
Sample records for trigo progenies con

  1. Influencia del estrés térmico en la calidad panadera del trigo: progenies con diferentes niveles de sensibilidad Effects of heat stress on breadmaking quality of wheat: progenies with different levels of sensitivity

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    Z. A. Gaido


    Full Text Available Picos de altas temperaturas durante el llenado del grano de trigo están relacionados con modificaciones de la calidad panadera, especialmente con disminuciones en la fuerza de la masa. Se evaluó la influencia del estrés térmico en la calidad de progenies de trigo pan clasificándolas en grupos según su sensibilidad. Se analizaron 60 progenies de trigo durante 3 años consecutivos. Se tomaron fechas de siembra, espigazón, cosecha y temperaturas máximas diarias. Se determinó, para cada muestra, la variable estrés térmico total (ETT, definida como la sumatoria de grados de los episodios de estrés térmico (al menos 2 días consecutivos con temperaturas > 30 ºC durante el periodo del llenado efectivo del grano, estableciéndose 3 niveles: bajo, medio y alto. Se midieron proteína en grano (PTG, gluten húmedo (GH y variables mixográficas. Se realizaron análisis de la varianza y coeficientes de correlación de Pearson. Para niveles de ETT medio y alto disminuyeron PTG, GH y altura mixográfica (Amix, mientras que la fuerza de la masa medida en tiempo de desarrollo mixográfico (TDmix disminuyó sólo en 62% de las muestras. En este sentido, se identificaron genotipos que poseen tolerancia al estrés térmico y una mayor estabilidad de la masa.Periods of heat stress during the grain filling have been observed to influence the baking quality of wheat with a decline in dough strength. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of heat stress on bread-making quality of wheat and to identify progenies with different levels of sensitivity. Sixty wheat progenies were analyzed for three consecutive years. The dates of sowing, heading, harvests and the daily maximum temperatures were taken. For each sample, the total heat stress (ETT, defined as the cumulative number of degrees of the episodes of heat stress (at least two consecutive days with temperatures > 30 ºC happened during the grain filling period, was determined. Three

  2. Desarrollo de galletas con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo con harina de algarroba (Prosopis alba y avena para planes sociales

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    Sara Macías


    Full Text Available La diversificación de alimentos es una estrategia para abordar problemas nutricionales. Producir alimentos de consumo masivo incorporando harinas regionales sería una opción para obtener alimentos de valor nutritivo optimizado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar galletas de calidad nutricional mejorada, para escolares, con mezclas de harinas de trigo, de algarroba y avena. Se determinó la composición proximal y Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K y Zn en harina de algarroba con metodología AOAC y disponibilidad potencial in vitro para Ca, Fe y Zn. Se evaluó la calidad proteica teórica de distintas mezclas por el método del Puntaje Químico, previa corrección por digestibilidad, utilizando como proteína de referencia los requerimientos del patrón FAO. Se diseñaron galletas con 3 mezclas porcentuales: harina de trigo:harina de algarroba 70:30 y 80:20, harina de trigo:harina de algarroba:avena 80:10:10 y un testigo con 100 % harina de trigo. Se determinaron composición proximal, contenido y disponibilidad potencial de Ca, Fe y Zn. Se midieron parámetros tecnológicos en masas y galletas (color y factor de expansión. Las galletas se evaluaron sensorialmente con 35 consumidores, usando escala hedónica de 9 puntos. El Puntaje Químico aumentó ≈ el 25 % en la mezcla 70:30, 19 % en la 80:20 y 28 % para la 80:10:10 respecto del aminoácido lisina en harina de trigo. La corrección por digestibilidad, posicionó con mejor calidad proteica a la mezcla 80:10:10. El diámetro de las galletas aumentó con la disminución del espesor. El balance entre criterios nutricionales y tecnológicos favoreció la elección de las galletas 80:20 y 80:10:10. Son fuente de fibra y minerales. En pruebas sensoriales, las galletas obtuvieron puntaje superior a 6, siendo la más aceptada la 80:10:10. Es tecnológicamente posible sustituir un 20 % de harina de trigo por los ingredientes propuestos obteniéndose galletas nutricionalmente mejoradas y aceptables para

  3. Indicadores de calidad de las harinas de trigo: índice de calidad industrial y su relación con ensayos predictivos

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    A.E. de la Horra


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar y evaluar la capacidad de diferentes parámetros para predecir la calidad de las harinas de trigo, analizando las relaciones existentes entre éstos y el índice de calidad industrial (ICI. Se utilizaron siete muestras de harina de trigo provistas por la CEI Barrow. Se determinaron parámetros relacionados con la calidad del grano de trigo, la molienda y la composición de las harinas. Además, se llevaron a cabo ensayos relacionados con el comportamiento de las masas (ensayo farinográfico y alveográfico y se elaboró pan. Se calculó el ICI para cada una de las muestras y se estudió su relación con pruebas de predicción y ensayos de calidad. El ICI mostró correlaciones significativas y positivas con el contenido de macropolímero de glutenina, la extensibilidad alveográfica y el tiempo de desarrollo de la masa. Estas relaciones podrían resultar beneficiosas en la evaluación de la aptitud de las harinas para la elaboración de diferentes productos panificados, ya que constituyen determinaciones más sencillas y no requieren de equipamiento de alta tecnología ni grandes cantidades de muestra.





    La mayor superficie agrícola cultivada en chile, corresponde al trigo, su cosecha genera año a año grandes volúmenes de residuos, los cuales hasta hoy no cuentan con alternativas de uso. Estudios han determinado que cada año se generan en promedio cerca de 1,5 millones de toneladas de paja de trigo, cuyo principal destino es la quema in situ mediante roces. Esto conlleva a graves problemas ambientales, pérdida de calidad de suelo y riesgo de generación de incendios. La paja de trigo es un ...

  5. Evaluación de la recuperación del nitrógeno y fósforo de diferentes fuentes de fertilizantes por el cultivo de trigo irrigado con aguas residuales y de pozo


    Sandra Grisell Mora Ravelo; Francisco Gavi Reyes; Leonardo Tijerina Chávez; Jesús Pérez Moreno; Juan José Peña Cabriales


    El empleo de fertilizantes nitrogenados y de aguas residuales no tratadas de origen urbano por los cultivos es una necesidad agronómica, económica y ambiental. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta del cultivo de trigo a la aplicación de diferentes fertilizantes nitrogenados, irrigado con agua residual y de pozo. Se utilizó un suelo Vertisol Háplico. Se usó como cultivo indicador trigo variedad Tlaxcala F2000. Los fertilizantes aplicados fueron: Fertilizante comercial (FC) cons...

  6. Desarrollo radical y rendimiento en diferentes variedades de trigo, cebada y triticale bajo condiciones limitantes de humedad del suelo

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    Luis Eduardo Miranda Domínguez


    Full Text Available El trigo (Triticum aestivum L., triticale (Triticosecale Wittmack y cebada (Hordeum vulgare L., se cultivan en México bajo riego y temporal o secano. En condiciones de secano se cultivan en la temporada de lluvias en verano-otoño y otoño-invierno con humedad residual, después de la temporada de lluvias, aunque con severos problemas de sequía terminal. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo estudiar el rendimiento de grano (RG y sus componentes, y la densidad radical (DR bajo condiciones de humedad residual en Oaxaca, México, durante el periodo otoño-invierno 2013-2014. Se utilizó un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones; la unidad experimental fue de cuatro surcos de 4 ×0.4 m. Se sembró el 5 de octubre de 2013 con una densidad de siembra de 100 kg ha-1 y se fertilizó con la dosis 40-40-00. La cebada produjo mayor RG que el trigo y el triticale; el alto RG estuvo acompañado de un alto índice de cosecha (IC, peso del grano (PG y DR, y menor estatura de planta y ciclo biológico (CB más corto. El trigo y el triticale tuvieron un RG similar, sin embargo, el trigo ‘Venturero’ tuvo mayor RG que la mayoría de los genotipos de trigo y triticale con alto número de espigas m-2 (E M-2 y PG, y el más alto peso hectolitrico, la mayor DR y el CB más largo. Más del 50% de las raíces se concentraron cerca de la superficie del suelo (20 cm en todos los genotipos y se observó que el trigo tuvo mayor DR que la cebada y el triticale en los estratos de 20-100 cm, y el trigo ‘Venturero’ produjo más raíces que los demás genotipos desde la superficie del suelo hasta los 100 cm. Los genotipos de cebada y trigo con mayor DR produjeron mayor RG, confirmando su mayor resistencia a sequía.

  7. Estudio reológico de las mezclas de harinas: trigo (Triticum vulgare, cebada (Hordeum vulgare y papas (Solanum tuberosum para la utilización en la elaboración de pan

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    Galo Sandoval


    Full Text Available Con las harinas de trigo importado, el trigo nacional y los cereales que se producen en el país, y el tubérculo papa, se realizó un estudio reológico para determinar las proporciones más convenientes de sustitución de harina de trigo importado con éstas últimas y su factibilidad para la elaboración de pan. Se trabajó en mezclas de harinas, de trigo CWRS#1 (trigo rojo de primavera del oeste de Canadá, de cebada Cañicapa, trigo Cojitambo y papa Gabriela, provenientes de cultivos ecuatorianos, en proporciones de 10, 20 y 30% (p/p. Las masas provenientes de las mezclas de harinas fueron analizadas en un Farinógrafo Brabender, con la finalidad de determinar la absorción de agua, el tiempo de desarrollo, la estabilidad e índice de tolerancia, con el objeto de seleccionar las mezclas de harinas que tuvieran un comportamiento similar a la harina de trigo CWRS#1. Las mejores mezclas encontradas fueron: harina de trigo CWRS#1 sustituida con el 10, 20 y 30% de harina de cebada Cañicapa; y la mezcla de harina de trigo CWRS#1 con harina de trigo Cojitambo en un 30%. Estas mezclas de harinas seleccionadas fueron también sometidas al análisis reológico de sus masas utilizando un equipo MIXOLAB. La utilización de las harinas seleccionadas en la elaboración de pan fue evaluado a través de un análisis sensorial. Los panes más aceptados por los consumidores fueron aquellos que contenían 20 y 30% de cebada; seguido del grupo de los elaborados con trigo importado con 30% de trigo Cojitambo, y los que contenían el 10% de harina de cebada.

  8. Calidad fisicoquímica, microbiológica y sensorial de tallarines producidos con sustitución parcial de sémola de trigo por harina de amaranto


    Vedia-Quispe, Víctor Samir; Gurak, Poliana Deyse; Espinoza, Sandra Karin; Ruano-Ortiz, Juan Antonio


    Introducción: La pasta es un alimento de consumo masivo y de alta aceptabilidad a nivel mundial, debido a su bajo costo, su facilidad de preparación y almacenamiento. Generalmente es elaborada con sémola de trigo y agua. El proceso de sustituir la sémola de trigo por harina de amaranto promueve el desarrollo de nuevos productos y mejora el perfil nutricional de la pasta. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar las propiedades fisicoquímicas, microbiológicas y sensoriales de tallarines co...

  9. Predicción del contenido de aminoácidos en el trigo con base en su valor de proteína


    Cervantes, Miguel; Copado, Fernando; Cervantes, Maximiliano; Soto, Roberto; Torrentera, Noemí; Figueroa, José Luis


    Resumen Se analizó la composición de aminoácidos en trigos producidos comercialmente, y se generaron modelos para predecir el contenido de aminoácidos con base en el contenido de proteína cruda en este cereal. Se colectaron 150 muestras del cereal de la cosecha del 2001, las cuales se agruparon en tres lotes (alto, medio y bajo) de acuerdo con su porcentaje de proteína cruda. De cada grupo se tomaron 9 muestras en que se analizó el contenido de aminoácidos. Se realizaron análisis de correlaci...

  10. Protocolo para la producción de plantas dihaploides de trigo duro mediante cruzamientos con maíz


    García Llamas, Carmen


    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido desarrollar un protocolo para producir plantas dihaploides de trigo duro, mediante cruzamientos con maíz, que permita acortar la duración de los programas de mejora de esta especie. Entre las variantes de este método se ha elegido el cultivo de tallos cortados, porque permite controlar las condiciones ambientales durante el desarrollo de los embriones y abaratar los costes de aplicación de las hormonas. Se han abordado y mejorado tres aspectos de esta técni...

  11. Algunas consideraciones en la relación entre fotosíntesis y el rendimiento de grano en trigo

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    Mario Gutiérrez-Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se ha considerado con frecuenciala posibilidad de incrementar el rendimientode grano en cultivos como trigo, con unaumento en la tasa de fotosíntesis, pues toda lamateria seca producida en la planta dependede este proceso. La variabilidad genética en latasa de fotosíntesis entre genotipos de trigo yen otros cultivos es de interés para losfisiólogos y fitomejoradores, porque puedeservir como un indicador directo de altorendimiento. Nuestros estudios handemostrado que la variabilidad genética entregenotipos de trigo respecto a la tasa defotosíntesis está asociada al rendimiento degrano en un ambiente con altos niveles deradiación (>1600 µmoles m-2 s-1 y es unparámetro fisiológico altamente heredable engeneraciones posteriores (de plantas F5 a F7.Se discute ampliamente las implicaciones delos factores más influyentes en la relación defotosíntesis y rendimiento.

  12. Crecimiento de alevines de Cichlasoma urophthalmus con dietas basadas en diferentes niveles de inclusión de proteína de soya y gluten de trigo


    Villarreal, C; Gelabert, R; Gaxiola, G; Cuzon, G; Amador, LE; Guevara, E; Brito, R


    Se determinó el efecto de seis dietas con diferente contenido de proteína de origen vegetal sobre el crecimiento de alevines de Cichlasoma urophthalmus. Se utilizaron dietas isoenergéticas e isolipídicas con contenido de proteína entre 10% y 60%, empleando soya y gluten de trigo como las principales fuentes proteicas. Los tratamientos no afectaron la supervivencia, la cual fue superior al 80% en todos los casos. Los índices de crecimiento variaron significativamente de acuerdo al contenido pr...

  13. Evaluación de la fertilización con sulfato de magnesio durante el período de llenado en trigo duro (Trititicum durum) bajo riego


    Vázquez Amábile, Gabriel G.; Turquieto, P.; Mander, Claudio Mario; Mejía, Pablo Francisco; Vidart, Santiago José


    p.443-448 Durante la campaña triguera 1998, en La Dulce, partido de Necochea, se llevó a cabo un ensayo con el fin de evaluar el efecto de la fertilización con S04Mg en trigo (Triticum durum) bajo riego, durante el llenado de grano sobre el contenido de gluten y la calidad panadera. Para ello se utilizó S04Mg como fuente azufrada, aplicándose tres dosis en forma foliar al comienzo del llenado de grano. Los tratamientos fueron 0, 8, 12 y 16 kg deS -ha. La fertilización con S04Mg produjo un ...

  14. Incidencia del neumotórax en el Hospital "Julio Trigo López" Incidence of pneumothorax in "Julio Trigo" Hospital

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    Germán Brito Sosa


    Full Text Available Objetivos: determinar el comportamiento del neumotórax como urgencia en el Hospital "Julio Trigo López", en el período comprendido entre 1995-2004. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de los 555 pacientes con neumotórax en el Hospital "Julio Trigo López" en el período comprendido entre 1995 a 2004. El universo estuvo constituido por los 555 pacientes con diagnóstico de neumotórax, que fueron atendidos en nuestro hospital durante el período señalado. Resultados: el neumotórax es más frecuente en el sexo masculino (75,1 %, y los grupos de edades afectados con más frecuencia se encontraron entre 21 y 40 años (52 %. El 78 % de los pacientes con neumotórax espontáneo son fumadores, y de los 43 pacientes que no tienen hábito de fumar, 37 de ellos tienen antecedentes de afecciones respiratorias, con predominio del enfisema, el asma bronquial y la bronquiectasia. Los neumotórax espontáneos fueron menos frecuentes en 195 pacientes (35,1 % en relación con los neumotórax traumáticos, que se presentaron en 360 pacientes (64,9 %, y de ellos, 127 presentaron hemoneumotórax. Hubo 62 pacientes (11 % con complicaciones, y fueron las más frecuentes: la persistencia del cuadro (4,7 % y el shock hipovolémico (3,4 %. Conclusiones: existe una relación directa entre las enfermedades crónicas respiratorias y los neumotórax espontáneos. Los neumotórax espontáneos recidivantes están relacionados con el hábito de fumar, la edad avanzada y con las afecciones respiratorias crónicas.Objectives: to determine the behavior of pneumothorax as emergency in "Julio trigo" Hospital from 1995 to 2004. Methods: a cross-sectional, retrospective and descriptive study was conducted. The medical records from 555 patients with pneumothorax admitted in above mentioned hospital between 1995-2004. Universe included 555 patients diagnosed with pneumothorax, seen in our hospital

  15. Persistencia y/o transformación de tricotecenos durante algunas etapas del procesamiento de trigo


    Samar, María Margarita


    La finalidad del presente trabajo fue obtener informaciónsobre la persistencia y / o transformación de tricotecenos durante algunas etapas de procesamiento del trigo para contribuir a la estimación de la exposición como consecuencia de la ingesta de alimentos elaborados con trigo potencialmente contaminados por tricotecenos en la Argentina. Las tendencias identificadas en los métodos analíticos para la determinación de tricotecenos, durante los años 1990-2000 en diferentes partes del mundo, m...

  16. El cultivo del trigo en Nueva Galicia durante el siglo XVII

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    René de León Meza


    Full Text Available Este artículo estudia los factores que determinaron el desarrollo y consolidación del cultivo del trigo en varias comarcas del reino de Nueva Galicia durante el siglo xvii tomando como referencia la última fundación de Guadalajara. Destaca lo vital que fue para esta industria la mano de obra indígena a través del sistema de repartimiento forzado y la vigencia de este hasta el siglo xviii en contraste con Nueva España donde fue suprimido desde 1633. La hipótesis aquí planteada es que la escasez de trigo y harina que constantemente sufrieron los habitantes de la ciudad de Guadalajara se debió a la confabulación de las autoridades del Cabildo con los comerciantes y productores para acapararlos, esconderlos y luego venderlos a precios elevados. La política que los regidores implementaron de no instalar una alhóndiga que concentrara y regulara la venta de esos productos confirma el anterior aserto.

  17. Efectos de diferentes fracciones de harinas de trigo pan obtenidas con molino industrial sobre la calidad de galletitas dulces

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    G.N. Barrera


    Full Text Available Se evaluaron las propiedades físico-químicas y calidad galletitera de distintas fracciones de harina de trigo pan obtenidas por molienda industrial, y se compararon con una harina de trigo pan obtenida por molienda experimental. Se determinó que los procedimientos de molienda incidieron sobre el contenido de almidón dañado y el porcentaje de cenizas en las harinas. Se observó un incremento en el contenido de almidón dañado y una disminución en el contenido de cenizas. Se registraron variaciones significativas en el perfil de capacidad de retención de solventes (SRC e Índice de sedimentación en dodecil sulfato de sodio (IS-SDS. El factor galletita (FG, la dureza, la rugosidad superficial y la fracción de área de agrietamiento de las galletitas mostraron cambios significativos según la fracción de harina utilizada. El proceso de molienda afectó significativamente la capacidad de las harinas para la elaboración de galletitas. El análisis de componentes principales permitió discriminar entre las diferentes fracciones de harinas a partir de las evaluaciones fisicoquímicas y reológicas, lo que indica que la combinación de ambos tipos de determinaciones permite predecir el comportamiento tecnológico de una harina para la elaboración de galletitas.

  18. Evaluación de la interacción genotipo por práctica de labranza (G x T) del cultivo de trigo.


    Ponce Cruz, Ruy


    Esta investigación es parte de los esfuerzos del Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT) para evaluar la interacción entre genotipo y práctica de labranza en cuanto a desarrollo de trigo y su rendimiento bajo diferentes niveles de estrés hídrico, con el propósito de optimizar el proceso de mejoramiento de trigo para distintos sistemas agronómicos.El experimento se realizó en el Campo Experimental Norman E. Borlaug (CENEB), localizado en la parte noroeste de México, en un...

  19. Elementos traza esenciales en dos variedades de trigo y cambios de distribución de los mismos causados por el procesamiento

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    Gabriela Mahecha


    Full Text Available Se analizaron por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica los elementos minerales esenciales en dos trigos duros comerciales, en las fracciones de la molienda del trigo (harina, salvado y mogolla y en el pan preparado de la harina.Las fracciones de salvado y mogolla contienen mayor cantidad de todos los minerales que el trigo original, en cambio el contenido en el pan y la harina es mas bajo. Estos resultados sugieren la posibilidad de enriquecer el pan con las fracciones de salvado y mogolla, las cuales son obtenidas del trigo en altas proporciones.La variedad IS68 contiene mayor cantidad de todos los elementos traza esenciales estudiados, siendo también superior su contenido que el reportado por otros investigadores que trabajaron en muestras americanas y francesas de diferentes áreas geográficas.

  20. Adaptación del Trigo (Triticum, en diferentes épocas de cuatro localidades, Provincia de Santa Elena.

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    Néstor Orrala B


    Full Text Available EL Ecuador importa el 98 % de los requerimientos internos de trigo. Tradicionalmente se cultiva en la Sierra, cuya clima tiene características parecidas a la provincia de Santa Elena en determinada época, lo que podría ser soporte para adaptar este cultivar a las condiciones agroecológicas de la península. La investigación tuvo objetivo verificar el comportamiento agronómico de variedades de trigo en San Vicente de Colonche, Sinchal, Zapotal, San Vicente de Loja con los materiales Cojitambo, Zhalao, Trigo Blanco, Seri-Atila y Tinamou x Lira x Veree, sembradas en diferentes épocas bajo el diseño Bloques Completamente al Azar. Variables experimentales estudiadas: encañado, espigado, altura de la planta, número de macollos; longitud de espiga sin aristas; cantidad de granos llenos y vanos; peso de 1 000 semillas, expresado en gramos; rendimiento por hectárea en kilogramos mas análisis económico. Las etapas fenológicas son más cortas en la Costa con relación a la Sierra; sobresale la localidad San Vicente de Colonche, la primera época y la variedad Zhalao. Algunas variables agronómicas se acercan a los descriptores del INIAP.

  1. Valor nutritivo de pan con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo (Triticum aestivum por arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft, fortificado

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    María Elena León Marroú


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de la composición química y el valor nutricional de pan fortificado con hierro, elaborado en Perú, con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo en un 40 % por una masa de consistencia pastosa de raíces de Arracacha, un cultivo andino subexplotado por la aplicación de tecnologías empíricas y desplazado por patrones de consumo foráneo. Se describen brevemente aspectos tecnológicos de la elaboración del pan. El pan fortificado presenta contenidos de proteína 8,32 %; grasa 10,11 % y carbohidratos 55,13 % con un valor energético de 344,79 kcal/100 g; aporta principalmente K (77,05 mg/100 g, Fe (> 5 mg/100 g, P (19,87 mg/100 g, Ca (19,29 mg/100 g y Mg (11,93 mg/100 g, entre otros y vitaminas A (28,52 UI y C (10,75 UI, estando presentes en menor cuantía las vitaminas E y del complejo B. Para los elementos y vitaminas, el pan satisface parte de las Cantidades Diarias Recomendadas y en ninguno de los casos los Niveles de Ingesta Máximos Tolerables son excedidos.

  2. Valor nutritivo de pan con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo (Triticum aestivum por arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft, fortificado

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    María Elena León Marroú


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de la composición química y el valor nutricional de pan fortificado con hierro, elaborado en Perú, con sustitución parcial de harina de trigo en un 40 % por una masa de consistencia pastosa de raíces de Arracacha, un cultivo andino subexplotado por la aplicación de tecnologías empíricas y desplazado por patrones de consumo foráneo. Se describen brevemente aspectos tecnológicos de la elaboración del pan. El pan fortificado presenta contenidos de proteína 8,32 %; grasa 10,11 % y carbohidratos 55,13 % con un valor energético de 344,79 kcal/100 g; aporta principalmente K (77,05 mg/100 g, Fe (> 5 mg/100 g, P (19,87 mg/100 g, Ca (19,29 mg/100 g y Mg (11,93 mg/100 g, entre otros y vitaminas A (28,52 UI y C (10,75 UI, estando presentes en menor cuantía las vitaminas E y del complejo B. Para los elementos y vitaminas, el pan satisface parte de las Cantidades Diarias Recomendadas y en ninguno de los casos los Niveles de Ingesta Máximos Tolerables son excedidos.

  3. Estimación de evapotranspiración real en trigo con distintas condiciones de estrés hídrico: aplicación de modelos y sensores remotos


    Iglesias, María del Rosario


    Tesis (Magister en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias)--Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física, 2016. Maestría conjunta con el Instituto de Altos Estudios Espaciales "Mario Gulich"-CONAE El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estimar la evapotranspiración real de un cultivo de trigo, mediante modelos semiempírico, que incorporan datos de sensores remotos y de sensores meteorológicos a campo. También, se corroboró la...

  4. Análisis de la serie de precios del trigo mediante la metodología box-jenkins , y su cointegración con las series de precios de productos derivados

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    Hanns de la Fuente Mella


    Full Text Available El siguiente estudio presenta un análisis de series temporales de los precios reales del trigo en Chile, para el período comprendido entre el mes de enero de 1990 y enero de 2007, utilizando la metodología Box-Jenkins. Además, se presenta un análisis de cointegración entre los precios reales del trigo y algunos de sus derivados como el Pan, la Harina y los Tallarines. La muestra fue ajustada con un modelo ARIMA (2,1,1, mostrando algunos inconvenientes en una de las hipótesis que el procedimiento necesita confirmar, lo que fue solucionado aplicando la "Ley de Los Grandes Números", es decir, utilizando el teorema del límite central. Respecto de la cointegración, nuestro supuesto de la existencia de ésta fue validado mediante el test de Phillips-Perron para raíces unitarias, demostrando cuantitativamente la existencia de cointegración entre los precios del trigo y sus derivados en estudio.Además, se valida la hipótesis de estacionalidad de los precios del trigo para los meses de Noviembre, Diciembre y Enero debido a la escasez del producto en dichos períodos.Finalmente, la presencia de cointegración demostrada sirve de incentivo para que futuros investigadores puedan utilizar estos resultados, con el objeto de realizar pronósticos para el precio del trigo y sus derivados, pensando en la existencia de un equilibrio estable entre las variables. The following study presents a serial temporal analysis of the real prices of Wheat in Chili, for the period between, January, 1990 and January 2007 , using the Box- Jenkins methodology. Besides,we present an analysis of cointegration between the real prices of Wheat and sorne of his derivates products like bread, Flour and noodles. We suppose cointegration that was confirmed with the Phillip-Perron test. The sample of data was fitted whit a model ARIMA (2,1,1 showing sorne troubles in one of the hypothes1s that the procedure need to confirm.That was solved by applying de "Big Numbers Law

  5. Evaluación de la recuperación del nitrógeno y fósforo de diferentes fuentes de fertilizantes por el cultivo de trigo irrigado con aguas residuales y de pozo

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    Sandra Grisell Mora Ravelo


    Full Text Available El empleo de fertilizantes nitrogenados y de aguas residuales no tratadas de origen urbano por los cultivos es una necesidad agronómica, económica y ambiental. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la respuesta del cultivo de trigo a la aplicación de diferentes fertilizantes nitrogenados, irrigado con agua residual y de pozo. Se utilizó un suelo Vertisol Háplico. Se usó como cultivo indicador trigo variedad Tlaxcala F2000. Los fertilizantes aplicados fueron: Fertilizante comercial (FC constituido por Fosfato monoamónico + urea, Fertilizante orgánico (FO Vermicomposta; y Fertilizante de lenta liberación (FL combinación de: urea, H2PO4 y arcilla. La mezcla contiene N y P, 8.08 y 6.3 % en peso, respectivamente. Los tratamientos se diseñaron para probar el efecto simple de cada uno de estos materiales y la combinación de FL+FO. La dosis de fertilización de N y P fue (280-80-0. Con los datos de los análisis de laboratorio de N y P de las plantas, se calculó la eficiencia de recuperación de estos nutrimentos. Las interacciones fechas de Muestreo por agua y fertilizante por agua, fueron significativas al (p<0.05, para la biomasa fresca y seca en el cultivo experimental, asimismo se obtuvo mayor número de granos al irrigar con agua residual.


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    Cesar J. Tucuch Haas


    Full Text Available Se reportan los resultados de dos experimentos independientes para evaluar el efecto del ácido salicílico (AS en plántulas de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.. Las plántulas de ambos experimentos se germinaron y crecieron en agrolita contenida en tubos de PVC y en condiciones de cielo abierto bajo un diseño experimental completamente al azar con 8 repeticiones por tratamiento, las plántulas se asperjaron durante 5 días con 1 y 0.1 µM de AS o agua como control. Diez días después fueron cosechadas y realizadas las mediciones. Los resultados señalan que el AS favoreció significativamente el peso fresco de la raíz, así como la altura y el peso fresco de la biomasa total, en comparación con el control. El mejor tratamiento para estimular el crecimiento de plántulas de trigo fue el de 1µM de AS.

  7. Efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada en soja intersembrada en trigo en Balcarce

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    Carpaneto, B.


    Full Text Available Es sabido que la soja intersembrada en trigo tiene bajo crecimiento inicial, lo cual podría afectar negativamente la formación de nódulos fijadores de nitrógeno (N y limitar el crecimiento de la soja luego de la cosecha del trigo. En este trabajo se propuso: (i corroborar si soja intersembrada en trigo tiene respuesta a la fertilización nitrogenada y (ii evaluar la dosis de N óptima de una soja intersembrada. Se condujeron dos experimentos de soja intersembrada en trigo bajo riego en Balcarce, con tratamientos de niveles de fertilización nitrogenada. En el primer año los niveles de fertilización fueron cero y una dosis equivalente a los requerimientos de N del cultivo (530 kg N ha-1. En el segundo año se evaluaron cuatro niveles de fertilización calculados como una proporción de la dosis de indiferencia (204 kg N ha-1: 0, 51, 102 y 204 kg N ha-1. A la madurez del cultivo de soja, se midió rendimiento, índice de cosecha, peso/grano, peso seco total y número de granos m-2. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que existieron respuestas significativas de la soja a la fertilización nitrogenada. Bajas dosis de N (equivalentes a 1/4 de la dosis de indiferencia fueron suficientes para maximizar el rendimiento. Ambos experimentos confirman que el aumento de rendimiento a causa del N aplicado generó un incremento en el aporte de biomasa al sistema.

  8. Efecto del régimen de defoliación sobre la producción de grano en trigo doble propósito Effect of the defoliation regime on grain production in dual purpose wheat


    N. Peralta; P.E. Abbate; A. Marino


    La utilización de cultivos de trigo con doble propósito contribuiría a realizar un uso más eficiente de los recursos ambientales. En Balcarce (Buenos Aires, Argentina) se estableció un cultivo de trigo (Triticum aestivum, cv. Baguette 20) sembrado en fecha temprana (17 de marzo de 2006) para comparar la producción de forraje obtenida con tres regímenes de defoliación: T1 (tres defoliaciones), T2 (dos defoliaciones) y TG (sin defoliaciones). En esos tres tratamientos y en otro no defoliado sem...



    L. Argentel; L. M. González; R. Plana


    Con el objetivo de analizar la respuesta varietal del cultivo de trigo a la salinidad en las etapas iniciales del crecimiento de las plántulas, se montó un experimento con 12 variedades, aplicando dos niveles de NaCl en la solución. Las variables evaluadas fueron la absorción de agua por las semillas, altura de las plantas y longitud de la raíz, y la acumulación de biomasas fresca y seca. Mediante un análisis de componentes principales, se establecieron los indicadores de mayor contribución a...


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    Ramiro Reyes-Guzmán


    proteolítica de las progenies; sin embargo, solamente E. globulus ocasionó la muerte de éstas (P < 0.05. Al incrementar el volumen de aceite de E. camadulensis, la actividad proteolítica del insecto aumentó, incluso al mayor tiempo de exposición. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que la fracción volátil de los aceites esenciales de eucalipto, especialmente la de E. globulus, es un agente insecticida efectivo para el control de R. dominica en trigo almacenado.

  11. La paja y el trigo: cómo mirar la economía de Cambiemos


    Barberis, Francisco


    Un intento de análisis frío de las medidas económicas del Gobierno debe "separar la paja del trigo". Aunque grandes sectores de la sociedad (y nosotros mismos) compartamos los diagnósticos con que se las presenta, lo que no compartimos son las medidas tomadas para atacar esos problemas. Fil: Barberis, Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina.

  12. Caracterización del aceite de germen de trigo extraído con dióxido de carbono líquido y supercrítico.

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    Molero Gómez, A.


    Full Text Available In this work the quality of wheat germ oil obtained by extraction with liquid and supercritical carbon dioxide was studied. At the optimum operating conditions, the yield of supercritical extraction is similar to the conventional extraction by organic solvent, but the quality of the wheat germ oil extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide is higher. Furthermore, supercritical extraction could be more economical than organic extraction because the solvent removal by distillation is not necessary and several steps of the following oil refining process can be simplified.

    En el presente trabajo se realiza un estudio de la calidad del aceite de germen de trigo obtenido mediante la extracción con dióxido de carbono a alta presión. En las condiciones operativas óptimas del proceso, el rendimiento de la extracción con dióxido de carbono líquido y supercrítico es similar al de la extracción con disolventes orgánicos, si bien la calidad del aceite obtenido es superior. De ello se desprende el hecho de que el proceso de extracción utilizando dióxido de carbono, en condiciones sub- y supercríticas, puede resultar competitivo con el convencional al simplificar sustancialmente las etapas de refinado del aceite y eliminar la destilación del disolvente, las más costosas desde el punto de vista energético.

  13. Caracterización molecular de 297 genotipos de trigo (triticum aestivum l.) provenientes del centro internacional de mejoramiento de maíz y trigo e inferencia de su estructura genética.


    Márquez Carrillo, Miguel Eduardo; Falconí, Esteban; Morillo, Eduardo


    Proyecto PIC-12-INIAP-001: Desarrollo e innovación biotecnológica para la potenciación de rubros agrícolas de importancia en seguridad alimentaria, competitividad exportable y adaptación al cambio En la actualidad el cultivo de trigo se ve afectado por la roya amarilla y fusariosis de la espiga, razón por la cual es necesario contar con información genotípica para mantener e incrementar el acervo genético de las variedades disponibles. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue caracteri...

  14. El cultivo de trigo en la Región Semiárida Bonaerense: impacto sobre algunas propiedades químicas del suelo

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    DUVAL, M.


    Full Text Available La intensificación de la agricultura en la Región Semiárida se caracterizó por una disminución del área destinada a pasturas, a favor de la superficie con monocultivo de trigo. En este contexto, la rotación de cultivos, la fertilización, el manejo de los residuos y el agua edáfica son aspectos fundamentales para el aumento de la productividad del trigo en esta región. Se planteó como objetivo cuantificar los cambios cuali y cuantitativos en sistemas de producción sobre algunas propiedades de un suelo de la Región Semiárida Bonaerense, luego de 22 años de producción.

  15. Aclimatación de la fotosíntesis en el dosel vegetal del trigo al aumento del CO2 atmosférico: función del nitrógeno y las citoquininas en cultivos en cámaras de campo con clima mediterráneo


    Gutiérrez del Pozo, Diego


    [ES]En esta tesis se intenta conocer las respuestas de aclimatación al CO2 elevado del intercambio gaseoso del dosel vegetal - hojas superiores iluminadas o inferiores sombreadas - del trigo en cultivos bajo cámaras de campo con cantidades diferentes de fertilizante nitrogenado. También se trata de averiguar el papel en la aclimatación de la absorción de nitrógeno y su reparto entre compuestos y órganos de la parte aérea de la planta. Y por último valorar si la citoquinina exógena, con su acc...

  16. Política pública y cadena de valor del trigo en el Estado de México


    Pérez Pérez, Maricela


    El volumen de la producción de trigo en el Estado de México ha disminuido y su rentabilidad también; los productores no tienen las capacidades necesarias para cumplir con las especificaciones de volumen, calidad e inocuidad que las harineras les exigen. Como consecuencia, no logran complementar la cadena de valor para el eslabón de la harina, tampoco las harineras respecto a las grandes empresas agroalimentarias. De esto se desprende un elemento vital vinculado a la agenda d...

  17. Obtención de líneas de trigo resistentes a Mayetiola destructor Say en la Campiña Sur de Extremadura


    Del Moral, J.; Delibes de Castro, Ángeles; Martín Sánchez, Juan Antonio; Mejías, A.; López-Braña, Isidoro; Sin Casas, Esther; Montes, Mª J.; Pérez-Rojas, F.; Espinal, F. J.; Senero, M.


    La línea H-93-33, homocigota para el gen H27, que confiere resistencia a Mayetiola destructor Say, ha sido cruzada con variedades comerciales de trigo seleccionadas por su calidad harinera y sus características agronómicas. Esos cruzamientos han producido numerosas líneas avanzadas. La línea Ma8, que contiene el gen H27, ha demostrado su resistencia al parásito en condiciones controladas de cámara y campo, y muestra mejores características agronómicas que las variedades comerciales con las...

  18. Estudio comparativo de la estabilidad lipídica de harinas de soja, sorgo, avena, salvado y germen de trigo con y sin extrusión

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    María José Crosa Balestra


    Full Text Available El consumo de harinas de grano entero está condicionado por la pérdida de calidad nutricional, funcional y sensorial durante su almacenamiento. En este estudio se evaluó el efecto del proceso de extrusión en la degradación lipídica de harina de varios tipos de granos y derivados (soja, sorgo, avena, salvado y germen de trigo. Se realizó seguimiento de ácidos grasos libres, humedad, actividad de agua y del desarrollo del descriptor “rancio-oxidado” por olfatación directa, en muestras de harina con y sin extrusión almacenadas durante 60 días en bolsa de polietileno de 30 micrones a 30-35 ºC. También se estudió la aceptabilidad de pan elaborado con 36% de incorporación de una combinación de harinas. Se realizaron medidas de color, materia grasa y actividad ureásica al inicio, medio y final del almacenamiento. Se ajustaron funciones de regresión de la diferencia “sin extrusión” y “con extrusión”, para las medidas AGL, Aw, %H. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron que la extrusión disminuye significativamente la degradación lipídica de las harinas de sorgo, salvado, soja, avena; sin embargo, la harina de germen extrudida tuvo un aumento de rancidez por oxidación. La incorporación de las harinas no extrudidas en la masa de pan disminuyó significativamente la aceptabilidad y afectó la textura y volumen del pan.

  19. Cellular lung dosimetry for inhaled thoron progeny: comparison with radon progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abd El-Hady, M.; Hofmann, W.; Balashazy, I.


    Recently an analytical method was developed to compute radiation doses deposited by 222 Rn progeny alpha particles in 1 μm spheres located at different depths in bronchial epithelium. The same method was now applied to alpha particles emitted from 220 Rn progeny deposited in bronchial airway surfaces. Results of the computations are presented in graphs. The mean cellular doses imparted by 220 Rn progeny to basal and secretory cell nuclei were compared with those produced by 222 Rn progeny; due to differences in alpha energies, radon progeny doses were found to be generally higher than those for thoron progeny. (A.K.)

  20. “Política pública y cadena de valor del trigo en el Estado de México”


    Pérez Pérez, Maricela


    El volumen de la producción de trigo en el Estado de México ha disminuido y su rentabilidad también; los productores no tienen las capacidades necesarias para cumplir con las especificaciones de volumen, calidad e inocuidad que las harineras les exigen. Como consecuencia, no logran complementar la cadena de valor para el eslabón de la harina, tampoco las harineras respecto a las grandes empresas agroalimentarias. De esto se desprende un elemento vital vinculado a la agenda d...

  1. Asociación del color de la concha de reproductores de Argopecten purpuratus (Lamarck, 1819 con la supervivencia, crecimiento y desarrollo larval de sus progenies Association between shell color of breeds (Lamarck, 1819 and the survival, growth and larval development of their progenies

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    Ricardo M García


    Full Text Available Las conchas de moluscos bivalvos marinos son extremadamente diversas en sus patrones de pigmentación y riqueza de colores. Tal diversidad se debe a factores ambientales y genéticos. En bivalvos marinos adultos, individuos con coloraciones de concha poco comunes en las poblaciones silvestres suelen presentar tasas de crecimiento y supervivencia menores que aquellos con colores de concha más frecuentes. Conociendo que la variación del color de la concha en Argopecten purpuratus está bajo control genético, en este trabajo se pone a prueba la hipótesis de que los loci responsables de dicha variación pueden afectar el crecimiento, la supervivencia y la tasa de desarrollo de las larvas de esta especie. Se estimó la supervivencia y el crecimiento en progenies de cruzamientos dirigidos entre individuos de A. purpuratus con colores de concha blanco, naranja y marrón, y se verificó la existencia de diferencias en las tasas de desarrollo. El crecimiento de las larvas producidas en cruzamientos que incluyeron individuos marrones o blancos con naranja no mostraron diferencias entre sí. En cambio, las progenies producto de autofecundaciones de individuos naranja y blancos presentaron tasas de crecimiento significativamente menores que las anteriores y distintas entre sí. Las tasas de desarrollo y de supervivencia, en cambio, no mostraron diferencias entre las progenies de los distintos tipos de cruzamientos. Los resultados sugieren que los genes que controlan la variación del color en las conchas de juveniles y adultos de A. purpuratus afectarían la tasa de crecimiento de sus larvas, pero no la tasa de desarrollo ni su supervivencia.Marine bivalve mollusks are extremely diverse in shell color and pigmentation patterns. Such diversity is affected by environmental and genetic factors. Some evidences in adult marine bivalves shows that individuals with low-frequency shell colors have lower growth rates and/or higher mortalities than those with the

  2. Calidad panadera de nuevos genotipos de trigo pan Bread-making quality of new genotypes of bread wheat

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    M. E. Dubois


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la calidad panadera de los dos mejores genotipos de trigo pan obtenidos por selección recurrente por rendimiento (C1-00-83 y C3-00-42 y seis cultivares comerciales, cultivados en la región semiárida central argentina. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente aleatorizado con cuatro repeticiones. Se determinó peso hectolítrico, peso de mil semillas, contenido proteico, rendimiento en harina, gluten húmedo, parámetros alveográficos y panificación experimental. Las variables de calidad del genotipo C3-00-42 corresponden a un trigo de gran fuerza, muy tenaz, alta absorción de agua y buen volumen de pan, por consiguiente puede usarse como corrector de harinas débiles o para elaboraciones que requieran trigos fuertes. El genotipo C1-00-83 presentó los mejores valores de proteína, gluten y volumen del pan de todos los analizados, conjuntamente con un alto rendimiento en harina y gluten muy fuerte y bastante equilibrado. Los dos nuevos genotipos presentan excelentes características panaderas y ofrecen calidades industriales diferenciales.The bread- making quality of the two best genotypes of bread wheat obtained by recurrent selection by yield (C1-00-83 and C3-00-42 vs. six commercial cultivars from the Argentine central semiarid region were evaluated. A completely randomized block design with 4 repetitions was utilized. The parameters measured were: test weight, thousand kernel weight, grain proteins, yield flour, gluten test, alveograph parameters and baking test. The quality parameters of the C3-00-42 genotype corresponded to very tenacious strong gluten, with high water absorption and which produces good loaf volume. Therefore, it can be used to compensate weaker flours or to manufacture products that require strong wheat. The C1-00-83 genotype presented high yield in flour, very strong and almost balanced gluten and the best values in protein content, gluten and loaf volume of all those Trianalyzed. The two new


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    Victor Morales


    Full Text Available El uso del diseño en bloques y la aleatori - zación de las diferentes progenies en cada uno de los bloques puede ser insuficiente para el control local de la variación dentro del área del ensayo. La presencia de micro-sitios dispersos influyen en el crecimiento de los individuos, incidiendo de forma importante sobre los resultados del análisis de varianza convencional. El presente trabajo propone y describe una metodología de análisis para ensayos de progenie en la investigación forestal, que compara varios procedimientos de análisis espacial de varianzas con referencia a incorporar o no el efecto de bloque y el modelado de la tendencia superficial sobre datos registra - dos provenientes de un ensayo de Progenies de Pachira quinata (Jacq. W.S. Alverson por un periodo de 3 años de evaluación. Se estableció un protocolo de análisis que incluye diagnósti - co de correlación de los residuales, modelado de la estructura de correlación-variación y un análisis de varianza espacial. Se demostró la existencia de residuales o errores experimentales que no cumplen el supuesto de independencia, requisito fundamental para realizar un análisis de la varianza basado en diseño. El modelo con mejor ajuste fue aquel que capturó la variación superficial mediante el polinómico cúbico con el modelado de los errores correlacionados (modelo geoestadístico esférico. Las pruebas de medias de progenies estimadas por el modelo espacial con tendencia polinómica arrojó un ordenamiento diferente a las pruebas de medias estimadas bajo el análisis basado en diseño en bloques.

  4. Evaluación de una esterasa de ácido ferúlico (Fae1A aislada del hongo del rumen Anaeromyces mucronatus sobre la degradación de la pared celular del heno de alfalfa y paja de trigo: Ensayo In vitro

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    José C. López O


    Full Text Available Las esterasas de ácido ferúlico son capaces de liberar compuestos fenólicos de la pared celular vegetal, aumentando el acceso a los polisacáridos. Se realizaron determinaciones In vitro con la finalidad de determinar el potencial de una esterasa de ácido ferúlico (Fae1A aislada del hongo del rumen Anaeromyces mucronatus. Esta estearasa se obtuvo de un trabajo previo realizado en el Centro de Investigación de Lethbridge, Alberta Canadá, a través de procesos de clonación y hetero-expresión del gen Fae1aA en una cepa de E. coli BL21. Tres niveles (0, 9 y 18 mg de proteína contenida en la enzima se combinaron con liquido ruminal e incubaron en 2 diferentes fuentes de fibra (heno de alfalfa y paja de trigo utilizando 15 repeticiones por tratamiento. La inclusión de la enzima incrementó (P <0.05 la desaparición de la materia seca en el heno de alfalfa, liberándose más cantidad (P <0.01 de azúcares reducidos (AR a las 4 y 12 h. Fae1A liberó más compuestos fenólicos del heno de alfalfa vs. la paja de trigo. Los compuestos fenólicos totales e individuales liberados de la alfalfa se incrementaron con el nivel de enzima añadida. En la paja de trigo, el ácido ferúlico se duplicó en comparación con el ácido p-cumárico. En conclusión, la adición de la Fae1A mejoró la cantidad de azucares reducidos y se liberaron compuestos fenólicos en el heno de alfalfa y la paja de trigo, lo que indica su potencial para ser usada como enzima fibrolítica y mejorar la digestibilidad de la fibra en los rumiantes.



    Burbano Huertas, Luis Felipe; Ortega Vera, César Mauricio


    A finales del siglo XX Colombia ha ingresado paulatinamente en los procesos de libre comercialización con otros países, derivados de las dinámicas del mercado a nivel internacional; entre estos se encuentran el de la apertura económica en la década de los noventa y en la actualidad, el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC). El TLC, ha sido objeto de una serie de inconformidades planteadas por parte de algunos sectores económicos, como es el caso de los cultivadores de trigo en todo el país y partic...

  6. Eficiência de fungicidas no controle da brusone em trigo

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    João Romero do Amaral Santos de Carvalho Rocha


    Full Text Available Causada pelo fungo Pyricularia grisea, a brusone do trigo constitui-se num dos principais entraves à expansão da produção tritícola no Brasil Central. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de fungicidas no controle da brusone em trigo. Foram utilizados três fungicidas, com princípios ativos distintos, combinados com quatro genótipos de trigo. Realizaram-se duas aplicações do produto comercial, sendo estas no estádio 45 e 65 da escala de Zadokset al. A inoculação artificial com os esporos de P. grisea ocorreu no estádio 58-60 da referida escala. Determinou-se a área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD, a severidade em folhas bandeira (SEVFB e em espigas (SEVEsp e quantificou-se a produção de grãos (PG.Ao final do trabalho, os diferentes parâmetros analisados foram submetidos à análise de correlação de Pearson.Os fungicidas epoxiconazol+piraclostrobina e tebuconazol+trifloxistrobina foram os que proporcionaram menor AACPD nos genótipos VI 03061, VI 07505 e BRS 254. Não houve diferença para SEVFB entre os genótipos na presença de fungicidas. As linhagens VI 98053 e VI 07505 apresentam menor SEVFB na ausência de fungicidas.O fungicida tebuconazole+trifloxistrobina proporcionou maior PG e menor SEVEsp. A severidade da doença em espigas foi maior do que em folhas bandeira. O controle da brusoneem trigo através da aplicação de fungicidas mostrou-se eficiente em folhas bandeira, mas não eficiente para o controle nas espigas.


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    Mistura de farinha de trigo e soja em proporções adequadas, além de ter efeito complementar mútuo de aminoácidos, contribui para a melhoria de propriedades funcionais. A extrusão modifica estruturas de amido e de proteínas, melhorando as suas propriedades funcionais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos dos parâmetros: umidade da mistura, temperatura de extrusão (TE e velocidade de rotação do parafuso (VRP, nas propriedades de pasta (PP de farinhas de trigo-soja extrusadas. A mistura de farinha de trigo com 10 e com 20% de soja crua foi extrusada, individualmente, em dois teores de umidade (26 e 29%, cinco TE (110, 120, 130, 140 e 150°C e quatro VRP (N°3, 120, 150, 180 e 210rpm. Os resultados mostraram que as farinhas de trigo e soja (90:10 e 80:20 com 26 e 29% de umidade e extrusadas em 150 e 180rpm a 120 e 130°C, apresentaram as melhores PP (viscosidade inicial a 25°C, viscosidade de pico a 95°C, viscosidade de manutenção a 95°C, viscosidade final a 25°C, quebra de viscosidade e tendência à retrogradação, quando comparadas com a farinha de trigo crua e com a farinha de trigo-soja crua. Portanto podem ser recomendadas para a formulação de alimentos prontos e semiprontos como: mingaus, molhos, sopas e outros.

  8. El control genético de las proteínas del trigo


    García Olmedo, Francisco; Carbonero Zalduegui, Pilar


    La domesticación del trigo, ocurrida hace unos 10.000 años en el suroeste asiático, constituye uno de los hechos seminales de la cultura occidental y su posterior expansión como primera cosecha mundial está íntimamente asociada al progreso del hombre. Esta posición preponderante del trigo se ha debido no sólo a sus buenas propiedades agronómicas -su adaptabilidad y su capacidad productiva en las más variadas situaciones climáticas-, sino también a las peculiares propiedades mecánicas del endo...

  9. Vigor e viabilidade de sementes de trigo tratadas com zinco

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    Silvana Ohse


    Full Text Available   O zinco tem sido utilizado na formulação de produtos denominados fitoestimulantes, atuando no alongamento celular e formação de raízes laterais. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de doses de zinco aplicadas em tratamento de sementes sobre a germinação e o vigor de cultivares de trigo. O experimento constou de duas cultivares de trigo (Quartzo e Supera e sete doses de zinco aplicadas em tratamento de sementes na forma ZnSO4.7H2O (0; 0,19; 0,38; 0,76; 0,95; 1,14; e 1,52g de de sementes, constituindo um fatorial 2x7 em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. As doses de zinco não influenciaram a germinação de sementes de trigo, denotando a não existência de toxicidade e a possibilidade de se fornecer zinco via semente para a cultura. No entanto, a cultivar Quartzo apresentou germinação superior a Supera. Quanto ao vigor, as cultivares responderam de forma diferenciada às doses de zinco aplicadas via sementes. A cultivar Quartzo teve o comprimento de plântula aumentado até a dose de 0, de sementes. Doses de zinco entre 0,76 e 1, de sementes proporcionaram maior vigor às sementes de trigo cultivar Supera. Conclui-se que a germinação de sementes das cultivares Quartzo e Supera não foi afetada pela aplicação de zinco em tratamento de sementes, no entanto, em relação ao vigor a cultivar Supera foi mais responsiva, por ter apresentado aumentos significativos na maioria das variáveis avaliadas.

  10. Desempenho agronômico de trigo cultivado para grãos e duplo propósito em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária

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    Henrique Pereira dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade e os componentes de produção de trigo cultivado para grãos e duplo propósito em sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária (ILP, em plantio direto. A produtividade de grãos dos dois tipos de trigo e os componentes de produção do trigo para produção de grãos foram avaliados nos anos agrícolas de 2003 a 2008, em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, em Coxilha, RS, nos sistemas de rotação: 1, trigo/soja e ervilhaca/milho; 2, trigo/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta/milho; 3, trigo/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta/soja; 4, trigo/soja e ervilha/milho; 5, trigo/soja, triticale de duplo propósito/soja e ervilhaca/soja; e 6, trigo/soja, aveia-branca de duplo propósito/soja e trigo de duplo propósito/soja. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Não houve diferença entre as médias dos componentes de produção (número de espigas, número de grãos por espiga e massa de grãos do trigo para produção de grãos, nos diferentes sistemas ILP. Os sistemas 2, 3, 4 e 5 proporcionaram maior produtividade do trigo para grãos em comparação ao 6. Não há diferença significativa na produtividade de grãos, na massa hectolítrica e na massa de mil grãos, entre os trigos cultivados para produção de grãos e para duplo propósito.

  11. Production of haploid plants from ten hybrids of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. through wide hybridization with maize (Zea mays L. Producción de plantas haploides a partir de 10 híbridos de trigo para pan (Triticum aestivum L. mediante hibridación interespecífica con maíz (Zea mays L.

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    L.E. Torres


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to obtain haploid plants of bread wheat through wide hybridization with maize. The experimental material included ten bread wheat hybrids (female parent and one population of maize (pollen donor. Two assays were carried out in two different seasons (summer and winter. Wheat spikes were manually emasculated, each spike was pollinated twice with fresh pollen of maize and a solution of 2,4-D (100 mg l-1 was sprayed on pollinated florets and injected in the upper internode. Fifteen and 21 days after pollination caryopses were removed and surface sterilized. Embryos were cultured in tubes containing B5 medium. The ten hybrid combinations produced caryopses, but only eight of these hybrids produced embryos and, in six of them, the recovered embryos developed into haploid plantlets. The results showed that there is genotypic influence of the wheat parents on the percentage of haploid embryo formation, in accordance with the results obtained by other authors. Regardless of the genotype, the sowing season and the harvest date, 69.4% of the pollinated flowers gave place to the formation of caryopses, 5.5% of these caryopses developed into presumably haploid embryos (for their morphological phenotypes and 26.1 % of the recovered embryos developed into haploid plantlets.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue obtener plantas haploides de trigo para pan mediante hibridación interespecífica con maíz. Se utilizaron 10 híbridos de trigo para pan (madre y una población de maíz (donante de polen; se llevaron a cabo dos ensayos en distintas estaciones de cultivo. Cada espiga de trigo fue emasculada manualmente y polinizada dos veces con polen fresco de maíz; las flores polinizadas se pulverizaron con una solución de 2,4-D (100 mg l-1, la que también se inyectó en la base de la espiga. Las semillas se cosecharon a los 15 y 21 días posteriores a la polinización. Los embriones recuperados se colocaron en tubos conteniendo medio de

  12. Estudio de la encapsulación y aplicación en panificación de extractos supercríticos de salvado de trigo


    Fernández Verdugo, Sofía


    El Ácido Ferúlico (AF), un compuesto fenólico, es el principal antioxidante del trigo. El problema que se plantea a la hora de utilizar un nivel alto de éste antioxidante en la elaboración de panes integrales, son los efectos negativos sobre los atributos sensoriales, tales como el aumento de la amargura y la astringencia y un perfil aromático a rancio. Esto se debe a que el AF ejerce un efecto inhibitorio sobre la formación de algunos compuestos íntimamente relacionados con dichas caracterís...

  13. Fusariosis de la espiga del trigo : dinámica del inóculo de Fusarium graminearum ante un manejo sustentable


    Mourelos, Cecilia Alejandra


    Mourelos, C. A. (2015). Fusariosis de la espiga del trigo: Dinámica del inóculo de Fusarium graminearum ante un manejo sustentable. (Tesis de doctorado). Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Bernal, Argentina. La fusariosis de la espiga de trigo (FET) es una de las enfermedades fúngicas más importantes del cultivo de trigo y de otros cereales en la Argentina. En el país, la enfermedad es causada principalmente por Fusarium graminearum Schwabe [teleomorfo Gibberella zeae (Schwein.) Petch]. Esta...

  14. Resultados agronômicos e qualitativos da nova cultivar de trigo 'BRS Marcante'

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    Eduardo Caierão


    Full Text Available A cultivar de trigo 'BRS Marcante' foi desenvolvida pela Embrapa, envolvendo um híbrido F1 do cruzamento entre as linhagens PF 980533 e PF 970227 com a cultivar 'BRS Guamirim', realizado em telado, na Embrapa Trigo, no inverno de 2003. As gerações segregantes foram conduzidas pelo método genealógico e a linhagem resultante, nomeada de PF 080310. A cultivar caracteriza-se pela sua ampla capacidade de adaptação às condições de cultivo do sul do Brasil, pelo bom potencial de rendimento de grãos e qualidade industrial da classe Pão


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    C.E. de O. CAMARGO


    Full Text Available Estudou-se o comportamento diferencial entre 9 genótipos de centeio, 2 de triticale, 5 de trigo comum (Triticum aestivum L. e um de trigo duro (Triticum durum L., empregando-se soluções nutritivas arejadas, com concentrações de alumínio (0, 3, 6, 10, 15 e 20 mgL-1, à temperatura constante de 25 ± 1oC e pH 4,0. A tolerância foi medida pela capacidade das raízes primárias continuarem a crescer em solução sem alumínio, após 48 horas em solução contendo uma concentração conhecida de alumínio. Todos os cultivares de centeio Branco, Bagé, FA (In Chansti, Soron, Padrela, Montalegre, Vila Pouco de Aguiar, Gimonde e Lamego e os cultivares de trigo BH-1146 e IAC-227 foram considerados muito tolerantes, por exibirem crescimento radicular após o tratamento em solução contendo 20mgL-1 de Al3+. Os genotipos de centeio Padrela, Montalegre e Vila Pouco de Aguiar foram os mais tolerantes, em função dos seus maiores índices de tolerância relativa. Os cultivares de triticale IAC-1 e CEP-15 e os cultivares de trigo comum IAC-5 e IAC-24 apresentaram uma tolerância intermediária, exibindo crescimento da raiz primária na presença de 15 mgL-1 de Al3+, porém não a 20. Os cultivares Anahuac (trigo comum e Yavaros "S" (trigo duro mostraram-se sensíveis ao Al3+ , não apresentando crescimento das raízes primárias após tratamento em soluções contendo 3 mgL-1 de Al3+.Nine rye genotypes, two triticale, five bread wheat and one durum wheat were studied for aluminum tolerance in aerated nutrient solutions with six different levels of aluminum (0, 3, 6, 10, 15 and 20 mgL-1, under constant temperature at 25 ± 1oC and pH 4.0. Aluminum tolerance was evaluated by measuring the root growth in an aluminum-free complete nutrient solution after a treatment of 48 hours in an aluminum solution. All the rye cultivars Branco, Bagé, FA (In Chansti, Soron, Padrela, Montalegre, Vila Pouco de Aguiar, Gimonde and Lamego and the wheat cultivars BH-1146

  16. Definición del mercado de trigo cristalino en el valle del Yaqui, México


    Garza Lagler, María Cristina; Taddei Bringas, Cristina


    Resumen: El valle del Yaqui es una región productora de trigo en el noroeste de México, cuyas agroempresas tienen una participación creciente en el mercado internacional. El objetivo de este trabajo es una aproximación a la definición del mercado del trigo cristalino que se produce en su territorio, para lo cual se realizó un análisis descriptivo apoyado en entrevistas a actores estratégicos del sistema de producción. Los resultados indican que este grano tiene tres mercados: la industria de ...

  17. Selección por conformación de reproductores de tilapia roja Oreochromis sp., mediante prueba de progenie

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    Hermes Pineda S.


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Contribuir con la caracterización estadística y genotípica (media, media del error estándar, varianza y heredabilidad de la Longitud Total (LT y Longitud Altura del Lomo (LAL, y plantear una estrategia de selección para mejorar la calidad de la semilla de reproductores de tilapia roja Oreochromis sp. Materiales y métodos. El proyecto se realizó en la Granja Experimental y de Producción Piscícola (PCJIC, a un Km del municipio de San Jerónimo, distante 61 Km al Occidente de Medellín (Antioquia. Se conformaron tres grupos de cruzamientos, cada uno en proporción de 3 hembras por 1 macho así: un cruce Hembras Blancas (HB x Macho Rojo (MR y dos cruces Hembras Blancas (HB x Macho Blanco (MB. Las progenies fueron medidas a los 60 días post eclosión, teniendo en cuenta los supuestos estadísticos. Resultados. El ANOVA mostró que las progenies difieren significativamente (p<0.001 para ambas variables continuas. La LT fue mayor para la progenie del cruzamiento HBxMB sin reversión (8.04±1.04cm y LAL fue mayor para la progenie HBxMR (2.33±0.44cm. La correlación pareada entre las variables fue altamente significativa (r≥0.79, p<0.001. Las heredabilidades fueron 0.59 (LT y 0.64 (LAL. Los porcentajes de manchas en las progenies fueron HBxMR (34% y HBxMB no revertida (66%. Conclusiones. La progenie del Grupo 1 HBxMR tuvo los reproductores para una mejor selección por conformación, por lo que se sugiere aumentar el número de animales con mayor LAL. También, considerar la menor cantidad de manchas oscuras y realizar un manejo de reproductores por grupos independientes para selección masal.

  18. A radon progeny deposition model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rielage, Keith; Elliott, Steven R.; Hime, Andrew; Guiseppe, Vincent E.; Westerdale, S.


    The next generation low-background detectors operating underground aim for unprecedented low levels of radioactive backgrounds. Although the radioactive decays of airborne radon (particularly 222 Rn) and its subsequent progeny present in an experiment are potential backgrounds, also problematic is the deposition of radon progeny on detector materials. Exposure to radon at any stage of assembly of an experiment can result in surface contamination by progeny supported by the long half life (22 y) of 210 Pb on sensitive locations of a detector. An understanding of the potential surface contamination from deposition will enable requirements of radon-reduced air and clean room environments for the assembly of low background experiments. It is known that there are a number of environmental factors that govern the deposition of progeny onto surfaces. However, existing models have not explored the impact of some environmental factors important for low background experiments. A test stand has been constructed to deposit radon progeny on various surfaces under a controlled environment in order to develop a deposition model. Results from this test stand and the resulting deposition model are presented.

  19. A Radon Progeny Deposition Model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guiseppe, V. E.; Elliott, S. R.; Hime, A.; Rielage, K.; Westerdale, S.


    The next generation low-background detectors operating underground aim for unprecedented low levels of radioactive backgrounds. Although the radioactive decays of airborne radon (particularly 222 Rn) and its subsequent progeny present in an experiment are potential backgrounds, also problematic is the deposition of radon progeny on detector materials. Exposure to radon at any stage of assembly of an experiment can result in surface contamination by progeny supported by the long half life (22 y) of 210 Pb on sensitive locations of a detector. An understanding of the potential surface contamination from deposition will enable requirements of radon-reduced air and clean room environments for the assembly of low background experiments. It is known that there are a number of environmental factors that govern the deposition of progeny onto surfaces. However, existing models have not explored the impact of some environmental factors important for low background experiments. A test stand has been constructed to deposit radon progeny on various surfaces under a controlled environment in order to develop a deposition model. Results from this test stand and the resulting deposition model are presented.

  20. El cultivo de trigo en Colombia: Su agonía y posible desaparición

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    David Álvarez Sánchez


    Full Text Available El Trigo (Triticum aestivum L. en Colombia es considerado un alimento básico además de requerir en su cadena productiva un número elevado de mano de obra, sin embargo, a nivel nacional desde el año de 1970 el área y producción del Trigo cultivado ha tenido una disminución constante representada en las estadísticas oficiales, siendo importante conocer las razones de dicho fenómeno y el impacto generado. Por lo anterior, esta revisión buscó identificar los aspectos nocivos que explican la agonía y posible desaparición de este sistema productivo en el país en tres periodos históricos: i desde 1920 hasta 1989, ii desde 1990 hasta 2000 y iii perspectivas a futuro. Para ello, se recopiló información de diferentes fuentes primarias y secundarias, concluyendo que el Trigo a lo largo del tiempo ha soportado coyunturas macroeconómicas y el desamparo gubernamental en el sector, poniendo en duda la sustentabilidad del cultivo en Colombia.

  1. Validação de marcadores moleculares para resistência à giberela em genótipos brasileiros de trigo

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    Adriana Scherloski


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar 19 marcadores microssatélites para resistência do trigo à giberela, em uma população não estruturada. Foram utilizados marcadores moleculares descritos na literatura como flanqueando QTLs de resistência à giberela em trigo, nos cromossomos 3B, 5A e 6B. Foram avaliadas 96 linhagens e cultivares de trigo quanto à severidade da infecção por giberela, em dois anos de avaliação. As linhagens e as cultivares foram genotipadas com 19 marcadores microssatélites. Os dados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste de Tukey e pelas análises de correlação, regressão linear simples e regressão múltipla; também foi estimada a eficiência de seleção dos marcadores moleculares. A severidade da doença variou de 1,95 a 41,3%, na média dos dois anos. Foram validados os QTLs nos três cromossomos avaliados. Os marcadores Xgwm389, Xgwm533, Xbarc180, Xbarc24, Wmc397, Xbarc101 e Wmc398 foram associados significativamente à resistência do trigo à giberela, tendo sido identificados alelos de resistência e de suscetibilidade. Os marcadores Wmc397, Xbarc101 (cromossomo 6B e Xbarc180 (cromossomo 5A têm potencial para uso na seleção assistida por marcadores moleculares, para resistência do trigo à giberela.

  2. Estudo da adição de vital glúten à farinha de arroz, farinha de aveia e amido de trigo na qualidade de pães

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    TEDRUS Guilherme de A. S.


    Full Text Available Farinhas de arroz e de aveia e amido de trigo foram adicionados de vital glúten e avaliados pelo Teste de Panificação. Usou-se como padrão uma amostra de farinha de trigo com características adequadas para produção de pão. Os níveis de adição de vital glúten foram de 10, 15, 17,5, 20 e 30% para a farinha de arroz e de 10, 20 e 30% para a farinha de aveia. Ao amido de trigo, extraído da farinha de trigo utilizada como padrão, foi adicionado vital glúten de forma a reconstituir o teor de glúten original da farinha. Os melhores resultados do teste de panificação foram obtidos com 17,5% de vital glúten na farinha de arroz e 20% de vital glúten na farinha de aveia. Foram obtidos pães com volumes específicos inferiores aos de trigo (2,67cm³/g para vital glúten + farinha de arroz, 3,07cm³/g para vital glúten + farinha de aveia e 4,14cm³/g para vital glúten + amido de trigo contra 5,15cm³/g para os de farinha de trigo. As melhores misturas foram analisadas quanto às suas características reológicas e comparadas com a farinha de trigo original. A mistura de amido de trigo e vital glúten apresentou características farinográficas extensográficas inferiores à farinha de trigo e deu origem a pães de menor volume e com estrutura compacta. No geral, a adição de vital glúten propiciou a obtenção de pães com características aceitáveis, embora inferiores às do pão de farinha de trigo. As características dos pães contendo vital glúten foram: pouca simetria e quebra praticamente inexistente. São necessários novos estudos sobre a interação do vital glúten com os demais componentes da farinha de trigo e sua influência na qualidade do produto final.

  3. Wheat germ oil extracted by supercritical carbon dioxide with ethanol: Fatty acid composition; Aceite de germen de trigo obtenido mediante extracción con dióxido de carbono supercrítico con etanol: Composición en ácidos grasos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Parczewska-Plesnar, B.; Brzozowski, R.; Gwardiak, H.; Białecka-Florjańczyk, E.; Bujnowski, Z.


    In this work, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) using CO2 with ethanol as entrainer was performed at a temperature of 40 o C under a pressure of 21 MPa. For comparison, a similar extraction without the entrainer was carried out. The extraction yield of wheat germ using supercritical CO2 with ethanol was slightly higher (10.7 wt%) than that of extraction without the entrainer (9.9 wt%). Fractions of SFE extracts were collected separately during the experiments and the composition of fatty acids in each fraction was analyzed. The SFE extracted oils were rich (63.4-71.3%) in the most valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and their content in all collected fractions was approximately constant. Similar PUFA contents were found in the reference samples of oils extracted by n-hexane (66.2-67.0%), while the commercial cold-pressed oil contained significantly less PUFA (60.2%). These results show a higher nutritional value of the oil obtained by extraction with supercritical CO2 than cold pressed oil which is generally considered to be very valuable. [Spanish] En este trabajo, la extracción con fluidos supercríticos (SFE) usando CO2 con etanol como agente de arrastre se realizó a 40 °C bajo una presión de 21 MPa. Se ha llevado a cabo la comparación con una extracción similar sin agente de arrastre. El rendimiento de la extracción de germen de trigo usando CO2 supercrítico con etanol fue ligeramente mayor (10,7% en peso) que la de extracción sin agente de arrastre (9,9% en peso). Se recogieron por separado fracciones de extractos SFE durante los experimentos y se analizó la composición de ácidos grasos en cada fracció . Los aceites extraídos mediante SFE eran ricos en los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados más valiosos (63,4-71,3%), (PUFA) y su contenido en todas las fracciones recogidas fue aproximadamente constante. Un contenido similar de PUFA fueron encontrados en muestras de referencia de los aceites extraídos con n-hexano (66,2-67,0%), mientras

  4. Development of a portable radon progeny monitor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iimoto, Takeshi; Kosako, Toshiso; Sugiura, Nobuyuki


    Important nuclides in the radon family contributing to the effective dose are the members of the radon short-life progeny, 218 Po and 214 Po and direct measurement of these progenies is suitable for dosimetry. Survey of the radon progeny concentrations in a number of dwellings and offices is very difficult because we have no convenient instrument for the measurement. At present, radon dosimetry is carried out based on the concentration of the parent radon itself. Therefore, for accurate estimation of public or personal effective dose, it is necessary to develop a facile and portable radon progeny monitor. In this study, a portable radon progeny monitor (PRPM) was designed and developed to automatically estimate the individual progeny concentration in the natural environment. The properties of PRPM were investigated. The dimensions of the entire instrument were 65 x 145 x 170 mm and the total weight was 780 g. The portability of PRPM was much superior to the conventional instrument. The PRPM can operate automatically to estimate individual progeny concentration. All component materials of the monitor were selected based on the data of specified performance, cost performance and availability bon the market. The concentration of individual radon progeny was estimated by the build-up decay. It was concluded that PRPM is much suitable for outdoor study and personal dose estimation, as well as indoor measurement. In the field survey, especially in mines and caverns, PRPM is found as a valuable and convenient instrument. (M.N.)

  5. Thoron and radon progeny concentration measurements using direct progeny sensors in HLNRAs of Kerala

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mishra, R.; Prajith, R.; Gole, A.C.; Kanse, S.D.; Chougaonkar, M.P.; Sapra, B.K.; Mayya, Y.S.; Jayalekshmi, P.; Nair, Raghu Ram K.


    Passive Progeny Dosimeters (PPDs) were deployed in 500 houses in 3 villages namely Allapad, Chavara and Neendakara villages of Karunagapally Taluk of Kollam district of Kerala. Each PPD unit is a combination of a DTPS and a DRPS placed side-by-side for time integrated thoron and radon progeny concentration estimation respectively. The PPDs were suspended vertically in the rooms, such that the nearest distance from any wall or surface was at least 30 cm. These are, as of now, being exposed for a period of 3 months, after which they will be retrieved and analysed by chemical etching and track counting. Simultaneously, external gamma radiation measurements have also been made using a survey meter; these showed a variation from 13 to 118 μR/h in indoors and 21 to 213 μR/h in the outdoor environments. Spot measurements of thoron progeny concentrations were also made in 7 selected houses using the conventional grab filter-paper sampling technique at a flow-rate of 21 min -1 for 30 minutes, followed by alpha counting. The average thoron progeny concentration was found to be 2.0 ± 0.7 Bq m -3 . In the outdoor environment, filter-paper sampling was carried out for 2 hours at 21 min -1 and the thoron progeny concentration was measured as 2.96 Bq m -3 . To corroborate these measurements, a flow mode integrated sampler which uses the DTPS and DRPS elements was used

  6. Radon progeny mitigation using unipolar ion generators

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sapra, B.K.; Arun Kumar; Khan, Arshad; Kothalkar, P.S.; Mayya, Y.S.


    Unipolar ion generators are often used for reduction of particulate levels in indoor environments. This paper explores the feasibility of their use in reducing radon progeny concentrations in a confined environment. Experiments have been carried out in a 10 m 3 test vessel in which ionizers are suspended in airspace and 226 Ra planchettes are placed as sources of radon. The radon, progeny and aerosol concentrations were estimated prior to and post-ioniser operation in the vessel using standard instruments and techniques. Results showed that the progeny concentrations decreased by a factor of about 10 with a mean life of about 35 min after ioniser was switched on. A mathematical model involving progeny, particle, ion space charge and electric field interaction processes been developed for estimating the various fractions of the progeny concentrations in the presence of the ionizer. The results of the model compared well with the experimental results. This study has a possible application for reducing progeny concentrations in U mines at local scales and specific working areas. (author)

  7. Adición de vitaminas y minerales a harinas de maíz y de trigo en México

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    Rosado Jorge L.


    Full Text Available En México la deficiencia marginal de algunas vitaminas y minerales afecta la salud y la funcionalidad de un número elevado de mexicanos, por lo que la Secretaría de Salud ha iniciado un programa para promover la adición de nutrimentos a las harinas de trigo y de maíz que se procesan industrialmente. El presente documento expone las bases científicas y tecnológicas para dicha adición. El objetivo primordial es restaurar los nutrimentos que se pierden durante el proceso de obtención de las harinas y durante la fabricación de los alimentos a partir de las harinas; además, se adicionan aquellos nutrimentos cuya presencia es deficiente en una proporción importante de la población y cuya suplementación en la dieta ha demostrado ser benéfica en la salud y la funcionalidad de la población. En la definición de la fórmula para adicionar a las harinas de trigo y maíz se consideraron, además de los factores mencionados, los niveles de absorción de los diferentes nutrimentos, la interacción probable entre nutrimentos y un malgar muy amplio de seguridad, de manera que se eliminara cualquier riesgo de algún efecto adverso en la salud, aun en los niveles más altos de ingestión de los alimentos. Finalmente, se sugieren los compuestos más apropiados para la adición a las harinas considerando su reactividad y sus posibles efectos negativos en la estabilidad de las harinas, así como su biodisponibilidad, su disponibilidad en el mercado y su costo. Con lo anterior se recomienda la adición de 5 mg/kg de tiamina (mononitrato de tiamina, 3 mg/kg de riboflavina (hidroclorhidrato de riboflavina, 35 mg/kg de niacina (nicotinamida, 30 mg/kg de hierro (hierro reducido extrafino y 20 mg/kg de zinc (óxido de zinc para ambas harinas, así como 2 mg/kg y 0.5 mg/kg de ácido fólico para las harinas de trigo y maíz, respectivamente.

  8. Feeding dried distillers grains with solubles to lactating beef cows: impact of excess protein and fat on cow performance, milk production and pre-weaning progeny growth. (United States)

    Shee, C N; Lemenager, R P; Schoonmaker, J P


    Multiparous Angus×Simmental cows (n=54, 5.22±2.51 years) with male progeny were fed one of two diets supplemented with either dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) or soybean meal (CON), from calving until day 129 postpartum (PP) to determine effects of excess protein and fat on cow performance, milk composition and calf growth. Diets were formulated to be isocaloric and consisted of rye hay and DDGS (19.4% CP; 8.76% fat), or corn silage, rye hay and soybean meal (11.7% CP; 2.06% fat). Cow-calf pairs were allotted by cow and calf age, BW and breed. Cow BW and body condition score (BCS; P⩾0.13) were similar throughout the experiment. A weigh-suckle-weigh was performed on day 64 and day 110±10 PP to determine milk production. Milk was collected on day 68 and day 116±10 PP for analysis of milk components. Milk production was unaffected (P⩾0.75) by dietary treatments. Milk urea nitrogen was increased at both time points in DDGS compared with CON cows (Pcows on day 68 PP. Compared to CON, DDGS decreased medium chain FA (Pcows, which resulted in an increase (Pcows fed DDGS compared with cows fed CON (Pcows did not change cow BW or BCS, but did improve TAI rates and altered milk composition compared with CON. As a result, male progeny from cows fed DDGS during lactation had greater average daily gain and were heavier at day 129 and at weaning compared with male progeny from cows fed a control diet.

  9. Estudo da adição de vital glúten à farinha de arroz, farinha de aveia e amido de trigo na qualidade de pães


    TEDRUS,Guilherme de A. S.; ORMENESE,Rita de Cássia S. Celeste; SPERANZA,Sandra Maria; CHANG,Yoon K.; BUSTOS,Fernando M.


    Farinhas de arroz e de aveia e amido de trigo foram adicionados de vital glúten e avaliados pelo Teste de Panificação. Usou-se como padrão uma amostra de farinha de trigo com características adequadas para produção de pão. Os níveis de adição de vital glúten foram de 10, 15, 17,5, 20 e 30% para a farinha de arroz e de 10, 20 e 30% para a farinha de aveia. Ao amido de trigo, extraído da farinha de trigo utilizada como padrão, foi adicionado vital glúten de forma a reconstituir o teor de glúten...

  10. Radon Progeny in Egyptian Underground Phosphate Mines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Hady, M.A.; Mohammed, A.; El-Hussein, A.; Ali, A.E.; Ahmed, A.A.


    In addition to the workers in uranium mines, the staff of other underground mines, such as workers in underground phosphate mines, can be exposed to 222 Rn and its progeny. In this study the individual radon progeny concentrations were measured in three Egyptian underground phosphate mines to estimate the occupational exposure of the workers at those sites. A filter method was used to measure individual radon progeny concentrations ( 218 Po, 214 Pb and 214 Po). The reported mean values of radon progeny concentrations exceed the action levels which are recommended by ICRP 65 (1993). Based on the measured individual radon progeny concentrations ( 218 Po, 214 Pb and 214 Po) in these mines, the annual effective dose for the workers has been calculated using the lung dose model of ICRP 66 (1994). According to the obtained results, some countermeasures were recommended in this study to minimise these exposure levels. (author)

  11. Health effects of inhaled radon progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Monchaux, G.


    The relationship between an increased risk of lung cancer and exposure to radon progeny has been studied in eleven cohorts of underground workers, both in uranium and non uranium mines as well as in experimental animals. Risk estimates derived from miners studies are used to assess the risk of lung cancer in relation to exposure to indoor radon progeny. Human and animal experimental data are reviewed in the perspective of risk assessment for low exposure to radon progeny, in the conditions of the contemporary working environment as well as the indoor domestic environment. (authors)

  12. Ocorrência de desoxinivalenol em trigo nacional e importado utilizado no Brasil Occurrence of deoxynivalenol in national and imported wheat used in Brazil

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    Maria Antonia Calori-Domingues


    Full Text Available A fusariose, também conhecida como giberela é uma doença importante, causada principalmente pelo fungo Fusarium graminearum, que afeta de forma generalizada as regiões produtoras de trigo do Brasil e dos principais países do qual o produto é importado. Além dos danos diretos causados pela doença, os grãos infectados podem ser tóxicos para o homem e animais devido à presença de micotoxinas especialmente o desoxinivalenol (DON. A contaminação com DON foi avaliada em 100 amostras de trigo, sendo 50 de trigo nacional (provenientes dos Estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul e 50 de trigo importado (Argentina e Paraguai. As amostras foram coletadas durante o período de maio a dezembro de 2005 de empresas que normalmente comercializam ou processam trigo e foram analisadas por cromatografia em camada delgada. Os resultados indicaram que, do total de amostras avaliadas, 94% do trigo nacional e 88% do trigo importado apresentaram-se positivas quanto a presença de DON. Os níveis médios de contaminação com DON do trigo nacional (332 µ 1 foram maiores (p Fusarium Head Blight or scab is an important disease mainly caused by Fusarium graminearum that occurs in Brazil and the world's wheat-growing areas. Moreover, there are direct damages caused by this disease and the infected kernels may be toxic for humans and animals due to the presence of mycotoxins (e.g deoxynivalenol - DON. DON contamination was evaluated in a total of 100 wheat samples, and 50 were from national production (São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul states and 50 were imported (Argentina and Paraguay. The samples were collected during the period of May to December, 2005 from companies that normally commercialize or process wheat and are analyzed by a thin layer of chromatography. Ninety-four percent of national wheat samples and 88% of the imported samples were DON contaminated. The mean level of the national wheat samples (332 µ -1 was higher

  13. Efecto de la adición de una turba comercial en la asimilabilidad de cobre, zinc, hierro, manganeso de un suelo en el que se ha cultivado trigo


    Almendros García, Patricia; Álvarez Álvarez, José Manuel; González Rodríguez, Demetrio; Obrador Pérez, Ana Francisca


    Se ha estudiado el efecto de la adición de diferentes cantidades de una turba comercial (con un 80 % de turba rubia y un 20% de turba negra) en la asimilabilidad de los elementos nutritivos en un suelo calcáreo en el que se cultivó trigo. Para ello se determinaron los contenidos en N, P y K, así como las concentraciones totales y potencialmente asimilables para las plantas de los micronutrientes Cu, Zn, Fe y Mn. También se determinó el rendimiento en grano y el índice de cosecha del cultivo d...


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    Pedro Henrique Marques Paula Nunes


    Full Text Available Inocular sementes de trigo com Azospirillum brasilense pode ser benéfico à cultura do trigo, bem como reduzir a necessidade de aplicação de N. No entanto, são escassos trabalhos que mensurem o benefício dessa prática no trigo irrigado com expectativa de alta produtividade e demanda de N. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a produtividade e o conteúdo de N na planta do trigo irrigado, submetido a doses de N, com ou sem a inoculação com A. brasilense. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos em 2011 e repetidos em 2012. Em cada ano de cultivo, instalou-se um experimento na área considerada de baixa disponibilidade de N no solo (cultivo em sucessão ao milho e outro na com alta disponibilidade (cultivo em sucessão à soja ou cenoura. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco doses de N e da inoculação ou não com A. brasilense. As doses de N testadas foram 20, 60, 100, 140 e 180 kg ha-1 na área com baixa disponibilidade de N e 20, 50, 80, 110 e 140 kg ha-1 na com alta disponibilidade. O teor de N na folha índice foi aumentado pela inoculação com A. brasilense. Entretanto, o N absorvido não foi influenciado pela inoculação da bactéria. As doses de N aumentaram a produtividade do trigo e esse aumento foi mais evidente no cultivo na área com baixa disponibilidade de N no solo.

  15. Adubos verdes e adubação mineral nitrogenada em cobertura na cultura do trigo em plantio direto

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    Anísio da Silva Nunes


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito do cultivo de adubos verdes, associados a doses de nitrogênio (N em adubação de cobertura, no desempenho agronômico da cultura do trigo em sistema plantio direto. O experimento foi realizado em Dourados (MS, Brasil, em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema de parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas pelos adubos verdes: ervilhaca peluda (Vicia villosa, crotalária (Crotalaria juncea, mucuna anã (Mucuna deeringiana, lablabe (Dolichus lablab e um tratamento- testemunha, em pousio. Nas subparcelas foram testadas quatro doses de N em cobertura: 0 (zero, 45, 90 e 135 kg ha-1, utilizando a uréia como fonte de N. Foram realizadas avaliações de massa seca das coberturas vegetais, teores de N nos tecidos da parte área dos adubos verdes e nas folhas de trigo, altura de plantas, número de perfilhos produtivos por planta, tamanho da espiga, número de grãos por espiga, massa de mil grãos, peso hectolitro e produtividade. Concluiu-se que maiores produtividades na cultura do trigo são obtidas quando é cultivado após crotalária e ervilhaca peluda e que a resposta do trigo à aplicação de N mineral em adubação de cobertura varia em função da cultura antecessora.

  16. Interaction of radon progeny with atmospheric aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morawska, Lidia


    The radiological health hazard due to the airborne radon progeny depends on three factors (i) radon concentration in the air, (ii) radon progeny concentration, and (iii) active particle size distribution. Conclusions as to the health hazard cannot be drawn without full understanding of the interaction mechanisms between radon progeny and atmospheric aerosols. The aim of this work was to study the interaction mechanisms between radon progeny, natural environmental aerosols and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The experiments were performed under controlled laboratory conditions of radon concentration (1.85 and 3.70 Bq m -3 ), relative humidity (35, 50, 75 and 95%) and ETS generation. The size distribution of radioactivity carrying aerosols was measured using a wire screen diffusion battery system and size distribution of all airborne aerosols using a differential mobility particle sizer. The paper presents and discusses the results of activity size distribution and radon progeny concentration measurements for different environmental conditions. 7 refs., 2 tabs

  17. Respuesta del trigo a la fertilización nitrogenada y nitroazufrada en suelos arenosos Wheat response to nitrogen and nitrogen with sulfur fertilization in sandy soils

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    Mirian Barraco


    Full Text Available Abundantes estudios desarrollados en suelos con texturas gruesas muestran incrementos significativos en la producción de trigo al incrementarse la oferta de nitrógeno (N del suelo y en algunos casos respuestas positivas al agregado de azufre (S. No obstante, la relación entre respuestas a ambos nutrientes y las condiciones de respuesta a la fertilización azufrada no son consistentes. El objetivo de este trabajo fue cuantificar la respuesta de cultivos de trigo a la fertilización con N y con NS y su relación con algunas propiedades edáficas en suelos arenosos. El estudio se desarrolló en 34 sitios de producción de trigo bajo prácticas de labranza cero en la región de la pampa arenosa (Argentina. Se evaluaron 3 tratamientos de nutrición: i control (sin fertilizar, ii 140 kg de N ha-¹ [N suelo (0-40 cm + N fertilizante], iii 140 kg de N ha-¹ [N suelo (0- 40 cm + N fertilizante] + 12 kg de S ha-¹. En todos los sitios se observó respuesta significativa al agregado de N con un incremento promedio de 949 kg ha-¹ con respecto al tratamiento control. Para S, si bien la respuesta media fue de 232 kg ha-¹, sólo en el 38% de los casos (13 sitios se observaron aumentos de rendimiento por la adición de dicho nutriente, relacionándose positivamente con la respuesta a la fertilización con N. Esta respuesta fue independiente de los contenidos de materia orgánica (MO (p = 0,61, de S-S0(4 ²- (p = 0,29, de N-N0(3 - (p = 0,47 disponibles al momento de la siembra o de arena de los suelos (p = 0,90. No obstante, la respuesta disminuyó en la medida que se incrementaron los rendimientos máximos. Se concluye que en sitios deficitarios en N, la respuesta al agregado de S es de mayor magnitud y frecuencia en condiciones de productividad limitada.Numerous studies conducted on coarse-textured soils show, significant and positive wheat yield responses when soil nitrogen (N availability is increased, and occasional positive yield responses to sulfur

  18. Bronchial dosimeter for radon progeny

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cheung, T.K.; Yu, K.N.; Nikezic, D.; Haque, A.K.M.M. [City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China); Vucic, D. [Faculty of Technology, University of Nis, Lescovac (Yugoslavia)


    Traditionally, assessments of the bronchial dose from radon progeny were carried out by measuring the unattached fraction (f{sub p}) of potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC), the total PAEC, activity median diameters (AMDs) and equilibrium factor, and then using dosimetric lung models. A breakthrough was proposed by Hopke et al. (1990) to use multiple metal wire screens to mimic the deposition properties of radon progeny in the nasal (N) and tracheobronchial (T-B) regions directly. In particular, they were successful in using four layers of 400-mesh wire screens with a face velocity of 12 cm s{sup -1} for the simulation of radon progeny deposition in the T-B region. Oberstedt and Vanmarcke (1995) carried out precise calibrations for the system, and named the system as the 'bronchial dosimeter'. Based on these, Yu and Guan (1998) proposed a portable bronchial dosimeter similar to a normal measurement system for radon progeny or PAEC and consisted of only a single sampler and employed only one 400-mesh wire screen and one filter. However, all these 'bronchial dosimeters' in fact only determined the fraction of potential alpha energy from radon progeny deposited in the T-B region, which required certain assumptions and calculations to further give the final bronchial dose. In the present work, a true 'bronchial dosimeter' was designed, which consisted of three 400-mesh wire screens and a filter. With a face velocity of 11 cm s{sup -1}, the deposition pattern on the wire screens was found to satisfactorily match the variation of the dose conversion factor (in the unit of mSv/WLM) with the size of radon progeny from 1 to 1000 nm. In this way, this bronchial dosimeter directly gave the bronchial dose from the alpha counts recorded on the wire-screens and the filter paper. With the development of this bronchial dosimeter, the present practice of 'dose estimation' from large-scale radon surveys can be replaced by large

  19. Radon progeny distribution in cylindrical diffusion chambers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pressyanov, Dobromir S.


    An algorithm to model the diffusion of radioactive decay chain atoms is presented. Exact mathematical solutions in cylindrical geometry are given. They are used to obtain expressions for the concentrations of 222 Rn progeny atoms in the volume and deposited on the wall surface in cylindrical diffusion chambers. The dependence of volume fractions of 222 Rn progeny and chamber sensitivity on the coefficient of diffusion of 222 Rn progeny atoms in air is modeled.

  20. Presencia de Fusarium graminearum en muestras de trigo destinado al consumo humano

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    Mauro Martinez

    Full Text Available La fusariosis es una de las enfermedades más importantes de los cereales, Fusarium graminearum es su principal agente etiológico. Este hongo posee la capacidad de producir distintos tipos y niveles de toxinas, en especial deoxinivalenol (DON. En la campaña 2012-2013 se dieron condiciones ambientales predisponentes para el desarrollo de esta enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la presencia del hongo y el contenido de DON en 50 muestras de trigo. Los resultados demostraron la presencia de Fusarium graminearum en el 80 % de las muestras analizadas. El 24 % de las muestras presentó valores de DON ≥ 1μg/g, el 26 % varió entre 0,5 y 0,99μg/g, mientras que el 50 % restante mostró valores inferiores a 0,5μg/g. Se observó correlación entre la presencia de Fusarium graminearum y de DON. Es necesario establecer valores límites de DON en granos de trigo destinados al consumo humano.

  1. Estimación de la Huella de Carbono del proceso de panificación en la cadena agroindustrial del trigo

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    Full Text Available Las cadenas alimentarias son responsables, en todo el mundo, de una gran parte de las emisiones totalesde gases de efecto invernadero. La Huella de Carbono (HC representa un indicador que pretende cuantificarla cantidad total de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero -expresada en equivalentes de dióxido de carbono-causadas directa o indirectamente por una actividad o las acumuladas durante la vida o etapas de un producto. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estimar la HC del proceso de panificación incluyendo las etapas de producción primaria, molienda, panificación, consumo y los transportes del trigo y de la harina y, además,comparar la HC del pan producido en Argentina con respecto al producido en Brasil y China, en función de las matrices energéticas de cada país.

  2. Efeito da substituição da farinha de trigo no desenvolvimento de biscoitos sem glúten

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    Tamires dos Santos VIEIRA


    Full Text Available Resumo O glúten pode determinar a qualidade da farinha de trigo, conferindo às massas características como elasticidade e capacidade de absorver água, o que torna a elaboração de produtos de panificação isentos de glúten um desafio. Desse modo, o presente estudo buscou avaliar as características físico-químicas e sensoriais de biscoitos elaborados com ingredientes sucedâneos ao trigo, como fécula de mandioca, farinha de soja, de quinoa e de amaranto. Para a caracterização física foram determinados: peso, diâmetro, espessura, fator de expansão e volume específico. Quanto à composição química foram determinados: umidade, cinzas, proteínas, lipídios, fibras alimentares, carboidratos totais, energia, além de pH e acidez. A aceitabilidade foi determinada por meio de uma escala hedônica de nove pontos. As formulações contendo farinhas sucedâneas ao trigo apresentaram bom rendimento, maior teor de cinzas, de proteínas, de lipídios e de fibras alimentares. Também, essas apresentaram percentuais de aceitabilidade superiores a 70%, exceto para a avaliação do sabor da amostra com maior teor de soja (40 g/100g. Conclui-se que as formulações contendo farinhas sucedâneas ao trigo podem ser consideradas promissoras, disponibilizando alternativas alimentares àqueles que almejam produtos com valor nutricional superior e posicionamento único no mercado, visto que os produtos disponíveis muitas vezes possuem baixo valor nutritivo ao serem elaborados com farinhas amiláceas.

  3. Development of an integrated sampler based on direct 222Rn/220Rn progeny sensors in flow-mode for estimating unattached/attached progeny concentration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mishra, Rosaline; Sapra, B.K.; Mayya, Y.S.


    A flow-mode integrated sampler consisting of a wire-mesh and filter-paper array along with passive solid state nuclear track detectors has been developed for estimating unattached and attached fraction of 222 Rn/ 220 Rn progeny concentration. The essential element of this sampler is the direct 222 Rn/ 220 Rn progeny sensor (DRPS/DTPS), which is an absorber-mounted-LR115 type nuclear track detector that selectively registers the alpha particles emitted from the progeny deposited on its surface. During sampling at a specified flow-rate, the unattached progeny is captured on the wire-mesh; while the attached progeny gets transmitted and is captured on the filter-paper. The alpha particles emitted by the deposited progeny atoms are registered on the sensors placed at a specified distance facing the wire-mesh and the filter-paper, respectively. The various steps involved in the development of this flow-mode direct progeny sampler such as the optimization of the sampling rate and the distance between the sensor and the deposition substrate are discussed. The sensitivity factor of the DTPS-loaded sampler for 220 Rn progeny deposited on the wire-mesh and filter-paper is found to be 23.77 ± 0.64 (track cm -2 h -1 ) (Bq m -3 ) -1 and 22.30 ± 0.18 (track cm -2 h -1 ) (Bq m -3 ) -1 , respectively; while that of DRPS-loaded sampler for 222 Rn progeny deposition, is 3.03 ± 0.14 (track cm -2 h -1 ) (Bq m -3 ) -1 and 2.08 ± 0.07 (track cm -2 h -1 ) (Bq m -3 ) -1 , respectively. The highlight of this flow-mode sampler is its high sensitivity and that it utilizes the passive technique for estimating the unattached and attached progeny concentration, thus doing away with the alpha counting procedures.

  4. Precisão experimental de ensaios de trigo em regiões homogêneas de adaptação

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    Giovani Benin


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a adequação de estatísticas de precisão experimental em conjuntos de ensaios de competição de genótipos de trigo (Triticum aestivum, realizados em regiões homogêneas de adaptação. As estatísticas herdabilidade, coeficiente de determinação, valor do teste F para genótipo, índice de diferenciação de Fasoulas, acurácia seletiva e coeficiente de repetibilidade foram calculadas a partir de resultados de produtividade de grãos de trigo de 572 ensaios de competição com 25 genótipos, em quatro regiões homogêneas de adaptação, nas safras de 2007 a 2011. Foram estimadas as correlações lineares entre as estatísticas e realizada a análise de trilha. As estatísticas foram agrupadas pelo método hierárquico de Ward. As médias das estatísticas de cada região de adaptação foram comparadas pelo teste t "bootstrap". As estatísticas acurácia seletiva, coeficiente de determinação, coeficiente de herdabilidade e coeficiente de repetibilidade apresentam relação algébrica e são adequadas para avaliar a precisão experimental de ensaios de competição de trigo em diferentes regiões de adaptação. As regiões utilizadas para avaliação do valor de cultivo e uso do trigo diferem quanto à acurácia seletiva e ao coeficiente de repetibilidade.


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    Paulo Sérgio Lima e Silva


    Full Text Available Foliar nutrient contents are evaluated in several fruit trees with many objectives. Leaf analysis constitutes a way of evaluating the nutritional requirements of crops. Due to the positive impact that fertilizers have on crop yields, researchers frequently try to evaluate the correlations between yield and foliar nutrient contents. This work's objective was to present fruit yields from the 4th to the 6th cropping seasons, evaluate foliar nutrient contents (on the 5th cropping season, and estimate the correlations between these two groups of traits for 20 half-sibling custard apple tree progenies. The progenies were evaluated in a random block design with five replicates and four plants per plot. One hundred leaves were collected from the middle third of the canopy (in height of each of four plants in each plot. The leaves were collected haphazardly, i.e., in a random manner, but without using a drawing mechanism. In the analysis of variance, the nutrient concentrations in the leaves from plants of each plot were represented by the average of four plants in the plot. Fruit yield in the various progenies did not depend on cropping season; progeny A4 was the most productive. No Spearman correlation was found between leaf nutrient concentrations and fruit yield. Increased nutrient concentrations in the leaves were progeny-dependent, i.e., with regard to Na (progenies FE5 and JG1, Ca (progeny A4, Mg (progeny SM7, N (progeny A3, P (progeny M, and K contents (progeny JG3. Spearman's correlation was negative between Na-Mg, Na-Ca, and Mg-P contents, and positive between Mg-Ca and N-K contents.

  6. The study of thoron and radon progeny concentrations in dwellings in Japan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, Q.; Shimo, M.; Ikebe, Y.


    Ths paper aims to make a comparison of different concentrations of thoron ( 220 Rn) progeny and radon ( 222 Rn) progeny in different kinds of dwellings. The potential alpha energy concentrations and the effective dose equivalent caused by thoron and radon progeny, respectively, have also been estimated. The measurements were carried out in 23 dwellings. The results indicate that thoron progeny concentrations indoors might be strongly affected by the type of building material used. Traditional Japanese buildings made with mud may have high thoron progeny concentrations of about 3.52 Bq.m -3 and a concentration ratio of thoron progeny to radon progeny of about 0.5, whereas in concrete dwellings thoron progeny concentrations are about 0.72 Bq.m -3 and the concentration ratio of thoron progeny to radon progeny is about 0.1. The annual effective dose equivalent of thoron progeny is 1.23 mSv in mud dwellings and 0.25 mSv in concrete dwellings. (author)


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    O objetivo no trabalho foi verifi car a viabilidade quanto às características nutricionais, tecnológicas e sensoriais da substituição parcial de farinha de trigo por farinha de aveia ou farinha de arroz parboilizado em biscoitos tipo “cookie”. Foram elaboradas formulações de biscoitos com 100% farinha de trigo e com substituição de farinha de trigo em 25, 50 e 75% por farinha de aveia e por farinha de arroz parboilizado. Os biscoitos foram avaliados através de parâmetros químicos, físicos, cor, textura e atributos sensoriais. A adição de farinha de aveia aos biscoitos proporcionou maior maciez, leve escurecimento e sensorialmente não apresentou diferença signifi cativa em comparação com o biscoito elaborado com 100% farinha de trigo. Nutricionalmente os biscoitos com farinha de arroz parboilizado apresentaram maior teor de amido resistente e menor teor de lipídios do que os formulados com 100% farinha de trigo. Tecnologicamente, os produtos tornaram-se mais macios, e sensorialmente os biscoitos com até 75% de farinha de arroz parboilizado não diferiram significativamente quando comparados ao biscoito elaborado com 100% farinha de trigo.

  8. Desarrollo de un producto de panadería con harina de quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) / Bakery product development with quinoa flour (Chenopodium quinoa Willd)


    García García, Diana Paola


    Para este trabajo, se obtuvo harina de quinua de la variedad Nariño como materia prima en grano (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), para esto se adecuó la materia prima extrayendo las saponinas del grano y posterior secado con aire caliente. Se probó su uso en panificación utilizando mezclas de harina de quinua con harina de trigo, para conocer y aprovechar las ventajas a nivel nutricional de este grano tan poco conocido y comercializado, que puede ser fuente de proteína de calidad, utilizándose en p...

  9. Cultivares de trigo duplo propósito submetidos ao manejo nitrogenado e a regimes de corte

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    M Hastenpflug


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se a produção e a qualidade da forragem em cultivares de trigo duplo propósito submetidos a doses de nitrogênio e a regimes de corte. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de quatro cultivares de trigo duplo propósito - BRS Figueira, BRS Umbu, BRS Guatambu e BRS Tarumã -, cinco doses de nitrogênio - 0, 45, 90, 135 e 180kg ha-1 - e três manejos de corte - sem corte, um e dois cortes. As variáveis avaliadas foram: produção de forragem, relação de folhas, proteína bruta, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica e nutrientes digestíveis totais. A adubação nitrogenada apresentou comportamento linear crescente sobre a produção de massa e proteína da forragem e não houve efeito sobre as demais variáveis. A produção de forragem aumentou no segundo corte e sua qualidade decresceu. Os resultados quantitativos e qualitativos da forragem foram distintos entre os cultivares. Os cultivares de trigo duplo propósito de ciclo mais longo apresentaram maior qualidade forrageira e menor produção de forragem.

  10. A realidade da cadeia do trigo no Brasil: o elo produtores/cooperativas

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    Argemiro Luís Brum


    Full Text Available O presente artigo tem como objeto a cadeia produtiva do trigo no Brasil e destaca a realidade econômica de seus principais elos, com ênfase nos elos da produção agrícola e industrial do cereal. Salienta-se que o artigo traz a atualidade do setor no Brasil, a partir da análise dos resultados de pesquisa de campo realizada com produtores rurais, cooperativas e moinhos de trigo. O estudo da cadeia tritícola brasileira, com seus problemas, oferece uma luz para melhor compreensão das condições que o país possui para não só responder às dúvidas expostas, mas, sobretudo, apontar o caminho seguido pela produção de trigo no Brasil nesse início de século XXI. A triticultura nacional está ameaçada e dificilmente alcançará a auto-suficiência, pois os produtores brasileiros não possuem vantagens comparativas e competitivas suficientes, particularmente em relação aos produtores argentinos. A comercialização do trigo também enfrenta dificuldades, tanto na questão de preços do produto, quanto na qualidade exigida pelos moinhos. A retirada da intervenção estatal na produção nacional de trigo, em 1990/91, que a deixou ao sabor do mercado, alterou completamente o quadro de competitividade dos produtores e da própria cadeia produtiva. Uma das principais conclusões é de que a cadeia tritícola brasileira não funciona a contento, a eficiência da produção nacional está em xeque e seu futuro, comprometido.The present article is about the wheat productive chain in Brazil and focuses on the economic reality of its main connecting links, with emphasis on the links between agricultural and industrial production. Let it be accentuated that the article brings present time accounts of the sector in Brazil, from the result analysis of field research among agricultural producers, producer co-operatives and wheat mills. The study of the Brazilian wheat culture chain, with its problems, offers a broader view to understand the e country

  11. Dosimetry of inhaled radon and thoron progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    James, A.C.


    This chapter reviews recent developments in modeling doses received by lung tissues, with particular emphasis on application of ICRP's new dosimetric model of the respiratory tract for extrapolating to other environments the established risks from exposure to radon progeny in underground mines. Factors discussed include: (1) the influence of physical characteristics of radon progeny aerosols on dose per unit exposure, e.g., the unattached fraction, and the activity-size distributions of clustered and attached progeny; (2) the dependence of dose on breathing rate, and on the exposed subject (man, woman or child); (3) the variability of dose per unit exposure in a home when exposure is expressed in terms of potential α energy or radon gas concentration; (4) the comparative dosimetry of thoron progeny; and (5) the effects of air-cleaning on lung dose. Also discussed is the apparent discrepancy between lung cancer risk estimates derived purely from dosimetry and the lung cancer incidence observed in the epidemiological studies of radon-exposed underground miners. Application of ICRP's recommended risk factors appears to overestimate radon lung-cancer risk for miners by a factor of three. ''Normalization'' of the calculated effective dose is therefore needed, at least for α dose from radon and thoron progeny, in order to obtain a realistic estimate of lung cancer risk

  12. Incidencia de las diferencias entre cultivares de trigo en la cantidad de fósforo exportada en los granos Incidence of the differences in the amount of P exported between wheat cultivars


    L. Lázaro; P.E. Abbate; V.T. Manfreda


    El fósforo (P) es uno de los macronutrientes menos disponible en el suelo. Se predijo para los próximos años un incremento en el uso de fertilizantes fosforados debido al crecimiento de la demanda de alimentos. Una de las prácticas que puede contribuir a un uso más sustentable de los fertilizantes fosforados es la selección de cultivares con baja concentración de P en los granos. Para saber si existen diferencias en la concentración de P en los cultivares de trigo utilizados actualmente en la...

  13. Aplicación de electroforesis capilar para la caracterización de gliadinas de trigos argentinos Use of capillary electrophoresis for characterization of Argentinean wheat gliadins

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    A. Colombo


    Full Text Available Las gliadinas son proteínas del trigo que desempeñan un papel central en la formación del gluten, ya que son las responsables de la viscosidad de la red. Pese a su importancia han sido menos estudiadas que las gluteninas, debido a que sus inusuales propiedades de solubilidad e hidrofobicidad dificultan su caracterización. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron estudiar el perfil proteico de las gliadinas de cultivares de trigos argentinos mediante electroforesis capilar, y evaluar la capacidad de esta técnica para discriminar entre los diferentes cultivares. Para ello se trabajó con 12 cultivares de trigo de las diferentes categorías de calidad asignadas por el INTA, a los que se caracterizó en cuanto a su composición y calidad tecnológica y se les extrajo las gliadinas para estudiarlas por electroforesis capilar. Los resultados obtenidos confirman el potencial de esta técnica para lograr separaciones de gliadinas, con la ventaja de requerir poca preparación y poca cantidad de la muestra analizada y sencillos protocolos de limpieza y mantenimiento de capilar, permitiendo el análisis de gran cantidad de muestras. Asimismo, se demostró la capacidad de la electroforesis capilar para discriminar diferentes cultivares sobre la base de su perfil de gliadinas, lo que permite la diferenciación de genotipos.Gliadins are a group of wheat proteins that play a major role in gluten development since they account for net viscosity. Despite this fact, gliadins have not been studied as deeply as glutenins because of their unusual solubility properties and their high hydrophobicity. The objectives of this work were to study the gliadin profile of Argentinean wheats comprising a broad quality range by means of capillary electrophoresis and to assess the suitability of this technique for wheat cultivar discrimination. For this purpose, chemical compositions of twelve wheat cultivars belonging to different quality groups were determined. Besides, flour

  14. Integrating measurements of indoor thoron and its progeny concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhuo, W.H.; Iida, T.; Hashiguchi, Y.


    In recent years, indoor surveys in Europe and Asia revealed that the dose contribution from thoron and its progeny can equal or even exceed that of radon and its progeny. For measuring thoron and its progeny, several methods had been reported. However, convenient, low-cost and time-integrating measuring methods which are suitable for large-scale surveys are still unavailable. To solve this problem, three integrating measuring methods with allyl diglycol carbonate plastic (CR-39) as detectors have recently been. The results indicated that they are suitable for estimating the indoor thoron and its progeny concentrations when the public exposure to thoron and its progeny is taken into account. Cup monitor - Former types of passive integrating 222 Rn and 220 Rn cup monitors had been reported. Recently, in order to improve the sensitivity of thoron detection, the air exchange rate between the inner and outer cup was enhanced, and the radius of the hemisphere was reduced to 37.5 mm. Furthermore, the procedure of detector exchange was made to be more convenient. Equilibrium-equivalent 222 Rn and 220 Rn concentrations monitor (EEC monitor) - The measuring system is composed of a monitor head and a diaphragm pump. The total weight of the system is less than 1.5 kg, which makes it portable. The construction of the monitor head and the measuring principle were also reported by the authors. Thoron progeny deposition rate monitor - The monitor is simply constituted a piece of CR-39 covered with thin sheets of absorbers. The thickness of the absorbers are adjusted to let only the α particles emitted from 212 Pb impinge on the detector. The concentrations of thoron progeny are estimated from the deposition rates, assuming that the deposition velocities of thoron progeny are constant in general dwellings. The improved cup monitor has higher sensitivity than former monitors, with a calibration factor of 1.59x10 -3 tracks·cm -2 (Bq·m -3 ·h) -1 for thoron. The accuracy of the ECC

  15. Attachment of radon progeny to cigarette-smoke aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Biermann, A.H.; Sawyer, S.R.


    The daughter products of radon gas are now recognized as a significant contributor to radiation exposure to the general public. It is also suspected that a synergistic effect exists with the combination cigarette smoking and radon exposure. We have conducted an experimental investigation to determine the physical nature of radon progeny interactions with cigarette smoke aerosols. The size distributions of the aerosols are characterized and attachment rates of radon progeny to cigarette-smoke aerosols are determined. Both the mainstream and sidestream portions of the smoke aerosol are investigated. Unattached radon progeny are very mobile and, in the presence of aerosols, readily attach to the particle surfaces. In this study, an aerosol chamber is used to contain the radon gas, progeny and aerosol mixture while allowing the attachment process to occur. The rate of attachment is dependent on the size distribution, or diffusion coefficient, of the radon progeny as well as the aerosol size distribution. The size distribution of the radon daughter products is monitored using a graded-screen diffusion battery. The diffusion battery also enables separation of the unattached radon progeny from those attached to the aerosol particles. Analysis of the radon decay products is accomplished using alpha spectrometry. The aerosols of interest are size fractionated with the aid of a differential mobility analyzer and cascade impactor. The measured attachment rates of progeny to the cigarette smoke are compared to those found in similar experiments using an ambient aerosol. The lowest attachment coefficients observed, ∼10 -6 cm 3 /s, occurred for the ambient aerosol. The sidestream and mainstream smoke aerosols exhibited higher attachment rates in that order. The results compared favorably with theories describing the coagulation process of aerosols

  16. ARTICLE - Inbreeding depression in castor bean (Ricinus communis L. progenies

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    Milton Krieger


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to investigate inbreeding depression (DE in castor bean. From a population derived from the Guarani cultivar, 60 mother plants were sampled. Three types of progenies were obtained from each one: from self-pollination (AU, from crosses (CR and from open pollination (PL. Grain yield of the progenies was evaluated in two locations. There was a strong interaction of progenies x locations, which led to obtaining estimates within each location. Broad variation was observed in inbreeding depression, with mean values of 6.7% and 13.4%, comparing AU progenies with PL progenies. It was observed that the population has high potential for selecting promising inbred lines. The frequency of mother plants generating progenies with simultaneous high general combination capacity and low inbreeding depression was low. Recurrent selection will increase the occurrence of parent plants associating these two properties, which is necessary for obtaining superior synthetic varieties.

  17. Controle químico de azevém (Lolium multiflorum L. na cultura do trigo Chemical control of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L. in wheat

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    N.G. Fleck


    Full Text Available Em trabalho experimental a campo realizado em 1977 na região da Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, avaliaram-se tratamentos herbicidas destinados a controlar seletivamente azevém (Lolium multiflorium L. e trigo (linhagem E-7414; bem como também se objetivou estabelecer os níveis de competição recíproca entre ambas as gramíneas. Foram comparados no experimento os herbicidas cianazina, clorobromuron, clorotoluron, diclofop, diuron, metoxuron e terbutrina com os tratamentos testemunhas: trigo sem azevém, trigo com azevém e azevém sem trigo. Todos os herbicidas foram aplicados em pós-emergência, quando o trigo se apresentava no estádio de 3-4 folhas, e o azevém se encontrava no estádio e 1-3 folhas. Verificou-se que a infestação de azevém quando não foi controlada de nenhum modo, ocasionou uma redução média de 52% no rendimento de grãos de trigo. Por outro lado, constatou-se que a população de trigo, ao exercer competição sobre as plantas de azevém, causou uma diminuição da ordem de 42% em sua matéria seca. Observou-se que todos os herbicidas demonstraram fitotoxicidade, havendo causado desde danos leves até muito severos às plantas de trigo, dependendo do produto utilizado; e, que os rendimentos de grãos obtidos dos tratamentos herbicidas foram inferiores ao da testemunha livre de azevém. No entanto, todos os compostos químicos testados apresentaram significativa atividade de pós-emergência, demonstrando potencial de controle ao azevém. Tanto a obtenção da matéria seca do azevém, como a avaliação visual do seu controle demonstraram ser métodos apropriados para medir o efeito herbicida. Dentre os herbicidas avaliados, o diclofop foi o tratamento que propiciou controle mais eficiente ao azevém, menor grau de fitotoxicidade e mais elevado rendimento de trigo; de um modo geral, seguiu-se-lhes nestas características o clorotoluron. Os herbicidas clorobromuron e metoxuron, embora demonstrassem

  18. Progeny testing: proceedings of servicewide genetics workshop (United States)

    Dick Miller


    The primary objective of this workshop was to discuss in detail the state- of-the-art of progeny testing. All aspects, from setting objectives through data collection and analysis, was be covered. We all know progeny testing is a highly technical phase of our tree improvement programs. Each task is critical and must be performed accurately and within a prescribed time...

  19. Efeito de práticas culturais sobre o rendimento e outras características agronômicas de trigo Effect of cultural practices on yield andagronomic characteristics of wheat

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    Henrique Pereira dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de práticas culturais sobre o rendimento de grãos e algumas características agronômicas de plantas de trigo. Foram comparados quatro sistemas de manejo de solo, a saber: 1 plantio direto; 2 cultivo mínimo; 3 preparo convencional de solo com arado de discos mais grade de discos e 4 preparo convencional de solo com arado de aivecas mais grade de discos, e três sistemas de rotação de culturas: sistema I (trigo/soja, sistema II (trigo/soja e ervilhaca/milho ou sorgo e sistema III (trigo/soja, aveia branca/soja e ervilhaca/milho ou sorgo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas e três repetições. A parcela principal foi constituída pelos sistemas de manejo de solo, e as subparcelas, pelos sistemas de rotação de culturas. O rendimento de grãos e a altura de plantas de trigo cultivadas sob plantio direto e sob cultivo mínimo foram superiores ao trigo cultivado sob preparo convencional de solo com arado de discos e arado de aivecas. A maior massa de mil grãos de trigo ocorreu no plantio direto. A rotação de culturas foi eficiente na redução de doenças do sistema radicular, resultando em aumento do rendimento de grãos de trigo. O menor rendimento de grãos, massa de grãos, massa de mil grãos e peso do hectolitro ocorreu quando trigo foi cultivado em monocultura (trigo/soja.The effects of soil management systems and winter crop rotation on wheat yield and root diseases were assessed. Four soil management systems: 1 no-tillage; 2 minimum tillage;3 conventional tillage using a disk plow plus disk harrow and 4 conventional tillage using a moldboard plow plus disk harrow, and three crop rotation systems [system I (wheat/soybean, system II (wheat/soybean and common vetch/corn or sorghum, and system III (wheat/soybean, white oats/soybean, and common vetch/corn or sorghum] were compared. A randomized block experimental design, whereas split-plots and

  20. Resíduo de Curtumes como Fonte de Nitrogênio para Trigo e Arroz em Sucessão

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    Lívia Cristina Coelho


    Full Text Available RESUMO O processo de estabilização necessário para o curtimento das peles, na indústria coureira, gera grande quantidade de resíduo sólido colagênico com elevado potencial poluidor. Esse resíduo contém elevado teor de nitrogênio, o que confere ao resíduo potencial para uso agrícola. Para avaliar a viabilidade da aplicação de rejeito da indústria do couro, como fonte nitrogenada para as culturas do trigo e arroz de sequeiro, foi implantado um experimento em casa de vegetação com cinco doses de N provenientes do colágeno (0, 225, 450, 675 e 900 mg kg-1 e três tratamentos adicionais (controle, ureia e ureia reposta no segundo cultivo. A aplicação de até 675 mg kg-1 de N via colágeno propiciou produção de matéria seca de plantas de trigo similar à aplicação de N mineral e maior massa de grãos de trigo em todas as doses estudadas (14 a 41 % superiores à aplicação de N mineral. Como fonte residual, a aplicação do colágeno proporcionou níveis de N no solo suficientes para obter massa de grãos de arroz nas doses mais elevadas (acima de 675 mg kg-1de N via colágeno, sem que os teores de Cr foliares sejam considerados tóxicos. O colágeno pode ser boa alternativa para a implantação da cultura do arroz após a colheita de trigo, sem prejuízos de produtividade e necessidade de reposição de fertilizantes nitrogenados, se aplicado na dose 675 mg kg-1 de N fornecido via colágeno.

  1. Deposition Pattern of Inhaled Thoron Progeny Size Distribution in Human Lung

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, A.


    One of the important factors controlling the distribution of radiation dose to the different portions of the human respiratory tract is the deposition pattern of thoron progeny containing aerosol. Based on the activity size distribution parameters of thoron progeny, which were measured in El-Minia University, the deposition behavior of thoron progeny (attached and unattached) has been studied by using a stochastic deposition model. The measurements were performed with a wire screen diffusion battery and a low pressure cascade impactor (type Berner). The bronchial deposition efficiencies of particles in the size range of attached thoron progeny were found to be lower than those of unattached progeny. The effect of thoron progeny deposition by adult male has been also studied for various levels of physical exertion. An increase in the breathing rate was found to decrease the efficiencies with which inhaled progeny were deposited in the bronchi. As the ventilation rate increases from 0.54 to 1.5 m3 h-1, the average deposition efficiencies of airway generation 1 through 8 are expected to decrease by 22 % for 1.4 nm particles and by 38 % for 150 nm particles

  2. Control of indoor radon and radon progeny concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sextro, R.G.


    There are three general categories of techniques for the control of radon and radon progeny concentrations in indoor air - restriction of radon entry, reduction of indoor radon concentrations by ventilation or air cleaning, and removal of airborne radon progeny. The predominant radon entry process in most residences appears to be pressure driven flow of soil gas through cracks or other openings in the basement, slab, or subfloor. Sealing these openings or ventilation of the subslab or subfloor space are methods of reducing radon entry rates. Indoor radon concentrations may be reduced by increased ventilation. The use of charcoal filters for removal of radon gas in the indoor air by adsorption has also been proposed. Concentrations of radon progeny, which are responsible for most of the health risks associated with radon exposures, can be controlled by use of electrostatic or mechanical filtration. Air circulation can also reduce radon progeny concentrations in certain cases. This paper reviews the application and limitations of each of these control measures and discusses recent experimental results

  3. Genetic parameters and estimated genetic gains in young rubber tree progenies

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    Cecília Khusala Verardi


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to assess the genetic parameters and to estimate genetic gains in young rubber tree progenies. The experiments were carried out during three years, in a randomized block design, with six replicates and ten plants per plot, in three representative Hevea crop regions of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Twenty-two progenies were evaluated, from three to five years old, for rubber yield and annual girth growth. Genetic gain was estimated with the multi-effect index (MEI. Selection by progenies means provided greater estimated genetic gain than selection based on individuals, since heritability values of progeny means were greater than the ones of individual heritability, for both evaluated variables, in all the assessment years. The selection of the three best progenies for rubber yield provided a selection gain of 1.28 g per plant. The genetic gains estimated with MEI using data from early assessments (from 3 to 5-year-old were generally high for annual girth growth and rubber yield. The high genetic gains for annual girth growth in the first year of assessment indicate that progenies can be selected at the beginning of the breeding program. Population effective size was consistent with the three progenies selected, showing that they were not related and that the population genetic variability is ensured. Early selection with the genetic gains estimated by MEI can be made on rubber tree progenies.

  4. Concentration ratio of radon progeny in air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kobayashi, Tsuneo


    Investigations have been made on the concentration ratio of radon progeny in air. Data have been acquired intermittently since 1988 using alpha spectroscopic method around the author's office that is located in the northeastern part of Japan. Clarifying the behavior of radon progeny is an issue of wide importance to radiation protection, predicting earthquakes, etc. Let Rabc=ECRn(RaA)/{ECRn(RaB) + ECRn(RaC)}; the concentration ratio, Rabc, is relevant to the stability of the air. Statistical and time series analyses indicated several interesting results. To examine the log-normal distribution, Lilliefors test was made for logarithm of outdoor data every one year. Rabc passed the test 6 times for 9 years, while Radon progeny passed 8 times. Outdoor data indicated that the value of Rabc was lower in the morning, in other world, the air was more stable in the morning than in the afternoon. To see the seasonal variation, one-way layout analysis was made for four groups of data, i.e., spring (March to May), summer (June to August), autumn (September to November), and winter (December to February). Rabc indicated significantly higher level in spring and winter, in other word, air was stable in summer and autumn. Time series analysis was made for various variables; power spectra were estimated with autoregressive model that is equivalent to maximum entropy method. Power spectrum for Rabc was most similar to that of wind speed. One-year period, that is always remarkable for radon progeny, was not significant for Rabc. Three- to nine-day periods were often seen for Rabc, radon progeny, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure. These several-day periods are probably attributed to the passage of air masses. Twenty-day to thirty-day peak may be attributed to meteorological phenomena corresponding to the rotation period of the sun. Temperature indicated no significant periodicity except overwhelming one-year period. Wind speed is well known to affect the radon progeny concentration

  5. Feeding dried distillers grains with solubles to lactating beef cows: impact of excess protein and fat on post-weaning progeny growth, glucose tolerance and carcass traits. (United States)

    Shee, C N; Lemenager, R P; Schoonmaker, J P


    Feeding dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), a feed high in fat and protein, to lactating beef cows can alter milk production and composition, resulting in improved pre-weaning growth of progeny. This alteration in milk profile may consequently alter the growth and carcass composition of the offspring after weaning. Therefore, Angus×Simmental steers (n=48) whose dams were fed one of two diets supplemented with either DDGS or soybean meal (CON) from calving to mid-lactation were placed in a feedlot to determine the effects of maternal nutrition during lactation on progeny development and carcass composition. Cow-calf pairs were allotted to two treatments at birth based on cow and calf BW, breed and age. Maternal diets were isocaloric (3.97 MJ/kg NEg) and consisted of rye hay supplemented with DDGS at 1% of BW (19.4% CP; 8.76% fat) or rye hay and corn silage supplemented with CON (11.7% CP; 2.06% fat). After conclusion of the treatments at 129 days postpartum, cow-calf pairs were comingled and managed as one group until weaning at 219 days postpartum. Steers were then transitioned to a common diet composed of 60% DDGS, 34% corn silage and 6% vitamin/mineral supplement and were placed indoors in individual pens with slatted floors. An intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) was performed 134 days after feedlot entry on 16 steers (CON, n=7; DDGS, n=9) to determine the effect of maternal diet on glucose and insulin sensitivity. Steers were slaughtered at a target BW of 645 kg. Categorical and continuous data were analyzed using the GLIMMIX and MIXED procedures of SAS, respectively. Steers from DDGS dams tended to be heavier on day 85 of feedlot finishing (P=0.09) compared with steers from CON dams. However, there were no differences in final weight, average daily gain, dry matter intake or efficiency (gain:feed, P⩾0.18). Maternal treatments did not affect progeny days on feed (P=0.15), despite a mean difference of 9 days in favor of DDGS. Glucose and

  6. Control of respirable particles and radon progeny with portable air cleaners

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Offermann, F.J.; Sextro, R.G.; Fisk, W.J.; Nazaroff, W.W.; Nero, A.V.; Revzan, K.L.; Yater, J.


    Eleven portable air cleaning devices have been evaluated for control of indoor concentrations of respirable particles and radon progeny. Following injection of cigarette smoke and radon in a room-size chamber, decay rates for particles and radon progeny concentrations were measured with and without air cleaner operation. Particle concentrations were obtained for total number concentration and for number concentration by particle size. In tests with no air cleaner the natural decay rate for cigarette smoke was observed to be 0.2 hr -1 . Air cleaning rates for particles were found to be negligible for several small panel-filters, a residential ion-generator, and a pair of mixing fans. The electrostatic precipitators and extended surface filters tested had significant particle removal rates, and a HEPA-type filter was the most efficient air cleaner. The evaluation of radon progeny control produced similar results; the air cleaners which were effective in removing particles were also effective in removing radon progeny. At low particle concentrations plateout of the unattached radon progeny is an important removal mechanism. Based on data from these tests, the plateout rate for unattached progeny was found to be 15 hr -1 . The unattached fraction and the overall removal rate due to deposition of attached and unattached nuclides have been estimated for each radon decay product as a function of particle concentration. While air cleaning can be effective in reducing total radon progeny, concentrations of unattached radon progeny can increase with increasing air cleaning. 39 references, 26 figures, 9 tables

  7. Comparison of different methods for thoron progeny measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bi Lei; Zhu Li; Shang Bing; Cui Hongxing; Zhang Qingzhao


    Four popular methods for thoron progeny measurement were discussed, including the aspects of detector,principle, precondition, calculation advantages and disadvantages. Comparison experiments were made in mine and houses with high background in Yunnan Province. Since indoor thoron progeny changes with time obviously and with no rule, α track method is recommended in the area of radiation protection for environmental detection and assessment. (authors)

  8. An overview of thoron and its progeny in the indoor environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McLaughlin, J.


    An account is given of the behaviour of thoron and its progeny in the indoor environment. Emphasis is placed on the spatial distribution of these radionuclides in room air and on their interactions with indoor aerosols. How these aspects of thoron and progeny behaviour give rise to special problems for measuring them and assessing their radiological impact are described. Descriptions and comparisons are given of a range of thoron and progeny measurement techniques both passive and active. Recent progress in thoron dosimetry is described as well as compared with radon dosimetry. The results of some indoor thoron and progeny surveys carried out in different countries in recent years are given. As an example of this a summary account is presented of a recently concluded survey of thoron and its airborne progeny in over 200 houses in Ireland. (authors)

  9. Trigo: avaliação tecnológica de novas linhagens Technological evaluation of new lines of wheat

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    Celina Raquel de Oliveira Camargo


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a qualidade tecnológica das linhagens de trigo IAC-22, IAC-31, IAC-37, IAC-41, IAC-46, IAC-57 e IAC-60, obtidas pelo programa de melhoramento do Instituto Agronômico, tomando como controle uma amostra de trigo norte-americano e amostras dos cultivares Alondra-S-46 e IAC-18, comerciais no Estado de São Paulo. Os maiores teores de proteína foram encontrados no 'IAC-22' e nas linhagens IAC-37 e IAC-41, superiores àqueles das farinhas de trigo importado, Alondra-S-46 e IAC-18. Todas as farinhas de trigo apresentaram viscosidade máxima superior a 1.000 unidades amilográficas, indicando a ausência da enzima alfa-amilase. As farinhas de trigo importado e das linhagens IAC-31, IAC-41 e IAC-57 apresentaram características farinográficas típicas de farinha de força média a forte e IAC-18 e IAC-60, de farinha média a fraca. Os extensigramas mostraram que as linhagens IAC-41, IAC-31, IAC-57 e IAC-46 apresentaram glúten com características viscoelásticas adequadas para a produção de pão. Pelo teste de panificação, concluiu-se que as linhagens IAC-31 e IAC-41 produziram pão de qualidade "muito boa", semelhante à da farinha de trigo importado; IAC-57, IAC-37 e IAC-60, pão de qualidade "boa" e similar à do 'Alondra-S-46'; as linhagens IAC-46 e IAC-22 tiveram o pior comportamento em relação à qualidade de pão, "regular", semelhante à do 'IAC-18'.The new wheat lines IAC-22, IAC-31, IAC-37, IAC-41, IAC-46, IAC-57 and IAC-60, obtained from the Wheat Breeding Program of the Instituto Agronômico of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, were submitted to technological tests to evaluate the flour quality. Samples of wheat from the United States and of the wheat cultivars Alondra-S-46 and IAC-18 were used as controls. The wheat flours were submitted to chemical tests to determine the protein, lipid, ash, fiber and carbohidrate composition and to rheologic tests using a farinograph, an extensigraph and a viscoamilograph. The final

  10. Evaluación de la capacidad productiva de Pleurotus ostreatus utilizando hoja de plátano deshidratada (Musa paradisiaca L., en relación con otros sustratos agrícolas

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    Omar Romero


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la producción de la cepa CP-50 de P. ostreatus en residuos de hoja de plátano deshidratada en contraste con otros sustratos agrícolas de desecho del Municipio de Tetela de Ocampo-Puebla. Las hojas de plátano (M. paradisiaca fueron colectadas en la zona de Martínez de la Torre, Veracruz- México y los demás sustratos agrícolas como paja de trigo (T. aestivum, paja de cebada (H. vulgare, pajilla de frijol (P. vulgaris y rastrojo de maíz (Z. mays se adquirieron en la región de Tetela de Ocampo, Puebla, México, para la obtención de fructificaciones en condiciones rurales. La cepa CP-50 demostró un adecuado crecimiento de aéreas miceliales sobre la hoja de plátano deshidratada con una tasa de producción de 1,5±0,1%. La mayor eficiencia biológica (EB se obtuvo en el sustrato paja de trigo, con 129,34±9,1%, la hoja de plátano deshidratada con 123,30±0,7%, y la pajilla de frijol obtuvo la EB más baja de 82,91±0,4%. Los resultados demostraron la factibilidad de cultivar la cepa CP-50 de Pleurotus ostreatus bajo condiciones rústicas en la sierra norte del estado de Puebla, al aprovechar los residuos de la cosecha de plátano de las regiones aledañas del municipio.

  11. Genetic Progress in Winter Wheat Cultivars released in Chile from 1920 to 2000 Progreso Genético en Cultivares de Trigo de Invierno Liberados en Chile desde 1920 a 2000

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    Iván Matus


    Full Text Available Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. is the major crop in terms of planted area and presents the largest distribution in the country covering a wide range of climatic regions. This study assesses the changes of various agronomic traits of winter wheat cultivars released in Chile between 1920 and 2000. A total of 117 winter accessions, representing 45 old and 72 modern cultivars were tested in a humid Mediterranean-type climate, with irrigation, in 2003. Old cultivars were those released before 1960 and modern ones were those released after 1960. Principal component (PC analysis using 10 agronomic traits clearly separate modern from old cultivars of winter wheat. Comparing modern cultivars with old ones, plant height have been reduced by 25.6%, but others traits have increased, like harvest index (21.1%, number of grains per ear (42.6%, sedimentation value (103%, and grain hardness (32.0%. The variation in plant height was negatively correlated with harvest index (r = -0.30, p El trigo (Triticum aestivum L. es el cultivo más importante en Chile en términos de superficie sembrada y áreas geográficas en las cuales se siembra, cubriendo una gran diversidad de condiciones climáticas. Este estudio evaluó los cambios de varias características agronómicas de variedades de trigo de invierno liberadas en el país entre 1920 y 2000. Un total de 117 genotipos de trigos de invierno, que representa 45 cultivares antiguos y 72 cultivares modernos, se evaluaron en un clima húmedo de tipo mediterráneo, en condiciones de riego, en el año 2003. Los cultivares antiguos corresponden a aquellos liberados antes del año 1960 y los modernos a los liberados después del año 1960. Mediante un análisis de componentes principales (CP usando 10 características agronómicas, permitió separar claramente los cultivares modernos de los antiguos. Al comparar los cultivares modernos con los antiguos se determinó que la altura de la planta se ha reducido un 25,6%, pero en

  12. Multi-parametric approach towards the assessment of radon and thoron progeny exposures

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mishra, Rosaline, E-mail:, E-mail:; Sapra, B. K. [Radiological Physics and Advisory Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085 (India); Mayya, Y. S. [Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai (India)


    Conventionally, the dosimetry is carried out using radon and thoron gas concentration measurements and doses have been assigned using assumed equilibrium factors for the progeny species, which is inadequate pertaining to the variations in equilibrium factors and possibly due to significant thoron. In fact, since the true exposures depend upon the intricate mechanisms of progeny deposition in the lung, therefore an integrated approach for the assessment of progeny is essential. In this context, the recently developed deposition based progeny concentration measurement techniques (DTPS: Direct Thoron progeny sensors and DRPS: Direct Radon progeny sensors) appear to be best suited for radiological risk assessments both among occupational workers and general study populations. DTPS and DRPS consist of aluminized mylar mounted LR115 type passive detectors, which essentially detects the alpha particles emitted from the deposited progeny atoms on the detector surface. It gives direct measure of progeny activity concentrations in air. DTPS has a lower limit of detection limit of 0.1 Bq/m{sup 3} whereas that for DRPS is 1 Bq/m{sup 3}, hence are perfectly suitable for indoor environments. These DTPS and DRPS can be capped with 200-mesh type wire-screen to measure the coarse fraction of the progeny concentration and the corresponding coarse fraction deposition velocities as well as the time integrated fine fraction. DTPS and DRPS can also be lodged in an integrated sampler wherein the wire-mesh and filter-paper are arranged in an array in flow-mode, to measure the fine and coarse fraction concentration separately and simultaneously. The details are further discussed in the paper.

  13. Factors affecting daughters distribution among progeny testing Holstein bulls

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    Martino Cassandro


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate factors influencing the number of daughters of Holstein bulls during the progeny testing using data provided by the Italian Holstein Friesian Cattle Breeders Association. The hypothesis is that there are no differences among artificial insemination studs (AIS on the daughters distribution among progeny testing bulls. For each bull and beginning from 21 months of age, the distribution of daughters over the progeny testing period was calculated. Data were available on 1973 bulls born between 1986 and 2004, progeny tested in Italy and with at least 4 paternal half-sibs. On average, bulls exited the genetic centre at 11.3±1.1 months and reached their first official genetic proof at 58.0±3.1 months of age. An analysis of variance was performed on the cumulative frequency of daughters at 24, 36, 48, and 60 months. The generalized linear model included the fixed effects of year of birth of the bull (18 levels, artificial insemination stud (4 levels and sire of bull (137 levels. All effects significantly affected the variability of studied traits. Artificial insemination stud was the most important source of variation, followed by year of birth and sire of bull. Significant differences among AI studs exist, probably reflecting different strategies adopted during progeny testing.

  14. Efecto del uso de diferentes aditivos de panificación en la calidad de panes elaborados con harinas compuestas a base de harina de trigo y germen desgrasado de maíz


    Granito,Marisela; Guerra,Marisa


    Dado el alto consumo de productos alimenticios a base de trigo (HT) importado y la producción industrial de subproductos del procesamiento del maíz (HGDM), ricos en fibra dietética, proteínas y minerales, en Venezuela se ha estudado la factibilidad técnica de sustituir parcialmente HT por HGDM en la elaboración de productos horneados como galletas y panes. Por otra parte, considerando las restricciones existentes en el uso del bromato de potasio (BP) como aditivo de panificación y que el ácid...

  15. Optimizing the number of progenies and replications in plant breeding experiments

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    João Luís da Silva Filho


    Full Text Available A determination criterion was proposed for the number of replications, r, and of evaluated progenies, Nr, given P experimentalplots, with Nr=P/r, and n progenies to be selected; its application was discussed in the selection of progenies of bulk populations,derived from two homozygous parents. For a known heritability at the plot level, h20, there is a critical n below which the gain isgreater with selection evaluating P/(r+1 progenies in r+1 than P/r progenies in r replications. Different h20 scenarios were simulatedin the F2 and F∞ generations, assuming no dominance. It was demonstrated that at any h20 , if n > 18.5% of P, larger gains are obtainedby assuming Nr = P, showing that the augmented block design could be used in the early stages of breeding programs. The higher h20,the higher must be the selection intensity to justify the use of additional replications.

  16. Cytogenetic changes in the liver of progeny of irradiated male rats

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kropacova, K.; Slovinska, L.; Misurova, E. [P.J. Safarik Univ., Kosice (Slovakia)


    The transgenerational transmission of radiation damage of rat genom was studied on the basis of cytogenetic changes in somatic cells (hepatocytes). It was found, that the irradiation of rat males with dose of 3 Gy of gamma radiation caused latent cytogenetic damage to the liver, which was expressed during the course of an induced proliferation of hepatocytes (by partial hepatectomy) by lower proliferative activity and a high frequency of chromosomal aberrations. In the progeny of irradiated males (in the F{sub 1} generation), the radiation damage to DNA was manifested by similar changes, i.e. by lower proliferation activity and increase in ''spontaneous'' chromosomal aberration occurrence in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. Irradiating the progeny of irradiated males (the total radiation load of the progeny being 3 Gy+3 Gy) caused slighter changes in compared with irradiating the progeny of non-irradiated control males (the total radiation load of the progeny being 0 Gy+3 Gy), which suggests some kind of adaptive response, which was also found in other experimental systems and parameters. An analogous course of RNA and DNA quantitative changes in the liver of the F{sub 0} and F{sub 1} generations of rats confirms the partial transmission of radiation damage of genom to the progeny. (author)

  17. Distribution characteristics of radon and its progeny in blind roadway with forced ventilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Yongjun; Zhou Xinghuo; Li Xiangyang; Zhong Yongming; Liu Dong; Ding Dexin


    The blind roadway is not only the important workplaces, but also is important site of radon and its progeny generating and gathering, it is an important guiding significance for ventilation protection design to study distribution characteristics of radon and its progeny in blind roadway. Therefore, at first, the paper expounded the mathematical relationship between radon activity concentration with alpha potential concentration of radon progeny. Then, analyzed the sources of radon and its progeny, and established mathematical calculation model of Distribution characteristics of radon and its progeny in blind roadway with forced ventilation, respectively. Finally, using mathematical calculation models to analyze the influence law of multiple factors. (authors)

  18. The German thoron progeny chamber-Concept and application

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Roettger, Annette; Honig, Anja; Arnold, Dirk


    Following completion of the project 'Generation and characterisation of reference atmospheres of thoron decay products for the calibration of measuring devices for thoron decay products', the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) now operates a thoron progeny chamber in which 220 Rn (thoron), 222 Rn and its progenies can be made available under almost all ambient conditions. This allows all measuring systems to be calibrated under realistic climatic conditions with an accuracy unique worldwide.

  19. Study on radon and thoron progeny levels in Gudalore in South India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Selvasekarapandian, S.; Sivakumar, R.; Mugunthamanikandan, N.; Meenakshisundaram, V.; Santhanam, R.


    One of the important route of radiation exposure to man is through inhalation of air containing radioisotopes. A major contribution to inhalation dose comes from radon, thoron and its progenies. The indoor radon and thoron progeny levels are determined by two count method. In this method the radon and thoron progenies are collected on a glass fiber filter paper using volume air sampler (Staplex) and counted for alpha activity in ZnS (Ag) alpha counting system. It is observed that thoron working level is higher than the radon working level in all houses except few houses with stone walls and mosaic floor. Behavior of indoor radon and thoron working levels for different seasons at different houses are determined and discussed in detail. Radon and thoron working levels are measured high in winter, autumn, and low in summer and rainy seasons. Among all seasons highest value is measured in winter and low in summer and rainy seasons. Radon progeny working level varies from 1.659 to 6.675 mWL, whereas thoron progeny working level varies from 1.670 to 12.671 mWL. The geometric mean values of radon and thoron progeny concentration in the present study are 2.836 and 4.133 mWL. The high thoron progeny level observed in this is attributed to the high thorium content observed in soils of this area. (author)

  20. Measurements of thoron and radon progeny concentrations in Beijing, China

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Lei; Liu Cuihong; Guo Qiuju


    It has been reported that thoron levels in China are above the world average and may therefore make a significant contribution to the natural background radiation dose. We therefore conducted a pilot study of concentrations of both thoron and radon progeny during the spring of 2006 in the Beijing area, China. A new type of portable 24 h integrating monitor with a CR-39 detector was used during the survey. Seventy dwellings and eight outdoor sites were measured during the survey. For country houses built of red bricks and slurry, the average equilibrium equivalent concentrations (EEC) of thoron and radon were 1.02 ± 0.48 and 16.41 ± 9.02 Bq m -3 , respectively, whereas for city dwellings built of cement blocks and floor slabs, the results were 0.48 ± 0.47 and 11.50 ± 6.99 Bq m -3 for thoron and radon, respectively. For outdoor air, concentrations of thoron and radon progeny were 0.29 ± 0.28 and 7.05 ± 2.68 Bq m -3 , respectively. Radiation exposures from thoron and radon progeny were also evaluated; the ratio of dose contribution from thoron progeny to that of radon progeny was evaluated to be 28% and 17% in country houses and city dwellings, respectively. (note)

  1. Alergias e intolerâncias alimentares : leite e trigo alimentos complexos?


    Branquinho, Vanessa Sofia Ferreira


    Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade de Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra As alergias e intolerâncias alimentares têm vindo a afetar cada vez mais um elevado número de pessoas. O trigo e o leite são alimentos que figuram na alimentação diária de grande parte da população, sendo também os alimentos mais associados às alergias e intolerâncias alimentares. O leite poderá desencadear reações a...

  2. Evaluation of indoor aerosol control devices and their effects on radon progeny concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sextro, R.G.; Offermann, F.J.; Nazaroff, W.W.; Nero, A.V.; Revzan, K.L.; Yater, J.


    Eleven portable air cleaning devices have been evaluated for control of indoor concentrations of respirable particles, and their concomitant effects on radon progeny concentrations have been investigated. Of the devices we examined the electrostatic precipitators and extended surface filters had significant particle removal rates, while the particle removal rates for several small panel-filters, an ion-generator, and a pair of mixing fans were found to be negligible. The evaluation of radon progeny control produced similar results; the air cleaners which were effective in removing particles were also effective in reducing radon progeny concentrations. Furthermore, at the low particle concentrations, plateout of the unattached radon progeny was found to be a significant removal mechanism. The overall removal rates due to deposition of attached and unattached progeny have been estimated from these data, and the equilibrium factors for total and unattached progeny concentrations have been calculated as a function of particle concentration. 7 references, 2 figures

  3. Evaluation of indoor aerosol control devices and their effects on radon progeny concentrations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sextro, R.G.; Offerman, F.J.; Nazaroff, W.W.; Nero, A.V.; Revzan, K.; Yater, J.


    Eleven portable air cleaing devices have been evaluated for control of indoor concentrations of respirable particles, and their concomitant effects on radon progeny concentrations have been investigated. Of the devices we examined the electrostatic precipitators and extended surface filters had significant particle removal rates, while the particle removal rates for several small panel-filters, an ion-generator, and a pair of mixing fans were found to be negligible. The evaluation of radon progeny control produced similar results; the air cleaners which were effective in removing particles were also effective in reducing radon progeny concentrations. Futhermore, at the low particle concentrations, plateout of the unattached radon progeny was found to be a significant removal mechanism. The overall removal rates due to deposition of attached and unattached progeny have been estimated from these data, and the equilibrium factors for total and unattached progeny concentrations have been calculated as a function of particle concentration. (Author)

  4. Resíduos de deltametrina em grãos de trigo e em seus produtos processados, determinados por cromatografia gasosa

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    Trevizan Luiz Roberto Pimentel


    Full Text Available O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a degradação/persistência do inseticida piretróide deltametrina em grãos de trigo e em seus produtos processados, a saber: farelo, farinha branca, farinha integral e pão. Os grãos foram tratados de modo a alcançar a concentração teórica de 0,35 mg kg-1 do piretróide. As amostras foram tomadas a zero, 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias após a aplicação. Houve tendência de concentração do piretróide no farelo de trigo e um menor acúmulo nas farinhas, sendo que após o processo de cozimento do pão observou-se perda do inseticida.

  5. Radon and thoron progeny measurements using a portable radon sniffer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Efendi, Z.; Jennings, P.


    A flexible version of the two-count method has been developed for use in rapid, inexpensive measurements of radon and thoron progeny working levels in residential and industrial premises in the Perth Metropolitan Area. The Method is adapted for use with a simple radon sniffer based on a low speed pump and an alpha counter. The flexibility of the method derives from the software, where some freedom is permitted in the selection of sampling times and post sampling analysis of the filters. This method has been tested on a variety of radioactive materials and it gives consistent, reliable results over a wide range of working levels. The results of a survey of Rn(222) and Rn(220) progeny levels in dwellings within the Perth Metropolitan Area are reported. This study shows that the mean concentration of indoor Rn(222) progeny was 4.7 mWL (17.4 Bq m -3 EEC) up to 23.3 mWL (86.4 Bq m -3 EEC). The mean thoron progeny concentration was 8.2 mWL (2.25 Bq m -3 EEC) with a range from 1 mWL (0.27 Bq m -3 EEC) to 64.5 mWL (17.74 Bq m -3 EEC). Using conversion factors of 0.061 mSv Bq -1 m -3 for Rn(222) progeny and 0.29 mSv Bq -1 m -3 for Rn(220) progeny respectively (UNSCEAR, 1982), it is estimated the average annual effective dose equivalent is 1.1 mSv for Rn(2220 and 0.6 mSv for Rn(220) respectively. 22 refs., 4 tabs., 1 fig

  6. As estratégias das indústrias de farinha de trigo e de massas alimentícias do Rio Grande do Sul

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    Pascoal José Marion Filho


    Full Text Available A pesquisa identifica as estratégias praticadas nas indústrias de farinha de trigo e de massas alimentícias do Rio Grande do Sul no ano de 2007. É uma pesquisa exploratória baseada nas estratégias competitivas de Porter (1980 e de Mintzberg (1988, que utiliza na análise dados de questionários respondidos pelas empresas. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que entre as estratégias de Porter, destacam-se a de custos mais baixos, na indústria de farinha de trigo, e a diferenciação, na indústria de massas. Entre as tipologias de Mintzberg, a qualidade do produto é considerada pelos gestores como sendo o grande diferencial competitivo nas duas indústrias.

  7. Phytochemical profile of morphologically selected yerba-mate progenies

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    Alice Teresa Valduga


    Full Text Available ABSTRACT Yerba-mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil is a native South American species. Plant progenies are populations that differ in terms of their productivity, morphology and phytochemical profile. This study aimed to determine the concentration of primary and secondary metabolites, such as antioxidants, in leaves, of yerba-mate progenies selected based on morphological characteristics. We evaluated the centesimal composition of secondary metabolites in the leaves of five yerba-mate plants. Methylxanthines and phenolic compounds were determined by UPLC-PDA, and antioxidant activity by measuring DPPH scavenging. Significant differences were found in centesimal composition and the contents of caffeine, theobromine, rutin and chlorogenic acid, as well as antioxidant activities, in selected progenies. The IC50 values were correlated with the chlorogenic acid levels (r2 = 0.5242 and soluble content (r2 = 0.7686. The morphological characteristics observed in yerba-mate leaves can be used as a tool for plant selection, to obtain matrices with different phytochemical profiles as a genetic material source.

  8. Field investigation of surface-deposited radon progeny as a possible predictor of the airborne radon progeny dose rate. (United States)

    Sun, Kainan; Steck, Daniel J; Field, R William


    The quantitative relationships between radon gas concentration, the surface-deposited activities of various radon progeny, the airborne radon progeny dose rate, and various residential environmental factors were investigated through actual field measurements in 38 selected Iowa houses occupied by either smokers or nonsmokers. Airborne dose rate was calculated from unattached and attached potential alpha energy concentrations (PAECs) using two dosimetric models with different activity-size weighting factors. These models are labeled Pdose and Jdose, respectively. Surface-deposited 218Po and 214Po were found significantly correlated to radon, unattached PAEC, and both airborne dose rates (p fireplace, or usage of a ceiling fan significantly, or marginally significantly, reduced the Pdose to 0.65 (90% CI 0.42-0.996), 0.54 (90% CI 0.28-1.02), and 0.66 (90% CI 0.45-0.96), respectively. For Jdose, only the usage of a ceiling fan significantly reduced the dose rate to 0.57 (90% CI 0.39-0.85). In smoking environments, deposited 218Po was a significant negative predictor for Pdose (RR 0.68, 90% CI 0.55-0.84) after adjusting for long-term 222Rn and environmental factors. A significant decrease of 0.72 (90% CI 0.64-0.83) in the mean Pdose was noted, after adjusting for the radon and radon progeny effects and other environmental factors, for every 10 additional cigarettes smoked in the room. A significant increase of 1.71 in the mean Pdose was found for large room size relative to small room size (90% CI 1.08-2.79) after adjusting for the radon and radon progeny effects as well as other environmental factors. Fireplace usage was found to significantly increase the mean Pdose to 1.71 (90% CI 1.20-2.45) after adjusting for other factors.

  9. Evaluation of indoor aerosol control devices and their effects on radon progeny concentrations. Revision

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sextro, R.G.; Offermann, F.J.; Nazaroff, W.W.; Nero, A.V.; Revzan, K.L.; Yater, J.


    Eleven portable air cleaning devices have been evaluated for control of indoor concentrations of respirable particles, and their concomitant effects on radon progeny concentrations have been investigated. The experiments were conducted in a room-size chamber using cigarette smoke and radon injection from an external source. Of the devices examined the electrostatic precipitators and extended surface filters had significant particle removal rates, while the particle removal rates for several small panel-filters, an ion-generator, and a pair of mixing fans were found to be essentially negligible. The evaluation of radon progeny control produced similar results; the air cleaners which were effective in removing particles were also effective in reducing radon progeny concentrations. At the low particle concentrations, deposition of the unattached radon progeny on room surfaces was found to be a significant removal mechanism. Deposition rates of attached and unattached progeny have been estimated from these data, and were used to calculate the equilibrium factors for total and unattached progeny concentrations as a function of particle concentration. While particle removal reduces total airborne radon progeny concentrations, the relative alpha decay dose to the lungs appears to change very little as the particle concentration decreases due to the greater radiological importance of unattached progeny

  10. All eggs are not equal: the maternal environment affects progeny reproduction and developmental fate in Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    Simon C Harvey

    Full Text Available Maternal effects on progeny traits are common and these can profoundly alter progeny life history. Maternal effects can be adaptive, representing attempts to appropriately match offspring phenotype to the expected environment and are often mediated via trade-offs between progeny number and quality. Here we have investigated the effect of maternal food availability on progeny life history in the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.The maternal environment affects both reproductive traits and progeny development. Comparisons of the progeny of worms from high and low maternal food environments indicates that low maternal food availability reduces progeny reproduction in good environments, increases progeny reproduction in poor environments and decreases the likelihood that progeny will develop as dauer larvae. These analyses also indicate that the effects on progeny are not a simple consequence of changes in maternal body size, but are associated with an increase in the size of eggs produced by worms at low maternal food availabilities.These results indicate that the maternal environment affects both progeny reproduction and development in C. elegans and therefore that all progeny are not equal. The observed effects are consistent with changes to egg provisioning, which are beneficial in harsh environments, and of changes to progeny development, which are beneficial in harsh environments and detrimental in benign environments. These changes in progeny life history suggest that mothers in poor quality environments may be producing larger eggs that are better suited to poor conditions.

  11. Modelos reológicos aplicados a masas de trigo y maíz


    Rodriguez Sandoval, Eduardo; Fernández Quintero, Alejandro; Ayala Aponte, Alfredo


    Los modelos reológicos de un alimento procesado permiten simular la respuesta del material a un esfuerzo o deformación aplicada, al igual que predecir el comportamiento del material de acuerdo a su composición y su forma de preparación. Su aplicación se puede llevar a cabo cuando se tienen datos experimentales expresados en unidades fundamentales. Este artículo describe dos modelos reológicos empleados en el estudio de masas de trigo y maíz, el modelo extensional biaxial y el modelo dinámico ...

  12. Modelos reológicos aplicados a masas de trigo y maíz


    Rodríguez Sandoval, Eduardo; Fernández Quintero, Alejandro; Ayala Aponte, Alfredo


    Los modelos reológicos de un alimento procesado permiten simular la respuesta del material a un esfuerzo o deformación aplicada, al igual que predecir el comportamiento del material de acuerdo a su composición y su forma de preparación. Su aplicación se puede llevar a cabo cuando se tienen datos experimentales expresados en unidades fundamentales. Este artIculo describe dos modelos reológicos empleados en el estudio de masas de trigo y maIz, el modelo extensional biaxial y el modelo dinámico...

  13. Genetic Diversity and Relationships of Neolamarckia cadamba (Roxb. Bosser progenies through cluster analysis

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    M. Preethi Shree


    Full Text Available Genetic diversity analysis was conducted for biometric attributes in 20 progenies of Neolamarckia cadamba. The application of D2 clustering technique in Neolamarckia cadamba genetic resources resolved the 20 progenies into five clusters. The maximum intra cluster distance was shown by the cluster II. The maximum inter cluster distance was recorded between cluster III and V which indicated the presence of wider genetic distance between Neolamarckia cadamba progenies. Among the growth attributes, volume (36.84 % contributed maximum towards genetic divergence followed by bole height, basal diameter, tree height, number of branches in Neolamarckia cadamba progenies.

  14. Efeito do período de maturação de grãos nas propriedades físicas e reológicas de trigo


    Gutkoski,Luiz Carlos; Durigon,Angelise; Mazzutti,Simone; Silva,Amilton César Telo da; Elias,Moacir Cardoso


    O trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito do período de maturação de grãos nas propriedades físicas e reológicas da farinha de trigo, avaliado através das determinações de peso do hectolitro, peso de mil grãos, grau de extração, proteínas, cinzas, umidade, cor, número de queda, alveografia, farinografia e amido danificado. Amostras dos genótipos BRS 179, Rubi, Fundacep 30 e Fundacep 51, safra 2006/2007 foram armazenadas em sacos de papel Kraft com 10 kg de trigo, em ambiente com temperatura de 22...

  15. Effect of calving distribution on beef cattle progeny performance. (United States)

    Funston, R N; Musgrave, J A; Meyer, T L; Larson, D M


    Records collected between 1997 and 2010 were used to determine the effect of calving period on heifer (n = 1,019) and steer (n = 771) progeny from the Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory, Whitman, NE. Progeny were classified as being born in the first, second, or third 21-d period of the spring calving season within year. Heifer birth BW was lightest (P Birth to weaning ADG tended (P = 0.10) to be least for heifers born in the first calving period; however, weaning BW decreased (P = 0.03) with advancing calving period. Weaning to prebreeding ADG tended (P = 0.07) to be least for heifers born in the first period; however, prebreeding BW was greatest (P rates were lowest (P = 0.02) for heifers born in the third calving period (90, 86, and 78%, respectively). Birth date of the first calf of the heifer and birth BW decreased (P rates compared with heifers born in the third period. First calf progeny also had an earlier birth date and greater weaning BW. Steer calves born during the first 21 d of the calving season had greater weaning, final, and carcass weights; greater marbling scores; a greater percentage grading USDA modest or greater; and greater carcass value. Calving period of progeny significantly impacts performance.

  16. Radionuclide supply of the progeny via mother's milk

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ovcharenko, E.P.


    While examining transition of radioactive substances from material organism to milk and then radionuclide administration with milk to progeny, a number of relationships had been revealed. They are similar to those discovered by the author during his study on transplacental radionuclide kinetics. The quantity of transition through placental and milk barriers of group 2 Periodical system radionuclides is inversally proportional to radionuclide mass number. There is evidence for the increase of radionuclide transition per different kinds of animal progeny mass unit during pregnancy as well as during lactation [ru

  17. Measurements of indoor radon and radon progeny in Mexico City

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Y.S.; Rodriguez, G.P.


    Indoor radon has been a public concern associated with increased lung cancer risks. Radon decay products interact with indoor aerosols to form progeny with different size distributions, which may influence the lung dosimetry when the progeny are inhaled. Air pollution in Mexico City is a serious problems with high particulate concentrations, but there are few reports of indoor radon measurement. The purposes of this study were to measure the aerosol concentration, radon concentration, and radon activity size distribution in the living area of three houses in Mexico City. The radon concentration was monitored by a RGM-3 radon gas monitor (Eberline, Inc., Santa Fe, NM). A graded diffusion battery was used to determine the progeny concentration and activity size distribution. The concentration and size distribution of the indoor aerosols were monitored by a quartz, crystal microbalance cascade impactor. Our measurements showed high concentrations of indoor aerosols (20-180 gg m -3 ). However, the radon concentrations-were low ( -1 ), but showed a clear diurnal pattern with peak concentrations from 2-10 AM. The activity size distributions of radon progeny were trimodal, with peaks of 0.6 nm, 4-5 nm, and 100 rim. Most activities were associated with large particle sizes. Our results indicated that indoor radon concentration was not high, due in part to a relatively high air exchange with outdoor air. The high aerosol concentration may also play an important part in the activity size distribution of radon progeny

  18. Prediction of direct and indirect genetic gains and genotypic correlations in rubber tree progenies

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    Cecília Khusala Verardi


    Full Text Available The objective of this work was to estimate the genetic parameters, genotypic and phenotypic correlations, and direct and indirect genetic gains among and within rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis progenies. The experiment was set up at the Municipality of Jaú, SP, Brazil. A randomized complete block design was used, with 22 treatments (progenies, 6 replicates, and 10 plants per plot at a spacing of 3x3 m. Three‑year‑old progenies were assessed for girth, rubber yield, and bark thickness by direct and indirect gains and genotypic correlations. The number of latex vessel rings showed the best correlations, correlating positively and significantly with girth and bark thickness. Selection gains among progenies were greater than within progeny for all the variables analyzed. Total gains obtained were high, especially for girth increase and rubber yield, which were 93.38 and 105.95%, respectively. Young progeny selection can maximize the expected genetic gains, reducing the rubber tree selection cycle.

  19. Genetic Divergence in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Progenies in the Savanna Biome in Mato Grosso, Brazil.

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    Reginaldo Brito da Costa

    Full Text Available Assessing the parental genetic differences and their subsequent prediction of progeny performance is an important first step to assure the efficiency of any breeding program. In this study, we estimate the genetic divergence in Eucalyptus camaldulensis based on the morphological traits of 132 progenies grown in a savanna biome. Thus, a field experiment was performed using a randomized block design and five replications to compare divergences in total height, commercial height, diameter at breast height, stem form and survival rate at 48 months. Tocher's clustering method was performed using the Mahalanobis and Euclidian distances. The Mahalanobis distance seemed more reliable for the assessed parameters and clustered all of the progenies into fourteen major groups. The most similar progenies (86 accessions were clustered into Group I, while the most dissimilar (1 progeny represented Group XIV. The divergence analysis indicated that promising crosses could be made between progenies allocated in different groups for high genetic divergence and for favorable morphological traits.

  20. Plate-out rates of radon progeny and particles in a spherical chamber

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cheng, Y.S.; Chen, B.T.


    In indoor and mining environments, deposition or ''plate-out'' of radon progeny onto walls occurs simultaneously with attachment of the radon progeny to airborne particles. Attachment and plate-out processes affect the atmosphere in which radon exposures takes place by reducing concentrations and shifting activity size distributions. Both processes have important consequences in determining the deposition pattern and initial dose of inhaled radon progeny. Theoretical deposition models show that turbulence and natural convection in a room are the major factors that influence plate-out rates. Here we describe plate-out measurements for radon progeny and aerosol particles in a spherical chamber under controlled laboratory conditions. The temperature and velocity profiles in still and turbulent air were monitored. A 161-liter spherical aluminum chamber was used to study the mixing. During mixing, air velocity was detected when rotational speeds were higher than 500 rpm. Monodisperse silver aerosols and polystyrene latex particles in the size range of 5 nm to 2 μm were used in the deposition study. Radon-220 progeny were generated by passing Rn-220 gas into the chamber and letting the gas decay into 212 Pb. The deposition rates of the particles and radon progeny ( 212 Pb) in the chamber were determined by monitoring the concentration decay of the aerosol as a function of time

  1. Radon Progeny In Underground Phosphate Mines and Their Activity Distributions In Human Lung

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abd El-Hady, M.; Mohammed, A.; El-Hussein, A.; Ali, A.E.; Ahmed, A.A.


    In addition to workers in uranium mines, the staff of other underground mines, such as worker in underground phosphate mines, Can be exposed to 222 Rn and its progeny. In this study the individual radon progeny concentrations were measured in three Egyptian underground phosphate mines to estimate the occupational exposure to the workers in those sites. Active techniques are employed to fulfill the objective of measuring individual radon progeny concentrations (C RaA , C RaB and C RaC ). The mean reported values of radon progeny concentrations exceed the action levels recommended by ICRP 65 (1993). Based on the physical properties of attached radon progeny aerosol and physiological parameters for heavy work activity which recommended by ICRP 66 (1994). the deposition fraction for each airway generation was calculated. From the measured individual radon progeny concentrations in these mines and the calculated values of deposition fractions, the surface activity distribution per generation were calculated in human respiratory system (BB and regions). The maximum values of these activities were found in the upper bronchial airway generations. According to the obtained results, some of the corrective actions were recommended in this study

  2. Agresividad, producción de micotoxinas y diversidad en las poblaciones de Fusarium graminearum de la región triguera argentina


    Malbrán, Ismael


    La fusariosis de la espiga de trigo (FET)o golpe blanco, ocasionada por Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, es una enfermedad que afecta al cultivo de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. en todo el mundo, incluyendo la Argentina. La enfermedad ocasiona disminuciones del rendimiento, perjuicios sobre la calidad del trigo y la contaminación del grano con micotoxinas, que constituyen un riesgo para la salud y comprometen su utilización en la alimentación. Estos metabolitos, principalmente el deoxinivalenol (D...

  3. Perdas por erosão e rendimentos de soja e de trigo em diferentes sistemas de preparo de um latossolo roxo de Dourados (MS

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    L. C. Hernani


    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se as perdas de solo e de água por erosão, em um latossolo roxo muito argiloso, com 0,03 m m-1 de declividade, da área experimental da Embrapa-Centro de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Oeste, em Dourados (MS, entre junho de 1987 e maio de 1995. Os tratamentos, aplicados antes da semeadura de trigo e de soja, cultivados em sucessão, foram: (i escarificação + gradagem niveladora (ES, (ii gradagens pesada + niveladora (GP, (iii plantio direto (PD e (iv aração com arado de discos + duas gradagens niveladoras, sem cobertura vegetal (DE. O preparo de solo e a semeadura foram realizados no sentido do declive. O PD foi o tratamento mais eficiente, tanto no controle de perdas de solo e de água quanto em rendimentos de grãos de soja e de trigo. As perdas médias de solo e de água por erosão, relativas aos sistemas PD, ES, GP e DE, foram, respectivamente, de: 0,8; 2,8; 5,3 e 7,3 t ha-1 ano-1 e 27, 80, 112 e 149 mm ano-1. O PD, quando comparado ao DE, controlou 89% das perdas de solo e 82% das de água. O PD mostrou rendimentos médios de grãos, tanto de soja como de trigo, 17% superiores aos do GP. O ES apresentou rendimentos médios 5% superiores em soja e 12% superiores em trigo, quando comparados aos do GP. Este último, dos tratamentos cultivados, foi o menos eficaz, seja no controle à erosão, seja nos rendimentos de soja e trigo. O fator erosividade, R, foi estimado em 6.411 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 ano-1, e a erodibilidade, K, foi de 0,0045 t h MJ-1 mm-1. Entre junho/94 e maio/95, o período de maior intensidade de perdas por erosão por unidade de tempo foi do preparo de solo à semeadura da soja, e o de maiores perdas absolutas foi o de 30 a 60 dias após a semeadura dessa cultura. Isso demonstra a importância de adequada cobertura do solo, entre novembro e março, e reforça a recomendação do Sistema de Plantio Direto para a região de Dourados (MS.

  4. Field Investigation of the Surface-deposited Radon Progeny as a Possible Predictor of the Airborne Radon Progeny Dose Rate (United States)

    Sun, Kainan; Steck, Daniel J.; Field, R. William


    The quantitative relationships between radon gas concentration, the surface-deposited activities of various radon progeny, the airborne radon progeny dose rate, and various residential environmental factors were investigated through actual field measurements in 38 selected Iowa houses occupied by either smokers or nonsmokers. Airborne dose rate was calculated from unattached and attached potential alpha energy concentrations (PAECs) using two dosimetric models with different activity-size weighting factors. These models are labeled Pdose and Jdose, respectively. Surface-deposited 218Po and 214Po were found significantly correlated to radon, unattached PAEC, and both airborne dose rates (p fireplace, or usage of a ceiling fan significantly, or marginal significantly, reduced the Pdose to 0.65 (90% CI 0.42–0.996), 0.54 (90% CI 0.28–1.02) and 0.66 (90% CI 0.45–0.96), respectively. For Jdose, only the usage of a ceiling fan significantly reduced the dose rate to 0.57 (90% CI 0.39–0.85). In smoking environments, deposited 218Po was a significant negative predictor for Pdose (RR 0.68, 90% CI 0.55–0.84) after adjusting for long-term 222Rn and environmental factors. A significant decrease of 0.72 (90% CI 0.64–0.83) in the mean Pdose was noted, after adjusting for the radon and radon progeny effects and other environmental factors, for every 10 increasing cigarettes smoked in the room. A significant increase of 1.71 in the mean Pdose was found for large room size relative to small room size (90% CI 1.08–2.79) after adjusting for the radon and radon progeny effects as well as other environmental factors. Fireplace usage was found to significantly increase the mean Pdose to 1.71 (90% CI 1.20–2.45) after adjusting for other factors. PMID:19590273

  5. Microdosimetry of radon progeny: Application to risk assessment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fisher, D.R.; Hui, T.E.; James, A.C.; Bond, V.P.


    We developed methods for calculating radiation doses to individual cells and cell nuclei of human bronchial epithelium from radon and progeny for specified levels of exposure, breathing rates, equilibrium factors, unattached fraction of progeny, and other factors that are important in radon dosimetry. If we also know which cells are likely precursors for cancer, and we also know their locations in the respiratory tract, we then may calculate the statistical probability that these cells are irradiated by alpha particles, the number of single alpha-particle hits, and the spectrum of doses delivered as a probability density in specific energy

  6. Measurement of radon and thoron progenies in Coimbatore

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sivakumar, R.; Selvasekarapandian, S.; Mahendraprasad, M.; Meenakshisundaram, V.; Santhanam, R.; Raghunath, V.M.


    The radon and thoron daughter concentrations have been measured in different dwellings of Coimbatore city by grab sampling method and two count. It has been found that the radon daughter concentration varies from 0.5 to 10.5 mWL with mean value of 2.9 mWL and that of thoron progeny is from 0.7 to 16.3 mWL with mean value of 3.8 mWL. The average annual effective dose equivalent due to radon daughters is found to be 1.3 mSv and that of thoron progeny is 3.8 mSv. (author)

  7. Qualidade tecnológica de massas alimentícias frescas elaboradas de semolina de trigo durum (T. durum L. e farinha de trigo (T. aestivum L. Quality of fresh pastas obtained from blends of durum wheat semolina (T. durum L. and wheat flour (T. aestivum L.

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    Yoon Kil Chang


    Full Text Available Foram elaboradas massas alimentícias frescas utilizando as seguintes proporções de semolina de trigo durum e farinha de trigo comum: 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60; 20:80 e 0:100, respectivamente. As massas foram embaladas em sacos plásticos com propriedades de impermeabilidade a água, e armazenadas a 4ºC. No dia da preparação (dia 0 e nos dias 1, 2 e 3, foram avaliados o tempo de cozimento, aumento de volume, ganho de peso, perda de sólidos solúveis e textura (firmeza das massas. As massas preparadas com porcentagens acima de 60% de semolina de trigo durum apresentaram melhores características no tempo de cozimento, firmeza e intensidade da cor amarela. Os 3 dias de armazenamento não influenciaram de forma significativa (p Fresh pastas using the following proportions of durum wheat semolina and wheat flour: 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60; 20:80 and 0:100, respectively, were prepared. The pastas were stored at 4ºC in plastic bags with barrier properties to water steam. In the days 0 (preparation day, 1, 2 and 3, the cooking-time, volume increase, weight gain, cooking solids loss, and texture (firmness of fresh pastas were evaluated. The fresh pastas elaborated with at least 60% of durum wheat semolina, showed the best characteristics for cooking-time, firmness and intensity of yellow color. The three days of storage did not affect (p < 0.05 the quality characteristics of pastas.

  8. A radon progeny sampler for the determination of effective dose

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Solomon, S.B. [Australian Radiation Laboratory, Victoria (Australia)


    The design and simulated performance is described of a two-stage sampler (HE-Sampler) for {sup 222}Rn progeny. This HE-Sampler has a collection efficiency optimised to match the particle size dependency of the radon progeny dose conversion factor (DCF), derived from the latest Respiratory Tract Model of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, as implemented in the computer code RADEP. The He-Sampler comprises a wire screen pre-separator, matched to the nasal deposition, and a wire screen collector, matched to the respiratory tract collection. This HE-Sampler allows for the estimation of the radiation dose from the inhalation of {sup 222}Rn progeny, derived from two concurrent alpha particle activity measurements, one on the HE-Sampler screen collector and one on a reference filter sample. As a first approximation, the DCF is proportional to the collected fraction. The HE-Sampler response was simulated for a range of radon progeny size distributions to determine the error in the estimated DCF values. The simulation results show that the HE-Sampler is relatively insensitive to variations in sampling rate and in the screen parameters, particularly for environmental exposure. (Author).

  9. Avaliação das propriedades reológicas do trigo armazenado Rheological properties evaluation of stored wheat

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    Aparecido Nivaldo Módenes


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi realizada uma avaliação das propriedades reológicas de trigo armazenado no período de 5 meses, objetivando dar subsídios para que as aquisições ou o uso do trigo possam ser feitos na colheita ou se necessitam de um tempo de repouso, para evolução das propriedades reológicas. Foram realizadas análises com 4 variedades de trigo Coodetec CD 104, CD 112, CD 200133 e CD 200213. O intervalo entre as análises foi de 30 dias, iniciando na colheita até 150 dias de armazenamento. Foram analisados a Alveografia (força geral do glúten, tenacidade e extensibilidade da massa, o Teor de Glúten (Glúten úmido e seco e o Número de Queda. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, no período, não houve evolução na força do glúten e no número de queda. Pequenas variações que ocorreram nas outras análises, como tenacidade e extensibilidade, não são significativas do ponto de vista da indústria moageira. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos mostram que não existe a necessidade de retardar a aquisição e o uso do trigo na colheita em relação às propriedades reológicas, reduzindo desta forma o tempo e o custo de armazenamento.The objective of this work was to evaluate the rheological properties of 5 months of storage of wheat and investigate how the method of storage influences the use of wheat and its rheological properties. The assays were conducted with 4 variations of wheat: CoodeteC - CD 104, CD 112, CD 200133 and CD 200213. The time interval between the assays was 30 days and the storage time was up to 150 days after harvest. Alveogram parameters (general gluten force, tenacity, and extensibility of mass, the humid and dried gluten, and falling number were evaluated. The obtained results indicated that during the chosen storage period the gluten force and falling number did not change. The other assays showed small variations, for example on tenacity and extensibility, but this fact is not significant from the

  10. Tolerância de genótipos de trigo comum, trigo duro e triticale à toxicidade de alumínio em soluções nutritivas Tolerance of bread wheat, durum wheat and triticale genotypes to aluminum toxicity in nutrient solution

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    Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo


    Full Text Available Foi estudado o comportamento diferencial de 12 genótipos de trigo comum (Triticum aestivum L., um genótipo de trigo duro (Triticum durum L., e um de triticale (Triticosecale sp em soluções nutritivas de tratamento contendo duas concentrações salinas (1/5 e 1/10 da completa e seis concentrações de alumínio ( 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 e 10 mg L-1, à temperatura de 25 ± 1ºC e pH 4,0. Foram utilizadas dez plântulas por parcela e quatro repetições. A tolerância foi medida pela capacidade de as raízes primárias continuarem a crescer em solução sem alumínio, após permanecer 48 horas em solução nutritiva completa, contendo uma concentração conhecida de alumínio combinada com cada uma das concentrações salinas. Os genótipos de trigo comum IAC-289, IAC-350 e IAC-370 e a cultivar controle Anahuac, e os genótipos de trigo duro IAC-1003 e de triticale IAC-5 foram os mais sensíveis a níveis crescentes de Al3+nas soluções nutritivas de tratamento e, portanto, somente seriam indicados para cultivo em solos corrigidos. Os genótipos de trigo comum IAC-24 e IAC-378 e a cultivar controle BH-1146 destacaram-se pela tolerância à toxicidade de Al3+, com potencial para uso em solos ácidos e como fontes genéticas de tolerância nos futuros cruzamentos. Os sintomas de toxicidade de alumínio foram maiores com a elevação da concentração de alumínio e da diminuição das concentrações de sais da solução nutritiva para todos os genótipos estudados.Twelve bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., one durum wheat (Triticum durum L. and one triticale (Triticosecale sp genotypes were studied in nutrient solutions with a high salt concentration in experiment 1 and a weak salt concentration in experiment 2, for aluminum tolerance at six levels: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mg L-1, under temperature 25 ± 1ºC and pH 4,0. Four replications were used per experiment. Aluminum tolerance was evaluated by measuring root growth in an aluminum-free complete

  11. An intercomparison between gross α counting and gross β counting for grab-sampling determination of airborne radon progeny and thoron progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Papp, Z.


    The instantaneous values of the airborne activity concentrations of radon progeny and thoron progeny have been determined 34 times in a closed and windowless room in a cellar using two independent grab-sampling methods in order to compare the performance of the methods. The activity concentration of radon ( 222 Rn) was also measured and it varied between 200 and 650 Bq m -3 . Two samples of radon and thoron progeny were collected simultaneously from roughly the same air volume by filtering. For the first method, the isotopes were collected on membrane filter and gross α counting was applied over several successive time intervals. This method was a slightly improved version of the methods that are applied generally for this reason for decades. For the second method, the isotopes were collected on glass-fibre filter and gross β counts were registered over several time intervals. This other method was developed a few years ago and the above series of measurements was the first opportunity to make an intercomparison between it and another similar method based on α counting. Individual radon progeny and thoron progeny activity concentrations (for the isotopes 218 Po, 214 Pb, 214 Bi and 212 Pb) were evaluated by both methods. The detailed investigation of the results showed that the systematic deviation of the methods is small but significant and isotope-dependent. The weighted averages of the β/α activity concentration ratios for 218 Po, 214 Pb, 214 Bi, EEDC 222 (Equilibrium-Equivalent Decay-product Concentration of radon progeny) and 212 Pb were 0.99±0.03, 0.90±0.02, 1.03±0.02, 0.96±0.02 and 0.80±0.03, respectively. The source of the systematic deviation is probably the inaccurate knowledge of the counting efficiencies mainly in the case of the α-counting method. A significant random-type difference between the results obtained with the two methods has also been revealed. For example, the β/α ratio for EEDC 222 varied between 0.81±0.01 and 1.22±0

  12. Leukemias in the progeny of exposed parents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kosenko, M.M.; Gudkova, N.V.


    The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of leukemias among the progeny of exposed parents. The parents were exposed as a result of discharge of radioactive waste from the Mayak atomic plant into the Techa river in the Southern Urals. The doses per parents gonads, ranging from 0.035 to 1.27 Sv, were due to external exposure in 1950-1956 and to incorporation of Cs-137. Nine cases with leukemia and four with lympohoma were recorded in 13.500 antenatally exposed subjects and descendants of exposed parents over the period of 1950 to 1988. The leukemia morbidity index for the progeny of exposed parents was 2.51, which virtually not statistically differ from that in control group. Refs. 7, figs. 3, tabs. 3

  13. Identificação de cultivares de trigo pelo teste de fenol Cultivars identification of wheat by phenol test

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    Nilson Lemos de Menezes


    Full Text Available O teste de fenol é recomendado para a identificação de cultivares de trigo em laboratório e se baseia na reação de compostos presentes no pericarpo das sementes. Devido à reação constante para cada cultivar, o teste serve para caracterização rápida e fácil de materiais com reações diferentes. No presente trabalho, com o objetivo de facilitar a identificação varietal em trigo, determinou-se a reação ao fenol de 42 cultivares, que estiveram ou estão em recomendação no Brasil.The phenol test is recommended for wheat cultivar identification and is based on the reaction of compounds present in the seeds pericarp. Due to the constant reaction for each cultivar, the test may be used for a rapid and easy characterization of different reactions materiais. In this essay, the phenol reaction was determined in 42 brazilian wheat varieties aiming to facilitate its identification.

  14. Dosis óptima económica de nitrógeno en trigo segun momento de fertilización en el Sudeste Bonaerense Economic optimal nitrogen rate for wheat as affected by fertilization timing in Southeastern Buenos Aires Province

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    Pablo A Barbieri


    Full Text Available La fertilización nitrogenada en el cultivo de trigo es una práctica habitual en el SE Bonaerense, sin embargo es escasa la información local para definir la dosis de nitrógeno (N que responde al máximo beneficio económico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la dosis óptima económica (DOE de fertilizante nitrogenado para el cultivo de trigo en función de la variedad (tradicional o francesa y momento de aplicación del N (siembra o macollaje en dicha región, considerando dos modelos matemáticos (cuadrático y cuadrático-plateau. Se utilizó información de ensayos de fertilización en trigo de diferentes sitios (Otamendi, Balcarce, Mar del Plata y Tandil y años (2002/03 a 2007/08. El modelo cuadrático-plateau produjo los resultados más racionales desde el punto de vista agronómico determinando DOEs menores que el cuadrático. El estadío de macollaje permitió determinar DOEs menores que al momento de la siembra. La diferencia en la DOE entre momentos de fertilización fue menor para las variedades francesas que para las tradicionales, lo que sería explicado por una mayor EUN de las primeras. Por último, para las variedades francesas la potencialidad del año condicionó la DOE en mayor medida que la relación de precios N-grano de trigo. Estos resultados enfatizan la importancia de identificar con precisión el rendimiento objetivo del cultivo ya que el mismo tendría un impacto mayor que los cambios en las relaciones de precios N-grano de trigo a la hora de definir la DOE.Nitrogen fertilization in wheat is a common practice in the SE of Buenos Aires Province. However, there is a lack of local information to define the nitrogen (N rate that responds to the maximum economic benefit. The objective of this work was to determine the economic optimal nitrogen rate (DOE for genotypes of wheat (traditional or french fertilized at sowing or tillering in this region. Two mathematic models were evaluated (quadratic and quadratic

  15. Progeny Clustering: A Method to Identify Biological Phenotypes (United States)

    Hu, Chenyue W.; Kornblau, Steven M.; Slater, John H.; Qutub, Amina A.


    Estimating the optimal number of clusters is a major challenge in applying cluster analysis to any type of dataset, especially to biomedical datasets, which are high-dimensional and complex. Here, we introduce an improved method, Progeny Clustering, which is stability-based and exceptionally efficient in computing, to find the ideal number of clusters. The algorithm employs a novel Progeny Sampling method to reconstruct cluster identity, a co-occurrence probability matrix to assess the clustering stability, and a set of reference datasets to overcome inherent biases in the algorithm and data space. Our method was shown successful and robust when applied to two synthetic datasets (datasets of two-dimensions and ten-dimensions containing eight dimensions of pure noise), two standard biological datasets (the Iris dataset and Rat CNS dataset) and two biological datasets (a cell phenotype dataset and an acute myeloid leukemia (AML) reverse phase protein array (RPPA) dataset). Progeny Clustering outperformed some popular clustering evaluation methods in the ten-dimensional synthetic dataset as well as in the cell phenotype dataset, and it was the only method that successfully discovered clinically meaningful patient groupings in the AML RPPA dataset. PMID:26267476

  16. Control methods of radon and its progeny concentration in indoor atmosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramachandran, T.V.; Subba Ramu, M.C.


    Exposure to radon-222 and its progeny in indoor atmosphere can result in significant inhalation risk to the population particularly to those living in houses with much higher levels of Rn. There are three methods generally used for the control of Rn and its progeny concentration in the indoor environment: (1) restricting the radon entry, (2) reduction of indoor radon concentration by ventilation or by aircleaning and (3) removal of airborne radon progeny by aerosol reduction. Prominent process of radon entry in most of the residence appears to be the pressure driven flow of soil gas through cracks or through other openings in the basements slab or subfloor. Sealing off these openings or ventilation of the slab or subfloor spaces are the methods of reducing the radon entry rate. Indoor radon progeny levels can also be reduced by decreasing the aerosol load in the dwellings. The results of a few experiments carried out to study the reduction in the working level concentration of radon, by decreasing the aerosol load are discussed in this paper. (author). 9 tabs., 8 figs., 37 refs

  17. An Alpha spectrometer for measuring radon daughter individual activity concentration; Spettrometro Alfa per la misura delle concentrazioni individuali in attivita' della progenie del radon

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Berico, M.; Formignani, M. [ENEA, Div. Protezione dell' Uomo e degli Ecosistemi, Centro Ricerche E. Clementel, Bologna (Italy); Mariotti, F. [Bologna Univ., Bologna (Italy). Dipt. di Fisica


    In the frame of the program of the Institute for Radiation Protection of ENEA, related to the evaluation of dose from radon and thoron progeny, an alpha spectrometer for the continuous air monitoring (CAM type) of radon and thoron has been realized. The constructive characteristics of the device are here presented together with energy and efficiency calibration. The device allows, by means of a screen type diffusion battery and a filter, to determinate the single radioactivity of each radionuclide of the progeny selecting them in relation to their diffusive behaviour (dichotomous particle size selection). The three-count filter method has been employed to measure the concentrations of {sup 218}Po, {sup 214}Pb and {sup 214}Bi in air. Radon and thoron effective doses using a dosimetric, instead of an epidemiologic approach, will be then evaluated. [Italian] Presso l'Istituto per la Radioprotezione, nell'ambito del programma di valutazione di dose da radon e' stato progettato e realizzato uno spettrometro alfa per il monitoraggio continuo in aria (CAM) della progenie del radon e del toron. Le caratteristiche costruttive dello strumento permettono, tramite l'utilizzo di batterie a diffusione a reti, di determinare l'attivita' individuale della progenie per diverse dimensioni granulometriche in particolare per la frazione attaccata e non al particolato amosferico con un taglio granulometrico di qualche nanometro. E' stato inoltre applicato un metodo spettrometrico a tre conteggi per il calcolo delle concentrazioni individuali della progenie del radon, {sup 218}Po, {sup 214}Pb and {sup 214}Bi, effettuando un conteggio alfa di {sup 218}Po e due conteggi alfa di {sup 214}Po. Tale informazione consentira' una valutazione della dose di radon utilizzando il modello dosimetrico in alternativa a quello epidemiologico.


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    Greice Elusa Rathke HEISLER


    Full Text Available

    A cultura do arroz tem se mostrado muito promissora, justificando as ações que objetivam tornar mais eficaz sua produção e distribuição. No Brasil, tendo em vista a dependência externa do trigo, um maior emprego da farinha de arroz em produtos de panificação poderia ser uma alternativa interessante. A importância nutricional deste cereal deve-se a expressiva quantidade de calorias que fornece, aliada ao baixo índice glicêmico, que é responsável pela lenta absorção dos carboidratos e maior sensação de saciedade. Adicionalmente, a farinha obtida do arroz, por não conter glúten, pode ser empregada em produtos de panificação destinados à pessoas com necessidades alimentares especiais, como os celíacos. Além disto, possui substâncias tais como o amido resistente, que tem mostrado efeitos benéficos à saúde, especialmente por auxiliar no trânsito intestinal. Apesar de todos os benefícios socioeconômicos e nutricionais, a utilização da farinha de arroz ainda é modesta. Em função disto, objetivou-se verificar a viabilidade da substituição da farinha de trigo por farinha de arroz na formulação de três produtos (cuquinha de banana, bolo de chocolate e torta salgada, utilizados na merenda escolar de crianças de 3 a 5 anos; para tanto, foi analisada a aceitabilidade, através de técnicas sensoriais; os custos e valores nutricionais das preparações. Constatou-se que as preparações a base de farinha de arroz apresentaram total aceitabilidade por parte das crianças; custos ligeiramente superiores às preparações com farinha de trigo, e valor nutricional vantajoso, demonstrando, de um modo geral, a viabilidade para substituição.

  19. Maternal Diet and Insulin-Like Signaling Control Intergenerational Plasticity of Progeny Size and Starvation Resistance.

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    Jonathan D Hibshman


    Full Text Available Maternal effects of environmental conditions produce intergenerational phenotypic plasticity. Adaptive value of these effects depends on appropriate anticipation of environmental conditions in the next generation, and mismatch between conditions may contribute to disease. However, regulation of intergenerational plasticity is poorly understood. Dietary restriction (DR delays aging but maternal effects have not been investigated. We demonstrate maternal effects of DR in the roundworm C. elegans. Worms cultured in DR produce fewer but larger progeny. Nutrient availability is assessed in late larvae and young adults, rather than affecting a set point in young larvae, and maternal age independently affects progeny size. Reduced signaling through the insulin-like receptor daf-2/InsR in the maternal soma causes constitutively large progeny, and its effector daf-16/FoxO is required for this effect. nhr-49/Hnf4, pha-4/FoxA, and skn-1/Nrf also regulate progeny-size plasticity. Genetic analysis suggests that insulin-like signaling controls progeny size in part through regulation of nhr-49/Hnf4, and that pha-4/FoxA and skn-1/Nrf function in parallel to insulin-like signaling and nhr-49/Hnf4. Furthermore, progeny of DR worms are buffered from adverse consequences of early-larval starvation, growing faster and producing more offspring than progeny of worms fed ad libitum. These results suggest a fitness advantage when mothers and their progeny experience nutrient stress, compared to an environmental mismatch where only progeny are stressed. This work reveals maternal provisioning as an organismal response to DR, demonstrates potentially adaptive intergenerational phenotypic plasticity, and identifies conserved pathways mediating these effects.

  20. Factores epigenéticos en mujeres embarazadas con diabetes


    Faingold, MC


    En la actualidad se acepta que el producto de la gestación de madres que han sido expuestas a desnutrición, obesidad o diabetes gestacional, tiene un aumento de riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades crónicas a lo largo de su vida. El principal resultado adverso en la progenie de embarazos complicados con diabetes materna es la macrosomía, y es sabido que habitualmente la exposición intrauterina a un medio hiperglucémico incrementa el riesgo y programación en la descendencia para desarrollar diab...

  1. Deposition of radon progeny in nonhuman primate nasal airways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yeh, H.C.; Cheng, Y.S.; Morgan, K.T.


    Radon progeny are usually associated with ultrafine particles ranging in diameter from 0.001 to 0.005 μm for open-quotes unattachedclose quotes progeny and from 0.005 to 0.2 μm for those attached to indoor aerosols. To assess the health effects of inhaling indoor radon progeny, it is necessary to study the regional deposition of these inhaled ultrafine particles. Laboratory animals are often used in studies of the toxicity of inhaled particles and vapors. Information on the deposition of particles larger than 0.2 μm in the nasal passages of laboratory animals is available; however, there is little information on the deposition of particles smaller than 0.2 μm. In this report, we describe the use of nasal casts of a rhesus monkey to measure total deposition of ultrafine aerosols, including unattached 220 Rn progeny, in a unidirectional-flow inhalation exposure system. Deposition data were obtained for monodisperse silver aerosols with particle sizes ranging from 0.005 to 0.2 μm, at several inspiratory and expiratory flow rates that represented normal breathing as well as hypo- and hyperventiliation. In addition, we studied the deposition of unattached 22- Rn progeny, at particle sizes from 0.001 to 0.003 μm. The deposition efficiency decreased with increasing particle size, indicating that diffusion was the dominant deposition mechanism. The effect of flow rate was essentially negligible. Based on assumptions that turbulent flow and complete mixing of aerosols occur in the nasal airways, a general equation E = 1-exp (-a D b Q c ) for d p ≤ 0.2 μm, was derived, where E is the deposition efficiency, d p is the particle diameter, D is the diffusion coefficient, and Q is the flow rate. Constants a, b, and c are estimated from experimental data, for either inspiration or expiration. This mathematical expression will be useful for making modifications to both deposition and dosimetry models

  2. Effect of ventilation on concentrations of indoor radon- and thoron-progeny: Experimental verification of a simple model

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheets, R.W.; Thompson, C.C.


    Different models relating the dependence of radon ( 222 Rn)- and thoron ( 220 Rn)-progeny activities on room ventilation rates are presented in the literature. Some of these models predict that, as the rate of ventilation increases, activities of thoron progeny decrease more rapidly than those of radon progeny. Other models predict the opposite trend. In this study alpha activities of the radon progeny, 218 Po, 214 Pb, and 214 Bi, together with the thoron progeny 212 Pb, were measured over periods of several days in two rooms of a closed, heated house. Effective ventilation rates were calculated from measured 214 Pb/ 214 Bi ratios. A simple model in which progeny concentrations decrease by radioactive decay and by dilution with outside air has been used to calculate 212 Pb/ 214 Pb ratios as a function of ventilation rate. Calculated ratios are found to correlate significantly with experimentally-determined ratios (R 2 ∼ 0.5--0.8 at p < 0.005) confirming that, for this house, thoron progeny activities decrease faster than radon progeny activities with increasing rates of ventilation

  3. Características tecnológicas de genótipos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. cultivados no cerrado Technological characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. genotypes grown in the Brazilian Cerrado

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    Luiz Carlos Gutkoski


    Full Text Available Realizou-se este estudo com o objetivo de estudar as características grau de extração, proteína bruta, número de queda, alveografia, farinografia, volume específico e escore de pontos dos pães obtidos de amostras de grãos de genótipos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. plantados no cerrado brasileiro. Amostras de grãos de trigo dos genótipos Embrapa 22, Embrapa 42, Önix, Taurum e Fundacep 27, plantados no cerrado brasileiro, safra 2003/2004 foram avaliadas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, no laboratório de Cereais do Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentação da Universidade de Passo Fundo, sendo os resultados experimentais analisados pelo emprego da análise de variância (Anova e nos modelos significativos as médias comparadas entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade de erro. As cultivares de trigo foram classificadas com base na alveografia e número de queda em melhorador, pão e brando. Nos trigos classificados como melhoradores as propriedades funcionais dos pães foram inferiores, o que define a utilização destas farinhas para mesclas com trigos de menor força de glúten. No cerrado brasileiro é possível produzir trigo classe melhorador.The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of flour extraction grade, protein content, falling number, alveography, farinography, specific volume and point score of bread made from samples of grain of wheat genotypes grown in the Brazilian Cerrado. Samples of wheat grains of genotypes Embrapa 22, Embrapa 42, Önix, Taurum and Fundacep 27, grown in the Brazilian Cerrado, 2003/2004 crop, were disposed in fully randomized design, in the Cereal Laboratory at the Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentação of the University of Passo Fundo. The results were analyzed by variance analysis and the means compared by Tukey's test at 5% error probability. The wheat cultivars were classified according to alveography and falling number in improved, bread and bland. In the wheat

  4. Study of radon progeny distribution and radiation dose rate in the atmosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujinami, Naoto


    The absorbed dose rate in air of airborne gamma-ray and the concentration of radon progeny in surface air have been observed continuously in Maizuru, Japan. When data observed on fine days were plotted, with dose rate as ordinate and contraction as abscissa, these points traced with a lapse of time illustrated an anticlockwise looping for each day. This result suggests that the variation of absorbed dose rate lags behind that of concentration of radon progeny; this is due to the delay time incurred as the concentration level gradually varies from ground surface to upper air. Radon progeny concentrations in precipitation and in surface air have been observed there in order to study the relationship between the two concentrations and the influence of precipitation patterns on the concentration in precipitation. Results obtained from analysis of the observed data suggest that radon progeny in precipitation originate mainly from scavenging within the cloud (rainout) and not from that below the cloud (washout). (author)

  5. Green manures and levels of nitrogen topdressing in wheat crop under no-tillageAdubos verdes e doses de nitrogênio em cobertura na cultura do trigo sob plantio direto

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    Anísio da Silva Nunes


    Full Text Available Green manure is still a not widely used practice in wheat crop, although economic benefits and conservation of natural resources can be observed due to the adoption of this practice. This study was carried out at the Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, with the objective of evaluating the effect of sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa, associated with levels of mineral nitrogen topdressing in the agronomic performace of wheat crop under no-tillage. The treatments were constituted by green manures, fallow as a treatment-control and six doses of mineral nitrogen topdressing: zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1. Urea was used as nitrogen source. Evaluations of dry mass of cover crops, nitrogen contents in green manures shoot and in wheat leaves, plant height, number of productive tillers per plant, one thousand-grains weight, hectolitric weight and yield were made. It was concluded that the use of green manures before wheat seeding promotes significant increases in crop yield, mainly when planted over to sunn hemp. The wheat yield response to mineral nitrogen application varied according to the preceding crop.A adubação verde ainda é uma prática pouco utilizada na cultura do trigo, embora proporcione benefícios do ponto de vista econômico e da preservação dos recursos naturais. Este estudo foi realizado em Dourados-MS, Brasil, com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do cultivo de crotalária (Crotalaria juncea e ervilhaca peluda (Vicia villosa como adubos verdes, associados a doses de nitrogênio mineral em cobertura, no desempenho agronômico do trigo em sistema plantio direto. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos adubos verdes, um tratamento-testemunha em pousio e seis doses de nitrogênio mineral em adubação de cobertura do trigo: zero, 30, 60, 90, 120 e 150 kg ha-1, utilizando-se a ureia como fonte de nitrogênio. Foram realizadas avaliações de massa seca das coberturas vegetais, teores de nitrog

  6. Envelhecimento acelerado em sementes de trigo Accelerated aging in wheat seeds

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    Daniele Cardoso Pedroso


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar procedimentos de condução do teste de envelhecimento acelerado para determinar o potencial fisiológico de sementes de trigo. Utilizaram-se quatro cultivares: 'Pampeano', 'Safira', 'Ônix' e 'Jaspe'. Foram realizadas determinações de teor de água e avaliações de germinação, emergência, índice de velocidade de emergência e teste de envelhecimento acelerado. O teste de envelhecimento acelerado foi conduzido de três formas: teste tradicional (água, teste com solução saturada de NaCl (11g de NaCl por 100mL de água e teste com solução supersaturada de NaCl (40g de NaCl por 100mL de água, nos períodos de 48, 72 e 96h de permanência na câmara de envelhecimento a 42°C. O teste de envelhecimento acelerado com solução saturada de NaCl, no período de 96h, foi o mais adequado para avaliar o potencial fisiológico das sementes de trigo, em alto, médio e baixo vigor.This research aimed to study procedures for conducting the accelerated aging test to determine the physiological potential of wheat seeds. The experiment was conducted with four varieties: 'Pampeano', 'Sapphire', Onyx' and 'Jasper'. Tests were performed with water content, germination, seedling emergence, speed of emergence and accelerated aging. The accelerated aging test was conducted in three stages: traditional (water, test using saturated NaCl solution (11g of NaCl per 100mL of water and with the use of supersaturated solution of NaCl (40g of NaCl per 100mL of water, each for 48, 72 and 96h at 42°C. The accelerated aging test with saturated solution of NaCl, within 96h was suitable to evaluate the physiological potential of seeds of wheat in high, medium and low vigor.

  7. Genetic diversity analysis of brassica napus/brassica campestris progenies using microsatellite markers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fayyaz, L.; Farhatullah, A.; Iqbal, S.; Kanwal, M.; Nawaz, I.


    Genetic diversity and relationship of F2 segregating progenies of interspecific crosses between B. napus N-501/B. campestris C-118 were studied. A set of 90 genotypes (2 parental lines and their 88 F2 progenies) was characterized separately using 24 microsatellite or SSR markers to cover the diversity as broadly as possibly present in them. In initial screening only 12 out of 24 SSR primers combination amplified DNA fragments, while the remaining 12 SSR primers did not amplify DNA fragment therefore those 12 SSR molecular markers were not used for further analysis. The 12 SSR primer combinations generated a total of 33 alleles, of that 32 were polymorphic loci, whereas only one was monomorphic locus. Primers BRMS-19 and BRMS-40 were highly polymorphic producing 4 bands each. Primer Ra2-D04 was less polymorphic and it produced only one band. The proportion of polymorphic loci was 95.83% which indicates high genetic diversity among the progenies. The average number of polymorphic alleles per locus was 2.66. The PIC values ranged from 0.395 for primer Ra2-E03 to 0.726 for primer BRMS-019 with an average genetic diversity (PIC value) of 0.584 per locus. Seven primers showed PIC values above 0.5 (50%) indicating high genetic diversity in the studied plant materials. Pair-wise similarity indices among 90 genotypes ranged from 0.3 to 0.95. Dendrogram obtained through UPGMA clustering of F2 progenies depicted eight main groups using similarity coefficient of 0.70. The progenies could be similar to their parents if they have the same banding patterns as that of the parents and could be distinguished from each other by the combination of fragments which are repeatedly present in one progeny and absent in the other. Considerable genetic diversity has been found among the F2 segregating progenies and their parents using SSR markers thus, SSR analysis proved to be a useful tool. (author)

  8. Nickel sulfate induces numerous defects in Caenorhabditis elegans that can also be transferred to progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Dayong; Wang Yang


    Whether the multiple biological toxicities from nickel exposure could be transferred to progeny has not been clarified. In this report, we explored the Caenorhabditis elegans to analyze the multiple toxicities of nickel and their possibly transferable properties. The nickel toxicity caused multiple biological defects in a concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, most of these toxicities could be transferred and could be only partially rescued in progeny. Some specific phenotypes in progeny were also found to exhibit no obvious rescue phenotypes or to show even more severe defects than their parents. The defects caused by nickel exposure could be classified into four groups according to their transferring properties. That is, the defects caused by nickel exposure could be largely, or partially, or unable to be rescued, or became even more severe in progeny animals. Therefore, most of the nickel exposure-caused defects can be transferred from parents to their progeny to different degrees in C. elegans. - Nickel exposure can cause multi-biological toxicities and these defects can be transferred from parents to their progeny in C. elegans

  9. Nickel sulfate induces numerous defects in Caenorhabditis elegans that can also be transferred to progeny

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Wang Dayong [Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009 (China); Key Laboratory of Developmental Genes and Human Disease, Ministry of Education (China)], E-mail:; Wang Yang [Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Southeast University, Nanjing 210009 (China); Key Laboratory of Developmental Genes and Human Disease, Ministry of Education (China)


    Whether the multiple biological toxicities from nickel exposure could be transferred to progeny has not been clarified. In this report, we explored the Caenorhabditis elegans to analyze the multiple toxicities of nickel and their possibly transferable properties. The nickel toxicity caused multiple biological defects in a concentration-dependent manner. Moreover, most of these toxicities could be transferred and could be only partially rescued in progeny. Some specific phenotypes in progeny were also found to exhibit no obvious rescue phenotypes or to show even more severe defects than their parents. The defects caused by nickel exposure could be classified into four groups according to their transferring properties. That is, the defects caused by nickel exposure could be largely, or partially, or unable to be rescued, or became even more severe in progeny animals. Therefore, most of the nickel exposure-caused defects can be transferred from parents to their progeny to different degrees in C. elegans. - Nickel exposure can cause multi-biological toxicities and these defects can be transferred from parents to their progeny in C. elegans.

  10. Aplicação de bioestimulante e sua relação com a adubação nitrogenada nas culturas do feijão e do trigo


    Almeida, Adriana Queiroz de [UNESP


    Em regiões onde as culturas do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) atingiram alto nível tecnológico e são obtidas elevadas produtividades, o uso excessivo de nitrogênio (N) é bastante comum. Visando melhorar o desempenho das culturas, muito produtores utilizam bioestimulantes, porém, existem inúmeras dúvidas com relação à eficiência do uso dos mesmos, qual a melhor forma e época de aplicação para as culturas do feijão e trigo, e se existe alguma interação dessa práti...

  11. Measurement of the deposited activity of the short-lived radon progeny in the human respiratory tract

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vezzu, G.; Butterweck-Dempewolf, G.; Schuler, C.


    Volunteers were exposed in the radon chamber at Paul Scherrer Institut to an atmosphere enriched with highly unattached radon progeny. The deposited radon progeny activity in the respiratory tract of the volunteers was determined using a low level in-vivo counter. The detector arrangement and its calibration for the measurement of deposited radon progeny activity is described and the results for a mouth and a nose breathing volunteer are presented. For the nose breathing volunteer 55% of the deposited radon progeny activity was located in the head and the remaining 45% in the chest whereas for the mouth breathing volunteer 25% was located in the head and the remaining 75% in the chest. A mean clearance half-life for the deposited radon progeny from the respiratory tract of (2±1) h was obtained from the analyses of the temporal behaviour of the deposited radon progeny activity in the head. (orig.)

  12. Selection of inbred maize (Zea mays L.) progenies by topcrosses conducted in contrasting environments. (United States)

    Rodrigues, C S; Pacheco, C A P; Guedes, M L; Pinho, R G V; Castro, C R


    The aim of this study was to identify inbred progenies of S 0:1 maize (Zea mays L.) plants that were efficient at a low level of technology and responsive at a high level of technology through the use of topcrosses. Two contrasting environments were created using two levels of base fertilization and topdressing, so that the levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were applied four times higher in one environment than in the other. We used S 0:1 progenies derived from commercial hybrids in topcrosses with two testers (an elite line from the flint heterotic group and an elite line from the dent heterotic group). The progenies and three controls were evaluated in an augmented block design in Nossa Senhora das Dores, SE, Brazil in the 2010 crop season. The average grain yield in the high-technological level was 21.44% greater than that in the low-technological level. There were no changes in progeny behavior in the two technological levels for grain yield. The testers did not differ in the average grain yield of the progenies at the two technological levels. Therefore, it is possible to select progenies derived from commercial hybrids that have an efficient response to fertilization.

  13. Progeny reproduction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mashneva, N.I.


    Studies on clarification of importance of different harmful factors of radiation and chemical nature on the function of progeny reproduction, growth and development are presented. Intake of radionuclides to organism, of white mices and rats in concentrations corresponding to 10 6 PCsub(s) ( 90 Sr, 210 Po, 210 Pb and other) is shown to result in 100% sterility of females, 10 5 -10 4 PCsub(s) concentrations cause damaging effect of different degrees of expression at later stages of effect. Smaller contents of radionuclides (10 3 -10 2 PCsub(s)) did not result in noticeable changes in reproductivity of animals. Similar regularities were observed under effect of different concentrations of chemical agent. Some peculiarities of animal physiology should be taken into account to obtain data of estimation of damaging effect of harmful factors on reproduction function

  14. Chromosomal Behavior during Meiosis in the Progeny of Triticum timopheevii × Hexaploid Wild Oat.

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    Hongzhou An

    Full Text Available The meiotic behavior of pollen mother cells (PMCs of the F2 and F3 progeny from Triticum timopheevii × hexaploid wild oat was investigated by cytological analysis and sequential C-banding-genomic in situ hybridization (GISH in the present study. A cytological analysis showed that the chromosome numbers of the F2 and F3 progeny ranged from 28 to 41. A large number of univalents, lagging chromosomes, chromosome bridges and micronuclei were found at the metaphase I, anaphase I, anaphase II and tetrad stages in the F2 and F3 progeny. The averages of univalents were 3.50 and 2.73 per cell, and those of lagging chromosomes were 3.37 and 1.87 in the F2 and F3 progeny, respectively. The PMC meiotic indices of the F2 and F3 progeny were 12.22 and 20.34, respectively, indicating considerable genetic instability. A sequential C-banding-GISH analysis revealed that some chromosomes and fragments from the hexaploid wild oat were detected at metaphase I and anaphase I in the progeny, showing that the progeny were of true intergeneric hybrid origin. The alien chromosomes 6A, 7A, 3C and 2D were lost during transmission from F2 to F3. In addition, partial T. timopheevii chromosomes appeared in the form of univalents or lagging chromosomes, which might result from large genome differences between the parents, and the wild oat chromosome introgression interfered with the wheat homologues' normally pairing.

  15. Millán-INIA, New Variety of High Quality Early Spring Bread Wheat for Irrigated Soils in Central-Southern Chile Millán-INIA, Nueva Variedad de Trigo Harinero Precoz de Primavera de Alta Calidad para Suelos de Riego de la Zona Centro Sur de Chile

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    Iván Matus


    Full Text Available Millán-INIA is a variety of spring bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. originating from a cross carried out in the Wheat Plant Breeding Project of the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA, in the Centro Regional de Investigación Quilamapu in 1995. This is a spring wheat variety with an early to medium-early head emergence and upright growth habit in the seedling stage. The adult plant is low to medium height and varies between 75 and 90 cm, with a mean of 85 cm. The spike is white with long awns along its full length. The grain is large-sized, white, and vitreous. The weight of 1000 grains varies between 50 and 59 g. It was sown in mid-August at the Santa Rosa Experimental Station (36°31’ S; 71°54’ W, Chillán. Head emergence occurred 88 to 89 d after sowing, which is 2 to 3 d after Ciko-INIA. On average, Millán-INIA reached a yield similar to that of the var. Ciko-INIA. This line stands out for its good resistance to disease, high protein content (11.5% mean, high sedimentation value, and high W value.Millán-INIA es un trigo harinero (Triticum aestivum L. de primavera que proviene de un cruzamiento efectuado en 1995 en el Proyecto de Fitomejoramiento de Trigo del Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias INIA, en el Centro Regional de Investigación Quilamapu. Es un trigo de hábito primaveral, de época de espigadura mediana a precoz, con hábito de crecimiento erecto al estado de plántula. La altura de la planta adulta se considera mediana a baja, y varía entre 75 y 90 cm, con un promedio de 85 cm. La espiga es de color blanco y de barbas largas y presentes en toda su extensión. El grano es de color blanco y aspecto vítreo y de tamaño grande, con un peso de los 1000 granos que varía entre 50 y 59 g. Sembrado a mediados de agosto en el Campo Experimental Santa Rosa (36°31’ S; 71°54’ O, Chillán, la emisión de espigas ocurre 88 a 89 días después de la siembra, entre 2 y 3 días después que Ciko-INIA. Como

  16. High Correlated Paternity Leads to Negative Effects on Progeny Performance in Two Mediterranean Shrub Species.

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    Sofia Nora

    Full Text Available Anthropogenic habitat deterioration can promote changes in plant mating systems that subsequently may affect progeny performance, thereby conditioning plant recruitment for the next generation. However, very few studies yet tested mating system parameters other than outcrossing rates; and the direct effects of the genetic diversity of the pollen received by maternal plants (i.e. correlated paternity has often been overlooked. In this study, we investigated the relation between correlated paternity and progeny performance in two common Mediterranean shrubs, Myrtus communis and Pistacia lentiscus. To do so, we collected open-pollinated progeny from selected maternal plants, calculated mating system parameters using microsatellite genotyping and conducted sowing experiments under greenhouse and field conditions. Our results showed that some progeny fitness components were negatively affected by the high correlated paternity of maternal plants. In Myrtus communis, high correlated paternity had a negative effect on the proportion and timing of seedling emergence in the natural field conditions and in the greenhouse sowing experiment, respectively. In Pistacia lentiscus, seedling emergence time under field conditions was also negatively influenced by high correlated paternity and a progeny survival analysis in the field experiment showed greater mortality of seedlings from maternal plants with high correlated paternity. Overall, we found effects of correlated paternity on the progeny performance of Myrtus communis, a self-compatible species. Further, we also detected effects of correlated paternity on the progeny emergence time and survival in Pistacia lentiscus, an obligate outcrossed species. This study represents one of the few existing empirical examples which highlight the influence that correlated paternity may exert on progeny performance in multiple stages during early seedling growth.

  17. Development of an aerosol chamber for calibration of 220Rn progeny detectors (United States)

    Sorimachi, Atsuyuki; Ishikawa, Tetsuo; Tokonami, Shinji


    This paper describes an aerosol chamber system that can be used for calibrations and performance experiments of passive 220Rn progeny detectors. For the purpose of this study, an aerosol generation system using carnauba wax as the aerosol material was mounted into the 220Rn chamber. We used the chamber to measure characteristics of the equilibrium factor (F) of 220Rn and unattached fraction (fp) of 220Rn progeny, which are important parameters for dose estimation. The first experiment showed that continuous and stable generation of the unattached and aerosol-attached 220Rn progeny concentrations was obtained. We observed that the spatial distributions in the chamber of the vertical profiles of the unattached and aerosol-attached 220Rn progeny concentrations were homogeneous, as were the particle number concentration and count median diameter. The values of F and fp and their characteristics observed in this study were in the same range as the values reported from indoor measurements. We found that the characteristics of F and fp were dependent on the aerosol conditions (particle diameter and particle number concentration).

  18. Parental partners effects on progenies characteristics on hybridization within the Larix genus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sindelar, J.; Frydl, J. [Forestry and Game Management Research Inst., Jiloviste (Czech Republic)


    Larch progenies of maternal clone No. 52-4-11 (Larix decidua Mill.) combined with the series of paternal clones of the same species and further of the Larix leptolepis Gord. and L. gmelini (Rupr.) Ledeb. species were evaluated on three research plots with larch (Larix sp.). Growth in height and thickness as well as stem forming were monitored at the age of 11 and 22 years. There was found out a significant share of variance falling on the action of mother, hence the existence of extra-nuclear heredity can be anticipated, particularly in interspecific hybrids. Comparing with the control in interspecific hybrids mostly luxuriant growth is displayed. On one of the studied plots there was found out the assumed growth depression in the quantitative characters of progenies originated from self-pollination. Some results of the research can be used as an auxiliary criterion in the selection of progenies and trees within the progenies for the establishment of seed orchards to produce hybrid seed of F2 generation. 24 refs, 6 figs, 6 tabs

  19. Parental partners effects on progenies characteristics on hybridization within the Larix genus

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sindelar, J; Frydl, J [Forestry and Game Management Research Inst., Jiloviste (Czech Republic)


    Larch progenies of maternal clone No. 52-4-11 (Larix decidua Mill.) combined with the series of paternal clones of the same species and further of the Larix leptolepis Gord. and L. gmelini (Rupr.) Ledeb. species were evaluated on three research plots with larch (Larix sp.). Growth in height and thickness as well as stem forming were monitored at the age of 11 and 22 years. There was found out a significant share of variance falling on the action of mother, hence the existence of extra-nuclear heredity can be anticipated, particularly in interspecific hybrids. Comparing with the control in interspecific hybrids mostly luxuriant growth is displayed. On one of the studied plots there was found out the assumed growth depression in the quantitative characters of progenies originated from self-pollination. Some results of the research can be used as an auxiliary criterion in the selection of progenies and trees within the progenies for the establishment of seed orchards to produce hybrid seed of F2 generation. 24 refs, 6 figs, 6 tabs

  20. Direct progeny detection techniques and random epidemiology

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mayya, Y.S.; Mishra, Rosaline; Sapra, B.K.


    Over the past 40 years, there has been considerable progress in the measurements methods and their application to the estimates of risks due to radon among general populations. The previous decade saw major development in this regard. It was the direct estimate of indoor radon risk from epidemiological studies in Europe and North America. These were important findings that demonstrated the presence of lung cancer risks at residential radon levels supplementing the generally used risks estimates at high exposures obtained from uranium miner's data. The residential radon epidemiological studies largely used radon concentration as a measure of exposure. The exposure to decay products, which are primarily the dose givers, are assumed to be proportional to the measured gas concentrations. Also, the presence of thoron was neglected in these studies. Although several corrections have appeared to these assessments, the question of variability of actual decay product exposures has largely remained unaddressed. In order to circumvent this limitation, passive techniques were developed to estimate the decay product concentrations directly using deposition monitors. These are based on detecting the alpha particles from decay products deposited on an absorber mounted LR-115 detectors. Known as Direct radon, and Thoron Progeny sensors (DRPS/DTPS), these have been further refined to separate fine fraction from the coarse fraction by wire-mesh capping techniques. Large number environmental calibration exercises and field data generation has been carried out on the progeny concentrations in Indian and some European environments. The development of progeny sensors offers a new tool for future epidemiology. Since in the Indian context, there exist no radon related epidemiological estimates of risk, it is time one conducts large scale studies to seek possible correlations between DRPS/DTPS data and lung cancer risks. While epidemiological studies in High background radiation areas

  1. Selection of arabica coffee progenies tolerant to heat stress

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    Alexsandro Lara Teixeira


    Full Text Available Due to high temperatures, practically all coffee farms in the state of Rondonia are of the C. canephora species. Thus, importing arabica coffee from other states becomes necessary for composition of blends, as well as for the specialty or gourmet coffee market. The purpose of this study was to select arabica coffee genotypes that exhibit satisfactory agronomic performance under high temperature conditions. The experiment was conducted in OuroPreto do Oeste, RO, Brazil, with mean annual temperature of 25.8°C and mean annual rainfall of 2300mm year-1. The experiment was composed of 114 arabica coffee genotypes, with 103 progenies and eleven control cultivars, provided by EPAMIG. A randomized block experimental design was used with three replications, spacing of 3.0x1.0 meters and five plants per plot. All the crop seasons showed significant difference for the green coffee yield trait. In joint analysis, significant differences were detected among progenies and control cultivars. In the average of the four harvests, green coffee yield was 32.38 bags ha-1. The cultivars 'CatuaíVermelho IAC 15', 'Obatã IAC 1669-20' and 'Catucaí Amarelo 2SLCAK' stood out, achieving yields greater than 40 bags ha-1. The gain obtained from selection was 14.33 bags ha-1, which is equivalent to an increase of 44.04% in production of green coffee. The progeny H514-7-10-6-2-3-9 stood out with an average yield of 51.20 bags ha-1. In regard to maturation cycle, 56% of the progenies were classified as early maturity and 44% as medium maturity. Late maturity genotypes were not observed

  2. Radon: Chemical and physical states of radon progeny. Final technical report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Castleman, A.W. Jr.


    The evolving chemical and physical form of radon progeny influence their transport to the bioreceptor and the extent to which that receptor can take up these species into various tissues. When first born following radioactive decay processes, the potentially deleterious radon progeny undergo various physical and chemical transformations as they transcend from a highly charged to a neutral state, and interact with various constituents of the environment. These transformations impact on the extent to which the radon progeny become associated with aerosol particles on the one hand, and their ultimate chemical form that is available for uptake in the biosystem, on the other. The program, which originally commenced in 1987, dealt with the basic chemistry and physics of radon progeny and hence impacted on several themes of importance to the DOE/OHER radon program. One of these is dose response, which is governed by the physical forms of the radon progeny, their transport to the bioreceptor and the chemical forms that govern their uptake. The second theme had to do with cellular responses, one of the major issues motivating the work. It is well known that various sizes of ions and molecules are selectively transported across cell membrane to differing degrees. This ultimately has to do with their chemical and physical forms, charge and size. The overall objective of the work was threefold: (1) quantifying the mechanisms and rates of the chemical and physical transformation; (2) ascertaining the ultimate chemical forms, and (3) determining the potential interactions of these chemical species with biological functional groups to ascertain their ultimate transport and incorporation within cells

  3. External gamma exposure to radon progeny in indoor air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fujimoto, Kenzo


    The external γ-exposure from radon progeny uniformly distributed in indoor air was estimated by a computer program that was developed. This program can calculate the fluence rate, exposure rate and average energy for any given point in a room of any given size. As numerical example, the exposure rate normalized to unit airborne activity is presented, together with the fluence-weighted and exposure-weighted average photon energies, for a room of representative geometry containing radon progeny in equilibrium. To cover other conditions encountered in practice, quantitative evaluations are additionally presented of the effect on the exposure brought by changes in certain parameters, such as equilibrium factor, wall thickness, room size and receptor position. The study has quantitatively substantiated the prevailing postulate that the effective dose equivalent due to external exposure resulting from normal indoor concentrations of airborne radon progeny in the room of representative geometry should only amount to 0.04 % of that from the internal exposure from the same sources, and that it should be of similarly negligible order compared with internal exposure also in the case of other room geometries. (author)

  4. Radon progeny dose conversion coefficients for Chinese males and females

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Yu, K.N. E-mail:; Cheung, T.T.K.; Haque, A.K.M.M.; Nikezic, D.; Lau, B.M.F.; Vucic, D


    The airway dimensions for Caucasian males have been scaled by multiplying by factors 0.95 and 0.88 to give those for Chinese males and females, respectively. Employing the most recent data on physical and biological parameters, the radiation doses to the basal and secretory cells due to {alpha} particles from {sup 218}Po and {sup 214}Po, homogeneously distributed in the mucous layer, have been calculated. The emission of {alpha} particles has been simulated by a Monte Carlo method. For both basal and secretory cells, the dose conversion coefficients (DCCs) for physical conditions of sleep, rest, light and heavy exercise, have been obtained for Chinese males and females for unattached progeny, and for attached progeny of diameters 0.02, 0.15, 0.25, 0.30 and 0.50 {mu}m. For basal cells, the coefficients lie in the range 0.69-6.82 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) or 8.7-86 mGy/WLM for unattached progeny and in the range 0.045-1.98 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) or 0.57-25 mGy/WLM for attached progeny. The corresponding ranges for Caucasian males are 1.27-8.81 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) or 16-111 mGy/WLM{sup -1} and 0.05-2.30 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) or 0.64-29 mGy/WLM. For secretory cells, the coefficients lie in the range 0.095-16.82 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) (1.2-212 mGy/WLM) for unattached progeny and in the range 0.095-6.67 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) (1.2-84 mGy/WLM) for attached progeny. The corresponding ranges for Caucasian males are 0.34-21.51 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) (4.3-271 mGy/WLM) and 0.1-7.78 mGy/(J s/m{sup 3}) (1.3-98 mGy/WLM). The overall DCCs calculated for a typical home environment are 0.59 and 0.52 mSv/(J s/m{sup 3}) (7.4 and 6.5 mSv/WLM) for Chinese males and females, respectively, which are 80 and 70% of the value, 0.73 mSv/(J s/m{sup 3}) (9.2 mSv/WLM), for Caucasian males.

  5. Chromosomal instability in the progeny of irradiated parents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Voro btsova, I.E.; Vorobyova, M.V.; Bogomazova, A.N.


    Genomic instability have been demonstrated in irradiated cells as the increased frequency of sporadic chromosome aberrations persisted over multiple generations of cell divisions. We found that chromosomal instability characterized as well the somatic cells of irradiated parents progeny. It means that radiation induced genomic instability can be transmitted via germ line cells. As a measure of instability the sensitivity of chromosomes to radiation was estimated. In animal experiments the irradiation of mature germ cells of male rats (dose - 4.5 Gy of X-rays) increase the frequency of chromosome aberrations induced by challenging irradiation in regenerating hepatocytes, in bone marrow cells and in fetal fibroblasts in the progeny of irradiated male rats. The chromosomal sensitivity of cultivated lymphocytes to in vitro irradiation (1.5 Gy of γ(rays 137 Cs) is increased in the children born parents undergone antitumor radiotherapy or worked as 'liquidators' of Chernobyl accident consequences before conception in comparison to the children of unexposed parents. The cytogenetic radiosensitivity of lymphocytes to irradiation in vitro is also increased in children evacuated from contaminated by radionuclides areas ('positive' control group). The increased spontaneous frequency of chromatid-type acentric was found in all group of children with irradiation history. The instability of genome of irradiated parents progeny seems could be the mechanism of these health effects. (authors)


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    S. H. WANG


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    A mistura de trigo e soja representa uma importante fonte calórico-protéica com proteínas de boa qualidade e o processo de extrusão melhora as suas características sensoriais. Com o objetivo de otimizar o processo de extrusão para obtenção de uma farinha précozida de trigo e soja destinada para bolo esponja, foram estudados os efeitos de parâmetros de extrusão como: umidade de mistura, temperatura de barril (TB e velocidade de rotação de parafuso (VRP, nas características sensoriais dos bolos esponja elaborados. Usou-se extrusor de rosca única para extrusar a mistura em três níveis de umidade, três TB e três VRP. Os resultados indicam que, os bolos esponja elaborados apresentaram melhores impressões globais com o aumento da VRP em 23% de umidade para todas as TB usadas, sendo esta reduzida para 150 rpm em 26 e 29% de umidade. As características sensoriais (aparência, textura e sabor melhoraram, à medida que se aumentava a TB em 23% de umidade. Porém, em 26 e 29% de umidade, os melhores escores foram obtidos em 90ºC. O bolo esponja elaborado com a farinha mista com 23% de umidade e extrusada em 180 rpm a 100ºC, apresentou as melhores características sensoriais, sendo a mais preferida pela equipe massal de provadores nãotreinados. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Bolo esponja; farinha précozida; mistura de trigo e soja; extrusão.

  7. Comparative Efficacy of Different Weed Management Strategies in Wheat Eficacia Comparativa de Distintas estrategias en el Manejo de Malezas en Trigo

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    Muhammad Ehsan Safdar


    daab’ (técnica de la falsa cama de la semilla, azada manual, y el método químico (Buctril Super 60EC [bromoxinil + MCPA] 0,45 kg ia ha-1 y Super Puma 75EW [fenoxaprop-P-etil] 0,75 kg ia ha-1 en combinación con la plantación en diferentes geometrías: 22,5 cm de distancia en una hilera, 22,5 cm dos hileras entrecruzadas, 30 cm de separación en una hilera, y siembras al voleo sobre el control de malezas y el rendimiento de grano de trigo de primavera (Triticum aestivum L. var. Sehar 2006 de la University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistán, durante los inviernos de 2009 y 2010. Método químico, azada manual y la práctica ‘daab’ dieron 71,44%, 30,69% y 28,60% de control de malezas que resultaron en aumentos de 11,79%, 11,09% y 4,95% en rendimiento de grano sobre el control con maleza, respectivamente. La distancia de siembra de 22,5 cm en una hilera, en combinación con el control de malezas químico fue el mejor control de malezas (87,23% en relación con el rendimiento de grano (4073 kg ha-1 y el número de macollos fértiles m-2 (509,5, mientras que la altura de planta de trigo (108,2 cm, número de granos por espiga (45,90 y peso de 1000 granos (45,23 g se mantuvieron más altos en siembra a 30 cm de distancia en una fila en interacción con escarda manual. El rendimiento de grano mostró una correlación significativa negativa (b = -152,8 y positiva (b = 3,21 con la biomasa de las malezas y tallos fértiles de 2 m, respectivamente. El control químico de malezas, la práctica ‘daab’ y escarda manual dieron relaciones costo:beneficio de 2,50; 1,95 y 1,14, respectivamente. Aunque el método químico parece más rentable, pero al mismo tiempo teniendo en cuenta las preocupaciones ambientales, la práctica ‘daab’ fue más ventajosa.

  8. Aubergine Controls Germline Stem Cell Self-Renewal and Progeny Differentiation via Distinct Mechanisms. (United States)

    Ma, Xing; Zhu, Xiujuan; Han, Yingying; Story, Benjamin; Do, Trieu; Song, Xiaoqing; Wang, Su; Zhang, Ying; Blanchette, Marco; Gogol, Madelaine; Hall, Kate; Peak, Allison; Anoja, Perera; Xie, Ting


    Piwi family protein Aubergine (Aub) maintains genome integrity in late germ cells of the Drosophila ovary through Piwi-associated RNA-mediated repression of transposon activities. Although it is highly expressed in germline stem cells (GSCs) and early progeny, it remains unclear whether it plays any roles in early GSC lineage development. Here we report that Aub promotes GSC self-renewal and GSC progeny differentiation. RNA-iCLIP results show that Aub binds the mRNAs encoding self-renewal and differentiation factors in cultured GSCs. Aub controls GSC self-renewal by preventing DNA-damage-induced Chk2 activation and by translationally controlling the expression of self-renewal factors. It promotes GSC progeny differentiation by translationally controlling the expression of differentiation factors, including Bam. Therefore, this study reveals a function of Aub in GSCs and their progeny, which promotes translation of self-renewal and differentiation factors by directly binding to its target mRNAs and interacting with translational initiation factors. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Influência do tipo de farinha de trigo na elaboração de bolo tipo inglês Influence of the type of wheat flour in the elaboration of english-type cake

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luiz Carlos Gutkoski


    Full Text Available A farinha de trigo destinada à produção de bolo deve apresentar baixo teor protéico, massa extensível e baixa força geral de glúten. A pesquisa objetivou avaliar a influência do tipo de farinha de trigo na elaboração de bolo tipo inglês empregando a metodologia padrão de teste laboratorial proposta pela AACC. As amostras de farinha de trigo foram coletadas aleatoriamente em moinhos de trigo da região e os demais ingredientes adquiridos no comércio local. As farinhas de trigo foram caracterizadas quanto ao teor de proteína bruta, amido danificado, alveografia e farinografia. A repetibilidade e a reprodutibilidade da metodologia foi avaliada empregando uma das farinhas. Os bolos tipo inglês foram produzidos pela mistura dos ingredientes: farinha de trigo, açúcar refinado, margarina, leite em pó, ovo desidratado, sal, fermento químico e água em condições laboratorial pré-definidas. Os bolos foram avaliados quanto ao volume específico, atividade de água, características internas, porosidade, cor da crosta e cor do miolo. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as diferenças entre as médias comparadas entre si pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. A amostra de farinha de trigo com 68 x 10-4 J se mostrou mais adequada para elaboração de bolo tipo inglês, apresentando maior volume específico e maior escore de pontos, avaliado através das características sensoriais.Wheat flours for cake production must show features such as low protein content, dough extensibility and low gluten strength. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of the type of wheat flour in the elaboration of English-type cake using the standard method for laboratory testing proposed by AACC. The wheat flour samples were collected at random from wheat mills in the region, and the other ingredients were obtained at the local market. The wheat flours were characterized according to their crude protein content

  10. Rastreabilidade de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas com levedura e trigo para frangos


    Gottmann,Rosana; Pezzato,Antonio Celso; Ducatti,Carlos; Denadai,Juliana Célia; Móri,Cleusa; Mituo,Mariela Akie Okino; Sartori,José Roberto


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi rastrear a inclussão de farinhas de origem animal em rações para frango de corte com ou sem levedura de cana-de-açúcar e farelo de trigo, por meio da análise do músculo peitoral das aves pelas técnicas dos isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio. Foram utilizados 210 pintos machos (Cobb), com um dia de idade, distribuídos aleatoriamente em sete tratamentos de 30 aves cada, tendo sido um tratamento controle (dieta vegetal) e seis com inclusão de farinha de carne...

  11. Improvement in genetic characteristics and oil yield of selected soybean progenies from octuple crosses

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    Hamawaki Osvaldo Toshiyuki


    Full Text Available The objective of the present study was to evaluate 44 soybean octuple crosses in the F4:3[8] and F5:3[8] generations in order to select progenies superior for seed oil yield (OY and other important agronomic characteristics. Octuple crosses were hybridized in a chain mating system. In one group, crosses were carried out for three generations with the adapted x exotic parents until octuple crosses with 75% adapted genes and 25% exotic genes were obtained. In a second group, hybridization of adapted x adapted parents originated crosses with 100% adapted genes. During the growing season 1994/95, the progenies F4:3[8] were evaluated by using the augmented block design. The progenies F5:3[8] were evaluated during the growing season 1995/96 in three experiments using augmented block design without repetition. The octuple crosses gave origin to superior progenies for all the characters studied. In the C22 cross, OY values were 707 kg/ha. The estimates of heritability in relation to the crosses average resulted in the following mean, minimum and maximum values, respectively: number of days to maturity (52.35%, 3.71%, 84.23%; agronomic value (26.69%, 1.62%, 61.28% and grain yield (29.28%, 1.52%, 61.06%. The observed genetic gains for grain yield in the early, intermediate and late F5:3[8] progenies were superior to the expected genetic gains and the observed genetic gains for OY were more expressive in the early and late F5:[8] progenies. The genetic variability remaining in the selected progenies of some crosses suggests that further genetic gains for grain yield and OY might be possible with advanced selection cycles.

  12. Trigo duro: comportamento de genótipos no estado de São Paulo Durum wheat: evaluation of genotypes for the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo


    Full Text Available Compararam-se 25 linhagens de trigo duro (Triticum durum L., um cultivar de triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack e quatro cultivares de trigo (T. aestivum L. em seis experimentos em condição de irrigação por aspersão, analisando-se a produção de grãos, características agronômicas e resistência às doenças. As linhagens de trigo duro 14 (61150/Leeds//Gallo "S"/3/Garza "S"/4/Mexicali "S"/5/S-15-Crane "S", 21 (Boyeros "S"/Cocorit-71/5/Crane "S"/Ganso "S"//Marte "S"/3/Tildillo "S"/4/Memo "S", 25 (Gallareta "S" e 8 (Gediz "S"/Yavaros "S", de porte baixo a médio, foram resistentes às ferrugens-do-colmo (com exceção da 21 e da-folha, moderadamente resistentes ao oídio, suscetíveis à mancha foliar, e destacaram-se quanto à produção de grãos em solos com baixa acidez, não diferindo nem do trigo comum IAC-60, o mais cultivado atualmente no Estado de São Paulo, nem do triticale Álamos. Em condições de campo, a linhagem de trigo duro 19 (Mindum/Kingfisher "S"//Sandpiper apresentou imunidade às ferrugens-do-colmo e da-folha e foi moderadamente resistente ao oídio. O triticale Álamos e o trigo comum IAC-29 foram imunes ao oídio. Todos os genótipos avaliados foram altamente suscetíveis à mancha foliar, com exceção da linhagem 6 (Dackiye/Gerardo Vezio 394, moderadamente resistente.Twenty-five durum wheat (Triticum durum L. lines, one triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack cultivar and four wheat (T aestivum L. cultivars were evaluated in six trials under sprinkler irrigation taking into account the grain yield, agronomic characteristics and disease resistance. The durum wheat lines 14 (61150/Leeds//Gallo "S"/3/Garza "S"/4/Mexicali "S"/5/S-15-Crane "S", 21 (Boyeros "S"/Cocorit-71/5/Crane "S"/Ganso "S"//Marte "S"/3/Tildillo "S"/4/Memo "S", 25 (Gallareta "S" and 8 (Gediz "S"/Yavaros "S", showed the following traites: resistant to stem and leaf rusts; moderately resistant to powdery mildew; susceptible to leaf spot, and short to

  13. Development of calibration facility for radon and its progenies at NIM (China)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liang, J.C.; Liu, H.R.; Zhang, M.; Zheng, P.H.; Guo, Q.J.; Yang, Z.J.; Li, Z.S.; Zhang, L.


    Accurate measurement of radon and its progenies is the basis to control the radon dose and reduce the risk of lung cancer caused. The precise calibration of measuring instrument is an important part of the quality control of measurements of the concentration of radon and radon progenies. To establish Chinese national standards and realise reliable calibrations of measuring instrument for radon and its progenies, a radon chamber with regulation capability of environmental parameters, aerosol and radon concentrations was designed and constructed at National Institute of Metrology (NIM). The chamber has a total volume of ∼20 m 3 including an exposure volume of 12.44 m 3 . The radon concentration can be controlled from 12 Bq m -3 to the maximum of 232 kBq m -3 . The regulation range of temperature, relative humidity and aerosol are 0.66-44.39 deg. C, 16.4-95 %RH and 10 2 -10 6 cm -3 , respectively. The main advantages of the NIM radon chamber with respect to maintaining a stable concentration and equilibrium factor of radon progenies in a wide range through automatic regulation and control of radon and aerosol are described. (authors)

  14. Assessment of dose due to exposure to indoor radon and thoron progeny

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    Prasad Ganesh


    Full Text Available The components of the effective dose through inhalation from radon and its progeny are important for human health since they contribute to more than 50% of the total radiation dose from natural sources. As a consequence, radon has been identified as the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon and its short lived decay products (218Po, 214Pb, 214Bi, 214Po present in dwellings are a radiation hazard, particularly if such sources are concentrated in the enclosed areas like poorly ventilated houses and underground mines. The indoor radon, thoron, and progeny concentrations were measured in a small hilly town of Budhakedar and the surrounding area of Tehri Garhwal, India, by using LR-115 Type II plastic track detector in a twin cup radon dosimeter. The concentrations of radon progeny were measured as the highest in winter and the lowest in summer while the thoron progeny concentration was found maximum in rainy season and minimum in autumn. The annual exposure to the potential alpha energy of radon and thoron were found to vary from 0.04 WLM to 0.69 WLM with an average value of 0.29 WLM, and 0.03 WLM to 0.37 WLM with an aver- age value of 0.16 WLM, respectively. The annual effective dose due to the exposure to indoor radon and progeny in Budhakedar homes was found to vary from 0.16 mSv to 2.72 mSv with an average value of 1.14 mSv and the effective dose due to the exposure to thoron and progeny was found to vary from 0.18 mSv to 2.49 mSv with an average value of 1.05 mSv. The results of systematic study have been obtained by considering the room as a space in which the radon and thoron levels are directly related to the dynamic and static parameters.

  15. Linhagens diaplóides de trigo obtidas via cultura de antera

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    Ramos Luis Carlos da Silva


    Full Text Available Realizaram-se quatro experimentos de campo no Estado de São Paulo, tanto em condição de sequeiro como de irrigação por aspersão, empregando o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, visando a comparação de 20 genótipos de trigo, sendo 18 linhagens diaplóides obtidas e dois cultivares, IAC-24 e Anahuac, quanto à produção de grãos, características agronômicas, resistência à ferrugem-da-folha e outros componentes da produção. Também estudou-se a tolerância ao alumínio em soluções nutritivas em condição de laboratório. As linhagens diaplóides 11, 12, 14, 17 e 18, originárias do cruzamento IAS-63/ALDAN "S"//GLEN/3/IAC-24, de porte baixo, com resistência ao acamamento, com ciclo precoce da emergência ao florescimento e da emergência à maturação e tolerância à toxicidade de alumínio, destacaram-se quanto à produção de grãos, considerando a média dos quatro experimentos. A linhagem 8 mostrou ser fonte genética de espiga comprida; a 15, de maior número de espiguetas por espiga; o cultivar Anahuac de maior número de grãos por espiga e por espigueta, e as linhagens 10, 11, 13, 15, 16 e 18 de grãos mais pesados. Todos os genótipos foram tolerantes à toxicidade de Al3+, exceto a linhagem 5, sendo que o cultivar Anahuac exibiu elevada sensibilidade. A técnica de obtenção de linhagens diaplóides via cultura de anteras de plantas em geração F1 de cruzamentos de trigo foi eficiente originando genótipos produtivos, com características agronômicas desejáveis e com tolerância à toxicidade de alumínio, num menor período de tempo em relação ao método convencional de melhoramento genético do Instituto Agronômico.

  16. Measurements of radon progeny activity on typical indoor surfaces

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Knutson, E.O.; Gogolak, C.V.; Klemic, G.


    A number of studies aimed at defining how well radon progeny on surfaces can be measured, information that is needed in order to test physical/mathematical models governing indoor radon progeny behaviour, are described. One experiment compared the decomposition on to different surfaces. Only relatively small differences were found among metal, filter paper, broadcloth, corduroy fabric, vinyl wallpaper, glass, and latex paint, but polyethylene film collected two to four times as much as the others, due most likely to electrostatic charge on the plastic surface. Another experiment compared the gamma and gross alpha count methods of measuring surface activity for metal, filter paper, broadcloth and corduroy surfaces. No difference for the surfaces tested was found from which it is concluded that, even for rougher surfaces, progeny atoms deposit mainly on the outer layers. A final experiment compared in situ and surrogate-surface methods for measuring surface deposition. For most tests, the two methods agreed within 30%, and the average ratio was not significantly different from unity. 210 Po is a complication in the in situ method. An unexpected location effect was found in the experiments conducted in houses with high radon concentrations: the deposition on the ceiling was higher than on the surfaces. (author)

  17. Characterization of Anatomical, Chemical, and Biodegradable Properties of Fibers from Corn, Wheat, and Rice Residues Caracterización de Propiedades Anatómicas, Químicas y de Biodegradación de Fibras Provenientes de Residuos de Maíz, Trigo y Arroz

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    Rose Marie Garay M


    Full Text Available Anatomical, chemical, and biodegradation properties of fibers from wheat (Triticum aestivum L., rice (Oryza sativa L., and corn (Zea mays L. plant residues and from rice hull were characterized to generate scientific and technical knowledge to support decision making regarding their use. The anatomical and chemical properties were determined following standard procedures. The degree of biodeterioration was analyzed from growth of white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus (Jaq. Quél. in 30 d under favorable conditions. Afterwards, weight loss was evaluated for each residue. Three replicates were used, plus a control of radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don woodchips. The greatest proportion of a-cellulose was found in residues of rice plants (45.1%, with a high amount of extractable (non-structural components, that confer organoleptic characteristics, followed by rice hull (22.78%, which is explained by the presence of silica in their cells. Ash content was higher in wheat residues, reaching up to 18.34%. Anatomical characteristics were studied to corroborate potential use in industrial processes. Fiber length and wall thickness were similar to those of latifoliate wood fibers, although possibly less resistant because of lower lignification. The largest weight loss was from rice plant (32%, followed by rice hull (27%, and corn plants (26.6%. The most resistant was wheat plant (15.8%. All these materials had greater weight losses than the control sample (3.8%. Thus, given their anatomical and chemical properties, the use of plant residue fibers in industrial processes is technically possible, though with concern about their biodegradability.Se caracterizaron las propiedades anatómicas, químicas y biodegradación de fibras de residuos de plantas de trigo (Triticum aestivum L., plantas de arroz (Oryza sativa L., plantas de maíz (Zea mays L., y cáscara de arroz, con el objetivo de generar información y tomar decisiones de uso con bases científicas y

  18. Risk of lung cancer in animals following low exposures to Radon-222 progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duport, P.; Monchaux, G.; Morlier, J.P.


    Owing to the facts that a) large uncertainties affect the epidemiology of radon progeny-induced lung cancer in humans (especially at low exposures), and b) the rat is a good model for studying the carcinogenicity of radon progeny in humans, the risk of lung cancer following low exposures to low concentrations of radon progeny can be estimated from data obtained in the laboratory on rats exposed under controlled conditions. From the limited set of laboratory data on the induction of lung cancer in laboratory rats it appears that, at low exposures, the risk of lung cancer decreases with decreasing concentration, and that exposures of the order of 25 WLM, at an exposure rate of 2 WL do not produce any excess lung cancers. Since 20 WLM is a lifetime exposure comparable to those expected in occupational or indoors conditions and 2 WL is an exposure rate about 20 times higher dm current occupational exposures rates and 100 times higher than indoor ones, these observations may be indicative of threshold conditions for the induction of lung cancer by radon progeny. (author)

  19. Intercomparison of active and passive instruments for radon and radon progeny in North America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    George, A.C.; Tu, Keng-Wu; Knutson, E.O.


    An intercomparison exercise for radon and radon progeny instruments and methods was held at the Environmental Measurements Laboratory (EML) from April 22--May 2, 1994. The exercise was conducted in the new EML radon test and calibration facility in which conditions of exposure are very well controlled. The detection systems of the intercompared instruments consisted of. (1) pulse ionization chambers, (2) electret ionization chambers, (3) scintillation detectors, (4) alpha particle spectrometers with silicon diodes, surface barrier or diffused junction detectors, (5) registration of nuclear tracks in solid-state materials, and (6) activated carbon collectors counted by gamma-ray spectrometry or by alpha- and beta-liquid scintillation counting. 23 private firms, government laboratories and universities participated with a 165 passive integrating devices consisting of: Activated carbon collectors, nuclear alpha track detectors and electret ionization chambers, and 11 active and passive continuous radon monitors. Five portable integrating and continuous instruments were intercompared for radon progeny. Forty grab samples for radon progeny were taken by five groups that participated in person to test and evaluate their primary instruments and methods that measure individual radon progeny and the potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC) in indoor air. Results indicate that more than 80% of the measurements for radon performed with a variety of instruments, are within ±10% of actual value. The majority of the instruments that measure individual radon progeny and the PAEC gave results that are in good agreement with the EML reference value. Radon progeny measurements made with continuous and integrating instruments are satisfactory with room for improvement

  20. Levels of thoron and progeny in high background radiation area of southeastern coast of Odisha (India))

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramola, R. C.; Gusain, G. S.; Rautela, B. S.; Sagar, D. V.; Prasad, G.; Shahoo, S. K.; Ishikawa, T.; Omori, Y.; Janik, M.; Sorimachi, A.; Tokonami, S.


    Exposure to radon, 222 Rn, is assumed to be the most significant source of natural radiation to human beings in most cases. It is thought that radon and its progeny are major factors that cause cancer. The presence of thoron, 220 Rn, was often neglected because it was considered that the quantity of thoron in the environment is less than that of radon. However, recent studies have shown that a high thoron concentration was found in some regions and the exposure to 220 Rn and its progeny can equal or several time exceed that of 220 Rn and its progeny. The results of thoron and its progeny measurements in the houses of high background radiation area (HBRA) of the southeastern coast of Odisha (India)) presented here. This area is one of the high background radiation areas in India with a large deposit of monazite sand which is the probable source of thoron. Both active and passive methods were employed for the measurement of thoron and its progeny in cement, brick and mud houses in the study area. Thoron concentration was measured using RAD-7 and Raduet. A CR-39 track detector was employed for the measurement of environmental thoron progeny, both in active and passive modes. Thoron and its progeny concentrations were found to be comparatively high in the area. A comparison between the results obtained with various techniques is presented in this paper. (authors)

  1. Levels of thoron and progeny in high background radiation area of southeastern coast of Odisha (India))

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramola, R C; Gusain, G S; Rautela, B S [Dept. of Physics, H.N.B. Garhwal Univ., Badshahi Thaul Campus, Tehri Garhwal 249199 (India); Sagar, D V [Health Physics Unit EAD, BARC, IRE, OSCOM, Matikhalo, Ganjam, Odisha 761 045 (India); Prasad, G; Shahoo, S K; Ishikawa, T; Omori, Y; Janik, M [National Inst. of Radiological Sciences, Anagawa 4-9-1, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8555 (Japan); Sorimachi, A; Tokonami, S [Inst. of Radiation Emergency Medicine, Hirosaki Univ., Aomori 036-8564 (Japan)


    Exposure to radon, {sup 222}Rn, is assumed to be the most significant source of natural radiation to human beings in most cases. It is thought that radon and its progeny are major factors that cause cancer. The presence of thoron, {sup 220}Rn, was often neglected because it was considered that the quantity of thoron in the environment is less than that of radon. However, recent studies have shown that a high thoron concentration was found in some regions and the exposure to {sup 220}Rn and its progeny can equal or several time exceed that of {sup 220}Rn and its progeny. The results of thoron and its progeny measurements in the houses of high background radiation area (HBRA) of the southeastern coast of Odisha (India)) presented here. This area is one of the high background radiation areas in India with a large deposit of monazite sand which is the probable source of thoron. Both active and passive methods were employed for the measurement of thoron and its progeny in cement, brick and mud houses in the study area. Thoron concentration was measured using RAD-7 and Raduet. A CR-39 track detector was employed for the measurement of environmental thoron progeny, both in active and passive modes. Thoron and its progeny concentrations were found to be comparatively high in the area. A comparison between the results obtained with various techniques is presented in this paper. (authors)

  2. Effect of cover crops and nitrogen rates on sprinkler irrigated wheat in low altitude cerrado

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    Michelle Traete Sabundjian


    Full Text Available RESUMO A produção de trigo no cerrado brasileiro enfrenta grandes desafios, principalmente por não ser a região tradicionalmente tritícola e pela ocorrência de inverno quente e seco. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito residual das culturas antecessoras, milho e Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ & Evrard, em cultivo exclusivo e em consórcio entre ambas, na presença e ausência da inoculação de sementes com Azospirillum brasilense e adubação nitrogenada (N em cobertura, no desenvolvimento e na produtividade do trigo. O experimento foi desenvolvido em Selvíria, MS, em 2011/12. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, disposto em esquema fatorial 8x4, com quatro repetições, cujos tratamentos foram constituídos pela combinação de restos culturais (associações de milho, Urochloa ruziziensis e Azospirillum brasilense e doses de N (0, 30, 60 e 90 kg ha-1 em cobertura, no trigo. Realizaram-se as seguintes avaliações: cobertura vegetal residual (quantidade, características agronômicas, componentes de produção e produtividade da cultura do trigo. As culturas antecessoras apresentaram efeitos positivos na produtividade do trigo cultivado em sucessão, sendo o consórcio de milho e Urochloa ruziziensis, com ou sem inoculação excelente opção de manejo; o incremento da dose de N, em cobertura, até 90 kg ha- 1 aumenta a produtividade de grãos de trigo irrigado, dependendo da cultura antecessora.

  3. Indoor radon progeny aerosol size measurements in urban, suburban, and rural regions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu, K.W.; Knutson, E.O.; George, A.C.


    By using direct and indirect methods, the authors conducted size distribution measurements of radon progeny particles in a variety of indoor environments in urban, suburban, and rural areas. The radon progeny particle size distribution owing to indoor activities has two definable source categories: (1) gas combustion from stoves and kerosene heaters - particles were found to be smaller than 0.1 μm in diameter, mostly in the range 0.02-0.08 μm; and (2) cigarette smoking and food frying - particles were found to be larger, in the size range 0.1-0.2 μm. The radon progeny particle size distribution, without significant indoor activities, such as cooking, was found to be larger in rural areas than in urban or suburban areas. The modal diameters of the size spectra in the rural areas were two to three times larger than those in urban or suburban areas, around 0.3-0.4 bs. 0.1-0.2 μm. Results obtained by applying the attachment theory to the measured number-weighted size spectra from an electrical aerosol size analyzer support this finding. These results, if confirmed by more extensive studies, will be useful for the assessment of the risk from the inhalation of radon progeny in various indoor environments

  4. New strategy for evaluating grain cooking quality of progenies in dry bean breeding programs

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    Bruna Line Carvalho


    Full Text Available The methodology available for evaluating the cooking quality of dry beans is impractical for assessing a large number of progenies. The aims of this study were to propose a new strategy for evaluating cooking quality of grains and to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters using a selection index. A total of 256 progenies of the 13thcycle of a recurrent selection program were evaluated at three locations for yield, grain type, and cooked grains. Samples of grains from each progeny were placing in a cooker and the percentage of cooked grains was assessed. The new strategy for evaluating cooking quality was efficient because it allowed a nine-fold increase in the number of progenies evaluated per unit time in comparison to available methods. The absence of association between grain yield and percentage of cooked grains or grain type indicated that it is possible to select high yielding lines with excellent grain aspect and good cooking properties using a selection index.

  5. Inherited effects in F1 progeny of partially sterile male phthorimaea operculella (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Makee, H.; Saour, G.


    Adult male phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), were exposed to sub sterilizing doses of gamma irradiation: 100, 150 and 200 Gy. Inherited effects in the F 1 , progeny of irradiated male parents were examined. Mean developmental time and the percentage mortality of the F 1 progeny, of each examined dose, were higher than that of the control group. Moreover, the sex ratio of the F 1 , progeny was skewed in favor of the males. Mean longevity, fecundity, and the percentage fertility of the F 1 progeny were lower than those of their parents and the control group. Mating ability and the frequency of mating of F 1 adults were similar to those of their partially sterile male parents and the control. The genetic basis of the F 1 characteristics has been discussed. The use of sub sterilizing doses of irradiation could be considered as an important component in a potato tuber moth control strategy. (author). 17 refs., 3 tabs

  6. Analisis de la comunidad de malezas en trigo cultivado sobre distintos antecesores Analysis of weed community in wheat crop grown on different precedent crops

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    E. Requesens


    Full Text Available Comparou-se a composição e freqüência relativa das espécies e dos índices de diversidade e dominância da comunidade infestante de três áreas de trigo que foram cultivadas com trigo, milho e batata anteriormente. O estudo foi realizado na região de Mar del Plata, Província de Buenos Aires Argentina. Em cada área, realizou-se 40 amostragens de 1m2, dispostos de forma regular no campo, antes da aplicação dos herbicidas. Foram observadas pequenas diferenças entre as três comunidades florísticas levantadas, porém importantes mudanças foram verificadas na freqüência relativa de algumas espécies. Stellaria media foi a espécie mais freqüente, quando a cultura foi procedida de trigo e milho e sendo apenas superada por Solanum tuberosum quando a cultura do trigo teve como antecessor a cultura da batata. Algumas espécies como Chenopodium album, Zea maiz, Solanum tuberosum, Polygonum aviculares, Ammi viznaga, Veronica persica e Taraxacum officinalis incrementaram suas freqüências relativas nas áreas de trigo precedidas de milho e batata. Por outro lado, a freqüência relativa de outras espécies como Apium leptophyllum, Polygonum aviculares e Matricaria chamomilla decresceram nos mesmos locais. As mudanças específicas nas freqüências relativas não afetaram os parâmetros estruturais das comunidades infestantes, os quais mostraram valores similares de alta diversidade específica e baixa dominância.Relative frequency of species, diversity and dominance indexes of the weed community in three wheat crops grown in field of 40 ha where wheat, corn or potato were grown int he previous season, were analyzed. The study was performed in Mar del Plata, Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina. The ocurring species were registred in each of forth 1 m2 samples distributed in a regular arrangement at each field. This was done previous to application of herbicides. Small differences between communities in floristic composition and richness

  7. Propriedades químicas e de pasta dos amidos de trigo e milho fosforilados Chemical and past properties of wheat and maize starches phosphorilads

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    Williams Pereira Batista


    Full Text Available Os amidos de trigo e milho foram fosforilados com tripolifosfato de sódio (TPS em 4 diferentes níveis de adição. As viscosidades máximas da pasta de trigo aumentaram e as temperaturas de pasta diminuíram à medida que cresceram os graus de substituição de grupos fosfato, enquanto que, para o amido de milho, as viscosidades máximas aumentaram e as temperaturas de pasta mantiveram-se constantes. Os amidos fosforilados (amido/água 1:10 foram submetidos à cocção (100,0 ºC/1,0 minuto, secagem (40,0 ºC/~4,0% de umidade e moagem (diâmetro de partícula, Φ = 0,149 mm para determinar o teor de amido resistente (AR. Para o menor grau de substituição de grupos fosfato no amido de trigo (0,0029, foi encontrado um teor de amido resistente de 30,46% e no amido de milho de 24,36%. Para o maior grau de substituição no amido de trigo (0,0127, foi encontrado um teor de AR de 46,69%, enquanto para o amido de milho, 28,40%. O aumento do grau de substituição, em ambos os casos, parece induzir um aumento no teor de amido resistente, e a fosforilação com TPS mostrou ser um excelente método para produzir quantidades significativas de amido resistente tanto no amido de trigo como no amido de milho.Wheat and maize starches were phosphorylated with sodium tripolyphosphate (TPS at 4 different levels of addition. The maximum viscosities of the wheat doughs formed were increased and the dough temperatures decreased as the degrees of substitution of phosphate groups were increased; while for the maize starch the viscosities were increased and the dough temperatures remained constant. The phosphorylated starches (starch/water, 1:10 were subjected to cooking (100 ºC/1 minute, followed by drying (40 ºC/~ 4.0 per cent moisture and milling (particle diameter, Φ = 0.149 mm to determine the resistant starch (RS content. For the lowest degree of substitution of phosphate groups in wheat starch (0.0029, resistant starch content of 30.46 per cent was found


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    A mistura de trigo e soja representa uma importante fonte calórico-protéica com proteínas de boa qualidade e o processo de extrusão melhora as suas características sensoriais. Com o objetivo de melhorar o processo de extrusão para obtenção de uma farinha de trigo e soja (80:20 pré-cozida para massa semipronta de donuts, foram estudados os efeitos de umidade da mistura, temperatura do canhão (TC nas 2ª e 3ª zonas e velocidade de rotação de parafuso (VRP do extrusor nas características sensoriais dos donuts preparados. As misturas cruas de duas umidades (26 e 29% foram extrusadas em extrusor Brabender de única rosca, usando-se cinco TC (110 a 150oC e quatro VRP (120 a 210rpm, totalizando 40 tratamentos. Os resultados indicam que, os donuts mostraram melhores impressões globais com o aumento de VRP e TC até certo ponto, que, ao ser ultrapassado, as fez piorar. O donut preparado com a farinha mista com 29% de umidade e extrusada em 150 rpm a 120ºC foi preferido sensorialmente quando comparado com os donuts preparados: com a farinha mista com 26% de umidade e extrusada em 180rpm a 120ºC, com a farinha mista crua e com a farinha de trigo crua.

  9. Cellular dosimetry for radon progeny alpha particles in bronchial tissue

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, A.; Hofmann, W.; Balashazy, I.


    Inhaled radon progeny are deposited in different regions of the human bronchial tree as functions of particle size and flow rate. Following deposition and mucociliary clearance, the sensitive bronchial basal and secretory cells are irradiated by two different alpha particle sources: (i) radon progeny in the sol and/or gel phase of the mucous layer, and (ii) radon progeny within the bronchial epithelium. In the case of internally deposited radionuclides, direct measurement of the energy absorbed from the ionizing radiation emitted by the decaying radionuclides is rarely, if ever, possible. Therefore, one must rely on dosimetric models to obtain estimates of the spatial and temporal patterns of energy deposition in tissues and organs of the body. When the radionuclide is uniformly distributed throughout the volume of a tissue of homogeneous composition and when the size of the tissue is large compared to the range of the particulate emissions of the radionuclide, then the dose rate within the tissue is also uniform and the calculation of absorbed dose can proceed without complication. However, if non-uniformities in the spatial and temporal distributions of the radionuclide are coupled with heterogeneous tissue composition, then the calculation of absorbed dose becomes complex and uncertain. Such is the case with the dosimetry of inhaled radon and radon progeny in the respiratory tract. There are increasing demands to obtain a definitive explanation of the role of alpha particles emitted from radon daughters in the induction of lung cancer. Various authors have attempted to evaluate the dose to the bronchial region of the respiratory tract due to the inhalation of radon daughters

  10. Control of radon and its progeny concentration in indoor atmosphere

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramachandran, T.V.; Subbaramu, M.C.


    Exposure to radon daughter concentration in indoor atmosphere can result in a significant risk to the general public. There are two generally used methods for the control of radon and progeny concentration in the indoor atmosphere, namely restriction of radon entry and reduction of indoor radon and its progeny concentration by ventilation or by air cleaning. Predominant radon entry process in most of the dwellings appears to be by pressure driven flow of soil gas through cracks or other openings in the basement slab or subfloors. Sealing these openings or ventilation of the subslab or subfloor space are the methods for reducing the radon entry rates. Indoor radon concentration can also be reduced by increasing the ventilation and by using charcoal filters for the removal of radon gas in indoor air by absorption. Concentration of radon progeny, which are responsible for most of the health risks associatd with radon exposure can also be controlled by the use of electrostatic or mechanical filters. This study describes briefly the above control strategies used for reducing the inhalation doses to persons in dwellings. (author). 9 refs., 2 tables


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    S. H. WANG


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    Com o objetivo de obter uma farinha pré-cozida de trigo e soja (90:10 com boas características tecnológicas para massa de croquete de cenoura com qualidades sensoriais desejáveis, foram estudados os efeitos de parâmetros do processo de extrusão na absorção de água (AA e absorção de gordura (AG das farinhas obtidas, e nas qualidades sensoriais do produto elaborado. A mistura foi extrusada com diferentes umidades (23, 26 e 29%, temperaturas do canhão (TC; 100, 110, 120 e 130ºC e velocidades de rotação da rosca (VRR; nº4; 120, 150, 180 e 210 rpm. Os resultados indicam que o aumento de VRR e TC aumentou AA e AG até certo ponto, além do qual, a AA e a AG passaram a diminuir. O croquete de cenoura elaborado com a farinha mista com 26% de umidade e extrusada com 180 rpm a 120ºC mostrou as melhores qualidades sensoriais, sendo o mais preferido pela equipe massal de provadores não treinados, quando comparado com aqueles da farinha de trigo crua e da farinha mista crua. As qualidades sensoriais do croquete de cenoura estão relacionadas com AA e AG da farinha pré-cozida.

  12. Immunological status of the progeny of breeder hens kept on ochratoxin A (OTA)-contaminated feed. (United States)

    Zahoor-Ul-Hassan; Khan, Muhammad Zargham; Khan, Ahrar; Javed, Ijaz; Saleemi, Muhammad Kashif


    This study aimed to evaluate the immunological status of the progeny of breeder hens kept on ochratoxin A (OTA)-contaminated feed. For this purpose, 84 White Leghorn (WL) layer breeder hens (40-weeks-of-age) were divided into seven groups (A-G). Hens in the Group A were fed a commercial layer ration while those in Groups B-G were kept on a diet amended with 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, or 10.0 mg OTA/kg, respectively, for 3 weeks. Fertile eggs were set for hatching on the weekly basis to get the progeny of each week separately. Hatched chicks (n = 10 from each group) were euthanized at Day 14 of age, and their immunological organs weighed and fixed in neutral buffered formalin. An indirect immunoperoxidase method was applied to study the frequency of immunoglobulin(s)-bearing cells in the spleen and bursa of Fabricius from these progeny. From other chicks within each set, at Day 16 of age, lymphoblastogenic responses against an intradermal administration of phytohemagglutinin (PHA-P) were determined. Relative weights of the bursa of Fabricius and of the thymus were significantly lower in the progeny of hens fed OTA-contaminated diet for 14 and 21 days. The frequencies of IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-bearing cells were also significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower in the bursa of Fabricius and spleen of the progeny chicks obtained from dams fed the OTA-mixed diet. Progeny chicks obtained from the breeder hens fed higher doses of OTA showed significantly lower responses to PHA-P than did counterpart chicks from control hens. The findings of this study suggested that there were immunosuppressive effects from OTA in the progeny obtained from breeder hens kept on OTA-contaminated diets.

  13. Effect of strenuous maternal exercise before and during pregnancy on rat progeny renal function

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    Oliveira A.O.


    Full Text Available The effects of strenuous exercise before and during pregnancy on the renal function and morphological alterations of the progeny were determined in a study on female Wistar rats. This research was done based on a previous study carried out in our laboratory, which showed morphological alterations in rats submitted to this kind of exercise. As the form is related to the function, the physiological relevance of submitting a pregnant female to a high-intensity exercise training regimen could be explained by the fact that morphological alterations can influence kidney function. The animals were assigned to one of two groups: control animals that did not exercise during pregnancy and trained animals that swam for 120 min 5 days a week for 8 weeks before pregnancy and daily for 60 min over a period of 8 weeks starting on the second day of pregnancy. Seven rats of each group were analyzed for morphological alterations and for renal function. The progeny of the rats used for morphological evaluation were born by cesarean section and the progeny of the animals used to evaluate renal function were born normally. The progeny were two months old when renal function was evaluated. Fertility and morbidity were the same for both groups. Strenuous maternal exercise had no significant influence on glomerular filtration rate (GFR but renal plasma flow was lower in the progeny of the trained group (mean ± SD, 16.65 ± 3.77 ml min-1 kg-1 compared to the progeny of the control group (33.42 ± 2.56 ml min-1 kg-1. Antidiuretic and antinatriuretic effects on the progeny of the trained group were observed, since urine flow as percentage of GFR and the fraction of urinary sodium excretion were lower in this group (1.38 ± 0.10 and 0.60 ± 0.04%, respectively compared to the progeny of the control group (2.36 ± 0.11 and 1.55 ± 0.20%, respectively. Moreover, in this exercise program, fetuses from trained animals were small-sized (2.45 ± 0.19 vs 4.66 ± 2.45 g for

  14. Caracterização da variabilidade espacial do índice relativo de clorofila na cultura do trigo


    Pias,Osmar Henrique de Castro; Santi,Antônio Luis; Cherubin,Maurício Roberto; Berghetti,Juliano; Oliveira,Thiago Campos de


    A aplicação localizada de nitrogênio, baseada no índice relativo de clorofila das folhas, pode proporcionar inúmeros benefícios econômicos e ambientais, no entanto, o conhecimento sobre a metodologia de amostragem ainda é incipiente. Nesse sentido, este estudo objetivou avaliar o uso de diferentes malhas amostrais na caracterização da variabilidade espacial do índice relativo de clorofila das folhas da cultura do trigo e na confecção de mapas temáticos para a aplicação localizada de nitrogêni...

  15. Elementos de Análisis Cualitativo y Cuantitativo en Proteínas del Gluten de Trigo


    Díaz Dellavalle, Paola; Dalla Rizza, Marco; Vázquez, Daniel; Castro, Marina


    La calidad del trigo para pan (Triticum aestivum L.) depende de la calidad y cantidad de las proteínas del gluten -gluteninas y gliadinas- las cuales constituyen 10 a 14% de las proteínas del grano. Varios parámetros cuantitativos, como el contenido total de proteínas de la harina, el contenido de proteínas poliméricas presentes en el grano y la proporción de gluteninas y gliadinas, están relacionados a la calidad panadera. En este trabajo se presenta la caracterización de las gluteninas de a...

  16. Inclusões intracelulares associadas à "espiga branca" do trigo Intracellular inclusions associated with white spike disease of wheat

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    E. W. Kitajima


    Full Text Available Fragmentos da epiderme inferior de fôlhas de trigo com sintomas típicos da anomalia conhecida como "espiga branca", examinados ao microscópio convencional, mostraram a constante ocorrência de inclusões intracelulares, de dimensões avantajadas e de aspecto fibrilar e enovelado. Freqüentemente, células adjacentes aquelas que continham inclusões apresentavam formações aciculares, em seu interior. Seções ultrafinas dessas folhas, examinadas ao microscópio electrô-nico, revelaram que tais inclusões eram de localização citoplasmática e formadas por uma massa de partículas filamentosas de 7-10 m¼ em diâmetro e de comprimento indeterminado, idênticas àquelas encontradas em preparações "leaf dip". Várias alterações celulares, como hipertrofia do nucléolo, degeneração dos cloroplastos e vesicularização do retículo endoplasmático, puderam também ser notadas. Ocasionalmente, formações cristalinas foram notadas na periferia e mesmo no interior do núcleo. A semelhança das inclusões citoplasmáticas e das partículas que as compõem, com aquelas descritas, associadas à infecção do vírus da "hoja blanca" do arroz, e também o fato de o trigo desenvolver sintomas do tipo espiga branca quando inoculado experimentalmente com o vírus da "hoja blanca", parecem reforçar a sugestão de que a espiga branca do trigo teria etiologia virosa e que o agente causal seria do grupo do vírus da "hoja blanca" do arroz. A constante associação das inclusões celulares com a condição de espiga branca, em trigo, constitui mais um elemento para sua rápida diagnose.Light microscopic examination of epidermal strips from leaves of wheat (Triticum sativumL. showing typical symptoms of the white spike (WS disease, demonstrated the constant occurrence of huge, fibrous and whorled intracellular inclusions. Occasionally cells adjacent to those having inclusions contained needle-like formations. The whorled inclusions appeared in ultrathin

  17. Evaluasi Resistensi Progeni Anggrek Phalaenopsis terhadap Penyakit Busuk Lunak (Pseudomonas viridiflava

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    Hanudin Hanudin


    Full Text Available A bacterial soft rot disease caused by P. viridiflava was one of problems in orchid nursery, especially Phalaenopsis.  An evaluation on progenies derived from three crossing combinations were conducted to find out the symptom characteristic, development of infections of the disease and resistance response of the progenies against artificial infection of P. viridiflava. The research was conducted under a standard glass house conditions for Phalaenopsis involving 31 individuals from 3 progeny populations, namely P.157, E.2153 and E.2189. The results showed that symptoms were characterized by the lesion of the leaf tissues. On most accessions, the lesion enlarged and foul odor was detected as an indication of the successful establishment of bacterial infection. Based on the disease severity, three accessions (P.157-12, P.157-45, and P.157-71 had the lowest infections and were classified into resistant genotypes. One accession, i.e. P.157-32 was classified as susceptible and the rest 27 accessions were grouped into very susceptible class.

  18. Progeny of male rats treated with methadone: physiological and behavioural effects. (United States)

    Joffe, J M; Peruzović, M; Milković, K


    Male rats were injected with methadone HCl (METH) at 5 mg/kg s.c. for 4 days prior to mating with drug-free females. Offspring resulting from these matings were compared with offspring of drug-free males. The progeny of METH-treated males gained less weight after weaning and had lighter thymuses as adults (but not in infancy). Gonadal weights did not differ in infancy or adulthood, and adrenal weights were heavier in female offspring in adulthood. In adulthood METH offspring were significantly different from controls on all behavioural tests used (open field activity, activity cage activity, passive avoidance latencies, shuttle box avoidances, and rotarod latencies), with the differences frequently affected by test order, days of testing, or sex of offspring. The effects in progeny of METH-treated males in the absence of differences in litter size or neonatal mortality indicate that paternal drug ingestion prior to mating can produce physiological and behavioural changes in progeny that are not dependent on detectable effects on early viability or growth.

  19. Effect of pollination mode on progeny of Panicum coloratum var. makarikariense: Implications for conservation and breeding

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    Lorena V. Armando


    Full Text Available Panicum coloratum var. makarikariense, a perennial grass native to Africa, is adapted to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions with potential to be used as forage in tropical and semi-arid regions around the world. Our objective was to understand how the pollination mode affects viable seed production and further survival of the progeny. We evaluated self- and open-pollinated progenies from different accessions by measuring the seed production of the parents and their germination performance, germination rate and seedling survival. Parents and progeny were also fingerprinted with Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR. Progeny produced through open-pollination resulted in significantly more filled seeds and superior seedling survival than self-pollination. These results indicate that accessions studied here rely heavily on cross-pollination, whereas the contribution of self-pollinated offspring to the population is likely to be low. SSR profiles showed that, on average, 85% of the progeny (arising from cross-pollination possessed paternal specific markers and 100% of them were genetically different from the maternal genotype. All plants examined had 4x = 36 chromosomes. Overall, our findings indicate that var. makarikariense is able to generate highly polymorphic progeny through segregation and recombination. This study provides reference information for the formulation of appropriate strategies for pasture germplasm management, conservation and development of breeding programs. 

  20. Design of a recirculating radon progeny aerosol generation and animal exposure system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Newton, G.J.; Cuddihy, R.G.; Yeh, H.C.; Barr, E.B.; Boecker, B.B.


    Inhalation studies are being conducted at ITRI using laboratory animals exposed to radon-222 progeny attached to vector aerosols that are typical of indoor environments. The purpose of these studies is to identify the cells at risk from inhaled radon progeny and their locations within the respiratory tract. These studies require exposures up to 1000 working level months (WLM) within a few hours. Thus, large amounts of radium-226 are needed to produce the gaseous radon-222. A once-through-exposure-system was considered to be impractical because of statutory discharge limitations and the large amounts of radium that would be required. Therefore, a recirculating exposure system was designed and constructed that removes the aerosol after passing through the exposure chambers and recirculates purified air and radon. The purified radon is mixed with freshly evolving radon from a radon generator and passed Into a reaction-aging chamber where attachment of radon progeny to the vector aerosol occurs. The design includes: (1) 50-200 mg radium-226 in a radon generator, (2) 40 L/min total flow rate, (3) CO 2 removal, (4) reconstitution of oxygen tension and water vapor content to atmospheric levels, and (5) a trap for radon gas. A radon progeny exposure concentration in the range of 4,000 to 50,000 WL is being produced. (author)

  1. A study on genetic variation and selective effect of principal characters of hybrid progenies of macro-mutants in peanut

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu Qingrong


    In order to make good use of macro-mutants, we have studied the law of genetic variation and selective effect on the hybrid progenies of original varieties and of two macro-mutants with steady phenotypes. The results show that the hybrid progenies of the two experimental macro-mutants in the broad-sense heritability and the genetic advance of their main economical characters as well as the effect on selection are better than those of the hybrid progenies of the two original varieties. The selection rate from the macro-mutant hybrid progenies is 72.2% which is higher than that of the hybrid progenies of the two original varieties, and and a new prospecting strain has been obtained

  2. Studies on thoron progeny implantation in different materials

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cosma, C.; Flore, A.; Pop, I.


    The purpose of this work is to obtain the alpha spectra for thoron daughters implanted at the surface of different materials and to show the possibility of this method to simulate the radon progeny implantation and thus to find some parameters used in the Jacobi model

  3. Dose-dependent in vivo cell-cycle changes following radon progeny exposure

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, N.F.; Carpenter, T.R.; Hickman, A.W.; Jaramillo, R.J.; Gurule, D.M.


    Exposures to low concentrations of alpha-emitting radon progeny are reported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to be the second leading cause of lung cancer. Current risk estimates for lung cancer from the inhalation of radon progeny are based on data from underground uranium miners. To produce such risk estimates, calculations are based on several assumptions concerning exposure-response relationships rather than dose-response relationships. A better understanding of the mechanisms of interactions between alpha particles, the cells of the respiratory tract, and the progression toward cancer may validate the mathematical models used to derive risk estimates

  4. Assessment of nanoparticle surface area by measuring unattached fraction of radon progeny

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruzer, Lev S. [Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Indoor Environment Department (United States)], E-mail:


    A number of studies on the exposure of nanometer aerosols have indicated that health effects associated with low-solubility inhaled particles in the range of 1-100 nm may be more appropriately associated with particulate surface area than mass concentration. Such data on correlation between number, surface area and mass concentration are needed for exposure investigations, but the means for measuring aerosol surface area are not readily available. In this paper we propose a method for particle surface area assessment based on a new approach, deposition of the 'unattached fraction of radon progeny' onto nanometer aerosols.The proposed approach represents a synthesis of:(1) Derived direct analytical correlation between the 'unattached fraction' of radon progeny and surface area particle concentration in the range of 1-100 nm particle diameter;(2) Experimental data on correlation between the unattached fraction of radon progeny and particle surface area for particles with diameter in the range of 44 nm-2.1 {mu}m.

  5. Genetic variation of phytochemical compounds in progenies of Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil.

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    Euclides Lara Cardozo Junior


    Full Text Available Mate (Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil contains phytochemical compounds capable of preventing a number of healthproblems. Knowledge on the genetic contribution to the variability in these compounds can help to obtain mate progenies withhigher levels thereof in breeding programs. The composition of triterpene saponins, methylxanthines, chlorogenic acid andthe antioxidant activity of eight mate progenies were evaluated. Significant differences among progenies were verified incontents of triterpene saponins (0.003-0.080%, caffeine (0.226-1.377%, theobromine (0.176-0.831%, and chlorogenicacid (1.344-2.031% and in antioxidant activity (31.251-51.406%. The contents of theobromine were found to be negativelycorrelated with saponins and caffeine, and caffeine with chlorogenic acid, while theobromine was positively correlated withchlorogenic acid. The heritability values for saponins (75.09%, caffeine (75.19%, theobromine (66.87%, chlorogenic acid(52.86% and antioxidant activity (67.75% indicate the possibility of genetic gain in selection for these traits.

  6. Genetic Variation Among Open-Pollinated Progeny of Eastern Cottonwood (United States)

    R. E. Farmer


    Improvement programs in eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.) are most frequently designed to produce genetically superior clones for direct commercial use. This paper describes a progeny test to assess genetic variability on which selection might be based.

  7. Erosão hídrica em diferentes preparos do solo logo após as colheitas de milho e trigo, na presença e na ausência dos resíduos culturais

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    I. Bertol


    Full Text Available O preparo do solo, o qual influencia o manejo dos resíduos culturais e a rugosidade superficial, associado ao tipo de cultura utilizada, é um dos fatores que afetam a suscetibilidade do solo à erosão hídrica. Utilizando chuvas simuladas na intensidade constante de 64 mm h-1, com durações suficientes para que o escoamento superficial atingisse taxa constante de descarga, foram avaliados, em Eldorado do Sul (RS, de 1992 a 1994, em condições de campo, os seguintes tratamentos de preparo do solo: semeadura direta, na presença e na ausência dos resíduos recém-colhidos de milho e trigo; escarificação, na presença e na ausência dos resíduos recém-colhidos de milho e trigo + milho logo após a colheita do trigo; e aração + gradagem, na presença e ausência dos resíduos recém-colhidos de milho e trigo + milho logo após a colheita do trigo. Utilizou-se um solo podzólico vermelho-amarelo franco-arenoso e declividade média de 0,066 m m-1. As perdas de solo e água foram fortemente influenciadas pela rugosidade e cobertura superficiais. Na semeadura direta e aração + gradagem, a manutenção dos resíduos culturais na superfície reduziu as perdas de solo em relação à sua remoção manual quase completa. A semeadura direta com os resíduos culturais foi o tratamento mais eficaz na redução da erosão e a aração + gradagem, sem os resíduos, o menos eficaz. A escarificação com os resíduos culturais na superfície apresentou maior perda de solo do que a semeadura direta e aração + gradagem também com os resíduos na superfície. Em geral, as perdas de água por escoamento superficial seguiram o mesmo comportamento das perdas de solo.

  8. Efecto del régimen de defoliación sobre la producción de grano en trigo doble propósito Effect of the defoliation regime on grain production in dual purpose wheat

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    N. Peralta


    Full Text Available La utilización de cultivos de trigo con doble propósito contribuiría a realizar un uso más eficiente de los recursos ambientales. En Balcarce (Buenos Aires, Argentina se estableció un cultivo de trigo (Triticum aestivum, cv. Baguette 20 sembrado en fecha temprana (17 de marzo de 2006 para comparar la producción de forraje obtenida con tres regímenes de defoliación: T1 (tres defoliaciones, T2 (dos defoliaciones y TG (sin defoliaciones. En esos tres tratamientos y en otro no defoliado sembrado en fecha normal para la producción de grano (7 de junio, TN se cuantificó la biomasa aérea (g MS m², el rendimiento de grano (kg ha-1 y sus componentes. La producción de forraje de T1 fue similar que la de T2 (497 y 392 g m-2, respectivamente. Las defoliaciones posteriores al estado de dos nudos (estado Zadoks 32 afectaron negativamente la radiación fotosintéticamente activa interceptada por el cultivo, disminuyendo tanto el número de granos m-2 como el peso por grano; en consecuencia, la producción de grano cayó 60% respecto de TG y 71% respecto de TN. Se estableció una relación cuantitativa entre la disminución del rendimiento en grano y el momento del último corte (i.e., días entre la última defoliación y antesis. El trigo presenta la ventaja de poseer un destino alternativo a su uso forrajero, que no la presentan otros verdeos de invierno. Puede destinarse sólo para uso forrajero, sólo para producir grano, o se lo puede utilizar buscando un balance entre la producción de forraje y grano.The utilization of dual purpose wheat crops may contribute to perform a more efficient use of environmental resources. In Balcarce (Buenos Aires, Argentina a wheat crop (Triticum aestivum, cv. Baguette 20 was seeded at an early date (March 17, 2006 and the forage production was compared with three defoliation frequencies: T1 (three defoliations; T2 (two defoliations and TG (without defoliations. The aerial biomass, grain yield (kg ha-1 and its

  9. Measurement of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations in the dwellings of Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Joshi, Veena; Bijalwan, Pramesh; Rawat, Jasbir; Yadav, Manjulata; Ramola, R.C.; Mishra, Rosaline


    It is well known that inhalation of radon, thoron and their progeny contribute more than 50% of natural background radiation dose to human being. The time integrated passive measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations were carried out in the dwellings of Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India. The measurements of radon and thoron concentrations were performed by LR-115 detector based single entry Pin-Hole dosimeter while for the measurement of progeny concentrations, LR-115 deposition based DTPS/DRPS technique was used. The experimental techniques and results obtained are discussed in detail. (author)

  10. Measurement of unattached radon progeny based in electrostatic deposition method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canoba, A.C.; Lopez, F.O.


    A method for the measurement of unattached radon progeny based on its electrostatic deposition onto wire screens, using only one pump, has been implemented and calibrated. The importance of being able of making use of this method is related with the special radiological significance that has the unattached fraction of the short-lived radon progeny. Because of this, the assessment of exposure could be directly related to dose with far greater accuracy than before. The advantages of this method are its simplicity, even with the tools needed for the sample collection, as well as the measurement instruments used. Also, the suitability of this method is enhanced by the fact that it can effectively be used with a simple measuring procedure such as the Kusnetz method. (author)

  11. Local deposition patterns of inhaled radon progeny in human bronchial airways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heistracher, T.; Hofmann, W.; Balashazy, I.


    The local distribution of radon decay products deposited within bronchial bifurcations, particularly the formation of hot spots, may be more relevant for the determination of cellular doses in bronchial tissue than the commonly computed deposition efficiency, which is conceptually equivalent to the assumption of a uniform nuclide distribution. It is well known that the initial states of lung cancer in humans preferably occur in upper airways close to the cardinal location. In this study we use a recently developed geometric approach of a physiologically realistic bifurcation to demonstrate the site sensitivity of radon progeny deposition for two particle sizes, which are representative of the unattached and attached fraction of radon progeny

  12. Lipid peroxidation and seed emergency in progenies of the yellow passion fruit plant

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    João Paulo Bestete de Oliveira


    Full Text Available The objective was to evaluate the percentage of emergency plantlets and lipid peroxidation in seeds of 29 half-sib progenies of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims. after 24 months under storage. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications of 50 seeds each, from which the treatments were the progenies (1-29. The evaluation of the percent plantlet emergency was accomplished at 14 and 28 days after sowing. The lipid peroxidation of the seeds was expressed as malondialdehyde (MDA content that was determined by the TBARS method. Approximately 21% of those half-sib progenies maintained the viability of their seeds for twenty-four months under storage. The results point out a remarkable genetic variability for vigor and emergency of the yellow passion fruit plantlets, with occurrence of individuals with high and other ones with low capacity to maintaining the physiologic quality of their seeds after storage.

  13. Influência do estádio de maturação na colheita e temperatura de secagem de grãos de trigo sobre os valores de energia metabolizável aparente corrigida (EMAc em frangos de corte Influence of grain maturity stage at harvest and drying temperatures on AMEn of wheat grains for poultry

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    Helenice Mazzuco


    Full Text Available Foi avaliada a influência do estádio de maturação (nível de umidade e o processo de secagem (temperatura do trigo sobre os valores de composição química e de Energia Metabolizável Aparente corrigida para retenção de nitrogênio (EMAc pelo método de coleta total em frangos de corte. O trigo foi colhido com 13, 16, 20 ou 30% de umidade e submetido a 40, 70 e 100ºC de temperaturas na secagem, excetuando-se a umidade de 13%, considerado como o trigo seco na lavoura. O maior valor de EMAc (3326 kcal/kg do trigo foi obtido no tratamento em que se utilizou trigo colhido com 16% de umidade e submetido à secagem de 40ºC. A temperatura na secagem e umidade de colheita altera o valor nutricional do trigo. É necessário conhecer o melhor estádio de maturação na colheita e o processo de secagem do trigo, considerando sua variação nutritiva e posterior emprego em rações avícolas.An experiment was performed to evaluate the chemical composition values and Apparent Metabolizable Energy corrected for nitrogen excretion (AMEn of wheat grain harvested at different maturity stage (13, 16, 20 and 30% of humidity levels and drying temperatures (40, 70 and 100 ºC. The grain with 13% of humidity level was considered dried at harvest and was not submitted to drying. The level of 16% of grain humidity at harvesting and the drying temperature of 40 ºC provided the highest AMEn wheat value (3326 kcal/kg, as fed basis. Harvesting humidity and drying temperature affected the nutritional value of wheat. It is necessary to know the best maturity stage at harvest and drying temperatures of wheat grains regarding the variability on its nutritive value and inclusion into poultry diets.

  14. Temporal and vertical variations radon and its progeny related to atmospheric electrical conductivity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pruthvi Rani, K.S.; Chandrashekara, M.S.; Paramesh, L.


    Atmospheric radon, its progeny, electrical conductivity and meteorological parameters such as wind, temperature, humidity, pressure and rainfall were continuously monitored during 2012 to 2014 at one location in Mysuru city. The annual mean atmospheric radon concentration at the study location was found to be 16.4 Bqm -3 . The diurnal cycle of radon and its progeny show a peak in the early morning hours followed by a drastic decrease after sunrise and rising to a second peak in the afternoon. It was found that the stability of the atmosphere and ambient temperature played a major role in the diurnal variations. Higher concentrations of radon and its progeny were observed in winter and lower values in summer. This may due to the variations in origin of air mass and meteorological parameters. Wind direction analyses reveal that in sectors with air which has spent a longer period over the granitic region and low wind speeds will lead to higher concentrations of radon. Atmospheric electrical conductivity near the ground is mainly due to the ionization from radon and its progeny. The diurnal variations of conductivity and ionization rate due to radon and its individual progeny were of similar trend. In addition its significant dependence on meteorological parameters is confirmed. The vertical variations of atmospheric electrical conductivity were studied at different heights up to 250 m from the ground level. Higher values were observed close to the ground surface, there was a rapid reduction up to about 10 m and beyond that the conductivity gradually decreases. The diurnal conductivity cycle is studied at 10 m and 100 m showed the expected similar trend at both the heights but early morning maxima were considerably different, this confirms the accumulation of radon gas close to the ground surface during night time leading to increase of conductivity values. (author)


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    Leandris Argentel


    Full Text Available Se determinó la capacidad de inclusión y los sitios de retención de cationes en una variedad de trigo harinero Cuba-C-204, como posible indicador de toxicidad iónica y daño celular después de tratamiento salino, mediante técnicas de espectrofotometría de absorción atómica, fijación y microanálisis en diferentes órganos de la planta. Plantas fueron cultivadas por 35 días en condiciones de hidroponía en solución nutritiva con dos tratamientos (salinizada y control, con 88 mM de NaCl y sin NaCl, respectivamente. Se cuantificó el contenido catiónico en raíces, vainas y hojas, y en una muestra aleatoria de cada órgano seccionado. Como resultado del tratamiento salino observase que hubo mayor acumulación de Na+ y Ca2+ en los diferentes órganos. En la parte de la raíz más próxima al tallo, y en la base y parte media de la vaina se observó inclusión y concentración significativas de Na+. En la hoja el Na+ se acumuló en la parte más próxima a la lígula y el ápice, estando ausente en la parte media de la hoja. La mayor interferencia nutricional obtenida fue Na+/K+ en las vainas de las hojas, con una relación iónica media de 0.45. El contenido de Ca2+ en todos los casos fue superior en las plantas que crecieron en el medio salino y su concentración aumentó desde la raíz hasta las hojas. Existió congruencia entre los análisis espectrofotométricos y lo observado por microscopía electrónica. Los resultados obtenidos permiten aumentar el conocimiento que se tiene de la variedad como fuente de resistencia al estrés salino.

  16. Tricotecenos y calidad de granos del Cono Sur

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    Jacqueline Cea


    Full Text Available Fusarium es un género de hongo complejo con especies que se adaptan a un amplio rango de habitats. ( Summerell et al.2001. Aunque hay docenas de especies de Fusarium, sólo un número limitado son responsables de la contaminación por micotoxinas en alimentos y raciones ( Marasas et al.1984b. Parte de estas micotoxinas son denominadas tricotecenos , involucrando mayoritariamente al deoxinivalenol (DON, sus derivados acetilados (3-acetyldeoxinivalenol y 15 acetildeoxinivalenol, T2,  HT2 y nivalenol. Según JECFA, los estudios realizados demuestran que el DON aparece predominantemente en granos tales como trigo, cebada, avena, centeno y maíz, y menos frecuentemente en arroz y sorgo. En la mayoría de las regiones del mundo, incluyendo el Cono Sur, Fusarium graminearum es el mayor agente causal de enfermedades de Fusaium en granos y cereales denominadas: Fusarium Head Blight en cereales y  Giberella ear rot en maíz. Se ha encontrado una relación directa entre la incidencia de Fusarium Head Blight y la contaminación de trigo con DON. La incidencia de la enfermedad esta afectada por las condiciones climáticas de lluvia y humedad en el período de la floración. El factor más crítico es el momento de la lluvia más que la cantidad. F. graminearum crece a una temperatura óptima de 25°C y a una actividad de agua de 0.88.Ejemplo de las consecuencias de Fusarium Head Blight en trigo, es lo ocurrido en la zafra 2001-2002 en Uruguay.  El trigo nacional sufrió contaminación con la consecuente producción de DON en valores comprometedores para la salud, tanto humana como animal. Esta situación sirvió como punto de partida para la concientización y toma de decisiones por parte de las autoridades. Es así que el MSP y MGAP establecieron  reglamentaciones con el objetivo de proteger la salud humana y animal. En forma paralela se implementó un Proyecto FAOPCT/URU/2801 de "Apoyo en la prevención y control de Fusarium y micotoxinas en granos

  17. Wire screens as a tool for survey measurements of the unattached radon progeny in mines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Janica, R.


    The radon hazard in mines is assessed by measuring the radioactivity accumulated on filters through which air is forced to flow. The filter collects both forms of the short-lived radon progeny, attached and unattached, and, therefore, the assessment is based on the measurement of the total radon progeny. Because of the special radiological significance of the unattached fraction of the short-lived radon progeny, the estimation of the radiation hazard to miners would be improved if the unattached fraction could be measured. This report describes two methods of measurement for the simultaneous determination of the unattached and the total radon progeny. The proposed methods comply with the criterion of practicality (imposed by the working conditions in the mine environment), that is, they are implemented using standard survey equipment and simple procedures. Both methods use wire screens to collect, preferentially, the unattached fraction. According to the first method, air is sampled through a wire screen and a backup filter, and the radioactivity accumulated on both the filter and the wire screen are measured separately using standard counting protocols (e.g. the Kusnetz protocol). The wire screen's efficiency for collecting the unattached radon progeny is determined, in advance, under laboratory conditions. The method assumes the validity of the collection efficiencies when the screens are used under field conditions. To avoid the uncertainty of the lab-determined collection efficiency, a new measuring method was proposed based on the sampling of air through two screens in series and a backup filter. The measurement of the ratio of the activities deposited on both screens allows an estimation of the screen collection efficiency under field conditions. Once this is done, the 'unattached fraction' and total radon progeny are determined by counting only one of the screens and the backup filter as described in the previous method. (author). 73 refs., 8 tabs., 21 figs

  18. Growth and Crown Vigor of 25 Year-Old Shortleaf Pine Progenies on a Littleleaf Disease Site (United States)

    Stanley J. Zarnoch; John L. Ruehle; Roger P. Belanger; Donald H. Marx; W. Craig Bryan


    On a littleleaf disease site in South Carolina, most of the control-pollinated progeny of shrotleaf pines that appeared to be reesistant to the disease outperformed a check seedlot through age 25. Rankings of progeny based on volume changed little between ages 17 and 25.

  19. Relationship of 220Rn and 222Rn progeny levels in Canadian underground U mines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bigu, J.


    Radon-222 and 220 Rn progeny are found in some Canadian underground U mines. Because both can contribute to lung dose, their experimental determinations are important. The relationship between 222 Rn progeny Working Level [WL(Rn)] and 220 Rn progeny Working Level [WL(Tn)] has been investigated in U mines. Experimental measurements extended from 1981 to 1986 and consisted of about 700 measurements of each WL(Rn) and WL(Tn). The data were analyzed by standard linear and power-function regression analysis. A power-function relationship between WL(Rn) and WL(Tn) seemed to fit the experimental data best. The relationship obtained permits the calculation of WL(Tn) from experimental values of WL(Rn). The relationship is useful for lung-dose-calculation purposes and in mine-ventilation-engineering calculations

  20. Paternal cocaine taking elicits epigenetic remodeling and memory deficits in male progeny. (United States)

    Wimmer, M E; Briand, L A; Fant, B; Guercio, L A; Arreola, A C; Schmidt, H D; Sidoli, S; Han, Y; Garcia, B A; Pierce, R C


    Paternal environmental perturbations including exposure to drugs of abuse can produce profound effects on the physiology and behavior of offspring via epigenetic modifications. Here we show that adult drug-naive male offspring of cocaine-exposed sires have memory formation deficits and associated reductions in NMDA receptor-mediated hippocampal synaptic plasticity. Reduced levels of the endogenous NMDA receptor co-agonist d-serine were accompanied by increased expression of the d-serine degrading enzyme d-amino acid oxidase (Dao1) in the hippocampus of cocaine-sired male progeny. Increased Dao1 transcription was associated with enrichment of permissive epigenetic marks on histone proteins in the hippocampus of male cocaine-sired progeny, some of which were enhanced near the Dao1 locus. Finally, hippocampal administration of d-serine reversed both the memory formation and synaptic plasticity deficits. Collectively, these results demonstrate that paternal cocaine exposure produces epigenetic remodeling in the hippocampus leading to NMDA receptor-dependent memory formation and synaptic plasticity impairments only in male progeny, which has significant implications for the male descendants of chronic cocaine users.

  1. A family business: stem cell progeny join the niche to regulate homeostasis. (United States)

    Hsu, Ya-Chieh; Fuchs, Elaine


    Stem cell niches, the discrete microenvironments in which the stem cells reside, play a dominant part in regulating stem cell activity and behaviours. Recent studies suggest that committed stem cell progeny become indispensable components of the niche in a wide range of stem cell systems. These unexpected niche inhabitants provide versatile feedback signals to their stem cell parents. Together with other heterologous cell types that constitute the niche, they contribute to the dynamics of the microenvironment. As progeny are often located in close proximity to stem cell niches, similar feedback regulations may be the underlying principles shared by different stem cell systems.

  2. Variability and performance evaluation of introgressed Nigerian dura x Deli dura oil palm progenies. (United States)

    Noh, A; Rafii, M Y; Mohd Din, A; Kushairi, A; Norziha, A; Rajanaidu, N; Latif, M A; Malek, M A


    Twelve introgressed oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) progenies of Nigerian dura x Deli dura were evaluated for bunch yield, yield attributes, bunch quality components and vegetative characters at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board Research Station, in Keratong, Pahang, Malaysia. Analysis of variance revealed significant to highly significant genotypic differences, indicating sufficient genetic variability among the progenies for bunch yield and its attributes, vegetative characters and bunch quality components, except fruit to bunch ratio. Fresh fruit bunch yield ranged from 167 kg·palm(-1)·year(-1) in PK1330 to 212 kg·palm(-1)·year(-1) in PK1351, with a mean yield of 192 kg·palm(-1)·year(-1). Among the progeny, PK1313 had the highest oil to bunch ratio (19.36%), due to its high mesocarp to fruit ratio, fruit to bunch ratio and low shell to fruit ratio. Among the progenies, PK1313 produced the highest oil yield of 31.4 kg·palm(-1)·year(-1), due to a high mesocarp to fruit ratio (61.2%) and a low shell to fruit ratio (30.7%), coupled with high fruit to bunch ratio (65.6%). PK1330 was found promising for selection, as it had desirable vegetative characters, including smaller petiole cross section (27.15 cm2), short rachis length (4.83 m), short palm height (1.85 m), and the lowest leaf number (164.6), as these vegetative characters are prerequisites for selecting palms for high density planting and high yield per hectare. The genetic variability among the progenies was found to be high, indicating ample scope for further breeding, followed by selection.

  3. Parentage assignment of progeny in mixed milt fertilization of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)



    Jun 13, 2011 ... individuals. Overall, 98.8% of progeny were assigned to their parents using Family Assignment. Program (FAP). Selection of hyper-variable microsatellites in Caspian brown trout to identify unique alleles was effective for unambiguous parentage determination and estimation of genetic diversity in this study.

  4. Effect of Polish and foreign purebred Arabian stallions on conformation traits of their progeny participating in shows in the last decade

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    Rafal Czarnecki


    Full Text Available Observations confirm correctness of the statement that the best recommendation for a stallion is his progeny. The aim of this study was indicating purebred Arabian stallions passing on to their progeny best conformation traits, assessed in Polish shows, in the past decade, taking into consideration their origin. The analysis included national and foreign stallions used in Polish breeding of purebred Arabian horses, which are fathers of at least 5 heads of progeny. The authors own research proved that progeny of foreign stallions statistically differed significantly from the progeny sired by Polish stallions within all conformation traits tested in shows. In the studied period, the highest final score (91.37 points and note for the trait type (19.11 points was characteristic of the progeny of QR Marc. The best head was passed on by stallions: QR Marc (19.06 points and WH Justice (18.78 points, born in the United States and owned by the European breeders. In the Top Ten of producers passing on a refined head to their progeny, there was only one Polish stallion bred in the Horse Stud Michalw, Ekstern (18.29 points. Progeny with the most correct body structure was sired by foreign stallions, Eden C (18.13 points and QR Marc (18.13 points, and by the Polish stallion, Zlocien (17.95 points. The highest score for the trait legs was obtained by the progeny of the Qatar stallion Gazal Al Shaqab (16.30 points. However, the title of the father of the best movers got an Israeli stallion, Laheeb (18.91 points.


    Kandari, Tushar; Aswal, Sunita; Prasad, Mukesh; Pant, Preeti; Bourai, A A; Ramola, R C


    In the present study, the measurements of indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations have been carried out in the Rajpur region of Uttarakhand, Himalaya, India by using LR-115 solid-state nuclear track detector-based time-integrated techniques. The gas concentrations have been measured by single-entry pin-hole dosemeter technique, while for the progeny concentrations, deposition-based Direct Thoron and Radon Progeny Sensor technique has been used. The radiation doses due to the inhalation of radon, thoron and progeny have also been determined by using obtained concentrations of radon, thoron and their progeny in the study area. The average radon concentration varies from 75 to 123 Bq m -3 with an overall average of 89 Bq m -3 The average thoron concentration varies from 29 to 55 Bq m -3 with an overall average of 38 Bq m -3 The total annual effective dose received due to radon, thoron and their progeny varies from 2.4 to 4.1 mSv y -1 with an average of 2.9 mSv y -1 While the average equilibrium factor for radon and its progeny was found to be 0.39, for thoron and its progeny, it was 0.06. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  6. Valores de aminoácidos digestíveis verdadeiros e equações de predição dos aminoácidos digestíveis do grão e de subprodutos do trigo para aves Values of true digestible amino acids and prediction equations of digestible amino acids of wheat grain and wheat by-products for poultry

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    Ricardo Vianna Nunes


    Full Text Available Foram determinados os coeficientes de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos e elaboradas equações de predição dos valores de aminoácidos digestíveis utilizando a composição química de 11 alimentos. Os alimento avaliados foram: farinha morena, farinha de trigo, trigo-grão, triguilho, gérmen de trigo, resíduo de biscoito, resíduo de macarrão e quatro farelos de trigo. Foi utilizado o método de "alimentação forçada" com galos cecectomizados. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 11 alimentos e um tratamento-jejum, seis repetições e um galo por unidade experimental. Os coeficientes médios de digestibilidade verdadeira dos aminoácidos para farelo de trigo 1, farelo de trigo 2, farelo de trigo 3, farelo de trigo 4, farinha morena, farinha de trigo, resíduo de biscoito, resíduo de macarrão, trigo-grão, triguilho e gérmen de trigo foram 80,1; 76,7; 71,8; 74,5; 84,1; 94,1; 77,9; 90,1; 86,0; 90,3; e 93,1%, respectivamente. As equações de predição que melhor estimaram os valores de aminoácidos digestíveis verdadeiros foram aquelas que continham os conteúdos de proteína bruta (PB e, ou, extrato etéreo (EE, para o aminoácido lisina, e proteína bruta (PB e, ou, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN, para os aminoácidos metionina, metionina + cistina e treonina e a média dos aminoácidos essenciais, sendo as equações: Lis = -0,8805 + 0,0755*PB + 0,0268*EE (R² = 98%, Met = -0,0377 + 0,0183*PB - 0,0020*FDN (R² = 99%, M+C = 0,0982 + 0,0273*PB - 0,0021*FDN (R² = 92%, Treo = -0,2107 + 0,0401PB - 0,0020*FDN (R² = 96%, Essen = -0,1530 + 0,0451*PB - 0,0024*FDN (R² = 98%.The true digestibility coefficients of amino acids (TDCaa were determined and digestible amino acids prediction equations obtained, using the chemical composition of 11 feedstuffs. The feedstuffs evaluated were: brown flour meal, wheat flour, wheat grain, wheat grain residue, wheat germ, cookies residue, macaroni residue

  7. Parentage assignment of progeny in mixed milt fertilization of ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Parentage of a stock of mixed milt produced progeny in current artificial breeding protocol of endangered Caspian brown trout, Salmo trutta caspius, was determined using three microsatellite loci chosen after a primary analysis of genetic diversity at nine microsatellite loci in the eight used breeder individuals. Overall ...

  8. Lung Deposition And Biological Effects Of Inhaled Radon Progenies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Balashazy, I.; Farkas, A.; Szoke, I.; Moustafa, M.; Kudela, G.


    Inhaled radon progenies provide more than the half of natural radiation exposure. There is increasing evidence that the cellular distribution of radiation burden is an important factor regarding the biological response to ionisation radiation, thus, one of our tasks was the characterisation of the distribution of cellular exposure. Histological studies of former uranium miners presented strong correlation between primer deposition hot spots and neoplastic lesions. Most of these lesions were located along the carinal regions of the large bronchial airways. In the present work, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches have been applied to simulate the deposition distribution of inhaled radon progenies along central human airways. The geometry and the cellular structure of epithelial lung tissue were numerically reconstructed based on anatomical and histological data. Single and multiple ha-hit and cellular dose distributions have been computed applying Monte Carlo modelling techniques at different breathing conditions. Figure 1. Deposition enhancement factor (EF) of inhaled radon progenies on a central airway bifurcation in airway generations 4-5 during light physical activity breathing condition. Size of scanning surface element is a 45μm side triangle. Left panel: EF max=1400,Dp=200 nm (attached). Right panel: EF max1290, Dp= 1 nm (unattached). Values of local per average deposition densities, that is, enhancement factors (Figure 1), hit probabilities and doses may be up to two-three orders of magnitude higher in the deposition hot spots than the average values. Dose calculations revealed that some cell clusters may receive high doses even at low exposure conditions. Applying the model to different radiation exposure conditions useful relations can be received regarding the linear-non threshold hypothesis

  9. Measurement of size distribution for 220Rn progeny attached aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Lei; Guo Qiuju; Zhuo Weihai


    The size distribution of radioactive aerosols is a very important factor for evaluating the inner exposure dose contributed by radon and thoron progeny in environments. In order to measure the size distribution of thoron progeny attached radioactive aerosols, a device was developed using wire screens. The count median diameter (CMD) and the geometric standard deviation (GSD) of attached radioactive aerosols were calculated by collecting ThB and using CR-39 as detector. Field measurement results at Yangjiang City in Guangdong Province show that the CMDs distribute between 30 and 130 nm, and the GSDs are between 1.9 and 3.3. It also shows that the more humid country, the smaller CMDs, and the ventilation has great influence on the size distribution of aerosols. The CMDs of adobe house are smaller than that of the concrete houses. (authors)

  10. Occurrence of 222Rn and progeny in natural gas processing plants in western Canada

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Drummond, I.; Boucher, P.; Bradford, B.; Evans, H.; McLean, J.; Reczek, E.; Thunem, H.


    In Western Canada, there are many plants that process natural gas to remove impurities (CO 2 , H 2 S, H 2 O) and recover natural gas liquids (propane, butane, etc.). Trace quantities of 222 Rn present in the inlet stream are concentrated in streams rich with propane. Potential hazards to plant operators include direct inhalation of 222 Rn and progeny; exposure to gamma radiation from short-lived progeny deposited inside equipment; or inhalation of 210 Pb when contaminated equipment is opened for repair. Twenty-four plants operated by seven companies cooperated to assess these potential hazards. The findings indicate a substantial flux of 222 Rn and progeny passing through the plants, but little accumulation of radionuclides. In no case was there evidence of significant exposure of plant operators or maintenance personnel to ionizing radiation. Further investigation of pipeline operations, and chemical operations using natural gas liquids as feed stock, is recommended

  11. Effect of ventilation rate on concentrations of indoor radon and its progenies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chunhong; Liu Yanyang; Liu Fudong; Liu Senlin; Chen Ling


    To study concentrations of indoor radon and its progenies, ventilation rates and their corresponding concentrations of indoor radon and its progenies were measured using tracer-gas dilution method. Results show that both ventilation rates and concentrations of indoor radon varied insignificantly and radon concentration were higher than the outdoor environment while doors and windows were all closed with air-conditioner on and off respectively; the concentrations declined and close to the outdoor level when doors and windows were all open with ventilators in operation. Accordingly, in modern life, especially in summer, people's preference for air-conditioners but natural ventilation would result in an increase of indoor radon concentration. (authors)

  12. Lung dosimetry for inhaled radon progeny in smokers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Baias, P. F.; Hofmann, W.; Winkler-Heil, R.; Cosma, C.; Duliu, O. G.


    Cigarette smoking may change the morphological and physiological parameters of the lung. Thus the primary objective of the present study was to investigate to what extent these smoke-induced changes can modify deposition, clearance and resulting doses of inhaled radon progeny relative to healthy non-smokers (NSs). Doses to sensitive bronchial target cells were computed for four categories of smokers: (1) Light, short-term (LST) smokers, (2) light, long-term (LLT) smokers, (3) heavy, short-term (HST) smokers and (4) heavy, long-term (HLT) smokers. Because of only small changes of morphological and physiological parameters, doses for the LST smokers hardly differed from those for NSs. For LLT and HST smokers, even a protective effect could be observed, caused by a thicker mucus layer and increased mucus velocities. Only in the case of HLT smokers were doses higher by about a factor of 2 than those for NSs, caused primarily by impaired mucociliary clearance, higher breathing frequency, reduced lung volume and airway obstructions. These higher doses suggest that the contribution of inhaled radon progeny to the risk of lung cancer in smokers may be higher than currently assumed on the basis of NS doses. (authors)

  13. Variability of silver fir (Abies alba Mill. progeny from the Tisovik Reserve expressed in needle traits and chloroplast microsatellite DNA

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    Pawlaczyk Ewa M.


    Full Text Available Progeny from nineteen family lines of silver fir (Abies alba Mill. from the Tisovik Reserve growing in an experimental plot were analyzed based on 4 chloroplast microsatellite DNA loci and 12 morphological and anatomical needle traits. The Tisovik Reserve is located in Białowieża Primeval Forest, 120 km north of the natural range limit of this species, and embraces a small and isolated natural population of silver fir. The aim of this study was to determine genetic variation within and between progeny lines. Analysis of phenotypic variation showed that the traits which differed most among individuals were the needle width and the distance from resin canals to vascular bundle. Those traits, which differed most between the progeny lines, were the number of endodermic cells around the vascular bund and the weight of hypodermic cells. In Tisovik progeny, we detected 107 different haplotypes. In progeny lines, we detected more haplotypes than in maternal trees, and most haplotypes did not exist in maternal trees. This may be the result of pollen influx from other silver fir stands. Progeny from Tisovik showed a higher level of variability in comparison with maternal trees.

  14. Intercomparison of active, passive and continuous instruments for radon and radon progeny measurements in the EML chamber and test facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    George, A.C.; Knutson, E.O.; Tu, K.W.; Fisenne, I.M.


    The results from the May 1995 Intercomparison of Active, Passive and Continuous Instruments for Radon and Radon Progeny Measurement conducted in the EML radon exposure and test facility are presented. Represented were 13 participants that measure radon with open faced and diffusion barrier activated carbon collectors, 10 with nuclear alpha track detectors, 9 with short-term and long-term electret/ionization chambers, and 13 with active and passive commercial electronic continuous monitors. For radon progeny, there were four participants that came in person to take part in the grab sampling methodology for measuring individual radon progeny and the potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC). There were 11 participants with continuous and integrating commercial electronic instruments that are used for measuring the PAEC. The results indicate that all the tested instruments that measure radon fulfill their intended purpose. All instruments and methods used for grab sampling for radon progeny did very well. However, most of the continuous and integrating electronic instruments used for measuring the PAEC or working level appear to underestimate the potential risk from radon progeny when the concentration of particles onto which the radon progeny are attached is -3

  15. Measurement of radon and thoron progeny size distributions and dose assessments at the mineral treatment industry in Thailand

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chutima Kranrod; Supitcha Chanyotha; Nares Chankow


    A new portable type cascade impactor has been developed to determine the activity size distribution of radon and thoron progeny in a natural environment more efficiently. The modified impactor consists of 4 stages with a back up filter stage for the collection of aerosol samples. The aerosol cut points in the impactor are set for 10, 2.5, 1 and 0.5 μm at a flow rate of 4 L min -1 . Five CR-39 chips were used as alpha detectors for each stage. In order to separate α particles emitted from radon and thoron progeny, CR-39 detectors are covered with aluminum-vaporized Mylar films. The thickness of each film is adjusted to allow α particles emitted from radon and thoron progeny to reach the CR-39 detectors. The technique has been successfully tested in field studies, particularly inside a mineral treatment industry in Thailand to estimate doses in the working environment. The dose calculations by lung dose evaluation program showed that activity median aerodynamic diameters played a significant role in determining the particle size distributions of the attached radon and thoron progeny. The dose conversion factor determined from short term measurements due to exposure from the inhalation of thoron and its progeny was found to be 4 times higher than comparable values for radon and its progeny. The effective dose for workers exposed to radon is about 4-6 times higher than thoron. (author)


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    Aline Pellozo Pires


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    The occurrence of pathogenic fungi in wheat seeds has been frequently reported, and this association is sometimes responsible for decreasing seeds physiologic quality, as well as introducing and disseminating pathogens and transferring early pathogens to the progeny. The objective of this study was to perform the first survey of fungi associated with upland and irrigated wheat seeds, in the Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The Brilhante, BRS 264, Aliança, BR 18, BRS 254, and IAC 350 cultivars were used. The health analysis was performed with the aid of the Blotter test adapted to water restriction (NaCl - 1.0 MPa, with eight replications (25 seeds per plate, totalizing 200 seeds per sample. The fungi identification was based on their morphologic features and their incidence was quantified. The results showed variability in diversity and incidence, with a total of 20 fungi genera in the 32 samples. Cladosporium cladosporioides and Bipolaris sorokiniana were present in 96.87% of the samples, followed by Fusarium graminearum, with 75.00%, and Pyricularia grisea, with 59.37%.

    A presença de fungos patogênicos em sementes de trigo tem sido relatada com frequência, e esta associação é responsável, muitas vezes, pela redução da

  17. Study on calculation models and distribution rules of the radon concentration and its progenies concentration in blind roadway with forced-exhaust ventilation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Yongjun; Wang Liheng; Zhou Xinghuo; Li Xiangyang; Zhong Yongming; Wang Shuyun; Ding Dexin


    The forced-exhaust ventilation is an important way to control the concentration of radon and its progenies in long-distance blind driving roadway. It is of great significance for guiding the design of ventilation and radiation protection to study distribution characteristics of the concentration of radon and its progenies in the wind of roadway adopting the forced-exhaust ventilation. Therefore, according to the decay relationship of radon and its progenies, a simplified mathematical calculation model was built, which relates to the radon activity concentration and the potential alpha concentration of radon progenies. The paper also analyzed the sources of radon and its progenies in the limited space of the blind roadway. Then, based on the turbulence mass transfer theory of ventilation air flow, the paper established mathematical calculation models of distribution characteristics of the radon activity concentration and the potential alpha concentration of radon progenies in blind roadway with forced-exhaust ventilation, respectively. Finally, the paper applied the calculation models to a special blind roadway, and discussed the influence of the ventilation air inflow and the radon exhalation rate of rock wall on the distribution of radon concentration and the potential alpha concentration of radon progenies in the roadway. Meanwhile, some protective measurements were put forward to reduce the radiation dose of worker caused by radon and its progenies in the blind roadway. (authors)

  18. Concentration of Radon Progeny in Air by Alpha Spectrometry Measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Acena, M. L.; Crespo, M. T.


    The concentration of radon progeny in air has been determined by alpha spectrometry measurement of 214 Po and 318 Po. A known volume of air was passed through a filter, then the alpha activity was directly measured on this filter. (Author) 15 refs

  19. Radioactivity on the surfaces of computer monitors and television screens due to progeny palatal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abdel-Nady, A.; Morsy, A.A.


    Computer monitors and television screens can collect radon progeny. Radon decay forming meta-stable progeny, namely, Po-218, Po-214, and Po-210, which are found mostly in positively, charged aerosol particles. These particles are attract by the large negative field of a video display terminals (VDT) leading to buildup of radioactivity on the VDT screen. The charged aerosol particles might drift in the electric field between the VDT and the operator and be accelerated into the operator's face. The aim of this work is to measure these phenomena set of ultra-sensitive TASTRAK detectors used to measure the plate out of positively charged radioactive radon progeny. The track detectors were fixed on the outer monitor screen. For an occupational computer worker spending 200 days per year for 6 hours a day. It was found that the mean dose equivalent was 1.77 mSv, 0.25 mSv/year for normal CRT and LCD monitors respectively

  20. Study of the atmospheric chemistry of radon progeny in laboratory and real indoor atmospheres

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hopke, P.K.


    This report covers the second year of the 28 month grant current grant to Clarkson University to study the chemical and physical behavior of the polonium 218 atom immediately following its formation by the alpha decay of radon. Because small changes in size for activity result in large changes in the delivered dose per unit exposure, this behavior must be understood if the exposure to radon progeny and it dose to the cells in the respiratory tract are to be fully assessed. Two areas of radon progeny behavior are being pursued; laboratory studies under controlled conditions to better understand the fundamental physical and chemical process that affect the progeny's atmospheric behavior and studies in actual indoor environments to develop a better assessment of the exposure of the occupants of that space to the size and concentration of the indoor radioactive aerosol. This report describes the progress toward achieving these objectives.

  1. Effect of indoor-generated airborne particles on radon progeny dynamics

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Trassierra, C. Vargas [Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, FR (Italy); Stabile, L., E-mail: [Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, FR (Italy); Cardellini, F.; Morawska, L. [National Institute of Ionizing Radiation Metrology (INMRI-ENEA), Rome (Italy); Buonanno, G. [Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, FR (Italy); International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane (Australia)


    Highlights: • Investigation of the interaction between particles and radon progeny dynamics. • Measurements of particles emitted by different indoor sources. • Tests performed in a controlled radon chamber. • Particle size strongly influences the radon progeny dynamics. • Particle surface area concentration is the key parameter of the radon-particle interaction. - Abstract: In order to investigate the interaction between radon progeny and particles, an experimental campaign was carried out in a radon chamber at the Italian National Institute of Ionizing Radiation Metrology, quantifying the amount of attached and unattached radon daughters present in air, as well as the equilibrium factor in the presence of particles generated through indoor sources. A fixed radon concentration was maintained, while particles were generated using incense sticks, mosquito coils and gas combustion. Aerosols were characterized in terms of particle concentrations and size distributions. Simultaneously, radon concentration and attached/unattached potential alpha energy concentration in the air were continuously monitored by two different devices, based on alpha spectroscopy techniques. The presence of particles was found to affect the attached fraction of radon decay products, in such a way that the particles acted as a sink for radionuclides. In terms of sources which emit large particles (e.g. incense, mosquito coils), which greatly increase particle surface area concentrations, the Equilibrium Factor was found to double with respect to the background level before particle generation sessions. On the contrary, the radon decay product dynamics were not influenced by gas combustion processes, mainly due to the small surface area of the particles emitted.

  2. The study of triploid progenies crossed between different ploidy ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The study of triploid progenies crossed between different ploidy grapes. L Sun, G Zhang, A Yan, H Xu. Abstract. The cross between different ploidy grape was one of the effective ways to obtain new seedless cultivars, in this study, through testing the changes of the ovule weight and observing its anatomical structure, the ...

  3. Autumn frost hardiness in Norway spruce plus tree progeny and trees of the local and transferred provenances in central Sweden. (United States)

    Hannerz, Mats; Westin, Johan


    Reforestation with provenances from locations remote from the planting site (transferred provenances) or the progeny of trees of local provenances selected for superior form and vigor (plus trees) offer alternative means to increase yield over that obtained by the use of seed from unselected trees of the local provenance. Under Swedish conditions, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) of certain transferred provenances generally has an advantage in productivity relative to the local provenance comparable to that of progeny of plus trees. The aim of this study was to explore the extent to which productivity gains achieved by provenance transfer or the use of plus tree progeny are associated with reductions in autumn frost hardiness, relative to that of trees of the local provenance. In a field trial with 19-year-old trees in central Sweden, bud hardiness was tested on four occasions during the autumn of 2002. Trees of the local provenance were compared with trees of a south Swedish provenance originating 3 degrees of latitude to the south, a Belarusian provenance and the progeny of plus trees of local origin. The Belarusian provenance was the least hardy and the local provenance the most hardy, with plus tree progeny and the south Swedish provenance being intermediate in hardiness. Both the Belarusian provenance and the plus tree progeny were significantly taller than trees of the other populations. Within provenances, tree height was negatively correlated with autumn frost hardiness. Among the plus tree progeny, however, no such correlation between tree height and autumn frost hardiness was found. It is concluded that although the gain in productivity achieved by provenance transfer from Belarus was comparable to that achieved by using the progeny of plus trees of the local provenance, the use of trees of the Belarus provenance involved an increased risk of autumn frost damage because of later hardening.

  4. Experimental determination of the absorption rate of unattached radon progeny from respiratory tract to blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Butterweck, G.; Schuler, Ch.; Vessl, G.; Mueller, R.; Marsh, J.W.; Thrift, S.; Birchall, A.


    An exposure methodology was developed for the determination of the absorption rate of unattached radon progeny deposited in the human respiratory tract to blood. Twenty-one volunteers were exposed in a radon chamber during well-controlled aerosol and radon progeny conditions, with predominantly unattached radon daughters. Special efforts were made to restrict the dose to the volunteers to an absolute maximum of 0.08 mSv. Measurements of radon gas and radon progeny in blood samples of these volunteers indicated absorption half times of 20 min to 60 min. Former determinations, mainly performed with much larger aerosol particles of diameters between 100 nm and 1000 nm, implied absorption half times around 10 h. This indicates that the absorption of radon decay products from ciliated airways into blood is dependent upon particle size and particle composition. (author)

  5. Adición de vitaminas y minerales a harinas de maíz y de trigo en México


    Rosado Jorge L.; Camacho-Solís Rafael; Bourges Héctor


    En México la deficiencia marginal de algunas vitaminas y minerales afecta la salud y la funcionalidad de un número elevado de mexicanos, por lo que la Secretaría de Salud ha iniciado un programa para promover la adición de nutrimentos a las harinas de trigo y de maíz que se procesan industrialmente. El presente documento expone las bases científicas y tecnológicas para dicha adición. El objetivo primordial es restaurar los nutrimentos que se pierden durante el proceso de obtención de las hari...

  6. Impact of supplemental protein source offered to primiparous heifers during gestation on II. Progeny performance and carcass characteristics. (United States)

    Summers, A F; Blair, A D; Funston, R N


    A 3-yr study using primiparous crossbred beef heifers (n = 114) was conducted to determine the effects of protein supplement during late gestation on progeny performance and carcass characteristics. Pregnant heifers were stratified by heifer development system, initial BW, and AI service sire and placed in an individual feeding system. Heifers were offered meadow hay (8 to 11% CP) from early November to mid-February and provided no supplement (CON; n = 37), 0.83 kg/d (DM basis) of a dried distillers grains with solubles-based supplement (HI; n = 39), or 0.83 kg/d (DM basis) of a dried corn gluten feed-based supplement (LO; n = 38). Supplements were designed to be isonitrogenous (28% CP) and isocaloric but to differ in RUP with HI (59% RUP) having greater levels of RUP than LO (34% RUP). After the individual feeding period, heifers were placed in a drylot for calving. All heifers were bred using a fixed-timed AI protocol and pairs were moved to a commercial ranch in the Nebraska Sandhills for summer grazing. Calf weaning BW did not differ (P = 0.14) based on maternal diet. However, feedlot entry BW was greater (P = 0.03) for HI compared with CON calves. Average daily gain during the initial feedlot phase tended (P = 0.10) to be greatest for calves born to CON dams and lowest for calves born to LO dams. However, overall ADG was similar (P = 0.50) for the entire feedlot period. Residual feed intake during the reimplant and total feeding period was improved in calves born to supplemented dams in yr 2 and 3 compared with calves born to CON dams. There was no difference in final BW among treatments (P = 0.71). Hot carcass weight was similar (P = 0.72) among treatments; however, steers had greater (P RUP supplements, similar to those used in this study, to primiparous heifers in late gestation consuming ad libitum grass hay resulted in increased initial feedlot BW for HI compared to CON calves, improved feed efficiency, and altered carcass characteristics in calves born


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    Lia Maris Orth Ritter Antiqueira


    Full Text Available This study analyzed the reproductive system and the pollen dispersion pattern of Qualea grandiflora progenies. This is a typical species from the Brazilian Cerrado about which there are not too many studies from the genetics point of view. The study was conducted in an area of 2.2 hectares located in the Conservation Unit managed by the Forest Institute of the state of São Paulo, Brazil (Assis State Forest. Total genomic DNA of 300 seeds from 25 plants (12 seeds from each plant was extracted and amplified using specific primers to obtain microsatellite markers. Results showed that selfing is frequent among adults and progenies, and the species reproduces by outcrossing between related and unrelated individuals (0.913. The single-locus outcrossing rate was 0.632, which indicates that mating between unrelated individuals is more frequent than between related plants. The selfing rate was low (0.087, that is, the species is allogamous and self-fertilization is reduced. About 35% of the plants in the progenies were full-sibs, and about 57%, half-sibs. Besides, about 8% of the progenies were selfing siblings. The genetic differentiation coefficient within progenies was 0.139, whereas the fixation rate was about 27%. The estimate of the effective size revealed that the genetic representativeness of descent was lower than expected in random mating progenies: The analyzed samples corresponded to only 13.2 individuals of an ideal panmictic population. In environmental recovery programs, seeds, preferably from different fruits, should be collected from 95 trees to preserve the genetic diversity of the species.

  8. Disponibilidade de nitrogênio e produtividade de milho e trigo com diferentes métodos de adubação nitrogenada no sistema plantio direto

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    Da Ros Clovis Orlando


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a disponibilidade de N para as culturas de milho e trigo com diferentes métodos de adubação nitrogenada. O estudo foi realizado na Universidade de Cruz Alta, em Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico argiloso, com seis anos no sistema plantio direto. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por combinaç��es de diferentes épocas e doses de aplicação de N. As épocas foram: em pré-semeadura, na semeadura das culturas e em cobertura. As doses foram: zero, 30 e 90kg ha-1 de N para a cultura do milho e zero, 30 e 60kg ha-1 de N para a cultura do trigo. Os valores de N mineral no solo foram afetados pelas doses e épocas das aplicações. A quantidade de N mineral no solo proveniente da adubação nitrogenada na cultura do milho diminuiu rapidamente após a aplicação. A época de aplicação de N, considerando a mesma dose, seja parcelada ou não, não influenciou a produção de matéria seca, N acumulado e produtividade de grãos. Foi observada variação somente entre as doses totais aplicadas, independentemente das épocas. As maiores produtividades de grãos foram obtidas com a utilização das doses mais elevadas de N. Em termos gerais, observou-se que a aplicação parcelada de N, na semeadura e em cobertura, conferiu as melhores produtividades, possivelmente devido a menores perdas de N e a maximização da absorção de N pelas plantas de milho e de trigo.

  9. Quantifying Nitrate Leaching in Irrigated Wheat with Different Nitrogen Fertilization Strategies in an Alfisol Cuantificación de la Lixiviación de Nitratos en Trigo Regado con Diferentes Estrategias de Fertilización Nitrogenada en un Alfisol

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    Marcelino Claret M


    Full Text Available Consumption of water contaminated with nitrates is associated with important health effects such as methemoglobinemia and gastric cancer. Intensive agriculture, which uses large quantities of N fertilizer, is the main source of nitrates in water systems. There are several strategies to reduce leaching and increase Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE. An experiment was conducted with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. under sprinkler irrigation (center pivot to determine if adjusted N applications using precision agriculture tools and plant demand resulted in a lower groundwater nitrate load. Evaluated treatments were: produced fertilization (Pr, precision agriculture (Pa, chlorophyll meter (Sm, and control without N (W/N. The ceramic capsule methodology was used to evaluate N leaching losses that were sampled after each irrigation (six and drainage water was also estimated. Differences among treatments in terms of N loss and grain yield were not significant (p > 0.05. However, N balance showed significant differences (p El consumo de agua contaminada con nitratos produce importantes efectos en la salud tales como metahemoglobinemia y cáncer gástrico. La agricultura intensiva es la principal fuente de nitratos en aguas superficiales y subterráneas. Hay varias estrategias para reducir lixiviación y aumentar la eficiencia de uso de N (NUE. Se realizó un experimento en trigo de primavera (Triticum aestivum L. bajo pivote central, con el objetivo de determinar si las aplicaciones ajustadas de N, mediante el uso de herramientas de agricultura de precisión y considerando la demanda de la planta, resultaban en una menor carga de nitratos para el agua subterránea. Se evaluaron los siguientes tratamientos: productor (Pr; agricultura de precisión (Pa, medidor de clorofila (Sm y sin N (W/N. Se utilizaron lisímetros para evaluar las pérdidas de N; se tomaron muestreas seis veces durante la temporada, evaluando además el agua de drenaje en cada riego. Las

  10. Trigo duro: tolerância à toxicidade de alumínio, manganês e ferro em soluções nutritivas Durum wheat: tolerance to aluminum, manganese and iron toxicities in nutrient solutions

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    Carlos Eduardo de Oliveira Camargo


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o comportamento diferencial de 23 linhagens de trigo duro (Triticum durum L. em compraração com os seguintes cultivares de trigo (T. aestivum L.: IAC-24, BH-1146, Siete Cerros e IAC-60, quanto aos níveis de Al3+ (0;0,2;0,4; 0,6; 0,8 e 1,0 mg/L, de Mn2+ (0,11; 300; 600 c 1.200 mg/L e de Fe2+ (0,56; 5; 10 e 20 mg/L em solução nutritiva. Os cultivares de trigo Siete Cerros (sensível à toxicidade de Al3+, BH-1146, IAC-60 e IAC-24 (tolerantes à toxicidade de Al3+, exibiram crescimento das raízes na presença de 1 mg/L de Al3+, e todas as linhagens de trigo duro avaliadas foram totalmente sensíveis a 0,4 mg/L de Al3+, com paralisação irreversível do crescimento das raízes. O aumento das concentrações de Mn2+(0,11 a 1.200 mg/L e de Fe2+ (0,56 a 20 mg/L nas soluções causou uma redução significativa no comprimento das raízes dos genótipos em estudo. As linhagens de trigo duro I (Avetoro "S" x Anhinga "S" - Purcell "S"/D.67.2, 2 (Cando - Yavaros "S", 6 (Chen "S" e 8 (Carcomum "S" apresentaram-se muito tolerantes à toxicidade de Mn2+ em relação ao controle 'Siete Cerros'. O 'Siete Cerros' e as linhagens de trigo duro 1, 6, 12 (CI 14955 x Yavaros "S"- Gediz "S"/Tropic Bird, 16 e 21 (Swan "S" c 20 (Boyeros "S"/Cocorit-71/5/Crane/Ganso//Marte "S"/3/Tildillo "S"/4/ Memo "S" exibiram tolerância à presença de elevadas quantidades de Fe2+ nas soluções nutritivas.Twenty three durum wheat inbred lines were evaluated with four bread wheat cultivars (IAC-24, BH-1146, Siete Cerros and IAC-60 in three experiments, using nutrient solutions. In the first experiment, the following levels of Al3+ were used: 0; 0.2; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 and 1.0 mg/L; in the second experiment, the following levels of Mn2+ were used: 0.11; 300; 600 and 1.200 mg/L; and in the third experiment, Fe2+ was used at: 0.56; 5; 10 and 1.200 mg/L. The wheat cultivars Siete Cerros (sensitive to Al3+ toxicity and BH-1146, IAC-24 and IAC-60 (tolerant to Al3+ toxicity

  11. Competition effects with mixed stands of wheat and kochia (Kochia scoparia biotypes resistant and susceptible to acetolactase synthase inhibitor herbicides Efeitos competitivos da mistura de stands de trigo e biotipos de kochia (Kochia scoparia resistentes e susceptíveis aos herbicidas inibidores da acetolactase sintase

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    P.J. Christoffoleti


    Full Text Available Greenhouse experiments were conducted to compare the competitive ability of sulfonylurea resistant and susceptible kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schard compared to wheat. The results of several replacement series experiments indicate that wheat was the dominant competitor, and an average of one wheat plant reduced resistant kochia yield per plant equal to the effect of 4.8 resistant kochia or 5.4 susceptible kochia plants. Intraspeciflc competition was more important than interspecific competition for wheat, whereas the reverse was true for the resistant and susceptible kochia. The results of the niche differentiation index (NDI indicate that wheat and either resistant or susceptible kochia are only partly limited by the same resources. The resistant and susceptible kochia, however, are limited by the same resources.Experimentos foram instalados em condições de casa-de-vegetação com o objetivo de comparar a capacidade competitiva de biotipos resistentes e suscetíveis aos herbicidas inibidores da enzima acetolactase synthase da planta daninha kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schard comparada com trigo. Os resultados de diversos experimentos, utilizando a metodologia chamada de substitutiva, indicaram que o trigo foi o competidor dominante, e em média uma planta de trigo reduziu o crescimento da planta de kochia resistente igual ao efeito de 4,8 plantas de kochia resistente ou 5,4 plantas de kochia suscetível. A competição chamada de intraespecífíca foi mais importante que a competição interespecífica para o trigo, porém o inverso foi verdadeiro para os biotípos resistentes e susceptíveis de kochia. Os resultados do índice de diferenciação ecológica indicaram que trigo e qualquer um dos dois biotípos de kochia estudados foram limitados apenas parcialmente pelos mesmos recursos de crescimento. No entanto, o crescimento dos biotípos resistentes e susceptíveis de kochia foram limitados pelos mesmos fatores de crescimento.

  12. The effect of pollen source vs. flower type on progeny performance and seed predation under contrasting light environments in a cleistogamous herb. (United States)

    Munguía-Rosas, Miguel A; Campos-Navarrete, María J; Parra-Tabla, Víctor


    Dimorphic cleistogamy is a specialized form of mixed mating system where a single plant produces both open, potentially outcrossed chasmogamous (CH) and closed, obligately self-pollinated cleistogamous (CL) flowers. Typically, CH flowers and seeds are bigger and energetically more costly than those of CL. Although the effects of inbreeding and floral dimorphism are critical to understanding the evolution and maintenance of cleistogamy, these effects have been repeatedly confounded. In an attempt to separate these effects, we compared the performance of progeny derived from the two floral morphs while controlling for the source of pollen. That is, flower type and pollen source effects were assessed by comparing the performance of progeny derived from selfed CH vs. CL and outcrossed CH vs. selfed CH flowers, respectively. The experiment was carried out with the herb Ruellia nudiflora under two contrasting light environments. Outcrossed progeny generally performed better than selfed progeny. However, inbreeding depression ranges from low (1%) to moderate (36%), with the greatest value detected under shaded conditions when cumulative fitness was used. Although flower type generally had less of an effect on progeny performance than pollen source did, the progeny derived from selfed CH flowers largely outperformed the progeny from CL flowers, but only under shaded conditions and when cumulative fitness was taken into account. On the other hand, the source of pollen and flower type influenced seed predation, with selfed CH progeny the most heavily attacked by predators. Therefore, the effects of pollen source and flower type are environment-dependant and seed predators may increase the genetic differences between progeny derived from CH and CL flowers. Inbreeding depression alone cannot account for the maintenance of a mixed mating system in R. nudiflora and other unidentified mechanisms must thus be involved.

  13. The effect of pollen source vs. flower type on progeny performance and seed predation under contrasting light environments in a cleistogamous herb.

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    Miguel A Munguía-Rosas

    Full Text Available Dimorphic cleistogamy is a specialized form of mixed mating system where a single plant produces both open, potentially outcrossed chasmogamous (CH and closed, obligately self-pollinated cleistogamous (CL flowers. Typically, CH flowers and seeds are bigger and energetically more costly than those of CL. Although the effects of inbreeding and floral dimorphism are critical to understanding the evolution and maintenance of cleistogamy, these effects have been repeatedly confounded. In an attempt to separate these effects, we compared the performance of progeny derived from the two floral morphs while controlling for the source of pollen. That is, flower type and pollen source effects were assessed by comparing the performance of progeny derived from selfed CH vs. CL and outcrossed CH vs. selfed CH flowers, respectively. The experiment was carried out with the herb Ruellia nudiflora under two contrasting light environments. Outcrossed progeny generally performed better than selfed progeny. However, inbreeding depression ranges from low (1% to moderate (36%, with the greatest value detected under shaded conditions when cumulative fitness was used. Although flower type generally had less of an effect on progeny performance than pollen source did, the progeny derived from selfed CH flowers largely outperformed the progeny from CL flowers, but only under shaded conditions and when cumulative fitness was taken into account. On the other hand, the source of pollen and flower type influenced seed predation, with selfed CH progeny the most heavily attacked by predators. Therefore, the effects of pollen source and flower type are environment-dependant and seed predators may increase the genetic differences between progeny derived from CH and CL flowers. Inbreeding depression alone cannot account for the maintenance of a mixed mating system in R. nudiflora and other unidentified mechanisms must thus be involved.

  14. Radon and thoron progeny levels in air samples at Udagamandalam region of Nilgiris in India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Manikandan, N.M.; Selvasekarapandian, S.; Sivakumar, R.; Raghunath, V.M.; Sundaram, V.M.; Santhanam, S.


    Measurement of concentration of radon and thoron daughter products in various indoor environment covering four seasons of a year in Udagamandalam Taluk of Nilgiris biosphere has been carried out using a high volume air sampler to assess the inhalation dose to the population which delivers higher dose than the radon and thoron gas alone. The potential alpha-energy concentrations of the radon and thoron progeny ranged from 0.97 to 12.72 mWL and from 1.63 to 15.83 mWL with a geometric mean of 6.02 and 7.89 mWL, respectively, taking all seasons into account. These measurements have yielded a wealth of data on the variation among the indoor radon and thoron progeny in various places during different seasons. The radon and thoron progeny levels are higher in winter seasons and are less in summer season with autumn and spring data lie in between winter and summer. Using the dose conversion factor for indoor exposures given in UNSCEAR 93 report the internal equivalent dose to the inhalation of radon progeny is evaluated to be 1357 μSv x y -1 and the corresponding annual effective dose equivalent value has been found to be 2.13 mSv x y -1 . It can be observed that the mean value of radon is higher than the Indian average. Also it is found the radon and thoron progeny levels are higher in the case of houses built with rock and granite and in tiled type houses of nearly 100 years old. The levels are less in the case of houses built with brick and cement. The observed results for different types of houses and seasons are discussed in this paper. (author)

  15. Feeding broiler breeder males. 4. Deficient feed allocation reduces fertility and broiler progeny body weight. (United States)

    Romero-Sanchez, H; Plumstead, P W; Leksrisompong, N; Brannan, K E; Brake, J


    Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of male broiler breeder feed intake on broiler progeny performance. In experiment 1, a low cumulative nutrition program supplied 29,580 kcal of ME and 1,470 g of CP, whereas a high cumulative nutrition program supplied 33,500 kcal of ME and 1,730 g of CP to photostimulation at 21 wk of age. Two diets (HiDiet and LoDiet) were formulated, and a single feeding program was used to achieve the selected nutrient intakes. The HiDiet group of males in experiment 1 achieved greater BW and exhibited lower fertility when fed as the LoDiet males from the onset of egg production. The HiDiet breeder males subsequently produced male broilers from eggs laid at 29 wk of age that exhibited lower BW at 42 d. This was due to the heaviest 50% of the breeder males in this treatment not gaining BW consistently due to less-than-adequate ME intake relative to their greater BW requirements. Two feeding programs during the production period (constant or increasing) were compared in experiment 2. Broilers were hatched from eggs laid at 32 and 48 wk of age to evaluate the vertical effect of male treatments on progeny performance. No difference in fertility or broiler performance was found at 32 wk. However, the constant feeding program produced lower fertility from 36 to 55 wk of age, and this resulted in a lower male and female broiler progeny BW at 42 d of age from eggs collected at 48 wk of age. Adequate breeder male feed allocation during the production period improved fertility and favorably affected broiler progeny performance in both experiments. However, broiler progeny effects were observed only when there were differences in fertility, which suggests that the males with the greatest genetic potential were not mating at these times.

  16. Produção de farinha de banana verde (Musa spp. para aplicação em pão de trigo integral

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    Bruna Andina Andrade


    Full Text Available Resumo A farinha de banana verde (FBV é uma alternativa viável para o aproveitamento dos frutos e possui alto teor de amido resistente (AR, que apresenta papel fisiológico similar ao das fibras alimentares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi produzir FBV de dois genótipos de bananeira (Prata e Caturra, além de selecionar aquele com maior teor de AR, para posterior substituição de parte da farinha de trigo integral por FBV, em uma formulação de pão de fôrma integral. Para a produção das farinhas, os frutos foram descascados, cortados em rodelas e estas foram submersas em uma solução de ácido ascórbico e ácido cítrico, sendo então distribuídas em bandejas e secas a 50 °C, por 7 horas, e moídas. As farinhas foram submetidas às análises de composição proximal e determinação do teor de AR. Posteriormente, foram processados pães integrais com a substituição de 10%, 15% e 20% de farinha de trigo integral pela FBV que obteve o maior teor de AR. Os pães controle e aquele que apresentou maior teor de AR e boas características tecnológicas, como volume específico, dureza e cor, foram submetidos aos testes sensoriais de aceitação e intenção de compra. O teor de AR encontrado para as FBV Prata e Caturra foram 24,1% e 13,7%, respectivamente. O pão com substituição de 15% de farinha de trigo integral por FBV foi escolhido para a análise sensorial. As formulações controle e com 15% de FBV atingiram Índices de Aceitação Sensorial de 88,7% e 82,1%, respectivamente. A atitude dos avaliadores foi positiva, segundo a qual 56% dos avaliadores “comprariam frequentemente” ou “comprariam sempre” o pão com 15% de FBV, não tendo sido observada rejeição para nenhuma das formulações.

  17. Aspectos Relevantes Acerca de la Producción de Maíz y Trigo Bajo la Perspectiva de Datos en Painel

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    Dilamar Dallemole


    Full Text Available O comércio internacional de commodities tem intensificado um processo de significativas transformações no setor agropecuário, base das principais cadeias agroalimentares, nas mais variadas regiões. Regulamentações supranacionais acabam por ser incorporadas ao processo produtivo que, associadas ao aumento na demanda por alimentos, intensificam as exigências e pressionam a produção no campo. Envolto a tais condicionantes, os mercados de milho e trigo ajustam-se e evoluem de acordo com estes novos paradigmas e, por serem responsáveis por expressivos impactos socioeconômicos, torna-se oportuno identificar aspectos relevantes acerca da produção e compreender a dinâmica de suas relações. Sob essa perspectiva, o horizonte volta-se para a determinação dos condicionantes da produção de milho e trigo, por meio da identificação das categorias de maior influência. Empregou-se o modelo analítico de Dados em Painel, no sentido de mensurar quais categorias são responsáveis pelas alterações na oferta, com as devidas correlações e tendências. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de políticas moderadas de ajuste de câmbio, incentivo às exportações e ao consumo, pois tratam-se dos fatores mais importantes no que se refere a impactos sobre a produção nestes mercados.

  18. Prevention of inclusion body hepatitis/hydropericardium syndrome in progeny chickens by vaccination of breeders with fowl adenovirus and chicken anemia virus. (United States)

    Toro, H; González, C; Cerda, L; Morales, M A; Dooner, P; Salamero, M


    The hypothesis that an effective protection of progeny chickens against inclusion body hepatitis/hydropericardium syndrome (IBH/HP) can be achieved by dual vaccination of breeders with fowl adenovirus (FAV) serotype 4 and chicken anemia virus (CAV) was tested. Thus, 17-wk-old brown leghorn pullet groups were vaccinated by different schemes including single FAV (inactivated), single CAV (attenuated), FAV and CAV dually, or were not vaccinated (controls). Subsequent progenies of these breeders were challenged with the virulent strains FAV-341 and CAV-10343 following three strategies: 1) FAV-341 intramuscularly (i.m.) at day 10 of age (only FAV-vaccinated and control progenies); 2) FAV + CAV i.m. simultaneously at day 10 of age (all progenies); 3) CAV i.m. at day 1 and FAV orally at day 10 of age (all progenies). The induction of IBH/HP in these progenies was evaluated throughout a 10-day period. Both breeder groups vaccinated against FAV and those vaccinated against CAV increased virus neutralizing specific antibodies. Challenge strategy 1 showed 26.6% mortality in control progeny chickens and 13.3% in the progeny of FAV-vaccinated breeders. Presence of lesions in the liver of these groups showed no significant differences (P > 0.05), suggesting a discreet protective effect of the vaccine. Challenge strategy 2 showed 29.4% mortality in controls and 94% of chickens showed hepatic inclusion bodies (HIB). Single CAV vaccination of breeders did not demonstrate a beneficial effect, with both mortality and liver lesions resembling the nonvaccinated controls. FAV vaccination of breeders significantly reduced both mortality (7.4%) and liver lesions (26% HIB) (P vaccination of breeders with FAV and CAV proved to be necessary to achieve maximum protection of the progeny (no mortality and 7% HIB). Challenge strategy 3 produced no mortality but consistent liver damage in controls (96% HIB). In this case, both CAV and FAV + CAV-vaccinated breeders showed best protection results

  19. Análise dialélica para tolerância ao vírus-do-nanismo-amarelo-da-cevada em cultivares brasileiras de trigo

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    Barbieri Rosa Lía


    Full Text Available Seis cultivares brasileiras de trigo com diferentes níveis de tolerância ao vírus-do-nanismo-amarelo-da-cevada (VNAC foram cruzadas de modo dialélico para avaliar as capacidades geral e específica de combinação quanto à herança da tolerância. Um isolado do vírus transmitido por Rhopalosiphum padi (L. foi inoculado nas cultivares e nos híbridos F1 no estádio de plântula com duas folhas. Foram atribuídas notas individuais a cada planta de acordo com a severidade de sintomas apresentados. Os dados obtidos foram analisados segundo os três métodos: o de Griffing, o modelo fixo, e método 2. Ficou evidenciada a presença de heterose, provavelmente decorrente do efeito aditivo de genes complementares. As cultivares BR 34 e BR 35 se destacaram com melhores valores de capacidade geral de combinação (CGC, e é recomendado seu uso como genitores em programas de melhoramento de trigo que visem à obtenção de combinações genéticas com tolerância ao VNAC.

  20. Exposures to 222Rn and its progeny derived from implanted 210Po activity

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikezic, D.; Yu, K.N.


    The Jacobi room model was applied to study the relative contributions from the unattached and attached fractions to the implanted activity of 210 Po. It was found that under normal conditions, about 85% of the implantation was due to the unattached fraction. Sensitivity analysis was performed to identify the most important factors that influence the deposition and implantation of radon progeny. The main factors affecting the incorporation of 210 Po are the attachment rate, deposition rate of unattached progeny and the surface to volume ratio of the room. The calibration curves, which related the 210 Po activity per unit surface area to the concentrations of 222 Rn and of the radon progeny, were determined as functions of exposure times. The implanted activity is found to distribute close to a lognormal distribution. For an exposure of 20 years, the distribution has a geometric standard deviation of 2.2 and a geometric mean of 0.023Bq/m 2 /(Bq/m 3 ). The last value is considered as the calibration coefficient of the glass response in terms of the implanted 210 Po activity per unit surface area per unit concentration of 222 Rn for an exposure period of 20 years

  1. Past as Prologue: Educational Psychology's Legacy and Progeny (United States)

    Alexander, Patricia A.


    On the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the American Psychological Association, the legacies and progenies of the discipline of educational psychology are explored. To capture those legacies, transformational and influential contributions by educational psychologists to schools and society are described as key themes. Those themes entail: the…

  2. Inherited sterility in progeny of irradiated male cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis (boisd)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sallam, H.A.


    Full grown male pupae of spodoptera littoralis were exposed to sub sterilizing doses of 7.5, 10, 12.5 or 15 krad of gamma radiation and mated with unirradiated females. In another trial, male pupae irradiated with 10 krad were crossed with unirradiated females, and their progeny were out crossed or inbred. In all cases, the effects of these treatments on some biological aspects in the resulting progeny for 3 generations were studied. Larval and pupal mortality were 21 to 53% and 5 to 30% higher than the normal among F 1 and F 2 , respectively. THE average developmental time from egg hatch to adult emergence was not affected and so, also sex ratio which seemed about normal.2 tab

  3. Inherited sterility in progeny of irradiated male cotton leafworm, spodoptera littoralis (boisd)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sallam, H A


    Full grown male pupae of spodoptera littoralis were exposed to sub sterilizing doses of 7.5, 10, 12.5 or 15 krad of gamma radiation and mated with unirradiated females. In another trial, male pupae irradiated with 10 krad were crossed with unirradiated females, and their progeny were out crossed or inbred. In all cases, the effects of these treatments on some biological aspects in the resulting progeny for 3 generations were studied. Larval and pupal mortality were 21 to 53% and 5 to 30% higher than the normal among F[sub 1] and F[sub 2], respectively. THE average developmental time from egg hatch to adult emergence was not affected and so, also sex ratio which seemed about normal.2 tab.

  4. Efecto de distintas alternativas de fertilización fosfatada en la secuencia trigo - soja sobre el fósforo asimilable y los rendimientos en la provincia de Tucumán, Argentina Effect of different phosphorus fertilization alternatives on available soil phosphorus concentration and yields in a soybean - wheat cropping system in Tucumán, Argentine

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    Carlos F. Hernández

    Full Text Available Se evaluaron 10 alternativas de fertilización fosfatada en la secuencia soja - trigo, en la localidad de La Ramada de Arriba (departamento Burruyacú, provincia de Tucumán. Dicho estudio se llevó a cabo sobre un suelo Argiudol típico con 3,5% de materia orgánica y 7,8 ppm de fósforo (P -Bray 1. El objetivo fue determinar la influencia de cada alternativa de fertilización sobre el contenido de P disponible en dos espesores de suelo, 0 -5 cm y 0 -25 cm, a través de cinco años de evaluación (desde 2002 a 2007. Además, se determinó la incidencia de la fertilización fosfatada sobre los rendimientos culturales de la soja en las dos últimas campañas (2006 y 2007, y del trigo en 2005. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: tres correspondientes a tres dosis de P (30, 45 y 60 kg/ha de P2O5 como superfosfato triple de calcio (SPT, suministradas solo en soja; tres correspondientes a esas mismas dosis, pero aplicadas al trigo, y finalmente tres que incluyeron las mencionadas dosis de P, aunque aplicadas a ambos cultivos. Completó la grilla de tratamientos un testigo absoluto al cual no se añadió P. El efecto residual del P se evidenció en ambos cultivos con el agregado de 45 kg/ha de P2O5. Solo las dosis de 45 y 60 kg/ha de P2O5, en los sistemas de doble aportación, lograron elevar la disponibilidad de P por encima de 13 ppm (nivel de suficiencia en soja, logrando además la mayor eficiencia del P residual. Los rendimientos de la soja fueron superiores en las aplicaciones directas de P, respecto del efecto residual proveniente de dosis equivalentes añadidas al trigo. También, la mayor eficiencia del P se determinó en los sistemas de aportación simple cuando el P se suministró en forma directa al cultivo correspondiente.Ten phosphorus fertilization alternatives were evaluated in a soybean-wheat cropping system in La Ramada de Arriba (Burruyacú, Tucumán province. The study was carried out on a Typic Argiudoll, with 3.5% organic matter

  5. Influence of irrigation on wheat crop Influência da irrigação na cultura do trigo

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    Danilton L. Flumignan


    Full Text Available The use of irrigation has been increased significantly in wheat crops in Brazil. This study aims to evaluate the effect of irrigation on the productivity, on flour technological quality and on the wheat root system. In a field experiment conducted at IAPAR, in Londrina -state of Paraná (PR, Brazil, the IPR 118 cultivar was grown under sprinkler irrigation (Irrigated Treatment and without irrigation (Non-irrigated Treatment. The productivity was determined by harvesting three samples of 25 m² per treatment. The same samples were used to evaluate the flour technological quality, considering, among other parameters, gluten strength (W. The evaluation of the root system was performed after the harvest, considering a profile of 0 to 45 cm of soil depth, and sampling eight plants per treatment. The profile wall method was used to determine the roots number (RN and the monolith method to determine the root dry mass (RDM. Irrigation increased wheat productivity in three times, while W was reduced in the flour. Nevertheless, the value of W found in the Irrigated Treatment (249 10-4 J was sufficient to keep wheat classification as bread type, the same as IPR 118 cultivar is classified. The measured values of RN and RDM were similar or higher for the Non-irrigated Treatment.O uso da irrigação na triticultura tem aumentado significativamente nos últimos anos no Brasil. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a influência da irrigação na produtividade, na qualidade tecnológica da farinha e no sistema radicular do trigo. Em experimento de campo no IAPAR, em Londrina, Paraná, a cultivar IPR 118 foi cultivada sob irrigação por aspersão convencional (Tratamento Irrigado e sem irrigação (Tratamento Sequeiro. A produtividade foi determinada, colhendo-se três amostras de 25 m² por tratamento. Nestas mesmas amostras, procedeu-se à análise da qualidade tecnológica da farinha, sendo avaliada, entre outros parâmetros, a força de glúten (W. A avalia

  6. The behavior of maize hybrids generated from contrasting progenies regarding the use of nitrogen

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    Fernando Lisboa Guedes


    Full Text Available The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of maize hybrids synthesized from contrasting genotypes with regard to the use of nitrogen that were selected for their performance in topcrosses. Sixty-seven S0:1 progenies derived from the germplasm bank of Ufla were evaluated in topcross combinations with two testers  at two nitrogen levels. The six progenies with the greatest tolerance and responsiveness to nitrogen (RT and the five with the least tolerance and responsiveness (RnTn were selected and, were, afterwards, crossed in a complete diallel, for a total of 55 hybrid combinations. The following genetic parameters were estimated: genetic variance among the hybrids (σ^2G, broad sense heritability in the mean of the hybrids, and selective accuracy (r^2gg. It was observed that the genetic parameters were greater in the environments with available nitrogen and that the early selection by performance in topcrosses of progenies tolerant to low N levels may not be made with high intensity. The hybrids tolerant to low N levels were obtained by crossing contrasting parents.

  7. Characteristics of radon and its progeny concentrations in air-conditioned office buildings in Tokyo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tokonami, S.; Furukawa, M.; Shicchi, Y.; Sanada, T.; Yamada, Y.


    A series of measurements were carried out to understand the characteristics of radon and its progeny in air-conditioned office buildings. Long-term measurements of radon were made with etched track detectors. Continuous measurements of radon and its progeny concentrations were also conducted in some buildings to study their temporal variations. The results show that radon and its progeny concentrations routinely varied along with working activities. They are generally low while people are working, due to air conditioning, whereas they rise steadily after the air conditioning stops. When considering action levels not only in homes but also workplaces, attention should be paid to annual doses from the viewpoint of radiation protection. The annual dose is generally estimated with a long-term measurement of radon concentration using a passive device such as an etched track detector. Since its reading corresponds to a long-term average concentration regardless of working hours, the annual dose will be overestimated. When comparing a real dose after considering the working hours, they differ by a factor of more than 2. (author)

  8. Indoor radon and its progeny levels in new type houses in rural area of Hubei

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Quan; Xiong Zhaoxing; He Zuan; Zheng Youqing


    Using Cluster Sampling method, indoor radon of 54 rooms and radon progeny potential alpha-energy concentrations of 200 rooms were measured in the new type brick-concrete 2-storey flats and old type brick-wood single-storey residences in the rural area. Instant and cumulative samplings and measurements were made. The average per capita residential area of the surveyed houses was 28.1 m 2 , clear height 3.6 m. The geometric means of indoor radon concentration were 18.22 Bq.m -3 and 15.93 Bq.m -3 for storied and single-storey buildings, respectively; radon progeny potential alpha-energy concentrations were 2.62 mWL and 2.54 mWL, correspondingly. In storied buildings, the arithmetic mean of indoor cumulative radon concentration was 25.56 Bq.m -3 in summer, and 37.94 Bq.m -3 in winter. The annual effective dose equivalent of radon progeny inhaled indoors and outdoors was 0.80 mSv. (orig.). (6 refs., 1 fig., 5 tabs.)

  9. Single Low-Dose Ionizing Radiation Induces Genotoxicity in Adult Zebrafish and its Non-Irradiated Progeny. (United States)

    Lemos, J; Neuparth, T; Trigo, M; Costa, P; Vieira, D; Cunha, L; Ponte, F; Costa, P S; Metello, L F; Carvalho, A P


    This study investigated to what extent a single exposure to low doses of ionizing radiation can induce genotoxic damage in irradiated adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) and its non-irradiated F1 progeny. Four groups of adult zebrafish were irradiated with a single dose of X-rays at 0 (control), 100, 500 and 1000 mGy, respectively, and couples of each group were allowed to reproduce following irradiation. Blood of parental fish and whole-body offspring were analysed by the comet assay for detection of DNA damage. The level of DNA damage in irradiated parental fish increased in a radiation dose-dependent manner at day 1 post-irradiation, but returned to the control level thereafter. The level of DNA damage in the progeny was directly correlated with the parental irradiation dose. Results highlight the genotoxic risk of a single exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation in irradiated individuals and also in its non-irradiated progeny.

  10. Cambios en la vegetacion de un campo abandonado despues de un cultivo de trigo Vegetation changes in a field abandoned after a wheat crop

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    Silvia Irene Boccanelli


    Full Text Available La vegetación prístina de los campos altos del sur de Santa Fe (Argentina son distintos tipos de flechillares caracterizados por la abundancia de varias especies del género Stipa. Cuando un campo agrícola se abandona suele revertir a las comunidades prístinas. El objeto de este trabajo es analizar los diez primeros años de la sucesión secundaria de un campo sometido a agricultura durante largo tiempo que se abandonó después de un cultivo de trigo (Triticum aestivum. En el primer año aparece trigo acompañado de malezas anuales (Chenopodium album y Portulaca oleracea; después del primer año una parcela fue colonizada por Baccharis salicifolia y las otras por Carduus acanthoides, Cerastium glomeratum, Ammi majus, etc. Los últimos años constituyen una etapa en la que disminuye la diversidad y se establece una fuerte dominancia de Baccharis salicifolia o Carduus acanthoides. El Sorgo de Alepo (Sorghum halepense aparece en las etapas tempranas y perdura durante todo el período con valores altos de abundancia. Aún, prácticamente no han aparecido especies de los flechillares, por lo tanto se concluye que no ha transcurrido suficiente tiempo para que se regenere el flechillar, o porque sus especies no se encuentran en los bancos de semillas o en las proximidades.The natural vegetation of well drained fields of Southern Santa Fe (Argentina are a different kind of communities characterized by the abundance of several species of Stipa. When agricultural lands are abandoned, they are often recolonized by the original vegetation. The object of this paper is to analize the first ten years of secondary succession on a field under a long time of agriculture abandoned after a wheat crop. On the first year, wheat with annual weeds (Chenopodium album and Portulaca oleracea appeared. After the first year, one plot was colonized by Baccharis salicifolia and the others by Carduus acanthoides, Cerastium glomeratum, Ammi majus, etc. The last years

  11. Vesicular transport of progeny parvovirus particles through ER and Golgi regulates maturation and cytolysis. (United States)

    Bär, Séverine; Rommelaere, Jean; Nüesch, Jürg P F


    Progeny particles of non-enveloped lytic parvoviruses were previously shown to be actively transported to the cell periphery through vesicles in a gelsolin-dependent manner. This process involves rearrangement and destruction of actin filaments, while microtubules become protected throughout the infection. Here the focus is on the intracellular egress pathway, as well as its impact on the properties and release of progeny virions. By colocalization with cellular marker proteins and specific modulation of the pathways through over-expression of variant effector genes transduced by recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors, we show that progeny PV particles become engulfed into COPII-vesicles in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and are transported through the Golgi to the plasma membrane. Besides known factors like sar1, sec24, rab1, the ERM family proteins, radixin and moesin play (an) essential role(s) in the formation/loading and targeting of virus-containing COPII-vesicles. These proteins also contribute to the transport through ER and Golgi of the well described analogue of cellular proteins, the secreted Gaussia luciferase in absence of virus infection. It is therefore likely that radixin and moesin also serve for a more general function in cellular exocytosis. Finally, parvovirus egress via ER and Golgi appears to be necessary for virions to gain full infectivity through post-assembly modifications (e.g. phosphorylation). While not being absolutely required for cytolysis and progeny virus release, vesicular transport of parvoviruses through ER and Golgi significantly accelerates these processes pointing to a regulatory role of this transport pathway.

  12. Produção de Bipolaris euphorbiae em meios de cultura sólidos e líquidos obtidos de grãos e resíduos agroindustriais Production of Bipolaris euphorbiae in solid and liquid culture media obtained from grains and agricultural industry residues

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    Mara Cristina Penariol


    Full Text Available A introdução de Bipolaris euphorbiae como bioagente de controle de Euphorbia heterophylla é dependente da produção de conídios em grande quantidade. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se definir meios de cultura sólidos e líquidos, obtidos de grãos ou resíduos da agroindústria, eficazes para a produção de conídios de B. euphorbiae. No preparo dos meios sólidos utilizaram-se grãos de arroz, trigo e sorgo, quirelas de arroz, milho e trigo, sorgo moído, farelos de arroz, trigo e soja, cascas de mandioca e soja, casca de mandioca + farelo de soja, bagaço de cana e bagaço de cana + amido solúvel. No preparo dos meios líquidos, utilizaram-se grãos de arroz, sorgo e trigo, quirela de milho, farelos de trigo, soja e arroz, casca de mandioca e soja, vinhaça de cana e água de prensa da mandioca. Avaliaram-se a produção e a viabilidade dos conídios e a virulência do fungo e, nos meios líquidos, também a biomassa. A produção de conídios é influenciada pelo tipo de meio de cultura, sendo acentuadamente maior nos meios sólidos, destacando-se, como substratos, o sorgo em grão (474 x 10(6 conídios g-1 e a casca de soja (472 x 10(6 conídios g-1. Dentre os meios líquidos obteve-se mais produção usando-se farelo de trigo (1,33 x 10(6 conídios mL-1. A virulência e a viabilidade de B. euphorbiae não são afetadas pelo preparo de meios sólidos ou líquidos e pela composição nutricional dos meios de cultura. Na maioria dos meios sólidos ou líquidos obteve-se viabilidade de conídios maior que 98%; apenas os conídios produzidos nos meios sólidos de quirela de arroz, casca de mandioca + farelo de soja e farelo de soja estavam com viabilidade significativamente menor.The introduction of Bipolaris euphorbiae as a bioagent for Euphorbia heterophylla control depends on fungal conidia production in large amount. This work evaluate to solid and liquid culture media obtained from grains and residues from agriculture industries

  13. Experimental verification of the attachment theory of radon progeny onto ambient aerosols

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tokonami, Shinji


    The attachment theory of radon progeny onto ambient aerosols was experimentally verified with a cascade impactor and a graded screen array at the EML environmental chamber. Monodisperse aerosols in the size range of 70 to 500 nm were generated with Carnauba wax by means of the evaporation-condensation method. The temperature and the relative humidity in the chamber were set at 20 C and 20%, respectively, throughout the entire experiment. When the aerosols were being injected into the chamber, both the number size distribution and the activity-weighted size distribution of attached radon progeny were stable. The activity-weighted size distribution was compared with the attachment rate distribution obtained by measuring the number size distribution with the SMPS and multiplying the size-dependent attachment coefficient. There was a relatively good agreement between the two distributions.

  14. Utilisation of an Air-conditioning System to Control the Levels of Radon and Radon Progeny in a Workplace Environment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marley, F.


    From long-term real-time radon and radon progeny measurements taken in a relatively large retail store, cyclical patterns were evident, which were found to relate to the overriding influence of the timed air-conditioning system. Concentration of radon, radon progeny and the variability of F factor were found to depend significantly on the intermittent operation of this ventilation-air-conditioning system. After pressure equalisation remedial measures proved ineffective, the air-movement system was utilised to reduce the levels of radon and radon progeny to well within established norms applicable during working hours. It is demonstrated that the average levels for radon and radon progeny are reduced in absolute terms. This amounted to less than 12% of the general level, during designated work periods. Where air movement systems are already installed, as well as other circumstances, their regulation provides an economical solution to meeting legal and other standards for radon in the workplace. (author)

  15. Long-term determination of airborne concentrations of unattached and attached radon progeny using stacked LR 115 detector with multi-step etching

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikezic, D.; Yu, K.N.


    We developed the theoretical basis for long-term determination of airborne concentrations of unattached and attached radon progeny. The work was separated into two parts. First, we showed that (stacked and multiply etched) LR 115 detectors could be used to determine airborne concentrations of the short-lived radon progeny, 218 Po and 214 Bi. The equilibrium factor F between radon and its progeny could then be determined through the use of the reduced equilibrium factor F red . The airborne concentrations of 214 Pb could then be determined. Second, we developed a method based on the airborne concentrations of 218 Po, 214 Pb and 214 Bi to determine the parameters of the Jacobi room model, viz., the ventilation rate λ v , aerosol attachment rate λ a , deposition rate of unattached progeny λ d u and the deposition rate of attached progeny λ d u . With these parameters, the unattached fraction f p of the potential alpha energy concentration could also be determined. Knowledge of f p , together with F, would enable more accurate determination of the effective dose in the human lung.

  16. Rearing and gamma radiation effects on mature pupae of pink bollworm and their F1 progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qureshi, Z.A.; Ahmed, N.; Hussain, T.


    Pink bollworm larvae were successfully reared in captivity on a casein wheat germ diet. The substitution of casein with soyflour, corn-cob grit and wheat germ, and casein for peanut flour, resulted in delayed development, reduced pupal recovery and fecundity of the adult moths. This reduction was more drastic in corn-cob grit and peanut flour diets. The irradiation of mature pupae at 50-200 Gy resulted in decreased adult emergence with increased gamma radiation doses, and more deformed moths were recorded at a dose of 200 Gy. Adults following irradiation of mature pupae when crossed with untreated males or females or treated individuals crossed to treated exhibited reduced fecundity and fertility with the increasing doses. This reduction was more pronounced when treated males were crossed with treated females. Females were relatively more sensitive to gamma radiation, as a reduced number of eggs was obtained when treated females were crossed with untreated males. At 200 Gy, no F 1 progeny were obtained from any cross involving treated parents. The fecundity and fertility were reduced significantly when F 1 males or F 1 females from male parents irradiated as mature pupae were mated with untreated insects at both 100 and 150 Gy. However, inherited sterility was more pronounced when F 1 males were crossed with untreated females than when F 1 females were crossed with untreated males. Similarly reduced fecundity and fertility in F 1 progeny from female parents irradiated as mature pupae, both at 100 and 150 Gy, were also recorded in crosses as described for male F 1 progeny. The fecundity and fertility were the lowest in F 1 progeny of both male and female parents irradiated as mature pupae when compared with the F 1 progeny of male or female irradiated parents separately. (author). 28 refs, 7 tabs

  17. Ação de bioestimulante nas culturas do amendoinzeiro, sorgo e trigo e interações hormonais entre auxinas, citocininas e giberelinas


    Stella Consorte Cáto


    Hormônios vegetais têm o papel de controlar os diversos processos do desenvolvimento vegetal. A aplicação tanto de biorreguladores quanto de bioestimulantes pode promover alterações durante o desenvolvimento vegetal e, têm sido utilizados com a finalidade de incrementar a produtividade de culturas de interesse econômico. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito sobre a germinação de sementes, vigor de plântulas, desenvolvimento radicular e produção de plantas de trigo, amendoinzeiro e sorgo, um bio...

  18. Inheritance of fruit colour in normal and irradiated progenies of brinjal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gopimony, R.; George, M.K.; Gopinathan Nair, V.


    The inheritance of fruit colour in brinjal (Solanum melongena) was studied by analysing the progeny belonging to the F 1 M 2 , F 1 M 1 and F 2 M 2 generations resulting from a cross between varieties insanum and purple giant followed by gamma irradiation. The F 2 phenotypic frequencies fitted very well with the dihybrid ratio indicating that the fruit colour is governed by two independently inherited genes. Three colour mutants, namely, purple, mottled green and white were induced in the F 1 M 1 generation by the irradiation. The appearance of these mutants is explained as due to independent mutations at either or both of the two goenetic loci. The colour pattern in the F 2 M 2 progenies derived from the F 1 M 1 mutants substantiates the two gene mechanism for the inheritance of fruit colour. The genotypes for the different colour types in the F 1 , F 2 and F 1 M 1 mutants have been indicated and discussed. (author)

  19. Particle size distribution of the radon progeny and ambient aerosols in the Underground Tourist Route "Liczyrzepa" Mine in Kowary Adit (United States)

    Wołoszczuk, Katarzyna; Skubacz, Krystian


    Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, in cooperation with Central Mining Institute performed measurements of radon concentration in air, potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC), particle size distribution of the radon progeny and ambient aerosols in the Underground Tourist-Educational Route "Liczyrzepa" Mine in Kowary Adit. A research study was developed to investigate the appropriate dose conversion factors for short-lived radon progeny. The particle size distribution of radon progeny was determined using Radon Progeny Particle Size Spectrometer (RPPSS). The device allows to receive the distribution of PAEC in the particle size range from 0.6 nm to 2494 nm, based on their activity measured on 8 stages composed of impaction plates or diffusion screens. The measurements of the ambient airborne particle size distribution were performed in the range from a few nanometres to about 20 micrometres using Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) spectrometer and the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer (SMPS).

  20. Crecimiento y micorrización arbuscular nativa de trigo en siembra directa bajo distintas formas de colocación de fósforo Phosphorus placement effect on growth and indigenous mycorrhizal colonization of wheat under no-tillage

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    Fernanda Covacevich


    Full Text Available En cultivos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L bajo siembra directa (SD, el rendimiento del cultivo fertilizado con fósforo (P en forma anticipada en superficie no difiere significativamente del rendimiento del cultivo fertilizado en la línea de siembra. Se desconoce las causas que podrían explicar este comportamiento. Si bien son contradictorios los reportes del efecto de la labranza sobre la colonización de las raíces por hongos micorrícicos arbusculares (HMA, es aceptado que bajo SD la micorrización nativa es siempre elevada. El establecimiento de la simbiosis bajo SD podría contribuir al crecimiento del cultivo. Sin embargo se desconoce el efecto de la localización del fertilizante sobre la colonización por HMA en el cultivo de trigo bajo SD. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la dosis y localización de P sobre el crecimiento y la colonización espontánea por HMA en el cultivo de trigo bajo SD. En un lote bajo SD con 13,9 mg kg-1 de P-Bray se compararon los siguientes tratamientos: 0 (NP0, 25 (NP25 y 50 P kg ha-1 (NP50, colocado debajo y adyacente a la línea de siembra (inc y al voleo (vol tres meses antes de la siembra; además se adicionó un control absoluto (N0P0 y un tratamiento con 150 kg de P ha-1 al voleo anticipado (NP150 vol. Excepto el tratamiento N0P0, todos los demás se condujeron sin deficiencias de N. En macollaje y espigazón se determinó el crecimiento y la concentración de P en la parte aérea, el porcentaje de colonización micorrícica arbuscular (MA, el contenido de arbúsculos (A en raíces y el P-Bray a dos profundidades (0-10 y 10-20 cm del suelo. La fertilización con P incrementó la concentración de P en el suelo (0-10 cm y en la planta. La aplicación de 25 y 50 kg P ha-1 disminuyó el porcentaje de MA y A, para ambos momentos y profundidades de muestreo, principalmente para las aplicaciones localizadas. La micorrización espontánea se asoció negativamente con el contenido de P en

  1. Lodo de esgoto e fertilizante mineral sobre parâmetros do solo e de plantas de trigo Sewage sludge and mineral fertilizer effect on soil and wheat crop parameters

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    Wagner A. Chueiri


    Full Text Available Para avaliar o lodo de esgoto alcalinizado (LEA, como complemento da adubação mineral instalou-se, em junho de 1997, um experimento em vasos com a cultura do trigo, cultivar BR 35, em casa de vegetação no Setor de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal do Paraná, em Curitiba, PR, no qual se empregou o fatorial 5 x 5, combinando 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% da adubação mineral recomendada para a cultura, com 0, 2,5, 5,0, 7,5 e 10,0 Mg ha-1 do LEA em base seca. O LEA, aplicado ao solo vinte dias antes da semeadura e adubação mineral do trigo, elevou o pH acima da neutralidade. A saturação por bases, capacidade de troca de cátions e teores de P, K, Ca, Cu e Zn aumentaram, enquanto o Mn e H+Al diminuíram. O LEA afetou negativamente os parâmetros morfológicos e a matéria seca das plantas e ainda elevou os teores de K, N, Mg, Cu e Zn da parte aérea do trigo, enquanto o fertilizante os reduziu, indicando efeito de concentração e diluição, respectivamente. A elevação do pH do solo reduziu a disponibilidade de Mn para o trigo, danificando a cultura.In order to evaluate the effect of an alkaline sewage sludge (ASS as a supplement for soil chemical fertilization, an experiment with wheat crop was carried out in greenhouse. The experimental design was a 5 x 5, combining 5 rates of chemical fertilizers (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of rates recommended at planting with 5 rates of dried ASS (0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 Mg ha-1. The ASS, applied 20 days before seeding, raised the soil pH above neutral. Base saturation, cation exchange capacity and the contents of P, K, Ca, Cu and Zn were increased by the ASS application, whereas the contents of Mn and H+Al were decreased. The ASS negatively affected the morphological parameters and the dry-matter yield and increased the contents of K, N, Mg, Cu and Zn in wheat plants, whereas the fertilizer application provided opposite results, suggesting the effect of concentration and dilution for the ASS and

  2. Identification of steelhead and resident rainbow trout progeny in the Deschutes River, Oregon, revealed with otolith microchemistry (United States)

    Zimmerman, C.E.; Reeves, G.H.


    Comparisons of strontium:calcium (Sr:Ca) ratios in otolith primordia and freshwater growth regions were used to identify the progeny of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss (anadromous rainbow trout) and resident rainbow trout in the Deschutes River, Oregon. We cultured progeny of known adult steelhead and resident rainbow trout to confirm the relationship between Sr:Ca ratios in otolith primordia and the life history of the maternal parent. The mean (??SD) Sr:Ca ratio was significantly higher in the otolith primordia of the progeny of steelhead (0.001461 ?? 0.00029; n = 100) than in those of the progeny of resident rainbow trout (0.000829 ?? 0.000012; n = 100). We used comparisons of Sr:Ca ratios in the primordia and first-summer growth regions of otoliths to determine the maternal origin of unknown O. mykiss juveniles (n = 272) collected from rearing habitats within the main-stem Deschutes River and tributary rearing habitats and thus to ascertain the relative proportion of each life history morph in each rearing habitat. Resident rainbow trout fry dominated the bi-monthly samples collected from main-stem rearing habitats between May and November 1995. Steelhead fry dominated samples collected from below waterfalls on two tributaries in 1996 and 1998.

  3. Evaluación de la calidad tecnológica, nutricional y sensorial de productos de panadería por sustitución de harina de trigo por harina integral de arroz

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    Myriam de las Mercedes Salas Mellado

    Full Text Available Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las características tecnológicas, nutricionales y sensoriales del pan elaborado por sustitución de 25 y 50% de la harina de trigo convencional por harina integral de arroz (Oryza sativa, L. Los productos desarrollados se evaluaron en términos de volumen específico del pan, aspecto de la rebanada central, dureza de la miga, contenido de humedad, fibra dietética, fitatos, minerales, cinética de retrogradación de la amilopectina por calorímetro diferencial de barrido y evaluación sensorial mediante escala hedónica de nueve puntos. En general, la incorporación de la harina integral de arroz a la formulación mostró diferencias significativas en cuanto a la cinética de retrogradación de la amilopectina en comparación con las muestras control (entalpía de retrogradación varió desde 2,4 a 1,8-2,1 J/g. También repercutió en una disminución del volumen de la pieza panaria (desde 4,48 a 2,26-2,86 cm3/g que estuvo directamente relacionado con un aumento de la dureza de la miga (desde 0,77 a 1,90-3,85 N. No obstante, se observó una alta aceptación global por parte del consumidor (7,2-7,3. En cuanto a los minerales, el Ca y el Zn podrían estar biodisponibles en la formulación del 25% y en las muestras controles. En los productos con harina integral de arroz se observó un aumento significativo del nivel de trifosfatos de mio-inositol (desde valores despreciables a 0,38-0,44 μmoles/g, el cual se considera que ejerce actividad biológica positiva en el organismo. Es importante considerar que la biodisponibilidad de minerales en los productos integrales está relacionada con la formulación y el proceso de elaboración del pan, principalmente por la presencia de fitatos. Éstos están presentes en alta proporción en la formulación con 50% de harina integral de arroz, por lo que se estima una baja biodisponibilidad de minerales debido a que las relaciones molares fitato

  4. Frequency of Aneuploids in Progenies of Autotriploid Barley, Hordeum Vulgare L

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Sandfær, J.


    Chromosome counts of 863 progeny plants originating from 68 autotriploid barley plants revealed a considerable variation in chromosome numbers ranging from the diploid number (2n= 14) to 2n= 39. The most frequent groups were plants with 15 and 16 chromosomes each constituting about 27% of all pro...

  5. Measurement of unattached radon progeny based in electrostatic deposition method; Medicion de la fraccion no unida a aerosoles de la progenie de {sup 222}Rn mediante un metodo de deposicion electrostatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canoba, A C; Lopez, F O


    A method for the measurement of unattached radon progeny based on its electrostatic deposition onto wire screens, using only one pump, has been implemented and calibrated. The importance of being able of making use of this method is related with the special radiological significance that has the unattached fraction of the short-lived radon progeny. Because of this, the assessment of exposure could be directly related to dose with far greater accuracy than before. The advantages of this method are its simplicity, even with the tools needed for the sample collection, as well as the measurement instruments used. Also, the suitability of this method is enhanced by the fact that it can effectively be used with a simple measuring procedure such as the Kusnetz method. (author)

  6. Study of radiation exposure due to radon, thoron and progeny in the indoor environment of Yamuna and Tons valleys of Garhwal Himalaya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Prasad, Mukesh; Rawat, Mukesh; Dangwal, Anoop; Ramola, R.C.; Prasad, Ganesh; Mishra, Rosaline


    Long-term measurements of indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations have been carried out in dwellings of Yamuna and Tons Valleys of Uttarkashi, Garhwal Himalaya to investigate the health risk associated with inhalation of radon, thoron and progeny. The experimentally determined values of radon, thoron and progeny concentrations were used to estimate the annual inhalation doses and annual effective doses. The annual inhalation dose has been found to vary from 0.8 to 3.9 mSv y -1 with an average of 1.8 mSv y -1 . The annual effective dose from the exposure to radon and its progeny in the study area has been found to vary from 0.1 to 2.4 mSv with an average of 1.2±0.6 mSv. Similarly, the annual effective dose due to thoron and its progeny has been found to vary from 0.2 to 1.5 mSv with an average of 0.6±0.4. The measurement techniques and results obtained are discussed in detail. (authors)

  7. Attached and Unattached Activity Size Distribution of Short-Lived Radon Progeny (214Pb) and Evaluation of Deposition Fraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, A.; Ahmed, A.A.; Ali, A.E.; Yuness, M.


    Inhalation of 2 '2 2 Rn progeny in the domestic environment contributes the greatest fraction of the natural radiation exposure to the public. Dosimetric models are most often used in the assessment of human lung doses due to inhaled radioactivity because of the difficulty in making direct measurements. These models require information about the parameters of activity size distributions of radon progeny. The current study presents measured data on the attached and unattached activity size distributions of radon progeny in indoor air in El-Minia, Egypt. The attached fraction was collected using a low pressure Berner cascade impactor technique. A screen diffusion battery was used for collecting the unattached fraction. Most of the attached activities for 222 Rn progeny were associated with aerosol particles of the accumulation mode. The mean activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD) of this mode for 21 4 P b was determined to be 401 nm with relative mean geometric standard deviation of 2.96. The mean value of specific air activity concentration of 214 Pb associated with that mode was determined to be 4.74 %0.44 Bq m -3 . The relative mean geometric standard deviations of unattached 214 Pb was determined to be 1.21 with the mean activity thermodynamic diameter (AMTD) of 1.2 nm. The mean unattached activity concentration of 214 Pb was found to be 0.44%0.14 Bq m-3. Based on the obtained results of radon progeny size distributions (unattached and attached), the deposition fractions in each airway generation of the human lung were evaluated by using a lung deposition model

  8. Evaluación de la producción de cuerpos fructíferos de cepas guatemaltecas del hongo comestible Rukoxil Tunay Che’ (Agrocybe cylindracea (DC.: Fr. Maire en diferentes sustratosEvaluation of the production of fruiting bodies of the

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    María del Carmen Bran


    Full Text Available En el presente estudio se determinó la producción de cuerpos fructíferos de cinco cepas nativas de Agrocybe cylindracea sobre tres sustratos y dos tratamientos térmicos, a través del porcentaje de eficiencia biológica y la medición del diámetro de los píleos. Se encontró que el mayor porcentaje de eficiencia biológica de las cepas en los sustratos evaluados fue 115.84 %, que correspondió al sustrato constituido por 29% paja de trigo mas 1% de harina de soya pasteurizado y obtenido por la cepa 58.01, la cual también produjo las mayores eficiencias biológicas en todos los sustratos evaluados. Al confrontar el porcentaje de eficiencia biológica en los diferentes sustratos, todas las cepas presentaron valores altos en el sustrato compuesto por 28% de paja de trigo, 1% harina de soya y CaCO3. Con respecto al diámetro de los cuerpos fructíferos, las cepas 58.01, 59.01, 60.01 y 638.08 produjeron píleos menores de 2 cm, entre 2-4 cm y mayores a 4.0 cm en los diferentes sustratos y tratamientos, excepto la cepa 59.01 que en el sustrato formulado con 29% de paja de trigo y 1% de harina de soya, solo produjo cuerpos fructíferos con píleos menores a 2 cm y entre 2-4 cm. En el análisis proximal de los basidiomas de las cepas evaluadas se obtuvo un alto porcentaje de proteínas, fibra cruda y carbohidratos, así como bajo porcentaje de grasas. Se recomienda que en futuras investigaciones o transferencia de tecnología a comunidades o entidades interesadas en el cultivo de este hongo, utilizar paja de trigo suplementada con harina de soya y como regulador de pH CaCO3, ya que en dicho sustrato se obtuvieron los mayores porcentajes de eficiencia biológica para la producción de cuerpos fructíferos de A. cylindracea.

  9. Suplementação de boro em diferentes épocas: Efeito no rendimento e na qualidade de sementes de trigo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Andre Pich Brunes


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência da aplicação de boro em diferentes épocas no rendimento e na qualidade de sementes de trigo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial A X B, sendo o fator A: cultivares FUNDACEP Horizonte e BRS Campeiro, e fator B: época de aplicação, (Sem aplicação de boro, aplicação na semeadura, no perfilhamento, na floração e 15 dias após floração. A dose de boro aplicada, via solo, em todas as épocas foi de 10 kg ha-1 na forma de tetraborato de sódio (boráx. Após a colheita, avaliaram-se número de espigas, número de sementes por planta, rendimento de sementes por planta, peso hectolítrico e peso de mil sementes. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes produzidas foi avaliada por testes de vigor e de germinação. A adubação de trigo com 10 kg ha-1 de boro na forma de bórax nas diferentes épocas de aplicação, não prejudica rendimento, germinação e vigor das sementes das cultivares de trigo FUNDACEP Horizonte e BRS Campeiro. O peso volumétrico das sementes só teve redução na aplicação no perfilhamento para a cultivar FUNDACEP Horizonte e na floração para a cultivar BRS Campeiro.Boron supplementation at different times: Effect on yield and quality of wheat seedsAbstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of boron application at different times on the yield and seeds quality of wheat. The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial AXB, with factor A: FUNDACEP Horizonte and BRS Campeiro cultivars, and factor B: application time, (No application of boron, application at sowing, tillering, flowering and 15 days after flowering. The boron dose into the soil at all times was 10 kg ha-1 in the form of sodium tetraborate (borax. After harvest, were evaluated number of ears, number of seeds per plant, seed yield per plant, hectoliter weight and thousand seed weight. The physiological quality of seeds produced

  10. Sudetic larch in Germany - Results of provenance and progeny research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weisgerber, H. [Forest Centre for Management Planning, Research and Ecology, Hann Muenden (Germany)


    There are only a few older sources of Sudetic larch in Germany. They distinguish themselves by outstanding growth and low susceptibility to canker. This impression was confirmed by results of provenance research. The Sudetic larch tested in comparison with numerous other provenances proved to be fast-growing, site-tolerant, to a large extent insusceptible to canker, with straight but also slightly to moderately curved stems. The Sudetic provenances behave remarkably uniformly as regards these characteristics. In addition to provenance research investigations have been going on for a long time in Germany into individual differences within the Sudetic larch populations. A report is given on the results of progeny tests from free and controlled pollination, using the example of a seed orchard consisting of 54 clones. We point also to possibilities for improving stem quality by selection steps. The results of provenance and progeny research on Sudetic larch are in the meantime being put to use to a large extent in practical forestry. The forest administrations of various federal lands recommend the use of reproductive material of Sudetic origin and from seed orchards. 20 refs, 3 figs

  11. Sudetic larch in Germany - Results of provenance and progeny research

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Weisgerber, H [Forest Centre for Management Planning, Research and Ecology, Hann Muenden (Germany)


    There are only a few older sources of Sudetic larch in Germany. They distinguish themselves by outstanding growth and low susceptibility to canker. This impression was confirmed by results of provenance research. The Sudetic larch tested in comparison with numerous other provenances proved to be fast-growing, site-tolerant, to a large extent insusceptible to canker, with straight but also slightly to moderately curved stems. The Sudetic provenances behave remarkably uniformly as regards these characteristics. In addition to provenance research investigations have been going on for a long time in Germany into individual differences within the Sudetic larch populations. A report is given on the results of progeny tests from free and controlled pollination, using the example of a seed orchard consisting of 54 clones. We point also to possibilities for improving stem quality by selection steps. The results of provenance and progeny research on Sudetic larch are in the meantime being put to use to a large extent in practical forestry. The forest administrations of various federal lands recommend the use of reproductive material of Sudetic origin and from seed orchards. 20 refs, 3 figs

  12. Epstein-Barr Virus BKRF4 Gene Product Is Required for Efficient Progeny Production. (United States)

    Masud, H M Abdullah Al; Watanabe, Takahiro; Yoshida, Masahiro; Sato, Yoshitaka; Goshima, Fumi; Kimura, Hiroshi; Murata, Takayuki


    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a member of human gammaherpesvirus, infects mainly B cells. EBV has two alternative life cycles, latent and lytic, and is reactivated occasionally from the latent stage to the lytic cycle. To combat EBV-associated disorders, understanding the molecular mechanisms of the EBV lytic replication cycle is also important. Here, we focused on an EBV lytic gene, BKRF4. Using our anti-BKRF4 antibody, we revealed that the BKRF4 gene product is expressed during the lytic cycle with late kinetics. To characterize the role of BKRF4, we constructed BKRF4-knockout mutants using the bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and CRISPR/Cas9 systems. Although disruption of the BKRF4 gene had almost no effect on viral protein expression and DNA synthesis, it significantly decreased progeny virion levels in HEK293 and Akata cells. Furthermore, we show that BKRF4 is involved not only in production of progeny virions but also in increasing the infectivity of the virus particles. Immunoprecipitation assays revealed that BKRF4 interacted with a virion protein, BGLF2. We showed that the C-terminal region of BKRF4 was critical for this interaction and for efficient progeny production. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that BKRF4 partially colocalized with BGLF2 in the nucleus and perinuclear region. Finally, we showed that BKRF4 is a phosphorylated, possible tegument protein and that the EBV protein kinase BGLF4 may be important for this phosphorylation. Taken together, our data suggest that BKRF4 is involved in the production of infectious virions. IMPORTANCE Although the latent genes of EBV have been studied extensively, the lytic genes are less well characterized. This study focused on one such lytic gene, BKRF4, which is conserved only among gammaherpesviruses (ORF45 of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus or murine herpesvirus 68). After preparing the BKRF4 knockout virus using B95-8 EBV-BAC, we demonstrated that the BKRF4 gene was involved in infectious

  13. Portable monitors for measuring radon and its progenies air by intergrated sampling method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Huaiqin; Su Jingling; Yao Wanyuan; Liu Jinhua


    Two kinds of portable monitors have been developed, which can be used to measure the concentration of radon or potential energy concentration of radon or potential energy concentration of radon progenies in air. The thermoluminescent material CaSO 4 (Tm) is used as a detecting element for both of them. The lowest detectable limit of the passive radon monitor is about 1.5 Bq/m 3 for radon in air, as the exposure time being one week. Its main advantages are high reliability and convenient manipulation. The working level monitor for radon progenies in air consists of a mini membrane pump and an integrating probe. The lowest detectable limit is about 6.2 x 10 -9 J/m 3 , as the sampling time being 6 hours. It weights only about 0.35 kg

  14. Contribution of progenies segregating for macromutations to the micromutations in lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Solanki, I.S.; Sharma, B.


    Healthy seeds of a macrosperma lentil cv Precoz Selection were treated with three doses each of ethylene imine (EI), N-nitroso-N-ethyl urea (NEU) and gamma rays. The M1 material in each treatment was classified into four groups of mutagenic damage. On the basis of macromutations induced in M2 generation, different progenies were classified into two broad groups, i.e. macromutational and non-macromutational. The latter group was again classified into selected and unselected groups on the basis of inter- and intra-family selection in M2. M3 consisted of three distinct plant populations, viz., macromutational, selected and unselected. With regard to CV, different M3 populations were observed in the order: macromutational unselected selected. NEU induced the highest amount of polygenic variability for different characters in various populations, followed by EI and gamma rays. The highest frequency of promising progenies was obtained in the selected population, followed by macromutational and unselected populations. The contribution of selected population to the total M3 promising progenies was the highest, followed by unselected and macromutational populations. Among mutagens, NEU and, between damage groups, HH (high seedling damage and high sterility) contributed maximum to total M3 promising selections [it

  15. Determination of equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny using surface barrier detector for various shapes of passive radon dosimeters

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jamil, K. [PINSTECH, Islamabad (Pakistan). Environ. Radiat. Group; Fazal-ur-Rehman [PINSTECH, Islamabad (Pakistan). Environ. Radiat. Group; Ali, S. [PINSTECH, Islamabad (Pakistan). Environ. Radiat. Group; Khan, H.A. [PINSTECH, Islamabad (Pakistan). Environ. Radiat. Group


    In the field of radon dosimetry, it is customary to measure radon ({sup 222}Rn) concentration while potential health hazard is due to the radon short-lived progeny. When radon is in secular equilibrium, the measured activity of radon equals the activity of radon`s progeny. However, in practical cases an inequilibrium between radon and its progeny exists which is measured in terms of the equilibrium factor. To determine the equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny in a closed environment various shapes of passive dosimeters based upon solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) are employed. In order to observe the dependence of equilibrium factor upon shapes or effective volumes, experiments have been performed replacing the SSNTDs with a surface barrier detector in Karlsruhe diffusion chamber, pen-type and box-type dosimeters. Using the collected alpha spectra, the equilibrium factor has been determined for a radon-air mixture in a custom designed radon chamber simulating a closed environment of a room. The results show that the radon equilibrium factor is about 0.20 for different shapes of dosimeters studied in this research. It is concluded that the determination of equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny does not depend upon effective volume or shape of the passive dosimeters using alpha spectroscopic data acquired by surface barrier detector. (orig.).

  16. Determination of equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny using surface barrier detector for various shapes of passive radon dosimeters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Jamil, K.; Fazal-ur-Rehman; Ali, S.; Khan, H.A.


    In the field of radon dosimetry, it is customary to measure radon ( 222 Rn) concentration while potential health hazard is due to the radon short-lived progeny. When radon is in secular equilibrium, the measured activity of radon equals the activity of radon's progeny. However, in practical cases an inequilibrium between radon and its progeny exists which is measured in terms of the equilibrium factor. To determine the equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny in a closed environment various shapes of passive dosimeters based upon solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTDs) are employed. In order to observe the dependence of equilibrium factor upon shapes or effective volumes, experiments have been performed replacing the SSNTDs with a surface barrier detector in Karlsruhe diffusion chamber, pen-type and box-type dosimeters. Using the collected alpha spectra, the equilibrium factor has been determined for a radon-air mixture in a custom designed radon chamber simulating a closed environment of a room. The results show that the radon equilibrium factor is about 0.20 for different shapes of dosimeters studied in this research. It is concluded that the determination of equilibrium factor between radon and its progeny does not depend upon effective volume or shape of the passive dosimeters using alpha spectroscopic data acquired by surface barrier detector. (orig.)

  17. Selection and genetic gains for juvenile traits in progenies of Hevea in São Paulo State, Brazil

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    Paulo de Souza Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Five yield traits were investigated in three-year-old progenies from open-pollinated rubber trees [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss Muell.-Arg.]. Twenty progenies were evaluated in a randomized, complete block design replicated three times using 10 plants per linear plot at the North Central Experimental Station in Pindorama, São Paulo State, Brazil. The characters evaluated included the average yield of rubber, growth vigor, bark thickness, total number of latex vessel rings and latex vessel size. Highly significant (p were 37%, 35%, 69%, 10% and 16%, respectively. Significant positive genotypic and phenotypic correlations were found between the yield of rubber and growth vigor (r g = 0.73, r p = 0.70, bark thickness (r g = 0.70**, r p = 0.75** and the total number of latex vessel rings (r g = 0.64, r p = 0.80. There was no relationship between yield and latex vessel size, growth vigor or total number of latex vessel rings. Based on these data, selecting the best two out of 20 progenies would result in a genetic gain of 12.3% and 6.8% for yield of rubber and growth vigor, respectively. The two best individual ortets within each progeny would result in a genetic gain of 27.7% and 9.1%, with a total gain of 40% and 16% for these two traits, respectively.

  18. A review of lung-to-blood absorption rates for radon progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsh, J. W.; Bailey, M. R.


    The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 66 Human Respiratory Tract Model (HRTM) treats clearance of materials from the respiratory tract as a competitive process between absorption into blood and particle transport to the alimentary tract and lymphatics. The ICRP recommended default absorption rates for lead and polonium (Type M) in ICRP Publication 71 but stated that the values were not appropriate for short-lived radon progeny. This paper reviews and evaluates published data from volunteer and laboratory animal experiments to estimate the HRTM absorption parameter values for short-lived radon progeny. Animal studies showed that lead ions have two phases of absorption: ∼10 % absorbed with a half-time of ∼15 min, the rest with a half-time of ∼10 h. The studies also indicated that some of the lead ions were bound to respiratory tract components. Bound fractions, f b , for lead were estimated from volunteer and animal studies and ranged from 0.2 to 0.8. Based on the evaluations of published data, the following HRTM absorption parameter values were derived for lead as a decay product of radon: f r = 0.1, s r = 100 d -1 , s s = 1.7 d -1 , f b = 0.5 and s b = 1.7 d -1 . Effective doses calculated assuming these absorption parameter values instead of a single absorption half-time of 10 h with no binding (as has generally been assumed) are only a few per cent higher. However, as there is some conflicting evidence on the absorption kinetics for radon progeny, dose calculations have been carried out for different sets of absorption parameter values derived from different studies. The results of these calculations are discussed. (authors)

  19. Efectos del consumo de panes integrales elaborados con harina de Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell. y harina de trigo en ratas con sídrome metabólico


    Montero Quiroga, Keyla Carolina


    El género Amaranthus se caracteriza por su alto contenido de nutrientes comparables a los alimentos de origen animal. Sin embargo, la especie Amaranthus dubius, la cual está diseminada en Venezuela, se considera un arvense de cultivos de subsistencia, como el maíz, sorgo y leguminosas; esto impulso la investigación sobre la posible aplicación del amaranto venezolano para la alimentación humana. El estudio se inició con la evaluación de la composición proximal, el contenid...

  20. Risk factors of breast cancer in patients diagnosed at the Julio Trigo hospital

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Argote Ravelo, Luana; Toledo Rodriguez, Gisela del Pilar; Delgado Almanza, Rodolfo


    A retrospective descriptive study was carried out with the objective of identifying some risk factors of breast cancer in patients diagnosed in the hospital Julio Trigo Lopez from 2007 to 2008. Of a universe of 54 patients, it was selected a sample of 31 patients (57,4%) who were those that gave their consent to be interviewed at the time that lasted the investigation (6 months). The 90,3% of the cases corresponded to infiltrating ductal carcinoma type. The age group more affected was 60-69 years and the white race; 41,9% presented personal antecedents of breast nodule, whereas the familiar antecedent of breast cancer was not significant. The 61,3% presented menarche after 12 years old, and the greater percent appeared to the childbirth before 24 years old. The 40,7% did not only offer maternal lactation; 87,1% had one or more children and 58,6% presented the menopause after the 50 years old. There was not risk exposure at the workplaces. The conjunction of several risk factors can favor the appearance of breast cancer, but the absence of demonstrable risk factors does not exclude the possibility of suffering the disease


    Prasad, Mukesh; Rawat, Mukesh; Dangwal, Anoop; Prasad, Ganesh; Mishra, Rosaline; Ramola, R C


    Long-term measurements of indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations have been carried out in dwellings of Yamuna and Tons Valleys of Uttarkashi, Garhwal Himalaya to investigate the health risk associated with inhalation of radon, thoron and progeny. The experimentally determined values of radon, thoron and progeny concentrations were used to estimate the annual inhalation doses and annual effective doses. The annual inhalation dose has been found to vary from 0.8 to 3.9 mSv y -1 with an average of 1.8 mSv y -1 The annual effective dose from the exposure to radon and its progeny in the study area has been found to vary from 0.1 to 2.4 mSv with an average of 1.2±0.6 mSv. Similarly, the annual effective dose due to thoron and its progeny has been found to vary from 0.2 to 1.5 mSv with an average of 0.6±0.4. The measurement techniques and results obtained are discussed in detail. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  2. Study on the influence of CR-39 detector size on radon progeny detection in indoor environments

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pereira, L. A.; Hadler, J. C.; Lixandrão F, A. L.; Guedes, S.; Takizawa, R. H. [Instituto de Física Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-970 Campinas, SP (Brazil)


    It is well known that radon daughters up to {sup 214}Po are the real contaminants to be considered in case of indoor radon contamination. Assemblies consisting of 6 circular bare sheets of CR-39, a nuclear track detector, with radius varying from 0.15 to 1.2 cm were exposed far from any material surface for periods of approximately 6 months in 13 different indoor rooms (7 workplaces and 6 dwellings), where ventilation was moderate or poor. It was observed that track density was as greater as smaller was the detector radius. Track density data were fitted using an equation deduced based on the assumption that the behavior of radon and its progeny in the air was described by Fick's Law, i.e., when the main mechanism of transport of radon progeny in the air is diffusion. As many people spend great part of their time in closed or poorly ventilated environments, the confirmation they present equilibrium between radon and its progeny is an interesting start for dosimetric calculations concerning this contamination.

  3. No significant level of inheritable interchromosomal aberrations in the progeny of bystander primary human fibroblasts after alpha particle irradiation (United States)

    Hu, Burong; Zhu, Jiayun; Zhou, Hongning; Hei, Tom K.


    A major concern for bystander effects is the probability that normal healthy cells adjacent to the irradiated cells become genomically unstable and undergo further carcinogenesis after therapeutic irradiation or space mission where astronauts are exposed to low dose of heavy ions. Genomic instability is a hallmark of cancer cells. In the present study, two irradiation protocols were performed in order to ensure pure populations of bystander cells and the genomic instability in their progeny were investigated. After irradiation, chromosomal aberrations of cells were analyzed at designated time points using G2 phase premature chromosome condensation (G2-PCC) coupled with Giemsa staining and with multiplex fluorescent in situ hybridization (mFISH). Our Giemsa staining assay demonstrated that elevated yields of chromatid breaks were induced in the progeny of pure bystander primary fibroblasts up to 20 days after irradiation. mFISH assay showed no significant level of inheritable interchromosomal aberrations were induced in the progeny of the bystander cell groups, while the fractions of gross aberrations (chromatid breaks or chromosomal breaks) significantly increased in some bystander cell groups. These results suggest that genomic instability occurred in the progeny of the irradiation associated bystander normal fibroblasts exclude the inheritable interchromosomal aberration.

  4. Tillering of two wheat genotypes as affected by phosphorus levels=Perfilhamento de dois genótipos de trigo em função de doses de fósforo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Leonardo Theodoro Büll


    Full Text Available Tillering plays an important role in wheat yield potential and it is affected by genotype and environmental conditions. This work aimed to study the effects of phosphorus levels on tiller emergence, survival and contribution to yield potential of two wheat cultivars. The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. A 2 x 5 factorial randomized block design with four replications was applied. Two wheat cultivars (IAC 370 and IAC 375 and five phosphorus levels (0, 150, 300, 450 and 600 mg dm-3 were evaluated in pots with 10 dm3 of a clayey Oxisol. Higher P levels increased tiller emergence, survival and yield, especially for secondary tillers. Tiller abortion levels were higher in IAC 370 cultivar whereas retention of formed tillers was higher in IAC 375. A participação de perfilhos na produção de grãos é de grande importância para a cultura do trigo, sendo influenciável pelas características do genótipo e condições do ambiente. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar o efeito de doses de fósforo (P na emissão, sobrevivência e contribuição produtiva de perfilhos de duas cultivares de trigo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Foi adotado um esquema fatorial 2 x 5 em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, sendo avaliadas duas cultivares de trigo (IAC 370 e IAC 375 e cinco doses de P (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 mg dm-3. Quanto maior a dose de P, maior a emissão, a sobrevivência e a participação de perfilhos na produ��ão total de grãos, em especial para perfilhos secundários. A cultivar IAC 370 apresentou altas taxas de abortamento de perfilhos, enquanto a IAC 375 manteve grande parte dos perfilhos emitidos.

  5. Particle size distribution of the radon progeny and ambient aerosols in the Underground Tourist Route “Liczyrzepa” Mine in Kowary Adit

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    Wołoszczuk Katarzyna


    Full Text Available Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, in cooperation with Central Mining Institute performed measurements of radon concentration in air, potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC, particle size distribution of the radon progeny and ambient aerosols in the Underground Tourist-Educational Route “Liczyrzepa” Mine in Kowary Adit. A research study was developed to investigate the appropriate dose conversion factors for short-lived radon progeny. The particle size distribution of radon progeny was determined using Radon Progeny Particle Size Spectrometer (RPPSS. The device allows to receive the distribution of PAEC in the particle size range from 0.6 nm to 2494 nm, based on their activity measured on 8 stages composed of impaction plates or diffusion screens. The measurements of the ambient airborne particle size distribution were performed in the range from a few nanometres to about 20 micrometres using Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS spectrometer and the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer (SMPS.

  6. El sentido del montaje y las técnicas del collage

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    Manuel de Prada


    Full Text Available "No se puede pegar un campo de trigo en el lienzo; para volver a colocar la pintura en su escala emotiva hay que conformarse con un sello de correos, por ejemplo". Louis Aragon. "Collages en la novela y en el cine". 1965

  7. Studies of Radon and Radon Progeny in Air Conditioned Rooms in Hospitals

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marley, F.; Denman, A.R.; Phillips, P.S.


    A series of continuous real-time radon and radon progeny measurements together with passive etched track detector measurements were performed in hospital premises during 1996. In one small room, detailed measurements over several weeks showed that both the radon concentration and the Equilibrium Factor depended on the intermittent operation of a filtered positive pressure displacement air-conditioning system, which was designed to conform to operating theatre standards. The average radon level measured while the air-conditioning was off was almost four times higher than that recorded whilst it was on. The progeny level was over five times higher than that whilst it was on. Thus, the Equilibrium Factor (F), was significantly lower when the air-conditioning was on. Measurements in similar rooms in two hospitals, confirmed that the reduction in radon level was a general finding. Thus staff working in such environments receive significantly lower radiation dose from radon than staff working in nearby normally ventilated rooms. (author)

  8. Prediction of lung cells oncogenic transformation for induced radon progeny alpha particles using sugarscape cellular automata. (United States)

    Baradaran, Samaneh; Maleknasr, Niaz; Setayeshi, Saeed; Akbari, Mohammad Esmaeil


    Alpha particle irradiation from radon progeny is one of the major natural sources of effective dose in the public population. Oncogenic transformation is a biological effectiveness of radon progeny alpha particle hits. The biological effects which has caused by exposure to radon, were the main result of a complex series of physical, chemical, biological and physiological interactions. The cellular and molecular mechanisms for radon-induced carcinogenesis have not been clear yet. Various biological models, including cultured cells and animals, have been found useful for studying the carcinogenesis effects of radon progeny alpha particles. In this paper, sugars cape cellular automata have been presented for computational study of complex biological effect of radon progeny alpha particles in lung bronchial airways. The model has included mechanism of DNA damage, which has been induced alpha particles hits, and then formation of transformation in the lung cells. Biomarkers were an objective measure or evaluation of normal or abnormal biological processes. In the model, the metabolism rate of infected cell has been induced alpha particles traversals, as a biomarker, has been followed to reach oncogenic transformation. The model results have successfully validated in comparison with "in vitro oncogenic transformation data" for C3H 10T1/2 cells. This model has provided an opportunity to study the cellular and molecular changes, at the various stages in radiation carcinogenesis, involving human cells. It has become well known that simulation could be used to investigate complex biomedical systems, in situations where traditional methodologies were difficult or too costly to employ.

  9. Genetic parameters on Bali cattle progeny test population (United States)

    Hariansyah, A. R.; Raharjo, A.; Zainuri, A.; Parwoto, Y.; Prasetiyo, D.; Prastowo, S.; Widyas, N.


    Bali cattle (Bos javanicus) is Indonesian indigenous cattle with having superior genetics potential on fitness traits in tropical environment and low feed quality. Bali Cattle Breeding Center Pulukan Indonesia conducted progeny test per annum in order to select bulls using offspring’s phenotype. This paper aimed to estimate the genetic parameters of yearling weight in Bali cattle progeny test populations and to observe the variation between periods in the above breeding center. Data were collected from the year of 2013 to 2014. There were four bulls (3 tests, 1 AI control) in 2013 and five bulls (4 tests, 1 AI) in 2014. Thirty breeding females were allocated per paddock per bull and allowed to mate naturally. In total 80 and 104 offspring’s records were obtained from 2013 and 2014 data, respectively. We built half-sib family model to estimate the additive genetic variance due to the sire and later estimate the breeding value (EBV) of each sire. Results showed that in 2013 the heritability (h2) for yearling weight was 0.19 while in 2014 was 0.79. In both years, tested bulls had higher EBV compared to the control bulls. The remarkable difference of heritability between years was due to the variations among bull candidates which might differ every year with regards to their origins. The fact that the EBV of tested bulls were higher than the control bulls gave us insight that despite the conservation policy and the continuous departure of Bali cattle bulls outside the Island, the population could still maintain its genetic quality.

  10. Recomendação de adubação nitrogenada para trigo em sucessão ao silho e soja sob sistema plantio direto no Paraguai Nitrogen fertilizer recommendation for no-till wheat in succession to corn and soybean in Paraguay

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    Ademir Wendling


    Full Text Available O nitrogênio (N é um dos nutrientes mais requeridos pelo trigo e, muitas vezes, não é suprido nem na quantidade nem na época ideal. Devido à importância da adubação nitrogenada no trigo e à carência de informações disponíveis no Paraguai, foi desenvolvido este trabalho com o objetivo de propor uma recomendação nitrogenada para trigo sob sistema plantio direto. Cinco experimentos em rede foram realizados a campo, durante dois anos, em três departamentos do Paraguai, abrangendo os principais solos (Oxisols, Inceptisols e Ultisols e regiões produtoras (Alto Paraná, Itapúa e Missiones. Os tratamentos utilizados no trigo (Triticum aestivum foram cinco doses de N (0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1 após o milho (Zea mays e a soja (Glycine max, sendo também investigado o efeito residual de N aplicado no milho (0, 60, 120, 180 e 240 kg ha-1 na nutrição do trigo, em parcelas de 5 x 8 m, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com três repetições. O trigo respondeu economicamente, em média, à dose de 35 kg ha-1 de N após a soja para produtividades em torno de 3.100 kg ha-1; após o milho, respondeu economicamente, em média, até 30 kg ha-1 de N, atingindo produtividade de 2.100 kg ha-1. No solo com teor de matéria orgânica maior que 4 %, verificou-se capacidade de suprir, sem adubação nitrogenada mineral, quantidade suficiente de N para alcançar produtividades de até 2.500 kg ha-1. O trigo respondeu à adubação residual de N aplicado no milho, elevando a produtividade de 1.800 (0 kg ha-1 para 2.300 kg ha-1 (com a dose estimada de 213 kg ha-1 de N aplicado no milho, na média de todos os locais.Nitrogen is one of the nutrients wheat needs most, but is often not supplied neither in the right quantity nor at the right time. Because of the importance of nitrogen fertilization and the lack of information available in Paraguay, this study was developed to establish a nitrogen fertilizer recommendation for wheat under no-till. Six

  11. Genetic control of seed dormancy and pre-harvest sprouting in wheat Controle genético da dormência e da germinação precoce em trigo

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    Claudinei Andreoli


    Full Text Available Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS damage leads to occasional massive losses in all wheat producing areas, causing downgrading of grain quality, that severely limits end-use applications and results in substantial financial losses to farmers and food processors. Red grain color is a traditional marker for resistance to sprouting in wheat breeding programs, however red-grained genotype alone does not always guarantee effective resistance. The objective of this work was to find genes for resistance to PHS and investigate its inheritance in Brazilian wheat cultivars. Genetic variation for dormancy was investigated in the parents, F1 and 300 F2 lines derived from the cross Frontana × OR1 and its reciprocal. The germination/dormancy sprouted grains was evaluated on fifty seeds per replication, germinated in paper towel rolls at 20ºC for 5 days. A bimodal distribution for dormancy occurred in the Frontana/OR1 and OR1/Frontana derived F2 populations. The mean ratio of dormant and non-dormant seeds of the cross and its reciprocal was 85:1115, fitting a digenic model of 1:15 (P Germinação precoce na espiga (PHS ocasiona perdas significativas nas regiões produtoras de trigo, causando depreciação na qualidade do produto final, o que resulta em prejuízos para os produtores e os moageiros. A cor vermelha do grão é um marcador tradicional para resistência à germinação nos programas de melhoramento de trigo, todavia, o genótipo de grão vermelho sózinho não garante resistência efetiva. O objetivo desse trabalho foi encontrar gene(s para resistência à PHS e estudar a herança do caráter dormência de semente nos cultivares de trigo brasileiro. A variação genética para dormência foi investigada nos parentais, no F1 e em 300 linhas F2 derivadas do cruzamento de Frontana × OR1, e o cruzamento recíproco. Os grãos brotados (sprouted e os dormentes foram avaliados pelo teste de germinação, em rolo de papel, a 20º C por 5 dias. Observou-se uma

  12. Caribbean demand of U.S. and rest-of-the- world starchy food (wheat, rice, corn, and fresh potatoes: a restricted source differentiated almost ideal demand system

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    Daniel Tilley,


    Full Text Available Las elasticidades de demanda por importaciones per cápita de féculas desde Estados Unidos y el resto del mundo hacia los países del Caribe son estimadas mediante el modelo de demanda casi ideal con restricción y diferenciación por orígenes (RSDAIDS. Para el trigo y el arroz las elasticidades-precio propias son negativas y también las elasticidades-precio cruzadas. Esto sugiere que una reducción en el precio de las exportaciones del trigo y el arroz por parte de los países oferentes puede tener un efecto positivo sobre la seguridad alimentaria de los países del Caribe. Además, perece existir una separación de los mercados de trigo y arroz en los países del Caribe dependiendo del origen de los productos (Estados Unidos o el resto del mundo. De esta manera se protege a los oferentes de estos productos de la competencia.

  13. Efeito da substituição parcial da farinha de trigo por farinha de casca de batata (Solanum Tuberosum Lineu Effect of the partial replacement of wheat flour for potato skin flour (Solanum Tuberosum L.

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    Anderson Felicori Fernandes


    Full Text Available O aproveitamento dos subprodutos da agroindústria de alimentos diminui os custos da produção, aumenta o aproveitamento total do alimento e reduz o impacto que esses subprodutos podem causar ao serem descartados no ambiente. Dessa forma, alguns subprodutos da batata são aproveitados e transformados em ingredientes alimentícios, como é o caso da casca. Neste estudo utilizou-se a casca de batata para produção de farinha visando a sua utilização em produtos de panificação, sendo utilizadas as seguintes porcentagens na composição da farinha mista: 0-50-50%; 3-47-50%; 6-44-50%; 9-41-50% e 12-38-50% de farinha de casca de batata, farinha de trigo branca e farinha de trigo integral, respectivamente. Foram realizadas análises físico-químicas na farinha de casca de batata, análises físicas na farinha de casca, nas farinhas de trigo branca e integral e análises reológicas nas farinhas mistas. A farinha de casca de batata apresentou bons teores de fibras e minerais, e dentro deste último, destacam-se os teores de fósforo, cálcio e magnésio. Quanto à granulometria e à diferença de cor, as farinhas de casca de batata e a farinha de trigo integral apresentaram valores mais próximos uma da outra. À medida que se aumentou a substituição da farinha de trigo branca pela farinha de casca de batata, as análises reológicas indicaram uma queda na qualidade tecnológica das massas.Reusing some agro-industrial food by-products lower the production costs, increase efficient food utilization, and reduce the impact that these sub-products cause if discarded in the environment. Thus, some potato by-products are reused utilized and transformed into food ingredients, such as potato skin. In this study, potato skin was utilized for the production of flour to be used in bakery products. The following percentages were utilized in the composition of the mixed flour: 0-50-50%; 3-47-50%; 6-44-50%; 9-41-50%, and 12-38-50% of potato skin flour, white

  14. Study of the atmospheric chemistry of radon progeny in laboratory and real indoor atmospheres. Progress report, July 1, 1991--June 30, 1992

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hopke, P.K.


    This report covers the second year of the 28 month grant current grant to Clarkson University to study the chemical and physical behavior of the polonium 218 atom immediately following its formation by the alpha decay of radon. Because small changes in size for activity result in large changes in the delivered dose per unit exposure, this behavior must be understood if the exposure to radon progeny and it dose to the cells in the respiratory tract are to be fully assessed. Two areas of radon progeny behavior are being pursued; laboratory studies under controlled conditions to better understand the fundamental physical and chemical process that affect the progeny`s atmospheric behavior and studies in actual indoor environments to develop a better assessment of the exposure of the occupants of that space to the size and concentration of the indoor radioactive aerosol. This report describes the progress toward achieving these objectives.

  15. Genetic Analysis of Relative Cell Injury Percentage and Some Yield Contributing Traits in Wheat Under Nomral and Heat Stress Conditions Análisis Genético del Porcentaje Relativo de Daño celular y algún Rasgo que Contribuye al Rendimiento en Trigo bajo Condiciones Normales y de Estrés Térmico

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    Jehanzeb Farooq


    Full Text Available Several wheat genotypes were screened against heat stress. Seven wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cultivars obtained after screening against heat classified as tolerant, moderately tolerant, and susceptible to heat stress, were mated in a complete diallel mating system to study the inheritance pattern of relative cell injury percentage (cell injury % and some yield contributing parameters under normal and heat stress conditions. Significant genotypic differences were found (P Varios genotipos de trigo se discriminaron para estrés térmico. De ellos siete cultivares de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. incluyendo tolerantes, moderadamente tolerantes, y susceptibles a estrés térmico obtenidos después de discriminar con calor se aparearon en un sistema de apareamiento de dialelo completo para estudiar el patrón de heredabilidad del porcentaje de daño celular relativo (daño celular % y algunos parámetros que contribuyen al rendimiento bajo condiciones normales o de estrés térmico. Se encontraron diferencias genotípicas significativas (P < 0.01 para todos los rasgos estudiados bajo ambas condiciones. Pruebas de ajuste revelaron adecuación parcial para rasgos como días a espigadura y días a madurez en ambas condiciones pero mostraron suficiencia completa para área hoja bandera y daño celular % en ambas condiciones. El modelo para producción de grano por planta y biomasa por planta fue completamente suficiente bajo condiciones normales y completamente adecuado en estrés. El componente aditivo de variación genotípica (D fue significativo para todos los rasgos estudiados y más que los componentes de dominancia H1 y H2. Los valores de la proporción de genes con efectos positivos y negativos en los progenitores (H2/4H1 demostraron distribución desigual de genes dominantes en los progenitores para casi todos los rasgos excepto área de hoja bandera, producción de grano, y daño celular % en ambas condiciones. Se encontraron estimaciones

  16. Spread of Hepatitis B Viruses In Vitro Requires Extracellular Progeny and May Be Codetermined by Polarized Egress (United States)

    Funk, A.; Hohenberg, H.; Mhamdi, M.; Will, H.; Sirma, H.


    Viruses can spread by different mechanisms: via intracellular particles through cell junctions to neighboring cells or via secreted virions to adjacent or remote cells. The observation of clusters of hepadnavirus-infected cells both in vivo and in primary hepatocytes neither proves the first mechanism nor excludes the second. In order to test which mechanism, if not both, is used by hepatitis B viruses in order to spread, we used primary duck hepatocytes and duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) as an infection model. If extracellular progeny virus alone determines spreading, neutralizing antisera or drugs blocking virus binding to hepatocytes should abolish secondary infection. In order to test this, we used DHBV envelope-specific neutralizing antisera, as well as suramin, a known inhibitor of infection. Both reagents strongly reduced hepatocellular attachment of viral particles and almost completely abolished primary infection, whereas an ongoing intracellular infection was not affected as long as no progeny virus was released. In contrast, incubation of infected primary hepatocytes with these reagents during release of progeny virus completely prevented secondary infection. Moreover, the combination of electron and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses revealed the residence of viral particles in cytoplasmic vesicles preferentially located near the basolateral membrane of infected hepatocytes. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that hepatitis B viruses mainly spread by secreted, extracellular progeny and point to polarized egress of viral particles into intercellular compartments, which restricts their diffusion and favors transmission of virus to adjacent cells. PMID:15047813

  17. Atributos físico-hidricos e produtividade de trigo em um Latossolo sob estados de compactação Physical-hydraulic attributes and wheat yield in an oxisol under compaction states

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    Andreia Kusumota Bonini


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito de estados de compactação sobre os atributos físico-hídricos do solo e na produtividade da cultura do trigo (Triticum spp em um Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico sob sistema plantio direto. O cultivo do trigo foi em faixas (10x50m nas quais foram implantados quatro tratamentos correspondentes aos estados de compactação: SC-unidade experimental sem passagem do rolo compactador, 1P-uma passada com o rolo compactador, 3P-três passadas e 5P-cinco passadas. Para avaliar a densidade (Ds, o volume de macroporos (Map e de microporos (Mip e a porosidade (Pt do solo foram coletadas amostras indeformadas nas profundidades de 0,0-0,1, 0,1-0,2 e 0,2-0,3m, em cinco pontos aleatórios em cada tratamento. Outra amostra foi coletada na camada de 0,0-0,3m, para realizar o ensaio de Proctor normal e determinar a densidade máxima do solo (Dsmax. A taxa infiltração de água no solo foi avaliada por meio de anéis concêntricos, a densidade do solo relativa (Dsrel foi calculada através da relacão entre a Ds e a Dsmax. Para determinar a produtividade do trigo delimitou-se uma área útil de 4,08m2, com cinco subamostras em cada tratamento. Com o aumento das passadas do rolo compactador, ocorreu redução da map e incremento da Ds. A produtividade do trigo e a taxa de infiltração de água no solo foram reduzidas, respectivamente, em 23% e 97% quando se comparou o tratamento SC em relação ao 5P. A Dsrel ótima para a produtividade do trigo no Latossolo estudado foi de 0,83.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of additional compaction on the physical-hydraulic attributes and wheat yield (Triticum spp in an Oxisol under no-tillage. The cultivation was made in strips (10x50m which were implanted in four treatments or states of compaction: SC - without additional compaction with a roller compactor 1P- one roller pass, 3P- tree rolear passes and 5P- five roler passes. To evaluate soil bulk density (Bd

  18. Generation of viable progeny from dead brooders of endangered catfish Clarias magur (Hamilton, 1822

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    Sullip Kumar Majhi


    Full Text Available The obligatory air-breathing catfish Clarias magur is a prime candidate for aquaculture owing to its unique taste, high growth rate, and hardy nature. However, recently the IUCN has listed the species under the endangered category because the population has critically declined in the wild. The sexually mature C. magur brooders are often collected from their natural habitats for seed production in captivity. In many cases, the brooder dies due to handling injuries or confinement stress. In this study, we demonstrated that viable progeny could be generated from freshly dead sexually mature C. magur. Three hours after death, the gonads were excised, macroscopically examined and gamete viability was evaluated. Artificial fertilization was performed by mixing the sperm suspension with the eggs. Water was added after 1 min of mixing to activate the fertilization process. We observed 85%-93% fertilization success from gametes derived from dead donors as opposed to 90%-95% from those derived from live control donors. The embryos showed normal development and resulted in the generation of 88%-92% viable progeny, which was similar to the progeny derived from control donors (92%-93%. The results obtained in this study will have profound implications in enhancing the seed production of endangered C. magur and could potentially be applied to other key commercially or endangered fish species. Keywords: Biological sciences, Developmental biology, Zoology

  19. Rastreabilidade de subprodutos de origem animal em dietas com levedura e trigo para frangos Traceability of animal byproducts in diets containing yeast and wheat meal for broilers

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    Rosana Gottmann


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi rastrear a inclussão de farinhas de origem animal em rações para frango de corte com ou sem levedura de cana-de-açúcar e farelo de trigo, por meio da análise do músculo peitoral das aves pelas técnicas dos isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio. Foram utilizados 210 pintos machos (Cobb, com um dia de idade, distribuídos aleatoriamente em sete tratamentos de 30 aves cada, tendo sido um tratamento controle (dieta vegetal e seis com inclusão de farinha de carne e ossos bovina ou farinha de vísceras de aves na dieta, com ou sem levedura de cana-de-açúcar e farelo de trigo. Aos 42 dias de idade, foram abatidas quatro aves, por tratamento, escolhidas ao acaso, cujo músculo peitoral foi retirado para análise da razão isotópica. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos à análise multivariada. Os tratamentos experimentais diferiram do tratamento controle, e foi identificada a inclusão de farinha de origem animal, pelas técnicas dos isótopos estáveis, mesmo com inclusão de levedura ou farelo de trigo na dieta.The aim of this paper was to trace the presence of meals from animal origin, in diets for broilers with or without yeast and wheat meal, through the analysis of breast muscle, by using carbon and nitrogen stable isotope techniques. Two hundred ten male chicks (Cobb one-day old were randomly distributed to seven treatments (30 birds each, with a control diet (exclusively vegetal, and six diets containing meat and bone meal or poultry offal meal, with or without yeast and wheat meal in their compositions. At 42 days of age, four broilers randomly chosen, by treatment were slaughtered, and their breast muscles were collected for isotopic ratio analysis. The isotopic results were analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis of variance. The treatments differed from the control and the inclusion of meals of animal origin was identified by stable isotope techniques, even when there was yeast or

  20. Composição química de sementes de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) submetidas a estresse salino na germinação


    Silva, Rodrigo Nascimento da; Duarte, Gisela Loureiro; Lopes, Nei Fernandes; Moraes, Dario Munt de; Pereira, Ana Lúcia de Almeida


    O objetivo do experimento foi determinar algumas alterações bioquímicas de sementes de duas cultivares de trigo (BRS 177 e BRS 179) sob influência de diferentes níveis de sal (zero, 15, 30, 45 e 60mM NaCl) no processo de germinação. O ensaio foi realizado para avaliar alterações na atividade da a-amilase e nos teores de amido, açúcares redutores, carboidratos solúveis totais e proteínas causadas pelo estresse salino. A atividade da a-amilase e os teores carboidratos solúveis totais, açúcares ...

  1. Valor nutricional e energia metabolizável de subprodutos do trigo utilizados para alimentação de suínos em crescimento


    Wesendonck,William Rui; Kessler,Alexandre de Mello; Ribeiro,Andréa Machado Leal; Somensi,Marcelo Luiz; Bockor,Luciane; Dadalt,Julio Cezar; Monteiro,Alessandra Nardina Trícia Rigo; Marx,Fábio Ritter


    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o valor nutricional e energético de subprodutos do trigo, em dietas para suínos em crescimento, e obter equações de predição da energia metabolizável. Foram utilizados 36 suínos machos, castrados, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Realizou-se a coleta total de fezes e urina em dois períodos de dez dias: cinco para adaptação e cinco para coleta. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, tendo-se considerado o período de coleta como bloco, c...

  2. Eficiencia agronómica del azufre elemental relativa a una fuente azufrada soluble en trigo en la Región Pampeana Agronomic efficiency of elemental sulphur in wheat relative to a soluble sulphur source in the Pampas Region

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    Martin Torres Duggan


    Full Text Available La eficiencia agronómica del azufre elemental (AE en relación a fuentes azufradas solubles y sulfatadas, depende de su reactividad (e.g. tamaño de partícula y de las condiciones edafo-climáticas. Para las condiciones de la Región Pampeana algunas publicaciones sugieren que el AE puede ser una fuente de S tan efectiva como las fuentes solubles, aunque la información no concluyente. Se hipotetiza que en las condiciones de la Región Pampeana, ambas fuentes poseen similar eficiencia agronómica en la mayoría de los años. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: i. Evaluar la respuesta al agregado de S con una fuente reactiva de AE en relación a un fertilizante azufrado sulfatado, aplicado en trigo en diferentes dosis y en distintas condiciones edafo-climáticas; ii. Comparar, para el conjunto de experimentos, la eficiencia agronómica del S aplicado con las distintas fuentes. iii. Relacionar las respuestas a la fertilización azufrada con variables de suelo y clima. Se realizaron ocho ensayos de campo durante dos años consecutivos en lotes de producción ubicados en la Región Pampeana. Se aplicó un diseño en bloques completos aleatorizados con cuatro o seis repeticiones en un arreglo factorial de tratamientos (factor 1: fuente azufrada, factor 2: dosis de S. Los tratamientos fueron: un testigo absoluto; fertilización con AE micronizado (95% de S en dos niveles de dosis y fertilización con sulfato de amonio granulado (SA, 24% S, también en dos niveles de dosis. Las dosis evaluadas fueron 10 y 30 kg ha-1 de S (año 1 y 15 y 30 kg ha¹ (año 2. La fertilización azufrada afectó significativamente (p0,05 en la mayoría de los sitios. La dosis más baja (10 o 15 kg ha-1 fue suficiente para cubrir el requerimiento de S del cultivo. Se observó una asociación positiva entre las respuestas y el contenido de MO del suelo y las precipitaciones (macollaje y total del ciclo y una relación inversa con el contenido de S-SO4(2- disponibles a la

  3. Growth variation and heritability in a second-generation Eucalyptus urophylla progeny test at Lad Krating Plantation, Chachoengsao province, Thailand

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    Lucky Nhlanhla Dlamini


    Full Text Available In Thailand, Eucalyptus urophylla was introduced with the main purpose of supplying raw material for pulp and chip wood production. The demand for genetically improved seed is increasing to support high productivity plantation establishment. One of the tree improvement activities established to meet the high demand for improved seed was a second generation progeny test at Lad Krating Plantation, Thailand to provide the best material for the successful plantation program. The aim of the current study was to compare growth variation of the first and second generation of Eucalyptus urophylla progeny that could provide information on suitable families for improved quality seed. The progeny test comprised the best 45 half-sib families selected from 80 half-sib families of the first-generation progeny test. The design of the progeny test was a randomized and complete block design (16 trees/plot × 45 plots/block × 9 blocks, with 4 rows of 4 trees at a spacing of 2 m × 1 m. Growth was assessed at age 3 yr. The average height and diameter at breast height over bark (DBH, was 13.72 m, and 8.75 cm, respectively. There were highly significant (p < 0.01 differences among provenances and families in both height and DBH. The individual heritability values for height and DBH were 0.48 and 0.60, respectively. The family heritability values for height and DBH were 0.98 and 0.99, respectively. These 45 half-sib families proved to be genetically superior ensuring higher productivity and contributing to the success of the Forest Industry Organization plantation at Lad Krating.

  4. Avaliação de farinhas de trigos cultivados no Rio Grande do Sul na produção de biscoitos Evaluation of wheat flour cultivated in the Rio Grande do Sul to production of biscuits

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    Luiz Carlos Gutkoski


    Full Text Available Na indústria de biscoitos é fundamental a definição de parâmetros para selecionar o uso do trigo em estudo. Existe uma série de testes químicos, físicos, enzimáticos e funcionais que podem caracterizar a qualidade tecnológica da farinha. Com o presente trabalho objetivou-se estudar diferentes cultivares de trigo cultivados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul para a produção de biscoitos tipo semi-duros através de análises físicas, químicas, reológicas e funcionais. Grãos de trigo de amostras dos cultivares BR 23, BRS 120, BRS 49, BRS 177, BRS 119, BRS 176, PF 940097 e Embrapa 40 foram condicionados para 15% de umidade, moídos em moinho piloto Chopin e analisados. As determinações realizadas foram peso de mil grãos, dureza do grão, peso do hectolitro, moagem experimental, composição química, número de queda e alveografia. Os biscoitos foram elaborados de acordo com método da AACC e avaliado volume específico, diâmetro, espessura, fator de expansão e cor. A metodologia utilizada no laboratório para a elaboração de biscoitos tipo semi-duros é adequada para a avaliação de uso final de farinhas de trigo. Com base nas propriedades funcionais, as farinhas de trigo dos cultivares BR 23, BRS 120 e BRS 176 foram as mais recomendadas para a produção de biscoitos.In the biscuit industry the definition of parameters to select the use of the wheat in study is basic. A series of chemical, physical, enzymatic and functional tests exists which can characterize the technological quality of the flour. The purpose of this research was to study cultivates of wheat cultivated in the state of the Rio Grande do Sul in the production of biscuits through physical, chemical, rheological and functional analysis. Samples of wheat cultivates BR 23, BRS 120, BRS 49, BRS 177, BRS 119, BRS 176, 940097 PF and Embrapa 40 were conditioned for 15% of moisture content and milling in mill pilot Chopin. With the milling samples it was determined the

  5. Investigation of the exposure to radon and progeny in the thermal spas of Loutraki (Attica-Greece): Results from measurements and modelling

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nikolopoulos, Dimitrios; Vogiannis, Efstratios; Petraki, Ermioni; Zisos, Athanasios; Louizi, Anna


    Radon and progeny ( 218 Po, 214 Pb, 214 Bi and 214 Po) in thermal spas are well known radioactive pollutants identified for additional radiation burden of patients due to the activity concentration peaks which appear during bath treatment or due to drinking of waters of high radon content. This burden affects additionally the working personnel of the spas. The present paper has focused on the thermal spas of Loutraki (Attica-Greece). The aim was the investigation of the health impact for patients and working personnel due to radon and progeny. Attention has been paid to radon and progeny transient concentration peaks (for bath treatment) and to radon of thermal waters (both for bath treatment and drinking therapy). Designed experiments have been carried out, which included radon and progeny activity concentration measurements in thermal waters and ambient air. Additionally, published models for description of radon and progeny transient concentration peaks were employed. The models were based on physicochemical processes involved and employed non linear first order derivative mass balance differential equations which were solved numerically with the aid of specially developed computer codes. The collected measurements were analysed incorporating these models. Results were checked via non linear statistical tests. Predictions and measurements were found in close agreement. Non linear parameters were estimated. The models were employed for dosimetric estimations of patients and working personnel. The effective doses of patients receiving bath treatment were found low but not negligible. The corresponding doses to patients receiving potable treatment were found high but below the proposed international limits. It was found that the working personnel are exposed to considerable effective doses, however well below the acceptable limits for workers. It was concluded that treatment and working in the Loutraki spas leads to intense variations of radon and progeny and

  6. Genetic and environmental contributions to increased wheat yield in Minas Gerais, Brazil Contribuições genéticas e ambientais para aumento do rendimento do trigo em Minas Gerais, Brasil

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Adeliano Cargnin


    Full Text Available Producers need wheat cultivars adapted to the predominant climate conditions of the end of the rainy period. Having this in mind, EPAMIG (Agriculture and Livestock Research Institute of Minas Gerais has been developing a wheat genetic improvement program since 1976, and the estimates of the genetic improvement established by the breeding programs could be useful to quantify their efficiency. This study focused on the quantification of the genetic progress achieved by these improvement programs of dryland wheat in the Brazilian-savanna between 1976 and 2005. The efficiency of these programs was evaluated based on grain yield data of VCU (Value for Cultivation and Use trials conducted at ten locations in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The mean estimated genetic progress for mean grain yield between 1976 and 2005 was 37 kg ha-1 year-1. The genetic yield gain in the study period indicates that the improvement programs of dryland wheat in the Brazilian-savanna are effective. Besides the marked contribution of genetic gain, the environmental and technological improvements were also relevant for the yield, accounting for 47.4% of the total progress in the period. The improvement programs of dryland wheat resulted in a genotype renovation rate of 35% over the years.Devido à necessidade dos produtores por cultivares de trigo adaptados às condições climáticas do final da época das chuvas, desde 1976 a EPAMIG (Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais vem desenvolvendo um programa de melhoramento genético. As estimativas dos progressos genéticos alcançados pelos programas de melhoramento são instrumentos hábeis para se quantificar a eficiência dos trabalhos executados. Quantificou-se o progresso genético obtido pelos programas de melhoramento do trigo de sequeiro no cerrado brasileiro no período de 1976 a 2005 utilizando-se resultados de produtividade de grãos obtidos nos ensaios de valor de cultivo e uso. O progresso genético m

  7. Unattached fraction of radon progeny in Polish coal mines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Skubacz, K.; Michalik, B.


    The system of the monitoring of the radiation hazard in Polish coal mines is based on the monitoring of the workplaces. This system works since 1989 in all coal mines. It gives a very good basis for further epidemiological investigation and assessment of the health detriment within the population of the mines as a result of the exposure for natural radiation. It is very important problem, due to the fact of the presence in the mines another factors, which probably have a synergetic effects on the respiratory tracts. As the routine instrument, a device called ALFA-31 sampling probe was developed in our laboratory. This device was accomplished to regular dust sampler and simultaneous measurements of dust content and potential alpha energy concentration of radon progeny are obligatory in all underground mines in Poland. But the microcyclone used a separator of the respirable fraction which causes the cut-off of unattached fraction of radon progeny, On the other hand measurements of the unattached fraction of short lived radon progeny play a very important role in the investigations of the adequate dose from this source of radiation hazard. During field experiments the use of the alpha spectroscopy system is necessary, while measurements are done not in the vacuum chambers but under normal pressure. It leads to situation, when particular peaks in alpha spectrum are very wide and interfere with other peaks of another alpha-emitting radionuclides. Such instrumentation was designed and completed, and a survey in several underground mines was performed. The analysis of the obtained results must be done very carefully; in other case it may cause a very big uncertainty of the result. In this paper a new approach to the analysis of the alpha spectra has been described. This approach can be used also in other applications of alpha spectroscopy, in which the analysis of energy of alpha peaks in spectrum is needed. The method of the analysis is based on a non-linear regression

  8. Wind direction correlated measurements of radon and radon progeny in atmosphere: a method for radon source identification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akber, R.A.; Pfitzner, J.; Johnston, A.


    This paper describes the basic principles and methodology of a wind direction correlated measurement technique which is used to distinguish the mine-related and background components of radon and radon progeny concentrations in the vicinity of the ERA Ranger Uranium Mine. Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric radon and radon progeny concentrations and wind speed and direction were conducted using automatic sampling stations. The data were recorded as a time series of half hourly averages and grouped into sixteen 22.5 degrees wind sectors. The sampling interval and the wind sector width were chosen considering wind direction variability (σ θ ) over the sampling time interval. The data were then analysed for radon and radon progeny concentrations in each wind sector. Information about the wind frequency wind speed seasonal and diurnal variations in wind direction and radon concentrations was required for proper data analysis and interpretation of results. A comparison with model-based estimates for an identical time period shows agreement within about a factor of two between the two methods. 15 refs., 1 tab., 5 figs

  9. Wire-mesh capped deposition sensors: Novel passive tool for coarse fraction flux estimation of radon thoron progeny in indoor environments

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mayya, Y.S.; Mishra, Rosaline; Prajith, Rama; Sapra, B.K.; Kushwaha, H.S.


    Deposition-based 222 Rn and 220 Rn progeny sensors act as unique, passive tools for determining the long time-averaged progeny deposition fluxes in the environment. The use of these deposition sensors as progeny concentration monitors was demonstrated in typical indoor environments as conceptually superior alternatives to gas-based indirect monitoring methods. In the present work, the dependency of these deposition monitors on various environmental parameters is minimized by capping the deposition sensor with a suitable wire mesh. These wire-mesh capped deposition sensors measure the coarse fraction deposition flux, which is less dependent on the change in environmental parameters like ventilation rate and turbulence. The calibration of these wire-mesh capped coarse fraction progeny sensors was carried out by laboratory controlled experiments. These sensors were deployed both in indoor and in occupational environments having widely different ventilation rates. The obtained coarse fraction deposition velocities were fairly constant in these environments, which further confirmed that the signal on the wire-mesh capped sensors show the least dependency on the change in environmental parameters. This technique has the potential to serve as a passive particle sizer in the general context of nanoparticles using progeny species as surrogates. On the whole, there exists a strong case for developing a passive system that responds only to coarse fraction for providing alternative tools for dosimetry and environmental fine particle research. - Research highlights: → Wire-mesh capped deposition sensor measures the coarse fraction deposition flux → Coarse fraction deposition flux less dependent on environmental conditions → Wire-mesh capped deposition sensor as passive particle sizer

  10. Comparison of outdoor activity size distributions of 220 Rn and 222 Rn progeny and their Influences on lung dosimetry distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mohamed, A.; El-Hussein, A.; Ahmed, A.


    In the case of internally deposited radionuclides, direct measurement of the energy absorbed from ionizing radiation emitted by the decaying radionuclides is rarely, if ever, possible. Therefore, one must rely on dosimetric models to obtain estimates of the spatial and temporal patterns of energy deposition in human lung. T These models always need some information about the parameters of activity size distributions of thoron and radon progeny. In the present work, the attached and unattached activity size distributions of thoron and radon progeny were measured in outdoor air of El-Minia, Egypt. The attached samples were collected using a low pressure Berner cascade impactor technique, while a constructed screen diffusion b attery was used for collecting the unattached samples. Most of the attached activities for 222 Rn and 220 Rn progeny were associated with the aerosol particles of the accumulation mode. The activity size distribution of thoron progeny was found to be shifted to slightly smaller particle size, compared to radon progeny. An analytical method has been developed to compute the local energy deposition of 2l2 Bi alpha particles in a target volume of 1 jam spheres located at different depths in bronchial epithelium. In order to reach the target, alpha particles travel either through tissue alone (near-wall dose) or through air and tissue (far-wall dose). It was found that the contribution of near-wall dose is higher than that of the far wall dose. While the depth-dose distributions for nuclides uniformly distributed within the epithelium are practically constant with

  11. Genetic variation in dieback resistance in Fraxinus excelsior confirmed by progeny inoculation assay

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lobo, Albin; McKinney, Lea Vig; Hansen, Jon Kehlet


    from low susceptible mother clones developed smaller necroses when compared to offspring from susceptible clones. Their crown damage due to natural infections was also significantly less. The correlation coefficient between average crown damages of mother clones and the average of their progeny was 0...

  12. Maternal Exposure to Cadmium and Manganese Impairs Reproduction and Progeny Fitness in the Sea Urchin Paracentrotus lividus.

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    Oriana Migliaccio

    Full Text Available Metal contamination represents one of the major sources of pollution in marine environments. In this study we investigated the short-term effects of ecologically relevant cadmium and manganese concentrations (10(-6 and 3.6 x 10(-5 M, respectively on females of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and their progeny, reared in the absence or presence of the metal. Cadmium is a well-known heavy metal, whereas manganese represents a potential emerging contaminant, resulting from an increased production of manganese-containing compounds. The effects of these agents were examined on both P. lividus adults and their offspring following reproductive state, morphology of embryos, nitric oxide (NO production and differential gene expression. Here, we demonstrated that both metals differentially impaired the fertilization processes of the treated female sea urchins, causing modifications in the reproductive state and also affecting NO production in the ovaries. A detailed analysis of the progeny showed a high percentage of abnormal embryos, associated to an increase in the endogenous NO levels and variations in the transcriptional expression of several genes involved in stress response, skeletogenesis, detoxification, multi drug efflux processes and NO production. Moreover, we found significant differences in the progeny from females exposed to metals and reared in metal-containing sea water compared to embryos reared in non-contaminated sea water. Overall, these results greatly expanded previous studies on the toxic effects of metals on P. lividus and provided new insights into the molecular events induced in the progeny of sea urchins exposed to metals.

  13. Analysis of disconnected diallel mating designs II: results from a third generation progeny test of the New Zealand radiata pine improvement programme. (United States)

    J.N. King; M.J. Carson; G.R. Johnson


    Genetic parameters from a second generation (F2) disconnected diallel progeny test of the New Zealand radiata pine improvement programme are presented. Heritability estimates of growth and yield traits of 0.2 are similar to progeny test results of the previous generation (F1) generation tests. A trend of declining dominance...

  14. Efeitos do centeio, do trigo e da suplementação com xilanases sobre o valor nutricional de dietas e o desempenho de frangos corte Effects of rye, wheat and xylanase supplementation on diet nutritive value and broiler chicken performance

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    José Luís Teixeira de Abreu Medeiros Mourão


    Full Text Available Três experimentos foram realizados para avaliar os efeitos de dietas formuladas com 53% de trigo ou centeio, suplementadas ou não com a enzima xilanase (0,06%, sobre a digestibilidade de nutrientes e a energia metabolizável das dietas e sobre o desempenho e desenvolvimento do trato digestivo de frangos de corte. Como testemunha foi usada uma dieta com 53% de milho. No primeiro experimento, as digestibilidades da matéria seca, matéria orgânica e gordura e energia metabolizável corrigida para o nitrogênio (EMAn das dietas com centeio foram menores que daquelas com trigo (2.556 kcal/kg vs 2.842 kcal/kg e menores no conjunto dessas dietas que na dieta com milho (2.684 kcal/kg vs 3.010 kcal/kg. A digestibilidade da matéria orgânica e a EMAn das dietas com centeio também foi inferior às da dieta com trigo. A suplementação com xilanases não afetou a utilização digestiva das dietas com centeio ou com trigo. No segundo experimento, nos frangos alimentados com as dietas com centeio, o menor ganho de peso e consumo de EMAn e a pior conversão alimentar ocorreram entre os 8 e os 35 dias de idade. A conversão alimentar foi de 2,17 para as dietas com centeio e 1,88 para a dieta com milho. A adição de xilanases às dietas com centeio ou trigo não melhorou a conversão alimentar. Nos frangos alimentados com as dietas com centeio durante 31 dias, o duodeno-jejuno e íleo foram maiores e o rendimento de carcaça menor que nos frangos alimentados com a dieta testemunha (71,6% vs 74,4%. As dietas com trigo não afetaram essas características. Os pesos do pâncreas e do fígado também não foram alterados pelas dietas.Three trials with were conducted to evaluate the effects of diets with 53% rye (diet C or 53% wheat (diet T supplemented or not with xylanase enzymes (0.06% on nutrient digestibility and metabolizable energy and the performance and development of the broiler chicken digestive tract. A diet with 53% corn was used as control. In

  15. Internal microdosimetry of inhaled radon progeny in bronchial airways: advantages and limitations

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hofmann, Werner; Fakir, Hatim; Pihet, Pascal


    The objective of the present study was to identify advantages and limitations of the application of microdosimetric concepts for inhaled radon progeny activities in the lungs. The methods employed for this analysis were a recently developed Monte- Carlo microdosimetry code for the calculation of energy deposition in bronchial target cells and the Probability Per Unit Track Length (PPUTL) model, which relates these microdosimetric parameters to cellular radiation effects. The major advantages of internal microdosimetry of radon progeny in bronchial airways are: (i) quantitative characterisation of non-uniform dose distributions and identification of target sites with enhanced carcinogenic potential, (ii) quantification of low doses of alpha particles by the number of cells hit and the dose received by those cells, (iii) illustration of the random variations of cellular doses by specific energy distributions and (iv) establishment of a direct link to cellular radiobiological effects. At present, a major limitation of microdosimetry is the extrapolation of the response of individual cells to the resulting tissue response, which is still not fully explored. (authors)

  16. Proceedings of radon and radon progeny measurements in Australia symposium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Akber, R.A.; Harris, F.


    This publication contain papers presented at a symposium on radon and radon progeny measurements in Australia, held in Canberra on 18 February 1994. The emphasis was on results of measurements in different exposure situations, however information on methodology and techniques was also included. The scope of the symposium expanded through participation by scientists from China, French Polynesia and New Zealand. A list of participants and their organizations is included at the end of the proceedings. refs., tabs., figs

  17. Measurement of unattached aerosols of 222 Rn progeny by means of an electrostatic deposition method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Canoba, Analia C.; Lopez, Fabio O.


    A method for the measurement of unattached radon progeny based on its electrostatic deposition onto wire screens, using only one pump, has been implemented and calibrated. The importance of being able of making use of this method is related with the special radiological significance that has the unattached fraction of the short-lived radon progeny. Because of this, the assesment of exposure could be directly related to dose with far greater accuracy than before.The advantages of this method are its simplicity, even with the tools needed for the sample collection, as well as the measurement instruments used. Also, the suitability of this method is enhanced by the fact that it can effectively be used with a simple measuring procedure such as the Kusnetz method. (author)

  18. Indução à macho-esterilidade e formação de sementes em genótipos de trigo Induction to male-sterility and cross-pollination in wheat

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    Diego Girardi Pegoraro


    Full Text Available A variabilidade genética em programas de melhoramento é de extrema importância para o desenvolvimento de novos genótipos. Uma das principais formas de obtenção de variabilidade genética é através da recombinação genética em plantas oriundas do cruzamento de genótipos contrastantes. Em trigo, a obtenção de híbridos é trabalhosa, devido à forma natural e predominante de reprodução, por autofecundação. A indução da macho-esterilidade pode ser uma alternativa para a obtenção de sementes híbridas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a eficiência do gametocida ácido 2- cloroetilfosfanico (Ethrel na indução à macho-esterilidade em trigo, estimar a frequência de polinização cruzada em genótipos de trigo cultivados a campo e determinar o efeito do produto na obtenção de sementes híbridas a campo. O produto foi aplicado em cinco variedades de trigo em três dosagens diferentes, no estádio de pré-emborrachamento, sendo que a ariedade BR 43 (mútica foi empregada como testadora para verificar a frequência de cruzamentos. Os caracteres avaliados foram: porcentagem de pólen viável, número de grãos produzidos nas espigas ensacadas sem polinização, porcentagem de polinização dirigida e porcentagem de polinização natural. Os resultados indicaram que o produto Ethrel foi eficiente para a indução da macho-esterilidade em todas as variedades testadas; entretanto, ocorreram também prejuízos para o desenvolvimento da parte feminina, evidenciados pela redução do número de sementes produzidas em parcelas tratadas com o gametocida. As doses de 10 e 20l/ha causaram acentuada esterilidade de pólen; por outro lado, não foi verificado um incremento na produção de sementes híbridas. Assim sendo, é necessário ajustar a técnica de aplicação do Ethrel para a produção de híbridos em trigo.The genetic variability is importam for lhe development of new genotypes in breeding programs. This

  19. Biodisponibilidad de fósforo en un suelo del sur de Santa Fe (Argentina: Efectos de dos fuentes fosfatadas y sus mezclas con urea Phosphorus bioavailability in a soil of the south of Santa Fe (Argentina: Effects of two phosphate sources and their mixtures with urea

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    M. M. Silva Rossi


    Full Text Available Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: i determinar en qué medida las fuentes fosfatadas y sus mezclas con urea afectan la biodisponibilidad de P, ii analizar los efectos de interacción urea/fuente fosfatada, y iii analizar el efecto de la urea sobre el P nativo del suelo. El experimento se condujo en un Hapludol típico Serie Santa Isabel (pH 6,1; 29 g kg-1 de materia orgánica; 12,4 mg kg-1 de P extractable; P total, 446 mg kg-1; MBC 35,8 L kg-1. Se hicieron ensayos de fertilización de trigo con dos fuentes fosfatadas: fosfato monoamónico y fosfato diamónico en dosis de 0, 9 y 17 kg P/ha, en mezclas físicas con urea en dosis de 0, 19 y 37 kg N/ha. Se concluyó que la aplicación de urea no causa efectos sobre los tenores de fósforo nativo en la zona de aplicación. Además, la disponibilidad del fósforo aplicado varía con la dosis y fuente fosfatada utilizada: la aplicación de fosfato monoamónico aumenta significativamente la biodisponibilidad del nutriente en este suelo, con respecto al fosfato diamónico. La utilización de mezclas de fertilizantes fosfatados, con bajas dosis de urea, aumenta la biodisponibilidad del nutriente para el trigo, con relación a las aplicaciones fosfatadas puras.The aims of this work were: i to determine to what extent the phosphorus sources and the mixtures with urea affect P bioavailability, ii to test interaction of urea/phosphate- source effects, and iii to test the effect of urea on the native P of the soil . The experiment was performed in a Santa Isabel Typic Hapludoll (soil organic matter: 29 g kg-1; pH: 6.1; extractable P: 12.4 mg kg-1; and total P: 446 mg kg-1; CBM 35.8 L kg-1. Fertilization assays of wheat with two phosphate sources were carried out: monoammonium phosphate and diammonium phosphate in rates of 0. 9 and 17 kg P/ha, in physical mixtures with urea in rates of 0. 19 and 37 kg N/ha. It was concluded that in the soil tested, the use of urea causes no effects on the native phosphorus

  20. Progeny Density and Nest Availability Affect Parasitism Risk and Reproduction in a Solitary Bee (Osmia lignaria) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae). (United States)

    Farzan, Shahla


    Gregarious nesting behavior occurs in a broad diversity of solitary bees and wasps. Despite the prevalence of aggregative nesting, the underlying drivers and fitness consequences of this behavior remain unclear. I investigated the effect of two key characteristics of nesting aggregations (cavity availability and progeny density) on reproduction and brood parasitism rates in the blue orchard bee (Osmia lignaria Say) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), a solitary species that nests gregariously and appears to be attracted to nesting conspecifics. To do so, I experimentally manipulated nest cavity availability in a region of northern Utah with naturally occurring populations of O. lignaria. Nest cavity availability had a negative effect on cuckoo bee (Stelis montana Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) parasitism rates, with lower parasitism rates occurring in nest blocks with more available cavities. For both S. montana and the cleptoparasitic blister beetle Tricrania stansburyi Haldeman (Coleoptera: Meloidae), brood parasitism rate was negatively correlated with log-transformed O. lignaria progeny density. Finally, cavity availability had a positive effect on male O. lignaria body weight, with the heaviest male progeny produced in nest blocks with the most cavities. These results suggest that cavity availability and progeny density can have substantial effects on brood parasitism risk and reproduction in this solitary bee species. © The Author(s) 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Entomological Society of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  1. Increased Growth and Changes in Wheat Mineral Composition through Calcium Silicate Fertilization under Normal and Saline Field Conditions Aumento de Crecimiento y Cambios en la Composición Mineral de Trigo por Fertilización con Silicato de Calcio bajo Condiciones de Campo Normales y Afectadas por Sales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ali Anser


    Full Text Available Salinity stress is a major and ever-present threat to crop production, especially where irrigation is necessary for agriculture. Two independent field experiments were carried out in natural non-saline (site-I; electrical conductivity [EC] El estrés salino es un riesgo importante y siempre presente para la producción de cultivos, especialmente donde el riego es una inevitable ayuda a la agricultura. Se realizaron dos experimentos de campo independientes en campos no salino natural (sitio I; conductividad eléctrica [EC] < 4 dS m-1 y salino (sitio II; EC = 10-13.8 dS m-1 para probar la eficacia de diferentes dosis de Si (0, 75, y 150 mg kg-1 en dos cultivares de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. difiriendo en susceptibilidad a sales: 'Auqab-2000' (sensible a sales y 'SARC-5' (tolerante a sales. El cultivo se cosechó a la madurez y se registraron varios parámetros iónicos y de rendimiento. Se observó que el aumento concomitante en número de macollas, número de granos por espiga, rendimiento de grano, y rendimiento biológico se debió a aplicación de Si bajo condiciones de campo óptimas y afectadas por sales. Se concluyó que 'SARC-5' rinde mejor que 'Auqab-2000' bajo condiciones de estrés salino. Efectos casi similares por aplicación de Si se observaron para ambos cultivares independiente de la sensibilidad a sales y su inclusión en el campo ya sea salino o no salino aumentó el crecimiento del trigo mejorando la relación K+:Na+ adversamente influenciada por el estrés salino.

  2. Valor nutricional e energia metabolizável de subprodutos do trigo utilizados para alimentação de suínos em crescimento

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    William Rui Wesendonck


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o valor nutricional e energético de subprodutos do trigo, em dietas para suínos em crescimento, e obter equações de predição da energia metabolizável. Foram utilizados 36 suínos machos, castrados, alojados em gaiolas metabólicas individuais. Realizou-se a coleta total de fezes e urina em dois períodos de dez dias: cinco para adaptação e cinco para coleta. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, tendo-se considerado o período de coleta como bloco, com seis tratamentos e seis repetições. A dieta referência foi substituída em 30% por um dos subprodutos testados: farinheta, farelo fino, farelo de trigo, farelo grosso e farelo grosso moído; este último usado para avaliar a influência da granulometria na digestibilidade. A fibra bruta foi a variável que proporcionou a melhor estimativa da energia metabolizável. O farelo fino foi superior em energia digestível e metabolizável, em comparação ao farelo grosso moído. O farelo grosso moído apresentou os menores coeficientes de digestibilidade, e a diminuição de seu diâmetro geométrico médio não aumentou a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e da energia. Entre os subprodutos avaliados, a farinheta apresenta maior energia digestível, energia metabolizável e proteína digestível, o que mostra elevado potencial para utilização em dietas para suínos em crescimento.

  3. Análise dialélica parcial em gerações avançadas para seleção de populações segregantes de trigo

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    Adérico Júnior Badaró Pimentel


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar, em gerações avançadas, os efeitos da capacidade geral e específica de combinação de genitores de trigo, bem como selecionar populações segregantes superiores. Doze genitores e suas 36 populações nas gerações F2 e F3, obtidas em arranjo de dialelo parcial, foram avaliados quanto à produtividade de grãos. Utilizou-se o delineamento em látice 7x7, com duas repetições, mais um tratamento para completar o látice. O efeito de capacidade geral de combinação foi significativo, nas duas gerações. Observou-se alta correlação (0,83 dos efeitos de capacidade geral de combinação entre gerações, mas inexpressiva influência dos efeitos de gerações e de anos na classificação dos cruzamentos. As populações provenientes do cruzamento entre os genitores BRS 254, BRS 264 e IAC 364 (Tucuruí III e os genitores MGS 1 Aliança, VI 98053 e UFVT 1 Pioneiro apresentam maior potencial para obtenção de linhagens superiores, quanto à produtividade de grãos. O uso da análise dialélica parcial em gerações avançadas é promissor para programas de melhoramento de trigo por hibridação.


    Sharma, Sumit; Kumar, Ajay; Mehra, Rohit


    Dosimetric approach is used in this study for the assessment of doses due to inhalation of short lived radon/thoron progeny to the inhabitants of Udhampur district of Jammu & Kashmir. This paper also presents the activity concentrations and unattached fraction of radon and thoron progeny. The observed annual concentration of attached and unattached 222Rn and 220Rn progeny has been found to vary from 8 to 32 and 0.09 to 14 Bq/m3, 0.75 to 3.16 and 0.01 to 1.13 Bq/m3, respectively. The inhalation doses from radon progeny to different body organs of different age groups have been calculated by using the age dependent biokinetic model. The attachment rate of 222Rn and indoor aerosol concentration of 222Rn and 220Rn have been estimated and their relation between them has also been studied. The dose conversion factor for mouth and nasal breathing to different exposure conditions has been obtained from Porstendorfer model.





    ABSTRACT The sensitivity of weed species to herbicides is variable, and the behavior can be repeated or not in the next generation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of morningglory plants to different doses of glufosinate ammonium and the sensitivity of plant populations and their progenies to the herbicide. Three studies were conducted, all in a greenhouse and repeated in two periods. In the first study, two experiments were conducted to examine the dose-response curv...

  6. Qualidade industrial do trigo em resposta à adubação verde e doses de nitrogênio Baking quality of wheat in response to green manure and nitrogen rates

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    Cilas Pinnow


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de adubos verdes cultivados entre a cultura do milho e a do trigo e da adubação nitrogenada sobre a qualidade industrial do trigo. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro níveis de adubação nitrogenada: sem adição de nitrogênio, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1 e seis manejos outonais: quatro com o cultivo de espécies de cobertura (ervilha forrageira, ervilhaca comum, nabo forrageiro e tremoço, um cultivo de feijoeiro com fins comerciais e outro com a permanência em pousio no período compreendido entre a colheita do milho e a semeadura do trigo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial, com três repetições. O rendimento de proteína aumentou linearmente com a aplicação de nitrogênio mineral. As doses de 80 e 120 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio afetaram positivamente o desempenho dos parâmetros indicativos da qualidade industrial. A ervilha forrageira, o nabo forrageiro e a ervilhaca comum permitem combinar indíces de qualidade tecnológica ideais para panificação e satisfatórios patamares de produtividade de grãos, reduzindo a demanda de adubação nitrogenada mineral.The objective this study was to investigate the effects of green manures cultivated between the maize and wheat crop and nitrogen rates on baking quality of spring wheat. Treatments consisted of four nitrogen fertilization rates: without N addition, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 using the amidic form, and six managements before wheat crop: four green manures forage pea, common pea, oilseed radish and lupine, common bean grown for commercial purposes, and the fallow between the corn harvest and wheat cropping. The experimental design was in randomized blocks and factorial scheme, with three replicates. The protein yield increased linearly with the application of mineral N rates. The nitrogen rates of 80 and 120 kg ha-1 improved the baking wheat quality. The forage pea, oilseed radish and common pea allowed ideal

  7. Qualidade industrial do trigo em resposta à adubação verde e doses de nitrogênio Baking quality of wheat in response to green manure and nitrogen rates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cilas Pinnow


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de adubos verdes cultivados entre a cultura do milho e a do trigo e da adubação nitrogenada sobre a qualidade industrial do trigo. Os tratamentos consistiram de quatro níveis de adubação nitrogenada: sem adição de nitrogênio, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1 e seis manejos outonais: quatro com o cultivo de espécies de cobertura (ervilha forrageira, ervilhaca comum, nabo forrageiro e tremoço, um cultivo de feijoeiro com fins comerciais e outro com a permanência em pousio no período compreendido entre a colheita do milho e a semeadura do trigo. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso em esquema fatorial, com três repetições. O rendimento de proteína aumentou linearmente com a aplicação de nitrogênio mineral. As doses de 80 e 120 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio afetaram positivamente o desempenho dos parâmetros indicativos da qualidade industrial. A ervilha forrageira, o nabo forrageiro e a ervilhaca comum permitem combinar indíces de qualidade tecnológica ideais para panificação e satisfatórios patamares de produtividade de grãos, reduzindo a demanda de adubação nitrogenada mineral.The objective this study was to investigate the effects of green manures cultivated between the maize and wheat crop and nitrogen rates on baking quality of spring wheat. Treatments consisted of four nitrogen fertilization rates: without N addition, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 using the amidic form, and six managements before wheat crop: four green manures forage pea, common pea, oilseed radish and lupine, common bean grown for commercial purposes, and the fallow between the corn harvest and wheat cropping. The experimental design was in randomized blocks and factorial scheme, with three replicates. The protein yield increased linearly with the application of mineral N rates. The nitrogen rates of 80 and 120 kg ha-1 improved the baking wheat quality. The forage pea, oilseed radish and common pea allowed ideal

  8. Evaluation of the separation and purification of 227Th from its decay progeny by anion exchange and extraction chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ivanov, P.I.; Collins, S.M.; Es, E.M. van; García-Miranda, M.; Jerome, S.M.; Russell, B.C.


    Thorium-227 is currently undergoing evaluation as a potential radionuclide for targeted cancer therapy, and as such a high chemical purity of the material is required. To establish a reliable procedure for radiochemical isolation of 227 Th from the parent 227 Ac and decay progeny, which includes the radiotherapeutic 223 Ra, the performance of three different separation schemes based on ion-exchange and extraction chromatography have been evaluated. The results suggest that both ion exchange and extraction chromatographic techniques can be successfully used for the separation of 227 Th from its decay progeny, however extraction chromatographic resins demonstrate favourable performance in terms of Th recovery and purification from radionuclide impurities. - Highlights: • Development of a radiochemical separation of 227 Th from residual 227Ac as well as from decay progeny. • Evaluation of ion-exchange and extraction chromatography techniques. • TEVA resin demonstrates favourable performance in terms of Th recovery and purification. • Developed method is applicable to both nuclear medicine and environmental analysis.

  9. Development of a Progeny Marker for Steelhead; A Thesis submitted to Oregon State University.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shippentower, Gene E. [Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR (United States)


    This study was undertaken to determine if strontium chloride could be used to create a trans-generational otolith mark in steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). I completed two strontium injection trials and a survey of juvenile steelhead from various steelhead hatcheries. The two trials measured Sr:Ca ratios in otoliths in response to injections and the survey measured the natural variation in Sr:Ca ratios in otoliths of juvenile hatchery steelhead in response to the natural variation. In 2003, adult female Wallowa River, Oregon O. mykiss, were captured at the hatchery and evenly divided between a control group and two treatment groups. These females received an intraperitoneal injection of 1cc/500 g of body weight of a physiologically isotonic solution (0.9% saline) containing concentrations of 0 (control), 1000, or 5000 parts per million (ppm) of strontium chloride hexahydrate (SrCl2* 6H2O). Females were housed in a single outdoor tank until spawned artificially, and a distinct external tag identified each female within each treatment group. In 2004, female steelhead were captured throughout the duration of the adult returns to the Umatilla River basin and injected with 0, 1000, 5000, or 20,000-ppm strontium. In both trials, progeny of fish treated with strontium had significantly higher Sr:Ca ratios in the primordial region of their otoliths as measured using an electron wavelength dispersive microprobe. There was no difference in fertilization rates of eggs and survival rates of fry among treatment groups. Progeny from treated mothers were on average larger than progeny of untreated mothers. The Sr:Ca ratios in otoliths collected from various populations of steelhead were greater than the control values measured in both injections studies. This study suggests that the marking technique works and the utility for such a technique could be used for empirical observations in determining the relative fitness of progeny of adult hatchery origin fish

  10. Ethanol Consumption by Wistar Rat Dams Affects Selenium Bioavailability and Antioxidant Balance in Their Progeny

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    Olimpia Carreras


    Full Text Available Ethanol consumption affects maternal nutrition, the mothers’ antioxidant balance and the future health of their progeny. Selenium (Se is a trace element cofactor of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx. We will study the effect of ethanol on Se bioavailability in dams and in their progeny. We have used three experimental groups of dams: control, chronic ethanol and pair-fed; and three groups of pups. Se levels were measured by graphite-furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Serum and hepatic GPx activity was determined by spectrometry. We have concluded that ethanol decreased Se retention in dams, affecting their tissue Se deposits and those of their offspring, while also compromising their progeny’s weight and oxidation balance. These effects of ethanol are caused by a reduction in Se intake and a direct alcohol-generated oxidation action.

  11. Utilización de la proteína dietaría por alevinos de la gamitana, Colossoma macropomum, alimentados con dietas isocalóricas

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    Félix Walter Gutiérrez


    Full Text Available Un experimento fue conducido para evaluar los efectos de cinco niveles de proteína (25,27, 29, 31 y 33% sobre el comportamiento productivo de alevinos de la gamitana, Colossoma macropomum Cuvier 1818, alimentados con dietas isocalóricas (2,7 kcal de ED/g. Los parámetros medidos fueron ganancia de peso (GP, conversión alimenticia (CA, proteína retenida (PR, razón de eficiencia proteica (REP y energía retenida (ER. En la preparación de las dietas experimentales se utilizaron como fuentes de proteína harina de anchoveta y harina de torta de soya y como fuentes de energía maíz amarillo duro, subproducto de trigo y aceite de pescado. Se encontraron diferencias significativas (P<0,05 entre tratamientos para los parámetros GP, PR, REP y ER. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para la CA. Los mejores rendimientos fueron obtenidos cuando las gamitanas fueron alimentadas con niveles dietarios de 25, 27 y 33% de proteína cruda. También se encontró que a medida que se elevó el nivel de proteína de la dieta, la REP decreció significativamente. Tomando en cuenta el costo de la proteína en la dieta, se concluye que la alimentación de la gamitana con niveles dietarios de 25 ó 27% de proteína cruda y 2,7 kcal de ED/g, garantizarán su exitoso crecimiento.

  12. Morphometric and functional abnormalities of kidneys in the progeny of mice fed chocolate during pregnancy and lactation.

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    Ewa Skopińska-Rózewska


    Full Text Available Even most commonly consumed beverages like tea, coffee, chocolate and cocoa contain methylxanthines, biogenic amines and polyphenols, among them catechins, that exhibit significant biological activity and might profoundly affect the organism homeostasis. We have previously shown that 400 mg of bitter chocolate or 6 mg of theobromine added to the daily diet of pregnant and afterwards lactating mice affected embryonic angiogenesis and caused bone mineralization disturbances as well as limb shortening in 4-weeks old offspring. The aim of the present study was the morphometric and functional evaluation of kidneys in the 4-weeks old progeny mice fed according to the protocol mentioned above. Progeny from the mice fed chocolate presented considerable morphometric abnormalities in the kidney structure, with the lower number of glomeruli per mm2 and their increased diameter. Moreover, higher serum creatinine concentration was observed in that group of offspring. No morphometric or functional irregularities were found in the progeny of mice fed theobromine. Abnormalities demonstrated in the offspring of mice fed chocolate are not related to its theobromine content. Consequently, identification of active compound(s responsible for the observed effects is of vital importance.

  13. Equações de regressão para estimar valores energéticos do grão de trigo e seus subprodutos para frangos de corte, a partir de análises químicas Regression equations to evaluate the energy values of wheat grain and its by-products for broiler chickens from chemical analyses

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    F.M.O. Borges


    Full Text Available Um experimento foi realizado com frangos de corte para a obtenção de equações de predição da energia a partir de análises químicas e dados de energia metabolizável (EM utilizando como alimentos-teste o trigo e alguns de seus produtos, comparando quatro metodologias de estimação. Sete alimentos oriundos do trigo e uma ração-referência foram utilizados nos cinco tratamentos: trigo integral moído, gérmen de trigo, farinha de trigo clara, farinha de trigo escura, farelo de trigo para uso humano, farelo de trigo para uso animal e farelo de trigo grosso. Com base nas análises químicas de fibra bruta (FB, extrato etéreo (EE, proteína (PB, cinzas (Cz e amido (A dos alimentos e com os resultados observados de EM aparente (EMA, EM verdadeira (EMV, EM aparente corrigida (EMAn e EM verdadeira corrigida pelo balanço de nitrogênio (EMVn nos cinco tratamentos, desenvolveram-se equações de predição por stepwise. FB foi a variável que melhor se relacionou com os valores de energia metabolizável, entretanto esse valor isolado não foi suficiente para uma boa estimativa dos valores energéticos (R² abaixo de 0,80. Quando somada ao EE e à PB aumentou-se a precisão das equações, com valores de R² acima de 0,90 na maioria das equações. Estimativas a partir dos valores de todos tratamentos resultaram em equações menos precisas para EMA, com menores R². Quando se utilizaram somente dados dos tratamentos pela metodologia tradicional ou de alimentação forçada separadamente aumentou-se a precisão das equações, com R² acima de 0,85. Para EMV e EMVn, as equações lineares múltiplas, utilizando-se FB, EE e PB, apresentaram boa precisão (R²>0,90, independente da utilização de todos os dados experimentais ou seu agrupamento por metodologia. Para a EMVn, além da alta precisão, os valores do coeficiente linear (a das equações foram muito próximos quando se utilizaram todos os tratamentos ou agrupando-os por metodologia, o

  14. The predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis adjusts patch-leaving to own and progeny prey needs. (United States)

    Vanas, V; Enigl, M; Walzer, A; Schausberger, P


    Integration of optimal foraging and optimal oviposition theories suggests that predator females should adjust patch leaving to own and progeny prey needs to maximize current and future reproductive success. We tested this hypothesis in the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis and its patchily distributed prey, the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae. In three separate experiments we assessed (1) the minimum number of prey needed to complete juvenile development, (2) the minimum number of prey needed to produce an egg, and (3) the ratio between eggs laid and spider mites left when a gravid P. persimilis female leaves a patch. Experiments (1) and (2) were the pre-requirements to assess the fitness costs associated with staying or leaving a prey patch. Immature P. persimilis needed at least 7 and on average 14+/-3.6 (SD) T. urticae eggs to reach adulthood. Gravid females needed at least 5 and on average 8.5+/-3.1 (SD) T. urticae eggs to produce an egg. Most females left the initial patch before spider mite extinction, leaving prey for progeny to develop to adulthood. Females placed in a low density patch left 5.6+/-6.1 (SD) eggs per egg laid, whereas those placed in a high density patch left 15.8+/-13.7 (SD) eggs per egg laid. The three experiments in concert suggest that gravid P. persimilis females are able to balance the trade off between optimal foraging and optimal oviposition and adjust patch-leaving to own and progeny prey needs.

  15. Azadirachtin effects on mating success, gametic abnormalities and progeny survival in Drosophila melanogaster (Diptera). (United States)

    Oulhaci, Chemseddine M; Denis, Béatrice; Kilani-Morakchi, Samira; Sandoz, Jean-Christophe; Kaiser, Laure; Joly, Dominique; Aribi, Nadia


    Azadirachtin is a prominent natural pesticide and represents an alternative to conventional insecticides. It has been successfully used against insect pests. However, its effects on reproduction require further analysis. Here we investigated lethal and sublethal effects of azadirachtin, on treated adults in a model insect, Drosophila melanogaster (Meigen). Dose-mortality relationships as well as several parameters of reproduction (mating, spermatogenesis, oogenesis and fertility) were examined. Neem-Azal, a commercial formulation of azadirachtin, applied topically on newly emerged adults, increased mortality with a positive dose-dependent relationship. The LD 50 (0.63 μg) was determined 24 h after treatment using a non-linear regression. Adults surviving this dose had a mating success that was divided by 3 and a progeny production reduced by half when males were treated, and even more when females were treated. When combining probability of survival, of mating and reduced progeny, it appeared that LD 50 induced a 98% reduction in reproductive rates. Reduced progeny was partially explained by the effect of adult treatment on gametes number and abnormalities. The number of cysts and the apical nuclei positions within the cysts decreased by 29.7% and 20%, respectively, in males. In females, the number of oocytes per ovary and the volume of basal oocytes also decreased by 16.1% and 32.4%, respectively. Azadirachtin causes significant toxic effects in both sexes and decreases the fecundity and fertility of D. melanogaster. Females are more sensitive to azadirachtin. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

  16. Severidade de doenças e manutenção da área foliar verde em função da aplicação de micronutrientes e fungicidas em trigo

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    Giuvan Lenz


    Full Text Available Na safra agrícola de 2007 foi instalado um experimento com a cultura do trigo com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do zinco, manganês e molibdênio aplicados juntamente com fungicidas sobre a severidade de doenças e duração da área foliar verde. As aplicações dos fungicidas foram realizadas no final do emborrachamento e no florescimento, e a de micronutrientes, somente no florescimento. Foram analisados os teores de micronutrientes nas folhas, severidade das doenças causadas por Drechslera tritici-repentis eSeptoria tritici, índice SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development, peso hectolítrico, peso de mil grãos, tamanho de espigas, e rendimento de grãos. O uso do epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina proporcionou o melhor controle de D. tritici-repentis e de S. tritici. Produtos com epoxiconazol e piraclostrobina atuaram na fisiologia da planta, incrementando os teores de micronutrientes nos tecidos e prolongando o tempo que o trigo permaneceu com área foliar fotossinteticamente ativa. Epoxiconazol + piraclostrobina, piraclostrobina e epoxiconazol pulverizados associados ou não a micronutrientes, propiciaram aumento do peso hectolítrico, peso de mil grãos e rendimento, quando comparados à testemunha.

  17. Transient gestational exposure to drinking water containing excess hexavalent chromium modifies insulin signaling in liver and skeletal muscle of rat progeny. (United States)

    Shobana, Navaneethabalakrishnan; Aruldhas, Mariajoseph Michael; Tochhawng, Lalmuankimi; Loganathan, Ayyalu; Balaji, Sadhasivam; Kumar, Mani Kathiresh; Banu, Liaquat Alikhan Sheerin; Navin, Ajit Kumar; Mayilvanan, Chinnaiyan; Ilangovan, Ramachandran; Balasubramanian, Karundevi


    Chromium (Cr), an essential micronutrient potentiates insulin action, whereas excess hexavalent Cr (CrVI) acts as an endocrine disruptor. Pregnant mothers living in areas abutting industries using the metal and chromite ore dumps are exposed to ground water contaminated with Cr. Nevertheless, the impact of prenatal exposure to excess CrVI on insulin signaling in the progeny remains obscure. We tested the hypothesis "transient gestational exposure to drinking water containing excess CrVI may modify insulin signaling during postnatal life". Pregnant Wistar rats were given drinking water containing 50, 100 and 200 ppm CrVI (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ) from gestational day 9-14 encompassing the period of organogenesis; the male progenies were tested at postnatal day 60. Neither fasting blood glucose nor oral glucose tolerance was altered in CrVI treated progeny. Nevertheless, western blot detection pointed out attenuated expression level of insulin receptor (IR), its downstream signaling molecules (IRS-1, pIRS-1 Tyr632 , Akt and pAkt Ser473 ) and organ specific glucose transporters (GLUT2 in liver and GLUT4 in gastrocnemius muscle), along with a significant increase in serum insulin level in male progenies exposed to CrVI. While 14 C-2-deoxy glucose uptake increased in the liver, the same decreased in the skeletal muscle whereas, 14 C-glucose oxidation recorded a consistent decrease in both tissues of CrVI exposed rats. These findings support our hypothesis and suggest that transient gestational exposure to excess CrVI may affect insulin signaling and glucose oxidation in the progeny, predictably rendering them vulnerable to insulin resistance. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Role of radon and its progeny in the origin and evolution of life on earth

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Subba Ramu, M.C.; Vohra, K.G.


    The role of natural ionising radiations from radon and its progeny in catalysing certain chemical reactions and aiding certain biological phenomena leading to the formation and evolution of life on earth is explained with illustrations. (M.G.B.)

  19. Measurement of unattached aerosols of {sup 222} Rn progeny by means of an electrostatic deposition method; Medicion de la fraccion no unida a aerosoles de la progenie de {sup 222} Rn mediante un metodo de deposicion electrostatica

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canoba, Analia C; Lopez, Fabio O [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    A method for the measurement of unattached radon progeny based on its electrostatic deposition onto wire screens, using only one pump, has been implemented and calibrated. The importance of being able of making use of this method is related with the special radiological significance that has the unattached fraction of the short-lived radon progeny. Because of this, the assesment of exposure could be directly related to dose with far greater accuracy than before.The advantages of this method are its simplicity, even with the tools needed for the sample collection, as well as the measurement instruments used. Also, the suitability of this method is enhanced by the fact that it can effectively be used with a simple measuring procedure such as the Kusnetz method. (author)

  20. Beneficial effect of feeding a ketogenic diet to mothers on brain development in their progeny with a murine model of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex deficiency. (United States)

    Pliss, Lioudmila; Jatania, Urvi; Patel, Mulchand S


    Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) deficiency is a major inborn error of oxidative metabolism of pyruvate in the mitochondria causing congenital lactic acidosis and primarily structural and functional abnormalities of the central nervous system. To provide an alternate source of acetyl-CoA derived from ketone bodies to the developing brain, a formula high in fat content is widely employed as a treatment. In the present study we investigated efficacy of a high-fat diet given to mothers during pregnancy and lactation on lessening of the impact of PDC deficiency on brain development in PDC-deficient female progeny. A murine model of systemic PDC deficiency by interrupting the X-linked Pdha1 gene was employed in this study. Maternal consumption of a high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation had no effect on number of live-birth, body growth, tissue PDC activity levels, as well as the in vitro rates of glucose oxidation and fatty acid biosynthesis by the developing brain of PDC-deficient female offspring during the postnatal age 35 days, as compared to the PDC-deficient progeny born to dams on a chow diet. Interestingly, brain weight was normalized in PDC-deficient progeny of high fat-fed mothers with improvement in impairment in brain structure deficit whereas brain weight was significantly decreased and was associated with greater cerebral structural defects in progeny of chow-fed mothers as compared to control progeny of mothers fed either a chow or high fat diet. The findings provide for the first time experimental support for beneficial effects of a ketogenic diet during the prenatal and early postnatal periods on the brain development of PDC-deficient mammalian progeny.

  1. Environmental Concentration of Radon and Radon Progeny in a Nuclear Facility in a Decommissioning Stage

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramirez, M. P.; Correa, E.; Sancho, C.


    According to the new European Directive 96/29/EURATOM the radiological risk due to natural radionuclides must be consider and the pertinent periodic control must be realized. During the works performed at CIEMAT an estimation of the effective average doses due to Radon inhalation in work places of the installation have been performed. Radon and Radon progeny concentration has been measured in continuous joint whit the meteorological conditions as temperature, pressure and relative humidity. Two different equipment has been used: Alpha-guard whit ionization chamber detector and Eda-wlm-300 whit a semiconductor detector. A passive Radon detector, E-perm has been simultaneously used in the monitoring system. The results obtained during the measuring of Radon and Radon progeny concentrations indoors and estimation of doses have been analyzed and are presented in the paper. (Author) 11 refs

  2. Live animal measurements, carcass composition and plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations in male progeny of sires differing in genetic merit for beef production. (United States)

    Clarke, A M; Drennan, M J; McGee, M; Kenny, D A; Evans, R D; Berry, D P


    In genetic improvement programmes for beef cattle, the effect of selecting for a given trait or index on other economically important traits, or their predictors, must be quantified to ensure no deleterious consequential effects go unnoticed. The objective was to compare live animal measurements, carcass composition and plasma hormone and metabolite concentrations of male progeny of sires selected on an economic index in Ireland. This beef carcass index (BCI) is expressed in euros and based on weaning weight, feed intake, carcass weight and carcass conformation and fat scores. The index is used to aid in the genetic comparison of animals for the expected profitability of their progeny at slaughter. A total of 107 progeny from beef sires of high (n = 11) or low (n = 11) genetic merit for the BCI were compared in either a bull (slaughtered at 16 months of age) or steer (slaughtered at 24 months of age) production system, following purchase after weaning (8 months of age) from commercial beef herds. Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 factorial design (two levels of genetic merit by two production systems). Progeny of high BCI sires had heavier carcasses, greater (P animal value (obtained by multiplying carcass weight by carcass value, which was based on the weight of meat in each cut by its commercial value) than progeny of low BCI sires. Regression of progeny performance on sire genetic merit was also undertaken across the entire data set. In steers, the effect of BCI on carcass meat proportion, calculated carcass value (c/kg) and animal value was positive (P carcass fat proportion (P carcass weight followed the same trends as BCI. Muscularity scores, carcass meat proportion and calculated carcass value increased, whereas scanned fat depth, carcass fat and bone proportions decreased with increasing sire EPD for conformation score. The opposite association was observed for sire EPD for fat score. Results from this study show that selection using the BCI had positive

  3. Relationship between grain colour and preharvest sprouting-resistance in wheat Relação entre cor de grão e resistência à germinação pré-colheita em trigo

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    Manoel Carlos Bassoi


    Full Text Available Since red alleles (R of the genes that control grain colour are important for the improvement of preharvest sprouting resistance in wheat and there are three independently inherited loci, on chromosomes 3A, 3B and 3D of hexaploid wheat, it is possible to vary the dosage of dominant alleles in a breeding program. The objective of this work was to evaluate the dosage effect of R genes on preharvest sprouting, in a single seed descent population, named TRL, derived from the cross between Timgalen, white-grained wheat, and RL 4137, red-grained wheat. The study was carried out using sprouting data in ripe ears obtained under artificial conditions in a rainfall simulator over three years. According to the results there is a significant effect on preharvest sprouting provided by colour and a weaker effect of increasing R dosage. However, the significant residual genotypic variation between red lines and all lines (reds and whites at 0.1% level showed that preharvest sprouting was also controlled by other genes. There are no significant correlations between sprouting and date of ripeness or between ripeness, R dosage and colour intensity.Uma vez que os alelos dominantes para cor vermelha (R, dos genes que controlam a cor do grão, têm importância no incremento da resistência à germinação pré-colheita, em trigo, e há três locos herdados independentemente, nos cromossomos 3A, 3B e 3D do trigo hexaplóide, é possível variar sua dosagem em um programa de melhoramento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de dosagem dos genes R na germinação pré-colheita, em uma população de descendência por semente única, batizada de TRL, derivada do cruzamento entre Timgalen, trigo de grão branco, e RL 4137, trigo de grão vermelho. O estudo utilizou dados de germinação em espigas maduras, obtidos sob condições artificiais em um simulador de chuva, em três anos. De acordo com os resultados, o efeito da cor de grão e, menos acentuadamente

  4. Nuevo método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua New method of continuous percutaneous subcutaneous suture

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    Germán Brito Sosa


    Full Text Available Objetivos: realizar un método de sutura continua, en las personas operadas en el Hospital "Julio Trigo López", que disminuya los granulomas a nivel de la herida quirúrgica, y compararlas con el método tradicional. Métodos: se realizó un estudio experimental sobre la aplicación de un método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua, en un grupo de pacientes operados de diversas enfermedades, ya sea de urgencia, electivo o ambulatorio, en el Hospital "Julio Trigo López", en los años 2008 y 2009. Resultados: con el método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua con nylon no se forman granulomas, mientras que con el método tradicional, sí ocurre en un porcentaje no despreciable. Las ventajas del método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua con nylon son: en el plano celular subcutáneo de la pared abdominal no queda sutura, no se producen granulomas y es más económica. Conclusiones: la sutura de nylon es menos rechazada que la del cromado, ya que no se producen granulomas. El método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua es una sutura más hemostática que el método tradicional, ya que el por ciento de hematomas es menor. El gasto económico es menor con el método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua. Con el método de sutura subcutánea percutánea continua la sutura es extraída al 10mo. día de haberla aplicado.Objectives: to apply a continuous suture method to reduce granulomas in surgical wounds in patients operated on at "Julio Trigo Lopez" hospital, and to compare the results with those of the traditional method. Methods: an experimental study was conducted on the application of a continuous percutaneous subcutaneous suture in a group of patients operated on from several diseases, either under emergency, elective or outpatient conditions at "Julio Trigo Lopez" hospital during 2008 and 2009. Results: the continuous percutaneous subcutaneous suture method with nylon prevents formation of granulomas, whereas

  5. Mass spectrometric studies of the cluster formation of radon progeny

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gong, S L [Toronto Univ., ON (Canada). Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry


    A new experimental system is developed to study the cluster formation of radon progeny with neutral molecules in the environment, which includes a modified mass spectrometer and a surface barrier detector. With the system, the cluster research is carried out at molecular level at which the mass of individual cluster formed is measured. A theory is also proposed to treat the cluster formation as a discrete process based on the ion-dipole and dipole-dipole interactions. Comparison between the theory and experiment is given. (author). 16 refs., 6 figs.

  6. Mass spectrometric studies of the cluster formation of radon progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gong, S.L.


    A new experimental system is developed to study the cluster formation of radon progeny with neutral molecules in the environment, which includes a modified mass spectrometer and a surface barrier detector. With the system, the cluster research is carried out at molecular level at which the mass of individual cluster formed is measured. A theory is also proposed to treat the cluster formation as a discrete process based on the ion-dipole and dipole-dipole interactions. Comparison between the theory and experiment is given. (author). 16 refs., 6 figs

  7. Detection of 210Po on filter papers 16 years after use for the collection of short-lived radon progeny in a room

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abu-Jarad, F.; Fazal-ur-Rehman


    Radon gas was allowed to accumulate in its radium source and then injected into a 36 m 3 test room, resulting in an initial radon concentration of 15 kBq m -3 . Filter papers were used to collect the short-lived radon progeny and thus to measure the Potential Alpha Energy Concentration (PAEC) in-situ in the year 1984 at different times and conditions according to the experimental design. The radon progeny collected on the filter papers were studied as a function of aerosol particle concentration ranging from 10 2 -10 5 particles cm -3 in three different experiments. The highest aerosol particle concentration was generated by indoor cigarette smoking. Those filters were stored after the experiment, and were used after 16 years to study the activity of the radon long-lived alpha emitter progeny, 210 Po (T 1/2 =138 days). This isotope is separated from the short-lived progeny by 210 Pb beta emitter with 22.3 years half-life. After 16 years' storage of these filters, each filter paper was sandwiched and wrapped between two CR-39 nuclear track detectors, to put the detectors in contact with the surfaces of different filters, for 337 days. Correlation between the PAEC measured using filter papers in the year 1984 and the activity of long-lived alpha emitter 210 Po on the same filter papers measured in the year 2000 were studied. The results of the 210 Po activity showed a very good correlation of 0.92 with the PAEC 16 years ago. The results also depict that the PAEC and 210 Po activity in indoor air increased with the increase of aerosol particle concentration, which shows the attachment of short-lived radon progeny with the aerosol particles. The experiment proves that indoor cigarette smoking is a major source of aerosol particles carrying radon progeny and, thus, indoor cigarette smoking is an additional source of internal radiation hazard to the occupants whether smoker or non-smoker

  8. Chemical segregation of progeny of camphor trees with high camphor c.q. Linalool content

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Khien, P.V.; Chien, Ho Trung; Dung, N.X.; Leclercq, A.X.; Leclercq, P.A.


    The propagation of open pollinated seed from two camphor trees with a high camphor and linalool content, respectively, yielded 115 progeny. The chemical composition of the leaf oils of these trees was analyzed by a combination of capillary GC and GC/MS. Four chemotypes could be distinguished among

  9. Study on seasonal variation of indoor radon, thoron and their progeny levels in Hassan District of Karnataka, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Srinivasa, E.; Rangswamy, D.R.; Sannappa, J.


    Radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations have been measured in different types of buildings at different locations for different seasons in Hassan city using time-integrated passive radon dosimeters containing LR-115 Type II solid state nuclear track detector exposed for four seasons of 3 months each covering a period of one year from October 2012 to September 2013. The radon and thoron activity concentration in summer season in the corresponding dwellings has been found to vary from 7.4 to 45.7 Bq m -3 and 5.4 to 34.9 Bqm -3 with a median of 23.59±11 Bqm -3 and 1447±8 Bq -3 respectively. The radon progeny concentrations varies from 0.4 to 4.1 mWL with an average value of 1.83±1 mWL, while thoron progeny concentrations vary from 0.3 to 3.2 mWL with an average value of 1.12±0.7 mWL respectively. The annual effective dose received due to radon, thoron and its progeny by the inhabitants in the dwellings under study has also been calculated which is found to vary from 0.320±0.4 to 1.860 ±1.1 mSv y -1 with an average value of 0.9576 ± 0.8 mSv y -1 . In general, the level of radon-thoron was observed highest in winter and lowest in summer. A detail analysis of radon and thoron distribution in different houses with seasonal variation is presented in this paper. From this study it is observed that, bathrooms and kitchens have significantly higher radon concentrations as compared to other rooms in the dwellings. (author)

  10. Elaboración de una pasta de harina compuesta utilizando sémola e hidrolizado de germen desgrasado de maíz (Zea mays L.

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    Eumelia Gómez


    Full Text Available El germen desgrasado de maíz subproducto de la extracción del aceite, presenta niveles altos de carbohidratos, proteína, fibra y palatabilidad poco agradable, que mejora al hidrolizarlo, aumentándose la disponibilidad de sus componentes, para obtener un ingrediente potencial en la preparación de alimentos. El objetivo del trabajo fue utilizar el hidrolizado para sustituir parcialmente la sémola de trigo durum, y obtener una harina compuesta para elaborar una pasta larga, nutritiva y aceptable sensorialmente. El germen desgrasado hidrolizado enzimáticamente, se deshidrató por atomización y se elaboraron tres formulaciones sustituyendo la sémola de trigo durum por el hidrolizado en 10 %, 15 % y 20 %. Se midieron parámetros de cocción, evaluaciones físicas, químicas, microbiológicas, nutricionales y sensoriales, utilizando metodologías oficiales nacionales e internacionales. Con la sustitución disminuyeron el tiempo de cocción, el volumen y los sólidos disueltos. Los atributos evaluados olor, sabor y color señalaron que la mejor pasta fue la sustituida en 10 % (p ≤ 0,05. Los valores de proteína 12,8 % y de carbohidratos 84,10 %, fueron semejantes a la pasta de sémola de trigo durum. Los niveles de fósforo, hierro y magnesio (400 mg/100 g, 3,49 mg/100 g, 118,47 mg/100 g y el aporte energético (394 kcal/100 g fueron mayores. La estabilidad microbiológica indicó que el producto sustituido con 10 %, se mantiene apto para el consumo durante 2 meses. Se concluye que es factible el uso del hidrolizado en un 10 % de sustitución en la elaboración de pasta larga, con alta aceptabilidad.

  11. Farelo de trigo e complexo enzimático na alimentação de poedeiras semipesadas na fase de produção Wheat bran and enzymatic complex in the feeding of laying hens in the production phase

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    Daniel de Magalhães Araujo


    Full Text Available O estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de farelo de trigo (FT na ração com ou sem a suplementação de um complexo enzimático (CE sobre o desempenho e a produção de ovos de frangas semipesadas na fase de produção. Foram utilizadas 288 frangas Lohmann Brown, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4 × 2, composto de quatro níveis de farelo de trigo (0, 3, 6 e 9% na ração e da suplementação de complexo enzimático (0 ou 100 g/100 kg de ração, com oito tratamentos e seis repetições de seis aves. O complexo enzimático continha as enzimas beta-galactosidase, galactomananase, xilanase e alfa-glucanase. O consumo de ração, o peso vivo final, a produção de ovos, o peso e a massa de ovos e a conversão por massa e por dúzia de ovos não foram afetados pela inclusão do farelo de trigo nas rações. A gravidade específica da casca dos ovos piorou com o aumento dos níveis de farelo de trigo nas dietas. Nenhuma característica foi afetada pela adição do complexo enzimático na ração, com exceção do peso do ovo, que melhorou de 62,74 para 64,28 g. Recomenda-se o uso de até 9% de farelo de trigo em rações para poedeiras em produção. A adição de alfa-galactosidase, galactomananase, xilanase e alfa-glucanase aumenta o peso dos ovos.The study was carried out with the objective to evaluate the effects of the inclusion of the wheat bran (WB with or without supplementation of an enzymatic complex (EC on the performance of semi-heavy hens in the egg-production phase. A total of 288 Lohmann Brown pullets were used, distributed to a completely randomized design in 4 × 2 factorial arrangement, composed by four WB levels (0, 3, 6 and 9% in the ration and enzymatic complex supplementation (0 or 100g/100 kg diet, with eight treatments and six replicates of six birds. The enzymatic complex contained the enzymes beta-galactosidase, galactomananase, xilanase and alpha

  12. Inversion of the Jacobi-Porstendorfer room model for the radon progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thomas, J.; Jilek, K.; Brabec, M.


    The Jacobi-Porstendoerfer (J-P) room model describes the behaviour of radon progeny in the atmosphere of a room. It distinguishes between free and attached radon progeny in air. It has been successfully used without substantial changes for nearly 40 years. There have been several attempts to invert the model approximately to determine the parameters describing the physical processes. Here, an exact solution is aimed at as an algebraic inversion of the system of six linear equations for the five unknown physical parameters k, X, R, q f , q a of the room model. Two strong linear dependencies in this system, unfortunately do not allow to obtain a general solution (especially not for the ventilation coefficient k), but only a parameterized one or for reduced sets of unknown parameters. More, the impossibility to eliminate one of the two linear dependencies and the departures of the measured concentrations forces to solve a set of allowed combinations of equations of the algebraic system and to accept its mean values (therefore with variances) as a result of the algebraic inversion. These results are in agreement with results of the least squares method as well as of a sophisticated modern statistical approach. The algebraic approach provides, of course, a lot of analytical relations to study the mutual dependencies between the model parameters and the measurable quantities. (authors)

  13. Assessment of Inhibition of Ebola Virus Progeny Production by Antiviral Compounds. (United States)

    Falzarano, Darryl


    Assessment of small molecule compounds against filoviruses, such as Ebola virus, has identified numerous compounds that appear to have antiviral activity and should presumably be further investigated in animal efficacy trials. However, despite the many compounds that are purported to have good antiviral activity in in vitro studies, there are few instances where any efficacy has been reported in nonhuman primate models. Many of the high-throughput screening assays use reporter systems that only recapitulate a portion of the virus life cycle, while other assays only assess antiviral activity at relatively early time points. Moreover, many assays do not assess virus progeny production. A more in-depth evaluation of small numbers of test compounds is useful to economize resources and to generate higher quality antiviral hits. Assessing virus progeny production as late as 5 days post-infection allows for the elimination of compounds that have initial antiviral effects that are not sustained or where the virus rapidly develops resistance. While this eliminates many potential lead compounds that may be worthy of further structure-activity relationship (SAR) development, it also quickly excludes compounds that in their current form are unlikely to be effective in animal models. In addition, the inclusion of multiple assays that assess both cell viability and cell cytotoxicity, via different mechanisms, provides a more thorough assessment to exclude compounds that are not direct-acting antivirals.

  14. Aplicación de funciones de decisión multicriterio y diseño Plackett-Burman para el estudio de la calidad sensorial de mortadelas

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    Mónica Tinoco


    Full Text Available Para evaluar la aceptación sensorial de mortadelas se ha propuesto estudiar simultáneamente 7 factores considerados relevantes para cada una. Para la mortadela de pollo se estudiaron los factores: carne de pollo, grasa de pollo, hielo, almidón de papa, harina de trigo, temperatura de escaldado y tiempo de escaldado. Para la mortadela tradicional se consideraron: carne de cerdo, carne de res, grasa, hielo, relación almidón de papa/harina de trigo, temperatura de escaldado y tiempo de escaldado. Se utilizó el diseño de Plackett-Burman para el estudio de estos factores. La respuesta experimental constituyó la función de utilidad obtenida con la ayuda del programa DART a partir de los atributos sensoriales evaluados con un panel no entrenado constituido por 15 personas. El Half-Normal Plot permitió establecer para cada producto los factores importantes en el diseño. En los dos productos se identificaron factores que influyeron de forma sinérgica.

  15. Aplicación de funciones de decisión multicriterio y diseño Plackett-Burman para el estudio de la calidad sensorial de mortadelas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mónica Tinoco


    Full Text Available Para evaluar la aceptación sensorial de mortadelas se ha propuesto estudiar simultáneamente 7 factores considerados relevantes para cada una. Para la mortadela de pollo se estudiaron los factores: carne de pollo, grasa de pollo, hielo, almidón de papa, harina de trigo, temperatura de escaldado y tiempo de escaldado. Para la mortadela tradicional se consideraron: carne de cerdo, carne de res, grasa, hielo, relación almidón de papa/harina de trigo, temperatura de escaldado y tiempo de escaldado. Se utilizó el diseño de Plackett-Burman para el estudio de estos factores. La respuesta experimental constituyó la función de utilidad obtenida con la ayuda del programa DART a partir de los atributos sensoriales evaluados con un panel no entrenado constituido por 15 personas. El Half-Normal Plot permitió establecer para cada producto los factores importantes en el diseño. En los dos productos se identificaron factores que influyeron de forma sinérgica.

  16. Cuantificacion de huevo en fideos secos según metodo electroforético (SDS PAGUE) Quantification of egg in dried noodles by electrophoretic methods (SDS PAGE)


    LB López; K Cellerino; MJ Binaghi; MS Giacomino; ME Valencia


    La cuantificación de huevo en fideos secos elaborados con harina y agregado de huevo. Se analizaron 6 sistemas modelos (SM) de fideos que contenían 0,0; 1,0; 2,5; 4,0; 6,0 y 8,0% de huevo en polvo. Se extrajeron proteínas totales con un buffer que contiene dodecilsulfato de sodio (SDS) y 2-Mercaptoetanol y se realizó electroforesis en gel de poliacrilamida con SDS. Se establecieron las relaciones de las áreas de los picos de los densitogramas (de huevo y de trigo) que permiten una correcta cu...

  17. Repeatability of number of progeny born to bulls used in group mating of cows (United States)

    The group mating of bulls in pasture situations is a management practice that might be more efficient if an individual bull’s ability to sire calves could be predicted. Retrospective data on numbers of progeny born to bulls from 4 populations (Angus and 3 composite breeds) in 4 consecutive years of...


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    L. R. Lareo


    Full Text Available En el presenta trabajo se reportan algunos cálculos básicos sobre la utilización de energía en el cerebro, para su funcionamiento normal, con algunas predicciones sobre la parte de esta energía que es empleada en los procesos de aprendizaje y memoria. Las implicaciones de la actual imposibilidad de transferencia directa de conocimiento de los padres a su progenie y los costos económicos de esta “ineficiencia” hacen que este problema sea propuesto como una de las fronteras de la investigación en las neurociencias, en particular las neurociencias computacionales, y la neuroinformática. Se culmina asumiendo como un reto investigativo la propuesta del futurólogo inglés Ian Pearson sobre la cercana posibilidad de interacción directa computador-cerebro.

  19. Examination of the influence of water-heated central heating systems on the levels of radon and radon progeny in the workplace

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marley, F.; Denman, A.R.; Phillips, P.S.


    A series of continuous real-time radon and progeny measurements, together with passive etched-track detector measurements returning average values, were undertaken in commercial premises in Northamptonshire. Detailed measurements over several months in two separate buildings show that the level of both radon and progeny are determined to a major extent by the influence of the operation and timing of the central heating systems in place. Both buildings studied are similar in construction to many single-storey domestic properties. The operative heating system reduced the radon and progeny levels relative to the non-operating mode by over 40% during the heating period of a normal working day. The variation in temperature during this time was generally less than 3 deg. C, indicative of a heat retentive building. Because the equilibrium (F) fraction is reduced during the heating period, the reductions in radon and progeny are not uniform. In the workplaces studied, the work-cycle was normally limited to 0900-1700 hours Monday to Friday, the period when the lowest values were recorded. Average daily values would therefore overstate by more than 50% the maximum potential dose during normal attendance hours. The corollary is that living under similar circumstances in domestic environments, the operation and timing of this type of heating regime may well result in higher exposure in the home than at work

  20. Efeito do período de maturação de grãos nas propriedades físicas e reológicas de trigo Effect of the maturation period of grains on the physical and rheological properties of wheat

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    Luiz Carlos Gutkoski


    Full Text Available O trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito do período de maturação de grãos nas propriedades físicas e reológicas da farinha de trigo, avaliado através das determinações de peso do hectolitro, peso de mil grãos, grau de extração, proteínas, cinzas, umidade, cor, número de queda, alveografia, farinografia e amido danificado. Amostras dos genótipos BRS 179, Rubi, Fundacep 30 e Fundacep 51, safra 2006/2007 foram armazenadas em sacos de papel Kraft com 10 kg de trigo, em ambiente com temperatura de 22 °C e umidade relativa do ar de 65-75%. Cada tratamento foi composto por um genótipo e as avaliações realizadas nos tempos 0, 15, 30, 60 e 90 dias de maturação. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 4 x 5. Os resultados foram analisados pelo emprego da análise de variância (Anova e nos modelos significativos pelo teste F, e a comparação de médias pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Com o aumento do período de maturação do trigo a farinha apresentou melhores propriedades físicas e reológicas avaliadas pelas alterações de número de queda, cor, alveografia e farinografia. Os resultados de atividade enzimática, luminosidade, intensidade de amarelo e força geral do glúten se mostraram efetivos na avaliação de propriedades físicas e reológicas, enquanto as avaliações de amido danificado e estabilidade não foram indicadores adequados. O trigo não deve ser comercializado após a colheita, pois apresenta melhoria na classificação comercial, sendo indicado período de maturação de 60 dias. Os genótipos de trigo BRS 179 e Fundacep 51 passaram das classes brando para pão, enquanto o Rubi de pão para melhorador, indicando maior valor tecnológico e comercial com o aumento do período de maturação dos grãos de trigo.The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the maturation period of grains on the physical and rheological properties of wheat flour

  1. Las defensas inducidas en trigos comerciales


    Càrdenas, David; Giménez, Daniel O.; Castro, Ana María


    Las plantas presentan múltiples tipos de estrategias de defensas ante sus patógenos y plagas y frente a estreses ambientales. En muchos casos las defensas constitutivas acarrean costos metabólicos altos que provocan mermas del rendimiento cuando no ocurren en el ciclo de cultivo ataquesde plagas o patógenos. Las defensas inducibles en cambio sólo se activan ante elicitores específicos producidos por la interacción con los agresores bióticos, si bien conllevan gastos energéticos sólo ocurre an...

  2. Detection of {sup 210}Po on filter papers 16 years after use for the collection of short-lived radon progeny in a room

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abu-Jarad, F. E-mail:; Fazal-ur-Rehman


    Radon gas was allowed to accumulate in its radium source and then injected into a 36 m{sup 3} test room, resulting in an initial radon concentration of 15 kBq m{sup -3}. Filter papers were used to collect the short-lived radon progeny and thus to measure the Potential Alpha Energy Concentration (PAEC) in-situ in the year 1984 at different times and conditions according to the experimental design. The radon progeny collected on the filter papers were studied as a function of aerosol particle concentration ranging from 10{sup 2}-10{sup 5} particles cm{sup -3} in three different experiments. The highest aerosol particle concentration was generated by indoor cigarette smoking. Those filters were stored after the experiment, and were used after 16 years to study the activity of the radon long-lived alpha emitter progeny, {sup 210}Po (T{sub 1/2}=138 days). This isotope is separated from the short-lived progeny by {sup 210}Pb beta emitter with 22.3 years half-life. After 16 years' storage of these filters, each filter paper was sandwiched and wrapped between two CR-39 nuclear track detectors, to put the detectors in contact with the surfaces of different filters, for 337 days. Correlation between the PAEC measured using filter papers in the year 1984 and the activity of long-lived alpha emitter {sup 210}Po on the same filter papers measured in the year 2000 were studied. The results of the {sup 210}Po activity showed a very good correlation of 0.92 with the PAEC 16 years ago. The results also depict that the PAEC and {sup 210}Po activity in indoor air increased with the increase of aerosol particle concentration, which shows the attachment of short-lived radon progeny with the aerosol particles. The experiment proves that indoor cigarette smoking is a major source of aerosol particles carrying radon progeny and, thus, indoor cigarette smoking is an additional source of internal radiation hazard to the occupants whether smoker or non-smoker.

  3. Efeito da data de sementeira na produtividade de trigo mole (Triticum Aestivum L. em condições mediterrânicas Effect of the sowing date on bread wheat (Triticum Aestivum L. productivity under mediterranean conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    José Manuel Godinho Calado


    Full Text Available A data de sementeira do trigo mole exerce uma influência relevante no crescimento e desenvolvimento da cultura, condicionando a sua produtividade. O seu efeito é, especial-mente, importante sob condições mediterrânicas. Por isso, neste trabalho procurou-se verificar a influência da data de sementeira no rendimento do trigo mole, a partir de um ensaio de quinze genótipos semeados em datas diferentes durante cinco anos (1994/95 a 1999/00 na região Alentejo. Com base na análise dos resultados conclui-se que a variação da época de sementeira em aproximadamente um mês, desde o fim de Outubro até ao fim de Novembro, pode permitir rendimentos viáveis do trigo mole nas zonas cerealíferas mediterrânicas, particularmente na região Alentejo. Todavia, as produções mais altas tendem a ser obtidas quando a sementeira é efectuada na primeira quinzena de Novembro. Ao avançar a sementeira para o mês de Dezembro decresce a produtividade e, em consequência, diminui a viabilidade da cultura.The sowing date of bread wheat has a great influence on the growth and development of the crop and its productivity, especially under Mediterranean conditions. This paper presents the results of trials conducted in the Alentejo region that studied the performance of fifteen wheat genotypes sown at different dates, repeated over 5 years (1994/95 to 1999/00. Despite a great variability between years, the results indicate that a satisfactory wheat productivity in the Alentejo can be obtained with sowing dates ranging from end of October until the end of November. Nonetheless, sowing dates in the first half of November tend to provide higher grain yields. Moving the sowing date into December results in reduced grain yields, thus compromising the economic viability of wheat growing.

  4. Pellets de trigo e soja produzidos por extrusão Wheat and soybean pellets produced by extrusion-cooking

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    Sin Huei Wang


    Full Text Available A mistura de trigo e soja representa uma importante fonte calórico-protéica com proteínas de boa qualidade. Apesar disso, a utilização da soja como ingrediente tem sido limitada pelo seu sabor de feijão cru (beany flavor, o qual é melhorado pelo processo de extrusão. Foram estudados os efeitos de umidade da mistura, Temperatura de Barril (TB e Velocidade de Rotação de Parafuso (VRP, Nº 5 do extrusor no Índice de Expansão (IE, no Índice de Solubilidade em Água (ISA e nas características sensoriais de pellets produzidos com mistura de trigo e soja (90:10, objetivando a otimização deste processo para a obtenção de pellets fritos com melhores qualidades sensoriais. A farinha mista crua foi extrusada em 2 umidades (32 e 35%, 4 TB (60 a 90 °C e 4 VRP (60 a 150 rpm, totalizando 32 tratamentos. O pellet frito, preparado com a farinha mista com 32% de umidade e extrusada em 60 rpm a 80 °C, apresentou o maior IE e as melhores qualidades sensoriais (aparência, sabor e textura, sendo preferido pela equipe de provadores não treinados, tanto com sabor de bacon como com sabor de queijo.The mixture of wheat with soybean represents an important calorie-protein source with good protein quality. In spite of this, the use of soybeans as an ingredient has been limited by their beany flavor, which is improved by the extrusion process. Effects of mixture moisture, Barrel Temperature (BT and Screw-Speed (SS, Nº 5 on Expansion Index (EI, Water Solubility Index (WSI and sensory characteristics of pellets produced with a wheat-soybean (90:10 mixture were studied, in order to optimize this process for obtaining fried pellets with better sensory qualities. Raw mixed flour was extruded at two moisture contents (32 and 35%, four BT (60 to 90 °C and four SS (60 to 150 rpm, totalizing 32 treatments. The fried pellets, prepared with the mixed flour with 32% moisture and extruded at 60 rpm and 80 °C, presented the greatest EI and the best sensory

  5. Adición de vitaminas y minerales a harinas de maíz y de trigo en México Vitamin and mineral addition to corn and wheat flours in Mexico

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    Jorge L. Rosado


    Full Text Available En México la deficiencia marginal de algunas vitaminas y minerales afecta la salud y la funcionalidad de un número elevado de mexicanos, por lo que la Secretaría de Salud ha iniciado un programa para promover la adición de nutrimentos a las harinas de trigo y de maíz que se procesan industrialmente. El presente documento expone las bases científicas y tecnológicas para dicha adición. El objetivo primordial es restaurar los nutrimentos que se pierden durante el proceso de obtención de las harinas y durante la fabricación de los alimentos a partir de las harinas; además, se adicionan aquellos nutrimentos cuya presencia es deficiente en una proporción importante de la población y cuya suplementación en la dieta ha demostrado ser benéfica en la salud y la funcionalidad de la población. En la definición de la fórmula para adicionar a las harinas de trigo y maíz se consideraron, además de los factores mencionados, los niveles de absorción de los diferentes nutrimentos, la interacción probable entre nutrimentos y un malgar muy amplio de seguridad, de manera que se eliminara cualquier riesgo de algún efecto adverso en la salud, aun en los niveles más altos de ingestión de los alimentos. Finalmente, se sugieren los compuestos más apropiados para la adición a las harinas considerando su reactividad y sus posibles efectos negativos en la estabilidad de las harinas, así como su biodisponibilidad, su disponibilidad en el mercado y su costo. Con lo anterior se recomienda la adición de 5 mg/kg de tiamina (mononitrato de tiamina, 3 mg/kg de riboflavina (hidroclorhidrato de riboflavina, 35 mg/kg de niacina (nicotinamida, 30 mg/kg de hierro (hierro reducido extrafino y 20 mg/kg de zinc (óxido de zinc para ambas harinas, así como 2 mg/kg y 0.5 mg/kg de ácido fólico para las harinas de trigo y maíz, respectivamente.In Mexico, marginal micronutrient deficiency is widespread and affects the health status and function of many Mexicans

  6. Occurrence of dsRNA Mycovirus (LeV-FMRI0339 in the Edible Mushroom Lentinula edodes and Meiotic Stability of LeV-FMRI0339 among Monokaryotic Progeny

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    Jung-Mi Kim


    Full Text Available dsRNA was found in malformed cultures of Lentinula edodes strain FMRI0339, one of the three most popular sawdust cultivated commercial strains of shiitake, and was also found in healthy-looking fruiting bodies and actively growing mycelia. Cloning of the partial genome of the dsRNA revealed the presence of the RdRp sequence of a novel L. edodes mycovirus (LeV, and sequence comparison of the cloned amplicon showed identical sequences sequence to known RNA-dependent RNA polymerase genes of LeV found in strain HKA. The meiotic stability of dsRNA was examined by measuring the ratio of the presence of dsRNA among sexual monokaryotic progeny. More than 40% of the monokaryotic progeny still contained the dsRNA, indicating the persistence of dsRNA during sexual reproduction. Comparing the mycelia growth of monokaryotic progeny suggested that there appeared to be a tendency toward a lower frequency of virus incidence in actively growing progeny.

  7. Morphological and cytological evaluation of progeny obtained from pollination of Fragaria x ananassa Duch. with Potentilla spp.

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    Katarzyna Niemirowicz-Szczytt


    Full Text Available In the second year of growth, 131 (of 159 progeny from pollination of F. X ananassa with Potentilla spp. were examined for morphological characters such as leaf shape and lay-out, the ability to produce runners, flowering, the color of flower petals, sex, ability to develop torus and viability of seeds. On the basis of these characters, among which the ability of expansion of the fleshy receptacle (torus serves to distinguish representatives of the genus Fragaria from Potentilla species, the progeny from this intergeneric pollination was considered matroclinous (850/o produce fleshy fruits and the remaining plants also show Fragaria traits. Matroclinous plants preserve traits of the maternal species, but show a variability of these characters within the species, thus;, they are not identical with the varie.ties from which they arose. Matroclinous plants differ widely in ploidy. Among the 153 examined individuals, tetraploids were most numerously represented (41%, next came penta- and hexaploids (36%, octoploids (8%, mixoploids and aneuploids (6,5%, triploids (5.5% and others. From among 199 matroclinous plants, 77 produce relatively highly viable seeds in open pollination, 33 gave seeds of low viability and 8 produced completely sterile seeds. Preliminary examination of the progeny of matroclinous plants seems to indicate that it is possible to obtain a next fertile generation.

  8. Characteristics of indoor radon and its progeny in a Japanese dwelling while using air appliances

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pornnumpa, C.; Tokonami, S.; Sorimachi, A.; Kranrod, C.


    Characteristics of radon and its progeny were investigated in different air conditions by turning four types of indoor air appliances on and off in a two-story concrete Japanese dwelling. The four appliances were air conditioner, air cleaner, gas heater and cooker hood. The measurements were done using two devices: (1) a Si-based semiconductor detector for continuous measurement of indoor radon concentration and (2) a ZnS(Ag) scintillation counting system for equilibrium-equivalent radon concentration. Throughout the entire experiment, the cooker hood was the most effective in decreasing indoor radon concentration over a long period of time and the less effective was the air conditioner, while the air cleaner and gas heater did not affect the concentration of radon. However, the results measured in each air condition will differ according to the lifestyles and activities of the inhabitants. In this study, indoor radon and its progeny in a Japanese dwelling will be characterised by the different air conditions. (authors)

  9. Sex determination in beetles: Production of all male progeny by Parental RNAi knockdown of transformer (United States)

    Shukla, Jayendra Nath; Palli, Subba Reddy


    Sex in insects is determined by a cascade of regulators ultimately controlling sex-specific splicing of a transcription factor, Doublesex (Dsx). We recently identified homolog of dsx in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Tcdsx). Here, we report on the identification and characterization of a regulator of Tcdsx splicing in T. castaneum. Two male-specific and one female-specific isoforms of T. castaneum transformer (Tctra) were identified. RNA interference-aided knockdown of Tctra in pupa or adults caused a change in sex from females to males by diverting the splicing of Tcdsx pre-mRNA to male-specific isoform. All the pupa and adults developed from Tctra dsRNA injected final instar larvae showed male-specific sexually dimorphic structures. Tctra parental RNAi caused an elimination of females from the progeny resulting in production of all male progeny. Transformer parental RNAi could be used to produce all male population for use in pest control though sterile male release methods. PMID:22924109

  10. Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst. variability in progeny tests in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Cvjetković Branislav


    Full Text Available Norway spruce is one of the most important economic species is Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the species at the edge of its natural range; nevertheless it attains significant growth and yield results. The species is often used for afforestation purposes. In the previous period, 4 progeny tests of Norway spruce were established in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The offspring from 6 natural populations: Han Pijesak 1, Han Pijesak 2, Foča, Potoci, Olovo and Kneževo were build-in the progeny tests. In 2016, the samples of Norway spruce from 2 progeny tests: Srebrenica and Drinić were collected. In total, 360 samples were collected. DNA isolation was done according to Dumoline et al. (1990. For assessment of genetic differences among populations, co-dominant nSSR microsatellite system had been used. The number of effective alleles ranged from 7.78 in the population Potoci up to 15 in the population Kneževo, the average number of alleles was 13. The observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.61 for the population Han Pijesak 2 up to 0.68 for population Kneževo. The average observed heterozygosity was 0.65. Fixation index was in the range from -0.073 in the population Potoci, to 0.030 for the population Han Pijesak 2. The average value of Wright fixation index is -0.007. The average fixation index indicates the existence of a very small number of homozygotes. Concerning the variability among populations it has been concluded that the total level of genetic differentiation among populations was very low (FST= 0.026. The result of Nei’s genetic distance shows that the populations Olovo and Potoci are separated from other populations. The results obtained by genetic markers, in addition with other, morphological and physiological markers will be the basis for the further investigation of Norway spruce adaptability and possibility for the transfer of genetic material in light of climate changes.

  11. Investigation of Differences in Fertility among Progenies from Self-Pollinated Chrysanthemum

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    Fan Wang


    Full Text Available Most chrysanthemum cultivars are self-incompatible, so it is very difficult to create pure lines that are important in chrysanthemum breeding and theoretical studies. In our previous study, we obtained a self-compatible chrysanthemum cultivar and its self-pollinated seed set was 56.50%. It was interesting that the seed set of its ten progenies ranged from 0% to 37.23%. Examination of the factors causing the differences in the seed set will lead to an improved understanding of chrysanthemum self-incompatibility, and provide valuable information for creating pure lines. Pollen morphology, pollen germination percentage, pistil receptivity and embryo development were investigated using the in vitro culture method, the paraffin section technique, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Moreover, RNA sequencing and bioinformatics were applied to analyzing the transcriptomic profiles of mature stigmas and anthers. It was found that the self-pollinated seed set of “Q10-33-1①”,”Q10-33-1③”,”Q10-33-1④” and “Q10-33-1⑩” were 37.23%, 26.77%, 7.97% and 0%, respectively. The differences in fertility among four progenies were mainly attributable to differences in pollen germination percentage and pistil receptivity. Failure of the seed set in “Q10-33-1⑩” was possibly due to self-incompatibility. In the transcriptomic files, 22 potential stigma S genes and 8 potential pollen S genes were found out.

  12. Maternal Transfer of Vitamin C in Channel Catfish (Ictalurus Punctatus) Effects Reproduction and Progeny Performance (United States)

    Two routes of maternal transfer of vitamin C in channel catfish female broodfish prior to spawning were explored as a strategy to incorporate the vitamin to determine its effect on reproduction and subsequent performance of the progeny. Accumulation of vitamin C was higher (p<0.05) in ovarian tissu...

  13. Genetic changes in progeny of bystander human fibroblasts after microbeam irradiation with X-rays, protons or carbon ions: the relevance to cancer risk. (United States)

    Autsavapromporn, Narongchai; Plante, Ianik; Liu, Cuihua; Konishi, Teruaki; Usami, Noriko; Funayama, Tomoo; Azzam, Edouard I; Murakami, Takeshi; Suzuki, Masao


    Radiation-induced bystander effects have important implications in radiotherapy. Their persistence in normal cells may contribute to risk of health hazards, including cancer. This study investigates the role of radiation quality and gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) in the propagation of harmful effects in progeny of bystander cells. Confluent human skin fibroblasts were exposed to microbeam radiations with different linear energy transfer (LET) at mean absorbed doses of 0.4 Gy by which 0.036-0.4% of the cells were directly targeted by radiation. Following 20 population doublings, the cells were harvested and assayed for micronucleus formation, gene mutation and protein oxidation. Our results showed that expression of stressful effects in the progeny of bystander cells is dependent on LET. The progeny of bystander cells exposed to X-rays (LET ∼6 keV/μm) or protons (LET ∼11 keV/μm) showed persistent oxidative stress, which correlated with increased micronucleus formation and mutation at the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl-transferase (HPRT) locus. Such effects were not observed after irradiation by carbon ions (LET ∼103 keV/μm). Interestingly, progeny of bystander cells from cultures exposed to protons or carbon ions under conditions where GJIC was inhibited harbored reduced oxidative and genetic damage. This mitigating effect was not detected when the cultures were exposed to X-rays. These findings suggest that cellular exposure to proton and heavy charged particle with LET properties similar to those used here can reduce the risk of lesions associated with cancer. The ability of cells to communicate via gap junctions at the time of irradiation appears to impact residual damage in progeny of bystander cells.

  14. Zinc Fertilization Effects on Seed Cadmium Accumulation in Oilseed and Grain Crops Grown on North Dakota Soils Efecto de la Fertilización con Zinc en la Acumulación de Cadmio en Semillas Oleaginosas y Cereales producidos en Suelos de Dakota del Norte

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    Gonzalo A Rojas-Cifuentes


    Dakota del Norte que representaban diferentes series de suelo durante 1994 y 1995. Experimento 1, nueve cultivos fueron evaluados con y sin la adición de 25 kg Zn ha-1. Entre los cultivos evaluados, la acumulación más alta de Cd en las semillas ocurrió en lino (Linum usitatissimum L. seguido por girasol (Helianthus annuus L., soya (Glycine max [L.] Merr., y trigo duro (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum. Experimento 2, dos cultivares de trigo duro y un cultivar de lino fueron evaluados bajo tres tratamientos de fertilización, 0, 5, y 25 kg Zn ha-1. En este estudio nuevamente la acumulación de Cd fue más alta en lino. De acuerdo con los resultados de ambos estudios, la adición de Zn no produjo una disminución constante del contenido Cd en las semillas, incluso cuando existían diferencias significativas el nivel de reducción fue bajo, lo cual probablemente no afectaría la comerciabilidad de cultivos como lino, girasol, soya, y trigo duro.

  15. DOSEmanPRO - active electronic online personal air sampler for detection of radon progeny long lived alpha nuclides

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Streil, T.; Oeser, V.


    Full text: Using the micro system - technology we developed a online personal air sampler not bigger than a mobile phone, to open a new dimension in personal dosimetry of inhaled radioactive aerosols. The DOSEman PRO containing an internal pump with a continuous air flow of 0.15 I/min sample the radon progeny or other nuclides on a millipore filter with excellent spectroscopic resolution. A 1.5 cm 2 light protected ion-implanted silicon detector analyses the alpha radiation at the filter. This small detector head contains also the pre amplification and pulse processing. The alpha radiation of the radon progeny and the long lived alpha nuclides is analyzed by a 60 channel spectrometer. The energy resolution of the online analyzed filter spectra is in the order of 150 keV. Mechanical and electronic design enables one to distinguish the long lived alpha nuclides from the radon and thoron progeny very easily. Using a special algorithm we correct the influence of the tailing of the radon progeny to the long lived alpha nuclides and take into consideration possible interference in determining the long lived alpha nuclides. Because of the air sampling volume of nearly 10 I/h, the system has a high efficiency. The detection limit by 2 hours sampling time is 0.05 Bq/m 3 alpha nuclide concentration. In a modified device for air sampling especially of long-lived alpha nuclides like uranium, radium or plutonium, the flow rate is increased to 0,3 1/min e.g. during a 10 h sampling period we can detect 0.005 Bq/m 3 in a low radon atmosphere. Assuming increased radon progeny concentration, the statistical error for the long lived alpha nuclides will be higher, but in most of the cases for use in nuclear facilities low radon concentrations are ambient conditions. This concept of an electronic personal air sampler with an alpha spectroscopy offers some outstanding advantages compared to passive dosimeters or off-line alpha air filters: The dose value and the nuclide concentration is

  16. Submicron-sized aerosol and radon progeny measurements in an uranium mine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Boulaud, D.; Chouard, J.C.


    Submicron-sized aerosol was studied in an uranium mine using an Electrical Aerosol Analyzer and a Differential Mobility Particle Sizer. In addition radon progeny particle size distributions were measured using a prototype instrument developed by us (SDI 2000). With cascade impactor the number weighted mean electrical mobility diameters and the geometric standard deviations ranged respectively from 0.05 to 0.1 μm and 1.8 to 2. The gross alpha activity weighted mean thermodynamic diameters ranged typically from 0.1 to 0.2 μm. 6 refs., 3 figs

  17. Measurement of the size distributions of radon progeny in indoor air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hopke, P.K.; Ramamurthi, M.; Li, C.S.


    A major problem in evaluating the health risk posed by airborne radon progeny in indoor atmospheres is the lack of available information on the activity-weighted size distributions that occur in the domestic environment. With an automated, semicontinuous, graded screen array system, we made a series of measurements of activity-weighted size distributions in several houses in the northeastern United States. Measurements were made in an unoccupied house, in which human aerosol-generating activities were simulated. The time evolution of the aerosol size distribution was measured in each situation. Results of these measurements are presented


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruzer, Lev; Ruzer, Lev S.; Apte, Michael G.


    The study of aerosol exposure and dosimetry measurements and related quantitation of health effects are important to the understanding of the consequences of air pollution, and are discussed widely in the scientific literature. During the last 10 years the need to correlate aerosol exposure and biological effects has become especially important due to rapid development of a new, revolutionary industry ?-- nanotechnology. Nanoproduct commerce is predicted to top $1 trillion by 2015. Quantitative assessment of aerosol particle behavior in air and in lung deposition, and dosimetry in different parts of the lung, particularly for nanoaerosols, remains poor despite several decades of study. Direct measurements on humans are still needed in order to validate the hollow cast, animal studies, and lung deposition modeling. We discuss here the use of nanoscale radon decay products as an experimental tool in the study of local deposition and lung dosimetry for nanoaerosols. The issue of the safe use of radon progeny in such measurements is discussed based on a comparison of measured exposure in 3 settings: general population, miners, and in a human experiment conducted at the Paul Scherer Institute (PSI) in Switzerland. One of the properties of radon progeny is that they consist partly of 1 nm radioactive particles called unattached activity; having extremely small size and high diffusion coefficients, these particles can be potentially useful as radioactive tracers in the study of nanometer-sized aerosols. We present a theoretical and experimental study of the correlation between the unattached activity and aerosol particle surface area, together with a description of its calibration and method for measurement of the unattached fraction.

  19. Produção de proteína microbiana e parâmetros ruminais em vacas leiteiras alimentadas com farelo de trigo Microbial protein production and ruminal parameters in dairy cows fed wheat middlings

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    Carla Aparecida Soares


    Full Text Available Doze vacas Holandesas foram distribuídas em três quadrados latinos 4 x 4, balanceados de acordo com o período de lactação, com o objetivo de estimar a produção de proteína microbiana, utilizando-se a excreção total de derivados de purinas (DP a partir de coletas spot de urina, as concentrações de nitrogênio (N-uréia no plasma, no leite e na urina, o pH e a concentração de amônia ruminal. As quatro rações experimentais foram formuladas para conter na base da matéria seca 70% de silagem de milho e 30% de concentrado. Foram utilizados níveis crescentes de farelo de trigo no concentrado (0, 33, 67 e 100% em substituição ao fubá de milho. As concentrações de uréia (38,8 mg/dL e N-uréia (18,1 mg/dL no leite não foram afetados pelos níveis de farelo de trigo, assim como as concentrações plasmáticas de uréia (51,1 mg/dL e N-uréia (23,8 mg/dL. As excreções urinárias de uréia, N-uréia, alantoína, DP, purinas absorvidas, N-microbiano e concentração de alantoína no leite não foram alteradas. Entretanto, a excreção de ácido úrico apresentou comportamento quadrático, com valor máximo de 40,03 mmol/dia no nível de 36% de farelo de trigo. O pH e a concentração de amônia ruminal antes e após a alimentação também não foram afetados pelos níveis de farelo de trigo. O fubá de milho pode ser substituído integralmente pelo farelo de trigo no concentrado de vacas leiteiras, com produção de leite média de 20 kg/dia, alimentadas com dietas à base de silagem de milho, sem que ocorra alteração na produção de proteína microbiana e no pH e concentração de amônia ruminal.Twelve Holstein cows were allotted to four 4 x 4 Latin square balanced in accordance with the lactation period, with the objective of evaluating the protein production, using the total purine derivatives (PD excretion, obtained from spot urine collection, the plasma and milk urea and nitrogen(N-urea, pH and ruminal ammonia

  20. Estimation of radon progeny equilibrium factors and their uncertainty bounds using solid state nuclear track detectors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Eappen, K.P.; Mayya, Y.S.; Patnaik, R.L.; Kushwaha, H.S.


    For the assessment of inhalation doses due to radon and its progeny to uranium mine workers, it is necessary to have information on the time integrated gas concentrations and equilibrium factors. Passive single cup dosimeters using solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD) are best suited for this purpose. These generally contain two SSNTDs, one placed inside the cup to measure only the radon gas concentration and other outside the cup for recording tracks due to both radon gas and the progeny species. However, since one obtains only two numbers by this method whereas information on four quantities is required for an unambiguous estimation of dose, there is a need for developing an optimal methodology for extracting information on the equilibrium factors. Several techniques proposed earlier have essentially been based on deterministic approaches, which do not fully take into account all the possible uncertainties in the environmental parameters. Keeping this in view, a simple 'mean of bounds' methodology is proposed to extract equilibrium factors based on their absolute bounds and the associated uncertainties as obtained from general arguments of radon progeny disequilibrium. This may be considered as reasonable estimates of the equilibrium factors in the absence of a knowledge of fluctuation in the environmental variables. The results are compared with those from direct measurements both in the laboratory and in real field situations. In view of the good agreement found between these, it is proposed that the simple mean of bounds estimate may be useful for practical applications in inhalation dosimetry of mine workers

  1. Experimental alternatives for evaluation of progenies and clones in eucalyptus breeding programs

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    Souza Elaine Aparecida de


    Full Text Available The feasibility of using augmented block designs and spatial analysis methods for early stage selection in eucalyptus breeding programs was tested. A total of 113 half-sib progenies of Eucalyptus urophylla and eight clones were evaluated in an 11 x 11 triple lattice experiment at two locations: Posto da Mata (Bahia, Brazil and São Mateus (Minas Gerais, Brazil. Four checks were randomly allocated within each block. Plots consisted of 15 m long rows containing 6 plants spaced 3 m apart. The girth at breast height (cm/plant was evaluated at 19 and 26 months of age. Variance analyses were performed according to the following methods: lattice design, randomized complete block design, augmented block design, Papadakis method, moving means method, and check plots. Comparisons among different methods were based on the magnitude of experimental errors and precision of the estimates of genetic and phenotypic parameters. General results indicated that augmented block design is useful to evaluate progenies and clones in early selection in eucalyptus breeding programs using moderate and low selection intensities. However, this design is not suitable for estimating genetic and phenotypic parameters due to its low precision. Check plots, nearest neighbour, Papadakis (1937, and moving means methods were efficient in removing the heterogeneity within blocks. These efficiencies were compared to that in lattice analysis for estimation of genetic and phenotypic parameters.

  2. Diferentes épocas de colheita, secagem e armazenamento na qualidade de grãos de trigo comum e duro Harvest timing, drying and storage effects in the grain quality of common and hard wheat

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    Luciana Maria Terra Alves Carneiro


    Full Text Available O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar a influência da época de colheita, secagem e período de armazenamento na qualidade de grãos de trigo comum e duro. Os experimentos foram instalados no campo do Núcleo Experimental de Campinas, IAC, usando DOIS genótipos de trigo comum (Triticum aestivum L, um com dormência na espiga (IAC 24, colhido com 30,0%; 21,4% e 12,2% de água e um sem dormência na espiga (IAC 289, colhido com 35,0%; 23,4% e 12,5% de água; além deum genótipo de trigo duro (Triticum durum L. sem dormência (IAC 1003, colhido com 31,6%; 22,2% e 11,7% de água. A secagem foi realizada a 40, 60 e 80 ºC e um fluxo de ar de 20 m³ min-1.m-2. Após a secagem, os grãos foram armazenados em embalagens de polietileno por um período de 0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 meses a 20 ± 2 ºC. Os parâmetros de qualidade de grãos analisados no Laboratório de cereais, raízes e tubérculos na FEA/UNICAMP foram os testes de número de queda, viscosidade, força geral do glúten e peso hectolitro. Observou-se no genótipo IAC 289 um aumento significativo da atividade da enzima alfa-amilase, com o atraso da colheita. Com antecipação da colheita e da secagem não foi reduzida a qualidade dos grãos e, com a armazenagem, houve melhora na qualidade tecnológica da farinha do trigo.The objective of the present work was to analyse the effects of initial moisture content, drying parameters and storage period in grain quality. The experiment was installed in Campinas Agronomic Institute (IAC, using two genotypes of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L, one with spike dormancy (IAC 24, harvested with 30.0%; 21.4% and 12.2% moisture content and the other without it (IAC 289, harvested with 35.0%; 23.4% and 12.5% moisture content; additionally, one hard wheat genotype (Triticum durum L. without dormancy (IAC 1003, harvested with 31.6%, 22.2% and 11.7% moisture content was also analysed. Drying operations were performed at 40, 60 and 80 ºC under an air flow of 20m



    Hirsch B, Sandra; Barrera A, Gladys; Leiva B, Laura; de la Maza C, M. Pía; Bunout B, Daniel


    Introducción: Las pastas secas (industrializadas) se caracterizan por ser manufacturadas a base de harina dura de trigo y otros cereales, llamado semolina, a diferencia del pan que se prepara con harina fina, lo que supone que la respuesta insulinémica y glicémica debiera ser menor que la del pan. Objetivo: Medir la respuesta glicémica e insulinsulinémica de una pasta seca estándar y una pasta seca enriquecida con huevo, de presentación larga (espagueti) y corta (corbata). Material y Métodos:...

  4. Propiedades estructurales y funcionales de preparados proteicos de amaranto modificados y soja-amaranto


    Ventureira, Jorge Luis


    La soja es un miembro importante de la familia de las leguminosas y desempeña un papel primordial en la nutrición saludable. En Oriente, desde hace más de 5000 años, se emplea con éxito en la alimentación humana como poroto entero, harina tostada, poroto germinado y fermentado, leche, queso y salsa de soja, etc. Fue identificada como uno de los cinco granos sagrados conjuntamente con el arroz, el trigo, la cebada y el mijo, considerados esenciales para la supervivencia de su civiliz...

  5. Enfermedad celiaca en niños del noroeste de México: características clínicas de 24 casos


    N. Sotelo Cruz; A.M. Calderón de la Barca; J.G. Hurtado Valenzuela


    Antecedentes: La enfermedad celiaca (EC) es una enteropatía autoinmune inducida por el gluten del trigo dietético, con serias consecuencias si no se diagnostica y trata tempranamente. Hay además otras alteraciones asociadas a la ingestión de gluten, que es importante conocer, por su multiplicidad de presentaciones clínicas. Objetivos: Describir los patrones más comunes de presentación de EC y alteraciones asociadas al gluten en niños de la región noroeste de México, con incipiente conocimi...

  6. Informe científico de investigador: Tognetti, Jorge Alberto (2015-2016)


    Tognetti, Jorge Alberto


    Se investigan efectos directos de la disponibilidad de fotoasimilados, especialmente sacarosa, sobre el desarrollo, morfo-fisiología, y producción y calidad de biomasa en varias especies de importancia agronómica en el sudeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, entre ellas girasol, trigo, arándano y otras especies fruti-hortícolas. Los trabajos actuales incluyen: a) ensayos con perfusión de sacarosa; b) cultivos en hidroponia o in vitro, con suministro exógeno de sacarosa; c) manipulación de de...

  7. Participation in Organizations, Technical Efficiency and Territorial Differences: A Study of Small Wheat Farmers in Chile Participación en Organizaciones, Eficiencia Técnica y Diferencias Territoriales: El Caso de la Pequeña Agricultura de Trigo en Chile

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    Mónica M Jaime


    productor, grado de especialización, y dependencia de la actividad explican significativamente los niveles de eficiencia técnica. Asimismo, se evidencia la importancia de la participación en el mejoramiento de los niveles de eficiencia técnica, especialmente en el caso de las cooperativas y asociaciones gremiales, las cuales producen un mayor efecto en aquellos territorios con menor vocación para el desarrollo del trigo.

  8. Intercomparison of active, passive and continuous instruments for radon and radon progeny measurements in the EML chamber and test facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scarpitta, S.C.; Tu, K.W.; Fisenne, I.M.; Cavallo, A.; Perry, P.


    Results are presented from the Fifth Intercomparison of Active, Passive and Continuous Instruments for Radon and Radon Progeny Measurements conducted in the EML radon exposure and test facility in May 1996. In total, thirty-four government, private and academic facilities participated in the exercise with over 170 passive and electronic devices exposed in the EML test chamber. During the first week of the exercise, passive and continuous measuring devices were exposed (usually in quadruplicate) to about 1,280 Bq m -3 222 Rn for 1--7 days. Radon progeny measurements were made during the second week of the exercise. The results indicate that all of the tested devices that measure radon gas performed well and fulfill their intended purpose. The grand mean (GM) ratio of the participants' reported values to the EML values, for all four radon device categories, was 0.99 ± 0.08. Eighty-five percent of all the radon measuring devices that were exposed in the EML radon test chamber were within ±1 standard deviation (SD) of the EML reference values. For the most part, radon progeny measurements were also quite good as compared to the EML values. The GM ratio for the 10 continuous PAEC instruments was 0.90 ± 0.12 with 75% of the devices within 1 SD of the EML reference values. Most of the continuous and integrating electronic instruments used for measuring the PAEC underestimated the EML values by about 10--15% probably because the concentration of particles onto which the radon progeny were attached was low (1,200--3,800 particles cm -3 ). The equilibrium factor at that particle concentration level was 0.10--0.22

  9. Estimation of equilibrium factors of radon and its progeny using SSNTDs in the various dwellings of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yadagiri Reddy, P.; Rama Reddy, K.; Sreenath Reddy, M.


    In the estimation of effective dose in the indoor environment due to Radon and its progeny the equilibrium factor (F) plays a significant role. It is the radioactive equilibrium between radon and its short-lived decay products. Generally in the dose estimation is made taking the equilibrium factor 0.4 (UNSCEAR value) for the radon and its progeny. But in practice the concentration of radon and its progeny vary significantly with local environmental conditions and time, subsequently the equilibrium factor F also changes and hence affects the effective dose estimation of a particular dwelling. Therefore the UNSCEAR F value does not reflect the actual effective doses. Therefore, the present study is carried out to estimate the equilibrium factors in different types of dwellings in the urban Hyderabad using SSNTDs. It is found that, the equilibrium factors in the urban Hyderabad vary from 0.01 to 0.71 with an average 0.32 ± 0.23. The average F values of urban Hyderabad relatively lower than Indian average and global average. The reasons for the lower equilibrium factor values in the study area have been discussed in this paper. (author)

  10. Numerical modelling of local deposition patients, activity distributions and cellular hit probabilities of inhaled radon progenies in human airways

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Farkas, A.; Balashazy, I.; Szoeke, I.


    The general objective of our research is modelling the biophysical processes of the effects of inhaled radon progenies. This effort is related to the rejection or support of the linear no threshold (LNT) dose-effect hypothesis, which seems to be one of the most challenging tasks of current radiation protection. Our approximation and results may also serve as a useful tool for lung cancer models. In this study, deposition patterns, activity distributions and alpha-hit probabilities of inhaled radon progenies in the large airways of the human tracheobronchial tree are computed. The airflow fields and related particle deposition patterns strongly depend on the shape of airway geometry and breathing pattern. Computed deposition patterns of attached an unattached radon progenies are strongly inhomogeneous creating hot spots at the carinal regions and downstream of the inner sides of the daughter airways. The results suggest that in the vicinity of the carinal regions the multiple hit probabilities are quite high even at low average doses and increase exponentially in the low-dose range. Thus, even the so-called low doses may present high doses for large clusters of cells. The cell transformation probabilities are much higher in these regions and this phenomenon cannot be modeled with average burdens. (authors)


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    J. P. Ferreira


    Full Text Available A utilização de bactérias diazotróficas na agricultura, especialmente em gramíneas, tem por finalidade incrementar a produção e produtividade aliando com menor dose ou supressão das fontes nitrogenadas aplicadas para fertilização do solo. Diante disso, o trabalho objetivou avaliar a viabilidade da inoculação de Azospirillum brasilense via foliar com doses de nitrogênio em cobertura na produção e produtividade do trigo. O experimento foi implantado na Fazenda Bom Viver, Bairro dos Prestes em Itapeva-SP, na safra de 2016, sendo realizado em plantio direto (SPC em área de sucessão soja e milho safrinha. Os tratamentos foram em esquema fatorial 2x4 em blocos ao acaso (DBC sendo aplicado a formulação liquida de Azospirillum brasiliense (AbV5 com 2x108 células viáveis mL-1 na dose de 0,5 L.ha-1 via foliar e sem aplicação e posterior adubação nitrogenada com 0; 30; 60 e 90 kg.ha-1 em cobertura. Tanto a aplicação foliar de Azospirillum como a cobertura de N, foram aplicadas após 30 dias da semeadura (30 DAS. A variedade de trigo utilizada no plantio foi o Sinuelo, com manejo adotado pelo proprietário da área com aplicação de regulador de crescimento. Foram realizadas as avaliações a campo das plantas, medindo-se: a altura das plantas; espigas por metro linear; número de grãos por espiguetas; peso hectolítro; massa de mil grãos e produtividade. Pelos resultados obtidos, houve maior altura de plantas com o aumento das doses de nitrogênio em cobertura. A inoculação de Azospirillum brasiliense via foliar não mostrou interação entre as doses de nitrogênio em cobertura, não havendo estatisticamente incremento nos componentes de produtividade do trigo.

  12. A correlation of long term effects and radiation quality in the progeny of bystander cells after microbeam radiations: The experimental study of radiotherapy for cancer risk mitigation (United States)

    Autsavapromporn, N.; Konishi, T.; Liu, C.; Plante, I.; Funayama, T.; Usami, N.; Azzam, EI; Suzuki, M.


    The goal of this study is to investigate the role of radiation quality and gap junction intercellular communication (GJIC) in the propagation of delayed stressful effects in the progeny of bystander human skin fibroblasts cultures (NB1RGB). Briefly, confluent NB1RGB cells in the presence and absence of gap junction inhibitor (AGA) were exposed to ionizing radiation (IR) with a different linear energy transfer (LET) either 5.35 keV X rays (LET ∼6 keV/μm) or 18.3 MeV/u carbon (LET ∼103 keV/μm) microbeam radiations. Following 20 populations post-irradiation, the progeny of bystander NB1RGB cells were harvested and assayed for several of biological endpoints. Our results showed that expression of stressful effects in the progeny of bystander cells is dependent on LET. The progeny of bystander cells exposed to low-LET X rays showed the persistence of oxidative stress and it was correlated with the increased mutant fraction. Such effect were not observed after high-LET carbon ions. Interestingly, inhibition of GJIC mitigated the toxic effects in the progeny of bystander cells. Together, the results contribute to the understanding of the fundamental radiation biology relating to the high-LET carbon ions to mitigate cancer risk after radiotherapy. Furthermore, GJIC be considered as a critical mediator in the bystander mutagenic effect.

  13. Diurnal Variations of Equilibrium Factor and Unattached fraction of Radon Progeny in Some Houses and Laboratories

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Seung Chan; Kang, Hee Dong; Kim, Chang Kyu; Lee, Dong Myung


    The variation characteristics of radon concentration, equilibrium equivalent concentration and equilibrium factor in some house and laboratory buildings have been studied. The variation of equilibrium factor and the unattached fraction of radon progeny with ventilation condition have been also estimated. The averages of radon concentration, equilibrium equivalent concentration and equilibrium factor were 30 Bq m -3 , 19.6 Bq m -3 and 0.65 in seven houses, while 55.0 Bq m -3 , 31.9 Bq m -3 and 0.58 in three laboratory buildings, respectively. The diurnal variation of radon concentration, equilibrium equivalent concentration and equilibrium factor in indoor showed a typical pattern that the radon concentration, equilibrium equivalent concentration and equilibrium factor increased at dawn and morning, while decreased at midday and evening. While the equilibrium factor rate deceased in the indoor environment which was well ventilated, the unattached fraction of radon progeny increased. The equilibrium factor was in proportion to air pressure and humidity of indoor, whereas in inverse proportion to temperature

  14. Assessment of radiological effect of the indoor radon and its progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramachandran, T.V.; Subbaramu, M.C.; Mishra, U.C.


    Of all the sources of environmental radiation, radon and its progeny are considered to be responsible for a significant dose to man, especially when they are in enclosed areas like underground mines, caves, cellars, poorly designed and badly ventilated houses. Linear extrapolation from the dose response value of the uranium miners exposed to higher levels of radon and its daughters also suggest that the majority of the lung cancer incidence could be due to radon. Higher indoor radon levels and shift in the disequilibrium of the progeny concentration in dwellings caused by the lower ventilation rate leads to severalfold increase of lung cancer incidence from radon. The large risk which is anticipated calls for further studies in this field and may also lead to the conclusion that the slight, but much feared, burden due to man-made radioactivity could be more than compensated by controlling critical segments of the environmental radioactivity. In this report the study of risk due to breathing of indoor radon is briefly reviewed. Dose equivalent to the exposed tissue of the respiratory tract of the people living in dwellings are evaluated. Like most of the risk assessment of low level radiation, the effort to quantify the effect of radon in terms of death rate dose due to lung cancer attributable to radon levels indoors, has to rely on the extrapolation from the effects of the higher exposure rate. In situations where soil or building materials contain elevated radium levels, living in energy efficient houses may be as dangerous as heavy smoking. (author). 8 tabs., 5 figs., 41 refs

  15. Intra-specific variations in expression of stress-related genes in beech progenies are stronger than drought-induced responses. (United States)

    Carsjens, Caroline; Nguyen Ngoc, Quynh; Guzy, Jonas; Knutzen, Florian; Meier, Ina Christin; Müller, Markus; Finkeldey, Reiner; Leuschner, Christoph; Polle, Andrea


    Rapidly decreasing water availability as a consequence of climate change is likely to endanger the range of long-lived tree species. A pressing question is, therefore, whether adaptation to drought exists in important temperate tree species like European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), a wide-spread, dominant forest tree in Central Europe. Here, five beech stands were selected along a precipitation gradient from moist to dry conditions. Neutral genetic markers revealed strong variation within and little differentiation between the populations. Natural regeneration from these stands was transferred to a common garden and used to investigate the expression of genes for abscisic acid (ABA)-related drought signaling [9-cis-epoxy-dioxygenase (NCED), protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C), early responsive to dehydration (ERD)] and stress protection [ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD), aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), glutamine amidotransferase (GAT)] that are involved in drought acclimation. We hypothesized that progenies from dry sites exhibit constitutively higher expression levels of ABA- and stress-related genes and are less drought responsive than progenies from moist sites. Transcript levels and stress responses (leaf area loss, membrane integrity) of well-irrigated and drought-stressed plants were measured during the early, mid- and late growing season. Principal component (PC) analysis ordered the beech progenies according to the mean annual precipitation at tree origin by the transcript levels of SOD, ALDH, GAT and ERD as major loadings along PC1. PC2 separated moist and drought treatments with PP2C levels as important loading. These results suggest that phosphatase-mediated signaling is flexibly acclimated to the current requirements, whereas stress compensatory measures exhibited genotypic variation, apparently underlying climate selection. In contrast to expectation, the drought responses were less pronounced than the progeny-related differences and the

  16. Characteristics of indoor radon and its progeny in a Japanese dwelling while using air appliances. (United States)

    Pornnumpa, C; Tokonami, S; Sorimachi, A; Kranrod, C


    Characteristics of radon and its progeny were investigated in different air conditions by turning four types of indoor air appliances on and off in a two-story concrete Japanese dwelling. The four appliances were air conditioner, air cleaner, gas heater and cooker hood. The measurements were done using two devices: (1) a Si-based semiconductor detector for continuous measurement of indoor radon concentration and (2) a ZnS(Ag) scintillation counting system for equilibrium-equivalent radon concentration. Throughout the entire experiment, the cooker hood was the most effective in decreasing indoor radon concentration over a long period of time and the less effective was the air conditioner, while the air cleaner and gas heater did not affect the concentration of radon. However, the results measured in each air condition will differ according to the lifestyles and activities of the inhabitants. In this study, indoor radon and its progeny in a Japanese dwelling will be characterised by the different air conditions. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  17. Death losses due to stillbirth, neonatal death and diseases in cloned cattle derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer and their progeny: a result of nationwide survey in Japan. (United States)

    Watanabe, Shinya; Nagai, Takashi


    To obtain the data concerning death losses due to stillbirth, neonatal death and diseases in cloned cattle derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and their progeny produced by Japanese institutions, a nationwide survey was carried out in July-August, 2006. As a result, lifetime data concerning 482 SCNT cattle (97.5% of cattle produced in the country at that time) and 202 progeny of SCNT cattle were accumulated and the death loss of these cattle was analyzed. Although 1/3 of delivered SCNT calves died during the perinatal period due to stillbirth and neonatal death, incidence of death loss due to diseases in SCNT cattle surviving more than 200 days after birth seems to be the same as these in conventionally bred cattle. In contrast, progeny of SCNT cattle showed the same level in death loss as observed in conventionally bred cattle throughout their lifetime. These results suggest that robust health would be expected in SCNT cattle surviving to adulthood and their progeny.

  18. Mycorrhizal Propagule Persistence in a Succession of Cereals in a Disturbed and Undisturbed Andisol Fertilized with Two Nitrogen Sources Persistencia de Propágulos Micorrícicos en una Sucesión de Cereales en un Andisol Disturbado y no Disturbado, Fertilizado con Dos Fuentes de Nitrógeno

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    Pablo Cornejo


    Full Text Available Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF form symbiosis with plant roots, improving its establishment, nutrition, and tolerance to adverse soil conditions. In annual crop rotations, some aspects such as the type of N fertilizer and tillage system used can affect the AMF propagule density and its functionality in the following crop. To analyze the effect of the agronomic practices previously mentioned on the persistence and density of AMF propagules, a study in a succession of cereals was carried out. For this, soil previously cropped with wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and fertilized with urea (NH4+ or sodium nitrate (NO3- was disturbed in each case by simulating conventional tillage (CT or maintained without disturbing, simulating no-tillage (NT. It was then cultivated with oat (Avena sativa L. using the same N sources. Higher densities of AMF active mycelium and colonized root length in the NT soil were observed (76 and 497% higher than in CT soil, respectively, P Los hongos micorrícico-arbusculares (AMF forman simbiosis con las raíces de las plantas, favoreciendo su establecimiento, nutrición y tolerancia a condiciones adversas del suelo. En rotaciones de cultivos anuales algunos aspectos como el tipo de fertilizante nitrogenado utilizado y el sistema de labranza pueden afectar la densidad de propágulos de AMF y su funcionalidad en el cultivo siguiente. Para analizar el efecto de las prácticas agronómicas previamente mencionadas sobre la persistencia y densidad de los propágulos de AMF, se realizó un estudio en microcosmos simulando una rotación de cereales. Para esto, suelo previamente cultivado con trigo (Triticum aestivum L. y fertilizado con urea (NH4+ o nitrato de sodio (NO3- fue, en cada caso, disturbado simulando una labranza convencional (CT o mantenido sin disturbar simulando cero labranza (NT y cultivado con avena (Avena sativa L., utilizando las mismas fuentes de N. Se observaron mayores densidades de micelio activo de AMF y

  19. Van Gogh e o campo de trigo com corvos: da tela ao videoclipe

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    Maria Adélia Menegazzo


    Full Text Available Há tempos sendo tema de reflexões e discussões entre pensadores, teóricos e artistas, a relação interartes se mantém e se renova nas manifestações artísticas contemporâneas. Hoje, o elo entre as artes e as discussões sobre o tema se estendem para outros campos, indo além da literatura e da pintura, e incluindo a fotografia, o cinema e, ainda, novas mídias, como a publicidade e o videoclipe. Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o elo entre diferentes formas de arte, o engendramento de uma obra de arte em outra, demonstrando mecanismos do exercício interartes, a partir da tela de Vincent Van Gogh, Campo de trigo com corvos. Propõe-se, então, uma análise sobre a maneira como o tema da pintura, as cores azul e amarelo, bem como os corvos, aparecem em outras manifestações artísticas, neste caso a poesia (À luz dos vegetais, de Contador Borges, o cinema (Sonhos, de Akira Kurosawa, a música e o videoclipe (Corvos sobre o campo, da banda Tantra. Como aporte teórico, são usados os conceitos de multimídia e mixmídia, de Claus Clüver, e descrição e translação pictural, de Liliane Louvel, assim como as discussões de Thiago Soares no que diz respeito a videoclipes.

  20. Continuous progeny testing, use and selection of proven bulls in Israel

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    R. Bar-Anan


    Full Text Available The breeding policy of the Israeli Holstein-type dairy cattle is reviewed. The bulls are progeny tested on their daughters’ first three lactations. The traits evaluated are the following: milk, fat, yield persistency, fertility, incidence of mastitis, and % cullings for three most important reasons. The test analysis takes into account the genetic level of daughters’ contemporaries and maternal grandsires. The paper describes a general outline of the selection decisions in AI bulls. Considerable amount of imported semen is used for breeding young bulls. Breeding goals are discussed against the estimated genetic parameters for and between the given traits.

  1. Dietary manipulation of the sow milk does not influence the lipid absorption capacity of the progeny

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lauridsen, Charlotte; Hedemann, Mette Skou; Pierzynowski, Stefan


    A control diet without supplemental fat and four diets containing 8% of coconut oil, rapeseed oil, fish oil or sunflower oil were fed to lactating sows in order to investigate the lipid absorption capacity of their progeny in terms of pancreatic enzyme activity, hormonal regulation, and bile salt...

  2. Diurnal variations of indoor radon progeny for Bangalore metropolitan, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagesh, V.; Sathish, L.A.; Nagaraja, K.; Sundareshan, S.


    Radon progenies are identified as major causes of the lung cancer if the activity is above its normal. It has not been clear whether radon poses a similar risk of causing lung cancer in humans exposed at generally lower levels found in homes, but a number of indoor radon survey have been carried out in recent years around the world. In view of this an attempt has been made for the measurement of diurnal variation of indoor radon levels for the environment of Bangalore metropolitan, India. The Radon progeny concentrations in terms of working level were measured using Kusnetz's method. The patterns of daily and annual changes in indoor Radon concentration have been observed in a general way for many years. However, understanding of the physical basis for these changes had to await the development of continuous monitors and a more complete knowledge of transport processes in the atmosphere. Over a continent, heating of the ground surface by the Sun during the day and cooling by radiation during the night causes a marked diurnal change in temperature near the surface. As a result cool air near the ground will accumulate radon isotopes from surface flux during the night; while during the day the warm air will be transported upward carrying radon with it. Many buildings show diurnal radon variations. Concentrations are relatively higher during night than daytime. This is influenced by the outdoor-indoor temperature contrast. This effect can be enhanced in buildings with strong diurnal use patterns. Buildings that have high average radon concentrations, but are only occupied for part of the day, may need to be measured during occupied periods to determine if there is significant diurnal radon variation. The results are discussed in detail. (author)

  3. Determination of radon and progeny concentrations in Brazilian underground mines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fraenkel, Mario O.; Gouvea, Vandir de Azevedo; Macacini, Jose F.; Cardozo, Katia; Carvalho Filho, Carlos A. de; Lima, Carlos E.


    The aim of this work is to present the activities related to the determination of radon and progeny concentrations in underground mines in Brazil. Radon is originated from decay of radium-226 and radium-228 present in rocks. Radon and its short-lived progeny can be retained in the workers pulmonary alveoli, and this way they bring about cancer risk to these mining professionals. The occurrence of high radon concentrations in underground coal and copper mines and the lack of systematic survey motivated CNEN, the regulatory agency, to develop the Radon Project, aiming to aid the formulation of a specific regulation with occupational dose limits consistent with international standards recommended by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Dozens of underground mines are currently in operation in the national. It had to be noted that about 50% of these mines are located in Minas Gerais province, and for this reason it was chosen to start the Project. In each underground mine it is installed in selected points passive nuclear track etch radon detectors, type LEXAN and Cr-39, for periods from three to five months. It was also made local measurements with Dose Man Pro detectors from SARAD. The points are chosen according to geological features, radiometric activity and characteristics of prospect development. The determination of radon present in mines has been made in IEN (Nuclear Engineering Institute)/Rio de Janeiro-RJ, LAPOC (Pocos de Caldas Laboratory)/Pocos de Caldas-MG e ESPOA (Porto Alegre Office)/Porto Alegre-RS. Until now it was visited about 35 mines in a universe of about 50 mines, from which 20% showed concentration values higher than international limits (ICRP 65), between 500 and 1500 Bq.m -3 . (author)

  4. Temporal variability of the quality of Taraxacum officinale seed progeny from the East-Ural radioactive trace: is there an interaction between low level radiation and weather conditions? (United States)

    Pozolotina, Vera N; Antonova, Elena V


    The multiple stressors, in different combinations, may impact differently upon seed quality, and low-level doses of radiation may enhance synergistic or antagonistic effects. During 1991-2014 we investigated the quality of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale s.l.) seed progeny growing under low-level radiation exposure at the East-Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) area (result of the Kyshtym accident, Russia), and in plants from areas exposed to background radiation. The viability of the dandelion seed progeny was assessed according to chronic radiation exposure, accounting for the variability of weather conditions among years. Environmental factors (temperature, precipitation, and their ratio in different months) can modify the radiobiological effects. We found a wide range of possible responses to multiple stressors: inhibition, stimulation, and indifferent effects in different seasons. The intraspecific variability of the quality of dandelion seed progeny was greatly increased under conditions of low doses of chronic irradiation. Temperature was the most significant factor for seed progeny formation in the EURT zone, whereas the sums of precipitation and ratios of precipitation to temperature dominantly affected organisms from the background population.

  5. Determination of Lung-to-Blood Absorption Rates for Lead and Bismuth which are Appropriate for Radon Progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Marsh, J.W.; Birchall, A.


    The ICRP Publication 66 Human Respiratory Tract Model (HRTM) treats clearance as a competitive process between absorption into blood and particle transport to the gastrointestinal tract and lymphatics. The ICRP recommends default absorption rates for lead and bismuth in ICRP Publication 71 but states that the values are not appropriate for short-lived radon progeny. This paper describes an evaluation of published data from volunteer experiments to estimate the absorption half-times of lead and bismuth that are appropriate for short-lived radon progeny. The absorption half-time for lead was determined to be 10±2 h, based on 212 Pb lung and blood retention data from several studies. The absorption half-time for bismuth was estimated to be about 13 h, based on 212 Bi urinary excretion data from one experiment and the ICRP biokinetic model for bismuth as a decay product of lead. (author)

  6. Radon Progenies as a Source of Gross Alpha-beta Activities in Drinking Water in Vinaninkarena, Antsirabe-Madagascar

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raoelina Andriambololona; Rabesiranana, N.; Rasolonirina, M.; Rakotomanga, H.


    The village of Vinaninkarena, Antsirabe, Madagascar is located in a high radioactivity area. With the aim of assessing the health impact of radioactivity pollution, a survey was conducted around an abandoned radium mining. Waters from 24 sampling points, including 5 wells and 13 springs were sampled. The water radioactivity was measured using a portable Triathler LSC, model 425-034 from Hidex Turku. Each sample is counted more than 3 times: less than 2h after sampling, 4h to few days and more than 3 weeks after when 226 Ra attains equilibrium with 222 Rn and its short-lived daughters. Combination of water non miscible, radon extractive LS cocktail and water miscible one is used to reveal contribution of radium, radon and its short lived progenies to the gross alpha-beta activities. Maximum activity values found are : 3.6±0.3 Bq.L -1 for 226 Ra, 554±9 Bq.L -1 for the excess of radon, and 408±8 Bq.L -1 for the excess of radon progenies. Based on these data, a daily consumption of 2 L of these waters by a standard person would produce an annual 226 Ra ingestion well above the annual intake limit for 226 Ra. Moreover, the increasing gross alpha-beta activity resulting from radon progenies raises the issue of health effects. The potential for rapid spring-to-mouth delivery, which is frequent in rural area, may expose the water consumer to the short-lived alpha particle emitters.

  7. Study of the atmospheric chemistry of radon progeny in laboratory and real indoor atmospheres. Final project report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hopke, P.K.


    This report completes Clarkson University's study of the chemical and physical behavior of the 218 Po atom immediately following its formation by the alpha decay of radon. Because small changes in size for activity in the sub-10 nm size range result in large changes in the delivered dose per unit exposure, this behavior must be understood if the exposure to radon progeny and it dose to the cells in the respiratory tract are to be fully assessed. In order to pursue this general goal, two areas of radon progeny behavior are being pursued; laboratory studies under controlled conditions to better understand the fundamental physical and chemical processes that affect the progeny's atmospheric behavior and studies in actual indoor environments to develop a better assessment of the exposure of the occupants of that space to the size and concentration of the indoor radioactive aerosol. Thus, two sets of specific goals have been established for this project. The specific tasks of the controlled laboratory studies are (1) Determine the formation rates of circ OH radicals formed by the radiolysis of air following radon decay; (2) Examine the formation of particles by the radiolytic oxidation of substances like SO 2 , ethylene, and H 2 S to lower vapor pressure compounds and determine the role of gas phase additives such as H 2 O and NH 3 in determining the particle size; (3) Measure the rate of ion-induced nucleation using a thermal diffusion cloud chamber, and (4) Measure the neutralization rate of 218 PoO x + in O 2 at low radon concentrations

  8. Radon and radon progeny in 70 houses in the Tennessee Valley area: study design and measurement methods

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dudney, C.S.; Hawthorne, A.R.; Monar, K.P.; Quillen, J.L.; Clark, C. Jr.; Doane, R.W.; Wallace, R.G.; Reed, R.P.


    Levels of radon and its short-lived airborne progeny are being measured in a year-long study of 70 houses in four states in the Tennessee Valley. Various methods were used to solicit volunteers with differing degrees of success. Criteria for selection of houses in the study included presence of a lower level with cement floor and one or more block walls in contact with the soil, absence of obvious indications of technologically enhanced sources of radium, and proximity to one of four cities, (Knoxville, Chattanooga, Birmingham, or Florence). By design, most houses in the study are in the same neighborhood as at least one other house in the study. Houses range in age from newly constructed to about 40 years old. Most of the houses have more than 2000 square feet of finished floor space. The lower level encompasses a garage in most cases. More complete information pertaining to house characteristics will be gathered in the course of the study. Measurements are being made to obtain information on both location- and season-dependent variation of radon and radon progeny. Simultaneous measurements are made quarterly on both upper and lower levels of each house. Grab samples of air are collected and analyzed for radon using a modified Lucas cell technique. Short-term (10-minute) samples of airborne particulate material are collected and analyzed for radon progeny. One-week integrated measurements of working levels are made once each quarter using modified thermoluminescent dosimeters. Both three- and twelve-month integrated measurements of radon using track-etch monitors are being made. 19 references, 1 figures

  9. Efecto del uso de diferentes aditivos de panificación en la calidad de panes elaborados con harinas compuestas a base de harina de trigo y germen desgrasado de maíz

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    Marisela Granito


    Full Text Available Dado el alto consumo de productos alimenticios a base de trigo (HT importado y la producción industrial de subproductos del procesamiento del maíz (HGDM, ricos en fibra dietética, proteínas y minerales, en Venezuela se ha estudado la factibilidad técnica de sustituir parcialmente HT por HGDM en la elaboración de productos horneados como galletas y panes. Por otra parte, considerando las restricciones existentes en el uso del bromato de potasio (BP como aditivo de panificación y que el ácido ascórbico (AA ha sido probado exitosamente como aditivo en panes a base de HT, en este estudio se utilizaron los aditivos (BP, (AA, gluten y mezclas de ellos, en la elaboración de panes donde la HT fue sustituida por HGDM a niveles de 10% y 15%. Se encontro que las mezclas de aditivos que originaron los menores pesos específicos fueron las que contenían gluten , seguidas por 75 ppm AA y 25 ppm BP. Se observo el efecto sinergístico de estos dos aditivos, tanto en los panes control como en los que contenían HGDM. Se puede concluir que la calidad panificable y el proceso de envejecimiento en los panes donde se sustituye la HT por HGDM, a niveles de 10%, sigue patrones similares al de los panes de 100% HT, por lo que se podría considerar viable dicha sustitución. A niveles de 15% de sustitución, la presencia de fibra origina algunos cambios en el patrón de comportamiento, por lo que se sugiere el uso de hemicelulasas en las mezclas.

  10. Influence of sire breed on the interplay among rumen microbial populations inhabiting the rumen liquid of the progeny in beef cattle.

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    Emma Hernandez-Sanabria

    Full Text Available This study aimed to evaluate whether the host genetic background impact the ruminal microbial communities of the progeny of sires from three different breeds under different diets. Eighty five bacterial and twenty eight methanogen phylotypes from 49 individuals of diverging sire breed (Angus, ANG; Charolais, CHA; and Hybrid, HYB, fed high energy density (HE and low energy density (LE diets were determined and correlated with breed, rumen fermentation and phenotypic variables, using multivariate statistical approaches. When bacterial phylotypes were compared between diets, ANG offspring showed the lowest number of diet-associated phylotypes, whereas CHA and HYB progenies had seventeen and twenty-three diet-associated phylotypes, respectively. For the methanogen phylotypes, there were no sire breed-associated phylotypes; however, seven phylotypes were significantly different among breeds on either diet (P<0.05. Sire breed did not influence the metabolic variables measured when high energy diet was fed. A correlation matrix of all pairwise comparisons among frequencies of bacterial and methanogen phylotypes uncovered their relationships with sire breed. A cluster containing methanogen phylotypes M16 (Methanobrevibacter gottschalkii and M20 (Methanobrevibacter smithii, and bacterial phylotype B62 (Robinsoniella sp. in Angus offspring fed low energy diet reflected the metabolic interactions among microbial consortia. The clustering of the phylotype frequencies from the three breeds indicated that phylotypes detected in CHA and HYB progenies are more similar among them, compared to ANG animals. Our results revealed that the frequency of particular microbial phylotypes in the progeny of cattle may be influenced by the sire breed when different diets are fed and ultimately further impact host metabolic functions, such as feed efficiency.

  11. La Actividad Productiva de la Fábrica de Harinas “La Montserrat” (Girona en el Año Agrícola de 1903-1904

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    Helena Benito Mundet


    Full Text Available La fábrica La Montserrat fue construida en Girona en el año 1898 por José Ensesa y Cía. Sociedad en Comandita, que se dedicaba al comercio de cereales y a la fabricación de harinas. Con el objetivo de determinar cómo se estructuraba la actividad productiva de la empresa hemos estudiado con detalle las operaciones que realizó durante el año agrícola 1903-1904. Nos centramos en tres aspectos principales: el del aprovisionamiento de trigo (procedencia, transporte, precios, la producción de harina (de trigos propios y ajenos, rendimientos y su distribución (clientes, destino de la harina. Por último, también hemos analizado la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias, que es en definitiva la que nos indicará su rentabilidad. Palabras clave: historia de la contabilidad, trigos y harinas, actividad productiva.Harinera La Montserrat, S.A, a company involved in the manufacturing and trading of cereals and flour, was founded in Girona in 1898 by José Ensesa y Cía., Sociedad en Comandita. With the objective to determine how the product activity of this business was structured, we have studied in detail the operations that were carried out over the agricultural year 1903-1904. We have focused on three main aspects. Firstly, the purchasing of wheat (origin, transportation, prices; secondly, the production of flour (using internal and external wheat, profits; and thirdly, its distribution (customers, destination. Finally, we have analyzed the profit and loos account for this period in order tofind out if this business was profitable.

  12. Adición de vitaminas y minerales a harinas de maíz y de trigo en México Vitamin and mineral addition to corn and wheat flours in Mexico


    Jorge L. Rosado; Rafael Camacho-Solís; Héctor Bourges


    En México la deficiencia marginal de algunas vitaminas y minerales afecta la salud y la funcionalidad de un número elevado de mexicanos, por lo que la Secretaría de Salud ha iniciado un programa para promover la adición de nutrimentos a las harinas de trigo y de maíz que se procesan industrialmente. El presente documento expone las bases científicas y tecnológicas para dicha adición. El objetivo primordial es restaurar los nutrimentos que se pierden durante el proceso de obtención de las hari...

  13. Genetic consequences of irradiation of one or both parents (results of experiments on Wistar rats). Exitus Lethalis in Wistar rats progeny after irradiation of one or both parents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nefedov, I.Yu.; Nefedova, I.Yu.; Palyga, G.F.


    Using offsprings of Wistar rats the quantitative regulations in their death in ontogenesis following irradiation of one or both parents at 0.25-4 Gy doses, the sex cells of which were at stages of mature oocytes and spermatozoa. are investigated. It is determined that the progeny death depends on the value of radiation dose to gametes of parents and takes place mainly in embryogenesis. Progeny of both exposed parents may have an increase in death as compared to that for one parent exposed. Phenomenon of progeny death increase resulted from the fertilization of both parents exposed to radiation is observed at the low doses and is absent at high radiation doses [ru

  14. Intercomparison and intercalibration of passive/active radon and active radon progeny instruments and methods in North America

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    George, A.C.; Tu, Keng W.


    An intercomparison and intercalibration exercise for radon and radon progeny measurements made with active and passive instruments was held at EML from October 22--30,1992. Twenty-five participants submitted 96 passive integrating devices, eight active devices for radon, and seven integrating devices for potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC). In addition, 40 grab samples for radon progeny analysis were taken by five groups that participated in person during the intercomparison. The results reported to EML indicate that the majority of the participants (70%) obtained mean results within 10% of the EML reference value. Although the instruments used in this exercise are based on different principles of collection and detection, they all appear reliable. However, in some instances there seemed to be some minor problems with quality control and calibration bias. Also, the large counting errors for the PAEC experienced by some of the participants can be minimized by using higher sampling air flow rates without sacrificing instrument portability

  15. Intein-mediated Cre protein assembly for transgene excision in hybrid progeny of transgenic Arabidopsis. (United States)

    Ge, Jia; Wang, Lijun; Yang, Chen; Ran, Lingyu; Wen, Mengling; Fu, Xianan; Fan, Di; Luo, Keming


    An approach for restoring recombination activity of complementation split-Cre was developed to excise the transgene in hybrid progeny of GM crops. Growing concerns about the biosafety of genetically modified (GM) crops has currently become a limited factor affecting the public acceptance. Several approaches have been developed to generate selectable-marker-gene-free GM crops. However, no strategy was reported to be broadly applicable to hybrid crops. Previous studies have demonstrated that complementation split-Cre recombinase restored recombination activity in transgenic plants. In this study, we found that split-Cre mediated by split-intein Synechocystis sp. DnaE had high recombination efficiency when Cre recombinase was split at Asp232/Asp233 (866 bp). Furthermore, we constructed two plant expression vectors, pCA-NCre-In and pCA-Ic-CCre, containing NCre866-In and Ic-CCre866 fragments, respectively. After transformation, parent lines of transgenic Arabidopsis with one single copy were generated and used for hybridization. The results of GUS staining demonstrated that the recombination activity of split-Cre could be reassembled in these hybrid progeny of transgenic plants through hybridization and the foreign genes flanked by two loxP sites were efficiently excised. Our strategy may provide an effective approach for generating the next generation of GM hybrid crops without biosafety concerns.

  16. Redução da influência da massa específica na determinação do teor de umidade de sementes de trigo Density-independent moisture content measurement of wheat seed

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    Pedro Amorim Berbert


    Full Text Available A medição da capacitância e da condutância de um capacitor contendo amostras de trigo permite a determinação de duas de suas propriedades dielétricas: a permissividade relativa (épsilon' e o fator de perda dielétrica (épsilon". A utilização dessas propriedades, medidas simultaneamente em duas freqüências de oscilação do campo elétrico, permite reduzir ou eliminar o efeito da massa específica aparente na determinação do teor de umidade do trigo. Tal procedimento torna possível o monitoramento contínuo e em tempo real, sem a necessidade de retirar amostras, do teor de umidade de uma coluna de grãos em movimento, situação em que ocorrem as maiores variações na massa específica do produto. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na obtenção de equações que permitam reduzir ou eliminar o efeito da massa específica na determinação em linha do teor de umidade do trigo. Foram utilizadas amostras das variedades Hussar, Mercia e Hereward com teor de umidade entre 11% e 22% b.u. e massa específica no intervalo 666 kg m-3 Measurement of the capacitance and conductance of a capacitor filled with samples of wheat allows the determination of two dielectric properties of the material: the relative permissivity (epsilon', and the dielectric loss factor (epsilon". The use of these two properties, measured simultaneously at two different frequencies of the electric field, permits bulk density-independent measurement of moisture content of wheat. This procedure makes it possible to monitor moisture content continuously, and on-line, of a moving column of grain, a situation where the greatest variations in bulk density are to be expected. The objective of the present research was the derivation of density-independent equations for the determination of moisture content of wheat. Samples of varieties Hussar, Mercia and Hereward at moisture contents ranging from 11% to 22% w.b., and bulk densities ranging from 666 to 873 kg m-3 have been

  17. Radon, thoron and their progeny levels in some dwellings of Union Territory Chandigarh, India using SSNTDs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mehta, Vimal; Kumar, Amit; Chauhan, R.P.; Mudahar, G.S.


    Indoor air quality is an important issue for protection against adverse health effects caused by the inhalation of pollutants because most individuals spend 90% of their time indoors and that indoor air quality is deteriorated by a large variety of sources. Out of these sources radon is a major pollutant and is an important global problem of radiation hygiene. Radon and its progeny are the major contributors in the radiation dose received by general population of the world. Next to cigarette smoking, the inhalation of radon gas and the products of its radioactive disintegration are considered the most significant cause of lung cancer. Due to the potentially serious public health implications of exposure to high levels of radon, the environmental monitoring of radon, thoron and their progeny in some dwellings of Chandigarh, union territory of India has been carried out. The radon-thoron twin dosimeter cups were used for the study. The aim of the study is the possible health risk assessment in the dwellings under consideration. (author)

  18. Age and sex dependent inhalation doses to members of the public from indoor thoron progeny

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bi, L; Tschiersch, J [Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen-German Research Center for Environmental Health, Institute of Radiation Protection, D-85764, Neuherberg (Germany); Li, W B [Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen-German Research Center for Environmental Health, Department of Medical Radiation Physics and Diagnostics, D-85764, Neuherberg (Germany); Li, J L, E-mail: [Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 (China)


    The increased indoor thoron level in Europe, North America and Asia has shown that the exposure to thoron and its decay products cannot be ignored in some environments. The contribution of thoron and its progeny can be a significant component of the total exposure from radon and thoron. In the present paper, radiation dose assessment of members of the public of different age and sex exposed to {sup 220}Rn progeny under different daily life activities is performed through a dosimetric approach. Dose conversion coefficients under typical indoor conditions were estimated to be in the range of 107 nSv (Bq h m{sup -3}){sup -1} for infant to 81.7 nSv (Bq h m{sup -3}){sup -1} for adult. The results of this work emphasized that small children receive a radiation dose of 25% more than adults under the same conditions, and people performing exercise receive a radiation dose 100% more than when sleeping. The results of this work are appropriate to the risk assessment of thoron exposure to members of the public who live in areas with high radon and thoron concentrations.

  19. Identification of cocoa trees combining high yield potential and resistance to diseases in segregating progenies In Ecuador (United States)

    Diseases and low yielding planting material are the main factors limiting production of “fine” or “flavour” cocoa in Ecuador. This makes it necessary to develop modern varieties capable of overcoming these limitations. During the 1960s and 1970s INIAP tested several progenies from selected crosses...

  20. preescolares desnutridos con madres con obesidad y sin obesidad

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    Viridiana Vanessa Conzuelo-González


    Full Text Available El primer objetivo fue conocer cuántos menores de cinco años con diferentes grados de desnutrición tienen una madre con sobrepeso/obesidad/ en una comunidad indígena que vive en extrema pobreza y bajo condiciones de migración masculina internacional. El segundo fue comparar tres variables socionutricionales (ingreso familiar, educación de la madre y adecuación nutrimental de la dieta diaria entre estos hogares y los hogares con desnutrición infantil y madres sin obesidad. Se realizó un estudio transversal (2006-2007, en la comunidad mazahua de San Francisco Tepeolulco, Municipio de Temascalcingo; que incluyó a 85 hogares integrados por preescolares con desnutrición inscritos al programa Oportunidades. Se determinó el estado nutrición de los preescolares con indicadores antropométricos y se obtuvo el IMC de las madres de estos infantes. Se aplicó una encuesta socionutricional, incluida el recordatorio de 24 horas, y complementado con la observación participante (cualitativa. Se encontró que 83% de las madres mazahuas presentaron sobrepeso u obesidad. El estado de nutrición de los preescolares con madres con obesidad presentó un porcentaje mayor de desnutrición (76%. En la variable género, se encontró que 54% de los niños con madres con obesidad tenía baja talla. Al relacionar el nivel educativo de la madre, esta variable resultó ser estadísticamente significativa (p=0.015, donde el analfabetismo está más relacionado con la desnutrición infantil que tienen madres de bajo y/o peso normal. La elevada prevalencia de hogares conformados con preescolares con desnutrición y madres con obesidad, es un síntoma más de la pobreza en zonas indígenas en México, con bajo índice de desarrollo humano.

  1. Farelo de trigo na alimentação de poedeiras semipesadas na fase de recria Wheat bran in growing phase laying hens feeding

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    Daniel de Magalhães Araujo


    Full Text Available O estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da inclusão de farelo de trigo (FT na ração sobre o desempenho de frangas semipesadas nas fases de recria 1 (7 a 14 semanas de idade e recria 2 (15 a 19 semanasde idade e seu efeito residual durante a fase inicial de produção de ovos. Foram utilizadas 160 frangas Lohmann Brown distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro níveis de FT na ração: 0 (controle, 10, 20 e 30%, que resultaram em quatro tratamentos, com cinco repetições de oito aves na fase de recria 1. Ao completarem 14 semanas, as aves foram transferidas para gaiolas de arame galvanizado, redistribuídas em seis repetições de seis aves. Utilizaram-se 144 aves e descartaram-se, aleatoriamente, quatro aves por tratamento, constituindo a fase de recria 2. A adição de FT diminuiu linearmente o peso vivo final e o ganho de peso, resultando em reduções de 1,15 e 0,03 g, respectivamente, para cada 1% de inclusão de FT na ração. O consumo de água aumentou de forma quadrática e cresceu, em valores absolutos, com o aumento de 0 a 30% de farelo de trigo. A cada aumento de 1% de FT na ração, a idade das aves ao primeiro ovo elevou aproximadamente 0,6 dia e o peso do ovo em 0,22 g. A inclusão de farelo de trigo na ração reduz a taxa de crescimento de frangas, atrasa o início da postura, mas melhora o peso inicial dos ovos em relação a dietas à base de milho e de farelo de soja.This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of the wheat bran (WB in the ration on egg brown chicken (Lohmann Brown performance in the growing phase 1 (7 to 19 week of age and growing phase 2 (15 to 19 week of age and its residual effects on initial egg production. One hundred-sixty chickens were allotted to a completely randomized design with four level of WB in the ration: 0 (control, 10, 20 and 30%, that resulted in four treatments, with five replicates of eight birds in the growing phase 1. At the

  2. Levels of radon gas concentration and progeny in homes of Potosi City, Bolivia to 4000 m; Niveles de concentracion de gas radon y progenie en viviendas de la Ciudad de Potosi, Bolivia a 4000 msnm

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mamani M, R. [Universidad Autonoma Tomas Frias, Carrera de Fisica, Av. del maestro s/n, Edif. Central Potosi, Villa Imperial de Potosi (Bolivia, Plurinational State of); Claros J, J. [Universidad Autonoma Tomas Frias, Facultad de Minas Potosi, Centro de Investigacion, Av. Serrudo y Arce s/n, Villa Imperial de Potosi (Bolivia, Plurinational State of); Vasquez A, R., E-mail: [Instituto Boliviano de Biologia de Altura, Calle Hoyos 953, La Paz (Bolivia, Plurinational State of)


    Full text: In this work the presence of radon gas was determined, which is a radioactive contaminant that comes from underground, able to penetrate the houses. The danger is that when mixed air and when inhaled can cause serious damage to the lungs, for the short life time that has radon and progeny for decay, damaging the pulmonary alveoli and reducing breathing capacity of the habitants, then causing polycythemia in some cases. The study was carried out in homes in the city of Potosi, Bolivia located at 4000 m. The quantification of radon gas and progeny was performed with the equipment Alpha-Zaeller-2 (Az-2), quantification was realized in 6 zones of the city of Potosi, chosen randomly. In each zone were carried out measurements in 40 homes (2 rooms more permanent), both day and night, for a period of 3 days in two different seasons and with concentrations of average humidity of 20, 50 and 80%. The values obtained for each period vary depending on the season and 30 to 50% of the allowable values given by the EPA and Who for housing. (Author)

  3. Milk production and composition, and progeny performance in young ewes with high merit for rapid growth and muscle and fat accumulation. (United States)

    Rosales Nieto, C A; Ferguson, M B; Macleay, C A; Briegel, J R; Wood, D A; Martin, G B; Bencini, R; Thompson, A N


    In ewe lambs, acceleration of growth and accumulation of both muscle and fat leads to earlier sexual maturity and better reproductive performance. The next stage in the development of this theme is to test whether these aspects of growth in young ewes affect milk production in their first lactation and the growth of their first progeny. We studied 75 young Merino ewes that had known phenotypic values for depth of eye muscle (EMD) and fat (FAT), and known Australian Sheep Breeding Values for post-weaning weight (PWT) and depths of eye muscle (PEMD) and fat (PFAT). They lambed for the first time at 1 year of age. Their lambs were weighed weekly from birth to weaning at 10 weeks to determine live weight gain and weaning weight. Progeny birth weight was positively associated with live weight gain and weaning weight (P0.05). The PWT of the sire was positively associated with live weight gain (P0.05). The concentrations of fat, protein, lactose and total solids in the milk were not affected by the phenotype or genotype of the mothers or of the sires of the mothers, or by the sex of the progeny (P>0.05). We conclude that selection of young Merino ewes for better growth, and more rapid accumulation of muscle and fat, will lead to progeny that are heavier at birth, grow faster and are heavier at weaning. Moreover, milk production and composition do not seem to be affected by the genetic merit of the mother for post-weaning live weight or PEMD or PFAT. Therefore, Merino ewes can lamb at 1 year of age without affecting the production objectives of the Merino sheep industry.

  4. Differential gene expression of wheat progeny with contrasting levels of transpiration efficiency. (United States)

    Xue, Gang-Ping; McIntyre, C Lynne; Chapman, Scott; Bower, Neil I; Way, Heather; Reverter, Antonio; Clarke, Bryan; Shorter, Ray


    High water use efficiency or transpiration efficiency (TE) in wheat is a desirable physiological trait for increasing grain yield under water-limited environments. The identification of genes associated with this trait would facilitate the selection for genotypes with higher TE using molecular markers. We performed an expression profiling (microarray) analysis of approximately 16,000 unique wheat ESTs to identify genes that were differentially expressed between wheat progeny lines with contrasting TE levels from a cross between Quarrion (high TE) and Genaro 81 (low TE). We also conducted a second microarray analysis to identify genes responsive to drought stress in wheat leaves. Ninety-three genes that were differentially expressed between high and low TE progeny lines were identified. One fifth of these genes were markedly responsive to drought stress. Several potential growth-related regulatory genes, which were down-regulated by drought, were expressed at a higher level in the high TE lines than the low TE lines and are potentially associated with a biomass production component of the Quarrion-derived high TE trait. Eighteen of the TE differentially expressed genes were further analysed using quantitative RT-PCR on a separate set of plant samples from those used for microarray analysis. The expression levels of 11 of the 18 genes were positively correlated with the high TE trait, measured as carbon isotope discrimination (Delta(13)C). These data indicate that some of these TE differentially expressed genes are candidates for investigating processes that underlie the high TE trait or for use as expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) for TE.

  5. Unattached fraction and the aerosol size distribution of the radon progeny in a natural cave and mine atmospheres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Butterweck, G.; Porstendoerfer, J.; Reineking, A.; Kesten, J.


    Measurements of the activity size distribution of aerosol-attached radon progeny and the amount of unattached radon daughters have been performed in mine atmospheres and a tourist cave. During working hours a large number (10 5 -10 6 cm -3 ) of aerosol particles is generated in mines, mainly by diesel engines. The activity size distribution of these aerosol particles has smaller median diameters (AMAD about 200 nm) than the aged aerosol existing in the mine during non-working hours (AMAD about 350 nm). Strictly correlated to the aerosol concentration, the unattached fraction of the radon progeny, f p , in the tourist cave (3000 particles per cm 3 ) is higher (f p = 0.1) than in mines (f p 0.01) during working hours. This yields 1.4-2.5 times higher radiation dose conversion factors in the natural cave than in mines under working conditions. (author)

  6. A method for determining an indicator of effective dose calculation due to inhalation of Radon and its progeny from in vivo measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Estrada, Julio Jose da Silva


    Direct measurement of the absolved dose to lung tissue from inhalation of radon and its progeny is not possible and must be calculated using dosimetric models, taking into consideration the several parameters upon which the dose calculation depends. To asses the dose due to inhalation of radon and its progeny, it is necessary to estimate the cumulative exposure. Historically, this has been done using WLM values estimated with measurements of radon concentration in air. The radon concentration in air varies significantly, however, in space with time, and the exposed individual is also constantly moving around. This makes it almost impossible to obtain a precise estimate of an individual's inhalation exposure. This work describes a pilot study to calculate lung dose from the deposition of radon progeny, via estimates of cumulative exposure derived from in vivo measurements of 210 Pb, in subjects exposed to above-average radon and its progeny concentrations in their home environments. The measurements were performed in a whole body counter. With this technique, the exposed individuals become, in affect, their own samplers and dosimeters and the estimate of cumulative exposure is not affected by the variation of the atmospheric concentration of radon and its progeny in time and space. Forty individuals identified as living in homes with radon levels ranging from about 740 Bq/m 3 to 150.000 Bq/m 3 were measured. Also, additional 34 measurements were made on personnel from NYUMC/NIEM who live in a residential area surrounding the laboratory in which the levels of radon have been shown to be at below average values. To realize these measurements a methodology was developed to determine the subject's background, using a head phantom made with a cubic plastic container containing known amounts of potassium and calcium dissolved in four liters of water. The effective doses calculated from the in vivo measurements are compared to effective doses estimated, for the same

  7. Silencing of a putative immunophilin gene in the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus increases the infection rate of Babesia bovis in larval progeny

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    Knowles Donald P


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus microplus is involved in the transmission of the protozoan Babesia bovis, the etiological agent of bovine babesiosis. Interactions between ticks and protozoa are poorly understood and the investigation of tick genes that affect tick fitness and protozoan infection can set the stage for dissecting the molecular interactions between the two species. Results In this study, RNA interference was used to silence R. microplus genes that had been previously shown to be up-regulated in response to B. bovis infection. The silencing of a putative immunophilin gene (Imnp in female ticks fed on a calf acutely infected with B. bovis decreased the hatching rate and survival of larval progeny. Interestingly, Imnp was up-regulated significantly in ovaries of R. microplus in response to B. bovis infection and its silencing in female ticks significantly increased the infection rate of the protozoan in larval progeny. The results also showed that the silencing of a putative Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor (Spi gene and a putative lipocalin (Lpc gene decreased the fitness of R. microplus females, but had no significant effect on the infection rate of B. bovis in larval progeny. Conclusion The silencing of the Imnp, Spi or Lpc genes decreased the fitness of R. microplus females fed on a calf during acute B. bovis infection. The Imnp gene data suggest that this putative immunophilin gene is involved in the defense system of R. microplus against B. bovis and may play a role in controlling the protozoan infection in tick ovaries and larval progeny.

  8. Probing the application of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for assessment of deposited flux of Radon and Thoron progeny in high exposure conditions

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mishra, R., E-mail:; Sapra, B.K.; Rout, R.P.; Prajith, R.


    Direct measurement of Radon and Thoron progeny in the atmosphere and occupational environments such as Uranium mines, Uranium and Thorium handling facilities has gained importance because of its radiological significance in inhalation dose assessment. In this regard, Radon and Thoron Progeny sensors (DTPS and DRPS) are the only passive solid state nuclear track detector (SSNTD, LR115) based devices which are being extensively used for time integrated direct progeny measurements. An essential component of the analysis is the chemical etching of the detectors, followed by spark counting of tracks and then estimation of the inhalation dose using appropriate calibration factors. Alternatively, the tracks may be counted using image analysis techniques. However, under high exposure conditions, both these methods have inherent limitations and errors arising due to increased frequency of tracks. In the present work, we probe the use of Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy to analyse the deposited fluence of the progeny particulates based on change in transmittance of the nitric group vibrational bands of the LR115. A linear relationship between the transmittance and the deposited fluence was observed, which can be used to estimate the deposited fluence rate and the inhalation dose. This alternative method of analysis will provide a faster and non-destructive technique for inhalation dose assessment, specially for routine large scale measurements. - Highlights: • An alternative method of inhalation dose assessment. • Linearity between the transmittance of nitric goup bands and the deposited fluence. • Faster and non-destructive technique for high exposure scenarios.

  9. Indoor thoron and radon progeny measurements

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu, K.W.; George, A.C.; Lowder, W.M.; Gogolak, C.V.


    Measurements of indoor thoron ( 220 Rn) and radon ( 222 Rn) progeny activities were conducted in 40 homes and six public buildings in five states. A commercial alpha spectrometer system and four portable alpha integrating sampling monitors using diffused junction silicon detectors were used for sampling and recording of radionuclide data in particular the potential alpha energy concentrations (PAEC). The data were analysed for the ratios of PAEC- 220 Rn to PAEC- 222 Rn, and the correlations between the two quantities, and their estimated annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE). The results show that the PAEC ratios were 0.09, 0.6, 0.55, and 0.47, respectively, for all homes with the PAEC- 222 Rn > 400, between 100 and 400, -3 , and the total of all homes tested; the AEDE ratios were 0.03, 0.21, 0.19 and 0.16, respectively. No strong correlations were found between PAEC- 220 Rn and PAEC- 222 Rn, and between basement and ground floor data for PAEC- 220 Rn, but the PAEC- 222 Rn data showed a strong correlation between the basement and the ground floor values. Simultaneous measurements of PAEC- 220 Rn and PAEC- 222 Rn on the ground floor and in the basement of each of the 23 single-family houses tested suggests that 220 Rn entry from building materials may be as significant as from the underlying soil. (author)

  10. Silicon leaf application and physiological quality of white oat and wheat seedsAplicação foliar de silício e qualidade fisiológica de sementes de aveia-branca e trigo

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    Mariane Sayuri Ishizuka


    Full Text Available Plant nutrition can positively influence quality of seeds by improving plant tolerance to adverse climate. In this context, silicon is currently considered a micronutrient and it is beneficial to plant growth, especially Poaceaes such as white oat and wheat, thereby improving physiological quality of seeds. This study had the objective of evaluating the effects of silicon leaf application on plant tillering, silicon levels and physiological quality of white oat and wheat seeds besides establishing correlations between them. Two experiments were carried out in winter with white oat and wheat. The experimental design was the completely randomized block with eight replications. Treatments consisted of foliar application of silicon (0.8% of soluble silicon, as stabilized orthosilicic acid and a control (with no application. Silicon levels in leaves were determined at flowering whereas the number of plants and panicles/spikes per area was counted right before harvest. Seed quality was evaluated right after harvest through mass, germination and vigor tests. Data was submitted to variance analysis and means were compared by the Tukey test at a probability level of 5%. Person’s linear correlation test was performed among silicon level in plants, tillering and seed quality data. Silicon leaf application increases root and total length of white oat seedlings as an effect of higher Si level in leaves. Silicon leaf application increases mass of wheat seeds without affecting germination or vigor. A nutrição das plantas pode influenciar positivamente a qualidade das sementes por proporcionar maior tolerância às adversidades climáticas. Neste contexto, o silício é atualmente considerado um micronutriente e tem efeito benéfico no crescimento das plantas, especialmente Poaceaes como aveia-branca e trigo, consequentemente melhorando a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Este estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos da aplicação foliar de silício no

  11. Meiosis en mutantes desinápticos con restitución cromosómica en Rhoeo spathacea (Commelinaceae

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    Armando García-Velázquez


    Full Text Available El estudio se llevó a cabo en recolectas de Rhoeo spathacea realizadas en Veracruz, Chiapas, Tabasco, Yucatán, Quintana Roo y Michoacán, México. Las plantas presentaron número diploide de cromosomas (2n=12 en mitosis. En meiosis los individuos formaron anillo y/o cadenas en metafase I, con excepción de varios mutantes desinápticos-RSD (separación de cromosomas apareados. En meiosis de Rhoeo no se observan bivalentes ni hay posibilidades de entrecruzamiento, y consecuentemente no habrá quiasmas ya que no hay cuatro cromátidas de las cuales dos deberían ser no-hermanas. Sin embargo, en anafase I hay disyunción altamente regular 6:6 que se presentan como "anillos o donas" con los brazos cortos hacia el interior de esas figuras. De la autofecundación de un mutante desináptico-RSD (GAVA 1.1 se obtuvo una progenie F2 de 123 individuos: 90 diploides-formadores de anillos y 1 acrotrisómico (2n=13. Esto es, 91 individuos "revirtieron" el comportamiento y 29 fueron diploandróginos tetraploides desinápticos (2n=24 y 3 hipertetraploides (2n=25 desinápticos. Este comportamiento diferente entre hermanos confirma que Rhoeo es dicarión: los diploides- con anillo tendrán el subgenoma A, y los tetraploides el B, que incluyen cromatidas hermanas en la restitución en segunda división (2n.

  12. Rendimento e processo germinativo do grão na espiga de genótipos de trigo

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    Felicio João Carlos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o processo germinativo dos grãos na espiga, o rendimento de grãos, a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade em genótipos de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. sensíveis às variações ambientais. Os experimentos foram instalados no Núcleo Experimental do Instituto Agronômico, em Campinas, SP, no período de 1996 a 1998. A germinação na espiga foi avaliada pelo método do "Falling Number", que consiste em determinar o nível de atividade da alfa-amilase nos grãos. A segunda e a terceira colheitas foram realizadas ao sete e quatorze dias após a primeira colheita. O atraso da colheita determinou redução no rendimento, notadamente na terceira colheita; os teores de alfa-amilase foram maiores também na terceira colheita, em virtude da degradação dos grãos expostos ao tempo. O genótipo IAC 289 apresentou adaptabilidade a ambientes favoráveis, mas apresentou suscetibilidade à ocorrência de germinação dos grãos na espiga. Os genótipos IAC 24, Mochis, IAC 370 e IAC 351 foram os mais resistentes à germinação dos grãos na espiga, apresentando baixa atividade de alfa-amilase.

  13. Eudialyte-group minerals from the Monte de Trigo alkaline suite, Brazil: composition and petrological implications

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    Gaston Eduardo Enrich Rojas

    Full Text Available ABSTRACT: The Monte de Trigo alkaline suite is a SiO2-undersaturated syenite-gabbroid association from the Serra do Mar alkaline province. Eudialyte-group minerals (EGMs occur in one nepheline microsyenite dyke, associated with aegirine-augite, wöhlerite, låvenite, magnetite, zircon, titanite, britholite, and pyrochlore. Major compositional variations include Si (25.09- 25.57 apfu , Nb (0.31- 0.76 apfu , Fe (1.40-2.13 apfu , and Mn (1.36- 2.08 apfu . The EGMs also contain relatively high contents of Ca (6.13- 7.10 apfu , moderate enrichment of rare earth elements (0.38-0.67 apfu , and a relatively low Na content (11.02-12.28 apfu , which can be correlated with their transitional agpaitic assemblage. EGM compositions indicate a complex solid solution that includes eudialyte, kentbrooksite, feklichevite, zirsilite-(Ce, georgbarsanovite, and manganoeudialyte components. EGM trace element analyses show low Sr and Ba contents and a negative Eu/Eu* anomaly, which are interpreted as characteristic of the parental magma due to the previous fractionation of plagioclase and/or alkali feldspar. The EGMs from the dyke border have higher contents of Fe, Sr (2,161-2,699 ppm, Mg (1,179-3,582 ppm, and Zn (732- 852 ppm than those at the dyke center. These differences are related to the incorporation of xenoliths and xenocrysts of melatheralitic host rock into the nepheline-syenitic magma followed by crystal-melt diffusive exchange.


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    Freddy Mora


    Full Text Available Heredabilidad en sentido estricto (h2, correlación genética intra-clase (2IC y componentes de varianza para la altura, diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP y volumen del fuste, a los siete años de edad después de la plantación, fueron analizados en dos ensayos de progenie de Pinus radiata establecidos en el sur de Chile, en orden a examinar la variabilidad genética del crecimiento en una generación avanzada de la especie. Estos ensayos incluyeron árboles provenientes de propagación vegetativa y generativa. Las heredabilidades fueron estimadas para los árboles originados de semillas, y mostraron los siguientes valores: altura, 0.08-0.13; diámetro a la altura del pecho, 0-0.13; volumen del fuste, 0-0.09. Los valores de la correlación genética intra-clase, estimados para el grupo de árboles originados de propagación vegetativa, fueron moderados a bajos (2IC: altura, 0.1-0.11; diámetro a la altura del pecho, 0.01-0.05; volumen del fuste, 0.03-0.06. No obstante la presencia de heredabilidades y correlaciones moderadas para algunas características y, la variación relativamente limitada entre grupos de árboles reflejan la fuerte selección realizada a las progenies. En general, los árboles provenientes de estacas presentaron una tendencia a la menor variación intra-genotípica, y evidenciaron magnitudes relativas de las varianzas debida al grupo (2G mayores a las varianzas familiares (2F, en cuatro de seis caracteres evaluados, indicando una tendencia a la mayor homogeneidad en el crecimiento, característica común de la propagación vegetativa.

  15. Estimation of radiological dose from radon, thoron and their progeny levels in the dwellings of Shivamogga district, Karnataka, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rangaswamvi, D.R.; Sannappa, J.; Srinivasa, E.


    Among all natural radiation exposure to man, inhalation of radon, thoron and their progenies are the major contributor (50 %) to the dose from ionizing radiation received by the general population. Based on the results of epidemiological studies in Europe and North America, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended reducing the indoor radon reference level from 200 to 100 Bq.m -3 . In view of this, focus has now been given for simultaneous measurement of radon, thoron and their progeny concentration in indoor air and also to estimate radiological dose in the dwellings of the Shivamogga district. The geology of the Shivamogga district comprises different types of rock formation such as granites, schists, magnetites and gneisses, Meta basalt, laterites, quartz and chlorite schist, Graywacke etc. Present study was concentrating more in granite bed rock regions along with their surrounding regions

  16. The Progeny Test Half-Sib Paraserianthes falcataria L. Nielsen at Taman Hutan Blok Cikabayan

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    Ali Mukmin


    Full Text Available 800x600 Analysis of genetic parameters in seedling seed orchard progeny trial of Paraserianthes falcataria at Taman Hutan Blok Cikabayan are very important to decide to continue  the breeding program.  The analysis was coducted on estimation of individual heritability and genetic correlation between traits. Result of analysis shows that individual heritability for height, diameter and form traits.  Normal 0 false false false IN X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

  17. Assessment of glucose homeostasis in crossbred steer progeny sired by Brahman bulls that experienced prenatal transportation stress (United States)

    The objective of this experiment was to assess glucose homeostasis of crossbred male progeny whose Brahman sires experienced prenatal transportation stress (PS) in utero. Sixteen steers (PNS group) sired by 3 PS bulls gestating dams were transported for 2 h at 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140 ± 5 d of gest...

  18. Field applications of a radon barrier to reduce indoor airborne progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Culot, M.V.J.; Olson, H.G.; Schiager, K.J.


    The use of uranium mill tailings in the foundations of dwellings has resulted in indoor radon progeny concentrations and gamma exposures in excess of levels presently allowed for the general public. An account is given of the applications of an epoxy coating on the indoor faces of the concrete foundations of three buildings in Grand Junction, Colorado. Epoxy barriers were shown to be effective for preventing radon influx into structures. Gamma exposure rates must be analyzed to ensure that buildup behind the barrier will not introduce an unacceptable gamma exposure level. The use of a sealant is especially economical in situations where structural integrity may be jeopardized by physical removal of uranium mill tailings. (author)

  19. Composição corporal e crescimento de juvenis de piava alimentados com dietas contendo farinhas de trigo e milho submetidas ao cozimento Body composition and growth of piava juveniles fed with diets containing corn and wheat flours submitted to the cooking

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    Rafael Lazzari


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o efeito do cozimento das farinhas de milho e trigo na composição corporal e crescimento de piavas. Foram utilizados 300 juvenis (peso no médio inicial=8,03 ± 0,02g, alimentados durante 60 dias, uma vez ao dia (3%PV. As dietas utilizadas constituíam-se de matriz única, designadas da seguinte forma: dieta B (sem cozimento, M (farinha de milho cozida, T (farinha de trigo cozida e dieta MT (ambas as farinhas cozidas. A umidade corporal foi maior nos peixes das dietas M, T e MT, ocorrendo o inverso para os lipídios corporais. As cinzas e proteína não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Não se observou efeito do tratamento térmico sobre o crescimento dos peixes. Conclui-se que o cozimento sobre as farinhas de milho, trigo ou ambas não afeta o crescimento, porém diminui a deposição de lipídios em juvenis de piava.This study was aimed at evaluating the cooking effect in corn and wheat flours in the body composition and growth of piava. They were used 300 juveniles (Initial weight=8.03 ± 0.02g, fed for 60 days, once a day (3%BW. The basal diet was constituted by only matrix, being the treatments designated: diet B (without cooking, M (cooked corn flour, T (cooked wheat flour and diet MT (both cooked flours. Body moisture was higher in fish fed with M, T and MT diets, while the inverse was observed for the body lipids. The ash and protein values didn't present significant differences. It was not observed effect of the thermal treatment on the fish growth. It's concluded that the cooking in the corn and wheat flours not affect growth, however it reduces lipids deposition in piavas juveniles.

  20. Efeito de diferentes fertilizantes nitrogenados na produção do trigo em vasos Effect of different nitrogen fertilizers on wheat production

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    Hermano Gargantini


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a influência do sulfato de amônio, do salitre-do-chile e da uréia no desenvolvimento e na produção do trigo, em vasos, em casa de vegetação, empregando-se um Latossolo Vermelho Escuro orto, do município de Itapetininga, Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados indicaram que, para produção de matéria seca, não houve diferença entre os fertilizantes utilizados, porém para produção de grãos o sulfato de amônio foi o mais eficiente.The influence of ammonium sulphate, Chilean nitrate, and urea on wheat production was studied in a greenhouse pot experiment using a ortho Dark Red Latosol. The results showed that in the dry matter production any difference was noted among the fertilizers compared; in grain production, however, ammonium sulphate gave the best results.

  1. The postnatal progeny development of males whose sexual cells were irradiated during different stages of spermatogenesis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lepekhin, N.P.; Palyga, G.F.


    Distinct genetic radiosensitivity if germinal cells of males irradiated during different stages of spermatogenesis with doses of 0.25-5.0 Gy leads to reduction in vital newborn rats number in the first generation progeny and to elevated postnatal mortality rate. These postnatal ontogeny disorders depend on the irradiation dose and spermatogenesis stage for a moment irradiation. 11 refs.; 4 tabs

  2. Design and operation of an automated beta-particle counting system for the measurement of 220Rn (and 222Rn) progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bigu, J.


    A fully automated system of the continuous (active) type has been designed for the unattended quantification of 222 Rn progeny and 220 Rn progeny in calibration and test facilities, as well as working and living environments. The system uses a β-particle detector and associated electronic circuitry, in conjunction with an in-house microprocessor-based processing interface card and a personal computer, operated by specially developed in-house software. The system represents a significant improvement over systems using α-particle detectors because of its enhanced flexibility of design and virtual elimination of plate-out effects in the sampling head, and of self-absorption phenomena in the sampling filter. The β-particle system was tested and calibrated in a Radon and Thoron Test Facility of the walk-in type under a variety of experimental conditions. (author)

  3. Genetic trends in the expected progeny difference of the asymptotic weight of Nelore females

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    Analía del Valle Garnero


    Full Text Available There are few studies on weight covering the full life cycle of Zebu cattle, and there is no entire growth description or mean growth pattern for animals belonging to this breed. In order to provide such data, 1,158 Nelore females born between 1985 and 1995 were weighed 14,563 times from birth to full growth maturity, in ten herds spread over seven Brazilian states. The Von Bertalanffy, Brody, logistic and Gompertz non-linear models were used to obtain the asymptotic weights (A and the maturation rates (K. The (covariance and breeding value components for A and K were obtained by using the multiple trait derivative free restricted maximum likelihood method under the animal model. Genetic trends were calculated in function of the mean expected progeny differences (EPD for the trait (A or K divided by the number of animals according to their year of birth. The genetic trends of the expected progeny difference with reference to the date of birth of the cows were, on average, -6.5g y-1 for A and 2.0g y-1 for K, close to zero as confirmed by the low (0.0023 to 0.003 coefficient of regression values. The curve parameters are recommended as a selection criterion to reach precocity and avoid adult weight increase in the female herd.


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    Full Text Available Avaliaram-se 29 genótipos de trigo provenientes de cruzamentos entre o cultivar IAC 24 e fontes comprovadas de resistência a Puccinia recondita e características específicas para panificação, mais o cultivar IAC 24 (controle, mediante experimentos semeados em diferentes regiões tritícolas paulistas no período 1993-95. Analisaram-se as características seguintes: produtividade de grãos, resistência à ferrugem-da-folha, à tolerância ao alumínio tóxico e às qualidades industriais para pão. Considerando a produtividade, destacou-se, no Vale do Paranapanema, o genótipo no 24 (CM H. 74A-630/SX//CNO79/3/IAC 24; na região de Capão Bonito, o no 26 (Yaco "S"/IAC -24 e, em Mococa, com irrigação por aspersão, o no 23 (CM 6530/IAC-24. A resistência ao agente causal da ferrugem-da-folha foi transferida para os genótipos por meio dos cruzamentos envolvendo Yaco "S" e Agent/6*SKA//AGA/4/TI71. Seis genótipos entre os avaliados revelaram-se muito sensíveis ao Al3+ Os trigos duros apresentaram maior rendimento de extração de farinha, comparados aos moles. Considerando os diferentes parâmetros avaliados para qualidade tecnológica, destacaram-se os genótipos no 16 (IAS58/IAS55//ALD/3/IAC5/4/ALD/IAS58/8.1034.A//ALD/5/CNR/6/BUC"S"/7/IAC24 e no 12 (MRNG/4/NAD/FOR//PCN/3/BLT/MES/5/PAT2195*2/ZP"S"/6/ALD/EMU//CHAT/7/VEE/8/IAC24, com base no estudo da divergência genética por componentes principais.

  5. Levels of radon gas concentration and progeny in homes of Potosi City, Bolivia to 4000 m

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mamani M, R.; Claros J, J.; Vasquez A, R.


    Full text: In this work the presence of radon gas was determined, which is a radioactive contaminant that comes from underground, able to penetrate the houses. The danger is that when mixed air and when inhaled can cause serious damage to the lungs, for the short life time that has radon and progeny for decay, damaging the pulmonary alveoli and reducing breathing capacity of the habitants, then causing polycythemia in some cases. The study was carried out in homes in the city of Potosi, Bolivia located at 4000 m. The quantification of radon gas and progeny was performed with the equipment Alpha-Zaeller-2 (Az-2), quantification was realized in 6 zones of the city of Potosi, chosen randomly. In each zone were carried out measurements in 40 homes (2 rooms more permanent), both day and night, for a period of 3 days in two different seasons and with concentrations of average humidity of 20, 50 and 80%. The values obtained for each period vary depending on the season and 30 to 50% of the allowable values given by the EPA and Who for housing. (Author)

  6. Produção de trigo e triticale em rotações de sequeiro Wheat and triticale in crop rotations

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    Carlos Castro


    Full Text Available Apresentam-se os resultados de um ensaio de rotações que decorreu durante dez anos em Vila Real (Trás-os-Montes. O ensaio incluiu a rotação tradicional das condições de sequeiro de Trás-os-Montes, cereal-alqueive (TA, e rotações alternativas susceptíveis de serem adoptadas nestas condições, cereal-leguminosa (TL, cereal-consociação forrageira (TC e cereal-prado de sequeiro (TP. Os cereais das rotações foram o trigo e, posteriormente, o triticale. Determinaram-se e analisaram-se as produções de grão e palha, os teores de nutrientes do grão e da palha e acompanharam-se os parâmetros do solo, pH, matéria orgânica e os teores de P2 O 5, K2 O e bases de troca. Destacam-se alguns resultados importantes, tais como: as produções de grão de cereal das rotações não mostrarem diferenças significativas entre si; a produção de palha da rotação TL ser superior às das restantes; o trigo cultivado após prado de sequeiro não dispensar a adubação azotada; as rotações conduzirem a modificações dos teores de matéria orgânica, cálcio de troca ou do valor do pH do solo, factores a que se deve atender, caso a rotação se prolongue por muitos anos.The results of a field trial of crop rotations conducted over a period of ten years in Vila Real (Northeast Portugal are presented. The rotations tested were cereal-cultivated fallow (TA, traditional in rain-fed conditions of the region, and alternative rotations that could be adopted in these conditions: cereal-grain legume crop (TL, cereal-forage mixture (TC and cereal-rain-fed pasture (TP. The cereals were wheat and, later, triticale. Grain, straw and aerial biomass yields were evaluated together with concentrations of nutrients. The soil parameters studied were pH, organic matter and P 2 O 5, K2O and exchange cations. Wheat straw yield of TL rotation was higher than that of the others. Wheat from TP rotation still requires nitrogen fertilization. The soils of the different

  7. Herencia del número de vainas por nudo y su relación con características afines en arveja (Pisum sativum L.

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    Castillo Edgar


    Full Text Available En el año 2010-2011 en el Centro de Investigaciones Fitoecogenéticas de Pairumani (CIFP en Cochabamba-Bolivia, se cruzaron ocho líneas parentales de arveja bajo el diseño dialélico Griffing IV, con el objetivo de determinar las bases genéticas que condicionan el número de vainas por nudo, la relaciones genéticas con caracteres afines y las líneas que posean genes favorables para incrementar el número de vainas por nudo. Las progenies F1 evaluadas de acuerdo al diseño experimental de filas y columnas incompletas con cuatro repeticiones, indican que el número de vainas/nudo está condicionado por efectos aditivos y de dominancia; sin embargo, los efectos aditivos fueron de mayor importancia con una heredabilidad en sentido estrecho moderado (0.49. Por otro lado, el número de vainas/nudo está alta y positivamente correlacionada con el número de vainas/planta y densidad de grano, en las cuales los efectos aditivos fueron de mayor importancia y heredabilidades en sentido estrecho de 0.72 y 0.36, respectivamente. El número de vainas/nudo está alta y negativamente correlacionada con días a floración, días a madurez en verde, largo de vaina, ancho de vaina, peso de grano, altura de planta y altura a la primera vaina, en las cuales excepto en altura de planta y altura a la primera vaina, los efectos aditivos fueron de mayor importancia, con una heredabilidad en sentido estrecho entre 0.19 y 0.81. Para desarrollar variedades con mayor número de vainas por nudo se puede optar por desarrollar variedades con vainas a menor altura, de granos más pequeños y con vainas más delgadas; o variedades con más días a madurez en verde, de granos menos densos, pedúnculo corto y vainas cortas. Las líneas M-2, calle-calle, Pairumani-1, PH-91-3 poseen genes favorables para desarrollar variedades con mayor número de vainas por nudo y por ende mayor cantidad de vainas por planta, pero con vainas pequeñas y delgadas, y de ciclo corto, además de

  8. Measurment of radon, thoron and their progeny in indoor environment of Mohali, Punjab, Northern India, using pinhole dosimeters

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    Mehta Vimal


    Full Text Available The health hazards of radon and its decay products above certain levels are well known. However, for any preventive measures to be taken, we have to be aware of radon levels of that particular area. Measurement of radon and its decay products in indoor environments is an important aspect of assessing indoor air quality and health conditions associated with it. Keeping this in mind, measurements of radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations were carried out in Mohali, Northern India, using pinhole-based twin cup dosimeters. Radon exhalation rates of soil samples in the dwellings/areas were measured via an active technique of a continuous radon monitor. The indoor radon concentration in Mohali varied from 15.03 ± 0.61 Bq/m3 to 39.21 ± 1.46 Bq/m3 with an average of 26.95 Bq/m3 ,while thoron concentration in the same dwellings varied from 9.62 ± 0.54 Bq/m3 to 52.84 ± 2.77 Bq/m3 with an average of 31.09 Bq/m3. Radon progeny levels in dwellings under study varied from 1.63 to 4.24 mWL, with an average of 2.94 mWL, while thoron progeny levels varied from 0.26 to 1.43 mWL , with an average of 0.84 mWL. The annual dose received by the inhabitants of dwellings under study varied from 0.78 to 2.36 mSv, with an average of 1.61 mSv. The in situ gamma dose rate varied from 0.12 to 0.32 mSv/h.

  9. Dose assessment from exposure to radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations in the dwellings of sub-mountainous region of Jammu and Kashmir, India

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kaur, M.; Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab; Kumar, A.; Mehra, R.; Mishra, R.


    The present work deals with the assessment of annual inhalation dose due to exposure of indoor radon, thoron and their progeny concentrations in the villages situated in sub-mountainous region of Jammu and Kashmir, India. The distribution of the data and the homogeneity of medians among different seasons and dwellings were assessed with the Shapiro-Wilk test and the Mann-Whitney test. The estimated total annual inhalation dose in these villages varied from 0.5 to 1.9 mSv year -1 which is less than the prescribed limit by ICRP (2008). Thus, the investigated area is safe from irradiation of radon, thoron and their progeny. (author)

  10. Family-site interaction in Pinus radiata: implications for progeny testing strategy and regionalised breeding in New Zealand. (United States)

    G.R. Johnson; R.D. Brudon


    A progeny test of 170 open-pollinated families from second-generation plus trees of Pinus radiata was established on four sites in New Zealand in 1981. Two test sites were on volcanic purnice soils in the Central North Island region and two were on phosphate-retentive clay soils in the Northland region.Assessments of volume growth, stem straightness, mal-...

  11. Evaluation of room air cleaners for the reduction of exposure and dose to indoor radon progeny

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hopke, P.K.; Jensen, B.; Wasiolek, P.


    Since the proximate source of dose to the cells of the bronchial epithelium is the deposited radon progeny, the exposure and resulting dose could be reduced if the radon decay products were effectively removed from the indoor atmosphere. Thus, room air cleaners could be effective in reducing the risks associated with indoor radon. However, because of the short half-life of 218 Po, it grows back quickly and in the altered aerosol conditions that are produced by the presence of an air cleaner, the exposure/dose conditions as well as the magnitude of the dose can be substantially changed. To examine the nature of the exposure of individuals in normally occupied homes and to determine the effect of various types of room air cleaners on the exposure to and dose from the indoor radon progeny, a series of measurements have been made using an automated graded screen array system. Two extended experiments were performed in homes in Arnprior, Ontario and Parishville, NY, in which filtration systems, a positive ion electrostatic precipitator, and ioniser/fan systems have been tested for their ability to remove both airborne radioactivity and particles. In both experiments, measurements were made over one week periods with an air cleaner operating and the distributions of exposure are compared with measurements of the background conditions when no cleaner is functioning. The doses to both basal and secretory cells of the bronchial epithelium in the first eight generations of the bronchus were calculated using the model developed by James and their distributions are compared among the various exposure conditions. In most cases the presence of the air cleaner reduced the exposure to radon progeny. However, the reductions in dose were generally substantially smaller than the reductions in exposure. In the intercomparisons of the two filtration units and the two identical ioniser/fan systems, the units generally behaved in a similar manner. The results of this substantial set of

  12. Influência da nutrição mineral foliar sobre doenças da parte aérea da cultura do trigo

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    Rafael Gustavo Ferreira Morales


    Full Text Available A utilização de fungicida para o controle de doenças foliares na cultura do trigo é prática comum entre os triticultores. Contudo, devido ao impacto ambiental provocado pelo seu uso generalizado, buscam-se alternativas para controle dos fitopatógenos. Sendo assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da nutrição mineral foliar sobre as doenças foliares do trigo, bem como seu efeito sobre o desenvolvimento da planta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e quatro tratamentos: 1- testemunha; 2- adubação foliar aos 30 dias após a emergência (DAE e aos 75 DAE; 3- fungicida aos 30 e 75 DAE; e 4- adubação foliar aos 30 DAE e adubação foliar mais fungicida aos 75 DAE. Foram realizadas nove avaliações da incidência e da severidade do oídio, cujos dados foram utilizados para o cálculo das áreas abaixo das curvas de progresso da doença; três avaliações da severidade da ferrugem e da mancha da gluma; e duas avaliações da mancha amarela. Foram determinadas a massa de matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular e a produtividade da cultura. Foi observada redução da incidência e da severidade de oídio em função da adubação foliar, apenas na primeira avaliação de incidência e nas segunda e quinta avaliações de severidade da doença. O efeito complementar dos nutrientes com o fungicida para redução das doenças foi observado apenas para a mancha amarela, com redução de aproximadamente 11,16 % da severidade. Os maiores valores de produtividade foram observados para os tratamentos apenas com fungicida e, com fungicida mais nutrientes. A adubação foliar proporcionou aumento da massa fresca de raízes e massa seca de raízes. Apesar disso, não houve aumento da massa fresca da parte aérea em função da adubação foliar.

  13. Underground measurements of aerosol in radon and thoron progeny activity distributions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, A.; Bandi, F.; Phillips, C.R.; Duport, P.


    Aerosol and activity distributions of 218 Polonium, 214 Lead, 214 Bismuth, and 212 Lead were determined in two different underground mining environments by means of an optimized time-delay counting scheme and diffusion batteries. In one environment, diesel equipment was operating; and in the other, electrically powered equipment. The two environments differed significantly in total aerosol concentration. In the diesel environment, in particular, aerosol concentrations were unsteady, and fluctuated with vehicular traffic and mining activities. As measured by radon progeny disequilibrium, the age of the air ranged from about 25 to 60 minutes. Thoron working levels were of the same order as radon working levels. In this paper, comparisons are made between the aerosol and activity size distributions in both the diesel and electric mine

  14. Absorção de nutrientes pelo trigo Absorption of nutrients by wheat plants

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    Hermano Gargantini


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a absorção dos nutrientes essenciais das variedades de trigo (Triticum aestivum L. BH 1146 e IAS 3795, cultivadas em vasos de Mitscherlich em casa de vegetação, empregaudo-se Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro fase arenosa, proveniente do município de Capão Bonito. Durante todo o ciclo vegetativo da cultura, a cada 10 dias, colheram-se plantas, para serem analisados os elementos N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S. Verificou-se sensível diferença na entração dos nutrientes, entre ambas as variedades. Assim, enquanto na BH o nitrogênio e, a seguir, o potássio foram os nutrientes absorvidos em maiores quantidades, seguindo-se, em quantidades menores, o fósforo, o cálcio, o ennofre e o magnésio, na variedade IAS o potássio foi absorvido em muito maior quantidade que o nitrogênio, e depois dele, na ordem, o cálcio, o fósforo, o ennofre e o magnésio.In this paper the nutrient absorption by wheat plants is presented. Two varieties of wheat, BH 1146 and IAS 3795, were grown in Mitscherlich pots under greenhouse conditions and supplied with all nutrients, including micronutrients. Plant samples, obtained at 10-day intervals, were analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S. The amounts of nutrients absorbed were diferent between the two varieties. Furthermore, the BH variety absorbed more nitrogen than other nutrients, while for the IAS variety potassium was the element absorbed in larger amounts. Absorption of P, S, Ca, Mg was small for both varieties.

  15. Portable devices for monitoring radon and its progeny in air

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Huaiqin; Yao Wanyuan; Su Jingling; Liu Jinhua


    We have developed two kinds of portable monitoring devices to measure the concentration and potential energy concentration of radon and its progeny in air. The thermoluminescence material CaSO4 (Tm) is used as the detection element. One of the devices is called passive radon monitor. The lowest detectable limit for radon in air is about 1.5 Bq/m 3 , as a sampling time being one week. Good reliability and ease to operate are its main advantages. The second kind of device is called a working level monitor which consists of a miniature remembrane pump and an integrating sampling probe. The lowest detectable limit is about 0.00043 WL (9x10 -9 J/m 3 ) for a sampling time of 6 hours. It weighs only 0.35 kg, but maintenance is necessary sometimes. (author). 6 refs, 2 figs, 4 tabs

  16. Assessing hybrid sterility in Oryza glaberrima x O. sativa hybrid progenies by PCR marker analysis and crossing with wide compatibility varieties. (United States)

    Heuer, Sigrid; Miézan, Kouamé M


    Interspecific crossing of the African indigenous rice Oryza glaberrima with Oryza sativa cultivars is hindered by crossing barriers causing 100% spikelet sterility in F(1) hybrids. Since hybrids are partially female fertile, fertility can be restored by back crossing (BC) to a recurrent male parent. Distinct genetic models on spikelet sterility have been developed predicting, e.g., the existence of a gamete eliminator and/or a pollen killer. Linkage of sterility to the waxy starch synthase gene and the chromogen gene C, both located on chromosome 6, have been demonstrated. We selected a segregating BC(2)F(3) population of semi-sterile O. glaberrima x O. sativa indica hybrid progenies for analyses with PCR markers located at the respective chromosome-6 region. These analyses revealed that semi-sterile plants were heterozygous for a marker (OSR25) located in the waxy promoter, whereas fertile progenies were homozygous for the O. glaberrima allele. Adjacent markers showed no linkage to spikelet sterility. Semi-sterility of hybrid progenies was maintained at least until the F(4) progeny generation, suggesting the existence of a pollen killer in this plant material. Monitoring of reproductive plant development showed that spikelet sterility was at least partially due to an arrest of pollen development at the microspore stage. In order to address the question whether genes responsible for F(1) sterility in intraspecific hybrids ( O. sativa indica x japonica) also cause spikelet sterility in interspecific hybrids, crossings with wide compatibility varieties (WCV) were performed. WCV accessions possess "neutral" S-loci ( S(n)) improving fertility in intraspecific hybrids. This experiment showed that the tested S(n)-loci had no fertility restoring effect in F(1) interspecific hybrids. Pollen development was completely arrested at the microspore stage and grains were never obtained after selfing. This suggests that distinct or additional S-loci are responsible for sterility

  17. Variability of Virgin Olive Oil Phenolic Compounds in a Segregating Progeny from a Single Cross in Olea europaea L. and Sensory and Nutritional Quality Implications (United States)

    Pérez, Ana G.; León, Lorenzo; Pascual, Mar; Romero-Segura, Carmen; Sánchez-Ortiz, Araceli; de la Rosa, Raúl; Sanz, Carlos


    Virgin olive oil phenolic compounds are responsible for its nutritional and sensory quality. The synthesis of phenolic compounds occurs when enzymes and substrates meet as olive fruit is crushed during the industrial process to obtain the oil. The genetic variability of the major phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil was studied in a progeny of the cross of Picual x Arbequina olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.). They belong to four different groups: compounds that included tyrosol or hydroxytyrosol in their molecules, lignans, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Data of phenolics in the oils showed that the progeny displayed a large degree of variability, widely transgressing the genitor levels. This high variability can be of interest on breeding programs. Thus, multivariate analysis allowed to identify genotypes within the progeny particularly interesting in terms of phenolic composition and deduced organoleptic and nutritional quality. The present study has demonstrated that it is possible to obtain enough degree of variability with a single cross of olive cultivars for compounds related to the nutritional and organoleptic properties of virgin olive oil. PMID:24651694

  18. Variability of virgin olive oil phenolic compounds in a segregating progeny from a single cross in Olea europaea L. and sensory and nutritional quality implications. (United States)

    Pérez, Ana G; León, Lorenzo; Pascual, Mar; Romero-Segura, Carmen; Sánchez-Ortiz, Araceli; de la Rosa, Raúl; Sanz, Carlos


    Virgin olive oil phenolic compounds are responsible for its nutritional and sensory quality. The synthesis of phenolic compounds occurs when enzymes and substrates meet as olive fruit is crushed during the industrial process to obtain the oil. The genetic variability of the major phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil was studied in a progeny of the cross of Picual x Arbequina olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.). They belong to four different groups: compounds that included tyrosol or hydroxytyrosol in their molecules, lignans, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Data of phenolics in the oils showed that the progeny displayed a large degree of variability, widely transgressing the genitor levels. This high variability can be of interest on breeding programs. Thus, multivariate analysis allowed to identify genotypes within the progeny particularly interesting in terms of phenolic composition and deduced organoleptic and nutritional quality. The present study has demonstrated that it is possible to obtain enough degree of variability with a single cross of olive cultivars for compounds related to the nutritional and organoleptic properties of virgin olive oil.

  19. La fabricación de un mito: el terremoto de 1687 y la ruina de los cultivos de trigo en el Perú

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Pérez-Mallaína, Pablo E.


    Full Text Available Uno de los temas más polémicos en la historiografía sobre el Perú colonial gira en torno a la determinación de si el gran movimiento sísmico que destrozó Lima el 20 de octubre de 1687 fue también el causante de la ruina de la producción de trigo en los valles de la costa central. La mayoría de los cronistas y de los investigadores contemporáneos apoyan la relación de causa-efecto entre ambos fenómenos. El presente artículo, utilizando documentación inédita del Archivo General de Indias de Sevilla, pretende demostrar que dicha relación fue producto de una invención posterior e interesada y, al mismo tiempo, reflexiona sobre cómo, cuándo y por qué se creó este verdadero mito historiográfico.

  20. Conversão e balanço de energia de sistemas de produção com integração lavoura-pecuária sob plantio direto

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Henrique Pereira dos Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a conversão e o balanço de energia em sistemas de produção com integração lavoura-pecuária, sob plantio direto. O experimento foi conduzido de 2001 a 2008. De 2001 a 2002, foram avaliados os sistemas: 1, trigo/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta+ervilhaca/milho; 2, trigo/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta+ervilhaca+azevém/milho; 3, trigo/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta+ervilhaca/pastagem de milheto; 4, trigo/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta+ervilhaca+azevém/pastagem de milheto; 5, trigo/soja, aveia-branca/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta+ervilhaca/pastagem de milheto; 6, trigo/soja, aveia-branca/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta+ervilhaca+azevém/pastagem de milheto. De 2003 a 2008, foram avaliados os sistemas: 1, trigo/soja e ervilhaca/milho; 2, trigo/soja e pastagem de aveia-preta/milho; 3, trigo/soja e aveia-preta/soja; 4, trigo/soja e ervilha/milho; 5, trigo/soja, ervilhaca/soja e triticale de duplo propósito/soja; e 6, trigo/soja, aveia-branca de duplo propósito/soja e trigo de duplo propósito/soja. O milho apresentou o maior retorno energético, em comparação às demais culturas produtoras de grãos e às pastagens de inverno e de verão. Das culturas de cobertura de solo e de adubação verde de inverno, a ervilha foi a mais eficiente na conversão de energia. Os sistemas 1, 2 e 4, entre 2003 e 2008, foram os mais eficientes no balanço energético.