
Sample records for type metodi operazionali

  1. Implementace metody Balanced Scorecard


    Neuwirth, Pavel


    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti pomocí metody Balanced Scorecard. Teoretická část práce popisuje východiska měření výkonnosti, metody Balanced Scorecard a postup při její implementaci. Analytická část vychází z teoretických poznatků z první části a hodnotí situaci společnosti finanční analýzou poměrových ukazatelů, strategickou analýzou a následným sestavením návrhu implementace metody Balanced Scorecard v konkrétní společnosti. Thesis is focused on evaluati...

  2. Metodi matematici della fisica

    CERN Document Server

    Cicogna, Giampaolo


    Questo libro trae la sua origine dagli appunti preparati per le lezioni di Metodi Matematici della Fisica tenute al Dipartimento di Fisica dell'Università di Pisa, e via via sistemati, raffinati e aggiornati nel corso di molti anni di insegnamento. L'intento generale è di fornire una presentazione per quanto possibile semplice e diretta dei metodi matematici basilari e rilevanti per la Fisica. Anche allo scopo di mantenere questo testo entro i limiti di un manuale di dimensioni contenute e di agevole consultazione, sono stati spesso sacrificati i dettagli tecnici delle dimostrazioni matematiche (o anzi le dimostrazioni per intero) e anche i formalismi eccessivi, che tendono a nascondere la vera natura dei problemi. Al contrario, si è cercato di evidenziare – per quanto possibile – le idee sottostanti e le motivazioni che conducono ai diversi procedimenti. L'obiettivo principale e quello di mettere in condizione chi ha letto questo libro di acquisire gli strumenti adatti e le conoscenze di base che gli ...

  3. Moderní metody elektro-erozivního obrábění, navazující dokončovací metody


    Kalenda, Jan


    - Základní metody elektroerozivního obrábění. - Oblasti použití elektroerozivního obrábění. - Používané dokončovací metody. - Příklady využití. - Zhodnocení vybraných metod, včetně technickoekonomického využití. - Srovnání metod a předpoklady do budoucna. - Basic method electroerosion machining cutting - Areas using electroerosion machining cutting - Used completing method - Instances usage - Estimation method, technical economic usage - Juxtaposition methods B...

  4. Wybór najskuteczniejszej metody rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych z wykorzystaniem metody AHP


    Joanna Chmist; Mateusz Hämmerling


    Problem z jakością wód w zamkniętych zbiornikach jest znany od lat. Poprawa parametrów jakości wody w jeziorze zwiększa możliwości jego wykorzystania. Obecnie istnieje wiele metod rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych. Wybór odpowiedniej uwarunkowany jest zarówno oddziaływaniem różnorodnych czynników powodujących stopniową degradację jezior, jak i kosztami rekultywacji czy typem zbiornika. W artykule zaprezentowano praktyczne zastosowanie metody AHP w rozwiązaniu wielokryterialnych problemów rekult...

  5. Wybór najskuteczniejszej metody rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych z wykorzystaniem metody AHP

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    Joanna Chmist


    Full Text Available Problem z jakością wód w zamkniętych zbiornikach jest znany od lat. Poprawa parametrów jakości wody w jeziorze zwiększa możliwości jego wykorzystania. Obecnie istnieje wiele metod rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych. Wybór odpowiedniej uwarunkowany jest zarówno oddziaływaniem różnorodnych czynników powodujących stopniową degradację jezior, jak i kosztami rekultywacji czy typem zbiornika. W artykule zaprezentowano praktyczne zastosowanie metody AHP w rozwiązaniu wielokryterialnych problemów rekultywacji zbiorników wodnych. Metoda ta umożliwia uwzględnienie wielu aspektów dotyczących danego problemu i znalezienie poszukiwanego rozwiązania zarówno na podstawie parametrów mierzalnych, jak i ocen ekspertów.

  6. Equazioni a derivate parziali metodi, modelli e applicazioni

    CERN Document Server

    Salsa, Sandro


    Il testo costituisce una introduzione alla teoria delle equazioni a derivate parziali, strutturata in modo da abituare il lettore ad una sinergia tra modellistica e aspetti teorici. La prima parte riguarda le più note equazioni della fisica-matematica, idealmente raggruppate nelle tre macro-aree diffusione, propagazione e trasporto, onde e vibrazioni. Nella seconda parte si presenta la formulazione variazionale dei principali problemi iniziali e/o al bordo e la loro analisi con i metodi dell'Analisi Funzionale negli spazi di Hilbert.

  7. Le prime sensazioni al pianoforte restano per sempre? Indagine sui metodi pianistici per principianti

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    Giuseppe Sellari


    Full Text Available I metodi d’insegnamento del pianoforte utilizzati in Italia sono caratterizzati da percorsi basati su differenti ipotesi teoriche e indicazioni pratiche. Il primo libro di pianoforte, qualunque sia il suo valore, stabilisce il primo contatto con lo strumento, lasciando una forte impressione e tracciando il profilo delle competenze inizialmente sviluppate. Una più profonda comprensione di questi testi può mostrare quali sono le capacità e le strategie di apprendimento proposte dai metodi adottati e conseguentemente dagli insegnanti. L'obiettivo di questo studio è quello di identificare quali sono le scelte metodologiche più rappresentative nella didattica pianistica italiana degli ultimi 50 anni. I risultati sono basati sui dati raccolti dai questionari somministrati a 200 pianisti, di età compresa tra 20 e 60, ai quali è stato chiesto, insieme a informazioni generiche, quale fosse stato il loro primo libro pianoforte, quali aspetti positivi o negativi ricordavano maggiormente e quali ritenevano essere più utili. I dati suggeriscono una preferenza rilevante di cinque metodi, che sono stati analizzati secondo una serie di criteri metodologici e analitici. I risultati indicano un panorama metodologico concentrato principalmente sul rapporto iniziale con lo strumento e sulla lettura musicale. Questo studio contribuisce alla riflessione su due aspetti metodologici: lo sviluppo di nuovi repertori e la proposta di metodologie in grado di rispettare il mondo emotivo e cognitivo dei principianti.

  8. Methods of censusing Red fox (Vulpes vulpes populations / Metodi di censimento della Volpe (Vulpes vulpes

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    Juan Francisco Beltrán


    Full Text Available Abstract Estimating absolute or relative numbers in red fox populations is not an easy task. Although a range of methods has been described, neither an optimal nor a universally accepted technique has been found. Moreover, none has been tested on populations of known size. We reviewed the efficiency of fourteen indices of fox abundance classified into two groups: (a methods where individuals are captured and marked, which include ear tagging or similar conspicuous markings, toe clipping, radioactive tagging of faeces, radio-tracking, and statistics from hunting and trapping; (b methods not requiring capture, which include both direct methods (nocturnal counts, unsystematic observations, and drive censuses, and indirect methods (den counts, transects for track, scat counts, and scent stations. As a rule, statistics are rarely applicable to populations estimates. Methods involving capture are expensive but provide more accurate estimates than the second group of indices, which are not suitable for paired comparisons from one year to another. Management and wildlife specialists should have in mind such restrictions when considering their goals and the required level of accuracy. Finally, we recommend the simultaneous utilization and comparison of several methods (one from each group, as proposed in a double sampling strategy for optimum evaluations. Riassunto La valutazione della consistenza di una popolazione di Volpe, mediante censimenti assoluti o relativi, è di difficile soluzione. Tra i diversi metodi di conteggio impiegati, nessuno si è rivelato ottimale e universale. Tuttavia nessuno è stato utilizzato per popolazioni di consistenza nota. Qui esaminiamo la validità di 14 metodi impiegati per il calcolo di indici di abbondanza, ripartendoli in due gruppi: (a metodi che implicano la cattura e il marcamento degli animali mediante marche auricolari o contrassegni similari, amputazione delle falangi

  9. Chirurgiczne metody leczenia padaczki

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    Beata Kaczorowska


    Full Text Available U około 6–10% chorych z padaczką, u których stosowano różne kombinacje leków przeciwpadaczkowych, mimo systematycznego leczenia nadal występują napady. Są to chorzy z tzw. padaczką lekooporną. Autorzy przedstawiają możliwości chirurgicznego leczenia takich osób. Potencjalnymi kandydatami do takiego leczenia padaczki są też chorzy z napadami częściowymi prostymi z precyzyjnie określonym ogniskiem padaczkorodnym, którego usunięcie jest możliwe i nie spowoduje powstania u pacjenta tzw. ubytków neurologicznych. W pracy omówiono techniki diagnostyczne pozwalające zlokalizować ognisko padaczkowe w mózgu (EEG z możliwościami długotrwałego monitorowania: Holter, wideometria, telemetria; cyfrowe EEG: rezonans magnetyczny, SPECT, PET, elektrokortykografia. Przedstawiono także rodzaje zabiegów neurochirurgicznych wykonywanych w celu leczenia padaczki: zabiegi resekcyjne (lobektomia, lezjonektomia, hemisferektomia, rozległa resekcja wielopłatowa, zabiegi rozłączeniowe (kallozotomia oraz zabiegi neurostymulacyjne (stymulacja nerwu błędnego, głęboka stymulacja mózgu. Autorzy uważają, że w pewnych określonych przypadkach chorych z padaczką niepoddającą się leczeniu farmakologicznemu są to skuteczne metody leczenia.

  10. Použití erozní potenciální metody v České republice


    Hloušek, Jakub


    V rámci bakalářské práce bylo provedeno vyhodnocení ztráty půdy pro zájmové území nacházející se v severozápadní části povodí Němčického potoka, v okresu Blansko. Výpočet byl stanoven dvěma metodami, a to erozně potenciální metodou EPM, využívanou v Srbsku a metodou universální rovnice Wischmeiera a Smithe - USLE, využívanou pro podmínky v ČR. Nakonec byly obě tyto metody vzájemně porovnány. Obě metody využívají jiný způsob výpočtu. Metoda USLE využívá univerzální rovnici pro výpočet průměrné...

  11. Metody fizykalne w terapii odleżyn = Physical methods for the treatment of bedsores

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    Agnieszka Radzimińska


    • 5.      Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy, Bydgoszcz, Polska   Adres do korespondencji: dr n. med. Agnieszka Radzimińska Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu Collegium Medicum im. Ludwika Rydygiera w Bydgoszczy Katedra Fizjoterapii ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz e-mail:   Streszczenie Odleżyny (obok zakażeń szpitalnych to najpoważniejsze powikłania występujące u pacjentów hospitalizowanych. Od lat poszukuje się najskuteczniejszych metod leczenia zachowawczego odleżyn. Wśród tych metod należy zwrócić uwagę na metody leczenia fizykalnego, a wśród nich: fototerapię, elektroterapię, magnetoterapię i sonoterapię.   Summary Pressure ulcers (next to nosocomial infections are the most serious complications occurring in hospitalized patients. For years he sought the most effective methods of conservative treatment of pressure ulcers. Among these methods, you must pay attention to the methods of physical treatment, among them: phototherapy, electrotherapy, magnetic fields and sonotherapy.   Słowa kluczowe: metody fizykalne; terapia; odleżyny. Keywords: physical methods; therapy; bedsores.

  12. Analysis of Soft Soil Consolidation with the Application of Prefabricated Vertical Drains with Preloading Method Using Fem / Analiza Konsolidacji Słabych Gruntów Przy Uzyciu Metody Elementów Skonczonych

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    Binder K.


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono zastosowanie metody elementów skonczonych przy przewidywaniu osiadan nasypów drogowych posadowionych na podłozu wzmacnianym przy uzyciu nasypu przeciazajacego i drenazu pionowego. Idea metody było przejscie z analitycznego rozwiazania jednowymiarowej konsolidacji do rozwiazania w Płaskim Stanie Odkształcenia z zachowaniem ekwiwalentnego czasu konsolidacji oraz porównanie z wynikami uzyskanymi z bezposrednich pomiarów osiadan nasypu drogowego bedacego czescia Obwodnicy Południowej Gdanska, zlokalizowanego w okolicach miejscowosci Przejazdowo.



    Gemzik-Salwach, Agata


    Celem niniejszego artykułu była ocena potencjału rozwojowego firm start-up w Polsce. W artykule przedstawione zostały metody oceny przedsiębiorstw start-up oraz wyniki badań własnych poświęconych potencjałowi firm start-up w Polsce. Pierwszą część artykułu stanowi opis cech charakterystycznych młodych spółek i możliwych sposobów ich wyceny. Kolejna cześć artykułu obejmuje szczegółowe omówienie wyników przeprowadzonych badań. W badaniach wykorzystano powstałą na bazie doświadczeń amerykańskieg...

  14. Criteri e metodi per l’adeguamento prestazionale del patrimonio architettonico degli anni trenta del Novecento. La Facoltà di Ingegneria di Bologna

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    Riccardo Gulli


    Full Text Available La riflessione su criteri e metodi idonei per il recupero del patrimonio architettonico esistente richiede di incentrare la tematica su azioni che sappiano coniugare l’istanza storica ed estetica con quella dell’innovazione tecnologica; il presente contributo intende mostrare come l’integrazione di componenti impiantistici ed edilizi, unitamente all’adozione di sistemi domotici di controllo e gestione del comfort interno, possa favorire l’adeguamento agli standard attuali pur preservando i caratteri originari.

  15. Kopuły historyczne a metody konserwacji drewna

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    Barbara Misztal


    Full Text Available W artykule zestawiono różne rozwiązania systemów konstrukcyjnych historycznych kopuł z drewna litego układając je w typologiczny szereg obejmujący kopuły o rozpiętości od kilku do 67,0 metrów średnicy rzutu poziomego. Wiele z nich uległo zniszczeniu w pożarach wywołanych wojnami lub przez ludzką ignorancję. O trwałości drewna w konstrukcji decydują również metody konserwacji, w które coraz częściej wkraczają współczesne materiały i technologie. Wykorzystując analogię budowy drewna do kompozytów włóknistych omówiono zmniejszenie nośności ściskanych prętów z drewna z powodu uszkodzenia komórek miękiszowych (jako lepko-sprężystej matrycy na skutek zastosowania niewłaściwych metod i preparatów w konserwacji. Sformułowano kryterium wyboru materiałów termoizolacyjnych wbudowywanych w bliskim sąsiedztwie drewna. Zarekomendowano materiały o stałym współczynniku  w przedziale naturalnych zmian wilgotności stropów i dachów. Materiały o pełnych, nie nasiąkliwych włóknach, takie jak wełna mineralna i wata szklana nie spełniają tego kryterium.

  16. Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku prostřednictvím implementace metody BSC


    Musilová, Lucie


    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na měření výkonnosti podniku DSB EURO, s. r. o. pomocí metody Balanced Scorecard. Teoretická část práce popisuje koncept Balanced Scorecard a postup při jeho implementaci. Praktická část vychází z teorie popsané v diplomové práci a hodnotí současnou situaci podniku nejen za pomocí finančních ale i nefinančních měřítek. Z výsledků analýz je vytvořen návrh implementace konceptu do zvoleného podniku. Závěrečná část je zaměřena na shrnutí možných rizik, předpokládané p...

  17. Návrh změny metody konsolidace u vybraného konsolidovaného celku


    Čadová, Michaela


    Téma diplomové práce je konsolidace účetní závěrky. Práce obsahuje teoretická východiska, která se týkají problematiky konsolidace účetní závěrky, a tyto poznatky jsou potom zúročeny v části praktické. Analytická část se zaobírá zhodnocením současného stavu, obsahuje tedy původní konsolidaci účetní závěrky zvolené společnosti. V návrhové části je aplikována nová metoda konsolidace účetní závěrky. Následně je zhodnocen dopad změny konsolidační metody na ekonomickou situaci konsolidačního celku...

  18. Metody urgentního mapování v krizových situacích s využitím komunitních a participativních nástrojů GIS

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Trojan, Jakub


    Roč. 2, č. 2 (2015), s. 1-6 ISSN 1804-1795 Institutional support: RVO:68145535 Keywords : crisis mapping * participative GIS * geoinformatics * crisis management * Ushahidi Subject RIV: DE - Earth Magnetism, Geodesy, Geography

  19. Problems caused by dioxins and furans. Pt. 2. Controls and degradation methods; `I problemi causati da diossine e furani. Pt. 2. Metodi di contenimento e di degradazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gervasini, A.; Vezzoli, G.C.; Ragaini, V. [Milan Univ. (Italy). Dip. di Chimica Fisica ed Elettrochimica


    The environmental effects and the toxicity towards human health caused by polychlorodibenzodioxins and furans (PCDD/F) is related to the peculiar properties of the various isomers and to the geographic and climatic characteristics of the emission sources. The different methods and techniques of control and degradation introduced in the last years have to take into account the type and the location of the source. A survey of the principal methods of degradation of PCDD/F, thermal, chemical, photochemical, and catalytic decomposition, with their advantages and limits is presented. [Italiano] L`impatto che policlorodibenzodiossine e furani (PCDD/F) provocano sull`ambiente e sulla salute dell`uomo e` legato oltre che alle proprieta` peculiari dei vari congeneri alle caratteristiche geografiche e climatologiche del luogo in cui vengono emesse. Le metodologie di contenimento e le tecniche di degradazione messe a punto negli ultimi anni devono tenere in considerazione anche l`ubicazione e il tipo di sorgente dell`emissione. Viene fornita una panoramica sui principali metodi di degradazione di PCDD/F discutendo vantaggi e limiti delle varie tecniche: decomposizione termica, chimica, fotochimica e catalitica.

  20. Niewirusowy transfer genów do komórek skóry – wybrane metody = Non-viral gene transfer into skin cells – selected methods

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    Ewelina Wędrowska


    3Department of Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Chemistry, Nicolaus Copernicus University Collegium Medicum, Bydgoszcz, Poland       Streszczenie   Wprowadzenie: Skóra jako największy i najłatwiej dostępny narząd stanowi atrakcyjny cel dla terapii genowej, która od wielu lat budzi ogromne nadzieje środowiska naukowego. Jednakże, próby terapii przeprowadzone z wykorzystaniem wektorów wirusowych wykazały szereg wad i ograniczeń obserwowano indukcję odpowiedzi immunologicznej, losową integrację transgenu z genomem gospodarza i/lub niską wydajność jego ekspresji. Dlatego, wciąż poszukuje się alternatywnych, skuteczniejszych i jednocześnie bezpieczniejszych metod transferu genów. Atrakcyjnej alternatywy upatruje się w metodach niewirusowych. Cel pracy: Przedstawienie wybranych metod niewirusowego transferu genów wykorzystywanych w terapii genowej chorób skóry. Skrócony opis stanu wiedzy: Terapia genowa chorób skóry obejmuje wykorzystanie wektorów plazmidowych jako nośnika genów terapeutycznych, a także metod ich dostarczania do komórek takich jak: elektroporacja, mikroiniekcja, sonikacja, wykorzystanie nośników lipidowych i polimerów kationowych. Podsumowanie: Niewirusowe metody transferu genów oferują pewne zalety włączając niską toksyczność, brak infekcyjności oraz łatwość i niskie koszty produkcji w porównaniu z technikami wirusowymi. Niewirusowe metody wydają się być obiecującym narzędziem terapii genowej chorób skóry w szczególności nowotworów tego narządu.   Słowa kluczowe: plazmid, transfer genów, skóra, wirus, terapia genowa.     Summary Introduction: Skin, the largest and most accessible organ of the human body is considered as an ideal gene therapy target. However, various types of viral vectors used in classical gene therapy have a number of disadvantages, such as possibility of immune response induction, random integration of inserts into the host genome or low expression efficiency

  1. Analiza porównawcza wyników badania oczopląsu w teście kalorycznym uzyskanych przy użyciu metody ENG i VNG u osób zdrowych

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    Renata Pepaś


    Full Text Available Wprowadzenie: Najważniejszą obiektywną metodą oceny zaburzeń układu równowagi jest badanie oczopląsu. Badanie kaloryczne jako jedyny test obrazuje pobudliwość poszczególnych błędników, umożliwiając ocenę każdego z nich osobno. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest analiza porównawcza wyników badania oczopląsu kalorycznego uzyskanych przy użyciu metody ENG i VNG u osób zdrowych. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto grupę 20 osób zdrowych, w tym 10 kobiet i 10 mężczyzn w wieku 22-26 lat. U wszystkich chorych przeprowadzono badanie podmiotowe oraz badanie przedmiotowe otoneurologiczne, badanie ENG i w odstępie 7-dniowym badanie VNG z kalibracją, oceną oczopląsu samoistnego oraz próbami kalorycznymi wg Hallpike’a. Test kaloryczny wykonano kalorymetrem powietrznym firmy HOMOTH, używając temperatury powietrza 30°C oraz 44°C, podawanych przez 40 s do ucha. Wyniki: W teście kalorycznym u żadnej osoby nie stwierdzono deficytu kanałowego wykraczającego poza granice przyjętych norm. Zaobserwowano niższe wartości średnie maksymalnej prędkości wolnej fazy oczopląsów w badaniu ENG niż VNG. Ponadto badanie VNG dodatkowo umożliwiło wyznaczenie wartości przewagi kierunkowej bezwzględnej oraz średniej pobudliwości błędników. Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż badanie VNG w stosunku do badania ENG jest bardziej precyzyjne i umożliwia dokładniejsze opisanie próby kalorycznej wg Hallpike’a. W badaniu VNG analiza parametru przewagi kierunkowej bezwzględnej znacznie podnosi wartość próby kalorycznej wg Hallpike’a.

  2. Egzemplifikacja Tomograficznej Metody Do Oceny Jakości Połączeń Spawanych Ze Stopu EN 5754 H22

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    Błachnio Józef


    Full Text Available Jakość połączeń spawanych zależna jest od wielu czynników. Przedmiotowe normy określają warunki techniczne oceny jakościowej spawów, co stanowi podstawę do uznania połączenia za zgodne z wymaganiami lub wadliwe. W praktyce wykonanie połączenia spawanego całkowicie pozbawionego wad jest trudne. Do kontroli wewnętrznej struktury połączenia wykorzystać można nieniszczącą metodę z zastosowaniem przemysłowego tomografu komputerowego. Ta nowoczesna metoda diagnozowania łączy badanie rentgenowskie z zaawansowaną technologią komputerową. Podstawową zaletą tomografii komputerowej jest badanie obiektów w trzech wymiarach oraz możliwość wykonania rekonstrukcji przestrzennych. Celem artykułu jest omówienie wykorzystania tej metody do oceny jakości połączeń spawanych stopów aluminium. Możliwości tomografii komputerowej przedstawiono na przykładzie próbek spawalniczych wykonanych metodą TIG przy różnych parametrach procesu. Dokonano analizy jakości próbek wykazujących najmniejsze i największe zewnętrzne, jak również wewnętrzne wady spawalnicze.

  3. Metody badania spontanicznych i spowodowanych lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi zaburzeń ruchowych w schizofrenii

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    Olga Kałużyńska


    Full Text Available Od dawna wiadomo, że przynajmniej niektóre zaburzenia motoryczne występują u chorych na schizofrenię jeszcze przed podjęciem leczenia lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi istotnie statystycznie częściej niż w populacji ogólnej. Wpro‑ wadzenie leków przeciwpsychotycznych zahamowało jednak ten nurt badań, bowiem od tej pory koncentrowano się wyłącznie na objawach zaburzeń ruchowych powstałych w wyniku stosowania neuroleptyków. W kilku pracach wy‑ kazano również, że niektóre zaburzenia ruchowe są częstsze i bardziej nasilone u krewnych I stopnia osób chorych, lecz rzadsze i mniej nasilone niż u chorych na schizofrenię. Obecnie istnieje wiele narzędzi – skal klinicznych, używa‑ nych w praktyce i badaniach, opartych na obserwacji klinicznej, służących do oceny występowania i nasilenia zabu‑ rzeń motorycznych zarówno spontanicznych, jak i związanych z leczeniem lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi. Najczęściej przy pomocy tych skal ocenia się i monitoruje objawy parkinsonizmu, dystonie oraz akatyzję. Uważa się, że wszyst‑ kie te narzędzia mają jednak wiele wad i nie pozwalają na wykrycie i obiektywny pomiar subklinicznych objawów za‑ burzeń motorycznych. Instrumentalne metody oceny zaburzeń ruchowych (spontanicznych i spowodowanych leka‑ mi przeciwpsychotycznymi pozwalają na wykrycie właśnie subtelnych, słabo nasilonych objawów i dlatego mogą być przydatne przy identyfikacji osób z tzw. stanem wysokiego ryzyka rozwoju psychozy, ocenie występowania dysfunkcji motorycznych u krewnych osób chorych na schizofrenię, a także określaniu stopnia i rodzaju odpowiedzi na leczenie lekami przeciwpsychotycznymi. Większość tych metod wymaga jednak skomplikowanej aparatury i procedury analizy uzyskanych wyników. Jedną z interesujących i stosunkowo łatwych do realizacji metod instrumentalnych wydaje się wieloaspektowa ocena pisma. Zastosowanie nowych metod oceny zaburzeń motorycznych konieczne

  4. Posouzení metody stanovení průtoku jímáním kapaliny do odměrné nebo vážicí nádoby


    Valdová, Klára


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá posouzením dvou metod měření průtoku používaných v oblasti úředního měření v profilech s volnou hladinou. A to metodou jímání kapaliny do odměrné nádoby a metodou jímání kapaliny do vážicí nádoby (vaku). Hlavním cílem práce bylo v rámci řešení Plánu rozvoje metrologie ÚNMZ zpřesnění nejistot určených způsobem A a B pro tyto dvě metody měření průtoku, protože v dřívější době byly tyto nejistoty stanoveny dle starších metodik a s etalony průtoku s nižší přesností....

  5. Ocena zastosowania wybranych metod taksonomicznych do klasyfikacji zjawisk społeczno-gospodarczych

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    Barbara Prus


    Full Text Available Metody taksonomiczne służą do opisu i klasyfikacji złożonych zjawisk społeczno-gospodarczych wyrażonych przy pomocy licznego zestawu zmiennych. Metody te dają różne wyniki, pomimo przyjętego jednakowego zestawu wyjściowych cech badawczych. Celem pracy było przedstawienie wyników klasyfikacji wielocechowej powiatów województwa małopolskiego przy użyciu trzech metod taksonomicznych oraz dokonanie oceny przeprowadzonego podziału. Do badań przyjęto zestaw zmiennych definiujących warunki rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego. Ocenie poddano trzy metody taksonomiczne – taksonomii przestrzennej, aglomeracyjną metodę Warda oraz metodę Czekanowskiego. Do oceny wykorzystano mierniki oceny klasyfikacji jednostek: indywidualne, homogeniczności oraz heterogeniczności, obliczone dla wydzielonych w wyniku analizy skupień, a także mierniki poprawności skupień. Obliczenia wykonano w programie Taksonomia Numeryczna. W pracy posłużono się metodą opisowo-porównawczą oraz analizą logiczną. Najlepsze wskaźniki homogeniczności świadczące o poprawności wykonania klasyfikacji otrzymano w przypadku metody Warda. Warunek heterogeniczności został najlepiej spełniony w przypadku metody taksonomii przestrzennej. Najsłabsze mierniki klasyfikacji, zarówno te świadczące o homogeniczności, jak i heterogeniczności, otrzymano po zastosowaniu metody Czekanowskiego. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły najlepszą skuteczność w przypadku metody Warda.



    Lenart, Tomaž


    Teoretična izhodišča: Korupcija, porast gospodarskega kriminala, samovolja v poslovnem življenju itd. so simptomi moralne krize v današnji družbi. Namen magistrske naloge je pokazati pomen morale in etike prek vrednot v odnosu do poslovnega odločanja. V ospredje vrednot postavljamo, kot temelj, moralno držo človeka oz. posameznika, vodje, managerja. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na naslednjih raziskovalnih metodah: metodi analize, metodi deskripcije ter metodi dedukcije. Z osnovnimi sta...

  7. Modellistica numerica per problemi differenziali

    CERN Document Server

    Quarteroni, Alfio


    In questo testo si introducono i concetti di base per la modellistica numerica di problemi differenziali alle derivate parziali. Si considerano le classiche equazioni lineari ellittiche, paraboliche ed iperboliche, ma anche altre equazioni, quali quelle di diffusione e trasporto, di Navier-Stokes e le leggi di conservazione. Si forniscono inoltre numerosi esempi fisici che stanno alla base di tali equazioni. Quindi si analizzano metodi di risoluzione numerica basati su elementi finiti (continui e discontinui), differenze finite, volumi finiti, metodi spettrali (continui e discontinui), nonché strategie di approssimazione più avanzate basate sui metodi di decomposizione di domini, i metodi a basi ridotte o quelli di risoluzione di problemi di controllo ottimale. In particolare vengono discussi gli aspetti algoritmici e di implementazione al calcolatore e si forniscono diversi programmi di semplice utilizzo. Il testo non presuppone una approfondita conoscenza matematica delle equazioni alle derivate parziali:...

  8. A review of the methods for monitoring roe deer European populations with particular reference to Italy

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    Alberto Meriggi


    Full Text Available Abstract Throughout the last century, deer populations have shown a remarkable increase both in North America and Europe. As a consequence, the estimate of roe deer density has become a matter of interest. We reviewed the available literature on the methods used for monitoring roe deer populations in Europe from 1950 to 2004, with the aim of detecting the trend of papers and distribution of census techniques by years, countries and habitat types. Particular attention was paid to the census and monitoring methods adopted in Italy and Tuscany, which is the region where the roe deer is more carefully managed. Published papers showed an increasing trend, as did the number of methods used and their complexity. France, Italy, UK and Spain were the countries with the richest literature and the largest variety of methods applied. Eleven census methods have been applied in woods - particularly line transects, pellet group counts, CMR and IKA - with only 6 in open country, mainly pellet group counts. In Europe vantage points are more commonly used for planning culling programs, whilst in Italy, and particularly in Tuscany, the drive census and spotlight counts are mainly used. Unfortunately, in Europe, harvesting programs are still too much based on hunter knowledge and traditions. However the countries where the management of roe deer hunting is of more recent tradition make an exception to this rule. In Italy and Tuscany the methods of monitoring roe deer populations should be improved towards less expensive and more accurate methods. Riassunto Revisione dei metodi di monitoraggio delle popolazioni di capriolo in Europa con particolare riferimento all'Italia Le popolazioni di Cervidi hanno avuto nell'ultimo secolo un notevole incremento sia in America settentrionale, sia in Europa. Di conseguenza la densità delle popolazioni di capriolo è diventata oggetto di interessi diversi e la sua stima

  9. Męska depresja – koncepcja, metody pomiaru i związki z zachowaniami samobójczymi

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    Jan Chodkiewicz


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję atypowych objawów depresji występujących u mężczyzn. Ważnym źródłem tej koncepcji były doświadczenia wyniesione z programu diagnozowania i leczenia depresji wprowadzonego na Gotlandii (Szwecja w latach 80. ubiegłego stulecia. Program, skierowany do lekarzy rodzinnych, zmniejszył liczbę zachowań samobójczych wśród kobiet, ale nie wśród mężczyzn. Przyjęto, że jedną z przyczyn takiego stanu rzeczy może być odmienny obraz depresji u obu płci. Różnice między płciami mogą odpowiadać za to, że depresja u mężczyzn znacznie częściej niż u kobiet pozostaje nierozpoznana i nieleczona, co prowadzi do zwiększenia liczby samobójstw. Wśród dominujących objawów depresji u mężczyzn wyróżniono wzrost impulsywności i zachowań agresywnych, nadużywanie substancji psychoaktywnych (alkohol, narkotyki, nikotyna, podejmowanie zachowań ryzykownych (jazda samochodem pod wpływem alkoholu, przypadkowe kontakty seksualne oraz tłumienie emocji. Jako przyczyna występowania atypowej depresji u mężczyzn najczęściej wymieniane jest rygorystyczne podporządkowywanie się tradycyjnym męskim normom kulturowym. Normy te dotyczą odporności, wytrzymałości, konkurowania, opanowania i tłumienia uczuć oraz konieczności zapewnienia bytu rodzinie. W pracy omówiono najbardziej znane metody badania męskiej depresji – Gotland Male Depression Scale (GMDS Rutza, Male Depression Risk Scale (MDRS-22 Rice’a i współpracowników oraz Masculine Depression Scale (MDS Magovcevic i Addisa – a także przedstawiono wyniki badań prowadzonych z użyciem wspomnianych metod. Artykuł kończą refleksje dotyczące dalszych kierunków badań nad problemem męskiej depresji i opis kontrowersji związanych z omawianą koncepcją.

  10. Analysis of xanthines in beverages using a fully automated SPE-SPC-DAD hyphenated system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Medvedovici, A. [Bucarest Univ., Bucarest (Romania). Faculty of Chemistry, Dept. of Analytical Chemistry; David, F.; David, V.; Sandra, P. [Research Institute of Chromatography, Kortrijk (Belgium)


    Analysis of some xanthines (caffeine, theophylline and theobromine) in beverages has been achieved by a fully automated on-line Solid Phase Extraction - Supercritical Fluid Chromatography - Diode Array Detection (Spe - Sofc - Dad). Three adsorbents have been tested for the Spe procedure: octadecyl modified silicagel (ODS) and two types of styrene-divinylbenzen copolymer based materials, from which Porapack proved to be the most suitable adsorbent. Optimisation and correlation of both Spe and Sofc operational parameters are also discussed. By this technique, caffeine was determined in ice tea and Coca-Cola in a concentration of 0.15 ppm, theobromine - 1.5 ppb, and theophylline - 0.15 ppb. [Italian] Si e' realizzata l'analis di alcune xantine (caffeina, teofillina e teobromina) mediante un sistema, in linea, completamente automatizzato basato su Estrazione in Fase Solida - Cromatografia in Fase Supercritica - Rivelazione con Diode Array (Spe - Sfc - Dad). Per la procedura Spe sono stati valutati tre substrati: silice ottadecilica (ODS) e due tipi di materiali polimerici a base stirene-divinilbenzene, di cui, quello denominato PRP-1, e' risultato essere il piu' efficiente. Sono discusse sia l'ottimizzazione che la correlazione dei parametri operazionali per la Spe e la Sfc. Con questa tecnica sono state determinate, in te' ghiacciato e Coca-Cola, la caffeina, la teobromina e la teofillina alle concentrazini di 0.15, 1.5 e 0.15 ppm.

  11. Orientamenti emergenti nella ricerca educativa: i metodi misti

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    Patrizia Picci


    Full Text Available In the debate about the quantitative and qualitative methodologies, that marked for many years the research, nowadays there is a new orientation, amenable to the formula of “mixed methods”. It’s not clear if the expression is only an label that masks a generic eclecticism of if it’s a epistemologically founded way to overcome the traditional dichotomy. The actual debate is an occasion to increase awareness and transparency about the researcher’s methodological choice. This text present a brief panoramic of diffusion of mixed methods in the international scenery, hinting some attempts of systematisation of the different and complex types of inquiry.

  12. Wstępna ocena ryzyka zawodowego fizjoterapeuty za pomocą metody SWP = Preliminary evaluation of occupational risk for physiotherapists using the SWP method

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    Kinga Dorota Kulczycka


      Wstępna ocena ryzyka zawodowego fizjoterapeuty za pomocą metody SWP Preliminary evaluation of occupational risk for physiotherapists using the SWP method   Kinga Kulczycka, Marcin Domagała, Ewa Stychno   Katedra i Zakład Zarządzania w  Pielęgniarstwie Wydział Nauk o  Zdrowiu Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Chair and Department of Management in Nursing Faculty Health Sciences Medical University of Lublin   Słowa kluczowe: Narażenie zawodowe, Fizjoterapeuci, Obciążenie pracą Key words: Occupational exposure, Physical therapists, Workload       Dr n. med. Kinga Kulczycka, mgr. Marcin Domagała, dr Ewa Stychno   Doctor of Medical Sciences Kinga Kulczycka, Holder of University Degree Marcin Domagała, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ewa Stychno     Streszczenie  Sposób wykonywania pracy, w warunkach znacznego obciążenia  ma wielkie znaczenie w profilaktyce zaburzeń układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego. Praca fizjoterapeutów często wiąże się z koniecznością przyjmowania niefizjologicznych  pozycji ciała, w trakcie których może dojść do urazów. Celem badania jest rozpoznanie pozycji ciała przyjmowanych przez fizjoterapeutów podczas pracy, które mogą stanowić  czynniki ryzyka związane ze  sposobem wykonywania pracy fizjoterapeuty. Materiał i metody  Badania przeprowadzono w 2014 r. z udziałem 100 fizjoterapeutów pracujących na oddziałach rehabilitacji, na terenie województwa Świętokrzyskiego. Wyniki Respondenci oceniali jako niewłaściwe przyjmowane  pozycje ciała, które zaobserwowali podczas wykonywania czynności zawodowych związane są z  pochylaniem podczas wykonywania czynności,  zgięcie odcinka lędźwiowego kręgosłupa i częste rotacje. Jako dodatkowe obciążenia w pracy uważali zginanie głowy do przodu lub skręcenie karku. Ruchy ramion stanowią znaczną uciążliwość dla fizjoterapeutów i występują podczas podnoszenia rąk do przodu i przesuwaniu ich w kierunku klatki piersiowej

  13. Influence of Boiler Pipe Cladding Techniques on their Microstructure and Properties

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    Rozmus-Górnikowska M.


    Full Text Available Celem pracy była ocena wpływ u metody napawania Inconelem 625 rur kotłowych ze stali P235GH i 16Mo3 na mikrostruk- turę i własności podłoża i napoiny. Badania prowadzono na odcinkach rur kotłowych napawanych stopem niklu Inconel 625. Rury zostały dostarczone do Fabryki Kotłów SEFAKO S.A. przez czterech dostawców, stosujących różne metody napawania, a mianowicie CMT, GMAW i GTAW. Badania wykazały, że mikrostruktura i własności mechaniczne rur napawanych istotnie zależą od zastosowanej metody napawania oraz od składu chemicznego materiału podłoża.

  14. A Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Dynamic of Fully Saturated Soil / Rzwiazanie Zadania Dynamiki Całkowicie Nawodnionego Gruntu Przy Zastosowaniu Mes Z Nieciagłym Sformułowaniem Galerkina W Czasie

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    Wrana B.


    Full Text Available Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie analizy rozchodzenia sie fal naprezeniowych w gruncie w ujeciu metody elementów skonczonych bazujac na sformułowaniu rozwiazania ciagłego w przestrzeni i nieciagłego w dziedzinie czasu Galerkina (space and time-discontinous Galerkin TDG finite element method. W tym sformułowaniu zarówno przemieszczenia jak i predkosci sa wielkosciami nieznanymi wzajemnie niezaleznymi aproksymowanymi ciagłymi funkcjami kształtu w przestrzeni i nieciagłymi funkcjami kształtu w czasie. Do opisu zachowania sie gruntu w pełni nasyconego woda zastosowano sformułowanie u-p w ujeciu metody elementów skonczonych. Grunt traktowany jest, jako osrodek dwufazowy składajacy sie ze szkieletu i wody w porach. Zastosowane sformułowanie uwzglednia tłumienie osrodka przez uwzglednienie dyssypacji energii proporcjonalnej do predkosci wody wzgledem szkieletu. W artykule przedstawiono porównanie proponowanej metody rozwiazania numerycznego w dziedzinie czasu do metod obecnie stosowanych, takich jak: metoda róznicy centralnej, metoda Houbolta, Wilsona θ, HHT-α oraz najczesciej stosowanej metody Newmarka. Z porównania wynika, ze proponowana metoda jest metoda stabilna o małym błedzie numerycznego rozwiazania.

  15. Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) distribution in two differents soil types (Podzol and Andosol) under natural forest cover. (United States)

    Álvarez-Romero, Marta; Papa, Stefania; Verstraeten, Arne; Cools, Nathalie; Lozano-García, Beatriz; Parras-Alcántara, Luis; Coppola, Elio


    Andosols are young soils that shall know a successive evolution towards pedological types where the dominant pedogenetic processes are more evident. Vegetation and climate influence Andosols evolution to other order of soils. In cold and wet climates or on acid vulcanite under heavy leaching young Andosols could change into Podzols (Van Breemn and Buurman, 1998). Were investigated a Podzol soil (World References Base, 2014) at Zoniën (Belgium), were and an Andosol soil (World References Base, 2014) at Lago Laceno (Avellino, Italy). This study shows the data on the SOC (Soil Organic Carbon) fractionation in two profiles from two natural pine forest soils. Together with the conventional activities of sampling and analysis of soil profile were examined surveys meant to fractionation and characterization of SOC, in particular: Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Total Extractable Carbon (TEC) soil contents were determined by Italian official method of soil analysis (Mi.P.A.F. (2000)). Different soil C fractions were also determined: Humic Acid Carbon (HAC), Fulvic Acid Carbon (FAC), Not Humic Carbon (NHC) and Humin Carbon (Huc) fractions were obtained by difference. In the whole profile, therefore, were also assayed cellulose and lignin contents. The aim of this work was to compare the distribution of different soil organic components in a podzol and a soil with andic properties. The data show great similarity, among the selected profiles, in the organic components distribution estudied. References: - Mi.P.A.F. - Ministero per le Politiche Agricole e Forestali - Osservatorio Nazionale Pedologico e per la Qualità del Suolo (2000): Metodi Ufficiali di Analisi Chimica del Suolo. In: Franco Angeli (Editor), Collana di metodi analitici per l'agricoltura diretta da Paolo Sequi, n. 1124.2, Milano, Italy. - Van Breemn N. and Buurman P. (1998) Chapter 12 Formation of Andisols. In: Soil formation. Kluwer Ed., Wageningen, The Netherlands, 271-289. -Ussiri D.A.N., Johnson C

  16. Non-Destructive Methods for Determining Burn-Up in Nuclear Fuel; Methodes Non Destructives d'Evaluation du Taux de Combustion dans le Combustible Nucleaire; Metody opredeleniya vygoraniya v yadernom toplive bez razrusheniya obraztsa; Metodos No Destructivos para Determinai el Grado de Combustion de los Elementos Combustibles Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    McGonnagle, W. J. [Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL (United States)


    Non-destructive methods for quantitative measurement of burn-up in nuclear reactor fuel elements are useful and desirable. The ideal method for fuel assay would be one that requires no special information about the neutron spectra, radiation history, or cooling time. The irradiated fuel element contains a record of the fuel burn-up. This record is in the form of radioactive and stable isotopes resulting from the fission process. Unfortunately, in the non-destructive as well as the destructive fuel assay methods, the neutron spectrum, irradiation history, and cooling period influence this record. Likewise, the lack of precise nuclear data, such as values of nuclear cross-sections, affects any calculations that can be made. Another difficulty in the non-destructive assay is the presence of high radiation fields which contribute to the ''noise'' background of the measurements. The development of useful and realistic standards is difficult. The non-destructive burn-up methods do serve a useful purpose especially when an approximate value of burn-up is required quickly and economically even though in the present state of the art they lack the desired precision and accuracy. Several non-destructive methods for determining burn-up have been used, are being evaluated, or have been proposed. Various types of spectrometers including the bent crystal, magnetic Compton, Compton coincidence, and scintillation have been used to analyse the gamma radiation from the radioactive material formed during the fission process. Other non-destructive methods include foil activation, neutron transmission, activation analysis, measurement of capture gamma rays, and the measurement of prompt and delayed neutrons. The basic principles of each of the above instruments and methods, their sensitivities and their limitations will be reviewed. Non-destructive methods using stable isotopes produced during the fission process are proposed. In the use of stable isotopes, detailed irradiation history


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    Adam ZOFKA


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję nowej metody badania próbek z mieszanki mineralno-asfaltowej w warunkach ścinania z ciśnieniem bocznym. Dotychczas stosowane metody badawcze ścinania z obciążeniem bocznym opierają się na ocenie właściwości mieszanki mineralno-asfaltowej przy ścinaniu w warunkach stałej siły wzdłużnej lub stałej objętości badanej próbki. Nowa metoda badawcza pozwala na badanie ścinania przy stałej sztywności wzdłużnej. Aby możliwe było badanie według tej metody, zaprojektowano i wykonano specjalną przystawkę o nazwie AST (ang. Advanced Shear Tester. W artykule przedstawiono zarówno opis procesu twórczego podczas projektowania przystawki, jak wykonane urządzenie. Zaprezentowano pierwsze wyniki badań walidacyjnych uzyskanych przy użyciu przystawki na próbkach UHMW-PE oraz z mieszanki mineralno-asfaltowej.

  18. Fare ricerca, apprendere e condividere in biblioteca

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    Ilaria Moroni


    Full Text Available Il contributo presenta due articoli che riguardano ricerche sulle percezioni degli utenti della biblioteca, l'uno con approccio quantitativo e l'altro con approccio qualitativo: "Use and Awareness of Electronic Information Sources at IIT Roorkee, India: A Case Study" e "L'identità percepita: applicare la grounded theory in biblioteca". Si sottolinea l'importanza di condividere teorie e pratiche relative alle indagini sugli utenti, al fine di acquisire maggiori competenze sui metodi di ricerca e di allargare i propri orizzonti. In ambito bibliotecario si tende infatti ad adottare principalmente i metodi quantitativi della ricerca sociale quando si svolgono indagini di customer satisfaction, privilegiando quindi l'uso del questionario a discapito dell'intervista o del focus group, strumenti propri dei metodi qualitativi. Si sintetizza poi il contenuto dei due articoli, mettendone in evidenza gli aspetti più significativi: l'indagine quantitativa sull'uso delle risorse elettroniche nella biblioteca universitaria indiana fa riflettere sui bisogni informativi differenti di studenti, ricercatori e docenti; l'indagine qualitativa sulle percezioni della biblioteca nel contesto delle biblioteche pubbliche perugine è invece centrata sull'illustrazione della Grounded Theory, un approccio efficace per esplorare le rappresentazioni soggettive e comprendere a fondo un fenomeno complesso.

  19. Metody vizualizace učiva


    Lomnický, Matouš


    Program orgpad is used for sorting, sharing and "brightening" own ideas. Orgpad is the program, which was designed based on Herbart's psychology, respectively Herbart's knowledge of his own mind. This work is an introduction program pi-mind.js, which is the allocation of orgpad. The thesis discuss the status of the program pi-mind.js in the context of the current "brain mapping" and the program is put into the context of the educational process and its possible use in this field, in particula...

  20. Učenje po metodi AVS

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    Karmen Špilek Štumberger


    Full Text Available Ker se učimo vse življenje, so učne metode in. pristopi zelo pomembni. Osrednja tema članka je sugestopedija in njen pomen za učenje odraslih. Georgie Lozanov je sugestopedijo utemeljil že leta 1960 kot del sugestologije, ki je temeljila na uporabi hetero- in avtosugestije v izobraževanju. Temelj sugestopedije je, da se mora posameznik znebiti svojih notanjih zavor in doživeti popuščanje napetosti. Sugestopedija ponuja različne tehnike za aktiviranje neizkoriščenih možganskih in telesnih sposobnosti. Pomembno je tudi vplivanje na podzavest z zvokom, besedami, recitacijo ali opazovanjem barv. Vse to naj bi povečevalo sposobnost pomnenja in izboljšalo koncentracijo. Metoda A VS je kombinacija tradicionalnih in avdiovizualnih metod in tehnik ter sprostitvenih tehnik, izpeljanih iz sugestopedije.

  1. Valutazione dell'appropriatezza dei ricoveri in un Policlinico Universitario: analisi mediante l'uso comparativo dei sistemi di classificazione isogravitá APR-DRG e Disease Staging e del PRUO

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    M. Volpe


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: valutare l’appropriatezza organizzativa dei ricoveri effettuati in un Policlinico Universitario attraverso la comparazione di due metodi, dei quali uno basato sui dati della scheda di dimissione ospedaliera ed utilizza, rispettivamente, i sistemi di classificazione iso-gravità APR-DRG e Disease Staging e l’altro sulla revisione delle cartelle cliniche mediante il PRUO.

    Metodi: oggetto di analisi sono i ricoveri ordinari effettuati nell’anno 2001 ed afferenti ai DRG inclusi nella delibera della Giunta Regionale del Lazio 864/2002 che recepisce il D.P.C.M. 29/11/2001 sui livelli essenziali di assistenza.

    Risultati: i risultati evidenziano che le due varianti del
    metodo basato sulla SDO (metodo APPRO mostrano quote di ricoveri inappropriati sovrapponibili rispetto al complesso dei ricoveri oggetto di analisi, ma con differenze anche rilevanti tra APR-DRG e Disease Staging in relazione ai singoli DRG considerati, riconducibili ai diversi algoritmi di attribuzione del livello di severità utilizzati dai due sistemi. L’analisi campionaria effettuata con il metodo PRUO su casi afferenti ai DRG della DGR 864/2002 caratterizzati da livelli di severità minimi evidenzia una proporzione di ricoveri inappropriati superiore a quella determinata tramite i metodi basati sulla SDO. Tale differenza è verosimilmente dovuta al ruolo del valore delle soglie percentuali di accettabilità individuate dalla Regione Lazio per ciascun DRG: le quote di ricoveri che eccedono tali soglie sono considerate inappropriate.

    Conclusioni: sulla base dei risultati ottenuti gli autori
    descrivono gli interventi organizzativi adottati per ottimizzare il contesto di erogazione delle prestazioni
    oggetto di analisi, discutono vantaggi e limiti dei metodi SDO-based e del metodo analitico PRUObased e ne propongono l

  2. Podejście psychologiczne w terapii jąkania

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    Agata Błachnio


    Full Text Available Praca omawia różne metody stosowane w terapii jąkania z uwzględnieniem podejścia psychologicznego. Jąkanie jest nie tylko zaburzeniem płynności mówienia, objawy występują bowiem na kilku płaszczyznach: neurofizjologicznej, społecznej i psychologicznej. Terapia jąkania ze względu na złożoność tego zaburzenia wymaga podejścia interdyscy‑ plinarnego, w tym szczególnie koncentracji na radzeniu sobie z emocjami pacjenta i obniżeniu związanych z tym za‑ burzeniem patologicznych reakcji lękowych – logofobii. Celem artykułu jest omówienie metod stosowanych w terapii jąkania oraz ocena ich skuteczności. Główny podział metod zakłada istnienie dwóch podejść: pośrednie i bezpośred‑ nie metody. Metody bezpośrednie oddziałują na akt mowy i mają na celu zmniejszenie niepłynności mowy. Wśród nich można wymienić: rytmizację mówienia, wspomaganie wypowiedzi ruchem ręki czy wydłużenie wypowiedzi. Natomiast metody pośrednie stanowią ich uzupełnienie i koncentrują się na obniżeniu lęku oraz redukcji napięcia po‑ jawiającego się u osoby jąkającej się. Należą do nich różnego rodzaju techniki relaksacyjne, metody oparte na wizu‑ alizacji czy treningi autogenne. Zwracają one uwagę na emocje przeżywane przez osoby jąkające się. Ponadto tech‑ niki takie jak muzykoterapia, psychodrama, hipoterapia, desentyzacja i desensybilizacja są skutecznymi sposobami polepszenia funkcjonowania psychospołecznego osób jąkających się. Prezentowany artykuł ma charakter przeglądo‑ wy, może zatem służyć jako podstawa do opracowania i wdrożenia programów terapeutycznych z udziałem logope‑ dy i psychologa.

  3. Telematics in distance learning: two approaches compared

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    Stefania Manca


    Full Text Available Il rapido sviluppo delle tecnologie della comunicazione ha considerevolmente mutato, in questo scorcio di fine millennio, il panorama dei metodi e delle tecniche di formazione a distanza.

  4. Determination of the tritium content in the reactor heavy water, Phase II; Odredjivanje porasta kolicine tritijuma u reaktorskoj teskoj vodi, II faza

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ribnikar, S [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    Measurement results of the {sup 3}H activity in non-irradiated water and after reactor operation are presented. Methods were developed for sampling and radiochemical water purification by ion exchange and multiple distillation. Methods for absolute measurement of soft beta radiation of tritium were established. Migration of tritium through the heavy water RA reactor system was monitored. Results were compared with other measured reactor parameters. Prikazani su rezultati merenja aktivnosti {sup 3}H u nezracenoj vodi i posle rada reaktora; razradjeni su metodi za uzimanje i radiohemijsko preciscavanje vode putem jonske izmene i visestepene destilacije; postavljeni metodi za apsolutno merenje mekog beta-zracenja tritijuma; pracene su migracije tritijuma kroz teskovodni sistem reaktora; takodje su interpretirani i poredjeni rezultati sa drugim merenim parametrima reaktora.

  5. Visualization of Multidimensional Data in Purpose of Qualitative Classification of Various Types of Coal / Wizualizacja Wielowymiarowych Danych W Celu Klasyfikacji JAKOŚCIOWEJ RÓŻNYCH TYPÓW WĘGLA (United States)

    Niedoba, Tomasz; Jamróz, Dariusz


    Coal as energetic raw material features by many parameters determining its quality. In classification of coal types there are many of them with typical division of energetic, semi-coking and coking coal. The data concerning coal are usually treated as independent values while this kind of approach is not always right. Authors proposed new solutions in this aspect and performed the multidimensional analysis of three selected types of coal featuring by various properties which originated from three various hard coal mines located in Upper Silesia Region. The object of the research was so-called raw coal which was not processed before. For each type of coal the detailed statistical analysis of seven chosen properties of coal was performed. To perform adequate and complete statistical analysis it is necessary to analyze the chosen properties of coal together in multidimensional way. It was decided to apply new and modern visualizing methods of multidimensional data which were observational tunnels method and parallel coordinates method. The applied methods allowed to obtain visualization of seven-dimensional data describing coal. By means of these visualizations it was possible to observe the significant division of the features space between researched types of coal. These methods allowed to look at the investigated data from various perspectives and make possible to determine significant differences between researched materials. For the investigated coals such differences were determined clearly what proved that by means of these methods it is possible to successfully identify type of coal as well to analyze in details its individual properties and identify, for example, particle size fraction etc. The obtained results are innovative and are the basis for more detailed researches taking into consideration also other coal properties, including its structure and texture. This methodology can be also applied successfully for other types of raw materials, like ores

  6. Some Non-Destructive Testing Methods Applicable to Sintered Materials; Quelques Methodes d'Essais Non Destructifs Applicables aux Materiaux Frittes; Nekotorye metody nedestruktivnykh ispytanii, primenimye k spechennym materialam; Algunos Metodos de Ensayo No Destructivo Aplicables a los Materiales Sinterizados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Labusca, Elena; Mirion, I.; Andreescu, N.; Alecu, M.; Biscoveanu, I. [Institut de Physique Atomique, Bucarest (Romania)


    y orientacion de los granos, la presencia de defectos diversos (inclusiones, poros), y tambien la evolucion misma del proceso de sinterizacion, incluyendo la formacion de los cristales, el crecimiento granular, etc. En algunos casos, el examen microscopico se puede combinar con ensayos de microdureza. Este examen de la estructura micro- cristalina representa uno de los principales metodos de control cualitativo de los materiales sinterizados, y ningun otro medio de investigacion puede reemplazarlo. 2. El grado de consolidacion, factor esencial que determina la calidad de los materiales sinterizados, se verifica tambien midiendo algunas propiedades, por ejemplo la conductividad electrica y termica, en funcion de la densidad, teniendo presente que en el caso de los materiales sinterizados, la conductividad es directamente proporcional al grado de sinterizacion. Tambien se ha ensayado un metodo adecuado para verificar la porosidad, obteniendose datos experimentales interesantes, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de la porosidad libre, que es afectada por las inclusiones gaseosas. La memoria contiene datos experimentales sobre la aplicacion de estos metodos de control a algunos materiales sinterizados, de interes para la tecnologia nuclear. (author) [Russian] S uchetom specifichnoj zernistoj struktury spechennyh materialov, razrabotannyh na osnove poroshkov, dlja kotoryh process uplotnenija zavisit ot spekanija, ispol'zovalis' metody kontrolja za stepen'ju spekanija i za nekotorymi svojstvami. Ispol'zovalis' sledujushhie metody bez razrushenija: 1. Izuchenie kristallicheskoj struktury spechennyh tverdyh tel s pomoshh'ju metallo- grafik i jelektronnoj mikroskopii. Jeti metody pozvoljajut obnaruzhit' odnorodnost' struktury, razmery i orientaciju zeren, nalichie razlichnyh defektov (vkraplenija, pustoty), a takzhe razvitie processa spekanija, vkljuchaja obrazovanie kristallov, uvelichenie zeren i pr. V nekotoryh sluchajah mozhno sovmeshhat' mikroskopicheskoe issledovanie

  7. Aquaculture and Fish Welfare: Are the Rights of Fish Compromised?/ Akwakultura I Dobrostan Ryb: Czy Prawa Ryb Są Szanowane?

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    Mustapha Moshood K.


    Full Text Available Zagadnienie dobrostanu ryb w akwakulturze jest aktualne przez cały proces produkcyjny, a jego właściwa realizacja, z poszanowaniem praw ryb i humanitarnym ubojem, jest korzystana dla producenta i konsumenta. Poszanowanie praw ryb odnosi się do różnorodnych aspektów hodowli uwzględniając takie jak: baseny i stawy hodowlane, zagęszczenie obsady, jakość wody, pokarm i reżim żywienia, zarażenie chorobami i pasożytami, metody leczenia ryb zarażonych, manipulacja ciałem ryby, odłowy sieciowe, metody pozyskiwania ryb przed ubojem, metody uboju, metody oczyszczania z pokarmu, sztuczny fotoperiod, selekcja w kierunku szybkiego wzrostu, selektywny i indukowany rozród, manipulacje genetyczne, ekspozycja na drapieżnictwo, hodowla w polikulturach, znakowanie, stłaczanie ryb, sortowanie, transport, rybie atraktory, przypadkowe bądź celowe introdukcje ryb modyfikowanych genetycznie do akwakultury. Najbardziej rekomendowaną metodą utrzymywania ryb w pożądanym dobrostanie, która zapewni też korzyści dla hodowcy jest zachowywanie tzw. „pięciu wolności” w odniesieniu do hodowanych zwierząt. Sposoby realizacji takiego prowadzenia hodowli są przedstawione i dyskutowane w niniejszej pracy. Stan ryb w niewoli powinien uwzględniać czynniki etyczne, produkcyjne, ekonomiczne i handlowe. Jest to coraz ważniejsze ze względu na rosnącą potrzebę konsumenta do zapoznania się z technikami stosowanymi w produkcji pożywienia pochodzenia zwierzęcego i akceptacji tych praktyk. Polepszenie dobrostanu produkowanych ryb w akwakulturze skutkuje zwiększeniem korzyści produkcyjnej: ryby będą przyrastać lepiej, a jakość mięsa będzie wyższa. Wzrasta też poziom akceptacji u konsumentów tak wyprodukowanego mięsa w powiązaniu z humani- tarnym ubojem.

  8. Caos, statistica e metodi di ricampionamento

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    Simone Giannerini


    Full Text Available Chaos theory offers to the statistician new perspectives for time series analysis as well as concepts and ideas that have a through contribution to statistics. On the other hand, statistical methodology has shown to play a crucial role for the comprehension of nonlinear and chaotic phenomena. From this standpoint we present some essential notions for the analysis of chaotic time series. Particular attention is given to the problem of estimating Lyapunov exponents, together with the derivation of confidence intervals for estimates. For this latter problem we propose a solution based on resampling by means of spline interpolation. We show from simulations that the distribution of the maximal Lyapunov exponent obtained by way of resampling a single series with our method, agrees with the true distribution obtained from series with different initial conditions.

  9. Metody ujmowania etyki biznesu w Polsce


    Zadroga, Adam


    From the beginning of the 1990s, a considerable interest in business ethics has been observed in Poland. It seems that the heritage of Polish researchers concerned with this academic discipline is already rich enough, and at the same time so diverse that it is worth making an attempt to systematize it, deepening and naming appropriate principle methods of grasping business ethics in Poland. The carried-out analyses allowed determining the following leading methods in the formal aspect:...

  10. Results of the Promethee Method Application in Selecting the Technological System at the Majdan III Open Pit Mine / Wyniki Zastosowania Metody Promethee do Wyboru Systemu Technologicznego W Kopalni Odkrywkowej Majdan III (United States)

    Vujić, Slobodan; Hudej, Marjan; Miljanović, Igor


    This paper discusses the application of the PROMETHEE model and the results achieved in practice, following the example of the multi-criteria selection of the technological system at the Majdan III clay mineral raw material open pit mine of the Potisje Company, Republic of Serbia. After the introduction comments, reasons are explained for selecting the new technological system, conditions and limitations for the seven alternative solutions considered are described, mathematical foundation for the PROMETHEE method and a multi-criteria model of the problem in question are presented. The solution with the following structure was ranked first and accepted by the Company management as the best: Bucket chain excavator - Conveyor belts - Spreader (ECS), alongside a decision is made on the acquisition of machinery and system construction. The system was put into operation in 2000. The experience and the data accumulated in the previous twelve years confirm that the decision made on the application of the ECS technology was just, and the conclusion lists the benefits achieved. W artykule omówiono zastosowanie modelu Promethee i przedyskutowano uzyskane w ten sposób wyniki na przykładzie wielokryterialnego wyboru systemu technologicznego do zastosowania w kopalni odkrywkowej minerałów ilastych Majdan III, należącej do przedsiębiorstwa górniczego Potisje (Republika Serbii). Po uwagach wprowadzających przedstawiono powody wyboru nowego ciągu technologicznego, omówiono warunki oraz ograniczenia dla siedmiu alternatywnych rozwiązań, podstawy matematyczne metody Promethee oraz wielokryterialny model zagadnienia. Rozwiązanie uznane za najlepsze i zaaprobowane przez zarząd przedsiębiorstwa zakłada zastosowanie następującego ciągu technologicznego: koparka łancuchowa jednonaczyniowa - przenośniki taśmowe - rozkładarka(system ECS). Podjęto także decyzje odnośnie zakupu sprzętu i instalacji systemu, który uruchomiony został w 2000 roku. Doświadczenia i

  11. Individual monitoring of external exposure in terms of personal dose equivalent, H{sub p}(d); Dosimetria personale esterna in termini di equivalente di dose personale, H{sub p}(d). Atti. Giornata di studio, Bologna, 28 febbraio 2001

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fantuzzi, E. [ENEA, Div. Protezione dell' Uomo e degli Ecosistemi, Centro Ricerche Ezio Clementel, Bologna (Italy)


    del Dlgs 241 del 26/5/00 (G.U. 31/8/2000). Il decreto recepisce in legge le indicazioni della Direttiva Europea EURATOM 96/29 Basic standards for the protection of health of workers and the general public against dangers arising from ionizing radiation sul tema della radioprotezione dei lavoratori e della popolazione. Le novita' introdotte dal decreto sono varie, fra le altre, la indicazione delle grandezze operazionali per la dosimetria esterna personale e ambientale, rispettivamente H{sub p}(d) e H{sup *}(d), definite dall'ICRU (International Commission for Radiation Units and Measurements) come grandezze di riferimento, richiede l'aggiornamento dei metodi di misura e di calibrazione dei dosimetri personali e degli strumenti di monitoraggio. Il presente rapporto tecnico raccoglie le relazioni presentate alla giornata di studio, dedicate alla definizione dell'equivalente di dose personale, dei coefficienti di conversione ottenuti tramite simulazioni di calcolo Monte Carlo pubblicati dalle commission ICRU e ICRP (International Commission for Radiation Protection), discutere le nuove procedure di calibrazione e le conseguenze operative nel monitoraggio di routine del personale radioesposto. Infine, nel capitolo finale, sono brevemente elencate le risposte a tipiche Frequently asked questions (FAQ) sul tema della dosimetria personale operativa in termini di H{sub p}(d).

  12. Note critiche sui rapporti tra diritto ed economia


    Tuzet, Giovanni


    Il saggio inquadra teoricamente i principali rapporti fra diritto ed economia e analizza i vari metodi e approcci dell'analisi economica del diritto, rilvandone gli aspetti critici e discutendo infine gli approcci comportamentali e la "nudge theory".

  13. Badania jakości regeneratu ze zużytych mas ze spoiwem organicznym

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    R. Dańko


    Full Text Available W publikacji przedstawiono uzupełniające metody badań oraz aparaturę do oceny jakości regeneratu i tych właściwości masformierskich ze spoiwami utwardzanymi chemicznie, przygotowywanych z regeneratem, które są istotne dla kompleksowej oceny procesurecyklingu osnowy. Nowoczesne systemy oceny mas formierskich wymagają bardziej wnikliwego podejścia do czynników decydującychzarówno o ich przydatności technologicznej jak również o wpływie na otaczające środowisko naturalne. W tym kontekście pełna ocenajakości zregenerowanej osnowy wykracza poza zwyczajowo stosowane metody instrumentalne i wymaga ich uzupełnienia o bardziejzaawansowane aparaturowo metody badawcze. Pozwala to szerzej spojrzeć na ocenę zregenerowanej osnowy, zarówno w aspekcie jejużycia do sporządzania mas formierskich, jako substytutu świeżego piasku, ale także pod kątem ochrony środowiska. Do takichnowoczesnych metod można zaliczyć między innymi analizę ziarnową regeneratu za pomocą dyfrakcji laserowej, a także ocenęgazotwórczości masy formierskiej oraz identyfikację rodzaju emitowanych gazów i zawartości w nich gazów z grupy BTEX, które sąszczególnie niebezpieczne z punktu widzenia BHP.

  14. I capricci del caso Introduzione alla statistica, al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori

    CERN Document Server

    Piazza, Roberto


    I metodi probabilistici e statistici giocano un ruolo di primo piano sia nella scienza teorica e sperimentale che nelle applicazioni ingegneristiche, costituendo pertanto un elemento essenziale del bagaglio culturale che uno studente deve acquisire fin dai primi anni di apprendimento universitario. Questo libro, che nasce dall’esperienza didattica accumulata dall’autore nell’insegnamento dei metodi sperimentali, si propone di fornire un’introduzione al calcolo delle probabilità e alla teoria degli errori facendo uso di uno stile di presentazione volutamente informale e traendo spunto da concrete applicazioni sperimentali, spesso attraverso esempi di notevole importanza storica. Così, per esempio, argomenti quali il moto browniano, la diffusione di luce, il decadimento radioattivo, la fisiologia della visione, le statistiche quantistiche e di fotorivelazione, vengono utilizzati per delucidare concetti chiave dell’analisi statistica e probabilistica. Un'enfasi particolare è posta sull’origine e l...

  15. Analisi dell’utilizzo di Twitter nella costruzione di un seminario sperimentale

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    Wolfgang Reinhardt


    Full Text Available Nonostante i massicci cambiamenti sociali e tecnologici che si sono verificati a causa del Web negli ultimi anni, i corsi universitari spesso enfatizzano metodi di insegnamento da tempo consolidati e basati su strumenti di apprendimento e risorse tradizionali. Durante tali corsi gli studenti spesso acquisiscono una conoscenza che non è aggiornata e che è lontana da un apprendimento realistico, basato su problemi. L'uso di strumenti e metodi più recenti spesso rimane fuori dalla padronanza degli studenti. In questo contributo si descrive brevemente l’impostazione sperimentale di un seminario in due università tedesche dove l’uso di Social Media per la comunicazione e la collaborazione è stato saldamente integrato alla progettazione di un percorso di apprendimento formale. Si illustra, inoltre, l'utilizzo di Twitter durante il seminario, usando metodologie riprese dalla Social Network Analysis.

  16. Correlation of Risk Analysis Method Results with Numerical and Limit Equilibrium Methods in Overall Slope Stability Analysis of Southern Wall of Chadormalu Iron Open Pit Mine-Iran / Korelacja wyników analizy ryzyka z wynikami obliczeń numerycznych oraz wynikami uzyskanymi w oparciu o metodę równowagi granicznej zastosowanych do badania stabilności wyrobiska pochyłego na południowej ścianie odkrywkowej kopalni rud żelaza w chadormalu w Iranie (United States)

    Ahangari, Kaveh; Paji, Arman Gholinezhad; Behdani, Alireza Siami


    Slope stability analysis is one of the most important factors in designing open pit mines. Therefore an optimal slope design that supports both aspects of economy and safety is very significant. There are many different methods in slope stability analysis including empirical, limit equilibrium, block theory, numerical, and probabilistic methods. In this study, to analyze the overall slope stability of southern wall of Chadormalu iron open pit mine three numerical, limit equilibrium and probabilistic methods have been used. Software and methods that is used for analytical investigation in this study are FLAC software for numerical analysis, SLIDE software and circuit failure chart for limit equilibrium analysis and qualitative fault tree and semi-quantitative risk matrix for probabilistic analysis. The results of all above mentioned methods, was a circular failure occurrence in Metasomatite rock zone between 1405 to 1525 m levels. The main factors of failure occurrence in this range were heavily jointing and existing of faults. Safety factors resulted from numerical method; Circular chart method and SLIDE software are 1.16, 1.25 and 1.27 respectively. Regarding instability and safety factors in Metasomatite rock zone, in order to stabilize the given zone, some considerations such as bench angle and height reduction should be planned. In results of risk matrix method this zone was mentioned too as a high risk zone that numerical and limit equilibrium methods confirmed this. Badanie stabilności wyrobiska pochyłego jest jednym z najważniejszych czynników uwzględnianych przy projektowaniu kopalni odkrywkowych. Optymalne zaprojektowanie wyrobiska pochyłego z uwzględnieniem czynników ekonomicznych oraz bezpieczeństwa jest niezmiernie ważne. Istnieje wiele metod badania stabilności wyrobiska pochyłego, między innymi metody empiryczne, metoda równowagi granicznej, teoria bloków oraz metody numeryczne i probabilistyczne. W pracy tej omówiono zastosowanie

  17. LDPC kódy


    Hrouza, Ondřej


    Práce se zabývá problematikou LDPC kódů. Jsou zde popsány metody vytváření paritní matice, kde je kladen důraz především na strukturované vytváření této matice za použití konečné geometrie: Euklidovské geometrie a projektivní geometrie. Další oblastí, které se práce věnuje je dekódování LDPC kódů. Práce porovnává čtyři dekódovací metody: Hard-Decision algoritmus, Bit-Flipping algoritmus, The Sum-Product algoritmus a Log Likelihood algoritmus, při kterých je kladen důraz především na iterativn...

  18. Konsolidovaná účetní závěrka


    Lungová, Monika


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou konsolidované účetní závěrky. Práce je zaměřena na zahrnutí nové, přidružené jednotky do konsolidace, při použití ekvivalenční metody a následné posouzení výkonosti nově vzniklé skupiny oproti původnímu konsolidačnímu celku. V jednotlivých kapitolách diplomové práce jsou popsány a rozebrány zejména principy, postupy a metody konsolidace účetní závěrky. V praktické části jsou interpretovány a analyzovány výsledky konsolidované účetní závěrky. Posled...

  19. Manuale di ottica

    CERN Document Server

    Giusfredi, Giovanni


    Questo libro costituisce un fondamento solido per la conoscenza dell’Ottica Fisica, presentando vari modi di trattare la propagazione di onde elettromagnetiche e indicando quali siano i metodi utili a specifici casi. Iniziando dall’elettromagnetismo, la riflessione, la rifrazione e la dispersione delle onde, espone argomenti quali l’Ottica Geometrica, l’Interferenza, la Diffrazione, la Coerenza, i fasci Laser, la Polarizzazione, la Cristallografia e l’Anisotropia. Tratta componenti ottici come lenti, specchi, prismi, interferometri classici, Fabry-Perot e cavità risonanti, multistrati dielettrici, filtri interferenziali e spaziali, reticoli di diffrazione, polarizzatori e lamine birifrangenti. Vi sono inoltre argomenti poco reperibili, come il metodo delle matrici 4x4 per lo studio di fronti d’onda generalmente astigmatici, i metodi numerici tramite FFT per il calcolo della diffrazione, e la Bi-anisotropia, che tratta relativisticamente l’attività ottica e gli effetti Faraday e Fresnel-Fizeau....

  20. Badania nieinwazyjne Ostrowa Lednickiego

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Křivánek, Roman; Tabaka, A.


    Roč. 50, č. 2 (2014), s. 99-111 ISSN 0071-6863. [Metody geofizyczne w archeologii polskiej. Poznań, 22.11.2012-23.11.2012] Institutional support: RVO:67985912 Keywords : hillfort * geophysical prospection * non-destructive archaeology * Lednica * geophysical survey Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology

  1. Metodi matematici per la teoria dell’evoluzione

    CERN Document Server

    Bazzani, Armando; Freguglia, Paolo


    Esistono ormai da tempo molti articoli, in particolar modo su riviste di biomatematica, di (bio)fisica e di biologia, che presentano proposte e risultati di modellistica matematica relativi direttamente ed indirettamente alla teoria dell’evoluzione. Sicuramente questi studi sono da considerarsi cruciali per l’istituzione della biologia teorica. I temi da prendere in esame sono dapprima le convinzioni che i biologi hanno in merito. Quindi un’analisi dei precedenti tentativi di formulare una teoria matematica dell’evoluzione, nonché i relativi sviluppi e insuccessi a cui abbiamo assistito nell’ambito della "teoria della complessità". La nostra proposta consiste dunque nel realizzare una teoria matematicamente formulata e biologicamente ben fondata dell’evoluzione con specifico e giustificato riferimento a quella fenotipica. Quindi su questa base costruiamo sia di un modello geometrico sia un modello dinamico stocastico. In questo modo, pur tenendo presente l’intrinseca insufficienza dell’appro...

  2. Metody stanovení transferových cen


    Jurčíková, Kateřina


    Following thesis focuses on analysis of using five basic transfer pricing methods mentioned in the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines in the conditions of the Czech Republic (comparable uncontrolled method, resale-price method, cost plus method, profit split method, transactional net margin method). There are mentioned the problems connected with application of these methods and also suggestions how to fix them. In this respect thesis contains comparable, functional and economic analysis. As a ...

  3. Marx, Althusser a problém metody

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kužel, Petr


    Roč. 63, č. 3 (2015), s. 379-396 ISSN 0015-1831 Institutional support: RVO:67985955 Keywords : Karl Marx * Louis Althusser * epistemological rupture * epistemological obstacles * over-determination * structural causality * ideology Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion

  4. La profondità ipocentrale con metodi macrosismici

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    M. C. SPADEA


    Full Text Available Aim of the present work is to determine the hypocentral depth of
    an earthquake by macroseismic methods.
    A short hystorical review of the main relations between macroseismic
    intensity, acceleration and hypocentral depth from Cancani to the present time has been carried out. Particular care has been pointed out to
    Kovesligethy and Blake works. Being the Blake's relation the basis of
    all modern methods the y experimental value has been investigated to
    apply in Italy in the formula
    (/„ _ /„ = y log (Dn/h
    using some earthquakes with analitical depth known. There are singled
    of two intermediate values of y; one (y valid for Italy in general
    Y, = 4.382 ± 2.282
    another (yc more specific for central Italy
    Y„ = 3.989 ± 1.344
    From the investigation the AA. deem that the macroseismic method
    cannot anyhow be applied, hence the AA. suggest the following application
    1 for the isoseismals to be used (not more than three around the epic.
    2 for the hypocentral depths (only within the crust: h < 33 km
    3 for the y value (y < 7.0
    To determine quickly the depth (h + 5h, when the intermediate radii rc
    of the circles equivalent to the I, II, III isoseismal areas of an earthquake
    are been calculated (or measured, a table 3 has been calculated.
    In table 4 both the macroseismic and the analitical depths relating
    to untilized earthquakes, are compared.
    The results obtained in the present work can be improved when the
    researchers will have access to a greater lot of earthquakes with known
    analitical depth and will be able to associate to a general intermediate
    value Y, specific values of ± 5y; for each homogeneous structural unit.
    In any case, the results obtained by that, as well by different macroseismic
    methods, have always to retain approximate, even if the AA.
    tried to furnish a range of indétermination to h values.

  5. Methods of medical sterilization; Metody sterylizacji medycznej

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Stachowicz, W [Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw (Poland)


    Broad review of different (physical, chemical and mechanical) methods commonly used for medical materials sterilization have been performed. Among them the special attention have been played on radiosterilization. The advantages and weaknesses each of the presented method have been pointed out. 1 fig.

  6. Analysis of the Selected Firm


    Šesták, Ján


    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na analýzu vybrané firmy. Práce je rozdělena na teoretickou a praktickou část. V teoretické části jsou popsány metody, které byly použity pro analyzování firmy. V praktické části jsou aplikovány jednotlivé metody, Pro analýzu vnějšího prostředí byla použita analýza SLEPTE, pro analýzu odvětví byl použit Porterův model pěti konkurenčních sil, v další části se práce zabývá identifikací silných a slabých stránek firmy. V závěru práce jsou zhodnoceny výsledky analýz a...

  7. Návrh pracoviště obrábění hřídelí elektromotorů


    Knobloch, Martin


    Cílem práce na téma „Návrh pracoviště obrábění hřídelí elektromotorů“ je zavedení nové technologie do výroby hřídelí v odštěpném závodě Siemens s.r.o., o.z. Elektromotory Mohelnice. Na začátku je popsána teorie přípravy výroby a metody vedoucí ke stanovení nejvhodnější metody výroby a její zavedení do praxe. V další kapitole se práce zaměřuje na popis stávajícího procesu a vyhodnocení největších úskalí procesu. Následuje variantní návrh nového pracoviště včetně posouzení z hlediska technologi...

  8. Návrh strategie pro vybudování ziskového víceúrovňového podnikání


    Mokrý, Martin


    Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá tématem víceúrovňového marketingu jako oboru pro samostatné podnikání jednotlivce. Posuzuje pozitiva a negativa této metody podnikání a rozdílnost od podvodných modelů. Diplomová práce se zaměřuje zejména na navržení konkrétních postupů vedoucích k vybudování stabilního příjmu v tomto odvětví a k tomu využívá současné poznatky o víceúrovňovém marketingu, základní metody určování kompetencí, kompetenčních modelů a koučování. This diploma thesis deals wit...

  9. Origin, Nature, Disposal and Control of Radioactive Wastes Arising from the Use of Radioisotopes; Origine, Nature, Elimination et Controle des Dechets Radioactifs Decoulant de l'Emploi des Radioisotopes; 041f 0420 041e 0414 ; Origen, Naturaleza, Evacuacion y Control de los Desechos Radiactivos Producidos en la Utilizacion de Radioisotopos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kenny, A. W. [Ministry of Housing and Local Government (United Kingdom)


    The paper describes the different types of radioactive waste arising from industrial, medical and scientific uses of radioisotopes. An outline is given of methods used for waste disposal, depending on the content of radioactivity. (author) [French] L'auteur decrit les differents types de dechets radioactifs decoulant de l'utilisation de radioisotopes dans l'industrie, en medecine et dans la science. Il donne un apercu des methodes employees pour l'elimination des dechets selon leur teneur en elements radioactifs. (author) [Spanish] En la memoria se describen los diferentes tipos de desechos radiactivos producidos por la utilizacion industrial, medica y cientifica de los radioisotopos y se hace una exposicion de los metodos empleados para la evacuacion de desechos segun su contenido radiactivo. (author) [Russian] V doklade daetsja opisanie razlichnyh tipov radioaktivnyh othodov, voznikajushhih v rezul'tate promyshlennogo, medicinskogo i nauchnogo ispol'zovanija radioizotopov. Osobo razbirajutsja metody, ispol'zuemye dlja udalenija radioaktivnyh othodov v zavisimosti ot ih radioaktivnosti. (author)

  10. Modified Stability Charts for Rock Slopes Based on the Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion / Zmodyfikowane Diagramy Stabilności Skalistych Zboczy Otrzymane W Oparciu O Warunek Wytrzymałości Hoeka-Browna (United States)

    Nekouei, Mahdi; Ahangari, Kaveh


    Only an article rendered by Lia et al. in 2008 has represented charts based on Hoek-Brown criterion for rock slopes, however, these charts are not precise and efficient. Because of this problem, a modification is suggested for the mentioned charts in this study. The new charts are calculated according to four methods. Among the methods, one relates to finite element method using Phase2 software. The other three methods are Janbu, Bishop and Fellenius that belong to limit equilibrium method by using Slide software. For each slope angle, the method having high correlation coefficient is selected as the best one. Then, final charts are rendered according to the selected method and its specific equations. Among forty equations, twenty-five ones or 62.5% relate to numerical method and Phase2 software, six ones or 15% belong to Fellenius limit equilibrium, six ones or 15% relate to Bishop limit equilibrium, and three ones or 7.5% belong to Janbu limit equilibrium. In order to validate new charts, slope stability analysis is carried out for several sections of Chadormalu iron ore open pit mine, Iran. The error percentage of new charts in limit equilibrium method using Slide software and in Bishop method for slopes of Chadormalu iron ore mine are rendered and compared. The charts on a basis of Hoek-Brown failure criterion for rock slopes show less than ±4% error. This indicates that these charts are appropriate tools and their safety factor is optimal for rock slopes. Diagramy stabilności skalistych zboczy otrzymane w oparciu o warunek wytrzymałości Hoeka- Browna znaleźć można jedynie w pracy Lia et al. (2008), choć wykresy te nie są absolutnie dokładne i jasne. Dlatego też w niniejszym artykule zaproponowano pewną modyfikację diagramów. Nowe wykresu sporządzono w oparciu o cztery metody. Jedna z metod opiera się na metodzie elementów skończonych i wykorzystuje oprogramowanie Phase2. Pozostałe trzy podejścia to metody Janbu, Bishopa i Felleniusa bazuj

  11. Probability distribution of atmospheric pollutants: comparison among four methods for the determination of the log-normal distribution parameters; La distribuzione di probabilita` degli inquinanti atmosferici: confronto tra quattro metodi per la determinazione dei parametri della distribuzione log-normale

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bellasio, R [Enviroware s.r.l., Agrate Brianza, Milan (Italy). Centro Direzionale Colleoni; Lanzani, G; Ripamonti, M; Valore, M [Amministrazione Provinciale, Como (Italy)


    This work illustrates the possibility to interpolate the measured concentrations of CO, NO, NO{sub 2}, O{sub 3}, SO{sub 2} during one year (1995) at the 13 stations of the air quality monitoring station network of the Provinces of Como and Lecco (Italy) by means of a log-normal distribution. Particular attention was given in choosing the method for the determination of the log-normal distribution parameters among four possible methods: I natural, II percentiles, III moments, IV maximum likelihood. In order to evaluate the goodness of fit a ranking procedure was carried out over the values of four indices: absolute deviation, weighted absolute deviation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov index and Cramer-von Mises-Smirnov index. The capability of the log-normal distribution to fit the measured data is then discussed as a function of the pollutant and of the monitoring station. Finally an example of application is given: the effect of an emission reduction strategy in Lombardy Region (the so called `bollino blu`) is evaluated using a log-normal distribution. [Italiano] In questo lavoro si discute la possibilita` di interpolare le concentrazioni misurate di CO, NO, NO{sub 2}, O{sub 3}, SO{sub 2} durante un anno solare (il 1995) nelle 13 stazioni della Rete di Rilevamento della qualita` dell`aria delle Provincie di Como e di Lecco mediante una funzione log-normale. In particolare si discute quale metodo e` meglio usare per l`individuazione dei 2 parametri caratteristici della log-normale, tra 4 teoreticamente possibili: I naturale, II dei percentili, III dei momenti, IV della massima verosimiglianza. Per valutare i risultati ottenuti si usano: la deviazione assoluta, la deviazione pesata, il parametro di Kolmogorov-Smirnov e quello di Cramer-von Mises-Smirnov effettuando un ranking tra i metodi in funzione degli inquinanti e della stazione di misura. Ancora in funzione degli inquinanti e delle diverse stazioni di misura si discute poi la capacita` della funzione log-normale di

  12. Dislocation structures, effective and internal stresses of cyclic stained ferritic stainless steel

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrenec, Martin; Polák, Jaroslav


    Roč. 72, č. 279 (2001), s. 129-133 ISSN 1429-6055. [Medzynarodowe Sympozjum - Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasnosci materialów i wyrobów /16./. Komorní Lhotka, 11.12.2001-13.12.2001] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : dislocation * cyclicling * stresses Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  13. Algoritmus detekující změny průběhu experimentálních dat

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Zezulka, Petr


    Roč. 72, č. 279 (2001), s. 97-100 ISSN 1429-6055. [Międzynarodowe Sympozjum - Metody oceny struktury oraz własnosci materiałow i wyroboów /16./. Komorní Lhotka, 11.12.2001-13.12.2001] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : algorithm Subject RIV: BA - General Mathematics

  14. Predikční systém ELVÍRA pro predikci spotřeby zemního plynu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pelikán, Emil; Eben, Kryštof; Šimůnek, Milan; Kolman, M.; Hais, J.


    Roč. 80, č. 11 (2000), s. 253-255 ISSN 0032-1761 Institutional research plan: AV0Z1030915 Keywords : predikční modely * systémy pro podporu rozhodování * regresní metody * umělé neuronové sítě Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research

  15. Metoda nabycia a metoda łączenia udziałóww procesie łączenia jednostek gospodarczych– rozwiązania krajowe i międzynarodowe

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marzena Remlein


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest prezentacja metod i sposobów bilansowego rozliczania procesu łączenia się jednostek gospodarczych przewidzianych przepisami polskiego prawa bilansowego i rozwiązaniami MSSF, oraz ukazanie różnic między tymi regulacjami w zakresie rozliczania procesu połączeń. W poszczególnych częściach opracowania przedstawiono istotę i procedury postępowania zgodnie z polski prawem bilansowym w przypadku zastosowania metody nabycia i metody łączenia udziałów. Dokonano porównania obowiązujących metod oraz zaprezentowano istotne różnice między obowiązującymi w Polsce metodami. Zaprezentowano również rozwiązania przewidziane w MSSF 3. Omówiono etapy postępowania w metodzie nabycia oraz zwrócono uwagę na rozbieżności między rozwiązaniami krajowymi a Międzynarodowymi Standardami Sprawozdawczości Finansowej.

  16. Metody zápisu nanostruktur rastrovací sondou

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Urbánek, Michal; Krátký, Stanislav; Matějka, Milan; Kolařík, Vladimír; Horáček, Miroslav


    Roč. 108, č. 10 (2014), s. 937-941 ISSN 0009-2770 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) LO1212 Keywords : scanning probe lithography * local anodic oxidation * nanoscratching * atomic force microscopy Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering Impact factor: 0.272, year: 2014

  17. Regresní metody ve statistickém softwaru


    Volchenkova, Irina


    b;g;igpiipu.txt[24.05.2013 12:17:27] Title: Regression methods in statistical software Author: Irina Volchenkova Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Supervisor: Mgr. David Legát, Ph.D., Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Abstract: Regression analysis is a useful instrument for data mining. This thesis contains detailed information about linear regression especially about the mean least squares method. The theoretical part is divided into two pa...

  18. La struttura degli algoritmi

    CERN Document Server

    Luccio, Fabrizio


    Protagonista di questo libro è l'algoritmo, cioè la successione dei passi in cui consiste la risoluzione di un problema. Si cercano le direttrici principali che guidano la fase dell'organizzazione e del progetto di un algoritmo, i metodi per valutarne l'efficienza, i criteri di scelta di un algoritmo fra i tanti che risolvono lo stesso problema.


    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Petrenec, Martin; Man, Jiří; Obrtlík, Karel; Polák, Jaroslav

    308/2005, č. 86 (2005), s. 269-274 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasności materialów i wyrobów. Ustroń-Jaszowiec, 07.12.2005-09.12.2005] Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : low cycle fatigue * superalloy * cyclic strain localization Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  20. Robustní mnohorozměrná statistika v genetických aplikacích

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kalina, Jan


    Roč. 22, č. 1 (2011), s. 13-19 ISSN 1210-8022 R&D Projects: GA MŠk(CZ) 1M06014 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : robustní metody * vícerozměrná statistika * genetický výzkum * metoda MWCD * sekvence Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics , Operational Research

  1. Classification methods of sonar signal. Part One: State of the art; Metodi di classificazione dei segnali Sonar. Parte prima: stato dell'arte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Colao, F [Dipartimento Tecnologie Fisiche e Nuovi Materiali, ENEA, Centro Ricerche Frascati, Roma (Italy); Dell' Erba, R [Dipartimento Tecnologie Fisiche e Nuovi Materiali, ENEA, Centro Ricerche Casaccia, Roma (Italy)


    tipiche date dalla telecamera che e a nostra disposizione. Centrale in questo lavoro e il tema del riuso di tecnologie robuste di analisi dati da settori di ricerca quali il telerilevamento o l'imaging ottico (metodi PCA, SAM, SCM, ecc). In questo caso, assumendo che le specificita del mezzo trasmissivo e dell'interazione abbiano leggi di scala formalmente simili sia nel caso acustico che in quello ottico, si trasferiscono all'ambito acustico i paradigmi e gli algoritmi originalmente sviluppati in ambiti diversi per range e per interazione quali ad esempio lo spettro di frequenza di dati ottici.

  2. Estimation of the Cost of Equity for Mining Companies Using the P-Lefac Method (United States)

    Ranosz, Robert


    This article describes one of the methods of estimating the cost of equity, namely the LEFAC method. The name of the method is an acronym of the names of individual financial categories: L - Liquidity, E - Earnings, F - Franchise, A - Assets, C - Capital. It is a scoring method similar to the way used by ING Financial Markets to estimate share prices. A review of literature shows that this method is not widely known and used by enterprises, but it has certain advantages which justify its use. Its main advantages include its easy use and the stability of the results obtained: the calculated cost of equity is never lower than the adopted risk-free rate. The method is particularly useful for companies (enterprises) not listed on stock exchanges. This article is divided into five parts: an introduction, the LEFAC method, the parameterization of the LEFAC method (P-LEFAC), an example calculation and a summary. The second part of this article characterises the LEFAC method. In the third part, the method is parameterized to obtain a function described by formula 22. The following section contains an example calculation for KGHM S.A. and also presents results which mining companies would achieve if they used the discussed method to calculate the cost of their equity. The calculations were performed for mining companies listed on the Warsaw Stocks Exchange and unlisted ones. This part of the article also contains a short comparison of results obtained using the CAPM method and the discussed model. The last section consists of a summary presenting final conclusions. The article ends in a list of the literature referred to. Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony jednej z metod szacowania kosztu kapitału własnego, a mianowicie metodzie LEFAC. Nazwa metody pochodzi od pierwszych liter wyrazów z języka angielskiego, które określają poszczególne kategorie finansowe: L - Liquidity (płynność), E - Earnings (zyski), F - Franchise (strategia), A - Assets (aktywa), C

  3. Evolution of Opf techniques; Evoluzione delle procedure di Opf

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berizzi, A. [Sistemi Elettrici per l' Energia, Milan (Italy); Bovo, C.; Delfanti, M. [Milan Politecnico, Milan (Italy). Dipt. di Elettrotecnica


    The paper analyses some possible applications of Opf techniques to the new market scenario of electric systems. New control tools (the adoption of Facts devices, or the use of correct economical signals related to nodal prices) are introduced. As the technical and economic requirements of the market could give rise to mutual conflict, the use of Multi objective Optimisation (MO) is envisaged. MO allows the management of different objectives and makes it easier to take a decision, as it gives indications on the consequences of the choice with respect to all the objective functions considered. [Italian] A partire dai criteri di ottimizzazione applicati alla pianificazione e all'esercizio dei sistemi elettrici gestiti in maniera tradizionale, l'articolo illustra alcune proposte di Optimal Power Flow (Opf) per il nuovo regime di mercato. Sono presentate due possibili evoluzioni dei metodi tradizionali di Opf, che considerano la presenza di carichi elastici o di dispositivi per la gestione flessibile della rete di trasmissione (Facts). Si riportano anche alcuni risultati ottenuti applicando al problema di Opf metodi di multiobiettivo, utili per contemperare le necessita' dei diversi attori del mercato.

  4. Dwucyfrowe kodowanie zadań z matematyki

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    Agnieszka Sułowska


    Full Text Available Różne stosowane na świecie sposoby oceniania zadań na egzaminach końcowych dają informacje o osiągnięciach uczniów, pozwalają porównywać wyniki szkół, nie pozwalają jednak na formułowanie wniosków o koniecznych modyfikacjach metod nauczania. Istnieją jednak metody oceniania zadań, które pozwalają nie tylko opisać osiągnięcia i niepowodzenia uczniów, ale także umożliwiają ocenę przyczyn tych niepowodzeń. Jedną z takich metod oceniania zadań otwartych rozbudowanej odpowiedzi jest kodowanie dwucyfrowe (double-digit coding. Stosowana jest ona w niektórych międzynarodowych badaniach edukacyjnych. W artykule przedstawiamy pierwsze Polskie doświadczenia związane z zastosowaniem tej metody: zadanie z matematyki oraz klucz kodowy, na podstawie którego odbywało się jego ocenianie. Przedstawiamy również doświadczenia zdobyte podczas przygotowywania klucza kodowego i podczas jego zastosowania w procesie oceniania oraz płynące stąd wnioski.

  5. La trasmissione di audio-video in diretta su larga scala: una breve rassegna

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    Franco Tommasi


    Full Text Available ItIn quanti modi è possibile trasmettere audio e video in diretta a un gran numero di destinatari? Se da una parte il grosso pubblico può ritenere banale il problema, uno sguardo più attento rivela senza difficoltà che è vero l'esatto opposto. L'articolo passa in rassegna i principali metodi attualmente usati ed evidenzia i problemi che essi comportano. Infine viene brevemente presentata una proposta sviluppata nel laboratorio dell'autore che cerca di sfruttare Internet ed il satellite per aggirare le difficoltà dei metodi passati in rassegna.EnHow many ways to transmit live audio and video to a very large audience are available?While the layman may consider such problem a trivial one, the exact opposite is true. A short review of the answers to the question is given in the following, together with a brief description of the drawbacks associated with each of them. The article ends with a short presentation of a proposal developed in the author's lab which puts to work the Internet and the satellite to get around the difficulties of the reviewed methods.

  6. A Concept of a Ship Domain for the Use of Navigational Safety Assessment / Analiza Bezpieczeństwa Morskiego z Wykorzystaniem Domeny Wokół Statku

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    Marcjan Krzysztof


    Full Text Available Jedną z ważniejszych koncepcji dotyczącej bezpieczeństwa nawigacji jest domena statku. Koncepcja morskiej domeny jest jedną z najstarszych domen, albowiem poprzedziła domeny stosowane w lotnictwie, branży kolejowej, przemyśle chemicznym oraz medycznym. Poprzez pojęcie domeny statku należy rozumieć pewien obszar wokół statku, który nawigator chciałby utrzymać wolnym od innych obiektów stałych i ruchomych. Sytuację nawigacyjną można uznać za bezpieczną tak długo, jak żaden inny statek lub przeszkoda nawigacyjna nie przekroczy tego obszaru. W celu budowy i rozwinięcia metody oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego wyznaczono probabilistyczne domeny statku na podstawie danych z monitoringu AIS dla trzech typów sytuacji spotkaniowych między statkami. Celem pracy jest zaprezentowanie metody identyfikacji incydentów nawigacyjnych na podstawie domeny probabilistycznej, która może posłużyć do oceny bezpieczeństwa nawigacyjnego oraz odnajdywania miejsc potencjalnie niebezpiecznych na wybranych obszarach Morza Bałtyckiego.

  7. Application of Relevance Maps in Multidimensional Classification of Coal Types / Zastosowanie Map Odniesienia W Wielowymiarowej Klasyfikacji Typów Węgla (United States)

    Niedoba, Tomasz


    Multidimensional data visualization methods are a modern tool allowing to classify some analyzed objects. In the case of grained materials e.g. coal, many characteristics have an influence on the material quality. In case of coal, apart from most obvious features like particle size, particle density or ash contents there are many others which cause significant differences between considered types of material. The paper presents the possibility of applying visualization techniques for coal type identification and determination of significant differences between various types of coal. Author decided to apply relevance maps to achieve this purpose. Three types of coal - 31, 34.2 and 35 (according to Polish classification of coal types) were investigated, which were initially screened on sieves and then divided into density fractions. Then, each size-density fraction was chemically analyzed to obtain other characteristics. It was stated that the applied methodology allows to identify certain coal types efficiently and can be used as a qualitative criterion for grained materials. However, it was impossible to achieve such identification comparing all three types of coal together. The presented methodology is new way of analyzing data concerning widely understood mineral processing. Surowce mineralne, które podlegają wzbogacaniu w celu ich lepszego wykorzystania mogą być (charakteryzują się) charakteryzowane wieloma wskaźnikami opisującymi ich, interesujące przeróbkarza, cechy. Podstawowymi cechami są wielkość ziaren oraz ich gęstość, które decydują o przebiegu rozdziału zbiorów ziaren (nadaw) i efektach takiego rozdziału. Rozdział prowadzi się z reguły, w celu uzyskania produktów o zróżnicowanych wartościach średnich wybranej cechy, która zwykle charakteryzowana jest zawartością określonego składnika surowca wyznaczoną na drodze analiz chemicznych. Takie podejście do surowca mineralnego prowadzi do potraktowania go jako

  8. La ristorazione nelle case di cura convenzionate di una ASL romana. Verifica dell'adeguatezza nutrizionale


    Cairella, G.; Marchetti, A.; Rebella, V.; Sonni, L.; Ciaralli, F.


    Obiettivi: valutazione dell’adeguatezza nutrizionale dei menù di case di cura convenzionate e formulazione di raccomandazioni finalizzate al raggiungimento della sicurezza nutrizionale dell’utente ricoverato.

    Metodi: alle Direzioni Sanitarie delle case di cura convenzionate sono stati richiesti i menu invernali ed estivi del vitto comune e speciale. La valutazione giornaliera media dell’energia totale, l’appo...

  9. Prospettive educative per generare e ri-generare le rappresentazioni di genere. Riflessioni da una ricerca.

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    Stefano Benini


    Full Text Available Lo scritto segue gli esiti di una ricerca qualitativa “rappresentazione di genere” su  172 adolescenti di Bologna e Rimini.  I dati raccolti sono letti da un punto di vista pedagogico al fine di delineare tracce e metodi per facilitare le ragazze e i ragazzi alla scoperta di sé e a progettarsi nel proprio essere e divenire femmine e maschi.

  10. p-Learning’s unwelcome legacy

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    Jon Dron


    dell’e-learning verso un apprendimento intenzionalmente informale, sebbene metodi, retaggio dei confini fisici, in realtà poco adeguati ai media utilizzati, prevalgono ancora nell’e-learning istituzionale. Questo articolo vuole essere un’esplorazione sulle implicazioni insite nella rimozione di tali confini fisici dalle pedagogie online, molte delle quali sfidano le fondamenta e i presupposti educativi a cui siamo in genere più affezionati.

  11. Optimalizace HPLC metody pro separaci tetracyklinových antibiotik


    Kučerová, Gabriela


    The aim of this work is to develop and to optimize HPLC method for separation of a set of four tetracycline antibiotics - tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, and doxycycline. Four different reversed octadecyl-silica stationary phases in various mobile phase compositions were examined in isocratic elution. The baseline resolution of all the analytes was obtained by using two columns - Astec C18 and Atlantis C18 I. The optimized separation system consisted of Atlantis C18 I. colum...

  12. Nové marketingové metody v knihovnách


    Steklá, Zuzana


    In last few years marketing become one of the key processes in libraries. Marketing is used as an efficient tool of competitive struggle and means for defining the identity of the library, it is also new way of communication with library users. Libraries could use tools of classic marketing, which are primarly intended for profit organizations, but they have to be aware of differences between profit and nonprofite sector. These differences are goals of the organization, its directions and man...

  13. Kometový Test: Princip metody a klinické aplikace

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Novotná, Božena; Neuwirtová, R.; Blažková, V.; Šišková, M.


    Roč. 140, č. 24 (2001), s. 761-766 ISSN 0008-7335 R&D Projects: GA MZd IZ4119 Grant - others:GA VZP(XC) 021/97 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z5039906 Keywords : comet assay * apoptosis Subject RIV: FE - Other Internal Medicine Disciplines

  14. Basic methods of isotope analysis; Osnovnye metody analiza izotopov

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ochkin, A V; Rozenkevich, M B


    The bases of the most applied methods of the isotope analysis are briefly presented. The possibilities and analytical characteristics of the mass-spectrometric, spectral, radiochemical and special methods of the isotope analysis, including application of the magnetic resonance, chromatography and refractometry, are considered.

  15. Plagiátorství v textových dokumentech: Metody odhalování plagiátů


    Chocholoušková, Petra


    Bachelor thesis "Plagiarism in text documents: Methods of Plagiarism" deals with plagiarism theses. Explain the term of plagiarism. It applies to legislation based on the Higher Education Act and the Copyright Act. Plagiarism connects with citation ethics and explains its principles. It defines the types and reasons for plagiarism. The theoretical part analyzes the electronic screening tools to detect plagiarism and evaluate the success of individual instruments. It selected programs are avai...

  16. Vliv povrchové vrstvy Al-Si na nízkocyklovou únavu superslitiny in 713LC pri teplotě 800°C

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Juliš, M.; Obrtlík, Karel; Podrábský, T.


    Roč. 327, - (2008), s. 197-202 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody oceny struktury oraz wlasności materiálow i wyrobow. Svratka, 01.10.2008-03.10.2008] R&D Projects: GA AV ČR 1QS200410502; GA ČR GA106/07/1507 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : low cycle fatigue * Inconel 713LC * surface treatment Subject RIV: JL - Materials Fatigue, Friction Mechanics

  17. Indagini su conoscenze e comportamenti dei medici in tema di prevenzione delle neoplasie del cavo orale: primi risultati


    G. Nicotera; A. Di Stasio; F. Angelillo


    Obiettivi: l’indagine si propone di valutare il livello di conoscenze ed i comportamenti dei medici italiani in merito alla prevenzione delle neoplasie del cavo orale.

    Metodi: lo studio è stato effettuato mediante l’invio postale ad un campione casuale di 500 di medici di medicina generale della regione Calabria di un questionario con 38 domande strutturate in 3 sezioni: caratteristiche anagrafiche e lavorati...

  18. Educazione all'igiene orale ed eradicazione della carie dentale nellíinfanzia. Risultati finali di uno studio in un campione di popolazione infantile di Ferrara


    M. Bergamini; P. Simioli; A. Stefanati; A. Grilli; P. Gregorio


    Introduzione: poichè nel 1985 l’O.M.S. collocò l’eradicazione della carie infantile fra gli obiettivi epidemiologici da raggiungere nella regione europea entro l’anno 2000, è stato effettuato uno screening microbiologico finalizzato all’isolamento di germi cariogeni nel cavo orale dei bambini.

    Materiali e metodi: secondo le procedure correnti, sono stati eseguiti tamponi gengivo-coronali in 476 bambini delle ...

  19. Taoistický pohled na trénování ve fotbalu a triatlonu


    Skála, Tomáš


    Nazev: Taoisticky pohled na trenovani ve fotbalu a triatlonu Cile prace: Objasnit pojmy taoismus a Tao, pomoci jejich charakteristiky osvetlit taoisticke vnimani sebe sama, okolniho sveta a pohybove aktivity, s naslednou aplikaci na konkretni sporty fotbal a triatlon. Metody: Deskripce, analyza, spekulace Klicova slova: Taoismus, Tao, Cchi, Jin a Jang, Wu-Wej, fotbal, triatlon, zacatecnicka mysl SUMMARY Title: The taoistic view in the football and triatlon training Objective: To explain terms...

  20. Inventory Methods in a Conversion Plant; Methodes d'Inventaire dans un Etablissement de Transformation; Metody inventarizatsij na predpriyatii po pererabotke yadernykh materialov; Metodos de Inventario en una Planta de Transformacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Billy, G. [Commissariat a l' Energie Atomique, Paris (France)


    inventarios es la de salvaguardar los intereses de la Comision, evaluar la cuantia de las perdidas y controlar las medidas adoptadas para el almacenaje de los desechos. Para el recuento de las existencias el inspector puede efectuar materialmente el inventario, participar en el o comprobarlo. Este ultimo procedimiento es el que da mejores resultados. Las operaciones de recuento, precedidas de una reunion preparatoria para fijar las modalidades, se efectuan en dos tiempos: la comprobacion del inventario ponderal y la comprobacion de la contabilidad fisica. Las cuestiones que pueden plantearse durante el inventario se refieren a las discrepancias en el peso y el contenido, la eleccion del equipo de pesada, los residuos y la evaluacion de las perdidas. Los metodos de inventario no deben diferir de un pais a otro. Parece preferible subrayar las dificultades que se presentan durante las operaciones y estudiar en comun los medios para evitarlas. (author) [Russian] Osnovnymi zadachami inventarizacii javljajutsja: sobljudenie interesov Komissariata; opredelenie razmerov poter'; kontrol' mer, prinimaemyh dlja hranenija othodov. Inspektirujushhee lico mozhet provodit' fakticheskuju inventarizaciju, uchastvovat' v nej ili proverjat' ee. Jetot poslednij metod daet nailuchshie rezul'taty. Operacii po uchetu, kotorym predshestvuet podgotovitel'noe soveshhanie dlja opredelenija sposobov ucheta, provodjatsjav dva jetapa: snachala proverjaetsja nalichie po vesu, azatemdoku mentacija. Voprosy, voznikajushhie v svjazi s inventarizaciej i kasajushhiesja vesa, soderzhanija poko- vok, vybora vesov dlja vzveshivanija, normy othodov i ocenki poter', razreshajutsja otpravite- lem i poluchatelem. Metody inventarizacii v odnom gosudarstve ne dolzhny sil'no otlichat'sja ot takovyh v drugom gosudarstve. Neobhodimo podcherknut' trudnosti, voznikajushhie v processe inven- tarizacii, i zhelatel'nost' otyskanija sovmestnyh putej ih preodolenija. (author)

  1. Refinement Types for TypeScript


    Vekris, Panagiotis; Cosman, Benjamin; Jhala, Ranjit


    We present Refined TypeScript (RSC), a lightweight refinement type system for TypeScript, that enables static verification of higher-order, imperative programs. We develop a formal core of RSC that delineates the interaction between refinement types and mutability. Next, we extend the core to account for the imperative and dynamic features of TypeScript. Finally, we evaluate RSC on a set of real world benchmarks, including parts of the Octane benchmarks, D3, Transducers, and the TypeScript co...

  2. Predikce rozložení uhlíku ve svarových spojích ocelí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řeháčková, L.; Dobrovská, J.; Dobrovská, V.; Pilous, V.; Million, Bořivoj; Stránský, K.


    Roč. 86, č. 308 (2005), s. 175-180 ISSN 1429-6055. [20. mezinárodní sympozium Metody hodnocení stuktury a vlastností materiálů. 051207-051209, Ustroň-Jaszowiec] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1006; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/0949; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/03/0271 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : carbon diffusion * steel weldments

  3. Analisi matematica del problema dello spazio

    CERN Document Server

    Weyl, Hermann


    Al fine di rendere concettualmente evidente il privilegio posseduto dalla metrica pitagorico-riemanniana, e dalle varie metriche riemanniane "indefinite", rispetto alle altre metriche possibili, nel 1921 Weyl, stimolato dagli sviluppi della relatività einsteiniana (sulla quale aveva scritto il mirabile "Raum-Zeit-Materie"), intraprese un profondo studio del problema giovandosi dei metodi della teoria dei gruppi di Lie, studio che egli portò a conclusione con la monografia del 1923 intitolata "Mathematische Analyse des Raumproblems".

  4. Ricerca clinico-epidemiologica sullo stato di salute del cavo orale nei pazienti tossicodipendenti


    Bromo, Francesco


    Obiettivo: Lo scopo della ricerca è stato quello di mettere in evidenza la presenza di patologie del cavo orale in soggetti tossicodipendenti Materiali e Metodi: Sono stati reclutati 71 pazienti in terapia di recupero presso la Comunità Incontro di Amelia. I soggetti sono stati sottoposti a visite clinico-anamnestiche adottando una cartella clinica da noi stessi costruita. Risultati: Dei 71 soggetti tossicodipendenti, 42 facevano uso di eroina e 39 assumevano droghe per v...

  5. Příběhy rekonstrukčních řezů historickým nadložím Pražského hradu

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Boháčová, Ivana


    Roč. 10, č. 2 (2017), s. 108-124 ISSN 1803-1749. [Archeologie ve městě. Strategie, metodika, metody výzkumu, prezentace a ochrany archeologických památek. Mělník, 01.06.2016-03.06.2016] R&D Projects: GA MK(CZ) DF13P01OVV014 Keywords : archaeology * methodology * central site * Early Middle Ages Subject RIV: AC - Archeology, Anthropology, Ethnology OBOR OECD: Archaeology



    Žižek, Marko


    Diplomska naloga pokriva problematiko geodetskih kontrolnih meritev (monitoringa) med gradnjo. Glavni cilj diplomske naloge je prikazati metode monitoringa in različne metode geodetskega merjenja. Podrobno sta opisani merski metodi niveliranja in tahimetrije, kot tudi instrumenti, ki jih uporabljamo. Predstavljena je metoda niveliranja na konkretnem primeru in sicer gra za objekt garažne hiše v centru mesta Maribor. V nalogi je tudi predstavljen terminski plan samih meritev. Plan je prikazan ...

  7. Funzionalizzazione della mandibola dopo ricostruzione con lembo libero rivascolarizzato di fibula "single strut". Al di là del deficit di verticalità.


    Gessaroli, Manlio


    Obiettivi: Valutare la modalità  più efficace per la riabilitazione funzionale del limbo libero di fibula "single strut", dopo ampie resezioni per patologia neoplastica maligna del cavo orale. Metodi: Da una casistica di 62 ricostruzioni microvascolari con limbo libero di fibula, 11 casi sono stati selezionati per essere riabilitati mediante protesi dentale a supporto implantare. 6 casi sono stati trattati senza ulteriori procedure chirurgiche ad eccezione dell'implantologia (gruppo 1), a...

  8. Espressione genica e proteica dell’albumina negli adipociti umani maturi. Relazione tra albuminemia e tessuto adiposo nei pazienti in trattamento dialitico.


    Sirico, Maria Luisa


    Scopo: Lo scopo di questo lavoro era quello di indagare l’espressione genica dell’albumina negli adipociti umani maturi, la regolazione di tale espressione da parte dell’infiammazione e il contributo del tessuto adiposo ai livelli circolanti di albumina. Metodi: Campioni di tessuto adiposo sono stati prelevati da soggetti sani e infiammati. Sono state effettuate analisi di espressione genica (RT-PCR e Real-Time PCR) e proteica (Western Blot ) sugli adipociti e preadipociti estratti. Inoltr...

  9. Refining types using type guards in TypeScript

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Wolff, Ivo Gabe; Hage, J.


    We discuss two adaptations of the implementation of type guards and narrowing in the TypeScript compiler. The first is an improvement on the original syntax-directed implementation, and has now replaced the original one in the TypeScript compiler. It is specifically suited for the scenario in which

  10. Type Classes for Lightweight Substructural Types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edward Gan


    Full Text Available Linear and substructural types are powerful tools, but adding them to standard functional programming languages often means introducing extra annotations and typing machinery. We propose a lightweight substructural type system design that recasts the structural rules of weakening and contraction as type classes; we demonstrate this design in a prototype language, Clamp. Clamp supports polymorphic substructural types as well as an expressive system of mutable references. At the same time, it adds little additional overhead to a standard Damas-Hindley-Milner type system enriched with type classes. We have established type safety for the core model and implemented a type checker with type inference in Haskell.

  11. Příklad predikce rozložení uhlíku ve svarových spojích ocelí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řeháčková, L.; Dobrovská, J.; Dobrovská, V.; Pilous, V.; Million, Bořivoj; Stránský, K.


    Roč. 86, č. 308 (2005), s. 181-186 ISSN 1429-6055. [20. mezinárodní sympozium Metody hodnocení stuktury a vlastností materiálů. 051207-051209, Ustroň-Jaszowiec] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1006; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/0949; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/03/0264 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20410507 Keywords : prediction * carbon redistribution * steel weldments Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

  12. Příspěvek k modelování teplotní závislosti difuzních koeficientů ve svarovém spoji ocelí

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Řeháčková, L.; Million, Bořivoj; Dobrovská, J.; Stránský, K.


    Roč. 78, č. 298 (2004), s. 119-124 ISSN 1429-6055. [Metody hodnocení struktury a vlastností materiálů /19./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, 30.11.2004-02.12.2004] R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/0949; GA ČR(CZ) GA106/04/1006 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2041904 Keywords : carbon diffusion coefficient * steel weldments Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

  13. E tu onore di pianti Aiace avrai. La scelta di Aiace: spunti per un confronto fra modelli psicoanalitici e neurocognitivi nell'analisi del testo e dei personaggi letterari

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Darwine Delvecchio


    Prendendo le mosse dalla questione del rapporto tra emozioni e letteratura, in questo articolo offriamo alcuni spunti per confrontare i metodi e alcuni strumenti per l'interpretazione delle opere letterarie elaborati dalla psicoanalisi e dalle scienze neurocognitive. Per chiarire le differenze e per giustificare l'inassimilabilità delle prospettive indagate, abbiamo scelto di proporre una lettura dell'Aiace di Sofocle, alla quale fanno da contrappunto le riflessioni dell'estetica conflittuale nicciana elaborate in particolare nel Crepuscolo degli Idoli.

  14. New Materials for Sample Treatment, MS-Based Methods and Clinical Applications


    Riboni, Nicolò


    Lo sviluppo e l’utilizzo di nuovi materiali per scopi analitici è un campo di grande interesse per la ricerca scientifica. I progressi ottenuti nell’ambito della chimica dei materiali hanno permesso lo sviluppo di nuovi metodi analitici e tecniche di estrazione caratterizzati da alte performance in termini di selettività e sensibilità. In particolare sono stati incrementati nuovi dispositivi in grado di operare in-situ e in tempo reale tramite controllo remoto, interfacciandosi con smartphone...

  15. Značilnosti pedagogov montessori v Sloveniji


    Uštević, Maja


    V diplomskem delu je predstavljena pedagogika montessori, s poudarkom na značilnostih pedagogov montessori in izobraževanjih montessori v Sloveniji. Predstavljen je razvoj pedagogike montessori in življenje Marie Montessori, povezano z vzgojo in izobraževanjem ter razvoj ustanov, ki delujejo po principu pedagogike montessori, po svetu in v Sloveniji. Opisana je vloga pedagoga montessori ter njegove obveznosti in dolžnosti v procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja po metodi pedagogike montessori. Pred...

  16. Solid Propellant Subscale Burning Rate Analysis Methods for US and Selected NATO Facilities (United States)


    impossibility of the center of a particle lying closer than its radius from a solid boundary, * Due to surface tension and sedimentation (tends to level...34 effect (for bottom cast or bayonet cast grains) may consist of sedimentation of larger particles against the walls during casting flow, with the...February 2000. 91 Ratti A., "Metodi di Riduzione Dati Balistici per i Boosters a Propellente Solido di Ariane-4 e di Ariane-5," M.Sc. Thesis in Aerospace

  17. Fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate trattate mediante trasposizione del muscolo gracile: risultati a lungo termine e qualità della vita


    Tassone, Daniela


    OBIETTIVO: Le fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate hanno un impatto significativo sulla qualità della vita. Quando il canale anale è alterato da ulcerazioni e stenosi o in pazienti con difetti estesi del perineo, la chirurgia locale produce risultati insoddisfacenti. Lo scopo di questo studio è quello di valutare l'efficacia della trasposizione del muscolo gracile nelle fistole retto-vaginali Crohn-relate e determinare i suoi effetti sulla qualità della vita. MATERIALI E METODI: Da gennaio...

  18. Uwarunkowania sektorowe i perspektywy rozwoju firmy "Litwiński - Transport - Sprzęt - Budownictwo"


    Pociecha, Bernadeta


    Streszczenie Analiza otoczenia konkurencyjnego, w którym działa przedsiębiorstwo, dostarcza wielu istotnych informacji o zmieniających się warunkach jego funkcjonowania. Do opracowania adekwatnych koncepcji, podejść i narzędzi zarządzania wykorzystywane są podstawowe etapy procesu zarządzania strategicznego, czyli: analiza strategiczna, projektowanie strategii i jej realizacja. W części empirycznej pracy przeprowadzono, za pomocą metody SWOT, analizę firmy "Litwiński- Tra...

  19. Type inference for correspondence types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hüttel, Hans; Gordon, Andy; Hansen, Rene Rydhof


    We present a correspondence type/effect system for authenticity in a π-calculus with polarized channels, dependent pair types and effect terms and show how one may, given a process P and an a priori type environment E, generate constraints that are formulae in the Alternating Least Fixed......-Point (ALFP) logic. We then show how a reasonable model of the generated constraints yields a type/effect assignment such that P becomes well-typed with respect to E if and only if this is possible. The formulae generated satisfy a finite model property; a system of constraints is satisfiable if and only...... if it has a finite model. As a consequence, we obtain the result that type/effect inference in our system is polynomial-time decidable....

  20. Nuovi Metodi di visualizzazione geografica: l'approccio Focus+Glue+Context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavio Lupia


    Full Text Available New cartographic visualization methods: the Focus+Glue+Context approach Focus+Glue+Context is a new cartographic visualization method specifically designed to solve the fruition problems connected with the use of mobile devices and web mapping services. The objective of the F+G+C approach is to reduce users cognitive efforts when reading a map: to do so, the area of interest is ‘highlighted’ in a lower and more detailed scale through a fisheye lens effect, while the sorrouding context, useful to the user to determine the items relationships in a map, is maintained on a higher scale.

  1. Imitation modelling in metallography; Imitatsionnye metody issledovania v radiatsionnom metallovedenii

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pechenyakov, I; Georgiev, J [Bylgarska Akademiya na Naukite, Sofia (Bulgaria). Inst. po Metaloznanie i Tekhnologiya na Metalite


    A brief review of investigations made in the Institute of Metallography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences applying modern imitation methods is presented. Radiation damage in metals and alloys after ion implantation, H{sub 2} or He glow discharge exposure and electrolytic hydrogenation has been used to study crystal lattice changes and their effect on physical properties. Surface modification of steel samples of various composition have been studied. An apparatus for quantitative H{sub 2} determination has been constructed and methods for measurement of H{sub 2} permeability and H{sub 2} diffusion coefficients in metal alloys have been proposed. The correlation between H{sub 2} concentration, mechanical characteristics and physical properties of construction steel samples has been studied.

  2. Nuovi Metodi di visualizzazione geografica: l'approccio Focus+Glue+Context

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Flavio Lupia


    Full Text Available New cartographic visualization methods:the Focus+Glue+Context approachFocus+Glue+Context is a new cartographic visualization method specifically designed to solve the fruition problems connected with the use of mobile devices and web mapping services. The objective of the F+G+C approach is to reduce users cognitive efforts when reading a map: to do so, the area of interest is ‘highlighted’ in a lower and more detailed scale through a fisheye lens effect, while the sorrouding context, useful to the user to determine the items relationships in a map, is maintained on a higher scale.

  3. Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba − współczesne metody diagnostyki

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marianna Makowska


    Full Text Available Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD należy do chorób wywoływanych przez priony (encefalopatii gąbczastych. Jest to postępująca, śmiertelna i nieuleczalna choroba o charakterze neurozwyrodnieniowym. Jej przyczyną jest akumulacja patologicznego białka prionu (scrapie, PrPSc w ośrodkowym układzie nerwowym. Choroba objawia się postępującym otępieniem, zaburzeniami mowy i wzroku oraz motoryki pod postacią mioklonii, ataksji oraz niedowładu kończyn i zaburzeń równowagi. Bezpośrednią przyczyną zgonu jest najczęściej odoskrzelowe zapalenie płuc. Okres inkubacji choroby wynosi zazwyczaj od kilku do kilkunastu lat, a zgon następuje najczęściej od kilku do kilkunastu miesięcy od wystąpienia pierwszych objawów klinicznych. Trudności w przyżyciowym rozpoznawaniu choroby Creutzfeldta-Jakoba wynikają z braku swoistego markera umożliwiającego pewną identyfikację czynnika infekcyjnego oraz nie zawsze charakterystycznego obrazu klinicznego wymagającego różnicowania z innymi chorobami o charakterze otępiennym. Aktualnie jedyną pewną metodą rozpoznania jest przeprowadzenie badania neuropatologicznego. Klasyczna triada objawów neuropatologicznych występujących w przebiegu chorób wywoływanych przez priony obejmuje zmiany gąbczaste, rozplem astrogleju oraz utratę neuronów. Publikacja jest przeglądem aktualnych informacji na temat najnowszych metod diagnostycznych, w tym EEG, badań neuroobrazowych oraz laboratoryjnych, które znacznie poprawiły możliwość rozpoznania.

  4. Remote methods in geological studies. Distantsionnyye metody v geologicheskikh issldovaniyakh

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)


    The article cover the use of aerial and space photographic, scanner, radar and thermal photographs in geomorphological and geological study of platform and folded regions, specialized processing of lineaments of a photo image, predicting the quality of images of linear objects, photogrammetry of scanner images and questions of photogrametric processing of aerial photographic materials. The collection is designed for a broad circle of specialists using materials of remote photographs in geological studies and investgation of natural resources.

  5. Točnyje metody v češskom stichovedenii

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Plecháč, Petr; Kolár, Robert


    Roč. 11, č. 2017 (2017), s. 31-43 ISSN 2311-150X R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP406/11/1825 Institutional support: RVO:68378068 Keywords : versification * corpus linguistics * natural language processing * Czech poetry * verse corpora Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision OBOR OECD: Specific literatures

  6. Interwencje redukujące zagrożenia stereotypem w środowisku edukacyjnym

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dariusz Drążkowski


    Full Text Available Zagrożenie stereotypem wpływa na osiąganie gorszych wyników w nauce przez uczniów należących do grup negatywnie stereotypizowanych. U uczniów z mniejszości etnicznych lub rasowych wpływa ono destrukcyjnie nie tylko na osiągnięcia szkolne, ale także na poziom szczęścia czy stan zdrowia. Istnieje więc uzasadnione zapotrzebowanie na metody walki z tym zjawiskiem, które w ostatnich latach intensywnie starają się zaspokoić badania prowadzone przez psychologów społecznych. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i systematyzacja wyników badań na temat interwencji redukujących zagrożenie stereotypem w środowisku edukacyjnym. Badania te uporządkowano wokół interwencji ukierunkowanych na społeczeństwo i szkołę, interwencji związanych z zachowaniem nauczycieli i z warunkami przeprowadzania egzaminów testowych oraz skoncentrowanych na uczniu. Wyniki omówionych badań nasuwają efektywne i często łatwe do zastosowania metody zmniejszające zagrożenie stereotypem wśród uczniów. Interwencje oparte na tych metodach mogą wspierać tworzenie wyrównanych warunków nauki dla każdego ucznia.

  7. Guarded dependent type theory with coinductive types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bizjak, Aleš; Grathwohl, Hans Bugge; Clouston, Ranald


    We present guarded dependent type theory, gDTT, an extensional dependent type theory with a later' modality and clock quantifiers for programming and proving with guarded recursive and coinductive types. The later modality is used to ensure the productivity of recursive definitions in a modular......, type based, way. Clock quantifiers are used for controlled elimination of the later modality and for encoding coinductive types using guarded recursive types. Key to the development of gDTT are novel type and term formers involving what we call delayed substitutions’. These generalise the applicative...... functor rules for the later modality considered in earlier work, and are crucial for programming and proving with dependent types. We show soundness of the type theory with respect to a denotational model....

  8. Contribution to determination of coal grindability using Hardgrove method


    Tichánek, František


    The paper deals with determination of grindability of coal using Hardgrove method. Some non-availabilities of determination are mentioned as well as factors affecting grindability and relations for conversion of Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) values to Bond Work Index (Wi). Paper also provides information on utilization of Hardgrove method in Czech Republic and indicates HGI values for coal from OKD-Karvina region. Příspěvek se zabývá stanovením melitelnosti uhlí pomocí metody Hardgrov...



    Habijanić, Helena-Ena


    Mješoviti sustavi, točnije sustavi armiranobetonskih zidova i nearmiranih zidanih zidova, javljaju se kad se kod već postojećih zgrada nearmirani zidani zidovi, koji ne zadovoljavaju zahtjeve seizmičkog projektiranja, zamjenjuju s armiranobetonskima. Potresno ponašanje takvih konstrukcija još uvijek nije u potpunosti razjašnjeno i velika je razlika u odgovoru konstrukcije s pojedinačnim i kombiniranim sustavom. Kada bi se prema pojednostavljenoj metodi zanemarili nearmirani zidani zidovi i sv...

  10. Opas projektien pariin digitaalisessa maailmassa


    Aalto, Joni


    Insinöörityön aiheena oli projektityö digitaalisessa maailmassa. Sen tavoitteena oli luoda opas projektien parissa työskentelyyn ohjelmistotuotannossa ja selkeyttää ajatusta projektinhallinnasta. Insinöörityössä perehdyttiin ohjelmistojen kehittämisen projektinhallintaan yleisesti ottaen sekä pohdittiin muutamia projektinhallintamalleja. Käsittelyssä olivat Scrum-malli, Kanban-menetelmä, vesiputousmalli, RUP-malli ja Extreme Programming -metodi. Työssä etsittiin yhtäläisyyksiä näistä mall...

  11. Marketing plan for online surfing magazine


    Michna, Jakub


    Název: Marketing plan for online surfing magazine Cíle: The main aim of this thesis is to design a marketing plan for launching new online surfing magazine. This project would emerge from present online media, which adverse situation is going to be analyzed. Metody: Author used interviewing and personal survey as methods. Secondary data collection, PEST analysis and Google Analytics tool served as framework for resulting SWOT analysis. Výsledky: The marketing plan for one ye...

  12. Colorimetry applied to the field of cultural heritage: examples of study cases


    Salvatore Lorusso; Andrea Natali; Chiara Matteucci


    For a few years now, the Dipartimento di Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali of the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (sede di Ravenna) has been creating a Diagnostic Laboratory for the study on the “system: cultural heritage/conservation environment”. In the present paper the results of different surveys concerning the use of colorimetry on different typologies of art works are reported: graphic documents (fig. 1); oil painting on board and canvas (fig. 2); wall ...

  13. Type Families with Class, Type Classes with Family

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Serrano, Alejandro; Hage, Jurriaan; Bahr, Patrick


    Type classes and type families are key ingredients in Haskell programming. Type classes were introduced to deal with ad-hoc polymorphism, although with the introduction of functional dependencies, their use expanded to type-level programming. Type families also allow encoding type-level functions......, now as rewrite rules. This paper looks at the interplay of type classes and type families, and how to deal with shortcomings in both of them. Furthermore, we show how to use families to simulate classes at the type level. However, type families alone are not enough for simulating a central feature...... of type classes: elaboration, that is, generating code from the derivation of a rewriting. We look at ways to solve this problem in current Haskell, and propose an extension to allow elaboration during the rewriting phase....

  14. Concrete Types for TypeScript


    Richards, Gregor; Zappa Nardelli, Francesco; Vitek, Jan


    Typescript extends JavaScript with optional type annotations that are, by design, unsound and, that the Typescript compiler discards as it emits code. This design point preserves programming idioms developers are familiar with, and allows them to leave their legacy code unchanged, while offering a measure of static error checking in parts of the program that have type annotations. We present an alternative design for TypeScript, one where it is possible to support the same degree of dynamism,...

  15. Analisi sui pigmenti di ceramica neolitica tramite tecniche Raman e LIBS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cristina Fabbri


    Full Text Available I dati presentati in questo breve contributo provengono da uno studio condotto in collaborazione dal Dipartimento di Scienze Archeologiche dell’Università di Pisa e dall’Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici di Fisica molecolare del CNR di Pisa. Le metodologie applicate sono basate sull’analisi integrata delle tecniche spettroscopiche Raman e LIBS già ampiamente utilizzate nel campo dei Beni Culturali; i metodi sono infatti essenzialmente non distruttivi, non richiedono di un pre trattamento del campione e l’acquisizione delle misure è immediata.

  16. Acicular Ferrite in Micro Welding Technologies

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Węgrzyn T.


    Full Text Available Laser jest szeroko stosowany w mikro-spawaniu. Oprócz tej metody, spawanie z chłodzeniem mikrojetowym powinno być traktowane jako ważna metoda spawania cienkościennych konstrukcji. W artykule przedstawiono innowacyjną technologię spawania z chłodzeniem mikrojetowym w porównaniu do spawania laserowego. Uzyskano informacje o wpływie obu metod na strukturę metalograficzną stalowych cienkościennych konstrukcji. Zawartość ferrytu AF była porównana w obu przypadkach.

  17. Tutoring nauczycielski – tutoring rówieśniczy: aspekty etyczne


    Brzezińska, Anna Izabela; Appelt, Karolina


    W artykule autorki wskazują na różnorodne aspekty etyczne stosowania w edukacji metody tutoringu zarówno nauczycielskiego, jak i rówieśniczego. Podstawowym wg nich warunkiem etycznej, a zarazem efektywnej relacji tutorskiej jest – zgodnie z koncepcją samostanowienia Ryana i Deci’ego – zaspokojenie podstawowych, uniwersalnych potrzeb wszystkich partnerów interakcji: potrzeby więzi i bezpieczeństwa, potrzeby autonomii i potrzeby kompetencji. Uświadomienie sobie i uwzględnienie w działaniu tych ...

  18. Problematika předpovědi výroby elektrické energie z fotovoltaických farem

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Pelikán, Emil; Juruš, Pavel

    -, č. 2 (2010), s. 47-49 ISSN 1338-0524 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/09/1079 Grant - others:GA AV ČR(CZ) M100300904 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504 Keywords : fotovoltaická energie * predikční metody * krátkodobá předpověď * numerický model počasí Subject RIV: JE - Non-nuclear Energetics, Energy Consumption ; Use

  19. Korelacija izoenzimske aktivnosti LDH sadržaja radikularnih cista s citološkom i mikrobiološkom analizom


    Sulejmanagić, Halid; Galić, Miroslav; Jadrić, Stjepko


    Cilj ovoga rada bio je metodom elektroforeze na poliakrilamidnom gelu izdiferencirati pojedine izoenzime laktatdehidrogenaze iz uzoraka sadržaja radikularnih cista te pri tome ispitati postojanje korelacije između izoenzimatskog spektra sadržaja sa citološkom i mikrobiološkom analizom istog. Cjelokupna istraživanja su urađena na 9 uzoraka. Biokemijski dio uređen je na Institutu za biohemiju po metodi Bloemendaala, citološki na Institutu za patologiju, a mikrobiološki u specijalističkom labora...

  20. Prospection for Copper Mineralization with Contribution of Remote Sensing, Geochemical and Mineralographical Data in Abhar 1:100,000 Sheet, NW Iran / Poszukiwania ZASOBÓW Rud Miedzi Z Zastosowaniem Zdalnych Technik WYKORZYSTUJĄCYCH Dane Geochemiczne i Mineralogiczne W POKŁADZIE Geologicznym Abhar 1:100,000 W PÓŁNOCNO-ZACHODNIM Iranie (United States)

    Nouri, Reza; Jafari, Mohammadreza; Arian, Mehran; Feizi, Faranak; Afzal, Peyman


    Abhar 1:100,000 sheet is located within the Cenozoic Tarom volcano-plutonic belt, NW Iran. The present study is based on the integration of remote sensing techniques on Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER), geochemical data analysis consisting of stream sediment and lithogeochemical samples, within geological field observations and mineralographical studies to identify Cu prospect. On ASTER data; using a number of selected methods including band ratio, Least Square Fit (LS-Fit) and Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) distinguished alternation zones. These methods revealed that three types of alterations: argillic, phyllic, and iron oxide zones occurring at the NE and SE of Abhar sheet, while the propylitic and silica zones are developed in NW and SW of the studied area. Lineaments were identified by aid of false color composite, high pass filters and hill-shade DEM techniques that two NW-SE and NE-SW major trends were determined. Geochemical anomalies were separated by number-size (N-S) method. Interpretation of N-S log-log plots of Cu in the area may be a result of the three steps of enrichment, i.e., mineralization and later dispersions. Field checks and Mineralgraphical studies also confirm the existence of suitable copper mineralization. Pokład geologiczny Abhar 1:100,100 zlokalizowany jest w obrębie kenozoicznego pasa skał magmowych pochodzenia wulkanicznego Tarom w północno-zachodnim Iranie. W pracy przedstawiono połączenie zastosowań metod zdalnych wykorzystujących technologię ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Refelection Radiometer), analizę danych geochemicznych zebranych na podstawie osadów dennych ze strumieni oraz próbek skał w obrębie pola obserwacji a także danych mineralogicznych w celu rozpoznania skupisk rud miedzi. Na podstawie danych uzyskanych przy użyciu technologiiASTER i poddanych obróbce przy użyciu różnorodnych technik: badanie układu pasm, dopasowanie metodę najmniejszych

  1. Numerical Analysis of Test Embankment on Soft Ground Using Multi-Laminate Type Model with Destructuration / Analiza Numeryczna Nasypu Drogowego Posadowionego Na Gruncie Słabonosnym Z Zastosowaniem Modelu Wielopłaszczyznowego Z Destrukturyzacja

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cundi M.


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono model wielopłaszczyznowy (multi-laminate uwzgledniajacy anizotropie struktury słabonosnych gruntów drobnoziarnistych. Anizotropia indukowana naprezeniem, która otrzymuje sie przy zastosowaniu modeli wielopłaszczyznowych, jest dodatkowo wzmocniona poprzez wprowadzene prekonsolidacji zaleznej od orientacji przestrzennej. Model przedstawiono w wersji sprezysto-plastycznej, w której mozliwa jest symulacja anizotropii wytrzymałosci słabonosnych gruntów drobnoziarnistych oraz zjawiska destrukturyzacji. Działanie modelu pokazano w symulacjach numerycznych wybranych badan elementarnych oraz przy zastosowaniu w modelowaniu numerycznym odkształcenia słabonosnego podłoza gruntowego pod próbnym nasypem drogowym w Haarajoki, Finlandia. Symulacje numeryczna przeprowadzono przy uzyciu komercyjnego programu metody elementów skonczonych pozwalajacego na analize sprzezonych zagadnien brzegowych statyki i konsolidacji. Omówiono zagadnienia zwiazane z przyjeciem warunków poczatkowych stanu naprezenia in situ oraz warunków prekonsolidacji, jak równiez przedstawiono problemy zwiazane z przyjeciem parametrów modelu. Pomimo przyjecia prostych zasad dotyczacych warunków poczatkowych oraz przy pominieciu efektów lepkosci w modelu konstytutywnym, otrzymane wyniki pozwoliły na osiagniecie wystarczajacej w praktyce geotechnicznej dokładnosci w stosunku do wartosci pomierzonych.

  2. Klebsiella Typing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hansen, D S; Skov, R; Benedí, J.V.


    OBJECTIVE: To compare pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) typing and O:K-serotyping of Klebsiella in two different epidemiological settings. METHODS: One hundred and four bacteremia isolates without known epidemiological relation and 47 isolates from an outbreak in a neonatal intensive care...... unit (NICU) were K-typed by countercurrent immunoelectrophoresis (CCIE), O-typed by an inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method, and typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using the restriction enzyme XbaI. RESULTS: Typing data for the 104 bacteremia isolates were compared...... with regard to typability, number of types, maximum number of isolates per type, and the Discriminative Index (DI). O-typing combined with K-typing (DI 0.98) as O:K-serotyping (DI 0.99) gave a very discriminative typing system, whereas O-typing alone was not very discriminative (DI 0.76). PFGE (DI 1...

  3. Primerjava učinkovitosti različnih kombinacij herbicidov in njihov vpliv na plevelno združbo v vinogradu


    Arnečič, Suzana


    V letih 2008 in 2009 smo na Univerzitetnem centru Meranovo Fakultete za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede v vinogradu sorte 'Renski rizling' ugotavljali učinkovitost enajstih herbicidov oziroma njihovih kombinacij za zatiranje plevelne združbe pod trtami. Poskus je bil zastavljen po metodi naključnih blokov v treh ponovitvah. Ocenjevali smo učinkovitost herbicidov in pokrovnost tal s plevelno združbo. V letu 2008 je bila statistično značilna najmanjša pokrovnost tal s plevelno združbo pri obrav...

  4. Sviluppo e utilizzo di un sistema per l’archiviazione, la revisione e il deposito di tesi elettroniche e dissertazioni destinato alle Università

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Edelman


    Full Text Available La North Carolina State University ha sviluppato un sistema completamente automatizzato per il deposito, la revisione e l’archiviazione digitale delle tesi di laurea e delle dissertazioni, chiamato ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation. Il sistema ETD migliora l’accessibilità e sostanzialmente riduce i tempi richiesti per sottoporre i lavori, se paragonato ai metodi di deposito cartacei, da parte dei gruppi coinvolti nella valutazione e nel processo di approvazione delle tesi / dissertazioni: studenti, membri del comitato di valutazione, diplomati, curatori di tesi, archivisti (per esempio bibliotecari universitari e ricercatori.

  5. EEG biofeedback


    Dvořáček, Michael


    Vznik EEG aktivity v mozku, rozdělení EEG vln podle frekvence, způsob měření EEG, přístroje pro měření EEG. Dále popis biofeedback metody, její možnosti a návrh biofeedback her. Popis zpracování naměřených EEG signálů. EEG generation, brain rhythms, methods of recording EEG, EEG recorder. Description of biofeedback, potentialities of biofeedback, proposal of biofeedback games. Description of processing measured EEG signals. B

  6. Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

    CERN Document Server

    Lions, Jacques-Louis


    S. Albertoni: Alcuni metodi di calcolo nella teoria della diffusione dei neutroni.- I. Babuska: Optimization and numerical stability in computations.- J.H. Bramble: Error estimates in elliptic boundary value problems.- G. Capriz: The numerical approach to hydrodynamic problems.- A. Dou: Energy inequalities in an elastic cylinder.- T. Doupont: On the existence of an iterative method for the solution of elliptic difference equation with an improved work estimate.- J. Douglas, J.R. Cannon: The approximation of harmonic and parabolic functions of half-spaces from interior data.- B.E. Hubbard: Erro

  7. Tutoring szkolny jako koncepcja i metoda wsparcia rozwoju ucznia


    Drozd, Ewa; Zembrzuska, Agnieszka


    Celem artykułu jest dokonanie opisu koncepcji i metody tutoringu szkolnego w odniesieniu do kilkuletnich doświadczeń programu Kolegium Tutorów realizowanego przy wsparciu lokalnych władz oświatowych. Tutoring ma korzenie akademickie jako zindywidualizowana metoda pracy studenta z profesorem, jego istotą jest otwarcie na potrzeby drugiego człowieka i wspieranie w rozwoju. Można wskazać kilka źródeł filozoficznych, które dookreślają czym współcześnie jest tutoring (sokratejski dialog, filozofia...

  8. Igra s simetrijo v vrtcu


    šebjan, Valentina


    Diplomsko delo z naslovom Igra s simetrijo v vrtcu teoretično, praktično in empirično predstavlja področje simetrije v vrtcu oz. sistematično vpeljevanje simetrije v vrtec. Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati pridobivanje pojma simetrija in pripraviti gradiva in model oz. metodične postopke za razvijanje pojma v vrtcu ter izmeriti učinkovitost pridobljenih spoznanj o simetriji pri predšolskih otrocih. V teoretičnem delu je bila uporabljena metoda študija pisnih virov. Slednja pa je ...

  9. La questione della verità filosofia, scienze, teologia

    CERN Document Server


    Verità: tema ineludibile, crocevia e chiave essenziale dell'essere uomini. Che cosa è la verità, quali metodi e atteggiamenti richiede la sua ricerca in filosofia, scienze, teologia? Nell'epoca del disincanto e della scepsi è ancora possibile che questi grandi ambiti riescano a dialogare nella ricerca del vero? Oppure sono destinati a non comprendersi e separarsi? In queste pagine si dispiega un'aereopago intellettuale della postmodernità: biologi, fisici, epistemologi, antropologi, filosofi, teologi, biblisti avanzano una lettura affascinante delle grandi opzioni epistemologiche con i loro guadagni, esitazioni, possibili chiusure.

  10. Teorijska i eksperimentalna analiza dinamičkog ponašanja jezgra visokih zgrada


    Varju, Đerđ


    U ovoj disertaciji, izvršena su teorijska i eksperimentalna istraživanja dinamičkog onašanja jezgra visokih zgrada. Model je zasnovan na Vlasovoj teoriji tankozidnih nosača, kao i na metodi prenosnih matrica. Jezgro se tretira kao tankozidni nosač otvorenog poprečnog preseka, koji je na dnu uklješten u temeljnu ploču, dok je na vrhu  slobodan.  Duž  ose  smicanja,  jezgro  je  podeljeno  na  čvorove  u  nivoima spratova  u  koji...

  11. Metodi di ottimizzazione morfologica nel progetto preliminare di propulsori aeronautici avanzati


    Renzi, Cristina


    The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to develop a genetic algorithm based optimization methods to find the best conceptual design architecture of an aero-piston-engine, for given design specifications. Nowadays, the conceptual design of turbine airplanes starts with the aircraft specifications, then the most suited turbofan or turbo propeller for the specific application is chosen. In the aeronautical piston engines field, which has been dormant for several decades, as interest shifted towards ...

  12. Historia przeciw teorii: komentarz do Marksowskiej metody z Kapitału

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    David Harvey


    Full Text Available Między teoretycznymi pismami Marksa z zakresu ekonomii politycznej (takimi jak, na przykład, trzy księgi Kapitału a jego pismami historycznymi (jak Osiemnasty Brumaire’a czy Wojna domowa we Francji istnieje pewna luka, wynikająca z ograniczeń, jakie Marks narzucił swoim badaniom polityczno-ekonomicznym. Ograniczenia te zostały naszkicowane w Zarysie krytyki ekonomii politycznej, gdzie Marks czyni rozróżnienie pomiędzy a uniwersalnością metabolicznej relacji ze światem natury, b ogólnym charakterem praw rządzących ruchem kapitału, c szczególnością podziału i wymiany, a d jednostkowością procesów konsumpcji. Analiza zawartości Kapitału pokazuje, że Marks zasadniczo ograniczył swoje wysiłki do wykazania, że istnieją prawa, którymi rządzi się proces produkcji. Optyka ta pozwoliła mu na identyfikację pewnych prawidłowości w zakresie ruchów kapitału, właściwych każdemu kapitalistycznemu sposobowi produkcji. Zarazem jednak wykluczała ona pozostałe czynniki, przez co nie mogła ustanowić kompletnej teorii kapitalistycznego sposobu produkcji. Lepsze zrozumienie tego, w czym Marks może nam pomóc dzięki swojemu rozpoznaniu ogólnych zasad ruchu prowadzi do znacznie lepszego zrozumienia, co my sami musimy zrobić, jeśli chcemy, by wyniki jego badań dały się zastosować w konkretnych okolicznościach. Takich jak te, które zaistniały w trakcie kryzysu ekonomicznego towarzyszącego nam od 2007 roku.

  13. Patologie ledvin a jejich vyšetřovací metody


    Špiková, Andrea


    Spikova Andrea Renal pathology and diagnostic methods Bachelor thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Field of study: Medical Laboratory Technician This thesis is focused on diagnostic methods in various renal diseases. The first part is devoted to the anatomy and physiology of the kidney, where is outlined how look and operate various parts of kidneys and also the whole organ. Next part si composed of analysis of the urine, where is described chemical anal...

  14. Radioisotopic methods of investigation in endocrinology. Radioizotopnye metody issledovaniya v endokrinologii

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Malenchenko, A F; Matveenko, E G; Livshits, I B; Seregin, V V; Spesivtseva, V G


    A description is given of research on iodine metabolism both under normal and pathological conditions employing the method of clinical dynamic radiometry. Possible uses of radioisotopes are indicated for evaluating the function of the parathyroid glands, the pancreas, and the pituitary-adrenal system. Data are given on the practical use of radio-immune, radio-receptor methods as well as the competitive bonding method for determining a number of hormonal and other biologically active metabolites and substances with low antigen activity in various pathological states both clinically and in experiments. The use of neutron-activation methods in biology and medicine is demonstrated. The book is intended for endocrinologists, biologists, and scientific associates interested in the study of the functional state of endocrine glands by radioisotopic methods. 46 figures, 16 tables.

  15. Typing is writing: Linguistic properties modulate typing execution. (United States)

    Pinet, Svetlana; Ziegler, Johannes C; Alario, F-Xavier


    Typing is becoming our preferred way of writing. Perhaps because of the relative recency of this change, very few studies have investigated typing from a psycholinguistic perspective. In addition, and despite obvious similarities between typing and handwriting, typing research has remained rather disconnected from handwriting research. The current study aimed at bridging this gap by evaluating how typing is affected by a number of psycholinguistic variables defined at the word, syllable, and letter levels. In a writing-to-dictation task, we assessed typing performance by measuring response accuracy, onset latencies - an index of response preparation and initiation - and interkeystroke intervals (IKIs) - an index of response execution processes. The lexical and sublexical factors revealed a composite pattern of effects. Lexical frequency improved response latencies and accuracy, while bigram frequency speeded up IKIs. Sound-spelling consistency improved latencies, but had an inhibitory effect on IKI. IKIs were also longer at syllable boundaries. Together, our findings can be fit within a framework for typed production that combines the previously developed theories of spelling and typing execution. At their interface, we highlight the need for an intermediate hierarchical stage, perhaps in the form of a graphemic buffer for typing.

  16. Type Inference for Session Types in the Pi-Calculus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graversen, Eva Fajstrup; Harbo, Jacob Buchreitz; Huttel, Hans


    In this paper we present a direct algorithm for session type inference for the π-calculus. Type inference for session types has previously been achieved by either imposing limitations and restriction on the π-calculus, or by reducing the type inference problem to that for linear types. Our approach...

  17. Metody badań jakościowych czy metody pisania swobodnych esejów? Refleksje w obronie „świętej krowy oświecenia” - obiektywnej nauki


    Budzicz, Łukasz


    Article critically examines the philosophy of science presented in the recently published postmodern The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin, Lincoln, 2009). In particular discussed are the assumptions that there is no objective knowledge, knowledge is constituted ideologically and politically, and a demand, that all social research should serve only practical purposes. The author attempts to demonstrate that adoption of postmodern philosophy of science leads to many abs...

  18. Type checking with open type functions

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schrijvers, Tom; Jones, Simon Peyton; Chakravarty, Manual


    We report on an extension of Haskell with open type-level functions and equality constraints that unifies earlier work on GADTs, functional dependencies, and associated types. The contribution of the paper is that we identify and characterise the key technical challenge of entailment checking; an...

  19. Updating signal typing in voice: addition of type 4 signals. (United States)

    Sprecher, Alicia; Olszewski, Aleksandra; Jiang, Jack J; Zhang, Yu


    The addition of a fourth type of voice to Titze's voice classification scheme is proposed. This fourth voice type is characterized by primarily stochastic noise behavior and is therefore unsuitable for both perturbation and correlation dimension analysis. Forty voice samples were classified into the proposed four types using narrowband spectrograms. Acoustic, perceptual, and correlation dimension analyses were completed for all voice samples. Perturbation measures tended to increase with voice type. Based on reliability cutoffs, the type 1 and type 2 voices were considered suitable for perturbation analysis. Measures of unreliability were higher for type 3 and 4 voices. Correlation dimension analyses increased significantly with signal type as indicated by a one-way analysis of variance. Notably, correlation dimension analysis could not quantify the type 4 voices. The proposed fourth voice type represents a subset of voices dominated by noise behavior. Current measures capable of evaluating type 4 voices provide only qualitative data (spectrograms, perceptual analysis, and an infinite correlation dimension). Type 4 voices are highly complex and the development of objective measures capable of analyzing these voices remains a topic of future investigation.

  20. Is type-D personality trait(s or state? An examination of type-D temporal stability in older Israeli adults in the community

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    Ada H. Zohar


    Full Text Available Background. Type D personality was suggested as a marker of poorer prognosis for patients of cardiovascular disease. It is defined by having a score of 10 or more on both sub-scales of the DS14 questionnaire, Social Inhibition (SI and Negative Affectivity (NA. As Type D was designed to predict risk, its temporal stability is of prime importance. Methods. Participants in the current study were 285 community volunteers, who completed the DS14, and other personality scales, at a mean interval of six years. Results. The prevalence of Type D did not change. The component traits of Type D showed rank order stability. Type D caseness temporal stability was improved by using the sub-scales product as a criterion. Logistic hierarchical regression predicting Type D classification from Time1 demonstrated that the best predictors were Time1 scores on NA and SI, with the character trait of Cooperation, and the alexithymia score adding some predictive power. Conclusions. The temporal stability of the component traits, and of the prevalence of Type D were excellent. Temporal stability of Type D caseness may be improved by using a product threshold, rather than the current rule. Research is required in order to formulate the optimal timing for Type D measurement for predictive purposes.

  1. Blood typing (United States)

    ... detect these minor antigens. It is done before transfusions, except in emergency situations. Alternative Names Cross matching; Rh typing; ABO blood typing; Blood group; Anemia - immune hemolytic blood type; ...

  2. Molecular typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: Comparison of PCR-based open reading frame typing, multilocus sequence typing, and Staphylococcus protein A gene typing. (United States)

    Ogihara, Shinji; Saito, Ryoichi; Sawabe, Etsuko; Kozakai, Takahiro; Shima, Mari; Aiso, Yoshibumi; Fujie, Toshihide; Nukui, Yoko; Koike, Ryuji; Hagihara, Michio; Tohda, Shuji


    The recently developed PCR-based open reading frame typing (POT) method is a useful molecular typing tool. Here, we evaluated the performance of POT for molecular typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates and compared its performance to those of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and Staphylococcus protein A gene typing (spa typing). Thirty-seven MRSA isolates were collected between July 2012 and May 2015. MLST, spa typing, and POT were performed, and their discriminatory powers were evaluated using Simpson's index analysis. The MRSA isolates were classified into 11, 18, and 33 types by MLST, spa typing, and POT, respectively. The predominant strains identified by MLST, spa typing, and POT were ST8 and ST764, t002, and 93-191-127, respectively. The discriminatory power of MLST, spa typing, and POT was 0.853, 0.875, and 0.992, respectively, indicating that POT had the highest discriminatory power. Moreover, the results of MLST and spa were available after 2 days, whereas that of POT was available in 5 h. Furthermore, POT is rapid and easy to perform and interpret. Therefore, POT is a superior molecular typing tool for monitoring nosocomial transmission of MRSA. Copyright © 2017 Japanese Society of Chemotherapy and The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. Type classes for mathematics in type theory


    Spitters, Bas; Van der Weegen, Eelis


    The introduction of first-class type classes in the Coq system calls for re-examination of the basic interfaces used for mathematical formalization in type theory. We present a new set of type classes for mathematics and take full advantage of their unique features to make practical a particularly flexible approach formerly thought infeasible. Thus, we address both traditional proof engineering challenges as well as new ones resulting from our ambition to build upon this development a library...

  4. Museum theriological collections for the study of genetic diversity

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    Ettore Randi


    Full Text Available Abstract Molecular methods to analyse DNA variability are opening new perspectives in the role played by museums in biodiversity research. DNA can be extracted from specific tissue collections, as well as from traditional voucher specimens. Ancient and museum DNA research produce valuable information for defining the phylogenetic positions of extinct taxa, the reconstruction of molecular and organismal evolution in extinct species, the characterization of extinct populations, including animal diets or microbial infections. Historical DNA samples are important sources of information also for conservation and evolutionary studies. In this paper, the methods used for ancient DNA analysis and the main results reported in published studies are reviewed. Riassunto Le collezioni teriologiche museali e lo studio della variabilità genetica. I metodi di analisi del DNA aprono nuove prospettive per il ruolo dei musei nello studio della biodiversità. Il DNA può essere estratto da collezioni di tessuti, oppure dai tradizionali materiali museali. Le ricerche che utilizzano DNA antico e museale possono produrre informazioni utili per definire la posizione filogenetica di taxa, la ricostruzione dell’evoluzione molecolare e fenotipica di specie e la caratterizzazione di popolazioni estinte, incluse l’identificazione della dieta e la presenza di malattie infettive. L’analisi del DNA estratto da campioni storici può fornire informazioni importanti anche per ricerche di biologia della conservazione. Si analizzano i metodi utilizzati per l’analisi del DNA antico, corredati da un breve excursus dei risultati delle principali ricerche disponibili in letteratura.

  5. Zysk na jedną akcję i jego determinanty w publicznych spółkach produkcyjnych w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

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    Marcin Kędzior


    Full Text Available Celem artykułu jest próba oceny kształtowania się wartości wskaźnika EPS oraz jego determinantów w giełdowych spółkach produkcyjnych w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, w tym Polski. Badania empiryczne przeprowadzono na podstawie 110 publicznych spółek produkcyjnych z Polski, Litwy, Łotwy, Słowacji i Słowenii. Zaobserwowano istotne statystycznie różnice między wartościami wskaźnika EPS w przedsiębiorstwach z wybranych państw Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Analizowano wpływ płynności finansowej, intensywności kapitałowej, obrotowości aktywów, zadłużenia, ryzyka, stoso- wania MSSF, wielkości jednostki gospodarczej, wieku przedsiębiorstwa, możliwości wzrostu, działalno- ści międzynarodowej, koncentracji udziałów rynkowych oraz udziałów rynkowych na wskaźnik EPS. Za najważniejsze czynniki uznano wielkość przedsiębiorstwa, działalność międzynarodową, stosowanie MSSF i zadłużenie. W pracy wykorzystywano metody statystyki opisowej: analizę struktury, analizę korelacji i regresji oraz metody statystyki matematycznej: wybrane testy nieparametryczne. W artykule przedsta- wiono jedne z pierwszych wyników empirycznych dotyczących wartości wskaźnika EPS i jego czynni- ków w wybranych państwach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej.

  6. [National epidemiological surveillance systems of mesothelioma cases]. (United States)

    Ferrante, Pierpaolo; Binazzi, Alessandra; Branchi, Claudia; Marinaccio, Alessandro


    INTRODUZIONE: sebbene la relazione causale tra esposizione ad amianto e malattie neoplastiche sia ben nota, in molti Paesi il consumo del materiale è ancora rilevante e crescente. A causa della lunga latenza, nei Paesi dove è stato bandito (come in Italia) è oggi in corso un'epidemia di malattie correlate ad amianto. OBIETTIVI: descrivere i sistemi di sorveglianza dei mesoteliomi attivi nel mondo mediante un'analisi comparativa. è stata condotta una revisione bibliografica della letteratura disponibile sui sistemi di sorveglianza epidemiologica dei mesoteliomi attivi nel mondo, comparando metodi e risultati disponibili. RISULTATI: sistemi di ricerca dei casi incidenti e di analisi anamnestica dei soggetti ammalati sono attivi solo in Italia, Francia e Corea del Sud. I Paesi presso i quali sono attivi sistemi di rilevazione e controllo dei casi incidenti di mesotelioma sono quelli in cui vige il bando dell'amianto e che hanno sperimentato consumi rilevanti in passato. Non sono stati istituiti sistemi epidemiologici di sorveglianza in molti Paesi dove il consumo di amianto è ancora importante (inclusi Russia, Cina, India e Brasile). CONCLUSIONI: si conferma l'importanza dei sistemi di sorveglianza epidemiologica dei mesoteliomi per la sanità pubblica, il sostegno alle politiche di welfare e la prevenzione dei rischi. Lo sviluppo di progetti per tendere a una maggiore uniformità nei metodi di ricerca dei casi, di classificazione delle diagnosi e dell'esposizione e nelle tecniche di analisi dei dati potrebbe consentire una maggiore fruibilità dei dati aggregati. La disponibilità di dati internazionali confrontabili può essere di stimolo all'adozione di provvedimenti di bando internazionale.

  7. Luminescence dynamics in type-II GaAs/AlAs superlattices near the type-I to type-II crossover

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Langbein, Wolfgang Werner; Kalt, H.; Hvam, Jørn Märcher


    We report on a study of the time-resolved luminescence of type-II GaAs/AlAs superlattices near the type-I to type-II crossover. In spite of the slight type-II band alignment, the luminescence is dominated by the type-I transition. This is due to the inhomogeneous broadening of the type-I transiti...

  8. Several types of types in programming languages


    Martini, Simone


    Part 2: Regular Submissions; International audience; Types are an important part of any modern programming language, but we often forget that the concept of type we understand nowadays is not the same it was perceived in the sixties. Moreover, we conflate the concept of " type " in programming languages with the concept of the same name in mathematical logic, an identification that is only the result of the convergence of two different paths, which started apart with different aims. The paper...

  9. Types and Automata

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Meineche Smidt, Erik

    A hierarchical type system for imperative programming languages gives rise to various computational problems, such as type equivalence, type ordering, etc. We present a particular class of finite automata which are shown to be isomorphic to type equations. All the relevant type concepts turn out...... to have well-known automata analogues, such as language equality, language inclusion, etc. This provides optimal or best known algorithms for the type system, by a process of translating type equations to automata, solving the analogous problem, and translating the result back to type equations. Apart...

  10. Web Quest mācību modeļa izmantošana ķīmijas mācību priekšmeta apguvē


    Blumberga, Arta


    Diplomdarbā apkopota un analizēta informācija par WebQuest mācību modeli, kas ir uz izziņu balstīts, projekt- un problēmorientēts mācību modelis, kurā skolēni izmanto galvenokārt interneta informāciju. Balstoties uz apkopoto informāciju, tika izveidots WebQuest darba apraksts ķīmijā, kas aprobēts Rīgas 46. vidusskolā. Izmantojot anketēšanas metodi, veikta izveidotā projekta darba novērtēšana.

  11. Sprawozdawczość finansowa i kapitał intelektualny

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    Artur Paździor


    Full Text Available Tradycyjna sprawozdawczość finansowa spełnia w gospodarce rynkowej niezwykle ważną rolę. Nie zawsze jest ona jednak w stanie uporać się z najnowszymi zjawiskami, widocznymi zwłaszcza w sferze zasobów niematerialnych. W artykule zostały zaprezentowane najbardziej znane metody wyceny kapitału intelektualnego. Przedstawiono ich zalety oraz główne wady. Zwrócono również uwagę na możliwość praktycznej implementacji tych metod, szczególnie w warunkach zawirowań na rynkach finansowych.

  12. Porównanie wpływu stosowania kompleksu lipidowego PCSO-524™ z Perna canaliculus oraz oleju z ryb na intensywność bólu odczuwanego przez pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniową stawów kolanowych i/lub biodrowych


    Marek Zawadzki; Jacek Szechiński


    Cel: Porównanie wpływu zażywania opatentowanego, stabilizowanego CO2 oleju z nowozelandzkich małży zielonych Perna canaliculus(PCSO-524™) oraz oleju z ryb [zawierającego standaryzowanąmieszaninę kwasu eikozapentaenowego (eicosapentaenoicacid – EPA) – 18%, i kwasu dokozaheksaenowego (docosahexaenoicacid – DHA) – 12%] na łagodzenie bólu, zmiany w wyznacznikachjakości życia i bezpieczeństwo u pacjentów z chorobą zwyrodnieniowąstawów kolanowych i/lub biodrowych.Materiały i metody: U 50 pacjentów ...

  13. Aquaculture and Fish Welfare: Are the Rights of Fish Compromised?/ Akwakultura I Dobrostan Ryb: Czy Prawa Ryb Są Szanowane?


    Mustapha Moshood K.


    Zagadnienie dobrostanu ryb w akwakulturze jest aktualne przez cały proces produkcyjny, a jego właściwa realizacja, z poszanowaniem praw ryb i humanitarnym ubojem, jest korzystana dla producenta i konsumenta. Poszanowanie praw ryb odnosi się do różnorodnych aspektów hodowli uwzględniając takie jak: baseny i stawy hodowlane, zagęszczenie obsady, jakość wody, pokarm i reżim żywienia, zarażenie chorobami i pasożytami, metody leczenia ryb zarażonych, manipulacja ciałem ryby, odłowy sieciowe, metod...

  14. Rational Unified Process jako metodika vývoje softwaru


    Rytíř, Vladimír


    Cílem této práce je seznámit se s procesem vývoje softwaru dle vybraných metodik s hlavním zaměřením na metodiku Rational Unified Process od firmy IBM. Incepční a elaborační fáze této metody také aplikuji na praktickém  příkladě. Goal of my work is to introduce software development process metods specialized to Rational Unified Process metod from IBM. I aplicate inception and elaboration phases of RUP on practical example. B

  15. IL-10 dependent suppression of type 1, type 2 and type 17 cytokines in active pulmonary tuberculosis.

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    Nathella Pavan Kumar

    Full Text Available Although Type 1 cytokine responses are considered protective in pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB, their role as well as those of Type 2, 17 and immunoregulatory cytokines in tuberculous lymphadenitis (TBL and latent tuberculosis (LTB have not been well studied.To identify cytokine responses associated with pulmonary tuberculosis (TB, TB lymphadenitits and latent TB, we examined mycobacterial antigen-specific immune responses of PTB, TBL and LTB individuals. More specifically, we examined ESAT-6 and CFP-10 induced Type 1, Type 2 and Type 17 cytokine production and their regulation using multiplex ELISA.PTB individuals exhibited a significantly lower baseline as well as antigen-specific production of Type 1 (IFNγ, TNFα and IL-2; Type 2 (IL-4 and Type 17 (IL-17A and IL-17F cytokines in comparison to both TBL and LTB individuals. TBL individuals exhibited significantly lower antigen-specific IFNγ responses alone in comparison to LTB individuals. Although, IL-10 levels were not significantly higher, neutralization of IL-10 during antigen stimulation resulted in significantly enhanced production of IFNγ, IL-4 and IL-17A in PTB individuals, indicating that IL-10 mediates (at least partially the suppression of cytokine responses in PTB.Pulmonary TB is characterized by an IL-10 dependent antigen-specific suppression of Type 1, Type 2 and Type 17 cytokines, reflecting an important association of these cytokines in the pathogenesis of active TB.

  16. Hand functions in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Akpinar Pinar


    Full Text Available Introduction/Objective. Hand functions have an enormous impact on activities of daily living in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM, such as self-care, administering insulin injections, and preparing and eating meals. The aim of the study was to evaluate hand functions and grip strength in patients with type 1 and type 2 DM. Methods. This was an observational case-control study investigating the hand functions and grip strength in patients with type 1 and type 2 DM. The study comprised 41 patients with type 1 DM aged 25–50 years sex- and age-matched, 40 non-diabetic controls, and 91 patients with type 2 DM aged 40–65 years sex- and age-matched 60 non-diabetic controls. Patients with documented history of diabetic sensorimotor neuropathy and adhesive capsulitis were excluded. The Duruoz Hand Index was used to assess the functional hand disability. Grip strength was tested with a calibrated Jamar dynamometer. Results. The Duruoz Hand Index scores in patients with type 2 DM were significantly higher than in persons in the control group (p 0.05. Grip strength values of patients with type 1 DM were significantly lower compared to those in the control group (p < 0.05, whereas there was no significant difference between patients with type 2 DM and their control group. There was a negatively significant correlation between grip strength and the Duruoz Hand Index scores in patients with both type 1 and type 2 DM (p < 0.05. Conclusion. Patients with type 1 DM and type 2 DM have different degrees of hand disability as compared to healthy control groups.

  17. La trasparenza scientifica in archeologia virtuale: una lettura critica al principio N.7 della Carta di Siviglia

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    Francesco Gabellone


    Full Text Available ItAnalogamente per quanto avvenne nell’ambito del restauro, i Principi di Siviglia sull'Archeologia Virtuale hanno il valore di una carta, che non definisce un sistema di norme, di leggi, ma gli orientamenti di una vasta comunità scientifica che si propone di dare impulso all’archeologia virtuale come disciplina matura, la quale viva nel rispetto di queste regole e si fondi su metodi scientificamente validi ed ampiamente condivisi. Una piena trasparenza dei metodi, delle tecniche e della documentazione a corredo di un progetto di archeologia virtuale, è necessaria al fine di definire standard di qualità che innalzino il valore scientifico di una disciplina che promette di informare, stupire e affascinare con sempre maggiore efficacia e rigore. Il principio N. 7 della Carta di Siviglia, ribadisce la necessità di predisporre una base documentaria esauriente, che riguardi tutto il processo di ricerca legato alla creazione di contenuti digitali in progetti di archeologia virtuale. In Archeologia Virtuale i metodi di analisi, le tecniche di rilevamento e le interpretazioni devono essere tutti dichiarati, comprensibili e riutilizzabili. Solo l’analisi dei dati preliminari potrà validare gli esiti di uno studio ricostruttivo e garantire alle nuove generazioni una revisione dei risultati senza necessariamente ricominciare il lavoro dall’inizio.EnAnalogous to what has happened in the field of restoration, the Seville Principles of Virtual Archaeology have the value of a charter. They do not define a system of norms or laws, but rather the orientation of a broad scientific community that seeks to promote virtual archaeology as a mature discipline, one guided by respect for these rules and founded on scientifically valid and widely shared methods. The full transparency of the methods, techniques and accompanying documentation of a virtual archaeology project, is necessary in order to define standards of quality that raise the scientific value

  18. Zastosowanie QEEG w psychiatrii z uwzględnieniem populacji rozwojowej

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martyna Wiśniewska


    Full Text Available Celem pracy jest omówienie metody QEEG w kontekście jej przydatności w stawianiu diagnozy psychiatrycznej oraz monitorowaniu skutków oddziaływań psychologicznych i/lub psychofarmakologicznych na podstawie przeglądu dostępnego piśmiennictwa. Autorki starały się określić zastosowania omawianej metody w psychiatrii dzieci i młodzieży. QEEG polega na ilościowej analizie zapisu EEG za pomocą obróbki statystycznej sygnału. Metoda ta jest powszechnie wykorzystywana w celu przygotowania zaleceń terapeutycznych do treningu neurofeedback. Za granicą coraz częściej pisze się o próbach wdrażania QEEG w diagnostyce różnych chorób – także psychicznych. Większość doniesień nadal dotyczy zagadnień nadpobudliwości psychoruchowej z deficytem uwagi (porównanie skutków neurofeedbacku i oddziaływań farmakologicznych, odróżnianie podtypów choroby. Inne analizy odnoszą się do diagnozowania chorób psychicznych, różnicowania ich podtypów, przewidywania skutków leczenia farmakologicznego, porównania skuteczności poszczególnych metod leczenia. Popularne stają się badania nad pacjentami z depresją i schizofrenią. QEEG okazało się przydatne w ocenie skuteczności farmakoterapii depresji, według badaczy umożliwia też przewidywanie zachorowania na schizofrenię, różnicowanie jej podtypów i określanie skuteczności leczenia. Istnieją badania poświęcone analizie zmian w zapisie QEEG charakterystycznych dla uzależnienia od metamfetaminy i dla zaburzeń odżywiania. Mało jest natomiast analiz na temat użycia tej metody w psychiatrii dzieci i młodzieży – z wyjątkiem badań, które odnoszą się do roli QEEG w terapii neurofeedback pacjentów z zespołem nadpobudliwości psychoruchowej z deficytem uwagi czy skuteczności typów leków używanych w terapii tej choroby. Znaleziono jedną pracę poruszającą problematykę dzieci z autyzmem (w odniesieniu do treningu EEG biofeedback

  19. Ocena czynności nerek u dzieci leczonych metodę ESWL - doniesienie wstępne

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    Ewa Straż-Żebrowska


    Full Text Available Kamica układu moczowego jest chorobą polegającą na tworzeniu się złogów w drogach moczowych w momencie zaburzenia równowagi pomiędzy promotorami i inhibitorami krystalizacji. Obecnie obserwuje się narastanie częstości występowania kamicy w społeczeństwach krajów wysoko uprzemysłowionych, w tym również w populacji dziecięcej. Problem ten dotyczy nawet 5% tej populacji, a coraz większą grupę stanowią dzieci w okresie niemowlęcym. Wśród metod leczenia wyróżniamy postępowanie zachowawcze lub zabiegowe. Leczeniu zachowawczemu najczęściej poddaje się złogi o średnicy do 5 mm, większe wymagają zastosowania metod inwazyjnych. Wśród metod zabiegowych wyróżniamy metody stosunkowo mało inwazyjne, takie jak: ESWL (kruszenie złogów falą generowaną pozaustrojowo, PCNL (przezskóma nefrolitotrypsja, LTRSL (endoskopowa litotrypsja. Obecnie znacznie rzadziej stosowane jest leczenie operacyjne. Zabieg ESWL poprzez działanie fali uderzeniowej powoduje dezintegrację złogu. Cel: Ocena bezpieczeństwa metody w aspekcie funkcji nerek u dzieci leczonych z powodu kamicy układu moczowego metodą ESWL. Materia! i metody: Badaniem objęto 16 dzieci (7 chłopców i 9 dziewczynek w wieku od 2,5 do 17,5 roku (średni wiek 9,5 roku. W ciągu 48 godzin przed wykonaniem zabiegu ESWL oznaczano morfologię krwi, wykładniki stanu zapalnego, stężenie parametrów nerkowych w surowicy (kreatynina, mocznik, cystatyna C, koagulogram. Wyliczano klirensy dla kreatyniny oraz cystatyny C. Mierzono wartości ciśnienia tętniczego. Ponownej oceny czynności nerek w oparciu o te same parametry dokonano w okresie od 1 do 5 miesięcy (średni czas 2,8 miesiąca po zabiegu. Wyniki: Średnie stężenia cystatyny C i kreatyniny oraz wartości klirensów kreatyniny i cystatyny C, mocznika, wartości ciśnienia skurczowego i rozkurczowego nie wykazały istotnych statystycznie różnic przed i po zabiegu ESWL. Stwierdzono statystycznie znamienne

  20. Phage typing or CRISPR typing for epidemiological surveillance of Salmonella Typhimurium? (United States)

    Mohammed, Manal


    Salmonella Typhimurium is the most dominant Salmonella serovar around the world. It is associated with foodborne gastroenteritis outbreaks but has recently been associated with invasive illness and deaths. Characterization of S. Typhimurium is therefore very crucial for epidemiological surveillance. Phage typing has been used for decades for subtyping of S. Typhimurium to determine the epidemiological relation among isolates. Recent studies however have suggested that high throughput clustered regular interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) typing has the potential to replace phage typing. This study aimed to determine the efficacy of high-throughput CRISPR typing over conventional phage typing in epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium. In silico analysis of whole genome sequences (WGS) of well-documented phage types of S. Typhimurium reveals the presence of different CRISPR type among strains belong to the same phage type. Furthermore, different phage types of S. Typhimurium share identical CRISPR type. Interestingly, identical spacers were detected among outbreak and non-outbreak associated DT8 strains of S. Typhimurium. Therefore, CRISPR typing is not useful for the epidemiological surveillance and outbreak investigation of S. Typhimurium and phage typing, until it is replaced by WGS, is still the gold standard method for epidemiological surveillance of S. Typhimurium.

  1. Solar Type II Radio Bursts and IP Type II Events (United States)

    Cane, H. V.; Erickson, W. C.


    We have examined radio data from the WAVES experiment on the Wind spacecraft in conjunction with ground-based data in order to investigate the relationship between the shocks responsible for metric type II radio bursts and the shocks in front of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The bow shocks of fast, large CMEs are strong interplanetary (IP) shocks, and the associated radio emissions often consist of single broad bands starting below approx. 4 MHz; such emissions were previously called IP type II events. In contrast, metric type II bursts are usually narrowbanded and display two harmonically related bands. In addition to displaying complete dynamic spectra for a number of events, we also analyze the 135 WAVES 1 - 14 MHz slow-drift time periods in 2001-2003. We find that most of the periods contain multiple phenomena, which we divide into three groups: metric type II extensions, IP type II events, and blobs and bands. About half of the WAVES listings include probable extensions of metric type II radio bursts, but in more than half of these events, there were also other slow-drift features. In the 3 yr study period, there were 31 IP type II events; these were associated with the very fastest CMEs. The most common form of activity in the WAVES events, blobs and bands in the frequency range between 1 and 8 MHz, fall below an envelope consistent with the early signatures of an IP type II event. However, most of this activity lasts only a few tens of minutes, whereas IP type II events last for many hours. In this study we find many examples in the radio data of two shock-like phenomena with different characteristics that occur simultaneously in the metric and decametric/hectometric bands, and no clear example of a metric type II burst that extends continuously down in frequency to become an IP type II event. The simplest interpretation is that metric type II bursts, unlike IP type II events, are not caused by shocks driven in front of CMEs.

  2. Tension Type Headache: Evaluation of Chronic Type

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ömer Karadaş


    Full Text Available Tension type headache(TTH which is a primary headache has episodic and chronic forms. Episodic TTH (ETTH can also be frequent-type and non-frequent-type. According to population-based studies, annual prevalence rates are 38.3% for ETTH and 2.2% for chronic TTH (CTTH. Patients can shift between the sub-groups of TTH. In particular, patients with ETTH are at risk of developing CTTH. Peripheral and central nociceptive mechanism are thought to be responsible in occurrence of TTH. Psychiatric disorders are frequently associated with TTH. Although basic and combined analgesics are used in acute treatment and antidepresants are used in prophylaxis, new treatment modalities are needed.

  3. Differing causes of pregnancy loss in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. (United States)

    Cundy, Tim; Gamble, Greg; Neale, Leonie; Elder, Rose; McPherson, Paul; Henley, Patrick; Rowan, Janet


    Women with type 2 and type 1 diabetes have differing risk factors for pregnancy loss. We compared the rates and causes of pregnancy loss in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. We utilized prospectively collected data on all pregnancies in a 20-year period (1986-2005) from a single center with a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Pregnancy losses included terminations for medical reasons and deaths up to 1 month postpartum but not spontaneous pregnancy losses pregnancies in women with known diabetes (330 with type 1 and 540 with type 2 diabetes) and 325 in women with diabetes diagnosed in pregnancy but persisting postpartum (97% type 2 diabetes). The rate of pregnancy loss was similar in type 1 and type 2 diabetes (2.6 vs. 3.7%, P = 0.39), but the causes of pregnancy loss differed. In type 1 diabetes >75% were attributable to major congenital anomalies or prematurity; in type 2 diabetes >75% were attributable to stillbirth or chorioamnionitis (P = 0.017). Women with type 2 and type 1 diabetes had similar A1C at presentation and near term, but the former were older (P causes of pregnancy loss in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The higher rates of stillbirth in women with type 2 diabetes, suggest that other features, such as obesity, contribute significantly to pregnancy losses.

  4. Innate-Type and Acquired-Type Allergy Regulated by IL-33

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    Tomohiro Yoshimoto


    Full Text Available We propose two types of allergic response: IgE-dependent and IgE-independent, and designate these as 'acquired-type allergy' and 'innate-type allergy', respectively. IL-33 stimulates both innate (basophils, mast cells, or group 2 innate lymphoid cells and acquired (Th2 cells allergy-related cells to induce and/or augment Th2 cytokine production, which leads to eosinophilic inflammation in vivo. Thus, IL-33 is an essential regulator for both 'innate-type allergy' and 'acquired-type allergy', and might be an attractive therapeutic target for allergic diseases.

  5. Che cos'è la matematica? introduzione elementare ai suoi concetti e metodi

    CERN Document Server

    Courant, Richard


    I numeri naturali ; la teoria dei numeri ; il sistema dei numeri nella matematica ; l'algebra delle classi ; costruzioni geometriche, l'algebra nei campi di numeri ; geometria proiettiva, assiomatica, geometrie non euclidee ; topologia ; funzioni e limiti ; ulteriori esempi sui limiti e sulla continuità ; massimi minimi ; il calcolo.

  6. Psychologiczna praca z filmem: prezentacja autorskiej metody „Patrz mądrzej”

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Agnieszka Ogonowska


    Full Text Available The aim of the article is to present the “Look Smarter” method, which uses the film as a multicode, inter-media and narrative transfer; these attributes allow it to be used in education and therapeutic activities. The gist of working with a film according to this method is to learn on the film, learn through the film and learn beyond the film. The successful use of the film in this process is determined by most of all: correct choice of film for the undertaken aims and attributes of the group/person, and appropriate psychological competences of the educator, who also possesses the ability to weigh the efficiency if the achieved results. The last part of the article is devoted to the synthetic presentation of a case study, which describes a possibility to use this method in working with students of culture studies and media studies within the subject: social psychology.

  7. Moderní teoretické metody analýzy elektronové struktury molekul.

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Ponec, Robert


    Roč. 10, č. 5 (2016), s. 323-329 ISSN 0009-2770 Institutional support: RVO:67985858 Keywords : molecular structure * chemical bond * pair population analysis Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 0.387, year: 2016

  8. Sviluppo di metodi analitici per determinazioni affidabili in campo ambientale ed alimentare


    Notardonato, Ivan


    La presenza di sostanze tossiche nei prodotti alimentari è stato da sempre un problema di grande rilevanza e influenza sociale sia per la natura sia per l’uomo. Nel corso degli anni sono state studiate e caratterizzate diverse sostanze presenti nell’ambiente, molte catalogate come tossiche, derivanti sia da fonti naturali sia da fonti industriali. Alcune di queste sostanze sono state ritenute particolarmente pericolose e quindi è nata l’esigenza di monitorarle e/o di cercare di limitarne il ...

  9. Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes and Pregnancy (United States)

    ... and Pregnancy Articles Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes and Pregnancy Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir Problems of Diabetes in Pregnancy Blood sugar that is not well ...

  10. Discriminating the reaction types of plant type III polyketide synthases. (United States)

    Shimizu, Yugo; Ogata, Hiroyuki; Goto, Susumu


    Functional prediction of paralogs is challenging in bioinformatics because of rapid functional diversification after gene duplication events combined with parallel acquisitions of similar functions by different paralogs. Plant type III polyketide synthases (PKSs), producing various secondary metabolites, represent a paralogous family that has undergone gene duplication and functional alteration. Currently, there is no computational method available for the functional prediction of type III PKSs. We developed a plant type III PKS reaction predictor, pPAP, based on the recently proposed classification of type III PKSs. pPAP combines two kinds of similarity measures: one calculated by profile hidden Markov models (pHMMs) built from functionally and structurally important partial sequence regions, and the other based on mutual information between residue positions. pPAP targets PKSs acting on ring-type starter substrates, and classifies their functions into four reaction types. The pHMM approach discriminated two reaction types with high accuracy (97.5%, 39/40), but its accuracy decreased when discriminating three reaction types (87.8%, 43/49). When combined with a correlation-based approach, all 49 PKSs were correctly discriminated, and pPAP was still highly accurate (91.4%, 64/70) even after adding other reaction types. These results suggest pPAP, which is based on linear discriminant analyses of similarity measures, is effective for plant type III PKS function prediction. pPAP is freely available at Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press.

  11. Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-type and W-type entangled coherent states: Generation and Bell-type inequality tests without photon counting

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jeong, Hyunseok; Nguyen Ba An


    We study Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-type (GHZ-type) and W-type three-mode entangled coherent states. Both types of entangled coherent states violate Mermin's version of the Bell inequality with threshold photon detection (i.e., without photon counting). Such an experiment can be performed using linear optics elements and threshold detectors with significant Bell violations for GHZ-type entangled coherent states. However, to demonstrate Bell-type inequality violations for W-type entangled coherent states, additional nonlinear interactions are needed. We also propose an optical scheme to generate W-type entangled coherent states in free-traveling optical fields. The required resources for the generation are a single-photon source, a coherent state source, beam splitters, phase shifters, photodetectors, and Kerr nonlinearities. Our scheme does not necessarily require strong Kerr nonlinear interactions; i.e., weak nonlinearities can be used for the generation of the W-type entangled coherent states. Furthermore, it is also robust against inefficiencies of the single-photon source and the photon detectors

  12. Types of intersections.

    NARCIS (Netherlands)


    There are many types of intersections in the Netherlands. In an inherently safe road traffic system, however, the number of intersection types needs to be limited, depending on the road types that intersect. The desired types of intersections do not always correspond with the recommendations in the

  13. Equational type logic

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Manca, V.; Salibra, A.; Scollo, Giuseppe


    Equational type logic is an extension of (conditional) equational logic, that enables one to deal in a single, unified framework with diverse phenomena such as partiality, type polymorphism and dependent types. In this logic, terms may denote types as well as elements, and atomic formulae are either

  14. CT findings of muscular dystrophy; Limb girdle type (LG), myotonic type (MYD) and Duchenne type (DMD)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Saitoh, Hiroshi (Tokushima Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine)


    CT scans of muscles in patients with limb girdle type (LG), myotonic type (MYD) and Duchenne type (DMD) dystrophies were obtained at five different body levels: the neck, L3 vertebral body, pelvic girdle, thigh and lower leg. CT numbers, cross sectional areas (CSA) and %CSA of muscle or fat were evaluated in each muscle. The characteristic CT patterns for each type of muscular dystrophy were obtained. Compared with DMD, the gracilis and soleus were more severely damaged in LG and the biceps femoris remained relatively preserved among the hamstrings. In addition, the multifidus of the neck and sternocleidomastoid also were more severely damaged in MYD. This study suggests that CT scan will be useful in the differential diagnosis of these types of muscular dystrophy as well as in planning appropriate rehabilitation and detecting damaged muscles. (author).

  15. Thinking about gender types: cognitive organization of female and male types. (United States)

    Vonk, Roos; Ashmore, Richard D


    We examined the content and dimensional structure of a large and representative sample of gender types. In Study 1, using an open-ended procedure, participants generated 306 different labels for female types (e.g. housewife, feminist, femme fatale, secretary, slob) and 310 for male types (e.g. workaholic, family man, sissy, womanizer, labourer). In Study 2A, a multidimensional configuration of 229 of these male and female types was derived from a free sorting task among a new set of participants. In Study 2B, a subset of types was judged on several dimensions of meaning, which were then fitted into the configuration of types. The most important dimensions in describing the structure of gender types were: young-old, masculine-feminine and traditional-modern. The masculine-feminine dimension showed that the male and female types were largely separated from each other; within each gender category, the types were ordered by their position on the masculine-feminine dimension. Several other aspects of current thinking about men and women are discussed.

  16. Guarded Cubical Type Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birkedal, Lars; Bizjak, Aleš; Clouston, Ranald


    This paper improves the treatment of equality in guarded dependent type theory (GDTT), by combining it with cubical type theory (CTT). GDTT is an extensional type theory with guarded recursive types, which are useful for building models of program logics, and for programming and reasoning...... with coinductive types. We wish to implement GDTT with decidable type-checking, while still supporting non-trivial equality proofs that reason about the extensions of guarded recursive constructions. CTT is a variation of Martin-L\\"of type theory in which the identity type is replaced by abstract paths between...... terms. CTT provides a computational interpretation of functional extensionality, is conjectured to have decidable type checking, and has an implemented type-checker. Our new type theory, called guarded cubical type theory, provides a computational interpretation of extensionality for guarded recursive...

  17. Guarded Cubical Type Theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Birkedal, Lars; Bizjak, Aleš; Clouston, Ranald


    This paper improves the treatment of equality in guarded dependent type theory (GDTT), by combining it with cubical type theory (CTT). GDTT is an extensional type theory with guarded recursive types, which are useful for building models of program logics, and for programming and reasoning...... with coinductive types. We wish to implement GDTT with decidable type checking, while still supporting non-trivial equality proofs that reason about the extensions of guarded recursive constructions. CTT is a variation of Martin-L\\"of type theory in which the identity type is replaced by abstract paths between...... terms. CTT provides a computational interpretation of functional extensionality, enjoys canonicity for the natural numbers type, and is conjectured to support decidable type-checking. Our new type theory, guarded cubical type theory (GCTT), provides a computational interpretation of extensionality...

  18. A Type System For Certified Runtime Type Analysis (United States)


    1999 ACM SIGPLAN International Conf. on Functional Pro- gramming (ICFP’99), pages 183–196. ACM Press, September 1999. [Min97] Yasuhiko Minamide. Full...lifting of type parameters. Technical report, RIMS, Kyoto University, 1997. [MMH96] Yasuhiko Minamide, Greg Morrisett, and Robert Harper. Typed

  19. Guarded Type Promotion

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winther, Johnni


    conditional using the instanceof operator and thus the cast type is redundantly mentioned twice. We propose a new typing rule for Java called Guarded Type Promotion aimed at eliminating the need for the explicit casts when guarded. This new typing rule is backward compatible and has been fully implemented...... in a Java 6 compiler. Through our extensive testing of real-life code we show that guarded casts account for approximately one fourth of all casts and that Guarded Type Promotion can eliminate the need for 95 percent of these guarded casts....

  20. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Alert Day Diabetes Basics Home Symptoms Diagnosis America's Diabetes Challenge Type 1 Type 2 Facts About Type 2 Enroll in ... Where Do I Begin With Type2? Living With Type 1 Diabetes Enroll in the Living WIth Type 2 Diabetes ...

  1. Type 2 diabetes (United States)

    ... type 2 diabetes; Oral hypoglycemic - type 2 diabetes; High blood sugar - type 2 diabetes ... your kidneys are working well ( microalbuminuria and serum creatinine ). Visit your eye doctor at least once a ...

  2. Ceramide content is higher in type I compared to type II fibers in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kristensen, Ditte Bech; Prats Gavalda, Clara; Larsen, Steen


    This study investigated fiber-type-specific muscle ceramide content in obese subjects and type 2 diabetes patients. Two substudies, one which compared type 2 diabetes patients to both lean- and obese BMI-matched subjects and the other study which compared lean body-matched post-obese, obese......, and control subjects, were performed. A fasting blood sample was obtained and plasma insulin and glucose determined. A muscle biopsy was obtained from deltoideus and vastus lateralis, and fiber-type ceramide content was determined by fluorescence immunohistochemistry. Insulin sensitivity estimated by Quicki...... index was higher in lean compared to type 2 diabetes patients and obese controls. Also in control and post-obese subjects, a higher insulin sensitivity was observed compared to obese subjects. Ceramide content was consistently higher in type I than in type II muscle fibers and higher in deltoideus than...

  3. Hybrid type I-type II superconducting behavior in magnesium diboride

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kunchur, M.N.; Saracila, G.; Arcos, D.A.; Cui, Y.; Pogrebnyakov, A.; Orgiani, P.; Xi, X.X.


    In traditional type-II superconductors, an applied magnetic field depresses the transition temperature and introduces magnetic flux vortices that cause resistive losses accompanied by a broadening of the transition. High-field high-pulsed-current measurements have revealed a new hybrid behavior in disordered magnesium diboride films: The superconductivity survives high magnetic fields by entering a mixed state with vortices (like a type II superconductor) but holds its vortices nearly motionless and avoids dissipation (like a type I superconductor). A study of this phenomenon in magnesium diboride films with varying degrees of scattering indicate that the hybrid type I-type II behavior arises from the two-band nature of the superconductivity and the different degrees of influence that disorder exerts on its different bands. (author)

  4. Blood Types (United States)

    ... blood, safe blood transfusions depend on careful blood typing and cross-matching. There are four major blood ... cause exceptions to the above patterns. ABO blood typing is not sufficient to prove or disprove paternity ...

  5. Identification of type II and type III pyoverdine receptors from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (United States)

    de Chial, Magaly; Ghysels, Bart; Beatson, Scott A; Geoffroy, Valérie; Meyer, Jean Marie; Pattery, Theresa; Baysse, Christine; Chablain, Patrice; Parsons, Yasmin N; Winstanley, Craig; Cordwell, Stuart J; Cornelis, Pierre


    Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces, under conditions of iron limitation, a high-affinity siderophore, pyoverdine (PVD), which is recognized at the level of the outer membrane by a specific TonB-dependent receptor, FpvA. So far, for P. aeruginosa, three different PVDs, differing in their peptide chain, have been described (types I-III), but only the FpvA receptor for type I is known. Two PVD-producing P. aeruginosa strains, one type II and one type III, were mutagenized by a mini-TnphoA3 transposon. In each case, one mutant unable to grow in the presence of the strong iron chelator ethylenediaminedihydroxyphenylacetic acid (EDDHA) and the cognate PVD was selected. The first mutant, which had an insertion in the pvdE gene, upstream of fpvA, was unable to take up type II PVD and showed resistance to pyocin S3, which is known to use type II FpvA as receptor. The second mutant was unable to take up type III PVD and had the transposon insertion in fpvA. Cosmid libraries of the respective type II and type III PVD wild-type strains were constructed and screened for clones restoring the capacity to grow in the presence of PVD. From the respective complementing genomic fragments, type II and type III fpvA sequences were determined. When in trans, type II and type III fpvA restored PVD production, uptake, growth in the presence of EDDHA and, in the case of type II fpvA, pyocin S3 sensitivity. Complementation of fpvA mutants obtained by allelic exchange was achieved by the presence of cognate fpvA in trans. All three receptors posses an N-terminal extension of about 70 amino acids, similar to FecA of Escherichia coli, but only FpvAI has a TAT export sequence at its N-terminal end.

  6. Types of Diabetes (United States)

    ... Diabetes, Sexual, & Bladder Problems Clinical Trials What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a disease that occurs when your ... is serious. What are the different types of diabetes? The most common types of diabetes are type ...

  7. Extending Dylan's type system for better type inference and error detection

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mehnert, Hannes


    a dynamically typed language. Dylan poses several special challenges for gradual typing, such as multiple return values, variable-arity methods and generic functions (multiple dispatch). In this paper Dylan is extended with function types and parametric polymorphism. We implemented the type system...... and aunification-based type inference algorithm in the mainstream Dylan compiler. As case study we use the Dylan standard library (roughly 32000 lines of code), which witnesses that the implementation generates faster code with fewer errors. Some previously undiscovered errors in the Dylan library were revealed....

  8. Types of Dementia (United States)

    ... Kids For Teens For Parents & Teachers Resolving Family Conflicts The Holidays and Alzheimer's Glossary Virtual Library Online ... Use Map Selector Search Alzheimer’s Association Alzheimer's & Dementia Types of Dementia Types of Dementia Types of Dementia ...

  9. Chemical-free n-type and p-type multilayer-graphene transistors

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Dissanayake, D. M. N. M., E-mail: [Voxtel Inc, Lockey Laboratories, University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon 97402 (United States); Eisaman, M. D. [Sustainable Energy Technologies Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973 (United States); Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794 (United States); Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York 11794 (United States)


    A single-step doping method to fabricate n- and p-type multilayer graphene (MG) top-gate field effect transistors (GFETs) is demonstrated. The transistors are fabricated on soda-lime glass substrates, with the n-type doping of MG caused by the sodium in the substrate without the addition of external chemicals. Placing a hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) barrier layer between the MG and the substrate blocks the n-doping, resulting in p-type doping of the MG above regions patterned with HSQ. The HSQ is deposited in a single fabrication step using electron beam lithography, allowing the patterning of arbitrary sub-micron spatial patterns of n- and p-type doping. When a MG channel is deposited partially on the barrier and partially on the glass substrate, a p-type and n-type doping profile is created, which is used for fabricating complementary transistors pairs. Unlike chemically doped GFETs in which the external dopants are typically introduced from the top, these substrate doped GFETs allow for a top gate which gives a stronger electrostatic coupling to the channel, reducing the operating gate bias. Overall, this method enables scalable fabrication of n- and p-type complementary top-gated GFETs with high spatial resolution for graphene microelectronic applications.

  10. Modern design methods of hydraulic machines according to a quality system; Moderne tecniche di progettazione delle macchine idrauliche a garanzia della qualita`

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rossi, G.; Romolotti, F.; Lazzaro, B. [Voith Riva Hydr s.p.a., Milan (Italy)


    The article underlines how the adoption of a Quality System in line with the ISO 9001 Code is an essential instrument that is necessary to safely manage the complexity of the calculation, control and organization methods connected to the unavoidable sharing out of competence relevant to design, construction and installation of modern hydraulic machines. [Italiano] L`articolo sottolinea come l`adozione di un Sistema Qualita` in linea con la norma ISO 9001, sia strumento indispensabile per la sicura gestione della maggior complessita` dei metodi di calcolo, di controllo e di organizzazione legati all`inevitabile frazionamento delle competenze relative alla progettazione, costruzione e installazione delle moderne macchine idrauliche.

  11. Studio di prevalenza delle polmoniti in un'Azienda opsedaliera di Bologna

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    E. Leoni


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: nell’ambito di un progetto di sorveglianza attiva dei casi di polmonite da legionella, è stata studiata la prevalenza di tutti i casi di polmonite ricoverati in un ospedale di Bologna, allo scopo di definirne la distribuzione per origine (comunitaria o nosocomiale, eziologia, caratteristiche individuali e di confrontarle con le polmoniti da legionella.

    Metodi: per ogni caso con diagnosi clinica e/o radiologica di polmonite è stato compilato un questionario, raccogliendo le informazioni dalle cartelle cliniche. Tutti i casi di polmonite non specificata sono stati inoltre sottoposti al test per la ricerca dell’antigene di legionella nelle urine.

  12. Wpływ wysiłku fizycznego na funkcję układu oddechowego w twardzinie układowej


    Stanisław Sierakowski; Ewa Gińdzieńska-Sieśkiewicz; Maciej Kaczmarski; Zenon Siergiejko; Grzegorz Siergiejko; Piotr Siergiejko; Justyna Fryc


    Cel: Powikłania ze strony układu oddechowego stanowią główną przyczynę zgonów pacjentów z twardziną układową (TU). Tętniczenadciśnienie płucne i śródmiąższowa choroba płuc stanowią najistotniejszez nich. Pacjenci są jednak często zdiagnozowani dopierow późnym okresie choroby, dlatego też istotne jest opracowaniemetody diagnostycznej do wczesnego wykrywania tych powikłań.Celem pracy była ocena wpływu wysiłku fizycznego na zmiany parametrówoddechowych. Materiały i metody: Badania przeprowadzono...

  13. Pomiar wiarygodności internetowych serwisów handlowych.


    Garnik, Igor; Basińska, Beata


    Rozwój handlu internetowego jest odpowiedzią na zapotrzebowanie klientów na tę formę dystrybucji towarów i usług. Z tego powodu, zarządzanie witryną sklepu internetowego, w celu zwiększenia jej wiarygodności, a co za tym idzie – konkurencyjności, jest ważnym zadaniem stojącym przed podmiotami prowadzącymi działalność gospodarczą w sieci. Celem niniejszej pracy było zaproponowanie nowej metody oceny wiarygodności serwisów WWW. Badanie przeprowadzono w grupie 225 osób (83% doświadczonych i 17% ...

  14. Jonometrijas un jonu hromatogrāfijas izmantošana jonu šķidrumu analīzē


    Liberts, Andrejs


    Darbā ir apkopota literatūra par jonu šķidrumiem, jonometriju un jonu hromatogrāfiju. Noteikti tetrafluorborātjona jonselektīvā elektroda raksturlielumi, pārbaudītas tā praktiskās izmantošanas iespējas jonu šķidrumu analīzē, eksperimentāli atrasti potenciometriskie selektivitātes koeficienti. Veikta tetrafluorborātjonu saturošu jonu šķidrumu jonometriska noteikšana ar standartpiedevu metodi. Iegūtie rezultāti statistiski izvērtēti. Veikta arī hlorīdjonu un bromīdjonu saturošu jonu š...

  15. Alla scoperta della crittografia quantistica

    CERN Document Server

    Filoramo, Eva; Pasquero, Claudia


    La crittografia si sviluppa e perfeziona per rispondere all'esigenza di segretezza nella trasmissione delle informazioni. La crittografia quantistica consente, al contrario di quella correntemente usata, di inviare messaggi che non potranno essere decifrati e di vanificare al massimo i tentativi di una loro intercettazione. Partendo dalla storia dei codici segreti, il libro affronta gli sviluppi pertinenti della teoria quantistica, per approdare infine alla più avanzata ricerca scientifica e tecnologica. Lo scopo è quello di richiamare l'attenzione su un tema le cui applicazioni pratiche coprono molti settori d'interesse strategico e sono destinate, nel prossimo futuro, a rivoluzionare i metodi di scambio delle informazioni.

  16. Obcy gatunkowo pyłek i czynnik chemiczny w indukcji rozwoju zarodków haploidalnych u Lactuca sativa L.


    Piosik, Łukasz


    Wydział Biologii Sałata siewna (Lactuca sativa) jest popularną oraz cenną z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia rośliną warzywną. Głównym celem tej pracy było opracowanie efektywnej metody haploidyzacji Lactuca sativa, która byłaby użyteczna dla hodowców sałaty siewnej. Krzyżowanie oddalone oraz chemiczną indukcję prowadzono w warunkach in vivo oraz in vitro. Pyłek wszystkich gatunków należących do Asteraceae, kiełkował na znamionach sałaty już 1h po zapyleniu. Rozwój haploidalnych prazarodk...

  17. Type 1 diabetes (United States)

    Insulin-dependent diabetes; Juvenile onset diabetes; Diabetes - type 1; High blood sugar - type 1 diabetes ... Type 1 diabetes can occur at any age. It is most often diagnosed in children, adolescents, or young adults. Insulin is ...

  18. Type D (distressed) personality in primary care patients with type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nefs, Giesje; Pouwer, Francois; Pop, Victor J M


    D Scale-14 (DS14) in type 2 diabetes patients. METHODS: 1553 primary care patients with type 2 diabetes were assessed for demographic, clinical, lifestyle and psychological characteristics in 2007. A subgroup (n=1012) completed the DS14 again 1 year later. RESULTS: The two-factor model of the Type D...... or physiological risk factors, but Type D women had a more sedentary lifestyle (p=.003). Type D patients experienced less social support and more stressful life events, loneliness, and more depressed mood, anhedonia and anxiety (p0......OBJECTIVE: In cardiovascular research, Type D personality (high negative affectivity and social inhibition) has been associated with a more than 3-fold increased risk of adverse health outcomes. This study examined the validity and clinical correlates of the Type D construct as assessed by the Type...

  19. Product shape selectivity of MFI-type, MEL-type, and BEA-type zeolites in the catalytic hydroconversion of heptane

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poursaeidesfahani, A.; de Lange, M.F.; Khodadadian, F.; Dubbeldam, D.; Rigutto, Marcello; Nair, Nitish; Vlugt, T.J.H.


    The influence of product shape selectivity on the bifunctional conversion of n-C7 by zeolite catalysts is investigated. Three different zeolite catalysts with different pore sizes (MFI-type, MEL-type, and BEA-type zeolites) have been investigated experimentally. For all three

  20. Diabetes Type 2 (United States)

    Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 2 diabetes, the more common type, your body does not ... You have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes if you are older, have obesity, have a ...

  1. Role of type 1 and type 3 fimbriae in Klebsiella pneumoniae biofilm formation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schroll, C.; Barken, Kim Bundvig; Krogfelt, K.A.


    nosocomial infections. Most clinical K. pneumoniae isolates express two types of fimbrial adhesins, type 1 fimbriae and type 3 fimbriae. In this study, we characterized the role of type 1 and type 3 fimbriae in K. pneumoniae biofilm formation. Results: Isogenic fimbriae mutants of the clinical K. pneumoniae...... of planktonic cells. Type 1 fimbriae did not influence biofilm formation and the expression of type 1 fimbriae was found to be down-regulated in biofilm forming cells. In contrast, expression of type 3 fimbriae was found to strongly promote biofilm formation. Conclusion: By use of well defined isogenic mutants...... we found that type 3 fimbriae, but not type 1 fimbriae, strongly promote biofilm formation in K. pneumoniae C3091. As the vast majority of clinical K. pneumoniae isolates express type 3 fimbriae, this fimbrial adhesin may play a significant role in development of catheter associated K. pneumoniae...

  2. Type Inference with Inequalities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff


    of (monotonic) inequalities on the types of variables and expressions. A general result about systems of inequalities over semilattices yields a solvable form. We distinguish between deciding typability (the existence of solutions) and type inference (the computation of a minimal solution). In our case, both......Type inference can be phrased as constraint-solving over types. We consider an implicitly typed language equipped with recursive types, multiple inheritance, 1st order parametric polymorphism, and assignments. Type correctness is expressed as satisfiability of a possibly infinite collection...

  3. Ultra-high-speed oscillographic techniques; Techniques d'oscillographie ultra-rapide; Metody sverkhskorostnoj ostsillografii; Metodos oscilograficos ultrarrapidos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abercrombie, S; Elphick, B; Foster, H [Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Aldermaston (United Kingdom)


    After a brief history of high-speed transient oscillograph technique, the practical limitations are discussed. A survey of suitable cathode-ray tubes is presented with particular reference to travelling-wave deflection types. The following components of a complete transient signal oscillograph are dealt with: (a) A travelling-wave (TW) deflector cathode-ray tube with balanced co-axial connection, and a bandwidth of 2 GHz; (b) A phase-splitting transformer of 100 and 50-{Omega} characteristic impedance and a bandwidth of 1.5 kHz to 1.5 GHz; (c) Co-axial terminating resistors with GHz performance; (d) Coupling capacitors, compensated for inclusion in co-axial lines for the frequency range 5 kHz - 3 GHz, with characteristic impedances of 100 {Omega}; (e) Wide band resistive pads for the extraction of timebase triggering signals; ( / ) Nanosecond timebases with triggering and blanking facilities; (g) A wide-aperture camera is described. In conclusion, nuclear-electronics applications, are discussed. (author) [French] Apres avoir brievement relate l'evolution de la technique d'emploi des oscillographes transistoires ultra-rapides, le memoire examine les limites de l'application pratique de cette technique. Il passe ensuite en revue les tubes a rayons cathodiques qui se pretent a cet usage en s'attachant plus particulierement aux tubes de deflexion d'ondes progressives. Les auteurs decrivent les elements constitutifs ci-apres des oscillographes a signal transistoire: a) Un tube cathodique de deflexion d'ondes progressives et a connexion equilibree coaxiale; largeur de bande: 2 GHz; b) Un transformateur coupeur de phase d'une impedance caracteristique de 100 et 50 {Omega}; largeur de bande: de 1,5 kHz a 1,5 GHz; c) Des termineurs coaxiaux capables de transmettre des frequences se comptant par GHz; d) Des condensateurs de couplage compenses pour inclusion dans des lignes coaxiales, couvrant la bande de frequences de 5 kHz a 3 GHz et ayant une impedance caracteristique de

  4. Pattern of thyroid auto immunity in type 1 and type 2 diabetics

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yasmin, T.


    To determine the level of thyroid auto immunity among clinically euthyroid patients of type 1 and type 2 diabetics and to correlate the levels with pattern of diabetes. Blood samples were collected from 163 subjects (51 of type 1, 61 of type 2 diabetics and 51 non- diabetic controls) and sera were separated. They were all clinically euthyroid and selected conveniently. Thyroid profile (FT4, TSH and anti- TPO) was assessed in the three groups and compared. It was observed that at a cut off value of less than 100 units of anti-TPO level was normal, raised anti-TPO antibodies were found in 12% of normal control group, 61% in type 1 and 42.3% in type 2 diabetics. In type 1 diabetics, the TSH was higher in the younger age patients with progressive rise in anti-TPO antibodies level by age. The TSH, anti-TPO antibodies and BSF were significantly higher in type 1 diabetics than in the controls. In type 2 diabetics, TSH was moderately low but anti-TPO antibodies and BSF were higher than in the controls (author)

  5. Multiparty Asynchronous Session Types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Honda, Kohei; Yoshida, Nobuko; Carbone, Marco


    . This work extends the foregoing theories of binary session types to multiparty, asynchronous sessions, which often arise in practical communication-centered applications. Presented as a typed calculus for mobile processes, the theory introduces a new notion of types in which interactions involving multiple......Communication is a central elements in software development. As a potential typed foundation for structured communication-centered programming, session types have been studied over the past decade for a wide range of process calculi and programming languages, focusing on binary (two-party) sessions...... peers are directly abstracted as a global scenario. Global types retain the friendly type syntax of binary session types while specifying dependencies and capturing complex causal chains of multiparty asynchronous interactions. A global type plays the role of a shared agreement among communication peers...

  6. Multiparty symmetric sum types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, Lasse; Yoshida, Nobuko; Honda, Kohei


    This paper introduces a new theory of multiparty session types based on symmetric sum types, by which we can type non-deterministic orchestration choice behaviours. While the original branching type in session types can represent a choice made by a single participant and accepted by others...... determining how the session proceeds, the symmetric sum type represents a choice made by agreement among all the participants of a session. Such behaviour can be found in many practical systems, including collaborative workflow in healthcare systems for clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). Processes...... with the symmetric sums can be embedded into the original branching types using conductor processes. We show that this type-driven embedding preserves typability, satisfies semantic soundness and completeness, and meets the encodability criteria adapted to the typed setting. The theory leads to an efficient...

  7. Object-Oriented Type Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Palsberg, Jens

    binding. Existing languages employ different type systems, and it can be difficult to compare, evaluate and improve them, since there is currently no uniform theory for such languages. This book provides such a theory. The authors review the type systems of Simula, Smalltalk, C++ and Eiffel and present......Object-Oriented Type Systems Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach Aarhus University, Denmark Type systems are required to ensure reliability and efficiency of software. For object-oriented languages, typing is an especially challenging problem because of inheritance, assignment, and late...... a type system that generalizes and explains them. The theory is based on an idealized object-oriented language called BOPL (Basic Object Programming Language), containing common features of the above languages. A type system, type inference algorithm, and typings of inheritance and genericity...

  8. Best Proximity Points of Contractive-type and Nonexpansive-type Mappings

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Kavitha


    Full Text Available The purpose of this paper is to obtain best proximity point theorems for multivalued nonexpansive-type and contractive-type mappings on complete metric spaces and on certain closed convex subsets of Banach spaces. We obtain a convergence result under some assumptions and we prove the existence of common best proximity points for a sequence of multivalued contractive-type mappings.

  9. Diabetes, Type 1


    Riazi, Afsane; Bradley, Clare


    This chapter provides an overview of the role of psychological stress in Type 1 diabetes. Studies relating to stress and Type 1 diabetes onset and control, as well as the evidence relating to stress management training in people with Type 1 diabetes are discussed.

  10. Liver/kidney microsomal antibody type 1 and liver cytosol antibody type 1 concentrations in type 2 autoimmune hepatitis


    Muratori, L; Cataleta, M; Muratori, P; Lenzi, M; Bianchi, F


    Background—Liver/kidney microsomal antibody type 1 (LKM1) and liver cytosol antibody type 1 (LC1) are the serological markers of type 2 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). 
Aims—Since LKM1 and LC1 react against two distinct liver specific autoantigens (cytochrome P450IID6 (CYP2D6) and a 58 kDa cytosolic polypeptide respectively), the aim was to see whether LKM1 and LC1 concentrations correlate with liver disease activity. 
Patients—Twenty one patients with type 2 AIH were studied. 

  11. Qualification of Type IP-2, Type IP-3 and Type A packages for radioactive liquid shipments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marcu, L.; Sullivan, G.; Lo, K.K.


    Commercial products such as pails, drums or bulk containers can be used for radioactive materials transportation if they can be shown to meet the regulatory requirements. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) has successfully tested and qualified several off-the-shelf containers as Type IP-2, Type IP-3 and Type A packages for liquids in accordance with the International and Canadian Regulations. This paper describes the testing and qualification of these commercial products, and discusses the problems encountered and lessons learned during this process. (author)

  12. Relationships between hole type penetrameter sensitivities and wire type penetrameter sensitivities

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwahashi, Y.; Ebata, M.; Ooka, K.; Hirayama, K.; Senda, T.


    Radiographic investigations were conducted using the two types of penetrameters (hole and wire types) to obtain the relationships between hole type penetrameter sensitivities and wire type penetrameter sensitivities. Furthermore, the effects of radiation sources and kinds of X-ray films on the relationships were investigated. As a result, the quantitative relationship were defined. It was also clarified that the kinds of X-ray films and radiation sources have a relatively little effect on the relationship

  13. Theoretical models for Type I and Type II supernova

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Woosley, S.E.; Weaver, T.A.


    Recent theoretical progress in understanding the origin and nature of Type I and Type II supernovae is discussed. New Type II presupernova models characterized by a variety of iron core masses at the time of collapse are presented and the sensitivity to the reaction rate 12 C(α,γ) 16 O explained. Stars heavier than about 20 M/sub solar/ must explode by a ''delayed'' mechanism not directly related to the hydrodynamical core bounce and a subset is likely to leave black hole remnants. The isotopic nucleosynthesis expected from these massive stellar explosions is in striking agreement with the sun. Type I supernovae result when an accreting white dwarf undergoes a thermonuclear explosion. The critical role of the velocity of the deflagration front in determining the light curve, spectrum, and, especially, isotopic nucleosynthesis in these models is explored. 76 refs., 8 figs

  14. Typed ψ-calculi

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hüttel, Hans


    A large variety of process calculi extend the pi-calculus with more general notions of messages. Bengtson et al. have shown that many of these pi-like calculi can be expressed as so-called psi-calculi. In this paper, we describe a simple type system for psi-calculi. The type system satisfies a su...... for the distributed pi-calculus of Hennessy and Riely and finally show how existing type systems for secrecy and authenticity in the spi calculus can be represented and shown to be safe.......A large variety of process calculi extend the pi-calculus with more general notions of messages. Bengtson et al. have shown that many of these pi-like calculi can be expressed as so-called psi-calculi. In this paper, we describe a simple type system for psi-calculi. The type system satisfies...... a subject reduction property and a general notion of channel safety. A number of existing systems are shown to be instances of our system, and other, new type systems can also be obtained. We first present a new type system for the calculus of explicit fusions by Wischik and Gardner, then one...

  15. A Kantorovich-Stancu Type Generalization of Szasz Operators including Brenke Type Polynomials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rabia Aktaş


    Full Text Available We introduce a Kantorovich-Stancu type modification of a generalization of Szasz operators defined by means of the Brenke type polynomials and obtain approximation properties of these operators. Also, we give a Voronovskaya type theorem for Kantorovich-Stancu type operators including Gould-Hopper polynomials.

  16. Charting improvements in US registry HLA typing ambiguity using a typing resolution score. (United States)

    Paunić, Vanja; Gragert, Loren; Schneider, Joel; Müller, Carlheinz; Maiers, Martin


    Unrelated stem cell registries have been collecting HLA typing of volunteer bone marrow donors for over 25years. Donor selection for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is based primarily on matching the alleles of donors and patients at five polymorphic HLA loci. As HLA typing technologies have continually advanced since the beginnings of stem cell transplantation, registries have accrued typings of varied HLA typing ambiguity. We present a new typing resolution score (TRS), based on the likelihood of self-match, that allows the systematic comparison of HLA typings across different methods, data sets and populations. We apply the TRS to chart improvement in HLA typing within the Be The Match Registry of the United States from the initiation of DNA-based HLA typing to the current state of high-resolution typing using next-generation sequencing technologies. In addition, we present a publicly available online tool for evaluation of any given HLA typing. This TRS objectively evaluates HLA typing methods and can help define standards for acceptable recruitment HLA typing. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Linearly Refined Session Types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pedro Baltazar


    Full Text Available Session types capture precise protocol structure in concurrent programming, but do not specify properties of the exchanged values beyond their basic type. Refinement types are a form of dependent types that can address this limitation, combining types with logical formulae that may refer to program values and can constrain types using arbitrary predicates. We present a pi calculus with assume and assert operations, typed using a session discipline that incorporates refinement formulae written in a fragment of Multiplicative Linear Logic. Our original combination of session and refinement types, together with the well established benefits of linearity, allows very fine-grained specifications of communication protocols in which refinement formulae are treated as logical resources rather than persistent truths.

  18. Object-Oriented Type Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Palsberg, Jens

    a type system that generalizes and explains them. The theory is based on an idealized object-oriented language called BOPL (Basic Object Programming Language), containing common features of the above languages. A type system, type inference algorithm, and typings of inheritance and genericity......Object-Oriented Type Systems Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach Aarhus University, Denmark Type systems are required to ensure reliability and efficiency of software. For object-oriented languages, typing is an especially challenging problem because of inheritance, assignment, and late...... are provided for BOPL. Throughout, the results are related to the languages on which BOPL is based. This text offers advanced undergraduates and professional software developers a sound understanding of the key aspects of object-oriented type systems. All algorithms are implemented in a freely available...

  19. Legislation and Identification of Irradiated Foodstuffs; Reglementation et Identification des Denrees Irradiees; Zakonodatel'stvo po obluchennym pishchevym produktam i metody ikh identifikatsii; Legislacion y'Identificacion de los Alimentos Irradiados

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lafontaine, A. [Institut d' Hygiene et d' Epidemiologie, Ministere de la Sante Publique, Bruxelles (Belgium)


    have not been specified and to check that the permissible doses are not exceeded. Identification of irradiated foods and, as appropriate, determination of the doses employed therefor, constitute a national and an International problem. The problem can be approached in numerous ways, as shown by the following list of possible methods: measurement of the paramagnetic state of the atom, electrophoresis, measurement of redox potential, polarography, spectrophotometry, chromatography, colorimetry, microscopic examination of tissues, immunological changes, microbiology, changes in the packing material, and changes in organoleptic characteristics. The most promising methods so far appear to be spectrophotometry, chromatography, electrophoresis, changes in redox potential and determination of various oxidation products. Considerable research remains to be done and this must take account of the following requirements: - the method must be as specific as possible; it must be qualitative and if possible quantitative; - results must be obtained from parallel tests on irradiated products, untreated products, and products preserved by other processes; - the tests must be protracted, covering a period at least as long as that for which the foods are kept before before consumption, in order to ascertain whether the changes observed persist, become more pronounced, or disappear. - finally, the method must be capable of as near universal application as possible, account to be taken of the range of foods which can be irradiated, the types of irradiation and the doses employed. (author) [French] D'un interet purement militaire au debut, les recherches sur l'irradiation des denrees alimentaires ont progressivement interesse le domaine civil et nous sommes au seuil de la commercialisation de tels produits: la protection de la sante du consommateur doit etre l'element principal du faisceau d'arguments pour ou contre une telle pratique. En raison des incertitudes qui empechent de formuler un

  20. Thinking about gender types: Cognitive organization of female and male types

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vonk, R.; Ashmore, R.D.


    We examined the content and dimensional structure of a large and representative sample of gender types. In Study 1, using an open-ended procedure, participants generated 306 different labels for female types (e.g. housewife, feminist, femme fatale, secretary, slob) and 310 for male types (e.g.

  1. Advances in Blood Typing. (United States)

    Quraishy, N; Sapatnekar, S

    The clinical importance of blood group antigens relates to their ability to evoke immune antibodies that are capable of causing hemolysis. The most important antigens for safe transfusion are ABO and D (Rh), and typing for these antigens is routinely performed for patients awaiting transfusion, prenatal patients, and blood donors. Typing for other blood group antigens, typically of the Kell, Duffy, Kidd, and MNS blood groups, is sometimes necessary, for patients who have, or are likely to develop antibodies to these antigens. The most commonly used typing method is serological typing, based on hemagglutination reactions against specific antisera. This method is generally reliable and practical for routine use, but it has certain drawbacks. In recent years, molecular typing has emerged as an alternative or supplemental typing method. It is based on detecting the polymorphisms and mutations that control the expression of blood group antigens, and using this information to predict the probable antigen type. Molecular typing methods are useful when traditional serological typing methods cannot be used, as when a patient has been transfused and the sample is contaminated with red blood cells from the transfused blood component. Moreover, molecular typing methods can precisely identify clinically significant variant antigens that cannot be distinguished by serological typing; this capability has been exploited for the resolution of typing discrepancies and shows promise for the improved transfusion management of patients with sickle cell anemia. Despite its advantages, molecular typing has certain limitations, and it should be used in conjunction with serological methods. © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Wild type measles virus attenuation independent of type I IFN

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Horvat Branka


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Measles virus attenuation has been historically performed by adaptation to cell culture. The current dogma is that attenuated virus strains induce more type I IFN and are more resistant to IFN-induced protection than wild type (wt. Results The adaptation of a measles virus isolate (G954-PBL by 13 passages in Vero cells induced a strong attenuation of this strain in vivo. The adapted virus (G954-V13 differs from its parental strain by only 5 amino acids (4 in P/V/C and 1 in the M gene. While a vaccine strain, Edmonston Zagreb, could replicate equally well in various primate cells, both G954 strains exhibited restriction to the specific cell type used initially for their propagation. Surprisingly, we observed that both G954 strains induced type I IFN, the wt strain inducing even more than the attenuated ones, particularly in human plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells. Type I IFN-induced protection from the infection of both G954 strains depended on the cell type analyzed, being less efficient in the cells used to grow the viral strain. Conclusion Thus, mutations in M and P/V/C proteins can critically affect MV pathogenicity, cellular tropism and lead to virus attenuation without interfering with the α/β IFN system.

  3. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Care of Type 2 Diabetes This two-page introduction to type 2 diabetes is in PDF format ... Basics Symptoms Type 1 Type 2 Gestational Myths Statistics Common Terms Genetics Living With Diabetes Recently Diagnosed ...

  4. Mastering TypeScript

    CERN Document Server

    Rozentals, Nathan


    Whether you are a JavaScript developer aiming to learn TypeScript, or an experienced TypeScript developer wanting to take your skills to the next level, this book is for you. From basic to advanced language constructs, test-driven development, and object-oriented techniques, you will learn how to get the most out of the TypeScript language.

  5. Type Tricks

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Beier, Sofie


    Type Tricks’ is about typographical rules and the underlying structure of the work process in the design of new typefaces. In that way, it is both a reference book and a user manual. In an illustrative format, it presents the different stages of type design in an easily accessible manner. Being...

  6. TypeScript revealed

    CERN Document Server

    Maharry, Dan


    TypeScript Revealed is a quick 100-page guide to Anders Hejlsberg's new take on JavaScript. With this brief, fast-paced introduction to TypeScript, .NET, Web and Windows 8 application developers who are already familiar with JavaScript will easily get up to speed with TypeScript and decide whether or not to start incorporating it into their own development. TypeScript is 'JavaScript for Application-scale development'; a superset of JavaScript that brings to it an additional object-oriented-like syntax familiar to .NET programmers that compiles down into simple, clean JavaScript that any browse

  7. Potential biological pathways linking Type-D personality and poor health: A cross-sectional investigation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vera K Jandackova

    Full Text Available Type-D personality, defined as a combination of high negative affect and high social isolation, has been associated with poor health outcomes. However, pathways underlying this association are largely unknown. We investigated the relationship between Type-D personality and several biological and behavioral pathways including the autonomic nervous system, the immune system, glucose regulation and sleep in a large, apparently healthy sample.Data from a total of 646 respondents (age 41.6±11.5, 12,2% women were available for analysis. Persons with Type-D (negative affect and social isolation score ≥10 were contrasted with those without Type-D. Measures of plasma fibrinogen levels, white blood cell count, high sensitivity C-reactive protein, fasting plasma glucose (FPG, cholesterol, high-density and low-density lipoprotein, glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c, creatinine, triglycerides, and albumin were derived from fasting blood samples. Urine norepinephrine and free cortisol were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Time-domain heart rate variability (HRV measures were calculated for the 24hr recording period and for nighttime separately.Persons with Type-D had higher HbA1c, FPG, and fibrinogen, and lower nighttime HRV than those without Type-D, suggesting worse glycemic control, systemic inflammation and poorer autonomic nervous system modulation in Type-D persons. In addition, those with Type-D reported less social support and greater sleep difficulties while no group differences were observed for alcohol and cigarette consumption, physical activity and body mass index.Findings provide some of the first evidence for multiple possible biological and behavioral pathways between Type-D personality and increased morbidity and mortality.

  8. Interspecies radioimmunoassay for the major structural proteins of primate type-D retroviruses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Colcher, D.; Teramoto, Y.A.; Schlom, J.


    A competition radioimmunoassay has been developed in which type-D retroviruses from three primate species compete. The assay utilizes the major structural protein (36,000 daltons) of the endogenous squirrel monkey retrovirus and antisera directed against the major structural protein (27,000 daltons) of the Mason-Pfizer monkey virus isolated from rhesus monkeys. Purified preparations of both viruses grown in heterologous cells, as well as extracts of heterologous cells infected with squirrel monkey retrovirus or Mason-Pfizer monkey virus, compete completely in the assay. Addition of an endogenous virus of the langur monkey also results in complete blocking. No blocking in the assay is observed with type-C baboon viruses, woolly monkey virus, and gibbon virus. Various other type-C and type-B viruses also showed no reactivity. An interspecies assay has thus been developed that recognizes the type-D retroviruses from both Old World monkey (rhesus and langur) and New World monkey (squirrel) species

  9. Undifferentiated-type gastric adenocarcinoma: prognostic impact of three histological types

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lee Han


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The prognostic value of the three constituents of undifferentiated-type gastric adenocarcinoma remains unclear. The present study assessed the clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of undifferentiated-type mucinous adenocarcinoma (uMAC and signet ring cell carcinoma (SRC compared with those of poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (PDAC. Methods In total, 1,376 patients with undifferentiated-type gastric adenocarcinoma were included, consisting of 1,002 patients diagnosed with PDAC, 54 with uMAC and 320 with SRC. Clinicopathological factors and survival rates were compared among the three histological types. Results Significant differences in the distribution of pathological stages were observed among the groups. Patients with SRC had a significantly better survival rate than those with PDAC or uMAC, in both the all patients including non-curative resected patients and curative-resected groups. In addition, there was significant difference in survival between the PDAC and uMAC groups. Multivariate analysis suggested that age, gender, tumor depth, lymph node metastasis and curability significantly affected survival. Histological type was not an independent prognostic factor. There was no significant difference in the pattern of recurrence among the three groups. Conclusions The uMAC and SRC had worse and favorable prognosis compared with PDCA, respectively. However, there were no differences in survival by pathological stage, thus histological type was not an independent predictor of prognosis.

  10. Web-based depression treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    van Bastelaar, Kim M P; Pouwer, Francois; Cuijpers, Pim


    intervention on a large scale at relatively low costs. This study evaluated the effectiveness of Web-based CBT for depression treatment in adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, with minimal guidance. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted in the Netherlands in 255 adult...... no beneficial effect on glycemic control (P > 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Web-based CBT depression treatment is effective in reducing depressive symptoms in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In addition, the intervention reduces diabetes-specific emotional distress in depressed patients.......OBJECTIVE: Comorbid depression is common in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, adversely affecting quality of life, diabetes outcomes, and mortality. Depression can be effectively treated with cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). The Internet is a new and attractive method for delivering CBT...

  11. US healthcare costs attributable to type A and type B influenza. (United States)

    Yan, Songkai; Weycker, Derek; Sokolowski, Stefania


    While the overall healthcare burden of seasonal influenza in the United States (US) has been well characterized, the proportion of influenza burden attributable to type A and type B illness warrants further elucidation. The aim of this study was to estimate numbers of healthcare encounters and healthcare costs attributable to influenza viral strains A and B in the US during the 2001/2002 - 2008/2009 seasons. Healthcare encounters and costs in the US during the 2001/2002 - 2008/2009 seasons for influenza type A and influenza type B were estimated separately and collectively, by season and age group, based on data from published literature and secondary sources for: rates of influenza-related encounters requiring formal healthcare, unit costs of influenza-related healthcare encounters, and estimates of population size. Across 8 seasons, projected annual numbers of influenza-related healthcare encounters ranged from 11.3-25.6 million, and healthcare costs, from $2.0-$5.8 billion. While the majority of influenza illness was attributable to type A strains, type B strains accounted for 37% of healthcare costs across all seasons, and as much as 66% in a single season. The outpatient burden of type B disease was considerable among persons aged 18-64 y while the hospital cost burden was highest in young children. Influenza viral strain B was associated with considerable health system burden each year during the period of interest. Increasing influenza vaccine coverage, especially with the recently approved quadrivalent products including an additional type B strain, could potentially reduce overall annual influenza burden in the US.

  12. Towards Practical Gradual Typing


    Takikawa, Asumu; Feltey, Daniel; Dean, Earl; Flatt, Matthew; Findler, Robert Bruce; Tobin-Hochstadt, Sam; Felleisen, Matthias


    Over the past 20 years, programmers have embraced dynamically-typed programming languages. By now, they have also come to realize that programs in these languages lack reliable type information for software engineering purposes. Gradual typing addresses this problem; it empowers programmers to annotate an existing system with sound type information on a piecemeal basis. This paper presents an implementation of a gradual type system for a full-featured class-based language as well as a novel p...

  13. Metody měření rychlosti infiltrace vody do půdy


    PIVOŇKA, Jiří


    This thesis deals with field measurements of steady infiltration rate in the Kopaninský stream catchment. Single-ring infiltrometer and compact pressure infiltrometer were used for measurement. 30 infiltration tests were made in the catchment in July and August 2012. Infiltration rate was measured on grassland and arable land. Both methods showed, that steady infiltration rate is approximately the same on grassland and arable land. Further the most common methods of infiltration measurements ...

  14. Metody počítačového modelování


    SUCHAN, Petr


    This text includes analyses of fundamental techniques that are often used for creating mathematic models in the computer physics. The text is divided into four basic chapters. The first chapter brings the definition of computer models and of computer simulation. The following chapter deals with particle, linking and hybrid techniques of the computer modeling. In the end the text describes the most used methods of the computer simulation, i.e. the method of molecular dynamics and the Monte Car...

  15. Zvětšeniny z metody Jaroslavy Janáčkové

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Jedličková, Alice; Fedrová, Stanislava


    Roč. 63, č. 5 (2015), s. 746-762 ISSN 0009-0468 Institutional support: RVO:68378068 Keywords : Janáčková, Jaroslava * literary theory * literary history * genetic transformational poetics * theory of communication * reception aesthetics * narrative theory Subject RIV: AJ - Letters, Mass-media, Audiovision

  16. Uplatnění metody benchmarking v rámci Facility management


    Jiroutová, Monika


    This bachelor study dissertates about the possibilities of benchmarking application in the field of Facility Management. Theoretical part describes basic characteristics and elementary terms and methods of benchmarking process in Facility Management. In the practical part ten companies providing facility services are compared on the basis of a number of indices. Every company is briefly described. On the results of performed analysis the evolution of the Facility Management in Czech Republic ...

  17. Quantitative prediction of strong motion for a potential earthquake fault

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available RIASSUNTO. - Questa nota descrive un nuovo metodo per calcolare le registrazioni
    accelerografìehe per una data regione sismica in base alle leggi fisiche
    usando le informazioni relative alla tettonica ed alle proprietà fisiche della faglia
    Il metodo si basa su di un nuovo modello sismico, chiamato « modello
    b a r r i e r a » , caratterizzato da cinque parametri focali: lunghezza della faglia,
    larghezza, scorrimento massimo, velocità di rottura ed intervallo di barriera.
    I primi tre parametri possono essere vincolati dalla tettonica a placche, il
    quarto parametro è approssimativamente una costante. Il parametro più importante,
    che controlla l'accelerazione del terremoto, è l'ultimo, l'intervallo « barriera ».
    Vi sono tre metodi per valutare 1' « intervallo barriera » per una data
    regione sismica: 1 misurazione in superficie dello scorrimento attraverso fratture
    di faglia; 2 creazione di un modello che si adatti all'osservazione di
    campi vicini e lontani; 5 una legge che regoli i dati per i piccoli terremoti nella
    Gli intervalli barriera sono stati valutati per una dozzina di terremoti e
    per quattro regioni sismiche, per mezzo dei tre metodi suindicati. I risultati
    preliminari ottenuti per la California suggeriscono che l'intervallo barriera
    possa essere determinato quando sia dato il massimo scorrimento. La relazione
    tra l'intervallo barriera ed il massimo scorrimento varia da una regione sismica
    all'altra. Ad esempio, l'intervallo appare insolitamente lungo per Kilanea (Hawaii,
    il che può spiegare perché traccia di forte scorrimento del terreno sia stata
    osservata soltanto nell'area epicentrale del terremoto delle Isole Hawaii del 29
    novembre 1975.

  18. Statistical elements in calculations procedures for air quality control; Elementi di statistica nelle procedure di calcolo per il controllo della qualita' dell'aria

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mura, M.C. [Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Laboratorio di Igiene Ambientale, Rome (Italy)


    The statistical processing of data resulting from the monitoring of chemical atmospheric pollution aimed at air quality control is presented. The form of procedural models may offer a practical instrument to the operators in the sector. The procedural models are modular and can be easily integrated with other models. They include elementary calculation procedures and mathematical methods for statistical analysis. The calculation elements have been developed by probabilistic induction so as to relate them to the statistical analysis. The calculation elements have been developed by probabilistic induction so as to relate them to the statistical models, which are the basis of the methods used for the study and the forecast of atmospheric pollution. This report is part of the updating and training activity that the Istituto Superiore di Sanita' has been carrying on for over twenty years, addressed to operators of the environmental field. [Italian] Il processo di elaborazione statistica dei dati provenienti dal monitoraggio dell'inquinamento chimico dell'atmosfera, finalizzato al controllo della qualita' dell'aria, e' presentato in modelli di procedure al fine di fornire un sintetico strumento di lavoro agli operatori del settore. I modelli di procedure sono modulari ed integrabili. Includono gli elementi di calcolo elementare ed i metodi statistici d'analisi. Gli elementi di calcolo sono sviluppati con metodo d'induzione probabilistica per collegarli ai modelli statistici, che sono alla base dei metodi d'analisi nello studio del fenomeno dell'inquinamento atmosferico anche a fini previsionali. Il rapporto si inserisce nell'attivita' di aggiornamento e di formazione che fin dagli anni ottanta l'Istituto Superiore di Sanita' indirizza agli operatori del settore ambientale.

  19. Wykrywanie białka prionu w płynach ustrojowych – nowe perspektywy w diagnostyce choroby Creutzfeldta-Jakoba

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ewa Golańska


    Full Text Available Choroba Creutzfeldta-Jakoba (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, CJD należy do grupy chorób wywołanych przez priony, których diagnostyka nastręcza trudności ze względu na brak nieinwazyjnych metod umożliwiających przyżyciowe definitywne rozpoznanie. Rutynowe badania laboratoryjne wspomagające diagnostykę polegają na oznaczaniu obecności białka 14-3-3 w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym. Białko to jest jednak jedynie nieswoistym markerem rozpadu neuronów. Również badania obrazowe oraz EEG są niewystarczające do pewnego potwierdzenia rozpoznania. Obecnie duże nadzieje wiąże się z rozwojem czułych i swoistych metod wykrywania śladowych ilości nieprawidłowych konformerów białka PrPSc – markera jednoznacznie związanego z chorobami wywołanymi przez priony – znajdujących się w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym lub krwi chorych z CJD. W artykule omówiono opracowane w ostatnich latach metody, w których wykorzystuje się zdolność białka prionu do indukowania przekształcenia struktury przestrzennej cząsteczek PrPc w patologiczną izoformę PrPSc. Największe nadzieje na praktyczne zastosowanie budzi obecnie metoda konwersji indukowanej przez wytrząsanie (quaking-induced conversion, QuIC, oparta na amplifikacji nieprawidłowych konformerów białka prionu w warunkach in vitro z zastosowaniem oczyszczonego zrekombinowanego białka PrPc jako substratu. Omówiono zasadę metody, wyniki najnowszych badań nad jej optymalizacją oraz perspektywy wykorzystania w celach diagnostycznych i naukowych.

  20. Assessment and monitoring of river ecosystems using bioindication methods; La valutazione e il monitoraggio degli ecosistemi fluviali attraverso l'uso di metodologie di bioindicazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minciardi, M R; Rossi, G L [ENEA, Divisione Protezione dell' Uomo e degli Ecosistemi, Centro Ricerche Saluggia, Vercelli (Italy)


    The complexity of environmental systems makes their analysis and assessment difficult. In fact, to know and to describe completely an ecosystem it is necessary to study all its components, surveying and explaining a lot of data. The bioindication methods allow to consider a limited set of key factors (environment indicators), that may usefully summarize the characteristics and the behaviour of an ecosystem. This work, besides to supply a necessarily not exhaustive overview of bioindication methods that have been set up and used for running freshwater, has the purpose to define the main families of methodologies (according to the reference communities) in order to single out those ones that can set up a starting point for a model for biological monitoring of running freshwater. [Italian] La complessita' dei sistemi ambientali rende difficile la loro analisi e valutazione. In altre parole, per conoscere e descrivere completamente un ecosistema occorre studiarne tutte le componenti, rilevando ed interpretando un grandissimo numero di dati. I metodi di bioindicazione permettono di considerare un numero limitato di fattori chiave (indicatori ambientali), che possono utilmente riassumere le caratteristiche ed il comportamento di un sistema complesso qual'e' un ecosistema. Il presente lavoro, oltre a fornire una panoramica, necessariamente non esaustiva, delle metodiche di bioindicazione che sono state ideate ed utilizzate per il comparto delle acque correnti superficiali ha l'obiettivo di definire le principali famiglie di metodologie (sostanzialmente sulla base delle comunita' su cui i metodi si fondano), allo scopo di individuarne alcune che, facendo riferimento a componenti dell'ecosistema fluviale poste a diversi livelli lungo la catena trofica, possano costituire un punto di partenza per la predisposizione di linee guida per il monitoraggio biologico delle acque correnti.

  1. Digital Education Research (DER as a theoretical/empirical bridge between research and training

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alberto Parola


    Full Text Available The article intends to propose an epistemological and methodological approach, called Digital Education Research (DER, which considers the “digital world” as the complexification of reality, suggesting inedited observation and assessment modality as part of educational research and teaching. This approach inevitably borrows issues, paradigms and methods of different disciplines (especially the intersubjectivity concept filtered from the psychological, anthropology and neuroscience theories lenses applying them to learning situations, which require the use of digital media. In this sense, teacher education needs a restructuration that guides design practices towards teaching to enable them to strengthen their capacity to formulate hypotheses and bring out evidences, in activities related to action research strategies that can accommodate mixed methods research, confirming scientific dignity to the various nature and origin data, unstructured, textual and audiovisual.La Digital Education Research (DER come ponte teorico/empirico tra ricerca e formazione L’articolo intende proporre un approccio epistemologico e metodologico, denominato digital education research, che considera il “mondo digitale” come una dimensione di complessificazione del reale, suggerendo modalità di osservazione e valutazione inedite nell’ambito della ricerca educativa e nell’insegnamento. Tale approccio inevitabilmente mutua temi, paradigmi e metodi di differenti discipline (in special modo il concetto di “intersoggettività” filtrata dalle lenti di teorie psicologiche, antropologiche e neuroscientifiche applicandoli ai contesti apprenditivi, che richiedono l’uso dei media digitali. In tal senso, la formazione degli insegnanti necessita di una ristrutturazione che orienta le pratiche progettuali verso una didattica che consenta loro di potenziare le capacità di formulare ipotesi e far emergere evidenze, in attività riferibili a strategie di ricerca

  2. Applicazione delle linee guida nazionali nell'attivitá di notifica di casi di legionellosi

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    E. Corsano


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: é noto che effettuare diagnosi di Legionellosi risulta difficile a causa della sovrapposizione della sintomatologia con altre forme di polmonite. Questo spiega, in parte, perché i casi di Legionellosi siano sottostimati. I metodi diagnostici disponibili, sebbene richiedano tempi relativamente lunghi, sono necessari per l’esatta stima di prevalenza della Legionellosi e per gli eventuali interventi preventivi.

    Metodi: nell’Azienda Ospedaliera “G. Panico” di Tricase, seguendo i criteri delle Linee Guida della Legionellosi (G.U. 5 maggio 2000 n. 103 durante la degenza dei pazienti che presentavano segni clinici ed obiettivi di polmonite sono state eseguite indagini radiologiche (Rx Torace, TAC, esami di laboratorio (espettorato, sangue, urina ed avviata terapia antibiotica (macrolidi e cefalosporine di III generazione. L’antigene urinario e le IgG anti-Legionella (metodo IFA, sono stati determinati in collaborazione con il Laboratorio di riferimento Regionale.

    Risultati: nel periodo ottobre 2001 gennaio 2003 sono stati notificati nel nostro ospedale 11 casi di Legionellosi accertati da indagini clinico-strumentali e di laboratorio: tutti i casi avevano titoli anticorpali abbastanza elevati, confermati poi da un secondo controllo a distanza di tempo. Solo due hanno presentato una positività per l’antigene urinario. All’atto della dimissione, per il 63.6% dei casi è stato documentato un miglioramento delle condizioni clinico-laboratoristico-strumentali, nel 18.2% si è avuta una effettiva guarigione. La letalità è stata pari al 18.2%. In tutti casi si è provveduto alla sorveglianza ambientale.

    Considerazioni: i nostri dati evidenziano che i casi di Legionellosi registrati sono stati tutti di tipo comunitario. Una corretta applicazione delle Linee Guida nel sistema di notifica permette l’avvio dell’attività di prevenzione oltre

  3. Assessment and monitoring of river ecosystems using bioindication methods; La valutazione e il monitoraggio degli ecosistemi fluviali attraverso l'uso di metodologie di bioindicazione

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Minciardi, M.R.; Rossi, G.L. [ENEA, Divisione Protezione dell' Uomo e degli Ecosistemi, Centro Ricerche Saluggia, Vercelli (Italy)


    The complexity of environmental systems makes their analysis and assessment difficult. In fact, to know and to describe completely an ecosystem it is necessary to study all its components, surveying and explaining a lot of data. The bioindication methods allow to consider a limited set of key factors (environment indicators), that may usefully summarize the characteristics and the behaviour of an ecosystem. This work, besides to supply a necessarily not exhaustive overview of bioindication methods that have been set up and used for running freshwater, has the purpose to define the main families of methodologies (according to the reference communities) in order to single out those ones that can set up a starting point for a model for biological monitoring of running freshwater. [Italian] La complessita' dei sistemi ambientali rende difficile la loro analisi e valutazione. In altre parole, per conoscere e descrivere completamente un ecosistema occorre studiarne tutte le componenti, rilevando ed interpretando un grandissimo numero di dati. I metodi di bioindicazione permettono di considerare un numero limitato di fattori chiave (indicatori ambientali), che possono utilmente riassumere le caratteristiche ed il comportamento di un sistema complesso qual'e' un ecosistema. Il presente lavoro, oltre a fornire una panoramica, necessariamente non esaustiva, delle metodiche di bioindicazione che sono state ideate ed utilizzate per il comparto delle acque correnti superficiali ha l'obiettivo di definire le principali famiglie di metodologie (sostanzialmente sulla base delle comunita' su cui i metodi si fondano), allo scopo di individuarne alcune che, facendo riferimento a componenti dell'ecosistema fluviale poste a diversi livelli lungo la catena trofica, possano costituire un punto di partenza per la predisposizione di linee guida per il monitoraggio biologico delle acque correnti.

  4. The administration of the Rorschach inkblot method and changes in autonomic nervous system activity [Aplikace Rorschachovy metody a změny v aktivitě autonomního nervového systému

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emil Šiška


    ím dopadem na zdraví. CÍLE: Cílem této studie bylo zjistit, zda aplikace Rorschachovy metody (Rorschach Inkblot Method – RIM může ovlivnit aktivitu autonomního nervového systému (ANS ve smyslu posunu autonomní rovnováhy směrem k sympatiku. METODIKA: Test RIM byl aplikován u 39 zdravých žen (22,8 ± 2,4 roku. Aktivita ANS byla hodnocena pomocí spektrální analýzy variability srdeční frekvence (SA HRV před testem RIM, v jeho průběhu a po jeho ukončení. Stejný postup byl zachován i v souboru 30 zdravých žen (21,41 ± 1,7 roku, avšak test RIM byl zaměněn za Stroopův test (Stroop color word test – SCWT, který se používá jako uznávaný zátěžový faktor ovlivňující významně aktivitu ANS. Pro hodnocení aktivity ANS bylo použito pět relativních ukazatelů SA HRV: percentuální podíl komponent VLF, LF a HF na celkovém spektrálním výkonu a poměry mezi komponentami (VLF/HF a LF/HF. Tyto poměry byly použity pro porovnání změn aktivity ANS, ke kterým došlo při použití obou psychologických testů (RIM a SWCT. VÝSLEDKY: Během aplikace testu RIM došlo k významnému poklesu spektrálního výkonu HF (%, významnému vzestupu VLF a LF (% a významnému vzestupu poměrů VLF/HF a LF/HF. Mezi testy RIM a SCWT nebyly shledány žádné rozdíly v dynamice VLF/HF (ukazatel stresu. ZÁVĚRY: Aplikace testu RIM může vyvolat silnou stresovou reakci spojenou s významným poklesem vagové aktivity a posunem autonomní rovnováhy směrem k sympatiku. Aplikace testů RIM a SCWT může vyvolat stres podobné intenzity a s podobným dopadem na aktivitu ANS.

  5. Weather types in the South Shetlands (Antarctica) using a circulation type approach (United States)

    Mora, Carla; João Rocha, Maria; Dutra, Emanuel; Trigo, Isabel; Vieira, Gonçalo; Fragoso, Marcelo; Ramos, Miguel


    Weather types in the South Shetlands (Antarctica) were defined using an automated method based on the Lamb Weather Type classification scheme (Jones et al. 1993). This is an objective classification originally developed for the British Isles (Jones et al., 1993) and also applied to southeast (Goodess and Palutikof 1998) and northwest Spain (Lorenzo et al, 2009), Portugal (Trigo and DaCamara 2000) and Greece (Maheras et al. 2004) with good results. Daily atmospheric circulation in the South Shetlands region from 1989 to 2009 was classified using a 16-node grid of sea level pressure data from the ERA Interim. The classification is obtained through the comparison of the magnitudes of the directional and rotational components of the geostrophic flow. Basic circulation types were combined into 10 groups of weather types: four directional types (NW, N, S and SW), three anticyclonic types (A, ASW and ANW), and three cyclonic types (C, CSW and CNW). Westerly flow and cyclonic circulation are the most frequent events throughout the year. The sea level pressure field for each weather type is presented and the synoptic characteristics are described. The analysis is based on ERA-Interim fields, including mean sea level pressure, precipitation, cloud cover, humidity and air temperature. Snow thickess modelled using HTESSEL is also considered. Analysis of variance (anova) and multivariate analysis (principal component analysis) are applied to evaluate the characteristics of each weather type. This circulation-type approach showed good results in the past for the downscaling of precipitation in other regions, and we are interested in evaluating the possibilities that the classification offers for downscaling precipitation, but also for snow and air temperature. For this we will be using observational data at test sites in Livingston and Deception islands. We are also motivated by the possibility of using the circulation-type approach as a predictor in statistical downscaling

  6. TypingSuite: Integrated Software for Presenting Stimuli, and Collecting and Analyzing Typing Data (United States)

    Mazerolle, Erin L.; Marchand, Yannick


    Research into typing patterns has broad applications in both psycholinguistics and biometrics (i.e., improving security of computer access via each user's unique typing patterns). We present a new software package, TypingSuite, which can be used for presenting visual and auditory stimuli, collecting typing data, and summarizing and analyzing the…

  7. ClusType: Effective Entity Recognition and Typing by Relation Phrase-Based Clustering (United States)

    Ren, Xiang; El-Kishky, Ahmed; Wang, Chi; Tao, Fangbo; Voss, Clare R.; Ji, Heng; Han, Jiawei


    Entity recognition is an important but challenging research problem. In reality, many text collections are from specific, dynamic, or emerging domains, which poses significant new challenges for entity recognition with increase in name ambiguity and context sparsity, requiring entity detection without domain restriction. In this paper, we investigate entity recognition (ER) with distant-supervision and propose a novel relation phrase-based ER framework, called ClusType, that runs data-driven phrase mining to generate entity mention candidates and relation phrases, and enforces the principle that relation phrases should be softly clustered when propagating type information between their argument entities. Then we predict the type of each entity mention based on the type signatures of its co-occurring relation phrases and the type indicators of its surface name, as computed over the corpus. Specifically, we formulate a joint optimization problem for two tasks, type propagation with relation phrases and multi-view relation phrase clustering. Our experiments on multiple genres—news, Yelp reviews and tweets—demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of ClusType, with an average of 37% improvement in F1 score over the best compared method. PMID:26705503

  8. Type B Drum packages

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Edwards, W.S.


    The Type B Drum package is a container in which a single drum containing Type B quantities of radioactive material will be packaged for shipment. The Type B Drum containers are being developed to fill a void in the packaging and transportation capabilities of the US Department of Energy (DOE), as no double containment packaging for single drums of Type B radioactive material is currently available. Several multiple-drum containers and shielded casks presently exist. However, the size and weight of these containers present multiple operational challenges for single-drum shipments. The Type B Drum containers will offer one unshielded version and, if needed, two shielded versions, and will provide for the option of either single or double containment. The primary users of the Type B Drum container will be any organization with a need to ship single drums of Type B radioactive material. Those users include laboratories, waste retrieval facilities, emergency response teams, and small facilities

  9. Ar cinku aizvietotu hidroksilapatītu pētījumi


    Komarovska, Laura


    Darbā apkopota informācija par hidroksilapatītu īpašībām, to sintēzes iespējām un izmantošanu. Apkopota informācija arī par izmantotajām darba un analīzes metodēm. Eksperimentālajā daļā veikta ar cinku, cēriju un cinku - cēriju aizvietotu hidroksilapatītu sintēze, izmantojot hidrotermisko metodi, kā sākotnējo izejvielu izmantojot amorfas vai kristāliskas fāzes hidroksilapatītu. Iegūtie pulveri raksturoti izmantojot pulvera rentgendifraktometriju un Furjē transformācijas infrasarkano spektrosk...

  10. Trauma e vulnerabilità nei migranti richiedenti protezione internazionale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emanuele Caroppo

    Full Text Available INTRODUZIONE: I rifugiati richiedenti protezione internazionale mostrano un'alta vulnerabilità e Disturbo Post-Traumatico da Stress (PTSD. OBIETTIVI: abbiamo utilizzato un approccio integrato multidisciplinare per valutare la loro vulnerabilità e psicopatologia. METODI: sono stati valutati 180 rifugiati politici secondo i criteri del DSM-IV-TR. RISULTATI: in un'alta percentuale di rifugiati politici la diagnosi principale è stata di PTSD associata con disturbi di personalità e/o altri disturbi psichici. CONCLUSIONI: i rifugiati politici hanno più difficoltà nel gestire le proprie emozioni, questo probabilmente è dovuto alla propria storia personale intrisa di vissuti traumatici, tuttavia attraverso un lavoro sia psicoterapico che farmacologico è stato possibile migliorare le proprie condizioni.

  11. Theoretical analysis of nuclear reactors (Phase III), I-V, Part V, Establishment of Monte Carlo method for solving the integral transport equation; Razrada metoda teorijske analize nuklearnih reaktora (III faza) I-V, V Deo, Postavljanje Monte Carlo metode za resavanje integralnog oblika transportne jednacine

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pop-Jordanov, J [Institute of Nuclear Sciences Boris Kidric, Vinca, Beograd (Serbia and Montenegro)


    General mathematical Monte Carlo approach is described with the elements which enable solution of specific problems (verification was done by estimation of a simple integral). Special attention was devoted to systematic presentation which demanded explanation of fundamental topics of statistics and probability. This demands a procedure for modelling the stochastic process i.e. Monte Carlo method. Dat je matematicki prilaz Monte Carlo metodi uopste, a po elementima koji dozvoljavaju konkretno resavanje izvesnih problema. (Provera je izvrsena na estimiranju prostog integrala). Narocito je vodjeno racuna o sistematicnosti izlaganja materije sto je mestimicno zahtevalo tretiranje i osnovnih pojmova, statistike i verovatnoce, a sve to skupa zahteva postupak modeliranja stohastickog procesa odnosno Monte Carlo metod (author)

  12. I nuovi criteri di valutazione dei terreni in seguito al regolamento spagnolo per la valutazione dei terreni del 2011: l’oggettivazione delle aspettative edificatorie nel territorio rurale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Maria De La Encarnación Valcárcel


    Full Text Available Il regime di valutazione dei terreni ha subito una delle sue più importanti modifiche ad opera della Legge sui Suoli del 2008 e del relativo Regolamento del 2011. Secondo il cosiddetto principio di oggettività, che definisce tutti i metodi fissati per le nuove "situazioni di base" dei terreni, ed in base al prescritto divieto di prendere in considerazione le aspettative edificatorie derivanti dal rilascio di una concessione edilizia, è facilmente desumibile l’esistenza di circostanze, che non sono una conseguenza naturale degli investimenti effettuati per il bene da parte del proprietario. Questo è in contrasto con lo spirito della Legge sui Suoli in vigore, enunciato nella Relazione Esplicativa.

  13. Developement of multimedial web portal for PLD course tutorials


    Fíla, Lukáš


    Tato práce popisuje principy tvorby statických webových stránek a nejpoužívanější metody používané při tvorbě stránek dynamických. Seznámíte se s jazyky HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript a databázemi MySQL. Dále jsou zpracovány základní informace o problematice programovatelných logických obvodů PLD a FPGA. This paper describes the principles of the creation of static Web pages and the most common methods used in creating dynamic pages. Acquainted with the languages of HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript ...

  14. Pierre Rabhi: agro-ecology, femininity and Śakti

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carola Benedetto


    Full Text Available Nato in Algeria, in una tradizione musulmana, da adolescente Pierre Rabhi si converte al Cristianesimo e a vent’anni approda a Parigi per lavorare come operaio specializzato. Dopo tre anni di una vita “in scatola” abbandona la capitale per installarsi nel Sud Est della Francia. Diventato operaio agricolo, si oppone però ben presto alla logica di produttività intensiva e innaturale dell’agricoltura industriale. Da autodidatta studia l’agricoltura biodinamica e biologica applicandone con successo i metodi fino a creare quella che lui ama definire un’oasi di vita. Da anni ormai Pierre Rabhi è incessantemente impegnato a promuovere un nuovo paradigma di vita basato sul rispetto dell'uomo e della terra.

  15. Comparison of diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with type-1 and type-2 diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Barski, Leonid; Nevzorov, Roman; Harman-Boehm, Ilana; Jotkowitz, Alan; Rabaev, Elena; Zektser, Miri; Zeller, Lior; Shleyfer, Elena; Almog, Yaniv


    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) occurs most often in patients with type 1 diabetes, however patients with type 2 diabetes are also susceptible to DKA under stressful conditions. The aims of our study were to evaluate and compare the clinical and biochemical characteristics and outcomes of type 1 versus type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with DKA. A retrospective cohort study of adult patients hospitalized with DKA between January 1, 2003, and January 1, 2010. The clinical and biochemical characteristics of DKA patients with type-1 DM were compared with those of patients with type-2 DM. The primary outcome was in-hospital all-cause mortality. The study cohort included 201 consecutive patients for whom the admission diagnosis was DKA: 166 patients (82.6%) with type-1 DM and 35 patients (17.4%) with type-2 DM. The patients with DKA and type-2 DM were significantly older than patients with type-1 DM (64.3 versus 37.3, P ventilation and bed-ridden state were independent predictors of 30-day mortality.

  16. Honesty by Typing


    Bartoletti , Massimo; Scalas , Alceste; Tuosto , Emilio; Zunino , Roberto


    We propose a type system for a calculus of contracting processes. Processes can establish sessions by stipulating contracts, and then can interact either by keeping the promises made, or not. Type safety guarantees that a typeable process is honest - that is, it abides by the contracts it has stipulated in all possible contexts, even in presence of dishonest adversaries. Type inference is decidable, and it allows to safely approximate the honesty of processes using either synchronous or async...

  17. Cardiac involvement of progressive muscular dystrophy (Becker type, Limb-girdle type and Fukuyama type) evaluated by radionuclide method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagamachi, Shigeki; Inoue, Kenjiro; Jinnouchi, Seishi; Hoshi, Hiroaki; Ono, Seiji; Ohnishi, Takashi; Futami, Shigemi; Watanabe, Katsushi; Hayashi, Tohru


    Tl-201 SPECT and Tc-99m-Human serum albumin (HSA) multigated radionuclide ventriculography were performed on 11 patients with progressive muscular dystrophy (Becker type 2, Fukuyama type 2, Limb-girdle type 7) to evaluate myocardial involvement. Hypoperfusion was detected in 8 patients on Tl-201 SPECT. Decreases in both systolic function (left ventricular ejection fraction; LVEF) and diastolic function (peak filling rate; PFR) were also seen in these patients. A high incidence of myocardial involvement of these kinds of progressive muscular dystrophy was suggested. (author)

  18. Cardiac involvement of progressive muscular dystrophy (Becker type, Limb-girdle type and Fukuyama type) evaluated by radionuclide method

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nagamachi, Shigeki; Inoue, Kenjiro; Jinnouchi, Seishi; Hoshi, Hiroaki; Ono, Seiji; Ohnishi, Takashi; Futami, Shigemi; Watanabe, Katsushi; Hayashi, Tohru [Miyazaki Medical Coll., Kiyotake (Japan)


    Tl-201 SPECT and Tc-99m-Human serum albumin (HSA) multigated radionuclide ventriculography were performed on 11 patients with progressive muscular dystrophy (Becker type 2, Fukuyama type 2, Limb-girdle type 7) to evaluate myocardial involvement. Hypoperfusion was detected in 8 patients on Tl-201 SPECT. Decreases in both systolic function (left ventricular ejection fraction; LVEF) and diastolic function (peak filling rate; PFR) were also seen in these patients. A high incidence of myocardial involvement of these kinds of progressive muscular dystrophy was suggested. (author).

  19. Improving Precision of Types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Winther, Johnni

    Types in programming languages provide a powerful tool for the programmer to document the code so that a large aspect of the intent can not only be presented to fellow programmers but also be checked automatically by compilers. The precision with which types model the behavior of programs...... is crucial to the quality of these automated checks, and in this thesis we present three different improvements to the precision of types in three different aspects of the Java programming language. First we show how to extend the type system in Java with a new type which enables the detection of unintended...

  20. TypePad For Dummies

    CERN Document Server

    Nelson, Melanie


    TypePad for Dummies will be on guiding readers through the technical tasks necessary for starting, using and customizing a TypePad blog. It will comprehensively explain choosing the right TypePad membership plan, singing up, configuring, using and customizing a blog using the TypePad system. It will also include: Illustrations from real-world blogs with screenshots and specific examples that bring the book's concepts and ideas to life.; Step-by-step tutorials that will walk readers through the process of signing up for a new TypePad blog and getting down the business of publishing their conten

  1. Types of Blood Donations (United States)

    ... Red Cell Plasma Platelets Red Cells What blood donation type is best for me? **If you do ... type, a whole blood donation is recommended** Blood Donation Types: Volunteer Donations The standard or most common ...

  2. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... En Español Type 1 Type 2 About Us Online Community Meal Planning Sign In Search: Search More ... Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test Lower ...

  3. Behavioral economics survey of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Emoto N


    Full Text Available Naoya Emoto,1 Fumitaka Okajima,1 Hitoshi Sugihara,2 Rei Goto3,4 1Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, Nippon Medical School Chiba Hokusoh Hospital, Chiba, 2Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Graduate School of Medicine, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, 3Hakubi Center of Advanced Research, Kyoto University, Kyoto, 4Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Background: Adherence to treatment and the metabolic control of diabetes are challenging in many patients with diabetes. The theory of neuroeconomics can provide important clues for understanding unreasonable human behavior concerning decisions between outcomes occurring at different time points.  Objective: We investigated patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes to determine whether patients who are at a risk of developing complications are less risk averse. We also examined whether patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have different behavioral traits in decision making under risk.  Methods: We conducted a behavioral economics survey of 219 outpatients, 66 with type 1 diabetes and 153 with type 2 diabetes. All patients had been referred by general practitioners or other departments in the hospital. At the time of the survey, levels of hemoglobin A1c were not significantly different between patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.  Results: Patients with type 2 diabetes showed a lower response rate to the survey compared with patients with type 1 diabetes (71.9% vs 87.9%, P<0.01. Logistic regression analysis indicated that diabetic retinopathy was negatively associated with risk averse in pricing of hypothetical lotteries, myopic time preference, willingness to pay for preventive medicine, and levels of satisfaction with life. Diabetic nephropathy was also negatively associated with risk averse in pricing of hypothetical lotteries. Detailed analysis revealed that a lower proportion of patients with type 2 diabetes (22.7% were categorized

  4. Human muscle fiber type-specific insulin signaling: Impact of obesity and type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Albers, Peter Hjorth; Pedersen, Andreas J T; Birk, Jesper Bratz


    Skeletal muscle is a heterogeneous tissue composed of different fiber types. Studies suggest that insulin-mediated glucose metabolism is different between muscle fiber types. We hypothesized that differences are due to fiber-type specific expression/regulation of insulin signaling elements and....../or metabolic enzymes. Pools of type I and II fibers were prepared from biopsies of the vastus lateralis muscles from lean, obese and type 2 diabetic subjects before and after a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Type I fibers compared to type II fibers have higher protein levels of the insulin receptor, GLUT4......, hexokinase II, glycogen synthase (GS), pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH-E1α) and a lower protein content of Akt2, TBC1D4 and TBC1D1. In type I fibers compared to type II fibers, the phosphorylation-response to insulin was similar (TBC1D4, TBC1D1 and GS) or decreased (Akt and PDH-E1α). Phosphorylation...

  5. Blood Type Puzzle. (United States)

    Kelly, Janet


    Presents a blood type puzzle that provides a visual, hands-on mechanism by which students can examine blood group reactions. Offers students an opportunity to construct their own knowledge about blood types. (JRH)

  6. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... a Member Donate Now! One Time Monthly In Memory In Honor Become a Member En Español Type 1 Type ... Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test Lower ...

  7. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Do I Begin With Type2? Living With Type 1 Diabetes Enroll in the Living WIth Type 2 Diabetes Program In It Together We Can Help ... Tips for Caregivers Health Insurance Health Insurance ...

  8. Comparative study T-type and I-type layout of PWR nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eko Rudi Iswanto and Siti Alimah


    Determining plant layout is one of the five major stages during the life time of a nuclear power plant. Some important factors that affect in the selecting of plant layout are availability of infrastructure, economic aspects, social aspects, public and environment safety, and also easy to do. Another factor to be considered is requirements as seismic design, which refers to the principles of good security workers, communities and the environment of radiological risks. There are many layout types of nuclear power plant, two of them are T-type layout and I-type layout. Each type of the plant layout has advantage and disadvantage, therefore this study is to understand them. Good layout is able to provide a high level of security against earthquakes. In term of earthquake design, I-type layout has a higher security level than T-type layout. Therefore, I-type layout can be a good choice for PWR nuclear power plants 1000 MWe that will be built in Indonesia. (author)

  9. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Day Diabetes Basics Home Symptoms Diagnosis America's Diabetes Challenge Type 1 Type 2 Facts About Type 2 ... Planner, and tips from experts Let's Be Well: Products to help you thrive with diabetes - lets-be- ...

  10. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... August 1, 2013 Last Edited: October 27, 2015 Articles from Diabetes Forecast® magazine: lp-type-2, . In this section Diabetes Basics Type 2 Facts About Type 2 Recently Diagnosed Treatment and Care Blood ...

  11. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Ways to Give Close Are You at Risk? Home Prevention Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Type ... To Know Your Risk Alert Day Diabetes Basics Home Symptoms Diagnosis America's Diabetes Challenge Type 1 Type ...

  12. Types for DSP Assembler Programs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Ken


    for reuse, and a procedure that computes point-wise vector multiplication. The latter uses a common idiom of prefetching memory resulting in out-of-bounds reading from memory. I present two extensions to the baseline type system: The first extension is a simple modification of some type rules to allow out......-ofbounds reading from memory. The second extension is based on two major modifications of the baseline type system: • Abandoning the type-invariance principle of memory locations and using a variation of alias types instead. • Introducing aggregate types, making it possible to have different views of a block...... of memory, thus enabling type checking of programs that directly manage and reuse memory. I show that both the baseline type system and the extended type system can be used to give type annotations to handwritten DSP assembler code, and that these annotations precisely and succinctly describe...

  13. Types for BioAmbients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sara Capecchi


    Full Text Available The BioAmbients calculus is a process algebra suitable for representing compartmentalization, molecular localization and movements between compartments. In this paper we enrich this calculus with a static type system classifying each ambient with group types specifying the kind of compartments in which the ambient can stay. The type system ensures that, in a well-typed process, ambients cannot be nested in a way that violates the type hierarchy. Exploiting the information given by the group types, we also extend the operational semantics of BioAmbients with rules signalling errors that may derive from undesired ambients' moves (i.e. merging incompatible tissues. Thus, the signal of errors can help the modeller to detect and locate unwanted situations that may arise in a biological system, and give practical hints on how to avoid the undesired behaviour.

  14. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Home Prevention Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test Lower Your Risk Healthy Eating Overweight ... About Type 2 Enroll in the Living WIth Type 2 Diabetes Program Gestational What is Gestational Diabetes? How to ...

  15. Analog insulin detemir for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: a review

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gregory E Peterson


    Full Text Available Gregory E PetersonDepartment of Internal Medicine, Des Moines University, USAObjective: To review insulin detemir for clinical use to better manage patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.Methods: A MEDLINE search, in English, from June 30, 2006 to December 1, 2008, using the terms “insulin analogs,” “insulin detemir” and “long-acting insulin analog.”Results: Insulin detemir improves glycemic control, based on HbA1C reduction and fasting glucose levels, without increasing the risk of hypoglycemia and weight gain. Insulin detemir has lower glycemic variability, with less intra-subject variability in blood glucose levels in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, without increasing the risk of hypoglycemia. When added to oral anti-diabetes agents (OADs in type 2 diabetes, insulin detemir demonstrates superiority to other basal insulin options.Conclusion: Insulin detemir appears to provide better glycemic control with a lower risk of hypoglycemia and less weight gain in the treatment of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.Keywords: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, insulin analogs, insulin detemir

  16. Types of chemotherapy (United States)

    ... this page: // Types of chemotherapy To use the sharing features on this page, ... . Updated February 15, ...

  17. Capital cost evaluation of liquid metal reactor by plant type - comparison of modular type with monolithic type -

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mun, K. H.; Seok, S. D.; Song, K. D.; Kim, I. C.


    A preliminary economic comparison study was performed for KALIMER(Korea Advanced LIquid MEtal Reactor)between a modular plant type with 8 150MWe modules and a 1200MWe monolithic plant type. In both cases of FOAK (First-Of-A-Kind) Plant and NOAK (Nth-Of-A-Kind) Plant, the result says that the economics of monolithic plant is superior to its modular plant. In case of NOAK plant comparison, however, the cost difference is not significant. It means that modular plant can compete with monolithic plant in capital cost if it makes efforts of cost reduction and technical progress on the assumption that the same type of NOAK plant will be constructed continuously

  18. The nurses role in preventing type 2 diabetes mellitus type 2


    Kittilsen, Jannike Granum; Lerfaldet, Hanne Nyhus; Norhaug, Anikken Thomassen; Tangen, Emmy Helene


    Innledning: Diabetes mellitus type 2 er et økende problem både i Norge og internasjonalt. Forekomsten av diabetes mellitus type 2 er firedoblet fra 1980 til 2014. Hensikt: Undersøke hvordan livsstilsendringer kan forebygge utviklingen av diabetes mellitus type 2, og hva sykepleiers rolle er i forebyggingen. Metode: Det har blitt benyttet litteraturstudie som metode. Systematiske søk ble gjort i databasene: Cinahl Complete, Ovid Nursing Database og Medline. Resultat: Gjennom systematisk søk er...

  19. The Role of MIF in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yuriko I. Sánchez-Zamora


    Full Text Available Autoimmunity and chronic low-grade inflammation are hallmarks of diabetes mellitus type one (T1DM and type two (T2DM, respectively. Both processes are orchestrated by inflammatory cytokines, including the macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF. To date, MIF has been implicated in both types of diabetes; therefore, understanding the role of MIF could affect our understanding of the autoimmune or inflammatory responses that influence diabetic pathology. This review highlights our current knowledge about the involvement of MIF in both types of diabetes in the clinical environment and in experimental disease models.

  20. Harnessing type I and type III CRISPR-Cas systems for genome editing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Li, Yingjun; Pan, Saifu; Zhang, Yan


    CRISPR-Cas (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-CRISPR-associated) systems are widespread in archaea and bacteria, and research on their molecular mechanisms has led to the development of genome-editing techniques based on a few Type II systems. However, there has not been any...... report on harnessing a Type I or Type III system for genome editing. Here, a method was developed to repurpose both CRISPR-Cas systems for genetic manipulation in Sulfolobus islandicus, a thermophilic archaeon. A novel type of genome-editing plasmid (pGE) was constructed, carrying an artificial mini-CRISPR...... and selectively retained as transformants. Using this strategy, different types of mutation were generated, including deletion, insertion and point mutations. We envision this method is readily applicable to different bacteria and archaea that carry an active CRISPR-Cas system of DNA interference provided...

  1. The brass-type texture and its deviation from the copper-type texture

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Leffers, Torben; Ray, R.K.


    Our basic aim with the present review is to address the classical problem of the “fcc rolling texture transition” – the fact that fcc materials may, depending on material parameters and rolling conditions, develop two different types of rolling textures, the copper-type texture and the brass...... the subject and sketch our approach for dealing with it. We then recapitulate the decisive progress made during the nineteen sixties in the empirical description of the fcc rolling texture transition and in lining up a number of possible explanations. Then follows a section about experimental investigations...... of the brass-type texture after the nineteen sixties covering texture measurements and microstructural investigations. The main observations are: (1) The brass-type texture deviates from the copper-type texture from an early stage of texture development. (2) Deformation twinning has a decisive effect...

  2. Suicidal ideation reported by adults with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Handley, T E; Ventura, A D; Browne, Jessica L


    factor for a suicide attempt, the findings have implications for healthcare professionals, pointing to the importance of adequate screening and action plans for appropriate follow-up of those reporting depression. Our findings are also indicative of the psychological toll of diabetes more generally......AIMS: To examine the prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation (SI) in a community-based sample of adults with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Participants were 3338 adults aged 18-70 years with Type 1 diabetes (n = 1376) or Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin: n = 1238; insulin: n = 724) from...... a national survey administered to a random sample registered with the National Diabetes Services Scheme. Depression and SI were assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire, and diabetes-specific distress with the Problem Areas In Diabetes scale. Separate logistic regression analyses by diabetes type...

  3. Type 1 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Green, Anders; Kyvik, Kirsten Ohm


    Prediction of Type 1 diabetes at individual level is relevant for any possible intervention before clinical disease develops. Currently available markers of Type 1 diabetes include genetic specificities and immune markers, in addition to a positive family history. This chapter reviews the measures...... and methods of importance in predicting Type 1 diabetes. Based on numerical examples it is demonstrated that available markers have a low level of performance, even when combined. Even so, combined marker information may allow for the identification of the large majority of the general population who...... is at very low disease risk. The impact at population level of predicting Type 1 diabetes varies between societies because the performance of markers depends on levels of disease risk and distribution of markers within a population. The incorporation of the influence of non-genetic etiological factors may...

  4. Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Korean Women with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hee-Sook Kim


    Full Text Available BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to evaluate maternal and neonatal outcomes in Korean women with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.MethodsWe performed a retrospective survey of 163 pregnancies in women with type 1 diabetes (n=13 and type 2 diabetes (n=150 treated from 2003 to 2010 at Cheil General Hospital & Women's Healthcare Center, Korea. We compared maternal characteristics as well as maternal and neonatal outcomes between groups.ResultsDifferences in glycosylated hemoglobin between type 1 and type 2 diabetes were not significant. Birth weight (3,501±689.6 g vs. 3,366±531.4 g and rate of major congenital malformations (7.7% vs. 5.6% were not significantly different. However, women with type 1 diabetes had higher rates of preeclampsia (38.5% vs. 8.2%, P=0.006, large for gestational age (LGA; 46.2% vs. 20.4%, P=0.004, macrosomia (38.5% vs. 13.4%, P=0.032, and admission for neonatal care (41.7% vs. 14.8%, P=0.03 than women with type 2 diabetes.ConclusionMaternal and neonatal outcomes for women with type 1 diabetes were poorer than for women with type 2 diabetes, especially preeclampsia, LGA, macrosomia and admission to the neonatal intensive care unit.

  5. Scintigraphic Evaluation of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 ( MEN Type 2 )

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Jae Tae; Lee, Kyu Bo; Whang, Kee Suk; Kim, Bo Wan; Lee, In Kyu


    Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN type 2, Sipple's syndrome) is a rare disorder characterized by the association of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, parathyroid hyperplasia and can be diagnosed in early stage of the disease by meticulous screening tests of the family. This case report describes the location and categorization of tumors using 99m Tc-pertechnetate, I -NaI, 99m Tc-pentavalent(V) DMSA, 131 I -MIBG scans in two cases of MEN type 2 occurred in a 32 year old women and her 29-year old brother. In MEN type 2, we think, combined use of 99m Tc-(V)-DMSA, 99m Tc-pertechnetate and 1 '3 1 I -MIBG may be useful for the categorization of tumor mass lesions and planning appropriate therapy.

  6. Single-channel L-type Ca2+ currents in chicken embryo semicircular canal type I and type II hair cells. (United States)

    Zampini, Valeria; Valli, Paolo; Zucca, Giampiero; Masetto, Sergio


    Few data are available concerning single Ca channel properties in inner ear hair cells and particularly none in vestibular type I hair cells. By using the cell-attached configuration of the patch-clamp technique in combination with the semicircular canal crista slice preparation, we determined the elementary properties of voltage-dependent Ca channels in chicken embryo type I and type II hair cells. The pipette solutions included Bay K 8644. With 70 mM Ba(2+) in the patch pipette, Ca channel activity appeared as very brief openings at -60 mV. Ca channel properties were found to be similar in type I and type II hair cells; therefore data were pooled. The mean inward current amplitude was -1.3 +/- 0.1 (SD) pA at - 30 mV (n = 16). The average slope conductance was 21 pS (n = 20). With 5 mM Ba(2+) in the patch pipette, very brief openings were already detectable at -80 mV. The mean inward current amplitude was -0.7 +/- 0.2 pA at -40 mV (n = 9). The average slope conductance was 11 pS (n = 9). The mean open time and the open probability increased significantly with depolarization. Ca channel activity was still present and unaffected when omega-agatoxin IVA (2 microM) and omega-conotoxin GVIA (3.2 microM) were added to the pipette solution. Our results show that types I and II hair cells express L-type Ca channels with similar properties. Moreover, they suggest that in vivo Ca(2+) influx might occur at membrane voltages more negative than -60 mV.

  7. Types of Anesthesia (United States)

    ... Videos for Educators Search English Español Types of Anesthesia KidsHealth / For Teens / Types of Anesthesia What's in ... Get? Print en español Tipos de anestesia About Anesthesia Anesthesia is broken down into three main categories: ...

  8. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... from Diabetes Forecast® magazine: lp-type-2, . In this section Diabetes Basics Type 2 Facts About Type ... ensureArray(data.submitSurveyResponse.errors); $.each(surveyErrors, function () { if (this.errorField) { $('input[name="' + this.errorField + '"]').closest('.form-group') . ...

  9. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... or insulin to help you meet your target blood glucose levels. Type 2 usually gets worse over time – even if ... About Type 2 Recently Diagnosed Treatment and Care Blood Glucose ... Living With Type 2 Diabetes Program donate en -- A Future Without ...

  10. Diabetes Type 1 (United States)

    Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 1 diabetes, your pancreas does not make insulin. Insulin is ... kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth. Type 1 diabetes happens most often in children and young adults ...

  11. Liquid-type Botulinum Toxin Type A in Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia: A Prospective Pilot Study. (United States)

    Cha, Wonjae; Jang, Jeon Yeob; Wang, Soo-Geun; Kang, Ji-Heon; Jo, Min-Gyu


    Botulinum toxin (BTX) has been widely used to treat adductor spasmodic dysphonia (ADSD). Most commercially available forms of BTX require reconstitution before use, which may increase the risk of contamination and requires careful titration. Recently, a liquid-type BTX type A (BTX-A) has been developed, which should simplify the procedure and enhance its efficacy. Herein, we present a prospective pilot study to investigate the efficacy and safety of liquid-type BTX-A in the treatment of ADSD. Twenty-six consecutive liquid-type BTX-A injections were performed in 12 patients with ADSD. We included as a control group 34 consecutive patients with ADSD who had previously undergone 52 vocal fold injection procedures with freeze-dried-type BTX-A. All patients in both groups had improvement of symptoms related to ADSD and period of normal voice. Most patients experienced breathiness, and the onset time, the peak response time, and the duration of breathiness were similar in both groups. The duration of effect (days) was 96.96 ± 18.91 and 77.38 ± 18.97 in the freeze-dried-type and the liquid-type groups, and the duration of benefit (days) was 80.02 ± 18.24 and 62.69 ± 19.73 in the freeze-dried-type and the liquid-type groups. To compare the efficacy between the freeze-dried-type and the liquid-type BTX-A, the sessions of the unilateral vocal fold injection were included and were categorized as group A (1 ~ 2 units BTX-A) and group B (2 ~ 3 units BTX-A), according to the dose per vocal fold. There was no significant difference of effect time between freeze-dried-type and liquid-type BTX-A groups. No adverse events related to BTX or vocal fold injection were reported. Liquid-type BTX-A is safe and effective for the treatment of spasmodic dysphonia. With the advantages of simple preparation, storage, and reuse and animal protein-free constituents, liquid-type BTX-A may be a good option in the treatment of spasmodic dysphonia. Copyright © 2017 The

  12. Pediatric obesity & type 2 diabetes. (United States)

    Dea, Tara L


    This article focuses on (a) identifying obesity and other risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes, (b) differentiating between pediatric type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and (c) treating pediatric type 2 diabetes. Obesity has significant implications on a child's health, including an increased risk for insulin resistance and progression to type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes in children, characterized by insulin resistance and relative pancreatic b-cell failure due to the increased demand for insulin production, has now reached epidemic proportions. Longitudinal research on pediatric type 2 diabetes, however, is lacking because this epidemic is relatively new. Treatment of type 2 diabetes in children is focused on lifestyle modification with weight management/increased physical activity, and pharmacological management through oral medication or insulin therapy. Because children with type 2 diabetes are at risk for developing diabetes-related complications earlier in life, they need to be closely monitored for comorbidities.

  13. Subtypes of batterers in treatment: empirical support for a distinction between type I, type II and type III.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Luis Graña

    Full Text Available This study explores the existence of different types of batterers in a sample of 266 men who had been court referred for intimate partner violence. The data collected in the assessment that have been used to perform a hierarchical and a two-step cluster analysis fall into three areas: aggression towards the partner, general aggression and presence of psychopathology and personality traits, more specifically, alcohol use, borderline and antisocial personality traits, psychopathy traits, state anger and trait anger, anger expression and control, anger, hostility, and, finally, impulsivity. The results show a typology consisting of 3 types of batterers on the basis of violence level and psychopathology: low (65%, moderate (27.8% and high (7.1%. This study provides empirical support for the development of batterer typologies. These typologies will help achieve early detection of different types of batterers, allowing us to tailor interventions on the basis of the needs of each of the types.

  14. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... or insulin to help you meet your target blood glucose levels. Type 2 usually gets worse over time – even if ... About Type 2 Recently Diagnosed Treatment and Care Blood Glucose ... the Living With Type 2 Diabetes Program donate en -- A Future Without ...

  15. Coevolution of patch-type dependent emigration and patch-type dependent immigration. (United States)

    Weigang, Helene C


    The three phases of dispersal - emigration, transfer and immigration - are affecting each other and the former and latter decisions may depend on patch types. Despite the inevitable fact of the complexity of the dispersal process, patch-type dependencies of dispersal decisions modelled as emigration and immigration are usually missing in theoretical dispersal models. Here, I investigate the coevolution of patch-type dependent emigration and patch-type dependent immigration in an extended Hamilton-May model. The dispersing population inhabits a landscape structured into many patches of two types and disperses during a continuous-time season. The trait under consideration is a four dimensional vector consisting of two values for emigration probability from the patches and two values for immigration probability into the patches of each type. Using the adaptive dynamics approach I show that four qualitatively different dispersal strategies may evolve in different parameter regions, including a counterintuitive strategy, where patches of one type are fully dispersed from (emigration probability is one) but individuals nevertheless always immigrate into them during the dispersal season (immigration probability is one). I present examples of evolutionary branching in a wide parameter range, when the patches with high local death rate during the dispersal season guarantee a high expected disperser output. I find that two dispersal strategies can coexist after evolutionary branching: a strategy with full immigration only into the patches with high expected disperser output coexists with a strategy that immigrates into any patch. Stochastic simulations agree with the numerical predictions. Since evolutionary branching is also found when immigration evolves alone, the present study is adding coevolutionary constraints on the emigration traits and hence finds that the coevolution of a higher dimensional trait sometimes hinders evolutionary diversification. Copyright © 2017

  16. Comparison of fluoroscopy-guided pull-type percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (pull-type-PRG) with conventional percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (push-type-PRG): clinical results in 253 patients

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yang, Yang; Schneider, J.; Dueber, C.; Pitton, M.B. [University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Mainz (Germany)


    To analyze the clinical results and complications of fluoroscopy guided internal-external pull-type percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (pull-type-PRG) and conventional external-internal percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (push-type-PRG). A total of 253 patients underwent radiological gastrostomy between January 2002 and January 2010. Data were collected retrospectively from radiology reports, Chart review of clinical notes, procedure reports, discharge summaries and subsequent hospital visits. Statistical analysis was performed to compare the two methods for gastrostomy with respect to peri-interventional aspects and clinical results. 128 patients received the Pull-type-PRG whereas the other 125 patients were served with the Push-type-PRG. Indications for gastrostomy were similar in these two groups. The most frequent indications for the both methods were stenotic oesophageal tumors or head/neck tumors (54.7% in pull-type-PRG, 68% in push-type-PRG). Gastrostomy procedures were successful in 98.3% in pull-type-PRG compared to 92% in push-type-PRG. There was no procedure-related mortality. Compared to Push-type-PRG, the peri-interventional complication rate was significantly reduced in pull-type-PRG (14.8% versus 34.4%, P = 0.002). Compared to the external-internal push-type-PRG, the internal-external Pull-type-PRG showed a high primary success rate and a decreased incidence of peri-interventional complications. (orig.)

  17. Comparison of fluoroscopy-guided pull-type percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (pull-type-PRG) with conventional percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (push-type-PRG): clinical results in 253 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Yang; Schneider, J.; Dueber, C.; Pitton, M.B.


    To analyze the clinical results and complications of fluoroscopy guided internal-external pull-type percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (pull-type-PRG) and conventional external-internal percutaneous radiological gastrostomy (push-type-PRG). A total of 253 patients underwent radiological gastrostomy between January 2002 and January 2010. Data were collected retrospectively from radiology reports, Chart review of clinical notes, procedure reports, discharge summaries and subsequent hospital visits. Statistical analysis was performed to compare the two methods for gastrostomy with respect to peri-interventional aspects and clinical results. 128 patients received the Pull-type-PRG whereas the other 125 patients were served with the Push-type-PRG. Indications for gastrostomy were similar in these two groups. The most frequent indications for the both methods were stenotic oesophageal tumors or head/neck tumors (54.7% in pull-type-PRG, 68% in push-type-PRG). Gastrostomy procedures were successful in 98.3% in pull-type-PRG compared to 92% in push-type-PRG. There was no procedure-related mortality. Compared to Push-type-PRG, the peri-interventional complication rate was significantly reduced in pull-type-PRG (14.8% versus 34.4%, P = 0.002). Compared to the external-internal push-type-PRG, the internal-external Pull-type-PRG showed a high primary success rate and a decreased incidence of peri-interventional complications. (orig.)

  18. Type Systems for Bigraphs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Elsborg, Ebbe; Hildebrandt, Thomas; Sangiorgi, Davide

    of controls and a set of reaction rules, collectively a bigraphical reactive system (BRS). Possible advantages of developing bigraphical type systems include: a deeper understanding of a type system itself and its properties; transfer of the type systems to the concrete family of calculi that the BRS models...

  19. Session Types at the Mirror

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luca Padovani


    Full Text Available We (redefine session types as projections of process behaviors with respect to the communication channels they use. In this setting, we give session types a semantics based on fair testing. The outcome is a unified theory of behavioral types that shares common aspects with conversation types and that encompass features of both dyadic and multi-party session types. The point of view we provide sheds light on the nature of session types and gives us a chance to reason about them in a framework where every notion, from well-typedness to the subtyping relation between session types, is semantically -rather than syntactically- grounded.

  20. Personality types of entrepreneurs. (United States)

    Müller, Günter F; Gappisch, Cathrin


    85 German entrepreneurs were psychometrically assessed on 12 primary trait characteristics. The sample consisted of 49 men and 36 women whose mean age was 45.6 yr. (SD= 10.3). Occupational domains were production (40%) and services (60%). The mean duration of entrepreneurship within these domains was 13.1 yr. (SD=9.3). By factor analysis five personality types of entrepreneurs could be identified: Creative Acquisitor, Controlled Perseverator, Distant Achiever, Rational Manager, and Egocentric Agitator. These types correspond with types found in research by Miner and with the Myer-Briggs Indicator. In addition, correlations between general type potential and both job and life satisfaction of entrepreneurs were found. The results are discussed with regard to intercultural stability of personality types and implications for research and application.

  1. TypeSan : Practical type confusion detection

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Haller, Istvan; Jeon, Yuseok; Peng, Hui; Payer, Mathias; Giuffrida, Cristiano; Bos, Herbert; Van Der Kouwe, Erik


    The low-level C++ programming language is ubiquitously used for its modularity and performance. Typecasting is a fundamental concept in C++ (and object-oriented programming in general) to convert a pointer from one object type into another. However, downcasting (converting a base class pointer to a

  2. A Kantorovich Type of Szasz Operators Including Brenke-Type Polynomials

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fatma Taşdelen


    convergence properties of these operators by using Korovkin's theorem. We also present the order of convergence with the help of a classical approach, the second modulus of continuity, and Peetre's -functional. Furthermore, an example of Kantorovich type of the operators including Gould-Hopper polynomials is presented and Voronovskaya-type result is given for these operators including Gould-Hopper polynomials.

  3. Electrothermally-Actuated Micromirrors with Bimorph Actuators—Bending-Type and Torsion-Type

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cheng-Hua Tsai


    Full Text Available Three different electrothermally-actuated MEMS micromirrors with Cr/Au-Si bimorph actuators are proposed. The devices are fabricated with the SOIMUMPs process developed by MEMSCAP, Inc. (Durham, NC, USA. A silicon-on-insulator MEMS process has been employed for the fabrication of these micromirrors. Electrothermal actuation has achieved a large angular movement in the micromirrors. Application of an external electric current 0.04 A to the bending-type, restricted-torsion-type, and free-torsion-type mirrors achieved rotation angles of 1.69°, 3.28°, and 3.64°, respectively.

  4. Parasitic helminths and their beneficial impact on type 1 and type 2 diabetes. (United States)

    Berbudi, Afiat; Ajendra, Jesuthas; Wardani, Ajeng P F; Hoerauf, Achim; Hübner, Marc P


    It is estimated that by the year 2035 almost 600 million people will suffer from diabetes. In the case of type 2 diabetes, the strongest increase of diabetes incidence occurs in developing and newly industrialized countries. This increase correlates not only with a progressing sedentary lifestyle and nutritional changes, but also environmental changes. Similarly, the increase of type 1 diabetes incidence in industrialized countries over the past decades cannot be explained by genetic factors alone, suggesting that environmental changes are also involved. One such environmental change is a reduced exposure to pathogens because of improved hygiene. Parasitic helminths modulate the immune system of their hosts and induce type 2 as well as regulatory immune responses. As pro-inflammatory immune responses are crucial for the onset of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, helminth-induced immunomodulation may prevent diabetes onset and ameliorate insulin sensitivity. Several epidemiological studies in human and experimental animal models support such a protective effect of helminths for autoimmune diabetes. Recent studies further suggest that helminths may also provide such a beneficial effect for type 2 diabetes. In this review we summarize studies that investigated parasitic helminths and helminth-derived products and their impact on both type 1 and type 2 diabetes highlighting potential protective mechanisms. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  5. Rust types from JSON samples - Approximating type providers with procedural macros in Rust


    Vesteraas, Erik Andreas


    When programmers access external data in a statically typed programming language, they are often faced with a dilemma between convenient and type-safe access to the data. In the programming language F#, a concept called type providers has been proposed as a solution to this problem by having compiler support for libraries with the capability to generate types at compile time. This thesis presents "json_typegen", a project which aims to show the feasibility of similar solutions in the Rust pro...

  6. Diabetes mellitus type 1


    Desta, Semere Tekeste


    Høgskulen på Vestlandet Avdeling for helsefag for sykepleiere Tittel: Diabetes type 1 Bakgrunn for val av tema: I 2000 var det ca. 130 000 personer i Norge med diabetes, av disse hadde ca. 20 000 diabetes type 1. I dag er det ca. 230 000 personer som har diabetes i Norge. Av disse ca. 28 000 type 1 diabetes. Tallet viser hvor alvorlig sykdommen er, fordi det har vært og fortsatt er, en økning av antall diabetikere i Norge. Type 1 diabetes kan komme i alle aldersgrupper, men vanligvis...

  7. Type Ia Supernova Cosmology (United States)

    Leibundgut, B.; Sullivan, M.


    The primary agent for Type Ia supernova cosmology is the uniformity of their appearance. We present the current status, achievements and uncertainties. The Hubble constant and the expansion history of the universe are key measurements provided by Type Ia supernovae. They were also instrumental in showing time dilation, which is a direct observational signature of expansion. Connections to explosion physics are made in the context of potential improvements of the quality of Type Ia supernovae as distance indicators. The coming years will see large efforts to use Type Ia supernovae to characterise dark energy.

  8. Type-safe pattern combinators

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rhiger, Morten


    Macros still haven't made their way into typed higher-order programming languages such as Haskell and Standard ML. Therefore, to extend the expressiveness of Haskell or Standard ML, one must express new linguistic features in terms of functions that fit within the static type systems of these lan...... of these languages. This is particularly challenging when introducing features that span across multiple types and that bind variables. We address this challenge by developing, in a step by step manner, mechanisms for encoding patterns and pattern matching in Haskell in a type-safe way....

  9. Type-D personality is a stable taxonomy in post-MI patients over an 18-month period

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Martens, Elisabeth J; Kupper, Nina; Pedersen, Susanne S.


    type-D personality comprises a risk factor for adverse prognosis in patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, concerns that type-D personality may not be a stable personality taxonomy and that progression of CVD may contribute to the manifestation of type-D personality have been voiced...

  10. Subset selection from Type-I and Type-II generalized logistic populations

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Laan, van der M.J.; Laan, van der P.


    We give an introduction to the logistic and generalized logistic distributions. We obtain exact results for the probability of correct selection from Type-I and Type-II generalized logistic populations which only differ in their location parameter. Some open problems are formulated.

  11. No evidence for increased self-reported cognitive failure in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Wessels, A M; Pouwer, F; Geelhoed-Duijvestijn, P H L M


    in adult out-patients with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Subjective cognitive functioning was measured in 187 diabetic patients using the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (CFQ). Demographic and clinical characteristics were retrieved from the medical records. The Patient Health Questionnaire 9 items...... (PHQ-9) was self-administered along with the CFQ to correct for the confounding effect of depression. RESULTS: Analyses were based on 55 patients with Type 1 diabetes and 100 patients with Type 2 diabetes. No difference in mean CFQ score was observed between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic patients...... or between Type 1 diabetic patients and healthy control subjects. Female patients with Type 2 diabetes reported significantly fewer cognitive complaints compared with female healthy control subjects. None of the demographic variables and diabetes-related complications was associated with subjective cognitive...

  12. Comparison of osteoporosis in US adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    DeShields, S C; Cunningham, T D


    We examined bone mineral density (BMD) and osteoporosis prevalence in those with type 1 compared to type 2 diabetes derived from a nationally representative sample from the civilian community in the United States. Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) for 2005-2006, 2007-2008, 2009-2010, and 2013-2014 were merged to obtain a large sample of diabetics at least 20 years of age with participation in the interview and medical examination. Osteoporosis status was defined by BMD at the total femur, femoral neck, or total lumbar spine. Self-reported diabetics that were prescribed insulin within the first year of diagnosis, are currently taking insulin, and reported no prescriptions for any diabetic pills were classified as type 1. Remaining self-reported diabetics were deemed as having type 2. A total of 2050 diabetics were included in which 87 (4%) were classified as type 1. Type 1 diabetics were found to have a significantly lower BMD at the total femur and femoral neck, but not at the lumbar spine in the adjusted models. Diabetics with type 1 were 4.7 times more likely to have osteoporosis than those with type 2. There was no significant relationship between diabetes type and BMD or osteoporosis prior to adjustment for confounders. Although our results show an increased likelihood of osteoporosis among those with type 1 diabetes, future studies including a larger sample from a community population are needed. It may benefit diabetics, especially those with type 1, to initiate osteoporosis screening methods including evaluation of fracture risk, bone quality, and BMD measurements at multiple sites earlier than recommended.

  13. Osteogenesis imperfecta type V

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rauch, Frank; Moffatt, Pierre; Cheung, Moira


    Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) type V is an autosomal dominant bone fragility disorder that we had described a decade ago. Recent research has shown that OI type V is caused by a recurrent c.-14C>T mutation in IFITM5. In the present study, we assessed all patients diagnosed with OI type V at our...

  14. Flash-Type Discrimination (United States)

    Koshak, William J.


    This viewgraph presentation describes the significant progress made in the flash-type discrimination algorithm development. The contents include: 1) Highlights of Progress for GLM-R3 Flash-Type discrimination Algorithm Development; 2) Maximum Group Area (MGA) Data; 3) Retrieval Errors from Simulations; and 4) Preliminary Global-scale Retrieval.

  15. Cardiovascular responses in type A and type B men to a series of stressors. (United States)

    Ward, M M; Chesney, M A; Swan, G E; Black, G W; Parker, S D; Rosenman, R H


    Fifty-six healthy adult males were administered the Type A Structured Interview and assessed as exhibiting either Type A (N = 42) or Type B (N = 14) behavior pattern. They were monitored for systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) responses during a series of six challenging tasks: Mental Arithmetic, Hypothesis Testing, Reaction Time, Video Game, Handgrip, and Cold Pressor. The results indicated that Type A subjects exhibited greater cardiovascular responses than did Type B subjects during some (Hypothesis Testing, Reaction Time, Video Game and Mental Arithmetic) but not all (Handgrip and Cold Pressor) of the tasks. These results are discussed in terms of previously reported findings on conditions that do and do not produce differences in Type A/B cardiovascular stress responses.

  16. Prospecting ideas for mesozoic granite-type, volcanics-type and exo-contact-type uranium deposits in South China. Pt.1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yu Dagan


    The Mesozoic uranium ore-formation process in South China resulted from the intense volcanic magmatism, the crust-mantle interaction and the fluidization in Yanshanian period, and there is great prospect for large-scale uranium concentration and ore-formation. Therefore, during the prospecting for Mesozoic granite-type, volcanics-type and exo-contact-type uranium deposits it is necessary to introduce deep-source metallogenic theory, to 'desalt' metallogenic theory of epithermal activation, to fully realize that uranium deposits may be formed not only at shallow depth, but also in conditions of deep-source, great depth and high temperature, as well as in environments of deep-source, shallow depth and median temperature, to give emphasis to the early-stage (130-95 Ma) uranium mineralization, to break the man-made boundary in prospecting for uranium only based on host rock type, to strengthen the research on Cretaceous magmatic system

  17. [Diagnostic values of serum type III procollagen N-terminal peptide in type IV gastric cancer]. (United States)

    Akazawa, S; Fujiki, T; Kanda, Y; Kumai, R; Yoshida, S


    Since increased synthesis of collagen has been demonstrated in tissue of type IV gastric cancer, we attempted to distinguish type IV gastric cancer from other cancers by measuring serum levels of type III procollagen N-terminal peptide (type III-N-peptide). Mean serum levels in type IV gastric cancer patients without metastasis were found to be elevated above normal values and developed a tendency to be higher than those in types I, II and III gastric cancer patients without metastasis. Highly positive ratios were found in patients with liver diseases including hepatoma and colon cancer, biliary tract cancer, and esophageal cancer patients with liver, lung or bone metastasis, but only 2 out of 14 of these cancer patients without such metastasis showed positive serum levels of type III-N-peptide. Positive cases in patients with type IV gastric cancer were obtained not only in the group with clinical stage IV but also in the groups with clinical stages II and III. In addition, high serum levels of type III-N-peptide in patients with type IV gastric cancer were seen not only in the cases with liver, lung or bone metastasis but also in cases with disseminated peritoneal metastasis alone. These results suggest that if the serum level of type III-N-peptide is elevated above normal values, type IV gastric cancer should be suspected after ruling out liver diseases, myelofibrosis and liver, lung or bone metastasis.

  18. Getting “Inside” Type I IFNs: Type I IFNs in Intracellular Bacterial Infections

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Deann T. Snyder


    Full Text Available Type I interferons represent a unique and complex group of cytokines, serving many purposes during innate and adaptive immunity. Discovered in the context of viral infections, type I IFNs are now known to have myriad effects in infectious and autoimmune disease settings. Type I IFN signaling during bacterial infections is dependent on many factors including whether the infecting bacterium is intracellular or extracellular, as different signaling pathways are activated. As such, the repercussions of type I IFN induction can positively or negatively impact the disease outcome. This review focuses on type I IFN induction and downstream consequences during infection with the following intracellular bacteria: Chlamydia trachomatis, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Francisella tularensis, Brucella abortus, Legionella pneumophila, and Coxiella burnetii. Intracellular bacterial infections are unique because the bacteria must avoid, circumvent, and even co-opt microbial “sensing” mechanisms in order to reside and replicate within a host cell. Furthermore, life inside a host cell makes intracellular bacteria more difficult to target with antibiotics. Because type I IFNs are important immune effectors, modulating this pathway may improve disease outcomes. But first, it is critical to understand the context-dependent effects of the type I IFN pathway in intracellular bacterial infections.

  19. Two thumbs and one index: A comparison of manual coordination in touch-typing and mobile-typing. (United States)

    Cerni, Tania; Longcamp, Marieke; Job, Remo


    It has been extensively demonstrated that in touch-typing, manual alternation is performed faster than manual repetition (see i.e. Rumelhart & Norman, 1982), due to parallel activation of successive keystrokes. In this experiment, we tested whether the manual coordination patterns typical of touch-typing can be observed in mobile-typing. We recruited skilled touch-typists and divided them into two groups depending on their typing habits on the mobile device. The "one-hand" group typed with one index finger on the mobile, and therefore produced words exclusively through manual repetition. The "two-hands" group used two thumbs, and therefore produced words through a combination of mobile-typing repetitions and alternations. The two groups were tested in a typing to dictation task with both a standard keyboard and a mobile keyboard. Results showed that manual alternation and manual repetition patterns are similar in touch-typing and in mobile-typing. For the "two-hands" group, the mean interkeystroke intervals (IKIs) for touch-typing decreased as manual alterations in words increased in both touch- and mobile-typing. The "one-hand" group showed an opposite pattern in mobile-typing. Bigram frequency was correlated with IKIs per bigrams in both tasks and groups, but the correlation for the "one-hand" group in mobile-typing was different. Our results suggest that manual coordination processes are the same in touch-typing and in mobile-typing despite different effectors, provided that both hands are used to type. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Stack semantics of type theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Coquand, Thierry; Mannaa, Bassel; Ruch, Fabian


    We give a model of dependent type theory with one univalent universe and propositional truncation interpreting a type as a stack, generalizing the groupoid model of type theory. As an application, we show that countable choice cannot be proved in dependent type theory with one univalent universe...

  1. Radioactive Metrology Methods in the USSR; Methodes de metrologie de la radioactivite en URSS; Metody metrologii radioaktivnosti v SSSR; Metodos de Metrologia de la Radiactividad Aplicados en la Union de Republicas Socialistas Sovieticas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aglintsev, K K; Bochkarev, V V; Grablevskij, V N; Karavaev, F M


    The authors review the methods practised in the USSR and in particular at the Mendeleev Institute of Metrology at Leningrad, for the reproduction, by means of standardized apparatus, of the units of measurement used for radioactivity (curie, gramme-equivalent of Ra, roentgen and rad). As regards the radionuclides, the standard sources regularly produced in the USSR are of two types: (1) Model sources, which are used in standardizing other radioactive substances by comparison and in calibrating radiometric and monitoring instruments; and (2) Control sources, which are used exclusively for checking the functioning of measuring instruments and the reproducibility of the data yielded by them. Model {beta} sources are made of radionuclides selected so as to provide a range of maximum energies of 0.018-2.3 MeV. Control {beta} sources are prepared from either Sr{sup 90} + Y{sup 90,} Tl{sup 204} or Pm{sup 147}. These sources cover a wide range of activities of between 20 and 10{sup 9} disintegrations per minute. Model {gamma} sources are made of either Ra, Co{sup 60} or Cs{sup 137}. The range of activities covered by these standards falls between the orders of magnitude of 10{sup 11} and 5 gramme-equivalents of Ra. The control {gamma} sources are based on the same radionuclides as mentioned above. Their activities cover a very wide range and they vary very considerably in form and size. Lastly, the model neutron sources are of two types: Ra-a{alpha}-Be (containing 1-1000 mg Ra) and Pu-a{alpha}-Be (containing 0.01-15 g Pu). The Ra-a-Be sources consist of a compressed mixture of RaBr{sub 2} and powdered Be with a Ra/Be ratio of 1 : 6 by weight. The Pu-{alpha}-Be sources consist of an alloy (PuBe{sub 13}) of these two metals. (author) [French] Les auteurs passent en revue les methodes pratiquees en USSR, et plus particulierement a l'Institut de metrologie ''Mendeleev'' de Leningrad, pour la reproduction - a l'aide d'appareils standardises - des unites de mesure utilisees en

  2. Type-II Weyl semimetals. (United States)

    Soluyanov, Alexey A; Gresch, Dominik; Wang, Zhijun; Wu, QuanSheng; Troyer, Matthias; Dai, Xi; Bernevig, B Andrei


    Fermions--elementary particles such as electrons--are classified as Dirac, Majorana or Weyl. Majorana and Weyl fermions had not been observed experimentally until the recent discovery of condensed matter systems such as topological superconductors and semimetals, in which they arise as low-energy excitations. Here we propose the existence of a previously overlooked type of Weyl fermion that emerges at the boundary between electron and hole pockets in a new phase of matter. This particle was missed by Weyl because it breaks the stringent Lorentz symmetry in high-energy physics. Lorentz invariance, however, is not present in condensed matter physics, and by generalizing the Dirac equation, we find the new type of Weyl fermion. In particular, whereas Weyl semimetals--materials hosting Weyl fermions--were previously thought to have standard Weyl points with a point-like Fermi surface (which we refer to as type-I), we discover a type-II Weyl point, which is still a protected crossing, but appears at the contact of electron and hole pockets in type-II Weyl semimetals. We predict that WTe2 is an example of a topological semimetal hosting the new particle as a low-energy excitation around such a type-II Weyl point. The existence of type-II Weyl points in WTe2 means that many of its physical properties are very different to those of standard Weyl semimetals with point-like Fermi surfaces.

  3. Blood metals concentration in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. (United States)

    Forte, Giovanni; Bocca, Beatrice; Peruzzu, Angela; Tolu, Francesco; Asara, Yolande; Farace, Cristiano; Oggiano, Riccardo; Madeddu, Roberto


    Mechanisms for the onset of diabetes and the development of diabetic complications remain under extensive investigations. One of these mechanisms is abnormal homeostasis of metals, as either deficiency or excess of metals, can contribute to certain diabetic outcomes. Therefore, this paper will report the blood levels of chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), selenium (Se), and zinc (Zn) in subjects with type 1 diabetes (n = 192, mean age 48.8 years, mean disease duration 20.6 years), type 2 diabetes (n = 68, mean age 68.4 years, mean disease duration 10.2 years), and in control subjects (n = 59, mean age 57.2 years), and discuss the results indicating their possible role in diabetes. The metal concentrations were measured by sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after microwave-induced acid digestion of blood samples. The accuracy was checked using a blood-based certified reference material, and recoveries of all elements were in the range of 92-101 % of certified values. Type 1 diabetes was found to be associated with Cr (p = 0.02), Mn (p < 0.001), Ni (p < 0.001), Pb (p = 0.02), and Zn (p < 0.001) deficiency, and type 2 diabetes with Cr (p = 0.014), Mn (p < 0.001), and Ni (p < 0.001) deficiency. These deficiencies were appreciated also subdividing the understudied patients for gender and age groups. Furthermore, in type 1 diabetes, there was a positive correlation between Pb and age (p < 0.001, ρ = 0.400) and Pb and BMI (p < 0.001, ρ = 0.309), while a negative correlation between Fe and age (p = 0.002, ρ = -0.218). In type 2 diabetes, there was a negative correlation between Fe and age (p = 0.017, ρ = -0.294) and Fe and BMI (p = 0.026, ρ = -0.301). Thus, these elements may play a role in both forms of diabetes and combined mineral supplementations could have beneficial effects.

  4. Hardy type inequalities on time scales

    CERN Document Server

    Agarwal, Ravi P; Saker, Samir H


    The book is devoted to dynamic inequalities of Hardy type and extensions and generalizations via convexity on a time scale T. In particular, the book contains the time scale versions of classical Hardy type inequalities, Hardy and Littlewood type inequalities, Hardy-Knopp type inequalities via convexity, Copson type inequalities, Copson-Beesack type inequalities, Liendeler type inequalities, Levinson type inequalities and Pachpatte type inequalities, Bennett type inequalities, Chan type inequalities, and Hardy type inequalities with two different weight functions. These dynamic inequalities contain the classical continuous and discrete inequalities as special cases when T = R and T = N and can be extended to different types of inequalities on different time scales such as T = hN, h > 0, T = qN for q > 1, etc.In this book the authors followed the history and development of these inequalities. Each section in self-contained and one can see the relationship between the time scale versions of the inequalities and...

  5. A Type System for Tom

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claude Kirchner


    Full Text Available Extending a given language with new dedicated features is a general and quite used approach to make the programming language more adapted to problems. Being closer to the application, this leads to less programming flaws and easier maintenance. But of course one would still like to perform program analysis on these kinds of extended languages, in particular type checking and inference. In this case one has to make the typing of the extended features compatible with the ones in the starting language. The Tom programming language is a typical example of such a situation as it consists of an extension of Java that adds pattern matching, more particularly associative pattern matching, and reduction strategies. This paper presents a type system with subtyping for Tom, that is compatible with Java's type system, and that performs both type checking and type inference. We propose an algorithm that checks if all patterns of a Tom program are well-typed. In addition, we propose an algorithm based on equality and subtyping constraints that infers types of variables occurring in a pattern. Both algorithms are exemplified and the proposed type system is showed to be sound and complete.

  6. Types Of Christian Tourism

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    Cornelia Petroman


    Full Text Available Christian tourism is asub-type of tourism where pilgrims travel alone or in group as missionaries orpilgrims or to spend their free time to recollect; it attracts a large numberof travellers. Christian tourism can be practiced by religious young people,missionaries, participants to religious convents, amateurs of religiouscruises, religious camps, visitors of religious attractions, religiousadventurers. Christian tourism can be considered a sub-type of religioustourism because of the large number of people involved in this type of tourismworldwide. Christian tourism as a sub-category of religious tourism coversthree main sub-types: traditional pilgrimage practiced by most world religions,missionary travel to different areas in the world, and confessional voyage. Thestructure of hospitality industry is common to all types of tourism but, fortraditional pilgrimage, there must be special places for the pilgrims to sleep,eat and pray, because they belong, in most cases, to the medium-income touristcategory.

  7. Beyond PrPres Type 1/Type 2 Dichotomy in Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (United States)

    Simon, Stéphanie; Lugan, Séverine; Bilheude, Jean-Marc; Perret-Liaudet, Armand; Ironside, James W.; Haik, Stéphane; Basset-Leobon, Christelle; Lacroux, Caroline; Peoch', Katell; Streichenberger, Nathalie; Langeveld, Jan; Head, Mark W.; Grassi, Jacques; Hauw, Jean-Jacques; Schelcher, Francois; Delisle, Marie Bernadette; Andréoletti, Olivier


    Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) cases are currently subclassified according to the methionine/valine polymorphism at codon 129 of the PRNP gene and the proteinase K (PK) digested abnormal prion protein (PrPres) identified on Western blotting (type 1 or type 2). These biochemically distinct PrPres types have been considered to represent potential distinct prion strains. However, since cases of CJD show co-occurrence of type 1 and type 2 PrPres in the brain, the basis of this classification system and its relationship to agent strain are under discussion. Different brain areas from 41 sCJD and 12 iatrogenic CJD (iCJD) cases were investigated, using Western blotting for PrPres and two other biochemical assays reflecting the behaviour of the disease-associated form of the prion protein (PrPSc) under variable PK digestion conditions. In 30% of cases, both type 1 and type 2 PrPres were identified. Despite this, the other two biochemical assays found that PrPSc from an individual patient demonstrated uniform biochemical properties. Moreover, in sCJD, four distinct biochemical PrPSc subgroups were identified that correlated with the current sCJD clinico-pathological classification. In iCJD, four similar biochemical clusters were observed, but these did not correlate to any particular PRNP 129 polymorphism or western blot PrPres pattern. The identification of four different PrPSc biochemical subgroups in sCJD and iCJD, irrespective of the PRNP polymorphism at codon 129 and the PrPres isoform provides an alternative biochemical definition of PrPSc diversity and new insight in the perception of Human TSE agents variability. PMID:18389084

  8. Rotating spacetimes of Goedel-type

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Reboucas, M.J.; Teixeira, A.F.F.


    The Goedel-type Riemannian manifolds are examined under two different assumptions on the algebraic structure of the energy-momentum tensor. All Goedel-type manifolds of either Segre type [1,(1,111)] or [(1,11)1] are shown to be spacetime-homogeneous. A generalization of Bampi-Zordan theorem is presented. All Goedel-type Riemannian manifolds of the algebric tachyon fluid type are shown to be conformally flat and isometric to Reboucas-Tiomno model. The conformal form of Reboucas-Tiomno is given. (Author) [pt

  9. Composing and decomposing data types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bahr, Patrick


    restrictive, disallowing subtypings that lead to more than one possible injection and should therefore be considered programming errors. Furthermore, from this refined subtyping constraint we derive a new constraint to express type isomorphism. We show how this isomorphism constraint allows us to decompose......Wouter Swierstra's data types à la carte is a technique to modularise data type definitions in Haskell. We give an alternative implementation of data types à la carte that offers more flexibility in composing and decomposing data types. To achieve this, we refine the subtyping constraint, which...... is at the centre of data types à la carte. On the one hand this refinement is more general, allowing subtypings that intuitively should hold but were not derivable beforehand. This aspect of our implementation removes previous restrictions on how data types can be combined. On the other hand our refinement is more...

  10. Improving self-management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. (United States)

    Phillips, Anne


    Diabetes is an increasingly common life-long condition, which has significant physical, psychological and behavioural implications for individuals. Self-management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes can be complex and challenging. A collaborative approach to care, between healthcare professionals and patients, is essential to promote self-management skills and knowledge to help patients engage in shared decision making and manage any difficulties associated with a diagnosis of diabetes.

  11. The Type 3 copper site is intact but labile in Type 2-depleted laccase

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Frank, P; Farver, O; Pecht, I


    We report results of experiments designed to characterize the Type 1 and Type 3 copper sites in Rhus laccase depleted of Type 2 copper (T2D). Use of the Lowry method for determining protein concentration yielded the value 5620 +/- 570 M-1 cm-1 for the extinction of the 615-nm absorption band...... as intensity perturbations at 280 and 615 nm. Comparison of difference spectra show that this 330-nm band derives from a Type 3 copper-bound peroxide and not from a reoxidized Type 3 site. Dioxygen reoxidation of ascorbate-reduced T2D laccase produced new difference bands at 330 nm (delta epsilon = 770 M-1 cm...

  12. Differences in typing forces, muscle activity, comfort, and typing performance among virtual, notebook, and desktop keyboards. (United States)

    Kim, Jeong Ho; Aulck, Lovenoor; Bartha, Michael C; Harper, Christy A; Johnson, Peter W


    The present study investigated whether there were physical exposure and typing productivity differences between a virtual keyboard with no tactile feedback and two conventional keyboards where key travel and tactile feedback are provided by mechanical switches under the keys. The key size and layout were same across all the keyboards. Typing forces; finger and shoulder muscle activity; self-reported comfort; and typing productivity were measured from 19 subjects while typing on a virtual (0 mm key travel), notebook (1.8 mm key travel), and desktop keyboard (4 mm key travel). When typing on the virtual keyboard, subjects typed with less force (p's typing forces and finger muscle activity came at the expense of a 60% reduction in typing productivity (p typing sessions or when typing productivity is at a premium, conventional keyboards with tactile feedback may be more suitable interface. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd and The Ergonomics Society. All rights reserved.

  13. Duane retraction syndrome type 1 with Usher syndrome type 2: an unreported association. (United States)

    Khurana, Bhawna Piplani; Khurana, Aruj Kumar; Grover, Sumit


    Duane retraction syndrome is characterized by globe retraction and palpebral fissure narrowing on adduction, with restriction of abduction, adduction, or both. Usher syndrome type 2 consists of congenital bilateral sensorineural hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa. The authors present a case with a yet unreported association between Duane retraction syndrome type 1 and Usher syndrome type 2. Copyright 2015, SLACK Incorporated.

  14. Tension type headache

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Debashish Chowdhury


    Full Text Available Tension type headaches are common in clinical practice. Earlier known by various names, the diagnosis has had psychological connotations. Recent evidence has helped clarify the neurobiological basis and the disorder is increasingly considered more in the preview of neurologists. The classification, clinical features, differential diagnosis and treatment of tension type headache are discussed in this paper.

  15. A Simple Solution to Type Specialization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danvy, Olivier


    Partial evaluation specializes terms, but traditionally this specialization does not apply to the type of these terms. As a result, specializing, e.g., an interpreter written in a typed language, which requires a “universal” type to encode expressible values, yields residual programs with type tags...... all over. Neil Jones has stated that getting rid of these type tags was an open problem, despite possible solutions such as Torben Mogensen's “constructor specialization.” To solve this problem, John Hughes has proposed a new paradigm for partial evaluation, “Type Specialization”, based on type...... inference instead of being based on symbolic interpretation. Type Specialization is very elegant in principle but it also appears non-trivial in practice. Stating the problem in terms of types instead of in terms of type encodings suggests a very simple type-directed solution, namely, to use a projection...

  16. Principal Typings in a Restricted Intersection Type System for Beta Normal Forms with De Bruijn Indices

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    Daniel Ventura


    Full Text Available The lambda-calculus with de Bruijn indices assembles each alpha-class of lambda-terms in a unique term, using indices instead of variable names. Intersection types provide finitary type polymorphism and can characterise normalisable lambda-terms through the property that a term is normalisable if and only if it is typeable. To be closer to computations and to simplify the formalisation of the atomic operations involved in beta-contractions, several calculi of explicit substitution were developed mostly with de Bruijn indices. Versions of explicit substitutions calculi without types and with simple type systems are well investigated in contrast to versions with more elaborate type systems such as intersection types. In previous work, we introduced a de Bruijn version of the lambda-calculus with an intersection type system and proved that it preserves subject reduction, a basic property of type systems. In this paper a version with de Bruijn indices of an intersection type system originally introduced to characterise principal typings for beta-normal forms is presented. We present the characterisation in this new system and the corresponding versions for the type inference and the reconstruction of normal forms from principal typings algorithms. We briefly discuss the failure of the subject reduction property and some possible solutions for it.

  17. A simple solution to type specialization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danvy, Olivier


    Partial evaluation specializes terms, but traditionally this specialization does not apply to the type of these terms. As a result, specializing, e.g., an interpreter written in a typed language, which requires a “universal” type to encode expressible values, yields residual programs with type tags...... all over. Neil Jones has stated that getting rid of these type tags was an open problem, despite possible solutions such as Torben Mogensen's “constructor specialization.” To solve this problem, John Hughes has proposed a new paradigm for partial evaluation, “Type Specialization”, based on type...... from the universal type to the specific type of the residual program. Standard partial evaluation then yields a residual program without type tags, simply and efficiently....

  18. Molecular Typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates by Opa-Typing and Ribotyping in New Delhi, India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pejvak Khaki


    Full Text Available Control and preventive measures for gonococcal infections are based on precise epidemiological characteristics of N. gonorrhoeae isolates. In the present study the potential utility of opa-typing and ribotyping for molecular epidemiological study of consecutive gonococcal strains was determined. Sixty gonococcal isolates were subjected to ribotyping with two restriction enzymes, AvaII and HincII, and opa-typing with TaqI and HpaII for epidemiological characterization of gonococcal population. Ribotyping with AvaII yielded 6 ribotype patterns while twelve RFLP patterns were observed with HincII. Opa-typing of the 60 isolates revealed a total 54 opa-types, which 48 were unique and 6 formed clusters. Fifty-two opa-types were observed with TaqI-digested PCR product while opa-typing with HpaII demonstrated 54 opa-types. The opa-types from isolates that were epidemiologically unrelated were distinct, whereas those from the sexual contacts were identical. The results showed that opa-typing is highly useful for characterizing gonococcal strains from sexual contacts and has more discriminatory than ribotyping that could differentiate between gonococci of the same ribotype. The technique even with a single restriction enzyme has a high level of discrimination (99.9% between epidemiologically unrelated isolates. In conclusion, the molecular methods such as opa-typing and ribotyping can be used for epidemiological characterization of gonococcal strains.

  19. Molecular Typing of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Isolates by Opa-Typing and Ribotyping in New Delhi, India (United States)

    Khaki, Pejvak; Bhalla, Preena; Fayaz, Ahmad Mir; Moradi Bidhendi, Sohiela; Esmailzadeh, Majid; Sharma, Pawan


    Control and preventive measures for gonococcal infections are based on precise epidemiological characteristics of N. gonorrhoeae isolates. In the present study the potential utility of opa-typing and ribotyping for molecular epidemiological study of consecutive gonococcal strains was determined. Sixty gonococcal isolates were subjected to ribotyping with two restriction enzymes, AvaII and HincII, and opa-typing with TaqI and HpaII for epidemiological characterization of gonococcal population. Ribotyping with AvaII yielded 6 ribotype patterns while twelve RFLP patterns were observed with HincII. Opa-typing of the 60 isolates revealed a total 54 opa-types, which 48 were unique and 6 formed clusters. Fifty-two opa-types were observed with TaqI-digested PCR product while opa-typing with HpaII demonstrated 54 opa-types. The opa-types from isolates that were epidemiologically unrelated were distinct, whereas those from the sexual contacts were identical. The results showed that opa-typing is highly useful for characterizing gonococcal strains from sexual contacts and has more discriminatory than ribotyping that could differentiate between gonococci of the same ribotype. The technique even with a single restriction enzyme has a high level of discrimination (99.9%) between epidemiologically unrelated isolates. In conclusion, the molecular methods such as opa-typing and ribotyping can be used for epidemiological characterization of gonococcal strains. PMID:20016674

  20. The Difference between Flux Spectrums of WH-type Assembly and CANDU-type Lattice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ryu, Eun Hyun; Song, Yong Mann


    The nuclear reactors are categorized by the material of the moderator because of its importance. The representative materials of the moderator are light water (H 2 O) and heavy water (D 2 O). Also, it is well known that the slowing-down ratio of D 2 O is hundreds of times larger than that of H 2 O while the slowing-down power of H 2 O is several times larger than that of D 2 O. This means that the H 2 O sometimes plays a role of an absorber such as the liquid zone controller (LZC) in a CANDU-type reactor. It is thought that the flux spectrums in a different reactor can differ from each other. In this research, two representative assemblies (the Westinghouse (WH)-type fuel assembly of PWR and the CANDU-type fuel lattice of PHWR) are selected and the flux results for each group are extracted. Although there are many codes for the lattice transport calculation, the WIMS code and the HELIOS code are used for the calculation of the WH-type fuel lattice and the CANDU-type fuel lattice. A clear difference in spectrum between the CANDU-type lattice and WH 16GD-type lattice is confirmed. Because of the superior moderating ratio of the heavy water, the thermal flux ratio of the CANDU-type lattice is almost 82%, while that of the WH 16 GD-type lattice is around 23%. Because of the large portion of the thermal flux in the CANDU-type lattice, the boron effect is maximized with the result from variations of boron. Thus it can be said that the spectrum largely depends on the moderator material, and the boron effect and sensitivity largely depends on the flux spectrum. Because of the dominant effect of the moderator material on the flux spectrum in a nuclear reactor, in the future, a comparison of the spectra of SFR, HTGR, PWR, and PHWR are also an interesting subject to study. Over-moderation in PHWR lattice and under-moderation in PWR lattice can be explained by the investigation about flux spectrums with variations of moderator density in each lattice

  1. The Difference between Flux Spectrums of WH-type Assembly and CANDU-type Lattice

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ryu, Eun Hyun; Song, Yong Mann [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    The nuclear reactors are categorized by the material of the moderator because of its importance. The representative materials of the moderator are light water (H{sub 2}O) and heavy water (D{sub 2}O). Also, it is well known that the slowing-down ratio of D{sub 2}O is hundreds of times larger than that of H{sub 2}O while the slowing-down power of H{sub 2}O is several times larger than that of D{sub 2}O. This means that the H{sub 2}O sometimes plays a role of an absorber such as the liquid zone controller (LZC) in a CANDU-type reactor. It is thought that the flux spectrums in a different reactor can differ from each other. In this research, two representative assemblies (the Westinghouse (WH)-type fuel assembly of PWR and the CANDU-type fuel lattice of PHWR) are selected and the flux results for each group are extracted. Although there are many codes for the lattice transport calculation, the WIMS code and the HELIOS code are used for the calculation of the WH-type fuel lattice and the CANDU-type fuel lattice. A clear difference in spectrum between the CANDU-type lattice and WH 16GD-type lattice is confirmed. Because of the superior moderating ratio of the heavy water, the thermal flux ratio of the CANDU-type lattice is almost 82%, while that of the WH 16 GD-type lattice is around 23%. Because of the large portion of the thermal flux in the CANDU-type lattice, the boron effect is maximized with the result from variations of boron. Thus it can be said that the spectrum largely depends on the moderator material, and the boron effect and sensitivity largely depends on the flux spectrum. Because of the dominant effect of the moderator material on the flux spectrum in a nuclear reactor, in the future, a comparison of the spectra of SFR, HTGR, PWR, and PHWR are also an interesting subject to study. Over-moderation in PHWR lattice and under-moderation in PWR lattice can be explained by the investigation about flux spectrums with variations of moderator density in each

  2. Wybrane problemy ustalania wartościw sprawozdaniach finansowych przedsiębiorstw

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kazimierz Sawicki


    Full Text Available W artykule przedstawiono niektóre problemy pomiaru i wyceny w rachunkowości zarówno pozycji bilansu, jak i procesów gospodarczych. Opisano podstawowe modele tradycyjne i współczesne metody wyceny. Podjęto próbę oceny przydatności poszczególnych metod wyceny, zwłaszcza na podstawie wartości godziwej, dla dużych, średnich i małych jednostek. Zdaniem autora, wiarygodność informacji finansowych dla zarządu i użytkowników zewnętrznych może być wątpliwa, jeżeli w wysokim stopniu opiera się na estymacji przyszłości, która zawsze jest niepewna.

  3. Wytrzymałość na ścinanie odpadów komunalnych a stateczność skarp składowisk


    Tymoteusz Zydroń; Mariusz Cholewa; Piotr Demczuk


    W pierwszej części pracy dokonano analizy literatury tematycznej dotyczącej parametrów charakteryzujących wytrzymałość na ścinanie odpadów komunalnych. Wykazała ona, że odpady komunalne charakteryzują się bardzo zróżnicowanymi warto­ściami kąta tarcia wewnętrznego i spójności, które zależą od ich struktury, stopnia rozkładu, metody badań, w tym zakresu odkształceń. Wpływ tych czynników na wytrzyma­łość na ścinanie odpadów jest często niejednoznaczny, co powoduje, że dobór...

  4. Tūrisma sociālekonomiskā ietekme Engures ezera sateces baseinā


    Apels, Jānis


    Tūrisms tiek uzskatīts par perspektīvu lauku reģionu attīstības metodi, jo nepieciešamie resursi ir plašāk pieejami. Taču tūrismam kā procesam ir gan pozitīva, gan negatīva ietekme uz apkārtējo dabas vidi, sociālo un ekonomisko vidi. Bakalaura darba „Tūrisma sociālekonomiskā ietekme Engures ezera sateces baseinā” mērķis ir tūrisma sociālekonomiskās ietekmes izvērtēšana balstoties uz vietējo iedzīvotāju attieksmi. Bakalaura darbā sniegts neliels ieskats Engures sateces baseinā piedāvāto...

  5. Analisi dell’anisotropia microstrutturale in materiali compositi rinforzati con fibre corte

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    D. Dreossi


    Full Text Available La microtomografia con luce di sincrotrone si è rivelata una tecnica particolarmente efficace per l’analisi della struttura risultante dalla distribuzione degli orientamenti assunti dalle fibre di rinforzo di compositi rinforzati con fibre di vetro. La ricostruzione dell'immagine tridimensionale ha consentito la visualizzazionedella distribuzione spaziale delle fibre all'interno della matrice polimerica anche nel caso di fibre di piccole dimensioni (diametro medio di 10 micrometri. E' stato quindi possibile misurare le differenze nell'orientamento delle fibre nei differenti strati di un campione utilizzando metodi basati sulla valutazione del Mean Intercept Length (MIL e del fabric tensor. La tecnica descritta è stata applicata a un campione di poliammide 6 rinforzato con il 30% di fibre corte di vetro ricavato da lastra.

  6. Metodika stanovení velikosti detekovaného signálu v EREM


    Potoma, Jaroslav


    Předkládaná práce se zabývá problematikou environmentální rastrovací elektronové mikroskopie (EREM) a detekcí signálních elektronů pomocí ionizačního detektoru.Hlavní náplní této práce je porovnání osciloskopické metody stanovení velikosti signálu s metodou vyhodnocování velikosti signálu z úrovně šedi ze snímků standartních vzorků. Vyhodnocení výhod a nevýhod obou metod. This work deals with problematics of enviromental scanning electron microscopy and detection of signal electrons by ion...

  7. Finanční analýza společnosti Unilever ČR, spol. s r.o.


    Richter, Martin


    Finanční analýza společnosti Unilever ČR, spol. s r.o. za období 2002 až 2005. Unilever ČR je česká pobočka nadnárodního koncernu produkujícího potravinářské a spotřební zboží. Metodologická část práce popisuje úlohu finanční analýzy a jednotlivé její metody a postupy. Praktická část analyzuje společnost Unilever ČR se zaměřením na celkovou hospodářskou situaci a výsledky podnikových programů a strategií.

  8. Automatická detekce mikroaneurizmat ve snímcích sítnice


    Klímová, Markéta


    Diabetická retinopatie je závažná komplikace diabetu mellitus. Vzniká jako důsledek celkového poškození cév při hyperglykemii a je jednou z hlavních příčin slepoty. Prvními klinicky prokazatelnými projevy diabetické retinopatie jsou mikroaneurysmata. Úkolem této bakalářské práce je navrhnout a realizovat detektor mikroaneurysmat ve snímcích sítnice. Teoretická část práce popisuje anatomii oka, diabetickou retinopatii a některé již existující metody detekce. Dále je popsána realizovaná metoda ...

  9. Computing effects for correspondence types


    Hüttel, Hans


    We show that type and effect inference is possible for a type and  effect system for authenticity using non-injective correspondences, opponent  types and a spi-calculus with symmetric encryption. We do this by a general  account of how effects can be computed given knowledge of how and where they  appear in type judgments. 

  10. Computing effects for correspondence types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hüttel, Hans


    We show that type and effect inference is possible for a type and  effect system for authenticity using non-injective correspondences, opponent  types and a spi-calculus with symmetric encryption. We do this by a general  account of how effects can be computed given knowledge of how and where they......  appear in type judgments. ...

  11. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Know Your Risk Diabetes Basics Symptoms Type 1 Type 2 Gestational Myths Statistics Common Terms Genetics Living With Diabetes Recently Diagnosed Treatment & Care Complications ...

  12. Comparative analysis of type 1 and type 2 cassava peeling machines

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A comparative analysis of type 1 and type 2 cassava peeling machines with nail lengths of 26mm and 20mm were investigated in order to improve peeling techniques of cassava tubers. The machines were evaluated at four (4) different speeds; (80rev/min, 90rev/min, 100rev/min, and 110rev/min), with 750HP petrol engine.

  13. Type I and type II interferons upregulate functional type I interleukin-1 receptor in a human fibroblast cell line TIG-1. (United States)

    Takii, T; Niki, N; Yang, D; Kimura, H; Ito, A; Hayashi, H; Onozaki, K


    The regulation of type I interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) expression by type I, interferon (IFN)-alpha A/D, and type II IFN, IFN-gamma, in a human fibroblast cell line TIG-1 was investigated. After 2 h stimulation with human IFN-alpha A/D or IFN-gamma, the levels of type I IL-1R mRNA increased. We previously reported that IL-1 upregulates transcription and cell surface molecules of type I IL-1R in TIG-1 cells through induction of prostaglandin (PG) E2 and cAMP accumulation. However, indomethacin was unable to inhibit the effect of IFNs, indicating that IFNs augment IL-1R expression through a pathway distinct from that of IL-1. The augmentation was also observed in other fibroblast cell lines. Nuclear run-on assays and studies of the stability of mRNA suggested that the increase in IL-1R mRNA was a result of the enhanced transcription of IL-1R gene. Binding studies using 125I-IL-1 alpha revealed that the number of cell surface IL-1R increased with no change in binding affinity by treatment with these IFNs. Pretreatment of the cells with IFNs enhanced IL-1-induced IL-6 production, indicating that IFNs upregulate functional IL-1R. IL-1 and IFNs are produced by the same cell types, as well as by the adjacent different cell types, and are concomitantly present in lesions of immune and inflammatory reactions. These results therefore suggest that IFNs exhibit synergistic effects with IL-1 through upregulation of IL-1R. Augmented production of IL-6 may also contribute to the reactions.

  14. Type III CRISPR-Cas systems can provide redundancy to counteract viral escape from type I systems. (United States)

    Silas, Sukrit; Lucas-Elio, Patricia; Jackson, Simon A; Aroca-Crevillén, Alejandra; Hansen, Loren L; Fineran, Peter C; Fire, Andrew Z; Sánchez-Amat, Antonio


    CRISPR-Cas-mediated defense utilizes information stored as spacers in CRISPR arrays to defend against genetic invaders. We define the mode of target interference and role in antiviral defense for two CRISPR-Cas systems in Marinomonas mediterranea . One system (type I-F) targets DNA. A second system (type III-B) is broadly capable of acquiring spacers in either orientation from RNA and DNA, and exhibits transcription-dependent DNA interference. Examining resistance to phages isolated from Mediterranean seagrass meadows, we found that the type III-B machinery co-opts type I-F CRISPR-RNAs. Sequencing and infectivity assessments of related bacterial and phage strains suggests an 'arms race' in which phage escape from the type I-F system can be overcome through use of type I-F spacers by a horizontally-acquired type III-B system. We propose that the phage-host arms race can drive selection for horizontal uptake and maintenance of promiscuous type III interference modules that supplement existing host type I CRISPR-Cas systems.

  15. The preventive role of type 2 NKT cells in the development of type 1 diabetes. (United States)

    Sørensen, Jakob Ørskov; Buschard, Karsten; Brogren, Carl-Henrik


    In the last two decades, natural killer T (NKT) cells have emerged as an important factor in preventing type 1 diabetes (T1D) when investigated in the experimental non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse model. So far, investigations have largely focused on type 1 NKT cells with invariant T-cell receptors, whereas the role of type 2 NKT cells with diverse T-cell receptors is less well understood. However, there have been several findings which indicate that in fact type 2 NKT cells may regulate the progression of type 1 diabetes in NOD mice, including a fraction of these cells which recognize β-cell-enriched sulfatide. Therefore, the focus for this review is to present the current evidence of the effect of type 2 NKT cells on the development of T1D. In general, there is still uncertainty surrounding the mechanism of activation and function of NKT cells. Here, we present two models of the effector mechanisms, respectively, Th1/Th2 polarization and the induction of tolerogenic dendritic cells (DC). In conclusion, this review points to the importance of immunoregulation by type 2 NKT cells in preventing the development of T1D and highlights the induction of tolerogenic DC as a likely mechanism. The possible therapeutic role of type 1 and type 2 NKT cells are evaluated and future experiments concerning type 2 NKT cells and T1D are proposed. © 2013 APMIS. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Metody kształcenia menedżerów na wyższych uczelniach


    Krawczyńska, Aleksandra; Sibińska, Anna


    The aims of the article are to contribute to a better understanding of the nature and extent of future managers' skills and abilities and show the role of higher business education in developing these features in graduates. The paper analyses labour market's expectations for business graduates with particular reference to developing them during studies at universities and academies. The article is based on a research project undertaken by the Marketing Department of the University of Lodz in ...

  17. Dalla tavoletta al tablet: metodi classici e nuove tecnologie a confronto per l’Assiriologia.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mirko Surdi


    Full Text Available Computer sciences are applied more frequently in Humanities and the present research is an example of the application of new technologies to Assyriology, i.e. the discipline studying the civilizations of ancient Mesopotamia. Photogrammetry, structured-light scanner and Reflectance Transformation Imaging were employed together in order to demonstrate how they can improve the fruition and the study of cuneiform tablets, or clay supports where “cuneiform signs” were impressed. The corpus of texts used for this research is represented by the collection of the Bank of Italy, at present the largest and most numerous collection of cuneiform tablets in Italy.

  18. Využití projektové metody v mateřské škole


    KODIMOVÁ, Zuzana


    This bachelor's thesis revolves around using planning method, which enhances life in many nursery schools. The theoretical part is aimed at its characteristics, origin and history; it informs us about signs and structure of the project and draws attention about the advantages and disadvantages of the method. In the functional part, research survey is carried out, which examines current notion of educators on the subject of applying the planning method using surveys and self-observation to ass...

  19. Metody studia vodních bakterií pomocí fluorescenční mikroskopie

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Šimek, Karel


    Roč. 64, č. 2 (2016), s. 76 ISSN 0044-4812 Institutional support: RVO:60077344 Keywords : microbial ecology * bacteria- protozoa interactions * fluorescence microscopy Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology

  20. Paralelní robotické struktury a moderní metody jejich řízení

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Belda, Květoslav


    Roč. 52, č. 5 (2009), s. 296-300 ISSN 0005-125X Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10750506 Keywords : Parallel robotic structures * industrial robotic s * predictive control * real-time control Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory

  1. An Appraisal of Analytical Methods for Plutonium and their Applications to the Analysis of Nuclear Materials; Evaluation des Methodes Analytiques de Dosage du Plutonium et de Leur Application a l'Analyse des Matieres Nucleaires; Otsenka analiticheskikh metodov opredeleniya plutoniya i ikh primenenie dlya analiza yadernykh materialov; Metodos Analiticos de Determinacion del Plutonio y su Empleo en el Analisis de Materiales Nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Milner, G. W.C.; Phillips, G. [Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Berks. (United Kingdom)


    A variety of methods is available for the determination of the plutonium content of nuclear materials. For milligram amounts of plutonium the available methods include differential spectrophotometry using the colour of Pu (III), gravimetry based on PuO{sub 2} gamma counting, and redox methods including potentiometric and amperometric titrations and controlled-potential coulometry. Alpha counting, isotopic dilution, and polarographic methods are suitable for microgram amounts. Some methods are more suitable than others for certain types of sample and the analyst is faced with difficult selection problems to achieve the best results. The advantages and limitations of the above methods are described in the light of a varied experience with them over many years at AERE, together with comments on accuracy, precision, sensitivity and features of special interest. Some of the methods cannot be applied without some separation of the plutonium from other sample constituents, and comments are made from experience in the use of anion exchange and reverse-phase chromatographic techniques for this with emphasis on their suitability for radioactive samples. Consideration is given to the many problems that have arisen in the successful application of these methods to the analysis of plutonium alloys, ceramics and cermets in various systems containing uranium, thorium, iron, chromium, molybdenum, cerium and cobalt. Difficulties occurring in the dissolution of samples and in the adjustment of the plutonium to the required valency state are described. The respective merits of dissolving in mixtures of common mineral acids and with the aid of fusion techniques are commented upon with examples. Outlines of procedures, together with analytical results for typical samples, are given for the analysis of Pu-U, Pu-Ce-Co and Pu-U-Mo alloys, Pu-U oxides and carbides, and Pu-U carbide cermets with Fe, Mo and Cr. These materials have arisen from metallurgical research and development

  2. Play the Blood Typing Game (United States)

    ... Nobel's Life and Work Teachers' Questionnaire The Blood Typing Game What happens if you get a blood ... learn about human blood types! Play the Blood Typing Game 28 September 2017 The mission based game ...

  3. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Know Your Risk Diabetes Basics Symptoms Type 1 Type 2 Gestational Myths Statistics Common Terms Genetics Living With Diabetes Recently Diagnosed Treatment & Care Complications Health Insurance For ...

  4. Isolation and molecular characterization of type I and type II feline coronavirus in Malaysia. (United States)

    Amer, Alazawy; Siti Suri, Arshad; Abdul Rahman, Omar; Mohd, Hair Bejo; Faruku, Bande; Saeed, Sharif; Tengku Azmi, Tengku Ibrahim


    Feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) and feline enteric coronavirus (FECV) are two important coronaviruses of domestic cat worldwide. Although FCoV is prevalent among cats; the fastidious nature of type I FCoV to grow on cell culture has limited further studies on tissue tropism and pathogenesis of FCoV. While several studies reported serological evidence for FCoV in Malaysia, neither the circulating FCoV isolated nor its biotypes determined. This study for the first time, describes the isolation and biotypes determination of type I and type II FCoV from naturally infected cats in Malaysia. Of the total number of cats sampled, 95% (40/42) were RT-PCR positive for FCoV. Inoculation of clinical samples into Crandell feline kidney cells (CrFK), and Feline catus whole fetus-4 cells (Fcwf-4), show cytopathic effect (CPE) characterized by syncytial cells formation and later cell detachment. Differentiation of FCoV biotypes using RT-PCR assay revealed that, 97.5% and 2.5% of local isolates were type I and type II FCoV, respectively. These isolates had high sequence homology and phylogenetic similarity with several FCoV isolates from Europe, South East Asia and USA. This study reported the successful isolation of local type I and type II FCoV evident with formation of cytopathic effects in two types of cell cultures namely the CrFK and Fcwf-4 , where the later cells being more permissive. However, the RT-PCR assay is more sensitive in detecting the antigen in suspected samples as compared to virus isolation in cell culture. The present study indicated that type I FCoV is more prevalent among cats in Malaysia.

  5. Band-type microelectrodes for amperometric immunoassays

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Ga-Yeon; Chang, Young Wook; Ko, Hyuk [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 120-749 (Korea, Republic of); Kang, Min-Jung [Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Pyun, Jae-Chul, E-mail: [Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, 120-749 (Korea, Republic of)


    A band-type microelectrode was made using a parylene-N film as a passivation layer. A circular-type, mm-scale electrode with the same diameter as the band-type microelectrode was also made with an electrode area that was 5000 times larger than the band-type microelectrode. By comparing the amperometric signals of 3,5,3′,5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) samples at different optical density (OD) values, the band-type microelectrode was determined to be 9 times more sensitive than the circular-type electrode. The properties of the circular-type and the band-type electrodes (e.g., the shape of their cyclic voltammograms, the type of diffusion layer used, and the diffusion layer thickness per unit electrode area) were characterized according to their electrode area using the COMSOL Multiphysics software. From these simulations, the band-type electrode was estimated to have the conventional microelectrode properties, even when the electrode area was 100 times larger than a conventional circular-type electrode. These results show that both the geometry and the area of an electrode can influence the properties of the electrode. Finally, amperometric analysis based on a band-type electrode was applied to commercial ELISA kits to analyze human hepatitis B surface antigen (hHBsAg) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibodies. - Highlights: • A band-type microelectrode was made using a parylene-N film as a passivation layer. • The band-type microelectrode was 14-times more sensitive than circular-type electrode. • The influence of geometry on microelectrode properties was simulated using COMSOL. • The band-type electrode was applied to ELISA kits for hHBsAg and hHIV-antibodies.

  6. A correspondence between type checking via reduction and type checking via evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sergey, Ilya; Clark, Dave


    We describe a derivational approach to proving the equivalence of different representations of a type system. Different ways of representing type assignments are convenient for particular applications such as reasoning or implementation, but some kind of correspondence between them should be proven...

  7. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Type 1 Diabetes Enroll in the Living WIth Type 2 Diabetes Program In It Together We Can Help Center for Information Legal Assistance Success Stories ... Tips for Caregivers ...

  8. Type 1 diabetes


    Atkinson, Mark A; Eisenbarth, George S; Michels, Aaron W


    Over the past decade, knowledge of the pathogenesis and natural history of type 1 diabetes has grown substantially, particularly with regard to disease prediction and heterogeneity, pancreatic pathology, and epidemiology. Technological improvements in insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors help patients with type 1 diabetes manage the challenge of lifelong insulin administration. Agents that show promise for averting debilitating disease-associated complications have also been identifi...

  9. Lectin typing of Campylobacter concisus

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Aabenhus, Rune Munck; Hynes, Sean O; Permin, Henrik


    A total of 44 clinical isolates and the type strain of the putative pathogen Campylobacter concisus were grouped based on their reactions with plant lectins. The optimized lectin typing system used C. concisus strains proteolytically pretreated and subsequently typed by using a panel of four...... lectins. The system grouped all 45 strains into 13 lectin reaction patterns, leaving no strain untypeable due to autoagglutination. Lectin types were both stable and reproducible....

  10. Treatment of type II and type III open tibia fractures in children. (United States)

    Bartlett, C S; Weiner, L S; Yang, E C


    To determine whether severe open tibial fractures in children behave like similar fractures in adults. A combined retrospective and prospective review evaluated treatment protocol for type II and type III open tibial fractures in children over a ten-year period from 1984 to 1993. Twenty-three fractures were studied in children aged 3.5 to 14.5 (18 boys and 5 girls). There were six type II, eight type IIIA, and nine type IIIB fractures. Type I fractures were not included. Seven fractures were comminuted with significant butterfly fragments or segmental patterns. Treatment consisted of adequate debridement of soft tissues, closure of dead space, and stabilization with external fixation. Bone debridement only included contaminated devitalized bone or devitalized bone without soft tissue coverage. Bone that could be covered despite periosteal stripping was preserved. Clinical and roentgenographic examinations were used to determine time to union. All fractures in this series healed between eight and twenty-six weeks. Wound coverage included two flaps, three skin grafts, and two delayed primary closures. No bone grafts were required. There were no deep infections, growth arrests, or malunions. Follow-up has ranged from six months to four years. Open tibia fractures in children differ from similar fractures in adults in the following ways: soft tissues have excellent healing capacity, devitalized bone that is not contaminated or exposed can be saved and will become incorporated, and external fixation can be maintained until the fracture has healed. Periosteum in young children can form bone even in the face of bone loss.

  11. Usher syndrome type III can mimic other types of Usher syndrome. (United States)

    Pennings, Ronald J E; Fields, Randall R; Huygen, Patrick L M; Deutman, August F; Kimberling, William J; Cremers, Cor W R J


    Clinical and genetic characteristics are presented of 2 patients from a Dutch Usher syndrome type III family who have a new homozygous USH3 gene mutation: 149-152delCAGG + insTGTCCAAT. One individual (IV:1) is profoundly hearing impaired and has normal vestibular function and retinitis punctata albescens (RPA). The other individual is also profoundly hearing impaired, but has well-developed speech, vestibular areflexia, and retinitis pigmentosa sine pigmento (RPSP). These findings suggest that Usher syndrome type III can be clinically misdiagnosed as either Usher type I or II; that Usher syndrome patients who are profoundly hearing impaired and have normal vestibular function should be tested for USH3 mutations; and that RPA and RPSP can occur as fundoscopic manifestations of pigmentary retinopathy in Usher syndrome.

  12. Psychological Type of Person-Centered Counselors. (United States)

    Robbins, Mandy; Turley, Joanne


    There are various models and approaches to counseling and psychotherapy. Important characteristics of therapists include psychological type. This study aimed to investigate the psychological type profile of person-centered counselors. The psychological type of 85 counselors (63 women, 22 men) was measured with the Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTS). Results indicate that the FPTS can reliably measure psychological type among counselors, and the most common psychological type was introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging (INFJ). The relation of these psychological types with a person-centered approach is further discussed.

  13. Memoization in Type-Directed Partial Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balat, Vincent; Danvy, Olivier


    We use a code generator—type-directed partial evaluation— to verify conversions between isomorphic types, or more precisely to verify that a composite function is the identity function at some complicated type. A typed functional language such as ML provides a natural support to express the funct......We use a code generator—type-directed partial evaluation— to verify conversions between isomorphic types, or more precisely to verify that a composite function is the identity function at some complicated type. A typed functional language such as ML provides a natural support to express...... originate in the handling of sums, which uses delimited continuations. We successfully eliminate these redundancies by extending type-directed partial evaluation with memoization capabilities. The result only works for pure functional programs, but it provides an unexpected use of code generation...... and it yields orders-of-magnitude improvements both in time and in space for type isomorphisms. Basic Research in Computer Science (www. brics. dk), funded by the Danish National Research Foundation....

  14. Isolation and molecular characterization of type I and type II feline coronavirus in Malaysia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Amer Alazawy


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV and feline enteric coronavirus (FECV are two important coronaviruses of domestic cat worldwide. Although FCoV is prevalent among cats; the fastidious nature of type I FCoV to grow on cell culture has limited further studies on tissue tropism and pathogenesis of FCoV. While several studies reported serological evidence for FCoV in Malaysia, neither the circulating FCoV isolated nor its biotypes determined. This study for the first time, describes the isolation and biotypes determination of type I and type II FCoV from naturally infected cats in Malaysia. Findings Of the total number of cats sampled, 95% (40/42 were RT-PCR positive for FCoV. Inoculation of clinical samples into Crandell feline kidney cells (CrFK, and Feline catus whole fetus-4 cells (Fcwf-4, show cytopathic effect (CPE characterized by syncytial cells formation and later cell detachment. Differentiation of FCoV biotypes using RT-PCR assay revealed that, 97.5% and 2.5% of local isolates were type I and type II FCoV, respectively. These isolates had high sequence homology and phylogenetic similarity with several FCoV isolates from Europe, South East Asia and USA. Conclusions This study reported the successful isolation of local type I and type II FCoV evident with formation of cytopathic effects in two types of cell cultures namely the CrFK and Fcwf-4 , where the later cells being more permissive. However, the RT-PCR assay is more sensitive in detecting the antigen in suspected samples as compared to virus isolation in cell culture. The present study indicated that type I FCoV is more prevalent among cats in Malaysia.

  15. Preventing Type 2 Diabetes (United States)

    ... Sexual, & Bladder Problems Clinical Trials Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Perhaps you have learned that you have a ... I lower my chances of developing type 2 diabetes? Research such as the Diabetes Prevention Program shows ...

  16. Different Types of Lupus (United States)

    ... Twitter Facebook Pinterest Email Print Different types of lupus Lupus Foundation of America September 18, 2017 Resource ... lupus. Learn more about each type below. Systemic lupus erythematosus Systemic lupus is the most common form ...

  17. Beyond PrPres type 1/Type 2 dichotomy in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Uro-Coste, E.; Cassard, H.; Simon, S.; Lugan, S.; Bilheude, J.M.; Perret-Liaudet, A.; Ironside, J.E.; Haik, S.; Basset-Leobon, C.; Lacroux, C.; Peoch, K.; Streichenberger, N.; Langeveld, J.P.M.; Head, M.W.; Grassi, J.; Hauw, J.J.; Schelcher, F.; Delisle, M.B.; Andreoletti, O.


    Sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) cases are currently subclassified according to the methionine/valine polymorphism at codon 129 of the PRNP gene and the proteinase K (PK) digested abnormal prion protein (PrPres) identified on Western blotting (type 1 or type 2). These biochemically distinct

  18. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... About Type 2 Recently Diagnosed Treatment and Care Blood Glucose Control Complications Medication Doctors, Nurses & More Enroll in the Living With Type 2 Diabetes Program donate en -- A Future Without Diabetes - a- ...

  19. Comparison of a newly developed binary typing with ribotyping and multilocus sequence typing methods for Clostridium difficile. (United States)

    Li, Zhirong; Liu, Xiaolei; Zhao, Jianhong; Xu, Kaiyue; Tian, Tiantian; Yang, Jing; Qiang, Cuixin; Shi, Dongyan; Wei, Honglian; Sun, Suju; Cui, Qingqing; Li, Ruxin; Niu, Yanan; Huang, Bixing


    Clostridium difficile is the causative pathogen for antibiotic-related nosocomial diarrhea. For epidemiological study and identification of virulent clones, a new binary typing method was developed for C. difficile in this study. The usefulness of this newly developed optimized 10-loci binary typing method was compared with two widely used methods ribotyping and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) in 189 C. difficile samples. The binary typing, ribotyping and MLST typed the samples into 53 binary types (BTs), 26 ribotypes (RTs), and 33 MLST sequence types (STs), respectively. The typing ability of the binary method was better than that of either ribotyping or MLST expressed in Simpson Index (SI) at 0.937, 0.892 and 0.859, respectively. The ease of testing, portability and cost-effectiveness of the new binary typing would make it a useful typing alternative for outbreak investigations within healthcare facilities and epidemiological research. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Typing Style and the Use of Different Sources of Information during Typing: An Investigation Using Self-Reports. (United States)

    Rieger, Martina; Bart, Victoria K E


    We investigated to what extent different sources of information are used in typing on a computer keyboard. Using self-reports 10 finger typists and idiosyncratic typists estimated how much attention they pay to different sources of information during copy typing and free typing and how much they use them for error detection. 10 finger typists reported less attention to the keyboard and the fingers and more attention to the template and the screen than idiosyncratic typists. The groups did not differ in attention to touch/kinaesthesis in copy typing and free typing, but 10 finger typists reported more use of touch/kinaesthesis in error detection. This indicates that processing of tactile/kinaesthetic information may occur largely outside conscious control, as long as no errors occur. 10 finger typists reported more use of internal prediction of movement consequences for error detection than idiosyncratic typists, reflecting more precise internal models. Further in copy typing compared to free typing attention to the template is required, thus leaving less attentional capacity for other sources of information. Correlations showed that higher skilled typists, regardless of typing style, rely more on sources of information which are usually associated with 10 finger typing. One limitation of the study is that only self-reports were used. We conclude that typing task, typing proficiency, and typing style influence how attention is distributed during typing.

  1. Early onset type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bo, A; Thomsen, R W; Nielsen, J S


    was more frequent and meeting physical activity recommendations less likely in persons with early-onset type 2 DM. CONCLUSIONS: We found a clear age-gradient, with increasing prevalence of clinical and behavioural risk factors the younger the onset age of type 2 DM. Younger persons with early-onset type 2......AIM: To examine the association between early onset of type 2 diabetes (DM) and clinical and behavioural risk factors for later diabetes complications. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study of 5115 persons with incident type 2 DM enrolled during 2010-2015 in the Danish Centre for Strategic...... Research in Type 2 Diabetes-cohort. We compared risk factors at time of diagnosis among those diagnosed at ≤45 years (early-onset) with diagnosis age 46-55, 56-65 (average-onset = reference), 66-75, and >75 years (late-onset). Prevalence ratios (PRs) were computed using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Poor...

  2. Types of Stem Cells (United States)

    ... Stem Cell Glossary Search Toggle Nav Types of Stem Cells Stem cells are the foundation from which all ... Learn About Stem Cells > Types of Stem Cells Stem cells Stem cells are the foundation for every organ ...

  3. Study of araldite in edge protection of n-type and p-type surface barrier detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alencar, M.A.V.; Jesus, E.F.O.; Lopes, R.T.


    The aim of this work is the realization of a comparative study between the surface barrier detectors performance n and type using the epoxy resin Araldite as edge protection material with the purpose of determining which type of detector (n or p) the use of Araldite is more indicated. The surface barrier detectors were constructed using n and p type silicon wafer with resistivity of 3350Ω.cm and 5850 Ω.cm respectively. In the n type detectors, the metals used as ohmic and rectifier contacts were the Al and Au respectively, while in the p type detectors, the ohmic and rectifier contacts were Au and Al. All metallic contacts were done by evaporation in high vacuum (∼10 -4 Torr) and with deposit of 40 μm/cm 2 . The obtained results for the detectors (reverse current of -350nA and resolution from 21 to 26 keV for p type detectors and reserve current of 1μA and resolution from 44 to 49 keV for n type detectors) tend to demonstrate that use of epoxy resin Araldite in the edge protection is more indicated to p type surface barrier detectors. (author). 3 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab

  4. Typing for HLA-D/DR associated DP-antigens with the primed lymphocyte typing (PLT) technique

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Morling, N; Jakobsen, B K; Platz, P


    A total of 74 healthy unrelated random individuals and 36 patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) were typed for HLA-D antigens with the homozygous typing cell technique and typed for HLA-D/DR associated DP-antigens with the primed lymphocyte typing (PLT) technique. All patients and some...... of the controls were also HLA-DR typed with a limited battery of anti-DR sera. Selected PLT-cells, specific for the HLA-D/DR antigens D/DRw1-8 and the local specificity D"H" were used. The results of the PLT-experiments were evaluated with the Normalized Median Response (NMR) method and the further procedure...

  5. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Enroll in the Living WIth Type 2 Diabetes Program Gestational What is Gestational Diabetes? How to Treat ... Enroll in the Living WIth Type 2 Diabetes Program In It Together We Can Help Center for ...

  6. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... and Type 2 Diabetes Know Your Rights Employment Discrimination Health Care Professionals Law Enforcement Driver's License For ... 1 Type 2 Gestational Myths Statistics Common Terms Genetics Living With Diabetes Recently Diagnosed Treatment & Care Complications ...

  7. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... People Working to Stop Diabetes Common Terms Diabetes Statistics Infographics Living with Diabetes Home Recently Diagnosed Where ... Basics Symptoms Type 1 Type 2 Gestational Myths Statistics Common Terms Genetics Living With Diabetes Recently Diagnosed ...

  8. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Your Risk Alert Day Diabetes Basics Home Symptoms Diagnosis America's Diabetes Challenge Type 1 Type 2 Facts ... Online Community Site Menu Are You at Risk? Diagnosis Lower Your Risk Risk Test Alert Day Prediabetes ...

  9. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Type 1 Diabetes Get Started Safely Get And Stay Fit Types of Activity Weight Loss Assess Your Lifestyle Getting Started Food Choices In My Community Home Find Your Local Office Find your local diabetes ...

  10. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... 2 Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, your body ... Sign Up Thank you for signing up ' + ' '); $('.survey-form').show(); }, success: function (data) { $('#survey-errors').remove(); $('.survey- ...

  11. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Us in the Fight for a Cure Your tax-deductible gift today can fund critical diabetes research ... Care of Type 2 Diabetes This two-page introduction to type 2 diabetes is in PDF format ...

  12. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Infographics Living with Diabetes Home Recently Diagnosed Where Do I Begin With Type2? Living With Type 1 ... Diabetes at School Tour de Cure Women's Series Do-It-Yourself Fundraising Become a Volunteer American Diabetes ...

  13. Multilocus Sequence Typing


    Belén, Ana; Pavón, Ibarz; Maiden, Martin C.J.


    Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was first proposed in 1998 as a typing approach that enables the unambiguous characterization of bacterial isolates in a standardized, reproducible, and portable manner using the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis as the exemplar organism. Since then, the approach has been applied to a large and growing number of organisms by public health laboratories and research institutions. MLST data, shared by investigators over the world via the Internet, have been ...

  14. Making Type Inference Practical

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Oxhøj, Nicholas; Palsberg, Jens


    We present the implementation of a type inference algorithm for untyped object-oriented programs with inheritance, assignments, and late binding. The algorithm significantly improves our previous one, presented at OOPSLA'91, since it can handle collection classes, such as List, in a useful way. Abo......, the complexity has been dramatically improved, from exponential time to low polynomial time. The implementation uses the techniques of incremental graph construction and constraint template instantiation to avoid representing intermediate results, doing superfluous work, and recomputing type information....... Experiments indicate that the implementation type checks as much as 100 lines pr. second. This results in a mature product, on which a number of tools can be based, for example a safety tool, an image compression tool, a code optimization tool, and an annotation tool. This may make type inference for object...

  15. Case 22:Type II diabetes (United States)

    Diabetes mellitus is characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. It is composed of two types depending on the pathogenesis. Type I diabetes is characterized by insulin deficiency and usually has its onset during childhood or teenage years. This is also called ketosis-prone diabetes. Type II diab...

  16. Research into basic rocks types

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    Teollisuuden Voima Oy (TVO) has carried out research into basic rock types in Finland. The research programme has been implemented in parallel with the preliminary site investigations for radioactive waste disposal in 1991-1993. The program contained two main objectives: firstly, to study the properties of the basic rock types and compare those with the other rock types under the investigation; secondly, to carry out an inventory of rock formations consisting of basic rock types and suitable in question for final disposal. A study of environmental factors important to know regarding the final disposal was made of formations identified. In total 159 formations exceeding the size of 4 km 2 were identified in the inventory. Of these formations 97 were intrusive igneous rock types and 62 originally extrusive volcanic rock types. Deposits consisting of ore minerals, industrial minerals or building stones related to these formations were studied. Environmental factors like natural resources, protected areas or potential for restrictions in land use were also studied

  17. Diabetes mellitus type 1


    Tøraasen, Lisa Vangen; Al-Sultan, Zainab


    Bacheloroppgave i sykepleie, 2014 Hvert år blir rundt 600 nordmenn diagnostisert med sykdommen diabetes type 1, og Norge er et av landene i verden med størst andel av barnediabetes. I dag er det 15 000- 20 000 personer i Norge som har diabetes type 1, og antall barn som får diabetes har fordoblet seg de siste 30 årene (Diabetesforbundet, 2014). Problemstillingen vår gikk ut på hvordan sykepleiere kan veilede og undervise ungdom med nyoppdaget diabetes type på sykehus. Ut i fra litteraturst...

  18. Diabetes mellitus type 1


    Tøraasen, Lisa Vangen; Al-Sultan, Zainab


    Hvert år blir rundt 600 nordmenn diagnostisert med sykdommen diabetes type 1, og Norge er et av landene i verden med størst andel av barnediabetes. I dag er det 15 000- 20 000 personer i Norge som har diabetes type 1, og antall barn som får diabetes har fordoblet seg de siste 30 årene (Diabetesforbundet, 2014). Problemstillingen vår gikk ut på hvordan sykepleiere kan veilede og undervise ungdom med nyoppdaget diabetes type på sykehus. Ut i fra litteraturstudiet har vi arbeidet oss frem for å ...

  19. Parametric compositional data types

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bahr, Patrick; Hvitved, Tom


    In previous work we have illustrated the benefits that compositional data types (CDTs) offer for implementing languages and in general for dealing with abstract syntax trees (ASTs). Based on Swierstra's data types \\'a la carte, CDTs are implemented as a Haskell library that enables the definition...... of recursive data types and functions on them in a modular and extendable fashion. Although CDTs provide a powerful tool for analysing and manipulating ASTs, they lack a convenient representation of variable binders. In this paper we remedy this deficiency by combining the framework of CDTs with Chlipala...

  20. Action Type Deontic Logic

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bentzen, Martin Mose


    A new deontic logic, Action Type Deontic Logic, is presented. To motivate this logic, a number of benchmark cases are shown, representing inferences a deontic logic should validate. Some of the benchmark cases are singled out for further comments and some formal approaches to deontic reasoning...... are evaluated with respect to the benchmark cases. After that follows an informal introduction to the ideas behind the formal semantics, focussing on the distinction between action types and action tokens. Then the syntax and semantics of Action Type Deontic Logic is presented and it is shown to meet...

  1. Type 2 diabetes models

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gram, Dorte Xenia


    This chapter deals with type 2 diabetes in vivo models and techniques suitable for testing new anti-diabetic compounds. In particular, the testing of TRP antagonist for beneficial effects against type 2 diabetes is considered. There are many choices of both in vitro techniques and in vivo models......, impaired glucose tolerance, impaired insulin secretion, and insulin resistance in vivo and should, thus, be sufficient to demonstrate preclinical proof of concept of a TRP antagonist in type 2 diabetes in rodents. The experiments are suggestions and could be replaced or supplemented by others....

  2. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... org > Diabetes Basics > Type 2 Share: Print Page Text Size: A A A Listen En Español Facts ... Type 2 Education Series Hear audio clips and full recordings of past Q&A events at your ...

  3. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... En Español Type 1 Type 2 About Us Online Community Meal Planning Sign In Search: Search More ... Generation of Brilliant Researchers Diabetes Pro: Professional Resources Online We Support Your Doctor Clinical Practice Guidelines Patient ...

  4. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test Lower Your Risk Healthy Eating Overweight Smoking High Blood Pressure Physical Activity High ... type 2 can control their blood glucose with healthy eating and being active. But, your doctor may need ...

  5. Distinct clinical characteristics and therapeutic modalities for diabetic ketoacidosis in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Kamata, Yuji; Takano, Koji; Kishihara, Eriko; Watanabe, Michiko; Ichikawa, Raishi; Shichiri, Masayoshi


    Patients with type 1 diabetes often develop diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Reportedly, DKA in type 2 diabetes has higher mortality despite its limited occurrence. The exact clinical characteristics and therapeutic modalities yielding successful outcomes in DKA type 2 diabetes remain unknown. This retrospective study compared the clinical features and detailed treatment of consecutive type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients hospitalized with DKA between January 2001 and December 2014. We report on 127 patients with type 1 and 74 patients with type 2 diabetes whose DKA was successfully treated. The most frequent precipitating cause for DKA was infectious disease for patients with type 1 diabetes and consumption of sugar-containing beverages for those with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes patients showed higher mean plasma glucose levels than those with type 1 diabetes (48.4±21.6, vs. 37.1±16.4mmol/l, P1) and higher serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and hemoglobin levels, which normalized after DKA resolution. Compared with type 1 diabetes patients, those with type 2 diabetes required distinctly higher daily total insulin dosage (35.9±37.0U, vs. 20.2±23.3U, P1), larger replacement fluid volumes (4.17±2.69L, vs. 2.29±1.57L, P1) and greater potassium supplementation (23.9±36.5mEq, vs. 11.2±17.9mEq, P1) to resolve DKA and reduce plasma glucose level to ≤16.7mmol/l. DKA patients with type 2 diabetes required management with a modified treatment protocol to resolve their profound hyperglycemia and dehydration compared with those with type 1 diabetes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Type-Directed Partial Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danvy, Olivier


    Type-directed partial evaluation uses a normalization function to achieve partial evaluation. These lecture notes review its background, foundations, practice, and applications. Of specific interest is the modular technique of offline and online type-directed partial evaluation in Standard ML...

  7. Type-Directed Partial Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Danvy, Olivier


    Type-directed partial evaluation uses a normalization function to achieve partial evaluation. These lecture notes review its background, foundations, practice, and applications. Of specific interest is the modular technique of offline and online type-directed partial evaluation in Standard ML of ...

  8. Computable Types for Dynamic Systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    P.J. Collins (Pieter); K. Ambos-Spies; B. Loewe; W. Merkle


    textabstractIn this paper, we develop a theory of computable types suitable for the study of dynamic systems in discrete and continuous time. The theory uses type-two effectivity as the underlying computational model, but we quickly develop a type system which can be manipulated abstractly, but for

  9. Different Causes of Death in Patients with Myocardial Infarction Type 1, Type 2, and Myocardial Injury. (United States)

    Lambrecht, Sascha; Sarkisian, Laura; Saaby, Lotte; Poulsen, Tina S; Gerke, Oke; Hosbond, Susanne; Diederichsen, Axel C P; Thygesen, Kristian; Mickley, Hans


    Data outlining the mortality and the causes of death in patients with type 1 myocardial infarction, type 2 myocardial infarction, and those with myocardial injury are limited. During a 1-year period from January 2010 to January 2011, all hospitalized patients who had cardiac troponin I measured on clinical indication were prospectively studied. Patients with at least one cardiac troponin I value >30 ng/L underwent case ascertainment and individual evaluation by an experienced adjudication committee. Patients were classified as having type 1 myocardial infarction, type 2 myocardial infarction, or myocardial injury according to the criteria of the universal definition of myocardial infarction. Follow-up was ensured until December 31, 2014. Data on mortality and causes of death were obtained from the Danish Civil Registration System and the Danish Register of Causes of Death. Overall, 3762 consecutive patients were followed for a mean of 3.2 years (interquartile range 1.3-3.6 years). All-cause mortality differed significantly among categories: Type 1 myocardial infarction 31.7%, type 2 myocardial infarction 62.2%, myocardial injury 58.7%, and 22.2% in patients with nonelevated troponin values (log-rank test; P causes, vs 42.6% in patients with type 2 myocardial infarction (P = .015) and 41.2% in those with myocardial injury (P causes of death did not differ substantially between patients with type 2 myocardial infarction and those with myocardial injury. Patients with type 2 myocardial infarction and myocardial injury exhibit a significantly higher long-term mortality compared with patients with type 1 myocardial infarction . However, most patients with type 1 myocardial infarction die from cardiovascular causes in contrast to patients with type 2 myocardial infarction and myocardial injury, in whom noncardiovascular causes of death predominate. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Linear contextual modal type theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schack-Nielsen, Anders; Schürmann, Carsten

    Abstract. When one implements a logical framework based on linear type theory, for example the Celf system [?], one is immediately con- fronted with questions about their equational theory and how to deal with logic variables. In this paper, we propose linear contextual modal type theory that gives...... a mathematical account of the nature of logic variables. Our type theory is conservative over intuitionistic contextual modal type theory proposed by Nanevski, Pfenning, and Pientka. Our main contributions include a mechanically checked proof of soundness and a working implementation....

  11. DNA typing by capillary electrophoresis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zhang, N.


    Capillary electrophoresis is becoming more and more important in nucleic acid analysis including DNA sequencing, typing and disease gene measurements. This work summarized the background of DNA typing. The recent development of capillary electrophoresis was also discussed. The second part of the thesis showed the principle of DNA typing based on using the allelic ladder as the absolute standard ladder in capillary electrophoresis system. Future work will be focused on demonstrating DNA typing on multiplex loci and examples of disease diagnosis in the on-line format of PCR-CE. Also capillary array electrophoresis system should allow high throughput, fast speed DNA typing. Only the introduction and conclusions for this report are available here. A reprint was removed for separate processing.

  12. Type A and type behaviors and factors related to job satisfaction among male white-collar workers. (United States)

    Hagihara, A; Tarumi, K; Morimoto, K


    Numerous studies have examined the health effects of Type A behavior and job satisfaction/dissatisfaction, but we know very little about the relationship between aspects of the work environment related to job satisfaction and the Type A behavior pattern. In the present study, we analyzed data concerning work Stressors, private aspects of life, and job satisfaction among male white-collar workers (n=657) in a large steel company, and identified the respective aspects of the work environment related to job satisfaction among groups divided by Type A/B behavior patterns.We found that the nature of predictors for job satisfaction varied with the behavior type. "Being not busy at work" (pjob satisfaction among the Type A workers while "working less than 10 hours per day" (pjob satisfaction among the Type workers. "Work performance is evaluated" was a significant predictor of job satisfaction among all three behavior types (A, B, and A/B).Our results can provide information useful for the creation of programs to lower the level of job dissatisfaction and mental stress depending upon the behavior type of employees.

  13. No Association of Blood Type O With Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nell, Sjoerd; van Leeuwaarde, Rachel S.; Pieterman, Carolina R. C.; de Laat, Joanne M.; Hermus, Ad R.; Dekkers, Olaf M.; de Herder, Wouter W.; van der Horst-Schrivers, Anouk N.; Drent, Madeleine L.; Bisschop, Peter H.; Havekes, Bas; Borel Rinkes, Inne H. M.; Vriens, Menno R.; Valk, Gerlof D.


    An association between ABO blood type and the development of cancer, in particular, pancreatic cancer, has been reported in the literature. An association between blood type O and neuroendocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients was recently suggested. Therefore, blood

  14. No Association of Blood Type O With Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nell, S.; Leeuwaarde, R.S. van; Pieterman, C.R.; Laat, J.M. de; Hermus, A.R.M.M.; Dekkers, O.M.; Herder, W.W. de; Horst-Schrivers, A.N. van der; Drent, M.L.; Bisschop, P.H.; Havekes, B.; Rinkes, I.H.; Vriens, M.R.; Valk, G.D.


    CONTEXT: An association between ABO blood type and the development of cancer, in particular, pancreatic cancer, has been reported in the literature. An association between blood type O and neuroendocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients was recently suggested. Therefore,

  15. No Association of Blood Type O With Neuroendocrine Tumors in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Nell, Sjoerd; Van Leeuwaarde, Rachel S.; Pieterman, Carolina R. C.; de Laat, Joanne M.; Hermus, Ad R.; Dekkers, Olaf M.; de Herder, Wouter W.; van der Horst-Schrivers, Anouk N.; Drent, Madeleine L.; Bisschop, Peter H.; Havekes, Bas; Rinkes, Inne H. M. Borel; Vriens, Menno R.; Valk, Gerlof D.


    Context: An association between ABO blood type and the development of cancer, in particular, pancreatic cancer, has been reported in the literature. An association between blood type O and neuroendocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) patients was recently suggested. Therefore,

  16. An Imperative Type Hierarchy with Partial Products

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Schmidt, Erik Meineche


    notation for defining recursive types, that is superior to traditional type sums and products. We show how the ordering on types extends to an ordering on types with invariants. We allow the use of least upper bounds in type definitions and show how to compute upper bounds of invariants.......A type hierarchy for a programming language defines an ordering on the types such that any application for small types may be reused for all larger types. The imperative facet makes this non-trivial; the straight-forward definitions will yield an inconsistent system. We introduce a new type...... constructor, the partial product, and show how to define a consistent hierarchy in the context of fully recursive types. A simple polymorphism is derived by introducing a notion of placeholder types. By extending the partial product types to include structural invariants we obtain a particularly appropriate...

  17. Type extension trees

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jaeger, Manfred


    We introduce type extension trees as a formal representation language for complex combinatorial features of relational data. Based on a very simple syntax this language provides a unified framework for expressing features as diverse as embedded subgraphs on the one hand, and marginal counts...... of attribute values on the other. We show by various examples how many existing relational data mining techniques can be expressed as the problem of constructing a type extension tree and a discriminant function....

  18. Creatine Kinase Activity in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type I and Type II

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adlija Jevrić-Čaušević


    Full Text Available Diabetes mellitus can be looked upon as an array of diseases, all of which exhibit common symptoms. While pathogenesis of IDDM (insulin dependant diabetes mellitus is well understood, the same is not true for diabetes mellitus type II. In the latter case, relative contribution of the two factors (insulin resistance or decreased insulin secretion varies individually, being highly increased in peripheral tissues and strictly dependant on insulin for glucose uptake. Moreover, in patients with diabetes mellitus type II, disbalance at the level of regulation of glucose metabolism as well as lipid metabolism has been noted in skeletal muscles. It is normal to assume that in this type of diabetes, these changes are reflected at the level of total activity of enzyme creatine kinase. This experimental work was performed on a group of 80 regular patients of Sarajevo General Hospital. Forty of those patients were classified as patients with diabetes type I and forty as patients with diabetes type II. Each group of patients was carefully chosen and constituted of equal number of males and females. The same was applied for adequate controls. Concentration of glucose was determined for each patient with GOD method, while activity of creatine kinase was determined with CK-NAC activated kit. Statistical analysis of the results was performed with SPSS software for Windows. Obtained results point out highly expressed differences in enzyme activity between two populations examined. Changes in enzyme activity are more expressed in patients with diabetes type II. Positive correlation between concentration of glucose and serum activity of the enzyme is seen in both categories of diabetic patients which is not the case for the patients in control group. At the same time, correlation between age and type of diabetes does exist . This is not followed at the level of enzyme activity or concentration of glucose.

  19. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... 2383) Give by Mail Close > Diabetes Basics > Type 2 Share: Print Page Text Size: A A A ... 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, your body does not use insulin properly. ...

  20. Molecular Typing and Differentiation (United States)

    In this chapter, general background and bench protocols are provided for a number of molecular typing techniques in common use today. Methods for the molecular typing and differentiation of microorganisms began to be widely adopted following the development of the polymerase chai...

  1. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... Honor Donation Donate by phone at 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383) Donate by mail Why Give? ... My Health Advisor Tools to Know Your Risk Diabetes Basics Symptoms Type 1 Type 2 Gestational Myths Statistics Common Terms Genetics ...

  2. Fine typing of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates using direct repeat unit and staphylococcal interspersed repeat unit typing methods. (United States)

    Ho, Cheng-Mao; Ho, Mao-Wang; Li, Chi-Yuan; Lu, Jang-Jih


    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) typing is an important epidemiologic tool for monitoring trends and preventing outbreaks. However, the efficiency of various MRSA typing methods for each SCCmec MRSA isolate is rarely evaluated. A total of 157 MRSA isolates from four different regions in Taiwan were typed with five different molecular methods, including SCCmec typing, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, mec-associated direct repeat unit (dru) copy number determination, and staphylococcal interspersed repeat unit (SIRU) profiling. There were four SCCmec types, eight MLST types, 15 spa types, 11 dru types, and 31 SIRU profiles. The most common type determined by each molecular typing method was SCCmec III (115 isolates, 73.2%), ST239 (99 isolates, 63.1%), t037 (107 isolates, 68.2%), 14 dru copies (76 isolates, 48.4%), and SIRU profile 3013722 (102 isolates, 65%), respectively. When using the combination of MLST, spa typing, and dru copy number, ST5-t002-4 (n = 8), ST239-t037-14 (n = 68), ST59-t437-9 (n = 9), and ST59-t437-11 (n = 6) were found to be the most common types of SCCmec types II (n = 9), III (n = 115), IV (n = 21), and VT (n = 11) isolates, respectively. SCCmec type III isolates were further classified into 11 dru types. Of the 21 SCCmec type IV isolates, 14 SIRU profiles were found. Seven SIRU patterns were observed in the 11 SCCmec type VT isolates. Different typing methods showed a similar Hunter-Gaston discrimination index among the 157 MRSA isolates. However, dru and SIRU typing methods had a better discriminatory power for SCCmec type III and SCCmec types IV and VT isolates, respectively, suggesting that dru and SIRU can be used to further type these isolates. Copyright © 2013. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Compactly Supported Curvelet-Type Systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rasmussen, Kenneth Niemann; Nielsen, Morten


    We study a flexible method for constructing curvelet-type frames. These curvelet-type systems have the same sparse representation properties as curvelets for appropriate classes of smooth functions, and the flexibility of the method allows us to give a constructive description of how to construct...... curvelet-type systems with a prescribed nature such as compact support in direct space. The method consists of using the machinery of almost diagonal matrices to show that a system of curvelet molecules which is sufficiently close to curvelets constitutes a frame for curvelet-type spaces. Such a system...


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cuntz, M.


    In the first paper of this series, a comprehensive approach has been provided for the study of S-type and P-type habitable regions in stellar binary systems, which was, however, restricted to circular orbits of the stellar components. Fortunately, a modest modification of the method also allows for the consideration of elliptical orbits, which of course entails a much broader range of applicability. This augmented method is presented here, and numerous applications are conveyed. In alignment with Paper I, the selected approach considers a variety of aspects, which comprise the consideration of a joint constraint including orbital stability and a habitable region for a possible system planet through the stellar radiative energy fluxes ( r adiative habitable zone ; RHZ). The devised method is based on a combined formalism for the assessment of both S-type and P-type habitability; in particular, mathematical criteria are deduced for which kinds of systems S-type and P-type habitable zones are realized. If the RHZs are truncated by the additional constraint of orbital stability, the notation of ST-type and PT-type habitability applies. In comparison to the circular case, it is found that in systems of higher eccentricity, the range of the RHZs is significantly reduced. Moreover, for a considerable number of models, the orbital stability constraint also reduces the range of S-type and P-type habitability. Nonetheless, S-, P-, ST-, and PT-type habitability is identified for a considerable set of system parameters. The method as presented is utilized for BinHab, an online code available at The University of Texas at Arlington


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cuntz, M., E-mail: [Department of Physics, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019-0059 (United States)


    In the first paper of this series, a comprehensive approach has been provided for the study of S-type and P-type habitable regions in stellar binary systems, which was, however, restricted to circular orbits of the stellar components. Fortunately, a modest modification of the method also allows for the consideration of elliptical orbits, which of course entails a much broader range of applicability. This augmented method is presented here, and numerous applications are conveyed. In alignment with Paper I, the selected approach considers a variety of aspects, which comprise the consideration of a joint constraint including orbital stability and a habitable region for a possible system planet through the stellar radiative energy fluxes ({sup r}adiative habitable zone{sup ;} RHZ). The devised method is based on a combined formalism for the assessment of both S-type and P-type habitability; in particular, mathematical criteria are deduced for which kinds of systems S-type and P-type habitable zones are realized. If the RHZs are truncated by the additional constraint of orbital stability, the notation of ST-type and PT-type habitability applies. In comparison to the circular case, it is found that in systems of higher eccentricity, the range of the RHZs is significantly reduced. Moreover, for a considerable number of models, the orbital stability constraint also reduces the range of S-type and P-type habitability. Nonetheless, S-, P-, ST-, and PT-type habitability is identified for a considerable set of system parameters. The method as presented is utilized for BinHab, an online code available at The University of Texas at Arlington.

  6. A note on tilted Bianchi type VIh models: the type III bifurcation (United States)

    Coley, A. A.; Hervik, S.


    In this note we complete the analysis of Hervik, van den Hoogen, Lim and Coley (2007 Class. Quantum Grav. 24 3859) of the late-time behaviour of tilted perfect fluid Bianchi type III models. We consider models with dust, and perfect fluids stiffer than dust, and eludicate the late-time behaviour by studying the centre manifold which dominates the behaviour of the model at late times. In the dust case, this centre manifold is three-dimensional and can be considered a double bifurcation as the two parameters (h and γ) of the type VIh model are varied. We therefore complete the analysis of the late-time behaviour of tilted ever-expanding Bianchi models of types I VIII.

  7. Parameters in pure type systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bloo, C.J.; Kamareddine, F.; Laan, T.D.L.; Nederpelt, R.P.; Rajsbaum, S.


    In this paper we study the addition of parameters to typed ¿-calculus with definitions. We show that the resulting systems have nice properties and illustrate that parameters allow for a better fine-tuning of the strength of type systems as well as staying closer to type systems used in practice in

  8. Effects of different computer typing speeds on acceleration and peak contact pressure of the fingertips during computer typing. (United States)

    Yoo, Won-Gyu


    [Purpose] This study showed the effects of different computer typing speeds on acceleration and peak contact pressure of the fingertips during computer typing. [Subjects] Twenty-one male computer workers voluntarily consented to participate in this study. They consisted of 7 workers who could type 200-300 characteristics/minute, 7 workers who could type 300-400 characteristics/minute, and 7 workers who could type 400-500 chracteristics/minute. [Methods] This study was used to measure the acceleration and peak contact pressure of the fingertips for different typing speed groups using an accelerometer and CONFORMat system. [Results] The fingertip contact pressure was increased in the high typing speed group compared with the low and medium typing speed groups. The fingertip acceleration was increased in the high typing speed group compared with the low and medium typing speed groups. [Conclusion] The results of the present study indicate that a fast typing speed cause continuous pressure stress to be applied to the fingers, thereby creating pain in the fingers.

  9. Comparison of imaging properties of direct-type and indirect-type of flat-panel detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Masao; Suekane, Koji; Ichimaru, Yasunobu; Ogata, Yuji; Inamura, Kiyonari; Kanai, Kouzou; Kanamori, Hitoshi


    A Flat-Panel Detector (FPD) has many advantages such as eliminating cassette handling and being able to display a preview image immediately in addition to the digital image processing and the networking. Thus, the FPD has ability to innovate the radiology department. We measured and evaluated the digital and over-all imaging properties (characteristic curves, modulation Transfer Functions, Wiener spectra and Noise Equivalent Quanta (NEQ) for the direct-type and indirect-type of FPD. The pre-sampling and overall NEQ of the indirect-type of FPD were better than the NEQ of the direct-type of FPD at lower spatial frequencies, but were worse at higher spatial frequencies. The FPD can take image data at real-time and be easy to digitalize. From these results, Screen/Film system and Computed Radiography system will be replaced by the FPD system, together with diffusion of CAD, cone beam Computed Tomography (CT) system and open-type Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) system. (T. Tanaka)

  10. The Ultracool Typing Kit - An Open-Source, Qualitative Spectral Typing GUI for L Dwarfs (United States)

    Schwab, Ellianna; Cruz, Kelle; Núñez, Alejandro; Burgasser, Adam J.; Rice, Emily; Reid, Neill; Faherty, Jacqueline K.; BDNYC


    The Ultracool Typing Kit (UTK) is an open-source graphical user interface for classifying the NIR spectral types of L dwarfs, including field and low-gravity dwarfs spanning L0-L9. The user is able to input an NIR spectrum and qualitatively compare the input spectrum to a full suite of spectral templates, including low-gravity beta and gamma templates. The user can choose to view the input spectrum as both a band-by-band comparison with the templates and a full bandwidth comparison with NIR spectral standards. Once an optimal qualitative comparison is selected, the user can save their spectral type selection both graphically and to a database. Using UTK to classify 78 previously typed L dwarfs, we show that a band-by-band classification method more accurately agrees with optical spectral typing systems than previous L dwarf NIR classification schemes. UTK is written in python, released on Zenodo with a BSD-3 clause license and publicly available on the BDNYC Github page.

  11. Pregnancy outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients as compared with type 1 diabetic patients and nondiabetic controls. (United States)

    Knight, Kristin M; Thornburg, Loralei L; Pressman, Eva K


    To characterize the neonatal and maternal outcomes of type 2 diabetic patients as compared with type 1 diabetic patients and nondiabetic controls. We performed a retrospective cohort study reviewing perinatal outcomes of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients and nondiabetic controls from July 2000 to August 2006. Analysis of variance, t testing and chi2 analysis were used to compare groups. Post hoc power analysis indicated 80% power was necessary to detect a 15% difference in composite poor neonatal outcomes. A total of 64 type 2 and 64 type 1 diabetic patients were compared with 256 controls. Type 1 diabetic patients had higher incidences of composite poor neonatal outcome and congenital anomalies than did type 2 diabetic and control patients. Both diabetic groups had similarly higher incidences of cesarean delivery, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, polyhydramnios and macrosomia than did controls. Type 2 diabetic patients have a decreased incidence of adverse neonatal outcomes when compared with that of type 1 diabetic patients. No difference was observed between the diabetic groups in the incidence of a majority of the adverse maternal outcomes examined, however both diabetic groups had overall worse outcomes that did nondiabetic controls.

  12. ER Stress and β-Cell Pathogenesis of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes and Islet Transplantation


    Kataoka, Hitomi Usui; Noguchi, Hirofumi


    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress affects the pathogenesis of diabetes. ER stress plays important roles, both in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, because pancreatic β-cells possess highly developed ER for insulin secretion. This review summarizes the relationship between ER stress and the pathogenesis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In addition, the association between islet transplantation and ER stress is discussed.

  13. Object-Oriented Type Inference

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schwartzbach, Michael Ignatieff; Palsberg, Jens


    We present a new approach to inferring types in untyped object-oriented programs with inheritance, assignments, and late binding. It guarantees that all messages are understood, annotates the program with type information, allows polymorphic methods, and can be used as the basis of an op...

  14. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... as well as the aged population. Patient Education Materials — Taking Care of Type 2 Diabetes This two-page introduction to type 2 diabetes is in PDF format so you can download it, print it, and hand it out to patients. You ...

  15. Type I supernova models

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canal, Ramon; Labay, Javier; Isern, Jordi


    We briefly describe the characteristics of Type I supernova outbursts and we present the theoretical models so far advanced to explain them. We especially insist on models based on the thermonuclear explosion of a white dwarf in a close binary system, even regarding the recent division of Type I supernovae into the Ia and Ib subtypes. Together with models assuming explosive thermonuclear burning in a fluid interior, we consider in some detail those based on partially solid interiors. We finally discuss models that incorporate nonthermonuclear energy contributions, suggested in order to explain Type Ib outbursts. (Author)

  16. Vein-type uranium deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rich, R.A.; Holland, H.D.; Petersen, U.


    A critical review is presented of published data bearing on the mineralogy, paragenesis, geochemistry, and origin of veiw-type uranium deposits. Its aim is to serve as a starting point for new research and as a basis for the development of new exploration strategies. During the formation of both vein and sandstone types of deposits uranium seems to have been dissolved by and transported in rather oxidized solutions, and deposited where these solutions encountered reducing agents such as carbon, sulfides, ferrous minerals and hydrocarbons. Granitic rocks abnormally enriched in uranium have apparently been the most common source for uranium in vein-type deposits. Oxidizing solutions have been derived either from the surface or from depth. Surface solutions saturated with atmospheric oxygen have frequently passed through red bed or clean sandstone conduits on their way to and from uranium source rocks. Deep solutions of non-surface origin have apparently become sufficiently oxidizing by passage through and equilibration with red beds. The common association of clean sandstones or red beds with uranium-rich granites in the vicinity of vein-type uranium deposits is probably not fortuitous, and areas where these rock types are found together are considered particularly favorable targets for uranium exploration

  17. The relationship between C-type natriuretic peptide and cognitive impairment in older patients with Type 2 diabetes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xinling; Zhu Xiangyang; Huang Huaiyu; Jin Yan


    Objective: To investigate the relationship between C-type natriuretic peptide and cognitive impairment in older patients with type 2 diabetes, and to explore the pathogenesis of diabetic cognitive impairment. Methods: According to the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores, 80 type 2 diabetic patients over the age of 60 years were divided into two groups, one group including 31 cases with cognitive impairment, the other 49 patients with non-cognitive impairment. And 80 normal participants were selected as the control group. Plasma level of C-type natriuretic peptide was measured by radio-immunity assay in all subjects. The changes and associations of the plasma C-type natriuretic peptide level among three groups was analyzed. Result: In the non-cognitive impairment group, plasma level of C-type natriuretic peptide was higher than that in the control group (P<0.01). But the plasma level of C-type natriuretic peptide in the cognitive impairment group was degraded, significantly deferent with those in the control group and the non-cognitive impairment group (P<0.01). MoCA scores of the cognitive impairment group positively correlated with plasma level of C-type natriuretic peptide (r=0.513, P<0.01). Conclusion: In the early period of type 2 diabetes,the secretion of C-type natriuretic peptide was increased. When diabetic cognitive impairment complicated,the secretion of C-type natriuretic peptide was decompensated. Then plasma level of C-type natriuretic peptide become low. The level of C-type natriuretic peptide closely correlated with diabetic cognitive impairment. It was suggested that diabetic angiopathies may act an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetic cognitive impairment. (authors)

  18. Memorization in Type-Directed Partial Evaluation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Balat, Vincent; Danvy, Olivier


    We use a code generator—type-directed partial evaluation— to verify conversions between isomorphic types, or more precisely to verify that a composite function is the identity function at some complicated type. A typed functional language such as ML provides a natural support to express the funct...

  19. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... to help you meet your target blood glucose levels. Type 2 usually gets worse over time – even if you don’t need medications at first, you may need to later on. Some groups have a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes than ...

  20. Beyond Type D personality

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Pelle, Aline J; Pedersen, Susanne S.; Szabó, Balázs M


    Type D personality has been associated with impaired health status in chronic heart failure (CHF), but other psychological factors may also be important.......Type D personality has been associated with impaired health status in chronic heart failure (CHF), but other psychological factors may also be important....

  1. Facts about Type 2

    Medline Plus

    Full Text Available ... or insulin to help you meet your target blood glucose levels. Type 2 usually gets worse over time – even if you don’t need medications at first, you may need to later on. Some groups have a higher risk for developing type 2 ...

  2. Type I vs type II spiral ganglion neurons exhibit differential survival and neuritogenesis during cochlear development

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Housley Gary D


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The mechanisms that consolidate neural circuitry are a major focus of neuroscience. In the mammalian cochlea, the refinement of spiral ganglion neuron (SGN innervation to the inner hair cells (by type I SGNs and the outer hair cells (by type II SGNs is accompanied by a 25% loss of SGNs. Results We investigated the segregation of neuronal loss in the mouse cochlea using β-tubulin and peripherin antisera to immunolabel all SGNs and selectively type II SGNs, respectively, and discovered that it is the type II SGN population that is predominately lost within the first postnatal week. Developmental neuronal loss has been attributed to the decline in neurotrophin expression by the target hair cells during this period, so we next examined survival of SGN sub-populations using tissue culture of the mid apex-mid turn region of neonatal mouse cochleae. In organotypic culture for 48 hours from postnatal day 1, endogenous trophic support from the organ of Corti proved sufficient to maintain all type II SGNs; however, a large proportion of type I SGNs were lost. Culture of the spiral ganglion as an explant, with removal of the organ of Corti, led to loss of the majority of both SGN sub-types. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF added as a supplement to the media rescued a significant proportion of the SGNs, particularly the type II SGNs, which also showed increased neuritogenesis. The known decline in BDNF production by the rodent sensory epithelium after birth is therefore a likely mediator of type II neuron apoptosis. Conclusion Our study thus indicates that BDNF supply from the organ of Corti supports consolidation of type II innervation in the neonatal mouse cochlea. In contrast, type I SGNs likely rely on additional sources for trophic support.

  3. Attitudes in patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Oleg Gennad'evich Motovilin


    Full Text Available Aims. To compare disease attitudes in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T1DM and T2DM and to evaluate relationship between attitudes and psychological welfare of these groups. Materials and Methods. We examined 140 patients with T1DM and 70 patients with T2DM on insulin therapy (mean age 22.6?3.2 and 60.1?7.8 years; male/female ratio 47/93 and 15/55; duration of diabetes 12.1?5.7 and 11.4?6.5 years, HbA1c 9.3?2.2 и 9.0?1.4%, respectively. Psychological parameters were assessed by following methods: Bekhterev Disease Attitude Typing (DAT, Colour Attitude Test (CAT, SF-36 (36-Item Short Form Health Survey, Spielberger Anxiety Inventory (SAI, CES-D Depression Scale, Dembo-Rubinstein (DR technique for self-esteem assessment. Results. DAT showed increased sensitive attitude to their disease in patients with T1 and T2DM, being significantly higher in T2DM. According to CAT, T2DM patients perceive DM as a disease, associated with severe manifestations and complications, while T1DM patients tend to incorporate the notion of diabetes with lifestyle. Cluster analysis showed negative disease attitude to be associated independently of diabetes type with decrease in quality of life and emotional deterioration (higher anxiety and depression score, as measured by SF-36, SAI and CES-D. Conclusion. Disease attitude typing and correction is important in management of DM. Emotional acceptance allows improvement in quality of life and promotes psychological welfare. Also, despite the absence of direct relationship between HbA1c and disease attitudes (which, is plausibly non-linear, emotional acceptance may favour glycemic compensation due to increase in compliance.

  4. Postępowanie diagnostyczno-terapeutyczne u pacjenta po skręceniu stawu skokowego – opis przypadku = The diagnosis and therapy in a patient after ankle sprains – case report

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jan Paweł Mieszkowski


    Streszczenie Wstęp: Skręcenia stawu skokowego zaliczane są do jednych z najczęściej spotykanych urazów kończyn dolnych. Pomimo częstości występowania, nadal wielokrotnie są one lekceważone, zarówno w aspekcie diagnostyki medycznej jak i zastosowania optymalnego postępowania leczniczego. Cel pracy: Usystematyzowanie wiedzy na temat postępowania terapeutycznego, u osoby po urazie stawu skokowego. Celem dodatkowym była analiza postępowania fizjoterapeutycznego oraz jego efektywności u pacjenta po skręceniu stawu skokowego. Metoda: W pracy przedstawiono epikryzę pacjenta z urazem stawu skokowego. Pacjent poddany był dwukrotnie diagnostyce klinicznej. Wykonano analizę chodu, ocenę zakresu ruchu w stawie skokowym, ocenę siły mięśniowej kończyn dolnych przy pomocy skali Lovette’a, testy funkcjonalne stopy (test uciskowy Thompsona, test Simmonda, test szufladki, test dwóch wag. Zastosowano metody zewnętrznej stabilizacji przy pomocy szyny gipsowej, metodę twardych tapów, a także terapię układu limfatycznego z wykorzystaniem metody kinesiology taping i drenażu limfatycznego. Wraz z ustąpieniem zmian obrzękowych, pacjenta poddano kompleksowej terapii fizjoterapeutycznej. Wyniki: Po zakończeniu terapii chód - izochroniczny, izometryczny, izotoniczny, poprawa w zakresie: ruchu w stawie skokowym dla zgięcia grzbietowego, podeszwowego, pronacji, supinacji stopy, wyniku testu dwóch wag oraz siły mięśniowej. Wnioski: W postępowaniu terapeutycznym u osoby po urazie stawu skokowego najważniejszą rolę odegrała diagnostyka radiologiczna i kliniczna, pozwalająca na postawienie wczesnej i właściwej diagnozy. Kompleksowe postępowanie fizjoterapeutyczne wpłynęło na poprawę zakresu ruchu w stawie skokowym, zniesienie dolegliwości bólowych oraz na poprawę stanu funkcjonalnego badanego.

  5. La qualitá percepita dei pazienti con infezione da HIV presso il servizio di diagnosi e cura dell' AIDS di Novara

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    M. Renna


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: costruire e sperimentare un modello per lo studio della qualità percepita dai pazienti affetti da HIV/AIDS.

    Metodi: è stato condotto uno studio di tipo osservazionale descrittivo mediante un’indagine con l’utilizzo di un questionario di soddisfazione presso il Servizio di diagnosi e terapia dell’AIDS dell’UOA di Malattie Infettive dell’ASO “Maggiore della Carità” di Novara. I dati sono stati analizzati mediante l’analisi fattoriale e l’analisi dei cluster.

    Risultati: il campione è stato rappresentato da 62 soggetti (35 uomini e 27 donne, età media di 39,40 anni. Sono stati identificati tre fattori principali determinanti la soddisfazione dei pazienti: l’assistenza infermieristica (che ha spiegato il 24,03% della variabilità delle risposte, l’assistenza medica (21,18% e l’organizzazione del servizio (22,22%. Nel dettaglio livelli di soddisfazione elevati sono stati registrati per la qualità dell’assistenza del personale, la competenza dei medici ed il funzionamento della terapia, mentre i più bassi sono stati misurati per il rispetto della privacy e la disponibilità di servizi accessori. L’analisi dei cluster ha permesso di aggregare gli utenti in 3 gruppi in base al livello di soddisfazione. I fattori che hanno maggiormente determinato il diverso livello di soddisfazione misurato nei tre gruppi sono stati: la prima accoglienza presso il servizio, il livello di informazione ricevuto e l’efficacia nel controllo del dolore e dei sintomi.

    Conclusioni: il modello di analisi adottato ha reso possibile l’identificazione dei determinanti della soddisfazione degli utenti afferenti al servizio, evidenziando gli elementi di criticità del percorso assistenziale. I risultati hanno dimostrato la necessità per gli studi di valutazione della qualità percepita di adottare i metodi e gli strumenti della ricerca

  6. Transit Oriented Development: una soluzione per il governo delle aree di stazione

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    Enrica Papa


    Full Text Available I processi di diffusione e dispersione insediativa, la crescente crisi da congestione, la disponibilità di aree libere a seguito di dismissione di impianti industriali in aree strategiche della città, i consistenti investimenti in infrastrutture di trasporto su ferro in ambito urbano e regionale sono elementi chiave che hanno contribuito alla diffusione di teorie e pratiche per uno “sviluppo urbano orientato al sistema di trasporto pubblico su ferro”: il Transit Oriented Development- TOD. Questo termine, introdotto per la prima volta da Calthorpe nel 1993, sintetizza teorie e metodi volti a favorire uno sviluppo metropolitano policentrico i cui poli sono i Transit Villages ovvero comunità urbane ad alta densità e mixitè funzionale che si sviluppano intorno alle stazioni della rete su ferro. Nelle aree in espansione o in trasformazione il TOD propone la costruzione di nuovi centri urbani di elevata qualità urbana in aree della città consolidata il TOD prevede il riempimento dei vuoti esistenti ed interventi di riqualificazione urbana. Da molti anni si stanno mettendo in pratica questi principi prevalentemente negli Stati Uniti, dove la disponibilità di suoli e la necessità di limitare fenomeni di sprawl urbano hanno favorito la diffusione delle pratiche TOD in molte città. In Europa questo tipo di interventi non è ancora molto diffuso, a meno di alcuni casi specifici. L’articolo, partendo da queste premesse, vuole contribuire ad affrontare alcune questioni centrali: in quali modo è possibile “esportare” i metodi e le tecniche del TOD nelle città Europee e in particolare in Italia? Quali sono gli strumenti e le procedure per la definizione degli interventi? A partire da uno studio della letteratura scientifica e dall’analisi di casi di studio internazionali il paper propone alcune prime risposte attraverso una proposta di metodo per l’applicazione delle pratiche TOD nelle aree metropolitane italiane.

  7. Effectiveness of a regional prepregnancy care program in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Murphy, Helen R.; Roland, Jonathan M.; Skinner, Timothy C.


    of 680 pregnancies in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes was performed. Primary outcomes were adverse pregnancy outcome (congenital malformation, stillbirth, or neonatal death), congenital malformation, and indicators of pregnancy preparation (5 mg folic acid, gestational age, and A1C). Comparisons...... with improved pregnancy preparation and reduced risk of adverse pregnancy outcome in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Prepregnancy care had benefits beyond improved glycemic control and was a stronger predictor of pregnancy outcome than maternal obesity, ethnicity, or social disadvantage.......OBJECTIVE - To implement and evaluate a regional prepregnancy care program in women with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - Prepregnancy care was promoted among patients and health professionals and delivered across 10 regional maternity units. A prospective cohort study...

  8. Intersection Types and Related Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paweł Parys


    Full Text Available We present a new approach to the following meta-problem: given a quantitative property of trees, design a type system such that the desired property for the tree generated by an infinitary ground lambda-term corresponds to some property of a derivation of a type for this lambda-term, in this type system. Our approach is presented in the particular case of the language finiteness problem for nondeterministic higher-order recursion schemes (HORSes: given a nondeterministic HORS, decide whether the set of all finite trees generated by this HORS is finite. We give a type system such that the HORS can generate a tree of an arbitrarily large finite size if and only if in the type system we can obtain derivations that are arbitrarily large, in an appropriate sense; the latter condition can be easily decided.

  9. Blood Types (United States)

    ... positive or Rh-negative blood may be given to Rh-positive patients. The rules for plasma are the reverse: ... ethnic and racial groups have different frequency of the main blood types in their populations. Approximately ...

  10. PIDs, Types and the Semantic Web (United States)

    Schwardmann, Ulrich


    PID Information Types are becoming a crucial role in scientific data management because they can provide state (what) and binding (where) information about digital objects as attributes of the PID. This is a similar but much more flexible approach than the well known mime type characterization, because both of these types concepts allow to decide about preconditions for processes in advance and before touching the data. One aspect of this is the need for standards and correctness of the used types to ensure reliability for the processes operating on the digital objects. This requires registries and schemas for PID InfoTypes and suggests an automated schema generation process. Such a process in combination with data type registries will be described in more detail in the intended talk. Another aspect of PID InfoTypes is its intrinsic grammar as subject-predicate-object triple, with the PID as subject, the type as predicate and its value (often again a PID) as object in this relation. Given the registration of types and the proposed syntactical rigidness of the value, guaranteed by the schema, together with the use of PIDs in subject and predicate, the type concept has the ability to overcome the fuzziness and lack of reliability of semantic web categories with its URL references and possibly changing locations and content. The intended talk will also describe this approach in more detail, discusses the differences to linked data and describes some necessary technological developments for the type concept to keep up with the possibilities currently provided by the semantic web.

  11. 29 CFR 779.329 - Effect of type of customer and type of goods or services. (United States)


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Effect of type of customer and type of goods or services... FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT AS APPLIED TO RETAILERS OF GOODS OR SERVICES Exemptions for Certain Retail or Service Establishments ârecognizedâ As Retail âin the Particular Industryâ § 779.329 Effect of type of...

  12. Denotational semantics for guarded dependent type theory

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Bizjak, Aleš; Møgelberg, Rasmus Ejlers


    We present a new model of Guarded Dependent Type Theory (GDTT), a type theory with guarded recursion and multiple clocks in which one can program with, and reason about coinductive types. Productivity of recursively defined coinductive programs and proofs is encoded in types using guarded recursion......, crucial for programming with coinductive types, types must be interpreted as presheaves orthogonal to the object of clocks. In the case of dependent types, this translates to a unique lifting condition similar to the one found in homotopy theoretic models of type theory. Since the universes defined...... by inclusions of clock variable contexts commute on the nose with type operations on the universes....

  13. Type-I and type-II topological nodal superconductors with s -wave interaction (United States)

    Huang, Beibing; Yang, Xiaosen; Xu, Ning; Gong, Ming


    Topological nodal superconductors with protected gapless points in momentum space are generally realized based on unconventional pairings. In this work we propose a minimal model to realize these topological nodal phases with only s -wave interaction. In our model the linear and quadratic spin-orbit couplings along the two orthogonal directions introduce anisotropic effective unconventional pairings in momentum space. This model may support different nodal superconducting phases characterized by either an integer winding number in BDI class or a Z2 index in D class at the particle-hole invariant axes. In the vicinity of the nodal points the effective Hamiltonian can be described by either type-I or type-II Dirac equations, and the Lifshitz transition from type-I nodal phases to type-II nodal phases can be driven by external in-plane magnetic fields. We show that these nodal phases are robust against weak impurities, which only slightly renormalizes the momentum-independent parameters in the impurity-averaged Hamiltonian, thus these phases are possible to be realized in experiments with real semi-Dirac materials. The smoking-gun evidences to verify these phases based on scanning tunneling spectroscopy method are also briefly discussed.

  14. Florence Nightingale: her personality type. (United States)

    Dossey, Barbara M


    This article casts new and refreshing light on Florence Nightingale's life and work by examining her personality type. Using the theory-based Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the author examines Nightingale's personality type and reveals that she was an introverted-intuitive-thinking-judging type. The merit of using the MBTI is that it allows us to more clearly understand three major areas of Nightingale's life that have been partially unacknowledged or misunderstood: her spiritual development as a practicing mystic, her management of her chronic illness to maintain her prodigious work output, and her chosen strategies to transform her visionary ideas into new health care and social realities.

  15. 14 CFR 21.31 - Type design. (United States)


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Type design. 21.31 Section 21.31... PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS Type Certificates § 21.31 Type design. The type design consists of— (a) The... configuration and the design features of the product shown to comply with the requirements of that part of this...

  16. Identifikace PHA produkujících bakterií pomocí nástrojů molekulární biologie


    Gajdová, Barbora


    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá identifikací bakterií, které jsou schopny produkce polyhydroxyalkanoátů (PHA). Mezi testovanými bakteriemi byli převážně zástupci rodu Pseudomonas, Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, dále vzorky z termofilní kultury a vzorky z přírodních zdrojů. Bakterie byly testovány pomocí molekulárně biologické metody PCR. Byla analyzována amplifikace genu kódujícího PHA syntázu (phaC). V první reakci byl detekován jak phaC gen zodpovědný za syntézu PHA, tak současně i 16S rRNA...

  17. Medicīniskās terminoloģijas mācīšana augstskolas līmenī


    Ulmane, Alise


    Šī maģistra darba mērķis ir izpētīt veiksmīgākos medicīniskās terminoloģijas pasniegšanas metodes augstskolas līmeņa studentiem. Izmantojot triangulācijas metodi, autore analizēja augstskolas pasniedzēju, praktizējošo fizioterapeitu un studentu viedokļus par fizioterapijas specialitātes medicīniskās terminoloģijas atlasi un mācīšanas veidiem. Teorētiskajā daļā autore apskata dažādas terminoloģijas mācīšanas klasifikācijas un medicīniskā diskursa īpatnības. Apkopojot praktiskās daļas rezultātu...

  18. L’utilizzo della ricostruzione nella comunicazione del patrimonio archeologico. L’approccio, il metodo, le finalità e alcuni spunti di discussione.

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    Elena Bacci


    In questo contributo si focalizza l’attenzione sulla ricostruzione grafica e virtuale del patrimonio e sulle sensazioni che la ricostruzione evoca nel fruitore del messaggio culturale. La ricostruzione si attua mediante la collaborazione tra archeologo e illustratore e costituisce un momento di verifica visiva dell’interpretazione archeologica e uno strumento di comunicazione del dato archeologico fruibile a più livelli. Ciò avviene grazie allo scambio costante di informazioni (dati scientifici e proposte di ricostruzione e il confronto che ne deriva determina i metodi e le fasi di avanzamento del progetto. Il metodo si basa sull’integrazione delle immagini 3D con il disegno tradizionale ed è finalizzato alla trasposizione del dato archeologico, in modo tale da garantire alla ricostruzione il duplice requisito di soddisfazione estetica e credibilità scientifica.

  19. Escherichia coli. A sanitary methodology for faecal water pollution tests; Escherichia coli nelle acque. Significato sanitario e metodologie di analisi

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bonadonna, L. [Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Rome (Italy)


    Among the traditional indictors of faecal water pollution, Escherichia coli has shown to fit better with the definition of indicator organism. Till now its recovery has been time-consuming and needs confirmation tests. In this report more rapid and direct methods, based on enzymatic reactions, are presented. [Italian] Per talune peculiari caratteristiche, Escherichia coli sembra meglio soddisfare i requisiti insiti nella definizione di organismo indicatore, rispetto ai tradizionali indicatori di contaminazione fecale dell'acqua. Finora, i substrati disponibili per il suo rilevamento necessitano tutti di almeno una prova di conferma. Di qui l'esigenza di indicare metodi di rilevamento a riposta piu' rapida, anche in relazione all'inserimento, nelle piu' recenti normative nazionali ed europee, del microrganismo tra i parametri microbiologici da ricercare.

  20. Stanovení platinových kovů ve velkých městských aglomeracích


    Ježek, Stanislav


    Cílem této diplomové práce je vypracování aktuální literární rešerše, týkající se problematiky platinových kovů v životním prostředí, stanovení platiny a palladia na území městské částí Brno a Moskva. Zahrnuje chemické a fyzikální vlastnosti, výskyt a koloběh platinových v životním prostředí. Obsahuje také použité metody extrakce a stanovení platiny a palladia. The aim of this thesis is the actual elaboration literature search concerning the issue of platinum group metals in the environmen...

  1. Elevator cage


    Matoušek, Jan


    Diplomová práce se zabývá pevnostním výpočtem rámu klece výtahu o nosnosti 400 kg (5 osob) a výpočtem maximální vzdálenosti mezi kotvami vodítek. Jmenovitá rychlost výtahu je 1 m.s -1. Součástí je analýza rámu pomocí metody konečných prvků. K této analýze byl použit program I – DEAS. This diploma thesis deals with design of a frame of a lift, whose roading capacity is 400 kg (5 people) and it olso deals with calculation of maximum distance between armatures of quides. Nominal speed is 1 m....

  2. Knowledge acquisition on hazards in chemical and process industry

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vojnovic, D; Kozuh, M [Inst. Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Slovenia)


    The knowledge acquisition for probabilistic risk assessment and operational safety improvements are described. The procedure HazOp (Hazard and Operability Study) are used for hazard identification. The acquainted knowledge is condensed in the form of cause-consequence matrix which is very convenient for plant logic model start point definition. At the end, the possibility for HazOp performance support by use of Artificial Intelligence approach is considered. (author) [Slovenian] V clanku se obravnava zbiranje znanja za potrebe verjetnostne ocene tveganja in izboljsanja obratovalne varnosti. Opisan je postopek za razpoznavanje nevarnosti po metodi HazOp. Zbrano znanje je predstavljeno v obliki vzrocno posledicne matrike, kar je primerna oblika za nadaljno uporabo pri logicnem modeliranju objekta. Ravno tako je obravnavana moznost uporabe diagnosticnih metod (umetna inteligenca) pri HazOp analizi. [author].

  3. Dzimuma stereotipizācija tiešsaistes laikrakstos


    Tirzīte, Asne


    Pētnieciskā darba mērķis ir atrast un analizēt stereotipus britu tiešsaites avīžu The Guardian un Daily Mail rakstos par biznesu, lai uzzinātu no kādiem valodas elementiem sastāv stereotipu atspoguļojums un kā mediju diskursā tiek atspoguļotas dzimuma un profesionālās identitātes. Darba teorētiskā daļa apskata pašreizējā pētījuma metodi un iepriekšējo pētnieku darbus par šo tēmu. Izmantotā kvalitatīvā pētījuma metode ir Normana Fērklova (1992) trīsdimensionālais kritiskās diskursa analīzes mo...

  4. Relational Resources As A Source Of Regional Competitive Advantage. Illustrated By The Examples Of The Lodzkie Voivodship And The Novosibirsk Oblast / Zasoby Relacyjne Jako Źródło Przewagi Konkurencyjnej Regionów Na Przykładzie Województwa Łódzkiego Oraz Obwodu Novosybirskiego

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    Rudolf Wawrzyniec


    Full Text Available Artykuł ma na celu pokazanie zasobów relacyjnych, jako nabierającego na znaczeniu czynnika konkurencyjności terytoriów. Autorzy starają się wykazać, że regiony chcące zwiększyć swoją przewagę konkurencyjną powinny podejmować działania, aby ułatwiać tworzenie bazy wiedzy oraz otoczenia instytucjonalnego. W artykule oparto się na teorii zależności od zasobów, wykorzystywanej zwłaszcza dla analizowania relacji pomiędzy organizacją a jej otoczeniem. Opracowanie ma charakter teoretyczny z wykorzystaniem metody desk research przy użyciu szerokiej, światowej literatury przedmiotu. Rozważania kończy prezentacja dwóch deskryptywnych studiów przypadku.

  5. Construction of the Tangent to a Cycloid Proposed by Wallis and Fermat

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Loredana Biacino


    Full Text Available In this paper some methods used in the XVII century for the construction of the tangents to a cycloid in a point are exposed: the kinematical method employed by Roberval, the classical geometrical  method used by Wallis and the Fermat’s construction as a consequence of his tangents method. Le Costruzioni della Tangente alla Cicloide Proposte da Wallis e da Fermat In questo lavoro sono esposti vari metodi in uso nel ‘600 per la costruzione della tangente ad una cicloide in un suo punto: il metodo cinematico impiegato da Roberval, il metodo geometrico classico usato dal Wallis e la costruzione di Fermat come conseguenza del suo metodo delle tangenti. Parole Chiave: Cicloide, Tangente ad una curva, Metodo cinematico delle tangenti, Metodo delle tangenti di Fermat.

  6. Prevenzione delle infezioni ospedaliere in una terapia intensiva

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    G.B. Orsi


    Full Text Available

    Obiettivi: sorveglianza delle infezioni ospedaliere (IO nell’unità di terapia intensiva (UTI di un grande ospedale romano.

    Metodi. tutti i pazienti ricoverati nell’UTI tra il 1.1.2000 ed il 31.12.2001 per ›48 ore. Lo studio, applicando le definizioni di caso dei CDC, ha considerato le seguenti infezioni: infezioni polmonari (POL, setticemie (SET, infezioni delle vie urinarie (IVU, infezioni della ferita chirurgica (IFC. Inoltre sono stati valutati eventuali fattori di rischio preesistenti, procedure invasive, isolamento dei microrganismi e loro suscettibilità agli antibiotici.

    Sulla base dei risultati epidemiologici preliminari, dall’ottobre 2000 al marzo 2001 sono stati effettuati una serie di interventi che hanno modificato alcune importanti variabili associate alle IO.

  7. Prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Among Children and Adolescents From 2001 to 2009 (United States)

    Dabelea, Dana; Mayer-Davis, Elizabeth J.; Saydah, Sharon; Imperatore, Giuseppina; Linder, Barbara; Divers, Jasmin; Bell, Ronny; Badaru, Angela; Talton, Jennifer W.; Crume, Tessa; Liese, Angela D.; Merchant, Anwar T.; Lawrence, Jean M.; Reynolds, Kristi; Dolan, Lawrence; Liu, Lenna L.; Hamman, Richard F.


    IMPORTANCE Despite concern about an “epidemic,” there are limited data on trends in prevalence of either type 1 or type 2 diabetes across US race and ethnic groups. OBJECTIVE To estimate changes in the prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in US youth, by sex, age, and race/ethnicity between 2001 and 2009. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Case patients were ascertained in 4 geographic areas and 1 managed health care plan. The study population was determined by the 2001 and 2009 bridged-race intercensal population estimates for geographic sites and membership counts for the health plan. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Prevalence (per 1000) of physician-diagnosed type 1 diabetes in youth aged 0 through 19 years and type 2 diabetes in youth aged 10 through 19 years. RESULTS In 2001, 4958 of 3.3 million youth were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for a prevalence of 1.48 per 1000 (95% CI, 1.44–1.52). In 2009, 6666 of 3.4 million youth were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes for a prevalence of 1.93 per 1000 (95% CI, 1.88–1.97). In 2009, the highest prevalence of type 1 diabetes was 2.55 per 1000 among white youth (95% CI, 2.48–2.62) and the lowest was 0.35 per 1000 in American Indian youth (95% CI, 0.26–0.47) and type 1 diabetes increased between 2001 and 2009 in all sex, age, and race/ethnic subgroups except for those with the lowest prevalence (age 0–4 years and American Indians). Adjusted for completeness of ascertainment, there was a 21.1% (95% CI, 15.6%–27.0%) increase in type 1 diabetes over 8 years. In 2001, 588 of 1.7 million youth were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for a prevalence of 0.34 per 1000 (95% CI, 0.31–0.37). In 2009, 819 of 1.8 million were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for a prevalence of 0.46 per 1000 (95% CI, 0.43–0.49). In 2009, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 1.20 per 1000 among American Indian youth (95% CI, 0.96–1.51); 1.06 per 1000 among black youth (95% CI, 0.93–1.22); 0.79 per 1000 among Hispanic youth (95% CI, 0

  8. Liver/kidney microsomal antibody type 1 and liver cytosol antibody type 1 concentrations in type 2 autoimmune hepatitis. (United States)

    Muratori, L; Cataleta, M; Muratori, P; Lenzi, M; Bianchi, F B


    Liver/kidney microsomal antibody type 1 (LKM1) and liver cytosol antibody type 1 (LC1) are the serological markers of type 2 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Since LKM1 and LC1 react against two distinct liver specific autoantigens (cytochrome P450IID6 (CYP2D6) and a 58 kDa cytosolic polypeptide respectively), the aim was to see whether LKM1 and LC1 concentrations correlate with liver disease activity. Twenty one patients with type 2 AIH were studied. All sera were tested by indirect immunofluorescence, counterimmunoelectrophoresis, and immunoblotting visualised by enhanced chemiluminescence. To evaluate LKM1 and LC1 levels, the 50 kDa microsomal reactivity (corresponding to CYP2D6) and the 58 kDa cytosolic reactivity were quantified by densitometric analysis. Seven patients were positive for LKM1, nine for LC1, and five for both. Serial serum samples at onset and during immunosuppressive treatment were analysed in 13 patients (four positive for LKM1, six positive for LC1 and three positive for both). During remission, LKM1 concentration remained essentially unchanged in six of seven patients, and decreased in only one. Conversely, in two of nine patients, LC1 was completely lost, and, in the remaining seven, LC1 concentration was reduced by more than 50%. After immunosuppression tapering or withdrawal, flare ups of liver necrosis ensued with increasing LC1 concentration, but not LKM1. LC1 concentration, at variance with that of LKM1, parallels liver disease activity, and its participation in the pathogenic mechanisms of liver injury can be hypothesised.

  9. Diabetic ketoacidosis in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus – clinical and biochemical differences

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    N. Krdžalić


    Full Text Available The goal of this retrospective study was to establish differences in clinical picture, biochemical parametres and precipitating factors in patiens with diabetic ketoacidosis in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. A total number of 25 patients was hospitalised in the Intensive Case Unit of the Department for Internal Diseases of the Cantonal Hospital in Zenica in the period of 14 months. Most patients had type 1 diabetes whose ketoacidosis showed symptoms of vomiting, stomachache and it was most often caused by a discontinued application of insulin or an infection. In patients with type 2 diabetes an inadequate regulation of glycemia had been noticed before hospitalisation and diabetic ketoacidosis was manifested by polyuria, polyphagia, polydipsia and weight loss. Precipitating factor in most patients with type 2 diabetes was an infection. In addition, a significant number of patients were newly discovered diabetics whose precipitating factor in most cases could not be found and the symptoms of the disease correspond to insulin dependent patients. The observed biochemical parameters did not show statistically significant differences between the groups of patients suffering from different types of diabetes. This study has shown that diabetic ketoacidosis can occur in type 2 diabetes. DKA can be prevented by education of patients, improvement of health care as well as improved communication between patients and doctors of family medicine.

  10. Sandstone-type uranium deposits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Finch, W.I.; Davis, J.F.


    World-class sandstone-type uranium deposits are defined as epigenetic concentrations of uranium minerals occurring as uneven impregnations and minor massive replacements primarily in fluvial, lacustrine, and deltaic sandstone formations. The main purpose of this introductory paper is to define, classify, and introduce to the general geologic setting for sandstone-type uranium deposits

  11. Types of electric field distribution and corresponding types of convection in the polar ionosphere. Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Uvarov, V.M.; Barashkov, P.D.


    All types of distributions, known due to the experiment, for Ee-m electric field evening-morning component along morning-evening meridian are reproduced and corresponding types of convection in polar ionosphere are calculated on the basis of model of continuous distribution of E large-scale electric fields. Two-, three- and four-whirl types of convection are realized depending on conditions in interplanetary medium

  12. Sexual dysfunction in diabetic women: prevalence and differences in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Mazzilli R


    Full Text Available Rossella Mazzilli, Norina Imbrogno, Jlenia Elia, Michele Delfino, Olimpia Bitterman, Angela Napoli, Fernando Mazzilli Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Sant'Andrea Hospital, Unit of Diabetology and Endocrinology, University of Rome Sapienza, Rome, Italy Background: The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of diabetes on female sexuality and to highlight any differences between sexuality in the context of type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM. Methods: The subjects selected were 49 women with type 1 DM, 24 women with type 2 DM, and 45 healthy women as controls. Each participant was given the nine-item Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire to complete. The metabolic profile was evaluated by body mass index and glycosylated hemoglobin assay. Results: The prevalence of sexual dysfunction (total score ≤30 was significantly higher in the type 1 DM group (25/49, 51%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 18–31 than in the control group (4/45, 9%; 95% CI 3–5; P=0.00006; there were no significant variations in the type 2 DM group (4/24, 17%; 95% CI 3–4 versus the control group (P=0.630, not statistically significant. The mean total score was significantly lower in the type 1 DM group (30.2±6.9 versus the control group (36.5±4.9; P=0.0003, but there was no significant difference between the type 2 DM group and the control group (P=0.773. With regard to specific questionnaire items, the mean values for arousal, lubrication, dyspareunia, and orgasm were significantly lower only in the type 1 DM group versus the control group. The mean values for desire were reduced in type 1 and type 2 DM groups versus control group. Conclusion: Type 1 DM is associated with sexual dysfunction. This may be due to classic neurovascular complications or to the negative impact of the disease on psychosocial factors. Larger and ideally longitudinal studies are necessary to better understand the relationship between DM and sexual dysfunction. Keywords


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Xinfa; He Jizhou; Wu Ping; Ding Yingping


    From the Main galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 6, we construct two volume-limited samples with the luminosity -20.0 ≤ M r ≤ -18.5 and -22.40 ≤ M r ≤ -20.16, respectively, to explore the environmental dependence of the fraction of 'unconventional' galaxies: red late types and blue early types. We use the density estimator within the distance to the fifth nearest neighbor, and construct two samples at both extremes of density and perform comparative studies between them for each volume-limited sample. Results of two volume-limited samples show the same conclusions: the fraction of red late-type galaxies rises considerably with increasing local density, and that one of the blue early-type galaxies declines substantially with increasing local density. In addition, we note that bluer galaxies preferentially are late types, but the red galaxies are not dominated by early types.

  14. Diabetic Nephropathy and Microalbuminuria in Pregnant Women With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Damm, Julie Agner; Asbjörnsdóttir, Björg; Callesen, Nicoline Foged


    To evaluate the prevalence of diabetic nephropathy and microalbuminuria in pregnant women with type 2 diabetes in comparison with type 1 diabetes and to describe pregnancy outcomes in these women following the same antihypertensive protocol....

  15. Bauhinia variegata (Caesalpiniaceae) leaf extract: An effective treatment option in type I and type II diabetes. (United States)

    Kulkarni, Yogesh A; Garud, Mayuresh S


    Among various metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus is one of the most common disorder. Present study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of aqueous extract of Bauhinia variegata leaves (AE) in animal models of type I and type II diabetes. Type I diabetes was induced by streptozotocin at the dose of 55mg/kg (i.p.) in male Sprague Dawley rats while type II diabetes was induced by high fat diet and streptozotocin at the dose of 35mg/kg (i.p.). Diabetic animals were treated with AE at the dose of 250, 500 and 1000mg/kg. Glipizide (5mg/kg) was used as standard treatment drug. Treatment was given for 28days. Parameters evaluated were body weight, plasma glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, total proteins, albumin, creatinine and bun urea nitrogen. In type II diabetes, high density lipoprotein levels in plasma and plasma insulin level were also evaluated. Histopathological study of pancreases were carried out in type I study. AE showed significant decrease in plasma glucose significantly. AE was also found to decrease cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine and blood urea nitrogen level in both types of diabetes. AE did not show any significant effect on plasma levels of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase. AE was found to increase the albumin and total protein levels. Histopathological study showed that AE decreases the necrotic changes in the pancreatic tissue. Aqueous extract of B. variegata leaves was found effective in treatment of both type I and type II diabetes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  16. Blood typing South American camelids. (United States)

    Miller, W J; Hollander, P J; Franklin, W L


    Preliminary blood typing tests were made on New World camelids, guanacos, llamas, and two hybrids. Erythrocyte samples were tested against a battery of cattle blood typing reagents. Three different reagents were prepared from rabbit anti-erythrocyte sera. Transferrin variation and lectin polymorphism also were observed. No naturally occurring isoantibodies were found. Blood typing tests of New World camelids were shown to be feasible for studies of taxonomic relationships.

  17. Tank type reactor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Otsuka, Fumio.


    The present invention concerns a tank type reactor capable of securing reactor core integrity by preventing incorporation of gases to an intermediate heat exchanger, thgereby improving the reliability. In a conventional tank type reactor, since vortex flows are easily caused near the inlet of an intermediate heat exchanger, there is a fear that cover gases are involved into the coolant main streams to induce fetal accidents. In the present invention, a reactor core is suspended by way of a suspending body to the inside of a reactor vessel and an intermediate heat exchanger and a pump are disposed between the suspending body and the reactor vessel, in which a vortex current preventive plate is attached at the outside near the coolant inlet on the primary circuit of the intermediate heat exchanger. In this way vortex or turbulence near the inlet of the intermediate heata exchanger or near the surface of coolants can be prevented. Accordingly, the cover gases are no more involved, to insure the reactor core integrity and obtain a tank type nuclear reactor of high reliability. (I.S.)

  18. Nuclear reactor types

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jones, P.M.S.


    The characteristics of different reactor types designed to exploit controlled fission reactions are explained. Reactors vary from low power research devices to high power devices especially designed to produce heat, either for direct use or to produce steam to drive turbines to generate electricity or propel ships. A general outline of basic reactors (thermal and fast) is given and then the different designs considered. The first are gas cooled, including the Magnox reactors (a list of UK Magnox stations and reactor performance is given), advanced gas cooled reactors (a list of UK AGRs is given) and the high temperature reactor. Light water cooled reactors (pressurized water [PWR] and boiling water [BWR] reactors) are considered next. Heavy water reactors are explained and listed. The pressurized heavy water reactors (including CANDU type reactors), boiling light water, steam generating heavy water reactors and gas cooled heavy water reactors all come into this category. Fast reactors (liquid metal fast breeder reactors and gas cooled fast reactors) and then water-cooled graphite-moderated reactors (RBMK) (the type at Chernobyl-4) are discussed. (U.K.)

  19. Inversion of the chromosomal region between two mating type loci switches the mating type in Hansenula polymorpha. (United States)

    Maekawa, Hiromi; Kaneko, Yoshinobu


    Yeast mating type is determined by the genotype at the mating type locus (MAT). In homothallic (self-fertile) Saccharomycotina such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluveromyces lactis, high-efficiency switching between a and α mating types enables mating. Two silent mating type cassettes, in addition to an active MAT locus, are essential components of the mating type switching mechanism. In this study, we investigated the structure and functions of mating type genes in H. polymorpha (also designated as Ogataea polymorpha). The H. polymorpha genome was found to harbor two MAT loci, MAT1 and MAT2, that are ∼18 kb apart on the same chromosome. MAT1-encoded α1 specifies α cell identity, whereas none of the mating type genes were required for a identity and mating. MAT1-encoded α2 and MAT2-encoded a1 were, however, essential for meiosis. When present in the location next to SLA2 and SUI1 genes, MAT1 or MAT2 was transcriptionally active, while the other was repressed. An inversion of the MAT intervening region was induced by nutrient limitation, resulting in the swapping of the chromosomal locations of two MAT loci, and hence switching of mating type identity. Inversion-deficient mutants exhibited severe defects only in mating with each other, suggesting that this inversion is the mechanism of mating type switching and homothallism. This chromosomal inversion-based mechanism represents a novel form of mating type switching that requires only two MAT loci.

  20. Type 1 Diabetes Facts (United States)

    ... Affiliates JDRF Celebrity Ambassadors JDRF Logo Usage Contact Us Donate Events More Type 1 Diabetes Facts Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune ... about Insulin and T1D Learn More What Is Diabetes? Causes of T1D The Complexity of Diagnosing ... US CAREERS NEWSROOM FOR RESEARCHERS © JDRF 2018 • Privacy Policy • ...