout pomocí ekonomizace výcvikového postupu a individuálně přizpůsobené intenzity výcviku. Statisticky významné rozdíly mezi experimentální a kontrolní skupinou byly zjištěny při měření tělesného tuku (KG, kliků (SK, hrudních předklonů v lehu pokrčmo, běhu na 3200 metrů (T3200M a klidové srdeční frekvence (FSUs. Přestože byl zkoumaný vzorek malý, tyto studie alespoň teoreticky potvrzují potřebu dalšího výzkumu v této oblasti, protože naše důkazy výrazně naznačují účinnost individuálně navržených výcvikových protokolů na tělesnou připravenost zaměstnanců slovinských ozbrojených sil. Adequate physical readiness is a significant aspect of universal armed forces readiness and an integral part of military support. The aim of this research was to ascertain the effect of a training program, based on individually adapted intensity levels, on motor abilities of the Slovene armed forces (SV personnel. The sample of subjects

  4. Návrh změn marketingových aktivit vybrané společnosti zaměřených na podporu volby dalšího vzdělávání


    Šatníková, Zuzana


    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na propagaci oboru Mechanik plastikářských strojů na Středním odborném učilišti Svitavy za podpory společnosti REHAU, s.r.o. za účelem získání více uchazečů o obor. Na základě finančních analýz a realizovaného marketingového výzkumu jsou provedeny návrhy. Pro SOU Svitavy a společnost REHAU, s.r.o. jsou navrženy změny komunikačních aktivit, vylepšení produktu školy a úprava personálního informačního systému. This Master’s thesis focuses on promoting of specializa...

  5. O papel coadjuvante das catequinas do chá verde (Camellia sinensis na redução da adiposidade

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    Mirza de Souza Conceição


    Full Text Available O chá é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo, vem sendo utilizado pela população como coadjuvante no tratamento da redução de peso, uma vez que aumenta a termogênese e em muitos casos promove a saciedade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar como as catequinas do chá verde auxiliam no tratamento da obesidade. Foram realizadas buscas por artigos científicos nas bases de dados Science Direct, Google Acadêmico, Scielo, BVS, Medline e Wilson. Os artigos escolhidos foram publicados no período de 2000 a 2014. Observa-se que o tratamento da obesidade envolve necessariamente a reeducação alimentar, o aumento da atividade física e eventualmente, o uso de algumas medicações auxiliares. Outra alternativa, é o uso de fitoterápicos como por exemplo o chá verde. Estudos têm mostrado que este chá, que é obtido pela infusão da erva Camellia sinensis é rico em catequinas, responsáveis na redução de peso, pois promovem a termogênese e aumentam a saciedade. A epigalocatequina (EGCG, é a catequina mais abundante e mais forte do chá verde. É importante ressaltar que o chá usado de maneira inadequada pode causar hepatotoxicidade. O uso do chá associado a um plano alimentar equilibrado pode trazer benefícios à saúde além da perda de peso. Porém os estudos ainda não são conclusivos, sendo necessários mais estudos para que possa confirmar a eficácia do chá verde na obesidade e a quantidade a ser utilizada. Entretanto, a reeducação alimentar, exercício físico continuam sendo os fatores mais importantes no tratamento da obesidade, Onde o consumo de chá verde deve está associado a uma alimentação saudável.

  6. Definice vnitřních zisků jako okrajových podmínek pro energetickou simulaci administrativních budov

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Duska, M; Drkal, F.; Hensen, J.L.M.


    Clánek zduraznuje význam volby vhodných okrajových podmínek pro správnost energetických simulacních výpoctu. Okrajové podmínky musí být vázány na úcel, pro který se simulacní výpocty provádí. Je predložen teoretický rozbor, metodologie a výsledky výpoctu ruzných okrajových podmínek stanovených z

  7. Probiotika v potravinových výrobcích


    Silná, Renata


    Probiotika jsou živé mikroorganismy, které mají pozitivní zdravotní účinky na konzumenta, pokud jsou přidána v adekvátním množství do potraviny. Nejznámnější probiotika jsou bakterie mléčného kvašení a kvasinka Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii. Teoretická část bakalářské práce byla zaměřena na využití probiotických mikroorganismů v potravinářství. V experimentální části bakalářské práce byly připraveny hrubé lyzáty ze třech potravinářských výrobků a metodou PCR byla dokázána přítomnost...

  8. Efeitos da utilização do chá verde na saúde humana - doi: 10.5102/ucs.v7i1.882

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    Nayane Lins Saigg


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos da utilização do chá verde para saúde humana, levantou os benefícios e malefícios, determinou a relação entre o consumo de chá verde e a prevenção de algumas doenças e o emagrecimento. A metodologia adotada foi uma revisão de literatura, dos últimos dez anos, em livros e artigos de diversos autores que abordam o tema chá verde. Cerca de três mil produtos levam o nome de chá, mas na verdade, podem ser considerados como chás somente aqueles que tenham em sua composição a planta Camellia sinensis, que dá origem ao chá verde. Hoje o chá verde, uma das bebidas estimulantes mais consumidas no mundo, é considerado um alimento funcional, que consumido na alimentação cotidiana pode trazer benefícios fisiológicos à saúde, graças aos seus componentes ativos, como os antioxidantes, flavonóides, catequinas, que atuam na prevenção de doenças e em mecanismos específicos do emagrecimento e manutenção do peso corporal. No entanto sua utilização tem sido bastante questionada, motivando a realização de vários estudos para determinar o verdadeiro efeito do chá no organismo e a dose ideal a ser consumida, para que não acarrete prejuízos à saúde, pois ainda não há comprovação científica sobre os benefícios e malefícios que este alimento possa causar em seus usuários. Os hábitos alimentares vão contribuir para o aparecimento ou não de doenças crônicas, com isso a dieta exerce um papel fundamental na prevenção de doenças e para manutenção do peso, aliado a isso à prática de exercícios físicos, obtendo assim um estilo de vida saudável.

  9. Sledování účinnosti vybraných filtračních materiálů na odstraňování železa a manganu z vody


    Ševčíková, Ilona


    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou odstraňování železa a manganu z vody. První část práce pojednává o formách výskytu železa a manganu ve vodách, vlivu železa a manganu na zdraví člověka, možnostech odstraňování železa a manganu z vody. Podrobněji je popsána kontaktní filtrace a materiály, které se ke kontaktnímu odželezování a odmanganování využívají. Ve druhé části práce je popsáno využívání filtračních materiálů Birm, Greensand a Semidol v praxi a popis experimentálního odstranění žel...

  10. Snižování hmotnosti karoserií osobních automobilů na základě volby materiálů


    Petrucha, Roman


    Tato bakalářská práce obsahuje popis nejčastěji využívaných materiálů a výrobních technologií pro karoserie osobních automobilů. Za tímto účelem je v první kapitole popsána karoserie osobního automobilu s bezpečnostními požadavky, které jsou na ni kladeny. Dále jsou rozebrány přínosy celkového snížení hmotnosti automobilu. Práce především uvádí přehled materiálů, jenž se pro stavbu karoserie používají. V poslední kapitole je rozebrána problematika výroby karoserií, kde jsou uvedeny některé vý...

  11. Coordination skills in 9 to 11 years old pupils at practical elementary schools in relationship to their degree of intellectual disability [Úroveň vybraných koordinačních schopností 9-11letých žáků základních škol praktických v závislosti na stupni jejich mentálního postižení

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    Alena Lejčarová


    (including motivation and by the environment they live in. [VÝCHODISKA: Za jedno z hlavních kritérií nezbytné vnitřní diferenciace tělovýchovného procesu na základních školách praktických je považován stupeň mentálního postižení žáků. Doposud však dětem s mentálním postižením, resp. žákům základních škol praktických nebyl v tomto ohledu věnován dostatek pozornosti jak v oblasti výzkumného bádání, tak v tělovýchovné praxi. CÍLE: Cílem realizované studie bylo zjistit úroveň vybraných koordinačních schopností 153 žáků (ve věku 9–11 let na základních školách praktických v Praze s ohledem na stupeň jejich mentálního postižení. METODIKA: K posouzení úrovně vybraných koordinačních schopností bylo použito sedm motorických testů (rytmické, rovnováhové, kinesteticko-diferenciační schopnosti, schopnosti přestavby a sdružování. VÝSLEDKY: Téměř naprosto jednoznačně byly věcně významné rozdíly (užitím Cohenova koeficientu d prokázány mezi žáky s intelektovými schopnostmi v oblasti dolní hranice lehkého mentálního postižení a ostatními s výjimkou těch, jejichž intelektové schopnosti se pohybují na horní hranici lehkého mentálního postižení, a dále mezi těmito žáky a ostatními (hluboký intelektový podprůměr, lehký intelektový podprůměr, průměrné intelektové schopnosti - nižší průměr. Z hlediska průměrných hodnot motorických výkonů lze sledovat jejich přímou vazbu k míře mentálního postižení - klesají s jejím růstem. Nejlepší testová skóre byla překvapivě zaregistrována u žáků s lehkým intelektovým podprůměrem, a nikoliv u žáků s nejvyšší úrovní intelektových schopností. ZÁVĚRY: Rozdílné výsledky v motorických testech žáků základních škol praktických nejsou ryze kauzálně závislé pouze na stupni mentálního postižení, ale i na jeho etiologii. Rovněž je ovlivňují i specifika

  12. Atividade das glicosidases na presença de chá verde e de chá preto


    Pereira,L.L.S.; Souza,S.P.; Silva,M.C; Carvalho,G.A.; Santos,C.D.; Corrêa,A.D.; Abreu,C.M.P.


    Várias plantas têm sido consideradas produtos terapêuticos, dentre elas destacam-se os chás verde e preto, popularmente utilizados para controle da hiperglicemia e obesidade. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o potencial inibitório sobre as enzimas α-amilase, α e β-glicosidases e o teor de compostos fenólicos do chá verde e do chá preto. O teor de compostos fenólicos encontrados foram de 80,8 ± 0,43 mg g-1 no chá preto e 32,0 ± 0,12 mg g-1 no chá verde. O chá verde e o chá pr...

  13. The influence of the leader on the movement of the horse in walking during repeated hippotherapy sessions [Vliv vodiče na pohyb koně v kroku v opakovaných lekcích hipoterapie

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    Tereza Dvořáková


    professionalism, fitness, motivation and performance. [VÝCHODISKA: Pohyb koně v kroku je prostředkem k léčebnému působení hipoterapie. Pohybové impulzy hřbetu koně jsou ovlivněny mechanikou pohybu končetin, morfologií, rychlostí kroku atd. Vzhledem k tomu, že pohyb koně je do určité míry determinován činností vodiče, je nezbytné posuzovat situaci ze systémového hlediska, kde v rámci systému dochází k interakci mezi dvěma (třemi, v případě sledování změn na těle jezdce biologickými subsystémy. CÍLE: Cílem práce bylo určit vliv vodiče na pohyb koně v kroku při opakovaných jednotkách hipoterapie. METODIKA: Pro hodnocení pohybu koně v kroku (vybrané body na končetinách a na hřbetu a jezdce (reakce na pohyb koně byla použita 3D videografická metoda. Studie byla provedena jako opakovaná měření (n = 6 pohybu koní (n = 2 a jezdců (n = 12 v průběhu pěti týdnů probíhající intervence formou hipoterapie (celkem 9 lekcí při vedení koní s využitím různých vodičů (n = 6. Data získaná ve všech lekcích při vedení různými vodiči byla pro každého koně porovnána použitím analýzy rozptylu (program STATISTICA v 6.0. Pro určení rozdílů mezi jednotlivými vodiči jsme použili LSD post hoc test. VÝSLEDKY: V rozsahu pohybu vybraných bodů na končetinách a na hřbetu koně existují významné diference při využití různých vodičů (p < 0,05, p < 0,01. Při vedení koně H1 se změny v kinematice končetin koně přenáší do pohybu hřbetu pouze v omezeném rozsahu. Pro koně H2 je rozsah diferencí v pohybu bodů na končetinách a na hřbetu koně podobný. Reakce zdravých jezdců na rozdíly v pohybu koní v horních úsecích páteře se při vedení různými vodiči vyznačuje pouze minimálními diferencemi. V oblasti bederní páteře je změna ve vertikálním posunu bodu L5 významná (p < 0,05. ZÁVĚRY: Vzhledem k množství faktorů, které mohou negativně působit na pohyb kon

  14. Problematika zálohování a uchovávání dat v malých a středních podnicích


    Hrach, Vlastimil


    Tato bakalářská práce upozorňuje na hojně opomíjenou důležitost firemních dat a jejich ochranu. Seznamuje s procesem zálohování jako základním prvkem bezpečnosti a efektivnosti informačního systému. Prezentuje výsledky mezinárodních studií na téma „Cena ztracených dat“, popisuje technologie diskových polí RAID, obecnou topologii LAN sítí a technologie DAS, NAS a SAN. Součástí práce jsou základní i pokročilé metody zálohování vhodné pro malé a střední podniky, v závislosti na jejich potřebě a ...

  15. Diagnostika bariérových vlastností tenkých vrstev


    Horák, Jakub


    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na charakterizaci vlastností tenkých SiOx vrstev připravených metodou plazmochemické depozice z plynné fáze (PECVD). Vrstvy byly charakterizovány s ohledem na budoucí možné použití pro ochranu muzejních archiválií proti korozi. Jako výchozí látka pro depozici byl použit kapalný hexamethyldisiloxan a testovacím substrátem pro charakterizaci vlastností vrstev byly polypropylénové fólie a křemíkové substráty. Pro korozní zkoušky pak byly zvoleny kovové plechy. P...

  16. Vliv dávkování ocelových vláken na úbytek konzistence čerstvého betonu a pevnost v tlaku ztvrdlého betonu.


    Kuře, Václav


    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku konzistence čerstvého drátkobetonu. Konzistence byla charakterizována zkouškou sednutím a zkouškou rozlitím, jak je popsána v ČSN EN 12350. Získané výsledky jsou porovnány s referenčním vzorkem čerstvého betonu a mezi sebou. Dále je tato práce zaměřena na objemové změny během zrání, které jsou nedílnou součástí fyzikálních vlastností betonu. Vliv rozptýlené výztuže je sledován i na krychelnou pevnost v prostém tlaku jednotlivých namíchaných vzorků....

  17. Budoucnost benzinových dvoutaktních motorů


    Kříž, Jakub


    Práce se zabývá historickým vývojem dvoudobých benzínových motorů od samých počátků vzniku dvoudobého cyklu, mapuje technologický vývoj těchto motorů až do dnešní doby, kde je v druhé polovině pozornost věnována přímému srovnání motoru dvoudobého se čtyřdobým v oblasti ultralightových letounů. My thesis deals with the historical development of two-stroke petrol engines from the very establishment of a two-stroke cycle, mapping the technological development of these engines up to present da...

  18. Studium vlastností cementových betonů při působení vysokých teplot


    Žák, Michal


    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na chování cementových betonů při působení vysokých teplot. V teoretické části byly popsány procesy, které probíhají v betonu při teplotním zatížení a vliv tohoto zatížení na mechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti betonu. Popsány byly doporučení pro zkoušení fyzikálních a mechanických vlastností podle RILEM TC. V experimentální části byly vyrobeny receptury s kamenivem moravská droba, s amfibolitickým kamenivem a s přídavkem polypropylenových vláken nebo celulózových vl...

  19. Aplikace agilní metodiky Scrum a využití podpůrných softwarových nástrojů


    Tošner, Jiří


    Agilní metodiky vývoje software jsou velmi populární pro jejich efektivitu a flexibilitu. Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na agilní metodiku vývoje software nazvanou Scrum. Nejprve je uvedena základní charakteristika a srovnání tradičních a agilních metodik. Pozornost je věnována zejména zmíněné metodice Scrum, která je v praktické části znázorněna na příkladu využití konkrétní firmou. K organizaci metodiky Scrum je vhodné využít některý ze softwarových nástrojů. Proto je uveden také přehled...

  20. Systém na automatické generování písemných zkoušek


    Kapusta, Vlastimil


    Tato bakalářská práce popisuje grafický návrh, použité technologie a implementaci systému na automatické generování písemných zkoušek. Jako implementační jazyk byl použit jazyk Java. Práce se zabývá použitím knihovny Swing pro tvorbu GUI a využitím knihoven Insubstantial a SwingX, které rozšiřují knihovnu Swing. Důležitou částí práce je propojení jazyka Java a sázecího systému LaTeX. Výsledkem je aplikace, která umožňuje vytváření zadání písemných zkoušek. Dále je umožněno ukládání a načítání...

  1. Využívání otevřených vzdělávacích zdrojů studenty environmentálních oborů v České republice

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    Eduard Petiška


    Full Text Available Otevřené vzdělávací zdroje (OER jsou důležitou inovací ve vzdělávacích technologiích. Jejich správné využívání může mít řadu benefitů pro vysokoškolské vzdělávání i v oblasti environmentálního vzdělávání. Naopak, špatná práce s těmito zdroji může mít negativní dopady na znalosti studentů. Doposud nebylo zřejmé, jaké OER čeští studenti užívají, jak často a k čemu je využívají, a zda jsou schopni určit kritéria kvality. Na základě dosavadních zjištění jsme vypracovali metodu a na jejím základě realizovali výzkum formou dotazníkového šetření. U jednotlivých OER jsme přitom zkoumali a frekvenci využívání, b účely využívání a c subjektivní hodnocení kvality. Dotazníky byly rozdány v rámci environmentálních kurzů na pěti vysokých školách v ČR a celkem bylo vyhodnoceno 233 dotazníků. Ukázalo se, že většina studentů využívá OER často, zejm. Wikipedii, a to jak její českou, tak anglickou verzi, ačkoliv řada z nich má zkušenosti i s úložištěm nelegálních materiálů. Zdroje využívají zejména jako doplněk a sekundární zdroj, případně rozcestník k dalším zdrojům či k přípravě na zkoušky nebo psaní atestačních prací. Jako kvalitní zdroj hodnotí zejména Wikipedii. Většina studentů byla zároveň schopna určit alespoň některá kritéria, podle nichž posuzují kvalitu zdroje.

  2. Separace pevných částic z heterogenní suspenze


    Prax, Ondřej


    Bakalářská práce obsahuje literární rešerši zabývající se separací pevných částic z heterogenní suspenze. První část je věnována pojednání o separačních metodách. Na ni navazuje kapitola o separačních zařízeních, které se používají na čistírnách odpadních vod. Součásti práce je podrobnější popis separátoru, který slouží k separaci písku z odpadní vody. Popisované zařízení sloužící k oddělování pevných složek ze suspenze využívá kombinace metod sedimentace a odstřeďování. K vizualizaci separát...

  3. An analysis of Finnish skiing school students' academic education and athletic success [Analýza akademického vzdělání a sportovních úspěchů studentů finských lyžařských škol

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    Jan-Erik Romar


    kolu, jelikož v místě svého bydliště mají špatné tréninkové podmínky; toto odloučení od domova však přináší množství problémů. CÍLE: Cílem této studie byla analýza akademického vzdělání a sportovních úspěchů studentů lyžařských škol ve Finsku. METODIKA: Výzkumu se zúčastnilo 49 studentů (15 dívek a 34 chlapců průměrného věku 17 let. Jednalo se o studenty tří lyžařských internátních škol, z nichž dvě byly zaměřené na běh na lyžích a jedna na alpské lyžování. Členy juniorského reprezentačního týmu bylo šedesát procent sjezdových lyžařů, avšak jen šest procent běžců na lyžích. Všichni účastníci vyplnili dotazník o studijních úspěších a sportovních výkonech. VÝSLEDKY: Výsledky ukázaly, že 80 % studentů si prodloužilo středoškolské studium ze tří na čtyři roky. Studenti byli přibližně z 50 % spokojeni se svými akademickými úspěchy. Padesát čtyři procent sjezdových lyžařů a 15 % běžců na lyžích uvedlo, že největších sportovních úspěchů dosáhli v mezinárodních soutěžích. Téměř všichni studenti naznačili, že lyžařská škola jim pomohla zkombinovat sport a vzdělání. Ovšem pouze 40 % sjezdových lyžařů a 62 % běžců na lyžích bylo spokojeno se svými současnými sportovními úspěchy. Sedmdesát tři procent sjezdových lyžařů cítilo, že sportovní aktivity měly negativní vliv na jejich výsledky ve škole. Spokojenost se životem na lyžařských internátních školách byla podpořena sportovními úspěchy, dobrými tréninkovými možnostmi, kvalifikovanými trenéry a pozornými přáteli. ZÁVĚRY: Tyto výsledky podporují koncepci lyžařských škol a vyplývá z nich, že při spojení akademického vzdělání a sportovní kariéry je třeba zvážit mnoho věcí.

  4. Synthesis and thermolysis of Cp*(C5Me4CH2)TiR complexes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luinstra, GA; Brinkmann, PHP; Teuben, JH; Luinstra, Gerrit A.


    Substitution of the chloride in Cp*FvTiCl with MR (Fv = C5Me4CH2; R = Me, CH2SiMe3, CH2CMe3, CH = CH2, M = Li; R = CH2Ph, M = K; R = C3H5, M = MgCl; R = Ph, M = Na . NaCl) gives Cp*FvTiR. NMR spectroscopic evidence points towards a series of structurally related compounds with a bent-sandwich

  5. Vliv motorických schopností a antropometrických měr na úspěšnost v závodech u 11 a 12letých hráček tenisu The influence of tennis motor abilities and anthropometric measures on the competition successfulness of 11 and 12 year-old female tennis players

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    Tjaša Filipčič


    Full Text Available Soubor 75 mladých hráček tenisu ve věku 11 a 12 let byl zahrnut do výzkumného projektu s cílem zjistit vliv vybraných antropometrických údajů a tenisových motorických dovedností na úspěšnost v soutěžích mladých tenisových hráčů. Vybrané tenisové motorické proměnné zahrnují: sílu svalů paží a ramen, sílu nohou, opakovanou sílu trupu, rychlost pohybu, rychlost střídavého pohybu rukou, ohebnost zad, hbitost a koordinaci ruka – oko. Výsledky regresní analýzy antropometrických měr odhalují statisticky významné spojení s kritérii proměnných (0,36. Skupina predikčních proměnných může vysvětlit 13% rozdílnost kritérií proměnných. To stejné se aplikuje na tenisové motorické proměnné, u kterých je důležitá hodnota poněkud bližší, dosahuje 0,64, zatímco systém prediktorů vysvětluje 41% rozdílnost kritérií proměnných. Tři proměnné z antropometrických měr (obvod lýtka, tělesná váha, břišní kožní řasa vysvětlují kritérium proměnné se statistickou významností. Mezi již výše zmíněné tenisové motorické proměnné patří běh na 2 400 metrů, který se používá pro měření vytrvalosti v běhu, a běh na 5 metrů, který se používá pro meření rychlosti pohybu. A sample of 75 young female tennis players, aged 11 and 12, was included in a research project aimed at establishing the influence of selected anthropometric measures and tennis motor abilities on the competition successfulness of young tennis players. The selected tennis motor variables include: the muscular power of arms and shoulders, elastic power of the legs, repetitive strength of the trunk, speed of movement, speed of alternative movements with the arm, flexibility of the back, agility, and hand-eye coordination. The results of regression analysis of anthropometric measures reveal a statistically significant connection with the criterion variable (0.36. The system of

  6. Rizika marketingových aktivit na internetu


    Bezděková, Veronika


    Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou rizik pojicích se s marketingovými aktivitami vybrané společnosti. Teoretická část definuje pojmy související s marketingem a riziky. Praktická část se zabývá samotnou analýzou rizik marketingových aktivit a následně doporučení, které vedou k zmírnění či odstranění rizik. This thesis deals with the risks attaching to the marketing activities of the selected company. The theoretical part defines terms associated with marketing and risks. The practical...

  7. Smáčivost povrchových úprav DPS


    Minář, Jan


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá měřením smáčecích charakteristik pomocí metody smáčecích vah u vzorků různých povrchových úprav od firmy Gatema. Věnuje se vlivu izotermálního stárnutí a přetavovacích procesů na smáčecí charakteristiky povrchových úprav ENIG, bezolovnatý HAL a imerzní cín. U povrchové úpravy imerzním cínem je sledován vliv intermetalické vrstvy na celkovou smáčivost. Dále se zabývá smáčivostí vrstvy niklu, po odstripování zlata, u povrchové úpravy ENIG. This bachelor’s thes...

  8. Doping ve fitness a rekreační sport : obsahová analýza českých videí na YouTube


    Miček, Jakub


    Bibliografický záznam MIČEK, Jakub. Doping ve fitness a rekreační sport: obsahová analýza českých videí na YouTube. Praha, 2016. 48 s. Bakalářská práce (Bc.) Univerzita Karlova. Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut sociologických důvodů. Katedra sociologie. Vedoucí bakalářské práce PhDr. Mgr. Jan Balon, Ph.D. Abstract Fitness and YouTube are very popular areas of entertainment these days. Despite the touchiness of this topic, there are many videos about doping being published on YouTube. Majority...

  9. Regulace produkce obohacené biomasy a lipidických látek u karotenogenních kvasinek


    Hároniková, Andrea


    Karotenoidy predstavujú jednu z najrozšírenejších a najpočetnejších tried prirodzených pigmentov s významnými biologickými účinkami. V posledných rokoch sa intenzívne študuje mikrobiologická produkcia karotenoidov pred syntetickou výrobou. Táto práca bola poňatá ako zrovnávacia štúdia troch druhov kvasiniek, a to Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula rubra a Sporobolomyces roseus. Kvasinky boli kultivované na rôznych živných médiách, kde sa ako nutričné zdroje používali vybrané odpadové materiály...

  10. Muscle activation in healthy subjects during single step up [Aktivace svalů u zdravých osob při nákroku na schod

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    Jaroslav Opavský


    muscle → right gluteus maximus muscle. Greater differences in the sequence of the muscle involvement were found on the side of the supporting leg. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the findings have indicated that there exists variability in patterns of muscle activation during the step up task.[VÝCHODISKA: Nákrok na schod je součástí běžných denních motorických aktivit. Při jeho provádění musí být tělo schopno udržovat rovnováhu a stabilní vzpřímenou posturu za současného průběhu volního pohybu. K tomuto účelu vytváří centrální nervová soustava různé motorické programy, specifické pro daný úkol a obsahující předem programované sekvence zapojování svalů k zajištění provedení vlastního pohybu a k udržení postury během vykonávaného pohybu. CÍLE: Cílem práce bylo určení časové posloupnosti zapojení vybraných svalů trupu a dolních končetin při nákroku na schod. Dalším cílem bylo zjištění nejběžnějšího vzoru zapojování svalů v této modelové pohybové aktivitě u zdravých osob. METODIKA: U této práce byla snímána bilaterálně elektromyografická aktivita m. gluteus maximus, m. biceps femoris a m. erector spinae (v jeho lumbální části. Spolu s elektromyografickým signálem snímaným povrchovými elektrodami byl zaznamenáván i vizuální záznam provedení nákroku na schod. Soubor tvořilo 16 zdravých mladých probandů, všichni praváci (5 mužů, průměrný věk 23,6 let a 11 žen, průměrný věk 23,2 let, u kterých byly anamnesticky vyloučeny úrazy dolních končetin a páteře. Na povel nakročili probandi spontánní rychlostí na schod (výška schodu = 20 cm pravou dolní končetinou. Pohybový úkol končil došlápnutím levou dolní končetinou na schod. Elektromyografické záznamy jednotlivých svalů byly hodnoceny z hlediska časového nástupu aktivace svalů ve vztahu k začátku pohybu pravé dolní končetiny, který byl určen podle videozáznamu. Časy n

  11. Three-component synthesis of C2F5-substituted pyrazoles from C2F5CH2NH2·HCl, NaNO2 and electron-deficient alkynes

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    Pavel K. Mykhailiuk


    Full Text Available A one-pot reaction between C2F5CH2NH2·HCl, NaNO2 and electron-deficient alkynes gives C2F5-substituted pyrazoles in excellent yields. The transformation smoothly proceeds in dichloromethane/water, tolerates the presence of air, and requires no purification of products by column chromatography. Mechanistically, C2F5CH2NH2·HCl and NaNO2 react first in water to generate C2F5CHN2, that participates in a [3 + 2] cycloaddition with electron-deficient alkynes in dichloromethane.

  12. Avaliação da influência de características sensoriais e do conhecimento nutricional na aceitação do chá-mate

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    Helohá de Castro Barboza


    Full Text Available Resumo No âmbito empresarial, as estratégias de marketing voltadas para assuntos relacionados à nutrição têm sido a principal vantagem competitiva. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de características sensoriais e do conhecimento nutricional na aceitação do chá-mate, visando identificar o comportamento do consumidor frente a este tipo de informação. Foi utilizado chá-mate tostado, tipo a granel, adquirido no comércio local e preparado de acordo com a recomendação descrita na embalagem. Para o teste afetivo de aceitação, foram recrutados 30 consumidores do produto. O recrutamento ocorreu por meio de um questionário abrangendo questões sobre o perfil dos consumidores, hábitos de consumo e disponibilidade para participar da pesquisa. Foram realizadas avaliações de aceitação sensorial em duas sessões (teste cego e com informação, utilizando-se uma escala hedônica de nove pontos, para avaliar os atributos cor, sabor, aroma e impressão global. Em relação ao perfil dos julgadores, 67% pertenciam ao sexo feminino, 50% relataram consumir chá-mate raramente e 37% afirmaram observar as informações nutricionais no rótulo. Houve diferença significativa para os atributos cor e sabor, entre as sessões cega e com informação. Pode-se concluir que o chá-mate apresentou boa aceitação pelos participantes e que o conhecimento nutricional influenciou positivamente na aceitação da bebida.

  13. Stanovení platinových kovů ve velkých městských aglomeracích


    Ježek, Stanislav


    Cílem této diplomové práce je vypracování aktuální literární rešerše, týkající se problematiky platinových kovů v životním prostředí, stanovení platiny a palladia na území městské částí Brno a Moskva. Zahrnuje chemické a fyzikální vlastnosti, výskyt a koloběh platinových v životním prostředí. Obsahuje také použité metody extrakce a stanovení platiny a palladia. The aim of this thesis is the actual elaboration literature search concerning the issue of platinum group metals in the environmen...

  14. Vliv mikroflóry na senzorické vlastnosti vína


    Petrášová, Ludmila


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vlivem mikroflóry na senzorické vlastnosti vína. Teoretická část informuje o botanickém popisu hroznů vína Veltlínské zelené, dále o jeho složení, o technologii zpracování bílého vína a o vlivu kvasinek na aromatický profil vína. V další části popisuje metodu stanovení aromaticky aktivních látek pomocí plynové chromatografie v kombinaci s mikroextrakcí tuhou fází (SPME-GC). Cílem experimentální části bylo proměřit vzorky 4 různých moštů odrůdy Veltlínské zelené...

  15. Trénink ve výškovém prostředí a jeho vliv na změny ve vybraných fyziologických ukazatelích reprezentantů Slovenské republiky v závodní chůzi Training in high altitude environments and its influence on the changes in selected physiological indicators of a Slovak Republic representative in walking

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    Martin Pupiš


    Full Text Available Příprava ve střední a vysoké nadmořské výšce je dlouhodobou součástí přípravy slovenských reprezentantů v závodní chůzi. Martin Pupiš je jedním z těch atletů, kteří pravidelně využívají tento systém. V tomto příspěvku popisujeme jeho přípravu ve čtyřech vysokohorských kempech v přípravných fázích v letech 1998/1999–2001/2002. Části roku, ve kterých se kempy odehrávaly, byly velmi podobné. Doba trvání byla rovněž stejná od 26 do 36 dnů. Průměrné množství závodní chůze a běhu bylo v rámci jednoho dne přibližně stejné během všech čtyř kempů. Poměr závodní chůze v kilometrech se zvýšil ze 70% na 80%. Podíl oblastí pro chůzi se měnil v závislosti na aktuální specializaci s nejvyšším počtem kilometrů ve vytrvalosti tempa. Reakce na přípravu ve vyšší nadmořské výšce byla velmi dobrá; když jsme analyzovali krevní složky – hematokrit, hemoglobin, erytocyty, střední množství erytocytů – zaznamenali jsme pozitivní změny; pouze u leukocytů nastal pokles. Middle and high altitude preparation is a longterm part of the preparation of our Slovak race walking representatives. Martin Pupiš is one of those athletes whose regularly makes use of this system. In our paper we report his preparation at four high altitude camps, in preparation phases in the years 1998/99–2001/02. The period of the year when the camps took place were very similar. Also the duration was from 26 days to 36 days. The average amount of racewalking and running was, for one day, approximately the same during all four camps. The proportion of race walking in kilometres increased from 70% to 80%. The proportion of walking zones changed depending on the current specialisation with the highest number of km in tempo endurance. The reaction to high altitude preparation was very good, when in analysed blood components – hematocrit, haemoglobin, erythrocytes, and a medium quantity

  16. Soukromé hodiny doučování na středních školách: diagnóza a směry dalšího výzkumu/ Private tutoring lessons in upper-secondary schools: Diagnosis and future research directions

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    Vít Šťastný


    Full Text Available Cílem studie je provést „diagnózu“ (poskytnout základní deskriptivní informace o podobě a charakteru soukromých hodin doučování využívaných studenty středních škol, diskutovat jejich implikace pro formální vzdělávací systém a na základě toho navrhnout další možné směry výzkumu. V první části autor vymezuje základní pojmy a přináší informace o soukromých hodinách v komparativní perspektivě. Druhá část popisuje smíšený design výzkumu, který sestával z kvantitativního dotazníkového šetření studentů maturitních ročníků (n = 1265 a kvalitativních hloubkových rozhovorů se soukromými doučujícími (n = 22. Ve třetí části jsou prezentována zjištění týkající se míry využívání soukromých hodin doučování, nejčastěji doučovaných předmětů, organizační formy soukromých hodin, intenzity či poskytovatelů. Výsledky výzkumu naznačují úzkou spojitost soukromých hodin s formálním vzdělávacím systémem. Učitelé běžných škol tvoří významnou skupinu poskytovatelů soukromého doučování a toto zjištění se úzce dotýká otázek učitelské profesní etiky.

  17. Política na hora do chá: ética e identidade no debate online sobre uma bebida

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    Luis Mauro Sá Martino


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa como um debate online sobre a mudança de sabor de chá da fábrica inglesa Twinings tornou-se parte de um discurso político sobre nação e identidade cultural. A alteração foi notícia em alguns dos principais diários britânicos, repercutiu nas redes sociais e ganhou cores políticas. Foram analisados 389 comentários às matérias publicadas no The Times, The Daily Telegraph e The Mail, além de uma página no Facebook, buscando compreender as principais linhas argumentativas a partir de critérios da ética do discurso de Habermas, em sua aplicação à discussão no ambiente online. A análise apontou três aspectos: (a o uso do chá para a politização de questões cotidianas que têm relevância moral e coletiva, implicando a reafirmação de uma identidade cultural britânica (b a crítica ao caráter “estrangeiro” da marca – a fábrica foi para a Polônia em 2010 por razões comerciais; (c a influência na decisão da empresa de retomar o antigo sabor.

  18. Thermodynamic and hydrochemical controls on CH4 in a coal seam gas and overlying alluvial aquifer: new insights into CH4 origins


    Owen, D. Des. R.; Shouakar-Stash, O.; Morgenstern, U.; Aravena, R.


    Using a comprehensive data set (dissolved CH4, ?13C-CH4, ?2H-CH4, ?13C-DIC, ?37Cl, ?2H-H2O, ?18O-H2O, Na, K, Ca, Mg, HCO3, Cl, Br, SO4, NO3 and DO), in combination with a novel application of isometric log ratios, this study describes hydrochemical and thermodynamic controls on dissolved CH4 from a coal seam gas reservoir and an alluvial aquifer in the Condamine catchment, eastern Surat/north-western Clarence-Moreton basins, Australia. ?13C-CH4 data in the gas reservoir (?58? to ?49?) and sha...

  19. Polifenóis totais e flavonoides em amostras de chá verde (Camellia sinensis L. de diferentes marcas comercializadas na cidade de Salvador-BA

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    Full Text Available RESUMO Camellia sinensis é amplamente conhecida por seus efeitos benéficos à saúde humana. Dentre as diversas formas de processamento desta erva, o chá verde e chá preto são os mais populares. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar os teores de fenólicos totais e flavonoides em amostras de 25 diferentes marcas disponíveis à venda em farmácias e supermercados de Salvador-Ba. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram diferenças significativas na concentração dos compostos fenólicos entre as marcas de chá verde estudadas. No estudo também ficou comprovado que, no preparo do chá verde, as amostras obtidas por infusão aquosa com agitação mecânica apresentaram maiores teores de polifenóis e flavonoides em relação àquelas que não foram submetidas à agitação.

  20. The use of CH3OH additive to NaOH for etching alpha particle tracks in a CR-39 plastic nuclear track detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ashry, A.H.; Abdalla, A.M.; Rammah, Y.S.; Eisa, M.; Ashraf, O.


    Fast detection of alpha particles in CR-39 detectors was investigated using a new chemical etchant. 252 Cf and 241 Am sources were used for irradiating samples of CR-39 SSNTDs with fission fragments and alpha particles in air at normal temperature and pressure. A series of experimental chemical etching are carried out using new etching solution (8 ml of 10N NaOH+1 ml CH 3 OH) at 60 °C to detect alpha particle in short time in CR-39 detectors. Suitable analyzing software has been used to analyze experimental data. From fission and alpha track diameters, the value of bulk etching rate is equal to 2.73 μm/h. Both the sensitivity and etching efficiency were found to vary with the amount of methanol in the etching solution. Pure NaOH was used as a control to compare with the result from etching in NaOH with different concentrations of CH 3 OH. The etching efficiency is determined and compared with conventional aqueous solution of 6.25N NaOH at 70 °C for etching time equals 5 h. In this study, the obtained etching efficiency shows a considerable agreement with the previous work. - Highlights: • The value of bulk etching rate is equal to 2.73 μm/h. • Fast detection of alpha particles in CR-39 detectors. • Samples of CR-39 have been irradiated with fission fragments. • Etching efficiency was determined

  1. Implementace OpenVPN na platformě Windows CE


    Ešner, Oldřich


    Motivací pro vznik této diplomové práce, která navazuje na stejnojmenný semestrální projekt, byl převod aplikace pro tvorbu virtuálních privátních sítí OpenVPN z operačního systému Windows XP na platformu Windows CE Embedded 6.0. Práce pojednává obecně o virtuálních privátních sítích, a podrobněji o jedné z jejich implementací - OpenVPN. Uvádí základní vlastnosti operačního systému Windows CE, dále popisuje princip ovladačů zařízení v operačních systémech na bázi Windows NT, používaný Windows...

  2. Pontryagin's maximum principle and optimization of the flight phase in ski jumping [Pontrjaginův princip maxima a optimalizace stylu letu ve skoku na lyžích

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    Radim Uhlář


    CHODISKA: Existuje několik faktorů (počáteční poloha skokana na lyžích a její změny v průběhu přechodové fáze letu, velikost a směr vektoru rychlosti pohybu těžiště skokana, velikost aerodynamické odporové a vztlakové síly apod., které určují trajektorii soustavy skokan + lyže a tím i dosaženou délku skoku. CÍLE: Cílem studie je představit metodu řešení úlohy optimálního řízení letové fáze skoku na lyžích se třemi omezenými řídicími proměnnými – úhel náběhu (a, úhel trup vs. lyže (b, úhel levá lyže vs. pravá lyže (V – na základě Pontrjaginova principu maxima. METODIKA: Kritériem optimality byla zvolena délka skoku. Jako zdroj informací o závislosti veličin L (lift area a D (drag area na řídicích proměnných byla použita převzatá regresní funkce s tabelovanými regresními koeficienty. Srovnány byly trajektorie referenčního a optimalizovaného skoku s profilem můstku K = 125 m ve Frenštátě pod Radhoštěm a stanoveny odpovídající délky skoku, aerodynamické odporové a vztlakové síly, velikosti rychlosti pohybu těžiště soustavy skokan + lyže, její vertikální a horizontální složky. Aby byly respektovány reálné polohy v letové fázi skoku, přípustné hodnoty řídicích proměnných náležely v každém okamžiku ohraničené množině. VÝSLEDKY: Bylo zjištěno, že skokan by měl na ohraničené množině přípustných hodnot řídicích proměnných minimalizovat úhly (a a (b, úhel (V naopak maximalizovat. Prodloužení skoku vlivem optimalizace je 17 %. ZÁVĚRY: Pro možnost dalšího výzkumu je nezbytné využití regresní analýzy pro experimentální data při určení závislosti aerodynamických sil působících během letu na soustavu skokan + lyže. To platí také pro aplikaci kontrolních proměnných vztahujících se k základním fyzickým a psychickým vlastnostem skokanů na lyžích.

  3. Leadership in non governmental sports organisations in Slovenia [Vůdcovská role v nevládních sportovních organizacích ve Slovinsku

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    Jakob Bednarik


    & Bednarik, 2006. Řízení tak významného zdroje je proto významným úkolem vedení slovinského sportu. CÍLE: Účelem této studie bylo odhalit stávající charakteristiky vůdcovské role dobrovolníků ve slovinských nevládních sportovních organizacích. METODIKA: Výzkum se prováděl na stratifikovaném vzorku 190 vedoucích nevládních sportovních organizací, kteří pracují v různých segmentech slovinského sportu. Měření různých stylů vedení bylo provedeno za pomoci dotazníku o způsobech vedení, zpracovaného na základě situačního modelu vedení Herseyho a Blancharda. VÝSLEDKY: Studie odhalila, že vedoucí sportovních organizací nejčastěji využívají koučování (selling – 42 % případů a podporování (participating – 37 %, zatímco přikazování (telling – 12 % a delegování (delegating – 9 % se používá mnohem méně. Vedoucí přizpůsobují styl vedení aktuálním okolnostem; ovšem nepoužívají vhodný styl vedení vzhledem k úrovni připravenosti svých svěřenců a okolností. Styl vedení nemá přímý dopad na měřené indikátory úspěšnosti sportovních organizací. Zjištění vedou k závěru, že vedoucí slovinských nevládních sportovních organizací obecně přehlížejí význam vůdcovství v tomto kontextu. ZÁVĚRY: Vzhledem k výše uvedeným průměrným výsledkům slovinského sportu lze vyvozovat, že dobrovolná práce ve sportovních organizacích představuje jednu z konkurenčních výhod v naší společnosti. Je proto nezbytné věnovat zvláštní pozornost jejímu rozvojovému potenciálu. Zjištění studie vedou k závěru, že by bylo vhodné ustavit národní strategii dobrovolné práce ve sportu.

  4. Důraz školy na akademický úspěch: TIMSS 2011 jako sonda do reformy v České republice/ School emphasis on academic success in TIMSS 2011 as a window on curricular reform in the Czech Republic

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    Dominik Dvořák


    Full Text Available V šetření TIMSS 2011 se objevil index nazvaný „důraz školy na studijní úspěch“ (SEAS. Cílem článku je osvětlit skutečnost, že české školy vykazují poměrně nápadné hodnoty tohoto indexu. Dále pomocí SEAS analyzuje vztah mezi postoji českých škol k reformě a znalostmi a dovednostmi jejich žáků. Teoretický úvod popisuje konstrukt akademický optimismus a index SEAS zavedený v šetření TIMSS. Následně je provedena explorativní sekundární analýza dat o úrovni složek SEAS v případě českých škol se zaměřením na nápadné odchylky hodnot. Práce vychází z výsledků žáků čtvrtých ročníků v matematickém testu TIMSS 2011 a z odpovídajících učitelských a ředitelských dotazníků. Pro analýzu vztahů v datech jsou použity základní prostředky popisné a inferenční statistiky. Zjištění ukazují na disproporčně nízkou důvěru ředitelů ve snahu žáků ve škole dobře prospívat, která je společná regionálnímu klastru zemí. Dále analýza přinesla nečekaná zjištění o vztahu mezi postoji ředitelů a učitelů ke kurikulární reformě a výsledky jejich žáků v matematice. Z literatury známá i naše původní zjištění o komponentách indexu SEAS v podmínkách českých škol přinášejí zajímavé pohledy mj. na vnímání reformních procesů v českých školách a doplňují tak literaturu o implementaci, resp. recepci reformy.

  5. Zatopení nízkých pravoúhlých přelivů se širokou korunou


    Major, Jakub


    Diplomová práce pojednává o zatopení nízkých pravoúhlých přelivů se širokou korunou. Z měření úrovní hladin před a za přelivem při různých průtokových stavech a různých výškách přelivu, byly stanoveny hodnoty součinitele zatopení přelivu v závislosti na relativní výšce zatopení. Z nich byla stanovena rovnice součinitele zatopení. Změřené hodnoty byly porovnány s výsledky měření, které jsou uvedeny v odborné literatuře. This diploma thesis deals with submergence of low rectangular sharp-edg...

  6. Určení hodnoty věcných břemen stavby na cizím pozemku a přechodu nebo přejezdu přes pozemek jiného vlastníka


    Kuhrová, Kristýna


    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku věcných břemen z hlediska činnosti znalce. V první části práce je proveden rozbor platné právní úpravy věcných břemen, jejich členění, příčiny možného vzniku, změn a zániku. Dále následuje obecný popis metodiky oceňování věcných břemen, vymezení jednotlivých druhů cen a účelů oceňování věcných břemen. V návrhové části je teoretický rozbor aplikován na dva konkrétní případy věcných břemen, a to věcného břemene přechodu přes pozemek jiného vlastníka a...

  7. Kvasinky v procesu výroby vína


    Horká, Daniela


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá sledováním vlivu kvasinek na proces výroby vína a na jeho konečné vlastnosti. Byla provedena izolace a identifikace kvasinek ve vzorku moštu odrůdy Veltlínské zelené s využitím základních mikrobiologických operací a molekulárně-biologické metody založené na PCR – RFLP. V další části práce bylo provedeno sledování chemických změn v kvasícím moštu odrůdy Hibernal pomocí spektrofotometrických metod. Měřenými parametry bylo pH a celková antioxidační aktivita kvasíc...

  8. Application of Ozonation to Intensify Nitrification and Denitrification Processes/ Využití Ozonizace K Intenzifikaci Nitrifikačních A Denitrifikačních Procesů

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    Drozdová Martina


    Full Text Available Dusík a fosfor patří mezi nejdůležitější makrobiogenní prvky, které jsou nezbytné pro rozvoj mikroorganismů. Významným zdrojem organických i anorganických sloučenin dusíku ve vodách jsou splaškové odpadní vody a průmyslové odpadní vody z výroby dusíkatých látek. V povrchové vodě se většina amoniaku nachází ve formě amonných kationtů, NH4+. Tohoto poznatku lze využít v procesu čištění odpadních vod. Článek je zaměřen na možné využití procesu ozonizace při úpravě a čištění vod znečištěných nadměrným množstvím organických látek obsahujících zejména dusík dusíkatých látek a jeho následné aplikaci v kombinaci s jinými oxidačními procesy (AOP.

  9. Scientific Computing in the CH Programming Language

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    Harry H. Cheng


    Full Text Available We have developed a general-purpose block-structured interpretive programming Ianguage. The syntax and semantics of this language called CH are similar to C. CH retains most features of C from the scientific computing point of view. In this paper, the extension of C to CH for numerical computation of real numbers will be described. Metanumbers of −0.0, 0.0, Inf, −Inf, and NaN are introduced in CH. Through these metanumbers, the power of the IEEE 754 arithmetic standard is easily available to the programmer. These metanumbers are extended to commonly used mathematical functions in the spirit of the IEEE 754 standard and ANSI C. The definitions for manipulation of these metanumbers in I/O; arithmetic, relational, and logic operations; and built-in polymorphic mathematical functions are defined. The capabilities of bitwise, assignment, address and indirection, increment and decrement, as well as type conversion operations in ANSI C are extended in CH. In this paper, mainly new linguistic features of CH in comparison to C will be described. Example programs programmed in CH with metanumbers and polymorphic mathematical functions will demonstrate capabilities of CH in scientific computing.

  10. Srovnání herních charakteristik tenistů a tenistek na Roland Garros 2005 Comparison of game characteristics of male and female tennis players at Roland Garros 2005

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    Tomaž Berendijaš


    Full Text Available Herní charakteristiky elitních tenistů a tenistek na French Open 2005 (Roland Garros byly analyzovány na rozsáhlém základě 894 setů v kategorii mužů a 592 setů v kategorii žen. Navíc se srovnávaly herní charakteristiky jednotlivého setu mezi vítězi a poraženými. Bylo potvrzeno, že u většiny proměnných existují statisticky významné rozdíly mezi vítězi a poraženými, a to jak v kategorii mužů, tak i žen. V kategorii mužů jsou statisticky významné rozdíly u všech proměnných, s výjimkou využití brejkbolu. U žen byly shledány statisticky významné rozdíly u všech proměnných s výjimkou počtu vyhraných es. Na základě těchto zjištění lze učinit závěr, že statisticky významné rozdíly u většiny proměnných určujících herní charakteristiky naznačují existenci určitých měřitelných ukazatelů ve statistice tenisu, kterými se odlišují vítězové od poražených. The game characteristics of elite male and female tennis players at the French Open 2005 (Roland Garros have been analyzed based on a large number of sets, a total of 894 in the category of men and 592 sets in the category of women. In addition, a comparison of game characteristics in an individual set between winners and losers has been made. It was ascertained that there are statistically characteristic differences in most variables between the winners and loser in the category of men as well as in the category of women. In the category of men, there are statistically characteristic differences in all variables except in the break point conversions. In women however, there are statistically characteristic differences in all variables except in the number of won aces. Based on these findings it can be concluded that statistically characteristic differences in the majority of variables, which define game characteristics, indicate that there are certain measurable indicators of tennis statistics, which distinguish

  11. Fragmentation characteristics of the unstable [CH3 CO][radical sign] radicals generated by neutralization of [CH3CO]+ cations (United States)

    Hop, C. E. C. A.; Holmes, J. L.


    The stability and fragmentation characteristics of [CH3 CO][radical sign] radicals, generated by vertical charge exchange between acetyl cations and permanent gases or metal vapours (He, Xe, NO, Cd, Na and K), were examined mass spectrometrically. Two dissociation reactions were observed, the losses of CH[radical sign]3 and H[radical sign]. The H[radical sign] loss reaction, the higher energy dissociation, became of greater importance as the exothermicity of the charge exchange was increased. Based on the analysis of the kinetic energy releases it was concluded that these decompositions arose from the population of two excited states of the [CH3 CO][radical sign] radical.

  12. Mikrojádra operačních systémů


    Beneš, Eduard


    Táto práca sa zaoberá problematikou mikrojadier operačných systémov. Prvá časť je zameraná na oboznámenie s problematikou jadier operačných systémov. Obsahuje základné vlastnosti a mechanizmy druhej generácie mikrojadier reprezentovanej mikrojadrom L4, na ktoré sa zameriavame v ďalších častiach práce. Následne sú opísané dva rôzne porty operačného systému Linux nad mikrojadro L4, sú to L4Linux a Wombat. V druhej časti práce je popísaný spôsob inštalácie vybraných portov a hlavné problémy, kto...

  13. Postoje univerzitních studentů pedagogicky orientovaných studijních programů k homosexualitě měřené na škále Homosexuality Attitude Scale/ Attitudes of university students of educationally-oriented study programs towards homosexuality measured on the Homosexuality Attitude Scale

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    Petr Hlaďo


    Full Text Available Cílem studie je zhodnotit postoje studentů pedagogicky orientovaných studijních programů k homosexualitě a zjistit, čím jsou ovlivněny. V příspěvku je argumentován význam tématu v rámci pedagogiky, podán přehled závěrů vybraných českých a zahraničních výzkumů vztahujících se k problematice postojů heterosexuálů k homosexualitě. Dále jsou prezentovány cíle, metodologie a poznatky z vlastního výzkumného šetření. V závěru jsou prezentována doporučení pro pregraduální vzdělávání budoucích pedagogů a podány návrhy pro další výzkum. Cílem výzkumu bylo zjistit postoje studentů pedagogicky orientovaných studijních programů k homosexualitě. Použitým výzkumným nástrojem byl dotazník Kiteové a Deauxové – Homosexuality Attitude Scale (Cronbachovo alfa = 0,91. Sběr dat proběhl v říjnu a listopadu 2014. Výběrový soubor je tvořen 1 140 respondenty. Studenti pedagogických studijních programů mají v průměrném hodnocení k homosexualitě poměrně pozitivní postoje (průměrné skóre HAS = 88,77 z teoretického rozmezí 12–105, nižší hodnota indikuje negativnější postoj k homosexualitě. Signifikantně negativnější postoje k homosexualitě byly zjištěny u mužů, studentů nižších ročníků studia a příslušníků římsko-katolické či jiné církve nebo náboženské společnosti. Z poznatků vyplývá potřeba formování postojů budoucích pedagogů k homosexualitě kombinací kognitivně-afektivních intervencí v rámci formálního vzdělávání.

  14. Linfadenocromatografia perigástrica com carbono ativado (CH40: estudo experimental Perigastric lymphadenochromatography with activated carbon (CH40: experimental study

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    Minao Okawa


    Full Text Available RACIONAL: Procedimento cirúrgico bem instituído e planejado constitui ainda a única terapêutica efetiva para o câncer gástrico. Entretanto, os resultados de cura não têm melhorado significativamente nas últimas décadas, principalmente no ocidente. O principal benefício de introdução endoscópica de corantes na submucosa gástrica está na facilitação de linfadenectomias regradas, podendo facilitar a localização acurada dos linfonodos. Além disso, a linfadenocromatografia possibilita futuras pesquisas para a detecção do linfonodo sentinela e sua aplicabilidade racional e seletiva na indicação precisa da linfadenectomia, principalmente dos grupos de linfonodos de ressecção mais trabalhosa e com maiores possibilidades de complicações. A linfadenocromatografia com carbono ativado (CH40 foi analisada neste estudo experimental (fase 1. OBJETIVOS: Testar a efetividade e inocuidade da linfadenocromatografia com CH40, em três espécies animais diferentes. MÉTODOS: Como preconizado pela Associação Brasileira de Pesquisas Clínicas (Resoluções nº 196/96 e 251/97, CNS/MS, foram utilizados três espécies diferentes de animais: 3 cães, 10 coelhos e 20 ratos. Em todos os cães, a introdução de CH40 na camada submucosa de estômago foi realizada através da endoscopia gástrica e utilizando, cateter de polietileno agulhado, usualmente empregado na esclerose de varizes esofageanas. O período de observação variou de 43 a 125 dias, quando o procedimento cirúrgico foi realizado. Em todos os coelhos e ratos a introdução de CH40 foi realizada através de agulha hipodérmica e seringa insulínica, na região subcutânea inguinal. O período de observação foi de 102 a 105 dias e 110 a 122 dias, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: Nos períodos de observação, desde a injeção até a eutanásia, não se detectou em nenhum animal efeito colateral ou óbito. Nos cães, linfonodos perigástricos foram corados pelo CH40. Em todos os

  15. Parkovací garáž u Fakultní nemocnice v Brně Bohunicích


    Pučálka, Radoslav


    V diplomové práci je vypracován návrh vícepatrové parkovací garáže v areálu Fakultní nemocnice v Brně Bohunicích z důvodu nedostačující kapacity parkovacích stání. Cílem práce je vytvoření dostatečného množství parkovacích stání, která by vyřešila deficit parkovacích ploch a napojení se na ulici Jihlavská. Parkovací garáž je situována na jižní straně areálu Fakultní nemocnice a zajišťuje pěší napojení do nemocnice. Parkovací garáž by měla sloužit jak pro pacienty a návštěvníky, tak i pro zamě...

  16. Usnadnění práce lékaře při použití formalizovaných českých hypertenzních doporučení

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Peleška, Jan


    Roč. 88, č. 7 (2009), s. 382-388 ISSN 0032-6739 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M06014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : kontrola hypertenze v primární péči * doporučení diagnostických a léčebných postupů * algoritmus specialisty na hypertenzi * domácí měření TK Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science

  17. Quantification of catechins and caffeine from green tea (Camellia sinensis infusions, extract, and ready-to-drink beverages Quantificação de catequinas e cafeína do chá verde (Camellia sinensis infusão, extrato e bebida pronta

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    Rafaela Macedo Mendes De Oliveira


    Full Text Available This study aimed to quantify the levels of catechins and caffeine in various forms of presentation of green tea: infusion tea bags, extract, and ready-to-drink beverage and, based on their content, identify the most suitable for consumption. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC analytical method was used for the quantification of catechins and caffeine. The tea bags had the highest concentration of total catechins with 5 to 9.5% followed by the extract with 3.64 to 4.88%, and ready-to-drink green tea beverage showed low levels of catechins, from 0.14 to 0.26%. As for caffeine content, green tea extract had higher concentration (1.96 to 3.54% compared to the tea bags (1.39 to 1.57%. Tea bags were found the most suitable for consumption because it contains higher amounts of catechins and smaller amounts of caffeine.O presente estudo teve como objetivo quantificar os teores de catequinas e cafeína em diferentes formas de apresentação do chá verde -infusão, extrato e bebida pronta - e, baseado no teor destes constituintes, identificar aquela mais apropriada para consumo. A cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE foi a metodologia analítica utilizada para a quantificação das catequinas e cafeína. O chá verde sachê obteve maior concentração de catequinas totais com 5 a 9,5%, seguido do extrato com 3,64 a 4,88%, o chá verde bebida pronta apresentou baixos teores de catequinas, 0,14 a 0,26%. Quanto ao teor de cafeína, o chá verde na forma de extrato obteve maior concentração, 1,96 a 3,54%, quando comparado ao sachê, 1,39 a 1,57%. O chá verde na forma de sachê mostrou-se mais indicado para consumo por conter maiores quantidades de catequinas e menores quantidades de cafeína.

  18. O chá em Portugal : história e hábitos de consumo


    Silva, Rui Manuel Esteves da


    Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos Interculturais Português/Chinês : Tradução, Formação e Comunicação Empresarial Neste trabalho, apresenta-se uma breve história do desenvolvimento da produção e consumo de chá na China antiga e em Portugal. Inicialmente, é apresentada a origem lendária da planta do chá, assim como o os primeiros registos do uso da planta na China e o desenvolvimento e generalização do seu consumo até à dinastia Yuan. Faz-se, então, referência à expansão do chá par...

  19. Optimalizace mikrovlnné glycerolýzy síťovaných tuhých PU pěn pro využití recyklátu ve výrobě


    Figalla, Silvestr


    Teoretická část shrnuje možnosti chemické recyklace polyurethanových a polyisokyanurátových izolačních pěn a metod přípravy polyolů z jejich alkoholyzátů. Důraz je kladen na využití mikrovlnné ho ohřevu během depolymerace jako perspektivního zdroje energie chemolýzních procesů. Praktická část je zaměřena na optimalizaci přípravy recyklátu polyisokyanurátové izolační pěny v kombinaci s polyethylentereftalátem prostřednictvím glycerolýzy mikrovlnném poli. U získaného recyklátu byla ověřena zpra...

  20. Interferência de fases de deformação Varisca na estrutura de Torre de Cabedal; sector de Alter-do-Chão – Elvas na Zona de Ossa-Morena


    Moreira, Noel; Dias, Rui; Araújo, António; Pedro, Jorge


    O Sector de Alter-do-Chão – Elvas é caracterizado por uma espessa sequência meta-sedimentar escalonada entre o Neoproterozóico (Ediacariano) e o Câmbrico superior. Na região de Vila Boim, surge uma janela estratigráfica onde toda a sequência se encontra exposta (estrutura de Torre de Cabedal) e onde foi possível colocar em evidência duas fases de deformação Varisca principais. A primeira fase de deformação é gerada em andar estrutural superior e caracteriza-se pela génese de dobras deitadas c...

  1. Seizures in Chédiak-Higashi syndrome: case report Crises convulsivas na síndrome de Chédiak-Higashi: relato de caso

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    Full Text Available Chédiak-Higashi syndrome is a rare hematological disease characterized by increased fusion of cytoplasmatic granules. Neurological symptoms occur in approximately half of the patients. We describe the clinical, eletrophysiological, hematological and radiological findings in a girl who had Chédiak-Higashi syndrome and seizures.A síndrome de Chédiak-Higashi é uma doença hematológica rara caracterizada pelo aumento da fusão dos grânulos citoplasmáticos. Manifestações neurológicas ocorrem em cerca de metade dos pacientes. Relatamos o caso de uma criança com síndrome de Chédiak-Higashi e crises convulsivas.

  2. Sports context of the original families of three generations of national football team players [Sportovní kontext původních rodin tří generací fotbalových reprezentantů

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    Hana Válková


    in any of the three different generations.[VÝCHODISKA: Rodinný context je považován za podstatný jev, ovlivňující vývoj celoživotní sportivní kariéry. Přes tuto skutečnost je role rodiny v etapách různých historických změn zkoumána zřídka. Výzkumný concept studie je založen na "teorii přechodu" (tj. raná sportovní socializace, na principu "generačního přenosu" (tj. interakce rodiče-děti, a to v rámci různého mikro (rodinného a makro (sociálně-ekonomického kontextu. CÍLE: Cílem studie je nalézt vztahy mezi ukazateli rané socializace v rodinném kontextu fotbalových hráčů - reprezentantů České republiky ve třech rozdílných socio-ekonomických časových obdobích. METODIKA: Byly zkoumány tři generace fotbalových hráčů národní reprezentace. Výzkumný vzorek P (n = 69 sestával ze tří sub-skupin: P1 (n = 23 - současná generace fotbalové reprezentace v letech kolem roku 1991, P2 (n = 23 - generace reprezentující v letech 1981 - 2001 a P3 - generace reprezntující v letech 1965 - 1987. Data byla získána semi-strukturovaným rozhovorem orientovaným na rodinné zázemí v etapě rané sportovní socializace každé generace. Odpovědi byly analyzovány a data tříděna v kategoriální škále (5 domén po 4 kategoriích. Dále byla data zpracována deskriptivní statistikou a srovnání vybraných kategorií mezi generacemi neparametrickým testem Chí-kvadrát na hladině významnosti p < 0,05. VÝSLEDKY: Shodná role otců byla nalezena ve všech třech generacích a take ve shodných kategoriích (typ výchovy, začlenění do fotbalu, motivační přístupy. Role matek byla odlišná ve vztahu ke generační emancipaci žen, ale vždy podporující sportovní vývoj dětí. ZÁVĚRY: Výsledky podtrhují význam rané sportovní socializace v rodině, důležitost generačního přenosu, funkci otce, matky i sourozenců jako motivátorů, a to bez ohledu na příslušnost ke kterékoliv ze t

  3. Rozhraní typu I2C a jejich implementační možnosti v technologiích ASIC


    Podzemný, Jakub


    Práce se zabývá možnostmi implementace I2C, SMBus a PMBus rozhraní v současných technologiích ASIC. V první části se práce zaměřuje na popis jednotlivých sběrnic a jejich vzájemných rozdílů dle nejnovějších specifikací z digitálního a funkčního pohledu. Analogová část problematiky je zde z velké části zanedbána. Dále se práce zabývá porovnáním vybraných I2C/SMBus slave modulů vytvořených firmou ON Semiconductor, popsaných v jazyce Verilog HDL, z hlediska počtu klopných obvodů, funkčnosti a př...

  4. Suppression of NaNO3 crystal nucleation by glycerol: micro-Raman observation on the efflorescence process of mixed glycerol/NaNO3/water droplets. (United States)

    Yu, Jun-Ying; Zhang, Yun; Zeng, Guang; Zheng, Chuan-Ming; Liu, Yong; Zhang, Yun-Hong


    Although the hygroscopicity of a NaNO(3)/water microdroplet and a polyalcohol/water microdroplet, two of the most important aerosols in atmosphere, has been widely studied, little is known about the relationship between the hygroscopic behavior of mixed NaNO(3)/polyalcohol/water droplets and their structures on the molecular level. In this study, the hygroscopicity of mixed glycerol/NaNO(3)/water droplets deposited on a hydrophobic substrate was studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy with organic-to-inorganic molar ratios (OIRs) of 0.5, 1, and 2. In the mixed glycerol/NaNO(3)/water droplets, glycerol molecules tended to combine with Na(+) and NO(3)(-) ions by electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bonding, respectively. On the basis of the analyses of the changes of symmetric stretching (v(s)-CH(2)), asymmetric stretching (v(a)-CH(2)), their area ratio (Av(a)-CH(2)/Av(s)-CH(2)) of glycerol, and symmetric stretching band of NO(3)(-) (ν(1)-NO(3)(-)) with relative humidity (RH), it was found that the conformation of glycerol was transformed from αα mainly to γγ and partly to αγ with a decreasing RH in the mixed droplets, contrary to the case in the glycerol/water droplet. In addition, the glycerol with γγ and αγ conformation had strong interaction with Na(+) and NO(3)(-) respectively, which suppressed the formation of contact of ions and delayed the efflorescence relative humidity (ERH) for the mixed droplets compared to the NaNO(3)/water droplet. © 2012 American Chemical Society

  5. Využití prvků CDTA a CFTA v elektronických obvodech a kmitočtových filtrech


    Kotlán, Petr


    Práce pojednává o aktivních prvcích v proudovém módu CDTA (current differencing transconductance amplifier) a CFTA (current follower transconductance amplifier). CDTA je prvek, jenž porovnává dva vstupní proudy. Výsledný proud vystupuje přes přídavnou svorku Z na zátěž. Vzniklé napětí je přes transkonduktanci g převedeno na výstupní proud, který může být kladný (X+ výstup) nebo záporný (X- výstup). CFTA využívá narozdíl od CDTA jen jeden proudový vstup. Je ukázáno aplikační využití prvků v km...

  6. Raně středověké lidské ostatky v sídlištních situacích v Čechách

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Tomková, Kateřina

    Suppl. 3, - (2010), s. 182-193 ISSN 1213-1628. [Pohřby na sídlištích. Hradec Králové, 16.02.2010-17.02.2010] R&D Projects: GA ČR GA404/09/1135 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : Early Middle Ages * Bohemia * funeral customs Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  7. Geographic Information Systems in Developing Countries – What are the Ethical Issues we need to be aware of ? / Geografické Informační Systémy A Jejich Využití V Rozvojových Zemích - Jakým Etickým Otázkám Musíme Čelit?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pánek Jiří


    Full Text Available Využití geografických informačních systémů (GIS v rozvojových zemích se musí potýkat s historickou skepsí, kterou mapy, jako nástroj moci, mají mezi původními obyvateli. Participativní přístupy v mapování a GIS se snaží přistupovat k místním prostorovým znalostem s větší mírou společenské a etické zodpovědnosti. Článek se soustředí na popis vybraných důvodů, které vedly ke skeptickému postoji vůči GIS, a na identifikaci základních etických otázek sběru a interpretace prostorových informací v rozvojových zemích na příkladu mapování vodních zdrojů ve vesnici Koffiekraal v Jihoafrické republice.

  8. Precise gene editing of chicken Na+/H+ exchange type 1 (chNHE1) confers resistance to avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J). (United States)

    Lee, Hong Jo; Lee, Kyung Youn; Jung, Kyung Min; Park, Kyung Je; Lee, Ko On; Suh, Jeong-Yong; Yao, Yongxiu; Nair, Venugopal; Han, Jae Yong


    Avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J), first isolated in the late 1980s, has caused economic losses to the poultry industry in many countries. As all chicken lines studied to date are susceptible to ALV infection, there is enormous interest in developing resistant chicken lines. The ALV-J receptor, chicken Na + /H + exchange 1 (chNHE1) and the critical amino acid sequences involved in viral attachment and entry have already been characterized. However, there are no reported attempts to induce resistance to the virus by targeted genome modification of the receptor sequences. In an attempt to induce resistance to ALV-J infection, we used clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)-associated (CRISPR/Cas9)-based genome editing approaches to modify critical residues of the chNHE1 receptor in chicken cells. The susceptibility of the modified cell lines to ALV-J infection was examined using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-expressing marker viruses. We showed that modifying the chNHE1 receptor by artificially generating a premature stop codon induced absolute resistance to viral infection, with mutations of the tryptophan residue at position 38 (Trp38) being very critical. Single-stranded oligodeoxynucleotide (ssODN)-mediated targeted recombination of the Trp38 region revealed that deletions involving the Trp38 residue were most effective in conferring resistance to ALV-J. Moreover, protein structure analysis of the chNHE1 receptor sequence suggested that its intrinsically disordered region undergoes local conformational changes through genetic alteration. Collectively, these results demonstrate that targeted mutations on chNHE1 alter the susceptibility to ALV-J and the technique is expected to contribute to develop disease-resistant chicken lines. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Yield asymmetry design of magnesium alloys by integrated computational materials engineering

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Li, Dongsheng [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Joshi, Vineet [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Lavender, Curt [Pacific Northwest National Lab. (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States); Khaleel, Mohammad [Qatar Foundation Research adn Development (Qatar); Ahzi, Said [Univ. of Strasbourg (France)


    Deformation asymmetry of magnesium alloys is an important factor on machine design in the automobile industry. Represented by the ratio of compressive yield stress (CYS) against tensile yield stress (TYS), deformation asymmetry is strongly related to texture and grain size. A polycrystalline viscoplasticity model, modified intermediate Φ-model, is used to predict the deformation behavior of magnesium alloys with different grain sizes. Validated with experimental results, integrated computational materials engineering is applied to find out the route in achieving desired asymmetry via thermomechanical processing. For example, CYS/TYS in rolled texture is smaller than 1 under different loading directions. In other textures, such as extruded texture, CYS/TYS is large along the normal direction. Starting from rolled texture, asymmetry will increase to close to 1 along the rolling direction after being compressed to a strain of 0.2. Our modified Φ-model also shows that grain refinement increases CYS/TYS. Along with texture control, grain refinement also can optimize the yield asymmetry. After the grain size decreases to a critical value, CYS/TYS reaches to 1 because CYS increases much faster than TYS. By tailoring the microstructure using texture control and grain refinement, it is achievable to optimize yield asymmetry in wrought magnesium alloys.

  10. Pozorovací bezpečnost motorových vozidel


    Hlavatý, Jiří


    Tato práce je zaměřena na pozorovací bezpečnost osobních vozidel. Krátce je zmíněna aktivní bezpečnost, prvky výbavy snažící se předejít dopravní nehodě a dále se se věnuje podkapitolám pozorovací bezpečnosti, výhledu z vozidla, osvětlovací technice a pasivní viditelnosti automobilů. Cílem práce je přednést možnosti dnešních automobilů v rámci daného tématu This bachelor’s thesis is focused on view safety of motor vehicles. Briefly is mentioned the active safety, vehicle equipment, which i...

  11. Risk Assessment in Mining-Related Project Management / Stanovení Rizika V Projektovém Řízení V Podmínkách Těžebního Podniku

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    Vaněk Michal


    Full Text Available Hodnocení rizika je nedílnou součástí posouzení investičního projektu. Podcenění rizika může vést k chybným závěrům s negativními dopady na ekonomiku projektu. S ohledem na výši investic a hledisko času v podmínkách těžebního podniku, nabývá problematika rizika na významu. Z hodnocení stávajících praktických zkušeností vyplývá, že manažeři těžebních podniků přistupují ke stanovení rizika častěji na bázi intuice, než s využitím exaktních metod. Článek se věnuje vlastnímu stanovení rizika, jehož postup naznačuje na modelovém příkladu posuzování kontinuální a diskontinuální alternativy exploatace sypkých skrývkových hmot při velkokapacitní těžbě uhlí probíhající na jámových lomech.

  12. Efeito da ingestão de chá de canela C. burmannii na glicémia pós-prandial de indivíduos adultos não diabéticos


    Santos, Elisabeth Jerónimo dos


    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz Enquadramento: A canela é uma especiaria muito utilizada na gastronomia portuguesa. Diferentes estudos têm sugerido que a canela apresenta efeitos benéficos na glicemia pós-prandial atribuindo-os à presença de compostos fenólicos na canela. Objetivos: Avaliar o efeito de um chá de canela C. burmannii (6 g de canela em pau /100 mL) no nível de glicémia capilar pós-prandial em indivíduos adul...

  13. Reflexia na stav a perspektívy didaktiky biológie z pohľadu situácie na Prírodovedeckej fakulte Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave.

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    Katarína Ušáková


    Full Text Available Príspevok popisuje východiská a impulzy rozvoja didaktiky biológie na Slovensku  z pohľadu skúseností edukačnej a výskumnej práce na Katedre didaktiky prírodných vied, psychológie a pedagogiky PRIFUK v Bratislave. Cez stručný historický prehľad od povojnového obdobia až po súčasnosť upriamuje pozornosť na osobnosti, ktoré sú s formovaním didaktiky biológie úzko spojené. Poukazuje na niektoré spoločné problémy prírodovedného vzdelávania v kontexte spoločensko-politických zmien spojených so vstupom do EU a dôsledkami reformného úsilia s cieľom konvergencie vzdelávacích systémov krajín EU. Podrobnejšie sa venuje problémom v doktorandskom štúdiu  a výskumu v didaktike biológie, od kvality ktorého sa odvíja aj úroveň učiteľskej prípravy budúcich učiteľov biológie. Konkretizuje zmeny v obsahu aj v štruktúre didaktických predmetov s cieľom zvýšiť kvalitu a funkčnosť prípravy učiteľov. V závere príspevku autorka upozorňuje na pretrvávajúce problémy didaktiky biológie, ktorých riešenie si vyžaduje potrebu vyššej miery spolupráce všetkých zainteresovaných zložiek.

  14. Čeština brněnsko-jihlavské sbírky městských právních nálezů

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jamborová, Martina


    Roč. 52, 1/2 (2015), s. 27-33 ISSN 1212-5326. [Výzkum historické češtiny (na základě nových materiálových bází). Praha, 20.11.2014] R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP406/10/1140 Keywords : Old Czech * Manuscript * Municipal Law * vocabulary * terms * synonyms * polysemy Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics

  15. Diagnostika diafragmového výboje v kapalinách


    Hlavatá, Lucie


    Hlavním cílem této práce je diagnostika diafragmového výboje v kapalinách. Ačkoli byla v posledních letech objevena celá řada aplikací elektrického výboje v kapalinách, vlastní mechanismus vzniku tohoto výboje není dosud znám. Z těchto důvodů se tato práce zaměřila na studium dějů předcházejících samotnému zapálení výboje, zápalného napětí, samotného výboje jak v oblastech náhodného průrazu tak i pravidelnému výboji. Použitím roztoků dvou anorganických solí o různých vodivostech práce zkoumal...

  16. Formalizace evropských doporučení o prevenci kardiovaskulárních chorob z roku 2003 a české varianty 2004

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Peleška, Jan; Anger, Z.; Buchtela, David; Tomečková, Marie; Veselý, Arnošt; Zvárová, Jana


    Roč. 47, 4 suppl. (2005), s. 81 ISSN 0010-8650. [Výroční sjezd České kardiologické společnosti /13./. 08.05.2005-11.05.2005, Brno] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR 1ET200300413 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : formalizace lékařských doporučení * doporučení na prevenci kardiovaskulárních chorob Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research

  17. Studies of soft x-ray transmission through grid supported CH layers (United States)

    Davis, J. S.; Keiter, P. A.; Klein, S. R.; Frank, Y.; Drake, R. P.; Shvarts, D.


    Recent experiments have shown that it may be possible to use laser-heated high-Z foils to drive new radiation transport (RadTran) experiments in gas fill tubes. These tubes must be pressurized above 1atm and the x-ray source needs to be physically separated from the gas. To achieve this, a grid-supported CH seal is implemented. The grid reduces the total surface area of the gas-seal interaction region lowering the thickness requirements for the CH layer. However, as mesh spacing is reduced, hole closure from wire ablation may reduce the x-ray flux. To optimize the seal design, experiments were performed measuring x-ray transmission through CH layers supported by meshes composed of copper, gold, or stainless steel and using hexagonal or square mesh geometries. The x-ray source was formed by heating a 0.5 μm thick planar gold foil with a 4 ns laser pulse at an intensity of 2 ×1014 W / cm 2. Emission data was collected using an x-ray framing camera and a Dante photodiode array. Experiments show that the CH layers can reach effective temperatures of nearly 100 eV but mesh design significantly affects performance, with a nearly 20 eV difference between the best and worst performing seal targets. This talk will discuss our findings and their impact on future RadTran experiments. This work is funded by the U.S. DOE, through the NNSA-DS and SC-OFES Joint Program in HED Laboratory Plasmas, Grant Number DE-NA0001840, the National LUFP, Grant Number DE-NA0000850, and through NNSA/OICF under Cooperatvie Agreement No. DE-FC52-08NA2830.

  18. Výkonnostní testy kryptografických algoritmů


    Pospíšil, Karel


    Bakalářské práce se zabývá rozborem jednotlivých kryptografických algoritmů, které se využívají při zabezpečování komunikace. První část je věnována symetrickým kryptografickým algoritmům, asymetrickým kryptografickým algoritmům a hashovacím funkcím. Druhá část se zabývá bezpečností, stupni utajení a útoky, které se využívají při napadání kryptografických algoritmů a hashovacích funkcí. Třetí část se věnuje testování vybraného algoritmu RC4 a hashovací funkce MD5 za pomocí programu CrypTool. ...

  19. Čeština lékařských knih

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Černá, Alena M.


    Roč. 52, 1/2 (2015), s. 34-40 ISSN 1212-5326. [Výzkum historické češtiny (na základě nových materiálových bází). Praha, 20.11.2014] R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP406/10/1140 Keywords : Old Czech * medical book * medical terminology Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics

  20. CH-TRU Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes 'shipping categories' that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the 'General Case,' which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Close-Proximity Shipments' (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Controlled Shipments

  1. CH-TRU Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  2. Faktoring – jedna z hlavních forem financování malých a středních podniků

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Müllerová Libuše


    Full Text Available Faktoring představuje službu, kterou poskytují specializované faktoringové společnosti svým klientům v souvislosti s postoupením nebo se správou pohledávek. Ve své podstatě se jedná o určitý způsob úvěrování, využívaný zejména malými a středními podniky. V praxi existuje několik forem faktoringu v závislosti na tom, do jaké míry přechází na faktora vlastnictví pohledávek a rizika jejich nesplacení. Podle toho se pak faktoringové transakce promítají do účetnictví faktora i klienta. Vzhledem k tomu, že tato služba ani její formy není upravená žádným právním předpisem, postupují faktoringové společnosti často tak, že podmínky ve smlouvách – z důvodu daňových – často zakrývají svojí formou skutečný stav. Uvedený příspěvek základní formy faktoringu vymezuje, popisuje jejich správné účtování včetně daňových dopadů. Factoring is a service, which is offered by specialized factoring agencies to their clients in case of transfer (sale or governance of receivables. In fact, it represents a specific mode of crediting which is mostly preferred by small and medium enterprises. In practices of factoring several forms are differentiated depending on scale of property and risk transfer to the factor. According to these circumstances the factoring transactions are recognized by the factor and the client. The factoring services are not so far regulated by any legal provision. For this reason factoring agencies are proceeding in such a way, that contract conditions – because of tax considerations – hide by their form the substance. The paper describes the factoring forms and interprets their correct recognition on accounting, including tax consequences.

  3. Quantificação dos compostos bioactivos em infusões de chá verde dos Açores: comparação com os teores presentes em bebidas comerciais com chá verde : trabalho de investigação : quantification of bioactive compounds in Azorean Green Tea infusions: comparison with levels of canned green tea drinks


    Petisca, Catarina Isabe Bento


    Resumo da tese: Neste estudo pretendeu-se avaliar a influência do tempo de infusão, da temperatura e das características da água no teor de catequinas, ácido gálico, teofilina e cafeína presentes em infusões de chá verde dos Açores. Adicionalmente, estes compostos foram quantificados em bebidas engarrafadas que mencionam chá verde na sua composição e comparados com os teores encontrados nas infusões de chá verde preparadas em casa. Nas amostras de chá verde dos Açores, foram encontradas difer...

  4. Pozice RM-Systému na českém kapitálovém trhu


    Novotný, Josef


    Práce popisuje historický vývoj RM-Systému, okolnosti, za kterých byl založen,princip jeho fungování. Popisuje také trhy cenných papírů z teoretického hlediska, jejich dělení a systémy, na kterých fungují. Dále práce popisuje současnou pozici RM-Systému na českém trhu cenných papírů a zkoumá její možné příčiny.

  5. Standardy 802.11n a 802.11e v bezdrátových sítích


    Novák, Ondřej


    Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na problematiku standardů bezdrátových sítí. Teoreticky popisuje nejznámější standardy skupiny standardů IEEE 802.11, jejich funkce a chování. Dále práce podrobněji rozebírá nový standard 802.11n a specifikaci standardu 802.11e, WMM. Práce obsahuje zprávu o praktických testech standardů 802.11n a WMM, které slouží pro objektivní posouzení schopností těchto standardů. This bachelor thesis is focused on broad issue of wireless network standards. It theoretic...

  6. Stanovení vybraných vonných látek v kosmetických prostředcích


    Novotná, Petra


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá stanovením vybraných vonných látek v kosmetických prostředcích. Úvodem je popsán výskyt, metody získávání a využití těchto látek. Jsou nepostradatelnou součástí především kosmetických výrobků, avšak u citlivých jedinců mohou vyvolat alergickou reakci. O příčinách vzniku a průběhu těchto nežádoucích projevů je v teoretické části také pojednáno. Je známo několik stovek až tisíc vonných látek používaných v parfumérském průmyslu, z nichž je 26 ustanoveno evropskými ...

  7. Burzy cenných papírů ve střední a východní Evropě


    Krajcr, Stanislav


    Obecné poznatky o burzách - pojem, historie, principy fungování, funkce a význam, základní členění, státní regulace. Popis a analýza fungování burzy v České republice, Slovenské republice, Polsku, Maďarsku a Rusku - historický vývoj těchto burz, trhy těchto burz, obchodní systém na těchto burzách, vypořádání obchodů na těchto burzách a vybrané burzovní indexy. Vybrané problémy týkající se výše uvedených burz: privatizace a akciový trh, dluhové instrumenty....

  8. Synthesis and characterization of HDA/NaMMT organoclay

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Abstract. In this study, the rheologic and colloidal characterizations of sodium montmorillonite (NaMMT) were examined. Hexadecylamine (CH3(CH2)15NH2, HDA) was added to the bentonite water dispersion. (2%, w/w) in different concentrations in the range 5⋅6 × 10–4–9⋅4 × 10–3 m mol/l. The rheological and ...

  9. Atividade das glicosidases na presença de chá verde e de chá preto Activity of glycosidases in the presence of green tea and black tea

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L.L.S. Pereira


    Full Text Available Várias plantas têm sido consideradas produtos terapêuticos, dentre elas destacam-se os chás verde e preto, popularmente utilizados para controle da hiperglicemia e obesidade. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o potencial inibitório sobre as enzimas α-amilase, α e β-glicosidases e o teor de compostos fenólicos do chá verde e do chá preto. O teor de compostos fenólicos encontrados foram de 80,8 ± 0,43 mg g-1 no chá preto e 32,0 ± 0,12 mg g-1 no chá verde. O chá verde e o chá preto, em condições de consumo, inibiram as enzimas em estudo, porém, após a simulação do fluido gástrico o inibidor presente no chá verde perdeu a ação. O chá preto deixou de inibir a α-amilase e apresentou inibição inalterada para α e β-glicosidases. Tais resultados sugerem que o chá preto pode ser auxiliar em dietas de restrição de carboidratos.Several plants have been considered therapeutic products, including green and black tea, popularly used to control hyperglycemia and obesity. This study aimed to evaluate the inhibitory potential of the enzymes α-amylase, α and β-glycosidases, as well as the content of phenolic compounds in green tea and black tea. The concentrations of phenolic compounds found were 80.8 ± 0.43 mg g-1 in black tea and 32.0 ± 0.12 mg g-1 in green tea. Under the tested conditions of use, green and black tea inhibited the enzyme under study. However, after simulation of the gastric fluid, the inhibitor present in green tea lost its action. Black tea no longer inhibited a-amylase and showed unaltered inhibition for α and β-glycosidases. These results suggest that black tea can be helpful in diets restricting carbohydrates.

  10. Studium tepelných vlastností materiálů akumulujících teplo na bázi fázové přeměny


    Valentová, Kateřina


    Diplomová práce se zabývá studiem tepelných vlastností materiálů akumulující teplo na bázi fázové přeměny. Cílem této práce bylo proměřit tepelné vlastnosti materiálů využívající k akumulaci tepla fázovou přeměnu, a to především komerčního materiálu od firmy Phase Change Material Products Ltd pod názvem PlusICE A118. Takové materiály se označují jako PCM (z angl. Phase Change Material) a využívají se například jako tepelné akumulátory (izolanty) ve stavebnictví. Nejprve byly popsány fázové př...

  11. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes 'shipping categories' that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the 'General Case,' which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Close-Proximity Shipments' (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Controlled Shipments

  12. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes 'shipping categories' that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the 'General Case,' which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Close-Proximity Shipments' (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Controlled Shipments

  13. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes 'shipping categories' that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the 'General Case,' which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Close-Proximity Shipments' (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Controlled Shipments

  14. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes 'shipping categories' that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the 'General Case,' which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Close-Proximity Shipments' (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Controlled Shipments

  15. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes 'shipping categories' that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the 'General Case,' which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Close-Proximity Shipments' (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for 'Controlled Shipments

  16. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  17. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  18. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  19. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  20. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  1. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codesand corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  2. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  3. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  4. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  5. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  6. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  7. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  8. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  9. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  10. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  11. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  12. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  13. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  14. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  15. Diagnostika plazmatu výboje ve vodných roztocích a jeho aplikace


    Hlochová, Lenka


    Tato práce pojednává o studiu parametrů diafragmového výboje ve vodném roztoku. Jako vodivé médium byl používán roztok NaCl o různých vodivostech. Vodivosti byly nastavovány v rozmezí 220 až 1000 µS cm-1. Byly použity dvě diagnostické metody pro zkoumání parametrů plazmatu. První z nich probíhala v Laboratoři plazmochemie na Fakultě chemické Vysokého učení technického v Brně, a sice optická emisní spektroskopie. Jako druhá metoda byla použita diagnostika pomocí časově rozlišené ICCD kamery v ...

  16. Projekt v prostředí sportovních a tělovýchovných služeb - Rekondiční centrum Brno


    Musilová, Erika


    Bakalářská práce řeší projekt v prostředí sportovních a tělovýchovných služeb.práce je zpracovat projekt rekondičního centra. Bakalářská práce vychází z analýzy zařízení a z porovnání center stejného typu v jiných městech České republiky. Práce uvádí vlastní návrhy na zlepšení služeb rekondičního centra v Brně a celé sítě rekondičních center formou franchisingu. This bachelor's thesis deals with a project in the sports and physical education environment. The target is to develop a project ...

  17. Návrh rozšíření portfolia firmy vývojem mobilních aplikací pro Apple iOS


    Káhn, Ondřej


    Na základě teoretických poznatků odborných publikací byla provedena analýza společnosti Goldmax Laptops s r.o. a jejího okolí. Analytická část diplomové práce dále zkoumá globální trh mobilních aplikací spolu s odvětvím vývojářů mobilních aplikací v ČR. Cílem diplomové práce je charakterizovat a vypracovat podklady pro realizaci návrhu rozšíření portfolia společnosti o nově nabízenou službu orientující se na vývoj mobilních aplikací pro platformu Apple iOS a veškeré doplňující aktivity s tím ...

  18. Analysis of the beginning of the early flight phase of the ski jump in athletes with different performance levels [Analýza fáze přechodu do letu ve skoku na lyžích u skupin závodníků s různou výkonností

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eva Janurová


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Obtaining a long jumping distance is necessary in order to succeed among the best competitors in the Nordic combined. The body movement during the take-off and early flight is considered to be the most important factor for length of the jump. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the technique of the start of the early flight phase among three groups of Nordic combined competitors representing different performance levels, and to compare them with a group of ski jumpers. METHODS: Thirty competitors from both sport disciplines (Nordic combined and ski jumping, who performed ski jumps using an HS-134 m jumping hill during the 2009 Nordic World Ski Championships in Liberec, were divided into three subgroups based on jump length. Two-dimensional kinematic data were collected for the lower extremities, the trunk, and the skis of the competitors. RESULTS: The elite Nordic combined group showed a greater in-run velocity than did the two other performance groups (p CONCLUSIONS: The results indicated that ski jumping competitors took a better aerodynamic position in the section 0-5 m behind the edge of the jumping hill. The Nordic combined competitors used a higher average in-run velocity to achieve ski jump length comparable to those of ski jumpers.[VÝCHODISKA: Dosažení kvalitního výkonu ve skoku na lyžích je nezbytným předpokladem pro výsledné umístění v závodech severské kombinace. Za rozhodující pro provedení skoku na lyžích bývá označována fáze odrazu a následného přechodu do letu. Kinematická analýza těchto fází skoku pro skokany na lyžích byla provedena mnoha autory. Pro závodníky v severské kombinaci je počet výstupů minimální. Vysoké požadavky na provedení pohybu v odrazové fázi skoku (maximální síla odrazu, extrémně krátký čas realizace způsobují, při různých antropomotorických parametrech skokanů, vysokou interindividuální variabilitu provedení nejen

  19. Odstraňování železa a manganu z podzemních zdrojů vody


    Lízalová, Zuzana


    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou odstraňování železa a manganu při úpravě podzemní vody na pitnou. Cílem práce je popsat současné možnosti odstraňování železa a manganu při úpravě podzemní vody na pitnou včetně uvedení přehledu konkrétních zařízení vodohospodářských firem používaných pro odželezování a odmanganování podzemní vody. The thesis deals with removal of iron and manganese from ground water in drinking water treatment. The aim of the thesis is to describe the possibilities...

  20. Metodika zkoušení automobilových klimatizací


    Bezděk, Lukáš


    Tématem práce je zkoušení automobilových klimatizací. V úvodu je krátce shrnuta historii klimatizace v osobním automobilu. Následující kapitoly se věnují definici klimatizačního zařízení, vysvětlení principu chlazení a dopravy vzduchu do interiéru vozidla. Klimatizační zařízení je složitý celek, proto jsou uvedeny hlavní okruhy a komponenty, ze kterých je autoklimatizace sestavená a její základní rozdělení. Hlavní kapitola je věnována různým diagnostickým metodám zkoušení automobilových klima...

  1. Koncentrace pozornosti jako předpoklad výkonu u sportovců v juniorských kategoriích ve vytrvalostních sportech Concentration of attention as a predisposition of performance in junior categories in endurance sports

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lenka Kovářová


    Full Text Available VÝCHODISKA: Analýzou psychologických předpokladů pro vytrvalostní sporty se zabývají sportovní i kliničtí psychologové již několik desítek let. Z vybraných studií provedených u vytrvalostních vícebojařů a vytrvalců obecně (Nideffer, 1995; Nideffer & Bond, 1989; Nideffer & Bond, 1998; Nideffer, 2000; Hátlová, 2000 a další vyplývá, že jedním z nejdůležitějších psychologických předpokladů pro maximální výkon je schopnost koncentrace pozornosti. CÍLE: Cílem bylo zjištění rozdílů v koncentraci pozornosti extrémně vytrvalostně zatěžovaných adolescentů. Výzkum byl realizován na 57 triatlonistech ve věku 15–22 let zařazených do sportovních center mládeže ČR, rozdělených do skupin dle jednotlivých závodních kategorií (15–17 a 18–22. Předpokládali jsme tedy, že je statistický a věcně významný rozdíl v hodnotách naměřených v testech koncentrace pozornosti mezi dorostenci (15–17 let a juniory a K23 (18–22 let. METODIKA: Použili jsme standardizované psychodiagnostické testy (Jiráskův číselný čtverec, Číselný obdélník, Bourdonův test a Disjunkční reakční čas II. Pro porovnání rozdílů výsledků dvou skupin triatlonistů jsme na základě výsledků F-testu použili t-test pro nezávislé výběry s rovností rozptylů. Ověření faktorové validity jsme provedli pomocí konfirmativní faktorové analýzy. Pro vypracování standardů výkonů v jednotlivých testech pro obě věkové kategorie jsme výsledky převedli na standardizované hodnoty (T-body, které názorněji ukazují intra a interindividuální rozdíly vzhledem k určenému modelu – normě. VÝSLEDKY: Výsledky testování ukázaly, že skupina starších triatlonistů vykazuje významně vyšší schopnost koncentrace pozornosti. Rozdíly byly u všech zjišťovaných diagnostik statisticky významné (Jir

  2. Atmospheric Chemistry of CH3CH2OCH3

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk; Bjørn Svendsen, Sissel; Østerstrøm, Freja From


    The atmospheric chemistry of methyl ethyl ether, CH3CH2OCH3, was examined using FT-IR/relative-rate methods. Hydroxyl radical and chlorine atom rate coefficients of k(CH3CH2OCH3+OH) = (7.53 ± 2.86) × 10−12 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 and k(CH3CH2OCH3+Cl) = (2.35 ± 0.43) × 10−10 cm3 molecule−1 s−1 were...

  3. Charakteristické rysy gotického románu a jejich vliv na tragický vývoj ženských hrdinek v díle Emily Brontëové Na Větrné Hůrce a Henryho Jamese Utažení šroubu


    POSPÍCHALOVÁ, Kateřina


    The thesis ?Charakteristické rysy gotického románu a jejich vliv na tragický vývoj ženských hrdinek v díle Emily Brontëové Na Větrné hůrce a Henryho Jamese Utažení šroubu? is focused on heroines of these books and their fates and it analyzes elements of these books. The aim of the thesis is to specifficaly find and to analyze characteristic elements of gothic fiction in the books. The thesis is also focused on tragic development of the heroines, probable causes of their tragic fates and the c...

  4. Rare Earth Chalcogels NaLnSnS4 (Ln = Y, Gd, Tb) for Selective Adsorption of Volatile Hydrocarbons and Gases

    KAUST Repository

    Edhaim, Fatimah


    The synthesis and characterization of the rare earth chalcogenide aerogels NaYSnS4, NaGdSnS4, and NaTbSnS4 is reported. Rare earth metal ions like Y3+, Gd3+, and Tb3+ react with the chalcogenide clusters [SnS4]4– in aqueous formamide solution forming extended polymeric networks by gelation. Aerogels obtained after supercritical drying have BET surface areas of 649 m2·g–1 (NaYSnS4), 479 m2·g–1 (NaGdSnS4), and 354 m2·g–1 (NaTbSnS4). Electron microscopy and physisorption studies reveal that the new materials have pores in the macro (above 50 nm) and meso (2–50 nm) regions. These aerogels show higher adsorption of toluene vapor over cyclohexane vapor and CO2 over CH4 or H2. The notable adsorption capacity for toluene (NaYSnS4: 1108 mg·g–1; NaGdSnS4: 921 mg·g–1; and NaTbSnS4: 645 mg·g–1) and high selectivity for gases (CO2/H2: 172 and CO2/CH4: 50 for NaYSnS4, CO2/H2: 155 and CO2/CH4: 37 for NaGdSnS4, and CO2/H2: 75 and CO2/CH4: 28 for NaTbSnS4) indicate potential future use of chalcogels in adsorption-based gas or hydrocarbon separation processes.

  5. Dočasná symetrie zdravých a protetických končetin během chůze osoby s transtibiální amputací s různým protetickým zařazením Temporal symmetry of sound and prosthetic limbs during transtibial amputee gait with various prosthetic alignment

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    Miroslav Janura


    Full Text Available Termín "chůze" označuje základní pohyb, jehož pomocí se jednotlivec pohybuje z jednoho místa na druhé. U osob s postižením dolních končetin je tato aktivita částečně či zcela redukována. Během biomechanického šetření chůze u osob s různým postižením se také zkoumala symetrie zatížení dolních končetin. Určité množství biomechanických studií se zaměřuje na kinematické a dynamické proměnné cyklu chůze u osob s transtibiální amputací (Bateni & Olney, 2002; Thomas et al., 2000; Perry, 2004. Zajímavým problémem je hodnocení symetrie chůze mezi osobami s transtibiální amputací a skupinami zdravých jedinců (Winter & Sienko, 1988; Dingwell, Davis, & Frazier, 1996. Miff et al. (2005 srovnává dočasnou symetrii u zdravé skupiny s hodnotami u skupiny osob s transtibiální amputací během počáteční a konečné fáze chůze. Nolan et al. (2003 se zajímal o změny v symetrii chůze ovlivněné rychlostí chůze u osob s transtibiální a transfemorální amputací ve srovnání se zdravou skupinou. Symetrii chůze u osob s transtibiální amputací, které na počátku rehabilitace nosily dvě různé protetické nohy, zkoumal Marinakis (2004. Úplná symetrie chůze není vždy žádoucí. Lidský systém s velkou strukturální asymetrií v neuromuskulární kosterní soustavě (jedna končetina byla amputována nemůže optimálně fungovat, když je chůze symetrická (Winter & Sienko, 1988. V tomto případě je lepší nesymetrická chůze s omezením reziduálního systému a mechaniky protézy. U osob, které podstoupily amputaci, může asymetrická chůze být nástrojem, jenž chrání pahýl postižené nohy. Lze říci, že asymetrie chůze je relevantním měřítkem pro zkoumání charakteristiky chůze osob s amputací a stanovení jejich sklonu k budoucí společné bolesti a degeneraci (Nolan et al., 2003. Pro chůzi osob s amputací je velmi důležitý výběr vhodn

  6. Synthesis of CH3CH2Br - 14C-1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wolff, R.E.; Pichat, L.


    The synthesis of ethyl bromide labelled with 14 C, starting from ethanol, has already been studied: 1- by TOLBERT, CHRISTENSON, NAI-HSUAN and SAH; 2- by SIXMA and HENDRIKS. After various blank tests of these two methods, we have finally obtained the best yields by treating the ethanol with a mixture of 40 per cent hydrobromic acid and concentrated sulphuric acid, in the apparatus normally used in the laboratory for the synthesis of CH 3 I slightly modified, so that the current of nitrogen carrying ethyl bromide and hydrobromic acid passes through a sintered glass disc before being bubbled through a solution of NaOH. We describe here the practical process used for the blank test which gave the best yield (91 per cent) and the active synthesis. (author) [fr

  7. Dolovací modul systému pro dolování z dat na platformě NetBeans


    Výtvar, Jaromír


    Cílem této diplomové práce je získat přehled o procesu získávání znalostí z databází a analýza dolovacího systému vyvíjeného na FIT VUT v Brně na platformě NetBeans za účelem vytvoření nového dolovacího modulu. Ze získaných znalostí bylo rozhodnuto o vytvoření modulu pro dolování odlehlých hodnot a doplnění existujícího modulu regrese o nový algoritmus vícenásobné lineární regrese založený na zobecněných lineárních modelech. Nové dolovací metody využívají existující řešení na straně Oracle da...

  8. Energetics of fragmentation of CH5, H3O, and NH4 from neutralized ion-beam experiments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, B.W.; Porter, R.F.


    Fragmentation energies for radicals of the type RH 2 (RH=CH 4 , NH 3 , and H 2 O) produced by electron capture interactions of 5 keV RH 2 + ion with Na or K atoms are reported. The experimental technique involves measurement of spatial beam profiles resulting from dissociation of neutral radicals following their formation in a near resonant electron transfer process. Cross sections for RH 2 + --Na capture reactions are typically 1x10 -14 cm 2 . Fragmentation energies from measurements with Na target atoms are -2.65 +- 0.14, -0.22 +- 0.03, and -1.12 +- 0.07 eV for CH 5 , NH 4 , and H 3 O, respectively. From our results with Na and K targets and published values for proton affinities, the vertical electron affinities of CH 5 + and H 3 O + are calculated to be 5.3 +- 0.2 eV and 5.1 +- 0.3 eV, respectively. Beam profiles for ND 4 show this species to be metastable with a lifetime of about 1 μs. From this we estimate a potential barrier to dissociation in NH 4 (ND 4 ) between 0.36 and 0.48 eV, indicating this species should be stable at low temperatures. Comparison of these experimental results with theoretical calculations indicates areas of disagreement

  9. Modelling of phase equilibria in CH4–C2H6–C3H8–nC4H10–NaCl–H2O systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li, Jun; Zhang, Zhigang; Luo, Xiaorong; Li, Xiaochun


    Highlights: • A new model was established for the phase equilibria of C1–C2–C3–nC4–brine systems. • The model can reproduce of hydrocarbon–brine equilibria to high T&P and salinity. • The model can well predict H 2 O solubility in light hydrocarbon rich phases. - Abstract: A thermodynamic model is presented for the mutual solubility of CH 4 –C 2 H 6 –C 3 H 8 –nC 4 H 10 –brine systems up to high temperature, pressure and salinity. The Peng–Robinson model is used for non-aqueous phase fugacity calculations, and the Pitzer model is used for aqueous phase activity calculations. The model can accurately reproduce the experimental solubilities of CH 4 , C 2 H 6 , C 3 H 8 and nC 4 H 10 in water or NaCl solutions and H 2 O solubility in the non-aqueous phase. The experimental data of mutual solubility for the CH 4 –brine subsystem are sufficient for temperatures exceeding 250 °C, pressures exceeding 1000 bar and NaCl molalities greater than 6 molal. Compared to the CH 4 –brine system, the mutual solubility data of C 2 H 6 –brine, C 3 H 8 –brine and nC 4 H 10 –brine are not sufficient. Based on the comparison with the experimental data of H 2 O solubility in C 2 H 6 -, C 3 H 8 - or nC 4 H 10 -rich phases, the model has an excellent capability for the prediction of H 2 O solubility in hydrocarbon-rich phases, as these experimental data were not used in the modelling. Predictions of hydrocarbon solubility (at temperatures up to 200 °C, pressures up to 1000 bar and NaCl molalities greater than 6 molal) were made for the C 2 H 6 –brine, C 3 H 8 –brine and nC 4 H 10 –brine systems. The predictions suggest that increasing pressure generally increases the hydrocarbon solubility in water or brine, especially in the lower-pressure region. Increasing temperature usually decreases the hydrocarbon solubility at lower temperatures but increases the hydrocarbon solubility at higher temperatures. Increasing water salinity dramatically decreases

  10. Generátor konečných automatů z grafického popisu pro jazyk VHDL


    Janyš, Martin


    Práce seznamuje čtenáře s možnostmi návrhu a tvorby konečných stavových automatů s důrazem na reprezentaci pomocí jazyka VHDL. Hlavním tématem je aplikace, která implementuje generátor VHDL kódu na základě gra fického popisu, který je možné v něm vytvořit. Popsány jsou klíčové oblasti aplikace. Zejména jejich použití a implementace, která realizuje samotný převod stavového diagramu do VHDL. The work introduces the reader to the possibilities of design and creation of nite state machines wi...

  11. Torze kolenních extenzorových svalů během izometrických cvičení a ruská elektrická stimulace po zranění kolenních vazů Knee extensor muscles' torque during isometric exercises and russian electrical stimulation following a knee ligament injury

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    Maciej Płaszewski


    Full Text Available Dobrovolné izometrické cvičení (VOL i neuromuskulární elektrická stimulace (NMES jsou metody rozvoje statické svalové síly. Používají se v programech pro rozvoj síly u zdravých svalů a také pro zotavování svalové funkce za určitých ortopedických podmínek. Obě metody se používají pro zpomalování svalové atrofie a ztráty síly v důsledku imobilizace kolena po zranění (Eriksson & Häggmark, 1979; Ingemann-Hansen & Halkjær-Kristensen, 1985; Johnson, 1988; Wigerstad-Lossing, Tromby, Jonsson, Morelli, Peterson, & Rentröm, 1988. NMES může vyvolat záškuby nebo tetanické svalové kontrakce, a to v závislosti na frekvenci proudových impulsů. Během tetanické stimulace jsou hlavními rysy nácvikových režimů: 1 cyklus zapnutí/vypnutí (pracovní cyklus, tvořený dobou kontrakce a dobou uvolnění; 2 počet kontrakcí; 3 intenzita kontrakcí (dána proudovou amplitudou nebo tolerancí subjektu. Voluntary isometric exercise (VOL and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES are both methods of static muscle strength and girth training. They are applied in strength training programs to healthy muscle as well as for muscle function recovery under certain orthopaedic conditions. Both methods are used to retard muscle atrophy and strength loss resulting from post injury knee immobilization (Eriksson & Häggmark, 1979; Ingemann-Hansen & Halkjær-Kristensen, 1985; Johnson, 1988; Wigerstad-Lossing, Tromby, Jonsson, Morelli, Peterson, & Rentröm, 1988. NMES can elicit twitch or tetanic muscle contractions, determined by current pulse frequency. During tetanic stimulation, the main features of training regimes are: 1 on/off cycle (or duty cycle, made up of the time of contraction plus rest time; 2 the number of contractions; 3 the intensity of contractions (determined by the current amplitude and/or the subject’s tolerance.

  12. Vliv různé technologie mletí na vlastnosti Portlandského cementu


    Švéda, Matěj


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem různých technologií vysokoenergetického mletí na krystalografické vlastnosti hlavních minerálů portlandského cementu a jeho granulometrické vlastnosti. Dále sleduje vliv konvenční a vysokorychlostní technologie mletí na výsledné fyzikálně-mechanické vlastnosti portlandského cementu v závislosti na jeho době odležení. This diploma thesis compares impact of various high-energy grinding technologies on crystallographic and granulometric properties of port...

  13. Determinação simultânea de teobromina, teofilina e cafeína em chás por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência Simultaneous determination of theobromine, theophylline and caffeine in teas by high performance liquid chromatography

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Barreto Alves


    Full Text Available Para a realização deste trabalho, foram analisadas 10 amostras de diferentes tipos e marcas de chás com o objetivo de se quantificar teobromina, teofilina e cafeína simultaneamente. Para tanto, otimizou-se técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE baseada na ISO 10095 (1992, utilizando-se coluna Inertsil ODS-3 (150x4 mm, 5 mm, fase móvel de ácido acético 1% + acetonitrila (95:5, v/v, fluxo de 1 mL/min e detector de UV/VIS ajustado em 273 nm. Os resultados de cafeína obtidos por esse método foram comparados com os obtidos por um método espectrofotométrico de acordo com Schormüller (1970. Não houve diferença significativa nos resultados de cafeína nas amostras de chá preto obtidos pelos dois métodos. As amostras de chá preto foram as que apresentaram maiores teores de teobromina e cafeína e nenhuma das amostras apresentou quantidades significativas de teofilina.To carry out this study, 10 samples of different kinds and brands of teas were analyzed with the purpose of quantifying simultaneously theobromine, theophylline and caffeine. For this, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC was used based on ISO 10095 (1992. The conditions were: a reversed phase column (Inertisil ODS-3, 150x4 mm, 5 mm; acetic acid 1% + acetonitrile (95:5, v/v as mobile phase; flow of 1 ml/min and UV-VIS detector set at 273 nm. The results of caffeine obtained by this method were compared with those using a spectrophotometric method according to Schormüller (1970. In the case of black tea, no difference was observed in the caffeine, by both methods. The samples of black tea had the highest amounts of theobromine and caffeine and no sample had a significant amount of theophylline.

  14. A Brazilian version of the "Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes" (ChIPS A versão brasileira do "Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes" (ChIPS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabella G. S. de Souza


    ção, transtorno opositivo-desafiador, transtorno de conduta, mania/hipomania, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa e transtorno psicótico foram traduzidas para a língua portuguesa. As seções do ChIPs referentes ao transtorno do uso de substâncias, ansiedade social, fobias específicas, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, transtorno de ansiedade generalizada, ansiedade de separação, estresse pós-traumático e depressão/distimia também foram adaptadas. Cada seção foi traduzida por dois tradutores independentes e depois discutida em um comitê composto por especialistas na área de psiquiatria e linguística. RESULTADO: A versão final, abrangendo as síndromes psiquiátricas, foi definida. CONCLUSÃO: O P-ChIPS traduzido é um instrumento que pode ser utilizado na avaliação de crianças e adolescentes.

  15. Facility management - efektivní správa stavebních objektů


    Helekalová, Denisa


    Diplomová práce „ Facility management – efektivní správa stavebních objektů“ je zaměřena na stavební objekty a přínos pro ně při využívání služeb facility managementu. Práce se snaží přiblížit, co je facility management kdo ho poskytuje v České republice a jak přispívá k úsporám. Zmíněny jsou také informační technologie využívané ve facility managementu, protože bez těch se v dnešní době téměř žádný obor neobejde. První část je též zaměřena na stavbu, její životní cyklus a náklady s ním spoje...

  16. Využitie metódy concept cartoons© na hodinách prírodovedy z pohľadu učiteľov prvého stupňa ZŠ

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michaela Minárechová


    Full Text Available V príspevku sa venujeme metóde concept cartoons© a jej aplikácii do vyučovania prírodovedy na I.stupni ZŠ. Okrem toho stručne opisujeme  príručku k metóde concept cartoons© pre  ZŠ, ktorú sme zostavili v rámci našej dizertačnej práce. Pre lepšie posúdenie príručky a možnosti aplikácie metódy concept cartoons© na hodinách prírodovedy sme realizovali rozhovor s tromi učiteľkami primárneho vzdelávania.   Našim cieľom bolo zistiť  ich  názory  na vyučovanie pomocou concept cartoons© a na nami zostavenú metodickú rukoväť k metóde concept cartoons© pre I. stupeň ZŠ.  Prostredníctvom analýzy odpovedí učiteliek sme zistili prevažne pozitívny názor ako na samotnú metódu concept cartoons©, tak aj na zostavenú metodickú príručku k nej.

  17. Návrh výroby chytrého stojanu s využitím moderních metod a technologií


    Buchta, Juraj


    Cieľom bakalárskej práce je návrh, konštrukcia a výroba chytrého stojanu pre laptop Macbook Pro s využitím modernej aditívnej technológie Rapid Prototyping. Návrh je vytvorený pomocou parametrického CAD programu SolidWorks. Model stojana je vytlačený na 3D tlačiarni Fortus, ktorá pracuje na princípe aditívnej metódy Fused Deposition Modeling. Práca je ukončená ekonomickým zhodnotením celkových nákladov na výrobu a cenovým zrovnaním stojanov dostupných na trhu. The aim of bachelor´s thesis ...

  18. The reaction of fluorine atoms with methanol: yield of CH3O/CH2OH and rate constant of the reactions CH3O + CH3O and CH3O + HO2. (United States)

    Assaf, Emmanuel; Schoemaecker, Coralie; Vereecken, Luc; Fittschen, Christa


    Xenondifluoride, XeF2, has been photolysed in the presence of methanol, CH3OH. Two reaction pathways are possible: F + CH3OH → CH2OH + HF and F + CH3OH → CH3O + HF. Both products, CH2OH and CH3O, will be converted to HO2 in the presence of O2. The rate constants for the reaction of both radicals with O2 differ by more than 3 orders of magnitude, which allows an unequivocal distinction between the two reactions when measuring HO2 concentrations in the presence of different O2 concentrations. The following yields have then been determined from time-resolved HO2 profiles: φCH2OH = (0.497 ± 0.013) and φCH3O = (0.503 ± 0.013). Experiments under low O2 concentrations lead to reaction mixtures containing nearly equal amounts of HO2 (converted from the first reaction) and CH3O (from the second reaction). The subsequent HO2 decays are very sensitive to the rate constants of the reaction between these two radicals and the following rate constants have been obtained: k(CH3O + CH3O) = (7.0 ± 1.4) × 10-11 cm3 s-1 and k(CH3O + HO2) = (1.1 ± 0.2) × 10-10 cm3 s-1. The latter reaction has also been theoretically investigated on the CCSD(T)//M06-2X/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory and CH3OH + O2 have been identified as the main products. Using μVTST, a virtually pressure independent rate constant of k(CH3O + HO2) = 4.7 × 10-11 cm3 s-1 has been obtained, in good agreement with the experiment.


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    Will Robson Monteiro Rocha


    Full Text Available A molécula de CH3OH é uma das espécies orgânicas mais abundantes no meio interestelar e importante precursor de espécies pré-bióticas. Nesse trabalho estudamos sua sobrevivência em um cenário típico de estrela jovem, na presença de um campo de radiação ultravioleta (UV entre 91.2 – 205 nm. Para isso usamos o código de transferência radiativa RADMC-3D para calcular os perfis de densidade e intensidade média de fótons em toda parte do modelo. Através desses resultados, usamos a seção de choque de destruição do CH3OH na região do ultravioleta para calcular sua taxa de fotodissociação e tempo de meia vida. Concluímos que no interior do disco, a molécula pode sobreviver intacta e ser liberada para a fase gasosa por processos não-térmicos. Porém no envelope, a fotodissociação é predominante, podendo formar espécies como HCOOCH3, HOCH2CHO e CH3CH2OH.

  20. Porovnání časové a paměťové náročnosti různých konstrukcí v jazyce Python


    Votroubek, Jan


    Programovací jazyk Python pod svojí jednoduchostí skrývá místa, na kterých je snadné udělat chybu. V této práci budou taková místa ukázana a konfrontována s efektivnějším přístupem. Bude jasně demonstrován rozdíl ve výkonu efektivních a neefektivních programových konstrukcí. Under the simplicity of Python programming language there are some fields hidden where it is easy to make mistake . In this thesis, these fields will be shown and confronted with more effective approach. The difference...

  1. Modified Zeolites in Ground Water Treatment/ Modifikované Zeolity V Úprave Podzemných Vôd

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Barloková Danka


    Full Text Available Článok prezentuje výsledky technologických skúšok vykonaných v UV Kúty. Cieľom tejto práce bolo porovnať modifikované (povrchovo upravené zeolity známe ako klinoptilolit (veľké nálezisko klinoptilolitu bolo objavené na Východnom Slovensku v 1980-tych rokoch s dovážaným povrchovo upraveným zeolitom z náleziska v Maďarsku. Klinopur-Mn a Klinomangan boli použité pre odstraňovanie železa a mangánu z podzemnej vody na dosiahnutie limitných hodnôt pre pitnú vodu podľa Nariadenia vlády č. 496/2010 Z.z. Sledované materiály vykazovali rôznu účinnosť odstraňovania mangánu z vody, na účinnosť odstraňovania mala významný vplyv kvalita upravovanej vody (obsah kyslíka, hodnota pH. V prípade odstraňovania železa z vody kvalita surovej vody nie je limitujúcim faktorom, obidva materiály odstraňovali železo z vody pod limitnú hodnotu (0,2 mg.l-1.

  2. Antropologická analýza lidských kostrových pozůstatků lidu kultury zvoncovitých pohárů z druhé etapy výzkumu pohřebiště II v Tuněchodech, okr. Chrudim

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Stránská, Petra

    Suppl. 3, - (2010), s. 234-236 ISSN 1213-1628. [Pohřby na sídlištích. Hradec Králové, 16.02.2010-17.02.2010] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : Bell Beaker culture * skeletal graves * Cribra orbitalia Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  3. libChEBI: an API for accessing the ChEBI database. (United States)

    Swainston, Neil; Hastings, Janna; Dekker, Adriano; Muthukrishnan, Venkatesh; May, John; Steinbeck, Christoph; Mendes, Pedro


    ChEBI is a database and ontology of chemical entities of biological interest. It is widely used as a source of identifiers to facilitate unambiguous reference to chemical entities within biological models, databases, ontologies and literature. ChEBI contains a wealth of chemical data, covering over 46,500 distinct chemical entities, and related data such as chemical formula, charge, molecular mass, structure, synonyms and links to external databases. Furthermore, ChEBI is an ontology, and thus provides meaningful links between chemical entities. Unlike many other resources, ChEBI is fully human-curated, providing a reliable, non-redundant collection of chemical entities and related data. While ChEBI is supported by a web service for programmatic access and a number of download files, it does not have an API library to facilitate the use of ChEBI and its data in cheminformatics software. To provide this missing functionality, libChEBI, a comprehensive API library for accessing ChEBI data, is introduced. libChEBI is available in Java, Python and MATLAB versions from, and provides full programmatic access to all data held within the ChEBI database through a simple and documented API. libChEBI is reliant upon the (automated) download and regular update of flat files that are held locally. As such, libChEBI can be embedded in both on- and off-line software applications. libChEBI allows better support of ChEBI and its data in the development of new cheminformatics software. Covering three key programming languages, it allows for the entirety of the ChEBI database to be accessed easily and quickly through a simple API. All code is open access and freely available.

  4. Study of the rare decay $K^{\\pm} → \\pi^{\\pm}γγ$ in the NA48/2 and NA62 experiments at CERN

    CERN Document Server



    A sample of about 300 K ! rare decays with a background contamination below 10% has been collected by the NA48/2 and NA62 experiments at CERN during low intensity runs with minimum bias trigger conguration. The measurements of the decay spectrum and rate provide a crucial test of the Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) describing weak processes at low energy

  5. Kladná elektroda na bázi MnOx pro PEMFC


    Šmídek, Miroslav


    Předkládaná bakalářská práce uvádí do problematiky vodíkových palivových článků a zaměřuje se na nízkoteplotní palivové články s polymerním elektrolytem (PEMFC). Základním zaměřením práce je studium vlastností katalyzátorů na bázi MnOx na reálném palivovém článku typu PEMFC. Výstupem jsou pak změřené charakteristiky takto vytvořeného palivového článku. Construed bachelor work features into problems hydrogen fuel articles and survey on low-temperature fuell elements with polymeric electroly...

  6. Sufix -na v pomístních jménech v Čechách

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Štěpán, Pavel


    Roč. 98, č. 2 (2015), s. 79-90 ISSN 0027-8203 R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP406/12/P600 Institutional support: RVO:68378092 Keywords : minor place names * functions of suffixes * sufix -na * suffixation Subject RIV: AI - Linguistics

  7. Řešení diferenčních rovnic a jejich vztah s transformací Z


    Klimek, Jaroslav


    Tato disertační práce pojednává o řešení diferenčních rovnic a soustřeďuje se na metodu řešení diferenčních rovnic pomocí vlastních vektorů. V první části jsou v přehledu nejdříve uvedeny základní pojmy diferenčních rovnic jako dynamika diferenčních rovnic, lineární diferenční rovnice prvního a vyššího řádu. Dále jsou v této kapitole připomenuty i systémy diferenčních rovnic včetně fundamentální matice a popisu obecného řešení. Nakonec je připomenuta metoda řešení diferenčních rovnic variací ...

  8. Impact of artefact removal on ChIP quality metrics in ChIP-seq and ChIP-exo data.

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    Thomas Samuel Carroll


    Full Text Available With the advent of ChIP-seq multiplexing technologies and the subsequent increase in ChIP-seq throughput, the development of working standards for the quality assessment of ChIP-seq studies has received significant attention. The ENCODE consortium’s large scale analysis of transcription factor binding and epigenetic marks as well as concordant work on ChIP-seq by other laboratories has established a new generation of ChIP-seq quality control measures. The use of these metrics alongside common processing steps has however not been evaluated. In this study, we investigate the effects of blacklisting and removal of duplicated reads on established metrics of ChIP-seq quality and show that the interpretation of these metrics is highly dependent on the ChIP-seq preprocessing steps applied. Further to this we perform the first investigation of the use of these metrics for ChIP-exo data and make recommendations for the adaptation of the NSC statistic to allow for the assessment of ChIP-exo efficiency.

  9. Rare earth chalcogels NaLnSnS{sub 4} (Ln = Y, Gd, Tb) for selective adsorption of volatile hydrocarbons and gases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Edhaim, Fatimah; Rothenberger, Alexander [Physical Science and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal (Saudi Arabia)


    The synthesis and characterization of the rare earth chalcogenide aerogels NaYSnS{sub 4}, NaGdSnS{sub 4}, and NaTbSnS{sub 4} is reported. Rare earth metal ions like Y{sup 3+}, Gd{sup 3+}, and Tb{sup 3+} react with the chalcogenide clusters [SnS{sub 4}]{sup 4-} in aqueous formamide solution forming extended polymeric networks by gelation. Aerogels obtained after supercritical drying have BET surface areas of 649 m{sup 2}.g{sup -1} (NaYSnS{sub 4}), 479 m{sup 2}.g{sup -1} (NaGdSnS{sub 4}), and 354 m{sup 2}.g{sup -1} (NaTbSnS{sub 4}). Electron microscopy and physisorption studies reveal that the new materials have pores in the macro (above 50 nm) and meso (2-50 nm) regions. These aerogels show higher adsorption of toluene vapor over cyclohexane vapor and CO{sub 2} over CH{sub 4} or H{sub 2}. The notable adsorption capacity for toluene (NaYSnS{sub 4}: 1108 mg.g{sup -1}; NaGdSnS{sub 4}: 921 mg.g{sup -1}; and NaTbSnS4: 645 mg.g{sup -1}) and high selectivity for gases (CO{sub 2}/H{sub 2}: 172 and CO{sub 2}/CH{sub 4}: 50 for NaYSnS{sub 4}, CO{sub 2}/H{sub 2}: 155 and CO{sub 2}/CH{sub 4}: 37 for NaGdSnS{sub 4}, and CO{sub 2}/H{sub 2}: 75 and CO{sub 2}/CH{sub 4}: 28 for NaTbSnS{sub 4}) indicate potential future use of chalcogels in adsorption-based gas or hydrocarbon separation processes. (copyright 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

  10. Atmospheric chemistry of CF3CH2CH2OH

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hurley, Michael D.; Misner, Jessica A.; Ball, James C.


    Relative rate techniques were used to study the kinetics of the reactions of Cl atoms and OH radicals with CF3CH2C(O)H and CF3CH2CH2OH in 700 Torr of N-2 or air diluent at 296 2 K. The rate constants determined were k(Cl+CF3CH2C(O)H) = (1.81 +/- 0.27) x 10(-11), k(OH+CF3CH2C(O)H) = (2.57 +/- 0.44...

  11. Motorické projevy laterality u osob středního věku a starších


    Habartová, Lucie


    Název dielomové eráce: Motorické projevy laterality u osob středního věku a starších. Název v gnglickém jazyce: The Manifestations of Motoric Laterality of Middle-aged People and Elderly. Cíle eráce: Definovat, popsat lateralitu, zjistit stupeň laterality horní končetiny, dolní končetiny a oka. Zjistit vztah laterality horních končetin a očí, horních končetin a dolních končetin. Metoda: Lateralitu budeme zjišťovat na základě dotazníků a motorických testů. Testovaný soubor čítá 50 probandů ve ...

  12. Využití regulačních diagramů pro kontrolu jakosti


    Ječmínková, Michaela


    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na využití Shewhartových regulačních diagramů pro kontrolu jakosti. Práce popisuje současný proces kontroly kvality v podniku a následně poskytuje praktický návod zavedení statistické regulace procesu kontroly jakosti vybraného komponentu a hodnocení způsobilosti. Součástí práce je také aplikace pro tvorbu regulačních diagramů a průběžnou kontrolu jakosti daného výrobku. This diploma thesis deals with use of Shewhart Control Charts in quality control. The thesis...

  13. Influence of Reaction Medium on CO2 Photocatalytic Reduction Yields Over Zns-MMT / Vliv Reakčního Prostření Na Výtěžky Fotokatalytické Redukce CO2 V Přítomnosti Zns-MMT

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    Reli Martin


    Full Text Available Redukce CO2 pomocí fotokatalyzátorů je jedna z nejslibnějších metod, jelikož CO2 může být redukován na užitečné sloučeniny ozařováním UV zářením při pokojové teplotě a tlaku. Tato práce byla zaměřena na posouzení vlivu reakčních prostředí na výtěžky fotokatalytické redukce CO2 v přítomnosti nanočástic ZnS nanesených na montmorillonit (ZnS-MMT. Byla testována čtyři různá reakční prostředí, NaOH, NaOH+Na2SO3 (1:1, NH4OH, NH4OH+Na2SO3 (1:1. Výtěžky v obou fázích, plynné (CH4 a CO i kapalné (CH3OH, byly vyšší v čistém hydroxidu sodném než v hydroxidu amonném. Přídavek Na2SO3 zvýšil výtěžky methanolu a to díky zamezení oxidace vznikajícího methanolu zpět na oxid uhličitý. Výtěžky plynné fáze se však po přídavku Na2SO3 snížily. Nejlepším z testovaných reakčních prostředí pro fotokatalytickou redukci CO2 byl roztok hydroxidu sodného.

  14. Návrh zásobníku na sypký vápenný hydrát


    Perna, Marek


    Tato diplomová práce řeší návrh hlubokého zásobníku na sypký vápenný hydrát pro technologická zařízení čistíren odpadních vod. Je zde proveden rozbor volby typu a konstrukce zásobníku, návrh rozměrů a pevnostní výpočet zásobníku. Je zde popsána možnost vzniku klenby při vyprazdňování a její potlačení pomocí aktivních a pasivních prvků napomáhající toku. Popis aktivních a pasivních stavů napjatosti materiálu v zásobníku. This diploma thesis is solving systems design of silo for a powdery li...

  15. O referendo na Venezuela: um ato em um drama inacabado

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    Jennifer McCoy


    Full Text Available O artigo enfoca o referendo revogatório realizado na Venezuela em agosto de 2004, que confirmou a permanência de Hugo Chávez na Presidência do país até o fim de seu mandato. Apontam-se o contexto político que nele culminou, no qual o governo Chávez foi alvo de intensas contestações por parte de seus opositores, e seus conturbados desdobramentos, com acusações de fraude e de atuação imparcial da autoridade eleitoral. A autora destaca a rígida polarização que permeou o processo, dividindo a sociedade venezuelana e impondo ao governo e à própria oposição o desafio de reconstituir o consenso nacional em torno dos interesses coletivos.The article focuses on the recall referendum that took place in Venezuela in August 2004, which confirmed the permanence of President Hugo Chávez. It points out the political context that culminated in the referendum, in which oppositionists fiercely criticized Chávez and his administration. The author shows the sharp polarization that characterized this process, dividing Venezuelan society and affecting the notion of collective interest.

  16. Úzkopásmová PLC komunikace s vysokou datovou rychlostí na bázi OFDM techniky


    Csiba, Patrik


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá úzkopásmovou PLC komunikací. V práci je popisována historie, princip úzkopásmové komunikace a popis čtyř dostupných úzkopásmových standardů (PRIME, G3-PLC, G.hnem, IEEE P1901.2) s jejich porovnáním. V další části jsou popisována experimentální měření, která jsou prováděna v domácím prostředí za použití dostupných modemů TMDSPLCKIT od firmy Texas Instruments, MT39-L1-ver.R modemů od firmy ModemTec a EVALKITST7580-1 od firmy STMicroelectronics. This bachelor p...

  17. Similar foliage area but contrasting foliage biomass between young beech and spruce stands / Porovnateľná plocha avšak kontrastná biomasa asimilačných orgánov medzi mladými porastmi buka a smreka

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    Konôpka Bohdan


    Full Text Available Výskum sa zameral na mladé porasty buka lesného (Fagus sylvatica a smreka obyčajného (Picea abies rovnakého veku (12 rokov, veľmi podobných dimenzií stromov, rastúcich na totožnom stanovišti. Na základe odberu vzorníkov celých stromov (všetky časti okrem jemných koreňov sme skonštruovali alometrické vzťahy pre stromové komponenty. Ako nezávislá premenná sa použila hrúbka na báze kmeňa (d0. Modely vyjadrili nielen biomasu konárov, kmeňa, hrubých koreňov a asimilačných orgánov, ale aj plochu asimilačných orgánov a špecifickú listovú plochu (specific leaf area; SLA. Zistili sme, že základné morfologické vlastnosti asimilačných orgánov varírovali pri obidvoch drevinách pozdĺž vertikálneho profilu koruny. V prípade smreka sa zistili odlišné hodnoty plochy ihlíc a SLA medzi jednotlivými ročníkmi ihlíc. Na úrovni stromu mali buky oveľa viac biomasy drevných častí ako smreky, opačná situácia bola pri asimilačných orgánoch. Preto hodnoty podielu medzi biomasou asimilačných orgánov a celkovou biomasou stromu, ako aj pomeru medzi plochou asimilačných orgánov a celkovou biomasou stromu boli výrazne vyššie pri smreku než buku. Na úrovni porastu mala smrečina vyššie hodnoty indexu listovej plochy, t. j. LAI (18,64 m2.m−2 v porovnaní s bučinou (12,77 m2.m−2. Kým biomasa asimilačných orgánov bola 4,6-krát väčšia v smrekovom než v bukovom poraste, biomasa drevných časti bola porovnateľná v obidvoch porastoch. Tieto kontrasty naznačujú výrazne odlišnú rastovú stratégiu, resp. alokáciu biomasy medzi bučinami a smrečinami v mladých štádiách

  18. Srovnání koncentrací iontů v atmosférických aerosolech PM1 vzorkovaných na nitrátcelulózové a teflonové filtry

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kořínková, Alena; Mikuška, Pavel; Večeřa, Zbyněk; Křůmal, Kamil


    Roč. 106, č. 6 (2012), s. 501 ISSN 0009-2770. [Sjezd asociací českých a slovenských chemických společností /64./. 25.06.2012-27.06.2012, Olomouc] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP503/11/2315; GA ČR(CZ) GBP503/12/G147 Institutional support: RVO:68081715 Keywords : nitrocellulose filter * teflon filter * PM1 Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation

  19. Fluid properties control degassing or storage of abiogenic CH4 during slab exhumation: the fluid inclusion record from the Western Alps. (United States)

    Ferrando, S.; Castelli, D.; Frezzotti, M. L.


    Abiogenic CH4 can be produced by interaction between carbonates and reducing fluids derived from the hydration of ultramafics (e.g., mantle peridotite or HP Ol-serpentinite). This process occurs during slab exhumation because cooling promotes serpentinization of olivine in presence of water (Fo + H2O = Atg + Brc and the linked reactions: Fa + H2O = Fe-Atg + Mag + H2 and Atg + CaCO3 + H2 = Di + Brc + CH4 + H2O) at ca. 500-375°C (P=2.0-0.2 GPa). Experiments in the CH4-H2O-NaCl system indicate that, at these conditions, fluids are immiscible even for very low salinity (ca. 3 wt%) and that the NaCl content in the aqueous part of the fluid increases with temperature whereas the CH4 content in the gaseous part shows an opposite trend (Lamb et al., 2002; Li, 2017).In HP rodingite from the Piemonte ophiolite Zone (W Alps), primary fluid inclusions consisting of a brine (6 wt% CaCl2 + 6 wt% NaCl) with H2 + CH4 ≤ 1 mol % [CH4/(H2+CH4) = 0.37-10] occur in vesuvianite veins that formed at P=0.2 GPa and T=375°C. We interpret them as the aqueous part of an immiscible reducing fluid produced during late Alpine serpentinization of the surrounding ultramafics. Interestingly, CH4-H2 gaseous fluids are never reported in rodingite, whereas early CH4-H2O-H2±graphite and CH4-H2±graphite fluid inclusions, with variable gas-water proportions, trapped in calcite at P≤1.0 GPa and T≤450°C, are recently reported from HP "graphitized" ophicarbonate from the Lanzo peridotite Massif (W Alps; Vitale Brovarone et al., 2017).Both HP ophiolites and partially-serpentinized peridotite massifs are, thus, efficient lithologies to produce CH4 during exhumation. The amount of released CH4 depends on the amount of water available during exhumation. However, when fluids immiscibility occurs, the gaseous-rich part (CH4-H2) of the immiscible fluid produced in ultramafics likely remains confined in the slab because it is less mobile with respect to the aqueous-rich part due to its high dihedral

  20. Occupational Competence for Improving Industrial Enterprise Competitive Standards / Profesní Kompetence Pro Zlepšení Konkurenčních Standardů Průmyslového Podniku

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    Krčmarská Lucie


    Full Text Available Úspěchy firem jsou většinou poměřovány jejich dosaženými výsledky. Za základ těchto úspěchů lze považovat úroveň kompetencí lidí, kteří pro firmu pracují. Kompetence lidí chápeme jako souhrn dosahovaného výkonu a přinášeného potenciálu. Jestliže chybí jedno, pak chybí i kompetence jako celek. Problémy, které vznikají ve firmách můžete tedy převést na chybějící nebo nedostačující kompetence a je tedy nutné doplnit to, co v oblasti kompetencí chybí. Uvědomí-li si firma význam kompetencí lidí ve vztahu k úspěchům nebo neúspěchům a zaměří-li se na jejich rozvoj, odstraňuje tím příčiny vznikajících problémů, ne jen jejich viditelné problémy. Článek je zaměřen na posouzení kompetencí a kompetenčních modelů jako významného nástroje v oblasti řízení lidských zdrojů.

  1. Immobilization of alcohol dehydrogenase on ceramic silicon carbide membranes for enzymatic CH3 OH production

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Zeuner, Birgitte; Ma, Nicolaj; Berendt, Kasper


    BACKGROUND Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC catalyzes oxidation of CH3OH to CHOH during NAD+ reduction to NADH. ADH can also accelerate the reverse reaction, which is studied as part of cascadic enzymatic conversion of CO2 to CH3OH. In the present study, immobilization of ADH onto macropor......BACKGROUND Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC catalyzes oxidation of CH3OH to CHOH during NAD+ reduction to NADH. ADH can also accelerate the reverse reaction, which is studied as part of cascadic enzymatic conversion of CO2 to CH3OH. In the present study, immobilization of ADH onto......‐of‐concept for the use of NaOH‐treated SiC membranes for covalent enzyme immobilization and biocatalytic efficiency improvement of ADH during multiple reaction cycles. These data have implications for the development of robust extended enzymatic reactions....

  2. Videohry, literární předlohy a filmové adaptace a jejich vliv na hráčskou komunitu


    Přichystal, Jan


    Cílem této práce je popsat postupy používané při převádění knihy do podoby videohry, hlavní aspekty tohoto procesu, změny v daných médiích, které při tomto procesu probíhají a popsat spojení vznikající mezi videohrami, literaturou a filmy. Nastíní také některé z nových technologií používaných při vývoji videoher. Hlavní témata této práce budou demonstrována na sérii knih, seriálu a populárním RPG Zaklínač, původně vytvořené polským spisovatelem Andrzejem Sapkowským. V porovnání s těmito popul...

  3. Rate constants for the reactions of OH with CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CHCl3, and CH3Br (United States)

    Hsu, K.-J.; Demore, W. B.


    Rate constants for the reactions of OH with CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CHCl3, and CH3Br have been measured by a relative rate technique in which the reaction rate of each compound was compared to that of HFC-152a (CH3CHF2) and (for CH2Cl2) HFC-161 (CH3CH2F). Using absolute rate constants for HFC-152a and HFC-161, which we have determined relative to those for CH4, CH3CCl3, and C2H6, temperature dependent rate constants of both compounds were derived. The derived rate constant for CH3Br is in good agreement with recent absolute measurements. However, for the chloromethanes all the rate constants are lower at atmospheric temperatures than previously reported, especially for CH2Cl2 where the present rate constant is about a factor of 1.6 below the JPL 92-20 value. The new rate constant appears to resolve a discrepancy between the observed atmospheric concentrations and those calculated from the previous rate constant and estimated release rates.

  4. Aplikace legislativních norem u pojišťovacího zprostředkovatele OK GROUP


    Kubiš, Michal


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou činností, vedoucích k bezproblémovému chodu společnosti OK GROUP a.s. v návaznosti na kontrolní činnost České národní banky. Analyzuje a podrobně popisuje kontrolní činnost jako takovou. V praktické části se zaměřím na sestavení návrhu vnitropodnikových směrnic pro zákonné fungování této firmy. This bachelor´s thesis deals with analysis of activities, which is going streight trought the smooth run of this in surance broker company OK GROUP a.s. in c...

  5. Návrh systému regulace vrtule stálých otáček


    Líška, Lukáš


    Diplomová práca sa zaoberá problematikou návrhu elektrickej regulácie vrtule konštantných otáčok. Cieľom práce je ukázať postup návrhu regulátora na príklade vrtule DMP-3 pracujúcej s motorom Rotax 912 ULS, využitím vedomostí z mechaniky letu, elektrotechniky a automatizácie. V rámci práce bude poukázané na problematiku riadenia uhla nastavenia vrtule za použitia elektricky riadeného lineárneho aktuátora. Záver práce tvorí porovnanie výhod vrtule konštantných otáčok DMP-3 uvážením jej použiti...

  6. Cholinesterase (ChE) response and related mortality among birds fed ChE inhibitors (United States)

    Ludke, J.L.; Hill, E.F.; Dieter, M.P.


    Patterns of mortality and inhibition of brain and plasma ChE in birds treated with ChE inhibitors were studied in an attempt to determine the validity of using ChE activity as a monitoring and diagnostic technique. Analysis of brain ChE activity proved to be reliable for diagnosing and monitoring effects of selected ChE inhibitors in birds. Brain ChE inhibition exceeding 20% indicated exposure, and inhibition greater than 50% was sufficient for diagnosing cause of death. Individuals that died from dietary exposure to parathion or carbofuran had brain ChE activities below 55% of normal; although individuals could survive with brain ChE activity lower than 50%. Problems associated with collection, storage, and analysis of tissues for ChE activity are discussed.

  7. Marketingový mix Restaurace Na chalupě


    Kubíková, Martina


    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na rozbor marketingu a především marketingového mixu. Tedy na známé definice marketingu, marketingová prostředí a rozbor marketingového mixu, kde jsou zmapovány všechny jeho části (Produkt, Cena, Distribuce, Propagace, Fyzický důkaz, Lidé, Procesy). Z teoretických poznatků, které byly zjištěny v odborné literatuře, je vypracována praktická část. Zde je rozebrán marketingový mix Restaurace Na chalupě a zároveň tak i porovnání dvou provozovatelů, kteří se zde vystří...

  8. Analysis of Social and Health Reimbursements for Miners in Tems of the Decline of Mining Activity in the Czech Republic Funded from the State Budget/ Analýza Sociálně Zdravotních Náhrad Horníkům V Souvislosti S Útlumem Hornické Činnosti V Čr Financovaných Ze Státního Rozpočtu

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    Magnusková Jana


    Full Text Available Předložený článek se zabývá oblastí sociálně zdravotního zabezpečení bývalých a současných zaměstnanců rušených, privatizovaných či jinak reorganizací dotčených hornických podniků v souvislosti s útlumem uranového, rudného a uhelného hornictví v ČR. Je provedena důkladná analýza legislativy upravující danou oblast od zahájení útlumu hornické činnosti v roce 1990 až po současnost. Následně jsou na základě reálných údajů z praxe zpracovány přehledy vývoje počtu poživatelů všech druhů poskytovaných mandatorních i útlumových sociálně zdravotních náhrad v letech 2001-2012, včetně celkových nákladů, financovaných formou čerpání dotací ze státního rozpočtu. Prognóza vývoje těchto sledovaných ukazatelů, zpracovaná na základě věku příjemců dávek, druhu práce a dalších praxí ověřitelných údajů naznačuje, že k prudkému poklesu počtu příjemců mandatorních dávek dojde kolem roku 2015, k úplnému ukončení výplaty zvláštního příspěvku horníkům zdravotního do roku 2025, k odškodnění pracovních úrazů, nemoci z povolání a deputátů do roku 2035. Výplata zvláštního příspěvku horníkům, na který vznikl nárok po 31. 12. 1992, skončí do roku 2040.

  9. Potenciální mikrobiologické nebezpečí v současných trendech kosmetiky - bio, vegan, raw.


    Jančíková, Simona


    Bio-, vegan- a raw-kosmetika patří k stále oblíbenějším druhům kosmetických produktů z důvodu absence syntetických látek a konzervantů, z tohoto hlediska se ale zvyšuje pravděpodobnost mikrobiální kontaminace. Předmětem práce je tedy především praktické zjištění potenciální mikrobiologické kontaminace pomocí zátěžového testu a také stanovení aktivních složek v kosmetických přípravcích. V teorii byla zpracována legislativa kosmetických přípravků, a také informace o certifikátech, které se pro ...

  10. New superhindered polydentate polyphosphine ligands P(CH2CH2P(t)Bu2)3, PhP(CH2CH2P(t)Bu2)2, P(CH2CH2CH2P(t)Bu2)3, and their ruthenium(II) chloride complexes. (United States)

    Gilbert-Wilson, Ryan; Field, Leslie D; Bhadbhade, Mohan M


    The synthesis and characterization of the extremely hindered phosphine ligands, P(CH(2)CH(2)P(t)Bu(2))(3) (P(2)P(3)(tBu), 1), PhP(CH(2)CH(2)P(t)Bu(2))(2) (PhP(2)P(2)(tBu), 2), and P(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)P(t)Bu(2))(3) (P(3)P(3)(tBu), 3) are reported, along with the synthesis and characterization of ruthenium chloro complexes RuCl(2)(P(2)P(3)(tBu)) (4), RuCl(2)(PhP(2)P(2)(tBu)) (5), and RuCl(2)(P(3)P(3)(tBu)) (6). The bulky P(2)P(3)(tBu) (1) and P(3)P(3)(tBu) (3) ligands are the most sterically encumbered PP(3)-type ligands so far synthesized, and in all cases, only three phosphorus donors are able to bind to the metal center. Complexes RuCl(2)(PhP(2)P(2)(tBu)) (5) and RuCl(2)(P(3)P(3)(tBu)) (6) were characterized by crystallography. Low temperature solution and solid state (31)P{(1)H} NMR were used to demonstrate that the structure of RuCl(2)(P(2)P(3)(tBu)) (4) is probably analogous to that of RuCl(2)(PhP(2)P(2)(tBu)) (5) which had been structurally characterized.

  11. Influencer marketing jako moderní nástroj komunikace prostřednictvím sociálních médií a návrh na jeho využití ve zvolené společnosti


    Novotný, Petr


    V 21. století digitální marketing představuje nedílnou součást marketingové komunikace, kde sociální média zaujímají čím dál významnější pozici tohoto odvětví. Bakalářská práce se odráží od základů internet marketingu a následně se zabývá principy influencer marketingu u vhodných sociálních sítí k tomuto prostředku komunikace. Praktická část se zaměří na analýzu současného stavu využití sociálních médií obchodní značky MANA a její konkurence, která také poslouží jako východisko pro návrh apli...

  12. Business Case v podmínkách obchodního řízení a IT Governance

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    Full Text Available Cílem tohoto článku je definovat problém nedostatečné kvality zavedení Business Case (BC v modelové organizaci. Druhotným cílem je definice BC ve vztahu k IT Governance. Na základě definic z předložených metodik (COBIT, ValueIT, RiskIT, PMBOK, PRINCE2, aj. aplikovaných na téma řízení investic a řízení financí v oblasti IT, jsou vybrány vhodné procesy a kontrolní body, které navedou k řešení předmětné oblasti a navrhnou se procedury řádného auditu této skutečnosti.

  13. Na fundamentech založená obchodní strategie pro forex


    Šebek, Jiří


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem obchodní strategie pro mezinárodní devizový trh. Cílem práce je dosáhnout uspokojivých obchodních výsledků za pomoci kombinace technické a fundamentální analýzy. Práce zahrnuje uvedení do teoretických základ mezinárodního devizového trhu, podstatu technické a fundamentální analýzy a vliv jednotlivých makroekonomických ukazatel na hodnotu měny. Primárním obsahem práce je návrh obchodní strategie. V závěru práce je obsaženo ověření vhodnosti navržené metod...

  14. Pozvánka na konferenci "Vzdělávání v ochraně přírody a krajiny"

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    Jiří Dlouhý


    Podmínkou účasti na konferenci je registrace na webových stránkách projektu od 1.12.2010. Na tomto webu budou uveřejněny podrobnější informace a upřesněný program konference na základě výběru konferenčních příspěvků.   Bližší informace: Doc. Ing. Ivo Machar, Ph.D., předseda organizačního výboru (; tel. +420 585 635 188   V rámci projektu: „Environmentální vzdělávání rozvíjející uplatnění v praxi“ reg. číslo: CZ.1.07/2.2.00/07.0086

  15. Business komunikace v poštovních službách


    Becková, Helena


    Příspěvek se zabývá problematikou komunikace, se zaměřením na business komunikaci. Nejprve zdůrazňuje význam business komunikace pro úspěšnost podnikání. V rámci obecných principů komunikace se věnuje komunikačním dovednostem, pravidlům, která vedou k efektivní komunikaci, a jejich využití v business komunikaci. V následující části jsou zmíněny další aspekty business komunikace, jako jsou komunikační typy, komunikační styly, vyjednávání či konflikty. V příspěvku je vysvětlena důležitost busin...

  16. Zlepšení dispergace křemičitého úletu ve vysokohodnotných betonech


    Janča, Martin


    Cílem této práce bylo vytvořit metodu pro zlepšení dispergace křemičitých úletů pro použití ve vysokohodnotných betonech. Tradiční metody použité pro návrh a výrobu vysokohodnotných betonů zdůrazňují odstranění hrubých agregátů. Využívají se speciálně tříděné jemné agregáty při relativně nízkých dávkách, superplastifikátory a křemičitý úlet. Nízkého obsahu záměsové vody bylo dosaženo pomocí použití superplastifikátorů na polykarboxylátové bázi. K samotné dispergaci křemičitého úletu byla vybr...

  17. Problems of Cooling Sealed Fire Areas in Underground Coal Mines / Vybrané Technologie Ochlazování Prostorově Uzavřených Požářišt̆ V Hlubinných Uhelných Dolech

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    Magnusková Jana


    Full Text Available V současné hornické praxi patří mezi nejpoužívanější způsoby ochlazování prostorově uzavřených požářišť přirozené ochlazování, ochlazování dusíkem, ochlazování vodou a inertní pěnou a ochlazování recirkulací požárních zplodin. Technologie ochlazování pomocí dusíku představuje dvě varianty - použití kapalného dusíku nebo plynného dusíku v prostoru uzavřených důlních děl. Z technicko-bezpečnostního hlediska je aplikace kapalného dusíku již dnes považována za nevyhovující, naproti tomu aplikace plynného dusíku se jeví jako vysoce bezpečná technologie ochlazování výbuchuvzdorně prostorově uzavřeného požářiště. Další z možností ochlazování požářišť v hlubinných uhelných dolech představuje tzv. přirozené ochlazování, kdy jsou sice ekonomické náklady nulové, ovšem ve srovnání s ochlazovacími procesy vyvolanými aplikací chladících technologií však delší doba potřebná k přirozené refrigeraci požářiště způsobuje finanční ztráty.

  18. Sledování změn hodnot vybraných ukazatelů jakosti pitné vody během její dopravy a skladování


    Vaňková, Jitka


    Teoretická část práce poskytuje informace o pitné vodě a požadavcích na její kvalitu, změnách jakosti vody při distribuci a akumulaci vody způsobené desinfekcí vody, dobíháním chemických procesů, korozí materiálů potrubí, tvorbou inkrustací a biofilmů, nitrifikací amoniakálního dusíku, sedimenty v potrubí, vyluhováním škodlivých látek do vody a možnostech omezení těchto změn. Pozornost byla věnována ukazatelům jakosti vody, jejichž přítomnost může indikovat změny ve vodovodní síti. V experime...

  19. Deskripce vedení u obráběcích strojů


    Šváček, Karel


    Předmětem této bakalářské práce je popis vedení u obráběcích strojů. Stále větší důraz je kladen na přesnost vedení, protože je to jedna z hlavních částí, která ovlivňuje přesnost celého stroje a tím i výroby. Popisují se zde materiály, z kterých se vedení vyrábí, rozdělení vedení a jeho používání u CNC strojů. V závěru práce je uvedeno celkové zhodnocení. The main theme of this thesis is is a description of machine tools slide ways. More and more emphasis is laid on the accuracy of slide ...

  20. Realizace úzkopásmových PLC modemů


    Kubíček, Lukáš


    Diplomová práce se věnuje úzkopásmové technologii přenosu dat el. sítí NN (PLC) a~možnostem jejího využití v senzorových sítích. Zabývá se jak strukturou a základními vlastnostmi PLC standardu, tak možnostmi jeho uplatnění v praxi. Hlavní částí této práce je realizace PLC sítě pomocí IO ST7570 firmy STMicroelectronics. Jako příklad praktického využití PLC technologie je tato síť připojena k počítači, ve kterém jsou data ze senzoru (wattmetru) připojenému k PLC modemu ukládána pomocí aplikace ...

  1. Optimalizace uspořádání lisovací linky na výrobu reflektorů ve firmě Automotive Lighting


    Šťastný, Michal


    Diplomová práce se zabývá optimalizací uspořádání části lisovací linky na výrobu reflektorů ve společnosti Automotive Lighting s.r.o., Jihlava. První část je zaměřena na popis stávajícího stavu uspořádání pracovišť lisovací linky, které jsou nevhodně rozmístěny a vyžadují tak větší počet operátorů a značný objem manuálních prací. Ve druhé části jsou navrženy varianty řešení rozmístění vstřikovacích lisů a dalších strojních prvků. Současně je navržena plynulejší návaznost lisovací linky na nás...

  2. Method of Rigid Overlying Strata Failure Assessment of Extracted Seams and its Practical Application / Metoda Hodnocení Porušování Pevného Nadloží Exploatovaných Slojí A Její Praktické Využití

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    Jiránková Eva


    Full Text Available Metoda hodnocení porušování pevného nadloží exploatovaných slojí je založena na současném hodnocení poklesů povrchu a seismické aktivity vzhledem k časoprostorovému postupu dobývání v závislosti na charakteru horského masivu a předchozí hornické činnosti. Pokud nedojde k prolomení pevných nadložních vrstev, je okolí vydobytého prostoru značně přitíženo a podstatně se zvyšuje nebezpečí vzniku anomálních geomechanických jevů. V článku je vysvětlen mechanismus porušování pevných nadložních vrstev v konkrétních podmínkách.

  3. Metodika tvorby a využití případových studií ve výuce a formou Open Educational Resources (OER

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    Jana Dlouhá


    Full Text Available Předložená metodika tvorby regionálních případových studií (PS udržitelného rozvoje pro vysokoškolské vzdělávání má za úkol ukázat, jakým způsobem lze ve výuce využít konkrétní případy z praxe a současně jak rozvíjet výzkumné nástroje relevantní pro místní environmentální problematiku a otázky udržitelného rozvoje území; důraz je přitom kladen na regionální kontext a specifika. Publikace výsledků formou otevřených vzdělávacích zdrojů (tzv. Open Educational Resources, OER umožní využít tyto materiály pro regionálně orientované školství i na nižších stupních vzdělávacího systému, pro prezentaci regionálních zvláštností, a může sloužit též pro podporu dialogu o rozvoji území mezi různými společenskými aktéry.

  4. Využití iontoměničů pro prekoncentraci platinových kovů


    Sýkora, Jiří


    Cílem této diplomové práce je vypracování podrobné literární rešerše na téma využití iontoměničů pro prekoncentraci platinových kovů. Tato práce obsahuje aktuální literární rešerši týkající se této problematiky. V práci naleznete informace o aktuálním výskytu platinových kovů v životním prostředí, jejich vlivu na zdraví, vlastnosti, zdroje a využití. Dále jsou popisovány způsoby rozkladu, extrakce a využití iontoměničů. V experimentální části se tato práce zabývá optimalizací iontoměničů a ná...

  5. Měření hmotnostních parametrů vozidel


    Rücker, Jan


    Tato diplomová práce se v první části zabývá metodami zjišťování hmotnostních parametrů vozidel, polohou těžiště a měřením momentu setrvačnosti. Ve druhé části se zaměřuje na měření polohy těžiště u vybrané skupiny vozidel Škoda a jejich porovnání mezi jednotlivými vozidly a srovnáním polohy těžiště, které jsou zadané v simulačních programech PC Crash a Virtual Crash. This thesis is the first part deals with methods of determining weight parameters of vehicles. By measuring the position of...

  6. The assessment of the extent of the recovery of hand sensorimotor functions in the group of rehabilitated patients after stroke in the post-acute stage [Hodnocení míry úpravy senzomotorických funkcí ruky u skupiny rehabilitovaných pacientů po CMP v postakutním stádiu

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    Hana Sochorová


    of patients, but the results are not consistent. Some of the patients got worse and sometimes there was only a slight change. The results of an experimental group of patients must be proven by a therapy specifically targeted to influence the somatosensory functions.[VÝCHODISKA: Deficit senzomotorických funkcí ruky u pacientů po CMP je velmi častý. Přesto je algoritmus jejich obnovy relativně málo známý. Není jasné, zda rozsah či typ poruchy somatosenzorických funkcí koreluje s horší obnovou motoriky. CÍLE: Tato studie byla zaměřena na sledování senzomotorických funkcí ruky u skupiny pacientů v postakutním stádiu po ischemické CMP, lokalizované v povodí arteria cerebri media. Cílem bylo zjistit míru úpravy somatosenzorických a motorických funkcí ruky u sledované skupiny. Jedná se o první etapu výzkumu, na kterou bude navazovat sledování experimentální skupiny s terapií cílenou na somatosenzorické funkce. METODIKA: Sledovaná skupina pacientů byla léčena na oddělení kliniky lůžkové rehabilitace a prošla standardní terapií po dobu 3–4 týdnů. K hodnocení senzomotorických funkcí ruky byly použity 2 testy čití: FMT – Test srovnávání textury látek a RASP – Rivermeadské hodnocení somatosenzorických funkcí a 2 testy motoriky: NHPT – Devítikolíkový test a TMF – Test manipulačních funkcí ruky pomocí stavebnice Ministav. Testy byly provedeny na začátku a na konci terapie. VÝSLEDKY: U sledované skupiny pacientů jsme zjistili poruchy somatosenzorických funkcí a motoriky i na horní končetině nepostižené strany. Jemná motorika je přitom postižena více než somatosenzorické funkce. Největší defi cit u motorických funkcí vykazovaly úkoly vyžadující precizní úchop. Nejvýraznější změny při hodnocení pacientů byly registrovány v ADL, hodnocených indexem Barthelové – k úpravě funkcí do normy došlo u 1/3 pacientů. ZÁVĚRY: Po aplikaci standardn


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    Erik Sigmund


    Full Text Available Dlouhodobě pravidelná realizace pohybové aktivity (PA ve školní tělesné výchově (TV umožňuje formovat pozitivní postoje všech, i méně predisponovaných dětí, k pohybově aktivnímu a zdravému životnímu stylu. Celkem u 389 děvčat a 111 chlapců ve věku 13–17 let s nižším a vyšším sebehodnocením sportovní výkonnosti byl zjišťován vliv progresivních vyučovacích jednotek TV na jejich PA a celkové hodnocení v párovém srovnání s tradičními jednotkami TV. V tradičních vyučovacích jednotkách TV převažoval direktivní vyučovací styl a výkonové zaměření, zatímco pro progresivní vyučovací jednotky TV bylo typické řešení pohybových úkolů a diferenciace tělesného zatížení. Párově srovnávané progresivní i tradiční vyučovací jednotky TV byly nekoedukované a vedl je stejný vyučující. PA byla posuzována pomocí aktivního energetického výdeje z akcelerometru Caltrac (kcal/45min, kroků z pedometru Omron (počet/45min a průměrné srdeční frekvence (tepů/min ze sporttesteru Polar. Úroveň sportovní výkonnosti a celkového hodnocení účastníků vyučovacích jednotek TV byla zjišťována prostřednictvím standardizovaného Dotazníku k diagnostice vyučovací jednotky TV. Progresivní vyučovací jednotky TV snižují rozdíly v PA mezi studenty s nižším a vyšším sebehodnocením sportovní výkonnosti bez poklesu celkového hodnocení těchto jednotek. Děvčata s nižším sebehodnocením sportovní výkonnosti vykázala v progresivních vyučovacích jednotkách TV významně vyšší průměrné hodnoty aktivního energetického výdeje (o 17 kcal/45min; p=0,05; d=0,28 a množství kroků (o 398 počet/45min; p=0,007; d=0,36 při vyšším celkovém hodnocení (p=0,04 než v tradičních vyučovacích jednotkách TV. Progresivní vyučovací jednotky přispívají k vyšší PA v TV především u děvčat s nižším sebehodnocením sportovní v

  8. Soil microbial community responses to windthrow disturbance in Tatra National Park (Slovakia during the period 2006 – 2013 / Odozva pôdneho mikrobiálneho spoločenstva na veternú kalamitu v Tatranskom národnom parku (Slovensko v období rokov 2006–2013

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    Gömöryová Erika


    Full Text Available Na plochách v Tatranskom národnom parku, ktoré boli postihnuté veternou kalamitou v roku 2004 a požiarom v roku 2005, sme študovali pôdne mikrobiálne spoločenstvo. Cieľom tejto práce je porovnať odozvu pôdnych mikroorganizmov na rozdielny manažment plôch a hodnotiť vývoj mikrobiálneho spoločenstva v priebehu rokov 2006-2013. Pôdne vzorky sme odoberali z A-horizontu pozdĺž 90 m dlhého tranzektu na 4 plochách (referenčná plocha, plocha s vyťaženou drevnou hmotou, plocha po požiari, plocha s nevyťaženou drevnou hmotou. V pôdnych vzorkách sme stanovovali bazálnu a potenciálnu respiráciu, mikrobiálnu biomasu, N-mineralizáciu, aktivitu katalázy, abundanciu a diverzitu funkčných skupín pôdnych mikroorganizmov použitím BIOLOG Eco platní. Vo všeobecnosti, najvyššiu aktivitu a biomasu pôdnych mikroorganizmov sme zaznamenali na ploche referenčnej a ploche po požiari. Nezistili sme významné rozdiely medzi plochou vyťaženou a nevyťaženou. Na všetkých kalamitných plochách sme v sledovanom období zaznamenali mierny trend nárastu hodnôt mikrobiálnej biomasy, potenciálnej respirácie a N-mineralizácie, čo poukazuje na proces postupnej obnovy mikrobiálneho spoločenstva na kalamitných plochách.

  9. Effects of CH3OH Addition on Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation of AZ31 Magnesium Alloys (United States)

    He, Yongyi; Chen, Li; Yan, Zongcheng; Zhang, Yalei


    Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) films on AZ31 magnesium alloys were prepared in alkaline silicate electrolytes (base electrolyte) with the addition of different volume concentrations of CH3OH, which was used to adjust the thickness of the vapor sheath. The compositions, morphologies, and thicknesses of ceramic layers formed with different CH3OH concentrations were determined via X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Corrosion behavior of the oxide films was evaluated in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution using potentiodynamic polarization tests. PEO coatings mainly comprised Mg, MgO, and Mg2SiO4. The addition of CH3OH in base electrolytes affected the thickness, pores diameter, and Mg2SiO4 content in the films. The films formed in the electrolyte containing 12% CH3OH exhibited the highest thickness. The coatings formed in the electrolyte containing different concentrations of CH3OH exhibited similar corrosion resistance. The energy consumption of PEO markedly decreased upon the addition of CH3OH to the electrolytes. The result is helpful for energy saving in the PEO process. supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21376088), the Project of Production, Education and Research, Guangdong Province and Ministry of Education (Nos. 2012B09100063, 2012A090300015), and Guangzhou Science and Technology Plan Projects of China (No. 2014Y2-00042)

  10. Dynamics of the F(-) + CH3I → HF + CH2I(-) Proton Transfer Reaction. (United States)

    Zhang, Jiaxu; Xie, Jing; Hase, William L


    Direct chemical dynamics simulations, at collision energies Erel of 0.32 and 1.53 eV, were performed to obtain an atomistic understanding of the F(-) + CH3I reaction dynamics. There is only the F(-) + CH3I → CH3F + I(-) bimolecular nucleophilic substitution SN2 product channel at 0.32 eV. Increasing Erel to 1.53 eV opens the endothermic F(-) + CH3I → HF + CH2I(-) proton transfer reaction, which is less competitive than the SN2 reaction. The simulations reveal proton transfer occurs by two direct atomic-level mechanisms, rebound and stripping, and indirect mechanisms, involving formation of the F(-)···HCH2I complex and the roundabout. For the indirect trajectories all of the CH2I(-) is formed with zero-point energy (ZPE), while for the direct trajectories 50% form CH2I(-) without ZPE. Without a ZPE constraint for CH2I(-), the reaction cross sections for the rebound, stripping, and indirect mechanisms are 0.2 ± 0.1, 1.2 ± 0.4, and 0.7 ± 0.2 Å(2), respectively. Discarding trajectories that do not form CH2I(-) with ZPE reduces the rebound and stripping cross sections to 0.1 ± 0.1 and 0.7 ± 0.5 Å(2). The HF product is formed rotationally and vibrationally unexcited. The average value of J is 2.6 and with histogram binning n = 0. CH2I(-) is formed rotationally excited. The partitioning between CH2I(-) vibration and HF + CH2I(-) relative translation energy depends on the treatment of CH2I(-) ZPE. Without a CH2I(-) ZPE constraint the energy partitioning is primarily to relative translation with little CH2I(-) vibration. With a ZPE constraint, energy partitioning to CH2I(-) rotation, CH2I(-) vibration, and relative translation are statistically the same. The overall F(-) + CH3I rate constant at Erel of both 0.32 and 1.53 eV is in good agreement with experiment and negligibly affected by the treatment of CH2I(-) ZPE, since the SN2 reaction is the major contributor to the total reaction rate constant. The potential energy surface and reaction dynamics for F

  11. Výzkum na polykulturní lokalitě v Dolních Břežanech

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Mácalová, Michaela; Frolík, Jan

    Suppl. 89, - (2013), s. 10-11 ISSN 1211-992X. [Archeologické výzkumy v Čechách 2012. Praha, 16.04.2013-17.04.2013] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80020508 Keywords : neolithic * settlement * polyculture Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  12. Rozvoj obchodních aktivit firmy prostřednictvím franchisingu


    Pavlík, Jakub


    Diplomová práce pojednává o rozvoji obchodních aktivit vybraného subjektu prostřednictvím franchisingového podnikání. Předmětem práce je definování teoretických východisek z oblasti franchisingu, provedení analýzy současného stavu společnosti AQUAdesign s.r.o. a vytvoření návrhu franchisingového konceptu dané společnosti. Návrhová část práce je poté doplněna o příslušný harmonogram implementace. The master´s thesis deals the development of the business activity selected subject through fra...

  13. Simulace datových sítí v OMNeT++


    Závodný, Ondřej


    Obsahem práce je prozkoumat možnosti simulace datových sítí v simulačním prostředí OMNeT++, za využití nástavby INET framework a za dodržení standardů 802.3(ethernet) a 802.11(Wi-Fi). V daném prostředí bude simulován handover v bezdrátové síti Wi-Fi na druhé vrstvě referenčního modelu ISO/OSI. V tomto příkladu bude zpracována vizualizace stavů a zasílání zpráv mezi prvky sítě. V dalším praktickém příkladu bude odsimulován provoz na aplikační vrstvě(proud videa, ftp komunikace) za využití přís...

  14. Automatická detekce mikroaneurizmat ve snímcích sítnice


    Klímová, Markéta


    Diabetická retinopatie je závažná komplikace diabetu mellitus. Vzniká jako důsledek celkového poškození cév při hyperglykemii a je jednou z hlavních příčin slepoty. Prvními klinicky prokazatelnými projevy diabetické retinopatie jsou mikroaneurysmata. Úkolem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout a realizovat detektor mikroaneurysmat ve snímcích sítnice. Teoretická část práce popisuje anatomii oka, diabetickou retinopatii a některé již existující metody detekce. Dále je popsána realizovaná metoda ...

  15. Aspectos funcionais das catequinas do chá verde no metabolismo celular e sua relação com a redução da gordura corporal


    Lamarão,Renata da Costa; Fialho,Eliane


    O chá é uma bebida amplamente utilizada, perdendo apenas para a água como a bebida mais consumida no mundo. O chá verde é rico em polifenóis, principalmente catequinas. Entre uma variedade de efeitos benéficos à saúde atribuídos ao consumo do chá verde, grande atenção tem sido focalizada no seu efeito na redução da gordura corporal. Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar uma descrição dos estudos com o chá verde e/ou seus compostos bioativos relacionados à biologia celular, estudos experime...

  16. Capture and dissociation in the complex-forming CH + H2 → CH2 + H, CH + H2 reactions. (United States)

    González, Miguel; Saracibar, Amaia; Garcia, Ernesto


    The rate coefficients for the capture process CH + H(2)→ CH(3) and the reactions CH + H(2)→ CH(2) + H (abstraction), CH + H(2) (exchange) have been calculated in the 200-800 K temperature range, using the quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) method and the most recent global potential energy surface. The reactions, which are of interest in combustion and in astrochemistry, proceed via the formation of long-lived CH(3) collision complexes, and the three H atoms become equivalent. QCT rate coefficients for capture are in quite good agreement with experiments. However, an important zero point energy (ZPE) leakage problem occurs in the QCT calculations for the abstraction, exchange and inelastic exit channels. To account for this issue, a pragmatic but accurate approach has been applied, leading to a good agreement with experimental abstraction rate coefficients. Exchange rate coefficients have also been calculated using this approach. Finally, calculations employing QCT capture/phase space theory (PST) models have been carried out, leading to similar values for the abstraction rate coefficients as the QCT and previous quantum mechanical capture/PST methods. This suggests that QCT capture/PST models are a good alternative to the QCT method for this and similar systems.

  17. gigapanorama of NA 62 cavern

    CERN Multimedia

    Brice, Maximilien


    The image shows the new rare Kaon decay experiment at CERN, called NA62. The NA62 experiment is 270 metres long and includes a 120-metre-long vacuum tank, shown here, housing several of the particle detectors. (Note: the experiment axis is a straight line, the curving of the tank is an optical effect of the photo.) Kaons are particles that decay into lighter elementary particles. The kaon decay processes are mostly well known, except for some very rare decay modes. For example, NA62 is investigating a rare decay predicted by the Standard Model in which a kaon decays into one pion and two neutrinos. This process occurs only once every 10 billion decays. The understanding of such ultra-rare decays are of great importance because they test the Standard Model in energy ranges not accessible by direct measurements. They are therefore complementary to the measurements at the LHC. ultra high definition on demand (

  18. Qualidade funcional da infusão do chá verde comercial

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jane Delane Reis Pimentel-Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de duas marcas comerciais de chá verde em sachê, e verificar o efeito do tempo de infusão, em intervalos de tempos que incluem o recomendado pelo fabricante, sobre a disponibilidade dos compostos funcionais. MÉTODOS: Por análises em cromatografia líquida ultrarrápida com detector de arranjos de díodo,foram identificadas e quantificadas a cafeína, a catequina, a epigalocatequina, a rutina e a epicatequina. RESULTADOS: A epigalotocatequina e a catequina foram encontradas em maior concentração no tempo seis minutos de infusão em água (100°C em ambas as marcas, sendo a rutina apenas encontrada na infusão por seis minutos e em apenas uma das marcas avaliadas. A extraçãocom metanol (99,8% aumentou significativamente o rendimento de todos os compostos avaliados. Foi observado que atividade antioxidante equivalente ao trolox do chá aumentou diretamente com o aumento do tempo de infusão, no entanto, para os extratos obtidos em metanol, a atividade antioxidante foi menor que todos os outros tratamentos, havendo diferença significativa (p<0,05. CONCLUSÃO: As análises químicas de umidade, cinzas e cinzas insolúveis em ácido clorídrico revelaram que as duas marcas avaliadas estão em conformidade com a legislação para esses parâmetros, bem como com relação à presença de sujidades e materiais estranhos, revelados na microscopia.

  19. CH-53K Heavy Lift Replacement Helicopter (CH-53K) (United States)


    Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) RCS: DD-A&T(Q&A)823-390 CH-53K Heavy Lift Replacement Helicopter (CH-53K) As of FY 2017 President’s Budget...December 2015 SAR March 4, 2016 10:04:18 UNCLASSIFIED 4 Col Henry Vanderborght PMA-261 Heavy Lift Helicopters Program Executive Office - Air, Anti...757-5780 Fax: 301-757-5109 DSN Phone: 757-5780 DSN Fax: 757-5109 Date Assigned: May 29, 2014 Program Information Program Name CH-53K Heavy Lift

  20. Impact of genome assembly status on ChIP-Seq and ChIP-PET data mapping

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sachs Laurent


    Full Text Available Abstract Background ChIP-Seq and ChIP-PET can potentially be used with any genome for genome wide profiling of protein-DNA interaction sites. Unfortunately, it is probable that most genome assemblies will never reach the quality of the human genome assembly. Therefore, it remains to be determined whether ChIP-Seq and ChIP-PET are practicable with genome sequences other than a few (e.g. human and mouse. Findings Here, we used in silico simulations to assess the impact of completeness or fragmentation of genome assemblies on ChIP-Seq and ChIP-PET data mapping. Conclusions Most currently published genome assemblies are suitable for mapping the short sequence tags produced by ChIP-Seq or ChIP-PET.

  1. Převodník Ethernet na RS-232


    Dreiseitel, Jiří


    Práce je věnována problematice konstrukce převodníku Ethernet na RS-232 za pomocí jednočipového mikrokontroléru. Cílem je seznámit čtenáře se síťovou technologií Ethernet a technologií pro sériový přenos založený na protokolu RS-232 a zároveň s technologií vestavěných systémů pro konstrukci zařízení. Součástí práce je kompletní návrh převodníku Ethernet na RS-232 včetně návrhu a implementace firmware v jazyce C za využití LwIP TCP/IP stacku. Převodník je postaven na základě vývojového kitu ST...

  2. Odhad možných následků při úniku hořlavé látky


    Miček, Michal


    Táto bakalárska práca bola zameraná na odhad možných následkov pri úniku horľavej látky. Práca je rozdelená do troch hlavných časti. V prvej časti sú obsiahnuté vybrané závažné priemyselné havárie vo svete aj v Českej Republike a niektoré pojmy spojené s následkami pri úniku horľavej látky. Druhá časť obsahuje stručný popis použitého programu (ALOHA 5.4.3) spolu s charakteristikou niektorých vstupných parametrov pre modelované typové havárie – požiar typu Jet Fire zo zariadení používaných pre...

  3. O papel coadjuvante das catequinas do chá verde (Camellia sinensis) na redução da adiposidade


    Conceição, Mirza de Souza; Centro Universitário de Volta Redonda – UniFOA.; Ferreira, Célia Cristina Diogo; UFRJ; Nascimento, Kamila de Oliveira do; UFRRJ


    O chá é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo, vem sendo utilizado pela população como coadjuvante no tratamento da redução de peso, uma vez que aumenta a termogênese e em muitos casos promove a saciedade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar como as catequinas do chá verde auxiliam no tratamento da obesidade. Foram realizadas buscas por artigos científicos nas bases de dados Science Direct, Google Acadêmico, Scielo, BVS, Medline e Wilson. Os artigos escolhidos foram publicados no período...

  4. Soubor renesančních bot ze studny u kostela Všech svatých na Pražském hradě

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Bravermanová, H.; Březinová, Helena; Hlaváček, P.


    Roč. 23, - (1998), s. 471-492 ISSN 0231-5823. [Celostátní konference archeologů středověku České republiky a Slovenské republiky k problematice archeologie středověkých komunikací. Prachatice, 06.10.1997-10.10.1997] Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  5. Ultraviolet absorption spectra and kinetics of CH3S and CH2SH radicals

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Anastasi, C.; Broomfield, M.; Nielsen, O.J.


    The ultraviolet absorption spectra of CH3S and CH2SH radicals have been measured between 215 and 380 nm using the pulse-radiolysis/kinetic-absorption method. One absorption band between 250 and 300 nm and one around 215 nm have been tentatively assigned to the CH2SH and CH3S radicals, respectively....... This spectrum has been used to measure the self-reaction rates of these radicals. Rate constants of 4 x 10(-11) and 7 x 10(-11) cm3 molecule-1 s-1 have been measured at 298 K for CH3S and CH2SH recombination, respectively. The possible reaction pathways are discussed....

  6. A polyclonal antibody against extracellular loops 1 of chNHE1 blocks avian leukosis virus subgroup J infection. (United States)

    Meng, Wei; Zhou, Defang; Li, Chengui; Wang, Guihua; Huang, Libo; Cheng, Ziqiang


    Avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J), an oncogenic retrovirus, induces myelocytomas and other various tumors, leading to great economical losses in poultry industry. It is a great challenge to develop effective preventive methods for ALV-J control due to its antigenic variations in the variable regions of envelope. In present study, we generated a mouse polyclonal antibody targeting the first extracellular loop (ECL1) of chicken Na + /H + exchanger isoform 1 (chNHE1), the receptor of ALV-J, to block ALV-J infection in vitro and in vivo. In ALV-J infected DF-1 cells, chNHE1 expression and the intracellular pH (pHi) were up-regulated with "wave" pattern, indicating that the disequilibrium of ALV-J infected cells associated with chNHE1. Next, we validated that ALV-J infection was significantly blocked with time dependent after treating with anti-ECL1 antibody and accordingly the pHi value were recovered, indicating the blockage of ALV-J infection did not affect Na + /H + exchange. Furthermore, in anti-ECL1 antibody treatment chickens that infected by ALV-J, weight gain and immune organs were recovered, and viral loads were significantly decreased, and the tissue injury and inflammation were reduced significantly from 21 to 35 days of age. The study demonstrated that anti-ECL1 antibody effectively blocks ALV-J infection without affecting Na + /H + exchange, and sheds light on a novel strategy for retroviruses control. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Conformational and spectroscopic study of xanthogen ethyl formates, ROC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3. Isolation of CH3CH2OC(O)SH (United States)

    Juncal, Luciana C.; Cozzarín, Melina V.; Romano, Rosana M.


    ROC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3, with R = CH3sbnd , (CH3)2CHsbnd and CH3(CH2)2sbnd , were obtained through the reaction between potassium xanthate salts, ROC(S)SK, and ethyl chloroformate, ClC(O)OCH2CH3. The liquid compounds were identified and characterized by 1H and 13C NMR and mass spectrometry. The conformations adopted by the molecules were studied by DFT methods. 6 conformers were theoretically predicted for R = CH3sbnd and (CH3)2CHsbnd , while the conformational flexibility of the n-propyl substituent increases the total number of feasible rotamers to 21. For the three molecules, the conformers can be associated in 3 groups, being the most stable the AS forms - the Cdbnd S double bond anti (A) with respect to the Csbnd S single bond and the Ssbnd C single bond syn (S) with respect to the Cdbnd O double bond - followed by AA and SS conformers. The vibrational spectra were interpreted in terms of the predicted conformational equilibrium, presenting the ν(Cdbnd O) spectral region signals corresponding to the three groups of conformers. A moderated pre-resonance Raman enhancement of the ν(Cdbnd S) vibrational mode of CH3(CH2)2OC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3 was detected, when the excitation radiation approaches the energy of a n → π∗ electronic transition associated with the Cdbnd S chromophore. UV-visible spectra in different solvents were measured and interpreted in terms of TD-DFT calculations. The unknown molecule CH3CH2OC(O)SH was isolated by the UV-visible photolysis of CH3OC(S)SC(O)OCH2CH3 isolated in Ar matrix, and also obtained as a side-product of the reaction between potassium xanthate salts, ROC(S)SK, and ethyl chloroformate, ClC(O)OCH2CH3.

  8. Ab Initio Chemical Kinetics for the CH3 + O((3)P) Reaction and Related Isomerization-Decomposition of CH3O and CH2OH Radicals. (United States)

    Xu, Z F; Raghunath, P; Lin, M C


    The kinetics and mechanism of the CH3 + O reaction and related isomerization-decomposition of CH3O and CH2OH radicals have been studied by ab initio molecular orbital theory based on the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//CCSD/aug-cc-pVTZ, CCSD/aug-cc-pVDZ, and G2M//B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,2p) levels of theory. The predicted potential energy surface of the CH3 + O reaction shows that the CHO + H2 products can be directly generated from CH3O by the TS3 → LM1 → TS7 → LM2 → TS4 path, in which both LM1 and LM2 are very loose and TS7 is roaming-like. The result for the CH2O + H reaction shows that there are three low-energy barrier processes including CH2O + H → CHO + H2 via H-abstraction and CH2O + H → CH2OH and CH2O + H → CH3O by addition reactions. The predicted enthalpies of formation of the CH2OH and CH3O radicals at 0 K are in good agreement with available experimental data. Furthermore, the rate constants for the forward and some key reverse reactions have been predicted at 200-3000 K under various pressures. Based on the new reaction pathway for CH3 + O, the rate constants for the CH2O + H and CHO + H2 reactions were predicted with the microcanonical variational transition-state/Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (VTST/RRKM) theory. The predicted total and individual product branching ratios (i.e., CO versus CH2O) are in good agreement with experimental data. The rate constant for the hydrogen abstraction reaction of CH2O + H has been calculated by the canonical variational transition-state theory with quantum tunneling and small-curvature corrections to be k(CH2O + H → CHO + H2) = 2.28 × 10(-19) T(2.65) exp(-766.5/T) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) for the 200-3000 K temperature range. The rate constants for the addition giving CH3O and CH2OH and the decomposition of the two radicals have been calculated by the microcanonical RRKM theory with the time-dependent master equation solution of the multiple quantum well system in the 200-3000 K temperature range at 1 Torr to

  9. EPR study of sodium plutonyl acetate NaPuO2(CH3COO)3 and plutonium thenoyl trifluoroacetonate Pu(TTA)4: self-irradiation effects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krishnamurty, M.V.


    High energy radiations are emitted in the radioactive disintegration of plutonium isotopes. These radiations mainly consisting of α-particles interact with the surrounding ligands in the case of plutonium compounds. The ligand molecules undergo electronic excitation, ionization and fragmentation resulting in extensive radiation damage. Electron paramagnetic resonance technique is utilised to indentify and estimate these molecular products formed as a result of self-irradiation in the case of sodium plutonyl acetate, NaPuO 2 (CH 3 COO) 3 , and plutonium thenoyl trifluoroacetonate, Pu(TTA) 4 . The observed EPR spectra are interpreted to be due to acetate and thenoyl trifluoroacetonate radicals with the unpaired electron localized on oxygens of carboxyl group and carbonyl group, respectively. The efficiency parameter, eta, defined as the ratio of the number of paramagnetic species/defects to the total number of radioactive disintegrations has been determined to be 0.83 and 16.9 for the case of the acetate and thenoyl trifluoroacetonate, respectivly. (author)

  10. Využití možností IoT pro reinženýring podnikových procesů


    Hujňák, Vilém


    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou reinženýringu podnikových procesů s využitím možností Internetu věcí. V práci je navržena metoda implementace IoT procesním způsobem a ověřena na případové studii procesu zajištění pohybu oprávněných osob ve firemních prostorách s vyžitím vícefaktorové autentizace. The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of Business Process Reengineering using possibilities of the Internet of Things. The thesis describes a method for implementing IoT solutions in...

  11. Rate Constants for the Reactions of OH with CH(sub 3)Cl, CH(sub 2) C1(sub 2), CHC1(sub 3)and CH(sub 3)Br (United States)

    Hsu, H-J.; DeMore, W.


    Rate constants for the reactions of OH with CH3C1, CH2Cl2, CHCl3 and CH3Br have been measured by a relative rate technique in which the reaction rate of each compound was compared to that of HFC-152a (CH3CHF2)and for CH2Cl2, HFC-161 (CH3CH2F).

  12. Influence of hexavanadates on Na+/K+- ATPase activity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zdravković Aleksandra


    Full Text Available Introduction: There is a great interest in use of polioximetalates in clinical medicine, primary as antibacterial, antiviral and antitumoral agents. Considering the key role of Na+/ K+- ATPase in normal functioning of most animal cells, as well as pivotal roles in cancer cell migration, the aim of this paper was to examine the influence of new synthesized hexavandates [V6-CH3][Na]2, [V6-NO2][TBA]2, [V6-C3][H]2, [V6-C5d][TBA]2 on Na+/K+- ATPase activity. Material and methods: The enzymatic activity of porcine cerebral cortex Na+/K+- ATPase was followed in both the absence and presence of increasing concentration of [V6-CH3] [Na]2, [V6-NO2][TBA]2, [V6-C3][H]2, [V6-C5d][TBA]2 (within the range 10-8 - 10-3 mol/L. The released Pi, liberated from the enzymatic hydrolysis of ATP, was determined by spectrophotometric method, using Perkin Elmer Lambda 35 UV-VIS spectrophotometer. Results: Investigated compounds inhibit the activity of Na+/K+ ATPase in dose-dependent manner within the investigated range. Obtained results indicate that all investigated compounds inhibit the Na+/K+ ATPase activity, but with different inhibiting power. [V6-NO2] [TBA]2 (IC50 = 1,87 × 10-5 mol/L was the most potent inhibitor of Na+/K+ ATPase, while [V6-C5d][TBA]2 showed the least potent inhibiting power (IC50 = 1,31 × 10-4 mol/L . The results are consistent with previously published concentration-dependent inhibitory effect of polyoxometalates (including polioxovandates on ATPase activity from different model syistems. Conclusion: Based on the results, we can conclude that the examined compounds inhibit Na+/K+- ATPase activity in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibiting power of tested hexavanadates are different, and weaker than inhibiting power of decavanadates (tested earlier on Na+/K+- ATPase activity, which is probably due to differences in charge, size and shape of these polioxometalates. Considering the role of this enzymes in the functioning of healthy cells and the

  13. Comparing genome-wide chromatin profiles using ChIP-chip or ChIP-seq

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Johannes, Frank; Wardenaar, Rene; Colomé Tatché, Maria; Mousson, Florence; de Graaf, Petra; Mokry, Michal; Guryev, Victor; Timmers, H. Th. Marc; Cuppen, Edwin; Jansen, Ritsert C.; Bateman, Alex


    Motivation: ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq technologies provide genomewide measurements of various types of chromatin marks at an unprecedented resolution. With ChIP samples collected from different tissue types and/ or individuals, we can now begin to characterize stochastic or systematic changes in

  14. Analýza novinových reportáží o sportovních akcích z pohledu nerovnosti pohlaví Analysis of newspaper reports on sporting events from the aspect of gender inequality

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mojca Doupona Topič


    Full Text Available Cílem našeho výzkumu bylo zjistit, jakým způsobem slovinská média referují o sportovních akcích. Zvláště nás zajímalo, zda převládají zprávy o sportovcích a zda existují rozdíly ve způsobu, počtu a stylu článků o sportovcích a sportovkyních. Analyzovali jsme dva deníky a porovnávali rozsah, počet článků a fotografie. Články jsme rozřadili do tří skupin: články o sportovcích, články o sportovkyních a články o obojích současně. Podrobněji jsme sledovali jejich styl. Velkou úlohu rovněž hrají fotografie. Srovnávali jsme proto množství, typ, velikost a statický/dynamický charakter fotografií. Výsledky této studie potvrzují některé z předběžných závěrů o tom, že noviny sportovkyním poskytují méně místa, publikují o nich méně článků a věnují jim menší pozornost. Zkoumáním fotografií jsme došli k závěru, že fotografie sportovců jsou lépe umisťovány a že jsou častěji barevné. Sportovkyně jsou zobrazovány tak, aby vynikal jejich tělesný vzhled a nikoli sportovní role. The aim of our research was to establish how Slovene media report on sporting events. We were especially interested if there is a prevalence of reports about male athletes, and if there are differences in manner, amount and style of reporting between the articles about male and female athletes. We analysed two daily newspapers and compared the size, the number of articles, and the photographs. We have classified the articles into three groups; articles about male athletes, articles about female athletes and articles about both. We took a closer look at the style of writing. The photographs also play an important role. Therefore, we also compared the amount, type, size and static/dynamics of photographs. The results of this study confirm some of the preliminary conclusions that the newspapers offer less space, publish less articles and pay less attention to female athletes. By

  15. Comparing genome-wide chromatin profiles using ChIP-chip or ChIP-seq

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Johannes, F.; Wardenaar, R.; Colome-Tatche, M.; Mousson, F.; de Graaf, P.; Mokry, M.; Guryev, V.; Timmers, H.T.; Cuppen, E.; Jansen, R.


    MOTIVATION: ChIP-chip and ChIP-seq technologies provide genome-wide measurements of various types of chromatin marks at an unprecedented resolution. With ChIP samples collected from different tissue types and/or individuals, we can now begin to characterize stochastic or systematic changes in

  16. Srovnání žákovské obliby školy a matematiky pohledem mezinárodních šetření/ A comparison of satisfaction with school and mathematics from the perspective of international testing programs

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miroslava Federičová


    Full Text Available Spokojenost žáků ve škole, obliba školy a učení zvyšují intenzitu osobního zapojení žáků do výuky, jejich ztotožnění se s procesem vzdělávání, což v konečném důsledku může mít výrazný pozitivní dopad na samotné výsledky vzdělávání. Cílem naší analýzy je podrobnější empirické zmapování oblíbenosti školy a učení se matematice, jak je vnímaná a vykazovaná žáky 4., 8., 9. a 10. ročníků na základě různých mezinárodních šetření TIMSS a PISA. Zaměřujeme se na případ České republiky, jejíž žáci vykazují abnormálně nízkou oblibu školy a učení se matematice i v jiných šetřeních. V první části prezentujeme podrobnější mezinárodní srovnání, v druhé části se soustředíme na oblibu u specifických skupin žáků a ve třetí části na asociace s charakteristikami škol a učitelů. Pro všechny země je charakteristický pokles obliby školy a učení s postupem do vyšších ročníků, nižší obliba u chlapců, pozitivní asociace se vzdělávacími výsledky žáků a vzdělaností rodičů, a to především ve vyšších ročnících. Ve srovnání s evropskými zeměmi je velmi nízká obliba školy a učení se v Česku dána především výrazně negativnějšími postoji chlapců, což se nejvíce projevuje v 8. třídách základních škol, kde je také patrná vysoká míra neobliby u žáků s nejhoršími výsledky. Podíl variace obliby vysvětlitelný faktory na straně učitelů a škol zachycenými šetřením TIMSS je velmi nízký.

  17. Návrhové systémy používané v oblasti elektrických přístrojů


    Stejskal, Jiří


    Bakalářská práce je vypracována na základě požadavků zadavatele firmy OEZ, s.r.o. a je rozdělena na dvě části. První část práce se zabývá nejčastěji používanými 2D CAD systémy, které používají konstruktéři, dle svých odpovědí v oblasti návrhu elektrických rozvaděčů nn. V práci jsou popsány hlavní možnosti těchto systémů, dále pak jaké datové formáty jsou jimi podporovány. V druhé části práce jsou popsány programy určené k výpočtu oteplení rozváděčů. Jedná se jednak o programy, které dodává ko...

  18. Bimolecular reaction of CH3 + CO in solid p-H2: Infrared absorption of acetyl radical (CH3CO) and CH3-CO complex (United States)

    Das, Prasanta; Lee, Yuan-Pern


    We have recorded infrared spectra of acetyl radical (CH3CO) and CH3-CO complex in solid para-hydrogen (p-H2). Upon irradiation at 248 nm of CH3C(O)Cl/p-H2 matrices, CH3CO was identified as the major product; characteristic intense IR absorption features at 2990.3 (ν9), 2989.1 (ν1), 2915.6 (ν2), 1880.5 (ν3), 1419.9 (ν10), 1323.2 (ν5), 836.6 (ν7), and 468.1 (ν8) cm-1 were observed. When CD3C(O)Cl was used, lines of CD3CO at 2246.2 (ν9), 2244.0 (ν1), 1866.1 (ν3), 1046.7 (ν5), 1029.7 (ν4), 1027.5 (ν10), 889.1 (ν6), and 723.8 (ν7) cm-1 appeared. Previous studies characterized only three vibrational modes of CH3CO and one mode of CD3CO in solid Ar. In contrast, upon photolysis of a CH3I/CO/p-H2 matrix with light at 248 nm and subsequent annealing at 5.1 K before re-cooling to 3.2 K, the CH3-CO complex was observed with characteristic IR features at 3165.7, 3164.5, 2150.1, 1397.6, 1396.4, and 613.0 cm-1. The assignments are based on photolytic behavior, observed deuterium isotopic shifts, and a comparison of observed vibrational wavenumbers and relative IR intensities with those predicted with quantum-chemical calculations. This work clearly indicates that CH3CO can be readily produced from photolysis of CH3C(O)Cl because of the diminished cage effect in solid p-H2 but not from the reaction of CH3 + CO because of the reaction barrier. Even though CH3 has nascent kinetic energy greater than 87 kJ mol-1 and internal energy ˜42 kJ mol-1 upon photodissociation of CH3I at 248 nm, its energy was rapidly quenched so that it was unable to overcome the barrier height of ˜27 kJ mol-1 for the formation of CH3CO from the CH3 + CO reaction; a barrierless channel for formation of a CH3-CO complex was observed instead. This rapid quenching poses a limitation in production of free radicals via bimolecular reactions in p-H2.

  19. Effect of polyethyleneglycol on CH{sub 4} permeation through poly(amide-b-ethylene oxide)-based nanocomposite membranes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Asghari, Morteza, E-mail: [Separation Processes Research Group (SPRG), University of Kashan, Kashan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Energy Research Institute, University of Kashan, Ghotb-e-Ravandi Avenue, Kashan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Mahmudi, Amir; Zargar, Vida [Separation Processes Research Group (SPRG), University of Kashan, Kashan (Iran, Islamic Republic of); Khanbabaei, Ghader [Polymer Science and Technology Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Graphical abstract: - Highlights: • A three-phase polymer/liquid/solid (PEBA/PEG/zeolite X) membrane was fabricated. • Nanocrystalline zeolite X was used as filler to stabilize membrane polymeric matrix. • Introducing zeolite to PEBA matrix caused its total free volume to decrease. • A gradual decrease with pressure was observed in CH{sub 4} permeability for the membranes. • In all the experiments, operating pressures varied from 2 to 8 bar. - Abstract: A three-phase polymer/liquid/solid poly(amide-b-ethylene oxide) (PEBA)/polyethylene glycol (PEG)/zeolite X was fabricated and its gas permeability was investigated. CH{sub 4} permeability of neat PEBA, two-phase PEBA/NaX and three-phase PEBA/PEG/NaX were compared for different pressures within the range of 2–8 bar. The fabricated membranes were structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM). SEM images showed that the zeolite grain size was homogeneously smaller than 2 μm. They also revealed the dense structures of the membranes and no pores were observed at these magnifications. AFM surface images indicated that the membranes surface roughness increased significantly with increasing zeolite loading. CH{sub 4} permeability for single-, two- and three-phase membranes decreased from 3.13 to 2.81, from 3.96 to 2.31 and from 2.67 to 2.14 barrer, respectively.

  20. Transition Metal-Free Selective Double sp(3) C-H Oxidation of Cyclic Amines to 3-Alkoxyamine Lactams. (United States)

    Osorio-Nieto, Urbano; Chamorro-Arenas, Delfino; Quintero, Leticia; Höpfl, Herbert; Sartillo-Piscil, Fernando


    The first chemical method for selective dual sp(3) C-H functionalization at the alpha-and beta positions of cyclic amines to their corresponding 3-alkoxyamine lactams is reported. Unlike traditional Cα-H oxidation of amines to amides mediated by transition metals, the present protocol, which involves the use of NaClO2/TEMPO/NaClO in either aqueous or organic solvent, not only allows the Cα-H oxidation but also the subsequent functionalization of the unreactive β-methylene group in an unprecedented tandem fashion and using environmentally friendly reactants.

  1. CH-TRU Waste Content Codes

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Washington TRU Solutions LLC


    The CH-TRU Waste Content Codes (CH-TRUCON) document describes the inventory of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) CH-TRU waste within the transportation parameters specified by the Contact-Handled Transuranic Waste Authorized Methods for Payload Control (CH-TRAMPAC). The CH-TRAMPAC defines the allowable payload for the Transuranic Package Transporter-II (TRUPACT-II) and HalfPACT packagings. This document is a catalog of TRUPACT-II and HalfPACT authorized contents and a description of the methods utilized to demonstrate compliance with the CH-TRAMPAC. A summary of currently approved content codes by site is presented in Table 1. The CH-TRAMPAC describes "shipping categories" that are assigned to each payload container. Multiple shipping categories may be assigned to a single content code. A summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories is provided in Table 2, which consists of Tables 2A, 2B, and 2C. Table 2A provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for the "General Case," which reflects the assumption of a 60-day shipping period as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.4 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to be completed within an approximately 1,000-mile radius, a shorter shipping period of 20 days is applicable as described in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.5 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices. For shipments to WIPP from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Nevada Test Site, and Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, a 20-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2B provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Close-Proximity Shipments" (20-day shipping period). For shipments implementing the controls specified in the CH-TRAMPAC and Appendix 3.6 of the CH-TRU Payload Appendices, a 10-day shipping period is applicable. Table 2C provides a summary of approved content codes and corresponding shipping categories for "Controlled Shipments

  2. Inhibition of Ps Formation in Benzene and Cyclohexane by CH3CI and CH3Br

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wikander, G.; Mogensen, O. E.; Pedersen, Niels Jørgen


    Positron-annihilation lifetime spectra have been measured for mixtures of CH3Cl and CH3Br in cyclohexane and of CH3Cl in benzene. The ortho-positronium (Ps) yield decreased monotonically from 38% and 43% in cyclohexane and benzene respectively to 11% in pure CH3Cl and 6% in pure CH3Br. The strength......− anions to form Ps. while it forms a bound state with the halides. X−. CH3Cl was a roughly three times weaker Ps inhibitor in benzene than in cyclohexane, which shows that CH3Cl− does not dechlorinate in times comparable to or shorter than 400–500 ps in benzene. An improved model for the explanation of Ps...

  3. Medical and biological aspects of ionizing radiation influence in consequence with accident at ChNPP; Mediko-byiologyichnyi aspekti vplivu yionyizuyuchoyi radyiatsyiyi vnaslyidok avaryiyi na ChAES

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shidlovs' ka, T A [Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants, Chornobyl (Ukraine)


    This monograph presents the issues on systematic influence of ionizing radiation on the biological systems. The results of personal complex studies because of influence of ionizing radiation in consequence with accident at ChNPP on auditory analyzer, creating voice, cardiovascular system and central nervous system are submitted.

  4. Submillimeter laboratory identification of CH{sup +} and CH{sub 2}D{sup +}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Amano, T. [Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1 (Canada)


    Laboratory identification of two basic and important interstellar molecular ions is presented. The J = 1 - 0 rotational transition of {sup 12}CH{sup +} together with those of {sup 13}CH{sup +} and {sup 12}CD{sup +} was observed in the laboratory. The newly obtained frequencies were found to be different from those reported previously. Various experimental evidences firmly support the new measurements. In addition, the Zeeman effect and the spin-rotation hyperfine interaction enforce the laboratory identification with no ambiguity. Rotational lines of CH{sub 2}D{sup +} were observed in the submillimeter-wave region. This laboratory observation is consistent with a recent tentative identification of CH{sub 2}D{sup +} toward Ori IRc2.

  5. Návrh kmitočtových filtrů s netradičními aktivními prvky


    Jarník, Lukáš


    Táto bakalárska práca je zameraná na návrh kmitočtových filtrov s netradičnými aktívnymi prvkami. Sú tu prezentované aktívne prvky ako sú prúdové konvejory (GCC), napäťové konvejory (GVC), transkonduktančné zosilovače (OTA, CFTA), ktoré pracujú v prúdovom režime. V práci je ďalej navrhnutých a odsimulovaných šesť zapojení s aktívnymi prvkami (GCC), (CFTA), (OTA) a (GVC), ktoré vychádzaju z návrhu podla úplnej admitančnej siete. Jedno zapojenie bolo prakticky zrealizované a experimentálne over...

  6. Mobilomics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. (United States)

    Menconi, Giulia; Battaglia, Giovanni; Grossi, Roberto; Pisanti, Nadia; Marangoni, Roberto


    Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) are selfish DNA integrated in the genomes. Their detection is mainly based on consensus-like searches by scanning the investigated genome against the sequence of an already identified MGE. Mobilomics aims at discovering all the MGEs in a genome and understanding their dynamic behavior: The data for this kind of investigation can be provided by comparative genomics of closely related organisms. The amount of data thus involved requires a strong computational effort, which should be alleviated. Our approach proposes to exploit the high similarity among homologous chromosomes of different strains of the same species, following a progressive comparative genomics philosophy. We introduce a software tool based on our new fast algorithm, called regender, which is able to identify the conserved regions between chromosomes. Our case study is represented by a unique recently available dataset of 39 different strains of S.cerevisiae, which regender is able to compare in few minutes. By exploring the non-conserved regions, where MGEs are mainly retrotransposons called Tys, and marking the candidate Tys based on their length, we are able to locate a priori and automatically all the already known Tys and map all the putative Tys in all the strains. The remaining putative mobile elements (PMEs) emerging from this intra-specific comparison are sharp markers of inter-specific evolution: indeed, many events of non-conservation among different yeast strains correspond to PMEs. A clustering based on the presence/absence of the candidate Tys in the strains suggests an evolutionary interconnection that is very similar to classic phylogenetic trees based on SNPs analysis, even though it is computed without using phylogenetic information. The case study indicates that the proposed methodology brings two major advantages: (a) it does not require any template sequence for the wanted MGEs and (b) it can be applied to infer MGEs also for low coverage genomes

  7. Mobilomics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (United States)


    Background Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) are selfish DNA integrated in the genomes. Their detection is mainly based on consensus–like searches by scanning the investigated genome against the sequence of an already identified MGE. Mobilomics aims at discovering all the MGEs in a genome and understanding their dynamic behavior: The data for this kind of investigation can be provided by comparative genomics of closely related organisms. The amount of data thus involved requires a strong computational effort, which should be alleviated. Results Our approach proposes to exploit the high similarity among homologous chromosomes of different strains of the same species, following a progressive comparative genomics philosophy. We introduce a software tool based on our new fast algorithm, called regender, which is able to identify the conserved regions between chromosomes. Our case study is represented by a unique recently available dataset of 39 different strains of S.cerevisiae, which regender is able to compare in few minutes. By exploring the non–conserved regions, where MGEs are mainly retrotransposons called Tys, and marking the candidate Tys based on their length, we are able to locate a priori and automatically all the already known Tys and map all the putative Tys in all the strains. The remaining putative mobile elements (PMEs) emerging from this intra–specific comparison are sharp markers of inter–specific evolution: indeed, many events of non–conservation among different yeast strains correspond to PMEs. A clustering based on the presence/absence of the candidate Tys in the strains suggests an evolutionary interconnection that is very similar to classic phylogenetic trees based on SNPs analysis, even though it is computed without using phylogenetic information. Conclusions The case study indicates that the proposed methodology brings two major advantages: (a) it does not require any template sequence for the wanted MGEs and (b) it can be applied to

  8. Nuclear Hyperfine Structure in the Donor – Acceptor Complexes (CH3)3N-BF3 and (CH)33N-B(CH3)3 (United States)

    The donor-acceptor complexes (CH3)3N-BF3 and (CH3)3N-B(CH3)3 have been reinvestigated at high resolution by rotational spectroscopy in a supersonic jet. Nuclear hyperfine structure resulting from both nitrogen and boron has been resolved and quadrupole coupling constants have bee...

  9. New and improved CH implosions at the National Ignition Facility (United States)

    Hinkel, D. E.; Doeppner, T.; Kritcher, A. L.; Ralph, J. E.; Jarrott, L. C.; Albert, F.; Benedetti, L. R.; Field, J. E.; Goyon, C. S.; Hohenberger, M.; Izumi, N.; Milovich, J. L.; Bachmann, B.; Casey, D. T.; Yeamans, C. B.; Callahan, D. A.; Hurricane, O. A.


    Improvements to the hohlraum for CH implosions have resulted in near-record hot spot pressures, 225 Gbar. Implosion symmetry and laser energy coupling are improved by using a hohlraum that, compared to the previous high gas-fill hohlraum, is longer, larger, at lower gas fill density, and is fielded at zero wavelength separation to minimize cross-beam energy transfer. With a capsule at 90% of its original size in this hohlraum, implosion symmetry changes from oblate to prolate, at 33% cone fraction. Simulations highlight improved inner beam propagation as the cause of this symmetry change. These implosions have produced the highest yield for CH ablators at modest power and energy, i.e., 360 TW and 1.4 MJ. Upcoming experiments focus on continued improvement in shape as well as an increase in implosion velocity. Further, results and future plans on an increase in capsule size to improve margin will also be presented. Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. D.O.E. by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344.

  10. CMS (Carbon Monitoring System) Methane (CH4) Flux for North America 0.5 degree x 0.667 degree V1 (CMS_CH4_FLX_NA) at GES DISC (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — The CMS Methane (CH4) Flux for North America data set contains estimates of methane emission in North America based on an inversion of the GEOS-Chem chemical...

  11. Current and simulated structure, growth parameters and regeneration of beech forests with different game management in the Lány Game Enclosure / Struktura, růstové parametry, obnova a modelový vývoj bukových porostů s odlišným způsobem mysliveckého hospodaření v podmínkách Lánské obory

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    Ambrož Robin


    Full Text Available V příspěvku jsou prezentovány výsledky studia struktury a dynamiky vývoje bukových porostů v Lánské oboře, která se nachází v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Křivoklátsko v České republice. Výzkum se uskutečnil v dospělém bukovém porostu na dvou trvalých výzkumných plochách (TVP, každá o velikosti 0,25 ha s použitím technologie FieldMap. Typologické, půdní, fytocenologické i porostní charakteristiky obou porovnávaných TVP jsou srovnatelné, odlišují se pouze způsobem ochrany proti zvěři. Výsledky ukázaly, že limitujícím faktorem zdárného vývoje přirozené obnovy buku (Fagus sylvatica L. je vysoká zvěř, a to jelen evropský (Cervus elaphus L. - 300 ks, jelen sika (Cervus nippon nippon Temm. - 300 ks, muflon (Ovis musimon Pallas - 250 ks a daněk skvrnitý (Dama dama L. - 300 ks. Přirozená obnova na TVP 1 s černou zvěří (Sus scrofa L. - 150 ks je dostatečná vzhledem ke stanovištním a porostním poměrům. Naproti tomu na TVP 2 s ostatními druhy zvěře se obnova nevyskytuje. Z výsledků biometrických měření a následných vizualizací pomocí simulátoru biodynamiky lesa Sibyla vyplývá, že se jedná o nevýrazně strukturované, dospělé, produktivní bukové porosty s absencí jedinců spodního stromového patra.

  12. Využití separačních metod pro studium biologicky aktivních látek ve vodách


    Vydrová, Lucie


    Léčiva patří mezi biologicky aktivní látky, které se odlišují různými funkčními skupinami, fyzikálně-chemickými a biologickými vlastnostmi. Tyto chemické látky, v současnosti zařazované mezi „nové“ kontaminanty, se kumulují v různých složkách životního prostředí. Do životního prostředí se dostávají v průběhu jejich průmyslové výroby, dále v důsledku používání v léčebných zařízeních nebo v domácnostech. Protože se jedná o látky biologicky aktivní, mohou v různých složkách životního prostředí n...

  13. Chemické úlohy se školními měřicími systémy: motivační orientace žáků v badatelsky orientovaných úlohách

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petr Šmejkal


    Questionnaire (MSLQ a (ii Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI. Dotazníky byly statisticky zpracovány – analýzou úrovně reliability (Cronbachovo alfa, analýzou rozptylu (jednoprůchodová ANOVA a shlukovou analýzou. Výsledky ukázaly, že většina žáků byla již před laboratorní prací dostatečně motivována, jejich motivace se po realizaci cvičení ještě zvýšila. Studované aktivity byly hodnoceny nadprůměrně, zvláště pak ty, které se vztahovaly bezprostředně k lidskému tělu (účinnost antacid či medializovaným tématům (plynová chromatografie – methanolová aféra. Analýza rozptylu pak ukázala, že ze sledovatelných faktorů ovlivňující motivační orientace žáků je převážně škola, kterou žák navštěvuje, a potažmo učitel chemie. Naopak, minimálně ovlivňuje motivační orientace pohlaví či realizovaná aktivita. Práce na aktivitách a se školními měřicími systémy žáky ve většině bavila a celkově lze říci, že žáci jsou nakloněni implementaci měřicích systémů do výuky, které tak mají ve výuce přírodních věd nepochybně své místo.

  14. Strategie řízení třídy u studentů učitelství na praxi


    Lojdová Kateřina; Škarková Lucie; Lukas Josef


    Cílem výzkumu je popsat strategie řízení třídy u studentů učitelství na praxi na druhém stupni českých základních škol. Právě řízení třídy je pro studenty učitelství na praxi obtížné. Nezvládnutí práce se třídou může vést až ke změně kariérní dráhy. Výzkum hloubkově interpretuje strategie řízení třídy u studentů učitelství na praxi a popisuje některé problémy, se kterými se studenti učitelství potýkají. Skrze strategie řízení třídy učitel ovlivňuje fyzický a sociální prostor školní třídy za ú...

  15. Efeitos do chá verde e do exercício físico sobre a composição corporal de pessoas obesas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Daniel Zanardini Fernandes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: analisar os efeitos do consumo de chá verde associado ao exercício físico sobre a composição corporal de pessoas obesas. Materiais e método: o estudo trata-se de uma revisão sistemática de literatura. As buscas foram feitas nas bases de dados Lilacs, Scielo e PubMed, utilizando os descritores: obesidade, chá verde, Camellia Sinensis, exercício. Os artigos utilizados foram publicados entre os anos de 2003 a 2015. Resultados: uma ferramenta recentemente utilizada para o controle do peso é o chá verde, considerado um alimento funcional; é a segunda bebida mais consumida no mundo. Evidências mostram seu efeito termogênico com aumento do gasto energético e promoção da oxidação de gorduras. O consumo de chá verde se mostrou efetivo na diminuição de massa corporal, especialmente na forma de gordura, porém o consumo do chá aliado à prática de exercício se mostra mais eficaz para a redução de peso. Ressalta-se ainda que os hábitos alimentares saudáveis devem ser incentivados para obter o máximo dos benefícios dessa planta. Considerações finais: é necessária a investigação mais aprofundada para determinar as doses e formas de administração seguras do chá verde, bem como os mecanismos de ação e da biodisponibilidade dos compostos ativos, pois se trata de um alimento de baixo custo e que pode ser utilizado no manejo nutricional de doenças crônicas como a obesidade, colaborando assim, para a qualidade de vida e saúde da população.

  16. The quality of kindergarten care as an important element of the subjective theories [Kvalita předškolní péče jako důležitý prvek subjektivních teorií

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    Maja Meško


    assistants do. We also established that more motor/sports active the pre-school teachers are during the week, the more often they participate in motor/sports activities in kindergartens, as well. CONCLUSIONS: The results of our research direct us towards providing a wider range of seminars within in-service teacher training also for the assistants and to contemplate offering recreational activities for the kindergarten staff, which shall contribute to a comprehensive bio-psycho-social status of an individual and to reshaping his lifestyle from the sedentary to the active one.[VÝCHODISKA: Na vzdělávacím procesu předškolních dětí v mateřských školách se společně podílí učitelé mateřských škol a asistenti. Výběr témat a zaměření výuky se odvíjí od jejich profesionality, které je také reflektována v subjektivních teoriích ovlivňujících volbu jejich životního stylu. CÍLE: Autoři se pokouší vymezit rozdíly v názorech předškolních učitelů a asistentů na kvalitu a množství času, které děti tráví ve školkách a vymezit rozdíly v jejich názorech na materiální podmínky k realizaci motorických/sportovních aktivit. Cílem bylo zjistit, zda předškolní učitelé uplatňují vyšší standardy, co se týče hodnocení kvality volného času, který děti tráví, a přísnější kritéria týkající se materiálních podmínek k provádění motorických/sportovních aktivit v mateřských školách než jejich asistenti. METODIKA: Výzkumný vzorek se skládal z 810 předškolních učitelů a asistentů na celém území Slovinska. Vzorek nebyl nadbytečný. Data byla sbírána v září 2009 v rámci širšího výzkumu s názvem "Profesní trénink odborníků ve vzdělávání k zavádění prvků principů speciální pedagogiky dle konceptu Reggio Emilia v oblasti předškolní výchovy v letech 2008-2013" a byla analyzována pomocí základních statistických parametrů. Data byla zpracována u

  17. (CH4)-C-14 Measurements in Greenland Ice: Investigating Last Glacial Termination CH4 Sources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Petrenko, V. V.; Smith, A. M.; Brook, E. J.


    by direct cosmogenic C-14 production in ice. C-14 of CO was measured to better understand this process and correct the sample (CH4)-C-14. Corrected results suggest that wetland sources were likely responsible for the majority of the Younger Dryas-Preboreal CH4 rise.......The cause of a large increase of atmospheric methane concentration during the Younger Dryas-Preboreal abrupt climatic transition (similar to 11,600 years ago) has been the subject of much debate. The carbon-14 (C-14) content of methane ((CH4)-C-14) should distinguish between wetland and clathrate...... contributions to this increase. We present measurements of (CH4)-C-14 in glacial ice, targeting this transition, performed by using ice samples obtained from an ablation site in west Greenland. Measured (CH4)-C-14 values were higher than predicted under any scenario. Sample (CH4)-C-14 appears to be elevated...

  18. Výchova ke zdraví v učebnicích 1. stupně ZŠ: výsledky analýzy didaktického aparátu učebnic prvouky/přírodovědy/Health education in primary school textbooks – results of a content analysis

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    Markéta Hrozová


    Full Text Available Cílem empirické studie je prezentace výsledků obsahové analýzy didaktického aparátu učebnic a cvičebnic školního vzdělávacího předmětu prvouka/přírodověda určených pro žáky 1. stupně základních škol z hlediska jejich zaměření na výchovu ke zdraví. V první části studie prezentujeme teoretický základ našeho výzkumu, který spočíval ve vymezení analytických kategorií vyplývajících z holistického pojetí zdraví. V druhé části představujeme cíle a metody výzkumu, výzkumný vzorek sestávající z pěti současných ucelených učebnicových řad učebnic prvouky/ přírodovědy (38 učebnic/cvičebnic; 3136 zkoumaných jednotek, tedy otázek, námětů a úkolů zařazených do učebnic platných pro 1. stupeň základního vzdělávání. Třetí část je věnována výsledkům analýzy, která poukázala na významné rozdíly v prezentaci učiva v oblasti výchova ke zdraví. Z výsledků vyplývá nereflektování holistického pojetí zdraví v jeho plném rozsahu, majoritní zastoupení biologického kontextu zdraví ve zkoumaných učebnicích. Holistické pojetí zdraví nejvíce reflektují učebnice druhých ročníků. Dále poukazujeme na významné rozdíly ve strukturaci učiva v rámci jednotlivých učebnicových řad (absence tematiky zdraví ve většině zkoumaných učebnic 4. ročníků a nestabilitu v distribuci tematických celků zkoumaného vzorku učebnic. V závěru studie (čtvrtá a pátá část jsou diskutovány výsledky, možnosti a limity studie a představujeme eventuality navazujícího výzkumného šetření.

  19. Problematika stanovení reziduí léčiv v odpadních vodách


    Lisá, Hana


    Předložená práce se zabývá stanovením tetracyklinů a sulfonamidů s trimethoprimem v odpadních vodách. Tetracykliny a sulfonamidy patří mezi široce používaná léčiva v humánní i veterinární medicíně. Jedná se o látky biologicky aktivní, které blokující biologické procesy v čistírnách odpadních vod a svou přítomností mohou negativně ovlivnit mikroorganismy v povrchových vodách. Bylo také prokázáno, že díky přítomnosti nízkých koncentrací těchto látek v životním prostředí si mohou mikroorganismy ...

  20. Kinematical analysis, pole forces and energy cost of Nordic walking: Slope influence [Kinematická analýza, síla holí a spotřeba energie u severské chůze: Vliv sklonu podložky

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    Jakub Krejčí


    necessary to enhance the involvement of the upper limbs.[VÝCHODISKA: Několik studií, které se týkají severské chůze bylo již publikováno, avšak obvykle byly zaměřeny fyziologické nebo kinematické parametry. Až do současnosti byla prezentována pouze jedna studie, která zkoumala velikost síly, kterou při severské chůzi působí subjekt na hole. V naší pilotní studii je severská chůze posuzována komplexněji prostřednictvím fyziologických a biomechanických metod. CÍLE: Cílem pilotní studie bylo porovnat biomechanické a fyziologické parametry při chůzi s a bez holí při různém sklonu podložky. METODIKA: Studie se zúčastnil jeden muž. Při chůzi na běhátku byly sledovány základní časové, úhlové a silové parametry, spotřeba energie a intenzita zatížení. Subjekt absolvoval devíti minutové měření (severská chůze, chůze, které se skládalo ze tří tříminutových intervalů s různým sklonem podložky (0 %, 5 %, 10 %. VÝSLEDKY: Severská chůze se vzhledem k chůzi bez holí vyznačovala při všech sklonech podložky menší flexí v kyčelním a kolenním kloubu, menší dorzální flexí v hlezenním kloubu a větší extenzí v kyčelním kloubu. Maximum plantární flexe při severské chůzi nebylo ovlivněno sklonem povrchu (na rozdíl od chůze bez holí. Při severské chůzi došlo ve všech sklonech podložky ke snížení frekvence kroku. Parametry velikost impulsu síly a maximální využití síly odvozené ze síly naměřené na holích vykazoval rozdíly mezi pravou a levou končetinou. Spotřeba kyslíku a srdeční frekvence při severské chůzi byly při srovnání s chůzí bez holí větší ve všech sledovaných podmínkách. ZÁVĚRY: Sklon podložky ovlivňuje jak chůzi bez holí, tak chůzi s holemi. Důvodem je větší pohyb těžiště ve vertikálním směru. Při severské chůzi a mírném sklonu podložky vyšetřovaná osoba reagovala na vyšší energetické po

  1. Effects of Boreal Lake Wetlands on Atmospheric 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 (United States)

    Haghnegahdar, M. A.; Kohl, I. E.; Schauble, E. A.; Walter Anthony, K. M.; Young, E. D.


    Recently, we developed a theoretical model to investigate the potential use of 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 as tools for tracking atmospheric methane budget. We used electronic structure methods to estimate kinetic isotope fractionations associated with the major sink reactions of CH4 in air (reactions with •OH and Cl•), and literature data with reconnaissance measurements of the relative abundances of 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 to estimate the compositions of the largest atmospheric sources. Here we present new methane rare isotopologue data from boreal wetlands, comprising one of the most important sources, in order to evaluate the robustness of the model. Boreal wetlands (>55° N) account for more than half of the wetland area in the Northern hemisphere. We analyzed methane samples from high latitude lakes representing different geographical regions, geological and ecological contexts, methane fluxes, and isotopic signatures. Using clumped isotopes of CH4 we are able to determine the likely production mechanism for natural CH4 samples. So far, all of our analyzed samples except one plot in the microbial pure-culture methanogenesis field (Young et al. 2017) with ranges of -0.2‰ to +1.2‰ for Δ13CH3D, and -29.6‰ to -18.2‰ for Δ12CH2D2. These compositions are far from equilibrium. The one exception, from Lake Doughnut, Alaska, exhibits Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2 values of +5.2‰ and +18.7‰, respectively, which fall near ambient thermodynamic equilibrium values. This may be an effect of methanotrophy. Mean Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2 for all lake samples are +1.7‰ and -15.4‰ respectively, compared to our original estimate of +6.1‰ and +21.2‰ for the wetland methane source based on an assumption of equilibrium. If we assume that these samples are representative of the overall wetland source, Δ13CH3D decreases by 0.8‰ and Δ12CH2D2 decreases by 0.6‰ in our model of bulk atmospheric methane. Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2 values of air (including •OH and Cl• sink

  2. ChIPWig: a random access-enabling lossless and lossy compression method for ChIP-seq data. (United States)

    Ravanmehr, Vida; Kim, Minji; Wang, Zhiying; Milenkovic, Olgica


    Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments are inexpensive and time-efficient, and result in massive datasets that introduce significant storage and maintenance challenges. To address the resulting Big Data problems, we propose a lossless and lossy compression framework specifically designed for ChIP-seq Wig data, termed ChIPWig. ChIPWig enables random access, summary statistics lookups and it is based on the asymptotic theory of optimal point density design for nonuniform quantizers. We tested the ChIPWig compressor on 10 ChIP-seq datasets generated by the ENCODE consortium. On average, lossless ChIPWig reduced the file sizes to merely 6% of the original, and offered 6-fold compression rate improvement compared to bigWig. The lossy feature further reduced file sizes 2-fold compared to the lossless mode, with little or no effects on peak calling and motif discovery using specialized NarrowPeaks methods. The compression and decompression speed rates are of the order of 0.2 sec/MB using general purpose computers. The source code and binaries are freely available for download at, implemented in C ++. Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  3. Optimalizace systému zaměstnaneckých benefitů v podniku


    Knyblová, Lucie


    Cílem diplomové práce „Optimalizace systému zaměstnaneckých benefitů v podniku“ je analyzovat zaměstnanecké benefity dle současné právní úpravy z pohledu daňového zatížení podniku i zaměstnance. Dílčím cílem je na základě dotazníkového šetření zjistit spokojenost zaměstnanců se současným systémem zaměstnaneckých benefitů v konkrétním podniku a navrhnout určité změny, které povedou ke spokojenosti zaměstnanců a optimalizaci systému z daňového hlediska jak pro zaměstnance tak pro zaměstnavatele...

  4. Surface electromyography assessment of muscle activation patterns while sitting down in young healthy women and patients with ankylosing spondylitis [Povrchové elektromyografické hodnocení svalové aktivity ve zkoušce posazení u zdravých mladých žen a u pacientů s ankylozující spondylitidou

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Petr Uhlíř


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Muscle activation patterns depend on many factors. Surface electromyography (SEMG can reveal these patterns in subjects of different ages and health states. We studied patterns of muscle activation in two groups of subjects - healthy young women (as a control group and patients with ankylosing spondylitis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to register and compare muscle activation patterns while sitting down in these two groups in four situations with different positions of the lower and upper limbs. METHODS: Muscle activity was registered with the use of 8 channel surface polyelectromyography (Noraxon-Myosystem 1400A. We tested the following muscles bilaterally while the subjects were sitting down (tibialis anterior muscle, medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle, gluteus maximus muscle, erectores spinae muscles. The onset of each individual muscle's activity was determined by calculating the sum of the mean value of the SEMG baseline plus 10% of the maximum value of amplitude (peak. RESULTS: It was registered that the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle and/or erectores spinae muscles were activated as the first ones in both groups of the subjects under study in most of the studied postural situations. We registered differences in timing (sequence of muscle activation among various studied body and limb positions (P–, P+, PD–, and PN–. A great degree of variability in the sequence of muscle activation was revealed, depending on the positions of the upper and lower limbs. CONCLUSIONS: We did not find any unique patterns of muscle activation in either of the two groups under study.[VÝCHODISKA: Časové zapojování (aktivace svalů je závislé na mnoha faktorech. Povrchová polyelektromyografie zachycuje vzorce zapojování svalů u probandů rozdílného věku a zdravotního stavu v různých podmínkách. CÍLE: Cílem studie byla registrace a hodnocení pořadí zapojování svalů v průběhu sedání u t

  5. High-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Chen, H.; Winderlich, J.; Gerbig, C.; Hoefer, A.; Rella, C. W.; Crosson, E. R.; Van Pelt, A. D.; Steinbach, J.; Kolle, O.; Beck, V.; Daube, B. C.; Gottlieb, E. W.; Chow, V. Y.; Santoni, G. W.; Wofsy, S. C.


    High-accuracy continuous measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) during the BARCA (Balancao Atmosferico Regional de Carbono na Amazonia) phase B campaign in Brazil in May 2009 were accomplished using a newly available analyzer based on the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. This

  6. Databáze a generování testovacích otázek


    Rejko, Peter


    Cílem bakalářské práce je vytvoření databáze testovacích otázek a jejich generování. Je rozdělená na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické jsou popsané nástroje se zaměřením na tvorbu databází jazyku HTML, PHP a databázový server MySQL. Praktická část obsahuje vytvořenou aplikaci a zpracování. Jazyk PHP podporuje programování na základě modulárního paradigmatu - to znamená, že každý vytvořený modul má svoji úlohu. Aplikace obsahuje modul zabezpečující přihlášení a výběr dalšího modulu n...

  7. Differences in rotations between the winning and losing teams at the youth European volleyball championships for girls [Změny v rotacích mezi vyhrávajícími a prohrávajícími týmy na juniorských mistrovstvích Evropy ve volejbalu dívek

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marko Zadražnik


    statistically significant differences. They were: receipt of serve and attack in K1 and K2 for rotation 1, receipt of serve, block and defence for rotation 2, serve and defence for rotation 3, attack in K1 for rotation 6. CONCLUSIONS: These results point to the specific characteristics of individual rotations in this age period, which have to be considered in the organisation of the training process. The results undoubtedly indicate that in the process of the synchronisation of team play, each of the six rotations require specific attention both in the technical and tactical sense. [VÝCHODISKA: Lidé zkoumající volejbal často sledují rozdíly, jež odlišují vyhrávající a prohrávající týmy. Volejbalový zápas totiž probíhá ve dvou celcích (K1 - hra po příjmu podání: podání - příjem podání - příprava útoku - útok; K2 - hra po vlastním podání: podání - blok - obrana - protiútok, a navíc hráči musejí rotovat v souladu s pravidly volejbalové hry. Herní situace v šesti rotacích stejnou měrou neodpovídají K1 a K2, pokud jde o taktické záměry, ani nemají stejnou obtížnost. CÍLE: Studie zkoumala, zda existují statisticky významné rozdíly v jednotlivých fázích volejbalového zápasu mezi vyhrávajícími a prohrávajícími týmy, a to samostatně pro všech šest rotací. Zkoumaly se rozdíly mezi jednotlivými rotacemi mezi vyhrávajícími a prohrávajícími týmy. U rotací se statisticky významnými rozdíly mezi týmy se také zkoumaly ty fáze, jež nejvíce rozhodují o těchto rozdílech. METODIKA: Studie byla prováděna v rámci juniorských mistrovství Evropy ve volejbalu žen. Bylo analyzováno dvacet zápasů, v rámci této analýzy byla použita pětistupňová škála hodnotící úspěšnost hry 98 hráček mladších 18 let. Bylo analyzováno šest fází volejbalového zápasu: podání, příjem podání, útok v rámci K1, útok v rámci K2, blok a obrana (příjem útoku. U každé jednotliv

  8. Direct observation of unimolecular decay of CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}CHOO Criegee intermediates to OH radical products

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fang, Yi; Liu, Fang; Lester, Marsha I., E-mail: [Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104-6323 (United States); Klippenstein, Stephen J. [Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 (United States)


    The unimolecular decay of carbonyl oxide intermediates, known as Criegee intermediates, produced in alkene ozonolysis is a significant source of OH radicals in the troposphere. Here, the rate of appearance of OH radical products is examined directly in the time-domain for a prototypical alkyl-substituted Criegee intermediate, CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}CHOO, following vibrational activation under collision-free conditions. Complementary statistical Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Marcus calculations of the microcanonical unimolecular decay rate for CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}CHOO are also carried out at energies in the vicinity of the barrier for 1,4 hydrogen atom transfer that leads to OH products. Tunneling through the barrier, derived from high level electronic structure calculations, contributes significantly to the decay rate. Infrared transitions of CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}CHOO are identified in the CH stretch overtone region, which are detected by ultraviolet laser-induced fluorescence of the resultant OH products. The features observed are attributed to CH vibrational excitations and conformational forms utilizing insights from theory. Both experiment and theory yield unimolecular decay rates for CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}CHOO of ca. 10{sup 7} s{sup −1}, which are slower than those obtained for syn-CH{sub 3}CHOO or (CH{sub 3}){sub 2}COO reported previously [Fang et al., J. Chem. Phys. 144, 061102 (2016)] at similar energies. Master equation modeling is also utilized to predict the thermal decay rate of CH{sub 3}CH{sub 2}CHOO under atmospheric conditions, giving a rate of 279 s{sup −1} at 298 K.

  9. Chávez e as FARC: um novo dueto bolivariano com fins midiáticos

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    Full Text Available Uma das questões contemporâneas com maior repercussão internacional levadas a cabo pelo governo de Hugo Chávez na Venezuela é a relação entre esse governo e as FARC. Nesse sentido o presente artigo analisa essas relação e os impactos que uma possível aproximação entre esses atores causaria para o cenário internacional.

  10. Hodnocení elektrochemických charakteristik tvářených hořčíkových slitin typu Mg-Al-Zn


    Slouková, Karolína


    Cílem této diplomové práce je zhodnotit elektrochemické charakteristiky slitin hořčíku. Teoretická část se zabývá popisem vlastností hořčíku i jeho slitin a také jejich korozních charakteristik. V experimentální části jsou interpretovány výsledky měření korozní odolnosti dvou tvářených hořčíkových slitin. Jednalo se o slitiny AZ31 a AZ61, které byly podrobeny měření v Hankových roztocích s přídavkem iontů Ca2+ a Mg2+ (SBF+) a bez jejich přídavku (SBF). Teplota roztoku během měření byla zvolen...

  11. Výpočtové modelování deformačně-napěťových stavů pneumatik


    Lavický, Ondřej


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá možnostmi výpočtového modelování mechanického chování elastomerů a kompozitů s pryžovou matricí a jejich využití pro tvorbu výpočtového modelu pneumatiky. Byl vytvořen 2D-axisymetrický výpočtový model pneumatiky MATA-DOR 165/65 R13 ve dvou geometrický variantách. Pro výpočtové modelování je aplikována metoda konečných prvků (MKP). Model byl řešen v několika variantách lišících se použitou úrovní modelování materiálu. Nejprve byla provedena analýza vlivu vnitřníh...

  12. Heterometallic clusters arising from cubic Ni3M'O4 (M'=K and Na) entity: Solvothermal synthesis with/without the assistance of microwave

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Shuhua; Zhou Yanling; Sun Xiaojun; Wei, Lian-Qiang; Zeng Minghua; Liang Hong


    Solvothermal reaction assisted with microwave leads to the formation of two unique heterometallic cubic clusters [Ni 3 M'(L) 3 (OH)(CH 3 CN) 3 ] 2 .CH 3 CN (M'=K for 1 and M'=Na for 2, where L is an anion of 2-[(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy-benzylidene)-amino]-ethanesulfonate) with higher efficiency, yields and purity than those without it. The 6-metallacrown-3 [Ni 3 (OH)(L) 3 ] - groups exhibit interesting ion trapping and self-assembly of size-different Na + and K + through form recognition and coordination activity in 1 and 2. The magnetic studies for 1 and 2 suggest that the {Ni 3 M'O 4 } (M'=K and Na) cores both display dominant ferromagnetic interactions from the nature of the binding modes of μ 3 -O (oxidophenyl) and μ 3 -OH. - Graphical abstract: Solvothermal reaction assisted with microwave leads to two heterometallic cubic clusters with 6-metallacrown-3 structure [Ni 3 O 3 (OH)] - acting as a host for a K + or Na + ion. The {Ni 3 M'O 4 } (M'=K, Na) cores display dominant ferromagnetic interactions.

  13. Thermochemistry and kinetics for 2-butanone-1-yl radical (CH2·C(═O)CH2CH3) reactions with O2. (United States)

    Sebbar, N; Bozzelli, J W; Bockhorn, H


    Thermochemistry of reactants, intermediates, transition state structures, and products along with kinetics on the association of CH2·C(═O)CH2CH3 (2-butanone-1-yl) with O2 and dissociation of the peroxy adduct isomers are studied. Thermochemical properties are determined using ab initio (G3MP2B3 and G3) composite methods along with density functional theory (B3LYP/6-311g(d,p)). Entropy and heat capacity contributions versus temperature are determined from structures, vibration frequencies, and internal rotor potentials. The CH2·C(═O)CH2CH3 radical + O2 association results in a chemically activated peroxy radical with 27 kcal mol(-1) excess of energy. The chemically activated adduct can react to stabilized peroxy or hydroperoxide alkyl radical adducts, further react to lactones plus hydroxyl radical, or form olefinic ketones and a hydroperoxy radical. Kinetic parameters are determined from the G3 composite methods derived thermochemical parameters, and quantum Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel (QRRK) analysis to calculate k(E) with master equation analysis to evaluate falloff in the chemically activated and dissociation reactions. One new, not previously reported, peroxy chemistry reaction is presented. It has a low barrier path and involves a concerted reaction resulting in olefin formation, H2O elimination, and an alkoxy radical.

  14. Chloroacetone photodissociation at 193 nm and the subsequent dynamics of the CH3C(O)CH2 radical—an intermediate formed in the OH + allene reaction en route to CH3 + ketene (United States)

    Alligood, Bridget W.; FitzPatrick, Benjamin L.; Szpunar, David E.; Butler, Laurie J.


    We use a combination of crossed laser-molecular beam experiments and velocity map imaging experiments to investigate the primary photofission channels of chloroacetone at 193 nm; we also probe the dissociation dynamics of the nascent CH3C(O)CH2 radicals formed from C-Cl bond fission. In addition to the C-Cl bond fission primary photodissociation channel, the data evidence another photodissociation channel of the precursor, C-C bond fission to produce CH3CO and CH2Cl. The CH3C(O)CH2 radical formed from C-Cl bond fission is one of the intermediates in the OH + allene reaction en route to CH3 + ketene. The 193 nm photodissociation laser allows us to produce these CH3C(O)CH2 radicals with enough internal energy to span the dissociation barrier leading to the CH3 + ketene asymptote. Therefore, some of the vibrationally excited CH3C(O)CH2 radicals undergo subsequent dissociation to CH3 + ketene products; we are able to measure the velocities of these products using both the imaging and scattering apparatuses. The results rule out the presence of a significant contribution from a C-C bond photofission channel that produces CH3 and COCH2Cl fragments. The CH3C(O)CH2 radicals are formed with a considerable amount of energy partitioned into rotation; we use an impulsive model to explicitly characterize the internal energy distribution. The data are better fit by using the C-Cl bond fission transition state on the S1 surface of chloroacetone as the geometry at which the impulsive force acts, not the Franck-Condon geometry. Our data suggest that, even under atmospheric conditions, the reaction of OH with allene could produce a small branching to CH3 + ketene products, rather than solely producing inelastically stabilized adducts. This additional channel offers a different pathway for the OH-initiated oxidation of such unsaturated volatile organic compounds, those containing a C=C=C moiety, than is currently included in atmospheric models.

  15. Computing energy levels of CH4, CHD3, CH3D, and CH3F with a direct product basis and coordinates based on the methyl subsystem. (United States)

    Zhao, Zhiqiang; Chen, Jun; Zhang, Zhaojun; Zhang, Dong H; Wang, Xiao-Gang; Carrington, Tucker; Gatti, Fabien


    Quantum mechanical calculations of ro-vibrational energies of CH 4 , CHD 3 , CH 3 D, and CH 3 F were made with two different numerical approaches. Both use polyspherical coordinates. The computed energy levels agree, confirming the accuracy of the methods. In the first approach, for all the molecules, the coordinates are defined using three Radau vectors for the CH 3 subsystem and a Jacobi vector between the remaining atom and the centre of mass of CH 3 . Euler angles specifying the orientation of a frame attached to CH 3 with respect to a frame attached to the Jacobi vector are used as vibrational coordinates. A direct product potential-optimized discrete variable vibrational basis is used to build a Hamiltonian matrix. Ro-vibrational energies are computed using a re-started Arnoldi eigensolver. In the second approach, the coordinates are the spherical coordinates associated with four Radau vectors or three Radau vectors and a Jacobi vector, and the frame is an Eckart frame. Vibrational basis functions are products of contracted stretch and bend functions, and eigenvalues are computed with the Lanczos algorithm. For CH 4 , CHD 3 , and CH 3 D, we report the first J > 0 energy levels computed on the Wang-Carrington potential energy surface [X.-G. Wang and T. Carrington, J. Chem. Phys. 141(15), 154106 (2014)]. For CH 3 F, the potential energy surface of Zhao et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 144, 204302 (2016)] was used. All the results are in good agreement with experimental data.

  16. Computing energy levels of CH4, CHD3, CH3D, and CH3F with a direct product basis and coordinates based on the methyl subsystem (United States)

    Zhao, Zhiqiang; Chen, Jun; Zhang, Zhaojun; Zhang, Dong H.; Wang, Xiao-Gang; Carrington, Tucker; Gatti, Fabien


    Quantum mechanical calculations of ro-vibrational energies of CH4, CHD3, CH3D, and CH3F were made with two different numerical approaches. Both use polyspherical coordinates. The computed energy levels agree, confirming the accuracy of the methods. In the first approach, for all the molecules, the coordinates are defined using three Radau vectors for the CH3 subsystem and a Jacobi vector between the remaining atom and the centre of mass of CH3. Euler angles specifying the orientation of a frame attached to CH3 with respect to a frame attached to the Jacobi vector are used as vibrational coordinates. A direct product potential-optimized discrete variable vibrational basis is used to build a Hamiltonian matrix. Ro-vibrational energies are computed using a re-started Arnoldi eigensolver. In the second approach, the coordinates are the spherical coordinates associated with four Radau vectors or three Radau vectors and a Jacobi vector, and the frame is an Eckart frame. Vibrational basis functions are products of contracted stretch and bend functions, and eigenvalues are computed with the Lanczos algorithm. For CH4, CHD3, and CH3D, we report the first J > 0 energy levels computed on the Wang-Carrington potential energy surface [X.-G. Wang and T. Carrington, J. Chem. Phys. 141(15), 154106 (2014)]. For CH3F, the potential energy surface of Zhao et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 144, 204302 (2016)] was used. All the results are in good agreement with experimental data.

  17. Rare Earth Chalcogels NaLnSnS4 (Ln = Y, Gd, Tb) for Selective Adsorption of Volatile Hydrocarbons and Gases

    KAUST Repository

    Edhaim, Fatimah; Rothenberger, Alexander


    that the new materials have pores in the macro (above 50 nm) and meso (2–50 nm) regions. These aerogels show higher adsorption of toluene vapor over cyclohexane vapor and CO2 over CH4 or H2. The notable adsorption capacity for toluene (NaYSnS4: 1108 mg·g–1; NaGdSn

  18. Modelování a řízení leteckých proudových motorů


    Voda, Tomáš


    Tato práce se zabývá popisem leteckých motorů, jejich požadavky na řízení a možnostmi řízení těchto motorů. V praktické části byl vytvořen model motoru Jetcat P80-SE. Tento model byl poté ověřen vůči reálnému motoru, kdy byly změřeny reálné otáčky a teplota motoru. Tyto parametry byly následně porovnány se simulovanými otáčkami a teplotou. Díky danému porovnání můžeme říci, že se povedlo vytvořit model motoru, který odpovídá reálnému motoru. Dále byl v práci navrhnut regulátor otáček tak, aby...

  19. Chemické složení šťávy z plodů vybraných odrůd černého bezu


    Šafránková, Petra


    Tato práce se zabývá chemickým složením šťávy z plodů vybraných odrůd černého bezu (Sambucus nigra L.). V teoretické části je popsána botanická charakteristika černého bezu, včetně jeho původu a rozšíření. Dále jsou v této části zmíněny léčivé účinky černého bezu spolu s popisem šlechtění této rostliny a příklady některých vyšlechtěných odrůd. V experimentální části bylo provedeno stanovení vybraných chemických parametrů (výtěžnosti, pH, relativní hustoty, titrační kyselosti, formolového čísl...

  20. Choice of precipitant and calcination temperature of precursor for synthesis of NiCo2O4 for control of CO-CH4 emissions from CNG vehicles. (United States)

    Trivedi, Suverna; Prasad, Ram


    Compressed natural gas (CNG) is most appropriate an alternative of conventional fuel for automobiles. However, emissions of carbon-monoxide and methane from such vehicles adversely affect human health and environment. Consequently, to abate emissions from CNG vehicles, development of highly efficient and inexpensive catalysts is necessary. Thus, the present work attempts to scan the effects of precipitants (Na 2 CO 3 , KOH and urea) for nickel cobaltite (NiCo 2 O 4 ) catalysts prepared by co-precipitation from nitrate solutions and calcined in a lean CO-air mixture at 400°C. The catalysts were used for oxidation of a mixture of CO and CH 4 (1:1). The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffractometer, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface-area, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; temperature programmed reduction and Scanning electron microscopy coupled with Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy. The Na 2 CO 3 was adjudged as the best precipitant for production of catalyst, which completely oxidized CO-CH 4 mixture at the lowest temperature (T 100 =350°C). Whereas, for catalyst prepared using urea, T 100 =362°C. On the other hand the conversion of CO-CH 4 mixture over the catalyst synthesized by KOH limited to 97% even beyond 400°C. Further, the effect of higher calcination temperatures of 500 and 600°C was examined for the best catalyst. The total oxidation of the mixture was attained at higher temperatures of 375 and 410°C over catalysts calcined at 500 and 600°C respectively. Thus, the best precipitant established was Na 2 CO 3 and the optimum calcination temperature of 400°C was found to synthesize the NiCo 2 O 4 catalyst for the best performance in CO-CH 4 oxidation. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  1. Rotational energy transfer in Na2 (A Σ) colliding with Xe, Kr, Ar, Ne, He, H2, CH4, and N2: Experiment and fitting laws

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Brunner, T.A.; Smith, N.; Karp, A.W.; Pritchard, D.E.


    Using the method of laser-induced fluorescence, we have measured level to level rate constants for rotational energy transfer (RET) in Na 2 colliding with Xe, Kr, Ar, Ne, He, H 2 , N 2 , and CH 4 . For each target gas we varied the initial rotational quantum number ji-italic over a wide range, typically 4--100, and measured approximately 60 rate constants with an average error of between 6% and 9%. The resulting base of 479 rate constants is used to test several recently proposed fitting laws. The energy corrected sudden scaling law of DePristo et al., when combined with the assumption of a power gap law for the basis rate constants k/sub l/→0, fit with only 3 parameters all of the data for a given target gas with 7%--12% average percentage deviation. Our statistical power gap law worked well and was generally the best law for those data sets with only one value of j/sub i/. The worst fits in all cases considered here were those using the exponential gap law of surprisal theory

  2. ChIP-PIT: Enhancing the Analysis of ChIP-Seq Data Using Convex-Relaxed Pair-Wise Interaction Tensor Decomposition. (United States)

    Zhu, Lin; Guo, Wei-Li; Deng, Su-Ping; Huang, De-Shuang


    In recent years, thanks to the efforts of individual scientists and research consortiums, a huge amount of chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) experimental data have been accumulated. Instead of investigating them independently, several recent studies have convincingly demonstrated that a wealth of scientific insights can be gained by integrative analysis of these ChIP-seq data. However, when used for the purpose of integrative analysis, a serious drawback of current ChIP-seq technique is that it is still expensive and time-consuming to generate ChIP-seq datasets of high standard. Most researchers are therefore unable to obtain complete ChIP-seq data for several TFs in a wide variety of cell lines, which considerably limits the understanding of transcriptional regulation pattern. In this paper, we propose a novel method called ChIP-PIT to overcome the aforementioned limitation. In ChIP-PIT, ChIP-seq data corresponding to a diverse collection of cell types, TFs and genes are fused together using the three-mode pair-wise interaction tensor (PIT) model, and the prediction of unperformed ChIP-seq experimental results is formulated as a tensor completion problem. Computationally, we propose efficient first-order method based on extensions of coordinate descent method to learn the optimal solution of ChIP-PIT, which makes it particularly suitable for the analysis of massive scale ChIP-seq data. Experimental evaluation the ENCODE data illustrate the usefulness of the proposed model.

  3. A method for fast determination of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG, epicatechin (EC, catechin (C and caffeine (CAF in green tea using HPLC Método rápido para determinação de galato de epigalocatequina (EGCG, epicatequina (EC, catequina (C e cafeína (CAF em chá verde usando CLAE

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel T. Saito


    Full Text Available Tea has been considered a medicine and a healthy beverage since ancient times, but recently it has received a great deal of attention because of its antioxidant properties. Green tea polyphenols have demonstrated to be an effective chemopreventive agent. Recently, investigators have found that EGCG, one of the green tea catechins, could have anti-HIV effects when bound to CD4 receptor. Many factors can constitute important influences on the composition of tea, such as species, season, age of the leaf, climate, and horticultural practices (soil, water, minerals, fertilizers. This paper presents an HPLC analytical methodology development, using column RP-18 and mobile phase composed by water, acetonitrile, methanol, ethyl acetate, glacial acetic acid (89:6:1:3:1 v/v/v/v/v for simultaneous determination and quantification of caffeine (CAF, catechin (C, epicatechin (EC and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG in samples of Camellia sinensis (green tea grown in Brazil and harvested in spring, in summer and in autumn, in comparison to Brazilian black tea, to samples of Japanese and Chinese green tea and to two standardized dry extracts of green tea. The method has been statistically evaluated and has proved to be adequate to qualitative and quantitative determination of the samples.O chá vem sendo considerado uma bebida saudável e com propriedades medicinais desde tempos bem remotos, mas recentemente tem ganhado grande interesse no meio científico devido a suas atividades como antioxidante. Os polifenóis do chá verde vêm demonstrando possuir atividades quimiopreventivas. Recentemente, pesquisadores descobriram que o EGCG, a principal catequina do chá verde, poderia ter efeito anti-HIV quando acoplado ao receptor CD4. Muitos fatores podem influenciar de forma significativa na composição do chá, como sua espécie, estação que foi colhida, idade da folha, clima e técnicas de cultura (solo, irrigação e fertilizantes. Este artigo vem apresentar

  4. Visible absorption spectrum of the CH3CO radical. (United States)

    Rajakumar, B; Flad, Jonathan E; Gierczak, Tomasz; Ravishankara, A R; Burkholder, James B


    The visible absorption spectrum of the acetyl radical, CH(3)CO, was measured between 490 and 660 nm at 298 K using cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Gas-phase CH(3)CO radicals were produced using several methods including: (1) 248 nm pulsed laser photolysis of acetone (CH(3)C(O)CH(3)), methyl ethyl ketone (MEK, CH(3)C(O)CH(2)CH(3)), and biacetyl (CH(3)C(O)C(O)CH(3)), (2) Cl + CH(3)C(O)H --> CH(3)C(O) + HCl with Cl atoms produced via pulsed laser photolysis or in a discharge flow tube, and (3) OH + CH(3)C(O)H --> CH(3)CO + H(2)O with two different pulsed laser photolysis sources of OH radicals. The CH(3)CO absorption spectrum was assigned on the basis of the consistency of the spectra obtained from the different CH(3)CO sources and agreement of the measured rate coefficients for the reaction of the absorbing species with O(2) and O(3) with literature values for the CH(3)CO + O(2) + M and CH(3)CO + O(3) reactions. The CH(3)CO absorption spectrum between 490 and 660 nm has a broad peak centered near 535 nm and shows no discernible structure. The absorption cross section of CH(3)CO at 532 nm was measured to be (1.1 +/- 0.2) x 10(-19) cm(2) molecule(-1) (base e).


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosana Maria Menzani


    Full Text Available A hospitalização na infância pode alterar significativamente o desenvolvimento dos pacientes envolvidos, uma vez que restringe as suas relações de convivência, dado o afastamento da família, dos amigos e da sua escola, substituída por um ambiente onde a dor e a doença podem vir a ser presenças constantes. O principal objetivo deste artigo é apresentar, por meio de uma revisão da literatura, a contribuição da Classe Hospitalar (CH sobre as dificuldades recorrentes da hospitalização de crianças em idade escolar, considerando-se os aspectos emocionais, físicos e cognitivos envolvidos neste contexto. Com base no levantamento bibliográfico realizado, verificou-se a existência de um consenso sobre os benefícios da CH, que, ao promover aprendizagem de conteúdos escolares, concomitantemente participa positivamente do desenvolvimento cognitivo e emocional dos alunos.

  6. Contrast between the mechanisms for dissociative electron attachment to CH3SCN and CH3NCS (United States)

    Miller, Thomas M.; Viggiano, Albert A.; Shuman, Nicholas S.


    The kinetics of thermal electron attachment to methyl thiocyanate (CH3SCN), methyl isothiocyanate (CH3NCS), and ethyl thiocyanate (C2H5SCN) were measured using flowing afterglow-Langmuir probe apparatuses at temperatures between 300 and 1000 K. CH3SCN and C2H5SCN undergo inefficient dissociative attachment to yield primarily SCN- at 300 K (k = 2 × 10-10 cm3 s-1), with increasing efficiency as temperature increases. The increase is well described by activation energies of 0.17 eV (CH3SCN) and 0.14 eV (C2H5SCN). CN- product is formed at product but at a rate at 300 K that is below our detection threshold (k differentiating the two mechanisms. The kinetic modeling reproduces the CH3NCS data only if dissociation through the transient anion is considered.

  7. Clues to NaCN formation (United States)

    Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Cernicharo, J.; Velilla Prieto, L.; Agúndez, M.; Castro-Carrizo, A.; Fonfría, J. P.; Massalkhi, S.; Pardo, J. R.


    Context. ALMA is providing us essential information on where certain molecules form. Observing where these molecules emission arises from, the physical conditions of the gas, and how this relates with the presence of other species allows us to understand the formation of many species, and to significantly improve our knowledge of the chemistry that occurs in the space. Aims: We studied the molecular distribution of NaCN around IRC +10216, a molecule detected previously, but whose origin is not clear. High angular resolution maps allow us to model the abundance distribution of this molecule and check suggested formation paths. Methods: We modeled the emission of NaCN assuming local thermal equilibrium (LTE) conditions. These profiles were fitted to azimuthal averaged intensity profiles to obtain an abundance distribution of NaCN. Results: We found that the presence of NaCN seems compatible with the presence of CN, probably as a result of the photodissociation of HCN, in the inner layers of the ejecta of IRC +10216. However, similar as for CH3CN, current photochemical models fail to reproduce this CN reservoir. We also found that the abundance peak of NaCN appears at a radius of 3 × 1015 cm, approximately where the abundance of NaCl, suggested to be the parent species, starts to decay. However, the abundance ratio shows that the NaCl abundance is lower than that obtained for NaCN. We expect that the LTE assumption might result in NaCN abundances higher than the real ones. Updated photochemical models, collisional rates, and reaction rates are essential to determine the possible paths of the NaCN formation. Based on observations carried out with ALMA and the IRAM 30 m Telescope. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada) and NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France

  8. Estery vybraných mastných kyselin a biologicky aktivních alkoholů jako možné hormonogenní látky při regulaci hmyzích škůdců

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jurček, O.; Moravcová, J.; Wimmer, Zdeněk


    Roč. 100, č. 5 (2006), s. 387-388 ISSN 0009-2770. [Mezioborové setkání mladých vědeckých a výzkumných pracovníků z oboru chemie, biochemie, molekulární biologie a oborů příbuzných. Konference Sigma-Aldrich /6./. 14.06.2006-17.06.2006, Devět skal] R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) OC D29.001 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40550506 Keywords : esters * hormonogen substances Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry

  9. THE J = 1-0 TRANSITIONS OF 12CH+, 13CH+, AND 12CD+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Amano, T.


    A new set of laboratory experimental frequencies for the J = 1-0 rotational transition of 12 CH + , 13 CH + , and 12 CD + are obtained by using a liquid nitrogen cooled extended negative glow discharge in a gas mixture of CH 4 and He. These frequencies are found to be significantly different from those reported previously. The unexpectedly large Zeeman effect and the spin-rotation hyperfine interaction for a 1 Σ molecule are observed. The Zeeman effect and the hyperfine interaction appear to be distinctively different for each isotopic species. Theoretical considerations reveal the isotopic dependence of the magnitudes of these effects, and they also provide strong evidence for the identifications.

  10. Experimental Determination of Lead Interactions with Citrate and EDTA in NaCl and MgCl2 Solutions to High Ionic Strength and Its Applications.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Xiong, Yongliang [Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Carlsbad Programs Group; Kirkes, Leslie Dawn [Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Carlsbad Programs Group; Westfall, Terry [Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Carlsbad Programs Group; Marrs, Cassandra [Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Carlsbad Programs Group; Knox, Jandi [Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Carlsbad Programs Group; Burton, Heather Lynn [Sandia National Laboratories (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States). Carlsbad Programs Group


    For this study, the interactions of lead with citrate and ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) are investigated based on solubility measurements as a function of ionic strength at room temperature (22.5 ± 0.5°C) in NaCl and MgCl2 solutions. The formation constants (log β10 ) for Pb[C3H5O(COO)3]– (abbreviated as PbCitrate) and Pb[(CH2COO)2N(CH2)2N(CH2COO)2)]2– (abbreviated as PbEDTA2–) Pb2+ + [C3H5O(COO)3]3– = Pb[C3H5O(COO)3] (1) Pb2+ + (CH2COO)2N(CH2)2N(CH2COO)2)4- = Pb[(CH2COO)2N(CH2)2N(CH2COO)2)]2– (2) are evaluated as 7.28 ± 0.18 (2σ) and 20.00 ± 0.20 (2σ), respectively, with a set of Pitzer parameters describing the specific interactions in NaCl and MgCl2 media. Based on these parameters, the interactions of lead with citrate and EDTA in various low temperature environments can be accurately modelled.

  11. Linking rhizospheric CH4 oxidation and net CH4 emissions in an arctic wetland based on 13CH4 labeling of mesocosms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Cecilie Skov; Michelsen, Anders; Ambus, Per


    Aims: Poorly drained arctic ecosystems are potential large emitters of methane (CH4) due to their high soil organic carbon content and low oxygen availability. In wetlands, aerenchymatous plants transport CH4 from the soil to the atmosphere, but concurrently transport O2 to the rhizosphere, which...... may lead to oxidation of CH4. The importance of the latter process is largely unknown for arctic plant species and ecosystems. Here, we aim to quantify the subsurface oxidation of CH4 in a waterlogged arctic ecosystem dominated by Carex aquatilis ssp. stans and Eriophorum angustifolium, and evaluate...... during three weeks after addition of 13C-enriched CH4 below the mesocosm. Results: Most of the recovered 13C label (>98 %) escaped the ecosystem as CH4, while less than 2 % was oxidized to 13CO2. Conclusions: It is concluded that aerenchymatous plants control the overall CH4 emissions but, as a transport...

  12. Modelování námoku surových kůží


    Kolomazník, Karel; Janáčová, Dagmar; Prokopová, Zdenka


    Surová kůže je surovina pro výrobu přírodních usní. V práci byly stanoveny matematické platné pro prací procesy v koželužství. Navržené modely byly využity při optimalizaci první "mokré" koželužské operace - námoku surových kůží v koželužské výrobě, která se vyznačuje velkou spotřebou užitkové vody a chemikálií. Pro stanovení cílové funkce bylo zvoleno ekonomické hledisko, tj. nákladová funkce. Na základě těchto modelů byl navržen algoritmus řízení první fáze námoku tj. praní před námokem a n...

  13. Nástroj pro penetrační testování webových aplikací


    Dobeš, Michal


    Tato práce se zabývá problematikou penetračního testování webových aplikací, se zaměřením na zranitelnosti Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) a SQL Injection (SQLI).  Popisuje technologie webových aplikací, nejběžnější zranitelnosti dle OWASP Top 10 a motivaci pro penetrační testování. Uvádí principy, dopady a doporučení pro nápravu zranitelností Cross-Site Scripting a SQL Injection. V rámci praktické části práce byl implementován nástroj pro podporu penetračního testování. Tento nástroj je rozšiřite...

  14. As questões habitacional e urbana na Venezuela contemporânea


    Flávio Higuchi Hirao


    Essa dissertação aborda a questão urbana e habitacional na Venezuela. Realiza-se investigação histórica sobre os principais períodos da política habitacional na Venezuela a partir de 1928 (fundação do Banco Obrero), seguida pela caracterização do programa Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela (sob a gestão de Hugo Chávez) e dos movimentos sociais urbanos reunido em torno da plataforma do Movimiento de Pobladoras y Pobladores. Investiga-se a importância da formação das favelas e a subsequente luta pe...

  15. Detekce malware na počítačové síti


    Šolar, Tomáš


    V současné době se stal firewall již nedostatečným prostředkem pro ochranu počítačových sítí. Kvůli stále se zvyšujícím hrozbám pocházejícím z internetu třeba v podobě malwaru či útoků hackerů se vyvinuly systémy detekce (IDS) a prevence (IPS) narušení. Tyto systémy fungují jako další stupeň zabezpečení počítačových sítí, přičemž IDS systémy mají jako hlavní funkčnost především detekci, kdežto IPS systémy jsou schopné i na napadení zareagovat. Cílem této práce je provádět detekci na modelovém...

  16. Methane Provenance Determined by CH2D2 and 13CH3D Abundances (United States)

    Kohl, I. E.; Giunta, T.; Warr, O.; Ash, J. L.; Ruffine, L.; Sherwood Lollar, B.; Young, E. D.


    Determining the provenance of naturally occurring methane gases is of major interest to energy companies and atmospheric climate modelers, among others. Bulk isotopic compositions and other geochemical tracers sometimes fail to provide definitive determinations of sources of methane due to complications from mixing and complicated chemical pathways of origin. Recent measurements of doubly-substituted isotopologues of methane, CH2D2 (UCLA) and 13CH3D (UCLA, CalTech, and MIT) have allowed for major improvements in sourcing natural methane gases. Early work has focused on formation temperatures obtained when the relative abundances of both doubly-substituted mass-18 species are consistent with internal equilibrium. When methane gases do not plot on the thermodynamic equilibrium curve in D12CH2D2 vs D13CH3D space, temperatures determined from D13CH3D values alone are usually spurious, even when appearing reasonable. We find that the equilibrium case is actually rare and almost exclusive to thermogenic gases produced at temperatures exceeding 100°C. All other relevant methane production processes appear to generate gases that are not in isotopologue-temperature equilibrium. When gases show departures from equilibrium as determined by the relationship between CH2D2 and 13CH3D abundances, data fall within empirically defined fields representing formation pathways. These fields are thus far consistent between different geological settings and and between lab experiments and natural samples. We have now defined fields for thermogenic gas production, microbial methanogenesis, low temperature abiotic (Sabatier) synthesis and higher temperature FTT synthesis. The majority of our natural methane data can be explained by mixing between end members originating within these production fields. Mixing can appear complex, resulting in both hyper-clumped and anti-clumped isotopologue abundances. In systems where mixtures dominate and end-members are difficult to sample, mixing models

  17. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of plant transcription factors followed by sequencing (ChIP-SEQ) or hybridization to whole genome arrays (ChIP-CHIP)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kaufmann, K.; Muiño, J.M.; Østerås, M.; Farinelli, L.; Krajewski, P.; Angenent, G.C.


    Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful technique to study interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and DNA in vivo. For genome-wide de novo discovery of TF-binding sites, the DNA that is obtained in ChIP experiments needs to be processed for sequence identification. The sequences

  18. Transient infrared absorption of t-CH3C(O)OO, c-CH3C(O)OO, and α-lactone recorded in gaseous reactions of CH3CO and O2 (United States)

    Chen, Sun-Yang; Lee, Yuan-Pern


    A step-scan Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer coupled with a multipass absorption cell was utilized to monitor the transient species produced in gaseous reactions of CH3CO and O2; IR absorption spectra of CH3C(O)OO and α-lactone were observed. Absorption bands with origins at 1851±1, 1372±2, 1169±6, and 1102±3 cm-1 are attributed to t-CH3C(O)OO, and those at 1862±3, 1142±4, and 1078±6 cm-1 are assigned to c-CH3C(O)OO. A weak band near 1960 cm-1 is assigned to α-lactone, cyc-CH2C(O)O, a coproduct of OH. These observed rotational contours agree satisfactorily with simulated bands based on predicted rotational parameters and dipole derivatives, and observed vibrational wavenumbers agree with harmonic vibrational wavenumbers predicted with B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ density-functional theory. The observed relative intensities indicate that t-CH3C(O)OO is more stable than c-CH3C(O)OO by 3±2 kJ mol-1. Based on these observations, the branching ratio for the OH+α-lactone channel of the CH3CO+O2 reaction is estimated to be 0.04±0.01 under 100 Torr of O2 at 298 K. A simple kinetic model is employed to account for the decay of CH3C(O)OO.

  19. Transient infrared absorption of t-CH3C(O)OO, c-CH3C(O)OO, and alpha-lactone recorded in gaseous reactions of CH3CO and O2. (United States)

    Chen, Sun-Yang; Lee, Yuan-Pern


    A step-scan Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer coupled with a multipass absorption cell was utilized to monitor the transient species produced in gaseous reactions of CH(3)CO and O(2); IR absorption spectra of CH(3)C(O)OO and alpha-lactone were observed. Absorption bands with origins at 1851+/-1, 1372+/-2, 1169+/-6, and 1102+/-3 cm(-1) are attributed to t-CH(3)C(O)OO, and those at 1862+/-3, 1142+/-4, and 1078+/-6 cm(-1) are assigned to c-CH(3)C(O)OO. A weak band near 1960 cm(-1) is assigned to alpha-lactone, cyc-CH(2)C(=O)O, a coproduct of OH. These observed rotational contours agree satisfactorily with simulated bands based on predicted rotational parameters and dipole derivatives, and observed vibrational wavenumbers agree with harmonic vibrational wavenumbers predicted with B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ density-functional theory. The observed relative intensities indicate that t-CH(3)C(O)OO is more stable than c-CH(3)C(O)OO by 3+/-2 kJ mol(-1). Based on these observations, the branching ratio for the OH+alpha-lactone channel of the CH(3)CO+O(2) reaction is estimated to be 0.04+/-0.01 under 100 Torr of O(2) at 298 K. A simple kinetic model is employed to account for the decay of CH(3)C(O)OO.

  20. Enantioselective copper catalysed intramolecular C-H insertion reactions of α-diazo-β-keto sulfones, α-diazo-β-keto phosphine oxides and 2-diazo-1,3-diketones; the influence of the carbene substituent. (United States)

    Shiely, Amy E; Slattery, Catherine N; Ford, Alan; Eccles, Kevin S; Lawrence, Simon E; Maguire, Anita R


    Enantioselectivities in C-H insertion reactions, employing the copper-bis(oxazoline)-NaBARF catalyst system, leading to cyclopentanones are highest with sulfonyl substituents on the carbene carbon, and furthermore, the impact is enhanced by increased steric demand on the sulfonyl substituent (up to 91%ee). Enantioselective intramolecular C-H insertion reactions of α-diazo-β-keto phosphine oxides and 2-diazo-1,3-diketones are reported for the first time.

  1. Analýza interakcí rodičovských genomů mezidruhového hybrida S. latifolia x S. viscosa na cytogenetické úrovni

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Marková, Michaela


    Roč. 100, č. 5 (2006), s. 395-396 ISSN 0009-2770. [Mezioborové setkání mladých vědeckých a výzkumných pracovníků z oborů chemie, biochemie a molekulární biologie /6./. 14.06.2006-17.06.2006, Devět skal - Žďárské vrchy] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA521/05/2076; GA ČR(CZ) GD204/05/H505 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50040507 Keywords : interspecific hybrid * GISH * Silene Subject RIV: BO - Biophysics

  2. The Products of the Thermal Decomposition of CH3CHO

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vasiliou, AnGayle; Piech, Krzysztof M.; Zhang, Xu; Nimlos, Mark R.; Ahmed, Musahid; Golan, Amir; Kostko, Oleg; Osborn, David L.; Daily, John W.; Stanton, John F.; Ellison, G. Barney


    We have used a heated 2 cm x 1 mm SiC microtubular (mu tubular) reactor to decompose acetaldehyde: CH3CHO + DELTA --> products. Thermal decomposition is followed at pressures of 75 - 150 Torr and at temperatures up to 1700 K, conditions that correspond to residence times of roughly 50 - 100 mu sec in the mu tubular reactor. The acetaldehyde decomposition products are identified by two independent techniques: VUV photoionization mass spectroscopy (PIMS) and infrared (IR) absorption spectroscopy after isolation in a cryogenic matrix. Besides CH3CHO, we have studied three isotopologues, CH3CDO, CD3CHO, and CD3CDO. We have identified the thermal decomposition products CH3(PIMS), CO (IR, PIMS), H (PIMS), H2 (PIMS), CH2CO (IR, PIMS), CH2=CHOH (IR, PIMS), H2O (IR, PIMS), and HC=CH (IR, PIMS). Plausible evidence has been found to support the idea that there are at least three different thermal decomposition pathways for CH3CHO: Radical decomposition: CH3CHO + DELTA --> CH3 + [HCO] --> CH3 + H + CO Elimination: CH3CHO + DELTA --> H2 + CH2=C=O. Isomerization/elimination: CH3CHO + DELTA --> [CH2=CH-OH] --> HC=CH + H2O. Both PIMS and IR spectroscopy show compelling evidence for the participation of vinylidene, CH2=C:, as an intermediate in the decomposition of vinyl alchohol: CH2=CH-OH + DELTA --> [CH2=C:] + H2O --> HC=CH + H2O.

  3. Photoelectric observations of CH Cygni

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luud, L; Ruusalepp, M; Vennik, Ya


    UBV observations of the peculiar variable star CH Cygni from 1968 up to 1974 are presented. HD 182691 served as a comparison star. It turned out that the colours are in accordance with a model for a symbiotic star. The colour-magnitude diagrams of CH Cygni allow dividing the period of the observations into two parts in dependence on the activity of CH Cygni. Observed brightness variations are analyzed by using autocorrelation, crosscorrelation, and power spectral density functions. It has been found that brightness variations have some periods which are given.

  4. On the feasibility of chemi-ion formation in the system CH2CH(ã 4A″)+O(3P) (United States)

    Metropoulos, Aristophanes


    We have investigated theoretically the possibility that the CH2CH(ã 4A″) radical can generate the CH2CHO+(X1A') ion upon collisions with O(3P). We have concluded that this is very unlikely because the minimum of the ground-state potential-energy surface of the ion is at about the same level as the potential energy of the asymptotic CH2CH(ã 4A″)+O(3P) fragments. In addition the Franck-Condon factors should not be favorable because of a drastic change in the geometry of the ion.

  5. Molecular simulation of water removal from simple gases with zeolite NaA. (United States)

    Csányi, Eva; Ható, Zoltán; Kristóf, Tamás


    Water vapor removal from some simple gases using zeolite NaA was studied by molecular simulation. The equilibrium adsorption properties of H(2)O, CO, H(2), CH(4) and their mixtures in dehydrated zeolite NaA were computed by grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations employed Lennard-Jones + Coulomb type effective pair potential models, which are suitable for the reproduction of thermodynamic properties of pure substances. Based on the comparison of the simulation results with experimental data for single-component adsorption at different temperatures and pressures, a modified interaction potential model for the zeolite is proposed. In the adsorption simulations with mixtures presented here, zeolite exhibits extremely high selectivity of water to the investigated weakly polar/non-polar gases demonstrating the excellent dehydration ability of zeolite NaA in engineering applications.

  6. Exploring the crystallization landscape of cadmium bis(N-hydroxyethyl, N-isopropyldithiocarbamate), Cd[S2CN(iPr)CH2CH2OH]2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tan, Yee Seng; Halim, Siti Nadiah Abdul; Tiekink, Edward R.T.; Sunway Univ., Bandar Sunway


    Crystallization of Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 from ethanol yields the coordination polymer [{Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 }.EtOH] ∞ (1) within 3 h. When the solution is allowed to stand for another hour, the needles begin to dissolve and prisms emerge of the supramolecular isomer (SI), binuclear {Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 } 2 .2EtOH (2). These have been fully characterized spectroscopically and by X-ray crystallography. Polymeric 1 has 2-fold symmetry and features dithiocarbamate ligands coordinating two octahedral Cd atoms in a μ 2 κ 2 -tridentate mode. Binuclear 2 is centrosymmetric with two ligands being μ 2 κ 2 -tridentate as for 1 but the other two being κ 2 -chelating leading to square pyramidal geometries. The conversion of the kinetic crystallization product, 1, to thermodynamic 2 is irreversible but transformations mediated by recrystallization (ethanol and acetonitrile) to related literature SI species, namely coordination polymer [{Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 } 3 .MeCN] ∞ and binuclear {Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 } 2 .2H 2 O.2MeCN, are demonstrated, some of which are reversible. Three other crystallization outcomes are described whereby crystal structures were obtained for the 1:2 co-crystal {Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 } 2 :2[3-(propan-2-yl)-1,3-oxazolidine-2-thione] (3), the salt co-crystal [iPrNH 2 (CH 2 CH 2 OH)] 4 [SO 4 ] 2 {Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 } 2 (4) and the salt [iPrNH 2 (CH 2 CH 2 OH)]{Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 3 } (5). These arise as a result of decomposition/oxidation of the dithiocarbamate ligands. In each of 3 and 4 the binuclear {Cd[S 2 CN(iPr)CH 2 CH 2 OH] 2 } 2 SI, as in 2, is observed strongly suggesting a thermodynamic preference for this form.

  7. Radiative forcing calculations for CH3Cl

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grossman, A.S.; Grant, K.E.; Wuebbles, D.J.


    Methyl chloride, CH 3 Cl, is the major natural source of chlorine to the stratosphere. The production of CH 3 Cl is dominated by biological sources from the oceans and biomass burning. Production has a seasonal cycle which couples with the short lifetime of tropospheric CH 3 Cl to produce nonuniform global mixing. As an absorber of infrared radiation, CH 3 Cl is of interest for its potential affect on the tropospheric energy balance as well as for its chemical interactions. In this study, we estimate the radiative forcing and global warming potential (GWP) of CH 3 Cl. Our calculations use an infrared radiative transfer model based on the correlated k-distribution algorithm for band absorption. Global and annual average vertical profiles of temperature and trace gas concentration were assumed. The effects of clouds are modeled using three layers of global and annual average cloud optical properties. A radiative forcing value of 0.0053 W/m 2 ppbv was obtained for CH 3 Cl and is approximately linear in the background abundance. This value is about 2 percent of the forcing of CFC-11 and about 300 times the forcing of CO 2 , on a per molecule basis. The radiative forcing calculation for CH 3 Cl is used to estimate the global warming potential (GWP) of CH 3 Cl. The results give GWPs for CH 3 Cl of the order of 25 at a time of 20 years(CO 2 = 1). This result indicates that CH 3 Cl has the potential to be a major greenhouse gas if significant human related emissions were introduced into the atmosphere

  8. Thermal Power Of The TS-300B Refrigerator in the Aspects of Statistical Research / Moc Cieplna Chłodziarki TS-300B W Aspekcie Badań Statystycznych (United States)

    Nowak, Bernard; Łuczak, Rafał


    refrigerator, both on the test stand in the manufacturer's laboratory and in the workings of underground mines. The evaluation of the measurement data distributions, as well as an analysis of the basic descriptive statistics of the mentioned variables were carried out, determining their measures of central tendency, location, dispersion and asymmetry. Artykuł dotyczy poprawy cieplnych warunków pracy w wyrobiskach górniczych kopalń podziemnych stosujących lokalne systemy chłodnicze. Rozważa się w nim skuteczność schładzania powietrza chłodziarką sprężarkową bezpośredniego działania typu TS-300B. Bardzo często, w wyniku niedotrzymania wymaganych warunków pracy wymienionego systemu chłodzenia powietrza, występują rozbieżności między prognozowanymi, a więc oczekiwanymi efektami jego pracy a rzeczywistością. Dlatego, dla poprawy skuteczności pracy tego systemu, opracowano, pod kątem efektywnego wykorzystania mocy chłodniczej parownika takiej chłodziarki, łatwe w zastosowaniu praktycznym kryteria jakości. Otrzymano je w postaci modeli statystycznych określających wpływ zmiennych niezależnych, tj. parametrów powietrza wlotowego do parownika (temperatury, wilgotności i wydatku objętościowego) oraz parametrów wody chłodzącej skraplacz (temperatury i wydatku objętościowego) na moc cieplną chłodnicy powietrza traktowaną jako zmienna zależna. Równania statystyczne opisujące pracę rozważanego systemu chłodzenia powietrza wyznaczono na podstawie wielorakiej regresji liniowej i nieliniowej. Utworzone funkcje zmodyfikowano poprzez zmianę wartości współczynników w przypadku regresji liniowej oraz współczynników i wykładników w przypadku regresji nieliniowej, przy zmiennych niezależnych. Otrzymano w ten sposób funkcje dogodniejsze w praktycznych wykorzystaniach. Korzystając z metod statystyki klasycznej oceniono jakość dopasowania funkcji regresji do danych eksperymentalnych. Porównano także wartości mocy cieplnych

  9. Conteúdo de miricetina, quercetina e kaempferol em chás comercializados no Brasil Myciretin, quercetin and kaempterol contents in teas commercialized in Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simara Matsubara


    Full Text Available Os teores de miricetina, quercetina e kaempferol foram determinados em uma marca de ban-chá, duas de chá verde e quatro de chá preto. Analisaram-se três lotes para cada marca em duplicata por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Quercetina (2,5-3,4 mg/g folha seca predominou em todas as amostras, seguida por kaempferol (1,0-2,0 mg/g folha seca, com exceção de uma amostra na qual kaempferol e miricetina tiveram teores iguais. Houve variação entre os tipos de chás e mesmo entre marcas do mesmo tipo. Miricetina (traços - 1,9 mg/g folha seca foi o flavonol, que mais variou e que esteve em menor nível nos chás pretos. Outros chás muito consumidos no Brasil também foram investigados. A miricetina não foi encontrada em chás de frutas (maçã e morango e de ervas (erva doce, camomila, erva cidreira, hortelã, boldo, mate e erva mate, enquanto que quercetina foi encontrada em quatro chás (camomila, boldo, morango e erva mate e kaempferol, em dois chás (boldo e erva-mate, em concentrações de 0,4 a 2,5 e 0,4 a 2,6 mg/g de folha seca, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que estes chás são fontes de flavonóis na dieta brasileira, embora com teores menores que em chás verde e preto.The myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol contents of a brand of "ban-chá", two brands of green tea and four brands of black tea were determined. Three lots of each brand were analysed in duplicate by high performance liquid chromatography. Quercetin (2.5-3.4 mg/g of dry leaf predominated in all samples, followed by kaempferol (1.0-2.0 mg/g of dry leaf, with the exception of one sample, in which kaempferol and myricetin had the same levels. There was variation between different types of tea and even between brands of the same type of tea. Myricetin (trace-1.9 mg/g of dry leaf was the flavonol, that varied the most and was present at lower levels in black tea. Other teas widely consumed in Brazil were also investigated. Myricetin was not found in teas of


    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    Complexes Cp*2Ti(R)Cl (Cp* = eta-5-C5Me5; R = Me (1), Et (2), n-Pr (3), CH=CH2 (4), Ph (5), O-n-Pr (6)) have been prepared by oxidation Of CP*2TiR with lead dichloride. Not every compound Cp*2Ti(R)Cl was accessible and for R = CH2CMe3 and CH2Ph reduction to Cp*2TiCl and R. was observed. Homolysis of

  11. Synthesis and Characterization of (η5-C5Me5)2Ti(R)Cl (R = Me, Et, n-Pr, CH=CH2, Ph, O-n-Pr) and Their Salt Metathesis Reactions. Thermal Decomposition Pathways of (η5-C5Me5)2Ti(Me)R' (R' = Et, CH=CH2, Ph, CH2Ph)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Luinstra, Gerrit A.; Teuben, Jan H.


    Complexes Cp*2Ti(R)Cl (Cp* = η5-C5Me5; R = Me (1), Et (2), n-Pr (3), CH=CH2 (41, Ph (5), O-n-Pr (6)) have been prepared by oxidation of Cp*2TiR with lead dichloride. Not every compound Cp*2Ti(R)Cl was accessible and for R = CH2CMe3 and CH2Ph reduction to Cp*2TiCl and R· was observed. Homolysis of

  12. Kinetic isotope effects in the gas phase reactions of OH and Cl with CH3Cl, CD3Cl, and 13CH3Cl

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. A. Gola


    Full Text Available The kinetic isotope effects in the reactions of CH3Cl, 13CH3Cl and CD3Cl with OH radicals and Cl atoms were studied in relative rate experiments at 298±2 K and 1013±10 mbar. The reactions were carried out in a smog chamber using long path FTIR detection and the spectroscopic data analyzed employing a non-linear least squares spectral fitting method using measured high-resolution infrared spectra as well as absorption cross sections from the HITRAN database. The reaction rates of 13CH3Cl and CD3Cl with OH and Cl were determined relative to CH3Cl as: kOH+CH3ClkOH+CH3Cl/kOH+13CH3Cl}kOH+13CH3Cl=1.059±0.008, kOH+CH3ClkOH+CH3Cl/kOH+CD3ClkOH+CD3Cl=3.9±0.4, kCl+CH3ClkCl+CH3Cl/kCl+13CH3ClkCl+13CH3Cl =1.070±0.010 and kCl+CH3ClkCl+CH3Cl/kCl+CD3ClkCl+CD3Cl=4.91±0.07. The uncertainties given are 2σ from the statistical analyses and do not include possible systematic errors. The unexpectedly large 13C kinetic isotope effect in the OH reaction of CH3Cl has important implications for the global emission inventory of CH3Cl.

  13. Palladium Catalyzed Allylic C-H Alkylation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Engelin, Casper Junker; Fristrup, Peter


    are highlighted with emphasis on those leading to C-C bond formation, but where it was deemed necessary for the general understanding of the process closely related C-H oxidations and aminations are also included. It is found that C-H cleavage is most likely achieved by ligand participation which could involve......-H alkylation reaction which is the topic of the current review. Particular emphasis is put on current mechanistic proposals for the three reaction types comprising the overall transformation: C-H activation, nucleophillic addition, and re-oxidation of the active catalyst. Recent advances in C-H bond activation...... an acetate ion coordinated to Pd. Several of the reported systems rely on benzoquinone for re-oxidation of the active catalyst. The scope for nucleophilic addition in allylic C-H alkylation is currently limited, due to demands on pKa of the nucleophile. This limitation could be due to the pH dependence...

  14. Zpracování telemetrických údajů RC modelů letadel


    Žák, Tomáš


    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na problematiku snímání stavu RC modelu letadla, během letu. Je zde detailně rozebrána vnější tak i vnitřní struktura, včetně komunikace. Cílem práce je navrhnutí funkční desky pro snímání stavu RC letadla během letu, k tomu je použita součástka akcelerometr umožňující snímat stav. V digitální podobě je pak následně přeposílá k vyhodnocení do mikrokontroléru. V příloze je uvedeno celkové schéma zapojení včetně seznamu použitých součástek. Bachelor’s project foc...

  15. Analiza pracy wybranych stopni wodnych na odcinku Noteci Bystrej w warunkach zagrożenia powodziowego

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Justyna Płaczek


    Full Text Available Celem przestawionej publikacji jest analiza warunków przepływu oraz pracy budowli wodnych usytuowanych na odcinku Noteci Bystrej od stopnia Romanowo do jazu w Rosku. Obiekt badawczy zostały wybrany z dwóch powodów: (1 dla tego odcinka rzeki Noteć zostały opracowane mapy zagrożenia powodziowego jako wdrożenie Dyrektywy Powodziowej UE w ramach prac nad projektem ISOK, (2 na wymienionym odcinku znajduje się szereg budowli piętrzących posiadających zdolność retencjonowania wody i oddziaływania na falę wezbraniową. W ramach badań wykorzystano szeroko narzędzia GIS oraz modelowania matematycznego.

  16. The Long-Term Development of Water Bodies in the Context of Land Use: The Case of the Kyjovka and Trkmanka River Basins (Czech Republic/ Dlouhodobý vývoj vodních ploch v povodí Kyjovky a Trkmanky v kontextu využití krajiny (Česká republika

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Havlíček Marek


    Full Text Available Tato studie zkoumá dlouhodobý vývoj vodních ploch na příkladu dvou povodí s podobnými přírodními podmínkami (Povodí Kyjovky a povodí Trkmanky v České republice. S využitím starých topografických map byl vyhodnocen vývoj využití krajiny a proveden rozbor hybných sil změn využití krajiny. Zásadní změny využití krajiny jsou v tomto území spojeny s procesy zemědělské intenzifikace a urbanizace. Nejvyšší výměra vodních ploch byla zaznamenána v obou povodích v roce 1763. V druhé polovině 19. století se významně projevily zásadní hybné síly vedoucí k zániku většiny vodních ploch v obou povodích. Po druhé světové válce došlo k obnově některých vodních ploch v povodí Kyjovky, zároveň byly zakládány i nové rybníky. Naopak v povodí Trkmanky nebyly obnoveny žádné významné vodní plochy.

  17. Imunologické příčiny opakovaných těhotenských ztrát

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Madar, J.; Chaloupková, Alena; Šůla, K.; Pěknicová, Jana; Nováková, D.; Nouza, K.; Kinský, R.


    Roč. 4, č. 3 (2002), s. 1-96 ISSN 1212-687X. [Sjezd českých a slovenských alergologů a klinických imunologů /19./. 06.10.2002-09.10.2002, Karlovy Vary] R&D Projects: GA MZd NH6463 Keywords : abortion * kardiolipin Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology

  18. Firemní kultura a její vliv na efektivitu práce ve společnosti Ikea Brno s.r.o


    Logara, Vanja


    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na identifikaci kulturních hodnot společnosti IKEA Brno ve srovnání s malou firmou Lino s.r.o. Výzkum probíhal na základě podrobné analýzy stavu společnosti a firemní kultury a následnými metodami dotazování, a to metodou VSM94, myšlenkovými mapami a osobním interview. Výstupem by měl být seznam konkrétních kroků, které je možno implementovat ve společnosti IKEA Brno. This diploma thesis is focused on the identification of cultural values in IKEA Brno, compared ...

  19. Návrh na snížení počtu neshod s využitím nástrojů kvality


    Vondruška, Jiří


    Práce je zaměřena na snižování počtu neshod s využitím nástrojů kvality ve společnosti zabývající se barvením a zušlechťováním textilních materiálů. Cílem je návrh systému řízení neshod. Na základě analýzy současného způsobu řešení neshod jsou navrženy procesy evidence interních neshod a reklamací, na které navazuje systém vyhodnocování neshod. Návrh povede k systematickému přístupu při řešení neshod. The thesis is focused on reducing number of nonconformities using quality tools in the co...

  20. Side chain mobility as monitored by CH-CH cross correlation: The example of cytochrome b5

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Banci, Lucia; Bertini, Ivano; Felli, Isabella C.; Hajieva, Parvana; Viezzoli, Maria Silvia


    The mobility of βCH 2 moieties in oxidized and reduced cytochrome b 5 was studied by analyzing the 13 C relaxation of the J-split components, in terms of C-H dipole-C-H dipole cross correlation rates. A 2D 13 C- 1 H experiment is proposed to measure these rates that provide the internal effective reorientation correlation time for each CH 2 moiety. It is found that higher mobility is present in the α helices forming the heme pocket. On the contrary, the β strands, which form the hydrophobic core of the molecule, have the lowest mobility. The general pattern is the same for the oxidized and reduced species, indicating that any oxidation-dependent property detected for backbone NH moieties does not affect the CH 2 mobility

  1. InChIKey collision resistance: an experimental testing

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pletnev Igor


    Full Text Available Abstract InChIKey is a 27-character compacted (hashed version of InChI which is intended for Internet and database searching/indexing and is based on an SHA-256 hash of the InChI character string. The first block of InChIKey encodes molecular skeleton while the second block represents various kinds of isomerism (stereo, tautomeric, etc.. InChIKey is designed to be a nearly unique substitute for the parent InChI. However, a single InChIKey may occasionally map to two or more InChI strings (collision. The appearance of collision itself does not compromise the signature as collision-free hashing is impossible; the only viable approach is to set and keep a reasonable level of collision resistance which is sufficient for typical applications. We tested, in computational experiments, how well the real-life InChIKey collision resistance corresponds to the theoretical estimates expected by design. For this purpose, we analyzed the statistical characteristics of InChIKey for datasets of variable size in comparison to the theoretical statistical frequencies. For the relatively short second block, an exhaustive direct testing was performed. We computed and compared to theory the numbers of collisions for the stereoisomers of Spongistatin I (using the whole set of 67,108,864 isomers and its subsets. For the longer first block, we generated, using custom-made software, InChIKeys for more than 3 × 1010 chemical structures. The statistical behavior of this block was tested by comparison of experimental and theoretical frequencies for the various four-letter sequences which may appear in the first block body. From the results of our computational experiments we conclude that the observed characteristics of InChIKey collision resistance are in good agreement with theoretical expectations.

  2. Zespół larwy trzewnej wędrującej u 3-letniego chłopca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Małgorzata Niedworok


    Full Text Available Toksokaroza jest to zarażenie larwą glisty psiej lub kociej (Toxocara canis, T. cati, która, nie mogąc przejść w postać dojrzałą, krąży w ustroju i dociera do różnych narządów oraz tkanek człowieka. Do czynników ryzyka zarażenia Toxocara canis/cati należą: wiek 3-10 lat, płeć męska, mieszkanie na wsi, posiadanie psów, szczególnie szczeniąt i młodych psów do lat 3, oraz pica (spożywanie rzeczy niejadalnych i onychofagia (obgryzanie paznokci. Wśród postaci klinicznych toksokarozy wyróżnia się zwykle zespół larwy trzewnej wędrującej, ocznej wędrującej oraz postać ukrytą. W pracy prezentowany jest przypadek 3-letniego chłopca ze środowiska wiejskiego, który został przyjęty z powodu podejrzenia białaczki eozynofilowej. U chłopca ze znaczną eozynofilią krwi obwodowej po wykluczeniu rozpoznania wstępnego oraz licznych chorób pasożytniczych rozpoznano postać uogólnioną zespołu larwy trzewnej wędrującej. Ze względu na kilkakrotny nawrót objawów u chłopca i ponowne hospitalizacje z tego powodu poszerzono wywiad środowiskowy, z którego wynikało, że chłopiec spożywa duże ilości piasku z ogródka przydomowego, skażonego przez przebywające tam szczenięta. Zaobserwowana przez rodziców pica, czyli spożywanie rzeczy niejadalnych, w tym wypadku piasku, oraz obecność w otoczeniu domu zaniedbanych, nieodrobaczanych szczeniąt były przyczyną ciężkiej postaci zarażenia dziecka i nawracania objawów. Ze względu na uporczywość zakażenia Toxocara canis u psów w Polsce i możliwości zarażania się toksokarozą konieczne są działania profilaktyczne, np. właściwie prowadzone odrobaczanie psów, a szczególnie szczeniąt. Ważne jest również częste zmienianie piasku w piaskownicach, ograniczenie liczby bezdomnych zwierząt, wyprowadzanie psów z dala od miejsc zabaw dzieci itp., ale również kształtowanie właściwych zachowań higienicznych u dzieci. Szansą rozwi

  3. Determinação da atividade antioxidante e do teor total de polifenol em amostras de chá de ervas comercializadas em sachets

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    Tieme Nakamura


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Os chás de ervas são tradicionalmente utilizados na medicina popular em muitas regiões do Brasil. Os chás contêm compostos antioxidantes que combatem o stress oxidativo e seu consumo tem sido associado à diminuição dos níveis de colesterol, pressão arterial e até de doenças cardiovasculares. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a capacidade antioxidante total, o teor total de polifenóis, o consumo (scavenging de H2O2 e a presença de outros grupos de compostos antioxidantes em 43 amostras de chás em sachets. Métodos: O método CUPRAC (cupric ion reducing antioxidant capacity foi utilizado para determinar a capacidade antioxidante total. O teor total de polifenóis foi obtido com o uso do reagente de Folin-Ciocalteu; o ensaio de scavenging baseou-se no consumo de solução de H2O2 após adição do chá; e a presença de flavonóides, carotenos e catequinas foi investigada por cromatografia em papel. Resultados: A capacidade antioxidante total nas amostras analisadas seguiu a ordem: camomila > hortelã > carqueja > cidreira > boldo > verde > mate > preto > branco > erva doce. O teor total de polifenóis obedeceu à sequência: branco > hortelã > preto > mate > boldo > verde > camomila > carqueja > cidreira > erva doce. As divergências encontradas entre as amostras de um mesmo grupo de chá podem ser atribuídas à época da colheita, ao tipo de solo, local de plantio, variações climáticas e partes da planta utilizadas na elaboração dos sachets. Conclusão: Concluise que todas as amostras analisadas apresentaram capacidade antioxidante e consumo de H2O2. Em apenas uma delas não foi possível detectar flavonóides, carotenos ou catequinas.

  4. Antropodidaktický přístup k interakcím učitel–žák ve výuce matematiky na 1. stupni školy

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    Bernard Sarrazy


    Full Text Available Článek se zabývá interakcemi jako jednou z hlavních složek učitelova didaktického působení. První část je věnována charakterizaci formy těchto interakcí ve třech různých didaktických kontextech: v „předávaném kontextu", „intermediálním kontextu" a „institucionalizujícím kontextu". Pozornost se soustřeďuje na funkce, které interakce plní v didaktickém systému, a jejich kognitivní efekty. Druhá část se zabývá fatickými interakcemi; jejím cílem je ukázat, jak učitelé postupují, jestliže se snaží sjednotit své vzdělávací poslání se specifickými problémy, které vznikají z různorodosti potřeb jednotlivých žáků.

  5. Rate Constant for the Reaction CH3 + CH3 Yields C2H6 at T = 155 K and Model Calculation of the CH3 Abundance in the Atmospheres of Saturn and Neptune (United States)

    Cody, Regina J.; Romani, Paul N.; Nesbitt, Fred L.; Iannone, Mark A.; Tardy, Dwight C.; Stief, Louis J.


    The column abundances of CH3 observed by the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) satellite on Saturn and Neptune were lower than predicted by atmospheric photochemical models, especially for Saturn. It has been suggested that the models underestimated the loss of CH3 due to poor knowledge of the rate constant k of the CH3 + CH3 self-reaction at the low temperatures and pressures of these atmospheres. Motivated by this suggestion, we undertook a combined experimental and photochemical modeling study of the CH3 + CH3 reaction and its role in determining planetary CH3 abundances. In a discharge flow-mass spectrometer system, k was measured at T = 155 K and three pressures of He. The results in units of cu cm/molecule/s are k(0.6 Torr) = 6.82 x 10(exp -11), k(1.0 Torr) = 6.98 x 10(exp -11), and k(1.5 Torr) = 6.91 x 10(exp -11). Analytical expressions for k were derived that (1) are consistent with the present laboratory data at T = 155 K, our previous data at T = 202 K and 298 K, and those of other studies in He at T = 296-298 K and (2) have some theoretical basis to provide justification for extrapolation. The derived analytical expressions were then used in atmospheric photochemical models for both Saturn and Neptune. These model results reduced the disparity with observations of Saturn, but not with observations of Neptune. However, the disparity for Neptune is much smaller. The solution to the remaining excess CH3 prediction in the models relative to the ISO observations lies, to a large extent, elsewhere in the CH3 photochemistry or transport, not in the CH3 + CH3 rate.

  6. Hodnocení vrcholového sportovního výsledku z pohledu různých typů publika Evaluation of the elite sports result from the viewpoint of different types of public

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    Marjeta Kovač


    Full Text Available Sportovní výsledek splňuje svůj pravý účel tehdy, je-li zaznamenán veřejností a podle příslušné odezvy nabývá případně dalších významných dimenzí. Význam sportovního výsledku je nejčastěji hodnocen intuitivně a na základě emocionálních reakcí a názorů na jeho důležitost v národním, nikoliv celosvětovém měřítku. Analýza hodnocení vrcholového sportovního výsledku dosaženého na nejvýznamnějších soutěžích odhaluje, že různé typy obecenstva hodnotí sportovní výsledky různě. Sportovní výsledek z podstatné části více uznává široká a odborná veřejnost, zatímco novináři jej oceňují nejméně. Posledně jmenovaní se snaží zůstat objektivní, když referují např. o jednorázové velké sportovní akci; nicméně novináři nedostatečně chápou to, že významný sportovní úspěch je výsledkem dlouhodobého tréninkového procesu. Odborná veřejnost si sportovních výsledků cení více než novináři; toto je zřejmě dáno tím, že odborníci chápou, jaký má předchozí trénink význam pro dosažený výsledek. Široká veřejnost sportovní výsledek oceňuje nejvíce, což ukazuje na dvě věci – za prvé, média sice mohou tvořit veřejné mínění, ale na širokou veřejnost mají malý vliv; za druhé, výsledky jsou hodnoceny zejména na emocionální bázi, zahrnující cestu k úspěchu, ne pouze okamžik dosažení výsledku. Lidé očividně touží po "velkých příbězích" a jejich "hrdinech", avšak média nejsou schopna tyto příběhy lidem prezentovat. A sports result fulfils its true goal only after monitoring the public and its response, and thus the result acquires additional important dimensions. The significance of a sports result is most often evaluated intuitively and on the basis of emotional reactions and beliefs about its importance on a national and not the worldwide level. An analysis of the evaluation of an elite

  7. Trafność prognostyczna wskaźników osiągnięć gimnazjalnych względem wyników maturalnych dziewcząt i chłopców

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    Karolina Świst


    Full Text Available Artykuł został poświęcony różnicom w trafności prognostycznej wskaźników osiągnięć gimnazjalnych (oceny, średnia ocen, wyniki egzaminu w analizach przewidywania wyników maturalnych wśród dziewcząt i chłopców. Na różnice w wynikach może wpływać wiele czynników – psychologicznych, społecznych oraz związanych z właściwościami arkuszy testowych. Można więc przyjąć hipotezę o różnej mocy prognostycznej tych wskaźników wśród dziewcząt i chłopców. Przeanalizowane zostały dwie kohorty: osób zdających egzamin gimnazjalny w latach 2011 i 2012 oraz maturę w latach 2014 i 2015. Analizy przeprowadzono przy pomocy hierarchicznych modeli liniowych oraz modelowania IRT. Wyniki wskazują na różnice w funkcjonowaniu wskaźników osiągnięć w zależności od płci oraz dziedziny egzaminu (język polski, matematyka. Wyniki egzaminów i oceny szkolne pozwalają przewidywać sukces ucznia, jednak różnice w trafności prognostycznej wśród chłopców i dziewcząt są niewielkie.

  8. Subjektivní měření QoE streamovaného videa se zaměřením na opakované načítáni streamovaného videa


    Hůrek, Marek


    Bakalářská práce se zabývá především vytvořením webového nástroje pro subjektivní hodnocení kvality videa při počátečním a opakovaném načítání videa do vyrovnávací paměti. Simulace adaptivního streamování, zaměřené na načítání videa do vyrovnávací paměti, jsou provedena na základě vytvořených scénářů v databázi, které jsou náhodně generována a implementována do vytvořeného nástroje. V samotné teorii jsou rozebrány různé druhy streamování, následně služby pro streamování a nakonec služba QoE, ...

  9. Solubility of La, Pr, Eu, Er and Lu in a media of 1M ionic force of NaCl by 303 K; Solubilidad de La, Pr, Eu, Er y Lu en medio de fuerza ionica 1M de NaCl, a 303 K

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez G, J.J.; Solache R, M.J.; Jimenez R, M.; Rojas H, A. [Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, A.P. 18-1027, 11801 Mexico D.F. (Mexico)


    The solubility and the solubility product of La, Pr, Eu, Er and Lu in media of 1M ionic force of NaCl by 303 K was determined, by means of a radiochemical method and the pLn{sup -}pCH diagrams in free conditions of CO{sub 2} were constructed. Moreover, the non saturation and the saturated zones and with them the pCH precipitation bound were determined. Finally a comparison among the obtained data in this work and those reported in the literature in several media was realized. (Author)

  10. CH2 molecular beam source

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Porter, R.A.R.; Grosser, A.E.


    A molecular beam source of CH 2 is described. Coaxial beams of methylene halide and alkali metal react and the mixture is formed into a molecular beam. Passage through a mechanical velocity selector rotating at a suitably high speed purifies the beam, separating light, fast CH 2 from heavier, slower contaminating species

  11. Photolysis of CH3CHO at 248 nm: Evidence of triple fragmentation from primary quantum yield of CH3 and HCO radicals and H atoms (United States)

    Morajkar, Pranay; Bossolasco, Adriana; Schoemaecker, Coralie; Fittschen, Christa


    Radical quantum yields have been measured following the 248 nm photolysis of acetaldehyde, CH3CHO. HCO radical and H atom yields have been quantified by time resolved continuous wave Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy in the near infrared following their conversion to HO2 radicals by reaction with O2. The CH3 radical yield has been determined using the same technique following their conversion into CH3O2. Absolute yields have been deduced for HCO radicals and H atoms through fitting of time resolved HO2 profiles, obtained under various O2 concentrations, to a complex model, while the CH3 yield has been determined relative to the CH3 yield from 248 nm photolysis of CH3I. Time resolved HO2 profiles under very low O2 concentrations suggest that another unknown HO2 forming reaction path exists in this reaction system besides the conversion of HCO radicals and H atoms by reaction with O2. HO2 profiles can be well reproduced under a large range of experimental conditions with the following quantum yields: CH3CHO + hν248nm → CH3CHO*, CH3CHO* → CH3 + HCO ϕ1a = 0.125 ± 0.03, CH3CHO* → CH3 + H + CO ϕ1e = 0.205 ± 0.04, CH3CHO*{to 2pc{rArrfill}}limits^{o2}CH3CO + HO2 ϕ1f = 0.07 ± 0.01. The CH3O2 quantum yield has been determined in separate experiments as φ_{CH3} = 0.33 ± 0.03 and is in excellent agreement with the CH3 yields derived from the HO2 measurements considering that the triple fragmentation (R1e) is an important reaction path in the 248 nm photolysis of CH3CHO. From arithmetic considerations taking into account the HO2 and CH3 measurements we deduce a remaining quantum yield for the molecular pathway: CH3CHO* → CH4 + CO ϕ1b = 0.6. All experiments can be consistently explained with absence of the formerly considered pathway: CH3CHO* → CH3CO + H ϕ1c = 0.

  12. Assessment of the influence of examination postures on postural stability by means of the DTP-3 diagnostic system [Hodnocení vlivu vyšetřovacích poloh na posturální stabilitu pomocí diagnostického systému DTP-3

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    Peter D. C. Phiri


    postural sway reduction, expressed by means of standard deviations in the mediolateral direction: 3.63–1.12–0.86 [mm], in the posterioanterior direction: 5.25–2.94–1.33 [mm] and in the caudocranial direction: 1.30–1.33–1.00 [mm]. It further results from the assessment that postures D and F significantly reduce postural sway towards posture A and posture F further reduces postural sway towards posture D. [VÝCHODISKA: Při vyšetřování tvaru páteře jak rentgenologickými, tak neradiačními neinvazivními metodami je důležitá standardizace polohy vyšetřované osoby. CÍLE: Standardizace vyšetřovací polohy umožní vzájemné porovnání výsledků vyšetření různými metodami. Navíc vhodná vyšetřovací poloha by měla snížit titubaci a tím zvýšit reliabilitu vyšetření. METODIKA: Pro hodnocení vlivu fixace na snížení titubace vyšetřované osoby byly navrženy dvě vyšetřovací polohy s různým stupněm fixace: poloha D – stoj s oporou ramen o fixační rám a poloha F – leh na břiše na fixačním lůžku. Uvedené polohy byly porovnány s polohou A – volný návykový stoj. Pro vyšetření tvaru páteře a titubace byl využit mikropočítačový diagnostický systém DTP-3, který umožňuje měřit třírozměrnou polohu bodů neinvazivní dotykovou metodou. Metodika vyšetření spočívá v palpaci a označení projekcí akromionů, zadních horních spin a trnových výběžků na kožním povrchu vyšetřované osoby. Označené body jsou snímány dotykem hrotu polohového snímače a přenášeny do osobního počítače, kde jsou zobrazeny do výstupních protokolů ve formě tabulek a grafů. Byl změřen soubor 80 vyšetřených osob (40 mužů a 40 žen, věk 23,1 ± 2,5 roku. Každá osoba byla v každé vyšetřovací poloze změřena pětkrát a byla vypočítána průměrná křivka páteře a standardní odchylka kvantifi kující titubaci vyšetřované osoby. VÝSLEDKY: Z hodnocení vlivu fixace na

  13. Mix and instability growth seeded at the inner surface of CH-ablator implosions on the National Ignition Facility (United States)

    Haan, S. W.; Celliers, P. M.; Collins, G. W.; Orth, C. D.; Clark, D. S.; Amendt, P.; Hammel, B. A.; Robey, H. F.; Huang, H.


    Mix and hydro instability growth are key issues in implosions of ignition targets on NIF. The implosions are designed so that the amplitude of perturbations is thought to be determined by initial seeds to the hydrodynamic instabilities, amplified by an instability growth factor. Experiments have indicated that growth factors can be calculated fairly well, but characterizing the initial seeds is an ongoing effort. Several threads of investigation this year have increased our understanding of growth seeded at the CH/DT interface. These include: more detailed characterization of the CH inner surface; possible other seeds, such as density irregularities either from fabrication defects or arising during the implosion; experiments on the Omega laser measuring velocity modulations on shock fronts shortly after breaking out from the CH, which can seed subsequent growth; and the possible significance of non-hydrodynamic effects such as plasma interpenetration or spall-like ejecta upon shock breakout. This presentation describes these developments, the relationships between them, and their implications for ignition target performance. Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. D.O.E. by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344.

  14. Global Inverse Modeling of CH4 and δ13C-CH4 Measurements to Understand Recent Trends in Methane Emissions (United States)

    Karmakar, S.; Butenhoff, C. L.; Rice, A. L.; Khalil, A. K.


    Methane (CH4) is the second most important greenhouse gas with a radiative forcing of 0.97 W/m2 including both direct and indirect effects and a global warming potential of 28 over a 100-year time horizon. After a decades-long period of decline beginning in the 1980s, the methane growth rate rebounded in 2007 for reasons that are of current debate. During this same growth period atmospheric methane became less enriched in the 13CH4 isotope suggesting the recent CH4 growth was caused by an increase in 13CH4-depleted biogenic emissions. Recent papers have attributed this growth to increasing emissions from wetlands, rice agriculture, and ruminants. In this work we provide additional insight into the recent behavior of atmospheric methane and global wetland emissions by performing a three-dimensional Bayesian inversion of surface CH4 and 13CH4/12CH4 ratios using NOAA Global Monitoring Division (GMD) "event-level" CH4 measurements and the GEOS-Chem chemical-transport model (CTM) at a horizontal grid resolution of 2ox2.5o. The spatial pattern of wetland emissions was prescribed using soil moisture and temperature from GEOS-5 meteorology fields and soil carbon pools from the Lund-Potsdam-Jena global vegetation model. In order to reduce the aggregation error caused by a potentially flawed distribution and to account for isotopic measurements that indicate northern high latitude wetlands are isotopically depleted in 13CH4 relative to tropical wetlands we separated our pattern into three latitudinal bands (90-30°N, 30°N-0, 0-90°S). Our preliminary results support previous claims that the recent increase in atmospheric methane is driven by increases in biogenic CH4 emissions. We find that while wetland emissions from northern high latitudes (90-30°N) remained relatively constant during this time, southern hemisphere wetland emissions rebounded from a decade-long decline and began to rise again in 2007 and have remained elevated to the present. Emissions from rice

  15. Teores de chumbo e cádmio em chás comercializados na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte Lead and cadmium levels in tea traded in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte

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    Irma Regina Carrara Vulcano


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou avaliar os níveis de chumbo e cádmio, em amostras de chás, industrializados e não-industrializados, comercializados na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Foram selecionados para cada caso, dois tipos de plantas, camomila e erva-mate analisadas na forma de chá-infusão e de planta-digerida. Os níveis de Pb e Cd foram determinados por espectrometria de absorção atômica com forno de grafite e corretor de background Zeeman. Os níveis médios de Pb e Cd encontrados nas amostras de chá-infusão de camomila e erva-mate estavam abaixo dos valores estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira para os metais em refrescos e refrigerantes (0,2 mg/L e as concentrações dos metais nas amostras das plantas-digeridas de camomila (valores médios de 0,15 µg/g para Cd e de 0,42µg/g de Pb e de erva-mate (valor médio de Pb igual a 0,53µg/g mantiveram-se dentro das faixas consideradas como "de normalidade" pela literatura. Os níveis médios de Cd em amostras de planta-digerida de erva-mate encontrados (2,59 µg/g, no entanto, estavam acima dessa faixa. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre os níveis de Cd e Pb quantificados em amostras de chá-infusão industrializado e não-industrializado, tanto de camomila como de erva-mate. As concentrações dos metais nas plantas-digeridas industrializadas, tanto de camomila quanto de erva-mate, apresentam-se superiores àquelas encontradas nas plantas não industrializadas.This research aims at evaluating the levels of lead and cadmium in industrialized and non-industrialized samples of tea traded in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, due to the constant use of different kinds of tea by the Brazilians. Camomile and maté have been selected and analyzed as tea-infusion and digested-plant. The levels of Pb and Cd were determined by spectrometry of atomic absorption with graphite furnace and Zeeman background corrector. The average levels of Pb and Cd in samples of

  16. The influence of hallux valgus on pelvis and lower extremity movement during gait [Vliv valgózní deformity palce na pohyb pánve a dolních končetin při chůzi

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    Miloslav Klugar


    (n = 11; 50,7 ± 4,41 let. Provedení chůze jsme analyzovali pomocí optoelektronického systému Vicon MX. Každý proband byl instruován k chůzi svým přirozeným způsobem i tempem. Vyhodnotili jsme 5 pokusů u každého probanda. Získaná data jsme statisticky zpracovali pomocí párového studentova t-testu. Věcnou významnost jsme vypočítali pomocí koeficientu "effect size" (ω2. VÝSLEDKY: U osob s HV jsme nalezli statisticky i věcně významně menší maximum dorzální flexe v průběhu stojné fáze (p 0,06 a větší maximum plantární flexe na počátku stojné fáze (p 0,06. Maximum extenze v kolenním kloubu bylo osob s HV v závěru švihové fáze u statisticky i věcně významně větší (p 0,06. Ve frontální rovině jsme pozorovali statisticky i věcně významně menší maximum abdukce v kyčelním kloubu u osob s HV (p 0,06. Rozsah pohybu pánve ve frontální a transverzální rovině byl statisticky i věcně významně menší u osob s HV (p 0,06. ZÁVĚRY: Výsledky této studie ukazují, že HV nepředstavuje problém pouze v oblasti nohy. Valgózní deformita palce může negativně ovlivnit funkci všech segmentů dolní končetiny a vést k jejich přetížení.

  17. Vliv tlaku v komoře vzorku na podmínky diferenciálního čerpání


    Placzek, Roman


    V práci je nejdříve uvedena a popsána stručně problematika elektronové mikroskopie. Následně jsou v systému SolidWorks vymodelovány tři tvary komory diferenciálního čerpání, u kterých je pomocí systému SolidWorks Flow Simulation provedena analýza čerpání plynu při různých tlacích v komoře vzorku EREM. Výsledky analýzy jsou podrobeny zhodnocení vzhledem k požadavku, aby v dráze svazku primárních elektronů byl co nejnižší tlak z důvodu snížení pravděpodobnosti rozptylu svazku. The paper prim...

  18. Redução da emissão de CO2, CH4 e H2S através da compostagem de dejetos suínos Reduction emissions of CO2, CH4 and H2S through composting of swine manure

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    Luana G. Sardá


    Full Text Available Em conjunto com o crescente desenvolvimento da tecnologia para a produção de suínos ocorreu uma forte exploração e degradação do ambiente, razão pela qual a atividade se transformou em fonte poluidora das regiões produtoras. Buscam-se, então, alternativas que minimizem o potencial poluidor do atual sistema de produção. O trabalho proposto foi comparar o perfil de emissão de dióxido de carbono (CO2, metano (CH4 e gás sulfídrico (H2S do manejo de dejetos suínos nas formas sólida (compostagem e líquida (esterqueira, e avaliar a eficiência do processo de compostagem através dos parâmetros físico-químicos. O ensaio foi implantado no campo experimental da EMBRAPA Suínos e Aves, localizada no município de Concórdia, SC. Contatou-se, na compostagem, uma redução de 7 vezes na emissão de CH4, com relação à esterqueira; a emissão de CO2 representou 78,5% do carbono total mineralizado. Considerando-se que a emissão de H2S foi expressiva apenas no manejo dos dejetos na forma líquida, pode-se afirmar que o manejo dos resíduos na forma sólida é uma alternativa para a redução dos impactos ambientais pela mitigação do efeito estufa e pela redução de odores.In conjunction with the development of technologies for the production of swine meat, a strong exploration and degradation of the environment occurred and the activity became a source of pollution in the producing regions. Therefore, there is a need for alternative technologies that minimize the pollutant potential of the current system of production. The proposed work was to analyze and to compare the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2, methane (CH4 and hydrogen sulfide (H2S between the management of swine manure in solid form (composting and liquid manure (deep pit, and assess the efficiency of the process of composting through the physical and chemical parameters. The test was implemented in the experimental field of Embrapa Suínos e Aves, located in Concordia (SC

  19. Additional Value of CH4 Measurement in a Combined 13C/H2 Lactose Malabsorption Breath Test: A Retrospective Analysis (United States)

    Houben, Els; De Preter, Vicky; Billen, Jaak; Van Ranst, Marc; Verbeke, Kristin


    The lactose hydrogen breath test is a commonly used, non-invasive method for the detection of lactose malabsorption and is based on an abnormal increase in breath hydrogen (H2) excretion after an oral dose of lactose. We use a combined 13C/H2 lactose breath test that measures breath 13CO2 as a measure of lactose digestion in addition to H2 and that has a better sensitivity and specificity than the standard test. The present retrospective study evaluated the results of 1051 13C/H2 lactose breath tests to assess the impact on the diagnostic accuracy of measuring breath CH4 in addition to H2 and 13CO2. Based on the 13C/H2 breath test, 314 patients were diagnosed with lactase deficiency, 138 with lactose malabsorption or small bowel bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), and 599 with normal lactose digestion. Additional measurement of CH4 further improved the accuracy of the test as 16% subjects with normal lactose digestion and no H2-excretion were found to excrete CH4. These subjects should have been classified as subjects with lactose malabsorption or SIBO. In conclusion, measuring CH4-concentrations has an added value to the 13C/H2 breath test to identify methanogenic subjects with lactose malabsorption or SIBO. PMID:26371034

  20. Studium acidobazických a elektrolytických vlastností hyaluronanu v roztoku


    Suchá, Šárka


    Diplomová práce se zabývá studiem acidobazického a elektrolytického chování roztoků hyaluronanu při různé iontové síle. Acidobazické chování hyaluronanu bylo studováno pomocí acidobazických titrací, které byly prováděny dvěma různými způsoby, kyselou a zásaditou acidobazickou titrací. Z výsledků acidobazických titrací byly vyhodnocovány disociační konstanty při různé iontové síle při nulovém stupni disociace a při 50% stupni disociace. Výsledné disociační konstanty získané z kyselých acidobaz...

  1. Recent Developments in C-H Activation for Materials Science in the Center for Selective C-H Activation. (United States)

    Zhang, Junxiang; Kang, Lauren J; Parker, Timothy C; Blakey, Simon B; Luscombe, Christine K; Marder, Seth R


    Abstract : Organic electronics is a rapidly growing field driven in large part by the synthesis of ∏-conjugated molecules and polymers. Traditional aryl cross-coupling reactions such as the Stille and Suzuki have been used extensively in the synthesis of ∏-conjugated molecules and polymers, but the synthesis of intermediates necessary for traditional cross-couplings can include multiple steps with toxic and hazardous reagents. Direct arylation through C-H bond activation has the potential to reduce the number of steps and hazards while being more atom-economical. Within the Center for Selective C-H Functionalization (CCHF), we have been developing C-H activation methodology for the synthesis of ∏-conjugated materials of interest, including direct arylation of difficult-to-functionalize electron acceptor intermediates and living polymerization of ∏-conjugated polymers through C-H activation.

  2. [(PhCH2O2P(CH32CHNCH(CH32]2PdCl2/CuI as Cocatalyst for Coupling-Cyclization of 2-Iodophenol with Terminal Alkynes in Water

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    Panli Jiang


    Full Text Available A new and efficient [(PhCH2O2P(CH32CHNCH(CH32]2PdCl2/CuI-co-catalyzed coupling-cyclization reactions of 2-iodophenol with terminal alkynes is described. Different 2-substitued benzo[b]furan derivatives are obtained in good to excellent yields. This protocol employs a relatively low palladium(II catalyst loading in water under air conditions.

  3. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Hélène; Belmahfoud, Nizar; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Cloché, Sophie; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mière, Arnaud; Ramage, Karim; Vermeulen, Anne; Boulanger, Damien


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters , intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services, such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between ICARE, IPSL and OMP data centers and has been set up in the framework of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. ChArMEx data, either produced or used by the project, are documented and accessible through the database website: The website offers the usual but user-friendly functionalities: data catalog, user registration procedure, search tool to select and access data... The metadata (data description) are standardized, and comply with international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE European Directive; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assignement procedure allows to automatically register the datasets, in order to make them easier to access, cite, reuse and verify. At present, the ChArMEx database contains about 120 datasets, including more than 80 in situ datasets (2012, 2013 and 2014 summer campaigns, background monitoring station of Ersa...), 25 model output sets (dust model intercomparison, MEDCORDEX scenarios...), a high resolution emission inventory over the Mediterranean... Many in situ datasets

  4. The CH/π hydrogen bond: Implication in chemistry (United States)

    Nishio, M.


    The CH/π hydrogen bond is the weakest extreme of hydrogen bonds that occurs between a soft acid CH and a soft base π-system. Implication in chemistry of the CH/π hydrogen bond includes issues of conformation, crystal packing, and specificity in host/guest complexes. The result obtained by analyzing the Cambridge Structural Database is reviewed. The peculiar axial preference of isopropyl group in α-phellandrene and folded conformation of levopimaric acid have been explained in terms of the CH/π hydrogen bond, by high-level ab initio MO calculations. Implication of the CH/π hydrogen bond in structural biology is also discussed, briefly.

  5. Electrochemical Cobalt-Catalyzed C-H Activation. (United States)

    Sauermann, Nicolas; Meyer, Tjark H; Ackermann, Lutz


    Carbon-heteroatom bonds represent omnipresent structural motifs of the vast majority of functionalized materials and bioactive compounds. C-H activation has emerged as arguably the most efficient strategy to construct C-Het bonds. Despite of major advances, these C-H transformations were largely dominated by precious transition metal catalysts, in combination with stoichiometric, toxic metal oxidants. Herein, we discuss the recent evolution of cobalt-catalyzed C-H activations that enable C-Het formations with electricity as the sole sustainable oxidant until May 2018. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Uncertainties in modelling CH4 emissions from northern wetlands in glacial climates: effect of hydrological model and CH4 model structure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J. van Huissteden


    Full Text Available Methane (CH4 fluxes from northern wetlands may have influenced atmospheric CH4 concentrations at climate warming phases during the last 800 000 years and during the present global warming. Including these CH4 fluxes in earth system models is essential to understand feedbacks between climate and atmospheric composition. Attempts to model CH4 fluxes from wetlands have previously been undertaken using various approaches. Here, we test a process-based wetland CH4 flux model (PEATLAND-VU which includes details of soil-atmosphere CH4 transport. The model has been used to simulate CH4 emissions from continental Europe in previous glacial climates and the current climate. This paper presents results regarding the sensitivity of modeling glacial terrestrial CH4 fluxes to (a basic tuning parameters of the model, (b different approaches in modeling of the water table, and (c model structure. In order to test the model structure, PEATLAND-VU was compared to a simpler modeling approach based on wetland primary production estimated from a vegetation model (BIOME 3.5. The tuning parameters are the CH4 production rate from labile organic carbon and its temperature sensitivity. The modelled fluxes prove comparatively insensitive to hydrology representation, while sensitive to microbial parameters and model structure. Glacial climate emissions are also highly sensitive to assumptions about the extent of ice cover and exposed seafloor. Wetland expansion over low relief exposed seafloor areas have compensated for a decrease of wetland area due to continental ice cover.

  7. Phosphorus addition mitigates N2O and CH4 emissions in N-saturated subtropical forest, SW China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Yu


    Full Text Available Chronically elevated nitrogen (N deposition has led to severe nutrient imbalance in forest soils. Particularly in tropical and subtropical forest ecosystems, increasing N loading has aggravated phosphorus (P limitation of biomass production, and has resulted in elevated emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O and reduced uptake of methane (CH4, both of which are important greenhouse gases. Yet, the interactions of N and P and their effects on greenhouse gas emissions remain elusive. Here, we report N2O and CH4 emissions together with soil N and P data for a period of 18 months following a single P addition (79 kg P ha−1, as NaH2PO4 powder to an N-saturated, Masson pine-dominated forest soil at TieShanPing (TSP, Chongqing, south-western (SW China. We observed a significant decline in both nitrate (NO3− concentrations in soil water (5 and 20 cm depths and in soil N2O emissions, following P application. We hypothesise that enhanced N uptake by plants in response to P addition, resulted in less available NO3− for denitrification. By contrast to most other forest ecosystems, TSP is a net source of CH4. P addition significantly decreased CH4 emissions and turned the soil from a net source into a net sink. Based on our observation and previous studies in South America and China, we believe that P addition relieves N inhibition of CH4 oxidation. Within the 1.5 years after P addition, no significant increase of forest growth was observed and P stimulation of forest N uptake by understorey vegetation remains to be confirmed. Our study indicates that P fertilisation of N-saturated, subtropical forest soils may mitigate N2O and CH4 emissions, in addition to alleviating nutrient imbalances and reducing losses of N through NO3− leaching.

  8. Effect of antisymmetric C–H stretching excitation on the dynamics of O({sup 1}D) + CH{sub 4} → OH + CH{sub 3}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pan, Huilin; Yang, Jiayue; Zhang, Dong; Shuai, Quan; Jiang, Bo [State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, Liaoning 116023 (China); Dai, Dongxu; Wu, Guorong, E-mail:, E-mail:; Yang, Xueming, E-mail:, E-mail: [State Key Laboratory of Molecular Reaction Dynamics, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, Liaoning 116023 (China); Synergetic Innovation Center of Quantum Information and Quantum Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 (China)


    The effect of antisymmetric C–H stretching excitation of CH{sub 4} on the dynamics and reactivity of the O({sup 1}D) + CH{sub 4} → OH + CD{sub 3} reaction at the collision energy of 6.10 kcal/mol has been investigated using the crossed-beam and time-sliced velocity map imaging techniques. The antisymmetric C–H stretching mode excited CH{sub 4} molecule was prepared by direct infrared excitation. From the measured images of the CH{sub 3} products with the infrared laser on and off, the product translational energy and angular distributions were derived for both the ground and vibrationally excited reactions. Experimental results show that the vibrational energy of the antisymmetric stretching excited CH{sub 4} reagent is channeled exclusively into the vibrational energy of the OH co-products and, hence, the OH products from the excited-state reaction are about one vibrational quantum hotter than those from the ground-state reaction, and the product angular distributions are barely affected by the vibrational excitation of the CH{sub 4} reagent. The reactivity was found to be suppressed by the antisymmetric stretching excitation of CH{sub 4} for all observed CH{sub 3} vibrational states. The degree of suppression is different for different CH{sub 3} vibrational states: the suppression is about 40%–60% for the ground state and the umbrella mode excited CH{sub 3} products, while for the CH{sub 3} products with one quantum symmetric stretching mode excitation, the suppression is much less pronounced. In consequence, the vibrational state distribution of the CH{sub 3} product from the excited-state reaction is considerably different from that of the ground-state reaction.

  9. CH_3Cl, CH_2Cl_2, CHCl_3, and CCl_4: Infrared spectra, radiative efficiencies, and global warming potentials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wallington, Timothy J.; Pivesso, Bruno Pasquini; Lira, Alane Moura; Anderson, James E.; Nielsen, Claus Jørgen; Andersen, Niels Højmark; Hodnebrog, Øivind


    Infrared spectra for the title compounds were measured experimentally in 700 Torr of air at 295 K and systematically modeled in B3LYP, M06-2X and MP2 calculations employing various basis sets. Calibrated infrared spectra over the wavenumber range 600–3500 cm"−"1 are reported and combined with literature data to provide spectra for use in experimental studies and radiative transfer calculations. Integrated absorption cross sections are (units of cm"−"1 molecule"−"1): CH_3Cl, 660–780 cm"−"1, (3.89±0.19)×10"−"1"8; CH_2Cl_2, 650–800 cm"−"1, (2.16±0.11)×10"−"1"7; CHCl_3, 720–810 cm"−"1, (4.08±0.20)×10"−"1"7; and CCl_4, 730–825 cm"−"1, (6.30±0.31)×10"−"1"7. CH_3Cl, CH_2Cl_2, CHCl_3, and CCl_4 have radiative efficiencies of 0.004, 0.028, 0.070, and 0.174 W m"−"2 ppb"−"1 and global warming potentials (100 year horizon) of 5, 8, 15, and 1775, respectively. Quantum chemistry calculations generally predict larger band intensities than the experimental values. The best agreement with experiments is obtained in MP2(Full) calculations employing basis sets of at least triple-zeta quality augmented by diffuse functions. The B3LYP functional is found ill-suited for calculating vibrational frequencies and infrared intensities of halocarbons. - Highlights: • Infrared spectra reported for CH_3Cl, CH_2Cl_2, CHCl_3, and CCl_4. • REs of CH_3Cl, CH_2Cl_2, CHCl_3, and CCl_4 are 0.004, 0.028, 0.070, and 0.174 W m"−"2 ppb"−"1, respectively. • GWPs of CH_3Cl, CH_2Cl_2, CHCl_3, and CCl_4 are 5, 8, 15, and 1775, respectively.

  10. Rate Coefficient Measurements of the Reaction CH3 + O2 = CH3O + O (United States)

    Hwang, S. M.; Ryu, Si-Ok; DeWitt, K. J.; Rabinowitz, M. J.


    Rate coefficients for the reaction CH3 + O2 = CH3O + O were measured behind reflected shock waves in a series of lean CH4-O2-Ar mixtures using hydroxyl and methyl radical diagnostics. The rate coefficients are well represented by an Arrhenius expression given as k = (1.60(sup +0.67, sub -0.47 ) x 10(exp 13) e(-15813 +/- 587 K/T)/cubic cm.mol.s. This expression, which is valid in the temperature range 1575-1822 K, supports the downward trend in the rate coefficients that has been reported in recent determinations. All measurements to date, including the present study, have been to some extent affected by secondary reactions. The complications due to secondary reactions, choice of thermochemical data, and shock-boundary layer interactions that affect the determination of the rate coefficients are examined.

  11. Rate Coefficient Measurements of the Reaction CH3+O2+CH3O+O (United States)

    Hwang, S. M.; Ryu, Si-Ok; DeWitt, K. J.; Rabinowitz, M. J.


    Rate coefficients for the reaction CH3 + O2 = CH3O + O were measured behind reflected shock waves in a series of lean CH4-O2-Ar mixtures using hydroxyl and methyl radical diagnostics. The rate coefficients are well represented by an Arrhenius expression given as k = (1.60(sup +0.67, -0.47)) X 10(exp 13) exp(- 15813 +/- 587 K/T)cc/mol s. This expression, which is valid in the temperature range 1575-1822 K, supports the downward trend in the rate coefficients that has been reported in recent determinations. All measurements to date, including the present study, have been to some extent affected by secondary reactions. The complications due to secondary reactions, choice of thermochemical data, and shock-boundary layer interactions that affect the determination of the rate coefficients are examined.

  12. Ion yields of laser aligned CH3I and CH3Br from multiple orbitals

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    He, Lanhai; Pan, Yun; Yang, Yujun; Luo, Sizuo; Lu, Chunjing; Zhao, Huifang; Li, Dongxu; Song, Lele; Stolte, Steven; Ding, Dajun; Roeterdink, Wim G.


    We have measured the alignment influence on ion yields of CH3I and CH3Br molecules in the laser intensity regime from 1013 W/cm2 to 1015 W/cm2. The hexapole state-selection technique combined with laser induced alignment has been employed to obtain aligned (〈P2(cosθ)〉=0.7) and anti-aligned

  13. Electron energy loss spectroscopy of CH3N2CH3 adsorbed on Ni(100), Ni(111), Cr(100), Cr(111)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schulz, M.A.


    A study of the adsorption of CH 3 N 2 CH 3 on Ni(100), Ni(111), Cr(100), and Cr(111) using high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) is presented. Under approximately the same conditions of coverage, the vibrational spectra of CH 3 N 2 CH 3 on these four surfaces are quite distinct from one another, implying that the CH 3 N 2 CH 3 -substrate interaction is very sensitive to the physical and electronic structure of each surface. In addition to the room temperature studies, the evolution of surface species on the Ni(100) surface in the temperature range 300 to 425 K was studied. Analysis of the Ni(100) spectra indicates that molecular adsorption, probably through the N lone pair, occurs at room temperature. Spectra taken after annealing the CH 3 N 2 CH 3 -Ni(100) surfaces indicate that CH and CN bond scission occurred at the elevated temperatures. Decomposition of CH 3 N 2 CH 3 takes place on the Ni(111), Cr(100), and Cr(111) surfaces at room temperature, as evidenced by the intensity of the carbon-metal stretch in the corresponding spectra. Possible identities of coadsorbed dissociation products are considered. The stable coverage of surface species on all four surfaces at 300 K is less than one monolayer. A general description of an electron energy loss (EEL) spectrometer is given. Followed by a more specific discussion of some recent modifications to the EEL monochromator assembly used in this laboratory. Both the previous configuration of our monochromator and the new version are briefly described, as an aid to understanding the motivation for the changes as well as the differences in operation of the two versions. For clarity, the new monochromator design is referred to as variable pass, while the previous design is referred to as double pass. A modified tuning procedure for the new monochromator is also presented. 58 refs., 11 figs

  14. Vztah mezi sportovní aktivitou, kouřením a užíváním alkoholu a marihuany u dětí na základních školách ve Slovinsku Relationship between sports activity, smoking and alcohol and marijuana abuse in elementary school children in Slovenia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rado Pišot


    Full Text Available Prevence představuje nejúčinnější prostředek proti užívání drog. Na jedné straně vytváří tělesná aktivita řadu faktorů, které vedou k přijetí zdravých stravovacích návyků, na druhé straně představuje prevenci užívání drog, protože sama o sobě určitým způsobem stimuluje tělo i mysl. Cílem provedeného výzkumu bylo stanovit stupeň obeznámenosti s návykovými látkami a jejich užíváním (například cigarety, alkohol a marihuana u dětí ve vztahu k frekvenci jejich zapojení do sportovních aktivit. Vzorek obsahoval 748 dětí, z čehož bylo 194 žáků a 189 žákyň čtvrtých tříd (jejichž průměrný věk byl 10 let ± 5 měsíců, a 201 žáků a 164 žákyň sedmých tříd (jejichž průměrný věk byl 13 let ± 4 měsíce. Uvedené údaje byly získány v rámci projektu "Tělesná/sportovní aktivita pro zdraví" probíhajícího v Ústavu kinesiologického výzkumu ve Vědeckém a výzkumném středisku Primorske univerzity ve slovinském Koperu. Použili jsme dotazník IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire, který jsme poněkud upravili pro věk a specifické vlastnosti respondentů. Pro stanovení vztahu mezi nečíselnými proměnnými jsme použili korespondenční analýzu. Pro číselné proměnné jsme použili analýzu variance a t-testy nezávislých vzorků. Všechny hypotézy byly ověřovány s 5% statistickou úrovní rizika (p = 0,05. Výsledky potvrdily u žáků statisticky významný vztah mezi sportovní aktivitou, kouřením a užíváním alkoholu a marihuany. Faktem je, že i když problém užívání drog nemůže být zcela odstraněn, mohli bychom ho zásadním způsobem redukovat. Jedním z nejdůležitějších faktorů pro snižování užívání drog je proto rovněž zapojení mládeže do vhodných sportovních aktivit (zvláště ve volném čase, což by mělo být řízeno a plánováno rodiči a učiteli. Prevention is the most

  15. Působení kognitivně-behaviorální psychoterapie na tělesné složení a konstituci Effects of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy on body composition and constitution

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Miroslav Kopecký


    Full Text Available Obezita je chronické onemocnění moderní doby, které není pouze kosmetickým problémem, ale problémem bio-sociálně-psychologickým, tzn., že obézní lidé mají kromě zdravotních problémů i problémy sociální a psychické. Vyskytují se u nich deprese, často mají sníženou sebedůvěru a problémy při uplatnění v zaměstnání. Hlavním cíle studie bylo sledování změn somatických parametrů pod vlivem působení fyzické aktivity a modifikace nutričních zvyklostí u klientek STOB kurzů (kurzy pro snižování nadváhy a obezity u žen ve věku 20–60 let (n = 114. Byly použity standardizované antropometrické metody pro stanovení základních somatických indexů – hmotnostně-výškových, indexů rizikovosti a indexů centrality, tělesného složení dle metody Pařízkové (1962 a Matiegky (1927 a frakcionace tělesné hmotnosti dle metody bioelektrické impedance, s ohledem na segmentální analýzu (QuadScan 4000; Tanita BC 418-MA. Ženy byly rozděleny do souborů dle decénií. Ženy byly měřeny na začátku a na konci kurzu, který trval 12 týdnů. Kurzy STOB jsou realizovány profesionálními pracovníky, kteří se věnují nejen pohybové aktivitě, ale také úpravě výživových a stravovacích stereotypů. Ve sloučeném souboru při vstupním vyšetření dosáhl BMI průměrné hodnoty 31,34; maximální hodnota však přesáhla hranici těžké obezity 47,56. Na základě kategorizace BMI dle WHO bylo do kategorie normy zařazeno pouze 7,5 % žen, v kategorii nadváhy se vyskytovalo 33,3 % souboru a 57 % souboru bylo obézních, z toho morbidní obezity dosáhlo 5 % žen. Nejnižší hodnoty BMI se vyskytovaly u nejmladších žen (20–30letých, nejvyšší naopak v nejstarší věkové kategorii, avšak v ostatních věkových kategoriích se vzájemně signifikantně neodlišovaly. Průměrná hodnota WHR byla 87,25, z toho 85,6 % klientek přesáhlo hranici rizikovosti. Nejni

  16. Ultrasonic irradiation-promoted one-pot synthesis of CH3NH3PbBr3 quantum dots without using flammable CH3NH2 precursor (United States)

    Jiang, Han; Wang, Chunlei; Lv, Changgui; Xu, Shuhong; Zhu, Li; Zhang, Ruohu; Cui, Yiping


    At present, the CH3NH3PbBr3 quantum dots (QDs) reported in the literature usually contain two synthesis steps: the initial preparation of CH3NH3Br via the reaction of flammable CH3NH2 and HBr, together with the subsequent formation of CH3NH3PbBr3 QDs. To avoid the use of dangerous CH3NH2, this work develops a novel one-pot method for synthesizing CH3NH3PbBr3 QDs using safe and commercially available reactants (CH3NH3Cl, KBr and PbCl2). It is found that ultrasonic treatment plays a key role during the synthesis of CH3NH3PbBr3 QDs. Without ultrasonic irradiation, it is not possible to synthesize CH3NH3PbBr3 QDs under heating or vigorous stirring. Aliquots of samples taken at different ultrasonic irradiation time intervals show a time-dependent redshift in the emission wavelength. This suggests the formation of CH3NH3PbCl3 QDs first, followed by the formation of CH3NH3PbBr3 QDs through ultrasonically promoted halide exchange. Moreover, mixed CH3NH3PbCl x Br3-x QDs with a tunable emission wavelength can also be prepared through this one-pot method by controlling the ultrasonic irradiation time. In comparison to the previous two-step method, the current one-pot method is simpler, less time-consuming and does not use flammable CH3NH2. The as-prepared CH3NH3PbBr3 QDs show a comparable photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield (QY) to that of the literature. What is more, the ultrasonic time-controlled emission wavelength of CH3NH3PbCl x Br3-x QDs also provides an alternative way of tuning QD emission to the traditional way of controlling the halide ratios.

  17. Radiative forcing calculations for CH3Br

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grossman, A.S.; Blass, W.E.; Wuebbles, D.J.


    Methyl Bromide, CH 3 Br, is the major organobromine species in the lower atmosphere and is a primary source of bromine in the stratosphere. It has a lifetime of 1.3 years. The IR methyl bromide spectra in the atmospheric window region, 7--13μ, was determined using a well tested Coriolis resonance and ell-doubling (and ell-resonance) computational system. A radiative forcing value of 0.00493 W/m 2 /ppbv was obtained for CH 3 Br and is approximately linear in the background abundance. This value is about 2 percent of the forcing of CFC-11 and about 278 times the forcing of C0 2 , on a per molecule basis. The radiative forcing calculation is used to estimate the global warming potential (GWP) of CH 3 Br. The results give GWPs for CH 3 Br of the order of 13 for an integration period of 20 years and 4 for an integration period of 100 years (assuming C0 2 = 1, following IPCC [1994]). While CH 3 Br has a GWP which is approximately 25 percent of the GWP of CH 4 , the current emission rates are too low to cause serious atmospheric greenhouse heating effects at this time

  18. The ChIP-Seq tools and web server: a resource for analyzing ChIP-seq and other types of genomic data. (United States)

    Ambrosini, Giovanna; Dreos, René; Kumar, Sunil; Bucher, Philipp


    ChIP-seq and related high-throughput chromatin profilig assays generate ever increasing volumes of highly valuable biological data. To make sense out of it, biologists need versatile, efficient and user-friendly tools for access, visualization and itegrative analysis of such data. Here we present the ChIP-Seq command line tools and web server, implementing basic algorithms for ChIP-seq data analysis starting with a read alignment file. The tools are optimized for memory-efficiency and speed thus allowing for processing of large data volumes on inexpensive hardware. The web interface provides access to a large database of public data. The ChIP-Seq tools have a modular and interoperable design in that the output from one application can serve as input to another one. Complex and innovative tasks can thus be achieved by running several tools in a cascade. The various ChIP-Seq command line tools and web services either complement or compare favorably to related bioinformatics resources in terms of computational efficiency, ease of access to public data and interoperability with other web-based tools. The ChIP-Seq server is accessible at .

  19. Kadurumba, CH

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Kadurumba, CH. Vol 33, No 3 (2014) - Research papers. Kinematics and Dynamic Evaluation of the Screw Conveyor of a Cassava Centrifuge Dewatering Machine Abstract PDF · Vol 33, No 3 (2014) - Research papers. Performance Optimization of a Cassava Pelleting Machine Abstract PDF. ISSN: 2467-8821. AJOL African ...

  20. Aplikace pro hodnocení kvality pokrmů na iOS


    Bobák, Petr


    V této práci se zabývám tvorbou aplikace pro mobilní platformu iOS, která je součástí studentského projektu zabývajícího se hodnocením kvality pokrmů ve stravovacích zařízeních. Popisuji cestu aplikace od návrhu přes implementaci uživatelského rozhraní a aplikační logiky až po závěrečné testování na skupině uživatelů. Předně se zabývám návrhem rozhraní a jeho testováním. Při návrhu a vývoji jsem postupoval podle metodiky prototypování, se kterou čtenáře také seznamuji. Výsledná aplikace mimo ...

  1. ChLae1 and ChVel1 regulate T-toxin production, virulence, oxidative stress response, and development of the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dongliang Wu


    Full Text Available LaeA and VeA coordinate secondary metabolism and differentiation in response to light signals in Aspergillus spp. Their orthologs, ChLae1 and ChVel1, were identified in the maize pathogen Cochliobolus heterostrophus, known to produce a wealth of secondary metabolites, including the host selective toxin, T-toxin. Produced by race T, T-toxin promotes high virulence to maize carrying Texas male sterile cytoplasm (T-cms. T-toxin production is significantly increased in the dark in wild type (WT, whereas Chvel1 and Chlae1 mutant toxin levels are much reduced in the dark compared to WT. Correspondingly, expression of T-toxin biosynthetic genes (Tox1 is up-regulated in the dark in WT, while dark-induced expression is much reduced/minimal in Chvel1 and Chlae1 mutants. Toxin production and Tox1 gene expression are increased in ChVEL1 overexpression (OE strains grown in the dark and in ChLAE1 strains grown in either light or dark, compared to WT. These observations establish ChLae1 and ChVel1 as the first factors known to regulate host selective toxin production. Virulence of Chlae1 and Chvel1 mutants and OE strains is altered on both T-cms and normal cytoplasm maize, indicating that both T-toxin mediated super virulence and basic pathogenic ability are affected. Deletion of ChLAE1 or ChVEL1 reduces tolerance to H(2O(2. Expression of CAT3, one of the three catalase genes, is reduced in the Chvel1 mutant. Chlae1 and Chvel1 mutants also show decreased aerial hyphal growth, increased asexual sporulation and female sterility. ChLAE1 OE strains are female sterile, while ChVEL1 OE strains are more fertile than WT. ChLae1 and ChVel1 repress expression of 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN melanin biosynthesis genes, and, accordingly, melanization is enhanced in Chlae1 and Chvel1 mutants, and reduced in OE strains. Thus, ChLae1 and ChVel1 positively regulate T-toxin biosynthesis, pathogenicity and super virulence, oxidative stress responses, sexual development, and

  2. Analýza nápojů slazených extrakty stévie cukerné


    Procházka, Václav


    Steviolglykosidy jsou přírodní sladivé látky Stévie sladké (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni), které příznivě působí na lidské zdraví a jejich relativní sladivost je 300krát vyšší než sladivost sacharózy. Jsou proto využívány ke slazení komerčních výrobků. Vzhledem k jejich potenciálním vlastnostem je výhodné mít vhodnou metodu pro jejich sledování. Vysokoúčinná kapalinová chromatografie (HPLC) je založena na principu rozdělování analytu mezi dvě vzájemně nemísitelné fáze pomocí vysokotlakého čerpad...

  3. High Resolution CH4 Emissions and Dissolved CH4 Measurements Elucidate Surface Gas Exchange Processes in Toolik Lake, Arctic Alaska (United States)

    Del Sontro, T.; Sollberger, S.; Kling, G. W.; Shaver, G. R.; Eugster, W.


    Approximately 14% of the Alaskan North Slope is covered in lakes of various sizes and depths. Diffusive carbon emissions (CH4 and CO2) from these lakes offset the tundra sink by ~20 %, but the offset would substantially increase if ebullitive CH4 emissions were also considered. Ultimately, arctic lake CH4 emissions are not insignificant in the global CH4 budget and their contribution is bound to increase due to impacts from climate change. Here we present high resolution CH4 emission data as measured via eddy covariance and a Los Gatos gas analyzer during the ice free period from Toolik Lake, a deep (20 m) Arctic lake located on the Alaskan North Slope, over the last few summers. Emissions are relatively low (Gatos gas analyzer. Thus, having both the flux and the CH4 gradient across the air-water interface measured directly, we can calculate k and investigate the processes influencing CH4 gas exchange in this lake. Preliminary results indicate that there are two regimes in wind speed that impact k - one at low wind speeds up to ~5 m s-1 and another at higher wind speeds (max ~10 m s-1). The differential wind speeds during night and day may compound the effect of convective mixing and cause the diurnal variation in observed fluxes.

  4. Synthesis and structure of heptaaqua(nitrilotris(methylenephosphonato))(dibarium)sodium monohydrate [Na(H{sub 2}O){sub 3}(μ{sup 6}-NH(CH{sub 2}PO{sub 3}){sub 3})(μ-H{sub 2}O){sub 3}Ba{sub 2}(H{sub 2}O)] · H{sub 2}O

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Somov, N. V., E-mail: [Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Russian Federation); Chausov, F. F., E-mail: [Russian Academy of Sciences, Physical–Technical Institute, Ural Branch (Russian Federation); Zakirova, R. M., E-mail: [Udmurt State University (Russian Federation)


    Crystals of the monohydrate form of heptaaqua(nitrilotris(methylenephosphonato))(dibarium) sodium [Na(H{sub 2}O{sub )3}(µ{sup 6}-NH(CH{sub 2}PO{sub 3}){sub 3})(µ-H{sub 2}O){sub 3}Ba{sub 2}(H{sub 2}O)] · H{sub 2}O are obtained; space group P2{sub 1}/c, Z = 4; a = 13.9117(10) Å, b = 11.54030(10) Å, and c = 24.1784(17) Å, ß = 148.785(18)°. The Na atom is coordinated octahedrally by one oxygen atom of a phosphonate group and five water molecules, including two bridging molecules. Ba atoms occupy two inequivalent crystallographic positions with coordination number eight and nine. The coordination spheres of both Ba atoms include two water molecules. Each ligand is bound to one Na atom and five Ba atoms forming three Ba–O–P–O and five Ba–O–P–C–N–C–P–O chelate cycles. In addition to the coordination bonds, molecules, including the solvate water molecule, are involved in hydrogen bonds in the crystal packing.

  5. Studium mikroklimatických změn v jeskyních na Paní hoře v Českém krasu.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kolčava, M.; Vodička, Petr; Thinová, L.


    Roč. 41 (2016), s. 20-42 ISSN 1211-1643 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : caves * microclima * czech karst Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry

  6. Parallel factor ChIP provides essential internal control for quantitative differential ChIP-seq. (United States)

    Guertin, Michael J; Cullen, Amy E; Markowetz, Florian; Holding, Andrew N


    A key challenge in quantitative ChIP combined with high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) is the normalization of data in the presence of genome-wide changes in occupancy. Analysis-based normalization methods were developed for transcriptomic data and these are dependent on the underlying assumption that total transcription does not change between conditions. For genome-wide changes in transcription factor (TF) binding, these assumptions do not hold true. The challenges in normalization are confounded by experimental variability during sample preparation, processing and recovery. We present a novel normalization strategy utilizing an internal standard of unchanged peaks for reference. Our method can be readily applied to monitor genome-wide changes by ChIP-seq that are otherwise lost or misrepresented through analytical normalization. We compare our approach to normalization by total read depth and two alternative methods that utilize external experimental controls to study TF binding. We successfully resolve the key challenges in quantitative ChIP-seq analysis and demonstrate its application by monitoring the loss of Estrogen Receptor-alpha (ER) binding upon fulvestrant treatment, ER binding in response to estrodiol, ER mediated change in H4K12 acetylation and profiling ER binding in patient-derived xenographs. This is supported by an adaptable pipeline to normalize and quantify differential TF binding genome-wide and generate metrics for differential binding at individual sites.

  7. ChIPnorm: a statistical method for normalizing and identifying differential regions in histone modification ChIP-seq libraries. (United States)

    Nair, Nishanth Ulhas; Sahu, Avinash Das; Bucher, Philipp; Moret, Bernard M E


    The advent of high-throughput technologies such as ChIP-seq has made possible the study of histone modifications. A problem of particular interest is the identification of regions of the genome where different cell types from the same organism exhibit different patterns of histone enrichment. This problem turns out to be surprisingly difficult, even in simple pairwise comparisons, because of the significant level of noise in ChIP-seq data. In this paper we propose a two-stage statistical method, called ChIPnorm, to normalize ChIP-seq data, and to find differential regions in the genome, given two libraries of histone modifications of different cell types. We show that the ChIPnorm method removes most of the noise and bias in the data and outperforms other normalization methods. We correlate the histone marks with gene expression data and confirm that histone modifications H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 act as respectively a repressor and an activator of genes. Compared to what was previously reported in the literature, we find that a substantially higher fraction of bivalent marks in ES cells for H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 move into a K27-only state. We find that most of the promoter regions in protein-coding genes have differential histone-modification sites. The software for this work can be downloaded from

  8. The influence of early intervention movement programs on motor skills development in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (case studies [Vliv raných intervenčních pohybových programů na rozvoj motorických dovedností u dětí předškolního věku s poruchou autistického spektra (případová studie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hana Válková


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to assess the motor skills performance of preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder after eight weeks of physical activity intervention. METHODS: Participants included 5 children, 4 male and 1 female, from 62 to 81 months old, who were attending the identical special kindergarten. Both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the children's performance were examined. With regards to the quantitative examination, participants were measured using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (Henderson & Sugden, 1992. Qualitative results were obtained through personal observation. Each motor skills intervention program continued for eight weeks, and children were tested in both pre and post intervention phases. RESULTS: Over the course of the intervention, four of the participants improved their motor skills, while one did not. CONCLUSIONS: This study concluded that even preschool children with autism can improve their motor and social skills if they are involved in a physical activity at least twice a week. The physical activity program could improve their motor and social skills which could help them in their future development.[CÍLE: Účelem předložené studie bylo zhodnotit motorické dovednosti předškolních dětí s poruchami v autistickém spektru po osmitýdenním intervenčním programu. METODIKA: Experimentu se zúčastnilo 5 dětí, 4 chlapci a 1 dívka ve věku od 62 do 81 měsíců. Všichni navštěvovali stejnou speciální mateřskou školu. Šetření za hrnovalo jak kvantitativní, tak kvalitativní aspekty. Kvantitativní data účastníků byla měřena testem M-ABC (Baterie motorického vyšetření dětí podle Henderson a Sugden (1992, zatímco kvalitativní data byla získána pozorováním. Intervenční pohybový program trval osm týdnů a děti byly měřeny před a po intervenci. VÝSLEDKY: Čtyři děti po programu vykazovaly zlepšení dovedností, jedno d

  9. CH2 - Lighting and Physiology

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sergio Altomonte


    Full Text Available This paper explains the designed performances of the new CH2 building in Melbourne, Australia. CH2 is an environmentally significant project that involves biomimicry of natural systems to produce indoor conditions that are conducive to user comfort, health and productivity. This paper focuses on lighting and physiology and examines the solutions chosen for artificial and natural lighting and the likely effects these will have on building occupants. The purpose of the paper is to critically comment on the adopted strategy and, cognisance of contemporary thinking in lighting design, to judge the effectiveness of this aspect of the project with a view to later verification and post-occupancy review. The paper concludes that CH2 is an exemplar of lighting innovation that provides valuable lessons to designers of office buildings, particularly in the Melbourne CSD.

  10. General allylic C-H alkylation with tertiary nucleophiles. (United States)

    Howell, Jennifer M; Liu, Wei; Young, Andrew J; White, M Christina


    A general method for intermolecular allylic C-H alkylation of terminal olefins with tertiary nucleophiles has been accomplished employing palladium(II)/bis(sulfoxide) catalysis. Allylic C-H alkylation furnishes products in good yields (avg. 64%) with excellent regio- and stereoselectivity (>20:1 linear:branched, >20:1 E:Z). For the first time, the olefin scope encompasses unactivated aliphatic olefins as well as activated aromatic/heteroaromatic olefins and 1,4-dienes. The ease of appending allyl moieties onto complex scaffolds is leveraged to enable this mild and selective allylic C-H alkylation to rapidly diversify phenolic natural products. The tertiary nucleophile scope is broad and includes latent functionality for further elaboration (e.g., aliphatic alcohols, α,β-unsaturated esters). The opportunities to effect synthetic streamlining with such general C-H reactivity are illustrated in an allylic C-H alkylation/Diels-Alder reaction cascade: a reactive diene is generated via intermolecular allylic C-H alkylation and approximated to a dienophile contained within the tertiary nucleophile to furnish a common tricyclic core found in the class I galbulimima alkaloids.

  11. Mapping pan-Arctic CH4 emissions using an adjoint method by integrating process-based wetland and lake biogeochemical models and atmospheric CH4 concentrations (United States)

    Tan, Z.; Zhuang, Q.; Henze, D. K.; Frankenberg, C.; Dlugokencky, E. J.; Sweeney, C.; Turner, A. J.


    Understanding CH4 emissions from wetlands and lakes are critical for the estimation of Arctic carbon balance under fast warming climatic conditions. To date, our knowledge about these two CH4 sources is almost solely built on the upscaling of discontinuous measurements in limited areas to the whole region. Many studies indicated that, the controls of CH4 emissions from wetlands and lakes including soil moisture, lake morphology and substrate content and quality are notoriously heterogeneous, thus the accuracy of those simple estimates could be questionable. Here we apply a high spatial resolution atmospheric inverse model (nested-grid GEOS-Chem Adjoint) over the Arctic by integrating SCIAMACHY and NOAA/ESRL CH4 measurements to constrain the CH4 emissions estimated with process-based wetland and lake biogeochemical models. Our modeling experiments using different wetland CH4 emission schemes and satellite and surface measurements show that the total amount of CH4 emitted from the Arctic wetlands is well constrained, but the spatial distribution of CH4 emissions is sensitive to priors. For CH4 emissions from lakes, our high-resolution inversion shows that the models overestimate CH4 emissions in Alaskan costal lowlands and East Siberian lowlands. Our study also indicates that the precision and coverage of measurements need to be improved to achieve more accurate high-resolution estimates.

  12. Infrared Spectra and Structures of SiH{sub 2}-(CH{sub 2}){sub 2} and CH{sub 2}=CH-SiH{sub 3} Intermediates Prepared in Reactions of Laser-ablated Silicon Atoms with Ethane

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cho, Han-Gook [Incheon National University, Incheon (Korea, Republic of); Andrews, Lester [University of Virginia, Charlottesville (United States)


    SiH{sub 2}-(CH{sub 2}){sub 2} and CH{sub 2}=CH-SiH{sub 3} were observed in the matrix IR spectra following reactions of laser-ablated Si atoms with ethane on the basis of correlation with computed frequencies. Evidently photon energy is required for the formation of the cyclic Si compound. These Si complexes are similar to the primary products in the previous studies of group 4 metals, in line with the previous results that s{sup 2}p{sup 2} and s{sup 2}d{sup 2} electronic configurations yield similar products. The relatively long C–C bond in the cyclic Si product reflects the structural strain, and the short C-Si and C-C bonds of CH{sub 3}CH=SiH{sub 2} and CH{sub 2}=CH-SiH{sub 3} show that they are true double bonds in line with the natural bond orders. Reactions of transition-metal atoms with small alkanes and halomethanes have been studied in a series of recent investigations. High oxidation-state products (methylidenes and methylidynes) along with insertion complexes were identified in the matrix spectra. It is interesting whether or not Si, a group 14 metalloid, undergoes similar reactions with larger hydrocarbons to provide higher oxidation-state compounds.

  13. Mobilní přístup k datům z automatizačních prvků (vývoj Back-End části aplikace)


    Habarta, Lukáš


    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá průzkumem a popisem technologií použitých při vývoji mobilní aplikace. Dále návrhem a implementací mobilního přístupu k datům z automatizačních prvků. Aplikace pracuje se servery založenými na standardu OPC Foundation Classic. This bachelor thesis is concerning about research and description of technologies which were used for mobile application development. Design and implementation of mobile accessing of automation data is also discussed. Application works...

  14. Exploring the crystallization landscape of cadmium bis(N-hydroxyethyl, N-isopropyldithiocarbamate), Cd[S{sub 2}CN(iPr)CH{sub 2}CH{sub 2}OH]{sub 2}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tan, Yee Seng; Halim, Siti Nadiah Abdul [Malaya Univ., Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Dept. of Chemistry; Tiekink, Edward R.T. [Malaya Univ., Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Dept. of Chemistry; Sunway Univ., Bandar Sunway (Malaysia). Centre for Chemical Crystallography


    Crystallization of Cd[S{sub 2}CN(iPr)CH{sub 2}CH{sub 2}OH]{sub 2} from ethanol yields the coordination polymer [{Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_2}.EtOH]{sub ∞} (1) within 3 h. When the solution is allowed to stand for another hour, the needles begin to dissolve and prisms emerge of the supramolecular isomer (SI), binuclear {Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_2}{sub 2}.2EtOH (2). These have been fully characterized spectroscopically and by X-ray crystallography. Polymeric 1 has 2-fold symmetry and features dithiocarbamate ligands coordinating two octahedral Cd atoms in a μ{sub 2}κ{sup 2}-tridentate mode. Binuclear 2 is centrosymmetric with two ligands being μ{sub 2}κ{sup 2}-tridentate as for 1 but the other two being κ{sup 2}-chelating leading to square pyramidal geometries. The conversion of the kinetic crystallization product, 1, to thermodynamic 2 is irreversible but transformations mediated by recrystallization (ethanol and acetonitrile) to related literature SI species, namely coordination polymer [{Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_2}{sub 3}.MeCN]{sub ∞} and binuclear {Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_2}{sub 2}.2H{sub 2}O.2MeCN, are demonstrated, some of which are reversible. Three other crystallization outcomes are described whereby crystal structures were obtained for the 1:2 co-crystal {Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_2}{sub 2}:2[3-(propan-2-yl)-1,3-oxazolidine-2-thione] (3), the salt co-crystal [iPrNH{sub 2}(CH{sub 2}CH{sub 2}OH)]{sub 4}[SO{sub 4}]{sub 2}{Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_2}{sub 2} (4) and the salt [iPrNH{sub 2}(CH{sub 2}CH{sub 2}OH)]{Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_3} (5). These arise as a result of decomposition/oxidation of the dithiocarbamate ligands. In each of 3 and 4 the binuclear {Cd[S_2CN(iPr)CH_2CH_2OH]_2}{sub 2} SI, as in 2, is observed strongly suggesting a thermodynamic preference for this form.

  15. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Hélène; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Mière, Arnaud; Vermeulen, Anne


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters, intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between OMP and ICARE data centres and falls within the scope of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. All the data produced by or of interest for the ChArMEx community will be documented in the data catalogue and accessible through the database website: The database website offers different tools: - A registration procedure which enables any scientist to accept the data policy and apply for a user database account. - Forms to document observations or products that will be provided to the database in compliance with metadata international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). - A search tool to browse the catalogue using thematic, geographic and/or temporal criteria. - Sorted lists of the datasets by thematic keywords, by measured parameters, by instruments or by platform type. - A shopping-cart web interface to order in situ data files. At present datasets from the background monitoring station of Ersa, Cape Corsica and from the 2012 ChArMEx pre-campaign are available. - A user-friendly access to satellite products

  16. Solubility of La, Pr, Eu, Er and Lu in a media of 1M ionic force of NaCl by 303 K

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez G, J.J.; Solache R, M.J.; Jimenez R, M.; Rojas H, A.


    The solubility and the solubility product of La, Pr, Eu, Er and Lu in media of 1M ionic force of NaCl by 303 K was determined, by means of a radiochemical method and the pLn - pCH diagrams in free conditions of CO 2 were constructed. Moreover, the non saturation and the saturated zones and with them the pCH precipitation bound were determined. Finally a comparison among the obtained data in this work and those reported in the literature in several media was realized. (Author)

  17. Personality characteristics of Serbian male wheelchair and professional basketball players [Charakteristika osobnosti srbských basketbalistů-vozíčkářů a profesionálních basketbalistů

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fadilj Eminović


    .[VÝCHODISKA: Sport jak sociální fenomén může mít velmi pozitivní vliv na zdraví a sociální situaci osob s postižením, které jej provozují. Velmi důležité místo mezi aktivitami postižených sportovců mohou zaujímat kolektivní sporty. CÍLE: Studie měla tyto cíle – a prošetřit charakteristiku osobnosti profesionálních basketbalistů a basketbalistů-vozíčkářů; b porovnat tyto charakteristiky dvou druhů sportovců. METODIKA: Pro účely této studie profesionální basketbalisté (N = 29 a basketbalisté-vozíčkáři (N = 25 vyplnili dotazník Cattell 16PF, v němž jsou ohodnoceny charakteristiky osobnosti. Rozdíly mezi oběma skupinami účastníků byly spočteny pomocí t-testu pro malé vzorky. VÝSLEDKY: Výsledky prokázaly výskyt rozdílů mezi oběma skupinami ve vyjádření určitých forem chování v rámci určitých dimenzí osobnosti. Basketbalisté-vozíčkáři zaznamenali vyšší skóre u faktoru M – roztržitost (t = –1,889; p = 0,046, což znamená, že se více za bývají sami sebou a svým vnitřním duševním stavem. Basketbalisté-vozíčkáři zaznamenali nižší skóre u faktorů C – emocionální stabilita (t = 2,097; p = 0,041, E – dominance (t = 3,530; p = 0,001, F – živost (t = 2,658; p = 0,010 a N – odloučenost (t = 2,527; p = 0,015. ZÁVĚRY: Basketbalisté-vozíčkáři jsou ve srovnání s profesionálními basketbalisty více emocionální; mají nižší sebeúctu, jsou méně připravení na týmovou práci a spolupráci; jsou naivní a skromní. Na základě těchto výsledků musejí trenéři, kteří pracují s basketbalisty-vozíčkáři, přizpůsobit své tréninkové metody, zejména ti trenéři, kteří dříve pracovali s hráči bez postižení. Vliv trenérů může také podnítit eventuální změny v některých z výše uvedených charakteristik basketbalistů-vozíčkářů žádoucím směrem.

  18. Methane explosion suppression characteristics based on the NaHCO3/red-mud composite powders with core-shell structure. (United States)

    Wang, Yan; Cheng, Yi-Shen; Yu, Ming-Gao; Li, Yao; Cao, Jian-Liang; Zheng, Li-Gang; Yi, Hong-Wei


    The NaHCO 3 /red-mud (RM) composite powders were successfully prepared by the solvent-anti-solvent method for methane explosion suppression. The RM was used as a carrier, and the NaHCO 3 was used as a loaded inhibitor. The NaHCO 3 /RM composite powders showed a special core-shell structure and excellent endothermic performance. The suppression properties of NaHCO 3 /RM composite for 9.5% CH 4 explosion were tested in a 20L spherical explosion vessel and a 5L Perspex duct. The results showed that the NaHCO 3 /RM composite powders displayed a much better suppression property than the pure RM or NaHCO 3 powders. The loading amount of NaHCO 3 has an intensive influence on the inhibition property of NaHCO 3 /RM composite powders. The best loaded content of NaHCO 3 is 35%. It exhibited significant inhibitory effect that the explosion max-pressure declined 44.9%, the max-pressure rise rate declined 96.3% and the pressure peak time delayed 366.7%, respectively. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Rozšíření funkcionality systému pro dolování z dat na platformě NetBeans


    Šebek, Michal


    Databáze se neustále rozrůstají o nová data. Za účelem analýzy těchto dat byl definován proces získávání znalostí z databází. Pro podporu tohoto procesu vznikla řada nástrojů. Vývojem jednoho z těchto nástrojů se zabývá tato práce. Hlavním cílem je analyzovat stávající implementaci systému na přenositelné platformě Java NetBeans a databázovém serveru Oracle a rozšířit ji o algoritmy z oblasti předzpracování a analýzy vstupních dat. Podrobně je popsána implementace jednotlivých komponent pro p...

  20. Vliv pravidelného tréninku na tělesné složení mladých lyžařů běžců ve vztahu k motorické výkonnosti v porovnání s normální populací Effect of regular training on body composition and physical performance in young cross-country skiers: As compared with normal controls

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Růžena Randáková


    Full Text Available Cílem této studie bylo určit tělesné složení a úroveň motorické výkonnosti a zároveň posoudit změny v komponentách tělesného složení a v úrovni motorické výkonnosti v závislosti na pravidelném tréninkovém zatížení aplikovaném v rámci šestiměsíčního tréninkového programu přípravném období, tzv. "suché přípravy", ročního tréninkového cyklu 2003/2004 u skupiny mladých lyžařů běžců, žáků sportovních tříd při ZŠ T. G. Masaryka ve Vimperku a členů lyžařských oddílů Ski-klub Šumava, Libín Prachatice a Sokol Stachy ve věku 12–15 let (n = 81, v porovnání s normální populací (n = 49. Byla provedena dvě měření tělesného složení a motorické výkonnosti, na začátku a konci přípravného období (duben a říjen, tedy podruhé po šestiměsíčním tréninkovém programu. Metodou pro stanovení tělesného složení byla multifrekvenční bioimpedanční analýza (BIA, zařízení B. I. A. 2000-M, Data Input, Germany měřící celkovou impedanci při použití proměnlivé frekvence. Úroveň motorické výkonnosti byla posuzována na základě výsledků základních motorických testů. Z výsledků vyplývá, že systematický trénink realizovaný v prostředí sportovních tříd má evidentně pozitivní dopad, a to nejen v systému přípravy dětí a mládeže pro vrcholový sport, ale především z hlediska vlivu pravidelného pohybového zatížení aplikovaného nad rámec školních osnov na tělesné složení a motorickou výkonnost dospívajícího organismu. Pravidelný trénink tak může z hlediska tělesného složení působit také jako prevence vzniku nadváhy, případně obezity a s tím souvisejících dalších zdravotních rizik v dospělosti. Výsledky této studie mohou být především hodnotnou zpětnou vazbou vedoucí ke zkvalitnění tréninkové přípravy sledovaných jedinců a k obohacení programu lyžařských sportovních t

  1. Methanesulfonates of high-valent metals. Syntheses and structural features of MoO_2(CH_3SO_3)_2, UO_2(CH_3SO_3)_2, ReO_3(CH_3SO_3), VO(CH_3SO_3)_2, and V_2O_3(CH_3SO_3)_4 and their thermal decomposition under N_2 and O_2 atmosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Betke, Ulf; Neuschulz, Kai; Wickleder, Mathias S.


    Oxide methanesulfonates of Mo, U, Re, and V have been prepared by reaction of MoO_3, UO_2(CH_3COO)_2.2 H_2O, Re_2O_7(H_2O)_2, and V_2O_5 with CH_3SO_3H or mixtures thereof with its anhydride. These compounds are the first examples of solvent-free oxide methanesulfonates of these elements. MoO_2(CH_3SO_3)_2 (Pbca, a=1487.05(4), b=752.55(2), c=1549.61(5) pm, V=1.73414(9) nm"3, Z=8) contains [MoO_2] moieties connected by [CH_3SO_3] ions to form layers parallel to (100). UO_2(CH_3SO_3)_2 (P2_1/c, a=1320.4(1), b=1014.41(6), c=1533.7(1) pm, β=112.80(1) "c"i"r"c"l"e, V=1.8937(3) nm"3, Z=8) consists of linear UO_2"2"+ ions coordinated by five [CH_3SO_3] ions, forming a layer structure. VO(CH_3SO_3)_2 (P2_1/c, a=1136.5(1), b=869.87(7), c=915.5(1) pm, β=113.66(1) "c"i"r"c"l"e, V=0.8290(2) nm"3, Z=4) contains [VO] units connected by methanesulfonate anions to form corrugated layers parallel to (100). In ReO_3(CH_3SO_3) (P anti 1, a=574.0(1), b=1279.6(3), c=1641.9(3) pm, α=102.08(2), β=96.11(2), γ=99.04(2) "c"i"r"c"l"e, V=1.1523(4) nm"3, Z=8) a chain structure exhibiting infinite O-[ReO_2]-O-[ReO_2]-O chains is formed. Each [ReO_2]-O-[ReO_2] unit is coordinated by two bidentate [CH_3SO_3] ions. V_2O_3(CH_3SO_3)_4 (I2/a, a=1645.2(3), b=583.1(1), c=1670.2(3) pm, β=102.58(3), V=1.5637(5) pm"3, Z=4) adopts a chain structure, too, but contains discrete [VO]-O-[VO] moieties, each coordinated by two bidentate [CH_3SO_3] ligands. Additional methanesulfonate ions connect the [V_2O_3] groups along [001]. Thermal decomposition of the compounds was monitored under N_2 and O_2 atmosphere by thermogravimetric/differential thermal analysis and XRD measurements. Under N_2 the decomposition proceeds with reduction of the metal leading to the oxides MoO_2, U_3O_7, V_4O_7, and VO_2; for MoO_2(CH_3SO_3)_2, a small amount of MoS_2 is formed. If the thermal decomposition is carried out in a atmosphere of O_2 the oxides MoO_3 and V_2O_5 are formed. (Copyright copyright 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag

  2. Ir-catalyzed C-H silylations of phenyldeazapurines

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sabat, Nazarii; Poštová Slavětínská, Lenka; Hocek, Michal


    Roč. 56, č. 49 (2015), s. 6860-6862 ISSN 0040-4039 Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : C-H silylation * deazapurines * iridium catalysis * C-H activations Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry Impact factor: 2.347, year: 2015

  3. Předpjatý most číslo 207 přes rychlostní komunikaci R2 na Slovensku


    Ježek, Rostislav


    V diplomové práci „Předpjatý most číslo 207 přes rychlostní komunikaci R2 na Slovensku“ jsou vypracovány tři varianty řešení přemostění. Cílem práce je zhodnotit navržené varianty a provést podrobný návrh nosné konstrukce vybrané varianty. Součástí práce je zohlednění vlivu výstavby. K podrobné statické analýze byla zvolena varianta komorového mostu s šikmými stěnami o třech polích. Tato dodatečně předpjatá konstrukce je posouzena dle platných Evropských norem. Analýza konstrukce je provedena...

  4. Profiles of intensity loads in physical education classes in Poland Profily intenzivní zátěže v hodinách tělesné výchovy v Polsku

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michał Bronikowski


    Full Text Available The aim of the research was to compare the health-related effectiveness of various types of physical education lessons on the cardio-respiratory system. The research was carried out in the years 2002 and 2003 in two junior high schools in Poznań. There were four types of classes examined: outdoor athletics, volleyball, basketball and fun games, each type lasting 45 minutes. Heart rates of two randomly selected pupils aged 15–16 were recorded during class, with the use of Polar heart rate monitors. According to the findings of a cross-national study, Polish youth do not have enough moderate-to-vigorous activity on a daily basis (Cabak & Woynarowska, 2004. In our research the most effective in stimulating cardio-respiratory fitness appeared to be outdoor athletics classes in boys and girls, and basketball in boys. Our data support the earlier findings of other studies (Stratton, 1997; Fairclough & Stratton, 2005. Cílem průzkumu bylo srovnání zdravotní účinnosti různých typů hodin tělesné výchovy na kardio-respirační ústrojí. Průzkum byl prováděn v letech 2002 a 2003 na nižším stupni středních škol v Poznani. Zkoumány byly čtyři typy hodin: atletika, volejbal, basketbal a pohybové hry, přičemž každý typ měl trvání 45 minut. V průběhu hodiny byla u dvou náhodně zvolených 15–16letých žáků měřena srdeční frekvence, a to pomocí monitorů srdeční frekvence Polar. Podle výsledků celonárodního výzkumu nemá polská mládež dostatek každodenní střední až intenzivní aktivity (Cabak & Woynarowska, 2004. V našem průzkumu se hodiny atletiky, v případě chlapců a dívek, a basketbalu, v případě chlapců, jevily jako hodiny nejúčinněji stimulující kardio-respirační zdatnost. Naše údaje potvrzují dřívější výsledky jiných průzkumů (Stratton, 1997; Fairclough & Stratton, 2005.


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sokolová, Romana; Degano, I.; Ramešová, Šárka; Kocábová, Jana; Fiedler, Jan; Tarábek, Ján


    Roč. 14, č. 5 (2016), s. 170-170 ISSN 0009-2770. [Sjezd chemických společností /68./. 04.09.2016-07.09.2016, Praha] Institutional support: RVO:61388955 ; RVO:61388963 Keywords : antioxidants * bio flavoides Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry

  6. 4-(2-Tetrathiafulvalenyl-ethenyl)pyridine (TTF-CH=CH-Py) radical cation salts containing poly(beta-diketonate) rare earth complexes: synthesis, crystal structure, photoluminescent and magnetic properties. (United States)

    Pointillart, Fabrice; Maury, Olivier; Le Gal, Yann; Golhen, Stéphane; Cador, Olivier; Ouahab, Lahcène


    The reactions between the redox-active 4-(2-tetrathiafulvalenyl-ethenyl)pyridine ligand (TTF-CH=CH-Py) and the tris(1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoroacetylacetonate)Ln(III) (Ln = La and Nd) lead to the formation of compounds with the formulas {[La(hfac)(5)][(TTF-CH=CH-Py(*+))](2)} (1), {[Nd(hfac)(4)(H(2)O)][(TTF-CH=CH-Py(*+))]}(2) (2), and {[Nd(hfac)(4)(H(2)O)][(TTF-CH=CH-Py(*+))]}(2)(H(2)O)(C(6)H(14))(0.5) (3) (hfac(-) = 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoroacetylacetonate anion). These compounds have been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, optical, and magnetic measurements. Compounds 1, 2, and 3 crystallize in the monoclinic C2/c, triclinic P1, and monoclinic P2(1)/c space groups, respectively. La(III) adopts a tetradecahedral geometry, while Nd(III) stands in a distorted capped square antiprism one. In 1, the inorganic network is formed by the [La(hfac)(5)](2-) dianionic complexes, while it is formed by a pseudo-dimeric dianionic unit of formula {[Nd(hfac)(4)(H(2)O)](2)}(2-) in 2 and 3. In all crystal structures, the organic network is constituted by the TTF-CH=CH-Py(*+) radical cations. The inorganic and organic networks interact through intermolecular contacts between the pyridine moieties of the TTF-CH=CH-Py(*+) radical cations and the Ln(III) ions. The luminescence properties of the Nd(III) ions (9400 cm(-1)) and fluorescence band of the TTF-CH=CH-Py(*+) radical cations (10200 cm(-1)) have been observed and studied for compound 2. Complexes 2 and 3 are paramagnetic because of Nd(III) ions. Compound 2 is a paramagnetic luminescent TTF-radical-cation-based material. Resistivity measurements have also been performed on these materials.

  7. Contaminação fúngica de plantas medicinais utilizadas em chás

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ravely Lucena Santos


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica quanto à presença de fungos filamentosos em ervas do tipo Peumus boldus Molina (Boldo, Pimpinella anisum L. (erva-doce e Matricaria chamomilla L. (Camomila comercializadas na cidade de Campina Grande (Paraíba. Nove amostras de cada planta foram analisadas, totalizando 27 amostras, obtidas aleatoriamente nas feiras livres e barracas informais da cidade. Cada 10 g de amostra foram suspensas em 90 mL de solução salina 0,89% estéril, obtendo-se o concentrado, a partir do qual foram realizadas diluições sucessivas. A seguir, uma alíquota de 0,1mL de cada diluição foi semeada em placas de Petri contendo Ágar Sabouraud Dextrose, as quais foram incubadas à temperatura ambiente por cinco a dez dias. Após este período foram contadas as colônias fúngicas presentes e realizados seus respectivos microcultivos para identificação através de microscópio óptico. Foram encontrados fungos toxigênicos como Aspergillus sp., Penicillium sp. e Fusarium sp., estando o primeiro presente em todas as amostras avaliadas. Também foram identificados os fungos Exophiala sp. e Fonsecaea sp., que possuem importância clínica, podendo causar micose. A forma como estas plantas são armazenadas para comercialização e a falta de fiscalização torna questionável a qualidade das plantas comercializadas para obtenção de chás, o que pode comprometer a saúde do consumidor ao utilizar esses produtos na forma de Chá.

  8. Numerical Solution of Hard Rock Disintegration Process – Part 2 / Numerické Řešení Procesu Rozpojování Tvrdých Hornin – Část 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Frydrýšek Karel


    Full Text Available Článek se zaměřuje na numerickou analýzu procesu rozpojování tvrdých hornin (rud. Nůž se pohybuje do horniny a následně ji rozpojuje. Rozpojování (tj. lom rudy je řešeno deterministickým přístupem (MKP a pravděpodobnostním přístupem (MKP v kombinaci s metodou SBRA - Simulation-Based Reliability Assessment, tj. simulace Monte Carlo, stochastické vstupy. Ruda je rozpojována pomocí deaktivace konečných prvků, které splňují podmínky odlomení. Výsledky jsou porovnány s experimenty. Aplikace metody SBRA v této oblasti je novým a inovativním trendem. V závěru je uveden pravděpodobnostní posudek spolehlivosti.

  9. iTAR: a web server for identifying target genes of transcription factors using ChIP-seq or ChIP-chip data. (United States)

    Yang, Chia-Chun; Andrews, Erik H; Chen, Min-Hsuan; Wang, Wan-Yu; Chen, Jeremy J W; Gerstein, Mark; Liu, Chun-Chi; Cheng, Chao


    Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massively parallel DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq) or microarray hybridization (ChIP-chip) has been widely used to determine the genomic occupation of transcription factors (TFs). We have previously developed a probabilistic method, called TIP (Target Identification from Profiles), to identify TF target genes using ChIP-seq/ChIP-chip data. To achieve high specificity, TIP applies a conservative method to estimate significance of target genes, with the trade-off being a relatively low sensitivity of target gene identification compared to other methods. Additionally, TIP's output does not render binding-peak locations or intensity, information highly useful for visualization and general experimental biological use, while the variability of ChIP-seq/ChIP-chip file formats has made input into TIP more difficult than desired. To improve upon these facets, here we present are fined TIP with key extensions. First, it implements a Gaussian mixture model for p-value estimation, increasing target gene identification sensitivity and more accurately capturing the shape of TF binding profile distributions. Second, it enables the incorporation of TF binding-peak data by identifying their locations in significant target gene promoter regions and quantifies their strengths. Finally, for full ease of implementation we have incorporated it into a web server ( ) that enables flexibility of input file format, can be used across multiple species and genome assembly versions, and is freely available for public use. The web server additionally performs GO enrichment analysis for the identified target genes to reveal the potential function of the corresponding TF. The iTAR web server provides a user-friendly interface and supports target gene identification in seven species, ranging from yeast to human. To facilitate investigating the quality of ChIP-seq/ChIP-chip data, the web server generates the chart of the


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francisco Coelho Mendes


    Full Text Available Visando minimizar os impactos socioambientais, socioculturais e econômicos, surgiu o turismo sustentável. Portanto, este estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar como a Associação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Comunidade de Chã de Jardim (ADESCO, em Areia na Paraíba, desenvolve o turismo, e quais as ações e os incentivos que a associação mantém para perpetuar a prática da sustentabilidade na comunidade. A metodologia adotada é do tipo pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva, de caráter exploratório, com base no levantamento bibliográfico, consulta documental e pesquisa de campo (visita técnica e entrevista. Os resultados mostram que a ADESCO, através de ações, estratégias e projetos, ajuda desenvolver o turismo criativo, responsável e sustentável, pensando-se no bem-estar das pessoas, no bem receber o turista, e na sustentabilidade do meio ambiente e dos recursos naturais.

  11. In Silico Pooling of ChIP-seq Control Experiments (United States)

    Sun, Guannan; Srinivasan, Rajini; Lopez-Anido, Camila; Hung, Holly A.; Svaren, John; Keleş, Sündüz


    As next generation sequencing technologies are becoming more economical, large-scale ChIP-seq studies are enabling the investigation of the roles of transcription factor binding and epigenome on phenotypic variation. Studying such variation requires individual level ChIP-seq experiments. Standard designs for ChIP-seq experiments employ a paired control per ChIP-seq sample. Genomic coverage for control experiments is often sacrificed to increase the resources for ChIP samples. However, the quality of ChIP-enriched regions identifiable from a ChIP-seq experiment depends on the quality and the coverage of the control experiments. Insufficient coverage leads to loss of power in detecting enrichment. We investigate the effect of in silico pooling of control samples within multiple biological replicates, multiple treatment conditions, and multiple cell lines and tissues across multiple datasets with varying levels of genomic coverage. Our computational studies suggest guidelines for performing in silico pooling of control experiments. Using vast amounts of ENCODE data, we show that pairwise correlations between control samples originating from multiple biological replicates, treatments, and cell lines/tissues can be grouped into two classes representing whether or not in silico pooling leads to power gain in detecting enrichment between the ChIP and the control samples. Our findings have important implications for multiplexing samples. PMID:25380244

  12. On the use of satellite-derived CH4 : CO2 columns in a joint inversion of CH4 and CO2 fluxes

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pandey, S.


    We present a method for assimilating total column CH4 : CO2 ratio measurements from satellites for inverse modeling of CH4 and CO2 fluxes using the variational approach. Unlike conventional approaches, in which retrieved CH4 : CO2 are multiplied by model-derived total column CO2 and only the

  13. Are CH2O measurements in the marine boundary layer suitable for testing the current understanding of CH4 photooxidation?: A model study (United States)

    Wagner, V.; von Glasow, R.; Fischer, H.; Crutzen, P. J.


    On the basis of a data set collected during the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) campaign 1999, we investigated the formaldehyde (CH2O) budget in the southern Indian Ocean (SIO). With a photochemical box model we simulated the contribution of methane and nonmethane volatile organic compounds to the CH2O budget. To identify the reactions and model constraints that introduce the largest uncertainties in the modeled CH2O concentration, we carried out a local sensitivity analysis. Furthermore, a Monte Carlo method was used to assess the global error of the model predictions. According to this analysis the 2σ uncertainty in the modeled CH2O concentration is 49%. The deviation between observed (200 +/- 70 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) (2σ)) and modeled (224 +/- 110 pptv (2σ)) daily mean CH2O concentration is 12%. However, the combined errors of model and measurement are such that deviations as large as 65% are not significant at the 2σ level. Beyond the ``standard'' photochemistry we analyzed the impact of halogen and aerosol chemistry on the CH2O concentration and investigated the vertical distribution of CH2O in the marine boundary layer (MBL). Calculations with the Model of Chemistry Considering Aerosols indicate that, based on the current understanding, halogen chemistry and aerosol chemistry have no significant impact on the CH2O concentration under conditions encountered in the SIO. However, a detailed investigation including meteorological effects such as precipitation scavenging and convection reveals an uncertainty in state-of-the-art model predictions for CH2O in the MBL that is too large for a meaningful test of the current understanding of CH4 photooxidation.

  14. Chemical reaction surface vibrational frequencies evaluated in curvilinear internal coordinates: Application to H + CH(4) H(2) + CH(3). (United States)

    Banks, Simon T; Clary, David C


    We consider the general problem of vibrational analysis at nonglobally optimized points on a reduced dimensional reaction surface. We discuss the importance of the use of curvilinear internal coordinates to describe molecular motion and derive a curvilinear projection operator to remove the contribution of nonzero gradients from the Hessian matrix. Our projection scheme is tested in the context of a two-dimensional quantum scattering calculation for the reaction H + CH(4) --> H(2) + CH(3) and its reverse H(2) + CH(3) --> H + CH(4). Using zero-point energies calculated via rectilinear and curvilinear projections we construct two two-dimensional, adiabatically corrected, ab initio reaction surfaces for this system. It is shown that the use of curvilinear coordinates removes unphysical imaginary frequencies observed with rectilinear projection and leads to significantly improved thermal rate constants for both the forward and reverse reactions.

  15. Raman spectroscopy measurement of CH4 gas and CH4 dissolved in water for laser remote sensing in water (United States)

    Somekawa, Toshihiro; Fujita, Masayuki


    We examined the applicability of Raman spectroscopy as a laser remote sensing tool for monitoring CH4 in water. The Raman technique has already been used successfully for measurements of CO2 gas in water. In this paper, considering the spectral transmittance of water, third harmonics of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 355 nm (UV region) was used for detection of CH4 Raman signals. The Raman signal at 2892 cm-1 from CH4 dissolved in water was detected at a tail of water Raman signal.

  16. Evaluating Impacts of CO2 and CH4 Gas Intrusion into an Unconsolidated Aquifer: Fate of As and Cd

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amanda eLawter


    Full Text Available The sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2 in deep underground reservoirs has been identified as an important strategy to decrease atmospheric CO2 levels and mitigate global warming, but potential risks on overlying aquifers currently lack a complete evaluation. In addition to CO2, other gases such as methane (CH4 may be present in storage reservoirs. This paper explores for the first time the combined effect of leaking CO2 and CH4 gasses on the fate of major, minor and trace elements in an aquifer overlying a potential sequestration site. Emphasis is placed on the fate of arsenic (As and cadmium (Cd released from the sediments or present as soluble constituents in the leaking brine. Results from macroscopic batch and column experiments show that the presence of CH4 (at a concentration of 1 % in the mixture CO2/CH4 does not have a significant effect on solution pH or the concentrations of most major elements (such as Ca, Ba, and Mg. However, the concentrations of Mn, Mo, Si and Na are inconsistently affected by the presence of CH4 (i.e., in at least one sediment tested in this study. Cd is not released from the sediments and spiked Cd is mostly removed from the aqueous phase most likely via adsorption. The fate of sediment associated As [mainly sorbed arsenite or As(III in minerals] and spiked As [i.e., As5+] is complex. Possible mechanisms that control the As behavior in this system are discussed in this paper. Results are significant for CO2 sequestration risk evaluation and site selection and demonstrate the importance of evaluating reservoir brine and gas stream composition during site selection to ensure the safest site is being chosen.

  17. δ13C-CH4 in ice core samples

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sperlich, Peter

    Ice core records of δ13C-CH4 reflect the variability of CH4 biogeochemistry in response to climate change and show this system is far more complex than expected. The first part of this work is concerned with the development of analytical techniques that allow 1) precise referencing and 2) measure......Ice core records of δ13C-CH4 reflect the variability of CH4 biogeochemistry in response to climate change and show this system is far more complex than expected. The first part of this work is concerned with the development of analytical techniques that allow 1) precise referencing and 2......) measurements of δ13C-CH4 in ice core samples as is required when δ13C-CH4 records that are measured in several laboratories are merged for analysis. Both the referencing and measurement techniques have been compared to further laboratories which proofed the accuracy of the analytical systems. The second part...

  18. Návrh tvorby rezervy na restrukturalizaci ve společnosti Tesco Stores ČR, a.s.


    Vašulínová, Kateřina


    Bakalářská práce se zabývá analýzou rozdílů ve vykazování rezerv dle české účetní legislativy a dle Mezinárodních standardů finančního výkaznictví. Zaměřena je na tvorbu rezervy na restrukturalizaci ve společnosti Tesco Stores ČR, a.s. The bachelor’s thesis analyses the issues differences in the provisions recognition under the Czech Accounting Standards and under International Financial Reporting Standards. The thesis is oriented on restructuring provision recording in company Tesco Store...

  19. Enzyme-controlled nitrogen-atom transfer enables regiodivergent C-H amination. (United States)

    Hyster, Todd K; Farwell, Christopher C; Buller, Andrew R; McIntosh, John A; Arnold, Frances H


    We recently demonstrated that variants of cytochrome P450BM3 (CYP102A1) catalyze the insertion of nitrogen species into benzylic C-H bonds to form new C-N bonds. An outstanding challenge in the field of C-H amination is catalyst-controlled regioselectivity. Here, we report two engineered variants of P450BM3 that provide divergent regioselectivity for C-H amination-one favoring amination of benzylic C-H bonds and the other favoring homo-benzylic C-H bonds. The two variants provide nearly identical kinetic isotope effect values (2.8-3.0), suggesting that C-H abstraction is rate-limiting. The 2.66-Å crystal structure of the most active enzyme suggests that the engineered active site can preorganize the substrate for reactivity. We hypothesize that the enzyme controls regioselectivity through localization of a single C-H bond close to the iron nitrenoid.

  20. The Drivers of the CH4 Seasonal Cycle in the Arctic and What Long-Term Observations of CH4 Imply About Trends in Arctic CH4 Fluxes (United States)

    Sweeney, C.; Karion, A.; Bruhwiler, L.; Miller, J. B.; Wofsy, S. C.; Miller, C. E.; Chang, R. Y.; Dlugokencky, E. J.; Daube, B.; Pittman, J. V.; Dinardo, S. J.


    The large seasonal change in the atmospheric column for CH4 in the Arctic is driven by two dominant processes: transport of CH4 from low latitudes and surface emissions throughout the Arctic region. The NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle Group Aircraft Program along with the NASA funded Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE) have initiated an effort to better understand the factors controlling the seasonal changes in the mole fraction of CH4 in the Arctic with a multi-scale aircraft observing network in Alaska. The backbone of this network is multi-species flask sampling from 500 to 8000 masl that has been conducted every two weeks for the last 10 years over Poker Flat, AK. In addition regular profiles at the interior Alaska site at Poker Flat, NOAA has teamed up with the United States Coast Guard to make profiling flights with continuous observations of CO2, CO, CH4 and Ozone between Kodiak and Barrow every 2 weeks. More recently, CARVE has significantly added to this observational network with targeted flights focused on exploring the variability of CO2, CH4 and CO in the boundary layer both in the interior and the North Slope regions of Alaska. Taken together with the profiling of HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO), ground sites at Barrow and a new CARVE interior Alaska surface site just north of Fairbanks, AK, we now have the ability to investigate the full evolution of the seasonal cycle in the Arctic using both the multi-scale sampling offered by the different aircraft platforms as well as the multi-species sampling offered by in-situ and flask sampling. The flasks also provide a valuable tie-point between different platforms so that spatial and temporal gradients can be properly interpreted. In the context of the seasonal cycle observed by the aircraft platforms we will look at long term ground observations over the last 20 years to assess changes in Arctic CH4 emissions which have occurred as a result of 0.6C/decade changes in mean surface

  1. The ChArMEx database (United States)

    Ferré, Helene; Belmahfoud, Nizar; Boichard, Jean-Luc; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Mastrorillo, Laurence; Mière, Arnaud; Vermeulen, Anne


    The Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at a scientific assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project includes long term monitoring of environmental parameters, intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data and modelling studies. Therefore ChARMEx scientists produce and need to access a wide diversity of data. In this context, the objective of the database task is to organize data management, distribution system and services, such as facilitating the exchange of information and stimulating the collaboration between researchers within the ChArMEx community, and beyond. The database relies on a strong collaboration between OMP and ICARE data centres and has been set up in the framework of the Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional And Locals Scales (MISTRALS) program data portal. All the data produced by or of interest for the ChArMEx community will be documented in the data catalogue and accessible through the database website: At present, the ChArMEx database contains about 75 datasets, including 50 in situ datasets (2012 and 2013 campaigns, Ersa background monitoring station), 25 model outputs (dust model intercomparison, MEDCORDEX scenarios), and a high resolution emission inventory over the Mediterranean. Many in situ datasets have been inserted in a relational database, in order to enable more accurate data selection and download of different datasets in a shared format. The database website offers different tools: - A registration procedure which enables any scientist to accept the data policy and apply for a user database account. - A data catalogue that complies with metadata international standards (ISO 19115-19139; INSPIRE European Directive; Global Change Master Directory Thesaurus). - Metadata forms to document

  2. Atmospheric chemistry of 4 : 2 fluorotelomer alcohol (CF3(CF2)(3)CH2CH2OH): Products and mechanism of Cl atom initiated oxidation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hurley, MD; Ball, JC; Wallington, TJ


    Smog chamber/FTIR techniques were used to study the products and mechanism of the Cl atom initiated oxidation of 4:2 fluorotelomer alcohol (CF3(CF2)(3)CH2CH2OH) in 700 Torr of N-2/O-2 diluent at 296 K. CF3(CF2)(3)CH2CHO is the sole primary oxidation product. CF3(CF2)(3)CHO, CF3(CF2)(3)CH2COOH...... respectively. Using relative rate techniques, a value of k(Cl + CF3(CF2)(3)CH2CHO) = (1.84 +/- 0.30) x 10(-11) cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1) was determined. The yield of the perfluorinated acid, CF3(CF2)(3)COOH, from the 4:2 fluorotelomer alcohol increased with the diluent gas oxygen concentration......, and CF3(CF2)(3)CH2C(O)OOH are secondary oxidation products. Further irradiation results in the formation of CF3(CF2)(3)COOH, COF2, and CF3OH. CF3(CF2)(3)CHO, CF3(CF2)(3)CH2COOH, and CF3(CF2)(3)CH2C(O)OOH are formed from CF3(CF2)(3)CH2CHO oxidation in yields of 46 27 and less than or equal to 27...

  3. Modelování dodavatelských řetězců


    Lašková, Jana


    Práce se zabývá empirickým ověřením platnosti efektu biče u reálného dodavatelského řetězce. Zároveň na reálných datech ukazuje rozdíl mezi optimalizací zásob každého dílčího článku řetězce a optimalizací zásob podél celého řetězce. Součástí práce je vytvořená učební pomůcka pro ukázku optimalizace zásob (model EOQ) a Pivní hra pro demonstraci platnosti efektu biče.

  4. Ligand-controlled, tunable silver-catalyzed C-H amination. (United States)

    Alderson, Juliet M; Phelps, Alicia M; Scamp, Ryan J; Dolan, Nicholas S; Schomaker, Jennifer M


    The development of readily tunable and regioselective C-H functionalization reactions that operate solely through catalyst control remains a challenge in modern organic synthesis. Herein, we report that simple silver catalysts supported by common nitrogenated ligands can be used to tune a nitrene transfer reaction between two different types of C-H bonds. The results reported herein represent the first example of ligand-controlled and site-selective silver-promoted C-H amination.

  5. CH+(1-0) and 13CH+(1-0) absorption lines in the direction of massive star-forming regions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Falgarone, E.; Godard, B.; Cernicharo, J.; de Luca, M.; Gerin, M.; Phillips, T. G.; Black, J. H.; Lis, D. C.; Bell, T. A.; Boulanger, F.; Coutens, A.; Dartois, E.; Encrenaz, P.; Giesen, T.; Goicoechea, J. R.; Goldsmith, P. F.; Gupta, H.; Gry, C.; Hennebelle, P.; Herbst, E.; Hily-Blant, P.; Joblin, C.; Kaźmierczak, M.; Kołos, R.; Krełowski, J.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Monje, R.; Mookerjea, B.; Neufeld, D. A.; Perault, M.; Pearson, J. C.; Persson, C.; Plume, R.; Salez, M.; Schmidt, M.; Sonnentrucker, P.; Stutzki, J.; Teyssier, D.; Vastel, C.; Yu, S.; Menten, K.; Geballe, T. R.; Schlemmer, S.; Shipman, R.; Tielens, A. G. G. M.; Philipp, S.; Cros, A.; Zmuidzinas, J.; Samoska, L. A.; Klein, K.; Lorenzani, A.; Szczerba, R.; Péron, I.; Cais, P.; Gaufre, P.; Ravera, L.; Morris, P.; Lord, S.; Planesas, P.


    We report the detection of the ground-state rotational transition of the methylidyne cation CH+ and its isotopologue 13CH+ toward the remote massive star-forming regions W33A, W49N, and W51 with the HIFI instrument onboard the Herschel satellite. Both lines are seen only in absorption against the

  6. Návrh marketingového plánu firmy Zoko pro vstup na Německý trh


    Šmídová, Anna


    Diplomová práce se zabývá sestavením marketingového plánu pro vstup na Německý trh pro firmu Zoko. Firma Zoko je malá česká firma operující ve strojírenském průmyslu s výhradním zákazníkem v Rakousku. Na základě teoretických podkladů a analýze současného stavu, práce představuje marketingové návrhy jak vstoupit na nový trh. The thesis deals with proposing a marketing plan for company Zoko to enter German market. Zoko is a small Czech company operating in the metalworking industry with an e...

  7. G331.512–0.103: An Interstellar Laboratory for Molecular Synthesis. I. The Ortho-to-para Ratios for CH3OH and CH3CN (United States)

    Mendoza, Edgar; Bronfman, Leonardo; Duronea, Nicolas U.; Lépine, Jacques R. D.; Finger, Ricardo; Merello, Manuel; Hervías-Caimapo, Carlos; Gama, Diana R. G.; Reyes, Nicolas; Åke-Nyman, Lars


    Spectral line surveys reveal rich molecular reservoirs in G331.512–0.103, a compact radio source in the center of an energetic molecular outflow. In this first work, we analyze the physical conditions of the source by means of CH3OH and CH3CN. The observations were performed with the APEX Telescope. Six different system configurations were defined to cover most of the band within (292–356) GHz as a consequence, we detected a forest of lines toward the central core. A total of 70 lines of A/E–CH3OH and A/E–CH3CN were analyzed, including torsionally excited transitions of CH3OH ({ν }t=1). In a search for all the isotopologues, we identified transitions of 13CH3OH. The physical conditions were derived considering collisional and radiative processes. We found common temperatures for each A and E symmetry of CH3OH and CH3CN; the derived column densities indicate an A/E equilibrated ratio for both tracers. The results reveal that CH3CN and CH3OH trace a hot and cold component with {T}k∼ 141 K and {T}k∼ 74 K, respectively. In agreement with previous ALMA observations, the models show that the emission region is compact (≲ 5\\buildrel{\\prime\\prime}\\over{.} 5) with gas density n(H2) = (0.7–1)×107 cm‑3. The CH3OH/CH3CN abundance ratio and the evidences for prebiotic and complex organic molecules suggest a rich and active chemistry toward G331.512–0.103.

  8. Non-Covalent Interactions in Hydrogen Storage Materials LiN(CH32BH3 and KN(CH32BH3

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    Filip Sagan


    Full Text Available In the present work, an in-depth, qualitative and quantitative description of non-covalent interactions in the hydrogen storage materials LiN(CH32BH3 and KN(CH32BH3 was performed by means of the charge and energy decomposition method (ETS-NOCV as well as the Interacting Quantum Atoms (IQA approach. It was determined that both crystals are stabilized by electrostatically dominated intra- and intermolecular M∙∙∙H–B interactions (M = Li, K. For LiN(CH32BH3 the intramolecular charge transfer appeared (B–H→Li to be more pronounced compared with the corresponding intermolecular contribution. We clarified for the first time, based on the ETS-NOCV and IQA methods, that homopolar BH∙∙∙HB interactions in LiN(CH32BH3 can be considered as destabilizing (due to the dominance of repulsion caused by negatively charged borane units, despite the fact that some charge delocalization within BH∙∙∙HB contacts is enforced (which explains H∙∙∙H bond critical points found from the QTAIM method. Interestingly, quite similar (to BH∙∙∙HB intermolecular homopolar dihydrogen bonds CH∙∙∙HC appared to significantly stabilize both crystals—the ETS-NOCV scheme allowed us to conclude that CH∙∙∙HC interactions are dispersion dominated, however, the electrostatic and σ/σ*(C–H charge transfer contributions are also important. These interactions appeared to be more pronounced in KN(CH32BH3 compared with LiN(CH32BH3.

  9. Molecular Simulations and Theoretical Predictions for Adsorption and Diffusion of CH{sub 4}/H{sub 2} and CO{sub 2}/CH{sub 4} Mixtures in ZIFs

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Liu, Jinchen; Keskin, Seda; Sholl, David S; Johnson, J. Karl


    Adsorption and diffusion of CO{sub 2}/CH{sub 4} and CH{sub 4}/H{sub 2} mixtures were computed in zeolite imidazolate frameworks (ZIFs), ZIF-68 and ZIF-70, using atomically detailed simulations. Adsorption selectivity, diffusion selectivity, and membrane selectivity of ZIFs were calculated based on the results of atomistic simulations. Mixture adsorption isotherms predicted by the ideal adsorbed solution theory agree well with the results of molecular simulations for both ZIFs. Mixture diffusivity calculations indicate that diffusion of CH{sub 4} is increased with increasing concentration of H{sub 2} in the CH{sub 4}/H{sub 2} mixture, while the diffusivity of H{sub 2} decreases with increasing CH{sub 4} concentration. In contrast, the diffusivity of CH{sub 4} is essentially independent of the concentration of CO{sub 2} in the CO{sub 2}/CH{sub 4} mixture, while CO{sub 2} diffusivity decreases with increased CH{sub 4} loading, even though the diffusivity of CH{sub 4} is substantially larger than that of CO{sub 2}. This unusual behavior can be explained in terms of differences in adsorption site preferences due to charge–quadrupole interactions.

  10. Ethanol oxidation reactions catalyzed by water molecules: CH3CH2OH+n H2O→ CH3CHO+ H2+n H2O (n=0,1,2) (United States)

    Takahashi, H.; Hisaoka, S.; Nitta, T.


    Ab initio density functional theory calculations have been performed to investigate the catalytic role of water molecules in the oxidation reaction of ethanol: CH3CH2OH+n H2O→ CH3CHO+ H2+n H2O (n=0,1,2) . The results show that the potential energy barrier for the reaction is 88.0 kcal/mol in case of n=0, while it is reduced by ˜34 kcal/mol when two water molecules are involved ( n=2) in the reaction. As a result, the rate constant increases to 3.31×10 -4 s-1, which shows a significant catalytic role of water molecules in the ethanol oxidation reactions.

  11. Antropologia i etnografia edukacyjna – na pograniczu dyscyplin

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    Marcin Gołębniak


    Full Text Available W artykule prezentuję wspólne tematy zainteresowań badawczych etnografii i pedagogiki, przyglądając się podejściom, stanowiącym pewnego rodzaju hybrydy interdyscyplinarne, wykraczające poza ramy jednej czy drugiej dyscypliny naukowej, a ukształtowane w ubiegłym wieku w Stanach Zjednoczonych i w Wielkiej Brytanii. Szczególną uwagę poświęcam tradycji badawczej związanej z wyłonieniem się i instytucjonalizacją antropologii edukacyjnej, stanowiącej od połowy lat pięćdziesiątych XX wieku subdyscyplinę amerykańskiej antropologii kulturowej, której etnografia edukacyjna stanowi istotny, terenowy element. Wskazuję tym samym na dystynkcję pomiędzy etnografią edukacyjną a etnografią edukacji, skupiając się w konkluzji wywodu na charakterystyce dwóch opozycyjnych sposobach definiowania pojęcia szerszego, a mianowicie pojęcia „etnografia” w dyskursie naukowym – tj. rozumieniu inkluzyjnym i ekskluzyjnym. 

  12. Proton location in (CH3)3N-H+-(CH3OH)n: A theoretical and infrared spectroscopic study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bing, Dan; Hamashima, Toru; Tsai, Chen-Wei; Fujii, Asuka; Kuo, Jer-Lai


    Highlights: • Preferential location of the excess proton in the trimethylamine-methanol clusters. • Collaboration between DFT calculations and IR spectroscopy. • The excess proton prefers the protonation to the trimethylamine moiety. - Abstract: The dependence of the preferential protonated site in (CH 3 ) 3 N-H + -(CH 3 OH) n on the cluster size was investigated using theoretical calculations and infrared spectroscopy measurements. While simple estimation from the magnitude of proton affinity suggested that the excess proton prefers the methanol site in n ⩾ 4, density functional theory calculations of the stabilization energy indicated the clear preference as protonation of the trimethylamine site, even for n = 9. Infrared spectra of the clusters were observed for n = 3–7. Spectral simulations were also performed using the quantum harmonic superposition approximation. The observed (CH 3 ) 3 N-H + -(CH 3 OH) n spectra were well interpreted by simulations of the isomers with the protonated trimethylamine ion core. It was shown that both the proton affinity and the mutual solvation energy govern the preferential location of the excess proton in binary component clusters

  13. The effects of CO addition on the autoignition of H-2, CH4 and CH4/H-2 fuels at high pressure in an RCM

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Gersen, Sander; Darmeveil, Harry; Levinsky, Howard


    Autoignition delay times of stoichiometric and fuel-lean (phi = 0.5) H-2, H-2/CO, CH4, CH4/CO, CH4/H-2 and CH4/CO/H-2 mixtures have been measured in an Rapid Compression Machine at pressures ranging from 20 to 80 bar and in the temperature range 900-1100K. The effects of CO addition on the ignition

  14. Intermolecular interactions involving C-H bonds, 3, Structure and energetics of the interaction between CH{sub 4} and CN{sup {minus}}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Novoa, J.J.; Whangbo, Myung-Hwan [North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC (United States). Dept. of Chemistry; Williams, J.M. [Argonne National Lab., IL (United States)


    On the basis of SCF and single reference MP2 calculations, the full potential energy surface of the interaction between CH{sub 4} and CN{sup {minus}} was studied using extended basis sets of up to near Hartree-Fock limit quality. Colinear arrangements C-N{sup {minus}}{hor_ellipsis}H-CH{sub 3} and N-C{sup {minus}}{hor_ellipsis}H-CH{sub 3} are found to be the only two energy minima. The binding energies of these two structures are calculated to be 2.5 and 2.1 kcal/mol, respectively, at the MP2 level. The full vibrational analyses of two structures show a red shift of about 30 cm{sup {minus}1} for the v{sub s} C-H stretching.

  15. A measurement of $K^{\\pm} \\to \\pi^{\\pm} \\gamma \\gamma$ decay with the NA48 Detector

    CERN Document Server

    Morales, Cristina

    The goal of this thesis was an experimental test of an eective theory of strong interactions at low energy, called Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). Weak decays of kaon mesons provide such a test. In particular, K ! decays are interesting because there is no tree-level O(p2) contribution in ChPT, and the leading contributions start at O(p4). At this order, these decays include one undetermined coupling constant, ^c. Both the branching ratio and the spectrum shape of K ! decays are sensitive to this parameter. O(p6) contributions to K ! ChPT predict a 30-40% increase in the branching ratio. From the measurement of the branching ratio and spectrum shape of K ! decays, it is possible to determine a model dependent value of ^c and also to examine whether the O(p6) corrections are necessary and enough to explain the rate. About 40% of the data collected in the year 2003 by the NA48/2 experiment have been analyzed and 908 K ! candidates with about 8% background contamination have been selected in th...

  16. Korelace mezi délkou lyžařské tratě a rychlostí vrcholových slalomářů Correlation between the length of the ski track and the velocity of top slalom skiers

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    Blaž Lešnik


    Full Text Available Teoreticky je nejlepší co nejkratší lyžařská dráha (lyžařská trať. V praxi je to však těžko proveditelné a kromě toho je to velmi riskantní. Může se proto stát pouze součástí taktiky těch nejlepších soutěžících. Pomocí kinematické analýzy byly stanoveny rozdíly mezi volbou lyžařské dráhy u jednotlivých soutěžících, a to na základě vzorku vrcholových soutěžících ve světovém poháru v Kranjske Gore. Snažili jsme se zjistit, zda soutěžící dosahovali na takové lyžařské dráze vyšší rychlosti, tedy zda dosahovali rychlejšího pohybu mezi slalomovými brankami a tudíž v konečném důsledku i lep ších časových výsledků. V první části našeho výzkumu bylo prokázáno, že žádný ze soutěžících neměl v prvních dvou po sobě následujících obratech extrémně krátkou lyžařskou dráhu. Bylo rovněž zjištěno, že soutěžící s nejkratšími lyžařskými drahami v prvním obratu měli zpravidla nejdelší lyžařské dráhy v obratu druhém a naopak. Na základě těchto zjištění bylo možno tvrdit, že za současných podmínek je mimořádně obtížné, a snad dokonce nemožné, lyžovat tak, aby lyžařský oblouk byl v několika po sobě následujících obratech velmi krátký. Druhá část našeho výzkumu se zaměřila na zjišťování korelace mezi trajektorií lyží a rychlostí lyžování. Výpočty korelací prokázaly statisticky významnou korelaci mezi průměrnou rychlostí lyžování a průměrnou vzdáleností délky lyžařské dráhy od osy y v celém měřeném úseku. Bylo zjištěno, že měřený prostor překonávali soutěžící s kratší, tedy přímější, lyžařskou dráhou rychleji. Theoretically, the shortest possible line of skiing (ski track is the best one. But in practice it is very difficult to carry this out and besides it is very risky. It can therefore be only a part of the tactics of the best competitors. With

  17. Geodetic Determining of Stockpile Volume of Mineral Excavated in Open Pit Mine/ Geodetické Určenie Objemu Vyťažiteľných Zásob Nerastu V Povrchovom Lome

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    Labant Slavomír


    Full Text Available V súčasnej geodetickej praxi je nevyhnutnosťou používať moderné geodetické prístroje a rôzne CAD (Computer Aided Design softvéry pre proces spracovania a vizualizácie priestorových údajov. Tento príspevok sa zaoberá geodetickým zameraním povrchového lomu Kecerovce za účelom určenia objemu nevyťažených zásob andezitu pre znovu otvorenie lomu a začatie ťažby andezitu. Predmetný lom je situovaný na upätí Slanských vrchov. Určenie pomocných geodetických bodov a okolia lomu sa vykonalo technológiou GNSS RTK metódou. Podrobné zameranie lomu bolo realizované univerzálnou meracou stanicou. Priestorové údaje získané z meraní sa spracovali v príslušných firemných softvéroch. Následne získané priestorové súradnice boli importované do graficko-vypočtových softvérov pre ďalšie spracovanie a vizualizáciu. Tieto graficko-výpočtové softvéry ponúkajú okrem 3D modelovania povrchov a vizualizácie aj ich analýzu, najmä určenie objemových údajov reprezentujúcich rôzne aspekty pre posudzovanie činností v daných odvetviach s možným ďalším rozvojom.

  18. Účinky rekreačních aktivit s volejbalovou a plaveckou náplní na antropometrické charakteristiky a funkční schopnosti studentů The effects of recreational activities with volleyball and swimming contents on the anthropometric characteristics and functional abilities of students

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    Joško Milenkoski


    Full Text Available Základním cílem tohoto experimentálního výzkumu bylo zkoumat účinnost rekreačních programů s volejbalovou a plaveckou náplní. Byl prováděn na vzorku 368 studentů mužského pohlaví z Univerzity v Niš, kteří byli rozdělení do 3 podskupin. 115 účastníků bylo přiřazeno do experimentální skupiny, která se věnovala volejbalu, 126 tvořilo experimentální skupinu, která se věnovala plavání a 127 představovalo kontrolní skupinu. Při použití dvou různých programů rekreačního cvičení došlo v průběhu tréninku experimentálních skupin ke zvýšení funkčních schopností, zvláště v případě experimentální skupiny, která se věnovala rekreační volejbalové náplni. U experimentální skupiny, která se věnovala volejbalu, byl stanoven významnější nárůst maximální anaerobní schopnosti a relativního i absolutního maximálního příjmu kyslíku. Využití tohoto typu cvičení při tréninku zaměřeném na jejich vývoj se proto jeví jako opodstatněné. V případě zbývajících dvou experimentálních skupin byl pozorován významný nárůst vitální kapacity plic. Pokud jde o obvodová měření těla a tukové tkáně, byl u experimentální skupiny vůči kontrolní skupině zaznamenán rozdíl ve snížení tukové tkáně a tělesné hmotnosti a zároveň nárůst hodnot při obvodovém měření, což byl důsledek nárůstu svalové tkáně na úkor tkáně tukové. U kontrolní skupiny byl při obvodovém měření zaznamenán nárůst hodnot, a to na úkor tukové tkáně. The basic aim of this experimental research was to study the effectiveness of recreational programs with volleyball and swimming contents. It was carried out on a sample of 368 male students of the University of Niš, which were divided into 3 sub-samples; 115 subjects were part of an experimental group which trained volleyball contents, 126 made up the experimental group which trained swimming

  19. Relativistic GW calculations on CH3NH3PbI3 and CH3NH3SnI3 perovskites for solar cell applications. (United States)

    Umari, Paolo; Mosconi, Edoardo; De Angelis, Filippo


    Hybrid AMX3 perovskites (A = Cs, CH3NH3; M = Sn, Pb; X = halide) have revolutionized the scenario of emerging photovoltaic technologies, with very recent results demonstrating 15% efficient solar cells. The CH3NH3PbI3/MAPb(I(1-x)Cl(x))3 perovskites have dominated the field, while the similar CH3NH3SnI3 has not been exploited for photovoltaic applications. Replacement of Pb by Sn would facilitate the large uptake of perovskite-based photovoltaics. Despite the extremely fast progress, the materials electronic properties which are key to the photovoltaic performance are relatively little understood. Density Functional Theory electronic structure methods have so far delivered an unbalanced description of Pb- and Sn-based perovskites. Here we develop an effective GW method incorporating spin-orbit coupling which allows us to accurately model the electronic, optical and transport properties of CH3NH3SnI3 and CH3NH3PbI3, opening the way to new materials design. The different CH3NH3SnI3 and CH3NH3PbI3 electronic properties are discussed in light of their exploitation for solar cells, and found to be dominantly due to relativistic effects. These effects stabilize the CH3NH3PbI3 material towards oxidation, by inducing a deeper valence band edge. Relativistic effects, however, also increase the material band-gap compared to CH3NH3SnI3, due to the valence band energy downshift (~0.7 eV) being only partly compensated by the conduction band downshift (~0.2 eV).

  20. Space and Salvation in Colette's Chéri and La Fin de Chéri

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    Ann Leone Philbrick


    Full Text Available Colette's critics often seem to dismiss all but her autobiographical creatures as whimsical and inarticulate. Her characters are frequently less eloquent than the spaces they create and inhabit; this observation offers an approach to Chéri and La Fin de Chéri that invites us to read them as two of Colette's most ambitious and authentic works. Here are stories of compromises with the containers of one's life and identity: streets, salons, boudoirs, and, ultimately, the body. Indeed, the self and its containers function symbiotically. Chéri makes no effort to direct this relationship, and kills himself when the world finally seems inscrutable and formless; his older mistress, Léa, responds joyfully—or with melancholic respect—to the surfaces and limits of her world. We are left with a harsher insight into Colette's vision than we are accustomed to. She suggests that survival lies not in the endless definition of one's place in the world, but in its recognition and a loving, even fearing, homage.


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    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the changes of lying time and other behaviour manifestations of dairy cows during usage of different cooling systems of animals. Alternative hypothesis was presumption, that the lying time of cows in lying cubicles with applied two different cooling systems are indifferent. The sprinkling system was used to animal cooling in group S in summer time. In group SV was disposable sprinkling system and diagonally rotated ventilators. Activities and the rest of animals were evaluated in 10 minute intervals using a camera system for 24 hours. Data obtained was tested by nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis one-way ANOVA and multiple comparison test for detecting of significant differences in the behaviors between groups of cows. There was found positive effect of animal enhanced cooling using sprinkling system with increased air movement by ventilators. It reflected in significant prolongation of whole lying time and shortening of time, when animals were standing. It resulted from final values of investigated behaviour manifestations of dairy cattle within 24 hour period that animals in group SV with sprinklers and ventilators lay in stalls longer than in group S with sprinklers, but without ventilators (10.76 h*d-1*cow-1 vs. 7.71 h*d-1*cow-1, P<0.001. The total time spent by lying in stalls and in alley represented in group SV 11.31 h*d-1*cow-1, and in group S 10.22 h*d-1*cow-1. Animals, from group S without ventilators, which were less cooled, were significantly more lying down in alleys (2.52 h*d-1*cow-1 vs. 0.56 h*d-1*cow-1, P<0.001.Cieľom štúdie bolo skúmanie zmeny dĺţky leţania a ďalších prejavov správania dojníc pri pouţití rôznych spôsobov ochladzovania zvierat. Alternatívnou hypotézou bol predpoklad, ţe doba leţania dojníc v leţiskách s dvomi rozdielnymi spôsobmi ochladzovania nie je rovnaká. V letnom období bol k ochladzovaniu v skupine S vyuţívaný sprchový systém, v skupine SV

  2. Effect of sediment composition on methane concentration and production in the transition zone of a mangrove (Sepetiba Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Efeito da composição do sedimento sobre a concentração e a produção do metano na zona de transição de um mangue tropical, na Baía de Sepetiba-RJ, Brasil

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    CC. Marinho


    Full Text Available The aim of this research was to evaluate the effect of sediment composition on methane (CH4 dynamics in sediments of different areas in the transition zone between a mangrove and the sea. This research was conducted in a mangrove at Coroa Grande, on the southern coast of Rio de Janeiro. Samples were collected at three stations: (1 region colonised by Rhizophora mangle L. on the edge of the mangrove, (2 region colonised by seagrasses and (3 infra-littoral region without vegetation. Samples were collected from the surface layer of the sediment to determine the concentrations of nutrients (C, N and P and CH4 concentration and production. We observed that concentrations of CH4 and carbon (C were significantly higher (p O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a dinâmica do metano (CH4 no sedimento em diferentes áreas na região de transição entre a borda do manguezal e o mar, em função da composição do sedimento. A pesquisa foi realizada no Manguezal de Coroa Grande, no litoral sul do Estado do Rio de janeiro. Foram coletadas amostras em três estações: (1 região colonizada por Rhizophora mangle L. na borda do mangue, (2 região colonizada por macrófitas, e (3 região sem vegetação, permanentemente inundada pelo mar. Foram coletadas amostras da fração superficial do sedimento para determinação da concentração de nutrientes (C, N e P, e da concentração e da produção de CH4. Foi observado que as concentrações de CH4 e carbono (C foram significativamente maiores (p < 0,05 na estação 1, em relação à estação 3. Com relação às razões molares (C:N, C:P e N:P, estas indicam que a origem da composição do substrato é principalmente autóctone. Quanto à metanogênese, foram observados, inicialmente, baixos valores de CH4 produzido, indicando provável competição entre metanogênicos e sulfatorredutores. Seguiu-se, então, um significativo aumento (p < 0,05 da metanogênese no 26º dia, no sedimento da estação 1

  3. Efficient detection of total cholesterol using (ChEt–ChOx/ZnO/Pt/Si) bioelectrode based on ZnO matrix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Batra, Neha; Sharma, Anjali; Tomar, Monika; Gupta, Vinay


    Present study highlights the importance of ZnO matrix prepared by vapour phase transport technique on platinum coated Si platform (ZnO/Pt/Si) as a potential matrix for the realization of highly sensitive and selective bioelectrode for detection of total cholesterol. Bienzymes cholesterol esterase (ChEt) and cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) have been immobilized onto the surface of ZnO thin film matrix by physical adsorption technique. The prepared bioelectrode (ChEt–ChOx/ZnO/Pt/Si) is utilized for detection of total cholesterol using the cyclic voltammetry technique. The bioelectrode (ChEt–ChOx/ZnO/Pt/Si) is found to exhibit efficient sensing response characteristics with high sensitivity of 190 μA mM −1 cm −2 ; good linearity in the range of 0.5–12 mM total cholesterol concentration, and a very low Michaelis–Menten constant of 0.68 mM which indicates high affinity of bienzymes immobilized on ZnO towards the analyte (total cholesterol). The enhanced response is attributed to the development of ZnO thin film based matrix having good electron transport property and nanoporous morphology for effective loading of enzymes with favourable orientation. - Highlights: • Fabrication of a ZnO nanostructured thin film based efficient matrix • Utilizing prepared matrix for detection of total cholesterol (free + esterified) • Cholesterol oxidase and cholesterol esterase are the corresponding selective enzymes. • Vapour phase transport technique, for the fabrication of nanostructured ZnO matrix • The bioelectrode exhibits enhanced response characteristics towards total cholesterol detection

  4. Efficient detection of total cholesterol using (ChEt–ChOx/ZnO/Pt/Si) bioelectrode based on ZnO matrix

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Batra, Neha; Sharma, Anjali [Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 (India); Tomar, Monika [Department of Physics, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 (India); Gupta, Vinay, E-mail: [Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007 (India)


    Present study highlights the importance of ZnO matrix prepared by vapour phase transport technique on platinum coated Si platform (ZnO/Pt/Si) as a potential matrix for the realization of highly sensitive and selective bioelectrode for detection of total cholesterol. Bienzymes cholesterol esterase (ChEt) and cholesterol oxidase (ChOx) have been immobilized onto the surface of ZnO thin film matrix by physical adsorption technique. The prepared bioelectrode (ChEt–ChOx/ZnO/Pt/Si) is utilized for detection of total cholesterol using the cyclic voltammetry technique. The bioelectrode (ChEt–ChOx/ZnO/Pt/Si) is found to exhibit efficient sensing response characteristics with high sensitivity of 190 μA mM{sup −1} cm{sup −2}; good linearity in the range of 0.5–12 mM total cholesterol concentration, and a very low Michaelis–Menten constant of 0.68 mM which indicates high affinity of bienzymes immobilized on ZnO towards the analyte (total cholesterol). The enhanced response is attributed to the development of ZnO thin film based matrix having good electron transport property and nanoporous morphology for effective loading of enzymes with favourable orientation. - Highlights: • Fabrication of a ZnO nanostructured thin film based efficient matrix • Utilizing prepared matrix for detection of total cholesterol (free + esterified) • Cholesterol oxidase and cholesterol esterase are the corresponding selective enzymes. • Vapour phase transport technique, for the fabrication of nanostructured ZnO matrix • The bioelectrode exhibits enhanced response characteristics towards total cholesterol detection.

  5. Optimalizace experimentálních parametrů v sestavě dvoupulzní LIBS


    Roščák, Michal


    V diplomovej práci je opísaná metóda spektroskopie laserom indukovanej plazmy (LIBS) ako aj možnosť zníženia detekčných limitov použitím metódy dvojpulznej LIBS (DP-LIBS). Práca taktiež pojednáva o vlastnostiach laserom indukovanej plazmy (LIP). Obsahuje opis DP-LIBS aparatúry laboratória laserovej spektroskopie Fakulty strojního inženýrství, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, ako aj postup optimalizácie jej parametrov. Optimalizácia bola vykonaná pre detekciu chrómu v oceli s ohľadom na detekčné...

  6. Electron paramagnetic resonance of gamma irradiated (CH3)3NHClO4 and CH3NH3ClO4 single crystals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yavuz, Metin; Koeksal, Fevzi


    Gamma irradiation damage centers in (CH 3 ) 3 NHClO 4 and CH 3 NH 3 ClO 4 single crystals have been investigated at room temperature by the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique. It has been found that γ-irradiation produces the (CH 3 ) 3 N + radical in the first, and NH + 3 and ClO 3 radicals in the second compound. The EPR parameters of the observed radicals have been determined and discussed

  7. ChIPBase v2.0: decoding transcriptional regulatory networks of non-coding RNAs and protein-coding genes from ChIP-seq data. (United States)

    Zhou, Ke-Ren; Liu, Shun; Sun, Wen-Ju; Zheng, Ling-Ling; Zhou, Hui; Yang, Jian-Hua; Qu, Liang-Hu


    The abnormal transcriptional regulation of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) and protein-coding genes (PCGs) is contributed to various biological processes and linked with human diseases, but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. In this study, we developed ChIPBase v2.0 ( to explore the transcriptional regulatory networks of ncRNAs and PCGs. ChIPBase v2.0 has been expanded with ∼10 200 curated ChIP-seq datasets, which represent about 20 times expansion when comparing to the previous released version. We identified thousands of binding motif matrices and their binding sites from ChIP-seq data of DNA-binding proteins and predicted millions of transcriptional regulatory relationships between transcription factors (TFs) and genes. We constructed 'Regulator' module to predict hundreds of TFs and histone modifications that were involved in or affected transcription of ncRNAs and PCGs. Moreover, we built a web-based tool, Co-Expression, to explore the co-expression patterns between DNA-binding proteins and various types of genes by integrating the gene expression profiles of ∼10 000 tumor samples and ∼9100 normal tissues and cell lines. ChIPBase also provides a ChIP-Function tool and a genome browser to predict functions of diverse genes and visualize various ChIP-seq data. This study will greatly expand our understanding of the transcriptional regulations of ncRNAs and PCGs. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  8. Synthesis of ethyl [14CH3]methylmalonyl thioglycolate as a possible substrate analogue of [14CH3]methylmalonyl coenzyme-A

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kovacs, I.; Kovacs, Z.


    Ethyl methylmalonyl thioglycolate is a potential substrate analogue of methylmalonyl-coenzyme-A (methylmalonyl-CoA) in the investigation of propionic acid metabolism. To prove this hypothesis, the tracer ethyl [ 14 CH 3 ] methylmalonyl thioglycolate was synthesized via methyl-Meldrum's acid to carry out the biochemical examinations. The method described can also be used to synthesize [ 14 CH 3 ] methylmalonyl-CoA by transesterification of active labelled methylmalonyl thiophenyl ester. This latter intermediate is chemically stable when stored at room temperature, and the unstable [ 14 CH 3 ]methylmalonyl-CoA can be prepared in one step just preceeding the biochemical experiments. (author)

  9. Photosynthates as dominant source of CH4 and CO2 in soil water and CH4 emitted to the atmosphere from paddy fields (United States)

    Minoda, Tomomi; Kimura, Mamoto; Wada, Eitaro


    Emission rates of CH4 from paddy soil with and without rice straw applications were measured with pot experiments to estimate the contribution of rice straw to the total CH4 emission during the growth period of rice plants. The CH4 derived from rice straw was calculated to be 44% of the total emission. 13CO2 uptake experiments were also carried out four times from June 30 to September 13, 1994, to estimate the contribution of photosynthesized carbon to CH4 emission. The contribution percentages of photosynthesized carbon to the total CH4 emitted to the atmosphere were 3.8% around June 30, 31% around July 25, 30% around August 19, and 14% around September 13 in the treatment with rice straw applications, and 52% around July 25, 28% around August 19, and 15% around September 13 in the treatment without rice straw applications. They were calculated to be 22% and 29% for the entire growth period in the treatments with and without rice straw applications, respectively. The contribution percentages of photosynthesized carbon to the total CH4 and inorganic carbon (Σ CO2) dissolved in soil water were 1.3%, 30%, 29%, and 34% for dissolved CH4 and 3.0%, 36%, 30% and 28% for dissolved inorganic carbon around June 30, July 25, August l9, and September 13, respectively, in the treatment with rice straw applications. They were 70%, 23%, and 32% for dissolved CH4 and 31%, 16%, and 19% for dissolved inorganic carbon around July 25, August 19, and September 13, respectively, in the treatment without rice straw applications.

  10. Contribution of Anthropogenic and Natural Emissions to Global CH4 Balances by Utilizing δ13C-CH4 Observations in CarbonTracker Data Assimilation System (CTDAS) (United States)

    Kangasaho, V. E.; Tsuruta, A.; Aalto, T.; Backman, L. B.; Houweling, S.; Krol, M. C.; Peters, W.; van der Laan-Luijkx, I. T.; Lienert, S.; Joos, F.; Dlugokencky, E. J.; Michael, S.; White, J. W. C.


    The atmospheric burden of CH4 has more than doubled since preindustrial time. Evaluating the contribution from anthropogenic and natural emissions to the global methane budget is of great importance to better understand the significance of different sources at the global scale, and their contribution to changes in growth rate of atmospheric CH4 before and after 2006. In addition, observations of δ13C-CH4 suggest an increase in natural sources after 2006, which matches the observed increase and variation of CH4 abudance. Methane emission sources can be identified using δ13C-CH4, because different sources produce methane with process-specific isotopic signatures. This study focuses on inversion model based estimates of global anthropogenic and natural methane emission rates to evaluate the existing methane emission estimates with a new δ13C-CH4 inversion system. In situ measurements of atmospheric methane and δ13C-CH4 isotopic signature, provided by the NOAA Global Monitoring Division and the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, will be assimilated into the CTDAS-13C-CH4. The system uses the TM5 atmospheric transport model as an observation operator, constrained by ECMWF ERA Interim meteorological fields, and off-line TM5 chemistry fields to account for the atmospheric methane sink. LPX-Bern DYPTOP ecosystem model is used for prior natural methane emissions from wetlands, peatlands and mineral soils, GFED v4 for prior fire emissions and EDGAR v4.2 FT2010 inventory for prior anthropogenic emissions. The EDGAR antropogenic emissions are re-divided into enteric fermentation and manure management, landfills and waste water, rice, coal, oil and gas, and residential emissions, and the trend of total emissions is scaled to match optimized anthropogenic emissions from CTE-CH4. In addition to these categories, emissions from termites and oceans are included. Process specific δ13C-CH4 isotopic signatures are assigned to each emission source to estimate 13CH4 fraction

  11. Výpočet rovnovážných stavů ve vysokolegovaných chromových ocelích

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Unucka, P.; Foret, R.; Svoboda, Milan; Kroupa, Aleš


    Roč. 76, č. 290 (2003), s. 223-227 ISSN 1429-6055. [Mezinárodní symposium /18./ Struktura a vlastnosti konstrukčních materiálů a výrobků. Svratka, 25.11.2003-27.11.2003] R&D Projects: GA ČR GA106/03/0636 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : thermodynamic calculation * high-Cr steels * phase precipitation Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism

  12. Activation of sp3-CH Bonds in a Mono(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)yttrium Complex. X-ray Crystal Structures and Dynamic Behavior of Cp*Y(o-C6H4CH2NMe2)2 and Cp*Y[o-C6H4CH2NMe(CH2-μ)][μ-o-C6H4CH2NMe(CH2-μ)]YCp*[THF

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Booij, Martin; Kiers, Niklaas H.; Meetsma, Auke; Teuben, Jan H.; Smeets, Wilberth J.J.; Spek, Anthony L.


    Reaction of Y(o-C6H4CH2NMe2)3 (1) with Cp*H gives Cp*Y(o-C6H4CH2NMe2)2 (2), which crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/n (No. 14) with a = 18.607 (4) Å, b = 15.633 (3) Å, c = 8.861 (3) Å, β = 102.73 (3)°, and Z = 4. Least-squares refinement with 3006 independent reflections (F > 4.0σ(F))

  13. Efeitos do chá de orégano (Origanum vulgare no perfil bioquímico de ratos Wistar = Effects of oregano (Origanum vulgare tea on the biochemical profile of Wistar rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Coqueiro, Daniel Pereira


    Conclusões: O estudo dos efeitos do chá de orégano em ratos sugere que essa planta pode ter efeitos benéficos na manutenção da glicemia. Propõe-se que mais estudos clínicos sejam realizados com diferentes concentrações e períodos de tempo

  14. (Phosphinoalkyl)silanes. 4.(1) Hydrozirconation as a Non-Photochemical Route to (Phosphinopropyl)silanes: Facile Assembly of the Bis(3-(diphenylphosphino)propyl)silyl ("biPSi") Ligand Framework. Access to the Related Poly(3-(dimethylsilyl)propyl)phosphines R(n)()P(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)SiMe(2)H)(3)(-)(n)() (n = 1, R = Ph; n = 0). (United States)

    Zhou, Xiaobing; Stobart, Stephen R.; Gossage, Robert A.


    Treatment of SiEt(3)(CH=CH(2)) with ZrCp(2)HCl (Schwartz's reagent) followed by reaction with PPh(2)Cl provides a high-yield (75%) route to Ph(2)PCH(2)CH(2)SiEt(3), and accordingly hydrozirconation of CH(2)=CHCH(2)SiHMe(2) affords the intermediate ZrCp(2)(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)SiHMe(2))Cl (2). The latter, which is very sensitive to hydrolysis and reacts with HCl forming SiHMe(2)Pr(n)() and with NBS or I(2) affording SiHMe(2)CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)X (X = Br (3), I (4)), behaves similarly with PPh(2)Cl, PPhCl(2), or PBr(3) undergoing cleavage to the known Ph(2)PCH(2)CH(2)CH(2)SiMe(2)H (i.e. chelH, A) and the novel bis- and tris(silylpropyl)phosphines PhP(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)SiMe(2)H)(2) (5) and P(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)SiMe(2)H)(3) (6), respectively, with concomitant formation of ZrCp(2)Cl(2). Corresponding hydroboration of allylsilanes is facile, but subsequent phosphine halide cleavage yields (phosphinoalkyl)silanes only as constituents of intractable mixtures. Hydrozirconation followed by phosphination with PPh(2)Cl also converts SiHMe(CH(2)CH=CH(2))(2) to SiHMe(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)PPh(2))(2) (i.e. biPSiH, B) together with a propyl analogue Ph(2)PCH(2)CH(2)CH(2)SiMe(Pr(n)())H (7) of A (ca. 2:1 ratio), as well as SiH(CH(2)CH=CH(2))(3) to a mixture (ca. 5:2:1 ratio) of SiH(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)PPh(2))(3) (i.e. triPSiH, C), a new analogue SiH(Pr(n)())(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)PPh(2))(2) (8) of B, and a further analogue Ph(2)PCH(2)CH(2)CH(2)SiHPr(n)()(2) (9) of A. A further analogue SiH(2)(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)PPh(2))(2) (10) of biPSiH (B) is obtained similarly starting from SiH(2)(CH(2)CH=CH(2))(2). Steric control of silylalkyl cleavage from 2 is indicated by the fact that, like PPh(2)Cl (which forms B), two further biPSiH analogues SiH(Me)[CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)P(n-hex)(2)](2) (11) and SiH(Me)(CH(2)CH(2)CH(2)PPhBz)(2) (12) were obtained using P(n-hex)(2)Cl (i.e. n-hex = CH(3)(CH(2))(4)CH(2)-) or PPhBzCl (i.e. Bz = -CH(2)C(6)H(5)), respectively, whereas neither PPr(i)(2)Cl nor PBu(t)(2)Cl led to (phosphinoalkyl)silane formation

  15. Thermodynamics of proton binding and weak (Cl−, Na+ and K+) species formation, and activity coefficients of 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyridin-4-one (deferiprone)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bretti, Clemente; Cigala, Rosalia Maria; Crea, Francesco; Lando, Gabriele; Sammartano, Silvio


    Graphical abstract: Trend of the deferiprone protonation constant (log K 1 H ) vs. ionic strength (in the molal concentration scale) in NaCl (□), KCl (Δ) and (CH 3 ) 4 NCl (○), at T = 298.15 K. - Highlights: • Thermodynamics, solubility and distribution of deferiprone in NaCl, KCl and (CH 3 ) 4 NCl. • Deferiprone total solubility is 0.100 mol · dm −3 in pure water and shows salting out. • The protonation process is entropic for the first step and enthalpic for the second. • Debye–Hückel, SIT and Pitzer approaches used for modelling of protonation constants. • Formation constants of three weak species were determined, Nadef, Kdef and H 2 defCl. - Abstract: The acid base properties of 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyridin-4-one (also known as deferiprone, def, figure 1), together with the solubility and the distribution ratio have been studied potentiometrically at different temperatures and ionic strengths in NaCl, KCl and in (CH 3 ) 4 NCl aqueous solutions. The total solubility of deferiprone is fairly high (0.100 mol · dm −3 in pure water) and decreases with increasing salt concentration (salting out effect); this behaviour is greater in NaCl than in (CH 3 ) 4 NCl aqueous solutions. From the analysis of the solubility and the distribution measurements it was possible to determine the Setschenow and the activity coefficients of the neutral species. Deferiprone shows two protonation steps, whose protonation constants are logK 1 H =10.088 and logK 2 H =3.656 at infinite dilution and T = 298.15 K. The ionic strength dependence of the protonation constants was interpreted both in terms of variation of the activity coefficients, using the Debye–Hückel, the SIT (Specific ion Interaction Theory) and the Pitzer approaches, or considering the formation of weak species with the ions of the supporting electrolyte (e.g. Na + , K + and Cl − ). Moreover, temperature gradients were provided for the two protonation constants. The stepwise protonation enthalpy

  16. Electrical Resistance of Ag-TS-S(CH2)(n-1)CH3//Ga2O3/EGaln Tunneling Junctions

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Cademartiri, Ludovico; Thuo, Martin M.; Nijhuis, Christian A.; Reus, William F.; Tricard, Simon; Barber, Jabulani R.; Sodhi, Rana N. S.; Brodersen, Peter; Kim, Choongik; Chiechi, Ryan C.; Whitesides, George M.


    Tunneling junctions having the structure Ag-TS-S(CH2)(n-1)CH3//Ga2O3/EGaIn allow physical-organic studies of charge transport across self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). In ambient conditions, the surface of the liquid metal electrode (EGaIn, 75.5 wt % Ga, 24.5 wt % In, mp 15.7 degrees C) oxidizes and

  17. Tropospheric radiative forcing of CH4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Grossman, A.S.; Grant, K.E.


    We have evaluated the tropospheric radiative forcing of CH 4 in the 0-3000 cm -1 wavenumber range and compared this with prior published calculations. The atmospheric test cases involved perturbed methane scenarios in both a McClatchey mid latitude, summer, clear sky approximation, model atmosphere, as well as a globally and seasonally averaged model atmosphere containing a representative cloud distribution. The scenarios involved pure CH 4 radiative forcing and CH 4 plus a mixture of H 2 O, CO 2 , O 3 , and N 2 O. The IR radiative forcing was calculated using a correlated k-distribution transmission model. The major purposes of this paper are to first, use the correlated k-distribution model to calculate the tropospheric radiative forcing for CH 4 , as the only radiatively active gas, and in a mixture with H 2 O, CO 2 , O 3 , and N 2 O, for a McClatchey mid-latitude summer, clear-sky model atmosphere, and to compare the results to those obtained in the studies mentioned above. Second, we will calculate the tropospheric methane forcing in a globally and annually averaged atmosphere with and without a representative cloud distribution in order to validate the conjecture given in IPCC (1990) that the inclusion of clouds in the forcing calculations results in forcing values which are approximately 20 percent less than those obtained using clear sky approximations

  18. Optické mřížky na motýlích křídlech

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Krizek, G.O.; Hagen, G.M.; Křížek, P.; Havlová, M.; Křížek, Michal


    Roč. 60, č. 6 (2012), s. 300-301 ISSN 0044-4812 Institutional support: RVO:67985840 Keywords : light interference * polar coordinates * optical lattices Subject RIV: EG - Zoology

  19. Vliv JMV3002, JMV4208 a JMV2959, dlouhodobě působících nepeptidových antagonistů ghrelinu, na myší model obezity indukované vysokotukovou dietou

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Holubová, Martina; Nagelová, Veronika; Maletínská, Lenka; Železná, Blanka; Haluzík, M.; Lacinová, Z.; Kaválková, P.; Fehrentz, J. A.; Martinez, J.


    Roč. 107, č. 5 (2013), s. 414-414 ISSN 0009-2770. [Mezioborové setkání mladých biologů, biochemiků a chemiků /13./. 14.5.2013-17.5.2013, Žďár nad Sázavou] Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : obesity * ghrelin * ghrelin antagonist * food intake * C57BL/6 male mice * diet-induced obesity Subject RIV: FR - Pharmacology ; Medidal Chemistry

  20. Predação de sementes de andiroba [Carapa guianensis Aubl. e Carapa procera DC. (Meliaceae] por insetos na Amazônias

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adriana Araújo Pinto


    Full Text Available Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar os insetos associados à predação de sementes de Carapa guianensis e Carapa procera e avaliar o potencial de dano nas sementes por insetos e a ocorrência de estratificação vertical na predação de sementes de andiroba. O estudo foi realiado em plantios de C. guianensis e C. procera na Reserva Florestal Ducke, Manaus, Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas semanalmente no chão da floresta e mensalmente em três diferentes alturas (terços da copa das árvores. Para avaliar o efeito da predação na germinação, 30 sementes não predadas e 30 sementes predadas coletadas mensalmente do chão da floresta foram colocadas para germinar por um período de um mês. Os resultados indicaram que Hypsipyla grandella e H. ferrealis (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae foram as principais espécies de insetos associadas à predação das sementes de C. procera e C. guianensis, resultando em taxas de predação média de 39% a 61,96%, respectivamente. Observou-se estratificação vertical na predação dos frutos e sementes na copa das árvores de ambas as espécies de Carapa. A predação das sementes de C. procera e C. guianensis por Hypsipyla spp. reduziu o processo de germinação. Este estudo produziu informações sobre a associação entre C. procera e C. guianensis e as espécies de Hypsipyla.

  1. Dobrodružství cestujících (Model polemiky ve třicátých letech 19. století)

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Piorecká, Kateřina

    Suppl., 14/2 (2011), s. 108-118 ISSN 1211-975X. [Karel Jaromír Erben a úloha paměťových institucí v historických proměnách. Malá Skála, 15.04.2011-16.04.2011] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z90560517 Keywords : Czech literature * Erben, Karel Jaromír * polemics Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision

  2. Analiza poziomu zgodności ocen dwóch terapeutów manualnych (MT w diagnozie skręcenia miednicy na podstawie wybranych testów manualnych.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michał Cichosz


      Streszczenie Wstęp Skręcenie (torsja miednicy jest w fizjoterapii oraz medycynie manualnej często stawianym rozpoznaniem opartym głównie na podstawie badania fizykalnego oraz danych z wywiadu pacjenta. Coraz częściej łączy się je i opisuje wspólnie z dysfunkcją stawów krzyżowo- biodrowych (SIJD, której nie towarzyszy ból, jedynie zmiany w przestrzennym funkcjonowaniu kompleksu miedniczego. Cel pracy: Celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena poziomu zgodności ocen dwóch terapeutów manualnych (MT dla wybranych testów diagnostycznych stawów krzyżowo- biodrowych. Materiał badawczy: Badania przeprowadzono na 180 osobowej grupie studentów w wieku między 20 a 30 lat. Wyniki: Największą zgodność szacunków, określaną jako znaczną odnotowano jedynie w przypadku testu ASLR, przy wartości k= 0,62. Pozostałe testy charakteryzowały się niższymi wartościami zgodności. Wnioski: Większość analizowanych testów charakteryzuje się umiarkowana oraz niższą wartością zgodności wyników. Na poziom zgodności ocen ma wpływ typu budowy ciała badanego.   Summary Introduction: The twist (torsion of the pelvis is in physiotherapy and manual medicine based diagnosis is often posed mainly based on physical examination, and data the patient's history. More often they combine them and describes, together with dysfunction of the sacroiliac joints (SIJD, which is not accompanied by pain, only changes in the spatial functioning of pelvic complex. Aim: The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  assess  the level  of  compliance  reviews  two manual  therapists (MT for  selected  diagnostic  tests  the  sacroiliac  joints. Research material: The research was conducted on 180 members of a group of students aged between 20 and 30 years. Results: The biggest compliance estimates, defined as significant was noted only in the ASLR test, with values of k = 0,62. Other tests were characterized by lower values of conformity. Conclusions: Most of

  3. Coupled-cluster sum-frequency generation nonlinear susceptibilities of methyl (CH3) and methylene (CH2) groups. (United States)

    Tetsassi Feugmo, Conrard Giresse; Liégeois, Vincent; Champagne, Benoît


    The first vibrational sum frequency generation (SFG) spectra based on molecular properties calculated at the coupled cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) level of approximation have been simulated for interfacial model alkyl chains, providing benchmark data for comparisons with approximate methods, including density functional theory (DFT). The approach proceeds in three steps. In the first two steps, the molecular spectral properties are determined: the vibrational normal modes and frequencies and then the derivatives of the dipole moment and of the polarizability with respect to the normal coordinates. These derivatives are evaluated with a numerical differentiation approach, of which the accuracy was monitored using Romberg's procedure. Then, in the last step, a three-layer model is employed to evaluate the macroscopic second-order nonlinear optical responses and thereby the simulated SFG spectra of the alkyl interface. Results emphasize the following facts: (i) the dipole and polarizability derivatives calculated at the DFT level with the B3LYP exchange-correlation functional can differ, with respect to CCSD, by as much as ±10 to 20% and ±20 to 50% for the CH 3 and CH 2 vibrations, respectively; (ii) these differences are enhanced when considering the SFG intensities as well as their variations as a function of the experimental configuration (ppp versus ssp) and as a function of the tilt and rotation angles, defining the orientation of the alkyl chain at the interface; (iii) these differences originate from both the vibrational normal coordinates and the Cartesian derivatives of the dipole moment and polarizability; (iv) freezing the successive fragments of the alkyl chain strongly modifies the SFG spectrum and enables highlighting the delocalization effects between the terminal CH 3 group and its neighboring CH 2 units; and finally (v) going from the free chain to the free methyl model, and further to C 3v constraints on leads to large variations of two ratios

  4. Thermodynamic activity of saturated solutions of CsClO4 in ethylene glycol and its analogs of the HOCH2(CH2CH2O)nCH2OH series

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krasnoperova, A.P.; Ivanova, E.F.; Kijko, S.M.; Yukhno, G.D.


    Solubility of CsClO 4 in ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, tetraethylene glycol, polyethylene glycols with molar mass 300 and 400 in the temperature range of 273.15-318.15 K has been ascertained by the method of radioactive indicators. Dependence of saturated solutions activity on temperature, dielectric permittivity and the number of (CH 2 CH 2 O) ether groups in glycols is discussed

  5. Megafauna and frozen soil: the drivers of atmospheric CH4 dynamics (United States)

    Zimov, N.; Zimov, S. A.


    During the last deglaciation (LD) a strong increase in atmospheric methane (CH4) concentrations occurred simultaneously with a rise in Greenland temperatures indicating that in the north, during this time period, strong CH4 sources “awakened”, as additionally documented by the appearance of a strong gradient between northern (Greenland) and southern (Antarctica) hemisphere atmospheric CH4 concentrations. This rise could not be caused by wetland expansion. A reconstruction of peatland formation dynamics has indicated that wetlands on Earth were few in LD and only actively expanded 10,000 yr BP, after atmospheric CH4 concentrations began to decline. Destabilization of methane clathrates also could not be the source for atmospheric CH4 increase. Geological CH4 (including methane clathrates) has the highest deuterium content (δD) among all of the known sources of CH4 while atmospheric CH4 δD values determined for the LD were record low. To explain recorded atmospheric CH4 and its isotopic dynamics required a strong northern source, which was active only during the LD and that provided very low δD CH4 values. Such a source is permafrost thawing under anaerobic conditions (or better stated soils of mammoth steppe-tundra ecosystems). Permafrost thawing is the strongest, among known, wetland sources (usually over 100g CH4/m2yr) and has a unique isotopic signature (δD = -400 per mil (-338 to -479 per mil), δ13C = -73 per mil (-58 to -99 per mil)). The main sources of atmospheric CH4 have different isotopic signatures (δ13C, δD). The isotopic content of atmospheric CH4 is a simple function of the weight average for all of the sources. Inclusion of permafrost source into a budget model of the atmospheric methane and its isotopes allowed us to reconstruct the dynamics of methane’s main sources. Model indicated geological source to be negligible as in LGM so and in LD and Holocene. During the glaciation, the largest methane source was megafauna, whose 1

  6. Electron pairing analysis of the Fischer-type chromium-carbene complexes (CO){sub 5}Cr=C(X)R (X=H, OH, OCH{sub 3}, NH{sub 2}, NHCH{sub 3} and R=H, CH{sub 3}, CH=CH{sub 2}, Ph, C-CH )

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poater, Jordi; Cases, Montserrat; Fradera, Xavier; Duran, Miquel; Sola, Miquel


    The electron-pair density distributions of a series of 25 Fischer carbene complexes of the type (CO){sub 5}Cr=C(X)R (X=H, OH, OCH{sub 3}, NH{sub 2}, NHCH{sub 3} and R=H, CH{sub 3}, CH=CH{sub 2}, Ph, C-CH) are analyzed using the Atoms in Molecules theory. Localization and delocalization indices are used to characterize the electron pairing taking place in the Cr=C---X moiety in these complexes. Electron delocalization between the Cr and C atoms and between the C atom and the X group are related to the {pi}-donor strength of the X group and the degree of back-donation between the chromium pentacarbonyl and the carbene fragments. The results obtained with the Atoms in Molecules theory complement those obtained in a previous study by means of energy and charge decomposition analyses. Electron delocalization between the Cr atom and the X group is consistent with the hypothesis of a weak 3-center 4-electron bonding interaction in the Cr=C-X group of atoms. Except for X=H, {delta}(Cr,X) increases with the decrease of the {pi}-donor character of the X group.

  7. Cavity ring down spectroscopy of CH, CH2, HCO, and H2CO in a premixed flat flame at both atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressure

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Evertsen, R.; Staicu, A.D.; Oijen, van J.A.; Dam, N.J.; Goey, de L.P.H.; Meulen, ter J.J.; Cheauveau, C.; Vovelle, C.


    Density distributions of CH, CH2, HCO and H2CO have been measured in a premixed CH4/air flat flame by Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). At atmospheric pressure problems are encountered due to the narrow spatial distribution of these species. Rotational flame Temperatures have been derived from

  8. Atmospheric chemistry of CH3CHF2 (R-152a): mechanism of the CH3CF2O2+HO2 reaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hashikawa, Y; Kawasaki, M; Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk


    FTIR smog chamber techniques have been used to investigate the mechanism of the reaction of CH3CF2O2 with HO2 radicals in 100-700 Torr of synthetic air at 296 K. The reaction gives CH3CF2OOH and COF2 in molar yields of 0.53 +/- 0.05 and 0.47 +/- 0.05, respectively. Results are discussed with resp......FTIR smog chamber techniques have been used to investigate the mechanism of the reaction of CH3CF2O2 with HO2 radicals in 100-700 Torr of synthetic air at 296 K. The reaction gives CH3CF2OOH and COF2 in molar yields of 0.53 +/- 0.05 and 0.47 +/- 0.05, respectively. Results are discussed...

  9. Dissociative sticking of CH4 on Ru(0001)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Jane Hvolbæk; Holmblad, Peter Mikal; Chorkendorff, Ib


    In this study the CH4 dissociation probability on Ru(0001) is found for various translational and vibrational energies. The absolute sticking values are determined from King and Wells experiments and carbon uptake curves. The carbon amount is determined from the recombination signal of carbon...... with oxygen obtained after the beam exposure when heating in an oxygen atmosphere. The measured sticking coefficient of CH4 is strongly enhanced both by increasing the translational and the vibrational energy of the CH4 molecule. A model is applied to the data and an estimate of the thermal activation energy...

  10. Opacity measurements of tamped NaBr samples heated by z-pinch X-rays

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bailey, J.E.; Arnault, P.; Blenski, T.; Dejonghe, G.; Peyrusse, O.; MacFarlane, J.J.; Mancini, R.C.; Cuneo, M.E.; Nielsen, D.S.; Rochau, G.A.


    Laboratory measurements provide benchmark data for wavelength-dependent plasma opacities to assist inertial confinement fusion, astrophysics, and atomic physics research. There are several potential benefits to using z-pinch radiation for opacity measurements, including relatively large cm-scale lateral sample sizes and relatively-long 3-5 ns experiment durations. These features enhance sample uniformity. The spectrally resolved transmission through a CH-tamped NaBr foil was measured. The z-pinch produced the X-rays for both the heating source and backlight source. The (50±4) eV foil electron temperature and (3±1)x10 21 cm -3 foil electron density were determined by analysis of the Na absorption features. LTE and NLTE opacity model calculations of the n=2 to 3, 4 transitions in bromine ionized into the M-shell are in reasonably good agreement with the data

  11. Hot filament-dissociation of (CH3)3SiH and (CH3)4Si, probed by vacuum ultra violet laser time of flight mass spectroscopy. (United States)

    Sharma, Ramesh C; Koshi, Mitsuo


    The decomposition of trimethylsilane and tetramethylsilane has been investigated for the first time, using hot wire (catalytic) at various temperatures. Trimethylsilane is catalytic-dissociated in these species SiH(2), CH(3)SiH, CH(3), CH(2)Si. Time of flight mass spectroscopy signal of these species are linearly increasing with increasing catalytic-temperature. Time of flight mass spectroscopy (TOFMS) signals of (CH(3))(3)SiH and photodissociated into (CH(3))(2)SiH are decreasing with increasing hot filament temperature. TOFMS signal of (CH(3))(4)Si is decreasing with increasing hot wire temperature, but (CH(3))(3)Si signal is almost constant with increasing the temperature. We calculated activation energies of dissociated species of the parental molecules for fundamental information of reaction kinetics for the first time. Catalytic-dissociation of trimethylsilane, and tetramethylsilane single source time of flight coupled single photon VUV (118 nm) photoionization collisionless radicals at temperature range of tungsten filament 800-2360 K. The study is focused to understand the fundamental information on reaction kinetics of these molecules at hot wire temperature, and processes of catalytic-chemical vapour deposition (Cat-CVD) technique which could be implemented in amorphous and crystalline SiC semiconductors thin films.

  12. A brief overview of the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx) database and campaign operation centre (ChOC) (United States)

    Ferré, Hélène; Dulac, François; Belmahfoud, Nizar; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Cloché, Sophie; Descloitres, Jacques; Fleury, Laurence; Focsa, Loredana; Henriot, Nicolas; Ramage, Karim; Vermeulen, Anne


    Initiated in 2010 in the framework of the multidisciplinary research programme MISTRALS (Mediterranean Integrated Studies at Regional and Local Scales;, the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment (ChArMEx, aims at federating the scientific community for an updated assessment of the present and future state of the atmospheric environment in the Mediterranean Basin, and of its impacts on the regional climate, air quality, and marine biogeochemistry. The project combines mid- and long-term monitoring, intensive field campaigns, use of satellite data, and modelling studies. In this presentation we provide an overview of the campaign operation centre ( and project database (, at the end of the first experimental phase of the project that included a series of large campaigns based on airborne means (including balloons and various aircraft) and a network of surface stations. Those campaigns were performed mainly in the western Mediterranean basin in the summer of 2012, 2013 and 2014 with the help of the ChArMEx Operation Centre (ChOC), an open web site that has the objective to gather and display daily quick-looks from model forecasts and near-real time in situ and remote sensing observations of physical and chemical weather conditions relevant for the everyday campaign operation decisions. The ChOC is also useful for post campaign analyses and can be completed with a number of quick-looks of campaign results obtained later in order to offer an easy access to, and comprehensive view of all available data during the campaign period. The items included are selected according to the objectives and location of the given campaigns. The second experimental phase of ChArMEx from 2015 on is more focused on the eastern basin. In addition, the project operation centre is planned to be adapted for a joint MERMEX-ChArMEx oceanographic cruise (PEACETIME) for a study at

  13. Expozice žáků aerosolu při hodinách tělesné výchovy


    Šafránek, Jiří; Turčová, Ivana; Braniš, Martin; Hájek, Michal


    Při zvýšené fyzické zátěži člověk nadýchá větší množství vzduchu včetně škodlivin a jiným způsobem než v klidovém režimu. Prostředí tělocvičen je v mnoha ohledech náchylné k vysokým koncentracím aerosolu (PM), který se v nich kumuluje a během tělesné výchovy (TV) se pohybem a činností cvičících resuspenduje. Koncentrace PM (především jeho hrubé frakce) se tak podle množství cvičenců a charakteru činnosti při cvičení výrazně zvyšují. Cílem naší studie bylo odhadnout expozici aerosolu za podmín...

  14. Potential impact of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and sea surface temperature in the tropical Indian Ocean-Western Pacific on the variability of typhoon landfall on the China coast (United States)

    Yang, Lei; Chen, Sheng; Wang, Chunzai; Wang, Dongxiao; Wang, Xin


    The landfall activity of typhoons (TYs) along the coast of China during July-August-September (JAS) shows significant interdecadal variation during 1965-2010. We identify three sub-periods of TY landfall activity in JAS along the China coast in this period, with more TY landfall during 1965-1978 (Period I) and 1998-2010 (Period III), and less during 1982-1995 (Period II). We find that the interdecadal variation might be related to the combined effects of Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) phase changes and sea surface temperature (SST) variation in the tropical Indian Ocean and Western Pacific (IO-WP). During the negative PDO phase in Periods I and III, a cyclonic anomaly is located in the western North Pacific (WNP), inducing easterly flow in its northern part, which favors TY landfall along the eastern China coast. Warm SST anomalies over the tropical IO-WP during Period III induce an anomalous anticyclonic circulation in the WNP through both the Gill-pattern response to the warm SST in the tropical IO and the anomalous meridional circulation induced by the warm SST in the tropical WNP. As a result, the northern South China Sea and WNP (10°-20° N) are dominated by southeasterly flow, which favors TYs making landfall on both the southern and eastern China coast. With both landfalling-favorable conditions satisfied, there are significantly more TYs making landfall along the China coast during Period III than during Period I, which shows cool SST anomalies in the tropical IO-WP.

  15. Kinetics of the Br2-CH3CHO Photochemical Chain Reaction (United States)

    Nicovich, J. M.; Shackelford, C. J.; Wine, P. H.


    Time-resolved resonance fluorescence spectroscopy was employed in conjunction with laser flash photolysis of Br2 to study the kinetics of the two elementary steps in the photochemical chain reaction nBr2 + nCH3CHO + hv yields nCH3CBrO + nHBr. In the temperature range 255-400 K, the rate coefficient for the reaction Br((sup 2)P(sub 3/2)) + CH3CHO yields CH3CO + HBr is given by the Arrhenius expression k(sub 6)(T) = (1.51 +/- 0.20) x 10(exp -11) exp(-(364 +/- 41)/T)cu cm/(molecule.s). At 298 K, the reaction CH3CO + Br2 yields CH3CBrO + Br proceeds at a near gas kinetic rate, k(sub 7)(298 K) = (1.08 +/- 0.38) x 10(exp -10)cu cm/(molecule.s).

  16. O chá verde e suas ações como quimioprotetor

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wanderlei Schmitz


    Full Text Available O chá preto é responsável por 75% do chá consumido no mundo e o chá verde, por apenas 22%. O chá que era consumido como medicamento, passou a ser do gosto popular devido as suas característica organolépticas. Seus componentes flavonóides e catequinas apresentam uma série de atividades biológicas, antioxidante, quimioprotetora, antiinflamatória e anticarcinogênica. Vários estudos vêm sendo desenvolvidos por pesquisadores em varias regiões do mundo para comprovar estas atividades terapêuticas, objetivando compreender os mecanismos de ação do chá verde. Diante do acima citado, esta revisão tem por finalidade apresentar as varias linhas de pesquisa em andamento e os resultados já obtidos sobre o efeito quimioprotetor/antioxidante do chá verde.

  17. Communication: Photodissociation of CH3CHO at 308 nm: Observation of H-roaming, CH3-roaming, and transition state pathways together along the ground state surface (United States)

    Li, Hou-Kuan; Tsai, Po-Yu; Hung, Kai-Chan; Kasai, Toshio; Lin, King-Chuen


    Following photodissociation of acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) at 308 nm, the CO(v = 1-4) fragment is acquired using time-resolved Fourier-transform infrared emission spectroscopy. The CO(v = 1) rotational distribution shows a bimodal feature; the low- and high-J components result from H-roaming around CH3CO core and CH3-roaming around CHO radical, respectively, in consistency with a recent assignment by Kable and co-workers (Lee et al., Chem. Sci. 5, 4633 (2014)). The H-roaming pathway disappears at the CO(v ≥ 2) states, because of insufficient available energy following bond-breaking of H + CH3CO. By analyzing the CH4 emission spectrum, we obtained a bimodal vibrational distribution; the low-energy component is ascribed to the transition state (TS) pathway, consistent with prediction by quasiclassical trajectory calculations, while the high-energy component results from H- and CH3-roamings. A branching fraction of H-roaming/CH3-roaming/TS contribution is evaluated to be (8% ± 3%)/(68% ± 10%)/(25% ± 5%), in which the TS pathway was observed for the first time. The three pathways proceed concomitantly along the electronic ground state surface.

  18. Fenomén "zdravé výživy" v českých zemích 1945-1989

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Franc, Martin


    Roč. 12, č. 3 (2010), s. 163-166 ISSN 1212-3536. [Alergie začíná v dětství. Setkání dětských alergologů a klinických imunologů /9./. Telč, 18.06.2010-20.06.2010] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z80770509 Keywords : nutrition strategy 1945-1989 * Czechoslovakia Subject RIV: AB - History

  19. Photodissociation and photoisomerization dynamics of CH2=CHCHO in solution

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu Weiqiang; Yang Chunfan; Zhao Hongmei; Liu Kunhui; Su Hongmei


    By means of time-resolved Fourier transform infrared absorption spectroscopy, we have investigated the 193 nm photodissociation and photoisomerization dynamics of the prototype molecule of α,β-enones, acrolein (CH 2 =CHCHO) in CH 3 CN solution. The primary photolysis channels and absolute branching ratios are determined. The most probable reaction mechanisms are clarified by control experiments monitoring the product yields varied with the triplet quencher addition. The predominant channel is the 1,3-H migration yielding the rearrangement product CH 3 CH=C=O with a branching ratio of 0.78 and the less important channel is the α cleavage of C-H bond yielding radical fragments CH 2 =CHCO+H with a branching ratio of only 0.12. The 1,3-H migration is strongly suggested to correlate with the triplet 3 (ππ * ) state rather than the ground S 0 state and the α cleavage of C-H bond is more likely to proceed in the singlet S 1 1 (nπ * ) state. From the solution experiments we have not only acquired clues clarifying the previous controversial mechanisms, but also explored different photochemistry in solution. Compared to the gas phase photolysis which is dominated by photodissociation channels, the most important channel in solution is the photoisomerization of 1,3-H migration. The reason leading to the different photochemistry in solution is further ascribed to the solvent cage effect.


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Sokolová, Romana; Degano, I.; Ramešová, Šárka; Kocábová, Jana; Fiedler, Jan; Tarábek, Ján


    Roč. 5, č. 2016 (2016), s. 170-170 ISSN 2336-7202. [Sjezd chemických společností /68./. 04.09.2016-07.09.2016, Praha] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-05180S Grant - others:Rada Programu interní podpory projektů mezinárodní spolupráce AV ČR M200401201 Program:M Institutional support: RVO:61388955 ; RVO:61388963 Keywords : flavonoids * analysis * rhamnazine Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry

  1. Radical C-H functionalization to construct heterocyclic compounds. (United States)

    Yu, Jin-Tao; Pan, Changduo


    Heterocyclic compounds are widely present in natural products, pharmaceuticals and bioactive molecules. Thus, organic and pharmaceutical chemists have been making extensive efforts to construct those heterocyclic frameworks through developing versatile and efficient synthetic strategies. The direct C-H functionalization via the radical pathway has emerged as a promising and dramatic approach towards heterocycles with high atom- and step-economy. Heterocyclic compounds such as coumarins, furans, benzofurans, xanthones, benzothiazoles, indoles, indolines, oxindoles, quinolines, isoquinolines, quinoxaline, and phenanthridines have been successfully synthesized by C-H functionalization through the radical pathway. In this review, recent advances on radical C-H functionalization to construct heterocyclic compounds are highlighted with discussions.

  2. Metal-free oxidative olefination of primary amines with benzylic C-H bonds through direct deamination and C-H bond activation. (United States)

    Gong, Liang; Xing, Li-Juan; Xu, Tong; Zhu, Xue-Ping; Zhou, Wen; Kang, Ning; Wang, Bin


    An oxidative olefination reaction between aliphatic primary amines and benzylic sp(3) C-H bonds has been achieved using N-bromosuccinimide as catalyst and tert-butyl hydroperoxide as oxidant. The olefination proceeds under mild metal-free conditions through direct deamination and benzylic C-H bond activation, and provides easy access to biologically active 2-styrylquinolines with (E)-configuration.

  3. Distillation Calculation for the Separation of {sup 13}CH{sub 4} from LNG

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Song, K.M.; Son, S.H.; Kim, K.S.; Lee, S.K. [Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Taejon (Korea)


    For the purpose of {sup 13}CH{sub 4} production from LNG, the theoretical number of stages and the number of distillation column required for the separation of {sup 13}CH{sub 4} from {sup 12}CH{sub 4}/{sup 13}CH{sub 4} mixture of containing 1%-{sup 13}CH{sub 4} are calculated. Assuming the ideal liquid mixture of containing 1%-{sup 13}CH{sub 4} are calculated. Assuming the ideal liquid mixture of {sup 12}CH{sub 4} and {sup 13}CH{sub 4}, the theoretical number of stages are calculated by smoker equation and FUG method. Using the correlation between the minimum theoretical number of stages and the optimum theoretical number of stages, the number of distillation groups is calculated. From this calculation, we know that 6 groups of distillation tower with 600 stages per one column are needed for the production of 90%-{sup 13}CH{sub 4}. (author). 5 refs., 5 figs., 4 tabs.

  4. Data exploration, quality control and statistical analysis of ChIP-exo/nexus experiments. (United States)

    Welch, Rene; Chung, Dongjun; Grass, Jeffrey; Landick, Robert; Keles, Sündüz


    ChIP-exo/nexus experiments rely on innovative modifications of the commonly used ChIP-seq protocol for high resolution mapping of transcription factor binding sites. Although many aspects of the ChIP-exo data analysis are similar to those of ChIP-seq, these high throughput experiments pose a number of unique quality control and analysis challenges. We develop a novel statistical quality control pipeline and accompanying R/Bioconductor package, ChIPexoQual, to enable exploration and analysis of ChIP-exo and related experiments. ChIPexoQual evaluates a number of key issues including strand imbalance, library complexity, and signal enrichment of data. Assessment of these features are facilitated through diagnostic plots and summary statistics computed over regions of the genome with varying levels of coverage. We evaluated our QC pipeline with both large collections of public ChIP-exo/nexus data and multiple, new ChIP-exo datasets from Escherichia coli. ChIPexoQual analysis of these datasets resulted in guidelines for using these QC metrics across a wide range of sequencing depths and provided further insights for modelling ChIP-exo data. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

  5. Kinetics of the R + HBr ↔ RH + Br (CH3CHBr, CHBr2 or CDBr2) equilibrium. Thermochemistry of the CH3CHBr and CHBr2 radicals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Seetula, Jorma A.; Eskola, Arkke J.


    The kinetics of the reaction of the CH 3 CHBr, CHBr 2 or CDBr 2 radicals, R, with HBr have been investigated in a temperature-controlled tubular reactor coupled to a photoionization mass spectrometer. The CH 3 CHBr (or CHBr 2 or CDBr 2 ) radical was produced homogeneously in the reactor by a pulsed 248 nm exciplex laser photolysis of CH 3 CHBr 2 (or CHBr 3 or CDBr 3 ). The decay of R was monitored as a function of HBr concentration under pseudo-first-order conditions to determine the rate constants as a function of temperature. The reactions were studied separately from 253 to 344 K (CH 3 CHBr + HBr) and from 288 to 477 K (CHBr 2 + HBr) and in these temperature ranges the rate constants determined were fitted to an Arrhenius expression (error limits stated are 1σ + Student's t values, units in cm 3 molecule -1 s -1 , no error limits for the third reaction): k(CH 3 CHBr + HBr) = (1.7 ± 1.2) x 10 -13 exp[+ (5.1 ± 1.9) kJ mol -1 /RT], k(CHBr 2 + HBr) = (2.5 ± 1.2) x 10 -13 exp[-(4.04 ± 1.14) kJ mol -1 /RT] and k(CDBr 2 + HBr) = 1.6 x 10 -13 exp(-2.1 kJ mol -1 /RT). The energy barriers of the reverse reactions were taken from the literature. The enthalpy of formation values of the CH 3 CHBr and CHBr 2 radicals and an experimental entropy value at 298 K for the CH 3 CHBr radical were obtained using a second-law method. The result for the entropy value for the CH 3 CHBr radical is 305 ± 9 J K -1 mol -1 . The results for the enthalpy of formation values at 298 K are (in kJ mol -1 ): 133.4 ± 3.4 (CH 3 CHBr) and 199.1 ± 2.7 (CHBr 2 ), and for α-C-H bond dissociation energies of analogous compounds are (in kJ mol -1 ): 415.0 ± 2.7 (CH 3 CH 2 Br) and 412.6 ± 2.7 (CH 2 Br 2 ), respectively

  6. Hospital clinical trial: Homeopathy (Agraphis nutans 5CH, Thuya occidentalis 5CH, Kalium muriaticum 9CH and Arsenicum iodatum 9CH) as adjuvant, in children with otitis media with effusion. (United States)

    Pedrero-Escalas, M F; Jimenez-Antolin, J; Lassaletta, L; Diaz-Saez, G; Gavilán, J


    Otitis media with effusion (OME) is the most common cause of paediatric hearing loss. No single treatment has proved its effectiveness. There is a lack of evidence-based medicine studies in the area of homeopathy. A prospective randomized, double blinded interventional placebo control study was conducted. Patients, from 2 months to 12 years, with OME diagnosed by pneumatic otoscopy (PNO) and tympanometry, were randomized into two groups. Both groups received aerosol therapy (mucolytics and corticosteroids). In addition, the experimental group (EG) received homeopathy (Agraphis nutans 5CH, Thuya Occidentalis 5CH, Kalium muriaticum 9CH and Arsenicum iodatum), and the placebo group (PG) placebo, both of them for 3 months. Patients were evaluated by PNO examination and tympanometry at baseline, at 45 and 90 days. 97 patients were enrolled. In the EG, 61.9% of individuals were cured (PNO went from negative in the 1st visit to positive in the 3rd visit) compared with 56.8% of patients treated with placebo. 4.8% of patients in the EG suffered a recurrence (positive PNO in the 2nd visit changed to negative in the 3rd visit) while 11.4% did in the PG. No significant difference was found. Adverse events were distributed similarly, except in the case of upper respiratory tract infections, which were less frequent in EG (3 vs. 13, p: 0.009). The homeopathic scheme used as adjuvant treatment cannot be claimed to be an effective treatment in children with OME. EUDRACT number: 2011-006086-17, PROTOCOL code: 55005646. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Návrhový systém pro zjištění a kvantifikaci požadavků na řídicí systém inteligentního domu


    Kotík, Miloslav


    Bakalářská práce se věnuje analýze požadavků investora na řídicí systém inteligentního domu. Je navržen dotazník jako vodítko projektanta při komunikaci s investorem a tento postup je převeden do interaktivní podoby formuláře. Na základě dotazníku je poté navržen postup pro automatické vyhodnocení a převod zjištěných požadavků investora do seznamu doporučených komponent řídicího systému Tecomat Foxtrot a jeho periferií pro realizaci. První dvě kapitoly práce jsou teoretické a popisují intelig...

  8. [CH(3)(CH(2))(11)NH(3)]SnI(3): a hybrid semiconductor with MoO(3)-type tin(II) iodide layers. (United States)

    Xu, Zhengtao; Mitzi, David B


    The organic-inorganic hybrid [CH(3)(CH(2))(11)NH(3)]SnI(3) presents a lamellar structure with a Sn-I framework isotypic to that of MoO(3). The SnI(3)(-) layer consists of edge and corner-sharing SnI(6) octahedra in which one of the six Sn-I bonds is distinctly elongated (e.g., 3.62 A), indicating lone-pair stereoactivity for the Sn(II) atom. The overall electronic character remains comparable with that of the well-studied SnI(4)(2)(-)-based perovskite semiconductors, such as [CH(3)(CH(2))(11)NH(3)](2)SnI(4), with a red-shifted and broadened exciton peak associated with the band gap, apparently due to the increased dimensionality of the Sn-I framework. The title compound offers, aside from the hybrid perovskites, a new type of solution-processable Sn-I network for potential applications in semiconductive devices.

  9. Syntéza amfifilních helicenů a jejich samoskladba v tenkých vrstvách

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Holec, Jan; Rybáček, Jiří; Janoušek, Jiří; Bednárová, Lucie; Stará, Irena G.; Starý, Ivo


    Roč. 14, č. 2 (2016), s. 65-66 ISSN 2336-7202. [Mezioborové setkání mladých biologů, biochemiků a chemiků /16./. 10.05.2016-13.05.2016, Milovy] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-08327S Institutional support: RVO:61388963 Keywords : helicenes * Langmuir-Blodgett thin films * molecular electronics Subject RIV: CC - Organic Chemistry

  10. Betaine Phosphate (CH3)3N+CH2COO-.H3PO4 Modification Using D2O

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saryati; Ridwan; Deswita; Sugiantoro, Sugik


    Betaine fosfate (CH 3 ) 3 N + CH 2 COO - .H 3 PO 4 modification by using D 2 O has been studied. This modification was carried out by slowly evaporation the saturated Betaine phosphat in the D 2 O solution in the dry box at 40 o C, until the dry crystal were formed. Based on the NMR data, can be concluded that the exchange process with D has been runed well and Betaine phosphate-D (CH 3 ) 3 N + CH 2 COO - .H 3 PO 4 has been resulted. From the X-ray diffraction pattern data can be concluded that there are a deference in the crystal structure between Betaine phosphate and Betaine phosphate modification result. From the Differential Scanning Colorimeter (DSC) diagram at the range temperature from 30 o C to 250 o C, can be shown that the Betaine phosphate-H has two endothermic transition phase, at 99 o C with a very little adsorbed calor and at 221.50 o C with -26.75 cal/g. Modified Betaine phosphate has also two endothermic transition phase, at 99.86 o C with -1.94 cal/g and at 171.01 o C with -3.48 cal/g. It can be conclosed that the D atom substitution on the H atoms in Betaine phosphate, to change the crystal and the endothermic fase temperature and energy

  11. CH-47F Improved Cargo Helicopter (CH-47F) (United States)


    Confidence Level Confidence Level of cost estimate for current APB: 50% The Confidence Level of the CH-47F APB cost estimate, which was approved on April...M) Initial PAUC Development Estimate Changes PAUC Production Estimate Econ Qty Sch Eng Est Oth Spt Total 10.316 -0.491 3.003 -0.164 2.273 7.378...SAR Baseline to Current SAR Baseline (TY $M) Initial APUC Development Estimate Changes APUC Production Estimate Econ Qty Sch Eng Est Oth Spt Total

  12. Konverze objektu dormitory na hostel a jeho nové řešení v Tomioka Silk Mill, Japonsko


    Brezovský, Jindřich


    Diplomová práce s názvem „KONVERZE OBJEKTU DORMITORY NA HOSTEL A JEHO NOVÉ ŘEŠENÍ V TOMIOKA SILK MILL, JAPONSKO“ je zpracována dle platných předpisů ve formě architektonické studie. Předmětem této práce jsou dvě varianty konverze objektu pro ubytování dělnic (dormitory). Dílčím úkolem je řešení úpravy zeleně v atriu dormitory a návrh revitalizace náhorní roviny. Objekt se nachází v areálu bývalé přádelny hedvábí ve městě Tomioka v prefektuře Gunma, na ostrově Honšú v Japonsku. Konverze objekt...

  13. Study of dynamical properties in β-Tcp/Ch layers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mina, A.; Caicedo, J. C.; Aperador, W.


    β-Tricalcium phosphate/Chitosan (β-Tcp/Ch) coatings were deposited on 316l stainless steel (316l Ss) substrates by a cathodic electrodeposition technique at different coating compositions. The crystal lattice arrangements were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, and the results indicated that the crystallographic structure of β-Tcp was affected by the inclusion of the chitosan content. The changes in the surface morphology as a function of increasing chitosan in the coatings via scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy showed the root-mean squares hardness of the β-Tcp/Ch coatings decreased by further increasing chitosan percentage. The elastic-plastic characteristics of the coatings were determined by conducting nano indentation test, indicating that the increase if chitosan percentage is directly related to increasing the hardness and elastic modulus of the β-Tcp/Ch coatings. Tribological characterization was performed by scratch test and pin-on-disk test to analyze the changes in the surface wear the β-Tcp/Ch coatings. Finally, the results indicated an improvement in the mechanical and tribological properties of the β-Tcp/Ch coatings as a function of increasing of the chitosan percentage. (Author)

  14. Study of dynamical properties in β-Tcp/Ch layers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mina, A.; Caicedo, J. C. [Universidad del Valle, Tribology, Powder Metallurgy and Processing of Solid Recycled Research Group, Cali, Valle del Cauca (Colombia); Aperador, W., E-mail: [Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Departamento de Ingenieria, 80 Entrada A La KR11 No. 101, Bogota (Colombia)


    β-Tricalcium phosphate/Chitosan (β-Tcp/Ch) coatings were deposited on 316l stainless steel (316l Ss) substrates by a cathodic electrodeposition technique at different coating compositions. The crystal lattice arrangements were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, and the results indicated that the crystallographic structure of β-Tcp was affected by the inclusion of the chitosan content. The changes in the surface morphology as a function of increasing chitosan in the coatings via scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy showed the root-mean squares hardness of the β-Tcp/Ch coatings decreased by further increasing chitosan percentage. The elastic-plastic characteristics of the coatings were determined by conducting nano indentation test, indicating that the increase if chitosan percentage is directly related to increasing the hardness and elastic modulus of the β-Tcp/Ch coatings. Tribological characterization was performed by scratch test and pin-on-disk test to analyze the changes in the surface wear the β-Tcp/Ch coatings. Finally, the results indicated an improvement in the mechanical and tribological properties of the β-Tcp/Ch coatings as a function of increasing of the chitosan percentage. (Author)

  15. An ultrathin polymer coating of carboxylate self-assembled monolayer adsorbed on passivated iron to prevent iron corrosion in 0.1 M Na2SO4

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aramaki, Kunitsugu; Shimura, Tadashi


    For preparing an ultrathin two-dimensional polymer coating adsorbed on passivated iron, a 16-hydroxyhexadecanoate ion HO(CH 2 ) 15 CO 2 - self-assembled monolayer (SAM) was modified with 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane (C 2 H 5 O) 3 Si(CH 2 ) 2 Si(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 and octadecyltriethoxysilane C 18 H 37 Si(OC 2 H 5 ) 3 . Protection of passivated iron against passive film breakdown and corrosion of iron was investigated by monitoring of the open-circuit potential and repeated polarization measurements in an aerated 0.1 M Na 2 SO 4 solution during immersion for many hours. The time required for passive film breakdown of the polymer-coated electrode was markedly higher in this solution than that of the passivated one, indicating protection of the passive film from breakdown by coverage with the polymer coating. The protective efficiencies of the passive film covered with the coating were extremely high, more than 99.9% in 0.1 M Na 2 SO 4 before the passive film was broken down, showing prominent cooperative suppression of iron corrosion in the solution by coverage with the passive film and polymer coating. The polymer-coated surface was characterized by contact angle measurement and electron-probe microanalysis (EPMA). Prevention of passive film breakdown and iron corrosion for the polymer-coated electrode healed in 0.1 M NaNO 3 was also examined in 0.1 M Na 2 SO 4 .

  16. High-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) during BARCA (United States)

    Chen, H.; Winderlich, J.; Gerbig, C.; Hoefer, A.; Rella, C. W.; Crosson, E. R.; van Pelt, A. D.; Steinbach, J.; Kolle, O.; Beck, V.; Daube, B. C.; Gottlieb, E. W.; Chow, V. Y.; Santoni, G. W.; Wofsy, S. C.


    High-accuracy continuous measurements of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) during the BARCA (Balanço Atmosférico Regional de Carbono na Amazônia) phase B campaign in Brazil in May 2009 were accomplished using a newly available analyzer based on the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. This analyzer was flown without a drying system or any in-flight calibration gases. Water vapor corrections associated with dilution and pressure-broadening effects for CO2 and CH4 were derived from laboratory experiments employing measurements of water vapor by the CRDS analyzer. Before the campaign, the stability of the analyzer was assessed by laboratory tests under simulated flight conditions. During the campaign, a comparison of CO2 measurements between the CRDS analyzer and a nondispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer on board the same aircraft showed a mean difference of 0.22±0.09 ppm for all flights over the Amazon rain forest. At the end of the campaign, CO2 concentrations of the synthetic calibration gases used by the NDIR analyzer were determined by the CRDS analyzer. After correcting for the isotope and the pressure-broadening effects that resulted from changes of the composition of synthetic vs. ambient air, and applying those concentrations as calibrated values of the calibration gases to reprocess the CO2 measurements made by the NDIR, the mean difference between the CRDS and the NDIR during BARCA was reduced to 0.05±0.09 ppm, with the mean standard deviation of 0.23±0.05 ppm. The results clearly show that the CRDS is sufficiently stable to be used in flight without drying the air or calibrating in flight and the water corrections are fully adequate for high-accuracy continuous airborne measurements of CO2 and CH4.

  17. ChEVAS: Combining Suprarenal EVAS with Chimney Technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torella, Francesco, E-mail: [Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool Vascular & Endovascular Service (United Kingdom); Chan, Tze Y., E-mail:; Shaikh, Usman, E-mail: [Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Department of Radiology (United Kingdom); England, Andrew, E-mail: [University of Salford, Department of Radiography (United Kingdom); Fisher, Robert K., E-mail: [Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool Vascular & Endovascular Service (United Kingdom); McWilliams, Richard G., E-mail: [Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Department of Radiology (United Kingdom)


    Endovascular sealing with the Nellix{sup ®} endoprosthesis (EVAS) is a new technique to treat infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms. We describe the use of endovascular sealing in conjunction with chimney stents for the renal arteries (chEVAS) in two patients, one with a refractory type Ia endoleak and an expanding aneurysm, and one with a large juxtarenal aneurysm unsuitable for fenestrated endovascular repair (EVAR). Both aneurysms were successfully excluded. Our report confirms the utility of chEVAS in challenging cases, where suprarenal seal is necessary. We suggest that, due to lack of knowledge on its durability, chEVAS should only been considered when more conventional treatment modalities (open repair and fenestrated EVAR) are deemed difficult or unfeasible.

  18. Ultraviolet spectrum of CH Cygni and VV Cephei

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Faraggiana, R [Osservatorio Astronomico, Trieste, Italy; Hack, M [ESA, Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station, Madrid, Spain


    Results are discussed for low-resolution uv observations of the symbiotic star CH Cyg and of the eclipsing binary VV Cep during chromospheric eclipse following totality. The far-uv and absorption-line spectra of CH Cyg and VV Cep are found to be remarkably similar. It is shown that the energy distribution for CH Cyg is very similar to that of an A0 V star and that the energy distribution for VV Cep is similar to that of an A0-A2 star. Evidence is cited for an extended envelope surrounding the M supergiant component of VV Cep, and an absolute visual magnitude of about -2 is estimated for this system.

  19. High-resolution sub-Doppler infrared spectroscopy of atmospherically relevant Criegee precursor CH2I radicals: CH2 stretch vibrations and "charge-sloshing" dynamics (United States)

    Kortyna, A.; Lesko, D. M. B.; Nesbitt, D. J.


    The combination of a pulsed supersonic slit-discharge source and single-mode difference frequency direct absorption infrared spectroscopy permit first high resolution infrared study of the iodomethyl (CH2I) radical, with the CH2I radical species generated in a slit jet Ne/He discharge and cooled to 16 K in the supersonic expansion. Dual laser beam detection and collisional collimation in the slit expansion yield sub-Doppler linewidths (60 MHz), an absolute frequency calibration of 13 MHz, and absorbance sensitivities within a factor of two of the shot-noise limit. Fully rovibrationally resolved direct absorption spectra of the CH2 symmetric stretch mode (ν2) are obtained and fitted to a Watson asymmetric top Hamiltonian with electron spin-rotation coupling, providing precision rotational constants and spin-rotation tensor elements for the vibrationally excited state. Analysis of the asymmetric top rotational constants confirms a vibrationally averaged planar geometry in both the ground- and first-excited vibrational levels. Sub-Doppler resolution permits additional nuclear spin hyperfine structures to be observed, with splittings in excellent agreement with microwave measurements on the ground state. Spectroscopic data on CH2I facilitate systematic comparison with previous studies of halogen-substituted methyl radicals, with the periodic trends strongly correlated with the electronegativity of the halogen atom. Interestingly, we do not observe any asymmetric CH2 stretch transitions, despite S/N ≈ 25:1 on strongest lines in the corresponding symmetric CH2 stretch manifold. This dramatic reversal of the more typical 3:1 antisymmetric/symmetric CH2 stretch intensity ratio signals a vibrational transition moment poorly described by simple "bond-dipole" models. Instead, the data suggest that this anomalous intensity ratio arises from "charge sloshing" dynamics in the highly polar carbon-iodine bond, as supported by ab initio electron differential density plots and

  20. Fluoride and aluminum in teas and tea-based beverages Flúor e alumínio em chás e bebidas à base de chás

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mitsue Fujimaki Hayacibara


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate fluoride and aluminum concentration in herbal, black, ready-to-drink, and imported teas available in Brazil considering the risks fluoride and aluminum pose to oral and general health, respectively. METHODS: One-hundred and seventy-seven samples of herbal and black tea, 11 types of imported tea and 21 samples of ready-to-drink tea were divided into four groups: I-herbal tea; II-Brazilian black tea (Camellia sinensis; III-imported tea (Camellia sinensis; IV-ready-to-drink tea-based beverages. Fluoride and aluminum were analyzed using ion-selective electrode and atomic absorption, respectively. RESULTS: Fluoride and aluminum levels in herbal teas were very low, but high amounts were found in black and ready-to-drink teas. Aluminum found in all samples analyzed can be considered safe to general health. However, considering 0.07 mg F/kg/day as the upper limit of fluoride intake with regard to undesirable dental fluorosis, some teas exceed the daily intake limit for children. CONCLUSIONS: Brazilian and imported teas made from Camellia sinensis as well as some tea-based beverages are sources of significant amounts of fluoride, and their intake may increase the risk of developing dental fluorosis.OBJETIVO: Avaliar as concentrações de flúor e alumínio em chás brasileiros de ervas, preto e bebidas a base de chá, como em chás preto importados considerando seus riscos para, respectivamente, a saúde oral e geral. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 177 amostras de chá de ervas e chá preto, 11 tipos de chá preto importados e 21 amostras de bebidas à base de chá. Flúor e alumínio foram determinados após infusão dos chás de ervas e pretos. As determinações de flúor e alumínio foram feitas por eletrodo específico e absorção atômica, respectivamente. RESULTADOS: A quantidade de flúor e alumínio encontrada nos chás de erva foi muito baixa, mas foi alta nos chás preto e nas bebidas à base de chá. A quantidade de alum

  1. Limitations and possibilities of low cell number ChIP-seq

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilfillan Gregor D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with high-throughput DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq offers high resolution, genome-wide analysis of DNA-protein interactions. However, current standard methods require abundant starting material in the range of 1–20 million cells per immunoprecipitation, and remain a bottleneck to the acquisition of biologically relevant epigenetic data. Using a ChIP-seq protocol optimised for low cell numbers (down to 100,000 cells / IP, we examined the performance of the ChIP-seq technique on a series of decreasing cell numbers. Results We present an enhanced native ChIP-seq method tailored to low cell numbers that represents a 200-fold reduction in input requirements over existing protocols. The protocol was tested over a range of starting cell numbers covering three orders of magnitude, enabling determination of the lower limit of the technique. At low input cell numbers, increased levels of unmapped and duplicate reads reduce the number of unique reads generated, and can drive up sequencing costs and affect sensitivity if ChIP is attempted from too few cells. Conclusions The optimised method presented here considerably reduces the input requirements for performing native ChIP-seq. It extends the applicability of the technique to isolated primary cells and rare cell populations (e.g. biobank samples, stem cells, and in many cases will alleviate the need for cell culture and any associated alteration of epigenetic marks. However, this study highlights a challenge inherent to ChIP-seq from low cell numbers: as cell input numbers fall, levels of unmapped sequence reads and PCR-generated duplicate reads rise. We discuss a number of solutions to overcome the effects of reducing cell number that may aid further improvements to ChIP performance.

  2. ChIPBase: a database for decoding the transcriptional regulation of long non-coding RNA and microRNA genes from ChIP-Seq data. (United States)

    Yang, Jian-Hua; Li, Jun-Hao; Jiang, Shan; Zhou, Hui; Qu, Liang-Hu


    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) represent two classes of important non-coding RNAs in eukaryotes. Although these non-coding RNAs have been implicated in organismal development and in various human diseases, surprisingly little is known about their transcriptional regulation. Recent advances in chromatin immunoprecipitation with next-generation DNA sequencing (ChIP-Seq) have provided methods of detecting transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) with unprecedented sensitivity. In this study, we describe ChIPBase (, a novel database that we have developed to facilitate the comprehensive annotation and discovery of transcription factor binding maps and transcriptional regulatory relationships of lncRNAs and miRNAs from ChIP-Seq data. The current release of ChIPBase includes high-throughput sequencing data that were generated by 543 ChIP-Seq experiments in diverse tissues and cell lines from six organisms. By analysing millions of TFBSs, we identified tens of thousands of TF-lncRNA and TF-miRNA regulatory relationships. Furthermore, two web-based servers were developed to annotate and discover transcriptional regulatory relationships of lncRNAs and miRNAs from ChIP-Seq data. In addition, we developed two genome browsers, deepView and genomeView, to provide integrated views of multidimensional data. Moreover, our web implementation supports diverse query types and the exploration of TFs, lncRNAs, miRNAs, gene ontologies and pathways.

  3. Simulasi Numeris Karakteristik Pembakaran CH4/CO2/Udara dan CH4/CO2/O2 pada Counterflow Premixed Burner

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    Hangga Wicaksono


    Full Text Available The high amount of CO2 produced in a conventional biogas reactor needs to be considered. A further analysis is needed in order to investigate the effect of CO2 addition especially in thermal and chemical kinetics aspect. This numerical study has been held to analyze the effect of CO2 in CH4/CO2/O­2 and CH4/CO2/Air premixed combustion. In this study one dimensional analisys in a counterflow burner has been performed. The volume fraction of CO2 used in this study was 0%-40% from CH4’s volume fraction, according to the amount of CO2 in general phenomenon. Based on the flammability limits data, the volume fraction of CH4 used was 5-61% in O2 environment and 5-15% in air environment. The results showed a decreasing temperature along with the increasing percentage of CO2 in each mixtures, but the effect was quite smaller especially in stoichiometric and lean mixture. CO2 could affects thermally (by absorbing heat due to its high Cp and also made the production of unburnt fuel species such as CO relatively higher.

  4. O chá verde e suas ações como quimioprotetor


    Wanderlei Schmitz; Alexandre Yukio Saito; Dirceu Estevão; Halha Ostrensky Saridakis


    O chá preto é responsável por 75% do chá consumido no mundo e o chá verde, por apenas 22%. O chá que era consumido como medicamento, passou a ser do gosto popular devido as suas característica organolépticas. Seus componentes flavonóides e catequinas apresentam uma série de atividades biológicas, antioxidante, quimioprotetora, antiinflamatória e anticarcinogênica. Vários estudos vêm sendo desenvolvidos por pesquisadores em varias regiões do mundo para comprovar estas atividades terapêuticas, ...

  5. Modeling ChIP sequencing in silico with applications.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zhengdong D Zhang


    Full Text Available ChIP sequencing (ChIP-seq is a new method for genomewide mapping of protein binding sites on DNA. It has generated much excitement in functional genomics. To score data and determine adequate sequencing depth, both the genomic background and the binding sites must be properly modeled. To develop a computational foundation to tackle these issues, we first performed a study to characterize the observed statistical nature of this new type of high-throughput data. By linking sequence tags into clusters, we show that there are two components to the distribution of tag counts observed in a number of recent experiments: an initial power-law distribution and a subsequent long right tail. Then we develop in silico ChIP-seq, a computational method to simulate the experimental outcome by placing tags onto the genome according to particular assumed distributions for the actual binding sites and for the background genomic sequence. In contrast to current assumptions, our results show that both the background and the binding sites need to have a markedly nonuniform distribution in order to correctly model the observed ChIP-seq data, with, for instance, the background tag counts modeled by a gamma distribution. On the basis of these results, we extend an existing scoring approach by using a more realistic genomic-background model. This enables us to identify transcription-factor binding sites in ChIP-seq data in a statistically rigorous fashion.

  6. Úloha anti-annexinových protilátek v reprodukci

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ulčová-Gallová, Z.; Mičanová, Z.; Bibková, K.; Kyselová, Vendula; Mukenšnábl, P.; Hadravská, Š.


    Roč. 6, Suppl. 2 (2004), s. 34 ISSN 1212-687X. [Sjezd českých a slovenských klinických imunologů /21./. Brno, 03.11.2004-06.11.2004] R&D Projects: GA MZd NH7400 Keywords : annexin * primary antiphospholipid e syndrome * trophoblast Subject RIV: EC - Immunology

  7. Replacement of CH4 in the hydrate by use of liquid CO2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ota, Masaki; Morohashi, Kenji; Abe, Yuki; Watanabe, Masaru; Smith, Richard Lee Jr.; Inomata, Hiroshi


    The dynamics of CH 4 replacement in the CH 4 hydrate with saturated liquid CO 2 at 273.2 K was measured with a high pressure optical cell. The results showed that CH 4 in the hydrate gradually moved to the liquid CO 2 phase while CO 2 in the liquid phase penetrated into the hydrate from the quantitative analysis. The decomposing process of the CH 4 hydrate during the replacement was analyzed with in situ Raman spectroscopy, which allowed us to distinguish the cage structure of the CH 4 hydrate and discuss the microscopic view of the replacement in the hydrate. It was found that the decomposition of the medium cage (M-cage) in the CH 4 hydrate proceeded faster than that of the small cage (S-cage). The observed rate difference could be related to the stability of the S-cage in the CH 4 hydrate or the re-formation tendency of CH 4 and water molecules in the S-cage after decomposing the hydrate structure, whereas the guest molecule exchange of CH 4 with CO 2 could occur in the M-cage. Based on the experimental data, we developed a kinetic model for calculation of the CH 4 remaining in the hydrate considering the decomposition rate difference between the M-cage and S-cage in the CH 4 hydrate. The results indicate that the driving force could be the fugacity difference between the fluid phase and the hydrate phase for the replacement process

  8. Legislation of Renewable Energy Sources In Slovakia / Legislatívna Úprava Obnoviteľných Zdrojov Energie Na Slovensku

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marišová Eleonóra


    Full Text Available Pestovanie energetickych rastlin a drevin na poľnohospodarskej pode a ďalšie využitie ich energie predstavuje zasadny vyznam pre realizaciu dlhodobej strategie Slovenska v oblasti ziskavania a využivania obnoviteľnych zdrojov energie (OZE. Energeticke rastliny spĺňaju ciele strategie Europa 2020 a prispievaju k diverzifi kacii energetickych zdrojov. Prispevok vychadza z pravnych predpisov EU a narodnej legislativy upravujucej OZE. Analyzovane su Smernica 2009/28/ES Europskeho parlamentu a Rady z 23. aprila 2009 o podpore využivania energie z obnoviteľnych zdrojov a o zmene a naslednom zrušeni smernic 2001/77/ES a 2003/30/ES. Tema obnoviteľnych zdrojov energie je integrovana do Programu rozvoja vidieka 2014 - 2020. Konkretne Akčny plan pre biomasu 2008-2013, Strategia vyššieho využitia obnoviteľnych zdrojov energie na Slovensku a Strategia energetickej bezpečnosti Slovenska bola prijata až do roku 2030. Trvalo udržateľne využivanie poľnohospodarskej pody, jeho riadenie a využivanie, ako aj ochrana jeho kvality a funkcie su upravene zakonom č 220/2004 Zb. o ochrane a využivani poľnohospodarskej pody a ktorym sa meni zakon č. 245/2003 Zb., o integrovanej prevencii a kontrole znečisťovania životneho prostredia a o zmene niektorych zakonov v zneni neskoršich predpisov, ktory nadobudol učinnosť 1. maja 2004. Zakon č. 57/2013 Zb., ktory je platny od 1. aprila 2013, stanovuje zasady a postup zriaďovania plantaži rychlorastucich drevin na poľnohospodarskej pode. Slovenska pravna uprava zaviedla register rychlo rastucich drevin na každom okresnom urade (72, na pozemkovom a lesnom odbore na Slovensku. Prieskum tychto registrov ukazuje, že tato pravna uprava podporuje poľnohospodarov, aby začali použivať marginalne pody pre rychlo rastuce dreviny.

  9. Efficient and stable CH3NH3PbI3-x(SCN)x planar perovskite solar cells fabricated in ambient air with low-temperature process (United States)

    Zhang, Zongbao; Zhou, Yang; Cai, Yangyang; Liu, Hui; Qin, Qiqi; Lu, Xubing; Gao, Xingsen; Shui, Lingling; Wu, Sujuan; Liu, Jun-Ming


    Planar perovskite solar cells (PSCs) based on CH3NH3PbI3-x(SCN)x (SCN: thiocyanate) active layer and low-temperature processed TiO2 films are fabricated by a sequential two-step method in ambient air. Here, alkali thiocyanates (NaSCN, KSCN) are added into Pb(SCN)2 precursor to improve the microstructure of CH3NH3PbI3-x(SCN)x perovskite layers and performance of the as-prepared PSCs. At the optimum concentrations of alkali thiocyanates as additives, the as-prepared NaSCN-modified and KSCN-modified PSCs demonstrate the efficiencies of 16.59% and 15.63% respectively, being much higher than 12.73% of the reference PSCs without additives. This improvement is primarily ascribed to the enhanced electron transport, reduced recombination rates and much improved microstructures with large grain size and low defect density at grain boundaries. Importantly, it is revealed that the modified PSCs at the optimized concentrations of alkali thiocyanates additives exhibit remarkably improved stability than the reference PSCs against humid circumstance, and a continuous exposure to humid air without encapsulation over 45 days only records about 5% degradation of the efficiency. These findings provide a facile approach to fabricate efficient and stable PSCs by low processing temperature in ambient air, both of which are highly preferred for future practical applications of PSCs.

  10. Parametri za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liljana Ugrinova


    Full Text Available Napraven e pregled na parametrite za procena na kvalitetot na polietilenska i na polipropilenska ambalaza i na gumeni zatvoraci nameneti za farmacevtski preparati. Za procena na kvalitetot na ispituvaniot materijal bea izvrseni fizicki, hemiski i bioloski ispituvanja spored postapkite dadeni vo Ph. Eur., DIN i spored DIN ISO standardite. Baranjata za kvalitet na ovoj vid ambalaza propisani spored Ph. Eur., DIN i DIN ISO standardite se razlikuvaat vo odnos na predvidenite parametri za fizicki, za hemiski i za bioloski ispituvanja. Isto taka, propisani se i razlicni granici na dozvoleno otstapuvanje na oddelni parametri.

  11. Estilo desornamentado, arquitetura-chã: alguns aspectos do renascimento na Península Ibérica

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    Andrea Buchidid Loewen


    Full Text Available En el siglo 16, en la Península Ibérica, la asimilación del romano dale impulsión a una corriente arquitectónica en la cual un clasicismo progresivo e la desnudez decorativa anuncian la llegada del llamado Renacimiento. A despecho de sus peculiaridades, tanto el estilo-chão portugués cuanto el desornamentado español se sostienen sobre doctrinas arquitectónicas de origen itálica. Traídas sea por los artífices que estuvieran en tales tierras - o por los arquitectos desde allá llamados a trabajar en la Península - sea por los tratados de arquitectura importados y, más tarde, traducidos al castellano y al portugués, tales doctrinas alimentaran todavía la publicación de otras significativas obras de sistematización teórica, como la sagrediana Medidas del romano. Esto artículo discute tales aspectos del Renacimiento en la Península Ibérica.

  12. Investigation on thermal evaporated CH3NH3PbI3 thin films

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Youzhen Li


    Full Text Available CH3NH3I, PbI2 and CH3NH3PbI3 films were fabricated by evaporation and characterized with X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS and X-ray diffraction (XRD. The XPS results indicate that the PbI2 and CH3NH3PbI3 films are more uniform and stable than the CH3NH3I film. The atomic ratio of the CH3NH3I, PbI2 and CH3NH3PbI3 films are C:N:I=1.00:1.01:0.70, Pb:I= 1.00:1.91 and C: N: Pb: I = 1.29:1.07:1.00:2.94, respectively. The atomic ratio of CH3NH3PbI3 is very close to that of the ideal perovskite. Small angle x-ray diffraction results demonstrate that the as evaporated CH3NH3PbI3 film is crystalline. The valence band maximum (VBM and work function (WF of the CH3NH3PbI3 film are about 0.85eV and 4.86eV, respectively.

  13. Selective Generation of the Radical Cation Isomers [CH3CN](•+) and [CH2CNH](•+) via VUV Photoionization of Different Neutral Precursors and Their Reactivity with C2H4. (United States)

    Polášek, Miroslav; Zins, Emilie-Laure; Alcaraz, Christian; Žabka, Ján; Křížová, Věra; Giacomozzi, Linda; Tosi, Paolo; Ascenzi, Daniela


    Experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out to demonstrate the selective generation of two different C2H3N(+) isomers, namely, the acetonitrile [CH3CN](•+) and the ketenimine [CH2CNH](•+) radical cations. Photoionization and dissociative photoionization experiments from different neutral precursors (acetonitrile and butanenitrile) have been performed using vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation in the 10-15 eV energy range, delivered by the DESIRS beamline at the SOLEIL storage ring. For butanenitrile (CH3CH2CH2CN) an experimental ionization threshold of 11.29 ± 0.05 eV is obtained, whereas the appearance energy for the formation of [CH2CNH](•+) fragments is 11.52 ± 0.05 eV. Experimental findings are fully supported by theoretical calculations at the G4 level of theory (ZPVE corrected energies at 0 K), giving a value of 11.33 eV for the adiabatic ionization energy of butanenitrile and an exothermicity of 0.49 for fragmentation into [CH2CNH](•+) plus C2H4, hampered by an energy barrier of 0.29 eV. The energy difference between [CH3CN](•+) and [CH2CNH](•+) is 2.28 eV (with the latter being the lowest energy isomer), and the isomerization barrier is 0.84 eV. Reactive monitoring experiments of the [CH3CN](•+) and [CH2CNH](•+) isomers with C2H4 have been performed using the CERISES guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer and exploiting the selectivity of ethylene that gives exothermic charge exchange and proton transfer reactions with [CH3CN](•+) but not with [CH2CNH](•+) isomers. In addition, minor reactive channels are observed leading to the formation of new C-C bonds upon reaction of [CH3CN](•+) with C2H4, and their astrochemical implications are briefly discussed.

  14. Faktorová analýza antropometrických charakteristik u mladých plavců ve věku 11 a 12 let Factor analysis of anthropometric characteristics in young swimmers aged 11 and 12

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Zofia Ignasiak


    Full Text Available Cílem této práce bylo popsat vybrané somatické charakteristiky typické pro mladé plavce. Faktorová analýza umožnila úměrné snížení somatických ukazatelů a umožnila vypočítat hlavní strukturální faktory typické pro mladé plavce. Do výzkumného souboru bylo zařazeno 80 žáků (11 a 12letých přijatých ke studiu na základní sportovní škole ve Wroclawi. Sledovaní probandi trénovali po dobu 2–3 let a jejich průměrný tréninkový čas byl 12 až 18 hodin týdně. Byly měřeny následující parametry: tělesná výška a hmotnost, délka horních a dolních končetin, obvod stehen, lýtka, paží, předloktí, hrudníku v klidu, hrudníku po nádechu a po výdechu, obvod pasu a boků, šířka ramen, šířka boků, šířka hrudníku, hloubka hrudníku a Rohrerův index. K dosažení cíle této studie byla použita metoda faktorové analýzy. Analýza výsledků ukázala, že pouze některé zvláštnosti mezi sledovanými parametry jsou pro mladé plavce charakteristické. Jsou spojeny do 2 trsů somatických charakteristik: kubický obsah (zahrnuje tělesnou hmotnost, svalstvo, trup a obvod horních a dolních končetin a vertikální rozměr (zahrnuje tělesnou výšku a délku horních a dolních končetin. Tyto parametry signalizují formování postavy typické pro plavce, charakteristické specifickými proporcemi tělesné hmotnosti a výšky, hrudníku a boků a obvykle delšími končetinami. Výsledky naznačují, že antropometrické charakteristiky lze použít pro optimalizaci tréninkového procesu mladých plavců. The aim of this study was to describe the set of somatic characteristics, which significantly discriminate young swimmers. The factor analysis let us reduce the number of somatic traits mostly correlated and to calculate the main structural factors typical for young swimmers. There were 80 pupils (11 and 12 years old from the primary sport school in Wroclaw recruited for the study

  15. Palladium-catalysed electrophilic aromatic C-H fluorination (United States)

    Yamamoto, Kumiko; Li, Jiakun; Garber, Jeffrey A. O.; Rolfes, Julian D.; Boursalian, Gregory B.; Borghs, Jannik C.; Genicot, Christophe; Jacq, Jérôme; van Gastel, Maurice; Neese, Frank; Ritter, Tobias


    Aryl fluorides are widely used in the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries, and recent advances have enabled their synthesis through the conversion of various functional groups. However, there is a lack of general methods for direct aromatic carbon-hydrogen (C-H) fluorination. Conventional methods require the use of either strong fluorinating reagents, which are often unselective and difficult to handle, such as elemental fluorine, or less reactive reagents that attack only the most activated arenes, which reduces the substrate scope. A method for the direct fluorination of aromatic C-H bonds could facilitate access to fluorinated derivatives of functional molecules that would otherwise be difficult to produce. For example, drug candidates with improved properties, such as increased metabolic stability or better blood-brain-barrier penetration, may become available. Here we describe an approach to catalysis and the resulting development of an undirected, palladium-catalysed method for aromatic C-H fluorination using mild electrophilic fluorinating reagents. The reaction involves a mode of catalysis that is unusual in aromatic C-H functionalization because no organometallic intermediate is formed; instead, a reactive transition-metal-fluoride electrophile is generated catalytically for the fluorination of arenes that do not otherwise react with mild fluorinating reagents. The scope and functional-group tolerance of this reaction could provide access to functional fluorinated molecules in pharmaceutical and agrochemical development that would otherwise not be readily accessible.

  16. Synthesis and characterization of NaSbS2 thin film for potential photodetector and photovoltaic application

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Zhe Xia; Jiang Tang; Feng-Xin Yu; Shuai-Cheng Lu; Ding-Jiang Xue; Yi-Su He; Bo Yang; Chong Wang; Rui-Qing Ding; Jie Zhong


    Solution-processed semiconductors such as perovskite compounds have attracted tremendous attention to photovoltaic research due to the significantly higher energy conversion efficiencies and lower processing costs.However,concerns over stability and the toxicity on lead in CH3NH3PbI3 create the need for still easily-accessible but more stable and environmentally friendly materials.Here,we present NaSbS2 as a non-toxic,earth-abundant promising material consisting of densely packed (1/∞) [SbS2-] polymeric chains and sodium ions.The ionic nature makes it sharing the similar dissolution superiority with perovskite,providing great potential for low-cost and large-scale fabrication.Phase pure NaSbS2 thin film was successfully fabricated using spray-pyrolysis method,and its photovoltaic relevant material,optical and electrical properties were carefully studied.Finally,a prototype NaSbS2-based thinfilm solar cell has been successfully demonstrated,yielding a power conversion efficiency of 0.13%.The systematic experimental and theoretical investigations,combined with proof-of-principle device results,indicate that NaSbS2 is indeed very promising for photovoltaic application.

  17. Rhodium-catalyzed C-H functionalization with N-acylsaccharins. (United States)

    Wu, Hongxiang; Liu, Tingting; Cui, Ming; Li, Yue; Jian, Junsheng; Wang, Hui; Zeng, Zhuo


    A rhodium-catalyzed C-H functionalization with activated amides by decarbonylation has been developed. Notably, this is the first C-H arylation employing N-acylsaccharins as coupling partners to give biaryls in good to excellent yields. The highlight of the work is the high tolerance of functional groups such as formyl, ester, and vinyl and the use of a removable directing group.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Suzuki, Taiki; Ohishi, Masatoshi; Hirota, Tomoya; Saito, Masao [Department of Astronomy, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Osawa 2-21-1, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-8588 (Japan); Majumdar, Liton; Wakelam, Valentine, E-mail: [Univ. Bordeaux, LAB, UMR 5804, F-33270, Floirac (France)


    We conducted survey observations of a glycine precursor, methanimine, or methylenimine (CH{sub 2}NH), with the Nobeyama Radio Observatory 45 m telescope and the Sub-Millimeter Radio telescope toward 12 high-mass and two low-mass star-forming regions in order to increase the number of known CH{sub 2}NH sources and to better understand the characteristics of CH{sub 2}NH sources. As a result of our survey, CH{sub 2}NH was detected in eight sources, including four new sources. The estimated fractional abundances were ∼10{sup −8} in Orion KL and G10.47+0.03, while they were ∼10{sup −9} toward the other sources. Our hydrogen recombination line and past studies suggest that CH{sub 2}NH-rich sources have less (this mean not so evolved) evolved H ii regions. The lower destruction rates from UV flux from the central star would contribute to the high CH{sub 2}NH abundances toward CH{sub 2}NH-rich sources. Our gas-grain chemical simulations suggest that CH{sub 2}NH is mostly formed in the gas phase by neutral–neutral reactions, rather than being the product of thermal evaporation from dust surfaces.

  19. Radiative association of CH3(+) and H2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bates, D.R.


    The temperature variation of the rate coefficient for k(1) for CH3(+) + H2 yields CH5(+) + hv is computed treating the para and ortho forms of H2 separately, taking account of nuclear spin and using an accurate theory of the kinetics of association. The results are made absolute with the aid of the measurement at 13 K by Barlow et al. (1984). By combining this measurement with the CH5(+) vibrational frequencies obtained by Pople (1984) from a quantal study, it is deduced that the probability of the stabilizing radiative transition is 5400/s. The rate coefficients k(1) (T, para) and k(1) (T, ortho) are given at 13 K, 30 K, and 80 K. 23 references

  20. Estudio del CH interestelar (United States)

    Olano, C.; Lemarchand, G.; Sanz, A. J.; Bava, J. A.

    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en el estudio de la distribución y abundancia del CH en nubes interestelares a través de la observación de las líneas hiperfinas del CH en 3,3 GHz. El CH es una molécula de amplia distribución en el espacio interestelar y una de las pocas especies que han sido observadas tanto con técnicas de radio como ópticas. Desde el punto de vista tecnológico se ha desarrollado un cabezal de receptor que permitirá la realización de observaciones polarimétricas en la frecuencia de 3,3 GHz, con una temperatura del sistema de 60 K y un ancho de banda de 140 MHz, y que será instalado en el foco primario de la antena parabólica del IAR. El cabezal del receptor es capaz de detectar señales polarizadas, separando las componentes de polarización circular derecha e izquierda. Para tal fin el cabezal consta de dos ramas receptoras que amplificarán la señal y la trasladarán a una frecuencia más baja (frecuencia intermedia), permitiendo de esa forma un mejor transporte de la señal a la sala de control para su posterior procesamiento. El receptor además de tener características polarimétricas, podrá ser usado en el continuo y en la línea, utilizando las ventajas observacionales y de procesamiento de señal que actualmente posee el IAR.