
Sample records for tropicales digestibilidad fecal


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    Julio Ly


    Full Text Available Se usaron cuatro cerdos Criollo Cubanos y cuatro cerdos Cubanos CC21, machos y con un peso inicial de 30 kg de acuerdo con un diseño de cambio en arreglo factorial 2 x 2 para estudiar el efecto del genotipo y de una dieta basada en cereales y granos conteniendo 6 o 12% de fibra cruda, en la digestibilidad rectal y salida fecal de materiales. El consumo de alimento fue igual a 100 g MS/kgPV0.75 por día, suministrado a las 9:00 h am en una sola ración. La fuente de fibra fue palmiche (fruto de palma real, Roystonea regia H.B.K. Cook suministrado seco y molido incluida al 20% al alimento. Los cerdos Criollo Cubanos fueron de la reserva genética localizada en el centro de Cuba (Cabaiguán y no estaban sujetos a ningún programa de mejoramiento genético. No hubo efecto significativo (P>0.05 de la interacción genotipo x dieta en ninguna medida. No se observaron diferencias (P>0.05 en la digestibilidad rectal de la MS, cenizas, materia orgánica, fibra cruda y nitrógeno entre los genotipos de cerdos; los promedios sólo muestran diferencias numéricas en favor de los cerdos CC21. De una manera similar, se halló que la dieta que contenía 12% de fibra, determinó un incremento no significativo (P>0.05 de la digestibilidad rectal de la fibra cruda o una reducción no significativa (P>0.05 de la digestibilidad rectal de la MS, materia orgánica y nitrógeno con respecto a la dieta sin harina de palmiche. La salida fecal de material fresco fue numéricamente mayor en los cerdos Criollo Cubanos y en la dieta con 12% de fibra (675 y 570 g/kg MS ingerida, pero sin efecto significativo (P>0.05. Se considera que la digestibilidad rectal de dietas basadas en granos y cereales que contengan 20% de harina de palmiche pudiera ser mayor en los cerdos Criollo Cubanos que en los mejorados, exóticos, en comparación con lo que ocurre con dietas suministrada ad libitum en animales alimentados con melaza de caña de az

  2. Digestibility and fecal characteristics of dogs fed with Bacillus subtilis in diet Digestibilidade e características das fezes de cães suplementados com Bacillus subtilis na dieta

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    Ananda Portella Félix


    Full Text Available Considering the benefice demonstrated by the modulating action of probiotics on the host intestinal microbiota, this study aimed to evaluate diet digestibility and fecal characteristics of dogs fed with diets supplemented with Bacillus subtilis (C-3102. Twelve young Beagle dogs were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design consisting of two treatments: diet with no addition or with the addition of 0.01% Bacillus subtilis (C-3102. Dogs passed through 25 days of adaptation to the diets, and five days of total feces collection. The following fecal characteristics were evaluated: pH, fecal score (1 - watery feces; 5: dry and hard feces, and ammonia content. Diet mean digestibility was compared by the Tukey test, and fecal characteristics by the Tukey-Kramer test. Diet digestibility was not different between treatments, but dogs supplemented with the tested probiotic presented dryer feces (39.1% vs. 36.5% dry matter, higher fecal score (3.4 vs. 3.0 and lower fecal ammonia content (0.45% vs. 0.56%, than dogs fed with the control diet. The dietary supplementation with Bacillus subtilis (C-3102 improves fecal texture and odor in dogs.Em virtude da capacidade moduladora dos probióticos sobre a microbiota intestinal a favor da saúde do hospedeiro, objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar a digestibilidade e as características das fezes de cães suplementados com Bacillus subtilis (C-3102 na dieta. Foram utilizados 12 cães adultos da raça Beagle, os quais foram distribuídos inteiramente ao acaso, em dois tratamentos: dieta controle e dieta com adição de 0,01% de Bacillus subtilis (C-3102. Os animais passaram por 25 dias de adaptação às dietas e por cinco dias para colheita total de fezes. As características das fezes foram avaliadas por meio da matéria seca, do escore (1: fezes moles, malformadas a 5: fezes secas e duras, do pH, da amônia e da produção de fezes. Não houve diferença na digestibilidade; entretanto, os c

  3. Estimativa da digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes em dietas para eqüinos, com o uso de óxido crômico e indicadores internos

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    Oliveira Chiara Albano de Araújo


    Full Text Available Foram realizados dois ensaios com o objetivo de avaliar a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes em dietas para eqüinos, utilizando o método da coleta total de fezes e os indicadores óxido crômico, fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi, fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi, celulose indigestível (CELi, lignina (LIG e cinzas insolúveis em detergente ácido (CIDA. No primeiro ensaio, foram utilizados cinco potros mestiços, alimentados com cinco dietas contendo níveis diferenciados de proteína bruta, mantendo a relação concentrado e volumoso em 50:50. O óxido crômico foi utilizado como indicador externo. No segundo ensaio, foram utilizados quatro potros mestiços, alimentados com dietas compostas por feno de coastcross como volumoso e concentrado nas proporções de 40:60, 60:40, 80:20 e 100:00. Nos dois ensaios, os teores de fibra em detergente ácido indigestível, fibra em detergente neutro indigestível, celulose indigestível, lignina e cinzas insolúveis em detergente ácido foram obtidos após incubação in vitro. No primeiro ensaio, a FDAi mostrou-se adequada como indicador interno para estimar a digestibilidade; a CELi, em ambos os ensaios, foi adequada como indicador interno para a estimativa da digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes em dietas para eqüinos. O óxido crômico apresentou baixa recuperação fecal no primeiro ensaio e a LIG, baixa recuperação fecal nos dois ensaios, subestimando os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes, sendo inadequada sua utilização para estimativa da digestibilidade. A CIDA, em função da metodologia de coleta fecal, também mostrou-se inadequada para as estimativas de digestibilidade em eqüinos.

  4. Digestibilidade do cálcio de ingredientes para suínos, avaliada por meio de dois métodos

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    S.C. Salguero


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente e verdadeira do cálcio (Ca de ingredientes para suínos por meio de dois métodos. Foram utilizados 60 suínos machos castrados, alojados em gaiolas de metabolismo e distribuídos em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2 x 10 (métodos x tratamentos e seis repetições por tratamento. Os tratamentos consistiram em oito alimentos, uma ração basal (0,072% de Ca total e uma ração com baixo teor de Ca (0,018%. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente e verdadeira do Ca foram avaliados utilizando-se simultaneamente dois métodos: coleta total de fezes e coleta de fezes com indicador fecal (cinza ácida insolúvel - CAI. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira do Ca, obtidos pelo método de coleta total e pelo método de indicador fecal, foram, respectivamente: calcário calcítico 1, 84,80 e 87,33%; calcário calcítico 2, 84,19 e 86,32%; fosfato bicálcico, 79,36 e 84,55%; fosfato monobicálcico, 83,83 e 85,81%; calcário dolomítico, 85,65 e 87,39%; farinha de carne e ossos (40% PB, 70,00 e 68,64%; farinha de carne e ossos (50% PB, 66,92 e 68,03%; farinha de vísceras, 73,40 e 73,95%, lactato de Ca, 95,10 e 97,33%. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05 entre os métodos avaliados coleta total (80,14% e indicador fecal (82,15%.


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    Malafaia Maria Isabel Fonseca Rocha


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se os consumos de nutrientes e a digestibilidade aparente, in vivo e in vitro, em dez cadelas submetidas a uma dieta controle (R0 acrescida de 10 (R10 e 20% (R20 de uma mistura contendo polpa de citros (PC e folhas de feno de alfafa. A digestibilidade foi estimada pela coleta total de fezes e pelo uso das cinzas insolúveis em ácido. Quando expressos em % do peso vivo, os consumos de água, de matéria seca (MS, de matéria orgânica (MO e de proteína bruta (PB diminuiram à medida que os níveis de fibra aumentaram. Entretanto, a digestibilidade da MS, da PB, da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e do extrato etéreo (EE aumentou com o acréscimo do consumo das fontes fibrosas. A digestibilidade estimada pelos dois métodos resultou em valores cuja diferença não ultrapassou 5 unidades. Houve diferenças nos valores de digestibilidade in vitro quanto à origem do inóculo fecal e os maiores valores foram para as amostras dos ingredientes fibrosos incubados com inóculo oriundo dos animais que estavam ingerindo as dietas contendo as fontes de fibra. A polpa de citros resultou na maior digestibilidade in vitro, enquanto que a ração controle, na menor.

  6. Avaliação do uso de frações indigestíveis do alimento como indicadores internos de digestibilidade em ovinos Evaluation of indigestible feed fractions as internal markers for predicting digestibility in lambs

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    Gilberto Vilmar Kozloski


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o uso de matéria seca indigestível (MSi e de fibra detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi como indicadores internos de digestibilidade em ovinos. Utilizaram-se dados e amostras provenientes de seis ensaios independentes de digestibilidade com ovinos mantidos em gaiolas de metabolismo recebendo à vontade diversos tipos de volumoso e/ou concentrado. Os resíduos indigestíveis (MSi e FDNi foram determinados após 144 horas de incubação in situ de amostras de alimentos e fezes. O grau de recuperação da MSi variou de 64,8 a 108,5% e o da FDNi, de 49,5 a 67,9%. Quando a relação entre a concentração dos indicadores nas fezes e nos alimentos não foi corrigida para a recuperação fecal, a maior parte das estimativas médias de digestibilidade da matéria orgânica dos experimentos foi inferior às médias obtidas in vivo. Quando a relação foi corrigida para a recuperação fecal, as estimativas médias de digestibilidade da matéria orgânica usando os dois indicadores foram similares às obtidas in vivo em todos os experimentos. Quando as estimativas individuais, corrigidas para recuperação fecal do indicador, foram relacionadas às observações in vivo por análise de regressão, o coeficiente de regressão linear foi similar a 1 usando a MSi, mas foi menor que 1 usando a FDNi. Os valores individuais de digestibilidade da matéria orgânica estimados com os dois indicadores, contudo, foram pobremente relacionados às observações in vivo (r² variou de 0,60 a 0,63. Corrigindo-se para a recuperação fecal, a matéria seca residual após 144 horas de incubação in situ pode ser utilizada como indicador interno para estimar a digestibilidade média da dieta consumida por um grupo de animais, mas não é precisa para detectar pequenas diferenças na digestibilidade de alimentos impostas pelos tratamentos em um experimento.The use of indigestible dry matter (iDM and indigestible neutral detergent fiber (iNDF as internal

  7. Métodos de coleta de fezes e determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da fração protéica e da energia de alimentos para o pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887 Fecal collection methods and determination of crude protein and of gross energy digestibility coefficients of feedstuffs for pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887

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    Eduardo Gianini Abimorad


    Full Text Available Para melhorar a alimentação do pacu (Piaracatus mesopotamicus, é necessário conhecer o nível de aproveitamento dos ingredientes utilizados em suas dietas. Neste trabalho, inicialmente, foram analisados quatro métodos de coleta de fezes, em função da precisão e da versatilidade (dissecação, extrusão, Guelph e Guelph modificado, e o tempo entre as coletas de fezes nos sistemas de Guelph, por intermédio do coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteína bruta de uma dieta-referência para o pacu. Não houve diferença entre os métodos de coleta de fezes; já os intervalos de tempo das coletas apresentaram diferenças, podendo interferir nos resultados de digestibilidade da proteína. Em uma segunda etapa, para determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da proteína e da energia de cinco concentrados protéicos de origem animal, cinco de origem vegetal e quatro energéticos, foram utilizadas rações elaboradas com 69,5% de uma dieta-referência, 30% do ingrediente teste e 0,5% de Cr2O3, utilizando o método de extrusão manual para a coleta de fezes. Os valores de digestibilidade da proteína da maioria dos alimentos apresentaram-se altos e não variaram estatisticamente, de 93,89 a 75,73% para o farelo de trigo e a farinha de penas, respectivamente. Entretanto, a farinha de sangue e a levedura apresentaram valores de digestibilidade da fração protéica significativamente inferiores (57,72 e 68,86%, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade da energia dos alimentos variaram consideravelmente, apresentando altos valores (acima de 90% para o sorgo, o farelo de arroz e as sojas crua e tostada, e baixos valores (menores que 70% para as farinhas de vísceras e de sangue, os farelos de soja e de algodão e a levedura. Quanto aos métodos de coleta de fezes, conclui-se que qualquer um pode ser adotado para a determinação de digestibilidade, desde que sejam rigorosamente aplicados. De maneira geral, a maioria dos

  8. Comparação de Indicadores e Metodologia de Coleta para Estimativas de Produção Fecal e Fluxo de Digesta em Bovinos Comparison of Markers and Collection Methodology for Fecal Production and Digesta Flow Estimates in Bovine

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    Luís Carlos Vinhas Ítavo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se comparar a fibra em detergente ácido (FDAi indigestível com o óxido crômico para estimar a produção de matéria seca fecal e as digestibilidades dos nutrientes de dietas de bovinos, em dois esquemas de coletas (2 ou 6 dias. Foram utilizados cinco bovinos da raça Nelore, não-castrados, com 165 kg, fistulados no rúmen, abomaso e íleo. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos e cinco períodos de coleta. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro níveis de concentrado na dieta (20, 40, 60 e 80%, usando-se feno de capim-Tifton 85 como volumoso. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (MS foi menor quando estimada pelo óxido crômico, enquanto as digestibilidades da MS no rúmen e nos intestinos não diferiram entre os indicadores. Quando se comparou a metodologia de coleta (6 dias vs. 2 dias, não houve diferença para as digestibilidades totais e parciais dos nutrientes e também para a eficiência microbiana, demonstrando assim que a metodologia alternativa de dois dias de coleta pode ser utilizada para estimar a produção fecal e os fluxos de MS no abomaso e no íleo.It was aimed to compare the internal markers, indigestible neutral detergent (NDFi and acid fiber (ADFi, and ADFi with oxide chromic to esteem the dry matter fecal production and nutrients digestibility of diets of bovine, in two outlines of collections (2 or 6 days. For the comparison among internal markers, 32 Nelore growing bulls, with 240 kg, were maintained under feedlot, receiving diets with different concentrate levels (20, 40, 60 and 80%. For the comparison among internal and external marker, five 165 kg Nelore growing bulls, rumen, abomasum and ileum fistulated, were used. The design was in blocks with four treatments and 5 collection periods. The treatments consisted of four concentrate levels (20, 40, 60 and 80%. The roughage used was Tifton 85 hay. The apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM was smaller, when was estimated

  9. Uso da cutina na estimativa da digestibilidade aparente de dietas para equinos Use of cutin for determining apparent digestibility of diets for horses

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    R.F. Siqueira


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se a acurácia, a precisão e a robustez dos indicadores cutina, lignina em detergente ácido, óxido crômico e coleta total de fezes na estimativa da digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica de dietas para equinos. Para tal, foram utilizados quatro equinos machos, com idade aproximada de 10 meses e média de peso de 197kg (170 a 216kg. O experimento foi realizado em quatro períodos, com duração de 11 dias cada, sendo os oito primeiros usados para adaptação às dietas e os três subsequentes, para colheita de material. O delineamento experimental foi em quadrado latino 4X4. A ponderação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria orgânica pelos indicadores foi efetuada por meio do viés. A acurácia e a precisão foram determinadas pela comparação entre os dados preditos e observados, e a robustez pela comparação dos vieses com outros fatores estudados. A cutina não se mostrou eficiente como indicador interno, pois superestimou a digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica e resultou em menor acurácia e precisão. O oxido crômico apresentou baixa recuperação fecal e subestimou a digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica, embora tenha sido o mais preciso. A lignina em detergente ácido foi o indicador que obteve a melhor recuperação fecal e foi o mais acurado, portanto, o indicador mais eficiente.The accuracy, precision, and robustness of the cutin, acid detergent lignin (ADL, chromic oxide, and total feces collection to estimate the apparent digestibility of the organic matter of diets for equines were evaluated. For such, four male horses were used. They averaged 10 month-old and 197kg (170 to 216kg. The experiment was carried out in four periods with duration of eleven days each, being the first eight for adaptation to the diets and the three subsequent to obtain the results. The experimental design was a 4x4 latin square. The balance of the coefficients of digestibility of the organic matter for

  10. Consumo e digestibilidade aparente em bezerros da raça holandesa alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes níveis de volumoso

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    Ricardo Dias Signoretti


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de volumoso nas dietas sobre os consumos e as digestibilidades aparentes de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, carboidratos totais (CHOT e energia bruta (EB e sobre os consumos de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT. Trinta e cinco bezerros da raça Holandesa puros por cruzamento, não-castrados, com idade média de 60 dias e peso vivo inicial de 78 kg, foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com nove repetições por dieta, exceto para a dieta com 10% de volumoso, com oito repetições. Os animais foram alimentados à vontade com dietas contendo níveis de 10, 25, 40 e 55% de volumoso, na base da MS, usando-se feno de capim coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon, fubá de milho e farelo de soja, os quais constituíram dietas com aproximadamente 16% de PB. O óxido crômico foi usado para obtenção das estimativas dos fluxos de MS fecal. Os carboidratos totais foram obtidos por 100 - (%PB + %EE + %Cinzas. O consumo de NDT foi obtido por (cPB - PBf + 2,25 (cEE - EEf + (cCHOT - CHOTf, em que c significa consumo e f, excreção fecal. Não houve efeito dos níveis de volumoso nas dietas sobre os consumos de MS e MO (kg/dia, % PV e g/kg0,75 e de PB e CHOT (kg/dia e % PV. O consumo de FDN (kg/dia, %PV e g/kg0,75 aumentou, enquanto o consumo de EE e NDT (em kg/dia e %PV reduziu linearmente em função dos níveis de volumoso na dieta. Houve efeito linear decrescente sobre as digestibilidades aparentes de MS, MO, PB, EE, CHOT e EB, em função do aumento dos níveis de volumoso nas dietas, enquanto a digestibilidade aparente da FDN não foi influenciada. Os consumos de EE, FDN e NDT e as digestibilidades aparentes de MS, MO, EE, PB, CHOT e EB foram influenciados pelos níveis de volumoso nas dietas.

  11. Digestibilidade dos compostos nitrogenados insolúveis em detergente ácido em bovinos manejados em pastagem de capim-braquiária Digestibility of acid detergent insoluble nitrogen in cattle grazing signalgrass

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    Edenio Detmann


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar as digestibilidades total e parcial dos compostos nitrogenados insolúveis em detergente ácido (NIDA em bovinos em pastejo. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos mestiços Holandês x Zebu (24 meses de idade e 304 kg de PV, canulados no esôfago, rúmen e abomaso, manejados em cinco piquetes de Brachiaria decumbens (0,34 ha, recebendo ou não suplementação com concentrado. O experimento foi realizado em quatro períodos experimentais de 21 dias, entre agosto e novembro de 2000. A avaliação da forragem selecionada pelos animais foi feita em amostras de extrusa esofágica e a estimativa do consumo e dos fluxos fecais e abomasais de MS e NIDA, foram estimados por intermédio de indicadores interno e externo. A avaliação estatística da digestibilidade do NIDA foi conduzida por ajustamento de equação de regressão linear, desconsiderando o parâmetro intercepto e utilizando-se como variáveis independente e dependente as estimativas de influxo e efluxo de NIDA, respectivamente. Os desvios do coeficiente de regressão a partir do valor paramétrico 1,0 foram considerados estimativas de digestibilidade. A comparação entre o consumo e os fluxos abomasal e fecal de NIDA indicou haver digestibilidade desta fração em nível total, atribuída exclusivamente a eventos intestinais (30,7%, uma vez que não foi observada digestibilidade no compartimento ruminal. Esse comportamento indica que o teor de NIDA de um alimento é somente indicador, e não preditor, da digestibilidade potencial dos compostos nitrogenados totais.The objective of this trial was to investigate ruminal, intestinal and total tract digestibility of acid detergent insoluble nitrogen (ADIN in grazing cattle. Five Holstein x Zebu steers averaging 304 kg of body weight and 24 months of age and fitted with esophageal, ruminal and abomasal cannulas were used in this study. Animals were maintained in five 0.34-ha paddocks of Brachiaria decumbens with or

  12. Efeitos de probióticos sobre a digestibilidade, escore fecal e características hematológicas em cães Effects of probiotics on digestibility, faecal score, and hematologic characteristics in dogs

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    M.A.R. Feliciano


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos da suplementação de dois tipos de probióticos para cães filhotes, que receberam dois tipos de dieta - de alta e de baixa qualidade -, sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, escore fecal e parâmetros sanguíneos. Foram utilizados 18 animais, distribuídos em três tratamentos. No tratamento 1, controle, os cães receberam somente a ração; no tratamento 2, ração com probiótico 1 (Bifidobacterium e, no tratamento 3, ração com probiótico 2 (Lactobacillus. O experimento foi dividido em duas fases. Verificaram-se que os valores médios do coeficiente de metabolizabilidade da energia bruta (CMEB na fase 1, caracterizada pela troca da dieta Super Premium para a dieta Standard, apresentaram resultados significativos (P0,05 para o escore fecal e para as análises hematológicas.The effects of supplementation of two probiotics to puppies fed two diets - high and low quality - on nutrient digestibility, faecal score, and blood parameters were evaluated using 18 animals in three treatments. In the treatment 1, control, the dogs received only food; in the treatment 2, food with probiotic 1 (Bifidobacterium and in the treatment 3, food with probiotic 2 (Lactobacillus. The research was divided in two phases. It was verified that crude metabolizability energy coefficient average values in the phase 1, characterized to changing Super Premium food to Standard, presented significant results (P0.05 on faecal score and blood analysis were obtained.

  13. Digestibilidade determinada pelo método indireto usando o n-alcano C35 Digestibility determinate by indirect method using C35 n-alkane

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    Dimas Estrásulas de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Foi feito um trabalho de extração e análise de n-alcanos com o objetivo de investigar o uso do n-alcano (C35 presente nas forragens como um indicador interno para determinação de digestibilidade. Foram utilizadas amostras de experimentos de digestibilidade convencional realizados previamente entre os anos de 1978 e 1982. O C35 subestimou as digestibilidades da matéria seca e orgânica, apresentando diferença média, em relação ao método in vivo, de 4,68 (± 0,69 e 4,43 (± 0,85 unidades percentuais, respectivamente. O coeficiente de regressão não diferiu da unidade, indicando que os métodos foram equivalentes, havendo, porém, a necessidade de um fator de correção. Os coeficientes de correlação para a matéria seca e orgânica, observados entre os dois métodos, foram 0,87 e 0,85, respectivamente. O C35 apresentou recuperação fecal média de 91,76% (± 7,94, que contribuiu para o vício da técnica.An experiment was conducted, on extraction and analysis of n-alkanes, to investigate the use of n-alkane (C35 present in forages as an internal marker for the digestibility determination. Samples of forages and feces were taken from conventional digestibility trials, which were previous conducted from 1978 to 1982. The C35 underestimated the dry matter and organic matter digestibilities, presenting an average difference in relation to in vivo of 4.68 (± 0.69 and 4,43 (± 0.85 perceptual units, respectively. The coefficient of regression did not differ from the unit, indicating that both methods were equivalent, having, however, the necessity of a correction factor. The coefficients of correlation observed for the dry and organic matter between the two methods were 0.87 and 0.85, respectively. The average fecal recovery of C35 was 91.76% (± 7.94, and this contributed to the bias of the method.

  14. Técnica de digestibilidad in vitro en ingredientes y alimentos para camarón




    En el presente trabajo se evaluo? si algunas te?cnicas in vitro o la digestibilidad en otras especies podri?an ser aplicadas en el control de calidad de harinas de pescado, dietas y otros ingredientes utilizados en la alimentacio?n del camaro?n Litopenaeus vanname. Para ello se determinaron los coeficientes de correlacio?n obtenidos en la digestibilidad in vivo en camaro?n y la digestibilidad in vivo en otras especies (salmo?n, trucha o mink), o con cada una de las diferentes te?cnicas in vit...

  15. Consumo e digestibilidade da matéria seca de fenos de braquiária decumbens e amendoim forrageiro em ovinos estimados por meio de n-alcanos Use of n-alkanes to estimate intake and digestibility of signalgrass and forage peanut in sheep

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    Nelson Massaru Fukumoto


    Full Text Available O experimento foi realizado com os objetivos de avaliar a técnica de n-alcanos para estimar o consumo e a digestibilidade da MS em ovinos e definir a estratégia de coleta de fezes e os alcanos internos a serem utilizados no cálculos. Vinte ovinos foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e alimentados com dietas formuladas com diferentes proporções de amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi Koprov & Gregory cv. Amarillo e braquiária decumbens [Urochloa decumbens (Stapf, Webster] (0, 15, 30, 45 e 60% de amendoim forrageiro, base da MS. O período experimental teve duração de 18 dias, dez de adaptação à dieta, três para administração do indicador externo (C32 em péletes de celulose e cinco de coleta de fezes. As fezes foram coletadas seis vezes ao dia (9, 13, 17, 21, 1 e 5h, diretamente no reto do animal. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as comparações das médias estimadas aos valores reais foram feitas utilizando-se o teste t a 5% de significância. Para determinação da digestibilidade aparente da MS, os animais foram equipados com bolsas coletoras de fezes. O consumo foi calculado utilizando-se os alcanos internos C31 e C33 isoladamente ou em conjunto. Para o cálculo da digestibilidade da MS, foram utilizados os alcanos internos C33 a C35. Para obtenção de estimativas adequadas de digestibilidade, é necessária a correção para os valores de recuperação fecal dos indicadores internos, observando-se que os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando se utilizou o alcano interno C33 nos cálculos. Para estimar o consumo de MS, devem-se utilizar, de forma conjunta nos cálculos, os alcanos internos C31 e C33, sem necessidade de correção para recuperação fecal, podendo-se coletar uma única amostra de fezes por animal por dia, pela manhã (9 h ou à tarde (13 h.The objective of this trial was to use n-alkanes to estimate dry matter intake (DMI and DM digestibility in sheep. It was also

  16. Avaliação do feno de Arachis pintoi utilizando o ensaio de digestibilidade in vivo

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    Ladeira Márcio Machado


    Full Text Available Utilizaram-se seis ovinos, sem raça definida, para avaliar o consumo e as digestibilidades aparentes totais da matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE, carboidratos totais (CHO, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, celulose (CEL, hemicelulose (HCEL e energia do feno de Arachis pintoi. Também foi determinado o balanço de nitrogênio. Os animais foram colocados em gaiolas metabólicas e receberam apenas o feno de A. pintoi mais sal mineral como componentes da dieta. O Arachis pintoi foi colhido com aproximadamente 100 dias. O fornecimento do feno foi ad libitum, sendo a quantidade calculada para permitir sobras de 20%. O experimento teve 20 dias de duração, sendo 15 dias de adaptação e cinco dias para coletas de amostras do feno, sobras, fezes e urina. Foi utilizado o óxido crômico, em duas doses diárias de 1 g cada, como indicador externo para estimar a produção fecal. Os consumos de MS e MO do A. pintoi foram 90,17 e 85,67 g/kg0,75, respectivamente. Os teores de PB, nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT e energia metabolizável (EM foram, respectivamente, 14,3%, 66,4% e 2,0 Mcal/kg MS. O balanço de nitrogênio (N foi de 12,1 g/dia e representou 40,2% de todo N consumido. As digestibilidades aparentes totais da MS, MO, PB, EE, CHO, FDN, CNF, FDA, CEL, HCEL e energia foram 64,4, 68,4, 70,0, 63,4, 68,2, 53,6, 93,3, 47,2, 62,8, 66,8 e 63,7%, respectivamente. O feno de Arachis pintoi apresentou consumo e digestibilidades dos nutrientes elevados para uma forrageira, permitindo assim fornecer nutrientes em quantidades suficientes para ganhos de peso satisfatórios, o que dá maior suporte para o uso dessa leguminosa na alimentação de ruminantes.

  17. Markers evaluation on estimation of faecal output and digestibility in ruminants Avaliação de indicadores na estimação da excreção fecal e da digestibilidade em ruminantes

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    Alexandre Lima Souza


    Full Text Available The present work was carried out in order to evaluate the accuracy of internal and external markers on apparent dry matter digestibility (ADMD and faecal excretion (FE estimative in cattle fed diets with corn silage, elephant grass silage and Tifton-85 bermudagrass hay. The indigestible neutral detergent fiber (INDF and indigestible acid detergent fiber (IADF obtained in vitro were used as internal markers and the chromium as external marker, which were compared to the digestibility obtained by total collection of faeces, measured from six bovines. INDF and IADF were determined in vitro after 144 hours incubation with ruminal liquid from cattle. FE and ADMD were accurately predicted by chromium and INDF. IADF overestimated FE and underestimated ADMD for the diet based of Tifton-85 bermudagrass hay. The IADF utilization obtained in vitro as marker of FE and ADMD need more investigations and methods standardization.Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a acurácia de indicadores internos e externos na estimativa da digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DAMS e da excreção fecal (EF em bovinos, alimentados com dietas à base das silagens de milho e de capim-elefante e feno de capim-Tifton 85. Foram avaliadas a fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNI e a fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAI como indicadores internos e o óxido crômico como indicador externo, os quais foram comparados com a digestibilidade obtida por meio da coleta total de fezes, medida em seis bovinos. A FDNI e a FDAI foram determinadas in vitro após 144 horas de incubação com líquido ruminal de bovinos. A EF e a DAMS foram acuradamente preditas a partir do cromo e da FDNI, entretanto, com a utilização da FDAI, houve superestimação da EF e, conseqüentemente, subestimação da DAMS para a dieta à base de feno de capim-Tifton 85. A utilização da FDAI obtida in vitro como indicador da EF e da DAMS necessita de mais investigação e padroniza

  18. Proteínas do feijão preto sem casca: digestibilidade em animais convencionais e isentos de germes (germ-free Proteins of dehulled black beans: digestibility in conventional and germ-free animals

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    Conceição Angelina dos Santos PEREIRA


    Full Text Available O feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris, L. é uma leguminosa de grande importância para a dieta da população brasileira. No entanto, um de seus maiores problemas é representado pelo baixo valor nutricional de suas proteínas, decorrente, por um lado, da sua baixa digestibilidade e, de outro, do teor e biodisponibilidade reduzidos de aminoácidos sulfurados. Com o objetivo de avaliar a digestibilidade das proteínas albumina e globulina do feijão preto sem casca, foram realizados ensaios biológicos com camundongos isentos de germes e convencionais e com ratos (Wistar, recém-desmamados, com idade de 21 a 25 dias. Avaliou-se ainda o Escore Químico Corrigido pela Digestibilidade da Proteína. A digestibilidade verdadeira no experimento com camundongos isentos de germes foi de 90,21 e 90,00%, no teste com camundongos convencionais foi de 85,53 e 86,73%, e no experimento com ratos foi de 82,62 e 68,53%, para albumina e globulina, respectivamente. O Escore Químico Corrigido pela Digestibilidade da Proteína foi de 61,00% para a albumina e 51,00% para a globulina. A digestibilidade determinada em animais isentos de germes foi superior aos valores encontrados em animais convencionais, sugerindo que a flora intestinal esteja contribuindo para elevar o teor de nitrogênio nas fezes dos animais convencionais, e, portanto, esteja sendo subestimada a digestibilidade verdadeira do feijão.The bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L. is a legume of great importance in the Brazilian typical diet. Nevertheless, it presents a low protein quality due to its poor digestibility and low levels and bioavailability of its sulfur aminoacids. The aim of this study was to evaluate the digestibility of albumin and globulin protein fractions of dehulled black beans in conventional and germ-free mice and also in weaning rats (Wistar of 21 to 25 days of age. Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score was also determined. True digestibility values in germ-free mice were 90.21 and 90

  19. Proteína degradável no rúmen na dieta de bovinos: digestibilidades total e parcial dos nutrientes e parâmetros ruminais Rumen degradable protein on bovine diet: total and partial nutrient digestibility and ruminal parameters

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    Saul Ferreira Caldas Neto


    Full Text Available Quatro novilhos da raça Holandesa (450 kg portadores de cânula ruminal e duodenal, recebendo dietas com níveis de proteína degradável no rúmen (PDR de 50, 60, 65 e 70%, associadas a uma fonte de amido de alta degradabilidade ruminal (farinha de varredura de mandioca, foram distribuídos em quadrado latino 4 × 4 para se avaliarem as digestibilidades total e parcial dos nutrientes, a concentração de amônia e o pH ruminal. Foi utilizada, como indicador do fluxo duodenal e fecal, a cinza insolúvel em ácido. Não foi observado efeito do nível de PDR sobre o coeficiente de digestibilidade total, digestibilidade ruminal e digestibilidade intestinal da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, fibra em detergente neutro, carboidratos não-estruturais e energia bruta. O aumento do nível de PDR na dieta elevou o coeficiente de digestibilidade total e ruminal da proteína bruta e reduziu a digestibilidade intestinal desse nutriente como porcentagem do digerido. Não houve efeito dos níveis de PDR no pH ruminal, no entanto, maior concentração ruminal de amônia foi observada para as dietas com maior teor de PDR. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o aumento no teor de PDR acarretou maior produção de nitrogênio na forma de amônia, independentemente da presença da fonte de amido de alta degradabilidade ruminal, contudo, o aporte de proteína intestinal foi semelhante para todas as dietas.Four ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein steers (450 kg were fed diets with rumen degradable protein (RDP levels of 50.0 60.0 65.0 and 70.0% associated with a high ruminal degradability starch (cassava by-product meal were allotted to a 4 × 4 Latin square design for the evaluation of total and partial digestibility of the nutrients, ruminal ammonia concentration and pH. The acid insoluble ash was used as a marker of the duodenal and fecal flow. No effects were observed on the level of RDP on total digestibility coefficient, ruminal digestibility and


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    C. V. PIRES


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a digestibilidade in vivo, ajustar equações para a determinação da digestibilidade in vitro por meio de diferentes métodos e verificar qual método desenvolvido para a digestibilidade in vitro apresenta maior correlação com a digestibilidade in vivo. Foram utilizadas as seguintes fontes de proteína: carne de rã sem osso, carne de rã com osso, carne de rã mecanicamente separada (CMS, carne bovina, ovo em pó, caseína, trigo, milho, soja convencional, soja isenta de inibidor de tripsina Kunitz e de lipoxigenases (soja KTI-LOX-, proteína texturizada de soja (PTS e feijão. Para o cálculo da digestibilidade in vitro foram utilizados os valores de pH obtidos em 10 min (método 1 e 20 min (Método 2 após a adição da solução de enzimas e o do pH estático (método 3, o qual mede o volume de NaOH adicionado, necessário para manter em 8,0 o valor de pH da solução de proteínas após a adição da solução enzimática. No método da queda de pH, as melhores equações foram obtidas com os valores de pH obtidos após 10 min da solução de enzimas. Dessas equações, as que tiveram maiores valores de R2 foram confeccionadas sem a presença de caseína. No método do pH estático as equações que permitiram melhor correlação entre volumes de NaOH com digestibilidade foram aquelas nas quais se usavam todas as fontes de proteína e aquela em que não estava presente a caseína. O uso de técnicas in vitro para a determinação da digestibilidade protéica traz uma série de benefícios, pois requer menos tempo, é mais barato e requisita de menos mão-de-obra e espaço físico.

  1. Digestibilidade do fósforo de alimentos de origem vegetal determinada em suínos em crescimento e terminação Phosphorus digestibility from vegetal feed origins determined in growing and finishing pigs

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    Silvano Bünzen


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDAP e verdadeira (CDVP do fósforo de 11 alimentos de origem vegetal utilizados na alimentação de suínos. Foram utilizados 78 animais mestiços distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em arranjo fatorial 2 × 2 × 13 (metodologia × fase × tratamento e três repetições por tratamento (alimento-teste. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade foram avaliados utilizando-se, simultaneamente, duas metodologias (coleta total de fezes e uso de indicador fecal, Cr2O3 em duas fases de produção (crescimento e terminação, cada uma com 36 suínos com 25,0 ± 3,0 e 60,0 ± 5,0 kg de peso corporal, respectivamente. Determinaram-se os coeficientes de digestibilidade de 11 alimentos, uma ração-referência e uma ração com baixo conteúdo de fósforo total (0,03% para estimativa das perdas de fósforo endógeno nas duas fases de desenvolvimento. Os valores médios de CDAP e CDVP do fósforo encontrados com suínos em crescimento e terminação foram, respectivamente, 45,01 e 68,32% para o milho; 31,3 e 66,97% para o sorgo; 31,84 e 41,31% para o farelo de glúten de milho (22% PB; 38,28 e 53,20% farelo de glúten de milho (60% PB; 32,42 e 40,61% para o farelo de algodão (30% PB; 37,50 e 43,95% para o farelo de algodão (40% PB; 50,76 e 55,74% para o farelo de trigo; 38,75 e 52,19% para o farelo de soja; 33,61 e 41,21% para o concentrado protéico de soja; 41,67 e 55,81% a soja integral extrusada e, 56,84 e 66,56% para a levedura desidratada de cana de açúcar. Não foram encontradas diferenças entre os CDAP e CDVP determinados pelas metodologias de coleta total de fezes e de indicador fecal. Na fase de terminação, os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente e verdadeira dos alimentos testados foram maiores que os obtidos na fase de crescimento.The coefficients of apparent (CADP and true (CTDP digestibility of phosphorus of eleven plant feed of vegetal

  2. Consumo e Digestibilidades Aparentes Totais e Parciais de Nutrientes em Novilhos Alimentados com Dietas Contendo Vários Níveis de Concentrado

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    Luís Carlos Vinhas Ítavo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se estudar o consumo e as digestibilidades totais e parciais de nutrientes em bovinos. Foram utilizados cinco bovinos da raça Nelore, não-castrados, com 165 kg, fistulados no rúmen, abomaso e íleo. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro tratamentos e cinco períodos de coleta. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro níveis de concentrado na dieta (20, 40, 60 e 80%. O volumoso utilizado foi feno de capim-Tifton 85 (Cynodon dactylon (L. Pers.. Somente os consumos de FDN e FDA apresentaram redução linear com o aumento do nível de concentrado da dieta. Os consumos de MS e NDT foram em média de 3,45 e 2,24 kg/dia, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da MS, MO e CHOT aumentaram linearmente, em função do nível de concentrado na dieta. Enquanto as digestibilidades aparentes da PB e EE apresentaram média de 59,50 e 70,81%, respectivamente. Houve redução linear nos coeficientes de digestibilidade da FDN e FDA. O nível de concentrado não afetou a digestão ruminal da PB e EE, cujas médias foram 4,80 e 1,41%, respectivamente. A digestibilidade ruminal da FDN apresentou redução linear com o aumento do nível de concentrado na dieta. No intestino delgado, a digestibilidade máxima da MS de 34,89% foi estimada com 49,01% de concentrado na dieta; a digestibilidade da MO aumentou linearmente e as digestibilidades da PB, FDN, EE e CHOT não foram influenciadas pela inclusão de concentrado na dieta. Não houve efeito dos níveis de concentrado sobre as digestibilidades no intestino grosso para MS, MO, PB, EE e CHOT, cujas médias foram 17,98; 12,48; 10,53; -2,84 e 11,08%, respectivamente.

  3. Enfermedades de la pobreza, enfermedades tropicales desatendidas


    Pecoul, Bernard; Alvarado, J.


    Las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETDs) se caracterizan por su altísima incidencia en países de renta baja haciendo bueno el nefasto ciclo pobreza-enfermedad-pobreza. Las ETDs son ajenas al mundo occidental por lo que no son consideradas prioritarias, pero tampoco lo son para los gobiernos de los países endémicos al afectar a las poblaciones rurales sin voz política. Los escasos beneficios que proporcionan los medicamentos para estas enfermedades las hacen poco atractivas para la inve...

  4. Influência do processamento do grão de milho na digestibilidade de rações e no desempenho de bezerros Effects of corn grain processing on digestibility of diets and performance of calves

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    Fernando Miranda de Vargas Junior


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a influência do processamento grão de milho (inteiro, tratado com uréia ou moído na forma de quirera sobre a digestibilidade de rações e no desempenho de bezerros desmamados precocemente e mantidos em regime de confinamento. A dieta foi formulada com silagem de sorgo como volumoso, em uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 40:60, na matéria seca. A digestibilidade in vivo da matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, celulose, energia bruta e amido, o pH das fezes e o consumo de MS foram efetuados em um ensaio com seis bezerros, castrados, com sete meses de idade. A influência das dietas no desempenho dos animais foi avaliada em ensaio com 15 bezerros não-castrados e idades semelhantes aos do ensaio de digestibilidade, com peso vivo inicial médio de 159 kg. O processamento do grão de milho não influenciou as variáveis analisadas, exceto o pH das fezes, que apresentou valor mais baixo nos animais que receberam dieta contendo grão de milho moído.The effect of corn grain processing (whole, treated with urea, or crushed forms on the digestibility of diets and performance in early weaned calves kept in feedlot was evaluated. The diet was formulated with silage sorghum as forage in 40:60 forage to concentrate ratio (%DM. Digestibility of dry matter (DM, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, cellulose, gross energy and starch, fecal pH and DM intake were evaluated in an assay using six 7-mo castrated calves. Treatment effect on animal performance was evaluated in an assay using 15 non-castrated calves with ages similar to those of the digestibility assay, with initial 159 kg BW. The corn grain processing did not affect the evaluated characteristics, except for fecal pH, that was lower in the animals fed diet with crushed corn grain.

  5. Fontes de carboidratos e ionóforo em dietas contendo óleo vegetal para ovinos: digestibilidade, balanço de nitrogênio e fluxo portal de nutrientes Carbohydrate sources and ionophore in sheep diets with vegetal oil: digestibility, nitrogen balance and portal flux of nutrients

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    Gisele Fernanda Mouro


    Full Text Available Os objetivos neste trabalho foram avaliar a utilização de duas fontes de carboidratos (casca de soja e milho, com a utilização ou não de monensina em dietas com alta densidade lipídica, e seus efeitos sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, o balanço de nitrogênio e o fluxo portal de nutrientes em ovinos. Adotou-se o método de coleta total de fezes e urina para determinação da digestibilidade e do balanço de nitrogênio. O fluxo líquido de nutrientes foi calculado pelo princípio de Fick. Foram utilizados quatro ovinos (54 kg de PV da raça Corriedale com três cateteres implantados (veia e artéria mesentérica e veia porta. A ingestão, a excreção fecal, a digestão e a digestibilidade de MS, MO e EE não foram influenciadas pelos tratamentos. A ingestão, a digestão e a digestibilidade da FDN foram maiores para as dietas com casca de soja (757,0; 531,1 g/dia e 70,2% que para aquelas com milho (392,3; 199,9 g/dia e 51,0%, enquanto a dos carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF, foram maiores para as dietas com milho (474,6, 416,8 g/dia e 87,8% que para aquelas com casca de soja (148,0; 97,8 g/dia e 66,1%. A concentração de energia expressa como NDT foi maior nas dietas com milho (80,2% que naquelas com casca de soja (76,7%. Não houve efeito da utilização da monensina nos parâmetros de digestibilidade e balanço de nitrogênio. A excreção fecal da proteína foi menor e a digestibilidade maior para as dietas com milho. A concentração portal e arterial de nitrogênio alfa amino (N alfa-amino foi menor para as dietas com monensina (3,161 e 2,922 e 3,530 e 3,218 mM, respectivamente. A concentração portal (0,419 vs 0,516 mM, a diferença venosa-arterial (0,230 vs 0,317 mM e o fluxo portal de amônia (26,119 vs 37,041 mM/h foram menores para as dietas com milho.The objectives of this trial were to evaluate the effects of two carbohydrate sources (soybean hulls and corn grain with and without monensin on digestibility, nitrogen

  6. Consumo e digestibilidades aparentes total e parciais do feno de Stylosanthes guianensis Intake, total and partial apparent digestibilities of Stylosanthes guianensis hay

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    M.M. Ladeira


    Full Text Available Utilizaram-se sete carneiros, sem raça definida, fistulados no rúmen e duodeno, para avaliar o consumo e as digestibilidades aparentes totais e parciais de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, celulose (CEL e hemicelulose (HCEL do feno de Stylosanthes guianensis. Os animais receberam apenas feno de S. guianensis mais sal mineral como componentes da dieta. O fornecimento do feno foi ad libitum, sendo a quantidade calculada para permitir sobras de 20%. Utilizou-se óxido crômico como indicador para estimar a produção de fezes e o fluxo de digesta no duodeno. Os consumos de MS e MO do S. guianensis foram 67,71 e 64,70 g/kg0,75, respectivamente. As digestibilidades aparentes totais da MS, MO, PB, FDN e FDA foram 49,2, 51,3, 61,2, 42,0 e 42,7%, respectivamente. As digestibilidades aparentes ruminais da MS, MO, FDN e FDA foram 75,8, 84,7, 89,6 e 90,6%, respectivamente, em função do total digerido. A digestibilidade ruminal da PB foi 21,3%. Concluiu-se que o feno de S. guianensis, colhido em estádio de maturidade avançada, pode ser indicado para ruminantes, pois seu consumo é capaz de atender às necessidades energéticas de mantença já que seus valores, apesar de sua digestibilidade não ser elevada, são ligeiramente maiores do que os de outras forrageiras tropicais.Seven rumen and duodenal cannulated lambs were used to evaluate the intake and the total and the partial apparent digestibilities of dry matter (DM, organic matter (OM, crude protein (CP, ether extract (EE, neutral detergent fiber (NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF, cellulose (CEL and hemicellulose (HCEL of the Stylosanthes guianensis hay. The diet was composed by the hay of S. guianensis plus mineral salt. The hay was offered ad libitum with the refusals estimated for being 20%. Chromium oxide was used as an external marker, to estimate fecal production and digesta

  7. Substituição do Milho pela Farinha de Mandioca de Varredura em Dietas de Cabras em Lactação: Produção e Composição do Leite e Digestibilidade dos Nutrientes Corn Replacement by Cassava by-Product Meal in the Lactating Goat Diets: Effects on Milk Production and Composition and Nutrients Digestibility

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    Gisele Fernanda Mouro


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho pela farinha de mandioca de varredura, em dietas de cabras Saanen em lactação, sobre o desempenho, a composição do leite (sólidos totais e proteína bruta, a digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE, fibra insolúvel em detergente neutro (FDN, e amido e a concentração dos nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT das dietas. Foram utilizadas quatro cabras há 100 dias em lactação. O delineamento utilizado foi o quadrado latino 4 x 4, em que os tratamentos consistiram em níveis de 0, 33, 67 e 100% de substituição do milho pela farinha de varredura. Os tratamentos não influenciaram a ingestão, excreção fecal, digestão total e a digestibilidade total da MS, MO, PB, FDN e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF. Houve diminuição linear na excreção fecal e aumento na digestibilidade do amido, com a inclusão da farinha de mandioca de varredura. O NDT não diferiu entre as dietas estudadas, com média de 71,59%. Houve correlação positiva entre a digestibilidade da matéria orgânica (DIGMO e o NDT (r = 0,9472, permitindo estimativas do NDT a partir da equação NDT (% = 0,8897DIGMO (% + 10,9940 (R²=0,8972. A substituição da farinha da mandioca de varredura não alterou a produção, bem como a composição do leite. Recomenda-se a utilização da farinha de mandioca de varredura em dietas de cabras em lactação, em total substituição ao milho, sem prejuízos na digestibilidade dos nutrientes e na produção.The objectives of this work were to evaluate effects of replacing corn by cassava by-product meal, in diets of Saanen lactating goats, on milk production and composition (total solids and crude protein, nutrient apparent digestibility and total digestible nutrients (TDN of diets. Four multiparous goats fitted with ruminal cannula, with 100 days of lactation, were used. The design was a 4 x 4 Latin

  8. Digestibilidade Aparente de Ingredientes pela Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus Apparent Digestibility of Feedstuffs by Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus

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    Luiz Edivaldo Pezzato


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a digestibilidade aparente do milho, amido de milho, milho extrusado, germe de milho, sorgo, farelo de trigo, farelo de arroz, glúten 21, glúten 60, farelo de soja, farelo de canola, farelo de algodão, farinha de peixe, farinha de carne, farinha de vísceras de aves, farinha de sangue e farinha de penas. Confeccionaram-se 18 rações, marcadas com 0,10% de óxido de crômio III, uma delas, basal purificada, e as demais, contendo os ingredientes. Os peixes, 100 juvenis com 100±10 g, foram alojados em cinco tanques-rede para facilitar o manejo de alimentação e a coleta de fezes e permaneceram, durante o dia, em cinco aquários (250 L de alimentação, recebendo refeições à vontade das 8 às 17h30. Após, foram transferidos para cinco aquários (300 L de coleta de fezes, onde permaneceram até a manhã do dia subseqüente. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente dos ingredientes foi calculado com base no teor de óxido crômio da ração e das fezes. Com base nos resultados, concluiu-se que, entre os ingredientes energéticos, o milho apresentou o melhor coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente, seguindo-se o milho extrusado, o farelo de trigo e o farelo de arroz; dos ingredientes protéicos - vegetal, o glúten 60 e o glúten 21, seguidos do farelo de canola, apresentou os melhores coeficientes e dos protéicos - animal, destacou-se a farinha de vísceras de aves, seguida da farinha de peixes, enquanto os piores coeficientes foram proporcionados pela farinha de penas e farinha de sangue.Apparent digestibility of corn, corn-starch, extruded corn, corn-germ, sorghum, wheat middlings, rice meal, corn gluten meal, gluten 60, soybean meal, canola meal, cottonseed meal, fish meal, meat and bone meal, poultry by-product meal, blood meal and poultry feathers hydrolyzed meal were determined for Nile tilapia juveniles (100±10 g fed purified diet and 0.10% chromic oxide. Fish were maintained in 5 aquaria (250 L at a density of 20 fish

  9. Composição e digestibilidade aparente da silagem de bagaço de laranja

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    Ítavo Luís Carlos Vinhas


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a silagem de bagaço de laranja, com ou sem aditivo enzimático microbiano e ácido fórmico ou acético, com o objetivo de determinar a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, extrato etéreo (EE e carboidratos não-estruturais (CNE. O bagaço de laranja foi ensilado por 70 dias, em tubos de concreto com capacidade de 700 kg, em um ensaio com ovinos, machos, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas. O alimento fornecido foi feno de aveia (70% e silagem (30% com base na MS. Não houve diferença entre os tratamentos para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da silagem. Os aditivos não alteraram o valor nutricional do alimento. A silagem demonstrou ter alta digestibilidade aparente.



    Posada, Martha Isabel; Arroyave, María del Pilar


    El presente artículo es una descripción de los efectos del mercurio sobre algunas plantas acuáticas tropicales y sobre los ecosistemas donde habitan. Adicionalmente, se recomienda un protocolo para realizar pruebas de toxicidad con la lenteja de agua (Lemna minor) y se presentan los resultados de los preensayos con diferentes concentraciones de sales de mercurio en condiciones de laboratorio. Se encontró que la biodisponibilidad del mercurio depende de factores que facilitan la disolución del...

  11. Indicadores bacteriológicos de contaminación fecal en la Bahía de la Habana

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    Lisse López Pérez


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Cuantifi car los indicadores bacteriológicos de contaminación fecal en la Bahía deLa Habana. Metodología. En muestreos realizados desde abril/2010 hasta febrero/2011, mediantemétodos de fermentación en tubos múltiples (NMP, se determinaron las concentraciones de coliformestermotolerantes (CTT, Escherichia coli, estreptococos fecales (EF, enterococos intestinales (ENTen agua, y Clostridium perfringens en los sedimentos superfi ciales. Resultados. Las concentracionesde CTT y E. coli excedieron los valores límites de la normativa cubana para contacto indirecto con lasaguas de la bahía, lo que demuestra la infl uencia negativa de los vertimientos de drenajes albañales yríos de la ciudad. EF y ENT fueron buenos indicadores bacterianos, medidos en el lugar y al momentode la descarga del residual proveniente de los drenajes, aunque estos resultados desafían su usocomo indicadores para evaluar la calidad microbiológica de la bahía. Este resultado se deriva desu bien conocida inactivación por la luz solar en zonas tropicales y la aparente presencia de ácidoshúmicos en las aguas de la bahía. Conclusiones. Los indicadores bacterianos y la relación estadísticaencontrada entre ellos resultaron indicativos de una gran contaminación fecal reciente y crónica enla bahía y zonas costeras, que ha permanecido así desde años anteriores.

  12. Fuentes de Carbohidratos no tradicionales y su efecto en la digestibilidad de dietas para camarones litopenaeus vannamei


    Gómez, Mauricio; Molina, César


    Fuentes de carbohidratos no tradicionales y su efecto en la digestibilidad de dietas para camarones Litopenaeus vannamei Hasta la fecha los alimentos para organismos acuáticos han sido generalmente evaluados en términos de crecimiento y de composición corporal de los animales, confiriendo poca atención a la digestibilidad de los ingredientes o de las dietas compuestas y mucho menos a las posibles interacciones que pueden darse entre niveles de nutrientes presentes en la dieta.

  13. Estudio del contenido de ácidos grasos superiores en veinte variedades tropicales de soya

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    Boris Kocelj Ramírez


    Full Text Available Muy poco se sabe acerca del contenido de ácidos grasos en las diferentes variedades tropicales de soya. En este trabajo se estudiaron veinte variedades tropicales de soya en lo referente a su contenido de aceite y en ácidos grasos. Se determinaros las propiedades físicas y químicas del aceite que lo caracteizan como comestible. El contenido cualitativo y cuantitativo de ácidos grasos individuales se investigó utilizando la técnica de cromatografía de gases. Se analizaron los éteres correspondientes, obtenidos por esterificación catalítica completa con trifluoruro de Boro-metanol. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las propiedades de los aceites de las variedades estudiadas. Se identificaron los ácidos: palmítico, esteárico, linoleico y linolénico


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    Ivan Yu Sakharov


    Full Text Available Se determinó la actividad de la peroxidasa (EC en 7 frutos, 13 raíces y 31 hojas de plantas tropicales que crecen en Colombia. Se encontró que la actividad de la peroxidasa varía ampliamente de una especie a otra. Para el fruto de balazos (Monstera deliciosa se encontró que la actividad de la peroxidasa depende del grado de madurez. Por el contrario, la actividad de peroxidasa de las hojas de la palma de botella (Roystonea regia se mantiene constante todo el año. Algunas especies presentaron alta actividad de peroxidasa como la raíz de batata (Ipomoea batatas, las hojas de pasto guinea (Panicum máximum, las de dormidera (Mimosa pigra, las de higuerilla (Riciims communis L. y las de las siguientes palmas: mararai (Aiphanes caríotifolia, de botella (Roystonea regia, dactilera (Phoenix dactylifera y africana (Elaeis guineensis. Además, mediante isoelectroenfoque se hallaron peroxidasas aniónicas (pl 3.4 - 5.6 tanto en la raíz de batata como en las palmas analizadas.


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    Neiva S\\u00E1nchez-Chiang


    Full Text Available El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue describir las principales técnicas para conservación in vitro de germoplasma por corto y largo plazo. Estas técnicas permiten el establecimiento de bancos de germoplasma. Este trabajo se centra en su uso en cultivos tropicales. Las técnicas de conservación in vitro han permitido la preservación de recursos fitogenéticos para su uso ulterior con fines de mejoramiento genético, investigación y de seguridad alimentaria. En muchos centros de investigación se han utilizado estas técnicas para almacenar tejidos y semillas de cultivos tropicales, los cuales de forma convencional son difíciles de preservar.


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    Andréa Márcia de Oliveira GOMES


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    RESUMO: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi verificar o comprometimento dos aminoácidos essenciais com os componentes de fração insolúvel da fibra da dieta (celulose e lignina e sua relação com a baixa digestibilidade apresentada pelos feijões. Foram estudados o feijão-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris, variedade preto, e o feijão-fradinho (Vigna sinensis. Foi determinado o nitrogênio protéico retido nos resíduos de NDF (fibra detergente neutro, ADF (fibra detergente ácido e lignina, das amostras cozidas e dessecadas. A digestibilidade in vitro das proteínas foi determinada por hidrólise enzimática com pepsina e pancreatina, nas amostras de feijões e nos resíduos de NDF, ADF e lignina. Os resultados encontrados mostraram uma baixa digestibilidade in vitro para os resíduos de NDF, ADF e lignina, que contribuem para a baixa digestibilidade apresentada pelos feijões. Foi observada uma relação entre a digestibilidade e a proporção entre proteína e celulose. A celulose apresentou a maior porcentagem de proteína não hidrolisada (18,02% e 11,78%, seguindo-se a lignina (3,08% e 3,29% e as hemiceluloses (0,09% e 0,18%, nas amostras de feijão-preto e fradinho, respectivamente. Foi observado que a celulose apresenta o maior comprometimento de aminoácidos essenciais, com valores entre 7,14% e 8,35% e 7,55% e 7,81%, respectivamente para o feijão preto e fradinho. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Fibra de dieta; digestibilidade in vitro de proteínas; aminoácidos essenciais; feijões; Phaseolus vulgaris; Vigna sinensis.

  17. Segmentation hyperspectrale de forets tropicales par arbres de partition binaires


    Tochon, Guillaume; Feret, J.B.; Valero, Silvia; Martin, R.E.; Tupayachi, R.; Chanussot, Jocelyn; Salembier Clairon, Philippe Jean; Asner, G.P.


    La segmentation d’images de forêts tropicales est un outil important pour faciliter le travail des écologues. Dans ce papier, nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de segmentation pour les images hyperspectrales, basée sur la construction d’un arbre de partition binaire (APB). Nous introduisons tout d’abord une étape de prétraitement combinant une analyse en composantes principales et la définition de cartes de pré-segmentation, afin de réduire spatialement et spectralement le volume de données...

  18. Los servicios ecosistémicos que ofrecen los bosques tropicales


    P. Balvanera


    Los servicios ecosistémicos son los beneficios que las sociedades obtienen de los ecosistemas. Este concepto permite hacer más explícita la interdependencia del bienestar humano y el mantenimiento del adecuado funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. Los bosques tropicales del mundo, debido a su amplia distribución, elevada diversidad y contribución a funciones clave del planeta como la regulación climática e hidrológica proveen una serie de servicios ecosistémicos críticos. En este artículo se hac...

  19. Indicadores para estimativa da digestibilidade parcial em bovinos Markers for measurements of partial digestion in cattle

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    Marcia Dias


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a digestibilidade intestinal da FDN estimada por diferentes indicadores e o efeito das amostras coletadas no período diurno ou diário sobre a digestibilidade desse nutriente. Utilizaram-se quatro novilhas Holandês-Zebu, fistuladas no rúmen e no íleo, mantidas em regime de confinamento com dieta à base de feno de capim-tifton (Cynodon spp., oferecido ad libitum, e 1 kg de concentrado (27% PB. O experimento durou 60 dias divididos em três períodos de 15 dias. A adaptação à dieta experimental foi de sete dias e, entre os períodos, respeitou-se um intervalo de quatro dias. No 1º, 7º e 13º dias de cada período experimental, realizou-se coleta total de fezes; do 2º ao 4º dia, coleta de amostra de digesta omasal e, do 8º ao 10º dia, amostras de digesta ileal. Para a mensuração do fluxo de digesta omasal, foram utilizados os sistemas de indicadores único e duplo. No sistema único, foram comparados a fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi, a fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi e o óxido crômico (Cr2O3. No sistema duplo, foram comparadas as associações entre o complexo de cobalto-ácido etilenodiaminotetracético (Co-EDTA com a FDNi (Co-FDNi e a FDAi (Co-FDAi. Para estimativa do fluxo ileal, foram utilizados apenas os indicadores únicos. Não foi verificada diferença significativa entre as amostras de digesta coletadas apenas no período diurno e aquelas coletadas no período diário, portanto, a digestibilidade pode ser estimada com coleta de amostras realizadas apenas no período diurno. Embora a FDNi, a FDAi e o Co-FDAi possam ser utilizados na estimativa de parâmetros de digestibilidade parcial na coleta de digesta omasal, recomenda-se o uso das fibras indigestíveis por serem menos onerosas e de melhor manipulação.The objective of this trial was to investigate the intestinal digestion of neutral detergent fiber (NDF using different markers and the effect of sampling collection

  20. Metodologias para determinação da digestibilidade de dietas contendo fontes proteicas vegetal ou animal em cães Methodology for determination of digestibility of diets containing vegetable or animal protein sources in dogs

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    Carolina Pedro Zanatta


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar diferentes metodologias de determinação da digestibilidade em cães, alimentados com duas dietas contendo fontes proteicas animal (farinha de vísceras de aves - FVA e vegetal (farelo de soja - FS. As metodologias avaliadas foram: colheita total de fezes (CTF e os indicadores cinza insolúvel em ácido (CIA, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA e fibra bruta (FB. Foram utilizados 8 cães adultos, em delineamento Cross over, em parcela subdividida no tempo (parcela: fontes proteicas; e subparcela: metodologias de digestibilidade. O período experimental foi constituído por cinco dias de adaptação, com cinco dias de colheita total de fezes. A dieta contendo FS apresentou maior CDA da PB, enquanto a dieta contendo FVA apresentou maior CDA dos demais nutrientes e energia metabolizável (EM. Os CDA e EM determinados pela CTF e pelos indicadores não diferiram entre si, podendo ser determinados pelos indicadores FB, FDA e CIA, independentemente da fonte proteica da dieta.The objective was to evaluate different methods of measuring digestibility in dogs fed two diets containing animal (poultry by products - PBP and vegetable (soybean meal - SBM protein sources. The methods evaluated were: total fecal collection (TFC and indicators: acid insoluble ash (AIA, acid detergent fiber (ADF and crude fiber (CF. Eight dogs were distributed in Cross Over in split plots (plot: sources of protein; subplot: methods for digestibility, fed by five days of adaptation and five days of total fecal collection. The diet containing SBM had a higher ADC of CP, while the diet containing POM showed higher ADC of all nutrients and metabolizable energy (ME. The ADC and ME determined by the TFC and the indicators did not differ. Thus, the ADC of diets in dogs can be determined by TFC and CF, ADF and AIA indicators, regardless of source of dietary protein.

  1. Almacenes y dinámica del carbono orgánico en ecosistemas forestales tropicales de México

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    Julio Campo


    Full Text Available El efecto del régimen de precipitación en la dinámica del carbono en los bosques tropicales es poco conocido a pesar de su importante papel en el ciclo global del C. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar si existe un efecto de la lluvia y del uso de la tierra en el ciclo del C. También se analizó la recuperación de los almacenes del C luego del abandono del pastoreo por ganado en regiones tropicales forestales distribuidas en un amplio rango de precipitación media anual. Se analizaron datos publicados de ocho bosques tropicales mexicanos, que incluyó un intervalo de precipitación media anual entre 642 y 4725 mm. El análisis indicó que el C en la biomasa aumentó con la precipitación media anual. La concentración de C en los primeros 20 cm del suelo tendió a aumentar con la precipitación media anual, pero presentó un pico también en el extremo más seco del gradiente, probablemente debido a su limitada descomposición. El almacén total de C en el suelo aumentó con la precipitación y, en particular, en el subsuelo (>30 cm, donde se acumuló del 49 al 60% del total. Los efectos del uso del suelo en el C parecen depender del régimen de precipitación. En contraste, el C del suelo durante la sucesión secundaria no varió con la intensidad de la sequía, aun cuando el número de estudios fue muy limitado. El análisis sugiere que el régimen de precipitación juega un papel central en la dinámica del ciclo del C en los bosques tropicales.


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    Márcia Regina Pereira MONTEIRO


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    Entre as diversas leguminosas estudadas, o tremoço é uma fonte de proteína vegetal de grande potencial para uso na alimentação humana. As espécies dessa leguminosa são originárias do Mediterrâneo e da America do Sul e as mais cultivadas são o Lupinus albus (tremoço branco e o Lupinus angustifolius (tremoço azul. Entretanto, existem fatores antinutricionais presentes nessa leguminosa que precisam ser inativados. Essas substâncias interferem negativamente na digestibilidade proteica e um grande conteúdo delas pode implicar em menor biodisponibilidade da proteína. Este trabalho baseia-se na premissa de que o tratamento térmico adequado dado aos grãos de tremoço promove a inativação dos fatores antinutricionais presentes nessa leguminosa, melhorando, assim, sua digestibilidade. Foram aplicados dois tratamentos térmicos de 100oC por 60 minutos e 150oC por 30 minutos nos grãos do tremoço. Os tratamentos térmicos foram efi cazes para inativação da atividade de urease. A solubilidade não apresentou diferença signifi cativa após tratamento térmico, passando de 79% a 75%. A média da digestibilidade verdadeira encontrada para o Lupinus albus foi de 90,89%, enquanto o Lupinus angustifolius foi de 89,3%. Ao comparar as duas digestibilidades, observou-se que a digestibilidade in vivo se mostrou signifi cativamente maior (p<0,05 que a digestibilidade in vitro após aplicação de tratamento térmico par o Lupinus albus. Pode-se concluir que o tratamento térmico foi efi ciente para inibir a atividade da enzima uréase e que o binômio tempo-temperatura utilizado não foi excessivo a ponto de diminuir a solubilidade.


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    Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho


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    Intake, apparent digestibility of nutrients, daily gain, feed conversion and the carcass yield in beef cattle receiving diets containing 0; 0.5; 1.0 e 1.5% of urea in total dry matter were evaluated. Twenty four crossed steers Holstein x Zebu (HxZ, castrated, with initial mean body weight of 290 kg were distributed in a completely randomized design. Sorghum silage was used as roughage adopting relation roughage:concentrate of 70:30 in dry matter basis. In order to determine the fecal excretion, indigestible acid detergent fiber was used as a marker. Intake and digestibility of nutrients were not influenced (P>0.05 by the proportions of urea in the diets. For intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter, mean values of 8.42 kg/day or 2.33% of BW and 64.52% were registered, respectively. Mean daily gain (1.05kg, feed conversion (8.07 and carcass yield (48.72% were not influenced (P>0.05 by the proportions of urea in the diets. Levels of 1.5% of urea in dry matter of total diet can be used in the preparation of diets for finishing beef cattle (HxZ, without compromising intake and digestibility of nutrients and the animal performance as well.

    KEY WORDS: Carcass yield, feed conversion, feedlot, sorghum silage.

    Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar e o rendimento de carcaça em bovinos de corte recebendo dietas contendo 0%; 0,5%; 1,0% e 1,5% de uréia na matéria seca total. Foram utilizados 24 animais mestiços Holandês x Zebu (HxZ, castrados, com peso vivo inicial médio de 290 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Utilizou-se a silagem de sorgo como volumoso numa relação volumoso:concentrado de 70:30, com base na matéria seca. Para determinação da excreção fecal, utilizou-se a fibra em detergente ácido indigestível como indicador. O consumo e a

  4. Dynamique spatio-temporelle de la forêt tropicale (United States)

    Chave, J.

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of the tropical rain forest Mechanisms which drive the dynamics of forest ecosystems are complex, from seedling establishment to pollination, and seed dispersal by animals, running water or wind. These processes are more complex when the ecosystem shelters a large number of species and of vegetative forms, as it is the case in the tropical rainforest. To take them into account, we must develop and use models. I present a review of the fundamental mechanisms for the of a natural forest dynamics — photosynthesis, tree growth, recruitment and mortality — as well as a description of the past and of the present of tropical rainforests. This information is used to develop a spatially-explicit and individual-based forest model. Simplified models are deduced from it, and they serve to address more specific issues, such as the resilience of the forest to climate disturbances, or savanna-forest dynamics. The last topic is related to the spatio-temporal description of tropical plant biodiversity. A detailed introduction to the problem is provided, and models accounting for the maintenance of diversity are compared. These models include non spatial as well a spatial approaches (branching anihilating random walks and voter model with mutation). Les mécanismes régissant la dynamique des écosystèmes forestiers sont complexes, de l'établissement des plantules à la pollinisation et la dispersion des graines, transportées par les animaux, l'eau ou le vent. Ces processus sont d'autant plus divers que l'écosystème abrite un large nombre d'espèces et de formes végétatives, comme c'est le cas dans les forêts tropicales humides. Leur prise en compte et la compréhension de leur importance relative doit passer par la définition de modèles. Je présente une revue des différents mécanismes fondamentaux dans la dynamique d'une forêt—photosynthèse, croissance des arbres, reproduction, mortalité—ainsi qu'une description du passé et de l

  5. Indicators for estimating the total apparent digestibility in horses Indicadores para estimativa da digestibilidade aparente total em equinos

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    Roberta Ariboni Brandi


    Full Text Available The objective of this study to evaluate various indicators to estimate the total nutrient digestibility in horses. We used four adult mares, breed, grouped in a 4 x 4 Latin square balanced fed diets containing equal parts of hay Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp and concentrated experimental containing corn subjected to four processes: a diet containing ground corn ; flaked corn diet 2, 3 rolled corn, and 4 extruded corn. The weighting coefficient of digestibility of nutrients by the indicators was done through the bias. The accuracy and precision were determined by comparing the predicted and observed data, and the robustness of the biases by comparing with other factors studied. The chromic oxide methods showed similar values of apparent digestibility of nutrients when compared to the total collection method. We observed higher accuracy for the acid detergent lignin as compared to the other indicators tested. However, the acid detergent lignin underestimated the digestibility of nutrients when compared to the total collection. The acid detergent insoluble ash overestimated the digestibility of nutrients when compared to the total collection. The chromic oxide is presented as a better indicator for estimating the total apparent digestibility in horses due to its higher accuracy among the markers evaluated.Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar diferentes indicadores para estimativa das digestibilidades aparente total em equinos. Foram utilizadas quatro éguas adultas, sem raça definida, agrupadas em um quadrado latino 4 x 4 balanceado, alimentadas com dietas que continham partes iguais de feno da gramínea Tifton 85 (Cynodon sp e concentrado experimental que continha milho submetido a quatro processamentos: dieta um milho triturado; dieta dois milho floculado; dieta três milho laminado e dieta quatro milho extrusado. A ponderação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes pelos indicadores foi efetuada por meio do viés. A acurácia e a precis

  6. Historia breve de las enfermedades tropicales en América

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    Dulce María Delgadillo Álvarez


    Full Text Available La región tropical de la Tierra comprende la zona entre los trópicos de Cáncer y de Capricornio y es en esta franja en donde se localizan países con grandes riquezas naturales pero con economías de ingresos bajos o medios-bajos. Aunado a esto, las características climatológicas de la región son propicias para el desarrollo de organismos patógenos que causan enfermedades graves en la población humana. El término enfermedad tropical, es resultado de un proceso histórico social observado por los europeos durante la conquista y la colonia pues, en el trópico americano, las enfermedades tropicales no existían antes de la llegada de los españoles. Cuando los conquistadores llegaron llevaron consigo patógenos que causaron la muerte de casi el 90 % de la población original siendo las epidemias de viruela, sarampión y gripe las más devastadoras. La conquista del continente fue posible en gran medida por el intercambio biológico entre conquistadores y conquistados y estuvo acompañada de la destrucción de las dos civilizaciones americanas más avanzadas, la azteca en México y la inca en Perú. Durante los siguientes siglos, el intercambio biológico ha sido más amplio; las enfermedades tropicales están ahora presentes en todo el mundo y deben ser atendidas no importando la región del mundo en la que se manifiesten.

  7. Calidad nutricional y digestibilidad in situ de ensilajes de cuatro leñosas forrajeras

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    María Ligia Roa

    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto del tiempo de conservación en la calidad nutricional y la digestibilidad in situ de ensilajes de cuatro plantas leñosas forrajeras: Cratylia argentea (T1, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (T2, Trichanthera gigantea (T3 y Tithonia diversifolia (T4. Las plantas fueron podadas a los seis meses de establecidas y a los tres meses de rebrote, y se utilizaron las hojas y ramas tiernas pequeñas para confeccionar 64 silos de 10 kg, en bolsas plásticas. Cada tiempo de conservación (0, 30, 60 y 90 días tuvo cuatro repeticiones. Para calcular la digestibilidad de la MS, el NT y la FDN y los parámetros de la digestibilidad efectiva (DE, se utilizaron cuatro bovinos fistulados en el rumen, distribuidos en un diseño cuadrado latino 4 x 4. Los ensilajes presentaron aspecto y olor agradables, con pH entre 4,2 y 4,6 y nitrógeno amoniacal menor que 1 %. El porcentaje de NT fue mayor para T1 (2,52 y T2 (2,43, y este nutriente se redujo hasta los 90 días. La DE de la MS, el NT y la FDN fue superior (p < 0,05 en T2, con tendencia a disminuir con el tiempo de conservación (90 días. Este mismo comportamiento presentaron las fracciones A, B y c. El mayor contenido de lignina se resentó en T3 (5,45 % y T4 (5,60 %, indicador que afectó de manera negativa la cinética ruminal. La disminución de la calidad nutricional y la digestibilidad por el tiempo de conservación fue menor para T2 y T3. Se concluye que las propiedades órganolepticas de los ensilajes fueron óptimas, el nitrógeno amoniacal no superó el 1% y el ácido láctico varió entre 1,0 y 3,6 %; mientras que el tiempo afectó en menor grado la composición nutricional del ensilaje de H. rosa-sinensis, con respecto a las otras forrajeras. Se recomienda ensilar para la época de seca y utilizar los ensilajes antes de los 60 días de conservación.

  8. Análisis del Impacto en Costa Rica de los Ciclones Tropicales Ocurridos en el Mar Caribe desde 1968 al 2007

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    Eric J. Alfaro Martínez


    Full Text Available El estudio de la actividad de los ciclones tropicales, así como su caracterización histórica en la región centroamericana, es una prioridad para apoyar las actividades de mitigación del impacto que estos fenómenos provocan en las diversas zonas del istmo. Basado en lo anterior, en este trabajo se definen para Costa Rica, los años de alto o bajo impacto por el paso de ciclones tropicales en el Caribe considerando variables asociadas a la trayectoria del evento, la permanencia del mismo cerca del istmo y la frecuencia de los fenómenos en la cuenca. El análisis mostró que la mayor probabilidad de ocurrencia de los ciclones tropicales cerca de América Central se presenta durante el trimestre agosto-setiembre-octubre. Se observó también, que durante los años que mostraron altas ocurrencias de ciclones cerca de América Central, el Atlántico Tropical Norte presentó campos con anomalías positivas en la temperatura superficial del mar y la humedad relativa en 700 hPa, y negativas en la presión media al nivel del mar. Además, Costa Rica posee una rica fuente en información sobre desastres de origen natural que afectaron directamente centros poblacionales y diversos sectores socio-económicos, como el agropecuario, energía y transporte, entre otros. Esto permitió el detalle de los desastres sufridos en Costa Rica por ciclones tropicales durante las últimas cuatro décadas. El trabajo indicó que la tendencia encontrada en el reporte anual de impactos por eventos hidrometeorológicos, no puede ser explicada totalmente por efectos climáticos, lo que hace necesario incluir variables de otro tipo, como las socio-económicas.

  9. Análisis del impacto en Costa Rica de los ciclones tropicales ocurridos en el Mar Caribe desde 1968 al 2007

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    Eric J. Alfaro Martínez


    Full Text Available El estudio de la actividad de los ciclones tropicales, así como su caracterización histórica en la región centroamericana, es una prioridad para apoyar las actividades de mitigación del impacto que estos fenómenos provocan en las diversas zonas del istmo. Basado en lo anterior, en este trabajo se definen para Costa Rica, los años de alto o bajo impacto por el paso de ciclones tropicales en el Caribe considerando variables asociadas a la trayectoria del evento, la permanencia del mismo cerca del istmo y la frecuencia de los fenómenos en la cuenca. El análisis mostró que la mayor probabilidad de ocurrencia de los ciclones tropicales cerca de América Central se presenta durante el trimestre agosto-setiembre-octubre. Se observó también, que durante los años que mostraron altas ocurrencias de ciclones cerca de América Central, el Atlántico Tropical Norte presentó campos con anomalías positivas en la temperatura superficial del mar y la humedad relativa en 700 hPa, y negativas en la presión media al nivel del mar. Además, Costa Rica posee una rica fuente en información sobre desastres de origen natural que afectaron directamente centros poblacionales y diversos sectores socio-económicos, como el agropecuario, energía y transporte, entre otros. Esto permitió el detalle de los desastres sufridos en Costa Rica por ciclones tropicales durante las últimas cuatro décadas. El trabajo indicó que la tendencia encontrada en el reporte anual de impactos por eventos hidrometeorológicos, no puede ser explicada totalmente por efectos climáticos, lo que hace necesario incluir variables de otro tipo, como las socio-económicas.

  10. Contenido total de fenoles y actividad antioxidante de pulpa de seis frutas tropicales


    Elizabeth Moreno; Blanca L. Ortiz; Luz P. Restrepo


    Seis pulpas de frutas tropicales de origen colombiano: curuba (Passiflora tripartida var. Mollissima), gulupa (Passiflora edulis Sims), aguacate variedad Hass (Persea America Mill), lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.), tomate de árbol (Cyphomandra betacea Sendt) y uchuva (Physalis peruviana L) fueron empleadas para realizar el estudio del contenido total de fenoles, por el método de Folin Ciocalteu y la actividad antioxidante por los métodos químicos: DPPH (2,2-difenil-2-picrilhidrazilo) y FRAP (po...


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    Álvaro Gustavo Cañadas López


    Full Text Available Este documento desglosa algunos de los mayores esfuerzos desarrollados para el manejo de los bosques naturales tropicales en el Ecuador y el mundo. En especial, están siendo revisados, el desempeño de la certificación de manejo forestal sostenible y los productos no maderables del bosque. Existen algunos ejemplos en que, bajo ciertas condiciones, el manejo de los bosques tropicales nativos es una opción viable como uso del suelo. La certificación forestal ha probado ser un instrumento que ha permitido el manejo forestal en forma sostenible. Este instrumento está trabajando en la dirección correcta, pero todavía es muy débil. Naturalmente, la certificación como único instrumento, no puede reorientar el manejo hacia la sostenibilidad y particularmente no, en términos mundiales. Se ha hablado de una fase de acercamiento de la certificación del manejo del bosque, la cual sería aceptada si ella está adaptada sobre todo, al nivel de los estándares locales, gobiernos y estructuras de participación en las iniciativas de la certificación. Fundamental es el papel de los gobiernos y de la aplicabilidad en regiones específicas (zonas tropicales, bajo condiciones concretas (por ejemplo, con una carencia de la supervisión del bosque por parte del gobierno o tipos determinados de negociaciones (intermediarios, micro-negocios. Solamente, si los consumidores dominantes del recurso y los gobiernos (especialmente políticas de gobierno, apoyan activamente el proceso y sus resultados. Entonces, los sistemas de certificación pueden entregar una solución técnica. Por otro lado, la perspectiva de los Productos no Maderables del Bosque (PNMDB, ha contribuido muy poco para la conservación del bosque tropical nativo.


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    Víctor Godoy Espinoza


    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo de ésta investigación fue evaluar la fenología, producción, composición química nutricional y digestibilidad in vivo de A. pintoi y de establecer modelos matemáticos para determinar el valor nutricional y producción en base a la composición química de la planta. Las evaluaciones fenológicas se realizaron en la hacienda ESPE y la digestibilidad in vivo en la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la ESPOCH. En la primera fase se utilizaron parcelas experimentales de 10x15 m con cuatro repeticiones, mientras que en la segunda fase la unidad experimental fue un ovino (n=4. En ambos ensayos se aplicó un diseño experimental completamente al azar con un modelo lineal aditivo utilizando un nivel de significancia del 5%. Se realizó un análisis de correlación y regresión lineal entre variables fenológicas, composición química, digestibilidad y energía. Todos los análisis fueron realizados con el paquete SPSS 10. Las mayores producciones de forraje verde y materia seca (MS por hectárea se obtuvieron con cortes a los 75 días con 47,730 y 12,480 kg ha-1, respectivamente. En cuanto a la composición química de la proteína bruta y digestibilidad in vivo de la MS, el forraje cortado a 30 días obtuvo los mayores valores con 24.50 y 66.42%, respectivamente. El máximo valor de energía neta de lactancia (ENL se logró en el corte de 30 días, alcanzando 1.51 para luego disminuir a 1.24 Mcal ENL kg-1 a los 75 días.

  13. Digestibilidade aparente de dietas com diferentes níveis de farelo de canola para cavalos

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    Oliveira Kátia de


    Full Text Available Foram utilizados quatro eqüinos, machos, com média de 3,5 anos e peso vivo entre 400-450 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental em quadrado latino 4 x 4 (período x animal. Os níveis de inclusão do farelo de canola nas rações foram de 0,0; 2,5; 4,5 e 7,0%, substituindo, respectivamente, 0; 35; 65 e 100% da proteína bruta (PB do farelo de soja. As rações foram isoprotéicas (13% PB e isocalóricas (4250 kcal/kg. Utilizou-se o método de coleta total de fezes para determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes. Não houve efeito entre os níveis de substituição da proteína bruta do farelo de soja pelo farelo de canola para nenhum dos nutrientes avaliados. Os valores médios obtidos para os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, energia bruta, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido foram, respectivamente, 64,04; 55,82; 62,89; 51,20 e 42,05%. Os concentrados para eqüinos podem ser formulados com substituição total da proteína bruta do farelo de soja pelo farelo de canola (nível de inclusão de 7%, sem afetar adversamente a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, tornando-se, assim, uma fonte protéica alternativa para as dietas desta espécie.

  14. Digestibilidade de alimentos protéicos e energéticos para fêmeas de beta Digestibility of protein feedstuffs and energetic feedstuffs for female beta

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    Jener Alexandre Sampaio Zuanon


    Full Text Available Foram avaliados os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de MS, PB, energia bruta (EB e EE de alimentos protéicos (farelo de soja e farinha de peixe e energéticos (fubá de milho e farelo de trigo para beta (Betta splendens. Fêmeas adultas foram alojadas em gaiolas e mantidas em dois aquários de fibra de vidro (30 peixes/aquário para alimentação e dois para coleta de fezes, ambos de formato cônico e com capacidade para 30 L. Os resultados dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de MS, PB, EB e EE foram, respectivamente, de 69,43; 72,52; 67,91 e 55,50% para farelo de soja; 60,67; 51,15; 75,55 e 58,26% para farinha de peixe; 63,88; 87,16; 77,61 e 50,40% para fubá de milho; e 61,06; 93,37; 58,17 e 65,51% para farelo de trigo. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo permitem otimizar a formulação de dietas práticas balanceadas, economicamente viáveis para a espécie.Apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, gross energy and ether extract from protein feeds: soybean meal and fish meal and from energy feeds: corn and wheat middlings were evaluated for Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens. Adult female fish were stocked in cages and held in two fiberglass aquaria (30 fish/aquarium for feeding and two aquaria for collect fecal samples, both with conic shape with 30L. The results of apparent digestibility coefficients for DM, CP, GE and EE were respectively 69.43, 72.52, 67.91 and 55.50% for soybean meal; 60.67, 51.15, 75.55 and 58.26% for fish meal; 63.88, 87.16, 77.61 and 50.40% for corn and 61.06, 93.37, 58.17 and 65.51% for wheat middlings. The determined digestibility values are essential to economically viable practical diet formulation for Siamese fish fighting.

  15. Níveis de proteína bruta em dietas para bovinos de corte: consumo e digestibilidades total e parcial dos nutrientes Crude protein levels in diets of beef cattle: intake and apparent total tract, intestinal, and ruminal digestibilities of nutrients

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    Maria Andréa Borges Cavalcante


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os consumos e as digestibilidades total e parcial dos nutrientes em novilhos Holandês x Zebu recebendo dietas contendo quatro níveis de proteína bruta (10,5; 12; 13,5 e 15% de PB na matéria seca, constituídas de 65% de feno de capim-tifton 85 e 35% de concentrado. Foram utilizados quatro animais castrados, fistulados no rúmen e abomaso, com peso vivo médio inicial de 487,3 kg, distribuídos em um quadrado latino 4 x 4. Cada período experimental teve duração de 20 dias - 10 para adaptação às dietas, seis para coletas de amostras de fezes e digestas de abomaso, um para a coleta de líquido ruminal, um para a coleta total de urina, em 24 horas, e dois para a coleta de conteúdo ruminal. Para determinação da excreção fecal, utilizou-se o óxido crômico como indicador. Os consumos de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT não foram influenciados pelos níveis de proteína bruta (PB das dietas, mas os consumos de PB aumentaram e os de extrato etéreo (EE e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF reduziram com o incremento de PB das dietas. As digestibilidades aparentes totais da MS, MO e PB aumentaram linearmente com a concentração protéica das dietas. As digestibilidades aparentes ruminal e intestinal dos nutrientes não foram afetadas pelos níveis de PB das dietas, com exceção à digestibilidade intestinal da PB, que aumentou 2,77 unidades para cada percentual de PB acrescentado à dieta.The objective of this trial was to study the effects of different dietary levels of crude protein (CP on intake and apparent total tract, intestinal, and ruminal digestibilities of nutrients in Holstein x Zebu steers. The diets contained [dry matter (DM basis]: 10.5, 12, 13.5, or 15% of CP and a forage (Tifton 85:concentrate ratio of 65:35. Four castrated animals averaging 487.3 kg of body weight at the beginning of the trial and fitted with both abomasum and

  16. Producción de frutas tropicales en el estado de la florida, Estados Unidos de América

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    Arjona Díaz Harvey


    Full Text Available Los cultivos de frutas tropicales han sido importantes en el estado de la Florida durante el último siglo. Durante este tiempo han ocurrido cambios en estos cultivos debido a presiones económicas sociales v ambientales. El sur de la penínsuta de la Florida tiene un clima que permite el cultivo de una gran cantidad de frutas tropicales y subtropicales. Las bajas temperaturas que se presentan en los meses de diciembre, enero y febrero son el factor más limitante en la producción. Los Problemas relacionados de ínformación acerca de éstos cultivos necesitan superar separa que la industria tenga un mayor desarrollo. A pesar de estos problemas, actualmente hay un gran interés en la producción de frutas tropicales en la Florida, locual representa un reto importante para los productores, los hombres de negocios y los investigadores.
    Tropical fruit crops have been economically important in Florida for nearly a century. Changes in these crops have occurred due to economic, environmental and social pressures. The southern half of the Florida penninsula has aclimate whichis favorable for growing a large number of tropical and subtropical fruit species. Low air temperatures during December, January and February are the most limiting factors. Problems related to propagation,cultivars, mineral nutrition, pests and disea·ses, lack of information about the crops, andacceptance by the general public of new fruits need to be overcome. Regardless of theseproblems, presently there is a great interestin tropical fruit production in Florida, which represents an interesting challange for producers,researches, and bussiness people.

  17. Processamento de grãos de milho para ruminantes: Digestibilidade aparente e "in situ"

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    Carlos de Sousa Lucci


    Full Text Available Seis carneiros machos Suffolk, com pesos de 35 a 40 kg e idades de 2 anos, dotados de cânulas de rúmen, foram utilizados para comparar dietas contendo milho em grãos processados para diferentes tamanhos de partículas: A grosseiramente quebrado B grosseiramente moído (quirera grossa C finamente moído (fubá. O delineamento empregado foi o "change-over", com dois grupos de três animais em período experimental de 84 dias. A ração era composta de farelo de soja (14 %, milho em grãos (26 % e feno (60 %, medindo-se digestibilidade total e "in situ" do milho e do feno parâmetros ruminais: pH, N-NH3 e cinética de líquidos. Os resultados mostraram menores taxas de degradabilidade da matéria seca e proteína bruta do milho quando fornecido grosseiramente quebrado. Não ocorreram influências dos tratamentos sobre a fibra do feno ou sobre parâmetros ruminais. Concluiu-se que, no interior do rúmen, grãos de milho finamente moídos tiveram maior digestibilidade sem provocar alterações na digestão da fibra.

  18. Fecal microbiota transplant (United States)

    ... page: // Fecal microbiota transplant To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) helps to replace some of the " ...

  19. The fecal bacteria (United States)

    Sadowsky, Michael J.; Whitman, Richard L.


    The Fecal Bacteria offers a balanced, integrated discussion of fecal bacteria and their presence and ecology in the intestinal tract of mammals, in the environment, and in the food supply. This volume covers their use in examining and assessing water quality in order to offer protection from illnesses related to swimming in or ingesting contaminated water, in addition to discussing their use in engineering considerations of water quality, modeling, monitoring, and regulations. Fecal bacteria are additionally used as indicators of contamination of ready-to-eat foods and fresh produce. The intestinal environment, the microbial community structure of the gut microbiota, and the physiology and genomics of this broad group of microorganisms are explored in the book. With contributions from an internationally recognized group of experts, the book integrates medicine, public health, environmental, and microbiological topics in order to provide a unique, holistic understanding of fecal bacteria. Moreover, it shows how the latest basic science and applied research findings are helping to solve problems and develop effective management strategies. For example, readers will discover how the latest tools and molecular approaches have led to our current understanding of fecal bacteria and enabled us to improve human health and water quality. The Fecal Bacteria is recommended for microbiologists, clinicians, animal scientists, engineers, environmental scientists, food safety experts, water quality managers, and students. It will help them better understand fecal bacteria and use their knowledge to protect human and environmental health. They can also apply many of the techniques and molecular tools discussed in this book to the study of a broad range of microorganisms in a variety of habitats.

  20. Un réseau d'observation des glaciers dans les Andes tropicales

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    Full Text Available Par leur grande sensibilité au changement climatique, les glaciers tropicaux sont d’excellents indicateurs de l’évolution du climat et, en même temps, des objets hydrologiques susceptibles d’évoluer rapidement dans le futur. On montre que l’actuel recul accéléré des glaciers dans les Andes centrales et les conséquences qu’il peut avoir en matière hydrologique et de risques naturels rendent nécessaire un programme de surveillance de ces glaciers au niveau de toute la chaîne, ce que l’ORSTOM contribue à faire depuis 1991. UNA RED DE OBSERVACIÓN DE LOS GLACIARES EN LOS ANDES TROPICALES. Por su gran sensibilidad al cambio climático, los glaciares tropicales son excelentes indicadores de la evolución del clima, así como objectos hidrológicos susceptibles de una evolución rápida en el futuro. Considerando el actual retroceso acelerado de los glaciares en los Andes centrales y las consecuencias que puede tener a nivel hidrológico así como en el campo de los riesgos naturales, es necesario un programa de monitoreo de los glaciares a nivel de toda la cordillera, que es lo que ORSTOM contribuye a hacer desde 1991. A GLACIER MONITORING NETWORK IN THE TROPICAL ANDES. The high sensibility of Tropical glaciers to climatic forcing make it possible to use them as reliable indicators of climate evolution, as well as hydrological systems which could change rapidly in the future. Considering the present increase in glacier retreat in central Andes and the consequences induced by this evolution on water resources and natural hazards, a monitoring program at a large scale appears to be highly desirable. This has been the objective of ORSTOM since 1991.

  1. Urbanización e impacto de los ciclones tropicales en la ciudad de Progreso de Castro, Yucatán

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    Marcelino García Benítez


    Full Text Available En México , las ciudades costeras presentan mayor vulnerabilidad por exposición a los ciclones tropicales, en parte por las condiciones medio ambientales locales que repercute en el desarrollo de la urbanización. Pero la falta de espacio para la ciudad ha ocasionado el incremento en la presión de los ecosistemas naturales, lo que influye en el deterioro e inestabilidad del subsuelo y contaminación de la zona de manglar. La ciudad de Progreso de Castro es el centro urbano más grande y concentrador de p oblación en la costa de Yucatán; su cercanía con la ciudad de Mérida implica una relación urbana y socioeconómica de gran transcendencia en el sistema estatal de ciudades. Entre su infraestructura existe un puerto de altura que es utilizado por las embarcaciones de carga y turísticas que llegan a esta región, así como un área de manglar entre la ciudad y la zona continental que sirve para darle abrigo a las embarcaciones en caso de alerta de acercamiento de un fenómeno ciclónico en la región. Los ciclones tropicales tie nen una presencia latente en la ciudad . A unque anualmente no presentan una trayectoria por el centro de la ciudad, son los efectos de su estructura en espiral, su intensidad y velocidad de desplazamiento los que repercuten en la probabilidad de ocasionar d años de desastre a los habitantes y su infraestructura . S e prevé que los fenómenos ciclónicos se vuelvan más intensos por los efectos del cambio climático en el futuro. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer un estudio sobre la vulnerabilidad por exposición a escala geográfica de secciones electorales , y la relación de las trayectorias de los ciclones tropicales a cuatro rangos de distancia , desde 1880 a 2015 en el interior de la ciudad de Progreso de Castro. Los resultados están relacionados con la construc ción del índice de vulnerabilidad urbana por exposición a los ciclones tropicales , aplicado mediante cinco indicadores, en los cuales se

  2. Building solar dryer of tropical woods; Construccion de un secador solar de maderas tropicales

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hernandez R, J; Flores M, F. E; Cuevas D, O [Universidad de Quintana Roo, Chetumal, Quintana Roo (Mexico); Tolentino E, G [LABINTHAP-SEPI-ESIME-IPN, Mexico, D.F. (Mexico)


    In Quintana Roo, Mexico, several species of wood are used for handicrafts. The most commonly method used in the communities nearby Chetumal is natural drying, with the disadvantage of low quality in their products because the moisture contains in the wood. In this project studied the design of solar dryer for tropical woods in Quintana Roo. [Spanish] En este trabajo, se parte del analisis de las condiciones climatologicas existentes en el estado de Quintana Roo, Mexico, asi como de las necesidades de madera seca de una comunidad, como parametros basicos para el diseno y construccion de un secador solar de maderas tropicales.


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    L. I. BERNO


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    O trabalho teve como objetivo comparar produtos comerciais à base de soja, com grãos de soja orgânica cozidos, quanto à composição centesimal, digestibilidade de proteína e atividade inibitória de tripsina. Os produtos testados foram proteína texturizada de soja, substitutos cárneos e bebidas à base de soja, sendo avaliadas a composição centesimal, a digestibilidade de proteína e a atividade inibitória de tripsina. Os resultados foram expressos em base seca e realizado teste de Tukey (p= 0,05 para diferenças entre médias. Os produtos analisados apresentaram composição nutricional muito diferenciada em relação ao grão integral e alta digestibilidade de proteínas. A quantidade de inibidores de tripsina para os produtos em geral foi baixa, indicando que este fator antinutricional não tem importante infl uência nestes produtos. Pode-se concluir que, embora todos sejam produtos derivados de soja, há variação na quantidade de nutrientes disponíveis, devido ao tipo de processamento e adições realizadas.

  4. Níveis de grão de capim-pé-de-galinha (Eleusine coracana em dietas para ovinos: consumo e digestibilidade Finger millet grain levels in sheep diets: intake and digestibility

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    José Walter dos Santos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar em ovinos o consumo e a digestibilidade de nutrientes de dietas contendo grão de capim-pé-de-galinha (Eleusine coracana. Foram utilizados 20 ovinos com peso vivo inicial de 18,90 kg, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os animais foram alimentados com dietas isoprotéicas formuladas com 50% de volumoso e 50% de concentrado contendo 0; 16,0; 32,5; 48,0 ou 67,0% de grão de capim-pé-de-galinha em substituição ao fubá de milho. Utilizou-se a fibra indigestível em detergente neutro (FDNi como indicador para estimativa da excreção fecal. Os níveis de grão de pé-de-galinha não influenciaram os consumos de MS, NDT e FDN. Os valores médios de consumo de matéria seca foram de 1,2 kg/animal/dia e 3,2% do peso vivo. O coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca (CDMS e o NDT reduziram linearmente em 0,1425 e 0,1612%, respectivamente, a cada 1% de grão de capim-pé-de-galinha no concentrado, o que está relacionado aos maiores teores de FDN e FDNi desse alimento. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade de MO e FDN apresentaram valores máximos de 57,64 e 53,60% nos níveis de 42,36 e 39,56% de grão de capim-pé-de-galinha no concentrado. Os valores médios de digestibilidade aparente de PB e EE foram 56,90 e 66,86%, respectivamente. A substituição do fubá de milho por grão do capim pé-de-galinha na dieta de ovinos não influenciou o consumo de matéria seca dos nutrientes, mas reduziu o coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca, da matéria orgânica, dos carboidratos totais e os nutrientes digestíveis totais, logo, esse ingrediente pode substituir até 50% do fubá de milho no concentrado para ovinos.The objective was to evaluate in sheep the intake and apparent digestibility of nutrients diets containing finger millet grain (Eleusine coracana. Twenty lambs were used with average initial 18.90 kg BW, in a completely randomized design, with five diets and



    Marcos Casiano; Fernando Paz


    La caracterización de la fenología de la vegetación, particularmente la asociada a los bosques tropicales caducifolios, permite predecir los impactos del cambio climático y de los intercambios de carbono y agua entre la atmósfera y la vegetación, por lo que es importante modelarla. Existen diferentes métodos experimentales para caracterizar la fenología de la vegetación, sin embargo, el uso de sensores remotos permite caracterizaciones fenológicas de bajo costo y eficientes. No obstante lo an...

  6. Micropropagación de cuatro especies maderables tropicales de interés para Colombia, mediante técnicas de cultivo In vitro


    Millán Orozco, Liliana


    En esta investigación se puso a punto la técnica de micropropagación en cuatro especies maderables tropicales: Cedrela odorata y Cedrela montana (Meliaceae); Chlorophora tinctoria (Moraceae) y Quercus humboldtii (Fagaceae), incluyendo las etapas de establecimiento, multiplicación y enraizamiento.

  7. Fontes de lipídeos na dieta de búfalas lactantes: consumo, digestibilidade e N-uréico plasmático Effects of dietary fat sources on intake, nutrient digestibility and plasma urea nitrogen for lactating water buffaloes

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    Ronaldo Lopes Oliveira


    Full Text Available Os efeitos da suplementação de fontes lipídicas sobre o consumo, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e o N-uréico plasmático foram avaliados em 12 búfalas lactantes, em três quadrados latinos simultâneos, cada um com quatro animais, quatro períodos e quatro dietas contendo uma das fontes de lípideo estudadas (sem lipídeo adicional; grão de soja; óleo de soja ou caroço de algodão. O período experimental foi de 84 dias, com quatro períodos de 21 dias, divididos em 14 dias para a adaptação e 7 para coleta. A dieta foi fornecida à vontade, duas vezes ao dia, na forma de mistura completa. Nos dias de coleta de cada período, os alimentos fornecidos e as sobras foram pesados e amostrados para análise bromatológica. Amostras de fezes foram coletadas diretamente no reto dos animais para estimativa da produção de matéria seca fecal, utilizando-se a fibra em detergente neutro indigestível como indicador, e para o cálculo de digestibilidade aparente. Os consumos de matéria seca, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido foram semelhantes entre as dietas. Os consumos de extrato etéreo e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT foram maiores para a dieta com óleo de soja. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade de matéria seca, proteína bruta e carboidratos não-fibrosos e as concentrações de N-uréico plasmático foram semelhantes entre as dietas. A utilização das fontes de lipídeos nas dietas de búfalas em lactação não influenciou o consumo e coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca. Entretanto, as digestibilidades do extrato etéreo da dieta com grão de soja e das frações fibrosas da dieta com caroço de algodão foram as mais baixas.The effects of fat sources on intake, nutrient digestibility and plasma urea nitrogen were evaluated in lactating water buffalo. Twelve females were randomly distributed into four treatments: without additional lipid, soybean grain, soybean oil and

  8. Digestibilidade aparente e concentrações plasmáticas de triglicérides e colesterol em equinos alimentados com fontes de óleo vegetal Apparent digestibility and plasmatic concentration of triglycerides and cholesterol in horses fed vegetable oil

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    Iaçanã Valente Ferreira Gonzaga


    Full Text Available Para avaliar os efeitos da inclusão dietética de diferentes fontes de óleo vegetal sobre a digestibilidade aparente total e as concentrações plasmáticas de triglicérides, colesterol total e as suas frações, foram utilizados, durante 60 dias, quatro potros de diferentes raças, com idade de 18,5±1,3 meses e peso inicial de 322±15kg, distribuídos em um Quadrado Latino Balanceado (quatro tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos diferiram entre si em função da fonte de gordura vegetal adicionada (óleo de soja, linhaça, canola ou palma, na proporção de 5% da quantidade total da dieta. A avaliação da digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes da dieta foi realizada através do método de colheita total de fezes durante três dias consecutivos, após oito dias de adaptação às dietas, e, no terceiro dia de colheita de fezes de cada período, foram colhidas amostras de sangue para avaliação dos lipídeos plasmáticos. Não foi observada diferença entre tratamentos para a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes da dieta ou para os valores plasmáticos de triglicérides, colesterol total e suas frações. Concluí-se que os óleos de palma, soja, canola ou linhaça, podem ser utilizados indistintamente como fonte de energia em dietas para eqüinos.To determine apparent digestibility, cholesterol and plasmatic triglycerides of equine diets containing different sources of vegetable oil, 4 cross-breeding foals aging 18,5±1,3 month and weighing 322±15kg were tested during 60 days in randomized 4x4 Latin square. Treatments differed according to the source of vegetable fat (soybean oil, linseed, canola or palm added at 5% of total diet. The evaluation of the digestibility of nutrients was performed using total collection of feces during three consecutive days, after eight days of diet adaptation, and at the third day of each fecal collection period, blood samples were collected for assessment of plasma lipids. We conclude that

  9. Efecto de la extrusión sobre la actividad de factores antinutricionales y digestibilidad in vitro de proteínas y almidón en harinas de Canavalia ensiformis.


    Zamora, Nelson C


    RESUMEN. Se evaluó el efecto del tratamiento de extrusión (155° C, 20% de humedad, velocidad del tornillo 75 rpm, velocidad de alimentación 205 g/min.) sobre la actividad de factores antinutricionales de Canavalia ensiformis. La digestibilidad in vitro de proteínas y almidón fueron ensayados. La extrusión no afectó el contenido de proteínas de las harinas (23%), pero disminuyó significativamente (P < 0.01) su contenido de humedad. La digestibilidad proteica in vitro fue mejorada desde 57.5 a ...

  10. Digestibilidade do extrato de leveduras em frangos de corte Yeast extract digestibility for broilers

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    Vanessa Karla Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo neste trabalho foi determinar a composição química e de energia metabolizável e os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca, proteína bruta e dos aminoácidos contidos no extrato de leveduras fornecido para frangos de corte. Dois ensaios de metabolismo foram conduzidos: no primeiro ensaio, foram utilizados 200 frangos de corte machos Cobb-500® com 14 dias de idade alojados em baterias metálicas, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em grupos de 10 aves por unidade experimental. Utilizou-se o método de coleta total para determinar a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA e aparente corrigida pelo balanço de nitrogênio (EMAn e os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca e da proteína bruta. No segundo ensaio, foi utilizado o método da alimentação forçada em oito galos cecectomizados para determinação do coeficiente de digestibilidade dos aminoácidos. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados repetidos no tempo, com um grupo de cinco aves recebendo o extrato de leveduras e outro com três aves mantidas em jejum para determinação das perdas endógenas de aminoácidos. Para avaliação da composição química do ingrediente, foram determinados os teores de bruta (PB, matéria seca (MS, energia bruta (EB e aminoácidos. O extrato de leveduras contém em média 92,49% de MS, 48,07% de PB, 4.883 kcal de EB/kg e 2.073 kcal de EMAn/kg e coeficientes de digestibilidade de 65,79% da matéria seca, 65,47% da proteína bruta e 99,42% dos aminoácidos em frangos de corte. Os aminoácidos em maior proporção no extrato de leveduras são ácido glutâmico, leucina, ácido aspártico, alanina, prolina, lisina, valina, serina, isoleucina, glicina e treonina.The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition, metabolizable energy, the digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein and the amino acids contained in yeast extract supplied to broiler

  11. Ingestão de alimentos e digestibilidade aparente das frações fibrosas da torta de coco para ovinos = Feed intake and digestibility of fibrous fractions of coconut cake by sheep

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    Lucival de Souza Junior


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito da inclusão de níveis crescentes de torta de coco (Cocos nucifera L. sobre a ingestão de alimentos e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido. Foram utilizados 16 ovinos não-castrados, com peso corporal médio de 28 kg (± 3,2 kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, sendo quatro tratamentos (0; 0,4; 0,8 e 1,2% PV de inclusão de torta de coco equatro repetições. Houve um período experimental de 21 dias com 14 dias de adaptação e sete dias de coleta de dados, em que se monitorou o fornecimento da dieta e a coleta total de fezes. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente ácido apresentou efeitos lineares e crescentes com a inclusão da torta de coco na dieta (44,9 a 57 e 30,57 a 40,32% para os níveis de 1,2% de inclusão, respectivamente. A fibra em detergente neutro apresentou comportamento quadrático, e o melhor nível de inclusão ocorreu com 0,89% e digestibilidade máxima da FDN de 59,39%. A torta de coco é uma excelente fonte de suplementação alimentar e pode contribuir no atendimento das demandas nutricionais para produção de carne e leite na Amazônia Oriental. This trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of coconut cake (Cocos nucifera L. on feed intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber. We used 16 non-castrated sheep with mean body weight of 28 kg (± 3.2 kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments (0, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2% BW of inclusion of coconut pie and four replications. There was a trial period of 21 days with 14 days of adaptation and 7 days of data collection, which monitored the supply of diet and total fecal collection. The apparent digestibility of dry matter and acid detergent fiber effects were linear and increasing with the inclusion of coconut cake in the diet (44.9 to


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    Martha Isabel Posada

    Full Text Available El presente artículo es una descripción de los efectos del mercurio sobre algunas plantas acuáticas tropicales y sobre los ecosistemas donde habitan. Adicionalmente, se recomienda un protocolo para realizar pruebas de toxicidad con la lenteja de agua (Lemna minor y se presentan los resultados de los preensayos con diferentes concentraciones de sales de mercurio en condiciones de laboratorio. Se encontró que la biodisponibilidad del mercurio depende de factores que facilitan la disolución del elemento en el agua. Algunas plantas actúan como bioindicadores de la presencia de este metal en el medio al retenerlo selectivamente; mientras que otras se comportan como bioacumuladoras al tolerar su presencia y acumularlo en su estructura, y pueden dar paso a la bioconcentración a través de la cadena trófica. De acuerdo con los preensayos de toxicidad realizados con Lemna minor se sugiere que las concentraciones de sal de mercurio adecuadas para la realización de pruebas de toxicidad deben estar entre 0,01 mg/L y 10,0 mg/L.


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    Cristina Mattos Veloso


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho e digestibilidade aparente de ovinos alimentados com dietas contendo farelo de cacau em substituição ao concentrado (milho e farelo de soja. Utilizaram-se dezesseis ovinos Santa Inês, fêmeas, não prenhes, não lactantes, com peso médio inicial de 25 kg e aproximadamente doze meses de idade, mantidos em baias individuais. O experimento teve a duração de 78 dias, sendo 15 de período pré-experimental e 63 dias de período experimental. Forneceram-se as dietas em mistura completa, na proporção 50:50% (volumoso:concentrado,sendo utilizado como volumoso o feno da parte aérea da mandioca, com níveis de inclusão de farelo de cacau no concentrado de 0%, 10%, 20% e 30%. Forneciam-se dietas pela manhã, sendo ajustadas de forma a sobrar 10%. Semanalmente, coletaram-se as sobras e amostras de alimentos para análises laboratoriais. Avaliaram-se o consumo, o ganho médio diário de peso, a conversão alimentar e a digestibilidade aparente. A inclusão do farelo de cacau não promoveu diferença nos consumos de matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro, no ganho de peso médio diário,na conversão alimentar e digestibilidade dos nutrientes. O consumo de fibra em detergente ácido aumentou linearmente com a inclusão do farelo de cacau na dieta. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Alimentação, concentrado, confinamento, ruminante, subproduto.

  14. Coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de ingredientes para juvenis de jundiá Apparent digestibility coefficients of feed ingredients for jundia juveniles

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    Paulo Roberto Campagnoli de Oliveira Filho


    Full Text Available Foram determinados os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da MS, proteína e energia de cinco ingredientes (farelo de soja, glúten de milho, farinha de resíduo de peixe, quirera de arroz e milho para juvenis de jundiá, Rhamdia quelen (78,5 ± 9 g. A digestibilidade foi estimada pelo método indireto, utilizando-se óxido de crômio na concentração de 0,5% da dieta como indicador, efetuando-se a coleta de fezes a cada 4 horas por sedimentação. Entre os ingredientes testados, os maiores coeficientes de digestibilidade foram obtidos para o glúten de milho (95,0% para proteína, 88,0% para energia e 82,2% para MS e os menores para o milho (73,0% para proteína, 59,1% para energia e 57,2% para MS. Os demais ingredientes apresentaram valores intermediários de digestibilidade. Obtiveram-se, para o ingrediente energético quirera de arroz, valores de 80,7% para proteína, 64,8% para energia e 60,5% para a MS, enquanto, para os ingredientes protéicos farelo de soja e farinha de resíduo de peixe, os coeficientes de digestibilidade foram, respectivamente, de 88,6 e 77,7% para a proteína, 76,5 e 74,8% para a energia e 73,3 e 58,6% para a MS. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que juvenis de jundiá, apesar do hábito alimentar onívoro, têm grande capacidade de digerir ingredientes protéicos e relativa dificuldade de digerir ingredientes energéticos, sugerindo que este peixe é onívoro com tendência à carnivoria.The apparent digestibility coefficients of DM, protein and energy of five ingredients (soybean meal, corn gluten meal, fish meal, broken rice and ground corn were determined for jundia juveniles (78.5 ± 9 g. The indirect method was adopted for nutrient digestibility estimate. Chromium oxide (0.5% was added to the diet as marker, and feces were collected by sedimentation every four hours. Among all tested ingredients, corn gluten meal showed the highest apparent digestibility coefficients (95.0% of protein, 88.0% of energy

  15. Fecal indicator bacteria at Havana Bay

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lopez Perez, Lisse; Gomez D'Angelo, Yamiris; Beltran Gonzalez, Jesus; Alvarez Valiente, Reinaldo


    Aims: Fecal indicator bacteria concentrations were evaluated in Havana Bay. Methods: Concentrations of traditional fecal indicator bacteria were calculated between April 2010 and February 2011, by MPN methods. Concentrations of thermo tolerant coliform (CTT), Escherichia coli, fecal streptococci (EF), intestinal enterococci (ENT) in seawater, and Clostridium perfringens in sediment surface, were determined. Results: CTT and E. coli levels were far above Cuban water quality standard for indirect contact with water, showing the negative influence of sewage and rivers on the bay. The EF and ENT were measured during sewage spills at the discharge site and they were suitable indicators of fecal contamination, but these indicators didn't show the same behavior in other selected sites. This result comes from its well-known inactivation by solar light in tropical zones and the presumable presence of humid acids in the waters of the bay. Conclusion: Fecal indicator bacteria and its statistical relationships reflect recent and chronic fecal contamination at the bay and near shores.

  16. Fertilidad del suelo de bosques tropicales y pastizales de uso ganadero en el sur del Ecuador


    Jiménez, Leticia S.; Mezquida, Eduardo T.; Benito Capa, Marta; Rubio Sánchez, Agustín


    Los bosques tropicales del sur de Ecuador están sufriendo una rápida transformación a pastizales, por lo que es importante conocer el efecto de estos impactos en las características del suelo y su evolución tras un periodo prolongado de uso ganadero. En este estudio se han comparado varios parámetros de los suelos de bosques de la provincia de Zamora Chinchipe (Ecuador) con los de pastizales adyacentes (de más de 30 años bajo este uso). Se tomaron un total de 56 muestras de suelo en bosque...

  17. Coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente de harina de pescado peruana y maíz amarillo duro para Colossoma macropomum (Actinopterygii, Characidae

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    Felix Walter Gutierrez


    Full Text Available Los Coeficientes de Digestibilidad Aparente (CDA de la materia seca (MS, proteína cruda (PC, lípido crudo(LC y energía bruta (EB de los ingredientes alimenticios harina de pescado peruana (HPP y de maíz amarillo duro (MAD fueron determinados en juveniles de Colossoma macropomum (150,0 ± 25,5 g. En el experimento la dieta de referencia se mezcló con cada uno de los ingredientes prueba en una relación de 70:30. El óxido crómico se usó como indicador inerte. La dieta de referencia y las dietas prueba fueron suministradas a C. macropomum, criada a 27 ºC, 7 mg/L de oxígeno disuelto y pH entre 7,5. Las muestras fecales fueron colectadas por sifoneo. Los CDA para MS, PC, LC y EB de la HPP fueron de 88,06 ± 0,83%, 87,08 ± 1,34%, 85,87 ± 2,69 y 87,29 ± 1,57% respectivamente. Igualmente los CDA para MS, PC, LC y EB del MAD fueron de 82,38 ± 1,02%, 75,46 ± 1,53%, 76,17 ± 2,43% y 75,04 ± 1,80% respectivamente. La energía digestible aparente calculada fue de 3950 Kcal/kg para la HPP y 2830 kcal/kg para el MAD. Se concluye que C. macropomum digiere mejor las fracciones proteicas y energéticas de la HPP. Al mismo tiempo muestra que digiere también la fracción energética del MAD, proveniente de los carbohidratos solubles.

  18. In vitro digestibility of jitirana using caecal liquor of ostriches Digestibilidade "in vitro" da jitirana com inóculo cecal de avestruzes

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    Marcus Roberto Goes Ferreira Costa


    Full Text Available To evaluated the in vitro digestibility of jitirana using ostriches ceacal liquor, it were used entirely randomized design on factorial schedule (4x2, with four cut age of forage (60; 75; 90 and 105 days old and two types forage in natura or hay. There was a significative interaction between cut age and jitirana type to in vitro digestibility of dry matter and proteic fractions, and the means obtained were 59.57% to dry matter, 28.07% to crude protein and 21.7% to neutral detergent insoluble protein. It were not observed significative interaction to in vitro digestibility of fiber fraction, and the means obtained were 45.20% to neutral detergent fiber and 49.83% to neutral detergent fiber corrected to ash and protein. In relation to the different cut age of jitirana plant, to the in vitro digestibility of dry matter to the in natura type, the means stayed between 71.75 and 53.87%, while to the jitirana hay type the in vitro digestibility of dry matter the means stayed between 61.36 and 50.23%. For both jitirana type in natura or hay, the cut age on 60 days old propitiated the best values of digestibility when compared to the cut age on 105 days old, as a higher available and nutritional quality to the fermentative caecal activity.Para avaliar a digestibilidade in vitro da jitirana com inóculo cecal de avestruzes, usou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (4x2, com quatro diferentes idades de corte (60; 75; 90 e 105 dias e duas formas de uso, in natura ou em feno. Houve interação significativa para digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca e de frações proteicas da jitirana, com média total de 59,57% para matéria seca; 28,07% proteína bruta e 21,70% para proteína insolúvel em detergente neutro. Não foi observada interação significativa para a digestibilidade in vitro da fração fibrosa da jitirana, com média total de 45,20% para fibra em detergente neutro e 49,83% fibra em detergente neutro corrigida para

  19. Composição e Digestibilidade dos Aminoácidos das Sojas Integrais Processadas para Aves Composition and Bioavailability of Amino Acid of Full-Fat Soybeans in Poultry

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    M B Café


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a composição em aminoácidos e os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos aminoácidos da soja integral extrusada, tostada e do farelo de soja reconstituído de óleo. Foi utilizada a metodologia da alimentação forçada (Sibbad, 1976 com galos adultos. Para o cálculo dos coeficientes de digestibilidade dos aminoácidos das sojas testadas, foram consideradas as perdas endógenas e metabólicas obtidas de galos em jejum. Os dados médios de digestibilidade verdadeira de todos os aminoácidos testados foram de 91,1% para a soja extrusada, 78,6% para a soja tostada e 90,5% para o farelo de soja. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que a digestibilidade dos aminoácidos da soja integral tostada foi inferior a da soja extrusada e farelo de soja + óleo, que por sua vez foram semelhantes entre si. Portanto, pode-se afirmar que os diferentes tipos de processamentos da soja integral conferem a esse alimento características nutricionais distintas para aves.The present bird assays were conducted to determine the digestibility of amino acid content of process full-fat soybeans. Two types of process full-fat soybeans were utilized, the extruded and heated full-fat soybeans. The assay was developed by using the force-feeding adult rooster method. The results for amino acid digestibility of the extruded soybean were higher than that heated soybean. As the type of full-fat soybean processing caused differences on the amino acid availability of studied soybeans, it can be concluded that the different processing gave to those feedstuffs diverse nutritional characteristics for poultry.

  20. Especies de miridae (hemiptera) registradas en algunos cultivos tropicales en Chanchamayo y Satipo. Junín - Perú


    Arellano, Germán; Vergara, Clorinda


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las especies de insectos Miridae(Hemiptera) presentes en seis cultivos tropicales en la selva del Departamento de Junín, Perú. Se considera como base las recolecciones realizadas entre los años 1983 a 1987. El muestreo se basó en colectas periódicas semanales de insectos en las plantaciones de cafeto (Coffea arabica L.), papayo (Carica papaya L.), piña (Ananas comosus var. comosus (L.) Merr., Coppens & Leal), palto (Persea americana Mill), cí...

  1. Marine and Freshwater Fecal Indicators and Source Identification (United States)

    Fecal indicators are organisms or chemical constituents found in fecal material or wastewater that can be measured to demonstrate the presence of fecal pollution. Fecal waste from humans and other animals can contaminant surface waters and pose a serious threat to the environmen...


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    Full Text Available Se evaluaron los cambios en la concentración y digestibilidad de proteína durante la germinación en semillas de amaranto (Amaranthus sp, quinua (Chenopodium quinoa w., soya (Glycine max y guandul (Cajanus cajan. Las semillas utilizadas fueron suministradas por agricultores del Departamento del Cauca, seleccionadas asegurando calidad grado uno y porcentaje de germinación mayor al 90 %. Se estandarizó el método para la obtención de semillas germinadas, mediante la definición de variables como uso o no de desinfectante, tipo de sustrato, tiempo de germinación y temperatura. Se aplicó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres réplicas por día de germinación, para los días cero, uno, dos y tres; para cuantificación de proteína se utilizó Kjeldhal y para digestibilidad in-vitro de la proteína, se utilizó digestibilidad en pepsina. Los hallazgos permitieron concluir que la germinación induce cambios en la concentración y digestibilidad de la proteína de forma particular en cada tipo de semillas; en amaranto y soya, la germinación generó un incremento significativo en el contenido de proteína a partir del segundo día de germinación y en guandul a partir del primer día; en la quinua genero un descenso en el contenido de proteína en el segundo día, siendo estadísticamente igual en los días cero, uno y tres de germinación. La germinación mejoro la digestibilidad de la proteína, en semillas de quinua, guandul y soya, no generó cambios en semillas de amarantoSe avaliaram as mudanças na concentração e dlgistibiidade de proteína durante a germinação em sementes de amaranto (Amaranthus sp, quinua (Chenopodium quinoa w, soja (Glycine maxe guandul (Cajanus cajan. As sementes empregadas foram fornecidas por agricultores do Departamento do Cauca, selecionandoas para garantir a qualidade grau um e a porcentagem de germinação maior ao 90%. Padronizouse o método para a obtenção de sementes germinadas, mediante a


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    Benir de Oliveira


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    Objetivando avaliar a composição química e a digestibilidade aparente de feno de Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle Schweickerdt, após a colheita de sementes, foi realizado um experimento nas dependências do Departamento de Zootecnia da Escola de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Utilizou-se quatro carneiros adultos, castrados, sem raça definida, com bolsas coletoras de fezes e alojados em gaiolas individuais de metabolismo durante 17 dias, sendo 7 de adaptação e 10 de coleta. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (53,64% concorda plenamente com o resultado encontrado "in vitro" (53,37%. Na base de matéria seca, o feno apresentou 53,40% de N.D.T., baixo nível de proteína bruta (3,03% com baixo coeficiente de digestibilidade (11,88%. Nas condições do presente experimento conclui-se que a fenação da Brachiaria humidicola, após a colheita mecânica das sementes, prejudicou o valor nutritivo do feno, principalmente, a proteína bruta e sua digestibilidade.

    A trial to study the apparent digestibility of Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle Schweickerdt, grass, was carried out at the Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal de Goiás. The seeds of B.humidicola have a good commercial value and the farmers utilized a grass of bad quality after mechanical harvest. Four adult lambs, castrated males, of unknown race, were used and placed in metabolical individual cages during 17 days, 7 for adaptation and 10 for collection period. The apparent digestibility of dry matter was 53.64% and ";in vitro"; 53.37%. On dry matter-basis the hay has 53.40% of TND value, a poor crude protein (3.03% value with low coefficient of digestibility (11 .88%.

  4. Consumo e digestibilidade aparente de minerais em dietas para cães contendo polpa de citros e folha de alfafa Intake and apparent digestibility of the minerals in canine diets containing citrus pulp and alfalfa leaf

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    Maria Isabel Fonseca Rocha Malafaia


    Full Text Available O consumo diário e a digestibilidade aparente de macro e microminerais, foram determinados em cadelas que receberam uma dieta controle (R0, acrescida de 10 (R10 ou 20% (R20 de uma mistura contendo polpa de citros (PC e folhas de alfafa desidratadas. A digestibilidade aparente dos minerais foi estimada por meio da quantidade do elemento mineral ingerido, subtraída daquela eliminada nas fezes. A medida que a ingestão de fibra dietética aumentou, o consumo de MS (em g/kgPV diminuiu e as digestibilidades aparentes do Ca, P, Mg, Na, Zn, Fe e Cu foram maiores. A exceção foi para o Mn, cuja digestibilidade reduziu-se com o aumento da ingestão de fibra. Apenas para o K, não se verificou alteração na sua digestibilidade em função do nível de fibra na dieta.The daily intake and the apparent digestibility of macro and microminerals were determined in bitches fed either a control diet (R0 or the same diet but containing 10% (R10 or 20% (R20 of a mixture composed of citrus pulp and dehydrated alfalfa leaf. The apparent digestibility was estimated as being the amount of a mineral element ingested minus the amount of the element quantified in the feces. Once the dietary fiber intake increased, the intake of dry matter (in g/kgLW reduced and the Ca, P, Mg, Na, Zn, Fe and Cu apparent digestibility increased. Exception was the Mn digestibility reduction as the fiber intake increased. Only the K digestibility was not influenced by the diet fiber level.


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    M. G. MORAIS


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    As microalgas, como Spirulina, podem ser fonte de proteínas para alimentação humana, com a possibilidade de obter outros produtos como biopigmentos, vitaminas e lipídios. A biomassa obtida pode ser introduzida diretamente na dieta podendo auxiliar em casos de desnutrição. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características físico-química, sensorial e digestibilidade de biscoitos de chocolate enriquecidos com a microalga Spirulina platensis. Foram elaborados quatro biscoitos de chocolate: controle (sem Spirulina e biscoitos contendo 1,0; 3,0 e 5,0% de Spirulina platensis. O biscoito com adição de 5,0% de Spirulina platensis apresentou o conteúdo protéico 7,7% maior que o controle. Os biscoitos com adição de 1,0% de S. platensis apresentaram maior digestibilidade (86,9% que os demais. Volume específico, espessura e fator de expansão não foram alterados pela adição de Spirulina. Não houve diferença significativa entre o biscoito controle e os biscoitos com adição de 5,0% nos atributos cor, crocância, mastigabilidade e maciez. Na avaliação questionamento de intenção de compra, comparando os biscoitos com adição de S. platensis, a amostra com maior aceitação pelos julgadores foi com 1,0% de S. platensis.


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    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de evaluar la digestibilidad aparente del alimento y la proteína de dietas con inclusión de harina de grano de guandúl como fuente alternativa de alimentación para pollos de engorde, se utilizaron 96 animales machos recriados de la línea Cobb 500 distribuidos en 16 jaulas metabólicas, empleando un diseño experimental completamente al azar (DCA con cuatro tratamientos, cuatro repeticiones y seis animales por unidad experimental, donde los tratamientos fueron 4 dietas iso-protéicas e iso-energéticas con niveles de inclusión de 0, 10, 20 y 30% de harina de guandúl. En los resultados se observó diferencias estadísticas significativas (p<0,05 en la etapa inicial, los tratamientos T0 y T1 fueron estadísticamente diferentes a los tratamientos con mayor inclusión de guandúl T2 y T3. En la etapa final los tratamientos T0 y T1 fueron iguales estadísticamente diferenciándose de los tratamientos T2 y T3 entre los cuales no se presentó diferencias estadísticas significativas. En la etapa final de la alimentación de pollos se puede incluir hasta el 10% de harina de guandúl como fuente protéica sin presentar diferencias estadísticas significativas de las digestibilidades aparentes del alimento y de la proteína.

  7. Pathophysiology of pediatric fecal incontinence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Di Lorenzo, Carlo; Benninga, Marc A.


    This article addresses the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric fecal incontinence in 4 main categories: (1) Functional fecal retention, the withholding of feces because of fear of painful defecation, results in constipation and overflow soiling. Treatment includes dietary changes, use of laxatives,

  8. Consumo e digestibilidade total e parcial de dietas utilizando farelo de girassol e três fontes de energia em novilhos confinados Intake, total and partial digestibility of diets with sunflower meal and three energy sources in confined steers

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    Ana Rosália Mendes


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o consumo alimentar, a digestibilidade parcial e total e o balanço de nitrogênio, em novilhos confinados. Foram utilizados três novilhos de corte cruzados, canulados no rúmen e no duodeno, distribuídos em dois delineamentos em quadrado latino 3 x 3. As dietas experimentais foram constituídas de 60% de silagem de milho, tendo como fonte de proteína o farelo de girassol e, como fonte de energia, o milho (MI. O milho foi substituído parcialmente pela casca de soja (CS ou pelo farelo de gérmen de milho (FGM. Quatro indicadores internos (lignina e FDA, FDN e lignina indigestíveis foram submetidos a 144 horas de digestão in vitro, para estimativa da digestibilidade parcial e total das dietas. Houve maior ingestão dos componentes fibrosos na dieta CS, porém não foi observado efeito sobre o consumo de matéria seca. A lignina subestimou significativamente a digestibilidade. A utilização da FDAi, FDNi e lignina-i para estimar a digestibilidade total é viável, no entanto, a FDAi e lignina-i não estimaram adequadamente as digestibilidades parciais. Houve efeito significativo na digestibilidade ruminal da FDA, com valores mais elevados para CS e semelhantes para FGM, em relação à dieta MI. A digestibilidade total da FDA foi maior na dieta CS, porém, as digestibilidades dos demais componentes não foram afetadas pelas diferentes fontes energéticas. Não houve diferença significativa para a digestibilidade da energia e nos valores obtidos de NDT, com média de 61,5%. A casca de soja e o farelo de gérmen de milho, em substituição parcial do milho, mostraram-se fontes alternativas satisfatórias para a inclusão na dieta de bovinos.Feed intake, partial and total digestibility and nitrogen balance were evaluated in confined steers. Three crossbreed steers, rumen and duodenum cannulated, were allotted to two 3 x 3 Latin square experimental design. The experimental diets were composed by corn silage (60% and concentrate

  9. Digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de dietas simplificadas baseadas em forragens para coelhos em crescimento Apparent digestibility of nutrients of simplified diets based on forages for growing rabbits

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    W.M. Ferreira


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se os efeitos de dietas simplificadas à base de forragens sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes em coelhos Nova Zelândia branco. As dietas experimentais foram: referência (REF, feno de alfafa (FAL, feno das folhas de rami (FRA, feno das folhas de amoreira (FAM e feno do terço superior da rama da mandioca (FMA. A digestibilidade das dietas foi influenciada pelo tipo de alimento estudado; a FMA apresentou coeficientes de digestibilidade inferiores às demais dietas para todos os princípios nutritivos analisados. Para a dieta FAM, os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos princípios nutritivos foram maiores (P0,05. Os valores estimados de energia digestível (kcal ED/kg MS e proteína digestível (%PD/MS foram, respectivamente, para o feno de alfafa: 2285,27 e 16,04; feno das folhas de rami: 1857,88 e 16,37; feno das folhas de amoreira: 2838,48 e 15,12 e feno do terço superior da mandioca: 2155,55 e 10,57.The effect of simplified diets based on forages on the apparent digestibility in white New Zealand rabbits was evaluated. The treatments were based on the following diets: reference (REF, hay of alfalfa (FAL, hay of rami leaves (FRA, hay of mulberry leaves (FAM and hay of upper to 1/3 aereal part of cassava (FMA. The type of food affected the digestibility of the diets. The FMA diet showed low coefficients of digestibility in comparison to the other diets for all the analyzed nutrients. For the FAM diet the coefficients of apparent digestibility of the nutrients had higher values (P0.05. The estimated values of digestible energy (kcal DE/kg DM and digestible protein (%DP/DM were, respectively, 2285.27 and 16.04 for alfalfa hay, 1857.88 and 16.37 for hay of rami leaves, 2838.48 and 15.12 for hay of mulberry leaves and 2155.55 and 10.57 for hay of upper to 1/3 aereal part of cassava.

  10. Determination of intestinal digestibility of feeds by three-steps technique / Determinação da digestibilidade intestinal de alimentos pela técnica de três estágios

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    Patrícia Guimarães Pimentel


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to estimate the intestinal digestibility of rumen-undegradable protein (RUDP of feeds by a three-steps procedure. The evaluated feeds were the soybean meal, wheat meal, soybean peel, meat flour and fish flour. Firstly, the feeds were incubated in rumen during 16 hours to determine the rumen-undegradable protein. The residue was submitted to the digestion with pepsin solution during 1 hour, and pancreatic solution during 24 hours at 38ºC. Soon after, those residues were analyzed for total nitrogen (TN. The estimate of RUDP ranged of 22.07% to 91.30% and the intestinal digestibility of RUDP ranged from 35.13% to 80.67%. The soybean peel and the meat flour presented better intestinal digestibility, and the wheat meal presented the lowest digestibility. Although some formulation systems of diets for ruminant consider the intestinal digestibility of dietary protein as being constant, the data obtained in this work suggest that there are variation among the different feeds.O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a digestibilidade intestinal da proteína não-degradada no rúmen (PNDR, de alimentos, por intermédio da técnica de três estágios. Os alimentos avaliados foram o farelo de soja, farelo de trigo, casca de soja, farinha de carne e farinha de peixe. Os alimentos foram inicialmente incubados no rúmen por 16 horas, para determinação da PNDR. O resíduo foi submetido à digestão com solução de pepsina, durante 1 hora, e solução de pancreatina a 38ºC, durante 24 horas. Em seguida, esses resíduos foram analisados para nitrogênio total (NT. A estimativa da PNDR variou de 22,07% a 91,30% e a digestibilidade intestinal da PNDR de 35,13% a 80,67%. A casca de soja e a farinha de carne apresentaram melhor digestibilidade intestinal e o farelo de trigo apresentou a menor digestibilidade. Embora alguns sistemas de adequação de dietas para ruminantes considerem a digestibilidade intestinal da proteína diet

  11. Prediction of Fecal Nitrogen and Fecal Phosphorus Content for Lactating Dairy Cows in Large-scale Dairy Farms

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    QU Qing-bo


    Full Text Available To facilitate efficient and sustainable manure management and reduce potential pollution, it's necessary for precise prediction of fecal nutrient content. The aim of this study is to build prediction models of fecal nitrogen and phosphorus content by the factors of dietary nutrient composition, days in milk, milk yield and body weight of Chinese Holstein lactating dairy cows. 20 kinds of dietary nutrient composition and 60 feces samples were collected from lactating dairy cows from 7 large-scale dairy farms in Tianjin City; The fecal nitrogen and phosphorus content were analyzed. The whole data set was divided into training data set and testing data set. The training data set, including 14 kinds of dietary nutrient composition and 48 feces samples, was used to develop prediction models. The relationship between fecal nitrogen or phosphorus content and dietary nutrient composition was illustrated by means of correlation and regression analysis using SAS software. The results showed that fecal nitrogen(FN content was highly positively correlated with organic matter intake(OMI and crude fat intake(CFi, and correlation coefficients were 0. 836 and 0. 705, respectively. Negative correlation coefficient was found between fecal phosphorus(FP content and body weight(BW, and the correlation coefficient was -0.525. Among different approaches to develop prediction models, the results indicated that determination coefficients of multiple linear regression equations were higher than those of simple linear regression equations. Specially, fecal nitrogen content was excellently predicted by milk yield(MY, days in milk(DIM, organic matter intake(OMI and nitrogen intake(NI, and the model was as follows:y=0.43+0.29×MY+0.02×DIM+0.92×OMI-13.01×NI (R2=0.96. Accordingly, the highest determination coefficient of prediction equation of FP content was 0.62, when body weight(BW, phosphorus intake(PI and nitrogen intake(NI were combined as predictors. The prediction

  12. Estimativa da ingestão e digestibilidade de erva e bolota em porcos alentejanos pela técnica dos n-alcanos Estimation of intake and digestibility of pasture and acorns by alentejano pigs using n-alkanes

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    C. Mendes


    Full Text Available Com o objectivo de estimar, em porcos Alentejanos, a ingestão e a digestibilidade de erva e bolota, foi realizado um ensaio utilizando n-alcanos de cadeia longa como marcadores fecais. Oito animais, alojados em caixas metabólicas, distribuídos aleatoriamente em 2 grupos de 4 animais cada, foram sujeitos a dois tratamentos. Cada animal do grupo 1 recebeu um bolinho por dia, contendo 100 mg de C32 e 150 mg de C36 e do grupo 2, dois bolinhos por dia contendo 50 mg de C32 e 75 mg de C36. Os animais foram alimentados com erva e bolota ao longo de todo o ensaio. A ingestão e a digestibilidade da dieta foram determinadas individualmente, através da medição das quantidades de alimento ingeridas e de fezes produzidas durante 5 dias e estimadas através da utilização da técnica dos n-alcanos. As estimativas da digestibilidade feitas através da utilização dos n-alcanos naturais C25 e C27 permitiram a obtenção de resultados muito próximos das medições in vivo. Os C29 e C31, em combinação com os nalcanos artificiais (C32 e C36, forneceram as estimativas da digestibilidade mais próximas da determinada, sendo os pares C29:C32 e C29:C36 os que forneceram as melhores estimativas para a ingestão. A administração dos C32 e C36 uma ou duas vezes por dia não demonstrou ter qualquer influência nas estimativas realizadas. A composição da dieta (bolota e erva, estimada pelos n-alcanos, apresentou valores próximos dos medidos in vivo, sendo as melhores estimativas dadas pelas combinações dos n-alcanos C29 e C31.The aim of this experiment was to estimate intake and digestibility of grass and acorns in Alentejano pigs, using long chain n-alkanes as fecal markers. Eight male Alentejano pigs, housed in metabolic cages were randomly allocated into two groups. Group 1 received one small cake per animal per day containing 100 mg of C32 and 150 mg of C36 and group 2 received two small cakes per animal per day containing 50 mg of C32 and 75 mg of C

  13. Algunas Propiedades Físicas y Químicas de los Suelos de las Regiones Tropicales.

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    Madrid S. Carlos


    Full Text Available Una considerable cantidad de trabajos investigativos se han realizado en las regiones templadas durante los recientes años sobre las propiedades físicas y químicas de sus suelos y aunque la expresión “suelos lateríticos” es muy común en la literatura técnica, los progresos han sido lentos en lo que respecta al conocimiento de las características generales de los suelos tropicales y su medio ambiente. Dentro de los trópicos se encuentra tal diversidad de condiciones climáticas, que ciertos suelos y sus propiedades son muy diferentes de otros formados dentro de la misma zona o bajo las mismas condiciones de temperatura.

  14. Fecal Coliform Removal by River Networks (United States)

    Huang, T.; Wollheim, W. M.; Stewart, R. J.


    Bacterial pathogens are a major cause of water quality impairment in the United States. Freshwater ecosystems provide the ecosystem service of reducing pathogen levels by diluting and removing pathogens as water flows from source areas through the river network. However, the integration of field-scale monitoring data and watershed-scale hydrologic models to estimate pathogen loads and removal in varied aquatic ecosystems is still limited. In this study we applied a biogeochemical river network model (the Framework for Aquatic Modeling in the Earth System or FrAMES) and utilized available field data the Oyster R. watershed, a small (51.7 km2) draining coastal New Hampshire (NH, USA), to quantify pathogen removal at the river network scale, using fecal coliform as an indicator. The Oyster R. Watershed is comprised of various land use types, and has had its water quality monitored for fecal coliform, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity since 2001. Water samples were also collected during storm events to account for storm responses. FrAMES was updated to incorporate the dominant processes controlling fecal coliform concentrations in aquatic ecosystems: spatially distributed terrestrial loading, in-stream removal, dilution, and downstream transport. We applied an empirical loading function to estimate the terrestrial loading of fecal coliform across flow conditions. Data was collected from various land use types across a range of hydrologic conditions. The loading relationship includes total daily precipitation, antecedent 24-hour rainfall, air temperature, and catchment impervious surface percentage. Attenuation is due to bacterial "die-off" and dilution processes. Results show that fecal coliform input loads varied among different land use types. At low flow, fecal coliform concentrations were similar among watersheds. However, at high flow the concentrations were significantly higher in urbanized watersheds than forested watersheds. The mainstem had lower fecal coliform

  15. Fecal pollution source tracking toolbox for identification, evaluation and characterization of fecal contamination in receiving urban surface waters and groundwater. (United States)

    Tran, Ngoc Han; Gin, Karina Yew-Hoong; Ngo, Huu Hao


    The quality of surface waters/groundwater of a geographical region can be affected by anthropogenic activities, land use patterns and fecal pollution sources from humans and animals. Therefore, the development of an efficient fecal pollution source tracking toolbox for identifying the origin of the fecal pollution sources in surface waters/groundwater is especially helpful for improving management efforts and remediation actions of water resources in a more cost-effective and efficient manner. This review summarizes the updated knowledge on the use of fecal pollution source tracking markers for detecting, evaluating and characterizing fecal pollution sources in receiving surface waters and groundwater. The suitability of using chemical markers (i.e. fecal sterols, fluorescent whitening agents, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, and artificial sweeteners) and/or microbial markers (e.g. F+RNA coliphages, enteric viruses, and host-specific anaerobic bacterial 16S rDNA genetic markers) for tracking fecal pollution sources in receiving water bodies is discussed. In addition, this review also provides a comprehensive approach, which is based on the detection ratios (DR), detection frequencies (DF), and fate of potential microbial and chemical markers. DR and DF are considered as the key criteria for selecting appropriate markers for identifying and evaluating the impacts of fecal contamination in surface waters/groundwater. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Digestibilidade in vivo dos nutrientes de cultivares de amoreira (Morus alba L. em caprinos Digestibility in vivo of the nutrients from mulberry (Morus alba L. cultivates in goats

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    Cláudia Josefina Dorigan


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar a digestibilidade "in vivo" dos nutrientes dos cultivares de amoreira FM 86 e FM SM nas idades de crescimento de 45 e 90 dias. Foram utilizados 8 caprinos machos, da raça Saanen, com 6 meses de idade e peso vivo médio de 26kg. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 X 2 (2 cultivares de amoreira e 2 idades de crescimento. O coeficiente de digestibilidade da FDN do cultivar FM 86 (74,82 % superou o cultivar FM SM (69,36 %, não ocorrendo diferença significativa entre as idades de crescimento. Ocorreu interação significativa entre cultivar e idade de crescimento para o Coeficiente de Digestibilidade da FDA, e o cultivar FM 86 na idade de 45 dias (75,09 % superou a de 90 dias (68,82 %. Para os parâmetros NDT e oeficientes de digestibilidade da energia, MS e PB, verificou-se superioridade da idade de corte de 45 dias, sem diferença entre os cultivares. Concluiu-se que os cultivares FM 86 e FM SM apresentaram excelente valor energético e altos coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, da PB e dos constituintes da parede celular, indicando um elevado potencial da amoreira como forrageira para caprinos.This work was carried out for evaluating in vivo digestibility of nutrients from FM 86 and FM SM cultivars of mulberry at two growth ages, 45 and 90 days. Eight Saanen male goats being six month-old and 26kg of live weight were used. Experimental design was completely randomized factorial 2 x 2 (two mulberry cultivars and two growth ages. The NDF digestibility coefficient of FM 86 cultivar (74.82% was higher than the FM SM (69.36% and there was not statiscal difference between their growth ages. In relation to ADF digestibility coefficient, there was significant interaction between cultivars and growth ages. FM 86 cultivar with 45 day-old showed ADF digestibility coefficient higher (75.09% than that with 90 day-old (68.82%. Considering NDT and energy, DM and CP

  17. Coeficientes de digestibilidad total y de proteínas en alimentos experimentales para juveniles de Oplegnathus insignis (Kner, 1867 (Perciformes, Oplegnathidae

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    Avelino Muñoz


    Full Text Available Los alimentos para peces están formulados con diversos ingredientes, donde la harina de pescado es la principal fuente de proteína. Sin embargo, este insumo tiene un alto costo que lleva a la necesidad de evaluar nuevas fuentes de proteínas y probarlas en especies marinas. Oplegnathus insignis (San Pedro, Pacific beakfish es una especie omnívora en su etapa intermareal y carnívora en su etapa submareal, que ha sido cultivada de manera experimental, siendo necesario incorporar dietas formuladas. Este estudio reporta la experiencia en alimentación y nutrición, de juveniles de O. insignis alimentados con dietas formuladas con distintas fuentes de proteína. Se efectuó una experiencia con juveniles de O. insignis provenientes de un cultivo experimental. Se formularon cuatro alimentos, uno en base de harina de pescado (referencia y tres modificando la fuente de proteína del alimento de referencia, intercambiando un 30% de harina de pescado, por harina de soya, harina de moluscos y harina de quinoa. Se experimentó con 180 ind de 295,6 g y de 450 días post-eclosión, distribuidos en 12 estanques rectangulares de 1,6 m³. La alimentación fue a saciedad. Se efectuaron análisis próximales de los alimentos experimentales de las heces colectadas. Se determinó los coeficientes de digestibilidad total y proteína. El alimento con mayor contenido de proteína fue el que contenía harina de moluscos. El mayor coeficiente de digestibilidad total lo tienen los alimentos con harina de pescado (68,0% y harina de moluscos (67,1%, mientras que en los alimentos en base a harinas vegetales, la digestibilidad total para la harina de soya fue de 62,7% y para harina de quinoa de 64,1%. Estos resultados indican que es factible reemplazar un 30% de la harina de pescado por harinas de origen vegetal.

  18. Avaliação dos efeitos de fontes de fósforo na dieta sobre parâmetros do meio ruminal e eficiência de síntese microbiana, digestibilidade dos nutrientes e fósforo plasmático em bovinos Evaluation of different phosphorus sources in the diet on ruminal parameters, microbial synthesis, nutrient apparent digestibility and plasma phosphorus in cattle

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    Julio Cezar Barreto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido com os objetivos de avaliar o efeito de fontes de fósforo em dietas para bovinos em crescimento sobre o coeficiente de digestibilidade parcial e total dos nutrientes, os parâmetros ruminais, a eficiência de síntese microbiana e os níveis plasmáticos de fósforo. Foram utilizados quatro bovinos castrados, raça Holandesa Preto e Branco (280 kg de peso vivo, com cânula ruminal e duodenal, em delineamento quadrado latino 4 × 4, com quatro fontes de fósforo (fosfato bicálcico - BIC; superfosfato triplo - SPT; fosfato monoamônio - MAP; e fosfato de rocha Araxá - FRA. As fontes de fósforo não afetaram a ingestão, o fluxo fecal, as digestibilidades ruminal, duodenal e total de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e carboidratos não-fibrosos. A absorção de fósforo do fosfato de rocha Araxá foi menor e diferiu da absorção do fosfato bicálcico e do fosfato monoamônio. Os animais que receberam fosfato de rocha Araxá apresentaram maiores ingestão, fluxo fecal, fluxo duodenal, desaparecimento ruminal e desaparecimento fecal de flúor (F. A utilização de fosfato de rocha Araxá resultou em níveis de flúor na dieta superiores aos recomendados para evitar sua toxidez. As fontes de fósforo não alteraram os níveis plasmáticos de fósforo nem a ingestão de nitrogênio, a eficiência de síntese microbiana e a composição das bactérias ruminais. Também não influenciaram o pH ruminal e as concentrações de NH3-ruminal. Estes resultados indicam que é possível o uso do superfosfato triplo e do fosfato monoamônio em substituição ao fosfato bicálcico.This study was carried out to evaluate the effects of different phosphorus sources, in diets of growing cattle, on apparent partial and total nutrient digestibility; ruminal parameters; microbial efficiency synthesis and plasma phosphorus. Four Holstein steers weighting 280 kg and implanted with ruminal and

  19. Quantitative CrAssphage PCR Assays for Human Fecal ... (United States)

    Environmental waters are monitored for fecal pollution to protect public health and water resources. Traditionally, general fecal indicator bacteria are used; however, they cannot distinguish human fecal waste from pollution from other animals. Recently, a novel bacteriophage, crAssphage, was discovered by metagenomic data mining and reported to be abundant in and closely associated with human fecal waste. To confirm bioinformatic predictions, 384 primer sets were designed along the length of the crAssphage genome. Based upon initial screening, two novel crAssphage qPCR assays (CPQ_056 and CPQ_064) were designed and evaluated in reference fecal samples and water matrices. The assays exhibited high specificities (98.6%) when tested against a large animal fecal reference library and were highly abundant in raw sewage and sewage impacted water samples. In addition, CPQ_056 and CPQ_064 assay performance was compared to HF183/BacR287 and HumM2 methods in paired experiments. Findings confirm viral crAssphage qPCR assays perform at a similar level to well established bacterial human-associated fecal source identification technologies. These new viral based assays could become important water quality management and research tools. To inform the public.

  20. Clinical anatomy of fecal incontinence in women. (United States)

    Kadam-Halani, Priyanka K; Arya, Lily A; Andy, Uduak U


    Fecal incontinence is a devastating condition that has a severe impact on quality of life. This condition disproportionately affects women and its incidence is increasing with the aging United States population. Fecal continence is maintained by coordination of a functioning anal sphincter complex, intact sensation of the anorectum, rectal compliance, and the ability to consciously control defecation. Particularly important are the puborectalis sling of the levator ani muscle complex and intact innervation of the central and peripheral nervous systems. An understanding of the intricate anatomy required to maintain continence and regulate defecation will help clinicians to provide appropriate medical and surgical management and diminish the negative impact of fecal incontinence. In this article, we describe the anatomic and neural basis of fecal continence and normal defecation as well as changes that occur with fecal incontinence in women. Clin. Anat. 30:901-911, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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    Castillo Castillo Y


    Full Text Available Se empleo la técnica de digestibilidad in vitro para evaluar el efecto de la adición de un inóculo de levadura y de bagazo de manzana fermentado en dietas de becerros en crecimiento. Los tratamientos consistieron en: T0 (testigo: heno de avena (HA, ensilaje de maíz (SM y concentrado; T1 (BMZN: HA, SM y concentrado con 12 % de bagazo de manzana fermentado (BMZN; T2 (IL: HA, SM y concentrado con 2 % de inóculo de levaduras (IL. Se realizó un análisis de varianza en un diseño completamente al azar, tomando muestras por triplicado de cada tratamiento, para medir digestibilidad in vitro de materia seca (MS, de fibra detergente neutro (FDN, de fibra detergente ácido (FDA y contenido de lignina detergente ácido (LDA durante 48 h. Así mismo, para evaluar la producción de gas (PG in vitro, se midieron ácido acético, ácido propiónico, ácido butírico, además, nitrógeno amoniacal (N-NH3, ácido láctico y pH a las 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 y 96 h. El T1 y T2 mostraron diferencia significativa (p<0.05 en la digestibilidad de MS, FDN, FDA y LDA. El T2 fue superior (p<0.05 al T1 y T0 en la PG a las 24, 48, 72 y 96 h. La mayor producción (p<0.05 de AGV lo presentaron el T1 y T2. Estos últimos, mostraron un incremento (p<0.05 en la concentración de N-NH3 y una disminución (p<0.05 de Ác. Láctico, siendo el T2 superior (p<0.05 en el pH. La adición de un IL y de BMZN en la alimentación de becerros en crecimiento es una alternativa ya que mejoran las características nutricionales y fermentativas de la dieta.

  2. Digestibilidade de dietas suplementadas com fitase para suínos sob diferentes ambientes térmicos Digestibility of diets supplemented with phytase for pigs under different thermal environments

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    Charles Kiefer


    Full Text Available Realizou-se um ensaio de digestibilidade com o objetivo de avaliar níveis de fitase sobre a digestibilidade e excreção de nutrientes para suínos submetidos a condições de conforto e estresse térmico. Foram utilizados 24 suínos machos castrados, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas, em câmara climatizada, distribuídos em delineamento de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial 2x4, com dois ambientes (23 e 31°C e quatro níveis de fitase (0, 300, 600 e 900UF kg-1 de ração, com três repetições, sendo cada unidade experimental constituída por um animal. Concluiu-se que as dietas fornecidas aos suínos submetidos ao estresse térmico (31°C apresentam menores coeficientes de digestibilidade da proteína, fósforo, cálcio, zinco, ferro e magnésio e, portanto, apresentam maior excreção percentual desses nutrientes nas fezes, quando comparadas às dietas fornecidas aos suínos submetidos à termoneutralidade (23°C. A suplementação de fitase não altera o valor energético da dieta e o coeficiente de digestibilidade da proteína, mas aumenta o coeficiente de digestibilidade de fósforo, cálcio e magnésio e reduz a excreção percentual de fósforo e cálcio nas fezes dos suínos. Recomenda-se o nível de inclusão de 300UF kg-1 de ração, independentemente da condição térmica ambiental.We conducted a digestibility trial with the aim of evaluate phytase levels on digestibility and nutrient excretion for pigs submitted to thermoneutral conditions and heat stress. We used 24 barrows housed in metabolic cages in climatic chamber, distributed in randomized blocks in a 2x4 factorial design, two environments (23 and 31°C and four phytase levels (0, 300, 600 and 900UF kg-1 diet, with three replicates and each experimental unit consists of one animal. It was concluded that pigs submitted to high ambient temperatures (31°C have worse digestibility of protein, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium and therefore have a higher

  3. Utilização da farinha pré-gelatinizada de milho na alimentação de leitões na fase de creche. Digestibilidade e desempenho

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    Moreira Ivan


    Full Text Available Foram realizados dois experimentos, um de digestibilidade (Experimento I e outro de desempenho (Experimento II. No experimento de digestibilidade, foram utilizados 16 leitões mestiços, machos castrados, desmamados aos 2l dias de idade e com 6,0kg de peso vivo inicial médio, alojados em gaiolas de metabolismo, contendo dois animais por unidade experimental. O alimento estudado foi a farinha pré-gelatinizada de milho (FPGM. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade CD da matéria seca, da proteína bruta e da energia bruta foram, respectivamente, de 89,2; 78,7 e 90,2%. Os teores de matéria seca digestível, proteína digestível, energia digestível e absorção de água foram, respectivamente, de 81,8%; 6,5%; 3682 kcal/kg e 500%. No experimento de desempenho, foram utilizados 96 leitões mestiços, sendo metade machos castrados e metade fêmeas, desmamados aos 21 dias de idade, em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro tratamentos, seis repetições e quatro leitões por unidade experimental, conduzido para verificar os efeitos de níveis crescentes de substituição (0; 33; 66; 100% do milho comum pela FPGM sobre o desempenho de leitões na fase de creche (21-63 dias de idade. Concluiu-se que a FPGM substituiu o milho comum até o nível de 23,7% em rações fareladas, compostas de milho, farelo de soja e núcleo comercial, para leitões na fase de 21 a 63 dias de idade.

  4. CDC Study Finds Fecal Contamination in Pools (United States)

    ... Communication (404) 639-3286 CDC study finds fecal contamination in pools A study of public pools done ... The E. coli is a marker for fecal contamination. Finding a high percentage of E. coli-positive ...

  5. Perfil químico da parede celular e suas implicações na digestibilidade de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria humidicola Chemical profile of cell wall and its implications on Brachiaria brizantha and Brachiaria humidicola digestibility

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    Cláudio José F. Alves de Brito


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho foram determinadas a composição química e a digestibilidade de diversas frações de Brachiaria brizantha e Brachiaria humidicola, após 70 dias de crescimento. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com cinco repetições para cada espécie. As plantas coletadas foram subdivididas nas frações apical, mediana e basal para as folhas e mediana e basilar para caules, de acordo com sua localização. Foram determinadas as concentrações de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, proteína bruta (PB, lignina, ácido p_cumárico, ácido ferúlico e açúcares neutros (glicose, xilose e arabinose e a digestibilidade in situ após 48 horas de período de incubação ruminal. As diferentes frações das espécies estudadas apresentam distinta composição química, cujos efeitos são observados na digestibilidade. A B. brizantha apresentou maiores concentrações de FDN no caule e PB nas folhas. Isto resultou em coeficientes de digestibilidade maiores em relação à B. humidicola. A diferença de digestibilidade entre caule e folhas e nas frações mais velhas pode estar relacionada ao tipo de condensação da lignina presente nos tecidos. Evidências na concentração e na proporção dos ácidos p_cumárico e ferúlico sugerem esta relação. A concentração de ácidos fenólicos esteve relacionada com a digestibilidade da matéria seca e a lignina com a digestibilidade da FDN. A análise dos ácidos fenólicos pode se constituir em importante ferramenta para avaliar o grau de condensação da lignina na parede celular dos diferentes tecidos das plantas forrageiras. A concentração de açúcares neutros não apresentou um padrão definido na composição dos diferentes tecidos. A arabinose foi o único açúcar que apresentou relações com a digestibilidade da matéria seca e com a concentração de ácidos fenólicos.In the present paper the chemical composition and digestibility of several Brachiaria

  6. Lactic acid bacteria affect serum cholesterol levels, harmful fecal enzyme activity, and fecal water content

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    Chung Myung


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Lactic acid bacteria (LAB are beneficial probiotic organisms that contribute to improved nutrition, microbial balance, and immuno-enhancement of the intestinal tract, as well as lower cholesterol. Although present in many foods, most trials have been in spreads or dairy products. Here we tested whether Bifidobacteria isolates could lower cholesterol, inhibit harmful enzyme activities, and control fecal water content. Methods In vitro culture experiments were performed to evaluate the ability of Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from healthy Koreans (20~30 years old to reduce cholesterol-levels in MRS broth containing polyoxyethanylcholesterol sebacate. Animal experiments were performed to investigate the effects on lowering cholesterol, inhibiting harmful enzyme activities, and controlling fecal water content. For animal studies, 0.2 ml of the selected strain cultures (108~109 CFU/ml were orally administered to SD rats (fed a high-cholesterol diet every day for 2 weeks. Results B. longum SPM1207 reduced serum total cholesterol and LDL levels significantly (p B. longum SPM1207 also increased fecal LAB levels and fecal water content, and reduced body weight and harmful intestinal enzyme activities. Conclusion Daily consumption of B. longum SPM1207 can help in managing mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia, with potential to improve human health by helping to prevent colon cancer and constipation.

  7. Case report: Stercoral sigmoid colonic perforation with fecal peritonitis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sharma, Monika; Agrawal, Anjali


    Chronic constipation can lead to fecal impaction. It can also rarely lead to catastrophic complications like perforation, colonic obstruction, and fecal peritonitis. We report a rare case of stercoral sigmoid colonic perforation with fecal peritonitis and pneumoperitoneum, which was diagnosed on preoperative CT scan

  8. Establishment of fecal bioassay facility at Kalpakkam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krishnan, H.; Yuvaraj, Ramani; Mohanty, B.N.; Sivasubramanian, K.; Venkatraman, B.


    In the event of an unusual occurrence, occupational radiation workers employed in fuel reprocessing/fuel fabrication facilities have potential risk of acquiring internal contamination, in spite of implementation of efficient engineering and administrative control measures. Quantification of internally deposited radionuclides is achieved either by (i) direct methods and/or (ii) indirect methods. In general, urinalysis is preferred for moderately absorbing (Type M-compounds of Americium) compounds, while analysis of fecal samples are preferred for slow absorption (Type S - Oxides of Plutonium) compounds. The predicted clearance of Type S and Type M compounds deposited in respiratory tract via fecal is about three to five orders higher than urinary excretion. In view of this, a facility for ashing fecal samples was established and standardization of radioanalytical procedure for quantification of Pu/Am using synthetic fecal (SF) samples was carried out

  9. Using fecal glucocorticoids for stress assessment in Mourning Doves (United States)

    Washburn, Brian E.; Millspaugh, Joshua J.; Schulz, John H.; Jones, Susan B.; Mong, T.


    Fecal glucocorticoid assays provide a potentially useful, noninvasive means to study physiological responses of wildlife to various stressors. The objective of our study was to validate a method for measuring glucocorticoid metabolites in Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) feces. We validated the assay using standard procedures (e.g., parallelism, recovery of exogenous corticosterone) to demonstrate that the assay accurately and precisely measured glucocorticoid metabolites in Mourning Dove fecal extracts. We conducted adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) challenge experiments to validate the assay's ability to determine biologically important changes in fecal glucocorticoids. Fecal glucocorticoid levels increased significantly approximately 2-3 hr after administration of ACTH at 50 IU per kg body mass to wild Mourning Doves held in captivity. In contrast, fecal glucocorticoid metabolites did not increase in control birds, birds that received saline injections, or a lower dose of ACTH (1 IU per kg body mass). Variation in overall fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels may have been influenced by season and the length of time birds were held in captivity. Non-invasive fecal glucocorticoid metabolite analyses, in combination with demographic information, may have considerable utility for monitoring the effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on Mourning Dove populations.

  10. Dietary marker effects on fecal microbial ecology, fecal VFA, nutrient digestibility coefficients, and growth performance in finishing pigs. (United States)

    Kerr, B J; Weber, T E; Ziemer, C J


    Use of indigestible markers such as Cr2O3, Fe2O3, and TiO2 are commonly used in animal studies to evaluate digesta rate of passage and nutrient digestibility. Yet, the potential impact of indigestible markers on fecal microbial ecology and subsequent VFA generation is not known. Two experiments utilizing a total of 72 individually fed finishing pigs were conducted to describe the impact of dietary markers on fecal microbial ecology, fecal ammonia and VFA concentrations, nutrient digestibility, and pig performance. All pigs were fed a common diet with no marker or with 0.5% Cr2O3, Fe2O3, or TiO2. In Exp. 1, after 33 d of feeding, fresh fecal samples were collected for evaluation of microbial ecology, fecal ammonia and VFA concentrations, and nutrient digestibility, along with measures of animal performance. No differences were noted in total microbes or bacterial counts in pig feces obtained from pigs fed the different dietary markers while Archaea counts were decreased (P = 0.07) in feces obtained from pigs fed the diet containing Fe2O 3compared to pigs fed the control diet. Feeding Cr2O3, Fe2O3, or TiO2 increased fecal bacterial richness (P = 0.03, 0.01, and 0.10; respectively) when compared to pigs fed diets containing no marker, but no dietary marker effects were noted on fecal microbial evenness or the Shannon-Wiener index. Analysis of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis gels did not reveal band pattern alterations due to inclusion of dietary markers in pig diets. There was no effect of dietary marker on fecal DM, ammonia, or VFA concentrations. Pigs fed diets containing Cr2O3 had greater Ca, Cu, Fe, and P (P ≤ 0.02), but lower Ti ( P= 0.08) digestibility compared to pigs fed the control diet. Pigs fed diets containing Fe2O3 had greater Ca (P = 0.08) but lower Ti (P = 0.01) digestibility compared to pigs fed the control diet. Pigs fed diets containing TiO2 had greater Fe and Zn (P ≤ 0.09), but lower Ti ( P= 0.01) digestibility compared to pigs fed the


    In this study, we applied a genome fragment enrichment (GFE) method to select for genomic regions that differ between different fecal metagenomes. Competitive DNA hybridizations were performed between chicken fecal DNA and pig fecal DNA (C-P) and between chicken fecal DNA and an ...

  12. Diversity, abundance, and possible sources of fecal bacteria in the Yangtze River. (United States)

    Sun, Haohao; He, Xiwei; Ye, Lin; Zhang, Xu-Xiang; Wu, Bing; Ren, Hongqiang


    The fecal bacteria in natural waters may pose serious risks on human health. Although many source tracking methods have been developed and used to determine the possible sources of the fecal pollution, little is known about the overall diversity and abundance of fecal bacterial community in natural waters. In this study, a method based on fecal bacterial sequence library was introduced to evaluate the fecal bacterial profile in the Yangtze River (Nanjing section). Our results suggested that the Yangtze River water harbors diverse fecal bacteria. Fifty-eight fecal operational taxonomic units (97% identity level) were detected in the Yangtze River water samples and the relative abundance of fecal bacteria in these samples ranged from 0.1 to 8%. It was also found that the relative abundances of the fecal bacteria in locations near to the downstream of wastewater treatment plants were obviously higher than those in other locations. However, the high abundance of fecal bacteria could decrease to the normal level in 2~4 km in the river due to degradation or dilution, and the overall fecal bacteria level changed little when the Yangtze River flew through the Nanjing City. Moreover, the fecal bacteria in the Yangtze River water were found to be highly associated (Spearman rho = 0.804, P Yangtze River and advance our understandings of the fecal bacteria community in the natural waters.

  13. Dry matter digestibility of roughages and concentrates determined “in vitro” procedures Digestibilidade da matéria seca de alimentos volumosos e concentrados determinada por procedimentos "in vitro"

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    Rui da Silva Verneque


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to compare the values of in vitro dry matter digestibility of six classes of concentrates and roughages feeds, determined by the two-stage technique carried in individual digestion tubes or using an automatized equipment of fermentation (filter bag technique, FBT. In the second digestion stage of the technique it was also evaluated the effect of pepsin acid solution and the reflux with neutral detergent solution on the in vitro dry matter digestibility. For both studies the experimental design was completely randomized with a 2 x 6 factorial arrangement (in vitro procedures x food classes. The IVDMD values determined in tubes were close to those found by others authors and lower than those obtained by the filter bag technique. Standard deviation of in vitro dry matter digestibility means were, in general, lower when the individual tubes method were used. The procedure using reflux with neutral detergent was less expensive and time-consuming, and yield similar results when compared to those using the acidified pepsin digestion methodology. The apparent overestimated values of in vitro dry matter digestibility observed in the filter bag technique suggests that the recommendation of the automatized equipment will be dependent of new studies, with emphasis to the material used to make the incubation bags.Objetivou-se neste trabalho comparar valores de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca de seis classes de alimentos concentrados e volumosos, determinados pelo método de dois estágios, realizado em tubos individuais ou em equipamento automatizado de fermentação (incubadora in vitro. No segundo estágio da análise foi adicionalmente avaliado o efeito sobre a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca da utilização de solução ácida de pepsina ou do refluxo em solução de detergente neutro. Para ambos os estudos utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 6 (procedimentos in vitro x

  14. Fecal Transplants: What Is Being Transferred?

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    Diana P Bojanova


    Full Text Available Fecal transplants are increasingly utilized for treatment of recurrent infections (i.e., Clostridium difficile in the human gut and as a general research tool for gain-of-function experiments (i.e., gavage of fecal pellets in animal models. Changes observed in the recipient's biology are routinely attributed to bacterial cells in the donor feces (~1011 per gram of human wet stool. Here, we examine the literature and summarize findings on the composition of fecal matter in order to raise cautiously the profile of its multipart nature. In addition to viable bacteria, which may make up a small fraction of total fecal matter, other components in unprocessed human feces include colonocytes (~107 per gram of wet stool, archaea (~108 per gram of wet stool, viruses (~108 per gram of wet stool, fungi (~106 per gram of wet stool, protists, and metabolites. Thus, while speculative at this point and contingent on the transplant procedure and study system, nonbacterial matter could contribute to changes in the recipient's biology. There is a cautious need for continued reductionism to separate out the effects and interactions of each component.

  15. [Biofeedback effectiveness in patients with fecal incontinence]. (United States)

    Guerra-Mora, José Raúl; Buenrostro-Acebes, José María; Erciga-Vergara, Nancy; Zubieta-O'Farrill, Gregorio; Castillo-Calcáneo, Juan de Dios; Mosqueda, Maria Elena; Monroy-Argumedo, Montserrat; González-Alvarado, Carlos; Villanueva-Saenz, Eduardo


    Fecal incontinence is defined as an involuntary bowel movement through the anal canal in inadequate time and place. There are different types of therapies for the management of fecal incontinence, being biofeedback therapy one of the most effective techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate the necessary number of sessions of biofeedback electromyographyc therapy to achieve the maximum sphincteric complex contraction. Descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal study. 65 patients with fecal incontinence were included. Weekly electromyographyc biofeedback therapies were applied, with a maximum of 6, in which the sphincteric complex contraction was measured. A two ways Friedman analysis was made to determine the significant differences between the sessions. A total of 65 patients were evaluated for fecal incontinence. The values for pelvic floor contraction were significantly higher in the third session, and did not show any significant difference in posterior sessions. The maximum contraction of the sphicnteric complex was achieved in the third weekly biofeedback session, without any significant differences in the posterior sessions.

  16. Quantitative CrAssphage PCR Assays for Human Fecal Pollution Measurement (United States)

    Environmental waters are monitored for fecal pollution to protect public health and water resources. Traditionally, general fecal indicator bacteria are used; however, they cannot distinguish human fecal waste from pollution from other animals. Recently, a novel bacteriophage, cr...

  17. Consumo e digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes e ganho de peso de bovinos de corte alimentados com silagem de Brachiaria brizantha e concentrado em diferentes proporções Intake and apparent digestibility of the nutrients and weight gain of beef cattle fed diets with different proportions of Brachiaria brizantha silage and concentrate

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    Bruno Ceolin da Silva


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o consumo e as digestibilidades aparentes totais dos nutrientes e o ganho de peso de bovinos de corte recebendo dietas contendo concentrado e silagem de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu nas seguintes proporções: 20:80, 35:65, 50:50 e 65:35, com base na matéria seca. Foram utilizados vinte e quatro animais castrados Holandês x Zebu, com peso vivo inicial médio de 364 kg, distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados. Por ocasião da ensilagem, procedeu-se o tratamento do capim com o inoculante enzimo-bacteriano Nutroeste 50 t. Para o cálculo da matéria seca fecal, utilizou-se a fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAI como indicador. Os animais foram alojados em baias individuais e alimentados ad libitum. O ensaio teve duração de 84 dias, divididos em três períodos de 28 dias após 15 dias de adaptação. Os consumos médios de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE e carboidratos totais (CHO e as digestibilidades aparentes totais de MS, MO, CHO e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF elevaram linearmente com o aumento dos níveis de concentrado nas dietas. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para o ganho de peso médio diário, estimando-se incrementos de 0,0184 kg/unidade de concentrado adicionado. Contudo, as digestibilidades aparentes de PB, EE e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN não foram influenciadas pelas dietas, registrando-se, respectivamente, valores médios de 77, 88 e 60%. Silagem de Brachiaria brizantha não-emurchecida, constituindo 50% da dieta de bovinos H x Z, promoveu ganhos de peso em torno de 1,0 kg/dia.Intake and total apparent digestibilities of the nutrients and average daily gains (ADG by beef cattle fed diets based on concentrate and Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu silage in the following proportions: 20:80, 35:65, 50:50 and 65:35, in dry matter basis were evaluated. Twenty-four crossbred (Holstein x Zebu steers, with initial live weight of

  18. Fecal microbial determinants of fecal and systemic estrogens and estrogen metabolites: a cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Flores, Roberto; Shi, Jianxin; Fuhrman, Barbara; Xu, Xia; Veenstra, Timothy D; Gail, Mitchell H; Gajer, Pawel; Ravel, Jacques; Goedert, James J


    High systemic estrogen levels contribute to breast cancer risk for postmenopausal women, whereas low levels contribute to osteoporosis risk. Except for obesity, determinants of non-ovarian systemic estrogen levels are undefined. We sought to identify members and functions of the intestinal microbial community associated with estrogen levels via enterohepatic recirculation. Fifty-one epidemiologists at the National Institutes of Health, including 25 men, 7 postmenopausal women, and 19 premenopausal women, provided urine and aliquots of feces, using methods proven to yield accurate and reproducible results. Estradiol, estrone, 13 estrogen metabolites (EM), and their sum (total estrogens) were quantified in urine and feces by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry. In feces, β-glucuronidase and β-glucosidase activities were determined by realtime kinetics, and microbiome diversity and taxonomy were estimated by pyrosequencing 16S rRNA amplicons. Pearson correlations were computed for each loge estrogen level, loge enzymatic activity level, and microbiome alpha diversity estimate. For the 55 taxa with mean relative abundance of at least 0.1%, ordinal levels were created [zero, low (below median of detected sequences), high] and compared to loge estrogens, β-glucuronidase and β-glucosidase enzymatic activity levels by linear regression. Significance was based on two-sided tests with α=0.05. In men and postmenopausal women, levels of total urinary estrogens (as well as most individual EM) were very strongly and directly associated with all measures of fecal microbiome richness and alpha diversity (R≥0.50, P≤0.003). These non-ovarian systemic estrogens also were strongly and significantly associated with fecal Clostridia taxa, including non-Clostridiales and three genera in the Ruminococcaceae family (R=0.57-0.70, P=0.03-0.002). Estrone, but not other EM, in urine correlated significantly with functional activity of fecal β-glucuronidase (R=0.36, P=0

  19. Digestibilidade ileal de aminoácidos de alimentos utilizados em dietas pré-iniciais para leitões, determinada pelo método do sacrifício Ileal digestibility of amino acids in feedstuffs used in pre-starter diets determined by the slaughter technique

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    Lourdes Romão Apolônio


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a digestibilidade ileal, aparente e verdadeira, dos aminoácidos de alimentos, como: leite em pó, soro de leite, soja micronizada, soja extrusada e plasma suíno, comumente utilizados na formulação de dietas pré-iniciais para leitões, pela técnica do sacrifício. Foram utilizados 96 leitões mestiços com 40 dias de idade, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos, oito repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. As dietas foram formuladas para fornecer 7% de PB para o soro de leite e 13% para os demais alimentos, sendo o alimento avaliado a única fonte de proteína. Foi utilizada uma dieta isenta de proteína para determinação da perda endógena de aminoácidos. Os animais foram abatidos sete horas após a ingestão das dietas experimentais, sendo a digesta ileal coletada para formação de uma amostra composta de digesta de oito animais, obtendo-se duas amostras por tratamento. Os maiores valores de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos essenciais foram obtidos no soro de leite, leite em pó e soja extrusada, sendo os menores coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira encontrados na soja micronizada. A treonina foi o aminoácido essencial que apresentou menor coeficiente de digestibilidade verdadeira em todos os alimentos avaliados. A metionina foi o aminoácido que apresentou maior coeficiente de digestibilidade verdadeira no soro de leite, na soja extrusada, na soja micronizada e no plasma suíno, enquanto a lisina foi o de maior coeficiente de digestibilidade verdadeira no leite em pó. O menor coeficiente de digestibilidade da lisina foi obtido na soja micronizada.This study was carried out to determine ileal digestibilities in feedstuffs used in diets for piglets by the slaughter technique. The apparent and true digestibilities for skimmed milk powder, milk whey, extruded soybean, micronized soybean and swine plasma were

  20. Manejo nutricional e digestibilidade no quilotórax canino Nutritional therapy and digestibility in canine chylotorax

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    Juliana Toloi Jeremias


    Full Text Available O quilotórax corresponde ao acúmulo de fluido linfático em um ou em ambos os espaços pleurais, resultante do extravasamento de linfa do ducto torácico ou de uma de suas divisões principais. Este pode estar associado à ascite quilosa em pacientes com distúrbios linfáticos sistêmicos, como na linfangiectasia, em decorrência de defeitos no transporte linfático-venoso do quilo da cavidade torácica para a circulação sistêmica. A linfangiectasia intestinal é um distúrbio obstrutivo que envolve o sistema linfático do órgão e revela-se como a causa mais comum de enteropatias associadas à má absorção e perda de proteínas em cães. São apresentados no presente relato o controle clínico com o uso de dieta caseira com baixa gordura e a quantificação da função digestiva, por meio da determinação da digestibilidade do alimento, em um cão acometido por quilotórax secundário à linfangiectasia intestinal. A dieta caseira incluiu arroz, peito de frango, cenoura, carbonato de cálcio, levedura de cerveja, suplemento vitamínico e mineral e sal. O ensaio de digestibilidade foi conduzido pelo método de coleta total de fezes. A dieta caseira foi eficaz em interromper o acúmulo de efusão quilosa torácica, restabelecer as concentrações de proteína total e albumina e promover ganho de peso no paciente. Os resultados da digestibilidade demonstraram menor aproveitamento de todos os nutrientes no cão com linfangiectasia em relação ao controle sadio.Chylothorax corresponds to accumulation of lymphatic fluid in one or both pleural spaces, resulting from the leak of thoracic duct or of one of their main divisions. This can be associated to chylous ascites in patients with systemic lymphatic disturbances, as in lymphangiectasia, due to defects in the lymphatic-veined transport of chylo from thoracic cavity to systemic circulation. Intestinal lymphangiectasia is an obstructive disturbance that involves lymphatic system of

  1. Fecal corticosterone reflects serum corticosterone in Florida sandhill cranes. (United States)

    Ludders, J W; Langenberg, J A; Czekala, N M; Erb, H N


    Florida sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis pratensis) were conditioned to confinement 6 hr/day for 7 days. On day 8, each bird's jugular vein was catheterized, blood samples were drawn, and each crane was confined for 6 hr. Using a randomized, restricted cross-over design, cranes were injected intravenously with either 0.9% NaCl solution or ACTH (cosyntropin; Cortrosyn; 0.25 mg). During the 6 hr of confinement, fecal samples (feces and urine) were collected from each of five cranes immediately after defecation. Individual fecal samples were collected approximately at hourly intervals and assayed for corticosterone. We showed previously that serum corticosterone did not vary significantly following saline injection, but peaked significantly 60 min after ACTH injection. Maximal fecal corticosterone concentrations (ng/g) were greater (P cranes under controlled conditions, fecal corticosterone concentration reflects serum corticosterone levels, fecal corticosterone, Grus canadensis pratensis, sandhill cranes, serum corticosterone levels.

  2. Transanal irrigation is effective in functional fecal incontinence

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jørgensen, Cecilie Siggaard; Kamperis, Konstantinos; Modin, Line


    Functional fecal incontinence (FFI) is divided into cases related to functional constipation (FC) and cases without concomitant constipation termed functional non-retentive fecal incontinence (FNRFI). Transanal irrigation (TAI) is widely used in children with neurogenic fecal incontinence...... and 35% (n = 25) were titrated to daily sessions. Of the 63 children who fulfilled the Rome III criteria of constipation, 46 (73%) showed full response with complete remission of incontinence episodes. Eleven (17%) showed partial response (≥50% reduction). Of nine children with FNRFI, four (44%) showed...

  3. Study of fecal bacterial diversity in Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    The bacterial diversity in fecal samples from Yunnan snub-nosed monkey ... Based on the phylogenetic analysis, the fecal bacteria of R. bieti distributed ... and conservation genetics, but research on fecal bacterial ... The large number of microorganisms in the intestine of .... There was high evolutional relativity between.

  4. The role of fecal calprotectin in investigating inflammatory bowel diseases

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    Mustafa Erbayrak


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Invasive and non-invasive tests can be used to evaluate the activity of inflammatory bowel diseases. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of fecal calprotectin in evaluating inflammatory bowel disease activity and the correlation of fecal calprotectin with the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C reactive protein values in inflammatory bowel disease. METHOD: Sixty-five patients affected with inflammatory bowel disease were enrolled. Twenty outpatients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease comprised the control group. RESULTS: In the present study, all patients in the control group had an fecal calprotectin value lower than the cut-off point (50 mg/kg. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, fecal calprotectin was found to be strongly associated with colorectal inflammation indicating organic disease. Fecal calprotectin is a simple and non-invasive method for assessing excretion of macrophages into the gut lumen. Fecal calprotectin values can be used to evaluate the response to treatment, to screen asymptomatic patients, and to predict inflammatory bowel disease relapses.

  5. Enzimas fibrolíticas exógenas en la digestibilidad in vitro de cinco ecotipos de Brachiaria

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    Juan H. Avellaneda-Cevallos


    Full Text Available En zi mas fi bro lí ti cas exó ge nas en la di ges ti bi li dad in vi tro de cin co eco ti pos de Bra chia ria. Este experimento se llevó a cabo en la Estación Experimental del Colegio de Postgraduados, en Montecillo, Estado de México, México, durante el 25 abril y el 27 noviembre de 2002. Se usó la primera fase de la técnica de Tilley y Terry (3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 h incubación con el objetivo de medir el efecto de un compuesto enzimático fibrolítico exógeno (enzima; Fibrozyme®; 0 y 1,5 g enzima/kg MS en la digestibilidad in vitro (DIV de MS, FDN y FDA de henos de cinco ecotipos de Brachiaria [brizantha var. Toledo (BT; ruziziensis x decumbens CIAT 46024 (RD; decumbens var. Señal (DS; ruziziensis x brizantha CIAT 36061 cv. Mulato (RBM; brizantha var. Insurgente (BI]. La DIVMS a las 48 y 72 h, para 0 y 1,5 g enzima, fue mayor (p<0,05 para los ecotipos BT y BI, respecto a RD, DS y RBM. La DIVFDN a las 48 y 72 h, para 0 y 1,5 g enzima, fue mayor (p<0,05 para BT y BI, respecto a RD, DS y RBM. La enzima aumentó (p<0,05 la DIVFDN sólo para el ecotipo RD a las 72 h; además, incrementó la DIVFDA para BT a 12 h; BT y DS a 24 h; BT, RD y BI a 48 h. Por tanto, las enzimas fibrolíticas aumentaron la digestibilidad in vitro de la pared celular de cinco ecotipos de Brachiaria.

  6. Relationship among fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella spp. in shellfish. (United States)

    Hood, M A; Ness, G E; Blake, N J


    The relationship of fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella spp. was examined in freshly harvested and stored shellfish. In 16 of 40 freshly collected oyster samples, fecal coliform levels were above the recommended wholesale level suggested by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (less than or equal to 230/100 g), and Salmonella spp. were present in three of these samples. Salmonella spp. were not, however, present in any sample containing less than 230 fecal coliforms per 100 g. Analysis of the data suggests that low fecal coliform levels in both fresh and stored oysters are good indicators of the absence of Salmonella spp., but that high levels of fecal coliforms are somewhat limited in predicting the presence of Salmonella spp. E. coli levels correlated very strongly with fecal coliform levels in both fresh and stored oysters and clams, suggesting that there is no advantage in replacing fecal coliforms with E. coli as an indicator of shellfish quality.

  7. Digestibilidade aparente de dietas práticas com diferentes relações energia: proteína em juvenis de pirarucu Apparent digestibility coefficient of practical diets with different energy: protein ratios for pirarucu juveniles

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    Eduardo Akifumi Ono


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes e energia de dietas para juvenis de pirarucu, Arapaima gigas. Foram testadas oito dietas, contendo quatro relações energia:proteína (11, 10,1, 9, 8 kcal energia digestível por grama de proteína bruta e duas fontes de energia não-protéica (óleo de soja e gordura de aves, em esquema fatorial 4x2, com três repetições. Foram estocados 240 juvenis de pirarucu com peso de 96,8±2,3 g, distribuídos em 24 tanques cilíndricos com fundo cônico, adaptados para a coleta de fezes (sistema Guelph modificado. Os peixes foram alimentados duas vezes ao dia até a saciedade aparente com as dietas experimentais contendo 0,5% de óxido de cromo, como marcador inerte para determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente. As dietas com a relação energia:proteína de 9 kcal energia digestível por grama de proteína bruta apresentaram os menores coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, proteína bruta e extrativo não nitrogenado. O maior coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da gordura foi obtido com o uso do óleo de soja. A relação energia:proteína na dieta influencia os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos macronutrientes e energia no pirarucu.The objective of this work was to determine the apparent digestibility of nutrients and energy of diets for pirarucu (Arapaima gigas juveniles. Eight experimental diets containing four energy:protein ratios (11, 10.1, 9, 8 kcal digestible energy per gram of crude protein and two non-protein energy sources (soybean oil and poultry fat were tested in a 4x2 factorial scheme, in triplicates. Two hundred and forty pirarucu juveniles weighting 96.8±2.3 g were distributed in 24 cylindrical-conical fiberglass tanks, adapted for feces collection (modified Guelph system. Fish were fed twice a day to apparent satiation, with experimental diets containing 0.5% of chromium oxide as inert marker in

  8. Digestibilidade e balanço de nitrogênio de rações com diferentes teores de proteína degradável no rúmen e milho moído como fonte de amido em ovinos Digestibility and nitrogen balance of sheep diets containing different levels of ruminal degradable protein and ground corn

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    Lúcia Maria Zeoula


    Full Text Available O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a digestibilidade aparente de rações com diferentes teores de proteína degradável no rúmen (PDR e fonte de amido de baixa degradabilidade ruminal (milho moído em ovinos. Utilizaram-se quatro ovinos castrados, sem raça definida (SRD, com peso vivo médio de 38,5 kg, em um delineamento experimental quadrado latino 4 x 4. As quatro rações experimentais utilizadas foram compostas de 75% de volumoso (feno de aveia e 25% de concentrado à base de milho moído (MM, farelo de soja (FS, farelo de algodão (FA, farinha de peixe (FP, uréia e sal mineral, compostas com quatro teores de PDR (46, 50, 54 e 58% de PDR nas rações. Determinaram-se a digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes e o balanço de nitrogênio nos animais alimentados com as rações experimentais. Os consumos de MS, MO, PB, amido, FDN e FDA não diferiram entre as rações testadas. Da mesma forma, o nitrogênio ingerido (NI, o N excretado nas fezes e na urina, em g/dia, o balanço de nitrogênio (%NI e os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO, PB, FDN e FDA não diferiram entre as rações experimentais, sendo estimados valores médios de 31,68; 6,34; 11,31 g/dia e 44,27% NI, respectivamente, e de 71,90; 73,00; 79,70; 61,10; e 52,00%, respectivamente. Independentemente dos teores de PDR em rações contendo milho como fonte de amido de baixa degradabilidade ruminal, não houve efeitos sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e o balanço de nitrogênio em ovinos.Four castrated sheep averaging 38.5 kg of body weight were randomly assigned to a 4 x 4 Latin square to evaluate the apparent digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen balance (NB on diets containing different levels of rumen degradable protein (RDP: 46, 50, 54, and 58% and ground corn. The four experimental diets were composed by 75% of forage (oat hay and 25% of concentrate containing ground corn (GC, soybean meal (SM, cottonseed meal (CM, fish meal (FM, urea, and

  9. Digestibilidade dos nutrientes de alimentos volumosos determinada pela técnica dos sacos móveis em eqüinos Nutrient digestibility of forage feed determined using mobile bag technique in horses

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    Vinícius Pimentel Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se estimar a digestibilidade de nutrientes de forrageiras em eqüinos utilizando-se a técnica de sacos de náilon móveis. Foram avaliados alfafa (Medicago sativa, amendoim forrageiro (Arachis pintoi, desmódio (Desmodium ovalifolium, estilosantes (Stylosanthes guianensis, guandu (Cajanus cajan, macrotiloma (Macrotyloma axillare e capim-coastcross (Cynodon dactylon cv. coastcross. O delineamento foi em blocos inteiramente casualizados com sete alimentos e cinco blocos (animais. Foram utilizados cinco eqüinos mestiços com 17 a 27 anos de idade e peso vivo médio de 350 kg. O ensaio teve duração de 12 dias: três para a adaptação às baias, cinco para inserção gástrica dos sacos através de sonda nasogástrica e quatro de coleta dos sacos nas fezes. No período pré-experimental de 30 dias, os animais foram mantidos em piquetes com dieta composta de 80% de feno de coastcross e 20% de concentrado. Na confecção dos sacos, utilizou-se náilon com porosidade de 45 µ e dimensão de 7,5 × 2 cm. Em cada saco, foram inseridos 510 mg de matéria seca de amostra do alimento. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes das forragens foram calculados considerando o resíduo obtido no saco. A digestibilidade dos nutrientes do amendoim, estilosantes e macrotiloma foram superiores à da demais forrageiras, com destaque para a digestibilidade da proteína bruta, cujos valores foram de 91,4; 94,9 e 97,0%, respectivamente. O amendoim e macrotiloma apresentaram digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro de 72,3 e 65,2% e da fibra em detergente ácido de 70,9 e 59,4%, respectivamente. O amendoim forrageiro, macrotiloma e estilosantes apresentam digestibilidade dos nutrientes satisfatória e têm potencial para o uso em dietas para eqüinos.This work was carried out to evaluate the nutrient digestibility of forages using mobile bags technique in horses. The forages were lucerne (Medicago sativa, peanut (Arachis pintoi, desmodio

  10. Consumo, digestibilidade dos nutrientes e desempenho de bovinos de corte recebendo silagem de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench e diferentes proporções de concentrado

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    Pereira Dalton Henrique


    Full Text Available Vinte e quatro bovinos machos, castrados, Holandês x Zebu (peso vivo inicial de 435 kg e 36 meses de idade foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com seis repetições para se avaliarem o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente total dos nutrientes, o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar e o rendimento de carcaça em bovinos de corte recebendo dietas contendo silagem de sorgo e concentrado nas proporções 80:20, 65:35, 50:50 e 35:65, com base na matéria seca. Os consumos de MS, MO, PB e NDT, em kg/dia, não foram influenciados pelos níveis de concentrado nas dietas, enquanto os consumos de EE e MS (% PV e g/kgPV0,75 e os CNF, em kg/dia, aumentaram linearmente com o nível de concentrado. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, no entanto, independentemente da forma de expressão, decresceu linearmente com o aumento dos níveis de concentrado. As digestibilidades aparentes totais de MS, MO e CNF não foram influenciadas pelas dietas, registrando-se valores médios de 63,8, 65,1 e 82,2%, respectivamente. Entretanto, as digestibilidades aparentes de PB, EE e FDN reduziram linearmente com o incremento de concentrado às dietas. O ganho médio diário e a conversão alimentar não foram influenciados pelas dietas, com valores médios de 1,40 kg/dia e 8,08 kg MS/kg de ganho de peso vivo (GPV, respectivamente. O peso final médio dos animais foi de 523 kg. O rendimento de carcaça dos animais aumentou linearmente com o incremento dos níveis de concentrado nas dietas. A dieta com silagem de sorgo de boa qualidade, associada a 20% de concentrado, proporcionou produção de carne com menor custo que as demais dietas.

  11. Aportaciones de la forestación a la sostenibilidad urbana en ciudades tropicales. Humedal Nuevo Amanecer, Ciudad Madero, México

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    Mireya Alicia Rosas Lusett


    Full Text Available Las ciudades tropicales poseen condiciones climáticas para el desarrollo de la biota. La conservación de espacios naturales con abundante masa vegetal, es vital para la preservación de la biodiversidad en la ciudad, así como la arborización , que aporta mejoras a la calidad de vida. El artículo presenta los resultados del proyecto “Forestación y Rescate de la Laguna Nuevo Amanecer. Ciudad Madero, México”, financiado por la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, 2015. El objetivo es validar el método de estudio a partir de indicadores en los proyectos de forestación urbana en la ciudad tropical a través de la medición de su impacto. Método . 1. Se utilizaron indicador es del Plan de Indicadores de Sostenibilidad Urbana (Rueda, 2010 para valorar la situación actual del humedal Laguna Nuevo Amanecer. 2. Se elaboró propuesta de reforestación urbana a partir de parámetros de los indicadores de Diversidad de arbolado, Índi ce biótico del suelo y Densidad de árboles. 3. Se evaluó el impacto de la propuesta a través del Índice de funcionalidad de parques para el humedal y el indicador de Confort térmico para las calles. Resultados . El incremento de la masa vegetal en la propue sta de reforestación urbana del espacio abierto, presenta impactos positivos en dos situaciones complementarias: los espacios naturales urbanos y las calles, considerando los indicadores: Escenario 1. Para los espacios naturales urbanos se consideró el Índ ice de Funcionalidad de parques en la propuesta de reforestación da un valor cercano a 10, donde supera el valor deseable para el caso de ciudades templadas de 7.5, demostrando la existencia de mayor riqueza ecológica en las ciudades tropicales como un val or a mantener. Escenario 2. Para las calles se consideró el indicador de Confort térmico en la propuesta de arborización se obtiene entre 7 y 9 horas de confort en el 74 % del polígono donde los valores deseables establecidos son en el 75

  12. Experience with a routine fecal sampling program for plutonium workers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bihl, D.E.; Buschbom, R.L.; Sula, M.J.


    A quarterly fecal sampling program was conducted at the U. S. Department of Energy's Hanford site for congruent to 100 workers at risk for an intake of plutonium oxide and other forms of plutonium. To our surprise, we discovered that essentially all of the workers were excreting detectable activities of plutonium. Further investigation showed that the source was frequent, intermittent intakes at levels below detectability by normal workplace monitoring, indicating the extraordinary sensitivity of fecal sampling. However, the experience of this study also indicated that the increased sensitivity of routine fecal sampling relative to more common bioassay methods is offset by many problems. These include poor worker cooperation; difficulty in distinguishing low-level chronic intakes from a more significant, acute intake; difficulty in eliminating interference from ingested plutonium; and difficulty in interpreting what a single void means in terms of 24-h excretion. Recommendations for a routine fecal program include providing good communication to workers and management about reasons and logistics of fecal sampling prior to starting, using annual (instead of quarterly) fecal sampling for class Y plutonium, collecting samples after workers have been away from plutonium exposure for a least 3 d, and giving serious consideration to improving urinalysis sensitivity rather than going to routine fecal sampling

  13. Fitase na alimentação da tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus. Desempenho e digestibilidade Phytase as feeding for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus. Performance and digestibility

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    Wilson Massamitu Furuya


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi realizado para avaliar os efeitos da adição de diferentes níveis de fitase (0, 500, 1500 e 3000 unidades de fitase ativa [UFA]/kg de ração em dietas para a tilápia do Nilo (8,88 ± 0,02 g. Todas as rações foram fornecidas até saciedade durante 45 dias. O nível de fitase baseou-se nos parâmetros de desempenho e digestibilidade e foi estimado pelos modelos quadrático e/ou LRP ("broken line". De acordo com os resultados obtidos com os níveis de fitase, o modelo LRP apresentou o melhor ajustamento de dados. A suplementação de fitase aumentou o desempenho, a retenção de minerais nos ossos, a digestibilidade da proteína e a disponibilidade de cálcio e fósforo. Os melhores resultados de desempenho, retenção de minerais nos ossos e digestibilidade foram obtidos com 700 UFA/kg de ração.This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of addition of different levels of phytase (0, 500, 1500 and 3000 units of active phytase [UFA]/kg diet in the diets for Nile tilapia (8.88 ± 0.02 g. All diets were fed to satiation daily for 45 days. The phytase level determination was based on the performance and digestibility parameters and was estimated by the quadratic and/or the broken line models. The broken line model showed a better adjustment for phytase levels according to the observed results. Phytase supplementation increased performence, bone minerals, protein digestibility and calcium and phosphorus availability. The best results of performance, bone mineral retentions and digestibility were obtained with 700 UFA/kg of diet.

  14. Desempenho e digestibilidade dos nutrientes de rações com casca do grão de soja em substituição ao milho para cabras Saanen em lactação e no pré-parto Performance and nutrients digestibility of rations with soybean hulls as a corn ground replacement for Saanen goats, in prepartum and lactation

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    Maximiliane Alavarse Zambom


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este experimento avaliar o desempenho produtivo, a digestibilidade da matéria seca e dos nutrientes e a composição do leite de cabras Saanen alimentadas com rações contendo casca do grão de soja (CGS em substituição ao milho (0, 50 ou 100%CGS no período da lactação até o pré-parto (30 dias. Foram utilizadas 18 cabras (75,70 ± 10,59 kg em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. As dietas apresentaram em média 14,82% PB e 2,28 Mcal de EM/kg MS ingerida. Os animais foram mantidos confinados em baias individuais com controle diário da ração ingerida e da produção de leite. No 150º dia de lactação, e também no 20º dia anterior à data prevista para o parto, iniciou-se a coleta de fezes para determinação da digestibilidade da ração e dos nutrientes. Mensalmente, foram coletadas amostras de leite para análise dos principais constituintes. Os níveis de CGS não influenciaram o peso corporal (PC, as ingestões de matéria seca (IMS e matéria orgânica (IMO, a digestibilidade de matéria seca (DMS, matéria orgânica (DMO e proteína bruta (DPB para produção de leite, a eficiência de produção de leite e a composição do leite no período de lactação. Também não afetaram o PC e as digestibilidades de MS e MO no período pré-parto. Os níveis de CGC influenciaram as ingestões de proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro e a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro nos dois períodos avaliados. No período pré-parto, os maiores resultados para ingestão de MS e MO, digestibilidade da PB e nitrogênio uréico no plasma foram obtidos no nível de 100%CGS. A utilização de casca do grão de soja em substituição ao milho moído na alimentação de cabras Saanen em lactação não altera o desempenho produtivo e a composição do leite.This experiment was carried out to evaluate productive performance, dry matter and nutrient digestibility, and milk composition of Saanen goats fed rations

  15. Consumo, digestibilidade e balanço de nitrogênio em novilhos alimentados com cama de frango e suplemento à base de microbiota ruminal liofilizada Intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance of steers fed broiler litter and supplement based on lyophilized ruminal microbiota

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    Ronaldo Lopes Oliveira


    Full Text Available Este experimento foi realizado para avaliar o efeito de dois níveis de cama de frango (15,0 e 30,0%, associada ou não a um suplemento à base de microbiota ruminal liofilizada de bovinos adultos (0 e 10 g/animal•dia, na alimentação de novilhos Holandês/Zebu. Quatro novilhos fistulados no rúmen e abomaso foram distribuídos em um quadrado latino 4 x 4 em arranjo fatorial e alimentados individualmente à vontade. O consumo e as digestibilidades totais e parciais dos nutrientes foram avaliados. Não houve efeito do nível de cama de frango sobre o consumo e os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO e fibra em detergente neutro (FDN. O aumento do nível de cama de frango na dieta elevou o coeficiente de digestibilidade intestinal e total da proteína bruta (PB, porém, quando se adicionou o suplemento à dieta com 15,0% de cama de frango, a digestibilidade intestinal aumentou e àquela contendo 30,0% diminuiu. Quando se adicionou o suplemento à dieta com 15,0% de cama de frango, o coeficiente de digestibilidade total não sofreu efeito, mas diminuiu para a dieta com 30%. A ingestão diária de 10 g do suplemento, por animal, não alterou o consumo e os coeficientes de digestibilidade da MS, MO e FDN.This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of two levels of broiler litter (15.0 and 30.0%, associated or not to a supplement based on bovine lyophilized ruminal microbiota (0 and 10 g/animal•day, in the Holstein Zebu steers feeding. Four steers with ruminal and abomasal fistulae were allotted to a 4 x 4 latin square in a factorial arrangement and individually fullfed. The intake and total and partial digestibilities were evaluated. There was no effect of broiler litter level on the intake and coefficients of digestibilities of dry matter (DM, organic matter (OM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF. The increase of the level of broiler litter in the diet increased the total and intestinal crude

  16. Inspection of fecal contamination on strawberries using fluorescence imaging (United States)

    Chuang, Yung-Kun; Yang, Chun-Chieh; Kim, Moon S.; Delwiche, Stephen R.; Lo, Y. Martin; Chen, Suming; Chan, Diane E.


    Fecal contamination of produce is a food safety issue associated with pathogens such as Escherichia coli that can easily pollute agricultural products via animal and human fecal matters. Outbreaks of foodborne illnesses associated with consuming raw fruits and vegetables have occurred more frequently in recent years in the United States. Among fruits, strawberry is one high-potential vector of fecal contamination and foodborne illnesses since the fruit is often consumed raw and with minimal processing. In the present study, line-scan LED-induced fluorescence imaging techniques were applied for inspection of fecal material on strawberries, and the spectral characteristics and specific wavebands of strawberries were determined by detection algorithms. The results would improve the safety and quality of produce consumed by the public.

  17. Efecto de la adición de vitaminas B en la digestibilidad In Vitro de dietas con diferente fuente de carbohidratos


    Oziel Dante Montañez Valdez


    Se realizó un estudio con el fin de observar el efecto de la adición de vitaminas hidrosolubles en la digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS) y materia orgánica (DIVMO) en dietas con distinta fuente de carbohidratos (sorgo y cebada en grano), adicionadas con cinco dosis de vitaminas B (VB; 0, 2, 4, 6 y 8 g kgMS). Se encontraron diferencias significativas (P < 0,01), tanto para los efectos principales (fuente de carbohidratos y cantidad de VB), como para la interacción de éstos, en ...

  18. Factors affecting genotyping success in giant panda fecal samples. (United States)

    Zhu, Ying; Liu, Hong-Yi; Yang, Hai-Qiong; Li, Yu-Dong; Zhang, He-Min


    Fecal samples play an important role in giant panda conservation studies. Optimal preservation conditions and choice of microsatellites for giant panda fecal samples have not been established. In this study, we evaluated the effect of four factors (namely, storage type (ethanol (EtOH), EtOH -20 °C, 2-step storage medium, DMSO/EDTA/Tris/salt buffer (DETs) and frozen at -20 °C), storage time (one, three and six months), fragment length, and repeat motif of microsatellite loci) on the success rate of microsatellite amplification, allelic dropout (ADO) and false allele (FA) rates from giant panda fecal samples. Amplification success and ADO rates differed between the storage types. Freezing was inferior to the other four storage methods based on the lowest average amplification success and the highest ADO rates ( P panda fecal preservation in microsatellite studies, and EtOH and the 2-step storage medium should be chosen on priority for long-term storage. We recommend candidate microsatellite loci with longer repeat motif to ensure greater genotyping success for giant panda fecal studies.

  19. Coeficiente de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos e valores de aminoácidos digestíveis do milho submetido a diferentes temperaturas de secagem e períodos de armazenamento True digestibility of amino acids and digestible amino acids values of corn samples submitted to different drying temperatures and storage periods

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    Débora Cristine de Oliveira Carvalho


    Full Text Available Determinou-se o coeficiente de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos de amostras de milho submetidas a diferentes temperaturas de secagem (temperatura ambiente e secagem artificial a 80, 100 e 120°C e períodos de armazenamento (0, 60, 120 e 180 dias. A digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos foi determinada pelo método de "alimentação forçada" utilizando-se galos Leghorn adultos cecectomizados, alojados individualmente em baterias metálicas. Utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 × 4 (quatro temperaturas de secagem e quatro períodos de armazenamento com um galo por unidade experimental e oito repetições por temperatura de secagem e período de armazenamento. As perdas endógenas foram determinadas com galos em jejum. O aumento da temperatura de secagem ocasionou redução linear da digestibilidade de metionina + cistina e isoleucina e efeito quadrático sobre a digestibilidade de metionina, treonina, lisina, triptofano e fenilalanina. Os maiores coeficientes de digestibilidade de metionina, treonina, lisina, triptofano e fenilalanina foram observados nas temperaturas 40, 25, 27, 32 e 40°C, respectivamente, obtidas por equação de regressão. Observou-se redução linear da digestibilidade de metionina e treonina com o tempo de armazenamento. A temperatura de secagem e o tempo de armazenamento dos grãos de milho reduzem a digestibilidade da maioria dos aminoácidos.The objective of this experiment was to determine the true digestibility (TD of amino acids from corn samples submitted to different drying temperatures (room temperature and artificial drying at 80, 100 and 120°C, and different storage periods (0, 60, 120 and 180 days. The TD of amino acids was determined by the forced feeding method using cecectomized adult Leghorn roosters, placed in individual cages. A 4 × 4 factorial arrangement was used (four drying temperatures and four storage periods, in a completely randomized design

  20. Fontes nitrogenadas e uso de Sacharomyces cerevisiae em dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar para novilhos: consumo, digestibilidade, balanço nitrogenado e parâmetros ruminais

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    Pereira Elzânia Sales


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos das fontes nitrogenadas e o uso de Sacharomyces cerevisiae em dietas à base de cana-de-açúcar sobre os consumos e as digestibilidades aparentes totais e parciais de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE, carboidratos totais (CHO, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e carboidratos não-estruturais (CNE, o balanço nitrogenado e os parâmetros ruminais. Foram utilizados quatro novilhos Holandês-Zebu, fistulados no rúmen e abomaso, alimentados com quatro rações à base de cana-de-açúcar, constituídas de duas fontes nitrogenadas (uréia ou cama de frango combinadas com dois níveis de Sacharomyces cerevisiae (0 e 10 g/dia. Utilizou-se delineamento em quadrado latino 4 x 4. A fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi foi utilizada como indicador, para determinar as digestibilidades aparentes totais e parciais. Os consumos de MS, MO, EE, CT e CNE não foram influenciados pelas fontes nitrogenadas e pela utilização de Sacharomyces cerevisiae. Os consumos de PB e FDN foram maiores para as dietas suplementadas com cama de frango. Os coeficientes de digestibilidades totais de PB e EE foram maiores para as dietas constituídas de uréia. As digestibilidades aparentes totais de MS, MO, CT e FDN não foram influenciadas pelas fontes nitrogenadas e pela utilização de Sacharomyces cerevisiae. O pH do líquido ruminal decresceu linearmente para as dietas suplementadas com uréia e apresentou comportamento quadrático, quando estas dietas foram combinadas com Sacharomyces cerevisiae. As concentrações de amônia no líquido ruminal apresentaram comportamento quadrático, estimando-se valores máximos de 16,90; 26,12; 18,48; e 14,40 mg/100 mL para os tratamentos constituídos de cana-de-açúcar e uréia; cana-de-açúcar, uréia e Sacharomyces cerevisiae; cana-de-açúcar e cama de frango; e cana-de-açúcar, cama de frango e Sacharomyces cerevisiae

  1. Potential of fecal waste for the production of biomethane, bioethanol and biodiesel. (United States)

    Gomaa, Mohamed A; Abed, Raeid M M


    Fecal waste is an environmental burden that requires proper disposal, which ultimately becomes also an economic burden. Because fecal waste is nutrient-rich and contains a diverse methanogenic community, it has been utilized to produce biomethane via anaerobic digestion. Carbohydrates and lipids in fecal waste could reach up to 50% of the dry weight, which also suggests a potential as a feedstock for bioethanol and biodiesel production. We measured biomethane production from fecal waste of cows, chickens, goats and humans and compared the microbial community composition before and after anaerobic digestion. We also compared the fecal waste for cellulase production, saccharification and fermentation to produce bioethanol and for lipid content and fatty acid profiles to produce biodiesel. All fecal waste produced biomethane, with the highest yield of 433.4±77.1ml CH 4 /g VS from cow fecal waste. Production of bioethanol was achieved from all samples, with chicken fecal waste yielding as high as 1.6±0.25g/l. Sludge samples exhibited the highest extractable portion of lipids (20.9±0.08wt%) and conversion to fatty acid methyl esters (11.94wt%). Utilization of fecal waste for the production of biofuels is environmentally and economically beneficial. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Consumo e digestibilidade de feno de baixa qualidade suplementado com nitrogênio não protéico em bovinos Intake and digestibility of low-quality hay with nonprotein nitrogen supplementation in cattle

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    Giovanni Mateus Mallmann


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de níveis de inclusão de nitrogênio não protéico, em suplementos fornecidos a tourinhos Hereford, com 17 meses e peso médio de 220 kg, alimentados com feno de tifton (Cynodon dactylon ad libitum. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: feno + suplemento sem uréia; feno + suplemento com 0,28 g de uréia kg-1 PV0,75; feno + suplemento com 0,55 g de uréia kg-1 PV0,75; feno + suplemento com 0,83 g de uréia kg-1 PV0,75 e feno + suplemento com 1,11 g de uréia kg-1 PV0,75. O feno apresentou, na média, 3,86% de proteína bruta e 84,66% de fibra em detergente neutro. Não se constatou efeito da suplementação sobre a digestibilidade da matéria orgânica, matéria orgânica do feno, fibra em detergente neutro, celulose e hemicelulose; o consumo total desses itens respondeu quadraticamente à suplementação com níveis crescentes de nitrogênio não protéico. A suplementação não afetou a excreção fecal metabólica de matéria orgânica, o que sugere aumento na taxa de passagem (variação no consumo e na taxa de digestão (digestibilidade constante. O consumo de matéria orgânica digestível apresentou comportamento quadrático com aumento dos níveis de uréia na dieta. Quando o nível de proteína degradável no rúmen foi equivalente a 8,1% da matéria orgânica digestível, a relação de consumo entre esses componentes foi otimizada.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of nonprotein nitrogen supplementation levels on the digestibility of low-quality hay (Cynodon dactylon, which was offered ad libitum to Hereford bulls aging 17 months and weighing 220 kg. The evaluated treatments were: hay + no urea supplement; hay + supplement with 0.28 g urea kg- 1 BW0.75; hay + supplement with 0.55 g urea kg-1 BW0.75; hay + supplement with 0.83 g urea kg- 1 BW0.75 and hay + supplement with 1.11 g urea kg- 1 BW0.75. Hay composition presented 3.86% of crude protein and 84.66% of neutral

  3. Qualitative feed restriction for heavy swines: effect on digestibility and weight of organs of digestive tract, and environmental impact of feces Restrição alimentar qualitativa para suínos pesados: efeito sobre digestibilidade e peso dos órgãos do trato digestório e impacto ambiental das fezes

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    A.L. Fraga


    Full Text Available A total of 50 barrows were used to evaluate qualitative feed restriction on digestibility of dietary components, weight of organs of digestive tract, and composition and production of feces. Five experimental diets, with increasing levels of qualitative feed restriction of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20% were used. There was linear reduction (PForam utilizados 50 suínos machos castrados para avaliar o efeito da restrição alimentar qualitativa sobre a digestibilidade dos componentes dietéticos, os órgãos do trato digestório, a composição e a produção fecal. Foram utilizadas cinco dietas experimentais, com níveis de restrição qualitativa de 0, 5, 10, 15 e 20%. Houve redução linear (P<0,001 para todos os coeficientes de digestibilidade, com exceção da fibra em detergente ácido, que apresentou resposta quadrática (P<0,05. Os teores de sólidos totais (P<0,01 e voláteis (P<0,05, e minerais totais (P<0,001 nas fezes aumentaram com os níveis de restrição alimentar, enquanto os níveis de K (P<0,05, Cu (P<0,01 e de N, P, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe e Zn (P<0,001, apresentaram resposta quadrática. A excreção diária de fezes, sólidos totais e voláteis, minerais totais, N, P, K, Mn e Cu (P<0,001, Ca, Na, Mg e Fe (P<0,05 apresentaram aumento em função do nível da restrição alimentar qualitativa. A restrição qualitativa pode ser alternativa para destinação de resíduos da agroindústria, conferindo boas propriedades às fezes suínas, no que diz respeito à utilização para adubação de culturas.


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    L. I. A. CASTRO


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    A quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd é um pseudocereal isento de glúten, oriundo dos Andes, onde tem sido cultivado há milhares de anos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e avaliar sensorialmente algumas preparações contendo quinoa em grãos, flocos e farinha, destinadas ao paciente celíaco, e determinar a digestibilidade in vitro de sua proteína, submetida ou não ao tratamento térmico. As amostras foram avaliadas sensorialmente através de um teste de aceitação utilizando a escala hedônica nominal de 9 pontos. O método utilizado na análise da digestibilidade protéica in vitro foi o da queda de pH após 10 minutos, com a adição das enzimas tripsina e pancreatina às amostras de quinoa, tratadas e não tratadas termicamente. Das sete preparações testadas, seis foram bem aceitas, já que apresentaram um Índice de Aceitabilidade maior que 70%. Os flocos e grãos de quinoa, após serem testados termicamente, tiveram sua digestibilidade otimizada. Portanto, a quinoa e seus derivados podem ser considerados uma boa opção para a alimentação dos indivíduos portadores da doença celíaca.

  5. Evaluation of fecal culture and fecal RT-PCR to detect Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis fecal shedding in dairy goats and dairy sheep using latent class Bayesian modeling. (United States)

    Bauman, Cathy A; Jones-Bitton, Andria; Jansen, Jocelyn; Kelton, David; Menzies, Paula


    The study's objective was to evaluate the ability of fecal culture (FCUL) and fecal PCR (FPCR) to identify dairy goat and dairy sheep shedding Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis. A cross-sectional study of the small ruminant populations was performed in Ontario, Canada between October 2010 and August 2011. Twenty-nine dairy goat herds and 21 dairy sheep flocks were visited, and 20 lactating females > two years of age were randomly selected from each farm resulting in 580 goats and 397 sheep participating in the study. Feces were collected per rectum and cultured using the BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 960 system using a standard (49 days) and an extended (240 days) incubation time, and underwent RT-PCR based on the hsp-X gene (Tetracore®). Statistical analysis was performed using a 2-test latent class Bayesian hierarchical model for each species fitted in WinBUGS. Extending the fecal culture incubation time statistically improved FCUL sensitivity from 23.1 % (95 % PI: 15.9-34.1) to 42.7 % (95 % PI: 33.0-54.5) in dairy goats and from 5.8 % (95 % PI: 2.3-12.4) to 19.0 % (95 % PI: 11.9-28.9) in dairy sheep. FPCR demonstrated statistically higher sensitivity than FCUL (49 day incubation) with a sensitivity of 31.9 % (95 % PI: 22.4-43.1) in goats and 42.6 % (95 % PI: 28.8-63.3) in sheep. Fecal culture demonstrates such low sensitivity at the standard incubation time it cannot be recommended as a screening test to detect shedding of MAP in either goats or sheep. Extending the incubation time resulted in improved sensitivity; however, it is still disappointingly low for screening purposes. Fecal PCR should be the screening test of choice in both species; however, it is important to recognize that control programs should not be based on testing alone when they demonstrate such low sensitivity.

  6. Ingestão de alimentos e digestibilidade aparente das frações fibrosas da torta de coco para ovinos - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v33i2.10406 Feed intake and digestibility of fibrous fractions of coconut cake by sheep - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v33i2.10406

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    Geane Dias Gonçalves Ferreira


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o efeito da inclusão de níveis crescentes de torta de coco (Cocos nucifera L. sobre a ingestão de alimentos e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido. Foram utilizados 16 ovinos não-castrados, com peso corporal médio de 28 kg (± 3,2 kg, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, sendo quatro tratamentos (0; 0,4; 0,8 e 1,2% PV de inclusão de torta de coco e quatro repetições. Houve um período experimental de 21 dias com 14 dias de adaptação e sete dias de coleta de dados, em que se monitorou o fornecimento da dieta e a coleta total de fezes. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente ácido apresentou efeitos lineares e crescentes com a inclusão da torta de coco na dieta (44,9 a 57 e 30,57 a 40,32% para os níveis de 1,2% de inclusão, respectivamente. A fibra em detergente neutro apresentou comportamento quadrático, e o melhor nível de inclusão ocorreu com 0,89% e digestibilidade máxima da FDN de 59,39%. A torta de coco é uma excelente fonte de suplementação alimentar e pode contribuir no atendimento das demandas nutricionais para produção de carne e leite na Amazônia Oriental.This trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of coconut cake (Cocos nucifera L. on feed intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber. We used 16 non-castrated sheep with mean body weight of 28 kg (± 3.2 kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments (0, 0.4, 0.8 and 1.2% BW of inclusion of coconut pie and four replications. There was a trial period of 21 days with 14 days of adaptation and 7 days of data collection, which monitored the supply of diet and total fecal collection. The apparent digestibility of dry matter and acid detergent fiber effects were linear and increasing with the inclusion of coconut cake in the diet (44.9 to

  7. Effects of fecal sampling on preanalytical and analytical phases in quantitative fecal immunochemical tests for hemoglobin. (United States)

    Rapi, Stefano; Berardi, Margherita; Cellai, Filippo; Ciattini, Samuele; Chelazzi, Laura; Ognibene, Agostino; Rubeca, Tiziana


    Information on preanalytical variability is mandatory to bring laboratories up to ISO 15189 requirements. Fecal sampling is greatly affected by lack of harmonization in laboratory medicine. The aims of this study were to obtain information on the devices used for fecal sampling and to explore the effect of different amounts of feces on the results from the fecal immunochemical test for hemoglobin (FIT-Hb). Four commercial sample collection devices for quantitative FIT-Hb measurements were investigated. The volume of interest (VOI) of the probes was measured from diameter and geometry. Quantitative measurements of the mass of feces were carried out by gravimetry. The effects of an increased amount of feces on the analytical environment were investigated measuring the Hb values with a single analytical method. VOI was 8.22, 7.1 and 9.44 mm3 for probes that collected a target of 10 mg of feces, and 3.08 mm3 for one probe that targeted 2 mg of feces. The ratio between recovered and target amounts of devices ranged from 56% to 121%. Different changes in the measured Hb values were observed, in adding increasing amounts of feces in commercial buffers. The amounts of collected materials are related to the design of probes. Three out 4 manufacturers declare the same target amount using different sampling volumes and obtaining different amounts of collected materials. The introduction of a standard probes to reduce preanalytical variability could be an useful step for fecal test harmonization and to fulfill the ISO 15189 requirements.

  8. Digestibilidade in vitro de alimentos com inóculos de líquido de rúmen ou de fezes de bovinos In vitro digestibility of foodstuffs with inoculum of bovine feces or ruminal fluid

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    Claudete Regina Alcalde


    Full Text Available O presente experimento foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Experimental da Universidade Estadual de Maringá e no Laboratório de Digestibilidade in vitro e Metabolismo Animal do Departamento de Zootecnia (UEM Estado do Paraná, com a finalidade de comparar o líquido de rúmen em dois tipos de colheita (via fístula ruminal ou sonda esofágica com as fezes de bovino em duas diluições, ou seja, 200/200 (tampão/fezes ou 100/300, como inóculos para a determinação da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS pela metodologia do fermentador ruminal (DAISYII/ANKOM® do farelo de trigo, milho moído, farelo de soja, farelo de canola, feno de Coast-cross e feno de Tifton 85. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos (inóculos e três repetições. Os diferentes tipos de inóculos não influenciaram (P > 0,05 nas digestibilidades da matéria seca (DIVMS do farelo de trigo e do milho. Entretanto, as digestibilidades do farelo de soja e do feno de Coast-cross com o inóculo fezes 200/200 foram menores (P The present experiment was developed to compare ruminal fluid collected by ruminal cannula or esophageal probe and bovine feces in two dilutions, 200/200 (buffer/feces or 100/300, as inoculum source, for the determination of in vitro (DAISYII/ANKOM® digestibility of wheat meal, ground corn, soybean and canola meal, and Coast-cross and Tifton 85 hay, with three replications. Different inoculum did not influence (p > 0.05 in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD of wheat meal and ground corn. However, the digestibility of soybean meal and Coast-cross hay with inoculum of feces dilution 200/200 was lower (p < 0.05 than that of the other food. In the case of canola meal and Tifton 85 hay, the IVDMD with inoculum from ruminal cannula and esophageal probe was better (p < 0.05 than the others. Except for canola meal and Tifton 85 hay, the bovine feces as an inoculum source (100/300 was efficient to evaluate IVDMD.

  9. Climate relationships to fecal bacterial densities in Maryland shellfish harvest waters. (United States)

    Leight, A K; Hood, R; Wood, R; Brohawn, K


    Coastal states of the United States (US) routinely monitor shellfish harvest waters for types of bacteria that indicate the potential presence of fecal pollution. The densities of these indicator bacteria in natural waters may be related to climate in several ways, including through runoff from precipitation and survival related to water temperatures. The relationship between interannual precipitation and air temperature patterns and the densities of fecal indicator bacteria in shellfish harvest waters in Maryland's portion of the Chesapeake Bay was quantified using 34 years of data (1979-2013). Annual and seasonal precipitation totals had a strong positive relationship with average fecal coliform levels (R(2) = 0.69) and the proportion of samples with bacterial densities above the FDA regulatory criteria (R(2) = 0.77). Fecal coliform levels were also significantly and negatively related to average annual air temperature (R(2) = -0.43) and the average air temperature of the warmest month (R(2) = -0.57), while average seasonal air temperature was only significantly related to fecal coliform levels in the summer. River and regional fecal coliform levels displayed a wide range of relationships with precipitation and air temperature patterns, with stronger relationships in rural areas and mainstem Bay stations. Fecal coliform levels tended to be higher in years when the bulk of precipitation occurred throughout the summer and/or fall (August to September). Fecal coliform levels often peaked in late fall and winter, with precipitation peaking in summer and early fall. Continental-scale sea level pressure (SLP) analysis revealed an association between atmospheric patterns that influence both extratropical and tropical storm tracks and very high fecal coliform years, while regional precipitation was found to be significantly correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and the Pacific North American Pattern. These findings indicate that management of

  10. Physical Therapy for Fecal Incontinence in Children with Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia. (United States)

    Muddasani, Swathi; Moe, Amanda; Semmelrock, Caitlin; Gilbert, Caroyl Luan; Enemuo, Valentine; Chiou, Eric Howard; Chumpitazi, Bruno Pedro


    To determine the efficacy of physical therapy (PT) for fecal incontinence in children with pelvic floor dyssynergia (PFD). Retrospective chart review of children with PFD completing >1 PT session for fecal incontinence at a quaternary children's hospital. The frequency of fecal incontinence (primary outcome), constipation-related medication use, number of bowel movements (in those with pelvic floor muscle (PFM) function were captured at baseline and at the final PT visit. Outcomes were categorized as excellent (complete continence), good (>50% decrease in fecal incontinence frequency), fair (not worsening but Pelvic floor PT is effective in the majority of children with fecal incontinence related to PFD. Factors associated with PT efficacy include improved PFM functioning, good compliance with PT, and history of tethered cord. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Requerimientos energéticos de ovinos de pelo en las regiones tropicales de Latinoamérica. Revisión

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    Alfonso Juventino Chay-Canul


    Full Text Available Los ovinos de pelo juegan un papel importante en la producción animal en las regiones tropicales; sin embargo, sus requerimientos nutricionales no se han determinado en la misma medida que los de las razas de lana. Debido a las condiciones ambientales de las regiones tropicales (clima, calidad y disponibilidad de alimentos, es razonable la hipótesis de que los requerimientos de energía metabolizable (EM y la eficiencia de utilización de la EM pueden ser diferentes entre los ovinos de razas de pelo y de lana. La información disponible en ovinos de pelo muestra una gran discrepancia en cuanto a las necesidades de energía. Con base en datos de la literatura disponible para hembras ovinas, el requerimiento de EM para mantenimiento (EMm fue de 419±129 kJ/kg PC0.75 (media ± desviación estándar y para machos fue 388±123 kJ/kg BW0.75. El requerimiento de energía neta para la ganancia de peso (ENg varió de 8.75 a 14.06 kJ/g (11.63±1.86 kJ/g. Las eficiencias de utilización de la EM para el mantenimiento (km y la ganancia de peso (kg fueron de 0.66±0.023 y 0.42±0.044, respectivamente. Esta revisión también indicó que la información es escasa para ovejas adultas en diferentes etapas fisiológicas (mantenimiento, lactancia y gestación. Se requiere más trabajo de investigación con relación a la estimación de las necesidades de energía de los ovinos de pelo, con el fin de hacer ajustes a los modelos existentes de alimentación, con el objetivo de predecir la respuesta de los animales con la condición que prevalece en los trópicos (tipo de animal, medio ambiente y alimentos disponibles.

  12. Isolation of Fecal Coliform Bacteria from the Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin centrata)


    Harwood, Valerie J.; Butler, Joseph; Parrish, Danny; Wagner, Victoria


    Total and fecal coliform bacteria were isolated from the cloaca and feces of the estuarine diamondback terrapin. The majority of samples contained fecal coliforms. Escherichia coli was the predominant fecal coliform species isolated, and members of the genus Salmonella were isolated from 2 of 39 terrapins. Fecal coliform numbers are used to regulate shellfish harvests, and diamondback terrapins inhabit the brackish-water habitats where oyster beds are found; therefore, these findings have imp...

  13. Fecal calprotectin levels in preterm infants with and without feeding intolerance. (United States)

    Moussa, Rehab; Khashana, Abdelmoneim; Kamel, Noha; Elsharqawy, Sonia Elsharqawy


    To assess the level of fecal calprotectin in preterm neonates with feeding intolerance, as well as to evaluate it as a marker of feeding intolerance and to determine a cut-off level of fecal calprotectin in feeding intolerance. Analytical, multicenter, case-control study, which was carried out in neonatal intensive care units in Egypt, in a period from August 1, 2014 to March 1, 2015 on 52 preterm neonates. Neonates were classified into two groups; a study group including 26 neonates who met inclusion criteria and a control group including 26 neonates for comparison. Fecal calprotectin levels ranged from 3.9μg/g to 971.8μg/g, and there was a significant increase in fecal calprotectin in the study group when compared to the control group (334.3±236.6μg/g vs. 42.0±38.2μg/g, respectively) with moderate inverse significant correlation between fecal calprotectin and birth weight. Furthermore, there was moderate, significant correlation between fecal calprotectin and duration of breastfeeding range. On the other hand, there was no correlation between fecal calprotectin and post-natal age, gestational age, or volume of feeding. A cut-off at the 67.0μg/g level, with 100.0% sensitivity and 76.9% specificity, was considered. Fecal calprotectin level increased significantly in neonates with feeding intolerance; it can be used to detect early cases with necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates, but this subject still needs more investigations on more patients. Copyright © 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  14. Desempenho de frangos de corte e digestibilidade de rações com sorgo ou milheto e complexo enzimático

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    Paulo Ricardo de Sá da Costa Leite


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a digestibilidade de rações formuladas com sorgo (Sorghum bicolor, ou milheto (Pennisetum glaucum e adição de um complexo enzimático comercial composto de amilase, carboidrases, proteases e fitase, e o desempenho de frangos de corte. Para avaliação de desempenho, foram alojados 1.800 pintos de corte machos em delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em arranjo fatorial 2x2, com quatro tratamentos (rações com sorgo ou milheto com ou sem adição de complexo enzimático e cinco repetições com 60 aves por unidade experimental. Nos ensaios de metabolismo realizados dos 10 aos 14 e dos 24 aos 28 dias, foram distribuídos 420 pintos machos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2x2 (rações com milheto ou sorgo com ou sem adição de complexo enzimático. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas com o teste F para contrastes ortogonais. Nas rações elaboradas com sorgo, a adição do complexo enzimático proporcionou melhores coeficientes de digestibilidade da gordura e do nitrogênio. A adição de complexo enzimático em rações formuladas com sorgo melhora a conversão alimentar somente na fase inicial de criação dos frangos, enquanto a adição de complexo enzimático não melhora o desempenho de frango nas rações elaboradas com milheto.

  15. Prospective regenerative medicine therapies for obstetric trauma-induced fecal incontinence. (United States)

    Parmar, Nina; Kumar, Lalit; Emmanuel, Anton; Day, Richard M


    Fecal incontinence is a major public health issue that has yet to be adequately addressed. Obstetric trauma and injury to the anal sphincter muscles are the most common cause of fecal incontinence. New therapies are emerging aimed at repair or regeneration of sphincter muscle and restoration of continence. While regenerative medicine offers an attractive option for fecal incontinence there are currently no validated techniques using this approach. Although many challenges are yet to be resolved, the advent of regenerative medicine is likely to offer disruptive technologies to treat and possibly prevent the onset of this devastating condition. This article provides a review on regenerative medicine approaches for treating fecal incontinence and a critique of the current landscape in this area.

  16. Microbial quality of tilapia reared in fecal-contaminated ponds

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Shafai, S.A.; Gijzen, H.J.; Nasr, F.A.; El-Gohary, F.A.


    The microbial quality of tilapia reared in four fecal-contaminated fishponds was investigated. One of the fishponds (TDP) received treated sewage with an average fecal coliform count of 4x10 3 cfu/100 mL, and feed of fresh duckweed grown on treated sewage was used. The number of fecal coliform bacteria attached to duckweed biomass ranged between 4.1x10 2 and 1.6x10 4 cfu/g fresh weight. The second fishpond (TWP) received treated sewage, and the feed used was wheat bran. The third fishpond (FDP) received freshwater, and the feed used was the same duckweed. Pond 4 (SSP) received only settled sewage with an average fecal coliform count of 2.1x10 8 /100 mL. The average counts in the fishponds were 2.2x10 3 , 1.7x10 3 , 1.7x10 2 , and 9.4x10 3 cfu/100 mL in TDP, TWP, FDP, and SSP, respectively. FDP had a significantly (P gills>skin>liver. Poor water quality (ammonia and nitrite) in SSP resulted in statistically higher fecal coliform numbers in fish organs of about 1 log 10 than in treatments with good water quality. Pretreatment of sewage is therefore recommended

  17. Fecal zonulin is elevated in Crohn's disease and in cigarette smokers. (United States)

    Malíčková, Karin; Francová, Irena; Lukáš, Milan; Kolář, Martin; Králíková, Eva; Bortlík, Martin; Ďuricová, Dana; Štěpánková, Lenka; Zvolská, Kamila; Pánková, Alexandra; Zima, Tomáš


    Human zonulin is a protein that increases permeability in the epithelial layer of the small intestine by reversibly modulating the intercellular tight junctions. There is not sufficient information available about zonulin's participation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). The aim of this study was therefore to investigate fecal and serum zonulin in IBD patients and its relation to the disease localization, behavior and smoking status. Forty IBD patients and forty healthy persons were examined for fecal and serum zonulin concentrations by competitive ELISA (DRG International Inc). Values were correlated to IBD type, localization and behavior, and smoking. Serum and fecal zonulin were significantly higher in patients with Crohn's disease compared to ulcerative colitis (p = 0.038 for fecal zonulin, and p = 0.041 for serum zonulin concentrations). No association of serum or fecal zonulin was found with respect to IBD localization and behavior. The only difference was found with respect to smoking. Both the IBD cohort and healthy smokers showed significantly higher fecal zonulin levels (median 203 ng/mL) compared to non-smokers (median 35.8 ng/mL), p zonulin levels are elevated in patients with active Crohn's disease but not with ulcerative colitis. High fecal zonulin levels in smokers irrespective of IBD point to the significant and undesirable up-regulation of gut permeability in cigarette smokers.

  18. Fecal osmotic gap and pH in experimental diarrhea of various causes. (United States)

    Eherer, A J; Fordtran, J S


    Although the osmotic gap of fecal fluid is often used to distinguish osmotic diarrhea from secretory diarrhea, there has never been a scientific evaluation of the validity of this concept. Similarly, although a low fecal fluid pH value is used to indicate that diarrhea is mediated by carbohydrate malabsorption, the validity of this method is unproven. Therefore, in the present study, diarrhea was induced in normal subjects by different mechanisms and fecal fluid osmotic gap (using an assumed fecal fluid osmolality of 290 mOsm/kg) and pH were measured. In secretory diarrhea caused by phenolphthalein, the osmotic gap was always less than 50 mOsm/kg, whereas in osmotic diarrhea caused by polyethylene glycol, magnesium hydroxide, lactulose, and sorbitol, the osmotic gap always exceeded 50 mOsm/kg. In osmotic diarrhea caused by sodium sulfate, the fecal fluid osmotic gap was less than 50 mOsm/kg, but phenolphthalein-induced secretory diarrhea could be distinguished from sodium sulfate-induced osmotic diarrhea by the fecal chloride concentration. When diarrhea was caused by carbohydrate malabsorption (lactulose or sorbitol), the fecal fluid pH was always less than 5.6 and usually less than 5.3; by contrast, other causes of diarrhea rarely caused a fecal pH as low as 5.6 and never caused a pH less than 5.3. It is concluded that measurement of fecal fluid osmotic gap and pH can distinguish various mechanisms of experimental diarrhea in normal subjects. The concepts on which these tests are based are therefore verified experimentally.

  19. Isolation of fecal coliform bacteria from the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin centrata). (United States)

    Harwood, V J; Butler, J; Parrish, D; Wagner, V


    Total and fecal coliform bacteria were isolated from the cloaca and feces of the estuarine diamondback terrapin. The majority of samples contained fecal coliforms. Escherichia coli was the predominant fecal coliform species isolated, and members of the genus Salmonella were isolated from 2 of 39 terrapins. Fecal coliform numbers are used to regulate shellfish harvests, and diamondback terrapins inhabit the brackish-water habitats where oyster beds are found; therefore, these findings have implications for the efficacy of current regulatory parameters in shellfishing waters.

  20. Measurement of fecal glucocorticoids in parrotfishes to assess stress (United States)

    Turner, J.W.; Nemeth, R.; Rogers, C.


    Coral reefs are in decline worldwide from a combination of natural and human forces. The environmental compromises faced by coral reef habitats and their associated fishes are potentially stressful, and in this study we examined the potential for assessing stress levels in coral reef fish. We determined the feasibility of using fecal casts from parrotfishes for remote assessment of stress-related hormones (cortisol and corticosterone), and the response of these hormones to the stress of restraint and hypoxia. Measurement of these hormones in fecal extracts by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was validated using mass spectrometry, chemical derivitization, and radioactive tracer methods. In aquarium-adapted parrotfish, baseline levels of cortisol and corticosterone averaged 3.4??1.1 and 14.8??2.8ng/g feces, respectively, across 32 days. During 13 days of periodic stress these hormones, respectively, average 10.8-fold and 3.2-fold greater than baseline, with a return to near baseline during a 23-day follow-up. Testosterone was also measured as a reference hormone which is not part of the stress-response axis. Levels of this hormone were similar across the study. These fecal hormones were also measured in a field study of parrotfish in 10 fringing coral reef areas around the Caribbean Island of St. John, US Virgin Islands. Extracts of remotely collected fecal casts of three parrotfish species revealed no difference in respective average hormone levels among these species. Also, there was no difference in respective hormone levels between aquarium and field environments. However, levels of both cortisol and corticosterone, but not testosterone, were elevated in two of the 10 reef sites surveyed. This study demonstrates that parrotfish fecals can be collected in aquarium and field conditions and that steroid hormones in these fecals can be extracted and reliably measured. The study also demonstrates that cortisol and corticosterone in parrotfish fecals can

  1. Quality-of-life assessment in children with fecal incontinence. (United States)

    Filho, Humberto S; Mastroti, Roberto A; Klug, Wilmar A


    Fecal incontinence is a clinical condition that causes embarrassment and changes the perception of quality of life. The absence of a specific tool for assessing fecal incontinence in children led us to adapt an instrument originally developed for adults, which has already been validated into Portuguese. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the quality of life of children with fecal incontinence. This is a single-center, prospective study based on the application of survey. The Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life questionnaire was modified by eliminating 2 questions related to sexuality and by substituting the word "depressed" with "sad" in the statement, "I feel depressed." The study took place at a tertiary academic medical center. Forty-one children >5 years of age, with incontinence of organic etiology and preserved cognition but without stomy, were interviewed with the use of the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life modified questionnaire. To evaluate the discrimination validity, 28 healthy children were interviewed as control subjects. As to reproducibility, a test/retest was performed, involving 25 children. For construct validation, the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life modified was correlated with the generic instrument Autoquestionnaire Qualité de Vie Enfant Imagé with the continence index São Paulo Score of Continence. The average values by scale included lifestyle, 3.1; emotional, 2.8; behavior, 2.3; and embarrassment, 1.6. The average values for the control group included lifestyle, 3.7; emotional, 4.0; behavior, 3.6; and embarrassment, 3.6. The instrument showed a general reliability of 0.78, measured by the Cronbach α. Reproducibility was also >0.90 according to the Cronbach α. The intrinsic characteristics of children include their constant growth, and this presented a challenge in our search for an instrument that permitted us to identify and measure these variations. The experiment showed a reduction in all of the scale values, particularly

  2. Consumo e digestibilidade de subprodutos do processamento de frutas em ovinos Intake and dry matter digestibility of by-products of fruit processer in sheep

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    José Edilton Lousada Junior


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa foi realizada objetivando-se avaliar o valor nutritivo de subprodutos do processamento de frutas. Foram estudados subprodutos de abacaxi, acerola, goiaba, maracujá e melão, utilizando-se 20 ovinos machos castrados, com peso médio de 34,5 kg. Adotou-se o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (subprodutos e quatro repetições. Os consumos de matéria seca (CMS dos subprodutos de goiaba, maracujá e melão foram semelhantes, porém superiores ao CMS do subproduto de acerola. Os maiores consumos de proteína bruta (CPB foram observados com maracujá e melão (g/animal/dia, g/UTM, enquanto acerola apresentou menor CPB. O subproduto de goiaba apresentou maior consumo de fibra em detergente neutro (CFDN e fibra em detergente ácido (CFDAe o de maracujá, maior coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (DMS. Os subprodutos de acerola e goiaba apresentaram DMS inferior aos demais. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta dos subprodutos de maracujá e melão foram superiores aos demais subprodutos. Quanto aos coeficientes de digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro (DFDN e da fibra em detergente ácido (DFDA, os subprodutos de acerola e goiaba mostraram-se inferiores, enquanto o subproduto de maracujá apresentou DFDA e DFDN superiores aos demais subprodutos. Não foram observadas diferenças para o balanço de nitrogênio entre os subprodutos estudados. Os resultados comprovaram que os subprodutos de abacaxi, maracujá e melão podem ser utilizados na alimentação de ruminantes, enquanto os subprodutos de acerola e goiaba apresentaram baixos coeficientes de digestibilidade, limitando sua utilização para ruminantes.This work was carried out aiming to evaluate the nutritive value of byproducts of fruit processor. Byproducts of pineapple, west indian cherry (WIC, guava, passion fruit and melon were evaluated. Twenty sheep castrated males, with average weight

  3. Consumo e digestibilidade de dietas contendo feno de jitirana para ovinos em terminação

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    Daniel Cézar da Silva


    Full Text Available A jitirana é encontrada em abundância na região semiárida do Nordeste brasileiro, conferindo durante o período chuvoso elevada produção de fitomassa e satisfatório teor de nutrientes, o que a credencia como alimento alternativo para ruminantes. Dessa forma, avaliou-se o efeito da substituição de 0; 25; 50 e 75% do feno de capim-tifton 85 pelo feno de jitirana (FJ sobre o consumo e digestibilidade em dietas para ovinos, distribuídos em delineamento de quadrado latino 4 x 4 duplo, com oito ovinos. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS e nutrientes foram influenciados (P<0,05 pela inclusão do FJ à dieta, com exceção do consumo fibra em detergente neutro (CFDN em g por animal por dia, com média 682,76 ± 125,13. O CMS elevou-se linearmente (P<0,05 em 6,33 g por unidade percentual do FJ acrescido. Houve efeito linear positivo (P<0,05 para consumo de proteína bruta (CPB e CFDN, com elevação de 1,11 g por animal por dia e 0,02% do peso corporal, respectivamente, por unidade percentual de FJ incluso. Houve efeito positivo na digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro (DFDN que resultou em elevação linear (P<0,05 de 0,14%. O FJ em substituição ao feno de capim-tifton 85 eleva o consumo de matéria seca (MS e nutrientes, mas não influencia a digestibilidade destes, a exceção da DFDN, com recomendação de uso para 75% de substituição, por permitir atendimento às exigências nutricionais quanto à ingestão de MS, proteína bruta (PB, e elevar a DFDN.Intake and digestibility of diets containing jitirana hay for finishing sheepAbstract: Jitirana is found in semiarid region of brazilian northeastern, giving high biomass production and satisfactory nutrient content during the rain season that qualifies as alternative feed for ruminants. Thus, it was evaluated the substitution effect of 0; 25; 50 and 75% of tifton 85 hay to jitirana hay (JH on intake and digestibility of diets for sheep, randomized in double 4 x 4 latin square design

  4. Digestibilidade aparente da energia e nutrientes de coprodutos agroindustriais para tilápia do Nilo Apparent digestibility of the energy and nutrients of agro-industrial by-products for Nile tilapia

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    João Sérgio Oliveira Carvalho


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, proteína bruta e da energia bruta dos coprodutos agroindustriais torta de dendê, farelo de algodão, farelo da vagem de algaroba, farelo da folha de mandioca e farelo de cacau para tilápias do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus. Foram utilizados 150 peixes revertidos sexualmente, com peso de 40 ± 2,6g, distribuídos em 10 gaiolas de 60L, instaladas em cinco caixas de polietileno (310L e seis incubadoras de 200L adaptadas para ensaio de digestibilidade, em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e três repetições. A determinação dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente foi realizada pelo método indireto, com a utilização 0,10% de óxido crômico (Cr2O3, como indicador. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, proteína bruta e energia bruta, foram, respectivamente, 56,63; 75,87 e 66,87 para torta de dendê; 48,31; 80,51 e 39,63 para farelo de algodão; 48,69; 51,61 e 30,48 para farelo da vagem de algaroba; 50,22; 49,83 e 29,29 para farelo da folha de mandioca e 43,87; 38,47 e 23,13 para farelo de cacau.This study was carried out aimed to determine the dry matter, crude protein and gross energy apparent digestibility coefficients of agro-industrial by-products palm kernel cake, cotton seed meal, mesquite pods meal, aerial parts of cassava meal and cocoa meal for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus. One hundred and fifty sexually reverted fishes, with weight of 40 ± 2.6g were spread across to teen net pens of 60L, installed in five polyethylene boxes (310L and six hatchers adapted for the digestibility trial (200L, in an entirely randomized layout with five treatments and three repetitions. The apparent digestibility coefficients determination was performed by the indirect method, using 0.10% chromic oxide (Cr2O3, as marker. Apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein and

  5. Frutos tropicales como fuente de carotenoides: biosíntesis, composición, biodisponibilidad y efectos del procesamiento

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    Tania Chacón Ordóñez


    Full Text Available Los carotenoides son compuestos sintetizados a partir del isopentenil difosfato y pueden ser encontrados en una gran diversidad de frutos. Estos pigmentos han sido de interés por sus beneficios en la salud y sus aplicaciones en la industria alimentaria. Existen muchos factores que pueden afectar su concentración y biodisponibilidad para el ser humano; entre ellas las condiciones de cultivo, el manejo poscosecha y el procesamiento que se les dé a los frutos antes de ser consumidos. Esta revisión se enfoca en los conocimientos actuales sobre aspectos relevantes de los carotenoides en diferentes frutos tropicales como la acerola (Malpighia sp., camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia, mango (Mangifera indica, naranjilla (Solanum quitoense, papaya (Carica papaya, pitanga (Eugenia uniflora, pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K., ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata y zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota, para presentar el estado del conocimiento y recomendar aspectos importantes para futuras investigaciones en este campo.

  6. Frutos tropicales como fuente de carotenoides: biosíntesis, composición, biodisponibilidad y efectos del procesamiento

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    Tania Chacón Ordóñez


    Full Text Available Los carotenoides son compuestos sintetizados a partir del isopentenil difosfato y pueden ser encontrados en una gran diversidad de frutos. Estos pigmentos han sido de interés por sus beneficios en la salud y sus aplicaciones en la industria alimentaria. Existen muchos factores que pueden afectar su concentración y biodisponibilidad para el ser humano; entre ellas las condiciones de cultivo, el manejo poscosecha y el procesamiento que se les dé a los frutos antes de ser consumidos. Esta revisión se enfoca en los conocimientos actuales sobre aspectos relevantes de los carotenoides en diferentes frutos tropicales como la acerola (Malpighia sp., camu-camu (Myrciaria dubia, mango (Mangifera indica, naranjilla (Solanum quitoense, papaya (Carica papaya, pitanga (Eugenia uniflora, pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K., ora-pro-nobis (Pereskia aculeata y zapote mamey (Pouteria sapota, para presentar el estado del conocimiento y recomendar aspectos importantes para futuras investigaciones en este campo.

  7. Efecto inhibitorio de los taninos del frijol carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina por dos sistemas multienzimáticos


    Del Pino,Victoria H.; Lajolo,Franco M.


    Cantidades variables de dos sistemas multienzimáticos de tripsina-quimotripsina-peptidasa y pepsina-pancreatina, fueron utilizados para evaluar el efecto de los taninos provenientes de frijol Carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, en las formas nativa y denaturalizada. Esta evaluación hecha por los métodos de caida de pH, de hidrólisis en medio tamponado con posterior medición del grado de hidrólisis con ninhidrina y por la técnica electroforética, demostró e...

  8. Suplementos para recria de bovinos Nelore na época seca: desempenho, consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes = Supplements for Nellore rearing in dry season: performance, intake and nutrient digestibility

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    Rodrigo Gonçalves Mateus


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do suplemento com consumo de 0; 0,25; 0,50 e 0,75% do peso corporal (PC de novilhos Nelore sobre o consumo, desempenho e digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes no período seco. Foram utilizados 116 animais da raça Nelore, nãocastrados, com média de nove meses de idade e peso corporal de 168 ± 35 kg, com duração de 114 dias iniciando em 04 de agosto e finalizando em 25 de novembro de 2007. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e 29 repetições para o desempenho e cinco repetições para as avaliações de consumo e digestibilidade, mantidos em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha diferida. Foram realizadas pesagens no início e final do período experimental. O consumo de MS da forragem apresentou efeito quadrático, com ponto de mínima de 0,4% PC, consumos de PB, CT e NDT aumentaram linearmente, GMD, GPT e peso corporal final apresentaram efeito quadrático, com o ponto de máxima ao redor de 0,60% do PC. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da MS, MO, PB, CT, CNF e o valor de NDT demonstraram efeito linear crescente. Recomenda-se o fornecimento de suplemento até 0,60% PC, em que se obteve o ponto de máximo desempenho, e a digestibilidade apresentou efeito linear e o aumento das percentagens do suplemento proporcionou aumentos no consumo de nutrientes. The objective was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with intake of 0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75% body weight (BW of Nellore young bulls on intake, performance and apparent digestibility of nutrients during the dry season. A total of 116 Nellore young bulls were used with an average of nine months of age and body weight of 168 ± 35 kg. The study lasted 114 days, beginning on August 4 and ending on November 25, 2007. The design was completely randomized with four treatments and 29 replications for performance and five replications to evaluate intake and digestibility, in deferred Brachiaria brizantha grazing. The animals

  9. Fecal concentrations of bacterially derived vitamin K forms are associated with gut microbiota composition but not plasma or fecal cytokine concentrations in healthy adults. (United States)

    Karl, J Philip; Meydani, Mohsen; Barnett, Junaidah B; Vanegas, Sally M; Barger, Kathryn; Fu, Xueyan; Goldin, Barry; Kane, Anne; Rasmussen, Helen; Vangay, Pajau; Knights, Dan; Jonnalagadda, Satya S; Saltzman, Edward; Roberts, Susan B; Meydani, Simin N; Booth, Sarah L


    Background: Emerging evidence suggests novel roles for bacterially derived vitamin K forms known as menaquinones in health and disease, which may be attributable in part to anti-inflammatory effects. However, the relevance of menaquinones produced by gut bacteria to vitamin K requirements and inflammation is undetermined. Objective: This study aimed to quantify fecal menaquinone concentrations and identify associations between fecal menaquinone concentrations and serum vitamin K concentrations, gut microbiota composition, and inflammation. Design: Fecal and serum menaquinone concentrations, fecal microbiota composition, and plasma and fecal cytokine concentrations were measured in 80 men and postmenopausal women (48 men, 32 women, age 40-65 y) enrolled in a randomized, parallel-arm, provided-food trial. After consuming a run-in diet for 2 wk, participants were randomly assigned to consume a whole grain-rich (WG) or a refined grain-based (RG) diet for 6 wk. Outcomes were measured at weeks 2 and 8. Results: The median total daily excretion of menaquinones in feces was 850 nmol/d but was highly variable (range: 64-5358 nmol/d). The total median (IQR) fecal concentrations of menaquinones decreased in the WG diet compared with the RG diet [-6.8 nmol/g (13.0 nmol/g) dry weight for WG compared with 1.8 nmol/g (12.3 nmol/g) dry weight for RG; P < 0.01)]. However, interindividual variability in fecal menaquinone concentrations partitioned individuals into 2 distinct groups based on interindividual differences in concentrations of different menaquinone forms rather than the diet group or the time point. The relative abundances of several gut bacteria taxa, Bacteroides and Prevotella in particular, differed between these groups, and 42% of identified genera were associated with ≥1 menaquinone form. Menaquinones were not detected in serum, and neither fecal concentrations of individual menaquinones nor the menaquinone group was associated with any marker of inflammation

  10. Avaliação da substituição do milho pela mandioca e seus resíduos na digestibilidade aparente em novilhas confinadas Evaluation of cassava and its industrial residues replacing corn in the apparent digestibility for feedlot heifers

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    Antônio Ferriani Branco


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a substituição do milho pela casca de mandioca, farinha de varredura ou raspa de mandioca sobre a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, energia bruta (EB, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA e amido (AM, utilizando a cinza insolúvel em ácido (CIA como indicador interno em novilhas confinadas. Foram utilizadas 28 novilhas mestiças, com aproximadamente 24 meses de idade e peso médio inicial de 365kg, distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, nos quatro tratamentos e sete repetições. A substituição do milho pela raspa de mandioca aumentou o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da MS, PB, MO, EB e AM. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da FDN foi semelhante entre rações com casca e com raspa de mandioca. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da FDA foi menor para a ração com farinha de varredura e semelhante para as demais rações.The objective of this work was to study the effect of replacement of corn meal by cassava hulls, cassava meal or cassava roots on apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude energy, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and starch. Ash insoluble acid (AIAwas used as an internal indicator, in heifers. Twenty-eight crossbred heifers, averaging 365kg live weight and 24 months old, were used in a complete randomized design to test four diets with seven repetitions. The replacement of corn by cassava roots increased the apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, crude energy and starch. The apparent digestibility coefficient of the neutral detergent fiber was similar in diets with cassava hulls and diets with cassava roots. The apparent digestibility coefficient of the acid detergent fiber was smaller for cassava meal and similar for other diets.

  11. Inoculação Microbiana da Alfafa para Ensilagem sobre a Digestibilidade Aparente em Carneiros Microbial Inoculation of Alfalfa for Ensiling on Apparent Digestibility in Wethers

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    Paulo Henrique Mazza Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Foram objetivos do presente estudo avaliar os efeitos da inoculação microbiana da silagem de alfafa sobre a digestibilidade total em carneiros. Doze carneiros machos e castrados foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado e os tratamentos corresponderam a silagem pré-secada de alfafa (média de 35,7% de MS e 19,6% de PB controle ou inoculada com o produto Silobac (Lactobacillus plantarum e Pediococcus pentosaceus. O experimento teve duração total de 21 dias, sendo os cinco últimos destinados à coleta de fezes e urina. A inoculação aumentou a digestibilidade total da MS (inoculado = 62,5% vs. controle = 59,5%, dos ENN (70,9% vs. 65,7%, da FDN (53,8% vs. 48,8%, da FDA (52,5% vs. 44,7%, do amido (84,0% vs. 80,2%, o NDT (59,5% vs. 56,7% e o consumo de MS (2,82 vs. 2,48% do PV, mas não alterou a digestibilidade total da PB (73,9% vs. 73,2%, EE (50,7% vs. 54,3%, FB (47,1% vs. 43,9% ou a retenção nitrogenada (3,27 vs. 2,86 g de N/animal/dia.This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of microbially inoculated alfafa silage on total digestibility in wethers. Twelve wethers were randomly assigned to two treatments: alfalfa haylage (35.7% DM and 19.6% CP, on average control or microbially inoculated with Silobac product (Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus. The experimental period extended for twenty-one days, the last five used for feces and urine collection. The inoculation increased total digestibility of DM (inoculated = 62.5% vs. control = 59.5%, NFE (70.9% vs. 65.7%, NDF (53.8% vs. 48.8%, ADF (52.5% vs. 44.7%, starch (84.0% vs. 80.2%, TDN (59.5% vs. 56.7% and DM intake (2.82 vs. 2.48% of BW, but it did not influence total digestibility of CP (73.9% vs. 73.2%, EE (50.7% vs. 54.3%, CF (47.1% vs. 43.9% or N retention (3.27 vs. 2.86 g of N/animal/day.

  12. Consumo e digestibilidade em ovinos alimentados com grãos e subprodutos da canola Intake and digestibility of sheep fed grains and by-products of canola

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    Priscila Silva Neubern de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a inclusão de 8% de grãos e subprodutos da canola (farelo ou torta nas dietas sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade. Seis ovinos machos não-castrados da raça Santa Inês (210 e 240 dias de idade e peso corporal de 44,8 + 4,2kg receberam dietas contendo 40% de feno de capim Tifton e 60% de concentrado composto por milho em grão, farelo de soja, mistura mineral, além de canola em grão integral, farelo de canola e torta de canola, que constituíram os três tratamentos. Não houve diferença (P>0,05 para o consumo de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, extrato etéreo (EE, energia bruta (EB, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, carboidratos totais (CT e carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF entre as dietas experimentais, no ensaio de digestibilidade. Não houve efeito (P>0,05 de tratamento para a digestibilidade de MS, MO, EE, PB, EB, FDN, CT e CNF. Recomenda-se incluir até 8% de grãos e subprodutos da canola (farelo ou torta na dieta de ovinos.The effect of feeding 8% of grains and byproducts (meal or cake of canola on intake and digestibility was evaluated. Six non castrated Santa Ines sheep (from 210 to 240 days old and body weight of 44.8 + 4.2kg were fed diets composed by 40% of Tifton hay and 60% of concentrate based on corn grain, soybean meal, whole grain canola, canola meal, canola cake and mineral mixture. No differences on the intakes of dry matter (DM, organic matter (OM, ether extract (EE, gross energy (GE, neutral detergent fiber (NDF, total carbohydrates (TC and non fiber carbohydrate (NFC were observed among treatments, in the digestibility trial. No treatment effect on the digestibilities of DM, OM, EE, CP, GE, NDF, TC and NFC was observed. It is recommended to include up to 8% of grains and byproducts (meal or cake of canola in the sheep diet.

  13. Storm loads of culturable and molecular fecal indicators in an inland urban stream. (United States)

    Liao, Hehuan; Krometis, Leigh-Anne H; Cully Hession, W; Benitez, Romina; Sawyer, Richard; Schaberg, Erin; von Wagoner, Emily; Badgley, Brian D


    Elevated concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria in receiving waters during wet-weather flows are a considerable public health concern that is likely to be exacerbated by future climate change and urbanization. Knowledge of factors driving the fate and transport of fecal indicator bacteria in stormwater is limited, and even less is known about molecular fecal indicators, which may eventually supplant traditional culturable indicators. In this study, concentrations and loading rates of both culturable and molecular fecal indicators were quantified throughout six storm events in an instrumented inland urban stream. While both concentrations and loading rates of each fecal indicator increased rapidly during the rising limb of the storm hydrographs, it is the loading rates rather than instantaneous concentrations that provide a better estimate of transport through the stream during the entire storm. Concentrations of general fecal indicators (both culturable and molecular) correlated most highly with each other during storm events but not with the human-associated HF183 Bacteroides marker. Event loads of general fecal indicators most strongly correlated with total runoff volume, maximum discharge, and maximum turbidity, while event loads of HF183 most strongly correlated with the time to peak flow in a hydrograph. These observations suggest that collection of multiple samples during a storm event is critical for accurate predictions of fecal indicator loading rates and total loads during wet-weather flows, which are required for effective watershed management. In addition, existing predictive models based on general fecal indicators may not be sufficient to predict source-specific genetic markers of fecal contamination. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. Functional fecal retention with encopresis in childhood. (United States)

    Loening-Baucke, Vera


    The most common cause of encopresis in children is functional fecal retention (FFR). An international working team suggested that FFR be defined by the following criteria: a history of >12 weeks of passage of encopresis; to compare these patients to those identified as having FFR by historical symptoms or physical examination; to determine whether 1-year treatment outcome varied depending on which definition for FFR was used; and to suggest improvements to the ROME II criteria, if necessary. Data were reviewed from the history and physical examination of 213 children with encopresis. One-year outcomes identified were failure, successful treatment, or full recovery. Only 88 (41%) of the patients with encopresis fit the ROME II criteria for FFR, whereas 181 (85%) had symptoms of FFR by history or physical examination. Thirty-two (15%) patients did not fit criteria for FFR, but only 6 (3%) appeared to have nonretentive fecal soiling. Rates of successful treatment (50%) and recovery (39%) were not significantly different in the two groups. The ROME II criteria for FFR are too restrictive and do not identify many children with encopresis who have symptoms of FFR. The author suggests that the ROME II criteria for FFR could be improved by including the following additional items: a history of BMs that obstruct the toilet, a history of chronic abdominal pain relieved by enemas or laxatives, and the presence of an abdominal fecal mass or rectal fecal mass.

  15. Emisión de metano en ovinos alimentados con Pennisetum purpureum y árboles que contienen taninos condensados

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    Angel Piñeiro-Vázquez


    Full Text Available El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto de los taninos condensados (TC contenidos en el follaje de arbóreas tropicales, sobre el consumo de materia seca y orgánica (CMS, CMO, la digestibilidad de la materia seca (DMS y emisiones de metano (CH4 en ovinos alimentados con una ración basal de pasto Pennisetum purpureum. Cuatro ovinos de pelo con un peso vivo promedio de 21.6±2.0 kg se sometieron a cuatro tratamientos en un diseño cuadro latino 4 x 4. Los tratamientos fueron P. purpureum (PP, P. purpureum + Havardia albicans (PPHA, P. purpureum + Bursera simaruba (PPBS, y P. purpureum + Acacia pennatula (PPAP; el follaje de las arbóreas se incluyó en 300 g/kg de MS de la ración. El consumo, la digestibilidad y la producción total de metano entérico se midieron por periodos de 23 h. La producción de metano se midió en cajas de respiración de circuito abierto. El consumo y digestibilidad de la MS y materia orgánica (MO entre los tratamientos PP, PPHA, PPBS y PPAP no se afectaron por la inclusión de los follajes de arbóreas en la ración (P>0.05. Cuando la producción de CH4 se expresó en L/kg del CMS, CMO o consumo de fibra detergente neutro los resultados fueron similares entre tratamientos (PP, PPHA, PPBS y PPAP (P>0.05. Se concluye que los TC contenidos en el follaje de Havardia albicans, Acacia pennatula y Bursera simaruba no afectaron las emisiones de CH4 al nivel de incorporación de 30 % de la MS; tampoco se observaron efectos en el CMS, CMO, DMS y concentración molar de ácidos grasos volátiles.

  16. Fitasa y enzimas fibrolíticas en dietas para cerdos con diferentes sustratos

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    Mario Alberto Ávalos Castro


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la adición de fitasa (F y actividades de pectinasa, glucanasa y hemicelulasa (PGH en dietas sorgo-soya-canola, y xilanasa (X en dietas con grano seco de destilería con solubles (GSDS sobre la digestibilidad ileal y fecal de nutrientes (Exp 1 y el comportamiento productivo (Exp 2 en cerdos en crecimiento finalización. En el Exp 1 se formularon dos dietas basales (B1, sorgo-soya-canola y B2, sorgo-soya-canola + GSDS y los tratamientos fueron, 1 B1+F, 2 B1+F+PGH, 3 B2+F, 4 B2+F+PGH, 5 B2+F+X, y 6 B2+F+PGH+X. El Exp 2 incluyó cuatro tratamientos, 1 Testigo positivo (sorgosoya- canola con energía normal, 2 Igual que 1, pero bajo en energía, 3 Igual que 2 +F+PGH, 4 Igual que 3 +GSDS +X. En el Exp 1, la digestibilidad de la energía a nivel ileal se mejoró (P<0.05 con +F+PGH, +F+X y +F+PGH+X, y a nivel fecal se mejoró (P<0.05 con +F+X. La PGH liberó 122 kcal a nivel ileal y la X liberó 147 y 132 kcal de ED/kg de alimento a nivel ileal y fecal. En el Exp 2, la eficiencia alimenticia fue mayor (P<0.01 en el testigo positivo y el tratamiento bajo en energía +F+PGH, pero este último tuvo mayor (P<0.05 eficiencia energética. El valor energético de los GSDS se mejoró por la adición de F, PGH y X, pero la respuesta en crecimiento observada en el presente trabajo no fue consistente.

  17. Hormigas zompopas (Atta cephalotes influyen positivamente en la biodiversidad vegetal de bosques húmedos tropicales

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    Javier Ruiz


    Full Text Available REALIZAMOS OBSERVACIONES DE LA HISTORIA NATURAL DE LA HORMIGA ZOMPOPA (Atta cephalotes en el período de 1995 a 2010. Monitoreamos una población de hormigas zompopas en 2003 y realizamos experimentos de campo en 2006 en el bosque húmedo tropical de la Estación Biológica La Unión en Nicaragua. Los nidos de hormiga zompopa fueron mapeados dentro de una parcela permanente de 6.5 hectáreas. Se estimó lacomposición de especies vegetales en el área del nido de la hormiga, y se realizó un conteo de plántulas dicotiledóneas y plántulas de palmas (monocotiledóneas. Los resultados indican que las hormigas zompopas prefieren defoliar plántulas de especies dicotiledóneas,favoreciendo la regeneración de palmas sobre el nido de las hormigas. Las zompopas favorecen la regeneración de palmas en áreas donde ellas establecen el montículo principal de sus nidos. En el artículo se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados para la dinámicade la regeneración en bosques húmedos tropicales.

  18. Effects of supplementing lactic acid bacteria on fecal microbiota ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Results: The results indicated that Lactobacillus plantarum strain L.p X3-2B increased fecal lactic acid bacteria(LAB) and Bifidobacterium while resisting the growth of harmful bacteria. Viable counts of LAB and Bifidobacterium reached 8 log cfu/mL after feeding for 14 days. Fecal pH in the control group was high in ...

  19. Balance de nitrógeno y digestibilidad energética en ratas alimentadas con manteca de freidura

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    Jiménez, S.


    Full Text Available This study was carried out during 90 days in order to know the effect of frying lard on the energy digestibility and nitrogen bioavailability. A significant decrease occurred on energy utilization of the diets prepared with frying lard (52 frying times. Nitrogen bioutilization on growing rats was also affected.

    Se realiza un estudio de 90 días de duración en ratas con el fin de conocer posibles efectos de las grasas de freidura sobre el coeficiente de digestibilidad energética y la biodisponibilidad del nitrógeno. Se observó una disminución de la utilización de la energía de la dieta con el consumo reiterado de grasas con 52 freiduras y se encontró afectada la bioutilización del nitrógeno del organismo en crecimiento.

  20. Relationship among fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella spp. in shellfish.


    Hood, M A; Ness, G E; Blake, N J


    The relationship of fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella spp. was examined in freshly harvested and stored shellfish. In 16 of 40 freshly collected oyster samples, fecal coliform levels were above the recommended wholesale level suggested by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (less than or equal to 230/100 g), and Salmonella spp. were present in three of these samples. Salmonella spp. were not, however, present in any sample containing less than 230 fecal coliforms per 100...

  1. Design aspects of automation system for initial processing of fecal samples

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sawant, Pramilla D.; Prabhu, Supreetha P.; Suja, A.; Wankhede, Sonal; Chaudhary, Seema; Rao, D.D.; Pradeepkumar, K.S.; Das, A.P.; Badodkar, B.D.


    The procedure for initial handling of the fecal samples at Bioassay Lab., Trombay is as follows: overnight fecal samples are collected from the worker in a kit consisting of a polythene bag placed in a wide mouth polythene container closed with an inner lid and a screw cap. Occupational worker collects the sample in the polythene bag. On receiving the sample, the polythene container along with the sample is weighed, polythene bag containing fecal sample is lifted out of the container using a pair of tongs placed inside a crucible and ashed inside a muffle furnace at 450℃. After complete ashing, the crucible containing white ash is taken-up for further radiochemical processing. This paper describes the various steps in developing a prototype automated system for initial handling of fecal samples. The proposed system for handling and processing of fecal samples is proposed to automate the above. The system once developed will help eliminate manual intervention till the ashing stage and reduce the biological hazard involved in handling such samples mentioned procedure

  2. Fecal coliforms on environmental surfaces in two day care centers. (United States)

    Weniger, B G; Ruttenber, A J; Goodman, R A; Juranek, D D; Wahlquist, S P; Smith, J D


    A survey of environmental surfaces in two Atlanta area day care centers was conducted to determine the prevalence of fecal coliform bacteria, considered a marker for the presence of fecal contamination which might contain pathogenic parasites, bacteria, or viruses. Fecal coliforms were found in 17 (4.3%) of 398 representative samples of building surfaces, furniture, and other objects. These surfaces may be involved in the chain of transmission of enteric diseases among children. Therefore, disinfection of inanimate objects, in addition to good handwashing, may be important in controlling the spread of enteric diseases in day care centers. PMID:6830225

  3. Fecal bacteria source characterization and sensitivity analysis of SWAT 2005 (United States)

    The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) version 2005 includes a microbial sub-model to simulate fecal bacteria transport at the watershed scale. The objectives of this study were to demonstrate methods to characterize fecal coliform bacteria (FCB) source loads and to assess the model sensitivity t...

  4. High turnover rates of copepod fecal pellets due to Noctiluca scintillans grazing

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Kiørboe, Thomas


    Copepod fecal pellet production and vertical flux, as well as vertical distributions of copepods, fecal pellets and the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans were monitored in an upwelling plume off the coast of Brazil during 5 d in austral spring. Less than half (20 to 45%) of the p......Copepod fecal pellet production and vertical flux, as well as vertical distributions of copepods, fecal pellets and the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans were monitored in an upwelling plume off the coast of Brazil during 5 d in austral spring. Less than half (20 to 45...... for fecal pellets at about 0.6 l cell-1 d-1. A simple encounter model suggests that such high clearance rates are feasible. Since N. scintillans occurs at typical abundances of about 106 cells m-2 in temperate seas during spring, summer and autumn, it may contribute significantly to the recycling of rapidly...

  5. Identifying fecal matter contamination in produce fields using multispectral reflectance imaging under ambient solar illumination (United States)

    An imaging device to detect fecal contamination in fresh produce fields could allow the producer to avoid harvesting fecal-contaminated produce. E.coli O157:H7 outbreaks have been associated with fecal-contaminated leafy greens. In this study, in-field spectral profiles of bovine fecal matter, soil,...

  6. Componentes antinutricionais e digestibilidade proteica em sementes de abóbora (Cucurbita maxima submetidas a diferentes processamentos Antinutritional components and protein digestibility in pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita maxima submitted to different processing methods

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    Luciana de Paula Naves


    Full Text Available Subprodutos vegetais têm sido utilizados na dieta com a finalidade de melhorar o estado nutricional de populações desnutridas. Entretanto, os antinutrientes presentes nesses alimentos podem acarretar efeitos indesejáveis. Portanto, os teores de polifenóis, cianeto, saponinas, inibidor de tripsina, atividade hemaglutinante e a porcentagem da digestibilidade proteica in vitro de sementes de abóbora cruas e tratadas termicamente foram investigados com o objetivo de selecionar o processamento que acarrete maior redução dos antinutrientes e maior digestibilidade proteica. Sementes da abóbora Cucurbita maxima foram, em quatro repetições, submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: utilizadas na forma crua; cozidas em água em ebulição (AE por três tempos: 5, 10 e 15 minutos; e cozidas no vapor por 10 minutos. Posteriormente foram liofilizadas, trituradas e armazenadas em temperatura ambiente até a realização das análises. Não houve diferença significativa, entre os tratamentos, quanto aos níveis de polifenóis. As sementes cruas apresentaram o maior teor de cianeto, o menor nível de inibidor de tripsina e a menor digestibilidade proteica. O cozimento em AE por 10 minutos acarretou o menor nível de saponinas e a maior digestibilidade proteica. Não foi detectada atividade hemaglutinante em nenhuma amostra. Conclui-se que o cozimento em AE por 10 minutos foi o que proporcionou melhores resultados.Vegetable subproducts have been used in diets with the purpose of improving the nutritional quality of undernourished populations. However, the antinutrients present in those foods can cause adverse health effects. Therefore, the contents of polyphenols, cyanide, saponins, trypsin inhibitor, hemaglutinin activity, and the percentage of the in vitro protein digestibility of raw and thermally treated pumpkin seeds were investigated with the objective of selecting the processing that results in major antinutrient reduction and greater protein

  7. Influence of sphincter defect on biofeedback outcomes in patients with fecal incontinence

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    Roberto L. Kaiser, Junior


    Full Text Available Objective: to evaluate the effect of sphincter defect (SD on biofeedback (BF response in patients with fecal incontinence. Methods: two hundred and forty-two patients with fecal incontinence undergoing BF as exclusive treatment were identified from a BF database. Patients were evaluated with fecal incontinence score (Cleveland Clinic Florida – Fecal Incontinence Score, CCF-FI and anorectal physiology tests. The pre- and immediate post-treatment outcomes were obtained from the chart, and the long-term outcomes by CCF-FI score that was sent by mail. Results: 242 patients underwent BF for fecal incontinence. 143 (59.1% underwent ultrasonography, 43 (30.1% of whom had sphincter defect detected on US. The immediate outcomes were not affected by the presence of absence of SD. The second CCF-FI questionnaire was mailed after a mean of 6.1 years after treatment. 31 (57.4% exhibited improvement, 4 (7.4% remained unchanged, and 19 (35.2% had worsening function, which was significantly inferior in patients with SD (p = 0.021. Electromyography demonstrated increased electrical activity in the contraction phase after BF in both groups. Conclusions: the majority of patients experience improvement in fecal incontinence after BF. However, patients with SD detected on US prior to treatment seem to have worse function at long term. Resumo: Objetivos: avaliar a influência do defeito esfincteriano (DE na resposta ao biofeedback (BF em pacientes com incontinência fecal. Métodos: 242 pacientes com incontinência fecal, submetidos exclusivamente ao BF como forma de tratamento, foram selecionados. Os pacientes foram submetidos ao escore de incontinência fecal (Cleveland Clinic Flórida-Escore de Incontinência Fecal, CCF-IF e testes de investigação da fisiologia anorretal. O pré e pós-tratamento imediato foram obtidos do prontuário e para avaliação a longo prazo foi enviado o CCF-IF pelo correio. Resultados: 242 pacientes realizaram BF. 143 (59

  8. Incidence of anismus in fecal incontinence patients evaluated at a Coloproctology service

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    Larissa Sokol Rotta


    Full Text Available Introduction: Fecal incontinence is defined as a loss of bladder and bowel control. Anismus is characterized by a paradoxical contraction or inappropriate relaxation of pelvic floor muscles while trying to evacuate, being usually associated with constipation (60%. However, anismus can be present in 46% of patients with fecal incontinence. Objective: To analyze the incidence of anismus in patients diagnosed with fecal incontinence in an outpatient Coloproctology Clinic of Paraná. Methodology: A retrospective study of 66 patients diagnosed with fecal incontinence at Coloproctology Clinic, Hospital São Lucas, from February 2012 to October 2013. Patients were evaluated by clinical history and examination by anorectal electromanometry. Results: The mean age of participants was 56 years. Regarding the evaluation by anorectal electromanometry, mean resting pressure, contraction pressure and sustained contraction pressure were, respectively, 35.18 mmHg, 90.53 mmHg and 58 mmHg. Anismus was seen in 42.42% of patients. Conclusion: Through this study, it can be inferred that the incidence of anismus has a relevant impact on patients diagnosed with fecal incontinence. Our results corroborate the importance of the concomitant management of anorectal continence mechanism changes, in order to emphasize the clinical benefits and improved quality of life for patients with fecal incontinence. Resumo: Introdução: Incontinência fecal (IF é definida como a perda do controle esfincteriano. O anismus caracteriza-se como contração paradoxal ou relaxamento inadequado da musculatura do assoalho pélvico durante a tentativa de evacuar, estando geralmente associado à obstipação intestinal (60%. No entanto, pode estar presente em 46% dos pacientes com IF. Objetivo: Analisar a incidência de anismus em pacientes diagnosticados com incontinência fecal em um ambulatório de Coloproctologia do Paraná. Metodologia: Estudo retrospectivo envolvendo 66 pacientes com

  9. Digestibilidade ileal e perdas endógenas de aminoácidos de dietas com óleo de soja para suínos em crescimento Ileal digestibility and endogenous losses of amino acids in soybean oil diets to growing pigs

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    Erin Caperuto de Almeida


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi conduzido para avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de óleo de soja sobre as perdas endógenas e a digestibilidade ileal aparente e verdadeira dos aminoácidos em dietas para suínos em crescimento. Foram testadas quatro dietas isoprotéicas, à base de milho e farelo de soja, formuladas segundo as exigências para essa fase e suplementadas com níveis crescentes de óleo de soja (0,0; 1,5; 3,0; 4,5% e 0,25% de óxido crômico como indicador de indigestibilidade. Dezesseis suínos canulados (cânula T simples, com 48,0 ± 6,0 kg, foram distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com base no peso dos animais. Não houve efeito dos níveis óleo de soja sobre os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal aparente de glutamato, glicina, arginina, alanina, prolina, tirosina, histidina e lisina. Observaram-se efeito linear da suplementação com níveis de óleo de soja nos coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal aparente e verdadeira de serina e treonina e efeito quadrático da suplementação de óleo de soja sobre os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal aparente e verdadeira de valina, fenilalanina, total de aminoácidos não-essenciais e total de aminoácidos essenciais. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal verdadeira de arginina e tirosina também apresentaram efeito quadrático da suplementação de óleo de soja. Melhores valores de digestibilidade ileal aparente e verdadeira dos aminoácidos não-essenciais e essenciais são obtidos com adição de 2,8 a 3,0% de óleo de soja à dieta de suínos em crescimento.The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of the different levels of soybean oil on endogenous losses, apparent and true ileal digestibility of amino acids in growing pigs diets. Four isoprotein corn and soybean meal based diets meeting the nutritional requirements for this phase, supplemented with crescent levels of soybean oil, (0.0, 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 were evaluated. Chromic oxide (0

  10. Avian influenza infection alters fecal odor in mallards.

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    Bruce A Kimball

    Full Text Available Changes in body odor are known to be a consequence of many diseases. Much of the published work on disease-related and body odor changes has involved parasites and certain cancers. Much less studied have been viral diseases, possibly due to an absence of good animal model systems. Here we studied possible alteration of fecal odors in animals infected with avian influenza viruses (AIV. In a behavioral study, inbred C57BL/6 mice were trained in a standard Y-maze to discriminate odors emanating from feces collected from mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos infected with low-pathogenic avian influenza virus compared to fecal odors from non-infected controls. Mice could discriminate odors from non-infected compared to infected individual ducks on the basis of fecal odors when feces from post-infection periods were paired with feces from pre-infection periods. Prompted by this indication of odor change, fecal samples were subjected to dynamic headspace and solvent extraction analyses employing gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to identify chemical markers indicative of AIV infection. Chemical analyses indicated that AIV infection was associated with a marked increase of acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone in feces. These experiments demonstrate that information regarding viral infection exists via volatile metabolites present in feces. Further, they suggest that odor changes following virus infection could play a role in regulating behavior of conspecifics exposed to infected individuals.

  11. A human fecal contamination index for ranking impaired ... (United States)

    Human fecal pollution of surface water remains a public health concern worldwide. As a result, there is a growing interest in the application of human-associated fecal source identification quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) technologies for recreational water quality risk management. The transition from a research subject to a management tool requires the integration of standardized water sampling, laboratory, and data analysis procedures. In this study, a standardized HF183/BacR287 qPCR method was combined with a water sampling strategy and Bayesian data algorithm to establish a human fecal contamination index that can be used to rank impaired recreational water sites polluted with human waste. Stability and bias of index predictions were investigated under various parameters including siteswith different pollution levels, sampling period time range (1-15 weeks), and number of qPCR replicates per sample (2-14 replicates). Sensitivity analyses were conducted with simulated data sets (100 iterations) seeded with HF183/BacR287 qPCR laboratory measurements from water samples collected from three Southern California sites (588 qPCR measurements). Findings suggest that site ranking is feasible and that all parameters tested influence stability and bias in human fecal contamination indexscoring. Trends identified by sensitivity analyses will provide managers with the information needed to design and conduct field studies to rank impaired recreational water sites based

  12. Distinguishing bovine fecal matter on spinach leaves using field spectroscopy (United States)

    Detection of fecal contaminants on leafy greens in the field will allow for decreasing cross-contamination of produce during and post-harvest. Fecal contamination of leafy greens has been associated with E.coli O157:H7 outbreaks and foodbourne illnesses. In this study passive field spectroscopy, mea...

  13. Efeitos do processamento da alfafa e da adição de óleo de soja sobre a digestibilidade total da dieta de eqüinos Effects of alfalfa processing and addition of soybean oil on the total diet digestibility of foals

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    Alexandre Augusto de Oliveira Gobesso


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o efeito do processamento do feno de alfafa (Medicago sativa L. e da adição de óleo de soja em dietas sobre a digestibilidade total de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido em eqüinos. Utilizaram-se quatro potros machos, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente 14 meses de idade e 197,25 kg, em delineamento quadrado latino (4 × 4 e em arranjo fatorial (2 × 2, composto de duas formas de fenação da alfafa (em cubos ou em ramas e da adição ou não de óleo de soja em dietas contendo concentrado comercial na forma de péletes. A digestibilidade dos nutrientes foi determinada pelo método de coleta total de fezes durante três dias. A adição de óleo de soja refinado aumentou a digestibilidade total de matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato de etéreo e fibra em detergente neutro. A fenação da alfafa em cubos aumentou a digestibilidade total da proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e da fibra em detergente ácido. A adição de óleo de soja nas dietas avaliadas foi um modo prático e seguro de aumentar a densidade calórica sem reduzir a digestibilidade dos macronutrientes orgânicos. O processamento da alfafa na forma de cubos melhorou a digestibilidade total da proteína bruta, fibra em detergente e fibra em detergente ácido da dieta em eqüinos.The effect of alfalfa hay processing (Medicago sativa L. and the addition of soybean oil in diets on the total dry matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent in horses was evaluated. Four crossbred male foals with approximately 14 months of age and 197.25 kg were used and assigned in a (4 × 4 Latin square design with a factorial arrangement (2 × 2 composed of two alfalfa haying forms (cubes or branches and the addition or absence of soybean oil in commercial diets containing concentrated in the form of pellets. The

  14. Feeding on copepod fecal pellets: a new trophic role of dinoflagellates as detritivores

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Louise K.; Moldrup, M.; Berge, T.


    Recent field studies indicate that dinoflagellates are key degraders of copepod fecal pellets. This study is the first to publish direct evidence of pellet grazing by dinoflagellates. Feeding and growth on copepod fecal pellets were studied for both heterotrophic (4 species) and mixotrophic...... dinoflagellates (Gyrodinium dominans, Gyrodinium spirale, Diplopsalis lenticula, Protoperidinium depressum) studied fed on fecal pellets. Using natural concentrations of dinoflagellates and copepod fecal pellets, average ingestion rates of 0.2 and 0.1 pellets cell−1 d−1 and clearance rates of between 0.2 and 0...

  15. Baixa dosagem de óxido de cromo para estimativa da produção fecal em bovinos Low level of chromium oxide to estimate faecal output in cattle

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    Henrique Mendonça Nunes Ribeiro Filho


    Full Text Available Foi avaliado o uso de baixa dosagem de óxido de cromo (Cr2O3 incorporado em um alimento concentrado para estimativa da produção fecal (PF em bovinos. Para tanto, foram conduzidos quatro ensaios de digestibilidade in vivo utilizando quatro novilhos com peso vivo médio de 214±31kg, recebendo ad libitum no cocho azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cortado verde. Aproximadamente 200g de ração contendo 5g kg-1 do indicador foi fornecida diariamente durante 12 dias, sendo feito a coleta de dados e amostras nos últimos cinco dias de cada período. A PF foi medida com o uso de sacolas de coleção total ou estimada com base na concentração do indicador em amostras fecais coletadas duas vezes ao dia (8 e 16h ou a intervalos de duas horas entre 8 e 22h. A concentração média de cromo nas amostras coletadas às 8 e 16h (445mg kg-1 foi semelhante à média geral de todos os horários (447mg kg-1. O grau de recuperação fecal (GR do indicador aumentou linearmente, de aproximadamente 40% para em torno de 80%, com o aumento da concentração fecal de cromo até esta última atingir um valor em torno de 250mg kg-1 de MO. Quando a concentração de cromo nas fezes foi superior a este valor o GR se manteve relativamente constante, em média 76%. A produção fecal foi superestimada pelo indicador em até 35% quando não corrigido para o GR. Quando corrigido para a recuperação fecal, as estimativas de produção fecal de MO estimadas foram similares às observadas. A excreção fecal de bovinos alimentados com azevém pode ser acuradamente estimada com o uso de baixa dosagem de óxido de cromo incorporado em uma ração peletizada concomitante à coleta de duas amostragens diárias de fezes.The aim of this research was to evaluate the use of a low level of chromium oxide (Cr2O3 incorporated into the concentrate ration to estimate faecal output (FO in cattle. Four in vivo digestibility essays were conducted using four steers with live weights of

  16. Effects of Long Term Antibiotic Therapy on Human Oral and Fecal Viromes. (United States)

    Abeles, Shira R; Ly, Melissa; Santiago-Rodriguez, Tasha M; Pride, David T


    Viruses are integral members of the human microbiome. Many of the viruses comprising the human virome have been identified as bacteriophage, and little is known about how they respond to perturbations within the human ecosystem. The intimate association of phage with their cellular hosts suggests their communities may change in response to shifts in bacterial community membership. Alterations to human bacterial biota can result in human disease including a reduction in the host's resilience to pathogens. Here we report the ecology of oral and fecal viral communities and their responses to long-term antibiotic therapy in a cohort of human subjects. We found significant differences between the viral communities of each body site with a more heterogeneous fecal virus community compared with viruses in saliva. We measured the relative diversity of viruses, and found that the oral viromes were significantly more diverse than fecal viromes. There were characteristic changes in the membership of oral and fecal bacterial communities in response to antibiotics, but changes in fecal viral communities were less distinguishing. In the oral cavity, an abundance of papillomaviruses found in subjects on antibiotics suggests an association between antibiotics and papillomavirus production. Despite the abundance of papillomaviruses identified, in neither the oral nor the fecal viromes did antibiotic therapy have any significant impact upon overall viral diversity. There was, however, an apparent expansion of the reservoir of genes putatively involved in resistance to numerous classes of antibiotics in fecal viromes that was not paralleled in oral viromes. The emergence of antibiotic resistance in fecal viromes in response to long-term antibiotic therapy in humans suggests that viruses play an important role in the resilience of human microbial communities to antibiotic disturbances.

  17. Fecal impaction causing pelvic venous compression and edema

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    Sara Naramore


    Full Text Available Chronic constipation is a common condition which may result in fecal impaction. A 13-year-old male with chronic constipation and encopresis presented with fecal impaction for three weeks. The impaction caused abdominal pain, distension, encopresis, and decreased oral intake. He was found in severe distress with non-pitting edema of his feet and ankles along with perineal edema. The pedal edema worsened after receiving a fluid bolus, so concern arose for venous compression or a thrombus. A Duplex Ultrasound demonstrated changes in the venous waveforms of the bilateral external iliac and common femoral veins without thrombosis. Manual disimpaction and polyethylene glycol 3350 with electrolytes resolved the pedal and perineal edema. Four months later, he had soft bowel movements without recurrence of the edema. A repeat Duplex Ultrasound was normal. We present a child in whom severe fecal impaction caused pelvic venous compression resulting in bilateral pedal and perineal edema.

  18. Bagaço de mandioca na ensilagem do capim-elefante: qualidade das silagens e digestibilidade dos nutrientes Cassava bagasse in elephant grass ensilage: quality of the silage and digestibility of the nutrients

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    F.F. Silva


    Full Text Available Utilizaram-se 16 novilhas ¾ Holandês-Zebu com idade média de 15 meses e peso médio inicial de 144kg, para avaliar o efeito da adição de diferentes níveis (5; 10; 15 e 20% de bagaço de mandioca na ensilagem do capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum sobre a qualidade e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes da dieta. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro dietas contendo, como volumoso, silagem de capim-elefante com quatro diferentes níveis de bagaço de mandioca, mais concentrado balanceado, com quatro repetições por tratamento. Avaliou-se a qualidade das silagens, os consumos de nutrientes das dietas e as digestibilidades dos nutrientes das silagens e das dietas totais. O bagaço de mandioca elevou o teor de matéria seca (MS da silagem, preservando-a com o pH que variou de 3,85 a 4,07 e a relação N-NH3/NT de 6,2 a 7,85. Os consumos médios diários de MS e proteína bruta (PB não diferiram entre os tratamentos (P>0,05. Os consumos médios de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e fibra em detergente ácido (FDA apresentaram comportamento linear decrescente (P0,05 na digestibilidade da MS (DMS, da FDN (DFDN e da FDA (DFDA das silagens. Os nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT das silagens foram semelhantes em todos os tratamentos. A digestibilidade da PB (DPB, do extrato etéreo (DEE e dos carboidratos não-fibrosos (DCNF das silagens decresceu linearmente (P0,05 na DMS, DPB, DFDN, DFDA, DEE, DCNF e NDT entre as dietas experimentais. O nível de adição de 5% de bagaço de mandioca à silagem de capim-elefante é satisfatório para sua preservação, propiciando boa digestibilidade.Sixteen ¾ Holstein-Zebu heifers aging 15 month-old averaging 144kg were used to evaluate the effect of the additions of different levels of cassava bagasse (5; 10; 15 and 20% to elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum ensilage on the diet quality and nutrients digestibility. The treatments consisted of four diets containing, as roughage, elephant grass

  19. Contribución del programa 'Nieves y glaciares tropicales' (NGT al conocimiento de la variabilidad climática en los Andes

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    Full Text Available CONTRIBUTION DU PROGRAMME “NEIGES ET GLACIERS TROPICAUX” (NGT À LA CONNAISSANCE DE LA VARIABILITÉ CLIMATIQUE DANS LES ANDES. Les glaciers tropicaux sont d’excellents indicateurs de l’évolution du climat à cause de leur extrême sensibilité aux variations des paramètres météorologiques tels que les températures, la radiation, les précipitations etc. (Pouyaud et al., 1995. Ils ont enregistré les implications climatiques des phénomènes El Niño (ENSO et ils peuvent donner des informations précieuses sur leur fréquence et leur amplitude. Ce sont aussi des objets hydrologiques et les populations andines exploitent leurs ressources. Ils peuvent évoluer très rapidement. Le recul actuel, accéléré et généralisé des glaciers des Andes centrales a des conséquences hydrologiques et peut constituer des risques naturels. L’ORSTOM et ses partenaires scientifiques andins ont mis en route depuis 1991 un vaste programme de suivi dans l’ensemble des Andes tropicales. On évalue les résultats de ce programme jusqu’à la fin 1997. Los glaciares tropicales son excelentes indicadores de la evolución del clima por su extrema sensibilidad a las variaciones de los parámetros meteorológicos como las temperaturas, la radiación y las precipitaciones, etc. (Pouyaud et al., 1995. Bajo este concepto, han registrado las implicaciones climáticas de los fenómenos El Niño-Oscilación del Sur (ENSO y pueden proporcionar valiosas informaciones sobre su frecuencia y su magnitud. Son también objetos hidrológicos, cuyos recursos son aprovechados por las sociedades andinas, susceptibles de evoluciones futuras muy rápidas. El actual retroceso, generalizado y acelerado, de los glaciares de los Andes centrales y sus consecuencias en términos de hidrología o de riesgos naturales, condujeron al ORSTOM y sus contrapartes científicas andinas a lanzar desde 1991 un amplio programa de monitoreo de estos glaciares en el conjunto de los Andes tropicales

  20. Assessment of the climate change impacts on fecal coliform contamination in a tidal estuarine system. (United States)

    Liu, Wen-Cheng; Chan, Wen-Ting


    Climate change is one of the key factors affecting the future microbiological water quality in rivers and tidal estuaries. A coupled 3D hydrodynamic and fecal coliform transport model was developed and applied to the Danshuei River estuarine system for predicting the influences of climate change on microbiological water quality. The hydrodynamic and fecal coliform model was validated using observational salinity and fecal coliform distributions. According to the analyses of the statistical error, predictions of the salinity and the fecal coliform concentration from the model simulation quantitatively agreed with the observed data. The validated model was then applied to predict the fecal coliform contamination as a result of climate change, including the change of freshwater discharge and the sea level rise. We found that the reduction of freshwater discharge under climate change scenarios resulted in an increase in the fecal coliform concentration. The sea level rise would decrease fecal coliform distributions because both the water level and the water volume increased. A reduction in freshwater discharge has a negative impact on the fecal coliform concentration, whereas a rising sea level has a positive influence on the fecal coliform contamination. An appropriate strategy for the effective microbiological management in tidal estuaries is required to reveal the persistent trends of climate in the future.

  1. The impact of long-term dietary pattern of fecal donor on in vitro fecal fermentation properties of inulin. (United States)

    Yang, Junyi; Rose, Devin J


    Although the composition of the gut microbiota is of interest, the functionality, or metabolic activity, of the gut microbiota is of equal importance: the gut microbiota can produce either harmful metabolites associated with human disease or beneficial metabolites that protect against disease. The purposes of this study were to determine the associations between dietary intake variables and fecal short and branched chain fatty acid (S/BCFA) concentrations; to determine the associations between dietary intake variables and inulin degradation, short and branched chain fatty acid (S/BCFA) production, and ammonia production during in vitro fecal fermentation of a highly fermentable substrate (inulin); and finally to compare results from the fermentation of inulin with those obtained in a previous report using a poorly fermentable substrate (whole wheat; Yang and Rose, Nutr. Res., 2014, 34, 749-759). Stool samples from eighteen individuals that had completed one-year dietary records were used in an in vitro fecal fermentation system with long-chain inulin as substrate. Few dietary intake variables were correlated with fecal S/BCFA concentrations; however, intakes of several plant-based foods, especially whole grain, dry beans, and certain vegetables that provided dietary fiber, plant protein, and B vitamins, were associated with acetate, propionate, butyrate, and total SCFA production during inulin fermentation. In contrast, intake of dairy and processed meats that provided cholesterol and little fiber, were associated with ammonia and BCFA production. Comparing results between inulin and whole wheat fermentations, significant correlations were only found for butyrate and BCFA, suggesting that regardless of the type of carbohydrate provided to the microbiota, long-term diet may have a pronounced effect on the propensity of the gut microbiota toward either beneficial metabolism (butyrate production) or detrimental metabolism (BCFA production). These results may help in

  2. Fecal Molecular Markers for Colorectal Cancer Screening

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    Rani Kanthan


    Full Text Available Despite multiple screening techniques, including colonoscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy, radiological imaging, and fecal occult blood testing, colorectal cancer remains a leading cause of death. As these techniques improve, their sensitivity to detect malignant lesions is increasing; however, detection of precursor lesions remains problematic and has generated a lack of general acceptance for their widespread usage. Early detection by an accurate, noninvasive, cost-effective, simple-to-use screening technique is central to decreasing the incidence and mortality of this disease. Recent advances in the development of molecular markers in faecal specimens are encouraging for its use as a screening tool. Genetic mutations and epigenetic alterations that result from the carcinogenetic process can be detected by coprocytobiology in the colonocytes exfoliated from the lesion into the fecal matter. These markers have shown promising sensitivity and specificity in the detection of both malignant and premalignant lesions and are gaining popularity as a noninvasive technique that is representative of the entire colon. In this paper, we summarize the genetic and epigenetic fecal molecular markers that have been identified as potential targets in the screening of colorectal cancer.

  3. Fecal impaction: a cause of isolated small bowel dilatation on abdominal radiographs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torigian, Drew A.; Levine, Marc S.; Rubesin, Stephen E.; Laufer, Igor


    Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency of isolated small bowel dilatation on abdominal radiographs in patients with colonic fecal impaction and also to elucidate the cause of this finding. Methods: A computerized search of radiology files revealed 515 patients with colonic fecal impaction on abdominal radiographs. The radiologic reports described isolated small bowel dilatation not related to other known causes of ileus or obstruction in 18 (3.5%) of the 515 patients. The films were reviewed to determine the distribution of fecal impaction and the degree and extent of small bowel dilatation. In 16 cases, medical records were reviewed to determine the clinical presentation, treatment, and course. Finally, follow-up radiographs were reviewed in four cases to determine the response to treatment of the impaction. Results: All 16 patients with available medical records had abdominal symptoms. The average diameter of the dilated small bowel on abdominal radiographs was 3.7 cm. Fourteen patients (78%) had a diffuse colonic fecal impaction (nine) or a predominantly right-sided fecal impaction (five) that involved the cecum, and the remaining four (22%) had a left-sided colonic fecal impaction. All 12 patients with clinical follow-up had resolution of symptoms and all four with follow-up radiographs had resolution of small bowel dilatation after treatment of the underlying impaction. Conclusion: Fecal impaction should be considered in the differential diagnosis of small bowel dilatation on abdominal radiographs, as treatment of the underlying impaction usually produces a dramatic clinical response with resolution of the small bowel dilatation on follow-up radiographs

  4. Consumo e digestibilidade dos nutrientes em cabras Moxotó recebendo dietas com diferentes níveis de feno de maniçoba Intake and digestibility of nutrients in Moxotó dairy goats fed diets with different Maniçoba hay levels

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    Marcos Jácome de Araújo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a utilização do feno de maniçoba (Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg. em diferentes níveis (30, 40, 50 e 60% sobre os consumos e as digestibilidades de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, energia bruta (EB, extrato etéreo (EE, carboidratos totais (CT, carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN e fibra em detergente ácido (FDA e os consumos de água e nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT. Utilizaram-se oito cabras da raça Moxotó, multíparas, com aproximadamente 60 dias de lactação, pesando 44,26 ± 4,23 kg, em delineamento quadrado latino duplo 4 × 4, com quatro tratamentos, quatro períodos e quatro animais. Cada período teve duração de 15 dias (10 de adaptação dos animais às dietas e 5 para coleta de dados. Utilizou-se a fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi como indicador interno para estimativa da produção de matéria seca fecal. A utilização do feno de maniçoba nos níveis de 30, 40, 50 e 60% nas dietas para cabras em lactação não alterou os consumos de MS, MO, PB, EE, MM e CT. Os consumos de CNF, NDT e água diminuíram linearmente com o aumento no nível de feno de maniçoba nas dietas, enquanto os de FDN e FDA (kg/dia, %PC e g/kg0,75 aumentaram linearmente. A digestibilidade aparente de MS, MO, PB, EE, CT, CNF, EB e FDA reduziu linearmente, enquanto a da FDN não se alterou com o aumento dos níveis de feno na dieta.This research was conducted with the objective of evaluating the use of different Maniçoba hay (Manihot glaziovii Muell. Arg levels (30, 40, 50 and 60% on intake and apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM, organic matter (OM, crude protein (CP, gross energy (GE, ether extract (EE, total carbohydrates (TCHT, non fiber carbohydrates (NFC, neutral detergent fiber (NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF, water intake (WI, besides total digestible nutrients intake (TDNI. Eight multiparous Moxotó dairy goats with initial

  5. Distinguishing Bovine Fecal Matter on Spinach Leaves Using Field Spectroscopy

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    Colm D. Everard


    Full Text Available Detection of fecal contaminants on leafy greens in the field will allow for decreasing cross-contamination of produce during and post-harvest. Fecal contamination of leafy greens has been associated with Escherichia coli (E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks and foodborne illnesses. In this study, passive field spectroscopy measuring reflectance and fluorescence created by the sun’s light, coupled with numerical normalization techniques, are used to distinguish fecal contaminants on spinach leaves from soil on spinach leaves and uncontaminated spinach leaf portions. A Savitzky-Golay first derivative transformation and a waveband ratio of 710:688 nm as normalizing techniques were assessed. A soft independent modelling of class analogies (SIMCA procedure with a 216 sample training set successfully predicted all 54 test set sample types using the spectral region of 600–800 nm. The ratio of 710:688 nm along with set thresholds separated all 270 samples by type. Application of these techniques in-field to avoid harvesting of fecal contaminated leafy greens may lead to a reduction in foodborne illnesses as well as reduced produce waste.

  6. Carnivore fecal chemicals suppress feeding by Alpine goats (Capra hircus). (United States)

    Weldon, P J; Graham, D P; Mears, L P


    The efficacy of carnivore and ungulate fecal chemicals in suppressing the feeding behavior of Alpine goats (Capra hircus) was examined. In the first four experiments, goats were offered food covered with paper strips treated with fecal extracts of the Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, African lion, and brown bear, respectively; food covered with solvent-treated and untreated (plain) papers served as controls in each experiment. Goats made fewer head entries into, and ate less food from, buckets containing fecal extracts. In the fifth experiment, goats were offered food covered with paper strips treated with fecal extracts of the puma, Dorcas gazelle, white-bearded gnu, and conspecifics; food covered with solvent-treated and plain papers again served as controls. The amounts of food consumed from buckets containing puma, gazelle, gnu, and solvent treatments were statistically indistinguishable, but less food was consumed from them than from buckets containing the goat-scented or plain papers. No significant differences among treatments were detected with respect to head entries. Field experiments are needed on the use of predator-derived chemicals to reduce damage by goats to vegetation.


    Assessment of health risk and fecal bacteria loads associated with cow fecal pollution requires a reliable host-specific genetic marker and a rapid quantification method. We report the development of quantitative PCR assays for enumeration of two recently described cow-specific g...

  8. Factors affecting genotyping success in giant panda fecal samples

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    Ying Zhu


    Full Text Available Fecal samples play an important role in giant panda conservation studies. Optimal preservation conditions and choice of microsatellites for giant panda fecal samples have not been established. In this study, we evaluated the effect of four factors (namely, storage type (ethanol (EtOH, EtOH −20 °C, 2-step storage medium, DMSO/EDTA/Tris/salt buffer (DETs and frozen at −20 °C, storage time (one, three and six months, fragment length, and repeat motif of microsatellite loci on the success rate of microsatellite amplification, allelic dropout (ADO and false allele (FA rates from giant panda fecal samples. Amplification success and ADO rates differed between the storage types. Freezing was inferior to the other four storage methods based on the lowest average amplification success and the highest ADO rates (P < 0.05. The highest microsatellite amplification success was obtained from either EtOH or the 2-step storage medium at three storage time points. Storage time had a negative effect on the average amplification of microsatellites and samples stored in EtOH and the 2-step storage medium were more stable than the other three storage types. We only detected the effect of repeat motif on ADO and FA rates. The lower ADO and FA rates were obtained from tri- and tetra-nucleotide loci. We suggest that freezing should not be used for giant panda fecal preservation in microsatellite studies, and EtOH and the 2-step storage medium should be chosen on priority for long-term storage. We recommend candidate microsatellite loci with longer repeat motif to ensure greater genotyping success for giant panda fecal studies.

  9. Digestibilidade aparente da farinha de aguapé em tilápias-do-nilo Apparent digestibility of water hyacinth meal by Nile tilapia

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    José Francisco Vicente Biudes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar e comparar as digestibilidades aparentes da matéria seca (MS, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE e energia bruta (EB e as disponibilidades aparentes de minerais das farinhas da biomassa emersa (lâmina foliar e pecíolo, submersa (raiz e rizoma e total do aguapé em tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus. Foram elaboradas quatro rações marcadas com 0,10% de óxido de crômio-III (uma ração-referência purificada e três contendo 30,0% de cada ingrediente. As tilápias-do-nilo (125,5 ± 10,5 g foram alimentadas até a saciedade e a coleta de fezes foi realizada pelo sistema Ghelph modificado. As digestibilidades aparentes da farinha da biomassa emersa (MS = 57,8; PB = 72,3; EE = 63,2 e EB = 62,0% foram maiores que as das farinhas da biomassa total (MS = 45,7; PB = 57,3; EE = 50,3 e EB = 42,3% e submersa (MS = 38,3; PB = 50,8; EE = 43,5 e EB = 32,0%. As disponibilidades aparentes de fósforo (P, cálcio (Ca, magnésio (Mg, manganês (Mn, cobre (Cu e zinco (Zn da farinha da biomassa emersa também foram maiores. A farinha de biomassa emersa do aguapé apresenta melhor digestibilidade e disponibilidade aparente dos nutrientes em comparação às farinhas da biomassa total e submersa.This study was carried out to determine and compare the apparent digestibility of dry matter (DM, crude protein (CP, crude fat (CF, gross energy (GE, and the apparent availability of minerals (P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, and Zn of emergent (leaf and petiole, submerged (root and rhizome and total biomass meal of water hyacinth for Nile tilapia. Four diets were prepared, containing 0.10% chromic oxide-III, one being the reference diet (purified and the others containing 30% of each ingredient. The Nile tilapias (125.5 ± 10.5 g were fed until satiation and the feces were collected by the modified Guelph system. The apparent digestibility of emergent biomass meal (DM = 57.8, CP = 72.3, CF = 63.2, and GE = 62.0% was higher than

  10. Digestibilidade total e balanço de nitrogênio em cabritos recebendo rações contendo levedura seca = Total digestibility and nitrogen balance in kid goats receiving diets containing dry yeast

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    Claudete Regina Alcalde


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a ingestão,digestibilidade da matéria seca e dos nutrientes, o balanço de nitrogênio e estimar os nutrientes digestíveis totais de rações com a inclusão da levedura seca (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% da MS em substituição ao farelo de soja nas rações para cabritos. Foram utilizados cinco cabritos SRD alojados em gaiolas metabólicas distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino 5 x 5. As ingestões de matéria seca e de carboidratos totais não foram alteradas com ainclusão de levedura, no entanto, para a ingestão de matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo e fibra em detergente neutro foi observado efeito quadrático. A digestibilidade do extrato etéreo apresentou efeito linear decrescente, porém, para digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, carboidratos totais, fibra em detergente neutro e nutrientes digestíveis totais houve efeito quadrático. O balanço de nitrogênio não foi alterado em função da substituição do farelo de soja. A levedura seca pode ser incluída nas rações de cabritos como fonte proteica sem alterar a ingestão de matéria seca e o balanço de nitrogênio, porém, a inclusão acima de 5,9% de levedura seca nas rações reduz a digestibilidade da matéria seca.The assay was carried out to evaluate feed intake, dry matter andnutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, and to estimate total digestible nutrients of diets with inclusion of dry yeast (0, 25, 50, 75, 100% of DM replacing soybean meal in diets for kid goats. Five goats were allotted in a 5 x 5 Latin square design and housed in digestibility cages. Dry matter intake and total carbohydrates were unchanged with inclusion of dry yeast; however, for organic matter, crude protein, ether extract and neutral detergent fiber, intake showed a quadratic effect. The digestibility of ether extract showed decreasing linear effect; however, for dry matter, organic matter

  11. The modified SWAT model for predicting fecal coliform in the Wachusett Reservoir Watershed, USA (United States)

    Fecal contamination has been an issue for water quality because fecal coliform bacteria are used as an indicator organism to detect pathogens in water. In order to assess fecal contamination in the Wachusett Reservoir Watershed in Massachusetts, USA, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), a comm...

  12. Efeito da temperatura de pré-secagem na digestibilidade e nos fracionamentos da proteína e do carboidrato em gramíneas tropicais


    Oliveira, Augusto Ayres Araújo de


    Amostras de Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu, Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk e Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania foram coletadas na época seca do ano. Após a separação botanica dos componentes morfológicos de lamina foliar, colmo e matéria morta, as amostras foram submetidas a temperaturas de pré-secagem de 55º e 65ºC. Foi realizada análise bromatológica para determinação das frações protéicas e de carboidratos e do valor da digestibilidade in vitro da matéria organica (DIVMO). Houve aumento no...

  13. Fezes equina como fonte de inóculo na obtenção de indicadores indigestíveis para estimar a digestibilidade em equinos


    Oliveira,Kátia de; Bittar,Carla Maris Machado; Costa,Ciniro; Oliveira,Vinicius Antônio Baptista; Sá,Janaina Carolina de


    Foram utilizados quatro cavalos castrados, por meio de delineamento em blocos casualizados. Objetivou-se viabilizar a obtenção in vitro das fibras indigestíveis, FDNi e FDAi, mediante a utilização, como inóculos, de líquido ruminal (LR) e fezes equina (FE), para estimar o coeficiente de digestibilidade nutrientes (CDN) de cavalos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelo método direto com a coleta total de fezes (CT) e indireto pelo uso das FDNi e FDAi obtidas por meio dos inóculos, LR e FE. De...

  14. Fecal Microbiota Therapy for Clostridium difficile Infection: A Health Technology Assessment. (United States)


    Fecal microbiota therapy is increasingly being used to treat patients with Clostridium difficile infection. This health technology assessment primarily evaluated the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of fecal microbiota therapy compared with the usual treatment (antibiotic therapy). We performed a literature search using Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, CRD Health Technology Assessment Database, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and NHS Economic Evaluation Database. For the economic review, we applied economic filters to these search results. We also searched the websites of agencies for other health technology assessments. We conducted a meta-analysis to analyze effectiveness. The quality of the body of evidence for each outcome was examined according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group criteria. Using a step-wise, structural methodology, we determined the overall quality to be high, moderate, low, or very low. We used a survey to examine physicians' perception of patients' lived experience, and a modified grounded theory method to analyze information from the survey. For the review of clinical effectiveness, 16 of 1,173 citations met the inclusion criteria. A meta-analysis of two randomized controlled trials found that fecal microbiota therapy significantly improved diarrhea associated with recurrent C. difficile infection versus treatment with vancomycin (relative risk 3.24, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.85-5.68) (GRADE: moderate). While fecal microbiota therapy is not associated with a significant decrease in mortality compared with antibiotic therapy (relative risk 0.69, 95% CI 0.14-3.39) (GRADE: low), it is associated with a significant increase in adverse events (e.g., short-term diarrhea, relative risk 30.76, 95% CI 4.46-212.44; abdominal cramping, relative risk 14.81, 95% CI 2.07-105.97) (GRADE: low). For

  15. Digestibilidade pré-cecal diurna e noturna em equinos fistulados alimentados com diferentes concentrados

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    Alexandre Augusto de Oliveira Gobesso


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as possíveis diferenças entre períodos diurno e noturno dos coeficientes de digestibilidade parcial pré-cecal da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, amido, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente ácido e fibra em detergente neutro de diferentes dietas formuladas com concentrados energéticos à base de milho, aveia, sorgo e milho/aveia 50/50%. Foram utilizados quatro cavalos íleo-fistulados com 36±4 meses de idade, mestiços, machos, castrados, com peso médio de 308±32kg. O delineamento experimental foi um quadrado latino 4X4 (quatro tratamentos, quatro períodos. Houve diferenças entre os períodos diurno e noturno nas frações da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, amido, fibra em detergente ácido e fibra em detergente neutro no tratamento a base de milho, nas frações fibra em detergente acido e fibra em detergente neutro no tratamento com aveia, e na fibra em detergente ácido dos tratamentos com sorgo e milho/aveia 50/50%.


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    David Andrés Herrera Ramírez

    Full Text Available La fertilización es determinante del crecimiento y desarrollo de árboles urbanos. Por ello, estudiamos, mediante la técnica del elemento faltante, los requerimientos nutricionales de cinco especies tropicales usadas en silvicultura urbana (Tabebuia chrysantha, Margaritaria nobilis, Hamelia patens, Apeiba aspera, Cupania americana. Se encontró algunas especies sensibles a la deficiencia de nitrógeno y otras a la deficiencia de azufre. El grupo de T. chrysanta, M. nobilis y H. patens mostró alta sensibilidad a la deficiencia de nitrógeno, mientras que C. americana y A. aspera presentaron sensibilidad a la deficiencia de azufre, representada en menor crecimiento promedio para todas las variables evaluadas: altura, diámetro en el cuello de la raíz, materia seca radical y materia seca aérea. Las representaciones HJ-Biplot, utilizadas para caracterizar la respuesta por especie a cada tratamiento en todas las unidades experimentales, evidenciaron los bajos rendimientos en crecimiento para las deficiencias en nitrógeno y azufre. El desbalance de bases calcio/magnesio y magnesio/potasio afectó el crecimiento en altura de todas las especies, evidenciado en los altos crecimientos obtenidos para los tratamientos deficientes en calcio y magnesio. Debido a esto, las fórmulas nutricionales utilizadas en vivero deben reajustarse a las exigencias individuales de las especies, para producir mejores árboles para la ciudad.

  17. Evaluación del potencial antibacteriano de extractos de semillas de cinco frutas tropicales

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    Nirza de la Cruz Noguera Machado


    Full Text Available Las semillas y epicarpios de muchos frutos suelen ser descartados después del consumo directo y/o procesamiento industrial. Se ha descrito que estos subproductos son ricos en compuestos bioactivos, los cuales pueden ser utilizados como aditivos en la industria de alimentos y en otros procesos productivos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue producir extractos a partir de las semillas de cinco frutas tropicales: mango (Mangifera indica, papaya (Carica papaya, guayaba (Psidium guajava, parchita (Passiflora edulis y melón (Cucumis melo, y medir su efecto sobre el crecimiento de las bacterias Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 y Escherichia coli ATCC 25922. La extracción se hizo por maceración a temperatura ambiental usando etanol al 90 %. Se tomaron 100 μL de los extractos y se adicionaron al medio de cultivo. Las bacterias fueron incubadas por 6 horas y su crecimiento se midió por turbidimetría a 600 nm, cada 30 minutos. Se encontró que las bacterias crecidas en presencia del extracto de parchita, exhibieron los menores valores de absorbancia, indicativo del potencial inhibitorio. Este efecto fue confirmado mediante contajes en placas y el método de difusión en agar, donde las concentraciones de 11,7 y 9,4 mg/mL fueron las que presentaron mejor efecto sobre S. aureus.

  18. Fecal markers of intestinal inflammation and intestinal permeability are elevated in Parkinson's disease. (United States)

    Schwiertz, Andreas; Spiegel, Jörg; Dillmann, Ulrich; Grundmann, David; Bürmann, Jan; Faßbender, Klaus; Schäfer, Karl-Herbert; Unger, Marcus M


    Intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability (both possibly fueled by dysbiosis) have been suggested to be implicated in the multifactorial pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD). The objective of the current study was to investigate whether fecal markers of inflammation and impaired intestinal barrier function corroborate this pathogenic aspect of PD. In a case-control study, we quantitatively analyzed established fecal markers of intestinal inflammation (calprotectin and lactoferrin) and fecal markers of intestinal permeability (alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin) in PD patients (n = 34) and controls (n = 28, group-matched for age) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The study design controlled for potential confounding factors. Calprotectin, a fecal marker of intestinal inflammation, and two fecal markers of increased intestinal permeability (alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin) were significantly elevated in PD patients compared to age-matched controls. Lactoferrin, as a second fecal marker of intestinal inflammation, showed a non-significant trend towards elevated concentrations in PD patients. None of the four fecal markers correlated with disease severity, PD subtype, dopaminergic therapy, or presence of constipation. Fecal markers reflecting intestinal inflammation and increased intestinal permeability have been primarily investigated in inflammatory bowel disease so far. Our data indicate that calprotectin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin could be useful non-invasive markers in PD as well. Even though these markers are not disease-specific, they corroborate the hypothesis of an intestinal inflammation as contributing factor in the pathogenesis of PD. Further investigations are needed to determine whether calprotectin, alpha-1-antitrypsin and zonulin can be used to define PD subgroups and to monitor the effect of interventions in PD. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Bacteriological (fecal and total coliform) quality of Pakistani coastal water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mashiatullah, A.; Qureshi, R.M.; Javed, T.; Khan, M.S.; Chaudhary, M.Z.; Khalid, F.


    The coliform bacteria group consists of several genera of bacteria belonging to the family enterobacteriaceae. These are harmless bacteria, mostly live in soil, water, and digestive system of animals. Fecal coliform bacteria, which belongs to this group, are present in large numbers in feces and intestinal tract of human beings and other warm-blooded animals which can enter into water bodies from human and animal waste. Swimming in water having high levels of Fecal coliform bacteria increases the chance of developing illness (fever, nausea or stomach cramps) from pathogens entering the body through mouth, nose, ears or cuts in the skin. The objective of the present study was to characterize the bathing quality of Pakistani coastal water with respect to coliform bacteria. Total and Fecal coliform bacteria were determined at seven different locations along Pakistan coast using membrane filtration (MF) technique. 100 ml of water was passed through 0.45 micron (mu) filter paper. These filter papers were put on pads, soaked in Lauryle sulphate broth in petri-dishes and incubated at 44 deg. C for Fecal and 37 deg. for Total coliform for 24 hours. Significantly high population of Fecal and Total coliform bacteria was recorded at Karachi harbour area and Indus delta region. Results indicate that a large amount of domestically originated waste is being discharged into these locations without any pre-treatment (e.g., screening, activated sludge, by using filtration beds etc.) resulting in a poor seawater quality making it unfit for bathing. (author)

  20. Gastric emptying of water in children with severe functional fecal retention

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    V.P.I. Fernandes

    Full Text Available The objective of this study was to evaluate gastric emptying (GE in pediatric patients with functional constipation. GE delay has been reported in adults with functional constipation. Gastric emptying studies were performed in 22 children with chronic constipation, fecal retention and fecal incontinence, while presenting fecal retention and after resuming regular bowel movements. Patients (18 boys, median age: 10 years; range: 7.2 to 12.7 years were evaluated in a tertiary pediatric gastroenterology clinic. Gastric half-emptying time of water (reference range: 12 ± 3 min was measured using a radionuclide technique immediately after first patient evaluation, when they presented fecal impaction (GE1, and when they achieved regular bowel movements (GE2, 12 ± 5 weeks after GE1. At study admission, 21 patients had reported dyspeptic symptoms, which were completely relieved after resuming regular bowel movements. Medians (and interquartile ranges for GE1 and GE2 were not significantly different [27.0 (16 and 27.5 (21 min, respectively (P = 0.10]. Delayed GE seems to be a common feature among children with chronic constipation and fecal retention. Resuming satisfactory bowel function and improvement in dyspeptic symptoms did not result in normalization of GE data.

  1. Urinary and fecal incontinence in a community-residing older population in Japan. (United States)

    Nakanishi, N; Tatara, K; Naramura, H; Fujiwara, H; Takashima, Y; Fukuda, H


    To estimate the prevalence and risk factors of urinary and fecal incontinence among a community-residing older population in Japan. Population-based cross-sectional study. A randomly selected sample of 1473 people aged 65 years and older living in the City of Settsu, Osaka, in 1992. Data collected via in-home visits were used to estimate the prevalence of urinary and fecal incontinence and to provide information regarding potential risk factors of urinary and fecal incontinence. Data were obtained from 1405 older adults, a response rate of 95.4%. The prevalence of any degree of urinary incontinence was 98/1000 in both sexes, and 87/ 1000 men and 66/1000 women admitted to some degree of fecal incontinence. Daily, 34/1000 and 20/1000 of the population were incontinent of urine and feces, respectively. There was an increasing prevalence of urinary and fecal incontinence with age in both sexes, but the expected greater prevalence in women was not found. By univariate analyses, age older than 75 years, poor general health as measured by Activities of Daily Living, stroke, dementia, no participation in social activities, and lack of life worth living (Ikigai) were associated significantly with both urinary and fecal incontinence. In the multivariate analyses using logistic regression, age older than 75 years, poor general health, and stroke were independent risk factors for any type of incontinence. Diabetes was an independent risk factor for isolated fecal incontinence, and dementia and no participation in social activities were independent risk factors for double incontinence. Incontinence of urine and feces is a prevalent condition among very old people living in the community in Japan and is associated highly with health and psychosocial conditions.

  2. Degradation of copepod fecal pellets

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Poulsen, Louise K.; Iversen, Morten


    amount of fecal pellets. The total degradation rate of pellets by the natural plankton community of Oresund followed the phytoplankton biomass, with maximum degradation rate during the spring bloom (2.5 +/- 0.49 d(-1)) and minimum (0.52 +/- 0.14 d(-1)) during late winter. Total pellet removal rate ranged...

  3. The fecal microbiome in cats with diarrhea.

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    Jan S Suchodolski

    Full Text Available Recent studies have revealed that microbes play an important role in the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal (GI diseases in various animal species, but only limited data is available about the microbiome in cats with GI disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the fecal microbiome in cats with diarrhea. Fecal samples were obtained from healthy cats (n = 21 and cats with acute (n = 19 or chronic diarrhea (n = 29 and analyzed by sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, and PICRUSt was used to predict the functional gene content of the microbiome. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA effect size (LEfSe revealed significant differences in bacterial groups between healthy cats and cats with diarrhea. The order Burkholderiales, the families Enterobacteriaceae, and the genera Streptococcus and Collinsella were significantly increased in diarrheic cats. In contrast the order Campylobacterales, the family Bacteroidaceae, and the genera Megamonas, Helicobacter, and Roseburia were significantly increased in healthy cats. Phylum Bacteroidetes was significantly decreased in cats with chronic diarrhea (>21 days duration, while the class Erysipelotrichi and the genus Lactobacillus were significantly decreased in cats with acute diarrhea. The observed changes in bacterial groups were accompanied by significant differences in functional gene contents: metabolism of fatty acids, biosynthesis of glycosphingolipids, metabolism of biotin, metabolism of tryptophan, and ascorbate and aldarate metabolism, were all significantly (p<0.001 altered in cats with diarrhea. In conclusion, significant differences in the fecal microbiomes between healthy cats and cats with diarrhea were identified. This dysbiosis was accompanied by changes in bacterial functional gene categories. Future studies are warranted to evaluate if these microbial changes correlate with changes in fecal concentrations of microbial metabolites in cats with diarrhea for the identification of potential diagnostic or

  4. Effect of Fermented Supplementation on Growth Performance, Nutrient Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, Fecal Microbial and Fecal Noxious Gas Content in Growing Pigs

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    L. Yan


    Full Text Available A total of 96 growing pigs ((Landrace×Yorkshire×Duroc; BW = 26.58±1.41 kg were used in a 6-wk feeding trail to evaluate the effects of fermented chlorella (FC supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics, fecal microbial and fecal noxious gas content in growing pigs. Pigs were randomly allotted into 1 of 4 dietary treatments with 6 replicate pens (2 barrows and 2 gilts per treatment. Dietary treatments were: i negative control (NC, basal diet (without antibiotics; ii positive control (PC, NC+0.05% tylosin; iii (fermented chlorella 01 FC01, NC+0.1% FC, and iv fermented chlorella 02 (FC02, NC+0.2% FC. In this study, feeding pigs PC or FC01 diets led to a higher average daily gain (ADG and dry matter (DM digestibility than those fed NC diet (p0.05 was observed on the body weight, average daily feed intake (ADFI, gain:feed (G:F ratio, the apparent total tract digestibility of N and energy throughout the experiment. The inclusion of PC or FC did not affect the blood characteristics (p>0.05. Moreover, dietary FC treatment led to a higher (p<0.05 lactobacillus concentration and lower E. coli concentration than the NC treatment, whereas the antibiotic supplementation only decreased the E. coli concentration. Pigs fed FC or PC diet had reduced (p<0.05 fecal NH3 and H2S content compared with those fed NC diet. In conclusion, our results indicated that the inclusion of FC01 treatment could improve the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, fecal microbial shedding (lower E. coli and higher lactobacillus, and decrease the fecal noxious gas emission in growing pigs when compared with the group fed the basal diet. In conclusion, dietary FC could be considered as a good source of supplementation in growing pigs because of its growth promoting effect.

  5. Meta-análise da digestibilidade ileal de aminoácidos e minerais em suínos alimentados com dietas contendo enzimas

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    Cheila Roberta Lehnen


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio da meta-análise, o efeito da fitase e da xilanase sobre a digestibilidade ileal aparente (DIa de aminoácidos, cálcio e fósforo, em suínos em fase de crescimento. A base de dados consistiu de 21 artigos publicados entre 1998 e 2009, no total de 82 tratamentos e 644 suínos. A meta-análise foi realizada por análise gráfica, de correlação, de variância-covariância. As concentrações de fósforo fítico e as frações fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido e lignina em detergente ácido, nas dietas, apresentaram correlações baixas e negativas com a DIa do cálcio, fósforo e aminoácidos. A adição de fitase às dietas aumentou em 2% a DIa da arginina, em 14% a do cálcio e em 34% a do fósforo. A DIa da arginina, fenilalanina, isoleucina e lisina foi 3,3% superior em suínos alimentados com dietas com xilanase, em relação às dietas sem a enzima. O fósforo fítico e as fibras, nas dietas, reduzem a DIa do cálcio, do fósforo e dos aminoácidos essenciais. O uso de fitase e xilanase, nas dietas, melhora o aproveitamento de cálcio, fósforo e alguns aminoácidos. No entanto, o excesso de cálcio e fósforo nas dietas reduz a ação da fitase sobre a digestibilidade ileal dos nutrientes.

  6. Epidemiology of Salmonella sp. in California cull dairy cattle: prevalence of fecal shedding and diagnostic accuracy of pooled enriched broth culture of fecal samples

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    Omran A. Abu Aboud


    Full Text Available Background The primary objective of this cross-sectional study was to estimate the crude, seasonal and cull-reason stratified prevalence of Salmonella fecal shedding in cull dairy cattle on seven California dairies. A secondary objective was to estimate and compare the relative sensitivity (Se and specificity (Sp for pools of 5 and 10 enriched broth cultures of fecal samples for Salmonella sp. detection. Methods Seven dairy farms located in the San Joaquin Valley of California were identified and enrolled in the study as a convenience sample. Cull cows were identified for fecal sampling once during each season between 2014 and 2015, specifically during spring, summer, fall, and winter, and 10 cows were randomly selected for fecal sampling at the day of their sale. In addition, study personnel completed a survey based on responses of the herd manager to questions related to the previous four month’s herd management. Fecal samples were frozen until testing for Salmonella. After overnight enrichment in liquid broth, pools of enrichment broth (EBP were created for 5 and 10 samples. All individual and pooled broths were cultured on selective media with putative Salmonella colonies confirmed by biochemical testing before being serogrouped and serotyped. Results A total of 249 cull cows were enrolled into the study and their fecal samples tested for Salmonella. The survey-weighted period prevalence of fecal shedding of all Salmonella sp. in the cull cow samples across all study herds and the entire study period was 3.42% (N = 249; SE 1.07. The within herd prevalence of Salmonella shed in feces did not differ over the four study seasons (P = 0.074. The Se of culture of EBP of five samples was 62.5% (SE = 17.12, which was not statistically different from the Se of culture of EBP of 10 (37.5%, SE = 17.12, P = 0.48. The Sp of culture of EBP of five samples was 95.24% (SE = 3.29 and for pools of 10 samples was 100.00% (SE = 0. There was no statistical

  7. Efeito de sementes oleaginosas inteiras e óleo de soja sobre a digestibilidade in vitro e os padrões ruminais de bezerros holandeses Effect of oleaginous whole seeds and soybean oil on the in vitro digestibility and ruminal pattern in holstein calves

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    Márcia Villaça


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado para comparar os efeitos da adição de sementes inteiras de soja e algodão e de óleo de soja sobre os padrões ruminais e a digestibilidade in vitro, em bezerros Holandeses fistulados. Dois bezerros fistulados no rúmen foram alimentados com dieta basal com 2,5% de extrato etéreo (EE, o qual foi comparado com dietas com 5,0% de EE, em que as sementes de soja e algodão inteira ou o óleo de soja foram fontes de EE adicional. A adição de sementes de soja e de algodão resultou em decréscimo na digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca e da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, porém não houve alterações na digestibilidade in vitro da fibra em detergente ácido (FDA em relação à dieta controle. A adição de semente algodão provocou decréscimo na digestibilidade in vitro da proteína bruta em comparação à dieta controle. A concentração de ácido propiônico nas dietas com adição de óleo de soja foi 16% mais elevada que a proporcionada pelas demais dietas. O uso de óleo de soja pareceu ser a mais adequada em relação à digestibilidade da matéria seca, FDA e FDN e à manutenção de pH, quando comparado a outros tipos de adição lipídica, porém menos eficiente que a semente de soja em relação à digestibilidade in vitro da proteína bruta. O número de protozoários apresentou grande variação entre dietas, mas nenhum efeito com adição de óleo foi observado. A maior concentração de N-NH3 ruminal foi obtida na dieta com óleo de soja, quando comparada às outras dietas.This work was conducted to compare the effects of whole soybean and cotton seeds and soybean oil on the ruminal pattern and in vitro disappearance, in fistulated Holstein calves. Two calves fitted with rumen cannula were fed a basal diet with 2.5% of ether extract (EE, which was compared with 5.0% EE, where whole soybean, whole cotton seeds or soybean oil were the source of additional EE. The addition of whole soybean and

  8. Novel bacterial ratio for predicting fecal age

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nieman, J.; Brion, G.M. [Univ. of Kentucky, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Lexington, Kentucky (United States)]. E-mail:


    This study presents an extension of ongoing research into the utility of the ratio of bacterial colonies isolated on membrane filters during the total coliform test using m-Endo broth media for the prediction of fecal age. Analysis of the relative shifts in concentrations of indicator bacterial populations in Kentucky River water quality data collected from the inlet of a local water treatment plant showed a correlation between raw concentrations of atypical colonies (AC) and total coliform colonies (TC) formed on m-Endo membrane filter tests, and fecal age. Visual analysis of plant treatment records showed that low values of the AC/TC ratio were related to periods of high flow, when runoff added fresh fecal material to the river. A more detailed analysis of 2 years of Kentucky River water quality data showed the average AC/TC ratio during months with high river flow (rain) to be 3.4, rising to an average of 27.6 during months with low flow. The average AC/TC ratio during high flow months compared to that found in other studies for raw human sewage (3.9) and the ratio increased to values associated with animal impacted urban runoff (18.9) during low flow months. (author)

  9. Novel bacterial ratio for predicting fecal age

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nieman, J.; Brion, G.M.


    This study presents an extension of ongoing research into the utility of the ratio of bacterial colonies isolated on membrane filters during the total coliform test using m-Endo broth media for the prediction of fecal age. Analysis of the relative shifts in concentrations of indicator bacterial populations in Kentucky River water quality data collected from the inlet of a local water treatment plant showed a correlation between raw concentrations of atypical colonies (AC) and total coliform colonies (TC) formed on m-Endo membrane filter tests, and fecal age. Visual analysis of plant treatment records showed that low values of the AC/TC ratio were related to periods of high flow, when runoff added fresh fecal material to the river. A more detailed analysis of 2 years of Kentucky River water quality data showed the average AC/TC ratio during months with high river flow (rain) to be 3.4, rising to an average of 27.6 during months with low flow. The average AC/TC ratio during high flow months compared to that found in other studies for raw human sewage (3.9) and the ratio increased to values associated with animal impacted urban runoff (18.9) during low flow months. (author)

  10. Indice fisicoquímico de la calidad de agua para el manejo de lagunas tropicales de inundación

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    Ana Gabriela Pérez-Castillo


    Full Text Available Se creó un índice fisicoquímico de calidad del agua (ICA-L, para lagunas que se desbordan, el cual fue validado en el sector de riego de Tamarindo, y en una sección del sistema de lagunas del Parque Nacional Palo verde (Guanacaste, Costa Rica. El índice incluye las variables: porcentaje de saturación de oxígeno disuelto, pH, concentración de nitratos, concentración de fósforo total, demanda química de oxígeno, concentración de sólidos suspendidos, conductividad eléctrica y temperatura. El índice se fija automáticamente en cero si la concentración de alguna sustancia tóxica excede el máximo permitido. Los factores de ponderación se ajustaron con base en los pesos definidos en el Índice de Calidad de Agua de la National Sanitation Foundation (ICA-NSF, se excluyó el peso del conteo de coliformes fecales, se integró la ponderación de turbiedad y de sólidos totales una sola, de sólidos suspendidos, y se asignó a la conductividad un factor de 0.08. El índice per-mite evaluar la capacidad del agua de las lagunas tropicales de inundación de agua dulce, para lograr el sostenimiento de la biodiversidad y el desarrollo de la vida acuática, cuando surgen peligros por prácticas agropecuarias.Physicochemical water quality index, a management tool for tropical-flooding lagoons. We propose ICA-L, a wetland physicochemical water quality index (WWQI, to be used as a management tool for seasonal-flooding lagoons in Palo verde National Park, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. The goal is to preserve their natural role for native plants as well as migrants and local animal species. The index was developed in four steps: parameter selection, assignment of parameter weight, transformation of data to their corresponding sub indices and selection of an appropriate aggregation function. In this process, the following criteria were used as a reference: WQI from the National Sanitation Foundation, WQI for the Des Moines River, Escribano and De Frutos

  11. Fecal microbiota transplantation: facts and controversies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Nood, Els; Speelman, Peter; Nieuwdorp, Max; Keller, Josbert


    To review the current evidence on fecal microbiota transplantations (FMTs) for recurrent Clostridium difficile infections (CDIs), metabolic syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. Recently, a randomized trial confirmed the efficacy of this treatment strategy in patients with recurrent CDI. For

  12. Extensión del límite austral de distribución de tres especies de peces óseos tropicales en la costa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina


    Milessi, Andres Conrado; Colonello, Jorge H.; Cortés, Federico; Lasta, Carlos Ángel; Waessle, Juan A.; Allega, Lucrecia


    Se presentan tres nuevos registros de especies de peces óseos cuya distribución corresponde a aguas tropicales, capturados por buques pesqueros en la costa de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina (CPBA, 36º-38ºS). Los ejemplares corresponden a las especies: Rachycentrum canadum, Elops saurus y Caulolatilus chrysops. Estos registros amplían significativamente el límite austral de su distribución. La presencia ocasional de estas especies está asociada al transporte de agua subtropical cálida...

  13. Survival of fecal coliforms in dry-composting toilets. (United States)

    Redlinger, T; Graham, J; Corella-Barud, V; Avitia, R


    The dry-composting toilet, which uses neither water nor sewage infrastructure, is a practical solution in areas with inadequate sewage disposal and where water is limited. These systems are becoming increasingly popular and are promoted to sanitize human excreta and to recycle them into fertilizer for nonedible plants, yet there are few data on the safety of this technology. This study analyzed fecal coliform reduction in approximately 90 prefabricated, dry-composting toilets (Sistema Integral de Reciclamiento de Desechos Orgánicos [SIRDOs]) that were installed on the U.S.-Mexico border in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The purpose of this study was to determine fecal coliform reduction over time and the most probable method of this reduction. Biosolid waste samples were collected and analyzed at approximately 3 and 6 months and were classified based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards. Results showed that class A compost (high grade) was present in only 35.8% of SIRDOs after 6 months. The primary mechanism for fecal coliform reduction was found to be desiccation rather than biodegradation. There was a significant correlation (P = 0.008) between classification rating and percent moisture categories of the biosolid samples: drier samples had a greater proportion of class A samples. Solar exposure was critical for maximal class A biosolid end products (P = 0.001). This study only addressed fecal coliforms as an indicator organism, and further research is necessary to determine the safety of composting toilets with respect to other pathogenic microorganisms, some of which are more resistant to desiccation.

  14. Comparative fecal metagenomics unveils unique functional capacity of the swine gut

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    Martinson John


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Uncovering the taxonomic composition and functional capacity within the swine gut microbial consortia is of great importance to animal physiology and health as well as to food and water safety due to the presence of human pathogens in pig feces. Nonetheless, limited information on the functional diversity of the swine gut microbiome is available. Results Analysis of 637, 722 pyrosequencing reads (130 megabases generated from Yorkshire pig fecal DNA extracts was performed to help better understand the microbial diversity and largely unknown functional capacity of the swine gut microbiome. Swine fecal metagenomic sequences were annotated using both MG-RAST and JGI IMG/M-ER pipelines. Taxonomic analysis of metagenomic reads indicated that swine fecal microbiomes were dominated by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla. At a finer phylogenetic resolution, Prevotella spp. dominated the swine fecal metagenome, while some genes associated with Treponema and Anareovibrio species were found to be exclusively within the pig fecal metagenomic sequences analyzed. Functional analysis revealed that carbohydrate metabolism was the most abundant SEED subsystem, representing 13% of the swine metagenome. Genes associated with stress, virulence, cell wall and cell capsule were also abundant. Virulence factors associated with antibiotic resistance genes with highest sequence homology to genes in Bacteroidetes, Clostridia, and Methanosarcina were numerous within the gene families unique to the swine fecal metagenomes. Other abundant proteins unique to the distal swine gut shared high sequence homology to putative carbohydrate membrane transporters. Conclusions The results from this metagenomic survey demonstrated the presence of genes associated with resistance to antibiotics and carbohydrate metabolism suggesting that the swine gut microbiome may be shaped by husbandry practices.

  15.  Fecal Incontinence and Constipation in Children: A Clinical Conundrum

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    Khalil Ahmad


    Full Text Available  Constipation is the infrequent passage of hard stools with pain and difficulty. It is one of the most common pediatric problems parents and healthcare providers face. A significant number of children, especially of the younger age group, are referred to specialists because of constipation. Fecal incontinence is almost always associated with constipation, which leads to marked loss of self esteem among children. The majority of cases of constipation and fecal incontinence are secondary to functional disorders, rather than organic causes and result in behavioral problems, which affect the social life of the child, as well as the family. Previously, it was believed that constipation and fecal incontinence were actually secondary to underlying psychological problems. Studies have failed to prove that psychological abnormalities are etiological factors for constipation among children; chronic constipation probably leads to behavioral abnormalities and also affects the family dynamics. The important causes of constipation and fecal incontinence, their impact on the child and the family, as well as various treatment modalities available are discussed in this article, which also emphasizes the importance of history and physical examination.

  16. Equation for estimating tree biomass in tropical forests of Costa Rica Ecuación para estimar la biomasa arbórea en los bosques tropicales de Costa Rica

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    Shu Wei-Chou


    methodological approach to estimate forest biomass, which is very useful to support decision-making on carbon storage in tropical forests. Biomass determination in the field in future plots is going to help the calibration of this approach to estimate biomass stored in tropical forests.Una de las medidas más relevantes para la mitigación del cambio climático es la conservación y regeneración del bosque en nuestros países.  La cantidad de carbono que se almacena en la biomasa arbórea pasa a ser una medida relevante para la política pública. El presente trabajo analiza la asociación que tienen algunas variables dasométricas, fácilmente medibles, asociadas a la biomasa, con el propósito de estimarla indirectamente, dado que la medición directa de la biomasa arbórea es un trabajo complejo y tiene un costo muy elevado.  El objetivo general del estudio fue hacer un análisis del comportamiento de las variables dasométricas fácilmente medibles para predecir biomasa arbórea con datos de dos bosques tropicales de Costa Rica, con el propósito de analizar su posible aplicación generalizada en los bosques tropicales de todo el país. Mediante una revisión bibliográfica, se determinaron cuatro posibles modelos que estiman biomasa en bosques tropicales. Se evaluaron 907 árboles con diámetro a la altura de pecho (dap mayor a 10 cm en dos bosques tropicales de Costa Rica (Parque Nacional Corcovado en el suroeste y Fila Carbón en el sureste, vertiente del Caribe, generando una estimación de biomasa lo más precisa posible. Se realizó un análisis de las variables de los árboles (densidad específica de la madera, altura total y dap y su biomasa, con el fin de desarrollar el modelo que facilitara la predicción de esta. El modelo final utiliza como variables independientes el dap y la densidad.  Con el dap se da el hecho de que existe una alta correlación con la altura total, la cual es muy difícil de obtener en el campo, de modo que se decidió no utilizarla. La

  17. Fecal Microbiota Therapy for Clostridium difficile Infection: A Health Technology Assessment (United States)


    Background Fecal microbiota therapy is increasingly being used to treat patients with Clostridium difficile infection. This health technology assessment primarily evaluated the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of fecal microbiota therapy compared with the usual treatment (antibiotic therapy). Methods We performed a literature search using Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, CRD Health Technology Assessment Database, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and NHS Economic Evaluation Database. For the economic review, we applied economic filters to these search results. We also searched the websites of agencies for other health technology assessments. We conducted a meta-analysis to analyze effectiveness. The quality of the body of evidence for each outcome was examined according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) Working Group criteria. Using a step-wise, structural methodology, we determined the overall quality to be high, moderate, low, or very low. We used a survey to examine physicians’ perception of patients’ lived experience, and a modified grounded theory method to analyze information from the survey. Results For the review of clinical effectiveness, 16 of 1,173 citations met the inclusion criteria. A meta-analysis of two randomized controlled trials found that fecal microbiota therapy significantly improved diarrhea associated with recurrent C. difficile infection versus treatment with vancomycin (relative risk 3.24, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.85–5.68) (GRADE: moderate). While fecal microbiota therapy is not associated with a significant decrease in mortality compared with antibiotic therapy (relative risk 0.69, 95% CI 0.14–3.39) (GRADE: low), it is associated with a significant increase in adverse events (e.g., short-term diarrhea, relative risk 30.76, 95% CI 4.46–212.44; abdominal cramping, relative risk 14


    Contamination of watersheds by fecal bacteria is a frequent cause for surface waters to be placed on the national impaired waters list. However, since the presence of fecal bacteria does not always indicate human fecal input, it is necessary to distinguish between fecal sources. ...

  19. Therapeutic potential of fecal microbiota transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Smits, Loek P.; Bouter, Kristien E. C.; de Vos, Willem M.; Borody, Thomas J.; Nieuwdorp, Max


    There has been growing interest in the use of fecal microbiota for the treatment of patients with chronic gastrointestinal infections and inflammatory bowel diseases. Lately, there has also been interest in its therapeutic potential for cardiometabolic, autoimmune, and other extraintestinal

  20. Temperature-Controlled Delivery of Radiofrequency Energy in Fecal Incontinence: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Clinical Trial. (United States)

    Visscher, Arjan P; Lam, Tze J; Meurs-Szojda, Maria M; Felt-Bersma, Richelle J F


    Controlled delivery of radiofrequency energy has been suggested as treatment for fecal incontinence. The aim of this study was to determine whether the clinical response to the radiofrequency energy procedure is superior to sham in patients with fecal incontinence. This was a randomized sham-controlled clinical trial from 2008 to 2015. This study was conducted in an outpatient clinic. Forty patients with fecal incontinence in whom maximal conservative management had failed were randomly assigned to receiving either radiofrequency energy or sham procedure. Fecal incontinence was measured using the Vaizey incontinence score (range, 0-24). The impact of fecal incontinence on quality of life was measured by using the fecal incontinence quality-of-life score (range, 1-4). Measurements were performed at baseline and at 6 months. Anorectal function was evaluated using anal manometry and anorectal endosonography at baseline and at 3 months. At baseline, Vaizey incontinence score was 16.8 (SD 2.9). At t = 6 months, the radiofrequency energy group improved by 2.5 points on the Vaizey incontinence score compared with the sham group (13.2 (SD 3.1), 15.6 (SD 3.3), p = 0.02). The fecal incontinence quality-of-life score at t = 6 months was not statistically different. Anorectal function did not show any alteration. Patients with severe fecal incontinence were included in the study, thus making it difficult to generalize the results. Both radiofrequency energy and sham procedure improved the fecal incontinence score, the radiofrequency energy procedure more than sham. Although statistically significant, the clinical impact for most of the patients was negligible. Therefore, the radiofrequency energy procedure should not be recommended for patients with fecal incontinence until patient-related factors associated with treatment success are known. See Video Abstract at

  1. Detection and persistence of fecal Bacteroidales as water quality indicators in unchlorinated drinking water

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Saunders, Aaron Marc; Kristiansen, Anja; Lund, Marie Braad


    doi:10.1016/j.syapm.2008.11.004 The results of this study support the use of fecal Bacteroidales qPCR as a rapid method to complement traditional, culture dependent, water quality indicators in systems where drinking water is supplied without chlorination or other forms of disinfection. A SYBR...... green based, quantitative PCR assay was developed to determine the concentration of fecal Bacteroidales 16S rRNA gene copies. The persistence of a Bacteroides vulgatus pure culture and fecal Bacteroidales from a wastewater inoculum was determined in unchlorinated drinking water at10°C. B. vulgatus 16S r......RNA gene copies persisted throughout the experimental period (200 days) in sterile drinking water but decayed faster in natural drinking water, indicating that the natural microbiota accelerated decay. In a simulated fecal contamination of unchlorinated drinking water, the decay of fecal Bacteroidales 16S...

  2. Highly Efficient Fecal Waste Incinerator, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — Volume reduction is a critical element of Solid Waste Management for manned spacecraft and planetary habitations. To this end, the proposed fecal waste incinerator...

  3. Identifying fecal matter contamination in produce fields using multispectral reflectance imaging under ambient solar illumination (United States)

    Everard, Colm D.; Kim, Moon S.; Lee, Hoonsoo; O'Donnell, Colm P.


    An imaging device to detect fecal contamination in fresh produce fields could allow the producer avoid harvesting fecal contaminated produce. E.coli O157:H7 outbreaks have been associated with fecal contaminated leafy greens. In this study, in-field spectral profiles of bovine fecal matter, soil, and spinach leaves are compared. A common aperture imager designed with two identical monochromatic cameras, a beam splitter, and optical filters was used to simultaneously capture two-spectral images of leaves contaminated with both fecal matter and soil. The optical filters where 10 nm full width half maximum bandpass filters, one at 690 nm and the second at 710 nm. These were mounted in front of the object lenses. New images were created using the ratio of these two spectral images on a pixel by pixel basis. Image analysis results showed that the fecal matter contamination could be distinguished from soil and leaf on the ratio images. The use of this technology has potential to allow detection of fecal contamination in produce fields which can be a source of foodbourne illnesses. It has the added benefit of mitigating cross-contamination during harvesting and processing.

  4. Profile of preoperative fecal organic acids closely predicts the incidence of postoperative infectious complications after major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection: Importance of fecal acetic acid plus butyric acid minus lactic acid gap. (United States)

    Yokoyama, Yukihiro; Mizuno, Takashi; Sugawara, Gen; Asahara, Takashi; Nomoto, Koji; Igami, Tsuyoshi; Ebata, Tomoki; Nagino, Masato


    To investigate the association between preoperative fecal organic acid concentrations and the incidence of postoperative infectious complications in patients undergoing major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection for biliary malignancies. The fecal samples of 44 patients were collected before undergoing hepatectomy with bile duct resection for biliary malignancies. The concentrations of fecal organic acids, including acetic acid, butyric acid, and lactic acid, and representative fecal bacteria were measured. The perioperative clinical characteristics and the concentrations of fecal organic acids were compared between patients with and without postoperative infectious complications. Among 44 patients, 13 (30%) developed postoperative infectious complications. Patient age and intraoperative bleeding were significantly greater in patients with postoperative infectious complications compared with those without postoperative infectious complications. The concentrations of fecal acetic acid and butyric acid were significantly less, whereas the concentration of fecal lactic acid tended to be greater in the patients with postoperative infectious complications. The calculated gap between the concentrations of fecal acetic acid plus butyric acid minus lactic acid gap was less in the patients with postoperative infectious complications (median 43.5 vs 76.1 μmol/g of feces, P = .011). Multivariate analysis revealed that an acetic acid plus butyric acid minus lactic acid gap acid profile (especially low acetic acid, low butyric acid, and high lactic acid) had a clinically important impact on the incidence of postoperative infectious complications in patients undergoing major hepatectomy with extrahepatic bile duct resection. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  5. Subprodutos industriais na ensilagem de capim-elefante para cabras leiteiras: consumo, digestibilidade de nutrientes e produção de leite Industrial by-products in elephant grass silage for dairy goats: intake, nutrient digestibility and milk yield

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    Jobel Beserra de Oliveira


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido para avaliar o consumo, a digestibilidade aparente e a produção do leite em cabras alimentadas com silagens de capim-elefante contendo subprodutos industriais. Utilizaram-se oito cabras da raça Saanen, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos 4 × 4, com 4 períodos de 14 dias (10 dias de adaptação e 4 dias para coleta de dados. Os tratamentos foram: silagem de capim-elefante + concentrado; silagem de capim-elefante com 15% de farelo de mandioca + concentrado; silagem de capim-elefante com 15% de casca de café + concentrado; silagem de capim-elefante com 15% farelo de cacau + concentrado. Os maiores consumos de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, carboidratos totais (CT, carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF e nutrientes digestíveis totais foram observados entre os animais alimentados com a silagem contendo farelo de mandioca. As silagens com farelo de mandioca ou casca de café promoveram maior consumo de extrato etéreo. Os maiores valores de digestibilidade da MS, MO, EE e CT foram obtidos na dieta contendo silagem de capim-elefante com farelo de mandioca. O valor de digestibilidade dos CNF foi semelhante entre as dietas contendo silagem de capim-elefante com farelo de mandioca, casca de café e farelo de cacau. A digestibilidade de fibra em detergente neutro e de fibra em detergente ácido foi maior para a silagem sem aditivo, com farelo de mandioca ou farelo de cacau. Entre os subprodutos avaliados, o farelo de mandioca é o que promove maiores consumos, digestibilidades dos nutrientes e produção de leite em cabras alimentadas com silagem de capim-elefante.The experiment was carried out to evaluate the intake, apparent digestibility and the milk yield of goats fed elephant grass silages containing industrial by-products. Eight Saanen breed goats were used, distributed in two 4 × 4 Latin squares, with four 14-day periods (ten days of adaptation and four days for data collection. The treatments were

  6. Reproductive effects on fecal nitrogen as an index of diet quality: an experimental assessment (United States)

    Monteith, Kyle B.; Monteith, Kevin L.; Bowyer, R. Terry; Leslie,, David M.; Jenks, Jonathan A.


    Concentration of fecal nitrogen has been used widely as an indicator of dietary quality for free-ranging ruminants. Differences in digestive function between species of dimorphic ungulates render interspecific comparisons of fecal nitrogen unreliable; however, whether intraspecific sexual differences in digestive function also bias this nutritional index is unknown. Our objective was to compare sex-specific variation in concentration of fecal nitrogen using male, nonlactating female, and lactating female white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on high- and low-quality diets. During weekly trials over spring and summer (2008-2009), we monitored intake rates, collected feces twice daily, and used micro-Kjeldahl procedures to determine percent fecal nitrogen. We also determined nitrogen content of feces following a neutral detergent fiber (NDF) rinse during pre-, peak, and postlactation. Fecal nitrogen reflected general differences in dietary quality between diets; however, fecal nitrogen of lactating females in both dietary groups was lower than for males or nonlactating females throughout lactation. Nitrogen concentration following an NDF rinse also was lower for lactating females during peak lactation. We hypothesize that the remodeling of the digestive tract and increased rumination by lactating females may enhance their ability to extract nitrogen from their forage. These adjustments may expand the foraging options of lactating females by increasing their ability to process low-quality foods, but also affects the interpretation of fecal nitrogen during the season of lactation.

  7. Next generation sequencing reveals distinct fecal pollution signatures in aquatic sediments across gradients of anthropogenic influence

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    Gian Marco Luna


    Full Text Available Aquatic sediments are the repository of a variety of anthropogenic pollutants, including bacteria of fecal origin, that reach the aquatic environment from a variety of sources. Although fecal bacteria can survive for long periods of time in aquatic sediments, the microbiological quality of sediments is almost entirely neglected when performing quality assessments of aquatic ecosystems. Here we investigated the relative abundance, patterns and diversity of fecal bacterial populations in two coastal areas in the Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy: the Po river prodelta (PRP, an estuarine area receiving significant contaminant discharge from one of the largest European rivers and the Lagoon of Venice (LV, a transitional environment impacted by a multitude of anthropogenic stressors. From both areas, several indicators of fecal and sewage contamination were determined in the sediments using Next Generation Sequencing (NGS of 16S rDNA amplicons. At both areas, fecal contamination was high, with fecal bacteria accounting for up to 3.96% and 1.12% of the sediment bacterial assemblages in PRP and LV, respectively. The magnitude of the fecal signature was highest in the PRP site, highlighting the major role of the Po river in spreading microbial contaminants into the adjacent coastal area. In the LV site, fecal pollution was highest in the urban area, and almost disappeared when moving to the open sea. Our analysis revealed a large number of fecal Operational Taxonomic Units (OTU, 960 and 181 in PRP and LV, respectively and showed a different fecal signature in the two areas, suggesting a diverse contribution of human and non-human sources of contamination. These results highlight the potential of NGS techniques to gain insights into the origin and fate of different fecal bacteria populations in aquatic sediments.

  8. Fecal sterols, seasonal variability, and probable sources along the ring of cenotes, Yucatan, Mexico (United States)

    Arcega-Cabrera, F.; Velázquez-Tavera, N.; Fargher, L.; Derrien, M.; Noreña-Barroso, E.


    Rapid development in Yucatan has had a dramatic impact on the environment, especially the water supply. Groundwater is the only source of water in Yucatan, since surface water is virtually absent due to the karstic nature of the soil. The ring of cenotes (RC) is a geological feature which functions as a source of water and as nodes in the underground river system that canalizes water towards the coast. Numerous productive and domestic activities take place around the RC in the absence of wastewater treatment or sewage systems. Consequently, a number of researchers have hypothesized that pollutants could migrate from the land surface to the underlying aquifer and, eventually, to the coast. Therefore, the present study investigates the relationship among sources of fecal sterols and their levels in cenotes, using the expected levels of fecal sterols obtained by a spatial analysis of the sources and a Pollution Source Index. Accordingly, expected levels are compared with the detected levels of fecal sterols in 5 areas around the RC. Regarding levels, observed during a sampling campaign carried out along the RC during September 2011 (rainy season) and May 2012 (dry season), varied from low to high concentrations of sterols (0.5-2396.42 μg g- 1) and fecal sterols (0.3-1690.18 μg g- 1). These concentrations showed no relationship between neighboring cenotes, where similar fecal sterol concentrations or gradients were expected. When comparing expected fecal sterols levels with the detected ones, only two of the five analyzed areas concur, suggesting that no clear relationship exists among sources and fecal sterols levels at the regional scale. Multivariate analysis showed that fecal sterols were associated with sterols and fine grain particulates during the rainy season, which suggests co-transport. During the dry season, fecal sterols associated with fine grain particulate and organic matter, which indicates a change to a deposition phenomenon. These findings indicate

  9. Qualidade da silagem de grãos de milho com adição de soja crua e parâmetros de digestibilidade parcial e total em bovinos Quality of high moisture corn grain silage with addition of raw soybean grains and parameters of partial and total digestibility in cattle

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C.C. Jobim


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a qualidade da silagem de grãos úmidos de milho com adição de soja crua, por meio de medidas de digestibilidade parcial e total em bovinos. Foram utilizados três animais mestiços Nelore x Red Angus, implantados com cânulas ruminal e duodenal. O delineamento experimental foi o quadrado latino 3x3, com os seguintes tratamentos: SGM66= 60% de volumoso, 26,6% de silagem de grãos de milho e 13,4% de farelo de soja e milho moído; SGM33= 60% de volumoso, 13,4% de silagem de grãos de milho e 26,6% de farelo de soja e milho moído, e GMS= 60% de volumoso e 40% de farelo de soja e milho moído. A digestão e a digestibilidade da matéria seca não foram influenciadas pela inclusão de SGM na dieta. A dieta SGM66 aumentou a digestibilidade de matéria seca no intestino em relação à dieta GMS. Não houve efeito da inclusão da silagem de grãos na digestão e na digestibilidade das frações fibra em detergente ácido e fibra em detergente neutro da ração, bem como no fluxo ruminal e intestinal do amido. A SGM66 melhorou a digestibilidade total da proteína bruta, mas não mostrou efeito sobre a digestibilidade total da matéria seca, da fibra e do amido e sobre o ambiente ruminal no que se refere à acidez e à concentração de amônia.The quality of high moisture corn grain silage with addition of raw soybean grains was evaluated by measures of partial and total digestibilities in cattle. Three crossbred Nelore x Red Angus steers averaging 305kg of live weigth and fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannulas were used. The experimental design was a 3x3 Latin square, and the steers received the following treatments: HMGS66 = 60% roughage, 26.6% high moisture grain silage, and 13.4% soybean meal and ground corn; HMGS33 = 60% roughage, 13.4% high moisture grain silage, and 26.6% soybean meal and ground corn; and GC = 60% roughage and 40% soybean meal and ground corn. The digestion and digestibility of dry matter was not influenced by

  10. Delayed gastric emptying in children with chronic constipation and fecal impaction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baracat, M.L.C.M.; Daher, S.F.; Brunetto, S.Q.; Etchebehere, E.C.S.C.; Santos, A.O.; Ramos, C.D.; Camargo, E.E.; Pinto, E.A.L.C.; Silva, J.M.B.


    Post-prandial upper abdominal symptoms such as nausea, fullness and early satiety in constipated children may be associated with delayed gastric emptying. Aim: To evaluate the gastric emptying in children with post-prandial upper abdominal symptoms. Materials and Methods: Gastric emptying studies were performed in 12 children with functional constipation (mean age 9 years; mean duration of symptoms: 5.5 years), fecal impaction and soiling. In 12 of them the studies were performed only before fecal impaction removal and in 7 of them the study was repeated after impaction removal and recovery from constipation. After an overnight fast, the patients received 300 ml/m 2 of water added to 37 MBq of 99m Tc-sulfur colloid. Images were acquired in a camera-computer system with a low energy all purpose collimator. Images were acquired at 1 minute per frame for 30 minutes. When gastric emptying was delayed for more than 30 minutes, additional static images with 500,000 counts were performed for no more than 1 hour until a T1/2 was obtained. Results: Gastric emptying was delayed (21.4 ± 7 minutes; normal 12 ± 3 minutes) in 10/12 patients studied prior to fecal impaction removal. In the group of seven patients who repeated the study after fecal impaction removal, gastric emptying remained prolonged (22 ±7.9 minutes). There was no statistically significant difference between the gastric emptying time before and after fecal impaction removal (p 0,612; Wilcoxon test). Conclusion: The gastric emptying time of a liquid test meal was delayed in constipated children before and after fecal impaction removal. Maintenance of prolonged emptying time after impaction removal and recovery from constipation may indicate an alteration in gastrointestinal motility

  11. Indicadores metabólicos en razas lecheras especializadas en condiciones tropicales en Colombia

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    Rómulo Campos G


    Full Text Available Se ha seleccionado un alto número de razas bovinas para producción de leche, sin embargo, las de origen Bos taurus no han logrado adaptarse a las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo del trabajo fue analizar el comportamiento metabólico de siete razas (Ayrshire, Girolando, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, Lucerna, Pardo Suizo y Simenthal a través de 15 metabolitos. Se emplearon 28 animales por raza, distribuidos en cuatro grupos fisiológicos: novillas, inicio y final de lactancia y vacas secas (final de gestación. Los valores medios de los indicadores metabólicos fueron: BOH 0.5 mmol/l; glucosa 2.8 mmol/l; colesterol 2.5 mmol/l; potasio 4.1 mmol/l; calcio 2.0 mmol/l; fósforo inorgánico 1.7 mmol/l; magnesio 1.1 mmol/l; proteínas totales 66.2 mg/dl; albúmina 25.8 mg/dl; globulinas 40.2 mg/dl; creatinina 109 µmol/l; BUN 3.8 mmol/l; ALT 32.2 UI/l; AST 56.6 UI/l; GGT 12.3 UI/l; bilirrubina total 0.2 µmol/l; bilirrubina conjugada 0.08 µmol/l. Los valores medios de la condición corporal y el hematocrito fueron 3.25% y 27.0% respectivamente. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticas significativas entre grupos raciales y entre grupos de producción. Los animales de menor peso metabólico (Jersey presentaron mejor homeostasis que los de pesos mayores (Simenthal, Holstein.

  12. A Microbial Signature Approach to Identify Fecal Pollution in the Waters Off an Urbanized Coast of Lake Michigan (United States)

    Newton, Ryan J.; Bootsma, Melinda J.; Morrison, Hilary G.; Sogin, Mitchell L.


    Urban coasts receive watershed drainage from ecosystems that include highly developed lands with sewer and stormwater infrastructure. In these complex ecosystems, coastal waters are often contaminated with fecal pollution, where multiple delivery mechanisms that often contain multiple fecal sources make it difficult to mitigate the pollution. Here, we exploit bacterial community sequencing of the V6 and V6V4 hypervariable regions of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene to identify bacterial distributions that signal the presence of sewer, fecal, and human fecal pollution. The sequences classified to three sewer infrastructure-associated bacterial genera, Acinetobacter, Arcobacter, and Trichococcus, and five fecal-associated bacterial families, Bacteroidaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, Clostridiaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Ruminococcaceae, served as signatures of sewer and fecal contamination, respectively. The human fecal signature was determined with the Bayesian source estimation program SourceTracker, which we applied to a set of 40 sewage influent samples collected in Milwaukee, WI, USA to identify operational taxonomic units (≥97 % identity) that were most likely of human fecal origin. During periods of dry weather, the magnitudes of all three signatures were relatively low in Milwaukee's urban rivers and harbor and nearly zero in Lake Michigan. However, the relative contribution of the sewer and fecal signature frequently increased to >2 % of the measured surface water communities following sewer overflows. Also during combined sewer overflows, the ratio of the human fecal pollution signature to the fecal pollution signature in surface waters was generally close to that of sewage, but this ratio decreased dramatically during dry weather and rain events, suggesting that nonhuman fecal pollution was the dominant source during these weather-driven scenarios. The qPCR detection of two human fecal indicators, human Bacteroides and Lachno2, confirmed the urban fecal footprint in

  13. Digestibilidade do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar tratado com reagentes químicos e pressão de vapor Digestibility of sugar cane bagasse treated with chemical reagents and steam pressure

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    Ricardo Pereira Manzano


    Full Text Available Com o objetivo de elevar a digestibilidade do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, este resíduo agro-industrial foi tratado com inúmeros reagentes químicos acompanhados ou não de tratamento físico. Após ensaios preliminares, nos quais diversos agentes deslignificantes foram avaliados, dez tratamentos foram selecionados para serem melhor estudados em ensaios de digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca e da matéria orgânica. Em seguida, para o ensaio de digestibilidade in vivo, foram feitas quatro dietas à base de: 1 - Bagaço auto-hidrolisado (BAH, pressão de 17 kgf/cm² por 5 min; 2 - Bagaço tratado com 4% Na2S + 6% NaOH, pressão de 12 kgf/cm² por 8 min; 3 - Bagaço tratado com 2% Na2S + 3% NaOH, pressão de 12 kgf/cm² por 8 min; e 4 - Bagaço tratado com 9% H2O2 + 7% NaOH, a 70ºC por 8 min. Bagaço tratado com 4% Na2S + 6% NaOH e submetido a 12 kgf/cm² de pressão apresentou os melhores coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, fibra em detergente neutro e fibra em detergente ácido e o maior valor de nutrientes digestíveis totais. Em seguida, o bagaço tratado com 9% H2O2 + 7% NaOH a 70ºC por 8 min apresentou os melhores resultados. Piores resultados foram observados para o bagaço hidrolizado. A melhor digestibilidade de algumas das dietas, particularmente das frações fibrosas, sugere a exiqüibilidade do emprego de menores quantidades de alimento concentrado em dietas à base de bagaço de cana tratado química/fisicamente.In order to increase the sugar cane bagasse digestibility, this agricultural by-product was treated with several chemical reagents with or without physical treatment. After preliminary evaluation, where several delignificant agents were evaluated, ten treatments were selected for more detailed in vitro dry and organic matter disappearance trials. Then, for the in vivo digestibility trial, four sugar cane bagasse based diets were made: 1 - Hydrolyzed sugar cane bagasse, pressure of

  14. Effects of probiotics on digestibility, faecal score, and hematologic characteristics in dogs


    Feliciano, M. A. R. [UNESP; Saad, F. M. O. B.; Logato, P. V. R.; Aquino, A. A.; José, V. A.; Roque, N. C.


    Avaliaram-se os efeitos da suplementação de dois tipos de probióticos para cães filhotes, que receberam dois tipos de dieta - de alta e de baixa qualidade -, sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, escore fecal e parâmetros sanguíneos. Foram utilizados 18 animais, distribuídos em três tratamentos. No tratamento 1, controle, os cães receberam somente a ração; no tratamento 2, ração com probiótico 1 (Bifidobacterium) e, no tratamento 3, ração com probiótico 2 (Lactobacillus). O experimento foi ...

  15. Efecto inhibitorio de los taninos del frijol carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L. sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina por dos sistemas multienzimáticos

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    Del Pino Victoria H.


    Full Text Available Cantidades variables de dos sistemas multienzimáticos de tripsina-quimotripsina-peptidasa y pepsina-pancreatina, fueron utilizados para evaluar el efecto de los taninos provenientes de frijol Carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L. sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, en las formas nativa y denaturalizada. Esta evaluación hecha por los métodos de caida de pH, de hidrólisis en medio tamponado con posterior medición del grado de hidrólisis con ninhidrina y por la técnica electroforética, demostró el efecto adverso de los taninos condensados sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, después de producirse una significativa inhibición en el grado de hidrólisis de esa proteína por los dos sistemas multienzimáticos. Se comprobó la dificultad de hidrólisis de la faseolina cuando esta unida al tanino en el punto de saturación (proporción 5/20 tanino/proteína p/p y mayores, después de detectarse en los perfiles electroforéticos, péptidos de 45.7 y 24KDa, resistentes a la hidrólisis hasta por prolongados períodos de incubación. Esto se debió a la existencia de un complejo de naturaleza refractária no digeríble, incluso en condiciones excesivas de enzima. Los resultados sugieren la unión simultánea del tanino con mas de un ligante a través de sus múltiples grupos hidróxilos libres, formando un complejo proteína-tanino-enzima (PTE* que correspondería a la fracción no digeríble de la faseolina.

  16. Temporary Fecal Diversion in the Management of Colorectal and Perianal Crohn’s Disease

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    Rudolf Mennigen


    Full Text Available Aim. To evaluate the results of temporary fecal diversion in colorectal and perianal Crohn’s disease. Method. We retrospectively identified 29 consecutive patients (14 females, 15 males; median age: 30.0 years, range: 18–76 undergoing temporary fecal diversion for colorectal (n=14, ileal (n=4, and/or perianal Crohn’s disease (n=22. Follow-up was in median 33.0 (3–103 months. Response to fecal diversion, rate of stoma reversal, and relapse rate after stoma reversal were recorded. Results. The response to temporary fecal diversion was complete remission in 4/29 (13.8%, partial remission in 12/29 (41.4%, no change in 7/29 (24.1%, and progress in 6/29 (20.7%. Stoma reversal was performed in 19 out of 25 patients (76% available for follow-up. Of these, the majority (15/19, 78.9% needed further surgical therapies for a relapse of the same pathology previously leading to temporary fecal diversion, including colorectal resections (10/19, 52.6% and creation of a definitive stoma (7/19, 36.8%. At the end of follow-up, only 4/25 patients (16% had a stable course without the need for further definitive surgery. Conclusion. Temporary fecal diversion can induce remission in otherwise refractory colorectal or perianal Crohn’s disease, but the chance of enduring remission after stoma reversal is low.

  17. Fecal Occult Blood Test and Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infection

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    Majed H. Wakid


    Full Text Available Stool specimens of 1238 workers in western region of Saudi Arabia were examined for infection with intestinal parasites and for fecal occult blood (FOB to investigate the possibility that enteroparasites correlate to occult intestinal bleeding. Direct smears and formal ether techniques were used for detection of diagnostic stages of intestinal parasites. A commercially available guaiac test was used to detect fecal occult blood. 47.01% of the workers were infected with intestinal parasites including eight helminthes species and eight protozoan species. The results provided no significant evidence (P-value=0.143 that intestinal parasitic infection is in association with positive guaiac FOB test.

  18. Left-colon antegrade continence enema (LACE) procedure for fecal incontinence. (United States)

    Churchill, Bernard M; De Ugarte, Daniel A; Atkinson, James B


    Antegrade continence enemas (ACE) are an efficacious therapeutic option for patients with fecal incontinence. The authors review their institution's experience with a variation of the Monti-Malone ACE procedure using the left colon as a source of an intestinal conduit and enema reservoir. From 2000 to 2002, 18 patients with fecal incontinence or intractable constipation underwent left-colon ACE (LACE) procedure. Concomitant Mitrofanoff appendicovesicostomy was performed in 15 patients and bladder augmentation in 9. The majority of patients had neural tube defects. A segment of left colon was tubularized, tunneled into the muscular wall of the distal colon, and exteriorized through the left upper quadrant or midabdomen. Stomal catherization and enema installation were started one month postoperatively. Fifteen patients (83%) achieved fecal continence, 2 remain incontinent of stool, and 1 experienced stomal closure (mean follow-up was 24 +/- 9 months). Two patients had stomal stenosis that required revision. The mean enema volume in patient's achieving continence was 360 +/- 216 mL, and the mean transit time was 18 +/- 12 minutes. LACE is an efficacious procedure for fecal incontinence that can be performed safely at the time of major urologic reconstruction. Administration of enemas into the left colon has several physiologic advantages that result in predictable bowel evacuation.

  19. Digestibilidade e tempo de trânsito gastrintestinal de dietas contendo níveis crescentes de fibra bruta para pacu - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i2.8625 Digestibility and gastrointestinal transit time of diets with increasing dietary fiber levels to pacu - doi: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v32i2.8625

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    Thiago Matias Torres Nascimento


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a digestibilidade e o tempo de trânsito gastrintestinal (TTGI de dietas contendo níveis crescentes de fibra bruta (FB para pacus. Para avaliar a digestibilidade foram utilizados 288 pacus, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, alimentados em aquários e transferidos para coletores do tipo Guelf Modificado, utilizando-se o método de coleta parcial de fezes. As rações foram marcadas com 1% de óxido de crômio para a determinação da digestibilidade das dietas. No ensaio de TTGI, 288 pacus foram distribuídos em 24 aquários em delineamento inteiramente casualizado e alimentados com rações contendo 1% óxido de titânio ou crômio, que apresentam cores diferentes, verde ou branca, respectivamente. Por meio de massagem abdominal foi averiguada periodicamente a cor das fezes, e o TTGI foi estabelecido quando as fezes de todos os peixes apresentaram cor verde. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente das dietas e o TTGI foram reduzidos com aumento do nível de FB nas dietas. Conclui-se que em dietas para pacus pode-se empregar até 9% de FB sem efeito negativo na digestibilidade da energia, proteína, matéria seca e estrato etéreo e sem alterar o TTGI.This work aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary fiber levels on the digestibility and gastrointestinal transit time (GTT for pacu. The digestibility trial used 288 pacu in a completely randomized design, fed in aquaria and transferred to a modified Guelf-type feces collector, using the partial sampling method. The inert marker on the diets was chromic oxide (1% to establish the diet digestibility. In the GTT assay, 288 pacu were distributed in 24 aquaria in a completely randomized design. Fish were fed with two colored diets – green and white – and feces color was determined after abdominal pressure. The white and green diets used 1% of titanium and chromic oxides, respectively. Total GTT was determined when all fish showed green

  20. [Changes of fecal flora and its correlation with inflammatory indicators in patients with inflammatory bowel disease]. (United States)

    Zhang, Ting; Chen, Ye; Wang, Zhongqiu; Zhou, Youlian; Zhang, Shaoheng; Wang, Pu; Xie, Shan; Jiang, Bo


    To investigate the changes in fecal flora and its correlation with the occurrence and progression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We collected fresh fecal specimens from 167 IBD patients (including 113 with ulcerative colitis and 54 with Crohn's disease) and 54 healthy volunteers. The fecal flora was analyzed by gradient dilution method and the data of inflammatory markers including WBC, PLT, CRP and ESR were collected to assess the association between the fecal flora and the inflammatory markers. The species Enterrococcus (6.60∓0.23, Pflora. The changes in fecal flora did not show a significant correlation with these inflammatory markers. IBD patients have fecal flora imbalance compared with the healthy controls, and this imbalance may contribute to the occurrence and progression of IBD. The decline of Eubacterium contributes to the occurrence and development of IBD.

  1. Removal of fecal indicators and pathogens in a waste stabilization pond system treating municipal wastewater in India. (United States)

    Tyagi, Vinay Kumar; Kazmi, A A; Chopra, A K


    This study assess the removal of fecal indicators (i.e., total coliforms, fecal coliforms, E. coli, fecal streptococci, and pathogens [Salmonella sp. and helminth eggs]) in a full-scale facultative and maturation pond system with primary screening and manual grit removal facility. The capacity of the plant is 6 ML/d. The results showed that the system was able to remove approximately 2.0 to 3.5 log units of fecal indicators and almost 100% of helminth eggs. Meanwhile, Salmonella was not eliminated significantly, as only 1.26 log units removal was found. Removal efficiency of fecal indicator bacteria was reported maximum during summers (3.4 to 4.0 log units) and minimum (1.9 to 2.0 log units) in winters. Further efforts were made to seek the correlation between key physicochemical wastewater quality parameters (biochemical oxygen demand, turbidity, and suspended solids) and indicator microorganisms (total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci). Among all these parameters, suspended solids showed the highest correlation coefficient (r2) with total coliforms (0.79), fecal coliforms (0.78), and fecal streptococci (0.75). These correlations manifest that the improvement of microbiological quality of wastewater is strongly linked to the removal of suspended solids.


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    Alfonso Juventino Chay Canul


    Full Text Available Este trabajo evaluó el efecto del tamaño de partícula sobre: el consumo, conducta ingestiva, digestibilidad aparente, cinética digestiva y el balance del N en ovinos Pelibuey. Los tratamientos fueron tres tamaños de partícula en la dieta: pequeño (P, mediano (M y grande (G, obtenidos del molido a través de cribas de 3, 13 y 25 mm de diámetro respectivamente. Se utilizaron 12 ovinos de pelo machos enteros (20±3.3 kg PV, en un diseño experimental completamente al azar. El consumo de MS de las dietas fue similar (P>0.05 entre tratamientos (101 g/kgPV0.75/d. El tiempo de masticación total (consumo + rumia no fue afectado por el tamaño de partícula (P>0.05, aunque hubo tendencia a incrementarse (P=0.0522 al aumentar el tamaño de partícula (408, 532 y 562 min/d para P, M y G respectivamente. La digestibilidad de la MS fue mayor (P

  3. Valor do farelo de arroz integral como fonte de gordura na dieta de vacas Jersey na fase inicial de lactação: digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes Value of rice bran as a fat source for Jersey cows in early lactation: apparent digestibility of nutrients

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    José Laerte Nörnberg


    Full Text Available Foram utilizadas oito vacas Jersey, com peso médio de 420 kg, produção média de 20 kg de leite corrigida para 3,5% de gordura, na fase inicial de lactação (próximas ao pico de lactação, estabuladas em baias individuais, distribuídas em dois quadrados latinos (4 x 4. Objetivou-se avaliar a potencialidade do farelo de arroz integral como fonte de gordura, associado a óleo de arroz e a sebo bovino, em dietas isoprotéicas, isofibrosas e isolipídicas entre as fontes de gordura estudadas, por meio da digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes. Os tratamentos foram: CON- concentrado sem adição de gordura; GP- concentrado com gordura protegida; FAIO- concentrado com farelo de arroz integral e óleo de arroz; FAIS- concentrado com farelo de arroz integral e sebo bovino. Os concentrados foram à base de grãos de milho moído e farelo de soja, e, como volumosos, foram empregados silagem de milho e feno de alfafa (1:1. O concentrado foi fornecido três vezes ao dia, separadamente dos volumosos. Os volumosos foram fornecidos à vontade, procurando-se manter a proporção de 55% em relação às misturas concentradas. A estimativa da excreção fecal foi obtida com emprego de óxido de cromo e a digestibilidade da gordura por diferença. A interpretação estatística foi feita pela análise de variância dos valores médios de cada tratamento pelo teste F. As fontes de gordura não afetaram a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e de carboidratos não-fibrosos. O farelo de arroz integral pode ser usado como fonte de gordura, totalizando 6% de gordura bruta na dieta de vacas leiteiras na fase inicial da lactação.Eight Jersey cows with an average live weight of 420 kg, yielding around 20 kg of 3.5% FCM in early lactation (around the peak of lactation were used in a trial whose objectives were to evaluate rice bran as fat source associated with oil or tallow in iso-proteic, iso

  4. Contribución de los bosques tropicales de montaña en el almacenamiento de carbono en Colombia

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    Adriana Yepes


    Full Text Available Los bosques tropicales de montaña (BTM en la región Andina de Colombia se encuentran por encima de 1 500m, y han sido fuertemente deforestados. A pesar de la presunción general de que la productividad y las reservas de carbono en estos ecosistemas son bajas, los estudios al respecto son escasos. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo i estimar la biomasa aérea (BA de los bosques localizados en el sur de la región Andina colombiana, ii identificar el potencial de almacenamiento de carbono en bosques dominados por el roble negro Colombobalanus excelsa e identificar la relación entre la BA y la altitud, y iii analizar su papel en mecanismos de conservación, como el Pago por Servicios Ambientales (PSA y la Reducción de Emisiones por deforestación y Degradación (REDD+. Veintiséis parcelas de 0.25ha fueron distribuidas al azar, y se midieron todos los árboles con D≥10cm. Los resultados obtenidos de BA y carbono almacenado fueron similares a los reportados para bosques tropicales de tierras bajas. Esto se puede explicar por la abundancia y dominancia de C. excelsa, que contribuye con más del 81% de la BA/carbono; el error asociado a las estimaciones fue de 10.58%. Se encontró una relación negativa y significativa entre la BA y la altitud, pero los valores más altos de BA estuvieron en las altitudes medias (≈1 700-1 800m, donde las condiciones ambientales podrían ser favorables para su crecimiento. El potencial de almacenamiento de carbono de estos bosques fue alto. Los resultados permiten tener elementos importantes para entender el papel de los BTM como sumideros de carbono. Sin embargo, si la tasa histórica de deforestación en el área de estudio continúa, las emisiones brutas de CO2e a la atmósfera podrían convertirlos en una fuente de emisiones importante. Actualmente, los BTM son vulnerables a la deforestación, especialmente los bosques de roble negro debido a su valor comercial. Teniendo en cuenta el alto potencial de

  5. Digestibilidade de nutrientes e balanço de Ca e P em suínos recebendo dietas com ácido butírico, fitase e diferentes níveis de cálcio Nutrient digestibility and Ca and P balance in pigs receiving butyric acid, phytase and different calcium levels

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    Taiane Golfetto Machinsky


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o uso do ácido butírico (AB e da fitase em dietas de suínos na fase de crescimento, variando no nível de cálcio. O experimento foi subdivido no tempo em dois períodos de 17 dias, sendo três de adaptação e 14 de mensurações. Em cada período, foram utilizados 16 suínos machos castrados, com peso de 24,6±0,7kg no primeiro e 43,2±1,77kg no segundo período. As dietas diferiam no nível de cálcio (0,5 ou 0,72%, de AB (0 ou 0,3% de butirato de sódio 84% e de fitase (0 ou 500 FTU kg-1, fitase de origem bacteriana derivada de Escherichia coli. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados (períodos, em decomposição fatorial 2x2x2, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e da energia bruta e o balanço de Ca e P. O AB melhorou a digestibilidade da proteína bruta, mas, de forma individual ou em combinação com a fitase, não aumentou a retenção de minerais. A fitase aumentou a retenção de P, reduzindo sua excreção fecal e urinária. O menor nível de Ca na dieta proporcionou maior retenção de Ca e menor retenção de P, em decorrência do aumento da excreção de P na urina (PIt was studied the use of butyric acid (BA and phytase in growing pigs diets, varying calcium level. The experiment was divided into two periods of time, of 17 days, with 3 days of adaptation and 14 of measurements. In each period, it was used 16 barrows weighing 24.6±0.7kg in the first and 43.2±1.77kg in the second. Diets were different in calcium level (0.5 or 0.72%, AB (0 or 0.3% sodium butyrate 84% and phytase (0 or 500FTU kg-1 phytase of bacterial origin derived from Escherichia coli. The experimental design was in randomized blocks (periods, decomposed in 2x2x2 factorial, with four replications. It was evaluated the apparent digestibility of nutrients, gross energy and balance of Ca and P. AB improved crude protein digestibility, but individually or in combination with phytase did not increase

  6. Coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da energia e nutrientes de alguns ingredientes pela tilápia-do-nilo, Oreochromis niloticus (L. (linhagem tailandesa Apparent digestibility coefficients of energy and nutrients of some ingredients for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L. (Thai strain

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    Wilson Massamitu Furuya


    Full Text Available Foram determinados a energia digestível e os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes de alguns ingredientes pela tilápia-do-nilo (25,24 ± 3,88 g. Os peixes foram alimentados com dietas peletizadas até à saciedade aparente e o valor de digestibilidade de cada ingrediente foi obtido por comparação com a digestibilidade da dieta referência (33% proteína bruta e 0,1% óxido de crômio. Os valores de energia digestível encontrados foram de 3607,47; 2701,24; 3114,54 e 4008,95 kcal/kg para o milho, farelo de trigo, farelo de soja e farinha de peixe, respectivamente. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente obtidos foram de 87,12; 78,21; 92,72 e 84,95%, para a proteína, 94,40; 87,12; 78,21; 92,72; e 84,95% para o extrato etéreo, com disponibilidade de 87,27; 79,50; 76,15; 85,04 e 90,62% para o cálcio e de 61,15; 45,08; 29,51; 47,14 e 49,78% para o fósforo, para o milho, farelo de trigo, farelo de soja e farinha de peixe, respectivamente. Os resultados do presente estudo indicaram que alimentos ricos em carboidratos e energia são eficientemente utilizados pela tilápia-do-niloDigestible energy and apparent digestibility coefficients of nutrients were determined for some ingredients fed to the Nile tilapia (25.4 ± 3.88 g. Fish were fed on pelletized diet to apparent satiation and the digestibility value of each ingredient was determined by comparison of digestibility of a reference diet (33% crude protein and 0.1% chromic oxide. Digestible energy values were 3607.47; 2701.24; 3114.54 and 4008.95 kcal/kg for corn, wheat meal, soybean meal and fish meal, respectively. The apparent digestibility coefficients were 87.12; 78.21; 92.72 and 84.95% for protein, 94.4; 87.12; 78.21; 92.72; and 84.95% for ether extract, 87.27; 79.5; 76.15; 85.04 and 90.62% for calcium and 61.15; 45.08; 29.51; 47.14 and 49.78% for phosphorus, corn, wheat meal, soybean meal and fish meal, respectively. Results indicated that foodstuffs rich in

  7. Degradabilidad ruminal in situ y digestibilidad in vitro de diferentes formulaciones de ensilados de maíz-manzana adicionados con melaza

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    E. Araiza-Rosales


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el efecto de la adición de manzana de desecho (ripio y melaza en ensilados de maíz sobre las características nutricionales y de digestibilidad in vitro (digestibilidad verdadera in vitro, IVTD e in situ (DISMS, de acuerdo a un arreglo de tratamientos factorial (4x3, con cuatro niveles de manzana (0, 25, 50, y 75% y tres niveles de melaza (0, 5, y 10%. Se determinó el contenido de MS, PC, EE, FC, Cenizas, ELN, FDN, FDA y se calculó el TND, ED y EM de las mezclas. IVTD consistió en la incubación de las muestras con líquido ruminal durante 48 h, seguida del tratamiento del residuo con una solución neutrodetergente. DISMS se realizó en dos vacas fistuladas con tiempos de incubación de 0, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96 y 144 h. Los datos obtenidos se ajustaron al modelo de Orskov & McDonald (1979 para establecer las fracciones soluble (A, insoluble (B, la tasa constante de degradación (kd, la degradabilidad potencial (DP = A+B y efectiva (DE. Los tratamientos con 75% de manzana registraron mayores valores de IVTD (76.3% y de los parámetros "kd" (0.055*h-1, “DE” (64.9% y “DP” (85.6%. El uso de 0, 5 y 10% de melaza aumentó la IVTD (66.7b, 70.1a, y 72.2a%, la fracción "A" (40.9b, 43.2b, 47.2a%, "DP" (81.11c, 84.00b y 85.21a%, "DE" (55.88b, 62.55a y 64.59a%, pero redujo la fracción "B" (47.25a, 41.63b y 38.76c %, respectivamente. La mezcla de 25:10 manzana-melaza ofreció el mejor costo-beneficio (4.28 $/kg de MS digestible.

  8. Comparison of fecal pooling strategies for detection of Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis in cattle. (United States)

    McKenna, S L B; Ritter, C; Dohoo, I; Keefe, G P; Barkema, H W


    In herds with typical moderate to low within-herd prevalence, testing for Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the infectious agent of Johne's disease, will be more cost-effective if individual fecal samples are cultured in composite pools. However, sensitivity to classify a pool containing 1 or more positive individual samples as positive may depend on pool size and number of individual positive samples within a pool. Fecal samples collected from 994 dairy cows sampled at slaughter were cultured to detect MAP. Culturing was done both individually and as composite pooled samples using the TREK ESP Culture System II broth medium (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Trek Diagnostic Systems Inc., Cleveland, OH). Composite samples consisted of pools containing feces from 3, 5, 8, 10, or 15 cows. The number of individual fecal culture-positive cows within each pool ranged from 0 to 4. Culture of individual fecal samples detected MAP in 36 (3.6%) of the 994 cows. Individual samples that were detected within the first 50 d by TREK ESP Culture System II were more likely to lead to a positive pool result. In total, 840 pooled fecal samples were examined for presence of MAP, and of those, 272 pools actually contained feces from fecal culture-positive cows. The crude sensitivity (proportion of pools that contained at least 1 fecal-positive cow that tested positive) for pools of 3, 5, 8, 10, and 15 was 47, 67, 44, 59, and 39%, respectively. Across pools, an increase of the number of fecal culture-positive samples from 1 to 2 enhanced overall crude sensitivity from 44 to 71%. However, sensitivity did not further increase for pools with 3 or 4 fecal culture-positive samples (63 and 60%, respectively). Additionally, a simulation analysis assessing probability of pooled fecal samples being positive in herds of 50 and 100 cows was conducted. The simulation assumed that 1, 2, or 5 cows per herd were MAP fecal culture-positive and that pools of 5 and 10 were used. This low

  9. The Malone antegrade continence enema for neurogenic and structural fecal incontinence and constipation. (United States)

    Koyle, M A; Kaji, D M; Duque, M; Wild, J; Galansky, S H


    Problems of fecal elimination are commonly encountered by the pediatric urologist and surgeon. The Malone antegrade continence enema has been described as a means to administer a large volume enema via a continent catheterizable appendicocecostomy, resulting in reliable fecal elimination. Of 22 patients undergoing this procedure 16 reported total continence 4 months or longer after surgery. Complications are relatively minor and tap water appears to be a safe solution for the antegrade continence enema. A nonrefluxing, imbricated appendicocecostomy is preferable to prevent cutaneous fecal or gas leaks.

  10. Silagens de milho inoculadas microbiologicamente em diferentes estádios de maturidade: perdas fermentativas, composição bromatológica e digestibilidade in vitro

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    Carlos Henrique Silveira Rabelo


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar as perdas fermentativas, composição bromatológica e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica de silagens de milho produzidas em diferentes estádios de maturidade, inoculadas microbiologicamente. Aplicaram-se dois inoculantes comerciais nas silagens produzidas nos estádios SLL, 1/3 LL, 1/2 LL, 2/3 LL e CN, permanecendo ainda um tratamento sem inoculação (silagem controle, configurando um esquema fatorial 3x5. A inoculação com BAL resultou em menores perdas fermentativas (P=0,0348, ao passo que silagens produzidas com plantas mais secas também apresentam menores perdas de MS (P<0,01. A inoculação das silagens resultou em maiores concentrações de PB nas silagens produzidas nos estádios SLL, 2/3 LL e CN (P=0,0033. O uso do inoculante Maize All® resultou em menor concentração de FDN (P=0,0140 no estádio CN e acréscimo dos coeficientes de DIVMO quando as plantas foram colhidas com 2/3 LL e CN (P=0,0006. As perdas fermentativas diminuem devido à utilização dos inoculantes bacterianos e também em silagens produzidas com plantas mais secas. A aplicação de bactérias ácido-láticas (inoculante Maize All® em silagens de milho produzidas com plantas em estádio de maturidade mais avançado melhora a composição química e digestibilidade in vitro.

  11. Fecal zonulin is elevated in Crohn’s disease and in cigarette smokers

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    Karin Malíčková


    Full Text Available Objectives: Human zonulin is a protein that increases permeability in the epithelial layer of the small intestine by reversibly modulating the intercellular tight junctions. There is not sufficient information available about zonulin's participation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate fecal and serum zonulin in IBD patients and its relation to the disease localization, behavior and smoking status. Design and methods: Forty IBD patients and forty healthy persons were examined for fecal and serum zonulin concentrations by competitive ELISA (DRG International Inc. Values were correlated to IBD type, localization and behavior, and smoking. Results: Serum and fecal zonulin were significantly higher in patients with Crohn’s disease compared to ulcerative colitis (p = 0.038 for fecal zonulin, and p = 0.041 for serum zonulin concentrations. No association of serum or fecal zonulin was found with respect to IBD localization and behavior. The only difference was found with respect to smoking. Both the IBD cohort and healthy smokers showed significantly higher fecal zonulin levels (median 203 ng/mL compared to non-smokers (median 35.8 ng/mL, p < 0.001. Conclusions: Fecal and serum zonulin levels are elevated in patients with active Crohn’s disease but not with ulcerative colitis. High fecal zonulin levels in smokers irrespective of IBD point to the significant and undesirable up-regulation of gut permeability in cigarette smokers. Keywords: Zonulin, Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Smoking

  12. Factors associated with fecal incontinence in women with lower urinary tract symptoms. (United States)

    Chang, Ting-Chen; Chang, Shiow-Ru; Hsiao, Sheng-Mou; Hsiao, Chin-Fen; Chen, Chi-Hau; Lin, Ho-Hsiung


    The aim of this study was to identify the factors associated with fecal incontinence in female patients with lower urinary tract symptoms.   Data regarding clinical and urodynamic parameters and history of fecal incontinence of 1334 women with lower urinary tract symptoms who had previously undergone urodynamic evaluation were collected and subjected to univariate, multivariate, and receiver-operator characteristic curve analysis to identify significant associations between these parameters and fecal incontinence.   Multivariate analysis identified age (odds ratio [OR]=1.03, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.01-1.05, P=0.005), presence of diabetes (OR=2.10, 95%CI=1.22-3.61, P=0.007), presence of urodynamic stress incontinence (OR=1.90, 95%CI=1.24-2.91, P=0.003), pad weight (OR=1.01, 95%CI=1.00-1.01, P=0.04), and detrusor pressure at maximum flow (OR=1.02, 95%CI=1.01-1.03, P=0.003) as independent risk factors for fecal incontinence. Receiver-operator characteristic curve analysis identified age≥55years, detrusor pressure at maximum flow≥35 cmH(2) O, and pad weight≥15g as having positive predictive values of 11.4%, 11.5%, and 12.4%, respectively, thus indicating that they are the most predictive values in concomitant fecal incontinence.   Detrusor pressure at maximum flow and pad weight may be associated with fecal incontinence in female patients with lower urinary tract symptoms, but require confirmation as indicators by further study before their use as screening tools. © 2012 The Authors. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research © 2012 Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

  13. Comparing wastewater chemicals, indicator bacteria concentrations, and bacterial pathogen genes as fecal pollution indicators (United States)

    Haack, S.K.; Duris, J.W.; Fogarty, L.R.; Kolpin, D.W.; Focazio, M.J.; Furlong, E.T.; Meyer, M.T.


    The objective of this study was to compare fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) (fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli [EC], and enterococci [ENT]) concentrations with a wide array of typical organic wastewater chemicals and selected bacterial genes as indicators of fecal pollution in water samples collected at or near 18 surface water drinking water intakes. Genes tested included esp (indicating human-pathogenic ENT) and nine genes associated with various animal sources of shiga-toxin-producing EC (STEC). Fecal pollution was indicated by genes and/or chemicals for 14 of the 18 tested samples, with little relation to FIB standards. Of 13 samples with animal sources of STEC) were detected in eight. Only the EC eaeA gene was positively correlated with FIB concentrations. Human-source fecal pollution was indicated by the esp gene and the human pharmaceutical carbamazepine in one of the nine samples that met all FIB recreational water quality standards. Escherichia coli rfbO157 and stx2c genes, which are typically associated with cattle sources and are of potential human health significance, were detected in one sample in the absence of tested chemicals. Chemical and gene-based indicators of fecal contamination may be present even when FIB standards are met, and some may, unlike FIB, indicate potential sources. Application of multiple water quality indicators with variable environmental persistence and fate may yield greater confidence in fecal pollution assessment and may inform remediation decisions. Copyright ?? 2009 by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America. All rights reserved.

  14. Effect of Lactobacillus salivarius Ls-33 on fecal microbiota in obese adolescents. (United States)

    Larsen, Nadja; Vogensen, Finn K; Gøbel, Rikke Juul; Michaelsen, Kim F; Forssten, Sofia D; Lahtinen, Sampo J; Jakobsen, Mogens


    This study is a part of the clinical trials with probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus salivarius Ls-33 conducted in obese adolescents. Previously reported clinical studies showed no effect of Ls-33 consumption on the metabolic syndrome in the subject group. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of L. salivarius Ls-33 on fecal microbiota in obese adolescents. The study was a double-blinded intervention with 50 subjects randomized to intake of L. salivarius Ls-33 or placebo for 12 weeks. The fecal microbiota was assessed by real-time quantitative PCR before and after intervention. Concentrations of fecal short chain fatty acids were determined using gas chromatography. Ratios of Bacteroides-Prevotella-Porphyromonas group to Firmicutes belonging bacteria, including Clostridium cluster XIV, Blautia coccoides_Eubacteria rectale group and Roseburia intestinalis, were significantly increased (p ≤ 0.05) after administration of Ls-33. The cell numbers of fecal bacteria, including the groups above as well as Clostridium cluster I, Clostridium cluster IV, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Enterobacteriaceae, Enterococcus, the Lactobacillus group and Bifidobacterium were not significantly altered by intervention. Similarly, short chain fatty acids remained unaffected. L. salivarius Ls-33 might modify the fecal microbiota in obese adolescents in a way not related to metabolic syndrome. NCT 01020617. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  15. A budget impact analysis comparing use of a modern fecal management system to traditional fecal management methods in two canadian hospitals. (United States)

    Langill, Mike; Yan, Songkai; Kommala, Dheerendra; Michenko, Michael


    Research suggests that fecal management systems (FMS) offer advantages, including potential cost savings, over traditional methods of caring for patients with little or no bowel control and liquid or semi-liquid stool. A budget impact model accounting for material costs of managing fecal incontinence was developed, and 1 year of experiential data from two hospitals' ICUs were applied to it. Material costs were estimated for traditional methods (ie, use of absorbent briefs/pads, skin cleansers, moisturizers) and compared with material costs of using a modern FMS for both average (normal-range weight) and complex (bariatric with wounds) ICU patients at hospital 1 and any ICU patient at hospital 2. Reductions in daily material costs per ICU patient using FMS versus traditional methods were reported by hospital 1 ($93.74 versus $143.89, average patient; $150.55 versus $476.41, complex patient) and by hospital 2 ($61.15 versus $104.85 per patient). When extrapolated to the total number of patients expected to use FMS at each institution, substantial annual cost savings were projected (hospital 1: $57,216; hospital 2: $627,095). In addition, total nursing time per day for managing fecal incontinence (ie, changing, cleaning, repositioning patients, changing pads, linens, and the like) was estimated at hospital 1, showing substantial reductions with FMS (120 minutes versus 348 minutes for average patients; 240 minutes versus 760 minutes for complex). Nursing time was not included in cost calculations to keep the analysis conservative. Results of this study suggest the materials cost of using the FMS in ICU patients was substantially lower than the cost of traditional fecal incontinence management protocols of care in both hospitals. Comparative studies using patient level data, materials, and nursing time costs, as well as complication rates, are warranted.

  16. Lactic acid bacteria affect serum cholesterol levels, harmful fecal enzyme activity, and fecal water content. (United States)

    Lee, Do Kyung; Jang, Seok; Baek, Eun Hye; Kim, Mi Jin; Lee, Kyung Soon; Shin, Hea Soon; Chung, Myung Jun; Kim, Jin Eung; Lee, Kang Oh; Ha, Nam Joo


    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are beneficial probiotic organisms that contribute to improved nutrition, microbial balance, and immuno-enhancement of the intestinal tract, as well as lower cholesterol. Although present in many foods, most trials have been in spreads or dairy products. Here we tested whether Bifidobacteria isolates could lower cholesterol, inhibit harmful enzyme activities, and control fecal water content. In vitro culture experiments were performed to evaluate the ability of Bifidobacterium spp. isolated from healthy Koreans (20 approximately 30 years old) to reduce cholesterol-levels in MRS broth containing polyoxyethanylcholesterol sebacate. Animal experiments were performed to investigate the effects on lowering cholesterol, inhibiting harmful enzyme activities, and controlling fecal water content. For animal studies, 0.2 ml of the selected strain cultures (108 approximately 109 CFU/ml) were orally administered to SD rats (fed a high-cholesterol diet) every day for 2 weeks. B. longum SPM1207 reduced serum total cholesterol and LDL levels significantly (p water content, and reduced body weight and harmful intestinal enzyme activities. Daily consumption of B. longum SPM1207 can help in managing mild to moderate hypercholesterolemia, with potential to improve human health by helping to prevent colon cancer and constipation.

  17. Towards the Fecal Metabolome Derived from Moderate Red Wine Intake

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    Ana Jiménez-Girón


    Full Text Available Dietary polyphenols, including red wine phenolic compounds, are extensively metabolized during their passage through the gastrointestinal tract; and their biological effects at the gut level (i.e., anti-inflammatory activity, microbiota modulation, interaction with cells, among others seem to be due more to their microbial-derived metabolites rather than to the original forms found in food. In an effort to improve our understanding of the biological effects that phenolic compounds exert at the gut level, this paper summarizes the changes observed in the human fecal metabolome after an intervention study consisting of a daily consumption of 250 mL of wine during four weeks by healthy volunteers (n = 33. It assembles data from two analytical approaches: (1 UPLC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of phenolic metabolites in fecal solutions (targeted analysis; and (2 UHPLC-TOF MS analysis of the fecal solutions (non-targeted analysis. Both approaches revealed statistically-significant changes in the concentration of several metabolites as a consequence of the wine intake. Similarity and complementarity between targeted and non-targeted approaches in the analysis of the fecal metabolome are discussed. Both strategies allowed the definition of a complex metabolic profile derived from wine intake. Likewise, the identification of endogenous markers could lead to new hypotheses to unravel the relationship between moderate wine consumption and the metabolic functionality of gut microbiota.

  18. Fecal incontinence after single-stage Soave's pull-through ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Journal Home > Vol 8, No 1 (2012) > ... Demographic, clinical data, preoperative investigations, operative records, postoperative ... Keywords: fecal continence, Hirschsprung's disease, Soave's operation, transanal endorectal pull-through ...

  19. Sample preparation optimization in fecal metabolic profiling. (United States)

    Deda, Olga; Chatziioannou, Anastasia Chrysovalantou; Fasoula, Stella; Palachanis, Dimitris; Raikos, Νicolaos; Theodoridis, Georgios A; Gika, Helen G


    Metabolomic analysis of feces can provide useful insight on the metabolic status, the health/disease state of the human/animal and the symbiosis with the gut microbiome. As a result, recently there is increased interest on the application of holistic analysis of feces for biomarker discovery. For metabolomics applications, the sample preparation process used prior to the analysis of fecal samples is of high importance, as it greatly affects the obtained metabolic profile, especially since feces, as matrix are diversifying in their physicochemical characteristics and molecular content. However there is still little information in the literature and lack of a universal approach on sample treatment for fecal metabolic profiling. The scope of the present work was to study the conditions for sample preparation of rat feces with the ultimate goal of the acquisition of comprehensive metabolic profiles either untargeted by NMR spectroscopy and GC-MS or targeted by HILIC-MS/MS. A fecal sample pooled from male and female Wistar rats was extracted under various conditions by modifying the pH value, the nature of the organic solvent and the sample weight to solvent volume ratio. It was found that the 1/2 (w f /v s ) ratio provided the highest number of metabolites under neutral and basic conditions in both untargeted profiling techniques. Concerning LC-MS profiles, neutral acetonitrile and propanol provided higher signals and wide metabolite coverage, though extraction efficiency is metabolite dependent. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: Clinical and experimental studies

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    van Nood, E.


    In this thesis, several aspects of donor feces infusion, also called Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT), are investigated. Historically, FMTs are given mainly for antibiotic associated diarrhea, caused by the anaerobic bacteria Clostridium difficile. Clostridium difficile infections (CDI) are

  1. Vertical oceanic transport of alpha-radioactive nuclides by zooplankton fecal pellets

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Higgo, J.J.W.; Cherry, R.D.; Heyraud, M.; Fowler, S.W.; Beasley, T.M.


    This paper gives the results of research to explain the role played by marine plankton metabolism in the vertical oceanic transport of the alpha-emitting nuclides. The common Mediterranean euphausiid, Meganyctiphanes norvegica, was selected as the typical zooplanktonic species that is the focus of this work. Measurements of 239 240 Pu, 238 U, 232 Th, and 210 Po are reported in whole euphausiids and in euphausiid fecal pellets and molts. The resulting data are inserted into a simple model that describes the flux of an element through a zooplanktonic animal. Concentrations of the nuclides concerned are high in fecal pellets, at levels which are typical of geological rather than biological material. It is suggested that zooplanktonic fecal pellets play a significant role in the vertical oceanic transport of plutonium, thorium, and polonium



    Coulliette, Angela D.; Money, Eric S.; Serre, Marc L.; Noble, Rachel T.


    The Newport River Estuary (NPRE) is a high priority shellfish harvesting area in eastern North Carolina (NC) that is impaired due to fecal contamination, specifically exceeding recommended levels for fecal coliforms. A hydrologic-driven mean trend model was developed, as a function of antecedent rainfall, in the NPRE to predict levels of E. coli (EC, measured as a proxy for fecal coliforms). This mean trend model was integrated in a Bayesian Maximum Entropy (BME) framework to produce informat...

  3. Efeito do tratamento com hidróxido de sódio sobre a fração fibrosa, digestibilidade e tanino do feno de jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora. Wild

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    Pereira Filho José Morais


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do tratamento com hidróxido de sódio (NaOH na fração fibrosa, no teor de tanino e na digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca do feno de jurema-preta. As folhas foram colhidas manualmente e desidratadas à sombra. O tratamento químico consistiu na pulverização do feno com solução de 0; 2; 4; 6 e 8% de NaOH, na proporção de 1 litro da solução para 1 kg de feno. Amostras do feno foram submetidas à determinação da matéria seca (MS, proteína bruta (PB, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, tanino e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS, que se constituíram nas variáveis analisadas. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. O tratamento com NaOH proporcionou efeito linear decrescente nos teores de MS, hemicelulose e tanino, enquanto, para FDN e FDA, ocorreu efeito quadrático. A PB não foi afetada e a DIVMS melhorou com o aumento da concentração de NaOH. A estimativa da DIVMS pelo teor de tanino, apesar de significativa, carece de mais estudos.

  4. Factors affecting fecal glucocorticoid levels in semi-free-ranging female mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx). (United States)

    Setchell, Joanna M; Smith, Tessa; Wickings, E Jean; Knapp, Leslie A


    Subordinate female cercopithecine primates often experience decreased reproductive success in comparison with high-ranking females, with a later age at sexual maturity and first reproduction and/or longer interbirth intervals. One explanation that has traditionally been advanced to explain this is high levels of chronic social stress in subordinates, resulting from agonistic and aggressive interactions and leading to higher basal levels of glucocorticoids. We assessed the relationships among fecal cortisol levels and reproductive condition, dominance rank, degree of social support, and fertility in female mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) living in a semi-free-ranging colony in Franceville, Gabon. Lower-ranking females in this colony have a reproductive disadvantage relative to higher-ranking females, and we were interested in determining whether this relationship between dominance rank and reproductive success is mediated through stress hormones. We analyzed 340 fecal samples from 19 females, collected over a 14-month period. We found that pregnant females experienced higher fecal cortisol levels than cycling or lactating females. This is similar to results for other primate species and is likely owing to increased metabolic demands and interactions between the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, estrogen, and placental production of corticotrophin releasing hormones during pregnancy. There was no influence of dominance rank on fecal cortisol levels, suggesting that subordinate females do not suffer chronic stress. This may be because female mandrills have a stable social hierarchy, with low levels of aggression and high social support. However, we found no relationship between matriline size, as a measure of social support, and fecal cortisol levels. Subordinates may be able to avoid aggression from dominants in the large enclosure or may react only transiently to specific aggressive events, rather than continuously expecting them. Finally, we found no relationship

  5. Modeling the Transport and Fate of Fecal Pollution and Nutrients of Miyun Reservoir (United States)

    Liu, L.; Fu, X.; Wang, G.


    Miyun Reservoir, a mountain valley reservoir, is located 100 km northeast of Beijing City. Besides the functions of flood control, irrigation and fishery for Beijing area, Miyun Reservoir is the main drinking water storage for Beijing city. The water quality is therefore of great importance. Recently, the concentration of fecal pollution and nutrients in the reservoir are constantly rising to arrest the attention of Beijing municipality. Fecal pollution from sewage is a significant public health concern due to the known presence of human viruses and parasites in these discharges. To investigate the transport and fate of the fecal pollution and nutrients at Miyun reservoir and the health risks associated with drinking and fishery, the reservoir and two tributaries, Chaohe river and Baihe river discharging into it are being examined for bacterial, nutrients and other routine pollution. To understand the relative importance of different processes influencing pollution transport and inactivation, a finite-element model of surf-zone hydrodynamics (coupled with models for temperature, fecal pollution, nutrients and other routine contaminants) is used. The developed models are being verified by the observed water quality data including water temperature, conductivities and dissolved oxygen from the reservoir and its tributaries. Different factors impacting the inactivation of fecal pollution and the transport of nutrients such as water temperature, sedimentation, sunlight insolation are evaluated for Miyun reservoir by a sensitivity analysis analogized from the previous research of Lake Michigan (figure 1, indicating that solar insolation dominates the inactivation of E. Coli, an indicator of fecal pollution, Liu et al. 2006). The calibrated modeling system can be used to temporally and spatially simulate and predict the variation of the concentration of fecal pollution and nutrients of Miyun reservoir. Therefore this research can provide a forecasting tool for the

  6. Coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente de cinco fontes energéticas para o jacaré-do-pantanal (Caiman yacare, Daudin, 1802 Apparent digestibility coefficients of five energetic food sources for the "jacaré-do-pantanal" (Caiman yacare, Daudin, 1802

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    Fernando Rodrigues Maciel


    Full Text Available Foi conduzido um ensaio de digestibilidade nas instalações da Cooperativa de Criadores de Jacaré-do-pantanal, na cidade de Cáceres-MT, com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutricional de cinco alimentos para o jacaré-do-pantanal (Caiman yacare. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com 5 tratamentos e 3 repetições, sendo a unidade experimental formada por 3 jacarés, com peso total médio de 3940 ± 240 g, temperatura ambiente média de 30,5 ± 5,0ºC e temperatura média da água de 27,8 ± 1,0ºC. A quantidade de alimento fornecida por repetição a cada dois dias foi padronizada em 20 g de matéria seca por unidade de peso metabólico (kg0,75. As médias dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. O coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca foi de 80,78; 68,08; 69,91; 30,12 e 58,95; e o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da energia bruta de 82,59; 60,58; 61,66; 25,17 e 48,57, para a glicose, dextrina, amido de milho, milho triturado e pectina, respectivamente. A glicose apresentou o maior CDAEB e o milho, o menor.A metabolism trial was carried out at the facilities of the Cooperative of growers of the "Jacaré do Pantanal" , in Cáceres - MT, with the objective of evaluating the nutritional value of five energetic feedstuffs for the "jacaré-do-pantanal" (Caiman yacare. A completely randomized design with five treatments and three replicates was utilized, the experimental unit being constituted of three caimans, with a total mean weight of 3940 ± 240 g, average environmental temperature of 30.5 ± 5.0ºC and average temperature of the water of 27.8 ± 1.0ºC. The amount of feed furnished per replicate every two days was standardized in 20 g of dry matter per unit of metabolic weight (kg0.75. The means of the coefficients of apparent digestibility were compared through Tukey’s test (P<0,05. The coefficient of apparent digestibility of dry matter was of 80.78; 68

  7. Efeito da substituição de pré-secado de capim-tifton 85 por silagem de sorgo no consumo e na digestibilidade dos nutrientes e no desempenho de bovinos de corte Effect of replacing Tifton 85 haylage with sorghum silage on intake and digestibility of nutrients and performance of beef cattle

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    Viviane Glaucia de Souza


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, o ganho de peso (GMD e a conversão alimentar (CA em bovinos de corte recebendo dietas à base de silagem de sorgo (SS e pré-secado de capim-tifton 85 como volumoso, nas seguintes proporções: 0:100; 32:68; 66:34 e 100:0, respectivamente, com base na MS. As dietas (isonitrogenadas foram formuladas para conter aproximadamente 12% de PB, adotando-se uma relação volumoso:concentrado de 60:40, na MS. Foram utilizados 24 animais mestiços Holandês x Zebu não-castrados (360 kg de PV distribuídos em um delineamento em blocos casualizados. Após um período de adaptação de 15 dias, foram realizados três períodos experimentais de 28 dias. Para determinação da excreção fecal, utilizou-se a fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi como indicador. Os consumos médios diários de MS, MO, PB, EE, CT e NDT, em kg/dia, não foram influenciados pelas dietas, registrando-se valores médios de 9,46; 9,05; 1,20; 0,52, 7,4 e 6,23 kg/dia, respectivamente. As digestibilidades aparentes da MS, MO, PB e EE foram influenciadas de forma quadrática pelo nível de SS no volumoso, estimando-se digestibilidades mínimas de 60,33; 61,58; 61,89 e 55,83% nos níveis de 44,80; 47,18; 50,95 e 51,21% de silagem de sorgo, respectivamente. O GMD e a CA foram influenciados de forma quadrática pelos níveis de SS e apresentaram valores máximos e mínimos de 1,25 kg/dia e 7,66 para os níveis de 60,95 e 67,04% de SS, respectivamente. O uso de silagem pré-secada de capim-tifton 85 associada à silagem de sorgo consistiu em boa alternativa de volumoso para terminação de bovinos de corte. A inclusão de aproximadamente 60% de silagem de sorgo no volumoso promoveu máximo ganho de peso estimado.Intake, digestibility of nutrients, daily weight gain, and feed conversion were evaluated in beef cattle receiving diets containing the following ratios of sorghum silage:Tifton 85 haylage: 0:100; 32:68; 66:34; and

  8. Electrochemical fecal pellet sensor for simultaneous real-time ex vivo detection of colonic serotonin signalling and motility (United States)

    Morris, Rachel; Fagan-Murphy, Aidan; MacEachern, Sarah J.; Covill, Derek; Patel, Bhavik Anil


    Various investigations have focused on understanding the relationship between mucosal serotonin (5-HT) and colonic motility, however contradictory studies have questioned the importance of this intestinal transmitter. Here we described the fabrication and use of a fecal pellet electrochemical sensor that can be used to simultaneously detect the release of luminal 5-HT and colonic motility. Fecal pellet sensor devices were fabricated using carbon nanotube composite electrodes that were housed in 3D printed components in order to generate a device that had shape and size that mimicked a natural fecal pellet. Devices were fabricated where varying regions of the pellet contained the electrode. Devices showed that they were stable and sensitive for ex vivo detection of 5-HT, and no differences in the fecal pellet velocity was observed when compared to natural fecal pellets. The onset of mucosal 5-HT was observed prior to the movement of the fecal pellet. The release of mucosal 5-HT occurred oral to the fecal pellet and was linked to the contraction of the bowel wall that drove pellet propulsion. Taken, together these findings provide new insights into the role of mucosal 5-HT and suggest that the transmitter acts as a key initiator of fecal pellet propulsion.

  9. Water quality and sources of fecal coliform bacteria in the Meduxnekeag River, Houlton, Maine (United States)

    Culbertson, Charles W.; Huntington, Thomas G.; Stoeckel, Donald M.; Caldwell, James M.; O'Donnell, Cara


    In response to bacterial contamination in the Meduxnekeag River and the desire to manage the watershed to reduce contaminant sources, the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians (HBMI) and the U.S. Geological Survey began a cooperative effort to establish a baseline of water-quality data that can be used in future studies and to indicate potential sources of nutrient and bacterial contamination. This study was conducted during the summer of 2005 in the Meduxnekeag River Basin near Houlton, Maine. Continuously recorded specific conductance can be a good indicator for water quality. Specific conductance increased downstream from the town of Houlton, between runoff events, and decreased sharply following major runoff events. Collections of discrete samples during the summer of 2005 indicated seasonal positive concentration-discharge relations for total phosphorus and total nitrogen; these results indicate that storm runoff may mobilize and transport these nutrients from the terrestrial environment to the river. Data collected by the HBMI on fecal coliform bacteria indicated that bacterial contamination enters the Meduxnekeag River from multiple paths including tributaries and surface drains (ditches) in developed areas in Houlton, Maine. The Houlton wastewater treatment discharge was not an important source of bacterial contamination. Bacteroidales-based tests for general fecal contamination (Bac32 marker) were predominantly positive in samples that had excessive fecal contamination as indicated by Enterococci density greater than 104 colony-forming units per 100 millilters. Of the 22 samples tested for Bacteroidales-based markers of human-associated fecal contamination (HF134 and HF183), 8 were positive. Of the 22 samples tested for Bacteroidales-based markers of ruminant-associated fecal contamination (CF128 and CF193), 7 were positive. Human fecal contamination was detected consistently at two sites (surface drains in urban areas in the town of Houlton) and occasionally

  10. Patient-Controlled Biofeedback Device for the Treatment of Fecal Incontinence: A Pilot Study. (United States)

    Damin, Daniel C; Hommerding, Felipe; Schirmer, Delber; Sanches, Paulo R S; Silva Junior, Danton P; Müller, André F; Thome, Paulo R O


    Although biofeedback has been used as a first-line therapy for fecal incontinence, it is known to be time consuming and demands attendance to a hospital during the whole period of treatment. In this study, we describe a new biofeedback device specifically developed for home treatment of fecal incontinence, which consists of a microprocessor controlled unit able to register and store the anal pressure waves corresponding to exercises performed by patients at home. In order to test the new device, a pilot study including ten patients with fecal incontinence was conducted. Evaluation of patients before and after the biofeedback training showed significant improvement in manometric and clinical parameters of anal continence. The new method may improve compliance of patients with the training program and reduce their need to be supervised during the treatment. It might represent a new alternative for the treatment of fecal incontinence.

  11. Alterations of fecal steroid composition induced by changes in dietary fiber consumption. (United States)

    Ullrich, I H; Lai, H Y; Vona, L; Reid, R L; Albrink, M J


    The short-term effects of high carbohydrate diets of normal foods either high or low in dietary fiber on fecal steroids and fiber was assessed in eight healthy young men. Each subject consumed in random order for 4 days a diet containing 59 g (high fiber) or 21 g (low fiber) neutral detergent fiber. After a 9-day rest period he consumed the other diet. Analysis of random fecal samples during their usual diet and after 4 days of each experimental diet showed an increased in primary bile acids from less than 4 to 32% of total bile acids, and a decreases of coprostanol from 76% (control diet) or 64% (low fiber diet) to 45% of total neutral sterol after the high fiber diet. Fecal fiber concentration doubled after the high fiber diet. We conclude that 4 days of high fiber diet is sufficient to cause a large increase in primary and decrease in secondary fecal steroids. Such changes have implications for prevention of arteriosclerosis and cancer of the colon.

  12. Prevalence and risk factors for urinary and fecal incontinence in brazilian women

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    Joao L. Amaro


    Full Text Available Objective: To evaluate prevalence and risk factors of fecal and urinary incontinence (UI in Brazilian women. Material and Methods: 685 women older than 20 years of age answered a questionnaire about urinary and fecal symptoms, clinical and obstetric antecedents. They were grouped according to presence or absence of UI. Results: Urinary and fecal incontinence was reported in 27% and 2% of cases, respectively. Mean age of incontinent women was significantly higher than continent ones. Incontinent women had a mean number of micturitions significantly higher than the continent ones. On average, incontinent women had higher rate of pregnancies and vaginal delivery when compared to the continent ones. Body mass index (BMI was significantly higher in incontinent participants and in women with no UI complaints (27.35 vs. 24.95, p < 0.05. Fecal incontinence prevalence was 2% and occurred exclusively in patients with UI. Conclusions: Vaginal delivery and high BMI have been identified as risk factors for UI development while aging and number of pregnancies may be correlated factors.

  13. Patterns and sources of fecal coliform bacteria in three streams in Virginia, 1999-2000 (United States)

    Hyer, Kenneth; Moyer, Douglas


    Surface-water impairment by fecal coliform bacteria is a water-quality issue of national scope and importance. In Virginia, more than 175 stream segments are on the Commonwealth's 1998 303(d) list of impaired waters because of elevated concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria. These fecal coliform-impaired stream segments require the development of total maximum daily load (TMDL) and associated implementation plans, but accurate information on the sources contributing these bacteria usually is lacking. The development of defendable fecal coliform TMDLs and management plans can benefit from reliable information on the bacteria sources that are responsible for the impairment. Bacterial source tracking (BST) recently has emerged as a powerful tool for identifying the sources of fecal coliform bacteria that impair surface waters. In a demonstration of BST technology, three watersheds on Virginia's 1998 303(d) list with diverse land-use practices (and potentially diverse bacteria sources) were studied. Accotink Creek is dominated by urban land uses, Christians Creek by agricultural land uses, and Blacks Run is affected by both urban and agricultural land uses. During the 20-month field study (March 1999?October 2000), water samples were collected from each stream during a range of flow conditions and seasons. For each sample, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH, turbidity, flow, and water temperature were measured. Fecal coliform concentrations of each water sample were determined using the membrane filtration technique. Next, Escherichia coli (E. coli) were isolated from the fecal coliform bacteria and their sources were identified using ribotyping (a method of 'genetic fingerprinting'). Study results provide enhanced understanding of the concentrations and sources of fecal coliform bacteria in these three watersheds. Continuum sampling (sampling along the length of the streams) indicated that elevated concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria

  14. Fecal microbiota of lambs fed purple prairie clover (Dalea purpurea Vent.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa). (United States)

    Huang, Qianqian; Holman, Devin B; Alexander, Trevor; Hu, Tianming; Jin, Long; Xu, Zhongjun; McAllister, Tim A; Acharya, Surya; Zhao, Guoqi; Wang, Yuxi


    The present study assessed the effect of purple prairie clover (PPC) and PPC condensed tannins (CT) on the fecal microbiota of lambs using high-throughput 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing. A total of 18 individual lambs were randomly divided into three groups and fed either green chop alfalfa (Alf), a 40:60 (DM basis; Mix) mixture of Alf and PPC, or Mix supplemented with polyethylene glycol (Mix-P) for 18 days. Fecal samples were collected on days 13 through 18 using digital rectal retrieval. The DNA of fecal samples was extracted and the microbial 16S rRNA gene amplicons were sequenced using 454 pyrosequencing. Regardless of diet, the bacterial community was dominated by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes with many sequences unclassified at the genus level. Forage type and CT had no effect on the fecal microbial composition at the phylum level or on α-diversity. Compared to the Alf diet, the Mix diet reduced the relative abundance of Akkermansia (P = 0.03) and Asteroleplasma (P = 0.05). Fecal microbial populations in Alf and Mix-P clustered separately from each other when assessed using unweighted UniFrac (P < 0.05). These results indicate that PPC CT up to 36 g/kg DM in the diet had no major effect on fecal microbial flora at the phyla level and exerted only minor effects on the genera composition of fecal microbiota in lambs.

  15. Reduction in fecal excretion of Giardia cysts: effect of cholestasis and diet. (United States)

    Erlandsen, Stanley


    Bile is a major growth factor for the proliferation of Giardia spp. trophozoites in the small intestine and, at high concentrations, stimulates encystment of trophozoites. This report demonstrates that surgical cholestasis to interrupt the flow of bile from liver to intestine or the use of bile-binding resins in the diet can both dramatically decrease the fecal excretion of Giardia muris cysts. Cholestasis produced a 3 log reduction in excretion of G. muris cysts within 24 hr of surgery and a 4 log reduction after 3 days. Sham controls showed no difference in cyst excretion from presurgical control values. Two isocaloric diets were studied: a control diet (N) of Purina mouse chow containing 5% celufil and an experimental diet (CR) containing 5% cholestyramine, a resin that binds bile. Compared with the N diet, the CR diet was associated with reductions in cyst excretion of 3 logs within 1 day. Despite lowered excretion of G. muris cysts in mice fed the cholestyramine diet, the trophozoite recovery from the duodenum was similar with both diets. Cyclic feeding of the CR diet and the N diet at 3-day intervals produced significant oscillations (changes of 3-4 logs) in fecal cyst shedding. The significant reductions in fecal excretion of cysts observed with agents that bind bile suggests that diets capable of binding bile might be a therapeutic means to minimize the fecal excretion of cysts and thereby may help to reduce the risk of spreading giardiasis through fecal-oral contamination.

  16. Identification of fecal contamination sources in water using host-associated markers. (United States)

    Krentz, Corinne A; Prystajecky, Natalie; Isaac-Renton, Judith


    In British Columbia, Canada, drinking water is tested for total coliforms and Escherichia coli, but there is currently no routine follow-up testing to investigate fecal contamination sources in samples that test positive for indicator bacteria. Reliable microbial source tracking (MST) tools to rapidly test water samples for multiple fecal contamination markers simultaneously are currently lacking. The objectives of this study were (i) to develop a qualitative MST tool to identify fecal contamination from different host groups, and (ii) to evaluate the MST tool using water samples with evidence of fecal contamination. Singleplex and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used to test (i) water from polluted sites and (ii) raw and drinking water samples for presence of bacterial genetic markers associated with feces from humans, cattle, seagulls, pigs, chickens, and geese. The multiplex MST assay correctly identified suspected contamination sources in contaminated waterways, demonstrating that this test may have utility for heavily contaminated sites. Most raw and drinking water samples analyzed using singleplex PCR contained at least one host-associated marker. Singleplex PCR was capable of detecting host-associated markers in small sample volumes and is therefore a promising tool to further analyze water samples submitted for routine testing and provide information useful for water quality management.


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    Bárbara Karolina Ratier da Silva


    -galactosidase, celulase, amilase, protease. No primeiro experimento (14 a 19 dias de idade dos animais, distribuíram-se aleatoriamente 190 aves em arranjo fatorial 2x2 (fibra x enzima, em gaiolas metabólicas com 9-10 aves/gaiola, cinco gaiolas por tratamento. Avaliaram-se a metabolizabilidade (MET da matéria seca (MS, a proteína bruta (PB e a energia (E, os coeficientes de digestibilidade total aparente (CDT da gordura (G e a fibra em detergente ácido (FDA,a  energia metabolizável aparente (EMA e o desempenho. Quatro repetições de cada tratamento foram mantidas para o segundo experimento. No 21º dia de idade das aves, após adaptação ao consumo das dietas com indicador, abateram-se os frangos abatidos e colheu-se conteúdo de íleo para avaliação do coeficiente de digestibilidade ileal aparente (CDI da MS, PB, E, G e peso dos cecos. O maior nível de fibra resultou em menor MET da MS, E, PB, e menor no CDT da G e FDA (P<0,05, assim como também menor CDI da MS e E (P<0,01. A suplementação enzimática reduziu o efeito da fibra sobre MET da MS, E, PB e CDT da FDA (P<0,05. Registrou-se maior peso vazio de cecos para os animais que consumiram dieta com alta fibra (P<0,01, assim como menor ganho de peso (P<0,03 e pior conversão alimentar (P<0,01. O desempenho dos animais teve maior relação com a digestibilidade ileal aparente dos nutrientes do que com a digestibilidade total aparente.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Cecos, desempenho, digestibilidade ileal, digestibilidade total, metabolizabilidade.

  18. Torrefaction Processing of Human Fecal Waste, Phase I (United States)

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration — New technology is needed to collect, stabilize, safen, recover useful materials, and store human fecal waste for long duration missions. The current SBIR Phase I...

  19. Quantitative Real-Time PCR Fecal Source Identification in the ... (United States)

    Rivers in the Tillamook Basin play a vital role in supporting a thriving dairy and cheese-making industry, as well as providing a safe water resource for local human and wildlife populations. Historical concentrations of fecal bacteria in these waters are at times too high to allow for safe use leading to economic loss, endangerment of local wildlife, and poor conditions for recreational use. In this study, we employ host-associated qPCR methods for human (HF183/BacR287 and HumM2), ruminant (Rum2Bac), cattle (CowM2 and CowM3), canine (DG3 and DG37), and avian (GFD) fecal pollution combined with high-resolution geographic information system (GIS) land use data and general indicator bacteria measurements to elucidatewater quality spatial and temporal trends. Water samples (n=584) were collected over a 1-year period at 29 sites along the Trask, Kilchis, and Tillamook rivers and tributaries (Tillamook Basin, OR). A total of 16.6% of samples (n=97) yielded E. coli levels considered impaired based on Oregon Department of Environmental Quality bacteria criteria (406 MPN/100mL). Hostassociated genetic indicators were detected at frequencies of 39.2% (HF183/BacR287), 16.3% (HumM2), 74.6% (Rum2Bac), 13.0% (CowM2), 26.7% (CowM3), 19.8% (DG3), 3.2% (DG37), and 53.4% (GFD) across all water samples (n=584). Seasonal trends in avian, cattle, and human fecal pollution sources were evident over the study area. On a sample site basis, quantitative fecal source identification and

  20. Intake and digestibility of diets containing castor bean meal detoxified to finish of sheep Consumo e digestibilidade de dietas contendo farelo de mamona destoxificado para ovinos em terminação

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    Marcônio Martins Rodrigues


    Full Text Available The effect of including detoxified castor bean meal to substitute soy bean meal was evaluated to sheep finishing diets on intake, digestibility and energy value of the diets. A positive linear effect was verified for ether extract intake and acid detergent fiber with an intake raise of 0.015 g/BW0.75 in ether extract and 0.090 g/BW0.75 in acid detergent fiber per each unit percentage of detoxified castor bean meal added to the diet. There was maximun value in hemicellulose intake when included 39.55% of detoxified castor bean meal to the diet. Negative linear effect was verified for dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, total carbohydrates digestibility, respectively, with 0.0536, 0.0507, 0.0705 and 0.0572% decreases per unit percentage of detoxified castor bean meal added. Positive quadratic effect was verified for neutral detergent fiber and hemicellulose digestibility with 54.93 and 64.53% maximum in levels of the 38.6 and 31.4, respectively. Detoxified castor bean meal inclusion does not influence dry matter and nutrients intake, attending these animal class nutritional requirements. Including detoxified castor bean meal decreases dry mater, organic matter, crude protein, total carbohydrates digestibility, being in this situation recommended the inclusion of to 33% in the diet by allowing high neutral detergent fiber and hemicellulose digestibility. Despite these effects, the energy value of the diets is not influenced by the inclusion of detoxified castor bean meal.Avaliou-se a substituição do farelo de soja pelo farelo de mamona destoxificado em dietas para ovinos em terminação. O consumo de extrato etéreo e fibra em detergente ácido foi linear positivo, com aumento de 0,015 e 0,090g/UTM por unidade percentual de inclusão de farelo de mamona destoxificado, respectivamente. O consumo máximo de hemicelulose ocorreu para dietas que continham 39,55% de farelo de mamona destoxificado. A digestibilidade da matéria seca, mat

  1. Incontinencia fecal del adulto


    Vergara A,M. Teresa; Suárez M,Juan; Orellana G,Hernán; Cofré L,Pamela; Germain P,Fernando; Stanley E,William; Sivori H,Javiera; Cruz M,Cecilia


    El propósito de esta revisión es actualizar los conocimientos sobre esta patología, destacando su evolución clínica, estudio y tratamiento, aspectos que ameritan un enfoque multidisciplinario, ya que, además de su compleja fisiopatología, puede asociarse a incontinencia urinaria y prolapso de los tres compartimentos de la pelvis. La incontinencia fecal (IF) constituye una patología altamente prevalente que afecta al menos un 2% de la población y hasta el 45% de los pacientes en casas de repos...

  2. Lactic acid bacteria affect serum cholesterol levels, harmful fecal enzyme activity, and fecal water content


    Chung Myung; Shin Hea; Lee Kyung; Kim Mi; Baek Eun; Jang Seok; Lee Do; Kim Jin; Lee Kang; Ha Nam


    Abstract Background Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are beneficial probiotic organisms that contribute to improved nutrition, microbial balance, and immuno-enhancement of the intestinal tract, as well as lower cholesterol. Although present in many foods, most trials have been in spreads or dairy products. Here we tested whether Bifidobacteria isolates could lower cholesterol, inhibit harmful enzyme activities, and control fecal water content. Methods In vitro culture experiments were performed to ...

  3. Evaluación del Sistema de Bibliotecas de la Organización para Estudios Tropicales (OET

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    Susana Aguilar Zumbado


    Full Text Available En este artículo se muestran los principales resultados del Trabajo Final de Graduación titulado "Diagnóstico del Sistema de Bibliotecas de la Organización para Estudios Tropicales (OET, periodo 2013: Propuesta para el mejoramiento de sus servicios y productos de información", el cual formó parte esencial del proyecto de investigación " Propuesta de diseño de servicios y productos virtuales especializados en el campo de la biodiversidad ", inscrito en la Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Esta investigación es de tipo cuantitativo y se define como descriptiva. Se realizó un diagnóstico para conocer el perfil de las personas usuarias del sistema de bibliotecas de la OET, así como sus necesidades de información, por medio de seis cuestionarios dirigidos a diferentes poblaciones usuarias del sistema. El periodo de estudio fue de marzo a julio del 2013. Entre los principales resultados se aprecia que el Sistema de Bibliotecas es de gran importancia para la comunidad científica al que está dirigido; sin embargo, sus servicios y productos requieren de una mayor proyección en el área para poder aprovechar la riqueza documental que alberga en sus cuatro bibliotecas.

  4. Longitudinal relationship between fecal culture, fecal quantitative PCR, and milk ELISA in Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis-infected cows from low-prevalence dairy herds. (United States)

    Beaver, A; Sweeney, R W; Hovingh, E; Wolfgang, D R; Gröhn, Y T; Schukken, Y H


    Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP), the causative agent of ruminant Johne's disease, presents a particular challenge with regard to infection mitigation on dairy farms. Diagnostic testing strategies to identify and quantify MAP and associated antibodies are imperfect, and certain facets of the relationship between diagnostic tests remain to be explored. Additional repeated-measures data from known infected animals are needed to complement the body of cross-sectional research on Johne's disease-testing methods. Statistical models that accurately account for multiple diagnostic results while adjusting for the effects of individual animals and herds over time can provide a more detailed understanding of the interplay between diagnostic outcomes. Further, test results may be considered as continuous wherever possible so as to avoid the information loss associated with dichotomization. To achieve a broader understanding of the relationship between diagnostic tests, we collected a large number of repeated fecal and milk samples from 14 infected cows, in addition to bulk milk samples, from 2 low-prevalence dairy herds in the northeast United States. Predominately through the use of mixed linear modeling, we identified strong associations between milk ELISA optical density, fecal quantitative PCR, and fecal culture in individual animals while concurrently adjusting for variables that could alter these relationships. Notably, we uncovered subtleties in the predictive abilities of fecal shedding level on milk ELISA results, with animals categorized as disease progressors reaching higher ELISA optical density levels. Moreover, we observed that spikes in fecal shedding could predict subsequent high ELISA values up to 2 mo later. We also investigated the presence of MAP in individual milk samples via PCR and noted an association between poor udder hygiene and MAP positivity in milk, suggesting some level of environmental contamination. The paucity of positive milk

  5. Composição química e digestibilidade em ovinos da grama estrela ensilada com diferentes aditivos Chemical composition and digestibility in sheep of stargrass ensiled with different additives

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    Valter Harry Bumbieris Junior


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o estudo avaliar a composição química e a digestibilidade aparente em ovinos da grama estrela ensilada com diferentes aditivos. Os aditivos empregados foram o enzimo-bacteriano (em duas concentrações e a uréia (10 kg/tonelada, totalizando quatro tratamentos. Para o experimento de digestibilidade, foram utilizados quatro ovinos machos castrados distribuídos em delineamento quadrado latino (4x4. Em relação à composição química, as variáveis MS, PB, EE, FDA e LIG apresentaram diferença (PThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and apparent digestiblity in sheep of stargrass ensilaged with different additives. The additives used were enzyme-bacterial inoculent (in two concentrations and urea (10 kg/ton, totalling 4 treatments. For the digestability experiment, four male sheep were distributed in a (4x4 latin square design. With respect to chemical composition, the variables; dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, acid detergent fiber, and lignin showed statistical difference (P<0,05 among the obtained values. However, neutral detergent fiber showed no difference among treatments. Concerning buffering capacity and pH, the lowest values were for silages treated with inoculents. No treatment effects (inoculent or urea application for dry matter, crude protein, or neutral detergent fiber digestibility of stargrass silages were detected.

  6. Fractionation of fecal neutral steroids by high performance liquid chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jackson, E.M.; Kloss, C.A.; Weintraub, S.T.; Mott, G.E.


    Fecal neutral steroids were fractionated by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) into three major fractions: 5 beta-H, 3-keto steroids; 5 beta-H, 3 beta-hydroxy steroids; and 5 alpha-H and delta 5-3 beta-hydroxy steroids. This separation was achieved in about 10 minutes, with greater than 97% recovery of standards in each fraction. Gas-liquid chromatographic quantitation of fecal steroids fractionated by either HPLC or thin-layer chromatography gave nearly identical results. A method using both C18 reverse phase and silica HPLC to purify radiolabeled sterols is also described

  7. Comparison of Sewage and Animal Fecal Microbiomes by using Oligotyping Reveals Potential Human Fecal Indicators in Multiple Taxonomic Groups (United States)

    Most DNA-based microbial source tracking (MST) approaches target host-associated organisms within the order Bacteroidales, but human and other animal gut microbiota contain an array of other taxonomic groups that might serve as indicators for sources of fecal pollution. High thr...

  8. Longitudinal Study of Intestinal Symptoms and Fecal Continence in Patients With Conformal Radiotherapy for Prostate Cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Geinitz, Hans; Thamm, Reinhard; Keller, Monika; Astner, Sabrina T.; Heinrich, Christine; Scholz, Christian; Pehl, Christian; Kerndl, Simone; Prause, Nina; Busch, Raymonde; Molls, Michael; Zimmermann, Frank B.


    Purpose: To prospectively assess the intestinal symptoms and fecal continence in patients who had undergone conformal radiotherapy (CRT) for prostate cancer. Methods and Materials: A total of 78 men who had undergone definitive CRT for prostate cancer were evaluated. The patients were assessed before, during (treatment Weeks 4 and 6), and 2, 12, and 24 months after CRT completion. The intestinal symptoms and fecal continence were evaluated with comprehensive standardized questionnaires. Results: The intestinal symptoms were mostly intermittent, with only a small minority of patients affected daily. Defecation pain, fecal urge, and rectal mucous discharge increased significantly during therapy. Defecation pain and rectal mucous discharge had returned to baseline levels within 8 weeks and 1 year after CRT, respectively. However, fecal urge remained significantly elevated for ≤1 year and then returned toward the pretreatment values. The prevalence of rectal bleeding was significantly elevated 2 years after CRT. Fecal continence deteriorated during CRT and remained impaired at 1 year after treatment. Incontinence was mostly minor, occurring less than once per week and predominantly affecting incontinence for gas. Conclusion: Intestinal symptoms and fecal incontinence increased during prostate CRT. Except for rectal bleeding, the intestinal symptoms, including fecal incontinence, returned to baseline levels within 1-2 years after CRT. Thus, the rate of long-term late radiation-related intestinal toxicity was low.

  9. Assessment of Fecal Microbiota and Fecal Metabolome in Symptomatic Uncomplicated Diverticular Disease of the Colon. (United States)

    Tursi, Antonio; Mastromarino, Paola; Capobianco, Daniela; Elisei, Walter; Miccheli, Alfredo; Capuani, Giorgio; Tomassini, Alberta; Campagna, Giuseppe; Picchio, Marcello; Giorgetti, GianMarco; Fabiocchi, Federica; Brandimarte, Giovanni


    The aim of this study was to assess fecal microbiota and metabolome in a population with symptomatic uncomplicated diverticular disease (SUDD). Whether intestinal microbiota and metabolic profiling may be altered in patients with SUDD is unknown. Stool samples from 44 consecutive women [15 patients with SUDD, 13 with asymptomatic diverticulosis (AD), and 16 healthy controls (HCs)] were analyzed. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to quantify targeted microorganisms. High-resolution proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy associated with multivariate analysis with partial least-square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was applied on the metabolite data set. The overall bacterial quantity did not differ among the 3 groups (P=0.449), with no difference in Bacteroides/Prevotella, Clostridium coccoides, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus, and Escherichia coli subgroups. The amount of Akkermansia muciniphila species was significantly different between HC, AD, and SUDD subjects (P=0.017). PLS-DA analysis of nuclear magnetic resonance -based metabolomics associated with microbiological data showed significant discrimination between HCs and AD patients (R=0.733; Q=0.383; Pcolonic bacterial overgrowth, but a significant difference in the levels of fecal A. muciniphila was observed. Moreover, increasing expression of some metabolites as expression of different AD and SUDD metabolic activity was found.

  10. Enteroparasitos em materiais fecal e subungueal de manipuladores de alimentos, Estado do Paraná, Brasil = Enteroparasites in fecal and subungual matter from food handlers, Parana State, Brazil

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    Maria das Graças Marciano Hirata Takizawa


    Full Text Available Este estudo indica a presença de enteroparasitos em material fecal e subungueal de 343 manipuladores de alimentos de Cascavel, Estado do Paraná, Brasil, de ambos os gêneros e com idade entre 14 e 75 anos. O material fecal foi analisado pelos métodos de Lutz, Ritchie modificado e Ziehl-Neelsen modificado e o subungueal, pelo Ritchie. Omaterial fecal foi positivo para 131 (38,2% manipuladores. As espécies mais prevalentes foram Endolimax nana (67,9%, Entamoeba coli (35,9%, Blastocystis sp. (28,2%, Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (10,1% e Giardia duodenalis (8,4%, e E. nana foi diferente (p = 0,00 em relação às demais. A infecção por protozoários foi maior do que por helmintos (p = 0,00. Foi verificada associação entre a positividade para algum parasito e o gênero masculino e a categoria ocupacional (p ≤ 0,05. O material subungueal foi positivo em 17 indivíduos (5,0%, com encontro de E. nana (2,9%, E. coli (1,2%, G. duodenalis (0,3% e a associação de E. nana e E. coli (0,6%, não havendo convergência com o material fecal (p = 0,00. A ocorrência de enteroparasitos nos manipuladores de alimentos de Cascavel, Estado doParaná é alta, indicando condições higiênicas inadequadas e a necessidade de medidas educativas rígidas, para se evitar que agentes patogênicos para o homem sejam propagados para os alimentos pela manipulação.This study shows the presence de enteroparasites in fecal and subungual material of 343 food handlers in the city of Cascavel, Paraná State, Brazil, from both genders and ages between 14 and 75 years. Fecal samples were analyzed using Lutz, modified Ritchie and Ziehl-Neelsen techniques, and subungual material was analyzed using the Ritchie method. Fecal samples were positive in 131 (38.2% handlers. Species with highest prevalence were Endolimax nana (67.9%, Entamoeba coli (35.9%, Blastocystis sp. (28.2%, Entamoeba histolytica/dispar (10.1% and Giardia duodenalis (8.4%, with E. nana being significantly

  11. The Value of Fecal Markers in Predicting Relapse in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    Bianca J. Galgut


    Full Text Available The inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs are lifelong chronic illnesses that place an immense burden on patients. The primary aim of therapy is to reduce disease burden and prevent relapse. However, the occurrence of relapses is often unpredictable. Current disease monitoring is primarily by way of clinical indices, with relapses often only recognized once the inflammatory episode is established with subsequent symptoms and gut damage. The window between initial upregulation of the inflammatory response and the recognition of symptoms may provide an opportunity to prevent the relapse and associated morbidity. This review will describe the existing literature surrounding predictive indicators of relapse of IBD with a specific focus on fecal biomarkers. Fecal biomarkers offer promise as a convenient, non-invasive, low cost option for disease monitoring that is predictive of subsequent relapse. To exploit the potential of fecal biomarkers in this role, further research is now required. This research needs to assess multiple fecal markers in context with demographics, disease phenotype, genetics, and intestinal microbiome composition, to build disease behavior models that can provide the clinician with sufficient confidence to intervene and change the long-term disease course.

  12. Changes of Cattle Fecal Microbiome Under Field Conditions (United States)

    Next generation sequencing (NGS) has been applied to study the microbiome in wastewater, sewage sludge, and feces. Previous microbial survival studies have shown different fecal-associated microbes have different decay rates and regrowth behaviors.


    Current federal regulations require monitoring for fecal coliforms or Salmonella in biosolids destined for land application. Methods used for analysis of fecal coliforms and Salmonella were reviewed and a standard protocol was developed. The protocols were then evaluated by testi...

  14. Estimativas de consumo do capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum), fornecido picado para vacas lactantes utilizando a técnica do óxido crômico


    Soares,João Paulo Guimarães; Berchielli,Telma Teresinha; Aroeira,Luiz Januário Magalhães; Deresz,Fermino; Verneque,Rui da Silva


    O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) de vacas mestiças Holandês-Zebu, fistuladas no rúmen, em lactação, foi medido pela diferença de peso do alimento oferecido e das sobras e estimado com auxílio do óxido crômico (Cr2O3) pela produção fecal (PF) e indigestibilidade do alimento. O delineamento experimental foi em três quadrados latinos (3x3) e os tratamentos consistiram de capim-elefante cortado nas idades de 30, 45 e 60 dias. A digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) foi determinada nas a...

  15. Clinical meaning of age-related expression of fecal cytokeratin 19 in colorectal malignancy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sun Hsiao-Lun


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Colorectal cancer (CRC is one of the leading causes of malignant death worldwide. Because young age of onset is often considered a poor prognostic factor for CRC, it is important to identify the poor outcomes of CRC in a younger population and to consider an aggressive approach by implementing early treatment. Our aim was to specifically quantify the fecal cytokeratin 19 (CK19 transcript from CRC patients and investigate its correlation with clinical stage, tumor malignancy, and age. Methods The quantitation of fecal CK19 transcript was determined by a quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain in 129 CRC patients (45 younger than 60 years at diagnosis and 85 healthy controls. The levels of CK19 protein were examined both in colonic cell lines and tissues. Results The analysis of 45 younger CRC patients (age ≤ 60 years revealed that patients at the M1 stage had significantly higher expression levels of fecal CK19 mRNA when compared with healthy controls (p p = 0.004. Additionally, the degree of consistency between the mean level of fecal CK19 mRNA and the distant metastatic rate in each age interval was up to 89% (p = 0.042. Conclusion These results indicate that high levels of fecal CK19 mRNA represent a potential marker for colorectal malignancy and for aggressive treatment of younger CRC patients.

  16. Pepsin-Cellulase Digestibility of Pasture Silages: Effects of Pasture Type, Maturity Stage, and Variations in the Enzymatic Method Digestibilidad mediante Pepsina-Celulasa de Ensilajes de Pradera: Efectos del Tipo de Pradera, Estado de Madurez y Variaciones en el Método Enzimático

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Claudia Barchiesi-Ferrari


    Full Text Available Enzymatic in vitro digestibility has been studied as a method to predict energy values of forages for ruminants, although results have been affected by type of forage and methodological details of the technique. This work was performed to evaluate the effects of cellulase concentration (0.75, 1.0 and 6.25 g L-1, incubation time (24 or 48 h and type of final washing of the residue (water or acetone on the in vitro digestibility of the dry matter (DMD, organic matter (OMD and content of digestible organic matter in the DM (D value of silages made at three maturity stages from three types of pastures: a permanent pasture (Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne, Bromus catharticus Vahl var. catharticus, Trifolium repens and Holcus lanatus; b Italian ryegrass ley (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Tama; c oats (Avena sativa L. and d mixed pasture (L. perenne-T. repens. Regression equations among cellulase results and in vitro values obtained with rumen fluid were also developed. Higher enzyme concentration, longer incubation time and final washing with acetone, resulted in a significant (P La digestibilidad enzimática in vitro ha sido estudiada para predecir el valor energético de forrajes para rumiantes, aunque el tipo de forraje y los detalles metodológicos han afectado los resultados obtenidos. Este trabajo pretende evaluar los efectos de la concentración de celulasa (0,75; 1,0 y 6,25 g L-1, tiempo de incubación (24 o 48 h y tipo de lavado final (agua o acetona del residuo, sobre la digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DMD, materia orgánica (OMD y el contenido de materia orgánica digestible en la materia seca, o valor D (D value de ensilajes hechos con tres estados de madurez, de diferentes praderas: a pradera permanente (Dactylis glomerata, Lolium perenne, Bromus catharticus Vahl var. catharticus, Trifolium repens y Holcus lanatus; b ballica Italiana (Lolium multiflorum Lam. cv. Tama; c avena (Avena sativa L.; y d pradera mixta (L. perenne

  17. Apparent total tract macronutrient digestibility, fecal characteristics, and fecal fermentative end-product concentrations of healthy adult dogs fed bioprocessed soy protein. (United States)

    Beloshapka, A N; de Godoy, M R C; Detweiler, K B; Newcomb, M; Ellegård, K H; Fahey, G C; Swanson, K S


    Animal proteins are commonly used in extruded dog foods. Plant-based proteins have a more consistent nutrient profile than animal sources but may contain antinutritional factors, including trypsin inhibitors and oligosaccharides. Bioprocessed soy protein (SP; HP-300; Hamlet Protein, Inc., Findlay, OH) is a processed soy-based product with low antinutritional factor concentrations and high protein quality. The objective was to evaluate the effects of SP on apparent total tract macronutrient digestibility, fecal characteristics, and fecal fermentative end products. Furthermore, this study aimed to identify if SP can be a replacement for poultry byproduct meal (PBPM) in dog food and determine if there are practical limits to its use. Three palatability experiments were conducted to evaluate 1) 0 vs. 12% SP, 2) 0 vs. 48% SP, and 3) 12 vs. 48% SP. For digestibility, 48 healthy adult Beagle dogs (20 females and 28 males; 3.4 yr mean age and 10.0 kg mean BW) were randomly allotted to 1 of 6 dietary treatments, 0 (control), 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48% SP, in a completely randomized design. All diets were formulated to meet Association of American Feed Control Officials nutrient profiles and contained approximately 30% CP and 16% fat. The treatment period consisted of a 10-d diet adaptation phase followed by a 4-d fresh and total fecal collection phase. The palatability results suggest that of the 3 inclusion levels tested (0, 12, or 48% SP), the best inclusion of SP is 12%, which was preferred over 0 and 48% SP. Digestibility and fecal data were evaluated for linear and quadratic effects using SAS. Stool output (on both an as-is and a DM basis) did not differ from the control except for the 48% SP treatment ( dogs fed 24 and 48% SP compared with the control. Conversely, branched-chain fatty acid concentrations were lower ( dogs fed 8 to 48% SP compared with the control. These data suggest that SP is a suitable replacement for PBPM in dog diets up to a 24% inclusion level.

  18. Mountain Papaya Seeds Causing Fecal Impaction in Children

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Fecal impaction is a common gastrointestinal disorder and a source of ... coprostasis or inspissated stool syndrome (1). Stool ... history of abdominal distension, abdominal pain, .... functional constipation, poor dietary fiber intake or it may be ...

  19. Longitudinal fecal hormone analysis for monitoring reproductive activity in the female polar bear (Ursus maritimus). (United States)

    Stoops, M A; MacKinnon, K M; Roth, T L


    The objective was to identify suitable enzyme immunoassays to monitor gonadal and placental function in the female polar bear. Immunoreactive progesterone, progesterone metabolite (PdG), estrogen, and androgen metabolite (T) concentrations were measured in fecal samples collected over 24 mo from captive female bears (N = 20). Whereas fecal extracts produced displacement curves parallel to the standard curve for each respective steroid, T and PdG more accurately reflected reproductive events. Concentrations of fecal T increased (P bears excreted higher PdG concentrations (P bears also had a PdG rise in the Fall, suggesting they experienced either pregnancy loss or a pseudopregnancy. Differentiating pregnant and pseudopregnant states was not achieved using fecal PdG alone, but when combined with fecal T, comprehensive diagnoses could be made. Nonparturient bears demonstrated elevated (P bears did not. In summary, noninvasive hormone monitoring techniques were established for the female polar bear. Although this study was directed at facilitating management and breeding efforts of captive polar bears, the methods could be applied to studies of reproductive function in wild populations. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Correlations of Fecal Metabonomic and Microbiomic Changes Induced by High-fat Diet in the Pre-Obesity State (United States)

    Lin, Hong; An, Yanpeng; Hao, Fuhua; Wang, Yulan; Tang, Huiru


    Obesity resulting from interactions of genetic and environmental factors becomes a serious public health problem worldwide with alterations of the metabolic phenotypes in multiple biological matrices involving multiple metabolic pathways. To understand the contributions of gut microbiota to obesity development, we analyzed dynamic alterations in fecal metabonomic phenotype using NMR and fecal microorganism composition in rats using pyrosequencing technology during the high-fat diet (HFD) feeding for 81 days (pre-obesity state). Integrated analysis of these two phenotypic datasets was further conducted to establish correlations between the altered rat fecal metabonome and gut microbiome. We found that one-week HFD feeding already caused significant changes in rat fecal metabonome and such changes sustained throughout 81-days feeding with the host and gut microbiota co-metabolites clearly featured. We also found that HFD caused outstanding decreases in most fecal metabolites implying enhancement of gut absorptions. We further established comprehensive correlations between the HFD-induced changes in fecal metabonome and fecal microbial composition indicating contributions of gut microbiota in pathogenesis and progression of the HFD-induced obesity. These findings provided essential information about the functions of gut microbiota in pathogenesis of metabolic disorders which could be potentially important for developing obesity prevention and treatment therapies.

  1. The modified SWAT model for predicting fecal coliforms in the Wachusett Reservoir Watershed, USA. (United States)

    Cho, Kyung Hwa; Pachepsky, Yakov A; Kim, Joon Ha; Kim, Jung-Woo; Park, Mi-Hyun


    This study assessed fecal coliform contamination in the Wachusett Reservoir Watershed in Massachusetts, USA using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) because bacteria are one of the major water quality parameters of concern. The bacteria subroutine in SWAT, considering in-stream bacteria die-off only, was modified in this study to include solar radiation-associated die-off and the contribution of wildlife. The result of sensitivity analysis demonstrates that solar radiation is one of the most significant fate factors of fecal coliform. A water temperature-associated function to represent the contribution of beaver activity in the watershed to fecal contamination improved prediction accuracy. The modified SWAT model provides an improved estimate of bacteria from the watershed. Our approach will be useful for simulating bacterial concentrations to provide predictive and reliable information of fecal contamination thus facilitating the implementation of effective watershed management. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Differences in fecal microbial metabolites and microbiota of children with autism spectrum disorders. (United States)

    Kang, Dae-Wook; Ilhan, Zehra Esra; Isern, Nancy G; Hoyt, David W; Howsmon, Daniel P; Shaffer, Michael; Lozupone, Catherine A; Hahn, Juergen; Adams, James B; Krajmalnik-Brown, Rosa


    Evidence supporting that gut problems are linked to ASD symptoms has been accumulating both in humans and animal models of ASD. Gut microbes and their metabolites may be linked not only to GI problems but also to ASD behavior symptoms. Despite this high interest, most previous studies have looked mainly at microbial structure, and studies on fecal metabolites are rare in the context of ASD. Thus, we aimed to detect fecal metabolites that may be present at significantly different concentrations between 21 children with ASD and 23 neurotypical children and to investigate its possible link to human gut microbiome. Using 1 H-NMR spectroscopy and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we examined metabolite profiles and microbial compositions in fecal samples, respectively. Of the 59 metabolites detected, isopropanol concentrations were significantly higher in feces of children with ASD after multiple testing corrections. We also observed similar trends of fecal metabolites to previous studies; children with ASD have higher fecal p-cresol and possibly lower GABA concentrations. In addition, Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) with leave-out-validation suggested that a group of metabolites-caprate, nicotinate, glutamine, thymine, and aspartate-may potentially function as a modest biomarker to separate ASD participants from the neurotypical group (78% sensitivity and 81% specificity). Consistent with our previous Arizona cohort study, we also confirmed lower gut microbial diversity and reduced relative abundances of phylotypes most closely related to Prevotella copri in children with ASD. After multiple testing corrections, we also learned that relative abundances of Feacalibacterium prausnitzii and Haemophilus parainfluenzae were lower in feces of children with ASD. Despite a relatively short list of fecal metabolites, the data in this study support that children with ASD have altered metabolite profiles in feces when compared with neurotypical children and warrant further

  3. Differences in fecal microbial metabolites and microbiota of children with autism spectrum disorders

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Dae-Wook; Ilhan, Zehra Esra; Isern, Nancy G.; Hoyt, David W.; Howsmon, Daniel P.; Shaffer, Michael; Lozupone, Catherine A.; Hahn, Juergen; Adams, James B.; Krajmalnik-Brown, Rosa


    Evidence supporting that gut problems are linked to ASD symptoms has been accumulating both in humans and animal models of ASD. Gut microbes and their metabolites may be linked not only to GI problems but also to ASD behavior symptoms. Despite this high interest, most previous studies have looked mainly at microbial structure, and studies on fecal metabolites are rare in the context of ASD. Thus, we aimed to detect fecal metabolites that may be present at significantly different concentrations between 21 children with ASD and 23 neurotypical children and to investigate its possible link to human gut microbiome. Using NMR spectroscopy and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, we examined metabolite profiles and microbial compositions in fecal samples, respectively. Of the 59 metabolites detected, isopropanol concentrations were significantly higher in feces of children with ASD after multiple testing corrections. We also observed similar trends of fecal metabolites to previous studies; children with ASD have higher fecal p-cresol and possibly lower GABA concentrations. In addition, Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) with leave-out-validation suggested that a group of metabolites- caprate, nicotinate, glutamine, thymine, and aspartate- may potentially function as a biomarker to separate ASD participants from the neurotypical group (78% sensitivity and 81% specificity). Consistent with our previous Arizona cohort study, we also confirmed lower gut microbial diversity and reduced relative abundances of Prevotella copri in children with ASD. After multiple testing corrections, we also learned that relative abundances of Feacalibacterium prausnitzii and Haemophilus parainfluenzae were lower in feces of children with ASD. Despite a relatively short list of fecal metabolites, the data in this study support that children with ASD have altered metabolite profiles in feces when compared with neurotypical children and warrant further investigation of metabolites in larger cohorts.

  4. Adaptation to Spanish language and validation of the fecal incontinence quality of life scale. (United States)

    Minguez, Miguel; Garrigues, Vicente; Soria, Maria Jose; Andreu, Montserrat; Mearin, Fermin; Clave, Pere


    The aim of this study was to perform a psychometric evaluation of the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life Scale in the Spanish language. Eleven hospitals in Spain participated in the study, which included 118 patients with active fecal incontinence. All the patients filled out a questionnaire on the severity of their incontinence, a general questionnaire of health (Medical Outcomes Survey Short Form), and a Spanish translation of the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life Scale (Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida de Incontinencia Anal), which consists of 29 items in four domains: lifestyle, behavior, depression, and embarrassment. On a second visit, patients repeated the Fecal Incontinence Quality of Life Scale. For each domain, an evaluation was made of temporal reliability, internal reliability, the convergent validity with the generic questionnaire of health, and the discriminant validity correlating the domains of Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida de Incontinencia Anal with the severity of fecal incontinence. For cultural adaptation, the answer alternatives for 14 items were modified. A total of 111 patients (94 percent) completed the study adequately. Temporal reliability (test-retest) was good for all domains except for embarrassment, which showed significant differences (P 0.80, between 0.84 and 0.96). The four domains of Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida de Incontinencia Anal significantly correlated with the domains of the generic questionnaire on health (P de Calidad de Vida de Incontinencia Anal correlated negatively with the need to wear pads (P de Calidad de Vida de Incontinencia Anal incorporates sufficient requirements of reliability and validity to be applied to patients with fecal incontinence.

  5. Source tracking swine fecal waste in surface water proximal to swine concentrated animal feeding operations. (United States)

    Heaney, Christopher D; Myers, Kevin; Wing, Steve; Hall, Devon; Baron, Dothula; Stewart, Jill R


    Swine farming has gone through many changes in the last few decades, resulting in operations with a high animal density known as confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs). These operations produce a large quantity of fecal waste whose environmental impacts are not well understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate microbial water quality in surface waters proximal to swine CAFOs including microbial source tracking of fecal microbes specific to swine. For one year, surface water samples at up- and downstream sites proximal to swine CAFO lagoon waste land application sites were tested for fecal indicator bacteria (fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus) and candidate swine-specific microbial source-tracking (MST) markers (Bacteroidales Pig-1-Bac, Pig-2-Bac, and Pig-Bac-2, and methanogen P23-2). Testing of 187 samples showed high fecal indicator bacteria concentrations at both up- and downstream sites. Overall, 40%, 23%, and 61% of samples exceeded state and federal recreational water quality guidelines for fecal coliforms, E. coli, and Enterococcus, respectively. Pig-1-Bac and Pig-2-Bac showed the highest specificity to swine fecal wastes and were 2.47 (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.03, 5.94) and 2.30 times (95% CI=0.90, 5.88) as prevalent proximal down- than proximal upstream of swine CAFOs, respectively. Pig-1-Bac and Pig-2-Bac were also 2.87 (95% CI=1.21, 6.80) and 3.36 (95% CI=1.34, 8.41) times as prevalent when 48 hour antecedent rainfall was greater than versus less than the mean, respectively. Results suggest diffuse and overall poor sanitary quality of surface waters where swine CAFO density is high. Pig-1-Bac and Pig-2-Bac are useful for tracking off-site conveyance of swine fecal wastes into surface waters proximal to and downstream of swine CAFOs and during rain events. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  6. Classification of fecal contamination on leafy greens by hyperspectral imaging (United States)

    Yang, Chun-Chieh; Jun, Won; Kim, Moon S.; Chao, Kaunglin; Kang, Sukwon; Chan, Diane E.; Lefcourt, Alan


    This paper reported the development of hyperspectral fluorescence imaging system using ultraviolet-A excitation (320-400 nm) for detection of bovine fecal contaminants on the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of romaine lettuce and baby spinach leaves. Six spots of fecal contamination were applied to each of 40 lettuce and 40 spinach leaves. In this study, the wavebands at 666 nm and 680 nm were selected by the correlation analysis. The two-band ratio, 666 nm / 680 nm, of fluorescence intensity was used to differentiate the contaminated spots from uncontaminated leaf area. The proposed method could accurately detect all of the contaminated spots.

  7. Fecal specimens preparation methods for PCR diagnosis of human taeniosis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nunes Cáris Maroni


    Full Text Available Sample preparation and DNA extraction protocols for DNA amplification by PCR, which can be applied in human fecal samples for taeniasis diagnosis, are described. DNA extracted from fecal specimens with phenol/chloroform/isoamilic alcohol and DNAzol® reagent had to be first purified to generate fragments of 170 pb and 600 pb by HDP2-PCR. This purification step was not necessary with the use of QIAmp DNA stool mini kit®. Best DNA extraction results were achieved after eggs disruption with glass beads, either with phenol/chloroform/isoamilic alcohol, DNAzol® reagent or QIAmp DNA stool mini kit®.

  8. Can the outcome of pelvic-floor rehabilitation in patients with fecal incontinence be predicted?

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    M.P. Terra (Maaike); M. Deutekom (Marije); A.C. Dobben (Annette); C.G.M.I. Baeten; L.W.M. Janssen (Lucas); G.E. Boeckxstaens (Guy); A.F. Engel (Alexander); R.J.F. Felt-Bersma; J.F.W. Slors; M.F. Gerhards (Michael); A.B. Bijnen (Bart); E. Everhardt; W.R. Schouten (Ruud); B. Berghmans; P.M.M. Bossuyt (Patrick); J. Stoker (Jacob)


    textabstractPurpose: Pelvic-floor rehabilitation does not provide the same degree of relief in all fecal incontinent patients. We aimed at studying prospectively the ability of tests to predict the outcome of pelvic-floor rehabilitation in patients with fecal incontinence. Materials and methods: Two

  9. Consumo, digestibilidade dos nutrientes e parâmetros ruminais em bovinos alimentados com silagem de capim-mombaça Intake, digestibilities of the nutrients, and ruminal variables in cattle fed Mombaça-grass silage

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    B.R. Vieira


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o consumo, a digestibilidade aparente total e parcial dos nutrientes, o pH e a concentração de amônia ruminal em bovinos alimentados com silagem de capim-mombaça e concentrado nas seguintes proporções: 80:20, 65:35, 50:50 e 35:65, com base na matéria seca. Foram utilizados quatro animais Holandês x Zebu, com peso corporal médio inicial de 229kg, canulados no rúmen e abomaso, e distribuídos em quadrado latino 4x4. Os consumos de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO, proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE e carboidratos totais (CHOT, expressos em kg/dia, e a digestibilidade parcial dos carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF apresentaram comportamento linear crescente, com resposta platô nos níveis de concentrado de 54,1; 54,8; 52,9; 62,2; 55,2 e 52,7%. O consumo dos demais nutrientes, exceto da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, e as digestibilidades aparente total de MS, MO e CNF e a parcial de MO aumentaram linearmente com o incremento do concentrado nas dietas. Não foram encontradas diferenças no consumo e nas digestibilidades aparente total e parcial da FDN. Para concentração de amônia e pH ruminal, observou-se efeito quadrático de tempo de amostragem, com valores máximos de 24,76mg/dL e 6,53 em 2,8 e 3,5 horas após a alimentação, respectivamente.Intake; total and partial digestibilities of nutrients; and ruminal pH and ammonia concentration were evaluated in beef cattle fed Mombaça-grass silage and concentrate at the following proportions: 80:20, 65:35, 50:50, and 35:65, in the dry matter basis. Four Holstein x Zebu steers, with average live weight of 229kg, fitted with ruminal and abomasal canullae, were used. The animals were allotted in a 4x4 latin square design. The intakes of dry matter (DM, organic matter (OM, crude protein (CP, ether extract (EE, and total carbohydrates (kg/day, as well the partials digestibilities of non fibrous carbohydrates (NFC increased linearly with plateau at the concentrate

  10. Determining Sources of Fecal Contamination in Two Rivers of Northumberland County, Virginia


    Szeles, Cheryl Lynne


    DETERMINING SOURCES OF FECAL CONTAMINATION IN TWO RIVERS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, VIRGINIA By Cheryl Lynne Szeles Dr. Charles Hagedorn III, Chairman Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences (ABSTRACT) The goal of monitoring the water quality of shellfish beds is to provide protection against transmission of water-borne infectious diseases. The Coan River and the Little Wicomico River contain shellfish beds that are closed to harvest due to contamination with fecal ...

  11. Identification of hotspots and trends of fecal surface water pollution in developing countries (United States)

    Reder, Klara; Flörke, Martina; Alcamo, Joseph


    Water is the essential resource ensuring human life on earth, which can only prosper when water is available and accessible. But of importance is not only the quantity of accessible water but also its quality, which in case of pollution may pose a risk to human health. The pollutants which pose a risk to human health are manifold, covering several groups such as pathogens, nutrients, human pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, and others. With regards to human health, pathogen contamination is of major interest as 4% of all death and 5.7% of disability or ill health in the world can be attributed to poor water supply, sanitation and personal and domestic hygiene. In developing countries, 2.6 billion people lacked access to improved sanitation in 2011. The lack of sanitation poses a risk to surface water pollution which is a threat to human health. A typical indicator for pathogen pollution is fecal coliform bacteria. The objective our study is to assess fecal pollution in the developing regions Africa, Asia and Latin America using the large-scale water quality model WorldQual. Model runs were carried-out to calculate in-stream concentrations and the respective loadings reaching rivers for the time period 1990 to 2010. We identified hotspots of fecal coliform loadings and in-stream concentrations which were further analyzed and ranked in terms of fecal surface water pollution. Main findings are that loadings mainly originate from the domestic sector, thus loadings are high in highly populated areas. In general, domestic loadings can be attributed to the two subsectors domestic sewered and domestic non sewered. The spatial distribution of both sectors varies across catchments. Hotspot pattern of in-stream concentrations are similar to the loadings pattern although they are different in seasonality. As the dilution varies with climate its dilution capacity is high during seasons with high precipitation, which in turn decreases the in-stream concentrations. The fecal

  12. Medición de la concentración de sedimentos en suspensión mediante dispositivos ópticos y acústicos: aplicación en sistemas tropicales (Delta del río Mira, Colombia)


    Restrepo,Juan Camilo; Pierini,Jorge Omar


    En los últimos años, la utilización de dispositivos ópticos (e.g. Optical Backscatter Sensor, OBS) y acústicos (e.g. Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler-ADCP) ha permitido monitorear con mayor resolución la variabilidad temporal y espacial de la concentración de sedimentos en suspensión (CSS) en ambientes costeros y estuarinos. Sin embargo, la aplicación de estas técnicas en ambientes tropicales ha tenido un desarrollo incipiente. En el presente trabajo se implementó un procedimiento de calibra...

  13. Efecto de variedades de algodón genéticamente modificadas sobre larvas de Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sandra Jimena Valencia Cataño


    Full Text Available Spodoptera frugiperda es una plaga polífaga de importancia económica en países tropicales y subtropicales. En Colombia ataca el algodonero (Gossypium hirsutum L., cultivo que ha tomado importancia gracias a la adopción de variedades genéticamente modificadas (GM. En el estudio se determinaron los efectos subletales de algunas de estas variedades sobre larvas de este insecto. Para el efecto, en condiciones de laboratorio (27°C, 65 ± 10% HR y 12 h fotoperiodo se evaluaron las variedades NuOPAL RR (proteína Cry1Ac, DP141 B2RF (proteínas Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab y DeltaOPAL RR (no Bt. Los parámetros evaluados fueron: (a peso de larvas, (bpeso de heces, (c peso del alimento ofrecido y (d peso del alimento no consumido. Como índices de consumo y digestibilidad se calcularon la tasa relativa de consumo (TRCo, la tasa relativa de crecimiento (TRCr, la eficiencia de conversión del alimento ingerido (ECI y la digestibilidad aproximada (DA. Los índices mostraron actividad antialimentaria de la variedad DP141 B2RF (Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab que afecta de forma negativa la tasa de crecimiento y la conversión del alimento por parte de las larvas. El peso de las larvas alimentadas en DP141 B2RF (Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab fue 58.6% menor que en la variedad no Bt. Los resultados muestran un efecto adverso de la variedad DP141 B2RF (Cry1Ac+Cry2Ab en el desarrollo larval de S. frugiperda. Se confirman los efectos antibióticos de las variedades GM evaluadas que inciden en un menor desarrollo y en la supervivencia de las larvas.

  14. Digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e energia de ração suplementada com enzimas digestivas exógenas para juvenis de tambaqui (Colosssoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818 Apparent digestibility of nutrients and crude energy in diets with addition of exogenous digestive enzymes in tambaqui juveniles ( Colosssoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jorge Antonio Moreira da Silva


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adição de um compelxo multienzimático exógeno composto de amilase, protease, lipase e celulase, em rações de juvenis de tambaqui, sobre os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa da proteína bruta (PB, extrato etéreo (EE, carboidratos (ENN e energia bruta (EB. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (quatro níveis de inclusão de enzimas, 0,0; 0,05; 0,10; e 0,15 %, três repetições (no tempo e 10 peixes por unidade experimental. Foram utilizados 40 juvenis de tambaqui, com peso médio de 155,0 ± 0,49 g, distribuídos em quatro tanques de alimentação de 500 l, recebendo refeições à vontade das 8 às 12h, a cada hora. Em seguida os animais foram transferidos para coletores de fezes (200 l, onde permaneceram até às 18h, sendo a coleta de dejetos realizada a cada hora. A determinação dos CDa foi realizada pelo método indireto, sendo utilizado como indicador externo 0,5% de óxido de cromo-III (Cr2O3 incorporado à ração. Os resultados demonstraram que a suplementação das dietas com enzimas exógenas para juvenis de tambaqui aumenta a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e energia bruta, no nível de inclusão de 0,05% (PThe experiment evaluated the effect of dietary supplementation a multienzyme complex containing amylase, protease, lipase and cellulase for tambaqui juveniles on the apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs of crude protein (CP, ether extract (EE, carbohydrates (CHO and crude energy (CE. A completely randomized experimental design was used with four treatments (level of enzymes 0.0; 0.05; 0.10; and 0.15 % and three replicates (over time, with ten fish per experimental unity. Forty fish weighting 155.0 ± 0.49g were distributed in four 500 l feeding tanks and were fed hourly, from 8 to 12 AM. After this period, fish were transferred for fecal collection units until 6 PM, where feces were

  15. Clinical meaning of age-related expression of fecal cytokeratin 19 in colorectal malignancy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chang, Chun-Chao; Wu, Yih-Yiing; Yang, Ruey-Neng; Huang, Chi-Jung; Yang, Shung-Haur; Chien, Chih-Cheng; Chen, Shu-Hung; Pan, Shiann; Lee, Chia-Long; Lin, Chih-Ming; Sun, Hsiao-Lun; Huang, Chi-Cheng


    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of malignant death worldwide. Because young age of onset is often considered a poor prognostic factor for CRC, it is important to identify the poor outcomes of CRC in a younger population and to consider an aggressive approach by implementing early treatment. Our aim was to specifically quantify the fecal cytokeratin 19 (CK19) transcript from CRC patients and investigate its correlation with clinical stage, tumor malignancy, and age. The quantitation of fecal CK19 transcript was determined by a quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain in 129 CRC patients (45 younger than 60 years at diagnosis) and 85 healthy controls. The levels of CK19 protein were examined both in colonic cell lines and tissues. The analysis of 45 younger CRC patients (age ≤ 60 years) revealed that patients at the M1 stage had significantly higher expression levels of fecal CK19 mRNA when compared with healthy controls (p < 0.001) and patients at the M0 stage (p = 0.004). Additionally, the degree of consistency between the mean level of fecal CK19 mRNA and the distant metastatic rate in each age interval was up to 89% (p = 0.042). These results indicate that high levels of fecal CK19 mRNA represent a potential marker for colorectal malignancy and for aggressive treatment of younger CRC patients

  16. Fecal Contamination on Produce from Wholesale and Retail Food Markets in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (United States)

    Harris, Angela R; Islam, Mohammad Aminul; Unicomb, Leanne; Boehm, Alexandria B; Luby, Stephen; Davis, Jennifer; Pickering, Amy J


    Fresh produce items can become contaminated with enteric pathogens along the supply chain at the preharvest (e.g., irrigation water, soil, fertilizer) or postharvest (e.g., vendor handling or consumer handling) stages. This study assesses the concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria Escherichia coli , enterococci (ENT), and Bacteriodales on surfaces of carrots, eggplants, red amaranth leaves, and tomatoes obtained from both a wholesale market (recently harvested) and neighborhood retail markets in Dhaka, Bangladesh. We detected E. coli in 100% of carrot and red amaranth rinses, 92% of eggplant rinses, and 46% of tomato rinses. Using a molecular microbial source tracking assay, we found that 32% of produce samples were positive for ruminant fecal contamination. Fecal indicator bacteria were more likely to be detected on produce collected in retail markets compared with that in the wholesale market; retail market produce were 1.25 times more likely to have E. coli detected ( P = 0.03) and 1.24 times more likely to have ENT detected ( P = 0.03) as compared with wholesale market produce. Bacteriodales was detected in higher concentrations in retail market produce samples compared with wholesale market produce samples (0.40 log 10 gene copies per 100 cm 2 higher, P = 0.03). Our results suggest that ruminant and general fecal contamination of produce in markets in Dhaka is common, and suggest that unsanitary conditions in markets are an important source of produce fecal contamination postharvest.

  17. The influence of certain molecular descriptors of fecal elimination of angiotensin II receptor antagonists

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    Trbojević-Stanković Jasna B.


    Full Text Available Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs modulate the function of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and are commonly prescribed antihypertensive drugs, especially in patients with renal failure. In this study, the relationship between several molecular properties of seven ARBs (candesartan, eprosartan, irbesartan, losartan, olmesartan, telmisartan, valsartan and their fecal elimination data obtained from the literature were investigated. The ARB molecular descriptors were calculated using three software packages. Simple linear regression analysis showed the best 2 correlation between fecal elimination data and lipophilicity descriptor, ClogP values (R2 = 0.725. Multiple linear regression was applied to examine the correlation of ARBs’ fecal elimination data with their lipophilicity and one additional, calculated descriptor. The best correlation (R2 = 0.909 with an acceptable probability value, P <0.05 was established between the ARB fecal elimination data and their lipophilicity and aqueous solubility data. Applying computed molecular descriptors for evaluating drug elimination is of great importance in drug research.

  18. Weight gain after fecal microbiota transplantation. (United States)

    Alang, Neha; Kelly, Colleen R


    Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is a promising treatment for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. We report a case of a woman successfully treated with FMT who developed new-onset obesity after receiving stool from a healthy but overweight donor. This case may stimulate further studies on the mechanisms of the nutritional-neural-microbiota axis and reports of outcomes in patients who have used nonideal donors for FMT.

  19. Bifidobacterium-Rich Fecal Donor May Be a Positive Predictor for Successful Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (United States)

    Mizuno, Shinta; Masaoka, Tatsuhiro; Naganuma, Makoto; Kishimoto, Taishiro; Kitazawa, Momoko; Kurokawa, Shunya; Nakashima, Moeko; Takeshita, Kozue; Suda, Wataru; Mimura, Masaru; Hattori, Masahira; Kanai, Takanori


    Dysbiosis is associated with various systemic disorders including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) might restore intestinal microbial balance. The study aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of FMT in IBS patients, as well as also positive predictors for FMT. This was a single-arm, open-label study. Eligible patients were diagnosed based on Rome III Diagnostic Criteria. Fecal materials were administered to the patient via colonoscopy. The primary end point was a change in the Bristol stool form scale at 4 weeks after FMT. Recovery to types 3-4 was considered a clinical response. The secondary end point was a change in intestinal microbiota and psychological status using the Hamilton Rating Scale. Ten patients were enrolled. Six patients achieved a clinical response. The diversity of patients 4 weeks after FMT increased significantly compared with patients before FMT, and that of responding patients was significantly higher than non-responder patients. The abundance of Bifidobacterium in effective donors was significantly higher than in ineffective donors and patients. Psychological status of all patients was significantly improved after FMT. FMT for patients with IBS is safe, and relatively effective. Bifidobacterium-rich fecal donor may be a positive predictor for successful FMT. Key Summary: (1) Dysbiosis is associated with various gastrointestinal disorders including IBS. (2) FMT has potential to restore intestinal microbial balance. (3) We showed that FMT improved stool form and psychological status of IBS patients. (4) Bifidobacterium-rich donor efficiently induced symbiosis in IBS patients. © 2017 The Author(s) Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.

  20. Digestibilidade ileal aparente e verdadeira de aminoácidos de farinhas de carne e ossos para suínos Apparent and true ileal digestibility of meat and bone meals amino acids for swine

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    Paulo Cesar Pozza


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar a digestibilidade ileal aparente e verdadeira dos aminoácidos de seis diferentes farinhas de carne e ossos. Foram utilizados 12 suínos mestiços, machos castrados, com peso médio inicial de 52,5 ± 5,1 kg. Os animais foram previamente submetidos à cirurgia para implantação de cânula "T" simples no íleo terminal, e, após 20 dias de recuperação, foram distribuídos em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos, quatro repetições e um animal por unidade experimental. Ao término das duas primeiras repetições, os tratamentos foram redistribuídos para evitar que o mesmo animal recebesse a mesma dieta em duas repetições consecutivas. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta isenta de proteína à base de açúcar, amido, óleo e casca de arroz, tendo como única fonte protéica as farinhas de carne e ossos. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal aparente da lisina, treonina e metionina, das diferentes farinhas de carne e ossos variaram de 54,87 a 74,80; 62,62 a 81,19 e 72,35 a 85,46%, respectivamente, e a variação entre os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal verdadeira foram de 57,00 a 76,08; 66,26 a 83,07 e 73,76 a 86,39%, respectivamente, para a lisina, treonina e metionina. As farinhas de carne e ossos apresentaram grande variação, em função das diferentes amostras, quanto aos coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal aparentes e verdadeiros dos aminoácidos.The experiment was carried out to determine the apparent and true ileal digestibility of amino acids from six different meat and bone meals. Twelvecrossbred swines, castrated males, averaging 52.5 ± 5.1 kg initial weight, were used. The animals were previously submitted to the simple T canula surgery implantation at the terminal ileum and, after twenty days of recovery period, they were allotted to a randomized blocks design, with six treatments, four replicates and one animal per

  1. Dose response of PEG 3350 for the treatment of childhood fecal impaction. (United States)

    Youssef, Nader N; Peters, John M; Henderson, Wendy; Shultz-Peters, Sandra; Lockhart, Danielle K; Di Lorenzo, Carlo


    To investigate the efficacy and safety of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350 in the treatment of childhood fecal impaction. This was a prospective, double-blind, parallel, randomized study of 4 doses of PEG 3350; 0.25 g/kg per day, 0.5 g/kg per day, 1 g/kg per day, 1.5 g/kg per day, given for 3 days in children with constipation for >3 months and evidence of fecal impaction. Forty patients completed the study (27 boys, median age 7.5, range 3.3-13.1 years). Disimpaction occurred in 75% of children, with a significant difference between the two higher doses and the lower doses (95% vs 55%, P PEG 3350 is safe and effective in the treatment of childhood fecal impaction at doses of 1 and 1.5 g/kg per day.

  2. Core fecal microbiota of domesticated herbivorous ruminant, hindgut fermenters, and monogastric animals. (United States)

    O' Donnell, Michelle M; Harris, Hugh M B; Ross, R Paul; O'Toole, Paul W


    In this pilot study, we determined the core fecal microbiota composition and overall microbiota diversity of domesticated herbivorous animals of three digestion types: hindgut fermenters, ruminants, and monogastrics. The 42 animals representing 10 animal species were housed on a single farm in Ireland and all the large herbivores consumed similar feed, harmonizing two of the environmental factors that influence the microbiota. Similar to other mammals, the fecal microbiota of all these animals was dominated by the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla. The fecal microbiota spanning all digestion types comprised 42% of the genera identified. Host phylogeny and, to a lesser extent, digestion type determined the microbiota diversity in these domesticated herbivores. This pilot study forms a platform for future studies into the microbiota of nonbovine and nonequine domesticated herbivorous animals. © 2017 The Authors. MicrobiologyOpen published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Multiple modes of water quality impairment by fecal contamination in a rapidly developing coastal area: southwest Brunswick County, North Carolina. (United States)

    Cahoon, Lawrence B; Hales, Jason C; Carey, Erin S; Loucaides, Socratis; Rowland, Kevin R; Toothman, Byron R


    Fecal contamination of surface waters is a significant problem, particularly in rapidly developing coastal watersheds. Data from a water quality monitoring program in southwest Brunswick County, North Carolina, gathered in support of a regional wastewater and stormwater management program were used to examine likely modes and sources of fecal contamination. Sampling was conducted at 42 locations at 3-4-week intervals between 1996 and 2003, including streams, ponds, and estuarine waters in a variety of land use settings. Expected fecal sources included human wastewater systems (on-site and central), stormwater runoff, and direct deposition by animals. Fecal coliform levels were positively associated with rainfall measures, but frequent high fecal coliform concentrations at times of no rain indicated other modes of contamination as well. Fecal coliform levels were also positively associated with silicate levels, a groundwater source signal, indicating that flux of fecal-contaminated groundwater was a mode of contamination, potentially elevating FC levels in impacted waters independent of stormwater runoff. Fecal contamination by failing septic or sewer systems at many locations was significant and in addition to effects of stormwater runoff. Rainfall was also linked to fecal contamination by central sewage treatment system failures. These results highlight the importance of considering multiple modes of water pollution and different ways in which human activities cause water quality degradation. Management of water quality in coastal regions must therefore recognize diverse drivers of fecal contamination to surface waters.

  4. Consumo, digestibilidade de nutrientes e balanço de nitrogênio da silagem de capim-elefante com adição de pedúnculo de caju desidratado Intake, nutrients digestibility and nitrogen balance of elephant grass silages added different levels of dehydrated cashew stalk

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    Margareth Maria Teles


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de capim-elefante contendo níveis crescentes de pedúnculo de caju desidratado (PCD. Foram utilizados 20 ovinos machos e não castrados, seguindo o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (níveis de adição de 0; 4; 8; 12 e 16% e quatro repetições. Foram avaliados os consumos e a digestibilidades da matéria seca (MS, da matéria orgânica (MO, da proteína bruta (PB, da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, da fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, do extrato etéreo (EE, dos carboidratos totais (CHT, dos carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF, além do valor de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT e do balanço de nitrogênio (BN das silagens. A adição de PCD não influenciou os consumos de MS, MO, FDN, FDA, CHT e NDT expresso em % PV e g kg-1 PV0,75 e as digestibilidades da MO, PB, FDN, FDA e CHT das silagens. No entanto, a adição do PCD promoveu aumento nos consumos de PB, EE e CNF (% PV e g kg-1 PV0,75, nas digestibilidades do EE e dos CNF e no valor de NDT e balanço de nitrogênio. Por outro lado, a inclusão de PCD na ensilagem do capim-elefante promoveu efeito linear decrescente na digestibilidade da FDA das silagens. Conclui-se que as silagens com adição de PCD podem ser utilizadas como volumoso para ruminantes em razão das melhorias nos consumos de PB, EE e CNF e nas digestibilidades do EE e dos CNF, além do valor de NDT e BN das silagens, recomendando-se a adição de até 16% na matéria natural.The nutritive value of elephant grass silages, with increasing levels of dehydrated cashew stalk (DCS was evaluated. Five addition levels were studied (0; 4; 8; 12 and 16%, using 20 rams in a completely randomized design with five treatments (addition levels and four replicates (animals. Intake and digestibility of dry matter (DM, organic matter (OM, crude protein (CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF, acid detergent fiber (ADF

  5. Relief of fecal incontinence by sacral nerve stimulation linked to focal brain activation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lundby, Lilli; Møller, Arne; Buntzen, Steen


    This study aimed to test the hypothesis that sacral nerve stimulation affects afferent vagal projections to the central nervous system associated with frontal cortex activation in patients with fecal incontinence.......This study aimed to test the hypothesis that sacral nerve stimulation affects afferent vagal projections to the central nervous system associated with frontal cortex activation in patients with fecal incontinence....

  6. Comparison of the Fecal Microbiota in Feral and Domestic Goats

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    María G. Domínguez-Bello


    Full Text Available Animals have co-evolved with mutualistic microbial communities, known as the microbiota, which are essential for organ development and function. We hypothesize that modern animal husbandry practices exert an impact on the intestinal microbiota. In this study, we compared the structure of the fecal microbiota between feral and domestic goats using the G2 PhyloChip and assessed the presence of five tetracycline resistance genes [tet(M, tet(S, tet(O, tet(Q and tet(W] by PCR. Feces were collected from 10 goats: 5 domestic from a farm in the main island of Puerto Rico and 5 feral from the remote dry island of Mona. There were 42 bacterial phyla from 153 families detected in the goats’ feces. A total of 84 PhyloChip-OTUs were different in the fecal microbiota of feral and domestic goat. Both feral and domestic goats carried antibiotic resistance genes tet(O and tet(W, but domestic goats additionally carried tet(Q. Diet, host genetics and antibiotic exposure are likely determinant factors in shaping the intestinal microbiota and may explain the differences observed between feral and domestic goats fecal microbiota.

  7. Contribution of Colonic Fermentation and Fecal Water Toxicity to the Pathophysiology of Lactose-Intolerance. (United States)

    Windey, Karen; Houben, Els; Deroover, Lise; Verbeke, Kristin


    Whether or not abdominal symptoms occur in subjects with small intestinal lactose malabsorption might depend on differences in colonic fermentation. To evaluate this hypothesis, we collected fecal samples from subjects with lactose malabsorption with abdominal complaints (LM-IT, n = 11) and without abdominal complaints (LM-T, n = 8) and subjects with normal lactose digestion (NLD, n = 15). Lactose malabsorption was diagnosed using a (13)C-lactose breath test. Colonic fermentation was characterized in fecal samples at baseline and after incubation with lactose for 3 h, 6 h and 24 h through a metabolomics approach using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Fecal water cytotoxicity was analyzed using a colorimetric assay. Fecal water cytotoxicity was not different between the three groups (Kruskall-Wallis p = 0.164). Cluster analysis of the metabolite patterns revealed separate clusters for NLD, LM-T and LM-IT samples at baseline and after 24 h incubation with lactose. Levels of 5-methyl-2-furancarboxaldehyde were significantly higher in LM-IT and LM-T compared to NLD whereas those of an unidentified aldehyde were significantly higher in LM-IT compared to LM-T and NLD. Incubation with lactose increased short chain fatty acid (SCFA) concentrations more in LM-IT and LM-T compared to NLD. In conclusion, fermentation patterns were clearly different in NLD, LM-IT and LM-T, but not related to differences in fecal water cytotoxicity.

  8. Towards diagnostic metagenomics of Campylobacter in fecal samples

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Sandra Christine; Kiil, Kristoffer; Harder, Christoffer Bugge


    The development of diagnostic metagenomics is driven by the need for universal, culture-independent methods for detection and characterization of pathogens to substitute the time-consuming, organism-specific, and often culture-based laboratory procedures for epidemiological source-tracing. Some...... of the challenges in diagnostic metagenomics are, that it requires a great next-generation sequencing depth and unautomated data analysis. DNA from human fecal samples spiked with 7.75 × 101-7.75 × 107 colony forming unit (CFU)/ml Campylobacter jejuni and chicken fecal samples spiked with 1 × 102-1 × 106 CFU...... Campylobacter in all the clinical samples. Sensitivity in diagnostic metagenomics is improving and has reached a clinically relevant level. There are still challenges to overcome before real-time diagnostic metagenomics can replace quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) or culture-based surveillance...

  9. Isotopic nitrogen in fecal fiber as an indicator of winter diet in caribou and muskoxen (United States)

    Gustine, David D.; Barboza, Perry S.; Addison, Jennifer; Shively, Rachel; Oliver, Lola


    RATIONALE: The ratios of stable nitrogen isotopes (δ15N values) in excreta have been used to examine aspects of trophic and nutritional ecology across taxa. Nitrogen fractions in feces of herbivores include endogenous (e.g., sloughed intestinal cells, unresorbed digestive secretions, and microbial debris) and dietary sources. For animals such as large herbivores, that have diets and feces with high concentrations of indigestible fiber, endogenous 15N may constrain the use of fecal δ15N values to estimate dietary δ15N values and reconstruct diets. METHODS: We compared two techniques (detergent and detergent-free) to isolate fractions of plant fibers in the forages of caribou (Rangifer tarandus) and muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus); estimated the discrimination factors between the δ15N values of fecal fiber residues and of the diets of captive animals; and used the more effective isotopic tracer of dietary δ15N values to examine the relationships between the δ15N values of fecal residues and diet composition in several populations of wild caribou and muskoxen throughout North America in winter. RESULTS: The detergent-based approach contaminated the fractions of plant fibers in forages and feces with 14N, whereas the detergent-free method was a good proxy to estimate δ15N values of plant fibers (r2= 0.92) and provided a better estimate of the fecal-fiber to diet discrimination factor for both species (caribou = 3.6‰; muskoxen = 2.8‰). In wild populations, the δ15N values of fecal fibers reflected diet composition in muskoxen (adjusted R2= 0.43) but not caribou (adjusted R2= 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: Contamination from detergent residues prohibited the use of detergent extraction in isolating forage 15N from endogenous 15N in the feces of herbivores. Although δ15N values in fecal fibers can be used to track dietary δ15N values in wild herbivores, discrimination between fecal extracts and diet may vary with the contribution of endogenous nitrogen (N), and

  10. The Impact of Rainfall on Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Bayou Dorcheat (North Louisiana

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    Paul B. Tchounwou


    Full Text Available Fecal coliform bacteria are the most common pollutant in rivers and streams. In Louisiana, it has been reported that 37% of surveyed river miles, 31% of lakes, and 23% of estuarine water had some level of contamination. The objective of this research was to assess the effect of surface runoff amounts and rainfall amount parameters on fecal coliform bacterial densities in Bayou Dorcheat in Louisiana. Bayou Dorcheat has been designated by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality as a waterway that has uses such as primary contact recreation, secondary contact recreation, propagation of fish and wildlife, agriculture and as being an outstanding natural resource water. Samples from Bayou Dorcheat were collected monthly and analyzed for the presence of fecal coliforms. Fecal coliforms isolated from these samples were identified to the species level. The analysis of the bacterial levels was performed following standard test protocols as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. Information regarding the rainfall amounts and surface runoff amounts for the selected years was retrieved from the Louisiana Office of State Climatology. It was found that a significant increase in the fecal coliform numbers may be associated with average rainfall amounts. Possible sources of elevated coliform counts could include sewage discharges from municipal treatment plants and septic tanks, storm water overflows, and runoff from pastures and range lands. It can be concluded that nonpoint source pollution that is carried by surface runoff has a significant effect on bacterial levels in water resources.

  11. An Improved Methodology to Overcome Key Issues in Human Fecal Metagenomic DNA Extraction

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    Jitendra Kumar


    Full Text Available Microbes are ubiquitously distributed in nature, and recent culture-independent studies have highlighted the significance of gut microbiota in human health and disease. Fecal DNA is the primary source for the majority of human gut microbiome studies. However, further improvement is needed to obtain fecal metagenomic DNA with sufficient amount and good quality but low host genomic DNA contamination. In the current study, we demonstrate a quick, robust, unbiased, and cost-effective method for the isolation of high molecular weight (>23 kb metagenomic DNA (260/280 ratio >1.8 with a good yield (55.8 ± 3.8 ng/mg of feces. We also confirm that there is very low human genomic DNA contamination (eubacterial: human genomic DNA marker genes = 227.9:1 in the human feces. The newly-developed method robustly performs for fresh as well as stored fecal samples as demonstrated by 16S rRNA gene sequencing using 454 FLX+. Moreover, 16S rRNA gene analysis indicated that compared to other DNA extraction methods tested, the fecal metagenomic DNA isolated with current methodology retains species richness and does not show microbial diversity biases, which is further confirmed by qPCR with a known quantity of spike-in genomes. Overall, our data highlight a protocol with a balance between quality, amount, user-friendliness, and cost effectiveness for its suitability toward usage for culture-independent analysis of the human gut microbiome, which provides a robust solution to overcome key issues associated with fecal metagenomic DNA isolation in human gut microbiome studies.

  12. Disponibilidade de ferro, digestibilidade de proteína e teor de β-caroteno em formulados alternativos de baixo custo para alimentação enteral de idosos

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    Karina de Oliveira Calheiros


    Full Text Available O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi elaborar formulados alternativos à base de mistura de alimentos convencionais provenientes da cesta básica distribuída por entidades do município de Piracicaba-SP, entre outros alimentos, com o intuito de suplementar a alimentação enteral de idosos. Os alimentos utilizados para elaboração dos formulados foram fubá, óleo de soja, arroz, feijão, macarrão, sardinha, leite em pó, amido de milho, ovos, proteína texturizada de soja, couve-manteiga e cenoura. Foram realizadas análises químicas: composição centesimal, digestibilidade de proteína, determinação do mineral ferro, diálise de ferro in vitro, determinação de β-caroteno e fatores antinutricionais, assim como fenólicos totais e ácido fítico; e análise de custos dos formulados. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos às análises estatísticas empregando o teste de Tukey e análises de regressão. Concluiu-se com este estudo que os formulados líquidos apresentaram os melhores resultados nutricionais e viabilidade econômica. Dentre estes, podem-se eleger duas alternativas. O formulado F3 se destacou na disponibilidade de ferro, quantidades de β-caroteno e digestibilidade. O formulado F4 se destacou na distribuição do valor calórico total de macronutrientes. Os formulados contribuem com percentual médio de 20% de adequação para idosos, quando ingeridas duas porções de 250 mL/dia de formulados líquidos ou em pó.

  13. CALCIUM SOURCE EFFECT ON APPARENT DIGESTIBILITY OF GRASS HAY Brachiaria decumbens Staph cv. Basiliski EFEITO DA FONTE DE CÁLCIO (calcário vs Lithothamnium calcareum NA DIGESTIBILIDADE APARENTE DE CAPIM Brachiaria decumbens Staph cv. Basiliski

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    Deborah Gonçalves Rodrigues


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    An experiment was developed to determine the effect of addition of the marine alga Lithothamnium calcareum in the apparent digestibility of a low quality forage. Twelve adult lambs were kept in metabolical individual cages using a randomly design with three replications and four treatments as follows: I - Brachiaria decumbens grass hay, processed after the seed harvest; II - Hay plus 1000 ppm of calcium from CaCO3 (p.a.; III - Hay plus 1000 ppm of calcium from mineral supplement of alga; IV - Hay plus 2000 ppm of calcium from mineral supplement of alga. The mineral supplement of alga increased the digestibility of crude protein in 7,5% with dosage 1000 ppm and in 12% with dosage of 2000 ppm, when compared with control treatment, but such changes were not significant (P < 0,05. No differences were observed for dry matter and crude fiber.

    Um experimento foi conduzido para determinar o efeito da adição de alga marinha Lithothamnium calcareum na digestibilidade aparente de uma forragem de baixa qualidade. Doze carneiros adultos foram distribuídos em gaiolas metabólicas, inteiramente casualizadas com três repetições. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: I - Feno de capim Brachiaria decumbens, confeccionado após a colheita das sementes; II - Feno mais 1000 ppm de cálcio proveniente do carbonato de cálcio (p.a.; III - Feno mais 1000 ppm de cálcio proveniente do suplemento mineral de alga (L.C. - 400; IV - Feno mais 2000 ppm de cálcio proveniente do suplemento mineral de alga (L.C. - 400. O suplemento mineral aumentou a digestibilidade da proteína bruta em 7,5% na dosagem de 1000 ppm e em l2% na dosagem de 2000 ppm, quando comparados ao tratamento controle, mas tais mudanças não foram significativas (P < 0,05. Não alterou a digestibilidade da matéria seca e fibra bruta.

  14. Efecto del nivel de inclusión de soya en la digestibilidad in vitro de la harina de piscidium de Moringa oleifera Effect of the soybean inclusion rate on the in vitro digestibility of the meal from Moringa oleifera pods

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    I. L Montejo


    Full Text Available El trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la inclusión de harina de soya, en forma de reactivo para simular el efecto de un concentrado proteínico, en la digestibilidad in vitro de la harina de piscidium (vainas de moringa. Se evaluaron nueve tratamientos de piscidium de moringa:soya (100:0; 90:10; 80:20; 70:30; 60:40; 50:50; 40:60; 20:80 y 0:100, con un diseño completamente aleatorizado y tres réplicas por cada tratamiento. Se observó un incremento en la producción de gas con el aumento del porcentaje de inclusión de soya; la digestibilidad verdadera tuvo un comportamiento similar. En cambio, la producción de biomasa microbiana alcanzó su mayor valor con la inclusión de la soya al 10%. Se concluye que la adición de la soya mejora la digestibilidad de las vainas de moringa, y que la eficiencia óptima de aprovechamiento de esta dieta se alcanza con la inclusión del 10% de soya.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of soybean meal, in this case in a way of a lab reactive, simulating a conventional protein concentrate, on the in vitro digestibility of the meal from Moringa oleifera pods. Nine treatments of M. oleifera pods:soybean were evaluated (100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, 60:40, 50:50, 40:60, 20:80 and 0:100, with a completely randomized design and three replications per treatment. An increase was observed in gas production with the increase of the soybean inclusion percentage; the true digestibility had a similar performance. On the contrary, the production of microbial biomass reached its higher value with the inclusion of 10% soybean. The addition of soybean is concluded to improve the digestibility of the M. oleifera pods, and the optimum utilization efficiency of this diet is reached with the inclusion of 10% soybean.

  15. Lachnospiraceae and Bacteroidales Alternative Fecal Indicators Reveal Chronic Human Sewage Contamination in an Urban Harbor▿† (United States)

    Newton, Ryan J.; VandeWalle, Jessica L.; Borchardt, Mark A.; Gorelick, Marc H.; McLellan, Sandra L.


    The complexity of fecal microbial communities and overlap among human and other animal sources have made it difficult to identify source-specific fecal indicator bacteria. However, the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies now provides increased sequencing power to resolve microbial community composition within and among environments. These data can be mined for information on source-specific phylotypes and/or assemblages of phylotypes (i.e., microbial signatures). We report the development of a new genetic marker for human fecal contamination identified through microbial pyrotag sequence analysis of the V6 region of the 16S rRNA gene. Sequence analysis of 37 sewage samples and comparison with database sequences revealed a human-associated phylotype within the Lachnospiraceae family, which was closely related to the genus Blautia. This phylotype, termed Lachno2, was on average the second most abundant fecal bacterial phylotype in sewage influent samples from Milwaukee, WI. We developed a quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay for Lachno2 and used it along with the qPCR-based assays for human Bacteroidales (based on the HF183 genetic marker), total Bacteroidales spp., and enterococci and the conventional Escherichia coli and enterococci plate count assays to examine the prevalence of fecal and human fecal pollution in Milwaukee's harbor. Both the conventional fecal indicators and the human-associated indicators revealed chronic fecal pollution in the harbor, with significant increases following heavy rain events and combined sewer overflows. The two human-associated genetic marker abundances were tightly correlated in the harbor, a strong indication they target the same source (i.e., human sewage). Human adenoviruses were routinely detected under all conditions in the harbor, and the probability of their occurrence increased by 154% for every 10-fold increase in the human indicator concentration. Both Lachno2 and human Bacteroidales increased specificity to

  16. Globalización, desigualdad y transmisión de las enfermedades tropicales en el Amazonas venezolano Globalization, inequality, and transmission of tropical diseases in the Venezuelan Amazon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos Botto-Abella


    Full Text Available La globalización económica ha acentuado la desigualdad y la vulnerabilidad a las enfermedades tropicales en todo el mundo. La población del Amazonas venezolano y particularmente la población indígena del interior del Estado es uno de los segmentos más desfavorecidos de las Américas a juzgar por los indicadores de salud. Las tasas de mortalidad infantil observadas en poblaciones indígenas en áreas remotas indican que han sido afectadas por la globalización de las enfermedades, pero no se han beneficiado de la globalización de la salud. Por otra parte, la globalización ha influido en las políticas públicas lo cual afectó la eficiencia de los programas de control de enfermedades tropicales en Amazonas. Un nuevo pacto mundial para el desarrollo sostenible de la aldea global es necesario, a través de la "globalización" de los valores y los derechos comunes de la humanidad. En Venezuela, nuevas políticas dirigidas hacia el subsector de salud indígena, más recursos y mayor autonomía de acción pueden ayudar a reducir las inequidades aquí descritas en el Amazonas venezolano.Economic globalization appears to be causing greater inequalities and increased vulnerability to tropical diseases around the world. The Venezuelan Amazon population, especially the rural indigenous population, displays among the worst health indicators in the Americas. High infant mortality rates in remote indigenous populations indicate that such communities have been affected by the globalization of disease, rather than favored by globalization of health. Globalization has also influenced public policies in the country, affecting the efficiency of control programs targeting tropical diseases. A new global pact for the sustainable development of the planet is needed, supported by the globalization of human values and rights. In Venezuela, new policies for the indigenous health sector, more resources, and greater autonomy could help reduce the inequities

  17. Recovery of the gut microbiome following fecal microbiota transplantation. (United States)

    Seekatz, Anna M; Aas, Johannes; Gessert, Charles E; Rubin, Timothy A; Saman, Daniel M; Bakken, Johan S; Young, Vincent B


    Clostridium difficile infection is one of the most common health care-associated infections, and up to 40% of patients suffer from recurrence of disease following standard antibiotic therapy. Recently, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has been successfully used to treat recurrent C. difficile infection. It is hypothesized that FMT aids in recovery of a microbiota capable of colonization resistance to C. difficile. However, it is not fully understood how this occurs. Here we investigated changes in the fecal microbiota structure following FMT in patients with recurrent C. difficile infection, and imputed a hypothetical functional profile based on the 16S rRNA profile using a predictive metagenomic tool. Increased relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and decreased abundance of Proteobacteria were observed following FMT. The fecal microbiota of recipients following transplantation was more diverse and more similar to the donor profile than the microbiota prior to transplantation. Additionally, we observed differences in the imputed metagenomic profile. In particular, amino acid transport systems were overrepresented in samples collected prior to transplantation. These results suggest that functional changes accompany microbial structural changes following this therapy. Further identification of the specific community members and functions that promote colonization resistance may aid in the development of improved treatment methods for C. difficile infection. Within the last decade, Clostridium difficile infection has surpassed other bacterial infections to become the leading cause of nosocomial infections. Antibiotic use, which disrupts the gut microbiota and its capability in providing colonization resistance against C. difficile, is a known risk factor in C. difficile infection. In particular, recurrent C. difficile remains difficult to treat with standard antibiotic therapy. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has provided a successful treatment method for

  18. Characterizing relationships among fecal indicator bacteria ... (United States)

    Bed sediments of streams and rivers may store high concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and pathogens. Due to resuspension events, these contaminants can be mobilized into the water column and affect overall water quality. Other bacterial indicators such as microbial source tracking (MST) markers, developed to determine potential sources of fecal contamination, can also be resuspended from bed sediments. The primary objective of this study was to predict occurrence of waterborne pathogens in water and streambed sediments using a simple statistical model that includes traditionally measured FIB, environmental parameters and source allocation, using MST markers as predictor variables. Synoptic sampling events were conducted during baseflow conditions downstream from agricultural (AG), forested (FORS), and wastewater pollution control plant (WPCP) land uses. Concentrations of FIB and MST markers were measured in water and sediments, along with occurrences of the enteric pathogens Campylobacter, Listeria and Salmonella, and the virulence gene that carries Shiga toxin, stx2. Pathogens were detected in water more often than in underlying sediments. Shiga toxin was significantly related to land use, with concentrations of the ruminant marker selected as an independent variable that could correctly classify 76% and 64% of observed Shiga toxin occurrences in water and sediment, respectively. FIB concentrations and water quality parameters were also selected a

  19. The fecal microbiome of ALS patients. (United States)

    Brenner, David; Hiergeist, Andreas; Adis, Carolin; Mayer, Benjamin; Gessner, André; Ludolph, Albert C; Weishaupt, Jochen H


    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative motor neuron disease accompanied by both systemic and central nervous system-specific inflammation as well as deregulated energy metabolism. These potential pathogenetic factors have recently been found to mutually interact with the gut microbiota, raising the hypothesis of a link between microbiome alterations and ALS pathogenesis. The aim of our study was to assess whether ALS is associated with an altered composition of the fecal microbiota. We compared the fecal microbiota of 25 ALS patients with 32 age- and gender-matched healthy persons using 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis. Confounding factors and secondary disease effects on the microbiome were minimized by selection of patients without dysphagia, gastrostomy, noninvasive ventilation, or reduced body mass index. Comparing the 2 carefully matched groups, the diversity and the abundance of the bacterial taxa on the different taxonomic levels as well as PICRUSt-predicted metagenomes were almost indistinguishable. Significant differences between ALS patients and healthy controls were only observed with regard to the overall number of microbial species (operational taxonomic units) and in the abundance of uncultured Ruminococcaceae. Conclusively, ALS patients do not exhibit a substantial alteration of the gut microbiota composition. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. [Isolation methods and diversity of culturable fecal actinobacteria associated with Panthera tigris tigris in Yunnan Safari Park]. (United States)

    Cao, Yanru; Jiang, Yi; Li, Youlong; Chen, Xiu; Jin, Rongxian; He, Wenxiang


    We studied the isolation methods and diversity of culturable fecal actinobacteria associated with Panthera tigris tigris by using culture-dependent approaches. Fresh fecal samples of healthy Panthera tigris tigris were collected from Yunnan Safari Park. Pretreatment of the samples, isolation media and inhibitors were tested for actinobacteria isolation. 16S rRNA genes of actinobacteria were sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. The abundance of culturable actinobacteria was 1.10 x 10(8) cfu/g colony forming units (CFU) per gram of feces (wet weight). We obtained 110 purified cultural actinobacterium strains. The analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these strains were distributed in 10 different families and 12 genera of actinobacteria at least, and most of them were non-filamentous, such as Arthrobacter, Dietzia, Kocuria, Corynebacterium and Microbacterium. Streptomyces was the mainly classical filamentous actinobacteria, and up to 64% of total. Drying and heating up the fecal samples can greatly increase the rate of the actinobacteria. Many kinds of inhibitors and chemical defined media are suitable for isolation of fecal actinobacteria. The culturable actinobacteria are abundant in Panthera tigris tigris feces. Our study found an effective method to isolate animals' fecal actinobacteria and it's useful for studying and exploiting animals' fecal actinobacteria.

  1. Dietary effects on human fecal microbiota


    Simões, Catarina


    The establishment of microbial populations in the gastrointestinal (GI)-tract is a complex process, involving microbial and host interactions eventually resulting in a dense and stable population. Recently, the identification of microbial species from fecal samples has become more accurate with the use of 16S RNA gene-based methods. However, although these molecular-based detection methods have apparent benefits over culture-based techniques, they involve potential pitfalls that should be tak...

  2. Caffeine as an indicator of human fecal contamination in the Sinos River: a preliminary study

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R Linden

    Full Text Available The preservation of hydric resources is directly related to fecal contamination monitoring, in order to allow the development of strategies for the management of polluting sources. In the present study, twenty-five water samples from six water public supply collection sites were used for the evaluation of the presence of caffeine, total and fecal coliforms. Caffeine was detected in all samples, with concentrations ranging from 0.15 ng mL–1 to 16.72 ng mL–1. Total coliforms were detected in all samples, with concentrations in the range of 52 NMP/100 mL to higher than 24196 NMP/100 mL, whether the concentration range for fecal coliforms was in the range of below 1 NMP/100 mL to 7800 NMP/100 mL. No significant correlation was found between total coliforms and caffeine concentrations (rs = 0.35, p = 0.09. However, a moderate correlation between fecal coliforms and caffeine concentrations was found (rs = 0.412, p

  3. Can fecal microbiota transplantation cure irritable bowel syndrome?

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Halkjær, Sofie Ingdam; Boolsen, Anders Watt; Günther, Stig


    AIM: To verify the utility of treatment with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). METHODS: We searched EMBASE, Cochrane Library and PubMed in March, 2017. The reviewed literature was based on two systematic searches in each of the databases. The Me...

  4. Inactivation of fecal bacteria in drinking water by solar heating. (United States)

    Joyce, T M; McGuigan, K G; Elmore-Meegan, M; Conroy, R M


    We report simulations of the thermal effect of strong equatorial sunshine on water samples contaminated with high populations of fecal coliforms. Water samples, heavily contaminated with a wild-type strain of Escherichia coli (starting population = 20 x 10(5) CFU/ml), are heated to those temperatures recorded for 2-liter samples stored in transparent plastic bottles and exposed to full Kenyan sunshine (maximum water temperature, 55 degrees C). The samples are completely disinfected within 7 h, and no viable E. coli organisms are detected at either the end of the experiment or a further 12 h later, showing that no bacterial recovery has occurred. The feasibility of employing solar disinfection for highly turbid, fecally contaminated water is discussed.

  5. The presence and near-shore transport of human fecal pollution in Lake Michigan beaches (United States)

    Molloy, S.L.; Liu, L.B.; Phanikumar, M.S.; Jenkins, T.M.; Wong, M.V.; Rose, J.B.; Whitman, R.L.; Shively, D.A.; Nevers, M.B.


    The Great Lakes are a source of water for municipal, agricultural and industrial use, and support significant recreation, commercial and sport fishing industries. Every year millions of people visit the 500 plus recreational beaches in the Great Lakes. An increasing public health risk has been suggested with increased evidence of fecal contamination at the shoreline. To investigate the transport and fate of fecal pollution at Great Lakes beaches and the health risk associated with swimming at these beaches, the near-shore waters of Mt Baldy Beach, Lake Michigan and Trail Creek, a tributary discharging into the lake were examined for fecal pollution indicators. A model of surf zone hydrodynamics coupled with a transport model with first-order inactivation of pollutant was used to understand the relative importance of different processes operating in the surf zone (e.g. physical versus biological processes). The Enterococcus human fecal pollution marker, which targets a putative virulence factor, the enterococcal surface protein (esp) in Enterococcus faecium, was detected in 2/28 samples (7%) from the tributaries draining into Lake Michigan and in 6/30 samples (20%) from Lake Michigan beaches. Preliminary analysis suggests that the majority of fecal indicator bactateria variation and water quality changes at the beaches can be explained by inputs from the influential stream and hydrometeorological conditions. Using modeling methods to predict impaired water quality may help reduce potential health threats to recreational visitors.

  6. New light on R.E.G. Pichi Sermolli’s plants from the Lake Tana expedition in 1937 – an important collection from Ethiopia at the Centro Studi Erbario Tropicale (FT)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Friis, Ib


    At the age of 24, R.E.G. Pichi Sermolli (1912–2005) travelled to Ethiopia as botanist on the Missione di Studio al Lago Tana, staying in Eritrea and Ethiopia from early January to late April 1937. The expedition was organized by the Centro Studi per l’Africa Orientale Italiana under the Reale...... Accademia d’Italia and resulted in 2649 collections of flowering plants. During the subsequent years of war, Pichi Sermolli had no time for his Ethiopian collections, but in 1947 he was able to identify them on visits to Geneva, Paris, Kew and London. Erbario Tropicale (FT) received the first set...

  7. Enterococcus and Escherichia coli fecal source apportionment with microbial source tracking genetic markers - is it feasible? (United States)

    Fecal pollution is measured in surface waters using culture-based measurements of enterococci and Escherichia coli bacteria. Source apportionment of these two fecal indicator bacteria is an urgent need for prioritizing remediation efforts and quantifying health risks associated...

  8. Predicting fecal coliform using the interval-to-interval approach and SWAT in the Miyun watershed, China. (United States)

    Bai, Jianwen; Shen, Zhenyao; Yan, Tiezhu; Qiu, Jiali; Li, Yangyang


    Pathogens in manure can cause waterborne-disease outbreaks, serious illness, and even death in humans. Therefore, information about the transformation and transport of bacteria is crucial for determining their source. In this study, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was applied to simulate fecal coliform bacteria load in the Miyun Reservoir watershed, China. The data for the fecal coliform were obtained at three sampling sites, Chenying (CY), Gubeikou (GBK), and Xiahui (XH). The calibration processes of the fecal coliform were conducted using the CY and GBK sites, and validation was conducted at the XH site. An interval-to-interval approach was designed and incorporated into the processes of fecal coliform calibration and validation. The 95% confidence interval of the predicted values and the 95% confidence interval of measured values were considered during calibration and validation in the interval-to-interval approach. Compared with the traditional point-to-point comparison, this method can improve simulation accuracy. The results indicated that the simulation of fecal coliform using the interval-to-interval approach was reasonable for the watershed. This method could provide a new research direction for future model calibration and validation studies.

  9. Effects of high- and low-fiber diets on fecal fermentation and fecal microbial populations of captive chimpanzees

    Czech Academy of Sciences Publication Activity Database

    Kišidayová, S.; Váradyová, Z.; Pristaš, P.; Piknová, M.; Nigutová, K.; Petrželková, Klára Judita; Profousová, Ilona; Schovancová, Kateřina; Kamler, Jiří; Modrý, David


    Roč. 71, č. 7 (2009), s. 548-557 ISSN 0275-2565 R&D Projects: GA ČR GA524/06/0264 Grant - others:VEGA(SK) 2/0009/08; MVTS(SK) SK-CZ-0086-07 Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z60930519; CEZ:AV0Z60220518 Keywords : chimpanzee * fiber * diet * in vitro fecal fermentation * DGGE * archaea * eubacteria Subject RIV: GJ - Animal Vermins ; Diseases, Veterinary Medicine Impact factor: 1.565, year: 2009

  10. Quality and digestibility of dry foods from different commercial categories for adult dogs Qualidade e digestibilidade de alimentos comerciais de diferentes segmentos de mercado para cães adultos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luciana Domingues de Oliveira


    Full Text Available The chemical composition, apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC and metabolizable energy (ME of 16 adult dog foods of different commercial categories were determined. The products were classified as superpremium (n=5, premium (n=6 and economic (n-5. The ADC was estimated using the chromic oxide method, in a randomly assigned experiment. The superpremium foods presented higher nutricional densities: the protein content was 9 and 5 point percent higher than economical and premium foods, respectively, while fat content was 7 and 4.5 point percent higher. Economic foods presented low protein and high crude fiber and ash. There were products with higher crude fiber and ash than that declared by the manufacturers. Then mean ADC of superpremium, premium and economic products were, respectively, 81.5, 74.7 and 59.25% for dry matter, 83.2, 76.9 and 66.2% for crude protein, and 85.6, 81.5 and 65.8% for crude energy. These results were significantly different (P<0,05, which indicates a high digestibility for superpremium products and very low digestibility for economic ones. Variations among foods were important in the premium and economic categories, since products with different quality were found in a given commercial category. Because of its chemical composition and digestibility, the economic diets presented low ME (2.7kcal/g. Possibly, the selection of ingredients and industrial processing were responsible for the large difference in quality among products. Digestibility has proved to be an important tool when used in association with chemical composition in the production, evaluation and classification of foods for dogs and cats.Foram avaliados a composição química, coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA e energia metabolizável (EM de 16 rações de diferentes segmentos comerciais, destinadas a cães adultos. Os produtos foram divididos em super-premium (n=5, premium (n=6 e econômicos (n=5. Os CDA foram estimados pelo óxido cr

  11. Fecal bacteria in the rivers of the Seine drainage network (France): sources, fate and modelling. (United States)

    Servais, Pierre; Garcia-Armisen, Tamara; George, Isabelle; Billen, Gilles


    The Seine river watershed (France) is a deeply anthropogenically impacted area, due to the high population density, intense industrial activities and intensive agriculture. The water quality and ecological functioning of the different rivers of the Seine drainage network have been extensively studied during the last fifteen years within the framework of a large French multidisciplinary scientific program (PIREN Seine program). This paper presents a synthesis of the main data gained in the scope of this program concerning the microbiological water contamination of the rivers of the Seine drainage network. The more common indicator of fecal contamination (fecal coliforms) was mainly used; some complementary works used E. coli and intestinal enterococci as alternative fecal indicators. Point sources (outfall of wastewater treatment plants) and non point sources (surface runoff and soil leaching) of fecal pollution to the rivers of the watershed were quantified. Results showed that, at the scale of a large urbanised watershed as the Seine basin, the input of fecal micro-organisms by non-point sources is much lower than the inputs by point sources. However, the local impact of diffuse non-human sources (especially surface runoff of pastured fields) can be of major importance on the microbiological quality of small headwater rivers. Fecal contamination of the main rivers of the Seine watershed (Seine, Marne, Oise rivers) was studied showing high level of microbiological pollution when compared to European guidelines for bathing waters. The strong negative impact of treated wastewater effluents outfall on the microbiological quality of receiving rivers was observed in different areas of the watershed. Once released in rivers, culturable fecal bacteria disappeared relatively rapidly due to mortality (protozoan grazing, lysis) or loss of culturability induced by stress conditions (sunlight effect, nutrient concentration, temperature). Mortality rates of E. coli were studied

  12. Use of Anal Acoustic Reflectometry in the Evaluation of Men With Passive Fecal Leakage

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hornung, Benjamin R; Telford, Karen J; Carlson, Gordon L


    with greater sensitivity and discriminatory ability than conventional anal manometry. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine whether men with fecal leakage have an abnormality in anal sphincter function that is detectable by anal acoustic reflectometry. DESIGN: This was an age-matched study......BACKGROUND: Men with passive fecal leakage represent a distinct clinical entity in which the pathophysiology remains unclear. Standard anorectal investigations fail to demonstrate consistent abnormalities in this group. Anal acoustic reflectometry is a new test of anal sphincter function...... of continent and incontinent men. SETTINGS: The study was conducted at a university teaching hospital. PATIENTS: Male patients with isolated symptoms of fecal leakage were recruited. Anal acoustic reflectometry, followed by conventional anal manometry, was performed. Results were then compared with those from...

  13. Waveband selection and algorithm development to distinguish fecal contamination using multispectral imaging with solar light (United States)

    Fecal contamination in fresh produce fields caused by animals or livestock entering the fields can lead to outbreaks of foodbourne illnesses. E.coli O157:H7 originating in the intestines of animals can transfer onto leafy greens via fecal matter. Leafy greens are often eaten fresh without thermal tr...

  14. Comparação da técnica do saco de náilon móvel com o método de coleta total para determinar a digestibilidade dos nutrientes de alimentos volumosos em eqüinos Comparison of the mobile nylon bag technique with the total collection method to determinate the forages nutrient digestibilities in equine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kleber Villela Araújo


    Full Text Available Foram realizados dois ensaios com o objetivo de avaliar a precisão da técnica do saco de náilon móvel em relação ao método de coleta total de fezes, para estimar a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes de alimentos volumosos em eqüinos. Foram utilizados seis cavalos adultos sem raça definida, com idade média de sete anos. No primeiro ensaio, foram avaliados os valores de digestibilidade do nutrientes do feno de capim coast-cross, por intermédio da técnica do saco de náilon móvel, com amostra moída em três diferentes granulometrias por meio do método de coleta total de fezes. No segundo ensaio, foram comparados os dois métodos para estimar a digestibilidade, utilizando como alimento teste o capim-elefante. Foi avaliado em laboratório o desaparecimento dos nutrientes das amostras de feno de capim coast-cross e capim-elefante moídas em três diferentes granulometrias, após a lavagem dos sacos em água. Foi usado um delineamento em blocos casualizados, no qual cada cavalo constituiu o bloco, e os métodos de determinação da digestibilidade, os tratamentos. Os resultados mostraram que a técnica do saco de náilon móvel com amostra moída a 1 mm é bom método de estimativa de digestibilidade aparente de MS, EB e hemicelulose, para o feno de capim coast-cross, enquanto para o capim-elefante, a amostra moída a 5 mm é precisa para estimar a digestibilidade aparente da MS, EB e FDN. A moagem das amostras de feno de capim coast-cross e capim-elefante a 1 mm proporcionou a maior perda de partículas dos sacos de náilon, após lavagem em água.Two assays were carried out to evaluate the precision of the mobile nylon bag technique in relation to the total collection method, to estimate the apparent digestibility of nutrients of the forages in equines. Six adult crossbred horses averaging seven years old were used. In first assay, the values of digestibility of the nutrients of coast-cross hay were compared using the mobile nylon

  15. Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: Current Applications, Effectiveness, and Future Perspectives

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    Hyun Ho Choi


    Full Text Available Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT is the infusion of liquid filtrate feces from a healthy donor into the gut of a recipient to cure a specific disease. A fecal suspension can be administered by nasogastric or nasoduodenal tube, colonoscope, enema, or capsule. The high success rate and safety in the short term reported for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection has elevated FMT as an emerging treatment for a wide range of disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, myoclonus dystopia, multiple sclerosis, obesity, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and autism. There are many unanswered questions regarding FMT, including donor selection and screening, standardized protocols, long-term safety, and regulatory issues. This article reviews the efficacy and safety of FMT used in treating a variety of diseases, methodology, criteria for donor selection and screening, and various concerns regarding FMT.

  16. Efeito da inclusão de diferentes fontes lipídicas e óleo mineral na dieta sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e os níveis plasmáticos de gordura em equinos Inclusion of different fat sources and mineral oil in equine diet

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rodrigo Martins Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de gordura de origem animal ou vegetal e de óleo mineral sobre a aceitabilidade, a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e as concentrações plasmáticas de triglicérides e colesterol em equinos. Utilizaram-se quatro potros de 13 a 16 meses de idade recebendo dieta contendo feno de gramínea e concentrado, em delineamento quadrado latino, analisado por contrastes ortogonais. A aceitabilidade não foi influenciada pela quantidade nem pelo tipo de óleo adicionado às dietas. Os menores valores de digestibilidade de matéria seca (MS, matéria orgânica (MO e extrato etéreo (EE foram observados para as dietas acrescidas de óleo mineral (58,90; 60,29 e 32,02% em comparação à dieta controle, cujos valores foram de 62,58; 64,41 e 77,72%. O coeficiente de digestibilidade do EE obtido com a dieta com óleo mineral foi menor (32,02% que o obtido para as dietas com gordura animal (90,26% e gordura vegetal (86,47%. A dieta com óleo mineral reduziu a concentração de HDL-C (68,75 mg/dL em relação à dieta controle (76,00 mg/dL. A adição de fontes lipídicas e óleo mineral não influencia na aceitabilidade da dieta por equinos. O óleo vegetal não se diferencia da gordura animal quanto à digestibilidade dos nutrientes, no entanto, essas fontes de lipídios afetam a digestibilidade do extrato etéreo. A adição de óleo mineral reduz os níveis plasmáticos de HDL-C, ao passo que a adição de gordura animal e gordura vegetal não altera as concentrações plasmáticas de colesterol.The objective of this study was to assess the effects of including animals or vegetable fats and mineral on the acceptability, nutrient digestibility and triglyceride plasma concentrations and cholesterol in horses. Four foals aged 13 to 16 months were used receiving diet containing grass hay and concentrate. The experimental design was a Latin Square; using orthogonal contrasts. The acceptability was not influenced by the

  17. Disparities in the receipt of fecal occult blood test versus endoscopy among Filipino American immigrants. (United States)

    Maxwell, Annette E; Danao, Leda L; Crespi, Catherine M; Antonio, Cynthia; Garcia, Gabriel M; Bastani, Roshan


    This report examines disparities associated with the type of colorectal screening test, fecal occult blood test versus endoscopy, within a particular racial/ethnic group, Filipino American immigrants. Between July 2005 and October 2006, Filipino Americans aged 50 to 75 years from 31 community organizations in Los Angeles completed a 15-minute survey in English (65%) or Filipino (35%). Of the 487 respondents included in this analysis, 257 (53%) had never received any type of colorectal cancer screening. Among the 230 subjects who had ever received a routine screening test, 78 had fecal occult blood test only (16% of the total sample), and 152 had endoscopy with or without fecal occult blood test (31% of the total sample). After controlling for access to care and key demographic variables in a multivariate analysis, only two characteristics distinguished between respondents who had fecal occult blood test only versus those who had endoscopy: acculturation, assessed by percent lifetime in the United States and language of interview, and income. Our data suggest a two-tier system, fecal occult blood test for less acculturated Filipino Americans with lower income versus endoscopy for Filipino immigrants with higher levels of acculturation and income. The disparity persists after adjusting for access to care. Instead of treating minority groups as monolithic, differences within groups need to be examined so that interventions can be appropriately targeted.

  18. Schelpdierkwaliteit in Nederlandse kustwatergebieden in september 2005 (fecale coliformen)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poelman, M.; Gool, van A.C.M.


    In september van 2005 is onderzoek gedaan naar de (schelpdier) waterkwaliteit in de Nederlandse kustwatergebieden. Hierbij werd gebruik gemaakt van indicatormicro-organismen: de fecale coliformen, ten einde de schelpdierwaterkwaliteit te kunnen beoordelen. Er werd gekeken naar de aanwezigheid van

  19. Saccharomyces cerevisiae colonization associated with fecal microbiota treatment failure (United States)

    Background: Fecal microbiota therapy (FMT) has emerged as the gold standard for treatment of persistent, symptomatic Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) that does not respond to conventional antimicrobial treatment. Probiotics are commonly recommended in addition to antimicrobial treatment for CD...

  20. Effects of leuprolide acetate on selected blood and fecal sex hormones in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventrais). (United States)

    Klaphake, Eric; Fecteau, Kellie; DeWit, Martine; Greenacre, Cheryl; Grizzle, Judith; Jones, Michael; Zagaya, Nancy; Abney, L Kim; Oliver, Jack


    The luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist leuprolide acetate is used commonly to anage reproductive problems in pet birds. To determine the effect of leuprolide acetate on plas a and fecal hormone levels in a psittacine species, a single 800 microg/kg dose of the 30-day depot form of leuprolide acetate was administered IM in 11 healthy, nonbreeding adult Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis), and plasma and fecal hormone levels were measured before and after leuprolide administration. At pooled baseline to 21 days postleuprolide acetate administration, sample collection day was significantly associated with plasma 17beta-estradiol and androstenedione levels and fecal 17beta-estradiol levels (evaluated in females only). Both plasma androstenedione and plasma 17beta-estradiol levels decreased significantly from baseline to a nadir at 7 days postleuprolide acetate administration but did not differ significantly 14 days later from that nadir or from pooled baseline samples, suggesting that the effect of leuprolide on hormone levels remained about 2 weeks. Fecal 17beta-estradiol levels increased significantly from the nadir at 7 days postleuprolide to 21 days postleuprolide administration, with trends of the level at 21 days postleuprolide being higher than the pooled baseline level and of decreasing levels from pooled baseline to 7 days postleuprolide administration. Plasma luteinizing hormone and fecal testosterone levels did not change significantly from baseline levels after leuprolide administration over the 2-day period. No significant correlations were found between plasma hormone and fecal hormone levels. These results suggest that measurement of plasma androstenedione, plasma 17beta-estradiol, and fecal 17beta-estradiol levels might be useful in assessing the effects of 30-day depot leuprolide acetate in Hispaniolan Amazon parrots.

  1. Health effects of swimming in fecally-contaminated recreational water: Results from studies at nine coastal beaches (United States)

    Exposure to fecally-contaminated water has long been known to transmit infectious disease. In 2003, EPA and the CDC initiated studies to better describe the health effects associated with exposure to fecal contamination in recreational waters and to test faster ways of measuring ...

  2. Concentration of fecal corticosterone metabolites in dominant versus ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The objective of this work was to evaluate the concentration of fecal metabolites of corticosterone and to verify if there are differences between dominant and subordinate heifers. The feces of 18 buffalo heifers were collected in the estrous period, to quantify the corticosterone concentrations. The heifers were separated into ...

  3. Trail Creek I: Assessing the Water Quality of Streams using Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Microbial Source Tracking (United States)

    Saintil, T.; Radcliffe, D. E.; Rasmussen, T. C.; Kannan, A.


    Fecal coliforms are indicators for disease-causing pathogens. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US. EPA) recommends the use of E. coli and Enterococci because they are highly correlated with pathogenic organisms in recreational waters. This standard method helps to determine the overall water quality and the potential health risks. Studies have shown that it is difficult to estimate the exact sources of fecal contamination because both human and certain animal species contain E. coli and Enterococci in their waste. Certain strains of E. coli and Enterococci are also able to survive outside of their hosts, which should not be the case for an appropriate fecal indicator. As a result, microbial source tracking (MST) studies use gene specific markers to identify the possible contributors to water pollution whether human or animal. Trail Creek is a second-order stream located in Athens-Clarke County, GA. The 33-km2 watershed is approximately 64% forests, 18% pastures and 16% residential communities. Trail Creek is on the TMDL list and an extended study on the relationships between the different factors causing elevated fecal bacteria is needed. Synoptic sampling events were conducted during baseflow conditions at six locations. Storm sampling events (> 8 mm) were captured using automated samplers at two locations. These samplers were equipped with pressure transducers which record stage at 30-minute intervals. The samples were analyzed for fecal coliform, E. Coli and Enterococci. Water quality parameters including temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity were also recorded. Relationships between the parameters and fecal indicator bacteria show inconsistent patterns and high variability. Using quantitative PCR and MST techniques, the human specific marker (HF183) and ruminant marker (Rum2Bac) were used to identify the fecal sources in both baseflow and storm samples. The presence and abundance of the different markers at

  4. Enterotoxigenic and non-enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis from fecal microbiota of children

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aline Ignacio


    Full Text Available Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides fragilis (ETBF is an important part of the human and animal intestinal microbiota and is commonly associated with diarrhea. ETBF strains produce an enterotoxin encoded by the bft gene located in the B. fragilispathogenicity island (BfPAI. Non-enterotoxigenic B. fragilis(NTBF strains lack the BfPAI and usually show two different genetic patterns, II and III, based on the absence or presence of a BfPAI-flanking region, respectively. The incidence of ETBF and NTBF strains in fecal samples isolated from children without acute diarrhea or any other intestinal disorders was determined. All 84 fecal samples evaluated were B. fragilis-positive by PCR, four of them harbored the bft gene, 27 contained the NTBF pattern III DNA sequence, and 52 were considered to be NTBF pattern II samples. One sample was positive for both ETBF and NTBF pattern III DNA sequences. All 19 B. fragilis strains isolated by the culture method were bft-negative, 9 belonged to pattern III and 10 to pattern II. We present an updated overview of the ETBF and NTBF incidence in the fecal microbiota of children from Sao Paulo City, Brazil.

  5. Accurate cut-offs for predicting endoscopic activity and mucosal healing in Crohn's disease with fecal calprotectin

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan María Vázquez-Morón

    Full Text Available Background: Fecal biomarkers, especially fecal calprotectin, are useful for predicting endoscopic activity in Crohn's disease; however, the cut-off point remains unclear. The aim of this paper was to analyze whether faecal calprotectin and M2 pyruvate kinase are good tools for generating highly accurate scores for the prediction of the state of endoscopic activity and mucosal healing. Methods: The simple endoscopic score for Crohn's disease and the Crohn's disease activity index was calculated for 71 patients diagnosed with Crohn's. Fecal calprotectin and M2-PK were measured by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test. Results: A fecal calprotectin cut-off concentration of ≥ 170 µg/g (sensitivity 77.6%, specificity 95.5% and likelihood ratio +17.06 predicts a high probability of endoscopic activity, and a fecal calprotectin cut-off of ≤ 71 µg/g (sensitivity 95.9%, specificity 52.3% and likelihood ratio -0.08 predicts a high probability of mucosal healing. Three clinical groups were identified according to the data obtained: endoscopic activity (calprotectin ≥ 170, mucosal healing (calprotectin ≤ 71 and uncertainty (71 > calprotectin < 170, with significant differences in endoscopic values (F = 26.407, p < 0.01. Clinical activity or remission modified the probabilities of presenting endoscopic activity (100% vs 89% or mucosal healing (75% vs 87% in the diagnostic scores generated. M2-PK was insufficiently accurate to determine scores. Conclusions: The highly accurate scores for fecal calprotectin provide a useful tool for interpreting the probabilities of presenting endoscopic activity or mucosal healing, and are valuable in the specific clinical context.

  6. Early fecal microbiota composition in children who later develop celiac disease and associated autoimmunity. (United States)

    Rintala, Anniina; Riikonen, Iiris; Toivonen, Anne; Pietilä, Sami; Munukka, Eveliina; Pursiheimo, Juha-Pekka; Elo, Laura L; Arikoski, Pekka; Luopajärvi, Kristiina; Schwab, Ursula; Uusitupa, Matti; Heinonen, Seppo; Savilahti, Erkki; Eerola, Erkki; Ilonen, Jorma


    Several studies have reported that the intestinal microbiota composition of celiac disease (CD) patients differs from healthy individuals. The possible role of gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of the disease is, however, not known. Here, we aimed to assess the possible differences in early fecal microbiota composition between children that later developed CD and healthy controls matched for age, sex and HLA risk genotype. We used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to examine the fecal microbiota of 27 children with high genetic risk of developing CD. Nine of these children developed the disease by the age of 4 years. Stool samples were collected at the age of 9 and 12 months, before any of the children had developed CD. The fecal microbiota composition of children who later developed the disease was compared with the microbiota of the children who did not have CD or associated autoantibodies at the age of 4 years. Delivery mode, early nutrition, and use of antibiotics were taken into account in the analyses. No statistically significant differences in the fecal microbiota composition were found between children who later developed CD (n = 9) and the control children without disease or associated autoantibodies (n = 18). Based on our results, the fecal microbiota composition at the age of 9 and 12 months is not associated with the development of CD. Our results, however, do not exclude the possibility of duodenal microbiota changes or a later microbiota-related trigger for the disease.

  7. Assessment of sources of human pathogens and fecal contamination in a Florida freshwater lake. (United States)

    Staley, Christopher; Reckhow, Kenneth H; Lukasik, Jerzy; Harwood, Valerie J


    We investigated the potential for a variety of environmental reservoirs to harbor or contribute fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), DNA markers of human fecal contamination, and human pathogens to a freshwater lake. We hypothesized that submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), sediments, and stormwater act as reservoirs and/or provide inputs of FIB and human pathogens to this inland water. Analysis included microbial source tracking (MST) markers of sewage contamination (Enterococcus faecium esp gene, human-associated Bacteroides HF183, and human polyomaviruses), pathogens (Salmonella, Cryptosporidium, Giardia, and enteric viruses), and FIB (fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, and enterococci). Bayesian analysis was used to assess relationships among microbial and physicochemical variables. FIB in the water were correlated with concentrations in SAV and sediment. Furthermore, the correlation of antecedent rainfall and major rain events with FIB concentrations and detection of human markers and pathogens points toward multiple reservoirs for microbial contaminants in this system. Although pathogens and human-source markers were detected in 55% and 21% of samples, respectively, markers rarely coincided with pathogen detection. Bayesian analysis revealed that low concentrations (<45 CFU × 100 ml(-1)) of fecal coliforms were associated with 93% probability that pathogens would not be detected; furthermore the Bayes net model showed associations between elevated temperature and rainfall with fecal coliform and enterococci concentrations, but not E. coli. These data indicate that many under-studied matrices (e.g. SAV, sediment, stormwater) are important reservoirs for FIB and potentially human pathogens and demonstrate the usefulness of Bayes net analysis for water quality assessment. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Human fecal source identification with real-time quantitative PCR (United States)

    Waterborne diseases represent a significant public health risk worldwide, and can originate from contact with water contaminated with human fecal material. We describe a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) method that targets a Bacteroides dori human-associated genetic marker for...

  9. Schelpdierwaterkwaliteit in Nederlandse kustwatergebieden in december 2004 (fecale coliformen)

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Poelman, M.; Gool, van A.C.M.


    In december van 2004 is onderzoek gedaan naar de (schelpdier)waterkwaliteit in de kustwatergebieden. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van indicatormicro-organismen: de fecale coliformen. Er wordt gekeken naar de aanwezigheid in gebieden waar schelpdieren worden gekweekt, waar schelpdieren in het wild

  10. Influence of dietary protein and fructooligosaccharides on fecal fermentative end-products, fecal bacterial populations and apparent total tract digestibility in dogs. (United States)

    Pinna, Carlo; Vecchiato, Carla Giuditta; Bolduan, Carmen; Grandi, Monica; Stefanelli, Claudio; Windisch, Wilhelm; Zaghini, Giuliano; Biagi, Giacomo


    Feeding dogs with diets rich in protein may favor putrefactive fermentations in the hindgut, negatively affecting the animal's intestinal environment. Conversely, prebiotics may improve the activity of health-promoting bacteria and prevent bacterial proteolysis in the colon. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of dietary supplementation with fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on fecal microbiota and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) in dogs fed kibbles differing in protein content. Twelve healthy adult dogs were used in a 4 × 4 replicated Latin Square design to determine the effects of four diets: 1) Low protein diet (LP, crude protein (CP) 229 g/kg dry matter (DM)); 2) High protein diet (HP, CP 304 g/kg DM); 3) Diet 1 + 1.5 g of FOS/kg; 4) Diet 2 + 1.5 g of FOS/kg. The diets contained silica at 5 g/kg as a digestion marker. Differences in protein content were obtained using different amounts of a highly digestible swine greaves meal. Each feeding period lasted 28 d, with a 12 d wash-out in between periods. Fecal samples were collected from dogs at 0, 21 and 28 d of each feeding period. Feces excreted during the last five days of each feeding period were collected and pooled in order to evaluate ATTD. Higher fecal ammonia concentrations were observed both when dogs received the HP diets (p < 0.001) and the supplementation with FOS (p < 0.05). The diets containing FOS resulted in greater ATTD of DM, Ca, Mg, Na, Zn, and Fe (p < 0.05) while HP diets were characterized by lower crude ash ATTD (p < 0.05). Significant interactions were observed between FOS and protein concentration in regards to fecal pH (p < 0.05), propionic acid (p < 0.05), acetic to propionic acid and acetic + n-butyric to propionic acid ratios (p < 0.01), bifidobacteria (p < 0.05) and ATTD of CP (p < 0.05) and Mn (p < 0.001). A relatively moderate increase of dietary protein resulted in higher concentrations of ammonia in

  11. Modulation of gut microbiota and increase in fecal water content in mice induced by administration of Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens DN1. (United States)

    Jeong, Dana; Kim, Dong-Hyeon; Kang, Il-Byeong; Kim, Hyunsook; Song, Kwang-Young; Kim, Hong-Seok; Seo, Kun-Ho


    Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens is the key probiotic bacterium in kefir. In this study, we investigated the effects of oral consumption of L. kefiranofaciens on the fecal quality and intestinal microbiota of mice. Four-week-old Balb/c mice were divided into two groups (n = 8 each) and administered 0.2 mL of saline (control group) or saline containing 2 × 10 8 cfu L. kefiranofaciens DN1 (LKF_DN1 group) for two weeks. At the end of the experiment, their fecal samples were collected and the fecal quality and microbiota were assessed. The LKF_DN1 group exhibited higher total fecal weight and fecal weight per stool sample than the control group (p kefiranofaciens DN1 administration could alleviate constipation and improve gut microbiota.

  12. Home electrical stimulation for women with fecal incontinence: a preliminary randomized controlled trial. (United States)

    Cohen-Zubary, Nira; Gingold-Belfer, Rachel; Lambort, Inna; Wasserberg, Nir; Krissi, Haim; Levy, Sigal; Niv, Yaron; Dickman, Ram


    The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness and cost of home electrical stimulation and standardized biofeedback training in females with fecal incontinence Thirty-six females suffering from fecal incontinence were randomized into two groups, matched for mean age (67.45 ± 7.2 years), mean body mass index (kg/m2) (26.2 ± 3.9), mean disease duration (4.1 ± 0.8 years), mean number of births (2.7 ± 1.3), and reports of obstetric trauma (25%). Questionnaires were used to evaluate their demographics, medical, and childbearing history. Subjects were randomized to home electrical stimulation or standardized biofeedback training for a period of 6 weeks. Subjective outcome measures included the frequency of fecal, urine, and gas incontinence by visual analog scale, Vaizey incontinence score, and subjects' levels of fecal incontinence related anxiety. Objective outcome measures included pelvic floor muscle strength assessed by surface electromyography. We also compared the cost of each treatment modality. Only females who received home electrical stimulation (HES) reported a significant improvement in Vaizey incontinence score (p = 0.001), anxiety (p = 0.046), and in frequency of leaked solid stool (p = 0.013). A significant improvement in pelvic floor muscle strength was achieved by both groups. HES was much cheaper compared to the cost of standardized biofeedback training (SBT) (US $100 vs. US $220, respectively). Our study comprised a small female population, and the study endpoints did not include objective measures of anorectal function test, such as anorectal manometry, before and after treatment. Home electrical stimulation may offer an alternative to standardized biofeedback training as it is effective and generally well-tolerated therapy for females with fecal incontinence.

  13. Patterns of Gram-stained fecal flora as a quick diagnostic marker in patients with severe SIRS. (United States)

    Shimizu, Kentaro; Ogura, Hiroshi; Tomono, Kazunori; Tasaki, Osamu; Asahara, Takashi; Nomoto, Koji; Morotomi, Masami; Matsushima, Asako; Nakahori, Yasutaka; Yamano, Shuhei; Osuka, Akinori; Kuwagata, Yasuyuki; Sugimoto, Hisashi


    The gut is an important target organ of injury during critically ill conditions. Although Gram staining is a common and quick method for identifying bacteria, its clinical application has not been fully evaluated in critically ill conditions. This study's aims were to identify patterns of Gram-stained fecal flora and compare them to cultured bacterial counts and to investigate the association between the patterns and septic complications in patients with severe systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Fifty-two patients with SIRS were included whose Gram-stained fecal flora was classified into three patterns. In a diverse pattern, large numbers of multiple kinds of bacteria completely covered the field. In a single pattern, one specific kind of bacteria or fungi predominantly covered the field. In a depleted pattern, most bacteria were diminished in the field. In the analysis of fecal flora, the numbers of total obligate anaerobes in the depleted pattern was significantly lower than those in the diverse pattern and single pattern (p Gram-stained fecal flora can be classified into three patterns and are associated with both cultured bacterial counts and clinical information. Gram-stained fecal bacteria can be used as a quick bedside diagnostic marker for severe SIRS patients.

  14. Comparative evaluation of the fecal-tagging quality in CT colonography: barium vs. iodinated oral contrast agent. (United States)

    Nagata, Koichi; Singh, Anand Kumar; Sangwaiya, Minal Jagtiani; Näppi, Janne; Zalis, Michael E; Cai, Wenli; Yoshida, Hiroyuki


    The purpose of this evaluation was to compare the tagging quality of a barium-based regimen with that of iodine-based regimens for computed tomographic (CT) colonography. Tagging quality was assessed retrospectively in three different types of fecal-tagging CT colonographic cases: 24 barium-based cases, 22 nonionic iodine-based cases, and 24 ionic iodine-based cases. For the purpose of evaluation, the large intestine was divided into six segments, and the tagging homogeneity of a total of 420 segments (70 patients) was graded by three blinded readers from 0 (heterogeneous) to 4 (homogeneous). For barium-based cases, the average score for the three readers was 2.4, whereas it was 3.4 for nonionic iodine and 3.6 for ionic iodine. The percentages of segments that were assigned scores of 4 (excellent tagging [100%]) were 11.6%, 61.9%, and 72.9% for the barium-based, nonionic iodine-based, and ionic iodine-based regimens, respectively. The homogeneity scores of iodine-based fecal-tagging regimens were significantly higher than those of the barium-based fecal-tagging regimen (P barium-based regimen (P barium-based fecal-tagging regimen. Iodine-based fecal-tagging regimens can provide an appropriate method for use in nonlaxative or minimum-laxative CT colonography.

  15. Digestibilidade, degradabilidade e concentração amoniacal no rúmen de bovinos alimentados com polpa cítrica peletizada normal ou queimada Digestibility, degradability and concentration of ruminal ammonia in bovines fed diet with citrus pulp in pellets

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    Marco Aurélio de Felicio Porcionato


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se avaliar a digestibilidade e a degradabilidade de dois tipos de polpa cítrica peletizada: normal (PCPN e queimada (PCPQ, bem como o potencial de produção de nitrogênio amoniacal com dois níveis de inclusão na ração (40 e 60%. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 2 x 2 (dois tipos de polpa e dois níveis de inclusão e testemunha. A inclusão de polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP nas dietas, normal ou queimada, aumentou os coeficientes de digestibilidade dos nutrientes, quando comparados com a ração testemunha, exceto para a proteína bruta (PB. Com relação aos coeficientes de digestibilidade para os dois tipos de PCP, verificou-se maior digestibilidade dos nutrientes da PCPN em relação à PCPQ, principalmente em relação a PB, FDN e FDA, pressupondo que a utilização da PCPQ pode comprometer a qualidade da ração, ocasionando perdas na produtividade dos animais. A PCPN apresentou maiores taxas de degradação da MS e FDN, quando comparada à PCPQ. Verificou-se que o potencial de degradação foi alcançado com 48 horas de incubação para MS e FDN, para todos os tratamentos. Para produção de N-NH3 não foi observada diferença significativa entre os tratamentos. Contudo, a PCPQ pode ser utilizada na alimentação de bovinos, sendo sua utilização pautada na relação custo benefício.The objective of this research was to evaluate the digestibility and the in situ degradation of two types of citrus pulp in pellets: regular (CPPR and burned (CPPB, as well the potential of production of N-NH3 in the rumen, with two levels in the diet (40 and 60%. A randomized blocks design, in a 2 x 2 (two kinds of pulp and two inclusions levels factorial and control, was used. The inclusion of citrus pulp in the diets, regular or burned, increased the coefficients of digestibility of the nutrients when compared with the control ration, except for the crude protein. A higher coefficient of

  16. Digestibilidades ileal aparente e verdadeira dos aminoácidos de farinhas de vísceras para suínos Apparent and true ileal digestibilities of poultry by-products amino acids for swine

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Paulo Cesar Pozza


    Full Text Available O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar as digestibilidades ileal aparente e verdadeira de cinco diferentes farinhas de vísceras. Foram utilizados 10 suínos mestiços, machos castrados, com peso inicial de 34,11 ± 3,88 kg, previamente submetidos à cirurgia para implantação de cânula "T" simples. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos, quatro repetições e um animal por unidade experimental. Ao final das duas primeiras repetições, os mesmos animais foram redistribuídos e utilizados novamente nas repetições subseqüentes. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma dieta isenta de proteína à base de açúcar, amido, óleo e casca de arroz, tendo como única fonte protéica uma das cinco farinhas de vísceras. Os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal aparente da lisina, treonina e metionina das diferentes farinhas de vísceras apresentaram variação de 63,40 a 74,01; 63,17 a 79,13 e 72,60 a 81,11%, respectivamente, e os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal verdadeiros apresentaram variação de 64,38 a 74,88; 64,31 a 80,60 e 73,07 a 81,64%, respectivamente.The experiment was carried out with the objective of determining the apparent and true ileal digestibilities of amino acids from five different poultry by-product. Ten crossbreed swines, castrated males, averaging 31.11 ± 3.88 kg were used in the experiment. The animals were previously submitted to the surgery for simple T canula implantation and, then, allotted to a randomized block design with five treatments, four replicates and one animal per experimental unit. At the end of the first and second replicates, these animals were allotted again to the treatments and used in the third and fourth replicates. The treatments consisted of a free protein diet based on sugar, starch, vegetable oil and rice peel and one of the five poultry by-product as protein source in the diet. The coefficients of apparent ileal



    Doni Marisi Sinaga; Mark Gregory Robson; Beatrix Trikurnia Gasong; Adonia Getse Halel; Dian Pertiwi


    Background: The poor sanitation and small numbers of households who own toilet in Sekotong regency may relate to the diarrheal events due to the fecal coliform contamination in drinking water. Aim: This paper aims to provide the concentrations of fecal coliform bacteria in shallow well waters and the factors associated to its growth. Method: Fifteen groundwater samples were collected from 5 shallow wells to provide the concentrations of total fecal coliform bacteria (FC), mercury conce...

  18. Applicability of fecal estrogenic metabolites estimation for assessment of reproductive activities in sheep

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eid, S.Y.A.


    The present study was carried out at the sheep experimental farm belonging to Animal Nutrition Unit, Department of Applied Radiobiology, Nuclear Research Center, Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority. Inshas, Sharkia Governorate.Hormonal radioimmunological assay of serum estradiol (E 2 ), estrone (E 1 ), estrone sulphate (E 1 S) and estrone sulphate (E 1 S) in fecal samples was performed in the laboratories of the Endocrinology Research Unit, Applied Radiobiology Department, Applied Radioisotope Division, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority.It was aimed to point out the ovarian estrogens (E 1 , E 2 ) and estrogen metabolite (E 1 S) in both serum and fecal samples, as indicator for reproductive activity in hybrid ewes (Ossimi x Rahmani x Barki, with equal genetic proportion), during estrus cycle, pregnancy and post-partum periods. A total number of 62 ewes were randomly selected according to reproductive farm records and subjected to the study. Estradiol-17β, Estrone and Estrone sulfate were estimated in blood serum. Estrogen sulfate was estimated in fecal samples, estimations were carried out in the various stages of estrus cycle, pregnancy (every 10 days up to the time of parturition) and Postpartum (every 10 days up to 60 days).Fecal samples were collected 24 hours after blood collection to reflect the level of serum estrogenic hormones levels in blood circulation.

  19. Fecal estradiol and progesterone metabolite levels in the three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus

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    M. Mühlbauer


    Full Text Available The present study was carried out to assess the possibility of measuring fecal steroid hormone metabolites as a noninvasive technique for monitoring reproductive function in the three-toed sloth, Bradypus variegatus. Levels of the estradiol (E2 and progesterone (P4 metabolites were measured by radioimmunoassay in fecal samples collected over 12 weeks from 4 captive female B. variegatus sloths. The validation of the radioimmunoassay for evaluation of fecal steroid metabolites was carried out by collecting 10 blood samples on the same day as defecation. There was a significant direct correlation between the plasma and fecal E2 and P4 levels (P < 0.05, Pearson's test, thereby validating this noninvasive technique for the study of the estrous cycle in these animals. Ovulation was detected in two sloths (SL03 and SL04 whose E2 levels reached 2237.43 and 6713.26 pg/g wet feces weight, respectively, for over four weeks, followed by an increase in P4 metabolites reaching 33.54 and 3242.68 ng/g wet feces weight, respectively. Interestingly, SL04, which presented higher levels of E2 and P4 metabolites, later gave birth to a healthy baby sloth. The results obtained indicate that this is a reliable technique for recording gonadal steroid secretion and thereby reproduction in sloths.

  20. Fecal microbiome analysis as a diagnostic test for diverticulitis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Daniels, L.; Budding, A. E.; de Korte, N.; Eck, A.; Bogaards, J. A.; Stockmann, H. B.; Consten, E. C.; Savelkoul, P. H.; Boermeester, M. A.


    Disease-specific variations in intestinal microbiome composition have been found for a number of intestinal disorders, but little is known about diverticulitis. The purpose of this study was to compare the fecal microbiota of diverticulitis patients with control subjects from a general

  1. Interactions of Insolation and Shading on Ability to Use Fluorescence Imaging to Detect Fecal Contaminated Spinach

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    Alan M. Lefcourt


    Full Text Available Fecal contamination of produce in fields is a recognized food safety risk, and it is a requirement that fields be surveyed for evidence of fecal contamination. It may be possible to increase the efficacy of such surveys using imaging techniques that rely on detection of fluorescence responses of fecal material to UV excitation. However, fluorescence responses are easily masked by ambient illumination. This study investigated the potential of using a shroud to reduce the impact of ambient illumination on responses measured using relatively inexpensive optical components. During periods of near peak insolation, even with full shrouding, results indicate that reliable detection would be problematic. Towards dusk, effective imaging could be accomplished even with a gap of 250 cm at the bottom of the shroud. Results suggest that imaging using relatively inexpensive components could provide the basis for detection of fecal contamination in produce fields if surveys were conducted during dawn or dusk, or at night.

  2. Composición química, digestibilidad y cinética ruminal de la digestión de residuos agrícolas tratados con explosión de vapor

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    Ricardo Basurto Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Para determinar el efecto de la explosión de vapor (EXPV en la composición y digestibilidad de forrajes toscos (F se condujeron dos experimentos. En el Exp 1, con un diseño factorial de presión (P; 10.3, 13.8 y 17.2 kg cm2 y tiempo (T; 5, 10 y 15 min, se determinaron los cambios en pH, fracciones de fibra (FF y la digestibilidad in vitro (DIVMS del rastrojo de sorgo (RS, rastrojo de maíz (RM y bagazo de caña (BZC por efecto de EXPV. En el Exp 2, se comparó la cinética de la digestión in situ (CDI de forrajes sin tratar y tratados con EXPV, RS y RM fueron tratados con 13.8 kg/cm2 por 10 min y BZC con 17.2 kg/cm2 por 15 min. Se incubaron muestras de forraje en rumen hasta por 120 h. Los datos fueron ajustados a un modelo no lineal. P y T no interactuaron en pH o FF. El aumento en P o T redujeron el pH, FDN y la hemicelulosa. La lignina y FDA no cambiaron dentro los niveles de P o T. En DIVMS, P*F y T*F fueron significativas. EXPV incrementó las fracciones soluble y potencialmente digestible y extensión de digestión de FF de los tres forrajes. Exceptuando para BCZ, el tiempo de retraso no cambió para FF. La respuesta de la tasa de digestión fue variable para FF o forraje. Se concluye que la EXPV mejora la calidad nutritiva de los forrajes toscos por solubilizar parte de la pared celular, acelerar la tasa de digestión e incrementar la extensión de la digestión.

  3. Diet and environment shape fecal bacterial microbiota composition and enteric pathogen load of grizzly bears.

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    Clarissa Schwab

    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Diet and environment impact the composition of mammalian intestinal microbiota; dietary or health disturbances trigger alterations in intestinal microbiota composition and render the host susceptible to enteric pathogens. To date no long term monitoring data exist on the fecal microbiota and pathogen load of carnivores either in natural environments or in captivity. This study investigates fecal microbiota composition and the presence of pathogenic Escherichia coli and toxigenic clostridia in wild and captive grizzly bears (Ursus arctos and relates these to food resources consumed by bears. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Feces were obtained from animals of two wild populations and from two captive animals during an active bear season. Wild animals consumed a diverse diet composed of plant material, animal prey and insects. Captive animals were fed a regular granulated diet with a supplement of fruits and vegetables. Bacterial populations were analyzed using quantitative PCR. Fecal microbiota composition fluctuated in wild and in captive animals. The abundance of Clostridium clusters I and XI, and of C. perfringens correlated to regular diet protein intake. Enteroaggregative E. coli were consistently present in all populations. The C. sordellii phospholipase C was identified in three samples of wild animals and for the first time in Ursids. CONCLUSION: This is the first longitudinal study monitoring the fecal microbiota of wild carnivores and comparing it to that of captive individuals of the same species. Location and diet affected fecal bacterial populations as well as the presence of enteric pathogens.

  4. Diet and environment shape fecal bacterial microbiota composition and enteric pathogen load of grizzly bears. (United States)

    Schwab, Clarissa; Cristescu, Bogdan; Northrup, Joseph M; Stenhouse, Gordon B; Gänzle, Michael


    Diet and environment impact the composition of mammalian intestinal microbiota; dietary or health disturbances trigger alterations in intestinal microbiota composition and render the host susceptible to enteric pathogens. To date no long term monitoring data exist on the fecal microbiota and pathogen load of carnivores either in natural environments or in captivity. This study investigates fecal microbiota composition and the presence of pathogenic Escherichia coli and toxigenic clostridia in wild and captive grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) and relates these to food resources consumed by bears. Feces were obtained from animals of two wild populations and from two captive animals during an active bear season. Wild animals consumed a diverse diet composed of plant material, animal prey and insects. Captive animals were fed a regular granulated diet with a supplement of fruits and vegetables. Bacterial populations were analyzed using quantitative PCR. Fecal microbiota composition fluctuated in wild and in captive animals. The abundance of Clostridium clusters I and XI, and of C. perfringens correlated to regular diet protein intake. Enteroaggregative E. coli were consistently present in all populations. The C. sordellii phospholipase C was identified in three samples of wild animals and for the first time in Ursids. This is the first longitudinal study monitoring the fecal microbiota of wild carnivores and comparing it to that of captive individuals of the same species. Location and diet affected fecal bacterial populations as well as the presence of enteric pathogens.

  5. Desempenho, digestibilidade e características de carcaça de novilhos zebuínos alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes níveis de concentrado Productive performance, digestibility and carcass characteristics of zebu steers fed diets with different concentrate levels

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcos Antonio Lana Costa


    Full Text Available O estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar os consumos e as digestibilidades dos nutrientes; o teor de nutrientes digestíveis totais (NDT das rações; a conversão alimentar (CA; os ganhos médios diários de peso vivo (GMDPV, de peso de corpo vazio (GMDPVZ e de carcaça (GMDCAR; os rendimentos de carcaça e dos cortes primários da carcaça; o comprimento da carcaça (CCAR; a área de olho de lombo (AOL e a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EG de novilhos anelorados, com peso vivo médio inicial de 270 kg, alimentados com dietas contendo 5, 35 e 65% de concentrado, em regime de confinamento. Os consumos de matéria seca e matéria orgânica foram afetados de forma quadrática pelo incremento de concentrado na dieta. Os consumos de extrato etéreo e carboidratos não-fibrosos aumentaram e o de fibra em detergente neutro decresceu linearmente em função do aumento de concentrado. O consumo de proteína bruta não foi afetado pelo nível de concentrado da dieta. Os teores de NDT e as digestibilidades da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato etéreo e carboidratos não-fibrosos aumentaram e a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro diminuiu linearmente com o aumento nos níveis de concentrado das dietas. A digestibilidade da proteína bruta (DPB não foi alterada quando a silagem pré-seca de capim-braquiária foi utilizada como volumoso. Entretanto, a DPB aumentou linearmente quando a silagem pré-seca de capim-tifton foi utilizada na alimentação dos animais. A CA reduziu, enquanto os GMDPV, GMDPVZ, GMDCAR, a AOL e a EG elevaram linearmente com o acréscimo de concentrado na dieta. O CCAR e rendimentos de carcaça e dos cortes primários da carcaça, com exceção do rendimento de coxão, não foram afetados pela inclusão de concentrado nas dietas. A inclusão de concentrado nas dietas promoveu melhor digestibilidade e melhor desempenho aos animais.This research was developed to evaluate the intake and digestibility of

  6. Utility of Helicobacter spp. associated GFD markers for detecting avian fecal pollution in natural waters of two continents. (United States)

    Ahmed, W; Harwood, V J; Nguyen, K; Young, S; Hamilton, K; Toze, S


    Avian fecal droppings may negatively impact environmental water quality due to the presence of high concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and zoonotic pathogens. This study was aimed at evaluating the performance characteristics and utility of a Helicobacter spp. associated GFD marker by screening 265 fecal and wastewater samples from a range of avian and non-avian host groups from two continents (Brisbane, Australia and Florida, USA). The host-prevalence and -specificity of this marker among fecal and wastewater samples tested from Brisbane were 0.58 and 0.94 (maximum value of 1.00). These values for the Florida fecal samples were 0.30 (host-prevalence) and 1.00 (host-specificity). The concentrations of the GFD markers in avian and non-avian fecal nucleic acid samples were measured at a test concentration of 10 ng of nucleic acid at Brisbane and Florida laboratories using the quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay. The mean concentrations of the GFD marker in avian fecal nucleic acid samples (5.2 × 10(3) gene copies) were two orders of magnitude higher than non-avian fecal nucleic acid samples (8.6 × 10(1) gene copies). The utility of this marker was evaluated by testing water samples from the Brisbane River, Brisbane and a freshwater creek in Florida. Among the 18 water samples tested from the Brisbane River, 83% (n = 18) were positive for the GFD marker, and the concentrations ranged from 6.0 × 10(1)-3.2 × 10(2) gene copies per 100 mL water. In all, 92% (n = 25) water samples from the freshwater creek in Florida were also positive for the GFD marker with concentrations ranging from 2.8 × 10(1)-1.3 × 10(4) gene copies per 100 mL water. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the GFD marker is highly specific to avian host groups, and could be used as a reliable marker to detect the presence and amount of avian fecal pollution in environmental waters. Crown Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Decay Of Bacterial Pathogens, Fecal Indicators, And Real-Time Quantitative PCR Genetic Markers In Manure-Amended Soils (United States)

    This study examined persistence and decay of bacterial pathogens, fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), and emerging real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) genetic markers for rapid detection of fecal pollution in manure-amended agricultural soils. Known concentrations of transformed green...

  8. Decay Of Bacterial Pathogen, Fecal Indicators, And Real-Time Quantitative PCR Genetic Markers In Manure Amended Soils (United States)

    This study examined persistence and decay of bacterial pathogens, fecal indicator bacteria, and emerging real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) genetic markers for rapid detection of fecal pollution in manre-amended agricultural soils. Known concentrations of transformed green fluore...

  9. Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT): MedlinePlus Lab Test Information (United States)

    ... caused by a variety of conditions, including: Polyps Hemorrhoids Diverticulosis Ulcers Colitis , a type of inflammatory bowel ... on a fecal occult blood test include ulcers, hemorrhoids, polyps, and benign tumors. If your test results ...

  10. Digestibilidade da silagem de grãos úmidos de milho com diferentes granulometrias para suínos Digestibility of high moisture corn grain silage with different particle size for swines

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A.C. Lohmann


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a composição química e determinaram-se os valores de energia digestível (ED e metabolizável (EM, os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca (CDMS, da proteína bruta (CDPB, da matéria mineral (CDMM; do extrato etéreo (CDEE; da fibra bruta (CDFB, da energia bruta (CDEB e do extrativo não nitrogenado (CDENN e os coeficientes de digestibilidade (CDEB e metabolizabilidade da energia bruta (CMEB da silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (SGUM. Foram utilizados 20 suínos, com peso vivo inicial de 28,89±4,9kg, distribuídos em gaiolas de metabolismo. Foi utilizada uma única SGUM, com quatro diferentes granulometrias 513, 587, 717 e 1363µm, que substituiu em 30% a dieta-referência. Os CDMS, CDPB, CDEE, CDMM e CDENN diminuíram com o aumento da granulometria da SGUM. Os CDEB e CMEB também diminuíram de 89,0 para 94,3%, e de 82,9 para 88,5%, respectivamente. Os valores energéticos variaram de 4439 a 4493kcal EB/kg, de 3999 a 4194kcal ED/kg e de 3729 a 3939kcal EM/kg, na matéria seca. Os CDEB e CMEB se reduziram até os diâmetros geométricos médios de 754 e 831µm, respectivamente. A digestibilidade dos nutrientes da SGUM foi influenciada negativamente ao se aumentar o diâmetro geométrico médio das partículas.The chemical composition; the values of digestible (DE and metabolizable (ME energy; the coefficients of digestibility of dry matter (CDDM, crude protein (CDCP, mineral matter (CDMM, ether extract (CDEE, crude fiber (CDFB, crude energy (CDCE, and non nitrogen extractive (CDENN; as well as the coefficient of metabolizability of gross energy (CMGE of high moisture corn grain silage (HMCGS were evaluated. Twenty swines, averaging 28.89±4.9kg of live weight, randomly allotted in metabolism cages were used. HMCGS with different particle sizes 513, 587, 717, and 1363µm, replacing 30% of basal diet was used. CDDM, CDCP, CDEE, CDMM, and CDENN decreased as the particle size of the HMCGS increased. CDGE and CMGE also

  11. Digestibilidade da dieta, parâmetros ruminais e desempenho de ovinos Santa Inês alimentados com polpa cítrica peletizada e resíduo úmido de cervejaria Diet digestibility, ruminal parameters and performance of Santa Ines sheep fed dried citrus pulp and wet brewer grain

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    Susana Gilaverte


    Full Text Available Dois experimentos foram realizados com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho por polpa cítrica peletizada e resíduo úmido de cervejaria sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes da dieta, os parâmetros ruminais e o desempenho de ovinos. As dietas foram definidas pela substituição do milho (controle pela polpa cítrica peletizada ou pela mistura de resíduo úmido de cervejaria e polpa cítrica. No experimento 1, para avaliação do consumo, da digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e dos parâmetros ruminais, foram utilizados 12 machos da raça Santa Inês canulados no rúmen, distribuídos em delineamento experimental de blocos completos casualisados, com três dietas e quatro repetições. No experimento 2, para avaliação do desempenho, foram confinadas 48 fêmeas, que foram alimentadas com as mesmas dietas do experimento 1. A substituição do milho pela polpa cítrica peletizada não influenciou o consumo nem a digestibilidade dos nutrientes da dieta, diferente da inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria, que reduziu o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, com exceção apenas da FDN, cuja digestibilidade aparente foi similar entre as dietas. A inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria na dieta reduziu as concentrações ruminais de acetato e propionato e aumentou a relação acetato/propionato e o pH ruminal. Em geral, não há diferença entre a dieta contendo milho e aquela contendo polpa cítrica em substituição total ao milho. A utilização de resíduo úmido de cervejaria, no entanto, reduz o ganho médio diário, o peso corporal final e a eficiência alimentar.Two experiments were carried out with the objective to determine the effect of replacing corn by dried citrus pulp and wet brewer grain on apparent digestibility of nutrients of the diet, ruminal parameters and performance of sheep. The diets were defined by the replacement of corn (control by dried citrus pulp or by a

  12. Antimicrobial resistance of fecal isolates of salmonella and shigella ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Salmonellosis and Shigellosis coupled with increased levels of multidrug resistances are public health problems, especially in developing countries. This study was aimed at determining the prevalence of fecal Salmonella and Shigella spp and its antimicrobial resistance patterns. A retrospective study was conducted on ...


    Considerable emphasis has been placed on developing watershed-based strategies with the potential to reduce non-point-source fecal contamination. Molecular methods applied used 16S-ribosomal-deoxyribonucleic-acid (rDNA) to try to determine sources of fecal contamination. Objectiv...

  14. Effect of preservation method on spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) fecal microbiota over 8 weeks. (United States)

    Hale, Vanessa L; Tan, Chia L; Knight, Rob; Amato, Katherine R


    Studies of the gut microbiome have become increasingly common with recent technological advances. Gut microbes play an important role in human and animal health, and gut microbiome analysis holds great potential for evaluating health in wildlife, as microbiota can be assessed from non-invasively collected fecal samples. However, many common fecal preservation protocols (e.g. freezing at -80 °C) are not suitable for field conditions, or have not been tested for long-term (greater than 2 weeks) storage. In this study, we collected fresh fecal samples from captive spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) at the Columbian Park Zoo (Lafayette, IN, USA). The samples were pooled, homogenized, and preserved for up to 8 weeks prior to DNA extraction and sequencing. Preservation methods included: freezing at -20 °C, freezing at -80 °C, immersion in 100% ethanol, application to FTA cards, and immersion in RNAlater. At 0 (fresh), 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks from fecal collection, DNA was extracted and microbial DNA was amplified and sequenced. DNA concentration, purity, microbial diversity, and microbial composition were compared across all methods and time points. DNA concentration and purity did not correlate with microbial diversity or composition. Microbial composition of frozen and ethanol samples were most similar to fresh samples. FTA card and RNAlater-preserved samples had the least similar microbial composition and abundance compared to fresh samples. Microbial composition and diversity were relatively stable over time within each preservation method. Based on these results, if freezers are not available, we recommend preserving fecal samples in ethanol (for up to 8weeks) prior to microbial extraction and analysis. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Digestibilidade Ileal de aminoácidos de alguns alimentos, determinada pela técnica da cânula T simples com suínos Ileal digestibilities of amino acids in of some feedstuffs determined by simple canula T technique with swines

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    Lourdes Romão Apolônio


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade ileal aparente e verdadeira e de aminoácidos, utilizando-se a técnica da cânula T simples, com suínos. Foram utilizados oito suínos canulados, machos, castrados (Landrace x Large White. Os alimentos analisados foram: quirera de arroz, sorgo baixo tanino, farelo de trigo, milheto, leveduras de cana e de cerveja. As dietas contendo a quirera de arroz, sorgo, farelo de trigo e milheto como fonte de proteína foram formuladas para fornecer 7% de proteína bruta e as demais dietas contendo as leveduras de cana e de cerveja foram formuladas para fornecer 13% de proteína bruta. Foi adicionado 0,5% de óxido crômico nas dietas experimentais, como marcador de digestibilidade. A coleta da digesta foi feita após período de adaptação de cinco dias para determinação do consumo de ração, três dias para regularização do fluxo intestinal, num período de 24 horas, feitas a intervalos de 3 horas, começando logo após a alimentação. As amostras foram obtidas de digestas coletadas de grupos de dois animais. Entre os alimentos avaliados, a quirera de arroz, sorgo e milheto apresentaram os maiores coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira, enquanto os menores valores foram obtidos para o farelo de trigo. A treonina foi o aminoácido essencial de menor digestibilidade verdadeira na quirera de arroz, farelo de trigo e nas leveduras de cerveja e cana. A lisina foi o aminoácido menos digestível no sorgo e no milheto.The objective of this work was evaluate the apparent and true ileal digestibility of aminoacids feedstuffs, using the technique of simple canula T, with swines. Were used eight barrows canulated (Landrace x Large White. The feedstuffs evaluated were rice broked, low tanine sorghum, wheat bran, millet, brewer yeast and sugar cane yeast. The diets with rice broked, sorghum, wheat bran, millet as protein source were formulated to provide 7% of crude protein and

  16. Plutonium fecal and urinary excretion functions: Derivation from a systematic whole-body retention function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sun, C.; Lee, D.


    Liver-bile secretion directly influences the content of plutonium in feces. To assess the reliability of plutonium metabolic models and to improve the accuracy of interpreting plutonium fecal data, the authors developed a compartmental model that simulates the metabolism of plutonium in humans. With this model, they can describe the transport of plutonium contaminants in the systemic organs and tissues of the body, including fecal and urine excretions, without using elaborate kinetic information. The parameter values of the models, which describe the translocation rates and recycling of plutonium in the body, can be derived from a multi-term exponential systemic function for whole-body retention. The analytical derivations and algorithms for solving translocation parameter values are established for the model and illustrated by applying them to the biokinetics and bioassay of plutonium. This study describes how to (1) design a physiological model for incorporating liver biliary secretion and for obtaining a fecal-excretion function, (2) develop an analytical solution for identifying the translocation-parameter values incorporating the recycling of plutonium in the body, and (3) derive a set of urinary and fecal excretion-functions from a published systemic whole-body retention function, generally acknowledged to be accurate, as a real and practical example

  17. Dependence of the metabolic fecal amino acids on the amino acid content of the feed. 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krawielitzki, K.; Schadereit, R.; Voelker, T.; Reichel, K.


    In an experiment with 20 15 N-labelled growing rats the excretion of amino acids as well as of metabolic fecal amino acids were investigated after feeding of soybean oil meal as sole protein source. A low, yet statistically significant increase of the excretion of amino acids and metabolic fecal amino acids was ascertained in accordance with a growing quota of soybean oil meal in the ration. The true digestibility of amino acids ascertained according to conventional methods is above 90% and, under consideration of the increase of metabolic fecal amino acids, on the average increases by 3.5 digestibility units (1.4 to 6.2). (author)

  18. Environmental Enrichment Effect on Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites and Captive Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) Behavior. (United States)

    Coelho, Carlyle Mendes; de Azevedo, Cristiano Schetini; Guimarães, Marcelo Alcino de Barros Vaz; Young, Robert John


    Environmental enrichment is a technique that may reduce the stress of nonhuman animals in captivity. Stress may interfere with normal behavioral expression and affect cognitive decision making. Noninvasive hormonal studies can provide important information about the stress statuses of animals. This study evaluated the effectiveness of different environmental enrichment treatments in the diminution of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (stress indicators) of three captive maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus). Correlations of the fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels with expressed behaviors were also determined. Results showed that environmental enrichment reduced fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels. Furthermore, interspecific and foraging enrichment items were most effective in reducing stress in two of the three wolves. No definite pattern was found between behavioral and physiological responses to stress. In conclusion, these behavioral and physiological data showed that maned wolves responded positively from an animal well being perspective to the enrichment items presented.

  19. Fecal Carriage of Extended‑spectrum Beta‑lactamase and AmpC ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    sulfamethoxazole, and carbapenems were 31.2%, 33.3%, and 0%, respectively. Conclusion: The relative high prevalence of fecal carriage of ESBL‑producing bacteria in community warrants further study in this field including developing policies ...

  20. Detection and quantification of Spirocerca lupi by HRM qPCR in fecal samples from dogs with spirocercosis. (United States)

    Rojas, Alicia; Segev, Gilad; Markovics, Alex; Aroch, Itamar; Baneth, Gad


    Spirocerca lupi, the dog oesophageal nematode, causes a potentially fatal disease in domestic dogs, and is currently clinically diagnosed by coproscopy and oesophagoscopy. To date, a single molecular method, a semi-nested PCR, targeting the cox1 gene, has been developed to aid in the diagnosis of spirocercosis. The present study describes three novel high-resolution melt (HRM) quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays targeting fragments of the ITS1, 18S and cytb loci of S. lupi. The performance of these molecular assays in feces was compared to fecal flotation and to the previously described cox1 gene semi-nested PCR in 18 fecal samples from dogs with clinical oesophageal spirocercosis diagnosed by oesophagoscopy. The HRM qPCR for ITS1 and 18S were both able to detect 0.2 S. lupi eggs per gram (epg), while the HRM qPCR for the cytb and the semi-nested PCR for the cox1 detected 6 epg and 526 epg, respectively. Spirocerca lupi was detected in 61.1%, 44.4%, 27.8%, 11.1% and 5.6% of the fecal samples of dogs diagnosed with spirocercosis by using the ITS1 and 18S HRM qPCR assays, fecal flotation, cytb HRM qPCR and cox1 semi-nested PCR, respectively. All dogs positive by fecal flotation were also positive by ITS1 and 18S HRM qPCRs. Quantification of S. lupi eggs was successfully achieved in the HRM qPCRs and compared to the fecal flotation with no significant difference in the calculated concentrations between the HRM qPCRs that detected the 18S and ITS1 loci and the fecal flotation. The HRM qPCR for the 18S cross-amplified DNA from Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina. In contrast, the HRM qPCR for ITS1 did not cross-amplify DNA from other canine gastrointestinal parasites. This study presents two new molecular assays with significantly increased sensitivity for confirming and quantifying fecal S. lupi eggs. Of these, the HRM qPCR for ITS1 showed the best performance in terms of the limit of detection and absence of cross-amplification with other parasites. These assays will be

  1. Influence of manure age and sunlight on the community structure of cattle fecal bacteria as revealed by Illumina sequencing (United States)

    Wong, K.; Shaw, T. I.; Oladeinde, A.; Molina, M.


    Fecal pollution of environmental waters is a major concern for the general public because exposure to fecal-associated pathogens can have severe impacts on human health. Stream and river impairment due to fecal pollution is largely the result of agricultural activities in the United States. In the last few years, numerous metagenomic studies utilized next generation sequencing to develop microbial community profiles by massively sequencing the 16sRNA hypervariable region. This technology supports the application of water quality assessment such as pathogen detection and fecal source tracking. The bacteria communities of samples in these studies were determined when they were freshly collected; therefore, little is known about how feces age or how environmental stress influences the microbial ecology of fecal materials. In this study we monitored bacteria community changes in cattle feces for 57 days after excretion (day 0, 2, 4 8, 15, 22, 29, 43, 57) by sequencing the 16s variable region 4, using Illumnia MiSeq. Twelve cattle feces were studied; half of the samples were directly exposed to sunlight (unshaded) and half were shaded. Results indicate that the relative abundance (RA) profile in both shaded and unshaded samples rapidly changed from day 0 to 15, but stabilized from day 22 to 57. Firmcutes were the most abundant phylum (~40%) at day 0, but were reduced to rarefaction curve analysis, richness of bacteria diversity in feces decreased as time progressed. Some pathogens such as Campylobacter were detected only at the beginning, meaning they substantially decayed during the course of our study. Overall, this study indicated: (1) sunlight can influence the community structure and (2) after excretion the fecal bacteria diversity can be significantly changed over time. Future studies should therefore use not only the microbial signature of fresh but also moderately aged fecal samples to develop more accurate community profiles for fecal source tracking.

  2. Season- and age-related reproductive changes based on fecal androgen concentrations in male koalas, Phascolarctos cinereus. (United States)

    Kusuda, Satoshi; Hashikawa, Hisashi; Takeda, Masato; Ito, Hideki; Goto, Atsushi; Oguchi, Jun; Doi, Osamu


    The purposes of the present study were to clarify age- and season- related androgen patterns, and to compare the reproductive physiology between Japanese captive koala populations and Australian populations. To measure fecal androgens, feces were collected from male koalas (4.2 to 13.8 years of age) kept in Japanese zoos. Fecal androgens were extracted with methanol from the lyophilized samples and determined by enzyme immunoassay using 4-androstene-3,17-dione antibody. Fecal androgen concentration in male koalas increased after sexual maturation and remained relatively high until old age. In the survey with the Japanese zoo studbook of koalas, copulation (conception) month showed a pyramid shape with a peak in March to June (60.7%) in koalas born and reared in Japanese zoos and from July to April with the highest concentration in September to January (69.7%) in Australian institutes. Japanese zoo koala populations have a characteristic physiological cycle adapted to Japan's seasonal changes. The suitable month of year for copulation or conception in Japan is diametrically opposed to that in Australia. Mean fecal androgen concentrations by month in the males born and reared in Japan indicated annual changes with the highest concentration in May and the lowest value in November. Fecal androgen analysis may be a noninvasive alternative tool to monitor circulating testosterone and may be helpful in understanding reproductive activity and physiology in male koalas.

  3. Comparison of bile acid synthesis determined by isotope dilution versus fecal acidic sterol output in human subjects

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duane, W.C.; Holloway, D.E.; Hutton, S.W.; Corcoran, P.J.; Haas, N.A.


    Fecal acidic sterol output has been found to be much lower than bile acid synthesis determined by isotope dilution. Because of this confusing discrepancy, we compared these 2 measurements done simultaneously on 13 occasions in 5 normal volunteers. In contrast to previous findings, bile acid synthesis by the Lindstedt isotope dilution method averaged 16.3% lower than synthesis simultaneously determined by fecal acidic sterol output (95% confidence limit for the difference - 22.2 to -10.4%). When one-sample determinations of bile acid pools were substituted for Lindstedt pools, bile acid synthesis by isotope dilution averaged 5.6% higher than synthesis by fecal acidic sterol output (95% confidence limits -4.9 to 16.1%). These data indicate that the 2 methods yield values in reasonably close agreement with one another. If anything, fecal acidic sterol outputs are slightly higher than synthesis by isotope dilution


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    Adolfo Sánchez Laiño


    Full Text Available La investigación de gramíneas tropicales en el engorde de cuyes en la zona de La Maná. La misma que persiguió los siguientes objetivos: Incrementar los índices productivos en cuyes (Cavia porcellus Linnaeus peruanos mejorados bajo el efecto del consumo del pasto saboya (Panicum maximun Jack, hojas de maíz (Zea mays y caña de azúcar (Saccharum officinarum L en la zona de La Maná, y determinar la rentabilidad de los tratamientos. Se utilizaron 48 cuyes peruanos mejorados sexados de 35 días de edad con un peso promedio de 305 g. Se aplicó un arreglo factorial 2 (sexo x 3 (gramíneas con cuatro repeticiones, dentro de un (DBCA. Para las comparaciones entre medidas se utilizó la prueba de Tukey al 0.05% de probabilidad. Para obtener la rentabilidad de los tratamientos se utilizó la Relación Beneficio–Costo. Se evaluó el: consumo de gramíneas (g, consumo de alimento (g, ganancia de peso (g, conversión alimenticia, peso vivo (g y rendimiento a la canal (%. Los cuyes machos presentaron el mayor (P0.05 no se vio afectado por el efecto del consumo de gramíneas. La mayor rentabilidad la registraron los cuyes machos alimentados con hoja de maíz + balanceado (52.4%.

  5. Evaluation of hydrogen sulphide test for detection of fecal coliform ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Mar 19, 2007 ... on production of hydrogen sulphide by bacteria that are associated with fecal contamination. This rapid fields test needs no technical staff and the cost is lower than ..... Sources and Potable Water Supplies in Peru.

  6. Denitrification on internal carbon sources in RAS is limited by fibers in fecal waste of rainbow trout

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Meriac, A.; Eding, E.H.; Kamstra, A.; Busscher, J.P.; Schrama, J.W.; Verreth, J.A.J.


    Denitrification on internal carbon sources offers the advantage to control nitrate levels in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) by using the fecal carbon produced within the husbandry system. However, it is not clear to which extent fecal carbon can be utilized by the microbial community within

  7. Avaliação da folha e do colmo de topo e base de perfilhos de três gramíneas forrageiras: 1. Digestibilidade in vitro e composição química

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    Domingos Sávio Queiroz


    Full Text Available RESUMO - Foi avaliado o grau de correlação linear simples entre a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS e a composição química de lâminas e bainhas foliares e, do colmo, amostrados no topo e na base de perfilhos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, cv. Mott, capim-setária (Setaria anceps, cv. Kazungula e capim-jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa, Nees Stapf . Os valores de DIVMS e os teores de proteína bruta (PB e parede celular (FDN exibiram gradiente ao longo do perfil do perfilho e diferença entre as frações do perfilho. As folhas situadas no topo do perfilho mostraram maior conteúdo de PB e digestibilidade, apesar dos mais altos teores de FDN, que as folhas situadas na base dos perfilhos. As lâminas foliares mostraram valores relativamente mais altos de DIVMS, PB e FDN que a bainha foliar. Nenhuma correlação foi observada entre os componentes químicos e a DIVMS da lâmina foliar do topo do perfilho. Apenas o teor de lignina apresentou correlação significativa (r = - 0,53 com a DIVMS, quando dados das lâminas foliares de topo e base do perfilho foram agrupados. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta e lignina propiciaram correlações com a DIVMS da lâmina foliar de base, da bainha foliar e do colmo.

  8. Avaliação da folha e do colmo de topo e base de perfilhos de três gramíneas forrageiras: 1. Digestibilidade in vitro e composição química

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    Queiroz Domingos Sávio


    Full Text Available RESUMO - Foi avaliado o grau de correlação linear simples entre a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS e a composição química de lâminas e bainhas foliares e, do colmo, amostrados no topo e na base de perfilhos de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum, cv. Mott, capim-setária (Setaria anceps, cv. Kazungula e capim-jaraguá (Hyparrhenia rufa, Nees Stapf . Os valores de DIVMS e os teores de proteína bruta (PB e parede celular (FDN exibiram gradiente ao longo do perfil do perfilho e diferença entre as frações do perfilho. As folhas situadas no topo do perfilho mostraram maior conteúdo de PB e digestibilidade, apesar dos mais altos teores de FDN, que as folhas situadas na base dos perfilhos. As lâminas foliares mostraram valores relativamente mais altos de DIVMS, PB e FDN que a bainha foliar. Nenhuma correlação foi observada entre os componentes químicos e a DIVMS da lâmina foliar do topo do perfilho. Apenas o teor de lignina apresentou correlação significativa (r = - 0,53 com a DIVMS, quando dados das lâminas foliares de topo e base do perfilho foram agrupados. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro, fibra em detergente ácido, proteína bruta e lignina propiciaram correlações com a DIVMS da lâmina foliar de base, da bainha foliar e do colmo.

  9. Animal Feces Contribute to Domestic Fecal Contamination: Evidence from E. coli Measured in Water, Hands, Food, Flies, and Soil in Bangladesh. (United States)

    Ercumen, Ayse; Pickering, Amy J; Kwong, Laura H; Arnold, Benjamin F; Parvez, Sarker Masud; Alam, Mahfuja; Sen, Debashis; Islam, Sharmin; Kullmann, Craig; Chase, Claire; Ahmed, Rokeya; Unicomb, Leanne; Luby, Stephen P; Colford, John M


    Fecal-oral pathogens are transmitted through complex, environmentally mediated pathways. Sanitation interventions that isolate human feces from the environment may reduce transmission but have shown limited impact on environmental contamination. We conducted a study in rural Bangladesh to (1) quantify domestic fecal contamination in settings with high on-site sanitation coverage; (2) determine how domestic animals affect fecal contamination; and (3) assess how each environmental pathway affects others. We collected water, hand rinse, food, soil, and fly samples from 608 households. We analyzed samples with IDEXX Quantitray for the most probable number (MPN) of E. coli. We detected E. coli in source water (25%), stored water (77%), child hands (43%), food (58%), flies (50%), ponds (97%), and soil (95%). Soil had >120 000 mean MPN E. coli per gram. In compounds with vs without animals, E. coli was higher by 0.54 log 10 in soil, 0.40 log 10 in stored water and 0.61 log 10 in food (p food increased with increasing E. coli in soil, ponds, source water and hands. We provide empirical evidence of fecal transmission in the domestic environment despite on-site sanitation. Animal feces contribute to fecal contamination, and fecal indicator bacteria do not strictly indicate human fecal contamination when animals are present.

  10. Evaluation of standard and modified M-FC, MacConkey, and Teepol media for membrane filtration counting of fecal coliforms in water. (United States)

    Grabow, W O; Hilner, C A; Coubrough, P


    MacConkey agar, standard M-FC agar, M-FC agar without rosolic acid, M-FC agar with a resuscitation top layer, Teepol agar, and pads saturated with Teepol broth, were evaluated as growth media for membrane filtration counting of fecal coliform bacteria in water. In comparative tests on 312 samples of water from a wide variety of sources, including chlorinated effluents, M-FC agar without rosolic acid proved the medium of choice because it generally yielded the highest counts, was readily obtainable, easy to prepare and handle, and yielded clearly recognizable fecal coliform colonies. Identification of 1,139 fecal coliform isolates showed that fecal coliform tests cannot be used to enumerate Escherichia coli because the incidence of E. coli among fecal coliforms varied from an average of 51% for river water to 93% for an activated sludge effluent after chlorination. The incidence of Klebsiella pneumoniae among fecal coliforms varied from an average of 4% for the activated sludge effluent after chlorination to 32% for the river water. The advantages of a standard membrane filtration procedure for routine counting of fecal coliforms in water using M-FC agar without rosolic acid as growth medium, in the absence of preincubation or resuscitation steps, are outlined.

  11. Levan Enhances Associated Growth of Bacteroides, Escherichia, Streptococcus and Faecalibacterium in Fecal Microbiota

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Adamberg, Kaarel; Tomson, Katrin; Talve, Tiina


    The role of dietary fiber in supporting healthy gut microbiota and overall well-being of the host has been revealed in several studies. Here, we show the effect of a bacterial polyfructan levan on the growth dynamics and metabolism of fecal microbiota in vitro by using isothermal microcalorimetry....... Eleven fecal samples from healthy donors were incubated in phosphate-buffered defined medium with or without levan supplementation and varying presence of amino acids. The generation of heat, changes in pH and microbiota composition, concentrations of produced and consumed metabolites during the growth...

  12. A associação dietética de mananoligossacarídeos e frutoligossacarídeos modifica o metabolismo nitrogenado em cães

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    Karla dos Santos Felssner


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos de uma mistura de mannan-oligossacarídeos (MOS e frutoligossacarídeos (FOS, na proporção de 1:1 adicionados a uma dieta para cães, antes ou após o processo de extrusão, sobre os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente das dietas, energia metabolizável, metabolismo do nitrogênio (curva de uréia sérica pós-prandial, balanço orgânico de nitrogênio, concentração fecal de amônia e excreção de uréia urinária e parâmetros fermentativos fecais (pH fecal e concentrações de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta. Foram utilizados 18 cães adultos da raça Beagle, distribuídos ao acaso em três tratamentos, sendo uma ração controle mais duas dietas em que a mistura dos prebióticos foram adicionados antes ou após o processo de extrusão das rações. Não houve diferença na digestibilidade, energia metabolizável, teor de amônia fecal e de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (acético, propiônico e butírico entre as dietas controle e com adição dos prebióticos. Entretanto, os cães suplementados com prebiótico, antes ou após a extrusão, apresentaram menor pH fecal (p < 0,05 em relação à dieta controle e foi observado ainda redução na concentração pós-prandial de uréia sérica (p < 0,01 nos animais que receberam prebióticos, observados pelas áreas abaixo da curva de uréia e do seu incremento. O processo de extrusão não afetou os efeitos biológicos destes prebióticos sobre os parâmetros avaliados nos cães. Possíveis mecanismos implicados no efeito dos prebióticos sobre a redução nas concentrações de uréia sérica são a diminuição na formação e absorção intestinal de amônia, favorecidas pela redução no pH intestinal. Estes achados podem ser considerados no uso de prebióticos em nutrição clínica.

  13. Comparative analysis of fecal microflora of healthy full-term Indian ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    Oct 18, 2012 ... In this study fecal microflora of human infants born through vaginal delivery (VB) and through ... their study they have investigated the development of the gut .... from both libraries were deposited to NCBI GenBank with.

  14. assessment of fecal bacteria contamination in sewage and non ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    chemical parameters (temperature, pH, salinity and nutrients) were measured. ... Kijichi than Rasi Dege). No significant variation was noted on the values of temperature, pH and salinity. A significant correlation between the levels of fecal bacteria indicators and nutrient ... ocean e.g. sewage is discharged directly into.

  15. Factors influencing annual fecal testosterone metabolite profiles in captive male polar bears (Ursus maritimus). (United States)

    Curry, E; Roth, T L; MacKinnon, K M; Stoops, M A


    The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of season, breeding activity, age and latitude on fecal testosterone metabolite concentrations in captive, adult male polar bears (Ursus maritimus). Fourteen polar bears from 13 North American zoos were monitored for 12-36 months, producing 25-year-long testosterone profiles. Results indicated that testosterone was significantly higher during the breeding season (early January through the end of May) compared with the non-breeding season with the highest concentrations excreted from early January through late March. Variations in excretion patterns were observed among individuals and also between years within an individual, with testosterone peaks closely associated with breeding activity. Results indicate that fecal testosterone concentrations are influenced by season, breeding activity and age, but not by latitude. This is the first report describing longitudinal fecal testosterone metabolite concentrations in individual adult male polar bears. © 2012 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.

  16. Development of high-performance chemical isotope labeling LC-MS for profiling the human fecal metabolome. (United States)

    Xu, Wei; Chen, Deying; Wang, Nan; Zhang, Ting; Zhou, Ruokun; Huan, Tao; Lu, Yingfeng; Su, Xiaoling; Xie, Qing; Li, Liang; Li, Lanjuan


    Human fecal samples contain endogenous human metabolites, gut microbiota metabolites, and other compounds. Profiling the fecal metabolome can produce metabolic information that may be used not only for disease biomarker discovery, but also for providing an insight about the relationship of the gut microbiome and human health. In this work, we report a chemical isotope labeling liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method for comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the amine- and phenol-containing metabolites in fecal samples. Differential (13)C2/(12)C2-dansyl labeling of the amines and phenols was used to improve LC separation efficiency and MS detection sensitivity. Water, methanol, and acetonitrile were examined as an extraction solvent, and a sequential water-acetonitrile extraction method was found to be optimal. A step-gradient LC-UV setup and a fast LC-MS method were evaluated for measuring the total concentration of dansyl labeled metabolites that could be used for normalizing the sample amounts of individual samples for quantitative metabolomics. Knowing the total concentration was also useful for optimizing the sample injection amount into LC-MS to maximize the number of metabolites detectable while avoiding sample overloading. For the first time, dansylation isotope labeling LC-MS was performed in a simple time-of-flight mass spectrometer, instead of high-end equipment, demonstrating the feasibility of using a low-cost instrument for chemical isotope labeling metabolomics. The developed method was applied for profiling the amine/phenol submetabolome of fecal samples collected from three families. An average of 1785 peak pairs or putative metabolites were found from a 30 min LC-MS run. From 243 LC-MS runs of all the fecal samples, a total of 6200 peak pairs were detected. Among them, 67 could be positively identified based on the mass and retention time match to a dansyl standard library, while 581 and 3197 peak pairs could be putatively

  17. Ovarian cycle of southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans) through fecal progestin measurement. (United States)

    Silvestre, Thiago; Zanetti, Eveline S; Duarte, José M B; Barriento, Fernando G; Hirano, Zelinda M B; Souza, Júlio C; Passos, Fernando C


    The ovarian cycle in howler monkeys (genus Alouatta) has beean investigated through several biological parameters (ranging between 16.3 and 29.5 days); however, no data exist concerning the ovarian activity of the southern brown howler monkey (Alouatta guariba clamitans). This study aimed to describe the ovarian cycle of A. g. clamitans by profiling fecal progestin concentrations. Over 20 weeks, fecal samples of eight captive adult females of A. g. clamitans were collected. The collections were made at dawn, 5 days a week, and the samples were frozen immediately following collection. Next, they were dried, pulverized and hormonal metabolites were extracted to determine progestin concentrations by enzyme immunoassay. Of the 758 samples tested, the mean concentration of fecal progestins was 2866.40 ± 470.03 ng/g of dry feces, while the mean concentration at baseline was 814.47 ± 164.36 ng/g of dry feces. Among the eight females, one showed no ovarian cyclicity and three presented periods of probable absence of cyclicity and low progestin concentrations. A mean duration of 16 ± 0.52 days was observed for the 35 cycles studied. The interluteal phase lasted 4 ± 0.37 days on average, with a mean concentration of fecal progestins of 467.98 ± 29.12 ng/g of dry feces, while the luteal phase lasted 11 ± 0.50 days, with a mean concentration of 4283.27 ± 193.31 ng/g of dry feces. Besides describing the characteristics of the ovarian cycle, possible causes for the low concentrations of fecal progestins and periods of absence of cyclicity are also discussed.

  18. Contaminación fecal canina en plazas y veredas de Buenos Aires, 1991-2006

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    Diana Rubel


    Full Text Available El objetivo del trabajo fue presentar y analizar los datos de contaminación fecal canina y parasitaria en plazas y veredas de Buenos Aires obtenidos entre 1991 y 2006 por la Cátedra Parasitología General (Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se censaron las heces en varias plazas cada año en un único día entre 1991-2006. A partir del año 2000 se censaron heces en veredas circundantes. En cada plaza se seleccionaron al azar 30 heces frescas que se conservaron en formol 5% para su análisis parasitológico por el método de flotación de Willis con solución saturada de ClNa. Los 51 censos presentaron una mediana de heces de 288; un 82% de las heces se observaron en los canteros de tierra o pasto. La contaminación fecal en las plazas fue mayor en el período 2000-06 que en el anterior (p = 0.0000. La contaminación fecal de las plazas aumentó con la densidad humana en las manzanas lindantes (p = 0.0076. Las veredas mostraron un patrón inverso, ya que la contaminación fecal fue mayor en las áreas menos densamente pobladas (p = 0.0000. Se detectaron parásitos en un número variable de las heces colectadas en todas las plazas. Los géneros más frecuentes fueron Ancylostoma (20.47%, Trichuris (2.59% y Toxocara (1.70%. Nuestros resultados indican un aumento en la contaminación fecal de las plazas, posiblemente asociado con el aumento del número de perros en la ciudad combinado con las deficiencias en la implementación y el seguimiento de las medidas de control.

  19. Fecal lipocalin 2, a sensitive and broadly dynamic non-invasive biomarker for intestinal inflammation. (United States)

    Chassaing, Benoit; Srinivasan, Gayathri; Delgado, Maria A; Young, Andrew N; Gewirtz, Andrew T; Vijay-Kumar, Matam


    Inflammation has classically been defined histopathologically, especially by the presence of immune cell infiltrates. However, more recent studies suggest a role for "low-grade" inflammation in a variety of disorders ranging from metabolic syndrome to cancer, which is defined by modest elevations in pro-inflammatory gene expression. Consequently, there is a need for cost-effective, non-invasive biomarkers that, ideally, would have the sensitivity to detect low-grade inflammation and have a dynamic range broad enough to reflect classic robust intestinal inflammation. Herein, we report that, for assessment of intestinal inflammation, fecal lipocalin 2 (Lcn-2), measured by ELISA, serves this purpose. Specifically, using a well-characterized mouse model of DSS colitis, we observed that fecal Lcn-2 and intestinal expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, CXCL1, TNFα) are modestly but significantly induced by very low concentrations of DSS (0.25 and 0.5%), and become markedly elevated at higher concentrations of DSS (1.0 and 4.0%). As expected, careful histopathologic analysis noted only modest immune infiltrates at low DSS concentration and robust colitis at higher DSS concentrations. In accordance, increased levels of the neutrophil product myeloperoxidase (MPO) was only detected in mice given 1.0 and 4.0% DSS. In addition, fecal Lcn-2 marks the severity of spontaneous colitis development in IL-10 deficient mice. Unlike histopathology, MPO, and q-RT-PCR, the assay of fecal Lcn-2 requires only a stool sample, permits measurement over time, and can detect inflammation as early as 1 day following DSS administration. Thus, assay of fecal Lcn-2 by ELISA can function as a non-invasive, sensitive, dynamic, stable and cost-effective means to monitor intestinal inflammation in mice.

  20. Diagnostic value of fecal tumor M2-pyruvate kinase for CRC screening: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (United States)

    Li, Rui; Liu, Jianjun; Xue, Huiping; Huang, Gang


    The measurement of fecal tumor M2-pyruvate kinase (PKM2), overexpressed in tumor cells, has been proposed as a novel tool for detecting colorectal cancer (CRC). However, the sensitivity and specificity of this test varied among studies. The aim of this meta-analysis was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of fecal PKM2 for CRC and to evaluate its utility in the CRC screening. It was compared to guaiac fecal occult blood test (gFOBT) or immunological fecal occult blood test (iFOBT). Through comprehensive literature search, 10 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included. Summary estimates for sensitivity and specificity were calculated by using the bivariate random effect model. The hierarchical summary receiver operating characteristic curve was also undertaken. The overall sensitivity and specificity of fecal PKM2 for detecting CRC were 79% (95% CI = 75-83%) and 81% (95% CI = 73-87%), respectively. The summary positive predictive value and negative predictive value were 74% (95% CI = 56-87%) and 86% (95% CI = 79-91%), respectively. The pooled diagnostic odds ratio was 16 (95% CI = 10-26). In head-to-head comparison, the diagnostic odds ratio of PKM2 and gFOBT for CRC were 10.167 (95% CI = 5.992-17.250) and 6.557 (95% CI = 3.467-12.403), respectively. The diagnostic odds ratio of PKM2 and iFOBT for CRC were 9.542 (95% CI = 5.893-15.452) and 67.248 (95% CI = 16.194-279.26), respectively. The fecal PKM2 test was a diagnostic tool with moderate sensitivity and specificity for detecting CRC. Its diagnostic efficiency was similar to that of gFOBT. Because of its relatively low specificity and positive predict value, fecal PKM2 was not recommended used alone as a screening tool for CRC. Copyright © 2012 UICC.

  1. Effectiveness of treatment using fecal incontinence biofeedback isolated or associated with electrical stimulation

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    Suelen Melão


    Full Text Available Introduction: The prevalence of fecal incontinence (FI has increased in recent decades, due to an aging population; and result in negative impacts on quality of life. Therefore, it is essential to search for an effective treatment in order to minimize the morbidity caused by incontinence. Objective: To evaluate the effect of perineal training in the treatment of patients with fecal incontinence by biofeedback. Method: This is a prospective study which evaluated 85 patients with FI from January 2009 to January 2014, at the Coloproctology outpatient clinic of the Hospital São Lucas/Cascavel, Paraná. Results: Mean age was 47 years and the duration of treatment ranged from 5 to 25 sessions (mean, 13 sessions. From the women involved in the study, 70% (50 had vaginal deliveries and 34 (40% participants were submitted to some orificial surgery. The FI score at baseline was 10.79 (6–17 and post-treatment FI was 2 (0–14 (p < 0.001. In the population studied, 49.4% (42 of the patients had an associated pre-BFT UI; and only 8.2% (7 had post-BFT UI (p < 0.001. Conclusions: The data presented in this study confirm that perineal training through biofeedback was effective in the treatment of patients with fecal incontinence without immediate indication for surgery, still ensuring for this technique the advantages of being effective, painless and of low cost. Resumo: Introdução: A prevalência de incontinência fecal (IF vem aumentando nas últimas décadas devido ao envelhecimento da população; e resulta em impactos negativos na qualidade de vida. Logo, torna-se fundamental a busca de um tratamento efetivo, a fim de minimizar a morbidade ocasionada pela incontinência. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do treinamento perineal no tratamento de pacientes portadores de incontinência fecal através do biofeedback. Método: Estudo prospectivo, que avaliou 85 pacientes com IF no período de janeiro de 2009 a janeiro de 2014, no ambulatório de

  2. Consumo e digestibilidade de silagens de capim-elefante com diferentes níveis de subproduto da agroindústria da acerola Intake and digestibilit of elefhant grass silages with the diferent levels of acerola industry by-product

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    Ana Cristina Holanda Ferreira


    Full Text Available Foi objetivo deste trabalho avaliar o consumo e digestibilidade da MS e nutrientes. de silagens de capim-elefante (CE contendo subproduto do processamento da acerola desidratada (SACD. Utilizaram-se 20 ovinos machos nãocastrados, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco níveis de SACD na silagem (0; 3,5; 7; 10,5 e 14% da matéria seca e quatro repetições. Estimaram-se os consumos de matéria seca (MS, celulose, hemicelulose, proteína bruta (PB, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, fibra em detergente ácido (FDA, bem como os consumos de matéria seca (MSD, proteína bruta (PBD, fibra em detergente neutro (FDND e energia digestível (ED. Foram avaliados também as digestibilidades da MS, PB, FDN, FDA, celulose, hemicelulose e EB, e o balanço de nitrogênio (BN. A adição de SACD, não influenciou o consumo de MS, FDN e FDA em g animal-1 dia-1 e g UTM-1 (unidade de tamanho metabólico = PV0,75, MSD, FDND em g animal-1 dia-1 e ED (0,86 Mcal dia-1. Contudo, a adição de 1% do SACD na ensilagem do capim-elefante resultou em aumento de 1,91 e 0,04 g nos consumos diários de PB e PBD, respectivamente. Com a adição do SACD, não houve alterações na digestibilidade da MS (43%, PB (36,4%, FDN (44,8% e BN (0,22 g dia-1 das silagens. Entretanto, o BN atingiu valores positivos quando foram adicionados 10,5 e 14% do SACD à dieta. O subproduto da acerola desidratado pode ser adicionado em níveis de até 14% da matéria natural na ensilagem de capim-elefante, pois não compromete nem o consumo nem a digestibilidade dos nutrientes em ovinos.The present study aimed to determine de nutritional value of mixed elephant grass silages and increasing levels of dehydrated acerola industry by-product (PAC. Five PAC levels (0; 3.5; 7.0; 10.5 and 14% were evaluated in a digestibility trial with 20 male non-castrated sheep in a randomized experimental design of five treatments (PAC levels and four replications per treatment (sheep. Intake

  3. Comparative analysis of fecal microbiota and intestinal microbial metabolic activity in captive polar bears. (United States)

    Schwab, Clarissa; Gänzle, Michael


    The composition of the intestinal microbiota depends on gut physiology and diet. Ursidae possess a simple gastrointestinal system composed of a stomach, small intestine, and indistinct hindgut. This study determined the composition and stability of fecal microbiota of 3 captive polar bears by group-specific quantitative PCR and PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) using the 16S rRNA gene as target. Intestinal metabolic activity was determined by analysis of short-chain fatty acids in feces. For comparison, other Carnivora and mammals were included in this study. Total bacterial abundance was approximately log 8.5 DNA gene copies·(g feces)-1 in all 3 polar bears. Fecal polar bear microbiota was dominated by the facultative anaerobes Enterobacteriaceae and enterococci, and the Clostridium cluster I. The detection of the Clostridium perfringens α-toxin gene verified the presence of C. perfringens. Composition of the fecal bacterial population was stable on a genus level; according to results obtained by PCR-DGGE, dominant bacterial species fluctuated. The total short-chain fatty acid content of Carnivora and other mammals analysed was comparable; lactate was detected in feces of all carnivora but present only in trace amounts in other mammals. In comparison, the fecal microbiota and metabolic activity of captive polar bears mostly resembled the closely related grizzly and black bears.

  4. Prospective assessment of interobserver agreement for defecography in fecal incontinence

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Dobben, Annette C.; Wiersma, Tjeerd G.; Janssen, Lucas W. M.; de Vos, Rien; Terra, Maaike P.; Baeten, Cor G.; Stoker, Jaap


    OBJECTIVE. The primary aim of our study was to determine the interobserver agreement of defecography in diagnosing enterocele, anterior rectocele, intussusception, and anismus in fecal-incontinent patients. The subsidiary aim was to evaluate the influence of level of experience on interpreting

  5. Frequent detection of a human fecal indicator in the urban ocean: environmental drivers and covariation with enterococci. (United States)

    Jennings, Wiley C; Chern, Eunice C; O'Donohue, Diane; Kellogg, Michael G; Boehm, Alexandria B


    Fecal pollution of surface waters presents a global human health threat. New molecular indicators of fecal pollution have been developed to address shortcomings of traditional culturable fecal indicators. However, there is still little information on their fate and transport in the environment. The present study uses spatially and temporally extensive data on traditional (culturable enterococci, cENT) and molecular (qPCR-enterococci, qENT and human-associated marker, HF183/BacR287) indicator concentrations in marine water surrounding highly-urbanized San Francisco, California, USA to investigate environmental and anthropogenic processes that impact fecal pollution. We constructed multivariable regression models for fecal indicator bacteria at 14 sampling stations. The human marker was detected more frequently in our study than in many other published studies, with detection frequency at some stations as high as 97%. The odds of cENT, qENT, and HF183/BacR287 exceeding health-relevant thresholds were statistically elevated immediately following discharges of partially treated combined sewage, and cENT levels dissipated after approximately 1 day. However, combined sewer discharges were not important predictors of indicator levels typically measured in weekly monitoring samples. Instead, precipitation and solar insolation were important predictors of cENT in weekly samples, while precipitation and water temperature were important predictors of HF183/BacR287 and qENT. The importance of precipitation highlights the significance of untreated storm water as a source of fecal pollution to the urban ocean, even for a city served by a combined sewage system. Sunlight and water temperature likely control persistence of the indicators via photoinactivation and dark decay processes, respectively.

  6. Factors associated with fecal-shedding of Salmonella spp by horses on US operations

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    Losinger W.C.


    Full Text Available In a cross-sectional national study that included 972 operations with > 3 horses on 1/1/98 in 28 states in the USA, 8,417 fecal specimens were collected from horses and cultured to test for the presence of Salmonella spp. Operations were characterized as Salmonella spp-positive if at least one fecal specimen tested positive for Salmonella spp. Percentages of Salmonella spp-positive operations were computed by management and other factors (collected from operation-level questionnaires that were hypothesized to be related to fecal shedding of Salmonella spp. A logistic-regression model was constructed to identify factors associated with horses? shedding Salmonella spp in feces on an operation. The odds of an operation being Salmonella spp positive increased as the number of resident horses increased. In addition, the following factors were found to be associated with increased odds of an operation being Salmonella spp positive: horses were used primarily for breeding; operation cleanliness was characterized as poor by the data collector; and new resident equids had been added to the operation without routine quarantine.

  7. Inflammatory bowel disease activity assessed by fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin: correlation with laboratory parameters, clinical, endoscopic and histological indexes

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    Rossini Lucio


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Research has shown that fecal biomarkers are useful to assess the activity of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD. The aim of the study is: to evaluate the efficacy of the fecal lactoferrin and calprotectin as indicators of inflammatory activity. Findings A total of 78 patients presenting inflammatory bowel disease were evaluated. Blood tests, the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI, Mayo Disease Activity Index (MDAI, and Crohn's Disease Endoscopic Index of Severity (CDEIS were used for the clinical and endoscopic evaluation. Two tests were performed on the fecal samples, to check the levels of calprotectin and lactoferrin. The performance of these fecal markers for detection of inflammation with reference to endoscopic and histological inflammatory activity was assessed and calculated sensitivity, specificity, accuracy. A total of 52 patient's samples whose histological evaluations showed inflammation, 49 were lactoferrin-positive, and 40 were calprotectin-positive (p = 0.000. Lactoferrin and calprotectin findings correlated with C-reactive protein in both the CD and UC groups (p = 0.006; p = 0.000, with CDAI values (p = 0.043; 0.010, CDEIS values in DC cases (p = 0,000; 0.000, and with MDAI values in UC cases (p = 0.000. Conclusion Fecal lactoferrin and calprotectin are highly sensitive and specific markers for detecting intestinal inflammation. Levels of fecal calprotectin have a proportional correlation to the degree of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa.

  8. Influência do teor de água e da digestibilidade de alimentos industrializados sobre o balanço hídrico de gatas

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    Aulus Cavalieri Carciofi


    Full Text Available Dietary adjustment has been studied for the control and prevention of the Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease. This work studied the influence of the amount of water and food digestibility on water intake and excretion (urinary and fecal. Ten adult female cats housed in metabolic cages were used. Four treatments were tested: low price dry food, low price dry food with 50% added water, super-premium dry food and canned food. Water intake with food and by drinking, fecal and urinary water excretion and food's digestibility coefficient were determined, in a Latin square experimental design with repetitions over time. The results were submitted to variance analysis; to Tukey's test to compare means and to Pearson's Correlation to test the association between variables (p<0.05. Moist food led to the highest water intake and the largest urine volume with the lowest density. The cats balanced the higher water intake with food by drinking less water. Adding 50% water to the food did not result in a higher total water intake and urine excretion. The lowest consumption of dry matter and highest food digestibility resulted in lower fecal water excretion. Dry foods with high and low digestibility had a urine:feces water excretion rate of 0.7:1 and 1.6:1, respectively. Among the nutrients, fat intake had a positive correlation with the urine volume. Foods with higher digestibility resulted in lower fecal water loss. Canned food (high water:dry matter ratio led to the highest total water intake and urinary volume excretion, and lower urinary density.

  9. Fresh steam-flaked corn in cattle feedlots is an important site for fecal coliform contamination by house flies. (United States)

    Ghosh, Anuradha; Zurek, Ludek


    House flies are a common pest at food animal facilities, including cattle feedlots. Previously, house flies were shown to play an important role in the ecology of Escherichia coli O157:H7; house flies in cattle feedlots carried this zoonotic pathogen and were able to contaminate cattle through direct contact and/or by contamination of drinking water and feed. Because house flies aggregate in large numbers on fresh ( # 6 h) steam-flaked corn (FSFC) used in cattle feed, the aim of this study was to assess FSFC in a cattle feedlot as a potentially important site of fecal coliform contamination by house flies. House flies and FSFC samples were collected, homogenized, and processed for culturing of fecal coliforms on membrane fecal coliform agar. Selected isolates were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and representative isolates from each phylogenetic group were genotyped by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Fecal coliforms were undetectable in FSFC shortly (0 h) after flaking; however, in summer, after 4 to 6 h, the concentrations of fecal coliforms ranged from 1.9 × 10(3) to 3.7 × 10(4) CFU/g FSFC (mean, 1.1 ± 3.0 × 10(4) CFU/g). House flies from FSFC carried between 7.6 × 10(2) and 4.1 × 10(6) CFU of fecal coliforms per fly (mean, 6.0 ± 2.3 × 10(5) CFU per fly). Fecal coliforms were represented by E. coli (85.1%), Klebsiella spp. (10.6%), and Citrobacter spp. (4.3%). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis demonstrated clonal matches of E. coli and Klebsiella spp. between house flies and FSFC. In contrast, in winter and in the absence of house flies, the contamination of corn by fecal coliforms was significantly (∼10-fold) lower. These results indicate that FSFC is an important site for bacterial contamination by flies and possible exchange of E. coli and other bacteria among house flies. Further research is needed to evaluate the potential use of screens or blowers to limit the access of house flies to FSFC and therefore their effectiveness in preventing

  10. Intestinal microbiota pathogenesis and fecal microbiota transplantation for inflammatory bowel disease (United States)

    Wang, Zi-Kai; Yang, Yun-Sheng; Chen, Ye; Yuan, Jing; Sun, Gang; Peng, Li-Hua


    The intestinal microbiota plays an important role in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The pathogenesis of IBD involves inappropriate ongoing activation of the mucosal immune system driven by abnormal intestinal microbiota in genetically predisposed individuals. However, there are still no definitive microbial pathogens linked to the onset of IBD. The composition and function of the intestinal microbiota and their metabolites are indeed disturbed in IBD patients. The special alterations of gut microbiota associated with IBD remain to be evaluated. The microbial interactions and host-microbe immune interactions are still not clarified. Limitations of present probiotic products in IBD are mainly due to modest clinical efficacy, few available strains and no standardized administration. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) may restore intestinal microbial homeostasis, and preliminary data have shown the clinical efficacy of FMT on refractory IBD or IBD combined with Clostridium difficile infection. Additionally, synthetic microbiota transplantation with the defined composition of fecal microbiota is also a promising therapeutic approach for IBD. However, FMT-related barriers, including the mechanism of restoring gut microbiota, standardized donor screening, fecal material preparation and administration, and long-term safety should be resolved. The role of intestinal microbiota and FMT in IBD should be further investigated by metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses combined with germ-free/human flora-associated animals and chemostat gut models. PMID:25356041

  11. Análise da resposta ao biofeedback nos pacientes com incontinência fecal Analysis of biofeedback for fecal incontinence

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    André Figueiredo Accetta


    Full Text Available Incontinência fecal é uma condição com importante impacto na qualidade de vida, e inúmeras formas de tratamento são descritas. Objetivo: Avaliar a resposta ao tratamento por biofeedback e o perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes com incontinência fecal, descrevendo os critérios de seleção e a técnica utilizada. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo dos pacientes tratados em três anos (junho de 2005 a junho de 2008. Resultados: Trinta pacientes, sendo 26 mulheres e 4 homens, com idade média de 66 anos. O número de gestações e partos normais variou de nenhuma a seis e a histerectomia esteve presente em nove casos. Todos os pacientes apresentavam hipotonia na manometria. Dezoito pacientes ficaram satisfeitos com o tratamento proposto, dez ficaram parcialmente satisfeitos, nenhum ficou completamente insatisfeito, e dois abandonaram a terapia. Conclusão: O tratamento clínico associado ao biofeedback pode ser eficaz para a melhoria dos sintomas; entretanto, o entendimento e compreensão do problema por parte do paciente parece ser o efeito mais importante para esses resultados. A presença de diabetes mellitus, cirurgias orificiais e histerectomia podem ter relação com as queixas de incontinência.Fecal incontinence is a disabling condition with relevant social costs. Many therapies are described. Objective: To evaluate the response to biofeedback and epidemiological profile, describing the used technique. Methods: A retrospective study in 3 years (June 2005 - June 2008. Results: Thirty patients, 26 women and 4 men, with an average age of 66. The number of normal pregnancies and births varied from none to six and hysterectomy was present in nine. Hypotonia in manometry was present in all patients. Eighteen patients were satisfied, ten were partially met, none was completely dissatisfied, and two have abandoned the therapy. Conclusion: The clinical therapy to biofeedback can be effective for incontinence, but the comprehension by patient

  12. Multipathway Quantitative Assessment of Exposure to Fecal Contamination for Young Children in Low-Income Urban Environments in Accra, Ghana: The SaniPath Analytical Approach. (United States)

    Wang, Yuke; Moe, Christine L; Null, Clair; Raj, Suraja J; Baker, Kelly K; Robb, Katharine A; Yakubu, Habib; Ampofo, Joseph A; Wellington, Nii; Freeman, Matthew C; Armah, George; Reese, Heather E; Peprah, Dorothy; Teunis, Peter F M


    Lack of adequate sanitation results in fecal contamination of the environment and poses a risk of disease transmission via multiple exposure pathways. To better understand how eight different sources contribute to overall exposure to fecal contamination, we quantified exposure through multiple pathways for children under 5 years old in four high-density, low-income, urban neighborhoods in Accra, Ghana. We collected more than 500 hours of structured observation of behaviors of 156 children, 800 household surveys, and 1,855 environmental samples. Data were analyzed using Bayesian models, estimating the environmental and behavioral factors associated with exposure to fecal contamination. These estimates were applied in exposure models simulating sequences of behaviors and transfers of fecal indicators. This approach allows us to identify the contribution of any sources of fecal contamination in the environment to child exposure and use dynamic fecal microbe transfer networks to track fecal indicators from the environment to oral ingestion. The contributions of different sources to exposure were categorized into four types (high/low by dose and frequency), as a basis for ranking pathways by the potential to reduce exposure. Although we observed variation in estimated exposure (10 8 -10 16 CFU/day for Escherichia coli ) between different age groups and neighborhoods, the greatest contribution was consistently from food (contributing > 99.9% to total exposure). Hands played a pivotal role in fecal microbe transfer, linking environmental sources to oral ingestion. The fecal microbe transfer network constructed here provides a systematic approach to study the complex interaction between contaminated environment and human behavior on exposure to fecal contamination.

  13. A human fecal contamination index for ranking impaired recreational watersusing the HF183 quantitative real-time PCR method (United States)

    Human fecal pollution of surface water remains a public health concern worldwide. As a result, there is a growing interest in the application of human-associated fecal source identification quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) technologies for recreational water quality risk managem...

  14. Microbial diversity in fecal samples depends on DNA extraction method

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Mirsepasi, Hengameh; Persson, Søren; Struve, Carsten


    was to evaluate two different DNA extraction methods in order to choose the most efficient method for studying intestinal bacterial diversity using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). FINDINGS: In this study, a semi-automatic DNA extraction system (easyMag®, BioMérieux, Marcy I'Etoile, France......BACKGROUND: There are challenges, when extracting bacterial DNA from specimens for molecular diagnostics, since fecal samples also contain DNA from human cells and many different substances derived from food, cell residues and medication that can inhibit downstream PCR. The purpose of the study...... by easyMag® from the same fecal samples. Furthermore, DNA extracts obtained using easyMag® seemed to contain inhibitory compounds, since in order to perform a successful PCR-analysis, the sample should be diluted at least 10 times. DGGE performed on PCR from DNA extracted by QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit DNA...

  15. Degradabilidade ruminal e digestibilidade intestinal da proteína de capim-elefante com três idades de corte Rumen degradability and intestinal digestibility of protein of elephant-grass at three cutting ages

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    J.P.G. Soares


    Full Text Available Determinaram-se a degradabilidade potencial (DP e a digestibilidade intestinal da proteína não degradada no rúmen (DIPNDR do capim-elefante em diferentes idades de rebrote (30, 45 e 60 dias e comparou-se a técnica do saco de náilon móvel (in situ com o método de três estádios (in vitro. Para tanto, utilizaram-se seis novilhos mestiços canulados no rúmen e duodeno alimentados exclusivamente com capim-elefante picado. O ensaio de degradabilidade foi realizado com amostras do capim incubadas no rúmen por 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120h. A digestibilidade intestinal foi determinada utilizando-se os resíduos de incubação por 24 horas. Na técnica in situ os resíduos em sacos de náilon foram colocados no duodeno e recuperados nas fezes. No método in vitro, os resíduos foram submetidos à digestão com HCl-pepsina-pancreatina. Em amostras de capim com idades de 30, 45 e 60 dias foram observados valores de DP da proteína de 87,5; 87,8 e 83,8%, respectivamente. A DIPNDR variou com a idade do capim e foi semelhante entre os métodos in situ e in vitro somente para o capim com 60 dias. O método in situ apresentou estimativa de digestibilidade intestinal mais coerente com as mudanças na composição química do capim-elefante decorrentes do envelhecimento.The potential degradability (PD and intestinal digestibility of ruminal escape protein (IDREP of elephant-grass at 30, 45, and 60 days of regrowth were determined and the mobile bag technique (in situ was compared to the three-stage method (in vitro. Thus, six cross-bred steers with rumen and duodenum canulas were used and fed exclusively with chopped elephant grass. The degradability trial was carried out with grass samples incubated in rumen by 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h. The intestinal digestibility was determined using 24-h ruminal incubation residue. In the in situ technique, residues in nylon bags were placed in duodenum and recovered in feces. In the in vitro

  16. Effect of cocoa bran on low-density lipoprotein oxidation and fecal bulking. (United States)

    Jenkins, D J; Kendall, C W; Vuksan, V; Vidgen, E; Wong, E; Augustin, L S; Fulgoni, V

    Legumes have reported benefits in terms of reduced risk for coronary heart disease and of colonic health. A novel legume fiber, cocoa bran, also may have favorable health effects on serum lipid levels, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol oxidation, and fecal bulk. Twenty-five healthy normolipidemic subjects (13 men and 12 women) (mean +/- SEM age, 37 +/- 2 years; mean +/- SEM body mass index [calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters], 24.6 +/- 0.7) ate cocoa-bran and chocolate-flavored low-fiber breakfast cereals for 2-week periods, with 2-week washout, in a double-blind crossover study. The cocoa-bran cereal provided 25.0 g/d of total dietary fiber (TDF). The low-fiber cereal (5.6 g/d TDF) was of similar appearance and energy value. Fasting blood samples were obtained at the start and end of each period, and 4-day fecal collections were made from days 11 through 14. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level was higher (7.6% +/- 2.9%; P =.02) and the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio was lower (6.7% +/- 2.3%; P =.007) for cocoa-bran compared with low-fiber cereal at 2 weeks. No effect was seen on LDL cholesterol oxidation. Mean fecal output was significantly higher for cocoa-bran than for low-fiber cereal (56 +/- 14 g/d; Pchocolate-flavored cocoa-bran cereal increased fecal bulk similarly to wheat bran and was associated with a reduction in the LDL/HDL cholesterol ratio. In view of the low-fat, high-fiber nature of the material, these results suggest a possible role for this novel fiber source in the diets of normal, hyperlipidemic, and constipated subjects.

  17. On-Site Fecal Sludge Treatment with the Anaerobic Digestion Pasteurization Latrine. (United States)

    Forbis-Stokes, Aaron A; O'Meara, Patrick F; Mugo, Wangare; Simiyu, Gelas M; Deshusses, Marc A


    The Anaerobic Digestion Pasteurization Latrine (ADPL) is a self-contained and energy neutral on-site sanitation system using anaerobic digestion of fecal sludge to generate biogas and then uses the biogas to pasteurize the digester effluent at 65-75°C to produce a safe effluent that can be reused locally as a fertilizer. Two ADPL systems were installed on residential plots with 17 and 35 residents in a peri-urban area outside of Eldoret, Kenya. Each system comprised three toilets built above a floating dome digester and one heat pasteurization system to sanitize the digested effluent. ADPLs are simple systems, with no moving parts and relying on gravity-induced flows. Adoption at the two sites was successful, and residents reported that the systems had little to no odor or flies. ADPLs were monitored for biogas production and temperatures in the pasteurization system. ADPLs serving 17 and 35 residents produced on average 16 and 11 L biogas /person/day (maximum of 20 and 15 L biogas /p/d), respectively. The temperature in the sterilization system was greater than 65°C on 58% and 87% of sampling days during the most stable period of operation. Treated effluent was analyzed periodically for chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), pH, and fecal coliform (FC). On average, the effluent at the two locations contained 4,540 and 6,450 mg COD/L (an 85% or 89% reduction of the estimated input), 2,050 and 3,970 mg BOD/L, and 2,420 and 4,760 mg NH 3 -N, respectively, and greater than 5 log reductions of FC (nondetectable) in the sterilization tank. Results from this field study show that anaerobic digestion of minimally diluted fecal sludge can provide enough energy to pasteurize digester effluent and that the ADPL may be a suitable option for on-site fecal sludge treatment.

  18. On-Site Fecal Sludge Treatment with the Anaerobic Digestion Pasteurization Latrine (United States)

    Forbis-Stokes, Aaron A.; O'Meara, Patrick F.; Mugo, Wangare; Simiyu, Gelas M.; Deshusses, Marc A.


    Abstract The Anaerobic Digestion Pasteurization Latrine (ADPL) is a self-contained and energy neutral on-site sanitation system using anaerobic digestion of fecal sludge to generate biogas and then uses the biogas to pasteurize the digester effluent at 65–75°C to produce a safe effluent that can be reused locally as a fertilizer. Two ADPL systems were installed on residential plots with 17 and 35 residents in a peri-urban area outside of Eldoret, Kenya. Each system comprised three toilets built above a floating dome digester and one heat pasteurization system to sanitize the digested effluent. ADPLs are simple systems, with no moving parts and relying on gravity-induced flows. Adoption at the two sites was successful, and residents reported that the systems had little to no odor or flies. ADPLs were monitored for biogas production and temperatures in the pasteurization system. ADPLs serving 17 and 35 residents produced on average 16 and 11 Lbiogas/person/day (maximum of 20 and 15 Lbiogas/p/d), respectively. The temperature in the sterilization system was greater than 65°C on 58% and 87% of sampling days during the most stable period of operation. Treated effluent was analyzed periodically for chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), pH, and fecal coliform (FC). On average, the effluent at the two locations contained 4,540 and 6,450 mg COD/L (an 85% or 89% reduction of the estimated input), 2,050 and 3,970 mg BOD/L, and 2,420 and 4,760 mg NH3-N, respectively, and greater than 5 log reductions of FC (nondetectable) in the sterilization tank. Results from this field study show that anaerobic digestion of minimally diluted fecal sludge can provide enough energy to pasteurize digester effluent and that the ADPL may be a suitable option for on-site fecal sludge treatment. PMID:27924135

  19. A Cross Sectional Study of the Association between Sanitation Type and Fecal Contamination of the Household Environment in Rural Bangladesh. (United States)

    Huda, Tarique Md Nurul; Schmidt, Wolf-Peter; Pickering, Amy J; Mahmud, Zahid Hayat; Islam, Mohammad Sirajul; Rahman, Md Sajjadur; Luby, Stephen P; Biran, Adam


    We conducted a cross sectional study to assess 1) the association between access to basic sanitation and fecal contamination of sentinel toy balls and 2) if other sanitation factors such as shared use and cleanliness are associated with fecal contamination of sentinel toy balls. We assessed sanitation facilities in 454 households with a child aged 6-24 months in rural Bangladesh. We defined "basic" sanitation as access to improved sanitation facilities (pit latrine with a slab or better) not shared with other households. In each household, an identical toy ball was given to the target child. After 24 hours, the balls were rinsed to enumerate fecal coliforms as an indicator of household fecal contamination. Households with basic sanitation had lower fecal coliform contamination than households with no access to basic sanitation (adjusted difference in means: -0.31 log 10 colony forming units [CFU]/toy ball; 95% confidence interval [CI]: -0.61, -0.01). Shared sanitation facilities of otherwise improved type were more likely to have visible feces on the latrine slab compared with private facilities. Among households with access to improved sanitation, households with no visible feces on the latrine slab had less toy ball contamination than households with visible feces on the latrine slab (adjusted difference in means: -0.38 log 10 CFU/toy ball; 95% CI: -0.77, 0.02). Access to basic sanitation may prevent fecal contamination of the household environment. An Improved sanitation facility used by an individual household may be better in preventing household fecal contamination compared with improved facilities shared with other households.

  20. More Poop, More Precision: Improving Epidemiologic Surveillance of Soil-Transmitted Helminths with Multiple Fecal Sampling using the Kato-Katz Technique. (United States)

    Liu, Chengfang; Lu, Louise; Zhang, Linxiu; Bai, Yu; Medina, Alexis; Rozelle, Scott; Smith, Darvin Scott; Zhou, Changhai; Zang, Wei


    Soil-transmitted helminths, or parasitic intestinal worms, are among the most prevalent and geographically widespread parasitic infections in the world. Accurate diagnosis and quantification of helminth infection are critical for informing and assessing deworming interventions. The Kato-Katz thick smear technique, the most widely used laboratory method to quantitatively assess infection prevalence and infection intensity of helminths, has often been compared with other methods. Only a few small-scale studies, however, have considered ways to improve its diagnostic sensitivity. This study, conducted among 4,985 school-age children in an area of rural China with moderate prevalence of helminth infection, examines the effect on diagnostic sensitivity of the Kato-Katz technique when two fecal samples collected over consecutive days are examined and compared with a single sample. A secondary aim was to consider cost-effectiveness by calculating an estimate of the marginal costs of obtaining an additional fecal sample. Our findings show that analysis of an additional fecal sample led to increases of 23%, 26%, and 100% for Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura , and hookworm prevalence, respectively. The cost of collecting a second fecal sample for our study population was approximately USD4.60 per fecal sample. Overall, the findings suggest that investing 31% more capital in fecal sample collection prevents an underestimation of prevalence by about 21%, and hence improves the diagnostic sensitivity of the Kato-Katz method. Especially in areas with light-intensity infections of soil-transmitted helminths and limited public health resources, more accurate epidemiological surveillance using multiple fecal samples will critically inform decisions regarding infection control and prevention.

  1. Interlaboratory evaluation of the AOAC method and the A-1 procedure for recovery of fecal coliforms from foods. (United States)

    Andrews, W H; Wilson, C R; Poelma, P L; Bullock, L K; McClure, F D; Gentile, D E


    An interlaboratory evaluation was made of the 96 h AOAC method and the 24 h A-1 procedure for the enumeration of fecal coliforms in samples of yellow corn meal, rye flour, mung beans, raw ground beef, and raw oyster homogenate. Results indicated that the efficiency of the A-1 procedure, measured in terms of recovery of fecal coliforms, and the reproducibility of that recovery were dependent on the particular food being analyzed. Accordingly, until its efficiency can be more fully demonstrated, the A-1 procedure is recommended only as a screening procedure for fecal coliforms in foods.

  2. Fecal microbiota transplantation in metabolic syndrome: History, present and future

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    de Groot, P. F.; Frissen, M. N.; de Clercq, N. C.; Nieuwdorp, M.


    The history of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) dates back even to ancient China. Recently, scientific studies have been looking into FMT as a promising treatment of various diseases, while in the process teaching us about the interaction between the human host and its resident microbial

  3. Prevalence of fecal shedding of Salmonella organisms among captive green iguanas and potential public health implications. (United States)

    Burnham, B R; Atchley, D H; DeFusco, R P; Ferris, K E; Zicarelli, J C; Lee, J H; Angulo, F J


    To determine prevalence of fecal shedding of Salmonella organisms among captive green iguanas (Iguana iguana). Cohort study. 12 captive green iguanas. Iguanas were isolated in an environmental chamber, and fecal samples were collected weekly for 10 consecutive weeks. Samples were incubated aerobically in tetrathionate broth for 18 to 24 hours. Aliquots were then transferred to Hektoen and Salmonella-Shigella agar plates and incubated for an additional 18 to 24 hours. Isolated colonies were subcultured on nutrient agar slants, and Salmonella isolates were serogrouped and serotyped. All 12 iguanas were found to be shedding Salmonella organisms at least once during the study, and multiple serotypes were isolated from 7 of the 12. Salmonella organisms were isolated from 88 of 106 (83%) fecal samples; 21 samples contained multiple Salmonella serotypes. Overall, 11 Salmonella serotypes were identified. In 74 of 100 instances, when a particular Salmonella serotype was isolated from an individual iguana, the same serotype was also isolated from a subsequent fecal sample from that iguana. Results suggested that most iguanas have a stable mixture of Salmonella serotypes in their intestinal tracts and intermittently or continuously shed Salmonella organisms in their feces. Veterinarians should advise their clients on precautions for reducing the risk of acquiring these organisms from their pets. Public health officials trying to determine whether an iguana is the source of a specific Salmonella serotype that caused infection in human patients should submit at least 3 fecal samples collected from the iguana 1 week apart for bacterial culture.

  4. A case of rectal stricture associated with the use of a fecal management system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kshitij Chatterjee


    Full Text Available Fecal management systems are widely used to prevent complications of fecal incontinence such as skin breakdown and pressure ulcers. However they are occasionally associated with complications such as bleeding and pressure necrosis of rectal mucosa. We present a patient with Clostridium difficile colitis with a prolonged hospital stay requiring the use of Flexi-Seal Fecal Management System who developed abdominal pain and distention with obstipation. Computed tomography of abdomen showed dilatation of small and large bowel loops with a transition point at rectosigmoid junction. Flexible sigmoidoscopy revealed the presence of a severe stricture at the rectosigmoid junction that was not amenable to endoscopic dilation. Surgical resection with an end-colostomy was performed to relieve the obstruction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a high-grade stricture due to use of bowel management system that needed bowel resection surgery. Resumo: Sistemas de manejo fecal são amplamente utilizados com o objetivo de evitar as complicações da incontinência fecal, além de avarias à pele e úlceras de decúbito. No entanto, ocasionalmente esses sistemas estão associados a complicações, como sangramento e necrose por pressão da mucosa retal. Apresentamos um paciente com colite por Clostridium difficile com prolongada permanência no hospital e que necessitou do uso do Flexi-Seal Fecal Management System; esse paciente veio a sofrer dores e distensão abdominal, juntamente com obstipação. A tomografia computadorizada do abdome revelou dilatação de alças de intestine delgado e grosso, com um ponto de transição na junção retossigmóidea. A sigmoidoscopia flexível revelou presença de grande constrição na junção retossigmóidea, que não permitia dilatação endoscópica. Realizamos ressecção cirúrgica com colostomia terminal, com o objetivo de aliviar a obstrução. Até onde vai nosso conhecimento, este é o

  5. Patterns of fecal gonadal hormone metabolites in the maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). (United States)

    Songsasen, N; Rodden, M; Brown, J L; Wildt, D E


    Ex situ populations of maned wolves are not viable due to low reproductive efficiency. The objective of this study was to increase knowledge regarding the reproductive physiology of maned wolves to improve captive management. Fecal samples were collected 3-5 d/wk from 12 females of various reproductive age classes (young, prime breeding and aged) and reproductive histories (conceived and raised pups, conceived but lost pups, pseudo-pregnant and unpaired). Ovarian steroids were extracted from feces and assessed by enzyme immunoassay. Concentrations of estrogen metabolites gradually increased, beginning 2-5 d before breeding, and declined to baseline on the day of lordosis and copulation. Fecal progestin metabolite concentrations increased steadily during the periovulatory period, when sexual receptivity was observed, and remained elevated during pregnancy and pseudo-pregnancy. During the luteal phase, young and prime breeding-age females excreted larger amounts of progestins than those of older age classes. Furthermore, progestin concentrations were higher during the luteal phase of pregnant versus pseudo-pregnant bitches. Profiles of fecal progestin metabolites for three singleton females were unchanged throughout the breeding season, suggesting ovulation is induced in this species. However, this finding could be confounded by age, as these females were either young or aged.

  6. Efecto inhibitorio de los taninos del frijol carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina por dos sistemas multienzimáticos Inhibitory effect of carioca bean tannins on phaseolin digestibility assessed by two multi-enzymatic systems


    Victoria H. Del Pino; Franco M. Lajolo


    Cantidades variables de dos sistemas multienzimáticos de tripsina-quimotripsina-peptidasa y pepsina-pancreatina, fueron utilizados para evaluar el efecto de los taninos provenientes de frijol Carioca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) sobre la digestibilidad de la faseolina, en las formas nativa y denaturalizada. Esta evaluación hecha por los métodos de caida de pH, de hidrólisis en medio tamponado con posterior medición del grado de hidrólisis con ninhidrina y por la técnica electroforética, demostró e...

  7. Novel human-associated Lachnospiraceae genetic markers improve detection of fecal pollution sources in urban waters. (United States)

    Feng, Shuchen; Bootsma, Melinda; McLellan, Sandra L


    The human microbiome contains many organisms that could potentially be used as indicators of human fecal pollution. Here we report the development of two novel human-associated genetic marker assays that target organisms within the family Lachnospiraceae Next-generation sequencing of the V6 region of the 16S rRNA gene from sewage and animal stool samples identified 40 human-associated marker candidates with a robust signal in sewage and low or no occurrence in nonhuman hosts. Two were chosen for quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay development using longer sequences (V2 to V9 regions) generated from clone libraries. Validation of these assays, designated Lachno3 and Lachno12, was performed using fecal samples (n=55) from cat, dog, pig, cow, deer, and gull sources, and compared with established host-associated assays (Lachno2, and two Human Bacteroides assays; HB and HF183/BacR287). Each of the established assays cross-reacted with at least one other animal, including animals common in urban areas. Lachno3 and Lachno12 were primarily human-associated; however, Lachno12 demonstrated low levels of cross-reactivity with select cows, and non-specific amplification in pigs. This limitation may not be problematic when testing urban waters. These novel markers resolved ambiguous results from previous investigations in stormwater-impacted waters, demonstrating their utility. The complexity of the microbiome in humans and animals suggests no single organism is strictly specific to humans, and multiple complementary markers used in combination will provide the highest resolution and specificity for assessing fecal pollution sources. IMPORTANCE Traditional fecal indicator bacteria do not distinguish animal from human fecal pollution, which is necessary to evaluate health risks and mitigate pollution sources. Assessing urban areas is challenging since water can be impacted by sewage, which has a high likelihood of carrying human pathogens, as well as pet waste and urban wildlife. We

  8. Revisión de índices de distribución espacial usados en inventarios forestales y su aplicación en bosques tropicales

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    Alicia Ledo


    Full Text Available En este trabajo se hace una revisión de los diferentes índices utilizados para describir y caracterizar la estructura horizontal o patrón espacial en masas forestales con especial énfasis en aquellos que se han aplicado para el estudio de bosques tropicales. Estos índices se han clasificado en función del tipo de datos requerido para su cálculo. Diferentes aspectos del comportamiento estadístico y la aplicabilidad de aquellos índices más usados (los índices de Fisher y Morisita, el análisis de la varianza en escalas anidadas y la técnica SADIE de entre las técnicas que utilizan datos de densidades o coberturas en unidades de muestreo; los índices de Clark-Evans, Pielou y Byth-Ripley basados en medidas de distancias entre árboles; y las funciones L(d y Oring que requieren para su cálculo la posición de todos los arboles se analizan en un caso de estudio a partir de datos de parcelas experimentales un bosque tropical andino.

  9. Bacterial indicator occurrence and the use of an F+ specific RNA coliphage assay to identify fecal sources in Homosassa Springs, Florida (United States)

    Griffin, Dale W.; Stokes, Rodger; Rose, J.B.; Paul, J.H.


    A microbiological water quality study of Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park (HSSWP) and surrounding areas was undertaken. Samples were collected in November of 1997 (seven sites) and again in November of 1998 (nine sites). Fecal bacterial concentrations (total and fecal coliforms, Clostridium perfringens, and enterococci) were measured as relative indicators of fecal contamination. F+-specific coliphage genotyping was performed to determine the source of fecal contamination at the study sites. Bacterial levels were considerably higher at most sites in the 1997 sampling compared to the 1998 sampling, probably because of the greater rainfall that year. In November of 1997, 2 of the 7 sites were in violation of all indicator standards and guidance levels. In November of 1998, 1 of 9 sites was in violation of all indicator standard and guidance levels. The highest concentrations of all fecal indicators were found at a station downstream of the animal holding pens in HSSWP. The lowest levels of indicators were found at the Homosassa Main Spring vent. Levels of fecal indicators downstream of HSSWP (near the point of confluence with the river) were equivalent to those found in the Southeastern Fork and areas upstream of the park influences. F+ specific RNA coliphage analysis indicated that fecal contamination at all sites that tested positive was from animal sources (mammals and birds). These results suggest that animal (indigenous and those in HSSWP) and not human sources influenced microbial water quality in the area of Homosassa River covered by this study.

  10. Caroço de algodão como fonte de fibra e proteína em dietas à base de palma forrageira para vacas em latação: digestibilidade - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i3.1205 Whole cottonseed as fiber and protein source in forage-cactus-based diets for lactating dairy cows: digestibility - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v27i3.1205

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    Ricardo Alexandre Silva Pessoa


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de cinco níveis de caroço de algodão (0,00; 6,25; 12,50; 18,75; e 25,00% em substituição parcial ao farelo de soja e silagem de sorgo, sobre a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes e absorção aparente de minerais. Cinco vacas da raça Holandesa foram distribuídas em quadrado latino (5X5. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, carboidratos totais, carboidratos-não-fibrosos, fibra em detergente neutro e NDT estimado no ensaio de digestibilidade não foram influenciados pelo caroço de algodão (69,25; 69,33; 68,37; 81,42; 49,52; e 70,62%, respectivamente. A digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta diminuiu e o do extrato etéreo aumentou linearmente com a inclusão do caroço de algodão. A absorção aparente dos minerais não foi influenciada (50,67; 35,7; 91,03; 86,38 e 29,17% para Ca, P, K, Na e Mg, respectivamenteThe aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of five levels of whole cottonseed (0.00; 6.25; 12.50; 18.75; e 25.00% in partial replacement of soybean meal and sorghum silage, on the apparent nutrients digestibility and apparent minerals absorption. Five Holstein cows were assigned in one (5X5 latin square design. The apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, total carbohydrates, nonfiber carbohydrates, neutral detergent fiber and TDN estimated in a digestibility trial was not affected by whole cottonseed levels (69.25; 69.33; 68.37; 81.42; 49.52; 47.29; and 70.62%, respectively. The crude protein apparent digestibility decreased and ether extract apparent digestibility increased linearly by the increase of whole cottonseed. Minerals apparent absorption was not affected by whole cottonseed levels (50.67; 35.7; 91.03; 86.38; and 29.17% for Ca, P, K, Na e Mg, respectively

  11. Neuromodulation for fecal incontinence: An effective surgical intervention


    Chiarioni, Giuseppe; Palsson, Olafur S; Asteria, Corrado R; Whitehead, William E


    Fecal incontinence is a disabling symptom with medical and social implications, including fear, embarrassment, isolation and even depression. Most patients live in seclusion and have to plan their life around the symptom, with secondary impairment of their quality of life. Conservative management and biofeedback therapy are reported to benefit a good percentage of those affected. However, surgery must be considered in the non-responder population. Recently, sacral nerve electrostimulation, la...

  12. Different fecal microbiotas and volatile organic compounds in treated and untreated children with celiac disease. (United States)

    Di Cagno, Raffaella; Rizzello, Carlo G; Gagliardi, Francesca; Ricciuti, Patrizia; Ndagijimana, Maurice; Francavilla, Ruggiero; Guerzoni, M Elisabetta; Crecchio, Carmine; Gobbetti, Marco; De Angelis, Maria


    This study aimed at investigating the fecal microbiotas of children with celiac disease (CD) before (U-CD) and after (T-CD) they were fed a gluten-free diet and of healthy children (HC). Brothers or sisters of T-CD were enrolled as HC. Each group consisted of seven children. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis with V3 universal primers revealed a unique profile for each fecal sample. PCR-DGGE analysis with group- or genus-specific 16S rRNA gene primers showed that the Lactobacillus community of U-CD changed significantly, while the diversity of the Lactobacillus community of T-CD was quite comparable to that of HC. Compared to HC, the ratio of cultivable lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacterium to Bacteroides and enterobacteria was lower in T-CD and even lower in U-CD. The percentages of strains identified as lactobacilli differed as follows: HC (ca. 38%) > T-CD (ca. 17%) > U-CD (ca. 10%). Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus rossiae, and Lactobacillus pentosus were identified only in fecal samples from T-CD and HC. Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus gasseri were identified only in several fecal samples from HC. Compared to HC, the composition of Bifidobacterium species of T-CD varied, and it varied even more for U-CD. Forty-seven volatile organic compounds (VOCs) belonging to different chemical classes were identified using gas-chromatography mass spectrometry-solid-phase microextraction analysis. The median concentrations varied markedly for HC, T-CD, and U-CD. Overall, the r(2) values for VOC data for brothers and sisters were equal to or lower than those for unrelated HC and T-CD. This study shows the effect of CD pathology on the fecal microbiotas of children.

  13. A case study characterizing animal fecal sources in surface water using a mitochondrial DNA marker. (United States)

    Bucci, John P; Shattuck, Michelle D; Aytur, Semra A; Carey, Richard; McDowell, William H


    Water quality impairment by fecal waste in coastal watersheds is a public health issue. The present study provided evidence for the use of a mitochondrial (mtDNA) marker to detect animal fecal sources in surface water. The accurate identification of fecal pollution is based on the notion that fecal microorganisms preferentially inhabit a host animal's gut environment. In contrast, mtDNA host-specific markers are inherent to eukaryotic host cells, which offers the advantage by detecting DNA from the host rather than its fecal bacteria. The present study focused on sampling water presumably from non-point sources (NPS), which can increase bacterial and nitrogen concentrations to receiving water bodies. Stream sampling sites located within the Piscataqua River Watershed (PRW), New Hampshire, USA, were sampled from a range of sites that experienced nitrogen inputs such as sewer and septic systems and suburban runoff. Three mitochondrial (mtDNA) gene marker assays (human, bovine, and canine) were tested from surface water. Nineteen sites were sampled during an 18-month period. Analyses of the combined single and multiplex assay results showed that the proportion of occurrence was highest for bovine (15.6%; n = 77) compared to canine (5.6%; n = 70) and human (5.7%; n = 107) mtDNA gene markers. For the human mtDNA marker, there was a statistically significant relationship between presence vs. absence and land use (Fisher's test p = 0.0031). This result was evident particularly for rural suburban septic, which showed the highest proportion of presence (19.2%) compared to the urban sewered (3.3%), suburban sewered (0%), and agricultural (0%) as well as forested septic (0%) sites. Although further testing across varied land use is needed, our study provides evidence for using the mtDNA marker in large watersheds.

  14. Origin of fecal contamination in waters from contrasted areas: stanols as Microbial Source Tracking markers. (United States)

    Derrien, M; Jardé, E; Gruau, G; Pourcher, A M; Gourmelon, M; Jadas-Hécart, A; Pierson Wickmann, A C


    Improving the microbiological quality of coastal and river waters relies on the development of reliable markers that are capable of determining sources of fecal pollution. Recently, a principal component analysis (PCA) method based on six stanol compounds (i.e. 5β-cholestan-3β-ol (coprostanol), 5β-cholestan-3α-ol (epicoprostanol), 24-methyl-5α-cholestan-3β-ol (campestanol), 24-ethyl-5α-cholestan-3β-ol (sitostanol), 24-ethyl-5β-cholestan-3β-ol (24-ethylcoprostanol) and 24-ethyl-5β-cholestan-3α-ol (24-ethylepicoprostanol)) was shown to be suitable for distinguishing between porcine and bovine feces. In this study, we tested if this PCA method, using the above six stanols, could be used as a tool in "Microbial Source Tracking (MST)" methods in water from areas of intensive agriculture where diffuse fecal contamination is often marked by the co-existence of human and animal sources. In particular, well-defined and stable clusters were found in PCA score plots clustering samples of "pure" human, bovine and porcine feces along with runoff and diluted waters in which the source of contamination is known. A good consistency was also observed between the source assignments made by the 6-stanol-based PCA method and the microbial markers for river waters contaminated by fecal matter of unknown origin. More generally, the tests conducted in this study argue for the addition of the PCA method based on six stanols in the MST toolbox to help identify fecal contamination sources. The data presented in this study show that this addition would improve the determination of fecal contamination sources when the contamination levels are low to moderate. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Ocorrência de Salmonella e coliformes de origem fecal na canela em pó (Cinnamomum cassia Blume a Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees comercializada em Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brasil Salmonella and fecal coliforms in cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia Blume and Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees sold in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

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    Jane Maria de S. Philippi


    Full Text Available Cem amostras de canela em pó de dez marcas diferentes comercializadas na cidade de Florianópolis, SC, foram submetidas à análise microbiológica, pesquisando-se Salmonella e coliformes de origem fecal. Em nenhuma amostra foi detectada Salmonella. Coliformes de origem fecal foram encontrados entre os valores The microbiological quality of a hundred samples of ten differents commercial brands of a ground cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia Blume and Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees from supermarkets in the city of Florianópolis, Brazil, was assessed. Salmonella and fecal coliforms were determined. Results were negative for Salmonella Fecal coliforms values ranged from 100 MPN per g. Fecal coliforms were detected in 37% of the cinnamon samples.

  16. Glycosphingolipid synthesis inhibitor AMP-DNM lowers plasma cholesterol levels by promoting fecal cholesterol excretion without inhibiting cholesterol absorption

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vrins, Carlos L. J.; Bietrix, Florence; Lombardo, Elisa; van Roomen, Cindy P. A. A.; Ottenhoff, Roelof; Overkleeft, Herman S.; Aerts, Johannes M.


    Inhibition of glycosphingolipid synthesis with iminosugar N-(5'-adamantane-1'-yl-methoxy)-pentyl-1-deoxynojirimycin (AMP-DNM) increases fecal neutral sterol output in mice. To investigate which pathways were involved in this increase, C57BI/6J mice were treated with AMP-DNM and/or ezetimibe. Fecal

  17. Sediment and Fecal Indicator Bacteria Loading in a Mixed Land Use Watershed: Contributions from Suspended and Bed Load Transport (United States)

    Water quality studies that quantify sediment and fecal bacteria loading commonly focus on suspended contaminants transported during high flows. Fecal contaminants in bed sediments are typically ignored and need to be considered because of their potential to increase pathogen load...

  18. Combining land use information and small stream sampling with PCR-based methods for better characterization of diffuse sources of human fecal pollution. (United States)

    Peed, Lindsay A; Nietch, Christopher T; Kelty, Catherine A; Meckes, Mark; Mooney, Thomas; Sivaganesan, Mano; Shanks, Orin C


    Diffuse sources of human fecal pollution allow for the direct discharge of waste into receiving waters with minimal or no treatment. Traditional culture-based methods are commonly used to characterize fecal pollution in ambient waters, however these methods do not discern between human and other animal sources of fecal pollution making it difficult to identify diffuse pollution sources. Human-associated quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) methods in combination with low-order headwatershed sampling, precipitation information, and high-resolution geographic information system land use data can be useful for identifying diffuse source of human fecal pollution in receiving waters. To test this assertion, this study monitored nine headwatersheds over a two-year period potentially impacted by faulty septic systems and leaky sanitary sewer lines. Human fecal pollution was measured using three different human-associated qPCR methods and a positive significant correlation was seen between abundance of human-associated genetic markers and septic systems following wet weather events. In contrast, a negative correlation was observed with sanitary sewer line densities suggesting septic systems are the predominant diffuse source of human fecal pollution in the study area. These results demonstrate the advantages of combining water sampling, climate information, land-use computer-based modeling, and molecular biology disciplines to better characterize diffuse sources of human fecal pollution in environmental waters.

  19. Usefulness of detection of clarithromycin-resistant Helicobacter pylori from fecal specimens for young adults treated with eradication therapy. (United States)

    Osaki, Takako; Mabe, Katsuhiro; Zaman, Cynthia; Yonezawa, Hideo; Okuda, Masumi; Amagai, Kenji; Fujieda, Shinji; Goto, Mitsuhide; Shibata, Wataru; Kato, Mototsugu; Kamiya, Shigeru


    To prevent Helicobacter pylori infection in the younger generation, it is necessary to investigate the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant H. pylori. The aim of this study was to evaluate the method of PCR-based sequencing to detect clarithromycin (CAM) resistance-associated mutations using fecal samples as a noninvasive method. DNA extracted from fecal specimens and isolates from gastric biopsy specimens were collected from patients with H. pylori infection. Antibiotic resistance to CAM was analyzed by molecular and culture methods. The detection rates of CAM resistance-associated mutations (A2142C or A2143G) were compared before and after eradication therapy. With CAM resistance of H. pylori evaluated by antibiotic susceptibility test as a gold standard, the sensitivity and the specificity of gene mutation detection from fecal DNA were 80% and 84.8%, respectively. In contrast, using DNA of isolated strains, the sensitivity and the specificity were 80% and 100%. Of the seven cases in which eradication was unsuccessful by triple therapy including CAM, CAM-resistant H. pylori, and resistance-associated mutations were detected in three cases, CAM-resistant H. pylori without the mutation was detected in two patients, and resistance-associated mutation was only detected in one patient. PCR-based sequencing to detect CAM resistance-associated mutations using isolates or fecal samples was useful for finding antibiotic-resistant H. pylori infection. Although the specificity of the detection from fecal samples compared with antibiotic susceptibility testing was lower than that from isolates, this fecal detection method is suitable especially for asymptomatic subjects including children. Further improvement is needed before clinical application. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Níveis de fibra em detergente neutro em dietas para eqüinos Neutral detergent fiber levels in diet of equines

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    Auro César Braga


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar os efeitos de dois níveis de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN da dieta (25 e 35%, provenientes de duas proporções de volumoso/concentrado (50:50 e 60:40, sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes, o pH fecal e os parâmetros sangüíneos de lactato, glicose, uréia, creatinina e fosfatase alcalina, visando estabelecer os níveis mínimos e seguros de fibra em dietas para eqüinos. Utilizaram-se cinco eqüinos sem raça definida, com 6 a 8 anos de idade e peso médio de 300 kg, alojados em gaiolas próprias para estudos de metabolismo. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento de quadrado latino 5 × 5, composto de cinco tratamentos (dois níveis de FDN, 25 e 35%, duas relações volumoso:concentrado, 50:50 e 60:40, e uma dieta controle, com relação 50:50 volumoso:concentrado e cinco períodos. Cada período experimental teve duração de 15 dias (10 de adaptação e 5 de coleta de fezes e sangue e determinação do pH fecal. Os níveis de FDN utilizados neste experimento (25 e 35% reduziram a digestibilidade dos componentes fibrosos (fração parede celular da dieta, entretanto, não influenciaram os níveis sangüíneos de lactato, glicose, uréia, creatinina e fosfatase alcalina e o pH fecal. A dieta com 25% de FDN promoveu alteração no teor plasmático de fibrinogênio, portanto, pode aumentar a predisposição dos animais a quadros de laminite e cólica.The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of two levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF of the diet (25 and 35% from two forage to concentrate (50:50 and 60:40 ratio on nutrient digestibility, fecal pH and blood parameters as lactate, glucose, urea, creatinine, fibrinogen and alkaline phosphatase, to establish minimum and safe levels of fiber in equines diets. Five horses without defined race, with 6 to 8 years old and average 300 kg BW, were housing in metabolism cages. The animals were distributed to 5 × 5 Latin square design

  1. Acute sterol o-acyltransferase 2 (SOAT2 knockdown rapidly mobilizes hepatic cholesterol for fecal excretion.

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    Stephanie M Marshall

    Full Text Available The primary risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is LDL cholesterol, which can be reduced by increasing cholesterol excretion from the body. Fecal cholesterol excretion can be driven by a hepatobiliary as well as a non-biliary pathway known as transintestinal cholesterol efflux (TICE. We previously showed that chronic knockdown of the hepatic cholesterol esterifying enzyme sterol O-acyltransferase 2 (SOAT2 increased fecal cholesterol loss via TICE. To elucidate the initial events that stimulate TICE, C57Bl/6 mice were fed a high cholesterol diet to induce hepatic cholesterol accumulation and were then treated for 1 or 2 weeks with an antisense oligonucleotide targeting SOAT2. Within 2 weeks of hepatic SOAT2 knockdown (SOAT2HKD, the concentration of cholesteryl ester in the liver was reduced by 70% without a reciprocal increase in hepatic free cholesterol. The rapid mobilization of hepatic cholesterol stores resulted in a ∼ 2-fold increase in fecal neutral sterol loss but no change in biliary cholesterol concentration. Acute SOAT2HKD increased plasma cholesterol carried primarily in lipoproteins enriched in apoB and apoE. Collectively, our data suggest that acutely reducing SOAT2 causes hepatic cholesterol to be swiftly mobilized and packaged onto nascent lipoproteins that feed cholesterol into the TICE pathway for fecal excretion.

  2. Screening for fecal carriage of MCR-producing Enterobacteriaceae in healthy humans and primary care patients

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    Katrin Zurfluh


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The extent of the occurrence of the plasmid-encoded colistin resistance genes mcr-1 and mcr-2 among humans is currently sparsely studied in Western Europe. Objectives To determine the occurrence of MCR-producing Enterobacteriaceae in fecal samples of healthy humans with high occupational exposure to food and primary care patients in Switzerland. Methods Stool samples from 1091 healthy individuals and fecal swabs from 53 primary care patients were screened for polymyxin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae using LB agar containing 4 mg/L colistin. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs of colistin were determined for non-intrinsic colistin-resistant isolates. Isolates were screened by PCR for the presence of mcr-1 and mcr-2 genes. Results The fecal carriage rate of colistin resistant (MIC value >2 mg/l Enterobacteriaceae was 1.5% for healthy people and 3.8% for primary care patients. Isolates included Hafnia alvei (n = 9, Escherichia coli (n = 3, Enterobacter cloacae (n = 4, Klebsiella pneumoniae (n = 1 and Raoultella ornithinolytica (n = 1. None of the isolates harbored the mcr-1 or mcr-2 genes. Conclusions There is no evidence for the presence of MCR-producers in the fecal flora of healthy people or primary care patients. Therefore, the risk of transfer of mcr genes from animals, food or the environment to humans is likely to be low in Switzerland.

  3. Digestibilidade da ração de frangos de corte suplementados com probióticos e antibiótico Digestibility of broiler chickens diet supplemented with probiotics and antibiotics

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    Gerusa da Silva Salles Corrêa


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar a digestibilidade da ração de frangos de corte a qual continha ou não antibiótico e probióticos na fase inicial (um a 20 dias e na fase final (21-40 dias. As aves foram distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos: Tratamento 1- Dieta Testemunha; Tratamento 2 - Dieta Testemunha + 0,02 % de probiótico 1 (Calsporin 10®, Tratamento 3 - Dieta Testemunha + 2,0% na fase inicial e 0,63% na fase final de probiótico 2 (Estibion aves®; Tratamento 4 - Dieta Testemunha + 0,013% de antibiótico (Bacitracina de Zinco® e 5 repetições de 10 e 8 aves por unidade experimental por fase, respectivamente. Os pintos foram criados em gaiolas de metabolismo. Os resultados demonstram que a digestibilidade de matéria seca, nitrogênio e energia metabolizável aparente não foi afetada pela suplementação de antibiótico e probióticos na dieta de frangos de corte.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the diets digestibility in broiler chickens with and without antibiotic and probiotics, in the initial phase (one to 20 days and finish phase (21 to 40 days. Chickens distributed in a completely randomized design were used in four treatments: Treatment 1- Control diet; Treatment 2 - Control diet + 0.02% probiotic 1 (Calsporin 10®, Treatment 3 - Control diet + 2.0% initial phase and 0.63% finish phase probiotic 2 (Estibion aves®; Treatment 4 - Control diet + 0.013% of antibiotic (Bacitracina de Zinco®, and five repetitions, with ten and eight birds, respectively, were used in each experimental unit, which were kept in metabolism cages. The results demonstrate that the digestibility of dry matter, nitrogen and apparent metabolized energy were not affected by the supplementation of antibiotic and probiotics in the broiler chickens diet.

  4. Association of Low Fecal Elastase-1 and Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia

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    Mustafa Tahtaci


    Full Text Available Non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD is a term used to define a set of symptoms that are believed to originate from the gastroduodenal region, and no underlying organic, systemic, or metabolic reason can be found. The majority of patients suffer from chronic symptoms although half of the patients report improvement in symptoms with time. The potential role exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in NUD patients has not been clarified yet. We aimed to identify exocrine pancreas function with pancreatic fecal elastase-1 in patients diagnosed with non-ulcer dyspepsia and no typical exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI symptoms. Thirty-five patients referred to gastroenterology clinics with NUD and 35 people with no dyspeptic symptoms as a control group were included in this prospective study. Non-ulcer dyspepsia patients were classified as group 1 and control subjects classified as group 2. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopies were performed in both groups. Assessment of exocrine pancreatic function was performed by measuring fecal elastase-1 concentration with a commercial ELISA kit using polyclonal antibodies (BioServ Diagnostics in NUD patients compared to control subjects. Mean fecal elastase-1 levels were significantly lower in group 1 patients compared with group 2 (367.47 ± 43.27; 502.48 ± 50.94 respectively; p = 0.04. The percentage of the patients with EPI was significantly higher in group 1 (p = 0.02. Patients with NUD should be re-evaluated if they do not show satisfactory improvement with treatment. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency was significantly higher in patients with NUD in our study. Evaluation for the presence of EPI can be a cost effective approach in management of refractory patients during the process of ruling out organic reasons.

  5. Tracer experiments with 15N-labelled wheat to determine the endogenous and exogenous fecal N-proportion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krawielitzki, K.; Timm, E.


    In an experiment with growing Wistar rats of 100 g live weight the N-values and the 15 N-frequency of the nitrogen in feces, urine and the experimental carcasses were determined after feeding 15 N-labelled wheat. Proceeding from Czarnetzki's multicompartment model (1969) for N-metabolism in monogastric animals, the measured data were used to calculate the endogenous and exogenous fecal N-proportion of total nitrogen. In agreement with earlier studies the intestinal nitrogen loss was found to rise as the protein intake increased. In this experiment, the intestinal nitrogen loss went up from 8.2 mg N/animal and day (N-free diet) to 33.9 mg N/animal and day at a daily nitrogen intake of 240 mg/animal and day. The true digestibility of the wheat protein (determined by taking into account the rise of fecal N loss) was 97.2% this value being 8.4 units higher than the true digestibility calculated by the conventional regressive method of fecal analysis with a constant value being taken for fecal N loss. In connection with earlier findings, this experiment allows to draw the conclusion that the true digestibility determined conventionally by regression analysis does not reflect the actual digestibility of the protein. (author)

  6. Discriminatory potential of C-reactive protein, cytokines, and fecal markers in infectious gastroenteritis in adults. (United States)

    Weh, Julia; Antoni, Christoph; Weiß, Christel; Findeisen, Peter; Ebert, Matthias; Böcker, Ulrich


    This study evaluates potential markers in blood and stools for their ability to distinguish bacterial from viral gastroenteritis. A total of 108 patients were prospectively recruited, of which 27 showed bacterial, 30 viral, and 51 no detectable pathogen, respectively. Cytokines, C-reactive protein (CRP), and white blood cells as well as the 2 fecal markers lactoferrin and calprotectin were determined. Statistics comprised Kruskal-Wallis test and U test in addition to an assessment of receiver operating characteristic. Interferon γ (IFNγ) levels were significantly increased in the viral group compared to the bacterial and nonspecific group. For the bacterial group, both fecal markers lactoferrin and calprotectin as well as CRP were significantly higher in comparison to the other 2 groups. To differentiate between bacterial and viral gastroenteritis, CRP, serum IFNγ, and the fecal proteins lactoferrin and calprotectin may be useful. A corresponding algorithm should be evaluated prospectively. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Modeling fate and transport of fecally-derived microorganisms at the watershed scale: state of the science and future opportunities (United States)

    Natural waters provide habitats for various groups of fecal indicator organisms (FIOs) and pathogenic microorganisms originating from animal manures and animal waste. A number of watershed modeling works have been carried out to have a better understanding to the fate and transport of fecal indicato...

  8. Durable coexistence of donor and recipient strains after fecal microbiota transplantation

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Li, Simone S.; Zhu, Ana; Benes, Vladimir; Costea, Paul I.; Hercog, Rajna; Hildebrand, Falk; Huerta-Cepas, Jaime; Nieuwdorp, Max; Salojärvi, Jarkko; Voigt, Anita Y.; Zeller, Georg; Sunagawa, Shinichi; de Vos, Willem M.; Bork, Peer


    Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has shown efficacy in treating recurrent Clostridium difficile infection and is increasingly being applied to other gastrointestinal disorders, yet the fate of native and introduced microbial strains remains largely unknown. To quantify the extent of donor

  9. Mortality of fecal bacteria in seawater

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Garcia-Lara, J.; Menon, P.; Servais, P.; Billen, G.


    The authors propose a method for determining the mortality rate for allochthonous bacteria released in aquatic environments without interference due to the loss of culturability in specific culture media. This method consists of following the disappearance of radioactivity from the trichloracetic acid-insoluble fraction in water samples to which [ 3 H]thymidine-prelabeled allochthonous bacteria have been added. In coastal seawater, they found that the actual rate of disappearance of fecal bacteria was 1 order of magnitude lower than the rate of loss of culturability on specific media. Minor adaptation of the procedure may facilitate assessment of the effect of protozoan grazing and bacteriophage lysis on the overall bacterial mortality rate

  10. Molecular characterization of the fecal microbiota in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis--a longitudinal study.

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    Vincent Wai-Sun Wong

    Full Text Available The human gut microbiota has profound influence on host metabolism and immunity. This study characterized the fecal microbiota in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH. The relationship between microbiota changes and changes in hepatic steatosis was also studied.Fecal microbiota of histology-proven NASH patients and healthy controls was analyzed by 16S ribosomal RNA pyrosequencing. NASH patients were from a previously reported randomized trial on probiotic treatment. Proton-magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed to monitor changes in intrahepatic triglyceride content (IHTG.A total of 420,344 16S sequences with acceptable quality were obtained from 16 NASH patients and 22 controls. NASH patients had lower fecal abundance of Faecalibacterium and Anaerosporobacter but higher abundance of Parabacteroides and Allisonella. Partial least-square discriminant analysis yielded a model of 10 genera that discriminated NASH patients from controls. At month 6, 6 of 7 patients in the probiotic group and 4 of 9 patients in the usual care group had improvement in IHTG (P=0.15. Improvement in IHTG was associated with a reduction in the abundance of Firmicutes (R(2=0.4820, P=0.0028 and increase in Bacteroidetes (R(2=0.4366, P=0.0053. This was accompanied by corresponding changes at the class, order and genus levels. In contrast, bacterial biodiversity did not differ between NASH patients and controls, and did not change with probiotic treatment.NASH patients have fecal dysbiosis, and changes in microbiota correlate with improvement in hepatic steatosis. Further studies are required to investigate the mechanism underlying the interaction between gut microbes and the liver.


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    Marcos Casiano


    Full Text Available La caracterización de la fenología de la vegetación, particularmente la asociada a los bosques tropicales caducifolios, permite predecir los impactos del cambio climático y de los intercambios de carbono y agua entre la atmósfera y la vegetación, por lo que es importante modelarla. Existen diferentes métodos experimentales para caracterizar la fenología de la vegetación, sin embargo, el uso de sensores remotos permite caracterizaciones fenológicas de bajo costo y eficientes. No obstante lo anterior, la mayoría de las aplicaciones de sensores remotos cuando se usan índices de vegetación (IV solo modelan el crecimiento del follaje (etapa vegetativa y senescente y no la etapa reproductiva. Dado que la floración es crítica para la viabilidad de la vegetación, además de su valor en la apicultura, es necesario evaluarla con sensores remotos aerotransportados en el segmento visible a infrarrojo del espectro electromagnético. La revisión de experimentos y observaciones de floración muestran que los patrones temporales en las bandas del rojo (R e infrarrojo cercano (IRC son contrarios, lo cual no ocurre en los IV que caracterizan el follaje. A partir de estos análisis, se diseñó un experimento de componentes de la vegetación para simular las etapas fenológicas de pre floración, floración y post floración que hipotéticamente ocurren en un bosque caducifolio. Los resultados mostraron que es posible el desarrollo de un modelo fenológico aproximado si se usa el índice IVIS para caracterizar la inducción floral, el inicio y el pico de la floración, aunque el término de ésta se confunde con el inicio del crecimiento vegetativo del follaje.

  12. Consumo e digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da proteína bruta e da energia de silagens de quatro genótipos de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench por ovinos Voluntary intake and digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and energy of silages of four sorghum genotype in sheep

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R.G.R. Martins


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da proteína bruta e da energia e o balanço de nitrogênio de silagens dos sorgos BR601, BR700, BR701 e AG2002 em ovinos. O consumo de matéria seca e de energia bruta não diferiu entre os híbridos. Quanto à digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca e da energia bruta e ao consumo de matéria seca digestível e de energia digestível, observaram-se maiores valores para o BR601. O maior consumo de proteína bruta foi observado no BR700 e o menor no AG2002. A maior digestibilidade aparente da proteína bruta ocorreu para o BR601 e a menor para o BR701. O consumo de proteína digestível foi maior para os híbridos BR601 e BR700. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram balanço de nitrogênio positivo e não diferiram entre si.The nitrogen balance, the consumption and the apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein and the energy of the silages of four genotypes of sorghum were evaluated. The consumption of dry matter and crude energy did not differ among the hibrids. The largest apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude energy and the consumption of digestible dry matter and energy, were observed for BR601 genotype. The largest consumption of crude protein, was observed for BR700 and the smalest for AG2002 genotypes (P<0.05. The largest apparent digestibility of protein was observed for BR601 and the smalest one for BR701 (P<0.05 genotype. The consumption of digestible protein was larger for BR601 and BR700. All treatments showed positive nitrogen balance and did not differ among them.

  13. Quantification of Human and Animal Viruses to Differentiate the Origin of the Fecal Contamination Present in Environmental Samples

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sílvia Bofill-Mas


    Full Text Available Many different viruses are excreted by humans and animals and are frequently detected in fecal contaminated waters causing public health concerns. Classical bacterial indicator such as E. coli and enterococci could fail to predict the risk for waterborne pathogens such as viruses. Moreover, the presence and levels of bacterial indicators do not always correlate with the presence and concentration of viruses, especially when these indicators are present in low concentrations. Our research group has proposed new viral indicators and methodologies for determining the presence of fecal pollution in environmental samples as well as for tracing the origin of this fecal contamination (microbial source tracking. In this paper, we examine to what extent have these indicators been applied by the scientific community. Recently, quantitative assays for quantification of poultry and ovine viruses have also been described. Overall, quantification by qPCR of human adenoviruses and human polyomavirus JC, porcine adenoviruses, bovine polyomaviruses, chicken/turkey parvoviruses, and ovine polyomaviruses is suggested as a toolbox for the identification of human, porcine, bovine, poultry, and ovine fecal pollution in environmental samples.

  14. Theoretical and Numerical Modeling of Transport of Land Use-Specific Fecal Source Identifiers (United States)

    Bombardelli, F. A.; Sirikanchana, K. J.; Bae, S.; Wuertz, S.


    Microbial contamination in coastal and estuarine waters is of particular concern to public health officials. In this work, we advocate that well-formulated and developed mathematical and numerical transport models can be combined with modern molecular techniques in order to predict continuous concentrations of microbial indicators under diverse scenarios of interest, and that they can help in source identification of fecal pollution. As a proof of concept, we present initially the theory, numerical implementation and validation of one- and two-dimensional numerical models aimed at computing the distribution of fecal source identifiers in water bodies (based on Bacteroidales marker DNA sequences) coming from different land uses such as wildlife, livestock, humans, dogs or cats. These models have been developed to allow for source identification of fecal contamination in large bodies of water. We test the model predictions using diverse velocity fields and boundary conditions. Then, we present some preliminary results of an application of a three-dimensional water quality model to address the source of fecal contamination in the San Pablo Bay (SPB), United States, which constitutes an important sub-embayment of the San Francisco Bay. The transport equations for Bacteroidales include the processes of advection, diffusion, and decay of Bacteroidales. We discuss the validation of the developed models through comparisons of numerical results with field campaigns developed in the SPB. We determine the extent and importance of the contamination in the bay for two decay rates obtained from field observations, corresponding to total host-specific Bacteroidales DNA and host-specific viable Bacteroidales cells, respectively. Finally, we infer transport conditions in the SPB based on the numerical results, characterizing the fate of outflows coming from the Napa, Petaluma and Sonoma rivers.

  15. Colitis following fecal diversion: still a challenge Diagnóstico diferencial entre colite relacionada à derivação fecal e as doenças inflamatórias intestinais: o desafio persiste

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonaldson dos Santos Castro


    Full Text Available After fecal diversion, nonspecific colitis may be seen in the defunctionalized colon. The purpose of this prospective study is to identify specific findings that could help in the differential diagnosis between diversion colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases in order to avoid inappropriate diagnosis and therapy. It was studied, prospectively, thirteen consecutive patients from two public hospitals of Rio de Janeiro who had undergone temporary colostomy for indications other than inflammatory bowel disease. They were submitted to endoscopy with biopsy of both proximal and distal colorectal segments, and prospectively evaluated before and after restoration of intestinal continuity. Endoscopy with biopsy of both proximal and distal excluded colorectal segments showed a nonspecific mucosal and submucosal inflammation, resembling ulcerative colitis ( p Uma forma de colite relacionada à derivação fecal pode ser identificada nos segmentos colônicos excluídos do trânsito fecal. Esta condição inflamatória, ao mimetizar a doença de Crohn e a colite ulcerativa, pode resultar em diagnóstico e tratamento inapropriados. Este estudo prospectivo objetivou rever os efeitos da derivação fecal e caracterizar a evolução após a restauração do trânsito intestinal. Foram avaliados treze pacientes sem doença inflamatória intestinal e submetidos previamente à uma colostomia. Os achados da endoscopia com biópsia colo-retal, dos segmentos proximal e distal desfuncionalizados, evidenciaram uma inflamação inespecífica da mucosa e da submucosa, muito semelhante aquela da colite ulcerativa (p<0.01. Depois do fechamento da colostomia observou-se a regressão das alterações endoscópicas e histopatológicas. Em conclusão, enfatiza-se que na presença de uma colostomia, a colite relacionada à derivação fecal deve ser aventada no diagnóstico diferencial das doenças inflamatórias inespecíficas intestinais. O restabelecimento da

  16. Changes in Escherichia coli to Cryptosporidium ratios for various fecal pollution sources and drinking water intakes. (United States)

    Lalancette, Cindy; Papineau, Isabelle; Payment, Pierre; Dorner, Sarah; Servais, Pierre; Barbeau, Benoit; Di Giovanni, George D; Prévost, Michèle


    Assessing the presence of human pathogenic Cryptosporidium oocysts in surface water remains a significant water treatment and public health challenge. Most drinking water suppliers rely on fecal indicators, such as the well-established Escherichia coli (E. coli), to avoid costly Cryptosporidium assays. However, the use of E. coli has significant limitations in predicting the concentration, the removal and the transport of Cryptosporidium. This study presents a meta-analysis of E. coli to Cryptosporidium concentration paired ratios to compare their complex relationships in eight municipal wastewater sources, five agricultural fecal pollution sources and at 13 drinking water intakes (DWI) to a risk threshold based on US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) regulations. Ratios lower than the USEPA risk threshold suggested higher concentrations of oocysts in relation to E. coli concentrations, revealing an underestimed risk for Cryptosporidium based on E. coli measurements. In raw sewage (RS), high ratios proved E. coli (or fecal coliforms) concentrations were a conservative indicator of Cryptosporidium concentrations, which was also typically true for secondary treated wastewater (TWW). Removals of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) and parasites were quantified in WWTPs and their differences are put forward as a plausible explanation of the sporadic ratio shift. Ratios measured from agricultural runoff surface water were typically lower than the USEPA risk threshold and within the range of risk misinterpretation. Indeed, heavy precipitation events in the agricultural watershed led to high oocyst concentrations but not to E. coli or enterococci concentrations. More importantly, ratios established in variously impacted DWI from 13 Canadian drinking water plants were found to be related to dominant fecal pollution sources, namely municipal sewage. In most cases, when DWIs were mainly influenced by municipal sewage, E. coli or fecal coliforms concentrations agreed with

  17. Modeling Fate and Transport of Fecal Coliform Bacteria Using SWAT 2005 (Case Study: Jajrood River Watershed, Iran) (United States)

    Maghrebi, M.; Tajrishy, M.


    Jajrood River watershed is one of the main drinking water resources of the capital city of Tehran, Iran. In addition it has been available as many recreational usages especially in the warm months. As a result of being located near one of the crowded cities of the world, a variety of microbial pollutions is commonly perceived in the Jajrood River. Among them, there are strong concerns about fecal coliform bacteria concentration. This article aimed to model fate and transport of fecal coliform bacteria in Jajrood River watershed using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model version 2005. Potential pollutant sources in the study area were detected and quantified for modeling purposes. In spite of being lack of knowledge about bacteria die-off rate in small river bodies, as well as in other watershed-based forms, fecal coliform bacteria die-off rates were estimated using both laboratory and field data investigations with some simplifications. The SWAT model was calibrated over an extended time period (1997-2002) for this watershed. The river flow calibrated using SUFI-2 software and resulted in a very good outputs (R2=0.82, E=0.81). Furthermore SWAT model was validated over January 2003 to September 2005 in the study area and has resulted in good outputs (R2=0.61, E=0.57). This research illustrates SWAT 2005 capability to model fecal coliform bacteria in a populated watershed, and deals with most of watershed microbial pollution sources that are usually observed in developing countries. Fecal coliform concentration simulation results were mostly in the same order in comparison with real data. However, Differences were judged to be related to lack of input data. In this article different aspects of SWAT capabilities for modeling of fecal coliform bacteria concentration will be reviewed and it will present new insights in bacteria modeling procedures especially for mountainous, high populated and small sized watersheds.

  18. Fecal microbiota transplantation as novel therapy in gastroenterology: A systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rossen, N.G.; MacDonald, J.K.; Vries, de E.M.; Haens, D' G.R.; Vos, de W.M.; Zoetendal, E.G.; Ponsioen, C.Y.


    AIM: To study the clinical efficacy and safety of Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). We systematically reviewed FMT used as clinical therapy. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library and Conference proceedings from inception to July, 2013. Treatment effect of FMT was

  19. Fecal microbiota transplantation as novel therapy in gastroenterology: A systematic review

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Rossen, Noortje G.; Macdonald, John K.; de Vries, Elisabeth M.; D'Haens, Geert R.; de Vos, Willem M.; Zoetendal, Erwin G.; Ponsioen, Cyriel Y.


    To study the clinical efficacy and safety of Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). We systematically reviewed FMT used as clinical therapy. We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library and Conference proceedings from inception to July, 2013. Treatment effect of FMT was calculated as the

  20. Toolbox Approaches Using Molecular Markers and 16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Data Sets for Identification of Fecal Pollution in Surface Water. (United States)

    Ahmed, W; Staley, C; Sadowsky, M J; Gyawali, P; Sidhu, J P S; Palmer, A; Beale, D J; Toze, S


    In this study, host-associated molecular markers and bacterial 16S rRNA gene community analysis using high-throughput sequencing were used to identify the sources of fecal pollution in environmental waters in Brisbane, Australia. A total of 92 fecal and composite wastewater samples were collected from different host groups (cat, cattle, dog, horse, human, and kangaroo), and 18 water samples were collected from six sites (BR1 to BR6) along the Brisbane River in Queensland, Australia. Bacterial communities in the fecal, wastewater, and river water samples were sequenced. Water samples were also tested for the presence of bird-associated (GFD), cattle-associated (CowM3), horse-associated, and human-associated (HF183) molecular markers, to provide multiple lines of evidence regarding the possible presence of fecal pollution associated with specific hosts. Among the 18 water samples tested, 83%, 33%, 17%, and 17% were real-time PCR positive for the GFD, HF183, CowM3, and horse markers, respectively. Among the potential sources of fecal pollution in water samples from the river, DNA sequencing tended to show relatively small contributions from wastewater treatment plants (up to 13% of sequence reads). Contributions from other animal sources were rarely detected and were very small (molecular markers showed variable agreement. A lack of relationships among fecal indicator bacteria, host-associated molecular markers, and 16S rRNA gene community analysis data was also observed. Nonetheless, we show that bacterial community and host-associated molecular marker analyses can be combined to identify potential sources of fecal pollution in an urban river. This study is a proof of concept, and based on the results, we recommend using bacterial community analysis (where possible) along with PCR detection or quantification of host-associated molecular markers to provide information on the sources of fecal pollution in waterways. Copyright © 2015, American Society for Microbiology