
Sample records for trombofilia recife pernambuco

  1. Mulheres vítimas de homicídio em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, 2009/2010: um estudo descritivo Mujeres víctimas de homicidios en Recife, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, 2009/2010: un estudio descriptivo Female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, 2009-2010: a descriptive study

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    Gilliatt Hanois Falbo Neto


    Full Text Available Este estudo investigou o perfil epidemiológico de mulheres vítimas de homicídio em Recife, Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Realizou-se um estudo observacional, descritivo e prospectivo, incluindo todas as mulheres em idade de 10-49 anos, vítimas de homicídio e residentes em Recife, no período de março de 2009 a fevereiro de 2010. O instrumento utilizado foi um questionário que pesquisou as características socioeconômicas, demográficas, biológicas e de risco. Entrevistaram-se os familiares das vítimas e coletaram-se dados da Declaração de Óbito. Identificaram-se 60 homicídios no período do estudo. A maioria das vítimas era adulta, parda, com baixa escolaridade e baixa renda; 39,7% eram tabagistas; o uso de álcool e de drogas ilícitas correspondeu a 48,3% e 24,1%, respectivamente; e 29,3% sofreram violência física e/ou sexual nos 12 meses anteriores ao homicídio. As armas de fogo foram utilizadas em 69% dos casos.Este estudio investigó el perfil epidemiológico de mujeres víctimas de homicidio en Recife, Pernambuco, nordeste de Brasil. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y prospectivo que incluyó a todas las mujeres de 10-49 años, víctimas de homicidios y residentes en Recife, desde marzo de 2009 hasta febrero de 2010. El instrumento utilizado fue un cuestionario de investigación de los factores socioeconómicos, demográficos, biológicos y de riesgo. Se entrevistó a los familiares de las víctimas y se recopiló datos sobre los certificados de defunción. Sesenta homicidios fueron identificados durante el período de estudio. La mayoría de las víctimas eran adultas, mulatas, un con bajo nivel de educación y con bajos ingresos, 39,7% eran fumadores, el consumo de alcohol y drogas ilícitas eran de un 48,3% y un 24,1%, respectivamente, además un 29,3% había experimentado violencia física y/o sexual en los 12 meses anteriores al homicidio. Las armas de fuego se utilizaron en 69,0% de los casos

  2. Ship hull fouling in the port of Recife, Pernambuco

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    Cristiane Maria Rocha Farrapeira


    Full Text Available Ports of big coastal cities are exposed to exotic species as a consequence of shipping traffic. As the Port of Recife receives an annual average of 491 ships from other regions of Brazil and from all over the world, this work was aimed at knowing which marine animals were passively transported on such vessels hulls, in order to map and monitor new bioinvasions in the area. Thus, 32 vessels of several origins were investigated between November 2005 and March 2006, samples were taken and the macrofauna identified. Sixty species of associated animals were identified, consisting of 28 sessile species, particularly the Cirripedia Balanomorpha and Lepadomorpha as dominants, 8 sedentary animals, namely Mytillidae and Dreissenidae and 23 free-living species, particularly, Caprellidae, Gammaridae, Tanaidacea, Turbellaria, Nemertea and Polychaeta. The first occurrence of Conchoderma virgatum was recorded with exact location for the Brazilian littoral, and Conchoderma auritum, Amphibalanus subalbidus and Haliplanella lineata were recorded for the first time at the littoral of Pernambuco State. The invasion pathway was confirmed for Amphibalanus reticulatus and Mytilopsis leucophaeta, invader species of the estuarine area of Recife's city. Megabalanus coccopoma was considered as a risk invader species for the region.Regiões portuárias das grandes cidades litorâneas estão sujeitas à recepção de espécies exóticas como conseqüência da movimentação dos navios. Como o Porto do Recife recebe uma média anual de 491 atracações de navios, provenientes de várias regiões do Brasil e do mundo, objetivou-se conhecer quais animais marinhos eram transportados passivamente nos cascos das embarcações para mapear e monitorar novas invasões biológicas na área. Assim, foram investigados 32 barcos de diversas origens, nos meses de novembro de 2005 a março de 2006, tendo a macrofauna sido amostrada e identificada. Foram encontradas 60 espécies de animais

  3. [Female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, 2009-2010: a descriptive study]. (United States)

    Silva, Maria Arleide da; Cabral Filho, José Eulálio; Amorim, Melania Maria Ramos; Falbo Neto, Gilliatt Hanois


    This study investigated the epidemiological profile of female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil. An observational descriptive and prospective study included all homicides from March 2009 to February 2010 with female victims from Recife, 10 to 49 years of age. A questionnaire was used to record socioeconomic, demographic, and biological risk factors. Relatives of the victims were interviewed, and data were collected from death certificates. We identified 60 homicides during the study period. Most victims were adult women with brown skin color and low schooling and low income. Other characteristics included smoking in 39.7%, alcohol and illicit drugs in 48.3% and 24.1%, respectively, and physical and/or sexual violence in the 12 months prior to the murder in 29.3%. Firearms were used in 69% of these homicides.

  4. Evaluation of radiodiagnostic equipment in the city of Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Passos, Robson S.; Khoury, Helen J.; Antonino, Paulo D.; Hazin, Clovis A.


    The preliminary results of a survey aiming to determine the working conditions of X-ray units operating in hospitals and clinics in the city of Recife, Pernambuco (Brazil) are presented. The results show the discrepancy between the light field and X-ray field - from 1 to 2% in 78% of the equipment tested. The results also show that there is only a fair accuracy regarding to kilo voltage and irradiation time. The discrepancy between the pre-set time and the actual irradiation time was higher than 10% in 84.6% of the cases

  5. Hyphomycetes from water and soil at the Dois Irmãos Forest Reserve, Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil


    Cavalcanti, Marilene da Silva; Milanez, Adauto Ivo


    (Hyphomycetes isolados da água e do solo, da Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE, Brasil). Visando ampliar o conhecimento sobre a diversidade de fungos em ambientes aquáticos, coletas da água e do solo das margens dos açudes do Vale do Prata e do Meio foram efetuadas na Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, Estado de Pernambuco. Dentre outras, foram isoladas cinco espécies pouco comuns de Hyphomycetes. As amostras de água foram coletadas abaixo da lâmina d'água e as de solo nas m...

  6. Sorotipos de Salmonella isolados de processos entéricos humanos em Recife-Pernambuco, durante o triênio 1978-1980 Salmonella serotypes isolated from enteric human cases in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, during 1978-1980

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    Nilma Cintra Leal


    Full Text Available De 13.196 coproculturas realizadas durante o triênio 1978-1980 em Recife, Pernambuco, foram isoladas 1.720 salmonelas, das quais 1.387 foram caracterizadas sorologicamente. O estudo global possibilitou o reconhecimento de 63 sorotipos concentrados em primeiro plano no grupo sorológico B (73,18% e identificando-se como tipos mais incidentes: S. typhimurium, S. saint-paul, S. poona, S. derby, S. agona, S. newport, S. oranienburg, S. infantis, S. tshiongwe e S. ndolo, que representaram 1.231 amostras ou 88,75% do total de isolamentos. Algumas considerações de ordem epidemiológica e bacteriológica são discutidas em relação aos quatros sorotipos mais freqüentes.From 13,196 faecal cultures made in Recife-Pernambuco during the period form 1978 to 1980, 1,720 strains of Salmonella were isolated. Serological typing on 1,387 of the isolates recognized 63 serotypes, 73,18% of which belonged to group B. The prevalent serotypes adding up to 1,231 strains (88,75% of the total of the isolats were: S. typhimurium, S. saint-paul, S. poona, S. derby, S. agona, S. newport, S. oraniengurg, S. infantis, S. tshiongwe and S. ndolo. Some epidemiological and bacteriological aspects are discussed regarding the four commonest serotypes.

  7. Monitoramento da contaminação por elementos traço em ostras comercializadas em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Monitoring of trace elements in oysters marketed in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    André Dias Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Amostras de ostras comercializadas em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, foram monitoradas em relação ao conteúdo de elementos traço (Hg, Zn, Fe, Cu e Mn durante o período de um ano (março/2001 a fevereiro/2002. Mercúrio foi o principal contaminante encontrado nas ostras e o elemento que apresenta maior risco à saúde pública. Foram encontrados valores de concentração de Hg em ostras de até 551,12µg/kg (peso úmido. Esses valores sugerem que a ingestão de ostras deve ser feita com restrições, principalmente, pela população que vive de sua coleta como forma de subsistência, por crianças, e mulheres grávidas. A avaliação dos níveis de mercúrio em frutos do mar é um importante fator para avaliar o risco de contaminação por mercúrio em pessoas não ocupacionalmente expostas.Samples of oysters marketed in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, were monitored for the concentration of trace elements (Hg, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Mn for one year (from March 2001 to February 2002. Mercury was the principal contaminant found in oysters and the element posing the greatest public health risk. Mercury levels in oysters reached 551.12µg/kg (wet weight. These values suggest that oyster consumption should be restricted, especially among communities that gather them as a subsistence activity, as well as by children and pregnant women. Evaluation of mercury concentration in seafood is an important factor for assessing the risk of contamination among individuals who are not occupationally exposed.

  8. An anthropometric survey using digital photogrammetry: a case study in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. (United States)

    Barros, Bruno; Soares, Marcelo


    This study was carried out in a partnership with the Federal University of Pernambuco and the Faculty of Human Motricity of the Technical University in Lisbon (Portugal). The aim of the study was the measurement of human body segments throughout the digital photogramety, comparing and analysing data into Recife sample and to validate the Digital System as anthropometric survey tool. The result of the analysis has introduced: Data from the sample; Data by age; Data by Sex; Data by ethnicity; Data by region of birth; Difference of data from population individually. Besides to prove the true efficiency of the software.

  9. Anos potenciais de vida perdidos por mulheres vítimas de homicídio na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Years of potential life lost by female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Leonildo Severino da Silva


    Full Text Available Estudo epidemiológico, transversal, objetivando calcular os anos potenciais de vida perdidos por mulheres vítimas de homicídio na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, no quinquênio 2003-2007. Utilizou-se de um banco de dados da Gerência Operacional de Informação de Mortalidade e Natalidade da Secretaria de Saúde do Recife, e foram revisadas todas as declarações de óbitos das vítimas de homicídio, com idade fértil no quinquênio analisado. Os resultados revelaram que houve 12.120 anos potenciais de vida perdidos, no período, por mulheres jovens, negras (88%, de escolaridade desconhecida (78,2%, solteiras (80%, mortas na Região Político-administrativa III, que foram assassinadas com uso de arma de fogo, no próprio domicílio. A taxa de mortalidade específica, no período, correspondeu a 10,8 por 100 mil mulheres em idade fértil. Os 43,3 anos de vida perdidos por cada vítima refletem, entre outros aspectos, as características do município, relativas ao nível de pobreza, desemprego, densidade populacional, instabilidade residencial, desigualdade social, que expõem seus habitantes a crises sociais, crimes e violência.This cross-sectional epidemiological study aimed to calculate the potential years of life lost by female homicide victims in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, in 2003-2007. A database was used from the Operational Division for Information on Births and Deaths under the Recife Municipal Health Department. All death certificates for childbearing-age women were reviewed for the five-year period. The results showed a total of 12,120 potential years of life lost by these women, mostly young, black (88%, with unknown levels of schooling (78.2%, single (80%, in District III of the city, and murdered with firearms in their own homes. The specific mortality rate was 10.8 homicides per 100,000 childbearing-age women. The 43.3 years of life lost per woman express the city's characteristics, poverty levels, unemployment

  10. Fatores de risco para a mortalidade perinatal no Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, 2003 Risk factors for perinatal mortality in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, 2003

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    Terezinha de Almeida Aquino


    Full Text Available Foi realizado estudo caso-controle com o objetivo de analisar os fatores de risco associados à mortalidade perinatal no Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, 2003, de acordo com um modelo hierarquizado de determinantes proximais, intermediários e distais. Foram considerados casos os óbitos perinatais com peso ao nascer igual ou superior a 500g, de gravidez única e não portador de anencefalia. Os controles foram os nascidos vivos entre 26 de dezembro de 2002 e 31 de dezembro de 2003, que não evoluíram para o óbito até seis dias completos de vida, com as mesmas características dos casos. Com o linkage entre o banco de dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos e o de óbitos perinatais, obtiveram-se 403 casos e 1.612 controles. Após regressão logística múltipla, com a inclusão de variáveis dos três níveis de determinação, constituíram-se fatores de risco para mortalidade perinatal: a prematuridade (OR = 18,23, o baixo peso ao nascer (OR = 4,90, a idade da mãe igual a ou maior que 35 anos (OR = 1,97, o nascimento em hospitais participantes do Sistema Único de Saúde (OR = 1,93 e a escolaridade da mãe inferior a quatro anos de estudo (OR = 1,78.The aim of this study was to identify and analyze risk factors for perinatal mortality in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, in 2003, using a multilevel hierarchical model. In this case-control study, cases consisted of all perinatal deaths in 2003 in singleton infants with birth weight > 500g and without congenital malformations. The controls were live births from December 26, 2002, to December 31, 2003, with the same characteristics as the study group, but who survived > 6 days. By using record linkage techniques, 403 cases and 1,612 controls were obtained. All variables, when submitted jointly to multiple logistic regression, showed statistical significance in decreasing order of risk, as follows: prematurity (OR = 18.23, low birth weight (OR = 4.90, maternal age > 35 (OR = 1

  11. Survey of canine heartworm in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Alves Leucio Câmara


    Full Text Available Six hundred and eleven random-source dogs (338 male, 273 female one year of age or older, from six sections of the city of Recife, Pernambuco, were examined antemortem for circulating microfilariae Dirofilaria immitis and Dipetalonema reconditum adult heartworm (D. immitis antigen, and examined postmortem for adult heartworms. The prevalence of heartworm infection was 2.3% (14/611, as determined by necropsy for adult worms, and 1% (6/611 had circulating microfilariae of D. immitis; thus, 57.1% of the heartworm-infected dogs had occult infections. The results of serological testing indicated that 1.3% (8/611 of the dogs were positive for adult heartworm antigen. A total of 42 (6.9% of the dogs had microfilariae of D. reconditum; 40 of these had only D. reconditum and two additional dogs had microfilariae of both species, D. immitis and D. reconditum.

  12. Quality assurance program on the individual monitory service of the Protection Radiology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE (Brazil): preliminary results

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Antonino, Paulo H.D.; Filho, Joao A.; Silveira, Sueldo V.


    The current stage of the quality assurance program on the individual monitoring service of the Protection Radiology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE (Brazil) is presented. The program emphasizes the personnel training and its development is focused to meet national and international standards requirements

  13. Satisfação dos usuários assistidos nos Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas do Município do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Patient satisfaction at Specialized Dental Clinics in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Ana Carolina Silva de Lima


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou avaliar a satisfação dos usuários assistidos nos Centros de Especialidades Odontológicas do Município do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Realizou-se entrevista pessoal padronizada com 272 pacientes utilizando o Questionário de Avaliação da Qualidade dos Serviços de Saúde Bucal (QASSaB. Os resultados indicaram uma avaliação positiva para a maioria das dimensões no geral. A acessibilidade foi um ponto crítico destacado. Houve diferença significante de 5% na satisfação dos usuários, entre as unidades de serviço, para: relações humanas/cirurgião-dentista (p = 0,001; relações humanas/auxiliar (p = 0, 007; eficácia (p = 0,014; acessibilidade/tempo de espera (p = 0,018; ambiente físico/limpeza da recepção (p = 0,004; aceitabilidade (p = 0,029; efetividade/aparência dos dentes (p = 0,029 e efetividade/capacidade de mastigação (p This study evaluated patient satisfaction at four specialized dental clinics in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. Data were collected through a standardized self-applied individual questionnaire with 272 patients, to evaluate user satisfaction with public dental services. The findings indicated a positive evaluation on most dimensions, except for accessibility. Significant differences were observed between the services on the following dimensions: patient-dentist relationship (p = 0.001; patient-dental assistant relationship (p = 0.007; effectiveness (p = 0.014 accessibility/waiting time (p = 0.018; physical environment/reception room cleanness (p = 0.004; acceptability (p = 0.029; and effectiveness/tooth appearance (p = 0.029, effectiveness/chewing capacity (p < 0.001. In conclusion, most users were satisfied with the dental care, and satisfaction differed between services.

  14. Hyphomycetes isolados da água e do solo da Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE, Brasil Hyphomycetes from water and soil at the Dois Irmãos Forest Reserve, Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Marilene da Silva Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available (Hyphomycetes isolados da água e do solo, da Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE, Brasil. Visando ampliar o conhecimento sobre a diversidade de fungos em ambientes aquáticos, coletas da água e do solo das margens dos açudes do Vale do Prata e do Meio foram efetuadas na Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, Estado de Pernambuco. Dentre outras, foram isoladas cinco espécies pouco comuns de Hyphomycetes. As amostras de água foram coletadas abaixo da lâmina d'água e as de solo nas margens dos referidos açudes. As amostras de solo foram submetidas a diluições até 1:10000 e 1 mL de cada suspensão foi plaqueado no meio de Martin acrescido de cloranfenicol (50 mg/L. Alíquotas (1 mL das amostras de água foram semeadas no mesmo meio. As placas foram deixadas em temperatura ambiente (27 ºC±2, durante 3-4 dias, para o desenvolvimento de colônias e posterior isolamento dos fungos. Dentre as espécies identificadas Curvularia tuberculata Jain, Dendrosporium lobatum Plakidas & Edgerton ex Crane, Dichotomophthoropsis nymphaearum (Rand M. B. Ellis, Phaeoisaria glauca (Ellis & Everh. Hoog & Papendorf e Trichurus spiralis Hasselbring são destacadas porque haviam sido pouco referidas e não descritas anteriormente no Brasil.(Hyphomycetes from water and soil at the Dois Irmãos Forest Reserve, Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. To increase our knowledge regarding fungal diversity in aquatic environments, water and soil were collected at the edge of two dams (Açude do Vale do Prata and Açude do Meio at the Dois Irmãos Forest Reserve, Recife, Pernambuco state. Five uncommon species of Hyphomycetes were found, among others. Water samples were collected below the water surface and soil samples from the shores of these dams. Soil samples were diluted to 1:10000, and 1 mL of each suspension was plated in Martin's medium with 50 mg/L chloranphenicol. Water samples (1 mL were plated in the same medium. The plates were left at room

  15. Parasitological and molecular detection of Babesia canis vogeli in dogs of Recife, Pernambuco and evaluation of risk factors associated

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    Vanessa Carla Lima da Silva


    Full Text Available This work aims to detect the presence of Babesia canis vogeli in dogs from Recife, Pernambuco via molecular and parasitological detection methods, and to assess the risk factors associated with this parasite. A total of 146 dogs (male and female of varying breeds and ages that presented clinical symptoms of babesiosis were assessed at a clinical care center in the Veterinary School Hospital. Blood was obtained via venopuncture for hemoparasite detection and polymerase chain reaction (PCR. Using a commercial kit, DNA was extracted from blood samples. For the PCR reaction, an approximately 590 base pair long genetic sequence was used to detect the presence of B. canis vogeli. The forward primer, denoted as BAB1 (5’-GTG AAC CTT ATC ACT TAA AGG-3’, was specific for a conserved region on the 18S rRNA gene of Babesia spp., and the antisense primer was denoted as BAB4 (5’-CAA CTC CTC CAC GCA ATC G-3’. PCR results suggested that the percentage of Babesia canis vogeli infection was 4.8%. Through descriptive statistical analysis of the data, we observed that there was higher frequency of parasite infection associated with male dogs above two years of age, with a defined breed, from the countryside, are domiciled, and also suffer from tick infestation. We conclude that regardless of the type of risk factor, babesiosis can be found throughout Recife, Pernambuco, and its prevalence does not vary in most regions of Brazil. Our results indicate that PCR is a sensitive test for the detection of blood parasites, and should be performed as a clinical routine.

  16. The incidence of sexual violence among children and adolescents in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, in 2012 and 2013. (United States)

    Sena, Cláudia Alves de; Silva, Maria Arleide da; Falbo Neto, Gilliatt Hanois


    The scope of this study was to establish the incidence of sexual violence against children and adolescents in Recife, State of Pernambuco (Brazil) between 2012 and 2013. Data was collected from the records of rape examination reports carried out at the Recife Institute of Forensic Medicine. Of the 867 cases recorded, 328 of the victims were children and adolescents. An incidence of 3.67 cases per 10,000 inhabitants in the 0 to 18 age range was identified. The majority of the victims were female (92.1%) between 10 and 14 years of age (59.2%). In two thirds of the cases, rape was the most frequent type of sexual abuse and the majority of perpetrators were known to the victim (57.8%). An association between the type of sexual violence and the age and sex of the victim and perpetrator (p < 0.001) was determined. The most common type of sexual violence was rape among adolescents and sexual abuse not involving rape among children. The cases of sexual violence against children and adolescents shown in this study increase the visibility of this serious health problem and the need for preventive public policies.

  17. Rol de las trombofilias en infertilidad: ¿juegan un rol?

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    B. Juan Luis Leiva, Dr.


    Full Text Available Las trombofilias son un grupo de enfermedades que favorecen la formación de trombosis, tanto arteriales como venosas, y han sido asociadas con diferentes complicaciones durante el embarazo, entre las cuales podemos mencionar: aborto recurrente, preclampsia, restricción de crecimiento intrauterino y muerte fetal in útero, entre otras. Recientemente, se ha sugerido una asociación entre trombofilias e infertilidad. Las mutaciones de la enzima Metilentetrahidrofolato Reductasa (MTHFR y de Leiden se encuentran con mayor frecuencia en pacientes con infertilidad de causa desconocida, al compararlas con grupos controles. Durante la etapa de estimulación ovárica diversas trombofilias han sido vinculadas con la aparición de sindrome de hiperestimulación ovárica severo. Por último, las pacientes con historia de falla recurrente de implantación, luego de múltiples ciclos de fertilización in Vitro, demuestran una mayor prevalencia de trombofilias que las pacientes con éxito en dichas terapias. Este artículo presenta una revisión de las publicaciones relevantes que abordaran los distintos aspectos de la relación entre trombofilias e infertilidad hasta agosto de 2009. El objetivo es describir los estudios utilizados y sus implicancias en el manejo de la pareja infértil.

  18. Physical abuse of older people reported at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil A violência física contra a pessoa idosa revelada em serviço médico-legal, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Marcella de Brito Abath


    Full Text Available This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the profile of physical abuse against older people who underwent forensic examination at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. The cases, with data from 1,027 forensic reports, were described according to characteristics of the incident, victim, and aggressor. Most cases of violence were produced by mechanical energy, either with blunt objects or by empty-handed attack; the most common day of the week was Sunday, most frequently in the evening, and in the victim's home; typical cases involved mild injuries on more than one part of the victim's body. The majority of the victims were men, 60 to 69 years of age, brown (mixed-race, married or living with a partner, and retirees/pensioners. The majority of the aggressors were men, known to the victim, and attacking alone. The social transcendence of violence against older people clearly calls for investment in programs to deal with the problem in order to ensure better quality of life for the elderly.Conduziu-se um estudo transversal com o objetivo de determinar o perfil da violência física em idosos submetidos à perícia traumatológica, entre 2004 e 2007, no Instituto de Medicina Legal do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Os casos, cujas informações procederam de 1.027 laudos, foram descritos segundo características do evento, da vítima e do agressor. Com maior freqüência, a violência foi produzida por energia mecânica, instrumento contundente e arma natural; ocorreu num domingo, turno noturno e residência da vítima; acometeu mais de uma parte do corpo e a lesão foi leve. Prevaleceram como vítimas os homens, com idade entre 60 e 69 anos, pardos, casados/união consensual e aposentados/pensionistas. A maioria dos agressores era homem, conhecido da vítima e a agrediu desacompanhado. A transcendência social do problema torna imperativo o investimento em programas para seu enfrentamento, possibilitando uma melhor

  19. The psychosocial effects of severe caries in 4-year-old children in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Sandra Feitosa


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to analyze the psychosocial effects of severe caries in 4-year-old children in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The clinical examination was conducted by a single examiner in order to select children with severe caries and caries-free (kappa = 1. Of the 861 children examined, 77 (8.1% had severe caries and 225 (23.6% were caries-free. Data were collected by applying validated questionnaires answered by the parents or guardians. Most of the parents or guardians of children with severe caries reported that their children complained of toothache (72.7%, and a significant portion stated that their children had problems eating certain kinds of food (49.4% and missed school (26.0% because of their teeth. Most of the parents or guardians of children with severe caries (68.8% stated that oral health affects their children's life, while the same was stated by 9.8% of the parents or guardians of the caries-free children. Severe caries was found to have a negative impact on children's oral health-related quality of life.

  20. Avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de águas minerais consumidas na região metropolitana de Recife, Estado de Pernambuco = Evaluation of the microbiological quality of mineral water consumed in the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco State

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    Marcelo Iran Souza Coelho


    Full Text Available Águas minerais comercializadas em garrafões de 20 L na região metropolitana de Recife, Estado de Pernambuco foram analisadas microbiologicamente, no período de junho de 2002 a maio de 2003. As dez marcas escolhidas de água mineral foram avaliadas no tocante às bactérias heterotróficas, coliformes, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Aeromonas spp. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de Modelos Lineares Generalizados (GLM. As águas minerais apresentaram contaminação por E. coli, P. aeruginosa, A. hydrophila e A. caviae. Concluiu-se que, de todas as dez marcas analisadas, pelo menos uma amostra de cada marca apresentou-se imprópria para o consumo, por não atender aos parâmetros estabelecidos pela legislação em vigor em, no mínimo, duas análises; o Número Mais Provável (NMP de Pseudomonas spp. e de P. aeruginosa foi influenciado pela sazonalidade e a contagem de bactérias heterotróficas; o Número Mais Provável (NMP de coliformes totais e termotolerantes e a pesquisa de Aeromonas spp. não sofreram influência significativa da sazonalidade.Mineral water sold in 20 L bottles in the metropolitan area of Recife, Pernambuco State were microbiologically analyzed between June 2002 and May 2003. The ten selected brands of mineral water were evaluated with regard to heterotrophic bacteria, coliforms, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas spp. Data were statistically analyzed using Generalized Linear Models (GLM. Mineral waters showed contamination by the following: E. coli, P. aeruginosa, A. hydrophila and A. caviae. It was concluded that of all ten tested brands, at least one sample of each brand was improper for consumption, for not meeting the parameters established by legislation in at least two tests; the Most Probable Number (MPN for Pseudomonas spp. and P. aeruginosa was influenced by seasonality and the count of heterotrophic bacteria; the Most

  1. Características dos primeiros casos de microcefalia possivelmente relacionados ao vírus Zika notificados na Região Metropolitana de Recife, Pernambuco

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    Alexander Vargas


    Full Text Available Resumo OBJETIVO: descrever os primeiros casos de microcefalia possivelmente relacionados ao vírus Zika em nascidos vivos notificados na Região Metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de tipo série de casos (notificados de 1º de agosto a 31 de outubro de 2015, com dados obtidos dos registros médicos e de questionário aplicado às mães. RESULTADOS: foram confirmados 40 casos com microcefalia, distribuídos em oito municípios da Região Metropolitana do Recife, com maior concentração no Recife (n=12; a mediana do perímetro cefálico foi de 29 cm, do perímetro torácico, 31 cm, e do peso, 2.628 gramas; 21/25 casos apresentaram calcificação cerebral, ventriculomegalia ou lisencefalia; entre as 40 mães, 27 referiram exantema na gestação, 20 no primeiro trimestre e sete no segundo, além de prurido, cefaleia, mialgia e ausência de febre. CONCLUSÃO: a maioria dos casos apresentou características de infecção congênita; a maioria das mães apresentou quadro sugestivo de infecção pelo vírus Zika na gestação.

  2. Quality assurance program on the individual monitory service of the Protection Radiology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE (Brazil): preliminary results; Programa de garantia da qualidade no laboratorio de monitoracao individual externa da UFPE: resultados preliminares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Antonino, Paulo H.D.; Filho, Joao A.; Silveira, Sueldo V. [Pernambuco Univ., Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear


    The current stage of the quality assurance program on the individual monitoring service of the Protection Radiology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE (Brazil) is presented. The program emphasizes the personnel training and its development is focused to meet national and international standards requirements 6 refs., 1 ref.

  3. Determination of the presence of molybdenum-99 in the technetium-99m solutions used at the nuclear medicine services of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sena, Thiago G. de; Souza, Fernanda R. de L.; Lopes Filho, Ferdinand de J.; Vieira, Jose W.; Lima, Fernando R. de A.


    The main objective of this work is to calculate the percentage of 99 Mo in the eluates of the 99 mTc used at the nuclear medicine services localized at the Recife city, Pernambuco, Brazil. At the present moment three nuclear medicine services were evaluated verifying the 99 Mo in the eluates of 99 mTc, and in two services, the contamination were superior to the limits stipulated by the international organism adopted as reference in this work. The work follows in other nuclear medicine institutions evaluating and orienting the professionals on these quality control not only for the optimization of the patient dose, but also for the improvement of the image to be used for the diagnostic

  4. Epidemiologia e diferenças regionais da retinopatia diabética em Pernambuco, Brasil Epidemiology and regional differences of diabetic retinopathy in Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Paulo Henrique Gonçalves Escarião


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os dados de freqüência e estadiamento da retinopatia diabética em Pernambuco, Brasil, comparando a região metropolitana com cidades do interior do estado. MÉTODOS: Os prontuários de 2.223 pacientes diabéticos (1.568 mulheres e 655 homens; idade média de 58,4 ± 12,0 anos; duração média do diabetes de 8,1 ± 6,3 anos, que fizeram parte de um programa de triagem para retinopatia diabética na Fundação Altino Ventura entre os meses de junho de 2004 e junho de 2005, foram revistos quanto à presença de retinopatia. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos quanto à origem: grupo I, pacientes residentes em Recife e região metropolitana; grupo II, pacientes residentes no interior do estado de Pernambuco. RESULTADOS: No grupo I, 477 (24,2% pacientes apresentavam retinopatia diabética ao passo que no grupo II, 89 (39,4% pacientes (pPURPOSE: To evaluate the prevalence and severity of diabetic retinopathy among patients cared for in a screening program in Pernambuco, Brazil, comparing regional differences between urban and rural zones. METHODS: The charts of 2,223 diabetic patients (1,568 females and 655 males; mean age 59.3 ± 12.0 years; mean duration of diabetes 8.1 ± 6.3 years that took part in a screening program for diabetic retinopathy at Altino Ventura Foundation from June 2004 to June 2005 were reviewed for the presence of the disease. Patients were divided into two groups: group I, patients living in Recife and the metropolitan area; group II, patients living in the interior of Pernambuco state. RESULTS: In group I, 477 (24.2% patients had diabetic retinophathy, while in group II, 89 (39.4% patients (p<0.0001. The frequency of proliferative diabetic retinophathy, macular edema, vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachment was higher in group II patients (p<0.05. CONCLUSIONS: Patients living in the interior of Pernambuco state have a higher incidence of diabetic retinophathy and the advanced forms than

  5. Influence of fluvial discharge on the dynamics of Chlorophyll-α in the continental shelf adjacent to the Recife Port Basin (Pernambuco-Brazil

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    Amanda Yumi Otsuka

    Full Text Available Abstract This study was undertaken in the coastal zone of the state of Pernambuco adjacent to the Recife port area, which corresponds to the inner shelf. This research aimed to analyze the dynamics of chlorophyll-a and several other environmental variables. Sampling was undertaken bimonthly on the surface from September 11th to May 10th, thus including the rainy and dry periods, and during low tide in spring tide. The parameters analyzed were chlorophyll-a, salinity, temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation rate, pH, suspended solids, dissolved inorganic nutrients. Phytoplankton biomass ranged from 13.48 to 145.09 mg m-3 in the estuarine area and on the inner shelf, the variation being from 0.24 to 19.29 mg m-3 in the dry season and from 0.78 to 5.20 mg m-3 in the rainy season. PCA showed a direct relationship of chlorophyll-a with ammonia, phosphate and transparency and an inverse relationship with suspended particulate matter and nitrate. Biomass did not vary significantly different as a result of seasonal or spatial dynamics. The estuary of the Capibaribe River is considered highly impacted, and as it forms the Recife port basin, it joins with two more strongly eutrophic water bodies, the Beberibe River and the Pina Basin, leading to an amplification of its influence on the adjacent shelf. In terms of the river plume's dispersion in the Port of Recife, the presence of a dike causes some disturbance in the direction of the current, limiting the plume to the area close to the coast and influences the oceanographic variables on the inner continental shelf.

  6. Evaluation of the influence of percent labeling of 99mTc-MIBI on nuclear medicine procedures in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pereira, Jucilene Maria


    The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of percent labeling of the radiopharmaceutical 99m Tc-MIBI on the procedures adopted by the nuclear medicine clinics in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, and their possible interference with image quality in myocardial perfusion examinations. This work was performed at two nuclear medicine services in Recife that use pharmaceuticals provided by two different manufacturers: Cardiolite, provided by Dupont and Cardiosyd, provided by SYDMA. The pH, percent labeling and stability of samples of 99m Tc-MIBI and the percent uptake in heart and liver of a number of patients were evaluated. The results showed that the pH values measured in all samples of both radiopharmaceuticals were within the limits recommended. In 48% of the Cardiolite samples, the percent labeling was less than 90%, which is the minimum recommended limit. On the other hand, 87,5% of the Cardiosyd samples measured values above 98%. Both radiopharmaceuticals had good labeling stability, even in samples with low percent labeling efficiencies. In spite of the higher percent labeling of Cardiosyd its heart uptake is similar to that observed with the Cardiolite, even when the percent labeling is lower than 90%. On the other hand, the image quality, according to physicians, evaluation was poorer for Cardiosyd images, due to high noise and poor sharpness. (author)

  7. Comparison of coproparasitological exams and necropsy for diagnosis of gastro-intestinal helminth infection in mongrel dogs (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758) from the Metropolitan Region of Recife – state of Pernambuco – Brazil


    Auxiliadora de Moraes Ostermann; Marilene Maria de Lima; Márcia Paula Oliveira Farias; Alessandra Santos d’Alencar; Mariana Karolina Freitas Galindo; Carla Tejo da Silva; Leucio Câmara Alves; Maria Aparecida da Gloria Faustino


    This work was carried out to compare the coproparasitological and necropsy exams for diagnosis of gastrointestinal helminth infection, evaluating the parasitism frequency in stray dogs captured by the Centro de Vigilância Ambiental of the city of Recife, Pernambuco. A total of 96 dogs of both sexes, with variying ages and races, were used. The animals were sacrificed and necropsied for the collection of adult helminthes. In parallel, fecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of th...

  8. Violência e morte: diferenciais da mortalidade por causas externas no espaço urbano do Recife, 1991 Violence and death: differentials in mortality from external causes in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1991

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    Maria Luiza C. de Lima


    Full Text Available Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a tendência e a magnitude das mortes violentas na cidade do Recife, sua distribuição espacial no ano de 1991 e seus diferenciais quanto ao sexo, idade, local de ocorrência; objetivou, também, analisar a participação de algumas variáveis sócio-econômicas que expressam as condições de vida, nas possíveis explicações dessas diferenças. Utilizou-se como método o desenho de estudo ecológico do tipo exploratório e comparação de múltiplos grupos. Foram analisadas 1.181 declarações de óbitos de residentes em Recife, falecidos no ano de 1991. Verificou-se uma magnitude do coeficiente de mortalidade por causas externas na ordem de 90,9 por cem mil habitantes. Os grupos de dez a 39 anos e sessenta anos e mais constituíram os de maior risco, e o sexo masculino apresentou uma sobremortalidade em todas as faixas etárias. Os principais grupos de causas específicas foram os homicídios e os acidentes de trânsito, que representaram cerca de 51,3% e 23,4% do total de óbitos por essas causas, respectivamente. Discutiram-se alguns aspectos da desigualdade da mortalidade por causas externas nos espaços sociais, segundo condições de vida e sua relação com o processo histórico de formação da cidade do Recife.This study aimed to describe the amount of (and trends in violent deaths in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, and to analyze their determinants. The article presents the spatial distribution of these deaths for the year 1991 and the differences regarding sex, age, and place of occurrence. It also analyzes the potential role of a series of socioeconomic factors, used as indicators of the population's living conditions. An exploratory ecological study was conducted to compare various groups. In 1991 there were a total of 1181 violent deaths in Recife. The study points to an overall mortality rate from external causes of 90.9/100,000 inhabitants. The two age groups 10-39 years and 60

  9. Prevalence of Endoparasites in Faecal Samples of Cracids Bred in Captivity at the Parque Dois Irmãos, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    A. L. B. Cunha


    Full Text Available Among the many problems arising from poor sanitation that can affect wild birds maintained in captivity, parasitic afflictions are among the most frequent, and their effects can range from subclinical infections to death. Some of the most common cases involve endoparasites, principally if the species under consideration exists at a high population density. This being so, the aim of the current work was to report on the prevalence of endoparasites in faecal samples from cracids (curassows and allies bred in captivity at the Parque Dois Irmãos, Recife, Pernambuco state in Brazil. To do this, faecal and sand samples were collected from the enclosures of birds of the family Cracidae belonging to the collection from the Parque Dois Irmãos, which originated from private collections from the Metropolitan Region and Forest Zone of the State of Pernambuco. Four lots of faecal and sand samples were collected over a 60-day period, giving a total of 84 faecal samples from 58 individuals of 21 species of cracids. The material collected was submitted for coproparasitological tests using the right method and spontaneous sedimentation. The results obtained were positive for Strongyloides sp., Ascaridia sp., Capillaria sp. and cysts of Entamoeba coli, as well as eggs belonging to the superfamily Strongyloidea.

  10. Mortalidade por câncer do colo do útero: características sociodemográficas das mulheres residentes na cidade de Recife, Pernambuco Uterus cervix cancer mortality: socio-demographic characteristics of women living in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Vilma Guimarães de Mendonça


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: descrever as características sociodemográficas dos óbitos por câncer do colo uterino em residentes de Recife, Pernambuco, ocorridos entre 2000 e 2004. MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo transversal, populacional, com a inclusão de 323 óbitos por câncer do colo uterino, dos quais 261 encontravam-se registrados no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade e 62 foram identificados após investigação das mortes por câncer em porção não especificada do útero. Obteve-se a mortalidade proporcional para todas as variáveis e foram calculadas medidas estatísticas de tendência central e dispersão para a idade. Quanto ao local de residência e faixa etária, realizou-se o teste do χ2 e obteve-se o coeficiente de mortalidade. RESULTADOS: houve predomínio de óbitos em mulheres com idade inferior a 60 anos (54,7%, negras (60,5%, sem companheiro (67,7%, donas de casa (71,2% e residentes em bairros com baixa condição de vida (53,3%. A maioria das mortes foi hospitalar (85,1%, das quais 90,2% ocorreram na rede do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS. O coeficiente de mortalidade variou de 0,3 (na faixa etária inferior a 30 anos a 54,9/100.00 (em maiores de 80 anos. Comparando-se os óbitos por faixa etária e distrito sanitário com as características da população feminina residente na cidade, evidenciaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significantes (pPURPOSE: to describe the socio-demographic characteristics of deaths caused by uterine cervix cancer in women living in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, from 2000 to 2004. METHODS: a transversal populational study, including 323 deaths by uterine cervix cancer, among which 261 were recorded in the Information System about Mortality and 62 were identified after investigation on deaths by cancer at non-specified sites of the uterus. Mortality rate for all the variables was obtained and statistics for central tendency and variance were calculated. The χ2 test was performed to obtain the

  11. Monitoramento da contaminação por elementos traço em ostras comercializadas em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Cavalcanti André Dias


    Full Text Available Amostras de ostras comercializadas em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, foram monitoradas em relação ao conteúdo de elementos traço (Hg, Zn, Fe, Cu e Mn durante o período de um ano (março/2001 a fevereiro/2002. Mercúrio foi o principal contaminante encontrado nas ostras e o elemento que apresenta maior risco à saúde pública. Foram encontrados valores de concentração de Hg em ostras de até 551,12µg/kg (peso úmido. Esses valores sugerem que a ingestão de ostras deve ser feita com restrições, principalmente, pela população que vive de sua coleta como forma de subsistência, por crianças, e mulheres grávidas. A avaliação dos níveis de mercúrio em frutos do mar é um importante fator para avaliar o risco de contaminação por mercúrio em pessoas não ocupacionalmente expostas.

  12. Monitoramento da contaminação por elementos traço em ostras comercializadas em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    André Dias Cavalcanti

    Full Text Available Amostras de ostras comercializadas em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, foram monitoradas em relação ao conteúdo de elementos traço (Hg, Zn, Fe, Cu e Mn durante o período de um ano (março/2001 a fevereiro/2002. Mercúrio foi o principal contaminante encontrado nas ostras e o elemento que apresenta maior risco à saúde pública. Foram encontrados valores de concentração de Hg em ostras de até 551,12µg/kg (peso úmido. Esses valores sugerem que a ingestão de ostras deve ser feita com restrições, principalmente, pela população que vive de sua coleta como forma de subsistência, por crianças, e mulheres grávidas. A avaliação dos níveis de mercúrio em frutos do mar é um importante fator para avaliar o risco de contaminação por mercúrio em pessoas não ocupacionalmente expostas.

  13. Dental erosion and consumption of industrialized beverages in a group of children in Recife/Pernambuco, Brazil = Erosão dental e consumo de bebidas industrializadas em crianças de Recife/Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Araújo, Natália Costa


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Observar a ocorrência de erosão dental em um grupo de crianças de 5 a 12 anos de idade, da cidade do Recife/Pernambuco e sua associação com o consumo de bebidas industrializadas. Metodologia: A amostra foi composta por 970 crianças e a coleta de dados abrangeu entrevistas e exames clínicos. Considerou-se como erosão dental a presença de lesões cervicais em superfícies vestibulares com as seguintes características clínicas: lesões largas, rasas, sem ângulos nítidos, com superfície lisa e em forma de “U”. Para a análise estatística foi utilizado o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson. Resultados: A ocorrência de erosão dental na amostra estudada foi de 3,4%, sendo 2,4% para a dentição decídua e 1,8% para a dentição permanente. Tanto na dentição decídua, quanto na permanente, a erosão dental foi associada ao consumo de bebidas industrializadas (P=0,02 e de refrigerantes especificamente (P=0,004. Conclusão: Neste estudo, a ocorrência de erosão dental foi baixa, sugerindo que este tipo de agravo não se configura em um problema de saúde pública para a população investigada

  14. Primeiro registro de Aedes albopictus em área da Mata Atlântica, Recife, PE, Brasil First report of Aedes albopictus in areas of rain forest in Brazil

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    Cleide MR de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Pela primeira vez é registrada a presença do Aedes albopictus em remanescentes de Mata Atlântica, localizada em área urbana em Recife (Pernambuco, Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas em isca humana e em criadouros de formas jovens (ocos de árvores, bambus, bromélias e pneu. A presença de Ae. albopictus na região metropolitana do Recife representa um risco potencial do inter-relacionamento dessa espécie de mosquito com a população.This is the first report of the presence of Aedes albopictus in the native rain forest, near the urban area of Recife (State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Adult female mosquitoes were collected using human bait. Mosquitoes in aquatic stages were looked for in treeholes, bamboos, bromeliads and old tires. The existence of Ae. albopictus in the metropolitan area of Recife poses a potential risk for the interaction of this mosquito species with the urban human population.

  15. Epidemiologic Study of Retinoblastoma in Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil: January 1985 - July 1997 Estudo Epidemiológico do Retinoblastoma no Recife - Pernambuco - Brasil: janeiro 1985 - julho 1997

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    Armando Anderson Abreu


    Full Text Available Background: Retinoblastoma is by far the most frequent malignant intraocular tumor of childhood. This study was performed to characterize the clinical, diagnostic, treatment and prognostic aspects in patients with retinoblastoma in three reference centers for this pathology in the city of Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil. Methods: A consecutive series of 85 patients with retinoblastoma was reviewed. The authors selected 66 patients (77.6% that fulfilled the inclusion criteria for these study. Results: Of a total of 66 patients with retinoblastoma, 4.5% had a previous history of the disease in the family. Males were more affected than females at a ratio (male/female of 1.12. The mean age of appearance of the first symptoms was 23.8 months, with leukocoria and ocular hyperemia being the most frequent. The mean age at time of diagnosis was 31.7 months and for surgical treatment 32.8 months. The right eye was affected in 42.4% of the cases and the left was involved in 37.9% of cases. The tumor was unilateral in 80.3% and bilateral in 19.7% of the cases. There was extraocular involvement in 62.1%, and it was intraocular in 37.9% of the patients. Treatment was surgery combined with chemotherapy in 47.0% of the patients. 27.3% of the patients died and 19.7% abandoned the treatment. Conclusions: The data on the epidemiology of retinoblastoma found in our city resembles that of other developing countries, concerning the epidemioloy of retinoblastoma.Objetivo: O retinoblastoma é o tumor maligno intraocular mais freqüente da infância. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar aspectos clínicos, de diagnóstico, tratamento e prognóstico em pacientes portadores de retinoblastoma atendidos em três centros de referência para esta patologia na cidade do Recife - PE. Métodos: Revisamos 85 prontuários de portadores de retinoblastoma e apresentamos o resultado da análise de 66 destes pacientes, atendidos durante o período de janeiro de 1985 a julho de 1997

  16. inherited thrombophilia and recurrent pregnancy loss Trombofilias heredadas y pérdida gestacional recurrente

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    Angela Patricia Cadavid Jaramillo


    Full Text Available One of the causes of recurrent pregnancy loss is thrombophilia, defined as a tendency to thrombosis or hypercoagulability, with various clinical manifestations dependent on the vascular region affected by the absence of blood flow. Thrombophilias can be classified as inherited or acquired, according to the nature of their cause. The former are factor V Leiden, the prothrombin G20210A, the methilenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T, deficiencies of the natural anticoagulants antithrombin III, protein C and protein S, dysfibrinogens and homocystinuria. The group of acquired thrombophilias includes antiphospholipid syndrome, activated protein C resistance without alterations in the gene of factor V and mild or moderate hyperhomocysteinemia. This article reviews several recent studies looking for association between different thrombophilias and recurrent pregnancy loss. Also diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic recommendations are included, for women with thrombophilia and pregnancy loss Una de las causas de pérdida gestacional recurrente es la trombofilia, que se define como una tendencia a la trombosis o hipercoagulabilidad, con variabilidad en las manifestaciones clínicas dependiente de la región vascular afectada por la ausencia de flujo sanguíneo. Las trombofilias se pueden clasificar como heredadas y adquiridas de acuerdo con la naturaleza de su causa. Entre las trombofilias heredadas están el factor V Leiden, la protrombina G20210A, la metilentetrahidrofolato reductasa C677T, las deficiencias de los anticoagulantes naturales antitrombina III, proteína C y proteína S, las disfibrinogenemias y la homocistinuria. En el grupo de las trombofilias adquiridas se encuentran el síndrome antifosfolípido, la resistencia a la proteína C activada sin alteraciones en el gen del factor V y la hiperhomocisteinemia leve o moderada. Este artículo es una revisión de la literatura de estudios recientes que han buscado la asociación entre las

  17. Hemoglobin concentrations and associated factors in adolescentes from Recife, Brazil


    Elisângela Barros Soares Mendonça; Lilian Ferreira Muniz; Ilma Kruze Grande de Arruda; Alcides da Silva Diniz


    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of anemia and associated factors in adolescents from the city of Recife in Pernambuco state. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study, involving a random sample of 256 adolescents of both genders, aged 13 to 18, whose hemoglobin concentrations were evaluated, along with their nutritional status and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. RESULTS: The prevalence of inadequate hemoglobin concentrations was 10.2% [CI95%=6.7-14.5], reaching levels cons...

  18. It's Carnival time in Recife in 1985 –joy reigns! Oh, what a beauty! There is partying, there is magic, and Mother Badia in this revelry!

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    Augusto Neves Silva


    Full Text Available This article seeks to analyze the historical relations between the priestess (“Mãe-de-santo” Badia and the Carnival of Recife of 1985. We aim to understand how this person came to be the symbol of Recife's Carnival. For this, we try to perceive how around Badia's figure one can discern relevant discussions on tradition, parties, popular religion, identity and black culture in Recife. Understanding the possibilities of the aforementioned event is to be able to learn more about the invisible memories of the Carnival of Recife and the capital of Pernambuco itself.

  19. Phenotypic and molecular characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates from Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Paula Regina Luna de Araújo Jácome


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: The emergence of carbapenem resistance mechanisms in Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been outstanding due to the wide spectrum of antimicrobial degradation of these bacteria, reducing of therapeutic options. METHODS: Sixty-one clinical strains of P. aeruginosa isolated from five public hospitals in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, were examined between 2006 and 2010, aiming of evaluating the profiles of virulence, resistance to antimicrobials, presence of metallo-β-lactamase (MBL genes, and clonal relationship among isolates. RESULTS: A high percentage of virulence factors (34.4% mucoid colonies; 70.5% pyocyanin; 93.4% gelatinase positives; and 72.1% hemolysin positive and a high percentage of antimicrobial resistance rates (4.9% pan-resistant and 54.1% multi-drug resistant isolates were observed. Among the 29 isolates resistant to imipenem and/or ceftazidime, 44.8% (13/29 were MBL producers by phenotypic evaluation, and of these, 46.2% (6/13 were positive for the blaSPM-1 gene. The blaIMP and blaVIM genes were not detected. The molecular typing revealed 21 molecular profiles of which seven were detected in distinct hospitals and periods. Among the six positive blaSPM-1 isolates, three presented the same clonal profile and were from the same hospital, whereas the other three presented different clonal profiles. CONCLUSIONS: These results revealed that P. aeruginosa is able to accumulate different resistance and virulence factors, making the treatment of infections difficult. The identification of blaSPM-1 genes and the dissemination of clones in different hospitals, indicate the need for stricter application of infection control measures in hospitals in Recife, Brazil, aiming at reducing costs and damages caused by P. aeruginosa infections.

  20. Influência germânica nos primórdios da enfermagem profissional na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco (1924-1927 Influencia germánica en los inicios de la enfermería profesional en la ciudad de Recife, Pernambuco (1924-1927 Germanic influence in the early days of professional nursing in the city of Recife, Pernambuco (1924-1927

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    Fátima Maria da Silva Abrão


    Full Text Available Estudo histórico-social, que teve como objetivo a análise da influência germânica no campo da saúde nos primórdios da enfermagem profissional na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco. Foi feita análise do conteúdo dos documentos à luz do pensamento de Bourdieu. Na interpretação dos dados, a noção de campo e poder foi utilizada de modo a contemplar as forças que contribuem para a formação do campo organizacional da enfermagem. O recorte temporal foi de 1924, com a vinda das enfermeiras alemãs para trabalhar no Hospital do Centenário (HC, até 1927, quando ocorre a saída da enfermeira administradora. Utilizaram-se fontes primárias e secundárias. Como resultado, observa-se que a cultura alemã exerceu forte influência no campo da saúde, comércio, indústria, economia e educação. A influência se dá nos primórdios da enfermagem profissional pelo reconhecimento da atuação das enfermeiras pela dedicação e abnegação aos enfermos no trabalho que desenvolviam.Estudio histórico-social, que tuvo como objetivo el análisis de la influencia germánica en el campo de la salud en los inicios de la enfermería profesional en la ciudad de Recife, Pernambuco. Fue realizado el análisis del contenido de los documentos bajo la óptica del pensamiento de Bourdieu. En la interpretación de los datos las nociones de campo y poder fueron utilizadas como forma de contemplar las fuerzas que contribuyen a la formación del campo organizacional de la enfermería. El corte de tiempo se produjo en 1924, con la llegada de las enfermeras alemanas para trabajar en el Hospital del Centenario (HC y se extendió hasta 1927, donde se presenta la salida de la enfermera administradora. Se utilizaron fuentes primarias y secundarias. Como resultado, se observa que la cultura alemana ejerció una fuerte influencia en el campo de la salud, en el comercio, industria, economía y educación. La influencia se presenta en los inicios de la enfermería profesional

  1. Prevalência de hipertensão arterial e fatores associados em estudantes de Ensino Médio de escolas públicas da Região Metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, 2006 Prevalence of high blood pressure and associated factors in students from public schools in Greater Metropolitan Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, 2006

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    Betânia da Mata Ribeiro Gomes


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a prevalência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e fatores associados à saúde em adolescentes, por meio de estudo epidemiológico transversal de base populacional, realizado no período de abril a setembro de 2006, empregando amostragem estratificada segundo porte da escola e turnos. Utilizando-se o questionário Global School-based Student Health Survey, 1.878 estudantes de 29 escolas públicas da Região Metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, foram investigados quanto a: idade; sexo; índice de massa corporal; consumo de frutas, verduras, álcool e tabaco; e pressão arterial, admitindo os parâmetros da Task Force Report on High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescent, de 1996, para pressão arterial, do Centers for Disease Control and Prevention para estado nutricional. As prevalências de hipertensão arterial (medida apenas uma vez, sobrepeso e obesidade igualaram-se a 17,3%, 6,9% e 3,7%, respectivamente. Comportaram-se como fatores associados para hipertensão arterial: sexo masculino, obesidade, sobrepeso e falta de atividade física. Concluiu-se que o conhecimento dos fatores associados para hipertensão arterial em adolescentes poderá subsidiar campanhas de educação para a saúde.The aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension (high blood pressure and associated health factors in adolescents, using a cross-sectional, population-based, epidemiological design from April to September 2006, within a stratified sample according to school size and shift. Using the Portuguese version of the Global School-Based Student Health Survey questionnaire, 1,878 students from 29 public schools in Greater Metropolitan Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, were analyzed for: age, gender, body mass index, fruit, vegetable, alcohol, and tobacco consumption, as well as blood pressure, adopting the 1996 Task Force Report on High Blood Pressure in Children and

  2. Rabies virus in Molossus molossus (Chiroptera: Molossidae in the State of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil

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    Luiz Augustinho Menezes da Silva


    Full Text Available Rabies virus was detected in bats (Molossus molossus from an urban area in the City of Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Four individuals were found during the day in visible, non-habitual places, lying on the ground, but still alive. No contact occurred with people or animals. Of these, only two were identified; it was not possible to identify two specimens, since they were incinerated prior to identification. Diagnosis was positive by direct immunofluorescence and intracerebral inoculation in mice. This study presents the first instance in which the virus was detected in insectivorous bats in the State of Pernambuco.

  3. Burle Marx e os jardins do Recife

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    Ana Rita Sá Carneiro


    Full Text Available Passados cinquenta anos de seu desempenho no governo de Pernambuco, Burle Marx declara que alcançou a “consciência concreta” no momento em que criou os jardins públicos do Recife. Seu olhar erudito, de músico e pintor, observando as paisagens ribeirinhas, de matas e do Sertão, ávido em conhecer os hábitos e a arte populares, decidiu que a planta seria seu objeto de composição no desenho, na pintura e no jardim. Portanto, é o diálogo entre jardim e paisagem que se estabelece no exercício do paisagismo como arte nas praças do Recife. O propósito em conservar esses jardins históricos como monumento vivo prioriza a educação patrimonial que começa com a capacitação de jardineiros já praticada por Burle Marx nos anos 30 ao realizar os desenhos de cada jardim em perspectiva para orientar os que iriam executá-los.


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    Flávio Weinstein Teixeira


    Full Text Available Regard to the discussion of artistic modernity in Brazil, the article presents a panel of intellectual and cultural debates in Recife (1920-50, in order to give weight to the power lines, literate sociability, as well as the spaces of recognition and consecration the artistic/intellectual making that resulted in a specific dynamic to the cultural field of the city. Therefore, give special attention to the actions of a local theater group (TEP – Pernambuco Students’s Theatre and their contribution to the renewal of artistic and intellectual practices.

  5. Complicações crônicas dos diabéticos tipo 2 atendidos nas Unidades de Saúde da Família, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Chronic complications of type 2 diabetic attended at Family Health Units in the City of Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: analisar as complicações associadas ao diabetes tipo 2 em pacientes atendidos pelas Unidades de Saúde da Família. MÉTODOS: estudo realizado nas Unidades de Saúde da Família dos seis distritos sanitários de Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, com uma amostra de 1374 prontuários de diabéticos cadastrados no Programa de Saúde da Família. As variáveis utilizadas foram: ocorrência de complicações macro e microvasculares, idade, sexo, anos de estudo, consumo de álcool, tabagismo, primeira e última glicemia registrada. RESULTADOS: observou-se uma freqüência de complicações mais elevada em mulheres (71,5% quando comparada a dos homens (29,5%. Do total, 58,9% apresentava pelo menos uma complicação. As complicações macrovasculares corresponderam a 95,6%. A doença vascular periférica foi responsável por 92,1%, quando considerada como complicação única. Verificou-se associação entre a faixa etária de 66 anos a mais e complicações macrovasculares, com uma prevalência de 37,8%. As complicações microvasculares nas mulheres correspondem à metade daquelas encontradas para os homens (3,6 x 6,4, sendo significante esta diferença (p=0,04. O tabagismo mostrou-se associado a complicações microvasculares (pOBJECTIVES: to analyze the complications associated with type 2 diabetes in patients seen by Family Health Units. METHODS: a study was conducted of the Family Health Units of the six health districts of the city of Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, with a sample of 1374 records of diabetic patients registered on the Family Health Program. The variables used were: the occurrence of macro-and microvascular complications, age, sex, years of schooling, alcohol consumption, smoking, first and last glucose recorded. RESULTS: there was a higher rate of complications in women (71.5% compared to men (29.5%. Of the total, 58.9% had at least one complication. The macrovascular complications corresponded to 95.6%. The peripheral

  6. Evaluation of the influence of percent labeling of {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI on nuclear medicine procedures in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil; Avaliacao da influencia do percentual de marcacao do {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI em procedimentos de medicina nuclear em Recife, PE

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    Pereira, Jucilene Maria


    The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of percent labeling of the radiopharmaceutical {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI on the procedures adopted by the nuclear medicine clinics in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, and their possible interference with image quality in myocardial perfusion examinations. This work was performed at two nuclear medicine services in Recife that use pharmaceuticals provided by two different manufacturers: Cardiolite, provided by Dupont and Cardiosyd, provided by SYDMA. The pH, percent labeling and stability of samples of {sup 99m}Tc-MIBI and the percent uptake in heart and liver of a number of patients were evaluated. The results showed that the pH values measured in all samples of both radiopharmaceuticals were within the limits recommended. In 48% of the Cardiolite samples, the percent labeling was less than 90%, which is the minimum recommended limit. On the other hand, 87,5% of the Cardiosyd samples measured values above 98%. Both radiopharmaceuticals had good labeling stability, even in samples with low percent labeling efficiencies. In spite of the higher percent labeling of Cardiosyd its heart uptake is similar to that observed with the Cardiolite, even when the percent labeling is lower than 90%. On the other hand, the image quality, according to physicians, evaluation was poorer for Cardiosyd images, due to high noise and poor sharpness. (author)

  7. Hyphomycetes isolados da água e do solo da Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE, Brasil


    Cavalcanti,Marilene da Silva; Milanez,Adauto Ivo


    (Hyphomycetes isolados da água e do solo, da Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE, Brasil). Visando ampliar o conhecimento sobre a diversidade de fungos em ambientes aquáticos, coletas da água e do solo das margens dos açudes do Vale do Prata e do Meio foram efetuadas na Reserva Florestal de Dois Irmãos, Recife, Estado de Pernambuco. Dentre outras, foram isoladas cinco espécies pouco comuns de Hyphomycetes. As amostras de água foram coletadas abaixo da lâmina d'água e as de solo nas m...

  8. Análise perceptivo-auditiva de parâmetros vocais em cantores da noite do estilo musical brega da cidade do Recife


    Silva,Elthon Gomes Fernandes da; Luna,Carmem Lúcia Cerqueira de


    OBJETIVO: avaliar de forma perceptivo-auditiva a voz dos cantores da noite do estilo musical Brega da cidade do Recife. MÉTODOS: pesquisa realizada na clínica-escola do curso de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e na emissora de TV Rede Estação canal 14, ambos localizados na cidade do Recife. Trata-se de estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo. Com anuência de 13 cantores, maiores de 18 anos, houve gravação da voz falada na emissão sustentada de vogais e durante a mú...

  9. Manifestações cutâneas das trombofilias Cutaneous manifestations of thrombophilia

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    Paulo Ricardo Criado


    Full Text Available O escopo deste artigo é revisar os estados de hipercoagulabilidade sangüínea (trombofilias mais provavelmente encontrados por dermatologista. Seus sinais cutâneos incluem o livedo reticular, necrose cutânea, ulcerações e isquemia digital, púrpura retiforme, além de úlceras nas pernas. Revisamos seu tratamento adequado, bem como ressaltamos as manifestações cutâneas que impõem pesquisa laboratorial de trombofilias e os exames indicados nessas situações.The aim of this article is to review the hypercoagulable states (thrombophilia most probably found by dermatologists; their cutaneous signs including livedo racemosa, skin necrosis, digital ischemia and ulcerations, retiform purpura and leg ulcers; their appropriate treatment; to describe the skin manifestations that require laboratory tests for thrombophilias and the tests indicated in these clinical conditions.

  10. Prevalência de pé diabético e fatores associados nas unidades de saúde da família da cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, em 2005 Prevalence of diabetic foot and associated factors in the family health units of the city of Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, in 2005

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    Isabel Cristina Ramos Vieira-Santos


    Full Text Available Uma das mais importantes complicações crônicas do diabetes mellitus é o pé diabético. Por sua gravidade, pode levar a amputações de extremidades inferiores. Entretanto, por apresentar uma evolução lenta, permite o desenvolvimento de ações de prevenção e controle. A abrangência do Programa Saúde da Família, quanto a possibilidade de diagnóstico precoce tanto do diabetes como desta complicação favorece a condução de estudos epidemiológicos visando conhecer sua magnitude. Este artigo objetivou determinar a proporção de portadores de pé diabético atendidos nas unidades de saúde da família da cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Desenvolveu-se um levantamento epidemiológico, com amostra probabilística dos prontuários de pacientes com diabetes cadastrados nos seis distritos sanitários do município. Foram analisadas relações entre as variáveis sócio-econômicas, condições de saúde e ocorrência de amputação a partir de 1.374 prontuários. Observou-se uma prevalência de 9% de portadores de pé diabético. Encontrou-se associação positiva e estatisticamente significativa com as variáveis: alcoolismo e ocorrência de amputação (p One of the most important chronic complications of diabetes mellitus is diabetic foot. Severe progression of diabetes can lead to lower limb amputations. However, since evolution of the disease is slow, it is possible to implement prevention and control measures. The scope of the Family Health Program (in terms of the possibility of early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot favors epidemiological studies to determine the problem's magnitude. This article aimed to identify the proportion of individuals with diabetic foot treated at family health units in the city of Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. An epidemiological survey was conducted with a probabilistic sample of medical charts of diabetic patients (N = 1,374 enrolled in six health districts in the city

  11. Phlebotomine sandflies in fragments of rain forest in Recife, Pernambuco State


    Silva, Dílvia Ferreira; Vasconcelos, Simão Dias


    Foi realizada uma investigação sobre a distribuição da fauna flebotomínica em 4 fragmentos da Mata Atlântica na Região Metropolitana do Recife. Consistiu na captura de insetos adultos com auxilio de armadilhas luminosas CDC. 1.173 espécimes distribuídos em 11 espécies de Lutzomyia: Lutzomyia evandroi, Lutzomyia choti, Lutzomyia walkeri, Lutzomyia umbratilis, Lutzomyia brasiliensis, Lutzomyia sordellii, Lutzomyia claustrei, Lutzomyia wellcomei, Lutzomyia fluviatilis, Lutzomyia furcata e Lutzom...

  12. Diarrheal diseases and hospitalization of children under five years of age according to population-based surveys in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, in the years 1997 and 2006. (United States)

    Vasconcelos, Maria Josemere Oliveira Borba; Rissin, Anete; Figueiroa, José Natal; Lira, Pedro Israel Cabral de; Batista Filho, Malaquias


    The scope of this paper was to assess the temporal and geographical trends of diarrhea and its implications on the demands of hospitalizations of children under five years of age in the state of Pernambuco in 1997 and 2006. Databases of two population-based surveys were assessed with probabilistic samples of 2078 children (1997) and 1650 children (2006) evaluated in 18 municipalities of Pernambuco, including the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Urban Interior and Rural Interior. Prevalence was considered to involve the occurrence of cases on the day or in the two weeks prior to the interview and as admissions, service cases with minimal hospital stay of 24 hours in the period, covering up to one year before the interview. The prevalence of diarrhea in Pernambuco had a statistically non-significant decline (19.8% to 18.1%; p = 0.192). However, a statistically-significant reduction was observed (16.9% to 10.5%; p = 0.003) in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. The number of admissions increased by more than double (2.7% to 5.5% in the State and from 1.6% to 3.8% within the Metropolitan Region of Recife), in contrast with national trends. Therefore, diarrhea in the State appears as the main component of the demands of pediatric hospitalizations during the period under scrutiny.

  13. Archaeometric studies in the Franciscan convent of Santo Antonio - Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azevedo, Renata L.; Asfora, Viviane K.; Ribeiro, Guilherme B.; Ferreira, Joao Victor C.; Khoury, Helen J.; Sullasi, Henry S.L.; Rego, Nuno Jose S.; Mello, Jose Aylton C. de


    The purpose of this paper is to characterize the tiles placed on the walls of the Franciscan convent of Santo Antonio (Recife-PE) and to obtain information about the several expansions and structural reforms performed on the convent by dating the bricks. For this purpose, a portable energy dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) was used to characterize the tiles. The dating of the bricks was performed using the Thermoluminescence (TL) technique. The results of the EDXRF analysis show that the dominant component of the white pigment is Lead [2PbCO 3 .Pb (OH) 2 ], used since the ancient times until the twentieth century, while the dominant element of the blue pigment is Cobalt (CoO.Al 2 O 3 ), that has been used from 1807 until nowadays. The TL dating of bricks indicate that there were walls with different periods of construction, being one built around 1765, with a deviation of 28 years, whereas other was built later, around 1874, with a deviation of 15 years. These results provide new data towards understanding how and when the Recife Franciscan Convent of Santo Antonio was designed and built, contributing to other research works presently underway on site. (author)

  14. Susceptibilité de Rattus norvegicus et Rattus rattus frugivurus de la ville de Recife à la Pasteurella pestis

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    Dalva A. de Mello


    Full Text Available L'auíeur a vérifié la susceptibilité de deux espèces de rongeurs domestiques de la ville de Recife. Etat du Pernambuco, R. norvegicus et Rattus rattus frugivurus, les comparant aux souris albinos de la souche "Swiss" avec deux souches de P. pestis dont une était isolée au municipe d'Exu, Etat du Pernambuco âenommée PEXU 19 et Vautre provenante du Venezuela dite RANGEL. Les deux espèces de rongeurs ont montré une resistence modérée par rapport aux deux souches de P. pestis tandis que les souris ont révélé d'être hautement susceptibles.

  15. Gender relations and sexual orientation in Religious Education curriculum in state and municipal schools in Recife


    Aurenéa Maria de Oliveira


    This research conducted in state and municipal public schools of Recife in Pernambuco through research project that had the support of UFPE and CNPq aimed to analyze the Religious Education curriculum (ER), the place that women, especially with marginalized sexual orientation as lesbian, bisexual and transgender occupy. To this end, we work with the methodology of Discourse Analysis and the Theory of Speech, looking first identify the main ideologies surrounding and involving the theme, then ...

  16. Hipersensibilidade a fungos em crianças asmáticas de uma comunidade do Recife, Pernambuco Hypersensitivity to molds in asthmatic children from a community of Recife, Pernambuco

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    Ana Carla de Albuquerque Osório


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: identificar a sensibilização a testes cutâneos de hipersensibilidade imediata para fungos em crianças asmáticas, residentes em comunidade urbana de baixa renda. MÉTODOS: no período de março de 1997 a junho de 1998 foram avaliadas 13 crianças com mais de três episódios de dispnéia nos últimos 12 meses, selecionadas a partir de um estudo transversal, em que todos os 123 escolares de 6 a 10 anos residentes na comunidade responderam ao questionário International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. Nas 13 crianças com asma em atividade, foram aplicados testes cutâneos de hipersensibilidade imediata para avaliar resposta a seis extratos fúngicos padronizados: Aspergillus mix, Penicillium mix, Hormodendrum cladosporidiodes, Alternaria tenius, Helminthosporium interseninatum e Mold mix. RESULTADOS: dentre as 13 crianças analisadas, 12 apresentaram sensibilididade a pelo menos um dos fungos testados (12/13, cujos extratos com maior frequência de positividade foram: Aspergillus mix (7/13, Penicillium mix (6/13 e Hormodendrum cladosporidiodes (5/13. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência elevada de hipersensibilidade aos extratos de fungos nas crianças avaliadas sugere a necessidade de estudos analíticos observacionais para esclarecer uma possível associação causal entre fungos e asma.OBJECTIVES: to identify prick test hypersensitivity to molds in asthmatic school children in a low-income urban community. METHODS: thirteen children who had more than three asthma attacks in the last 12 months from March'1997 to June'1998 were evaluated. These children were selected from a previous cross-sectional survey studying 123 children from 6 to 10 years old residing at the low-income urban community of Campo do Banco-Várzea, Recife, Pernambuco. The 123 children were tested by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood survey to determine asthma. The 13 asthmatic children selected were evaluated with the prick test

  17. Avaliação da completitude, da consistência e da duplicidade de registros de violências do Sinan em Recife, Pernambuco, 2009-2012

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    Marcella de Brito Abath

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO:avaliar a completitude, consistência e duplicidade de registros de violências no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (Sinan em Recife, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, de 2009 a 2012.MÉTODOS:foi realizado estudo descritivo; a qualidade da base de dados do Sinan foi avaliada quanto à completitude e consistência de 35 variáveis e não duplicidade de registros; aplicou-se o teste do qui-quadrado para tendência linear (p<0,05 para avaliação da completitude e consistência.RESULTADOS:no período 2009-2012, houve aumento de 283,9% no número de notificações, as médias percentuais de completitude, de consistência e de duplicidade foram, respectivamente, de 70,3%, 98,5% e 0,2%; houve redução de 53,9% na completitude e aumento de 66,7% na consistência das variáveis; o percentual de duplicidade foi de 0,5% em 2012, e inexistente em 2009.CONCLUSÃO:as médias percentuais de completitude, consistência e duplicidade foram consideradas, respectivamente, regular, excelente e aceitável.

  18. Relação de uso dos recursos naturais pelas comunidades do entorno de um fragmento florestal urbano no Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos, RecifePernambuco. Relation of use of natural resources by surrounding communities of an urban forest fragment in Dois Irmãos State Park, RecifePernambuco.

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    Diogenes José Gusmão COUTINHO


    Full Text Available O trabalho visa determinar as relações entre comunidades e vegetação do Parque Estadual Dois Irmãos, RecifePernambuco. Através de 50 entrevistas, foram investigados aspectos da percepção ambiental dos moradores das comunidades do entorno da floresta do Parque Estadual, percebendo seu modo de vida e sua relação com os recursos naturais. Foram registradas 88 espécies, nativas, cultivadas e introduzida, e dez animais foram citados para a área. As famílias com maior representatividade em número de espécies foram: Fabaceae (treze espécies, Lamiaceae (seis Anacardiaceae, Arecaceae e Cucurbitaceae (cinco, Anonaceae, Asteraceae, Euphorbiaceae, Myrtaceae e Poaceae (quatro. O uso alimentício ocorreu em 31,42% das espécies, seguido do uso medicinal (28,57%, comercial (14,28%, madeireiro (11,42%, tecnológico (9,52% e ornamental (4,76%. A vegetação nativa constitui uma fonte importante de recursos madeireiros e medicinais, mas é subutilizada como fonte de alimento. Os vegetais não têm grande relevância na atividade de comércio, servindo como complemento de renda para as famílias. As comunidades utilizam diferentes fontes vegetais para as categorias comércio, construção e tecnologia, decorrentes tanto das principais atividades que exercem seus moradores, como dos recursos naturais à sua disposição. O lixo, a falta de saneamento básico e alagamentos são os principais problemas enfrentados pelas comunidades. The study aims to determine the relationships between vegetation communities and the Dois Irmãos State Park, RecifePernambuco. Through 50 interviews, aspects of environmental perception of the residents of the communities surrounding the State Park wereinvestigated in order to find out their lifestyle and their relationship with natural resources.We recorded 88 species, native, cultivated and introduced and ten animals were reported for the area. Families with more representative number of species were Fabaceae

  19. Mídia e transformações nas lendas e mitos em pernambuco

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    Lóssio, Rúbia


    Full Text Available A pesquisa visa a analisar e registrar as lendas e mitos em Pernambuco através das narrativas existentes na riqueza do imaginário popular. A análise da pesquisa consistiu em compreender a função social das lendas e mitos, bem como as influências midiáticas e sua refuncionalização, encontrada nos locais selecionados para entrevistas semiestruturadas como: litoral, periferia do Recife e sertão de Pernambuco. A partir dos estudos de Campbell, Maffesoli, Beltrão, Chertudi, construimos o nosso trabalho. Os mitos e as lendas fazem parte de um mundo simbólico onde a ambivalência impera entre o desejo e a proibição na cultura popular. Com o avanço da tecnologia da informação, os mitos e as lendas extrapolam para constituir uma dinâmica de defesa pelos anseios de sobrevivência e modos de vida

  20. Avaliação da implantação da atenção à hipertensão arterial pelas equipes de Saúde da Família do município do Recife (PE, Brasil The implementation analysis of the arterial hypertension care by the Family Health teams in Recife city (Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Juliana Martins Barbosa da Silva Costa


    Full Text Available A avaliação da atenção à hipertensão arterial pelas equipes de Saúde da Família do Recife (PE foi realizada por meio de uma avaliação normativa da estrutura e do processo de trabalho e da análise de alguns elementos contextuais. Para tanto, foram entrevistados os médicos e enfermeiros de uma amostra aleatória representativa que abrangeu 72 equipes e os coordenadores do programa de hipertensão, além da análise de documentos oficiais. Para definição do grau de implantação, foi utilizado um sistema de escores que permitiu classificá-lo em excelente (90-100% das atividades implantadas; satisfatório (70-79%; insatisfatório (50-69%; e crítico (The implementation analysis of the arterial hypertension care by the Family Health teams in Recife city (Pernambuco, Brazil was based on a normative evaluation of the structure and work process and analysis of some context elements. An interview was applied to a randomized sample of doctors and nurses of 72 Family Health teams and the hypertension programme coordinator, and official documents were analyzed. A score system was used to classify the performance of the implementation level in excellent (when 90-100% of activities were implemented; adequate (70-79%; inadequate (50-69%; and critical (<50%. The results show a significant weakness in the arterial hypertension care by the Family Health teams in Recife. The absence of specific programme coordination is related to the low performance observed. The implementation level was considered inadequate and some problems were identified due to the poor infrastructure, deficient inputs, low professional qualification for hypertension care and insipient use of information for planning the actions.

  1. Urbanização, favelas e endemias: a produção da filariose no Recife, Brasil Urbanization, slums, and endemics: the production of filariasis in Recife, Brazil

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    Maria de Fátima P. M. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Neste artigo discutimos a ocorrência da filariose como um problema de saúde pública na cidade do Recife, capital do Estado de Pernambuco, que apresenta ainda hoje, em algumas áreas, níveis de prevalência preocupantes. Procura-se mostrar o papel da evolução urbana da cidade, caracterizada por um crescimento desordenado e pela formação de um número crescente de favelas, na criação de condições propícias para a transmissão desta parasitose. Identificamos categorias de análise, ligadas à organização social do espaço urbano, que devem ser incluídas como "mediadoras" em um modelo compreensivo da transmissão da filariose. Os aglomerados de habitações inadequadas, construídas em favelas superpovoadas, sem saneamento básico e sem sistema de drenagem de águas, propiciam as condições adequadas à proliferação dos mosquitos vetores da infecção e à manutenção da endemia.In this article the filariasis endemic is discussed as a public health problem in the city of Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Prevalence figures for this parasitic disease in some urban settings are cause for concern. The urban development process, characterized by disordered growth of cities and an increase in the number of slums, is pointed out as an important factor for the maintenance of conditions favouring disease transmission. Some analytical categories linked to urban social organization are identified and included in a comprehensive filariasis transmission model. Clusters of inadequate houses built in overcrowded slums without basic sanitation or a proper drainage system produce adequate conditions for proliferation of infection vectors and maintenance of the endemic.

  2. Uma análise das ressalvas do TCE-PE nas prestações de contas em prefeituras municipais no Estado de Pernambuco

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    Fabrícia Pereira Cavalcanti Silva


    Full Text Available O artigo tem como objetivo analisar qualitativamente as ressalvas nas contas aprovadas pelo TCE-PE, e o que de fato elas representam: se entropia do sistema de controle, irresponsabilidade operacional ou falta de autonomia do gestor em liquidar pendências administrativas apontadas pelo TCE-PE, nos anos de 2000 a 2005, nos municípios da região metropolitana do Recife. Foi realizada uma pesquisa nos sítios do Governo de Pernambuco e no Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Pernambuco, no período de abril a maio de 2006. O universo da pesquisa compreendeu quatorze (14 prefeituras da região metropolitana do Recife. A amostra foi composta pelas prefeituras que, de 2000 a 2005, sofreram restrições nas prestações de contas pelo TCE/PE. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo empírico-exploratório. Foram analisados 44 processos abertos pelo TCE, sendo que 20 destes não foram julgados, e, portanto, estavam sem pareceres na Internet. Concluiu-se que as ressalvas apresentadas nos pareceres do TCE-PE repetiram-se nos municípios, principalmente em 2001, apontando Falhas de Controles Internos.

  3. Morphometric Variations in the Grasshopper, Chromacris speciosa from Two Localities of Pernambuco in Northeastern Brazil (United States)

    Cisneiros, Roberta Araújo; de Almeida, Argus Vasconcelos; de Melo, Gabriel Rivas; da Câmara, Cláudio Augusto Gomes


    The present study describes morphometric variations in the grasshopper, Chromacris speciosa (Thunberg, 1824) (Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Romaleidae) from two locations in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The distance between the sites chosen for collections (Recife and São Lourenço da Mata) is approximately 16 km. The investigation was based on a comparative study of external morphological characteristics of the grasshoppers. Morphometric measurements took into account the different body parts and appendages. Statistical analysis of the measurements revealed significant differences in the size of the specimens between the two locations. Homogeneity tests of the covariance and equality matrices between mean vectors of the results revealed that the grasshopper populations in Recife and São Lourenço da Mata are distinctly different. These findings provide morphological evidence for intraspecific variation in morphological characteristics of the C. speciosa populations from the two locations. PMID:23421530

  4. Casos autoctones de esquistossomose mansonica em criancas de Recife, PE

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    Constanca Simoes Barbosa


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO : Investigar criadouros com moluscos hospedeiros e casos humanos autóctones para esquistossomose. MÉTODOS : Entre julho de 2010 e setembro de 2012 foram realizados: (1 levantamento malacológico para busca ativa de criadouros, coleta e identificação de caramujos Biomphalaria positivos para Schistosoma mansoni em Recife, PE; (2 inquérito de prevalência com 2.718 escolares, de sete a 14 anos, para diagnóstico de casos de esquistossomose; (3 exame clínico e ultrassonografia nos casos positivos para S. mansoni. Os casos foram investigados quanto à sua autoctonia e avaliados clinicamente. Os casos e criadouros foram georreferenciados e espacializados. RESULTADOS : Foram identificados 30 criadouros de B. straminea , quatro deles potenciais focos de transmissão, uma vez que os testes moleculares identificaram DNA de S. mansoni nos caramujos coletados. Foram diagnosticadas 14 crianças com esquistossomose; entre elas, cinco foram consideradas casos autóctones da doença. CONCLUSÕES : Ações emergenciais pela vigilância em saúde são necessárias para evitar que a esquistossomose se endemize em Recife, como acontece em localidades litorâneas do estado de Pernambuco.

  5. Mortalidade materna em Recife. 1. Avaliação da subenumeração de estatísticas oficiais Maternal mortality in Recife.1. An evaluation of the completeness of vital statistics

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    Rivaldo Mendes de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Este estudo analisou os óbitos de mulheres com idade entre 10 a 49 anos, ocorridos em Recife, Pernambuco, nos anos de 1992 e 1993, com a finalidade de identificar os óbitos maternos neste período e confrontá-los com as estatísticas oficiais. As informações foram obtidas a partir de 1.013 declarações de óbito, sendo complementadas com consultas aos prontuários médicos, fichas de anestesia, relatórios de enfermagem, perícias tanatoscópicas do Instituto de Medicina Legal, relatórios das necrópsias do Serviço de Verificação de óbitos e por meio de entrevistas com os médicos que assistiram estes óbitos ou com familiares das mulheres que faleceram. Calcularam-se as razões de mortalidade materna (RMM para o Município de Recife para cada ano e para o período total do estudo. As 20 mortes maternas declaradas representaram 2% dos óbitos entre mulheres nessa faixa etária. Após a investigação encontraram-se mais 22 casos para todo o período. A RMM pelas estatísticas oficiais era de 37,0 por 100.000 nascidos vivos, passando a 77,7 após a correção. Esta diferença representou uma subenumeração de 52,4%. Conclui-se que, no caso de Recife, não se poderia aplicar o fator de correção de 3,0 recomendado para a Região Nordeste pelo Ministério da Saúde, porque a mortalidade materna estaria sendo então superestimada.This study analysed maternal deaths occurring in 1992 and 1993 in the city of Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, among all deaths of females aged 10 to 49 years, and to compare the results with vital statistics records. Information was obtained from 1013 death certificates and was supplemented through an analysis of medical records, anesthesia forms, nursing reports, results of autopsies performed by the Forensic Medicine Institute, necropsy reports from the Death Investigation Service, and interviews with both attending physicians and the women's relatives. Maternal mortality rates were calculated for the city

  6. Um mundo dentro de outro mundo : educação prisional no Estado de Pernambuco


    MENDES, Francisco Carlos de Figueiredo


    O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as propostas educacionais desenvolvidas na colônia penal feminina do Recife e no Presídio Professor Aníbal Bruno, a partir do exame das documentações oficiais do Governo do Estado de Pernambuco e das unidades prisionais, e identificar a percepção dos apenados e dos educadores sobre os ditos projetos. A pesquisa, de base qualitativa, envolveu uma análise documental, bem como a realização de entrevistas com 18 pessoas e nesse total, a ...

  7. [Pai Manoel, African healer, and medicine in Imperial Pernambuco]. (United States)

    Farias, Rosilene Gomes


    The article tells the story of Pai Manoel, a healer who claimed he had a remedy for cholera. A slave from the Guararapes sugarcane plantation in Recife, Pai Manoel was the center of an episode during the 1856 epidemic outbreak that called into question the work of physicians and the efficacy of the treatments they used. This moment of crisis revealed underlying tensions between those who were authorized to treat the infirm, applying scientific methods, and others, who used traditional knowledge in their treatment. The article discusses such topics as the shaping of the field of medicine in Brazil and, especially, in Pernambuco, and the strategies devised to guarantee the exclusive right to practice medicine and to combat competing forms of healing.

  8. Hemoglobin concentrations and associated factors in adolescentes from Recife, Brazil

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    Elisângela Barros Soares Mendonça


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of anemia and associated factors in adolescents from the city of Recife in Pernambuco state. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study, involving a random sample of 256 adolescents of both genders, aged 13 to 18, whose hemoglobin concentrations were evaluated, along with their nutritional status and socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. RESULTS: The prevalence of inadequate hemoglobin concentrations was 10.2% [CI95%=6.7-14.5], reaching levels considered as mild anemia (9 g/dL 0.05, nor with socioeconomic or demographic characteristics (p>0.05. CONCLUSION: Although the prevalence of anemia was low and classified as a mild health problem, preventive nutrition education involving the dissemination of healthy eating habits in schools and encouraging the consumption of iron-rich foods are strongly recommended.

  9. Dosimetria de pacientes e médicos em intervenções coronárias percutâneas em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Maria do Socorro Rocha da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar os valores de doses de radiação recebidas por médicos e pacientes em procedimentos intervencionistas cardíacos realizados em um hospital público na cidade de Recife, Pernambuco. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: As medidas foram determinadas em 31 pacientes adultos, dos quais 22 tiveram acompanhamento clínico após o procedimento, e em dois cardiologistas com mais de dez anos de experiência. Parâmetros de irradiação para cada procedimento foram registrados. RESULTADOS: Os valores obtidos para a dose absorvida máxima na pele do paciente variaram entre 612 e 8.642 mGy, sendo que 53% foram maiores que 2.000 mGy, valores estes que podem causar efeitos determinísticos. Com relação aos médicos, a dose efetiva média por procedimento foi de 11 µSv e os valores médios do equivalente de dose nas extremidades, mais altos, foram: 923 µSv no pé esquerdo, 514 µSv no pé direito, 382 µSv na mão esquerda e 150 µSv no olho esquerdo. Dependendo do número de procedimentos, as doses recebidas pelos médicos podem exceder os valores limites de doses estabelecidos pelas normas nacionais e internacionais. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados obtidos sinalizam a necessidade de adoção de estratégias para otimização da proteção radiológica tanto de pacientes quanto de médicos.

  10. Comparison of coproparasitological exams and necropsy for diagnosis of gastro-intestinal helminth infection in mongrel dogs (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758 from the Metropolitan Region of Recife – state of Pernambuco – Brazil

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    Auxiliadora de Moraes Ostermann


    Full Text Available This work was carried out to compare the coproparasitological and necropsy exams for diagnosis of gastrointestinal helminth infection, evaluating the parasitism frequency in stray dogs captured by the Centro de Vigilância Ambiental of the city of Recife, Pernambuco. A total of 96 dogs of both sexes, with variying ages and races, were used. The animals were sacrificed and necropsied for the collection of adult helminthes. In parallel, fecal samples were collected directly from the rectum of the animals and processed using Willis’s technique and spontaneous sedimentation. The results obtained in the necropsy indicated a positivity of 96.8% (93∕96, being 83.3%, 34.4%, 30.2%, 28.1%, 14.6%, 6.3% and 2.1% for Ancylostoma caninum, Dypilidium caninum, Toxocara canis, Trichuris vulpis, Ancylostoma braziliense, Toxascaris leonina and Spirocerca lupi, respectively. Results from the Willis technique, sedimentation and necropsy were only significantly different (p<0.05 in the detection of infection by Ancylostoma spp. The Willis technique and sedimentation did notpresent any differences for the other gastrointestinal helminthes.

  11. Análise da positividade da esquistossomose mansoni em Regionais de Saúde endêmicas em Pernambuco, 2005 a 2010

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    Ana Virgínia Matos Sá Barreto

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar a tendência da positividade da esquistossomose em exames coproscópicos na população de área endêmica do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, de 2005 a 2010. MÉTODOS: estudo ecológico de serie temporal, com dados secundários do Sistema de Informação do Programa de Controle da Esquistossomose, analisados por Regional de Saúde; foram avaliadas as tendências por regressão linear, considerando-se p<0,05 significativo. RESULTADOS: Pernambuco apresentou média de 9,2% de positividade; a Regional de Saúde III (Palmares apresentou maior média de positividade (13,8%, seguida das regionais II (Limoeiro: 9,9% e I (Recife: 7,8%; a Regional V (Garanhuns apresentou melhor média de tratamento (95,6%, seguida da III (86,6%; Pernambuco apresentou tendência decrescente na positividade para esquistossomose (p=0,005. CONCLUSÃO: em geral, há uma tendência decrescente da positividade de esquistossomose em Pernambuco, apesar da queda no número de exames; é importante manter e intensificar as intervenções de controle, com prioridades estratégicas focalizadas em localidades com elevadas prevalências.

  12. Consumo alimentar de macro e micronutrientes de crianças menores de cinco anos no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil Dietary intake of macro and micronutrients by children under five years of age in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Cristianne Martins Ferreira Fidelis


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: analisar o consumo alimentar de macro e micronutrientes, com base na Dietary Reference Intakes, das crianças menores de cinco anos do Estado de Pernambuco, considerando três áreas geográficas: Região Metropolitana do Recife, Interior Urbano e Interior Rural. MÉTODOS: a amostra constitui-se de 948 crianças menores de cinco anos de idade, com representatividade para o Estado de Pernambuco e suas três áreas geográficas. O consumo alimentar foi registrado mediante o recordatório de 24 horas e foram analisadas as medianas e prevalências de inadequação dos macro e micronutrientes de acordo com as Dietary Reference Intakes. RESULTADOS: o déficit de energia e micronutrientes mostrou-se prevalente nas crianças, em todas as faixas etárias e áreas geográficas; entretanto, o consumo de proteínas apresentou-se acima dos valores de referência. A prevalência de inadequação dos micronutrientes foi elevada, principalmente de ferro e zinco, nas crianças acima de 12 meses de idade. Os resultados no Interior Rural foram os mais baixos para todos os nutrientes analisados. CONCLUSÕES: o consumo alimentar das crianças do Estado de Pernambuco demonstrou déficit de energia, de macro e micronutrientes. Espera-se que estes resultados possam servir como subsídios para implementação de políticas de nutrição e alimentação no Estado, visando prevenir os principais distúrbios nutricionais em menores de cinco anos.OBJECTIVE: to analyze the food consumption of macro and micronutrients by children under fiver years old in the State of Pernambuco based on the Dietary Reference Intakes, in three geographic areas: Metropolitan Region of Recife, Urban Interior and Rural Interior. METHODS: the sample consisted of 948 children under five years old and was representative for the State of Pernambuco and its three geographic areas. The 24-hour recall method was used to register food consumption. The median and the prevalence of both macro and

  13. Análise perceptivo-auditiva de parâmetros vocais em cantores da noite do estilo musical brega da cidade do Recife Perceptual vocal pattern analysis of singers from kitschy musical style in Recife

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    Elthon Gomes Fernandes da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: avaliar de forma perceptivo-auditiva a voz dos cantores da noite do estilo musical Brega da cidade do Recife. MÉTODOS: pesquisa realizada na clínica-escola do curso de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e na emissora de TV Rede Estação canal 14, ambos localizados na cidade do Recife. Trata-se de estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo. Com anuência de 13 cantores, maiores de 18 anos, houve gravação da voz falada na emissão sustentada de vogais e durante a música "parabéns pra você"; na voz cantada realizou-se a gravação de trecho de música pertencente ao repertório do cantor. RESULTADOS: tempos de fonação reduzidos; modificações no pitch e loudness, comparando voz falada e cantada, ambos passando de adequados para, respectivamente, agudo e elevada; mudanças na ressonância, que era laringofaríngea e tornou-se equilibrada com compensação nasal. Houve manutenção do ataque vocal brusco; mudança do registro modal misto na voz habitual para o modal cabeça na voz profissional; predominância da qualidade vocal clara na voz falada e padrões adequados para modulação, projeção e articulação na voz cantada. CONCLUSÃO: os cantores da noite do estilo musical Brega da cidade do Recife apresentaram tempos de fonação reduzidos e tiveram, da voz falada para a voz cantada, mudanças no pitch, loudness e ressonância e manutenção das características vocais para ataque e registro. A qualidade vocal clara na voz falada foi predominante, assim como a modulação adequada, boa projeção e articulação precisa estavam entre os padrões vocais mais frequentes na voz cantada.PURPOSE: to evaluate the perceptual form concerning the voice of the singers from kitschy musical style in Recife. METHODS: clinical research was carried out in the clinic-school of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences course in the Federal University of Pernambuco and Network TV Station channel 14, both located in the

  14. Emanation of radon-222 in uraniferous phosphorite from Pernambuco, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, M.L.O.; França, E.J.; Amaral, D.S.; Silva, K.E.M.; Hazin, C.A.; Farias, E.E.G.


    The concentration of radon-222 activity available for transport to the surface through the pore space can be defined as radon emanation. From the decay of radium-226, whose half-life is 1850 years, it is associated with the development of neoplasia, such as lung cancer. In the Metropolitan Region of Recife, sedimentary rocks known as phosphorites have been known since 1959, so, from the radiometric characterization of the Paulista and Igarassu Municipality, in Pernambuco, emanation tests were carried out, aiming to determine the emanation power of radon in samples of uraniferous phosphorite from the Recife Metropolitan Region. Initially, 6 independent samples of phosphorites with activity concentration of 226 Ra> 400 Bq kg -1 were comminuted. Portions of 5g were conditioned in a radon chamber with 500 mL volume for measurements. The linear fit of the model converged after 200 interactions with selection of the best fit by the Chi-Square test, through the Origin® 8.0 program. After analysis of the samples, radon emanation power was estimated in the range of 7% to 15%, with a mean value of 10.8%. The methodology used to determine the emanation parameters in samples of uraniferous phosphorite was adequate, observing an inversely proportional relation between the concentration of the radium-226 and the emanation power

  15. Maus-tratos contra idosos no município de Camaragibe, Pernambuco Elder abuse in Camaragibe, Pernambuco

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    Victor Lopes de Melo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: descrever a situação de maus-tratos contra idosos no município de Camaragibe, na região metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo de corte transversal com uma amostra representativa da população idosa do município, e submetida a questionário previamente elaborado conforme os objetivos do estudo. RESULTADOS: dos 315 idosos, 95,4% estavam na sexta e sétima década de vida, 65,2% eram mulheres e recebiam até dois salários mínimos (91,4%, 87,5% tinham casas próprias, com deficiente esgotamento sanitário (84,1% e baixo grau de escolaridade (97,1%. Sessenta e seis referiram sofrer maus-tratos. Desses, 65,2% eram do sexo feminino. O tipo de violência mais comum foi a psicológica (62,1%, seguida da física (31,8%, cometidas pelos próprios familiares dentro do próprio domicílio. As mulheres foram mais agredidas que os homens. 71,3% reagiram passivamente não sabendo a que órgão denunciar. No seu entendimento a comunidade era indiferente ao problema. CONCLUSÕES: os maus-tratos contra idosos apresentam-se como problema relevante para a saúde pública. Medidas educativas poderiam ser implementadas para esclarecê-los sobre direitos, facilitar a denúncia e a obtenção de apoio ou ajuda.OBJECTIVES: to describe the situation of abuse against the elderly in the municipality of Camaragibe, in the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco. METHODS: cross sectional study with a representative sample of the elderly population in the municipality, subject to abuse and respondents to a previously designed questionnaire according to the objectives of the study. RESULTS: of the 315 elderly, 95.4% were in the sixth and seventh decade of life and 65.2% were women and received up to two minimum wages (91.4%, were house owners (87.5%, living in neighborhoods with deficient sewage systems (84.1% and low education level (97.1%. Seventy six claimed they were abused. Among these 65.2% were females. The most common type

  16. A list of mosquito species of the Brazilian State of Pernambuco, including the first report of Haemagogus janthinomys (Diptera: Culicidae, yellow fever vector and 14 other species (Diptera: Culicidae Lista de espécies de mosquitos do Estado de Pernambuco e primeiro relato de Haemagogus janthinomys (Diptera: Culicidae vetor de febre amarela silvestre e outras 14 espécies (Diptera: Culicidae

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    Nádia Consuelo Aragão


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Besides mosquito species adapted to urban environments (Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, only 15 species of Anopheles had been recorded in the State of Pernambuco. METHODS: Human-landing mosquitoes were collected in Dois Irmãos Park, in Recife. RESULTS: The first report for the state of Haemagogus janthinomys, an important vector of yellow fever virus, and 14 other species, including Trichoprosopon lampropus, a first reported for Brazil. CONCLUSIONS: The mosquito fauna in the area is diversified and has potential medical and veterinary importance.INTRODUÇÃO: Além de mosquitos adaptados ao ambiente urbano (Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti e Ae. albopictus, apenas 15 espécies de Anopheles haviam sido relatadas no Estado de Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: Mosquitos que pousavam em humanos no Parque Dois Irmãos, em Recife foram coletados. RESULTADOS: Haemagogus janthinomys, importante vetor de vírus de febre amarela, e outras 14 espécies são relatadas pela primeira vez no estado, incluindo Trichoprosopon lampropus, relatado pela primeira vez no Brasil. CONCLUSÕES: A fauna de mosquitos na área é muito diversificada e tem potencial importância médica e veterinária.

  17. Detection of antibodies against Leishmania infantum in cats (Felis catus from the State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Rita de Cássia Nascimento Silva


    Full Text Available Introduction: Little information is available concerning infection by Leishmania infantum in cats. Therefore, the aim of this study was to perform a serological study in domestic cats. Methods: Serum samples (n=153 obtained from animals living in the Cities of Recife and Petrolina, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, were tested by ELISA/S7® (Biogene. Results: Anti-L. infantum antibodies were detected in 3.9% (6/153 of the cats. All seroreagent animals were from Petrolina. Conclusions: These results serve as an important alert, and future studies are needed to better understand the possible role of cats in the epidemiology of visceral leishmaniasis (VL in this area.

  18. Emanation of radon-222 in uraniferous phosphorite from Pernambuco, Brazil; Emanação de radônio-222 em fosforito uranífero de Pernambuco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, M.L.O.; França, E.J.; Amaral, D.S.; Silva, K.E.M.; Hazin, C.A.; Farias, E.E.G., E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    The concentration of radon-222 activity available for transport to the surface through the pore space can be defined as radon emanation. From the decay of radium-226, whose half-life is 1850 years, it is associated with the development of neoplasia, such as lung cancer. In the Metropolitan Region of Recife, sedimentary rocks known as phosphorites have been known since 1959, so, from the radiometric characterization of the Paulista and Igarassu Municipality, in Pernambuco, emanation tests were carried out, aiming to determine the emanation power of radon in samples of uraniferous phosphorite from the Recife Metropolitan Region. Initially, 6 independent samples of phosphorites with activity concentration of {sup 226}Ra> 400 Bq kg{sup -1} were comminuted. Portions of 5g were conditioned in a radon chamber with 500 mL volume for measurements. The linear fit of the model converged after 200 interactions with selection of the best fit by the Chi-Square test, through the Origin® 8.0 program. After analysis of the samples, radon emanation power was estimated in the range of 7% to 15%, with a mean value of 10.8%. The methodology used to determine the emanation parameters in samples of uraniferous phosphorite was adequate, observing an inversely proportional relation between the concentration of the radium-226 and the emanation power.

  19. Prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil Prevalencia de la anemia en niños de 6 a 59 meses en el estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Mônica M. Osório


    Full Text Available Objective. To determine the prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in Pernambuco, a state in northeastern Brazil, so as to help guide health and nutrition policies there. Methods. In 1997 a representative sample of 777 young children had their hemoglobin concentration measured. The sampling process was in three stages. First, 18 municipalities were randomly selected to represent the state and its three geographic areas (metropolitan region of Recife, urban interior, and rural interior. Next, using census lists, 45 census sectors were randomly chosen. Finally, 777 children aged 6-59 months old were selected. Blood was collected by venipuncture, and hemoglobin was measured with a portable hemoglobinometer. In the analysis, prevalence was weighted to reflect the census age distribution. Results. The prevalence of anemia among children 6-59 months old was 40.9% for the state as a whole. Prevalence in the metropolitan region of Recife was 39.6%, and it was 35.9% in the urban interior. The rural interior had the highest prevalence, 51.4%. Prevalence was twice as high in children aged 6-23 months as among those 24-59 months old, 61.8% vs. 31.0% (chi² = 77.9, P Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de la anemia en niños de 6 a 59 meses en Pernambuco, un estado del nordeste de Brasil, con el fin de ayudar a establecer las políticas de salud y nutrición. Métodos. En 1997 se determinaron las concentraciones de hemoglobina en una muestra representativa de 777 niños. El proceso de muestreo se realizó en tres fases. Primero se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 18 municipios representativos del estado y de sus tres zonas geográficas (la región metropolitana de Recife, el interior urbano y el interior rural. A continuación, utilizando las listas del censo, se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 45 sectores censales. Finalmente, se seleccionaron 777 niños de 6 a 59 meses de edad. La sangre se recogió por punción venosa y la hemoglobina se midió con un

  20. Prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Mônica M. Osório


    Full Text Available Objective. To determine the prevalence of anemia in children 6-59 months old in Pernambuco, a state in northeastern Brazil, so as to help guide health and nutrition policies there. Methods. In 1997 a representative sample of 777 young children had their hemoglobin concentration measured. The sampling process was in three stages. First, 18 municipalities were randomly selected to represent the state and its three geographic areas (metropolitan region of Recife, urban interior, and rural interior. Next, using census lists, 45 census sectors were randomly chosen. Finally, 777 children aged 6-59 months old were selected. Blood was collected by venipuncture, and hemoglobin was measured with a portable hemoglobinometer. In the analysis, prevalence was weighted to reflect the census age distribution. Results. The prevalence of anemia among children 6-59 months old was 40.9% for the state as a whole. Prevalence in the metropolitan region of Recife was 39.6%, and it was 35.9% in the urban interior. The rural interior had the highest prevalence, 51.4%. Prevalence was twice as high in children aged 6-23 months as among those 24-59 months old, 61.8% vs. 31.0% (chi² = 77.9, P < 0.001. The mean hemoglobin concentrations in the younger and older age groups were 10.4 g/dL (standard deviation (SD = 1.5 and 11.4 g/dL (SD = 1.4, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the sexes in terms of prevalence. Conclusions. This is the first statewide assessment of anemia prevalence among young children in Brazil. Given the very high prevalence of anemia among the children studied in Pernambuco, especially those in the age group of 6-23 months, public health interventions are needed.

  1. A evolução do grau de inovação de indústrias de transformação da região metropolitana do Recife

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    Breno José Burgos Paredes


    Full Text Available Alguns fenômenos vêm influenciando de forma marcante as atividades econômicas do estado de Pernambuco, como a globalização e a recente alocação de grandes indústrias. Neste cenário, às Micro e Pequenas Empresas localizadas na região exercem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento local, devido sua representatividade no fomento à economia. Partindo da necessidade de avaliar o cenário inovativo industrial pernambucano, este estudo mensura a evolução do grau de inovação organizacional de indústrias de transformação localizadas em Recife/PE. Para tanto, aplicou-se o diagnóstico Radar da Inovação em 30 Empresas de Pequeno Porte do setor. Os resultados apontaram que o setor apresenta um comportamento inovador ocasional, obtendo um Grau Médio de Inovação (GMI inferior a 3,0. Dimensões voltadas a relacionamento, processos e ambiência inovadora se destacaram de forma positiva por causa do número de inovações realizadas e da evolução do grau médio de inovação. Abstract: Some phenomena have influenced markedly the economic activities of the state of Pernambuco, as globalization and the recent allocation of large industries. In this scenario, the Micro and Small Enterprises located in the region play a key role in local development, because their representation in stimulating the economy. Starting from the need to evaluate the Pernambuco innovative industrial setting, this study measures the evolution of the degree of organizational innovation in manufacturing industries located in Recife / PE. To this end, we applied the Innovation Radar diagnosis in 30 Small Businesses of the sector. The results showed that the sector presents an innovative casual behavior, providing a Middle Degree of Innovation (GMI below 3.0. Dimensions focused on relationships, processes and innovative ambience stood out positively because of the number of innovations made and the evolution of the average degree of innovation. Keywords: Innovation

  2. Pesquisa de bactérias patogênicas em leite pasteurizado tipo C comercializado na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Investigation of pathogenic bacteria in pasteurized type C milk sold in Recife City, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Maria do Rosário de Fátima Padilha


    Full Text Available Visando complementar as informações sobre a qualidade microbiológica do leite comercializado na cidade do Recife, foram analisadas 250 amostras de leite pasteurizado tipo C e 50 amostras de leite cru para a pesquisa de Yersinia enterocolitica e Listeria monocytogenes, bactérias patogênicas capazes de se desenvolverem em temperatura de refrigeração. Y. enterocolitica não foi encontrada em nenhuma das amostras analisadas, entretanto foi detectada a presença de Y. intermedia e Y. frederiksenii, espécies ambientais que se comportam como patógenos oportunistas. L. monocytogenes também não foi encontrada, mas, através da metodologia empregada para seu isolamento foi obtido um isolamento de Salmonella Montevideo em uma amostra de leite pasteurizado e outro em leite cru. Além dessas, várias outras bactérias foram encontradas, supondo-se que a ampla microbiota crescida nos meios empregados pode ter interferido no isolamento da Y. enterocolitica e L. monocytogenes.In order to improve information about the microbiological quality of the milk commercially available in the city of Recife, 250 samples of pasteurized type-C milk and 50 samples of raw milk were analyzed for Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes and verify the possible occurrence of Yersinia enterocolitica and Listeria monocytogenes. These bacteria can develop in refrigeration temperatures and are responsible for food-born diseases. Neither Y. enterocolitica nor L. monocytogenes were found in the samples analyzed. However, the presence of Y. intermedia and Y. frederiksenii was detected, these environmental species behave as opportunist pathogens. Through the methodology used for Listeria isolation, one isolate of Salmonella Montevideo was obtained from a sample of pasteurized milk and another isolated from one sample of raw milk. Besides these, several other bacteria species were found. It is likely that the large microbiota present in the samples and the procedures

  3. Analysis of the systems for management of radioactive wastes from nuclear medicine clinics of the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lira, Renata Farias de; Lopes, Ferdinand de Jesus; Passos, Robson Silva; Silva, Valeria Cosma Bento da; Belo, Igor Burgo; Santos, Marcus Aurelio Pereira dos


    In nuclear medicine compounds marked with radionuclides, called radiopharmaceuticals, for obtention diagnostic information and for diseases treatment. The physicochemical characteristics of the radiopharmaceuticals determine his fixation at target-organ, and the physical characteristics determine the compound application in diagnostic or therapy. The handling of radiopharmaceuticals generates solid, liquid and gas wastes. The presence of these wastes implies in a adequate management according to regulation standards established by the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN). The objective of safe management of radioactive wastes is to protect the human being and the preservation of the environment, limiting possible radiological impacts for the future generation, and comprehend a set of technical and administrative activities involved in the collection, segregation, handling, conditioning, transportation, storage, control and elimination, or the final deposition. This work intends to verify if the radioactive waste management systems from the nuclear medicine clinics at the city of Recife are conformal with te normative regulations issued by the CNEN. The initial obtained results are used to elaboration of conformal verification spreadsheet and its application in six nuclear medicine clinics at Recife

  4. Aspectos da realidade social de crianças e adolescentes atendidos em serviço de referência para filariose bancroftiana, Recife, estado de Pernambuco Aspects of the social realities of children and adolescents seen at a reference service for bancroftian filariasis in Recife, state of Pernambuco

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    Denise Mattos


    Full Text Available Os autores abordam aspectos da realidade social de crianças e adolescentes residentes em Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE, diagnosticados como portadores de infecção filarial bancroftiana e tratados no Núcleo de Ensino, Pesquisa e Assistência em Filariose da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (Centro de Ciências da Saúde, um serviço terciário de referência para filariose. Quantificam e classificam as condições de moradia como subumanas, estando em relação direta com a manutenção da transmissão da bancroftose, e alertam para a necessidade de decisão política quanto à implementação de obras de saneamento básico.The authors report on aspects of the social realities of children and adolescents living in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, State of Pernambuco, who were diagnosed with Bancroftian filariasis infection and were treated at the Filariasis Teaching, Research and Care Center of the Federal University of Pernambuco (Health Sciences Center, which is a tertiary-level reference service for filariasis. The patients’ housing conditions were quantified and classified as subhuman, with a direct relationship with the maintenance of Bancroftian filariasis transmission, and the authors highlight the need for political decisions regarding the implementation of basic sanitation projects.

  5. Avaliação da implantação dos Serviços de Verificação de Óbito em Pernambuco, 2012: estudo de casos múltiplos

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    Barbara Araújo Silva de Azevedo

    Full Text Available Resumo OBJETIVO: avaliar a implantação dos Serviços de Verificação de Óbito (SVO no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, em 2012. MÉTODOS: pesquisa avaliativa de análise de implantação; elaborou-se modelo lógico e matriz de julgamento; utilizaram-se dados primários (observação direta e entrevistas e secundários; a avaliação do grau de implantação foi baseada em indicadores de estrutura e processo, relacionados aos resultados e confrontados com o modelo lógico. RESULTADOS: os SVO de Recife e Caruaru alcançaram 89,0% e 82,0% dos valores esperados, respectivamente, e foram considerados como 'Parcialmente Implantado Avançado', de forma coerente com os indicadores de resultado aferidos; os componentes Coleta de Informação e Diagnóstico Nosológico/Etiológico obtiveram grau 'Implantado' nos SVO/Recife e SVO/Caruaru; o componente Ensino e Pesquisa obteve o grau 'Implantado' somente no SVO/Recife. CONCLUSÃO: houve semelhança no grau de implantação nos dois serviços; o maior grau de implantação do componente Ensino e Pesquisa no SVO/Recife revela a importância da cooperação técnico-acadêmica.

  6. Perfil epidemiológico de pacientes na fila de transplante de córnea no estado de Pernambuco - Brasil

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    Hirlana Gomes Almeida


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes na fila de transplante de córnea no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Métodos: Estudo transversal e retrospectivo realizado no período 01/06/2011 a 31/05/2012, com 871 pacientes cadastrados na fila de espera para transplante de córnea na Central de Notificação, Captação e Distribuição de Órgãos de Pernambuco (CNCDO/PE. Os dados foram coletados por meio de protocolos baseados nas fichas de cadastro de receptor de córnea. Resultados: Em relação à frequência, obteve-se 54% do gênero feminino, 35% na faixa etária de 61 a 80 anos; 60% transplantados; 52% provenientes da região Metropolitana do Recife; 57% que aguardaram 1 a 6 meses o transplante; 82% com indicação de transplante óptico; 5% com prioridade na fila de espera (destes 48% por perfuração ocular e 37% cujo centro transplantador era a Fundação Altino Ventura (FAV. As principais indicações para transplante de córnea foram leucoma (33%, ceratocone (22% e ceratopatia bolhosa (18%. Conclusão: Verificou-se que a maioria dos pacientes encontra-se na faixa etária de 61 a 80 anos; era da Mesorregião Metropolitana de Recife; foi submetida ao transplante de córnea; aguardou de um a seis meses para realizar o transplante; teve como diagnóstico o leucoma, seguido por ceratocone e ceratopatia bolhosa; teve como indicação o transplante óptico e teve como centro transplantador a FAV.

  7. Pediatric epidemiological aspects of scorpionism and report on fatal cases from Tityus stigmurus stings (Scorpiones: Buthidae in State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Cleide Maria Ribeiro de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Introduction Envenomation by scorpion stings is a major public health problem in numerous tropical countries because of its frequent incidence and potential severity. Approximately 1,900 species of scorpions are known in the world, and at least 130 of these have been described in Brazil. Methods This work reports on 3 child deaths caused by Tityus stigmurus stings and characterizes epidemiological and clinical surveys on pediatric cases of scorpionism recorded in the Centro de Assistência Toxicológica de Pernambuco (Ceatox-PE. Results Scorpion stings accounted for more than 60% of all cases recorded for venomous animals. The children were from 37 cities of the Pernambuco state and accounted for 28.8% of the victims treated for scorpion stings, with the highest incidence in the metropolitan area of Recife. Stings occurred throughout the year and slightly increased during the rainy season. Independent of the elapsed time for a prognosis, most cases showed mild symptoms. Three moderate cases that resulted in death featured cardiogenic shock and/or pulmonary edema or severe neurological symptoms. For the first time, death attributed to T. stigmurus was confirmed by the presence of the scorpion. Conclusions These results suggest that scorpionism in Pernambuco is a public health problem that needs to be monitored carefully throughout the year by the government.

  8. Interceptação das chuvas em um fragmento de floresta da Mata Atlântica na Bacia do Prata, Recife, PE Rainfall interception in an Atlantic Forest fragment in the Prata Basin, Recife, PE

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    Albert Einstein Spindola Saraiva de Moura


    Full Text Available A mata de Dois Irmãos é uma das poucas áreas remanescentes da Floresta Atlântica no Estado de Pernambuco. Nela estão inseridos os açudes do Meio, do Prata e Dois Irmãos que compõem a bacia hidrográfica do Prata. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a partição das chuvas em um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica na Bacia do Prata em Recife, PE. Para obtenção dos dados de precipitação sob florestas, foram instalados 24 interceptômetros e selecionadas 20 árvores do estrato superior, e 10 árvores do sub-bosque foram escolhidas para obter os dados de escoamento pelo tronco. Encontraram-se perdas por interceptação de 208,3 mm, precipitação efetiva de 1.431,7 mm, precipitação interna de 1.392,4 mm, escoamento pelo tronco das árvores do estrato superior de 6,6 mm e escoamento pelo sub-bosque de 32,8 mm, correspondendo a 12,7%, 87,3%, 84,9%, 0,4% e 2%, respectivamente, do total precipitado de 1.464 mm.The Dois Irmãos forest is one of the few remaining areas of the Atlantic Forest in the State of Pernambuco. The dams of Meio, Prata and Dois Irmãos, which belong to the Prata Basin, are in it. The objective of this work was to study the rainfall partitioning in a fragment of the Atlantic forest in the Prata basin, in Recife, PE. 24 raingouges were installed in the interior of the forest to measure the throughfall and 20 trees of superior extract and 10 of the sub-forest were selected to determine the stemflow. The results showed values of loss interception of 208,3 mm, net precipitation of 1431,7 mm, throughfall of 1392,4 mm, stemflow by superior stratum of 6,6 mm and stemflow by sub-forest of 32,8 mm, corresponding to 12,7%, 87,3%, 84,9%, 0,4% and 2%, respectively.

  9. Comércio e lazer no início do século: O caso do Derby no Recife

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    Telma de Barros Correia


    Full Text Available The creation of the Derby in Recife at the end of the nineteenth century, as a commerce, services and leisure center is the focus of the following study. The Derby introduced new attitudes of consumption, articulated with new forms of diversion and leisure, into the city. The paper attempts to show, at least in spatial terms, how the Derby expressed a moment of public space redefinition through the introduction of new standards of comfort, hygene and security and through a change in the city/nature relationship. The paper also attempts to show how the failure of this experiment, after a short existance of less than one year, was related to political conflict between the owner of the Derby and the authorities in Pernambuco at that time

  10. Coliformes em água de abastecimento de lojas fast-food da Região Metropolitana de Recife (PE, Brasil Coliforms in the water supply of fast-food chains in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil

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    Maria Anunciada Leal Porto


    Full Text Available A garantia do fornecimento de água potável nos serviços de alimentação é uma questão relevante para a saúde pública. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica da água destinada ao abastecimento de uma rede de lojas fast-food da cidade de Recife (PE e Região Metropolitana e comparar os resultados aos padrões estabelecidos pela Portaria nº 518/2004 do Ministério da Saúde. Mensalmente, foi analisada uma amostra proveniente de uma das torneiras da área de manipulação das oito lojas investigadas, perfazendo 96 amostras ao longo de um ano, todas coletadas em duplicata. As análises seguiram a metodologia estabelecida na American Public Health Association (APHA para realização do ensaio presuntivo utilizando o Teste Presença-Ausência, considerando-se o padrão de potabilidade determinado na legislação pertinente. Os resultados revelaram que 11,46% de todas as amostras apresentaram água contaminada por coliformes totais e 1,04% contaminação por coliformes termotolerantes. Conclui-se, portanto, que a qualidade da água disponível nos estabelecimentos produtores de alimentos estudados encontra-se em estado de alerta, uma vez que o percentual significativo das amostras analisadas mostrava-se impróprio para o consumo humano de acordo com a legislação vigente, a qual preconiza ausência de coliformes totais e termotolerantes.A guaranteed supply of clean drinking water in food outlets is a relevant subject for public health. The scope of this study was to assess the microbiological quality of 96 water samples of a network of fast-food stores in the city of Recife (state of Pernambuco, Brazil and Metropolitan Area and to compare the results to the standards established by Brazilian Health Ministry decree nº 518/2004. Every month, a double sample from one of the faucets in the food preparation area of the eight stores investigated was analyzed, totaling 96 samples over one year. The analyses followed

  11. The behavior of Sotalia guianensis (Van Bénéden in Pernambuco coastal waters, Brazil, and a further analysis of its reaction to boat traffic O comportamento de Sotalia guianensis (Van Bénéden em águas costeiras de Pernambuco, Brasil, e uma análise adicional de sua reação ao tráfego de embarcações

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    Janaina P. Araújo


    Full Text Available There is still little knowledge about the behavior of the estuarine dolphins and also the way they react to the presence of different types of vessels. The aim of the present study was twofold: to investigate the behavior of estuarine dolphins in four locations in Pernambuco, Brazil, and also their reaction to the presence of common types of nautical crafts. The data of this study resulted from 48 fieldtrips to each of the four localities studied (ports of Recife and Suape, and beaches of Bairro Novo and Piedade, thus totaling 192 days of observations, with approximately 380 hours of actual sampling. Ten types of behavioral activities were counted for Bairro Novo beach and the port areas, but only four for Piedade beach. The greatest flows of boats were recorded in the port of Recife. Fishing boats were the commonest type in the port area of Recife and Bairro Novo beach, while tourist vessels predominated in the port of Suape and Piedade beach. During the observations of encounters between these boats and the estuarine dolphins, neutral reactions predominated for all the vessel types studied. The same type of reaction predominated when the distances at which the interactions between the animals and vessels occurred were correlated.Ainda se sabe pouco sobre o comportamento do boto-cinza, assim como a forma pela qual ele reage a diferentes tipos de embarcações. O presente estudo teve dois objetivos: investigar o comportamento dos botos-cinzas em quatro localidades de Pernambuco, Brasil, assim como a reação destes para com as embarcações náuticas comuns. Os dados foram coletados no período de setembro de 2004 a agosto de 2006, no horário das 6 às 17 h. Os dados desta pesquisa resultaram de 48 saídas a campo para cada uma das quatro localidades estudadas (Portos do Recife e Suape, praia de Bairro Novo e Piedade, totalizando 192 dias de observações, sendo aproximadamente 380 horas de amostragens efetivas. Foram contados dez tipos de

  12. Doenças diarréicas em menores de cinco anos no Estado de Pernambuco: prevalência e utilização de serviços de saúde Diarrheal disease in children under five years of age in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil: prevalence and utilization of health services

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    Maria Josemere de Oliveira Borba Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, com um estudo transversal de base populacional de 2.074 crianças menores de cinco anos no Estado de Pernambuco (Região Metropolitana do Recife - RMR; Interior Urbano - IU; Interior Rural - IR, avaliar comparativamente a prevalência das diarréias, bem como suas implicações na produção de consultas ambulatoriais e internações hospitalares. Ademais, a pesquisa propõe-se a estabelecer uma linha de base para avaliar tendências temporais do problema. A amostra, de caráter probabilístico, foi distribuída em 18 municípios do Estado, sendo cinco na RMR e os demais nas zonas rurais e urbanas de 13 municípios do interior (Zona da Mata, Agreste e Sertão. A ocorrência mais elevada (22,7% nas últimas duas semanas e a maior demanda de atendimentos ambulatoriais (8,6% nos últimos 03 meses foram encontradas no IU, enquanto as internações hospitalares, (4,1% das crianças pesquisadas num retrospecto de 12 meses predominavam no IR. No conjunto do Estado de Pernambuco, estimou-se que para cada cem casos de diarréia ocorreu uma taxa de 0,44 hospitalizações, com freqüências mais elevadas na RMR. Concluiu-se, tomando como referência os compromissos internacionais assumidos pelo Brasil junto às Nações Unidas (UNICEF 1990 para a década passada, que as diarréias ainda representavam um relevante problema de saúde coletiva em todo Estado de Pernambuco, bem como uma pesada carga de demandas sobre os serviços ambulatoriais e, secundariamente, como demandas hospitalares.The aim of the present cross-sectional population study involving 2,074 children under five years of age in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil (Metropolitan Recife - MR; Urban Inland - UI; Rural Inland - RI was to comparatively assess the prevalence of diarrhea as well as the implications of the disease regarding outpatient appointments and hospitalizations. The study proposed to establish a baseline for assessing temporal trends of the problem. The sample was

  13. Parasitological and serological studies on Amoebiasis and other intestinal parasitic infections in Recife and its suburban area, northeast Brazil

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    Mitsu Okazaki


    Full Text Available Parasitological examinations were carried out during April to August, 1987, with 187 out-patients of the IMIP hospital, located in the center of Recife City, and 464 inhabitants of several villages around Cabo City, 50 Km southeast of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Approximately 71% of the IMIP patients and 92% of the Cabo inhabitants were infected with at least one species of intestinal parasite. There was minimum difference in the prevalence rate of Trichuris trichiura between two areas, whereas the prevalence rates of Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms, Strongyloides stercoralis, Schistosoma mansoni and Entamoeba histolytica were higher in the inhabitants of the Cabo City area. Only Giardia lamblia was more prevalent in the out-patients of IMIP hospital. Test tube cultivation revealed that the prevalence rate of Necator americanus in both areas was much higher than that of Ancylostoma duodenale , and also that the prevalence rate of S. stercoralis of the IMIP patients and Cabo inhabitants were 4.5% and 9.6%, respectively. Six hundred and fifteen sera were serologically examined for amoebiasis by the gel diffusion precipitation test (GDP and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA using the antigen prepared from axenically cultured trophozoite of E. histolytica (strain HM-ITMSS. No positive reaction was observed in all of the sera as examined by GDP, while 32 out of 615 sera were positive on ELISA.

  14. Excesso de peso e inatividade física em crianças moradoras de favelas na região metropolitana do Recife, PE Overweight and physical inactivity in children living in favelas in the metropolitan region of Recife, Brazil

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    João Guilherme Bezerra Alves


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Verificar a frequência de excesso de peso em crianças de favelas na cidade do Recife, PE, e sua associação com inatividade física. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal em duas favelas do Recife (Fragoso e Caranguejo, com população total de 9.315 habitantes, sendo 973 crianças na faixa etária compreendida entre 7 e 10 anos, das quais 733 foram incluídas no estudo. Foram consideradas com sobrepeso e obesidade aquelas crianças com índice de massa corporal acima dos percentis 85 e 95, respectivamente, de acordo com as curvas e as tabelas de percentis do Centro de Controle e Prevenção de Doenças (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. O nível de atividade física foi avaliado através do questionário de atividade física para crianças, aplicado às crianças na presença das mães. Foram consideradas fisicamente ativas as crianças com escore > 3 e sedentárias aquelas com escores OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity and its association with physical activity levels in children living in favelas in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed with 973 children ranging from 7 to 10 years old, all from two favelas in Recife, Fragoso and Caranguejo (total population of 9,315; of the 973 children assessed, 733 were included in the study. Overweight was defined as body mass index (BMI equal to or above the 85th percentile, and obesity as BMI equal to or above the 95th percentile, using Centers for Disease Control and Prevention growth charts. Physical activity level was assessed by the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Children (PAQ-C. Children with scores > 3 were considered active, while those with scores < 3 were considered inactive. RESULTS: Of the 733 children studied, overweight and obesity were observed in 92 (12.6%. There was no statistical association between physical inactivity and sex, income, maternal schooling, number of

  15. Estado de exceção, Igreja Católica e repressão: o assassinato do Padre Antônio Henrique Pereira da Silva Neto.


    Arruda Carneiro Da Cunha, Diogo


    Em fins de maio de 1969 Antonio Henrique Pereira da Silva Neto, jovem padre responsável pela Pastoral da Juventude da Arquidiocese de Olinda e Recife foi violentamente torturado e assassinado, tendo sido o seu corpo encontrado nos arredores da Cidade Universitária, no Recife. Apesar de fortes evidências da participação do Aparato Repressivo vinculado ao regime militar em Pernambuco (notadamente os policiais civis da Secretaria de Segurança Pública de Pernambuco), o processo, que se prolong...

  16. Implementation of the Service for Radiological Emergency Response of CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE, Recife, PE, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Menezes, Claudio J.M.


    In 1998, it was created in the Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares (CRCN-NE) - the Brazilian regional center of nuclear sciences -, Recife, PE, Brazil, the Service for Radiological Emergency Response with the objective of providing the population of Pernambuco and neighboring States a team of professionals specialized in emergency situations and radiological protection. This action has the purpose of decentralization of actions of the Brazilian National Nuclear Energy Commission (CNEN), an agency responsible for licensing and safety of radioactive sources in Brazil. With this study we can conclude that the settlement of SAER/CRCN came to meet initial expectations, having in the last years provided assistance in situations with suspected radioactive material and participated actively: with radioactive load simulation; of the Exercicio de Emergencia Aeronautica Completo (EXEAC) - an emergency simulated training in airports- from the Guararapes-Gilberto Freire Airport; trained, every two years, the services of emergency for accidents and participated in events of the area

  17. Prevalência de marcadores de trombofilia em pacientes portadores da síndrome de May-Thurner e trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda Prevalence of thrombophilia factors in patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis

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    Marcos Arêas Marques


    Full Text Available CONTEXTO: A relação entre trombose venosa profunda e trombofilia tem sido pouco estudada em indivíduos portadores de compressão da veia ilíaca comum esquerda, conhecida clinicamente como síndrome de May-Thurner. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de marcadores de trombofilia nos pacientes portadores de síndrome de May-Thurner e trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda. MÉTODOS: Entre março de 1999 e dezembro de 2008, 20 pacientes com síndrome de May-Thurner e trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda foram avaliados retrospectivamente quanto à presença de marcadores de trombofilia. RESULTADOS: Foi detectada a associação entre síndrome de May-Thurner e marcadores de trombofilia em 8 pacientes (40%. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de marcadores de trombofilia em pacientes com trombose de veia ilíaca comum esquerda e síndrome de May-Thurner é frequente, porém não difere da prevalência encontrada em pacientes portadores de trombose venosa profunda sem a síndrome associada.BACKGROUND: The relationship between deep venous thrombosis and thrombophilia has been little studied in patients with left common iliac vein compression, clinically known as May-Thurner syndrome. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of thrombophilia markers in patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis. METHODS: From March 1999 to December 2008, 20 patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis were retrospectively investigated for the presence of thrombophilia markers. RESULTS: The association between May-Thurner syndrome and thrombophilia markers was found in 8 patients (40%. CONCLUSION: There is a high prevalence of thrombophilia markers in patients with May-Thurner syndrome and left common iliac vein thrombosis. The prevalence, however, is not different from that found in patients with deep venous thrombosis without May-Thurner syndrome.

  18. Meninas de moral: experiências socioeducativas em um bairro popular do Recife

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    Rosineide de Lourdes Meira Cordeiro

    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta uma experiência de extensão universitária que objetivou promover um espaço socioeducativo com adolescentes do sexo feminino no universo dos direitos sexuais e sociais. O projeto foi desenvolvido por duas estudantes de Psicologia e dois de Serviço Social, sob orientação docente, com dez garotas de idade entre 12 e 14 anos, majoritariamente afro-descendentes, moradoras da periferia da cidade do Recife, Pernambuco. O artigo enfoca o uso do termo menina de moral pelas adolescentes que, dentre outros significados e implicações, envolve uso de força física, ameaças verbais e drogas lícitas e ilícitas como elementos que conferem ou mantêm status e respeito entre pares. As ações da menina de moral sinalizam uma série de estratégias elaboradas pelas adolescentes ante as singularidades do contexto social em que estão inseridas e revelam que os condicionantes de geração são entremeados por fatores como gênero, classe social, raça e etnia.

  19. Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e laboratoriais da leishmaniose visceral em cães (Canis familiaris) (Linnaeus, 1758) provenientes da zona urbana do município de Bom Jesus- PI e região metropolitana do Recife- PE, Brasil.


    Jamile Prado dos Santos


    A Leishmaniose Visceral Canina (LVC) no Brasil é causada por Leishmania infantum a qual é relatada em várias regiões. O objetivo desta pesquisafoi verificar aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e laboratoriais da leishmaniose visceral em cães (Canis familiaris) (Linnaeus, 1758) provenientes da zona urbana do município de Bom Jesus PI e Região Metropolitana de Recife - PE, Brasil. Cães do município de Bom Jesus, Piauí, e do bairro de Muribeca, município de Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Pernambuco...

  20. Ausência de Yersinia enterocolitica em alimentos, e reservatórios animais, em áreas do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Leal Tereza Cristina Arcanjo


    Full Text Available Através das análises efetuadas, em 96 amostras de hortaliças cruas, coletadas em 5 restaurantes da cidade do Recife, que servem almoço no peso, não foram encontradas Yersinia enterocolitica nem outras enterobactérias patogênicas. As análises realizadas a partir dos "swabs" orais e retais, obtidos em 15 suínos aparentemente sadios do município de Bonito, no Estado de Pernambuco, também não evidenciaram a presença de Y. enterocolitica. Foram obtidas amostras para análises em 22 roedores e um espécimen de marsupial, entre os quais também não foram encontrados nem Y. enterocolitica nem outros enteropatógenos.

  1. Evolução de homicídios por área geográfica em Pernambuco entre 1980 e 1998 Homicide progression per geographical area in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, 1980-1998

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    Maria Luiza C de Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar magnitude e evolução temporal de homicídios na população masculina, segundo divisão geopolítica. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo do tipo ecológico, no qual se efetuou uma análise de série temporal utilizando-se as técnicas de média móvel e análise de regressão. Foi estudada a população masculina de 15 a 49 anos de idade, residente no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. A fonte de dados utilizada para os óbitos foi o Sistema de Informação em Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde. Para a população, foram usados os dados dos censos de 1980, 1991 e a contagem populacional de 1996 da Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Para os anos intercensitários, as populações foram estimadas por interpolação e, para os anos de 1997 e 1998, por projeção, usando-se o método geométrico. RESULTADOS: Na década de 1980, houve crescimento mais elevado (390% nas taxas de homicídios em Recife, capital do estado de Pernambuco. Na década de 90, o maior crescimento ocorreu na região metropolitana (68,5%, sugerindo disseminação da violência da capital em direção aos demais municípios da grande Recife. A tendência das taxas de homicídios apresentou comportamento de crescimento linear no interior do estado. Já na capital e região metropolitana, esse comportamento caracterizou-se por um crescimento exponencial. O percentual de homicídios por arma de fogo a partir de 1984 apresentou-se acima de 50% nas três áreas estudadas. CONCLUSÕES: A evolução dos homicídios nas três áreas estudadas revela um crescimento diferenciado e ressalta que embora seja o mesmo fenômeno -- homicídio masculino --, as dinâmicas geradoras desse processo possuem especificidades entre esses espaços mais urbanos e o interior que devem ser levadas em consideração no desenvolvimento de políticas públicas regionalizadas de assistência às vítimas e de prevenção desses eventos.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the magnitude

  2. Gender relations and sexual orientation in Religious Education curriculum in state and municipal schools in Recife

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    Aurenéa Maria de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This research conducted in state and municipal public schools of Recife in Pernambuco through research project that had the support of UFPE and CNPq aimed to analyze the Religious Education curriculum (ER, the place that women, especially with marginalized sexual orientation as lesbian, bisexual and transgender occupy. To this end, we work with the methodology of Discourse Analysis and the Theory of Speech, looking first identify the main ideologies surrounding and involving the theme, then locate the hegemonic discourse or hegemonic discourses that claimed around him . Thus, it reached the conclusion that approaches religion, gender and sexual diversity, which are expressed in the daily life of the classrooms are not, however, raised the disciplinary component examined in the absence of a curriculum that can assist teachers by through proposals and pragmatic content activities that encourage the emergence of points to be considered, negotiated and correlated to the themes in question. Thus, the difficulties in dialogue about sexual orientation and homosexuality in general, and specifically in the female case, are great in ER discipline in the schools surveyed. 

  3. Combater a pobreza estimulando a freqüência escolar: o estudo de caso do Programa Bolsa-Escola do Recife

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    Lavinas Lena


    Full Text Available The purpose of this article is to present the initial results of an impact study on a scholarship program implemented since 1997 in Recife, capital of the State of Pernambuco in Northeast Brazil. The scholarship program is designed to guarantee a minimum income for poor families by providing a monetary stipend that is contingent on school attendance by the family's children in the 7-14-year age bracket, in basic education (8 years of schooling. In addition to reducing poverty in the short term by increasing per capita family income and focusing social expenditures in the most under-served segments of the population, the scholarship program has proven to be an effective tool in combating repetition in school, the main factor in Brazil's high drop-out rates. The program also helps families and schools mobilize to increase schooling levels among children and has a positive impact by reducing the schooling gap.


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    Rinaldo Aparecido Mota


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to quantify the occurrence of the bacteria Staphylococcus in the etiology of bovine mastitis in the state of Pernambuco (Brazil. A total of 1,080 samples were collected from 15 farms located in Zona de Mata, Agreste, and Metropolitan Recife Regions of the State of Pernambuco. Milk samples were spread on an agar base enriched with 5% sheep’s blood and incubated at 37ºC, with readings at 24, 48 and 72 hours. The morphological characteristics of the colonies were used to identify the bacteria, as well as the morphostaining chacteristics, using the Gram technique. Biochemical tests were carried out, such as production of free coagulase, DNase, catalysis, acetonin production test, glucose (anaerobiose and manitol (aerobiose and anaerobiose fermentation. Of the 1,080 samples analyzed, 740 (68.5% were positive upon microbiological examination and 340 (31.5% negative. The Staphylococcus bacteria were isolated in 291 (39.3% of the samples. Of these, 170 (58.4% were classified as coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (SCN, 84 (28.9% as Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus and 37(12.7% as coagulase-positive Staphylococcus (SCP. The results of the present study indicated that Staphylococcus spp has a high participation in the epidemiology of bovine mastitis in the region selected and suggests that medium and long-term training take place to prepare specialists to control and prevent contagious mastitis.

  5. A saúde bucal de adolescentes: aspectos de higiene, de cárie dentária e doença periodontal nas cidades de Recife, Pernambuco e Feira de Santana, Bahia Oral health among adolescents: aspects relating to hygiene, dental cavities and periodontal disease in the cities of Recife and Feira de Santana, Brazil

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    Nilton Cesar Nogueira dos Santos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a saúde bucal de adolescentes nas cidades de Recife e Feira de Santana, pela avaliação de higiene bucal, cárie dentária e doença periodontal. MÉTODO: Foram avaliados 40 adolescentes com 10 a 18 anos de idade em Recife, em estudo exploratório, em 2005 e, em Feira de Santana, 971 adolescentes com 12 anos idade, num estudo de prevalência, em 2002. Avaliaram-se: cárie, pelo número de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados; placa dentária visível, sangramento gengival e condição periodontal. Para análise, utilizaram-se os testes Quiquadrado, Kruskall-Wallis, Exato de Fisher, com intervalo de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos adolescentes realizavam higiene oral três vezes ao dia. Os valores do CPOD apresentaram mediana de 1,5 em Recife e médias de 1,89 nas escolas estaduais, 2,17 nas municipais e 2,39 nas particulares, em Feira de Santana. O sangramento gengival em Recife teve mediana de 27% e, em Feira de Santana, a média de sextantes sadios foi de 4,36, 4,08 e 5,16, nas escolas estaduais, municipais e particulares respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A freqüência da cárie dentária foi baixa, a maioria dos adolescentes relatou bons hábitos de higiene bucal e a condição periodontal nos adolescentes foi favorável.OBJECTIVE: To characterize the oral health in adolescents in the cities of Recife and Feira de Santana, Northeast Brazil by assessment of personal hygiene and dental cavities and periodontal disease. METHOD: Forty adolescents between ten and eighteen years old were assessed through an exploratory study run in Recife in 2005. In Feira de Santana, 971 adolescents (twelve years old were examined through a cross section study in 2002. It was assessed cavity status through the number of cavitied, missing and filled teeth, visible dental plaque, bleeding gums and periodontal status. The analysis was based on Chi-Square, Kruskall-Wallis and Fisher tests, with a confidence interval of 95%. RESULTS

  6. Intercomparison measurements of activity of 99mTc and 131I in nuclear medicine services at Recife city, Pernambuco state, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barreto, F.C.P.; Santos, M.A.P dos; Oliveira, M.L.; Lima, F.F. de


    The aim of this work is to present the results of the first round of intercomparison measurements of activity of 99m Tc and 131 I. This round was carried out in Recife/PE. Six nuclear medicine services (NMS), public and private, participated in this intercomparison. Additionally to the activity measurement, some information about equipment (calibration and quality control program) and human resources was obtained. All NMS participants complied with the limit established by CNEN for the accuracy of measurement (+- 10%) for 99m Tc and 131 I. Measurements will be repeated for 99m Tc and 131 I, and additional rounds will be performed including different radionuclides. (author)

  7. Avaliação da série histórica dos nascidos vivos em unidade terciária de pernambuco: 1991 a 2000 Evaluation of the historical series of live births at a tertiary health service: 1991 to 2000

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    Suely A. Vidal


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a série temporal dos Nascidos Vivos do Instituto Materno Infantil de Pernambuco (IMIP - Recife, segundo algumas variáveis, no período de julho de 1991 a dezembro de 2000. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se o banco de dados do Sistema de Informação sobre Nascidos Vivos (Sinasc. Para análise estatística considerou-se os anos de 1993 a 2000 e foi realizado o Qui-quadrado de tendência (p 2500g, idade gestacional > 37 semanas, Apgar no 1º e 5º minutos entre 8 e 10, mães adultas, 4 a 6 consultas de pré-natal, encontrou-se percentuais elevados e tendência progressiva na década para: partos cesarianos (29,4% a 35,2%, chi2 = 73,7; p OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyze some variables found in the Birth Certificates at the Instituto Materno Infantil de Pernambuco, Recife, from July 1991 to December 2000, according to Sinasc (National Information's data base of Births. METHODS: The statistical analysis was performed using the chi-square test for trend (p 2500g, Apgar score 1st min and 5th min between 8 - 10 and mature mothers who had attended from 4 to 6 appointments at prenatal care system. It showed the following rates: cesarean-section of 29.4% to 35.2% (?2= 73.7; p<0.01, low weight at birth of 15.9% to 22.8% (?2= 170.6; p < 0.01; premature newborns of 9.7% to 23.8% (?2= 503.6; p<0.01; teenage mothers of 24.1% to 28.8% (?2= 13.3; p<0.01, moreover a high percentage of newborns with Apgar index lower than 3 at the 1st minute (3.4% to 5.% and (0.7% to 1.6% at the 5th minute. CONCLUSION: These results confirm the role of IMIP as an institution for referral of high-risk pregnancies in Pernambuco.

  8. Epidemiological survey of breast and cervical radiotherapy patients in 2008-2010 from the state of Pernambuco, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Mariana L.O.; Cantinha, Rebeca S.; Franca, Elvis J., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Oliveira Neto, Aristides M.; Melo, Jonathan A., E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro de Radioterapia de Pernambuco (CERAPE), Santo Amaro, PE (Brazil); Pessoa, Juanna G.; Melo, Ana M.M.A.; Amancio, Francisco F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Departamento de Biofisica e Radiobiologia


    Breast and cervical cancer are, respectively, the second and the third most common cancers that affect the female population. The State of Pernambuco, Brazil, is one of the highest occurrence of both cancers. Radiotherapy is a powerful alternative usually associated to surgery and chemotherapy for cancer treatment. The knowledge of the disease characteristics, as well as the patient profile, contributes for public policy delineation for prevention, treatment and control of breast and cervical cancers. This work investigated the characteristics concerning patients affected by these diseases, also analyzing intrinsic aspects of the tumor. In the period of the years of 2008, 2009 and 2010, age and region of origin of patients treated by radiotherapy were compiled based on medical records available at the Center of Radiotherapy of Pernambuco (CERAPE), which is the reference center for radiotherapy in Pernambuco. Moreover, the staging of the tumor were evaluated. Results showed that 317 patients were treated in this period for breast cancer, and, in 2010, the highest number of registered cases was observed with 162 diagnosed patients for breast cancer. In the total evaluated period, 306 cases were reported for cervix cancer, however, almost 40% (118 patients) occurred only in 2010. Breast cancer has affected individuals of 50-55 years old, while those from 40 to 60 years old were mostly affected by cervix cancer. There was the highest prevalence of patients originated from the Metropolitan Region of Recife - MRR for both cancers. Stage III was predominated in cervix cancer, while stage II for breast cancer. Although most of patients have been from MRR, this region might not be the most affected by breast and cervix cancer, considering the lack of information on the interior population especially concerning to radiotherapy. It seems that the number of women with breast and cervical cancer has increased in recent years. Considering the risk factors such as physical

  9. Epidemiological survey of breast and cervical radiotherapy patients in 2008-2010 from the state of Pernambuco, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, Mariana L.O.; Cantinha, Rebeca S.; Franca, Elvis J.; Oliveira Neto, Aristides M.; Melo, Jonathan A.; Pessoa, Juanna G.; Melo, Ana M.M.A.; Amancio, Francisco F.


    Breast and cervical cancer are, respectively, the second and the third most common cancers that affect the female population. The State of Pernambuco, Brazil, is one of the highest occurrence of both cancers. Radiotherapy is a powerful alternative usually associated to surgery and chemotherapy for cancer treatment. The knowledge of the disease characteristics, as well as the patient profile, contributes for public policy delineation for prevention, treatment and control of breast and cervical cancers. This work investigated the characteristics concerning patients affected by these diseases, also analyzing intrinsic aspects of the tumor. In the period of the years of 2008, 2009 and 2010, age and region of origin of patients treated by radiotherapy were compiled based on medical records available at the Center of Radiotherapy of Pernambuco (CERAPE), which is the reference center for radiotherapy in Pernambuco. Moreover, the staging of the tumor were evaluated. Results showed that 317 patients were treated in this period for breast cancer, and, in 2010, the highest number of registered cases was observed with 162 diagnosed patients for breast cancer. In the total evaluated period, 306 cases were reported for cervix cancer, however, almost 40% (118 patients) occurred only in 2010. Breast cancer has affected individuals of 50-55 years old, while those from 40 to 60 years old were mostly affected by cervix cancer. There was the highest prevalence of patients originated from the Metropolitan Region of Recife - MRR for both cancers. Stage III was predominated in cervix cancer, while stage II for breast cancer. Although most of patients have been from MRR, this region might not be the most affected by breast and cervix cancer, considering the lack of information on the interior population especially concerning to radiotherapy. It seems that the number of women with breast and cervical cancer has increased in recent years. Considering the risk factors such as physical

  10. Participatory slum upgrading as a disjunctive process in Recife, Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Vries, de Pieter


    This article engages with the coproduction of urban space by focusing on a slum upgrading project in Recife, Brazil. It argues that the urban situation is essentially inconsistent, unpredictable and unstable. It documents the history of urban planning in Recife, paying special attention to the

  11. Diagnóstico da gestão da manutenção em indústrias de médio e grande porte da região metropolitana de Recife Diagnosis of maintenance management in medium and large industries in the metropolitan area of Recife

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    Ana Carla Bittencourt Reis


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma investigação acerca das práticas de gerenciamento da manutenção nas indústrias de manufatura de médio e grande porte da Região Metropolitana de Recife, nos diversos ramos de atividade. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio da aplicação in loco de um questionário que aborda questões importantes do contexto da manutenção. As 50 indústrias entrevistadas foram selecionadas por meio de uma amostragem probabilística cuja estrutura foi extraída do cadastro da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de Pernambuco (anos de 2005 e 2006. As entrevistas foram conduzidas durante o segundo e terceiro trimestres de 2007 e, dentre os resultados encontrados, pode-se afirmar que a manutenção mostrou algumas deficiências que podem ser amenizadas e até mesmo superadas por meio de uma maior atenção a esse setor. Além disso, pode-se destacar que grande parte das indústrias utiliza a experiência gerencial como ferramenta de análise em detrimento de técnicas analíticas mais eficientes para a solução de problemas. Esse comportamento limita os resultados positivos que podem ser obtidos a partir de um tratamento adequado da manutenção.This article presents the results of a research study on maintenance management practices in medium and large manufacturing industries in the metropolitan area of Recife, in various branches of activity. The survey was carried out by means of in loco application of questionnaires addressing important issues dealing with the context of maintenance. The 50 industries surveyed were selected by probability sampling, where sampling framework was drawn from the records of the Federation of Industries of the State of Pernambuco, in 2005 and 2006. The interviews were conducted during the second and third quarters of 2007. Among the results, it is possible to state that maintenance has presented some shortcomings, which can be mitigated or even overcome through greater attention to

  12. Environmental quality evaluation of soil from Pernambuco's recreational park

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fonseca, C.K.L.; Melo, B.E.S.; Souza, V.L.B., E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Div. de Análises Ambientais


    Parks and squares are inserted in urban environments, influenced by diverse anthropogenic sources of chemical elements. The Apipucos Maximiano Campos Park, located in the Apipucos neighborhood, in the city of Recife - PE aims to promote entertainment for the local population. The park was previously a green area containing scrap metal, which was removed to build the park, but it is still affected by vehicular emissions. Considering the possibility of negative health effects caused by local contaminants, the concentration of Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in the soil of the Apipucos Maximiano Campos Park was determined by the Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. Fifteen soil samples were collected at three locations, under the vertical projection of tree crowns. Before the analysis, the samples were dried in an oven at 60 °C for 24 hours and pulverized. The concentrations of Cu, Fe, and Zn were characteristic of polluted soil; and the concentrations of Ni and Pb were higher than the reference values for Pernambuco. These contaminations probably derived from the previously deposited scrap metal. Such levels of contaminants demand public actions to avoid negative effect to the health of the local population and to the environment. (author)

  13. Radiometric research in soils cultivated with sugar cane in Pernambuco - Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos Junior, Otavio P. dos; Santos Junior, Jose A. dos; Amaral, Romilton dos S.; Menezes, Romulo S.C.; Santos, Josineide M.N. dos; Silva, Arykerne N.C. da; Fernandez, Zahily H.; Rojas, Lino A.V.; Damascena, Kennedy F.R.; Silva, Rafael R.; Milan, Marvic O., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Departamento de Energia Nuclear; Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Pernambuco (IFPE), Vitoria de Santo Antao, PE (Brazil); Centro de Aplicaciones Tecnologicas y Desarrollo Nuclear, La Habana (Cuba); Instituto Superior de Tecnologias y Ciencias Aplicadas Quinta de los Molinos, La Habana (Cuba)


    The state of Pernambuco is representative of Northeastern Brazil, with respect to the variability of climatic conditions, soil types, soil cover, as well as land use. The state is subdivided into five regions: Recife Metropolitan Region, Sao Francisco, Sertao, Agreste and Zona da Mata (Atlantic Forest Region). Each region presents peculiar climatic and economic activities. The Atlantic Forest region, the focus of this study, presents a humid tropical climate and is characterized by large farms and the monoculture of sugarcane. In this scenario, a radioecological investigation was carried out to determine the radiometric potential from the analysis of forty-five soil samples, collected in five soil profiles, to a depth of 60 cm. A non-destructive method was adopted for the radiometric analysis, using High- Resolution Gamma Spectrometry with an HPGe-Be type detector. This method allowed the determination of specific activities of U-238, Th-232 and K-40 in the soil samples. The results will be used as a basis for the determination of a reference value for the natural radioactivity of these soils, to predict the existence of possible environmental impacts resulting from their use for the cultivation of sugar cane, as well as to contribute to guarantee the safety of food crops cultivated in this region. (author)

  14. Sedimentation rate at Olho d'agua Lagoon in Pernambuco State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valentim, Eliane; Hazin, Clovis A.; Khoury, Helen J.; Lima, Ricardo A.


    The study of the dynamic of sediments in coastal estaurine areas has attracted rthe attenition of a great number of scientists, due to its role in determining the impact of human activities on the ecosystem. A knowledge of the rate at which sediments have been accumulating can be a useful parameter in quantifying the amount of polltuants that reach the marine environment. This study had thge objective of determining the sediment accumulation rate at the Olho D'agua Lagoon, located at the Jabotao dos Guararapes District, in the metropolitan region of Recife, the capital of the State of Pernambuco -Brazil. This lagoon was selected by the Brazilian government to benefit from the Habitat II Program, which is sponsored by the United Nations Organization. Sedimentation rates were estimated by measuring the vertical distribution of 210 Pb in sediment cores collected in two different areas of the lagoon. The determination of the 210 Pb content was based upon the measurement of its descendent 210 Po which was deposited in a cooper disk. The results indicated rates of accumulation of 0.6 cm/year and 1.5 cm/year at points near the Olho D'agua and Setubal channels, respectively. These channels are important conveyors of sediments to this estuary. (author). 5 refs., 5 figs., 2 tabs

  15. Radiometric research in soils cultivated with sugar cane in Pernambuco - Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos Junior, Otavio P. dos; Santos Junior, Jose A. dos; Amaral, Romilton dos S.; Menezes, Romulo S.C.; Santos, Josineide M.N. dos; Silva, Arykerne N.C. da; Fernandez, Zahily H.; Rojas, Lino A.V.; Damascena, Kennedy F.R.; Silva, Rafael R.; Milan, Marvic O.


    The state of Pernambuco is representative of Northeastern Brazil, with respect to the variability of climatic conditions, soil types, soil cover, as well as land use. The state is subdivided into five regions: Recife Metropolitan Region, Sao Francisco, Sertao, Agreste and Zona da Mata (Atlantic Forest Region). Each region presents peculiar climatic and economic activities. The Atlantic Forest region, the focus of this study, presents a humid tropical climate and is characterized by large farms and the monoculture of sugarcane. In this scenario, a radioecological investigation was carried out to determine the radiometric potential from the analysis of forty-five soil samples, collected in five soil profiles, to a depth of 60 cm. A non-destructive method was adopted for the radiometric analysis, using High- Resolution Gamma Spectrometry with an HPGe-Be type detector. This method allowed the determination of specific activities of U-238, Th-232 and K-40 in the soil samples. The results will be used as a basis for the determination of a reference value for the natural radioactivity of these soils, to predict the existence of possible environmental impacts resulting from their use for the cultivation of sugar cane, as well as to contribute to guarantee the safety of food crops cultivated in this region. (author)

  16. Educação nutricional na escola do primeiro grau: uma proposição para Pernambuco (Brasil Nutritional education in primary schools: a proposal for Pernambuco (Brazil

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    Eronides da Silva Lima


    Full Text Available Propõe-se um modelo de ensino em nutrição para a escola do primeiro grau do Estado de Pernambuco (Brasil. Com base no estudo da proposta curricular de ciências que contém "Programas de Saúde", e nos resultados da pesquisa realizada com alunos da oitava série e professores da área metropolitana de Recife, elaborou-se um programa de ensino em nutrição que representa os temas sugeridos pelos alunos. Esta fase compreendeu: seleção de objetivos; seleção e organização do conteúdo; seleção de técnicas; recursos e instrumentos de avaliação, considerando os aspectos de logicidade, gradualidade, continuidade e integração. Os seguintes objetivos gerais de cada série nortearam a seleção e organização dos temas: a Primeira série - Identificar a interdependência entre: ambiente, homem e alimento; b Segunda série - Classificar os alimentos conforme a sua origem e função e identificar os recursos alimentares da comunidade; c Terceira série - Agrupar os alimentos conforme a predominância de substâncias nutritivas e sua função no organismo e identificar os recursos alimentares do município; d Quarta série - Identificar formas de higiene e conservação de alimentos e a produção agrícola e pecuária do Estado; e Quinta série - Conhecer normas gerais de inspeção industrial e sanitária de alimentos; f Sexta série - Conhecer as preparações habituais e típicas de região, bem como outras formas de utilização das fontes alimentares disponíveis e respectivas formas de preparo e cozimento; g Sétima série - Identificar os fatores que interferem no acesso e utilização de uma dieta adequada às necessidades nutricionais de uma comunidade; h Oitava série - Conhecer as doenças nutricionais mais freqüentes em Pernambuco e no Brasil, seus fatores determinantes, conseqüências e medidas preventivas adotadas. O programa proposto pode ser agregado ao "Programas de Saúde" correspondendo cada série a uma unidade entre

  17. Determination of Pb-210 and Ra-226 in sediments from Acude de Apipucos - Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; Determinacao de chumbo-210 e radio-226 em sedimentos do Acude de Apipucos - Recife - Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, Vivianne Lucia Bormann de; Melo, Roberto Teodozio de; Figueiredo, Marcela Durao Cesar de; Rodrigues, Kelia Rejane Goncalves; Cunha, Manuela Silva da; Silva, Danubia B. da; Pedroza, Eryka de H., E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Oliveira, Aristides [Hospital de Cancer de Pernambuco, Recife, PE (Brazil)


    This study aims to determine the age of sediment layers in Apipucos Reservoir, located in Recife, Brazil. Dating with {sup 210}Pb and {sup 226}Ra concentrations found in these sediments was used. A core with length of 70 cm and internal diameter of 5 cm was used for sediment sampling and each obtained profile was sectioned. Lead and radium were extracted from these samples by adding acids. {sup 210}Pb and {sup 226}Ra were determined in a gas flow proportional detector, based on the activities of their daughters. It was found that the CRS model (Constant Rate of Supply) to calculate the ages of sediment was more appropriate than CIC (Constant Initial Concentration). The chronology showed that the first sediment layers were 30 years old. (author)

  18. Microcephaly epidemic related to the Zika virus and living conditions in Recife, Northeast Brazil. (United States)

    Souza, Wayner Vieira de; Albuquerque, Maria de Fátima Pessoa Militão de; Vazquez, Enrique; Bezerra, Luciana Caroline Albuquerque; Mendes, Antonio da Cruz Gouveia; Lyra, Tereza Maciel; Araujo, Thalia Velho Barreto de; Oliveira, André Luiz Sá de; Braga, Maria Cynthia; Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes de Alencar; Miranda-Filho, Demócrito de Barros; Cabral Silva, Amanda Priscila de Santana; Rodrigues, Laura; Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi


    Starting in August 2015, there was an increase in the number of cases of neonatal microcephaly in Northeast Brazil. These findings were identified as being an epidemic of microcephaly related to Zika virus (ZIKV) infection. The present study aims to analyse the spatial distribution of microcephaly cases in Recife (2015-2016), which is in Northeast Brazil, and its association with the living conditions in this city. This was an ecological study that used data from reported cases of microcephaly from the State Health Department of Pernambuco (August 2015 to July 2016). The basic spatial unit of analysis was the 94 districts of Recife. The case definition of microcephaly was: neonates with a head circumference of less than the cut-off point of -2 standard deviations below the mean value from the established Fenton growth curve. As an indicator of the living conditions of the 94 districts, the percentage of heads of households with an income of less than twice the minimum wage was calculated. The districts were classified into four homogeneous strata using the K-means clustering algorithm. We plotted the locations of each microcephaly case over a layer of living conditions. During the study period, 347 microcephaly cases were reported, of which 142 (40.9%) fulfilled the definition of a microcephaly case. Stratification of the 94 districts resulted in the identification of four strata. The highest stratum in relation to the living conditions presented the lowest prevalence rate of microcephaly, and the overall difference between this rate and the rates of the other strata was statistically significant. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test demonstrated that there was a strong association between a higher prevalence of microcephaly and poor living conditions. After the first 6 months of the study period, there were no microcephaly cases recorded within the population living in the richest socio-economic strata. This study showed that those residing in areas with

  19. Levantamento de registros dos acidentes com cnidários em algumas praias do litoral de Pernambuco (Brasil Survey of cnidarian accident records in some beaches of the coast of Pernambuco (Brazil

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    Ricardo F. Neves


    Full Text Available Os cnidários estão entre os organismos mais peçonhentos que se conhecem. Caracterizam-se por possuir células urticantes denominadas cnidócitos, e diversas espécies, como as chamadas caravelas e águas-vivas, podem ocasionar danos ao homem. Apesar da pouca atenção dada a este tipo de acidente no litoral brasileiro, os estudos existentes mostram que sua ocorrência é significativa. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos levantar os acidentes causados por cnidários nos banhistas de algumas praias do litoral de Pernambuco e investigar o conhecimento referente a este tema por parte de profissionais de áreas relevantes. Assim, visitou-se arquivos de hospitais, postos praieiros e grupamento salva-vidas para o levantamento de registros, e foram entrevistados 17 profissionais. Foram levantados registros de 35 acidentes para um período de dois anos na Praia de Boa Viagem (Recife, além de registros informais de uma média de quatro a cinco casos por semana na Praia de Piedade e dois a três casos por semana na Praia de Pontas de Pedras. Em relação ao conhecimento dos profissionais entrevistados, a maioria das respostas está, de forma geral, de acordo com a literatura existente, apesar de ainda haver certo nível de informações inadequadas ou insuficientes em relação ao tema estudado.Cnidarians are among the most venomous organisms known to man. They are characterized by stinging cells called cnidocytes, and several species, such as the Portuguese-man-of-war and the jellyfish, can cause harm to human beings. Despite not attracting ( much attention on the Brazilian coast, the studies that have been carried out to date show that the occurrence of this kind of accident is significant. The aim of this study was to survey cnidarian related accidents with beach goers on some beaches of the state of Pernambuco, as well as to investigate the knowledge of relevant professions on this theme. ( Archives of hospitals and life guard posts

  20. Maxillofacial injuries and dental trauma in patients aged 19-80 years, Recife, Brazil Lesiones maxilofaciales y traumatismo dental en pacientes de 19 a 80 años, Recife, Brasil

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    A. Leite Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Aim: A retrospective study was undertaken to assess causes of maxillofacial trauma in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Method: A review of 186 patients with maxillofacial injuries aged 19 and 83 years old seen and treated at the Hospital da Restauração between January and December 2006 was conducted and were analyzed according to age, sex, etiology, site of fracture, dentoalveolar trauma and alcohol abuse. Analysis was made in Epi Info using the Chi-square and Fisher´s Exact Tests. Results: It was found that maxillofacial injuries were most frequent in males (89.2% and in the 19-28 year age group (46.8%. Traffic accidents/motorcycle (23.7% and physical violence (20.4% were the most common etiological factor. Facial fractures were detected in 90.9% and a statistically significant difference between sex and facial fracture was found (p = 0.000. The most common facial fracture was maxilla (29.1%, followed by the mandible (27.5%. A positive association between the presence of facial fracture and alcohol consumption was observed (p = 0.002. Dentoalveolar trauma was present in 7.5% of patients. Conclusion: The incidence of facial fractures in Brazilian population is similar than previously reported elsewhere. There were most common in male patients, mainly due to traffic accidents/motorcycle and physical violence.Objetivo: Se llevó a cabo un estudio retrospectivo para evaluar las causas de traumatismo maxilofacial en Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. Método: Se hizo una revisión de 186 pacientes con lesiones maxilofaciales de 19 a 83 años atendidos y tratados en el Hospital da Restauração entre Enero y Diciembre 2006, analizándoles según edad, sexo, etiología, localización de la fractura, traumatismo dentoalveolar y abuso de alcohol. Se llevó a cabo el análisis en Epi Info, utilizando el Chi cuadrado y la prueba exacta de Fisher. Resultados: Resultó que las lesiones maxilofaciales fueron más frecuentes en los hombres (89,2% y en el grupo de edad

  1. Microflora de Bromeliáceas do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Luis Tavares de Lyra


    Full Text Available O autor estudou a microflora de dois gêneros de BROMELIACEAE: Hoenbergia e Portea. As coletas do material foram feitas em seis regiões do Estado de Pernambuco; 1 Região da Mata-Úmida; 2 Região da Mata-Seca; 3 Região do Agreste Central; 4 Região do Agreste Setentrional; 5 Região do Agreste Meridional; 6 Região do Recife. As seguintes diatomáceas indicadoras de águas poluídas (espécies oligossaprobias foram encontradas nas seis regiões estudadas: Gomphonema parvulum (Kutz Grunow., Hantzschia amphioxys Grunow, Pinnularia borealis Ehr., Pinnularia microstauron (Ehr Cleve, gomphonema gracile Ehr., Nitzschia palea Kutz., Melosira roeseana Rabenh., Navicula mutica Kutz., Navicula cryptocephala Kutz., Eunotia pectinalis (Kutz Rabenh. Foram também observadas CHLOROPHYCEAS nas estações chuvosa e seca nas diversas regiões. Algumas são indicadoras de oligossaprobidade: Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turpin brebisson. Chlorococcum sp., Chlorella sp. Os fatores ecológicos e comentários referentes ás diatomáceas foram anotados no texto. A tabela I indica a frequência das diatomáceas nas seis regiões estudadas. Maior número dessas diatomáceas, registramos nas regiões do Agreste. A tabela II mostra a temperatura e pH da água de Hoenbergia e Portea em ambas as estações do ano (inverno e verão. Observamos a ocorrência de larvas de culex em Portea e hoenbergia, entretanto, raramente encontramos larvas de Anopheles. As coletas foram feitas durante as estações chuvosa e seca em Hoenbergia e Portea. Determinamos 35 espécies provenientes de 78 amostras coletadas durante o período de 26 meses.The author studied the microflora from two genera of Bromeliaceae: Hoenbergia and Portea. The material was collected in six natural regions of Pernambuco State: 1 Humid Forest Region; 2 Dry forest region; 3 Central Agreste Region; 4 Setentrional Agreste Region; 5 Meridional Agreste Region; 6 Recife Region. The following diatoms that indicate polluted

  2. Identification of risk factors for death from tetanus in Pernambuco, Brazil: a case-control study Identificação de fatores de risco para morte por tétano em Pernambuco, Brasil: um estudo de caso-controle

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    Demócrito B. MIRANDA-FILHO


    Full Text Available A case-control study was conducted to identify risk factors for death from tetanus in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Information was obtained from medical records of 152 cases and 152 controls, admitted to the tetanus unit in the State University Hospital, in Recife, from 1990 to 1995. Variables were grouped in three different sets. Crude and adjusted odds ratios, p-values and 95% confidence intervals were estimated. Variables selected in the multivariate analysis in each set were controlled for the effect of those selected in the others. All factors related to the disease progression - incubation period, time elapsed between the occurrence of the first tetanus symptom and admission, and period of onset - showed a statistically significant association with death from tetanus. Similarly, signs and/or symptoms occurring on admission or in the following 24 hours (second set: reflex spasms, neck stiffness, respiratory signs/symptoms and respiratory failure requiring artificial ventilation (third set were associated with death from tetanus even when adjusted for the effect of the others.Um estudo de caso-controle foi conduzido no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, para identificar fatores de risco para morte por tétano. As informações foram obtidas dos prontuários médicos de 152 casos e 152 controles, admitidos na Unidade de Tétano do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz, na cidade do Recife, de 1990 a 1995. As variáveis foram agrupadas em três diferentes conjuntos. Foram estimados os "odds ratios" brutos e ajustados, o intervalo de confiança de 95% e o valor de "p". As variáveis selecionadas na análise multivariada em cada conjunto, foram controladas para os efeitos daquelas selecionadas nos demais. Todos os fatores relacionados à progressão da doença - período de incubação, tempo decorrido entre o primeiro sintoma de tétano e a admissão no hospital, e período de progressão - mostraram uma associação estatisticamente significante

  3. Avaliação da conduta dos odontopediatras de Recife com relação ao abuso infantil =Evaluation of pediatric dentist’s attitudes towards the child abuse in Recife

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    Cabral, Hilda Moreira


    Full Text Available Introdução: O abuso infantil constitui um problema de saúde pública, devido à sua magnitude e aos danos físicos e psicológicos que causa. A intervenção precoce nestes casos é de fundamental importância, sendo o diagnóstico o primeiro passo. O cirurgião-dentista, em particular o odontopediatra, encontra-se em posição privilegiada na identificação de casos suspeitos de abuso, pois, na maioria dos casos, as lesões localizam-se na região de cabeça e pescoço. Objetivo: Avaliação da conduta dos Odontopediatras do Recife (PE diante do abuso infantil. Materiais e método: Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas por telefone com 70 Odontopediatras inscritos no Conselho Regional de Odontologia de Pernambuco. De acordo com critérios pré-estabelecidos, foram excluídos 19 profissionais: 11 não residentes no Recife; 06 que não estavam atuando como Odontopediatras; 2 que faleceram. Dos 91 profissionais potencialmente participantes desse estudo, 17 não foram encontrados e 04 se recusaram a participar desse estudo. Resultados: A maioria dos Cirurgiões-dentistas entrevistados (72,9% nunca suspeitou de abuso infantil; e dos que suspeitaram de abuso infantil (27,1%, apenas um (5% reportou o caso à Justiça. Quanto às razões atribuídas ao não encaminhamento dos casos suspeitos, a incerteza no diagnóstico (55,5% foi a mais citado. A maioria dos Odontopediatras pesquisados (95,71% considerou o tema abuso infantil importante para a atuação clínica, porém enfatizaram que as informações obtidas na formação acadêmica foram insuficientes. Conclusões: O tema abuso infantil é considerado importante para a maioria dos odontopediatras, contudo a falta de informações a respeito deste é responsável pela não notificação dos casos suspeitos. Introduction: The child abuse is a public health problem, because it’s magnitude, physical and psychological prejudices. The quickly intervention is very important, then the

  4. Mortalidade materna na cidade do Recife Maternal mortality in Recife

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    Aurélio Antônio Ribeiro Costa


    Full Text Available Objetivos: determinar a Razão de Mortalidade Materna (RMM entre mulheres residentes na cidade do Recife, pela análise de todas as declarações de óbito de mulheres na idade entre 10-49 anos. Determinar a taxa de sub-registro e estudar as principais características, causas básicas, classificação e evitabilidade das mortes maternas. Métodos: realizou-se estudo descritivo de base populacional, analisando-se todos as declarações de óbito de mulheres entre 10-40 anos e utilizando-se os critérios de Laurenti para classificá-los como declarados ou presumíveis. Estudaram-se os prontuários médicos e os dados de autópsia, quando disponíveis, determinando-se as causas básicas dos óbitos e calculando-se a taxa de sub-registro. A Razão de Mortalidade Materna foi calculada usando as informações sobre nascidos vivos do SINASC (Sistema de Informações dos Nascidos Vivos. Resultados: encontraram-se 144 mortes maternas, sendo 104 declaradas e 44 presumíveis, confirmadas após investigação. A Razão de Mortalidade Materna foi 75,5 por 100.000 nascidos vivos e o percentual de sub-registro foi 27,8%. Observou-se uma predominância de causas diretas, sendo as mais freqüentes hipertensão (19%, hemorragia (16% e infecção (11%. Cerca de 82% das mortes foram consideradas evitáveis por meio de assistência adequada ao pré-natal, parto e puerpério. Conclusões: a Razão de Mortalidade Materna é alta na cidade de Recife, e o percentual de subnotificação permanece elevado. Predominam as causas diretas e os óbitos evitáveis, evidenciando ausência de assistência adequada ao pré-natal, parto e puerpério.Purpose: to determine the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR among women living in the city of Recife, Brazil through the analysis of all death certificates of women aged 10-49 years from 1994 to 2000. To determine the underreporting rate and to study the main characteristics, basic causes, classification and avoidance of maternal deaths

  5. Constraints of costal aquifer functioning in a deeply antropized area through a multi-isotope fingerprinting (Recife, Brazil) (United States)

    Petelet-Giraud, Emmanuelle; Cary, Lise; Bertrand, Guillaume; Hirata, Ricardo; Martins, Veridiana; Montenegro, Suzana; Pauwels, Hélène; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Aquilina, Luc


    The Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR) went through large changes of water and land uses over the last decades due to an increasing demographic pressure (1.5 M of inhabitants). These evolutions gave rise to numerous environmental consequences, such as a dramatic decline of the water levels, groundwater salinization and contamination. This degradation of natural resources is linked to the increase of water demand that is also punctually amplified by drought periods, inducing the construction of thousands of private wells. Recife city was built on an estuarine area, at the geological limits of the two sedimentary basins of Pernambuco (north of the city) and Paraíba (south of the city) separated by a famous shear zone (the Pernambuco lineament). Tectonic and sedimentary events involved in the genesis and evolution of these basins were mainly controlled by the opening of the Atlantic Ocean leading to the deposition of cretaceous sediments which now constitute the two main exploited aquifers, the Beberibe and Cabo aquifers. These two deep aquiferous formations are topped by the unconfined Boa Viagem aquifer of quaternary sediments. It is the most directly exposed to contamination, since it is connected to mangroves, rivers, estuaries and highly urbanized areas. Both the Beberibe and Cabo aquifers contain large clay levels and are separated by a rather continuous clayed formation which seems to play a consistent role of screen and to interfere in the hydraulic connections between the three aquifers. Previous isotopic studies have shown that recharge processes are similar in the aquifers, suggesting that exchanges may occur and may be modified or amplified by overexploitation. This very complex aquifer system is studied through more than 60 water samples, including some surface water samples from the main rivers. A methodology based on multi-isotopes fingerprinting is applied, including stable isotopes of the water molecule, strontium isotopes, boron isotopes, sulfur

  6. Intra-regional transportation of a tugboat fouling community between the ports of recife and natal, northeast Brazil

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    Cristiane Maria Rocha Farrapeira


    Full Text Available This study aimed to identify the incrusting and sedentary animals associated with the hull of a tugboat active in the ports of Pernambuco and later loaned to the port of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, areas with dense biofouling were scraped and the species then classified in terms of their bioinvasive status for the Brazilian coast. Six were native to Brazil, two were cryptogenic and 16 nonindigenous; nine of the latter were classified as established (Musculus lateralis, Sphenia fragilis, Balanus trigonus, Biflustra savartii, Botrylloides nigrum, Didemnum psammatodes, Herdmania pallida, Microscosmus exasperatus, and Symplegma rubra and three as invasive (Mytilopsis leucophaeta, Amphibalanus reticulatus, and Striatobalanus amaryllis. The presence of M. leucophaeata, Amphibalanus eburneus and A. reticulatus on the boat's hull propitiated their introduction onto the Natal coast. The occurrence of a great number of tunicate species in Natal reflected the port area's benthic diversity and facilitated the inclusion of two bivalves - Musculus lateralis and Sphenia fragilis - found in their siphons and in the interstices between colonies or individuals, respectively. The results show the role of biofouling on boat hulls in the introduction of nonindigenous species and that the port of Recife acts as a source of some species.Este trabalho objetivou identificar os animais incrustantes e sedentários associados ao casco de um rebocador que atuava nos Portos de Pernambuco e foi cedido para o Porto de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Áreas com densa bioincrustação foram raspadas e as espécies foram posteriormente classificadas em relação ao status de bioinvasão no litoral brasileiro. Dentre as espécies identificadas, seis eram nativas do Brasil, duas criptogênicas e 16 exóticas. Destas, oito foram classificadas como estabelecidas (Musculus lateralis, Sphenia fragilis, Balanus trigonus, Biflustra savartii, Botrylloides nigrum, Didemnum psammatodes

  7. Antimicrobial resistance profile of Staphylococcus aureus isolates obtained from skin and soft tissue infections of outpatients from a university hospital in Recife -PE, Brazil Perfil de resistência antimicrobiana de isolados de Staphylococcus aureus provenientes de infecções de pele e tecidos moles de pacientes ambulatoriais de um hospital universitário em Recife - PE, Brasil

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    Fabiana Beserra Caraciolo


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND: Staphylococcus aureus has a notable ability to acquire resistance to antibiotics, and methicillin resistance represents a growing public health problem. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA has also become important outside the hospital environment, particularly in the United States. In Brazil, since 2005, cases of community skin infections caused by MRSA have been reported, but resistance studies involving outpatients are scarce. OBJECTIVE: To know the resistance profile of S. aureus involved in skin and soft tissue infections of patients seen at the Dermatology outpatient clinic of a university hospital in Recife, Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil. METHODS: Prospective study involving 30 patients with skin and soft tissue infections, seen at the Dermatology outpatient clinic from May until November 2011. To evaluate the susceptibility of S. aureus to antibiotics, the disk diffusion method and oxacillin screening agar were used. RESULTS: From a total of 30 samples of skin lesions, 19 (63% had positive culture for S. aureus. The following resistance patterns of S. aureus were observed: penicillin, 95%; tetracycline, 32%; erythromycin, 21%; gentamicin, 16%; cefoxitin, 11%; oxacillin, 11%; trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, 11%; chloramphenicol, 11%; clindamycin, 5% ; and ciprofloxacin, 0%. One of the identified MRSA was obtained from a patient without risk factors for its acquisition, and was resistant, beyond to the beta-lactams, only to tetracycline. CONCLUSIONS: With regard to the resistance patterns of S. aureus, resistances to tetracycline, erythromycin and gentamicin were the highest. It was documented, for the first time in Pernambuco, a case of skin infection caused by community-associated MRSA.FUNDAMENTOS: O Staphylococcus aureus possui uma notável habilidade de adquirir resistência antimicrobiana, sendo a resistência à meticilina um problema de saúde pública crescente. O S. aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA vem se

  8. Ocorrência do bivalve exótico Mytilopsis leucophaeta (Conrad (Mollusca, Bivalvia, no Brasil Occurrence of exotic bivalve Mytilopsis leucophaeta (Conrad (Mollusca, Bivalvia, in Brazil

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    José R. B. de Souza


    Full Text Available O molusco Mytilopsis leucophaeta (Conrad, 1831, natural da América do Norte, foi localizado no litoral de Pernambuco, Brasil, em 2004, trazido provavelmente por água de lastro de navios. Na região, sua distribuição atualmente abrange zonas estuarinas adjacentes ao Porto do Recife. Os organismos foram encontrados restritos à região entre-marés, formando agregados densos com até 176.800 ind./m².The mussel Mytilopsis leucophaeta (Conrad, 1831 is native to North America. It was found at Pernambuco Coast, northeastern Brazil, in 2004, probably brought by ships' ballast water. The distribution of this species has been now spread to estuarial area near Recife Harbour. They showed a clumped distribution with a maximum of 176,800 ind./m² only in the intertidal zone.

  9. Environmental effects of the TermoPernambuco; Impactos ambientais da TermoPernambuco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goncalves Filho, Luiz Carlos; Costa, Heitor Scalambrini [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Nucleo de Apoio a Projetos de Energias Renovaveis]. E-mail:


    In a world scale, 80% of the total energy consumed by mankind comes fossil fuel (charcoal, petroleum and natural gas). The massive use of that energy resource has lead to the exhaustion of its reserves and has turned itself into a real menace to the environment, as a consequence of the earth global warming (greenhouse effect), of the risk to the public health and of the acidification of the water cycle. Whenever that type of fuel is burned in thermoelectric power plants, in transportation vehicles and in the industry, it liberates highly toxic gases and other pollutants (carbonic gas, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, among others), which are largely the responsible for the mentioned environmental impacts to the point of putting at stake the very survival of the human race. In the context of the Thermoelectricity Priority Program, launched by the federal government in February 24th, 2000 (Decree 3.371), the Pernambuco State Government has authorized the construction of a thermoelectric power plant powered by natural gas - the Thermo Pernambuco - in the harbor region of Suape, with a installed capacity of generating 520 MW. In this work the environmental impacts of the Thermo Pernambuco are shown in which concerns to the production of toxic gases. Those results were obtained through a bibliographic research about similar situations and through the detailed analysis of the EIA/RIMA reports (needed for the complying with the Brazilian environmental laws). We show that that plant will be responsible for a considerable increase in the air pollution. Considering an 80% capacity factor , that is, the power plant operating for 7,000 hours per year, it will send yearly 1.8 million ton of C0{sub 2} (5,000 per day) and 836 ton of No{sub x} (2.3 ton per day). (author)

  10. Evaluation of doses in conventional radiology in the cities of Rio de Janeiro e Recife, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Azevedo, Ana Cecilia P.; Osibote, Adelaja O.; Khoury, Helen J.


    This work is part of a program of evaluating doses in patients developed in several hospitals in the States of Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco. We used the program DoseCal to evaluate the Input Skin Dose (DEP) and the Effective Dose (DE) in big public hospitals in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Recife. It were included in the survey the doses of chest radiographs, cervical spine, lumbar spine, skull and pelvis in the projections AP, PA and LAT. To chest in PA the average value of DEP for the hospital A was 0.19 mGy. For to hospital B was 0.07 mGy. For the exam of the skull in PA the average value in A was 3.25 mGy and B of 0.49 mGy. With respect to radiological techniques might be noted that in most cases the hospital A used kilovoltage lower than in B and miliamperes higher. This can be one of the explanations for the difference of the values found for DEP and DE. The results showed significant discrepancies in values of doses as radiographic techniques when compared to the requirements established by the European Community for X-rays with image quality. This result is due to several factors: filtration, radiographic technique, professional technical experience and performance of radiographic equipment

  11. [Team work and interdiciplinarity: challenges facing the implementation of comprehensive outpatient care for people with HIV/Aids in Pernambuco]. (United States)

    Borges, Maria Jucineide Lopes; Sampaio, Aletheia Soares; Gurgel, Idê Gomes Dantas


    The complexity of providing healthcare to people with HIV/Aids requires investment in comprehensive action and care, constituting a challenge for the multidisciplinary work teams to build an interdisciplinary practice. This study sought to analyze comprehensive healthcare in the Specialized Assistance Services for HIV/Aids (SAE-HIV/Aids) in Recife, in the State of Pernambuco, starting with the process and organization of team work. This is a case study developed in three SAE-HIV/Aids units, based on a qualitative approach using different research techniques. The results show that SAE-HIV/Aids have complied with most of the Brazilian Health Ministry recommendations in terms of basic infrastructure, though none of them had a team of appropriate size. These services have shown signs of fragmentation and difficulty in establishing a systematic intersectorial and interdisciplinary practice, with failings in ensuring the reference and counter-reference flow. It was seen that there was little appreciation of the role of the manager as team leader. The need to perceive the user as a whole was identified, as well as for the team to work in a coordinated manner in order to ensure communicative and relational activities.

  12. A família Bombacaceae Kunth no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil The family Bombacaceae Kunth in the state of Pernambuco - Brazil

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    Ana Luiza Du Bocage


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho consiste de um estudo taxonômico sobre a família Bombacaceae no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Constatou-se a ocorrência de sete espécies distribuídas em seis gêneros: Bombacopsis retusa (Mart. & Zucc. A. Robyns, Ceiba glaziovii (Kuntze K. Schum., Eriotheca crenulaticalyx A. Robyns, Pachira aquatica Aubl., Pseudobombax marginatum (A. St.-Hil. A. Robyns, Pseudobombax simplicifolium A. Robyns e Quararibea turbinata (Sw. Poir. Chave para identificação das espécies, descrições, material examinado, ilustrações e comentários sobre distribuição geográfica e habitat são apresentados. Bombacopsis retusa e Pseudobombax marginatum são referidas pela primeira vez para Pernambuco.The present work is a taxonomic study on the family Bombacaceae in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Seven species were found , distributed in six genera: Bombacopsis retusa (Mart. & Zucc. A. Robyns, Ceiba glaziovii (Kuntze K. Schum., Pachira aquatica Aubl., Pseudobombax marginatum (A. St.-Hil. A. Robyns, Pseudobombax simplicifolium A. Robyns and Quararibea turbinata (Sw. Poir. Species, Key descriptions, examined material, illustrations and comments on the geographic distribution and habitat are presented. Bombacopsis retusa and Pseudobombax marginatum are recorded for the first time in the State of Pernambuco.

  13. Phenotypic and genotypic variations among three allopatric populations of Lutzomyia umbratilis, main vector of Leishmania guyanensis. (United States)

    de Souza Freitas, Moises Thiago; Ríos-Velasquez, Claudia Maria; Costa, César Raimundo Lima; Figueirêdo, Carlos Alberto Santiago; Aragão, Nádia Consuelo; da Silva, Lidiane Gomes; de Aragão Batista, Marcus Vinicius; Balbino, Teresa Cristina Leal; Pessoa, Felipe Arley Costa; de Queiroz Balbino, Valdir


    In South America, Lutzomyia umbratilis is the main vector of Leishmania guyanensis, one of the species involved in the transmission of American tegumentary leishmaniasis. In Brazil, L. umbratilis has been recorded in the Amazon region, and in the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern region, where an isolated population has been identified. This study assessed the phylogeographic structure and size and shape differences of the wing of three Brazilian populations. Samples of L. umbratilis were collected from Rio Preto da Eva (north of the Amazon River, Amazonas), from Manacapuru (south of the Amazon River), and from the isolated population in Recife, Pernambuco state. These samples were processed to obtain sequences of the Cytochrome Oxidase I mitochondrial gene. Geometrics morphometry analysis of the right wing shape of the three populations was made using discriminate canonical analysis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of two distinct monophyletic clades: one clade comprised of the Recife and Rio Preto da Eva samples, and the other clade comprised of the Manacapuru samples. Comparing the Manacapuru population with the Recife and Rio Preto da Eva populations generated high indices of interpopulational divergence. Geometric morphometry analysis indicated two distinct groups between the studied populations. Canonical variate analysis of wing shape indicated that Rio Preto da Eva population is significantly closer to Recife population, and both populations were genetically distant from Manacapuru. The polymorphic sites and geometric morphometry analysis indicate that the distance, lack of continuity and environmental differences have not modified the ancestral relationship between Recife and Rio Preto da Eva populations. The genetic and morphological similarities shared by the Recife and Rio Preto da Eva populations suggest that these populations are more closely related evolutionarily. These results confirm the existence of an L. umbratilis species complex in

  14. Radiometric evaluation of granite tables in environment public in the city of Recife-PE, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rocha, Edilson A.; Amaral, Romilton dos S.; Santos Junior, Jose A. dos; Bezerra, Jairo D.


    Granite in Pernambuco has been used as raw-material in several utensils, amongst which, furniture and decoration objects. This granite, besides being traded internally, is also exported to Asia and Europe. Differentiated content of some radionuclides of the ( 238 U and 232 Th) and 40 K natural series above average content of other rocks is also commonly found, due to its origin and geological formation. The gamma radiation stems from the decay of the given series, followed by the 40 K, and it should not exceed the 1 mSv.y -1 limit per person of the public, according to the current radiological protection rules (ICRP, 60). This work aimed to radiometrically assess the granite tables used by the public of a well visited restaurant in the city of Recife. It is expected to contribute to the environmental monitoring and to assess the possible health risks for humans. The tables were monitored for a period of about one year. Dosimetric tablets of CaSO 4 :Dy were used. The findings showed doses ranges from the background to 4.7 mSv.y -1 , with general average of dose rate equal to 3.0 mSv.y -1 . Therefore, it was concluded that despite the average dose rates in the different granite objects studied being higher than the recommended rate, the exposure does not offer risks to their users, due to the contact time (meal time) and the levels of radioactive emission found. (author)

  15. Coliform accumulation in Amphibalanus amphitrite (Darwin, 1854 (Cirripedia and its use as an organic pollution bioindicator in the estuarine area of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    CMR Farrapeira

    Full Text Available Samples of water and barnacles Amphibalanus amphitrite were collected from Recife, Brazil, to assess if it accumulates total (TC and thermotolerant coliforms (TTC related with sewage pollution. The Most Probable Number (MPN values and the standard procedures for examination of shellfish were used. Comparatively with the water samples, the highest coliform values came from the barnacles, with TC values ranging from 2.4 × 10(6 MPN.g-1, and TTC ranging from > 2.4 × 10³ to 2.9 × 10(5 MPN.g-1. Barnacles accumulate the TC Ewingella americana, and the TTC Escherichia coli, Enterobacter gergoviae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Enterobacter sakazakii. The results provided an indication of the level of organic contamination at the sampling locations and that this species could be a good organic pollution bioindicator.

  16. Perda de oportunidade de vacinação: aspectos relacionados à atuação da atenção primária em Recife, Pernambuco, 2012


    Barros, Marla Geórgia Monteiro; Santos, Michelle Caroline da Silva; Bertolini, Raphaella Patrícia Torres; Netto, Valderlane Bezerra Pontes; Andrade, Maria Sandra


    OBJETIVO: descrever aspectos relacionados à perda de oportunidade de vacinação em unidades básicas de saúde (UBS) no Distrito Sanitário II de Recife-PE, Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo, voltado a crianças menores de 1 ano de idade com atraso vacinal em 2012; os dados foram coletados mediante aplicação de formulários estruturados e de entrevista com os pais ou responsáveis. RESULTADOS: foram avaliadas 18 UBS, 33 vacinadores e 300 cadernetas de saúde, das quais 120 (40,0%) apresentaram atr...

  17. Coliform accumulation in Amphibalanus amphitrite (Darwin, 1854 (Cirripedia and its use as an organic pollution bioindicator in the estuarine area of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil Acumulação de coliformes em Amphibalanus amphitrite (Darwin, 1854 (Cirripedia e seu uso como bioindicador de poluição orgânica na área estuarina do Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    CMR Farrapeira


    Full Text Available Samples of water and barnacles Amphibalanus amphitrite were collected from Recife, Brazil, to assess if it accumulates total (TC and thermotolerant coliforms (TTC related with sewage pollution. The Most Probable Number (MPN values and the standard procedures for examination of shellfish were used. Comparatively with the water samples, the highest coliform values came from the barnacles, with TC values ranging from 2.4 × 10(6 MPN.g-1, and TTC ranging from > 2.4 × 10³ to 2.9 × 10(5 MPN.g-1. Barnacles accumulate the TC Ewingella americana, and the TTC Escherichia coli, Enterobacter gergoviae, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Enterobacter sakazakii. The results provided an indication of the level of organic contamination at the sampling locations and that this species could be a good organic pollution bioindicator.Amostras de água e cirrípedes Amphibalanus amphitrite foram coletados em Recife, Brasil, para avaliar se estes acumulam coliformes totais (CT e termo-tolerantes (TTC relacionados à poluição por esgoto doméstico. Foram utilizados os valores de Números Mais Prováveis (NMP e os procedimentos padrões para exame de bivalves. Comparativamente às amostras de água, os valores mais altos de coliformes foram dos cirrípedes, com valores de TC variando de 2,4 × 10(6 NMP.g-1, e TTC variando de > 2,4 × 10³ a 2,9 × 10(5 NMP.g-1. Os cirrípedes acumularam TC Ewingella americana e TTC Escherichia coli, Enterobacter gergoviae, Enterobacter aerogenes e Enterobacter sakazakii. Os resultados proveram uma indicação de que há contaminação orgânica nas localidades de amostras e que esta espécie pode ser um bioindicador bom de poluição orgânica.

  18. Condições de moradia como preditores de riscos nutricionais em crianças de Pernambuco, Brasil Housing conditions as nutrition risk predictors among children in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Anete Rissin


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: analisar as características da moradia (tipos de piso, parede, teto, número de pessoas por cômodo, abastecimento d'água e esgotamento sanitário, como marcadores de risco de desnutrição segundo a relação altura/idade (OBJECTIVES: to analyze housing features (types of floor, walls, ceiling, number of persons per room, water supply and sewage facilities as malnutrition risk markers according to height/age ratio (<-2 scores-z of the National Center for Health Statistics standard (NCHS in the metropolitan area of Recife (712 children, of the urban interior (684 children and in the rural environment (644 children from the database of the II Health and Nutrition Survey of the State of Pernambuco (1997. METHODS: bivariate analysis was used to establish associations of various housing features and nutritional status as well as multiple logistic regression analysis to discard confusing variables, to internally adjust association effects and to identify factors remaining in the final multivariate analysis. RESULTS: bivariate analysis demonstrate risk markers in the identification in the three sample spaces. In the logistic regression analysis, only the ratio of "number of persons per room" remained as a malnutrition risk factor in the different geographical spaces analyzed. CONCLUSIONS: these results demonstrate situations that should be focused by the health sector to achieve a better understanding of the nutritional issue, as well as other citizenship related aspects.

  19. Analysis of the genetic structure of allopatric populations of Lutzomyia umbratilis using the period clock gene. (United States)

    de Souza Freitas, Moises Thiago; Ríos-Velasquez, Claudia Maria; da Silva, Lidiane Gomes; Costa, César Raimundo Lima; Marcelino, Abigail; Leal-Balbino, Tereza Cristina; Balbino, Valdir de Queiroz; Pessoa, Felipe Arley Costa


    In South America, Lutzomyia umbratilis is the main vector of Leishmania guyanensis, one of the species involved in the transmission of American tegumentary leishmaniasis. In Brazil, L. umbratilis has been recorded in the Amazon region, and an isolated population has been identified in the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern region. This study assessed the phylogeographic structure of three allopatric Brazilian populations of L. umbratilis. Samples of L. umbratilis were collected from Rio Preto da Eva (north of the Amazon River, Amazonas), from Manacapuru (south of the Amazon River), and from the isolated population in Recife, Pernambuco state. These samples were processed to obtain sequences of the period gene. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of two distinct monophyletic clades: one clade comprised of the Recife and Rio Preto da Eva samples, and one clade comprised of the Manacapuru samples. Comparing the Manacapuru population with the Recife and Rio Preto da Eva populations revealed high indices of interpopulational divergence. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that geographical distance and environmental differences have not modified the ancestral relationship shared by the Recife and Rio Preto da Eva populations. Genetic similarities suggest that, in evolutionary terms, these populations are more closely related to each other than to the Manacapuru population. These results confirm the existence of an L. umbratilis species complex composed of at least two incipient species. Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Ticks on domestic animals in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil Carrapatos em animais domésticos em Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Filipe Dantas-Torres


    Full Text Available The objective of this article was to discuss some aspects of ticks associated with domestic animals in the State of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil, based on a literature review and present new data obtained from recent tick collections carried out in this northeastern Brazilian state. From August 2007 to June 2008, 1,405 ticks were collected and five species were identified: Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787, Amblyomma ovale Koch, 1844, Dermacentornitens Neumann, 1897, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887, and Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille,1806. Dogs from urban areas were found exclusively infested by R. sanguineus, whereas dogs from rural areas were found infested by A. cajennense, A. ovale, R. (B. microplus, and R. sanguineus. The only tick species found on cattle and goats was R. (B. microplus. Horses were found infested by D. nitens and at a lesser extent by A. cajennense and R. (B. microplus. The only tick species found on donkeys was D. nitens. This study confirms the presence of A. cajennense inPernambuco and describes for the first time the presence of A. ovale in this state. The medical and veterinary relevance and control of ticks associated with domestic animals in Pernambuco are also briefly discussed.O objetivo desse artigo é discutir alguns aspectos relacionados aos carrapatos que parasitam animais domésticos no Estado de Pernambuco com base numa revisão da literatura e apresentar novos dados obtidos a partir de recentes coletas de carrapatos realizadas nesse estado do nordeste brasileiro. De agosto de 2007 a junho de 2008, 1.405 carrapatos foram coletados e cinco espécies foram identificadas: Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius, 1787, Amblyomma ovale Koch, 1844, Dermacentor nitens Neumann, 1897, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus (Canestrini, 1887 e Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806. Cães de áreas urbanas foram encontrados infestados exclusivamente por R. sanguineus ao passo que cães de

  1. Diferença sexual e religiosa no currículo de ensino religioso em escolas de Recife

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    Aurenéa Maria de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This article discusses the results of a post-doctoral research conducted at the Pontifical Catholic University of Parana and funded by Capes (2014-2015. Its main objective was to evaluate the curriculum of the Religious Education discipline (ER, the presence or not of content that addresses sexual and religious differences in state and municipal schools in the city of Recife, state of Pernambuco. To this end, making use of the Discourse Theory (TD, we attempted to find the most relevant hegemonic discourses on the topics researched, seeking the meanings of concepts such as pluralism, citizenship, difference, tolerance, otherness, etc., among our respondents: school administrators, teachers of the discipline, and representatives of the state and municipal departments of education. Discourse Analysis (AD was used as methodology, giving priority to identify the most current ideologies, in the main hegemonic discourses, in the speeches of the respondents surveyed. Results obtained in a total of 11 schools visited show difficulties in dealing with the themes of sexual difference and sexual diversity in religious education classes; difficulties in addressing the issue of religious pluralism involving non-Christian religions, particularly the African-Brazilian ones, which are neglected especially by evangelical teachers of the Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal lines, who believe these religions present dangerous values and practices and, therefore, are not likely to be discussed in their classes. Este artigo discute os resultados de pesquisa de pós-doutorado, realizada na Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná e financiada pela Capes (2014-2015, cujo objetivo principal foi o de avaliar, no currículo da disciplina de Ensino Religioso (ER, a presença ou não de conteúdos que tratem da diferença sexual e religiosa em escolas estaduais e municipais da cidade de Recife, no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Assim, fazendo uso da Teoria do Discurso (TD

  2. Rastreio de trombofilia hereditária no contexto de trombose venosa profunda Screening of familiar trombophylia in patients with deep venous thrombosis

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    Fernando Mota


    Full Text Available A trombose venosa profunda é uma doença frequente e importante que se manifesta em indivíduos com factores de risco conhecidos ou desconhecidos. A sua etiopatogenia é multifactorial incluindo factores adquiridos e factores genéticos. Dois tipos de defeitos genéticos podem causar trombose venosa: mutações que resultam em deficiência dos inibidores naturais da coagulação e mutações com aumento do nível/função dos factores da coagulação. O objectivo deste trabalho é referir e discutir as situações em que se deve rastrear a presença de trombofilia hereditária no contexto de um episódio de trombose venosa profunda. Foram relatadas como factor de risco para trombose venosa, por ordem cronológica, a deficiência de antitrombina, deficiência de proteína C e proteína S, factor V Leiden, mutação G20210A do gene da protrombina e os níveis elevados de factor VIII. Apesar da associação entre trombofilia hereditária e o risco de trombose venosa estar bem documentada, o mesmo não ocorre em relação ao risco de recorrência. A única situação em que o risco de recorrência foi documentado foi em doentes jovens com deficiência de inibidores naturais da coagulação no contexto de um primeiro episódio de trombose venosa e/ou uma história familiar positiva para trombose venosa. Actualmente não existe consenso sobre o rastreio de trombofilia hereditária no contexto de trombose venosa profunda. Seria importante que fossem seguidas as guidelines actuais, no sentido de uniformizar a abordagem aos doentes com trombose venosa profunda e facilitar a realização de estudos que permitam elaborar novas guidelines com recomendações baseadas em evidência de elevada qualidade.Deep vein thrombosis is a common and important disease that occurs in individuals with known or unknown risk factors. Its pathogenesis is multifactorial and includes genetic and acquired factors. Two types of genetic defects can cause venous thrombosis

  3. O gênero Chloris (Poaceae) em Pernambuco, Brasil


    Maciel, Jefferson Rodrigues; Silva, Wegliane Campelo da; Costa-e-Silva, Maria Bernadete


    Com o objetivo de colaborar com o conhecimento da riqueza de Poaceae em Pernambuco, foi estudado o gênero Chloris Sw. As coletas foram realizadas no estado, bem como dados foram coligidos de levantamento em herbários da região. Foram registradas sete espécies de Chloris em Pernambuco: C. barbata Sw., C. elata Desv., C. exilis Renv., C. gayana Kunth, C. orthonoton Döll, C. pycnothrix Trin. e C. virgata Sw. O gênero apresenta distribuição ampla em todas as zonas fitogeográficas do estado. Chlor...

  4. Survey or quality for radiopharmaceuticals and activimeters available in services of nuclear medicine from Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nogueira, Fernanda Maria Dornellas Camara


    The radiopharmaceutical used in Nuclear Medicine must present high chemical and radiochemical purities in order to obtain images with contrast and clearness adequate for the diagnosis. Test should be made by the Nuclear Medicine institutes to evaluate the presence of molybdenum, aluminium and the free Tc O 4 - /TC-HR in the radiopharmaceutical before they use it. On the other hand, the activity to be administered to the patient is determined by the activimeters available in the Nuclear Medicine institutions. So it is necessary to perform tests to verify operating conditions of the activimeter to guarantee that the dose received by patient is the prescribed by the physician. In Brazil, few clinics of Nuclear Medicine are implanting the tests of the radiopharmaceutical and of the activimeters. The objective of this work is to establish the procedures for the radiopharmaceutical tests and to evaluate the quality of the radiopharmaceutical used at the clinics of Recife, as well as the operation conditions of the activemeters in these institutions. The results show that all the activimeters analyzed present a good performance and that the equipment with Geiger-Muller detectors present larger instability than the ones that use ionization chamber. Concerning the Mo/Tc generators, it was observed that only one presented Mo in the generator eluate with concentration over the acceptable limits and that the concentration of Al found in the samples analyzed were below the limits. On the other hand, in 73% of the MIBI analyzed samples were observed problems with its preparation that were caused by the procedures adopted at the clinics, which do not follow the manufacturers recommendations. (author)

  5. Group recommendation strategies based on collaborative filtering


    Ricardo de Melo Queiroz, Sérgio


    Ricardo de Melo Queiroz, Sérgio; de Assis Tenório Carvalho, Francisco. Group recommendation strategies based on collaborative filtering. 2003. Dissertação (Mestrado). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, 2003.

  6. Migração internacional de trabalho qualificado e o fenômeno do brain drain no Brasil


    FARIA, Bruna Maia de


    Maia de Faria, Bruna; Barrantes Hidalgo, Álvaro. Migração internacional de trabalho qualificado e o fenômeno do brain drain no Brasil. 2008. Dissertação (Mestrado). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, 2008.

  7. Trabalho em equipe e interdisciplinaridade: desafios para a efetivação da integralidade na assistência ambulatorial às pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids em Pernambuco Team Work and Interdiciplinarity: Challenges facing the implementation of Comprehensive Outpatient Care for People with HIV/Aids in Pernambuco

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    Maria Jucineide Lopes Borges


    Full Text Available A complexidade da atenção à saúde das pessoas vivendo com HIV/Aids requer o investimento na integralidade das ações e do cuidado, lançando às equipes multiprofissionais o desafio da construção de uma prática interdisciplinar. Este estudo teve o objetivo de analisar a integralidade da atenção à saúde em Serviços de Assistência Especializada em HIV/Aids (SAE-HIV/Aids de Recife/Pernambuco, a partir do processo e organização do trabalho em equipe. Trata-se de um estudo de caso desenvolvido em três unidades de SAE-HIV/Aids, com base em abordagem qualitativa, por meio de diferentes técnicas de investigação. Os resultados apontam que os SAE atendem a grande parte das recomendações do Ministério da Saúde, sobre a infraestrutura básica, mas nenhum serviço apresentava a constituição da equipe mínima satisfatória. Há o reconhecimento da fragmentação do trabalho em equipe e da dificuldade de sistematizar uma prática interdisciplinar e intersetorial, sendo apontadas falhas para garantir o fluxo de referência e contrarreferência. Identificou-se pouca valorização do papel do gerente como articulador da equipe; a necessidade de perceber o usuário como um todo; e de a equipe trabalhar de forma articulada, buscando a prática comunicativa e as atividades relacionais.The complexity of providing healthcare to people with HIV/Aids requires investment in comprehensive action and care, constituting a challenge for the multidisciplinary work teams to build an interdisciplinary practice. This study sought to analyze comprehensive healthcare in the Specialized Assistance Services for HIV/Aids (SAE-HIV/Aids in Recife, in the State of Pernambuco, starting with the process and organization of team work. This is a case study developed in three SAE-HIV/Aids units, based on a qualitative approach using different research techniques. The results show that SAE-HIV/Aids have complied with most of the Brazilian Health Ministry

  8. The Recife of Freyre and the Mangueboys: Views on the Space and Life of the City

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    Full Text Available This paper aims to catch sight of Recife from two distinct perspectives. On one hand, we can see Recife in the memories of Gilberto Freyre in his book Guia Prático e sentimental do Recife, where the author honors the city where he lives starting from his past of dominant colonial location before the evil of devastating Modernity could change it in such a way that he could not recognize certain traces of his city. On the other hand, we have the views of some mangueboys, so called the components of the cultural scene Manguebeat in the 90s last century. The Modernity which changed Freyre’s city is seen from the peripheries in the mistakes, in the chaos of the metropolis in which became the bucolic Recife in the past. Checking the work from these individuals we can see the different views on the city, on the two-storied houses and houses on stilts. It is seen with disparate tones, sounds and feelings.

  9. Radiometric evaluation of granite tables in environment public in the city of Recife-PE, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rocha, Edilson A.; Amaral, Romilton dos S.; Santos Junior, Jose A. dos; Bezerra, Jairo D., E-mail: accioly.edilson@ufpe.b, E-mail: romilton@ufpe.b, E-mail: jaraujo@ufpe.b, E-mail: jairo.dias@ufpe.b [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (RAE/DEN/UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear. Grupo de Radioecologia


    Granite in Pernambuco has been used as raw-material in several utensils, amongst which, furniture and decoration objects. This granite, besides being traded internally, is also exported to Asia and Europe. Differentiated content of some radionuclides of the ({sup 238}U and {sup 232}Th) and {sup 40}K natural series above average content of other rocks is also commonly found, due to its origin and geological formation. The gamma radiation stems from the decay of the given series, followed by the {sup 40}K, and it should not exceed the 1 mSv.y{sup -1} limit per person of the public, according to the current radiological protection rules (ICRP, 60). This work aimed to radiometrically assess the granite tables used by the public of a well visited restaurant in the city of Recife. It is expected to contribute to the environmental monitoring and to assess the possible health risks for humans. The tables were monitored for a period of about one year. Dosimetric tablets of CaSO{sub 4}:Dy were used. The findings showed doses ranges from the background to 4.7 mSv.y{sup -1}, with general average of dose rate equal to 3.0 mSv.y{sup -1}. Therefore, it was concluded that despite the average dose rates in the different granite objects studied being higher than the recommended rate, the exposure does not offer risks to their users, due to the contact time (meal time) and the levels of radioactive emission found. (author)

  10. Ticks infesting amphibians and reptiles in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil Carrapatos infestando anfíbios e répteis em Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Filipe Dantas-Torres


    Full Text Available Ticks infesting amphibians and reptiles in the State of Pernambuco are reviewed, based on the current literature and new collections recently carried out by the authors. To date, three tick species have been found on amphibians and reptiles in Pernambuco. Amblyomma fuscum appears to be exclusively associated with Boa constrictor, its type host. Amblyomma rotundatum has a relatively low host-specificity, being found on toads, snakes, and iguana. Amblyomma dissimile has been found on a lizard and also small mammals (i.e., rodents and marsupials. New tick-host associations and locality records are given.Os carrapatos encontrados infestando anfíbios e répteis no Estado de Pernambuco são revisados com base na literatura atual e em novas coletas realizadas recentemente pelos autores. Até o momento, três espécies de carrapatos foram encontradas sobre anfíbios e répteis em Pernambuco. Amblyomma fuscum parece estar exclusivamente associado à Boa constrictor, seu hospedeiro-tipo. Amblyomma rotundatum tem uma especificidade parasitária relativamente baixa, sendo encontrado em sapos, serpentes e iguana. Amblyomma dissimile já foi encontrado sobre um lagarto e também sobre pequenos mamíferos (isto é, roedores e marsupiais. Novas associações carrapato-hospedeiro e novos registros de localidades são apresentados.

  11. 78 FR 57619 - Architecture Services Trade Mission to Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil, October 7-10, 2013 (United States)


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Architecture Services Trade Mission to Rio de Janeiro and Recife, Brazil, October 7-10, 2013 AGENCY: International Trade Administration... 38687, June 27, 2013, regarding the Architecture Services Trade Mission to Rio de Janeiro and Recife...

  12. Evaluation of conventional x-ray diagnostic equipment and radiological protection systems of hospitals and clinics installed in Recife city, Brazil; Avaliacao dos equipamentos de raios-X diagnostico convencionais e dos sistemas de protecao radiologica de clinicas e hospitais da cidade de Recife

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Passos, Robson Silva


    Diagnostic radiology is the main contributor to the man-made exposure of general population. Since Quality Assurance (QA) programs ensure high quality diagnostic images with the lowest possible radiation dose to the patient, it has been recommended that all introduce QA programs for their radiological facilities. Consequently it is important to check the adequacy of equipment operating parameters in diagnostic radiography facilities, to ensure that a high quality of service is delivered. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the operating conditions of diagnostic units installed in Recife, Pernambuco. The study included 31 X-ray units from both public and private diagnostic services. The following parameters were evaluated: coincidence between the luminous and radiation fields; alignment of the radiation beam; agreement between the real and preset values of kVp and exposure time; filtration; half value lower (HVL); luminance of the view box; uniformity of the luminance; illuminance of the environment. The results showed that 20% of the equipment surveyed exhibited discrepancies between the luminous and radiation fields greater than 2% of the source to skin distance. The test of kilovoltage showed that 48% of the units do not fulfill the acceptability criteria, presenting discrepancies higher than {+-} 10% between the measured and preset values. The results of the accuracy of the timer indicated that 81% of the equipment surveyed present a discrepancy greater than {+-} 10% between the time selected in the control panel and actual exposure time.The test of the filtration shown that, in 20% of the equipment, this was inferior to 2,5 mm Al. The test of the luminance of view box shown that 96% of the equipment, shown a luminance lower of 2.000 cd/m{sup 2}. Related to the test of the uniformity of the luminance, 81 % of the equipment shown a variation of the uniformity higher then 10%. The test of the iluminancy of the environment shown that 61 % of the equipment

  13. Fragmented becoming. A Deleuzian reading of becoming-child in Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Prévost, N.M.E.


    This research project is based on the empirical data I gathered in the course of a year (2003-2004) of ethnographical fieldwork research conducted in the Northeastern city of Recife in the state of Pernambuco in Brazil. I worked with twenty-five children, eleven girls and fourteen boys from poor,

  14. Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Júnior Mário Baltazar de Oliveira


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT. de Oliveira J.M.B., Batista Filho A.F.B., Borges J. de M., Soares L.B.F., Ortega-Mora L.M., Brandespim D.F., Mota R.A. & Pinheiro Júnior J.W. Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. [Tritrichomonas foetus em touros no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil.] Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 38(4:449-453, 2016. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sanidade e Reprodução de Ruminantes. Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Av. Bom Pastor s/n, Boa Vista, Garanhuns, Pernambuco, 55296-901, Brazil. E-mail: The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. In total, 105 samples of preputial smegma were collected from bulls in service belonging to different herds (n=63 and slaughterhouses (n=42. Genomic DNA extraction from collected samples was carried out to identify the agent in the samples and they were also submitted to the polymerase chain reaction. A frequency of 6.6% (2.7 - 13.2%; C.I. 95% was found for T. foetus. None of the slaughterhouse samples were positive. With regards to the number of foci, 21.8% (7/32 of the properties contained animals that were positive for T. foetus. In conclusion, T. foetus infection occurred in bulls in this way, this agent should be included in the diagnosis in animal health control programs. Therefore, as the removal of infected bulls and their replacement by younger animals, should be implemented in order to avoid the dissemination of the agent in herds.

  15. Ticks infesting amphibians and reptiles in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. (United States)

    Dantas-Torres, Filipe; Oliveira-Filho, Edmilson F; Soares, Fábio Angelo M; Souza, Bruno O F; Valença, Raul Baltazar P; Sá, Fabrício B


    Ticks infesting amphibians and reptiles in the State of Pernambuco are reviewed, based on the current literature and new collections recently carried out by the authors. To date, three tick species have been found on amphibians and reptiles in Pernambuco. Amblyomma fuscum appears to be exclusively associated with Boa constrictor, its type host. Amblyomma rotundatum has a relatively low host-specificity, being found on toads, snakes, and iguana. Amblyomma dissimile has been found on a lizard and also small mammals (i.e., rodents and marsupials). New tick-host associations and locality records are given.

  16. Fatores prognósticos para o desfecho do tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar em Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maria de Fatima Militão de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Objetivos. O objetivo deste estudo caso-controle foi identificar fatores prognósticos para desfecho do tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar em 297 pacientes (Hospital das Clínicas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil entre 1994 e 1999. Materiais e métodos. Foram considerados casos indivíduos com alta por óbito, abandono ou falência do tratamento. Os controles foram indivíduos com alta por cura. Foram realizadas análises uni e multivariada com as variáveis independentes sexo; idade; escolaridade; hábito de fumar; hábito de ingerir álcool; tratamento anterior para tuberculose; resposta ao teste tuberculínico; sorologia para HIV; grau de resistência aos antimicrobianos; resultado da pesquisa direta de bacilos álcool-ácido-resistentes; esquema terapêutico utilizado. Além disso, repetiram-se as análises uni e multivariada considerando como casos apenas os óbitos e os indivíduos com falência do tratamento. Resultados. A ingestão excessiva de álcool (OR = 2,58; P = 0,014, a co-infecção pelo HIV (OR = 3,40; P = 0,028, o a tratamento anterior para tuberculose (OR = 4,89; P < 0,001 e resistência a duas ou mais drogas antituberculose (OR = 3,49; P = 0,017 foram fatores de risco para o insucesso do tratamento. Na segunda análise multivariada, excluindo os casos de abandono, não houve associação entre a o ingestão excessiva de álcool e desfecho do tratamento, mantendo-se as demais associações, o que sugere uma estreita relação entre o abandono do tratamento e o etilismo. Conclusões. Os fatores prognósticos para insucesso do tratamento da tuberculose pulmonar entre os indivíduos estudados estão interrelacionados, sendo de natureza biológica, clínica e social. Devem ser identificados no início do tratamento para que sejam implementados procedimentos diferenciados de acompanhamento, tais como tratamento diretamente supervisionado, de forma a fortalecer o controle da tuberculose em nível local.

  17. Potencial agroclimático para a Alpinia purpurata, no Estado de Pernambuco Agroclimatic potencial for Alpinia purpurata in the State of Pernambuco

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    Sérgio R. R. Medeiros


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se realizar o zoneamento agroclimático do Estado de Pernambuco, visando dar subsídios à seleção de locais para a implantação da flor tropical Alpinia purpurata. Dados climáticos de 123 localidades foram utilizados, dos quais 69 com uma série acima de 30 anos de observações e 54 abaixo de 30 anos de observações obtendo-se assim, melhor representatividade de dados no Estado. Dos dados climáticos de temperaturas médias do ar e precipitação pluviométrica, calcularam-se os balanços hídricos climatológicos. Escolheram-se os municípios de Igarassu, Primavera, Goiana e São Lourenço da Mata para serem representativos climatológicos, por serem produtores da espécie em Pernambuco. De posse dos dados dos balanços hídricos e das temperaturas mínima e máxima do ar, se estimaram os índices de limite térmico e hídrico em relação às exigências da espécie nos municípios representativos e só então estes índices foram extrapolados para todo o Estado. De acordo com o estudo, Pernambuco apresentou 6 localidades com aptidão plena, 16 com aptidão regular e 101 com inaptidão à espécie.This study aimed at accomplishing the agroclimatic zoning of Pernambuco State, in order to provide subsidies for the selection of areas for implantation of Alpinia purpurata tropical flower. The climatic data of 123 localities (69 with a period above 30 years and 54 below 30 years were used, thus getting a better representation of the data in the state. From climatic data of the average temperatures of air and rainfall, the climatologic water balance has been calculated. The cities of Igarassú, Primavera, Goiana and São Lourenço da Mata were chosen to be climatic representatives as they are the producers of the species in Pernambuco. By having the data of the water balance and the minimum and maximum air temperatures, the indexes of thermal and water limit in relation to the requirements of the species in the representative cities

  18. Sedimentation rate and {sup 210}Pb sediment dating at Apipucos reservoir, Recife, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Figueiredo, Marcela D.C. de; Silva, Danubia B. da; Cunha, Manuela S. da; Rodrigues, Kelia R.G.; Pedroza, Eryka H.; Melo, Roberto T. de; Oliveira, Aristides; Hazin, Clovis A.; Souza, Vivianne L.B. de, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    The Apipucos Reservoir is located in Recife, State of Pernambuco, and, several districts of the metropolitan area use this reservoir to dispose waste and sewage. Dating sediments uses {sup 210}Pb from the atmosphere which is formed as a result of {sup 222}Rn emanation from the soil. Atmospheric lead, carried by rain, is called non-supported {sup 21}'0Pb, to differentiate it from the one contained in the sediment, in balance with the {sup 226}Ra. The model chosen for dating sediments depends on certain conditions: in an environment where the amount of sediment influx can vary, the constant rate of supply model is adopted. On the other hand, in environments where the sedimentation rate is constant and the sediment can be considered to have a constant initial concentration of unsupported {sup 210}Pb and the (CIC) model is applied. A 70-cm long, 5-cm internal-diameter wide core was collected for sediment dating. Each core was sliced, into 5 or 10 cm intervals. Samples were dried at 105 deg C, and about 5 g dry material from each sample was dissolved with acids. The {sup 210}Pb and {sup 226}Ra contents were separated and determined by beta and alpha counting by using a gas-flow proportional counter. Sediment ages were calculated by the two models, and for the second and fourth sampling points, both models could be used. The results showed an increase in sedimentation rate over the last 50 - 60 years. We can conclude that the top sediment layer is dated from 30 years ago. We can also conclude that the CRS is the best applicable model to use in this area. (author)

  19. Evaluation of conventional x-ray diagnostic equipment and radiological protection systems of hospitals and clinics installed in Recife city, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Passos, Robson Silva


    Diagnostic radiology is the main contributor to the man-made exposure of general population. Since Quality Assurance (QA) programs ensure high quality diagnostic images with the lowest possible radiation dose to the patient, it has been recommended that all introduce QA programs for their radiological facilities. Consequently it is important to check the adequacy of equipment operating parameters in diagnostic radiography facilities, to ensure that a high quality of service is delivered. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the operating conditions of diagnostic units installed in Recife, Pernambuco. The study included 31 X-ray units from both public and private diagnostic services. The following parameters were evaluated: coincidence between the luminous and radiation fields; alignment of the radiation beam; agreement between the real and preset values of kVp and exposure time; filtration; half value lower (HVL); luminance of the view box; uniformity of the luminance; illuminance of the environment. The results showed that 20% of the equipment surveyed exhibited discrepancies between the luminous and radiation fields greater than 2% of the source to skin distance. The test of kilovoltage showed that 48% of the units do not fulfill the acceptability criteria, presenting discrepancies higher than ± 10% between the measured and preset values. The results of the accuracy of the timer indicated that 81% of the equipment surveyed present a discrepancy greater than ± 10% between the time selected in the control panel and actual exposure time.The test of the filtration shown that, in 20% of the equipment, this was inferior to 2,5 mm Al. The test of the luminance of view box shown that 96% of the equipment, shown a luminance lower of 2.000 cd/m 2 . Related to the test of the uniformity of the luminance, 81 % of the equipment shown a variation of the uniformity higher then 10%. The test of the iluminancy of the environment shown that 61 % of the equipment presented

  20. Portadores assintomáticos de infecções por Streptococcus pyogenes em duas escolas públicas na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Maciel Amelia


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: investigar a prevalência Streptococus pyogenes em secreção de orofaringe de escolares procedentes de duas escolas públicas da cidade Recife. MÉTODOS: estudo epidemiológico e clínico-microbiológico descritivo no qual foram examinados 753 escolares. A cultura bacteriana da secreção orofaringeana foi realizada em ágar-sangue de carneiro 5% e as cepas SBGA identificadas através dos testes de bacitracina, Pyr e aglutinação em látex. RESULTADOS: a faixa etária dos 753 escolares analisados variou de cinco a 19 anos, sendo 54,3% do sexo masculino e 45,7% do sexo feminino. Seis eram portadores assintomáticos de SBGA e foram submetidos ao tratamento com penicilina. Após o tratamento, realizou-se a dosagem da antiestreptolisina o (ASLO, cujos títulos séricos foram inferiores a 200UT. CONCLUSÕES: uma prevalência de SBGA de 0,8% foi estimada em portadores assintomáticos, considerada baixa, quando comparado a outros resultados em estudos semelhantes. Os autores sugerem a realização de outros estudos para estimar a prevalência de SBGA em crianças com faringite e sua relação com a febre reumática aguda.

  1. Parasitos de aves e mamíferos silvestres em cativeiro no estado de Pernambuco

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pauline Marie de Souza Santos


    Full Text Available Resumo: Os animais silvestres são hospedeiros de uma grande variedade de parasitos que podem interferir em sua conservação ex situ. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os parasitos gastrointestinais (PGI e ectoparasitos dos animais do Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (CETAS do Instituto Brasileiro de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA de Recife, Pernambuco, além de determinar os aspectos do manejo em cativeiro que possam estar relacionados com os parasitos identificados. Foram coletados ectoparasitos e amostras fecais de 223 aves e mamíferos, as quais foram processadas pelos métodos: microscopia direta, flutuação e sedimentação. Helmintos e/ou protozoários foram detectados em 91 (40,8% amostras fecais, sendo 64 (70,3% de aves e 27 (29,7% de mamíferos. Ovos de Capillaria sp., Ascaridida, Spirurida e oocistos de Eimeria sp. foram detectados nas amostras fecais das aves, enquanto ovos de Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides sp., Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma sp., Strongylida e oocistos de Coccídios foram encontrados nas amostras fecais de mamíferos. Os ectoparasitos identificados em aves foram Colpocephalum turbinatum, Kurodaia (Kurodaia fulvofasciata, Halipeurus sp., Naubates sp., Saemundssonia sp., Austromenopon sp., Paragoniocotes sp., Brueelia sp., Myrsidea sp. and Pseudolynchia sp., enquanto em mamíferos os ectoparasitos identificados foram Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Amblyomma varium, A. calcaratum, A. nodosum, Ornithodoros talaje e Ctenocephalides felis felis. A. calcaratum e O. talaje são registrados pela primeira vez em Pernambuco e T. tetradactyla é apresentado como novo hospedeiro de O. talaje. Nenhum dos animais estudados apresentou sinais clínicos em decorrência da infecção/infestação parasitária. Parasitos com potencial zoonótico como T. trichiura, Strongyloides sp., T. canis e Ancylostoma sp. foram identificados em primatas não humanos e carnívoros. Precárias condições estruturais

  2. Study on the sedimentation of the Olho D'Agua Lagoon, State of Pernambuco - Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Valentim, Eliane; Hazin, Clovis A.; Lima, Ricardo de A.; Amaral, Romilton S.; Godoy, Jose M.


    The Olho D'Agua Lagoon, placed in the municipal district of Jabotao of Guararapes, metropolitan area of Recife, is the main natural lagoon of the State of Pernambuco. For possessing a great potential paisagistic and environmental and for its extension, articulations between the City hall of Jaboatao of Guararapes and the Federal Government were accomplished in order to be built in I spill it of the lagoon a tourist park with the cooperation of several international organs. The urban and industrial development of this area happened the approximately 50 years ago, and ever since the Olho D'Agua Lagoon has if turned a deposit of domestic and industrial sink, because 95% of the spontaneous establishment are located in its margins and 15% are just assisted by sinks nets. So that a program of revitalization of this estuary is executed it is necessary to evaluate the ecological impact in this lagoon due to the activities. With base in this, it was determined the sedimentation rate and dating of its sediments in order to evaluate the pollution degree in the sets and to compare them with the profile of heavy metals and granulometer of the sediments. The obtained results show an expressive growth of the sedimentation rate, of 0,1 cm/year to 0,3 cm/year for 0,6 cm/year to 1,0 cm/year starting from the decade of 40. These results are in agreement with the text of heavy metals observed in each section of the lagoon and they agree with the industrial history of the area. (author)



    Virgínia Almoêdo de Assis


    The purpose of this study is to analyze the relations between the Catholic Church and the Portuguese absolutist state within the scope of the Captaincy of Pernambuco, seeking to reveal the contradictions contained in the bulge of these relations and their repercussion in the colonial daily life.

  4. Uranium in underground water public supply of the metropolitan region of Recife

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, C.M.; Sousa, G.H.; Vasconcelos, W.E.; Hazin, C.A.; Amaral, R.S.


    The geologic formation of the metropolitan region of Recife is of sedimentary origin. In the coast area, where the phosphate deposits are located, it is sufficiently rich in underground hydric features. In the superposed layers of the sedimentary basin exists three underground aquifers and 80% of the underground hydric features of public supplying of the metropolitan region of Recife are located in the phosphate deposits, which are rich in uranium. Physiologically the uranian are in the steady state (6+) with bivalent cations U 2+ 2 . The ingestion of uranium by man occurs through foods and water ingestion. The places of the human body where it has greater clamping of this radionuclides are the bones. The uranium is deposited slowly from surface of the bone, redistributing itself in route to the marrow. An important competition between Ca 2+ 2 and the UO 2+ 2 exists in the kidneys, where the Ca 2+ 2 efficiently is absorbed. This work was carried through aiming to determine the concentrations of uranium in waters of the wells of public supplying of the metropolitan region of Recife, collating them with the limits established for the Health Department, that establishes the level of 0.1 Bq/L referring to the total alpha radioactivity in drinking waters

  5. Health information systems and pesticide poisoning at Pernambuco. (United States)

    de Albuquerque, Pedro Costa Cavalcanti; Gurgel, Idê Gomes Dantas; Gurgel, Aline do Monte; Augusto, Lia Giraldo da Silva; de Siqueira, Marília Teixeira


    Understanding the epidemiologic profile of a particular disease is key to undertake health actions. To that end, information systems that present quality data help in the decision-making process and demonstrate the impact of the problems. To analyze the contribution of health information systems for the characterization of pesticide poisoning through SINAN, CEATOX and SIM in the State of Pernambuco. In this study, the completeness and consistency of the data were assessed, as well as the epidemiological profile of pesticide poisoning in Pernambuco in the period from 2008 to 2012, based on the following Health Information Systems: Center for Toxicological Assistance of Pernambuco (CEATOX), Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) and Mortality Information System (SIM). The data revealed incompleteness and inconsistencies in information. Regarding the profile, females are more affected in the morbidity profile, and men have a higher mortality rate. Poisoning was more frequent in young adults with low educational level. With regard to the circumstances, most of the cases were suicide attempts, unique acute cases and not related to work. Despite suggesting underreporting, the data showed that persons engaged in agriculture are most commonly affected. The strengthening of these systems is necessary for the generation of consistent information that support health policies for the population groups involved.

  6. Dislipidemia entre crianças e adolescentes de Pernambuco Dyslipidemia among adolescents and children from Pernambuco - Brazil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Everaldo de Franca


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência de dislipidemia e sobrepeso entre crianças e adolescentes no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Durante a avaliação clínica, um questionário foi respondio por meio de entrevista com os pais, incluindo dados pessoais de cada criança e adolescente. Os critérios de exclusão foram história pessoal ou familiar de diabetes ou doença arterial coronariana (DAC. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas após jejum de 12 horas, e as seguintes avaliações foram realizadas por métodos enzimáticos: níveis séricos de colesterol total, colesterol LDL, colesterol HDL e triglicerídeos. Os dados foram analisados com o programa estatístico SPSS 11.5 que inclui o test-t de Student e o teste exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Das 414 crianças e adolescentes analisados no presente estudo, cerca de 30% apresentaram um perfil lipídico aterogênico, caracterizado por altos níveis de triglicerídeo, colesterol total e colesterol LDL. A prevalência de sobrepeso nesta amostra de Pernambuco foi 4%. As meninas apresentaram níveis de triglicerídeo e colesterol total mais elevados do que os meninos. Crianças e adolescentes apresentaram os mesmos valores de lipídios no sangue, o que não é esperado para crianças nessa fase do desenvolvimento. CONCLUSÃO: Na presente população, um prefil lipídico desfavorável sugere que programas objetivando a prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares e obesidade devem começar precocemente.OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of dyslipidemia and overweight among children and adolescents in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. METHODS: During clinical evaluation, a questionnaire was completed through interviews with parents and included personal details of the children and adolescents. An exclusion criterion was personal or parental history of diabetes or coronary artery disease (CAD. Blood samples were collected from subjects who had been fasting for 12 hours, and the following evaluations

  7. Being Negro in Recife Brazil: A Political Aesthetics Approach

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Leerzem, van L.; Nuijten, M.C.M.; Vries, de P.A.


    In this article, we explore the role of cultura negra and what it means to be negro for a particular segment of the population of Recife, Brazil. We zoom in on participants in Terça Negra (negro Tuesday), one of the foremost weekly events in the city. For these participants, self-identifying as

  8. Determination of REEs in agricultural soils of Pernambuco by the Neutron Activation Technique

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    França, Fernanda Cláudia S.S.; Ticianelli, Regina Beck; Moreira, Edson Gonçalves; Genezini, Frederico Antonio; Albuquerque, Adriana Muniz de Almeida; Silveira, Patrícia Brandão da; Barbosa, Jonnas Thiago de Lima; Almeida, Amanda Correia de; Honorato, Eliane Valentim; Hazin, Clovis Abrahão, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (DEN/UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    The indiscriminate use of phosphate fertilizers causes adverse effects on biota, mainly due to the contaminants present in the rocks used in their manufacture. Among these contaminants, stand out the Rare Earth Elements (REEs) because of the significant increase in the use in several technological areas, such as in vehicle catalysts and also in fertilizer enrichment. In order to evaluate the levels of La, Sm, Nd, Yb and Lu by the Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), the present study aims to survey the ETRs in agricultural soils in Pernambuco/Brazil. For this study, 120 soil samples with a depth of 20 cm were collected in the main vegetable producing regions of the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR), evaluating organic and conventional crops with and without influenced by automotive vehicles. The results obtained when compared to the Netherlands reference values defined by the National Institute of Health and Environment (RIVM). The results were higher in all points for La (35¹ at 85¹) Yb, (4¹ at 11¹) and Lu (0.3¹ at 0.7¹ at 4¹). For Nd (9¹ at 137¹) the concentrations were above the values reported by RIVM in 4 points. Comparing the types of crops evaluated with the literature, the results are found was above for all elements analyzed. It may be related to the increase in the use of phosphate fertilizers. However, in environments using smaller amounts of additives, the results were also significant and the more detailed studies are needed to evaluate other possible contamination pathways. (author)

  9. Determination of REEs in agricultural soils of Pernambuco by the Neutron Activation Technique

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    França, Fernanda Cláudia S.S.; Ticianelli, Regina Beck; Moreira, Edson Gonçalves; Genezini, Frederico Antonio; Albuquerque, Adriana Muniz de Almeida; Silveira, Patrícia Brandão da; Barbosa, Jonnas Thiago de Lima; Almeida, Amanda Correia de; Honorato, Eliane Valentim; Hazin, Clovis Abrahão


    The indiscriminate use of phosphate fertilizers causes adverse effects on biota, mainly due to the contaminants present in the rocks used in their manufacture. Among these contaminants, stand out the Rare Earth Elements (REEs) because of the significant increase in the use in several technological areas, such as in vehicle catalysts and also in fertilizer enrichment. In order to evaluate the levels of La, Sm, Nd, Yb and Lu by the Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), the present study aims to survey the ETRs in agricultural soils in Pernambuco/Brazil. For this study, 120 soil samples with a depth of 20 cm were collected in the main vegetable producing regions of the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR), evaluating organic and conventional crops with and without influenced by automotive vehicles. The results obtained when compared to the Netherlands reference values defined by the National Institute of Health and Environment (RIVM). The results were higher in all points for La (35¹ at 85¹) Yb, (4¹ at 11¹) and Lu (0.3¹ at 0.7¹ at 4¹). For Nd (9¹ at 137¹) the concentrations were above the values reported by RIVM in 4 points. Comparing the types of crops evaluated with the literature, the results are found was above for all elements analyzed. It may be related to the increase in the use of phosphate fertilizers. However, in environments using smaller amounts of additives, the results were also significant and the more detailed studies are needed to evaluate other possible contamination pathways. (author)


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    Luiz Gustavo Lima Freire


    Full Text Available This article aims to reflect on the colonial education, specifically during the eighteenth century, held in Brazil in the province of Pernambuco. To meet this objective we will use some documents from “Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino” looking for to understand how they can representing the ideas that prevailed during that period. It is intended that context, to understand what were the proposed guidelines for teaching in some indian villages in Pernambuco and how were consistent with the policy of the marquis of Pombal and the foundations of the Enlightenment.

  11. Comparative analysis of the environmental impacts of port activities in Pernambuco ports | Análise comparativa dos impactos ambientais das atividades portuárias nos portos de Pernambuco

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    Ana Paula Xavier de Gondra Bezerra


    Full Text Available Port activities can create serious consequences to human health, coastal ecosystems and socioeconomic activities. The panorama of the port sector shows a scenario of intense transformation, whose environmental impacts should be analyzed carefully. The main impacts are due to the port operation and infrastructure deployment activities to promote the transit of cargo. In this sense, the objective of this work is to identify the main environmental impacts from port activities in the state of Pernambuco (Suape and Recife’s. Through this, the proposed methodology was based on conducting research and synthesis from bibliographic material of the area to generate this literature review. It was found that port implementation activities can cause the following impacts: the hydrological pattern and sediment dynamics of natural coastal areas (habitats, ecosystems, changes in the coastline, vegetation removal, modification in the layout and channel changes at the bottom of water bodies, water pollution, soil, subsoil and air. On the other hand, port operation activities can generate environmental problems, such as changes in water quality, air pollution due to the emission of gaseous and solid particles, various disorders due to the traffic of heavy vehicles in the urban environments, generation of odors, noise, change of landscape, disturbances in fauna and flora, the increase of endemic disease vectors in man, and the introduction of exotic species. All these problems have been identified both in Port of Suape and Port of Recife as based on previous survey studies. It is concluded that these activities are necessary for the operation of ports, and in this sense the monitoring of these areas becomes necessary to monitor the risks and environmental impacts so that the actions of the ports do not compromise the ecological balance.

  12. Fatores de risco para óbitos neonatais no Recife: um estudo caso-controle Risk factors for neonatal death in Recife: a case-control study

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    Sílvia W. Sarinho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: a mortalidade neonatal é o componente mais importante da mortalidade infantil na cidade do Recife. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar os principais fatores de risco para morte neonatal no município do Recife em 1995. MÉTODOS: o desenho do estudo foi do tipo caso-controle. Realizou-se a validação dos bancos de dados do Sistema de Informação em Mortalidade e Sistema de Informação Nascido Vivo, para mães residentes no Recife, no ano de 1995. Obteve-se, após técnica do linkage entre os dois bancos de dados, amostra com 456 casos e 2.280 controles. Como medida de risco utilizou-se Odds Ratio, com intervalo de confiança de 95% e para a diferença de proporção, o teste qui quadrado. Utilizou-se na análise multivariada a técnica da regressão logística. RESULTADOS: verificou-se que 358 (79,7% das crianças que evoluíram para óbito foram de baixo peso ao nascer, com risco de morte 46 vezes superior (IC=33,8-59,0 P 2.500g. Por ordem decrescente de valores da medida de associação de morte neonatal com as variáveis estudadas através da análise multivariada, os principais fatores de risco foram peso ao nascer OBJECTIVE: Neonatal mortality is the main cause of infant mortality in the city of Recife. The objective of the present study was to determine the major risk factors for neonatal death in Recife in 1995. METHODS: This is a case control study. Information was obtained from the mortality and live birth databases after validation of the data set, between January and December 1995. A sample of 456 cases and 2,280 controls was obtained after using the linkage technique between the two data sets. The difference in proportion was analyzed by the chi square test. The odds ratio was calculated as a risk measure, with a 95% confidence interval. The logistic regression technique was used to adjust potential confounding factors. RESULTS: 212 deaths (46.6% occurred in the first 24 hours of life. We found that 358 (79.7% of

  13. Structure and dynamics of the shark assemblage off Recife, Northeastern Brazil.

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    André S Afonso

    Full Text Available Understanding the ecological factors that regulate elasmobranch abundance in nearshore waters is essential to effectively manage coastal ecosystems and promote conservation. However, little is known about elasmobranch populations in the western South Atlantic Ocean. An 8-year, standardized longline and drumline survey conducted in nearshore waters off Recife, northeastern Brazil, allowed us to describe the shark assemblage and to monitor abundance dynamics using zero-inflated generalized additive models. This region is mostly used by several carcharhinids and one ginglymostomid, but sphyrnids are also present. Blacknose sharks, Carcharhinus acronotus, were mostly mature individuals and declined in abundance throughout the survey, contrasting with nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum, which proliferated possibly due to this species being prohibited from all harvest since 2004 in this region. Tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, were mostly juveniles smaller than 200 cm and seem to use nearshore waters off Recife between January and September. No long-term trend in tiger shark abundance was discernible. Spatial distribution was similar in true coastal species (i.e. blacknose and nurse sharks whereas tiger sharks were most abundant at the middle continental shelf. The sea surface temperature, tidal amplitude, wind direction, water turbidity, and pluviosity were all selected to predict shark abundance off Recife. Interspecific variability in abundance dynamics across spatiotemporal and environmental gradients suggest that the ecological processes regulating shark abundance are generally independent between species, which could add complexity to multi-species fisheries management frameworks. Yet, further research is warranted to ascertain trends at population levels in the South Atlantic Ocean.

  14. Structure and dynamics of the shark assemblage off Recife, Northeastern Brazil. (United States)

    Afonso, André S; Andrade, Humber A; Hazin, Fábio H V


    Understanding the ecological factors that regulate elasmobranch abundance in nearshore waters is essential to effectively manage coastal ecosystems and promote conservation. However, little is known about elasmobranch populations in the western South Atlantic Ocean. An 8-year, standardized longline and drumline survey conducted in nearshore waters off Recife, northeastern Brazil, allowed us to describe the shark assemblage and to monitor abundance dynamics using zero-inflated generalized additive models. This region is mostly used by several carcharhinids and one ginglymostomid, but sphyrnids are also present. Blacknose sharks, Carcharhinus acronotus, were mostly mature individuals and declined in abundance throughout the survey, contrasting with nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum, which proliferated possibly due to this species being prohibited from all harvest since 2004 in this region. Tiger sharks, Galeocerdo cuvier, were mostly juveniles smaller than 200 cm and seem to use nearshore waters off Recife between January and September. No long-term trend in tiger shark abundance was discernible. Spatial distribution was similar in true coastal species (i.e. blacknose and nurse sharks) whereas tiger sharks were most abundant at the middle continental shelf. The sea surface temperature, tidal amplitude, wind direction, water turbidity, and pluviosity were all selected to predict shark abundance off Recife. Interspecific variability in abundance dynamics across spatiotemporal and environmental gradients suggest that the ecological processes regulating shark abundance are generally independent between species, which could add complexity to multi-species fisheries management frameworks. Yet, further research is warranted to ascertain trends at population levels in the South Atlantic Ocean.

  15. Mortalidade em Recife: aplicação de um modelo de riscos competitivos Mortality in Recife: application of a competitive risks model

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    Neir Antunes Paes


    Full Text Available É apresentada a metodologia de Chiang para a construção de Tábuas de Vida de Múltiplo Decremento, aplicadas à população residente do município de Recife, em 1979, para se avaliar a magnitude de incidência de alguns grupos de causas de morte, segundo a probabilidade de morte, sobrevivência e esperança de vida. A média de vida encontrada para os homens foi de 55,43 anos e para as mulheres foi de 62,41 anos. A eliminação total dos grupos de causas como fatores de risco de morte, propiciou os seguintes ganhos na esperança de vida, para homens e mulheres, respectivamente: doenças infecciosas e parasitárias (7,9 e 8,1 anos, neoplasmas malignos (6,0 e 6,6 anos, doenças do aparelho circulatório (10,4 e 10,8 anos, doenças do aparelho respiratório (6,5 e 6,7 anos e causas externas (7,0 e 5,2 anos. Concluiu-se que o nível de saúde do município de Recife refletiu, em 1979, um quadro social e econômico não homogêneo, com uma alta mortalidade por doenças degenerativas, características de regiões desenvolvidas e, também, por doenças infecciosas e parasitárias, próprias de regiões pouco desenvolvidas.The methodology of Chiang for the construction of the Decrement of Multiple Life Tables as applied to the resident population of the municipality of Recife, PE, Brazil, in 1979, is presented so as to evaluate the magnitude of the incidence of some groups of causes of death, according to the probability of death, survival and life expectancy. The average life for men was 55.43 years and for women 62.41 years. The total elimination of the groups of causes, as agents of the risk of death created the following gains in life expectancy, for men and women respectively: infection and parasitic diseases (7.9 and 8.1 years, malignant neoplasms (6.0 and 6.6 years, cardiovascular diseases (10.4 and 10.8 years, respiratory diseases (6.5 and 6.7 years and external causes (7.0 and 5.2 years. It is concluded that the standard of health of the

  16. A new species of Eufriesea Cockerell (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossina from northeastern Brazil

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    Luiz R. R. Faria


    Full Text Available A new species of Eufriesea Cockerell (Hymenoptera, Apidae from northeastern Brazil. Eufriesea pyrrhopyga sp. nov. a short-tongued Eufriesea is described as a new species. It can be easily recognized for its predominantly violet lower frons and thorax, violet tergum 1 contrasting with the strong reddish coloration on the lateral portions of terga 2 to 4 and on entire terga 5 and 6, and head pubescence with contrasting colors, white on the lower two-thirds of the face and black on upper frons and vertex. This new species, collected in Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil, apparently is restricted to the Pernambuco endemic center, and seems to be highly endangered.

  17. Proyecto Vidas Paralelas Indígena: revelando el pueblo Fulni-ô de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Eva Aurélia Melo SANTOS


    Full Text Available Este relato de experiencia se refiere al grupo étnico Fulni-ô, que habita la comunidad de Xixia-clá en el municipio de Águas Belas, a 300 km de Recife, Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Con respecto a su historia, se relata la unión con la tribu Carijós, y el declinio en el uso de la lengua ancestral, el Yaathê, del Saúde Indígena Tempus - Actas de Saúde Coletiva Revista Tempus Actas de Saúde Coletiva 58 tronco linguístico Macro-Jê. Se hace hincapié en el conflito de tierras, pues fue realizada una división en lotes que dejó a los indígenas un espacio muy limitado, siendo la ciudad fundada en territorio indígena. Se describe el liderazgo del Cacique y del Pajé, y la discusión en comunidad de los asuntos que interesan a los indígenas. A pesar de que todos ellos declaran profesar la religión católica, conocimientos ancestrales son trasmitidos y la ceremonia del Ouricury es muy concurrida. Se describe la atención a la salud, que cuenta con un puesto de salud, en donde trabajan indígenas en cargos compatibles con la educación en los niveles fundamental y medio. Los cargos de nivel superior son ocupados por no indígenas. El saneamiento básico aún está en proceso de implantación. La atención básica depende del Programa de Salud de la Familia Indígena (PSFI.

  18. Estudo da difteria na cidade do Recife. I. Nota sôbre levantamento de portadores de Corynebacterium diphtheriae no bairro dos Coelhos Survey on diphtheriae carriers in "Bairro dos Coelhos" Recife, Brazil

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    Dalva A. Mello


    Full Text Available De uma amostra probabilística do bairro dos Coelhos da cidade do Recife, 410 indivíduos foram examinados para verificação de portadores de difteria. Sòmente duas amostras de C. diphtheriae foram isoladas de duas crianças de 8 a 9 anos, as quais não apresentaram sintomatologia compatível com o quadro diftérico.From a limited population living around the University Hospital in Recife, Brazil a randomic sample was examined in order to identify diphtheria carriers. Swabs were made from 410 persons in a house-to-house survey. Two strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae were isolated from healthy 8 and 9-year old children.

  19. A dinâmica dos homicídios no Nordeste e em Pernambuco

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    José Maria Nóbrega Júnior


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a dinâmica das mortes por homicídio no Nordeste, região mais violenta do país em termos desse tipo de crime. Indicadores de homicídios foram analisados para todos os estados nordestinos, com ênfase em Pernambuco. A análise dos números demonstra um crescimento das mortes violentas e intencionais na região pelo menos desde o início da década de 1990, com maior impacto nos últimos 10 anos, chegando a ultrapassar os números do Sudeste em 2006. Buscou-se tabular esses números por grupos como faixa etária, nível de escolaridade e por regiões de Pernambuco, revelando-se as diferentes dimensões dessa dinâmica. The aim of the article The dynamics of homicides in the Northeast and Pernambuco is to review the dynamics of deaths by homicide in the Northeast ofBrazil, the most violent region in the country in terms of this kind of crime. Murder rates were analysed for all the North-eastern states, with special focus on Pernambuco. The statistical analysis shows a growth in violent and intentional deaths in the region at least since the start of the 1990s, peaking in the last 10 years and surpassing the figures for the Southeast in 2006. Associations were then sought with groups like age group, level of schooling and by regions of Pernambuco, revealing the different dimensions of the dynamics.

  20. Benthic Bacillariophyta of the Paripe River estuary in Pernambuco state, Brazil

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    AN. Moura

    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to evaluate the benthic diatom composition from the estuary sediment in the Pernambuco State, based on 32 samples. Samples were collected monthly from September through December 1999 (dry period and from April through July 2000 (rainy period during four pre established sampling stations. Results indicated 19 families and 31 specific and infraspecific taxa. Eight new records were founded for Pernambuco State: Auliscus coelatus, Fallacia nummularia, Navicula algida, Plagiograma pulchellum, Terpsinoe americana, Triceratium antideluvianna and Tryblionella coarctata and one, Auliscus punctatus Bailey, in northeastern Brazil.

  1. Knowledge of anaesthesiologists in Recife with respect to potential risks in the operating room—cross-sectional study

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    Rafaela de Melo Simões Lima


    Full Text Available Objectives: the health care should be a safe act, free of adverse events. However, in daily practice an excessive exposure to factors that endanger the health of the professional is observed. The surgical center stands out as one of the sites where the professional involved is more vulnerable. This environment is the anaesthesiologist's workplace, and this professional must deal with its potential complicators. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge of anaesthesiologists in Recife on various situations of risk in the workplace. Method: a cross-sectional study in which structured questionnaires, completed voluntarily and anonymously by the anesthesiologist itself, were applied to assess the knowledge of the potential risks in the operating room. Data were analyzed using Epi Info version 7. Results: a total of 162 anaesthesiologists responded to the questionnaire, 38.02% of these professionals registered at Cooperative of Anaesthesiologists of Pernambuco. Of these, 3.7% read the manual of the Committee on Hospital Infection Control (Comissão de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar of their institution and 40.74% chose the correct option, “technical director”, as responsible for ensuring proper working conditions. Of the total, 5.56% stated that the anaesthetics’ pollution index in the operating theater was monitored. Only 1.85% of the sample was subjected to periodic screening for tuberculosis. By analyzing the hypothetical situation of contamination with a patient with hepatitis C, only 43.83% knew that there is no effective post-exposure prophylaxis. Conclusion: educational campaigns should be implemented to improve the knowledge of health professionals and clarify institutions and professionals’ rights and duties. Keywords: Anesthesiologist, Knowledge, Professional risk, Surgery center

  2. Magnoliophyta species of restinga, state of Pernambuco, Brazil.

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    Zickel, C. S.


    Full Text Available Restinga vegetation occurs along the entire coast of Brazil. The 187 km of coastline of the state ofPernambuco demonstrates a diversity of habitats, such as beaches, dunes, and restingas. The present study sought toelaborate a checklist of the phanerogamic species found there. The species listed were compiled from surveysundertaken between 1951 and 2007, as well as from herbaria collections in that state. A total of 477 species distributedamong 303 genera and 95 families were encountered. The families with the greatest numbers of species were Poaceae(39 species, Fabaceae (34, Cyperaceae (26, Euphorbiaceae (25, Myrtaceae (24, Rubiaceae (20, Caesalpiniaceae(17, Mimosaceae (16, Asteraceae (14, Orchidaceae (14, Bromeliaceae (9, Boraginaceae (8, Malvaceae (8,Solanaceae (8, and Annonaceae, Araceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Malpighiaceae, and Melastomataceae (7 each.Approximately 60 % of the species were common to other restinga areas in northeastern Brazil, and 39.3 % wererestricted to the coast of Pernambuco.

  3. Clorofíceas marinhas bentônicas da Praia de Serrambi, Pernambuco, Brasil Benthic marine Chlorophyceae from Serrambi Beach, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Sônia Maria Barreto Pereira


    Full Text Available É apresentado o levantamento florístico sobre as clorofíceas marinhas bentônicas encontradas na Praia de Serrambi, litoral Sul do Estado de Pernambuco. O material estudado foi coletado em três estações, as quais foram visitadas mensalmente durante o período de abril de 1986 a setembro de 1987. As clorofíceas foram representadas na flora local por 39 espécies, três variedades e uma forma, pertencentes às ordens Ulotrichales, Ulvales, Siphonocladales, Cladophorales, Caulerpales e Dasycladales. Acetabularia calyculus Quoy & Gaimard. In Freycinet, Bryopsis pennata Lamouroux, Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson C. Agardh, Caulerpa ambigua Okamura, Caulerpa serrulata (Forsskål J. Agardh emend Børgesen, Chaetomorpha brachygona Harvey, Cladophora coelothrix Kützing, Cladophoropsis membranacea (C. Agardh Børgesen, Codium intertextum Collins & Hervey, Ernodesmis verticillata (Kützing Børgesen são novas referências para a flora do litoral de Pernambuco. Pringsheimiella scutata (Reinke von Höhnel ex Marchewianka o é também para o litoral continental do Brasil. Halimeda opuntia (L. Lamouroux foi hospedeira de maior número de epífitas, enquanto Bryopsis plumosa, quando epífita, foi a que cresceu sobre maior número de hospedeiros.This survey presents studies about benthics marine chlorophyceae found in the Serrambi Beach, South coast of Pernambuco. The material studied was collected in three stations, which were visited monthly during the period from April, 1986 to September, 1987. The chlorophyceae were represented in this flora by 39 species, three varieties and one form, from orders Ulotrichales, Ulvales, Siphonocladales, Cladophorales, Caulerpales and Dasycladales. Acetabularia calyculus Quoy & Gaimard. In Freycinet, Bryopsis pennata Lamouroux, Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson C. Agardh, Caulerpa ambigua Okamura, Caulerpa serrulata (Forsskål J. Agardh emend Børgesen, Chaetomorpha brachygona Harvey, Cladophora coelothrix Kützing, Cladophoropsis

  4. Regulação assistencial no recife: possibilidades e limites na promoção do acesso Assistance Regulatory in Recife: possibilities and limits in promoting access

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    Maria do Socorro Veloso de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available A pesquisa analisou o desenvolvimento da regulação assistencial na perspectiva do acesso equânime e integral na Gestão Municipal de Saúde do Recife entre 2001 e 2008. Trata-se de um estudo de caso que teve como sujeitos os gestores e os gerentes da Secretaria de Saúde do Recife. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo, na tipologia temática, a partir dos conceitos de triângulo de governo, acessibilidade e rede. Verificou-se que, embora o município tenha implantado arranjos organizacionais de regulação, não incorporou os serviços especializados próprios nem analisou a capacidade potencial desses serviços. A Central de Regulação de Consultas e Exames Especializados absorveu apenas 9,5% dos procedimentos de média complexidade sob gestão municipal. Outrossim, pouco investiu na ampliação da resolubilidade da atenção básica, mantendo uma possível demanda artificial por serviços especializados. A perspectiva de maior acessibilidade organizacional, pela regulação assistencial, restringiu-se à "adequação" da demanda à oferta da rede complementar SUS/Recife. Essa oferta, por vezes, foi determinada pelos interesses do próprio setor privado, e a regulação implementada pela gestão municipal teve reduzido poder de definição. A atuação centralizadora da gestão estadual de saúde dificultou a conformação de um complexo regulador compartilhado entre esferas de gestão. Conclui-se que a regulação assistencial, na esfera dos municípios, dificilmente promoverá acesso equânime e integral enquanto atuar somente sobre uma parcela dos serviços sob gestão municipal, intervir sem a formação de redes de atenção regionais, sem pactos efetivos entre entes públicos pela continuidade do cuidado e agir sem subordinar os interesses privados às necessidades assistenciais da população.The research analyzed the evolution of a service of regulation of care at the Municipal Health Management in Recife, between 2001 to 2008, from

  5. Evaluation of diagnostic procedures in nuclear medicine services of Pernambuco and Alagoas states - Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, Ricardo Braz F. da; Hazin, Clovis A.


    The medical use of ionizing radiation contributes significantly to population exposure to radiation. This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic procedures carried out in nuclear medicine (SMN) in Pernambuco and Alagoas in order to gather data to subsidize the proposal of reference levels for nuclear medicine in Brazil. Data were collected of the SMN in Pernambuco and Alagoas in the period of 2005 to 2009, according by UNSCEAR. The study used data from IBGE. The results showed that the total number of examinations in the period 2005 to 2009 was 34.828 in Pernambuco and 27.700 in Alagoas, corresponding to 6.966 and 5.540 average annual examinations in Pernambuco and Alagoas, respectively. The total number of examinations performed in both states in 2009 was twice the number carried out in 2005. Scintigraphy is the cardiovascular examination most performed in both states, followed by bone scintigraphy. Tc-99m is the radionuclide used most often, followed by I-131. The number of tests using Tc-99m in 2009 doubled when compared with the examinations performed in 2005. The results indicate that there has been a significant increase in the number of examinations in MN, and that females outnumber males, as far as the use of this diagnostic resource is concerned. The study of the activities of the radionuclides administered to patients in the states of Pernambuco and Alagoas showed that they are high when compared to the values recommended by the IAEA in its Safety Report Series Document No. 40. (author)

  6. Violência intrafamiliar: crimes contra a mulher na área metropolitana do Recife Violencia intra familiar: delitos contra la mujer en el area metropolitana de Recife Intrafamilial violence: criminal acts against women in Recife's metropolitan area

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    Zélia Maria de Melo


    Full Text Available Esta pesquisa pretende analisar a relação entre a organização familiar e a criminalidade contra a mulher, perpetrada por companheiro ou membro de sua família. Utilizamos a análise quantitativa descritiva para o exame dos documentos e a qualitativa (análise do discurso para as entrevistas semidirigidas realizadas com as vítimas e seus familiares. Os documentos foram provenientes dos processos judiciais disponíveis nos Fóruns de Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Olinda e Recife no biênio 2004/2006. Os resultados revelaram aspectos relevantes à prática da violência, tais como: ingestão de bebidas alcoólicas, ciúmes, rompimento da relação matrimonial por iniciativa da esposa / companheira e rivalidade de gênero.Esta investigación aspira analizar la relación entre la organización familiar y la criminalidad contra perpretada por compañero o miembro de su familia. Hemos empleado la análises estadística describida. Para la análisis Documental y cualitativa. (análisis del discurso. Para las entrevistas semidirigidas realizadas con las victimas y suyos familiares. Los documentos fueron originados provenidos de los procesos judiciales disponibles en los foros de “ Jaboatao dos Guararapes, Olinda y Recife en el bienio 2004/2006. Los resultados hubieran relevado aspectos relevantes para la práctica de la violencia, tales como: Ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas, celos, rompimento de la relación conjugal por iniciativa de la mujer/compañera y rivalidad de género.This research intends to analyze the relation between the family organization and the criminal acts against women, perpetrated by the partner or other family member. We used a descriptive quantitative statistics for the documental analysis and a qualitative one (speech analysis for the semi conducted interviews with victims and their relatives. The documents were from judicial processes available in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Olinda and Recife Forums, in the biennium 2004

  7. Investigation of class 1 integrons in Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical and microbiota isolates belonging to different phylogenetic groups in Recife, State of Pernambuco

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    Alexsandra Maria Silva Lima


    Full Text Available Introduction The high prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae infections is related to the ability of K. pneumoniae to acquire and disseminate exogenous genes associated with mobile elements, such as R plasmids, transposons and integrons. This study investigated the presence of class 1 integrons in clinical and microbiota isolates of K. pneumoniae belonging to different phylogenetic groups and correlated these results with the antimicrobial resistance profiles of the studied isolates. Methods Of the 51 isolates of K. pneumoniae selected for this study, 29 were from multidrug-resistant clinical isolates, and 22 were from children's microbiota. The susceptibility profile was determined using the disk diffusion method, and class 1 integrons were detected through polymerase chain reaction (PCR. Results The results showed that none of the 22 microbiota isolates carried class 1 integrons. Among the 29 clinical isolates, 19 (65.5% contained class 1 integrons, and resistance to sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim was identified in 18 of these isolates (94.7%. Among the K. pneumoniae isolates with class 1 integrons, 47% belonged to the KpI phylogenetic group, and one isolate (14.3% carrying these genetic elements belonged to the KpIII group. Conclusions The wide variety of detected class 1 integrons supports the presence of high rates of antimicrobial resistance, genetic variability, and rapid dissemination of beta-lactamase genes among K. pneumoniae clinical isolates in recent years in hospitals in Recife-PE, Brazil. The findings of this study indicate that the surveillance of K. pneumoniae integrons in clinical isolates could be useful for monitoring the spread of antibiotic resistance genes in the hospital environment.

  8. Origins and processes of groundwater salinization in the urban coastal aquifers of Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil): A multi-isotope approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cary, Lise; Petelet-Giraud, Emmanuelle; Bertrand, Guillaume; Kloppmann, Wolfram; Aquilina, Luc; Martins, Veridiana; Hirata, Ricardo; Montenegro, Suzana; Pauwels, Hélène; Chatton, Eliot; Franzen, Melissa; Aurouet, Axel; Lasseur, Eric; Picot, Géraldine; Guerrot, Catherine; Fléhoc, Christine


    In the coastal multilayer aquifer system of a highly urbanized southern city (Recife, Brazil), where groundwaters are affected by salinization, a multi-isotope approach (Sr, B, O, H) was used to investigate the sources and processes of salinization. The high diversity of the geological bodies, built since the Atlantic opening during the Cretaceous, highly constrains the heterogeneity of the groundwater chemistry, e.g. Sr isotope ratios, and needs to be integrated to explain the salinization processes and groundwater pathways. A paleoseawater intrusion, most probably the 120 ky B.P. Pleistocene marine transgression, and cationic exchange are clearly evidenced in the most salinized parts of the Cabo and Beberibe aquifers. All 87 Sr/ 86 Sr values are above the past and present-day seawater signatures, meaning that the Sr isotopic signature is altered due to additional Sr inputs from dilution with different freshwaters, and water–rock interactions. Only the Cabo aquifer presents a well-delimitated area of Na-HCO 3 water typical of a freshening process. The two deep aquifers also display a broad range of B concentrations and B isotope ratios with values among the highest known to date (63–68.5‰). This suggests multiple sources and processes affecting B behavior, among which mixing with saline water, B sorption on clays and mixing with wastewater. The highly fractionated B isotopic values were explained by infiltration of relatively salty water with B interacting with clays, pointing out the major role played by (palaeo)-channels for the deep Beberibe aquifer recharge. Based on an increase of salinity at the end of the dry season, a present-day seawater intrusion is identified in the surficial Boa Viagem aquifer. Our conceptual model presents a comprehensive understanding of the major groundwater salinization pathways and processes, and should be of benefit for other southern Atlantic coastal aquifers to better address groundwater management issues. - Highlights:

  9. Comunidade de aves da Reserva Estadual de Gurjaú, Pernambuco, Brasil Bird communities of the Gurjaú Reserve, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Rachel Maria de Lyra-Neves


    Full Text Available Estudos quali-quantitativos foram realizados em um fragmento florestal da Reserva Estadual de Gurjaú, Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram registradas 220 espécies de aves no levantamento qualitativo. Através da contagem por pontos, foram identificadas 175 espécies em 6.470 contatos (270 amostras. A freqüência de ocorrência de 75% foi registrada para 43 espécies (19,6%; para a maioria das espécies a freqüência de ocorrência esteve abaixo de 25%.A qualitative and quantitative bird surveys were carried out in a forest fragment in Gurjau Reserve, Santo Agostinho Cape, Pernambuco State, Brazil. By qualitative census were registered 220 different bird species. Concerning the point counts, were identified 175 different species in 6.470 contacts (270 samples. A frequency of occurrence of 75% was registered for 43 species (19,6%; the most part of species had a frequency of occurrence below 25%.

  10. Environmental diagnosis of the Monument Natural Pedra do Cachorro, Pernambuco, Brazil | Diagnóstico ambiental do Monumento Natural Pedra do Cachorro, Pernambuco , Brasil

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    Deivide Benício Soares


    Full Text Available The Conservation Unit Monument Natural Pedra do Cachorro, located in Pernambuco Agreste, helped to increase the representativeness of the Caatinga legally protected in the state of Pernambuco, reconcile the preservation of biological diversity and the use of natural resources with ecotourism and tourism adventure already developed in the region with great potential for expansion. This protected area was established by a state decree in 2014, but were not realized, until now, environmental diagnostics to characterize the natural environment of this area, nor was it prepared its management plan. The objective of this work is then present the main environmental characteristics of the Monument Natural Pedra do Cachorro, regarding the physical and biotic environment. It is expected also that this text will serve as a basis for further technical studies to be conducted in this Conservation Unit.

  11. Características epidemiológicas dos óbitos maternos ocorridos em Recife, PE, Brasil (2000-2006 Caracteristicas epidemiológicas de las muertes maternas ocurridas en Recife, PE, Brasil (2000-2006 Epidemiological features of maternal deaths occurred in Recife, PE, Brazil (2000-2006

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    Rafaella Araújo Correia


    Full Text Available Estudo de corte transversal que objetivou descrever as características epidemiológicas dos óbitos maternos de residentes no Recife, PE, Brasil, ocorridos entre 2000 e 2006. A fonte de dados foi constituída pelas fichas de investigação de óbito materno da Secretaria de Saúde do Recife. Para a análise dos dados, utilizou-se o programa EpiInfo 6.04d. Foram estudados 111 óbitos, correspondendo a uma Razão de Morte Materna de 65,99/100.000 nascidos vivos. Os dados obstétricos mostraram a realização de menos de seis consultas pré-natais, entre uma e quatro gestações prévias, parto cesário e admissão em estado grave. Os transtornos hipertensivos constituíram a principal causa de óbito. A maioria dos óbitos foi considerada evitável. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de aprimorar a assistência à saúde da gestante durante o pré-natal, parto e puerpérioEstudio de corte transversal cuyo objetivo ha sido describir las características epidemiológicas de los óbitos maternos de residentes en la ciudad de Recife, PE, Brasil ocurridos entre los años 2000 y 2006. La fuente de datos la constituyeron las fichas de investigación de óbito materna de la Secretaría de Salud de Recife. Para el análisis de los datos se ha hecho uso del programa EpiInfo 6.04d. Han sido investigados 111 óbitos, lo que corresponde a una Razón de Muerte Materna de 65,99/100.000 nacidos vivos. Los datos obstétricos han demostrado la realización de menos de seis consultas prenatales, entre una y cuatro gestaciones previas, parto cesáreo, ingreso en estado grave, con demanda de asistencia bajo terapia. Los trastornos hipertensivos constituyeron la principal causa del óbito. En su mayor parte, los óbitos han sido considerados evitables. Los resultados señalan la necesidad de aprimorar la asistencia a la salud de la gestante en el período prenatal, el parto y el puerperioThis was a cross-sectional study that aimed to describe the epidemiological

  12. Survey or quality for radiopharmaceuticals and activimeters available in services of nuclear medicine from Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil; Estudo da qualidade dos radiofarmacos e dos activimetros utilizados nos servicos de medicina nuclear do Recife

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nogueira, Fernanda Maria Dornellas Camara


    The radiopharmaceutical used in Nuclear Medicine must present high chemical and radiochemical purities in order to obtain images with contrast and clearness adequate for the diagnosis. Test should be made by the Nuclear Medicine institutes to evaluate the presence of molybdenum, aluminium and the free Tc O{sub 4}{sup -}/TC-HR in the radiopharmaceutical before they use it. On the other hand, the activity to be administered to the patient is determined by the activimeters available in the Nuclear Medicine institutions. So it is necessary to perform tests to verify operating conditions of the activimeter to guarantee that the dose received by patient is the prescribed by the physician. In Brazil, few clinics of Nuclear Medicine are implanting the tests of the radiopharmaceutical and of the activimeters. The objective of this work is to establish the procedures for the radiopharmaceutical tests and to evaluate the quality of the radiopharmaceutical used at the clinics of Recife, as well as the operation conditions of the activemeters in these institutions. The results show that all the activimeters analyzed present a good performance and that the equipment with Geiger-Muller detectors present larger instability than the ones that use ionization chamber. Concerning the Mo/Tc generators, it was observed that only one presented Mo in the generator eluate with concentration over the acceptable limits and that the concentration of Al found in the samples analyzed were below the limits. On the other hand, in 73% of the MIBI analyzed samples were observed problems with its preparation that were caused by the procedures adopted at the clinics, which do not follow the manufacturers recommendations. (author)

  13. Deliberating on intersectionality: women’s conferences in Recife

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    Maria-Hélène Sa Vilas Boas


    Full Text Available Under what conditions can deliberation include marginalized social groups? Several feminist authors criticize deliberative theory for reproducing power relations between social groups. They defend the explicit recognition of marginalized social groups within deliberative devices. This article aims to analyze the dynamics of deliberation when it gathers a traditionally underrepresented group, women. Based on the study of women’s conferences in Recife, it shows that the combination the politics of recognition and deliberation can lead both to the integration and marginalization of different actors within the group of women, depending on the resources they have available to voice their perspectives.

  14. Origins and processes of groundwater salinization in the urban coastal aquifers of Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil): A multi-isotope approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cary, Lise, E-mail: [BRGM French Geological Survey, 3 Avenue Claude Guillemin, 45060 Orléans Cedex 2 (France); Petelet-Giraud, Emmanuelle [BRGM French Geological Survey, 3 Avenue Claude Guillemin, 45060 Orléans Cedex 2 (France); Bertrand, Guillaume [Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo, Rua do Lago, 562 Butantã, 05508-080 Sao Paulo (Brazil); Kloppmann, Wolfram [BRGM French Geological Survey, 3 Avenue Claude Guillemin, 45060 Orléans Cedex 2 (France); Aquilina, Luc [OSUR-Géosciences Rennes, Université Rennes 1 — CNRS, 35000 Rennes (France); Martins, Veridiana; Hirata, Ricardo [Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo, Rua do Lago, 562 Butantã, 05508-080 Sao Paulo (Brazil); Montenegro, Suzana [Civil Engineering Department, Federal University of Pernambuco, 50740 Recife, PE Brazil (Brazil); Pauwels, Hélène [BRGM French Geological Survey, 3 Avenue Claude Guillemin, 45060 Orléans Cedex 2 (France); Chatton, Eliot [OSUR-Géosciences Rennes, Université Rennes 1 — CNRS, 35000 Rennes (France); Franzen, Melissa [CPRM, Brazilian Geologic Survey, Avenida Sul 2291, Recife PE (Brazil); Aurouet, Axel [Géo-Hyd, 101 rue Jacques Charles, 45160 Olivet (France); Lasseur, Eric; Picot, Géraldine; Guerrot, Catherine; Fléhoc, Christine [BRGM French Geological Survey, 3 Avenue Claude Guillemin, 45060 Orléans Cedex 2 (France); and others


    In the coastal multilayer aquifer system of a highly urbanized southern city (Recife, Brazil), where groundwaters are affected by salinization, a multi-isotope approach (Sr, B, O, H) was used to investigate the sources and processes of salinization. The high diversity of the geological bodies, built since the Atlantic opening during the Cretaceous, highly constrains the heterogeneity of the groundwater chemistry, e.g. Sr isotope ratios, and needs to be integrated to explain the salinization processes and groundwater pathways. A paleoseawater intrusion, most probably the 120 ky B.P. Pleistocene marine transgression, and cationic exchange are clearly evidenced in the most salinized parts of the Cabo and Beberibe aquifers. All {sup 87}Sr/{sup 86}Sr values are above the past and present-day seawater signatures, meaning that the Sr isotopic signature is altered due to additional Sr inputs from dilution with different freshwaters, and water–rock interactions. Only the Cabo aquifer presents a well-delimitated area of Na-HCO{sub 3} water typical of a freshening process. The two deep aquifers also display a broad range of B concentrations and B isotope ratios with values among the highest known to date (63–68.5‰). This suggests multiple sources and processes affecting B behavior, among which mixing with saline water, B sorption on clays and mixing with wastewater. The highly fractionated B isotopic values were explained by infiltration of relatively salty water with B interacting with clays, pointing out the major role played by (palaeo)-channels for the deep Beberibe aquifer recharge. Based on an increase of salinity at the end of the dry season, a present-day seawater intrusion is identified in the surficial Boa Viagem aquifer. Our conceptual model presents a comprehensive understanding of the major groundwater salinization pathways and processes, and should be of benefit for other southern Atlantic coastal aquifers to better address groundwater management issues

  15. Reprodución de tres especies de Clidemia (Melastomataceae en Brasil

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    Gladys Flávia Melo


    Full Text Available Se estudió el sistema reproductivo de Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl. D. Don, C. bullosa DC. y C. hirta (L. D. Don. Las tres especies se distribuyen en las márgenes de la selva de Dois Irmos, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil donde forman pequeñas poblaciones y se pueden calificar como especies simpátricas. El periodo de floración se extiende todo el año. Hay visitas esporádicas de abejas Halictidae (Augochloropsis sp. que recogen polen por vibración ("buzz pollination". Las tres especies son agamospérmicas y muestran un elevado índice de esterilidad masculina, medida por la escasa viabilidad polínica.We compared the reproductive systems in populations of Clidemia capitellata (Bonpl. D. Don, C. bullosa DC. and C. hirta (L. D. Don. (Melastomataceae. The three species occur in small populations in forest margins at Mata de Dois Irmos, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil and are sympatric. They flower throughout the year, and are occasionaly visited by Halictidae bees, Augochloropsis sp.; the bees collect pollen by vibration ("buzz pollination". The three species are agamospermous and exhibit a high level of male sterility, as measured by their low pollen viability.

  16. O retratamento da tuberculose no município do Recife, 1997: uma abordagem epidemiológica Repeated treatment of tuberculosis in the city of Recife, 1997: an epidemiological approach

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Este estudo descreve as características e analisa o acompanhamento de casos de retratamento ocorridos em residentes no município do Recife, no ano de 1997, com o objetivo de avaliar a importância deste grupo de doentes para a vigilância da tuberculose nos sistemas locais de saúde. Casuística e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com uma amostra de 240 casos de retratamento que representaram 16,2% dos casos de tuberculose notificados à Secretaria Estadual de Saúde do Estado de Pernambuco, em 1997. Resultados: O abandono do tratamento anterior foi o principal motivo para o retratamento (55,8%, seguido por casos de recidiva da doença (39,2%. Os doentes eram predominantemente do sexo masculino, com idade entre 30 e 49 anos, com baixa ou nenhuma escolaridade, e apresentavam um predomínio da forma pulmonar. Chama a atenção que 42,7% dos casos de retratamento tinham história de dois ou mais tratamentos anteriores. Em relação ao desfecho do retratamento, 52,5% dos casos apresentaram resultado desfavorável. Entre estes, 44,2% dos indivíduos abandonaram o esquema terapêutico e 39,6% deles fizeram-no até o primeiro mês. Os casos que voltaram a tratar-se após recidiva apresentaram maior percentual de desfecho favorável de retratamento (64% quando comparados com os casos que voltaram a tratar-se após falência ou abandono do tratamento anterior e esta diferença foi estatisticamente significante (chi² = 19,55; p Objectives: This study describes the epidemiological profile of cases of repeated treatment of tuberculosis occurring among residents of the city of Recife in the year of 1997. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed and 240 cases of repeated treatment were studied, representing 16.2% of all cases of tuberculosis. Results: Interruption of previous treatment was the principal reason for repeated treatments (55.8%, followed by cases of recurrence of the disease (39.2%. Patients undergoing

  17. The Role of the Submarine Channel Pernambuco in the Brazilian Continental Margin East

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torres, L.; Villena, H.


    The Brazilian Continental Margin, which coastline measures more than 8,500km gives to Brazil continental dimensions. This huge region is conditioned by the action of process such as, sedimentals, tectonics, geomorphological and climatical, as example, which direct or in conjunction with other ones, since of continental break up between South America and Africa are going on and may be responsible for the current morphology of the margin. In accordance with this point of view, the Oriental part of the Brazilian Continental Margin, presents characteristics of a passive margin and fisiographically ''starved'', in which the continental break occur no more than 100km from de coastline and the sedimentary coverage is mainly carbonatic. The continental slope does not present great extension if compared with other parts of the Brazilian Margin and sharp gradient. The remark presence of the continental plateaus (Rio Grande Plateau and Pernambuco Plateau), which link with the continental rise and additionally the Paraiba, Pernambuco e Bahia seamounts, are the majors features in the morphology of the region between the slope and the continental rise. This paper will concentrate its focus on Bahia Seamount, with emphasis in the mainly erosive feature which cut transversally the seamounts, named Pernambuco Submarine Channel. It will be employed bathymetric multibeam and seismic data carried out by the Brazilian Continental Shelf Project (LEPLAC) in the current year and pieces of information from bibliographic researches in order to present a discussion by the hole of the Pernambuco Submarine Channel in the Occidental region of the Brazilian Continental Margin

  18. Zika virus displacement by a chikungunya outbreak in Recife, Brazil. (United States)

    Magalhaes, Tereza; Braga, Cynthia; Cordeiro, Marli T; Oliveira, Andre L S; Castanha, Priscila M S; Maciel, Ana Paula R; Amancio, Nathalia M L; Gouveia, Pollyanne N; Peixoto-da-Silva, Valter J; Peixoto, Thaciana F L; Britto, Helena; Lima, Priscilla V; Lima, Andreza R S; Rosenberger, Kerstin D; Jaenisch, Thomas; Marques, Ernesto T A


    Several arboviruses, including dengue virus (DENV), Zika virus (ZIKV) and chikungunya virus (CHIKV), transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, circulate in northeast Brazil. Diseases caused by these viruses are of great public health relevance, however, their epidemiological features in areas where the three viruses co-circulate are scarce. Here, we present analyses of molecular and serological diagnostics in a prospective study of acute febrile patients recruited from May 2015 to May 2016 in Recife, Brazil. Two hundred sixty-three acute febrile patients with symptoms suggestive of an arboviral disease who attended an urgent heath care clinic in the Recife Metropolitan Region in northeast Brazil were enrolled. Acute and convalescent blood samples were collected and tested using molecular and serological assays for infection with DENV, ZIKV and CHIKV. Quantitative real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reactions (qRTPCR) performed on acute phase sera detected no patients positive for DENV, but 26 (9.9%) positive for ZIKV and 132 (50.2%) positive for CHIKV. There were a few suspected and only one confirmed dengue case. Specific serological assays for ZIKV and CHIKV confirmed the qRTPCR data. Analyses of DENV IgM and IgG ELISAs in the context of qRTPCR results suggested high levels of cross reactive antibodies in ZIKV-positive samples. Results from neutralization assays highly corroborated those from qRTPCR and ZIKV ELISA, indicating very few positive DENV cases. ZIKV infections were temporally clustered in the first months of the study and started to decrease concomitantly with an increase in CHIKV infections in August 2015. The proportion of CHIKV infections increased significantly in September 2015 and remained high until the end of the study period, with an average of 84.7% of recruited patients being diagnosed from August 2015 to May 2016. ZIKV infections exhibited a female bias and the cases were spread over the study site, while CHIKV cases had a male bias and

  19. Asma em escolares do Recife - comparação de prevalências: 1994-95 e 2002 Asthma in schoolchildren from Recife, Brazil. Prevalence comparison: 1994-95 and 2002

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    Murilo C. A. Britto


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: Descrever a prevalência atual (2002 de asma e suas variantes em escolares da cidade do Recife, comparando os dados com o período de 1994-95; analisar a relação entre instrução materna e o surgimento ou o agravamento da asma; e avaliar a acurácia diagnóstica da prevalência anual de sibilância como indicador de asma. MÉTODO: Em um corte transversal, estudou-se, por questionário escrito, uma amostra probabilística de escolares de 13 e 14 anos em Recife, em 1994-95 (n = 3.086 e 2002 (n = 2.774, como parte do projeto ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. RESULTADOS: Em 1994-95 e 2002, as prevalências foram, respectivamente: cumulativa de asma referida, 21 e 18,2%; cumulativa de sibilância, 39 e 38%; anual de sibilância, 19,7 e 19,4%; anual de tosse equivalente de asma, 31 e 38%; anual de sibilância desencadeada por exercício, 20,6 e 23,8%. A prevalência anual de crises, estratificada em 1 a 3, 4 a 12 e mais de 12 foi: 16,3, 2,7 e 1% em 1994-95 e 15,2, 1,2 e 0,4% em 2002. A prevalência anual de crises que comprometeram o sono foi, respectivamente, de 13 e 10,3%; a prevalência de crises com prejuízo da fala foi de 4,8 e 4,1%. Nível mais elevado de instrução materna associou-se a maior prevalência cumulativa de asma referida, prevalência cumulativa e anual de sibilância. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de asma e suas formas graves é elevada em escolares adolescentes do Recife e está associada a maior instrução materna.OBJECTIVES: To describe the prevalence of asthma and asthma variants in schoolchildren from Recife in 2002, and to compare these data with data from 1994-95; to analyze the relationship between maternal schooling and the presence of asthma or worsening asthma; and to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of the yearly prevalence of wheezing as an asthma indicator. METHODS: Cross-sectional study. A probabilistic sample of 3,086 and 2,774 13- and 14-year-old students answered a

  20. In fear of abandonment : slum life, community leaders and politics in Recife, Brazil

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Koster, M.


    This book sets out to contribute to the pursuit of ‘making nonpersons full human beings’
    (Boff & Boff:1987:8). It provides insights in the lives of residents of the slum of “Chão de
    Estrelas” in Recife, Brazil. I argue that slum dwellers should not be mystified and

  1. [Oral health among adolescents: aspects relating to hygiene, dental cavities and periodontal disease in the cities of Recife and Feira de Santana, Brazil]. (United States)

    Nogueira dos Santos, Nilton Cesar; Alves, Tecia Daltro Borges; Freitas, Valéria Souza; Jamelli, Silvia Regina; Cavalcanti Sarinho, Emanuel Sávio


    To characterize the oral health in adolescents in the cities of Recife and Feira de Santana, Northeast Brazil by assessment of personal hygiene and dental cavities and periodontal disease. Forty adolescents between ten and eighteen years old were assessed through an exploratory study run in Recife in 2005. In Feira de Santana, 971 adolescents (twelve years old) were examined through a cross section study in 2002. It was assessed cavity status through the number of cavitied, missing and filled teeth, visible dental plaque, bleeding gums and periodontal status. The analysis was based on Chi-Square, Kruskall-Wallis and Fisher tests, with a confidence interval of 95%. The most of adolescents followed oral hygiene practices three times a day. The DMTF values presented a median of 1.5 in Recife and averages of 1.89 in state schools, 2.17 in municipal schools and 2.39 in private schools in Feira de Santana. The bleeding gum in Recife presented a median of 27%, and in Feira de Santana the healthy sextant averages of 4.36, 4.08 and 5.16 in state, municipal and private schools respectively. The frequency of the dental cavities was low, with most of the adolescents reporting good habits of oral hygiene and favorable periodontal conditions.

  2. Casos autoctones de esquistossomose mansonica em criancas de Recife, PE


    Barbosa, Constanca Simoes; Barbosa, Veronica Santos; Melo, Fabio Lopes de; Melo, Mariana Sena Barreto de; Bezerra, Lydia; Campos, Julyana Viegas; Rodrigues, Bruno Ximenes; Nascimento, Wheverton Correia do; Gomes, Elainne Souza; Leal-Neto, Onicio; Domingues, Ana Lucia


    OBJETIVO : Investigar criadouros com moluscos hospedeiros e casos humanos autóctones para esquistossomose. MÉTODOS : Entre julho de 2010 e setembro de 2012 foram realizados: (1) levantamento malacológico para busca ativa de criadouros, coleta e identificação de caramujos Biomphalaria positivos para Schistosoma mansoni em Recife, PE; (2) inquérito de prevalência com 2.718 escolares, de sete a 14 anos, para diagnóstico de casos de esquistossomose; (3) exame clínico e ultrassonografia nos ca...

  3. Teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni E Co em solos de referência de Pernambuco Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni and Co in benchmark soils of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Caroline Miranda Biondi


    Full Text Available Metais pesados formam um grupo de elementos com particularidades relevantes e de ocorrência natural no ambiente, como elementos acessórios na constituição de rochas. Esses elementos, apesar de associados à toxidez, exigem tratamento diferenciado em relação aos xenobióticos, uma vez que diversos metais possuem essencialidade (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e Ni e benefício (Co comprovados para as plantas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os teores naturais dos metais Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu e Co nos solos de referência de Pernambuco. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas três regiões fisiográficas (Zona da Mata, Agreste e Sertão, dos dois primeiros horizontes dos 35 solos de referência do Estado de Pernambuco. A digestão das amostras baseou-se no método 3051A (USEPA, 1998, e a determinação foi efetuada em ICP-OES. Correlações significativas foram estabelecidas entre os metais e entre estes e a fração argila do solo, em ambos os horizontes, indicando a associação comum da maioria dos metais com solos mais argilosos. A maioria dos solos apresentou teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co menores que os de solos de outras regiões do País, com litologia mais máfica, o que corrobora o fato de que os teores desses elementos são mais diretamente relacionados aos minerais Fe-magnesianos. Os resultados indicam baixo potencial dos solos de Pernambuco em liberar Cu, Co e Ni para plantas, enquanto deficiências de Zn, Fe e Mn são menos prováveis. Os teores naturais de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co determinados podem ser utilizados como base para definição dos Valores de Referência de Qualidade para os solos de Pernambuco, de acordo com o preconizado pela legislação nacional.Heavy metals are a group of elements with specific features and natural occurrence in the environment, representing an accessory in the formation of rocks. These elements, although associated with toxicity, must be treated different from xenobiotics, since many

  4. O Pacto pela Vida, os tomadores de decisão e a redução da violência homicida em Pernambuco

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    Jorge Zaverucha


    Full Text Available Entre 2000 e 2012 os homicídios cresceram de forma contínua na Região Nordeste do Brasil. À exceção de Pernambuco, todos os estados nordestinos apresentaram crescimento expressivo nas taxas desse crime. A tese defendida neste artigo é que as práticas de gestão efetuadas na segurança pública pernambucana foram importantes para a redução dos números de homicídios no estado, assim como o papel dos tomadores de decisão na condução do Pacto Pela Vida, programa do governo pernambucano para a área da segurança. A análise mostra que os homicídios diminuíram em Pernambuco em boa medida pela melhoria do papel do Estado em dispositivos de contenção.Between 2000 and 2012 the occurrence of murders increased continuously in the Northeast of Brazil, with all the states of the region except Pernambuco reporting expressive growth in this crime rate. The theory defended in the paper The ‘Pact for Life’ Program, the Decision Makers and the Reduction of Homicidal Violence in Pernambuco is that the public security management practices implemented in Pernambuco have played an important role in reducing the number of murders in the state, as well as the decision makers’ action to develop the Pact for Life, a state governmental security program. The analysis shows that murders were reduced in Pernambuco to a great extent due to the State’s improved role in enforcing containment mechanisms.Keywords: policies, public security, homicides, ‘Pact for Life’ Program, Pernambuco

  5. Zika virus displacement by a chikungunya outbreak in Recife, Brazil.

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    Tereza Magalhaes


    Full Text Available Several arboviruses, including dengue virus (DENV, Zika virus (ZIKV and chikungunya virus (CHIKV, transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, circulate in northeast Brazil. Diseases caused by these viruses are of great public health relevance, however, their epidemiological features in areas where the three viruses co-circulate are scarce. Here, we present analyses of molecular and serological diagnostics in a prospective study of acute febrile patients recruited from May 2015 to May 2016 in Recife, Brazil.Two hundred sixty-three acute febrile patients with symptoms suggestive of an arboviral disease who attended an urgent heath care clinic in the Recife Metropolitan Region in northeast Brazil were enrolled. Acute and convalescent blood samples were collected and tested using molecular and serological assays for infection with DENV, ZIKV and CHIKV.Quantitative real-time reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reactions (qRTPCR performed on acute phase sera detected no patients positive for DENV, but 26 (9.9% positive for ZIKV and 132 (50.2% positive for CHIKV. There were a few suspected and only one confirmed dengue case. Specific serological assays for ZIKV and CHIKV confirmed the qRTPCR data. Analyses of DENV IgM and IgG ELISAs in the context of qRTPCR results suggested high levels of cross reactive antibodies in ZIKV-positive samples. Results from neutralization assays highly corroborated those from qRTPCR and ZIKV ELISA, indicating very few positive DENV cases. ZIKV infections were temporally clustered in the first months of the study and started to decrease concomitantly with an increase in CHIKV infections in August 2015. The proportion of CHIKV infections increased significantly in September 2015 and remained high until the end of the study period, with an average of 84.7% of recruited patients being diagnosed from August 2015 to May 2016. ZIKV infections exhibited a female bias and the cases were spread over the study site, while CHIKV cases had a

  6. A survey of radiologic practices in dental installations in Recife

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, M.C.; Asfora, K.; Pinhereiro, J.T.; Khoury, H.J.; Hazing, C.A


    The purpose of this study was to determine the operating conditions of the dental x-ray equipment installed in Recife, as well as, evaluate the radioprotection procedures at the dental clinics. The study consisted of: a) visual inspection of the x-ray unit, b) complete registration of the unit's characteristic, i.e. manufacturer, model, age, collimation type,FSD; c) measurement of the kVp, exposure time and surface dose, d) evaluation of the film processing conditions, and e) inspection of the radiation protection items available for the patient and personnel. The results showed that 42% of the inspected units presented fields diameters larger than the limits values than the limits values recommended by either national or international radiation protection organizations. The discrepancy between the present time and the ''true'' irradiation time was higher than 10% in 69% of the cases. The discrepancy between the present and the applied kilovoltage, on the other hand, was higher than 10% in 35% of the inspected units. The majority of the clinics do not have available either lead aprons or collars patients. Films are processed manually without using timers or thermometers. The test made to verify the adequacy of the film processing box showed that 75% of them had poor light filtration capability. In view of the result obtained, it is strongly recommended that a quality control program be implemented in dental radiologic clinics in Recife

  7. Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae na cidade de Recife capturados com isca luminosa

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    Frederico S. Barbosa


    Full Text Available Eleven species of the genus Culicoides (Diptera, Heleidae were recorded frorn a mangrove area in the town of Recife, Brazil. The midges were collected by 6 light traps during the period of a whole year, 1954-1955. The predominant species were C. maruim, C. guyanensis and C. insignis. The first one represented 73.7% of the total collected. Seasonal variations were markedly observed, with higher number of midges appearing during the period of March to July.

  8. Characterization of phytoplankton biodiversity in tropical shipwrecks off the coast of Pernambuco, Brazil Caracterização da biodiversidade do fitoplâncton em naufrágios tropicais da costa de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Douglas Henrique Cavalcanti dos Santos


    Full Text Available The phytoplankton community was studied around two artificial reefs (shipwrecks Servemar-X and Servemar-I, located off the coast of Pernambuco, northeastern Brazil, aiming to identify and thus, better describe these environments. Water samples were collected with Nansen bottle at three depths (surface, mid-column and bottom for chlorophyll a analysis and salinity; temperature and water transparency were also measured. To collect phytoplankton samples, a diver using SCUBA equipment carried out phytoplankton hauls with a 20 µm net around the shipwrecks, about 1.5 m from the bottom for approximatly 3 minutes. Chlorophyll a concentrations at the bottom varied between 0.61 and 5.97 mg.m-3, with an average that indicates a mesotrophic environment. Temperature and salinity registered small seasonal variation, while water transparency showed a seasonal spatial pattern positively related to Chl-a rates. As regards the phytoplankton community, diatoms were the most representative group in the samples, followed by dinoflagellates, and among the species, the cyanobacteria Trichodesmium thiebautii Gomont ex Gomont prevailed quantitatively. The ecological importance of these ecosystems was confirmed by the high diversity and evenness indexes, with the influence of coastal waters playing an essential role in phytoplankton structure and diversity.A comunidade fitoplanctônica foi estudada nas adjacências de dois recifes artificiais (naufrágios Servemar-X e Servemar-I, na costa de Pernambuco, nordeste do Brasil, com o intuito de identificá-la e melhor caracterizar esses ambientes. Amostras de água foram coletadas com garrafa de Nansen em três profundidades (superfície, meio e fundo para a análise da clorofila a e salinidade, obtendo-se ainda dados de temperatura e transparência da água. Para coleta do fitoplâncton, um mergulhador utilizando equipamento SCUBA realizou arrastos com uma rede de 20 µm ao redor dos naufrágios a 1,5 m do fundo, por cerca

  9. Avaliação da qualidade de vida dos anestesiologistas da cidade do Recife Evaluación de la calidad de vida de los anestesiólogos de la ciudad de Recife Evaluation of the quality of life of anesthesiologists in the city of Recife

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    Roberto Alves Calumbi


    Full Text Available JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A prática médica em Anestesiologia é atividade desgastante e estressante. Neste estudo, foi avaliada a qualidade de vida dos anestesiologistas que trabalham na cidade do Recife e relacionado o perfil de qualidade de vida com o grau de satisfação com a saúde, número de dias e turnos semanais trabalhados, gênero e faixa etária. MÉTODO: Utilizou-se o questionário WHOQOL-BREF. Foram aplicados a correlação de Sperman e os testes t de Student, Anova e de variância pelo teste de Scheffé, adotando-se os valores de p JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS:La práctica médica en Anestesiología es una actividad que desgasta y estresa. En este estudio, se evaluó la calidad de vida de los anestesiólogos que trabajan en la ciudad de Recife y se relacionó el perfil de calidad de vida, con el grado de satisfacción con relación a la salud, al número de días y a los turnos semanales trabajados, el sexo y la franja etaria. MÉTODO: Se utilizó el cuestionario WHOQOL-BREF. Se aplicaron la correlación de Sperman y los tests t de Student, Anova y de variancia por el test de Scheffé, adoptándose los valores de p BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The practice of Anesthesiology is exhausting and stressful. The present study evaluated the quality of life of anesthesiologists working in the city of Recife, correlating the profile of the quality of life with the degree of satisfaction with their health, number of working days and weekly shifts, gender, and age group. METHODS: The WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire was used. Spearman's correlation and Student t test, ANOVA, and Scheffé test for variance were used, considering a p < 0.05 significant. RESULTS: Subjective analysis demonstrated that 44.6% of anesthesiologists have a negative or undefined perception about their quality of life. The degree of satisfaction with their health (r = 0.525; p = 0.01 and the excess of weekly working shifts (p = 0.03 had a significant influence on the results

  10. Illuminance and global solar irradiation in Northeast Brazil; Iluminancia e irradiacao solar global na regiao Nordeste do Brasil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Leal, Sergio da S.; Tiba, Chigueru [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (DEN/UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear], Emails:,


    In Brazil and particularly in the Northeast of Brazil, illuminance measures are not part of routine meteorological station measures, and therefore they are still rare than solar irradiation measures. In this context, two stations were installed in Pernambuco: one in Recife (maritime tropical climate) in April 2003 and the other in Pesqueira (tropical and semi-arid) in September 2004 for carrying out simultaneous measurements of hourly solar irradiation and illuminance which permit the modeling and the statistic validation of the relationship between these two parameters and with this, makes possible the estimation of illuminance where there existed only information on solar irradiation. The Alados et al. model with local coefficients showed a superior statistical performance, producing a mean bias deviation in the order of 3% and 1% and root mean quadratic deviation of 10% and 3% respectively for Recife and Pesqueira (author)


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    Carlos Eduardo Rangel Andrade


    Full Text Available With a technical approach, this diagnosis aims to fill a gap in the overview of the activity, considering its technical aspects that manage the fishing effort of shrimping of Penambuco. From October 2013 to August 2014, the fishing grounds were identified used in this activity, as well as the fishing method, the number of boats and fishermen acting, type of boat and gears used. Analyses were performed with the major communities operating in this fishery (Recife, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Barra de Sirinhaém and São Jose da Coroa Grande. The analyzes of the catch were tested using one-way ANOVA (α 5%. They observed two traditional types: the beach seining and trawing. It was cataloged about 50 vessels in the activity, with approximately 100 fishermen. They are caught mainly three types of shrimp: pink (Farfantepenaeus spp., Seabob (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri and white (Lithopenaeus schmitii. Statistical data concentrated in the metropolitan area of Recife and Barra de Sirinhaém. There seems to be a direct relationship rainfall with shrimp production because with increased rainfall, there is a higher volume of landing fishery. Barra de Sirinhaém is the main area used in the State. Keywords: ‘mangote’; trawling fishing; pink shrimp; Farfantepenaeus spp.

  12. Pluralidade cultural e o ensino de língua inglesa : um estudo em escolas públicas e particularidades na cidade do Recife


    Marinho de Lira, Wellington


    Neste estudo examinamos uma possível mudança de atitudes dos professores de língua inglesa perante as novas orientações dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais no que se refere ao tema transversal Pluralidade Cultural. Para atingirmos o nosso objetivo, conduzimos uma pesquisa com professores de escolas particulares e públicas que estão ensinando inglês na oitava série do ensino fundamental em áreas diferentes da cidade do Recife. A cidade do Recife é considerada a capital multicultural do Br...

  13. Application of the exploratory analysis of data in the geographical discrimination of okra of Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco

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    Francisco Santos Panero


    Full Text Available The contents of Cu, Zn, Na, Fe, K, Ca, Mn, Mg, PO43-, Cl- and SO42- were determined in samples of okra of the municipal districts of Caruaru and Vitória de Santo Antão, in Pernambuco, as well as in the municipal districts of Ceará-Mirim, Macaíba and Extremoz in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The objective of this work is the application of two methods of  exploratory analysis of data: Principal Component Analysis - PCA and Hierarquical Cluster Analysis - HCA in the geographical discrimination of okra originating in the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco. The results showed that Cl- and Na were the main elements for the differentiation of the samples of Rio Grande do Norte and, the samples of Pernambuco presented the largest amount of Fe, Cu, Mn, Mg, Ca, Zn, K, PO43-, and SO42-. Boths the methods of exploratory analysis of data investigated are efficient for geographical discrimination of okra originating in Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco.

  14. Obesity and Dental Caries among Preschool Children in Brazil


    Granville-Garcia, Ana F; de Menezes, Valdenice A.; de Lira, Pedro I; Ferreira, Jainara M; Leite-Cavalcanti, Alessandro


    Aim This study was aimed at verifying the relationship between childhood obesity and dental caries. Method A total of 2 651 preschool children were examined for this cross-sectional study in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil; 1 338 of them attended public schools and 1 313 private schools. The clinical data and anthropometric measurements were obtained in line with WHO criteria. Pearson chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were used, with a 5 % margin of error. Results The prevalence of child obesity w...

  15. Factors associated with diarrhea in children under five years old in the state of Pernambuco, according to surveys conducted in 1997 and 2006. (United States)

    Vasconcelos, Maria Josemere de Oliveira Borba; Rissin, Anete; Figueiroa, José Natal; Lira, Pedro Israel Cabral de; Batista Filho, Malaquias


    OBJECTIVE Describe and compare variations of the factors associated with the prevalence of diarrhea in children under five years old in the state of Pernambuco. METHODS We used the databases of two population-based surveys from the years 1997 and 2006, with 2,078 and 1,650 children, respectively, evaluated in 18 municipalities of Pernambuco (Metropolitan Region of Recife, urban and rural interior). The variables, allocated at hierarchical levels, were analyzed using prevalence and Poisson regression ratios. RESULTS Only four variables were independently associated and were included in the final hierarchical model: geographical area, number of people per room, maternal age and the age of the child. In 1997: urban interior = 1.33 (95%CI 1.06-1.66), rural interior = 1.22 (95%CI 0.97-1.53) and in 2006: urban interior = 1.87 (95%CI 1.31-2.66), rural interior = 2.07 (95%CI 1.50-2.85); number of persons per room (1997): 1 to less than 2 = 1.29 (95%CI 0.98-1.68), two or more = 1.47 (95%CI 1.11-1.95) and in 2006: 1 to less than 2 = 0.86 (95%CI 0.68-1.09), two or more = 1.29 (95%CI 0.94-1.75); maternal age (1997): 10 to 19 years = 1.48 (95%CI 1.05-2.08), 20 to 24 years = 1.23 (95%CI 0.94-1.60), 25 to 34 years = 1.01 (95%CI 0.78-1.30) and in 2006: 10 to 19 years old = 1.70 (95%CI 1.08-2.66), 20 to 24 years old = 1.64 (95%CI 1.16-2.32), 25 to 34 years = 1.20 (95%CI 0.89-1.62); and age of the child (1997): 0-11 months = 1.57 (95%CI 1.27-1.94), 12-23 months = 1.73 (95%CI 1.41-2.12) and in 2006: 0-11 months = 1.04 (95%CI 0.76-1.41), 12-23 months = 1.77 (95%CI 1.41-2.23). CONCLUSIONS There was a great variability of the conditioners of diarrhea in children between the two periods analyzed. At the public policy level, despite changes in terms of people, time sequences, and geographic spaces, diarrhea remains on an important scale in the ranking of government power.

  16. Percepción de la lepra y las discapacidades antes del diagnóstico en Recife, Brasil Perceptions regarding leprosy and resulting handicaps prior to diagnosis in Recife, Brazil

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    Katia V. de O. Feliciano


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un estudio de casos y controles realizado en Recife, Brasil, entre noviembre de 1993 y julio de 1994. En él se investigó cómo influyen la percepción y las apreciaciones de los propios pacientes de lepra en el proceso de manejar la enfermedad y en la utilización de los servicios de salud. La muestra estuvo constituida por 183 pacientes de 20 a 70 años de edad, residentes en Recife, que acudieron en busca de un diagnóstico a los servicios de dermatología sanitaria de dos centros de referencia de las regiones politicoadministrativas tercera, cuarta y sexta. Se clasificaron como casos los 64 pacientes que tenían discapacidades o lesiones precursoras de discapacidad; los 119 restantes se consideraron controles. Todos fueron diagnosticados durante el período de la investigación. En el análisis se ajustó según sexo, edad, escolaridad y antecedentes de la enfermedad de Hansen de los pacientes. El estudio reveló la coexistencia de dos tipos de "invisibilidad" de la enfermedad en una zona endémica en expansión: 1 para los pacientes de ambos grupos, la baja frecuencia de modelos explicativos, espontáneos, relacionados con la dolencia, aun en presencia de antecedentes de la enfermedad, y 2 para los profesionales sanitarios, las limitaciones de la detección. Puesto que afectan a las decisiones relacionadas con el manejo individual y colectivo de la enfermedad, esas deficiencias constituyen por sí mismas un factor de riesgo y representan un obstáculo para la eliminación de la lepra como problema de salud pública.This article reports on a case-control study conducted in Recife, Brazil, between November 1993 and July 1994, to determine how leprosy patients' perceptions and notions influence disease management and use of health services. The sample was composed of 183 residents of Recife between the ages of 20 and 70 years who sought diagnostic services in the dermatology clinics of two referral centers situated in

  17. Diferenciais na adequação das informações de eventos vitais nos municípios de Pernambuco, 2006-2008 Differentials in vital information in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, 2006-2008

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    Mirella Rodrigues


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar os diferenciais da adequação das informações de nascimentos e óbitos do Ministério da Saúde para o cálculo da mortalidade infantil nos municípios do Estado de Pernambuco, 2006-2008. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico, cujas fontes de dados foram os sistemas de informação sobre nascidos vivos e mortalidade. Foram utilizados os indicadores: coeficiente de mortalidade geral padronizado por idade, desvio médio relativo do coeficiente de mortalidade geral, razão entre nascidos vivos informados e estimados, desvio médio relativo da taxa de natalidade e proporção de óbitos sem definição de causa básica. Estes indicadores foram agregados em três dimensões: mortalidade, natalidade e mal definidos. Utilizando critérios pré-estabelecidos, os municípios foram classificados como: informações vitais consolidadas, em fase de consolidação e não consolidadas. Os dados foram analisados através do programa Epiinfo e do Terraview para elaboração dos mapas. RESULTADOS: Dos 185 municípios do Estado, 141 (76,2% foram classificados como informações vitais consolidadas, agregando aproximadamente 85% da população residente e 17 (9,2% como não consolidadas, categoria na qual reside apenas 4,9% da população. Os municípios com 50.000 habitantes ou mais têm informações de melhor qualidade. CONCLUSÃO: O método utilizado mostrou-se potencial para classificar a qualidade das informações vitais em Pernambuco, identificando as desigualdades, que se constituem em desafios para o Estado, no sentido de possibilitar a análise destas informações a partir de dados diretos dos sistemas no âmbito municipal. Apenas dessa forma torna-se possível avaliar os investimentos realizados para a redução da mortalidade infantil em Pernambuco de forma realística.OBJECTIVE: To assess differentials in official birth and death data for estimating infant mortality. METHODS: An ecological study was conducted based on data obtained from

  18. Trombosis yugular interna bilateral asociada a trombofilia después de la inducción ovárica por infertilidad Bilateral internal jugular thrombosis associated with thrombophilia after ovarian induction for infertility

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    Fernando Vázquez


    Full Text Available Los eventos tromboembólicos son complicaciones poco frecuentes del tratamiento hormonal de la infertilidad y generalmente están asociados al síndrome de hiperestimulación ovárico (SHO. La trombosis venosa yugular es infrecuente y ante su presencia se debería sospechar la existencia de algún factor predisponente. Describimos una paciente de 31 años, sin antecedentes de importancia, no fumadora, a la cual se le realizó un único ciclo de estimulación hormonal para fertilización in vitro por esterilidad primaria con factor masculino. Durante la octava semana de embarazo gemelar desarrolló una trombosis yugular interna bilateral, en ausencia de SHO u otros factores predisponentes aparentes. En la evaluación para trombofilia se detectó la presencia del Factor V Leiden y la mutación del gen de la protrombina G 20210, que junto con el estímulo hormonal, se interpretaron como los factores predisponentes. Se anticoaguló con heparina de bajo peso molecular. No está recomendado el rastreo sistemático de trombofilia antes del tratamiento hormonal, pero podría ser considerado en pacientes de alto riesgo o en quienes desarrollan trombosis en ausencia de un factor predisponente claro.Thromboembolic events are an infrequent complication of hormonal treatment for infertility and are generally related to the hyperstimulated ovarian syndrome (HOS. Jugular vein thrombosis is an unusual site of thrombosis and when present one should look for a predisposing factor. We describe a 31-year-old woman, with no previous medical history, non-smoker, who received a single cycle of hormonal stimulation for in vitro fertilisation due to primary infertility. During her eighth week of a twin pregnancy, she consulted the emergency room where the diagnosis of bilateral jugular thrombosis was confirmed, in absence of HOS or any known predisposing factor. In subsequent studies, the presence of Factor V Leyden and a mutation of G 20210 prothrombin were found

  19. Citogenética de angiospermas coletadas em Pernambuco: IV Cytogenetics of angiosperms collected in the State of Pernambuco: IV

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    Gianna Maria Griz Carvalheira


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho são apresentados os números cromossômicos observados em 22 espécies pertencentes a 19 gêneros de angiospermas coletadas em Pernambuco. Os dados principais foram resumidos em uma tabela incluindo referências de herbário, locais de coleta, números diplóides e determinações cromossômicas prévias. Para oito espécies não encontramos nenhuma referência anterior na literatura específica. Por outro lado, alguns autores têm relatado números cromossômicos diferentes para uma mesma espécie. Nossas observações sugerem que essas discordâncias, em geral, podem ser atribuídas à ocorrência, nessas espécies, de cromossomos satelitados com constrições secundárias elásticas. Características citogenéticas especiais, observadas em algumas espécies, são também apresentadas e discutidas.Chromosome numbers are reported for 22 species belonging to 19 genera of angiosperms collected in the State of Pernambuco. A table with the herbarium voucher, collecting sites, diploid numbers and previous chromosomes counts for all the species is presented. Eight of the species have no previous counts. For some species, two or more different chromosome numbers have been presented in the literature. Our data suggest that most of such disagreements might be due to the presence of satellited chromosomes with elastic secondary constriction. Furthermore, special cytogenetics features of every species are hereby presented and discussed.

  20. As empresas da Região Metropolitana do Recife e a exploração de SI/TI The companies of Metropolitan Area of Recife and the exploration of SI/TI

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    Ana Paula Cabral Seixas Costa


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta os primeiros resultados obtidos com uma investigação sobre a exploração de Sistemas de Informação (SI e Tecnologia da Informação (TI em 37 (trinta e sete empresas da Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR, sendo estas em sua maioria empresas privadas, que atuam no ramo de serviço, com faturamento anual médio abaixo de R$ 500.000,00. Este estudo exploratório tem por objetivo familiarizar os pesquisadores com a realidade do uso de SI/TI nesta região e permitir a construção de hipóteses sobre o tema.This article presents the first results obtained with an investigation about the exploration of Information Systems (IS and Information Technology (IT in 37 (thirty seven companies of the Metropolitan Area of Recife (RMR, being these in your majority deprived companies, that they act in the service branch, with medium annual billing below R$ 500.000,00. This exploratory study has for objective to familiarize the researchers with the reality of the use of IS/IT in this area and to allow the construction of hypotheses about theme.

  1. Zonação de recifes emersos da Área de Proteção Ambiental Costa dos Corais, Nordeste do Brasil

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    Andrea Quirino Steiner


    Full Text Available RESUMO A zonação dos ambientes recifais permite avaliar possíveis impactos antropogênicos e subsidiar futuros planos de manejo. Este estudo teve por objetivo levantar as espécies bentônicas (com ênfase nos cnidários no topo dos recifes emersos da Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA Costa dos Corais, bem como calcular e comparar sua porcentagem de cobertura. Foram realizados transectos em linha contínuos, em seis praias da referida APA, em três regiões da plataforma recifal e com quatro réplicas para cada região. Os resultados mostraram maior cobertura de algas em todas as praias, com exceção de Tamandaré/PE. Entre os cnidários os zoantídeos predominaram, mas se registrou, também, a ocorrência dos corais escleractíneos Siderastrea stellata e Favia gravida. Outros organismos encontrados foram os poríferos, o molusco Brachidontes exustus e o equinodermo Echinometra lucunter. Foi observada ocorrência de branqueamento nas duas espécies de coral encontradas (em todas as praias visitadas e no zoantídeo Palythoa caribaeorum. De forma geral, os organismos registrados se caracterizaram pela resistência às condições instáveis da plataforma recifal. Além disso, as análises de agrupamento mostraram que fatores como o aporte de rios e o impacto antrópico exercem substancial influência na caracterização da cobertura bentônica da plataforma recifal, sobrepondo-se até mesmo à proximidade geográfica de áreas.

  2. Taxonomia e distribuição do gênero Caulerpa Lamouroux (Bryopsidales - Chlorophyta na costa de Pernambuco e Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Brasil Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Caulerpa Lamouroux (Bryopsidales - Chlorophyta on the coast of Pernambuco State and Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil

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    Suellen Brayner


    Full Text Available Este trabalho identifica e fornece a distribuição do gênero Caulerpa na costa de Pernambuco (07º30' S e 09º00' W e no Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha (03º51' S e 32º25' W. As coletas foram realizadas em 32 praias da costa de Pernambuco no período entre abril/2004 a novembro/2005, na região entre-marés. Em Fernando de Noronha as coletas foram feitas em junho/2006, na região entre marés e no infralitoral (10, 15 e 21 m de profundidade, em oito praias. Foram, também, analisadas as exsicatas de Caulerpa depositadas no Herbário Professor Vasconcelos Sobrinho (PEUFR da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. Os resultados mostram que o gênero Caulerpa está representado na costa de Pernambuco, por 19 táxons infragenéricos. Algumas espécies apresentaram distribuição restrita como C. kempfii Joly & Pereira, C. lanuginosa J. Agardh e C. serrulata (Forssk. J. Agardh. Para o Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha foram registrados três táxons infragenéricos.This paper analyzes the taxonomy and distribution of the genus Caulerpa on the coast of Pernambuco (07º30'S; 09º00'W and in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (03º51'S; 32º25'W. Sampling was carried out on the coast of Pernambuco from April/2004 to November/2005, in the intertidal zone of 32 beaches. On Fernando de Noronha collections were made in June/2006 in the intertidal and infralittoral (10, 15 and 21m depth regions of eight beaches. Exsiccata of Caulerpa from the Professor Vasconcelos Sobrinho Herbarium (PEUFR were also examined. The results showed that the genus Caulerpa is represented on the coast of Pernambuco state by 19 infrageneric taxa. Some species had restricted distributions such as C. kempfii Joly & Pereira, C. lanuginosa J. Agardh and C. serrulata (Forssk. J. Agardh. Three infrageneric taxa were registered for the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.

  3. Prevalence of Arbovirus Infections among Pregnant Women at a Maternity Hospital School

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    Maria das Neves Figueiroa


    Full Text Available Objective: Survey the prevalence of arbovirus infections among pregnant women provided with care at a maternity hospital school in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Method: Descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective, and quantitative study, carried out with data collected from the notification forms filled in during obstetric screening between August 2015 and July 2016. Results: Positive serology was found for arboviruses in 40.2% of the 103 suspected cases. Serology was not performed or it showed inconclusive results in 59.8% of the cases. Dengue fever occurred in 44% of the cases, chikungunya in 34%, and zika fever in 22%. Infections were more frequent among pregnant women over 20 years old, with low income and low schooling levels, living in Recife (48.5% and Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil (24.3%. The most frequently mentioned symptoms were arthralgia (94%, exanthema (82%, and fever (78%. Infections occurred within the first trimester of pregnancy (54.5%, 63.3% of the pregnant women had to be hospitalized, and 45.4% of them did not undergo morphological ultrasonography. Most babies were born full-term and they had adequate weight. The prevalence of microcephaly was 9.7% when considering cases of arbovirose and 62.5% when considering specific cases of zika fever. Conclusion: The prevalence and repercussions of arboviruses justify the consolidation of actions to fight Aedes aegypti, as well as the effective deployment of clinical protocols and recommendations aimed at the mother and child care.

  4. Espaços comerciais de artesanato: apenas um espaço turístico? * Handicraft commercial spaces: just tourist spaces?

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    Full Text Available Resumo: Defendemos que se um espaço se torna exclusivamente focado no turismo, pode perder a sua vida, sendo abandonado e desinteressante para população local e externa. Assim, este artigo busca analisar – a partir de pesquisas empíricas (com a população local e bibliográficas –quais aspectos precisam estar presentes em espaços comerciais de artesanato da cidade de Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil para permitir a consolidação da dinâmica sociocultural local, possibilitando à população local ter mais espaços percebidos como lugares, por acomodar suas vivências socioculturais, além de incrementar o turismo.Palavras-chave: Artesanato – Espaços comerciais de artesanato – Vivências socioculturais – Identificação sociocultural. Abstract: When a space becomes exclusively focused on tourism, it can lose its life and become unattractive to and abandoned by both local and external populations. As such, this paper aims to analyze the features that need to be present in handicraft commercial spaces to facilitate consolidation of the local sociocultural dynamic. Toward this end, this study conducted bibliographic and empirical research (via the local population on the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. In addition to boosting tourism, accommodating the sociocultural experiences of the local population enables them to have more spaces actually perceived as places.Keywords: Handicrafts – Handicraft commercial spaces – Sociocultural experiences – Sociocultural identification.

  5. Radiation field sizes and skin exposures in oral radiography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazin, C.A.; Khoury, H.J.; Silveira, S.V.; Lopes Filho, F.J.


    The increasing use of X-rays in preventive and diagnostic dentistry in Brazil has been cause of concern because dentists, in general, are not acquainted with the basic principles of radiation protection. Recently, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has urged the Departments of Health at the state level to develop actions to register dental X-ray units in their areas of jurisdiction and to issue operating permits to those facilities which satisfy some basic technical requirements. On the basis of these recommendations the Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria of the Brazilian Commission of Nuclear Energy has initiated a postal programme to assess the performance of dental X-ray sets in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The postal kit used in that survey was similar to the one developed by the Bureau of Radiological Health of the US Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. In continuation to that study, the Nuclear Energy Dept. of the Federal Univ. of Pernambuco initiated a survey of dental X-ray apparatus to evaluate the operating conditions of that kind of equipment in Recife, the capital of the State of Pernambuco. The objectives of the survey were: a) to assess the degree of compliance of the equipment and procedures adopted by the dental practitioners in Recife with the accepted radiation protection standards, and b) to estimate the magnitude of the exposure to the patient resulting from a typical dental radiographic procedure. (author)

  6. Quaternary coastal geology of Pernambuco State

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dominguez, J.M.L.; Silva Pinto Bittencourt, A.C. da; Andrade Nery Leao, Z.M. de; Azevedo, A.E.G. de


    This paper presents a geological map of Quaternary deposits occuring along the coast of the State of Pernambuco. These deposits comprise: 1. two sets of beach-ridge terraces of Pleistocene (120,000 years B.P.) and Holocene (5,000 years B.P.) age; 2. paleolagoonal deposits (5,140-6,030 years B.P.); 3. sandstone and coralgal reefs with ages spanning from 1,830 to 5,170 years B.P.; and 4, alluvial, freshwater swamp, and coralgal reefs with ages spanning from 1,830 to 5,170 years B.P.; and 4. alluvial, freshwater swamp, and mangrove swamp deposits of Holocene age. Eighteen new radiocarbon dates of paleolagoonal deposits, sandstone reefs, coral, coralline algae, and vermetid gastropod incrustations are also reported herein. (author)

  7. Demandas por qualificação profissional: Recife, segunda metade do século XIX

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    Ramon de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Se han analizado las demandas por cualificación profesional de jefes y empleados de Recife, durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Se ha buscado documentación concerniente a periódicos de la ciudad en la época, documentos de asociaciones patronales en la ciudad, publicaciones de organizaciones de trabajadores y documentos del gobierno. Se ha concluido que la urbanización de Recife no implicó nuevas exigencias de profesionales, aunque existiera un discurso gubernamental que defendía espacios destinados a la instrucción profesional. La inexistencia de acciones de trabajadores y del patronato volcadas a la cualificación profesional se puede explicar en base a la incipiente industrialización. Se ha constatado que los criterios definidos para los contractos no se relacionaban directamente con la actividad que se desarrollaría. Las exigencias de los directivos se referían al sexo, al color, a la edad y a la conducta moral, sugiriendo que, si había una demanda respecto al saber hacer, no había criterios específicos relativos a la profesión solicitada.

  8. Zoneamento agroclimático para a cultura do pinhão-manso no estado de Pernambuco Agroclimatic zoning for physic mut crop in the state of Pernambuco

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    José M. C. Possas


    Full Text Available Propõe-se, com o presente trabalho, realizar o zoneamento agroclimático da cultura do pinhão-manso (Jathopra curcas L. no estado de Pernambuco, motivo pelo qual foram utilizados dados climáticos de temperatura do ar média e precipitação pluviométrica de 146 postos meteorológicos, dos quais 73 com série histórica de dados acima de 30 anos e outros 73 com série abaixo de 30 anos porém maior que 20 anos de observações. A escolha do pinhão-manso foi motivada pelo potencial desta cultura como fonte de energia renovável em substituição aos combustíveis fósseis, tanto quanto pela sua rusticidade, tornando-se uma nova opção para regiões de clima semiárido, como ocorre em grande parte da região Nordeste. A seleção da região de estudo está relacionada à variabilidade climática apresentada por esse estado e ao potencial que a referida cultura tem em se desenvolver em regiões nas quais a chuva é escassa. De acordo com o estudo, o Estado de Pernambuco apresenta 14,92% de áreas aptas ao cultivo do pinhão-manso, 44,26% de áreas restritas por deficiência hídrica e 40,82% de áreas inaptas.This study aimed to realize the agroclimatic zoning of Jathopra curcas L. crop in the State of Pernambuco. For this, climatic data of air temperature and mean rainfall of 146 meteorological stations and 73 series with historical data over 30 years and another 73 with less than 30 years but more than 20 years of observations were used. The choice of Jatropha has been motivated by the potential of this crop as a source of renewable energy to replace fossil fuels as well as for its rusticity and a new option for regions of semi-arid climate, as it occurs in the Northeast region. The selection of the study area is related to climate variability in the State and the potential that this crop has in regions where there is low precipitation. According to the study, the State of Pernambuco has 14.92% of areas suitable for production of Jatropha

  9. Jean-Baptiste Charcot and Brazil

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    Hélio Afonso Ghizoni Teive


    Full Text Available Jean-Baptiste Charcot, a neurologist from the famous Salpêtrière school and a renowned maritime explorer, visited Brazil twice. The first visit was in 1903, when the first French Antarctic expedition, traveling aboard the ship Français, made a very short stopover in Recife, in the state of Pernambuco. The second took place in 1908, during the famous voyage of the Pourquoi Pas? to the Antarctic, when Charcot and his crew stayed in the city of Rio de Janeiro for eight days.

  10. Comunicação, economia criativa e desenvolvimento local: a experiência do 'Núcleo de Comunicação Bombando Cidadania'


    Barbosa,Jéfte Fernando de Amorim; Santos,Maria Salett Tauk


    Resumo O estudo analisa as apropriações da economia criativa pelos comunicadores do Núcleo de Comunicação Bombando Cidadania, no bairro da Bomba do Hemetério, Recife, Pernambuco. Parte-se dos aportes da Comunicação para o desenvolvimento e da perspectiva dos estudos culturais latino-americanos sobre apropriações culturais e culturas populares. Como ferramenta metodológica, utiliza-se o roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada, meio de compreensão do caráter simbólico dessas apropriações. São uti...

  11. Clinical-epidemiologic profile of the schistosomal myeloradiculopathy in Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Karina Conceição GM de Araújo


    Full Text Available This was a retrospective descriptive study on a series of cases of schistosomal myeloradiculopathy (SMR and the aim was to investigate the incidence of this disease and its clinical and epidemiological characteristics in cases diagnosed at three healthcare units in Pernambuco, Brazil between 1994-2006. The data were collected by reviewing the medical records from both the neurological and paediatric outpatient clinics and wards of the Hospital Clinics, Hospital of the Restoration and Pernambuco Mother and Child Institute. To gather the data, a spinal cord schistosomiasis evaluation protocol was used. The diagnoses were based on positive epidemiological evidence of schistosomiasis, clinical findings and laboratory tests (stool parasitological examination or rectal biopsies, magnetic resonance imaging findings and cerebrospinal fluid investigations. A total of 139 cases aged between 2-83 years were found. The most important determinants of SMR were male sex (66.2%, contact with fresh water (91%, origin in endemic regions (39.5%, lower-limb muscle weakness (100%, sensory level at the lower thoracic medulla (40.3%, myeloradicular form (76% and presence of eggs in the stool parasitological examination (48%. This sample indicates the need for intervention policies guided by diagnostic standardization, thereby avoiding disease under-notification.

  12. MELINDROSAS E ALMOFADINHAS: relações de gênero no Recife dos anos 1920MELINDROSAS AND ALMOFADINHAS: gender figurations in Recife in the 1920's

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    Hugo Augusto Vasconcelos Medeiros


    The aim of this paper is to analyze the configuration of the gender relations in Recife, during the 1920s, athwart two stereotype-characters that appeared in the press discourses: the melindrosa and the almofadinha. These characters exemplify an opening in the behaviors standardized in the gender relations, what exposed them to critics and jokes. This work analyzes two newspapers of different typologies (the Jornal do Commercio and the magazine a Pilhéria throughout Elias’ figurational sociology, discourse analysis and the theories about gender relations. Hence, this work aims at contributing to the discussions about gender, adding new historical elements that can help to review daily prejudices.   Key-words: Gender- Press- Discourse

  13. Desfecho do tratamento e confirmação laboratorial do diagnóstico de tuberculose em pacientes com HIV/AIDS no Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Treatment outcome and laboratory confirmation of tuberculosis diagnosis in patients with HIV/AIDS in Recife, Brazil

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    Magda Maruza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Comparar a freqüência de desfecho desfavorável (óbito, abandono e falência de tratamento entre pacientes com co-infecção tuberculose (TB/HIV submetidos a tratamento para TB com confirmação etiológica do diagnóstico e pacientes co-infectados com TB/HIV e tratados sem confirmação diagnóstica. MÉTODOS: Coorte retrospectivo de pacientes co-infectados com TB/HIV que iniciaram tratamento para TB entre julho de 2002 e junho de 2004, em um serviço de referência para HIV/AIDS no Recife (PE Brasil. A exposição principal, confirmação laboratorial da TB, foi ajustada pelas variáveis de três blocos: variáveis sócio-demográficas; variáveis relacionadas ao HIV/AIDS; e variáveis relacionadas à TB. Para avaliar a significância estatística dos resultados, utilizaram-se o intervalo de confiança de 95% das odds ratios e o valor de p (teste de qui-quadrado e razão de verossimilhança. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 262 pacientes. Não se observou associação entre confirmação laboratorial do diagnóstico de TB e desfecho desfavorável, mesmo após o ajuste pelos fatores de confusão. Permaneceram no modelo final da regressão logística múltipla: coexistência de outras doenças oportunistas; contagem de linfócitos CD4 abaixo de 50 células/mm³; carga viral entre 10.000 e 100.000 cópias/mL; dispnéia; forma disseminada de TB; e mudança do tratamento da TB por reação adversa ou intolerância. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que o tratamento para TB sem confirmação etiológica, em pacientes co-infectados, baseado na decisão de profissionais experientes em serviços de referência, não aumentou o risco de desfecho desfavorável do tratamento para TB. Além disso, identificaram-se grupos com maior risco de desfecho desfavorável, os quais devem ser cuidadosamente monitorados.OBJECTIVE: To compare the frequency of unfavorable outcome (death or default and treatment failure between tuberculosis (TB/HIV co

  14. Dose rate received by Pernambuco population due to nuclear medicine exams between 2000-2004

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo, A.R.; Khoury, H.J.


    This study aims to evaluate the diagnostic procedures using in Nuclear medicine of the State of Pernambuco, a state located in northeastern Brazil, from 2000 to 2004 in order to provide subsidies to establish the reference levels in Brazil

  15. Escorpionismo por Tityus pusillus Pocock, 1893 (Scorpiones; Buthidae no Estado de Pernambuco Scorpionism caused by Tityus pusillus Pocock, 1893 (Scorpiones; Buthidae in State of Pernambuco

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    Cleide Maria Ribeiro de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Apresentamos neste trabalho os primeiros relatos de acidente escorpiônico causado pela espécie Tityus pusillus (Buthidae. Os acidentes ocorreram no ambiente doméstico, na área rural situada nas cidades de Paudalho e São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco, Brasil. Os dois casos descritos, uma criança e uma mulher grávida, foram classificados como leve e moderado, respectivamente. Os sintomas clínicos apresentados foram distúrbios locais (dor e parestesia e distúrbios sistêmicos (calafrios, tontura, cefaléia e vômito. Esses registros permitem incluir Tityus pusillus como uma espécie de importância médica no Brasil.This paper presents the first reports on scorpion accidents caused by Tityus pusillus (Buthidae. The accidents took place within the home environment, in rural areas located in the municipalities of Paudalho and São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco, Brazil. The two cases described (a child and a pregnant woman were classified as mild and moderate, respectively. The clinical symptoms presented were local disorders (pain and paresthesia and systemic disorders (chills, dizziness, headache and vomiting. These records make it possible to including Tityus pusillus as a species of medical importance in Brazil.

  16. Análise de solos afetados por sais nas paisagens do semi-árido de Pernambuco, Brasil.


    Luiz Guilherme Medeiros Pessoa


    A sodificação e salinização do solo são os principais tipos de degradação do semi-árido de Pernambuco. Em casos extremos , a vegetação não se desenvolve nestes solos , tornando-as degradadas. Conseqüentemente, há um abandono destas áreas. Hoje em dia, pode não existir a identificação dessas áreas para o estado de Pernambuco , o que poderia ser feito por meio de ferramentas como o sensoriamento remoto e SIG. Este estudo foi realizado a fim de identificar e diagnosticar as áreas afetadas pela s...

  17. Occurrence of Mycoplasma synoviae on commercial poultry farms of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Mércia R. Barros


    Full Text Available The state of Pernambuco is the largest producer of eggs in the North and Northeast of Brazil and second one in the broiler production. Mycoplasmas are important avian pathogens, which cause respiratory and joint diseases that result in large economic losses. The aim of the present study was to investigate the occurrence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS in broilers and commercial laying hens in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Tracheal fragments were analyzed from 55 healthy broilers, 35 broilers with respiratory signs and 30 commercial laying hens with respiratory signs, from 24 commercial poultry farms, each sample was composed of a pool of five birds. The bacteriological exam, PCR and nested PCR were used for the detection of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG and Mycoplasma synoviae (MS. All samples were negative in bacteriological isolation. In the PCR analyses, seven samples from birds with respiratory signs were positive for MS and one was positive for MG, the latter of which was confirmed as the MG-F vaccine strain. The occurrence of MS in chickens with respiratory signs may indicate inadequate sanitary management on poultry farms, favoring the propagation of mycoplasmosis.

  18. Fungi from a Groundwater-Fed Drinking Water Supply System in Brazil. (United States)

    Oliveira, Helena M B; Santos, Cledir; Paterson, R Russell M; Gusmão, Norma B; Lima, Nelson


    Filamentous fungi in drinking water distribution systems are known to (a) block water pipes; (b) cause organoleptic biodeterioration; (c) act as pathogens or allergens and (d) cause mycotoxin contamination. Yeasts might also cause problems. This study describes the occurrence of several fungal species in a water distribution system supplied by groundwater in Recife-Pernambuco, Brazil. Water samples were collected from four sampling sites from which fungi were recovered by membrane filtration. The numbers in all sampling sites ranged from 5 to 207 colony forming units (CFU)/100 mL with a mean value of 53 CFU/100 mL. In total, 859 isolates were identified morphologically, with Aspergillus and Penicillium the most representative genera (37% and 25% respectively), followed by Trichoderma and Fusarium (9% each), Curvularia (5%) and finally the species Pestalotiopsis karstenii (2%). Ramichloridium and Leptodontium were isolated and are black yeasts, a group that include emergent pathogens. The drinking water system in Recife may play a role in fungal dissemination, including opportunistic pathogens.

  19. Citogenética de Angiospermas coletadas em Pernambuco: V Cytogenetics of Angiosperms collected in the State of Pernambuco: V

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    Andrea Pedrosa


    Full Text Available Foram analisadas 33 espécies, entre nativas e introduzidas, pertencentes a 20 famílias de angiospermas ocorrentes no Estado de Pernambuco. A caracterização cariotípica da maioria das espécies foi baseada no número e morfologia cromossômica, padrão de condensação de cromossomos profásicos e estrutura de núcleo interfásico. Cinco espécies tiveram seus números cromossômicos determinados pela primeira vez, sendo elas: Cereus jamacaru (2n=22, Clitoria fairchildiana (2n=22, Eugenia luschnathiana (2n=22, Licania tomentosa (2n=22 e Spondias tuberosa (n=16. No caso de Licania tomentosa esta é a primeira citação de número cromossômico para o gênero. Das outras 28 espécies, três (Cecropia cf. palmata, 2n=26; Crinum erubescens, 2n=70; e Schinus terebentifolius, 2n=28 apresentaram números cromossômicos diferentes dos registrados previamente na literatura.Thirty three native and introduced species from 20 families of angiosperms collected in the State of Pernambuco were analysed. The karyotype description of the majority of the species was based on chromosome number and morphology, condensation pattern of prophase chromosomes as well as interphase nuclear structure. In five species (Cereus jamacaru, 2n=22; Clitoria fairchildiana, 2n=22; Eugenia luschnathiana, 2n=22; Licania tomentosa, 2n=22; and Spondias tuberosa, n=16 the chromosome number is reported here for the first time. In the case of Licania tomentosa, this is also the first report for the genus. Among the other 28 species, three (Cecropia cf. palmata, 2n=26; Crinum erubescens, 2n=70; and Schinus terebentifolius, 2n=28 showed chromosome numbers different from what has previously been reported.

  20. Bancroftian filariasis in two urban areas of Recife, Brasil: the role of individual risk factors Filariose bancroftiana em duas áreas urbanas do Recife, Brasil: o papel dos fatores de risco individuais

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    M. de Fátima Militão de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Bancroftian filariasis is spreading in towns of endemic areas as in Recife, northeastern Brazil, where it is a major public health problem. This paper deals with the prevalence of microfilaraemia and filarial disease in two urban areas of Recife, studying their association with individual characteristics and variables related to the exposure to the vectors. The parasitologic survey was performed through a "door-to-door" census and microfilaraemia was examined by the thick-drop technique using 45µl of peripheral blood collected between 20:00 and 24:00 o' clock. 2,863 individuals aged between 5 and 65 years were interviewed and submitted to clinical examination. Males aged between 15 and 44 years old presented the greatest risk of being microfilaraemic. Microfilaraemia was also significantly associated with no use of bednet to sleep. The risk of being microfilaraemic was greater among those who had lived in the studied areas for more than 5 years. The overall disease prevalence was 6.3%. Males presented the greatest risk of developing acute disease. The risk of developing chronic manifestations was also greater among males and increased with age. We found no association between time of residence, bednet use, microfilaraemia and acute and chronic disease. We may conclude that in endemic areas there are subgroups of individuals who has a higher risk of being microfilariae carriers due to different behaviours in relation to vector contact.A Filariose bancroftiana está se disseminando em áreas urbanas de regiões endêmicas como no Recife, nordeste do Brasil, onde se constitui em um problema de saúde pública. Este artigo descreve a prevalência de microfilaremia e doença filarial em duas áreas urbanas do Recife, estudando sua associação com características individuais e variáveis relacionadas ao contacto com vetores. O inquérito parasitológico foi realizado através de um censo "porta-a-porta" e a pesquisa de microfilárias foi efetuada

  1. 10-year epidemiological profile changes for cervical and endometrial cancer patients treated by radiotherapy in the Pernambuco state, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cantinha, Rebeca S.; Santos, Mariana L.O.; Franca, Elvis J.; Pessoa, Juanna G.; Melo, Ana M.M.A.; Amancio, Francisco F.


    Cancer is a worldwide public health problem, its prevention and control are included within 16 strategic objectives of the Brazilian Ministry of Health for the period 2011-2015. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common tumor in the female population, being new 15,590 cases estimated for 2014 according to the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA). Pernambuco is the fifth state with the highest number of cases of cervical cancer and the seventh in cases of endometrial ones, both estimative for 2014. The understanding of the epidemiological profile of these pathologies corroborates strategies for prevention, control and treatment. As Pernambuco has implemented the radiotherapy for cancer treatment since 1998-1999, this work encompassed the comparison of the 1998-1999 epidemiological profile of patients treated by radiotherapy for cervical and endometrial cancer in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, with 2008-2009 profile - ten years after. Medical record of 490 patients treated at the Center of Radiotherapy of Pernambuco (CERAPE) were compiled according to the patient origin, the affected uterus region, the staging of disease, the type and cell differentiation of the tumor, the age group, and, finally, the realization of hysterectomy as part of the treatment. More than 90% of the patients were affected by cervical cancer in the two investigated periods. For the interval of 1998-1999 the proportion of patients submitted to hysterectomy was quite higher compared to those after ten years. The results also showed a change in the origin of the patients, in which, in 1999, most of the patients were from the capital and the metropolitan area, while, after ten years, patients were mostly from the interior of the State. There was a predominance of squamous cell type tumors in both periods evaluated. For the 1998-1999 interval, tumors were stage 2, moderately differentiated type. Differently, the tumors were mostly stage 3, not differentiated type, for the 2008-2009 period

  2. 10-year epidemiological profile changes for cervical and endometrial cancer patients treated by radiotherapy in the Pernambuco state, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cantinha, Rebeca S.; Santos, Mariana L.O.; Franca, Elvis J., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Pessoa, Juanna G.; Melo, Ana M.M.A.; Amancio, Francisco F., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Departamento de Biofisica e Radiobiologia; Oliveira Neto, Aristides M.; Melo, Jonathan A., E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro de Radioterapia de Pernambuco (CERAPE), Santo Amaro, PE (Brazil)


    Cancer is a worldwide public health problem, its prevention and control are included within 16 strategic objectives of the Brazilian Ministry of Health for the period 2011-2015. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common tumor in the female population, being new 15,590 cases estimated for 2014 according to the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA). Pernambuco is the fifth state with the highest number of cases of cervical cancer and the seventh in cases of endometrial ones, both estimative for 2014. The understanding of the epidemiological profile of these pathologies corroborates strategies for prevention, control and treatment. As Pernambuco has implemented the radiotherapy for cancer treatment since 1998-1999, this work encompassed the comparison of the 1998-1999 epidemiological profile of patients treated by radiotherapy for cervical and endometrial cancer in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, with 2008-2009 profile - ten years after. Medical record of 490 patients treated at the Center of Radiotherapy of Pernambuco (CERAPE) were compiled according to the patient origin, the affected uterus region, the staging of disease, the type and cell differentiation of the tumor, the age group, and, finally, the realization of hysterectomy as part of the treatment. More than 90% of the patients were affected by cervical cancer in the two investigated periods. For the interval of 1998-1999 the proportion of patients submitted to hysterectomy was quite higher compared to those after ten years. The results also showed a change in the origin of the patients, in which, in 1999, most of the patients were from the capital and the metropolitan area, while, after ten years, patients were mostly from the interior of the State. There was a predominance of squamous cell type tumors in both periods evaluated. For the 1998-1999 interval, tumors were stage 2, moderately differentiated type. Differently, the tumors were mostly stage 3, not differentiated type, for the 2008-2009 period

  3. Teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni E Co em solos de referência de Pernambuco

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    Caroline Miranda Biondi


    Full Text Available Metais pesados formam um grupo de elementos com particularidades relevantes e de ocorrência natural no ambiente, como elementos acessórios na constituição de rochas. Esses elementos, apesar de associados à toxidez, exigem tratamento diferenciado em relação aos xenobióticos, uma vez que diversos metais possuem essencialidade (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn e Ni e benefício (Co comprovados para as plantas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os teores naturais dos metais Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu e Co nos solos de referência de Pernambuco. Foram coletadas amostras de solo nas três regiões fisiográficas (Zona da Mata, Agreste e Sertão, dos dois primeiros horizontes dos 35 solos de referência do Estado de Pernambuco. A digestão das amostras baseou-se no método 3051A (USEPA, 1998, e a determinação foi efetuada em ICP-OES. Correlações significativas foram estabelecidas entre os metais e entre estes e a fração argila do solo, em ambos os horizontes, indicando a associação comum da maioria dos metais com solos mais argilosos. A maioria dos solos apresentou teores de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co menores que os de solos de outras regiões do País, com litologia mais máfica, o que corrobora o fato de que os teores desses elementos são mais diretamente relacionados aos minerais Fe-magnesianos. Os resultados indicam baixo potencial dos solos de Pernambuco em liberar Cu, Co e Ni para plantas, enquanto deficiências de Zn, Fe e Mn são menos prováveis. Os teores naturais de Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Ni e Co determinados podem ser utilizados como base para definição dos Valores de Referência de Qualidade para os solos de Pernambuco, de acordo com o preconizado pela legislação nacional.

  4. Ocorrência de Auricula complexa (Bacillariophyceae na plataforma continental de Pernambuco

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    Núbia Abrantes Gomes


    Full Text Available Aurícula complexa (Gregory Cleve (Auriculaceae, Bacülariophyceae é assinalada pela primeira vez para as águas costeiras de Pernambuco, NE do Brasil. A espécie foi encontrada em amostras de plancton, coletadas durante o período de março/87 a fevereiro/88, em quatro estações, localizadas em um perfil perpendicular à costa. O trabalho fornece descrição, distribuição na área estudada e dados ecológicos da espécie, que esteve presente em nove das 48 amostras coletadas. Quantitativamente foi pouco representativa, com percentuais que não atingiram mais que 0,5% da população fitoplanctônica total.Auricula complexa (Gregory Cleve (Auriculaceae, Bacülariophyceae is mentioned for the first time to coastal waters of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. The species was found in plankton samples collected from March/1987 to February/1988 in four stations located in a line perpendicular to the coast. Description, distribution in the area studied, and ecological data are givem. Auricula complexa (Gregory Cleve was observed in 9 out of the 48 samples examined, with percentages not higher than 0,5% of the total phytoplancton population.


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    Leucio Câmara Alves


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    valiou-se a eficácia de produtos anti-helmínticos à base de moxidectina, ivermectina e albendazole em propriedades de criação caprina e ovina, localizadas em municípios pertencentes ao estado de Pernambuco. Os animais eram de ambos os sexos, idades e raças variadas, criados em sistema semi-intensivo e intensivo. A eficácia dos produtos foi avaliada pelo teste de redução do número de ovos por grama de fezes e calculada pela fórmula: %eficácia = 1- [(OPG médio pós-tratamento/OPG médio antes do tratamento] x 100, indicando ineficácia com índice inferior a 95%. A moxidectina mostrou-se eficiente tanto em propriedade de criação caprina como ovina, a ivermectina apresentou melhor desempenho nos ovinos, enquanto o albendazole não foi eficaz para nenhuma das duas espécies. O gênero Haemonchus foi o mais prevalente nas coproculturas.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Anti-helmíntico, caprino, ovino, Pernambuco, resistência.

    Anthelmintic products efficacy was evaluated within goat and sheep herds in municipalities belonging to the state of Pernambuco, Brazil.  The animals were male and female of various ages and breeds, reared under semi-intensive and intensive system. The effectiveness of Moxidectin, ivermectin and albendazole drugs was detected using the fecal egg count reduction test (FECRT, calculated by the formula: %efficacy = 1 - [(Mean FEC post-treatment/Mean FEC pre-treatment] x 100, indicating inefficiency with index lower than 95%. Moxidectin was efficient in sheep and goat herds, ivermectin showed better performance in sheep, while albendazole was not effective for either species. Haemonchus sp. was the most prevalent in larval culture.

    KEY WORDS: Anthelmintic, caprine, ovine, Pernambuco-Brasil, resistence, sheep.

  6. PREFACE: 21st Latin American Symposium on Solid State Physics (SLAFES XXI) (United States)

    Aguiar, J. Albino


    The Latin American Symposium on Solid State Physics (SLAFES) started in Caracas-Venezuela, and over time the symposia have taken place in 9 different Latin American countries. The last five events took place in Mérida-Venezuela (2002), Havana-Cuba (2004), Puebla-Mexico (2006), Puerto Iguazú-Argentina (2008) and Maragogi-Brazil (2011). During the last years, in the different SLAFES editions, the aim has been to bring together researches from Latina America and invite renowned scientists from around the world to a unique forum to discuss the latest developments regarding Solid state Physics. The 21st Latin American Symposium on Solid State Physics (SLAFES XXI) was held in Villa de Leyva-Colombia, from September 30 to October 04, 2013. The 21st SLAFES version featured the participation of experts in various areas of Solid State Physics from countries such as Belgium, Germany, United States, Spain, Ireland, Chile, Argentina and Brazil, had 270 submitted works and was attended by 140 researchers. The development of this event was made possible by financial support from the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Norte-CO, Universidad de Magdalena-CO, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco-BR and the Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exatas, Naturales y Física. Editors Professor J Albino Aguiar Departamento de Física Universidade Federal de Pernambuco 50670-901 Recife PE Brazil e-mail: Professor Jairo Roa-Rojas Grupo de Física de Nuevos Materiales Departamento de Física Universidad Nacional de Colombia A.A. 5997 Bogotá DC, Colombia e-mail: Professor Carlos Arturo Parra Vargas Grupo Física de Materiales Escuela de Física Universidad Padagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia Tunja Colombia e-mail: Professor David A Land\\'i nez Téllez Grupo de Física de Nuevos Materiales Departamento de Física Universidad Nacional de Colombia A.A. 5997 Bogotá DC


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    Antonio de Souza Silva Júnior


    Full Text Available Targets able to conquer the organization's business strategy give rise to projects that run the organization. And success in managing these projects is related to the skill level of the organization to manage them. With this, organizations need mature in the science and art of project management. This article is a case of study which seeks to identify the level of maturity and the management practices of public institutions in Pernambuco State. Therefore we conducted a quantitative survey to assess the level 2 of the Project Management Maturity Model, proposed by Kerzner (2006, and qualitative research in order to identify the management practices of the projects in the state. It can be concluded that public agencies in the State of Pernambuco did not reach the level 2 (common procedure of maturity in project management. The structured project management approach is not widely used yet. In many projects, the management is done empirically, with little interaction between the stakeholders, with no training for team work and proper risks treatment.

  8. The mineralogical behavior of the phosphatic sedimentation in Pernambuco-Paraiba sedimentar coastal basin

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Albuquerque Menor, E. de; Amaral, A.J.R. do


    This work reports the execution of the ''Phosphate in the Sedimentary coastal zone of Pernambuco-Paraiba'' Project, resulting from the execution of 35 drilling holes distributed between Paulista City, State of Pernambuco and the Miriri river valley, State of Paraiba. The rocks were analysed by X-ray diffraction, and the results were used in the working up of mineralogical logs. The mineralogical logs interpretation makes possible to distinguish phosphorite and sandy phosphorite areas inside a mineralization zone, wich laterally passes to a phosphatic carbonatic rocks area situated far from cost line of that epoch. Differences of the mineral paragenesis are used under a regional sedimentar model conception and indicated as prospecting guides. The dominance of Kaolinite is related to continental sediments (Beberibe Formation). The dominance of montmorillonite, on the other hand, is more to marine facies than to particular conditions of the phosphatic mineralization. The analysis of these conditions shows that the continental areas resistant to the pre-Maestrichtrian transegressive oscillations coincide to the more favourable places to the phosphatic mineralization. (author) [pt

  9. Glanders in donkeys (Equus asinus in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil: a case report

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    Rinaldo Aparecido Mota


    Full Text Available The clinical, anatomical and histopatological findings of glanders diagnosis in donkeys in the state of Pernambuco-Brazil are reported. The animals were euthanized and necropsied, and evaluated for lesions in respiratory and lymphatic systems, confirming the disease by isolation of Burkholderia mallei and Strauss test.

  10. Uso e ocupação do solo sob o enfoque da gestão ambiental : a orla marítima do Município do Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE


    Maria Hirschle Galindo, Valéria


    Este trabalho aborda os impactos provocados pela urbanização acelerada na orla marítima do Município do Jaboatão dos Guararapes, situado na Região Metropolitana de Recife, Estado de Pernambuco. O aumento da população urbana nos últimos anos, associado ao processo de uso e ocupação do solo praticado e à falta de uma política de planejamento municipal, vem agravando os problemas de ordem urbana, sanitária e sócio-econômicos, reduzindo a qualidade de vida da população. A disser...

  11. Degradação ambiental em fragmento de Mata Atlântica: floresta urbana Mata do Janga em Paulista/PE


    Oliveira, Paulo Cabral de


    A Mata do Janga é um fragmento de Mata Atlântica que se localiza na cidade do Paulista, município inserido na RMR (Região Metropolitana do Recife) capital do Estado de Pernambuco. Encontra-se protegida por lei como uma Unidade de Conservação (UC) estadual e parte dela constitui-se uma Reserva Ecológica e recategorizada como Floresta Urbana (FURB). Com uma área de 132,24 hectares, a mata vem sofrendo fortes pressões antrópicas. Em virtude de sua importância biológica objetivou-se compreender a...

  12. Religiosidade, reprodução e saúde em famílias urbanas pobres

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    Márcia Thereza Couto

    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a conversão religiosa pessoal no contexto das relações familiares em uma área da periferia da cidade de Recife, Pernambuco-Brasil. Apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo sobre os significados da conversão para os integrantes da família e as decorrentes transformações no comportamento reprodutivo. Por fim, com base neste material empírico, levanta algumas questões sobre os serviços de saúde existentes no bairro e o uso que a população faz destes.

  13. Religiosidade, reprodução e saúde em famílias urbanas pobres

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    Márcia Thereza Couto


    Full Text Available Este trabalho analisa a conversão religiosa pessoal no contexto das relações familiares em uma área da periferia da cidade de Recife, Pernambuco-Brasil. Apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo sobre os significados da conversão para os integrantes da família e as decorrentes transformações no comportamento reprodutivo. Por fim, com base neste material empírico, levanta algumas questões sobre os serviços de saúde existentes no bairro e o uso que a população faz destes.

  14. Exogenic poisoning in children assisted in a pediatric emergency unit Intoxicaciones exógenas en niños atendidos en una unidad de emergencia pediátrica Intoxicações exógenas em crianças atendidas em uma unidade de emergência pediátrica

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    Juliana Lourenço


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiological characteristics of all exogenic poisoning cases in children assisted in a pediatric emergency unit in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil, from April to September 2006. METHODS: This is a descriptive study of exogenic poisoning in 0-12 aged children treated at Centro de Assistência Toxicológica de Pernambuco (Pernambuco Toxicological Assistance Center. The data were collected through interviews and by consulting patients' records. RESULTS: 26 cases of accidental exogenic poisoning were registered, mainly males (65.4%. Regarding age, children under five years old were the most affected (65.4%. Medication was involved in 50.0% of the cases. CONCLUSION: Accidental exogenic poisoning affecting children younger than five years of age stands out as a significant public health problem. As a member of a multiprofessional health team, the nurse plays an important role in health education and in the measures to prevent child poisoning.OBJETIVO: Describir las características epidemiológicas de los casos de intoxicaciones exógenas en niños atendidos en una unidad de emergencia pediátrica de Recife (PE, en el período de abril a setiembre del 2006. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de los casos de intoxicaciones exógenas ocurridos en niños del grupo etáreo de 0 a 12 años de edad notificados en el Centro de Asistencia Toxicológica de Pernambuco. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas y consultas a las fichas de atención hospitalaria. RESULTADOS: Fueron registrados 26 casos de intoxicación exógena accidental. Predominó el sexo masculino (65,4% siendo el grupo etáreo de menores de cinco años de edad el más afectado (65,4%. Los medicamentos estaban involucrados en el 50,0% de los casos. CONCLUSIÓN: La intoxicación exógena accidental de niños, sobre todo en menores de cinco años es un problema de salud pública que requiere medidas preventivas para evitar que ocurra en

  15. História oral: a experiência das doulas no cuidado à mulher Historia Oral: la experiencia de las doulas en el cuidado a la mujer Oral History: experience of doulas in the care of women

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    Karla Romana Ferreira de Souza


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Mostrar a possibilidade de utilização da História Oral como referencial metodológico para compreender o significado da experiência das doulas durante o processo de parto e nascimento em uma maternidade pública. MÉTODOS: Estudo qualitativo, realizado em uma maternidade pública municipal na cidade do Recife-Pernambuco, na qual o programa encontra-se institucionalizado há quatro anos. O instrumento de investigação utilizado foi a entrevista junto a nove doulas, analisada segundo a história oral temática. RESULTADOS: Emergiram dois eixos temáticos que trazem a experiência das doulas no cuidado à mulher: um caminho para a humanização e acolhendo e criando vínculos. CONCLUSÃO: Os discursos revelaram que as doulas oferecem um cuidado que envolve uma escuta ativa, alicerçada em atitudes de respeito, acolhimento, conhecimento técnico e amor.OBJETIVO: Mostrar la posibilidad de utilizar la Historia Oral como referencia metodológica para comprender el significado de la experiencia de las doulas durante el proceso de parto y nacimiento en una maternidad pública. MÉTODOS: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, realizado en una maternidad pública municipal en la ciudad de Recife, en Pernambuco, en la cual el programa se encuentra institucionalizado hace cuatro años. El instrumento de investigación utilizado fue la entrevista junto a nueve doulas, analizada según la historia oral temática. RESULTADOS: Surgieron dos ejes temáticos que muestran la experiencia de las doulas en el cuidado a la mujer: un camino para la humanización y acogiendo y creando vínculos. CONCLUSIÓN: Los discursos revelaron que las doulas ofrecen un cuidado que contiene un escuchar activo, basada en actitudes de respeto, acogimiento, conocimiento técnico y amor.OBJECTIVE: To show the possibility of using oral history as a methodological reference for understanding the meaning of the experience of doulas during labor and birth in a maternity. METHODS

  16. Condições de saneamento básico em áreas hiperendêmicas para esquistossomose no estado de Pernambuco em 2012


    Saucha, Camylla Veloso Valença; Silva, José Alexandre Menezes da; Amorim, Liliane Barbosa


    OBJETIVO: caracterizar as localidades hiperendêmicas para esquistossomose no estado de Pernambuco quanto às condições de saneamento e recomendar medidas de intervenção ambiental que favoreçam a sustentabilidade das ações de enfrentamento da doença. MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo descritivo utilizando os dados obtidos no 'Relatório das condições de saneamento das localidades hiperendêmicas para a esquistossomose e geo-helmintíases em Pernambuco', elaborado pela Secretaria Executiva de Vigilân...

  17. Phenotype adaptability and stability of sugarcane genotypes in the sugarcane belt of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. (United States)

    Dutra Filho, J A; Junior, T C; Simões Neto, D E


    We assessed the agroindustrial performance of 25 sugarcane genotypes adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, within the microregions Mata Norte, Mata Sul, Região Central, Litoral Norte, and Litoral Sul. The variables analyzed were POL tonnage per hectare, sugarcane tonnage per hectare, fiber and total recoverable sugar tonnage per hectare, using a randomized block design with four repetitions. Combined variance of experiments, genetic parameter estimates, decomposition of the genotype-environment interaction, and environment stratification were analyzed. Phenotype adaptability and stability were also analyzed. The various genotypes presented great potential for improvement and a similar response pattern to the microregions Centro and Mata Sul of the state of Pernambuco. Genotypes RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB953180, SP81-3250, RB75126, and RB942520 were better in productivity and phenotype adaptability and stability compared to genotypes RB892700, RB943365, SP79-1011, Q138, RB943538, SP78-4764, RB953281, RB943066, RB928064, RB93509, RB72454, RB952675, RB952991, RB943161, RB942898, RB872552, RB952900, and RB942849. These genotypes are recommended as cultivation options in the sugarcane belt in the state of Pernambuco, since they stand out in terms of phenotype adaptability and stability as evaluated using the method by Annicchiarico, Lin and Bins, and the method by Eberhart and Russel.

  18. Water buffaloes productive system in the sugar-cane zone of Pernambuco, Brazil. Diagnostic and characterization Sistemas Produtivos de Búfalos na zona canavieira de Pernambuco, caracterização e diagnóstico

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    Juan Carlos José Panizza


    Full Text Available This paper reports the results of the characterization of the buffalo rearing system in the “Zona da Mata” of the Pernambuco State, Brazil. For data gathering the Northeastern buffalo’s raisers society (SNC, professional workers, other farmers and also people from the Pernambuco Sugar-Cane Growers Association (AFCP were contacted by means of interviews and visits to the production system. The buffalo production system came to the area in a planed way by farmers at the first half of the 70’s and expanded to today. The herd is composed of Murrrah, Jafarabadi and Mediterranean species although the mestizos are prevailing. However, it is still quite deficient of technologies despite an apparent integration of the buffalo’s system with the sugar cane industry. Measures to prevent main diseases like vaccinations are not adequately implemented. Extensive system directed to produce meat and milk as well as to handmade dairy products is predominant in the region. On the other hand the buffalo system has taken an important hole in the economic re-ordination of the “Zona da Mata” sugar cane monoculture diversification using areas not adequate for the sugar crop and contributing the region’s livestock sustainable development.O objetivo da condução deste trabalho foi realizar o diagnóstico da bubalinocultura na Zona da Mata do Estado de Pernambuco, nos aspectos sociais e tecnológicos. Para a coleta dos dados, primeiramente foram realizados contatos com a Sociedade Nordestina de Criadores (SNC, profissionais que atuam na área, agropecuaristas que atuam na região e com a Associação de Fornecedores de Cana de Pernambuco (AFCP, por meio de entrevistas informais e visitas às propriedades. Foram aplicados questionários para caracterização formal dos sistemas produtivos. A implantação da bubalinocultura na região se deu de forma planejada, iniciando-se na primeira metade da década de 70, estando em expansão. O rebanho é formado

  19. Leishmaniose tegumentar americana em centro de treinamento militar localizado na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, Brasil American cutaneous leishmaniasis in military training unit localized in Zona da Mata of Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Sinval P. Brandão-Filho


    Full Text Available Um surto de leishmaniose tegumentar americana ocorreu em 1996 em unidade de treinamento militar situada na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, com o registro de 26 casos humanos. Um inquérito epidemiológico foi realizado através da realização de levantamento entomológico e da aplicação do Teste de Montenegro. Lutzomyia choti apresentou predominância de 89,9% dos flebótomos identificados. De 545 homens que participaram de treinamentos no período, 24,1% (incluindo os casos clínicos foram positivo para o Teste de Montenegro.An outbreak of American cutaneous leishmaniasis has been occurred in military training unit localized in 'Zona da Mata' of Pernambuco State, Brazil, where were registered 26 human cases. An epidemiological survey was carried out by entomological investigation and Montenegro skin test (MST. Lutzomyia choti presents predominance (89.9% in sandflies identified. Out of 545 men who realized training activities were 24.12% positive to MST.

  20. Survey of diagnostic X-Ray units at Recife- Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hazing, C.A.; Khoury, H.J.; Santos, R.S.; Antonino, P.D.


    This paper reports reports the result of a survey aiming to determine the working conditions of x-ray units operating in hospital and clinics in the city of Recife, Pernamburgo, Brazil. The study comprised 27 x-ray units from both public and private diagnostic services operating. The following parameters were evaluated: a) coincidence between the luminous and radiation fields; b) alignment of the radiation beam; c) agreement between the real and preset values of the kVp and exposure time. The result showed that the discrepancy between the luminous and radiation fields stayed in the recommended 1 to 2% interval in 78.2% of the equipment surveyed, all units passing the alignment test (deviation of less than 3%). The results also showed that there is only a fair accuracy regarding both preset kilovoltage and exposure time, with discrepancies of more than 10% between ''true'' irradiation times(in85% of the case), and between the present and applied kilovoltage (in 46% of the inspected units)

  1. Information manager profile in university libraries from the Metropolitan Region of Recife

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    Anielma Maria Marques Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Objective. It is a literature of descriptive nature in order to define the profile of the manager of information in university libraries of Recife and its metropolitan area. Method. To achieve the proposed objective was based on a literature in the area of information science, in which it was possible to contextualize the attributes skills of information professionals from qualitative and quantitative approaches. Results. Results indicate issues: a activities performed in the routine of professional b skills that have to do their jobs, c professional d workplace e academic. Conclusions. With the responses is possible to discern the different skills of the librarian in accordance with their professional and personal experience.

  2. Aquisição dos fonemas fricativos coronais por crianças da região metropolitana do recife The acquisition of coronal fricatives by children of Recife's metropolitan region

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    Ana Augusta de Andrade Cordeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar a aquisição das fricativas coronais por crianças de creches/escolas públicas da Região Metropolitana do Recife. MÉTODOS: 40 crianças frequentadoras de quatro creches/escolas, com idades entre 2 a 6 anos e 11 meses, sendo 20 do sexo masculino e 20 do sexo feminino. O instrumento utilizado foi constituído por figuras que visavam à nomeação de 83 palavras que possuíam os fonemas-alvos: /s/ (32, /z/ (11, /∫/ (21, /ℑ/ (19, selecionadas a partir das variáveis linguísticas tonicidade e estrutura silábica. As crianças foram divididas em 10 grupos, de acordo com a faixa etária. Considerou-se o percentual de 80% de produção como indicativo de aquisição do fonema-alvo. RESULTADOS: o início da produção das fricativas coronais deu-se na faixa etária de 2:0-2:5 anos. Observou-se que os fonemas /∫/, /ℑ/ e /z/ foram adquiridos aos 3:0-3:5 anos e o fonema /s/ aos 2:6-2:11 anos. Os processos fonológicos mais comumente encontrados foram substituição e omissão. Também foi observado com bastante frequência a troca semântica. CONCLUSÕES: a aquisição das fricativas coronais das crianças frequentadoras de escolas e creches públicas da Região Metropolitana do Recife ocorre mais tardiamente quando comparada à literatura nacional e sofre influência de variáveis linguísticas. É importante salientar que há uma diversidade linguística e sócio-cultural no território brasileiro, de forma que os dados observados em algumas regiões não são necessariamente correspondentes em todas as regiões do Brasil. Esse aspecto deve ser considerado em estudos que pretendem fixar parâmetros de avaliação fonológica, sobretudo se houver fins de diagnóstico de desvios fonológicos.PURPOSE: to investigate the acquisition of coronal fricatives by public county schools' children of Recife's metropolitan region. METHODS: 40 children from four schools with ages between 2 and 6 year and eleven month old, whereas 20

  3. The Conservation of the Landscape in the Perspective of a Public Open Spaces System in Recife


    Carneiro, Ana Rita Sá; Duarte, Mirela; Marques, Eliábi A.


    This paper presents the relationship between the study of public open spaces and the urban landscape in Recife, according a systemic vision. This relationship is defined with the historical analysis of the natural ecosystems in the site landscape such as rivers, coast vegetation and mangrove, and the atlantic forest, which was occupied by the time. This method was chosen to understand the morphology of open spaces, its typology and which is preserved as natural and cultural heritage. Nowadays...

  4. Gestão interfederativa do SUS: a experiência gerencial do Consórcio Intermunicipal do Sertão do Araripe de Pernambuco

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    Jadson Mendonça Galindo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar a experiência gerencial do Consórcio Intermunicipal de Saúde do Sertão do Araripe de Pernambuco (Cisape. Para isso, utilizou-se uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo análise documental. Os documentos analisados foram relatórios produzidos por consultoria especializada, envolvida na implantação da gestão regionalizada e consorciada do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS em Pernambuco, no período de 2009 e 2010. Os resultados apontam que o Cisape adotou o modelo de gestão gerencialista, ou seja, orientado pela gestão pública pós-burocrática. A estrutura organizacional do Cisape foi definida como de direito público de natureza autárquica. A pesquisa identificou que em Pernambuco o Cisape se configurou como uma ferramenta importante para estimular a regionalização do SUS, porém com incipiente participação social.

  5. Práticas discursivas acerca da sexualidade humana na rede municipal de ensino do Recife


    de Melo Oliveira, Simone


    Embasada nos pressupostos de Michel Foucault buscamos analisar práticas discursivas acerca da sexualidade humana na Rede Municipal de Ensino do Recife RMER. Consideramos que ao tomarmos o ideário foucaultiano para analisar como o discurso sobre sexualidade acontece numa rede de ensino, este pode concorrer para sabermos como uma prática educativa viabiliza o projeto de cidadania e sociedade propagado em seu discurso. A intenção foi investigar como a sexualidade tem sido tratada na RMER por m...

  6. Location Study of Solar Thermal Power Plant in the State of Pernambuco Using Geoprocessing Technologies and Multiple-Criteria Analysis

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    Verônica Wilma B. Azevêdo


    Full Text Available Solar Thermal Technology for the generation of electricity in large scale has been a reality in the world since the 1980s, when the first large-sized solar plants in the United States were introduced. Brazil presents great potential for the development of large-scale projects, although it is noted that the main barriers for the insertion of this technology in Brazilian market are the lack of incentives and goals and associated costs. In a way to contribute to the insertion of solar thermal technology in Brazil, this paper presents a macro-spatial approach, based on the use of Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis and Geoprocessing, for the location of solar thermal power plants. The applied methodology for Pernambuco, located in the Northeast Region of Brazil, considered the implantation of parabolic trough solar power plant of 80 MW, operating only in solar mode, without heat storage. Based on performed analysis, it was confirmed that Pernambuco presents great potential for the installation of solar power plants, especially in the backlands of Pernambuco. Performed validations in the model demonstrate that the methodology attended the objective once the consistence between the assigned weights to the thematic layers, individually, and the final Map of site suitability were evidenced.

  7. O cinema como objeto de saber/poder no currículo da educação básica da rede pública de ensino da cidade do recife


    SILVA, Maria Do Rozário Azevedo Da


    A presente pesquisa teve como foco de análise o cinema como objeto de saber/poder no currículo da Educação básica da Rede Pública de Ensino da cidade do Recife nos anos 2006-2008. Nossa questão de pesquisa foi orientada para responder sobre quais discursos epistemológicos e pedagógicos engendraram o cinema como um problema relativo ao currículo escolar da Rede Municipal do Recife nos anos recentes, assim como, de que forma foram estabelecidos esses discursos e como se estatuíram enquanto sabe...

  8. Queixas auditivas de disc jockeys da cidade de Recife Auditory complaints in disc jockeys in Recife

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    Eliza Maia de Britto Macedo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: investigar a ocorrência de queixas auditivas em disc jockeys da cidade de Recife/PE. MÉTODOS: foi realizada uma entrevista com 30 disc jockeys, com idade entre 19 e 28 anos, abordando informações ocupacionais, conhecimentos gerais sobre o ruído e queixas auditivas (diminuição da acuidade auditiva, desconforto a sons intensos, zumbido, sensação de ouvido abafado e otalgia. A análise foi realizada por meio de abordagem quantitativa, utilizando o teste estatístico t-student. RESULTADOS: dentre os dados mais relevantes, destacam-se: 46,7% dos disc jockeys apresentaram, espontaneamente, queixas auditivas, em especial, a diminuição da acuidade auditiva (relatada por todos os sujeitos; 14 disc jockeys (46,67% referiram desconforto a sons intensos e 13 (43,33% mencionaram zumbido. Todos afirmaram ter conhecimento sobre os riscos do ruído para a saúde auditiva, mas 76,7% não realizam qualquer medida preventiva de suas consequências. A perda auditiva foi referida pelos sujeitos como o principal risco da exposição a níveis intensos de pressão sonora. CONCLUSÃO: todos os disc jockeys apresentaram queixa de perda auditiva e, entre as demais queixas auditivas, destacaram-se o desconforto a sons intensos e o zumbido. Tendo em vista a irreversibilidade da perda auditiva induzida por elevados níveis de pressão sonora, os disc jockeys devem ser periodicamente avaliados a fim de que se confirme ou não a perda auditiva de que se queixaram e, caso ela exista, deve ser monitorada para que seja passível de intervenção pelo fonoaudiólogo. Desta forma, percebe-se a necessidade de atuação da Fonoaudiologia junto aos disc jockeys, uma vez que poder-se-á propiciar a otimização do exercício profissional com o mínimo de risco possível.PURPOSE: to investigate the occurrence of auditory complaints in disc jockeys from the city of Recife/PE. METHODS: an interview was carried through with 30 disc jockeys aged between 19 and 48 years

  9. Acessibilidade organizacional de crianças com paralisia cerebral à reabilitação motora na cidade do Recife Organizational access to motor rehabilitation for children with cerebral paralysis in the city of Recife

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    Aleide Karine Vieira Tôrres


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: caracterizar acessibilidade organizacional de crianças com paralisia cerebral aos serviços de reabilitação motora. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, censitário, efetuado de janeiro a junho/2009, em três serviços de reabilitação do Recife. Participaram 38 menores de cinco anos, portadores do agravo, residentes no Recife. Utilizou-se questionário para obter informações de acompanhantes e prontuários das crianças. As variáveis foram descritas segundo serviço atual, primeiro serviço utilizado e número de serviços utilizados. RESULTADOS: entre os acompanhantes, 94,7% eram responsáveis pela criança (76,3% mãe e 68,4% das crianças tinham entre 25-59 meses de idade. Metade usou mais de um serviço, ocorrendo utilização simultânea em 26,3%. Para 28,2% reabilitação iniciou-se mais de seis meses após diagnóstico. As crianças foram encaminhadas por médico (75,8% e 86,4% tiveram um tempo máximo de espera para primeira consulta com fisioterapeuta de 30 dias. As responsáveis encontraram dificuldade para agendar primeira consulta (68,4%. Uma maior dificuldade para continuar fisioterapia foi identificada entre aqueles que usaram de dois e mais serviços. CONCLUSÕES: constatou-se demanda reprimida. Utilização de mais de um serviço e superposição de serviços sugeriram insatisfação com atenção. Os processos políticos e organizacionais voltados à estruturação do sistema de referência/contrarreferência necessitam priorização.OBJECTIVES: to characterize organizational access to motor rehabilitation services for children with cerebral paralysis. METHODS: a descriptive, retrospective, censusbased study, carried out between January and June 2009, at three rehabilitation services in Recife. The study covered 38 children aged less than five years, with the disorder, residing in Recife. A questionnaire was used to obtain information from the individual accompanying the child and the child's medical

  10. Playful Teaching Work of School Science Teachers Fundamental in a Municipal School in Pernambuco, Brazil (United States)

    de Medeiros Silva, Suzana Cinthia Gomes; de Oliveira, Maria Marly; de Oliveira, Gilvaneide Ferreira


    This study is part of a dissertation which aims to explore and understand the role of play in the teaching-learning process at elementary level in a public school at Pernambuco, Brazil. We opted for a qualitative approach, using the interactive methodology, interviews by the technique of hermeneutic-dialectical circle, observations of science…

  11. Levantamento da intensidade da alternariose e da podridão negra em cultivos orgânicos de brássicas em Pernambuco e Santa Catarina Survey of the intensity of Alternaria black spot and black rot on brassica species under organic farming systems in Pernambuco and Santa Catarina states, Brazil

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    Luiz A M Peruch


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a intensidade da alternariose, causada por Alternaria brassicicola e/ou Alternaria brassicae, e da podridão negra, causada por Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, em cultivos orgânicos de brássicas em Pernambuco e Santa Catarina. Os levantamentos foram realizados no período de novembro de 2001 a fevereiro de 2002, num total de 103 cultivos orgânicos de várias espécies de brássicas. Foram registradas elevadas prevalências das doenças nos estados, com exceção em couve-chinesa em Santa Catarina. A prevalência da alternariose foi 100% nos cultivos de brócolis em Pernambuco, bem como em couve-flor nos dois estados, enquanto a podridão negra atingiu esse nível nos cultivos de brócolis e couve-flor em Santa Catarina. Na média das diferentes espécies de brássicas, as doenças foram mais prevalentes em Pernambuco que Santa Catarina. Entretanto, as médias de severidade de cada doença no conjunto das brássicas não foram diferentes entre os estados, embora as condições climáticas tenham sido nitidamente distintas. A severidade da alternariose variou entre as espécies de brássicas somente em Pernambuco, com a menor severidade registrada em couve-manteiga. Em relação à podridão negra, apenas em Santa Catarina houve diferença na severidade entre as brássicas, sendo registrados os menores níveis em couve-chinesa. Não foram constatadas correlações significativas entre os níveis de severidade da alternariose e da podridão negra, bem como da severidade destas com o número total de plantas e a idade das plantas nos cultivos.The objective of this research was to evaluate the intensity of Alternaria black spot, caused by Alternaria brassicicola and/or Alternaria brassicae, and black rot, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in organic cultivation of brassicas in Pernambuco and Santa Catarina. The survey was carried aut from November 2001 to February 2002, in 103 fields under

  12. KPC-PRODUCING Serratia marcescens IN A HOME-CARE PATIENT FROM RECIFE, BRAZIL. (United States)

    Margate, Emmily; Magalhães, Vera; Fehlberg, Lorena Cristina Corrêa; Gales, Ana Cristina; Lopes, Ana Catarina Souza


    In this brief communication we describe the occurrence of a KPC-producing Serratia marcescens isolate in a home-care patient from Recife, Brazil. The blaKPC, blaSPM, blaIMP, blaVIM, blaOXA, blaCTX-M, blaSHV, blaTEM and blaGES genes were investigated by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing. The isolate was positive for blaKPC-2 and blaTEM-1 and was resistant to aztreonam, cefepime, cefotaxime, imipenem, meropenem, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin and cefazidime, and susceptible only to amikacin, tigecycline and gatifloxacin. This is the first report in Brazil of KPC-producing S. marcescens clinical isolate outside of a hospital environment. Caregivers should be alert for the presence of this isolate in the community setting.

  13. Meeting report: development of environmental health indicators in Brazil and other countries in the americas. (United States)

    Carneiro, Fernando F; Oliveira, Mara Lúcia C; Netto, Guilherme F; Galvão, Luis A C; Cancio, Jacira A; Bonini, Estela M; Corvalan, Carlos F


    This report summarizes the Brazilian experience on the design and implementation of environmental health, with contributions from Argentina, Canada, and Cuba, presented at the International Symposium on the Development of Indicators for Environmental Health Integrated Management, held in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, on 17-18 June 2004. The methodology for the development of environmental health indicators has been used as a reference in the implementation of environmental health surveillance in Brazil. This methodology has provided tools and processes to facilitate the understanding and to measure the determinants of risks to environmental health, to help decision makers control those risks. Key words: environmental health indicators, environmental health surveillance, integrated management.

  14. Evaluation of maximum absorbed dose for accompanying patients in nuclear medicine establishments; Avaliacao da dose maxima absorvida por acompanhantes de pacientes em servicos de medicina nuclear

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cabral, Geovanna; Amaral, Ademir; Hazin, Clivis A. [Pernambuco Univ., Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear; Lima, Ricardo A.; Nogueira, Maria S. [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares (CRCN), Recife, PE (Brazil); Lopes, Ferdinand [Centro de Medicina Nuclear de Pernambuco (CEMUPE), Recife, PE (Brazil); Guimaraes, Maria Ines C.C. [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Centro de Medicina Nuclear


    In nuclear medicine, radioisotopes are bound to various pharmaceuticals for use in diagnostic and therapeutic applications. These unsealed sources are administered in various forms to patients, who remain radioactive for hours or days, and represent a source of potential radiation exposure for others. Thus, in nuclear medicine departments, radiation protection of workers and members of the public (especially persons accompanying patients) must consider this exposure. In this study, thermoluminescent dosimeters were given to various persons who were accompanying patients in two nuclear medicine departments in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. Exposure results are given, and issues regarding exposure conditions and times for members of the public in these departments are discussed. (author)

  15. Flora of the Catimbau National Park, Pernambuco, Brazil: Boraginaceae

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    José Iranildo Miranda de Melo


    Full Text Available The Boraginaceae Juss. family comprises from woody to herbaceous plants, branches with alternate to subopposite leaves, bisexual, actinomorphic flowers, with or without bracts, and drupaceous or schizocarp fruits. This paper consists in a taxonomic study of Boraginaceae sensu lato in the Catimbau National Park, at the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil. Five genera and twelve species were registered: Cordia L., Euploca Nutt., Heliotropium L., and Tournefortia L., with two species each, and Varronia P.Br., with four species. Descriptions, illustrations, and keys were prepared for the separation of species, and data on the geographic distribution and habitats of the species found in the study area were presented.

  16. Mesozooplankton of the estuarine system of Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brazil


    Cavalcanti, Eliane A. H.; Neumann-Leitão, Sigrid; Vieira, Dilma A. do N.


    Estudos sobre o mesozooplâncton foram realizados no sistema estuarino de Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brasil (8º14'36"S, 34º56'28"W) visando analisar a estrutura da comunidade. As amostras foram obtidas com rede de plâncton, com malha de 300 µm, durante os períodos, seco (janeiro/2001) e chuvoso (julho/2001), nas marés de sizígia e de quadratura, em intervalos de três horas. Foram identificados 37 taxa, destacando-se Copepoda com as espécies Pseudodiaptomus acutus (F. Dahl, 1894), Pseudodi...

  17. Análise diagnóstica dos serviços de reabilitação que assistem vítimas de acidentes e violências em Recife Diagnostic analysis of the rehabilitation services that attend victims of accidents and violence in Recife

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    Maria Luiza Carvalho de Lima


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa analisar os serviços de reabilitação em Recife, confrontando com o que preconiza a Política Nacional de Redução de Morbimortalidade (PNMRAV. O estudo foi realizado em seis unidades/serviços de reabilitação, sendo cinco municipais e uma ONG conveniada ao SUS. A investigação desenvolveu-se com entrevista semi-estruturada destinada ao gestor da Atenção à Saúde de Pessoa com Deficiência, objetivando o mapeamento da rede, e questionário aplicado aos gerentes dos serviços para identificar as unidades e suas atividades, estrutura e organização desses serviços. A rede de atenção à reabilitação no município do Recife não cumpre satisfatoriamente as diretrizes da PNRMAV por apresentar número reduzido de serviços/programas; falta de uma equipe multidisciplinar; falta de aporte tecnológico; deficiente articulação intra e intersetorial; pouca integração entre a vítima e a família para a reinserção familiar e social e incipientes atividades de prevenção e promoção. Conclui-se que há um esforço em adequar as ações a esse grupo populacional; no entanto, existem significativos déficits de cobertura, de pessoal, de equipamentos, de registro de informação e de articulação entre os vários níveis da rede de saúde.This paper aims to analyze the rehabilitation services in Recife, Brazil, confronting it with what the National Policy for Decreasing Morbimortality from Accidents and Violence (NPDMAV professes. Six units of rehabilitation services were analyzed; five were from municipal administration and the other was an ONG on an agreement with SUS. A partial structured interview was conducted with the person in charge for the Attention to the Disable Person's Health aiming to map the network. Also a questionnaire was applied to the managers of the six services aiming to identify the unit and its activities, structure and organization. The Rehabilitation Assistance network in Recife do not meet the

  18. Spatiotemporal analysis of reported cases of acute Chagas disease in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, from 2002 to 2013

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    Fred Luciano Neves Santos


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Control strategies to eliminate the transmission of Chagas disease by insect vectors have significantly decreased the number of reported acute cases in Brazil. However, data regarding the incidence and distribution of acute Chagas disease cases in the State of Pernambuco are unavailable in the literature. METHODS: A geographical information system was used to delineate the spatiotemporal distribution profile of the cases from 2002 to 2013 in 185 municipalities of Pernambuco based on the municipality where notification occurred. The results were presented in digital maps generated by the TerraView software (INPE. RESULTS: A total of 302 cases of acute disease were recorded in 37.8% of the municipalities, for a total of 0.13 cases per 1,000,000 inhabitants per year. Out of the 302 cases, 99.3% were reported between 2002 and 2006. The most affected municipalities were Carnaubeira da Penha, Mirandiba and Terra Nova. The risk maps showed a significant decrease in the number of notifications and a concentration of cases in the Midwest region. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights a significant decrease in new cases of acute Chagas disease in Pernambuco starting in 2006 when Brazil received an international certification for the interruption of vectorial transmission by Triatoma infestans. However, control strategies should still be encouraged because other triatomine species can also transmit the parasite; moreover, other transmission modes must not be neglected.

  19. Conhecendo alguns modelos mentais infantis sobre Filariose Linfática Exploring some mental models of children about Bancroftian filariasis

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    Micheline Barbosa da Motta


    Full Text Available A Filariose linfática é uma parasitose endêmica em Pernambuco desde 1918, com focos persistentes e em expansão na Região Metropolitana do Recife, tornando-se um desafio premente a ser encarado tanto pelas autoridades de saúde pública, como pela população e escolas de áreas de risco. Como subsídio para o planejamento de estratégias pedagógicas que estimulem os alunos a vivenciarem medidas preventivas para controle da doença, identificamos modelos mentais de cinqüenta alunos (nove-dez anos, residentes em áreas endêmicas da região metropolitana. Os resultados indicaram que as crianças: (a acreditam que a filariose é evitável, tratável, causada por fator externo, e que o cumprimento das recomendações médicas é fundamental para o sucesso do tratamento; (b têm dificuldades em identificar os sintomas e as etapas do processo de adoecimento; (c apóiam seus modelos no que podem observar, o que possibilita a estruturação de ações pedagógicas que simulem, na escola, situações reais vividas pelas crianças em sua comunidade.Bancroftian filariasis has been an endemic parasite in Pernambuco since 1918 expanding into the metropolitan region of Recife, and becoming a permanent challenge to be faced by the public health authorities as well as by the population and schools in the risk areas. As support in creating pedagogic strategies that stimulate pupils to put into practice preventative measures against the disease, we identified the mental models of 50 pupils aged from 9 to 10, living at endemic areas of the Recife Metropolitan Region. The results indicated that the children: (a believe that the filariasis can be avoided and treated, that it is caused by external factors and that the observance of medical recommendations is fundamental to the success of the treatment; (b have difficulties in identifying the symptoms and phases of the disease; (c they based their models on features they can see. This makes it possible to build


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    Elvis Bergue Mariz Moreira


    Full Text Available O conhecimento dos componentes do balanço de energia em áreas urbanas é de grande importância para os estudos do clima urbano, principalmente quando estas são objeto de análise espacial. O objetivo deste estudo é adaptar o modelo SEBAL (comumente utilizado para fins agroclimatológicos em um ambiente intraurbano, possibilitando análises de componentes microclimáticas com metodologia de baixo custo, através de dados de sensores remotos. A fim de alcançar este objetivo, seis imagens do satélite Landsat 5 TM, entre os anos de 1998 a 2011, foram processadas. Densidade dos fluxos de calor sensível e latente foram calculadas usando o algoritmo SEBAL. De acordo com os resultados, o elevado percentual de superfícies impermeáveis e a distribuição espacial reduzida de áreas verdes modificam as trocas entre os fluxos de radiação, proporcionando assim altos níveis de fluxos de energia disponíveis para o aumento da temperatura do ar. A este respeito, o setor oriental se destaca por seus valores de magnitude mais altas, entre 216 e 425 Wm-2. A área Sul produziu alguns valores em excesso de 426 Wm-2. O fluxo de calor latente (LE apresentou diminuição da distribuição espacial; sendo concentrada em áreas protegidas designadas e corpos d'água com valores superiores a 431 Wm-2. Torna-se evidente que os padrões intensivos de uso da terra não coincidem com planejamento adequado e refletem sobre a qualidade de vida da população. ABSTRACT The knowledge of the components of the energy balance in urban areas is of relevant to the studies of the urban climate, mainly when those are subject to spatial analysis. The objective of this study is to adapt the SEBAL - Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land model (commonly used to agroclimatic purposes in a intra-urban environment, enabling analysis of microclimate components with low cost methodology through remote sensing data. In order to accomplish this goal, six satellite Landsat 5 TM images, between the sequential days of the years 1998 to 2011 were processed. Sensible and latent heat fluxes density were calculated using the SEBAL algorithm. According to the results, the high percentage of impervious surfaces and the reduced spatial distribution of green areas alter the exchanges among radiation fluxes, thus providing high levels of available energy fluxes for increasing air temperature. In this regard, the eastern sector stands out for its higher magnitude values, between 216 and 425 W m-². The South area yielded some values in excess of 426 W m-². Latent heat flux (LE exhibited reduced spatial distribution; being concentrated in designated protected areas and water bodies with values higher than 431 W m-². It becomes evident that intensive land use patterns not matched by adequate planning reflect upon the quality of life of the population.

  1. Taxa de Infestação da Varroa destructor em colônias de Apis mellifera L. no Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco

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    Deygnon Cavalcanti Clementino


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a taxa de infestação da Varroa destructor em colônias de Apis mellifera L. proveniente de apiário no município de Lagoa do Ouro, Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco. A pesquisa foi realizada no mês de setembro de 2015. Participaram do estudo 15 colônias, em que foram coletadas em média 227 abelhas adultas de cada colmeia e acondicionadas em recipientes contendo álcool a 70%. Após as coletas a campo, as amostras foram transportadas para o laboratório de Biologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco/Unidade Acadêmica de Garanhuns, para a realização das análises e quantificação dos ácaros. Os resultados demonstraram que 100% das amostras estavam parasitadas com o ácaro, sendo que a média geral da taxa de infestação foi de 6,16%. O grau de infestação pela Varroa destructor observado nas colônias variou de 0,93% a 11,15%. Conclui-se que as colônias analisadas apresentam diferentes níveis de infestação pelo ácaro Varroa destructor.Infestation rate of Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera L. colonies in the South Agreste of PernambucoAbstract: This study aimed to verify the infestation rate of Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera L. colonies in the apiary from Lagoa do Ouro County, South Agreste of Pernambuco. The survey was conducted in September 2015. The study included 15 colonies, which were collected on average 227 adult bees in each hive and placed in vials containing 70% alcohol. After harvesting the field, the samples were transported to the Animal Biology Laboratory at the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco/Academic Unit of Garanhuns, to perform the analysis and quantification of mites. The results showed that 100% of the samples were infested with mites, and the overall average infestation rate was 6.16%. The degree of infestation by Varroa destructor observed in colonies ranged from 0.93% to 11.15%. It is concluded that the analyzed colonies have

  2. Students' knowledge on the African giant mollusk Achatina fulica in a public school in the Recife metropolitan region

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    Marcos Souto Alves


    Full Text Available The African giant mollusk Achatina fulica Bowdich, 1822 was introduced into Brazil in 1988 as a substitute for the European escargot Helix sp. This action did not induce the expected results and the gastropod has become an invasive species according to records in 23 Brazilian states. The presence of A. fulica has been reported to many towns in the state of Pernambuco. This work was carried out in order to evaluate, from an ethnoscientific approach, student knowledge about this giant African mollusk in a public school of Cabo de Santo Agostinho (Pernambuco. The Collective Subject Discourse (CSD technique was applied to the data obtained. The pupils' discourse revealed the existence of previous knowledge about A. fulica, especially on the following issues: disease transmission, taxonomy, environmental impacts brought about by the introduction of exotic species, and the process of ingress and growth of the mollusk in the human body. The authors emphasize the need of considering students' previous knowledge in order to plan and implement educational strategies related to wildlife conservation and exotic species management.

  3. Blood group antigen studies using CdTe quantum dots and flow cytometry

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    Cabral Filho PE


    Full Text Available Paulo E Cabral Filho,1 Maria IA Pereira,1 Heloise P Fernandes,2 Andre A de Thomaz,3 Carlos L Cesar,3 Beate S Santos,4 Maria L Barjas-Castro,2 Adriana Fontes1 1Departamento de Biofísica e Radiobiologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Pernambuco, 2Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia do Sangue, Campinas, São Paulo, 3Departamento de Eletrônica Quântica, Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, São Paulo, 4Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, Brazil Abstract: New methods of analysis involving semiconductor nanocrystals (quantum dots [QDs] as fluorescent probes have been highlighted in life science. QDs present some advantages when compared to organic dyes, such as size-tunable emission spectra, broad absorption bands, and principally exceptional resistance to photobleaching. Methods applying QDs can be simple, not laborious, and can present high sensibility, allowing biomolecule identification and quantification with high specificity. In this context, the aim of this work was to apply dual-color CdTe QDs to quantify red blood cell (RBC antigen expression on cell surface by flow cytometric analysis. QDs were conjugated to anti-A or anti-B monoclonal antibodies, as well as to the anti-H (Ulex europaeus I lectin, to investigate RBCs of A1, B, A1B, O, A2, and Aweak donors. Bioconjugates were capable of distinguishing the different expressions of RBC antigens, both by labeling efficiency and by flow cytometry histogram profile. Furthermore, results showed that RBCs from Aweak donors present fewer amounts of A antigens and higher amounts of H, when compared to A1 RBCs. In the A group, the amount of A antigens decreased as A1 > A3 > AX = Ael, while H antigens were AX = Ael > A1. Bioconjugates presented stability and remained active for at least 6 months. In conclusion

  4. O Udigrudi da pernambucália: história e música do Recife (1968-1976)


    Carlos de Oliveira Luna, João


    A narrativa que se tem em mãos, apresenta uma discussão histórica acerca da música brasileira dos anos 1970, com foco para uma especifica atividade cultural/contracultural de jovens Pernambucanos nas artes; mais precisamente na música experimental, sem perder de vista as manifestações teatrais, cinematográficas e de artes plásticas que se desenvolveram, em proximidade do campo de produção da música pop, roqueira e experimental no Recife. Tal escrita se dividiu em três capítulos...

  5. Condições de saneamento básico em áreas hiperendêmicas para esquistossomose no estado de Pernambuco em 2012

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    Camylla Veloso Valença Saucha

    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: caracterizar as localidades hiperendêmicas para esquistossomose no estado de Pernambuco quanto às condições de saneamento e recomendar medidas de intervenção ambiental que favoreçam a sustentabilidade das ações de enfrentamento da doença. MÉTODOS: trata-se de um estudo descritivo utilizando os dados obtidos no 'Relatório das condições de saneamento das localidades hiperendêmicas para a esquistossomose e geo-helmintíases em Pernambuco', elaborado pela Secretaria Executiva de Vigilância em Saúde do estado de Pernambuco em 2012. RESULTADOS: das 119 localidades hiperendêmicas identificadas, em 72 (60,5% foi observada inexistência de água encanada, em 110 (92,4% não havia coleta de esgoto, e em 116 (97,5%, relatou-se ausência de tratamento do esgoto. CONCLUSÃO: as localidades hiperendêmicas avaliadas apresentaram condições de saneamento básico precárias, que contribuem para as altas prevalências da esquistossomose; por isso, torna-se necessária a sensibilização dos gestores municipais para ações efetivas de melhorias sanitárias que permitam garantir sustentabilidade no controle da esquistossomose.

  6. Características clínicas e oftalmológicas de indivíduos com necessidades especiais institucionalizados no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Priscila de Almeida Jorge


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as características clínicas e oftalmológicas encontrados em indivíduos institucionalizados, com necessidades especiais no estado de Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se projeto multidisciplinar em 37 pacientes, com necessidades especiais, institucionalizados na Comunidade Rodolfo Aureliano (CRAUR, unidade da Fundação da Criança e do Adolescente (FUNDAC em Recife-PE. A faixa etária dos indivíduos institucionalizados variou de seis a 30 anos, média de 18,8 ± 5,1 anos. O sexo masculino foi mais prevalente com 35 indivíduos (94,5%. Consideraram-se como indivíduos institucionalizados, aqueles que vivem abrigados em instituições mantidas pelo Estado. Foi feito estudo de corte transversal, verificando-se os principais achados clínicos e oftalmológicos destes indivíduos. Realizou-se o exame oftalmológico completo nos casos, com boa colaboração e de acordo com protocolo pré-estabelecido. RESULTADOS: Uso de álcool na gravidez foi relatado por nove mães (24,3%. Verificou-se a presença de retardo mental grave em 22 casos (59,4 %, paralisia cerebral e epilepsia em sete (18,9% indivíduos cada. Foi possível a realização do exame oftalmológico completo em 24 indivíduos (64,8%. Detectou-se cegueira legal em dez casos (41,6%. Os diagnósticos oftalmológicos mais encontrados foram ambliopia, erro refracional e phthisis bulbi em três casos (12,5% cada. Estrabismo foi encontrado em dois casos (8,3%. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados oftalmológicos revelaram a importância do exame oftalmológico em indivíduos com necessidades especiais institucionalizados. A associação com múltiplas deficiências, tais como: doenças neuropsiquiátricas, contribuiu para o maior grau de dificuldade na avaliação e condução dos casos.

  7. The cultural significance of plants of the Pernambuco indians: The Xucuru case

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    Laise de Holanda Cavalcanti Andrade


    Full Text Available The Index of Cultural Significance (ICS created at the end of the 1980´s, aims to register the value of each vegetable species and to disclose its importance for the biological and cultural survival of a traditional community. Initially, the ISC was considered and applied in aboriginal communities in Canada and the United States. Aiming to verify its applicability for Brazilian aboriginal groups, it was used in the present work to evaluate the cultural meaning of the useful species for the Xucuru tribe, in pesqueira county, Pernambuco. In Brazil, it is the first time that this index has been used with a northeastern aboriginal community, the Xucuru, one of the seven tribes remaining in Pernambuco. From informal interviews, 97 useful species were registered among trees, shrubs and grass growing in the Pedra D’Água forest (Humid Ororobá-Forest, in yards, and in small cultivated areas in the village. The ISC provided a numeric order of importance for the plants registered in the Xucuru tribe, much like the one observed in the field. Musa paradisiaca was the species of greatest meaning for the community (ICS 120, followed by Rosmarinum officinalis (ICS 92, Xerophyta plicata (ICS 88, Aspidosperma sp. (ICS 84 and Cymbopogon citratus (ISC 80. The place of distinct prominence for non-native species of the area (exotic evidences the importance that such species have acquired in the Xucuru culture.


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    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to identify and assess the technological, zootechnical and socioeconomic profiles and identify and quantify benchmarks for dairy cattle production systems, in a non-experimental approach, aiming to contribute to the sustainability and competitiveness of dairy farming in the Pernambuco Agreste region, northeastern Brazil. Thirty-six milk production systems of family and corporate farming were evaluated during twelve months, in order to identify and quantify the benchmarks. The systems were characterized regarding their size and technological, zootechnical and economic profiles. The correlation coefficients of the return rate on invested capital were assessed and regression equations were developed for each indicator, according to four scenarios of annual return rates (4, 6, 8 and 10%. The indicators evaluated were milk production per dairy cows, milk production per area, average price of milk, effective operational cost, total operating cost, total cost per price of milk and profitability. The dairy farming in the Pernambuco Agreste region pays the production costs, but tends to a not adequate remuneration of family labor and a need of external capital input for replacement of the assets. The productivity of production factors area and animals showed higher correlation with cost-effectiveness, denoting the need for increase the production through increases in land area and milk productivity per dairy cow. The identification and quantification of benchmarks may help to identify the weak points of dairy farming in the Agreste region, making it sustainable and competitive.

  9. Genetic analyses, phenotypic adaptability and stability in sugarcane genotypes for commercial cultivation in Pernambuco. (United States)

    Dutra Filho, J A; Junior, T C; Simões Neto, D E


    In the present study, we assessed the agro-industrial performance of 22 sugarcane genotypes adaptable to edaphoclimatic conditions in production microregions in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, and we recommended the commercial cultivation of select genotypes. The variables analyzed were as follows: sucrose percentage in cane juice, tonnage of saccharose per hectare (TPH), sugarcane tonnage per hectare (TCH), fiber, solid soluble contents, total recoverable sugar tonnage (ATR), and total recoverable sugar tonnage per hectare (ATR t/ha). A randomized block design with 4 repeats was used. Combined variance of the experiments, genetic parameter estimates, and environment stratification were analyzed. Phenotypic adaptability and stability were analyzed using the Annicchiarico and Wricke methods and analysis of variance. Genetic gain was estimated using the classic index and sum of ranks. Genotype selection was efficient for TPH, TCH, and ATR t/ha. Genotypes presented a great potential for improvement and a similar response pattern in Litoral Norte and Mata Sul microregions for TPH and TCH and Litoral Norte and Litoral Sul microregions for ATR t/ha. Genotypes SP78-4764, RB813804, and SP79-101 showed better productivity and phenotypic adaptability and stability, according to the Wricke and Annicchiarico methods. These genotypes can be recommended for cultivation in the sugarcane belt in the State of Pernambuco.

  10. Características da tuberculose em idosos no Recife (PE: contribuição para o programa de controle Characteristics of elderly tuberculosis patients in Recife, Brazil: a contribution to the tuberculosis control program

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    Zilda do Rego Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Descrever as características demográficas, de hábitos de vida, socioeconômicas, clínico-epidemiológicas e de acesso aos serviços de saúde de idosos com tuberculose, diagnosticados e tratados no Recife (PE, e compará-las com os adultos jovens em mesmas condições. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se uma estratégia de análise do tipo caso-controle em uma coorte de pacientes com tuberculose, atendidos nas unidades de saúde pública do Recife no período de maio de 2001 a julho de 2003. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 1.127 pacientes, 136 idosos (casos e 991 adultos jovens (controles. Nos dois grupos o sexo prevalente foi o masculino e a forma da doença a pulmonar. O etilismo foi mais freqüente entre os controles e o analfabetismo entre os casos. Os idosos queixaram-se menos de tosse, sudorese e dor torácica. A sorologia para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana foi realizada em apenas 29 pacientes (2,6%. Os controles tiveram maior percentual de positividade nos exames de baciloscopia e cultura. Ambos os grupos tiveram que procurar mais de dois serviços de saúde e passaram-se mais de dois meses até que se fizesse o diagnóstico da doença. Os idosos tiveram maiores índices de cura e óbito, e abandonaram menos o tratamento. CONCLUSÃO: Na população estudada, os idosos apresentaram menos tosse, sudorese noturna e dor torácica, menor positividade nos exames complementares e maior mortalidade. Devem constituir um grupo com abordagem especial dos serviços de saúde pública.OBJECTIVE: To describe the demographic characteristics, everyday habits, socio-economic conditions, clinico-epidemiological profiles and access to health care services among the elderly patients with tuberculosis diagnosed and treated in the city of Recife, Brazil, comparing them to those observed in young adults with tuberculosis. METHODS: A case-control type strategy was used to evaluate a cohort of patients with tuberculosis, all of whom were treated in

  11. Flebotomíneo em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica na Região Metropolitana do Recife, PE


    Silva,Dílvia Ferreira; Vasconcelos,Simão Dias


    Foi realizada uma investigação sobre a distribuição da fauna flebotomínica em 4 fragmentos da Mata Atlântica na Região Metropolitana do Recife. Consistiu na captura de insetos adultos com auxilio de armadilhas luminosas CDC. 1.173 espécimes distribuídos em 11 espécies de Lutzomyia: Lutzomyia evandroi, Lutzomyia choti, Lutzomyia walkeri, Lutzomyia umbratilis, Lutzomyia brasiliensis, Lutzomyia sordellii, Lutzomyia claustrei, Lutzomyia wellcomei, Lutzomyia fluviatilis, Lutzomyia furcata e Lutzom...


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    Full Text Available The present work had as objective to carry through the agroclimatic zoning of the culture of surinam cherry in the state of Pernambuco. They had been used given average annual of minimum and maximum pluvial precipitation and pertaining temperatures of air the 201 climatologic station located in the main representative cities of the regions of the State for the elaboration of the water balance and the attainment of the thermal and water limits. The function density of probability of the distribution gamma was used to classify the dry, regular and rainy years. The maps of dry, regular and rainy years had been produced using interpolation for kriging. The results had presented 19 cities with full aptitude for dry years, 50 cities for regular years and 66 cities for rainy years apt to the culture of surinam cherry. The cities of Cortês, Gameleira and Palmares had revealed with better aptitudes agroclimatic for the culture of the surinam cherry in Pernambuco.


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    Andréa Pereira Silva


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar a implementação das políticas públicas na gestão dos recursos hídricos no Estado de Pernambuco, especificamente, na Bacia Hidrográfica do Capibaribe, e também, avaliar se estão contribuindo para a sustentabilidade da bacia. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método qualitativo e a metodologia de estudo de caso, com o auxílio do uso das técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental. Os resultados mostraramque a integração do planejamento ambiental com a gestão dos recursos hídricos em Pernambuco, necessitada atuação mais comprometida do Estado e da ampliação de participação da sociedade civil organizada. Embora, haja progressos moderados, a promoção da sustentabilidade hídrica ainda está em construção.

  14. Practical teachers in Recife and Olinda in second half XIX century

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    Dayana Raquel Pereira de Lima


    Full Text Available The reading, transcription and systemisation of governmental sources related to work and teaching associations in Recife and Olinda, during the XIX century, revealed practices linked mainly to individual benefits and political gains in its relations with public power. When tracking the specific path and demands of members of the 1872 Sociedade Propagadora da Instrução Pública as well as the petitions done by the teachers to the public power in the main working shifts of teaching - salaries, gratifications, exchanges, medical licenses, transferences, educational material etc - we will argue, using the methodology of microanalysis (REVEL, 1998, that the teachers as a working category was marked by individual practices of citizenship. In this sense, although there were associations, of “common interests” and a “discomfort” of public teachers, those developed personal strategies, according to the privileges acquired along their career which in fact deviate from building a teacher identity

  15. Measurement analysis using the Fricke dosemeter; Analise de medicoes com o dosimetro Fricke

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    Pedrosa, G A.C. , [Instituto Nacional de Metrologia (INMETRO), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil); Dantas, C.C. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Energia Nuclear], e-mail:; Campos, C.A. [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil)], e-mail:


    The Fricke dosemeter has been used for absolute determination of the radiation dose between 40 and 350 Gy for X-rays, Gamma rays and fast electrons energies. The great inconvenient of that dosimetric system is the impossibility of using for measurements of exposure or low dose rates. A Fricke dosimetry system was implanted at the Nuclear Sciences Regional Center (CRCN), in Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil, for the determination of radiation doses for spectrometry and mass dosimetry with plasma source. The statistical analysis of the obtained results have shown that using the spectrometric method that system cna be used for maintenance of factors of CRCN standard calibrations and the dose assessment thru mail system of radiotherapy centers of the country.

  16. Dosimetric study in fluoroscopy procedures realized on Recife, PE, Brazil; Estudo dosimetrico em procedimentos de fluoroscopia realizados no Recife

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    Maia, Ana Figueiredo


    Fluoroscopy is a special radiological examination that uses radiation to visualize the image directly in a TV monitor. Due to of the large exposure times, these procedures often give high doses to the patient, usually higher than those from conventional radiology. Since there are not international diagnostic references levels for fluoroscopy procedures, this research had the objective of making the first study of the fluoroscopy procedures in the Northeast Region of Brazil, providing, therefore, data for the implementation of diagnostic reference levels. Three institutions were evaluated in Recife, two of them teaching hospitals. The quantities measured were the air kerma-area-product, the screening time and the number of radiographs taken in each exam. The results show that the value of the air kerma-area-product varied among the institutions and the results in the institution which uses the last generation equipment were better than those obtained in the other institutions. A relevant fact, and also alarming, is that the population in the institutions that showed the worse results are children. The results obtained in these institutions are higher than those observed in other countries. The results of this research show that there is a need for optimization in those procedures, specially the ones that involve older equipment. It is also points to the continuity of this study to gather more information to define the fluoroscopy reference levels in the country. (author)

  17. Isotope exchange kinetic of phosphorus in soils from Pernambuco State -Brazil; Cinetica de diluicao isotopica de fosforo em solos de Pernambuco

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    Figueiredo, F J.B. de


    The applicability of isotopic exchange kinetics of {sup 32} p to characterize phosphorus available to plants and to diagnose the reactivity of soil-fertilizer-P in six soils from Pernambuco is described. This methodology was compared with anion exchange resin, isotopic exchange equilibrium methods (E-value and L-value) and P absorption by plants. The first greenhouse experiment had the following treatments: (1) with P and, (2) with addition of 43.7 mg P/Kg of soil, incubated for O, 42 and 84 days before seeding. The kinetic of isotopic exchange (KIE), resin-P and E-value were determined before seeding and after harvesting pearl millet grown for 42 days. Results indicated that the KIE parameters rated the soils more efficiently, in terms of available P and soil-fertilizer-P reactivity, than resin-P, E-value and L-value. (author). 38 refs, 2 figs, 18 tabs.

  18. Cost Optimization of Water Resources in Pernambuco, Brazil: Valuing Future Infrastructure and Climate Forecasts (United States)

    Kumar, Ipsita; Josset, Laureline; Lall, Upmanu; Cavalcanti e Silva, Erik; Cordeiro Possas, José Marcelo; Cauás Asfora, Marcelo


    Optimal management of water resources is paramount in semi-arid regions to limit strains on the society and economy due to limited water availability. This problem is likely to become even more recurrent as droughts are projected to intensify in the coming years, causing increasing stresses to the water supply in the concerned areas. The state of Pernambuco, in the Northeast Brazil is one such case, where one of the largest reservoir, Jucazinho, has been at approximately 1% capacity throughout 2016, making infrastructural challenges in the region very real. To ease some of the infrastructural stresses and reduce vulnerabilities of the water system, a new source of water from Rio São Francisco is currently under development. Till its development, water trucks have been regularly mandated to cover water deficits, but at a much higher cost, thus endangering the financial sustainability of the region. In this paper, we propose to evaluate the sustainability of the considered water system by formulating an optimization problem and determine the optimal operations to be conducted. We start with a comparative study of the current and future infrastructures capabilities to face various climate. We show that while the Rio Sao Francisco project mitigates the problems, both implementations do not prevent failure and require the reliance on water trucks during prolonged droughts. We also study the cost associated with the provision of water to the municipalities for several streamflow forecasts. In particular, we investigate the value of climate predictions to adapt operational decisions by comparing the results with a fixed policy derived from historical data. We show that the use of climate information permits the reduction of the water deficit and reduces overall operational costs. We conclude with a discussion on the potential of the approach to evaluate future infrastructure developments. This study is funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), and in

  19. A presença dos pátios, largos e adros de igreja na paisagem do grande Recife. /The presence of

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    Leão Barros, Sandra Augusta


    Full Text Available Desde os primeiros recortes territoriais do grande Recife, as igrejas pontuam o cenário urbano com suas torres, seus adros e pátios, sendo fortes símbolos de reconhecimento e identificação de bairros da cidade. As igrejas e seus pátios e adros fizeram parte dos primeiros engenhos e sesmarias, depois freguesias, hoje bairros, conferindo uma certa ambiência urbana que não foge à regra sobre a forma de ocupação característica do Brasil colônia, foram e são espaços de convivência da sociedade das cercanias, constituindo hoje espaços públicos e laicos na maioria das vezes. Fazem parte da paisagem urbana dessa cidade, associada ainda a proximidade da água, seja ela rio, mar ou açude, que atua como identidade e conformação espacial intrínseca a esta paisagem. Neste ensaio trazemos vários exemplos para ilustrar essas idéias esboçadas ao longo do texto./"Churchyards, "Largos", and Forecourts in the Great Recife Area Cityscape". Since the first territorial's outlines of Recife, the churches point out the urban cenary with their towers, their forecourts and broads, being strong symbols for recognizing and identification of this city districts. The churches and its forecourts and broads always have being part of the first sugar mills and land grants, after parishes, today districts, conferring a certain urban atmosphere that no break the law about the way of occupation characteristic of Brazil's colony, they were and are space of companionship of nearly society, now constituting public and laic space at the most part of time. They get part of the urban landscape of this city, associated with the water proximity, as being a river, sea or weir, which acts as intrinsic space identity and conformity of this landscape. At this paper we bring some examples to illustrate these ideas sketched along the text.

  20. Venous thromboembolism caused by testosterone abuse in a young man with previously undiagnosed genetic thrombophilia

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    Sîrbu Voichiţa Ileana


    Full Text Available Trombembolismul venos este o boală multifactorială; vârsta, antecedentele de tromboză venoasă profundă, cancerul, intervenţiile chirurgicale, obezitatea, imobilizarea prelungită, sarcina, consumul de anticoncepţionale, trombofilia, au fost identificaţi ca factori de risc majori. Trombofilia este un status protrombotic moştenit sau dobăndit care creşte tendinţa la trombembolism venos. Folosirea steroizilor anabolizanţi este strâns legată de trombembolismul venos datorită rolului lor protrombotic. În lucrarea de faţă prezentăm un caz de trombembolism venos la un bărbat de 26 ani care a folosit în mod abuziv testosteron injectabil şi avea o trombofilie genetică nediagnosticată anterior, cu discuţii din literatura de specialitate referitoare la trombofilia ereditară şi efectele protrombotice ale testosteronului.

  1. Fatores de risco para poliparasitismo intestinal em uma comunidade indígena de Pernambuco, Brasil Risk factors for multiple intestinal parasites in an indigenous community of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Annick Fontbonne


    Full Text Available No perfil etnoepidemiológico da comunidade dos Índios Pankararus - interior do Estado de Pernambuco -, as parasitoses intestinais representam importante problema de saúde pública, por atingir a quase totalidade da população. A fim de conhecer possíveis fatores de risco ambientais deste quadro, utilizou-se parte da base de dados do inquérito original para relacionar as condições de moradia ao número de parasitas diferentes verificado entre seus moradores. Com base na seleção da quantidade de exames coprológicos efetuados entre as pessoas da família, a amostra para análise contou 84 famílias dentre as 112 da amostra aleatória original. Para o número médio de 6,1 pessoas por família, constatou-se que o de parasitas diferentes presentes no lar era 5,0, número crescente quando a casa era de taipa (6,0 contra 4,9 para as de alvenaria; p An investigation into the ethno-epidemiological profile of the Pankararu indigenous group in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, identified multiple intestinal parasites in nearly all members of the community. To detect possible environmental risk factors, we used the data base from a previous survey to test relations between daily living conditions (housing, sanitation, water supply and treatment, and garbage disposal and the number of different parasite species found in the same household. The sample consisted of 84 families from the original sample of 112. Selection was based on the number of stool tests performed in the family. The mean number of parasite species was 5.0 per family, for a mean family size of 6.1 members. This number was greater for wattle-and-daub houses (mean 6.0 parasite species vs. 4.9 for brick houses; p < 0.03 and when water used in the household was not treated (mean 5.1 parasite species, vs. 4.5 for treated water; p < 0.05. Other household characteristics and hygienic habits did not significantly influence this number. We concluded that multiple intestinal parasitism in

  2. Percepção sobre o conhecimento e profilaxia das zoonoses e posse responsável em pais de alunos do pré-escolar de escolas situadas na comunidade localizada no bairro de Dois Irmãos na cidade do Recife (PE Perception of the zoonosis and responsible pet care by the parents from public schools kindergarten located at metropolitan region of Recife, northeast of Brazil

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    Ana Maria Alves Lima


    Full Text Available O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a percepção sobre zoonoses e posse responsável de pais de alunos, observando o nível de conhecimento e a conscientização dos entrevistados acerca do tema.Uma amostra de conveniência de 64 pais de alunos do pré-escolar de duas escolas situadas na Região Metropolitana do Recife (PE, foi analisada, utilizando um questionário para análise da percepção. Entre os entrevistados, 71,8 % não sabiam reconhecer o significado do termo zoonoses, porém 16% souberam reconhecer pelo menos um tipo de zoonose. Doenças transmitidas de animais a humanos foram associadas a suas formas de transmissão, como contato físico entre animais e o homem, mordeduras, contaminação fecal de água e alimentos com cistos e ovos de nematódeos, penetração de larvas de nematódeos na pele e através de insetos vetores. Os principais cuidados com animais de estimação relatados foram vacinação antirrábica (92,2%, administração de anti-helmínticos (76,6% e consultas ao médico veterinário (82,8%. Contudo, 23,4% dos pais tinham conhecimento que algumas parasitoses transmitidas por fezes de cães e gatos são zoonoses. A conscientização dos pais não apenas sobre doenças transmitidas por animais, mas sobre posse responsável, constitui-se um instrumento importante para reduzir os riscos de transmissão de zoonoses.The goal of this research was to examine parents' perception of the zoonosis and responsible pet care, observing their level of knowledge and awareness about the theme. A convenience sample of 64 parents from two kindergarten schools located at Metropolitan Region of Recife, Pernambuco State, was surveyed using a perception questionnaire. Findings indicate that 71.8 % didn't know the meaning of the term zoonosis, but 16% recognize at least one type of the disease. Diseases transmitted from animals to humans were associated to the way of transmission, as physical contact between animal and man, bite wound

  3. Woody medicinal plants of the caatinga in the state of Pernambuco (Northeast Brazil Plantas medicinais arbóreas da caatinga no Estado de Pernambuco (Nordeste do Brasil

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    Ana Carolina Oliveira da Silva


    Full Text Available Floristic and phytosociological studies undertaken in six areas of the state of Pernambuco were selected with the aim of analyzing the Relative Importance of the woody medicinal plant species of Pernambuco's caatinga from an ethnobotanical perspective. For the data analysis, only those identified up to the species level were selected and information on medicinal properties was obtained for each one from the literature. The Relative Importance was calculated for each species. From the 57 woody species, 22 had therapeutic indications; from these, Anacardium occidentale L., Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC Standley, Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl., and Myracrodruon urundeuva (Engl. Fr. All. had the greatest values of Relative Importance. The correlation analysis made clear that the Relative Importance of the species is negatively correlated with the Density and Relative Frequency (pCom o objetivo de analisar, a partir de uma perspectiva etnobotânica, a importância relativa das espécies arbóreas medicinais da caatinga pernambucana, foram selecionados trabalhos florísticos e fitossociológicos realizados em seis áreas no Estado de Pernambuco. Para análise dos dados, foram selecionadas apenas as espécies identificadas até o nível de espécie e para cada uma levantou-se informações medicinais disponíveis na literatura. Para cada espécie calculou-se a importância relativa. Das 57 espécies arbóreas, 22 possuem indicação terapêutica, sendo Anacardium occidentale L., Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC Standley, Schinopsis brasiliensis Engl. e Myracrodruon urundeuva (Engl. Fr. All., as espécies com os maiores valores de Importância Relativa. A análise de correlação evidenciou que a importância relativa das espécies encontra-se negativamente correlacionada com a Densidade e Freqüência Relativas (p< 0,05. As espécies mais importantes, do ponto de vista etnobotânico, são também as mais vulneráveis devido à exploração sistem

  4. Condutas autolesivas entre detentas da Colônia Penal Feminina do Recife Conductas auto lesivas entre detenidas de la "Colonia Penal Femenina de Recife" Self-harm behavior among Brazilian Women in Recife Prison

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    Marcus Túlio Caldas


    Full Text Available Esse estudo pretende analisar possíveis fatores de influência para condutas autolesivas entre detentas da Colônia Penal Feminina do Recife. Seus objetivos específicos incluem formular estratégias de intervenção que diminuam a incidência dessa prática. Dois questionários foram elaborados: o primeiro para realizar um censo com todas as detentas, determinando a extensão do comportamento autolesivo e selecionando a amostra; o segundo para aplicação nos sujeitos selecionados, detalhando esse comportamento. Para coleta de dados qualitativos utilizamos um diário de campo e entrevistas semidirigidas aplicadas coletivamente. Para análise dos dados usamos o método quantitativo de análise estatística descritiva e o método qualitativo de análise temática. Foram identificados vários fatores correlacionados à autolesão: alívio de sofrimento psíquico advindo do ambiente carcerário; raiva de si ou de outros; uso de drogas; tentativas de manipulação para obter vantagens no presídio e tentativas de comunicação e afirmação da individualidade num ambiente coletivo.Sus objetivos específicos incluyen formular estrategias de intervenciones que disminuyan la incidencia de esta práctica. Dos cuestionarios fueran elaborados: el primero para realizar un censo con todas las detenidas, determinando la extensión del comportamiento auto lesivo y seleccionando la muestra; el otro para aplicación en los sujetos seleccionados, detallando este comportamiento. Para colecta de datos cualitativos utilizamos un diario de campo y entrevistas semidirigidas aplicadas colectivamente. Para análisis de los datos usamos el método cuantitativo de análisis estadístico descriptivo y el método cualitativo de análisis temático. Fueran identificados varios factores correlacionados con la autolesione: alivio del sufrimiento psíquico advenido del ambiente carcelario, rabia de si o del otro, uso de droga, intento de manipulación para tener ventaja en el

  5. Rare-earth elements in uranium deposits in the municipality of Pedra, Pernambuco, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kennedy Francys Rodrigues Damascena; Romilton dos Santos Amaral; Jose Araujo dos Santos Junior; Alberto Antonio da Silva; Romulo Simoes Cezar Menezes


    In the present study, soil and rock samples were collected from uranium deposits in the city of Pedra, Pernambuco, Brazil. These samples were analyzed using neutron activation analysis to identify the occurrence of rare-earth elements (REE). The most abundant elements found were Ce, Nd and La, with concentrations 12 times higher than the average in the earth's crust and 4.6 times higher than values reported in worldwide studies, including Brazil. Nonetheless, further studies to examine the economic feasibility of mining REEs from this site are necessary. (author)

  6. Using digital photogrammetry to conduct an anthropometric analysis of wheelchair users. (United States)

    Barros, Helda Oliveira; Soares, Marcelomárcio


    This study deals with using digital photogrammetry to make an anthropometric analysis of wheelchair users. To analyse the data, Digita software was used, which was made available by means of the agreement of the Design Department of the Federal University of Pernambuco--Brazil--with the Department of Ergonomics of the Technical University of Lisbon--Portugal. Data collection involved a random sample of 18 subjects and occurred in the Biomechanics Laboratory of the Maurice of Nassau Faculty, located in Recife, Pernambuco. The methodology applied comprises the steps of Ergonomic Assessment, Configuration of the Data Base, Taking Digital Photographs, Digitalising the Coordinates and Presentation of Results. 15 structural variables related to static anthropometry were analysed, and 4 functional range variables relating to dynamic anthropometry. The results were presented by analysing personal data, classified by gender, ethnicity and age; by functional analysis of the sample, classified by clinical diagnosis, results of assessing the joints, results of the evaluation through motion and postural evaluation; and of the analysis of the anthropometric sample, which indicated for each variable the number of people, the mean, the standard deviation, and the minimum, median and maximum values.

  7. Morbidade materna grave em UTI obstétrica no Recife, região nordeste do Brasil Severe maternal morbidity in an obstetric ICU in Recife, Northeast of Brasil

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    Melania Maria Ramos de Amorim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar as pacientes admitidas na UTI obstétrica do serviço com critérios near miss ou morbidade materna grave. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se análise secundária de um estudo realizado na UTI obstétrica do IMIP, no período de fevereiro de 2003 a fevereiro de 2007, selecionando-se 291 casos com critérios near miss. Analisaram-se causas de admissão, momento da admissão em relação ao parto, idade, paridade, escolaridade, assistência pré-natal, doenças clínicas pré-existentes, idade gestacional na admissão e parto, diagnósticos, complicações e procedimentos durante a estadia e tempo de internamento na UTI. RESULTADOS: As causas mais comuns de admissão foram síndromes hipertensivas (78,4%, hemorragia (25,4% e infecção (16,5%. A maioria das pacientes foi admitida no puerpério (80,4% e transferida de outras unidades. A idade variou de 12 a 44 anos e a mediana de paridade foi um. Não havia relato de consultas pré-natais em 9,9% dos casos. A cesárea foi a via de parto em 68,4% das pacientes. Condições clínicas preexistentes estavam presentes em 18,7% das pacientes, 37% necessitaram de hemotransfusões, 10,8% drogas vasoativas, 9,1% ventilação mecânica e 13,4% punção venosa central. Observou-se eclâmpsia em 38,8 % das pacientes, choque hemorrágico em 27,1%, insuficiência renal em 11,7% edema pulmonar em 9,1% e insuficiência respiratória em 6,5%. CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes classificadas como near miss constituem um grupo importante nas admissões em UTI obstétrica. A obtenção de informações acerca desse grupo é fundamental para melhorar o cuidado e prevenir a mortalidade maternal.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate patients admitted with near miss maternal mortality criteria to an Obstetric ICU. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of a study conducted in an Obstetric ICU of IMIP (Recife, Pernambuco, from February 2003 to February 2007, from which 291 patients with near miss criteria or severe maternal morbidity were

  8. A produção do conhecimento científico e as políticas de saúde pública: reflexões a partir da ocorrência da filariose na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Braga Cynthia


    Full Text Available O artigo discute a relação entre a produção científica sobre a ocorrência da filariose bancroftiana no Brasil e o processo de formulação e implementação da política de saúde voltada ao seu controle. Para tanto, realiza uma revisão da produção do conhecimento e das políticas específicas, no período compreendido desde a criação do Programa de Combate à Filariose, em meados do século passado, até a criação do SUS, no marco da descentralização do controle das endemias. Centrando suas observações empíricas na ambiência da cidade do Recife, espaço urbano no qual ainda prevalece a filariose, ressalta os processos institucionais e destaca o papel dos distintos atores neles envolvidos. Partindo da hipótese de que se até à primeira metade do século vinte faltavam o conhecimento científico e o desenvolvimento tecnológico para o controle do problema, a seguir, quando esses avanços são disponibilizados, outros requerimentos, agora do campo da política, irão se impor, atuando como determinantes da persistência da endemia na cidade.

  9. Quality of raw milk produced in agreste region of Pernambuco, Brazil / Qualidade do leite cru produzido na região do agreste de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Márcia de Aguiar Ferreira Barros


    Full Text Available The poor quality of raw milk is the main problem in dairy industries, once it can directly interfere in the productivity and quality of dairy products. The Pernambuco is not different. located between the Zona da Mata and the Sertão regions, is responsible for a daily milk production of 980,000 liters, and presented an increase of 23% in the last two years. This study aimed the evaluation of the microbiological and physical-chemical quality of raw milk produced in the Agreste region of Pernambuco. Raw milk samples were collected from 53 dairy farms located at the following cities: Saloá, Águas Belas, São Bento do Una and Bom Conselho. For microbiological analysis, all samples were plated for mesophilic aerobes, total coliforms, Escherichia coli and DNase positive staphylococci in specific Petrifilm™ (3M Microbiology, St. Paul, USA. Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. were detected using VIDAS system (bioMérieux SA, Marcy l'Etoile, France. Organophosphorade and carbamates were detected by thin layer chromatography. Fat, protein, and lactose contents, total and non-fat solids, and density were obtained by ultrasound method using am automatic milk analyzer (Boecolac-60, Boeco, Hamburg, Germany. In addition, the raw milk samples were evaluated to cryoscopic, California Mastitis Test (CMT, peroxidase, Dornic acidity and Ring-test to brucellosis status of herds. In microbiological analysis, all samples presented high counts of the researched indicators microorganisms. The average of mesophilic aerobes was 1.68 X 107 with 83% of samples over 106. Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp were not found, 47% of the samples were positive for organophosphates and/or carbamates, 67.9% of the samples were positive for CMT and 26.4% for ring test. Thus, only 2 (3.77% samples were accordance with the established parameters of Instrução Normativa 51.,P.A qualidade do leite é um dos maiores problemas da cadeia do leite no Brasil, interferindo

  10. Plano Diretor Municipal: A governança no processo de revisão do Plano Diretor do Recife


    SILVA, Renata Maciel Marinho


    O objetivo da dissertação é refletir sobre as implicações dos conflitos de interesses ocorridos no processo de governança democrática, durante a revisão do Plano Diretor do Recife (PDR). O Estatuto da Cidade obrigou diversos municípios do Brasil a elaborar o plano diretor, principal instrumento de planejamento e gestão urbana, de acordo com o preceito constitucional de gestão democrática, ou seja, com a participação de diversos segmentos da sociedade. Com isso, inaugurou um nov...

  11. Wind energy assessment and wind farm simulation in Triunfo - Pernambuco, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lima, Laerte; Filho, Celso


    The Triunfo wind's characterization, in Pernambuco state, situated in Brazilian northeast, and wind power potential assessment study shows a average wind speed of 11.27 m / s, predominant Southeast wind direction, average wind power density of 1672 W/m2 and Weibull parameters shape and scale equal to 2,0 and 12,7 m/s. The wind farm was simulated by using 850kW wind turbines (total of 20MW). The simulated shows AEP of 111,4 GWh, Cf of 62% and 5462 hours of operation by year. The economical simulated results, shows Pay-back of 3 years, TIR = 47% and VAN = 85.506kEuro booths @ 20 years time period.

  12. Desempenho funcional de crianças com deficiência visual, atendidas no Departamento de Estimulação Visual da Fundação Altino Ventura Functional outcome of visually handicapped children cared for at the Department of Visual Stimulation - "Fundação Altino Ventura"

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    Juliana Malta


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Traçar o perfil funcional de crianças portadoras de deficiência visual. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 27 crianças. Dezessete com acuidade visual normal (que freqüentavam a Escola Municipal Alto do Maracanã, em Recife, e dez portadoras de deficiência visual (que recebiam estimulação visual no Departamento de Estimulação Visual da Fundação Altino Ventura, Recife. Foi utilizado o teste funcional padrão PEDI. RESULTADOS: As crianças portadoras de deficiência visual apresentaram desempenho significantemente inferior nas áreas de autocuidado e mobilidade que as crianças do grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: A deficiência visual traz conseqüências limitantes para o desempenho de atividades de autocuidado, locomoção, compreensão, comunicação e tarefas domésticas, na faixa etária estudada.PURPOSE: To analyze the functional outcome of visually handicapped children. METHODS: Twenty-seven children were evaluated using the standard functional PEDI test. Seventeen who attended school at "Escola Municipal Alto do Maracanã", Recife - Pernambuco, Brazil, had normal visual acuity and the other ten had visual handicap, and were cared for at Stimulation Visual Department - "Fundação Altino Ventura", in the same city. RESULTS: The children who had visual handicap showed significantly worse performance in self-care and mobility than normal children. CONCLUSION: Visual handicap may have limited the performance regarding self-care, mobility, understanding, communication, home works, in the studied group.

  13. Biomonitoring of air quality in the metropolitan region of Recife, PE, Brazil; Biomonitoracao da qualidade do ar na Regiao Metropolitana do Recife, PE

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Santos, Thiago Oliveira dos


    The interest on questions related to environmental conservation has increased in recent decades, being air pollution one of the main public health problems in huge urban centers. Major part of this atmospheric contamination is caused by gaseous pollutants and inhalable particulate matter. One of the main sources is the burning of fossil fuels mainly emitted by motor vehicles. Some organisms, like lichen and atmospheric bromeliad, are able to accumulate chemical elements in their tissues, thereby becoming excellent tools for air quality studies of monitoring. The present work evaluated the air quality in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR) using the lichen Cladonia verticillaris and the bromeliad Tillandsia recurvata, through the quantification of chemical elements associated to vehicles traffic. The biomonitors were transferred to 40 points distributed in the RMR with different intensities of the vehicle traffic. After the exposition period of six months, Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cl, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, Pb, Sb, Sr, Th, V and Zn were quantified by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The organisms were complementary, being appropriated tools for monitoring the air quality. The vehicle traffic was considered one of the major contributor for increasing chemical elements in the RMR urban atmosphere. (author)

  14. Babesia canis vogeli infection in dogs and ticks in the semiarid region of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Andreina C. Araujo


    Full Text Available Abstract:This study aimed to report the prevalence of Babesia canis vogeli in dogs and ticks in the urban and rural areas of Petrolina, Pernambuco. Serum and peripheral blood samples of 404 dogs were tested by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA and by blood smears, respectively. The presence of tick infestation was evaluated, and some specimens were submitted to DNA amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR. The presence of antibodies anti-B. canis vogeli was determinate in 57.9% (234/404 of dogs. The direct detection of Babesia spp was obtained in 0.5% (2/404 dogs by visualization of intraerythrocytic forms. Infestation by Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato was observed in 54.5% (220/404 of dogs in both urban and rural areas. DNA of Babesia canis vogeli were obtained by PCR in 6% individual (3/50 and 8.7% of pool of ticks (7/80. The risk factors for the presence of anti-B. canis vogeli antibodies, as determined through the application of logistic regression models (P<0.05, were the following: medium breed size variables (P<0.001; contact with areas of forest (P=0.021; and access on the street (P=0.046. This study describes, for the first time, the confirmation of infection of B. canis vogeli in dogs and ticks in the semiarid region of Pernambuco, Brazil.


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    Maria Ferreira


    Full Text Available This article deals with the trajectory of rural owners of Floresta and Tacaratú, sub-middle region of the São Francisco River, Pernambuco margin. The research, based on judicial sources and registry, allowed us to characterize the formation of this social category, mainly in the period of implementation of the Land Law of 1850. We find that, articulated in a network of sociability families of owners not only commanded the local administrative bureaucracy, but also actively participated in the construction socio-cultural and economic development of this space called Sertão.

  16. Detection of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa harboring bla GES-1 and bla GES-11 in Recife, Brazil

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    Valdemir Vicente da Silva Júnior

    Full Text Available Abstract INTRODUCTION: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an important pathogen globally, presents several resistance mechanisms. This study aimed to investigate the presence of bla GES in clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa obtained from various clinical specimens from patients admitted to three different hospitals in Recife, Brazil. The Guiana extended spectrum beta-lactamase (GES enzymes are responsible for conferring broad spectrum resistance to beta-lactam drugs, including the carbapenems. METHODS: A total of 100 carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa isolates underwent polymerase chain reaction (PCR testing to identify bla GES, bla KPC, bla SPM-1, bla IMP, and bla VIM. Additionally, PCR products positive for bla GES were sequenced. The clonal profiles of these same isolates were then determined by means of enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC-PCR analysis. RESULTS: PCR analysis revealed that four isolates harbored bla GES; DNA sequencing showed that two harbored bla GES-1 and two bla GES-11. Beta-lactamase genes bla SPM-1, bla IMP, bla VIM, and bla KPC were investigated; none of these genes was detected. Automated susceptibility testing methods (Vitek®2, bioMérieux showed that the bla GES-1-positive isolates were only susceptible to polymyxin B. The patterns obtained with ERIC-PCR methods showed clonal relationship between the two isolates that harbored bla GES-11, whereas different clonal profiles were found in the isolates harboring bla GES-1. CONCLUSIONS: We detected the presence of bacterial isolates positive for two different variants of the enzyme GES in three different hospitals from Recife, Brazil. These enzymes have a great capacity for dissemination among Gram-negative bacteria and confer broad-spectrum resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics and to the carbapenems.

  17. Casting an ergonomic eye on university libraries. (United States)

    Ferrer, Nicole; Villarouco, Vilma


    Research in the field of Ergonomics of the Built Environment has been developed with a view to consolidating studies in this area, the objective of which is to provide evidence that the joint participation of users and designers on drawing up projects is important. In this context, the theme of this study is to investigate the interactions between users and the environment in a university library. To do so, well-established techniques from Ergonomics, Architecture and Environmental Psychology were used to make a functional and behavioral evaluation to identify the level of user satisfaction in six libraries in the various study centers of the Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife, northeast Brazil, so as to identify the strengths and also weaknesses in these spatial structures.

  18. O bonde do desejo: o movimento feminista no Recife e o debate em torno do sexismo (1927-1931 The streetcar of desire: the feminist movement in Recife and the debate about sexism in republican politics (1927-1931

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    Alcileide Cabral do Nascimento


    Full Text Available Este artigo investiga como o Movimento Feminista em Recife problematizou o silêncio e a negação dos direitos políticos às mulheres na Primeira República. Estrategicamente, as feministas tiveram como foco a conquista dos direitos políticos, como possibilidade de alcançar a igualdade civil e os direitos sociais. A intensa utilização da imprensa, do rádio e a criação de jornais e revistas pelas feministas falam de práticas de liberdade e de jogos de poder que buscam redefinir as relações de gênero nos marcos do regime republicano e democrático. Se o Movimento não combateu a naturalização da diferença entre os sexos, questionou seus pressupostos e desnudou a profunda e entranhada concepção de inferioridade das mulheres diante dos homens. As feministas pegaram o moderno bonde e fizeram os percursos do desejo.This article investigates how the Feminist Movement in Recife problematized the silence and denial of political rights to women in the First Republic. Strategically, feminists have focused on the conquest of political rights, as the possibility of achieving equal civil and social rights. The intense use of the press, radio and the creation of newspapers and magazines tell about feminist practices of freedom and power games, which seek to redefine the relationship of gender within the framework of a democratic and republican regime. If the movement did not fight against the naturalization of the difference between genders, it questioned its assumptions and laid bare the deep and ingrained concept of women's inferiority before men. The feminists took the modern streetcar and made the paths of desire.

  19. Registro de branqueamento sazonal em Siderastrea spp em poças intermareais do recife de Garajuba, Bahia, Brasil


    Poggio, C.; Leão, Zelinda Margarida de Andrade Nery; Mafalda Junior, P. O.


    p. 502-506 O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüência da desestabilização da relação simbiótica entre o coral e as zooxantelas, resultando em perda desses simbiontes e/ou dos seus pigmentos fotossintetizantes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se o branqueamento das colônias do coral Siderastrea spp., observado nas poças intermareais do topo do recife de Guarajuba, ocorreu em função das variações sa...

  20. Registro de branqueamento sazonal em siderastrea spp. Em poças intermareais do recife de guarajuba, Bahia, Brasil


    Poggio, Carolina; Leão, Zelinda; Mafalda-Junior, Paulo


    O fenômeno do branqueamento em corais é caracterizado pela despigmentação da colônia em conseqüência da desestabilização da relação simbiótica entre o coral e as zooxantelas, resultando em perda desses simbiontes e/ou dos seus pigmentos fotossintetizantes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se o branqueamento das colônias do coral Siderastrea spp., observado nas poças intermareais do topo do recife de Guarajuba, ocorreu em função das variações sazonais da temperatura, salinidade e...

  1. A violência no trânsito : um estudo de cado do PVT - Recife/PE 2000-2004


    de Sá Gondim, Getúlio


    A violência no trânsito tem se constituído em uma séria problemática para todos, cuja solução deve ser tratada no âmbito das políticas públicas. Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Mestrado teve como objeto de análise a violência no trânsito na cidade do Recife, no período de 2000 a 2004. Definiu como objetivo analisar se o Projeto Vida no Trânsito contribuiu para reduzir os índices de acidentes, a multiinstitucionalidade e a ação educativa conscientizadora por meio dos arte-educadores. A metodolog...

  2. Sinopse das espécies de Croton L. (Euphorbiaceae no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil Synopsis of the species of Croton L. (Euphorbiaceae in Pernambuco state, Brazil

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    Juliana Santos Silva


    Full Text Available Este estudo foi baseado na análise de materiais de herbário, referências bibliográficas e coletas, revelando a ocorrência de 35 espécies do gênero Croton para o estado de Pernambuco. A maior parte destas espécies tem distribuição exclusiva na zona fitogeográfica das Caatingas; Croton fuscescens Spreng., C. grewioides Baill. e C. blanchetianus Baill. estendem-se da zona da Mata até a zona das Caatingas; C. polyandrus Spreng. e C. sellowii Baill. ocorrem principalmente na faixa litorânea, em vegetação de restinga; C. argenteus L., C. jacobinensis Baill. e C. triqueter Lam. foram observados apenas na zona da Mata, e C. glandulosus L., C. heliotropiifolius Kunth, C. hirtus L' Her. e C. lundianus (Didr. Müll. Arg. apresentam ampla distribuição no Estado. São apresentadas chave de identificação, comentários sobre distribuição geográfica e habitats, juntamente com ilustrações de características diagnósticas das espécies.This study was based on the analysis of herbarium material, specialized bibliography and field collections, recording the occurrence of 35 species of the genus Croton for the state of Pernambuco. Most of these species are distributed exclusively in the Caatinga phytogeographic region; Croton fuscescens Spreng., C. grewioides Baill. and C. blanchetianus Baill. are found from the forest zone to the caatinga zone; C. polyandrus Spreng. and C. sellowii Baill. occur mainly along the coast, in restinga vegetation; C. argenteus L., C. jacobinensis Baill. and C. triqueter Lam. were observed only in the forest zone, and C. glandulosus L., C. heliotropiifolius Kunth, C. hirtus L' Her. and C. lundianus (Didr. Müll. Arg. are widely distributed. Identification keys, comments on geographic distribution and habitats and illustrations of diagnostic characteristics of the species are provided.

  3. Les rues fermées : du collectif à la collectivité. Regards croisés Nantes/Recife Gated streets: from social affinity to community. Crossed looks Nantes/Recife

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    Fanny Vuaillat


    Full Text Available Cet article propose une analyse des rues fermées, publiques ou privées, dans deux contextes différents, Nantes en France et Recife au Brésil. Ce double regard analytique permet de s’extraire des effets de contextes pour tenter de percevoir le sens commun de ces rues dans la fabrique de la ville fermée. À partir d’une série d’observations et d’entretiens auprès de responsables techniques ou politiques des pouvoirs publics locaux, ainsi qu’auprès d’habitants, plusieurs rues fermées servent à appréhender la manière dont l’installation d’un obstacle au passage instaure une frontière qui impose un rapport négocié, non exempt de frictions, du collectif à constituer à la collectivité. Cette limite ne sert pas tant un entre-soi affinitaire, qu’elle ne préserve des intérêts communs, pour lesquels il s’agit de former un collectif. Il faut donc trouver un équilibre, qui s’avère être soit frictionnel, soit établi sur la base d’un consensus a minima. Mais les pouvoirs publics, avec un discours ambigu, laissent des marges de manœuvre à une négociation en initiant une gouvernance urbaine sur les bases de frontières, physiques et juridiques, malléables et poreuses.The article analyses restricted and gated streets in both different context, Nantes in France and Recife in Brazil. This double analysis minimizes the effects of context and tries to perceive generic meaning in the restricted city. Starting from observations and interviews with the representatives of local authorities and the dwellers, several examples are used to understand the installation of an obstacle which creates a border and imposes negotiation (not necessarily free from tensions between the dwellers group to be formed and the local authorities. This limit preserves a community of interest, more than a social affinity community. This kind of stability can be frictional or based on a soft consensus. Nevertheless, the ambiguous view of the

  4. Características clínicas da doença diarréica em lactentes na Zona da Mata Meridional do estado de Pernambuco Clinical characteristics of diarrheal disease in suckling children in the Zona da Mata Meridional in the State of Pernambuco

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    Giselia Alves Pontes da Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: descrever as características clínicas dos episódios diarréicos apresentados por um grupo de crianças residentes na Zona da Mata Meridional do estado de Pernambuco nos primeiros seis meses de vida. MÉTODOS: o desenho do estudo é uma série de casos dele fazem parte todas as crianças acompanhadas dentro de um estudo de coorte realizado em quatro cidades da Zona da Mata Meridional do estado de Pernambuco e que durante o período de observação apresentaram pelo menos um episódio de doença diarréica. RESULTADOS: foram acompanhados 264 episódios de doença diarréica, que ocorreram em 239 crianças. A duração dos episódios variou entre um e 31 dias, sendo a mediana de dois dias e a moda de um dia. Um total de 93,5% dos episódios se auto-limitou em até sete dias. A maioria das crianças apresentou um episódio de diarréia durante o período de observação. Houve necessidade de hospitalização em 18 episódios (6,8%. Não foi observado nenhum óbito. CONCLUSÕES: a evolução clínica da doença diarréica quando estudada na comunidade é benigna, com episódios diarréicos de curta duração e levando a baixos índices de hospitalização.OBJECTIVES: to describe clinical characteristics of diarrhea episodes in a group of children residing in the Zona da Mata Meridional in the State of Pernambuco during the first six months of life. METHODS: the study's design is a case series comprising all children followed-up within a cohort study accomplished in four cities of the Zona da Mata Meridional of the State of Pernambuco who during observation had at least one episode of diarrheal disease. RESULTS: 264 episodes of diarrhea were followed-up in 239 children. The episodes lasted between one and 31 days, with the median of two days and the mode of one day. 93,5% of the episodes were self-limited to seven days. The majority of the children had one diarrhea episode during observation. Hospitalization was required in 18 episodes

  5. Trabalho informal e território : aportes sobre o comércio ambulante na área central do Recife-PE


    ANDRADE, João Gabriel Nascimento de


    A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo central analisar os territórios do trabalho informal da área central da cidade do Recife, mais especificamente o universo da informalidade dos trabalhadores ambulantes, atividade que atua como subterfúgio para minorar as agruras oriundas da exclusão dos postos de trabalho que é submetida parcela da mão de obra urbana. Para tanto, reconstitui-se os processos sociais que originaram e condicionaram esta modalidade de trabalho. Realizou-se uma breve discussão ...


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    Alcileide Cabral Nascimento


    Full Text Available The present article investigates how the government of Pernambuco, between the years of 1835 to 1875, offered strategies to form workers with the minimum of qualification for the free work market and disciplining strategies of orphan and wretched children, aiming a better social control. One of the institutions created with that aim was the Colégio dos Órfãos (Orphans School, which wanted to decrease the accumulation of “threatening” kids in the cities. In the present period, a new perception emerges around the wretched childhood, understood now as dangerous, and the philanthropy gains strength and power that intends to transform these wretched young men into useful, docile and disciplined working strength for the free working market in the province of Pernambuco.

  7. Pathogenicity for onion and genetic diversity of isolates of the pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Phyllachoraceae) from the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. (United States)

    Nova, M X Vila; Borges, L R; de Sousa, A C B; Brasileiro, B T R V; Lima, E A L A; da Costa, A F; de Oliveira, N T


    Onion anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, is one of the main diseases of onions in the State of Pernambuco. We examined the pathogenicity of 15 C. gloeosporioides strains and analyzed their genetic variability using RAPDs and internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the rDNA region. Ten of the strains were obtained from substrates and hosts other than onion, including chayote (Sechium edule), guava (Psidium guajava), pomegranate (Punica granatum), water from the Capibaribe River, maracock (Passiflora sp), coconut (Cocus nucifera), surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora), and marine soil; five isolates came from onions collected from four different regions of the State of Pernambuco and one region of the State of Amazonas. Pathogenicity tests were carried out using onion leaves and bulbs. All strains were capable of causing disease in leaves, causing a variable degree of lesions on the leaves; four strains caused the most severe damage. In the onion bulb tests, only three of the above strains caused lesions. Seven primers of arbitrary sequences were used in the RAPD analysis, generating polymorphic bands that allowed the separation of the strains into three distinct groups. The amplification products generated with the primers ITS1 and ITS4 also showed polymorphism when digested with three restriction enzymes, DraI, HaeIII and MspI. Only the latter two demonstrated genetic variations among the strains. These two types of molecular markers were able to differentiate the strain from the State of Amazonas from those of the State of Pernambuco. However, there was no relationship between groups of strains, based on molecular markers, and degree of pathogenicity for onion leaves and bulbs.

  8. Estudo epidemiológico de pacientes com queimaduras por eletricidade atendidos em unidade de queimados em Recife – PE

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    Ana Claudia Siqueira Torquato


    Full Text Available Objetivo: verificar a frequência das queimaduras por eletricidade e perfil clínico-epidemiológico de pacientes atendidos na Unidade de Queimados em Recife-PE. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo, transversal e descritivo de pacientes com queimaduras por eletricidade atendidos na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital da Restauração (HR em Recife-PE, no período de janeiro 2007 a dezembro de 2008. Resultados: foram atendidos 115 pacientes com queimaduras por eletricidade no período de realização do estudo (média de 57,5 pacientes/ano, correspondendo a quase 8% de todas as queimaduras atendidas no serviço. Quanto ao sexo, 83,5% eram do sexo masculino e 16,5% eram do sexo feminino. A idade média foi de 27 anos. Ocorreu predominância do Médio queimado (70%. O acidente doméstico foi mais encontrado. Quanto ao tempo de hospitalização, aproximadamente 90% dos pacientes receberam alta com menos de dois meses de internação. Durante a evolução, 42,6% dos pacientes necessitaram de enxerto e 13% sofreram amputação. Nenhum óbito foi notificado no período de realização do estudo. Conclusões: a frequência de queimaduras por eletricidade em nosso estudo foi maior que as relatadas em outras séries. O perfil clínico- epidemiológico encontrado no presente estudo foi similar ao descrito na literatura.

  9. Percepción de la lepra y las discapacidades antes del diagnóstico en Recife, Brasil

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    Katia V. de O. Feliciano


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta un estudio de casos y controles realizado en Recife, Brasil, entre noviembre de 1993 y julio de 1994. En él se investigó cómo influyen la percepción y las apreciaciones de los propios pacientes de lepra en el proceso de manejar la enfermedad y en la utilización de los servicios de salud. La muestra estuvo constituida por 183 pacientes de 20 a 70 años de edad, residentes en Recife, que acudieron en busca de un diagnóstico a los servicios de dermatología sanitaria de dos centros de referencia de las regiones politicoadministrativas tercera, cuarta y sexta. Se clasificaron como casos los 64 pacientes que tenían discapacidades o lesiones precursoras de discapacidad; los 119 restantes se consideraron controles. Todos fueron diagnosticados durante el período de la investigación. En el análisis se ajustó según sexo, edad, escolaridad y antecedentes de la enfermedad de Hansen de los pacientes. El estudio reveló la coexistencia de dos tipos de "invisibilidad" de la enfermedad en una zona endémica en expansión: 1 para los pacientes de ambos grupos, la baja frecuencia de modelos explicativos, espontáneos, relacionados con la dolencia, aun en presencia de antecedentes de la enfermedad, y 2 para los profesionales sanitarios, las limitaciones de la detección. Puesto que afectan a las decisiones relacionadas con el manejo individual y colectivo de la enfermedad, esas deficiencias constituyen por sí mismas un factor de riesgo y representan un obstáculo para la eliminación de la lepra como problema de salud pública.

  10. Vibrios among patients of good socioeconomic conditions during the cholera epidemic in Recife, Brazil Vibriões coléricos e não coléricos entre pacientes de boas condições sódo-econômicas durante a epidemia de coléra no Recife, Brasil

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    Vera Magalhães


    Full Text Available Between March and July, 1992, we screened for Vibrio all fecal samples submitted for bacteriologic diagnosis at a private clinical laboratory in Recife. Of 1435 cultures examined only 1 (0.07% was positive for V.cholerae 01, biovar Eltor, serovar Inaba, but 17 (1.2% yielded non-cholera Vibrio (V.cholerae non-01; V.fluvialis; V.furnissii, V.parahaemolyticus and Vibrio spp. Thus, V.cholerae 01, differently of other enteropathogenic vibrios, spared individuals of good socioeconomic conditions even during the cholera epidemic, which made hundreds of victims in the neighboring slums.Entre março e julho de 1992, pesquisou-se Vibrio em todos os espécimes fecais enviados para diagnóstico bacteriológico a um laboratório clínico privado do Recife. De 1435 culturas examinadas apenas 1 (0.07% foi positiva para V.cholerae 01, biovar Eltor, sorovar Inaba, porém 17 (1,2% forneceram outras espécies de Vibrio (V.cholerae nao-01; V.fluvialis; V.furnissii; V.parahaemolyticus e Vibrio spp. Portanto, V.cholerae 01, diferentemente de outros vibriões entero patogênicos, poupou indivíduos de boas condições sócio-econômicas, mesmo durante uma epidemia de cólera que atingiu centenas de pessoas nas favelas vizinhas.

  11. [Acceptance by blood donors of the public blood bank in Recife, Brazil]. (United States)

    de Araújo, Fábia Michelle Rodrigues; Feliciano, Katia Virginia de Oliveira; Mendes, Marina Ferreira de Medeiros


    This study evaluated the acceptance of blood donors concerning the donation stages (attendance, medical and nursing selection and collection) at the Recife public blood bank with emphasis on the attendance. A sample of 527 donors was obtained: each 19th person sequentially was invited to answer a questionnaire. Chi-square (x2) was used in the analysis. Of those interviewed, 81.4% were men, 81% were repeat donors, 50.3% were dissatisfied regarding the time spent in donation and 36.4% had difficulties in reaching the service. The firm acceptance given to the attendance was due mainly to the communication and the quality of treatment. Of statistical significance were women donors of higher educational level who asked for more information and men who had a more positive perception towards the selection process. The best evaluation was attributed to the collection sector. However, mention was made of impersonal treatment, persistence of doubts and the cursory nature of the medical interview. Attention focused on the donor requires that ongoing education should concentrate on the humanitarian formation of the professionals involved.

  12. Directionality of physical and psychological dating violence among adolescents in Recife, Brazil

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    Alice Kelly Barreira


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: The aim was to investigate the physical and psychological dating violence among adolescents with respect to the profiles of directionality - only man perpetrates, only woman perpetrates, and bidirectional, ie, both perpetrate violence. METHODS: Sample was performed by two-stage cluster selection in public and private school in the city of Recife (PE, Brazil, presenting data on 355 adolescents of both sexes between 15 and 19 years old. Psychological violence was measured in dimensions threat, verbal/emotional, and relational. Statistical analyzes incorporated the sampling weight and the complex sample design. RESULTS: Violence is bidirectional in most forms studied (83.9% and girls reported higher levels of perpetration of physical violence, and boys reported more perpetration of relational violence. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that adolescent dating violence shows a pattern where partners attack each other, both physically and psychologically. Future research should study the patterns of these acts of violence, keeping the adolescent couple as the unit of analysis and exploring the context in which such violence occurs.


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    70% of its total area. The months that presented the greatest and smallest water requirements in the State were January and July, respectively. The knowledge of spacial and temporal distribuition of ETo on Mesoregions of Pernambuco bring benefits to producers who can make water management more suited to local crops.

  14. Campanhas políticas e repressão policial: as pichações na cidade do Recife (1979-1985)


    Soares, Thiago Nunes


    Entre os anos de 1979 e 1985, em Recife, pichar foi a prática de escrever, geralmente com spray, tinta e pincel, frases em paredes, muros e outros espaços da cidade. Na maioria das vezes, essas escritas possuíram discursos de forte cunho político, ao registrarem, sobretudo, a luta pelo fim da ditadura civil-militar, com o intuito de formar opiniões e mobilizar a população para lutar por melhorias sociais e pelo retorno à democracia no país, cerceada desde 1964. Essa atividade realizada por di...


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    Full Text Available ABSTRACT This study reports the occurrence of bat species and their ectoparasites to a mangrove area of the State of Pernambuco. The bats were captured for seven consecutive months in four mangrove areas. Sampling occurred for 12 consecutive hours each night collection where mist-nets were used. Eighty-three bats of 14 species were captured. Of these, only 53 Phyllostomidae family bats found themselves parasited. We identified seven species of flies of the family Streblidae parasitizing bats. The diversity of bats is H’ = 2.19 for all areas sampled and the prevalence of streblid ranged from 8.3 to 66,6. The mean intensity ranged from one and five. It is reported for the first time the occurrence of Lophostoma brasiliense to the mangrove ecosystem, besides two species of streblid to Pernambuco.

  16. Verification of radioactive waste management of nuclear medicine clinics in the city of Recife

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva, V.C.B.; Lopes-Filho, F.J.; Passos, R.S.; Lira, R.F.; Santos, M.A.P.; Belo, I.B.; Lima, F.R.A.; Vieira, J.W.; Ferreira-Filho, A.


    The increasing use of ionizing radiation in various areas can not be dissociated from the concerns of safety and radiation security. In Nuclear Medicine, this concern becomes higher, because of the radionuclides used in diagnosis and therapy of radiation sources are not sealed. Their use inevitably produces radioactive waste that must be controlled through proper management, according to the normative standards established in Brazil by the National Commission of Nuclear Energy (CNEN). The management of radioactive waste seeks to lower the occupational doses besides the environmental preservation. In the work carried out by the Regional Center of Nuclear Sciences Northeast (CRCN-NE) and the Federal Office for Education, Science and Technology (OPSI), we see the systems management of radioactive waste from Nuclear Medicine in the city of Recife. The results were obtained from the preparation of a sheet of compliance and its implementation in eight clinics. (author)

  17. Estratégia competitiva para empresas produtoras de hortículas no sistema orgânico The successful strategy of a grower and distributor of vegetables

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    Cleber Luiz Ferreira Dantas


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma análise da estratégia adotada por uma empresa produtora e distribuidora de hortaliças orgânicas e tradicionais que atua no mercado da região metropolitana do Grande Recife, Estado de Pernambuco. Essa empresa optou pela estratégia competitiva genérica de diferenciação, enfocando a produção e a comercialização com mais eficiência que as demais organizações do setor. O foco do estudo é a estratégia tática da empresa, que enfatizou a tecnologia de produção e de distribuição. Nele, consegue-se identificar os tipos de intervenção técnica e também os aspectos administrativos de agregação de valor aos produtos que conferem vantagens comerciais ao produtor, com o fornecimento de hortaliças de melhor qualidade, demandadas por um cliente-tipo de maior poder aquisitivo. Neste artigo, analisa-se o sucesso da estratégia de diferenciação como fator de competitividade para o ramo hortícola, tendo como estudo de caso o Sítio Vertentes, produtor de hortaliças orgânicas, convencionais e hidropônicas, localizado no município de Chã Grande, agreste Pernambucano. Os fundamentos teóricos deste estudo são os conceitos básicos da estratégia competitiva.Differentiation, as a successful competitive strategy, was analyzed in the "Sitio Vertentes" which grows conventional, hydroponic and organic vegetables in rural Pernambuco to distribute them in Metropolitan Recife. The focus was on better production, distribution and commercialization efficiency where technical and administrative actions added value and commercial advantages in supplying the higher quality vegetables demanded by customers with enhanced purchasing power. The technical fundamentals of this study are the basic concepts of competitive strategy.

  18. Empreendedor inovando o bem simbólico na rede de negócios: produção & consumo de software no Porto Digital

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    Fernando Gomes de Paiva Júnior


    Full Text Available The study aims to understand how the innovation process of a symbolic good occurs for software entrepreneurs amid its articulation in a business network. The research locus of this study is Porto Digital, a hub of information and communication technology (ICT and of creative economy of the Metropolitan Region of Recife, in the state of Pernambuco. This productive arrangement stands out nationally for developing products and services with high symbolic value. A content analysis of data was obtained through documentary research and semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs in software development companies, members of the Association for the Promotion of Excellence of Brazilian Software (SOFTEX. We identified an articulation that potentiates the entrepreneurial dynamics in this arrangement, showing that involvement of the entrepreneur in the business networks enables the emergence of innovative processes.

  19. História de uma sesmaria e suas aventuras

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    Barbosa Lima Sobrinho


    Full Text Available A sesmaria é a 1705, concedida à viuva de Domingos Jorge Velho, D. Jerônima Cardim Froes e oficiais do terço paulista, que acabava de completar a expugnação dos Palmares, vencendo os negros refugiados nos quilombos das serras alagoanas. Quem primeiro nos deu notícia da existência dessa sesmaria foi o historiador pernambucano Pereira da Costa, na sua conhecida e respeitada Cronologia Histórica do Estado do Piauí, publicada em 1909, com o apoio de Anísio de Abreu, que era então Governador daquele Estado. Incluia-se a data de terra entre as sesmarias concedidas pelo Governo de Pernambuco e que Pereira da Costa encontrara nos códices manuscritos, existentes na Biblioteca Pública do Recife.

  20. 2016 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies

    CERN Document Server

    Correia, Ana; Adeli, Hojjat; Reis, Luis; Teixeira, Marcelo


    This book contains a selection of articles from The 2016 World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST'16), held between the 22nd and 24th of March at Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. WorldCIST is a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent results and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges of modern Information Systems and Technologies research, together with their technological development and applications. The main topics covered are: Information and Knowledge Management; Organizational Models and Information Systems; Software and Systems Modeling; Software Systems, Architectures, Applications and Tools; Multimedia Systems and Applications; Computer Networks, Mobility and Pervasive Systems; Intelligent and Decision Support Systems; Big Data Analytics and Applications; Human-Computer Interaction; Health Informatics; Information Technologies in Education; Information Technologies in Radiocommunications.

  1. Fome, eugenia e constituição do campo da nutrição em Pernambuco: uma análise de Gilberto Freyre, Josué de Castro e Nelson Chaves Starvation, eugenics and the development of nutrition in Pernambuco according to Gilberto Freire's, Josué de Castro's and Nelson Chaves' analyses

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    Francisco de Assis Guedes de Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste artigo é examinar a contribuição dos estudos de Gilberto Freyre, Josué de Castro e Nelson Chaves, produzidos nas décadas de 1930 e 1940, para o processo de constituição do campo da nutrição em Pernambuco. O estudo procura demonstrar que as temáticas fome e eugenia constituem as categorias centrais que expressam os pontos de tensão e de comunhão das abordagens desses autores pernambucanos, pelo estatuto científico nesse campo do conhecimento.The purpose of this article is to examine the contribution of the studies Gilberto Freyre, Josué de Castro and Nelson Chaves produced for the development of the Pernambuco nutrition field, from 1930 to 1940. The article attempts to demonstrate that both subjects - starvation and eugenics - are the central categories that express tension and communion in these three authors' approaches to this field of knowledge.

  2. Wine consumption in the city of Recife (Brazil): a study of the relevance of the attributes of the drink at the time of purchase


    Diniz, Nayara; Almeida, Simone; Salazar, Viviane; Souza, Anderson Gomes de


    Abstract This study is a theoretical-empirical research on the identification and analysis of wine attributes' relevance in the purchase decision process to consumers in Recife. The theoretical framework was developed based on the identification of the most-frequently evaluated wine attributes in consumer behaviour studies in several countries. Subsequently, based on the work of Goodman et al. (2007), the relevance degree of each attribute was classified through the Best-Worst Scaling (BWS). ...

  3. Analysis of access to hypertensive and diabetic drugs in the Family Health Strategy, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. (United States)

    Barreto, Maria Nelly Sobreira de Carvalho; Cesse, Eduarda Ângela Pessoa; Lima, Rodrigo Fonseca; Marinho, Michelly Geórgia da Silva; Specht, Yuri da Silva; de Carvalho, Eduardo Maia Freese; Fontbonne, Annick


    To evaluate the access to drugs for hypertension and diabetes and the direct cost of buying them among users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Population-based, cross-sectional study of a systematic random sample of 785 patients with hypertension and 823 patients with diabetes mellitus who were registered in 208 randomly selected FHS teams in 35 municipalities of the state of Pernambuco. The selected municipalities were classified into three levels with probability proportional to municipality size (LS, large-sized; MS, medium-sized; SS, small-sized). To verify differences between the cities, we used the χ2 test. Pharmacological treatment was used by 91.2% patients with hypertension whereas 85.6% patients with diabetes mellitus used oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs), and 15.4% used insulin. The FHS team itself provided antihypertensive medications to 69.0% patients with hypertension, OADs to 75.0% patients with diabetes mellitus, and insulin treatment to 65.4%. The 36.9% patients with hypertension and 29.8% with diabetes mellitus that had to buy all or part of their medications reported median monthly cost of R$ 18.30, R$ 14.00, and R$ 27.61 for antihypertensive drugs, OADs, and insulin, respectively. It is necessary to increase efforts to ensure access to these drugs in the primary health care network.

  4. Analysis of access to hypertensive and diabetic drugs in the Family Health Strategy, State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Maria Nelly Sobreira de Carvalho Barreto


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the access to drugs for hypertension and diabetes and the direct cost of buying them among users of the Family Health Strategy (FHS in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil.METHODS: Population-based, cross-sectional study of a systematic random sample of 785 patients with hypertension and 823 patients with diabetes mellitus who were registered in 208 randomly selected FHS teams in 35 municipalities of the state of Pernambuco. The selected municipalities were classified into three levels with probability proportional to municipality size (LS, large-sized; MS, medium-sized; SS, small-sized. To verify differences between the cities, we used the χ2 test.RESULTS: Pharmacological treatment was used by 91.2% patients with hypertension whereas 85.6% patients with diabetes mellitus used oral antidiabetic drugs (OADs, and 15.4% used insulin. The FHS team itself provided antihypertensive medications to 69.0% patients with hypertension, OADs to 75.0% patients with diabetes mellitus, and insulin treatment to 65.4%. The 36.9% patients with hypertension and 29.8% with diabetes mellitus that had to buy all or part of their medications reported median monthly cost of R$ 18.30, R$ 14.00, and R$ 27.61 for antihypertensive drugs, OADs, and insulin, respectively.CONCLUSION: It is necessary to increase efforts to ensure access to these drugs in the primary health care network.

  5. Fatores de risco para poliparasitismo intestinal em uma comunidade indígena de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Fontbonne Annick


    Full Text Available No perfil etnoepidemiológico da comunidade dos Índios Pankararus - interior do Estado de Pernambuco -, as parasitoses intestinais representam importante problema de saúde pública, por atingir a quase totalidade da população. A fim de conhecer possíveis fatores de risco ambientais deste quadro, utilizou-se parte da base de dados do inquérito original para relacionar as condições de moradia ao número de parasitas diferentes verificado entre seus moradores. Com base na seleção da quantidade de exames coprológicos efetuados entre as pessoas da família, a amostra para análise contou 84 famílias dentre as 112 da amostra aleatória original. Para o número médio de 6,1 pessoas por família, constatou-se que o de parasitas diferentes presentes no lar era 5,0, número crescente quando a casa era de taipa (6,0 contra 4,9 para as de alvenaria; p < 0,03, ou a água usada na moradia não era tratada (5,1 contra 4,5 para água tratada; p < 0,05. Outros fatores que caracterizam a moradia e sua higiene não parecem influenciar o número médio de parasitas na casa. Conclui-se que o poliparasitismo nos Índios Pankararus de Pernambuco chega a representar a regra e está referido sobretudo às fontes de água de beber e ao seu tratamento.

  6. Fatores de risco para poliparasitismo intestinal em uma comunidade indígena de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Annick Fontbonne


    Full Text Available No perfil etnoepidemiológico da comunidade dos Índios Pankararus - interior do Estado de Pernambuco -, as parasitoses intestinais representam importante problema de saúde pública, por atingir a quase totalidade da população. A fim de conhecer possíveis fatores de risco ambientais deste quadro, utilizou-se parte da base de dados do inquérito original para relacionar as condições de moradia ao número de parasitas diferentes verificado entre seus moradores. Com base na seleção da quantidade de exames coprológicos efetuados entre as pessoas da família, a amostra para análise contou 84 famílias dentre as 112 da amostra aleatória original. Para o número médio de 6,1 pessoas por família, constatou-se que o de parasitas diferentes presentes no lar era 5,0, número crescente quando a casa era de taipa (6,0 contra 4,9 para as de alvenaria; p < 0,03, ou a água usada na moradia não era tratada (5,1 contra 4,5 para água tratada; p < 0,05. Outros fatores que caracterizam a moradia e sua higiene não parecem influenciar o número médio de parasitas na casa. Conclui-se que o poliparasitismo nos Índios Pankararus de Pernambuco chega a representar a regra e está referido sobretudo às fontes de água de beber e ao seu tratamento.

  7. Pteridófitas de um remanescente de Floresta Atlântica em São Vicente Férrer, Pernambuco, Brasil: Pteridaceae Pteridophytes of a remainder of Atlantic Forest in São Vicente Férrer, Pernambuco, Brazil: Pteridaceae

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    Marcio Roberto Pietrobom


    Full Text Available Foi realizado um levantamento florístico da pteridoflora da Mata do Estado, localizada no município de São Vicente Férrer, Zona da Mata Norte do Estado de Pernambuco. O estudo foi desenvolvido nesta área, devido a sua grande extensão, ca. 600ha, e também pela existência de uma grande diversidade de pteridófitas, resultado de um gradiente de umidade onde os fatores ambientais e físicos como os níveis de altitude, as precipitações pluviométricas, bem como a distribuição dessas precipitações têm importância fundamental para a vegetação da área. Foram empregados métodos tradicionais para o levantamento florístico, no período de um ano. Para a análise e identificação taxonômica dos exemplares coletados, foram utilizadas técnicas usuais e literaturas especializadas. São apresentadas ilustrações e distribuição geográfica das espécies, bem como, descrição da espécie nova referência e comentários da família, gêneros e espécies. O trabalho contribui para um maior conhecimento florístico e ecológico da pteridoflora de Reservas de Floresta Atlântica Serrana no Nordeste do Brasil. A família Pteridaceae está representada na área estudada por 20 espécies, distribuídas em sete gêneros (Pityrogramma Link, Adiantopsis Fée, Hemionitis L. e Acrostichum L. uma espécie cada; Doryopteris J. Sm. quatro espécies; Adiantum L. nove espécies e Pteris L. três espécies e uma variedade. Foi registrada uma nova referência para o estado de Pernambuco: Adiantum humile Kunze.A floristic survey of the pteridoflora at the Mata do Estado, located in the Municipality of São Vicente Férrer, Mata Norte (Atlantic Forest Zone in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil, was performed. The study was developed in this area, due to its great extension of ca. 600ha, and also because of a great of diversity pteridophytes , result of a humidity gradient where the environmental and physical factors such as the altitude levels and the

  8. Radium-228 as an indicator of thorium-232 presence in a soil in Pernambuco, Brazil. (United States)

    Santos Júnior, J A; Amaral, R S; Silva, C M; Menezes, R S C; Bezerra, J D


    Radiometric measurements were taken in a small area of Pernambuco, Brazil, with the objective of monitoring the radium of the soil. For this, 78 soil samples were collected. The gamma analyses of the samples were carried out using HPGe. The values obtained for the (226)Ra varied from 14 to 367 Bqkg(-1) and for the (228)Ra from 73 to 429 Bqkg(-1). The ratio (228)Ra/(226)Ra varied from 1.0 to 7.0. Therefore, it is an indicator of an additional radioactivity source in this soil, maybe (232)Th, which will be further investigated in future studies.

  9. Mortalidade por causas externas em crianças e adolescentes: tendências de 1979 a 1995 Child and adolescent mortality due to external causes: trends from 1979 to 1995

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    Maria Dilma de A Barros


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisar a magnitude e a tendência da mortalidade por grupos específicos de causas externas em crianças e adolescentes residentes no Recife, no período de 1979 a 1995. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informação em Mortalidade do Ministério da Saúde e da Secretaria de Saúde de Pernambuco. O grupo estudado, na faixa etária de 0-19 anos, representou 41,8% da população de Recife, em 1991. Utilizou-se o desenho ecológico exploratório tipo série temporal. Analisou-se a tendência para os coeficientes de mortalidade por causas externas e seus grupos específicos segundo sexo e grupo etário, por regressão linear simples. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: Na série temporal estudada, os coeficientes de mortalidade por causas externas mostraram crescimento, sobretudo por homicídios nos adolescentes, em que se observaram um aumento anual médio de 3,05 e um aumento relativo de 601, 3% ao longo da série. Em 1995, mais de 90% desses homicídios foram perpetrados por arma de fogo. Os dados revelam a magnitude do problema e a necessidade do seu enfrentamento, o qual precisa considerar a complexidade da determinação da violência.OBJECTIVE: To analyze the magnitude and trends of mortality due to external causes in specific age groups, from 0 to 19 years old in a population living in the city of Recife, Brazil, from 1979 to 1995. METHODS: Data from the Mortality Data System of the Ministry of Health and Health Department of Pernambuco State was used. The studied population, aged 0 to 19 years old, represented 41.8% of total city population in 1991. A time series exploratory ecological model was created to analyze trends in mortality coefficients due to external causes. Using simple linear regression these coefficients were assessed in specific age groups categorized by gender. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: In the time series, mortality coefficients due to external causes showed an increasing trend, in particular due to

  10. Doença de depósito lisossomal induzida pelo consumo de Ipomoea verbascoidea (Convolvulaceae) em caprinos no semiárido de Pernambuco (United States)

    The aim of this paper was to reproduce the poisoning of Ipomoea verbascoidea in goats and describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects of spontaneous poisoning by this plant in Pernambuco. For this, we studied the epidemiology of the disease in seven mu¬nicipalities in the semiari...

  11. Um modelo espacial de demanda habitacional para a cidade do Recife

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    Rubens Alves Dantas


    Full Text Available Este trabalho mostra a importância da utilização da econometria espacial nos estudos dos fenômenos relacionados à economia urbana, em particular, no comportamento do mercado habitacional. Nas análises realizadas, com o objetivo de estimar uma Função de Demanda por Habitação para a cidade do Recife, com base em informações do Censo Demográfico (2000 e dados de imóveis financiados pela Caixa Econômica Federal, verificaram-se fortes indícios de dependência espacial em todas as variáveis econômicas exploradas. Verifica-se que a maneira de considerar a questão espacial, em função de distâncias da habitação a polos de influência ou dividindo o espaço em regiões, como vem ocorrendo corriqueiramente na literatura, não é capaz de explicar completamente o comportamento da demanda por habitação. Os resultados indicam que as equações de demanda tradicionalmente estimadas, sem levar em conta os efeitos de dependência espacial, podem gerar resultados tendenciosos, com a elasticidade-preço representando menos de 50% da estimativa do modelo espacial.

  12. Cymothoa recifea sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae from the mouths of marine fishes of Pernambuco State, Brazil Cymothoa recifea sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae das bocas de peixes marinhos do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Vernon E. Thatcher


    Full Text Available Cymothoa recifea sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae is described from the mouths of Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792 and Oligoplites palometa (Cuvier, 1832. The fish hosts were caught near Itamaracá and Cabo de Santo Agostinho, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. The new species bears a superficial resemblance to Cymothoa oestrum (Linnaeus, 1793 from which it differs in a number of important respects. In the new species, the basal carinae are large on pereopods 4-7 and usually pointed, whereas in C. oestrum the carinae are small on pereopods 4-6, large on 7 and not pointed. In the new species, only pleopod 1 is simple and 2-5 are provided with pockets and folds. In the other species, pleopods 1-4 are simple and only 5 has folds.Cymothoa recifea sp. nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae é descrito das bocas de Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch, 1792 e Oligoplites palometa (Cuvier, 1832. Os peixes foram capturados perto de Itamaracá, Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. A nova espécie apresenta uma semelhança superficial à Cymothoa oestrum (Linnaeus, 1793 da qual distingue-se pôr várias características. Na nova espécie, as expansões nas bases dos pereópodos ("carinae" são grandes nos 4-7 e, geralmente, terminam em pontas agudas. Em contraste, em C. oestrum, estas estruturas são pequenas nos pereópodos 4-6, grande somente no sétimo e não têm pontas agudas. Na nova espécie, somente o pleópodo 1 é simples e 2-5 apresentam bolsas e dobras. Na outra espécie, os pleópodos 1-4 são simples e somente 5 tem dobras.

  13. Application of preliminary risk analysis at marble finishing plants in Recife's metropolitan area. (United States)

    de Melo Neto, Rútilo P; Kohlman Rabbani, Emilia R


    The finishing of marble occurs in quarries all over Brazil, being the most significant dimension of the ornamental stone sector, with 7,000 businesses. Recife's Metropolitan Area (RMR) contains approximately 106 marble quarries, 25 of them unionized. The study focused on the application of Preliminary Risk Analysis, conducted at two unionized quarries: M1, a small business; and the second, M2, considered a micro enterprise. In this analysis both the administrative and the productive sectors were evaluated. The fieldwork was done in the month of December 2010. The study revealed that the two quarries carried moderate risks in the administrative sector, mainly due to ergonomic factors, and that in the productive sectors the risks were high, specifically because of excess noise, dust material, and precarious electrical installations. Using the results of the qualitative analysis as a base, the need for quantitative study presents itself in order to determine the most adequate modes of protection to be of assistance in the management of these risks, guaranteeing the safety and health of the worker and consequently the improvement in productivity in this sector.

  14. Biological and environmental factors associated with risk of schistosomiasis mansoni transmission in Porto de Galinhas, Pernambuco State, Brazil


    Leal Neto, Onicio Batista; Gomes, Elainne Christine de Souza; Oliveira Junior, Fernando José Moreira de; Andrade, Rafael; Reis, Diego Leandro; Souza-Santos, Reinaldo; Bocanegra, Silvana; Barbosa, Constança Simões


    Schistosomiasis has expanded to the coast of Pernambuco State, Brazil, where there are frequent reports of Biomphalaria glabrata snails and human cases of the disease. This study analyzes factors related to schistosomiasis transmission risk in Porto de Galinhas. A one-year malacological survey was conducted to identify biological, abiotic, and environmental factors related to the host snail breeding sites. Data analysis used Excel 2010, GTM Pro, and ArcGis 10. A total of 11,012 B. glabrata sn...

  15. Isotope exchange kinetic of phosphorus in soils from Pernambuco State -Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Figueiredo, F.J.B. de.


    The applicability of isotopic exchange kinetics of 32 p to characterize phosphorus available to plants and to diagnose the reactivity of soil-fertilizer-P in six soils from Pernambuco is described. This methodology was compared with anion exchange resin, isotopic exchange equilibrium methods (E-value and L-value) and P absorption by plants. The first greenhouse experiment had the following treatments: 1) with P and, 2) with addition of 43.7 mg P/Kg of soil, incubated for O, 42 and 84 days before seeding. The kinetic of isotopic exchange (KIE), resin-P and E-value were determined before seeding and after harvesting pearl millet grown for 42 days. Results indicated that the KIE parameters rated the soils more efficiently, in terms of available P and soil-fertilizer-P reactivity, than resin-P, E-value and L-value. (author). 38 refs, 2 figs, 18 tabs

  16. Impacto da saúde bucal no cotidiano de idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados da cidade do Recife (PE, Brasil Impact of oral health in the daily life of institutionalized and non institutionalized elder in the city of Recife (PE, Brazil

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    Eliane Helena Alvim de Souza


    Full Text Available Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar a influência da saúde bucal no cotidiano de idosos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados da cidade do Recife (PE, bem como verificar se a saúde bucal tem a mesma relevância para os dois grupos estudados. Para avaliar a percepção de saúde bucal, utilizou-se o índice Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI. As faixas do GOHAI foram categorizadas em baixa percepção (The objective of the study is to assess the influence of oral health in the daily routine of both institutionalized and non-institutionalized elders living in the city of Recife-PE, as well as to come to conclusions concerning the relevance level of oral health in both groups. In order to assess the perception of oral health, it was used the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI. The GOHAI levels, concerning the perception, were categorized in: low (<= 50, average (51 to 60 and high (57 to 60. Oral health conditions were represented by the DMFT index (with cavity, lost and repaired teeth. It was observed that the percentage of elderly with a GOHAI not higher than 50 (low perception of oral health was rather higher in the non-institutionalized group than in the institutionalized (92,2% x 64,9%. The average DMFT and the number of lost teeth were higher in the institutionalized group (96,01% x 87,87%. The perception of oral health was lower for more than half of the examined elderly population, but there being a meaningful difference between the two groups concerning the GOHAI, with lower levels for the non-institutionalized group. The result of the perception of oral health was compatible with the high number of decayed and lost teeth.

  17. Análise da metodologia de ensino de ciências nas escolas da rede municipal de Recife Análisis de la metodología de la enseñanza de ciencias en las escuelas de la red municipal de Recife, Brasil Analysis of science teaching methodology used by teachers from public schools in Recife, Brazil

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    Kênio Erithon Cavalcante Lima


    Full Text Available O professor de Ciências enfrenta uma série de desafios para superar limitações metodológicas e conceituais de formação em seu cotidiano escolar. Este trabalho buscou conhecer as principais dificuldades e metodologias de ensino de Ciências da rede pública municipal do Recife. Através de entrevista com 42 professores de 31 escolas, observamos que eles usam o livro didático como o recurso mais freqüente, diversificam suas estratégias de avaliação, e buscam, na medida do possível, desenvolver atividades extra-classe. Consideram como os assuntos mais difíceis de abordar os temas ligados à Física e Química, e como os assuntos que mais despertam a atenção de seus alunos os temas de Sexualidade e Meio Ambiente. Os professores citam o custo alto dos livros e revistas científicas e a falta de tempo como principais empecilhos para sua atualização pedagógica, e mantém fraca interação com universidades locais. Destaca-se a importância de uma educação continuada como mecanismo de atualização conceitual e metodológica.Los profesores de Ciencias enfrentan una serie de desafíos para superar limitaciones metodológicas y conceptuales de formación en su cotidiano profesional. Este estudio ha intentado conocer las principales dificultades y metodologías de enseñanza de las Ciencias de la red pública de la municipalidad de Recife, Brasil. A través de entrevistas con 42 profesores de 31 escuelas, observamos que ellos utilizan el libro didáctico como el recurso más frecuente, varían sus estrategias de evaluación y intentan, cuando es posible, desarrollar actividades extra clase. Ellos consideran como tópicos más difíciles la Química y la Física, mientras los que más despiertan interés del estudiante son aquellos relacionados al Medio Ambiente y la Sexualidad. Los profesores citan el elevado costo de libros y revistas científicas y la falta de tiempo como los mayores obstáculos para su actualización pedagógica y

  18. Estudos geotécnicos de um aterro de solos da Formação Barreiras na região metropolitana do Recife


    SOUZA NETO, Danisete Pereira de


    Este trabalho apresenta um estudo geotécnico de um aterro de solos sedimentares da Formação Barreiras localizado na região metropolitana do Recife. Os parâmetros geotécnicos estudados foram obtidos a partir de uma campanha de investigação de campo e laboratório. Durante a investigação de campo, foram realizadas sondagens de simples reconhecimento, retirada de amostras indeformadas (bloco) e amolgadas representativas e ensaios de permeabilidade “in situ” (permeâmetro guelph). Na campanha de la...

  19. Mapeamento geomorfológico da área correspondente às folhas Alhandra e Pitimbu 1:25.000 - estados da Paraíba e Pernambuco (Nordeste do Brasil

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    Marquilene da Silva Santos


    Full Text Available Cuadernos de Geografía: Revista Colombiana de Geografía Mapeamento geomorfológico da área correspondente às folhas Alhandra e Pitimbu 1:25.000 - estados da Paraíba e Pernambuco (Nordeste do Brasil Mapeo geomorfológico del área correspondiente a las hojas Alhandra y Pitimbu 1:25.000 - departamentos de Paraíba y Pernambuco (Noreste de Brasil Geomorphological Mapping of the Area Corresponding to the Alhandra and Pitimbu Leaves 1:25.000, in the States of Paraíba and Pernambuco (Northeastern Brazil Marquilene da Silva Santos* Gilvonete Maria Araujo de Freitas** Max Furrier*** Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Paraíba – Brasil DOI: *Licenciada em Geografia pela Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (UEPB e Mestre em Geografia pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB, Brasil. Atualmente, é professora do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN, Brasil. Endereço postal: Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Departamento de Geociências, Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia. Cidade Universitária - João Pessoa - Paraíba - Brasil. CEP: 58059-900. Correio eletrô **Licenciada em Geografia pela Faculdade de Formação de Professores de Petrolina/Universidade Estadual de Pernambuco; Especialista em Ensino de Geografia pela Universidade Estadual de Pernambuco e Mestre em Geografia pela UFPB, Brasil. Correio eletrô ***Bacharel e Licenciado em Geografia pela Universidade de São Paulo; Mestre em Geografia Física pela Universidade de São Paulo e Doutor em Geografia Física pela Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Atualmente, é professor adjunto nível II do Departamento de Geociências da UFPB, Brasil. Correio eletrô RECEBIDO: 25 DE JULHO DE 2013. ACEITO: 28 DE JANEIRO DE 2014. Artigo de pesquisa geomorfológica, que

  20. Prevalence and associated risk factors for bovine brucellosis in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Erivânia Camelo de Almeida


    Full Text Available This study was conducted to characterize the epidemiology of bovine brucellosis in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The state was divided into three regions, and in each region, approximately 300 properties were randomly sampled. From these selected properties, a pre-established number of animals were randomly selected and blood serum samples were obtained. A total of 3,901 animals were selected from 900 properties. For each selected property, an epidemiological questionnaire was administered to assess the type of farming, the animal husbandry practices and the sanitary practices that could be associated with the presence of brucellosis infection. The testing protocol consisted of screening the samples with a buffered acidified plate antigen test and retesting the positive samples with a complement fixation test (CF. One positive animal was enough to define an infected herd. The prevalence rates of infected herds and animals in the state were 4.5% [3.2; 6.4%] and 1.4% [0.7; 2.7%], respectively. By region, the prevalence rates of infected herds and animals, respectively, were as follows: Zona da Mata, 3.3% [1.8; 6.1%] and 1.7% [0.5; 3.0%]; Agreste, 7.4% [4.9; 10.9%] and 1.9% [0.8; 3.0%]; and Sertão, 1.3% [0.5; 3.5%] and 0.7% [0.0; 1.6%]. Flooded pastures (OR = 2.86 [1.37; 6.42] and the presence of 13 or more females in the herd (3rd quartile (OR = 2.65 [1.19; 5.89] were identified as risk factors. The existence of veterinary care emerged as a protective factor against bovine brucellosis in the state of Pernambuco (OR = 0.24 [0.10; 0.58].

  1. Pitiose em ovinos nos estados de Pernambuco e Bahia Pythiosis in sheep from Pernambuco and Bahia States, Brazil

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    Manuel V. Carrera


    Full Text Available A pitiose é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo oomiceto aquático P. insidiosum que acomete animais e o homem, especialmente habitantes de áreas úmidas. A enfermidade apresenta como característica principal a formação de lesões com aspecto granulomatoso nos hospedeiros. Neste trabalho, relatou-se a ocorrência da pitiose em ovinos nos estados de Pernambuco (PE e Bahia (BA, Nordeste do Brasil, bem como foi avaliada a eficácia de um imunoterápico frente a esta enfermidade. Amostras de sangue de 53 ovinos foram coletadas, sendo 49 animais oriundos de propriedades localizadas em PE e quatro animais provenientes da BA. Sete ovinos demonstraram sinais clínicos de pitiose ovina. Um dos animais foi submetido à eutanásia e sua cabeça e linfonodo submandibular foram coletados e enviados para análises laboratoriais. Seis ovinos foram submetidos à imunoterapia, sendo mantidos nas instalações do setor de ovinocultura da Univasf/Petrolina-PE durante o tratamento. As técnicas de ELISA, cultura fúngica e reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR foram utilizadas como métodos diagnósticos da pitiose ovina, sendo eficientes para confirmação dos casos clínicos no rebanho. Ao exame microscópico do material coletado da cavidade nasal de um animal eutanasiado, observou-se uma área focalmente extensa de necrose com presença de infiltrado difuso de neutrófilos íntegros e degenerados margeando a cartilagem. Somente um animal apresentou cura clínica, indicando uma eficiência no tratamento da pitiose de 16,7% (1/6. O aumento de casos de pitiose tem sido denotado em diversos municípios de PE e da BA. Neste contexto, o emprego do imunoterápico pode ser uma alternativa a ser pesquisada. Portanto, estudos futuros devem ser realizados para investigar o efeito da imunoterapia aplicada à pitiose em ovinos.Pythiosis is a devastating infectious disease caused by an aquatic oomycete, Pythium insidioum, and affects animals and humans that inhabit

  2. Survey and prevalence of species causing Alternaria leaf spots on brassica species in Pernambuco Levantamento e prevalência de espécies causadoras da alternariose em brássicas em Pernambuco

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    Sami J Michereff


    Full Text Available Brassicaceae family comprises plant species that are very important as vegetable crops, such as the species complex Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa. Alternaria brassicicola and A. brassicae are among the most important pathogens of Brassicaceae causing Alternaria leaf spot disease. The occurrence and prevalence of Alternaria species causing leaf spots in brassica crops in Pernambuco was acessed, as well as the existence of a possible preference by vegetable host for these pathogens. Twenty-eight fields were surveyed in the Agreste region of Pernambuco state, in the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. In each year, 10 Chinese cabbage, six cabbage, six cauliflower and six broccoli fields were visited. In each field, 50 leaves showing at least five lesions were randomly collected. Species identification was performed taking into account morphology of the conidia that was compared with literature data. Among the two Alternaria species found, A. brassicae was found in all Chinese cabbage fields while A. brassicicola was found in all fields of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli. Overall, A. brassicicola was more prevalent than A. brassicae. In Chinese cabbage there was predominance of A. brassicae, with mean prevalence of 91.0% and 96.5% in 2005 and 2006. On the other hand, in broccoli and cabbage there was high predominance of A. brassicicola, with mean prevalence between 95.1% and 99.8%. In cauliflower, although the prevalence has been of A. brassicicola, high frequency of A. brassicae was noted. The frequency of co-occurrence of both Alternaria species was very low. The results of this study reinforce the hypothesis of existence of host preference within species of Alternaria that cause leaf spots in brassica crops, especially when Chinese cabbage, broccoli and cabbage are considered. This information is critical to developing strategies for managing Alternaria leaf spots in Brassicaceae species.A família Brassicaceae possui espécies importantes

  3. Concentration of thorium and uranium in the ecosystem of Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlantica) of Pernambuco state

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferreira, Fabiano S.; Silva, Waldecy A.; Lira, Marcelo B.G.; Souza, Ebenezer M. de; França, Elvis de


    Thorium (Th) and Uranium (U) are distributed throughout the earth's crust. The mean thorium concentration ranges from 6 to 15 ppm, which makes it 3 times more abundant than uranium. These radionuclides in their natural form, and in low amounts, do not present a risk to the population because they have low activity, but the effects caused by the accumulation in living beings have not yet been fully elucidated. This work aims to evaluate the concentration of Th and U in the soils of an excerpt in the Atlantic Forest in the State of Pernambuco. Soil sampling (depth 0-20 cm) occurred in the projection of tree crowns of the predominant species in the studied areas. After drying and comminution, samples of 0.1 g of soil were submitted to chemical treatment to enable the analysis. This treatment consisted in the addition of 9 ml of HNO 3 (nitric acid) and 3 ml of HF (hydrofluoric acid) with subsequent heating of the sample and reference materials in a digester oven. The concentrations of Th and U were quantified by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry - ICP-MS. The mean concentrations found were: 10.5 mg kg -1 for thorium and 2.18 -1 for uranium, with values of 35 -1 and 26 -1 quantified in a thorium sample and uranium respectively. In this region, uranium and thorium hotspot were found, which reinforces the need for greater attention to these radionuclides in the Atlantic Forest of the State of Pernambuco

  4. Caracterização dos seminários por webconferência sobre saúde do adolescente e jovem da rede de núcleos de telessaúde de Pernambuco A characterization of web-conference seminars on the health of adolescents and young people at cyber-health centers in the Brazilian State of Pernambuco

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    Elisabeth Lima Dias da Cruz


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: caracterizar o perfil dos seminários por webconferência sobre saúde do adolescente e jovem, a partir dos registros do serviço de tele-educação da Rede de Núcleos de Telessaúde (RedeNUTES de Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, com dados de 1348 participações de profissionais de saúde nos seminários ocorridos no ano de 2009. RESULTADOS: a RedeNUTES esteve presente em 45% dos municípios de Pernambuco. Foram realizados 148 seminários (19% - saúde do adolescente e jovem com participação de todas as Gerências Regionais de Saúde; destacando a participação das equipes de enfermagem (51% e saúde bucal (16,5%. No momento de troca de experiências foram feitos 151 esclarecimentos de dúvidas (média de 5,4 dúvidas por seminário, destacando as mesmas equipes em 55,5% e 19,7%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: existe uma necessidade de estimular a participação dos profissionais de saúde nas capacitações permanentes para fortalecer as ações de promoção da saúde e o cuidado integral de forma contínua ao grupo dos adolescentes.OBJECTIVES: to characterize the profile of web-conference seminars on the health of adolescents and young people using registers from the cyber-education service of the Pernambuco Network of Cyber-Health Units (RedeNUTES. METHODS: a quantitative, retrospective, descriptive, exploratory study was carried out with dada from 1348 occasions on which health workers participated in seminars in the year 2009. RESULTS: RedeNUTES were in existence in 45% of municipalities in Pernambuco. 148 seminars were held (19% in the field of the health of adolescents and young people with the participation of all the Regional Health Management Teams; with an especially strong participation on the part of nursing (51% and dental health teams (16.5%. During the exchange of experiences, 151 questions were answered (an average of 5.4 per seminar, with strong

  5. Política de inclusão digital no ProJovem: um estudo das repercussões do programa no Recife


    do Rozario Gomes da Mota Silva, Maria


    Neste trabalho, realizamos um estudo sobre a inclusão digital no ProJovem. A análise que realizamos se inseriu no debate sobre políticas de inclusão de jovens e a importância da ação pública voltada a esses segmentos. Partimos da problematização sobre como o ProJovem do Recife está promovendo (ou não) a inclusão digital; quais as percepções dos gestores, professores e jovens que participam do Programa sobre a inclusão digital e se os mesmos consideram que o ProJovem está conseguindo promover ...

  6. Vida de agricultoras e histórias de documentos no Sertão Central de Pernambuco Lives of peasant and worker women and stories of documents in the South Central Sertão of Pernambuco

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    Rosineide de L. Meira Cordeiro


    Full Text Available O artigo enfoca como as mulheres agricultoras, ao terem acesso a direitos sociais, especialmente à Previdência Social, lidam com a normatização e a regulamentação dos processos de nascimento, envelhecimento e morte. O objetivo é analisar as dificuldades e as estratégias que as mulheres utilizam para cumprirem as exigências legais de comprovação do trabalho na agricultura familiar através de documentos civis e profissionais. A pesquisa foi realizada nos municípios de Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde e Triunfo, situados no Sertão de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. A ausência de documentos é reveladora dos parâmetros de modernidade instaurados no país e deve ser entendida à luz das intersecções de gênero, classe, raça, etnia e critérios geopolíticos.The article focuses on how peasant and worker women deal with norms and rules about birth, ageing and death, in the process of getting access to social rights, especially to Social Security. The aim is to analyze difficulties and strategies used by women in order to comply with the legal demands of proof of work experience in family farming by way of civil and professional documents. Research was undertaken in the municipalities of Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde and Triunfo, in the Pernambuco Sertão in Northeast Brazil. The absence of documents reveals how parameters of modernity are installed in the nation, understanding them as necessarily related to gender, class, race, ethnicity and geopolitical criteria.

  7. Risk factor control in hypertensive and diabetic subjects attended by the Family Health Strategy in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil: the SERVIDIAH study Control de los factores de riesgo en hipertensos y diabéticos seguidos por la Estrategia Salud de la Familia en el estado de Pernambuco, Brasil: estudio SERVIDIAH Controle dos fatores de risco em hipertensos e diabéticos acompanhados pela Estratégia Saúde da Família no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil: estudo SERVIDIAH

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    Adriana Falangola Benjamin Bezerra


    Full Text Available The SERVIDIAH study (Evaluation of Health Services for Diabetic and Hypertensive Subjects was conducted in 2010 in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. A multi-stage random sample of 785 hypertensive and 823 diabetic patients was drawn from 208 Family Health Strategy (FHS units selected throughout 35 municipalities. Patients underwent a structured interview and weight, height, blood pressure and HbA1c levels (for diabetic patients were measured. Mean age was approximately 60 years, and women were overrepresented in the sample (70%. 43.7% of hypertensive subjects and 25.8% of diabetic subjects achieved adequate blood pressure control and 30.5% of diabetic subjects had HbA1c levels below 7%. Despite 70% of the patients being overweight or obese, few had adhered to a weight-loss diet. The study of this representative sample of hypertensive and diabetic patients attended by the FHS in the State of Pernambuco shows that improvements in the management of hypertension and diabetes are needed in order to prevent the occurrence of serious and costly complications, especially given the context of increasing incidence of these two conditions.El estudio SERVIDIAH (Evaluación de Servicios de Atención Básica a la Salud para Diabéticos e Hipertensos fue realizado en 2010 en el estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Se constituyó una muestra aleatoria de 785 hipertensos y 823 diabéticos, proveniente de los registros de 208 equipos de la Estrategia Salud de la Familia (ESF en 35 municipios del estado. Los usuarios fueron entrevistados mediante un formulario padronizado, y se les verificó el peso, altura y presión arterial y, a los diabéticos, la hemoglobina glicosilada (HbA1c. La edad media fue en torno a 60 años, con representación mayoritaria de mujeres (70%. La presión arterial fue controlada en un 43,7% de los hipertensos y un 25,8% de los diabéticos; un 30,5% de los diabéticos presentaron HbA1c por debajo de un 7%. A pesar de que un 70% presentaron

  8. Epididimite ovina por Actinobacillus seminis no Estado de Pernambuco

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    Mauro José Gonçalves Bezerra


    Full Text Available Relata-se a ocorrência de orquite e epididimite ovina associada ao isolamento de Actinobacillus seminis no Estado de Pernambuco. Clinicamente observou-se aumento de volume nos testículos e epidídimos, dor e aumento de temperatura local à palpação, e atrofia testicular bilateral. Após o abate observou-se a presença de conteúdo purulento no epidídimo. À microscopia dos testículos observou-se espessamento da túnica albugínea, necrose de coagulação e calcificação de túbulos seminíferos, infiltrado inflamatório com predominância de linfócitos entre túbulos seminíferos, além de mineralização incipiente de túbulos. No epidídimo observou-se intensa proliferação de tecido conjuntivo ao redor dos ductos epididimários. O diagnóstico de orquite e epididimite por Actinobacillus seminis foi confirmado pela associação dos achados clínico-patológicos, isolamento e identificação da bactéria.

  9. "We live under the assassin's dagger empire ...": crime and police in Recife of the Nineteenth century (1860-1889

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    Wellington Barbosa da Silva


    Full Text Available In the second half of the nineteenth century, various documents (produced by the administrative bureaucracy and police, but also by ordinary citizens and journalists gave the impression that the Recife lived grappling with a stubborn and growing crime framework. Thefts, robberies and murders would be constant and the police could not control or at least limit the action of facinorosos. The purpose of this article is precisely to discuss this historical context so distant in time, but at the same time so close to us, at present, namely: a ubiquitous crime and the constant request made by various segments of society, of a regular and efficient policing – seen as the right antidote to the deterrence of crimes and the establishment of public security.

  10. Diversity of gall-inducing insects in the high altitude wetland forests in Pernambuco, Northeastern Brazil

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    JC Santos

    Full Text Available We report on the richness of galling insects in the altitudinal wetland forests of Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil. We found 80 distinct types of insect galls on 49 species of host plants belonging to 28 families and 35 genera. Most of the galled plant species belong to Nyctaginaceae, Fabaceae, Meliaceae, Sapindaceae and Myrtaceae. The most common gall were spheroid and globoid; most galls were glabrous, predominantly green and with one chamber, and on the leaves. Most galls were induced by Cecidomyiidae (Diptera. The results of this study contribute to existing knowledge richness of galling insects and host-plant diversity in the altitudinal wetland forests of Northeastern Brazil.

  11. Dosimetric study in fluoroscopy procedures realized on Recife, PE, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maia, Ana Figueiredo


    Fluoroscopy is a special radiological examination that uses radiation to visualize the image directly in a TV monitor. Due to of the large exposure times, these procedures often give high doses to the patient, usually higher than those from conventional radiology. Since there are not international diagnostic references levels for fluoroscopy procedures, this research had the objective of making the first study of the fluoroscopy procedures in the Northeast Region of Brazil, providing, therefore, data for the implementation of diagnostic reference levels. Three institutions were evaluated in Recife, two of them teaching hospitals. The quantities measured were the air kerma-area-product, the screening time and the number of radiographs taken in each exam. The results show that the value of the air kerma-area-product varied among the institutions and the results in the institution which uses the last generation equipment were better than those obtained in the other institutions. A relevant fact, and also alarming, is that the population in the institutions that showed the worse results are children. The results obtained in these institutions are higher than those observed in other countries. The results of this research show that there is a need for optimization in those procedures, specially the ones that involve older equipment. It is also points to the continuity of this study to gather more information to define the fluoroscopy reference levels in the country. (author)

  12. O uso do comércio eletrônico no ramo de flores tropicais em Pernambuco.


    Euri Charles Andrade da Silva


    Comércio eletrônico (ou e-commerce) refere-se ao uso da Internet para realizar negócios. Mais formalmente, diz respeito às transações comerciais realizadas digitalmente entre organizações e indivíduos ou entre duas ou mais organizações. O estudo de caso desenvolvido nessa pesquisa permitiu o conhecimento da cadeia produtiva de flores tropicais em Pernambuco, que se destaca ocupando o quinto lugar no País na produção e comercialização do setor. A pesquisa é realizada em quatro empresas que neg...

  13. Beach rocks characterization from the southern coast of Pernambuco state based on petrography and isotopic evidences

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Assis, H.M.B. de


    The study is restricted to the occurence of three lines of beachrocks located between the Maracaipe river and Sirinhaem river, southern coast of Pernambuco state. The mineralogy and petrography, made it possible the characterization of three types of cements (micrite envelope, acicular crust and intergranular cryptocrystalline). They correspond to diagenetics microfacies which are set in different diagenetics environment. X-ray analysis, as well as sup(13)C/ sup(12)C e sup(18) O/ sup(16) O isotope analysis, show evidence of a dominantly marine precipitating fluid with a subordinate fresh water influence on a second cement generation. (author)

  14. Flora do Parque Nacional do Catimbau, Pernambuco, Brasil: Boraginaceae sensu lato

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    José Iranildo Miranda de Melo


    Full Text Available   A família Boraginaceae Juss. engloba plantas herbáceas a arbóreas, ramos portando folhas alternas a subopostas, flores bissexuadas, actinomorfas, com ou sem brácteas, e frutos drupáceos ou esquizocárpicos. Este trabalho consiste no estudo taxonômico de Boraginaceae sensu lato no Parque Nacional do Catimbau, no semiárido do estado de Pernambuco, Nordeste do Brasil. Foram registrados cinco gêneros e 12 espécies: Cordia L., Euploca Nutt., Heliotropium L. e Tournefortia L., com duas espécies cada, e Varronia P.Br., com quatro espécies. Foram elaboradas descrições, ilustrações e chaves para separação das espécies, e foram apresentados dados da distribuição geográfica e dos habitats das espécies encontradas na área de estudo.

  15. [Acute myeloid leukemia versus professional occupation: the profile of workers treated at the Recife Hematology Hospital]. (United States)

    Carvalho, Queliane Gomes da Silva; Pedrosa, Wanessa de Aguiar; Sebastião, Quitéria Pereira


    The objective of this study was to learn the profile of workers in the economically active age group admitted from 1997 to 2007 to a hematology hospital, diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML); check which professions have the highest prevalence among the assisted workers who died; and identify the occupational risks compatible with the appearance of AML in the prevalent professions. This is a quantitative, exploratory study. Most profiles were characterized as originally from the agreste and the metropolitan region of the state of Pernambuco, male, white, and with incomplete primary education. The most common occupations were related to agriculture and domestic work, both of which involve the use of chemical substances that, according to literature, are possible factors involved in triggering the pathology.

  16. O grau de inovação em diferentes setores da economia: uma abordagem a partir do Grau de Inovação Setorial (GIS

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    Helma de Souza-Pinto


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to analyze whether there is a difference in the degree of sectoral innovation between the baking and furniture industries in Pernambuco State - Brazil, measured between 2011 and 2013. The innovation radar is a method of generalized analysis of companies in different economic sectors. The degree of sectoral innovation (DSI methodology was used as an alternative to the traditional methodology in order to mitigate the effects of sectoral differences. DSI normalizes the traditional method based on 13 dimensions of innovation, taking into account aspects of sectoral heterogeneity. The study revealed there had been progress in the furniture industry but much less so in the baking industry. The study also indicated that the baking industry in Garanhuns has a slightly greater degree of innovation than the one in the Metropolitan Area of Recife.

  17. Frequency of Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in bovines in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Neurisvan Ramos Guerra

    Full Text Available Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii that affects homeothermic animals, including humans. Felines are considered the definitive host of this parasite, while other animals act as intermediate hosts. The purpose of this study was to assess the frequency of anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies in bovines in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Serum samples (n = 427 from animals in 13 municipalities of the coastal forest/plantation region of the state were analyzed using the immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT. The overall results revealed a prevalence rate of 16.63% (27/427. High percentages of positivity were found among animals aged 25 to 36 months (28.57%; 30/42 and in males (22.22%; 2/9. The present findings suggest that bovine toxoplasmosis is endemic in the area under study.

  18. A qualidade como diferencial competitivo: uma proposta para a industria de embalagens plásticas de alimentos do Recife




    Esse trabalho mostra a evolução e o crescimento de uma empresa de embalagens plásticas para alimentos de Pernambuco e os problemas para atingir suas metas de qualidade e de produtividade nesse período de vida (10 anos). Fazendo a retrospectiva da empresa verificou-se que, se por um lado a organização investiu em instalações e equipamentos modernos, a mesma preocupação não foi observada com a mão-de-obra. Na análise dos indicadores, foram utilizadas ferramentas da qualidade como Brainstorming ...

  19. Ocorrência de paratuberculose em búfalos (Bubalus bubalis em Pernambuco Occurrence of paratuberculosis in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis in Pernambuco

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    Rinaldo A. Mota


    Full Text Available A paratuberculose (doença de Johne é uma das doenças de maior importância econômica para ruminantes em vários países e pode representar uma ameaça ao desenvolvimento da pecuária brasileira. É uma doença infecto-contagiosa que provoca enterocolite granulomatosa crônica, incurável e de difícil controle, cujo agente é o Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP. Descreve-se a ocorrência de paratuberculose em um rebanho de búfalos no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Não foi encontrado registro, na literatura, da ocorrência de paratuberculose em búfalos no país. De 100 búfalos, cinco mostravam sinais clínicos característicos da doença. À necropsia de dois animais as lesões estavam restritas ao intestino delgado com evidente espessamento da mucosa, aumento de linfonodos mesentéricos e vasos linfáticos proeminentes e dilatados. À microscopia, observaram-se na mucosa do intestino, infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso com numerosos macrófagos epitelióides e células gigantes de Langhans, além de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes (BAAR visualizados através da coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN. Nos linfonodos mesentéricos, havia espessamento da cápsula e marcada inflamação granulomatosa. O exame direto pela técnica de ZN para pesquisa do bacilo em esfregaços de fezes, raspado de mucosa intestinal e imprint de linfonodos mesentéricos resultou positivo. A PCR IS900 específico de linfonodo mesentérico e mucosa intestinal revelou amplificação de um fragmento de aproximadamente 110pb, confirmada pela comparação com outras sequências de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis disponíveis no GenBank.Paratuberculosis (PTB is a disease of great economical importance for ruminant in several countries and represents a threat to the development of Brazilian livestock. The contagious disease caused by chronic PTB leads to incurable granulomatous enterocolitis of difficult control. PTB is caused by the Mycobacterium avium

  20. Different gamma ray (60 Co) dose effects on Sorghum genotype germination

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tabosa, Jose Nildo; Gomes, Roberto Vicente; Reis, Odemar Vicente dos; Colaco, Waldeciro


    In agriculture, applying irradiation is a very valuable way of obtaining vegetable products for human and animal consumption. Cobalt-60, one of the main sources of gamma-rays, is considered an important tool in plant breeding programs, which have the objective of promoting genetic variability of cultivars with resistance to adverse environments. In this research, the effects of different 60 Co doses on germination vigor and seed germination velocity of forage sorghum genotypes were evaluated. The study was carried out at the IPA (Empresa Pernambucana de Pesquisa Agropecuaria) in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The work was installed in germination boxes, following laboratory recommendations. Thus, a experiment involving three sorghum genotypes (IPA 467-4-2, IPA 02-03-01, and Sudan 4202), five 60 Co doses (Zero, 150, 300, 350, and 400 Gy), was set up. The sees were irradiated before the beginning of the experiment being exposed to gamma rays from a 60 Co-source (cobalt irradiator) at DEN (Nuclear Engineering Department) of the UFPE (Pernambuco Federal University), Brazil. The work also had the objective of evaluating the sorghum genotypes x 60 Co dose interaction. The main results obtained showed that the sorghum genotype IPA 02-03-01 presented the greatest values of germination and vigor percentages, and seed germination velocity, when compared to the others evaluated, on 350 and 400 Gy of 60 Co doses. (author)

  1. Biomonitoring of air quality in the metropolitan region of Recife, PE, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Santos, Thiago Oliveira dos


    The interest on questions related to environmental conservation has increased in recent decades, being air pollution one of the main public health problems in huge urban centers. Major part of this atmospheric contamination is caused by gaseous pollutants and inhalable particulate matter. One of the main sources is the burning of fossil fuels mainly emitted by motor vehicles. Some organisms, like lichen and atmospheric bromeliad, are able to accumulate chemical elements in their tissues, thereby becoming excellent tools for air quality studies of monitoring. The present work evaluated the air quality in the Metropolitan Region of Recife (RMR) using the lichen Cladonia verticillaris and the bromeliad Tillandsia recurvata, through the quantification of chemical elements associated to vehicles traffic. The biomonitors were transferred to 40 points distributed in the RMR with different intensities of the vehicle traffic. After the exposition period of six months, Al, Ba, Ca, Cd, Cl, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, Pb, Sb, Sr, Th, V and Zn were quantified by Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The organisms were complementary, being appropriated tools for monitoring the air quality. The vehicle traffic was considered one of the major contributor for increasing chemical elements in the RMR urban atmosphere. (author)


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    Maria do Carmo Ferrão SANTOS


    Full Text Available In the period from July to September 2012, a survey was made of the number of burrows of blue land crab (Cardisoma guanhumi, both in twelve profiles distributed in areas of mangrove, positioned perpendicularly to the wetlands of the Una's River (Pernambuco and Camaragibe's River (Alagoas, aiming to acquire information on the distribution of holes in different types of topographies. The depth of burrows and the salinity and temperature of the water at the bottom of the burrows was registered. In Pernambuco and Alagoas, the profiles covered steep areas (with a gradient of 4.5° and shallow areas (with a gradient of 0.02°. The maximum distance between existing burrows in the profiles, ranged from 58m and 359.5m, compared to a benchmark level (RN. The burrows depths ranged from 0.45m to 1.90m, with an depth average of 0.99m (DP = 0,29. The maximum depth of the burrows can be justified by the fact that there is less availability of water in northeastern soils.It is recommended, studied the mangroves, the establishment of an exclusion zone to preserve the habitat of Cardisoma guanhumi, a distance of at least 200m above the high tide mark. Keywords: blue land crab; mangrove; burrows.


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    Danilo Francisco Corrêa Lopes


    Full Text Available This paper aims to describe the population dynamics and to evaluate the stock of the seabob-shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri on the coast of Pernambuco. Sampling was carried out between August/2011 and July/2012 in Sirinhaém, southern coast of Pernambuco. A total of 1201 individuals were analyzed, 673 females and 528 males. Total length (Lt of females varied from 4.5 to 13.5 cm while the Lt of males ranged between 4.0 and 11.0 cm. The relationship between the Lt and carapace length and Lt and total weight showed negative allometry (males, females and pooled sexes. The slope of the curve "b" was statistically different between males and females for both relationships. Females mature with 8.90 cm. Asymptotic length L∞ was lower for males than for females (12.26 to 14.79 and 10.72 to 11.5 cm, respectively, K was similar between sexes (1.00-2.04 and 1.00-2.63 cm/year-1 respectively as well as the longevity and size at 1st capture (1.50 to 1.97 years and 7.9 to 8.9 cm for males and females, respectively. The results indicate that X. kroyeri in the region is not overexploited for males, however considering females and pooled sexes the stock is near to being fully exploited.


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    Vânia Lúcia de Assis Santana


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se investigar a freqüência de aglutininas anti-Brucella abortus em caprinos e ovinos do Sertão do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram processadas 700 amostras de soros sangüíneos, das quais 340 eram da espécie caprina (115 machos e 225 fêmeas e 360 (136 machos e 224 fêmeas ovina. Empregou-se a técnica do antígeno acidificado tamponado (AAT corado com rosa bengala (RB. Das 340 amostras de caprinos avaliadas, duas (0,6% foram reagentes ao AAT. Não se observaram associações significativas para as variáveis faixa etária (p= 0,430, raça (p= 0,936 e sexo (p= 0,562. Das 360 amostras de ovinos, nove (2,5% foram reagentes. Também não houve associação significativa entre as variáveis analisadas e a soropositividade para brucelose: faixa etária (p= 0,522; raça (p= 0,576 e sexo (p= 0,461. Verificou-se associação significativa (p= 0,042 entre as espécies estudadas e soropositividade para brucelose nos animais investigados. A soropositividade para Brucella abortus em caprinos e ovinos foi descrita pela primeira vez no Sertão de Pernambuco, fato que pode dificultar o sucesso do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose, tendo em vista que nessa região é comum a criação consorciada de pequenos ruminantes com bovinos, além de representar riscos à Saúde Pública.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Brucelose, ovinos, caprinos, pequenos ruminantes, sorodiagnóstico. The objective was to investigate the frequency of anti-Brucella abortus agglutinins in goats and sheep of the backlands of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. 700 samples of sanguine serums were processed, of which 340 were of the goat (115 males and 225 females and 360 (136 males and 224 females sheep. The technique of the Tamponed Acidified Antigen (AAT dyed with Bengalese Rose (BR was used. Of the 340 samples of goat evaluated two (0.6% were reactive to AAT. Significant associations were not observed for the variable age group (p = 0.430; race (p = 0

  5. Sustainable Development in Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brazil, According to Tourism Professionals

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    Artur Gomes de Oliveira


    Full Text Available This study aims to identify how tourism professionals realize sustainable development in Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brazil, to that end, a questionnaire based on Sen (2010 sustainable development model was applied to a sample of 127 elements and a search in secondary socioeconomic data was performed. The data obtained through the questionnaire were subjected to analysis with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software to perform an Exploratory Factor Analysis and after, it was made a Confirmatory Factor Analysis using AMOS software. As a result, the socio-economic data indicated the emergence of social and economic problems over time and that the sustainable development model has not been identified, suggesting that, according to the tourism-related professionals, the management model applied to the island does not track the path that leads to sustainability, even when a special attention is given to the preservation of the local environment.

  6. Políticas Públicas de Cultura e Turismo, e sua Influência na Profissionalização de Grupos Tradicionais. O caso dos Maracatu de Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Carla Borba


    Full Text Available The article is an outcome of a field research aiming to analyze public policies in tourism and culture and its influence in cultural agents, focussing in traditional performers, in particular Maracatus at Pernambuco State, Brazil. It was an ethnographical and documental research, where interviews with maracatu leaders were held, as well as with cultural brokers and travel agents; also public policies documents were analyzed. It was possible to confirm the existence of public policies oriented to enhance the value of maracatus as cultural products and the following recognition of maracatus as valuable local culture producers, the empowering of maracatu leaders, and their insertion in market economy. The research is limited to performers in Pernambuco, so no generalizations are meant, even it is possible to hypothesize that similar processes are taking place with other tradicional performers in Brazil, where this research has not been made before.


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    Full Text Available This work deals with the survey of the family Boraginaceae in a lowland seasonal dry forest in the municipality of Aliança, Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. Seven species and three genera were recorded: Cordia L., with three species (C. sellowiana Cham., C. taguahyensis Vell. and C. trichotoma (Vell. Arráb. ex Steud.; Heliotropium L., with only one species, H. elongatum (Lehm. I.M. Johnst. and Tournefortia L., represented by three species (T. bicolor Sw., T. gardneri A.DC. and T. rubicunda Salzm. ex A.DC.. A key to the recognition of the species, as well as descriptions and illustrations were given. Data about distribution, flowering and or fruiting of the species also are provided.

  8. Intensidade da cercosporiose da alface em cultivos convencionais e orgânicos em Pernambuco Intensity of Cercospora leaf spot of lettuce in conventional and organic farming systems in State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Andréa Maria André Gomes


    Full Text Available Foram realizados levantamentos da intensidade da cercosporiose da alface, causada por Cercospora longissima, em 25 plantios manejados no sistema convencional e 25 no sistema orgânico, em dois períodos de plantio, janeiro-abril (I e junho-setembro (II de 2002, no estado de Pernambuco. A prevalência da doença foi elevada (> 88% em todas as situações avaliadas. Nas áreas de cultivo convencional a severidade da cercosporiose variou de 0,0 a 16,9%, enquanto em cultivos orgânicos de 0,0 a 22,5%. Nos dois sistemas de cultivo a severidade da doença foi significativamente mais elevada no período I, quando a precipitação pluviométrica foi quase três vezes superior ao período II. No entanto, somente no período II foram constatadas diferenças significativas na severidade da doença entre os sistemas de cultivo, sendo superior no sistema orgânico. Não foram constatadas correlações significativas entre os níveis de severidade da cercosporiose nas áreas de plantio nos dois períodos avaliados, dentro de cada sistema de cultivo.Surveys of the intensity of cercospora leaf spot of lettuce caused by Cercospora longissima were performed in 25 conventional and 25 organic farming areas in 2 planting periods, January-April (I and June-September (II 2002, in State of Pernambuco (Brazil. Disease prevalence was high (> 88% in all evaluated situations. Disease severity ranged from 0.0 to 16.9% in conventional farming areas and from 0.0 to 22.5% in organic farming areas. In both systems, disease severity was significantly higher in period I when precipitation was almost 3 times higher to that in period II. However, only in period II, significant differences in disease severity were found between farming systems, with high values in the organic system. There were no significant correlations among disease severity levels in the areas in both evaluated periods inside each farming system.

  9. Concentration of thorium and uranium in the ecosystem of Atlantic Forest (Mata Atlantica) of Pernambuco state; Concentração de tório e urânio no ecossistema de Mata Atlântica do estado de Pernambuco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferreira, Fabiano S.; Silva, Waldecy A.; Lira, Marcelo B.G.; Souza, Ebenezer M. de; França, Elvis de, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciências Nucleares do Nordeste (CRCN-NE/CNEN-PE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    Thorium (Th) and Uranium (U) are distributed throughout the earth's crust. The mean thorium concentration ranges from 6 to 15 ppm, which makes it 3 times more abundant than uranium. These radionuclides in their natural form, and in low amounts, do not present a risk to the population because they have low activity, but the effects caused by the accumulation in living beings have not yet been fully elucidated. This work aims to evaluate the concentration of Th and U in the soils of an excerpt in the Atlantic Forest in the State of Pernambuco. Soil sampling (depth 0-20 cm) occurred in the projection of tree crowns of the predominant species in the studied areas. After drying and comminution, samples of 0.1 g of soil were submitted to chemical treatment to enable the analysis. This treatment consisted in the addition of 9 ml of HNO{sub 3} (nitric acid) and 3 ml of HF (hydrofluoric acid) with subsequent heating of the sample and reference materials in a digester oven. The concentrations of Th and U were quantified by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry - ICP-MS. The mean concentrations found were: 10.5 mg kg{sup -1} for thorium and 2.18{sup -1} for uranium, with values of 35{sup -1} and 26{sup -1} quantified in a thorium sample and uranium respectively. In this region, uranium and thorium hotspot were found, which reinforces the need for greater attention to these radionuclides in the Atlantic Forest of the State of Pernambuco.

  10. Mucorales from the semiarid of Pernambuco, Brazil. (United States)

    de Azevedo Santiago, André Luiz Cabral Monteiro; Dos Santos, Paulo Jorge Parreira; Maia, Leonor Costa


    Nineteen taxa of Mucorales, belonging to Absidia, Apophysomyces, Cunninghamella, Fennellomyces, Lichtheimia, Mucor, Mycotypha, Rhizopus and Syncephalastrum were isolated from 36 composite soil samples in three semiarid areas in the State of Pernambuco (Triunfo, Cabrobó and Belém de São Francisco), Northeast Brazil, which are characterized by Caatinga vegetation. Triunfo is preserved, whereas Cabroró and Belém de São Francisco are experiencing low and severe desertification processes, respectively. Mucorales were isolated in Petri dishes in triplicate from 5 mg samples of soil placed on the surface of wheat germ agar plus chloramphenicol and Cercobin [Dimethyl 4,49-(103 phenylene) bis (3-thioallophanate)] medium. The plates were left on a bench at room temperature (28 ± 2 °C) for 72 h of alternating dark and light periods. Absidia cylindrospora presented the highest amount of CFU/g of soil, followed by L. hyalospora, C. phaeospora and C. echinulata var. echinulata. The latter, and R. microsporus var. microsporus, presented the highest frequencies of occurrence. Soils from Triunfo showed higher diversity of Mucorales than the samples from the other areas, although without differing statistically in relation to species richness. The communities of Mucorales from the degraded areas were more similar, while that from the preserved area was quite different. Most of the identified specimens have been commonly isolated from soil in other Brazilian regions, which indicates that they are not endemic of the semiarid. Eleven taxa are registered for the first time in this ecosystem, while F. heterothallicus is reported for the first time in Brazil.

  11. Mucorales from the semiarid of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    André Luiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo Santiago


    Full Text Available Nineteen taxa of Mucorales, belonging to Absidi, Apophysomyces, Cunninghamella, Fennellomyces, Lichtheimi, Mucor, Mycotypha, Rhizopus and Syncephalastrum were isolated from 36 composite soil samples in three semiarid areas in the State of Pernambuco (Triunfo, Cabrobó and Belém de São Francisco, Northeast Brazil, which are characterized by Caatinga vegetation. Triunfo is preserved, whereas Cabroró and Belém de São Francisco are experiencing low and severe desertification processes, respectively. Mucorales were isolated in Petri dishes in triplicate from 5 mg samples of soil placed on the surface of wheat germ agar plus chloramphenicol and Cercobin [Dimethyl 4,49-(103 phenylene bis (3-thioallophanate] medium. The plates were left on a bench at room temperature (28 ± 2 ºC for 72 h of alternating dark and light periods. Absidia cylindrospora presented the highest amount of CFU/g of soil, followed by L. hyalospor, C. phaeospora and C. echinulata var. echinulata. The latter, and R. microsporus var. microsporus, presented the highest frequencies of occurrence. Soils from Triunfo showed higher diversity of Mucorales than the samples from the other areas, although without differing statistically in relation to species richness. The communities of Mucorales from the degraded areas were more similar, while that from the preserved area was quite different. Most of the identified specimens have been commonly isolated from soil in other Brazilian regions, which indicates that they are not endemic of the semiarid. Eleven taxa are registered for the first time in this ecosystem, while F. heterothallicus is reported for the first time in Brazil.





    O trabalho faz parte de uma pesquisa descritiva, que visa analisar as contribuições da Cena Mangue à moda pernambucana. Observando as apropriações dos elementos simbólicos e iconográficos da Cena na produção intelectual e material de moda no Estado de Pernambuco. O estudo foi desenvolvido a partir da combinação de métodos de pesquisa, com consultas aos materiais disponíveis da época até os dias atuais (pesquisa bibliográfica e iconográfica) e uso de técnicas...

  13. Agreste Central de Pernambuco: uma visão sobre a viabilidade da sua metropolização


    Barbosa Filho, Bernardo de Lima


    Este trabalho tem por finalidade apresentar uma visão sobre a viabilidade da metropolização do Agreste Central de Pernambuco. Para tanto, trata-se aqui de apresentar uma análise inicial sobre o atual estágio da globalização os seus efeitos e formas de sobrevivência dos pequenos centros produtivos neste constante e metamórfico processo. Trata ainda dos processos de regionalização, passando-se pela sua conceituação até as formas mais recentes desse fenômeno, alcançando-se a metro...

  14. Análise da positividade da esquistossomose mansoni em Regionais de Saúde endêmicas em Pernambuco, 2005 a 2010


    Barreto, Ana Virgínia Matos Sá; Melo, Nobélia Duarte; Ventura, Jéssica Valença Torres; Santiago, Rosimery Tavares; Silva, Maria Beatriz Araújo


    OBJETIVO: analisar a tendência da positividade da esquistossomose em exames coproscópicos na população de área endêmica do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, de 2005 a 2010. MÉTODOS: estudo ecológico de serie temporal, com dados secundários do Sistema de Informação do Programa de Controle da Esquistossomose, analisados por Regional de Saúde; foram avaliadas as tendências por regressão linear, considerando-se p

  15. Ultrapotassic rocks geology from Salgueiro region, Pernambuco state, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Silva Filho, A.F. da; Guimaraes, I.P.


    The Cachoeirinha-Salgueiro belt has Proterozoic age and is located in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. The ultrapotassic rocks from Salgueiro region intrudes the Cachoeirinha-Salgueiro belt rocks. The ultrapotassics from Salgueiro region constitutes of three units; Serra do Livramento pluton, and two dyke swarms called respectively beige alkali feldspar granites and green alkali feldspar syenite/quartz-syenite. The Serra do Livramento pluton shows E-W direction, boudin shape, width between 0,15 and 2,10 km, and it is intruded into metamorphic rocks and into the Terra Nova complex. Detailed geological mapping at the Serra das Duas Irmas allowed us to establish the dyke swarm chronology. The mapping reveals seven intrusion episodes, into the Terra Nova pluton, of green alkali feldspar syenite/quartz-syenite and five episodes of bege alkali feldspar granite. They alternate between them in space and time, and there are evidence that they were intruded under the tectonic control of the Pernambuco lineament. A systematic whole-rock Rb-Sr geochronology was done in the green alkali feldspar syenite/quartz-syenite, and an age of 514,8 ± 20,3 Ma was obtained. The initial ratio is 0,710615 + 0,000441. The age obtained shows small error and an initial ratio compatible with a strong crustal contamination. (author)

  16. Perfil das vítimas de acidentes de transporte terrestre relacionados ao trabalho em unidades de saúde sentinelas de Pernambuco, 2012 - 2014

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    Caroline Cordeiro Souto

    Full Text Available Resumo OBJETIVO: descrever o perfil das vítimas de acidentes de transporte terrestre (ATT relacionados ao trabalho, notificados nas Unidades Sentinelas de Informação sobre Acidentes de Transporte Terrestre no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, no período 2012-2014. MÉTODOS: estudo descritivo das vítimas (fatais e não fatais de acidente de transporte terrestre relacionados ao trabalho, notificados em 21 Unidades Sentinelas de Informação sobre ATT de Pernambuco. RESULTADOS: dos 10.691 casos notificados, 87,8% ocorreram entre homens; do total dos registros, 69,0% concentraram-se na faixa etária de 20 a 39 anos; os setores com mais trabalhadores acidentados foram Transporte (24,4% e Comércio (21,3%; a maioria das vítimas eram condutores (82,0% e a motocicleta o meio de locomoção mais utilizado no momento do acidente (77,0%. CONCLUSÃO: entre as vítimas, predominaram motociclistas jovens e do sexo masculino; os achados poderão subsidiar ações intersetoriais de prevenção dos ATT relacionados ao trabalho, adequadas ao perfil das vítimas.

  17. Soroprevalência da doença celíaca em crianças e adolescentes com diabetes melito tipo 1 Serum prevalence of celiac disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Jacqueline Araújo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: A associação de doença celíaca e diabetes melito já é conhecida há várias décadas. Pode ser encontrada em uma grande proporção de pacientes diabéticos, que geralmente são assintomáticos. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a soroprevalência da doença celíaca em crianças e adolescentes com diabetes melito tipo 1. MÉTODOS: Através de um estudo transversal, realizou-se triagem sorológica com anticorpo IgA antitransglutaminase humana em 354 crianças e adolescentes diabéticos, atendidos em ambulatórios de endocrinologia pediátrica de Recife, Pernambuco, no período de janeiro a junho de 2004. RESULTADOS: O antitransglutaminase humana foi positivo em 37/354 pacientes, resultando em soroprevalência de 10,5% (IC95% 7,6-14,2%. Dentre os pacientes soropositivos, houve predomínio do sexo masculino (56,8% em relação ao feminino (43,2%, porém sem significância estatística. O anticorpo antiendomísio foi realizado nos pacientes com antitransglutaminase humana positivo, sendo negativo em 14/37 (37,8% e positivo em 22/37 (59,5%. CONCLUSÕES: A soroprevalência da doença celíaca em crianças e adolescentes diabéticos encontrada em Pernambuco é elevada, sendo comparável à observada em estudos da América do Norte e Europa e menor do que na África, sugerindo que a triagem sorológica para doença celíaca seja realizada em todas as crianças e adolescentes com diabetes melito tipo 1.OBJECTIVE: The association between celiac disease and diabetes mellitus has been known for many decades. This combination can be observed in a large proportion of diabetic patients, who are generally asymptomatic. The objective of this study was to evaluate the seroprevalence of celiac disease in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study employing antibody IgA anti-transglutaminase for the serological screening of 354 diabetic children and adolescents treated at pediatric endocrinology

  18. Violence against women: prevalence and associated factors in patients attending a public healthcare service in the Northeast of Brazil Violência contra a mulher: prevalência e fatores associados em pacientes de um serviço público de saúde no Nordeste brasileiro

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    Maria Arleide da Silva


    Full Text Available The prevalence of and factors associated with violence against women attended as outpatients between October 2005 and January 2006 by the Instituto Materno Infantil Professor Fernando Figueira (IMIP, Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil, were investigated using a cross-sectional type study. 619 women over the age of 18 were included in a systematic probabilistic sample. The modified Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS was applied and the data were evaluated statistically by way of univariate and bivariate analyses, using the χ2 or Fischer's exact test and an adjusted multivariate logistic regression model. The prevalence of violence against women was 27.5% (95%CI: 24.0%-31.2% in the twelve-month period prior to the consultation. The associated factors were low level of schooling (OR = 2.34, a history of domestic violence (OR = 2.21 the woman being mentally disturbed (OR = 2.35, and the partner's consumption of alcohol (OR = 1.77. The prevalence of violence was high in the group of women studied, indicating the need to broaden preventive measures and all-round health care for women.Investigou-se a prevalência e os fatores associados à violência contra mulheres assistidas no ambulatório do Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira (IMIP, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, utilizando um estudo tipo corte transversal (Outubro/2005 a Janeiro/2006. Foram incluídas 619 mulheres com idade > 19 anos, sendo a amostra probabilística sistemática. Utilizou-se o instrumento Abuse Assessment Screen(AAS, modificado. Os dados foram avaliados estatisticamente por análise uni e bivariada, usando-se o teste χ2 ou exato de Fischer e um modelo ajustado de regressão logística multivariada. Foi de 27,5% (IC95%: 24,0%-31,2% a prevalência de violência contra a mulher nos últimos 12 meses. Os fatores associados foram baixa escolaridade (OR = 2,34, historia de violência familiar (OR = 2,21, transtorno mental da mulher (OR = 2,35 e uso de bebida alcoólica pelo

  19. Avaliação continuada da educação permanente na atenção à criança na estratégia saúde da família Continuous evaluation of permanent education concerning child care as part of the family health strategy

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    Katia Virginia de Oliveira Feliciano


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta a avaliação continuada do trabalho realizado e os resultados que podem ser atribuídos à educação permanente na atenção à criança, desenvolvida junto às equipes de saúde da família, com gerência compartilhada pelo Programa de Extensão Comunitária do Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira (IMIP, e Secretarias Municipais de Saúde do Recife e Olinda, em Pernambuco, Brasil. Com apoio de consultores externos, o grupo executor realizou reflexão crítica sistemática, orientada pelas categorias desempenho, efeitos e efetividade, visando aprimorar o trabalho em seu decorrer. As fontes de informação foram os registros diários do grupo e das equipes e as percepções sobre o trabalho. Apesar da dificuldade de transformar em rotina as mudanças alcançadas, a educação permanente tem qualificado a atenção à criança. A satisfação das equipes reforça o sentimento de sua fecundidade e operacionalidade.This article presents a continuous evaluation of work involving permanent education regarding childcare and the results that can be attributed to it, as carried out by family health teams managed jointly by the Community Outreach Program of the Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira, IMIP and the Municipal Departments of Health of the city Recife and the city of Olinda, State of Pernambuco, Brazil. With the support of external consultants, the group carried out systematic critical reflection, organized around the categories of performance, effects and effectiveness, with a view to enhancing the work under way. The sources of information used were the daily registers of the group and the teams and their views regarding the work. Despite the difficulty of transforming the changes brought about into routines, continuous education seems to have improved the quality of childcare. The satisfaction the teams feel corroborates this feeling that this work is both feasible and productive.

  20. Comportamento hídrico e crescimento do feijão vigna cultivado em solos salinizados Hydric behaviour and growth of cowpea cultivated in salinized soils

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    José B. M. Coelho


    Full Text Available A salinização dos solos reduz a capacidade das plantas de absorver água o que, em geral, provoca diminuição na sua taxa de crescimento. As respostas das plantas ao estresse salino são melhor correlacionadas com o potencial osmótico do que com a condutividade elétrica do extrato de saturação do solo. Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do estresse salino no crescimento, evapotranspiração e potencial osmótico foliar do feijoeiro vigna [Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp.] conduziu-se um experimento em casa de vegetação da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (Recife, PE, Brasil. Os tratamentos constaram de um arranjo fatorial 2 x 4 composto de duas texturas de solo e quatro níveis de salinidade do solo (4, 8 e 12 dS m-1 a 25 ºC além da testemunha sem a adição de sais com cinco repetições. Concluiu-se que a salinidade do solo causa redução no consumo de água, no potencial osmótico foliar, na altura das plantas, no número de folhas e na biomassa seca da parte aérea do feijoeiro vigna.Soil salinization reduces the capacity of plants to absorb water, and in general causes decrease in plant growth. Plant responses to salt stress are better correlated with osmotic potential compared to electrical conductivity of soil saturation extract. In order to evaluate the effect of salt stress on growth, water use and leaf osmotic potential of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp.], an experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (Recife-PE, Brazil. The Treatments were in a factorial arrangement of 2 x 4, comprising of two soil textures and four levels of soil salinity (4, 8 and 12 dS m-1 at 25 °C, and the control without salt addition with five replications. It was concluded that soil salinity causes reduction in water consumption, leaf osmotic potential, plant height, number of leaves and dry biomass of shoot of cowpea.

  1. Comportamentos de risco para a saúde entre adolescentes em conflito com a lei Health risk behavior among young offenders

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    Cláudia Alves de Sena


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as condutas de saúde entre adolescentes em conflito com a lei, internos em instituição de atendimento sócio-educativo em município da região metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. A amostra foi composta por 241 jovens do sexo masculino, de 12 a 18 anos de idade. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se uma versão reduzida do questionário de autopreenchimento utilizado pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention dos Estados Unidos, traduzido e adaptado para jovens brasileiros. Entre os jovens pesquisados, 79,7% afirmaram ter portado arma, assim como 52,7% estiveram envolvidos em briga com agressão física nos últimos 12 meses. Verificou-se que a maioria dos jovens pesquisados era usuário de tabaco (87,6% e álcool (64,7%. Grande parte dos jovens afirmou já ter experimentado algum produto inalante na vida (68,9% e ter feito uso de maconha (81,3%. A maioria dos jovens (95,4% já tinha tido relação sexual, em geral com mais de um parceiro. Os jovens em situação de conflito com a lei apresentaram vários comportamentos de risco à saúde em percentuais elevados.The objective of this study was to investigate health risk behavior among teenage offenders committed to a social-educational institution in a city in Greater Metropolitan Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil. The sample included 241 males 12-18 years of age. Data were collected with a brief self-completed questionnaire used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, translated and adapted for young Brazilians. 79.7% of subjects reported having carried a gun and 52.7% had been in fights involving physical aggression in the previous 12 months. Most of the young offenders smoked cigarettes (87.6% and consumed alcohol (64.7%. The majority reported having sniffed inhalants (68.9%, and 81.3% had smoked marijuana. The vast majority (95.4% reported being sexually initiated, most having had sex with more than one partner. Young offenders

  2. Myxomycetes on carnaubeira (Copernicia prunifera (Miller H. E. Moore, Arecaceae Myxomycetes em carnaubeira (Copernicia prunifera (Miller H. E. Moore, Arecaceae

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    Mitra Mobin


    Full Text Available Entre dezembro/1994 e setembro/1995 foram realizadas sete excursões (2 a 4 dias cada ao Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades (4º5'-4º15'S, 41º30'-41º40'W, 450m alt., em Piripiri, Piauí, visando coletar frutificações de Myxomycetes em indivíduos de Coperniciaprunifera (Miller H. E. Moore, estabelecidos em área de cerrado, na localidade Lagoa Seca. As amostras foram herborizadas e incorporadas ao herbário UFP (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, com duplicatas no herbário TEPB (Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI. Registrou-se apreciável incidência (70% de Myxomycetes na carnaubeira, em estipe vivo e folhas mortas. Dezesseis espécies, pertencentes às Ceratiomyxaceae (Ceratiomyxa lsp., Didymiaceae (Diachea lsp., Didymium 2spp., Physaraceae (Craterium 1sp., Physarum 4spp., Trichiaceae (Arcyria 2spp. e Stemonitaceae (Comatricha 3spp., Macbrideola lsp., Stemonitis lsp. foram registradas. Ceratiomyxaceae, representada por Ceratiomyxafruticulosa (Mull. Macbr., constitui primeira referência para o Estado do Piauí.From December, 1994 to September, 1995, seven collecting trips (2-4 days each were carried out in the "Parque Nacional de Sete Cidades" (4º5'-4º15'S, 41º30"-41º40'W, 450m alt., Piripiri, Piauí State, Brazil, in order to collect Myxomycetes fruiting bodies on carnauba palm trees (Coperniciaprunifera (Miller H. E. Moore, established in a place called "Lagoa Seca" (savanna-like stunted vegetation. The samples were herborized and included in the UFP Herbarium (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, PE and the TEPB Herbarium (Universidade Federal do Piauí, Teresina, PI. In relation to the substrate, the "carnaubeira" showed a high incidence of Myxomycetes (70% on living stipitis and dead leaves. Sixteen species belonging to Ceratiomyxaceae (Ceratiomyxa lsp., Didymiaceae (Diachea lsp., Didymium 2spp., Physaraceae (Craterium lsp., Physarum 4spp., Trichiaceae (Arcyria 2spp. and Stemonitaceae (Comatricha 3spp

  3. Histerectomia vaginal versus histerectomia abdominal em mulheres sem prolapso genital, em maternidade-escola do Recife: ensaio clínico randomizado

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    Costa Aurélio Antônio Ribeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar os resultados intra e pós-operatórios em pacientes sem prolapso genital ou doenças anexiais, submetidas a histerectomia vaginal ou abdominal. MÉTODOS: realizou-se estudo do tipo ensaio clínico aberto, randomizado, em pacientes sem prolapso genital que se submeteram a histerectomia total, indicada por doenças benignas, no IMIP, em Recife, Pernambuco. Incluíram-se 35 pacientes, alocadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos, sendo 19 submetidas a histerectomia vaginal e 16 a histerectomia abdominal. Foram estudadas as seguintes variáveis: volume de perda sangüínea, necessidade de hemotransfusão, tempo operatório, dor pós-operatória (intensidade e uso de analgésicos, tempo de permanência hospitalar, complicações operatórias, tempo de retorno às atividades e grau de satisfação das pacientes. Para análise estatística, utilizaram-se os testes chi2 de associação, exato de Fisher e Mann-Whitney para comparação dos grupos, considerando-se significativo erro alfa menor que 5%. RESULTADOS: o volume de sangue perdido durante as histerectomias por via abdominal (mediana de 902 mL foi significativamente maior em relação à perda durante as histerectomias vaginais (mediana de 520 mL, e nenhuma paciente neste último grupo requereu hemotransfusão, contra 19% no primeiro grupo. A duração da cirurgia foi semelhante, com mediana de 120 minutos nos dois grupos. A intensidade da dor, verificada pelos escores da escala analógica visual, foi significativamente menor entre as pacientes submetidas a histerectomia vaginal, que também apresentaram menor freqüência de utilização de analgésicos. Não houve diferença na freqüência de complicações intra ou pós-operatórias entre os dois grupos, encontrando-se apenas um caso de infecção em cada grupo e um caso de trombose venosa profunda no grupo das histerectomias vaginais. O tempo de retorno às atividades das pacientes submetidas à histerectomia vaginal foi

  4. Descentralização das ações de vigilância epidemiológica em Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Ana Coelho de Albuquerque


    Full Text Available O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a relação entre o processo de descentralização da gestão do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS e o desenvolvimento das ações de vigilância epidemiológica em municípios de Pernambuco, Brasil. A estratégia de trabalho consistiu num estudo descritivo e exploratório qualitativo/quantitativo, com a realização de uma pesquisa de caráter documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas com informantes-chave, como também um estudo ecológico espacial e de série temporal, no qual foi traçada uma série histórica de dez anos (2001-2010, utilizando-se indicadores selecionados. O estudo evidenciou que o processo de descentralização em Pernambuco obteve adesão e evoluiu, porém com a existência de desigualdades e fragilidades no seu desenvolvimento, também apontadas pela oscilação nos resultados da série histórica dos indicadores selecionados. Assim, mesmo que o processo de descentralização das ações de vigilância epidemiológica ainda seja incipiente em alguns municípios, sabe-se que o papel de executor das ações promove o empoderamento do nível municipal, quando o mesmo passa a produzir as informações necessárias à tomada de decisão

  5. Inquérito de filariose bancroftiana em São Lourenço da Mata - Pernambuco

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    James E. Dobbin Jr.


    Full Text Available Um inquérito epidemiológico foi realizado em São Lourenço da Mata, Pernambuco, em dezembro de 1963, para determinar a prevalência da bancroftose. Êste inquérito consistiu de: exame de sangue de uma amostra representativa da população humana, capturas e dessecação de insetos transmissores. Das 2 459 pessoas examinadas (23.38% da população estimada, 17 apresentavam microfilária de Wuchereria bancrofti. O índice de microfilaremia foi de 0.7%. Das 356 casas onde se realizou a captura de insetos, 79.77% foram positivas para Culex pipiens fatigans. Dos 754 fatigans examinados para larvas de Wuchereria, 1.06% estavam infectados.

  6. Reinterpretation of the tectonics and formation of the Pernambuco Plateau Basin, NE Brazil. (United States)

    Hoggett, Murray; Jones, Stephen M.; Dunkley Jones, Tom; Reston, Timothy; Barbosa, Antonio; Biondo, Vanessa; Mort, Haydon P.


    The continental margin from Alagoas to Natal represents arguably the most frontier region for exploration on the Brazillian margin. High quality seismic data was not collected in the region for many decades as it was believed that only a few kilometers of sediment existed, and thus there was no exploration potential. Here we present the results of work done as part of an IODP virtual site survey. The work has resulted in a total reinterpretation of the basin structure and tectonics, including finding sediment filled half grabens holding up to 8km thick stratigraphic sections. The two deepest grabens likely represent rift jumps during breakup, which may imply different age sediments in the different grabens. The basin is also found to contain a sizable salt accumulation, previously uninterpreted due to hard overlying carbonates hampering seismic imaging. This salt can be seen to have been highly mobile in the past, and has developed into kilometer scale diapirs flanked by typical rollover anticlines. For the first time we show the basin has all the elements needed for a working petroleum system, with the exception a source rock - which cannot be speculated on further as the basin is undrilled. However source rock sequences are present in the Alagoas basin to the south, and recent released seep data show evidence for both biogeneic and thermogenic seeps over the plateau basin, which could also signal source rock presence. We present seismic and potential fields data, including forward potential fields models and seismically derived crustal stretching and thinning estimates, to show that the half grabens terminate abruptly at the latitude of the Pernambuco Shear Zone, a major crustal scale Precambrian shear zone. Onshore boreholes, well away from the deep seismically imaged half grabens offshore, find crystalline basement to drop away rapidly across the shearzone, revealing a third graben to terminate at the shear zone. We interpret this as that the preexisting

  7. Que Recorte Territorial Podemos Chamar de Bairro ?: O caso de Apipucos e Poço da Panela no Recife /What we call neighborhood?: the case of Apipucos and Poço da Panela, Recife

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    Leão Barros, Sandra A.


    Full Text Available A escala bairro há muito se faz presente na paisagem urbana recifense. Desde os primeiros engenhos no vale do Capibaribe, passando pelas freguesias e povoados, arrabaldes, hoje Regiões Político-Administrativas e bairros componentes. Esses contornos ainda parecem ser os mesmos. Engenhos que viraram bairros. Bairros que são verdadeiros ‘genius loci’ do Recife. Apipucos e Casa Forte ‘engenhos’; Poço da Panela ‘freguesia’; Apipucos, Casa Forte e Poço da Panela ‘arrabaldes’; todos ‘bairros’ hoje. É nesta escala onde há maior convergência entre o espaço geométrico e o espaço social, onde é mais forte o sentido de lugar urbano. É um módulo espaço-social, outrora paroquial, associado a um suporte físico que o encerra. Ademais, apresenta sempre três características simultâneas e integrantes entre si: uma forma e um tamanho, um limite político-administrativo que o representa frente ao Estado e uma carga histórico-cultural da sociedade a que pertencem. Assim o são Apipucos e Poço da Panela. Relacionar essas características aos bairros estudados num viés histórico-temporal é a proposta deste ensaio./For a long time, the district scale appears in the urban landscape from Recife. Since the first mills in Capibaribe’s valley, passing through the parishes and villages, suburbs, today Politic-Administrative Regions and components districts. Theses aoutlines still seem to be the same. Mills that became districts. Districts which are Recife’s true ‘genius loci’. Apipucos and Casa Forte ‘mills’; Poço da Panela ‘parish’; Apipucos, Casa Forte and Poço da Panela ‘suburbs’; all ‘districts’ today. It is in this scale where there is larger convergence between the geometric space and the social space, where the sense of urban place is stronger. It is a space-social module, formely parochial, associated to a physical support which concludes it. Furthermore, it always presents three simultaneous and

  8. Desigualdades raciais na mortalidade de mulheres adultas no Recife, 2001 a 2003 Racial inequality in the mortality of adult women in Recife, 2001-2003

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    Sony Maria dos Santos


    Full Text Available As desigualdades raciais, resultantes dos efeitos da exclusão social, são influenciadas pela prática de preconceitos e discriminações. O termo raça pode ser entendido como identidade coletiva ou consciência política que constrói uma auto-estima socialmente positiva. Objetivou-se caracterizar desigualdades raciais na mortalidade de mulheres adultas negras e brancas, residentes em Recife, entre 2001 e 2003. No estudo, tipo transversal, incluíram-se 2.943 óbitos de mulheres de 20 a 59 anos, captados no Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade, com raça/cor branca e negra (preta + parda, analisando-se a mortalidade proporcional, coeficientes de mortalidade e razões de taxas. O risco de morte de negras foi 1,7 vezes superior ao de brancas. Entre as negras identificou-se maior risco de morte em todas as faixas etárias e maior proporção de óbitos em hospitais do SUS, de mulheres sem companheiro e que exerciam serviços/atividades domésticas. Quanto às causas básicas, observaram-se maiores coeficientes de mortalidade em todos os capítulos e causas específicas, exceto por neoplasias na faixa de 20 a 29 anos e por câncer de mama nas faixas de 30 a 39 e 50 a 59 anos. Entre negras e brancas, quanto menor a idade, maior a desigualdade do risco de morte por causas externas. Em negras, ressalta-se o maior risco de morte por homicídios; acidentes de transporte; doenças isquêmicas do coração, cerebrovasculares e hipertensivas; diabetes e tuberculose. Os achados revelam iniqüidades na saúde das mulheres negras, decorrentes da violação de direitos que dificultam a ascensão social e o acesso a condições dignas de saúde.Racial inequalities are effects of social exclusion, being influenced by prejudice and discrimination. The term race is used here meaning group identity or political perception of sharing a particular racial heritage, which builds a positive social self-esteem. The study aimed to characterize the mortality pattern

  9. Mesozooplâncton do sistema estuarino de Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brasil Mesozooplankton of the estuarine system of Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Eliane A. H. Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available Estudos sobre o mesozooplâncton foram realizados no sistema estuarino de Barra das Jangadas, Pernambuco, Brasil (8º14'36"S, 34º56'28"W visando analisar a estrutura da comunidade. As amostras foram obtidas com rede de plâncton, com malha de 300 µm, durante os períodos, seco (janeiro/2001 e chuvoso (julho/2001, nas marés de sizígia e de quadratura, em intervalos de três horas. Foram identificados 37 taxa, destacando-se Copepoda com as espécies Pseudodiaptomus acutus (F. Dahl, 1894, Pseudodiaptomus richardi (F. Dahl, 1894, Acartia lilljeborgi (Giesbrecht, 1892, Parvocalanus crassirostris (Dahl, 1894, Oithona hebes (Santos, 1973 e Notodiaptomus cearensis Wright, 1936. A densidade total durante o período seco variou de 69,34 a 8.568,34 org.m-3. Para o período chuvoso variou de 261,98 a 10.224,83 org.m-3. Os Crustacea meroplanctônicos (Brachyura zoea foram muito freqüentes e muito abundantes, destacando seu importante papel na cadeia trófica pelágica. A diversidade específica durante o período seco, variou de 0,44 a 3,13 bits.ind-1, e para o período chuvoso de 0,66 a 2,93 bits.ind-1. Os baixos valores de diversidade ocorreram devido à dominância de Brachyura (zoea. A análise de agrupamento revelou a formação de dois grupos. O primeiro formado por espécies marinhas e euri-halinas, e o segundo por espécies indicadoras de ambientes estuarinos.Mesozooplankton studies were carried out at the Barra das Jangadas estuarine system, Pernambuco, Brazil (8º14'36"S, 34º56'28"W, to assess its community structure. Samples were collected with a plankton net (300 µm mesh size during the dry (January, 2001 and rainy (July, 2001 seasons, with three hour intervals between each sampling, both in spring and neap tides. Thirty seven mesozooplankton taxa were identified, from which Copepoda were particularly abundant, including the species Pseudodiaptomus acutus (F. Dahl, 1894, Peudodiaptomus richardi (F. Dahl, 1894, Acartia lilljeborgi

  10. Clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute community acquired pneumonia in children at a reference public hospital in Pernambuco State, Brazil (2010-2011

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    Rita de Cássia Coelho Moraes de Brito

    Full Text Available Abstract Objectives: to describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes of acute community acquired pneumonia in children at a reference public hospital in Pernambuco State, Brazil (2010-2011 Methods: pneumonia case series of 80 children aged 28 days to 14 years old at Hospital da Restauração in Pernambuco, Brazil, from 2010 to 2011. Information was noted from medical files, and two comparison groups were created according to the severity of the disease, considering the presence of pleural effusion. Fisher or Mann-Whitney tests were used for comparative analyses. Results: severe pneumonia with pleural effusion was more frequent in children under five years of age (p=0,025, and was associated with longer period of fever (19 x 15 days and coughing (17 x 13 days, when compared to non-complicated pneumonia cases. Six children (7,5%, 6/80 died, 50% before the fourth day of hospitalization (p=0,001. All deaths were from the pleural effusion group in children from the countryside (p=0,026. Conclusions: the severity of pneumonia in children attended at this hospital is related to younger children, and those transferred from the health units in the countryside, so, early diagnosis and medical intervention are limited by infrastructure and available resources for the health.

  11. Contra-usos e espaço público: notas sobre a construção social dos lugares na Manguetown

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    Leite Rogerio Proença


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as transformações do espaço público na experiência urbana contemporânea, tendo como referente empírico o caso do antigo Bairro do Recife, em Pernambuco. A hipótese do trabalho refere-se à possibilidade dos usos cotidianos e públicos de esses espaços de patrimônio contribuírem na qualificação de certos espaços urbanos como espaços públicos . O argumento central é que os usos e contra-usos dos espaços de gentrification constituem lugares e que estes qualificam os espaços urbanos como espaços públicos, na medida em que os tornam centros de disputas práticas e simbólicas pelo reconhecimento político e pela visibilidade pública das diferenças.


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    Paulo César Possamai


    Full Text Available The North of the State of Brazil contributed to the creation and defense of Colonia do Sacramento. This article will address the military conscription in the Northern provinces, especially in Bahia and Pernambuco during the Eighteenth Century. We will give emphasis to the period of the siege from 1735 to 1737, when a large conscription was enforced in Portugal and in many Brazilian provinces in order to avoid the conquest of Sacramento by the Spaniards, as well as to strengthen Rio Grande de São Pedro, from which few men could return home.

  13. Ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. e outros parasitas em hortaliças consumidas in natura, no Recife Occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. and others parasites in vegetables consumed in natura, Recife, Brazil

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    Celiane Gomes Maia da Silva


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a ocorrência de enteroparasitas em hortaliças comercializadas e consumidas em Pernambuco. Foram utilizadas 100 amostras de hortaliças: 40 amostras de alface lisa (Lactuca sativa, 40 de agrião (Nasturtium officinale e 20 de acelga (Beta vulgaris, provenientes de feiras livres e supermercados. A detecção de Cryptosporidium spp. foi realizada conforme Monge e Arias sendo utilizado dois métodos de coloração, Koster modificado e Ziehl-Nielsen. Foi usada a técnica de sedimentação espontânea de Gelli et al. para a análise parasitológica. As análises de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli foram realizadas de acordo com Andrews. Os resultados obtidos mostraram um percentual de contaminação parasitária em 60% de alface, 30% de agrião e 20% de acelga, destacando-se o Ascaris lumbricoides, Strongyloides stercoralis e Ancylostoma duodenale dentre os helmintos, e o Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba coli e o complexo Entamoeba histolytica/Entamoeba díspar, dentre os protozoários com maior freqüência. As hortaliças mais contaminadas por coliformes totais e Escherichia coli foram alface nas amostras de supermercado e agrião em feira livre. Esses dados sugerem a necessidade da adoção de medidas educativas aos produtores, e do monitoramento das águas destinadas à irrigação das hortas.The study was carried with the aim to evaluate the occurrence of enteroparasites in vegetables commercialized and consumed in natural form in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Horticultural samples purchased from supermarket and free market: 40 from lettuce (Lactuca sativa, 40 from watercress (Nasturtium officinale and 20 from chard (Beta vulgaris were analyzed. Cryptosporidium spp. detection was realized following Monge and Arias methodology, using two staining processes (Koster modified and Ziehl-Nielsen. Parasitological analysis was determined by the spontaneous sedimentation technique (Gelli et al., and total

  14. Hydrology of the Upper Capibaribe Basin, Pernambuco, Brazil - A reconnaissance in an Area of Crystalline Rocks (United States)

    Chada Filho, Luiz Goncalves; Dias Pessoa, Mario; Sinclair, William C.


    The upper Capibaribe basin is the western three-fourths, approximately, of the valley of the river that empties into the Atlantic Ocean at Recife, the capital of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. It is the part of the drainage basin that is within the Drought Polygon of northeast Brazil, and it totals about 5,400 square kilometers. It receives relatively abundant precipitation in terms of the annual average, yet is regarded as hot subhumid to semiarid because the precipitation is uneven from year to year and place to place. The dependable water supply, therefore, is small. The basin has water, which could be put to better use than at present, but the opportunities for augmenting the usable supply are not great. The streams are intermittent and therefore cannot be expected to fill surface reservoirs and to keep them filled. The ground-water reservoirs have small capacity--quickly filled and quickly drained. A rough estimate based on the records for 1964 suggests that, of 4,700 million cubic meters of precipitation in the upper Capibaribe basin, 2,700 million cubic meters (57 percent) left the basin as runoff and 2,000 million cubic meters {43 percent) went into underground storage or was evaporated or transpired. The bedrock of the upper Capibaribe basin is composed of granite, gneiss, schist, and other varieties of crystalline rocks, which have only insignificant primary permeability. They are permeable mainly where fractured. The principal fracture zones, fortunately, are in the valleys, where water accumulates and can feed into them, but the volume of fractured rock is small in relation to the basin as a whole. A well in a large water-filled fracture zone may yield up to 20,000 liters per hour, but the average well yields less than one-fourth this amount, and some wells yield none. The saprolite, or weathered rock, is many meters thick at some places especially in the eastern half of the upper Capibaribe basin. It contains water locally, but ordinarily will yield

  15. Development of materials that cover the deposits of gypsum exploited in the polo plasterer in Pernambuco; Aproveitamento dos materiais que recobrem as jazidas de gipsita explotadas no polo gesseiro de Pernambuco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rego, S.A.B.C.; Moraes, A.S. de; Anjos, I.F. dos, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), PE (Brazil); Lira, B.B. [Universidade Federal da Paraiba (UFPB), PB (Brazil)


    The mineral clay found on the surface of gypsum deposits in the region of Recife - PE are considered mining tailings and job search reference in new industrial applications for these minerals, ores. In this context, we performed the characterization of these materials with the purpose of its use as inorganic pigments in the ceramic coating. These minerals present 'in locus' different colors ranging from beige to reddish. After heat treatment at 1000° C their colors have varied tones that can be used as natural pigments in the ceramic industry. The techniques of fluorescence X-ray diffraction X-ray, infrared and colorimetry were applied in the characterization of mineral-ore in question. Using mineral processing techniques we obtain a physical separation of clay minerals associated. The use of concentrated after processing showed that the material has the potential to replace traditional pigments used in ceramic industry, and thus represent a new alternative on the market of natural pigments. Another potential comprehensive analysis of the material is its use associated with polymers in order to develop new materials. (author)

  16. El análisis del acceso de la Estrategia de Salud de la Familia a la atención dental en Pernambuco: un estudio comparativo entre los años 2001 y 2009

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    Italene Barros VIANA


    Full Text Available El estudio presenta un análisis del acceso a la atención dental individual desarrollado en el estado de Pernambuco, al comparar los años 2001 y 2009, como parte de los Equipos de Salud Bucal de la Estrategia de Salud Familiar. Así como una descripción del proceso de la evolución en la cobertura de los equipos de salud bucal en el período mencionado. El principal indicador para evaluar el acceso individual a las acciones dental se utilizó el promedio individual de procedimientos dentales básicos. Los datos se obtuvieron a partir de bases de datos oficiales. Pernambuco tuvo un incremento del 881,82% en el número de ESB en los años estudiados. El promedio de los procedimientos dentales individuales aumentaron un 65% cuando se comparan los años. A pesar de la positiva evolución del indicador, este porcentaje no siguen la proporción porcentual del desarrollo de la ESB en el estado. Los resultados mostraron que el cuidado de la salud oral en Pernambuco es la abreviatura de la idealizada por el SUS. Es necesario repensar las estrategias para asegurar el acceso progresivo de todas las familias que viven en áreas cubiertas por equipos de salud bucal de las acciones de cada uno de los procedimientos dentales.

  17. Gestão democrática, cultura política e conflitos de governança no planejamento e na gestão urbana no Recife


    SILVA, Evanildo Barbosa da


    O presente estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar os impactos dos arranjos institucionais participativos nacionais sobre a governança local do Recife, a partir da implementação da política nacional de desenvolvimento urbano em curso, destacando as condições para a gestão democrática no Brasil e para a emergência de uma nova cultura política entre os atores populares locais, na última década. Supomos que as condições sociopolíticas ou institucionais para uma gestão urbana de...

  18. Teores naturais de bário em solos de referência do estado de Pernambuco

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    Caroline Miranda Biondi


    Full Text Available O bário (Ba é um metal alcalino terroso de ocorrência natural no solo. É constituinte de carbonatos, sulfatos e silicatos e ocorre como substituto isomórfico de elementos como Ca e K nos minerais. Quando disponível em elevados teores no solo, o Ba pode causar toxidez a diversos organismos vivos. Para considerar que determinado solo está livre de contaminação por esse elemento, faz-se necessário conhecer os teores de Ba nesse solo em condição natural. Portanto, a determinação de teores naturais de Ba em solos é essencial para a construção de uma legislação que sirva de base ao monitoramento e remediação de áreas contaminadas por esse elemento e que seja adequada à realidade pedológica local. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar os teores naturais de Ba como base de referência de qualidade para os Solos de Referência do Estado de Pernambuco. Foram coletadas amostras dos dois primeiros horizontes dos 35 perfis de referência, as quais foram submetidas à digestão ácida em micro-ondas (método 3051A. Nos extratos obtidos foi efetuada a determinação dos teores de Ba por ICP-OES. Observaram-se teores de Ba superiores aos valores de prevenção e de investigação estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira (CONAMA, 2009, corroborando a necessidade de maior conhecimento das diversidades regionais para a elaboração de normas nacionais. Os teores naturais de Ba determinados nos solos podem ser utilizados como base para a definição dos valores de referência de qualidade para Ba nos solos de Pernambuco, de acordo com o preconizado pela legislação nacional.

  19. Perception and environmental education about mangrove ecosystem improving sciences and biology subjects in public school at Recife, PE

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    Lauro Lopes Rodrigues


    Full Text Available This work was developed with the aim to identify the perceptions of the students from a school about the mangrove ecosystem, using didactic and natural elements available to do an environmental education action. The previous perception of the students on the ecosystem was evaluated by means of a questionnaire, followed of a theoretical exposition, complemented with a visit to a conserved mangrove (Paripe River, Itamaracá and another impacted (Jiquiá River, Recife, near to the school, being applied new questionnaires to evaluate their conceptions and the academic strategies. The students demonstrated a relative previous knowledge on the mangrove and the educative action showed effectiveness in the transference of the ecological concepts about the ecosystem, using the method of incorporate their daily knowledge to stimulate them to know the scientific side of the subject, ending with the development of ecologic conscience.

  20. Preliminary analysis of control rod accidents in the CRCN-R1 multipurpose reactor core of Recife in Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza dos Santos, Rubens; Rubens Maiorino, Jose


    The paper shows some results of the neutronic accident analyses arisen by uncontrolled control rod withdrawal, based on the Conceptual Project of the CRCN-R1 MultiPurpose Reactor of Recife. In that reactor, a project of the CNEN/Brazil, under the leadership of the IPEN/Sao Paulo, is verified the thermal hydraulic limits in the reactor core during transients that simulate startup and power operation accidents. It has utilized a computer program that solved the kinetic equations based on multigroup diffusion theory, in our case we have used 4 energy groups, Two-Dimensional X-Y in the space, and 6 groups of delayed neutrons. A simple model of feedback is admitted in the capture and scattering macroscopic cross sections, in the fuel regions, temperature and coolant densities dependents. Based on those models, the results demonstrated that the reactor exhibits good degree of safety. (author)

  1. Viabilidade de inserção competitiva do setor de jóias de Pernambuco no comércio exterior


    ANDRADE, Josefa Batista de Oliveira


    O presente trabalho teve por objetivo principal a análise da estrutura produtiva do setor de jóias de Pernambuco e a possibilidade de sua inserção no comércio exterior. O trabalho envolveu dados secundários e dados primários colhidos no âmbito da pesquisa com a finalidade de identificar e avaliar os determinantes da produtividade no setor e quais as ações específicas que podem contribuir para ampliar as vantagens competitivas existentes e dinamizar as vantagens competitiv...

  2. Azulejos portugueses dos séculos XVII e XVIII em Pernambuco: patologias e caracterização tecnológica


    FREITAS, Yuri Menezes


    Em Pernambuco, azulejos portugueses dos séculos XVII e XVIII estão presentes em vinte edificações religiosas. Neste período, em Portugal, houve modificações na organização produtiva dos azulejos, objetivando adaptar-se às demandas de épocas distintas. Esta pesquisa busca compreender se tais modificações promoveram variações na caracterização tecnológica destes azulejos históricos. Foi realizado o levantamento de danos dos azulejos deste período, constatando-se uma baixa qualida...

  3. Temporal evolution of pollution by trace metals and plants analysis in Apipucos reservoir, Recife, PE, Brazil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza, Vivianne L.B. de; Fonseca, Cassia K.L.; Santos, Suzana O.; Paiva, Ana C. de; Silva, Waldecy A. da


    Water and sediments may reflect the current quality of an aquatic system and the historical behavior of certain hydrological and chemical parameters. Analysis of metals in sediment profiles are used to determine anomalies in their concentrations, as well as sources of pollution. This study was performed in Apipucos Reservoir in the city of Recife, Brazil. Samples of water, plants and sediments were collected in the study area and their metals content (extract by adding acids) were determined a fast sequential atomic absorption spectrometer (SpectrAA-220FS/VARIAN). The 210 Pb activity concentration in each sediment layer was determined through the beta counting of 210 Bi after lead precipitation as lead chromate. The results showed the metals' behavior in sediments: iron and manganese concentrations in sediments increase proportionately with the ages of the sediments. In general, cobalt, copper and zinc were also their concentrations increased over the years. These same elements in water are similar from the blank samples, however the roots of 'Eichhornia crassipes' assimilated higher concentrations of metals than the stems and leaves of this species. (author)

  4. Legitimidade sofismática: um estudo sobre a participação cidadã na implantação de empreendimentos de impacto no Recife


    Valéria Pires da Silva, Elbia


    Um dos marcos referenciais apontado na democracia é o da legitimidade das decisões como forma de asseverar a validade democrática na era moderna. A consolidação de instrumentos de participação da sociedade na gestão pública vem sendo almejada com o objetivo de proporcionar a legitimidade das instituições e das decisões, sobretudo, na esfera municipal. No Recife, mesmo com a fragmentação da gestão participativa ocorrida nas últimas décadas, o instrumento de gestão urbana da c...


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    Full Text Available O artigo apresenta o processo de internacionalização da Pinga Nordestina, que, pormeio da participação Projeto Setorial Integrado da Cachaça de Pernambuco, começou aexportar em 2005. Os achados corroboram com a importância do estabelecimento de networks,da distância psíquica e da aprendizagem incremental e cumulativa da teoria deinternacionalização de Uppsala. A participação em feiras e missões internacionais foi um fatorimpulsionador no processo de internacionalização por meio da reflexão do executivo sobre asua aprendizagem, levando a mudanças de produtos, tanto para o mercado interno, quanto parao internacional. Verificou-se também que o governo foi um agente catalisador, contribuindopara esta inserção internacional. No entanto, a percepção de distância psíquica do país dedestino foi reduzida devido à nacionalidade do empresário importador, e não apenas do país dedestino, conforme advogado pelos teóricos de Uppsala, indicando a necessidade de maisestudos empíricos.

  6. ¿A qué Recorte Territorial Podemos Llamar Barrio?: el caso de Apipucos y Poço da Panela en Recife / What we call neighborhood?: the case of Apipucos and Poço da Panela, Recife

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    Leão Barros, Sandra A.


    Full Text Available La escala barrio hace mucho se hace presente en el paisaje urbano recifense. Desde los primeros ingenios de azúcar en la cuenca del río Capibaribe, pasando por las parroquias y pueblos, arrabales, hoy Regiones Político-Administrativas y barrios componentes. Esos contornos todavía parecen ser los mismos. Ingenios que viraron a barrios. Barrios que son verdaderos ‘genius loci’ del Recife. Apipucos y Casa Forte ‘ingenios’, Poço da Panela ‘parroquia’; Apipucos, Casa Forte y Poço da Panela ‘arrabales’; todos ‘barrios’ hoy. Es en esta escala donde hay más convergencia entre el espacio geométrico y el espacio social, donde es más fuerte el sentido de lugar urbano. Es un módulo espacio-social, otrora parroquial, asociado a un soporte físico que lo encierra. Además, presenta siempre tres características simultáneas e integrantes entre sí: una forma y un tamaño, un límite político-administrativo que lo representa frente al Estado y una carga histórico-cultural de la sociedad a que pertenencen. Así lo son Apipucos y Poço da Panela. Relacionar esas características con los barrios estudiados en un biés histórico-temporal es la propuesta de este artículo./For a long time, the district scale appears in the urban landscape from Recife. Since the first mills in Capibaribe’s valley, passing through the parishes and villages, suburbs, today Politic-Administrative Regions and components districts. Theses outlines still seem to be the same. Mills that became districts. Districts which are Recife’s true ‘genius loci’. Apipucos and Casa Forte ‘mills’; Poço da Panela ‘parish’; Apipucos, Casa Forte and Poço da Panela ‘suburbs’; all ‘districts’ today. It is in this scale where there is larger convergence between the geometric space and the social space, where the sense of urban place is stronger. It is a space-social module, formely parochial, associated to a physical support which concludes it

  7. Os encantos da Veneza Americana e da propaganda pelo cinema: os filmes financiados pelo governo Sergio Loreto em Pernambuco (1922-1926

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    Luciana Corrêa de Araújo


    Full Text Available Este artigo aborda a produção cinematográfica financiada pelo governo Sergio Loreto em Pernambuco (1922-1926. Por meio de textos históricos, pesquisa em periódicos e análise fílmica, pretendemos destacar a relevância do estímulo oficial ao incipiente meio cinematográfico local e analisar como se constroem, nos filmes, as relações entre estratégias de propaganda e procedimentos estéticos e narrativos.

  8. Brazil Geologic Basic Survey Program - Limoeiro - Sheet SB.25-Y-C-V -Pernambuco State

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barbosa, A.G.


    The Limoeiro map-sheet (SB.25-Y-C-V;1:100,000 scale), State of Pernambuco is delimited by the meridians 35 0 00'W to 35 0 30' W and parallels 7 0 30' S to 8 0 00' S. The sheet covers an area of about 3,000 km 2 . The basement rocks probable Archaean age consist of gneiss and migmatite. The basement rocks are overlain by Lower Proterozoic metasediments (schist and para gneiss), locally with flows (amphibolite), metamorphosed in the middle to high amphibolite facies. Geochemical surveys including stream sediment sampling and rock chip sampling were carried out. Ground geophysics included magnetometer, gravity and radiometric (scintillometer) surveys. A provisional metallogenetic map at 1:100,000 scale was prepared on which areas with potential for economic deposits of gold, apatite, barium copper, nickel, cobalt, zinc, niobium, iron, titanium and vanadium are shown. (author)

  9. Mortes por agressão em Pernambuco e no Brasil: um óbice para a consolidação da democracia

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    José Maria Nóbrega Jr.


    Full Text Available No Brasil as taxas de homicídios alcançaram índices alarmantes. A maioria das análises em Ciência Política negligencia a relação entre violência e qualidade da democracia. O Index of Democracy do The Economist Unit (2008 avaliou o Brasil como sendo um país de elevada pontuação no indicador de liberdades civis. Levou em consideração aspectos dos direitos civis que ignoram os homicídios. Isso fez com que a conceituada revista inglesa chegasse à equivocada conclusão que o Brasil teria níveis de direitos civis acima de países como os Estados Unidos e o Reino Unido. O cerne deste trabalho está em analisar a qualidade da democracia brasileira tendo como um de seus critérios avaliativos o indicador de homicídio. A variável dependente é a qualidade da democracia e a variável independente, as taxas de morte por agressão em Pernambuco. Para medir-se a democracia avaliou-se o papel de suas instituições coercitivas na falta de contenção de homicídios praticados em Pernambuco. O resultado da análise inferiu serem, os altos números de homicídios, um óbice à consolidação da democracia no Brasil.

  10. Avaliação do EuroSCORE como preditor de mortalidade em cirurgia cardíaca valvar no Instituto do Coração de Pernambuco Assesment of the EuroSCORE as a predictor for mortality in valve cardiac surgery at the Heart Institute of Pernambuco

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    Isaac Newton Guimarães Andrade


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a aplicabilidade do Sistema Europeu de Risco em Operações Cardíacas (EuroSCORE em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia valvar no Instituto do Coração de Pernambuco. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos no estudo 840 pacientes operados entre 2001 e 2009. Os prontuários desses doentes continham todas as informações que permitiram calcular o EuroSCORE. O desfecho de interesse foi óbito na internação. Com o objetivo de avaliar a aplicabilidade do EuroSCORE, foi usado o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. A calibração do modelo foi medida pela comparação da mortalidade observada com a esperada, usando-se o teste de bondade de ajuste de Hosmer-Lemershow. A acurácia do modelo foi avaliada pela curva ROC (receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTADOS: A comparação entre a mortalidade prevista e a observada, por meio do teste de Hosmer-Lemershow, evidenciou boa capacidade preditiva (P=0,767, assim como quando comparada para cada valor do EuroSCORE Aditivo (P=0,455. Obteve-se uma área sob a curva de ROC de 0,731 (IC95% 0,660 - 0,793, com valor de P6 incluiu 131 pacientes, com mortalidade foi 20,6%. A análise de regressão logística permitiu identificar os seguintes fatores de risco para o óbito: idade acima de 60 anos, sexo feminino, operação prévia, endocardite ativa, cirurgia associada da aorta torácica e arteriopatia extracardíaca. CONCLUSÕES: O EuroSCORE, um método simples e objetivo, revelou-se um preditor satisfatório de mortalidade operatória e, por ele, foram identificados fatores de risco para o óbito em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia valvar no Instituto do Coração de Pernambuco.OBJECTIVE: To assess the applicability of the European Rysk System in Cardiac Operations (EuroSCORE in patients undergoing cardiac valve surgery at the Heart Institute of Pernambuco. METHOD: 840 patients operated on between 2001 and 2009, who medical records contained all the informations to calculate the EuroSCORE were

  11. The social representation about handicapped students in inclusive education: the view of children

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    Karina Mendonça Vasconcellos


    Full Text Available Historically excluded, handicapped people have been socially included through new standards guided by egalitarian principles. The Social Representation Theory, which studies how the common sense builds “theories” about relevant objects, was used to answer how this situation affects children socially and psychologically in inclusive schools. We use a multimethodological approach with free associations, drawings and focus groups to study the social representations of 39 third and fourth grade students about their handicapped colleagues, all the children being from a state school in Recife, Pernambuco. The data were submitted to content analysis and analysis using the EVOC software, and the results indicate that handicapped children are seen as people limited by a temporary or permanent shortage or disability; they learn differently from others and disrupt classes; they require constant care and protection; they are allowed to join the group, but not to be part of it. The group seems to be outlining the contours of otherness, which shows a representation under construction.

  12. Occupational performance of women subjected to mastectomy

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    Jamylle Silva de Brito


    Full Text Available Among the several therapeutic approaches to combat breast cancer, mastectomy is the most feared by women, not only because of its aggressive invasive characteristics to the female body, but also because of its biological, functional, emotional, and social repercussions. The objective of the present study was to outline the occupational performance profile through the description of daily life, productive and leisure activities of women that have undergone mastectomy. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study with 21 women carried out at a school hospital in Recife, Pernambuco state, Brazil, from June to September, 2011. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire and occupational assessment by the Canadian Model of Occupational Performance (CMOP. In the occupational performance evaluation, Productivity was the most compromised area, followed by Leisure. Taking care of the body after mastectomy was not a restraint to the development of the daily-life, productive and leisure activities for the operated women, although some reorganization was needed to maintain a satisfactory performance.

  13. Zygomycetes from herbivore dung in the ecological reserve of Dois Irmãos, Northeast Brazil

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    André Luiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo Santiago


    Full Text Available Thirty-eight taxa of Zygomycetes distributed in 15 genera were recorded from tapir (Tapirus terrestris, camel (Camelus bactrianus, horse (Equus caballus, deer (Cervus elaphus, agouti (Dasyprocta aguti, donkey (Equus asinus, llama (Llama glama and waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus dung collected at the Reserva Ecológica de Dois Irmãos located in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. The samples were collected on a monthly basis from June 2005 to May 2006, taken to the laboratory and incubated in moist chambers. Higher number of taxa was observed in the excrements of tapir, followed by deer and donkey. The highest number of species was detected for Mucor, followed by Pilobolus. Statistical analyses showed significant differences in richness of Zygomycetes taxa between the herbivore dung types. Differences of species composition, however, were weak. Seasonality influenced the Zygomycetes species composition but not its richness. Variations in taxa composition between ruminants and non-ruminants dung were non significant.

  14. Zygomycetes From Herbivore Dung in the Ecological Reserve of Dois IrmÃOs, Northeast Brazil (United States)

    de Azevedo Santiago, André Luiz Cabral Monteiro; Botelho Trufem, Sandra Farto; Malosso, Elaine; dos Santos, Paulo Jorge Parreira; de Queiroz Cavalcanti, Maria Auxiliadora


    Thirty-eight taxa of Zygomycetes distributed in 15 genera were recorded from tapir (Tapirus terrestris), camel (Camelus bactrianus), horse (Equus caballus), deer (Cervus elaphus), agouti (Dasyprocta aguti), donkey (Equus asinus), llama (Llama glama) and waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) dung collected at the Reserva Ecológica de Dois Irmãos located in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Northeast Brazil. The samples were collected on a monthly basis from June 2005 to May 2006, taken to the laboratory and incubated in moist chambers. Higher number of taxa was observed in the excrements of tapir, followed by deer and donkey. The highest number of species was detected for Mucor, followed by Pilobolus. Statistical analyses showed significant differences in richness of Zygomycetes taxa between the herbivore dung types. Differences of species composition, however, were weak. Seasonality influenced the Zygomycetes species composition but not its richness. Variations in taxa composition between ruminants and non-ruminants dung were non significant. PMID:24031609

  15. Evaluation of quality in Service of Mammography of the State of Pernambuco; Levantamento da qualidade dos servicos de mamografia do Estado de Pernambuco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Menezes, Claudio J.M.; Hwang, Suy F. [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares (CRCN), Recife, PE (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Peixoto, Joao Emilio [Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria (ANVISA), Brasilia, DF (Brazil)]. E-mail:


    The cancer of breast is what more contributes to mortality among women in the world. In 2000, it is considered that happened about 28.300 new cases and 8.200 death in Brazil. Thus, programs of precocious detection have been transmitted and driven the professionals of health and the population, where the used method and indicated for the diagnosis it is the mammography. However, to be capable to detect small lesions, still without clinical expression, the Service of Mammography should have mechanisms that guarantee the quality and effectiveness of the exam, assuring the great levels of sensibility and of specific. That work has as objective to evaluate the quality of the Services of Mammography of the State of Pernambuco, seeking to adapt them to the effective norms, guaranteeing like this the success of programs of precocious detection. Results show that 55% of the Services present problems in the envisage of the bunch of ray-X, 57% of the apparels do not present system of automatic control of the exhibition (CAE) regulated or it does not exist, by force of compression of 37% of the apparels they were out of the interval of tolerance (11 to 18 kg) and 36% of the processor were just in conformity with the operation patterns for mammography. Of the one of the 31 Services evaluated 3 they were just totally approved, while 10 did not present minimum quality for the diagnosis. (author)

  16. "Frango com frango é coisa de paulista”: erotismo, deslocamentos e homossexualidade entre Recife e São Paulo

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    Isadora Lins França

    Full Text Available Neste artigo, desenvolvo uma reflexão explorando possíveis articulações entre trânsitos, itinerários, homossexualidade masculina, desejo e marcadores sociais da diferença. Analiso a produção discursiva de sentidos de lugar relacionados ao Recife e a São Paulo a partir de pesquisa etnográfica com homens que se relacionam afetivo-sexualmente com outros homens nas duas cidades - e transitam entre elas - buscando compreender como nesse processo articulam-se convenções de gênero e sexualidade, noções de brasilidade e regionalidade e sistemas de classificação relacionados à homossexualidade. Ao mesmo tempo, tematizo tensões envolvendo relações em que a diferença - de classe social, cor/raça, geração, gênero, regionalidade e sexualidade - atua como motor do desejo entre esses homens, compondo roteiros que mesclam trocas afetivas, sexuais e materiais de variadas ordens, e em que certa dose de risco parece estar implicada.

  17. O útil, o sagrado e o mais-que-sagrado no Xangô de Pernambuco

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    Roberto Motta


    Full Text Available Resumo O sagrado e o útil encontram-se intimamente associados no Xangô de Pernambuco. O processo de iniciação coincide largamente com a busca da cura, enquanto os sacrifícios são ao mesmo tempo bons para rezar e para comer. Não existe portanto, ao contrário do que poderia pretender uma interpretação demasiadamente literal da sociologia da religião de Durkheim, uma separação radical entre o sagrado e o profano. Há entretanto, na experiência religiosa do Xangô, um momento em que o sagrado paira acima de toda análise funcional, transformando-se desta maneira no mais-que-sagrado, que transparece na festa e no transe extático. E é dessa experiência transcendente, implicando na comunhão emocional do grupo de culto, que surge a identidade mais íntima de cada fiel.

  18. [Violence against the elderly in the home environment: prevalence and associated factors (Recife, State of Pernambuco)]. (United States)

    Duque, Andrezza Marques; Leal, Márcia Carrera Campos; Marques, Ana Paula de Oliveira; Eskinazi, Fernanda Maria Vieira; Duque, Amanda Marques


    The scope of this paper was to determine the prevalence and factors associated with domestic violence against the elderly. It is a cross-sectional study with 274 subjects, aged 60 years or more, of both sexes. Data were collected through interviews at home or in the USF based on a script structured in three parts: questionnaire with socio-demographic and bio-demographic information, two rating scales and a tool for identifying abuse. Among the respondents, 20.8% reported having experienced at least one type of violence in their home environment. An association was revealed between those living with a greater number of individuals, among women and elderly people who are dependent for day-to-day activities. After applying the logistic regression model, only the variables of sex and family configuration were significantly associated, with evidence of greater frequency among those who lived with six or more residents and women. These findings highlight the magnitude and seriousness of the problem and point to the need for action to combat violence against the elderly.

  19. Aspectos gerais sobre a alimentação do cangulo, Balistes vetula Linnaeus, 1758 (Pisces - Balistidae no estado de Pernambuco - Brasil

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    Técio Luiz Macêdo Costa


    Full Text Available The Balistidae, especially Balistes vetula are commom fishes in tropical waters from Northeastern Brazil. Studies about these fishes captured at the coastal area of Recife between Pina; Boa Viagem, Piedade and Candeias beaches were carried out in order to determine the diet, and to verify a possible diet diversification between the sexes, and times of the year. Males and females had a food diet consisting mostly of molluscs belonging the classes Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, Gastropoda and crustaceans and fishes. Echinoderms, foraminifera, bryozoa, sponges, polychaete worms, coelenterates and brachiopods were also observed in smaller proportions. Both males and females had a carnivorous benthic diet. Growth and changes in the seasons were not reflected by changes in the diet.

  20. Spatial distribution of schistosomiasis foci on Itamaracá Island, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    CS Barbosa


    Full Text Available Acute cases of schistosomiasis have been found on the coastal area of Pernambuco, Brazil, due to environmental disturbances and disorderly occupation of the urban areas. This study identifies and spatially marks the main foci of the snail host species, Biomphalaria glabrata on Itamaracá Island. The chaotic occupation of the beach resorts has favoured the emergence of transmission foci, thus exposing residents and tourists to the risk of infection. A database covering five years of epidemiological investigation on snails infected by Schistosoma mansoni in the island was produced with information from the geographic positioning of the foci, number of snails collected, number of snails tested positive, and their infection rate. The spatial position of the foci were recorded through the Global Positioning System (GPS, and the geographical coordinates were imported by AutoCad. The software packages ArcView and Spring were used for data processing and spatial analysis. AutoCad 2000 was used to plot the pairs of coordinates obtained from GPS. Between 1998 and 2002 5009 snails, of which 12.2% were positive for S. mansoni, were collected in Forte Beach. A total of 27 foci and areas of environmental risk were identified and spatially analyzed allowing the identification of the areas exposed to varying degrees of risk.


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    José Ramon Barros Cantalice


    Full Text Available Erosivity is the potential ability of rain to cause erosion on somewhere. With the objective of mapping the rainfall erosivity in the entire State of Pernambuco, the average monthly values of the EI30 index with were correlated with Fournier rainfall coefficient and the average monthly precipitation, as well as the yearly values of the index EI with average yearly precipitation values. Data from 11 localities representative of their distinct climatic regions were utilized. From the best regression equations found for each region, the average yearly values of the EI30 index were calculated ( Factor R of Universal Soil Loss Equation - USLE for 96 localities in the State, based on periods of 14 to 75 years of rainfall records. The values of erosivity found varied from 1,500 to 10,000 (Mj mm ha-1 h-1 year-1, where the Zona da Mata, Agreste and Sertão regions presented a moderate erosive potential, with values from 1,500 to 3,500 (Mj mm ha-1 h-1 year-1. The litoral region, was characterized by high erosivity, with annual average values of the index EI bethween 5.500 to 10.000 (Mj mm ha-1 h-1 year-1.

  2. Temporal evolution of pollution by trace metals and plants analysis in Apipucos reservoir, Recife, PE, Brazil

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Souza, Vivianne L.B. de; Fonseca, Cassia K.L.; Santos, Suzana O.; Paiva, Ana C. de; Silva, Waldecy A. da, E-mail:, E-mail: [Centro Regional de Ciencias Nucleares (CRCN-NE/CNEN), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    Water and sediments may reflect the current quality of an aquatic system and the historical behavior of certain hydrological and chemical parameters. Analysis of metals in sediment profiles are used to determine anomalies in their concentrations, as well as sources of pollution. This study was performed in Apipucos Reservoir in the city of Recife, Brazil. Samples of water, plants and sediments were collected in the study area and their metals content (extract by adding acids) were determined a fast sequential atomic absorption spectrometer (SpectrAA-220FS/VARIAN). The {sup 210}Pb activity concentration in each sediment layer was determined through the beta counting of {sup 210}Bi after lead precipitation as lead chromate. The results showed the metals' behavior in sediments: iron and manganese concentrations in sediments increase proportionately with the ages of the sediments. In general, cobalt, copper and zinc were also their concentrations increased over the years. These same elements in water are similar from the blank samples, however the roots of 'Eichhornia crassipes' assimilated higher concentrations of metals than the stems and leaves of this species. (author)

  3. Mycoplasma agalactiae in semen and milk of goat from Pernambuco state, Brazil

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    Bruno H.L.S. Alves


    Full Text Available In goat and sheep flocks, mycoplasmosis is a disease that may cause severe economical losses associated with polyarthritis, mastitis, agalactia, conjunctivitis, pneumonia and reproductive failure. The latter may involve repeat breeding, granular vulvovaginitis, infertility and abortions. The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of Mycoplasma agalactiae (Ma in semen and milk samples from naturally infected goat in the semiarid region from Pernambuco State, Northeast from Brazil. Thirty-nine semen samples and 81 milk samples were submitted to DNA extraction using a commercially available kit and following the manufacturer's instructions. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR was then performed in accordance with protocols described in the literature. The results of the present study revealed the presence of Ma in the DNA of 17.9% (7/39 of the semen samples and 3.7% (3/81 of the milk samples. The results obtained in the present study confirm the elimination of the DNA of Ma in the semen and milk samples. The presence of this agent in goat flocks is considered very risky in terms of reproductive disorders and contagious agalactia outbreaks in the Northeast region of Brazil.

  4. Estudo do polimorfismo genético da αS1-caseína em cabras, no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v29i3.551 Study of the genetic polymorphism of the αS1-casein in goats of Pernambuco State, Brazil - DOI: 10.4025/actascianimsci.v29i3.551

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    Aurea Wischral


    Full Text Available O Estado de Pernambuco tem uma vocação pecuária, especialmente, para a exploração de caprinos. Dentre as proteínas, chamadas de caseínas, a αS1-caseína foi a primeira proteína comprovada com base no polimorfismo genético. Objetivando realizar a genotipagem de cabras criadas no sertão, agreste e zona da mata do Estado de Pernambuco, por meio da técnica de PCR-RFLP, estudou-se o polimorfismo do gene da αS1-caseína. Utilizaram-se 60 animais, divididos em três grupos de 20 animais, das raças Moxotó, Alpina Americana e SRD (Sem Raça Definida. A extração do DNA foi realizada com a utilização do protocolo fenol-clorofórmio, e o gene da αS1-caseína foi amplificado por meio da PCR (reação da polimerase em cadeia. Em seguida, foi utilizada a enzima de restrição XmnI para obter a freqüência alélica das raças estudadas. Encontrou-se, nos caprinos, os alelos da αS1-caseína B e D que foram predominantes para a raça nativa Moxotó e animais SRD (100%, e os alelos C e D, para a raça Alpina Americana (100%, concluindo-se que existem variações genéticas para o gene da αS1-caseína do leite das raças caprinas estudadas, embora se evidencie a proximidade genética entre a Moxotó e SRD.The Pernambuco State, has been a livestock area, mainly for the caprine exploration. Among the proteins, called caseins, the αS1-casein was the first proved protein with base in the genetic polymorphism. To genotype goats of the “sertão”, “agreste” and “zona da mata” regions of the Brazilian State of Pernambuco, through the PCR-RFLP technique, we studied the polymorphism of the αS1-casein gene. Sixty animals were used, divided in three groups of twenty animals of the races Moxotó, American Alpine and UB (Undefined Breed. The DNA extraction was done by the phenol-chloroform protocol and the αS1-casein gene was amplified through the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction. Then, the restriction enzyme XmnI was used to obtain the allele

  5. Propostas curriculares para Educação Física em Pernambuco: entendimentos acerca do esporte

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    Kadja Michele Ramos Tenório


    Full Text Available ResumoAnalisamos como o tema esporte foi abordado nas propostas curriculares para educação física no Estado de Pernambuco de 1989 a 2013, por via de uma pesquisa documental que teve como fontes de dados documentos oficiais da Secretaria de Educação e usou a análise de conteúdo categorial por temática. Identificamos a perenidade dos fundamentos do objeto de estudo da cultura corporal e do tema esporte em todas as propostas analisadas. Compreendemos que houve um esforço dos professores para que o esporte não fosse uma mera reprodução do esporte de alto rendimento. Entretanto, identificamos que esse nem sempre foi acompanhado por uma coerência entre a intencionalidade pedagógica para com o tema, sua organização de conteúdos e a metodologia proposta.

  6. [Descriptive study of homophobia and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS of the transvestites in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Brazil]. (United States)

    de Sousa, Patricia Juliana; Ferreira, Luiz Oscar Cardoso; de Sá, Janilson Barros


    This study sought to ascertain the vulnerabilities to HIV/Aids of transvestites of the Metropolitan Region of Recife. The Respondent-Driven Sampling (RDS) method was selected for data collection. Among the 110 transvestites, high indices of homophobia were found in locations such as: security services, work facilities, family and religious environments, neighborhood, school, stores, leisure spaces, and healthcare services. Among the situations of violence experienced, the predominant cases involved verbal aggression (81.8%) and physical aggression (68.2%). The HIV test carried out at some stage in their lives was reported by 84.4% of the subjects. A high level of knowledge of the forms of HIV prevention and transmission was detected. The majority of the transvestites began their sexual activity before 15 years of age without condom use. It was seen that in the context of the HIV/Aids epidemic, the strategies for health promotion can only be effective if factors for enhancing the understanding of the vulnerability to HIV/Aids, such as homophobia, are considered.

  7. Evaluation of advanced oxidative processes in contaminated soil of the Pernambuco state; Avaliacao dos processos oxidativos avancados num solo contaminado do estado de Pernambuco

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    Silva, Paula T.S. e [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Quimica; Santos, Suenia S. [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Engenharia Quimica; Barros Neto, Benicio de [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Dept. de Quimica Fundamental; Dorea, Haroldo S. [Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, SE (Brazil); Motta Sobrinho, Mauricio A. da; Silva, Valdinete L. da [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    In this work were used the following techniques of advanced oxidative processes: hydrogen peroxide, Fenton reagent and heterogeneous photocatalysis (TiO2). These processes have shown as an alternative technology to the treatment of some environmental matrices. The soil studied was contaminated by an oil mixture proceeding from an emptying in the patio of an industry of the state of Pernambuco. This soil has about 14,5 g/Kg of total organic carbon and 3400 mg/kg of TPH. Two planning factorial 23 were composed: one in relation to hydrogen peroxide and the other to titanium dioxide, in order to find the best conditions for the contaminant degradation. The variables and the studied levels for the former was: FeSO4 - 0,18 M (without, 4 and 8 ml); Adjustment of pH (3, without, without); Time of exposition to the sun (8h, 12h, 16h). The volumes of used peroxide in the assays were 80 and 40 ml. In relation to the second planning, were studied the following conditions: TiO2 (g) (without,5;0,75;1,0), volume H2O (0, 2,5 and 5 ml) and time of exposition to the sun (8, 40, 72h). In relation to the first planning a destruction of 84% of the oil was achieved. However, in relation to 2nd the planning non-significant degradation was obtained, and to study other conditions ought to be investigated. (author)

  8. Axé, práticas corporais e Aids nas religiões africanistas do Recife, Brasil

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    Luis Felipe Rios


    Full Text Available Este artigo analisa as respostas das religiões afro-brasileiras à epidemia de Aids no Recife, considerando a estrutura simbólica religiosa. Baseando-se em observações participantes e em entrevistas em profundidade realizadas com líderes religiosos afro-brasileiros e técnicos de saúde pública e de ONG, destaca a importância do "axé", a categoria nativa utilizada para pensar os eventos corporais, para entender a história da Aids nessa comunidade religiosa. Axé é energia mística, vitalidade corporal. Ele é manipulado em rituais religiosos e simbolicamente associado a sangue, suor e sêmen. Nos tempos de HIV, os rituais de escarificação corporais e a troca de fluidos durante as transações sexuais, formas para a circulação do axé e elementos-chave para o cultivo deste, também se tornam meio para a transmissão do HIV. Esses elementos foram o foco do diálogo entre as instituições religiosas e o sistema de saúde pública, um processo que gerou mudanças nas práticas religiosas de regulação da reprodução social e da vida sexual dos adeptos.

  9. Impacto das malformações congênitas na mortalidade perinatal e neonatal em uma maternidade-escola do Recife Impact of congenital malformations on perinatal and neonatal mortality in an university maternity hospital in Recife

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    Melania Maria Ramos de Amorim


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: determinar a incidência de malformações congênitas em recém-nascidos assistidos em uma maternidade-escola de Recife e avaliar o impacto destas malformações na mortalidade perinatal e neonatal. MÉTODOS: realizou-se um estudo longitudinal durante os meses de setembro de 2004 a maio de 2005, analisando-se todos os partos assistidos no Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira, IMIP. Determinou-se a freqüência e o tipo de malformações congênitas e foram calculados os coeficientes de mortalidade fetal, mortalidade perinatal, mortalidade neonatal precoce e tardia. RESULTADOS: a freqüência de malformações foi de 2,8% (em 4043 nascimentos. O percentual de malformações entre os nativivos foi de 2,7%, e entre os natimortos foi de 6,7%. Dentre as malformações, as mais freqüentes foram as do sistema nervoso central (principalmente hidrocefalia e meningomielocele, as do sistema osteomuscular e as cardiopatias. Não houve associação entre malformações e sexo, porém a freqüência de prematuridade e baixo peso foi maior entre os casos de malformações. Constatou-se, entre os malformados, mortalidade neonatal precoce de 32,7% e tardia de 10,6%. Os casos de malformações representaram 6,7% dos natimortos, 24,2% das mortes neonatais precoces e 25,8% do total de mortes neonatais. CONCLUSÕES: a freqüência de malformações correspondeu a 2,8% dos nascimentos. As malformações representaram a segunda causa mais freqüente de mortes neonatais, depois da prematuridade.OBJECTIVES: to determine the incidence of congenital malformations in newborns in a university maternity hospital in Recife and assess the impact of malformation in perinatal and neonatal mortality. METHODS: a longitudinal study was performed from September 2004 to May 2005 with all deliveries at the Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira, IMIP analyzed. The type and incidence of congenital malformations were determined, and fetal mortality

  10. A Conservação da Paisagem na Perspectiva de um Sistema de Espaços Livres Públicos do Recife

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    Ana Rita Sá Carneiro


    Full Text Available This paper presents the relationship between the study of public open spaces and the urban landscape in Recife, according a systemic vision. This relationship is defined with the historical analysis of the natural ecosystems in the site landscape such as rivers, coast vegetation and mangrove, and the atlantic forest, which was occupied by the time. This method was chosen to understand the morphology of open spaces, its typology and which is preserved as natural and cultural heritage. Nowadays, urban water remains in the city space as rivers, lagoons and canals. Preserved natural areas present as a system in the west part of the city and in the urban framework are the isolated open spaces as parks and squares, which can be interrelated in a future urban plan by tree planting in the streets, and landscape design of the rivers and canals margins.

  11. Prospecção de fungos em ambientes e alimentos de psitacídeos do Parque Zoológico de Dois Irmãos, Recife - PE


    Lima, Adriana Nunes de


    Para detecção de fungos foram analisadas amostras de solo, água e de ração de recintos de Psitacídeos do parque Zoológico de Dois Irmãos, Recife, PE. Foram realizadas quatro coletas, duas nos meses de fevereiro -março correspondendo ao verão, entretanto com precipitação atípica em 2004 e duas nos meses de maio - junho, correspondendo ao inverno da região Nordeste; foram coletadas 320 amostras, sendo 120 de solo, 124 de água e 76 de ração. As amostras foram especificadas da segu...

  12. Pteridófitas de uma área remanescente de Floresta Atlântica do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil Floristic survey of the pteridophytes from a remnant area of Atlantic Forest, Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Sandra Tereza Ambrósio


    Full Text Available É apresentado um "checklist" das pteridófitas ocorrentes na Reserva Ecológica de Jangadinha, Município de Jaboatão dos Guararapes, como contribuição aos estudos da pteridoflora de áreas de Floresta Atlântica do Estado de Pernambuco. Informações sobre a auto-ecologia das espécies também são apresentadas. Coletas foram realizadas em cinco pontos, denominados de Banho-Frio -1, Banho-Frio - II, Área do Reservatório, Área do Açude e Mata do Curado. Foram reconhecidos 25 táxons distribuídos em 14 famílias: Schizaeaceae (2 spp., Gleicheniaceae (2 spp., Hymenophyllaceae (1 sp., Cyatheaceae (1 sp., Pteridaceae (7 spp., Vittariaceae (1 sp., Dennstaedtiaceae (2 spp., Thelypteridaceae (2 spp., Dryopteridaceae (1 sp., Davalliaceae (1 sp., Blechnaceae (1 sp., Polypodiaceae (2 spp., Lycopodiaceae (1 sp. e Selaginellaceae (1 sp.. Em todos os pontos de coletas há pteridófitas, sendo que Banho-Frio I é o mais rico e a Mata do Curado relativamente pobre em número de espécies. A maior diversidade florística foi encontrada nos micro-habitats de interior e margem das matas, principalmente em barrancos úmidos.A checklist of the pteridophytes occurrence in Ecological Reserve of Jangadinha, in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes was made as a contribution to the study of remnant area of Atlantic Forest of Pernambuco, Brazil. Auto-ecology information about the species are included. Collections were made in five points of the Reserve, namely Banho-Frio -1, Banho-Frio - II, Área do Açude, Área do Reservatório and Mata do Curado. Twenty-five species of the following 14 families were recognized: Schizaeaceae (2 spp., Gleicheniaceae (2 spp., Hymenophyllaceae (1 sp., Cyatheaceae (1 sp., Pteridaceae (7 spp., Vittariaceae (1 sp., Dennstaedtiaceae (2 spp., Thelypteridaceae (2 spp., Dryopteridaceae (1 sp., Davalliaceae (lsp., Blechnaceae (1 p., Polypodiaceae (2 spp., Lycopodiaceae (1 sp. and Selaginellaceae (1 sp.. Pteridophytes occurred in

  13. Cianobactérias em mananciais utilizados por sistemas autônomos de abastecimento de água e esgoto (saae de municípios da Zona Mata Sul de Pernambuco| Cyanobacteria in water sources used for autonomous systems of water supply and sewerage (saae in municipalities of the Forest Zone South of Pernambuco

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    Catarina Paula da Silva Ramos


    Full Text Available As florações de cianobactérias causam impactos sociais, econômicos e ambientais, alterando as características físico-químicas da água e afetando a capacidade de sobrevivência dos organismos aquáticos. Tal fenômeno coloca em risco a qualidade da água destinada ao consumo humano, através da liberação de compostos de propriedades organolépticas que conferem gosto e odor às águas de abastecimento, além de produzirem toxinas que podem gerar graves consequências à saúde humana. No Brasil, este problema vem se agravando e a possibilidade da presença de cianotoxinas tende a se tornar crônica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar o diagnóstico e avaliar os resultados de análises das amostras de cianobactérias, provenientes de mananciais superficiais de águas destinadas ao abastecimento público, de municípios da Zona da Mata Sul de Pernambuco que apresentam Serviços Autônomos de Água e Esgoto (SAAEs. O estudo foi realizado entre os meses de novembro de 2011 a dezembro de 2014, no Laboratório de qualidade da água da FUNASA (PE. Os resultados revelaram a presença de 29 espécies pertencentes a 13 famílias e 3 subclasses (entre os quais observam-se gêneros de cianobactérias produtores de cianotoxinas tais como Planktothrix, Cylindrospermopsis, apesar da análise quantitativa estar dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação (99% das amostras analisadas. O estudo apresenta dados relacionados ao monitoramento de cianobactérias nos mananciais de Pernambuco, enfatizando a importância desta prática na mitigação de eventuais agravos ao ambiente, e consequentes riscos, a saúde humana e de animais. =============================================== Cyanobacterial blooms have social, economic, and environmental impacts, changing the physical and chemical characteristics of the water and affecting the survival of aquatic organisms. This phenomenon risks the quality of water intended for human consumption, through

  14. Uso de diferentes doses de manipueira na cultura da alface em substituição à adubação mineral Use of different doses of cassava wastewater in lettuce crop in substitution of mineral fertilizer

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    Anamaria de S. Duarte


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, verificar o efeito ocasionado pelo uso de diferentes doses de manipueira nas características agronômicas da alface em substituição à adubação mineral. O referido estudo foi desenvolvido em uma área pertencente ao Departamento de Tecnologia Rural da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, no período de maio a agosto de 2010. O experimento foi conduzido em ambiente protegido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos compostos das seguintes doses: 0, 5, 15, 25, 45, 65 m³ ha-1 e cinco repetições. Utilizou-se a cultivar de alface Regina 2000, dispondo-se uma planta por vaso de 4 L. Foram avaliadas, em função das doses aplicadas, as seguintes características agronômicas da alface: área foliar, altura de planta, número de folhas, matéria fresca e matéria seca da alface. Ao final do experimento constatou-se que a dose de 45 m³ ha-1 foi a que propiciou maior ganho de altura de planta, área foliar e, consequentemente, também maior produção de matéria fresca e seca. Assim sendo, o uso da manipueira serviu como fonte de adubação para a cultura da alface, dependendo da dose aplicada.The main goal of this work was to evaluate the effect on agronomic characteristics of the lettuce when using different doses of cassava wastewater instead of mineral fertilizer. This study was conducted at the Departamento de Tecnologia Rural da Universidade Rural de Pernambuco, Recife, PE, from May to August 2010. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions in a completely randomized blocks, with six treatments and five repetitions. Following doses were used: 0, 5, 15, 25, 45 and 65 m³ ha-1. The lettuce cultivar Regina 2000 was used (one plant per pot and leaf area, plant height, number of leaves, fresh leaf mass and dry leaf mass were evaluated for each dose of cassava wastewater. At the end of the experiment, the dose of 45 m³ ha-1 provided the best results by

  15. Conceitos de asma e instrumentos de levantamentos epidemiológicos de prevalência

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    M.M. Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available RESUMO: A asma, doença multifactorial, de alta prevalência, com recorrência frequente, acomete indivíduos independentemente de idade, sexo e área geográfica. Por não haver consenso quanto à sua definição, diversos questionários foram desenvolvidos para padronização dos critérios epidemiológicos de suspeição ou diagnóstico, entre eles o da Comunidade Europeia de Saúde Respiratória (European Community Respiratory Health Survey - ECRHS, ferramenta importante para o estudo da prevalência em adultos com idade entre 20 e 44 anos, conferindo melhoria da qualidade metodológica dos levantamentos epidemiológicos, tornando-os comparáveis em tempo e local. Os objectivos deste artigo são comentar a evolução do conceito de asma e suas repercussões sobre os levantamentos epidemiológicos, historiar os instrumentos utilizados nesses levantamentos, relevando a importância do ECRHS, e apresentar dados epidemiológicos de asma em 351 trabalhadores de hospital-escola, na cidade de Recife – Pernambuco - Brasil.REV PORT PNEUMOL 2004; X (4: 319-329 ABSTRACT: Introduction: Asthma, as a multifatorial disease, with high prevalence and frequent recurrence, attack people, independently of age, sex and geographical area. Because of lack of consensus about the definition of asthma, many questionnaires have been developed to standardize epidemiological criteria of suspicion and diagnosis. Among them, the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS is an important tool for prevalence studies on adults aged from 20 to 44 years old, that represented a methodological improvement of epidemiological surveys, turning them comparable about time and place. The objectives of this article are to comment the evolution of asthma concepts and its repercussion on epidemiological surveys, as well as to chronicle the tools used on these surveys, emphasizing the importance of ECRHS and

  16. Myxomycetes em Palmeiras (Arecaceae Myxomycetes on palm trees (Arecaceae

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    Maria Helena Alves


    Full Text Available As palmeiras oferecem um ecossistema especializado que abriga organismos variados, incluindo Myxomycetes. Este trabalho relata doze espécies de Myxomycetes encontradas em folhas mortas, espata e estipe de Acrocomia intumescens Drude (macaúba, Copernicea prunifera (Mill. H. E. Moore (carnaúba, Mauritia flexuosa Mart, (buriti e Orbygnia phalerata Mart, (babaçu. Constitui-se área de coleta o Município do Crato, Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil (7º 30'00" S, 39º 00' 00" W, 400-1200 m de altitude. Coletas aleatórias foram efetuadas e as frutificações foram pesquisadas em órgãos vivos ou mortos das palmeiras. Exsicatas foram depositadas no Herbário UFP (Departamento de Botânica da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife - PE, Brasil. As espécies registradas pertencem aos gêneros Ceratiomyxa (1, Dictydium (1, Arcyria (1, Hemitrichia (1, Badhamia (1, Fuligo (1, Physarum (3, Stemonitis (2 e Comatricha (1. Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Miill. Macbr., Physarum stellatum (Mass. Mart., Stemonitis pallida Win. e Comatricha typhoides (Bull. Rost. são referidas pela primeira vez para este tipo de substrato. Este trabalho eleva para 35 o número de espécies de Myxomycetes assinaladas sobre palmeiras até o momento.Palm trees are specialized ecossystems which hosts a wide variety of organisms, including Myxomycetes. This paper reports twelve species of Myxomycetes found on dead leaves, spathes and stipitis of Acrocomia intumescens Drude, Copernicea prunifera (Mill. H. E. Moore, Mauritia flexuosa Mart., and Orbygnia phalerata Mart. The collecting area is located in the Municipality Crato of Ceará State, Northeastern Brazil (7º 30'00" S, 39º 00' 00" W, 400-1200 m altitude. Samples were taken at random and Myxomycetes fructifications were searched on dead and living organs of palm trees. Exsiccatae have been deposited in the Herbarium UFP (Department of Botany, Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife-PE, Brazil. The species registered belong to the

  17. Problematização de temáticas de promoção da saúde do idoso a partir de uma vivência dramatúrgica Problematization about elderly health promotion themes based on a dramatistic experience

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    Antônio Carlos Gomes do Espírito Santo


    Full Text Available Este artigo apresenta o relato de uma experiência de ensino-aprendizagem tendo como temática a promoção da saúde do idoso no contexto familiar, utilizando uma abordagem pedagógico-construtivista, seguindo-se uma linha problematizadora, optando-se por uma estratégia pautada na construção coletiva de um texto dramatúrgico, na sua encenação e discussão. Participaram da experiência docentes pesquisadores, técnicos e alunos de graduação estagiários do Núcleo de Atenção ao Idoso da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, além de dirigentes, técnicos e usuários dos Centros de Convivência de Idosos mantidos pela Prefeitura de Recife. Avaliou-se a experiência como capaz de integrar os conteúdos em questão, articulando os saberes de diferentes disciplinas e profissões da saúde, além de permitir o diálogo não apenas utilizando a expressão verbal, mas também corporal das concepções trazidas pelos diversos atores envolvidos. Considera-se que uma construção teórica partilhada pelo aparelho formador e pelo aparelho utilizador de profissionais de saúde foi obtida mediante a conjugação do conhecimento acumulado sobre os conteúdos e das observações resultantes do relacionamento entre aquelas instâncias.This article presents a teaching-learning experience about elderly people's health promotion in the family context, using problematization as the educational approach and employing the collective construction, discussion and presentation of a theatrical text. This experience involved the participation of researchers, technicians and students from the Elderly Healthcare Nucleus of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, as well as managers, technicians and users of the Elderly Centers supported by the municipal government of Recife. The experience was evaluated as capable of providing content integration, articulating knowledge from different health subjects and professions, besides allowing the dialogue between the

  18. Caracterização fenotípica e molecular de amostras de Burkholderia mallei isoladas na Região Nordeste do Brasil Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Burkholderia mallei isolated in northeastern Brazil

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    Karla P.C. Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho realizar o estudo bioquímico e molecular de amostras de Burkholderia mallei isoladas de eqüídeos com diagnóstico clínico e sorológico para o mormo e provenientes da Região Metropolitana do Recife-PE e Zona da Mata dos Estados de Alagoas e Pernambuco. Foram realizadas as técnicas microbiológicas para o isolamento e identificação fenotípica de B. mallei e as técnicas moleculares de ribotipagem-PCR e RAPD-PCR. Das oito amostras estudadas, quatro apresentaram pequenas variações fenotípicas. Nas técnicas moleculares, as amostras formaram quatro grupos de diferentes perfis ribotípicos, demonstrando também quatro perfis genotípicos. Houve associação nos resultados da Ribotipagem-PCR e RAPD-PCR. As variações nos perfis ribotípicos e genotípicos foram associadas às diferentes regiões estudadas. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que as pequenas variações bioquímicas não estão associadas aos diferentes perfis moleculares e que essas diferenças demonstram uma heterogeneidade que está associada à procedência das amostras, indicando que a infecção nos animais ocorre por clones diferentes das amostras analisadas.The objective of this paper was to study the molecular performance and phenotypic characterization of Burkholderia mallei isolated from horses with clinical and serological diagnosis of glanders, originating from the Metropolitan District of Recife and Zona da Mata of Pernambuco and Alagoas. The isolation and biochemical identification of B. mallei was carried out by microbiological and molecular techniques of PCR-fingerprinting and RAPD-PCR. From the eight samples studied, four showed little phenotype variations. In the molecular tests, the samples formed 4 groups of different ribotype profiles and 4 genotype profiles. There was some association of PCR-fingerprinting with RAPD-PCR results. It was concluded that the slight biochemical variations were not associated with

  19. Avaliação do teste de imunofluorescência indireta para diagnóstico da filariose bancroftiana usando a microfilária de W. bancrofti como antígeno, em Recife-PE, Brasil Evaluation of indirect immunofluorescence test for bancroftian filariasis using Wuchereria bancroft microfilariae as the antigen in Recife, Brazil

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    Gerusa Dreyer


    Full Text Available Analisou-se o teste de imunofluorescência indireta com microfilárias de W. bancrofti tratadas pela papaína, como antígeno, amplamente utilizado em Recife para o imunodiagnóstico da filariose linfática. Foram testados soros de 50 pacientes portadores das diversas formas clínicas da doença, incluindo microfilaremia assintomática, eosinofilia pulmonar tropical, elefantíase de membros inferiores, linfagite aguda e quilúria. Para o grupo controle, foram selecionados 50 indivíduos vivendo pelo menos há 5 anos em área endêmica, sem nenhuma evidencia clínica e/ou laboratorial da doença, constituindo os chamados endêmicos normais. A sensibilidade e especificidade do teste, segundo diferentes pontos de corte, mostraram a impossibilidade de diferenciação entre o grupo controle e o grupo sabidamente infectado. Também não foi possível estabelecer correlação entre os títulos encontrados e as diferentes formas clínicas. Foi considerada a existência de reações cruzadas relacionadas a helmintíases intestinais, porém nenhuma relação direta foi encontrada.The authors analysed the indirect immunofluorescence assay, for the diagnosis of bancroftian filariasis using papain treated W. bancrofti microfilariae as antigen, widely used in Recife - Brazil. Sera from 50 patients with several clinical forms of the disease including asymptomatic carriers, tropical pulmonary eosinophilia, elephantiasis, filarial fever and chyluria were analysed. For the control group, 50 individuals were selected, living at least 5 years in endemic area, with neither previous DEC treatment nor clinical-laboratory evidences of the disease, called normals endemic. The sensitivity and specificity were analised taking into account different cut off values. It was not possible to differentiate infected individuals from the control group. It was not even possible to establish any correlation with IMF titers among different clinical presentation of the disease

  20. Riqueza, abundância e sazonalidade de Sphingidae (Lepidoptera num fragmento de Mata Atlântica de Pernambuco, Brasil Species richness, abundance and seasonality of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera in a fragment of Atlantic Rainforest of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    José A. Duarte Júnior


    Full Text Available Na Mata Atlântica de Pernambuco, NE-Brasil (Reserva Biológica de Gurjaú, Cabo de Santo Agostinho foi realizado um levantamento de Sphingidae de dezembro de 2002 a novembro de 2003. Os esfingídeos foram coletados com luz de vapor de mercúrio durante duas noites consecutivas por mês, próximo ao novilúnio. Foram determinadas riqueza de espécies, abundância e sazonalidade. Oitenta e nove espécimes de 23 espécies em 13 gêneros foram registrados; 84% dos indivíduos foram machos. Muitas espécies foram raras e de 13 espécies foi coletado apenas um exemplar. Xylophanes loelia (Druce, 1878, X. libya (Druce, 1878, Hemeroplanes triptolemus (Cramer, 1779, Eumorpha anchemolus (Cramer, 1779, Manduca brasilensis (Jordan, 1911, M. hannibal (Cramer, 1779, Adhemarius gannascus (Stoll, 1790 e Protambulyx astygonus (Boisduval, [1875] foram registradas pela primeira vez no Nordeste do Brasil. A esfingofauna não mostrou nenhum padrão de sazonalidade, e riqueza e abundância de espécies de esfingídeos não se correlacionaram com precipitação mensal e temperatura.In the Atlantic Rainforest of Pernambuco, NE-Brazil (Reserva Biológica de Gurjaú, Cabo de Santo Agostinho a survey of Sphingidae was performed from December 2002 to November 2003. The hawkmoths were collected with vapor mercury light during two consecutive nights per months near new moon. Species richness, abundance and seasonality were determined. Eighty-nine specimens of 23 species in13 genera were recorded; 84% the individuals were males. Most species were rare and from 13 species only one exemplar was collected. Xylophanes loelia (Druce, 1878, X. libya (Druce, 1878, Hemeroplanes triptolemus (Cramer, 1779, Eumorpha anchemolus (Cramer, 1779, Manduca brasilensis (Jordan, 1911, M. hannibal (Cramer, 1779, Adhemarius gannascus (Stoll, 1790 e Protambulyx astygonus (Boisduval, [1875] were recorded for the first time in Northeastern Brazil. The sphingofauna showed no seasonal patterns and


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    Danielle Gomes da Silva


    Full Text Available As depressões fechadas - marmitas -, sobre litologias cristalinas são encontradas em diferentes regiões do planeta. No Estado de Pernambuco as marmitas foram registradas em 37 municípios. Assim, como vem sendo trabalhado em outras regiões no semiárido do Nordeste brasileiro, as marmitas têm servido como fontes de dados para a reconstrução geomorfológica recente da paisagem, a partir do reconhecimento de eventos pretéritos encontrados no registro sedimentar que as preenchem. Desta forma, o trabalho objetiva interpretar, através da análise morfológica dos compartimentos de relevo, a gênese e dinâmica do relevo na área de Fazenda Nova, município de Brejo da Madre de Deus – Pernambuco. As marmitas na área em estudo geralmente estão associadas aos inselbergs de um granito pórfiro, em zona de intercessão de linhas de fraturas e morfologicamente restrita aos pedimentos intermontanos de topografia marcadamente plana, nas proximidades dos “knickpoints” das unidades de encostas. O depósito que preenche a marmita da propriedade Incó foi derivado por sedimentação gravitacional do tipo fluxo de detrito, sob condições torrenciais, evidenciando que este registro teve sua gênese associada a ciclos de pedogênese/morfogênese sob diversas combinações de semiaridez atuantes na área desde o penúltimo máximo glacial.

  2. Environmental education and digital resources as tools to raise awareness about radioactivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Araujo, Liderlanio de Almeida; Leite, Lucia Fernanda C. da Costa


    The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge and awareness of students from the Liceu de Artes e Oficios localized in Recife-Pernambuco, about the theme radioactivity and environment in an interdisciplinary perspective. Thirty first-year high school students participated in this activity. Initially a questionnaire was applied to assess the students' prior knowledge on the topic. Following this stage, a lecture about radioactivity and its multiple uses for the benefit of society was presented to the students, together with a video about the story of radioactivity. A guided visit to the Museum of Radioactivity at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil was also promoted. After these activities the questionnaire was reapplied to evaluate the development of students' knowledge. Research in textbooks and in the Internet was also carried out to evaluate the teaching resources used worldwide to study the nuclear issue. From this information a booklet, indicating the benefits of radioactivity was prepared by the students and later distributed to the community. After the activities there was evolution of knowledge on the subject radioactivity. Sixty seven percent of the students were able to make the calculations of half-life, 81% correctly explicated the definition of and αand β particles and γ radiation. Finally, 93% discussed about the contributions of Pierre and Marie Curie and Becquerel as well as their importance on the history of radioactivity. Dynamic activities should be encouraged so that students can learn to build knowledge with autonomy and, in turn, influence the construction of a new society. (author)

  3. Environmental education and digital resources as tools to raise awareness about radioactivity

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Araujo, Liderlanio de Almeida; Leite, Lucia Fernanda C. da Costa, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco (UNICAP), Recife, PE (Brazil). Centro de Ciencias e Tecnologia. Curso de Licenciatura em Quimica; Aquino, Katia Aparecida da Silva, E-mail: [Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil). Departamento de Energia Nuclear; Gazineu, Maria Helena Paranhos, E-mail: [Instituto Federal de Pernambuco (IFPE), Recife, PE (Brazil)


    The objective of this study was to investigate the knowledge and awareness of students from the Liceu de Artes e Oficios localized in Recife-Pernambuco, about the theme radioactivity and environment in an interdisciplinary perspective. Thirty first-year high school students participated in this activity. Initially a questionnaire was applied to assess the students' prior knowledge on the topic. Following this stage, a lecture about radioactivity and its multiple uses for the benefit of society was presented to the students, together with a video about the story of radioactivity. A guided visit to the Museum of Radioactivity at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil was also promoted. After these activities the questionnaire was reapplied to evaluate the development of students' knowledge. Research in textbooks and in the Internet was also carried out to evaluate the teaching resources used worldwide to study the nuclear issue. From this information a booklet, indicating the benefits of radioactivity was prepared by the students and later distributed to the community. After the activities there was evolution of knowledge on the subject radioactivity. Sixty seven percent of the students were able to make the calculations of half-life, 81% correctly explicated the definition of and αand β particles and γ radiation. Finally, 93% discussed about the contributions of Pierre and Marie Curie and Becquerel as well as their importance on the history of radioactivity. Dynamic activities should be encouraged so that students can learn to build knowledge with autonomy and, in turn, influence the construction of a new society. (author)

  4. Migração intrametropolitana e mobilidade pendular: evidências para a região metropolitana do Recife

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    Hilton Martins de Brito Ramalho

    Full Text Available Resumo O artigo investiga se há relação entre mobilidade pendular e migrações na Região Metropolitana do Recife (RMR. Nesse intuito, foram usados dados do Censo Demográfico de 2010 e estimado um modelo econométrico baseado em cópulas e que incorpora autosseleção de trabalhadores entre migrantes e não migrantes. Os resultados sugerem uma relação complementar entre as escolhas de cidade de residência e de cidade de trabalho no meio intrametropolitano; fato que reforça a hipótese de influência direta do processo de descentralização urbana sobre os movimentos pendulares. As estimativas mostraram que um trabalhador com histórico recente de migração na RMR tem, em média, 47,6 p.p. a mais de probabilidade de efetuar a mobilidade pendular quando comparado a um não migrante. Esse efeito tende a ser subestimado quando se ignora a autosseleção dos migrantes em habilidades inatas.

  5. Para Onde nos Leva a Principal Política de Mobilidade Urbana na Região Metropolitana do Recife? Do Modelo Tradicional às Novas Percepções sobre Desenvolvimento

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    Alexandre Hochmann Béhar


    Full Text Available Several criticisms are directed at the Traditional Model of Development, marked by economic bias. In this regard, the State presents itself as the main agent, the city the stage of this crisis, and urban mobility one of its significant representations. This study aims to analyze the development prospects underlying public policy for urban mobility in the metropolitan area of Recife. A basic qualitative research, consolidated using content analysis was performed, the results presented indicate that despite the discourse of rulers such policies also are directed to the old developmental practices.

  6. Análise dos processos fonológicos em crianças da região metropolitana do recife

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    Bianca Arruda Manchester de Queiroga


    Full Text Available Resumo: OBJETIVO: descrever o desenvolvimento fonológico de crianças falantes do português não padrão na Região Metropolitana do Recife- PE, a partir do modelo dos processos fonológicos. MÉTODOS: participaram do estudo 202 crianças de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 2:0 a 6:11 anos, matriculadas em creches e escolas públicas. Utilizou-se como instrumento de avaliação a Prova de Avaliação Fonológica. Os dados foram gravados, transcritos, codificados e tabulados em um banco de dados, que possibilitou a realização de análises descritivas (cálculo de médias e desvios padrão. RESULTADOS: os processos fonológicos mais frequentes foram simplificação de encontro consonantal, simplificação de líquida, redução de sílaba e simplificação de consoante final. Observou-se o atraso na eliminação dos processos de redução de sílaba, harmonia consonantal, plosivação de fricativa, simplificação de fricativa velar e simplificação de liquida. Observou-se, ainda, que o processo de simplificação de encontro consonantal não foi eliminado na população estudada, levando-se em consideração as idades de eliminação descritas na literatura pesquisada, o que pode ser revelador da influência da variedade linguística sobre a aquisição fonológica. CONCLUSÃO: crianças falantes do português não padrão da Região Metropolitana do Recife apresentam uma aquisição fonológica diferente da descrição da literatura na área, o que pode ser indicativo da influência da variedade linguística. Os resultados chamam a atenção para o fato que tal variedade deve ser considerada na avaliação fonológica, sendo fundamental que novos estudos explorem a aquisição fonológica em diferentes regiões do país.

  7. Characterization of heavy metals in a uranium ore region of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. (United States)

    Bezerra, Jairo Dias; dos Santos Amaral, Romilton; dos Santos Júnior, José Araújo; Genezini, Frederico Antonio; Menezes, Rômulo Simões Cezar; de Oliveira, Iane Andrade


    The concentrations of As, Zn, Co, Cr, and Ba were determined in soil samples from an anomalous uranium ore region in the countryside of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The main land use system in this region is dairy farming, and there is a need to evaluate the potential risk of milk contamination. Twenty-three soil samples were activated with neutrons and analyzed using a high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer system. The results, recorded in mg kg(-1), varied from 0.4 to 6.7 for As, from 17.0 to 110.0 for Zn, from 2.8 to 38.4 for Co, from 12.1 to 65.5 for Cr, and from 443.0 to 1,497.0 for Ba. All of the Ba concentrations were higher than the intervention value adopted by the Brazilian National Environmental Board. This finding justifies research in other environmental areas to predict the toxicological risks to the local population.

  8. Opiniões sobre a doença entre membros da rede social de pacientes de hanseníase no Recife Opinions about Hansen's disease among the members of patients' social network in Recife

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    Katia V. de O. Feliciano


    Full Text Available O presente artigo descreve um estudo realizado no Recife, Brasil, entre novembro de 1993 e julho de 1994, com a finalidade de explorar as opiniões dos membros da rede social (por exemplo, familiares, amigos e vizinhos de portadores de hanseníase na avaliação, interpretação e manejo das manifestações corporais da doença na trajetória que levou ao diagnóstico. A amostra constou de 93 membros da rede social, com idade entre 20 e 70 anos, que apoiaram o curso de ação de 83 pacientes diagnosticados no período do estudo. A análise buscou detectar variáveis capazes de discriminar os membros da rede de apoio dos pacientes de hanseníase classificados como casos (presença de incapacidades ou lesões precursoras de incapacidades ou controles. O estudo evidenciou a escassez de informações sobre a transmissão da hanseníase e revelou um quadro transicional onde se confrontam expectativa de cura e uma visão estigmatizante das conseqüências da doença. Apenas uma quarta parte dos sujeitos do estudo suspeitou, antes do diagnóstico, que o paciente era portador de hanseníase, o que sugere baixa percepção do risco representado pela doença e reforça a concepção da invisibilidade das suas manifestações corporais. Os resultados mostram um perfil de percepção e manejo da hanseníase que pode facilitar a propagação da doença e a instalação ou agravamento das suas conseqüências físicas e sociais.This article describes a study done in Recife, Brazil, between November 1993 and July 1994 to explore the opinions of the members of the social network (for example, family members, friends, and neighbors of carriers of Hansen's disease regarding their estimation, interpretation, and management of physical manifestations of the disease in the time leading up to diagnosis. The sample consisted of 93 members of the social network, ranging in age between 20 and 70 years, who supported the course of action of 83 patients diagnosed in the

  9. Colgajo de nuca para reconstrucción de lesiones en cuero cabelludo Retalho de nuca para reconstrução de lesões de couro cabeludo Nape flap for scalp lessions reconstruction

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    L.F. Dos Santos


    Full Text Available Un total de 16 pacientes de sexo masculino y edades comprendidas entre los 20 y los 35 años de edad, fueron sometidos a Cirugía Reconstructiva con colgajo pediculado de nuca, entre los años 2000 y 2003 en el Servicio de Cirugía Plástica del hospital Agamenon Magalháes de Recife, Pernambuco (Brasil, para tratamiento de lesiones inflamatorias crónicas de origen micótico en cuero cabelludo y en 1 caso, por lesión secundaria a quemadura eléctrica con necrosis de cuero cabelludo y exposición ósea, todas ellas en la región occipital. El tiempo de hospitalización osciló entre los 3 a 4 días. Se identificaron 3 casos de necrosis de punta del colgajo en la región retroauricular, de tamaño entre 0,5 a 1 cm, que cicatrizaron por segunda intención. No hubo ningún caso de de infección o necrosis del pedículo. La técnica que proponemos presentó ventajas para la corrección quirúrgica de este tipo de lesiones en un solo tiempo quirúrgico y el cierre directo de la lesión con un buen resultado cosmético. Como desventajas, identificamos 3 casos de incremento del área alopécica y, en algunos casos, cicatrización hipertrófica que sin embargo, en opinión de los pacientes, no comprometió su calidad de vida.Dezesseis pacientes do sexo masculino com idade entre 20 e 35 anos foram submetidos a Cirurgia Reconstrutiva com retalho pediculado de nuca, entre 2000 e 2003, no Serviço de Cirurgia Plástica do Hospital Agamenon Magalhães, Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, para tratamento de lesões inflamatórias crônicas de origem micótica e um caso de lesão secundária a queimadura elétrica com necrose de couro cabeludo e exposição óssea, todos em região occipital. O tempo de internamento variou entre 3 e 4 dias. Foram identificados três casos de necrose de ponta de retalho, em região retroauricular, medindo entre 0,5 cm e 1 cm, que cicatrizaram por segunda intenção. Não houve qualquer caso de infecção ou necrose pedicular. A t


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    Sylvana Pontual Alencar


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se descrever o perfil sanitário da caprinovinocultura do sertão de Pernambuco, sendo visitadas 150 propriedades e descritas as características das instalações, as práticas sanitárias e os achados clínicos mais frequentes. Os resultados mostraram que predominam as instalações com piso de terra batida (74,8% e descobertas (61,7% e reservatórios de água abertos (83%. Em apenas 3,4% das propriedades a água era tratada. O registro das ocorrências era realizado por apenas 26% dos produtores e 47,6% tratavam o umbigo dos recém-nascidos com iodo. No que diz respeito às carcaças, 31,8% dos proprietários davam destino adequado a elas. A higiene diária das instalações era realizada em apenas 14% das propriedades e a desinfecção em 16,9%. A vermifugação foi a prática mais difundida (88,2% e apenas 6,2% dos produtores dispunham de assistência técnica contínua. Os principais achados clínicos foram sugestivos de doenças infecciosas e parasitárias. Conclui-se que a caprinovinocultura do Sertão de Pernambuco é desenvolvida em instalações modestas, o manejo sanitário é deficiente e as tecnologias disponíveis são pouco utilizadas, impossibilitando a prevenção e controle de doenças, principalmente as de origem infecciosa e parasitária.

    PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Brasil, epidemiologia, manejo sanitário, sanidade animal, semiárido.
    The objective of this study was to describe the sanitary profile of the caprine-ovineculture from the Hinterland of Pernambuco State. In total 150 properties were visited and the characteristics of the installations, the sanitary practices and the most frequent clinical findings were described. The results show that the installations with beaten soil (74.8% and uncovered soil predominated (61.7%; the water reservoirs were open (83% and in only 3.4% of the properties the water was treated; the register of the occurrences of the flocks was carried out by only 26% of the producers

  11. O gênero Ceratium Schrank (Dinophyta na plataforma continental e águas oceânicas do Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil The genus Ceratium Schrank (Dinophyta from coastal and oceanic waters of Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Maria Luise Koening


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta as espécies e distribuição do gênero Ceratium no Estado de Pernambuco. As amostras foram coletadas pelo navio de pesquisas Victor Hensen durante a prospecção do JOPS II-5 no período de 25/fevereiro a 3/março/1995. Foram analisados sete perfis perpendiculares à costa, de 50 milhas de distância cada, totalizando 34 estações, distantes 10 milhas umas das outras, sendo 14 estações na região nerítica e 20 na oceânica. As amostras foram coletadas com rede tipo bongo, com abertura de malha de 64 mm e fixadas com formol neutro a 4%. Foram identificadas 27 espécies, 24 variedades, quatro subespécies e três formas, totalizando 58 táxons. As espécies consideradas muito freqüentes foram C. contortum var. karstenii (97%, C. macroceros var. macroceros (82%, C. teres e C. euarcuatum (79%, e Ceratium tripos subsp. tripos (73%, sendo esta última a única subespécie abundante na área. Cerca de 56% dos táxons ocorreu tanto na região nerítica como oceânica, mas a região oceânica apresentou maior riqueza de espécies por amostra analisada, sendo 42% dos táxons encontrados nesta região.This work presents the species and the distribution of the Ceratium Schrank (Pyrrophyta from coastal and oceanic waters of Pernambuco State. Sampling were performed aboard the Research Vessel Victor Hensen, during the JOPS II Project, Leg 5, from February 25 to March 3, 1995. Collections were carried out in 34 stations, distributed in 7 profiles perpendicular to the coast, with 14 stations located at the neritic region and 20 at the oceanic one. Samples were collected with a bongo net, 64 mm and fixed with 4% neutralized formaldehyde. Fifty eight specific and underspecific taxa were identified, outranking as the most frequentC. contortum var. karstenii (97%, C. macroceros var. macroceros (82%, C. teres, C. euarcuatum (79%, and Ceratium tripos subsp. tripos (73% the last one being the only abundant subspecies. 56% of the taxa

  12. Factors associated with glycemic control in people with diabetes at the Family Health Strategy in Pernambuco

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    Rodrigo Fonseca Lima

    Full Text Available Abstract OBJECTIVE Identifying factors associated with glycemic control in people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM registered in the Family Health Strategy (FHS in Pernambuco, Brazil. METHOD Associations between glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A lower or equal to 7% presented by people with DM and variables related to sociodemographic conditions, lifestyle, characteristics of diabetes, treatment and follow-up of patients by health services were investigated by multiple regression. RESULTS More than 65% of the participants presented inadequate glycemic control, especially those with lower age, longer illness duration, more annual contacts with FHS and complex therapeutic regimen. People with DM without referrals to specialists presented greater glycemic control. Associations with education level and obesity did not remain significant in the multivariate model. CONCLUSION The evolution of diabetes hinders adequate control, however, attention to younger people with DM and referrals to specialists are factors that can improve glycemic control.

  13. Bird communities in three forest types in the Pernambuco Centre of Endemism, Alagoas, Brazil

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    Lahert W. Lobo-Araújo


    Full Text Available The Pernambuco Center of Endemism (PCE in northeastern Brazil is highly fragmented and degraded. Despite its potential conservation importance the bird fauna in this area is still relatively unknown and there are many remnant fragments that have not been systematically surveyed. Here, we report the results of bird surveys in five forest fragments (one pioneer, two ombrophilous and two seasonal. In total, 162 taxa were recorded, 12 of which are endemic to the PCE. The frequency of endangered species was lower than what has been reported in studies from the same area and most of the taxa considered to be at risk of extinction were sub-species of uncertain taxonomic validity. The comparatively low number of endemic/threatened species may be due to the small size of the fragments in the present study - a consequence of the high levels of habitat loss in this region. Analysis of species richness patterns indicates that ombrophilous forest fragments are acting as refuges for those bird species that are most sensitive to environmental degradation.

  14. [Sexual behavior and emergency contraception among adolescents from public schools in Pernambuco State, Brazil]. (United States)

    Araújo, Maria Suely Peixoto de; Costa, Laura Olinda Bregieiro Fernandes


    This study focused on knowledge and use of emergency contraception among 4,210 adolescents (14-19 years) enrolled in public schools in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Information was collected using the Global School-Based Student Health Survey, previously validated. Knowledge, frequency, and form of use of emergency contraception were investigated. Independent variables were classified as socio-demographic and those related to sexual behavior. Most adolescents reported knowing and having received information about the method, but among those who had already used it, only 22.1% had done so correctly. Adjusted regression analysis showed greater likelihood of knowledge about the method among girls (OR = 5.03; 95%CI: 1.72-14.69) and the sexually initiated (OR = 1.52; 95%CI: 1.34-1.75), while rural residents were 68% less knowledgeable. Rural residents showed 1.68 times higher odds (CI95%: 1.09-2.25) of incorrect use, while girls showed 71% lower likelihood of incorrect use. Sexual and reproductive education is necessary, especially among male and rural adolescents.

  15. Pseudomonas aeruginosa: freqüência de resistência a múltiplos fármacos e resistência cruzada entre antimicrobianos no Recife/PE Pseudomonas aeruginosa: frequency of resistance to multiple drugs and cross-resistance between antimicrobials in Recife/PE

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    Eduardo Andrada Pessoa de Figueiredo


    OBJECTIVES: The frequency of multiple-antibiotic resistant bacteria has been increasing in recent years. Among the gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa shows a great propensity for the development of multidrug resistance mechanisms. The objective of this study was to identify the profile of susceptibility to antibiotics, the frequency of multidrug resistance and the cross-resistance between drugs of P. aeruginosa strains in two tertiary hospitals in Recife, Pernambuco. METHODS: The study was carried out between September 2004 and January 2006. The antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed in 304 strains of P. aeruginosa by the disc diffusion method in accordance with National Committee for Clinical and Laboratory Standards (NCCLS guidelines. RESULTS: The most frequent materials were urine (26.7% and respiratory tract secretion (26.1% The antibiotics tested and their respective susceptibilities were as follows: piperacillin-tazobactam (66.2%; aztreonam (59.8%; amikacin (59.4%; meropenem (58.2%; imipenem (57.7%; ciprofloxacin (49.7%; gentamicin and cefepime (48.6%; ceftazidime (30% and cefotaxime (6.8%. A high prevalence of multi-resistance was detected. Half (49.7% the strains showed resistance to three or more antibiotics and 28% were resistant to six antimicrobials or more. Also, cross-resistance between the beta-lactams (carbapenems and piperacilin/tazobactam and aminoglicosides and quinolones was between 22.9% and 38.1%. These drugs are commonly combined in the treatment of severe infections caused by Pseudomonas, which reflects the difficulty in choosing the appropriate option for combination therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of multidrug-resistant strains of P. aeruginosa in this study was similar to other hospitals in Brazil and higher than in other countries. In order to reduce the frequency of these multiresistant clones, epidemiologic surveillance and the rational use of antibiotic protocols need to be urgently implemented.

  16. Development of materials that cover the deposits of gypsum exploited in the polo plasterer in Pernambuco

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rego, S.A.B.C.; Moraes, A.S. de; Anjos, I.F. dos; Lira, B.B.


    The mineral clay found on the surface of gypsum deposits in the region of Recife - PE are considered mining tailings and job search reference in new industrial applications for these minerals, ores. In this context, we performed the characterization of these materials with the purpose of its use as inorganic pigments in the ceramic coating. These minerals present 'in locus' different colors ranging from beige to reddish. After heat treatment at 1000° C their colors have varied tones that can be used as natural pigments in the ceramic industry. The techniques of fluorescence X-ray diffraction X-ray, infrared and colorimetry were applied in the characterization of mineral-ore in question. Using mineral processing techniques we obtain a physical separation of clay minerals associated. The use of concentrated after processing showed that the material has the potential to replace traditional pigments used in ceramic industry, and thus represent a new alternative on the market of natural pigments. Another potential comprehensive analysis of the material is its use associated with polymers in order to develop new materials. (author)

  17. Análise de provas de carga realizadas em micro-estacas utilizadas no reforço das fundações de uma ponte histórica do Recife-PE


    Caliari de Lima, Lucas


    Este trabalho fez parte da recuperação das fundações da Ponte Seis de Março (Ponte Velha), no bairro de Santo Antônio, Recife PE, de onde foram derivados os estudos realizados, através de uma parceria entre a área de geotecnia DEC/UFPE e empresas privadas. Os objetivos gerais deste trabalho são: (1) apresentar conceitos relacionados com as micro-estacas, (2) apresentar o processo e a importância da recuperação das fundações desta Ponte e (3) analisar os resultados das pr...

  18. Mormo em eqüídeos nos Estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas

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    Mota Rinaldo A.


    Full Text Available Com base em aspectos clínico-patológicos, epidemiológicos e sorológicos, bem como pelo isolamento de Burkholderia mallei, diagnosticaram-se focos de mormo em eqüídeos na Zona da Mata dos Estados de Pernambuco e Alagoas. Clinicamente observaram-se hipertermia, respiração ruidosa, inapetência, emagrecimento progressivo até caquexia, congestão nasal e descarga mucopurulenta, erosões, úlceras e cicatrizes na mucosa nasal. Os linfonodos mandibulares e cervicais superficiais apresentavam-se aumentados de volume, com abscessos e fístulas exsudando material purulento. Na pele, ao longo dos vasos linfáticos, havia formação de nódulos firmes e abscessos que, nos casos crônicos, fistulavam e ulceravam deixando cicatrizes estrelares. A histopatologia dos nódulos de diversos sítios, tanto dos eqüídeos como dos cobaios utilizados na prova de Straus, revelou lesões granulomatosas e piogranulomas. Os dados deste estudo evidenciam a emergência da doença nesta área e permitem recomendar inquéritos soro-epidemiológicos nos Estados de ocorrência dos surtos e nos Estados limítrofes.

  19. Seleção de cultivares de cana-de-açúcar para a Zona da Mata Norte de Pernambuco II: Meio de safra

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    A. P. C. Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Sendo os cultivares melhorados a base de sustentação e desenvolvimento do setor sucroeneregético no Brasil, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desempenho agroindustrial de 26 cultivares de cana-de-açúcar na microrregião canavieira da Mata Norte de Pernambuco. O experimento foi conduzido na área agrícola da Usina Olho D’água, onde foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: toneladas de pol por hectare, toneladas de cana por hectare, fibra, pol % corrigida, pureza, teor de sólidos solúveis e açúcar total recuperável. Realizou-se a análise de variância conjunta dos experimentos e estimativa de parâmetros genéticos, as médias foram agrupadas pelo teste de Scott e Knott ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Realizou-se ainda a rentabilidade econômica bruta de cada cultivar.  Constatou-se que a seleção de cultivares superiores deve ser baseada nas variáveis TPH e TCH. Como opções de cultivo comercial para a segunda época de colheita destacam-se como mais produtivas, RB93509, SP81-3250 e RB75126.Selection of sugarcane cultivars to the North Forest Zone of Pernambuco II: crop MediumAbstract: Improved cultivars are support base and development of energétic and alcohol sector in Brazil, aimed with this work was to evaluate the agroindustrial performance of 26 sugarcane cultivars in the microrregion da Mata Norte of Pernambuco. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural area of the sugarmill Olho d'gua, which was used a randomized block with four replications. The variables analyzed were tons of pol per hectare, sugarcane tons per hectare, fiber, corrected pol%, purity, soluble solids content and total recoverable sugar. Were conducted the variance analysis and estimation of genetic parameters, the averages were grouped by the Scott and Knott test at 5% probability. It was held still gross economic profitability of each cultivar. The

  20. Seleção de cultivares de cana-de-açúcar para a Zona da Mata Norte de Pernambuco III: Final de safra

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    Aurélia Pietrina da Costa Albuquerque


    Full Text Available Sendo os cultivares melhorados a base de sustentação e desenvolvimento do setor sucroeneregético no Brasil, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o desempenho agroindustrial de 26 cultivares de cana-de-açúcar na microrregião canavieira da Mata Norte de Pernambuco. O experimento foi conduzido na área agrícola da Usina Olho D’água, onde foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. As variáveis analisadas foram: toneladas de pol por hectare, toneladas de cana por hectare, fibra, pol % corrigida, pureza, teor de sólidos solúveis e açúcar total recuperável. Realizou-se a análise de variância conjunta dos experimentos e estimativa de parâmetros genéticos, as médias foram agrupadas pelo teste de Scott e Knott ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Realizou-se ainda a rentabilidade econômica bruta de cada cultivar.  Constatou-se que a seleção de cultivares superiores deve ser baseada nas variáveis TPH e TCH. Como opções de cultivo comercial para a terceira época de colheita destacam-se como mais produtivas, RB92579, RB867515 e RB93509.Selection of sugarcane cultivars to the North Forest Zone of Pernambuco III: Final cropAbstract: Improved cultivars are support base and development of energétic and alcohol sector in Brazil, aimed with this work was to evaluate the agroindustrial performance of 26 sugarcane cultivars in the microrregion da Mata Norte of Pernambuco. The experiment was conducted in the agricultural area of the sugarmill Olho d'gua, which was used a randomized block with four replications. The variables analyzed were tons of pol per hectare, sugarcane tons per hectare, fiber, corrected pol%, purity, soluble solids content and total recoverable sugar. Were conducted the variance analysis and estimation of genetic parameters, the averages were grouped by the Scott and Knott test at 5% probability. It was held still gross economic profitability of each cultivar. The

  1. Representações sociais de família por crianças na cidade de Recife

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    Fernanda Siqueira Ribeiro


    Full Text Available A pesquisa compreendeu as representações sociais de família compartilhadas por 69 crianças, de 9 a 10 anos, alunos de escolas pública e privada, na cidade de Recife. A perspectiva teórica adotada foi a Teoria das Representações Sociais e a abordagem qualitativa plurimetodológica: questionários de associação livre e hierarquização de palavras; produção de desenho individual da família; e grupos focais. Nos resultados, analisados segundo Bardin e o software EVOC, acessamos o núcleo central das representações sociais de família ancoradas em sentidos positivados próximos ao modelo nuclear. Nos elementos periféricos nos dois contextos de pertença, emergiram múltiplos arranjos familiares e diferenciações funcionais: nas crianças da escola pública, sentidos de família objetivados no afeto e nas figuras de parentesco; e nas crianças da escola privada, sentidos de família idealizados em harmonia e paz, e vínculos afetivos estendidos aos amigos e aos animais de estimação, por vezes, considerados como integrantes da família.

  2. Structure of the phytoplankton in a water supply system in the State of Pernambuco - Brazil

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    Ariadne do Nascimento Moura


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to study the phytoplankton community composition at limnetic environment in Pernambuco, Brazil. Samplings were carried out from April/2001 to March/2002. Samples to analyses the biotic variables were taken using a recipient with a large overture, at the subsurface and with a Van Dorn bottle at the bottom. The rainfall data were recorded and the water transparency was used to calculate the light attenuation coefficient, photic zone and the determination of trophic state index. The concentrations of total phosphorus and total nitrogen were determined in a typical dry and rainy month. Equitability, also the, similarity and diversity indexes and the densities and correlation of total densities among depths were calculated. Forty-five taxa were identified in Chlorophyta (21spp, Cyanophyta (17spp and Bacillariophyta (7spp, while flagellates were quantified in groups without identification. Cyanophyta presented highest diversity at both the depths and Planktothrix agardhii was the highest density species. Significant differences were not observed between subsurface and bottom densities. Results showed that the reservoir was eutrophicated and presented high densities of Cyanophyta.O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estudo da comunidade fitoplanctônica em ambiente limnético de Pernambuco, Brasil. As amostras foram coletadas de abril/2001 a março/2002. As amostras para análises abióticas foram coletadas na superfície da água e destinadas às análises bióticas foram coletadas na subsuperfície e no fundo, sendo fixadas com solução de lugol e quantificadas usando microscópio invertido. Equitatividade, índices de similaridade e diversidade foram calculados, bem como correlação entre as profundidades. 45 táxons foram identificados, pertencentes as Chlorophyta (21spp, Cyanophyta (17spp e Bacillariophyta (7spp. Os flagelados foram apenas quantificados, mas não foram identificados. Cyanophyta apresentou a mais alta

  3. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of a red-yellow podzolic soil in the Northern Zona da Mata of Pernambuco State - Brazil; Condutividade hidraulica nao saturada de um solo podzolico vermelho amarelo da Zona da Mata, Norte de Pernambuco

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maciel Netto, A


    The determination of the hydraulic conductivity of a Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil was carried out during an experiment in a plot measuring 3.5 m x 3.5 m, at the Experimental Station of Itapirema, Goiania, in Pernambuco State, Brazil. The internal drainage method proposed by Hillel (1972) was used to obtain the hydraulic conductivity as a function of soil water content, K({theta}), in the three characteristic horizons of the soil. Three neutron probes were used for measuring the humidity, that was determined by a calibration curve. Three characteristic horizons of the Red-Yellow Podzolic Soil were investigated for hydraulic conductivity. The sandy A horizon, with large pores, has a high conductivity while the B1t horizon, with a massive structure and few visible pores, has a low infiltration rate. The hydraulic dynamics of the B2 horizon is more complex due to its heterogeneity. (author). 79 refs, 17 figs, 11 tabs.

  4. Análise espacial dos casos humanos de esquistossomose em uma comunidade horticultora da Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, Brasil Spatial analysis of schistosomiasis human cases in the horticultural community of Zona da Mata of Pernambuco state, Brazil

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    Onicio Batista Leal Neto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a distribuição espacial da esquistossomose na comunidade horticultora de Natuba, Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco. Foi conduzido um inquérito parasitológico, onde foi examinado o material fecal de 310 moradores da comunidade. Os casos positivos para Schistosoma mansoni foram georreferenciados e incluídos no croqui da localidade, gerando os mapas de distribuição espacial com estimadores de kernel. Os resultados apresentaram uma alta prevalência para esquistossomose, com 28,4% da população parasitada. Outros parasitos foram encontrados em 25,8% da população. O uso das ferramentas de geoprocessamento permitiu mapear e compreender a distribuição dos casos de esquistossomose no espaço ocupado pela comunidade, destacando e relacionando locais de menor altitude (passíveis de alagamento, com uma maior frequência de casos humanos. Estudos como este fornecem informações para que os serviços de saúde local possam intervir e promover mudanças para que indivíduos residentes em áreas com baixas condições habitacionais minimizem sua exposição ao risco de contrair a esquistossomose.The objective of this study was to describe the spatial distribution of schistosomiasis in horticultural community of Natuba, district of Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco state. It was conducted a parasitological survey, examined the fecal material of 310 community residents. The cases positive for Schistosoma mansoni were geocoded and included in the computerized template of the community, generating maps of spatial distribution with kernel estimators. The results showed a high prevalence of schistosomiasis, with 28.4% of the parasites. Other parasites were found in 25.8% of the population. The use of GIS tools to map and understand the possible distribution of cases of schistosomiasis in the space occupied by the community highlighting and listing locations of lower elevation (able to flooding, with a

  5. O cenário da desinstitucionalização em Pernambuco: perfil sociodemográfico e clínico de usuários de hospital psiquiátrico

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    Anna Carolina de Sena e Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Objetivo: traçar o perfil sociodemográfico e clínico dos usuários de longa permanência de um hospital psiquiátrico em Pernambuco que se encontra em processo de fechamento. Método: pesquisa descritiva realizada com dados secundários de 49 pacientes, obtidos pela Secretaria Estadual de Saúde de Pernambuco (SES/PE. Os dados foram analisados por estatística descritiva e apresentados em termos de frequência absoluta e porcentagem. Resultados: a população foi caracterizada como predominantemente do sexo masculino (95,9%, analfabeta (34,7%, solteira (71,5%, com rede social ou de suporte limitada à família (42,9%, com escassas informações sobre tipo ou fonte de renda (30,6%, com período de hospitalização em torno de 6 anos, sem saída do hospital após a internação (38,9%. Os principais diagnósticos foram esquizofrenia (49,4% e retardo mental (36,5%. Conclusão: esta pesquisa visou a contribuir com a construção de políticas e ações voltadas à desinstitucionalização. Sugere-se o acompanhamento de processos como esse até seu desfecho.

  6. Encephalitis associated with inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion due to chikungunya infection in Recife, State of Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Norma Lucena-Silva

    Full Text Available Abstract The symptoms of chikungunya virus (CHIKV infection include fever, headache, muscle aches, skin rash, and polyarthralgia, characterized by intense pain, edema, and temporary functional impairment. This is the first report of encephalitis caused by CHIKV infection associated with an atypical presentation of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, evolving to cognitive impairment and apraxia of speech.

  7. Comportamento sexual e contracepção de emergência entre adolescentes de escolas públicas de Pernambuco, Brasil Sexual behavior and emergency contraception among adolescents from public schools in Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    Maria Suely Peixoto de Araújo


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o conhecimento e o uso do contraceptivo de emergência em 4.210 adolescentes (14-19 anos da rede pública estadual de Pernambuco, Brasil. As informações foram coletadas pelo questionário Global School-Based Student Health Survey, previamente validado. Foi investigado o conhecimento, a freqüência e forma de uso do contraceptivo de emergência. As variáveis independentes foram divididas em sócio-demográficas e relacionadas ao comportamento sexual. A maioria dos adolescentes relatou conhecer e já ter recebido informações sobre o método, entretanto dentre os que já utilizaram apenas 22,1% o fez de forma correta. A análise ajustada de regressão evidenciou uma maior chance de conhecer o método entre as moças (OR = 5,03; IC95%: 1,72-14,69 e entre aqueles que já tiveram relação sexual (OR = 1,52; IC95%: 1,34-1,75, enquanto os residentes do interior possuem 68% menos chance. Em relação ao uso, os residentes do interior apresentam 1,68 (OR; IC95%: 1,09-2,25 mais chance de uso incorreto, enquanto as moças apresentam 71% menos chance. São necessárias ações de educação sexual e reprodutiva, sobretudo entre os rapazes e adolescentes do interior.This study focused on knowledge and use of emergency contraception among 4,210 adolescents (14-19 years enrolled in public schools in Pernambuco State, Brazil. Information was collected using the Global School-Based Student Health Survey, previously validated. Knowledge, frequency, and form of use of emergency contraception were investigated. Independent variables were classified as socio-demographic and those related to sexual behavior. Most adolescents reported knowing and having received information about the method, but among those who had already used it, only 22.1% had done so correctly. Adjusted regression analysis showed greater likelihood of knowledge about the method among girls (OR = 5.03; 95%CI: 1.72-14.69 and the sexually initiated (OR = 1

  8. Consumo energético-protéico e estado nutricional de crianças menores de cinco anos, no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil


    Menezes,Risia Cristina Egito de; Osório,Mônica Maria


    OBJETIVO: Avaliar o consumo de energia e proteínas e associá-lo ao estado nutricional de crianças menores de 5 anos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com 948 crianças menores de cinco anos, no Estado de Pernambuco. O consumo alimentar foi registrado utilizando o método recordatório de 24 horas. Para análise de energia e proteína foram utilizadas as Dietary Reference Intakes como referência, verificando-se o consumo mediano e a prevalência de inadequação. O estado nutricional foi avaliado utilizand...

  9. Dosimetric evaluation in panoramic and tele-radiography procedures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliveira, Georgge Gomes


    The present work had as an objective to evaluate the skin surface entrance dose in panoramic and tele radiography procedures in three clinics in Recife - Pernambuco - Brazil, and to contribute with data for the determination of reference levels for super cited extra oral procedures, for this purpose, operational conditions in 3 clinics were evaluated in Recife, aiming to evaluate the existence and integrity of the radioprotection equipment, manner and conditions of image processing; and radiographic equipment parameters such as the dimension of the irradiation filed, the total filtration, the exposure time and the potential applied to the X ray tube. For an estimation of the skin entrance dose of the patient, the phantom Randon Alderson and thermoluminescence dosemeters were used. From these values and the conversion factors determined by the Monte Carlo technique, with the phantom MAX it was possible to estimate the dose absorbed in the organ due to the tele radiography procedures. Regarding panoramic radiography the study showed that the more elevated doses occurred in the parotid gland region which is near rotational venters. In the case of tele radiography the highest dose value occurred in the regions corresponding to the temporal lobe of the brain, followed by linfonodes, ears and parotid glands. The doses absorbed in the eyes and the thyroid gland were, 0.037 mGy and 0.002 mGy in Clinic A and 0.062 mGy and 0.003 mGy in Clinic C, respectively. Regarding equipment test, inadequacy was found in the beam collimation in Clinic A and in the reproducibility of the X ray exposure in Clinic C. The total filtration in both clinics was inadequate.(author)

  10. Dosimetric evaluation in panoramic and tele-radiography procedures; Avaliacao dosimetrica em procedimentos de radiografia panoramica e teleradiografias

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Georgge Gomes


    The present work had as an objective to evaluate the skin surface entrance dose in panoramic and tele radiography procedures in three clinics in Recife - Pernambuco - Brazil, and to contribute with data for the determination of reference levels for super cited extra oral procedures, for this purpose, operational conditions in 3 clinics were evaluated in Recife, aiming to evaluate the existence and integrity of the radioprotection equipment, manner and conditions of image processing; and radiographic equipment parameters such as the dimension of the irradiation filed, the total filtration, the exposure time and the potential applied to the X ray tube. For an estimation of the skin entrance dose of the patient, the phantom Randon Alderson and thermoluminescence dosemeters were used. From these values and the conversion factors determined by the Monte Carlo technique, with the phantom MAX it was possible to estimate the dose absorbed in the organ due to the tele radiography procedures. Regarding panoramic radiography the study showed that the more elevated doses occurred in the parotid gland region which is near rotational venters. In the case of tele radiography the highest dose value occurred in the regions corresponding to the temporal lobe of the brain, followed by linfonodes, ears and parotid glands. The doses absorbed in the eyes and the thyroid gland were, 0.037 mGy and 0.002 mGy in Clinic A and 0.062 mGy and 0.003 mGy in Clinic C, respectively. Regarding equipment test, inadequacy was found in the beam collimation in Clinic A and in the reproducibility of the X ray exposure in Clinic C. The total filtration in both clinics was inadequate.(author)

  11. Experiências com a gastronomia local: um estudo de casosobre movimento Slow Food e o turismo gastronômico nacidade de Recife - Brasil

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    Uiara Maria Oliveira Martins


    Full Text Available The Slow Food Movement and the Gastronomic Tourism are developing experiments in the gastronomy in different dimensions. Actually, the activities performed by each of these actors are complementary and can help to enhance, one hand, the production and preservation of local culture and, on the other hand, offer a touristic attraction and quality that matches the expectations of gastronomic tourists. Thus, this study aims to observe gastronomic itineraries planned by the Slow Food movement in the city of Recife, Brazil, in conjunction with a travel agency, giving priority to analyse the repercussions of that partnership. The data collection was done through questionnaires and these data were submited to content analysis.The results show that the integration of the Slow Food movement with touristic agents constitute a partnership that can contribute positively to the gastronomic tourism development.

  12. O hábito do tabagismo entre adolescentes na cidade de Recife e os fatores associados = Tobacco smoking habit among adolescents in the city of Recife and associated factors

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    Nascimento, Daniella


    Full Text Available Esse estudo teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência do tabagismo entre adolescentes com 12, 15, 16 e 20 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, e relacionar a experiência com o tabaco com a idade, o gênero, grau de escolaridade dos pais, pais e amigos fumantes e pais separados. A coleta de dados foi realizada, através da aplicação de questionários validados, na rede de ensino da cidade de Recife, em 2004. A amostra foi composta por 240 estudantes, 60 em cada idade selecionada, que freqüentavam escolas de ensino fundamental e médio, públicas e particulares, e universidades públicas UPE e UFPE. Para análise dos dados doi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado de independência. As prevalências obtidas por idade foram de 6,7%, aos 12 anos; 5,0% aos 15; 16,7%, aos 16 e 5,0% aos 20. Verificou-se também que 20,0% dos jovens com 12 anos, 51,7% dos que tinham 16 anos e 40,0% daqueles com 20 anos já haviam fumado um cigarro todo pelo menos uma vez. A idade que apresentou maior experiência com o tabaco foi 16 anos, não havendo relação entre gênero e grau de escolaridade dos pais. Pode-se concluir que os adolescentes entram em contato com o hábito do tabagismo muito cedo, sendo a fase de adolescência média aquela de maior risco, independente do gênero e grau de escolaridade dos pais. Pais e amigos fumantes, e pais separados são variáveis que devem ser considerados na abordagem do jovem em campanhas anti tabágicas

  13. DNA forense aplicado na identificação de vítimas de crimes em Pernambuco, Brasil

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    M.H.F. Ekert


    Full Text Available Introdução: A identificação humana por DNA é atualmente considerada crucial para a resolução de situações envolvendo matéria penal, bem como aquelas relacionados à paternidade e continua revolucionando as áreas jurídicas e penais. As principais regiões polimórficas de DNA usados na rotina forense são os STRs (Short Tandem Repeats presentes nos cromossomos autossômicos. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar o perfil das vítimas afetadas por vários tipos de crimes ocorridos em Pernambuco. Materiais e Métodos: O Laboratório de Perícia e Pesquisa em Genética Forense (LPPGF proveu 125 casos de vários tipos de crimes ocorridos em Pernambuco entre 2012 e 2014. A verificação de identificação humana por amostras de músculo e osso foi realizada por amplificação de DNA e genotipagem pela alimentação do sistema Plex Fusion (24 loci STR e ABI PRISM 3500 HID respectivamente. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas pelos softwares: "famílias" e "patcan". Resultados: O LPPGF recebeu dois tipos de amostras biológicas para os ensaios de identificação genética humana: tecido ósseo (52,8% e o tecido muscular (47,2%. A alta prevalência de casos em aberto (47,2% e homicídio (42,4%, tanto na área metropolitana, quanto no interior, alerta a necessidade de implementar programas sociais de prevenção e qualidade de vida, além da necessidade de mais celeridade nas investigações policiais. Conclusões: A abordagem genética para identificação humana, principalmente vítimas de crimes, é uma condição importantíssima para a resolução de qualquer tipo de processo criminal e reduzir ainda mais a agonia vivida por famílias que tiveram seus entes queridos desaparecidos.

  14. Prevalência das disfunções sexuais femininas em clínica de planejamento familiar de um hospital escola no Recife, Pernambuco Female sexual dysfunction prevalence in a family planning clinic at a university hospital located in Recife, Pernambuco

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    Ana Laura Carneiro Gomes Ferreira


    Full Text Available OBJETIVOS: determinar a prevalência de disfunções sexuais femininas em mulheres atendidas no Centro de Atenção à Mulher do Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira, IMIP, utilizando os critérios de classificação da 4ª. edição do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal, cujos dados foram obtidos em formulário estruturado, aplicado durante entrevista individual com 100 mulheres com idades entre 20 e 39 anos, no período de abril a maio de 2004. Determinou-se a freqüência das disfunções sexuais femininas e sua associação com as características biológicas, demográficas e reprodutivas das mulheres, assim como sua associação com o método contraceptivo usado no momento da entrevista. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de algum tipo de disfunção sexual foi de 36%. A disfunção do orgasmo foi constatada em 18% das entrevistadas e dispareunia em 13% das mulheres no último mês anterior ao estudo. A disfunção do desejo foi relatada por 11% das mulheres, 8% tiveram disfunção da excitação e apenas 1% referiram vaginismo. Observou-se uma associação positiva estatisticamente significativa das disfunções sexuais femininas com a idade da coitarca menor que 20 anos, freqüência de apenas uma relação sexual por semana ou menos e lactação. CONCLUSÕES: os achados sugerem que diversas medidas preventivas podem impedir a ocorrência de disfunções sexuais femininas em determinado grupo de pacientes: melhorar o nível educacional da população, facilitar seu acesso à informação e aconselhamento, estimular ações preventivas de saúde e por fim investir em programas de treinamento e educação médica continuada.OBJECTIVES: to determine sexual dysfunctions of the women seen at the Centro de Atenção à Mulher of the Instituto Materno Infantil Prof. Fernando Figueira, IMIP, based on the classification criteria of the 4th edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disturbances. METHODS: a cross sectional study with data obtained through a structured form applied during individual interviews with 100 women aged between 20 and 39 years old in the period of April to May, 2004. The frequency of female sexual dysfunctions and association with biological, demographic and reproductive characteristics of the women, including contraceptives used, was determined. RESULTS: prevalence of at least some type of sexual dysfunction was of 36%. Orgasm dysfunction occurred in 18% of the respondents and dyspareunia appeared in 13% of the women during the month prior to the study. Sexual appetite dysfunction was reported by 11% of the women, 8% had excitation dysfunction and only 1% reported vaginismus. A positive, statistically significant association of female sexual dysfunction and the first sexual intercourse, before 20 years old, frequency of only one sexual intercourse per week or less, and breastfeeding. CONCLUSIONS: the findings suggest that different preventive measures could stop the occurrence of female sexual dysfunctions in a specific group of patients: improving education, facilitating the access to information and counseling, encouraging health preventive policies and finally investments in ongoing medical training and education.

  15. The organizational climate in university libraries: a study of sectoral libraries of the Federal University of Pernambuco

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    Andréa Maria da Silva


    Full Text Available Objective. This study investigates the perceptions of organizational climate of the employees working in the sector libraries at the Federal University of Pernambuco, in relation to leadership, communication, motivation and teamwork. Method. To achieve the proposed objective a survey was conducted with a questionnaire being answered by forty employees, viewing information on the organizational climate experienced in the sector libraries. Results. The main results of the survey indicated a predominantly satisfactory organizational climate in the analyzed libraries, considering that the organizational atmosphere proved to be sound, mingled with leaders and their teams, open to dialogue with professionals conducive to exercise a job competently. Conclusions. It is understood that the study of organizational climate in academic libraries is of paramount importência in order libraries are living, social and active organizations composed of human, technological, material, financial, which together need to perform with excellence the organizational climate

  16. Spatial analysis of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus among pregnant women1 (United States)

    de Holanda, Eliane Rolim; Galvão, Marli Teresinha Gimeniz; Pedrosa, Nathália Lima; Paiva, Simone de Sousa; de Almeida, Rosa Lívia Freitas


    OBJECTIVES: to analyze the spatial distribution of reported cases of pregnant women infected by the human immunodeficiency virus and to identify the urban areas with greater social vulnerability to the infection among pregnant women. METHOD: ecological study, developed by means of spatial analysis techniques of area data. Secondary data were used from the Brazilian National Disease Notification System for the city of Recife, Pernambuco. Birth data were obtained from the Brazilian Information System on Live Births and socioeconomic data from the 2010 Demographic Census. RESULTS: the presence of spatial self-correlation was verified. Moran's Index was significant for the distribution. Clusters were identified, considered as high-risk areas, located in grouped neighborhoods, with equally high infection rates among pregnant women. A neighborhood located in the Northwest of the city was distinguished, considered in an epidemiological transition phase. CONCLUSION: precarious living conditions, as evidenced by the indicators illiteracy, absence of prenatal care and poverty, were relevant for the risk of vertical HIV transmission, converging to the grouping of cases among disadvantaged regions. PMID:26155005

  17. Las agentes comunitarias de salud en el Brasil contemporáneo: la "policía amiga" de las madres pobres

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    Alfonsina Faya Robles

    Full Text Available Este artículo pretende mostrar cómo el sistema de salud pública encuentra un medio de regulación sanitaria en las relaciones horizontales entre mujeres pobres de la ciudad de Recife, Pernambuco. Las Agentes Comunitarias de Salud (ACS llevan adelante el control sanitario de familias pobres y, en particular, de la relación madre-hijo, que se vive generalmente dentro de redes femeninas de apoyo. Las ACS actúan como una "policía" de la maternidad, con el propósito de alcanzar objetivos sanitarios tales como la reducción de la mortalidad infantil. Las ACS trabajan en el mismo barrio donde residen, son también mujeres de sectores populares y forman parte de las redes de apoyo femenino que deben controlar. La posición de ACS se construye, entonces, como una "policía amiga", donde el control se basa en relaciones horizontales. Dicha horizontalidad permite además el fenómeno contrario, por el cual la ACS es controlada por los habitantes del barrio.

  18. Information literacy as emancipatory resource – case study of patients with Diabetes Mellitus

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    Nadi Helena Presser


    Full Text Available The information literacy is the ability of a person to mobilize knowledge, skills and attitudes in order to undertake decisions based on information. In the health field, such competence is the patient’s initiative taking in the process of information searching and use, relative to problems caused by certain pathology, as an emancipatory resource and development of their citizenship. This article is a reflection on the theoretical and methodological framework of information literacy in the context of patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM treated at the Medical Center Senador José Ermírio de Moraes (MCSJEM, located in the city of Recife, Pernambuco (PE state, Brazil. From the viewpoint of the selected approach method, the research is qualitatively and quantitatively characterized, in which the primary data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews. Although the treatment of DM requires considerable self-care, due to eventual injuries resulting from complications, the results of this study demonstrate that among the patients surveyed, few of them show abilitys with information that indicate emancipatory capacity.

  19. Spatial analysis of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus among pregnant women

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    Eliane Rolim de Holanda


    Full Text Available OBJECTIVES: to analyze the spatial distribution of reported cases of pregnant women infected by the human immunodeficiency virus and to identify the urban areas with greater social vulnerability to the infection among pregnant women.METHOD: ecological study, developed by means of spatial analysis techniques of area data. Secondary data were used from the Brazilian National Disease Notification System for the city of Recife, Pernambuco. Birth data were obtained from the Brazilian Information System on Live Births and socioeconomic data from the 2010 Demographic Census.RESULTS: the presence of spatial self-correlation was verified. Moran's Index was significant for the distribution. Clusters were identified, considered as high-risk areas, located in grouped neighborhoods, with equally high infection rates among pregnant women. A neighborhood located in the Northwest of the city was distinguished, considered in an epidemiological transition phase.CONCLUSION: precarious living conditions, as evidenced by the indicators illiteracy, absence of prenatal care and poverty, were relevant for the risk of vertical HIV transmission, converging to the grouping of cases among disadvantaged regions.

  20. Fungi from a Groundwater-Fed Drinking Water Supply System in Brazil

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    Helena M.B. Oliveira


    Full Text Available Filamentous fungi in drinking water distribution systems are known to (a block water pipes; (b cause organoleptic biodeterioration; (c act as pathogens or allergens and (d cause mycotoxin contamination. Yeasts might also cause problems. This study describes the occurrence of several fungal species in a water distribution system supplied by groundwater in Recife—Pernambuco, Brazil. Water samples were collected from four sampling sites from which fungi were recovered by membrane filtration. The numbers in all sampling sites ranged from 5 to 207 colony forming units (CFU/100 mL with a mean value of 53 CFU/100 mL. In total, 859 isolates were identified morphologically, with Aspergillus and Penicillium the most representative genera (37% and 25% respectively, followed by Trichoderma and Fusarium (9% each, Curvularia (5% and finally the species Pestalotiopsis karstenii (2%. Ramichloridium and Leptodontium were isolated and are black yeasts, a group that include emergent pathogens. The drinking water system in Recife may play a role in fungal dissemination, including opportunistic pathogens.