
Sample records for tun conseil ai

  1. Les vertus du conseiller dans les Sept parties et dans le Livre du conseil et des conseillers

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    Mélanie JECKER


    Full Text Available Ce travail se propose d'étudier les divers aspects de la conception du conseil dans l'ensemble des Sept parties. Après avoir souligné l'importance que l'œuvre attribue au conseil et analysé la valeur qu'il y revêt, cette étude s'intéresse surtout à la figure du conseiller, dont elle définit les caractéristiques sociales et les vertus intellectuelles.Este trabajo estudia los distintos aspectos de la concepción del consejo en el corpus de las Siete Partidas. Tras haber señalado la importancia que la obra concede al consejo así como el valor que le confiere, este estudio se interesa principalmente a la figura del consejero para definir sus características sociales y sus virtudes intelectuales.  

  2. 14th May 2009-CH-Conseil d’Etat d’Argovie et Conseil d’Etat de Genève visiting CMS underground area

    CERN Multimedia


    Visit of CMS underground experimental area with CMS Spokesperson, T. Virdee The delegation : Conseillers d’Etat argoviens M. Roland Brogli\tPrésident du Conseil d'Etat Chef du Département des Finances et des Ressources M. Urs Hofmann\tConseiller d'Etat Chef du Département de l'Economie et de l'Intérieur M. Alex Hürzeler\tConseiller d'Etat Chef du Département de la Formation, de la Culture et du Sport Dr Peter Grünenfelder\tChancelier du canton d'Argovie Conseillers d’Etat genevois M. David Hiler\tPrésident du Conseil d’Etat, Chef du Département des finances M. François Longchamps\tVice-président du Conseil d’Etat, Chef du département de la solidarité et de l’emploi M. Laurent Moutinot\tConseiller d'Etat, Chef du département des institutions M. Robert Cramer\tConseiller d'Etat, Chef du département du territoire M. Pierre-François Unger\tConseiller d'Etat, Chef du département de l'économie et de la santé M. Charles Beer\tConseiller d'Etat, Chef du département de l'instruction publique ...

  3. Quels dispositifs de conseil pour l’agriculture familiale marocaine ? Réflexions pour une démarche de conception des dispositifs de conseil.

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    Patrick Dugué


    Full Text Available Dans le cadre de sa politique agricole actuelle structurée autour du Plan Maroc vert, L’Etat a engagé une réforme en profondeur du conseil agricole, service qui était essentiellement assuré par les Centres des Travaux et les Centres de Mise en Valeur. La Nouvelle Stratégie du Conseil Agricole prône d’associer aux services publics de conseil agricole des structures privées qui seront agréées par les pouvoirs publics. Sur la base de travaux de recherche et d’expertise, cet article aborde la diversification de l’offre de conseil (conseil technique mais aussi conseil de gestion pour les exploitations et les organisations professionnelles agricoles, conseil administratif et juridique, … et des publics cibles (chefs d’exploitations, les autres actifs familiaux, les responsables et salariés des organisations professionnelles agricoles, …. Il suggère de prendre en considération d’autres opérateurs actuels ou potentiels du conseil comme les agrofournisseurs, les organisations professionnelles agricoles bien structurées et les agro-industries. Au-delà de ces propositions, l’article aborde les principes d’une démarche générique de conception de dispositifs de conseil utile à tous les acteurs au niveau local, régional ou national.

  4. Conseiller principal, Affaires publiques (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Résumé des fonctions Le conseiller principal, Affaires publiques agit à titre de chef des communications pour un portefeuille de clients attribué en vue d'offrir des services de communications intégrés. Plus particulièrement, le conseiller se penche sur les besoins relatifs aux communications, fournit des conseils, assure une ...

  5. 25 years of the Conseil du Léman

    CERN Multimedia


    On 30 June, the Conseil du Léman will celebrate its 25th anniversary. The Conseil, which comprises representatives of the French departments of Ain and Haute-Savoie and the Swiss cantons of Geneva, Vaud and Valais, was set up to promote cross-border cooperation in the Lake Geneva region.   To celebrate its quarter centenary, the Conseil will be holding a day of discussions and activities, including a round-table discussion in CERN’s Globe of Science and Innovation. You are cordially invited to participate in the round-table discussion, which will be led by prominent representatives of each of the Conseil’s five constituent authorities: Round-Table Discussion The Challenges of Cross-border Cooperation: A look back at the role of the Conseil du Léman over the past 25 years. Saturday, 30 June 9.30 am - 12.30 pm Globe of Science and Innovation During the afternoon, activities for the general public will be organised in the park of the Château de ...

  6. Le Conseil des gouverneurs | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le Conseil des gouverneurs guide le travail du CRDI en lui fournissant une orientation stratégique, en examinant ses activités et en approuvant ses budgets. Les gouverneurs – un maximum de 14 – sont nommés par le gouverneur en conseil du Canada pour un mandat d'au plus quatre ans, qui peut être reconduit. La Loi ...

  7. Charte du Conseil des Gouverneurs

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Office 2004 Test Drive User

    7. favoriser des communications ouvertes et franches entre le personnel, la direction ..... de dresser le procès-verbal des réunions du Conseil et de ses comités et de veiller à ce ... et des résultats qu'il obtient, et non de sa gestion quotidienne.


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    khaled fourati

    INITIATIVE DES CONSEILS SUBVENTIONNAIRES DE LA RECHERCHE ... années environ ont créé un contexte dans lequel la science, la technologie et .... précis. La nature de cette collaboration transfrontalière sera déterminée et appuyée.

  9. L'essor des métiers du conseil : dynamiques et tensions

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    Jean-François Orianne


    Full Text Available L'activité de conseil a longtemps constitué une fonction rare et éminente. Max Weber consacre quelques pages à cette figure emblématique du « conseiller (ou guide du prince » (Weber, 1963, p. 136, qui œuvre dans l'ombre de dirigeants politiques au sein des sphères du pouvoir empreintes de prestige. Ce numéro thématique de SociologieS, portant sur les métiers du conseil, rend compte d'une évidente démocratisation de cette activité. Le prince est désormais produit en série. Le plus irremplaça...

  10. Lettre ouverte au Président du Conseil du CERN

    CERN Document Server

    Association du personnel


    Genève, le 1er février 2010 Monsieur le Président, Les membres de la Caisse de pensions, actifs et pensionnés, sont à la fois très inquiets et indignés par la manière avec laquelle le Conseil traite la question, devenue alarmante, de l’équilibre de la Caisse. Dès 2004 en effet, l’étude actuarielle avait alerté le Conseil au sujet du déficit technique du régime et de l’insuffisance du financement de son plan de prestations. Le Conseil s’est alors contenté de mettre en place un mécanisme de sous indexation des pensions – arbitraire et discriminatoire dans la mesure où il ne fait appel qu’à la solidarité des pensionnés – et de décider une augmentation minime des contributions à la Caisse, une mesurette ...


    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    khaled fourati

    capacités des Conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique en Afrique ... recherches pour le développement international du Canada (CRDI) et la .... recherche, la conception et la gestion des accords de coopération scientifique et.

  12. Annexe 2. Lettre du ministre de la France d’outre-mer Marius Moutet au président du Conseil sur le caoutchouc d’Indochine



    Haut Commissariat de France en Indochine Le Conseiller Financier Secret Extraits d’une lettre de M. Valls en date du 20 mars 1953 J’avais raison de vous signaler les dangers que courait l’Union Douanière Indochinoise. Les travaux de la Conférence de Phnom-Penh, auxquels j’ai consacré presque tout mon temps, au cours des deux dernières semaines sont une nouvelle fois suspendus pour donner aux Délégations un délai de réflexion qui évitera peut-être de clôturer les débats orageux de cette confér...

  13. L'espace social du conseil dans les relations bancaires

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    Xavier Roux


    Full Text Available L'usage croissant de la catégorie du conseil pour nommer un éventail très large d'activités professionnelles aujourd'hui, y compris dans le monde des professions intermédiaires, a généré un certain flou autour des réalités que cette catégorie désigne. Le cas étudié ici, celui des conseillers commerciaux d'une banque affectés à la clientèle des particuliers, illustre ce fait général et tente d'en explorer certaines conséquences. L'étude qualitative et quantitative de la réception par les clients de la référence au conseil promue par la banque, montre que ce flou radicalise les effets du monde social dans lequel les conseillers exercent sur la construction du sens de l'activité professionnelle par les divers acteurs concernés. Face à des chargés de clientèle nommés et présentés comme des « conseillers », les clients – envisagés ici dans leur capacité à légitimer ou à refuser la « définition de la situation » mise en avant par l'entreprise bancaire – semblent davantage susceptibles de jouer le jeu de la relation de conseil lorsqu'ils se situent eux-mêmes dans des positions sociales intermédiaires. Il semble par conséquent judicieux de parler, du côté des clients « particuliers », d'un espace social ou d'espaces sociaux de pertinence de la référence au conseil dans les relations bancaires. Ce résultat concerne à la fois les enjeux, symboliques, de la désignation de l'activité professionnelle et la genèse des décisions économiques prises par les clients.The social space of advice in bank-customer relationshipThe French word « conseil », which may refer both to consulting activities and to less prestigious or even non-professional advice, has been increasingly used as a name for various forms of work and occupations those past decades, including intermediate occupations and lower managerial and professional occupations. The meaning of the word has become, therefore

  14. Le français du tourisme dans le contexte universitaire chinois : analyse comparative des besoins

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    LI Lu


    Full Text Available Cette recherche vise à dévoiler la situation de l’enseignement du français du tourisme dans le contexte universitaire chinois. A travers une analyse des besoins, nous tâchons de vérifier si la formation actuelle correspond aux besoins des apprenants ainsi qu’à la demande du marché du travail. Des enquêtes ont été menées auprès d’étudiants, d’enseignants et de professionnels. Les résultats montrent que les publics se diversifient avec des besoins variés et que la rupture de l’ensei gnement avec le secteur professionnel est évidente. Trois propositions sont ainsi formulées en vue de fournir des conseils à l’amélioration et à l’innovation de la formation du français du tourisme dans les universités chinoises.

  15. Le conseil féminin dans les chroniques du règne de Ferdinand III

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    Full Text Available Dans le cadre d’une réflexion sur le conseil et les conseillers du roi, comment ne pas s’interroger sur le conseil féminin et les conseillères. En effet ce conseil existe bel et bien, et c’est ce que l’on s’attachera à prouver à la lumière de la lecture des chroniques de Luc de Tuy, Rodrigue de Tolède et Jean d’Osma, rédigées sous le règne de Ferdinand III. Le conseil féminin est bien présent, sous divers aspects, que ce soit celui d’une mère à son fils ou d’une femme à son époux ; ses domaines d’application sont étonnamment vastes, allant jusqu’à s’étendre aux affaires du royaume et au champ militaire. Toutefois, ces constatations ne doivent pas faire oublier les limites de ce conseil, qui est bien souvent un substitut à l’action et dont la légitimité reste contestée. Seules les reines réunissant certaines conditions, certaines vertus, peuvent prétendre au titre de conseillères, et encore y a-t-il un prix à payer pour que leurs conseils soient entendus, et ce prix est celui du dévouement à l’homme, dans l’oubli de leurs intérêts personnels.En el marco de una reflexión sobre el consejo y los consejeros del rey, cómo no interrogarse sobre el consejo femenino y las consejeras. Pues este consejo existe de verdad, y eso es lo que trataremos de mostrar a la luz de la lectura de las crónicas de Lucas de Túy, Rodrigo de Toledo y Juan de Osma, redactadas bajo el reinado de Fernando III. El consejo femenino está muy presente, bajo varios aspectos, con el consejo de una madre a su hijo, o el de una mujer a su esposo ; sus dominios de aplicación resultan sorprendentemente amplios y cubren hasta los asuntos del reino y el campo militar. Sin embargo, estas constataciones no deben hacer olvidar los límites de este consejo que sigue siendo a menudo un sustituto para la acción, y cuya legitimidad sigue discutida. Sólo las reinas capaces de reunir ciertas condiciones, ciertas virtudes

  16. Baseline for food waste generation - A case study in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia cafeterias (United States)

    Alias, A. R.; Mokhlis, N. A. Mohd; Zainun, N. Y.


    Increasing population and economy status have contributed to the increasing volume of solid wastes produced in Malaysia and it creates problems on the existing solid waste management system. Ineffective waste management system was one of the issues that often discussed. The purpose of this study was to suggest the best method for managing food waste in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) cafeterias. The scope of the study was to identify the type and quantity of waste generated in each cafeteria. The study area was carried out at six cafeteria in UTHM including residential college cafeteria which are Tun Dr. Ismail (TDI), Tun Fatimah (TF) and Tun Syed Nasir (TSN), G3’s cafeteria, Arked, and Dr. Munie’s cafeteria located at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FKAAS). In this study, food waste was quantified in unit of kilogram (kg). Results of the study showed that total food waste in selected UTHM’s cafeterias was 6197.5 kg for two months. Food waste generated in G3’s cafeteria was the highest value with 1823.5 kg among another cafeteria. This is due to strategic location for students and staff to take meals, the variety of food sold and reasonable price were major factors of generating food waste. Meanwhile, the Dr. Munie's Cafeteria located in FKAAS recorded the least total production of food waste as staffs and students take their meals at others cafeterias. Through literature review, there are list of methods on waste management were identified and composting method was suggested for food waste management in UTHM since the waste was produce in very large quantity.

  17. Visit of the President of the Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie

    CERN Document Server

    CERN Bulletin


    On 23 October 2012, Christian Monteil, President of the Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie, visited CERN accompanied by a delegation of Departmental representatives and members of the Departmental services.   Christian Monteil, signing the official guest book. From left to right: Philippe Bloch (CERN), Frederick Bordry (CERN), Felicitas Pauss (CERN), Rolf Heuer (CERN Director-General), François Excoffier (Conseil Général, President of the Economy, Research and Higher Learning Commission), Christian Heison (Vice-President of the General Council, delegate for the economy and research – Department of Haute-Savoie representative to CERN) and Jean-Louis Mivel (Conseil Général, member of the Economy, Research and Higher Learning Commission). The Department of Haute-Savoie has been cooperating with CERN in the field of technology and knowledge transfer since 1996 in the form of finan...


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    Patricia Henríquez Puentes


    Full Text Available El Rabinal Achí o Danza del Tun es teatro de origen maya puesto en escena desde el siglo XIII hasta nuestros días en la actual Guatemala. Es una composición inserta en el esquema religioso de las culturas mesoamericanas que, conservada a través de tradición oral hasta el siglo XIX, ha sido reescrita en este espacio escénico durante aproximadamente ochocientos años. El Rabinal Achí revela una forma de escribir con el cuerpo que articula danza, música y poesía, y representa ese momento en la historia del teatro en que el arte de la representación y rito compartían la misma escenaThe Rabinal Achí or Dance of the Tun is theatre of Mayan origen. The first performances date from the 13th century and continue into the present day in contemporary Guatemala. It is a composition that forms part of the religious scheme of the Indo-American cultures and, preserved through oral tradition up until the 19th century, has been rewritten in this scenic space for approximately eight hundred years. The Rabinal Achí reveals a way of writing with the body that articulates dance, music and poetry and represents a moment in the history of theatre in which the art of representation and the ritual share the same scene

  19. Post-synthesis modification of TUN zeolite: Textural, acidic and catalytic properties

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kubů, Martin; Žilková, Naděžda; Čejka, Jiří


    Roč. 168, č. 1 (2011), s. 63-70 ISSN 0920-5861 R&D Projects: GA ČR GD203/08/H032; GA ČR GAP106/11/0819 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40400503 Keywords : TUN * dealumination * desilication Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry Impact factor: 3.407, year: 2011


    CERN Multimedia


    Le Conseil d'administration s'est réuni en date du 6 mai 2003. Cette réunion, la cent-seizième, a été consacrée essentiellement à deux présentations, la première par J-P. Matheys, Président du groupe de travail sur la question de l'ESO, qui a fait rapport sur la première réunion du groupe; la seconde par Guy Maurin, Président du Comité de placement, sur la séance tenue le 9 avril. J.-P. Matheys a rappelé que le Conseil d'administration de la Caisse avait été saisi d'une demande de l'ESO portant sur des changements que cette Organisation souhaite apporter aux modalités d'affiliation des membres de son personnel titulaires. Lors de la première réunion du Groupe de travail qui a été spécialement créé pour examiner cette demande, les membres du groupe sont tombés d'accord sur le fait que le groupe devait en priorité veiller à ce que la demande de l'ESO n'ait pas de répercussions financières ou légales pour la Caisse. Le Groupe s'est également rallié à l'opinion du Conseil d'admi...

  1. L'Initiative des conseils subventionnaires de la recherche ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    18 déc. 2017 ... L'Initiative des conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique en Afrique subsaharienne (IOSRS) a reçu un prix de la diplomatie scientifique de la part du gouvernement de l'Afrique du Sud lors de son forum sur les sciences de 2017, qui a eu lieu le 8 décembre à Pretoria. Les prix de la diplomatie ...

  2. Conseiller principal en communications (h/f) | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Résumé des fonctions Le conseiller principal en communications est chargé de la gestion des relations publiques de Il est également responsable de l'élaboration et de la gestion des principales stratégies de communication et de mise en commun des connaissances, de même que des grandes stratégies ...

  3. Renforcer les partenariats entre les conseils subventionnaires de la ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique sont essentiels au financement et à la promotion de la recherche et de l'innovation. Une récente étude de délimitation de la portée financée par le CRDI a souligné le rôle important qu'ils jouent dans les réseaux scientifiques nationaux en Afrique subsaharienne.

  4. Le Conseil des gouverneurs | CRDI - Centre de recherches pour le ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    2 nov. 2010 ... La gouvernance du CRDI. Reddition de comptes, transparence et efficacité. Au cours de l'exercice 2009–2010, le Conseil des gouverneurs du CRDI a adopté un nouveau cadre stratégique quinquennal, Le développement par l'innovation. Pendant de nombreux mois, les gouverneurs et les membres de la ...

  5. Réseautage au sein des conseils subventionnaires de la recherche ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique sont essentiels au financement et à la promotion de la recherche et de l'innovation. Une récente étude de délimitation de la portée financée par le CRDI a souligné le rôle important qu'ils jouent dans les réseaux scientifiques nationaux en Afrique subsaharienne.

  6. The Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie comes to CERN

    CERN Multimedia


    On Tuesday, 27 May 2008, in the framework of cooperation between CERN and the French Department of Haute-Savoie, the new president of the Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie, Christian Monteil, visited CERN, accompanied by newly-elected Department representatives and officials. The Conseil Général of Haute-Savoie visited the CLIC-CTF3 site.The cooperation between CERN and Haute-Savoie, which dates back to 1996, concerns scientific activities and technology transfer. In his introductory remarks, CERN Director-General Robert Aymar stressed the importance that CERN attaches to good relations with the Department of Haute-Savoie. Then J.J. Blaising, Head of the PH Department and CERN’s liaison officer for Haute-Savoie, presented a short introduction to CERN, which was followed by a lively question-and-answer session underlining our guests’ interest in and curiosity about CERN. The visitors toured ATLAS, then went on to see a small exh...

  7. Conseiller des services de rémunération | CRDI - Centre de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le conseiller des services de rémunération est responsable de la prestation ... le système total de rémunération en vigueur au CRDI, y compris le régime de .... de nouvelles politiques, procédures et pratiques, faire des recommandations et ...

  8. Tweeting AI: Perceptions of AI-Tweeters (AIT) vs Expert AI-Tweeters (EAIT)


    Manikonda, Lydia; Dudley, Cameron; Kambhampati, Subbarao


    With the recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), various organizations and individuals started debating about the progress of AI as a blessing or a curse for the future of the society. This paper conducts an investigation on how the public perceives the progress of AI by utilizing the data shared on Twitter. Specifically, this paper performs a comparative analysis on the understanding of users from two categories -- general AI-Tweeters (AIT) and the expert AI-Tweeters (EAIT) who ...

  9. Conseiller financier, Gestion budgétaire et financière | CRDI ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Résumé des fonctions Le conseiller financier est à la tête de l'équipe responsable des budgets et a donc d'importantes responsabilités en ce qui concerne la préparation annuelle du Programme des travaux et budget du Centre (xx centres de coûts dépensant au total quelque 190 millions de dollars en 2007-2008).

  10. Renforcer les capacités de gestion de la recherche des conseils ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique sont essentiels au financement et à la promotion de la recherche et de l'innovation. Une récente étude de délimitation de la portée financée par le CRDI a souligné le rôle important qu'ils jouent dans les réseaux scientifiques nationaux en Afrique subsaharienne.

  11. Mise en place de services de conseil et de dépistage volontaire du ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    intention des couples à Durban à des fins de prévention et d'intervention. Les couples hétérosexuels constituent le plus grand groupe à risque d'infection par le VIH en Afrique subsaharienne. Les services de conseil et de dépistage volontaire du ...

  12. AIS authentication

    CERN Multimedia


    Users are invited to use the NICE password for AIS authentication. As announced in CNL June-August 2006 (see it is possible to use the NICE username and password to log on to AIS. The procedure is now fully operational and users can themselves reset the AIS password such that the NICE password will be used for authentication required by AIS applications. We strongly recommend CERN users who have a NICE account (this is the case of most users) to do this, with the objective to reduce the number of passwords they need to remember. This can be achieved very easily, directly from the Change Password option on the AIS login ( Users should just select the '[Change Password]' option displayed at the bottom of the page, provide the 'Old Password' and then click on the button 'Use Nice password' followed by 'Submit'. Change Password option on the AIS login windowSetting the AIS password - Use Nice Password It should be noted that the proce...

  13. Kebijakan Pemerintah Najib Tun Razak terhadap Fenomena Brain Drain dari Malaysia ke Singapura Tahun 2009-2013


    Patmawati, Pipit; Rani, Faisyal


    Brain Drain is a Phenomenon the International migration of highly qualified persons, e.g. surgeons, physicians, scientists and engineers, from low income countries to more prosperous economies. Motive of migration brain drainer as the lack of better opportunities, upgrade of living conditions, goverment policies and better education system. This research aims to analyze the Malaysia's Brain Drainer to the Singapura since 2009-2013, analyse the policy Najib Tun Razak the phenomenon of brain dr...

  14. The Job of 'Conseiller info energie': Small Uncertain Hands of the French Energy Policies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cacciari, Joseph


    This article examines the diffusion of the 'green economy' from the Conseiller info energie job, created in 2002. These advisors direct individuals in their proposed purchase of renewable energy equipment or energy renovation of their homes, to promote the 'greening' of the housing sector. From the story and position of this activity, we support the green economy is caught in uncertainty as to its effective institutionalization

  15. The Conseil d'Etat ruling to the dispute about the report from the 9. Chamber of Dispute Section - No. 370321. Regulated tariffs for the supply of natural gas - The Conseil d'Etat judges that the continuation of regulated tariffs for the supply of natural gas is contrary to E.U. law

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lignereux, Bastien; Nicolazo de Barmon, Marie-Astrid


    The National Association of energy retailer operators (ANODE) brought proceedings to the Conseil d'Etat arguing that the decree of 16 May 2013 regarding regulated tariffs for the supply of natural gas was 'ultra vires'. The ANODE submitted that this tariff regulation breached European Union Law. Applying the findings of the preliminary ruling of 7 September 2016 given in this matter by the European Court of Justice, the Conseil d'Etat, in today's decision, annulled the decree of 16 May 2013 on the grounds that the imposition of a natural gas tariff regulation infringed European Union Law. In light of the great uncertainty that would affect contracts signed by millions of consumers as a result of such an annulment, and with regard to the necessity to prevent the legal insecurity that would ensue, the Conseil d'Etat has judged, exceptionally, that the past effects of this decree, which ceased to apply on 1 January 2016, must nevertheless be regarded as irrevocable

  16. Les conseillers financiers de La Banque Postale : entre les besoins du client et les intérêts de l’employeur

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adeline Gilson


    Full Text Available Le métier de conseiller financier est traversé par une double prescription : vendre et conseiller. Face à cette injonction a priori contradictoire, les conseillers interprètent différemment leur rôle professionnel en situation de travail et mettent en place des stratégies pour remédier aux contraintes émanant autant de l’organisation que des clients.Financial advisers working at La Banque Postale in France: between customer needs and employer interestsThe financial adviser job deals with a dual instruction: selling and advising. Being faced with this requirement which seems contradictory, the financial advisers interpret in different ways their professional role in work and implement strategies to bear the pressure that both organization and customers put on them.Los asesores bancarios de la Banque Postale de Francia: entre las necesidades del cliente y los intereses del empleadorEl oficio de asesor bancario está atravesado por una doble prescripción: vender y aconsejar. Frente a este requerimiento en principio contradictoria, los asesores interpretan de maneras diferentes su rol profesional durante la situación de trabajo e implementan distintas estrategias para remediar las dificultades que emanan tanto de la organización como de los clientes.

  17. Conseiller les actifs en transition sur le marché du travail

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Coralie Perez


    Full Text Available Le développement des services de conseil, d’orientation et d’accompagnement professionnel ne peut se comprendre indépendamment de la prise en compte des transformations affectant l’emploi et la protection sociale, et notamment de la diffusion de la doxa de l’activation. Ce champ professionnel est dynamique, créateur de nouvelles activités et, de ce fait, de nouveaux postes de conseillers auprès des salariés ou des demandeurs d’emploi ont été créés. L’accent est mis ici sur les conseillers en mobilité professionnelle des Fongecif, d’une part, et sur les « accompagnateurs » des opérateurs privés de placement, d’autre part. Ensemble, ils concourent à l’encadrement des actifs en transition sur le marché du travail.Guidance of people in transition on the labour market: the generalization of differentiated practicesFor the late 80’s, information, advice and guidance (IAG services has been growing in importance, not only for job seekers but for the workforce as a whole. This trend towards the rise of these services can not be understood without taking into account the transformations of employment policies and social welfare, and particularly the spreading of the activation doxa. Nowadays, IAG constitutes a professional field which is quite dynamic; new jobs of advisers/counsellors who support job seekers as well as workers in their career choices have been created. While these services are usually described for job seekers, this article sheds light on the similarities (as well as differences of IAG services for the workforce, assuming that a common rationale underlies their uses. Two types of providers are studied and compared: the ‘advisers of occupational mobility’ of the Fongecif (a mutual fund for demand-led training and counsellors form a private-for-profit providers specializing in job seeking. Together, they contribute to implement techniques of controlling people during their transitions on the labour

  18. Le résumé graphique fournit des conseils aux décideurs en vue de ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Le résumé graphique fournit des conseils aux décideurs en vue de réduire la criminalité et la violence. 04 août 2015. Image. FLACSO. Pourquoi les villes où il existe des conditions d'exclusion sociale similaires présentent-elles des degrés de violence différents ? Des chercheurs soutenus par le CRDI au Costa Rica et au ...

  19. Le rôle du Conseil de Sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations unies dans les travaux de la Cour Pénale Internationale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Germana Aguiar Ribeiro do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Le Conseil de sécurité est un organe politique soucieux du maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. La Cour pénale internationale, quant à elle, est un organe juridictionnel subsidiaire qui a pour vocation de juger les crimes de guerre, de génocide, d’agression et les crimes contre l’humanité. Ces deux organes ont comme dénominateur commun le maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. Cette convergence de compétences a été consacrée par le Statut de Rome en octroyant au Conseil de sécurité la prérogative de saisir la Cour. L’intervention du Conseil de sécurité dans le fonctionnement de la Cour peut ainsi être bénéfique pour assurer les droits de l’Homme, néanmoins, elle peut représenter un frein à l’effectivité de l’exercice de la compétence de la Cour. Dans cette optique, il serait intéressant d’aborder l’aspect constructif du lien qui unit la Cour et le Conseil de sécurité, ainsi que l’obstacle qu’il peut représenter pour la réalisation de la paix et de la sécurité internationales. Pour cela, la méthodologie qualitative sera utilisée. La recherche documentaire, l’étude de la jurisprudence et de la législation permettront de regrouper les renseignements relatifs au sujet.

  20. Les tècniques del parlamentarisme racionalitzat en la Constitució de Tunísia de 2014


    Olivetti, Marco


    La Constitució de Tunísia de 2014, que és el resultat del procés constituent obert l’any 2011, després de la derrota del president Ben Ali, conté una regulació detallada dels òrgans de govern que es distribueixen les funcions de direcció política (Assemblea de Representants del Poble, president de la República, cap del govern); la Constitució regula la formació, el funcionament, les competències d’aquests òrgans i les relacions entre ells. Les característiques més destacades de la forma de go...

  1. Artificial Intelligence Study (AIS). (United States)


    ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGNECE HARDWARE ....... 2-50 AI Architecture ................................... 2-49 AI Hardware ....................................... 2...ftf1 829 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE STUDY (RIS)(U) MAY CONCEPTS 1/3 A~NLYSIS AGENCY BETHESA RD R B NOJESKI FED 6? CM-RP-97-1 NCASIFIED /01/6 M |K 1.0...p/ - - ., e -- CAA- RP- 87-1 SAOFŔ)11 I ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE STUDY (AIS) tNo DTICFEBRUARY 1987 LECT 00 I PREPARED BY RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS

  2. AIS ASM Operational Integration Plan (United States)


    Rack mount computer AIS Radio Interface Ethernet Switch 192.168.0.x Firewall Cable Modem VTS Accred. Boundary AIS ASM Operational... AIS ASM Operational Integration Plan Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. August 2013 Report No...CD-D-07-15 AIS ASM Operational Integration Plan ii UNCLAS//Public | CG-926 R&DC | I. Gonin, et al. | Public August 2013 N O T I C

  3. Session du Conseil du CERN : le ministre britannique, Robert Jackson, souligne l'intérêt de on pays pour l'avenir du CERN : décisions du Conseil pour la mise en oeuvre des recommandations du Comité d'évaluation du CERN: départ anticipé pour 200 membres au moins du personnel - mise à jour de la méthode de calcule pour les contributions des Etats Membres au budget

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Press Office. Geneva


    Session du Conseil du CERN : le ministre britannique, Robert Jackson, souligne l'intérêt de on pays pour l'avenir du CERN : décisions du Conseil pour la mise en oeuvre des recommandations du Comité d'évaluation du CERN: départ anticipé pour 200 membres au moins du personnel - mise à jour de la méthode de calcule pour les contributions des Etats Membres au budget

  4. Use of AI-1024 and AI-4096 analyzers in multiple regimes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zaika, N.D.; Kovtunenko, I.S.; Savchuk, O.G.


    The operation of pulse multichannel analyzers in the following multidimensional modes: AI-1024-4 - amplitude mode from several transducers; amplitude mode from several transducers at different time intervals; AI-4096-3M - amplitude mode at different time intervals in each of four groups with unit BVI-1

  5. MassAI

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)


    A software tool for general analysis and data-mining of mass-spectrometric datasets. The program features a strong emphasis on scan-by-scan identification and results-transparency. MassAI also accommodates residue level analysis of labelled runs, e.g. HDX.......A software tool for general analysis and data-mining of mass-spectrometric datasets. The program features a strong emphasis on scan-by-scan identification and results-transparency. MassAI also accommodates residue level analysis of labelled runs, e.g. HDX....

  6. Ai

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    :=g=~!Ai~~~~~g~~ ~~~~~~. Jim Taylor, Rob O'Donoghue and Alistair Clacherty. INTRODUCTION. The Department of Environment Affairs, in cooperation with ...

  7. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI01 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI01 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15592-1 FC-AI01E (Li...nk to Original site) - - - - - - FC-AI01E 307 Show FC-AI01 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI01 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...01E (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI01 (FC-AI01Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI01Q.Seq....uences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value FC-AI01 (FC-AI01Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI01Q.Seq.d/ 68 8e

  8. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI13 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI13 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U16263-1 FC-AI13F (Li...nk to Original site) FC-AI13F 507 - - - - - - Show FC-AI13 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI13 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...13F (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI13 (FC-AI13Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI13Q.Seq....nificant alignments: (bits) Value FC-AI13 (FC-AI13Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI13Q.Seq.d/ 963 0.0 VSA730 (VSA730Q)

  9. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI17 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI17 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15690-1 FC-AI17P (Li...nk to Original site) FC-AI17F 587 FC-AI17Z 626 FC-AI17P 1212 - - Show FC-AI17 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI...nal site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI...17P (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI17 (FC-AI17Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI...slated Amino Acid sequence ANIATVGDFLKADTVVPKMIITYNKRKQGTDYLKAVIGPILSNVIKQELNLELKPNLVYA AIISEQEIRTGEKSTLDRNV

  10. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI18 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI18 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15590-1 FC-AI18P (Li...nk to Original site) FC-AI18F 621 FC-AI18Z 703 FC-AI18P 1324 - - Show FC-AI18 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI...nal site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI...18P (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI18 (FC-AI18Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI...AVWPLIPGYERA DGEKQYPVAAMLCNFTKPTPTTPSLLTHDEVVTFFHEFGHVMHNMSTKVHYSMFSGTSVE RDFVECPSQLFEFWCWNKDVLVNKLSGHXKDHSKKLPTDLVERMIAAKNLNVAI

  11. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI03 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI03 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15833-1 FC-AI03P (Li...nk to Original site) FC-AI03F 690 FC-AI03Z 651 FC-AI03P 1341 - - Show FC-AI03 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI...nal site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI...03P (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI03 (FC-AI03Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/*l*ivtlskv*qswyqvfcslmrftcwi*nv fht*ivhwsqhwhql*flqpivaiv*skapitifnlhmaslwif*ivl*sfvpfhiitmk sfkfspfvpqlki

  12. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI04 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI04 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15121-1 FC-AI04E (Li...nk to Original site) - - - - - - FC-AI04E 772 Show FC-AI04 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI04 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...04E (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI04 (FC-AI04Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI04Q.Seq....qvnkhqqvvtktvsd vlvphqvhnqvfphipqqmtlvnkhqpvvtktvsdvlvphqvhnqvfphtpqlkiqvylq vfqvvvvtiisai

  13. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI10 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI10 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U16270-1 FC-AI10F (Li...nk to Original site) FC-AI10F 405 - - - - - - Show FC-AI10 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI10 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...10F (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI10 (FC-AI10Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI10Q.Seq.... sequence RKKRKSDYTSFSTYIHKLLKQITPPTNAKSNEKGDRKFTISSKAMSVMNSFVHDIFDRIA TEASGLAKKKKRQTLHSRDIQVAVRIILTGELAXHAI

  14. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI23 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI23 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15308-1 FC-AI23Z (Li...nk to Original site) - - FC-AI23Z 603 - - - - Show FC-AI23 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI23 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...23Z (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI23 (FC-AI23Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI23Q.Seq....LNTLAKKNEQVVEGEILAKQLTGVTAEELSEFKACFSHFDKDN DNKLNRLEFSSCLKSIGDELTEEQLNQVISKIDTDGNGTISFEEFIDYMVSSRKGTDSVE STKAAFKVMAEDKDFITEAQIRAAI

  15. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI05 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI05 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15516-1 FC-AI05E (Li...nk to Original site) - - - - - - FC-AI05E 1189 Show FC-AI05 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI05 (L...// Representative seq. ID FC-AI...05E (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI05 (FC-AI05Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI05Q.Seq...KIVGEASLKNKGKMSRVLAAKAALSARFD ALCEVSDTSYGIAYKGAVDRRAAAIEGREVRKSLNAVKPEKSGNVAKYDHTKSATTNTTR DVATKSSKESSIKQEKQ

  16. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI21 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI21 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U16254-1 FC-AI21Z (Li...nk to Original site) - - FC-AI21Z 696 - - - - Show FC-AI21 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI21 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...21Z (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI21 (FC-AI21Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI21Q.Seq....YPGYMYTDLSTIYERAGRIQGRNGSITQI PILTMPNDDITHPIPDLTGYITEGQIFIDRQINNRQIYPPINVLPSLSRLMKSAI

  17. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI12 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI12 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15484-1 FC-AI12Z (Li...nk to Original site) - - FC-AI12Z 614 - - - - Show FC-AI12 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI12 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...12Z (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI12 (FC-AI12Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI12Q.Seq....EKIVRRI ELLDGITCYRNEKAKDEIVLTGNSLELLSQSCATIQLRSAIKYKDVRKFLDGIYVSERNV LESN*in*riys

  18. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI19 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI19 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15115-1 FC-AI19Z (Li...nk to Original site) - - FC-AI19Z 661 - - - - Show FC-AI19 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI19 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...19Z (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI19 (FC-AI19Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI19Q.Seq....lmrqswvkkiesi*lvl krrkkkknnkkkkkkkkkkklfn*lvnkkn*ik*kkllcnqkk Frame B: ---*ekaieilsklfsin*kfn**ysiiigkkstkyq

  19. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI14 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI14 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U16280-1 FC-AI14Z (Li...nk to Original site) - - FC-AI14Z 671 - - - - Show FC-AI14 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI14 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...14Z (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI14 (FC-AI14Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI14Q.Seq....nqrllv*lvvlskklqllnsnqsfkfkkvq rmkknsvkntkn*rfvllt*nlkslkrmpksknsptkliifilkly Frame B: ---lkdl*krtphl*stcfhhptlcssrrfclwslnai

  20. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI06 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI06 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U16465-1 FC-AI06E (Li...nk to Original site) - - - - - - FC-AI06E 1138 Show FC-AI06 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI06 (L...// Representative seq. ID FC-AI...06E (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI06 (FC-AI06Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI06Q.Seq...FGRGIDIERVNVVINYDMAESADTYLHRVGRAGRFGTK GLAISFVPSKEDPVLEQVQSKFVVSIKELVATPDPSTYMSG*kkkkkkkknlfvlksikk k*kkk*in

  1. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI09 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI09 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U16149-1 FC-AI09Z (Li...nk to Original site) - - FC-AI09Z 591 - - - - Show FC-AI09 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI09 (Li.../ Representative seq. ID FC-AI...09Z (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI09 (FC-AI09Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI09Q.Seq....*tkl ik*ilifykiknnkkkkkk Frame B: ---gt*kvpeflailfkrmasrsvlwy*rcltkakkglkapqtltik

  2. AI 3D Cybug Gaming


    Ahmed, Zeeshan


    In this short paper I briefly discuss 3D war Game based on artificial intelligence concepts called AI WAR. Going in to the details, I present the importance of CAICL language and how this language is used in AI WAR. Moreover I also present a designed and implemented 3D War Cybug for AI WAR using CAICL and discus the implemented strategy to defeat its enemies during the game life.

  3. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI15 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI15 (Link to dictyBase) - G01730 DDB0214993 Contig-U15123-1 FC-AI...15E (Link to Original site) - - - - - - FC-AI15E 856 Show FC-AI15 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI...3-1 Original site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI15E (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI15 (FC-AI15Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI...AAAAAAAATA sequence update 1996.12.24 Translated Amino Acid sequence kt*riyi*KMMIKYITIAILFIASLVKADLQFSLCPTCV

  4. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI24 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI24 (Link to dictyBase) - - - - FC-AI24Z (Link to Original site) - - FC-AI...24Z 693 - - - - Show FC-AI24 Library FC (Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI24 (Link to dictyBas...e) Atlas ID - NBRP ID - dictyBase ID - Link to Contig - Original site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI24Z (Link to Original s...ite) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI24 (FC-AI24Q) /CSM/FC/FC-AI/FC-AI24Q.Seq.d/ XXXXXXXXXXAAATTAGAAAACAAA

  5. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI08 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI08 (Link to dictyBase) - G01729 DDB0233148 Contig-U14939-1 FC-AI...08P (Link to Original site) FC-AI08F 654 FC-AI08Z 563 FC-AI08P 1217 - - Show FC-AI08 Library FC (Link... to library) Clone ID FC-AI08 (Link to dictyBase) Atlas ID - NBRP ID G01729 dictyBase ID DDB0233148 Link to ...Contig Contig-U14939-1 Original site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI08P (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI08 (FC-AI

  6. Comments on the Lambert case: the rulings of the French Conseil d'État and the European Court of Human Rights. (United States)

    Veshi, Denard


    This study examines the decisions of the French Conseil d'Etat (Supreme Administrative Court) and the European Court of Human Rights in the Lambert case concerning the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments. After presenting the facts of this case, the main legal question will be analyzed from an ethical and medical standpoint. The decisions of the Conseil d'État and then of the European Court of Human Rights are studied from a comparative legal perspective. This commentary focuses on the autonomous will of an unconscious patient and on the judicial interpretation of the right to life as recognized in article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Furthermore, it medically classifies artificial nutrition and hydration (ANH) as a "treatment" which has ethical and legal implications. While the majority of the bioethical community considers ANH a medical treatment, a minority argues that ANH is basic care. This classification is ambiguous and has conflicting legal interpretations. In the conclusion, the author highlights how a French lawmaker in February 2016, finally clarified the status of ANH as a medical treatment which reconciled the different values at stake.

  7. The BSM-AI project: SUSY-AI-generalizing LHC limits on supersymmetry with machine learning

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Caron, Sascha [Radboud Universiteit, Institute for Mathematics, Astro- and Particle Physics IMAPP, Nijmegen (Netherlands); Nikhef, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Kim, Jong Soo [UAM/CSIC, Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Madrid (Spain); Rolbiecki, Krzysztof [UAM/CSIC, Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Madrid (Spain); University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics, Warsaw (Poland); Ruiz de Austri, Roberto [IFIC-UV/CSIC, Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, Valencia (Spain); Stienen, Bob [Radboud Universiteit, Institute for Mathematics, Astro- and Particle Physics IMAPP, Nijmegen (Netherlands)


    A key research question at the Large Hadron Collider is the test of models of new physics. Testing if a particular parameter set of such a model is excluded by LHC data is a challenge: it requires time consuming generation of scattering events, simulation of the detector response, event reconstruction, cross section calculations and analysis code to test against several hundred signal regions defined by the ATLAS and CMS experiments. In the BSM-AI project we approach this challenge with a new idea. A machine learning tool is devised to predict within a fraction of a millisecond if a model is excluded or not directly from the model parameters. A first example is SUSY-AI, trained on the phenomenological supersymmetric standard model (pMSSM). About 300, 000 pMSSM model sets - each tested against 200 signal regions by ATLAS - have been used to train and validate SUSY-AI. The code is currently able to reproduce the ATLAS exclusion regions in 19 dimensions with an accuracy of at least 93%. It has been validated further within the constrained MSSM and the minimal natural supersymmetric model, again showing high accuracy. SUSY-AI and its future BSM derivatives will help to solve the problem of recasting LHC results for any model of new physics. SUSY-AI can be downloaded from An on-line interface to the program for quick testing purposes can be found at (orig.)

  8. The BSM-AI project: SUSY-AI-generalizing LHC limits on supersymmetry with machine learning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Caron, Sascha; Kim, Jong Soo; Rolbiecki, Krzysztof; Ruiz de Austri, Roberto; Stienen, Bob


    A key research question at the Large Hadron Collider is the test of models of new physics. Testing if a particular parameter set of such a model is excluded by LHC data is a challenge: it requires time consuming generation of scattering events, simulation of the detector response, event reconstruction, cross section calculations and analysis code to test against several hundred signal regions defined by the ATLAS and CMS experiments. In the BSM-AI project we approach this challenge with a new idea. A machine learning tool is devised to predict within a fraction of a millisecond if a model is excluded or not directly from the model parameters. A first example is SUSY-AI, trained on the phenomenological supersymmetric standard model (pMSSM). About 300, 000 pMSSM model sets - each tested against 200 signal regions by ATLAS - have been used to train and validate SUSY-AI. The code is currently able to reproduce the ATLAS exclusion regions in 19 dimensions with an accuracy of at least 93%. It has been validated further within the constrained MSSM and the minimal natural supersymmetric model, again showing high accuracy. SUSY-AI and its future BSM derivatives will help to solve the problem of recasting LHC results for any model of new physics. SUSY-AI can be downloaded from An on-line interface to the program for quick testing purposes can be found at (orig.)

  9. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI07 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI07 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15296-1 | Contig-U15756-1 FC-AI...07P (Link to Original site) FC-AI07F 580 FC-AI07Z 723 FC-AI07P 1303 - - Show FC-AI07 Library FC (...Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI07 (Link to dictyBase) Atlas ID - NBRP ID - dictyBase ID - Link to Contig Con...tig-U15296-1 | Contig-U15756-1 Original site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI07P (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI07 (FC-AI

  10. Dicty_cDB: FC-AI22 [Dicty_cDB

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available FC (Link to library) FC-AI22 (Link to dictyBase) - - - Contig-U15369-1 | Contig-U15732-1 FC-AI...22P (Link to Original site) FC-AI22F 583 FC-AI22Z 683 FC-AI22P 1266 - - Show FC-AI22 Library FC (...Link to library) Clone ID FC-AI22 (Link to dictyBase) Atlas ID - NBRP ID - dictyBase ID - Link to Contig Con...tig-U15369-1 | Contig-U15732-1 Original site URL Representative seq. ID FC-AI22P (Link to Original site) Representative DNA sequence >FC-AI22 (FC-AI

  11. Health Information in French (français) (United States)

    ... Biopsy - français (French) Bilingual PDF Health Information Translations Breast Biopsy - français (French) Bilingual PDF Health Information Translations Colposcopy - français (French) Bilingual PDF ...

  12. Two new Oxalis species (Oxalidaceae) from the Ai-Ais / Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, South Africa

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Roets, F.; Oberlander, K.C.; Dreyer, L.L.


    South Africa has a rich, but scantily surveyed, desert flora. Documenting annual and geophytic species in this biome is challenging, as they usually only flower after adequate precipitation, which is characteristically erratic and infrequent. Recent floristic surveys in the Ai-Ais / Richtersveld

  13. An SDR based AIS receiver for satellites

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper Abildgaard; Mortensen, Hans Peter; Nielsen, Jens Frederik Dalsgaard


    For a few years now, there has been a high interest in monitoring the global ship traffic from space. A few satellite, capable of listening for ship borne AIS transponders have already been launched, and soon the AAUSAT3, carrying two different types of AIS receivers will also be launched. One...... of the AIS receivers onboard AAUSAT3 is an SDR based AIS receiver. This paper serves to describe the background of the AIS system, and how the SDR based receiver has been integrated into the AAUSAT3 satellite. Amongst some of the benefits of using an SDR based receiver is, that due to its versatility, new...... detection algorithms are easily deployed, and it is easily adapted the new proposed AIS transmission channels....

  14. De la escena ritual a la teatral en una obra de teatro indígena prehispánico: Rabinal Achí o Danza del Tun From Ritual to Theatre Stage in a Pre-Hispanic Indigenous Drama: Rabinal Achí or Danza del Tun

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Patricia Henríquez Puentes


    Full Text Available El Rabinal Achí o Danza del Tun es arte escénico fundacional del teatro latinoamericano y clave para el proceso de desarrollo del teatro occidental del siglo XX, en tanto cifra ese momento en el que rito y teatro se contenían mutuamente, es decir, en que el espectáculo se hacía a los ojos de Dios y de los hombres. La propuesta escénica entonces, difuminaba los límites entre el espacio destinado al espectador y al actor; la flor y el canto, es decir, la expresión artística, se ampliaba en el tiempo y el espacio invadiendo todas las esferas de lo social; la comunidad vivenciaba la experiencia de revinculación con la divinidad, restableciendo el cíclico equilibrio cósmico; el espectáculo operaba como catalizador de una experiencia espiritual y el actor, como su facilitador.The Rabinal Achí or Dance of the Tun is a founding theatrical play of Latin-American theatre and key for the development process of western theatre during the 20th century; it encodes the moment in which rite and theatre were mutually contained, i.e., in that the spectacle was done for the eyes of God and man. The stage design at the time, blurred the limits between the space destined for the spectator and for the actor; flower and song, i.e., the artistic expression, it was extended in time and space invading all the social spheres; the community underwent the experience of reconnecting with divinity, re-establishing the cyclical cosmic balance; the spectacle operated as a catalyst of a spiritual experience and the actor, as its facilitator.

  15. AI its nature and future

    CERN Document Server

    Boden, Margaret A


    least - on the Internet. Margaret Boden considers the realistic and unrealistic expectations we have placed on AI, analyses its progress, and considers the value of its byproducts. ations we have placed on AI, analyses its progress, and considers the value of its byproducts.

  16. Modeling Progress in AI


    Brundage, Miles


    Participants in recent discussions of AI-related issues ranging from intelligence explosion to technological unemployment have made diverse claims about the nature, pace, and drivers of progress in AI. However, these theories are rarely specified in enough detail to enable systematic evaluation of their assumptions or to extrapolate progress quantitatively, as is often done with some success in other technological domains. After reviewing relevant literatures and justifying the need for more ...

  17. The implementation of AI technologies in computer wargames (United States)

    Tiller, John A.


    Computer wargames involve the most in-depth analysis of general game theory. The enumerated turns of a game like chess are dwarfed by the exponentially larger possibilities of even a simple computer wargame. Implementing challenging AI is computer wargames is an important goal in both the commercial and military environments. In the commercial marketplace, customers demand a challenging AI opponent when they play a computer wargame and are frustrated by a lack of competence on the part of the AI. In the military environment, challenging AI opponents are important for several reasons. A challenging AI opponent will force the military professional to avoid routine or set-piece approaches to situations and cause them to think much deeper about military situations before taking action. A good AI opponent would also include national characteristics of the opponent being simulated, thus providing the military professional with even more of a challenge in planning and approach. Implementing current AI technologies in computer wargames is a technological challenge. The goal is to join the needs of AI in computer wargames with the solutions of current AI technologies. This talk will address several of those issues, possible solutions, and currently unsolved problems.

  18. Tweeting AI: Perceptions of Lay vs Expert Twitterati


    Manikonda, Lydia; Kambhampati, Subbarao


    With the recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), various organizations and individuals are debating about the progress of AI as a blessing or a curse for the future of the society. This paper conducts an investigation on how the public perceives the progress of AI by utilizing the data shared on Twitter. Specifically, this paper performs a comparative analysis on the understanding of users belonging to two categories -- general AI-Tweeters (AIT) and expert AI-Tweeters (EAIT) who ...

  19. Le Conseil du personnel, prêt pour les défis de 2015

    CERN Multimedia

    Association du personnel


    Afin de remplir d’une façon optimale sa mission de représentant du personnel CERN auprès de la Direction et des États membres, le Conseil du personnel s’appuie sur le travail d’un certain nombre de Commissions, parmi lesquelles conditions d’emploi, pensions, thèmes juridiques, protection sociale, hygiène et sécurité, InFormAction (formation, information et actions). Toutes ces commissions travaillent dans le but de contribuer à l’amélioration les conditions d’emploi des membres du personnel CERN. En particulier, dans le cadre de la préparation de l’examen quinquennal qui se terminera en décembre 2015 (5YR 2015). Rappelons que l’objet d’un examen quinquennal est d’assurer que les conditions financières et sociales offertes par l’Organisation lui permettent d&...

  20. Areal Informations Systemet - AIS

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Nielsen, K.; Stjernholm, M.; Olsen, B. Ø.

    Forord: Denne rapport giver en kort beskrivelse af Areal Informations Systemet (AIS), som er et databasesystem med natur- og miljødata, som kan stedfæstes geografisk. Projektet er gennemført i perioden 1996-2000 som et samarbejdsprojekt mellem Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU), Danmarks og...... og enkeltpersoner med interesse for natur- og miljøforhold i Danmark. Yderligere oplysninger om Areal Informations Systemet, herunder adgangsforhold, kan fås på DMU's hjemmeside med følgende adresse: Projektet er finansieret af Miljø- og Energiministeriet, mens en række...... (planlægning, beskyttelse), geologi (overfladegeologi og marin geologi), samt marin dybdemodel. # Etablering af dataadgang for Miljø- og Energiministeriets institutioner til AIS-data. # Afprøvning af systemet i forhold til konkrete projekter. # Formidling af produkterne til brugerkredsen....

  1. Exploring Learners’ Mental Health Profile: A study in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (United States)

    Lee, M. F.; Lai, C. S.


    Mental health issue was a serious matter that was often neglected by people. This article will describe a study of the mental health profile among the learners of Malaysia Technical University (MTU) that focus on Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). A survey using DASS-21 inventory and self-developed questionnaire was used for this study to investigate learners’ mental health level in three elements and factors contribute towards mental health. A total number of 450 students from seven faculties in UTHM was strata randomly selected as sampel for this study. The relationships between factors of mental health and the elements of mental health was identified. Collected data was analysed using percentage, mean score, standard deviation and multiple linear regression. Findings showed that majority of students possess normal level but the percentage of severe and extremely severe level was increasing. The main factor highly significantly correlate to all the mental health elements was self-evaluation. Hence, it is highly recommended that mental health issue needs great attention and remedial action from higher learning institution, non-governmental organizations, parents, students themselves and other concerned bodies.

  2. Adaptive Motion Gaming AI for Health Promotion


    Paliyawan, Pujana; Kusano, Takahiro; Nakagawa, Yuto; Harada, Tomohiro; Thawonmas, Ruck


    This paper presents a design of a non-player character (AI) for promoting balancedness in use of body segments when engaging in full-body motion gaming. In our experiment, we settle a battle between the proposed AI and a player by using FightingICE, a fighting game platform for AI development. A middleware called UKI is used to allow the player to control the game by using body motion instead of the keyboard and mouse. During gameplay, the proposed AI analyze health states of the player; it d...

  3. Artificial intelligence. Fears of an AI pioneer. (United States)

    Russell, Stuart; Bohannon, John


    From the enraged robots in the 1920 play R.U.R. to the homicidal computer H.A.L. in 2001: A Space Odyssey, science fiction writers have embraced the dark side of artificial intelligence (AI) ever since the concept entered our collective imagination. Sluggish progress in AI research, especially during the “AI winter” of the 1970s and 1980s, made such worries seem far-fetched. But recent breakthroughs in machine learning and vast improvements in computational power have brought a flood of research funding— and fresh concerns about where AI may lead us. One researcher now speaking up is Stuart Russell, a computer scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, who with Peter Norvig, director of research at Google, wrote the premier AI textbook, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, now in its third edition. Last year, Russell joined the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom as an AI expert focusing on “risks that could lead to human extinction.” Among his chief concerns, which he aired at an April meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, run by the United Nations, is the danger of putting military drones and weaponry under the full control of AI systems. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.

  4. Why Don't Accounting Students like AIS? (United States)

    Vatanasakdakul, Savanid; Aoun, Chadi


    Purpose: The demand for Accounting Information Systems (AIS) knowledge has increased exponentially over the past two decades, but studying AIS has not proved easy for many accounting students. The aim of the study is to understand the challenges accounting students face in studying AIS through investigation of the factors which may be contributing…

  5. One-pager - Chercheurs financés par le CRDI (français)

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Melanie Brunet

    Aide à la recherche : la bibliothécaire du CRDI peut… • Aider à définir des stratégies de recherche (notions clés et ressources appropriées). • Montrer comment effectuer une recherche dans des bases de données. • Aider à effectuer des recherches documentaires complexes. • Fournir des conseils au sujet de la façon de ...

  6. AI and Mathematical Education

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Angel Garrido


    Full Text Available From ancient times, the history of human beings has developed by a succession of steps and sometimes jumps, until reaching the relative sophistication of the modern brain and culture. Researchers are attempting to create systems that mimic human thinking, understand speech, or beat the best human chess player. Understanding the mechanisms of intelligence, and creating intelligent artifacts are the twin goals of Artificial Intelligence (AI. Great mathematical minds have played a key role in AI in recent years; to name only a few: Janos Neumann (also known as John von Neumann, Konrad Zuse, Norbert Wiener, Claude E. Shannon, Alan M. Turing, Grigore Moisil, Lofti A. Zadeh, Ronald R. Yager, Michio Sugeno, Solomon Marcus, or Lászlo A. Barabási. Introducing the study of AI is not merely useful because of its capability for solving difficult problems, but also because of its mathematical nature. It prepares us to understand the current world, enabling us to act on the challenges of the future.

  7. "All-In-One Test" (AI1)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Giacalone, Davide; Bredie, Wender Laurentius Petrus; Frøst, Michael Bom


    by the Check-All-That-Apply (CATA) technique is reported. In this exploratory "All-In-One Test"(AI1), subjects (N = 160) filled out a questionnaire with demographic and psychographic variables, and appropriateness ratings for specific sensory descriptors of beer. Subsequently, subjects gave hedonic ratings...... between appropriateness and actual hedonic response. Overall, the AI1 test provided interpretable results concerning consumer perception (sensory/hedonic) of the beers, and revealed relations with consumers' background information. Initial results with AI1 test show that it is an efficient and versatile...

  8. AI in space: Past, present, and possible futures (United States)

    Rose, Donald D.; Post, Jonathan V.


    While artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly present in recent space applications, new missions being planned will require even more incorporation of AI techniques. In this paper, we survey some of the progress made to date in implementing such programs, some current directions and issues, and speculate about the future of AI in space scenarios. We also provide examples of how thinkers from the realm of science fiction have envisioned AI's role in various aspects of space exploration.

  9. The Potential of AI Techniques for Remote Sensing (United States)

    Estes, J. E.; Sailer, C. T. (Principal Investigator); Tinney, L. R.


    The current status of artificial intelligence AI technology is discussed along with imagery data management, database interrogation, and decision making. Techniques adapted from the field of artificial intelligence (AI) have significant, wide ranging impacts upon computer-assisted remote sensing analysis. AI based techniques offer a powerful and fundamentally different approach to many remote sensing tasks. In addition to computer assisted analysis, AI techniques can also aid onboard spacecraft data processing and analysis and database access and query.

  10. Radioimmunoassay of apolipoprotein A-I of rat serum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fainaru, M.; Havel, R.J.; Felker, T.E.


    A double antibody radioimmunoassay technique was developed for quantification of apolipoprotein A-I, the major apoprotein of rat high density lipoprotein. Apo A-I was labelled with 125 I by the chloramine-T method. 125 I-labeled apo A-I had the same electrophoretic mobility as unlabeled apo A-I and more than 80% of the 125 I was precipitated by rabbit anti apo A-I antibodies. The assay is sensitive at the level of 0.5-5 ng, and has intraassay and interassay coefficients of variation of 4.5 and 6.5% respectively. The specificity of the assay was established by competitive displacement of 125 I-labeled apo A-I from its antibody by apo A-I and lipoproteins containing apo A-I, but not by rat albumin and other apoproteins. Immunoreactivity of high density lipoprotein and serum was only about 35% of that of their delipidated forms when Veronal buffer was used as a diluent. Inclusion of 5 mM sodium decyl sulfate in the incubation mixture brought out reactivity equivalent to that found after delipidation. Completeness of the reaction was verified by comparison with the amount of apo A-I in chromatographic fractions of the total apoprotein of high density lipoprotein. Content (weight %, mean values +- S.D.) of immunoassayable apo A-I was: 62.3 +- 5.9 in high density lipoprotein; 1.7 +- 0.3 in low density lipoprotein; 0.09 +- 0.03 in very low density lipoprotein and 25.0 +- 5.0 in lymph chylomicrons. Concentration in whole serum was 51.4 +- 8.9 mg/dl and 33.6 +- 4.1 mg/dl for female and male rats, respectively (p 1.21 g/ml and <1% in lipoproteins of d<1.063 g/ml

  11. Beyond AI: Interdisciplinary Aspects of Artificial Intelligence

    CERN Document Server

    Romportl, Jan; Zackova, Eva; Beyond Artificial Intelligence : Contemplations, Expectations, Applications


    Products of modern artificial intelligence (AI) have mostly been formed by the views, opinions and goals of the “insiders”, i.e. people usually with engineering background who are driven by the force that can be metaphorically described as the pursuit of the craft of Hephaestus. However, since the present-day technology allows for tighter and tighter mergence of the “natural” everyday human life with machines of immense complexity, the responsible reaction of the scientific community should be based on cautious reflection of what really lies beyond AI, i.e. on the frontiers where the tumultuous ever-growing and ever-changing cloud of AI touches the rest of the world.   The chapters of this boo are based on the selected subset of the presentations that were delivered by their respective authors at the conference “Beyond AI: Interdisciplinary Aspects of Artificial Intelligence” held in Pilsen in December 2011.   From its very definition, the reflection of the phenomena that lie beyond AI must be i...

  12. USACE AIS Transmit Technical Support Summary Report (United States)


    the TAG block for the correct transmitters, and then send to the USACE AIS network. B. Outbound openings in the USCG firewall for the USCG Message...USACE AIS Transmit Technical Support Summary Report Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited...September 2014 Report No. CD-D-09-15 USACE AIS Transmit Technical Support Summary Report ii UNCLAS//Public | CG-926 RDC | I. Gonin et al. Public

  13. AI applications in sheet metal forming

    CERN Document Server

    Hussein, Hussein


    This book comprises chapters on research work done around the globe in the area of artificial intelligence (AI) applications in sheet metal forming. The first chapter offers an introduction to various AI techniques and sheet metal forming, while subsequent chapters describe traditional procedures/methods used in various sheet metal forming processes, and focus on the automation of those processes by means of AI techniques, such as KBS, ANN, GA, CBR, etc. Feature recognition and the manufacturability assessment of sheet metal parts, process planning, strip-layout design, selecting the type and size of die components, die modeling, and predicting die life are some of the most important aspects of sheet metal work. Traditionally, these activities are highly experience-based, tedious and time consuming. In response, researchers in several countries have applied various AI techniques to automate these activities, which are covered in this book. This book will be useful for engineers working in sheet metal industri...

  14. T'ai Chi (United States)

    ... are different styles of t'ai chi, including: Chen style Hao (or Wu Shi) style Hu Lei ... medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor. © 1995- The Nemours Foundation. All rights reserved. Images provided ...

  15. Adaptive game AI with dynamic scripting

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Spronck, P.; Ponsen, M.J.V.; Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G.; Postma, E.O.


    Online learning in commercial computer games allows computer-controlled opponents to adapt to the way the game is being played. As such it provides a mechanism to deal with weaknesses in the game AI, and to respond to changes in human player tactics.We argue that online learning of game AI should

  16. Risk Reducing Effect of AIS Implementation on Collision Risk

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lützen, Marie; Friis-Hansen, Peter


    AIS (Automatic Identification System) is a transponder system developed for sea traffic purposes. The system sends and receives important ship information and other safety-related information between other ships and shore-based AIS stations. The implementation of AIS has now been initiated and......, as a result, the community will undoubtedly observe an increase in navigational safety. However, to the authors? knowledge, no study has so far rigorously quantified the risk reducing effect of using AIS as an integrated part of the navigational system. The objective of this study is to fill this gap....... The risk reducing effect of AIS is quantified by building a Bayesian network facilitating an evaluation of the effect of AIS on the navigational officer?s reaction ability in a potential, critical collision situation. The time-dependent change in the risk reducing effect on ship collisions is analysed...

  17. JGOMAS: New Approach to AI Teaching (United States)

    Barella, A.; Valero, S.; Carrascosa, C.


    This paper presents a new environment for teaching practical work in AI subjects. The main purpose of this environment is to make AI techniques more appealing to students and to facilitate the use of the toolkits which are currently widely used in research and development. This new environment has a toolkit for developing and executing agents,…

  18. Artificial Intelligence Safety and Cybersecurity: a Timeline of AI Failures


    Yampolskiy, Roman V.; Spellchecker, M. S.


    In this work, we present and analyze reported failures of artificially intelligent systems and extrapolate our analysis to future AIs. We suggest that both the frequency and the seriousness of future AI failures will steadily increase. AI Safety can be improved based on ideas developed by cybersecurity experts. For narrow AIs safety failures are at the same, moderate, level of criticality as in cybersecurity, however for general AI, failures have a fundamentally different impact. A single fai...

  19. Study on AI-2 signaling molecules activity and the effect of matrine on AI-2 in Staphylococcus epidermidis LuxS/AI-2 quorum sensing%产膜表皮葡萄球菌LuxS/AI-2型密度感应系统AI-2的活性及苦参碱对其的影响

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    李雪; 何芳; 卢金霞; 管翠萍; 周学章


    [Objective] This study investigated the activity of AI-2 signaling molecules in Staphylococcus epidermidis planktonic bacteria and biofilm bacteria and the effect of matrine.[Method] The growth curve of Staphylococcus epidermidis planktonic bacteria and biofilm bacteria was drawn and AI-2 concentration was measured using the V.harveyi bioluminescence assay.The transcription level of luxS gene was analyzed using real-time PCR.The AI-2 signaling molecules of Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC35984 were treated with matrine and the changes of AI-2 signaling molecules activity were determined.[Result] In Staphylococcus epidermidis planktonic bacteria growth process,AI-2 signaling molecule activity and the relative expression quantity of luxS gene reached the maximum in the logarithmic phase before decreasing gradually.Their change curves were similar with planktonic growth curve.However,in the growth process of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm bacteria,the activity trend was similar with the biofilm growth.The relative expression quantity of luxS gene had an opposite trend to biofilm growth.Matrine had inhibitory effect on AI-2 signaling molecule activity in planktonic and biofilm bacteria,and the inhibitory effect was stronger to planktonic bacteria.[Conclusion] AI-2 signaling molecule activity and relative expression quantity of luxS gene highly correlated with the growth of Staphylococcus epidermidis and its biofilm formation.Matrine significantly reduced the AI-2 signaling molecule activity of Staphylococcus epidermidis.%[目的]研究产膜表皮葡萄球菌生物被膜菌和液相浮游菌LuxS/AI-2型密度感应系统中AI-2信号分子的活性及苦参碱对其的影响.[方法]绘制产膜表皮葡萄球菌ATCC35984液相浮游菌及生物被膜菌的生长曲线;利用哈维氏弧菌BB170(Vibrio harveyi BB170)作为报告菌株检测表皮葡萄球菌AI-2

  20. Assessing the Impact of the Tunø Knob Wind Park on Sea Ducks : the Influence of Food Resources

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Guillemette, M.; Larsen, J. K.; Clausager, I.

    Abstract This study deals with the influence of benthos abundance when assessing the potential impact of a small wind park on wintering sea ducks. Using the Before-After-Control-Impact design, it was suggested in a recent study (Guillemette et al. 1998) that the wind park provoked a decline...... at Tunø Knob to test the hypothesis that, if food abundance increases again, we should also observe an increase in duck abundance. The methods used in this study are similar to those applied in the aforementioned study. The results showed that the average number of common eiders increased considerably...... in the abundance and a change in the distribution of common eiders Somateria mollissima and common scoters Melanitta nigra. However, the observed decline in sea duck abundance occurred con-comitantly with a decline of benthic food supplies. We measured con-comitant food and common eider abundance for a fourth year...

  1. Squeeze Casting Method Of AI-Si Alloy For Piston Material

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wagiyo, H.; Dani, Muhammad; Sulistioso, G.S.; Pardede, Elman; Handayani, Ari; Teguh, Yulius S.P.P.


    The AI-Si alloy is an alloy used as piston material. This alloys could be as AI-Si hypereutectic alloy (Si content more than 12.5 % wt.), as AI-Si eutectic alloy (Si cuntent 12.5 % wt, and as AI-Si hypoeutectic alloy (Si content less than 12.5 % wt.). The synthesize of AI-Si alloy piston generally using the technique of gravity casting in a dies. This method is causing high porousity. By using the squeeze technique, amount ofporousity in AI-Si alloy is possibly reduced and the density of this alloy should be higher. The other factors such as alloying elements of AI-Si alloy (Mg. Cu, Zn) would increase the mechanical properties especially the hardness. The focuses of this research are the microstructure and the maximum hardness during the heat treatment of AI-Si alloy which was added by alloying elments. The result of hardness at test shows the maximum hardness at 94.7 kg/mm 2 obtained at aging temperature of 210 o C for hours with homogenous dendritic microstructure

  2. Towards a science of integrated AI and Robotics


    Rajan, Kanna; Saffiotti, Alessandro


    The early promise of the impact of machine intelligence did not involve the partitioning of the nascent field of Artificial Intelligence. The founders of AI envisioned the notion of embedded intelligence as being conjoined between perception, reasoning and actuation. Yet over the years the fields of AI and Robotics drifted apart. Practitioners of AI focused on problems and algorithms abstracted from the real world. Roboticists, generally with a background in mechanical and electrical engineer...

  3. Ada in AI or AI in Ada. On developing a rationale for integration (United States)

    Collard, Philippe E.; Goforth, Andre


    The use of Ada as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) language is gaining interest in the NASA Community, i.e., by parties who have a need to deploy Knowledge Based-Systems (KBS) compatible with the use of Ada as the software standard for the Space Station. A fair number of KBS and pseudo-KBS implementations in Ada exist today. Currently, no widely used guidelines exist to compare and evaluate these with one another. The lack of guidelines illustrates a fundamental problem inherent in trying to compare and evaluate implementations of any sort in languages that are procedural or imperative in style, such as Ada, with those in languages that are functional in style, such as Lisp. Discussed are the strengths and weakness of using Ada as an AI language and a preliminary analysis provided of factors needed for the development of criteria for the integration of these two families of languages and the environments in which they are implemented. The intent for developing such criteria is to have a logical rationale that may be used to guide the development of Ada tools and methodology to support KBS requirements, and to identify those AI technology components that may most readily and effectively be deployed in Ada.

  4. The Relevance of AI Research to CAI. (United States)

    Kearsley, Greg P.

    This article provides a tutorial introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) research for those involved in Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI). The general theme is that much of the current work in AI, particularly in the areas of natural language understanding systems, rule induction, programming languages, and socratic systems, has important…

  5. Learning game AI programming with Lua

    CERN Document Server

    Young, David


    If you are a game developer or a general programmer who wishes to focus on programming systems and techniques to build your game AI without creating low-level interfaces in a game engine, then this book is for you. Knowledge of C++ will come in handy to debug the entirety of the AI sandbox and expand on the features present within the book, but it is not required.

  6. Application of AI methods to aircraft guidance and control (United States)

    Hueschen, Richard M.; Mcmanus, John W.


    A research program for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) techniques with tools and methods used for aircraft flight control system design, development, and implementation is discussed. The application of the AI methods for the development and implementation of the logic software which operates with the control mode panel (CMP) of an aircraft is presented. The CMP is the pilot control panel for the automatic flight control system of a commercial-type research aircraft of Langley Research Center's Advanced Transport Operating Systems (ATOPS) program. A mouse-driven color-display emulation of the CMP, which was developed with AI methods and used to test the AI software logic implementation, is discussed. The operation of the CMP was enhanced with the addition of a display which was quickly developed with AI methods. The display advises the pilot of conditions not satisfied when a mode does not arm or engage. The implementation of the CMP software logic has shown that the time required to develop, implement, and modify software systems can be significantly reduced with the use of the AI methods.

  7. Discussion on AI Technology in Information Library Design


    日比野, 省三; Shozo, HIBINO; 中京大学社会学部


    This paper deals with the discussion on the importance of AI (Artificial Intelligence) Technology in planning and designing a library information system in the near future. First of all, the history of Library and Information Science is reviewed and it is identified that the key technology in the future library will be AI as a mega-trend. After reviewing the concepts of AI technology, a model of a Knowledge-Base system is discussed as a case study, using micro-PROLOG.

  8. Expanding the Possibilities of AIS Data with Heuristics

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bjørnar Brende Smestad


    Full Text Available Automatic Identification System (AIS is primarily used as a tracking system for ships, but with the launch of satellites to collect these data, new and previously untested possibilities are emerging. This paper presents the development of heuristics for establishing the specific ship type using information retrieved from AIS data alone. These heuristics expand the possibilities of AIS data, as the specific ship type is vital for several transportation research cases, such as emission analyses of ship traffic and studies on slow steaming. The presented method for developing heuristics can be used for a wider range of vessels. These heuristics may form the basis of large-scale studies on ship traffic using AIS data when it is not feasible or desirable to use commercial ship data registers.

  9. L’Association du personnel, le TREF, le Comité des Finances et le Conseil du CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Staff Association


    L’Association du personnel, forte de son approche participative et consensuelle, recherche toujours le meilleur accord possible pour l’Organisation et son personnel. Pour ce faire, discussions et concertation avec la Direction, travail d’explication et de persuasion au TREF et ailleurs auprès des délégués des États membres sont nos principaux atouts. TREF (Tripartite Employment Conditions Forum), un Forum d’échanges, de discussions « L’objectif du Forum est d’améliorer le processus de prise de décision  en donnant aux personnes concernées la possibilité et le temps de comprendre pleinement la position de tous les participants. » (CERN/RTG/8) Le Forum tripartite sur les conditions d’emploi (TREF), créé par le Conseil du CERN en juin 1994, est composé de r...

  10. Calibrating AIS images using the surface as a reference (United States)

    Smith, M. O.; Roberts, D. A.; Shipman, H. M.; Adams, J. B.; Willis, S. C.; Gillespie, A. R.


    A method of evaluating the initial assumptions and uncertainties of the physical connection between Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) image data and laboratory/field spectrometer data was tested. The Tuscon AIS-2 image connects to lab reference spectra by an alignment to the image spectral endmembers through a system gain and offset for each band. Images were calibrated to reflectance so as to transform the image into a measure that is independent of the solar radiant flux. This transformation also makes the image spectra directly comparable to data from lab and field spectrometers. A method was tested for calibrating AIS images using the surface as a reference. The surface heterogeneity is defined by lab/field spectral measurements. It was found that the Tuscon AIS-2 image is consistent with each of the initial hypotheses: (1) that the AIS-2 instrument calibration is nearly linear; (2) the spectral variance is caused by sub-pixel mixtures of spectrally distinct materials and shade, and (3) that sub-pixel mixtures can be treated as linear mixtures of pure endmembers. It was also found that the image can be characterized by relatively few endmembers using the AIS-2 spectra.

  11. L'égalité entre les femmes et les hommes dans l'emploi : réflexions sur l'évolution récente du droit français


    Sénac, Réjane


    Le principe d’égalité a un statut particulier en droit du travail dans la mesure où il s’agit du droit de la subordination par excellence. La notion de « discrimination justifiée » a été dégagée par la jurisprudence du Conseil d’État et du Conseil constitutionnel. Est-elle transposable dans le droit du travail ? Afin d’analyser la notion complexe de l’égalité entre les sexes dans l’emploi, nous examinons la conception normative de la fonction jurisprudentielle. L’actualité juridique et politi...

  12. Adaptive game AI with dynamic scripting


    Spronck, P.; Ponsen, M.J.V.; Sprinkhuizen-Kuyper, I.G.; Postma, E.O.


    Online learning in commercial computer games allows computer-controlled opponents to adapt to the way the game is being played. As such it provides a mechanism to deal with weaknesses in the game AI, and to respond to changes in human player tactics.We argue that online learning of game AI should meet four computational and four functional requirements. The computational requirements are speed, effectiveness, robustness and ef- ficiency. The functional requirements are clarity, variety, consi...

  13. the Lexique kikongo–français by

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gilles-Maurice de Schryver

    français by the Jesuit missionary Charles Polis, is analysed in great detail. Section 1 expounds on the goal and ... dictionary manuscript for Kikongo: the Lexique kikongo–français by Charles Polis. s.j. (1885–†1943). .... Inkisi River, and all but one (Leverville, the present Lusanga) are close to that river, which thus strongly ...

  14. 10 CFR 1017.28 - Processing on Automated Information Systems (AIS). (United States)


    ... 10 Energy 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Processing on Automated Information Systems (AIS). 1017.28... UNCLASSIFIED CONTROLLED NUCLEAR INFORMATION Physical Protection Requirements § 1017.28 Processing on Automated Information Systems (AIS). UCNI may be processed or produced on any AIS that complies with the guidance in OMB...

  15. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1AIFB-2AI0K [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  16. Integrating the Wall Street Journal into AIS Courses (United States)

    Kohlmeyer, James M., III


    While it is important for accounting information systems (AIS) students to understand computer technology, internal controls and business processes, such knowledge is of little use without reference to appropriate contexts. Integrating Wall Street Journal (WSJ) readings and discussions into AIS classes can enrich learning by stimulating…

  17. Recent progresses on AI-2 bacterial quorum sensing inhibitors. (United States)

    Zhu, Peng; Li, Minyong


    Quorum sensing (QS) is a communication procedure that predominates gene expression in response to cell density and fluctuations in the neighboring environment as a result of discerning molecules termed autoinducers (AIs). It has been embroiled that QS can govern bacterial behaviors such as the secretion of virulence factors, biofilm formation, bioluminescence production, conjugation, sporulation and swarming motility. Autoinducer 2 (AI-2), a QS signaling molecule brought up to be involved in interspecies communication, exists in both gram-negative and -positive bacteria. Therefore, novel approaches to interrupt AI-2 quorum sensing are being recognized as next generation antimicrobials. In the present review article, we summarized recent progresses on AI-2 bacterial quorum sensing inhibitors and discussed their potential as the antibacterial agents.

  18. On the homotopy equivalence of simple AI-algebras

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aristov, O Yu


    Let A and B be simple unital AI-algebras (an AI-algebra is an inductive limit of C*-algebras of the form BigOplus i k C([0,1],M N i ). It is proved that two arbitrary unital homomorphisms from A into B such that the corresponding maps K 0 A→K 0 B coincide are homotopic. Necessary and sufficient conditions on the Elliott invariant for A and B to be homotopy equivalent are indicated. Moreover, two algebras in the above class having the same K-theory but not homotopy equivalent are constructed. A theorem on the homotopy of approximately unitarily equivalent homomorphisms between AI-algebras is used in the proof, which is deduced in its turn from a generalization to the case of AI-algebras of a theorem of Manuilov stating that a unitary matrix almost commuting with a self-adjoint matrix h can be joined to 1 by a continuous path consisting of unitary matrices almost commuting with h

  19. AIS reception from a CubeSat in LEO

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper Abildgaard; Mortensen, Hans Peter; Nielsen, Jens Frederik Dalsgaard


    The primary payloads on board the AAUSAT3 satellite are two different AIS receivers, one is a traditional hardware-based receiver, the other one is a software-defined radio receiver. The hardware-based receiver has been developed around an ADF-7020 transceiver, with an appropriate LNA in front...... into a low-Earth orbit with a semi-major axis of 7156 km, i.e. 800 km altitude, near circular, dusk-dawn Sun-synchronous orbit. From this orbit the AIS antenna system, which consists of a dipole antenna, has a foot print diameter of approximately 6000 km. During the first pass over the primary ground station...... at Aalborg University, basic telemetry and the first few AIS messages were downloaded. During the first 14 days of the mission, the two receivers managed to detect more than 100,000 different AIS messages from ships all around the world, and more than 35,000 of these messages have been successfully...

  20. 77 FR 68150 - Meeting of the SANE/SART AI/AN Initiative Committee (United States)


    .../SART AI/AN Initiative Committee AGENCY: Office for Victims of Crime, Justice. ACTION: Notice of meeting... Response Team (SART) American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) Initiative (``SANE/SART AI/AN Initiative... violence within AI/AN communities. Dates and Locations: The meeting will be held on the reservation of the...

  1. Proceedings of conference on AI applications in physical sciences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    A Conference cum workshop on AI applications in Physical Sciences was organised by the Indian Physics Association at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay during January 15-17, 1992. It was held in memory of Late Shri S.N. Seshadri, who was the moving spirit behind self reliance in instrumentation development for research and industry. The two day conference which was followed by one day workshop covered the following broad spectrum of topics in Artificial Intelligence: AI Tools and Techniques, Neural Networks, Robotics and Machine Vision, Fuzzy Control and Applications, Natural Language and Speech Processing, Knowledge based Systems, and AI and Allied applications. The conference dealt with recent advances and achievements in AI. It provided a forum for the exchange of valuable information and expertise in this fast emerging field. Over 200 scientists, engineers and computer professionals from various universities, R and D institutes and industries actively participated. 45 contributed papers and 8 invited talks were presented in the symposium. The volume contains selected papers which were contributed by the participants. Some of them dealt with AI applications in nuclear science and technology. (original)

  2. Present status of application of AI in nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kitamura, Masaharu


    Artificial intelligence (AL) techniques have been introduced actively in the nuclear industry in pursuit of increased safety and efficiency. The present report outlines some AI techniques currently used in nuclear facilities. This type of techniques have increasingly been introduced to such areas as design, construction, operation, maintenance, quality control and analysis. Most of them use knowledge engineering techniques including expert systems. Positive efforts at research and application of various more advance AI techniaues have started recently. For application of AI techniques, activities in nuclear power plants can be divided into two groups. One includes 'analytical' activities such as operation, maintenance and analysis, while the other includes 'synthetic' activities such as design, construction and fuel control. The most important AI technology for the analytical activities is diagnosis. Thus the report outlines major processes to which diagnostic techniques are applicable, and knowledge description and inference methods used for diagnosis. For AI techniques for synthetic activities, some problems and possible solutions are addressed. Development efforts in and outside Japan are also outlined. (Nogami, K.)

  3. LuxS-independent formation of AI-2 from ribulose-5-phosphate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hardie Kim R


    Full Text Available Abstract Background In many bacteria, the signal molecule AI-2 is generated from its precursor S-ribosyl-L-homocysteine in a reaction catalysed by the enzyme LuxS. However, generation of AI-2-like activity has also been reported for organisms lacking the luxS gene and the existence of alternative pathways for AI-2 formation in Escherichia coli has recently been predicted by stochastic modelling. Here, we investigate the possibility that spontaneous conversion of ribulose-5-phosphate could be responsible for AI-2 generation in the absence of luxS. Results Buffered solutions of ribulose-5-phosphate, but not ribose-5-phosphate, were found to contain high levels of AI-2 activity following incubation at concentrations similar to those reported in vivo. To test whether this process contributes to AI-2 formation by bacterial cells in vivo, an improved Vibrio harveyi bioassay was used. In agreement with previous studies, culture supernatants of E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus luxS mutants were found not to contain detectable levels of AI-2 activity. However, low activities were detected in an E. coli pgi-eda-edd-luxS mutant, a strain which degrades glucose entirely via the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway, with ribulose-5-phosphate as an obligatory intermediate. Conclusion Our results suggest that LuxS-independent formation of AI-2, via spontaneous conversion of ribulose-5-phosphate, may indeed occur in vivo. It does not contribute to AI-2 formation in wildtype E. coli and S. aureus under the conditions tested, but may be responsible for the AI-2-like activities reported for other organisms lacking the luxS gene.

  4. Time Series Analysis and Forecasting of Wastewater Inflow into Bandar Tun Razak Sewage Treatment Plant in Selangor, Malaysia (United States)

    Abunama, Taher; Othman, Faridah


    Analysing the fluctuations of wastewater inflow rates in sewage treatment plants (STPs) is essential to guarantee a sufficient treatment of wastewater before discharging it to the environment. The main objectives of this study are to statistically analyze and forecast the wastewater inflow rates into the Bandar Tun Razak STP in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A time series analysis of three years’ weekly influent data (156weeks) has been conducted using the Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. Various combinations of ARIMA orders (p, d, q) have been tried to select the most fitted model, which was utilized to forecast the wastewater inflow rates. The linear regression analysis was applied to testify the correlation between the observed and predicted influents. ARIMA (3, 1, 3) model was selected with the highest significance R-square and lowest normalized Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) value, and accordingly the wastewater inflow rates were forecasted to additional 52weeks. The linear regression analysis between the observed and predicted values of the wastewater inflow rates showed a positive linear correlation with a coefficient of 0.831.

  5. Creating an AI modeling application for designers and developers (United States)

    Houlette, Ryan; Fu, Daniel; Jensen, Randy


    Simulation developers often realize an entity's AI by writing a program that exhibits the intended behavior. These behaviors are often the product of design documents written by designers. These individuals, while possessing a vast knowledge of the subject matter, might not have any programming knowledge whatsoever. To address this disconnect between design and subsequent development, we have created an AI application whereby a designer or developer sketches an entity's AI using a graphical "drag and drop" interface to quickly articulate behavior using a UML-like representation of state charts. Aside from the design-level benefits, the application also features a runtime engine that takes the application's data as input along with a simulation or game interface, and makes the AI operational. We discuss our experience in creating such an application for both designer and developer.

  6. 4th June: AIS and NICE/MAIL unique authentication

    CERN Multimedia

    AIS and NICE teams


    Over the past few years, the IT department has been in the process of streamlining CERN users' access to all central computing services. The long term goal is to converge on a unique computer account, which will increase computer security and simplify account maintenance. The next step of this process will occur on 4th June 2007, as of when authenticating on the AIS applications (EDH, HRT, CET, APT, ERT, CRA, Foundation, ...) and on NICE (Windows) and MAIL will be done using the same username and password. As a reminder, this account can also be used on EDMS, INDICO, CDS and SIMBA. So starting on 4th June 2007, authentication on the AIS applications must be done using your AIS username and your MAIL/NICE password. Thanks for your understanding, The AIS and NICE teams

  7. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1AIFH-2AI0K [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)


  8. Highlights on artificial insemination (AI technology in the pig

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tarek Khalifa


    Full Text Available Over the past decade, there has been a tremendous increase in the development of field AI services in the majority of countries concerned with pig production. The objective of this paper is to review: (a the current status of swine AI in the world, (b significance and limitation of AI with liquid and frozen semen, (c the biological traits of porcine semen in relation to in-vitro sperm storage, (d the criteria used for selection of a boar stud as a semen supplier, (e how to process boar semen for liquid and frozen storage in the commercial settings and (f how to improve fertility and prolificacy of boar semen. More than 99% of the inseminations conducted worldwide are made with liquid-stored semen. AI with frozen semen is used only for upgrading the genetic base in a particular country or herd. Determining the initial quality of semen ejaculates along with the selection of the optimum storage extender has a profound effect on the quality and fertility of AI doses. Different procedures have been used for improving the fertility of preserved spermatozoa including colloidal centrifugation of the semen, intrauterine insemination and modulation of the uterine defense mechanism after AI. Development of an efficient protocol for synchronizing the time of ovulation in sows and gilts coupled with improving uterine horn insemination technique will make a breakthrough in the commercial use of frozen boar semen.

  9. Discovering Knowledge from AIS Database for Application in VTS (United States)

    Tsou, Ming-Cheng

    The widespread use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) has had a significant impact on maritime technology. AIS enables the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) not only to offer commonly known functions such as identification, tracking and monitoring of vessels, but also to provide rich real-time information that is useful for marine traffic investigation, statistical analysis and theoretical research. However, due to the rapid accumulation of AIS observation data, the VTS platform is often unable quickly and effectively to absorb and analyze it. Traditional observation and analysis methods are becoming less suitable for the modern AIS generation of VTS. In view of this, we applied the same data mining technique used for business intelligence discovery (in Customer Relation Management (CRM) business marketing) to the analysis of AIS observation data. This recasts the marine traffic problem as a business-marketing problem and integrates technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), database management systems, data warehousing and data mining to facilitate the discovery of hidden and valuable information in a huge amount of observation data. Consequently, this provides the marine traffic managers with a useful strategic planning resource.

  10. Quality measures and assurance for AI (Artificial Intelligence) software (United States)

    Rushby, John


    This report is concerned with the application of software quality and evaluation measures to AI software and, more broadly, with the question of quality assurance for AI software. Considered are not only the metrics that attempt to measure some aspect of software quality, but also the methodologies and techniques (such as systematic testing) that attempt to improve some dimension of quality, without necessarily quantifying the extent of the improvement. The report is divided into three parts Part 1 reviews existing software quality measures, i.e., those that have been developed for, and applied to, conventional software. Part 2 considers the characteristics of AI software, the applicability and potential utility of measures and techniques identified in the first part, and reviews those few methods developed specifically for AI software. Part 3 presents an assessment and recommendations for the further exploration of this important area.

  11. 4th June: AIS and NICE/MAIL unique authentication

    CERN Multimedia

    The AIS and NICE teams


    Over the past few years, the IT department has been in the process of streamlining CERN users' access to all central computing services. The long term goal is to converge on a unique computer account, which will increase computer security and simplify account maintenance. The next step of this process will occur on the 4th June 2007, as of when authenticating on the AIS applications (EDH, HRT, CET, APT, ERT, CRA, Foundation, ...) and on NICE (Windows) and MAIL will be done using the same username and password. As a reminder, this account can also be used on EDMS, INDICO, CDS and SIMBA. Thus starting on the 4th June 2007, authentication on the AIS applications must be done using your AIS username and your MAIL/NICE password. Thanks for your understanding, The AIS and NICE teams

  12. An Immune Agent for Web-Based AI Course (United States)

    Gong, Tao; Cai, Zixing


    To overcome weakness and faults of a web-based e-learning course such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), an immune agent was proposed, simulating a natural immune mechanism against a virus. The immune agent was built on the multi-dimension education agent model and immune algorithm. The web-based AI course was comprised of many files, such as HTML…

  13. Ai Weiwei - 21. sajandi märter? / Tanel Veenre

    Index Scriptorium Estoniae

    Veenre, Tanel, 1977-


    Hiina kunstniku, inimõiguslase ja teisitimõtleja Ai Weiwei elust, õpingutest, loomingust ja tegevusest. Hiinas kunstniku tagakiusamisest, arreteerimisest, maksupettuses süüdistamisest jm. Kunstniku toetajatest. Inglise kunstileht Art Review valis Ai Weiwei 2011. a. kõige mõjuvõimsamaks kunstitegelaseks

  14. Research Directions for AI in Computer Games


    Fairclough, Chris; Fagan, Michael; Cunningham, Padraig; Mac Namee, Brian


    The computer games industry is now bigger than the film industry. Until recently, technology in games was driven by a desire to achieve real-time, photo-realistic graphics. To a large extent, this has now been achieved. As game developers look for new and innovative technologies to drive games development, AI is coming to the fore. This paper will examine how sophisticated AI techniques, such as those being used in mainstream academic research, can be applied to computer games ...

  15. Strategic Team AI Path Plans: Probabilistic Pathfinding

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tng C. H. John


    Full Text Available This paper proposes a novel method to generate strategic team AI pathfinding plans for computer games and simulations using probabilistic pathfinding. This method is inspired by genetic algorithms (Russell and Norvig, 2002, in that, a fitness function is used to test the quality of the path plans. The method generates high-quality path plans by eliminating the low-quality ones. The path plans are generated by probabilistic pathfinding, and the elimination is done by a fitness test of the path plans. This path plan generation method has the ability to generate variation or different high-quality paths, which is desired for games to increase replay values. This work is an extension of our earlier work on team AI: probabilistic pathfinding (John et al., 2006. We explore ways to combine probabilistic pathfinding and genetic algorithm to create a new method to generate strategic team AI pathfinding plans.

  16. Towards AI-powered personalization in MOOC learning (United States)

    Yu, Han; Miao, Chunyan; Leung, Cyril; White, Timothy John


    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) represent a form of large-scale learning that is changing the landscape of higher education. In this paper, we offer a perspective on how advances in artificial intelligence (AI) may enhance learning and research on MOOCs. We focus on emerging AI techniques including how knowledge representation tools can enable students to adjust the sequence of learning to fit their own needs; how optimization techniques can efficiently match community teaching assistants to MOOC mediation tasks to offer personal attention to learners; and how virtual learning companions with human traits such as curiosity and emotions can enhance learning experience on a large scale. These new capabilities will also bring opportunities for educational researchers to analyse students' learning skills and uncover points along learning paths where students with different backgrounds may require different help. Ethical considerations related to the application of AI in MOOC education research are also discussed.

  17. AI model for computer games based on case based reasoning and AI planning

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Menkovski, V.; Metafas, D.


    Making efficient AI models for games with imperfect information can be a particular challenge. Considering the large number of possible moves and the incorporated uncertainties building game trees for these games becomes very difficult due to the exponential growth of the number of nodes at each

  18. Off The Beaten Lane: AI Challenges In MOBAs Beyond Player Control


    Cook, Michael; Summerville, Adam; Colton, Simon


    MOBAs represent a huge segment of online gaming and are growing as both an eSport and a casual genre. The natural starting point for AI researchers interested in MOBAs is to develop an AI to play the game better than a human - but MOBAs have many more challenges besides adversarial AI. In this paper we introduce the reader to the wider context of MOBA culture, propose a range of challenges faced by the community today, and posit concrete AI projects that can be undertaken to begin solving them.

  19. AI and health


    Martin Anderson


    ntelligence refers to the ability of an individual to learn or understand something, or to deal with a new situation. When a machine or software exhibits such characteristics, it is referred to as artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial Intelligence is therefore defined as the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

  20. Automatic Identification System (AIS) Transmit Testing in Louisville Phase 2 (United States)


    Firewall Louisville QM 65.206.28.x NAIS Site Controller PC RS232 Serial cable TV32 Computer Cmd Center Serial splitter SAAB R40 AIS Base Station... Rack mount computer AIS Radio Interface Ethernet Switch 192.168.0.x Firewall Cable Modem VTS Accred. Boundary serial connection...Automatic Identification System ( AIS ) Transmit Testing in Louisville Phase 2 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release

  1. Procedure for Marine Traffic Simulation with AIS Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rina Miyake


    Full Text Available It is essential to evaluate safety of marine traffic for the improvement of efficiency and safety of marine traffic. Spread of AIS makes observation of actual marine traffic more easily and faster than before. Besides, description of collision avoidance behaviours of ships are indispensable to simulate a realistic marine traffic. It is important to develop and implement an algorithm of collision avoidance corresponding to a target traffic or target area into the marine traffic simulation because actual actions for collision avoidance depend on circumstances where ships are sailing. The authors developed an automated marine traffic simulation system with AIS data. And in this paper, we proposed a series of systematic procedures for marine traffic simulation including analysing for collision avoidance behaviours using AIS data.

  2. AI Based Personal Learning Environments: Directions for Long Term Research. AI Memo 384. (United States)

    Goldstein, Ira P.; Miller, Mark L.

    The application of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to the design of personal learning environments is an enterprise of both theoretical and practical interest. In the short term, the process of developing and testing intelligent tutoring programs serves as a new experimental vehicle for exploring alternative cognitive and pedagogical…

  3. Human-Assisted AI: an Intelligence Augmentation Approach


    Alicea, Bradly


    As a flavor of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Human-Assisted AI can serve to both augment both human performance and artificial systems. This talk will feature a discussion of Human-assisted AI as an instance of Intelligence Augmentation (IA). We will discuss instances of weak and strong IA, in addition to contemporary examples of and paths forward for such systems. In the variety of models presented, data plays a critical role in the structure of interactions between human and artificial ...

  4. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1AIFL-2AI0L [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available /ss_2> 0 n> 1AIF L...n> 1AIFLn> VSSSI----SSSNL 2AI0 Ln> 2AI0L...1AIFL-2AI0L 1AIF 2AI0 L L DIQLTQSPAFMAASPGEKVTITCSVSSSI----SSSNLH...line> SER CA 273 SER CA 260 ASN CA 337 LEU CA 408

  5. Humans and Machines in the Evolution of AI in Korea


    Zhang, Byoung-Tak


    Artificial intelligence in Korea is currently prospering. The media is regularly reporting AI-enabled products such as smart advisors, personal robots, autonomous cars, and human-level intelligence machines. The IT industry is investing in deep learning and AI to maintain the global competitive edge in their services and products. The Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP) has launched new funding programs in AI and cognitive science to implement the government’s newly adopted e...

  6. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1AIFA-2AI0L [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available 2> 0 n> 1AIF n>A ...n>1AIFAn> VSSSI----SSSNL...n> 2AI0 n>L 2AI...1AIFA-2AI0L 1AIF 2AI0 A L DIQLTQSPAFMAASPGEKVTITCSVSSSI----SSSNLH...SER CA 251 SER CA 276 SER CA 258 ASN CA 337 LEU CA 410

  7. harnessing_ai_20180319.pptx


    Johnson, Matthew


    There have been great strides made in Artificial Intelligence in recent years, but it is often not clear how to apply these recent advances to new problems. In this talk I propose one method of thinking about problems in the sciences and how to find the right AI techniques to aid in research.

  8. AI-2 of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Inhibits Candida albicans Biofilm Formation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Endang W. Bachtiar


    Full Text Available Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, a Gram-negative bacterium, and Candida albicans, a polymorphic fungus, are both commensals of the oral cavity but both are opportunistic pathogens that can cause oral diseases. A. actinomycetemcomitans produces a quorum-sensing molecule called autoinducer-2 (AI-2, synthesized by LuxS, that plays an important role in expression of virulence factors, in intra- but also in interspecies communication. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of AI-2 based signaling in the interactions between C. albicans and A. actinomycetemcomitans. A. actinomycetemcomitans adhered to C. albicans and inhibited biofilm formation by means of a molecule that was secreted during growth. C. albicans biofilm formation increased significantly when co-cultured with A. actinomycetemcomitans luxS, lacking AI-2 production. Addition of wild-type-derived spent medium or synthetic AI-2 to spent medium of the luxS strain, restored inhibition of C. albicans biofilm formation to wild-type levels. Addition of synthetic AI-2 significantly inhibited hypha formation of C. albicans possibly explaining the inhibition of biofilm formation. AI-2 of A. actinomycetemcomitans is synthesized by LuxS, accumulates during growth and inhibits C. albicans hypha- and biofilm formation. Identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying the interaction between bacteria and fungi may provide important insight into the balance within complex oral microbial communities.

  9. Data of evolutionary structure change: 1AIFA-2AI0O [Confc[Archive

    Lifescience Database Archive (English)

    Full Text Available s_2> 0 n> 1AIF A...n> 1AIFAn> VSSSI----SSSNL n> 2AI0 n>O 2AI...1AIFA-2AI0O 1AIF 2AI0 A O DIQLTQSPAFMAASPGEKVTITCSVSSSI----SSSNLH...e>SER CA 251 SER CA 276 SER CA 258 ASN CA 337 LEU CA 410

  10. AI Researchers, Video Games Are Your Friends!


    Togelius, Julian


    If you are an artificial intelligence researcher, you should look to video games as ideal testbeds for the work you do. If you are a video game developer, you should look to AI for the technology that makes completely new types of games possible. This chapter lays out the case for both of these propositions. It asks the question "what can video games do for AI", and discusses how in particular general video game playing is the ideal testbed for artificial general intelligence research. It the...

  11. Brosimacutins A-I, nine new flavonoids from Brosimum acutifolium. (United States)

    Takashima, Junko; Ohsaki, Ayumi


    Nine new flavonoids, brosimacutins A-I (1-9), and four known flavonoids were isolated from the bark of Brosimum acutifolium, a Brazilian folk medicine ("Mururé"). Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods, including 2D NMR. Brosimacutins A-I possess differentially functionalized isoprene units at C-8.

  12. QML-AiNet: An immune network approach to learning qualitative differential equation models. (United States)

    Pang, Wei; Coghill, George M


    In this paper, we explore the application of Opt-AiNet, an immune network approach for search and optimisation problems, to learning qualitative models in the form of qualitative differential equations. The Opt-AiNet algorithm is adapted to qualitative model learning problems, resulting in the proposed system QML-AiNet. The potential of QML-AiNet to address the scalability and multimodal search space issues of qualitative model learning has been investigated. More importantly, to further improve the efficiency of QML-AiNet, we also modify the mutation operator according to the features of discrete qualitative model space. Experimental results show that the performance of QML-AiNet is comparable to QML-CLONALG, a QML system using the clonal selection algorithm (CLONALG). More importantly, QML-AiNet with the modified mutation operator can significantly improve the scalability of QML and is much more efficient than QML-CLONALG.

  13. 76 FR 44045 - Establishment of the SANE/SART AI/AN Initiative Committee (United States)


    ... SANE/SART AI/AN Initiative Committee AGENCY: Office for Victims of Crime, Justice. ACTION: Notice of... Nurse Examiner (SANE) Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) Initiative (``SANE/SART AI/AN Initiative Committee'' or ``Committee'') is being established in accordance...

  14. 30 janvier 2015 - Monsieur Mouïn Hamzé, Secrétaire général Conseil National pour la Recherche Scientifique, République libanaise

    CERN Document Server

    Gadmer, Jean-Claude


    en visite au Centre de Contrôle du CERN avec L. Ponce du Département Faisceaux; à la caverne de l'expérience ALICE avec J.-P. Revol, R. Guernane et K. Safarik de la collaboration ALICE; au hall d’assemblage des aimants supraconducteurs du LHC avec L. Tavian du Département Technologie puis lors de la signature du livre d'or avec le directeur général du CERN, R. Heuer. P. Fassnacht, Conseiller MENA, Bureau des relations internationales présent tout au long de la visite.

  15. Validation of the Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS) among treatment-seeking smokers. (United States)

    Farris, Samantha G; Zvolensky, Michael J; DiBello, Angelo M; Schmidt, Norman B


    The Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS; Gifford et al., 2004) was derived as a smoking-specific measure of experiential avoidance. However, there has been little investigation of the psychometric proprieties of the AIS and no published work on the topic. The current study aimed to test the reliability and validity of the AIS among a sample of adult treatment-seeking daily smokers (n = 465; 48.2% female, 17.8 [SD = 9.60] cigarettes per day). The AIS was administered at 3 time points (baseline, quit-day, and 1 month postquit) as part of a larger smoking cessation trial. An exploratory factor analysis indicated a 2-factor solution, described by inflexibility and avoidance because of smoking related "thoughts/feelings" (9 items) and "somatic sensations" (4 items). Results revealed that the AIS-total and factor scores demonstrated high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The AIS total and factor scores also displayed high convergent, discriminant, and incremental predictive validity with theoretically relevant smoking and affective variables. The present data suggest that the AIS measure appears to be a valid and reliable smoking-specific index of experiential avoidance. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  16. Validation of the Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS) among Treatment-Seeking Smoker (United States)

    Farris, Samantha G.; Zvolensky, Michael J.; DiBello, Angelo M.; Schmidt, Norman B.


    The Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS; Gifford et al., 2004) was derived as smoking-specific measure of experiential avoidance. However, there has been little investigation of the psychometric proprieties of the AIS and no published work on the topic. The current study aimed to test the reliability and validity of the AIS among a sample of adult treatment-seeking daily smokers (n = 465; 48.1% female, 17.8 [SD = 9.60] cigarettes per day). The AIS was administered at three time points (Baseline, Quit day, 1 month post-quit) as part of a larger smoking cessation trial. An exploratory factor analysis indicated a two-factor solution, described by inflexibility and avoidance due to smoking related “thoughts/feelings” (9 items) and “somatic sensations” (4 items). Results revealed that the AIS-total and factor scores demonstrated high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The AIS total and factor scores also displayed high convergent, discriminant, and incremental predictive validity with theoretically-relevant smoking and affective variables. The present data suggest that the AIS measure appears to be a valid and reliable smoking-specific index of experiential avoidance. PMID:25642937

  17. Validation of the Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS) among Treatment-Seeking Smoker


    Farris, Samantha G.; Zvolensky, Michael J.; DiBello, Angelo M.; Schmidt, Norman B.


    The Avoidance and Inflexibility Scale (AIS; Gifford et al., 2004) was derived as smoking-specific measure of experiential avoidance. However, there has been little investigation of the psychometric proprieties of the AIS and no published work on the topic. The current study aimed to test the reliability and validity of the AIS among a sample of adult treatment-seeking daily smokers (n = 465; 48.1% female, 17.8 [SD = 9.60] cigarettes per day). The AIS was administered at three time points (Bas...

  18. Code AI Personal Web Pages (United States)

    Garcia, Joseph A.; Smith, Charles A. (Technical Monitor)


    The document consists of a publicly available web site ( for Joseph A. Garcia's personal web pages in the AI division. Only general information will be posted and no technical material. All the information is unclassified.

  19. AI, automation and the Flight Telerobotic Servicer (United States)

    Goforth, Andre; Dominy, Robert


    A NASA study for the preliminary definition of a teleoperated robotic device has been recently completed. The Fligt Telerobotic Servicer (FTS) will be used to assist astronauts in many of the on-board tasks of assembly, maintenance, servicing, and inspection of the Space Station. The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in furthering the FTS automation capabilities and, hence, extending its capacity for growth and evolution is discussed. Relevant system engineering issues are identified, and an approach for insertion of AI technology is presented in terms of the NASA/NBS Standard Reference Model control architecture NASREM.

  20. Substituted Benzamides Containing Azaspiro Rings as Upregulators of Apolipoprotein A-I Transcription

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bin Hong


    Full Text Available Apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A-I is the principal protein component of high density lipoprotein (HDL, which is generally considered as a potential therapeutic target against atherosclerosis. The understanding of the Apo A-I regulation mechanism has fuelled the development of novel HDL targeted therapeutic approaches. To identify novel agents that can upregulate Apo A-I expression, we performed a cell-based reporter assay to screen 25,600 small molecules. Based on the dataset obtained from screening, a series of novel analogs of substituted benzamides containing azaspiro rings were assessed for their ability to induce the transcription of the Apo A-I gene, and the structure-activity relationship (SAR around these analogs was also proposed. The results indicated that the trifluoromethyl substituted benzamide containing an azaspiro ring is a promising backbone for designing Apo A-I transcriptional upregulator and could be viable leads for development of new drugs to prevent and treat atherosclerosis in the future.

  1. 78 FR 17232 - Meeting of the SANE/SART AI/AN Initiative Committee (United States)


    .../SART AI/AN Initiative Committee AGENCY: Office for Victims of Crime, Justice. ACTION: Notice of meeting. SUMMARY: The National Coordination Committee on the American Indian/ Alaska Native (AI/AN) Sexual Assault... violence within AI/AN communities. DATES AND LOCATIONS: The meeting will be held via webinar on Wednesday...

  2. AI-guided parameter optimization in inverse treatment planning

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yan Hui; Yin Fangfang; Guan Huaiqun; Kim, Jae Ho


    An artificial intelligence (AI)-guided inverse planning system was developed to optimize the combination of parameters in the objective function for intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). In this system, the empirical knowledge of inverse planning was formulated with fuzzy if-then rules, which then guide the parameter modification based on the on-line calculated dose. Three kinds of parameters (weighting factor, dose specification, and dose prescription) were automatically modified using the fuzzy inference system (FIS). The performance of the AI-guided inverse planning system (AIGIPS) was examined using the simulated and clinical examples. Preliminary results indicate that the expected dose distribution was automatically achieved using the AI-guided inverse planning system, with the complicated compromising between different parameters accomplished by the fuzzy inference technique. The AIGIPS provides a highly promising method to replace the current trial-and-error approach

  3. A framework for AI-based nuclear design support system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furuta, Kazuo; Kondo, Shunsuke


    Nowadays many computer programs are being developed and used for the analytic tasks in nuclear reactor design, but experienced designers are still responsible for most of the synthetic tasks which are not amenable to algorithmic computer processes. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising technology to deal with these intractable tasks in design. In development of AI-based design support systems, it is desirable to choose a comprehensive framework based on the scientific theory of design. In this work a framework for AI-based design support systems for nuclear reactor design will be proposed based on an exploration model of design. The fundamental architectures of this framework will be described especially on knowledge representation, context management and design planning. (author)

  4. AI technology and automobile. ; Toward vehicle autonomy. AI gijutsu to jidosha. ; Sharyo no jiritsuka ni mukatte

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Okuno, A. (Mazda Motor Corp., Hiroshima (Japan))


    This report describes the vehicle autonomy by using artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Owing to a remarkable progress of AI technology, it is forecasted that driving support system will be introduced into the market till 2000, and higher autonomous navigation system will be introduced since about 2010. Autonomous vehicles have capacities of recognizing the outside world and of navigating roads by themselves, and with their enfanced environment adaptability the road transportation in the future is expected to be much more safer than in the present. The autonomous vehicle can warn its driver of potential dangers and correct operational errors of the driver. In order to realize such autonomous vehicles, extensive researches on perception systems, decision making systems and driving support systems are needed. 9 refs., 10 figs., 1 tab.



    Mouna Hazgui; Riadh Manita; Christine Pochet


    International audience; The “Haut Conseil du Commissariat Aux Comptes”, was created in 2003 in reaction to the financial scandals lived before 2001 (Enron, Worldcom, Vivendi) and in the middle of the crisis of confidence which knew the market in audit reports. After approximately 6 years of the H3C activity, it is important to review the results of its investigations. Indeed, one of the means to improve the audit quality is to identify the weaknesses and the insufficiencies which reduce this ...

  6. Framework for AI-based nuclear reactor design support system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furuta, Kazuo; Kondo, Shunsuke


    Nowadays many computer programs are being developed and used for the analytic tasks in nuclear reactor design, but experienced designers are still responsible for most of the synthetic tasks which are not amenable to algorithmic computer processes. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising technology to deal with these intractable tasks in design. In development of AI-based design support systems, it is desirable to choose a comprehensive framework based on the scientific theory of design. In this work a framework for AI-based design support systems for nuclear reactor design will be proposed based on an explorative abduction model of design. The fundamental architectures of this framework will be described especially on knowledge representation, context management and design planning. (author)

  7. National AIS at 1 Minute Intervals (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — OCM plans to contract for AIS data per the following description. The United States Automatic Identification System Database contains vessel traffic data for...

  8. Monitoring severe accidents using AI techniques

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    No, Young Gyu; Ahn, Kwang Il [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Ju Hyun; Na, Man Gyun [Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Chosun University, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Lim, Dong Hyuk [Korea Institute of Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control, Daejon (Korea, Republic of)


    After the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, there has been increasing concern regarding severe accidents in nuclear facilities. Severe accident scenarios are difficult for operators to monitor and identify. Therefore, accurate prediction of a severe accident is important in order to manage it appropriately in the unfavorable conditions. In this study, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as support vector classification (SVC), probabilistic neural network (PNN), group method of data handling (GMDH), and fuzzy neural network (FNN), were used to monitor the major transient scenarios of a severe accident caused by three different initiating events, the hot-leg loss of coolant accident (LOCA), the cold-leg LOCA, and the steam generator tube rupture in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). The SVC and PNN models were used for the event classification. The GMDH and FNN models were employed to accurately predict the important timing representing severe accident scenarios. In addition, in order to verify the proposed algorithm, data from a number of numerical simulations were required in order to train the AI techniques due to the shortage of real LOCA data. The data was acquired by performing simulations using the MAAP4 code. The prediction accuracy of the three types of initiating events was sufficiently high to predict severe accident scenarios. Therefore, the AI techniques can be applied successfully in the identification and monitoring of severe accident scenarios in real PWRs.

  9. Monitoring severe accidents using AI techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    No, Young Gyu; Ahn, Kwang Il; Kim, Ju Hyun; Na, Man Gyun; Lim, Dong Hyuk


    After the Fukushima nuclear accident in 2011, there has been increasing concern regarding severe accidents in nuclear facilities. Severe accident scenarios are difficult for operators to monitor and identify. Therefore, accurate prediction of a severe accident is important in order to manage it appropriately in the unfavorable conditions. In this study, artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, such as support vector classification (SVC), probabilistic neural network (PNN), group method of data handling (GMDH), and fuzzy neural network (FNN), were used to monitor the major transient scenarios of a severe accident caused by three different initiating events, the hot-leg loss of coolant accident (LOCA), the cold-leg LOCA, and the steam generator tube rupture in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). The SVC and PNN models were used for the event classification. The GMDH and FNN models were employed to accurately predict the important timing representing severe accident scenarios. In addition, in order to verify the proposed algorithm, data from a number of numerical simulations were required in order to train the AI techniques due to the shortage of real LOCA data. The data was acquired by performing simulations using the MAAP4 code. The prediction accuracy of the three types of initiating events was sufficiently high to predict severe accident scenarios. Therefore, the AI techniques can be applied successfully in the identification and monitoring of severe accident scenarios in real PWRs.

  10. NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review (United States)

    Firschein, O.; Georgeff, M. P.; Park, W.; Neumann, P.; Kautz, W. H.; Levitt, K. N.; Rom, R. J.; Poggio, A. A.


    Research and Development projects in automation for the Space Station are discussed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automation technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics. AI technology will also be developed for the servicing of satellites at the Space Station, system monitoring and diagnosis, space manufacturing, and the assembly of large space structures.

  11. Enabling technologies and methods for the retro-fitting of AI software into NPPS

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pymm, P.


    Scottish Nuclear have a number of plant monitoring and training applications at their operational nuclear power plant which could benefit from the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) software. An outline of early work on two current AI developments in the areas of advanced operator aids and intelligent training is given. A generic workstation based engineering simulator (WES) which provides a prototyping environment for AI product application development and evaluation and development of human-computer interface (HCI) designs for plant installation is described. It is concluded that the WES architecture facilitates both migration of the prototype AI application to the plant and collaboration in the AI field between Scottish Nuclear and other organizations. (author). 1 ref., 6 figs

  12. A Review of Future and Ethical Perspectives of Robotics and AI


    Jim Torresen


    In recent years, there has been increased attention on the possible impact of future robotics and AI systems. Prominent thinkers have publicly warned about the risk of a dystopian future when the complexity of these systems progresses further. These warnings stand in contrast to the current state-of-the-art of the robotics and AI technology. This article reviews work considering both the future potential of robotics and AI systems, and ethical considerations that need to be taken in order to ...

  13. Using experimental game theory to transit human values to ethical AI


    Wang, Yijia; Wan, Yan; Wang, Zhijian


    Knowing the reflection of game theory and ethics, we develop a mathematical representation to bridge the gap between the concepts in moral philosophy (e.g., Kantian and Utilitarian) and AI ethics industry technology standard (e.g., IEEE P7000 standard series for Ethical AI). As an application, we demonstrate how human value can be obtained from the experimental game theory (e.g., trust game experiment) so as to build an ethical AI. Moreover, an approach to test the ethics (rightness or wrongn...

  14. Accretion in Radiative Equipartition (AiRE) Disks

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yazdi, Yasaman K.; Afshordi, Niayesh, E-mail:, E-mail: [Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, 31 Caroline Street N, Waterloo, ON N2L 2Y5 (Canada)


    Standard accretion disk theory predicts that the total pressure in disks at typical (sub-)Eddington accretion rates becomes radiation pressure dominated. However, radiation pressure dominated disks are thermally unstable. Since these disks are observed in approximate steady state over the instability timescale, our accretion models in the radiation-pressure-dominated regime (i.e., inner disk) need to be modified. Here, we present a modification to the Shakura and Sunyaev model, where the radiation pressure is in equipartition with the gas pressure in the inner region. We call these flows accretion in radiative equipartition (AiRE) disks. We introduce the basic features of AiRE disks and show how they modify disk properties such as the Toomre parameter and the central temperature. We then show that the accretion rate of AiRE disks is limited from above and below, by Toomre and nodal sonic point instabilities, respectively. The former leads to a strict upper limit on the mass of supermassive black holes as a function of cosmic time (and spin), while the latter could explain the transition between hard and soft states of X-ray binaries.

  15. Development and Validation of the Alcohol Identity Implicit Associations Test (AI-IAT) (United States)

    Gray, Heather M.; LaPlante, Debi A.; Bannon, Brittany L.; Ambady, Nalini; Shaffer, Howard J.


    Alcohol identity is the extent to which an individual perceives drinking alcohol to be a defining characteristic of his or her self-identity. Although alcohol identity might play an important role in risky college drinking practices, there is currently no easily administered, implicit measure of this concept. Therefore we developed a computerized implicit measure of alcohol identity (the Alcohol Identity Implicit Associations Test; AI-IAT) and assessed its reliability and predictive validity in relation to risky college drinking practices. One hundred forty-one college students completed the AI-IAT. Again 3- and 6-months later, we administered the AI-IAT and indices of engagement in risky college drinking practices. A subset of participants also completed the previously-validated implicit measure of alcohol identity. Scores on the AI-IAT were stable over time, internally consistent, and positively correlated with the previously-validated measure of alcohol identity. Baseline AI-IAT scores predicted future engagement in risky college drinking practices, even after controlling for standard alcohol consumption measures. We conclude that the AI-IAT reliably measures alcohol identity, a concept that appears to play an important role in risky college drinking practices. PMID:21621924

  16. Combining AI Methods for Learning Bots in a Real-Time Strategy Game

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Robin Baumgarten


    Full Text Available We describe an approach for simulating human game-play in strategy games using a variety of AI techniques, including simulated annealing, decision tree learning, and case-based reasoning. We have implemented an AI-bot that uses these techniques to form a novel approach for planning fleet movements and attacks in DEFCON, a nuclear war simulation strategy game released in 2006 by Introversion Software Ltd. The AI-bot retrieves plans from a case-base of recorded games, then uses these to generate a new plan using a method based on decision tree learning. In addition, we have implemented more sophisticated control over low-level actions that enable the AI-bot to synchronize bombing runs, and used a simulated annealing approach for assigning bombing targets to planes and opponent cities to missiles. We describe how our AI-bot operates, and the experimentation we have performed in order to determine an optimal configuration for it. With this configuration, our AI-bot beats Introversion's finite state machine automated player in 76.7% of 150 matches played. We briefly introduce the notion of ability versus enjoyability and discuss initial results of a survey we conducted with human players.

  17. AIS Ship Traffic: Hawaii: 2011-2012 (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Ship position data from a satellite-based Automatic Identification System (AIS) were obtained jointly by PacIOOS (J. Potemra), SOEST/ORE of the University of Hawaii...

  18. Artemisiae Argyi Folium and its geo-authentic crude drug qi ai

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diangang Liu


    Conclusion: The superior quality of qi ai compared with general AAF may be due to relatively higher contents of bioactive components. This study provides basic information for further study and utilization of AAF and qi ai.

  19. Apolipoprotein A-I metabolism in cynomolgus monkey. Identification and characterization of beta-migrating pools

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Melchior, G.W.; Castle, C.K.


    Fresh plasma from control (C) and hypercholesterolemic (HC) cynomolgus monkeys was analyzed by agarose electrophoresis-immunoblotting with antibody to cynomolgus monkey apolipoprotein (apo) A-I. Two bands were evident on the autoradiogram: an alpha-migrating band (high density lipoprotein) and a beta-migrating band that comigrated exactly with cynomolgus monkey low density lipoprotein (LDL). The presence of beta-migrating apo A-I in the plasma of these monkeys was confirmed by Geon-Pevikon preparative electrophoresis, crossed immunoelectrophoresis, and isotope dilution studies in which radiolabeled apo A-I was found to equilibrate also with alpha- and beta-migrating pools of apo A-I in the plasma. Subfractionation of C and HC plasma by agarose column chromatography (Bio-Gel A-0.5M and A-15M) followed by agarose electrophoresis-immunoblotting indicated that the beta-migrating apo A-I in C was relatively homogeneous and eluted with proteins of Mr approximately 50 kD [apo A-I(50 kD)], whereas two beta-migrating fractions were identified in HC, one that eluted with the 50-kD proteins, and the other that eluted in the LDL Mr range [apo A-I(LDL)]. The apo A-I(LDL) was precipitated by antibody to cynomolgus monkey apo B. The apo A-I(50 kD) accounted for 5 +/- 1% (mean +/- SD) of the plasma apo A-I in C plasma, and 15 +/- 7% in HC plasma. No apo A-I(LDL) was detected in C plasma, but that fraction accounted for 9 +/- 7% of the apo A-I in HC plasma. These data establish the presence of multiple pools of apo A-I in the cynomolgus monkey, which must be taken into consideration in any comprehensive model of apo A-I metabolism in this species

  20. Summary of Meteorological Observations, Surface (SMOS) for Moffett Field, California (United States)


    w 4 4 ZAW 0-- 41 t ii tiI Is. hJ %AZ 0-O -, 1 *4 * ** * ** * flo - - 0 If . A ...f 2AWO 0 .4 N~an000f.4Ia’s0 -i -w rar C4AI -1~n04 000 4, s...m 1 a 4 0, N Tun -I .- O il P 4A P- 46 ry o # * * . . . . . 0 . .* * 0 . . . . . . . 1 . . * .* .; * * - 1 mfn In vin0D0Dc0Wa. 0 .N Mdo) i r-0c..stoDC

  1. Determination of non-ionizing radiation dose in Tun Seri Lanang Library (PTSL), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nur Farhana Mohd Aisa


    Application of non-ionizing radiation in life is growing along with the technological developments. This study was conducted to measure and map the contours of non-ionizing radiation transmission station in Tun Seri Lanang Library, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. This study was conduct with the use of RF EMF Strength Meter. There was five base stations in the study area and six contours were mapped at each transmitter station and the distance of each contour are 5 meters and the distance between base stations and the final contour are 30 meters. There were eight points that were measure at every contour and every point was monitor three times at three different times; in the morning, afternoon and night for four weeks. This study has found that the reading of radiofrequency within the contour of the study was lower than the reading set by the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), which is 0.14 % in the morning, 0.155 % in the evening and 0.159 % at night than the limit 450 x 10 4 μW/ m 2 . Previous studies showed that the reading of the radiofrequency is only 0.04 % than the limit value. Weather does not effect the frequency reading and the highest readings are in the evening where it is peak hours in the use of telecommunications equipment. In conclusion, the radio frequencies generated by the transmitting stations in the study area are not dangerous to the public who live or work near the area. (author)

  2. General general game AI


    Togelius, Julian; Yannakakis, Georgios N.; 2016 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)


    Arguably the grand goal of artificial intelligence research is to produce machines with general intelligence: the capacity to solve multiple problems, not just one. Artificial intelligence (AI) has investigated the general intelligence capacity of machines within the domain of games more than any other domain given the ideal properties of games for that purpose: controlled yet interesting and computationally hard problems. This line of research, however, has so far focuse...

  3. Emotion Oriented Programming: Computational Abstractions for AI Problem Solving


    Darty , Kevin; Sabouret , Nicolas


    International audience; In this paper, we present a programming paradigm for AI problem solving based on computational concepts drawn from Affective Computing. It is believed that emotions participate in human adaptability and reactivity, in behaviour selection and in complex and dynamic environments. We propose to define a mechanism inspired from this observation for general AI problem solving. To this purpose, we synthesize emotions as programming abstractions that represent the perception ...

  4. Do older t'ai chi practitioners have better attention and memory function? (United States)

    Man, David W K; Tsang, William W N; Hui-Chan, Christina W Y


    Cognitive declines are common in older people and can be a major health issue in an aging world. One type of body-mind exercises, t'ai chi, can be a possible means to help maintaining older adults' cognitive abilities, in addition to beneficial effects of physical exercises. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether t'ai chi practitioners had better attention and memory functions than older people with or without regular exercises. A cross-sectional study examining the relationship between t'ai chi practice and age-, gender- and education-similar older peoples' attention and memory functions. Forty-two (42) community-dwelling elderly subjects, aged 60 or older, recruited from t'ai chi clubs in Hong Kong formed the t'ai chi group. Another 49 elderly having regular exercise habits were recruited from community centers for inclusion in the exercise group. A nonexercise group (normal healthy control) consisting of 44 subjects were also recruited by random selection and through contacting local elderly centers. They were also screened by the Modified Barthel Index, Chinese Mini-mental Status Examination, Geriatric Depression Scale, and evaluated by attention tests (Color Trail Form A-1 and 2) and memory tests (including Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test and The Hong Kong List Learning Test). The main finding was that the three groups differed in attention and memory functions, and the t'ai chi group had demonstrated better performance than the other two groups in most subtests. As a causal relationship cannot be assumed in the present cross-sectional study, future research is required to examine how t'ai chi can improve cognitive function using a randomized control trial as well as determining whether t'ai chi practice can lead to better health status among elderly people.

  5. Application of AI technology to nuclear plant operations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sackett, J.I.


    In this paper, applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology to nuclear-power plant operation are reviewed. AI Technology is advancing rapidly and in the next five years is expected to enjoy widespread application to operation, maintenance, management and safety. Near term emphasis on a sensor validation, scheduling, alarm handling, and expert systems for procedural assistance. Ultimate applications are envisioned to culminate in autonomous control such as would be necessary for a power system in space, where automatic control actions are taken based upon reasoned conclusions regarding plant conditions, capability and control objectives

  6. Teaching AI Search Algorithms in a Web-Based Educational System (United States)

    Grivokostopoulou, Foteini; Hatzilygeroudis, Ioannis


    In this paper, we present a way of teaching AI search algorithms in a web-based adaptive educational system. Teaching is based on interactive examples and exercises. Interactive examples, which use visualized animations to present AI search algorithms in a step-by-step way with explanations, are used to make learning more attractive. Practice…

  7. Managing bioengineering complexity with AI techniques. (United States)

    Beal, Jacob; Adler, Aaron; Yaman, Fusun


    Our capabilities for systematic design and engineering of biological systems are rapidly increasing. Effectively engineering such systems, however, requires the synthesis of a rapidly expanding and changing complex body of knowledge, protocols, and methodologies. Many of the problems in managing this complexity, however, appear susceptible to being addressed by artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, i.e., methods enabling computers to represent, acquire, and employ knowledge. Such methods can be employed to automate physical and informational "routine" work and thus better allow humans to focus their attention on the deeper scientific and engineering issues. This paper examines the potential impact of AI on the engineering of biological organisms through the lens of a typical organism engineering workflow. We identify a number of key opportunities for significant impact, as well as challenges that must be overcome. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. SDI satellite autonomy using AI and Ada (United States)

    Fiala, Harvey E.


    The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the programming language Ada to help a satellite recover from selected failures that could lead to mission failure are described. An unmanned satellite will have a separate AI subsystem running in parallel with the normal satellite subsystems. A satellite monitoring subsystem (SMS), under the control of a blackboard system, will continuously monitor selected satellite subsystems to become alert to any actual or potential problems. In the case of loss of communications with the earth or the home base, the satellite will go into a survival mode to reestablish communications with the earth. The use of an AI subsystem in this manner would have avoided the tragic loss of the two recent Soviet probes that were sent to investigate the planet Mars and its moons. The blackboard system works in conjunction with an SMS and a reconfiguration control subsystem (RCS). It can be shown to be an effective way for one central control subsystem to monitor and coordinate the activities and loads of many interacting subsystems that may or may not contain redundant and/or fault-tolerant elements. The blackboard system will be coded in Ada using tools such as the ABLE development system and the Ada Production system.

  9. Selective oxidation of methionine residues in apolipoprotein A-I and its potential biological consequences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Panzenboeck, U.; Waldeck, R.; Rye, K.A.; Sloane, T.; Kritharides, L.; Stocker, R.


    The earliest stages of HDL oxidation are accompanied by the oxidation of specific Met residues in apolipoprotein AI and AII and the formation of Met sulfoxides (Met(O)) has been proposed to play a significant role in the reduction and hence detoxification of lipid hydroperoxides associated with HDL. Oxidation of HDL may generally decrease the anti-atherogenic properties of this lipoprotein, although both, the inhibition and the enhancement of cholesterol removal from cells has been reported for different types of oxidation. In light of these findings we have investigated the secondary structure, lipid affinity, LCAT activation and cholesterol-efflux promoting properties of native and selectively oxidized apo A-I(apo A-I +32 , containing Met(O) at Met l12 and Met l48 ) in purified or reconstituted forms. Data obtained by circular dichroism revealed that selective oxidation of Met residues 112 and 148 does not alter alpha helicity of the protein in solution, indicating that this oxidation is not sufficient to influence significantly this type of secondary structure of apo A-I in its 'lipid-free' form. The lipid affinity of native apo A-I and apo A-I +32 was determined as the rate of clearance of DMPC multilamellar to small unilamellar vesicles. Compared with the native protein, apo A-I +32 induced a 2-3 fold faster rate of clearance, suggesting that the increased hydrophilicity due Met(O) increased the rate for protein-lipid interactions. Met residues 112 and 148 reside in the hydrophobic faces of helices 5 and 7, and both these regions have been suggested to be important for both, LCAT activation and cholesterol efflux. Kinetic experiments have revealed that the affinity for LCAT is comparable for HDL reconstituted with either apo A-I or apo A-I +32 . Efflux of [ 3 H]-cholesterol from lipid-laden human monocytederived macrophages to isolated apolipoproteins was enhanced for apo A-I +32 compared with apo A-I, consistent with the DMPC clearance data. Together these

  10. Annealing Induced Softening in Deformed AI-4043 Alloy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saad, G.; Fawzy, A.; Soliman, H.N.; Mohammed, Gh.; Fayek, S.A.


    The present paper is devoted to study the effect of annealing temperature for different annealing periods of time on the structure and consequently on the tensile properties of Al-4043 alloy. The obtained results showed that the microstructure of AI-4043 alloy is characterized by the presence of spherically shaped Si-particles, which were found to be uniformly distributed within the AI-matrix. Stress-strain characterizations of AI-4043 samples annealed at different temperatures (T a = 573, 673 and 773 K) for different periods of time (t a = 0.5, 1,2.5,5 and 10 h), showed that the tensile parameters; yield stress ε y 0.2 and fracture stress ε f were decreased with increasing Ta and/or ta while the total strain ε T was increased. This was interpreted in terms of growth of Si-particles with increasing T a and/or t a . Attention has been also paid to the role of the minor elements Fe, Cu and Ti on the structure and tensile response behavior of the alloy under investigation

  11. Beyond AI: Multi-Intelligence (MI Combining Natural and Artificial Intelligences in Hybrid Beings and Systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Stephen Fox


    Full Text Available Framing strongly influences actions among technology proponents and end-users. Underlying much debate about artificial intelligence (AI are several fundamental shortcomings in its framing. First, discussion of AI is atheoretical, and therefore has limited potential for addressing the complexity of causation. Second, intelligence is considered from an anthropocentric perspective that sees human intelligence, and intelligence developed by humans, as superior to all other intelligences. Thus, the extensive post-anthropocentric research into intelligence is not given sufficient consideration. Third, AI is discussed often in reductionist mechanistic terms. Rather than in organicist emergentist terms as a contributor to multi-intelligence (MI hybrid beings and/or systems. Thus, current framing of AI can be a self-validating reduction within which AI development is focused upon AI becoming the single-variable mechanism causing future effects. In this paper, AI is reframed as a contributor to MI.

  12. Novel cross-linked alcohol-insoluble solid (CL-AIS) affinity gel from pea pod for pectinesterase purification. (United States)

    Wu, Ming-Chang; Lin, Guan-Hui; Wang, Yuh-Tai; Jiang, Chii-Ming; Chang, Hung-Min


    Alcohol-insoluble solids (AIS) from pea pod were cross-linked (CL-AIS) and used as an affinity gel matrix to isolate pectin esterases (PEs) from tendril shoots of chayote (TSC) and jelly fig achenes (JFA), and the results were compared with those isolated by ion-exchange chromatography with a commercial resin. CL-AIS gel matrix in a column displayed poor absorption and purification fold of PE; however, highly methoxylated CL-AIS (HM-CL-AIS), by exposing CL-AIS to methanolic sulfuric acid to increase the degree of esterification (DE) to 92%, facilitated the enzyme purification. The purified TSC PE and JFA PE by the HM-CL-AIS column were proofed as a single band on an SDS-PAGE gel, showing that the HM-CL-AIS column was a good matrix for purification of PE, either with alkaline isoelectric point (pI) (TSC PE) or with acidic pI (JFA PE).

  13. Launching AI in NASA ground systems (United States)

    Perkins, Dorothy C.; Truszkowski, Walter F.


    This paper will discuss recent operational successes in implementing expert systems to support the complex functions of NASA mission control systems at the Goddard Space Flight Center, including fault detection and diagnosis for real time and engineering analysis functions in the Cosmic Background Explorer and Gamma Ray Observatory missions and automation of resource planning and scheduling functions for various missions. It will also discuss ongoing developments and prototypes that will lead to increasingly sophisticated applications of artificial intelligence. These include the use of neural networks to perform telemetry monitoring functions, the implementation of generic expert system shells that can be customized to telemetry handling functions specific to NASA control centers, the applications of AI in training and user support, the long-term potential of implementing systems based around distributed, cooperative problem solving, and the use of AI to control and assist system development activities.

  14. Deploying Embodied AI into Virtual Worlds (United States)

    Burden, David J. H.

    The last two years have seen the start of commercial activity within virtual worlds. Unlike computer games where Non-Player-Character avatars are common, in most virtual worlds they are the exception — and until recently in Second Life they were non-existent. However there is real commercial scope for Als in these worlds — in roles from virtual sales staff and tutors to personal assistants. Deploying an embodied AI into a virtual world offers a unique opportunity to evaluate embodied Als, and to develop them within an environment where human and computer are on almost equal terms. This paper presents an architecture being used for the deployment of chatbot driven avatars within the Second Life virtual world, looks at the challenges of deploying an AI within such a virtual world, the possible implications for the Turing Test, and identifies research directions for the future.

  15. AI systems approach in particle accelerators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kataria, S.K.; Bhagwat, P.V.; Kori, S.A.


    The large particle accelerators machines like pelletron accelerator at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (T.I.F.R) have several levels of controls with operators responsible for overall global control decisions and closed loop feedback controllers for relatively small subsystems of the machines. As the accelerator machines are becoming more complicated and the requirements more stringent, there is a need to provide the operators with an artificial intelligence (AI) system to aid in the tuning the machine and in failure diagnosis. There are few major areas in the pelletron operation, which can be done more efficiently using AI systems approach so that useful beam is available for much more time: 1) Accelerator Conditioning, 2) Accelerator Tuning, and 3) Maintaining the Tune beams. The feasibility study for using expert system for above areas and also for safety evaluation of the various subsystems is carried out. (author). 10 refs., 4 figs

  16. Computing Facilities for AI: A Survey of Present and Near-Future Options


    Fahlman, Scott


    At the recent AAAI conference at Stanford, it became apparent that many new AI research centers are being established around the country in industrial and governmental settings and in universities that have not paid much attention to AI in the past. At the same time, many of the established AI centers are in the process of converting from older facilities, primarily based on Decsystem-10 and Decsystem-20 machines, to a variety of newer options. At present, unfortunately, there is no simple an...

  17. Combining AI Methods for Learning Bots in a Real-Time Strategy Game


    Robin Baumgarten; Simon Colton; Mark Morris


    We describe an approach for simulating human game-play in strategy games using a variety of AI techniques, including simulated annealing, decision tree learning, and case-based reasoning. We have implemented an AI-bot that uses these techniques to form a novel approach for planning fleet movements and attacks in DEFCON, a nuclear war simulation strategy game released in 2006 by Introversion Software Ltd. The AI-bot retrieves plans from a case-base of recorded games, then uses these to generat...

  18. In Orbit Validation of the AAUSAT3 SDR based AIS receiver

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper Abildgaard; Mortensen, Hans Peter


    During the past years, there has been a high interest in monitoring the global ship traffic from space. The recently launched AAUSAT3 satellite carries an SDR based AIS receiver, which during the past months have been transmitting space based AIS data down to the Aalborg University Ground Station...

  19. SNAP and AI Fuel Summary Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lords, R.E.


    The SNAP and AI Fuel Summary Report provides a detailed overview of treatment and storage of these fuels from fabrication through current storage including design parameters and reactor history. Chemical and physical characteristics are described, and potential indicators of as-stored fuel conditions are emphasized

  20. AI, Native Supercomputing and The Revival of Moore's Law


    Lu, Chien-Ping


    Based on Alan Turing's proposition on AI and computing machinery, which shaped Computing as we know it today, the new AI computing machinery should comprise a universal computer and a universal learning machine. The later should understand linear algebra natively to overcome the slowdown of Moore's law. In such a universal learnig machine, a computing unit does not need to keep the legacy of a universal computing core. The data can be distributed to the computing units, and the results can be...

  1. AiGERM: A logic programming front end for GERM (United States)

    Hashim, Safaa H.


    AiGerm (Artificially Intelligent Graphical Entity Relation Modeler) is a relational data base query and programming language front end for MCC (Mission Control Center)/STP's (Space Test Program) Germ (Graphical Entity Relational Modeling) system. It is intended as an add-on component of the Germ system to be used for navigating very large networks of information. It can also function as an expert system shell for prototyping knowledge-based systems. AiGerm provides an interface between the programming language and Germ.

  2. A Review of Future and Ethical Perspectives of Robotics and AI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jim Torresen


    Full Text Available In recent years, there has been increased attention on the possible impact of future robotics and AI systems. Prominent thinkers have publicly warned about the risk of a dystopian future when the complexity of these systems progresses further. These warnings stand in contrast to the current state-of-the-art of the robotics and AI technology. This article reviews work considering both the future potential of robotics and AI systems, and ethical considerations that need to be taken in order to avoid a dystopian future. References to recent initiatives to outline ethical guidelines for both the design of systems and how they should operate are included.

  3. Functional subdivisions in low-frequency primary auditory cortex (AI). (United States)

    Wallace, M N; Palmer, A R


    We wished to test the hypothesis that there are modules in low-frequency AI that can be identified by their responsiveness to communication calls or particular regions of space. Units were recorded in anaesthetised guinea pig AI and stimulated with conspecific vocalizations and a virtual motion stimulus (binaural beats) presented via a closed sound system. Recording tracks were mainly oriented orthogonally to the cortical surface. Some of these contained units that were all time-locked to the structure of the chutter call (14/22 tracks) and/or the purr call (12/22 tracks) and/or that had a preference for stimuli from a particular region of space (8/20 tracks with four contralateral, two ipsilateral and two midline), or where there was a strong asymmetry in the response to beats of different direction (two tracks). We conclude that about half of low-frequency AI is organized into modules that are consistent with separate "what" and "where" pathways.

  4. An AI-based layout design system for nuclear power plants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujita, Kikuo; Akagi, Shinsuke; Nakatogawa, Tetsundo; Tanaka, Kazuo; Takeuchi, Makoto.


    An AI-based layout design system for nuclear power plants has been developed. The design of the layout of nuclear power plants is a time-consuming task requiring expertise, in which a lot of machinery and equipment must be arranged in a plant building considering various kinds of design constraints, i.e. spatial, functional, economical etc. Computer aided layout design systems have been widely expected and the application of AI technology is expected as a promising approach for the synthesis phase of this task. In this paper, we present an approach to the layout design of nuclear power plants based on a constraint-directed search; one of the AI techniques. In addition, we show how it was implemented with an object-oriented programming technique and give an example of its application. (author)

  5. Dissecting phenotypic variation among AIS patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Minghua; Wang Jiucun; Zhang Zhen; Zhao Zhimin; Zhang Rongmei; Hu Xiaohua; Tan Tao; Luo Shijing; Luo Zewei


    We have created genital skin fibroblast cell lines directly from three patients in a Chinese family affected by androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS). All patients in the family share an identical AR Arg 840 Cys mutant but show different disease phenotypes. By using the cell lines, we find that the mutation has not influenced a normal androgen-binding capacity at 37 deg C but has reduced the affinity for androgens and may cause thermolability of the androgen-receptor complex. The impaired nuclear trafficking of the androgen receptor in the cell lines is highly correlated with the severity of donors' disease phenotype. The transactivity of the mutant is substantially weakened and the extent of the reduced transactivity reflects severity of the donors' disease symptom. Our data reveal that although etiology of AIS is monogenic and the mutant may alter the major biological functions of its wild allele, the function of the mutant AR can also be influenced by the different genetic backgrounds and thus explains the divergent disease phenotypes

  6. Augmentation index (AI) in a dose–response relationship with smoking habits in males (United States)

    Tsuru, Tomoko; Adachi, Hisashi; Enomoto, Mika; Fukami, Ako; Kumagai, Eita; Nakamura, Sachiko; Nohara, Yume; Kono, Shoko; Nakao, Erika; Sakaue, Akiko; Morikawa, Nagisa; Fukumoto, Yoshihiro


    Abstract We investigated the relationship between augmentation index (AI) and smoking habits in community-dwelling Japanese. This cross-sectional study enrolled 1926 subjects (769 males and 1157 females) aged 40 to 95 years who underwent a health check-up in a Japanese cohort of the Seven Countries Study, in Tanushimaru, a typical farming town in Kyushu Island in 2009. The subjects’ medical history, alcohol intake, smoking habit, and current medications for hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes were ascertained by questionnaire. Radial arterial pressure wave analysis was used to obtain AI. We analyzed the data stratified by gender. Age-adjusted means of AI in males showed a clear dose–response relationship in 4 categories of smoking habits (P = 0.010). There was no significant relationship between AI and smoking habits in females (P = 0.127). The significant dose–response relationship (P = 0.036) in males between AI and 4 categories of smoking habits still remained even after adjustment for age, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, glucose, hypertensive medication, and alcohol intake. The present study demonstrated that AI values were significantly associated with smoking habits in a dose-dependent manner in Japanese males. PMID:28002323

  7. Cracks appear in the AI gravy train

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mill, J.


    This article highlights some of the problems facing the Alvey committee and outlines some reasons for believing that the optimistically founded Alvey and Esprit funding programmes are no guarantee Britain will win the AI race.

  8. Grammaire progressive du français niveau intermédiaire

    CERN Document Server

    Grégoire, Maïa


    Quatrième édition de l'ouvrage de Grammaire de français langue étrangère (FLE), niveau intermédiaire, dans la collection Progressive du français destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes. Ce qui fait le succès de cet ouvrage de Grammaire: une organisation claire : la leçon de grammaire sur la page de gauche; les exercices d'entraînement sur la page de droite 52 chapitres présentant les points généralement abordés aux niveaux A2 et B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues un apprentissage progressif : il suit la progression naturelle des méthodes de français un usage souple : pour la classe ou en auto-apprentissage une préparation adaptée aux certifications : un entreînement efficace pour mieux réussir aux examens NOUVEAU! Appli-web de la Grammaire progressive du français incluse Pour s'entraîner et s'évaluer en ligne en sollicitant toutes les compétences écrites et orales : près de 300 exercices interactifs avec dialogues, instructions, exemples et corrigés ora...

  9. A model of lipid-free apolipoprotein A-I revealed by iterative molecular dynamics simulation.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xing Zhang

    Full Text Available Apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I, the major protein component of high-density lipoprotein, has been proven inversely correlated to cardiovascular risk in past decades. The lipid-free state of apo A-I is the initial stage which binds to lipids forming high-density lipoprotein. Molecular models of lipid-free apo A-I have been reported by methods like X-ray crystallography and chemical cross-linking/mass spectrometry (CCL/MS. Through structural analysis we found that those current models had limited consistency with other experimental results, such as those from hydrogen exchange with mass spectrometry. Through molecular dynamics simulations, we also found those models could not reach a stable equilibrium state. Therefore, by integrating various experimental results, we proposed a new structural model for lipid-free apo A-I, which contains a bundled four-helix N-terminal domain (1-192 that forms a variable hydrophobic groove and a mobile short hairpin C-terminal domain (193-243. This model exhibits an equilibrium state through molecular dynamics simulation and is consistent with most of the experimental results known from CCL/MS on lysine pairs, fluorescence resonance energy transfer and hydrogen exchange. This solution-state lipid-free apo A-I model may elucidate the possible conformational transitions of apo A-I binding with lipids in high-density lipoprotein formation.

  10. So Sorry––Never Sorry. Ai Weiwei’s Art between Tradition and Modernity

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tania Becker


    Full Text Available Ai Weiwei’s 艾未未 (b. 1957 artistic expression revolves around his use of traditional Chinese techniques to create new designs and forms, shaping traditional materials into contemporary configurations. In the face of obstruction from state officials and local politicians, Ai Weiwei exposes himself to considerable personal risk in order to continue his activities as an artist and stay loyal to his convictions. This paper examines the roots of Ai Weiwei’s work in Chinese art history and looks at how the artist has deliberately adapted traditional motifs to bring about a sense of alienation. Ai Weiwei’s unique stance between current trends in western art and the Chinese feeling for handicrafts is also explored.

  11. Emerging trends in geospatial artificial intelligence (geoAI): potential applications for environmental epidemiology. (United States)

    VoPham, Trang; Hart, Jaime E; Laden, Francine; Chiang, Yao-Yi


    Geospatial artificial intelligence (geoAI) is an emerging scientific discipline that combines innovations in spatial science, artificial intelligence methods in machine learning (e.g., deep learning), data mining, and high-performance computing to extract knowledge from spatial big data. In environmental epidemiology, exposure modeling is a commonly used approach to conduct exposure assessment to determine the distribution of exposures in study populations. geoAI technologies provide important advantages for exposure modeling in environmental epidemiology, including the ability to incorporate large amounts of big spatial and temporal data in a variety of formats; computational efficiency; flexibility in algorithms and workflows to accommodate relevant characteristics of spatial (environmental) processes including spatial nonstationarity; and scalability to model other environmental exposures across different geographic areas. The objectives of this commentary are to provide an overview of key concepts surrounding the evolving and interdisciplinary field of geoAI including spatial data science, machine learning, deep learning, and data mining; recent geoAI applications in research; and potential future directions for geoAI in environmental epidemiology.

  12. A regulator's viewpoint on the use of AI in the nuclear industry

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wainwright, N.


    The regulatory position within the UK places the responsibility for safety on a nuclear site with the licensee. The licensee must produce a safety case that demonstrates that the plant is safe. Assessment of this safety case is performed by the regulator in the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) using HSE's published Safety Assessment Principles. This paper presents the personal views of a regulator on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the nuclear industry. The AI-based system considered are restricted to expert systems, neural networks and fuzzy logic. Some of the safety issues are discussed. The particular concerns associated with software-based systems are compounded by some of the inherent problems of AI-based systems. Such is the nature of these concerns that an acceptable safety case will be difficult to mount for safety systems and post-accident monitoring systems. However, given the present maturity of the technology, acceptable safety cases might be formulated in the areas of operator advisory systems designed to reduce accident frequencies, and robotics where dose reduction is important. There are also arguments that suggests that suitable safety cases could be formulated for AI-based plant control systems. Nevertheless, AI-based systems should be treated with caution - further research is required into suitable designs and safety demonstration techniques. (author)

  13. Organisational intelligence and distributed AI


    Kirn, Stefan


    The analysis of this chapter starts from organisational theory, and from this it draws conclusions for the design, and possible organisational applications, of Distributed AI systems. We first review how the concept of organisations has emerged from non-organised black-box entities to so-called computerised organisations. Within this context, organisational researchers have started to redesign their models of intelligent organisations with respect to the availability of advanced computing tec...

  14. Development and application of AI technology to plant operation and support

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sackett, J.I.; Mott, J.E.


    This paper discusses a framework for the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in existing nuclear facilities and reviews the status of development. We consider those areas best addressed by AI technology, e.g., equipment diagnostics, sensor validation, and expert systems for procedural response or planning. A brief discussion of work in computer displays is also given. (orig./GL)

  15. AIS Algorithm for Smart Antenna Application in WLAN

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Evizal Abdul Kadir


    Full Text Available Increasing numbers of wireless local area networks (WLAN replacing wired networks have an impact on wireless network systems, causing issues such as interference. The smart antenna system is a method to overcome interference issues in WLANs. This paper proposes an artificial immune system (AIS for a switch beam smart antenna system. A directional antenna is introduced to aim the beam at the desired user. The antenna consists of 8 directional antennas, each of which covers 45 degrees, thus creating an omnidirectional configuration of which the beams cover 360 degrees. To control the beam switching, an inexpensive PIC 16F877 microchip was used. An AIS algorithm was implemented in the microcontroller, which uses the received radio signal strength of the mobile device as reference. This is compared for each of the eight beams, after which the AIS algorithm selects the strongest signal received by the system and the microcontroller will then lock to the desired beam. In the experiment a frequency of 2.4 GHz (ISM band was used for transmitting and receiving. A test of the system was conducted in an outdoor environment. The results show that the switch beam smart antenna worked fine based on locating the mobile device.

  16. It Takes Two to Tango: Towards Theory of AI's Mind


    Chandrasekaran, Arjun; Yadav, Deshraj; Chattopadhyay, Prithvijit; Prabhu, Viraj; Parikh, Devi


    Theory of Mind is the ability to attribute mental states (beliefs, intents, knowledge, perspectives, etc.) to others and recognize that these mental states may differ from one's own. Theory of Mind is critical to effective communication and to teams demonstrating higher collective performance. To effectively leverage the progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make our lives more productive, it is important for humans and AI to work well together in a team. Traditionally, there has been m...

  17. Allocution prononcée par M. François de Rose, Président du Conseil de l'organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire à l'occasion de l'inauguration du synchrotron à protons du CERN le 5 février 1960

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN Press Office. Geneva


    Allocution prononcée par M. François de Rose, Président du Conseil de l'organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire à l'occasion de l'inauguration du synchrotron à protons du CERN le 5 février 1960

  18. Rapid and simple colorimetric method for the quantification of AI-2 produced from Salmonella Typhimurium. (United States)

    Wattanavanitchakorn, Siriluck; Prakitchaiwattana, Cheunjit; Thamyongkit, Patchanita


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of Fe(III) ion reduction for the simple and rapid quantification of autoinducer-2 (AI-2) produced from bacteria using Salmonella Typhimurium as a model. Since the molecular structure of AI-2 is somewhat similar to ascorbic acid it was expected that AI-2 would also act as a reducing agent and reduce Fe(III) ions in the presence of 1,10-phenanthroline to form the colored [(o-phen)3 Fe(II)]SO4 ferroin complex that could be quantified colorimetrically. In support of this, colony rinses and cell free supernatants from cultures of all tested AI-2 producing strains, but not the AI-2 negative Sinorhizobium meliloti, formed a colored complex with a λmax of 510nm. The OD510 values of these culture supernatants or colony rinses were in broad agreement with the % activity observed in the same samples using the standard Vibrio harveyi bioluminescence assay for AI-2 detection, and with previously reported results. This methodology could potentially be developed as an alternative method for the simple and rapid quantification of AI-2 levels produced in bacterial cultures. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Operations Research (OR), and Decision Support Systems (DSS): A conceptual framework (United States)

    Parnell, Gregory S.; Rowell, William F.; Valusek, John R.


    In recent years there has been increasing interest in applying the computer based problem solving techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Operations Research (OR), and Decision Support Systems (DSS) to analyze extremely complex problems. A conceptual framework is developed for successfully integrating these three techniques. First, the fields of AI, OR, and DSS are defined and the relationships among the three fields are explored. Next, a comprehensive adaptive design methodology for AI and OR modeling within the context of a DSS is described. These observations are made: (1) the solution of extremely complex knowledge problems with ill-defined, changing requirements can benefit greatly from the use of the adaptive design process, (2) the field of DSS provides the focus on the decision making process essential for tailoring solutions to these complex problems, (3) the characteristics of AI, OR, and DSS tools appears to be converging rapidly, and (4) there is a growing need for an interdisciplinary AI/OR/DSS education.

  20. Rétrospective de la diffusion du français en Espagne

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabelle Cros


    Full Text Available Le français bénéficia longtemps en Espagne d’une vieille tradition francophile et de la forte implantation de l’Alliance française. Ainsi, il prédomina dans le système éducatif espagnol jusqu’au milieu du 20ème siècle sans intervention de l’État français pour en assurer la diffusion. Son déclin, amorcé sous Franco, nécessita toutefois la mise en place d’une politique linguistique et éducative compensatoire qui aboutit à un premier accord bilatéral favorisant surtout le développement de l’enseignement en français au sein du réseau de la Mission laïque mais qui eut peu d’effets à l’école espagnole où le français fut relégué au rang de deuxième langue étrangère. Cependant, suite à son adhésion à l’Europe, l’Espagne a recréé, en partenariat avec la France, une dynamique pour le français, notamment grâce aux sections bilingues qui connaissent un succès croissant. La langue française, considérée à présent davantage comme une langue utile, de communication et de travail, est enseignée suivant une méthodologie communicative plus adaptée aux réalités socio-économiques.

  1. The deep learning AI playbook strategy for disruptive artificial intelligence

    CERN Document Server

    Perez, Carlos E


    Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence involves the interplay of Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Linguistics and Psychology. In addition to that, it is technology that can be extremely disruptive. The ramifications to society and even our own humanity will be profound. There are few subjects that are as captivating and as consequential as this. Surprisingly, there is very little that is written about this new technology in a more comprehensive and cohesive way. This book is an opinionated take on the developments of Deep Learning AI. One question many have will be "how to apply Deep Learning AI in a business context?" Technology that is disruptive does not automatically imply that its application to valuable use cases will be apparent. For years, many people could not figure out how to monetize the World Wide Web. We are in a similar situation with Deep Learning AI. The developments may be mind-boggling but its monetization is far from being obvious. This book presents a framework to address this shortcomi...

  2. Analysis of raw AIS spectrum recordings from a LEO satellite

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Jesper Abildgaard; Mortensen, Hans Peter


    The AAUSAT3 satellite is a 1U cubesat, which has been developed by students at Aalborg University, Denmark in collaboration with the Danish Maritime Authority. The satellite was launched in February 2013 on a mission to monitor ships from space using their AIS broadcast signals as an indication...... of position. The SDR receiver developed to listen for these AIS signals also allows for sampling and storing of the raw intermediate frequency spectrum, which has been used in order to map channel utilization over the areas of interest for the mission, which is mainly the arctic regions. The SDR based...... receiver used onboard the satellite is using a single chip front-end solution, which down converts the AIS signal located around 162 MHz into an intermediate frequency, with a up to 200 kHz bandwidth. This I/F signal is sampled with a 750 kSPS A/D converter and further processed by an Analog Devices DSP...

  3. Explanation and trust: what to tell the user in security and AI?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pieters, Wolter

    There is a common problem in artificial intelligence (AI) and information security. In AI, an expert system needs to be able to justify and explain a decision to the user. In information security, experts need to be able to explain to the public why a system is secure. In both cases, an important

  4. 9-cis-retinoic acid increases apolipoprotein AI secretion and mRNA expression in HepG2 cells. (United States)

    Haghpassand, M; Moberly, J B


    HepG2 cells were studied as a model for regulation of hepatic apolipoprotein AI (apo AI) secretion and gene expression by 9-cis-retinoic acid. HepG2 cells cultured on plastic dishes were exposed to 9-cis-retinoic acid (9-cis-RA) for 48 h with a complete media change at 24 h. Apo AI mass in cultured media was determined by ELISA, by quantitative immunoblotting and by steady-state 35S-methionine labeling. Messenger RNA levels were determined by RNase protection using probes for apo AI and the housekeeping gene, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH). 9-cis-RA increased secretion of apo AI by 52% at doses of 10 and 1 microM (6.3 +/- 0.6 vs. 4.2 +/- 0.3; P G3PDH mRNA was slightly decreased (14%, P < 0.05). Thus, 9-cis-RA stimulates apo AI expression in HepG2 cells, suggesting a role for retinoids in activating endogenous apo AI gene expression.

  5. Explanation and trust: what to tell the user in security and AI?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Pieters, Wolter


    There is a common problem in artificial intelligence (AI) and information security. In AI, an expert system needs to be able to justify and explain a decision to the user. In information security, experts need to be able to explain to the public why a system is secure. In both cases, the goal of

  6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based Tactical Guidance for Fighter Aircraft (United States)

    McManus, John W.; Goodrich, Kenneth H.


    A research program investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to aid in the development of a Tactical Decision Generator (TDG) for Within Visual Range (WVR) air combat engagements is discussed. The application of AI programming and problem solving methods in the development and implementation of the Computerized Logic For Air-to-Air Warfare Simulations (CLAWS), a second generation TDG, is presented. The Knowledge-Based Systems used by CLAWS to aid in the tactical decision-making process are outlined in detail, and the results of tests to evaluate the performance of CLAWS versus a baseline TDG developed in FORTRAN to run in real-time in the Langley Differential Maneuvering Simulator (DMS), are presented. To date, these test results have shown significant performance gains with respect to the TDG baseline in one-versus-one air combat engagements, and the AI-based TDG software has proven to be much easier to modify and maintain than the baseline FORTRAN TDG programs. Alternate computing environments and programming approaches, including the use of parallel algorithms and heterogeneous computer networks are discussed, and the design and performance of a prototype concurrent TDG system are presented.

  7. 78 FR 63494 - Meeting of the National Coordination Committee on the AI/AN SANE-SART Initiative (United States)


    ... National Coordination Committee on the AI/AN SANE--SART Initiative AGENCY: Office for Victims of Crime.../ Alaska Native (AI/AN) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)--Sexual Assault Response Team (SART..., victim-centered responses to sexual violence within AI/AN communities. DATES: The meeting will be held...

  8. Level of Bus Performance Based On the Relationship Between Distance and Travel Time of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM Bus Services

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Prasetijo Joewono


    Full Text Available UTHM bus service is an important transport mode for most students at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn because it such primary public vehicle to support students movements around the campus, within and outside student apartments. This service is often associated with the quality of service in terms of time, stops and comforts. Therefore, this following study is focused on investigation on several UTHM bas routes which was based on bas operations such as distance and travel time/travel distance that would determine the level of service provided. Primary data were collected mainly to obtain information relate to speed, bas position, time movement/circulations of bus and time headway. These were obtained by installing GPS-Slute Gear i-trail along bus travels. In addition, additional data were collected by exploring previous studies regarding to the bus services such as Highway Capacity Manual (HCM 2010. The approach used was based on assessment of progress used to determine the level of quest service and such obstacle frequently occurs with results on bus delays, volume of unequal that can be overcome according to the assessments that have been provided.

  9. Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS, environment, exposome and epigenetics: a molecular perspective of postnatal normal spinal growth and the etiopathogenesis of AIS with consideration of a network approach and possible implications for medical therapy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Burwell R Geoffrey


    Full Text Available Abstract Genetic factors are believed to play an important role in the etiology of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS. Discordant findings for monozygotic (MZ twins with AIS show that environmental factors including different intrauterine environments are important in etiology, but what these environmental factors may be is unknown. Recent evidence for common chronic non-communicable diseases suggests epigenetic differences may underlie MZ twin discordance, and be the link between environmental factors and phenotypic differences. DNA methylation is one important epigenetic mechanism operating at the interface between genome and environment to regulate phenotypic plasticity with a complex regulation across the genome during the first decade of life. The word exposome refers to the totality of environmental exposures from conception onwards, comprising factors in external and internal environments. The word exposome is used here also in relation to physiologic and etiopathogenetic factors that affect normal spinal growth and may induce the deformity of AIS. In normal postnatal spinal growth we propose a new term and concept, physiologic growth-plate exposome for the normal processes particularly of the internal environments that may have epigenetic effects on growth plates of vertebrae. In AIS, we propose a new term and concept pathophysiologic scoliogenic exposome for the abnormal processes in molecular pathways particularly of the internal environment currently expressed as etiopathogenetic hypotheses; these are suggested to have deforming effects on the growth plates of vertebrae at cell, tissue, structure and/or organ levels that are considered to be epigenetic. New research is required for chromatin modifications including DNA methylation in AIS subjects and vertebral growth plates excised at surgery. In addition, consideration is needed for a possible network approach to etiopathogenesis by constructing AIS diseasomes. These approaches may

  10. Activity of autoinducer two (AI-2) in bacteria isolated from surface ripened cheeses

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gori, Klaus; Jespersen, Lene


    ). Corynebacterium casei, Microbacterium barkeri, Microbacterium gubbeenense and S. equorum subsp. linens (all isolated from the smear of surface ripened cheeses) using the AI-2 bioluminescence assay. This indicates that AI-2 signaling could take place between bacteria found in the smear of surface ripened cheeses....

  11. Dry eyes and AIs: If you don't ask you won't find out. (United States)

    Inglis, Holly; Boyle, Frances M; Friedlander, Michael L; Watson, Stephanie L


    Our objective was to investigate the hypothesis that women on adjuvant aromatase inhibitors (AIs) for treatment of breast cancer have a higher prevalence of dry eye syndrome (DES) compared with controls. Exposure and control groups were recruited. A cross sectional questionnaire-based study was performed. Demographic data and medical histories were collected. The presence of dry eye syndrome was determined by the ocular surface disease index (OSDI). The Functional Assessment of Cancer Treatment - Endocrine Subscale (FACT-ES) was performed to investigate correlations with other side effects of AIs. 93 exposure group and 100 control group questionnaires were included. The groups were similar in all demographic variables. The prevalence of dry eye syndrome was 35% (exposure) and 18% (control) (p dry eyes. The OSDI score was negatively correlated with the total FACT-ES score and positively correlated with duration of treatment. Our study is the first to use a validated questionnaire to assess for DES in this population. DES is significantly more prevalent in women on AIs compared with controls. This is a newly emerging, and easily treated side effect of AIs. Self-reporting of dry eye symptoms underestimates the prevalence of DES with AIs. We recommend routine screening of patients on AIs with the OSDI with the aim of improving patient quality of life and possibly adherence. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. A study on the applications of AI in finishing of additive manufacturing parts (United States)

    Fathima Patham, K.


    Artificial intelligent and computer simulation are the technological powerful tools for solving complex problems in the manufacturing industries. Additive Manufacturing is one of the powerful manufacturing techniques that provide design flexibilities to the products. The products with complex shapes are directly manufactured without the need of any machining and tooling using Additive Manufacturing. However, the main drawback of the components produced using the Additive Manufacturing processes is the quality of the surfaces. This study aims to minimize the defects caused during Additive Manufacturing with the aid of Artificial Intelligence. The developed AI system has three layers, each layer is trying to eliminate or minimize the production errors. The first layer of the AI system optimizes the digitization of the 3D CAD model of the product and hence reduces the stair case errors. The second layer of the AI system optimizes the 3D printing machine parameters in order to eliminate the warping effect. The third layer of AI system helps to choose the surface finishing technique suitable for the printed component based on the Degree of Complexity of the product and the material. The efficiency of the developed AI system was examined on the functional parts such as gears.

  13. Do adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS neglect proprioceptive information in sensory integration of postural control?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Christine Assaiante

    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: It has been reported that AIS rely much more on ankle proprioception to control the amplitude of the balance control commands as compared to age-matched healthy adolescents. Our hypothesis was that AIS do not neglect proprioceptive information to control posture probably because of their vestibular deficits. We investigated the proprioceptive contribution to postural control in AIS which expresses spinal deformity during a crucial transitional period of ontogenesis. METHODS: 10 adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis (AIS with moderate spinal deformity (10° 35° and 10 control adolescents (CA had to maintain vertical stance while very slow oscillations in the frontal plane (below the detection threshold of the semicircular canal system were applied to the support with the eyes open and closed. Postural orientation and segmental stabilisation were analysed at head, shoulder, trunk and pelvis levels. RESULTS: Scoliosis did not affect vertical orientation control and segmental stabilization strategies. Vision improves postural control in both CA and AIS, which seem more dependent on visual cues than adults. CONCLUSIONS: AIS as CA were unable to control efficiently their postural orientation on the basis of the proprioceptive cues, the only sensory information available in the EC situation, whereas in the same condition healthy young adults present no difficulty to achieve the postural control. This suggests that AIS as CA transitory neglect proprioceptive information to control their posture. These results and previous studies suggest the existence of different afferent pathways for proprioceptive information subserving different parts in sensory integration of postural control. We conclude that the static proprioceptive system is not affected by the idiopathic scoliosis, while the dynamic proprioceptive system would be mainly affected.

  14. Optimizing Limousine Service with AI


    Chun, Andy Hon Wai


    A common problem for companies with strong business growth is that it is hard to find enough experienced staff to support expansion needs. This problem is particular pronounced for operations planners and controllers who must be very highly knowledgeable and experienced with the business domain. This article is a case study of how one of the largest travel agencies in Hong Kong alleviated this problem by using AI to support decision-making and problem-solving so that their planners and contro...

  15. AI Reloaded: Objectives, Potentials, and Challenges of the Novel Field of Brain-Like Artificial Intelligence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rosemarie Velik


    Full Text Available The general objective of Artificial Intelligence (AI is to make machines – particularly computers – do things that require intelligence when done by humans. In the last 60 years, AI has significantly progressed and today forms an important part of industry and technology. However, despite the many successes, fundamental questions concerning the creation of human-level intelligence in machines still remain open and will probably not be answerable when continuing on the current, mainly mathematic-algorithmically-guided path of AI. With the novel discipline of
    Brain-Like Artificial Intelligence, one potential way out of this dilemma has been suggested. Brain-Like AI aims at analyzing and deciphering the working mechanisms of the brain and translating this knowledge into implementable AI architectures with the objective to develop in this way more efficient, flexible, and capable technical systems This article aims at giving a review about this young and still heterogeneous and dynamic research field.

  16. Constitution d’un Corpus de Français Langue Etrangère destiné aux Apprenants Allemands

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fauth Camille


    Nationale de la Recherche et Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft attribué à l’équipe Parole du LORIA UMR 7503, Nancy – France et à l’Equipe de Linguistique Computationnelle et de Phonétique FR 4.7 de l’Université de la Sarre Sarrebruck – Allemagne dans lequel le français et l’allemand sont des langues cibles. Pour la paire allemand-français, peu de corpus parallèles sont disponibles. Nous présentons ici l’élaboration d’un corpus de productions orales de locuteurs natifs et non natifs pour la paire allemand-français. Notre corpus entend mettre au jour les déviations phonétiques et phonologiques que les locuteurs allemands produisent lorsqu’ils apprennent le français. Ce travail s’insère dans un projet plus global, Ce projet entend étudier les difficultés que les locuteurs français rencontrent lorsqu’ils apprennent l’allemand, et réciproquement. Aussi, cinquante locuteurs allemands seront recrutés dans des milieux universitaires et scolaires (niveau lycée en Allemagne et cinquante locuteurs français dans les mêmes milieux en France. Il s’agit pour les deux populations de produire d’une part le corpus en langue étrangère (en langue française pour les locuteurs allemands et en langue allemande pour les locuteurs français mais également le corpus en langue maternelle (en allemand pour les allemands et en français pour les français. Les corpus ainsi obtenus devraient nous permettre d’identifier les difficultés que les locuteurs allemands ou français rencontrent lorsqu’ils apprennent le français ou l’allemand. Les données de contrôle sont doubles puisque l’on pourra à la fois se référer aux productions des apprenants dans leur langue maternelle (ici l’allemand, mais également à celles de locuteurs natifs (ici germanophones. Nous ne présenterons ici que la constitution du corpus en français.

  17. Archiving AIS messages in a Geo-DBMS

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meijers, B.M.; Quak, C.W.; van Oosterom, P.J.M.; Bregt, Arnold; Sarjakoski, Tapani; Lammeren, Ron van; Rip, Frans


    This paper reports on the result of two studies for using a geographical database management system for archiving Automated Identification System (AIS) message data. In this paper, we analyse the storage (using MongoDB and PostgreSQL) and we give a more in-depth description of a possible data model

  18. Detection of possible AI-2-mediated quorum sensing system in commensal intestinal bacteria. (United States)

    Lukás, F; Gorenc, G; Kopecný, J


    The Vibrio harveyi strain BB170-autoinducer bioassay was used to detect possible quorum sensing autoinducer-2 molecule (AI-2) in culture fluids of commensal intestinal bacteria. Culture fluids of Bacteroides vulgatus, Clostridium proteoclasticum, Escherichia coli, Eubacterium rectale, Lachnospira multipara, Pseudobutyrivibrio ruminis, Roseburia intestinalis, Ruminococcus albus and Ruminococcus flavefaciens contained AI-2-like molecules. The PCR bands from some of the tested strains could be also amplified using primers designed for the luxS gene. These findings suggest that AI-2 is present in the gastrointestinal tract; however, it has not yet been proved whether it is used for bacterial cell-to-cell communication.

  19. How AI localisation in plant tissues determines the targeted pest spectrum of different chemistries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Buchholz, Anke; Trapp, Stefan

    penetration as first crucial step can be modified by formulation whereas the active ingredient (AI) distribution within cells is usually solely determined by physicochemical properties. This passive AI distribution was calculated with the Fick-Nernst-Planck equation implemented in a cell model....... The predictions were compared to the measured biological effects against three different arthropods. Test compounds differed in log P (-0.1 to 4.3) and pKa (4.1 to 10.7). Efficacies in different bioassays are discussed with the postulated cellular AI localisation and the individual feeding behaviour...

  20. Future role of AI/Robotics in physical security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobs, J.


    Manpower requirements for physical security systems place a heavy burden on operating security budgets. Technology innovations which free personnel or which make security personnel more efficient in carrying out their tasks is an important means of dealing with budget and manpower constraints. It is believed that AI/Robotics will be important technologies to alleviate these problems in the future. There are three types of applications for AI and Robotics technology that may: (l) help security personnel perform their tasks more effectively or efficiently, (2) perform tasks that security personnel would otherwise perform (free up people), and (3) perform tasks that cannot be performed by security personnel at this time. This paper discusses the various types of security applications that are presently being considered for the above areas and briefly describes a few examples of the application of this technology

  1. AI mass spectrometers for space shuttle health monitoring (United States)

    Adams, F. W.


    The facility Hazardous Gas Detection System (HGDS) at Kennedy Space Center (KSC) is a mass spectrometer based gas analyzer. Two instruments make up the HGDS, which is installed in a prime/backup arrangement, with the option of using both analyzers on the same sample line, or on two different lines simultaneously. It is used for monitoring the Shuttle during fuel loading, countdown, and drainback, if necessary. The use of complex instruments, operated over many shifts, has caused problems in tracking the status of the ground support equipment (GSE) and the vehicle. A requirement for overall system reliability has been a major force in the development of Shuttle GSE, and is the ultimate driver in the choice to pursue artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for Shuttle and Advanced Launch System (ALS) mass spectrometer systems. Shuttle applications of AI are detailed.

  2. Alpha List of Prime Contract Awards. Oct 1991 - Sep 1992. FY 1992. (Universal Asphalt Co Inc - ZZYZX) (United States)


    wt cc cON II w- w c T-f 12) 4 C4 ::O ILý at 1,-N a. Z a. Z a. a. a. L Zaw O1, E IW lb I .. 0 0Q 0 0 C) I 0 ix ~ a iw w o 00 It it M4 4 WON II 0 z...Gull. C)(.0 w 0(00)AI P r, 4(0 () r--*- ) (D(7 () - D. - i U1 rN-- Nr00 0 4 If I0)000 o 113a -4r- ~ li- 4- i C1. -1 N400 - 0 o0) .-40 0)> 03 -1 - tun

  3. AIS as key component in modern vessel traffic management and information systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lamers, W. [DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (DASA), Ulm (Germany)


    The objective of this paper is to provide information in respect to universal shipborne identification system (UAIS) as main sensor in various vessel traffic applications. The presented paper will give general information concerning AIS functionality and the standardisation process. Based on experience from recent projects and various IALA working group activities, a typical future VTMIS architectures is also presented being based on AIS as key sensor. The required key performance of AIS associated with the HW components will be described. The results from European technology study Indris are presented and discussed. Finally, a summary and conclusion from the presented material will complete the technical paper. The elaboration of this presentation has been carried out as a joint task between Mr. Andre van Berg, MDS Suedafrika und Mr. Walter Lamers, DASA Ulm. (orig.)

  4. Woman Friendly Mosque, Features and Facilities: A Case Study on Masjid Sultan Ibrahim, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (United States)

    Suratkon, A.; Salam, N. N. Abd; Rahmat, M. H.; Arhan, A. S. Mohd; Wahab, I. Abd; Ghaffar, S. A.


    Mosque has gone through a long and complex development throughout the Muslim’s history which involved the interrelation between its functions and its design. During the process, many aspects of its design were reconfigured including the female facilities in the mosque. In Malaysia, there is a progressive movement to transform the roles and functions of the mosque from exclusive place for prayers and seclusion to a community center. Nevertheless, there are still a numbers of muslim women voices their frustration towards the facilities provided to them in the mosque. Indirectly, this has discourage participation of women in the mosque. The objective of this paper is to investigate the opinions and needs of muslim women in a mosque and to propose appropriate features and facilities for a female-friendly mosque. The study explored through a field observation and a set of questionnaires, which involves a case study of Masjid Sultan Ibrahim in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The field observation was carried out to analyze its current conditions, facilities, design and features. On the other hand, a set of questionnaire was distributed to the women visitors who were mainly students and staffs as to get their insight on this issue. From the field observation and the survey distributed, it was clearly seen that the facilities provided for the female users were still not up to the standard of a ‘women-friendly mosque’. Some proposals were provided to improve on the current condition and to be taken into consideration by future designers in designing a mosque.

  5. Augmentation index (AI) in a dose-response relationship with smoking habits in males: The Tanushimaru study. (United States)

    Tsuru, Tomoko; Adachi, Hisashi; Enomoto, Mika; Fukami, Ako; Kumagai, Eita; Nakamura, Sachiko; Nohara, Yume; Kono, Shoko; Nakao, Erika; Sakaue, Akiko; Morikawa, Nagisa; Fukumoto, Yoshihiro


    We investigated the relationship between augmentation index (AI) and smoking habits in community-dwelling Japanese.This cross-sectional study enrolled 1926 subjects (769 males and 1157 females) aged 40 to 95 years who underwent a health check-up in a Japanese cohort of the Seven Countries Study, in Tanushimaru, a typical farming town in Kyushu Island in 2009. The subjects' medical history, alcohol intake, smoking habit, and current medications for hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes were ascertained by questionnaire. Radial arterial pressure wave analysis was used to obtain AI. We analyzed the data stratified by gender.Age-adjusted means of AI in males showed a clear dose-response relationship in 4 categories of smoking habits (P = 0.010). There was no significant relationship between AI and smoking habits in females (P = 0.127). The significant dose-response relationship (P = 0.036) in males between AI and 4 categories of smoking habits still remained even after adjustment for age, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, estimated glomerular filtration rate, glucose, hypertensive medication, and alcohol intake.The present study demonstrated that AI values were significantly associated with smoking habits in a dose-dependent manner in Japanese males.

  6. An artificial intelligence (AI) NOx/heat rate optimization system for Ontario Hydro`s fossil generating stations

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Luk, J.; Frank, A.; Bodach, P. [Ontario Hydro, Toronto, ON (Canada); Warriner, G. [Radian International, Tucker, GA (United States); Noblett, J. [Radian International, Austin, TX (United States); Slatsky, M. [Southern Company, Birmingham, AL (United States)


    Artificial intelligence (AI)-based software packages which can optimize power plant operations that improves heat rate and also reduces nitrogen oxide emissions are now commonly available for commercial use. This paper discusses the implementation of the AI-based NOx and Heat Rate Optimization System at Ontario Hydro`s generation stations, emphasizing the current AI Optimization Project at Units 5 and 6 of the Lakeview Generating Station. These demonstration programs are showing promising results in NOx reduction and plant performance improvement. The availability of the plant Digital Control System (DCS) in implementing AI optimization in a closed-loop system was shown to be an important criterion for success. Implementation of AI technology at other Ontario Hydro fossil generating units as part of the overall NOx emission reduction system is envisaged to coincide with the retrofit of the original plant control system with the latest DCS systems. 14 refs., 3 figs.

  7. Protection level of AI H5N1 vaccine clade 2.1.3 commercial against AI H5N1 clade 2.3.2 virus from Ducks to SPF chicken in laboratory conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Indriani R


    Full Text Available Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI subtype H5N1 clade 2.3.2 has infected chickens in farms, causing mortality and a decrease in egg production. Vaccination is one of the strategies to control disease of AI subtype H5N1. AI H5N1 clade 2.1.3 vaccine is available commercially. The effectiveness of two vaccines of AI H5N1 clade 2.1.3 (product A and B, and AI H5N1 clade 2.3.2 (Sukoharjo against AI H5N1 clade 2.3.2 (Sukoharjo virus SPF chickens was tested in laboratory. Four groups of SPF chickens were used in this study, there were (1 vaccinated with H5N1 clade 2.1.3 (product A, (2 vaccinated with H5N1 clade 2.1.3 (product B, (3 vaccinated with AI H5N1 clade 2.3.2 and (4 unvaccinated (as a control. Each vaccinated group consisted of 10 chicken except 8 chicken for control group. SPF chicken were vaccinated with 1 dose of vaccine at 3 weeks olds, and then after 3 weeks post vaccination (at 6 weeks olds. All group of chicken were challenged with 106 EID50 per 0.1 ml via intranasal. The results showed, chicken vaccinated with H5N1 clade 2.1.3 product A and B gave 100 and 80% protection respectively, but showed challenged virus shedding, whereas vaccine of H5N1 clade 2.3.2 gave 100% protection from mortality and without virus shedding. Vaccines of AI H5N1 clade 2.1.3 product A was better than vaccine product B, and when chicken vaccinated against H5N1 clade 2.3.2, H5N1 clade 2.3.2 vaccine was the best to be used. In order to protect chicken from AI subtype H5N1 clade 2.1.3 and 2.3.2 in the field, a bivalent vaccine of H5N1 clade 2.1.3 and 2.3.2 subtypes should be developed.

  8. Os efeitos do método Ai Chi em pacientes portadoras da síndrome fibromiálgica The effect of Ai Chi method in fybromialgic patients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jacqueline Soares de Santana


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo é demonstrar os efeitos do método Ai Chi como forma alternativa de abordagem hidroterapêutica em pacientes portadoras da síndrome fibromiálgica. Foram estudados dez pacientes; quatro fizeram parte do grupo experimento e cinco, do grupo controle, com uma desistência. As pacientes foram avaliadas através do Questionário de Impacto da Fibromialgia (QIF e da Escala de Intensidade e Índice de dor nos Pontos Sensíveis. Foram realizadas duas avaliações, uma antes e outra após o tratamento. As pacientes foram submetidas a dez sessões do método Ai Chi, com duração de quarenta minutos. Houve melhora na intensidade da dor, de acordo com a escala da intensidade de dor nos pontos sensíveis, após a intervenção; já a qualidade de vida manteve-se sem alteração. Na qualidade de vida, observou-se que os grupos obtiveram resultados semelhantes; isso se deve ao fato que as pacientes não apresentaram melhora no seu estado depressivo. No índice dos pontos sensíveis, verificou-se diferença entre os grupos. A explicação para essa diferença deve-se possivelmente aos benefícios da imersão em água aquecida e aos efeitos do método Ai Chi. Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos, o que pode ser atribuído às limitações do estudo. Desta forma, torna-se relevante a realização de novos estudos referentes à aplicação do método Ai Chi em pacientes portadoras da síndrome fibromiálgica.The objective of this article is to show the effect of the Ai Chi method, as an alternative form of hydrotherapeutic approach in fibromyalgia syndrome patients. Ten patients were studied, four were part of the experiment group and five of the control group, with one desistance. The patients were evaluated through the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (QIF and Scale of Intensity and Index of pain in Sensible Points. Two evaluations were performed, before and after the treatment. The patients were submitted to ten sessions

  9. BanII dimorphic site located in the third intron of the human apolipoprotein AI (APOA1) gene

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Coleman, R T; Kresnak, M T; Frossard, P M


    A 0.7kb fragment generated by AvaII digestion of pBL13AI, a 0.965kb full-length human apolipoprotein AI cDNA was cloned into the EcoRI site of pBR322. The apoAI cDNA was isolated from a lambdagt10 human fetal liver cDNA library. BanII (GPuGCPyC) (International Biotechnologies, Inc.) identifies two invariant bands at 1122bp and 417bp, and a single two-allele polymorphism with bands at either 274bp or 452bp. The human apolipoprotein AI-CIII-AIV gene complex has been localized on the long arm of chromosome 11 by Southern blot analysis of human-chinese hamster cell hybrids. Co-dominant segregation has been observed in two families (13 individuals). The BanII restriction map was constructed from DNA sequence data of the human apoAI gene. The 452bp fragment is generated by the loss of a BanII dimorphic site in the third intron of the apoAI gene, between the 178bp and the 274bp fragments.


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    PASTURE ffPROVEMENT POSSIBILTTIES IN EFFECTIVE AI{IMAL PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. P. de V. Booysen. University of Natal, King George V Avenue, Durban. (Key words: .... inherent in biotic simplification is the danger of increased susceptibility of the abiotic component to degradation. So as the agriculturalist ...

  11. The hidden dangers of experimenting in distributed AI

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meyer, A.P.; Smit, A.; Kempen, M.; Wijngaards, N.


    Research on multi-agent systems often involves experiments, also in situations where humans interact with agents. Consequently, the field of experimental (human) sciences becomes more and more relevant. This paper clarifies how things can and often do go wrong in distributed AI experiments. We show

  12. The 2010 Mario AI Championship: Level Generation Track

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Shaker, Noor; Togelius, Julian; Yannakakis, Georgios N.


    The Level Generation Competition, part of the IEEE CIS-sponsored 2010 Mario AI Championship, was to our knowledge the world’s first procedural content generation competition. Competitors participated by submitting level generators — software that generates new levels for a version of Super Mario...

  13. Synthesized and characterization of AI and Gd substitute ferrite for microwave

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sudjono, Hans K.; Muljadi; Soepriyanto, Syony


    Ferrite for microwave components has been synthesized from garnet ceramics (YIG)substituted by AI and Gd. Magnetic permeability and magnetic polarization changes according to the AI 3+ ion addition. XRD is performed to determined the sintering products at various temperatures. For some samples the magnetic property and performance in microwave region was tested. The testing is conducted in the form of completely assembled circulator which gives data on isolation, insertion loss when microwave circuit analyzer was employed. Due to high level of porosity insertion lost is still to large, improved process is necessary

  14. AIS radiometry and the problem of contamination from mixed spectral orders (United States)

    Conel, J. E.; Adams, S.; Alley, R. E.; Hoover, G.; Schultz, S.


    The spectral radiance of test areas under solar illumination is ascertained in view of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) data from Mono Lake, CA, establishing an atmospheric correction method for major absorbers on the basis of the spectrometric data themselves. The apparent low contrast of all atmospheric absorption bands leads to a study of contamination from overlapping spectral orders in the AIS data; this contamination is found unambiguously above 1500 nm with a magnitude that is a factor of 1.5-2.0 greater than the expected uncontaminated signal alone.

  15. 23 mai 2008 - Madame Micheline Calmy-Rey Conseillère fédérale, Cheffe du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE), Confédération suisse et Dr Annette Schavan, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany visitent le CERN

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    23 mai 2008 - Madame Micheline Calmy-Rey Conseillère fédérale, Cheffe du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE), Confédération suisse et Dr Annette Schavan, Federal Minister of Education and Research, Germany visitent le CERN

  16. Purification and Characterization of BmooAi: A New Toxin from Bothrops moojeni Snake Venom That Inhibits Platelet Aggregation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mayara Ribeiro de Queiroz


    Full Text Available In this paper, we describe the purification/characterization of BmooAi, a new toxin from Bothrops moojeni that inhibits platelet aggregation. The purification of BmooAi was carried out through three chromatographic steps (ion-exchange on a DEAE-Sephacel column, molecular exclusion on a Sephadex G-75 column, and reverse-phase HPLC chromatography on a C2/C18 column. BmooAi was homogeneous by SDS-PAGE and shown to be a single-chain protein of 15,000 Da. BmooAi was analysed by MALDI-TOF Spectrometry and revealed two major components with molecular masses 7824.4 and 7409.2 as well as a trace of protein with a molecular mass of 15,237.4 Da. Sequencing of BmooAi by Edman degradation showed two amino acid sequences: IRDFDPLTNAPENTA and ETEEGAEEGTQ, which revealed no homology to any known toxin from snake venom. BmooAi showed a rather specific inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation induced by collagen, adenosine diphosphate, or epinephrine in human platelet-rich plasma in a dose-dependent manner, whereas it had little or no effect on platelet aggregation induced by ristocetin. The effect on platelet aggregation induced by BmooAi remained active even when heated to 100°C. BmooAi could be of medical interest as a new tool for the development of novel therapeutic agents for the prevention and treatment of thrombotic disorders.

  17. On how AI & Law can help autonomous systems obey the law: a position paper

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prakken, Hendrik


    In this position paper I discuss to what extent current and past AI & law research is relevant for research on autonomous intelligent systems that exhibit legally relevant behaviour. After a brief review of the history of AI & law, I will compare the problems faced by autonomous intelligent systems

  18. An Empirical Study of AI Population Dynamics with Million-agent Reinforcement Learning


    Yang, Yaodong; Yu, Lantao; Bai, Yiwei; Wang, Jun; Zhang, Weinan; Wen, Ying; Yu, Yong


    In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on discovering the ordered collective dynamics obtained by a population of artificial intelligence (AI) agents. Our intention is to put AI agents into a simulated natural context, and then to understand their induced dynamics at the population level. In particular, we aim to verify if the principles developed in the real world could also be used in understanding an artificially-created intelligent population. To achieve this, we simulate a large-sc...

  19. Malaysia’s Experience in War Against Communist Insurgency and Its Relevance to the Present Situation in Iraq (United States)


    Najib Tun Abdul Razak , Minister of Defense of Malaysia, at the national conference on “Rethinking Southeast Asian Regional Security,” April 29, 2003...the 1970s enabled the administration of Tun Abdul Razak and later Tun Hussein Onn who took over on the death of Tun Razak in 1976, to make

  20. Monitoring Severe Accidents Using AI Techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    No, Young Gyu; Kim, Ju Hyun; Na, Man Gyun; Ahn, Kwang Il


    It is very difficult for nuclear power plant operators to monitor and identify the major severe accident scenarios following an initiating event by staring at temporal trends of important parameters. The objective of this study is to develop and verify the monitoring for severe accidents using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques such as support vector classification (SVC), probabilistic neural network (PNN), group method of data handling (GMDH) and fuzzy neural network (FNN). The SVC and PNN are used for event classification among the severe accidents. Also, GMDH and FNN are used to monitor for severe accidents. The inputs to AI techniques are initial time-integrated values obtained by integrating measurement signals during a short time interval after reactor scram. In this study, 3 types of initiating events such as the hot-leg LOCA, the cold-leg LOCA and SGTR are considered and it is verified how well the proposed scenario identification algorithm using the GMDH and FNN models identifies the timings when the reactor core will be uncovered, when CET will exceed 1200 .deg. F and when the reactor vessel will fail. In cases that an initiating event develops into a severe accident, the proposed algorithm showed accurate classification of initiating events. Also, it well predicted timings for important occurrences during severe accident progression scenarios, which is very helpful for operators to perform severe accident management

  1. AI techniques in geomagnetic storm forecasting (United States)

    Lundstedt, Henrik

    This review deals with how geomagnetic storms can be predicted with the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Today many different Al techniques have been developed, such as symbolic systems (expert and fuzzy systems) and connectionism systems (neural networks). Even integrations of AI techniques exist, so called Intelligent Hybrid Systems (IHS). These systems are capable of learning the mathematical functions underlying the operation of non-linear dynamic systems and also to explain the knowledge they have learned. Very few such powerful systems exist at present. Two such examples are the Magnetospheric Specification Forecast Model of Rice University and the Lund Space Weather Model of Lund University. Various attempts to predict geomagnetic storms on long to short-term are reviewed in this article. Predictions of a month to days ahead most often use solar data as input. The first SOHO data are now available. Due to the high temporal and spatial resolution new solar physics have been revealed. These SOHO data might lead to a breakthrough in these predictions. Predictions hours ahead and shorter rely on real-time solar wind data. WIND gives us real-time data for only part of the day. However, with the launch of the ACE spacecraft in 1997, real-time data during 24 hours will be available. That might lead to the second breakthrough for predictions of geomagnetic storms.

  2. Integration of AI-2 Based Cell-Cell Signaling with Metabolic Cues in Escherichia coli.

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    Arindam Mitra

    Full Text Available The quorum sensing molecule Autoinducer-2 (AI-2 is generated as a byproduct of activated methyl cycle by the action of LuxS in Escherichia coli. AI-2 is synthesized, released and later internalized in a cell-density dependent manner. Here, by mutational analysis of the genes, uvrY and csrA, we describe a regulatory circuit of accumulation and uptake of AI-2. We constructed a single-copy chromosomal luxS-lacZ fusion in a luxS + merodiploid strain and evaluated its relative expression in uvrY and csrA mutants. At the entry of stationary phase, the expression of the fusion and AI-2 accumulation was positively regulated by uvrY and negatively regulated by csrA respectively. A deletion of csrA altered message stability of the luxS transcript and CsrA protein exhibited weak binding to 5' luxS regulatory region. DNA protein interaction and chromatin immunoprecipitation analysis confirmed direct interaction of UvrY with the luxS promoter. Additionally, reduced expression of the fusion in hfq deletion mutant suggested involvement of small RNA interactions in luxS regulation. In contrast, the expression of lsrA operon involved in AI-2 uptake, is negatively regulated by uvrY and positively by csrA in a cell-density dependent manner. The dual role of csrA in AI-2 synthesis and uptake suggested a regulatory crosstalk of cell signaling with carbon regulation in Escherichia coli. We found that the cAMP-CRP mediated catabolite repression of luxS expression was uvrY dependent. This study suggests that luxS expression is complex and regulated at the level of transcription and translation. The multifactorial regulation supports the notion that cell-cell communication requires interaction and integration of multiple metabolic signals.

  3. Swapping the N- and C-terminal domains of human apolipoprotein E3 and AI reveals insights into their structure/activity relationship.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mark T Lek

    Full Text Available Apolipoprotein (apo E3 and apoAI are exchangeable apolipoproteins that play a dominant role in regulating plasma lipoprotein metabolism. ApoE3 (299 residues is composed of an N-terminal (NT domain bearing a 4-helix bundle and a C-terminal (CT domain bearing a series of amphipathic α-helices. ApoAI (243 residues also comprises a highly helical NT domain and a less structured CT tail. The objective of this study was to understand their structural and functional role by generating domain swapped chimeras: apoE3-NT/apoAI-CT and apoAI-NT/apoE-CT. The bacterially overexpressed chimeras were purified by affinity chromatography and their identity confirmed by immunoblotting and mass spectrometry. Their α-helical content was comparable to that of the parent proteins. ApoE3-NT/apoAI-CT retained the denaturation profile of apoE3 NT domain, with apoAI CT tail eliciting a relatively unstructured state; its lipid binding ability improved dramatically compared to apoE3 indicative of a significant role of apoAI CT tail in lipid binding interaction. The LDL receptor interaction and ability to promote ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux of apoE3-NT/apoAI-CT was comparable to that of apoE3. In contrast, apoAI-NT/apoE-CT elicited an unfolding pattern and lipid binding ability that were similar to that of apoAI. As expected, DMPC/apoAI-NT/apoE-CT discoidal particles did not elicit LDLr binding ability, and promoted SR-B1 mediated cellular uptake of lipids to a limited extent. However, apoAI-NT/apoE-CT displayed an enhanced ability to promote cholesterol efflux compared to apoAI, indicative of a significant role for apoE CT domain in mediating this function. Together, these results indicate that the functional attributes of apoAI and apoE3 can be conferred on each other and that NT-CT domain interactions significantly modulate their structure and function.

  4. Microstructural studies of suck cast (Zr-SS)-3 and 5 AI alloys for nuclear metallic waste form

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumar, P.; Das, N.; Sengupta, P.; Arya, A.; Dey, G.K.


    Management of radioactive metallic waste using 'alloy melting route' is currently being investigated. For disposal of Zr and SS base nuclear metallic wastes, Zr-stainless steel (SS) hybrid alloys are being considered as baseline alloys for developing metallic-waste-form (MWF) alloys. In this context Zr-16 wt. %55 has been selected for MWF alloy in our previous study. In present study, to include amorphous phase in this alloy, 3 and 5 wt. % Al has been added in order to improve desirable properties and useful features of MWF and the two alloys have been prepared by suck casting techniques. Microstructure of these alloys have been investigated by optical and electron microscopy which shows occurrence of two different phases, e.g. dark grey and white phases, in (Zr-16 SS)-3 Al and three different phases, e.g. grey, dark grey and white phases in (Zr-16 SS)-5 AI. Electron diffraction and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of these two alloy specimens revealed the occurrence of Zr (Fe, Cr, AI) (dark grey) and Zr 2 (Fe, Cr, AI) (white) phases in (Zr-16 SS)-3 Al whereas, Zr (Fe, Cr, AI) (dark grey), Zr 2 (Fe, Cr, AI) (grey) and Zr 3 (Fe, Cr, AI) (white) phases were found in (Zr-16 SS)-5 AI. In addition, presence of amorphous phase was indicated by XRD analysis that could be confirmed by transmission electron microscopy of these two alloys. (author)


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    Georgiana MEDREA


    Full Text Available Avant même d’aborder la nature des films français importés en Roumanie dans l’entre-deux-guerres, il convient de situer cette production cinématographique dans l’ensemble de celles présentes sur le marché roumain, ce que permettent documents et articles critiques contemporains. La diversité des mises en scène et des acteurs, la variété des sujets traités plaisent à un large public. La plus grande place que connaît le cinéma français en Roumanie dans les années trente est sans doute due,également, à la présence, dans le monde cinématographique français, d’artistes roumains qui manifestent un souci d’intégration dans une culture d’accueil qu’ils admirent. Les exemplesde coopérations franco-roumaines sont nombreuses, jusqu’à se manifester parfois sous la forme de coproductions

  6. AI-2 signalling is induced by acidic shock in probiotic strains of Lactobacillus spp. (United States)

    Moslehi-Jenabian, Saloomeh; Gori, Klaus; Jespersen, Lene


    Survival and ability to respond to various environmental stresses such as low pH are important factors for lactobacilli for their function as probiotics. LuxS-mediated quorum sensing mechanism, which is based on the production of universal signal molecule called autoinducer-2 (AI-2), regulates important physiological traits and a variety of adaptive processes in different bacteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acidic stress on LuxS-mediated quorum sensing (AI-2 signalling) in four probiotic strains of different Lactobacillus species. Initially, the production of AI-2-like molecule was investigated in four strains of Lactobacillus spp. at standard growth conditions using Vibrio harveyi bioluminescence assay. Species variation in AI-2 activity was observed. AI-2 activity started at early-exponential growth phase and increased during the mid-exponential phase concomitant with the reduction of pH, reaching maximum at late exponential phase (L. rhamnosus GG) or at stationary phase (L. salivarius UCC118, L. acidophilus NCFM and L. johnsonii NCC533). Acidic shock experiments were conducted on L. rhamnosus GG and L. acidophilus NCFM after exposure to different acidic shocks (pH 5.0, 4.0 and 3.0) and to pH 6.5 as control, measuring AI-2 activity and transcription of the luxS gene. AI-2 activity increased by lowering the pH in a dose dependent manner and was negatively influenced by acid adaptation. In both species, the luxS gene was repressed after exposure to pH 6.5 as control. However, after acidic shock (pH 4.0) a transient response of luxS gene was observed and the transcription augmented over time, reaching a maximum level and decreased subsequently. Acid adaptation of cells attenuated the transcription of this gene. Based on the observations done in the present study, the luxS gene appears to have a clear role in acidic stress response in probiotic lactobacilli. This might be important in the survival of these bacteria during the passage

  7. Ship Emission Inventories in Estuary of the Yangtze River Using Terrestrial AIS Data

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xin Yao


    Full Text Available Estuary forms a transition zone between inland river and open sea. In China, the estuary of the Yangtze River plays a vital role in connecting the inland and oversea shipping, and witnesses heavy vessel traffic in the recent decades. Nowadays, more attentions have been directed to the issue of ship pollution in busy waterways. In order to investigate the ship emission inventory, this paper presents an Automatic Identification System(AIS based method. AIS data is the realistic data of vessel traffic including dynamic information (position, speed, course, etc. and static information (ship type, dimensions, name, etc.. According to ship dimensions, the power of engines is estimated for different ship types. By using AIS based bottom-up approach, ship emission inventories and shares of air pollutants and GHGs (Greenhouse gases are developed. Spatial distribution of ship emissions is illustrated in the form of heat map. As a case study, the emission inventories are analyzed using AIS data of 2010 in the estuary, and following results are made:(1 shares of the emission are cruise ships 6.59%, bulk carriers 5.16%, container ships 52.96%, tankers 15.16%, fishing ships 9.16%, other ships 10.97%; (2 CO2 is the dominant part of the emission. (3 Areas of highest emission intensity are generally clustered around the South Channel, the North Channel and ports in the vicinity. The proposed method is promising because it is derived from the AIS data which contains not only real data of individual ship but also vessel traffic situation in the study area. It can server as a reference for other researchers and policy makers working in this field.

  8. Grammaire progressive du français corrigés : niveau intermédiaire

    CERN Document Server

    Thiévenaz, Odile


    Quatrième édition des corrigés de l'ouvrage de Grammaire de français langue étrangère (FLE), niveau intermédiaire, dans la collection Progressive du français destiné aux grands adolescents et adultes. Ce qui fait le succès de cet ouvrage de grammaire: Une organisation claire : la leçon de grammaire sur la page de gauche, les exercices d'entraînement sur la page de droite 52 chapitres présentant les points généralement abordés aux niveaux A2 et B1 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues Un apprentissage progressif : il suit la progression naturelle des méthodes de français Un usage souple : pour la classe ou en auto-apprentissage Une préparation adaptée aux certifications : un entraînement efficace pour mieux réussir aux examens NOUVEAU!​ Appli-Web de la Grammaire progressive du français Pour s'entraîner et s'évaluer en ligne en sollicitant toutes les compétences écrites et orales: près de 300 exercices interactifs avec dialogues, instructions, exemples et corri...

  9. Fragments of a Forgotten Aiōn. An Outline of a Gnostic Myth

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    Ezio Albrile


    Full Text Available Gnostics regard the cosmos as the result of an «error» or of a hybris begotten in the transcendent world. Reality is perceived as a great dream intentionally moulded by the Demiurge in order to forget the Light concealed in the creations. By consequence, the power of the Demiurge consists precisely in being the creator and keeper of a level of existence limited in space and time. Gnostic imagination plastically depicts the homicide and ignorant Demiurge with the features of an abnormous creature with the head of a lion and wings, enveloped in the coils of a snake. Thus, Gnostics reinterpreted a key figure in the syncretic pantheon of late Hellenism, i. e. Aiōn, the god of endless eternity, the Saeculum, the Iranic  Zurwān, the Jewish ‘Olām. This means that Aiōn involved contacts with two different visions: the Aiōnes are the creations that populate the gnostic plērōma, immortal and eternal entities, and outside the plērōma the demiurgic Aiōn arises as the result of a divine «fault», a monstrous being whose somatic features can be found in the Orphic and Mithriac iconography.

  10. Exploring AI Language Assistants with Primary EFL Students (United States)

    Underwood, Joshua


    The main objective of this study was to identify ways to incorporate voice-driven Artificial Intelligence (AI) effectively in classroom language learning. This nine month teacher-led design research study employed technology probes (Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Google voice search) and co-design methods with a class of primary age English as a…

  11. La « nouvelle modernité » urbaine.

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    Alexis Salanson


    Full Text Available Président du conseil scientifique de l'Institut « Pour la ville en mouvement » et professeur à l'Institut français d'urbanisme (Paris 8, François Ascher résume dans cet ouvrage les thèses qu'il a défendues tout au long de ses précédentes publications 1  : la société dans laquelle nous vivons s'éloigne irrémédiablement de ce qu'elle fut pendant la révolution industrielle pour basculer dans une « nouvelle modernité ». Celle-ci conduit à repenser ...



    Savitri Paramita, Ni Made


    This research underlies the analysis on the performance and performativity of characters in shonen-ai: Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, Henshin Dekinai, and Himananode Hajimete Mimashita manga. Characterization in shonen-ai manga is based on the characters’ role within the same-sex relationship, which are the male role (seme) and the female role (uke). The character of Seme tends to be aggressive, protective, smart, good looking, and unemotional. On the other hand, Uke is feminine, smaller, physically wea...

  13. Thiophenone Attenuates Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O103:H2 Virulence by Interfering with AI-2 Signaling. (United States)

    Witsø, Ingun Lund; Valen Rukke, Håkon; Benneche, Tore; Aamdal Scheie, Anne


    Interference with bacterial quorum sensing communication provides an anti-virulence strategy to control pathogenic bacteria. Here, using the Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) O103:H2, we showed for the first time that thiophenone TF101 reduced expression of lsrB; the gene encoding the AI-2 receptor. Combined results of transcriptional and phenotypic analyses suggested that TF101 interfere with AI-2 signalling, possibly by competing with AI-2 for binding to LsrB. This is supported by in silico docking prediction of thiophenone TF101 in the LsrB pocket. Transcriptional analyses furthermore showed that thiophenone TF101 interfered with expression of the virulence genes eae and fimH. In addition, TF101 reduced AI-2 induced E. coli adhesion to colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. TF101, on the other hand, did not affect epinephrine or norepinephrine enhanced E. coli adhesion. Overall, our results showed that thiophenone TF101 interfered with virulence expression in E. coli O103:H2, suggestedly by interfering with AI-2 mediated quorum sensing. We thus conclude that thiophenone TF101 might represent a promising future anti-virulence agent in the fight against pathogenic E. coli.

  14. ai Palm Fruit (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) Pulp Improves Survival of Flies on a High Fat Diet


    Sun, Xiaoping; Seeberger, Jeanne; Alberico, Thomas; Wang, Chunxu; Wheeler, Charles T.; Schauss, Alexander G.; Zou, Sige


    Reducing oxidative damage is thought to be an effective aging intervention. Açai, a fruit indigenous to the Amazon, is rich in phytochemicals that possesses high anti-oxidant activities, and has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-cardiovascular disease properties. However, little is known about its potential anti-aging properties especially at the organismal level. Here we evaluated the effect of açai pulp on modulating lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster. We found that açai supplementat...

  15. Molecular characterization of AI viruses from poultry and wild bird surveillance in Denmark

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Larsen, Lars Erik; Krog, Jesper Schak; Madsen, Jesper J.

    Infection with avian influenza virus (AIV) in poultry may cause devastating disease although the same virus may not cause disease in wild birds. Since AI viruses can be exchanged between poultry and wild birds, surveillance in wild birds provides important knowledge for control of disease...... in poultry. AIV’s from the Danish wild bird active surveillance were characterized, focusing on viruses from 2012, and from outbreaks of AI in poultry in Denmark. The matrix (M) gene from more than 50 viruses of different subtypes and the hemagglutinin (HA) gene from more than 30 subtype H5 low pathogenic...... viruses were sequenced and compared by alignment and phylogenetic analyses. The aim was to evaluate: the origin of viruses from outbreaks of AI in Danish poultry, the design of active surveillance in Denmark, and the suitability of the molecular diagnostic RT-PCR tests employed. All M-genes from Danish...

  16. De l’harmonie dans la construction des mots français

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    Roché Michel


    Full Text Available La formation des gentilés, particulièrement sensible aux contraintes d’euphonie, permet de mettre en évidence, pour le français, deux manifestations complémentaires de la contrainte dissimilative. L’une, négative, tend à éviter la consécution à faible distance du même phonème ou de deux phonèmes proches. Elle explique la sous-représentation des deux principaux suffixes, -ais et -ois, après une accroche en sifflante, à cause de la sifflante conte-nue par le suffixe au féminin, ainsi que la sous-représentation de -ais après /E/ et de -ois après /A/. L’autre, positive, favorise entre les voyelles une harmonie fondée sur les contrastes. De-vant les suffixes dont la voyelle est une voyelle d’avant moyenne ou haute (-ais, -ain, -in, -ier…, sont privilégiés les radicaux dont la dernière voyelle est une voyelle d’arrière moyenne ou basse, et de préférence un /O/ plutôt qu’un /A/. Devant les suffixes dont la voyelle est une voyelles d’arrière moyenne ou basse (-ois, -ot, -on, -and, -at, -ard…, sont privilégiés les radi-caux dont la dernière voyelle est une voyelle d’avant moyenne ou haute, et de préférence un /i/ plutôt qu’un /E/. Pour cela, un yod au contact du suffixe joue le même rôle qu’un /i/ dans la syllabe précédente. Cette harmonie est obtenue soit par la sélection du suffixe, soit par un aménagement – substitution, épenthèse, troncation, insertion d’un interfixe, etc. – du radical fourni par la base. On observe d’autre part une harmonisation de l’accroche consonantique du radical avec la voyelle du suffixe. Devant -ois, sont privilégiées les attaques en labiale ou en vélaire, en accord avec le double caractère du /w/ propre à ce suffixe. Devant -ais et -ain, ce sont les attaques en dentale. Devant -ot, -on, -and, -at, -ard, la tendance à rapprocher l’articu-lation de la consonne de celle de la voyelle peut aller jusqu’aux vélaires mais elle s’arrête sou

  17. Sensor assignment to mission in AI-TECD (United States)

    Ganger, Robert; de Mel, Geeth; Pham, Tien; Rudnicki, Ronald; Schreiber, Yonatan


    Sensor-mission assignment involves the allocation of sensors and other information-providing resources to missions in order to cover the information needs of the individual tasks within each mission. The importance of efficient and effective means to find appropriate resources for tasks is exacerbated in the coalition context where the operational environment is dynamic and a multitude of critically important tasks need to achieve their collective goals to meet the objectives of the coalition. The Sensor Assignment to Mission (SAM) framework—a research product of the International Technology Alliance in Network and Information Sciences (NIS-ITA) program—provided the first knowledge intensive resource selection approach for the sensor network domain so that contextual information could be used to effectively select resources for tasks in coalition environments. Recently, CUBRC, Inc. was tasked with operationalizing the SAM framework through the use of the I2WD Common Core Ontologies for the Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC) sponsored Actionable Intelligence Technology Enabled Capabilities Demonstration (AI-TECD). The demonstration event took place at Fort Dix, New Jersey during July 2015, and this paper discusses the integration and the successful demonstration of the SAM framework within the AI-TECD, lessons learned, and its potential impact in future operations.

  18. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés à l’acceptation du Conseil et Dépistage Volontaire du VIH chez l’enfant à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo (United States)

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Malonga, Françoise Kaj; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotsho


    Résumé Introduction Malgré le dépistage du VIH proposé lors de la naissance ou au cours des consultations préscolaires, la proportion des enfants qui croissent ou décèdent sous statut sérologique au VIH inconnu est importante en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la séroprévalence au cours d’un dépistage volontaire et d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’acceptation du conseil et dépistage du VIH (CDV) en dehors de la maladie ou de toute exposition au VIH dans une population pédiatrique à Lubumbashi, RDC. Méthodes Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique menée du 1er août 2006 au 31 septembre 2007. Elle avait été réalisée dans 4 centres communautaires de CDV répartis dans 4 zones de santé de la ville de Lubumbashi en RDC (Lubumbashi, Ruashi, Kampemba et de Kenya). L’étude avait consisté à faire le dépistage volontaire du VIH chez les enfants de moins de 15 ans. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les paramètres relatifs au conseil et dépistage volontaire ont été étudiés. Les analyses statistiques descriptives usuelles et une régression logistique ont été réalisées. Résultats Sur 463 enfants dépistés du VIH, 41 (8,9%; IC 95%: 6,5%-11,9%) ont été testés positifs. L’acceptation du conseil et dépistage volontaire du VIH en dehors de la maladie ou de l’exposition au VIH était significativement plus élevée lorsque l’enfant était âgé de plus de 2 ans (Odds ratio ajusté (ORa) = 3,6 [IC 95%: 1,1-12,2]), lorsque le statut sérologique du VIH des parents était négatif ou inconnu (ORa = 27,4 [IC 95%: 9,4-80,0]), lorsque l’un ou l’autre ou les deux parents biologiques étaient en vie (ORa = 24,9 [IC 95%: 2,4-250,8]) et lorsque la connaissance du lieu de dépistage était fait par des moyens autres que le professionnel de santé (ORa = 2,9 [IC 95%: 1,0-7,9]). Conclusion Notre étude montre une forte

  19. Modelling self-optimised short term load forecasting for medium voltage loads using tunning fuzzy systems and Artificial Neural Networks

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mahmoud, Thair S.; Habibi, Daryoush; Hassan, Mohammed Y.; Bass, Octavian


    Highlights: • A novel Short Term Medium Voltage (MV) Load Forecasting (STLF) model is presented. • A knowledge-based STLF error control mechanism is implemented. • An Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-based optimum tuning is applied on STLF. • The relationship between load profiles and operational conditions is analysed. - Abstract: This paper presents an intelligent mechanism for Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) models, which allows self-adaptation with respect to the load operational conditions. Specifically, a knowledge-based FeedBack Tunning Fuzzy System (FBTFS) is proposed to instantaneously correlate the information about the demand profile and its operational conditions to make decisions for controlling the model’s forecasting error rate. To maintain minimum forecasting error under various operational scenarios, the FBTFS adaptation was optimised using a Multi-Layer Perceptron Artificial Neural Network (MLPANN), which was trained using Backpropagation algorithm, based on the information about the amount of error and the operational conditions at time of forecasting. For the sake of comparison and performance testing, this mechanism was added to the conventional forecasting methods, i.e. Nonlinear AutoRegressive eXogenous-Artificial Neural Network (NARXANN), Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Method-based Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (FSCMANFIS) and Gaussian-kernel Support Vector Machine (GSVM), and the measured forecasting error reduction average in a 12 month simulation period was 7.83%, 8.5% and 8.32% respectively. The 3.5 MW variable load profile of Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Joondalup, Australia, was used in the modelling and simulations of this model, and the data was provided by Western Power, the transmission and distribution company of the state of Western Australia.

  20. Polychronous Zirconology of Navysh Volcanics of the Ai Formation (Southern Urals) (United States)

    Krasnobaev, A. A.; Puchkov, V. N.; Sergeeva, N. D.


    In order to resolve the age of Navysh volcanics (NV), which is usually attributed to the Lower Riphean of the Ai Formation, we have used geochronological, petrologic, and mineralogical methods of zirconology, apart from the SHRIMP isotopic data of single zircon grains. Moreover, TIMS isotope age analyses have been conducted, the results of which can be regarded as both controlling and providing the most correct information. The TIMS and SHRIMP data make it possible to suggest a polychronous character of the NV, which include not only Riphean, but also Paleozoic groups of volcanics. In this situation, an assessment of the scales of such polychroneity of NV and, correspondingly, of the Ai Formation as a whole becomes urgent.

  1. Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Programming Techniques to Tactical Guidance for Fighter Aircraft (United States)

    McManus, John W.; Goodrich, Kenneth H.


    A research program investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to aid in the development of a Tactical Decision Generator (TDG) for Within-Visual-Range (WVR) air combat engagements is discussed. The application of AI methods for development and implementation of the TDG is presented. The history of the Adaptive Maneuvering Logic (AML) program is traced and current versions of the AML program are compared and contrasted with the TDG system. The Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) used by the TDG to aid in the decision-making process are outlined in detail and example rules are presented. The results of tests to evaluate the performance of the TDG versus a version of AML and versus human pilots in the Langley Differential Maneuvering Simulator (DMS) are presented. To date, these results have shown significant performance gains in one-versus-one air combat engagements, and the AI-based TDG software has proven to be much easier to modify than the updated FORTRAN AML programs.

  2. Predicting Vessel Trajectories from Ais Data Using R (United States)


    Source: Hampton (2009). A vessel operator with AIS is able to get useful information about the other vessels in the area by selecting a vessel icon ...random forest model on our computer. All calculations are done on a MacBook-Pro with 2.7GHz quad-core Intel Core i7, and 16GB of memory . H2O allows us

  3. Liquid Robotics Wave Glider, Honey Badger (G3), 2015, AIS (United States)

    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce — Liquid Robotics Wave Glider, Honey Badger (G3), 2015, AIS. The MAGI mission is to use the Wave Glider to sample the late summer chlorophyll bloom that develops near...

  4. Association between cagA, vacAi, and dupA genes of Helicobacter pylori and gastroduodenal pathologies in Chilean patients. (United States)

    Paredes-Osses, Esteban; Sáez, Katia; Sanhueza, Enrique; Hebel, Sonja; González, Carlos; Briceño, Carlos; García Cancino, Apolinaria


    In addition to the already known cagA gene, novel genetic markers have been associated with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) virulence: the dupA and vacAi genes. These genes might play an important role as specific markers to determine the clinical outcome of the disease, especially the vacAi gene, which has been expected to be a good marker of severe pathologies like gastric adenocarcinoma. In the present study, the association of cagA, dupA, and vacAi genes with gastroduodenal pathologies in Chilean patients was studied. One hundred and thirty-two patients positive for H. pylori were divided into two groups-non-severe and severe gastric pathologies-and investigated for the presence of cagA, dupA, and vacAi H. pylori virulence genes by PCR. The cagA gene was detected in 20/132 patients (15.2%), the vacAi1 gene was detected in 54/132 patients (40.9%), the vacAi2 gene was detected in 26/132 patients (19.7%), and the dupA gene was detected in 50/132 (37.9%) patients. Logistic regression model analysis showed that the vacAi1 isoform gene in the infected strains and the severity of the diseases outcome were highly associated, causing severe gastric damage that may lead to gastric cancer (p dupA gene was associated significantly with non-severe clinical outcome (p = 0.0032; OR = 0.25; 95% CI 0.09-0.65). In addition, dupA gene exerts protection against severe gastric pathologies induced by vacAi1 by delaying the outcome of the disease by approximately 20 years.

  5. English Learners (ELs) Who Are American Indian and/or Alaska Native (AI/AN). Fast Facts (United States)

    Office of English Language Acquisition, US Department of Education, 2016


    The Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) has synthesized key data on English learners (ELs) into two-page PDF sheets, by topic, with graphics, plus key contacts. The topics for this report on English Learners (ELs) Who Are American Indian and/or Alaska Native (AI/AN) include: (1) States With the Highest Percentage of ELs Who Were AI/AN:…

  6. June Council - DG presentation to personnel / Conseil de juin - présentation de la DG au personnel

    CERN Multimedia

    CERN. Geneva


    Please note that the DG presentation will be transmitted also in the following rooms: Council Chamber - 503-1-001 IT Amphitheatre - 31-3-004 Kjell Johnsen Auditorium - 30-7-018 Prevessin 864-1-B04 Simultaneous interpreting into French and English will be available in the Main Auditorium. Une interprétation simultanée en français et en anglais sera disponible dans l'amphithéâtre principal.  

  7. AI based HealthCare Platform for Real Time, Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics using Reactive Programming (United States)

    Kaur, Jagreet; Singh Mann, Kulwinder, Dr.


    AI in Healthcare needed to bring real, actionable insights and Individualized insights in real time for patients and Doctors to support treatment decisions., We need a Patient Centred Platform for integrating EHR Data, Patient Data, Prescriptions, Monitoring, Clinical research and Data. This paper proposes a generic architecture for enabling AI based healthcare analytics Platform by using open sources Technologies Apache beam, Apache Flink Apache Spark, Apache NiFi, Kafka, Tachyon, Gluster FS, NoSQL- Elasticsearch, Cassandra. This paper will show the importance of applying AI based predictive and prescriptive analytics techniques in Health sector. The system will be able to extract useful knowledge that helps in decision making and medical monitoring in real-time through an intelligent process analysis and big data processing.

  8. Identification of AI-2 Quorum Sensing Inhibitors in Vibrio harveyi Through Structure-Based Virtual Screening. (United States)

    Jiang, Tianyu; Zhu, Peng; Du, Lupei; Li, Minyong


    Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-to-cell communication system that regulates gene expression as a result of the production and perception of signal molecules called autoinducers (AIs). AI-2 is a QS autoinducer produced by both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, in which it regulates intraspecies and interspecies communication. The identification of QS inhibitors is considered a promising strategy for the development of anti-virulence drugs with reduced selective pressure for resistance. Here we describe a high-throughput virtual screening approach to identify AI-2 quorum sensing inhibitors on the basis of Vibrio harveyi LuxPQ crystal structure. Seven potent inhibitors with IC 50 values in the micromolar range were selected with no effect or low effect on V. harveyi growth rate.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available La présente réflexion tire son origine de la crise linguistique observée au sein de la presse écrite du Nord-Cameroun. Celle-ci fait échos des irrégularités de la langue de Voltaire dans la presse écrite de cette partie du pays. De plus en plus, on y assiste à une émergence des déviances syntaxiques et une profusion des écarts langagiers à connotation dépréciative. L’indécence verbale de la société, la mauvaise prestation des élèves en classe et lors des examens officiels en sont des indicateurs pertinents. Il est important de mentionner que la cohabitation entre les langues camerounaises et le français, la sous-scolarisation et ou l’ignorance, le laxisme des rédacteurs en chef, etc. sont les mobiles profonds de cette incorrection. Pourtant, nous savons tous que les media sont une forteresse où la langue doit être préservée de toute entorse et représentent un modèle pour la société. Néanmoins, des traits caractéristiques du français de la presse écrite du Nord-Cameroun s’inscrivent en faux par rapport à cette vocation naturelle des media. Dès lors, la question que nous pouvons nous poser est celle de savoir si ces mobiles ci-dessus cités sont des éléments qui favorisent l’émergence de cette dialectalisation du français. En clair qu’est-ce qui caractérise le français des journalistes? Quelle est la structure morphosyntaxique du français des rédacteurs des journaux? S’agit-il d’un français conforme à une norme locale ou (y retrouvons-nous des énoncés exogènes ? Quel type de morphosyntaxe utilisent les rédacteurs ? Une morphosyntaxe endogène, morphosyntaxe qui leur est propre, ou plutôt une morphosyntaxe exogène, supposée unique à tous les francophones ? Peut-on parler d’alternance codique, d’argotisation, ou de créolisation ? La présente analyse a pour ambitions de s’interroger sur les mobiles profonds qui incitent des journalistes à s’écarter de la norme du français

  10. The Development of AI in Medicine and the Research Environment of the SPHINX Project at the Start of the 1980s. (United States)

    Fieschi, M


    To review the history of AI in Medicine in the 1980's, placing the SPHINX system in the context of other research in this field. Summarize the main systems for AI in medicine developed in the 1970-1980 decade and their relationship to the development of clinical decision-making and consultation systems The approaches taken by AI in medicine research groups is compared and contrasted to those of others using statistical and logical methods for representing clinical inferences, and the different AI approaches are summarized, and related to the architecture and systems implementation of SPHINX CONCLUSION: The SPHINX system combined a number of advanced representational and inference choices from AI in designing a decision- support system for clinical consultation in the 1980s. The context within which the system was developed is outlined and related to the historical evolution of AI in medicine during that decade.

  11. Towards an unanimous international regulatory body for responsible use of Artificial Intelligence [UIRB-AI


    Chidambaram, Rajesh


    Artificial Intelligence (AI), is once again in the phase of drastic advancements. Unarguably, the technology itself can revolutionize the way we live our everyday life. But the exponential growth of technology poses a daunting task for policy researchers and law makers in making amendments to the existing norms. In addition, not everyone in the society is studying the potential socio-economic intricacies and cultural drifts that AI can bring about. It is prudence to reflect from our historica...

  12. AI-2 signalling is induced by acidic shock in probiotic strains of Lactobacillus spp

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Moslehi Jenabian, Saloomeh; Gori, Klaus; Jespersen, Lene


    Survival and ability to respond to various environmental stresses such as low pH are important factors for lactobacilli for their function as probiotics. LuxS-mediated quorum sensing mechanism, which is based on the production of universal signal molecule called autoinducer-2 (AI-2), regulates...... important physiological traits and a variety of adaptive processes in different bacteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acidic stress on LuxS-mediated quorum sensing (AI-2 signalling) in four probiotic strains of different Lactobacillus species. Initially, the production of AI-2...... concomitant with the reduction of pH, reaching maximum at late exponential phase (L. rhamnosus GG) or at stationary phase (L. salivarius UCC118, L. acidophilus NCFM and L. johnsonii NCC533). Acidic shock experiments were conducted on L. rhamnosus GG and L. acidophilus NCFM after exposure to different acidic...

  13. Beyond AI: Multi-Intelligence (MI) Combining Natural and Artificial Intelligences in Hybrid Beings and Systems


    Stephen Fox


    Framing strongly influences actions among technology proponents and end-users. Underlying much debate about artificial intelligence (AI) are several fundamental shortcomings in its framing. First, discussion of AI is atheoretical, and therefore has limited potential for addressing the complexity of causation. Second, intelligence is considered from an anthropocentric perspective that sees human intelligence, and intelligence developed by humans, as superior to all other intelligences. Thus, t...

  14. Measuring the Value of AI in Space Science and Exploration (United States)

    Blair, B.; Parr, J.; Diamond, B.; Pittman, B.; Rasky, D.


    FDL is tackling knowledge gaps useful to the space program by forming small teams of industrial partners, cutting-edge AI researchers and space science domain experts, and tasking them to solve problems that are important to NASA as well as humanity's future.

  15. Mapping Stress-Induced Changes in Autoinducer AI-2 Production in Chemostat-Cultivated Escherichia coli K-12 (United States)

    DeLisa, Matthew P.; Valdes, James J.; Bentley, William E.


    Numerous gram-negative bacteria employ a cell-to-cell signaling mechanism, termed quorum sensing, for controlling gene expression in response to population density. Recently, this phenomenon has been discovered in Escherichia coli, and while pathogenic E. coli utilize quorum sensing to regulate pathogenesis (i.e., expression of virulence genes), the role of quorum sensing in nonpathogenic E. coli is less clear, and in particular, there is no information regarding the role of quorum sensing during the overexpression of recombinant proteins. The production of autoinducer AI-2, a signaling molecule employed by E. coli for intercellular communication, was studied in E. coli W3110 chemostat cultures using a Vibrio harveyi AI-2 reporter assay (M. G. Surrette and B. L. Bassler, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95:7046–7050, 1998). Chemostat cultures enabled a study of AI-2 regulation through steady-state and transient responses to a variety of environmental stimuli. Results demonstrated that AI-2 levels increased with the steady-state culture growth rate. In addition, AI-2 increased following pulsed addition of glucose, Fe(III), NaCl, and dithiothreitol and decreased following aerobiosis, amino acid starvation, and isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside-induced expression of human interleukin-2 (hIL-2). In general, the AI-2 responses to several perturbations were indicative of a shift in metabolic activity or state of the cells induced by the individual stress. Because of our interest in the expression of heterologous proteins in E. coli, the transcription of four quorum-regulated genes and 20 stress genes was mapped during the transient response to induced expression of hIL-2. Significant regulatory overlap was revealed among several stress and starvation genes and known quorum-sensing genes. PMID:11292813

  16. Secondhand Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Lung Adenocarcinoma In Situ/Minimally Invasive Adenocarcinoma (AIS/MIA). (United States)

    Kim, Claire H; Lee, Yuan-Chin Amy; Hung, Rayjean J; Boffetta, Paolo; Xie, Dong; Wampfler, Jason A; Cote, Michele L; Chang, Shen-Chih; Ugolini, Donatella; Neri, Monica; Le Marchand, Loic; Schwartz, Ann G; Morgenstern, Hal; Christiani, David C; Yang, Ping; Zhang, Zuo-Feng


    The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke on the incidence of lung adenocarcinoma in situ/minimally invasive adenocarcinoma (AIS/MIA). Data from seven case-control studies participating in the International Lung Cancer Consortium (ILCCO) were pooled, resulting in 625 cases of AIS/MIA and 7,403 controls, of whom 170 cases and 3,035 controls were never smokers. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate adjusted ORs (ORadj) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), controlling for age, sex, race, smoking status (ever/never), and pack-years of smoking. Study center was included in the models as a random-effects intercept term. Ever versus never exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke was positively associated with AIS/MIA incidence in all subjects (ORadj = 1.48; 95% CI, 1.14-1.93) and in never smokers (ORadj = 1.45; 95% CI, 1.00-2.12). There was, however, appreciable heterogeneity of ORadj across studies (P = 0.01), and the pooled estimates were largely influenced by one large study (40% of all cases and 30% of all controls). These findings provide weak evidence for an effect of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure on AIS/MIA incidence. Further studies are needed to assess the impact of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure using the newly recommended classification of subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma. ©2015 American Association for Cancer Research.

  17. L’impasse des verbeuses ou la rivière enfouie




    Cela fait vingt ans que j’habite Gentilly, un demi-siècle que je crapahute dans le Val-de-Marne (on dit aussi le 94), bastion historique du communisme français, dernier conseil général aux mains de ce qui survit du P.C.F. Sur l’autre rive de la Seine, c’est le 94 bourgeois (Nogent, Saint-Maur, Saint-Mandé, Vincennes) et de l’autre côté de ce qui fut la Nationale 10, ce sont les Hauts-de-Seine sarkozystes (le 92). Villejuif est le siège de la « communauté d’agglomération » (sans s) du Val-de-B...

  18. AI in medical education--another grand challenge for medical informatics. (United States)

    Lillehaug, S I; Lajoie, S P


    The potential benefits of artificial intelligence in medicine (AIM) were never realized as anticipated. This paper addresses ways in which such potential can be achieved. Recent discussions of this topic have proposed a stronger integration between AIM applications and health information systems, and emphasize computer guidelines to support the new health care paradigms of evidence-based medicine and cost-effectiveness. These proposals, however, promote the initial definition of AIM applications as being AI systems that can perform or aid in diagnoses. We challenge this traditional philosophy of AIM and propose a new approach aiming at empowering health care workers to become independent self-sufficient problem solvers and decision makers. Our philosophy is based on findings from a review of empirical research that examines the relationship between the health care personnel's level of knowledge and skills, their job satisfaction, and the quality of the health care they provide. This review supports addressing the quality of health care by empowering health care workers to reach their full potential. As an aid in this empowerment process we argue for reviving a long forgotten AIM research area, namely, AI based applications for medical education and training. There is a growing body of research in artificial intelligence in education that demonstrates that the use of artificial intelligence can enhance learning in numerous domains. By examining the strengths of these educational applications and the results from previous AIM research we derive a framework for empowering medical personnel and consequently raising the quality of health care through the use of advanced AI based technology.

  19. Genetically elevated apolipoprotein A-I, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and risk of ischemic heart disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundegaard, Christiane; Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne; Grande, Peer


    Epidemiologically, levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and its major protein constituent, apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), are inversely related to risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD).......Epidemiologically, levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and its major protein constituent, apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), are inversely related to risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD)....

  20. Developing Pokemon AI For Finding Comfortable Settings


    Panumate, Chetprayoon; Iida, Hiroyuki


    This paper explores an innovative way to find a comfortable setting of video games. Pokemon is chosen as benchmark and game refinement measure is employed for the assessment. The number of Pokemon that one trainer can carry (i.e., setting with n=6) has never been changed after the first episode of Pokemon was released in 1996. Pokemon battle is simulated and various AIs are developed for the experiments. The results show that the original setting is the best for many players of various levels.

  1. How Is Pulmonary Function and Exercise Tolerance Affected in Patients With AIS Who Have Undergone Spinal Fusion? (United States)

    Jeans, Kelly A; Lovejoy, John F; Karol, Lori A; McClung, Anna M


    Prospectively enrolled AIS patients who underwent spinal fusion, with 2 year follow-up. To evaluate the cardiovascular fitness and activity level in patients with AIS pre- and post-spinal fusion and to determine if initial curve magnitude or pulmonary function is predictive of exercise capacity. Researchers have tried to link pulmonary function testing (PFT) to exercise capacity; the results are mixed. Some report no improvement in PFTs or aerobic activity after surgical correction, and PFT measures were not predictive of exercise capacity. Conflicting results have shown Vo 2max results to fall within normal range in AIS patients while PFTs show minimal impairment. AIS patients underwent PFT and oxygen consumption (VO 2 ) testing during a submaximal graded exercise test (GXT) pre- and post-spinal fusion. Vo 2max was predicted in those patients who completed the test to 85% of maximal heart rate. Pre- to postoperative changes were assessed and then compared to age-matched control subjects. Correlations between Vo 2max and curve severity, pulmonary function, and activity level were assessed. Thirty-seven patients participated. Vo 2max was predicted in 23 patients pre- and postoperation. There was a significant reduction in Vo 2max postfusion (39.5 ± 6.5 mL/kg/min vs 42.1 ± 8.1 mL/kg/min, p = .033); however, compared with controls (40.5 ± 6.5 mL/kg/min), all data were within the normal range (p > .05). AIS patients reporting high activity had significantly greater Vo 2max than those reporting low activity both pre and postoperatively, but this difference only met statistical significance preop (p .05). Vo 2max in patients with AIS is within normal range both pre- and postfusion. Pulmonary limitations are accommodated for with a slightly increased breathing rate and a slightly reduced overall workload. Activity level rather than curve severity affects Vo 2max outcomes following fusion in AIS. Copyright © 2017 Scoliosis Research Society. Published by Elsevier Inc

  2. Campus 3 méthode de français

    CERN Document Server

    Pécheur, Jacques; Molinié, Muriel


    Méthode de français pour grands adolescents et adultes sur 3 niveaux. Ce niveau comprend : un livre de l'élève, un cahier d'exercices, un livre du professeur, une vidéo, des cassettes audio collectives au CD, et pour l'élève : une cassette audio individuelle ou CD.

  3. Artificial Intelligence: Is the Future Now for A.I.? (United States)

    Ramaswami, Rama


    In education, artificial intelligence (AI) has not made much headway. In the one area where it would seem poised to lend the most benefit--assessment--the reliance on standardized tests, intensified by the demands of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which holds schools accountable for whether students pass statewide exams, precludes its use.…

  4. Technological differences between açai and juçara pulps and their sorbets

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ana Paula Silva Siqueira


    Full Text Available Abstract Açai and juçara are palm trees that produce similar fruits. However, only the sale of açai is growing on the market for pulps and processed products for human consumption. The aim of this study was to compare açai and juçara pulps from the chemical, bioactive, rheological and technological points of view. Sorbets were elaborated with the pulps and evaluations were carried out regarding the antioxidant activity, polyphenols, anthocyanins, pH, acidity, soluble solids, ratio and colour. The pulps were evaluated rheologically and the sorbets for melting time. Juçara showed better results regarding the bioactive parameters (antioxidants ≈ 151 uM ferrous sulphate/ g and anthocyanins ≈ 77 mg.100g-1 and presented a more intense colour (Chroma 17. The pulps were physicochemically similar. The sorbet preserved much of the nutrients and presented a very intense colour, mainly in the juçara sorbet.

  5. Modification of WC-Co Hard Metal by Ion Implantation with Ti+, AI+, N+, C+ and B+

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rassoul, El.M.A.; Saleh, Z.A.; Waheed, A.F.; Abdel- Samad, S.M.; EI- Awadi, G.A.


    WC/Co hard metal was implanted by Ti + , AI + , N + , C + , and B + ions at a dose of 5x 10 17 ions/cm 2 at different energies ranging from 50 keV to 200 keV. The implanted layers were investigated by means of nano indentation, calotte measurements, SEM, X-ray diffraction XRD, tribometer and EDX. The maximum implanted zone was about 0.13 μm. The hardness of WC-Co was increased by a factor of 140% after its implantation by Ti, AI, and N and increased by a factor of 170 % after implantation by Ti + , AI + , C + , N + and B + ions as compared to the original value. Also friction coefficient of WC/Co was improved after ion implantation.

  6. Appreciative Inquiry and Autonomy-Supportive Classes in Business Education: A Semilongitudinal Study of AI in the Classroom (United States)

    Conklin, Thomas A.; Hartman, Nathan S.


    In this article, we describe 10 separate classroom experiences where an appreciative inquiry (AI) exercise was used for course creation. Post-exercise surveys of students showed that the AI exercise was perceived to be a successful practice. Students indicated putting effort toward reaching their peak learning experience and were satisfied with…

  7. French participation in the world energy council; Presence francaise au conseil mondial de l`energie

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Carouge, Ch. [Secretariat General du Conseil francais de l`Energie (France); Roussely, F.; Francony, M. [Electricite de France (EDF), 75 - Paris (France); Ailleret, F. [Conseil francais de l`Energie (France); Bosseboeuf, D.; Moisan, F. [ADEME, Agence de l`Environnement et de la Maitrise de l`Energie, 75 - Paris (France); Villaron, Th. [Conseil Mondial de l`Energie (France)


    The Revue de l`Energie is presenting the most influential French interventions at the 17. Congress of the World Energy Council held in September 1998 in Houston, (USA). These represent only part of French participation in the congress since a total of 16 individuals from France took part in the various sessions. Their presentations cover very varied topics and are one of the things that testify to the interest that our energy industries have in the works and operations of the WEC. Some other figures also bear witness to this interest: 184 French congress members, which is one of the largest delegations after that of the United States, the host country of the congress; 11 technical presentation, covering a wide range of subjects: from the nuclear reactor of the future to the use of bagasse (cane trash) for the production of electricity, from the underground storage of natural gas to the production of extra-heavy crude petroleum. The technical exhibition associated to the Congress was a great success and there again the French presence was able to make its mark: five exhibitors were gathered in the France of 600 m{sup 2}, the most sizeable non-American national area.But French participation in the work of the WEC is not limited to congresses. The French Energy Council [Conseil francais de l`Energie] is careful to ensure its presence both in the formal proceedings of the WEC and within the studies undertaken under its three-year programme. This active French presence is also essential in order to defend the official English-French bilingualism of the World Energy Council. In spite of the good will of the organizers and the support of the general secretary`s office in London, the Houston Congress showed how difficult it was to maintain the use of the French language on English-speaking territory. This is a difficult task, one that has to be undertaken anew each time, but one that France and other French-speaking nations have decided to pursue to the end. (authors)

  8. Effects of Additives on the Corrosion Resistance of Iron Aluminides(Fe-38at.%AI-5at.%Cr)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, H. C.; Kim, C. W.; Joo, S. M.; Choi, D. C.; Kim, K. H.


    The effects of additives on the corrosion resistance of iron aluminides(Fe-38at.%AI-5at.%Cr) were investigated using potentiostat. The specimens were cast by vacuum arc melting. The subsequent homogenization was carried out in Ar gas atmosphere at 1000 .deg. C for 7 days. The corroded surfaces of the tested specimens were observed using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope(SEM) after electrochemical tests were carried out in various solutions. While the Hf addition to Fe-38at.%AI-5at.%Cr resulted in equiaxial microstructure, the Zr addition resulted in dendritic microstructure. However, no change in microstructure was observed when Mo was added. The addition of Mo to Fe-38at.%AI-5at.%Cr intermetallic compound was found to increase the pitting potential, which improved the resistance against the pitting corrosion attack. The addition of Hf and Zr resulted in a higher activation current density and a lower pitting potential. These results may indicate that the dendrite structure played a major role in decreasing the pitting corrosion resistance of Fe-38at.%AI-5at%Cr intermetallic compound. The Mo addition to Fe-38at.%AI-5at.%Cr decreased the number and size of pits. In the case of Zr addition, the pits nucleated and grew remarkably at dendritic branches

  9. Influence of temperament score and handling facility on stress, reproductive hormone concentrations, and fixed time AI pregnancy rates in beef heifers. (United States)

    Kasimanickam, R; Schroeder, S; Assay, M; Kasimanickam, V; Moore, D A; Gay, J M; Whittier, W D


    The objectives were (i) to evaluate the effect of temperament, determined by modified 2-point chute exit and gait score, on artificial insemination (AI) pregnancy rates in beef heifers following fixed time AI and (ii) to determine the effect of temperament on cortisol, substance-P, prolactin and progesterone at initiation of synchronization and at the time of AI. Angus beef heifers (n = 967) at eight locations were included in this study. At the initiation of synchronization (Day 0 = initiation of synchronization), all heifers received a body condition score (BCS), and temperament score (0 = calm; slow exit and walk or 1 = excitable; fast exit or jump or trot or run). Blood samples were collected from a sub-population of heifers (n = 86) at both synchronization initiation and the time of AI to determine the differences in serum progesterone, cortisol, prolactin and substance-P concentrations between temperament groups. Heifers were synchronized with 5-day CO-Synch+ controlled internal drug release (CIDR) protocol and were inseminated at 56 h after CIDR removal. Heifers were examined for pregnancy by ultrasound 70 days after AI to determine AI pregnancy. Controlling for synchronization treatment (p = 0.03), facility design (p = 0.05), and cattle handling facility design by temperament score interaction (p = 0.02), the AI pregnancy differed between heifers with excitable and calm temperament (51.9% vs 60.3%; p = 0.01). The alley-way with acute bends and turns, and long straight alley-way had lower AI pregnancy rate than did the semicircular alley-way (53.5%, 56.3% and 67.0% respectively; p = 0.05). The serum hormone concentrations differed significantly between different types of cattle handling facility (p < 0.05). The cattle handling facility design by temperament group interactions significantly influenced progesterone (p = 0.01), cortisol (p = 0.01), prolactin (p = 0.02) and substance-P (p = 0.04) both at the initiation of

  10. AI/Simulation Fusion Project at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Erickson, S.A.


    This presentation first discusses the motivation for the AI Simulation Fusion project. After discussing very briefly what expert systems are in general, what object oriented languages are in general, and some observed features of typical combat simulations, it discusses why putting together artificial intelligence and combat simulation makes sense. We then talk about the first demonstration goal for this fusion project

  11. AI/Simulation Fusion Project at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Erickson, S.A.


    This presentation first discusses the motivation for the AI Simulation Fusion project. After discussing very briefly what expert systems are in general, what object oriented languages are in general, and some observed features of typical combat simulations, it discusses why putting together artificial intelligence and combat simulation makes sense. We then talk about the first demonstration goal for this fusion project.

  12. The effect of solid content on silylated-γ-AI2O3/PVDF-HFP-coated PE separators for lithium secondary battery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Im, Jong Su; Sohn, Joon Yong; Shin, Jun Hwa; Nho, Young Chang; Kim, Jeong Soo


    Several PVDF-HFP/silylated γ-AI 2 O 3 -coated PE (polyethylene) separators with various solidities (various compositions of PVDF-HFP/silylated γ-AI 2 O 3 ) were prepared by a dip-coating of PE separators in PVDF-HFP/silylated γ-AI 2 O 3 /acetone mixtures. FT-IR spectroscopy was used to confirm the chemical reactions between silane coupling agent and γ-AI 2 O 3 . The SEM images of the coated separators showed that various morphologies could be produced by changing the composition of total contents of binder and solid contents. The effects of composition in inorganic material (silane coupling agent-treated γ-AI 2 O 3 ) and binder (PVDF-HFP) on the physio-chemical properties of the prepared separators such as liquid electrolyte uptake, and ion conductivity were investigated and reported in this paper

  13. L’Institut français de recherche pour l’exploitation de la mer (IFREMER)



    Note portant sur l’auteur L’Institut français de recherche scientifique pour le développement en coopération (ORSTOM) et le Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement (CIRAD) sont deux organismes français de recherche qui œuvrent au Brésil depuis plus de vingt ans. Cette contribution permet de faire connaître l’éventail des recherches entreprises et leurs aspects originaux ainsi que les résultats obtenus, les apports et les profits mutuels, en deux mot...

  14. Seated T'ai Chi in Older Taiwanese People Using Wheelchairs: A Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating Mood States and Self-Efficacy. (United States)

    Hsu, Chen-Yuan; Moyle, Wendy; Cooke, Marie; Jones, Cindy


    There is growing interest in t'ai chi, but little research has addressed whether t'ai chi is effective in older people using wheelchairs for mobilization. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of seated t'ai chi exercise and usual standard activities on mood states and self-efficacy in older people living in a long-term care facility and using wheelchairs for mobilization. Randomized controlled trial (trial registration no. ACTRN12613000029796). One long-term-care facility in Taiwan. Sixty participants were randomly assigned by a computer-generated random sequence to a t'ai chi group (n = 30) or a usual exercise and entertainment activities group (n = 30). Seated t'ai chi exercise for 40 minutes three times a week for 26 weeks was provided. Mood states (Profile of Mood States Short Form [POMS-SF]) and self-efficacy (Self-Efficacy for Exercise [SEE]). At week 26, participants in the t'ai chi group reported significantly lower mood states on the fatigue-inertia dimension of the POMS-SF (mean score ± standard deviation, 3.56 ± 3.71) than did the control group (mean score, 7.16 ± 6.36) (F [1, 58] = 7.15; p self-efficacy for older people using wheelchairs.

  15. Applying AI tools to operational space environmental analysis (United States)

    Krajnak, Mike; Jesse, Lisa; Mucks, John


    The U.S. Air Force and National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency (NOAA) space environmental operations centers are facing increasingly complex challenges meeting the needs of their growing user community. These centers provide current space environmental information and short term forecasts of geomagnetic activity. Recent advances in modeling and data access have provided sophisticated tools for making accurate and timely forecasts, but have introduced new problems associated with handling and analyzing large quantities of complex data. AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques have been considered as potential solutions to some of these problems. Fielding AI systems has proven more difficult than expected, in part because of operational constraints. Using systems which have been demonstrated successfully in the operational environment will provide a basis for a useful data fusion and analysis capability. Our approach uses a general purpose AI system already in operational use within the military intelligence community, called the Temporal Analysis System (TAS). TAS is an operational suite of tools supporting data processing, data visualization, historical analysis, situation assessment and predictive analysis. TAS includes expert system tools to analyze incoming events for indications of particular situations and predicts future activity. The expert system operates on a knowledge base of temporal patterns encoded using a knowledge representation called Temporal Transition Models (TTM's) and an event database maintained by the other TAS tools. The system also includes a robust knowledge acquisition and maintenance tool for creating TTM's using a graphical specification language. The ability to manipulate TTM's in a graphical format gives non-computer specialists an intuitive way of accessing and editing the knowledge base. To support space environmental analyses, we used TAS's ability to define domain specific event analysis abstractions. The prototype system defines

  16. Development of X-ray diffractometers XD-D1 AI qualitative analysis system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arai, Hiroshi; Uota, Atsushi; Ishida, Hidenobu


    Qualitative X-ray diffraction is a very important analytical method, however, it is also very difficult to perform and needs some special skills. Also, the analysis accuracy depends on the operators' knowledge of qualitative analysis. In order that even a beginner analyst can obtain accurate results, we have developed the 'XD-D1 AI Qualitative Analysis System'. This system can support analytical operations with the experts' knowledge made available by AI techniques. Systematizing the experts' knowledge, we applied the system to our expert shell 'GENZO-I/PRO'. This system enabled a beginner analyst to get the same results as a specialist would get. In this paper, we will describe the process of system design, system construction and an example analysis. (author)

  17. A photometric and spectroscopic study of the early-type binary AI Crucis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bell, S.A.; Kilkenny, D.; Malcolm, G.J.


    New Stroemgren photometry and medium-dispersion spectroscopy of the early-type eclipsing binary AI Cru are presented. The masses and radii of the two components are found to be (9.8 +-0.5) and (5.8 +-0.3) solar masses and (4.9 +- 0.1) and (4.4 +- 0.1) solar radii, respectively. The semi-detached nature of the system is confirmed and by comparison with stationary models by previous authors it is shown that AI Cru has probably passed through the rapid phase of Case A mass transfer. It is suggested that the original system may have had a period of about 1.3 day and that the roles of the current primary and secondary components were at that time reversed. (author)

  18. General Video Game AI: Learning from Screen Capture


    Kunanusont, Kamolwan; Lucas, Simon M.; Perez-Liebana, Diego


    General Video Game Artificial Intelligence is a general game playing framework for Artificial General Intelligence research in the video-games domain. In this paper, we propose for the first time a screen capture learning agent for General Video Game AI framework. A Deep Q-Network algorithm was applied and improved to develop an agent capable of learning to play different games in the framework. After testing this algorithm using various games of different categories and difficulty levels, th...

  19. Conversational AI: The Science Behind the Alexa Prize


    Ram, Ashwin; Prasad, Rohit; Khatri, Chandra; Venkatesh, Anu; Gabriel, Raefer; Liu, Qing; Nunn, Jeff; Hedayatnia, Behnam; Cheng, Ming; Nagar, Ashish; King, Eric; Bland, Kate; Wartick, Amanda; Pan, Yi; Song, Han


    Conversational agents are exploding in popularity. However, much work remains in the area of social conversation as well as free-form conversation over a broad range of domains and topics. To advance the state of the art in conversational AI, Amazon launched the Alexa Prize, a 2.5-million-dollar university competition where sixteen selected university teams were challenged to build conversational agents, known as socialbots, to converse coherently and engagingly with humans on popular topics ...

  20. Effects of Ai Chi on balance, quality of life, functional mobility, and motor impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Kurt, Emine Eda; Büyükturan, Buket; Büyükturan, Öznur; Erdem, Hatice Rana; Tuncay, Figen


    In this study, we aimed to investigate effects of Ai Chi on balance, functional mobility, health-related quality of life, and motor impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease. This study was conducted as an open-label randomized controlled trial (ISRCTN26292510) with repeated measures. Forty patients with Parkinson's disease stages 2 to 3 according to the Hoehn and Yahr Scale were randomly allocated to either an Ai Chi exercise group or a land-based exercise control group for 5 weeks. Balance was measured using the Biodex-3,1 and the Berg Balance Scale. Functional mobility was evaluated using the Timed Up and Go Test. Additionally, health-related quality of life and motor activity were assessed with the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39 and the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale-III. Although patients in both groups showed significant improvement in all outcome variables, improvement of dynamic balance was significantly greater in the Ai Chi group (p Balance Scale (p balance, mobility, motor ability, and quality of life. In addition, Ai Chi exercise was more effective as an intervention than land-based exercise in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease. Implications for rehabilitation Ai Chi exercises (aquatic exercises) may help improve balance, functional mobility, health-related quality of life, and motor ability in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease more efficiently than similar land-based exercises. Ai Chi exercises should be considered as a rehabilitation option for treatment of patients with mild or moderate Parkinson's disease.

  1. Oral immunization with recombinant Lactobacillus casei expressing OmpAI confers protection against Aeromonas veronii challenge in common carp, Cyprinus carpio. (United States)

    Zhang, Dong-Xing; Kang, Yuan-Huan; Chen, Long; Siddiqui, Shahrood Ahmed; Wang, Chun-Feng; Qian, Ai-Dong; Shan, Xiao-Feng


    Aeromonas veronii is a gram-negative pathogen capable of infecting both fish and mammals, including humans, and natural infection in fish results in irreparable damage to the aquaculture industry. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have a number of properties that make them attractive candidates as delivery vehicles for presentation to the mucosa sites of compounds with pharmaceutical interest, in particular vaccines. In this study, we generated two recombinant Lactobacillus casei (surface-displayed or secretory) expressing the OmpAI of A.veronii and evaluated the effect on immune responses in fish model. A 1022 bp gene fragment of the 42 kDa OmpAI antigen of A.veronii was cloned into pPG-1 (surface-displayed) and pPG-2 (secretory) and electrotransformed into Lactobacillus casei CC16. The recombinant plasmid in L.casei could be stably inherited over 50 generations, and production of OmpAI protein had slight limited effects on cells growth. Treatment of common carp with the recombinant vaccine candidate stimulated high serum or skin mucus specific antibody titers and induced a higher lysozyme, ACP, SOD activity, while fish fed with Lc-pPG or PBS had no detectable immobilizing immune responses. Expression of IL-10, IL-β, IFN-γ, TNF-α genes in the group immunized with recombinant L.casei were significantly (P casei strains were directly delivered and survive throughout the intestinal tract, the recombinant OmpAI was also detected in intestine mucosal. The results showed that common carp received Lc-pPG1-OmpAI (66.7%) and Lc-pPG2-OmpAI (50.0%) had higher survival rates compared with the controls after challenge with A.veronii, indicating that Lc-pPG1-OmpAI and Lc-pPG2-OmpAI had beneficial effects on immune response and enhanced disease resistance of common carp against A.veronii infection. Our study here demonstrates, for the first time, the ability of recombinant L.casei as oral vaccine against A.veronii infection in carps. The combination of OmpAI delivery and LAB

  2. Automated calculations for massive fermion production with ai-bar Talc

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lorca, A.; Riemann, T.


    The package ai-bar Talc has been developed for the automated calculation of radiative corrections to two-fermion production at e + e - colliders. The package uses Diana, Qgraf, Form, Fortran, FF, LoopTools, and further unix/linux tools. Numerical results are presented for e + e - -> e + e - , μ + μ - , bs-bar , tc-bar

  3. Future role of AI/Robotics in physical security

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jacobs, J.


    Manpower requirements for physical security systems place a heavy burden on operating security budgets. Technology innovations which free personnel or which make security personnel more efficient in carrying out their tasks is an important means of dealing with budget and manpower constraints. It is believed that AI/Robotics will be important technologies to alleviate these problems in the future. There are three types of applications for AI and Robotics technology that may: (1) help security personnel perform their tasks more effectively or efficiently, (2) perform tasks that security personnel would otherwise perform (free up people), and (3) perform tasks that cannot be performed by security personnel at this time. This paper will discuss the various types of security applications that are presently being considered for the above areas and will briefly describe a few examples of the application of this technology. Examples will include ground mobile platforms carrying alarm assessment and/or surveillance sensors and operating either autonomously or with telepresence by a remote operator. An airborne platform performing similar functions will also be discussed. An application of a type of robot sentry that would be fixed and incorporate very simple portable displays will also be described. A third type of robot, an interior robot, that could be used in sensitive or hazardous areas to do detection and assessment functions will be reviewed

  4. Lexique Pove–Français/Français– Pove, Mickala Manfoumbi ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Français/Français–. Pove (Mickala Manfoumbi 2004) fait par Mavoungou (2005). En dehors des réserves sur les ques- tions purement lexicographiques, l'ouvrage de Mickala Manfoumbi suscite des interrogations inté- ressantes qui dépassent le ...

  5. Administration of a luteolytic dose of PGF2α at the time of AI

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. Neglia


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to verify if the administration of a luteolytic dose of PGF2α at the time of AI is able to anticipate ovulation and, hence, to increase fertility rate. Furthermore, the presence of a “farm effect” was also evaluated. The trial was performed in two commercial farms (A and B located in Caserta on 584 buffaloes (Farm A: n=389; Farm B: n=195, synchronized by the Ovsynch-TAI Program. In each farm buffaloes were divided in two groups: treated group (n=181 and n=95, respectively in farms A and B received an intramuscular injection of 0.524 mg cloprostenol (Estrumate®, Schering-Plough Animal health, S.p.A., Milan, Italy at the time of AI while control group (n=208 and n=100 received an intramuscular injection of physiologic saline (0.9% NaCl. No differences were present with regard to the number of AI/subject, in terms of pregnancy rate and ovulation rate between treated and control groups. It is worth pointing out that the control group in farm A showed a higher (P<0.01 conception rate compared to the control group in farm B (46.15 vs. 30.00. Furthermore, within farm B buffaloes treated by cloprostenol on the day of AI showed higher (P<0.01 pregnancy rate vs. animals that received saline (51.58% vs. 30.00%. These results suggest that if fertility in control group is high, treatment by cloprostenol does not affect pregnancy rate and ovulation rate.

  6. Past, present and prospect of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based model for sediment transport prediction (United States)

    Afan, Haitham Abdulmohsin; El-shafie, Ahmed; Mohtar, Wan Hanna Melini Wan; Yaseen, Zaher Mundher


    An accurate model for sediment prediction is a priority for all hydrological researchers. Many conventional methods have shown an inability to achieve an accurate prediction of suspended sediment. These methods are unable to understand the behaviour of sediment transport in rivers due to the complexity, noise, non-stationarity, and dynamism of the sediment pattern. In the past two decades, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computational approaches have become a remarkable tool for developing an accurate model. These approaches are considered a powerful tool for solving any non-linear model, as they can deal easily with a large number of data and sophisticated models. This paper is a review of all AI approaches that have been applied in sediment modelling. The current research focuses on the development of AI application in sediment transport. In addition, the review identifies major challenges and opportunities for prospective research. Throughout the literature, complementary models superior to classical modelling.

  7. AI-2 does not function as a quorum sensing molecule in Campylobacter jejuni during exponential growth in vitro

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Holmes, K.; Tavender, T.J.; Winzer, K.; Wells, J.; Hardie, K.


    Background - Campylobacter jejuni contains a homologue of the luxS gene shown to be responsible for the production of the signalling molecule autoinducer-2 (AI-2) in Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio cholerae. The aim of this study was to determine whether AI-2 acted as a diffusible quorum sensing signal

  8. “Awake” intraoperative functional MRI (ai-fMRI) for mapping the eloquent cortex: Is it possible in awake craniotomy?☆ (United States)

    Lu, Jun-Feng; Zhang, Han; Wu, Jin-Song; Yao, Cheng-Jun; Zhuang, Dong-Xiao; Qiu, Tian-Ming; Jia, Wen-Bin; Mao, Ying; Zhou, Liang-Fu


    As a promising noninvasive imaging technique, functional MRI (fMRI) has been extensively adopted as a functional localization procedure for surgical planning. However, the information provided by preoperative fMRI (pre-fMRI) is hampered by the brain deformation that is secondary to surgical procedures. Therefore, intraoperative fMRI (i-fMRI) becomes a potential alternative that can compensate for brain shifts by updating the functional localization information during craniotomy. However, previous i-fMRI studies required that patients be under general anesthesia, preventing the wider application of such a technique as the patients cannot perform tasks unless they are awake. In this study, we propose a new technique that combines awake surgery and i-fMRI, named “awake” i-fMRI (ai-fMRI). We introduced ai-fMRI to the real-time localization of sensorimotor areas during awake craniotomy in seven patients. The results showed that ai-fMRI could successfully detect activations in the bilateral primary sensorimotor areas and supplementary motor areas for all patients, indicating the feasibility of this technique in eloquent area localization. The reliability of ai-fMRI was further validated using intraoperative stimulation mapping (ISM) in two of the seven patients. Comparisons between the pre-fMRI-derived localization result and the ai-fMRI derived result showed that the former was subject to a heavy brain shift and led to incorrect localization, while the latter solved that problem. Additionally, the approaches for the acquisition and processing of the ai-fMRI data were fully illustrated and described. Some practical issues on employing ai-fMRI in awake craniotomy were systemically discussed, and guidelines were provided. PMID:24179766

  9. The (Dis)appearance of Ai Weiwei: Translations and (In)visibilities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Glud, Louise Nørgaard; Stenbøg, Anne Sofie Christensen; Albrechtslund, Anders

    This paper offers a study of surveillance themes relating to Ai Weiwei’s highly discussed disappearance and later reappearance in 2011. Our study is based on an Actor-Network Theory (ANT) approach and we focus on the manifold negotiations and (in)visibilities relating to the dramatic events as well...... as Ai’s artwork and life....

  10. The (Dis)appearance of Ai Weiwei: Translations and (In)visibilities

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stenbøg, Sofie; Nørgaard Glud, Louise; Albrechtslund, Anders


    This paper offers a study of surveillance themes relating to Ai Weiwei’s highly discussed disappearance and later reappearance in 2011. Our study is based on an Actor-Network Theory (ANT) approach and we focus on the manifold negotiations and (in)visibilities relating to the dramatic events as well...... as Ai’s artwork and life....

  11. NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review. Executive summary (United States)

    Firschein, O.; Georgeff, M. P.; Park, W.; Cheeseman, P. C.; Goldberg, J.; Neumann, P.; Kautz, W. H.; Levitt, K. N.; Rom, R. J.; Poggio, A. A.


    Research and Development projects in automation technology for the Space Station are described. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics.

  12. The assessment of the impact of socio-economic factors in accepting cancer using the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). (United States)

    Czerw, Aleksandra I; Bilińska, Magdalena; Deptała, Andrzej


    The paper presents the results of examining the level of acceptance of the illness in cancer patients using the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS). The study involved cancer patients treated at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry the Interior in Warsaw in 2014. The questionnaire comprised basic demographic questions (socio-economic factors) and the AIS test estimating the level of illness acceptance in patients. For the group of patients in the research group, the arithmetic mean amounted to 27.56 points. The period of time that elapsed between the first cancer diagnosis and the start of the study did not influence the score of accepting illness. The acceptance of illness in patients diagnosed with metastases differed from the acceptance of illness by patients diagnosed with metastatic cancer. Females obtained the average of 29.59 in the AIS test, whereas the average in male patients was 26.17. The patients' age did not impact the AIS test. There were no differences in the AIS test results between a group of people with secondary education and a group of people with higher education. There were no differences in the AIS test results between employed individuals versus pensioners. The inhabitants of cities were characterized by the highest degree of acceptance of their health condition. The lowest degree of acceptance of illness was observed in the group with the lowest average incomes. In the group of married individuals the average degree of acceptance of illness amounted to 27.37 points. The average degree of acceptance of illness in patients that declared themselves as single amounted to 25.75. The average degree of acceptance of illness in the study group was 27.56 points, which is a relatively high level of acceptance of cancer. The main socio-economic factor, which influenced the AIS test results was whether metastases were diagnosed or not. There were no differences between patients in groups where the time that elapsed from the first diagnosis of

  13. The assessment of the impact of socio-economic factors in accepting cancer using the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aleksandra I. Czerw


    Full Text Available Aim of the study : The paper presents the results of examining the level of acceptance of the illness in cancer patients using the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS. Materials and methods: The study involved cancer patients treated at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry the Interior in Warsaw in 2014. The questionnaire comprised basic demographic questions (socio-economic factors and the AIS test estimating the level of illness acceptance in patients. Results : For the group of patients in the research group, the arithmetic mean amounted to 27.56 points. The period of time that elapsed between the first cancer diagnosis and the start of the study did not influence the score of accepting illness. The acceptance of illness in patients diagnosed with metastases differed from the acceptance of illness by patients diagnosed with metastatic cancer. Females obtained the average of 29.59 in the AIS test, whereas the average in male patients was 26.17. The patients’ age did not impact the AIS test. There were no differences in the AIS test results between a group of people with secondary education and a group of people with higher education. There were no differences in the AIS test results between employed individuals versus pensioners. The inhabitants of cities were characterized by the highest degree of acceptance of their health condition. The lowest degree of acceptance of illness was observed in the group with the lowest average incomes. In the group of married individuals the average degree of acceptance of illness amounted to 27.37 points. The average degree of acceptance of illness in patients that declared themselves as single amounted to 25.75. Conclusions : The average degree of acceptance of illness in the study group was 27.56 points, which is a relatively high level of acceptance of cancer. The main socio-economic factor, which influenced the AIS test results was whether metastases were diagnosed or not. There were no

  14. Taxi ! méthode de français : niveau 3

    CERN Document Server

    Johnson, Anne-Marie


    Taxi ! 3 est une méthode interactive, qui développe non seulement les connaissances, mais aussi les savoir-faire et les savoir-être de l'apprenant, à l'écrit comme à l'oral. La méthode est très simple à utiliser : une leçon = une double page. Taxi ! 3 couvre le niveau Bl du Cadre européen commun de référence pour l'apprentissage, l'enseignement et l'évaluation des langues. La méthode permet de se préparer aux épreuves A3 et A4 du DELF 1er degré. Une progression et des contenus fonctionnels et langagiers solides permettent à l'apprenant d'atteindre rapidement une autonomie en français dans des situations de la vie courante. Taxi ! 3 permet de mieux connaître la France d'aujourd'hui et les comportements des Français à travers une grande variété de documents authentiques (écrit et audio).

  15. Vessel classification features using spatial Bayesian inference from historical AIS data

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Meyer, Rory GV


    Full Text Available Detections and classification of non-AIS-compliant vessels is an important ability for countries or institutions interested in MDA. SAR has been proven to be an effective method but there exists a trade-off between the area that can be imaged...

  16. An Energy Dense-AI-NaBH4-PEMFC Based Power Generator for Unmanned Undersea Vehicles (United States)


    From- To) 03/01/2016 Final 01/28/2013-12/31/2015 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Sa. CONTRACT NUMBER An Energy-Dense AI-NaBH4- PEMFC Based Power Generator for...combination of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ) with a compact hydrogen generator util izing AI-NaBH4 composite fuel. The conditions...ANSI Std. Z39.18 FLORIDA SOLAR ENERGY CENTER. Crl’nrmg EnPrgy lnrll’pendrnr£’ An Energy-Dense Al-NaBH4- PEMFC Based Power Generator for Unmanned

  17. Download and multiply sharing robot minds and bodies over the Web could take AI to the next level

    CERN Multimedia

    Graham-Rowe, D


    Some AI researchers believe progress is being held back because the problems are too great for any individual group to solve alone. They have suggested that instead of just publishing results in journals, AI software and robots should be made available across the Internet and accessible even to complete novices (1 page).

  18. An Internet of Things Approach for Extracting Featured Data Using AIS Database: An Application Based on the Viewpoint of Connected Ships

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei He


    Full Text Available Automatic Identification System (AIS, as a major data source of navigational data, is widely used in the application of connected ships for the purpose of implementing maritime situation awareness and evaluating maritime transportation. Efficiently extracting featured data from AIS database is always a challenge and time-consuming work for maritime administrators and researchers. In this paper, a novel approach was proposed to extract massive featured data from the AIS database. An Evidential Reasoning rule based methodology was proposed to simulate the procedure of extracting routes from AIS database artificially. First, the frequency distributions of ship dynamic attributes, such as the mean and variance of Speed over Ground, Course over Ground, are obtained, respectively, according to the verified AIS data samples. Subsequently, the correlations between the attributes and belief degrees of the categories are established based on likelihood modeling. In this case, the attributes were characterized into several pieces of evidence, and the evidence can be combined with the Evidential Reasoning rule. In addition, the weight coefficients were trained in a nonlinear optimization model to extract the AIS data more accurately. A real life case study was conducted at an intersection waterway, Yangtze River, Wuhan, China. The results show that the proposed methodology is able to extract data very precisely.

  19. A Note on the Lithuanian 2nd Sg. Ending "-ai." (United States)

    Schmalstieg, William R.


    Discusses an attempt by Chr. S. Stang to establish a proto-Lithuanian present paradigm for the verb "megti" (to like), questioning the existence of the second singular form "-ai." Argues that the few examples of this form, all from a single Bible translation source, afford shaky support for its existence. (Executive Office of the AABS, 231 Miller…

  20. ai (Euterpe oleracea Mart. Upregulates Paraoxonase 1 Gene Expression and Activity with Concomitant Reduction of Hepatic Steatosis in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Renata Rebeca Pereira


    Full Text Available Açai (Euterpe oleracea Mart., a fruit from the Amazon region, has emerged as a promising source of polyphenols. Açai consumption has been increasing owing to ascribed health benefits and antioxidant properties; however, its effects on hepatic injury are limited. In this study, we evaluated the antioxidant effect of filtered açai pulp on the expression of paraoxonase (PON isoforms and PON1 activity in rats with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD. The rats were fed a standard AIN-93M (control diet or a high-fat (HF diet containing 25% soy oil and 1% cholesterol with or without açai pulp (2 g/day for 6 weeks. Our results show that açai pulp prevented low-density lipoprotein (LDL oxidation, increased serum and hepatic PON1 activity, and upregulated the expression of PON1 and ApoA-I in the liver. In HF diet-fed rats, treatment with açai pulp attenuated liver damage, reducing fat infiltration and triglyceride (TG content. In rats receiving açai, increased serum PON1 activity was correlated with a reduction in hepatic steatosis and hepatic injury. These findings suggest the use of açai as a potential therapy for liver injuries, supporting the idea that dietary antioxidants are a promising approach to enhance the defensive systems against oxidative stress.

  1. Source Header List. Volume 2. L through Z (United States)


    U 2-- 2- o-h 2-2 W- 1- 2- V) 2- aJ w- 2 w 22 2 - 3 - 2- 1-U.M0 .1- .1-0 IU LL. 1-W ILLJW tun wWA 1-WN 2 W U lox W -W 1W O WE CoO 0o oU- 0Co0100I C...0.4z a.U-W Z<. a-C a. a. ZAw a. a-I- a 1- UC I4 M M0 14 04 _ 4 " ( M Z 0 "( X 4 " ~ 14 < "U " 4 - 0.U_ Z1-0 1- 1- LU LU Wz z WE W z LUz Z W" ZU -J 2...34j1.4 >In >’-’ m130 >w.-Ia aW w44 40 40 <W~ <W ~ 0 41~ <W <Z <ZW 4z Z444 zaw a UI z K za Z- n I- 20 9a3 ZI aI- OIw OIm2 >- Z 2 2 Z 2 2 2 Z 2 2 Z 2 2

  2. Regulation of Yersina pestis Virulence by AI-2 Mediated Quorum Sensing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Segelke, B; Hok, S; Lao, V; Corzett, M; Garcia, E


    The proposed research was motivated by an interest in understanding Y. pestis virulence mechanisms and bacteria cell-cell communication. It is expected that a greater understanding of virulence mechanisms will ultimately lead to biothreat countermeasures and novel therapeutics. Y. pestis is the etiological agent of plague, the most devastating disease in human history. Y. pestis infection has a high mortality rate and a short incubation before mortality. There is no widely available and effective vaccine for Y. pestis and multi-drug resistant strains are emerging. Y. pestis is a recognized biothreat agent based on the wide distribution of the bacteria in research laboratories around the world and on the knowledge that methods exist to produce and aerosolize large amounts of bacteria. We hypothesized that cell-cell communication via signaling molecules, or quorum sensing, by Y. pestis is important for the regulation of virulence factor gene expression during host invasion, though a causative link had never been established. Quorum sensing is a mode of intercellular communication which enables orchestration of gene expression for many bacteria as a function of population density and available evidence suggests there may be a link between quorum sensing and regulation of Y. pesits virulence. Several pathogenic bacteria have been shown to regulate expression of virulence factor genes, including genes encoding type III secretion, via quorum sensing. The Y. pestis genome encodes several cell-cell signaling pathways and the interaction of at least three of these are thought to be involved in one or more modes of host invasion. Furthermore, Y. pestis gene expression array studies carried out at LLNL have established a correlation between expression of known virulence factors and genes involved in processing of the AI-2 quorum sensing signal. This was a basic research project that was intended to provide new insights into bacterial intercellular communication and how it is

  3. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Susceptibility of Electronic Devices (United States)


    I z Ia~ ao . . a - a - , a *. .a0 wCa2 U 2 a 2 a Na2 a 2 a z z W.0 a1 0 r a zaw a 0 a a o- a a a a) a a a d. a a a a0 a aD aI ’A 0~ V).a -. ta I a’a...LOI * a U U tun In I.3 . C, no a I a I I z I * 03 U W z 3 I I 3 a - 0 - I N N I * 33I I I I I 3 3 3 14 16 3 I W I11 x1 I z w w e’ I I I I W 3 W kl

  4. Dollar Summary of Prime Contract Awards by State, County, Contractor and Place. Part 2 (Alachua-Menominee) (United States)


    0c -4 -40)4- * L Iit m * 40 404 CD to I 4 0)0m (a 04) a~ CV -1*c 𔃾 I4 C)II tun I nco -4 0V) C) m 0 01~~~~~e CO I ON N000 N0l I2I4 N 0 CO In 40) - 0 0...WO a.I-1W z o -0z zw1- " WWM4- oo mx04C’)4Ua Ŕ(1~f 0004-NBaN’a004’N004-4-0Z flC’ Wa K- ) II= 0 I N a N(𔃻P- zAw ~ 0 -aQfl4-4N 0 a -00(’)0t7- N ofa a0


    A wide variety of artificial intelligence (AI) and structure-activity relationship (SAR approaches have been applied to tackling the general problem of predicting rodent chemical carcinogenicity. Given the diversity of chemical structures and mechanisms relative to this endpoin...

  6. New progress of FEM simulation and AI application in rolling at RAL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Xianghua; Wang Guodong; Zhao Kun


    New progresses on FEM simulation and AI application in rolling have been achieved at RAL recently. The existence and uniqueness of the extreme point of total functional for rolling problem has been proved. Different rolling processes, such as H-beam rolling, ribbing strip rolling, slab sizing, have been solved by our in-house FEM software package. The simulation results have been put into production use to improve the precision of math models. The Artificial Neural Network has been used to predict rolling force, coiling temperature, microstructure and properties of the rolled products. An expert system for deviation diagnoses of strip thickness has been developed for industry use. Synergetic Artificial Intelligence has also been applied to rolling scheduling. We are making continuous efforts to develop AI applications for rolling line co-operating in China steel industry. (author)

  7. S&T converging trends in dealing with disaster: A review on AI tools

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hasan, Abu Bakar; Isa, Mohd Hafez Mohd.


    Science and Technology (S&T) has been able to help mankind to solve or minimize problems when arise. Different methodologies, techniques and tools were developed or used for specific cases by researchers, engineers, scientists throughout the world, and numerous papers and articles have been written by them. Nine selected cases such as flash flood, earthquakes, workplace accident, fault in aircraft industry, seismic vulnerability, disaster mitigation and management, and early fault detection in nuclear industry have been studied. This paper looked at those cases, and their results showed nearly 60% uses artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool. This paper also did some review that will help young researchers in deciding the types of AI tools to be selected; thus proving the future trends in S&T

  8. S&T converging trends in dealing with disaster: A review on AI tools (United States)

    Hasan, Abu Bakar; Isa, Mohd. Hafez Mohd.


    Science and Technology (S&T) has been able to help mankind to solve or minimize problems when arise. Different methodologies, techniques and tools were developed or used for specific cases by researchers, engineers, scientists throughout the world, and numerous papers and articles have been written by them. Nine selected cases such as flash flood, earthquakes, workplace accident, fault in aircraft industry, seismic vulnerability, disaster mitigation and management, and early fault detection in nuclear industry have been studied. This paper looked at those cases, and their results showed nearly 60% uses artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool. This paper also did some review that will help young researchers in deciding the types of AI tools to be selected; thus proving the future trends in S&T.

  9. S&T converging trends in dealing with disaster: A review on AI tools

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hasan, Abu Bakar, E-mail:; Isa, Mohd Hafez Mohd. [Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan (Malaysia)


    Science and Technology (S&T) has been able to help mankind to solve or minimize problems when arise. Different methodologies, techniques and tools were developed or used for specific cases by researchers, engineers, scientists throughout the world, and numerous papers and articles have been written by them. Nine selected cases such as flash flood, earthquakes, workplace accident, fault in aircraft industry, seismic vulnerability, disaster mitigation and management, and early fault detection in nuclear industry have been studied. This paper looked at those cases, and their results showed nearly 60% uses artificial intelligence (AI) as a tool. This paper also did some review that will help young researchers in deciding the types of AI tools to be selected; thus proving the future trends in S&T.

  10. 142 Perspective Actionelle Visa-a-Vis L'enseignement du Français ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    29 avr. 2010 ... Français Langue Entrangele au Nigeria : Problem et. Vision. Scholastica .... La langue est conçue comme un instrument de communication et ... langue est un outil fournissant une base commune pour l'enseignement et ...

  11. Des résumés en français

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bogdan Patrut


    Full Text Available Des résumés en français
    BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience
    CERVEAU. Recherche large en intelligence artificielle et neurosciences
    Volume 1, Numéro 4
    Juillet 2010: « Automne 2010»
    Sous la direction de: Bogdan Pătruţ

  12. Les Pronoms Personnels de Troisième Personne en Français et en Italien

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Samuel Bidaud


    Full Text Available Nous étudions dans cet article les pronoms personnels de troisième personne du français et de l'italien dans une perspective psychomécanique. Nous commencerons par voir que les pronoms personnels de troisième personne peuvent être sémiologiquement identiques à des déterminants et qu'ils viennent après ces derniers dans l'idéogénèse, puis nous situerons les pronoms personnels de troisième personne par rapport aux pronoms personnels de première et de deuxième personne, et nous verrons que les pronoms personnels de troisième personne peuvent appartenir au plan nominal ou au plan verbal. Nous étudierons ensuite de façon détaillée les pronoms personnels de troisième personne du français et de l'italien, et nous nous intéresserons plus particulièrement aux pronoms français y et italien ci dans une dernière partie.

  13. Increased intra-abdominal fat may lower HDL levels by increasing the fractional catabolic rate of Lp A-I in postmenopausal women. (United States)

    Vajo, Zoltan; Terry, James G; Brinton, Eliot A


    High-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles without apolipoprotein A-II (Lp A-I) may be more anti-atherogenic than HDL with apo A-II (Lp A-I/AII) and Lp A-I is reported selectively to be reduced in cases of intra-abdominal obesity. We explored the mechanisms of this reduction by studying the turnover of Lp A-I and Lp A-I/A-II in postmenopausal women well characterized for total body, regional and sub-regional adiposity by body mass index (BMI), truncal girth ratio, and abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), respectively. We tested for possible cause-effect relationships by measuring inter-correlations among these variables. Intra-abdominal fat area correlated strongly and positively with the fractional catabolic rate (FCR) of Lp A-I (r=0.98, P=0.003). Intra-abdominal fat only showed a non-significant trend toward correlation with the FCR of Lp A-I/A-II (r=0.84, P=0.07), and had no correlation with the production or transport rate (TR) of either Lp A-I or Lp A-I/A-II (r=0.48 and 0.02, respectively, P>0.1). Subjects were studied both with and without estrogen replacement, allowing exploration of a possible interaction of adiposity with estrogen effects on HDL turnover. Response of HDL turnover to estrogen did not correlate with adiposity, except for a parameter of waist to hip ratio (WHR), which predicted the increase in LP A-I TR with estrogen (r=0.84, P=0.04). We conclude that intra-abdominal fat may lower HDL levels by increasing the FCR of Lp A-I, suggesting a mechanism by which central adiposity may be proatherogenic.

  14. How to improve aesthetics in patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS: a SPoRT brace treatment according to SOSORT management criteria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fusco Claudia


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Aesthetics is a main goal of both conservative and surgical treatments in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS. Previously, we developed and validated a clinical scale - the Aesthetic Index (AI--in order to measure aesthetic impairment and changes during treatment. Aim To verify the efficacy of bracing on aesthetics in AIS. Study Design Prospective Cohort Study. Population Thirty-four consecutive patients, age 13.2 ± 3.7, initial Cobb Angle 32 ± 12°, ATR 10 ± 4° Bunnel, 11 males. Methods Patients with AI scores of at least 5/6 were included. Each of them had a brace prescription (18 to 23 hours per day, according to the SPoRT concept. AI was measured again after six months and at the end of treatment, and then the pre- and post-treatment scores compared. The Wilcoxon test was performed. Results Twenty-nine patients out of the 34 included completed the treatment and had six-month and final results; four patients were lost during the treatment, and one was fused. At baseline, median AI was 6 (95% IC 5-6 but the score decreased to 3 (95% IC 0-5; p Conclusion Aesthetics can be improved in a clinically significant way when the brace treatment is performed according to the SPoRT concept and by following the SOSORT management criteria. This is a relevant result for patients and a major goal of scoliosis treatment, be it conservative or surgical. The use of a more sensitive tool like TRACE could more easily detect the clinical changes; nevertheless, AI proved sensible enough that its use in everyday clinical practice can be suggested.

  15. STAR - A computer language for hybrid AI applications (United States)

    Borchardt, G. C.


    Constructing Artificial Intelligence application systems which rely on both symbolic and non-symbolic processing places heavy demands on the communication of data between dissimilar languages. This paper describes STAR (Simple Tool for Automated Reasoning), a computer language for the development of AI application systems which supports the transfer of data structures between a symbolic level and a non-symbolic level defined in languages such as FORTRAN, C and PASCAL. The organization of STAR is presented, followed by the description of an application involving STAR in the interpretation of airborne imaging spectrometer data.

  16. How AI turned the chess world upside down

    KAUST Repository

    Polgar, Susan


    Man vs. Machine! In 1977 an IBM supercomputer \\'Deep Blue\\' beat the reigning World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov in a 6 game chess match played under tournament conditions. This was the first time a machine beat a human at chess. It symbolized the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the potential for great good (and great harm) from machines that have aspects of human intelligence. During this lecture Susan Polgar, a pioneer for Women in Chess, will share her remarkable story as well as how technology has changed the world of chess.

  17. Beyond AI: Artificial Dreams Conference

    CERN Document Server

    Zackova, Eva; Kelemen, Jozef; Beyond Artificial Intelligence : The Disappearing Human-Machine Divide


    This book is an edited collection of chapters based on the papers presented at the conference “Beyond AI: Artificial Dreams” held in Pilsen in November 2012. The aim of the conference was to question deep-rooted ideas of artificial intelligence and cast critical reflection on methods standing at its foundations.  Artificial Dreams epitomize our controversial quest for non-biological intelligence, and therefore the contributors of this book tried to fully exploit such a controversy in their respective chapters, which resulted in an interdisciplinary dialogue between experts from engineering, natural sciences and humanities.   While pursuing the Artificial Dreams, it has become clear that it is still more and more difficult to draw a clear divide between human and machine. And therefore this book tries to portrait such an image of what lies beyond artificial intelligence: we can see the disappearing human-machine divide, a very important phenomenon of nowadays technological society, the phenomenon which i...

  18. The Effect of T'ai Chi Exercise on Lipid Profiles: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials. (United States)

    Alenazi, Aqeel M; Alshehri, Mohammed M; Hoover, Jeffrey C; Yabroudi, Mohammad A; Kachanathu, Shaji John; Liu, Wen


    Cardiovascular disease is a common health problem resulting from many factors, including dyslipidemia. T'ai chi is one of the interventions assigned to improve lipid profiles and other physical outcomes. However, conflicting results might be attributed to different study designs and interventional approaches. A systematic review and meta-analysis are needed to evaluate existing evidence. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to evaluate existing randomized clinical trials (RCTs) regarding the overall effect of t'ai chi exercise on lipid profiles. Electronic databases (MEDLINE and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) were searched. The authors included only English peer reviewed published RCTs that used a t'ai chi intervention and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) as the primary outcome along with low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and/or total cholesterol (TC) as secondary outcomes. The authors identified 37 potentially eligible studies. Only eight RCTs were eligible for their qualitative review, and seven studies were eligible for meta-analysis. The included studies were rated as having a low risk of bias. Despite the overall low risk of bias, all studies failed to blind participants to group assignment and were generally unclear about whether they were selectively reporting data. A fixed effect model (I 2  = 38.16%) demonstrated a small positive effect of t'ai chi on HDL-C (Cohen d = 0.12; standard error [SE] = 0.067; p = 0.037). A random effect model demonstrated a medium effect and small effect for LDL-C (Cohen d = 0.47; SE = 0.347; p = 0.089) and TC (Cohen d = 0.34; SE = 0.225; p = 0.066), respectively. T'ai chi may potentially be beneficial on lipid profiles across different age groups and populations. Although there were conflicting results regarding the effect of t'ai chi on lipid profiles, the majority of studies had at least a small positive effect indicating

  19. Pathologies of AI: Responsible use of artificial intelligence in professional work

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stamper, R.K.


    Although the AI paradigm is useful for building knowledge-based systems for the applied natural sciences, there are dangers when it is extended into the domains of business, law and other social systems. It is misleading to treat knowledge as a commodity that can be separated from the context in

  20. ReACT!: An Interactive Educational Tool for AI Planning for Robotics (United States)

    Dogmus, Zeynep; Erdem, Esra; Patogulu, Volkan


    This paper presents ReAct!, an interactive educational tool for artificial intelligence (AI) planning for robotics. ReAct! enables students to describe robots' actions and change in dynamic domains without first having to know about the syntactic and semantic details of the underlying formalism, and to solve planning problems using…

  1. Studies on Anti-Hepatoma Effect of Gan-Ai-Xiao Decoction | Yuan ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Purpose: To explore the anti-hepatoma effect of Gan-Ai-Xiao Decoction (GAXD), a folk remedy. Methods: High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to identify the major chemical components of GAXD ethanol extract (EE). The cytotoxic effect of GAXD EE against HepG2 cells was measured by methyl ...

  2. Comparing response options for the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA) and for Alternative Interventions (IOI-AI) daily-use items. (United States)

    Laplante-Lévesque, Ariane; Hickson, Louise; Worrall, Linda


    This study investigated how clients quantify use of hearing rehabilitation. Comparisons focused on the daily-use item of the International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA), and for Alternative Interventions (IOI-AI). Adults with hearing impairment completed the original versions of the IOI-HA and the IOI-AI daily-use item which has five numerical response options (e.g. 1-4 hours/day) and a modified version with five word response options (e.g. 'Sometimes'). Respondents completed both IOI versions immediately after intervention completion and three months later. In total, 64 people who had obtained hearing aids completed both IOI-HA versions and 27 people who had participated in communication programs completed both IOI-AI versions. Participants reported higher scores on the modified (word) daily-use item than on the original (number) daily-use item. Participants who completed the IOI-AI did so significantly more than participants who completed the IOI-HA. This was true both after intervention completion and three months later. This study showed that comparisons between IOI-HA and IOI-AI daily-use item scores should be made with caution. Word daily-use response options are recommended for the IOI-AI (i.e. Never; Rarely; Sometimes; Often; and Almost always).

  3. les causes de l'abandon de l'etude du français en form deux au kenya

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Frederick Iraki

    réserver ou fixer un rendez vous qui n'est pas agréable et facile dans la culture kenyane. L'Ambassade de France au Kenya a aussi été mentionnée, pour souligner qu'elle a arrêté des bourses et des supports linguistiques surtout pour les professeurs de français et les étudiants de français à l'université. Ils pensent que ...

  4. Prolonged endoplasmic reticulum stress alters placental morphology and causes low birth weight

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kawakami, Takashige; Yoshimi, Masaki; Kadota, Yoshito; Inoue, Masahisa; Sato, Masao; Suzuki, Shinya


    The role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in pregnancy remains largely unknown. Pregnant mice were subcutaneously administered tunicamycin (Tun), an ER stressor, as a single dose [0, 50, and 100 μg Tun/kg/body weight (BW)] on gestation days (GDs) 8.5, 12.5, and 15.5. A high incidence (75%) of preterm delivery was observed only in the group treated with Tun 100 μg/kg BW at GD 15.5, indicating that pregnant mice during late gestation are more susceptible to ER stress on preterm delivery. We further examined whether prolonged in utero exposure to ER stress affects fetal development. Pregnant mice were subcutaneously administered a dose of 0, 20, 40, and 60 μg Tun/kg from GD 12.5 to 16.5. Tun treatment decreased the placental and fetal weights in a dose-dependent manner. Histological evaluation showed the formation of a cluster of spongiotrophoblast cells in the labyrinth zone of the placenta of Tun-treated mice. The glycogen content of the fetal liver and placenta from Tun-treated mice was lower than that from control mice. Tun treatment decreased mRNA expression of Slc2a1/glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), which is a major transporter for glucose, but increased placental mRNA levels of Slc2a3/GLUT3. Moreover, maternal exposure to Tun resulted in a decrease in vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (VEGFR-1), VEGFR-2, and placental growth factor. These results suggest that excessive and exogenous ER stress may induce functional abnormalities in the placenta, at least in part, with altered GLUT and vascular-related gene expression, resulting in low infant birth weight. - Highlights: • Maternal exposure to excessive ER stress induced preterm birth and IUGR. • Prolonged excessive ER stress altered the formation of the placental labyrinth. • ER stress decreased GLUT1 mRNA expression in the placenta, but increased GLUT3. • ER stress-induced IUGR causes decreased glycogen and altered glucose transport

  5. Prolonged endoplasmic reticulum stress alters placental morphology and causes low birth weight

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kawakami, Takashige, E-mail:; Yoshimi, Masaki; Kadota, Yoshito; Inoue, Masahisa; Sato, Masao; Suzuki, Shinya


    The role of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress in pregnancy remains largely unknown. Pregnant mice were subcutaneously administered tunicamycin (Tun), an ER stressor, as a single dose [0, 50, and 100 μg Tun/kg/body weight (BW)] on gestation days (GDs) 8.5, 12.5, and 15.5. A high incidence (75%) of preterm delivery was observed only in the group treated with Tun 100 μg/kg BW at GD 15.5, indicating that pregnant mice during late gestation are more susceptible to ER stress on preterm delivery. We further examined whether prolonged in utero exposure to ER stress affects fetal development. Pregnant mice were subcutaneously administered a dose of 0, 20, 40, and 60 μg Tun/kg from GD 12.5 to 16.5. Tun treatment decreased the placental and fetal weights in a dose-dependent manner. Histological evaluation showed the formation of a cluster of spongiotrophoblast cells in the labyrinth zone of the placenta of Tun-treated mice. The glycogen content of the fetal liver and placenta from Tun-treated mice was lower than that from control mice. Tun treatment decreased mRNA expression of Slc2a1/glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), which is a major transporter for glucose, but increased placental mRNA levels of Slc2a3/GLUT3. Moreover, maternal exposure to Tun resulted in a decrease in vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (VEGFR-1), VEGFR-2, and placental growth factor. These results suggest that excessive and exogenous ER stress may induce functional abnormalities in the placenta, at least in part, with altered GLUT and vascular-related gene expression, resulting in low infant birth weight. - Highlights: • Maternal exposure to excessive ER stress induced preterm birth and IUGR. • Prolonged excessive ER stress altered the formation of the placental labyrinth. • ER stress decreased GLUT1 mRNA expression in the placenta, but increased GLUT3. • ER stress-induced IUGR causes decreased glycogen and altered glucose transport.

  6. Companion Cognitive Systems: A Step toward Human-Level AI


    Forbus, Kenneth D.; Hinrichs, Thomas R.


    We are developing Companion Cognitive Systems, a new kind of software that can be effectively treated as a collaborator. Aside from their potential utility, we believe this effort is important because it focuses on three key problems that must be solved to achieve human-level AI: Robust reasoning and learning, interactivity, and longevity. We describe the ideas we are using to develop the first architecture for Companions: analogical processing, grounded in cognitive science for reasoning and...

  7. Artificial intelligence (AI) systems for interpreting complex medical datasets. (United States)

    Altman, R B


    Advances in machine intelligence have created powerful capabilities in algorithms that find hidden patterns in data, classify objects based on their measured characteristics, and associate similar patients/diseases/drugs based on common features. However, artificial intelligence (AI) applications in medical data have several technical challenges: complex and heterogeneous datasets, noisy medical datasets, and explaining their output to users. There are also social challenges related to intellectual property, data provenance, regulatory issues, economics, and liability. © 2017 ASCPT.

  8. Naissance d’une notion. La première réception du film d’art français en Italie


    Alovisio, Silvio


    L’auteur propose une première exploration des discours relatifs au film d’art français dans la presse cinématographique italienne entre 1908 et 1912. Non seulement la réception des premiers films d’art français en Italie influence le développement de nouvelles stratégies de promotion des produits de l’industrie cinématographique, mais elle contribue aussi à l’émergence d’un discours critique jusqu’alors superficiel, en plaçant au centre la question de l’acteur. Le film d’art français offre en...

  9. Feeding Supplementation And Radioimmunoassay (RIA) Technique For The Improvement Of artificial Insemination (AI) Efficiency

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tjiptosumirat, Totti; Supandi, Dadang; Firsoni


    Recent research activities have showed that RIA techniques may be use as a tool in the improvement of dairy cattle AI in . Cisurupan district, Garut. Although already indicate in the previous research, with a small number of dairy cattle tested, a more in depth study on the utilization of RIA for the improvement of AI efficiency is still required. It is indicated from the previous experiment results that administration of feeding supplementation might improved the efficiency of reproductive performance of dairy cattle. The current Study is a continuation from the previous study with a larger number of dairy cattle and wider area covered. The experiment is aimed to monitor the impact of feeding supplementation on the reproductive performance of dairy cattle using Artificial Insemination Database Application (AIDA) and RIA technique. Result from this study indicated that feeding supplementation improved conception rate between pre-supplemented and post-supplemented dairy cattle; 25% vs 40%, respectively, therefore improve ratio of Service per Conception of 4.0 vs 2.3, respectively for pre-supplemented and post-supplemented dairy cattle. Result of this experiment also showed that RIA might be use as an effective tool in monitoring the early failure of AI compared to if just relying on the conventional method, the rectal palpation. However, due to an increase in milk production as a result of feeding supplementation, tanners tend to lengthen the lactation period from 10.20 ± 0.5 months to 11.8 ± 0.6 months, respectively in dairy cattle pre-supplemented and post-supplemented. It can be conclude from this study that supplementation feeding improve reproductive performance. However, even AIDA and RIA may be of effective tool in monitoring the reproductive performance of dairy cattle, as an holistic approach for an improvement dairy farm management is still required due to other factors play important role for AI efficiency

  10. Balzac peint les français: social satire and construction of ideal types in Les français peints par eux-mêmes.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marilisa Moccia


    Full Text Available Tra il 1840 e il 1842, negli stessi anni in cui prendeva forma quella che sarà di lì a poco la Comédie Humaine, furono dati alle stampe nove volumi dell’opera Les Français peints par eux-mêmes, pubblicata da Léon Curmer. L’opera vide la collaborazione di disegnatori e scrittori fra i quali Honoré de Balzac che contribuì al progetto scrivendo due voci l’épicier e la femme comme il faut. Les Français peints par eux-mêmes, definito nel sottotitolo Encyclopédie morale du XIXe siècle, è uno dei maggiori esempi di «letteratura panoramica», come ebbe a definirla Walter Benjamin (Benjamin 1979, e vi si mescolano caricatura e determinismo fisiologico impiegati per ritrarre, e non semplicemente descrivere, i tipi umani e sociali che popolano Parigi e la Provincia. L’introduzione di Léon Curmer e Jules Janin colloca il progetto globale dell’opera sotto l’etichetta di «tableau», già utilizzata da Louis-Sébastien Mercier (Mercier 1782, della società contemporanea messa al servizio della storia dei costumi. Da un lato, il dispositivo umoristico dell’opera scatena dall’idea di classificare gli uomini, svuotati della loro soggettività e degradati a tipi sociali, al pari delle specie animali e vegetali, ricalcando e “scoronando”, dunque, l’intento normalizzante dell’Enciclopedia dei lumi. Per questo motivo, la mise en page (ogni voce dell’opera è strutturata in type, tête de page, cul de lampe, contribuisce a creare un transtesto (Genette 1997, che stringe l’occhio al lettore del tempo, nutrito dalle opere di Buffon e Cuvier.  Dall’altro, però, l’intento dichiaratamente “serio” dell’opera che deve occuparsi di spiegare, con intento pedagogico e attraverso l’escamotage dell’autoritratto, i francesi ai Francesi, suggerisce una seconda ipotesi: la società tutta è risibile perché ridicola è la borghesia del regno di Luigi Filippo. Il contributo si propone di indagare il tipo di satira che

  11. Faecal glucocorticoid metabolites and body temperature in Australian merino ewes (Ovis aries) during summer artificial insemination (AI) program (United States)

    Sawyer, Gregory; Parisella, Simone


    Reproductive wastage is a key issue for sheep producers, both regionally and globally. The reproductive output of farm animals can be influenced by physiological and environmental factors. Rapid and reliable quantification of physiological stress can provide a useful tool for designing and testing on-farm management interventions to improve farm animal welfare and productivity. In this study, we quantified physiological stress non-invasively using faecal glucocorticoid metabolites-FGMs analysis and body temperature measurements of 15 superovulated donor merino ewes (Ovis aries) during participation in artificial insemination (AI) program conducted during 2015/2016 Australian summer. We hypothesized that low percentage transferable embryos in donor merino ewes will be associated positively with higher body temperature and/or higher FGMs in these ewes. Temperature humidity index (THI) was calculated and found within high thermal stress range during the two AI trials. Overall, results showed none of the factors (ewe ID, AI trial no., THI or FGMs) were significant for reduced percentage transferrable embryos, except ewe body temperature was highly significant (p = 0.014). Within AI trial comparisons showed significant positive associations between higher FGMs and body temperature with reduced transferrable embryos. These results suggest that Australian merino ewes participating in summer AI trials can experience physiological stress. Prolonged activation of the stress endocrine response and high body temperature (e.g. ensued from heat stress) could impact on ewe reproductive output. Therefore, future research should apply minimally invasive physiological tools to gather baseline information on physiological stress in merino sheep to enable the development of new farm-friendly methods of managing stress. PMID:29381759

  12. AI-2 does not function as a quorum sensing molecule in Campylobacter jejuni during exponential growth in vitro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Winzer Klaus


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Campylobacter jejuni contains a homologue of the luxS gene shown to be responsible for the production of the signalling molecule autoinducer-2 (AI-2 in Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio cholerae. The aim of this study was to determine whether AI-2 acted as a diffusible quorum sensing signal controlling C. jejuni gene expression when it is produced at high levels during mid exponential growth phase. Results AI-2 activity was produced by the parental strain NCTC 11168 when grown in rich Mueller-Hinton broth (MHB as expected, but interestingly was not present in defined Modified Eagles Medium (MEM-α. Consistent with previous studies, the luxS mutant showed comparable growth rates to the parental strain and exhibited decreased motility halos in both MEM-α and MHB. Microarray analysis of genes differentially expressed in wild type and luxS mutant strains showed that many effects on mRNA transcript abundance were dependent on the growth medium and linked to metabolic functions including methionine metabolism. Addition of exogenously produced AI-2 to the wild type and the luxS mutant, growing exponentially in either MHB or MEM-α did not induce any transcriptional changes as analysed by microarray. Conclusion Taken together these results led us to conclude that there is no evidence for the role of AI-2 in cell-to-cell communication in C. jejuni strain NCTC 11168 under the growth conditions used, and that the effects of the luxS mutation on the transcriptome are related to the consequential loss of function in the activated methyl cycle.

  13. AI-2 does not function as a quorum sensing molecule in Campylobacter jejuni during exponential growth in vitro. (United States)

    Holmes, Kathryn; Tavender, Tim J; Winzer, Klaus; Wells, Jerry M; Hardie, Kim R


    Campylobacter jejuni contains a homologue of the luxS gene shown to be responsible for the production of the signalling molecule autoinducer-2 (AI-2) in Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio cholerae. The aim of this study was to determine whether AI-2 acted as a diffusible quorum sensing signal controlling C. jejuni gene expression when it is produced at high levels during mid exponential growth phase. AI-2 activity was produced by the parental strain NCTC 11168 when grown in rich Mueller-Hinton broth (MHB) as expected, but interestingly was not present in defined Modified Eagles Medium (MEM-alpha). Consistent with previous studies, the luxS mutant showed comparable growth rates to the parental strain and exhibited decreased motility halos in both MEM-alpha and MHB. Microarray analysis of genes differentially expressed in wild type and luxS mutant strains showed that many effects on mRNA transcript abundance were dependent on the growth medium and linked to metabolic functions including methionine metabolism. Addition of exogenously produced AI-2 to the wild type and the luxS mutant, growing exponentially in either MHB or MEM-alpha did not induce any transcriptional changes as analysed by microarray. Taken together these results led us to conclude that there is no evidence for the role of AI-2 in cell-to-cell communication in C. jejuni strain NCTC 11168 under the growth conditions used, and that the effects of the luxS mutation on the transcriptome are related to the consequential loss of function in the activated methyl cycle.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. G. V. Meyer


    Full Text Available AIS is a transponder based, anti-collision system used by the majority of ocean traffic. Ships regularly transmit their identity, position and speed. The information used to populate the AIS fields come from ship based sensors, such as GPS, and user populated fields, such as the vessels name and MMSI number. These fields are susceptible to spoofing and can be changed to hide the identity or location of a vessel. This is often done to disguise the vessel as a different class to avoid inspections or to enter a protected area without raising alarms. The AIS system has found great utility in monitoring global shipping trends and traffic but this was never intended when the protocol was designed. Docked vessels still transmit messages regularly that contain no new information. These, and other redundant messages, are still transmitted and stored. In situations where a sensor is remote and has limited access to the Internet this can become costly. The Smart-AIS sensor records all incoming messages locally and makes a decision on whether the message is of special interest or not. Messages of interest are re-transmitted to an external AIS database.

  15. Blue Sky Ideas in Artificial Intelligence Education from the EAAI 2017 New and Future AI Educator Program


    Eaton, Eric; Koenig, Sven; Schulz, Claudia; Maurelli, Francesco; Lee, John; Eckroth, Joshua; Crowley, Mark; Freedman, Richard G.; Cardona-Rivera, Rogelio E.; Machado, Tiago; Williams, Tom


    The 7th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI'17, co-chaired by Sven Koenig and Eric Eaton) launched the EAAI New and Future AI Educator Program to support the training of early-career university faculty, secondary school faculty, and future educators (PhD candidates or postdocs who intend a career in academia). As part of the program, awardees were asked to address one of the following "blue sky" questions: * How could/should Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses ...

  16. 7 July 2011 - Members of the Swiss Federal Council (front row) in front of the Globe of Science and Innovation.

    CERN Multimedia

    Maximilien Brice


    CERN-HI-1107166 01 1er rang: La chancelière Corina Casanova, le conseiller fédéral Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, le conseiller fédéral Ueli Maurer, la conseillère fédérale Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, la conseillère fédérale Simonetta Sommaruga, la Présidente de la Confédération Micheline Calmy-Rey, le Directeur général du CERN Rolf Heuer, la conseillère fédérale Doris Leuthard, le conseiller fédéral Didier Burkhalter. 2è rang: Le vice-chancelier André Simonazzi , le vice-chancelier Thomas Helbling, la chef des relations internationales Felicitas Pauss, le directeur de la recherche et du calcul scientifique Sergio Bertolucci. 3è rang: Les scientifiques suisses: Ulrich Straumann (LHCb, Zürich et délégué suisse au Conseil du CERN), Rainer Wallny (CMS, ETHZ), Günther Dissertori (CMS, ETHZ), Antonio Ereditato (ATLAS, Bern), Tatsuya Nakada (LHCb, EPFL), Olivier Schneider (LHCb, EPFL), Martin Pohl (ATLAS, Genève), Vincenzo Chiochia (CM, Zürich), Giuseppe Iacobucci (ATLAS, Genève), le C...

  17. Expression of scavenger receptor‐AI promotes alternative activation of murine macrophages to limit hepatic inflammation and fibrosis (United States)

    Labonte, Adam C.; Sung, Sun‐Sang J.; Jennelle, Lucas T.; Dandekar, Aditya P.


    The liver maintains an immunologically tolerant environment as a result of continuous exposure to food and bacterial constituents from the digestive tract. Hepatotropic pathogens can take advantage of this niche and establish lifelong chronic infections causing hepatic fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Macrophages (Mϕ) play a critical role in regulation of immune responses to hepatic infection and regeneration of tissue. However, the factors crucial for Mϕ in limiting hepatic inflammation or resolving liver damage have not been fully understood. In this report, we demonstrate that expression of C‐type lectin receptor scavenger receptor‐AI (SR‐AI) is crucial for promoting M2‐like Mϕ activation and polarization during hepatic inflammation. Liver Mϕ uniquely up‐regulated SR‐AI during hepatotropic viral infection and displayed increased expression of alternative Mϕ activation markers, such as YM‐1, arginase‐1, and interleukin‐10 by activation of mer receptor tyrosine kinase associated with inhibition of mammalian target of rapamycin. Expression of these molecules was reduced on Mϕ obtained from livers of infected mice deficient for the gene encoding SR‐AI (msr1). Furthermore, in vitro studies using an SR‐AI‐deficient Mϕ cell line revealed impeded M2 polarization and decreased phagocytic capacity. Direct stimulation with virus was sufficient to activate M2 gene expression in the wild‐type (WT) cell line, but not in the knockdown cell line. Importantly, tissue damage and fibrosis were exacerbated in SR‐AI–/– mice following hepatic infection and adoptive transfer of WT bone‐marrow–derived Mϕ conferred protection against fibrosis in these mice. Conclusion: SR‐AI expression on liver Mϕ promotes recovery from infection‐induced tissue damage by mediating a switch to a proresolving Mϕ polarization state. (Hepatology 2017;65:32‐43). PMID:27770558

  18. Effects of herd origin, AI stud and sire identification on genetic evaluation of Holstein Friesian bulls


    Giovanni Bittante; Paolo Carnier; Luigi Gallo Gallo; Riccardo Dal Zotto; Martino Cassandro


    The purpose of this study was to estimate the effects of herd origin of bull, AI stud and sire identification number (ID)  on official estimated breeding values (EBV) for production traits of Holstein Friesian proven bulls. The data included 1,005  Italian Holstein-Friesian bulls, sons of 76 sires, born in 100 herds and progeny tested by 10 AI studs. Bulls were required  to have date of first proof between September 1992 and September 1997, to be born in a herd with at least on...

  19. Evaluation of maize inbred lines for resistance to pre-harvest aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination in the field

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Baozhu Guo


    Full Text Available Two important mycotoxins, aflatoxin and fumonisin, are among the most potent naturally occurring carcinogens, contaminating maize (Zea mays and affecting crop yield and quality. Resistance of maize to pre-harvest mycotoxin contamination, specifically aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus and fumonisin produced by Fusarium verticillioides, is a goal in breeding programs that screen for these important traits with the aim of developing resistant commercial hybrids. We conducted two years of field evaluations on 87 inbred lines originating primarily in China and Mexico and not previously screened for resistance. The objectives of our study were to identify resistant germplasm for breeding purposes and to examine possible relationships between resistances to the two mycotoxins. Aflatoxin and fumonisin were present in samples harvested from all lines in both years. Concentrations of total aflatoxin ranged from 52.00 ± 20.00 to 1524.00 ± 396.00 μg kg−1, while those of fumonisin ranged from 0.60 ± 0.06 to 124.00 ± 19.50 mg kg−1. The inbred lines TUN15, TUN61, TUN37, CY2, and TUN49 showed the lowest aflatoxin accumulation and CN1, GT601, TUN09, TUN61, and MP717 the lowest fumonisin accumulation. TUN61 showed the lowest accumulation of both mycotoxins. This study confirmed previous observations that high levels of aflatoxin can coexist with fumonisin, with 55 maize lines showing a positive correlation coefficient between the concentrations of aflatoxin and fumonisin and 32 lines showing a negative correlation coefficient. These selected lines, particularly TUN61, may provide sources of resistance to mycotoxin contamination in breeding programs. However, the mechanism of resistance in this germplasm remains to be identified. Future research should also address factors that influence the fungus–plant interaction, such as herbivory and environmental stress.

  20. Apolipoprotein A-I configuration and cell cholesterol efflux activity of discoidal lipoproteins depend on the reconstitution process. (United States)

    Cuellar, Luz Ángela; Prieto, Eduardo Daniel; Cabaleiro, Laura Virginia; Garda, Horacio Alberto


    Discoidal high-density lipoproteins (D-HDL) are critical intermediates in reverse cholesterol transport. Most of the present knowledge of D-HDL is based on studies with reconstituted lipoprotein complexes of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) obtained by cholate dialysis (CD). D-HDL can also be generated by the direct microsolubilization (DM) of phospholipid vesicles at the gel/fluid phase transition temperature, a process mechanistically similar to the "in vivo" apoAI lipidation via ABCA1. We compared the apoA-I configuration in D-HDL reconstituted with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine by both procedures using fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurements with apoA-I tryptophan mutants and fluorescently labeled cysteine mutants. Results indicate that apoA-I configuration in D-HDL depends on the reconstitution process and are consistent with a "double belt" molecular arrangement with different helix registry. As reported by others, a configuration with juxtaposition of helices 5 of each apoAI monomer (5/5 registry) predominates in D-HDL obtained by CD. However, a configuration with helix 5 of one monomer juxtaposed with helix 2 of the other (5/2 registry) would predominate in D-HDL generated by DM. Moreover, we also show that the kinetics of cholesterol efflux from macrophage cultures depends on the reconstitution process, suggesting that apoAI configuration is important for this HDL function. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Trimerization of apolipoprotein A-I retards plasma clearance and preserves antiatherosclerotic properties

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Graversen, Jonas Heilskov; Laurberg, Jacob Marsvin; Andersen, Mikkel Holmen


    An increased plasma level of the major high-density lipoprotein (HDL) component, apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the aim of several therapeutic strategies for combating atherosclerotic disease. HDL therapy by direct intravenous administration of apoA-I is a plausible way; however, a fast renal...

  2. The Simulation of a Major Automated Information System (AIS) on a Microcomputer (United States)


    The AIS would be selected from a public zec cor application. Rationale for this choice are: a. Many public sector organizations have a far richer...19. Boehm, Barry W. and others, Characteristics of Software Quality, North-Holland, 1978. 20. Freeman, Peter and Wasserman, Anthony I., Tutorial on

  3. Xiao-Ai-Ping, a TCM Injection, Enhances the Antigrowth Effects of Cisplatin on Lewis Lung Cancer Cells through Promoting the Infiltration and Function of CD8+ T Lymphocytes

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    Wanshuai Li


    Full Text Available Objectives. To investigate how Xiao-Ai-Ping injection, a traditional Chinese medicine and an ancillary drug in tumor treatment, enhances the antitumor effects of cisplatin on Lewis lung cancer (LLC cells. Methods. LLC-bearing mice were daily intraperitoneally injected with various doses of cisplatin, Xiao-Ai-Ping, or cisplatin plus Xiao-Ai-Ping, respectively. Body weight and tumor volumes were measured every three days. Results. Combination of Xiao-Ai-Ping and cisplatin yielded significantly better antigrowth and proapoptotic effects on LLC xenografts than sole drug treatment did. In addition, we found that Xiao-Ai-Ping triggered the infiltration of CD8+ T cells, a group of cytotoxic T cells, to LLC xenografts. Furthermore, the mRNA levels of interferon-γ (ifn-γ, perforin-1 (prf-1, and granzyme B (gzmb in CD8+ T cells were significantly increased after combination treatment of Xiao-Ai-Ping and cisplatin. In vitro studies showed that Xiao-Ai-Ping markedly upregulated the mRNA levels of ifn-γ, prf-1, and gzmb in CD8+ T cells in a concentration-dependent manner, suggesting that Xiao-Ai-Ping augments the function of CD8+ T cells. Conclusions. Xiao-Ai-Ping promotes the infiltration and function of CD8+ T cells and thus enhances the antigrowth effects of cisplatin on LLC xenografts, which provides new evidence for the combination of Xiao-Ai-Ping and cisplatin in clinic in China.

  4. An Assessment of Public Transport Facility in Johor Bahru: a case study in Taman Ungku Tun Aminah Area, Majlis Perbandaran Johor Bahru Tengah, Malaysia

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    Musarrat Zaman


    Full Text Available Provision of public transport infrastructure is important to increase the ridership and at the same time decrease the use of private transport. Like the other Malaysian cities, Johor Bahru is mostly dependent on private vehicles such as motor cars and motor cycles. The ridership on public transport especially public bus is getting lower over the years. In this situation the sustainability in transportation and land use cannot be ensured. This paper aims to assess the public transport facility in Taman Ungku Tun Aminah in Johor Bahru which is very old and traditional residential area with some major extent of commercial and educational land uses. The actual scenario of public transport service and underlying problems that impeded the residents to use public bus service is observed in this paper. The possible options for the improvement of the bus service and turning it into an effective short and medium length inter town travel media are also discussed as well. Both the primary and secondary information are collected for the purpose of study. Various descriptive statistical data analysis are done in order to get the expected outcome from the collected data. According to this study only 26.7% of the respondents use public bus for their daily travel. The opinion of the respondents is taken for the underlying causes of their reluctance on using public bus service and also the effective measures for the enhancement of this service to the users like them. Finally some recommendations and strategic actions and policy frameworks are also suggested in this paper.

  5. Formal Safety Assessment (FSA for Analysis of Ship Collision Using AIS Data

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    Muhammad Badrus Zaman


    Full Text Available Currently, Maritime safety is the best issue in the world. International Maritime organization (IMO have recommended FSA methodology to enhance maritime safety. In this paper, the research conducted in the Malacca Strait. Malacca Strait is an area that has a high risk for shipping navigation. Many accidents occur in the area are like collision, fire, grounding and so on. Therefore a study on improving safety in this area is very important. it is to produce an output that can be used to provide input to the master and multiple stakeholders to improve safety on board at the time of sailing. In this study, AIS is used as a data source. Sea condition data collected actual traffic through the Automatic Identification System (AIS equipment installed at Kobe University, Japan, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM in Johor, Malaysia. The data is applied to define a method with the help of Geographic Information Systems (GIS.

  6. Optimal synthesis of four-bar steering mechanism using AIS and genetic algorithms

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ettefagh, Mir Mohammad; Javash, Morteza Saeidi [University of Tabriz, Tabriz (Iran, Islamic Republic of)


    Synthesis of four-bar Ackermann steering mechanism was considered as an optimization problem for generating the best function between input and output links. The steering mechanism was designed through two heuristic optimization methods, namely, artificial immune system (AIS) algorithm and genetic algorithm (GA). The optimization was implemented using the two methods, length was selected as optimization parameter in the first method, whereas precision point distribution was considered in the second method. Two of the links in the first method had the same length to achieve a symmetric mechanism; one of these lengths was considered as optimization parameter. Five precision points were considered in the precision point distribution method, one of which was in the straight line condition, whereas the others were symmetric. The obtained results showed that the AIS algorithm can generate the closest function to the desired function in the first method. By contrast, GA can generate the closest function to the desired function with the least error in the second method.

  7. Superhuman AI for heads-up no-limit poker: Libratus beats top professionals. (United States)

    Brown, Noam; Sandholm, Tuomas


    No-limit Texas hold'em is the most popular form of poker. Despite artificial intelligence (AI) successes in perfect-information games, the private information and massive game tree have made no-limit poker difficult to tackle. We present Libratus, an AI that, in a 120,000-hand competition, defeated four top human specialist professionals in heads-up no-limit Texas hold'em, the leading benchmark and long-standing challenge problem in imperfect-information game solving. Our game-theoretic approach features application-independent techniques: an algorithm for computing a blueprint for the overall strategy, an algorithm that fleshes out the details of the strategy for subgames that are reached during play, and a self-improver algorithm that fixes potential weaknesses that opponents have identified in the blueprint strategy. Copyright © 2018, The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

  8. Goldfish Leptin-AI and Leptin-AII: Function and Central Mechanism in Feeding Control

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ai-Fen Yan


    Full Text Available In mammals, leptin is a peripheral satiety factor that inhibits feeding by regulating a variety of appetite-related hormones in the brain. However, most of the previous studies examining leptin in fish feeding were performed with mammalian leptins, which share very low sequence homologies with fish leptins. To elucidate the function and mechanism of endogenous fish leptins in feeding regulation, recombinant goldfish leptin-AI and leptin-AII were expressed in methylotrophic yeast and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC. By intraperitoneal (IP injection, both leptin-AI and leptin-AII were shown to inhibit the feeding behavior and to reduce the food consumption of goldfish in 2 h. In addition, co-treatment of leptin-AI or leptin-AII could block the feeding behavior and reduce the food consumption induced by neuropeptide Y (NPY injection. High levels of leptin receptor (lepR mRNA were detected in the hypothalamus, telencephalon, optic tectum and cerebellum of the goldfish brain. The appetite inhibitory effects of leptins were mediated by downregulating the mRNA levels of orexigenic NPY, agouti-related peptide (AgRP and orexin and upregulating the mRNA levels of anorexigenic cocaine-amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART, cholecystokinin (CCK, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH and proopiomelanocortin (POMC in different areas of the goldfish brain. Our study, as a whole, provides new insights into the functions and mechanisms of leptins in appetite control in a fish model.

  9. Bioinformatic Analysis of Plasma Apolipoproteins A-I and A-II Revealed Unique Features of A-I/A-II HDL Particles in Human Plasma (United States)

    Kido, Toshimi; Kurata, Hideaki; Kondo, Kazuo; Itakura, Hiroshige; Okazaki, Mitsuyo; Urata, Takeyoshi; Yokoyama, Shinji


    Plasma concentration of apoA-I, apoA-II and apoA-II-unassociated apoA-I was analyzed in 314 Japanese subjects (177 males and 137 females), including one (male) homozygote and 37 (20 males and 17 females) heterozygotes of genetic CETP deficiency. ApoA-I unassociated with apoA-II markedly and linearly increased with HDL-cholesterol, while apoA-II increased only very slightly and the ratio of apoA-II-associated apoA-I to apoA-II stayed constant at 2 in molar ratio throughout the increase of HDL-cholesterol, among the wild type and heterozygous CETP deficiency. Thus, overall HDL concentration almost exclusively depends on HDL with apoA-I without apoA-II (LpAI) while concentration of HDL containing apoA-I and apoA-II (LpAI:AII) is constant having a fixed molar ratio of 2 : 1 regardless of total HDL and apoA-I concentration. Distribution of apoA-I between LpAI and LpAI:AII is consistent with a model of statistical partitioning regardless of sex and CETP genotype. The analysis also indicated that LpA-I accommodates on average 4 apoA-I molecules and has a clearance rate indistinguishable from LpAI:AII. Independent evidence indicated LpAI:A-II has a diameter 20% smaller than LpAI, consistent with a model having two apoA-I and one apoA-II. The functional contribution of these particles is to be investigated. PMID:27526664


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    Mirsa Ita Dewi


    Full Text Available Electrical Insemination Gun (EI-GUN was a tool for Artificial Insemination (AI using fresh semen with an electric control system. The research objective was to produced EI-GUN for AI using fresh semen on small ruminants (goat. The research was conducted from March to June 2015. The process of EI-GUN creation implemented in Design and Prototype Laboratory and Aero Modeling Research Laboratory at Engineering Faculty, University of Brawijaya (UB. Testing tools EI-GUN on goat was conducted in the Sumber Sekar Laboratory, Animal Husbandry Faculty, UB.  The methods of research were literature study, tool specification determination, designing EI-GUN, running test, semen evaluation passed EI-GUN and application on Goat. EI-GUN has seven important parts, which supports each other in this operating system. Those parts consist of stylet, servo, system controlled, insemination pump, connecting rod, battery, and holder. EI-GUN work system sucked the semen into insemination pump as much as 5 ml, and release the semen 0.25 ml appropriate standard of AI. It was applicable for 20 times AI. The results showed that the cell motility of spermatozoa ≥ 70% were still in ranging of Indonesian National Standard (SNI.   Keywords: artificial insemination, EI-GUN, fresh semen.


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    Mauro Salvemini


    Full Text Available Con modestia, ma con determinazione AMFM GIS Italia ha inteso esercitare la suafunzione di entità non governativa elaborando nell'anno in corso nove raccomandazioni circa LA GEO-LOCALIZZAZIONE COME ELEMENTO UNIFICANTE DELLE AZIONI E DELLE INFORMAZIONI PER I SERVIZI AI CITTADINI.

  12. Cognitive Maps, AI Agents and Personalized Virtual Environments in Internet Learning Experiences. (United States)

    Maule, R. William


    Develops frameworks to help Internet media designers address end-user information presentation preferences by advancing structures for assessing metadata design variables which are then linked to user cognitive styles. An underlying theme is that artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies may be used to help automate the Internet media design…

  13. The United States Strategy in East Asia-Pacific-Implications for Australia’s Defenses (United States)


    Mohamed Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak , "Towards Cooperative Security and Regional Stability, the Malaysian View." The Army and the Future. Ed. David and maintenance of warships on a commercial basis. See The Hon. Datuk Seri Mohamed Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak , 132. Times says that Jakarta...Cambridge University Press, 1965. The Hon. Datuk Seri Mohamed Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak . "Towards Cooperative Security and Regional Stability: The

  14. Malaysia’s Participation in a United Nations Standing Force: A Question of National Security (United States)


    Armed Forces Defence College and during a key note address at the National Security Conference, Malaysian Defense Minister, Dato’ Najib Tun Razak ...Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 197-198. 9Speech by Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak , “Regional Insecurity: Preparing For Low to High...Resolution 15, No.2, (1971) Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak . “Executive Interview.” Asian Defence Journal (October 2001): 14-16. General Tan Sri Dato

  15. Nonlinear study of AI Velorum

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cox, A.N.; Hodson, S.W.


    Using results from earlier studies of double-mode dwarf Cepheids by Cox, King, and Hodson, hydrodynamic calculations were undertaken for AI Vel. The earlier derived evolution theory mass of 1.8 M sub solar, a luminosity of of 23 L sub solar and a T/sub e/ of 7500 0 K give the observed period of 0.11 day and the observed period ratio PI 1 /PI 0 = 0.773. A cooler T/sub e/ than the observed one (7620 0 K) was used because 7620 0 K is beyond the fundamental pulsation mode blue edge. The composition used is X = 0.70 Z = 0.01. This lower than normal Z is necessary to make the period ratio as large as observed. The goal is to see if double-mode behavior, due to either mode switching or a permanent state, can be predicted for the model. Progress in converging the model to a periodic pulsation solution by the von Sengbusch--Stellingwerf relaxation method will be reported. 17 references

  16. Human serum albumin nanoparticles modified with apolipoprotein A-I cross the blood-brain barrier and enter the rodent brain. (United States)

    Zensi, Anja; Begley, David; Pontikis, Charles; Legros, Celine; Mihoreanu, Larisa; Büchel, Claudia; Kreuter, Jörg


    Nanoparticles made of human serum albumin (HSA) and modified with apolipoproteins have previously been shown to transport drugs, which normally do not enter the brain, across the blood-brain barrier (BBB). However the precise mechanism by which nanoparticles with different apolipoproteins on their surface can target to the brain, as yet, has not been totally elucidated. In the present study, HSA nanoparticles with covalently bound apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A-I) as a targetor for brain capillary endothelial cells were injected intravenously into SV 129 mice and Wistar rats. The rodents were sacrificed after 15 or 30 min, and their brains were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Apo A-I nanoparticles could be found inside the endothelial cells of brain capillaries as well as within parenchymal brain tissue of both, mice and rats, whereas control particles without Apo A-I on their surface did not cross the BBB during our experiments. The maintenance of tight junction integrity and barrier function during treatment with nanoparticles was demonstrated by perfusion with a fixative containing lanthanum nitrate as an electron dense marker for the permeability of tight junctions.


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    Full Text Available Depuis la fin du XIX° siècle, la distribution des écrevisses en France a connu de profonds bouleversements, et l’introduction d’écrevisses allochtones en provenance essentiellement du continent nord-américain, a irrémédiablement modifié le paysage astacologique français et européen. Les quatre enquêtes réalisées en France par le Conseil Supérieur de la Pêche depuis 1977, ont permis de suivre l’évolution des différentes espèces d’écrevisses recensées sur le territoire national, mettant à chaque fois en évidence la forte expansion des espèces exotiques et le recul des espèces natives. L’enquête de 2006 n’échappe pas à cette tendance et la situation de nos trois espèces d’écrevisses doit désormais être considérée comme alarmante. Deux de ces espèces se caractérisent par un statut de conservation proche de l’extinction (Austropotamobius torrentium et Astacus astacus alors que la troisième, Austropotamobius pallipes est « réfugiée » sur les secteurs apicaux des bassins versants, confinée sur des zones soumises aux premières manifestations du changement climatique et isolées par les espèces exotiques qui progressent de plus en plus vers l’amont. En effet, l’écrevisse du Pacifique (Pacifastacus leniusculus, mais aussi l’écrevisse rouge de Louisiane (Procamabrus clarkii, sont les espèces qui montrent la plus forte expansion géographique durant la période 2001-2006. Partout elles apparaissent comme des concurrents redoutables, plus agressifs, résistants aux pathologies, capables de coloniser des habitats variés…. Ces deux espèces en particulier étendent leur aire de répartition et colonisent chaque année de nouveaux départements, de nouveaux cours d’eau, éliminant par là même, les espèces autochtones. L’expansion des écrevisses introduites, l’arrivée récente en France d’une nouvelle espèce (Orconectes juvenilis et les modifications de la Loi autorisant dor

  18. Fully automatic AI-based leak detection system

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tylman, Wojciech; Kolczynski, Jakub [Dept. of Microelectronics and Computer Science, Technical University of Lodz in Poland, ul. Wolczanska 221/223, Lodz (Poland); Anders, George J. [Kinectrics Inc., 800 Kipling Ave., Toronto, Ontario M8Z 6C4 (Canada)


    This paper presents a fully automatic system intended to detect leaks of dielectric fluid in underground high-pressure, fluid-filled (HPFF) cables. The system combines a number of artificial intelligence (AI) and data processing techniques to achieve high detection capabilities for various rates of leaks, including leaks as small as 15 l per hour. The system achieves this level of precision mainly thanks to a novel auto-tuning procedure, enabling learning of the Bayesian network - the decision-making component of the system - using simulated leaks of various rates. Significant new developments extending the capabilities of the original leak detection system described in and form the basis of this paper. Tests conducted on the real-life HPFF cable system in New York City are also discussed. (author)

  19. A Comparative Evaluation of Procedural Level Generators in the Mario AI Framework

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Horn, Britton; Dahlskog, Steve; Shaker, Noor

    dierent from another in terms of its output. To remedy this, we have conducted a large-scale comparative evaluation of level generators for the Mario AI Benchmark, a research-friendly clone of the classic platform game Super Mario Bros. In all, we compare the output of seven dierent level generators from...

  20. Lack of genomic evidence of AI-2 receptors suggests a non-quorum sensing role for luxS in most bacteria. (United States)

    Rezzonico, Fabio; Duffy, Brion


    Great excitement accompanied discoveries over the last decade in several Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria of the LuxS protein, which catalyzes production of the AI-2 autoinducer molecule for a second quorum sensing system (QS-2). Since the luxS gene was found to be widespread among the most diverse bacterial taxa, it was hypothesized that AI-2 may constitute the basis of a universal microbial language, a kind of bacterial Esperanto. Many of the studies published in this field have drawn a direct correlation between the occurrence of the luxS gene in a given organism and the presence and functionality of a QS-2 therein. However, rarely hathe existence of potential AI-2 receptors been examined. This is important, since it is now well recognized that LuxS also holds a central role as a metabolic enzyme in the activated methyl cycle which is responsible for the generation of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, the major methyl donor in the cell. In order to assess whether the role of LuxS in these bacteria is indeed related to AI-2 mediated quorum sensing we analyzed genomic databases searching for established AI-2 receptors (i.e., LuxPQ-receptor of Vibrio harveyi and Lsr ABC-transporter of Salmonella typhimurium) and other presumed QS-related proteins and compared the outcome with published results about the role of QS-2 in these organisms. An unequivocal AI-2 related behavior was restricted primarily to organisms bearing known AI-2 receptor genes, while phenotypes of luxS mutant bacteria lacking these genes could often be explained simply by assuming deficiencies in sulfur metabolism. Genomic analysis shows that while LuxPQ is restricted to Vibrionales, the Lsr-receptor complex is mainly present in pathogenic bacteria associated with endotherms. This suggests that QS-2 may play an important role in interactions with animal hosts. In most other species, however, the role of LuxS appears to be limited to metabolism, although in a few cases the presence of yet unknown

  1. Lack of genomic evidence of AI-2 receptors suggests a non-quorum sensing role for luxS in most bacteria

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Duffy Brion


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Great excitement accompanied discoveries over the last decade in several Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria of the LuxS protein, which catalyzes production of the AI-2 autoinducer molecule for a second quorum sensing system (QS-2. Since the luxS gene was found to be widespread among the most diverse bacterial taxa, it was hypothesized that AI-2 may constitute the basis of a universal microbial language, a kind of bacterial Esperanto. Many of the studies published in this field have drawn a direct correlation between the occurrence of the luxS gene in a given organism and the presence and functionality of a QS-2 therein. However, rarely hathe existence of potential AI-2 receptors been examined. This is important, since it is now well recognized that LuxS also holds a central role as a metabolic enzyme in the activated methyl cycle which is responsible for the generation of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, the major methyl donor in the cell. Results In order to assess whether the role of LuxS in these bacteria is indeed related to AI-2 mediated quorum sensing we analyzed genomic databases searching for established AI-2 receptors (i.e., LuxPQ-receptor of Vibrio harveyi and Lsr ABC-transporter of Salmonella typhimurium and other presumed QS-related proteins and compared the outcome with published results about the role of QS-2 in these organisms. An unequivocal AI-2 related behavior was restricted primarily to organisms bearing known AI-2 receptor genes, while phenotypes of luxS mutant bacteria lacking these genes could often be explained simply by assuming deficiencies in sulfur metabolism. Conclusion Genomic analysis shows that while LuxPQ is restricted to Vibrionales, the Lsr-receptor complex is mainly present in pathogenic bacteria associated with endotherms. This suggests that QS-2 may play an important role in interactions with animal hosts. In most other species, however, the role of LuxS appears to be limited to metabolism

  2. Progesterone supplementation after ovulation: effects on corpus luteum function and on fertility of dairy cows subjected to AI or ET. (United States)

    Monteiro, Pedro L J; Nascimento, Anibal B; Pontes, Guilherme C S; Fernandes, Gabriela O; Melo, Leonardo F; Wiltbank, Milo C; Sartori, Roberto


    Three experiments were done to evaluate the effects of progesterone (P4) supplementation starting during metestrus on formation of the CL and on fertility of lactating dairy cows subjected to fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) or embryo transfer (ET). In experiment 1, 42 Holstein cows were randomly allocated to untreated (Control) or to receive an intravaginal implant containing 1.9 g of P4 from Day 3 to 20 after FTAI (controlled internal drug release [CIDR]). Blood samples were collected on Days 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, and 21 after FTAI to evaluate the effect of CIDR supplementation on plasma concentration of P4 using radioimmunoassay. Ultrasound scans were performed at Days 4, 7, 11, 14, and 20 to evaluate CL volume. In experiment 2, the effect on CIDR supplementation on fertility was evaluated in 668 Holstein and crossbred dairy cows that were subjected to FTAI and allocated randomly to untreated (AI-Control) or to receive a CIDR from Day 3 to 17 (AI-CIDR) after FTAI. In experiment 3, 360 Holstein cows were treated with PGF and after heat detection (Day 0), they were allocated to untreated (ET-Control) or to receive a CIDR from Day 4 ± 1 to 8 ± 1 (ET-CIDR-4) or a CIDR from 4 ± 1 to 18 ± 1 (ET-CIDR-14). In vitro-produced embryos were transferred on Day 8 ± 1. Pregnancy diagnoses were performed by ultrasound. In experiment 1, there was interaction between treatment and day in relation to plasma P4 on Days 4 and 7 due to CIDR supplementation. Independent of treatment, pregnant cows had higher plasma P4 from Day 14 to 21 than nonpregnant cows (P ≤ 0.05). Supplementation with CIDR did not alter CL development. In experiment 2, there was no effect of supplementation of P4 on pregnancy per AI on Day 32 (32.0% vs. 31.8%, for AI-Control and AI-CIDR, respectively) or pregnancy loss (15.6% vs. 17.6%, for AI-Control and AI-CIDR, respectively). In experiment 3, P4 supplementation compromised pregnancy per ET (P/ET) on Day 32 in both supplemented groups (39

  3. Google Earth Visualizations of the Marine Automatic Identification System (AIS): Monitoring Ship Traffic in National Marine Sanctuaries (United States)

    Schwehr, K.; Hatch, L.; Thompson, M.; Wiley, D.


    The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a new technology that provides ship position reports with location, time, and identity information without human intervention from ships carrying the transponders to any receiver listening to the broadcasts. In collaboration with the USCG's Research and Development Center, NOAA's Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) has installed 3 AIS receivers around Massachusetts Bay to monitor ship traffic transiting the sanctuary and surrounding waters. The SBNMS and the USCG also worked together propose the shifting the shipping lanes (termed the traffic separation scheme; TSS) that transit the sanctuary slightly to the north to reduce the probability of ship strikes of whales that frequent the sanctuary. Following approval by the United Nation's International Maritime Organization, AIS provided a means for NOAA to assess changes in the distribution of shipping traffic caused by formal change in the TSS effective July 1, 2007. However, there was no easy way to visualize this type of time series data. We have created a software package called noaadata-py to process the AIS ship reports and produce KML files for viewing in Google Earth. Ship tracks can be shown changing over time to allow the viewer to feel the motion of traffic through the sanctuary. The ship tracks can also be gridded to create ship traffic density reports for specified periods of time. The density is displayed as map draped on the sea surface or as vertical histogram columns. Additional visualizations such as bathymetry images, S57 nautical charts, and USCG Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement (MISLE) can be combined with the ship traffic visualizations to give a more complete picture of the maritime environment. AIS traffic analyses have the potential to give managers throughout NOAA's National Marine Sanctuaries an improved ability to assess the impacts of ship traffic on the marine resources they seek to protect. Viewing ship traffic

  4. Oil spills and AI: How to manage resources through simulation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Giribone, P.; Bruzzone, A.G.; Caddeo, S.


    Today, in the Mediterranean theater of the Upper Tyrrhenian, the ecological risk involving oil installations is still quite high. This is due to the fact that valuable environmental and tourist areas exist together with large industrial and port structures; in particular, recent events have demonstrated the danger involving oil spills along the Ligurian coastline. This study proposes an approach to plan the operations that should be performed when accidents occur, based on the use of AI techniques

  5. Using Ontological Engineering to Overcome AI-ED Problems: Contribution, Impact and Perspectives (United States)

    Mizoguchi, Riichiro; Bourdeau, Jacqueline


    This article reflects on the ontology engineering methodology discussed by the paper entitled "Using Ontological Engineering to Overcome AI-ED Problems" published in this journal in 2000. We discuss the achievements obtained in the last 10 years, the impact of our work as well as recent trends and perspectives in ontology engineering for…

  6. Grammaire progressive du français avec 400 exercices : niveau avancé

    CERN Document Server

    Boularès, Michèle


    La Grammaire progressive du français, de niveau avancé, s'adresse à de grands adolescents et adultes ayant suivi environ 250 heures de cours.Par une méthode progressive, des exemples nombreux et pertinents pour renforcer les règles de grammaire, une langue authentique, cet ouvrage a pour objectif de rendre vivant et stimulant l'apprentissage de la grammaire.Elle présente et explique des points complexes (subjonctif, gérondif, adjectif verbal, participe présent...) et relie résolument la forme et le sens afin de ne pas dissocier grammaire et communication. La Grammaire progressive du français est une grammaire pédagogique: les explications grammaticales sont simples, le plus souvent de l'ordre de la phrase, elles utilisent un minimum de métalangage; des exemples clairs et nombreux illustrent chque explication grammaticale; la langue utilisée dans les exemples et les exercices est authentique. Quand l'exemple illustrant un point grammatical exige un niveau de langage soutenue, celui-ci est signalé...

  7. AI tools in computer based problem solving (United States)

    Beane, Arthur J.


    The use of computers to solve value oriented, deterministic, algorithmic problems, has evolved a structured life cycle model of the software process. The symbolic processing techniques used, primarily in research, for solving nondeterministic problems, and those for which an algorithmic solution is unknown, have evolved a different model, much less structured. Traditionally, the two approaches have been used completely independently. With the advent of low cost, high performance 32 bit workstations executing identical software with large minicomputers and mainframes, it became possible to begin to merge both models into a single extended model of computer problem solving. The implementation of such an extended model on a VAX family of micro/mini/mainframe systems is described. Examples in both development and deployment of applications involving a blending of AI and traditional techniques are given.

  8. Little AI: Playing a constructivist robot (United States)

    Georgeon, Olivier L.

    Little AI is a pedagogical game aimed at presenting the founding concepts of constructivist learning and developmental Artificial Intelligence. It primarily targets students in computer science and cognitive science but it can also interest the general public curious about these topics. It requires no particular scientific background; even children can find it entertaining. Professors can use it as a pedagogical resource in class or in online courses. The player presses buttons to control a simulated "baby robot". The player cannot see the robot and its environment, and initially ignores the effects of the commands. The only information received by the player is feedback from the player's commands. The player must learn, at the same time, the functioning of the robot's body and the structure of the environment from patterns in the stream of commands and feedback. We argue that this situation is analogous to how infants engage in early-stage developmental learning (e.g., Piaget (1937), [1]).

  9. Little AI: Playing a constructivist robot

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Olivier L. Georgeon


    Full Text Available Little AI is a pedagogical game aimed at presenting the founding concepts of constructivist learning and developmental Artificial Intelligence. It primarily targets students in computer science and cognitive science but it can also interest the general public curious about these topics. It requires no particular scientific background; even children can find it entertaining. Professors can use it as a pedagogical resource in class or in online courses. The player presses buttons to control a simulated “baby robot”. The player cannot see the robot and its environment, and initially ignores the effects of the commands. The only information received by the player is feedback from the player’s commands. The player must learn, at the same time, the functioning of the robot’s body and the structure of the environment from patterns in the stream of commands and feedback. We argue that this situation is analogous to how infants engage in early-stage developmental learning (e.g., Piaget (1937, [1].

  10. Enamelin (Enam) is essential for amelogenesis: ENU-induced mouse mutants as models for different clinical subtypes of human amelogenesis imperfecta (AI). (United States)

    Masuya, Hiroshi; Shimizu, Kunihiko; Sezutsu, Hideki; Sakuraba, Yoshiyuki; Nagano, Junko; Shimizu, Aya; Fujimoto, Naomi; Kawai, Akiko; Miura, Ikuo; Kaneda, Hideki; Kobayashi, Kimio; Ishijima, Junko; Maeda, Takahide; Gondo, Yoichi; Noda, Tetsuo; Wakana, Shigeharu; Shiroishi, Toshihiko


    Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a group of commonly inherited defects of dental enamel formation, which exhibits marked genetic and clinical heterogeneity. The genetic basis of this heterogeneity is still poorly understood. Enamelin, the affected gene product in one form of AI (AIH2), is an extracellular matrix protein that is one of the components of enamel. We isolated three ENU-induced dominant mouse mutations, M100395, M100514 and M100521, which caused AI-like phenotypes in the incisors and molars of the affected individuals. Linkage analyses mapped each of the three mutations to a region of chromosome 5 that contained the genes encoding enamelin (Enam) and ameloblastin (Ambn). Sequence analysis revealed that each mutation was a single-base substitution in Enam. M100395 (Enam(Rgsc395)) and M100514 (Enam(Rgsc514)) were putative missense mutations that caused S to I and E to G substitutions at positions 55 and 57 of the translated protein, respectively. Enam(Rgsc395) and Enam(Rgsc514) heterozygotes showed severe breakage of the enamel surface, a phenotype that resembled local hypoplastic AI. The M100521 mutation (Enam(Rgsc521)) was a T to A substitution at the splicing donor site in intron 4. This mutation resulted in a frameshift that gave rise to a premature stop codon. The transcript of the Enam(Rgsc521) mutant allele was degraded, indicating that Enam(Rgsc521) is a loss-of-function mutation. Enam(Rgsc521) heterozygotes showed a hypomaturation-type AI phenotype in the incisors, possibly due to haploinsufficiency of Enam. Enam(Rgsc521) homozygotes showed complete loss of enamel on the incisors and the molars. Thus, we report here that the Enam gene is essential for amelogenesis, and that mice with different point mutations at Enam may provide good animal models to study the different clinical subtypes of AI.

  11. Prediction of shipboard electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems using artificial intelligence (AI) technology (United States)

    Swanson, David J.


    The electromagnetic interference prediction problem is characteristically ill-defined and complicated. Severe EMI problems are prevalent throughout the U.S. Navy, causing both expected and unexpected impacts on the operational performance of electronic combat systems onboard ships. This paper focuses on applying artificial intelligence (AI) technology to the prediction of ship related electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems.

  12. Notes on the inherently safe core design meeting with the DOE-RRT, AI, GE, W-ARD, EPRI, and ETEC (at AI, Canoga Park, California, November 7-8, 1978)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackola, A.S.; Paschall, R.K.


    The primary purpose of the meeting was to familiarize large LMFBR design managers with the capabilities of the Inherent Secondary Shutdown Systems (articulated rod and absorber balls) and to obtain inputs from them. The other purpose of the meeting was for the ISSS designers (AI, GE, and WARD) to present current work status, future plans, and schedules for their respective ISSS tasks

  13. Deep Learning Neural Networks in Cybersecurity - Managing Malware with AI


    Rayle, Keith


    There’s a lot of talk about the benefits of deep learning (neural networks) and how it’s the new electricity that will power us into the future. Medical diagnosis, computer vision and speech recognition are all examples of use-cases where neural networks are being applied in our everyday business environment. This begs the question…what are the uses of neural-network applications for cyber security? How does the AI process work when applying neural networks to detect malicious software bombar...

  14. Choosing between different AI approaches? The scientific benefits of the confrontation, and the new collaborative era between humans and machines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jordi Vallverdú


    Full Text Available AI is a multidisciplinary activity that involves specialists from several fields, and we can say that the aim of science, and AI science, is solving problems. AI and computer sciences are been creating a new kind of making science, that we can call in silico science. Both models top-eown and bottomup are useful for e-scientific research. There is no a real controversy between them. Besides, the extended mind model of human cognition, involves human-machine interactions. Huge amount of data requires new ways to make and organize scientific practices: supercomputers, grids, distributed computing, specific software and middleware and, basically, more efficient and visual ways to interact with information. This is one of the key points to understand contemporary relationships between humans and machines: usability of scientific data.

  15. Metrological traceability in mass spectrometry-based targeted protein quantitation: a proof-of-principle study for serum apolipoproteins A-I and B100. (United States)

    Smit, Nico P M; Romijn, Fred P H T M; van den Broek, Irene; Drijfhout, Jan W; Haex, Martin; van der Laarse, Arnoud; van der Burgt, Yuri E M; Cobbaert, Christa M


    In this study, we have followed up on previous liquid chromatography (LC) multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass spectrometry (MS) approaches for measurement of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I and apo B100 in serum aiming for implementation of a multiplexed assay in a clinical chemistry laboratory with full metrological traceability. Signature peptides were selected and detected by dynamic MRM, and stable isotope labeled (SIL)-peptides were used as internal standards. Five apo A-I and four apo B100 peptides were measured in serum digests with linearity (R(2)>0.992) in the physiologically relevant concentration ranges. Linearity with regard to protein concentration was ascertained at five concentration levels (R(2)>0.926 and R(2)>0.965, for the apo A-I and apo B100 peptides, respectively). Three native value-assigned sera were used as external calibrators for further method verification. Imprecision values on sample preparation and LC-MS/MS acquisition were below the established minimal specifications for apo A-I and apo B100 (5.0% and 5.3%, respectively). Correlation of LC-MS/MS results with immunoturbidimetric assay results, for normo- and hypertriglyceridemic samples, showed R(2)>0.944 for apo A-I and R(2)>0.964 for apo B100. This LC-MS/MS method has potential for clinical application in normo- and dyslipidemic patients. Measurement of apo A-I and apo B100 may offer an alternative to high and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c and LDL-c) methods for cardiovascular disease risk assessment in dyslipidemic patients [1]. An LC-MS/MS method for apo A-I and apo B100 has the advantage of antibody independent and specific detection of protein signature peptides. The introduction of an LC-MS/MS method for apo A-I and apo B100 can serve as an example for many existing and newly developed (multiplex) biomarker methods in quantitative clinical chemistry proteomics (qCCP). Such LC-MS/MS methods should meet basic clinical chemistry principles with regard to test evaluation

  16. Effects of T'ai Chi exercise on fibromyalgia symptoms and health-related quality of life. (United States)

    Taggart, Helen M; Arslanian, Christine L; Bae, Sejong; Singh, Karan


    Fibromyalgia (FM), one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders, is associated with high levels of impaired health and inadequate or limited symptom relief. The cause of this complex syndrome is unknown, and there is no known cure. Numerous research results indicate that a combination of physical exercise and mind-body therapy is effective in symptom management. T'ai Chi, an ancient Chinese exercise, combines physical exercise with mindbody therapy. To investigate the effects of T'ai Chi exercise on FM symptoms and health-related quality of life. Pilot study, one group pre-to-post posttest design. Participants with FM (n = 39) formed a single group for 6 weeks of 1-hour, twice weekly T'ai Chi exercise classes. FM symptoms and health-related quality of life were measured before and after exercise. Twenty-one participants completed at least 10 of the 12 exercise sessions. Although the dropout rate was higher than expected, measurements on both the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) (Buckhardt, Clark, & Bennett, 1991) and the Short Form-36 (SE-36) (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992) revealed statistically significant improvement in symptom management and health-related quality of life. Knowledge of interventions to enhance health for the patient with musculoskeletal problems is a National Association of Orthopaedic Nurses priority. Tai Chi is potentially beneficial to patients with FM. Further research is needed to support evidence-based practice.

  17. Comparison of in-and outpatients protocols for providence night time only bracing in AIS patients -- compliance and satisfaction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Al-Aubaidi, Zaid Tj; Tropp, Hans; Pedersen, Niels W


    BACKGROUND: Skeletally immature patients diagnosed with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and a Cobb angle above 25degrees is usually treated with a brace. Standard protocols in many centers include hospitalisation for a few days for the purpose of brace adaptation and fitting. The aim...... of this study is to compare compliance and satisfaction in hospitalization and out patient clinic protocols, at the initiation phase of brace treatment.Materials and methodsTwenty-four consecutive patients with AIS were initiated with the Providence night time only brace at our department between October 2008...

  18. Making Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS Work for Development in Tropical Countries

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Philipp Aerni


    Full Text Available Agricultural innovation in low-income tropical countries contributes to a more effective and sustainable use of natural resources and reduces hunger and poverty through economic development in rural areas. Yet, despite numerous recent public and private initiatives to develop capacities for agricultural innovation, such initiatives are often not well aligned with national efforts to revive existing Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS. In an effort to improve coordination and responsiveness of Capacity Development (CD initiatives, the G20 Agriculture Ministers requested the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO to lead the development of a Tropical Agricultural Platform (TAP, which is designed to improve coherence and coordination of CD for agricultural innovation in the tropics. This paper presents a summary of the results obtained from three regional needs assessments undertaken by TAP and its partners. The surveyed tropical regions were Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Central America. The findings reveal a mismatch in all three regions between the external supply of primarily individual CD and the actual demand for institutional CD. The misalignment might be addressed by strengthening south-south and triangular collaboration and by improving the institutional capacities that would render national AIS more demand-oriented and responsive to the needs of smallholders in domestic agriculture.

  19. Selective labelling of apolipoproteins A-I and C-I at methionine residues by (TH) methyl exchange

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hancock, W.S.; Harding, D.R.K.; Barling, P.M.; Sparrow, J.T.


    Apolipoproteins C-I and A-I were radioactively labelled with tritium by (TH)-methyl exchange. The methionine residues were first methylated with (TH)-methyl iodide at pH4 and the reaction products were purified by gel filtration and cation exchange chromatography. The products were then demethylated with 2-mercaptoethanol (6 M) at pH 8.6 to regenerate the apolipoproteins in an unmodified but tritiated form. The specific radioactivity for apolipoprotein C-I and A-I was 3.5 x 10W and 1.5 x 10X dpm/pmol respectively. The properties of (TH)-apolipoprotein C-I were examined by reversed phase HPLC and by incorporation into very low density lipoproteins (VLDL).

  20. Vers l'integration des textes dans le programme du fran9ais langue ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Au Malawi, on enseigne le fran9ais en tant que langue etrangere depuis une quarantaine d'annees .... !'organisation institutionnelle du systeme educatif du Malawi, le palier secondaire en ... Les objectifs du type : rediger une lettre, decrire une .... nouveau (rheme). Charolles souligne qu'il s'agit d'une performance delicate.

  1. Augalų, auginamų žaliajai trąšai, agrobiologinis įvertinimas ir įtaka svogūnų derliui


    Starkutė, Roma; Duchovskienė, Laisvūnė; Zalatorius, Zytautas


    2003–2005 m. Lietuvos sodininkystės daržininkystės institute ekologiškai daržovėms auginti skirtame bandymų lauke tirti ir įvertinti žaliajai trąšai tinkamiausi augalai ir nustatyta jų įtaka ekologiškai auginamų svogūnų derliui. Tirti augalai žaliajai trąšai: miežiai, miežiai su dobilų įsėliu, vasariniai kviečiai, žirnių ir avižų mišinys, aliejiniai ridikai. Kontrolinis variantas – juodasis pūdymas. Nustatyta, kad žaliajai trąšai auginamų augalų biomasė armenyje paliko nevienodą organinės med...

  2. Autonomously generating operations sequences for a Mars Rover using AI-based planning (United States)

    Sherwood, Rob; Mishkin, Andrew; Estlin, Tara; Chien, Steve; Backes, Paul; Cooper, Brian; Maxwell, Scott; Rabideau, Gregg


    This paper discusses a proof-of-concept prototype for ground-based automatic generation of validated rover command sequences from highlevel science and engineering activities. This prototype is based on ASPEN, the Automated Scheduling and Planning Environment. This Artificial Intelligence (AI) based planning and scheduling system will automatically generate a command sequence that will execute within resource constraints and satisfy flight rules.

  3. Characterization of immortalized MARCO and SR-AI/II-deficient murine alveolar macrophage cell lines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Imrich Amy


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Alveolar macrophages (AM avidly bind and ingest unopsonized inhaled particles and bacteria through class A scavenger receptors (SRAs MARCO and SR-AI/II. Studies to characterize the function of these SRAs have used AMs from MARCO or SR-AI/II null mice, but this approach is limited by the relatively low yield of AMs. Moreover, studies using both MARCO and SR-AI/II-deficient (MS-/- mice have not been reported yet. Hence, we sought to develop continuous cell lines from primary alveolar macrophages from MS-/- mice. Results We used in vitro infection of the primary AMs with the J2 retrovirus carrying the v-raf and v-myc oncogenes. Following initial isolation in media supplemented with murine macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF, we subcloned three AM cell lines, designated ZK-1, ZK-2 and ZK-6. These cell lines grow well in RPMI-1640-10% FBS in the absence of M-CSF. These adherent but trypsin-sensitive cell lines have a doubling time of approximately 14 hours, exhibit typical macrophage morphology, and express macrophage-associated cell surface Mac-1 (CD11b and F4/80 antigens. The cell lines show robust Fc-receptor dependent phagocytosis of opsonized red blood cells. Similar to freshly isolated AMs from MS-/- mice, the cell lines exhibit decreased phagocytosis of unopsonized titanium dioxide (TiO2, fluorescent latex beads and bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus compared with the primary AMs from wild type (WT C57BL/6 mice. Conclusion Our results indicated that three contiguous murine alveolar macrophage cell lines with MS-/- (ZK1, ZK2 and ZK6 were established successfully. These cell lines demonstrated macrophage morphology and functional activity. Interestingly, similar to freshly isolated AMs from MS-/- mice, the cell lines have a reduced, but not absent, ability to bind and ingest particles, with an altered pattern of blockade by scavenger receptor inhibitors. These cell lines will facilitate in vitro studies to further define

  4. Small Molecule Inhibitors of AI-2 Signaling in Bacteria: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives for Anti-Quorum Sensing Agents (United States)

    Guo, Min; Gamby, Sonja; Zheng, Yue; Sintim, Herman O.


    Bacteria respond to different small molecules that are produced by other neighboring bacteria. These molecules, called autoinducers, are classified as intraspecies (i.e., molecules produced and perceived by the same bacterial species) or interspecies (molecules that are produced and sensed between different bacterial species). AI-2 has been proposed as an interspecies autoinducer and has been shown to regulate different bacterial physiology as well as affect virulence factor production and biofilm formation in some bacteria, including bacteria of clinical relevance. Several groups have embarked on the development of small molecules that could be used to perturb AI-2 signaling in bacteria, with the ultimate goal that these molecules could be used to inhibit bacterial virulence and biofilm formation. Additionally, these molecules have the potential to be used in synthetic biology applications whereby these small molecules are used as inputs to switch on and off AI-2 receptors. In this review, we highlight the state-of-the-art in the development of small molecules that perturb AI-2 signaling in bacteria and offer our perspective on the future development and applications of these classes of molecules. PMID:23994835

  5. The Experiment Production And Examination Of The U3Si2-AI Mini plates For Irradiation Test

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Supardjo; Boybul; Yowono; Susworo; Permana, S.


    The fuel plates containing U 3 Si 2 -AI dispersion fuel having respective loading of 3.55; 4.20; and 4.80 g/cm 3 were prepared by dispersing certain amount of U 3 Si 2 powder in the AI powder as matrix. The weight ratio of U 3 Si 2 and AI at different loading was chosen based on the 19.23 cm 3 volume basis fuel core calculation. Each fuel mixture was pressed into a fuel core having dimension of 100.20 x 60.35 x 3.15 +- (0.05) mm, which was then cut into mini fuel core having dimension of 16 x 8 x 3.15 +- (0.05) mm. The mini plates were prepared by picture and frame technique using AIMg2 as cladding material. The mini plates have been tested for blister, homogeneity, white spots, surface defects and their cladding thickness, revealing that out of 74 mini plates, they are ten (10) mini plates that have to be rejected due to blisters and white spots, thus of 64 mini plates can be further fabricated as samples for irradiation test

  6. Artificial intelligence/expert (AI/EX) systems for steelworks pollution control

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Schofield, N.; Le Louer, P.; Mirabile, D.; Hubner, R. [Corus UK Ltd., Rotherham (United Kingdom)


    The objectives of this project have been to develop and apply artificial intelligence and expert system (AI/EX) methods to improve the control and operational performance of steelworks' pollution control equipment and to assess the viability and benefits of using such systems in dynamic process plant applications. Four distinct sub-projects were carried out: an expert system incorporating knowledge-based rules and neural network simulations has been developed by Corus which provides plant personnel with a real-time condition monitoring tool for the plant. Abnormalities with plant operation are now instantly recognised and alarmed, allowing prioritised maintenance to increase plant availability. The LECES project focused on studies concerning three different sites in order to evaluate predictive emission monitoring systems using neural networks to replace conventional instrumental and controls in steelworks' combustion systems. VAI developed a software template for pollution control expert systems to demonstrate the transferability of AI/EX technology. This has been done through the development of a validated process database containing data from the Corus sub-project and the subsequent integration of this data with dynamic emission models to produce rules for input to an evaluation database. CSM developed a fuzzy logic controlled process management system applied to the biological treatment of coke-oven waste water. A pilot plant has been installed and results on simulations performed using the fuzzy logic system linked to a neural network simulator show that it is possible to obtain great advantages in the biological pilot plant performance.

  7. Le français de la communication professionnelle

    CERN Document Server

    Danilo, Michel; Lincoln, M

    A partir de 150 heures de français. - Pour acquérir une bonne maîtrise des pratiques professionnelles. - Pour améliorer ses connaissances de la langue tout en se familiarisant avec les pratiques langagières spécifiques du monde du travail. - Pour préparer les examens de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris. Dix dossiers : - La communication dans les affaires - Le travail administratif - Le téléphone - La communication interne - Le courrier de l'entreprise - L'offre et la commande - Livraison, transport, assurance - La facturation et le règlement - La communication avec les partenaires - Les nouveaux outils de communication Une cassette audio ainsi que des corrigés accompagnent ce livre.

  8. Le camfranglais, né de l’acclimatement/acclimatation du français, au cœur d’une glottonomie socio-profane

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Venant Eloundou Eloundou


    Full Text Available Cette contribution analyse les perceptions que les internautes des sites Forum et Cameroon-Info.Net ont du camfranglais, né du processus d’acclimatement/acclimatation du français au Cameroun. Mettant à contribution les discours des camfranglophones, l’approche glottonomique et l’imaginaire linguistique, l’étude se focalise sur les représentations systémiques et sociolinguistiques du camfranglais. S’agissant du premier axe, l’analyse des interventions discursives révèle les spécificités linguistiques du camfranglais, en l’opposant au pidgin-english-camerounais né de l’anglais et aux variétés de français parlé au Cameroun. Le second axe examine l’imaginaire de la variation sociolangagière du camfrançais. Il en découle que les internautes ont une saisie variationniste de cet parler selon trois niveaux : diachronique, diatopique et diaphasique. Ce camfranglais apparaît dans les discours épilinguistiques analysés comme une langue à part entière : d’où la revendication de ses statuts et ses fonctions officiels ; voire sa prise en compte glottopolitique. Toutes ces représentations faites par ce qu’on peut appeler les acteurs glottonomiques profanes permettent d’aboutir à la conclusion selon laquelle la gestion des problématiques glottopolitiques doit tenir compte de toutes les composantes sociales, pour un développement durable, stimulé par des langues. Par ailleurs, relativement à la linguistique française, cette analyse permet de saisir les tensions sociolinguistiques et les modalités de représentations impliquant le français et le camfranglais. Si le français constitue une langue matrice pour le camfranglais, il ressort de cette réflexion que ses locuteurs construisent des représentations visant à établir une frontière linguistique et sociolinguistique entre la langue mère (français et le camfranglais dérivé.


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    Pavel Aleksandrovich Rozhkin


    Full Text Available The purpose of this work is to develop an AI teacher assistant, who can find answers to online course participants questions among answers previously published at the training forum. Currently, there are already successful experiments on the use of artificial intelligence systems (IBM WATSON in online training. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of constructing such a system using word2vec technology. A two-stage method for finding an answer to a question is constructed. Method use word2vec technology for vector representation of questions and answers. At the first stage, the subject matter of the issue is determined and, if it corresponds to the theme of the forum, then the articles most relevant to the question are searched. A real situation was simulated with 16 themes and 80 answers to possible questions within the section of the online course “Linear Algebra and Geometry”. The question-answer system was designed and its performance was evaluated. The parameters have been chosen to achieve the best result. In 83% of the cases, the relevant answer to the formulated question was contained among the top 3 responses that the system offered. The issues of further development of applied approaches and increasing utility of the constructed question-answer system are considered. Purpose: developing an AI teacher assistant, who can find answers to online course participants questions among answers previously published at the training forum. Methodology: vectorization of questions and answers, neural network classification of the subject matter, construction of the answers rating. Results: acceptable accuracy in finding a relevant answer to a question are received. Practical implications: The results of the research can be used as a basis for designing an AI teacher assistant in online courses.

  10. [Artificial intelligence] AI for protection systems

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aggarwal, R.; Johns, A.


    The reliable operation of large power systems with small stability margins is highly dependent on control systems and protection devices. Progress in the field of microprocessor systems and demanding requirements in respect of the performance of protective relays are the reasons for digital device applications to power system protection. The superiority of numeric protection over its analogue alternatives is attributed to such factors as accurate extraction of the fundamental voltage and current components through filtering, functional benefits resulting from multi-processor design and extensive self-monitoring, etc. However, all these reasons have not led to a major impact on speed, sensitivity and selectivity of primary protective relays, and the gains are only marginal; this is so because conventional digital relays still rely on deterministic signal models and a heuristic approach for decision making, so that only a fraction of the information contained within voltage and current signals as well as knowledge about the plant to be protected is used. The performance of digital relays may be substantially improved if the decision making is based on elements of artificial intelligence (AI). (Author)

  11. Vocabulaire progressif du français avec 250 exercices : niveau débutant : corrigés

    CERN Document Server

    Miquel, Claire


    Pour travailler en autonomie, un complément indispensable au Vocabulaire progressif du français niveau débutant : les corrigés de toutes les activités.Les corrigés sont organisés sur le modèle du livre par chapitres thématiques correspondant à divers domaines de la réalité quotidienne et contemporaine. Le lexique est présenté de façon thématique. Chaque chapitre est constitué de plusieurs séquences assurant un enrichissement progressif. Ce manuel aborde un vocabulaire vivant qui correspond à la réalité des français d'aujourd'hui. Il constitue une véritable initiation aux codes culturels.

  12. PER Estimation of AIS in Inland Rivers based on Three Dimensional Ray Tracking

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    F. Ma


    Full Text Available The Automatic Identification System (AIS is an important maritime safety device, which is populous in inland rivers. Compared with that in open sea, the Package Error Rate (PER of AIS in inland river has increased sharply due to its complex environment. With the help of hardware in loop simulation, it is possible to make statistical calculation on the PER under a given field strength and describe the data by quadratic rational fraction. Meanwhile, in the three dimensional software environments, the signal field strength is able to be calculated by the ray tracking method, which exhausts all the possible propagation paths, including direct way, reflection, diffractions, and the other medium attenuation matters. Beyond that, in the model, the propagation geography information in inland rivers is required to be simplified in some way, or the computation of the ray tracking is too hard to get. The paper set the Changjiang Wuhan channel as the field testing region, and all the deviations are less than 5% in sunny weather, which proves the method accurate and effective.

  13. ALARA cost/benefit analysis at Union Electric company using the ARP/AI methodology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Williams, M.C.


    This paper describes the development of a specific method for justification of expenditures associated with reducing occupational radiation exposure to as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). This methodology is based on the concepts of the Apparebt Reduction Potential (ARP) and Achievability index (AI) as described in NUREG/CR-0446, Union Eletric's corporate planning model and the EPRI Model for dose rate buildup with reactor operating life. The ARP provides a screening test to determine if there is a need for ALARA expenditures based on actual or predicted exposure rates and/or dose experience. The AI is a means of assessing all costs and all benefits, even though they are expressed in different units of measurement such as person-rem and dollars, to determine if ALARA expenditures are justified and their value. This method of cost/benefit analysis can be applied by any company or organization utilizing site-specific exposure and dose rate data, and incorporating consideration of administrative exposure controls which may vary from organization to organization. Specific example cases are presented and compared to other methodologies for ALARA cost/benefit analysis

  14. ILALOK. Dictionnaire vili–français/Mpisukulu bi kum' bi tshi vili ku tshi mputu.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    P.A. Mavoungou


    Full Text Available On connaît le vif intérêt de l'Institut des Langues Locales au Kouilou pour la promotion des langues maternelles et des cultures dont elles sont le véhicule irremplaçable. La parution aux Éditions L'Harmattan du Dictionnaire vili–fran-çais en 2008 vient couronner des années d'efforts acharnés et de privations. Ce dictionnaire, consacré au civili, poursuit ainsi la tradition des ouvrages lexico-graphiques commencés par les missionnaires. Pour le civili notamment on peut citer les contributions des révérends pères Derouet (n.d. et Marichelle (1902 qui furent imprimés à la vieille imprimerie de Loango. Dans la préface du Dic-tionnaire vili–français (en abrégé DVF dans le reste du texte, le R.P. Marichelle précise que la parution de son dictionnaire vient compléter l'oeuvre du R.P. Derouet auteur du Dictionnaire français–vili. Hormis les travaux lexicographi-ques sur le civili, deux autres ouvrages ont également été publiés. Il s'agit de Proverbes et dictons du Loango en Afrique Centrale de René Mavoungou Pambou (1997 et de Parlons vili de Gervais Loembé (2005. La parution du Dictionnaire vili–français complète parfaitement bien cette série.

  15. Effects of different five-day progesterone-based fixed-time AI protocols on follicular/luteal dynamics and fertility in dairy cows (United States)



    This study compares in two experiments the responses of lactating dairy cows to four different progesterone-based protocols for fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) in terms of their effects on follicular/luteal dynamics and fertility. The protocols consisted of a progesterone intravaginal device fitted for five days, along with the administration of different combinations of gonadotropin releasing hormone, equine chorionic gonadotropin and a single or double dose (24 h apart) of prostaglandin F2α. In Experiment I, the data were derived from 232 lactating cows. Binary logistic regression identified no effects of treatment on ovulation failure or multiple ovulation 10 days post artificial insemination (AI). Based on the odds ratio, the likelihood of ovulation failure was lower (by a factor of 0.1) in cows showing at least one corpus luteum (CL) upon treatment than in cows lacking a CL; repeat breeders (> 3 AI) and cows with multiple CLs at treatment showed lower (by a factor of 0.44) and higher (by a factor of 9.0) risks of multiple ovulation, respectively, than the remaining animals. In Experiment II, the data were derived from 5173 AIs. The independent variable treatment failed to affect the conception rate 28–34 days post AI, twin pregnancy or early fetal loss 58–64 days post AI. The results of this study demonstrate the efficacy of 5-day progesterone-based protocols for FTAI. All four protocols examined were able to induce ovulation in both cyclic and non-cyclic animals so that FTAI returned a similar pregnancy rate to spontaneous estrus. Our results suggest that the ovarian response and fertility resulting from each treatment are due more to the effect of ovarian structures at treatment than to the different combinations of hormones investigated. PMID:25196275

  16. Short communication: The role of autoinducer 2 (AI-2) on antibiotic resistance regulation in an Escherichia coli strain isolated from a dairy cow with mastitis. (United States)

    Xue, Ting; Yu, Lumin; Shang, Fei; Li, Wenchang; Zhang, Ming; Ni, Jingtian; Chen, Xiaolin


    Extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-positive Escherichia coli is a major etiological organism responsible for bovine mastitis. The autoinducer 2 (AI-2) quorum sensing system is widely present in many species of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and has been proposed to be involved in interspecies communication. In E. coli model strains, the functional mechanisms of AI-2 have been well studied; however, in clinical antibiotic-resistant E. coli strains, whether AI-2 affects the expression of antibiotic resistance genes has not been reported. In this study, we report that exogenous AI-2 increased the antibiotic resistance of a clinical E. coli strain isolated from a dairy cow with mastitis by upregulating the expression of TEM-type enzyme in an LsrR (LuxS regulated repressor)-dependent manner. Copyright © 2016 American Dairy Science Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. M. G.-F. Leclerc, Préfet de la Haute-Savoie lors de sa visite dans le tunnel du LHC au Point 2 avec D. Delikaris, Département Technologie; dans la caverne de l'expérience ALICE avec B. Erazmus, Collaboration ALICE et lors de la signature du livre d'or avec F. Bordry, Chef du Département Technologie. P. Fassnacht, Conseiller au Bureau des Relations internationales présent.

    CERN Multimedia

    Jean-Claude Gadmer


    M. G.-F. Leclerc, Préfet de la Haute-Savoie lors de sa visite dans le tunnel du LHC au Point 2 avec D. Delikaris, Département Technologie; dans la caverne de l'expérience ALICE avec B. Erazmus, Collaboration ALICE et lors de la signature du livre d'or avec F. Bordry, Chef du Département Technologie. P. Fassnacht, Conseiller au Bureau des Relations internationales présent.

  18. Does ECG influence the conception rate Nelore cows presenting different body condition scores submitted to the same timed-AI protocol?


    Erika Aline Ribeiro Dias; Rubens Paes de Arruda; Roni Aprecido Videschi; Hugo Borges Graff; Alessandra de Moraes Sousa; Fabio Morato Monteiro; Enilson Geraldo Ribeiro; Janaina Torres Carreira; Halim Atique Netto; Rogério Fonseca Guimarães Peres; Leticia Zoccolaro Oliveira


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the conception rate (CR) of multiparous Nelore cows presenting different body condition scores (BCS), which were submitted to the same Timed-AI protocol with equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG). A total of 1574 cows were inseminated, between 40 and 50 days postpartum. During insemination (timed-AI), all data regarding to bull (n=8), inseminator (n=3) and BCS (1 to 5) were recorded. The pregnancy diagnosis was performed, by ultrasonography, 40 days after ...

  19. HRQoL assessment by SRS-30 for Chinese patients with surgery for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS). (United States)

    Ng, Bobby Kin Wah; Chau, Wai-Wang; Hui, Chak-Na; Cheng, Po-Yin; Wong, Chau-Yuet; Wang, Bin; Cheng, Jack Chun Yiu; Lam, Tsz Ping


    Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) outcome questionnaire, Scoliosis Research Society (SRS)-30, had been well received since its establishment in 2003. Literatures from Asia on the use of SRS-30 mainly focused on the translation process and validation process, but not on measuring outcomes, particularly in the Chinese community. We carried out a prospective cohort study to evaluate the HRQoL of Chinese AIS adolescents with severe scoliosis after surgery. One hundred and four Chinese AIS patients with severe scoliosis undergoing posterior spinal fusion between 2009 and 2013 were recruited in this study. They completed SRS-30 questions before surgery, before hospital discharge, and at follow-up. Mean scores and percentages of individual scores in different domains, and composite scores in terms of subtotal and total scores were calculated referring to the scoring system. Gender-specific and period-specific descriptive analyses were described. Correlation of mean domain scores at the three time points were explored to look for any time-specific relationship. Linear regression analysis looking for potential risk factors on domain scores at different time points by gender were also carried out. Mean age was 16.28 at surgery, and 83.6% were female. Significant correlations between pre-op scores and scores after surgery were observed in function/activity domain (p=0.05) in males, and pain (p=0.04) and satisfaction with management (p=0.04) domains in females. No gender difference in all 5 domain scores at the 3 time points was found. Pre-op maximum Cobb angle and corrected angle were found to be risk factors on self-image, as well as satisfaction with management, in male and female patients. This is the first report on the evaluation of the clinical HRQoL outcomes of Chinese AIS patients with severe scoliosis after surgery. Medical professionals should pay attention to take care of the difference in personal perceptions of feelings between boys and girls. Special care

  20. GPU: the biggest key processor for AI and parallel processing (United States)

    Baji, Toru


    Two types of processors exist in the market. One is the conventional CPU and the other is Graphic Processor Unit (GPU). Typical CPU is composed of 1 to 8 cores while GPU has thousands of cores. CPU is good for sequential processing, while GPU is good to accelerate software with heavy parallel executions. GPU was initially dedicated for 3D graphics. However from 2006, when GPU started to apply general-purpose cores, it was noticed that this architecture can be used as a general purpose massive-parallel processor. NVIDIA developed a software framework Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) that make it possible to easily program the GPU for these application. With CUDA, GPU started to be used in workstations and supercomputers widely. Recently two key technologies are highlighted in the industry. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Autonomous Driving Cars. AI requires a massive parallel operation to train many-layers of neural networks. With CPU alone, it was impossible to finish the training in a practical time. The latest multi-GPU system with P100 makes it possible to finish the training in a few hours. For the autonomous driving cars, TOPS class of performance is required to implement perception, localization, path planning processing and again SoC with integrated GPU will play a key role there. In this paper, the evolution of the GPU which is one of the biggest commercial devices requiring state-of-the-art fabrication technology will be introduced. Also overview of the GPU demanding key application like the ones described above will be introduced.

  1. External Validation of the ISAN, A2DS2, and AIS-APS Scores for Predicting Stroke-Associated Pneumonia. (United States)

    Zapata-Arriaza, Elena; Moniche, Francisco; Blanca, Pardo-Galiana; Bustamante, Alejandro; Escudero-Martínez, Irene; Uclés, Oscar; Ollero-Ortiz, Ángela; Sánchez-García, Jose Antonio; Gamero, Miguel Ángel; Quesada, Ángeles; Vidal De Francisco, Diana; Romera, Mercedes; De la Cruz, Carlos; Sanz, Gema; Montaner, Joan


    The Prestroke Independence, Sex, Age, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (ISAN), Age, Atrial Fibrillation, Dysphagia, male sex, and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (A2DS2), and acute ischemic stroke-associated pneumonia score (AIS-APS) scores were created to predict stroke-associated pneumonia (SAP), one of the most important medical stroke complications. External validation of all such scores in an acute stroke population was the aim of our study. Patients with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke were prospectively enrolled in the multicenter Stroke-Induced Pneumonia in Andalucía project between October 2014 and May 2016. Receiver operating characteristic curves and linear regression analyses were used to determine discrimination ability of the scores. The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test and the plot of observed versus predicted SAP risk were used to assess model calibration. Among 201 included patients, SAP rate was 15.5% (31). Higher ISAN, A2DS2, and AIS-APS scores were related to SAP (all P manage SAP. The AIS-APS score would be recommendable for the development of future clinical trials. Copyright © 2018 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Comparison of helical, maximum intensity projection (MIP), and averaged intensity (AI) 4D CT imaging for stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) planning in lung cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bradley, Jeffrey D.; Nofal, Ahmed N.; El Naqa, Issam M.; Lu, Wei; Liu, Jubei; Hubenschmidt, James; Low, Daniel A.; Drzymala, Robert E.; Khullar, Divya


    Background and Purpose: To compare helical, MIP and AI 4D CT imaging, for the purpose of determining the best CT-based volume definition method for encompassing the mobile gross tumor volume (mGTV) within the planning target volume (PTV) for stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in stage I lung cancer. Materials and methods: Twenty patients with medically inoperable peripheral stage I lung cancer were planned for SBRT. Free-breathing helical and 4D image datasets were obtained for each patient. Two composite images, the MIP and AI, were automatically generated from the 4D image datasets. The mGTV contours were delineated for the MIP, AI and helical image datasets for each patient. The volume for each was calculated and compared using analysis of variance and the Wilcoxon rank test. A spatial analysis for comparing center of mass (COM) (i.e. isocenter) coordinates for each imaging method was also performed using multivariate analysis of variance. Results: The MIP-defined mGTVs were significantly larger than both the helical- (p 0.001) and AI-defined mGTVs (p = 0.012). A comparison of COM coordinates demonstrated no significant spatial difference in the x-, y-, and z-coordinates for each tumor as determined by helical, MIP, or AI imaging methods. Conclusions: In order to incorporate the extent of tumor motion from breathing during SBRT, MIP is superior to either helical or AI images for defining the mGTV. The spatial isocenter coordinates for each tumor were not altered significantly by the imaging methods

  3. Dictionnaire étymologique du français

    CERN Document Server

    Picoche, Jacqueline


    Cette nouvelle édition du Dictionnaire étymologique du français, largement enrichie, présente l'arbre généalogique de près de 35 000 mots. Savez-vous que concerto, décret et discernement ont la même racine que crible ?. Que chauvin, espiègle et rocambolesque viennent de noms de personnages de la littérature ?. Que le sens premier de amadouer est " frotter avec de l'amadou " pour se jaunir le teint ?. Pour chaque mot, retrouvez sa famille, son origine, son sens originel ou le sens de sa racine, les diverses formes qu'il a prises depuis sa première attestation et les règles phonétiques expliquant son évolution. Des annexes traitent plus particulièrement des mots à syllabes redoublées (coco, zigzag), de ceux formés sur des onomatopées (hennir, ouistiti) et de ceux venant de noms de personnes (dahlia, praline) ou de lieux (bougie, rugby).

  4. Usability of EFBs for Viewing NOTAMs and AIS/MET Data Link Messages (United States)

    Evans, Emory T.; Young, Steven D.; Daniels, Tammi S.; Myer, Robert R.


    Electronic Flight Bags (EFB) are increasingly integral to flight deck information management. A piloted simulation study was conducted at NASA Langley Research Center, one aspect of which was to evaluate the usability and acceptability of EFBs for viewing and managing Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) and data linked aeronautical information services (AIS) and meteorological information (MET). The study simulated approaches and landings at Memphis International Airport (KMEM) using various flight scenarios and weather conditions. Ten two-pilot commercial airline crews participated, utilizing the Cockpit Motion Facility's Research Flight Deck (CMF/RFD) simulator. Each crew completed approximately two dozen flights over a two day period. Two EFBs were installed, one for each pilot. Study data were collected in the form of questionnaire/interview responses, audio/video recordings, oculometer recordings, and aircraft/system state data. Preliminary usability results are reported primarily based on pilot interviews and responses to questions focused on ease of learning, ease of use, usefulness, satisfaction, and acceptability. Analysis of the data from the other objective measures (e.g., oculometer) is ongoing and will be reported in a future publication. This paper covers how the EFB functionality was set up for the study; the NOTAM, AIS/MET data link, and weather messages that were presented; questionnaire results; selected pilot observations; and conclusions.

  5. Pavlovian, Skinner, and Other Behaviourists' Contributions to AI. Chapter 9 (United States)

    Kosinski, Withold; Zaczek-Chrzanowska, Dominika


    A version of the definition of intelligent behaviour will be supplied in the context of real and artificial systems. Short presentation of principles of learning, starting with Pavlovian s classical conditioning through reinforced response and operant conditioning of Thorndike and Skinner and finishing with cognitive learning of Tolman and Bandura will be given. The most important figures within behaviourism, especially those with contribution to AI, will be described. Some tools of artificial intelligence that act according to those principles will be presented. An attempt will be made to show when some simple rules for behaviour modifications can lead to a complex intelligent behaviour.

  6. Alarm processing system using AI techniques for nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, Joon On; Chang, Soon Heung


    An alarm processing system (APS) has been developed using artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. The alarms of nuclear power plants (NPP's) are classified into the generalized and special alarms. The generalized alarms are also classified into the global and local alarms. For each type of alarms, the specific processing rules are applied to filter and suppress unnecessary and potentially misleading alarms. The local processing are based on 'model-based reasoning.' The global and special alarms are processed by using the general cause-consequence check rules. The priorities of alarms are determined according to the plant state and the consistencies between them

  7. Use of AI technician scores for body condition, uterine tone and uterine discharge in a model with disease and milk production parameters to predict pregnancy risk at first AI in holstein dairy cows

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Loeffler, S.H.; Vries, de M.J.; Schukken, Y.H.; Zeeuw, de A.C.; Dijkhuizen, A.A.; Graaf, de F.M.; Brand, A.


    Technicians recorded body condition score (BCS) and several parameters related to estrus and/or metritis for 1694 first insemination cows on 23 farms. Additional variables for modeling the adjusted odds ratios (OR) for pregnancy were data on disease prior to or within 21 days of AI and test day milk

  8. Treat a new and efficient match algorithm for AI production system

    CERN Document Server

    Miranker, Daniel P


    TREAT: A New and Efficient Match Algorithm for AI Production Systems describes the architecture and software systems embodying the DADO machine, a parallel tree-structured computer designed to provide significant performance improvements over serial computers of comparable hardware complexity in the execution of large expert systems implemented in production system form.This book focuses on TREAT as a match algorithm for executing production systems that is presented and comparatively analyzed with the RETE match algorithm. TREAT, originally designed specifically for the DADO machine architect

  9. Policy Making and Planning within Ministries: Ways to simplify and co-ordinate Stefnumótun og áætlanagerð ráðuneyta. Leiðir að einföldun og samhæfingu

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Héðinn Unnsteinsson


    ráðuneyti og stofnanir hafa verið að setja fram á síðastliðnum árum. Grundvöllur þeirrar vinnu var greining á 11 stefnum og áætlunum með það að leiðarljósi að fækka þeim, samþætta og einfalda en jafnframt vinna heildstæðar tillögur að breyttu skipulagi fyrir stefnumótun og áætlanagerð innan stjórnsýslunnar. Greiningin á stefnunum var unnin sem hluti af verkefninu um einföldun og fækkun stefna og áætlana. Heildargreiningin var upp á 198 greiningarþætti. Af þeim voru 108 til staðar (55%, 52 voru að hluta til staðar (26% og 38 voru ekki til staðar (19%. Þegar litið er til grunnþáttanna, eins og hvort stefnan eða áætlunin byggi á rannsóknum eða greiningum þá kemur það almennt nokkuð vel út úr greiningunni. Greiningin leiðir í ljós að styrkleiki stjórnsýslunnar felist í undirbúningi, greiningu og setningu markmiða. Veikleiki stjórnsýslunnar felst m.a. í skorti á tengingu við fjármagn, ófullnægjandi framkvæmd og takmarkaðri eftirfylgni. Í greininni eru lagðar fram tillögur að nýrri framtíðarsýn í stefnumótun innan stjórnsýslunnar. Þær fela í sér að bæta yfirsýn og vinnubrögð, m.a. með því að fækka stefnum og áætlunum, tengja stefnumótun og áætlanagerð ráðuneyta við undirbúning fjárlaga og tryggja að árangursmat og eftirlit sé alltaf fyrir hendi.

  10. LuxS/AI-2 system is involved in antibiotic susceptibility and autolysis in Staphylococcus aureus NCTC 8325. (United States)

    Xue, Ting; Zhao, Liping; Sun, Baolin


    Current treatment for Staphylococcus aureus infections relies heavily upon the cell wall synthesis inhibitor antibiotics such as penicillin, oxacillin, vancomycin and teicoplanin. Increasing antibiotic resistance requires the development of new approaches to combating infection. Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) exists widely both in Gram-negative and Gram-positive pathogens and is suggested as a universal language for intraspecies and interspecies communication. This study demonstrates the association between AI-2 signalling and cell wall synthesis inhibitor antibiotic susceptibility in S. aureus. In addition, a luxS mutant exhibited decreased autolysis and upregulated vancomycin resistance-associated VraRS two-component regulatory system. This finding may provide novel clues for antimicrobial therapy in S. aureus infection. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.

  11. Vocabulaire progressif du français avec 250 exercices : niveau débutant

    CERN Document Server

    Miquel, Claire


    Le Vocabulaire progressif du français est un ouvrage destiné aux étudiants adolescents et adultes de niveaux débutant et faux débutant. Conçu pour être utilisé comme complément de méthode en classe, ou comme guide pour un auto-apprentissage, il comprend : - sur la page de gauche, une leçon de vocabulaire : les mots sont mis en contexte dans des phrases, des histoires, des dialogues, ou bien encore mis en scène grâce à des illustrations - sur la page de droite, des exercices d'application et des activités de communication classés par ordre de difficulté croissante. Le lexique est présenté de façon thématique. Chaque chapitre est constitué de plusieurs séquences assurant un enrichissement progressif. Ce manuel aborde un vocabulaire vivant qui correspond à la réalité des Français d'aujourd'hui. Il constitue une véritable initiation aux codes culturels. Les corrigés sont disponibles dans un livret séparé (ISBN 2090338792)

  12. Effects of an Ai Chi fall prevention programme for patients with Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Pérez-de la Cruz, S; García Luengo, A V; Lambeck, J


    One of the main symptoms of Parkinson's disease is the high incidence of falls occurring due to the decline of both static and dynamic balance. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of an Ai Chi programme designed to prevent falls in patients with Parkinson's disease by improving both functional independence and perception of physical pain. Fifteen patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (Hoehn and Yahr stages 1-3) participated in a 10-week Ai Chi programme consisting of 30 to 45-minute aquatic exercise sessions twice a week. The assessment measures used in this study were the pain visual analogue scale (VAS), the Tinetti gait and balance assessment tool, and the Timed Get up and Go test. The results were calculated by applying the Friedman test to 3 related measurements: patients at baseline, at post-treatment (at the end of the 10 week programme) and after one month of follow-up. The data obtained showed a significant improvement (p Parkinson's disease. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. Les relatives en dont du français : études empiriques

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Abeillé Anne


    Full Text Available Les relatives en dont ont fait l’objet de plusieurs études théoriques (Godard 1988 mais ont moins été étudiées d’un point de vue empirique (Gapany 2004. C. Blanche-Benveniste (1995 notait leur rareté dans des corpus oraux, où ils sont principalement compléments de certains verbes. Notre objectif est d’observer le comportement des relatives en dont en français d’un point de vue empirique. Pour ce faire, nous avons en premier lieu étudié les relatives dans deux corpus, le French Treebank (corpus écrit et le Corpus de Français Parlé Parisien des années 2000 (corpus oral. Ces études nous ont permis de confirmer en partie les travaux de C. Blanche-Benveniste (1995 : l’usage de dont en français écrit diffère effectivement de son usage en français oral, mais dont est loin d’être réservé à l’oral à quelques expressions figées. Nous avons pu aussi confirmer l’étude de Godard (1980 : les dont complément de nom (extractions hors de SN ne sont pas marginaux, et les plus frequents sont ceux où le nom est sujet, ce qui considéré comme agrammatical par certaines théories linguistiques comme agrammaticales. De ce point de vue, les corpus nous ont permis de vérifier que les extractions hors du SN sujet ne posent pas de problèmes en français. Leur usage est même plutôt répandu, et inclut les extractions hors de « vrais sujets » de verbes transitifs, contrairement aux prédictions des hypothèses de la grammaire générative. En grammaire générative en effet, les relatives comme les autres structures à extraction sont soumises à des contraintes d’îles (Ross 1957. Selon la contrainte de l’îlot nominal, il est plus difficile d’extraire un complément de nom qu’un complément de verbe. La contrainte de l’îlot sujet exclut quant à elle l’extraction du complément du sujet, qui n’est possible que lorsque le sujet est derivé (passif, moyen… ou argument interne (Chomsky 2008. Or, nous

  14. Application of artificial intelligence (AI) methods for designing and analysis of reconfigurable cellular manufacturing system (RCMS)

    CSIR Research Space (South Africa)

    Xing, B


    Full Text Available This work focuses on the design and control of a novel hybrid manufacturing system: Reconfigurable Cellular Manufacturing System (RCMS) by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) approach. It is hybrid as it combines the advantages of Cellular...

  15. Chitin Oligosaccharide (COS) Reduces Antibiotics Dose and Prevents Antibiotics-Caused Side Effects in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Patients with Spinal Fusion Surgery. (United States)

    Qu, Yang; Xu, Jinyu; Zhou, Haohan; Dong, Rongpeng; Kang, Mingyang; Zhao, Jianwu


    Antibiotics are always considered for surgical site infection (SSI) in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) surgery. However, the use of antibiotics often causes the antibiotic resistance of pathogens and side effects. Thus, it is necessary to explore natural products as drug candidates. Chitin Oligosaccharide (COS) has anti-inflammation and anti-bacteria functions. The effects of COS on surgical infection in AIS surgery were investigated. A total of 312 AIS patients were evenly and randomly assigned into control group (CG, each patient took one-gram alternative Azithromycin/Erythromycin/Cloxacillin/Aztreonam/Ceftazidime or combined daily), experiment group (EG, each patient took 20 mg COS and half-dose antibiotics daily), and placebo group (PG, each patient took 20 mg placebo and half-dose antibiotics daily). The average follow-up was one month, and infection severity and side effects were analyzed. The effects of COS on isolated pathogens were analyzed. SSI rates were 2%, 3% and 8% for spine wounds and 1%, 2% and 7% for iliac wound in CG, EG and PG ( p antibiotics ( p antibiotics dose and antibiotics-caused side effects in AIS patients with spinal fusion surgery by improving antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. COS should be developed as potential adjuvant for antibiotics therapies.

  16. The concentration of apolipoprotein A-I decreases during experimentally induced acute-phase processes in pigs

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Carpintero, R.; Pineiro, M.; Andres, M.


    In this work, apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) was purified from pig sera. The responses of this protein after sterile inflammation and in animals infected with Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae or Streptococcus suis were investigated. Decreases in the concentrations of ApoA-I, two to five times lower...

  17. Applying AI techniques to improve alarm display effectiveness

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gross, J.M.; Birrer, S.A.; Crosberg, D.R.


    The Alarm Filtering System (AFS) addresses the problem of information overload in a control room during abnormal operations. Since operators can miss vital information during these periods, systems which emphasize important messages are beneficial. AFS uses the artificial intelligence (AI) technique of object-oriented programming to filter and dynamically prioritize alarm messages. When an alarm's status changes, AFS determines the relative importance of that change according to the current process state. AFS bases that relative importance on relationships the newly changed alarm has with other activated alarms. Evaluations of a alarm importance take place without regard to the activation sequence of alarm signals. The United States Department of Energy has applied for a patent on the approach used in this software. The approach was originally developed by EG and G Idaho for a nuclear reactor control room

  18. Electrochemical study on PVDF-HFP/silylated AI2O3-coated PE separators using the electron beam irradiation for lithium secondary battery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sohn, Joon Yong; Shin, Jun Hwa; Nho, Young Chang


    PVDF-HFP (binder)/silylated alumina (inorganic particle)-coated PE (polyethylene)separators were with various compositions of binder and inorganic particle were prepared by a dip-coating process with humidity control (R.H. 25% and 50%) using electron beam irradiation. The morphology of the coated PVDF-HFP/AI 2 O 3 layer with various compositions of PVDF-HFP and AI 2 O 3 , and humidity condition was found to be an important factor in determining ionic conductivity of the prepared separators. The PVDF-HFP/AI 2 O 3 (5/5)-coated PE separator prepared at R.H. 50% followed by electron beam irradiation at 200 kGy was applied for lithium-ion polymer battery and cell test results showed improved high-rate discharge performance and better cyclic stability compared to the cells with the bare PE and the PVDF-HFP-coated PE separators

  19. AI-2 quorum-sensing inhibitors affect the starvation response and reduce virulence in several Vibrio species, most likely by interfering with LuxPQ. (United States)

    Brackman, Gilles; Celen, Shari; Baruah, Kartik; Bossier, Peter; Van Calenbergh, Serge; Nelis, Hans J; Coenye, Tom


    The increase of disease outbreaks caused by Vibrio species in aquatic organisms as well as in humans, together with the emergence of antibiotic resistance in Vibrio species, has led to a growing interest in alternative disease control measures. Quorum sensing (QS) is a mechanism for regulating microbial gene expression in a cell density-dependent way. While there is good evidence for the involvement of auto-inducer 2 (AI-2)-based interspecies QS in the control of virulence in multiple Vibrio species, only few inhibitors of this system are known. From the screening of a small panel of nucleoside analogues for their ability to disturb AI-2-based QS, an adenosine derivative with a p-methoxyphenylpropionamide moiety at C-3' emerged as a promising hit. Its mechanism of inhibition was elucidated by measuring the effect on bioluminescence in a series of Vibrio harveyi AI-2 QS mutants. Our results indicate that this compound, as well as a truncated analogue lacking the adenine base, block AI-2-based QS without interfering with bacterial growth. The active compounds affected neither the bioluminescence system as such nor the production of AI-2, but most likely interfered with the signal transduction pathway at the level of LuxPQ in V. harveyi. The most active nucleoside analogue (designated LMC-21) was found to reduce the Vibrio species starvation response, to affect biofilm formation in Vibrio anguillarum, Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio cholerae, to reduce pigment and protease production in V. anguillarum, and to protect gnotobiotic Artemia from V. harveyi-induced mortality.

  20. Effect of sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of multiple semen straws on conception rate to timed AI in suckled multiparous Nelore cows. (United States)

    Oliveira, L Z; Arruda, R P; de Andrade, A F C; Santos, R M; Beletti, M E; Peres, R F G; Martins, J P N; de Lima, V F M Hossepian


    The objective was to determine the effect of sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of multiple 0.5 mL semen straws on conception rate in suckled multiparous Nelore cows. The effect of this thawing procedure on in vitro sperm characteristics was also evaluated. All cows (N = 944) received the same timed AI protocol. Ten straws (0.5 mL) of frozen semen from the same batch were simultaneously thawed at 36 °C, for a minimum of 30 sec. One straw per cow was used for timed AI. Frozen semen from three Angus bulls was used. Timed AI records included sequence of insemination (first to tenth) and time of semen removal from thawing bath. For laboratory analyses, the same semen batches used in the field experiment were evaluated. Ten frozen straws from the same batch were thawed simultaneously in a thawing unit identical to that used in the field experiment. The following sperm characteristics were analyzed: sperm motility parameters, sperm thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, chromatin structure, and sperm morphometry. Based on logistic regression, there were no significant effects of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician, and sire on conception rate, but there was an interaction between sire and straw group (P = 0.002). Semen from only one bull had decreased (P conception rates at timed AI, depending on the sire used. Nevertheless, the effects of this thawing environment on in vitro sperm characteristics, remain to be further investigated. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Aux membres du personnel français détachés au CERN - French version only

    CERN Multimedia


    Affiliation au régime de retraite français Le CERN a reçu la lettre suivante de la Mission permanente de la France auprès des Organisations Internationales à Genève au sujet de la récente publication d'un décret concernant la retraite des fonctionnaires français détachés dans les organisations internationales : " .. l'article 20 de la loi 2002-73 du 17 janvier 2002 a mis fin au caractère obligatoire de l'affiliation au régime de retraite français pour les fonctionnaires détachés à l'étranger ou dans les organisations internationales. Le décret 2002-1391 du 21 novembre 2002, publié au Journal Officiel du 28 novembre 2002, a prévu que les fonctionnaires concernés disposent d'un délai de quatre mois à partir de la notification de leur arrêté de détachement pour faire part à leur administration d'origine de leur volonté de continuer à cotiser au régime national. Pour les fonctionnaires ayant déjà reçu la notification de leur arrêté de détachement à la date du 1er décembre 20...

  2. The Singularity, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI


    Bishop, Mark (J. M.)


    Professor Stephen Hawking recently warned about the growing power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to imbue robots with the ability to both replicate them- selves and to increase the rate at which they get smarter - leading to a tipping point or ‘technological singularity’ when they can outsmart humans. In this chapter I will argue that Hawking is essentially correct to flag up an existential danger surrounding widespread deployment of ‘autonomous machines’, but wrong to be so concerned about ...

  3. Fibrate-modulated expression of fibrinogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and apolipoprotein A-I in cultured cynomolgus monkey hepatocytes. Role of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Kockx, M.; Princen, H.M.G.; Kooistra, T.


    Fibrates are used to lower plasma triglycerides and cholesterol levels in hyperlipidemic patients. In addition, fibrates have been found to alter the plasma concentrations of fibrinogen, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I). We have investigated the in vitro

  4. First steps in translating human cognitive processes of cane pruning grapevines into AI rules for automated robotic pruning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Saxton Valerie


    Full Text Available Cane pruning of grapevines is a skilled task for which, internationally, there is a dire shortage of human pruners. As part of a larger project developing an automated robotic pruner, we have used artificial intelligence (AI algorithms to create an expert system for selecting new canes and cutting off unwanted canes. A domain and ontology has been created for AI, which reflects the expertise of expert human pruners. The first step in the creation of an expert system was to generate virtual vines, which were then ‘pruned’ by human pruners and also by the expert system in its infancy. Here we examined the decisions of 12 human pruners, for consistency of decision, on 60 virtual vines. 96.7% of the 12 pruners agreed on at least one cane choice after which there was diminishing agreement on which further canes to select for laying. Our results indicate that techniques developed in computational intelligence can be used to co-ordinate and synthesise the expertise of human pruners into a best practice format. This paper describes first steps in this knowledge elicitation process, and discusses the fit between cane pruning expertise and the expertise that can be elicited using AI based expert system techniques.

  5. Résultats de recherche | Page 441 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Initiative des conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique en Afrique subsaharienne. Les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique sont essentiels au financement et à la promotion de la recherche et de l'innovation. Initiative.

  6. Development of an advanced educational system using AI techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoshimura, Seiichi


    This paper describes an advanced educational system that realizes effective education using AI techniques. The system is composed of three devices. One is a knowledge-processing computer that evaluates the operator's knowledge level and presents educational materials. Another is a computer for displaying transients. The other is a computer for voice input and output. The educational materials utilize cause-and-effect relationships. The relationships enable to perform effective education by pointing out the parts the operator failed to understand. An evaluation test was performed by actually operating the system. As a result, the system's fundamental characteristics, such as the ease of understanding the relationships, and the usefulness of the advanced evaluation of the operator's knowledge level, were evaluated highly. (author)

  7. AI's Philosophical Underpinnings: A Thinking Person's Walk through the Twists and Turns of Artificial Intelligence's Meandering Path (United States)

    Colombano, Silvano; Norvig, Peter (Technical Monitor)


    Few human endeavors can be viewed both as extremely successful and unsuccessful at the same time. This is typically the case when goals have not been well defined or have been shifting in time. This has certainly been true of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The nature of intelligence has been the object of much thought and speculation throughout the history of philosophy. It is in the nature of philosophy that real headway is sometimes made only when appropriate tools become available. Similarly the computer, coupled with the ability to program (at least in principle) any function, appeared to be the tool that could tackle the notion of intelligence. To suit the tool, the problem of the nature of intelligence was soon sidestepped in favor of this notion: If a probing conversation with a computer could not be distinguished from a conversation with a human, then AI had been achieved. This notion became known as the Turing test, after the mathematician Alan Turing who proposed it in 1950. Conceptually rich and interesting, these early efforts gave rise to a large portion of the field's framework. Key to AI, rather than the 'number crunching' typical of computers until then, was viewed as the ability to manipulate symbols and make logical inferences. To facilitate these tasks, AI languages such as LISP and Prolog were invented and used widely in the field. One idea that emerged and enabled some success with real world problems was the notion that 'most intelligence' really resided in knowledge. A phrase attributed to Feigenbaum, one of the pioneers, was 'knowledge is the power.' With this premise, the problem is shifted from 'how do we solve problems' to 'how do we represent knowledge.' A good knowledge representation scheme could allow one to draw conclusions from given premises. Such schemes took forms such as rules,frames and scripts. It allowed the building of what became known as expert systems or knowledge based systems (KBS).

  8. Teradata University Network: A No Cost Web-Portal for Teaching Database, Data Warehousing, and Data-Related Subjects (United States)

    Jukic, Nenad; Gray, Paul


    This paper describes the value that information systems faculty and students in classes dealing with database management, data warehousing, decision support systems, and related topics, could derive from the use of the Teradata University Network (TUN), a free comprehensive web-portal. A detailed overview of TUN functionalities and content is…


    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    31 mai 2013 ... SerVICe OrL eT CHIrUrGIe maxILLO-FaCIaLe raBTa, TUnIS, TUnISIe ... Un scanner du massif facial était pratiqué dans tous les cas. ... of 15 patients with CSF rhinorrhea(6 traumatic, 2 iatrogenic, and 7 spontaneous) were.

  10. Risques environnementaux et enjeux à Clipperton (Pacifique français)


    Jost, Christian


    Sur l’atoll inhabité de Clipperton, quatrième territoire français du Pacifique, les écosystèmes terrestres et lagonaires se dégradent de façon préoccupante tandis que les risques naturels sont majeurs. Depuis les années soixante, un processus de désertification de la couronne a été enclenché suite à l’élimination du porc introduit à la fin du XIXe siècle et à la prolifération consécutive des crabes terrestres omnivores et à celle de milliers d’oiseaux de mer. L’absence de végétation correspon...

  11. Engineering a synthetic anaerobic respiration for reduction of xylose to xylitol using NADH output of glucose catabolism by Escherichia coli AI21. (United States)

    Iverson, Andrew; Garza, Erin; Manow, Ryan; Wang, Jinhua; Gao, Yuanyuan; Grayburn, Scott; Zhou, Shengde


    Anaerobic rather than aerobic fermentation is preferred for conversion of biomass derived sugars to high value redox-neutral and reduced commodities. This will likely result in a higher yield of substrate to product conversion and decrease production cost since substrate often accounts for a significant portion of the overall cost. To this goal, metabolic pathway engineering has been used to optimize substrate carbon flow to target products. This approach works well for the production of redox neutral products such as lactic acid from redox neutral sugars using the reducing power NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced) generated from glycolysis (2 NADH per glucose equivalent). Nevertheless, greater than two NADH per glucose catabolized is needed for the production of reduced products (such as xylitol) from redox neutral sugars by anaerobic fermentation. The Escherichia coli strain AI05 (ΔfrdBC ΔldhA ΔackA Δ(focA-pflB) ΔadhE ΔptsG ΔpdhR::pflBp 6-(aceEF-lpd)), previously engineered for reduction of xylose to xylitol using reducing power (NADH equivalent) of glucose catabolism, was further engineered by 1) deleting xylAB operon (encoding for xylose isomerase and xylulokinase) to prevent xylose from entering the pentose phosphate pathway; 2) anaerobically expressing the sdhCDAB-sucABCD operon (encoding for succinate dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and succinyl-CoA synthetase) to enable an anaerobically functional tricarboxcylic acid cycle with a theoretical 10 NAD(P)H equivalent per glucose catabolized. These reducing equivalents can be oxidized by synthetic respiration via xylose reduction, producing xylitol. The resulting strain, AI21 (pAI02), achieved a 96 % xylose to xylitol conversion, with a yield of 6 xylitol per glucose catabolized (molar yield of xylitol per glucose consumed (YRPG) = 6). This represents a 33 % improvement in xylose to xylitol conversion, and a 63 % increase in xylitol yield per glucose catabolized over

  12. HER2 status predicts for upfront AI benefit: A TRANS-AIOG meta-analysis of 12,129 patients from ATAC, BIG 1-98 and TEAM with centrally determined HER2. (United States)

    Bartlett, John M S; Ahmed, Ikhlaaq; Regan, Meredith M; Sestak, Ivana; Mallon, Elizabeth A; Dell'Orto, Patrizia; Thürlimann, Beat; Seynaeve, Caroline; Putter, Hein; Van de Velde, Cornelis J H; Brookes, Cassandra L; Forbes, John F; Viale, Giuseppe; Cuzick, Jack; Dowsett, Mitchell; Rea, Daniel W


    A meta-analysis of the effects of HER2 status, specifically within the first 2-3 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy, has the potential to inform patient selection for upfront aromatase inhibitor (AI) therapy or switching strategy tamoxifen followed by AI. The pre-existing standardisation of methodology for HER2 (immunohistochemistry/fluorescence in situ hybridization) facilitates analysis of existing data for this key marker. Following a prospectively designed statistical analysis plan, patient data from 3 phase III trials Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination Trial (ATAC), Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98 and Tamoxifen Exemestane Adjuvant Multicentre Trial (TEAM)] comparing an AI to tamoxifen during the first 2-3 years of adjuvant endocrine treatment were collected and a treatment-by-marker analysis of distant recurrence-free interval-censored at 2-3 years treatment - for HER2 status × AI versus tamoxifen treatment was performed to address the clinical question relating to efficacy of 'upfront' versus 'switch' strategies for AIs. A prospectively planned, patient-level data meta-analysis across 3 trials demonstrated a significant treatment (AI versus tamoxifen) by marker (HER2) interaction in a multivariate analysis; (interaction hazard ratio [HR] = 1.61, 95% CI 1.01-2.57; p data meta-analysis demonstrated a significant interaction between HER2 status and treatment with AI versus tamoxifen in the first 2-3 years of adjuvant endocrine therapy. Patients with HER2-ve cancers experienced improved outcomes (distant relapse) when treated with upfront AI rather than tamoxifen, whilst patients with HER2+ve cancers fared no better or slightly worse in the first 2-3 years. However, the small number of HER2+ve cancers/events may explain a large degree of heterogeneity in the HER2+ve groups across all 3 trials. Other causes, perhaps related to subtle differences between AIs, cannot be excluded and warrant further exploration. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd

  13. A botanical containing freeze dried açai pulp promotes healthy aging and reduces oxidative damage in sod1 knockdown flies


    Laslo, Mara; Sun, Xiaoping; Hsiao, Cheng-Te; Wu, Wells W.; Shen, Rong-Fong; Zou, Sige


    Superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), a critical enzyme against oxidative stress, is implicated in aging and degenerative diseases. We previously showed that a nutraceutical containing freeze-dried açai pulp promotes survival of flies fed a high-fat diet or sod1 knockdown flies fed a standard diet. Here, we investigated the effect of açai supplementation initiated at the early or late young adulthood on lifespan, physiological function, and oxidative damage in sod1 knockdown flies. We found that Aça...

  14. Quality Control of Boar Sperm Processing : Implications from European AI Centres and Two Spermatology Reference Laboratories

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Riesenbeck, A; Schulze, M; Rüdiger, K; Henning, H; Waberski, D

    In recent years, increased automatization has resulted in a higher efficiency of boar semen processing in AI laboratories. Sophisticated laboratory management and efficient quality control programmes are needed for current tendencies in major pork-producing countries to reduce the sperm number per

  15. In vitro approaches to assess the effects of açai (Euterpe oleracea) digestion on polyphenol availability and the subsequent impact on the faecal microbiota. (United States)

    Alqurashi, Randah M; Alarifi, Sehad N; Walton, Gemma E; Costabile, Adele F; Rowland, Ian R; Commane, Daniel M


    A considerable proportion of dietary plant-polyphenols reach the colon intact; determining the effects of these compounds on colon-health is of interest. We hypothesise that both fibre and plant polyphenols present in açai (Euterpe oleracea) provide prebiotic and anti-genotoxic benefits in the colon. We investigated this hypothesis using a simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of açai pulp, and a subsequent pH-controlled, anaerobic, batch-culture fermentation model reflective of the distal region of the human large intestine. Following in vitro digestion, 49.8% of the total initial polyphenols were available. In mixed-culture fermentations with faecal inoculate, the digested açai pulp precipitated reductions in the numbers of both the Bacteroides-Prevotella spp. and the Clostridium-histolyticum groups, and increased the short-chain fatty acids produced compared to the negative control. The samples retained significant anti-oxidant and anti-genotoxic potential through digestion and fermentation. Dietary intervention studies are needed to prove that consuming açai is beneficial to gut health. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Will we Succeed in Making the AI Revolution Work for Everyone?


    Miailhe, Nicolas


    Is this time different?” is the question that expert worryingly argue over when they analyze the socio-economic impact of the AI revolution as compared with the previous industrial revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries. This Schumpeterian wave may prove to be a creative destruction raising incomes, enhancing quality of life for all and generating previously unimagined jobs to replace those that get automatized. Or it may turn out to be a destructive creation leading to mass unemployment...

  17. Conjugaison progressive du français avec 400 exercices

    CERN Document Server

    Boularès, Michèle


    La Conjugaison progressive du français s'adresse aux grands adolescents et aux adultes de tous niveaux. C'est un ouvrage d'apprentissage des formes verbales. On trouve sur la page de gauche : - la règle de formation de chaque temps ; - les verbes types présentés en tableaux et accompagnés d'une liste de verbes conjugués sur le même modèle ; - des remarques phonétiques ou orthographiques ; - des explications sur les difficultés particulières. La page de droite propose des exercices et des activités de difficulté progressive. C'est également un ouvrage de référence grâce aux nombreux tableaux de conjugaison qu'il contient.


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Roxana Mihaela CATEA


    Full Text Available The paper focuses on the emerging European legislation in the area of artificial intelligence and robotics, based on the currently fast developing technical procedures for the manufacture of products characterized by autonomy. The importance of having a clear and stable legislation for the production and spread of technical devices has been under discussion for some time now and member states have reached preliminary conclusions regarding the definition and criteria by which one can identify artificial intelligence. Also, continuous innovation lead to the necessity of integrating these AI products in common household economy and therefore, the need for a proper legal framework addressing both liability and limits for creating and operating machines for civil use arose. This article shall review the measures already taken by the European Parliament and the European Commission for the establishment of a standardized legal framework related to robotic and artificial intelligence products. The objectives of this study are to analyze the general guidelines available as created by the EU legislator which shall ultimately be transposed in national legislation, in order to supersede the current lack of regulations for companies developing and selling AI products nation-wide.

  19. AI (artificial intelligence) in histopathology--from image analysis to automated diagnosis. (United States)

    Kayser, Klaus; Görtler, Jürgen; Bogovac, Milica; Bogovac, Aleksandar; Goldmann, Torsten; Vollmer, Ekkehard; Kayser, Gian


    education in anatomy and pathology. First attempts to introduce them into routine work have been reported. Application of AI has been established by automated immunohistochemical measurement systems (EAMUS, The performance of automated diagnosis has been reported for a broad variety of organs at sensitivity and specificity levels >85%). The implementation of a complete connected AI supported system is in its childhood. Application of AI in digital tissue--based diagnosis will allow the pathologists to work as supervisors and no longer as primary "water carriers". Its accurate use will give them the time needed to concentrating on difficult cases for the benefit of their patients.

  20. Traditional Chinese Medicine Bionic Tiger Bone Powder for the Treatment of AI-Associated Musculoskeletal Symptoms

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yifan Li


    Full Text Available Background. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs are used for adjuvant therapy of breast cancer; however AIMSS (AI-Associated Musculoskeletal Symptoms can negatively affect quality of life and compliance. Most patients in China moved to TCM (traditional Chinese medicine for help. TB (tiger bone is used to treat bone disease, whose main ingredients are calcium and collagen. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the TB prevented AIMSS in postmenopausal women with ER/PR+ breast cancer. Methods. We conducted a randomized, blind, controlled study of comparing TB versus placebo for 12 weeks in postmenopausal women with breast cancer who have taken AI for less than a month. Patients completed the M-BPI, VAS, and FACT-B at baseline, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks. M-BPI and VAS were used as the primary outcomes. FACT-B was used as the secondary outcome. Serum E2 and FSH were tested every 6 weeks. Results. Of 70 evaluable cases, 8 of 35 patients (22.9% developed new or worsening point symptoms in TB group, compared to 21 of 35 (60% in placebo group (P<0.001. We also found differences between 2 groups in average pain (2 to 5.6, worst pain (3.9 to 8, pain interference severity (1.9 to 5.3, stiffness (2.4 to 6.9, and joint symptom interference (1.8 to 5.7, all P<0.001; similar findings were seen in VAS value (3 to 6.6 at the end of intervention. HRQoL measured by FACT-B (P<0.05 was improved. No change of serum estradiol and FSH between two groups. Conclusions. TB appeared to be effective and safe in the prevention of AIMSS. This trial is registered with ChiCTR-IPR-15007081.

  1. Amazonian açai and food dyes for staining arbuscular- micorrhizal fungi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Lourdes Martins Silva


    Full Text Available Arbuscular mycorrhizae microscopy requires differential staining of typical structures. Dyes employed, such as trypan blue, pose risks to health and environment. Alternative dyes such as pen ink and aniline have variable coloring efficiency. In this work, Brachiaria decumbens roots, discolored with caustic soda (NaOH, were stained with açai, annatto, saffron, trypan blue and pen inks. There were significant differences among dyes regarding stained mycorrhizal structures and pictures quality. Acai was considered the best alternative dye, with similar results to trypan blue.

  2. Marine Traffic Density Over Port Klang, Malaysia Using Statistical Analysis of AIS Data: A Preliminary Study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Masnawi MUSTAFFA


    Full Text Available Port Klang Malaysia is the 13th busiest port in the world, the capacity at the port expected to be able to meet the demand until 2018. It is one of the busiest ports in the world and also the busiest port in Malaysia. Even though there are statistics published by Port Klang Authority showing that a lot of ships using this port, this number is only based on ships that entering Port Klang. Therefore, no study has been done to investigate on how dense the traffic is in Port Klang, Malaysia the surrounding sea including Strait of Malacca . This paper has investigated on traffic density over Port Klang Malaysia and its surrounding sea using statistical analysis from AIS data. As a preliminary study, this study only collected AIS data for 7 days to represent daily traffic weekly. As a result, an hourly number of vessels, daily number of vessels, vessels classification and sizes and also traffic paths will be plotted.

  3. Pour une introduction de la pragmatique dans l’enseignement du français en Espagne

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    Leyre Ruiz de Zarobe


    Full Text Available La composante pragmatique est conçue dans le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (2001 comme une des composantes de la “compétence communicative” que tout étudiant de langue étrangère doit atteindre. Cette composante a été remise en valeur ces dernières années, à la suite de l´interculturalité produite par la globalisation, où le besoin de connaître les langues étrangères du point de vue social, culturel et interculturel est plus grand que jamais. Cet article prétend montrer certains domaines où la pragmatique peut être appliquée à la didactique du Français Langue Étrangère, en visant les différents types d´apprenants et de besoins d´apprentissage qui ont lieu dans nos complexes sociétés actuelles, ce qui met en valeur le besoin d´introduire la pragmatique dans l´enseignement du français.

  4. Integrating Appreciative Inquiry (AI into architectural pedagogy: An assessment experiment of three retrofitted buildings in the city of Glasgow

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    Ashraf M. Salama


    Full Text Available Recently there has been a growing trend to encourage learning outside the classrooms, so-called ‘universities without walls.’ To this end, mechanisms for learning beyond the boundaries of classroom settings can provide enhanced and challenging learning opportunities. This paper introduces Appreciative Inquiry (AI as a mechanism that integrates various forms of inquiry into learning. AI is operationalized as a Walking Tour assessment project which was introduced as part of the class Cultural and Behavioural Factors in Architecture and Urbanism delivered at the Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde – Glasgow where thirty-two Master of Architecture students were enrolled. The Walking Tour assessment involved the exploration of 6 factors that delineate key design characteristics in three retrofitted buildings in Glasgow: Theatre Royal, Reid Building, and The Lighthouse. Working in groups, students assessed factors that included context, massing, interface, wayfinding, socio-spatial, and comfort. Findings reveal that students were able to focus on critical issues that go beyond those adopted in traditional teaching practices while accentuating the value of introducing AI and utilizing the built environment as an educational medium. Conclusions are drawn to emphasize the need for structured learning experiences that enable making judgments about building qualities while effectively interrogating various characteristics.

  5. Comparison of two speech privacy measurements, articulation index (AI) and speech privacy noise isolation class (NIC'), in open workplaces (United States)

    Yoon, Heakyung C.; Loftness, Vivian


    Lack of speech privacy has been reported to be the main dissatisfaction among occupants in open workplaces, according to workplace surveys. Two speech privacy measurements, Articulation Index (AI), standardized by the American National Standards Institute in 1969, and Speech Privacy Noise Isolation Class (NIC', Noise Isolation Class Prime), adapted from Noise Isolation Class (NIC) by U. S. General Services Administration (GSA) in 1979, have been claimed as objective tools to measure speech privacy in open offices. To evaluate which of them, normal privacy for AI or satisfied privacy for NIC', is a better tool in terms of speech privacy in a dynamic open office environment, measurements were taken in the field. AIs and NIC's in the different partition heights and workplace configurations have been measured following ASTM E1130 (Standard Test Method for Objective Measurement of Speech Privacy in Open Offices Using Articulation Index) and GSA test PBS-C.1 (Method for the Direct Measurement of Speech-Privacy Potential (SPP) Based on Subjective Judgments) and PBS-C.2 (Public Building Service Standard Method of Test Method for the Sufficient Verification of Speech-Privacy Potential (SPP) Based on Objective Measurements Including Methods for the Rating of Functional Interzone Attenuation and NC-Background), respectively.


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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study evaluated the post-acidification, stability of anthocyanins and antioxidant activity in açai yogurts and fermented milks for 28 days of cold storage. For the determination of post-acidification and stability of the functional properties of açai yogurt (IA and fermented milks (LFA, products stored at 4°C were evaluated on day 0 and every 7 days for pH, titratable acidity in lactic acid, instrumental color, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity by the DPPH free radical method. Acidification of both food matrixes was more evident between days 0 and 7 of evaluation. IA presented reduction in parameter L *, while chromaticity a * and b * of IA and LFA increased as the Açai pulp content increased; however, considering the evaluation period, it was found increase in L * and b * relating to anthocyanin degradation. Anthocyanins, as well as the antioxidant activity of IA and LFA, showed an increase in their values as the pulp content increased, but their concentrations reduced at the end of the storage period. IA and LFA can be considered excellent sources of antioxidants, being alternative to individuals not used to the consumption of fruits and vegetables.

  7. Résultats de recherche | Page 37 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Renforcer les partenariats entre les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique d'Afrique et le secteur privé. Les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique sont essentiels au financement et à la promotion de la recherche et de l'innovation.

  8. Formation of Singularities for a Conservation Law with Memory. (United States)


    respectively. Intetchanging the order of integration in the double integrals in (4.4) yields -10- I.I.... ..... , t su8 (0 + 011(011 ft JI) + SCOW)d + 64...molten polymers , meology 2 ory and pp lioatioona, 5 (1969), 57-92. Ovwi..’ " Is UsmIUTY CLANKFCATWN @’ TunS PA.. 010f bo~W _____________ WORT 0OOIM ATMO

  9. The effect of non-genetic factors on the early body weights of Tunisian local goats Efeito de fatores não-genéticos sobre o peso corporal inicial de caprinos na Tunísia

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    Ouni Mabrouk


    Full Text Available It was evaluated in this study the environmental effects on body weights of goat kids from birth to 150 days of age of Tunisian local goat population, on the basis of 1,656 records obtained from the Arid Areas Institute of Médenine, Tunisia, during 2001-2005. Except for birth weight, individual records were adjusted for standard ages (30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days using either extrapolation or interpolation on field data. Data were analyzed by GLM procedure and SNK (α = 0.05 means comparison test. The kidding year (2001-2005, kidding month (December, January, February, and March, birth type (single and twins, sex (male and female, coat colour of kid and age of dam (2-10 years were definied as non-genetic factors. Results showed that mean values and standard deviation (SD of body weight at birth (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 days of age were 2.57 ± 0.52 kg, 4.06 ± 1.16 kg, 6.99 ± 1.87 kg, 8.90 ± 2.46 kg, 11.48 ± 3.35 kg and 13.53 ± 4.80 kg for male and 2.29 ± 0.44 kg, 4.76 ± 1.13 kg, 3.09 ± 1.33 kg, 8.08 ± 2.02 kg, 10.24 ± 2.36 kg and 12.15 ± 6.54 kg for female. The kidding year, birth type and sex had effect on body weights of Tunisian local kids at all ages. The single and male was always heavier than the twins and the females. The birth month had effect on all body weights except for weight at 30 days of age. The age of dam had effect on body weights from 60 to 150 days of age. However, the coat color had no significant effect on all body weights. Environmental effects estimated in this study are important and need to be taken into account for Tunisian local goat management and breeding improvement under harsh conditions.Neste estudo, foram avaliados os efeitos ambientais sobre o peso corporal do nascimento aos 150 dias de idade de caprinos na Tunísia com base em 1.656 registros obtidos em caprinos localizados em zonas áridas do Instituto de Medenine-Tunísia, durante 2001-2005. Exceto para peso ao nascimento, registros

  10. Maîtrise phonétique du français langue étrangère chez les enseignants non-natifs : Décalage entre connaissances théoriques et prononciation effective

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    Paillereau Nikola


    Full Text Available Cette étude acoustico-perceptive traite de la possibilité de prononcer le français langue étrangère de manière native lorsque son apprentissage débute tardivement. Dix tchécophones, étudiant le français à l’université afin de devenir enseignantes, produisent six voyelles moyennes du français en contexte isolé /ø, œ, o, ɔ, e, ɛ/. L’analyse des formants montre que malgré des connaissances approfondies sur la phonologie du français que toutes les locutrices détiennent, ils existent de grandes variations individuelles dans la réalisation des contrastes entre e/ɛ, ø/œ et o/ɔ. L’identification des voyelles par des auditeurs français natifs montre qu’aucune locutrice ne maîtrise toutes les six qualités vocaliques de manière native. Le rôle des enseignants, traditionnellement supposés être des modèles parfaits, est alors remis en question.

  11. Book review: F. Azouvi, Le Mythe du grand silence: Auschwitz, les Français, la mémoire


    Cavaletto , Andrea


    International audience; Review of: F. Azouvi, "Le Mythe du grand silence: Auschwitz, les Français, la mémoire", Fayard, 2012. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, vol.2, n.4, December 2013

  12. Chitin Oligosaccharide (COS Reduces Antibiotics Dose and Prevents Antibiotics-Caused Side Effects in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS Patients with Spinal Fusion Surgery

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    Yang Qu


    Full Text Available Antibiotics are always considered for surgical site infection (SSI in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS surgery. However, the use of antibiotics often causes the antibiotic resistance of pathogens and side effects. Thus, it is necessary to explore natural products as drug candidates. Chitin Oligosaccharide (COS has anti-inflammation and anti-bacteria functions. The effects of COS on surgical infection in AIS surgery were investigated. A total of 312 AIS patients were evenly and randomly assigned into control group (CG, each patient took one-gram alternative Azithromycin/Erythromycin/Cloxacillin/Aztreonam/Ceftazidime or combined daily, experiment group (EG, each patient took 20 mg COS and half-dose antibiotics daily, and placebo group (PG, each patient took 20 mg placebo and half-dose antibiotics daily. The average follow-up was one month, and infection severity and side effects were analyzed. The effects of COS on isolated pathogens were analyzed. SSI rates were 2%, 3% and 8% for spine wounds and 1%, 2% and 7% for iliac wound in CG, EG and PG (p < 0.05, respectively. COS reduces the side effects caused by antibiotics (p < 0.05. COS improved biochemical indexes and reduced the levels of interleukin (IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF alpha. COS reduced the antibiotics dose and antibiotics-caused side effects in AIS patients with spinal fusion surgery by improving antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. COS should be developed as potential adjuvant for antibiotics therapies.

  13. Human versus Robot: A Propensity-Matched Analysis of the Accuracy of Free Hand versus Robotic Guidance for Placement of S2 Alar-Iliac (S2AI) Screws. (United States)

    Shillingford, Jamal N; Laratta, Joseph L; Park, Paul J; Lombardi, Joseph M; Tuchman, Alexander; Saifi, Comron S; Lehman, Ronald A; Lenke, Lawrence G


    Retrospective matched cohort analysis. To compare the accuracy of S2 alar-iliac (S2AI) screw placement by robotic guidance versus free hand technique. Spinopelvic fixation utilizing S2AI screws provides optimal fixation across the lumbosacral junction allowing for solid fusion, especially in long segment fusion constructs. Traditionally, S2AI screw placement has required fluoroscopic guidance for accurate screw placement. Herein, we present the first series comparing a free hand and robotic-guided technique for S2AI screw placement. Sixty-eight consecutive patients who underwent S2AI screw placement by either a free hand or robotic technique between 2015 and 2016 were reviewed. Propensity score-matching was utilized to control for preoperative characteristic imbalances. Screw position and accuracy were evaluated using three-dimensional manipulation of CT reconstructions from intraoperative O-arm imaging. A total of 51 patients (105 screws) were matched, 28 (59 screws) in the free hand group (FHG) and 23 (46 screws) in the robot group (RG). The mean age in the FHG and RG were 57.9[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 14.6 years and 61.6[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 12.0 years (P = 0.342), respectively. The average caudal angle in the sagittal plane was significantly larger in the RG (31.0[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 10.0° vs. 25.7[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 8.8°, P =[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]0.005). There was no difference between the FHG and RG in the horizontal angle, measured in the axial plane using the posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) as a reference (41.1[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 8.1° vs. 42.8[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 6.6°, P =[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]0.225), or the S2AI to S1 screw angle (9.4[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 7.0° vs. 11.3[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]± 9.9°, P =[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]0.256), respectively. There was no difference in the overall accuracy between FHG and RG (94.9% vs. 97.8%, P =[REPLACEMENT CHARACTER]0.630). Additionally, there

  14. Seed-Specific Stable Expression of the ?-AI1 Inhibitor in Coffee Grains and the In Vivo Implications for the Development of the Coffee Berry Borer


    Albuquerque, ?rika V. S.; Bezerra, Caroline A.; Romero, Juan V.; Valencia, Jorge W. A.; Valencia-Jim?nez, Arnubio; Pimenta, Lucas M.; Barbosa, Aulus E. A. D.; Silva, Maria C. M.; Meneguim, Ana M.; S?, Maria Eug?nia L.; Engler, Gilbert; de Almeida-Engler, Janice; Fernandez, Diana; Grossi-de-S?, Maria F.


    Genetic transformation of coffee (Coffea spp.), the second most traded commodity worldwide, is an alternative approach to introducing features that cannot be introgressed by traditional crossings. The transgenic stability, heritability and quantitative and spatial expression patterns of the seed-specific promoter phytohemagglutinin (PHA-L) from Phaseolus vulgaris were characterized in genetically modified C. arabica expressing the ?-amylase inhibitor-1 (?-AI1) gene. The ?-AI1 inhibitor shows ...

  15. Résultats de recherche | Page 33 | CRDI - Centre de recherches ...

    International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Digital Library (Canada)

    Renforcer les partenariats entre les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique d'Afrique et le secteur privé. Les conseils subventionnaires de la recherche scientifique sont essentiels au financement et à la promotion de la recherche et de l'innovation. Projet ...

  16. Ai Chi: efeitos do relaxamento aquático no desempenho funcional e qualidade de vida em idosos

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    Márcia Cristina Bauer Cunha

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos da técnica de relaxamento aquático Ai Chi em um grupo de idosos, em relação ao equilíbrio, qualidade de vida e funcionalidade. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 20 idosos de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 68,95 (± 7,42 anos, que foram submetidas à técnica Ai Chi. Os idosos foram avaliados antes e depois do programa de exercícios, que teve duração de 12 semanas, com sessões de 45 minutos, duas vezes por semana, pelas seguintes escalas: Medida de Independência Funcional (MIF, que avalia a funcionalidade; Escala de Berg, que avalia o equilíbrio; e SF36, que mensura a qualidade de vida. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa, utilizamos uma piscina aquecida, numa temperatura de 33-34° C. RESULTADOS: Houve melhora significante no equilíbrio pré e pós aplicação da técnica (p < 0,003, não houve melhora significante em relação às medidas de independência funcional (p < 0,10 e a qualidade de vida (p < 0,38. CONCLUSÃO: A técnica de relaxamento aquático Ai Chi proporcionou melhora do equilíbrio, porém não houve mudanças em relação à qualidade de vida e à funcionalidade em idosos independentes.

  17. S-aryl-L-cysteine sulphoxides and related organosulphur compounds alter oral biofilm development and AI-2-based cell-cell communication. (United States)

    Kasper, S H; Samarian, D; Jadhav, A P; Rickard, A H; Musah, R A; Cady, N C


    To design and synthesize a library of structurally related, small molecules related to homologues of compounds produced by the plant Petiveria alliacea and determine their ability to interfere with AI-2 cell-cell communication and biofilm formation by oral bacteria. Many human diseases are associated with persistent bacterial biofilms. Oral biofilms (dental plaque) are problematic as they are often associated with tooth decay, periodontal disease and systemic disorders such as heart disease and diabetes. Using a microplate-based approach, a bio-inspired small molecule library was screened for anti-biofilm activity against the oral species Streptococcus mutans UA159, Streptococcus sanguis 10556 and Actinomyces oris MG1. To complement the static screen, a flow-based BioFlux microfluidic system screen was also performed under conditions representative of the human oral cavity. Several compounds were found to display biofilm inhibitory activity in all three of the oral bacteria tested. These compounds were also shown to inhibit bioluminescence by Vibrio harveyi and were thus inferred to be quorum sensing (QS) inhibitors. Due to the structural similarity of these compounds to each other, and to key molecules in AI-2 biosynthetic pathways, we propose that these molecules potentially reduce biofilm formation via antagonism of QS or QS-related pathways. This study highlights the potential for a non-antimicrobial-based strategy, focused on AI-2 cell-cell signalling, to control the development of dental plaque. Considering that many bacterial species use AI-2 cell-cell signalling, as well as the increased concern of the use of antimicrobials in healthcare products, such an anti-biofilm approach could also be used to control biofilms in environments beyond the human oral cavity. © 2014 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  18. Doranidazole (PR-350), a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer, radiosensitizes human lung tumors (RERF-LC- AI) and causes changes in tumor oxygenation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubota, N.; Griffin, R.J.; Williams, B.W.; Song, C.W.; Yahiro, T.


    Full text: We previously have reported the radiosensitizing capability of Doranidazole (PR-350) on SCCVII cells and tumors (Puerto Rico, 2001). In the present study, we have investigated the efficacy of PR-350 as a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer using human lung cancer cells (RERF-LC-AI) in vitro and also RERF-LC-AI tumors grown s.c. in Balb/c nude mice. Using the micronucleus assay method, we determined the effect of PR-350 on the response of RERF-LC-AI cells to radiation under hypoxic conditions and enhancement ratios (ER) of 1.45∼2.26 were obtained. The in vivo radiosensitizing effect was studied by irradiating RERF-LC-AI tumors with 15 Gy at 20 min. after i.v. injection of PR-350 (200mg/kg) and measuring the tumor growth delay. Significant growth delay occurred after i.v. injection of PR-350 before irradiation compared to radiation alone. We measured tumor pO 2 at 3, 7 and 14 days after treatment using an Eppendorf pO 2 histograph. The frequency of pO 2 values 2 in tumors treated with radiation plus PR-350 were higher than that in tumors treated with radiation plus saline. These data suggest that the O 2 consumption in tumors treated with radiation plus PR-350 was less than that in tumors treated with radiation plus saline due to greater drug and radiation-induced cell death. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the tumor size in the combined treatment group was smaller than in radiation alone. These results suggest that PR-350 may improve the response of tumors to radiotherapy not only by increasing the radiosensitivity of hypoxic cells but also by improving tumor oxygenation over many days during fractionated radiotherapy

  19. Anterior or posterior surgery for right thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS)? A prospective cohorts' comparison using radiologic and functional outcomes. (United States)

    Rushton, Paul R P; Grevitt, Michael P; Sell, Philip J


    Prospective cohort study. Prospectively compare patient-reported as well as clinical and radiologic outcomes after anterior or posterior surgery for right thoracic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) in a single center by the same surgeons. Anterior and posterior spinal instrumentation and arthrodesis are both well-established treatments of thoracic AIS. The majority of studies comparing the 2 approaches have focused on radiographic outcomes. There remains a paucity of prospectively gathered patient-reported outcomes comparing surgical approaches. Forty-two consecutive patients with right thoracic AIS were treated in a single center by one of 2 surgeons with either anterior (n=18) or posterior (n=24) approaches and followed up for over 2 years. Radiographic, clinical, and patient-reported outcomes of the Modified Scoliosis Research Society Outcome Instrument were gathered and analyzed by an independent surgeon. Patients reported significant improvements in all areas of the Modified Scoliosis Research Society Outcome Instrument, especially pain and self-image domains. There were no significant differences in the degree of improvement in any domains between the groups. Posterior and anterior surgery corrected rib hump by 53% and 61%, respectively (P=0.4). The Main thoracic curve Cobb angle was corrected from 69 to 26 degrees (62%) by posterior surgery and 61 to 23 degrees (64%) by anterior surgery (P=0.6). Posterior surgery significantly reduced kyphosis and lumbosacral lordosis. Anterior surgery had no overall affect of sagittal alignment but seemed able to correct those hypokyphotic preoperatively. Complications differed and were largely approach-related--intrathoracic in anterior and wound-related in posterior surgery. Patients with right thoracic AIS of differing curve types but otherwise similar preoperatively demonstrated that anterior and posterior surgery are largely equivalent. Patient-reported outcomes are improved similarly by either approach. Both offer

  20. Sonia Gómez-Jordana Ferary, Le Proverbe : vers une définition linguistique. Étude sémantique des proverbes français et espagnols contemporains



    Cette thèse de doctorat aborde, d’un point de vue purement linguistique, la forme, la formation et le sens du proverbe en tant que catégorie linguistique homogène, en français et en espagnol contemporains. L’étude se fonde sur deux types de corpus présentés en annexe. D’une part, un corpus de proverbes français et espagnols hors contexte. Le corpus a été élaboré de la façon suivante : au début de notre recherche nous avons réalisé une enquête auprès d’une centaine de sujets parlants français ...