
Sample records for tratamiento con i-131

  1. Treatment of solitary, autonomously-functioning, non-toxic thyroid nodules with I131 Adenema tiroideo autónomo no tóxico tratamiento con I131

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    Federico Uribe Londoño


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    Fifteen euthyroid patients (14 women and 1man with solitary autonomously functioning non-toxic thyroid nodules (AFTN were treated with high doses of I131 (mean 19.2 mCi. Diagnosis was made by I131 thyroid scan and triiodothyronine suppression test. The size of the nodule was determined by thyroid ecography both before and after treatment. Evaluation of thyroid function was performed clinically and by T3 T4 and TSH determinations before therapy and during follow.up. AII patients had complete suppression of the surrounding thyroid parenchyma. Two cases of hypothyroidism were found in the first two years of follow-up. We have no explanation for this fact since extranodular thyroid tissue was suppressed and the patients were receiving oral triiodothyronine during radioidine treatment. The nodules decreasedin size In 9 of 13 patients followed (average decrease 45% and disappeared in other 2. our findings suggest that solitary non-toxic AFTN should be treated with I131 particularly if complete suppression of the surrounding thyroid tissue is found. If complete disappearance of the nodule is considered desirable surgical removal must be performed.

    Se trataron 14 mujeres y un hombre, con adenomas tiroideos solitarios funcionalmente autónomos, no tóxicos, con I131 a una dosis promedio de 19.2 mCi. La gamagrafía tiroidea demostró hipercaptación del nódulo con supresión total del resto de la glándula. El tamaño del nódulo se determinó por medio de ecografía tiroidea antes y después del tratamiento, y su autonomía por la prueba de supresión con triyodotironina. El estado tiroideo se puso de presente clínicamente y por la medición de T3, T 4 y TSH en el plasma, antes de la terapia con el radiofármaco y durante la evolución postratamiento. En dos

  2. Tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Graves con I131: Primeros casos en la Unidad de Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia, Lima-Perú: Case Report.

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    Javier Ernesto SÁNCHEZ POVIS


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir la respuesta al tratamiento con I131 y sus complicaciones, en niños y adolescentes con enfermedad de Graves. Material y Métodos: Se estudiaron retrospectivamente las historias clínicas de los pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Graves y que recibieron tratamiento con I131 atendidos hasta 1999 en la Unidad de Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Se registraron datos demográficos, peso tiroideo, captación de yodo, dosis de I131 recibida y evolución clínica y de función tiroidea. Resultados: Se incluyeron 13 pacientes: 1 varón y 12 mujeres. El peso glandular promedio obtenido fue 47,56 +10,70 gramos. La dosis inicial calculada fue 3,92 + 0,95 mCi, con un total de 4,47 + 1,66 mCi y tiempo medio de seguimiento de 2,76 años. Diez pacientes recibieron 1 sola dosis, 2 pacientes dos dosis y un paciente tres dosis, remitiendo el 100%. Los pacientes que recibieron una sola dosis, mostraron remisión del cuadro en 13,13 semanas y el tiempo promedio de remisión de toda la muestra fue 24,62 semanas. La prevalencia de hipotiroidismo a los 6 meses de iniciado el tratamiento fue 66,66%, y 83,33% a las 257 semanas. Conclusión: I131 fue 100% eficaz en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Graves de los niños y adolescentes en esta pequeña serie de casos. (Rev Med Hered 2006;17:8-14.

  3. Tratamiento del bocio tóxico difuso con 131I en dosis de 80 µCi/g de tejido tiroideo Treatment of diffuse toxic goiter with 131I at doses of 80 µCi/g of thyroid tissue

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    Francisco Ochoa Torres


    Full Text Available El 131I ha demostrado ser la terapéutica más eficaz en el tratamiento del bocio tóxico difuso (BTD. Sin embargo, no existe consenso sobre la dosis a administrar: fija o de acuerdo con la actividad funcional del tiroides y su tamaño. Con el fin de evaluar los resultados terapéuticos con una dosis de 80 µCi/g de tejido tiroideo, estimado por palpación y sin tener en cuenta la actividad funcional del tiroides, se estudiaron 61 pacientes diagnosticados por la clínica, así como las determinaciones de TSH y T4 total en edades entre 20 y 80 años, de uno y otro sexos, con tamaño de la glándula de más de 30 g y si habían recibido o no propiltiouracilo (PTU previamente. El seguimiento postratamiento se realizó cada 2 meses durante 3 años por el mismo especialista y con iguales procederes. La eficacia del tratamiento con la primera dosis fue de 85,2 %. La frecuencia de hipotiroidismo a los 3 años de evolución fue de 29,5. La edad del paciente, el sexo, el tamaño del bocio y el tratamiento con PTU no influyeron en la respuesta a este. Las ventajas mostradas por el método fueron: una eficacia alta, la dosis de 131I se calcula con facilidad, es fácil de aplicar, disminuye el costo al no tener que realizar valoración del estado funcional de la glándula y reduce las consultas.131I has proved to be the most efficient therapeutics in the treatment of diffuse toxic goiter (DTG. However, there is no consensus on the dose to be administered: fixed dose or according to the functional activity of the thyroid and its size. In order to evaluate the therapeutical results at a dose of 80 Ci/g of thyroid tissue, estimated by palpation and without having into account the functional activity of thyroid and wether they had received propylthiouracil (PTU previously , 61 patients diagnosed by the clinic, as well as determinations of TSH and total T4, were studied in individuals aged 20-80 of both sexes, with a thyroid size over 30 g. The posoperative

  4. Efectos del tratamiento con litio sobre las funciones neurosicológicas de pacientes con trastorno bipolar de tipo I

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    Anabel Martínez Aran


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: determinar si el tratamiento continuo con litio influye en el desempeño cognitivo de un grupo de pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I. MÉTODO: se evaluó el desempeño cognitivo usando pruebas neurosicológicas de atención, memoria y función ejecutiva en 20 pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I que no tomaban medicación, 20 pacientes eutímicos con trastorno afectivo bipolar I quienes continuaban regularmente el tratamiento con carbonato de litio, y un tercer grupo de 20 pacientes control. RESULTADOS: no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos de pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar. Sin embargo, al compararlos con el grupo control, su desempeño en términos de memoria verbal, viso-verbal y asociación semántica medida fue menor. DISCUSIÓN: los pacientes con trastorno afectivo bipolar I muestran deficiencias en términos de memoria verbal y viso-verbal que no pueden ser atribuidos al tratamiento regular con carbonato de litio. Por el contrario, estas deficiencias podrían ser consideradas como características de rasgo de este trastorno.

  5. Tratamiento conservador en pacientes con retinoblastoma bilateral

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    Juan C. Suárez


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: comparar el tratamiento convencional del retinoblastoma bilateral, usado hasta hace algunos años, consistente en radioterapia o enucleación bilateral, con el tratamiento conservador actual que incluye termoterapia transpupilar (TTT o TTT/quimioterapia al menos en un ojo, en niños con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral. DISEÑO: estudio retrospectivo descriptivo. MUESTRA: 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de retinoblastoma bilateral que consultaron al Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín, Colombia, entre 1997 y 2007. MÉTODO: se hizo enucleación del ojo con el tumor de mayor tamaño. En el otro ojo se hizo tratamiento con TTT, con el láser diodo (810 nm, spot amplio, solo o combinado con otras terapias. RESULTADOS: se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos: 16 pacientes (32 ojos en el grupo 1 tratados conservadoramente y 4 pacientes (8 ojos en el grupo 2 con tratamiento convencional. El rango de edad fue de 1-72 meses en el grupo 1 y de 1-12 meses en el grupo 2. El tiempo de seguimiento fue de 7-67 meses para el grupo 1 y de 13-73 meses para el grupo 2. En el grupo 1 se hizo enucleación de 16 ojos (50%, radioterapia externa de uno (3,1%, quimioterapia más termoterapia de 5 (15,6% y quimioterapia más termoterapia más crioterapia de 10 (31,3%. En todos los pacientes se logró preservar al menos un ojo. En el grupo 2, se enuclearon 7 ojos (87,5% y se hizo radioterapia externa más enucleación en un paciente (12.5%. Además, todos los pacientes recibieron quimioterapia. CONCLUSIÓN: la terapia conservadora actual consistente en tratamiento local (termoterapia, crioterapia o braquiterapia y quimiorreducción permite preservar al menos un ojo y en algunos casos de los dos, muchas veces con buena agudeza visual, en niños con retinoblastoma bilateral; se evitan así la enucleación bilateral y la radioterapia externa usada en el tratamiento convencional con todos sus efectos secundarios. La enucleación contin

  6. Tratamiento de la alveolitis dental con tintura de propóleos al 5 %

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    Ada Vivian Bravo Venero

    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la efectividad entre el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % y el tratamiento farmacológico convencional en pacientes diagnosticados con alveolitis dental. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte longitudinal de casos y controles en la Clínica Estomatológica "José Martí" del municipio Consolación del Sur, durante el 2009. El universo estuvo constituido por 90 pacientes, los cuales se dividieron en dos grupos de tratamiento diferentes de manera aleatoria, teniendo en cuenta un grupo de casos (grupo I conformado por 30 pacientes a los que se les aplicó tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 %, y otro grupo de controles (grupo II con 60 pacientes tratados con la terapéutica medicamentosa convencional. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: en ambos grupos de tratamiento prevaleció el sexo femenino y hubo un predominio de la alveolitis en el grupo de edad entre los 46 y 60 años. El grupo I logró la remisión de los síntomas entre el segundo (36,6 % y el tercer días de tratamiento (60 % y solo un paciente requirió tratamiento por 5 días; mientras el grupo II requirió de un mayor período para la evolución del cuadro, entre 5 y 7 días de tratamiento para un 61,3 % (27 pacientes y 23,3 % (14 pacientes. Conclusiones: el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % resultó altamente efectivo, pues aportó una remisión más notoria de los síntomas, ya que se observó una disminución de estos, así como la disminución del número de sesiones necesarias, lo que permite recomendarlo como una opción terapéutica adecuada.

  7. Control system of liquid effluents generated in treatment with I-131; Sistema de control de efluentes liquidos generados en el tratamiento con I-131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Garcia M, T.; Ruiz C, M. A.; Angeles C, A.; Ramirez S, R., E-mail: [ININ, Carretera Mexico-Toluca s/n, 52750 Ocoyoacac, Estado de Mexico (Mexico)


    In recent years, nuclear medicine has developed greatly in our country and around the world. Techniques for both medical diagnosis and therapy have increased the use of radiopharmaceuticals, notably the I-131. In Mexico there are around 150 nuclear medicine establishments authorized by the Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias. Most of these establishments do not have an appropriate facility for the treatment of radioactive liquid effluents, to ensure compliance with the concentration limits established in the regulations. The Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ) developed and implemented successfully, a control system of radioactive effluents (named SACEL) from a nuclear medicine facility. This system ensures an effective compliance with regulations and also better management and control of these radioactive effluents. Calculations and design of SACEL were made with respect to I-131, because is one of the most commonly used in radiotherapy and medical diagnostics, besides its half-life is greater in relation to other radionuclides. SACEL is comprised of four storage tanks and decay and a fifth tank for measuring the concentration of I-131 and later discharge to the drain; these tanks are connected to an automated system that controls the effluents passage. The calculation to determine the volume of the tanks was carried out according to the demand that has the hospital, to the maximum activity being poured in effluents and time required to decay. In this paper the design and installation of SACEL system, in addition to functioning as a facility that enables the Hospital meet the required standards is presented. Dose calculations performed with MCNPX and the methodology used in the calibration of the detection system is also presented. (Author)

  8. Fijación de radioyodo en huesos maxilares simulando metástasis en pacientes con Carcinoma Diferenciado de Tiroides (CDT): False- Positive images in patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. (DTC) Uptake of 131-I in maxillary bones mimicking salivary glands


    O. J. Degrossi; S. Gutiérrez; A. Fadel; E. B. Degrossi; M. C. Valdivieso; R. L. Balbuena; M. del C. Alak; M. de Cabrejas


    En estudios centellográficos con 131I (CCT) para seguimiento, postablación o tratamiento de pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) se observan frecuentemente en tiempos precoces áreas de captación del radiotrazador en macizo facial. Estas áreas corresponden, generalmente, a glándulas salivares y extremo anterior de mucosa nasal y se mantienen durante las primeras 48 horas y no son observadas generalmente a las 72 horas. Pero con menor frecuencia se presentan otras qu...

  9. Resultados de la cirugía del agujero macular con diferentes técnicas de tratamiento


    Villota-Deleu, E.; Castro-Navarro, J.; González-Castaño, C.; Pérez-Carro, G.


    Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad, eficiencia y complicaciones de las tres técnicas quirúrgicas empleadas en el tratamiento del agujero macular en el período 1998-2004 en nuestro centro. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, comparativo, intervencionista y no aleatorizado de 131 ojos con agujero macular idiopático en estadío III y IV, operados con tres técnicas. En 25 ojos se realizó vitrectomía simple (grupo 1), en 19 ojos se asoció rexis de la membrana limitante interna (MLI) (grupo 2), y en 87 o...

  10. Resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica

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    Oviedo Pérez Pérez

    Full Text Available Objetivo: evaluar los resultados del tratamiento con implantes dentales osteointegrados en la fase quirúrgica. Métodos: se realizó un estudio longitudinal y prospectivo en 802 pacientes en quienes se colocaron 2 165 implantes, en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente de Santiago de Cuba y la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana en el decenio 20002009. Se evaluaron las variables: técnica quirúrgica, longitud y diámetro de los implantes, complicaciones intraoperatorias y complicaciones postoperatorias, los resultados del tratamiento se evaluaron en supervivencia y fracaso. Resultados: se logró la supervivencia de los implantes en 705 pacientes para el 87,9 % y se produjo el fracaso en 97 pacientes para el 12,1 %. Se colocaron 2 165 implantes, se logró efectividad de 2 055 para el 94,9 % y fracasaron 110 que representan el 5,08 %. No existen diferencias significativas de los resultados de acuerdo a la técnica quirúrgica empleada. Los implantes que más fracasaron fueron los de 10 mm, para el 34,9 % y 8 mm con el 13,1 %. La efectividad se incrementa a medida que aumenta el diámetro. En las complicaciones intraoperatorias el fracaso fue mayor en relación con la perforación de la tabla ósea con el 92,9 %, inestabilidad con el 86 % y la dehiscencia ósea con el 57,4 %. En el postoperatorio fue notable que en el 100 % de los casos con dolor existió fracaso de los implantes. Conclusiones: en la etapa quirúrgica existe una fuerte asociación de los resultados con la longitud, diámetro de los implantes y la presencia de complicaciones intraoperatorias y postoperatorias.

  11. Acne polimorfo: tratamiento con Implacen

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    Rubén Pérez Armas


    Full Text Available Se realiza el estudio de 40 pacientes con acné polimorfo, los que fueron atendidos en la Consulta de Dermatología del Hospital Provincial Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Celia Sánchez Manduley", en el período comprendido de enero de 1988 a diciembre de 1989. Se revisa la literatura médica sobre los diversos métodos y medicamentos utilizados en la terapéutica de esta dermatosis. Se describe el esquema de tratamiento empleado con implacén en 30 pacientes; los 10 restantes se trataron con placebo; se compara dicho esquema con los tradicionales y se observan mejores resultados con nuestro estudio. Se destaca la ausencia de recaídas, así como el resultado del tratamiento de acuerdo con el sexo.A study was performed in 40 patients presenting with polymorphic acne who were attended in the Dermatology Department of "Celia Sánchez Manduley" Clinicosurgical and Teaching Hospital from January, 1988 to December, 1989. A review of the literature was made seeking for the different methods and drugs used for the treatment of this dermatosis. The treatment schedule with the use of implacen in 30 patients is described. Such therapeutic schedule was compared with traditional ones and better results were observed with the use of implacen. The fact that there were no relapses is highlighted, as well as the result of treatment according to sex.


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    Carmen Llanos Val Jiménez


    Full Text Available Fundamentos: Al igual que en otros problemas crónicos, en el abor - daje del paciente con artrosis se tiende a un modelo de toma de decisiones compartidas, en el que el punto de vista del paciente debe ser considerado en la elección del tratamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la sa - tisfacción con el tratamiento en pacientes diagnosticados de osteoartrosis y comprobar si existen diferencias entre diferentes opciones farmacológicas, así como determinar si existe asociación con el estado funcional y las carac - terísticas clínicas y sociodemográficas. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal en una muestra de 487 pacientes seleccionados mediante muestreo consecutivo. La variable principal fue el nivel de satisfacción con el tratamiento (cuestionario ARTS. El estado funcional de los pacientes fue evaluado mediante la escala WO - MAC. Otras variables fueron: características del tratamiento, adherencia te - rapéutica, eventos adversos, y variables clínicas y sociodemográficas. Resultados: En el cuestionario ARTS los pacientes, en un rango entre 28 y 87, obtuvieron una puntuación media de 65,3 (DE: 9,9. La puntuación no fue significativamente diferente en consumidores de 1, 2 o más fármacos. Entre quienes consumían un solo fármaco, no hubo diferencias entre los di - ferentes tipos de fármacos. En el estado funcional se obtuvo una puntuación media de 30,2 puntos (DE: 20,8 y se observó una débil correlación negativa con el nivel de satisfacción (r= - 0,252; p<0,001. Mediante regresión lineal múltiple, se observó mayor puntuación en la escala ARTS (p<0,05 en pa - cientes con menor puntuación en la escala WOMAC, mayor edad y ausencia de eventos adversos. Conclusión : En pacientes con osteoartritis se observa un nivel mode - rado de satisfacción con el tratamiento farmacológico, condicionado por su situación funcional, sus características sociodemográficas y por la presencia de eventos

  13. Queratitis lamelar difusa: tratamiento profiláctico con ketorolaco trometamina 0,5% en un modelo animal


    Sandoval, HP; Vargas, LG; Holzer, MP; Kasper, TJ; Vroman, DT; Apple, DJ; Solomon, KD


    Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio es evaluar el uso de un agente anti-inflamatorio, no esteroideo, en el tratamiento de la queratitis lamelar difusa inducida en un modelo animal. Materiales y Métodos: Se creó un flap corneal en 40 ojos de 20 conejos pigmentados con el microqueratomo ASC y la entrecara fue inoculada con endotoxina de Pseudomona aeruginosa o Palmolive® Ultra jabón líquido. Los conejos fueron divididos en dos grupos: El grupo I (n= 20) recibió tratamiento con Ketorolaco tro...

  14. Calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA


    Granado Casas, Minerva


    Introducción: La calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus están relacionados con el control metabólico, las complicaciones y algunas variables socioeconómicas. Actualmente, no existe ningún estudio científico que analice la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamiento y bienestar emocional en pacientes con diabetes LADA. Objetivos: Los objetivos principales fueron conocer la calidad de vida, satisfacción con el tratamient...

  15. Whole body dosimetry for treatment individualized neuroblastoma with {sup 1}31I-MIBG; Dosimetria de cuerpo entero para el tratamiento individualizado del neuroblastoma con {sup 1}31I-MIBG

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ferrer Gracia, C.; Luquero Llopis, N.; Sanchez Munoz, F.; Plaza Aparicio, R.; Huerga Cabrerizo, C.; Corredoira Silva, E.; Serrada Hierro, A.


    It according to in this study, that in therapy with {sup 1}31I-MIBG for the treatment of neuroblastoma, it can prescribe and manage dose whole body accurately, allowing individualized treatments and major activities that in the treatments based on a fixed activity according to weight management. (Author)

  16. Uso del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

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    Roberto Anselmo Ramos Valverde


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental en el Centro Comunitario Provincial de Salud Mental de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad del empleo de la acupuntura en pacientes portadores de episodio depresivo leve. El universo estuvo constituido por todos los pacientes diagnosticados clínicamente con la enfermedad, que acudieron a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional de esta entidad entre marzo de 2011 a marzo de 2013. La muestra quedó constituida por 60 pacientes que cumplieron los criterios diagnósticos y de inclusión establecidos para la investigación, se aplicó un muestreo aleatorio simple que permitió conformar dos grupos, uno de estudio, al que se le aplicó tratamiento acupuntural, y uno control, que recibió tratamiento con amitriptilina. Los resultados mostraron que el insomnio fue el síntoma asociado más frecuente. Al terminar el tratamiento se obtuvo que la depresión se eliminó en la totalidad de los pacientes, pero fue más inmediato el efecto antidepresivo en los pacientes del grupo estudio, los síntomas asociados desaparecieron en casi la totalidad de ellos. Se concluye que el tratamiento tradicional acupuntural constituye una terapia efectiva en los pacientes con episodio depresivo leve

  17. Respuesta al tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Graves-Basedow en pacientes pediátricos

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    Martha Calagua Quispe


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Describir la respuesta clínica y bioquímica al tratamiento del hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves en pacientes pediátricos. Diseño: Estudio retrospectivo. Institución: Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño, Lima, Perú. Participantes: Niños con enfermedad de Graves. Métodos: Se incluyó 32 pacientes con diagnóstico de hipertiroidismo por Enfermedad de Graves, entre 1996 a 2007. Se consideró remisión, cuando se encontraban asintomáticos y bioquímicamente eutiroideos, luego de 6 meses de suspendido el tratamiento; y recaída, si luego de este periodo de tiempo, se encontró valores hormonales alterados. Principales medidas de resultados: Remisión o recaída luego del tratamiento. Resultados: Al diagnóstico, la edad promedio fue 10,5 años (3,2 a 17,9 años; 26 pacientes (81,2% fueron de sexo femenino, 13 (40,6% púberes y 19 (59,3% pre-púberes. Los síntomas y signos más frecuentes fueron bocio, sudoración, nerviosismo, pérdida de peso, taquicardia y exoftalmos. Se usó metimazol como primera opción terapéutica a una dosis inicial promedio de 0,78 mg/kg/ día (0,4 a 2 mg/kg/día. La TSH (57,1% y el T4L (50% alcanzaron valores normales entre los 6 y 8 meses. Se observó remisión en 11 pacientes (34,3%, 3 (9,3% sufrieron recaída, 12 (37,5% pasaron a tratamiento con radioyodo (I131 y 6 (18,7% continuaron recibiendo metimazol. La remisión de la enfermedad se alcanzó a los 2,81± 0,91 años de tratamiento (rango de 1.5 a 4,8; 4,1% remitió luego del primer año, y 35,3%, 37,5% y 25% luego del segundo, tercer y cuarto año de tratamiento, respectivamente. La edad promedio de los que recibieron I131 fue 14,6 años (7,1 a 19,6 años, a una dosis alrededor de 7mCi. El 75% de ellos remitió a los 0,64± 0,60 años (rango de 0,16 a 1,5 años. Conclusiones: El hipertiroidismo por enfermedad de Graves es de relativa frecuencia en pediatría. Se obtuvo remisión en 34,3% de pacientes tratados con metimazol en un tiempo

  18. Factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso en pacientes con TB

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    Cecilia Navarro-Quintero


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Determinar los factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso, en pacientes de tuberculosis en los municipios de Cúcuta, Villa del Rosario y el Zulia. Materiales y Métodos: estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo retrospectivo transversal de corte con dos muestras, donde se analizó una muestra de abandono al tratamiento (n=34 y otra que terminó el tratamiento antituberculoso (n=34. Se adoptó el instrumento “factores asociados al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso. Resultados: Los factores perceptivos cognitivos se establecieron como los principales determinantes directos de abandono al tratamiento antituberculoso, entre estos en primer lugar el desconocimiento de la importancia de adherencia al tratamiento (95.8%, seguido de mejoría del estado de salud (82.7%, desconocimiento de la duración del tratamiento (75%. En segundo lugar los factores fisiológicos y por último los factores de seguridad. Conclusiones: el estudio permitió identificar las variables asociadas al abandono del tratamiento antituberculoso, clasificar los factores de riesgo y construir un instrumento al implementarse en los servicios de salud de la región, permitiría al personal de salud detectar oportunamente a los pacientes con un posible riesgo.

  19. Cytogenetic in thyroid carcinoma and therapy with 131{sup I}; Citogenetica en cancer de tiroides y terapia con 131''I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Popova, L.; Hadjidekova, V.; Christova, R.; Agova, S.; Grudeva, V.; Hadjieva, T.; Dominguez, I.


    In order to assess the genotoxic risk of the therapy with radioiodine-131(''131I), the production of micronuclei (MN) and chromosome aberrations (CA) were analyzed in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of group of 26 patients undergoing therapy with this radionuclide for differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). Blood samples were taken immediately before ''131 I administration and 1 month later. The patients underwent radioiodine ablation (RIA) or radioiodine therapy (RIT) after radical thyroidectomy. The amount of orally administered ''131I activity varied from 3330 to 4030 MBq according to the king of therapy (RIA or RIT). results show that after radioiodine therapy there is a significant increase in the frequency of MN and CA. The mean frequencies of MN {+-} Sd before and after the therapy were 10.72 % {+-} 5.84 % and 25.28 %{+-} 12.6% respectively. For CA, the mean frequencies obtained were 1.16% {+-} 0.36% before and 2.3% {+-} 0.87% after the therapy. These findings indicate a genotoxic activity of ''131I therapy estimated after a period of one month. (Author) 38 refs.

  20. Queratitis ulcerativa periférica bilateral en paciente con artritis reumatoide: tratamiento con infliximab

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    Vicente Aldasoro-Cáceres


    Discusión: La PUK es una enfermedad rara, pero a tener en cuenta en los pacientes con AR. En la mayoría de los casos, el tratamiento de fondo debe ser intensificado; en este sentido deben considerarse los tratamientos biológicos por su eficacia y efecto rápido de acción.

  1. Fracturas de tibia, tratamiento con CIMB no fresados

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    Roberto Del Gordo D´Amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo tipo serie de casos en el cual se analizan diversos aspectos inherentes al tratamiento quirúrgico de 92 fracturas de tibia diafisiarias cerradas y abiertas tipo I y II de Gustillo, tratadas con Clavos Intramedulares Bloqueados No Fresados (CIMBNF de las 125 atendidas servicio de ortopedia y traumatología de la Clínica El Prado de la Ciudad de Santa Marta D.T.C.H., entre diciembre del 2005 y diciembre del 2007. Se excluyeron de este estudio 33 casos en los cuales por diversas causas se realizó otro tipo de tratamiento fuera ortopédico o quirúrgico mediante colocación de fijadores externos. Utilizamos la clasificación del AO en la cual a este tipo de lesiones corresponde el número 42. Encontramos una alta incidencia en accidentes de transito como factor productor de este tipo de lesión y dentro de ellos la motocicleta como vehículo mas frecuente. Fueron evaluados 86 de los 92 pacientes que corresponde al 93.5% y dentro de ellos se presentaron complicaciones mayores en el 4.6%, cabe mencionar Infecciones post operatorias y deformidades a nivel proximal y distal por diversas causas, las cuales fueron corregidas con procedimientos ulteriores. (Duazary 2008; 1: 4 - 8

  2. Tratamiento con implantes Leader-Nano en paciente con oligodoncia

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    Salvador Javier Santos Medina


    Full Text Available Los implantes dentales de titanio han revolucionado el mundo de la rehabilitación desde su surgimiento. De manera particular, el empleo de implantes de carga inmediata acorta el tiempo quirúrgico y protésico, con el consiguiente bienestar estético. Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 32 años de edad, con antecedentes de oligodoncia de ambos incisivos laterales superiores y portadora de prótesis parcial acrílica. Fue atendida por el equipo multidisciplinario de implantes en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente “3 de Octubre” y se le realizó tratamiento de rehabilitación integral con implantes Leader-Nano y prótesis fija con corona acrílica sobre dichos implantes. La implantología fue satisfactoria en la paciente; la mejoría estética y funcional, así como la satisfacción de la paciente, fueron los principales logros obtenidos

  3. Factores influyentes en adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes con riesgo cardiovascular

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    Alba Luz Rodríguez Acelas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: describir y analizar los factores que influyen en la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico en pacientes con riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular en la Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia. Metodología: estudio descriptivo-metodológico, realizado con 172 pacientes hospitalizados y de consulta ambulatoria. El instrumento aplicado fue diseñado por Bonilla (8, su utilidad es evaluar la adherencia a los tratamientos farmacológicos y no farmacológicos en pacientes con factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, tiene pruebas de validez facial y contenido (0,91, consistencia interna por test-retest estadísticamente significativo y coeficiente alfa de Cronbach (0,85; este último hallado en el presente estudio. Resultados: 80,8% de las personas presentan alto riesgo de no adherirse, 12,8% con ventajas y 6,4% no muestra adherencia a los tratamientos. Las edades oscilaron entre 23-85, la asistencia a la institución en mujeres fue 63,4% respecto a hombres (36,6%. Asimismo, se evidenció que la adherencia beneficia el factor relacionado con el paciente. En contraste, disminuyen los factores relacionados con el proveedor: sistema y equipo de salud, con la terapia y el factor socioeconómico. Discusión y conclusiones: entre los factores que apoyan la adherencia se encuentra el reconocimiento de la enfermedad, confianza en el tratamiento, apoyo de redes sociales y respaldo de la institución. A diferencia, debilitan la adherencia las dificultades económicas, falta de permisos, dificultades en modificar hábitos y déficit de conocimientos. Los resultados reflejan la necesidad de fortalecer a los profesionales de la salud en el manejo de la adherencia desde los ámbitos académicos y la creación o fortalecimiento de los programas educativos en las instituciones de salud.

  4. Efectos adversos del tratamiento con interferón alfa-2b humano recombinante y rivabirina en pacientes con hepatitis crónica C


    Mulet Pérez, Agustín; Pullés Labadié, Menelio; Gámez Escalona, Martha; Mulet Gámez, Agustín; Díaz Santos, Oscar; Infante Velázquez, Mirtha


    INTRODUCCIÓN: el tratamiento de la hepatitis crónica C continúa siendo un reto. La combinación que mejores resultados ha demostrado, es la de interferón con ribavirina, pero puede originar efectos adversos con dificultades para la adherencia al tratamiento que en ocasiones, incluso, obligan a suspenderlo. OBJETIVO: identificar las reacciones adversas del tratamiento de la combinación de interferón con ribavirina. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio de una serie de 13 pacientes con hepatitis crónic...

  5. Tratamiento del paciente con artrosis

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    Francisco Vargas Negrín


    Full Text Available El manejo terapéutico del paciente con artrosis tiene como objetivo disminuir la sintomatología dolorosa e inflamatoria, mejorar la capacidad funcional del paciente y la aplicación de intervenciones terapéuticas eficaces y lo más seguras posibles. Un enfoque centrado en el paciente implica su participación activa en el diseño del plan terapéutico y en la toma de decisiones informadas oportunas en todas las etapas de la enfermedad. La educación terapéutica, la actividad física y el ejercicio terapéutico junto con el control de peso, en caso de sobrepeso u obesidad, constituyen el núcleo central del tratamiento. Los autocuidados individuales y por los familiares son fundamentales en el control del día a día del paciente. El uso de terapias físicas, ayudas técnicas (bastón, etc. y de fármacos tipo analgésicos simples, opioides y antiinflamatorios tiene evidencias demostradas en el control del dolor, mejora la funcionalidad y la calidad de vida del paciente y una clara recomendación de uso en el tratamiento de la artrosis. La cirugía conservadora y la de reemplazo articular se indican en los casos en los que no se logran los objetivos terapéuticos en casos concretos.

  6. Tratamiento del pie diabético en pacientes ancianos con Heberprot-P

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    José Luís Solís Licea


    Full Text Available El pie diabético constituye la complicación crónica de mayor morbimortalidad de la diabetes mellitus, significando un problema de salud internacional, del cual no escapa nuestro país y nuestro sistema de salud. Se realizó un estudio de tipo clínico observacional y descriptivo, con el objetivo de evaluar el resultado del tratamiento con Heberprot-P en pacientes con úlceras del pie diabético, en ancianos ingresados en el servicio de Angiología del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”, del municipio de Las Tunas, provincia de Las Tunas, en el período comprendido entre el 1ro de enero de 2010 al 31 de diciembre de 2011. Se estudiaron los pacientes según las variables de edad, localización de la lesión, resultado del tratamiento según la clasificación de Wagner y reacciones adversas presentadas. Con este estudio se pretende poner en manos del personal de la salud un material de consulta, que permita evaluar el tratamiento con Heberprot-P del pie diabético en el anciano.

  7. Efecto de un tratamiento intensivo con insulina sobre la reactividad plaquetaria en pacientes con hiperglucemia que ingresan con un síndrome coronario agudo


    Vivas Balcones, Luis David


    El objetivo primario de este trabajo ha sido la valoración del efecto que produce el control estricto de la glucemia mediante un tratamiento intensivo y precoz con insulina sobre la reactividad plaquetaria durante la fase hospitalaria en pacientes que ingresan en una unidad de cuidados intensivos cardiológicos con un síndrome coronario agudo e hiperglucemia, respecto a un tratamiento convencional.

  8. Tratamiento antibiótico oral versus intravenosopara la neutropenia febril en pacientes con cáncer

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    Conclusiones de los autores: Según los datos actuales, el tratamiento oral es una opción aceptable al tratamiento con antibióticos intravenosos en los pacientes con cáncer con neutropenia febril (se excluye a los pacientes con leucemia aguda hemodinámicamente estables, sin insuficiencia orgánica y sin neumonía, infección de una vía central o infección grave de partes blandas. El IC amplio en la mortalidad permite el uso actual del tratamiento oral en grupos de pacientes con bajo riesgo de mortalidad esperado y los estudios de investigación adicionales deben tener como objetivo aclarar la definición de pacientes con bajo riesgo.

  9. Higiene bucal: su repercusión en pacientes con tratamientos ortodóncicos

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    José A. Pacho Saavedra


    Full Text Available El éxito de los tratamientos ortodóncicos aplicados en la adolescencia radica en mantener una higiene bucal buena, la cual favorece un buen funcionamiento y evita la aparición de complicaciones en los pacientes, asociado con un correcto cepillado de los dientes y de los aparatos ortodóncicos, lo que es un elemento esencial e importante para un tratamiento exitoso, unido al mantenimiento saludable de las encías, prevención de las caries y peridontitis. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en 50 pacientes de uno u otro sexo y raza, con edades comprendidas entre 12-16 años, procedentes de la Consulta de Ortodoncia de la Clínica Estomatológica H y 21, en el período de marzo-agosto del 2006, los cuales reciben tratamiento ortodóncico, con el objetivo de determinar la higiene bucal durante el tratamiento. Predominó el sexo masculino y el grupo de 12-14 años. Se observó que el 92 % de los pacientes estudiados se categorizó con índice de higiene bucal simplificado bueno y solo el 8 % con un índice de higiene bucal simplificado regular. Finalmente el índice de higiene bucal simplificado del colectivo fue bueno. Se recomienda incrementar y fomentar aún más el mantenimiento de la higiene bucal, para obtener un buen éxito durante el tratamiento ortodóncico y por lo tanto, que el paciente pueda disfrutar de una bonita sonrisa sin afectaciones psicológica.

  10. Jalea Real (tabletas masticables) una alternativa en el tratamiento de pacientes pediátricos con inmunodeficiencia celular


    Odalis María de la Guardia Peña; Joan Espinaso Kuan; Tarsis Planas Viatel; Magdalena Sabigne Lamote


    Para evaluar la eficacia del uso de la Jalea Real (tabletas masticables) en el tratamiento de niños con inmunodeficiencias celulares, se estudió a 100 niños diagnosticados con esta afección, en la consulta de Inmunología del Hospital Infantil Norte Docente "Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" de Santiago de Cuba; en los años 2000 al 2002. Se establecieron 3 grupos de tratamiento: grupo 1: Tratamiento habitual con levamisol y vitaminas; grupo 2: Tratamiento habitual más Jalea Real a mitad de dos...

  11. Desarrollo y evaluación de tratamientos con microondas de fresas


    Villa Rojas, Rossana


    En el presente estudio se desarrollaron protocolos para tratamientos hidrotérmicos asistidos con microondas (MO) como tratamientos postcosecha potenciales para fresas. Los tratamientos consistieron en la inmersión de fresas (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Festival) en agua para posteriormente ser expuestas a microondas a una frecuencia de 2450 Hz por 3 min a 70% de la potencia (514.3 W) ó por 1 min 50 s a 90% de la potencia (762.8W) para alcanzar una temperatura promedio en el...

  12. Aplicaciones clínicas del radioyodo 131 (I131 en las enfermedades del tiroides Clinical applications of radioiodine 131 (I131 in the thyroid diseases

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    Levi González Rivero


    Full Text Available El radioyodo 131 es un isótopo radioactivo que se emplea exitosamente en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades benignas y malignas del tiroides. Su propiedad de integrarse selectivamente al metabolismo del tiroides y emitir una señal, le permite describir el funcionamiento glandular mediante estudios de captación, y delimitar la morfología y localización de los tejidos que capten yodo, a través de la gammagrafía. Es además una radioterapia sencilla, segura y coste-efectiva, usada como primera línea terapéutica en el control del hipertiroidismo, cuya dosis y momento de aplicación debería individualizarse según la etiología y la clínica de cada paciente. El radioyodo 131 ofrece una alternativa eficaz para reducir el tamaño del bocio no tóxico; además, respalda el tratamiento quirúrgico del carcinoma diferenciado del tiroides, y destruye a dosis ablativa los restos tisulares y las lesiones metastásicas que puede identificar durante el seguimiento gammagráfico. El empleo de radioyodo 131 está sujeto al cumplimiento de regulaciones de protección contra la radioactividad.Radioiodine 131 is a radioactive isotope that is successfully used for the diagnosis and the treatment of benign and malignant thyroid diseases. Its quality of selectively integrating to the thyroid metabolism and emitting a signal allows it to describe the gland functioning through capture studies, and to delimit the morphology and location of the tissues that capture iodine by means of gammagraphy. It is also a simple, safe and cost-effective radiotherapy used as first-line therapeutics in the control of hyperthyroidism. The dose and right time of application should be individualized according to the etiology and the clinic of each patient. Radioiodine 131 offers an efficient alternative to reduce the size of non-toxic goiter in addition to supporting the surgical treatment of the differentiated thyroid carcinoma and destroying with ablative doses

  13. Efectividad de la magnetoterapia como tratamiento en pacientes con lumbalgia aguda

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    Raidel González Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Son numerosos los pacientes aquejados de algias vertebrales, tanto lumbares como dorsales y cervicales. Se realizó esta investigación con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de la magnetoterapia como tratamiento en la lumbalgia aguda, en pacientes atendidos en el policlínico universitario “Raúl Sánchez” de la provincia de Pinar del Río, Cuba. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte transversal en pacientes con lumbalgia aguda, pertenecientes a dicha área de salud. La muestra quedó conformada por 68 pacientes de ambos sexos con lumbalgia aguda, diagnosticados clínicamente y mayores de 17 años de edad. En la investigación predominó el sexo femenino (67,6 % y el rango de edad estuvo entre 40 y 49 años. El esfuerzo físico fue el principal factor desencadenante (47,1 %. Con el tratamiento de la magnetoterapia aplicado a los pacientes se redujeron los estadios del dolor. La mayoría de los pacientes presentaron una respuesta clínica excelente y mejoraron los síntomas entre los siete y diez días (61,8 %. No se reportaron efectos adversos. La magnetoterapia resultó efectiva en el tratamiento de pacientes aquejados de lumbalgia aguda

  14. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.

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    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar el comportamiento del tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica se aplicó el método porcentual para el análisis de resultados, donde el grupo etáreo que predominó fue de 2 _5 años, más del 65 % de los pacientes tratados refirieron mejoría de los síntomas las causas más frecuentes de abandono de tratamiento fue la aparición de infecciones intercurrentes, no ocurrió reacción anafiláctica en ninguno de los casos estudiados, el tratamiento con inmunoterapia puede reducir el uso de otros tratamientos asociados como Intal, antihistamínicos, broncodilatadores y esteroides.

  15. Retreatment and maintenance therapy with infliximab in fistulizing Crohn' disease Retratamiento y tratamiento de mantenimiento con infliximab en la enfermedad de Crohn fistulizante

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    L. Rodrigo


    Full Text Available Objectives: infliximab has clearly demonstrated its efficacy in the short-term treatment of fistulizing Crohn' disease. We present here the results of retreatment and long-term maintenance therapy. Patients and methods: eighty one consecutive patients with active fistulizing Crohn' disease, in whom previous treatments had failed, were treated with infliximab. All patients received as the initial treatment of 5 mg/kg i.v. infusions (weeks 0, 2, and 6. Those patients who failed to respond after the initial cycle (group 1, n= 25, or those who relapsed after having responded (group 2, n=13, received retreatment with three similar doses (weeks 0,2, and 6. Those who responded to retreatment were included in a long-term maintenance programme (n=44, with repeated doses (5 mg/kg i.v. infusions every eight weeks for 1-2 years. Results: in the initial treatment 56% of the patients responded partially; this response being complete in 44%. In the retreatment, 28% of group 1 (non-responders presented a complete response, compared to 77% in group 2 (relapsers (pObjetivos: el infliximab ha demostrado su eficacia en el tratamiento a corto plazo de la enfermedad de Crohn (EC fistulosa. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados del retratamiento y del tratamiento de mantenimiento a largo plazo. Pacientes y métodos: se trataron con infliximab un total de 81 pacientes consecutivos con EC fistulosa activa, en los cuales, habían fallado tratamientos previos. Todos los pacientes recibieron como tratamiento inicial infusiones a dosis de 5 mg/kg i.v. en las semanas 0, 2 y 6. Aquellos pacientes que no respondieron después del ciclo inicial (grupo 1, n=25, o los que recayeron después de haber respondido (grupo 2, n=13, recibieron retratamiento con 3 dosis similares (semanas 0, 2 y 6. Aquellos que respondieron a la terapia de retratamiento fueron incluidos en un programa de mantenimiento a largo plazo (n=44, con dosis repetidas (infusiones con 5 mg/kg i.v. cada 8

  16. Osteoporosis grave con aplastamientos vertebrales en dermatomiositis juvenil: Efecto del tratamiento con alendronato oral Severe osteoporosis with vertebral crushes in juvenile dermatomyositis: Effect of oral alendronate therapy

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    Cristina Tau


    Full Text Available Los glucocorticoides son usados comúnmente para el tratamiento de enfermedades inflamatorias, autoinmunes, enfermedades malignas, y en la prevención de rechazo de órganos trasplantados. Un efecto secundario frecuente del tratamiento prolongado es la pérdida de masa ósea que se produce por varios mecanismos y es causa de osteoporosis y fracturas vertebrales. El tratamiento con disfosfonatos ha sido propuesto para esta situación. Presentamos un caso clínico de osteoporosis grave en una niña con dermatomiositis juvenil, que respondió favorablemente al tratamiento con disfosfonatos orales.Glucocorticoids are used for the treatment of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, cancer, and in prevention of organ rejects. A frequent secondary effect of longterm treatment with corticoids is the loss of bone mass, caused by several mechanisms: decrease in the intestinal calcium absorption, increase of the renal calcium excretion at the distal renal tubule, suppressive effect on the osteoblast and also in apoptosis of osteoclasts, inhibition in local production of IGF I (Insulin-like growth factor and IGFBPs (binding IGF I proteins necessary for bone metabolism, and decrease on osteocalcin production. Longterm treatment with corticoids is associated with osteoporosis and vertebral fractures. To improve this condition, treatment with bisphosphonates has been proposed. We present here a clinical case of a girl with dermatomyositis and severe osteoporosis with vertebral crushes, who responded well to oral bisphophonate treatment.

  17. 131I Metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Izumi, Motomori; Morimoto, Isao; Yamashita, Shunichi; Hirayu, Hideshi; Nagataki, Shigenobu


    A newly developed radiopharmaceutical agent, 131 I-metaiodobenzylguanidine ( 131 I-MIBG) has been reported to be very useful for locating pheochromocytoma and to be specific for pheochromocytoma and safe for humans. The first 131 I-MIBG scintiscanning in Japan which has been carried out in our clinic and the analysis of clinical experience of 131 I-MIBG scanning in Japan are presented

  18. Eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con sacrolumbalgia de causa no neurológica

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    Arthur Smith Austin


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo clinicoterapéutico de fase II de 120 pacientes con sacrolumbalgia no neurológica, atendidos en el cuerpo de guardia y en la consulta ambulatoria del Instituto Superior de Medicina Militar "Dr. Luis Díaz Soto" y del Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", desde enero de 2009 hasta junio de 2010, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural. Se conformaron 2 grupos de 60 integrantes cada uno, los cuales fueron comparados con un grupo control con la misma cantidad de pacientes, pero con tratamiento farmacológico. Se obtuvo que los tratados con acupuntura mejoraron en menor tiempo, en particular los del grupo 2, de donde se infiere que esta técnica resultó eficaz para aliviar el dolor lumbar en quienes se aplicó, a la vez que permitió a los enfermos reducir el período de tratamiento, ahorrar medicamentos y lograr una rápida reincorporación a la vida laboral y social.

  19. Tratamiento con trióxido de arsénico en pacientes con leucemia promielocítica aguda

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    Lidia Clara Suárez Beyríes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 17 adultos con leucemia promielocítica aguda, atendidos en el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba durante un quinquenio, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento de inducción con trióxido de arsénico. En la casuística, la remisión hematológica completa se obtuvo en 82,4 % de sus integrantes a los 42,2 días como promedio. Predominaron la hepatotoxicidad y los dolores óseos como reacciones adversas más comunes, así como también las hemorragias severas como causa principal de muerte. Con este tratamiento se logró la incorporación laboral de quienes mejoraron totalmente y la sobrevida global hasta la fecha es de 76,4 %

  20. 131I Metaiodobenzylguanidine (131I MIBG) kinetics in a carcinoid tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Schiavo, R.; Concolino, G.; Fazi, F.; Iannantuono, P.; Voti, S. Li; Manzara, A.; Pavoni, P.


    The 131 I-MIBG kinetics was studied in vivo in patients with carcinoid tumors and liver metastases. Activity curve analysis showed that the maximum uptake of 131 I-MIBG in a carcinoid tumor occurred after 48 hours, while its biological half time was of 8 days and a half. Although more data are necessary to understand a significant variation in 131 I-MIBG kinetics between the different kinds of APUD neoplasms, it is thought that a dynamic-funtional study allowing the evaluation of the different biological half-time, could be helpful for the selection of these neoplasms, which could be treated with 131 I-MIBG. Radiation doses required for the treatment are also estimated. (M.E.L.) [es

  1. Tratamiento de aguas contaminadas con cianuro


    Aguilar Roca, Fernando; Aguilar Roca, Fernando; Aguilar Roca, Fernando


    El presente trabajo “Tratamiento de aguas contaminadas con cianuro" se divide en tres partes: química del contaminante, procesos de descontaminación estudiados y un procedimiento basado en una investigación reciente. Principales propiedades físico-químicas del ion cianuro y de sus principales compuestos, cianuros simples o complejos, en medio acuoso. Métodos y procesos que existen para la descontaminación de efluentes cianurados, tanto los que se dan de forma natural (degradación natu...

  2. Mercurius solubilis en el tratamiento de pacientes con estomatitis aftosa recurrente

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    María Isabel Aguilar Vallejo


    Full Text Available Se realizó ensayo clinicoterapéutico controlado, de fase II B, de 112 pacientes con estomatitis aftosa recurrente, atendidos en la Clínica Estomatológica "José Luis Tassende" de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta diciembre de 2013, para evaluar la eficacia del Mercurius solubilis en el tratamiento de estos. La muestra fue distribuida de forma aleatoria, mediante orden de llegada, en 2 grupos (uno de estudio y uno control, con 56 integrantes cada uno. Los primeros fueron tratados con Mercurius solubilis y los segundos con los remedios homeopáticos habituales. Para la validación estadística de la información obtenida se emplearon el porcentaje, el test de Ji al cuadrado, con 95 % de confiabilidad, y la probabilidad exacta de Fisher. Entre los grupos estudiados no existieron diferencias significativas en relación con la remisión de la intensidad del dolor, la recuperación de la integridad epitelial y la curación al tercer, quinto y séptimo días de tratamiento. Se demostró que esta terapia alternativa fue tan eficaz como el bórax

  3. Tiempo de excreción de Vibrio cholerae O1 en pacientes con tratamiento

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    Elizabeth Castañeda


    Full Text Available El tiempo de excreción del Vibrio cholerae O1 en pacientes con cólera está influenciado por el tratamiento antimicrobiano. Se determinó en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico bacteriológico de cólera, que empezaron a recibir tratamiento con antibióticos una vez establecido el diagnóstico clínico, el tiempo de excreción del V. cholerae O1 empleando muestras de materia fecal obtenidas dentro de los cinco días siguientes al diagnóstico clínico inicial. En las 32 muestras obtenidas en ese período de cinco días el porcentaje de negativos fue del 81,2% (26/ 32; en 21 muestras obtenidas 24 horas después de haberse establecido el diagnóstico, se observó negativización en el 81% (17/21. Con nuestros datos podemos confirmar, al compararlos con los datos de la literatura en pacientes no tratados, que el tratamiento acorta el periodo de excreción del V. cholerae O1.

  4. Omalizumab en el tratamiento de la rinosinusitis crónica con poliposis nasal


    Martínez-Alonso, José Camilo


    [ES]Introducción y objetivo: Omalizumab es un tratamiento biológico indicado sólo en asma moderado-grave. El asma bronquial puede asociarse a poliposis nasal. Revisamos los estudios publicados sobre la eficacia de Omalizumab en el tratamiento de la poliposis nasosinusal. Método: Revisión bibliográfica narrativa. Discusión y Conclusiones: Omalizumab puede ser una alternativa terapéutica eficaz en pacientes con rinosinusitis crónica con poliposis agresiva. [EN] Introduction and objective: Om...

  5. Costos del tratamiento de las telangiectasias y várices tronculares con escleroterapia con espuma en el Hospital "Freyre de Andrade" de La Habana

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    Anai García Fariñas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar cuánto cuesta por paciente el tratamiento de várices por la técnica de escleroterapia con espuma en la consulta externa de Angiología y Cirugía Vascular del Hospital C.Q. "Freyre de Andrade". Método: evaluación económica del tipo descripción de costo. Se estudió el costo directo institucional del tratamiento ambulatorio para várices en extremidades inferiores con escleroterapia con espuma y donde el principio activo fue Polidocanol al 0,5% a una dosis de 2ml. Se emplearon las partidas recursos humanos, material gastable y medicamento. Se determinó el costo promedio por paciente, total y según tipo de consulta. Resultados: el costo total por paciente atendido fue de 68,60 pesos cubanos. El costo medio por paciente de la consulta de clasificación fue de 0,18 centavos de pesos cubanos (DS 95%= 0,12. El costo medio de la consulta de tratamiento fue de 50,60 pesos cubanos (DS 95%=7,65. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los diferentes tipos de varices a tratar. Conclusiones: el costo directo institucional del tratamiento de telangiectasias y varices tronculares con escleroterapia con espuma fue similar. A corto plazo, el tratamiento de las várices con escleroterapia con espuma genera menores costos que la opción quirúrgica.

  6. Mujeres con patología dual: características clínicas y de tratamiento

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    Rodrigo Marín-Navarrete


    Full Text Available Introducción: las mujeres con trastornos por consumo de sustancias (TCS presentan mayor prevalencia de patología dual (PD en comparación a los hombres con la misma condición, entendiendo la PD como la concurrencia de TCS con otros trastornos psiquiátricos (OTP. Esta relación genera consecuencias negativas en la severidad de la sintomatología y en el tratamiento de ambas condiciones. Objetivo: analizar las características clínicas e historia de tratamiento de mujeres con PD. Método: evaluación clínica psiquiátrica de mujeres que recibían atención en dos centros residenciales. Se compararon las características y trastornos en función de los tratamientos previos, utilizando GEE para determinar las diferencias de las prescripciones de medicamentos en el tiempo. Resultados: se analizaron los datos de 100 pacientes mujeres, de las cuales 30 dijeron no haber recibido tratamientos previos y menos de 20% reportó padecimientos médicos de importancia. Las pacientes con trastorno límite de la personalidad presentaron una tercera parte de la probabilidad de reportar tratamientos previos con respecto a las pacientes sin esta condición (OR = .33; IC 95% .13-.84. Se encontraron diferencias significativas a través del tiempo en antidepresivos (17.6% vs 41.8%; p<.05, moduladores del afecto (12.1% vs 32.7%; p<.05, antipsicóticos (15.4% vs 48.0%; p<.05 y otros (4.4% vs 29.6%; p<.05. Discusión y conclusiones: este estudio representa una aproximación basada en una evaluación clínica de mujeres con PD, en la que el cambio a través del tiempo en las prescripciones de medicamentos puede estar asociado a necesidades de tratamiento farmacológico no atendidas adecuadamente.

  7. Adherencia a tratamientos en pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiovascular

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    Full Text Available Objetivo: Describir los factores que influyen en la adherencia a los tratamientos en pacientes con factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular de un hospital de tercer nivel de la ciudad de Cartagena, Colombia. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo-metodológico, realizado con 293 pacientes inscritos en los programas de hipertensión y diabetes. Se aplicó el instrumento diseñado por Bonilla y De Reales para evaluar los factores que influyen en la adherencia a los tratamientos, al cual se le realizaron pruebas de validación que arrojaron una buena confiabilidad dada por un alfa de Cronbach de 0,79 para la calificación total del instrumento y un coeficiente de correlación test-retest (Sperman, estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: Globalmente, el 88% de los pacientes se encontró en la categoría sin riesgo de no adherirse a los tratamientos, un 12%, en riesgo moderado. Conclusiones: los factores que favorecieron la adherencia, fueron la disponibilidad de recursos económicos para satisfacer las necesidades básicas, redes de apoyo familiares y un sistema y equipo de salud organizado. El riesgo moderado de no adherencia, se relacionó con las intervenciones del equipo de salud, entre éstas, falta de orientaciones sobre la forma de ajustar los horarios de los medicamentos, carencia de recomendaciones escritas sobre el tratamiento, confusión por cambios del médico, y percepción de gravedad de la enfermedad. Estos hallazgos apoyan la necesidad de implementar procesos de formación e investigación a nivel institucional y académico que preparen a los profesionales en el abordaje de la problemática de la no adherencia en enfermedades crónicas.

  8. Tratamiento de la obesidad con productos naturales

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    Lina Neri Espinosa Pire


    Full Text Available Los crecientes índices de obesidad alrededor del mundo, provocados principalmente por los excesos en la ingesta y la vida sedentaria, constituye uno de los grandes problemas de salud pública en nuestras sociedades. Entre otras formas como dietas y tratamientos que surgen cada día para combatir la obesidad, el uso de plantas medicinales conocido como fitoterapia, ha despertado gran interés. Existen ciertas plantas que poseen propiedades adelgazantes, sin embargo, lo mejor es ponerse en manos de especialistas en este campo, para recibir una correcta asesoría de acuerdo a las necesidades personales. Las plantas medicinales y los productos que de ellas se obtienen, constituyen remedios eficaces para combatir la obesidad, pues no tienen efectos adversos. No obstante el tratamiento debe combinarse con un cambio de hábitos alimentarios y actividad física y no conviene utilizarlos irresponsablemente, pues no todos tienen los mismos beneficios y efectos. La eficacia de la aplicación de plantas con la finalidad de bajar de peso ha sido comprobada en numerosos ensayos clínicos que se han realizado con determinadas especies vegetales. Las plantas medicinales se han utilizado tradicionalmente en forma de infusión, sin embargo esta forma de administración no permite controlar efectivamente las dosis administradas, por lo que es preferible hacerlo en preparados como cápsulas o comprimidos. Cada planta deberá administrarse de una manera específica y es importante que los preparados se tomen siempre en el mismo horario para potenciar su efectividad.

  9. Rabdomiolisis asociada al tratamiento con valaciclovir

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    Héctor Enríquez Gómez


    Full Text Available La rabdomiolisis es un efecto secundario asociado a un buen número de fármacos, entre ellos los antivirales. Describimos un caso de rabdomiolisis secundaria a valaciclovir, efecto no descrito anteriormente en laliteratura, en un contexto clínico muy especial. Se trata de un varón queingresa por un golpe de calor secundario a la realización de ejercicio físicoextremo. Durante su ingreso se comienza tratamiento con valaciclovir porun herpes nasolabial, observándose en los días siguientes una marcadaelevación de las cifras de CPK que desaparece con la suspensión del mismo. Proponemos, por tanto, que ante la administración de valaciclovir ensituaciones que puedan comportar daño mitocondrial habría que realizarmonitorización estrecha de los niveles de CPK

  10. Eficacia del tratamiento tópico con Vimang® en pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis

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    Laritza Coureaux Rojas


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un ensayo clínico terapéutico controlado de fase III en 120 pacientes con estomatitis subprótesis, atendidos en la Clínica Estomatológica Provincial Docente "Mártires del Moncada" de Santiago de Cuba, desde junio de 2010 hasta mayo de 2011, con vistas a evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento tópico con té de Vimang® en dichos pacientes. Se conformaron 2 grupos de 60 integrantes cada uno (de estudio y de control. Los primeros fueron tratados con enjuagatorios fríos de dicho té 4 veces al día y los segundos con el mismo tratamiento más vitaminas. Se utilizaron el porcentaje para variables cualitativas, así como la media aritmética y la desviación estándar para variables cuantitativas. Todos los integrantes del grupo de estudio se curaron y disminuyó el gasto de material, pero el costo-efectividad fue mayor por ser menor el tiempo de curación. El té de Vimang® resultó eficaz para eliminar las manifestaciones clínicas de esa lesión y no hubo reacciones adversas, de manera que se logró la curación de los afectados con ahorro de tiempo y recursos.

  11. Tratamiento de la anorexia urémica con acetato de megestrol


    Fernández Lucas, M.; Teruel, J.L.; Burguera, V.; Sosa, H.; Rivera, M.; Rodríguez Palomares, J.R.; Marcén, R.; Quereda, C.


    Introducción: La anorexia es un trastorno frecuente en el enfermo tratado con hemodiálisis periódica, y factor contribuyente de la malnutrición. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprobar la eficacia del acetato de megestrol, un estimulador del apetito utilizado en enfermos con cáncer, como tratamiento de la anorexia del enfermo sometido a diálisis. Material y métodos: En el año 2009, 16 enfermos de nuestra unidad de hemodiálisis, tres de ellos con diabetes mellitus, fueron tratados con ac...

  12. Adherencia al tratamiento y calidad de vida en personas con infarto agudo de miocardio

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    Jennifer Rojas-Reyes


    Full Text Available Objetivo: identificar la asociación entre adherencia al tratamiento y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS en población con infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM. Materiales y método: estudio cuantitativo de diseño descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. Se eligieron 180 participantes por muestreo de tipo probabilístico con selección aleatoria simple. Para el análisis estadístico, se utilizó estadística no paramétrica con correlación de Spearman. Resultados: la edad media fue de 63 años, el promedio de tiempo transcurrido después del infarto fue de 35 meses. Frente al nivel de adherencia al tratamiento, predominó la adherencia total (54 %, adherencia parcial (45%; en cuanto a la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, el 27 % tuvo un bajo nivel; respecto a la correlación de Spearman, se estableció un coeficiente de -0,315 con una significancia de p=0,00, donde el número negativo es reflejo de la naturaleza de las escalas con las que fueron medidas las variables, por lo que la correlación es positiva, significativa, pero numéricamente modesta. Conclusión: la asociación entre adherencia al tratamiento y calidad de vida relacionada con la salud evidencia en una correlación estadísticamente significativa, pero catalogada como modesta, siendo estos resultados coherentes con la multidimensionalidad de los fenómenos.

  13. Quality control procedures for iodinated radiopharmaceuticals 131I-Hippuran and 131I-Risa

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toledo e Souza, I.T. de; Pereira, N.P.S. de; Silva, C.P.G. da.


    A rapid miniaturized chromatography system was developed for fast determination of the proportion of inorganic radioactive iodide from radiopharmaceutical 131 I-Hippuran and 131 I-Risa. The technical parameters associated with miniaturized chromatography system were evaluated. One of the problems found in this system was the movement of the 131 I-Risa from the origin with consequent overestimation of the inorganic iodide. A correct spot placement eliminated this problem. (Author) [pt

  14. Tratamiento del Cáncer con captura de Neutrones

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    Jaime Gómez Gonzalez


    Full Text Available

    La captura de átomos de boro, gadolinio o la mezcla de estos dos elementos para tratamiento del cáncer es un método experimental que está demostrando gran utilidad en el tratamiento de los tumores cerebrales malignos y de melanomas. Se espera que en un futuro próximo se pueda utilizar en la terapia del cáncer del pulmón, próstata y seno.

    La captura de átomos de boro con neutrones es un método bifásico: Requiere la inyección de una substancia con afinidad por el tejido neoplásico como el boro o el gadolinio y la exposición del enfermo a un haz de neutrones epitérmicos. Al entrar en contacto los neutrones con el boro o gadolinio captado por las células tumorales, se forma una reacción de fisión limitada a un radio de 5 a 10 micras la cual libera una gran cantidad de energía, produce la destrucción de las trenzas de DNA y del tejido tumoral. Las células normales que no captan boro o gadolinio permanecen indemnes.


    El método conocido por la sigla inglesa BNCT (Boron Neutron Capture Therapy fue iniciado en Bastan en los años cincuenta por el DI. William Sweet, profesor de neurocirugía de la Universidad de Harvard. Entre 1950 y 1960 se trataron cerca de 50 enfermos con tumores cerebrales malignos. Los resultados no fueron satisfactorios porque el compuesto borado y los neutrones que se utilizaron fueron de baja energía.

    En 1964 Hiroshi Hatanaka, un neurocirujano japonés, trabajó con el DI. Sweet y aprendió el método. A su regreso a Japón en 1967 modificó el sistema con la introducción de un compuesto borado de segunda generación conocido como BSH (borocaptato de sodio. Hatanaka utilizaba la técnica de craneotomía abierta bajo anestesia general y exposición a los neutrones térmicos.

    En 1993 Hatanaka presentó en el Congreso Mundial de Neurocirugía reunido en Acapu1co, México, los resultados de veinticinco años de trabajo y mostr

  15. Prevalencia de hipertransaminasemia con tratamiento antituberculoso en el Centro Médico Naval "Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara" 2016.


    Alberca Canelo, Yeny Valmeri


    Determina la prevalencia de hipertransaminasemia en pacientes con tratamiento antituberculoso en el Centro Médico Naval “Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara”. El presente estudio busca identificar las características de la hipertransaminasemia, conocer su porcentaje e identificar los factores de riesgo en pacientes con tratamiento antituberculoso puesto que se viene observando un mayor número de pacientes que presentan hipertransaminasemia lo cual genera la suspensión del tratamiento contra la tub...

  16. Tratamiento de la alveolitis dental con tintura de propóleos al 5 % Treatment of dental alveolitis with 5 % propolis tincture

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    Ada Vivian Bravo Venero


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comparar la efectividad entre el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % y el tratamiento farmacológico convencional en pacientes diagnosticados con alveolitis dental. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte longitudinal de casos y controles en la Clínica Estomatológica "José Martí" del municipio Consolación del Sur, durante el 2009. El universo estuvo constituido por 90 pacientes, los cuales se dividieron en dos grupos de tratamiento diferentes de manera aleatoria, teniendo en cuenta un grupo de casos (grupo I conformado por 30 pacientes a los que se les aplicó tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 %, y otro grupo de controles (grupo II con 60 pacientes tratados con la terapéutica medicamentosa convencional. Para el procesamiento de los datos se utilizaron métodos de estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: en ambos grupos de tratamiento prevaleció el sexo femenino y hubo un predominio de la alveolitis en el grupo de edad entre los 46 y 60 años. El grupo I logró la remisión de los síntomas entre el segundo (36,6 % y el tercer días de tratamiento (60 % y solo un paciente requirió tratamiento por 5 días; mientras el grupo II requirió de un mayor período para la evolución del cuadro, entre 5 y 7 días de tratamiento para un 61,3 % (27 pacientes y 23,3 % (14 pacientes. Conclusiones: el tratamiento con tintura de propóleos al 5 % resultó altamente efectivo, pues aportó una remisión más notoria de los síntomas, ya que se observó una disminución de estos, así como la disminución del número de sesiones necesarias, lo que permite recomendarlo como una opción terapéutica adecuada.Objective: to compare the effectiveness of 5 % propolis tincture and of the conventional pharmacological treatment in patients diagnosed with dental alveolitis. Methods: a longitudinal, descriptive and prospective case-control study was carried out in "Jose Martí" dental clinic located

  17. Fracturas de clavícula. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavos intramedulares flexibles

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    Roberto Joaquín Del Gordo D'amato


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo en una serie de casos en el cual se presentan los resultados de 12 fracturas de clavícula tratadas en forma quirúrgica mediante clavos intramedulares flexibles. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados por los autores en la Clínica El Prado del D.T.C.H. de la Ciudad de Santa Marta mediante reducción cerrada bajo control radioscópico. Presentando resultados excelentes y buenos en todos los casos. Así mismo, se evidenció consolidación clínica a las cuatro semanas con reintegro a la vida laboral alrededor de las seis semanas. Todos los pacientes mostraron alto grado de satisfacción con el resultado obtenido. Se concluye que el tratamiento empleado es una alternativa terapéutica a tener en cuenta en aquellas fracturas desplazadas, sean estas del tercio externo, medio o interno que permite consolidación sin las complicaciones que con alguna frecuencia se presentan con el tratamiento conservador. (Duazary 2006; 2:115-120

  18. Synthesis of (131)I-labeled-[(131)I]iodo-17-allylamino-17-demethoxy geldanamycin ([(131)I]iodo-17-AAG) and its biodistribution in mice. (United States)

    Daozhen, Chen; Lu, Liu; Min, Yang; Xinyu, Jiang; Ying, Huang


    The aim of this study was to examine the radioiodinating condition of 17-allylamino-17-demethoxy geldanamycin (17-AAG) and observe its biodistribution in the hepatoma cell line HepA tumorearing ICR mice for understanding the possibility of its application in nuclear medicine. [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG was prepared by the reaction of 17-AAG with Na[(131)I] in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG was purified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The stability of [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG was measured by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). The distributions in HepA tumor-bearing ICR mice at 0.5, 1, 4, 8, 24, and 48 hours after injection of [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG were measured. Tumor uptake studies were performed in HepA tumor-bearing ICR mice. The labeling yield was over 83%. The radiochemical purity of [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG was 99.6% after purification. The specific activity was greater than 4 Ci/micromol. The labeled compound was stable for at least 120 hours in saline at 4 degrees C. It was initially in blood at 5 minutes with 4.79% of injected dose per g of tissue (%ID/g), and then dropped 0.33% ID/g at 24 hours. The uptake in liver, lung, and kidney at 4.44% ID/g, 2.03% ID/g, and 2.17% ID/g decreased with time, and less than 1% ID/g was measured after 24 hours in those organs. There was rapid tumor uptake, which reached 1.26% ID/g at 0.5 hours, the highest uptake at 8 hours. Yet, the [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG in the contralateral muscle was at a low level during the 48 hours. The tumor-contralateral muscle (T/CM) radioactivity ratio for [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG remained constant at all time points. [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG can be efficiently radiolabeled at high specific activity, purified by HPLC and stored with little radiolysis at this specific activities. [(131)I]iodo-17-AAG is a promising radiopharmaceutical in nuclear medicine, especially for tumor-targeted radionuclide brachytherapy.


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    Óscar Darío Beltrán Pérez

    Full Text Available Desde hace algunos años en Colombia se vienen implementando convenios y normas para el adecuado manejo y disposición final de los residuos peligrosos, debido a que la cantidad generada cada vez va en aumento y al impacto adverso que estos residuos presentan en el ser humano y el medio ambiente. La tierra Fuller es un material inorgánico adsorbente (mineral de aluminosilicatos principalmente, utilizado en la industria eléctrica para la regeneración del aceite dieléctrico, un derivado del petróleo empleado como aislante eléctrico y térmico en los transformadores de potencia. Después del proceso de regeneración del aceite, el contenido de hidrocarburos del tipo poliaromáticos (o los PAH por sus siglas en inglés que presenta la tierra Fuller la convierten en un residuo peligroso que requiere de un adecuado tratamiento, para que reduzca su contaminación y permita su reutilización o segura disposición final en un relleno sanitario. Por esto, en este artículo se revisan las tecnologías disponibles para el tratamiento de este tipo de residuo peligroso (tierra Fuller contaminada con aceite dieléctrico, dividiendo los tratamientos en dos corrientes, las tecnologías fisicoquímicas y las biológicas, explorando las alternativas más apropiadas y eficientes para su tratamiento. La escasa información acerca de los tratamientos existentes para la tierra Fuller contaminada con aceite dieléctrico han orientado la revisión en términos de las tecnologías implementadas en suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos siendo válida la analogía debido a las similares características físicas que presenta la tierra Fuller con respecto a un suelo de bajo contenido de carbono.

  20. Expectativas previas y satisfacción del usuario en un programa de tratamiento de mantenimiento con metadona


    Forcada Chapa, Rafael; Santos Díez, F. J.; González Monte, Carmen


    Los indicadores de satisfacción miden el grado de conformidad con la atención recibida y se construyen en base a las apreciaciones subjetivas de los pacientes. Los factores que influyen en la percepción de los tratamientos con metadona son: la utilización del fármaco, las listas de espera y la influencia sobre aspectos laborales. Se plantea este estudio con los objetivos de conocer las expectativas de los pacientes, previas al inicio de un programa de tratamiento con metadona y estudiar el gr...

  1. Cambios funcionales en las actividades cotidianas con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo en personas con lesiones medulares en un instituto nacional de rehabilitación


    Julio César Granados


    El tratamiento del neurodesarrollo (NDT), se basa en resolver problemas del movimiento. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto en las actividades cotidianas de pacientes con lesión de la médula espinal con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo. Material y métodos: Estudio pre experimental, diseño pre y post test. Se incluyeron 32 pacientes del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación hospitalizados con lesión medular elegidos por conveniencia en el periodo 2009-2011. Para medir el nivel de independencia se ...

  2. Calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento de personas con enfermedad crónica oncológica

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    Álvaro Hernando Castañeda Hernández


    Full Text Available Introducción: La experiencia del cáncer afecta las dimensiones de la Calidad de vida (CV; la adherencia al tratamiento oncológico es un asunto poco descrito en la literatura científica, sin embargo, éste puede guardar relación con la calidad de vida de personas con enfermedad crónica oncológica, sobre todo en los primeros meses del diagnóstico. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, de correlación, cuantitativo y corte transversal. Participaron 158 personas con enfermedad crónica oncológica diagnosticadas entre 0 y 6 meses que asisten a una institución de tercer nivel de atención en salud de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Se aplicó la Escala de Calidad de vida versión paciente y el Instrumento para Evaluar los Factores que Influyen en la Adherencia a los Tratamientos Farmacológicos y no Farmacológicos en Pacientes con Riesgo de Enfermedad Cardiovascular. Para el análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva y coeficiente de correlación lineal de Pearson. Resultados: La muestra, mayoritariamente mujeres, mayores de 60 años, de estratos bajos, dedicadas al hogar, principalmente con cáncer de mama, cérvix, piel; se observó analfabetismo en el 15%. La CV mostro media de 104.17 (DE 16.71. El 51% se ubicó en bajo riesgo y 41.75 riesgo medio para no adherirse. Se encontró relación débil positiva entre las dos variables r=,232 p=0,003. Discusión: La correlación lineal entre las dos variables en los pacientes con cáncer es menor que la descrita en estudios de otras condiciones de enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles y crónicas infecciosas.  Conclusiones: Hay relación débil entre la CV y los grados de riesgo para la adherencia al tratamiento y de las mismas con las dimensiones de cada variable.Cómo citar este artículo: Castañeda ÁH. Calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento de personas con enfermedad crónica oncológica. Rev Cuid. 2015; 6(1: 906-13.

  3. Exposure rate measurements and radiation control in post therapy with I{sup 131}; Mediciones de la tasa de exposicion y control de la radiacion en el tratamiento posterior con I{sup 131}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vazquez A, M.; Castillo D, C.; Flores U, H.; Cespedes C, L.; Morgan N, C.; Sifuentes D, Y.; Marin R, K., E-mail: [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Av. Juan Pablo II s/n, Trujillo (Peru)


    During hyperthyroidism treatment, {sup 131}I activities from 111 MBq up to 296 MBq are used. In the aim to determine if the {sup 131}I uptake by the patient is a radiological risk to family members and public around the patient exposure rate measurements were carried out, using a limit 1.8 m R/h. Measurements were carried out in the Nuclear Medicine department of Almenara hospital in Lima, Peru. The exposure rate was measured to 0.3, 0.6, and 1.0 m from the patient from 0 to 11 days after post-administrated dose (Pda). In this study measurements were carried out in 21 hyperthyroid patients. Measurements to 1 meter, along 2-4 (16/16), 5-7 (15/15), and 8-11 (14/14) days after Pda, indicate the dose rate around 100% of patients is ≤ 1.8 m R /h. Measurements to 0.6 meters along 2-4 (16/16), 5 -7 (15/15), and 8-11 (14/14) days after Pda, indicate that the dose rate around 44% (7/16), 93% (14/15), and 100% (14/14) of patients is ≤ 1.8 m R h. On the other hand, dose rate measurements to 0.3 meters, along 2-4 (16/16), 5-7 (15/15), and 8 -11 (14/14) days after Pda, indicate that de dose rate is 13% (2/16), 6% (1/15), and 43% (6/14) of patients is ≤ 1.8 m R/h. Measured exposure rates are alike to values reported in the literature, and were used to define radiation control recommendations. (Author)

  4. Cambios funcionales en las actividades cotidianas con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo en personas con lesiones medulares en un instituto nacional de rehabilitación

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    Julio César Granados


    Full Text Available El tratamiento del neurodesarrollo (NDT, se basa en resolver problemas del movimiento. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto en las actividades cotidianas de pacientes con lesión de la médula espinal con el Tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo. Material y métodos: Estudio pre experimental, diseño pre y post test. Se incluyeron 32 pacientes del Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitación hospitalizados con lesión medular elegidos por conveniencia en el periodo 2009-2011. Para medir el nivel de independencia se aplicó el índice de Barthel al inicio y al final del tratamiento del Neurodesarrollo. Resultados: La diferencia de los cambios de la media inicial y final del índice de Barthel fue 45,63% (p < 0,01. Los mayores cambios se dieron en los ítem subir y bajar escaleras y baño, y con un menor avance en alimentación y aseo. Conclusiones: Los cambios funcionales fueron significativos en las actividades cotidianas en pacientes con lesión medular después de la aplicación del NDT.

  5. Efectos secundarios del tratamiento inmunosupresor con cyclosporina: Revisión bibliográfica

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    Lilia Aquino Medina


    Full Text Available Se presenta una revisión bibliográfica sobre los efectos secundarios del tratamiento con cyclosporina. La cyclosporina es una sustancia inmunosupresora de tipo selectivo que actúa sobre las células de la inmunidad celular. Ocasiona varios efectos secundarios, algunos de ellos de interés para la estomatología y, como son: la hiperplasia gingival, la hiperestesia perioral transitoria, el retraso en la erupción dentaria y severas hipoplasias del esmalte, entre otros; no existe unanimidad de criterios en cuanto a la relación con la dosis tiempo de tratamiento, la edad, el sexo, la concentración en sangre periférica o sinergismo con bloqueadores de los canales de calcio. Aunque algunos no refieren mejoría de las lesiones con elcontrol de la placa, algunos obtuvieron beneficios con ésta por medios químicos o con el tratamiento quirúrgico en los casos necesarios.A bibliographic review on the sids effects of the treatment with cyclosporine is presented. The cyclosporine is an immunosuppressor substance of selective type acting on the cells of cellular immunity. Some of its side effects of interest for dentistry are: gingival hyperplasia, transitory perioral hyperesthesia, retardation of dental bud, and severe enamel hypoplasias, among others. There is no unanimity of criteria in connection with the relation existing between dosage, time of treatment, age, sex, the concentration of peripheral blood, or the synergism with blockers of the calcium ducts. In spite of the fact that some patients do not improve with the control plaque others and benefitted from this by chemical means or by surgical treatment when it is necessary.

  6. Antiepilépticos para el tratamiento de las crisis convulsivas en pacientes con tumores cerebrales


    Kerrigan, Simon; Grant, Robin


    Antecedentes: Las crisis convulsivas son un síntoma frecuente de los tumores cerebrales. La base de tratamiento para las crisis convulsivas es el tratamiento médico con fármacos antiepilépticos. Objetivos: Evaluar la tolerabilidad y la eficacia relativas de los fármacos antiepilépticos utilizados habitualmente para tratar las crisis convulsivas en adultos con tumores cerebrales. Estratégia de búsqueda: Se hicieron búsquedas en las bases de datos CENTRAL (número 2 de 4, The Cochrane Libr...

  7. Tratamiento de la cefalea con medicina bioenergética y natural

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    Roberto Hernández Álvarez


    Full Text Available Presentamos un estudio experimental, prospectivo y transversal con pacientes afectados por cefalea que de una forma casual o a sugerencia de otros pacientes se presentaron al departamento de Fisioterapia del Policlínico Ernesto Guevara de la Serna del municipio Sandino, refiriendo que tenían los síntomas característicos de esta afección, generalmente pensaban que se trataban de los signos de hipertensión arterial, no siendo así en la mayoría de los casos. En más de la mitad de los pacientes no se conocía los factores desencadenantes de las crisis. En este estudio contamos con 93 pacientes afectados por cefalea, a los cuales se les efectuó el tratamiento, realizándose tres repeticiones de masaje las que no podían sobrepasar de 5 a 7 minutos. Para este tratamiento el paciente deberá encontrarse debidamente sentado, con la cabeza algo reclinada en el espaldar de la silla, los músculos del rostro estarán relajados, para lo que se recomienda serrar los ojos, descender la mandíbula inferior y mantener la boca semiabierta. El masajista se encontrara de pie detrás del sujeto. Se pudo comprobar que luego de la segunda repetición del tratamiento los pacientes comenzaron a sentir los primeros síntomas de mejoría, prescindiendo así de medicamentos y de otras consultas medicas. No se utilizaron recursos y medios materiales, solo la manipulación del técnico.

  8. Tratamiento de la tiroiditis de Riedel con triamcinolona

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    Germán Brito Sosa

    Full Text Available Se presenta el primer paciente con una tiroiditis de Riedel que se le aplica un tratamiento alternativo con triamcinolona creado por el profesor Juan Gualberto Vivó Núñez. Es el caso de una mujer de 48 años de edad, que acude al cuerpo de guardia por aumento de volumen de la región anterior del cuello y referir ligera disfagia. Tiene antecedente inicialmente de hipertiroidismo, a los 9 años comenzó con hipotiroidismo y hace aproximadamente un año se le diagnosticó una tiroiditis de Hashimoto, con seguimiento por endocrinología. La ecografía del tiroides muestra un aumento marcado de la glándula tiroidea y las imágenes de la biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina (BAAF son compatibles con una tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Con estos resultados se decide intervenirla quirúrgicamente eliminando así los signos compresivos. La biopsia postoperatoria describe una tiroiditis de Riedel. Por el gran tamaño de los lóbulos tiroideos, se le infiltra triamcinolona 1/2 cc en cada lóbulo, una vez al mes durante cuatro meses; logrando reducir aproximadamente el 50 % de los lóbulos tiroideos. Por lo que se puede apreciar los resultados obtenidos con el uso de la triamcinolona.

  9. Experiencia con Nexobrid® para el desbridamiento enzimático de quemaduras faciales seguido de tratamiento conservador con Medihoney®

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    José-Manuel Sampietro-De-Luis

    Full Text Available Introducción y Objetivos. El desbridamiento enzimático de las quemaduras ha sido objeto de estudio durante décadas; en este terreno, NexoBrid® (MediWound Ltd., Israel se postula como una prometedora alternativa al desbridamiento quirúrgico clásico. Por otra parte, las propiedades antibacterianas y promotoras de la cicatrización de la miel también se han evaluado recientemente con buenos resultados clínicos. Describimos nuestra experiencia preliminar con el empleo de NexoBrid® para el tratamiento de quemaduras faciales, seguido de curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel (Derma Sciences Ltd., EE.UU.. Material y Método. Incluimos en el estudio todos los pacientes atendidos en nuestra Unidad de Quemados con quemaduras faciales dérmicas o subdérmicas que afectaban a 2 o más subunidades estéticas. Realizamos desbridamiento enzimático con NexoBrid® en las primeras 24 horas. Posteriormente, llevamos a cabo tratamiento conservador con curas tópicas con Medihoney® Wound Gel. Recogimos todos los datos de calidad del desbridamiento, necesidad de desbridamiento quirúrgico, tiempo hasta epitelización completa, presencia de infección y necesidad de cirugía correctora de secuelas. Resultados. Tratamos 10 pacientes con quemaduras faciales de etiología diversa (llama, flash eléctrico, deflagración, escaldadura y química. El desbridamiento inicial fue completo en todos los pacientes. Se alcanzó la epitelización completa en una media de 13.88 días (10-20 días. Ningún paciente presentó infección clínicamente manifiesta ni precisó desbridamiento quirúrgico, cobertura mediante autoinjertos o cirugía de secuelas. Conclusiones. Nuestra experiencia preliminar indica que parece factible la aplicación de NexoBrid® y su combinación con Medihoney® para el tratamiento conservador de las quemaduras faciales.


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    Full Text Available Los sistemas con plantas acuáticas flotantes son una alternativa económicamente sostenible para el tratamiento de efluentes piscícolas. Se evaluó a escala piloto el desempeñ,o de un sistema de lagunas con Azolla pinnata en serie para el tratamiento de efluentes de cría de tilapia roja durante el proceso de levante y engorde. El sistema construido en la piscícola La Yunga (Popayán, Colombia consistió en dos líneas de cinco lagunas en serie; la primera con A. pinnata y la segunda sin la planta acuática; cada laguna se operó con un tiempo de detención de un día. La evaluación se realizó en época seca. La producción de Azolla fresca osciló entre 42 y 87 g/m2.d y el contenido de proteína entre 18,5% y 20,4%. Las eficiencias de remoción obtenidas en las líneas (con Azolla, sin Azolla fueron respectivamente: 56% y 46% DBO5; 49% y 26% DQO; 56% y 33% SST; 28% y 36% N-NTK; -108% y 23% N-NH4+; 64% y 34% fósforo total, mostrando superioridad del sistema con Azolla. Con solo tres lagunas en serie plantadas con A. pinnata se alcanzan las eficiencias máximas obtenidas en la remoción de DBO5, DQO, SST y fósforo total.

  11. Incidencia y factores asociados con las reacciones adversas del tratamiento antirretroviral inicial en pacientes con VIH

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    Juan Astuvilca


    Full Text Available La alta incidencia de reacciones adversas medicamentosas (RAMA al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA en pacientes con VIH/SIDA puede afectar la calidad de vida y adherencia al tratamiento. Objetivos: Determinar la incidencia de RAMA del TARGA inicial e identificar los factores asociados con la ocurrencia de RAMA al recibir dicha terapia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte histórica con todos los pacientes VIH (+ mayores de 18 años que recibieron TARGA por primera vez en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, con un seguimiento de 360 días desde la primera prescripción. Se recabó las RAMA de las historias clínicas y tarjetas de control. Resultados: Se incluyeron 353 pacientes, se encontró una incidencia acumulada de 66,7% de efectos adversos al TARGA inicial y una densidad de incidencia de 9,1 eventos de RAMA por 10 personas año de seguimiento (IC95%: 8,1-10,1. Anemia (23,4%, náuseas (20,6% y rash (17,2% fueron las RAMA más frecuentes. El uso de drogas (OR 2,40; IC95% 1,01-5,67; consumo de alcohol (OR 0.32; IC95%: 0,19-0,55 y estadio SIDA (OR 0,20; IC95%: 0,04-0,95 estuvieron asociadas con la presencia de RAMA. Conclusiones: Existe un alta incidencia de RAMA, siendo la anemia la más frecuente. El uso de drogas es un factor de riesgo para presentar RAMA.

  12. Ablación con 131I en pacientes con carcinoma papilífero de bajo riesgo: comparación de tres métodos de preparación del paciente a través de control evolutivo


    Degrossi, EB; Degrossi, OJ; Alak, M del C; Balbuena, RL; Traverso, S; Falco, JF; Mezzadri, NA


    Antecedentes: El tratamiento habitual del carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides es tiroidectomía seguida de ablación con radioiodo(1-16). En los últimos años el empleo de ablación en casos de carcinoma papilar de tiroides considerados de bajo riesgo (CPT-BR) está en controversia(17,18). Objetivo: a) determinar que el método de estímulo de TSH con TRH (TRH-ST) es adecuado para obtener ablación. Material y métodos: Se efectuó ablación en 117 pacientes considerados CPT-BR empleando 3 métodos. G-I: ...

  13. In vivo biological evaluation of 131I radiolabeled-paclitaxel glucuronide (131I-PAC-G)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aslan, O.; Biber Muftuler, F.Z.; Yurt Kilcar, A.; Ichedef, C.; Unak, P.


    Paclitaxel (PAC) is a natural occurring diterpene alkoloid originally isolated from the bark of Taxus Brevifolia. It is one of the most important antitumor agents for clinical treatment of ovarian, breast non-small cell lung and prostate cancers. It is known that these types of cancer cells have high β-glucuronidase enzyme which can catalyze the hydrolysis of glucuronides. This is why the synthesis compounds which undergo glucuronidation come into question in the imaging and therapy of these cancer cells. The aim of current study is conjugation of glucuronic acid (G) to the starting substance PAC, labeling with 131 I and to perform its in vivo biological evaluation. Glucuronic acid derived paclitaxel compound [paclitaxel-glucuronide (PAC-G)] was labeled with 131 I using iodogen method. According to thin layer radio chromatography (TLRC) method, the radiochemical yield of 131 I-PAC-G was 84.30 ± 7.40% (n=10). The biodistribution of 131 I-PAC-G in healthy female and male Wistar Albino rats has been investigated. Imaging studies on male Balb-C mice were performed by using the Kodak FX PRO in vivo Imaging System. The range of the breast/blood, breast/muscle; ovary/blood, ovary/muscle ratios is approximately between 1.29 and 11.34 in 240 min, and between 0.71 and 8.24 in 240 min for female rats. The prostate/blood and prostate/muscle ratio is between 1.94 and 6.95 in 30 min for male rats. All these experimental studies indicate that 131 I-PAC-G may potentially be used in breast, ovary and prostate tissues as an imaging agent. Also it is thought that 131 I-PAC-G bears a therapy potential because of the 131 I radionuclide and can be improved with further investigations. (orig.)

  14. Edema macular por tratamiento con rosiglitazona en diabetes mellitus


    Asensio-Sánchez, V.M.; Asensio-Sánchez, M.J.; Gómez-Ramírez, V.


    Caso clínico: Mujer de 61 años diabética tipo 2 de 7 años de evolución en tratamiento con insulina. Se añade rosiglitazona (4mg al día) para conseguir un control glucémico adecuado. Un mes después, la paciente presenta edema generalizado y pérdida de visión. El estudio fundoscópico mostró edema macular bilateral. En la exploración sistémica destacaban edemas periféricos. La rosiglitazona fue suspendida y la paciente fue tratada de forma conservadora, con resolución rápida de los edemas perifé...

  15. Categorías de riesgo de meningitis bacteriana y tratamiento con antibióticos en neonatos con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo

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    Manuel Díaz Álvarez

    Full Text Available Introducción: recientemente se desarrolló y validó el Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal, lo cual provee de una herramienta efectiva en la toma de decisiones médicas para la indicación de tratamiento antibiótico ante un neonato con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo. Objetivo: conocer cómo se procedió retrospectivamente con la indicación de tratamiento antibiótico en neonatos con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo, antes de desarrollar el modelo mencionado, y fortalecer y fundamentar una estrategia del tratamiento antibiótico, basados en nuestro Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal, ante un neonato con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo. Métodos: estudio retrospectivo y aplicado, que incluyó 290 neonatos evaluados por probable infección, 44 con meningitis bacteriana y 246 con meningitis aséptica, ingresados en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital Pediátrico "Juan Manuel Márquez", entre febrero/1992 y diciembre/2009. Se verificó la efectividad del Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal, lo que permitió clasificar los pacientes en alto o bajo riesgo de meningitis bacteriana. Se determinó retrospectivamente la indicación y los motivos de tratamiento antibiótico ante un neonato con pleocitosis del líquido cefalorraquídeo, así como análisis de asociación para distintas circunstancias clínicas, entre ellas, la clasificación de riesgo de infección bacteriana severa. Resultados: se precisó que el Modelo de Predicción de Meningitis Bacteriana Neonatal tuvo una sensibilidad y valor predictivo negativo de 100 % para meningitis bacteriana. Hubo concordancia estadísticamente significativa entre la predicción por el modelo y la clasificación de riesgo de infección bacteriana severa. Se comprobó un uso racional del tratamiento antibiótico, pues se utilizó de inmediato al diagnóstico de meningitis bacteriana en 100 % de los casos, y solo en

  16. Analysis of pelvic 131I uptake after 131I whole body scan in patients with thyroid cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kou Ying; Liu Jianzhong; Hao Xinzhong; Wu Lixiang; Lu Keyi; Yang Suyun; Shi Xiaoli; Hu Tingting


    Objective: To analyze and explore the possible mechanism for pelvic 131 I uptake after 131 I post treatment whole body scan (Rx-WBS)in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Methods: (1) Data were retrospectively reviewed from 168 female patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (everyone has a Rx-WBS). (2) 46 patients were accepted by analyzing the characteristics of Rx-WBS and combing with some inclusion criteria,and then followed up. Results: Among the 46 patients (46 positions accumulated 131 I) with significant pelvic 131 I uptake, 6 patients had two reasons leading to pelvic 131 I uptake, and 2 patients had no specific reason. Among the 50 reasons for pelvic 131 I uptake, 41 reasons related with uterus, 3 reasons related to rectum, 5 related to bladder and 1 related to ovarian chocolate cyst. Among the 41 reasons related to uterus, by combining the examinations of SPECT/CT, ultrasound, CT and the follow-up results, 18 were uterine leiomyomas, 9 were intrauterine devices, 2 were endometrial thickening, 3 were uterine cavity effusion, 7 were menstrual periods, 1 were uterine adenomyosis, 1 were gestational sac. Conclusions: (1) In the Rx-WBS of female, the significant pelvic 131 I uptake is generally caused by uterus, but not bladder. And it usually means gynecological disease, especially uterine leiomyomas when excluding physiological factors. (2) It is generally easy to differentiate bladder from rectum because they have different characteristic features of the pelvic 131 I uptake. (3) SPECT/CT plays a very important role in locating 131 I uptake in uterus. (authors)

  17. Tratamiento ortodóntico en paciente con periodontits crónica avanzada generalizada: reporte de un caso

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    Iván Enrique Porto Cortés


    Full Text Available El tratamiento de ortodoncia es un procedimiento que busca corregir la maloclusión y mejorar la estética dental a través de fuerzas leves por periodos de tiempos largos o medianos, dicho tratamiento en pacientes periodontalmente comprometidos genera polémica debido a que la colocación de la aparatología puede incrementar la formacion de biopelicula y por ende agravar la periodontitis; también las fuerzas ejercidas podrían aumentar la reabsorción ósea. Sin embargo, en la actualidad se pueden encontrar estudios que confirman que el tratamiento de ortodoncia ayuda al periodonto enfermo gracias a los diferentes movimientos dentales que se producen durante éste; siempre y cuando el ortodoncista y periodoncista trabajen en conjunto, eduquen y motiven al paciente a cambiar sus hábitos de higiene bucal y sigan unos parámetros determinados. El objetivo principal del artículo es la presentación de un caso clínico en el que se realizó un tratamiento de ortodoncia a un paciente con periodontitis crónica avanzada generalizada y con relación canina clase III para de detener el avance de esta enfermedad, además para corregir la maloclusión y lograr una buena estética facial y dental. En conjunto con este tratamiento se realizaron procedimientos de mantenimiento periodontal tales como profilaxis dental, fase higiénica y enseñanza en higiene bucal. Los resultados del tratamiento se consideraron satisfactorios, se culminó sin pérdida dentaria, con oclusión en clase 1 de Angle, una buena estética facial y dental, un periodonto sano y un paciente educado en higiene bucal.

  18. Apoyo educativo y patrón de vida en el paciente con tratamiento de hemodiálisis

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    José Antonio Vázquez Espinoza

    Full Text Available Introducción: Actualmente el número creciente de personas en tratamiento de hemodiálisis aunado al incremento de incidencia de complicaciones agudas, pone de manifiesto implementar estrategias que favorezcan conductas o hábitos saludables disminuyendo las consecuencias personales, familiares y gastos institucionales. Objetivos: Determinar la influencia del apoyo educativo de enfermería en el patrón de vida del paciente con insuficiencia renal crónica en tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Metodología: Estudio pre-experimental donde participaron 22 pacientes en hemodiálisis, se diseñó y ejecutó un programa educativo bajo el referente teórico de Orem con enfoque en tres dimensiones: Responsabilidad en Salud, Alimentación e Higiene, consistió en diez sesiones de media hora dos veces por semana durante la primera hora de tratamiento del paciente. Resultados: Edad promedio de 36.4 ± 16.7 años, con igual distribución tanto para hombres como mujeres (n=11; el 68.1% (n=15 de los pacientes son económicamente activos, reportando un tiempo promedio de 20.6 ± 15.6 meses de tratamiento en hemodiálisis. Se obtuvo un valor de mediana en la fase de pre-intervención de 92 y, de 107.5 en la fase post-intervención. Con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre ambas de p<0.001. Conclusión: El 100% de los sujetos mantiene un patrón de vida protector, lo que sugiere que el Apoyo Educativo de Enfermería aumenta el patrón de vida del paciente con tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Lo que hace trascendente el papel de enfermería en la promoción de conductas generadoras de salud.

  19. Nuevo esquema de tratamiento con gentamicina en niños operados A new treatment scheme for use of Gentamicin in children operated on

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    Iván Cruz-Álvarez Cantos


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Evaluar la efectividad de varios esquemas de tratamiento con gentamicina en pacientes pediátricos operados de apendicitis aguda. MÉTODOS: Estudio abierto, controlado y no aleatorizado; se dividió en 3 etapas en cada una de las cuales se analizaron 2 grupos de pacientes. En cada etapa se investigó la aparición de complicaciones infecciosas posquirúrgicas. Se incluyeron en el estudio niños operados de apendicitis aguda en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario «Juan M. Márquez» desde enero de 1993 hasta diciembre del 2008 con muestras independientes en 4 grupos de 595 (G1, 522 (G2, 420 (G3 y 973 (G4 pacientes respectivamente, las cuales se parearon. RESULTADOS: La tasa de complicaciones fue de 15,1 % en G1; 13,8 % en G2; de 13,1 % en G3 y 11,6 % en G4. CONCLUSIONES: Todos los esquemas de tratamiento tuvieron similar eficacia, por lo que es válido el esquema propuesto.OBJECTIVE. To assess the effectiveness of some treatment schemes using Gentamicin in children operated on of acute apendicitis. METHODS. An open, controlled and non-random study was conducted it was divided into three stages analyzing in each two group of patients. In each stage postsurgical infectious complications were investigated. In study were included the children operated on acute appendicitis at "Juan M. Márquez" University Children Hospital from January, 1993 to December, 2008 with independent paired samples in 4 groups of patients: 595 (G1, 522 (G2, 420 (G3 AND 973 (G4, respectively. RESULTS. The complications rate was of 15.1% in G1; of 13.8 % in G2, of 13.1% in G3, and of 11.6% in G4. CONCLUSIONS. All treatment schemes had a similar efficacy validating the proposed scheme.

  20. Relación del perfil salival con el grado de inmunosupresión en pacientes infectados con VIH con y sin tratamiento antirretroviral


    Vera Cruz, Moisés; Cornejo Salaza, José; Chiyong, Teresa Evaristo; Arevalo Abanto, Jorge A.; Villanueva Vílchez, Hugo G.


    El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el perfil salival de pacientes con infección por VIH con y sin Tratamiento Antirretroviral de Gran Actividad (TARGA), por medio de la evaluación de los síntomas de hipofunción salival (Xerostomía, Disgeusia, Disfagia y Susceptibilidad de desarrollar úlceras orales), la Tasa de Flujo salival no estimulado, el pH salival y la viscosidad salival; estableciendo su relación con el Grado de Inmunosupresión, evaluado por medio del Recuento de Linfocitos CD4/μl. Se...

  1. Comparative study of 131I with 131I plus lithium carbonate in the treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang Yuguo; Kuang Anren; Guan Changtian


    Objective: To evaluate the effects of lithium carbonate on serum TSH, FT 3 , FT 4 and thyroid mass volume in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism treated with 131 I. Methods: Thirty patients with newly diagnosed, untreated Graves' disease (GD) and nonsevere or absent Graves' ophthalmopathy, were randomly assigned to group 1 and group 2. The 1st group was treated with 131 I therapy only, the 2nd group with 131 I plus lithium carbonate. All subjects were evaluated for changes in serum TSH, FT 3 and FT 4 as well as thyroid mass volume at the 7, 14, 30 d after 131 I therapy. Differences between the two groups in thyroid mass volume, serum FT 4 , FT 3 , and TSH levels at each interval were evaluated by ANCOVA. Results: Serum FT 4 and FT 3 levels increased shortly after 131 I therapy only in group 1, and decreased in group 2. The differences of serum FT 3 and FT 4 levels between the two groups were significant. Conclusion: It is important for GD patients to accept lithium carbonate treatment and 131 I therapy simultaneously in order to decrease the serum FT 3 and FT 4 levels caused by 131 I therapy

  2. Grado de adherencia a tratamientos en personas con riesgo cardiovascular

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    Stella Ignacia Ortega Oviedo


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar el grado de adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico en personas con factores de riesgo cardiovascular inscritos en el programa de promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad cardiovascular en una Institución Prestadora de Salud de Montería, Colombia. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo, con 204 pacientes de un programa de promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad cardiovascular. La información se obtuvo aplicando la cuarta versión del Instrumento para evaluar los factores que influyen en la adherencia a tratamientos farmacológicos y no farmacológicos en pacientes con factores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, diseñado por Bonilla y Gutiérrez (3. Los resultados se analizaron mediante técnicas de estadística descriptiva y medidas de tendencia central y de posición. Resultados: El grado de adherencia terapéutica en los participantes mostró un 67% en situación de ventaja para adherencia; un 29% en riesgo a no adherirse y un 4% en situación de no adherencia. Los tres grupos de situación de adherencia identificados varían estadísticamente con relación a las cuatro dimensiones estudiadas, siendo la Dimensión II relacionada con el proveedor la que aportó mayor diferencia. Conclusiones: Estos hallazgos permiten destacar la importancia de la relación paciente-proveedor en el grado de adherencia de los pacientes, haciendo necesario que la institución y el equipo de salud y enfermería enfaticen las acciones de autocuidado con apoyo, acompañamiento permanente y orientación acorde a sus necesidades, a sus expectativas y a las características individuales de las personas atendidas.

  3. Nuevas recomendaciones para el tratamiento de personas con infección por VIH

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    Full Text Available Las recomendaciones más recientes del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales de los Estados Unidos de América, que fueron emitidas en julio de 2003, tienen por finalidad facilitar la elección de un régimen de tratamiento para personas infectadas por el VIH, habida cuenta de la gran variedad de fármacos antirretrovírticos que han surgido en años recientes. Los fármacos que han mostrado mayor eficacia y que constituyen la base del tratamiento actual pertenecen a tres grandes grupos terapéuticos: los inhibidores nucleosídicos de la transcriptasa inversa, los inhibidores no nucleosídicos de la transcriptasa inversa y los inhibidores de las proteinasas. Son estos grupos, a su vez, los que integran los llamados regímenes conservadores de grupos terapéuticos, cuya finalidad es dejar de reserva para el futuro algunos grupos de fármacos por si se presenta resistencia a los utilizados inicialmente. El tratamiento de la infección por VIH con antirretrovíricos es complejo y difícil de cumplir, dado el elevado número de pastillas y de dosis diarias, y antes de iniciarse en pacientes asintomáticos es de rigor sopesar sus ventajas y beneficios. En la decisión es indispensable tener en cuenta el deseo del paciente de ser tratado y su estado clínico general, en particular su carga vírica en plasma y su recuento plasmático de linfocitos T CD4+, cuya determinación se debe hacer solamente con métodos que hayan sido aprobados y con un mismo método a lo largo de todo el seguimiento para garantizar la uniformidad de los resultados. El tratamiento debe tener por meta reducir, durante el mayor tiempo posible, la carga vírica plasmática por debajo del umbral de detección recomendado; restaurar y conservar la función inmunitaria; mejorar la calidad de la vida y reducir la mortalidad y morbilidad que suelen acompañar a la infección por VIH. Aquellos pacientes en quienes fracasa el régimen inicial deben ser sometidos a un cambio de r

  4. Nuevas recomendaciones para el tratamiento de personas con infección por VIH

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    Full Text Available Las recomendaciones más recientes del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Sociales de los Estados Unidos de América, que fueron emitidas en julio de 2003, tienen por finalidad facilitar la elección de un régimen de tratamiento para personas infectadas por el VIH, habida cuenta de la gran variedad de fármacos antirretrovírticos que han surgido en años recientes. Los fármacos que han mostrado mayor eficacia y que constituyen la base del tratamiento actual pertenecen a tres grandes grupos terapéuticos: los inhibidores nucleosídicos de la transcriptasa inversa, los inhibidores no nucleosídicos de la transcriptasa inversa y los inhibidores de las proteinasas. Son estos grupos, a su vez, los que integran los llamados regímenes conservadores de grupos terapéuticos, cuya finalidad es dejar de reserva para el futuro algunos grupos de fármacos por si se presenta resistencia a los utilizados inicialmente. El tratamiento de la infección por VIH con antirretrovíricos es complejo y difícil de cumplir, dado el elevado número de pastillas y de dosis diarias, y antes de iniciarse en pacientes asintomáticos es de rigor sopesar sus ventajas y beneficios. En la decisión es indispensable tener en cuenta el deseo del paciente de ser tratado y su estado clínico general, en particular su carga vírica en plasma y su recuento plasmático de linfocitos T CD4+, cuya determinación se debe hacer solamente con métodos que hayan sido aprobados y con un mismo método a lo largo de todo el seguimiento para garantizar la uniformidad de los resultados. El tratamiento debe tener por meta reducir, durante el mayor tiempo posible, la carga vírica plasmática por debajo del umbral de detección recomendado; restaurar y conservar la función inmunitaria; mejorar la calidad de la vida y reducir la mortalidad y morbilidad que suelen acompañar a la infección por VIH. Aquellos pacientes en quienes fracasa el régimen inicial deben ser sometidos a un cambio de r

  5. lnteracciones medicamentosas en pacientes bajo tratamiento con itraconazol para diferentes tipos de micosis

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    Adriana L. Fernández


    Full Text Available Algunos estudios han reportado un aumento en la frecuencia e importancia de las interacciones del itraconazol en pacientes bajo polifarmacia con fármacos que afectan el sistema enzimático de la citocromo P450 y modifican el metabolismo del azol. Con el propósito de determinar las características epidemiológicas, farmacológicas y clínicas de las interacciones medicamentosas en pacientes bajo tratamiento con itraconazol para diferentes tipos de micosis, se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal retrospectivo en el que se analizaron 21 historias clínicas de pacientes atendidos en la Corporación para Investigaciones Biológicas durante el período 1994-1997. Entre la población estudiada, seis pacientes presentaron paracoccidioidomicosis; cinco, cromoblastomicosis; cuatro, histoplasmosis; cuatro, criptococosis, y dos, aspergilosis. En promedio, la dosis de itraconazol, la duración y el número de fármacos recibidos concomitantes fueron 223,8 mgldia, 44,3 semanas y 2,7 fármacos, respectivamente. En 10 individuos, se presentaron enfermedades de base y en 15, enfermedades concomitantes. Se documentó interacción medicamentosa (niveles no detectables o no terapéuticos de itraconazol en 18 pacientes, de los cuales 17 presentaban sospecha clínica y 14 sospecha paraclínica de interacción. El medicamento más frecuentemente involucrado con interacción fue la rifampicina, seguido de los inhibidores H, antiácidos y fenitoina. Similar a lo encontrado en otros estudios, la administración concomitante de estos fármacos con el itraconazol, reduce los niveles séricos de este último y altera la respuesta clínica al tratamiento. Este estudio es una aproximación inicial, aún no realizada en nuestra población, que permitirá establecer protocolos para el manejo y prevención de interacciones medicamentosas en pacientes en tratamiento con itraconazol y otros fármacos.

  6. Hepatitis C genotipo viral 5 en México: reporte de caso con tratamiento exitoso y revisión de la literatura

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    M.A. Rubio-Lezama


    Full Text Available El genotipo 5 del virus de la hepatitis C (VHC es sumamente raro; además, existe poca literatura respecto a su tratamiento. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con VHC genotipo 5, que presumiblemente adquirió la enfermedad por medio de transfusión sanguínea en la infancia. Tras 24 semanas de tratamiento, se logró la respuesta virológica sostenida. De acuerdo con la evidencia disponible sobre el tratamiento del VHC genotipo viral 5, este muestra una respuesta similar al VHC genotipo 1. En este caso, el paciente presentaba varios factores pronósticos favorables. La cantidad de información respecto al tratamiento del VHC genotipo viral 5 es mucho menor en comparación con la disponible para el tratamiento de los VHC genotipos 1, 2, 3 y 4, esto debido principalmente a la baja prevalencia que muestra el VHC genotipo 5 en nuestro medio.

  7. Tratamiento mediante dilatación con balón de un paciente con estenosis subaórtica por membrana: a propósito de un caso

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    Carlos Mariño


    Full Text Available La estenosis subaórtica es una lesión cardiaca poco frecuente, en el cual el tracto de salida del ventrículo izquierdo está estrechado por la presencia de un anillo fibroso o fibromuscular. Constituye 8 a 20% de todas las formas de obstrucción al tracto de salida del ventrículo izquierdo. La cirugía ha sido considerada el tratamiento de elección cuando el gradiente pico es mayor de 50 mmHg o en pacientes que, con gradientes menores, presentan progresión de la insuficiencia aórtica o dilatación de los diámetros ventriculares, disfunción ventricular o síntomas. Presentamos el caso de un paciente menor de edad, portador de estenosis subaórtica por membrana, con síntomas de insuficiencia cardiaca y función ventricular izquierda muy comprometida, en la que se realizó el tratamiento percutáneo, alternativo al quirúrgico, con resultado exitoso. Constituye el primer caso reportado en el país de tratamiento percutáneo con balón y con evolución favorable.

  8. Prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación del paciente con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis

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    David Jahel García Avendaño


    Full Text Available Introducción: La enfermedad renal crónica es resultante de diversas enfermedades crónico degenerativas. El paciente con dicha enfermedad y sometido a hemodiálisis sufre muchos cambios en su estilo de vida. Es por ello que es importante evaluar la prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación en el paciente en los aspectos psicológico, afectivo y social. Objetivo: Identificar la prevalencia de los mecanismos adaptativos en el área de lo psicológico, afectivo y social que utiliza el paciente con insuficiencia renal crónica bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Materiales y Métodos: Es un estudio descriptivo de tipo cuantitativo, se utilizó el cuestionario “Mecanismos de adaptación de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en terapia de hemodiálisis”. Se realizó en el año 2010; y presentó un coeficiente del Alfa de Cronbach de 7.0, los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Resultados y Discusión: El estudio arrojó una prevalencia en los mecanismos afectivos, con un 71.4% en la adaptación comprometida; los mecanismos  sociales sobresalen con un 61.9% en la adaptación compensatoria; no evidenciando porcentajes favorables en los mecanismos psicológicos. Conclusiones: La mayoría de las personas con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis, utilizan diferentes mecanismos de adaptación a su proceso lo cual depende completamente del ambiente en el que se desarrollan y el acompañamiento familiar que reciben. Cómo citar este artículo: García DJ, Ochoa MC, Martínez NE, Gonzáles B, Sánchez M, Martínez M. Prevalencia de los mecanismos de adaptación del paciente con enfermedad renal bajo tratamiento de hemodiálisis. Rev Cuid. 2016; 7(1: 1144-51.

  9. Influencia de los tratamientos microabrasivos sobre la resistencia adhesiva en dientes con fluorosis


    Paola Mena Silva; Ana del Carmen Armas


    La búsqueda de tratamientos mínimamente invasivos y altamente estéticos para pacientes con fluorosis, ha llevado a buscar mecanismos para solucionar esta problemática, mediante la utilización de resinas como la primera opción. Sin embargo el principal problema del tratamiento, se centra en la poca adhesión debido a las características estructurales del esmalte fluorótico, en grados de fluorosis TF 1 al 3, el ácido no actúa correctamente, causando ausencia de grabado principalmente entre las e...

  10. Experiencia con la dieta cetogénica como tratamiento en la epilepsia refractaria


    Ramírez Camacho, Alia; Meavilla, Silvia; Catalán, Natalia; Gutiérrez, Alejandra; Campistol Plana, Jaume


    Introducción: La epilepsia es una enfermedad neurológica que se controla con fármacos antiepilépticos en la mayoría de casos. Sin embargo, aproximadamente un 25% de epilepsias son refractarias al tratamiento farmacológico. La dieta cetogénica es una de las opciones terapéuticas para este tipo de epilepsia. A pesar del aumento en los últimos años de la popularidad de ésta como tratamiento anticonvulsivo, no se ha establecido un consenso internacional para sus indicaciones y manejo. Objetivo: E...

  11. Fibroma uterino: diagnóstico y tratamiento con medicina natural y tradicional

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    Gricel Benítez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se realizó una comunicación breve sobre el tratamiento de las pacientes con fibroma uterino a partir de métodos propios de la medicina natural y tradicional, teniendo en cuenta que es un tumor benigno muy común en las intervenidas quirúrgicamente en los servicios de ginecología y cirugía general, con primacía en mujeres de 30 - 50 años, en quienes suelen utilizarse terapéuticas medicamentosas

  12. Thyroid cancer following 131I therapy for hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Iwao


    A women aged 37 who had thyroid cancer after 131 I therapy for hyperthyroidism was reported. She had received various conservative therapies and surgical treatments for hyperthyroidism for 10 years before 131 I therapy. Similar cases were picked out from many reports, and their clinical characteristics were discussed. The incidence of thyroid cancer after 131 I therapy, age and sex of patients, dosage of 131 I, histological changes after the irradiation of 131 I, sites of thyroid cancer, and the relationship between 131 I therapy and the occurrence time of thyroid cancer were also considered. (Tsunoda, M.)

  13. Efectividad del tratamiento de la Escoliosis Idiopática con RPG


    Fernández, María Lourdes


    El presente trabajo de investigación, se realizó con el propósito de mostrar la efectividad del tratamiento de la Escoliosis Idiopática con RPG en lo adolescentes. La escoliosis idiopática se plantea como una deformidad tridimensional que implica una deformación de la columna vertebral y la caja torácica. Desde este punto de vista la RPG se presenta como un método terapéutico altamente específico para el abordaje de la patología postural y en especial de la escoliosis. Sus cualidades de...

  14. Perfil metabólico y factores asociados en pacientes con esquizofrenia bajo tratamiento con antipsicóticos que acuden a consulta externa en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental (Perú).


    Ricapa, Miguel A.; Guimas, Luis B.; Ticse, Ray


    Objetivo: Describir el perfil metabólico y factores asociados en pacientes con esquizofrenia bajo tratamiento con antipsicóticos que acudieron a consulta externa en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental “Honorio Delgado–Hideyo Noguchi” durante un periodo de tres meses. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, realizado entre mayo y julio del 2015. De manera consecutiva, fueron incluidos pacientes con esquizofrenia, en tratamiento con el mismo esquema antipsicótico por al menos 3 meses. Se tom...

  15. Perfil metabólico y factores asociados en pacientes con esquizofrenia bajo tratamiento con antipsicóticos que acuden a consulta externa en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental (Perú)


    Ricapa, Miguel A; Guimas, Luis B; Ticse, Ray


    Objetivos: Describir el perfil metabólico y factores asociados en pacientes con esquizofrenia bajo tratamiento con antipsicóticos que acudieron a consulta externa en el Instituto Nacional de Salud Mental “Honorio Delgado-Hideyo Noguchi” durante un periodo de tres meses. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal, realizado entre mayo y julio del 2015. De manera consecutiva, fueron incluidos pacientes con esquizofrenia, en tratamiento con el mismo esquema antipsicótico por al menos 3 meses. Se to...

  16. Evaluación de la satisfacción con el tratamiento en pacientes que consumen fármacos antidepresivos. Validación del cuestionario "ESTA".


    López Gallardo, Yolanda


    La medición de la satisfacción con el tratamiento se ha mostrado útil para conocer las características de los tratamientos que son más importantes para los pacientes y para explicar un aumento en la adhesión con el tratamiento. Todavía existen pocos estudios que relacionen la satisfacción con otros indicadores clínicos o de salud percibida. En el presente estudio se ha desarrollado y validado un nuevo instrumento, el cuestionario ESTA, con el objeto de medir la satisfacción con el tratami...

  17. In vivo biological evaluation of {sup 131}I radiolabeled-paclitaxel glucuronide ({sup 131}I-PAC-G)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Aslan, O.; Biber Muftuler, F.Z.; Yurt Kilcar, A.; Ichedef, C.; Unak, P. [Ege Univ., Izmir (Turkey). Dept. of Nuclear Applications


    Paclitaxel (PAC) is a natural occurring diterpene alkoloid originally isolated from the bark of Taxus Brevifolia. It is one of the most important antitumor agents for clinical treatment of ovarian, breast non-small cell lung and prostate cancers. It is known that these types of cancer cells have high {beta}-glucuronidase enzyme which can catalyze the hydrolysis of glucuronides. This is why the synthesis compounds which undergo glucuronidation come into question in the imaging and therapy of these cancer cells. The aim of current study is conjugation of glucuronic acid (G) to the starting substance PAC, labeling with {sup 131}I and to perform its in vivo biological evaluation. Glucuronic acid derived paclitaxel compound [paclitaxel-glucuronide (PAC-G)] was labeled with {sup 131}I using iodogen method. According to thin layer radio chromatography (TLRC) method, the radiochemical yield of {sup 131}I-PAC-G was 84.30 {+-} 7.40% (n=10). The biodistribution of {sup 131}I-PAC-G in healthy female and male Wistar Albino rats has been investigated. Imaging studies on male Balb-C mice were performed by using the Kodak FX PRO in vivo Imaging System. The range of the breast/blood, breast/muscle; ovary/blood, ovary/muscle ratios is approximately between 1.29 and 11.34 in 240 min, and between 0.71 and 8.24 in 240 min for female rats. The prostate/blood and prostate/muscle ratio is between 1.94 and 6.95 in 30 min for male rats. All these experimental studies indicate that {sup 131}I-PAC-G may potentially be used in breast, ovary and prostate tissues as an imaging agent. Also it is thought that {sup 131}I-PAC-G bears a therapy potential because of the {sup 131}I radionuclide and can be improved with further investigations. (orig.)

  18. Toxicity of upfront {sup 131}I-metaiodobenzylguanidine ({sup 131}I-MIBG) therapy in newly diagnosed neuroblastoma patients: a retrospective analysis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bleeker, Gitta; Schoot, Reineke A.; Caron, Huib N.; Kraker, Jan de; Tytgat, Godelieve A. [Emma Children' s Hospital, Academic Medical Centre (AMC), Department of Paediatric Oncology, PO Box 22700, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Hoefnagel, Cees A. [National Cancer Institute (NKI-AvL), Department of Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam (Netherlands); Eck, Berthe L. van [Academic Medical Centre (AMC), Department of Nuclear Medicine, Amsterdam (Netherlands)


    In the treatment of patients with high-risk neuroblastoma, different doses of {sup 131}I-metaiodobenzylguanidine ({sup 131}I-MIBG) are administered at different time points during treatment. Toxicity, mainly haematological (thrombocytopenia), from {sup 131}I-MIBG therapy is known to occur in extensively chemotherapy pretreated neuroblastoma patients. Up to now, acute toxicity from {sup 131}I-MIBG as initial treatment has never been studied in a large cohort. The aim of this retrospective study was to document acute toxicity related to upfront {sup 131}I-MIBG. All neuroblastoma patients (stages 1-4 and 4S) treated upfront with {sup 131}I-MIBG at the Emma Children's Hospital, Academic Medical Centre (1992 - 2008) were included in this retrospective analysis. The acute toxicity (during therapy) and short-term toxicity (1st month following therapy) of the first two {sup 131}I-MIBG therapies were studied. Of 66 patients (34 boys, 32 girls; median age 2.2 years, range 0.1 - 9.4 years), 49 had stage 4 disease, 5 stage 4S, 6 stage 3, 1 stage 2 and 5 stage 1. The median first dose was 441 MBq/kg (range 157 - 804 MBq/kg). The median second dose was 328 MBq/kg (range 113 - 727 MBq/kg). The most frequently observed symptoms were nausea and vomiting (21 %, maximum grade II). The main toxicity was grade IV haematological, occurring only in stage 4 patients, after the first and second {sup 131}I-MIBG therapies: anaemia (5 % and 4 %, respectively), leucocytopenia (3 % and 4 %) and thrombocytopenia (2 % and 4 %). No stem cell rescue was needed. The main acute toxicity observed was haematological followed by nausea and vomiting. One patient developed posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome during {sup 131}I-MIBG therapy, possibly related to {sup 131}I-MIBG. We consider {sup 131}I-MIBG therapy to be a safe treatment modality. (orig.)

  19. Dosimetric comparison between fixed and individualized activity in Graves' disease treatment with 131{sub I}; Comparacion dosimetrica entre actividad fiija y actividad individualizada en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Graves con 131{sub I}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melgar Perez, J.; Orellana Salas, A.; Santaella Guardiola, Y.; Arrocha Acevedo, J. F.


    A patient-especific method has been used to calculate the therapeutic {sup 1}'3{sup 1} I activity to administer to patients with Graves disease in order to obtain the optimal thyroid dose. The aim of this study was to analyze the dose variation in contrast to the fixed a ctivity regimen. In 30 patients, biokinetic and morfological parameters were estimated from planar scintigraphic images obtained at 4, 24 and 96 hours after injection of {sup 123} I and {sup 131} I activities were calculated to deliver 120 Gy to the thyroid. Comparative dose calculations were carried out assuming that the individual patients had been treated according to 370 MBq activity administration. Activity (or dose) was reduced by an average factor of 2.4 and up to a factor 4.9 for an individual patient. The implemen ted method seeks a balance among the accuracy of the calculations, resource consumption and patient comfort. (Author)

  20. Recurrent thyrotoxicosis after I-131 induced hypothyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu, L.; Borowski, G.D.; Shtasel, P.; Rose, L.I.


    The first clinically and biochemically documented case of recurrent thyrotoxicosis after I-131 induced hypothyroidism in a patient with Graves' disease is reported. Two months after the administration of 9.2 mCi of I-131, the subject developed hypothyroidism. One month later, the patient became euthyroid. Then, nine months following ablation, the patient again developed thyrotoxicosis. A second dose of I-131 of 12.5 mCi was required to finally produce permanent hypothyroidism. This case illustrates the recurrence of hypothyroidism after what had seemed to have been adequate I-131 radiation

  1. Behavior of Na131I and meta(131I) iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) in municipal sewerage. (United States)

    Fenner, F D; Martin, J E


    Behavior of 131I activity in primary sludge at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant was studied in relation to known radioiodine therapy events at the University of Michigan Hospital complex. The principal compounds administered are Na131I, which has widespread use, and meta (131I) iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG), which is a compound unique to the University of Michigan, although labeled antibodies and other forms are also used in therapy and research. The objectives of the study were to determine the environmental fate of such discharges and to determine radiation exposures to workers and the public when sludges are incinerated. Approximately 17% of the MIBG activity administered in a therapy was found in the primary sludge, whereas only 1.1% of the Na131I was in sludge. When land applied, the short half life of 131I in the sludge presents few radiological health concerns; however, incineration, which is done in winter months, is assumed to release organically bound 131I to the atmosphere. Radiation doses due to incineration of sludge containing measured concentrations were calculated for a maximally exposed worker to be 1.7 microSv (0.17 mrem) of which 0.48 microSv (0.048 mrem) was due to a 2-d upset condition. For a more typically exposed worker, and a member of the public, the committed effective dose equivalents were 1.2 microSv (0.12 mrem) and 0.06 microSv (0.006 mrem), respectively, for a 22-wk incineration period with release of all radioiodine in the sludge. Transport time to the treatment plant for radioiodine was found to be much longer than that of normal sewage, possibly due to organic material in sewer lines that absorb iodine. The residence time of radioiodine in the sewer also appears to be longer than expected; whether other radioactive materials are held up the same way is not known but chemical form is surely a factor.


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    Full Text Available El creciente aumento de pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII, sumado a la multiplicidad de alternativas terapéuticas y a la poca experiencia en general de los médicos para tratar estas patologías, ya que son enfermedades emergentes, ha facilitado que se cometan errores tanto en el diagnóstico como en el tratamiento de las EII. En este artículo, se presentarán los más frecuentes e importantes, según la experiencia del autor, con el objeto de corregir estas conductas y alertar a los equipos médicos sobre éstas. El listado incluye errores cometidos en la historia clínica, laboratorio general, endoscopia y tratamiento.

  3. Efecto del tratamiento sobre el descuento temporal y probabilístico en participantes con trastorno por uso de crack

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    Diana Mejía


    Full Text Available Introducción: diversos estudios han mostrado que individuos con dependencia de drogas psicoactivas muestran un descuento temporal pronunciado de recompensas monetarias en contraste con no consumidores. Este hallazgo resulta de utilidad clínica como una característica conductual susceptible a modificación por tratamientos psicológicos. Objetivo: evaluar modificaciones pre-post en descuento temporal y probabilístico, sintomatología somática, ansiedad, depresión, psicosis y autoeficacia, en participantes con trastorno por uso de crack severo que recibieron una de dos modalidades de tratamiento psicológico y en un grupo control sin consumo. Método: se trabajó con 92 participantes, 31 en cada uno de los tratamientos y 30 en el grupo control. Se evaluó a los tres grupos de manera pre-post; el post se llevó a cabo después de 40 días para los tres grupos, tiempo durante el cual recibían alguna de las dos modalidades de atención, a excepción del grupo control, al cual se le dio cita para la evaluación post. Resultados: las mediciones pre-post de descuento temporal y probabilístico no cambiaron en ninguno de los tres grupos. En contraste, ambas modalidades de tratamiento incrementaron la autoeficacia y disminuyeron síntomas somáticos como ansiedad, depresión y psicoticismo. Discusión y conclusiones: se demostró la estabilidad de las mediciones de descuento ante el tratamiento psicológico; otras variables sí fueron susceptibles de modificación debido al tratamiento, por lo que la utilidad clínica del descuento, como una variable que indique el éxito de la intervención, debe seguir explorándose en futuras investigaciones.

  4. Costo-efectividad del tratamiento con interferón beta en pacientes con síndrome clínico aislado de alto riesgo en Colombia

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    Luis Alfonso Zarco


    Full Text Available Introducción. En 85 % de los pacientes con esclerosis múltiple se presenta como manifestación inicial un primer evento desmielinizante o síndrome clínico aislado. En estos casos, el tratamiento con interferón beta retrasa hasta dos años la progresión a esclerosis múltiple. Sin embargo, en Colombia este medicamento es costoso. Objetivo. Determinar si el tratamiento del síndrome clínico aislado con interferón beta es costo-efectivo al retrasar la esclerosis múltiple en dos años. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un análisis de costo-efectividad empleando un árbol de decisiones basado en la perspectiva del paciente y la sociedad. A partir de una revisión sistemática de la literatura y de conceptos de expertos se definieron las diversas probabilidades. Los costos de la enfermedad se calcularon por medio de la revisión de historias y la aplicación de encuestas a los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Ignacio. Para controlar la incertidumbre se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad mediante una simulación de Monte Carlo con mil pacientes. Resultados. El costo del tratamiento con interferón sobrepasa los Col$ 95’000.000 (US$ 50.000 por paciente durante los dos años. Aproximadamente, 80 % corresponde a los costos del medicamento. El costo de la recaída se acerca a Col$ 39’139.200 (US$ 21.744, y los costos indirectos corresponden a Col$ 10’958.400 (US$ 6.088. La tasa representativa del mercado fue de Col$ 1.800. Con el tratamiento se ganan sólo 0,06 años de vida ajustados por discapacidad (AVAD adicionales. La razón de costo-efectividad ‘incremental’ (sic. supera el umbral, incluso en el análisis de sensibilidad. Conclusión. La administración de interferón beta en pacientes con síndrome clínico aislado de alto riesgo en los primeros dos años no es costo-efectiva en Colombia.

  5. Efectividad de la auriculopuntura en el tratamiento de pacientes con hipertensión arterial

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    Mileydis Alvarez Caballero


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y longitudinal de 53 adultos hipertensos pertenecientes al consultorio médico No. 55 del Policlínico Universitario "José Martí Pérez" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero hasta septiembre de 2012, con vistas a demostrar la efectividad de la auriculopuntura en el tratamiento de estos pacientes. Se halló predominio de la hipertensión arterial ligera (69,6 % y del sexo femenino (47,1 %. Luego de aplicada la terapia disminuyeron los síntomas más frecuentes: la cefalea, de 50,9 a 5,6 % y el insomnio, de 20,7 a 1,8 %. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron la efectividad de este tratamiento no convencional en 92,4 % de los afectados, a la vez que se logró 96,3 % de satisfacción con el proceder empleado

  6. Determination of inorganic radioiodine in 131I- Rose Bengal and 131I- bromosulphthalein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Toledo e Souza, I.T. de; Pereira, N.P.S. de; Silva, C.P.G. da.


    A rapid miniaturized chromatographic system was developed for fast determination of the proportion of inorganic radioactive iodide from radiopharmaceuticals 131 I-Rose Bengal and 131 I-Bromosulphthalein. Using 33% W/V aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate pH 7,5 as a solvent Rf values for radiopharmaceuticals, iodide, iodate to Rf 0,0 0,5 0,9 respectively. The chromatographic quality control procedures are easy to use, rapid and can be incorporated in a routine quality control program. (Author) [pt

  7. Fijación de radioyodo en huesos maxilares simulando metástasis en pacientes con Carcinoma Diferenciado de Tiroides (CDT): False- Positive images in patients with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma. (DTC)


    Degrossi, O. J.; Gutiérrez, S.; Fadel, A.; Degrossi, E. B.; Valdivieso, M. C.; Balbuena, R. L.; Alak, M. del C.; de Cabrejas, M.


    En estudios centellográficos con 131I (CCT) para seguimiento, postablación o tratamiento de pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT) se observan frecuentemente en tiempos precoces áreas de captación del radiotrazador en macizo facial. Estas áreas corresponden, generalmente, a glándulas salivares y extremo anterior de mucosa nasal y se mantienen durante las primeras 48 horas y no son observadas generalmente a las 72 horas. Pero con menor frecuencia se presentan otras qu...

  8. Eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural en pacientes con epicondilitis humeral externa

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    Ida Pantoja Fornés


    Full Text Available Se realizó una intervención terapéutica en 100 pacientes de 20-59 años, con epicondilitis humeral externa, atendidos en la Sala de Rehabilitación del Policlínico Comunitario Docente “Eduardo Mesa Llull”, del municipio de II Frente, de la provincia Santiago de Cuba, desde septiembre de 2013 hasta marzo de 2014, para evaluar la eficacia del tratamiento acupuntural en ellos. La muestra fue dividida en 2 grupos de 50 integrantes cada uno, seleccionados de forma aleatoria. Los del grupo de estudio fueron tratados con acupuntura más corriente Trabert y los del control con corriente Trabert solamente. Como principales resultados predominaron: el grupo etario de 40-49 años (64,0 %, el sexo femenino (66,0 % y los obreros de servicio (56,0 %. Se obtuvo que los tratados con acupuntura tuvieron una mejor evolución, de donde se infiere que la terapia empleada resultó efectiva para aliviar el dolor en quienes se aplicó

  9. Tratamiento ambulatorio del paciente con neutropenia febril Outpatient therapy in patients with febrile neutropenia

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    Andrés Londoño Gallo


    Full Text Available

    El tratamiento de los pacientes con neoplasia y neutropenia febril plantea muchas dudas. Una de ellas, que genera ansiedad en el personal de la salud, el paciente y sus familiares, es la necesidad de hospitalización porque ésta implica exponer a gérmenes intrahospitalarios potencialmente resistentes a un paciente cuyo sistema inmune puede no estar en las mejores condiciones; incluso con un aislamiento óptimo existe el riesgo de adquirir una infección nosocomial. Muchos estudios han tratado de validar métodos para clasificar a los pacientes con fiebre y neutropenia en grupos de diferente riesgo, como fundamento para implementar estrategias de tratamiento selectivo; así se ha abierto la posibilidad de utilizar medidas más conservadoras para el tratamiento de los episodios de bajo riesgo, entre ellas la administración de regímenes orales ambulatorios de antibióticos de amplio espectro; ello sin demeritar la necesidad de aplicar un juicio clínico adecuado, hacer un buen seguimiento y tener acceso a la atención médica inmediata. La neutropenia es una de las consecuencias graves de la quimioterapia para el cáncer, y se ha demostrado que el tratamiento del paciente neutropénico febril con antibióticos intravenosos reduce la mortalidad. La terapia oral podría ser una alternativa aceptable para pacientes bien seleccionados. Ella puede mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con cáncer, evitar las complicaciones asociadas con la terapia intravenosa y disminuir los costos del tratamiento.

    Treatment of patients with neoplasia and febrile neutropenia, as a consequence of chemotherapy, poses many doubts, among them the need for hospitalization, since this implies exposure to potentially resistant nosocomial microorganisms. Even under the best isolation techniques, there may

  10. Satisfacción con el aspecto dental general y tratamientos deseados en estudiantes universitarios

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    Clarisse Virginia Díaz Reissner


    Full Text Available La apariencia dental es considerada un componente de la belleza facial, que al ser restaurada por el odontólogo, podría influir con un efecto positivo en la valoración personal y la calidad de vida. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la satisfacción general con la apariencia dental en estudiantes de las carreras de Artes Visuales y Diseño de Indumentaria del Instituto Superior de Arte de la Facultad de Arquitectura Diseño y Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, matriculados en el 2014. Se aplicó un cuestionario que contenía preguntas sobre datos demográficos, satisfacción con el aspecto dental general y con diversos aspectos dentales, así como también sobre el tratamiento estético deseado. La muestra quedó conformada por 108 estudiantes, que corresponde al 49,1% de la población. Se observó que el 48,2% se encontraba insatisfecho con el aspecto general de sus dientes, siendo los tratamientos de elección: blanqueamiento (63,9% y ortodoncia (47,2%. Los factores predisponentes a la insatisfacción fueron residir en Gran Asunción e interior del país y percibir sus dientes como desalineados. Por otro lado, favoreció la satisfacción el haberse sentirse a gusto con el color de sus dientes.

  11. Efectividad de la terapia floral para el tratamiento de la depresión en pacientes adultos mayores con cáncer

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    Arely Díaz Cifuentes


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental con el objetivo de determinar la efectividad de la terapia floral en el tratamiento de la depresión leve y moderada, en adultos mayores con cáncer, en el Hospital Provincial Docente de Oncología María Curie, de la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba; el período de estudio comprendió desde enero de 2011 hasta enero de 2012. El universo contempló los pacientes neoplásicos de la tercera edad con síntomas de depresión, remitidos a la consulta de Medicina Tradicional y Natural de la institución y la muestra quedó integrada por 100 pacientes que cumplían los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, los cuales se dividieron en dos grupos de 50 cada uno: el A con tratamiento floral y el B con tratamiento convencional. Se evaluó la persistencia de los síntomas depresivos a los tres y a los seis meses después de aplicado el tratamiento. La terapia floral fue efectiva en el 94% de los casos. Se evidenció la existencia de situaciones intensas antes de ser diagnosticados con cáncer, la más relevante fue la separación familiar, en el 70% de la muestra. Los pacientes del grupo A evolucionaron mejor que los del B. En los primeros, se redujeron notablemente los síntomas depresivos a los tres meses, situación más notable a los seis meses de tratamiento, avalando como efectiva la terapia floral empleada. No se reportaron efectos adversos

  12. Estado nutricional, adherencia al tratamiento nutricional y redes de apoyo en personas con VIH


    Roncoroni Stabile, María Emilia


    Determinar el estado nutricional y la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional y el rol que cumplen las redes sociales de apoyo en pacientes VIH positivos que asisten a una red de personas con VIH/SIDA en la ciudad de Mar del Plata en el año 2013. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación de tipo cuantitativa descriptiva de corte trasversal. Un total de 100 personas de ambos sexos que asisten a una red de personas con VIH/SIDA completaron una encuesta con información sociodemográfica y alimentaria ...

  13. Tratamiento con miltefosina de la leishmaniosis cutánea diseminada

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    Lina María González


    Full Text Available La leishmaniosis cutánea diseminada es una forma escasa de leishmaniosis, que se caracterizapor la diseminación sanguínea del parasito que lleva a la aparición de múltiples nódulos yplacas en la piel de todo el cuerpo y aun de la mucosa nasal. Se diferencia de la leishmaniosiscutánea difusa en que la alteración de la inmunidad celular es menor y las lesiones puedentener una descamación epidérmica, en cambio en la leishmaniosis difusa las lesiones sonnodulares y hay una anergia celular específica contra el parásito. En este artículo se describeel caso de un paciente colombiano con Leishmaniosis cutánea diseminada causada por L(Vpanamensis que inicialmente tuvo falla terapéutica al ser tratado con Glucantime y AnfotericinaB y quien curó de sus lesiones al recibir tratamiento con Miltefosine.

  14. Diagnosis of pheochromocytoma using (123I)-compared with (131I)-metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Furuta, Nozomu; Kiyota, Hiroshi; Yoshigoe, Fukuo; Hasegawa, Norio; Ohishi, Yukihiko


    Patient with pheochromocytoma (PCT) cannot be cured without operation, therefore, preoperative determination of the localization of PCT should be performed accurately. ( 131 I)-Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scintigraphy is a gold standard for the diagnosis of PCT. However, ( 123 I)-MIBG is also found to accumulate in PCT. In order to clarify the usefulness of ( 123 I)-MIBG scintigraphy for the local detection of PCT, we compared the distribution of ( 123 I)- and ( 131 I)-MIBG in patients with or without PCT. ( 131 I)- and ( 123 I)-MIBG scintigraphy was performed in 29 and 16 patients, respectively. In the former group, 14 patients had PCT, 12 had hypertension without any adrenal disorder and three had other diseases. In the latter group, eight patients had PCT, two had hypertension without any adrenal disorder and six had other diseases. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of ( 123 I)- with ( 131 I)-MIBG scintigraphy were compared. The sensitivity of ( 131 I)- and ( 123 I)-MIBG scintigraphy was 85.7 and 90%, respectively. The specificity of each test was 100%. The accuracy of ( 131 I)- and ( 123 I)-MIBG scintigraphy was 93.1 and 95%, respectively. The quality of images obtained using ( 123 I)-MIBG was better than with ( 131 I)-MIBG, because ( 123 I)-MIBG generated a higher dose of γ-rays with a higher specificity than ( 131 I)-MIBG. In addition, normal adrenal grands were visualized in 50% of patients tested with ( 123 I)-MIBG scintigraphy. These results indicate that ( 123 I)-MIBG scintigraphy is a valuable tool for the local detection of PCT, as is ( 131 I)-MIBG scintigraphy. Furthermore, it is possible that ( 123 I)-MIBG can be used as an alternative to ( 131 I)-MIBG for the detection of PCT. Our study was not a prospective study and the background of the patients was not matched. Further prospective studies are needed in order to determine the efficacy of ( 123 I)-MIBG scintigraphy for the diagnosis of PCT. (author)

  15. Impacto del Tratamiento con Teriparatida en la Calidad de Vida de las Personas con Osteoporosis

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    Marta Osca Guadalajara


    Full Text Available La pérdida ósea en pacientes osteoporóticos, conlleva riesgo de fracturas, dolor óseo vertebral y disminución de la calidad de vida. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto de la teriparatida (TPTD en pacientes osteoporóticos y con dolor vertebral. Métodos: Estudio observacional longitudinal prospectivo, entre abril de 2006 y febrero de 2014, en los 77 pacientes tratados con TPTD en la Unidad del Dolor del Hospital de Teruel. La duración del tratamiento fue de 18 o 24 meses. Se utilizó la Escala Visual Analógica (EVA para la medición del dolor y el cuestionario europeo de calidad de vida (EuroQol-5D para obtener la tarifa social (TS, antes y después el tratamiento. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, de regresión lineal y logística. Resultados: Se observó una mejoría del dolor (80% y de la calidad de vida (65 %. Se mejoró la EVA media (5,42 a 3,47 puntos y el EuroQol-5D (0,36 a 0,58 puntos. La regresión indicó una mejora de la EVA en 0,441 puntos por cada punto de EVA inicial, y de la TS en 0,0528 puntos por cada 0,1 puntos de TS inicial. La probabilidad de mejorar la EVA en 3 puntos (OR=2,021, fue mayor que de mejorar 2 puntos (OR=1,695. Conclusiones: La TPTD en pacientes osteoporóticos reduce el dolor óseo y mejora la calidad de vida. Su efecto es mayor en pacientes con peor estado de salud inicial, pudiendo ser utilizado como criterio para las decisiones terapéuticas y de gestión clínica.

  16. Malign pheochromocytoma: importance of the scintigraphic follow-up with metaiodobenzulguanidine 131I (MIBG-131I)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kato, M.; Velhote, V.V.; Souto, F.J.P.; Long, Y.J.; Costa, P.L.A.


    The authors report a case of pheochromocytoma investigated with metaiodobenzylguanidine labeled with 131 I (MIBG- 131 I). The methodology identify primitive lesion, its recurrence and metastasis. The authors mention the advantage of the technique due to the high specificity, sensitivity and because it is harmless, offering optimal information about the morphology and functional nature, concerning diagnosis and follow-up of the disease. (author) [pt

  17. Factores asociados con el tratamiento oportuno de mujeres con cáncer de mama apoyadas por una organización no gubernamental en Bogotá

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    Guillermo Sánchez


    Conclusiones. Según la literatura científica, el pronóstico de las mujeres con cáncer de mama se modifica cuando se accede de manera oportuna al tratamiento. En este grupo de mujeres de Bogotá se encontraron factores socioeconómicos que al parecer determinaron su acceso efectivo al tratamiento, lo que revelaría la existencia de ‘inequidades’ determinadas socialmente.

  18. Refractory hepatic hydrothorax: successful treatment with octreotide Hidrotórax hepático refractario: tratamiento eficaz con octreótido

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    M. Barreales


    Full Text Available We report the case of a patient that developed hepatic hydrothorax as the first complication of liver cirrhosis. Due to the lack of response to diuretics, pleurodesis and TIPS, treatment with octreotide was started with resolution of hydrothorax. To the best of our knowledge, this is the third reported case of refractory hepatic hydrothorax with complete and sustained response to octreotide.Describimos el caso de una paciente que presentó un hidrotórax como primera manifestación de una cirrosis hepática. Ante la ausencia de respuesta al tratamiento diurético, a la realización de una pleurodesis y a la colocación de una derivación portosistémica percutánea intrahepática, se inició tratamiento con octreótido con lo que se obtuvo la resolución del mismo. Se trata del tercer caso publicado en la literatura de hidrotórax hepático refractario con respuesta completa y mantenida al tratamiento con octreótido.

  19. Effective Half-life of I-131 in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Treated by Radioactive I-131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Seok Gun [Dankook University, Cheonan (Korea, Republic of)


    Effective half life of I-131 (T{sub eff}) in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer treated by I-131 is must-know value for dose calculation and determination of release time from isolation room. There has been no report about T{sub eff} in Koreans. Thus, author tried to measure dose rate without radiation exposure to faculty members and calculated T{sub eff}. Probe of radiation survey meter was fixed at the wall of isolation room, and body of survey meter was placed outside the room. With this simple arrangement, author could measure radiation frequently without radiation exposure to faculty members in 68 patient (F=55, M=13, age=47{+-}13.7) treated by I-131 (3.7{approx}7.4 GBq) for differentiated thyroid cancer from Jan 2006 to Dec 2006. From this data, T{sub eff}, 48 hr retention rate, and the time necessary to whole body retention of I-131 become less than 1.1 GBq were calculated. Serum creatinine levels were measured before and after thyroid hormone withdrawal. T{sub eff} was 15.4{+-}4.3 hr (9.4{approx}32.5 hr). There was a loose correlation between T{sub eff} and serum creatinine concentration (r=0.45). 48hr retention was 4.9{+-}4.2% (1{approx}23%). Time necessary to whole body retention of I-131 become less than 1.1 GBq was calculated as 47.1{+-}13.2 hr for 9.25 GBq, 42.1{+-}11.9 hr for 7.4 GBq, 35.7{+-}10.0 hr for 5.55 GBq, and 26.7{+-}7.5 hr for 3.7 GBq dose of I-131. Author successfully measured radiation dose rates in isolated patients treated by high dose of I-131 without radiation exposure to the faculty members with simple arrangement of survey meter probe. Using those data, T{sub eff} and some other indices were calculated.

  20. 131I therapy of Graves' disease using lithium

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, Kenshi


    Lithium is known to cause goiter and hypothyroidism. In the mechanism of goitrogenesis, there is general agreement that lithium inhibits the release of the thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland without significantly impairing other thyroid functions. The present study was undertaken, therefore, to investigate the usefulness of lithium in the radioiodine treatment of Graves' disease. Nine patients with Graves' disease who were all, except one, previously treated with antithyroid drugs were studied. 600 mg of lithium carbonate were administered daily to investigate the effects on thyroidal 131 I uptake, disappearance rate of 131 I from the prelabeled thyroid and the serum concentrations of thyroid hormones. Lithium showed no significant effect on the thyroidal 131 I uptake when the 24 hour thyroidal 131 I uptakes were determined both before and during lithium treatment in the five cases. On the other hand, lithium clearly prolonged the mean value of effective half-lives of 131 I to approximately 8 days vs. 5.1 days before lithium treatment (p 4 and T 3 levels significantly decreased during lithium treatment, from 21.3 to 12.4μg/dl (n=9, p 131 I for the Graves' disease can be reduced by using lithium, the radiation exposure to the total body is decreased. Moreover, it is possible to perform the 131 I therapy while improving the thyrotoxicosis with lithium. Finally, it is concluded that lithium is a very useful drug to be combined with the 131 I therapy of Graves' disease. (author)


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    Cuevas-Ruiz MV


    Full Text Available El ácido trans retinoico es el fármaco de elección en el tratamiento de la Leucemia Promielocítica Aguda. El efecto secundario más grave del fármaco es el síndrome de diferenciación, pero puede ocasionar lesiones en piel y úlceras escrotales. Presentamos el caso de un varón con leucemia promielocítica aguda que recibió ATRA y presentó úlceras escrotales

  2. Efecto de un tratamiento agudo con norgestomet en la dinámica folicular de vacas Cebú x Holstein sincronizadas con implantes de norgestomet y eCG

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    R. Páez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto de una inyección de norgestomet en la dinámica folicular de vacas Cebú x Holstein sincronizadas con implantes de norgestomet. Se utilizaron 50 vacas en lactación con más de 60 días posparto, las cuales recibieron un implante de 3 mg de norgestomet y una dosis luteolítica de PGF2a (día cero. El día cinco, a 25 vacas (grupo Norg, se les administraron 1.8 mg de norgestomet intramuscular (IM y 25 vacas (grupo testigo, recibieron 3 ml de solución salina. El noveno día se retiró el implante, se realizó un destete temporal por 72 h y los animales fueron divididos al azar dentro de sus tratamientos para recibir (n = 23 o no (n = 27 500 UI de eCG. Posteriormente, las vacas fueron observadas durante cinco días en forma continua para la detección de signos de estro. Se realizaron diariamente ecografías de los ovarios desde el día de la inserción del implante hasta la presentación de estro. El tratamiento agudo con norgestomet provocó recambio del folículo dominante (FD en 40% (10/25 de las vacas, contra 16% (4/25 del grupo testigo (P 0.05 el porcentaje de vacas que presentaron estro ni el tiempo de presentación del mismo. Se concluye que el tratamiento agudo con norgestomet, durante la sincronización del estro con progestágenos, provoca atresia y recambio folicular. Sin embargo, este efecto depende de la etapa de desarrollo del folículo dominante al momento del tratamiento.

  3. Hypothyroidism following 131I therapy for hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubo, Atsushi; Kondo, Makoto; Kinoshita, Fumio; Maekawa, Akira; Okamoto, Jiro.


    Of 890 patients who received 131 I therapy for hyperthyroidism, the results of therapy were examined on 584 who could be followed up. Of these 502 (86%), were sured including 3 patients who had been completely healed after recurrence, 9 patients are still under medical treatment, and 10 died. The incidence of hypothyroidism following 131 I therapy was 1.6% after 1 year, 2.3% after 2 years, 4.7% after 5 years, 15.0% after 10-12 years, 22.1% after 13-15 years and 27.5% after 16-20 years. The incidence increased constantly with the passage of time. Factors influencing the response to treatment have been investigated. As a consequence, the number of rads delivered to the thyroid gland, the gland size, and previous surgery correlated with the incidence of hypothyroidism. The number of doses of 131 I, uptake and half-life of 131 I in the thyroid, previous antithyroid medication, time between the onset of hyperthyroid symptoms and 131 I therapy, and the age or sex of the patients appeared unrelated. The times taken to become euthyroid following a single dose of 131 I were 5.6 months with 2000-4000 rads, 4.4 months with 4001-7000 rads, 4.2 months with 7001-10000 rads and 3.5 months with more than 10001 rads. The time was prolonged with decrease of rads delivered to the thyroid gland. It was found that the patients who passed through a transient hypothyroid phase in the period of three to four months after administration of 131 I had a high incidence of late permanent hypothyroidism. (Evans, J.)

  4. Vivencias psicosociales reveladas por niños que reciben tratamiento con quimioterapia por cáncer




    Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con el propósito de descubrir las vivencias psicosociales de niños y niñas de 9 a 12 años que recibían tratamiento con quimioterapia por cáncer. La recolección de la información se hizo mediante encuentros lúdicos con el apoyo de algunas preguntas básicas que facilitaron las revelaciones narrativas. Tres aspectos se destacan en los hallazgos del estudio: vivencias desfavorables, vivencias relacionadas con la autoestima y vivencias favorables; las dos primeras...

  5. Breast cancer following 131I therapy for hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoffman, D.A.; McConahey, W.M.


    A retrospective cohort study of women treated for hyperthyroidism at the Mayo Clinic between 1946 and 1964 was conducted to determine if 1,005 women treated with ( 131 I) were at increased risk of breast cancer compared with 2,141 women traced, and a response (death certificate or questionnaire) was received for 99% of the traced women. The average duration of follow-up was 15 years for the 131 I-treated women and 21 years for women treated surgically. No increased risk of breast cancer was observed in the 131 I-treated women (adjusted relative risk . 0.8). No patterns were found of increased breast cancer risk by age at first treatment, by time since treatment, or by total exposure to 131 I. Failure to detect an increased risk of breast cancer in the 131 I-treated women was attributed to the moderately low doses from 131 I therapy and the relatively small number of exposed women. The study also failed to find any increased risk of breast cancer associated with hyperthyroidism

  6. Radioactive Iodine (I-131) Therapy for Hyperthyroidism (United States)

    ... Physician Resources Professions Site Index A-Z Radioactive Iodine (I-131) Therapy Radioiodine therapy is a nuclear ... thyroid cancer. When a small dose of radioactive iodine I-131 (an isotope of iodine that emits ...

  7. Adherencia al tratamiento y autoeficacia en hombres con VIH/Sida de la ciudad de Cali


    Benavides Ponce, Magda Fernanda


    Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo general caracterizar la adherencia farmacológica y no farmacológica, y su relación con la autoeficacia en hombres con VIH/SIDA de la Ciudad de Cali. El diseño de esta investigación fue de tipo transversal correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 26 hombres, entre 21 y 62 años, con edad promedio de 39 años. Aunque todos los participantes estaban actualmente en tratamiento, se encontró que solo cuatro personas (15,38%) fueron adherentes (puntaje tota...

  8. Tratamiento de la mordida cruzada anterior con plano inclinado anterior. Efecto sobre los arcos dentales


    Carolina Rodríguez Manjarrés; Jesús Alberto Hernández Silva


    Objetivo: Evaluar los cambios dimensionales de los arcos dentales primarios tratados con plano inclinado anterior como método de corrección de la mordida cruzada anterior. Métodos: Se trataron 10 pacientes con edades entre 3 y 5 años afectados con mordida cruzada anterior completa, se colocó un plano inclinado anterior elaborado en acrílico, que estuvo en posición en promedio 8.5 semanas. Se obtuvieron modelos de estudio en 3 momentos T0: antes del tratamiento; T1: 6 meses después de iniciado...

  9. Local delivery of 131I-MIBG to treat peritoneal neuroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kinuya, Seigo; Li, Xiao-Feng; Yokoyama, Kunihiko; Michigishi, Takatoshi; Tonami, Norihisa; Mori, Hirofumi; Shiba, Kazuhiro; Watanabe, Naoto; Shuke, Noriyuki; Bunko, Hisashi


    Internal radiotherapy involving systemic administration of iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine ( 131 I-MIBG) in neural crest tumours such as neuroblastoma has shown considerable success. Although peritoneal seeding of neuroblastoma occurs less often than metastases to organs such as the liver, no effective treatments exist in this clinical setting. Previous reports have demonstrated the effectiveness of peritoneal application of chemotherapeutic drugs or radiolabelled monoclonal antibodies in several kinds of carcinomas. Local delivery of 131 I-MIBG should produce more favourable dosimetry in comparison with its systemic administration in the treatment of peritoneal neuroblastoma. In the current investigation, a peritoneal model of neuroblastoma was established in Balb/c nu/nu mice by i.p. injection of SK-N-SH neuroblastoma cells. Two weeks after cell inoculation, comparative biodistribution studies were performed following i.v. or i.p. administration of 131 I-MIBG. Mice were treated with 55.5 MBq of 131 I-MIBG administered either i.v. or i.p. at 2 weeks. Intraperitoneal injection of 131 I-MIBG produced significantly higher tumour accumulation than did i.v. injection (P 131 I-MIBG failed to improve the survival of mice; mean survival of untreated mice and mice treated with i.v. administration of 131 I-MIBG was 59.3±3.9 days and 60.6±2.8 days, respectively. On the other hand, radiotherapy delivered via i.p. administration of 131 I-MIBG prolonged survival of mice to 94.7±17.5 days (P 131 I-MIBG therapy). Radiation doses absorbed by tumours at 55.5 MBq of 131 I-MIBG were estimated to be 4,140 cGy with i.p. injection and 450 cGy with i.v. injection. These results indicate the benefits of locoregional delivery of 131 I-MIBG in the treatment of peritoneal neuroblastoma. (orig.)

  10. Standardization of 131I therapy for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Jianlin; Li Yuying; Gao Liuyan; Tang Xiuping; Hu Hongyong


    Objective: To establish the normative and standard measures, to ensure medical safety and quality of care of the patients with Graves disease treated by 131 I therapy. Methods: Formulating and strictly implementing the medical organizational and technical measures of 131 I therapy for Graves disease and regular follow-up. Results: Receiving 131 I treatment of 104 patients, follow-up 6-36 months, no adverse events, the cure rate of 59.6%, the efficient rate is 99.9%. Conclusion: It is important guarantee for the medical quality and safety to standardize the 131 I therapy of Graves disease. (authors)

  11. Trece tratamientos de la insuficiencia renal aguda secundaria a mieloma múltiple con filtros de high cut off

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    Ana Berni Wennekers


    Conclusiones: El tratamiento combinado con quimioterapia más diálisis largas con filtros de HCO resultó eficaz para reducir el nivel de CLLs y recuperar un nivel de función renal suficiente en el 77% de los casos. Con filtros de HCO se consigue un ahorro significativo, en contraposición a lo descrito previamente en la literatura.

  12. Tratamiento de la dislipemia: un reto con implicación multidisciplinar

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    Vidal Pardo JI


    Full Text Available La alta prevalencia de la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV y su repercusión mórbida, 18 millones de muertes al año y un número similar de eventos no fatales, justifica que la prevención y el tratamiento de las mismas constituyan uno de los principales retos a los que se enfrenta la medicina en la actualidad. Galicia se encuentra entre las comunidades con mayor tasa de mortalidad cardiovascular en nuestro país.

  13. Tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en niños con Rinitis Alérgica y/o Asma Bronquial. Área Norte. 2005 - 2007.


    Matilde Iraida Morera Franco; Rigoberto Antonio García Chang; María Mercedes Gómez Paz


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal durante el período Enero 2005_ Enero 2007 en el Policlínico Norte del municipio Sancti Spíritus. El universo estuvo constituido por el total de niños con edades de 2_15 años con enfermedades alérgicas, a los que se realizó pruebas de alergia e indicó tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica por vía subcutánea, la muestra estuvo formada por 75 pacientes con asma bronquial, rinitis alérgica y/o ambas enfermedades, con el objetivo de determinar ...

  14. Tratamiento quirúrgico con clavo intramedular elástico estable en fracturas diafisiarias del antebrazo en niños.

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    Francisco Vera Rosas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas diafisiarias del radio y/o cubito mediante la colocación intramedular de clavos Kirschner moldeados en pacientes pediátricos. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo observacional de pacientes tratados con clavo intramedular en fracturas diafisiarias de antebrazo en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia - Lima. Se usaron clavos Kirschner moldeado de acuerdo a especificaciones del clavo ESIN y se evaluaron la técnica operatoria, tiempo de consolidación, complicaciones y funcionalidad. Resultados: Se incluyeron 12 pacientes, 10 de sexo masculino, con edad promedio de 13.7 años (11 a 15 años, se encontró evidencia de consolidación a las seis semanas y el tiempo operatorio promedio fue de 75 minutos. Un paciente presentó parestesias del nervio cubital que remitió a los 4 meses, la perdida sanguínea fue mínima con un abordaje minimamente invasivo. Todas las fracturas consolidaron. Conclusión: El uso de clavo Kirschner moldeado es una alternativa de tratamiento en este tipo de fracturas debido a su bajo costo, y resultados comparables con el ESIN que es el tratamiento de elección. (Rev Med Hered 2009;20:151-155.

  15. ¿Afecta el tratamiento con corticoides en los periodos prenatal y posnatal el neurodesarrollo del recién nacido prematuro?

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    Marita Lardón


    Conclusión. Los resultados de este estudio no pudieron demostrar que el tratamiento perinatal con corticoides se asociara con peores resultados en el neurodesarrollo en recién nacidos de muy bajo peso.

  16. Tratamiento con eritropoyetina humana recombinante Human recombinant erythropoietin therapy

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    Hugo Donato


    Full Text Available La eritropoyetina recombinante (rHuEPO se ha transformado en la citoquina más utilizada terapéuticamente en el mundo. Luego del éxito obtenido en pacientes con insuficiencia renal terminal, se pudo establecer la utilidad de la terapia con rHuEPO para mejorar otras anemias, incluso en pacientes pediátricos y neonatos. El tratamiento o la prevención de la anemia del prematuro mediante el uso de rHuEPO llevó a una significativa reducción en cantidad de transfusiones y en exposición a dadores. Aún debe establecerse una clara definición sobre cuáles niños prematuros deben recibir tratamiento rutinariamente. Otras indicaciones en período neonatal incluyen anemias hiporregenerativas y hemolíticas. La eficacia de la rHuEPO en niños mayores, con excepción de la insuficiencia renal crónica, no ha sido tan exhaustivamente evaluada como en adultos. Mientras que durante los últimos años se han realizado gran cantidad de estudios en adultos con anemia asociada al cáncer o a infección por HIV, permitiendo establecer conclusiones claras sobre su eficacia, sólo escasa cantidad de estudios con pequeño número de pacientes han sido realizados en niños. Hasta la fecha, los resultados sugieren que la terapia con rHuEPO en niños es tan útil como en adultos, pero la realización de estudios aleatorizados prospectivos incluyendo gran número de pacientes es esencial para alcanzar conclusiones definitivas. Los resultados de estudios dirigidos a evaluar la eficacia de la rHuEpo para mantener una dosis adecuada de ribavirina en pacientes en tratamiento por hepatitis C son alentadores. La utilización potencial de los efectos no hemopoyéticos de la rHuEPO en neonatos es un terreno novedoso y apasionante. El rol de la Epo como citoprotector para sistema nervioso central y mucosa intestinal está bajo investigación exhaustiva.Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEpo has become the most widely used cytokine in the world. Following the success of

  17. A Comparative Study of 131I-Hippuran Renogram, 131I-Hippuran Urinary Excretion Test and Intravenous Pyelogram in Obstructive Uropathy due to Cancerous Invasion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Kee Bok; Rhee, Chong Heon; Hong, Chang Gi; Park, Soo Seong; Koh, Chang Soon


    A comparative study of 131 I-hippuran renogram, 131 I-hippuran excretion test and intravenous pyelogram were performed in 61 cases of gynecological cancer. The following were the results: 1) Among 40 cases of cervix cancer showing normal excretory urography 7 cases (17.5%) were found to have unilateral or bilateral delayed excretory pattern on 131 I-hippuran renogram and on the contrary only 2 cases (5.7%) showed a mild caliectatic change on excretory urography among 35 cases of gynecological cancer showing normal pattern of 131 I-hippuran renogram. 2) In the group showing unilateral of bilateral delayed excretory pattern of 131 I-hippuran renogram there was a reduction of 131 I-hippuran excretion in the first 20 minutes, but there was no significant difference of 131 I-hippuran excretion in 60 minutes compared with that of normal renogram group. 3) In the group showing unilateral non-functioning pattern of 131 I-hippuran renogram in one side and normal pattern in the other side there was found to be no difference in 131 I-hippuran excretion amount compared with that of normal renogram group. 4) It was evident from these experimental study that 131 I-hippuran renogram was considered as a good examination method for the evaluation of obstructive uropathy, and if one side kidney was intact it might compensate for the other diseased kidney so far as to renal excretory function. It was also shown that the more severe the cancerous spread in the pelvic wall the more changes on 131 I-hippuran renogram.

  18. Efectos de la competencia del terapeuta en el tratamiento de adolescentes con fobia social generalizada

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    Pablo J. Olivares-Olivares


    Full Text Available El propósito de este estudio es verificar la parte de los resultados del Programa para la Intervención en Adolescentes con Fobia Social que puede ser atribuida a la competencia del terapeuta. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en tres condiciones experimentales (grupos experto, cuasi-experto e inexperto, integradas por 46 adolescentes españoles con una edad media de 15.37 años (DT = 1.04; rango = 14-18, siendo la mayoría chicas (67.40% que cursaban 4º de E.S.O (46.70%. Todos cumplieron los criterios requeridos para el diagnóstico de Fobia Social Generalizada. Los resultados muestran que (i el tamaño del efecto que se puede atribuir a los terapeutas es bajo, (ii que la magnitud del tamaño del efecto obtenido correlaciona con la magnitud de la competencia del terapeuta en las variables más sensibles al cambio terapéutico, (iii que tales resultados no alcanzan diferencias con significación estadística entre las tres condiciones experimentales. Los datos hallados nos permiten concluir que siendo relevante el impacto de la competencia del terapeuta en los resultados obtenidos la mayor parte de la varianza en los resultados se relaciona directamente con el efecto del programa de tratamiento manualizado que se ha aplicado.

  19. Hydrochlorothiazide-induced 131I excretion facilitated by salt and water

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beyer, K.H. Jr.; Fehr, D.M.; Gelarden, R.T.; White, W.J.; Lang, C.M.; Vesell, E.S.


    Salt intake is restricted under clinical conditions for which thiazide diuretics are customarily used. Dietary iodide intake offsets any effect of thiazide on iodide loss. However, our correlation coefficients relating Na+ to Cl- to I- excretion indicate that as thiazide administration or sodium chloride intake increases renal Na+ and Cl- excretion, I- reabsorption by the nephron coordinately decreases. Increased sodium chloride and water intake by the dog doubled I-excretion rates. Hydrochlorothiazide increased the sodium chloride and water enhanced I-excretion rate as much as eight-fold. Without added NaCl, hydrochlorothiazide increased the excretion rate of 131I by three- to eightfold, acutely. Within five to seven days after 131I oral administration, hydrochlorothiazide (1 or 2 mg/kg twice daily) doubled the rate of 131I disappearance from plasma, reduced the fecal output of 131I, and increased its rate of renal excretion. When hydrochlorothiazide was administered, as much 131I was excreted in the first 24 hours as occurred in 48 hours when sodium chloride and water were given without hydrochlorothiazide. Thiazide administration in customary clinical dosage twice a day with substantial sodium chloride and water for the first two days after exposure to 131I, should therefore facilitate the safe excretion of 131I. This accelerated removal of 131I might be enhanced even more if thyroid uptake of 131I is blocked by administration of potassium iodide, as judged by the greater 131I recovery from thyroidectomized dogs

  20. Sodium Iodide-131 (Na131I) AS Gelatin Capsules At TNRC-In Libya

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherief, M. F.; Abudeeb, F. N.; Abudaia, J. A.; Elghanoudy, Y. A.


    In this contribution, the production of a capsulated Na 131 I radiopharmaceutical, for treatment of variety of hyperthyroidism diseases, at Tajoura Nuclear Research Center in Tripoli-Libya is described. The process requires the application of a very small volume of iodine-131 (not more than 25μ l in some cases) with radioactivities reaching some 37 GBq per capsule. The application of such volume is necessary to prevent damage to gelatin material. Loading a volume of 100 μ l of radioactive Na 131 I solution containing 37 GBq. radioactivity within a capsule filled with anhydrous sodium hydrogen phosphate as an adsorption material for Na 131 I solution brings such solution into a direct interaction with the gelatin material. This is assumed to have an inadequate effect in therapy. To overcome this problem, the work team has introduced some substantial alterations on the irradiation procedure and the process of the pre-irradiation treatment of the target. As a consequence, that has successfully culminated in production of Na 131 I capsules with proper perspective (e.g. radioactive yield of 74 GBq from 37 GBq previously and radioactive concentration of 37 GBq/ml). (Authors)

  1. Factores asociados a la no adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad en adultos infectados con el VIH-sida

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    Óscar Alvis


    Full Text Available Introducción: La no adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad (Targa es la principal causa de fracaso terapéutico. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la no adherencia al Targa en adultos infectados con el VIH-sida. Diseño: Estudio transversal. Institución: Servicio de Infectología, Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza. Participantes: Pacientes infectados con el VIH que se encontraban recibiendo tratamiento antirretroviral. Intervenciones: A pacientes infectados con el VIH que se encontraban recibiendo tratamiento antirretroviral en el hospital, se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado, elaborado en función a instrumentos que evalúan la adherencia y factores asociados. Para determinar la asociación, se empleó las pruebas de chi cuadrado y t de student, se estableció un nivel de significación estadística p<0,05, y para calcular el riesgo se utilizó el OR, con intervalos de confianza de 95%. Se realizó análisis de regresión logística. Principales medidas de resultados: No adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral de gran actividad. Resultados: Se encuestó 465 personas; la edad promedio fue 36,8±9,1 años; 64,1% era varón. El 35,9% de los encuestados resultó ser no adherente. Los factores independientemente asociados a la no adherencia fueron: ser homosexual/bisexual (OR: 3,85, IC95% 1,98 a 7,51, tener una baja calidad de vida relacionada a la salud (OR: 6,22, IC95% 3,47 a 11,13, poco apoyo social (OR: 5,41, IC95% 3,17 a 9,22, no tener domicilio fijo (OR 3,34, IC95% 1,93 a 5,79, tener morbilidad psíquica (OR 2,93, IC95% 1,78 a 4,82 y tener mayor tiempo en tratamiento (OR 1,04, IC95% 1,02 a 1,07. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de no adherencia fue mayor a la reportada previamente en este mismo hospital, pero similar a la encontrada en diferentes estudios, pese a la heterogeneidad de los mismos. Los factores de tipo psicosocial fueron los que influyeron de forma más importante en la

  2. Eficacia de un tratamiento grupal cognitivo-conductual en pacientes con trastornos de ansiedad

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    Full Text Available Este estudio evalúa los datos obtenidos por 44 sujetos con diversos trastornos de ansiedad a los que se les indicó terapia grupal cognitivo-conductual. No se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre los individuos sometidos a tratamiento y el grupo control en variables sociodemográficas, estrés previo, alexitimia, estilo de afrontamiento y diagnóstico. Los resultados indican que la evolución clínica en los sujetos que asistieron a la mayoría de las sesiones es significativamente más favorable que en los sujetos-control: El seguimiento de un año muestra que son más los sujetos que reciben el alta (73.68% vs. 28% y los que ven reducida la dosis de benzodiacepinas prescrita (44.44% vs. 10.52% respecto a los controles. Entre las medidas post-tratamiento obtenidas, se hallaron disminuciones en las puntuaciones de ansiedad-estado, depresión y malestar emocional (p< .05; también mejoró, aunque con menos valor estadístico, la apreciación de su estado físico y disminuyó la frecuencia del malestar físico percibido.

  3. Tratamiento Temprano de la Maloclusión Clase III con aparatología Ortopédica: Reporte de caso con 7 años de control

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    Full Text Available Una de las maloclusiones más complejas de diagnosticar y de tratar es la maloclusión clase III.\tSe caracteriza por una alteración en la relación sagital de los maxilares, ya sea por una deficiencia o retrusión maxilar o por un prognatismo o macrognatismo mandibular, o bien sea una combinación de las anteriores. La etiología es multifactorial y es debida a una interacción de factores hereditarios y ambientales. Se presenta una paciente de 4 años de edad, sexo femenino, con patrón hereditario de clase III en su familia materna. Relación esquelética clase III con mandíbula aumentada en longitud, protruida, rotando posterior y maxilar superior retruído. Tipo de crecimiento vertical, con un perfil recto y mordida cruzada anterior y posterior unilateral izquierda. Se instauró tratamiento con aparatología ortopédica durante el periodo de dentición decidua hasta la dentición permanente, para lograr así, equilibrar el crecimiento maxilomandibular. Uno de los aspectos clínicos más complicados del manejo ortopédico de la maloclusión clase III es la recidiva después del período de tratamiento activo; sin embargo en nuestra paciente se consiguen cambios a nivel esquelético, dental y estéticos que se mantuvieron durante el tratamiento

  4. Tratamiento Tributario en las Operaciones con Créditos de Carbono en Empresas Brasileñas con Proyectos MDL

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    Vanderlei dos Santos


    Full Text Available El estudio objetiva identificar el tratamiento tributario aplicado en las operaciones con créditos de carbono en empresas brasileñas que están desarrollando proyectos en el ámbito del Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL. Para tal, se realizó una pesquisa exploratoria, con abordaje cualitativo de los datos, colectados por medio de cuestionario enviado a todas las empresas brasileñas que poseen proyectos de MDL aprobados sin excepciones por la Comisión Interministerial de Mudanza Global del Clima (CIMGC, conforme listado del Ministerio de la Ciencia y Tecnología. De las 117 empresas listadas, solamente cinco respondieron el instrumento de pesquisa, constituyendo así, una muestra por accesibilidad. Los resultados muestran que en relación al tratamiento tributario aplicado en las empresas investigadas, debe haber tributación del IRPJ y CSLL en las operaciones con créditos de carbono. Referente a la incidencia de PIS, COFINS, ISS, hay empresas que entienden que estos tributos inciden y otras son de opinión que no hay incidencia. No obstante, se constató que hay uniformidad sobre el entendimiento de la no incidencia de ICMS e IOF. Se concluyó que todavía no hay uniformidad de entendimiento sobre la tributación que corresponda en las empresas pesquisadas, lo que se justifica por todavía no haber legislaciones tributarias específicas sobre créditos de carbono en el Brasil.

  5. [sup 131]I-metaiodobenzylguanidine therapy for malignant pheochromocytoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sakahara, Harumi; Saga, Tsuneo; Hosono, Makoto; Kobayashi, Hisataka; Konishi, Junji (Kyoto Univ. (Japan). Faculty of Medicine); Endo, Keigo


    [sup 131]I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) therapy was given to five patients with malignant pheochromocytoma. The patients received 1-3 doses of 3.33-4.625 GBq (total dose: 3.7 to 10.73 GBq). Partial tumor regression was observed in two patients, the tumor was unchanged in two patients, and slow progression was noted in one patient. Marked improvement in clinical symptoms was achieved in four patients. The other patients had no symptoms before [sup 131]I-MIBG treatment, but the serum epinephrine and dopamine decreased. There were no severe untoward responses in four patients. However, one patient developed transient but severe orthostatic hypotension, hypertension, and hyperglycemia from 1 week to 1 month after [sup 131]I-MIBG administration. Although complete remission was not obtained, all the patients achieved some benefit from [sup 131]I-MIBG therapy. Thus, [sup 131]I-MIBG appears to be useful for the palliation of malignant pheochromocytoma. (author).

  6. Visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma with 131I-Adosterol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Maruoka, Shin; Nakamura, Mamoru


    There are very few literatures on successful visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma by means of 131 I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy, although many reports have referred to utility of 131 I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy for adrenal disorders. Since 1976, we have experienced 4 cases of adrenocortical carcinoma which were delineated by 131 I-6β-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol ( 131 I-Adosterol). Three of 4 cases were adrenocortical carcinoma with Cushing's syndrome, and one was adrenocortical carcinoma with adrenogenital syndrome. In 3 cases of cortisol secreting adrenocortical carcinoma, uptake in the tumor and lack of uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland were seen. Faint to moderate uptakes were observed in the 2 cases, but another one showed as high uptake as seen in adenoma. Patient with androgen secreting adrenocortical carcinoma had increased uptake in the tumor and showed faint uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland. Intensity of 131 I-Adosterol uptake in adrenocortical carcinoma seems to depend on the extent of tumor necrosis, cell differentiation and function. (author)

  7. Preparation of the radiopharmaceutical {sup 131}I-Anti-CD20 for the treatment of lymphomas; Preparacion del radiofarmaco {sup 131}I-Anti-CD20 para el tratamiento de linfomas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pantoja H, I E


    At the present time they are considered to the lymphomas like a problem of first magnitude since has happened it is necessary to be the fifth cancer cause in the world. Different treatments focused to the lymphoma like the chemotherapy and the radiotherapy, have been employees to counteract the No-Hodgkin lymphoma, without these they don't exclude the healthy tissue of the toxicity. It is for it that is taking a new direction with the employment of the directed radioimmunotherapy since this it allows to kill wicked cells selectively with radiation dose joined to the apoptosis and cytotoxicity induced by the own one bio molecule. The radioimmunotherapy with radiolabelled antibodies directed to the surface antigen CD20 represents a new modality for the treatment of No-Hodgkin lymphoma and potentially other illnesses. In this work the parameters of optimization are presented for the preparation, control of quality and evaluation of the stability in vitro and in vivo of the monoclonal antibody anti-CD20 labelled with {sup 131} I for the treatment of No-Hodgkin lymphoma. The anti-CD20 labelled by the chloramine-T method with high radiochemical purity (>98%), it is stable in solution for but of a half life of the radionuclide (8.04 days) The {sup 131} I-anti-CD20 doesn't present dehalogenation in vitro (human serum) during 24 h of incubation at 37 C. According to the tests carried out to establish the immunoreactivity, a percentage of union to cells was obtained (B lymphocytes) bigger to 30%. The biodistribution in mice balb/c one hour after their administration, it shows that there is not high reception in mucous neither kidneys, what indicates that the complex is stable in vivo. In conclusion, the radiopharmaceutical {sup 131} I-anti-CD20 was obtained in sterile injectable solution and free of pyrogens with a radiochemical purity bigger to 98% and a specific activity of 296 MBq. The radiolabelled molecule maintains its biological recognition for the receiving CD20

  8. Stability of /sup 131/I--thyroxine and of /sup 131/I-tri-iodothyronine: the influence of radiolytic disintegration on certain diagnostic tests

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Reviczky, A.L.; Szanto, L.


    The blood-protein fractions responsible for the transport of thyroid hormones (TBG, TBPA, TBA) were assayed for their thyroxine-binding capacity in the serum of the same control subject over a one-year period, by a procedure based on the isotope-dilution technique. In the dilutions of /sup 131/I--T/sub 4/ (Amersham RCC) required for the procedure, the ratio /sup 131/I--T/sub 4/:/sup 131/I--T/sub 3/ was measured in every case. Parallel with the accumulation of /sup 131/I--T/sub 3/ resulting from deiodination of /sup 131/I--T/sub 4/, the binding capacity of the individual fractions was found to have shifted from TBG to TBPA. The fact that, in contrast to the principle of the isotope-dilution technique, the labelled substance and the non-radioactive T/sub 4/ were partly different, suggests that the measurements of radioactivity do not reflect the true binding conditions of T/sub 4/. Successive batches of /sup 131/I--T/sub 3/ were examined in the same manner, and the values of the Hamolsky test were determined in the same serum. The figures displayed little variations and /sup 131/I--T/sub 3/ was also found significantly more stable than /sup 131/I--T/sub 4/. Thus, the Hamolsky test was found to represent a fairly reliable indicator of thyroid function, in contrast to measurement of the T/sub 4/-binding capacity of the blood protein fractions by the isotope-dilution technique, the results of which are uncertain and therefore inconclusive in both clinical and therapeutic respects. It is suggested that the /sup 131/I--T/sub 4/ serving for the assays should be supplied as a substance and diluted before use, but not later than a few days after preparation. The advantages of doublet tagging are pointed out.

  9. Comparison of thallium-201, Tc-99m MIBI and I-131 scan in the follow-up assessment after I-131 ablative therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kwon, Jae Sung; Lee, Sung Keun; Kim, Doe Min; Park, Sae Jong; Jang, Kyong Sun; Kim, Eun Sil; Kim, Chong Soon


    We conducted a comparative study to evaluate the diagnostic values of Tl-201, Tc-99m MIBI and I-131 scans in the follow-up assessment after ablative I-131 therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer. The study population consisted of 20 patients who underwent surgical removal of thyroid cancer and ablative radioactive iodine therapy, and followed by one or more times of I-131 retreatment (33 cases). In all patients, Tl-201, Tc-99m MIBI, diagnostic and therapeutic I-131 scans were performed and the results were analyzed retrospectively. Also serum thyroglobulin levels were measured in all patients. The final diagnosis of recurrent or metastatic thyroid cancer was determined by clinical, biochemical, radiologic and/or biopsy findings. Positive rates (PR) of Tc-99m MIBI, Tl-201, diagnostic and therapeutic I-131 scans in detecting malignant thyroid tissue lesions were 70% (19/27), 54% (15/28), 35% (17/48) and 63% (30/48), respectively. The PR in the group of 20 cases (28 lesions) who underwent concomitant Tl-201 and I-131 scans were in the order of therapeutic 131 scan 71%, Tl-201 scan 54% and diagnostic I-131 scan 36%. There was no statistically significant difference between Tl-201 and diagnostic I-131 scans (p>0.05). In the group of 20 cases (27 lesions) who underwent concomitant Tc-99m MIBI and I-131 scans, the PR were in the order of Tc-99m MIBI scan 70%, I-131 therapeutic scan 52% and I-131 diagnostic scan 33%. The PR of Tc-99m MIBI was significantly higher than that of diagnostic I-131 scan (p<0.05). Tc-99m MIBI scan is superior to diagnostic I-131 scan in detecting recurrent or metastatic thyroid cancer following ablation therapy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. Tl-201 scan did not showed significantly higher positive rate than diagnostic I-131 scan. Instead of diagnostic I-131 scan before the I-131 retreatment, Tc-99m MIBI scan without discontinuing thyroid hormone replacement would be a prudent and effective approach in the management of these

  10. Software for dosimetry hypothyroid patients treated with I131 pick up and using probe gamma camera; Software para la dosimetria de pacientes hipertiroideos tratados con 131I utilizando sonda de captacion y gammacamara

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jimenez Felstrom, D.; Luis simon, J.; Reyes Garcia, R.; Derecho Torres, P.; Herrador Cordoba, M.


    In this communication the process recently implemented in our hospital for pre and post treatment of patients treated with I-131 in benign diseases of the thyroid gland internal dosimetry is described. We have developed a proprietary software that facilitates the process of dosimetry. Through scans Planar or pictures Spect be determines the mass of the gland thyroid. In function of the mass, is calculated by Monte Carlo the media power absorbed by disintegration of the I-131 in said gland endocrine. (Author)

  11. Management of thyroid carcinoma with radioactive 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Paryani, Shyam B.; Chobe, Rashmi J.; Scott, Walter; Wells, John; Johnson, Douglas; Kuruvilla, Anand; Schoeppel, Sonja; Deshmukh, Abhijit; Miller, Robert; Dajani, Lorraine; Montgomery, Charles Ted; Puestow, Eric; Purcell, John; Roura, Miguel; Sutton, David; Mallett, Ruth; Peer, Jan


    Purpose: To evaluate the role of radioactive 131 I in the management of patients with well differentiated carcinoma of the thyroid. Methods and Materials: Between 1965 and 1995, a total of 117 patients with well-differentiated carcinoma of the thyroid underwent either lobectomy or thyroidectomy followed by 100-150 mCi of 131 I. Results: With a median follow-up of 8 years, only four patients (3%) developed a recurrence of their disease. The 5-year actuarial survival was 97% with a 10-year survival of 91%. There were no severe side effects noted after 131 I therapy. Conclusions: Radioactive 131 I is a safe and effective procedure for the majority of patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma. We currently recommend that all patients undergo a subtotal or total thyroidectomy followed by 131 I thyroid scanning approximately 4 weeks after surgery. If the thyroid scan shows no residual uptake and all disease is confined to the thyroid, we recommend following patients with annual thyroid scans and serum thyroglobulin levels. If there is any residual uptake detected in the neck or if the tumor extends beyond the thyroid, we recommend routine thyroid ablation of 100-150 mCi of radioactive 131 I

  12. Renal 131I-hippuran extraction in man

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hutchings, M; Hesse, B; Grønvall, J


    This study examined the 131I-hippuran extraction fraction during baseline renal blood flow rates and at high flow rates induced by dopamine.......This study examined the 131I-hippuran extraction fraction during baseline renal blood flow rates and at high flow rates induced by dopamine....

  13. Radioiodinated (I{sup 131} and I{sup 125}) Fibrinogen for the Detection of Malignant Tumours in Man; Emploi de Fibrinogene Marque avec {sup 131}I ou {sup 125}I pour la Detection de Tumeurs Malignes chez l'Homme; Primenenie mechennogo radioaktivnym Jodom-131 i Jodom-125 fibrinogena dlya obnaruzheniya zlokachestvennykh opukholej u cheloveka; Empleo el Fibrinogeno Radioyodado ({sup 131}I y {sup 125}I) para la Deteccion de Tumores Malignos en el Hombre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Monasterio, G.; Becchini, M. F.; Riccioni, N. [Centre of Nuclear Medicine, Medical Clinic, University of Pisa (Italy)


    fibrinogene marque avec {sup 1}'3{sup 1}I a donne des resultats corrects dans 79% des cas examines; aucun resultat faussement positif n'a ete enregistre sur toute la serie. Le memoire expose succinctement le procede et les resultats. D'apres les donnees obtenues, il semble que le fibrinogene marque avec {sup 131}l puisse etre utilise avec succes pour la detection precoce de tumeurs malignes chez l'homme; en ameliorant la technique de detection, il sera peut-etre possible d'augmenter sensiblement la valeur du diagnostic etabli par ce procede. (author) [Spanish] Se ha demostrado que en muchos tumores malignos, tanto en los inducidos en animales de laboratorio como en los formados espontaneamente en el hombre, hay un elevado contenido de fibrina-, se ha establecido una relacion entre este hecho y la gran cantidad de tromboplastina presente en el tumor, que seria lo que provoca la formacion de fibrina por polimerizacion del fibrinogeno. Teniendo esto en cuenta, los autores emplearon fibrinogeno humano marcado con {sup 131}I y {sup 125}l para detectar tumores malignos en el hombre. Estudiaron la absorcion del fibrinogeno radioyodado en tumores malignos y benignos y en lesiones no neoplasticas extensas. Han examinado hasta ahora 73 casos, constituidos 53 de ellos por tumores malignos localizados en el esqueleto, los pulmones, el cerebro, el tubo digestivo, etc. El ensayo de absorcion del fibrinogeno-{sup 131}I dio resultados correctos en el 79% de los casos; en toda la serie no se dio ningun resultado erroneamente positivo. Los autores discuten brevemente la tecnica y los resultados obtenidos. Los datos que ha sido posible reunir parecen indicar que el fibrinogeno-{sup 131}I puede utilizarse con exito para la deteccion temprana de formaciones malignas en el hombre; es probable que perfeccionando la tecnica de deteccion se logre aumentar notablemente el valor diagnostico del metodo. (author) [Russian] V bol'shom kolichestve zlokachestvennyh opuholej kak jeksperimental'nym putem, tak

  14. Estilo de afrontamiento y resultados del tratamiento de exposición en sujetos con fobia a volar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jordi Miró


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo cuasi-experimental es doble. Por una parte, se trata de estudiar si el estilo de afrontamiento de los pacientes (buscadores y evitadores de información; monitoring y blunting está relacionado con los efectos de la terapia de exposición; por otra, examinar si este estilo está relacionado con sesgos de atención. Aplicamos el CAFFT (Computer Assisted Fear of Flying Treatment, esto es, un programa de exposición asistido por ordenador, a una muestra de 17 personas con miedo a volar en avión. Para la evaluación del estilo de afrontamiento empleamos la versión española de la Miller Behavioural Style Scale, mientras que los sesgos de atención fueron valorados mediante el test Stroop . Los resultados muestran que el tratamiento fue efectivo, y si bien no detectan relación con el estilo de afrontamiento, se observa que el estilo de búsqueda de información (por ejemplo, monitoring está asociado con mayores trastornos antes del tratamiento, aunque éstos desaparecen tras el mismo. Nuestros datos también muestran una relación estadísticamente significativa entre sesgo de atención y estilo de afrontamiento.

  15. Perfil del paciente con tuberculosis que abandona el tratamiento en Chile: profile of patients in Chile




    El abandono del tratamiento de la tuberculosis es uno de los factores más importantes que disminuyen la eficiencia de la terapia. Dentro de sus causas se observan factores relacionados con el paciente, con los fármacos y con el sistema de salud. En Chile, el porcentaje de abandono se ha mantenido en torno al 7%, a pesar de las distintas estrategias implementadas para su prevención. Este estudio corresponde al análisis de las auditorías que se realizan en los casos de abandono y busca definir ...

  16. 131I-BSP liver function test by BSP tolerance

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kanda, Koichi


    131 I-BSP liver function test after BSP intravenous tolerance was discussed, assuming that the reason why measurements of 131 I-BSP retention rate at 30 minutes and 131 I-BSP disappearance rate in blood showed respectable overlapping between normal group and group with slight liver disorders as compared with BSP test and the reason why differential diagnosis was difficult were due to underestimate of tolerance volume of 131 I-BSP. 131 I-BSP was observed with time as to 70 persons with normal liver function and 257 cases of liver diseases, using 5, 3 and 2 mg of non-radioactive BSP tolerance volume per kilogram of body weight. 131 I-BSP retention rate at 30 minutes and 131 I-BSP disappearance rate in blood are possible to separate overlapping over control in each measurement value at 3-5 mg/kg of tolerance, and in comparison of 3 mg and 5 mg, the latter showed a little excellent result. So, it was decided that tolerance of 3 mg/kg was a proper dose, considering tolerance to liver cells. 131 I-BSP retention rate at 30 minutes was a little excellent in accuracy and disappearance rate in blood after BSP tolerance is simple and profitable for practical use because collection of blood was only one time and measurement could be made with whole blood. As mentioned above, this method is seemed to be useful to practice of liver function test. (Kanao, N.)

  17. Hepatocellular carcinoma: computed tomography assessment after invasive treatment;Hepatocarcinoma: Evaluacion con tomografia computada luego del tratamiento intervencionista

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kozima, Shigeru; Larranaga, Nebil; Wulfson, Gabriela [Servicio de Diagnostico por Imagenes Hospital General de Agudos ' Cosme Argerich' , CABA, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Eisele, Guillermo [Departamento de Imagenes, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Ridruejo, Ezequiel; Mando, Oscar [Seccion de Hepatologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina); Perazzo, Florencia [Seccion Oncologia. Departamento de Medicina, CEMIC, Buenos Aires (Argentina)


    Objective: To show the computed tomography (CT) usefulness after treatment with transcatheter arterial quimioembolization and radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma. Material and methods: In a period between march 2006 to april 2008 a total of 90 patient presenting 148 nodular lesions with diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma were controlled with triphasic CT. All the lesions were treated with minimally invasive procedure. For the treatment, the patients were classified in two groups following Milan criteria. The first group, constituted by 75 patients with 109 nodules, was treated with quimioembolization. The second group, of 15 patients with 25 nodules, was treated with radiofrequency ablation. In our population, a subgroup of 10 patients was treated with both methods. Results: Of 90 patients after CT control on a month, 3 months and for each 3 months during 2 years, on 63 cases (70%) was observed homogeneous accumulation of iodized oil, partial defect without enhancement or absence of enhancement on treated lesions. In these patients a new treatment after initial one was not performed. The remaining 27 patients (30%) underwent new treatment because we founded partial defect or absence of iodized oil with enhancement or peripheral enhancement on arterial phase in treated lesions. In this last group, 16 treated patients (17.7%) had new nodular enhancement on the remaining hepatic parenquimal. Conclusion: The CT unenhanced and the arterial phase on a month and for each 3 months, allow monitoring the effectiveness, residual disease and/or relapse of hepatocellular carcinoma after minimally invasive treatment. (authors);Objetivo: Mostrar la utilidad de la tomografia computada trifasica (TCT) luego del tratamiento con quimioembolizacion y ablacion por radiofrecuencia (RF) del hepatocarcinoma (HCC). Material y metodos: En un periodo comprendido entre marzo de 2006 y abril de 2008 se controlaron con TCT 90 pacientes que presentaron 148 lesiones nodulares y

  18. Dosimetry by means of external dose rate measurements in patients undergoing 131I thyroid cancer theraphy; Dosimetria de pacientes con cancer diferenciado de tiroides en tratamiento de terapia metabolica con 131I a partir de medidas de tasa de dosis externa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ruiz, M.A.; Ferrer, N.; Cordoba, D.; Alonso, L.; Sastre, J.M.; Arranz, L.


    Dosimetry in patients treated with radiopharmaceuticals needs to be carried out for each individual treatment. No standardized procedure is currently available. In our study, the dosimetry for each individual treatment has been calculated using the dose protocol of the Sociedad Espanola de Fisica Medica for the treatment of thyroid cancer with 131I. This protocol is currently under review, since it proposes a procedure which only uses the daily external dose rate measurements during the patient hospital stay and an external dose rate measurement performed 7-9 days after the activity administration. The results obtained seem to be consistent with those found by other authors following different procedures. Moreover, this protocol has proved to be very useful to verify the values of doses established for red marrow are not exceeded. The maximum activity that can be administered in later treatments could also be assessed with this procedure. Additionally, the activity in urine, which cannot be measured directly, was determined. The potential dose which any patients relative or any person staying close to the patient might receive during the treatment was determined as well. These results make it possible to establish more realistic criteria regarding radiation protection. (Author).

  19. Dosimetric comparison fixed-individualized activity in the treatment of serious disease with I -131; Comparacion dosimetrica actividad fija-actividad individualizada en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de graves con I-131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Melgar Perez, J.; Orellana Salas, A.; Santaella, Y.; Arrocha Acevedo, J. F.


    The iodine-131 therapy has become the treatment with radiopharmaceuticals more frequent in our country, as well as the largest source of exposure to ionizing radiation for members who surround the patient. The aim of this article is to analyse the recommendations of radiological protection which are delivered to the patient receiving radiation discharge, in terms of the duration of the same time, taking into account the radiopharmaceutical dose, the time of entry, the dose rate measured at one meter and the family environment among others. (Author)

  20. Effficacy of 131I therapy hyperthyroidism in adolescent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qin Lan; Wang Junqi; Feng Xuemin; Yin Le


    To investigate the possibility of 131 I therapy hyperthyroidism in adolescent, 117 adolescent patients treated with 131 I are analyzed retrospectively. In the first treatment of 131 I, 76 patients gain with euthyroidism (65.0%), 28 patients have remission (23.9%), 13 patients have hypothyroidism (11.0%), the total efficacy is 88.9%. The administered dose to the patients with younger than 14 years is significantly lower than the patients aged from 15 years to 18 years. There is no significantly difference in cure rate or incidence of hypothyroidism between the two groups. The second treatment may improve the cure rate and not exert any significant impact to the incidence of hypothyroidism. Therefore, 131 I treatment hyperthyroidism in younger is efficacious, inexpensive and safe. The dosages given to patients are different between age groups. (authors)

  1. Differential expression profiling of circulation microRNAs in PTC patients with non-131I and 131I-avid lungs metastases: a pilot study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qiu, Zhong-Ling; Shen, Chen-Tian; Song, Hong-Jun; Wei, Wei-Jun; Luo, Quan-Yong


    Introduction: Loss of the ability to concentrate 131 I is one of the important causes of radioiodine-refractory disease in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Recent advantages of serum microRNAs (miRNAs) open a new realm of possibilities for noninvasive diagnosis and prognosis of many cancers. The aim of the current study was to identify differential expression profiling of circulation miRNAs in PTC patients with non- 131 I and 131 I-avid lungs metastases. Methods: The expressions of miRNAs were examined using miRNA microarray chip. The most significantly changed miRNAs from microarray were verified by using qRT-PCR. The potential miRNAs regulating target genes and their preliminary biological functions were forecasted by Bioinformatic analysis. Results: Compared to 131 I-avid lung metastases, 13 kinds of significantly differential serum miRNAs including 5 upregulated miRNAs (miR-1249, miR-106a, miR-503, miR-34c-5p, miR-1281) and 8 downregulated miRNAs (miR-1915, miR-2861, miR-3196, miR-500, miR-572, miR-33b, miR-554, miR-18a) in PTC patients with non- 131 I-avid lung metastases were identified. Bioinformatic analysis demonstrated that miR-106a was the core miRNA regulating 193 genes in the network. The results of validation confirmed the up-regulation of miR-106a in non- 131 I-avid lungs metastatic PTC patients. Conclusion: Differentially expressed serum miRNA profiles between PTC patients with non- 131 I and 131 I-avid lungs metastases were analyzed. These findings in our present study could represent new clues for the diagnostic and therapeutic strategy in PTC patients with non- 131 I-avid metastatic disease

  2. Analysis of 131I therapy in 71 patients with hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Ping; Chen Zequan; Wang Yuanzhi; Ye Shiqing


    Objective: To evaluate the clinical significance of iodine-131 treatment in patients with hyperthyroidism. Methods: The dose of 131 I was determined according to thyroid absorption of 131 I at 24 hrs post administration and thyroid weight estimated in ECT examination. Results: One dose cure rate of 131 I treatment was 96% (68/71). Hypothyroidism occurred in 3 of 71 patients (4%) in one year after administration. No other serious complication was observed. Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of 131 I in treating hyperthyroidism was quite encouraging. The administration regime was also simple

  3. Eficacia del tratamiento homeopático en pacientes con neumonía bacteriana adquirida en la comunidad. Hospital Infantil Norte de Santiago de Cuba


    Yasel Garcia Leyva; Martha María Leyva Anaya; Rebeca María Massieu Cobas; , Yuneska Rodriguez Ochoa


    Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento homeopático en los pacientes con neumonía bacteriana adqui-rida en la comunidad. Método: se realizó un estudio clínico controlado en el que se conformó dos grupos con los niños hospitalizados para evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento homeopático en los principales síntomas de 40 pacientes con neu-monía bacteriana adquirida en la comunidad, que ingresaron en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Polivalentes Pediátricos del Hospital Infa...

  4. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la pancreatitis aguda con técnica de Puestow modificada


    Vázquez Merayo, Enrique; Moreno Pissau, Francisco; Labrada Arjona, Eduardo; Vázquez Martínez, Yovany Enrique


    La pancreatitis crónica representa uno de los mayores desafíos de la Gastroenterología, y su etiología sigue siendo difícil de establecer en 10-30 % de los pacientes. Se presenta un paciente masculino, de 13 años, con diagnóstico de pancreatitis crónica de tipo inmunológico, con estenosis del conducto pancreático principal. Necesitó tratamiento quirúrgico pancreaticoyeyunostomía longitudinal en Y de Roux, conocido como técnica de Puestow modificada. Se logró mejoría clínica, normalidad de sus...

  5. Radioiodine 131I metabolism in human

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mori, Toru


    Metabolic fate of orally administered 131 I in human was studied. Chronological observations of whole body radioactivity distribution and thyroid 131 I uptake curve revealed that 131 I metabolism was greatly affected by the amount of dietary iodine intake. Under the high iodine intake exceeding 1 mg per day, uptake curve showed biphasic descending type, that is, rapid accumulation during 3 to 6 hours and rapid fall up to 48 hours and gradual decrease afterwards. While, ascending type, monophasic and maximal at 24 hours, was found universary under low iodine intake less than 500 μg per day. Thyroid function should not be affected by the amount of iodine intake, and we analysed 131 I metabolism using a new four compartments which included intrathyroidal inorganic iodine pool. The results, especially hormone production rate, were found quite useful even under high iodine intake. Thyroidal organic iodine contents were calculated as approximately 2.5 mg and this value was much less than previously reported values from other countries. Administered radioiodine were mixed up with stable body iodine and reached equilibration by around 10 days. From seroimmunological, histological (microscopic and electron microscopic) studies, and irradiation studies to the cultured human thyroid cells, we concluded that this unexpected phenomenon was derived from chromosomal damage which induced gradual decrease in cell population because of inability to reproduce. Carcinogenic and genetic effects were not serious, and only three leukemic patients were reported in this country and 484 normal babies were born from 7,500 treated parents. Thus, therapeutic dose of 131 I was proved rather safe, and even when exposed to radioiodine, administration of perchlorate or thiocyanate, excessive iodine and TSH seemed effective to avoid radiation injuries. (auth.)

  6. Quality control of 131I treatment of graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Zeng; Liu Guoqiang


    To make a preliminary quality control (QC) criteria and apply on the various stages of clinic 131 I treatment of Graves' disease in order to decrease the early happening of hypothyroidism and enhance the onetime 131 I cure rate of Graves' disease, the quality control criteria in the stochastic outpatient with 131 I treatment, such as plan of the indication, contraindication, method of treatment, matters needing attention, follow-up observation and curative effect appraisal, patient selection, RAIU, thyroid gland weight measurement and 131 I dose criteria for the various steps of 131 I medication were determined. The 131 I treatment effects of Graves' disease including the once-cure rate, the improving rate, duplicate cure rate and the early happening rate of hypothyroidism were analyzed in patients with applying QC and without QC ccriteria. The results showed that the oncecure rate in patients with applying QC criteria was increased from 76.6% to 90.9% (P≤0.01); the improving rate was decreased from 12.2% to 7.0% (P≤0.01); the duplicate cure rate was increased from 90.1% to 93.0% (P>0.05); the early happening rate of hypothyroidism was decreased from 11.0% to 2.1% (P≤0.01). The 131 I treatment of Graves' disease applying with QC criteria had tremendously improved the oncecure rate and decreased the early happening of hypothyroidism rate. (authors)

  7. The clinical significance of measuring the thyroid 131I uptake rate to identify the type of premature hypothyroidism for hyperthyroid after 131I treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Bo; Chen Huaming; Zhu Tianfeng


    The 3 h thyroid 131 I uptake rate and the content of serum TT 3 , TT 4 , TSH are measured in 63 patients of premature hypothyroidism (consisting of 33 provisional hypothyroids and 30 perpetual hypothyroidism) before and after thyroxine substitutes treatment for six moths. The results show that there is obvious difference in 131 I uptake rate compared provisional hypothyroidism with perpetual hypothyroidism, and no difference in the content of serum TT 3 , TT 4 , TSH before the treatment. Compared with normal conditions, there is no difference in 131 I uptake rate of provisional hypothyroidism, but the 131 I uptake rate of perpetual hypothyroidism has obvious decrease before and after the treatment. Therefore the type of patients who suffer from premature hypothyroidism can be distinguished according to the 131 I uptake rate: if the 3 h thyroid 131 I uptake rate is normal, it is provisional hypothyroidism; if not, it is perpetual hypothyroidism

  8. Distribution and Bioaccumulation of I-131 Within The Water-Fish System

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Darussalam, M; Wijaya, DGO; Sutrisno


    Distribution and Bioaccumulation of I-131 Within The Water-Fish System. As one of fission products, radioiodine I-131 potentially become a pollutant either resulted froma fallout or radioactive waste. Therefore, special interest has been given to handle I-131 starting from its production implementation and its waste management. The observations in this research have been focussed on distribution and bio accumulation of I-131 within the water-fish systems. Some number of Tilapia fish were put in aquaria containing I-131 contamined water with certain radioactivity concentration. Within time interval of 0, 6, 24, 48 and 72 hours after treatment the radioactivities of water media. fish and their organs have been measured. The results show that the radioactivity percentage different water media containing different I-131 concentration tend to have similar patterns. Meanwhile, the I-131 concentrations of fish and their organs were varied with similar patterns for different I-131 content in water media





    RESUMEN El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo aplicar la fotocatálisis oxidativa con ZnO como fotocatalizador y luz solar para el tratamiento de agua contaminada con colorantes industriales. Para este fin; se validaron las técnicas analíticas necesarias para efectuar la investigación en los colorantes Amarillo Oro K–2R, Ácido Carmínico y Rodamina B; los métodos mostraron respuesta lineal, sensible y precisa para los tres colorantes; asimismo se realizó monitorización de la intensidad de...

  10. Preparation of the radiopharmaceutical {sup 131}I-Anti-CD20 for the treatment of lymphomas; Preparacion del radiofarmaco {sup 131}I-Anti-CD20 para el tratamiento de linfomas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Pantoja H, I.E


    At the present time they are considered to the lymphomas like a problem of first magnitude since has happened it is necessary to be the fifth cancer cause in the world. Different treatments focused to the lymphoma like the chemotherapy and the radiotherapy, have been employees to counteract the No-Hodgkin lymphoma, without these they don't exclude the healthy tissue of the toxicity. It is for it that is taking a new direction with the employment of the directed radioimmunotherapy since this it allows to kill wicked cells selectively with radiation dose joined to the apoptosis and cytotoxicity induced by the own one bio molecule. The radioimmunotherapy with radiolabelled antibodies directed to the surface antigen CD20 represents a new modality for the treatment of No-Hodgkin lymphoma and potentially other illnesses. In this work the parameters of optimization are presented for the preparation, control of quality and evaluation of the stability in vitro and in vivo of the monoclonal antibody anti-CD20 labelled with {sup 131} I for the treatment of No-Hodgkin lymphoma. The anti-CD20 labelled by the chloramine-T method with high radiochemical purity (>98%), it is stable in solution for but of a half life of the radionuclide (8.04 days) The {sup 131} I-anti-CD20 doesn't present dehalogenation in vitro (human serum) during 24 h of incubation at 37 C. According to the tests carried out to establish the immunoreactivity, a percentage of union to cells was obtained (B lymphocytes) bigger to 30%. The biodistribution in mice balb/c one hour after their administration, it shows that there is not high reception in mucous neither kidneys, what indicates that the complex is stable in vivo. In conclusion, the radiopharmaceutical {sup 131} I-anti-CD20 was obtained in sterile injectable solution and free of pyrogens with a radiochemical purity bigger to 98% and a specific activity of 296 MBq. The radiolabelled molecule maintains its biological recognition for the receiving

  11. Radiological Risk for Patients Treated with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chas, J.; Janiak, M.K.; Kowalczyk, A.; Siekierzynski, M.; Dziuk, E.


    Full text: Dose equivalents were measured during the three-day therapy with 131 I in patients treated at the Clinic of Endocrinology and Radioisotope Therapy, Central Clinical Hospital, Military University School of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland, for thyroid cancer (supplementary treatment; 21 cases), hyperthyroidism in the Graves-Basedov's disease (18 cases), and toxic nodular goiter (19 cases). The absorbed doses were measured with thermoluminescent dosimeters placed above the jugular incisure and above the pubic symphysis; the readings were used for calculation of the dose equivalent over the thyroid and in the ovaries. Following the radical treatment of thyroid cancer iodine uptake in the thyroid gland was very low and most of the applied 131 I was excreted within one to three days. In our 21 patients who were given on average 2.8 GBq (76 mCi) 131 I and stimulated with TSH (approx. 60 μIU/mL) the mean dose equivalents over the thyroid and in the ovaries were 115±123 mSv and 56±19 mSv, respectively. In comparison, the calculated dose equivalents in the Graves-Basedov's disease patients (424 MBq mean activity of the applied 131 I) and the goiter patients (544 MBq mean activity of the applied 131 I) were approx. 3.5 times higher over the thyroid and approx. 2.5 times lower in the ovaries. No disfunctions of the ovaries were detected in the treated young women. Based on these results it is recommended to stimulate diuresis during the first two-three days after the injection of 131 I. The results also indicate that exposure to ionising radiation of patients treated for various thyroid disorders with 131 I does not lead to the development of clinically detectable non-stochastic effects. (author)

  12. A Comparative Study of {sup 131}I-Hippuran Renogram, {sup 131}I-Hippuran Urinary Excretion Test and Intravenous Pyelogram in Obstructive Uropathy due to Cancerous Invasion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Park, Kee Bok; Rhee, Chong Heon; Hong, Chang Gi; Park, Soo Seong; Koh, Chang Soon [Radiological Research Institue, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    A comparative study of {sup 131}I-hippuran renogram, {sup 131}I-hippuran excretion test and intravenous pyelogram were performed in 61 cases of gynecological cancer. The following were the results: 1) Among 40 cases of cervix cancer showing normal excretory urography 7 cases (17.5%) were found to have unilateral or bilateral delayed excretory pattern on {sup 131}I-hippuran renogram and on the contrary only 2 cases (5.7%) showed a mild caliectatic change on excretory urography among 35 cases of gynecological cancer showing normal pattern of {sup 131}I-hippuran renogram. 2) In the group showing unilateral of bilateral delayed excretory pattern of {sup 131}I-hippuran renogram there was a reduction of {sup 131}I-hippuran excretion in the first 20 minutes, but there was no significant difference of {sup 131}I-hippuran excretion in 60 minutes compared with that of normal renogram group. 3) In the group showing unilateral non-functioning pattern of {sup 131}I-hippuran renogram in one side and normal pattern in the other side there was found to be no difference in {sup 131}I-hippuran excretion amount compared with that of normal renogram group. 4) It was evident from these experimental study that {sup 131}I-hippuran renogram was considered as a good examination method for the evaluation of obstructive uropathy, and if one side kidney was intact it might compensate for the other diseased kidney so far as to renal excretory function. It was also shown that the more severe the cancerous spread in the pelvic wall the more changes on {sup 131}I-hippuran renogram.

  13. Tratamiento ortodóncicoquirúrgico de un paciente con síndrome de cara larga


    Meneses López, Abraham


    El aumento de la altura facial anteroinferior es también reconocida con otros términos como:Síndrome de cara larga, rotación horaria extrema, fascie adenoidea, exceso maxilar vertical,entre otros. Cuando la severidad de la deformación vertical es tan grande que no se puede obteneruna corrección adecuada mediante la modificación de crecimiento o camuflaje, la combinaciónde Ortodoncia y Cirugía provee la única opción de tratamiento viable. Se presenta el caso de unapaciente adulta con Síndrome ...

  14. Tratamiento fisioterapico en pacientes con lesión en territorio de la arteria cerebral media.


    Bays Moneo, Ana Beatriz


    Paciente de 70 años que padece una hemiparesia derecha con afasia de Broca de casi dos años de evolución como consecuencia de una oclusión de arteria carótida interna que provocó un infarto en el territorio de la arteria cerebral media. Para su tratamiento se ha utilizado el concepto Bobath. Durante el mismo, tuvo una frecuencia de tres sesiones por semana de 45 minutos durante cuatro meses. El paciente mostraba como problema principal, un pie con gran tendencia al equ...

  15. Influencia de los tratamientos microabrasivos sobre la resistencia adhesiva en dientes con fluorosis

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    Paola Mena Silva


    Full Text Available La búsqueda de tratamientos mínimamente invasivos y altamente estéticos para pacientes con fluorosis, ha llevado a buscar mecanismos para solucionar esta problemática, mediante la utilización de resinas como la primera opción. Sin embargo el principal problema del tratamiento, se centra en la poca adhesión debido a las características estructurales del esmalte fluorótico, en grados de fluorosis TF 1 al 3, el ácido no actúa correctamente, causando ausencia de grabado principalmente entre las estrías de Retzius, en las rugosidades y espacios adamantinos ocupados por detritus de materia orgánica y cúmulos de placa dentobacteriana, siendo necesario efectuar técnicas microabrasivas y desproteinizantes como paso previo a los procesos adhesivos. Así, el presente estudio pretendió determinar la resistencia adhesiva en dientes con fluorosis grados TF 2 y 3, empleando tres diferentes técnicas de abrasión adamantina, se seleccionaron 48 dientes divididos en 3 grupos de 16 muestras cada uno, 8 con grado TF2 y 8 con grado TF3. Las superficies del esmalte fueron preparadas mediante la técnica “microabrasión modificada”, la “técnica de microabrasión” y “Opalustre”, todos los grupos recibieron desproteinización con hipoclorito de sodio al 5% por un minuto. Posterior a lo cual fueron realizados los procesos adhesivos mediante sistema adhesivo y resina compuesta, sometiéndose posteriormente a pruebas de cizallamiento. Los resultados analizados mediante testes de ANOVA y T de Student no determinaron una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los grupos, la facilidad en los protocolos de aplicación debe ser considerada en la elección de la técnica, sin embargo resulta importante su ejecución en dientes afectados por fluorosis.

  16. Normal and abnormal distribution of the adrenomedullary imaging agent m-[I-131]iodobenzylguanidine (I-131 MIBG) in man; evaluation by scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajo, M.; Shapiro, B.; Copp, J.; Kalff, V.; Gross, M.D.; Sisson, J.C.; Beierwaltes, W.H.


    The scintigraphic distribution of m-[ 131 I]iodobenzylguanidine (I-131 MIBG), an adrenal medullary imaging agent, was studied to determine the patterns of uptake of this agent in man. The normal distribution of I-131 MIBG includes clear portrayal of the salivary glands, liver, spleen, and urinary bladder. The heart, middle and lower lung zones, and colon were less frequently or less clearly seen. The upper lung zones and kidneys were seldom visualized. The thyroid appeared only in cases of inadequate thyroidal blockade. The normal adrenal glands were seldom seen and faintly imaged in 2% at 24 h after injection and in 16% at 48 h, in patients shown not to have pheochromocytomas, whereas intra-adrenal, extra-adrenal, and malignant pheochromocytomas usually appeared as intense focal areas of I-131 MIBG uptake at 24 through 72 h

  17. Effect of 131I therapy on outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Renfei; Tan Jian; Zhang Guizhi; Yin Liang


    Objective: To analyze the correlation between the therapeutic effect of Graves' hyperthyroidism and the outcomes of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy, and to explore the effect of 131 I treatment on turnout of Graves' ophthalmopathy. Methods: Six hundreds and fifty-two patients of Graves' disease accompanied with Graves' ophthalmopathy, received one-time 131 I treatment according to routine procedure. We recorded exophthalmometer readings, the signs and symptoms of eyes before therapy. Regular follow-up and appraisal of curative effect were carried out. Results: At least six months after 131 I therapy, the effective rate of Graves' hyperthyroidism and Graves' ophthalmopathy were 94.3% and 73.3% respectively. The total effective rate of hyperthyroidism with ophthalmopathy was 71.2%. There was a significant correlation between the prognosis of Graves' ophthalmopathy and therapeutic efficacy of hyperthyroidism (r=0.302, P 131 I therapy (χ 2 =0.296, P>0.05). Conclusions: The key to treat Graves' ophthalmopathy is the cure of Graves' hyperthyroidism through 131 I therapy. The timely diagnosis and replacement treatment of hypothyroidism can effectively avoid the aggravation of Graves' ophthalmopathy after 131 I therapy. (authors)

  18. Efectividad de los medicamentos antirretrovirales genéricos en el tratamiento de los pacientes adultos infectados con VIH en Medellín, Colombia

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    Fabián Alberto Jaimes Barragán


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    Pese al uso generalizado de medicamentos antirretrovirales genéricos para VIH/SIDA persiste el debate sobre la efectividad de este tipo de medicaciones comparadas con sus contrapartes originales. Se revisaron las historias clínicas de 170 pacientes con diagnóstico de VIH/SIDA, desde 1998 a 2006, de la base de datos sistematizada de una entidad privada, quienes tuvieron indicaciones para iniciar la terapia antirretroviral. La población en estudio fue dividida en grupos que recibieron medicamentos antirretrovirales originales o genéricos en su totalidad o mezcla de los mismos (grupo mixto. El objetivo primario fue evaluar la efectividad de las distintas terapias como medida de supresión virológica e inmunológica en los pacientes con VIH/SIDA; el objetivo secundario fue determinar la probabilidad de permanecer libre de eventos definitorios de SIDA y mortalidad general. Casi la totalidad de los pacientes recibieron terapia antirretroviral altamente activa (HAART como primer esquema de terapia (n =167; 98,2% y en el 100% en los siguientes esquemas. El promedio de edad al empezar la terapia fue de 38,8 años con un rango entre 21-78 años, 89,4% (n = 152 eran hombres y la principal causa del diagnóstico fue la presencia de infecciones oportunistas en el 41,8% de los casos (n = 71. Al inicio de la terapia, 59,4% de la población (n = 101 tenía un estadio inmunológico 3 y el 47,1% (n = 80 un estadio clínico C. Con respecto a la marca del tratamiento, 64,7% (n = 110 de la cohorte inició la terapia con medicación comercial, 23,5% (n = 40 con genéricos y 11,8% (n = 20 con medicación mixta. Ciento veinte pacientes (70,6% tuvieron buena adhesión al tratamiento. El seguimiento longitudinal de los datos para el recuento de CD4 en los 18 meses iniciales postratamiento permitió analizar un promedio de 2,5 mediciones por paciente. Comparado con el grupo de tratamiento

  19. Mecanismos de adaptación de maíz asociado a <i>Glomus sppi>. en suelos con bajo fósforo disponible

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    Roveda Gabriel


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    La deficiencia de fósforo es uno de los mayores limitantes para la productividad agrícola en el trópico. Esta investigación está orientada a estudiar los mecanismos de adaptación de maíz asociado a <i>Glomus sppi>. La investigación se realizó bajo condiciones controladas en los laboratorios del Corpoica. El diseño experimental utilizado fue bloques completos al azar, con seis tratamientos y seis repeticiones: tres tratamientos con 1, 40 y 100 mg·kg-1 de P en el suelo y los anteriores niveles de P más <i>Glomus sppi>. Los resultados experimentales confirman una disminución en área foliar y materia seca relacionadas con bajo P en suelo, 20 días de la emergencia. Como mecanismos de adaptación a las deficiencias de P, las plántulas traslocan carbohidratos a la raíz en detrimento de las hojas, esto modifica el balance de la materia seca. Este mecanismo fue evidente a 10 días después del estrés. Plantas asociadas a <i>Glomus> mayores tasas de crecimiento, nutrición mineral (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S y concentración de azúcares en tejido, debido al papel P en la síntesis de carbohidratos. Plantas micorrizadas aumentaron los niveles de proteínas en tejido, con 1 y 40 mg·kg- 1 de P en suelo. Los resultados sugieren que<i>Glomus sppi>. contribuye con la síntesis de proteínas de estrés en planta, por déficit de P en el suelo. El estrés conduce a la expresión diferencial de la información genética, produciendo cambios en la síntesis de nuevas proteínas, llamadas <i>micorrizinas>, las cuales posiblemente dotan a las plantas con la capacidad de adaptación al estrés.

  20. Jalea Real (tabletas masticables una alternativa en el tratamiento de pacientes pediátricos con inmunodeficiencia celular

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    Odalis María de la Guardia Peña


    Full Text Available Para evaluar la eficacia del uso de la Jalea Real (tabletas masticables en el tratamiento de niños con inmunodeficiencias celulares, se estudió a 100 niños diagnosticados con esta afección, en la consulta de Inmunología del Hospital Infantil Norte Docente "Juan de la Cruz Martínez Maceira" de Santiago de Cuba; en los años 2000 al 2002. Se establecieron 3 grupos de tratamiento: grupo 1: Tratamiento habitual con levamisol y vitaminas; grupo 2: Tratamiento habitual más Jalea Real a mitad de dosis optima; grupo 3: Jalea Real a dosis optima. Se encontró una mejoría clínica y de laboratorio superior en los pacientes que usaron Jalea Real, sin aparición de reacciones adversas, aumento de la calidad de vida y del apetito, además de aumento del conteo de linfocitos T periféricos mediante la prueba de Roseta. Cuando se combinó Jalea Real con levamisol disminuyó considerablemente la aparición de neutropenia. De los resultados de este estudio se deriva que la Jalea Real pudiera ser usada como inmunomodulador celular.In order to evaluate the efficacy of the use of Royal Jelly (chewable tablets in children with cellular immunodeficiencies, 100 children that were diagnosed this affection at the Immunology Department of "Juan Cruz Martínez Maceira" Northern Children Teaching Hospital, in Santiago de Cuba, from 200 to 2002, were studied. 3 groups of treatment were established: group 1, usual treatment with levamisol and vitamins; group 2, usual treatment plus half of the optimun dose of Royal Jelly; group 3, Royal Jelly at optimum dose. A higher clinical and laboratory improvement was observed among patients using Royal Jelly. No adverse reactions were detected and there was an increase of the quality of life and of appetite . A rise of the peripheral T lymphocytes count was also proved by Roseta test. When the Royal Jelly was mixed with levamisol, the appearance of neutropenia decreased considerably. According to the results of this study, the

  1. La diabetes en España desde la perspectiva de la farmacia comunitaria: conocimiento, cumplimiento y satisfacción con el tratamiento

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    Fornos-Pérez JA


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Conocer la situación actual, en cuanto a utilización de medicamentos, realización de controles, estado de salud y percepción que tienen sobre su enfermedad los diabéticos españoles que acuden a las farmacias comunitarias. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal (enero-marzo 2014 en farmacias comunitarias españolas. Sujetos: personas diagnosticadas de diabetes, que acudían a la farmacia para retirar su tratamiento. La hoja de registro de datos incluía utilización de medicamentos, realización de controles periódicos, cuestionario de conocimiento sobre la enfermedad (Berbés, de conocimiento y cumplimiento del tratamiento y de satisfacción con la medicación (DTSQ. El tamaño muestral mínimo se estimó en 385 personas diabéticas. Resultados: 652 pacientes diabéticos, 49,5% hombres y 50,5% mujeres, 54,6% mayores de 65 años, 73,0% con dos o más factores de riesgo cardiovascular. El 84,1% utilizan ADO, el 38,0% insulina y el 22,9% ambos. 146 pacientes presentaron uno o más episodios de hipoglucemia en el último año. El 65,3% de los pacientes con insulina reutiliza las agujas. El 91,6% manifiesta no tener ningún problema en la realización del autoanálisis y el 72,8% reutiliza las lancetas. Conocían adecuadamente su tratamiento 196 (34,1% y lo cumplían 432 (76,3%. La satisfacción con el tratamiento es buena (24,6±6,6 puntos sobre 36 (82,8% de pacientes satisfechos. Conclusiones: La utilización de medicamentos no se adecúa suficientemente a las guías clínicas. Las revisiones y los autocontroles que realizan son insuficientes. El conocimiento sobre la enfermedad y la medicación es bajo. El cumplimiento y la satisfacción con los tratamientos es alta, menor en los usuarios de insulina.

  2. Clinical evaluation of 131I in treatment hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Jing; Deng Jinglan; Qiao Hongqing


    The clinical value of 131 I in the treatment of hyperthyroidism is observed. The weight of the thyroid was evaluated by palpation, 131 I was taken orally by one dose method. The dose was calculated by actual absorption of 131 I/per gram of thyroid. 3 - 6 months after drug administration, the symptom, clinical manifestation and the serum hormone of the pituitary-hypothyroid axis were observed. In 105 cases, 80(76.2%) were nearly recovered, among them 16(15.2%) had hypothyroidism in the early period. The all over recovering rate was 91.4% in one dose, but 9(8.6%) were recurred and can be controlled at a second dose. Therefore 131 I for the hyperthyroidism had a high recovering rate, low recurring rate and was very convenient. If prospect on the Chinese effort the controlled, the occurrence of hypothyroidism can be reduced to the acceptable level

  3. {sup 131}I treatment of nodular non-toxic goitre

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nygaard, B.; Faber, J.; Hegdeues, L.; Hansen, J.M. [Herlev Hospital (Denmark)


    The traditional treatment of a growing nodular non-toxic goitre has for many years been surgical resection or levothyroxine suppressive treatment. During recent years, several studies have reported promising results of {sup 131}I treatment in terms of thyroid size reduction. This review outlines the different treatment modalities on non-toxic nodular goitre with special emphasis on {sup 131}I treatment. By the term nodular goitre the authors include glands with solitary or multiple thyroid nodules with uptake on a scintiscan. At what point of the natural history of non-toxic multinodular goitre {sup 131}I therapy should be used is not clear. In principle, the best result is obtained in smaller goitres and it is possible that the best effect of {sup 131}I is seen if treatment is given to patients with diffuse goitre before these become nodular. However, then there is a potential risk to swing in the direction to where {sup 131}I is used in an indiscriminate way, since the prevalence of non-toxic multinodular goitre is much higher than that of hyperthyroidism. Although we have data on the long-term hazards of {sup 131}I treatment in hyperthyroidism in terms of risk of cancer, we have only follow-up periods of 5 to 10 years for non-toxic goitres in small groups of patients and no data regarding the long-term risk of high-dose {sup 131}I treatment (>600 MBq) for this condition. Ideally, long term randomized studies comparing the effect, side effect and cost-benefit of surgery as opposed to {sup 131}I treatment should be performed. Awaiting this, it is at present mandatory that each individual patient be given a choice of treatment after proper information. 44 refs.

  4. Therapeutical uses of 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lago, Graciela.


    Physiology of thyroid gland, pathology of thyroid , papillary, follicular cancer is considered together as differentiated thyroid cancer with very good results under therapy with iodine, invitro determination of calcitonin, search of metastasis, anaplastic carcinoma, as indifferentiated carcinoma with similar results as medullary carcinoma. This work gives a protocol for therapeutical use of 131I , in hyperthyroidism due to Graves-Basedow disease, thyrotoxic adenoma or Plummer disease, toxic multi nodular goiter, subacute thyroiditis. Is studied too the treatment with pharmaceuticals, surgery and radioactive iodine. A recommended use of each and protocol for iodine administration, fixed dose technique, dose estimation,absorbed dose, recommendations about when to use and not use 131I are included in this work

  5. /sup 131/I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy of neuroblastomas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Munkner, T.


    Sixteen neuroblastoma patients have been studied by /sup 131/I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy. Three patients were possibly cured, and their scintigraphy results were normal. Thirteen patients had tumors and metastases demonstrated by /sup 131/I-MIBG, two of these patients had a normal vanillylmandelic acid excretion levels. One patient has been treated by /sup 131/I-MIBG, but died. /sup 131/I-MIBG was concentrated in other cells too, e.g., in erythrocytes and platelets. Neuroblastoma is the most common solid malignant disease in children. It has a poor prognosis in patients more than one year old. Early detection and a display of the spread of the tumor is of utmost importance for planning and controlling the treatment. Mass screening for neuroblastoma in infants has been suggested and tried in Japan. Scintigraphy after injection of /sup 131/I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine has been used successfully for locating neuroblastomas. An initial study failed to demonstrate neuroblastoma by means of MIBG in two patients. Since the latter part of 1983, MIBG has been used in a number of European centers for imaging neuroblastomas with very promising results, and a multicenter investigation has been initiated. The Ann Arbor group has recently extended its studies to a group of ten patients and has confirmed the European results

  6. Studies on the radiation burden using I-131 for thyroid therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krzesniak, J.W.; Chomicki, O.A.


    The exposure to personnel from 131 I inhaled from open sources during laboratory procedures and that exhaled by patients treated with 131 I was estimated. The method and the apparatus used to detect airborne 131 I are described. It was found that the ratio of the activity absorbed through the lungs to that permissible for a given category of exposure is not higher than 10%. The kinetics of the 131 I exhaled by patients seems to be complementary to that of 131 I concentration changes in the blood. (H.K.)

  7. Tratamiento con altas dosis de corticoides de Púrpura Trombocitopénica Inmune en paciente con Diabetes Mellitus y Obesidad Mórbida, un desafio metabólico


    Juan Pedro Andreu Cuello; Juan Pablo Gatica Araneda; Patricio Alfaro-Toloza; Romina Olmos-de-Aguilera


    El manejo de la púrpura trombocitopénica inmune con altas dosis de corticoides en pacientes con diabetes mellitus y obesidad mórbida no está definido. Mujer de 64 años con obesidad mórbida, diabetes mellitus 2 y púrpura trombocitopénico inmune presenta trombocitopenia severa de 2 000 plaquetas asociada a equimosis extensas en ambas extremidades inferiores y glicemia descompensada. Se inició tratamiento con Metilprednisolona 500mg por tres días y luego Prednisona 60mg/día, al quinto día se aum...

  8. Eficacia del extracto fluido de Vimang® en el tratamiento de pacientes con alveolitis

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    Yolanda Del Toro Gámez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un ensayo clínico de fase III en 118 pacientes con alveolitis, atendidos en la consulta estomatológica del Hospital General Docente "Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso" de Santiago de Cuba, para evaluar la eficacia del extracto fluido de Vimang® en el tratamiento de ellos. La muestra se dividió en 2 grupos (experimental y control, distribuidos aleatoriamente; los integrantes del primero, tratados con el mencionado extracto; y los del segundo, con Alvogyl. Los resultados del estudio fueron validados mediante el estadígrafo de Ji al cuadrado. Se concluye que el extracto fluido de Vimang® fue eficaz para eliminar la alveolitis en menor tiempo y sin reacciones adversas, por lo cual se recomendó generalizar su uso

  9. Caso clínico sobre el tratamiento fisioterapéutico de un paciente con Atrofia Multisistémica.


    Viejo Espada, Marta


    Introducción: La Atrofia Multisistémica es una enfermedad degenerativa, que cursa con una disfunción del sistema nervioso autónomo y del sistema motor. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer un programa de tratamiento fisioterapéutico para un paciente diagnosticado de Atrofia Multisistémica. Presentación del caso: se describe la valoración de la capacidad funcional y las necesidades del paciente, los objetivos y un programa de tratamiento adaptado. Resultados: El presente e...

  10. Therapy of hyperthyroidism with Na131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kakehi, Hirotake; Furukawa, Takashi; Fukakusa, Shunichi; Futonaka, Hiroshi; Takahashi, Yuji


    Forty one patients of hyperthyroidism were treated with Na 131 I. Men and women are in the ratio 1:3.1. The ages of patients are between twenties and sixties and the forties are the highest in number. The observation period of clinical courses is between 1 and 8 years. The number of patients observed over 5 years are 51% of them and over 2 years are 83%. The treatment frequency is as follows: On 37 cases each one was treated once with Na 131 I. 2 cases twice, 1 case at 4 times in 3 years and 1 case at 5 times in 6 years. The treatment doses are between 4,000-6,000 rad (40-60 Gray). In the cases treated with the irradiation dose of 6,000 rad, we often saw hypothyroidism. In cases aiming 4,000-5,000 rad, there is a tendency of leaving hyperthyroidism unrecovered. In conclusion, the patients should be treated giving 4,000-5,000 rad or with Na 131 I doses of 3-6mCi. If the effects of the treatment are insufficient, the patients should be further treated with anti-thyroid drug or treated again with Na 131 I. As the result, there are at present 25 cases (61.0%) in normal status of the thyroid gland, 12 cases (29.2%) in hyperthyroidism and 4 cases (9.8%) in hypothyroidism totaling 41 cases in all. (author)

  11. Remanente de la obturación endodóntica en dientes restaurados con retenedor Intra-radicular y su relación con la condición periapical post-tratamiento

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    Cristian David Gil García


    Full Text Available No hay evidencia clínica para afirmar que 4-5mm es la longitud aceptada del remanente de obturación endodóntica en dientes restaurados con retenedor intraradicular (RI. Objetivo: Estimar la relación entre el remanente del material de obturación endodóntica en dientes restaurados con RI y la condición periapical post-tratamiento bajo observación en imágenes tomográficas (CBCT. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal. Se incluyen dientes permanentes, con obturación endodóntica óptima y restaurados con RI observados en periodos >1año. Se excluyen raíces con espacio visible entre el retenedor y el material obturador. Dos observadores entrenados clasificaron la variable dependiente: condición periapical en normalidad o en enfermedad. Para la variable explicativa se realizaron mediciones continuas del remanente. Análisis estadístico: Una Prueba-F, significativa al 5%, determinó la variabilidad inter-examinador. Se realizó un análisis en Componentes Principales (ACP para promediar mediciones del remanente de obturación. Un Modelo de Regresión Logística (MRL, con 95% confianza (IC, estimó la relación entre el remanente y el resultado del tratamiento. Resultados: 103 raíces, de 68 pacientes, conformaron la muestra. La Prueba-F no registró diferencias significativas inter-examinador al cuantificar la variable explicativa, (Vp-Coronal=0,767; Vp-Sagital=0,483; Vp-Axial=0,623 y la dependiente (Vp=0,487. Un MRL determinó la no asociación entre la longitud del remanente de obturación y la condición periapical post-tratamiento (OR=0.69, IC95%; 0.244-2.33, P=0.126. En el Corte sagital oblicuo se observó, al 10% de significancia, una relación inversamente proporcional por cada unidad de aumento en la longitud del remanente y la probabilidad de fracasar disminuye en 17.6% (OR=0.36, IC95%; 0.009-13.254, P=0.61. Conclusión: No existe relación entre la longitud del remanente y la condición periapical

  12. Remanente de la obturación endodóntica en dientes restaurados con retenedor Intra-radicular y su relación con la condición periapical post-tratamiento

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    Cristian David Gil García


    Full Text Available No hay evidencia clínica para afirmar que 4-5mm es la longitud aceptada del remanente de obturación endodóntica en dientes restaurados con retenedor intraradicular (RI. Objetivo: Estimar la relación entre el remanente del material de obturación endodóntica en dientes restaurados con RI y la condición periapical post-tratamiento bajo observación en imágenes tomográficas (CBCT. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal. Se incluyen dientes permanentes, con obturación endodóntica óptima y restaurados con RI observados en periodos 1año. Se excluyen raíces con espacio visible entre el retenedor y el material obturador. Dos observadores entrenados clasificaron la variable dependiente: condición periapical en normalidad o en enfermedad. Para la variable explicativa se realizaron mediciones continuas del remanente. Análisis estadístico: Una Prueba-F, significativa al 5%, determinó la variabilidad inter-examinador. Se realizó un análisis en Componentes Principales (ACP para promediar mediciones del remanente de obturación. Un Modelo de Regresión Logística (MRL, con 95% confianza (IC, estimó la relación entre el remanente y el resultado del tratamiento. Resultados: 103 raíces, de 68 pacientes, conformaron la muestra. La Prueba-F no registró diferencias significativas inter-examinador al cuantificar la variable explicativa, (Vp-Coronal=0,767; Vp-Sagital=0,483; Vp-Axial=0,623 y la dependiente (Vp=0,487. Un MRL determinó la no asociación entre la longitud del remanente de obturación y la condición periapical post-tratamiento (OR=0.69, IC95%; 0.244-2.33, P=0.126. En el Corte sagital oblicuo se observó, al 10% de significancia, una relación inversamente proporcional por cada unidad de aumento en la longitud del remanente y la probabilidad de fracasar disminuye en 17.6% (OR=0.36, IC95%; 0.009-13.254, P=0.61. Conclusión: No existe relación entre la longitud del remanente y la condición periapical

  13. Tratamiento del prolapso rectal en la infancia con infiltración de solución salina al 16,5 %

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    Carlos Ramírez Pérez

    Full Text Available Introducción: cuando falla el tratamiento médico conservador en los pacientes pediátricos con prolapso rectal se impone la infiltración perirrectal con sustancias irritantes. En la década de los 90 esas infiltraciones en nuestro centro se hacían con glicerina, pero escaseó en el mercado, y ante tal problema, se buscó otro agente infiltrante alternativo. En el presente trabajo se describe la experiencia con la utilización de solución salina al 16,5 %. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de intervención, longitudinal, prospectivo, experimental, del tipo ensayo clínico no controlado. Consta de una segunda parte en la que se utilizó la aleatorización con un grupo control para la validación. El universo estuvo constituido por 27 pacientes y la muestra, por 16 pacientes con prolapso rectal, que fueron atendidos en el servicio de gastroenterología del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Holguín en el quinquenio 2003-2007. Las variables desarrolladas fueron: concentración idónea para el tratamiento, cantidad de sustancia a infiltrar, complicaciones, recurrencia, número de infiltraciones y curación al año o más. Los resultados se exponen en forma de tablas porcentuales. Resultados: la eficacia con la utilización de solución salina al 16,5 % fue del 100 %, todos los pacientes curaron, y ninguno presentó recurrencia, por lo que no fueron necesarias 2 o más sesiones de tratamiento. Se comentó de un niño que, luego de fallar la infiltración con leche materna en primera opción y fallido también el cerclaje, finalmente resolvió con este método. Las complicaciones fueron relativamente pocas (18,9 %: un absceso, una celulitis y una retención urinaria con necesidad de sondaje durante 2 semanas, sin secuelas posteriores. Se realizó aleatorización con igual número de pacientes en quienes se usó la glicerina, los resultados del uso de ambas sustancias fueron muy parecidos, y el número de complicaciones fue ligeramente mayor en el

  14. Transient hypothyroidism after 131I treatment of Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jianfeng; Fang Yi; Zhang Xiuli; Ye Genyao; Xing Jialiu; Zhang Youren


    Objective: To evaluate the results of the transient hypothyroidism after 131 I treatment of Graves disease. Methods: A total of 32 transient hypothyroidism patients treated with 131 I for Graves disease were studied and followed up. Results: Transient hypothyroidism occurred within 2-6 months after 131 I treatment and 19 patients were symptomatic. At diagnosis of transient hypothyroidism, T 3 and T 4 levels were decreased had normal, TSH levels were increased, normal or low. Follow-up examination found that 20 patients were normal and 12 patients had relapse of hyperthyroidism. Conclusions: Therapy of Graves disease with low doses of 131 I causes a high incidence of transient hypothyroidism. After recovery of transient hypothyroidism, some patients have relapse of hyperthyroidism

  15. Acute hepatitis C in Spain: a retrospective study of 131 cases Hepatitis aguda C en España: estudio retrospectivo de 131 casos

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    Ramón Pérez-Álvarez


    genotipos, el aclaramiento espontáneo del VHC (SVC y la respuesta al tratamiento en una serie de pacientes con HAC. Métodos: hemos analizado los datos retrospectivos de 131 pacientes con HAC de 18 hospitales españoles. Resultados: la edad media fue de 43 ± 16 años (17-83. El 69% tenían síntomas. Las causas de la infección fueron nosocomial en el 40% y CDVP en el 20%. El genotipo 1 se halló en el 82%. El retraso desde el comienzo de los síntomas hasta la confirmación del ARN-VHC fue de 50 ± 68 días (11-350 y hasta el tratamiento (en el 59% de los casos, de 14 ± 13 semanas (2-58. En el grupo tratado el 80% alcanzaron RVS frente al 57% de SVC en el grupo no tratado (p = 0,004. El 96% de los que recibieron tratamiento dentro de las primeras 12 semanas tuvieron RVS frente al 86% de los que se trataron más tarde (p = 0,04. Los pacientes con RNA-VHC indetectable en la semana 4 resolvieron la infección, con o sin tratamiento, con mayor frecuencia que los que persistían con ARN-VHC + (98 vs. 69%, p = 0,005. El tratamiento no resultó beneficioso en los pacientes con ARN-VHC indetectable en la semana 12. No hubo diferencias en la RVS en los pacientes con Gt 1 tratados 24 ó 48 semanas. Los pacientes con carga viral basal baja lograron mayores RVS y SVC. El SVC en aquellos con bilirrubina > 5 mg/dl fue del 78 vs. 40% en los que tenían valores más bajos (p = 0,004. Conclusiones: la vía de contagio más frecuente fue la nosocomial. La RVS fue mayor en pacientes tratados que la SVC en no tratados. El tratamiento precoz (antes de la semana 12 logró la mayor tasa de respuestas. El SVC y la RVS fueron más frecuentes en los que tenían una carga viral basal más baja. El ARN-VHC indetectable en la semana 4 se asoció con mayor frecuencia de SVC y de RVS. La ictericia se relacionó con el SVC.

  16. The development and current status of 131I treatment for hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Chunmei; Wang Xuemei


    Hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune diseasein which excessive amounts of thyroid hormones circulate in the blood. The treatments for hyperthyroidism mainly include antithyroid drugs, 131 I treatment, and surgery. 131 I had been verified as an effective, safe, simple method to treat adult and children hyperthyroidism. Current research trends of 131 I treatment mainly are problems of 131 I treatment of hyperthyroidism and its long-term security. (authors)

  17. 131I therapy for hyperthyroidism with large goitre

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhang Chenggang


    Objective: This retrospective analysis is to study the effects of radioiodine in hyperthyroidism with large goitre and observe the possibility to take the place of surgery. Methods: 82 patients (pts) with hyperthyroidism including 51 female and 31 male, age ranging from 11 to 75 years old (mean 35.43 ± 12.14), were treated with 131 I. All patients presented with typical clinical and biochemical hyperthyroidism and were followed up for 3-38 months after 131 I treatment. Patients were categorized into 2 diagnostic groups: Graves disease (43 pts) and toxic multinodular goitres (39 pts). Gland weights were estimated by palpation and scintigraphy. Cold nodule had not been found in scintigraphy in all pts. The dose in mCi administered were determined according to therapeutic history, thyroid weight (g), rate of uptake 131 I, patient's symptoms and course of disease, etc. 76 pts (92.7%) had iII degree goitre. Goitre weight was stratified into 150-200 g (67 pts), 201-300 g (13 pts) and 400-500 g (2pts). 71 pts (86.6%) were given one dose of 131 I, 10 pts (12.2%) two doses, one patient had three doses. The mean first dose was 39.26 ± 19.63 mCi (14-130 mCi). The mean first μCi/g was 142.89±32.29 μCi (59-200). Results: 24 pts (29.3%) had complete remission (euthyroid), 19 pts (23.2%) had partial resolution. 39 (47.6%) pts had hypothyroidism (HP) including 8 permanent HP, 11 transient HP, 3 subclinical HP and 17 indeterminate HP. The later group had HP that could not be decided to be transient or permanent because the time of following up was less than one year. After 131 I therapy, goitres of 43 pts (52.4%) became 0 degree, 34 pts (41.5%) became I degree, 4 pts (4.9%) had II degree and only one pt still had a III degree goitre. Conclusions: 131 I therapy is a safe and effective method for treating hyperthyroidism with large goitre. If the large goitre does not have cold nodule in scintigraphy, 131 I treatment may replace surgery

  18. Graves hyperthyroidism 131I treatment the clinical curative effect of observation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Duan Yongqiang; Wang Zuobing; Yu Hui; Wang Jing; Li Xiaoqin; Chen Yuanhao; Wu Jiquan


    Objective: to study the clinical treatment of 131 I Graves hyperthyroidism curative effect. Methods: the clinical data of Graves hyperthyroidism patients were retrospectively analyzed. Results: 258 cases of patients with hyperthyroidism Graves. 131 I treatment 1∼2 times after healed 200 cases, improvement of 38 patients, a low, 10 cases were invalid 10 cases failure; the total effective 96.12%. 1 year after treatment 131 I thyroid quality by before treatment 43.6 + 20.9 grams shrinks to 1.98 + 18.5 grams (p 131 I before treatment with prominent eyes 68 cases (26.4%) 131 I after treatment, the prominent eyes healed 24 cases (34.8%), improvement 30 patients (43.5%), invalid in 12 cases (17.4%), aggravating in 2 cases (2.9%), efficient for 79.7%. Concurrent hyperthyroidism 131 I before treatment in patients with 31 patients (heart), after the treatment of 131 I 12.0% in 25 patients recovered, 6 patients get better, efficient 100%. After the treatment of 131 I temporary armor low in 25 patients (9.7%) , permanent armour low 27 cases (10.5%). After the treatment of 131 I 15 cases have been reduced to a sex WBC (5.8%), 8 cases of liver function mild damage (3.1%), 13 cases itchy skin (1 case), cholesterol by 5.0% compared appear suspected hyperthyroidism crises (0.4%). 258 patients with thyroid type micronodular 41 cases, treatment cured after 131 I in 25 patients (61.0%), improvement in 16 (39.0%), laseris 100%, Diffuse 217 example, cure 175 cases (80.6%), improvement 22 patients (10%), a low 10 (4.6%), invalid 10 (4.6%), laseris 95.4 percent. Conclusion: 131 I treatment Graves hyperthyroidism is simple, safe, effective, and can be used as the preferred treatment method outperforms that of anti-thyroid drugs. (authors)

  19. Current status of radioiodine (131I) treatment of hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Becker, D.V.; Hurley, J.R.


    Radioiodine appears to be increasingly selected as the primary form of therapy for most hyperthyroid adults. Some controversy exists concerning the use of I-131 in children and adolescents as well as in some patients with toxic nodular goiter. The technical aspects of radioiodine administration reviewed in this chapter include the biologic basis of I-131 use, dose strategies, measurement and evaluation of radioiodine parameters, and I-125 treatment of hyperthyroidism. The management of patients before and after I-131 treatment is discussed as well as posttreatment hypothyroidism and complications of radioiodine treatment

  20. Comparison of 131I whole-body imaging, 131I SPECT/CT, and 18F-FDG PET/CT in the detection of metastatic thyroid cancer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Jong-Ryool; Chong, Ari; Kim, Jahae; Kang, Sae-Ryung; Song, Ho-Chun; Bom, Hee-Seung; Byun, Byung-Hyun; Hong, Sun-Pyo; Yoo, Su-Woong; Kim, Dong-Yeon; Min, Jung-Joon


    The aim of this study was to compare 131 I whole-body scintigraphy (WBS), WBS with 131 I single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT), and 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/CT in the detection of distant metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). A total of 140 patients with 258 foci of suspected distant metastases were evaluated. 131 I WBS, 131 I SPECT/CT, and 18 F-FDG PET/CT images were interpreted separately. The final diagnosis was obtained from histopathologic study, serum thyroglobulin level, other imaging modalities, and/or clinical follow-up. Of the 140 patients with 258 foci, 46 patients with 166 foci were diagnosed as positive for distant metastasis. The sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of each imaging modality were 65, 55, and 59%, respectively, for 131 I WBS; 65, 95, and 85% for 131 I SPECT/CT, respectively; and 61, 98, and 86%, respectively, for 18 F-FDG PET/CT in patient-based analyses. Lesion-based analyses demonstrated that both SPECT/CT and PET/CT were superior to WBS (p 18 F-FDG PET/CT presented the highest diagnostic performance in patients who underwent multiple challenges of radioiodine therapy. (orig.)

  1. Visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma with /sup 131/I-Adosterol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Maruoka, Shin; Nakamura, Mamoru


    There are very few literatures on successful visualization of adrenocortical carcinoma by means of /sup 131/I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy, although many reports have referred to utility of /sup 131/I-iodocholesterol scintigraphy for adrenal disorders. Since 1976, we have experienced 4 cases of adrenocortical carcinoma which were delineated by /sup 131/I-6US -iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol (/sup 131/I-Adosterol). Three of 4 cases were adrenocortical carcinoma with Cushing's syndrome, and one was adrenocortical carcinoma with adrenogenital syndrome. In 3 cases of cortisol secreting adrenocortical carcinoma, uptake in the tumor and lack of uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland were seen. Faint to moderate uptakes were observed in the 2 cases, but another one showed as high uptake as seen in adenoma. Patient with androgen secreting adrenocortical carcinoma had increased uptake in the tumor and showed faint uptake in the contralateral adrenal gland. Intensity of /sup 131/I-Adosterol uptake in adrenocortical carcinoma seems to depend on the extent of tumor necrosis, cell differentiation and function.

  2. Tratamiento endovascular de una fuga paraprotésica mitral con dispositivo Amplatzer®

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    Alberto Sciegata


    Full Text Available El leak o fuga paraprotésica mitral se presenta entre el 5 y el 17% de los pacientes tratados con cirugía de reemplazo valvular. En general, los defectos son únicos, la mayoría se encuentran localizados en la región postero-medial del anillo valvular y solo la tercera parte produce reflujo de grado grave. El cierre percutáneo por vía endovascular es una alternativa terapéutica válida en pacientes con elevado riesgo para re-operación. La estrategia de abordaje depende de la localización, tamaño, morfología y relaciones adyacentes del o los defectos. El procedimiento debe ser realizado por profesionales con experiencia en el tratamiento de cardiopatías estructurales y en el manejo de estos dispositivos de cierre, y se considera imprescindible la utilización de un ecocardiograma transesofágico tridimensional. Se presenta el caso de un paciente con una fuga paraprotésica valvular mitral que fue cerrada con un dispositivo Amplatzer ® introducido en forma percutánea desde la vena femoral.

  3. Metabolic comparison of radiolabeled aniline- and phenol-phthaleins with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Avcibasi, Ugur; Avcibasi, Nesibe; Unak, Turan; Unak, Perihan; Mueftueler, Fazilet Zuemruet; Yildirim, Yeliz; Dincalp, Haluk; Guemueser, Fikriye Guel; Dursun, Ebru Rueksen


    The metabolic comparison of aniline- and phenol-phthaleins radiolabeled with 131 I ( 131 I-APH and 131 I-PPH, respectively) has been investigated in this study. To compare the metabolic behavior of these phthaleins and their glucuronide conjugates radiolabeled with 131 I, scintigraphic and biodistributional techniques were applied using male Albino rabbits. The results obtained have shown that these compounds were successfully radioiodinated with a radioiodination yield of about 100%. Maximum uptakes of 131 I-APH and 131 I-PPH, which were metabolized as N- and O-glucuronides, were observed within 2 h in the bladder and in the small intestine, respectively. In the case of verification of considerably up taking of these compounds also by tumors developed in the small intestine and in the bladder tissues, these results can be expected to be encouraging to test these compounds, which will be radiolabeled with other radioiodines such as 125 I, 123 I and 124 I as imaging and therapeutic agents in nuclear medical applications

  4. Metabolic comparison of radiolabeled aniline- and phenol-phthaleins with (131)I. (United States)

    Avcibaşi, Uğur; Avcibaşi, Nesibe; Unak, Turan; Unak, Perihan; Müftüler, Fazilet Zümrüt; Yildirim, Yeliz; Dinçalp, Haluk; Gümüşer, Fikriye Gül; Dursun, Ebru Rükşen


    The metabolic comparison of aniline- and phenol-phthaleins radiolabeled with (131)I ((131)I-APH and (131)I-PPH, respectively) has been investigated in this study. To compare the metabolic behavior of these phthaleins and their glucuronide conjugates radiolabeled with (131)I, scintigraphic and biodistributional techniques were applied using male Albino rabbits. The results obtained have shown that these compounds were successfully radioiodinated with a radioiodination yield of about 100%. Maximum uptakes of (131)I-APH and (131)I-PPH, which were metabolized as N- and O-glucuronides, were observed within 2 h in the bladder and in the small intestine, respectively. In the case of verification of considerably up taking of these compounds also by tumors developed in the small intestine and in the bladder tissues, these results can be expected to be encouraging to test these compounds, which will be radiolabeled with other radioiodines such as (125)I, (123)I and (124)I as imaging and therapeutic agents in nuclear medical applications.

  5. The normal and abnormal distribution of the adrenomedullary imaging agent m-[I-131]iodobenzylguanidine (I-131 MIBG) in man: evaluation by scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajo, M.; Shapiro, B.; Copp, J.; Kalff, V.; Gross, M.D.; Sisson, J.C.; Beierwaltes, W.H.


    The scintigraphic distribution of m-[ 131 I]iodobenzylguanidine (I- 131 MIBG), an adrenal medullary imaging agent, was studied to determine the patterns of uptake of this agent in man. The normal distribution of I- 131 MIBG includes clear portrayal of the salivary glands, liver, spleen, and urinary bladder. The heart, middle and lower lung zones, and colon were less frequently or less clearly seen. The upper lung zones and kidneys were seldom visualized. The thyroid appeared only in cases of inadequate thyroidal blockade. The ''normal'' adrenal glands were seldom seen and faintly imaged in 2% at 24 hr after injection and in 16% at 48 hr, in patients shown not to have pheochromocytomas, whereas intra-adrenal, extraadrenal, and malignant pheochromocytomas usually appeared as intense focal areas of I- 131 MIBG uptake at 24 through 72 hr


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    Rochy Vargas


    Full Text Available En este artículo, enmarcado en la psicología de la salud, se pretende identificar la relación que existe entre la conducta parental y la adherencia al tratamiento a partir de un diseño no-experimental de tipo transversal descriptivo correlacional, en una muestra de niños con diabetes tipo I, entre 8 y 11 años de edad, con un tiempo desde el diagnóstico de entre uno y tres años. Los resultados analizados señalan la relación que existe entre los comportamientos que engloba la variable de conducta parental y adherencia al tratamiento, pudiendo incluso diferenciar aquellos comportamientos más representativos para cada categoría; así por ejemplo, se encontró que la comunicaciónafectiva es el comportamiento parental que más está correlacionado con las conductas de adhesión. Con respecto a las conductas de adhesión al tratamiento, la dieta fue la conducta de este tipo que más se correlacionó con comportamientos parentales.

  7. /sup 131/I-BSP liver function test by BSP tolerance

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kanda, K [Minami Osaka Hospital (Japan)


    /sup 131/I-BSP liver function test after BSP intravenous tolerance was discussed, assuming that the reason why measurements of /sup 131/I-BSP retention rate at 30 minutes and /sup 131/I-BSP disappearance rate in blood showed respectable overlapping between normal group and group with slight liver disorders as compared with BSP test and the reason why differential diagnosis was difficult were due to underestimate of tolerance volume of /sup 131/I-BSP. /sup 131/I-BSP was observed with time as to 70 persons with normal liver function and 257 cases of liver diseases, using 5, 3 and 2 mg of non-radioactive BSP tolerance volume per kilogram of body weight. /sup 131/I-BSP retention rate at 30 minutes and /sup 131/I-BSP disappearance rate in blood are possible to separate overlapping over control in each measurement value at 3 to 5 mg/kg of tolerance, and in comparison of 3 mg and 5 mg, the latter showed a little excellent result. So, it was decided that tolerance of 3 mg/kg was a proper dose, considering tolerance to liver cells. /sup 131/I-BSP retention rate at 30 minutes was a little excellent in accuracy and disappearance rate in blood after BSP tolerance is simple and profitable for practical use because collection of blood was only one time and measurement could be made with whole blood. As mentioned above, this method is seemed to be useful to practice of liver function test.

  8. Preparation and evaluation of (131I)AgI particles: potential lungs perfusion imaging agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chattopadhyay, Sankha; Das, Sujata Saha; Sinha, Samarendu; Sarkar, Bharat Ranjan; Ganguly, Shantanu; Chandra, Susmita; De, Kakali; Mishra, Mridula


    Since the discovery of iodine-131 (t 1/2 : 8 d) by Livingood and Seaborg (1938), this, and other radioisotopes of iodine, have found widespread use in nuclear medicine. The purpose of the present work was to formulate Ag 131 I particles and bio-evaluate the same. The Ag 131 I particles were prepared in acidic condition having 100% R.C. Purity. The biological evaluation of Ag 131 1 particles was made by injecting about 111-185 MBq of Ag 131 I particles preparations in female albino rabbits (2-2.5 kg weight) intravenously by femoral vein under urethane anesthesia. Imaging studies were performed under Gamma Camera. The entire amount of the Ag 131 I particles were found to deposit in the lungs and remained there almost unchanged for a certain period of time after the intervenous administration. The images showed excellent, uniform lung uptake with no interference from liver and spleen to the lower regions of right and left lobes. It showed a high accumulation in the rabbits lungs (>99%) and remained constant for at least for 20 min. It is also worthy to study with 123 I/ 124 I labelled AgI for lung imaging study. In conclusion, the synthetic radiopharmaceutical ( 131 I)-Silver iodide colloid can be prepared with a large particle size, in a simple and practical manner, and it has good potential for use as a perfusion imaging agent in lung scans

  9. Value of 201Tl imaging in predicting therapeutic 131I uptake in patients with thyroglobulin-positive but 131I scan-negative differentiated thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Conlu, R.A.O.; Obaldo, J.M.


    Background: Serum thyroglobulin assay and 131Iodine (1311) whole body scan are considered complementary in detecting malignant thyroid tissue or metastases. A large number of patients, however, are encountered presenting with scan-negative, thyroglobulin-positive differentiated thyroid carcinoma posing a dilemma in therapeutic management. One of the first alternative scanning agents to be employed is 201Thallium (201Tl). Recent studies have demonstrated its usefulness in identifying lesions that are not visualized with traditional 131I whole body scan. It is not clear, however, whether 201Tl scan helps in the decision-making for subsequent 131I therapy. This study was conducted to determine if 201Tl scan can predict therapeutic 131I uptake and to define the clinical role of 201Tl scanning in these patients. Methods and results: A total of 12 patients (20-63 y/o), 5 males and 7 females, underwent surgery for differentiated thyroid cancer and all had serum thyroglobulin values above 10 ng/ml and normal TPO autoantibodies. Pre-therapy 131I scan using 111 MBq (3mCi) of 131I were obtained. As required for inclusion, all patients had negative pre-therapy scan and negative TPO autoantibody results and underwent 20lTl scanning within 3 weeks. All patients were given 131I therapy (3.7-5.5 GBq or 100-150 mCi) between one to two months after 201Tl scanning. Within a week after therapy, all patients underwent whole body 1311 scanning. 201Tl imaging demonstrated thyroid remnants in 9 out of 12 patients having positive 201Tl scan but negative pre-therapy 1311 scan. However, only 2 of the positive 201Tl scans showed 131I uptake post-therapy (positive predictive value of 20%). None of the subjects presented with a negative 201Tl scan and a positive post-therapy 131I scan. Conclusion: Our study suggests that evidence of remnants or metastases on 201Tl scanning may be an inappropriate basis for the decision to proceed with 131I therapy. The role of 20lTl imaging in this subset of

  10. β-CIT labelled with 131I and its preliminary clinical practice

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ye Bin; Kuang Anren; Ding Hao; Zheng Hongbo; Yuan Qiang; He Li


    β-CIT is labelled with 131 I by the peracetic acid method. 4 normal controls, 8 patients with PD and 3 patients with PS are studied by 131 I-β-CIT SPECT imaging. Striatal specific uptake of 131 I-β-CIT is calculated by the radioactivity ratio of striatal to cerebellar. The results shows that the radiochemical purity of 131 I-β-CIT is (97.6 +- 0.3)%. 131 I-β-CIT remains stable for at least 4 h after incubated with waters and serum respectively. The striatal specific uptake of 131 I-β-CIT in normal controls, PD and PS patients are (4.39 +- 0.14)%, (2.95 +- 0.68)% and (3.96 +- 0.52)% at 4h and (6.60 +- 0.06)%, (3.85 +- 0.71)% and (6.14 +- 0.08)% at 20 h after administration. There is a significant reduction of striatal tracer uptake in PD patients compared to the controls and PS patients. Striatal specific uptake in contralateral to the clinical symptom side is more pronounced reduced than the ipsilateral side in PD patients. 131 I-β-CIT uptake in PD patients is correlated with disease severity. These results suggest that 131 I-β-CIT can be used for the diagnosis of Parkinsion's disease

  11. Observation of radioactive iodine ({sup 131}I, {sup 129}I) in cropland soil after the Fukushima nuclear accident

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Fujiwara, Hideshi, E-mail:


    During the early stages of the Fukushima nuclear accident, the temporal variations of {sup 131}I deposited on the ground and of {sup 131}I accumulated in cropland soil were monitored at a fixed location in Japan. Moreover, concentrations of long-lived radioactive iodine ({sup 129}I) in atmospheric deposits and soil were measured to examine the feasibility of retrospectively reconstructing {sup 131}I levels from the levels of accident-derived {sup 129}I. The exceptionally high levels of {sup 131}I in deposits and soil were attributed to rainfall-related deposition of radionuclides. In the crop field studied, the losses of deposited {sup 131}I and {sup 129}I due to volatilization were small. The atomic ratio {sup 129}I/{sup 131}I in the topsoil corresponded to the same ratio in deposits. The {sup 131}I concentrations measured in the topsoil were very consistent with the {sup 131}I concentrations reconstructed from the {sup 129}I concentrations in the soil. - Highlights: • A high level of {sup 131}I contamination occurs through rainfall-related deposition. • Only a small loss of deposited radioactive iodine occurs via volatilization. • The {sup 129}I/{sup 131}I ratio in soil corresponds to the ratio in atmospheric deposit. • The feasibility of retrospectively reconstructing {sup 131}I is confirmed.

  12. I-131 and thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rasmussen, Aase Krogh; Nygaard, Birte; Feldt-Rasmussen, Ulla


    Objective: Radioiodine (I-131) used to obtain euthyroidism in thyrotoxic patients is suspected of having a worsening or provoking effect on thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO), an autoimmune disease closely related to Graves' disease. Design: This review summarises the existing literature and describes risk factors influencing the course of TAO including thyroid function, cigarette smoking and treatment of Graves' hyperthyroidism especially I-131 therapy. Conclusion: It is recommended that patients who may be at a greater risk of worsening ophthalmopathy are considered when choosing the modality of therapy of hyperthyroidism and also in deciding whether prophylactic systemic glucocorticoid treatment is indicated.

  13. Traumatismo renal: Diagnóstico y tratamiento

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    Itsel Vela Caravia


    Full Text Available Se investigaron aleatoriamente 57 pacientes con el diagnóstico de traumatismo renal y egresados vivos entre 1993 y 1999. Se valoró como la causa predominante del traumatismo renal a los accidentes del tránsito y la incidencia mayor apareció en los hombres blancos entre 25 y 34 años. Los traumatismos renales cerrados ocurrieron en el 91,2 % y los penetrantes el 8,7 %. Los de grado I representaron el 77,1 %, los del grado II el 12,2 % y los de grado III el 10,5 % del total. En el traumatismo grado I predominó el tratamiento médico conservador; en el grado II un tratamiento conservador quirúrgico y en el grado III predominó el tratamiento no conservador. Se consideró que con un diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuados, mediante una clasificación correcta del traumatismo renal, se puede producir una salvación de la unidad renal afectada57 patients with the diagnosis of kidney traumatism who were discharged alive were investigated at random. Car accidents were asessed as the predominating cause of kidney traumatism. The highest incidence was observed among white men aged 25-34. The closed kidney traumatisms occurred in 91.2 % and the penetrating in 8.7 %. The degree 1 traumatisms accounted for 77.1 %, the degree II for 12.2 % and the degree III for 10.5 % of the total. In degree I traumatism, it was observed a predominance of the conservative medical treatment; in the degree II, a surgical conservative treamtent; and in the degree III, the non-conservative treatment. It was considered that with an adequate diagnosis and treatment and by a correct classification of the renal traumatism, the affected renal unit may be saved

  14. Tratamiento del insulinoma con diazóxido Insulinoma treated with diazoxide

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    M. V. Mateu


    Full Text Available Los insulinomas son tumores pancreáticos de las células beta que segregan insulina en cantidad suficiente como para producir hipoglucemia. Habitualmente benignos se manifiestan como adenomas solitarios, y en menor medida como microadenomas múltiples o carcinomas. Con una incidencia anual de un caso por millón de habitantes, generalmente en adultos de más de 30 años, se localizan con mayor frecuencia en el cuerpo y cola del páncreas. El diagnóstico se realiza sobre la base de los síntomas, la glucemia por debajo de 50mg% y niveles elevados de insulina plasmática y péptido C en ayunas. El mejor método preoperatorio para localizar el tumor es la arteriografía subselectiva del tronco celíaco. La mayoría de los adenomas que no logran evidenciarse por estudios por imágenes se diagnostican durante la cirugía. El tratamiento de elección del insulinoma es la cirugía. Cuando ésta fracasa o se contraindica, se utiliza tratamiento médico con diazóxido. Presentamos un caso de un paciente con un insulinoma que fue tratado médicamente, con excelente respuesta, realizando una actualización de las manifestaciones clínicas, los métodos diagnósticos y las opciones terapéuticas de una enfermedad muy poco frecuente.Insulinomas are islet cell tumors of the pancreas that produce hypoglycemia due to inappropriate insulin secretion. They appear generally as solitary adenomas, and less commonly as multifocal microadenomas or malignant insulinomas. Their incidence is approximately one case per 1 million population per year, and they appear mostly in patients above thirty years old. They are mainly situated in the pancreas tail or body. The diagnosis is based on the symptoms related to hypoglycemia, a blood glucose level under 50mg% and high levels of fast insulin and C-peptide. Selective angiography is the best preoperative procedure to localize the tumor. Occult adenomas, which cannot be represented by preoperative imaging diagnosis, are

  15. Caracterización de los niveles de exposición a campos electromagnéticos durante el tratamiento con diatermia

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    Douglas Deás Yero


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio del campo electromagnético generado por distintos electrodos de tipo capacitivo, empleados en el equipo de fisioterapia por diatermia de onda corta YB4-66, considerando su interacción con el medio ambiente que le rodea. Se realizaron las mediciones de campo eléctrico para diferentes configuraciones de tratamiento y se utilizó un medidor de campo eléctrico de sonda isotrópica. Se diseñó, mediante un software profesional de simulación, un modelo electromagnético paramétrico bidimensional con simetría axial, para obtener detalladamente en cada configuración de los electrodos evaluados la interacción del campo electromagnético con el tejido biológico y el ambiente exterior. Se halló una buena correspondencia entre los resultados obtenidos de forma experimental y las simulaciones, lo cual permitió identificar los niveles de exposición y tomar decisiones para lograr un tratamiento más efectivo y con el menor daño posible a los seres humanos.

  16. Artrosis de tobillo y su tratamiento con artroplastía total de tobillo

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    Beat Hintermann, DR.


    Resultados clínicos alentadores para artroplastias de segunda generación son prometedores para pacientes con osteoartritis avanzada del tobillo. Sin embargo, las características mecánicas y fisiológicas únicas de la articulación del tobillo siguen siendo un desafío. A la fecha, los fracasos de implantes de tobillo continúan siendo más altos que implantes para otras articulaciones. De cierto modo, esto puede estar relacionado con la inhabilidad del cirujano para restaurar adecuadamente el rol estabilizador crítico de los ligamentos junto con una reproducción insuficiente de la mecánica normal de la articulación del tobillo. Sin embargo, la selección adecuada de pacientes, planificación preoperatoria cuidadosa, tratamiento apropiado de trastornos asociados (por ejemplo, inestabilidad, mal alineación y osteoartritis de articulaciones adyacentes y la minimización de complicaciones perioperatorias, ayudarán a maximizar la posibilidad de un resultado exitoso.

  17. Histological changes of the thyroid gland after /sup 131/I treatment for hyperthyroidism. I. Analysis by the frequency of administration and dosage of /sup 131/I

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Takeichi, N; Inoue, S; Niimoto, M; Nagata, N [Hiroshima Univ. (Japan). Research Inst. for Nuclear Medicine and Biology; Yasuda, K


    The histological changes of the thyroid tissues due to /sup 131/I treatment were classified by the frequency of administration and dosage of /sup 131/I, and the chronological changes were examined. The histopathological findings including nuclear alteration, tissue infiltration, vascular alteration and regeneration of the follicular epithelium were examined. In the cases which received 2-3 doses, there were many atypical regeneration of the follicular epithelium, and in the cases with long observation duration, Askanazy cells and fibrotic proliferation were observed. These histological changes indicated the possibility of the occurrence of tumor due to the administration of /sup 131/I.



    Galiano G,María Alejandra; Calvo A,María Silvia; Feito T,María Alicia; Aliaga B,María Waleska; Leiva M,Sara; Mujica P,Beatriz


    La diabetes mellitus (DM) va en aumento en nuestro país, con alta prevalencia de complicaciones especialmente por mal control metabólico. Objetivo: evaluar asociación de condición de salud, variables sociodemográficas y años de diagnóstico con satisfacción del paciente con características del tratamiento de diabetes. Material y método: estudio de prevalencia en 340 pacientes de 1.100 usuarios DM2 controlados en Programa Cardiovascular de un Centro de Salud Familiar (CESFAM) de Macul, Región M...

  19. Radiopharmaceutical potential of I-131 labelled diazepam

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yurt, F.; Unek, P.; Asikoglu, M.; Baggi, S.; Erener, G.; Ozkilic, H.; Uluc, F.; Tuglular, I.


    In this study, diazepam is a derivative of the 1.4 benzodiazepine family that the most widely used drug as anticonvulsant agent has been labeled with I-131, as a new radiopharmaceutical and its radiopharmaceutical potential has been determined. Labeling of diazepam has been performed by iodogen method and optimum labeling conditions have been determined. Optimum reaction conditions are 1 mg for iodogen amount; 1-5 mg for diazepam amount, 15-20 minutes for reaction time and room temperature for reaction temperature. Specific activity of labeled compound was 0,15 Ci/mmol level. N-octanol/water ratio was found 1.9 for 131 IDZ ( 131 I labeled diazepam). In vivo experiments have been carried out to determine radiopharmaceutical potentials of labeled compound. Biodistribution studies on rats showed that 131 IDZ have accumulated in kidneys, liver, lungs and brain tissues. Scintigraphic results taken with gamma camera on rabbits agree with biodistribution results of rats. (author)

  20. *sp131*I-3-iodobenzylguanidine (*sp131*I-3-IBG) as a scintigraphic agent for the visualization of adrenal medulla tumors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Heggeli, D.E.; Brorson, B.I.; Bremper, P.O.


    A method of labelling 3-iodobenzylguanidine with *sp131*I is described. 3-IBG . 0.5 H*sb2*SO*sb4* and Cu(II)SO*sb4* were dissolved in a 0.1 M NH*sb4*H*sb2*PO*sb4* buffer and mixed with *sp131*I-NaI. The solution was evaporated to dryness by heating. After addition of water, the solution was heated with reflux for two hours. The I*sp-* ions were removed after labelling by anionic exchange chromatography. The final product was made isotonic and bacteriostatic by the addition of acetate buffer, saline and benzylalcohol. The product was filtered through a membrane filter with a pore size of 0.22*my*m and was apyrogenically tested by limulus test. The tumors of adrenal medulla, pheochromocytomas and neuroplastomas may in some cases be small or located extra-adrenally. In those cases *sp131*I-labelled 3-IBG is a valuable tool, since 3-IBG concentrates in adrenal medulla tumors because ot its analogy to the catecholamines. Injecting a dose of 0.5 mCi *sp131*I-3-IBG (2.5 mCi/mg), which is an adult dose, allows the scintigraphic localization of the tumours, thus guiding the surgeon. Adrenal uptake in mice and dog is described in the report, as well as a rapid method for the control of radiochemical purity. The radioactive concentration of the *sp131*I-3-IBG has been found to be important for the radiochemical stability of the product. (RF)

  1. Stability studies of therapeutic 131I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (131I-mIBG) using high performance liquid chromatography

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Murhekar, V.V.; Mathur, Anupam; Pilkhwal, Neelam S.; Prabhakar, G.; Padmanabhan, D.; Sachdev, S.S.


    BRIT is a manufacturer and supplier of therapeutic doses (100 mCi) of the radiopharmaceutical 131 I-mIBG to various nuclear medicine centers in India. The therapeutic formulation is of high radioactive concentration (>10 mCi/ml) and is thus prone to radiolytic damage during transport, storage until administration. Earlier stability studies at this laboratory were done using conventional methods like Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) which has an inherent limitation in terms of resolution. In view of this, a suitable HPLC method has been developed and the stability of therapeutic 131 I-mIBG was monitored at various conditions

  2. Valoración física, condición física y calidad de vida en pacientes con diferentes tratamientos renales sustitutivos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sonsoles Hernández Sánchez


    Full Text Available La actividad física es de vital importancia en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica, ya que mejora la capacidad funcional de los sujetos e incrementa notablemente su calidad de vida. Para mejorar la calidad de vida en pacientes con tratamiento renal sustitutivo, dializados o trasplantados, deberían ser incluidos programas de actividad física planificados y supervisados por profesionales. Existen varios estudios sobre entrenamiento aeróbico y de fuerza en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis pero pocos sobre la condición física relacionada con la salud en estos pacientes y escasos los referentes a condición física en trasplantados y en pacientes con diálisis peritoneal. El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar el nivel de actividad física, condición física y calidad de vida de enfermos renales crónicos con diferentes tratamientos sustitutivos. Material y métodos: 25 enfermos renales crónicos varones de entre 59 y 72 años, que participaron voluntariamente en este estudio, fueron divididos en 3 grupos: trasplantados renales: N=11, hemodializados: N=6, y en tratamiento de diálisis peritoneal: N=8. Se les administró el cuestionario de cuantificación de actividad física YALE, el cuestionario de calidad de vida KDQoL y realizaron la batería de tests Senior Fitness Test (SFT. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre grupos en ninguno de los cuestionarios ni en los tests realizados. Los 3 grupos mostraron valores inferiores que otras poblaciones sanas de referencia de la misma edad. Conclusiones: El tipo de tratamiento sustitutivo en los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica no influye sobre el nivel de actividad física, condición física ni calidad de vida.

  3. Adherencia al tratamiento nutricional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asisten a un programa educativo

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    Mariela A. Carvajal


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudió fue evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional por medio de la hemoglobina glicosilada en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asistieron a un programa educativo en diabetes en la ciudad de Guatemala, así como evaluar los principales factores que influyen en ella. Se realizó un estudio de tipo prospectivo, longitudinal, experimental, pareado de intervención no medicamentosa. Se utilizó la prueba de Morinsky-Green Levine para evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional, el cual consiste en cuatro preguntas de auto informe sobre la adherencia. La muestra estuvo conformada por 126 pacientes que recibieron una intervención educativa durante cinco meses. La metodología utilizada permitió analizar la adherencia al tratamiento por medio de la prueba de hemoglobina glicosilada, una encuesta de adherencia, evaluación del consumo por grupos de alimentos al inicio y al final. Uno de los principales hallazgos fue que los pacientes están convencidos que su plan nutricional les beneficia y les evitaría complicaciones. El apoyo familiar también juega un papel muy importante en la adherencia de estos pacientes al tratamiento nutricional. Los indicadores de adherencia que se encontraron más afectados son los relacionados al costo del plan de alimentación y la dificultad para seguirlo. Se concluye que es posible utilizar la hemoglobina glicosilada como un indicador efectivo de adherencia, ya que el porcentaje de pacientes con hemoglobina glicosilada controlada aumentó de un 50 a un 65.9% después de la intervención.

  4. Unremitted hyperthyroidism following 131I treatment: an analysis of clinical markers in 48 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Yi; Zhang Xiuli; Liu Jianfeng; Zhang Youren


    Objective: To evaluate changes in clinical markers of unremitted hyperthyroidism patients after the first 131 I treatment. Methods: Forth eight unremitted hyperthyroidism patients were selected. Their thyroid function, the peak of 131 I uptake rate and thyroid weight before and after 131 I treatment were compared. Results: TT 3 , TT 4 , TSH were relatively stable and the peak of 131 I uptake rate and thyroid weight were reduced after 131 I treatment. Conclusions: Thyroid volume was reduced after 131 I treatment even if patients' clinical symptoms still existed; the peak of 131 I uptake rate was reduced after 131 I treatment, suggesting that their sensibility to 131 I decreased, so the absorbed dose should be adjusted when the 131 I dosage of second treatment is calculated

  5. Feasibility study on standardization of 131I dose in hyperthyrodisom treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tang Yi


    To explore feasibility of standardization of 131 I dose in Graves' hyperthyroidism treatment, the data of 681 Graves' disease cases treated with 131 I was retrospective studied. The software was developed to re-calculate the 131 I doses for the patients and compared with original doses given by traditional method. 313 patients with complete information were taken and divided to three groups base on the remedial effect, Cured Group (123 patients), Uncured Group (125 patients) and Hypothyroid Group (65 patients). The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference between the 131 I dose for Graves' hyperthyroidism treatment calculated by two methods (P>0.05). There was obviously statistically significant difference in hypothyroid Group (P 131 I calculated by software method (174.27 MBq) was less than that of traditional method (190.18 MBq). In uncured group, there was still obviously statistically significant difference (P 131 I calculated by software method (187.22 MBq) was more than that of the traditional method (169.46 MBq). In cured group, there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.005), the mean dose of 131 I calculated by software method (185 MBq) was slightly smaller than that of the traditional method(192.03 MBq). The results indicate the calculation of standard 131 I dose for Graves' hyperthyroidism treatment by software developed in this study is feasible. (authors)

  6. Enfermedades Autoinmunes, tratamiento con Trichuris suis y otros helmintos

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    Iñigo Pallardo Fernández


    Full Text Available Objetivos: La "Hipótesis de la Higiene" postula sobre los efectos inmunomoduladores inducidos por agentes infecciosos en los seres humanos. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es indagar sobre las evidencias de esa hipótesis y sobre sus aplicaciones en el campo del tratamiento de las enfermedades autoinmunes, haciendo especial hincapié tanto en los mecanismos de acción en los que se basan estas aplicaciones como en los resultados reales obtenidos. Además analizará la posible evolución de estas terapias, especialmente a la sombra de las controversias éticas que surgen de la aplicación de estos tratamientos en relación a si es lícito causar una infección para curar otra patología, como es el caso que nos ocupa. Resultados: Actualmente existen resultados prometedores de ensayos clínicos sobre terapias helmínticas aplicadas al tratamiento de enfermedades autoinmunes como son la enfermedad de Crohn y la colitis ulcerosa, resumidos en el apartado de resultados de este artículo. Igualmente prometedora es la gran variedad de ensayos clínicos que actualmente están en curso sobre la aplicación de la terapia helmíntica al tratamiento de diversas patologías en las que está involucrado el sistema inmunológico, como son: asma, rinitis alérgica, artritis reumatoide, esclerosis múltiple, diabetes Mellitus tipo I, encefalomielitis autoinmune, obesidad, autismo, etc que han llevado a identificar cuáles son los parásitos indicados en el tratamiento de este amplio espectro de enfermedades. Sin embargo es necesario indicar que no todos los helmintos son inmunorreguladores y, por lo tanto útiles en el tratamiento de estas enfermedades y que, los que lo son, no son útiles en el tratamiento de todas las enfermedades de origen inmunológico sino que presentan una marcada especificidad. Es más, la utilidad de éstos presenta una variabilidad importante, no sólo dependiente de la enfermedad de origen inmunológico a tratar, sino tambi

  7. Percepciones y prácticas relacionadas con la tuberculosis y la adherencia al tratamiento en Chiapas, México

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    Alvarez-Gordillo Guadalupe del Carmen


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Conocer las percepciones y prácticas que los enfermos de tuberculosis tienen sobre la enfermedad y la adherencia al tratamiento. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio cualitativo de 11 entrevistas grupales a 62 pacientes con tuberculosis diagnosticados durante 1997 y 1998 en las regiones Centro, Los Altos y Fronteriza de Chiapas, México. RESULTADOS: Las causas de la enfermedad referidas por los pacientes fueron el contagio por trastes, el trabajo excesivo, la alimentación, el frío y otras sin relación con la transmisión de persona a persona. La incapacidad para el trabajo se reflejó en crisis económica del paciente y su familia. El estigma social impactó emocionalmente en la vida personal, familiar, laboral y de comunidad. CONCLUSIONES: El desconocimiento sobre la enfermedad propició la elección de diferentes alternativas para su atención. Los servicios de salud y la inadecuada relación médico-paciente influyó en el retardo en el diagnóstico y falta de adherencia al tratamiento. Se sugiere un programa de difusión sobre aspectos básicos de la enfermedad y su tratamiento.

  8. Relación entre conducta parental y adherencia al tratamiento en diabetes infantil

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    Mónica María Novoa Gómez


    Full Text Available En este artículo, enmarcado en la psicología de la salud, se pretende identificar la relación que existe entre la conducta parental y la adherencia al tratamiento a partir de un diseño no-experimental de tipo transversal descriptivo correlacional, en una muestra de niños con diabetes tipo I, entre 8 y 11 años de edad, con un tiempo desde el diagnóstico de entre uno y tres años. Los resultados analizados señalan la relación que existe entre los comportamientos que engloba la variable de conducta parental y adherencia al tratamiento, pudiendo incluso diferenciar aquellos comportamientos más representativos para cada categoría; así por ejemplo, se encontró que la comunicación afectiva es el comportamiento parental que más está correlacionado con las conductas de adhesión. Con respecto a las conductas de adhesión al tratamiento, la dieta fue la conducta de este tipo que más se correlacionó con comportamientos parentales.

  9. Tumor localization of 131I-labeled antibodies by radionuclide imaging

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ghose, T.; Tai, J.; Aquino, J.; Guclu, A.; Norvell, S.; MacDondald, A.


    Intravenous injections of 131 I-labeled anti-EL4 lymphoma antibodies showed progressive localization of radioactivity in EL4 transplants but not in B16 melanoma in mice carrying both tumors. Normal rabbit globulin labeled with 131 I did not localize in either tumor and cleared more slowly from the internal organs. Metastatic localization of intravenous 131 I-labeled anti-tumor antibodies was also observed in two cancer patients. (U.S.)

  10. Eficacia de la inducción miofascial para el tratamiento de la espasticidad en pacientes con parálisis cerebral espástica: ensayo clínico aleatorizado


    Ayesa Justicia, Aiantze


    ¿El tratamiento mediante la inducción miofascial disminuye la espasticidad en los pacientes con Parálisis Cerebral Espástica (PCE) mientras son intervenidos con un tratamiento convencional? Objetivos: Comprobar si la inducción miofascial disminuye la espasticidad en pacientes con parálisis cerebral espástica (PCE) y así mismo prevenir las complicaciones musculoesqueléticas y aumentar el rango de movilidad articular. Metodología: Ensayo controlado clínico aleatorizado que recoge un total...

  11. Observation of curative effect of 131I in treatment of hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang Kebin; Xu Fan; Zhang Yaping; Wang Jingchang; Zhao Mingli; Ye Ming


    Objective: To explore the curative effect of 131 I in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Method: 126 patients with hyperthyroidism were treated with 131 I and the curative effect was analyzed. Result: The results showed that among 126 cases of hyperthyroidism treated with 131 I, 117 cases had recovered and the cure rate was 92.9%. 9 cases were found hypothyroidism in one-year follow-up and the occurrence rate was 7.1%. Conclusion: The treatment of hyperthyroidism with 131 I is safe and effective method. (authors)

  12. Tratamiento con láser puntura: alternativa para el tratamiento de la migraña en los adolescentes Treatment with laserpuncture: an alternative for treating migraine in adolescents

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    Aida Gabina Cárdenas Giraudy


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN. Además de tener costos sociales y económicos muy elevados, la migraña afecta la calidad de vida de quien la padece. Se estima que más del 30 % de los pacientes con cefalea no responden al tratamiento farmacológico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue valorar las crisis de migraña refractarias en los adolescentes y evaluar el tratamiento medicamentoso indicado, para lograr una mejor calidad de vida. MÉTODOS. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal con acciones prospectivas, con 17 pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente «William Soler» (2004 a 2006 a causa de crisis frecuentes de migraña. El diagnóstico y tratamiento se realizó sobre la base de los principios de la medicina bioenergética. RESULTADOS. El grupo de edad que más crisis de migraña presentó fue el de 12 a 15 años (41,17 %, principalmente las adolescentes féminas (58,82 %. La localizacion del dolor frontal y hemicranea constituyeron las localizaciones más frecuentes y 14 pacientes (82,35 % mostraron respuesta favorable al método de laserterapia. CONCLUSIONES. El tratamiento con láser constituyó otra alternativa para el control de las crisis frecuentes de migraña en los adolescentes.INTRODUCTION. In addition to the very high social and economic costs, migraine affects the quality of life of those suffering from it. It is estimated that more than 30 % of patients with headache do not respond to drug treatment. The aim of this paper was to assess the crisis of refractory migraine in adolescents and to evaluate also the drug treatment indicated to achieve a better quality of life. METHODS. A longitudinal and descriptive prospective study was undertaken in 17 patients seen in "William Soler" Teaching and Children Hospital (2004-2006 due to frequent crises of migraine. The diagnosis and treatment were based on the principles of bioenergetic medicine. RESULTS. Migraine was more common in the group aged 12-15 (41.17 %, mainly among the

  13. I131-meta-iodobenzylguanidine in the diagnosis and treatment of neural crest tumours

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoefnagel, C.A.; Hartog Jager, F.C.A. den; Taal, B.G.; Engelsman, E.; Kraker, J. de; Voute, P.A.


    Iodine-131-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (I-131-MIBG) was used for scintigraphic detection and therapy of neural crest tumours. The methodology of both techniques is described. Based upon experience with I-131-MIBG-scintigraphy in 170 patients with neural crest tumours, of whom 46 received multiple therapeutic doses of I-131-MIBG, and upon the cumulative reports in the literature, the role of I-131-MIBG in diagnosis and treatment of each of these diseases is indicated. I-131-MIBG-scintigraphy is one of the most sensitive and specific techniques for the diagnosis, staging and follow-up of phaeochromocytoma and neuroblastoma and I-131-MIBG-therapy may induce remission in a number of these patients. In carcinoid and medullary thyroid carcinoma the diagnostic sensitivity is less; however, once the diagnosis has been made, it is useful to establish that the tumour concentrates I-131-MIBG, to see if the patients at some point in time may be amenable to I-131-MIBG-therapy

  14. Propiedades biomecánicas de la membrana limitante interna tras recibir tratamiento intravítreo con ocriplasmina. (United States)

    Vielmuth, Franziska; Schumann, Ricarda G; Spindler, Volker; Wolf, Armin; Scheler, Renate; Mayer, Wolfgang J; Henrich, Paul B; Haritoglou, Christos


    Objetivo: Evaluar la rigidez de la membrana limitante interna (MLI) humana y evaluar los posibles cambios de las propiedades mecánicas tras administrar una inyección intravítrea de ocriplasmina para tratar la tracción vitreomacular. Métodos: Este estudio se compone de una serie de casos intervencionales y comparativos de 12 muestras de MLI extraídas mediante cirugía y obtenidas de forma consecutiva de 9 ojos de 9 pacientes después de someterse sin éxito a vitreólisis farmacológica con ocriplasmina. Durante el mismo periodo de tiempo, 16 muestras de otros 13 ojos sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina se obtuvieron mediante vitrectomía y sirvieron como controles. Todos los pacientes presentaron agujeros maculares o tracción vitreomacular y se sometieron a vitrectomía con disección de la MLI tanto con tinción con azul brillante (AB) como sin ella. Todas las muestras se analizaron con un microscopio de fuerza atómica con imágenes de las regiones de 25 × 25 μm. En todas las muestras, se analizaron tanto la parte de la retina como la del vítreo de la MLI. Resultados: La microscopia de fuerza atómica no reveló diferencias significativas en cuanto a elasticidad de las muestras de MLI extraídas de ojos con o sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina. Las áreas onduladas de la parte de la retina presentaron una mayor rigidez que la parte del vítreo de la MLI. La cartografía topográfica tanto de la parte del vítreo como de la retina de la MLI no mostró ninguna alteración aparente de la morfología en ojos tratados con ocriplasmina en comparación con los ojos no tratados. La tinción con azul brillante conllevó un aumento de la rigidez tisular. Conclusiones: Las inyecciones intravítreas de ocriplasmina no varían las propiedades biomecánicas de la MLI humana. No existen pruebas de un posible efecto enzimático que interfiera con la rigidez de esta membrana basal. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  15. Utilidad del tratamiento con hidratación y nifedipino en la amenaza de parto pretérmino

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen A. Argote Viñals


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio transversal en gestantes ingresadas con el diagnóstico de amenaza de parto pretérmino, en la sala de cuidados maternos-perinatales del Servicio de Obstetricia del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara” de Las Tunas, con el objetivo de determinar la utilidad del tratamiento de la amenaza de parto pretérmino con el empleo de hidratación y nifedipino como terapéutica de elección, en una muestra de 86 gestantes con embarazo viable entre 28 y 34 semanas, que recibieron como tratamiento de ataque la hidratación endovenosa, el reposo en cama y el uso de bloqueadores de los canales del calcio. Se estudiaron como variables: edad materna, edad gestacional al ingreso, paridad, antecedentes personales, tiempo para la desaparición de los síntomas, estadía en la sala de cuidados maternos perinatales y tocolíticos empleados. Predominaron las gestantes de entre 20 y 24 años de edad; las de edad gestacional al ingreso entre 32 a 34 semanas, 37 casos para un 43,1%; las que tenían un parto anterior, 42 (48,8%. Los abortos espontáneos previos (26,7% y el parto prematuro anterior (24,4% resultaron los antecedentes patológicos maternos más significativos. El 53,6% de las gestantes necesitaron tres horas para la desaparición de los síntomas y tres días para estar de alta. El 89,6% pudo llegar al término de su gestación. El empleo de nifedipino e hidratación como tratamiento de elección en la amenaza de parto pretérmino se relacionó con la reducción en el tiempo de alivio de los síntomas, una menor estadía y la prolongación de la gestación, lo que hace a este esquema terapéutico como el más recomendable para la atención de este problema de salud en condiciones similares a la de la investigación

  16. 131I treatment in patients undergoing renal dialysis: our experience

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tobarra, Bonifacio; Campos, Pedro A.; Gonzalez Lopez, Antonio; Palma, Juan D.


    Radiation Protection issues concerning patients, public and staff must be considered carefully in hemodialysis for chronic renal failure patients scheduled for 131 I high dose therapy. In order to assess the risks related to this medical procedure, hemodialysis clearance of 131 I and contamination measurements were carried out. We have studied 12 hemodialysis procedures corresponding to 2 cases of hyperthyroidism disease (555MBq of 131 I administered) and 3 patients with carcinoma of the thyroid (5550 MBq of 131 I administered). The arterio-venous difference of 131 I across the artificial kidney and dose rate reduction at one meter of patient were measured. Contamination levels of the dialyser machine, filters and tubes were measured after dialysis with a contamination monitor. Direct read-out dosimeters were used to assess the radiation doses to nursery staff involved. The result obtained for mean 131 I clearance in blood was 75±11%. The mean dose rate reduction at one meter of the patient was 58±18%. We also checked that contamination levels for the dialyser machine, filters, tubes and accessories were lower than 10Bq/cm 2 . For the nursery staff the radiation dose was found to be lower than 0.1mSv. (author)

  17. Efectos del tratamiento fisioterapéutico con el Wii Balance board en las alteraciones posturales de dos niños con parálisis cerebral. Estudio de caso


    Córdoba Castillo, Luisa Fernanda; Gómez Lozano, Viviana Carolina; Tello Fernández, Leidy Karina; Tovar Ruiz, Luz Ángela


    Introducción: Este estudio pretendió determinar los efectos del tratamiento fisioterapéutico con el accesorio Wii Balance Board y el juego Wii Fit Plus -ambos de la consola Wii, de la empresa Nintendo Company Limited- en las alteraciones posturales de niños con hemiparesia espástica. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de caso, realizado con la participación de dos niños con parálisis cerebral, tipo hemiparesia espástica del municipio de Popayán, Cauca, a quienes se les realizó una evaluación de la...

  18. Evaluation for Preparation of I-131-MIBG for Diagnosis and Therapy Neuroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laksmi Andri A; Purwoko; Sri Setyowati; Maskur; Cahya Nova Ardianto; Adang Hardi G


    Evaluation for preparation of 131 I-MIBG have been carried out. Production/preparation of 131 I-MIBG was carried out by labeling MIBG with I-131, the radiochemical purity of 131 I-MIBG was analysed using TLC/paper chromatography. The stability in the human body by using fresh human plasma, at room temperature and at 8°C was carried out. The chemical purity of synthesized MIBG was found to be > 95%, the labeled MIBG with I-131 was analysed using TLC/paper chromatography. The radiochemical purity of 131 I-MIBG was obtained at higher than 95 %. The stability of labeled MIBG in fresh human plasma and at 8°C was stable up to 141 hours, while at room temperature was stable up to 120 hours. The results of labeling of 131 I-MIBG from 2010-2012 showed that these products were colorless clear solution with pH between 5.5.0-7.0, sterile and pyrogen-free, radiochemical purity > 95%. The quality control results were found to be met with the requirements of 131 I-MIBG injection solution used for diagnosis and therapy of neuroblastoma in Hospital. (author)

  19. Tratamiento con acupuntura y moxibustión del síndrome poslaminectomía: Caso clínico Treatment of post-laminectomy syndrome with acupuncture and moxibustion: A clinical case


    M. Robles Romero; A. Rojas Caracuel


    El síndrome de la cirugía fallida de espalda es una complicación frecuente posquirúrgica que cursa con lumbalgia crónica con gran repercusión clínica y económica. Las posibilidades de tratamiento abarcan una gran variedad de técnicas y fármacos, siendo pese a ello una de las principales causas de dolor lumbar de más difícil tratamiento. Cada vez hay más pruebas sólidas de que la acupuntura puede ser un complemento útil al tratamiento convencional para el tratamiento de la lumbalgia. Se presen...

  20. Resultados obtenidos en pacientes con dolor sometidos a tratamiento

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    Fe Boch Valdés


    Full Text Available El dolor tiene una proyección biopsicosocial, síntoma por el que gran número de pacientes son atendidos, requiere de visión multidimensional, por lo que origina los grupos multidisciplinarios y las Clínicas del Dolor. El aumento en la toxicidad medicamentosa y otras técnicas invasivas, que no siempre producen alivio, ha incrementado el uso de terapias naturales y biológicas. En este estudio se recogen resultados de tratamientos naturales y convencionales utilizados en un período de 5 años. Se estudiaron 9 280 pacientes con dolor, a los que se aplicaron las técnicas de electroacupuntura, acupuntura, láser, estimulación eléctrica nerviosa transcutánea (TENS, faciocibernetoterapia (FACI, moxibustión, auriculoterapia, técnicas psicológicas, homeopatía, masajes, magnetoterapia y fitoterapia. Las variables de respuesta al tratamiento fueron consideradas por escala análoga visual a la 5ta y 10ma sesión. Encontramos que las lumbalgias fueron más frecuentes, y la electroacupuntura y la acupuntura las técnicas más efectivas. Los métodos naturales utilizados fueron eficaces, económicos y útiles en el tratamiento del dolor.Pain has a biopsychosocial projection and many patients receive attention because of this symptom, which requires a multidimensional vision that gives rise to the multidisciplinary groups and to the Pain Clinic. The increase in drug toxicity and other invasive techniques that not always cause relief have promoted the use of natural and biologic therapies. In the present study, the results of natural and conventional treatments used for 5 years were collected. A total of 9 280 patients with pain were studied. Electroacupuncture, acupuncture, laser, transcutaneous nerve electric stimulation, phaciocybernetic therapy (PHACI, moxibustion, auricle therapy, psychologic techniques, homeopathy, massages, magnetotherapy and phytotherapy were applied. Variables of response to treatment were considered by visual analogue

  1. Determination of 131I and thorium in urine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tomida, Rute Miwa


    Methods for the determination of 131 I and Thorium in urine have been developed taking into account the monitoring needs for people who handle with these radioisotopes. The method for determining 131 I is based in the use of silver chloride to separate iodine by precipitation from the sample; the detection was carried out in a Nal (Tl) well type scintillator connected to a single channel analyser. This method has the following advantages; it is easy and relatively fast as well as selective, showing a separation yield higher than 80%. Thorium in urine was determined by colorimetry after the mineralization of the sample using nitric acid, and sulphuric acid, and then oxygen peroxide. The chromophore reagent used was Thoron (disodium salt of 2-(2-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-l-naphthylazo) benzenearsonic acid).The absorbance was measured in a spectro colorimeter at a fixed wavelength (530 nm). The method proved to be simple allowing a separation yield of about 80%. The most representative sample for a monitoring program in a 131 I production laboratory has been established. The 131 I concentration in urine of individuals with chronic contamination have also been measured; an interpretation of these results is discussed. (author)

  2. Application of an imaging plate system to in vivo thyroid 131I monitoring

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hirota, M.; Saze, T.; Nishizawa, K.


    An imaging plate (IP) system was applied to in vivo thyroid radioactive iodine 131 ( 131 I) monitoring. Thyroid contamination by 131 I occurs when medical staffs and patient's families take in 131 I used as treatment agent for thyroid cancer and hyperthyroidism in nuclear medicine, inhabitants take in 131 I released into environment by an accident of nuclear facilities, or worker take in 131 I used by experiment of research. The IP system is a two-dimensional integrating radiation detector which is a plate thinly coated plastic sheet with a kind of phosphore. The IP was exposed to a neck-thyroid phantom loaded 131 I aqueous solution. The IP system displayed a thyroid image that reflects a unique shape characteristic of the thyroid gland. A 131 I thyroid imaging allows visual confirmation of thyroid contamination by 131 I. The counting efficiency was approximately constant when neck diameter, thyroid volume and prethyroid tissue thickness varied within the normal adult. The detection limit of 450Bq was about 1/65 of the screening level of 30kBq. The IP system is applicable for thyroid 131 I monitoring

  3. Labelling of tung oil with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Correia, R.J.; Mitta, A.E.A.


    A method for labelling Tung Oil with 131 I is described. The oil is dissolved in peroxide free, dry ethyl ether and then it is treated with 131 ICl. A 2,5% mercuric acetate solution in glacial acetic acid is added as a catalist. A radiochemical yield of 100% is achieved in 20 minutes. (author)

  4. Evaluation of an internalizing monoclonal antibody labeled using N-succinimidyl 3-[{sup 131}i]iodo-4-phosphonomethylbenzoate ([{sup 131}i]SIPMB), a negatively charged substituent bearing acylation agent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shankar, Sriram; Vaidyanathan, Ganesan; Affleck, Donna J.; Peixoto, Katia; Bigner, Darell D.; Zalutsky, Michael R. E-mail:


    Monoclonal antibodies such as L8A4, reactive with the epidermal growth factor receptor variant III, internalize after receptor binding resulting in proteolytic degradation by lysosomes. Labeling internalizing mAbs requires the use of methodologies that result in the trapping of labeled catabolites in tumor cells after intracellular processing. Herein we have investigated the potential utility of N-succinimidyl-3-[{sup 131}I]iodo-4-phosphonomethylbenzoate ([{sup 131}I]SIPMB), an acylation agent that couples the corresponding negatively charged acid [{sup 131}I]IPMBA to the protein, for this purpose. Biodistribution studies demonstrated that [{sup 131}I]IPMBA cleared rapidly from normal tissues and exhibited thyroid levels {<=}0.1% injected dose, consistent with a low degree of dehalogenation. Biodistribution experiments in athymic mice bearing subcutaneous D-256 human glioma xenografts were performed to compare L8A4 labeled using [{sup 131}I]SIPMB to L8A4 labeled with {sup 125}I using both the analogous positively charged acylation agent N-succinimidyl-4-guanidinomethyl-3-[{sup 125}I]iodobenzoate ([{sup 125}I]SGMIB) and Iodogen. Tumor uptake of [{sup 131}I]SIPMB-L8A4 (41.9{+-}3.5% ID/g) was nearly threefold that of L8A4 labeled using Iodogen (14.0{+-}1.1% ID/g) after 2 days, and tumor to tissue ratios remained uniformly high throughout with [{sup 131}I]SIPMB-L8A4. Thyroid uptake increased for the Iodogen labeled mAb (3.55{+-}0.36 %ID at 5 days) whereas that of [{sup 131}I]SIPMB labeled mAb remained low (0.21{+-}0.04% ID at 5 days). In the second biodistribution, L8A4 labeled using [{sup 131}I]SIPMB and [{sup 125}I]SGMIB showed no difference in normal tissue uptake and had nearly identical tumor uptake ([{sup 131}I]SIPMB, 41.8{+-}14.2% ID/g; [{sup 125}I]SGMIB, 41.6{+-}15.8% ID/g, at 4 days). These results suggest that [{sup 131}I]SIPMB may be a viable acylation agent for the radioiodination of internalizing mAbs.

  5. 131I-MIBG and neuroendocrine tumours

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oliva Gonzalez, Juan Perfecto; Gonzalez Gonzalez, Joaquin Jorge; Calderon Marin, Carlos Fabian


    Neuroendocrine tumours are neoplasms that arise from various tissues closely linked to the neural crest by their common embryological origin. These tumours have the ability to synthesize neurotransmitter peptides and hormones, as well as to store catecholamines. Some of these tumours express somatostatin receptors at their membranes, what have allowed nuclear medicine to be involved in their diagnosis, treatment and monitoring. Since they arise from different and varied types of tissues, these tumours have a wide range of signs and symptoms different for every one of them. These signs and symptoms mainly depend on their biochemical characteristics, given by the substances they secrete, as well as by their location, and consequently, they also depend on the place where the tumour appears, its local infiltration, and potential long-distance metastasis resulting from the tumour). Neuroendocrine tumours are diagnosed by means of nuclear medicine images, which are obtained by using different techniques and radiopharmaceuticals such as 99 mTc dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA(V)), 99 mTc-methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile (MIBI), metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) labelled with 131 I or 123 I ( 131 I-MIBG or 123 I -MIBG), 111 In-labelled octreotide, positron emission tomography, using 68 Ga-labelled somatostatin analogues and carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibodies. Nuclear medicine uses mainly somatostatin analogues labelled with 90 Y or 177 Lu for the treatment of these tumours. This paper is aimed at showing our experience in the use of 131 I-MIBG for the diagnosis and treatment of neuroendocrine tumours.(author)

  6. Behavior of medically-derived 131I in the tidal Potomac River

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rose, Paula S.; Smith, Joseph P.; Cochran, J. Kirk; Aller, Robert C.; Swanson, R. Lawrence


    Iodine-131 (t 1/2 = 8.04 d) is administered to patients for treatment of thyroid disorders, excreted by patients and discharged to surface waters via sewage effluent. Radionuclides generally behave like their stable analogs; therefore, medically-derived 131 I is useful as a transport-reaction tracer of anthropogenic inputs and the aquatic biogeochemistry of iodine. Iodine-131 was measured in Potomac River water and sediments in the vicinity of the Blue Plains Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP), Washington, DC, USA. Concentrations measured in sewage effluent from Blue Plains WPCP and in the Potomac River suggest a relatively continuous source of this radionuclide. The range of 131 I concentrations detected in surface water was 0.076 ± 0.006 to 6.07 ± 0.07 Bq L −1 . Iodine-131 concentrations in sediments ranged from 1.3 ± 0.8 to 117 ± 2 Bq kg −1 dry weight. Partitioning in the sewage effluent from Blue Plains and in surface waters indicated that 131 I is associated with colloidal and particulate organic material. The behavior of medically-derived 131 I in the Potomac River is consistent with the nutrient-like behavior of natural iodine in aquatic environments. After discharge to the river via sewage effluent, it is incorporated into biogenic particulate material and deposited in sediments. Solid phase sediment profiles of 131 I indicated rapid mixing or sedimentation of particulate debris and diagenetic remineralization and recycling on short time scales. - Highlights: ► Medically-derived 131 I was measured in sewage effluent, river water, and sediments. ► Sediment 210 Pb and 7 Be profiles help characterize the sedimentary environment. ► 131 I flux to sediments in study area is ∼ 1% of that discharged in sewage effluent. ► 131 I distributions constrain reaction-transport processes to weekly time scales. ► Collectively these data are used to better understand iodine biogeochemistry

  7. Tratamiento del síndrome de apneas-hipoapneas del sueño (SAHS con dispositivos mecánicos generadores de presión postiva. CPAP, APAP y ventilación servoasistida

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr., PHD Joaquín Durán-Cantolla


    El tratamiento con CPAP, aunque bien aceptado por la mayoría de los pacientes con cumplimientos superiores al 70% no está exento de incomodidades. El 50% de los pacientes presenta algún tipo de efectos secundarios, generalmente leves y transitorios. La utilización de las escuelas de CPAP para el inicio del tratamiento y el seguimiento de los pacientes con CPAP por personal entrenado se ha mostrado muy eficaz. Es imprescindible la formación y la colaboración entre todas las partes implicadas en el proceso. En este sentido, se considera esencial una mayor participación de los médicos de asistencia primaria en el control y seguimiento de los pacientes en tratamiento con CPAP.

  8. Fixed dose 131-I treatment in Basedow patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Klisarova, A; Bochev, P.; Hristosov, K.


    The choice of a treatment for Basedow patients is still unsolved problem. The treatment with 131-I has certain advantages but the determination of the individual therapeutic dose is impossible. The aim of the study is to assess the efficiency of the treatment with a fixed dose. 23 patient have been treated, 30 women and 3 men, age between 48 and 78. All patients are with chronic disease with relapses (1 to 4 relapses). 5 of the patients are with a thyrotoxic heart, 3 - with ophtalmopatia, 2 - with toxic medicamentous hepatitis and 2 with allergies to thyreostatics. Before the treatment with 131-I all patients have been in euthyroid state with normal levels of the peripheral hormones. All patients have received initial doses of 5 mCi 131-I. The hormone levels have been followed on 3rd, 6th, 12th and 24th month after the uptake. From a total of 23 patients, in 3 cases a transitional hypothyroidism has been found between 3th and 6th month, in 3 patients - permanent hypothyroidism. In 5 patients after the 6th month an additional dose of 5 mCi 131-I is given (in one woman a permanent hypothyroidism is reached). Four of the patients have been with a significant thyroid hyperplasia with volume above 60 ml. In three patients in the period between 6th and 12th month a slight hyperthyroidism is registered, which have been suppressed by a low dose thyreostatic. A year after the treatment they have been found euthyroid. The decision for giving a second dose have been based on the evident heptahydrate symptomatic s and the persisting increased thyroid volume. In one case it is observed an acute thyrotoxicosis for 3-5 days after the 131 I uptake. No cases of worsening of the eye symptoms are observed. In conclusion, the treatment with 131 I is a appropriate method for patients with cardiovascular complications, contraindication for surgery or side effects of the thyreostatic treatment. the dose od 5 mCi is sufficient for patients with mild to medium form of Basedow disease and a

  9. Vivencias psicosociales reveladas por niños que reciben tratamiento con quimioterapia por cáncer

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    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio cualitativo con el propósito de descubrir las vivencias psicosociales de niños y niñas de 9 a 12 años que recibían tratamiento con quimioterapia por cáncer. La recolección de la información se hizo mediante encuentros lúdicos con el apoyo de algunas preguntas básicas que facilitaron las revelaciones narrativas. Tres aspectos se destacan en los hallazgos del estudio: vivencias desfavorables, vivencias relacionadas con la autoestima y vivencias favorables; las dos primeras, de diversa manera, afectan en estos niños su vida personal, familiar, escolar y, en general, todo su entorno. Es de resaltar que, como consecuencia de la caída del cabello, con frecuencia han sido objeto de burla y de rechazo por sus compañeros de estudio, lo que produce el más notorio efecto sobre su autoimagen; por otra parte, el ausentismo escolar conlleva dificultades académicas y sentimientos de tristeza en estos niños, situación que empeora cuando, por motivos de tratamiento, su lugar de residencia está alejado de la ciudad, viéndose sometidos a largos periodos de separación, no solo de su familia sino de sus pares. Se concluye que la mayor parte de las revelaciones son impactantes por su gran contenido de sufrimiento y dolor para estos niños, lo que demuestra la urgencia de retomar los hallazgos del estudio para orientar el cuidado de enfermería de manera más integral y apoyar para que se haga lo propio en el hogar y en las instituciones educativas.

  10. Evaluation of infection imaging potential of 131I-labeled imidazolium salt

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ayca Tuncel; Fatma Yurt; Osman Yilmaz; Ismail Oeztuerk


    Effective antimicrobial compounds are necessary due to increased resistance of antibiotics against microorganisms causing infectious diseases. In this study, imidazolium-TFSI salt [ITFSI: octyl-bis(3-methylimidazolium)-di(bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide)] was labeled with 131 I with high efficiency. In vitro uptake experiments of 131 I-ITFSI showed high uptake in gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. 131 I-ITFSI was also evaluated for comparison between bacterial infection and sterile inflammation by in vivo studies. The biodistribution results revealed that 131 I-ITFSI might be used as a nuclear imaging agent for detection of bacterial infection. (author)

  11. Recommendations for the measurement 131I in human thyroid using a detector of NaI(Tl)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puerta Yepes, N.; Rojo, A.M.; Andres, P.A.


    The Argentine Total Body Counter Laboratory of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority participated in the last regional intercomparison Exercise organized in the frame of the IAEA Project RLA 9/066 related with in vivo measurements of 131 I in the thyroid. There were identified some difficulties in determining the efficiency and calibration factor (CF) for the 131 I when a source of 133 Ba and a detector of NaI (Tl) are used in the calibration process. Independent measurements were performed for two calibration sources of known activity ( 133 Ba and 131 I) with identical geometry pattern and using a gamma spectrometry system with NaI(Ti) detector. It was found that the region of interest (ROI) which, both in the spectrum of 133 Ba as in the spectrum of 131 I, had the same efficiency. It was determined the activity of the source of 133 Ba , distributed in the intercomparison, and the calibrated source of 131 I using different values of efficiency and FC obtained. It was analyzed the conditions under which the use of 133 Ba as a source of calibration is effective for the measurement of 131 I. (authors) [es

  12. Vocal cord paralysis following I-131 ablation of a postthyroidectomy remnant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, T.C.; Harbert, J.C.; Dejter, S.W.; Mariner, D.R.; VanDam, J.


    Vocal cord paralysis has been reported following I-131 therapy of thyrotoxicosis and following ablation of the whole thryoid. However, this rare complication has not previously been described following I-131 ablation of a postthyroidectomy remnant. The authors report a patient who required tracheostomy for bilateral vocal cord paralysis following I-131 ablation after near-total thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid carcinoma

  13. Tratamiento del síncope neuralmente mediado con marcapasos: utilidad del sensor de asa cerrada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martín de la Ossa


    Full Text Available El síncope vasovagal es una entidad frecuente, de difícil manejo, con alta tasa de recurrencia aun con manejo médico. Se ha estudiado la estimulación cardiaca en pacientes con respuesta cardioinhibitoria en la mesa basculante con resultados contradictorios. Los estudios iniciales mostraron buenos resultados, que no lograron reproducirse cuando se introdujo el diseño doble ciego. La mayoría de estos estudios se realizaron con marcapasos con sensores convencionales. Las guías actuales de dispositivos indican la terapia de estimulación cardiaca en síncope vasovagal con respuesta cardioinhibitoria como una alternativa ante la no respuesta al tratamiento convencional. Existe evidencia reciente que indica que los marcapasos con sensores de asa cerrada (CLS, del inglés closed-loop sensor muestran mejores resultados que los sensores convencionales; estos estudios, aunque con población pequeña, reportan reducciones de la frecuencia de síncopes y presíncopes. Este tipo de dispositivos actúan en etapas más tempranas de la cascada de eventos fisiopatológicos del síncope vasovagal, detectando cambios en la impedancia ventricular antes de la caída de la frecuencia cardiaca, lo cual permite intervenir en forma precoz con estimulación para evitar el síncope.

  14. The interactions among impact factors affecting 131I treatment efficacy of Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Peng; Tan Jian; Zhang Guizhi; He Yajing; Dong Feng; Wang Renfei; Xiao Qian


    Objective: To evaluate the possible interactions among different impact factors possibly affecting the treatment efficacy of 131 I in Graves' disease (GD). Methods: Six hundred and thirty two GD patients that had been treated by 131 I, with or without antithyroid drugs (ATD), were included in this study. The impact factors were pre-defined as age (x 1 ), sex (x 2 ), mass of thyroid (x 3 ), course of disease (x 4 ), initial symptom (x 5 ), condition of disease (x 6 ), ATD treatment duration (x 7 ), effective half life time (x 8 ), maximum 131 I uptake rate (x 9 ), total dose of 131 I (x 10 ), dose of 131 I per gram of thyroid (x 11 ), TRAb (x 12 ), TSI (x 13 ), TgAb (x 14 ), and thyroid microsomal antibody(TMAb) level (x 15 ). Interactions among different impact factors were studied by t-test, χ 2 test and multi-variant logistic regression. Results: Age, mass of thyroid, ATD treatment duration, maximum 131 I uptake rate, dose of 131 I per gram of thyroid tissue and TSI level were identified as independent impact factors affecting the 131 I treatment efficacy on GD (χ 2 =6.908, t=-4.063, χ 2 =13.558, t=-2.553, t=4.528, χ 2 =9.716, all P 131 I uptake rate (likelihood χ 2 =8.176, P>0.05; F=2.928, 1.992, 2.629, 2.215, all P 131 I treatment, which might guide the prescription of 131 I dosage for GD treatment. (authors)

  15. Evaluation of 131I retention in several adsorbers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Catanoso, Marcela F.; Osso Junior, Joao Alberto


    Several iodine radioisotopes are used in nuclear medicine for treatment and diagnostic purposes. The radioisotope 131 I is used both in diagnosis and therapy due to its physical characteristics of decay by β - and its γ-ray emissions suitable for diagnosis. It is routinely produced at IPEN through the irradiation of TeO 2 targets in the IEA-R1m nuclear reactor. After the irradiation, the 131 I is separated by dry distillation, where the targets are put in an oven, heated at 760 deg C for 2 hours and the 131 I, volatile, is carried by an O 2 gas stream. The aim of this work was to evaluate the retention and elution of 131 I samples produced at IPEN in several adsorbers as part of a project aiming the purification of these radioisotopes, allowing the labeling of biomolecules. Samples of 131 I were used for retention and elution studies with the following adsorbers: commercial cartridges, anionic resin columns and cationic resin column. The results showed that Ag cartridges and anionic resins Dowex 1X8, Dowex 3 and IRA 400 had a great iodine retention but no elution after using specific eluents. The QMA light, acid alumina, neutral alumina and cationic resin Dowex 50WX4 showed high retention and elution and QMA plus and cationic resin Dowex 50WX8 and Dowex 50WX12 had a good retention but lower elution. Regarding to the better retention and elution, Ag cartridges and resins showed a higher percentage of iodine retention but lower elution yield and QMA light, acid and neutral alumina cartridges showed better results. (author)

  16. Longterm results of 131I treatment of hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamada, Noboru; Ito, Kunihiko; Mimura, Takashi; Nishikawa, Yoshihiko; Momotani, Naoko


    The results of 131 I treatment were analyzed in 512 out of 1,620 cases of hyperthyroid patients treated with 131 I from 1963 to 1967 at Ito Hospital, Tokyo. The incidence of hypothyroidism, diagnosed clinically referring serum T 3 , T 4 and metabolic index, was 28.5%, euthyroidism 66.4% and hyperthyroidism 5.1%. Fourty one percent of euthyroid cases had high levels of serum TSH. While TRH tests were performed in 11 euthyroid cases with normal TSH levels, TSH response was normal in only 3 of the cases. Since there was no difference in the incidence of hypothyroidism among patients receiving a single dose of 6,001 - 7,000, 7,001 - 8,000 and 8,001 - 9,000 rads, relationship between the results of therapy and various factors which might influence the outcome of therapy was investigated in these cases. The incidence of hypothyroidism was higher in patients with shorter period between the onset of hyperthyroid symptoms and 131 I therapy, previous therapy with external irradiation, small goiter, severe exophthalmus, and shorter effective half life of 131 I at the time of treatment. Three cases of thyroid cancer and 2 cases of leukemia were observed in 823 patients which included 311 cases followed up only by inquiry. (author)

  17. Therapeutic efficacy of intralesional 131I-labelled hyaluronectin in grafted human glioblastoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Girard, N.; Courel, M.N.; Vera, P.; Delpech, B. [Centre Henri-Becquerel, Rouen (France). Laboratoire d' Oncologie Moleculaire


    The grafted human glioblastoma cell CB109 was used as a model for intralesional therapy with 131I-labelled hyaluronectin glycoprotein (131I-HN). 131I-HN bound specifically to in situ hyaluronic acid (HA), a main component of the extracellular matrix which is involved in tumour invasion. Labelling experimental conditions were determined and, finally, 25 {mu}Ci/{mu}gHN, 1 {mu}g chloramine-T/{mu}gHN and a 60-s stirring period provided a 131I-HN preparation with an optimal affinity for HA (64% compared to unlabelled HN). Following intratumoral injection, 131I-HN was retained with a limited diffusion outside the tumour. On day 4 the radioactivity concentrated in the tumour was still 25 times greater than that in the liver, spleen and kidneys combined. For therapeutic assays, 65 {mu}Ci 131I-HN was injected into the tumour, resulting in a delivery of 6.8 Gy over a 7-day period. Controls received unlabelled HN, heat-inactivated HN, a mixture of inactivated HN plus free 131I or no treatment (six animals per group). Tumour volumes were evaluated every second day from treatment day and the rate of tumour growth was expressed as a ratio of tumour size at time intervals to the tumour size at the time of injection. Growth curves were compared: heat-inactivated with or without free 131I had no anti-tumour effect. Unlabelled HN-injected tumours had a slightly slower growth rate than untreated tumours (p < 0.02) and growth rate of 131I-HN-injected tumours was much lower (p < 0.00002). A pronounced inhibitory effect with intralesional 131I-labelled HN injection resulted from a combination of a) blockage of HA, a proliferation facilitating factor, and b) local irradiation of tumoral tissue, while uptake in normal tissues was minimized.

  18. Therapeutic efficacy of intralesional 131I-labelled hyaluronectin in grafted human glioblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Girard, N.; Courel, M.N.; Vera, P.; Delpech, B.


    The grafted human glioblastoma cell CB109 was used as a model for intralesional therapy with 131I-labelled hyaluronectin glycoprotein (131I-HN). 131I-HN bound specifically to in situ hyaluronic acid (HA), a main component of the extracellular matrix which is involved in tumour invasion. Labelling experimental conditions were determined and, finally, 25 μCi/μgHN, 1 μg chloramine-T/μgHN and a 60-s stirring period provided a 131I-HN preparation with an optimal affinity for HA (64% compared to unlabelled HN). Following intratumoral injection, 131I-HN was retained with a limited diffusion outside the tumour. On day 4 the radioactivity concentrated in the tumour was still 25 times greater than that in the liver, spleen and kidneys combined. For therapeutic assays, 65 μCi 131I-HN was injected into the tumour, resulting in a delivery of 6.8 Gy over a 7-day period. Controls received unlabelled HN, heat-inactivated HN, a mixture of inactivated HN plus free 131I or no treatment (six animals per group). Tumour volumes were evaluated every second day from treatment day and the rate of tumour growth was expressed as a ratio of tumour size at time intervals to the tumour size at the time of injection. Growth curves were compared: heat-inactivated with or without free 131I had no anti-tumour effect. Unlabelled HN-injected tumours had a slightly slower growth rate than untreated tumours (p < 0.02) and growth rate of 131I-HN-injected tumours was much lower (p < 0.00002). A pronounced inhibitory effect with intralesional 131I-labelled HN injection resulted from a combination of a) blockage of HA, a proliferation facilitating factor, and b) local irradiation of tumoral tissue, while uptake in normal tissues was minimized

  19. Migration of radionuclide I-131 through a clayey porous matrix

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamlat, M.S.


    The chemical and physical behavior of the radiotracer I-131 through a porous matrix are described. The study was evaluated using the laboratory column, which contains porous soils. The collected activities have been measured by gamma counting with a NaI(Tl) detector. The indicators were observed and analyzed by using the one dimension mass transport equation. The solution was utilized to interpret the obtaining experimental data. The experimental values of I-131 are in agreement with those calculated by the model. However, the utilization of (I-131) in the punctual hydrogeological studies is proved. (author). 5 refs., 2 figs., 2 tabs

  20. Predictive value of tracer studies for 131I treatment in hyperthyroid cats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Broome, M.R.; Turrel, J.M.; Hays, M.T.


    In 76 cats with hyperthyroidism, peak thyroidal radioiodine ( 131 I) uptakes and effective half-lives were determined after administration of tracer and therapeutic activities of 131 I. In 6 additional hyperthyroid cats, only peak thyroidal uptakes after administration of tracer and therapeutic activities of 131 I were determined. Good correlation was found between peak thyroidal uptakes of tracer and therapeutic 131 I; however, only fair correlation was observed between effective half-lives. In 79% of the cats, the effective half-life for therapeutic 131 I was longer than that for tracer 131 I. After administration of therapeutic activity of 131 I, monoexponential and biphasic decay curves were observed in 51 and 16 cats, respectively. Using therapeutic kinetic data, radiation doses to the thyroid gland were calculated retrospectively on the basis of 2 methods for determining the activity of 131 I administered: (1) actual administration of tracer-compensated activity and (2) hypothetic administration of uniform activity (3 mCi). Because of the good predictive ability of tracer kinetic data for the therapeutic kinetic data, the tracer-compensated radiation doses came significantly (P = 0.008) closer to the therapeutic goal than did the uniform-activity doses. In addition, the use of tracer kinetic information reduced the extent of the tendency for consistently high uniform-activity doses. A manual method for acquiring tracer kinetic data was developed and was an acceptable alternative to computerized techniques. Adoption of this method gives individuals and institutions with limited finances the opportunity to characterize the iodine kinetics in cats before proceeding with administration of therapeutic activities of 131 I

  1. Características clínicas y toxicidad del tratamiento de tuberculosis en pacientes con cáncer

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    Luis Cuéllar

    Full Text Available Objetivos. Evaluar las características clínico-epidemiológicas de la tuberculosis activa en pacientes portadores de neoplasia maligna y evaluar la influencia del tratamiento antituberculoso sobre el manejo de cáncer en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas entre el 2008 y 2013. Materiales y métodos. Estudio observacional de casos de tuberculosis diagnosticados mediante baciloscopía positiva en pacientes con cáncer. Se revisó la información clínica, evolución, e información patológica de la neoplasia. Resultados. Se encontraron 76 casos de tuberculosis activa luego del diagnóstico de cáncer. La mediana de edad fue 51,3 años. La mediana de seguimiento fue 2,1 años. Las neoplasias más frecuentes fueron leucemia linfática aguda (14,5% para las hematológicas y cáncer de cérvix (14,5%, mama (10,5% y gástrico (7,9% para las no hematológicas. El 27,6% de los pacientes presentó recurrencia de la neoplasia; el diagnóstico de tuberculosis confundió el estadiaje inicial en 6,9% y se planteó inicialmente como recurrencia del cáncer en 11,1% (neoplasias de mama y colon. El diagnóstico de tuberculosis retrasó o influyó en la reducción de dosis del tratamiento antineoplásico en 11,1% de los casos (leucemia linfática aguda y linfoma no Hodgkin. El 8,3% de los pacientes presentó toxicidad al tratamiento antituberculoso. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con cáncer pueden presentar infección activa por tuberculosis. El efecto de interferencia del diagnóstico y tratamiento de tuberculosis sobre la evaluación del cáncer y el tratamiento antineoplásico en nuestra serie es mínimo.

  2. Evolución de la fibrosis hepática en reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que inician tratamiento con inhibidores de la proteasa potenciados

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    P. Saiz de la Hoya Zamácola


    Full Text Available Objetivos: Analizar la evolución de la fibrosis hepática medida por elastografía y pruebas bioquímicas en reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que han iniciado tratamiento antirretroviral con lopinavir/ritonavir u otros inhibidores de la proteasa potenciados con ritonavir. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo, observacional y multicéntrico. Se comprobó durante 48 semanas la evolución de la fibrosis hepática medida mediante elastografía de transición (FibroScan y pruebas bioquímicas en población penitenciaria española coinfectada por VIH y VHC. Resultados: De los 94 pacientes incluidos, 54 (57,4% fueron seguidos durante 48 semanas. En la semana 48, no hubo cambios significativos en el grado de fibrosis medida mediante FibroScan (8,1 Kpa vs 8,3; p=0.20 o índice de FORNS (5,6 vs 5,1; p=0,50, aunque sí con el índice APRI (0.7 vs 0.6; p=0.05 y el índice FIB-4 (p=0,02. Cuando la medición se realizó en función del grado de fibrosis basal, se observó que el tratamiento redujo el porcentaje de pacientes con fibrosis basal de grado 3/4 (50% vs 15%; p=0,001, pero no hubo cambios en los que ya tenían basalmente grado 4 (20,4% vs 20,4%. Conclusión: Los reclusos coinfectados por VIH y VHC que inician tratamiento antirretroviral con lopinavir/ritonavir muestran una estabilización de la fibrosis hepática medida con FibroScan® tras un año de seguimiento. En conjunto, el tratamiento mejoró la fibrosis cuando la referencia de medición fue el índice APRI y el FIB-4, pero no con el índice FORNS o la elastografía.

  3. Evaluación de un componente de inducción al tratamiento con adolescentes usuarios de alcohol del Distrito Federal


    Salazar Garza, Martha Leticia; Martínez Martínez, Kalina Isela; Barrientos Casarrubias, Vania


    Entre los programas de intervención dirigidos a los adolescentes que abusan del alcohol y otras drogas se han reportado dos grandes problemas: 1. la escasa aceptación para ingresar a tratamiento y 2. las altas tasas de abandono. Instituciones de otros países que trabajan con adolescentes usuarios de sustancias, reportan una tasa de deserción después de un primer contacto de entre el 50% y el 70% en fases tempranas del tratamiento. En México, un estudio sobre la deserción de los adolescentes p...

  4. Efecto del tratamiento prenatal con espiramicina en la frecuencia de retinocoroiditis por toxoplasmosis congénita en una cohorte colombiana

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Liliana María Zuluaga


    Conclusiones. Estos resultados evidencian que el tratamiento con espiramicina durante el embarazo en la toxoplasmosis de la gestación redujo en 96 % (IC95% 33-100 % el riesgo relativo de presentar la enfermedad en el recién nacido.

  5. An accurate method of 131I dosimetry in the rat thyroid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, W.; Shleien, B.; Telles, N.C.; Chiacchierini, R.P.


    An accurate method of thyroid 131 I dosimetry was developed by imploying the dose formulation recommended by the Medical Internal Radiation Dose (MIRD) Committee. Six-week-old female Long-Evans rats were injected intraperitonealy with 0.5, 1.9, and 5.4 μCi of Na 131 I. The accumulated 131 I activities in the thyroid were precisely determined by integrating the 131 I activities per gram of the thyroid as functions of postinjection time. When the mean thyroid doses derived from this method are compared to those derived from the conventional method, the conventional method over-estimated the doses by 60 to 70%. Similarly, the conventional method yielded effective half-lives of 2.5 to 2.8 days; these estimates were found to be high by factors of 1.4 to 2.0. This finding implies that the biological elimination of iodide from the rat thyroid is much more rapid (up to 2.5 times) that once believed. Results from this study showed that the basic assumption in the conventional method of thyroid 131 I dosimetry in the rat, i.e., that the thyroid iodide retention function is a single exponential, is invalid. Results from this study also demonstrated that variations in animal body weight of 6 to 7-week-old animals and diurnal variation have no significant influence on the mean thyroid doses for a given injected activity of 131 I. However, as expected, variation in iodide content of the animal diets significantly altered the thyroid doses for a given 131 I injected activity

  6. Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, afrontamiento del estrés y emociones negativas en pacientes con cáncer en tratamiento quimioterapéutico


    Ana Milena Gaviria; Stefano Vinaccia; María Fernanda Riveros; Japcy Margarita Quiceno


    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, el afrontamiento del estrés y las emociones negativas en 28 pacientes de ambos géneros con diagnóstico de diferentes tipos de cáncer en tratamiento quimioterapéutico del Instituto de Medicancer de Medellín (Colombia). Se utilizaron los cuestionarios: EORTC QLQ-C30, que mide Calidad de Vida; el CAE, que evalúa Afrontamiento al Estrés, y la Escala de Ansiedad y Depresión Hospitalaria (H...

  7. Láser helio-neón combinado con clorhexidina al 0,2 %.: Efectos clínicos y microbiológicos en el tratamiento de la gingivitis crónica

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    Tatiana Peña Ruiz

    Full Text Available La gingivitis crónica constituye una de las formas más frecuentes de enfermedad periodontal, caracterizada por la inflamación crónica de la encías, tumefacción, enrojecimiento y sangramiento. Su principal factor de riesgo lo constituye la microbiota del surco gingival, que resulta necesario, pero no suficiente para desencadenarla. Se realizó un ensayo clínico-terapéutico fase II, controlado, aleatorizado y a simple ciegas, para evaluar los efectos clínicos y microbiológicos del tratamiento combinado de la radiación láser helio-neón (He-Ne con la clorhexidina al 0,2 %. Todos los pacientes recibieron tratamiento inicial; al mes de finalizado este, se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en 2 grupos: un grupo estudio que recibió la combinación láser-neón y clorhexidina al 0,2 % y otro grupo control que solo recibió clorhexidina al 0,2 %. Se realizó una evaluación a los 15, 30 y 45 días, con criterios de eficacia clínicos y microbiológicos. Los resultados clínicos fueron satisfactorios en el grupo estudio con predominio de los morfotipos I, caracterizados por cocos gramnegativos y positivos, compatibles con un periodonto sano. Los eventos adversos detectados con esta terapéutica fueron mínimos, todos relacionados con la somnolencia.

  8. Development of a calibration system for airborne "1"3"1I monitoring devices

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao, C.; Tang, F.; He, L.; Xu, Y.; Lu, X.


    A prototype calibration system for airborne "1"3"1I monitoring devices was developed at the Shanghai Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology (SIMT). This system consists of a gaseous "1"3"1I_2 generator, an airborne storage chamber, an airborne iodine sampler, and an HPGe spectrometer. With this system, "1"3"1I reference samples in the form of charcoal filters and charcoal cartridges, with activities ranging from 100 to 10,000 Bq, were produced with overall relative standard uncertainties of 2.8% (for filter samples) and 3.5% (for cartridge samples); the activities range could be extended according to need. - Highlights: • Original calibration system for airborne "1"3"1I monitoring devices was developed. • Two types of "1"3"1I reference samples was prepared. • The activity of the produced "1"3"1I reference sample could be easily controlled. • The influence of uneven distribution of "1"3"1I in cartridge samples was considered.

  9. Preparation and biodistribution of [131I]linezolid in animal model infection and inflammation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yurt Lambrecht, F.; Durkan, K.; Unak, P.; Bayrak, E.; Yilmaz, O.


    Linezolid is the first of new class of antibiotics, the oxazolidinones, and exhibits activity against many gram-positive organisms, including vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae. Aim of the study: Linezolid was to label with I-131 and potential of the radiolabeled antibiotic was to investigate in inflamed rats with S. aureus (S. aureus) and sterile inflamed rats with turpentine oil. Linezolid was labeled with I-131 by iodogen method. Biodistribution of [ 131 I]linezolid was carried out in bacterial inflamed and sterile inflamed rats. Radiolabeling yield of [ 131 I]linezolid was determined as 85 ± 1% at pH 2. After injecting of [ 131 I]linezolid into bacterial inflamed and sterile inflamed rats, radiolabeled linezolid was rapidly removed from the circulation via the kidneys. Binding of [ 131 I]linezolid to bacterial inflamed muscle (T/NT = 77.48 at 30 min) was five times higher than binding to sterile inflamed muscle (T/NT = 14.87 at 30 min) of rats. [ 131 I]linezolid showed good localization in bacterial inflamed tissue. It was demonstrated that [ 131 I]linezolid can be used to detect S. aureus inflammation in rats. (author)

  10. Resultados del tratamiento a pacientes con tríada terrible del codo

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    Héctor Gabriel Díaz Carrillo


    Full Text Available La luxación del codo, asociada a la fractura del proceso coronoideo y a la fractura de la cabeza radial, es denominada “tríada terrible del codo”, debido a la complejidad al abordar el tratamiento correcto y lo desalentador de los resultados que se obtienen con el mismo. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, donde se recogen los resultados postoperatorios, obtenidos en cuatro pacientes con inestabilidad traumática aguda del codo, tratados entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2013, que acudieron inicialmente al cuerpo de guardia del Hospital General Docente “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de La Serna” y tuvieron un seguimiento medio de ocho meses. El proceder consistió en reparación de la coronoides, del ligamento lateral externo, reparación de la cúpula radial, cupulectomía y colocación de pin endomedular; la técnica operatoria a emplear se definió por los estudios radiográficos realizados y los hallazgos en el transcurso del proceder. Los pacientes, tres hombres y una mujer, tuvieron cinco codos lesionados y un promedio de edad de 34 años. Como resultado del tratamiento la flexión fue normal entre 130-135° en 4 codos y limitada en uno a 110°, la extensión se encontró limitada de 8 a 21° en todos los pacientes, la pronosupinación se mantuvo limitada en todos los casos entre 5 y 22°. La intervención quirúrgica mediante fijación y reparación de los estabilizadores del codo proporcionó a corto plazo una funcionabilidad del codo cercana a la normalidad, los pacientes evolucionaron positivamente. Las complicaciones fueron: reluxación, infección local y aflojamiento de la osteosíntesis


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    Vanessa Gandarillas R.


    Full Text Available El proceso de tratamiento anaeróbico es cada vez más reconocido como opción viable para la protección del medio ambiente y la conservación de los recursos y representa, combinado con otros métodos adecuados, un sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales sostenible y apropiado para los países en vías de desarrollo. El tratamiento anaeróbico de aguas residuales se está utilizando con éxito en los países tropicales desde la década de los 80, y con resultados alentadores en las regiones subtropicales y templadas. En este estudio se revisan las principales características del tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas, con énfasis en el Reactor Anaeróbico de Mantos de Lodos de Flujo Ascendente (RALF o Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB de su sigla en inglés. Se revisaron las aplicaciones del proceso UASB en Europa, Asia y las Américas. En Latino América y en particular en Bolivia el uso de esta tecnología ha incrementado considerablemente debido a la pequeña demanda de terreno requerida para su implementación y a sus atractivos costos de inversión y operación. La revisión mostró, en base a la experiencia de operación de distintas plantas de tratamiento ubicadas en los valles de Cochabamba, que los reactores anaerobios de mantos de lodos de flujo ascendente apropiadamente diseñados, son adecuados para el tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas en las regiones de los valles y llanos de Bolivia debido a que presentan condiciones ambientales que hacen que el uso de esta biotecnología anaerobia sea favorable bajo la perspectiva del desarrollo sostenible.

  12. Paladar Hendido, Tratamiento quirúrgico, Injerto óseo combinado con plasma rico en plaquetas


    Monserat Soto, Enrique R.; Ramos, Alexis; Tovar Mattar, Ricardo


    Hace unos años en las décadas 40 y 50 del siglo pasado se realizaron estudios, debido a que se observó hipodesarrollo del tercio medio de la cara como consecuencia del tratamiento quirúrgico en épocas tempranas de la vida del paciente con paladar fisurado. Cirujanos odontólogos comenzaron a utilizar el injerto óseo para conseguir la integridad anatómica del arco alveolar y así facilitar su desarrollo, la erupción dentaria y las funciones intermaxilares. Estas intervenciones son muy cruentas p...

  13. Calculated activity incorporated in the therapy with I131

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chica, L.G.; Puerta, J.A.


    By means of the product S(T→ S).A s (T e ), the absorbed dose to thyroid delivered by I 131 incorporated is calculated. Where S(T→ S) is the absorbed dose in the thyroid per nuclear transformation (tn.) of I 131 localized in the thyroid and as a potential function of the mass is expressed. A s (T e ) is the number of tn. of I 131 in the thyroid since the moment of the incorporation until the time T e (the effective middle time); to find A s (T e ) to normal as different pathological conditions, the metabolic model of the iodo proposed by the ICRP is used. Of the expressions of the doses, the incorporated activity, l o , is obtained

  14. Clinical discussion of adrenal scan by 131I-adosterol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kubo, Atsushi


    131 I-adosterol adrenal scan was conducted to 31 patients. Clear positive images were obtained at the adrenal gland at the side of cortical adenoma on scintigram in all of 5 patients with primary aldosteronism and 5 patients with Cushing's syndrome. It was found that the quantitative measurements of 131 I-adosterol % uptake and of right-to-left uptake ratio do not only make a regional diagnosis of adrenocortical tumor more positive, but also they make the state of adrenocortical function known to an extent. Adrenal scan is easy to be used, and is non-invasive to patients. The obtained results are diagnostically valuable. It is considered that 131 I-Adosterol is an excellent radiopharmaceutical having the sufficient efficacy for adrenal diseases. (Ichikawa, K.)

  15. 131I-iodine treatment of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhao Deshan


    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of 131 I-iodine treatment of hyperthyroidism in children and adolescents. Methods: Twenty-nine, patients aged 11-18 years (mean 15.9±2.32 years old), with hyperthyroidism received 131 I-iodine treatment in a dose of 25-90μCi/g (median 50μCi/g) of thyroid. Of the 29 patients, 3 patient required 2 doses, 14 received ATD therapy before 131 I, 11 patients suffered from TAO(thyroid associated ophthalmopathy). The total maximum and minimum doses were 15 and 1.6 mCi respectively. Results: All patients treated with 131 I-iodine, follow-up after the most recent treatment (median 14, range 4 to 60 months), 15 patients were euthyroid, 5 suffered from late-onset hypothyroidism, 9 were still hyperthyroidism, but their symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism were improved or markedly. Of the 16 patients with TAO, TAO in 11 patients disappeared or were improved, TAO in 5 patients didn't or mildly change. The size of thyroid in all patients had largely been reduced. Conclusions: 131 I-iodine is effective for initial treatment of hyperthyroidism, the treatment of medical treatment failures and the patients with TAO in children and adolescents. (authors)

  16. No se puede asegurar la existencia de asociación entre tratamiento del síndrome de déficit de atención con estimulantes y mayor incidencia de muerte súbita


    Fernando Carvajal, Encina; Buñuel Álvarez, José Cristóbal


    El objetivo de este artículo es determinar si existe asociación entre la muerte súbita (MS) y el tratamiento con medicamentos estimulantes del sistema nervioso central (SNC) utilizados para el tratamiento del síndrome de déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH).

  17. Production technology of 131I-rose bengal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hradilek, P.; Miklik, M.; Kopicka, K.; Kronrad, L.


    A detailed description is presented of the production equipment and production process used for Rose Bengal labelled with 131 I designed for use in nuclear medicine. The apparatus was installed in the semi-hot cell laboratory of the Nuclear Research Institute at Rez. The processed activity is around 20 GBq, the average yield of the ion exchange reaction between non-radioactive Rose Bengal and 131 I-labelled sodium iodide is 90%. The unreacted active sodium iodide is separated and the resulting product is diluted and processed into a drug presentation, sterilized and after random control is distributed in 14 days intervals to medical workplaces. (M.D.)

  18. Antithyroid drug regimens before and after 131I-therapy for hyperthyroidism: evidence-based? (United States)

    Mijnhout, G S; Franken, A A M


    In view of the new national guideline on thyroid dysfunction, the evidence base for current practice as well as the new guideline is assessed with regard to the use of antithyroid drugs (ATDs) before and after radioiodine (131I) therapy. In December 2006, we surveyed 16 hospitals by telephone about different aspects of their antithyroid drug regimen: all eight academic centres and eight nonacademic teaching hospitals. The literature was searched for an evidence-based answer to each question in the inquiry. 13 of 16 hospitals (81%) use antithyroid drugs for pretreatment before 131I. ATDs are discontinued on average four days before 131I or diagnostic scan. However, 27% stop only three days beforehand, which may diminish the effect of 131I. Propylthiouracil (PTU) is also withdrawn four days before 131I, although the literature shows that PTU diminishes the effect of 131I even if it is stopped 15 days beforehand. Resumption of ATDs after 131I to prevent thyrotoxicosis is common practice (81%). One hospital (6%) never restarts ATDs, two (13%) only by indication. Adjunctive treatment consists of combination therapy in 93%, is usually resumed within two days after 131I therapy, and then continued for two to six months. Routine adjunctive treatment is not evidence-based and may be limited to a high-risk subset, especially elderly patients (>70 years) and patients with cardiac comorbidity. Resumption of ATDs within five to seven days after 131I may diminish the effect of 131I. Antithyroid drug regimens in the Netherlands are heterogeneous. The evidence base of current practice and the new guideline are discussed.

  19. Dose estimate for effective internal contamination in the occupationally exposed workers(OEW) that handling open sources for thyroid therapy using {sup 131} I (3779); Estimacion de la dosis efectiva por contaminacion interna en los trabajadores ocupacionalmente expuestos (TOE) que manipulan fuentes abiertas para el tratamiento de tiroides con {sup 131}I (3779)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lecuna, J.A.; Carrizales, L.I., E-mail:, E-mail: [Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC), Caracas (Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of); Dantas, B.M., E-mail: [Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (IRD/CNEN-RJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brazil)


    Handling of a variety of unsealed sources in Nuclear Medicine has led a significant risk of internal exposure of workers. {sup 131}I stands out among the radionuclides of frequent use due its wide application in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases. The increasing radionuclide use for medical purposes and treatment of diseases creates a need for capable methodologies of controlling the internal contamination of work. Currently, in Venezuela, there are about 17 Nuclear Medicine Services between public and private, of which 5 are operating; however, individual monitoring is still limited in the control of internal exposure. This work presents the development of bioassay techniques 'in vivo', in order to quantify the incorporation of {sup 131}I used in Nuclear Medicine. It also presents the research results of internal exposure of a group of workers involved in handling of therapeutic dose of {sup 131}I . The 'in vivo' detection system was calibrated with the thyroid simulator developed at the Institute of Radiologic Protection and Dosimetry (IRD, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil) and which also has the UTN-IVIC (Caracas - Venezuela). The results showed that the bioassay method developed in this work has sufficient sensitivity for its use in routine intake survey of workers in Nuclear Medicine. Between the two workers controlled in this study, both had measurable results in terms of incorporation. Therefore, it is important to keep control of it and also gives us the possibility to evaluate the incorporations in suspected accident. The highest estimate of the effective dose was 1,28x10{sup -5} Sv by inhalation and 1,27x10{sup -5} Sv by ingestion.

  20. Antiepilépticos para el tratamiento de las crisis convulsivas en pacientes con tumores cerebrales

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Simon Kerrigan


    Conclusiones de los autores: No existen pruebas consistentes, aleatorias ni controladas suficientes para apoyar la elección del fármaco antiepiléptico para el tratamiento de las crisis convulsivas en adultos con tumores cerebrales. Aunque algunos autores apoyan el uso de fármacos antiepilépticos no inductores de enzimas, las pruebas comparativas confiables para proporcionar una justificación clínica son limitadas. Se necesitan ensayos controlados aleatorios grandes adicionales en esta área.

  1. Cambios esqueléticos, faciales y dentoalveolares producidos por el tratamiento con placas de acetato y elásticos de clase III en pacientes con mesiorrelación esquelética y dental en dentición decidua o mixta temprana


    Espinal Botero, Gabriel Emilio; Betancur Pérez, John Jairo; Blandón Uribe, Ana María; Ortiz Burgos, Paola Alejandra


    Introducción: el propósito fue establecer los cambios clínicos y radiográficos con el uso durante un año de placas de acetato bimaxilares con elásticos de clase III para el tratamiento de la clase III esquelética en pacientes con dentición decidua o mixta temprana. Métodos: se hizo un estudio clínico prospectivo cuasi-experimental en 26 sujetos entre tres y nueve años. Se tomaron radiografías cefálicas laterales y modelos de estudio al inicio, a los seis meses y al año de tratamiento, se eval...

  2. Fitoterapia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    López-Regueiro S


    Full Text Available La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud más importantes a nivel mundial debido a su relación con numerosas patologías como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión y el aumento importante en el riesgo cardiovascular. La base del tratamiento es la dieta y el ejercicio físico, pero en muchos casos no es suficiente y es necesario combinarlo con tratamiento farmacológico. Recientemente se ha retirado sibutramina del mercado por lo que sólo se dispone de orlistat, que no está exento de contraindicaciones y efectos secundarios. Ante esta situación, se ha vuelto a retomar el tratamiento fitoterápico, aunque, en muchas ocasiones, con numerosas dudas. Esta revisión pretende aportar la información necesaria sobre las principales plantas utilizadas en este tratamiento.

  3. Fitoterapia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la obesidad

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    López-Regueiro S


    Full Text Available La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud más importantes a nivel mundial debido a su relación con numerosas patologías como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión y el aumento importante en el riesgo cardiovascular. La base del tratamiento es la dieta y el ejercicio físico, pero en muchos casos no es sufi ciente y es necesario combinarlo con tratamiento farmacológico. Recientemente se ha retirado sibutramina del mercado por lo que sólo se dispone de orlistat, que no está exento de contraindicaciones y efectos secundarios. Ante esta situación, se ha vuelto a retomar el tratamiento fi toterápico, aunque, en muchas ocasiones, con numerosas dudas. Esta revisión pretende aportar la información necesaria sobre las principales plantas utilizadas en este tratamiento.

  4. Analysis of factors for early hypothyroidism after 131I treatment of hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Youjun; Quan Xinsheng; Zhang Ling; He Meiqiong


    To explore the factors for the early hypothyroidism following 131 I treatment of hyperthyroidism, clinic data of 120 hyperthyroidism patients including 8 independent and 1 dependent variables after one year 131 I treatment were analyzed by logistic regression analysis method. The results showed that the average 131 I dosage given to one gram thyroid tissue was correlated positively with early hypothyroidism occurrence, and the weight of thyroid was negatively correlated to early hypothyroidism occurrence. The positive and negative prediction accuracy of the early hypothyroidism were 53.3% and 96.1% respectively, and the total prediction accuracy was 46.7%. The results suggest that the 131 I dosage and the weight of thyroid are key factors for early hypothyroidism; the appropriate adjustment of 131 I dosage based on the thyroid mass could prevent the early hypothyroidism occurrence in certain degree. (authors)

  5. Sequelae and survivorship in patients treated with (131)I-MIBG therapy. (United States)

    Sze, W C C; Grossman, A B; Goddard, I; Amendra, D; Shieh, S C C; Plowman, P N; Drake, W M; Akker, S A; Druce, M R


    (131)I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine ((131)I-MIBG) has been in therapeutic use since 1980s. Newer treatment modalities are emerging for neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) and chromaffin cell tumours (CCTs), but many of these do not yet have adequate long-term follow-up to determine their longer term efficacy and sequelae. Fifty-eight patients with metastatic NETs and CCTs who had received (131)I-MIBG therapy between 2000 and 2011 were analysed. Survival and any long-term haematological or renal sequelae were investigated. In the NET group, the overall median survival and median survival following the diagnosis of metastatic disease was 124 months. The median survival following the commencement of (131)I-MIBG was 66 months. For the CCT group, median survival had not been reached. The 5-year survival from diagnosis and following the diagnosis of metastatic disease was 67% and 67.5% for NETs and CCTs, respectively. The 5-year survival following the commencement of (131)I-MIBG therapy was 68%. Thirty-two patients had long-term haematological sequelae: 5 of these 32 patients developed haematological malignancies. Two patients developed a mild deterioration in renal function. Long follow up of (131)I-MIBG therapy reveals a noteable rate of bone marrow toxicities and malignancy and long term review of all patients receiving radionuclide therapies is recommended.

  6. Long-term follow-up study of I-131 therapy for Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kusakabe, Kiyoko; Nakano, Keiko; Maki, Masako


    We have studied the follow-up of thyroid function in the patients with late-onset hypothyroidism and euthyroidism after I-131 therapy of hyperthyroidism. Thirty three patients who did not need the thyroid treatment until ten years after I-131 therapy were classified as euthyroid group. And eleven patients who needed the thyroid supplement of thyroid hormone for late-onset hypothyroidism were classified as hypothyroid group. Patients in both groups who required only a single dose of I-131 for successful treatment of hyperthyroidism had similar age, gland size, 24 hour I-131 uptake, pretreatment serum T 3 uptake level and T 4 concentration, and I-131 treatment dose. Subclinical hypothyroidism occurred in 28.6% of euthyroid group and 66.7% of hypothyroid group four months after I-131 therapy. The levels of T 3 were recovered to higher than normal range at 6 months in euthyroid group, while the levels of T 3 were kept within the normal range in the seventy percent of hypothyroid group. Patients who were still lower in the level of T 3 uptake than normal range at 6 months had a higher incidence of late-onset hypothyroidism. Our observation showed no significant difference in the course of follow-up studies after I-131 therapy between the patients with late-onset hypothyroidism and euthyroidism. (author)

  7. {sup 131}I-induced changes in rat thyroid gland function

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Torlak, V.; Capkun, V.; Stanicic, A. [Clinical Hospital Split, Split (Croatia). Dept. of Nuclear Medicine; Zemunik, T. [University of Split, Split (Croatia). Dept. of Medical Biology]. E-mail:; Modun, D. [University of Split, Split (Croatia). Dept. of Pharmacology; Pesutic-Pisac, V. [Clinical Hospital Split, Split (Croatia). Dept. of Pathology; Markotic, A. [University of Split, Split (Croatia). School of Medicine. Dept. of Biochemistry; Pavela-Vrancic, M. [University of Split, Split (Croatia). Faculty of Natural Sciences. Dept. of Chemistry


    Therapeutic doses of {sup 131}I administered to thyrotoxic patients may cause thyroid failure. The present study used a rat model to determine thyroid function after the administration of different doses of {sup 131}I (64-277 {mu}Ci). Thirty male Fisher rats in the experimental group and 30 in the control group (untreated) were followed for 6 months. The animals were 4 months old at the beginning of the experiment and were sacrificed at an age of 9 months. Hormone concentration was determined before {sup 131}I administration (4-month-old animals) and three times following {sup 131}I administration, when the animals were 7, 8, and 9 months old. The thyroid glands were removed and weighed, their volume was determined and histopathological examination was performed at the end of the experiment. Significant differences in serum triiodothyronine and thyroid-stimulating hormone concentration, measured at the age of 7, 8, and 9 months, were found in the experimental group. During aging of the animals, the concentration of thyroxin fell from 64.8 {+-} 8.16 to 55.0 {+-} 6.1 nM in the control group and from 69.4 {+-} 6.9 to 25.4 {+-} 3.2 nM in the experimental group. Thyroid gland volume and weight were significantly lower in the experimental than in the control group. Thyroid glands from the experimental group showed hyaline thickness of the blood vessel wall, necrotic follicles, a strong inflammatory reaction, and peeling of necrotic cells in the follicles. In conclusion, significant differences in hormone levels and histopathological findings indicated prolonged hypothyroidism after {sup 131}I administration to rats, which was not {sup 131}I dose dependent. (author)

  8. The hepatic handling of 131I-labeled sulfobromophtalein in the dog. Comparison with sulfobromophthalein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Glasinovic, J.C.; Delage, Y.; Erlinger, S.


    131 I-labeled BSP is obtained by the incorporation of one molecule of radioactive iodine in BSP. The influence of the added iodine on the hepatic extraction and biliary excretion of BSP was studied. Two types of experiments were performed. In the first, a compartmental analysis of BSP and 131 I-labeled BSP disappearance curves was performed after the simultaneous injection of 5mg per kg of BSP and 10μCi of 131 I-labeled BSP: both, the plasma to liver and liver to bile transfer rates were significantly lower for 131 I-labelled BSP than for BSP; the liver to plasma transfer rates were not significantly different. In the second series of experiments, the hepatic uptake of BSP and 131 I-labeled BSP was estimated by the multiple indicator dilution technique: the extraction of BSP (59%+-SD 5) was significantly higher that than of 131 I-labeled BSP (35%+-SD5) (P 131 I significantly modified the hepatic handling of the dye; 131 I-labeled BSP cannot therefore be used as a tracer of BSP

  9. Tratamiento Actual del Pie Zambo


    Salom Taverner, M.; Mínguez Rey, María Fe


    El pie zambo es una deformidad congénita en la que el pie presenta una deformidad en equino, varo de retropié, aductus del antepié y cavo. Su tratamiento ha variado con el tiempo. Clásicamente se trataba mediante distintas técnicas quirúrgicas que permitían corregir todas las deformidades pero que se acompañaban de frecuentes complicaciones a corto y largo plazo. Actualmente el tratamiento más extendido de esta deformidad es el tratamiento conservador mediante la técnica de Ponset...

  10. Bioensayo con macrófitas acuáticas para el tratamiento de lixiviados procedentes del relleno sanitario de Pichacay


    Cuenca L., Numan; Carrión C., Ligia


    Los procesos de biodepuración son una alternativa que cada vez adquiere mayor importancia para el tratamiento de efluentes y lixiviados a nivel mundial. Por tal motivo se han estudiado tres especies de macrofitas acuáticas presentes en lugares próximos al Relleno Sanitario de Pichacay, con la finalidad de probar la capacidad de depuración de las plantas. Aunque las especies estudiadas no son nativas su potencial es promisorio. El trabajo se realizó con las siguientes especies: Jacinto de agua...

  11. Chemical and physical quality control of the HIPPURAN-131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morin Zorilla, J.; Olive, E.; Isaac, M.; Cruz, J.


    Some physico-chemical methods for analytical control of Hippuran- 131 I are compared. The most convenient to applicate in hospitals and in more specialized quality control laboratories are recommended. The quality of Hippuran- 131 I produced by ISOTOP (USSR) is also evaluated. The product met the requirement of the International Pharmacopeia

  12. Adenocarcinoma pulmonar metastásico con evolución favorable al tratamiento con ITK-EGFR en un paciente fumador

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Joseph Jesús Exebio Jara


    Full Text Available Introducción: El cáncer de pulmón es el cáncer con mayor mortalidad en ambos sexos. El esquema de manejo actual del adenocarcinoma pulmonar incluye determinar el estado mutacional del receptor del factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGFR, por ser la diana para el erlotinib, una terapia biológica. Caso clínico: Varón de 62 años, con hábito tabáquico de alto riesgo oncológico, que debuta con un cuadro de cefalea de un mes de evolución, objetivándose por resonancia magnética tumor cerebral. El diagnóstico inmunohistoquímico post quirúrgico fue adenocarcinoma pulmonar metastásico (TTF-1 (+. La tomografía identificó una lesión en el lóbulo superior derecho del pulmón; no presentaba clínica respiratoria. Al ser positivo para la mutación en el exón 21 del gen EGFR, se inició terapia con erlotinib, siendo bien tolerada por el paciente y manteniendo su estabilidad clínica. El paciente sobrevivió por el lapso de 31 meses posterior a su diagnóstico. Discusión: El tratamiento con erlotinib fue inicialmente indicado en el perfil de una paciente mujer, asiática y no fumadora. La eficacia en los estudios en pacientes con cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas evidencia que la sobrevida global es 15,9 meses, muy por debajo del visto en el presente caso.

  13. Dosimetry study of [I-131] and [I-125]- meta-iodobenz guanidine in a simulating model for neuroblastoma metastasis. (United States)

    Roa, W H; Yaremko, B; McEwan, A; Amanie, J; Yee, D; Cho, J; McQuarrie, S; Riauka, T; Sloboda, R; Wiebe, L; Loebenberg, R; Janicki, C


    The physical properties of I-131 may be suboptimal for the delivery of therapeutic radiation to bone marrow metastases, which are common in the natural history of neuroblastoma. In vitro and preliminary clinical studies have implied improved efficacy of I-125 relative to I-131 in certain clinical situations, although areas of uncertainty remain regarding intratumoral dosimetry. This prompted our study using human neuroblastoma multicellular spheroids as a model of metastasis. 3D dose calculations were made using voxel-based Medical Internal Radiation Dosimetry (MIRD) and dose-point-kernel (DPK) techniques. Dose distributions for I-131 and I-125 labeled mIBG were calculated for spheroids (metastases) of various sizes from 0.01 cm to 3 cm diameter, and the relative dose delivered to the tumors was compared for the same limiting dose to the bone marrow. Based on the same data, arguments were advanced based upon the principles of tumor control probability (TCP) to emphasize the potential theoretical utility of I-125 over I-131 in specific clinical situations. I-125-mIBG can deliver a higher and more uniform dose to tumors compared to I-131 mIBG without increasing the dose to the bone marrow. Depending on the tumor size and biological half-life, the relative dose to tumors of less than 1 mm diameter can increase several-fold. TCP calculations indicate that tumor control increases with increasing administered activity, and that I-125 is more effective than I-131 for tumor diameters of 0.01 cm or less. This study suggests that I-125-mIBG is dosimetrically superior to I-131-mIBG therapy for small bone marrow metastases from neuroblastoma. It is logical to consider adding I-125-mIBG to I-131-mIBG in multi-modality therapy as these two isotopes could be complementary in terms of their cumulative dosimetry.

  14. Factores asociados a la adherencia en el tratamiento de la infección tuberculosa

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carmen R. Gallardo


    Conclusiones: La tasa de cumplimiento del TIT fue elevada entre los que iniciaron tratamiento. Casi la mitad de los contactos con IT no iniciaron tratamiento y los factores asociados fueron: edad, relación social e induración de la PT. La pauta de tratamiento se asoció con mayor cumplimiento. Debemos conocer con precisión los factores asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento de la IT en cada área de salud y actuar sobre los grupos de riesgo, y de esta manera aproximar el control global de la tuberculosis.

  15. {sup 123}I and {sup 13I} purification for biomolecules labelling; Purificacao de {sup 123}I e {sup 131}I para marcacao de biomoleculas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Catanoso, Marcela Forli


    The {sup 123}I and {sup 131}I are iodine radioisotopes widely used in Nuclear Medicine. The radioisotope {sup 123}I is used in diagnosis through the SPECT technique and is routinely produced at IPEN in cyclotron through the reaction: '1{sup 24}Xe (p, 2n) '1{sup 23}Cs -> {sup 123}Xe -> {sup 123}I. The radioisotope {sup 131}I is used both in diagnosis and therapy due to its physical characteristics of decay by {beta}{sup -} and its {gamma}-ray emissions that are softened with the use of specific collimators for diagnosis. It is routinely produced at IPEN using the nuclear reactor through the indirect reaction: {sup 130}Te (n, {gamma}) ->{sup 131}Te -> {sup 131}I, irradiating compounds containing Te. The radiopharmaceuticals prepared with these radioisotopes go through rigorous quality control tests and the chemical purity of the primary radioisotopes {sup 123}I and {sup 131}I are within the permissible limits currently defined. However, the presence of some chemical contaminants can prejudice the biomolecules labeling (monoclonal antibodies and peptides), that will produce radiopharmaceuticals of first generation to the oncology area. The aim of this work was to obtain a new purification method of these radioisotopes, allowing the labeling of biomolecules and also to established a process control on those radioisotopes. The methodology was separated on 3 steps: Evaluation of '1{sup 23}I e {sup 131}I radionuclidic purity using a hyper pure germanium detector, chemical purity using ICP-OES and the retention and elution study of {sup 131}I in several absorbers to choose the most appropriate for the purification tests analyzing the behavior of the possible contaminants. The radionuclidic analyses showed the presence of Te and Co on {sup 131}I samples and Te, Tc e Co on {sup 123}I samples. The chemical purity analyses showed the presence of Al and Mo in {sup 123}I, coming from the window material of the target holder and the presence of Al and Te in {sup

  16. Evaluation of {sup 131}I retention in several adsorbers

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Catanoso, Marcela F.; Osso Junior, Joao Alberto, E-mail:, E-mail: jaosso@ipen.b [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN/CNEN-SP), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Diretoria de Radiofarmacia


    Several iodine radioisotopes are used in nuclear medicine for treatment and diagnostic purposes. The radioisotope {sup 131}I is used both in diagnosis and therapy due to its physical characteristics of decay by {beta}{sup -} and its {gamma}-ray emissions suitable for diagnosis. It is routinely produced at IPEN through the irradiation of TeO{sub 2} targets in the IEA-R1m nuclear reactor. After the irradiation, the {sup 131}I is separated by dry distillation, where the targets are put in an oven, heated at 760 deg C for 2 hours and the {sup 131}I, volatile, is carried by an O{sub 2} gas stream. The aim of this work was to evaluate the retention and elution of {sup 131}I samples produced at IPEN in several adsorbers as part of a project aiming the purification of these radioisotopes, allowing the labeling of biomolecules. Samples of {sup 131}I were used for retention and elution studies with the following adsorbers: commercial cartridges, anionic resin columns and cationic resin column. The results showed that Ag cartridges and anionic resins Dowex 1X8, Dowex 3 and IRA 400 had a great iodine retention but no elution after using specific eluents. The QMA light, acid alumina, neutral alumina and cationic resin Dowex 50WX4 showed high retention and elution and QMA plus and cationic resin Dowex 50WX8 and Dowex 50WX12 had a good retention but lower elution. Regarding to the better retention and elution, Ag cartridges and resins showed a higher percentage of iodine retention but lower elution yield and QMA light, acid and neutral alumina cartridges showed better results. (author)

  17. Efectividad del ejercicio físico en la fatiga de pacientes con cáncer durante el tratamiento activo: revisión sistemática y metaanálisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jose Francisco Meneses-Echávez


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la efectividad del ejercicio físico en la fatiga de pacientes con cáncer durante el tratamiento activo. Las bases de datos de PubMed Central, EMBASE y OVID fueron consultadas hasta abril de 2014 para identificar ensayos clínicos aleatorizados, que evaluaran el efecto del ejercicio en la fatiga de pacientes con cáncer sometidos a tratamiento activo. Once estudios (n = 1.407 fueron incluidos. La quimioterapia fue el tratamiento más común (n = 1.028. Los estudios tuvieron bajo riesgo de sesgo y alta calidad metodológica. Las estimaciones de efecto mostraron que el ejercicio físico mejoró significativamente la fatiga (SMD = -3,0; IC95%: -5,21; -0,80, p < 0,0001. Se encontraron efectos similares para el entrenamiento de resistencia (SMD = -4,5; IC95%: -7,24; -1,82, p = 0,001. Se encontraron mejoras significativas en pacientes con cáncer de mama y de próstata (p < 0,05. El ejercicio es una intervención segura y eficaz en el control de la fatiga en pacientes sometidos a tratamiento activo

  18. Efectividad de la homeopatía en el tratamiento de exodoncias traumáticas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Kenya Caridad Casanova Sales


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio de intervención en el período de enero hasta agosto del 2014, en el área de salud del Policlínico Docente “28 de Septiembre” de Vázquez, Puerto Padre, Las Tunas, para evaluar la efectividad de la homeopatía en el tratamiento de las exodoncias traumáticas. La muestra estuvo constituida por 48 pacientes, que en el proceso de la extracción dentaria presentaron complicaciones a causa de fractura del tabique interdentario, de las corticales, de las raíces, de la tuberosidad, comunicación bucosinusal y desgarro. Los pacientes fueron seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple y distribuidos en dos grupos: grupo I (estudio con 24 pacientes con complicaciones en el proceso de la exodoncia, a los que se les aplicó el remedio homeopático AlivioHo-trauma; y grupo II (control con 24 pacientes con complicaciones en el proceso de la exodoncia, a los que se les aplicó el tratamiento convencional. En ambos grupos se atendió previamente el área afectada, de acuerdo con la complicación. Se obtuvo que el tratamiento con el remedio homeopático AliviHo-trauma fue efectivo sobre los síntomas dolor e inflamación, al igual con referencia a la ausencia de alveolitis, de manera similar al grupo control. No se reportó ninguna reacción adversa

  19. Occurrence of hypothyroidism after treatment of Basedow's diseases with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Torizuka, Kanji; Mori, Toru; Konishi, Junji; Ikekubo, Katsuji; Morita, Rikushi


    Description was made as to the present condition of occurrence of hypothyroidism after treatment of Basedow's disease with 131 I. It was showed that hypothyroidism was not necessarily based on numerical over-dose of 131 I, there were early stage hypothyroidism due to 131 I sensitivity of an individual and delayed hypothyroidism due to irreversible and progressive disorder of the thyroid gland, and examination of inflammatory findings before treatment and reduction of first administered dose of 131 I were effective in prevention of early stage hypothyroidism. At present, the origin of delayed hypothyroidism is not clarified and thus there is not adequate prevention method. It was suggested that it was duty of the person in charge of treatment to observe and guide treated case by careful remote-investigation and to continue efforts in prevention of hypothyroidism hereafter. (M. Tsunoda)

  20. Calibration of filters for detection of airborne I-131 in the environment of nuclear power plant; Kalibracija filtrov za detekcijo I-131 v zraku okolja jedrske elektrarne

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Zupan, M; Miklavzic, U; Pucelj, B [Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana (Yugoslavia)


    A simple and clean method for efficiency calibration of filters for collection of airborne I and corresponding Ge(Li) spectrometer is described. As the calibrated source of gaseous I-131 the radiopharmaceutical water solution of NaI is used. As calibration example the absolute activity distribution of I-131 measured in a charcoal filter is shown. (author)

  1. Therapeutic Effect of 131I for 230 Patients with Hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Yujie; Zhang Chengxi; Hu Jiqing; Guo Sihui; Yuan Hui; Li Jing


    To evaluate the therapeutic effect of 131 I in treatment of patients with hyperthyroidism and analysis the factors that influence the effect, 230 cases of hyperthyroidism were treated with 131 I, and were followed-up at 1.5, 3, 6, 12 months and even longer time after 131 I radiotherapy. The serum levels of FT3, FT4 and TSH were detected in all cases. The results showed that 181 patients were cured (78.6%), 22 patients were improved (9.5%), 23 cases developed early hypothyroidism(10.0%),and 4 cases developed later hypothyroidism. 12 cases in 27 patients with hypothyroidism treated with thyroxin were recovered, but the other 15 cases need to be given permanent treatment. The factors which influence 131 I radiotherapeutic effect include the patient age, course of disease,application of ATD, size and quality of thyroid, and the level of thyroid hormone. The patients should be followed up to prevent occurrence of hypothyroidism. The early hypothyroidism should be treated in order to decrease the permanent hypothyroidism rate. (authors)

  2. Preliminary clinical experience of pulmonary scintigraphy using 131I-HIPDM

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tian Jiahe


    The metabolic imaging of lungs using 131 I-HIPDM, a tracer known to bind to the amino-receptor in pancreas and lungs, was carried out on 44 subjects. In the normal non-smoker group (n = 8), the tracer was found to be uniformly distributed throughout the lung, with slow clearance in bi-exponential mode after peak of concentration in about 30 sec; while in the normal smoker (n = 8), patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) of both smoker (n = 7) and non-smoker (n = 12), and patients with asthma (n = 5), the distribution as well as the parameters of clearance of 131 I-HIPDM were significantly different. In conclusion: (1) 131 I-HEPDM could reveal some characteristics of pulmonary metabolism of amine in various physiological as well as pathological status; (2) the washout of the tracer from lung was correlated with clinical ventilation functions; (3) smoking is one of the determinant factors of lung metabolic function; (4) the pulmonary metabolic imaging using 131 I-HIPDM was of value in detecting lung disease, especially the functional damages caused by various factors

  3. Antithyroid drugs and 131I treatment of Graves' disease: an efficacy relationship analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fang Yi; Liu Jianfeng; Zhang Xiuli; Xiao Shuping; Zhang Youren


    Objective: To investigate the influence of taking antithyroid drugs (ATD) or stopping therapy with ATD for a variable periods of time before 131 I treatment on efficacy of 131 I treatment. Methods: A total of 99 patients with Graves' disease were divided into two groups on the basis of taking antithyroid drugs (ATD) or not (the patients who had undergone operation for Graves' disease or had received 131 I therapy were excluded). The patients who had taken ATD were separated into four groups, 2 W, ∼4 W, ∼8 W, >8 W before 131 I treatment, to assess the influence on the cure rate after the 131 I treatment. Results: The cure rate of hyperthyroidism after 131 I treatment in patients not taking and taking ATD before 131 I treatment was 89.5% and 57.5%, respectively. The difference between two groups was significant. Fisher's exact test was used to compare the variable parameters (P=0.00863). The patients who had taken ATD and discontinued had no difference in the cure rate, although the duration of discontinuance of ATD was different (P=0.627). Conclusions: The cure rate will be reduced when ATD is used as initial therapy for Graves' disease even if ATD is discontinued for some period of time before the treatment. With regard to those patients having used ATD before the treatment, the cure rate of 131 I is not raised with prolonging ATD withdrawal

  4. Initial radioiodine remnant ablation success rates compared by diagnostic scan methods: I123 versus I131

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, W.; Choi, E.; Yoo, I.; Kim, S.; Han, E.; Lee, S.; Lee, W.


    Full text of publication follows. Objective: to see if diagnostic whole body scan (DxWBS) performed with I-131 prior diminishes the success rate of initial radioiodine remnant ablation (RRA) compared to I-123 DxWBS in differentiated thyroid cancer patients. Material and methods: consecutive thyroid cancer patients who received total thyroidectomy for differentiated thyroid cancer and then high dose RRA (either 100 mCi or 150 mCi) within 6 months were included. DxWBSs were performed with I-123 or with I-131. Prior to the DxWBSs, all patients followed strict low iodine diet for 2 weeks and withdrew hormone to stimulate TSH above 30 mIU/l. Patients with extra-thyroidal extension of tumor, lymph node metastasis, or distant metastasis were excluded. The initial RRA was defined as successful if the next DxWBS done 6 months to 1 year later was negative and stimulated thyroglobulin level was below 2 ng/ml. Results: of 71 patients who had I-123 DxWBSs, 31 patients went on to receive RRA with 100 mCi and 40 patients received 150 mCi. Of 73 patients who had I-131 DxWBSs, 66 received 100 mCi and 7 patients received 150 mCi. The overall success rate was 79% for patients who had I-123 DxWBS prior to RRA (68% for 100 mCi and 86% for 150 mCi), and 68% for patient who had I-131 DxWBSs (68% for 100 mCi and 71% for 150 mCi). Conclusion: for patients who received 100 mCi, the RRA success rate was the same for I-123 DxWBS and I-131 DxWBS. For patients treated with 150 mCi, the success rate may be lower in patients who receive RRA following DxWBS with I-131 compared to DxWBS with I-123. (authors)

  5. Protection against {sup 131}I-induced Double Strand DNA Breaks in Thyroid Cells

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hershman, J.M.; Okunyan, A.; Cannon, S.; Hogen, V. [Endocrinology, UCLA-VA, Los Angeles (United States); Rivina, Y. [Radiation Biology, UCLA, Los Angeles (United States)


    Radioiodine-131 (I{sup 131}) released from nuclear reactor accidents has dramatically increased the incidence of papillary thyroid cancer in exposed individuals, especially young children. The accepted measure for prevention of radiation-induced thyroid cancer is potassium iodide tablets that contain 100 mg iodide taken daily to block thyroid uptake of I{sup 131}. The deposition of ionizing radiation in cells results in double-strand DNA breaks (DSB) at fragile sites, and this early event can generate oncogenic rearrangements that eventually cause the cancer. We have developed a thyroid cell model to quantify the mitogenic effect of I{sup 131}. I{sup 131} causes double strand DNA breaks in FRTL-5 cells detected by 53BP1 or gamma H2AX and had no effect on cells that do not transport iodide. Perchlorate, iodide, and thiocyanate protect against DSB induced by I{sup 131}. Preincubation with the anion or radioprotective compounds prevents DSB; delayed addition of the anion is much less effective. These data provide a basis for studies of radioprotection against DSB induced by I{sup 131} in animals in order to refine the prevention of thyroid cancer resulting from nuclear fallout

  6. Effect of successful 131I treatment on the peripheral blood picture in hyperthyroid patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Li Xiaoping; He Yunnan; Hu Qingwu


    Objective: To investigate the effect of successful 131 I therapy on the levels peripheral blood picture in hyperthyroid patients. Methods: Serum T 3 , T 4 , TSH (with ACCESS microparticle chemiluminescence immunoassay) and blood Hb, RBC, WBC and DC, Plt (with COULTER three assortments) counts were determined in 110 controls and 210 hyperthyroid patients both before and after 131 I therapy. Results: 131 I treatment of hyperthyroidism in this group of patients was very successful (P 131 I therapy. Conclusion: The application of 131 I to treat hyperthyroidism was very successful with no remarkable effect on peripheral blood picture. (authors)

  7. Reduction of 131I content in leafy vegetables and seaweed by cooking

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hisamatsu, Shun-ichi; Takizawa, Yukio; Abe, Touru


    Decontamination ratios of 131 I were obtained from leafy vegetables samples and an edible seaweed sample (Papenfussiella kuromo) after cooking. Samples obtained in Akita City were contaminated with fallout 131 I from the Soviet Chernobyl reactor accident. The decontamination ratio of 131 I content in washed spinach samples to that in raw materials was 0.83 ± 0.21. The ratio of 131 I content in leafy vegetables and edible wild grass samples boiled in water to that in washed samples was 0.51 ± 0.19 on an average. The overall decontamination ratio for leafy vegetables was 0.42 ± 0.19, while the decontamination ratio after cooking was 0.68 for the seaweed sample. (author)

  8. Feasibility of in vivo thyroid {sup 131}I monitoring with an imaging plate

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hirota, Masahiro; Saze, Takuya; Ogata, Yoshimune; Nishizawa, Kunihide E-mail:


    A new in vivo thyroid {sup 131}I monitoring method was devised by using an imaging plate (IP). A thyroid image obtained with a realistic neck-thyroid phantom showed a unique shape characteristic of the thyroid gland. A {sup 131}I thyroid imaging allows visual confirmation of thyroid accumulation of {sup 131}I. The detection limit of the IP system of 290 Bq was about ((1)/(100)) of the screening level of 30 kBq in cases of public emergencies. The IP system is applicable for thyroid {sup 131}I monitoring.

  9. 131I concentrations in air, milk and antelope thyroids in southeastern Idaho

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Markham, O.D.; Halford, D.K.; Bihl, D.E.


    Iodine-131 concentrations were determined in air, milk, and antelope (Antilocapra americana) thyroids from southeastern Idaho during 1972-77. Samples were collected in the vicinity of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site which has 17 operating nuclear reactors, a fuel reprocessing plant, and a nuclear waste management facility. Samples were also collected from control areas. During the study, fallout occurred from five People's Republic of China above-ground nuclear weapon detonations. All 131 I detected in air and milk samples was attributed to fallout from the Chinese nuclear tests. 131 I was detected in low-volume air samples following only one of the five detonations while 131 I was detected in milk following four of the detonations. 131 I occurred in antelope thyroids during all five of the fallout periods and following at least one atmospheric release from facilities at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site. Thyroids were the most sensitive indicators of 131 I in the environment followed by milk and then air. Maximum concentrations in thyroids, milk, and air were 400, 20 and 4 times higher respectively than their respective detection limits. (author)

  10. ¿Mejora la entrevista motivacional la eficacia del tratamiento psicológico para dejar de fumar?

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    Bárbara Piñeiro


    Full Text Available Distintos estudios muestran que cuando se utiliza la entrevista motivacional (EM añadida a un tratamiento estándar, con el objetivo de aumentar la motivación, mejoran los resultados del tratamiento. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar si los fumadores que reciben una intervención con EM antes de un tratamiento psicológico cognitivo conductual para dejar de fumar mejoran la adherencia y la eficacia del tratamiento y reducen la recaída en los seguimientos, en comparación con fumadores que únicamente reciben un tratamiento psicológico cognitivo conductual para dejar de fumar. Se comparó en 58 fumadores (46.6% hombres y 53.4% mujeres la eficacia de añadir o no EM a un tratamiento psicológico para dejar de fumar. El grupo experimental recibió 2 sesiones de EM antes del comienzo de las 6 sesiones del tratamiento psicológico, mientras que el grupo de control recibió únicamente las 6 sesiones del tratamiento. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los 2 grupos en la adherencia al tratamiento, resultados al final del tratamiento y en los seguimientos a los 6 y 12 meses. Concluimos que la intervención con EM no produce mejores resultados en comparación con la aplicación de un tratamiento psicológico cognitivo conductual solo.

  11. Apego al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes con diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2

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    Durán-Varela Blanca Rosa


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Establecer la frecuencia de apego al tratamiento farmacológico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, relacionarla con el control metabólico e identificar factores que influyen para el no apego. Material y métodos. Estudio transversal comparativo, efectuado en 150 pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de la unidad de medicina familiar No. 33 del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social de Chihuahua, Chih., México, hecho entre 1997 y 1998. Se midió el apego con cuenta de tabletas en su domicilio. El control metabólico se midió con hemoglobina glucosilada. Un cuestionario investigó factores relacionados. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, t de Student y razón de momios. Resultados. El apego correspondió a 54.2%. Los factores asociados al no apego fueron la escolaridad primaria y la falta de información sobre la enfermedad (p

  12. Tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado para tuberculosis pulmonar

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    Alvarez-Gordillo Guadalupe del Carmen


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Evaluar la posibilidad de aplicar el tratamiento acortado estrictamente supervisado (TAES en el Programa de Control de la Tuberculosis en Chiapas, México. Material y métodos. Se evaluó la eficacia y la eficiencia del tratamiento en una cohorte de pacientes con tuberculosis pulmonar confirmada por baciloscopía, que ingresaron a tratamiento con esquemas de autoadministración semisupervisión y estricta supervisión, de enero a junio de 1996. Resultados. La eficacia fue de 90.9. 97.7 y 100% para los esquemas de tratamiento autoadministrado, semisupervisado y TAES, respectivamente, mientras que la eficiencia fue de 68.1. 77.6 y 88.5% en el mismo orden. Conclusiones. Para la salud pública el TAES demostró ser la actividad más importante en el control de la tuberculosis, al elevar las tasas de curación y disminuir, por lo tanto, las fuentes de transmisión de la enfermedad.

  13. Factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por adherencias


    Guataquira Sierra, Nidya Consuelo


    El manejo de la obstrucción intestinal por adherencias es un reto para cualquier especialista en Cirugía debido a que existe controversia sobre el alcance del manejo médico y el momento adecuado para llevar el paciente a cirugía para la resolución del cuadro clínico. En el presente trabajo se pretende, identificar los factores asociados a tratamiento quirúrgico en pacientes con obstrucción intestinal por adherencias. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en una relación ...

  14. Synthesis and labelling of 19-iodocholesterol 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hamada, E.S.


    Considering the increasing interest in obtaining agents for vizualization of the adrenal gland with radioisotopic techniques, 19-iodocholesterol was prepared by means of chemical synthesis and radioiodine ( 131 I) introduced by isotopic exchange reaction. The reaction product was identified by determination of the melting point and elementary spectroscopic analysis (infra-red absorption and magnetic nuclear ressonance). Radiochemical analysis of the labelled compound was performed by means of then-layer cromatography in silica-gel. In order to confirm its capacity of concentration in the adrenal gland, the distribution of 19-iodocholesterol 131 I, after intravenous injection, was tested in rats. (Author) [pt

  15. I-123(131)-metyrapone for imaging of the adrenal cortex

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zolle, I.; Bergmann, H.; Hoefer, R.; Robien, W.


    Attempts to label metyrapone with radioiodine resulted in the synthesis of 4'-bromometyrapone that is labelled with I-123(131) by halogen exchange before use. The synthesis of I-123(131)-metyrapone involves 4 intermediate compounds. 4'-bromometyrapone serves as a precursor with indefinite shelf-life that is labelled selectively in the 4'-position of ring B. Studies of the biodistribution of I-131-metyrapone indicate the highest concentration in the adrenal gland 10-20 min after injection, peak uptake in the normal adrenal corresponds to 0.2% of the administered dose. In hyperfunctioning adrenals the uptake is higher. In a patient with bilateral modular hyperplasia, 0.8% of the injected radioactivity were measured in the enlarged adrenals at 2 resp. 2.8 hrs after injection of I-123-metyrapone. We have performed the first adrenal scintigram on the same patient with 1.25 mCi of I-123-metyrapone. (Author)

  16. Determination of {sup 131}I and thorium in urine; Determinacao de iodo-131 e torio em urina

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tomida, Rute Miwa


    Methods for the determination of {sup 131}I and Thorium in urine have been developed taking into account the monitoring needs for people who handle with these radioisotopes. The method for determining {sup 131}I is based in the use of silver chloride to separate iodine by precipitation from the sample; the detection was carried out in a Nal (Tl) well type scintillator connected to a single channel analyser. This method has the following advantages; it is easy and relatively fast as well as selective, showing a separation yield higher than 80%. Thorium in urine was determined by colorimetry after the mineralization of the sample using nitric acid, and sulphuric acid, and then oxygen peroxide. The chromophore reagent used was Thoron (disodium salt of 2-(2-hydroxy-3,6-disulfo-l-naphthylazo) benzenearsonic acid).The absorbance was measured in a spectro colorimeter at a fixed wavelength (530 nm). The method proved to be simple allowing a separation yield of about 80%. The most representative sample for a monitoring program in a {sup 131}I production laboratory has been established. The {sup 131}I concentration in urine of individuals with chronic contamination have also been measured; an interpretation of these results is discussed. (author)

  17. Tratamiento con trofín en niños intolerantes a las sales de hierro Treatment with trofin in children who do not tolerate iron salts

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    Norma Fernández Delgado


    Full Text Available Se realizó tratamiento con Trofín, producto cubano de origen natural con propiedades antianémicas, a 14 niños entre 6 y 36 meses de edad con anemia ferripriva, que no toleraban las sales de hierro oral. Se observó una recuperación de las cifras de hemoglobina en el 86 % de los casos. Se presentaron reacciones adversas ligeras en el 36 % de los pacientes, sin que ello impidiera la continuación del tratamiento. El Trofín constituye una alternativa eficaz en el tratamiento de este déficit nutricional en pacientes intolerantes a las sales ferrosasTreatment with Trofin, a Cuban-made natural product with anti-anemic properties, was given to 14 children aged 6-36 months of age suffering from iron deficiency anemia, who do not assimilate oral iron salts. Adequate levels of hemoglobin figures were observed to be restored in 80% of the cases. 36% of patients showed minor adverse reactions without interrupting the treatment. Trofin is an effective alternative in treating this nutritional disorder in patients who do not tolerate iron salts

  18. Coste-efectividad de la adición de acarbosa al tratamiento de pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 en España


    Piñol, Carme; Roze, Stephane; Valentine, William; Evers, Thomas


    Objetivos: Evaluar el coste-efectividad de la adición de acarbosa al tratamiento de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) en España. Métodos: Se utilizó el CORE Diabetes Model (modelo de simulación informática publicado y validado) para proyectar a largo plazo los resultados clínicos y de costes de la DM2. Las probabilidades de transición y los riesgos se obtuvieron de distintas publicaciones. Los efectos del tratamiento y las características basales de la cohorte se obtuvieron de un m...

  19. Conjugate view gamma camera method for measuring activity in 131{sup I} treatments; Metodo de la imagen conjugada para la cuantificacion de la actividad en tratamientos de 131{sup I}

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barquero Sanz, R.; Placios, A. M.; Perez, D. M.; Tortosa Oliver, R.; Michel, R.


    A quantification method is developed to determine 131{sup I} activity and its associated uncertainty using regions of interest from gamma camera images. Inside a neck phantom, a known activity source is introduced to simulate thyroid remainders in thyroid differentiated cancer. The three parameters that define the accuracy of the method are: net count rates in ROI, the air calibration factor of the gamma camera and the attenuation correction factor. In order to obtain net count rates, four methods for background subtraction are tested. The best procedure to follow is based in two energy windows acquisitions, which gives an activity result of 47 {+-} 5 {mu}Ci Bq, in good agreement with the real activity value for the source, 46 {+-} 5 {mu}Ci. (Author) 12 refs.

  20. Criocirugía en el tratamiento de pacientes con hiperplasia papilomatosa del paladar

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    Gladys Aída Estrada Pereira


    Full Text Available Se efectuó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 40 pacientes con prótesis removibles, tratados en la consulta estomatológica del Policlínico de Especialidades del Hospital Provincial Docente Clinicoquirúrgico "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde marzo de 2013 hasta igual periodo de 2015, a fin de evaluar los resultados de la criocirugía en el tratamiento de afectados por hiperplasia papilomatosa del paladar. Por su gran poder refrigerante se utilizó nitrógeno líquido en la remoción de esta enfermedad. Las propiedades anestésica, antimicrobiana, antiinfecciosa, cicatrizante e inmunológica de esta modalidad crioquirúrgica garantizaron la curación rápida de los tejidos bucales lesionados, que fueron reparados y reepitelizados entre los 7 y 14 días de aplicada la técnica. La valoración de la crioterapia se estableció mediante la medición del tiempo de congelación y descongelación (20-30 segundos y 91-120, respectivamente, la cual resultó beneficiosa por ser inocua, sencilla, atraumática y eficaz en el tratamiento de esta afección

  1. Evaluación de los Parametros Fisicoquímicos en Reactores Discontinuos de Lodos Activados para el Tratamiento de Aguas con Metanol.

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    Marvin Carabali Lasso


    Full Text Available Contexto: en la actualidad existen varios tipos de tecnologías limpias que ayudan a la descontaminación del agua residual industrial, como los sistemas de lodos activados. Dichas tecnologías han resultado efectivas en la remoción de materia orgánica y coloidal en aguas residuales domésticas e industriales, biosorción de metales pesados y remoción de patógenos y nutrientes (N y P. Lo anterior motiva la propuesta de trabajar con un sistema de tratamiento de lodos activados a escala en un ambiente controlado, a fin de demostrar su efectividad en tratamiento de aguas con metanol. Método: el sistema de tratamiento de lodos activados se diseña y construye a escala a nivel de laboratorio para estudiar diferentes concentraciones de metanol en aguas residuales de una industria. En los montajes de cinco sistemas de tratamiento se realizan mediciones de parámetros fisicoquímicos como: pH, oxígeno disuelto, temperatura, demanda química de oxígeno, sólidos suspendidos totales y la pérdida de metanol; a las 0, 24 y 48 h por cuadruplicado para observar el comportamiento de dichos parámetros durante la reducción de metanol. Resultados: para los sistemas de lodos activados se demuestra una pérdida promedio de metanol del 10,3 %. Los promedios de oxígeno disuelto decrecieron en el tiempo, aunque la demanda química de oxígeno es variable. Cada sistema con concentración diferente de metanol presenta comportamiento particular. Conclusiones: esta investigación indica que la biodegradación de metanol en aguas residuales industriales es posible, teniendo en cuenta que en el sistema de tratamiento a escala se obtuvo una disminución de metanol en el tiempo. Además, los resultados motivan a continuar investigando sobre esta tecnología limpia, de la cual no se dispone suficiente literatura en lo que respecta al manejo de lodos activados para la eliminación de metanol.

  2. Internal Contamination by 131I in nuclear medicine department

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chahed, N.; Mtimet, S.; Hammami, H.; Mhiri, A.


    Therapeutic applications in nuclear medicine use high activities of 131 I in sodium iodine liquid from which is volatile at ambient temperature. Besides external exposure there is, for the nuclear medicine personnel, an internal exposure risk induced by 131 iodine inhalation. So we tried to assess this risk among the personnel in a nuclear medicine department. We used direct method for measuring 131 radioactivity in vivo by external counting. Gamma ray detector with a Nal ( TI ) probe positioned near the thyroid gland allows investigation of 131 radioactivity. We realised 34 measurements among the personnel, two times at an interval of one month. The results indicate that an 131 iodine internal contamination is found. Estimated thyroid activities were ranging from 35 to 132 Bq. The highest activities has been found in the thyroid of the technicians involved in the administration of 131 iodine therapy. Therefore this values are lower than norms. This study must lead to the implementation control of the 131 iodine internal contamination in order to optimise the personnel protection in nuclear medicine departments (author)

  3. The Relative Frequency of Persistent Hyperthyroidism After I131Therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-EID, M.A.


    517 patients with different types of hyperthyroidism who had treated by I 131 therapy were studied. The study demonstrated that diffuse toxic goiter was the most common type of hyperthyroidism. The relative frequency of persistent hyperthyroidism in all types after the first dose of I 131 utilizing our empirical regimen in estimation of therapy doses was low (9.5%). While high frequency of persistent hyperthyroidism among diffuse toxic goiter patients (14%), probably was due to many factors discussed in this paper. Some of these factors are impossible to be estimated precisely and therefore, can not be avoided. But careful dose estimation for each case with diffuse toxic goiter may reduce the rate of retreatment by I 131 . Antithyroid medication prior to I 131 therapy might be another factor resulted in increasing of retreatment of retreatment rate diffuse toxic goiter cases. Longer time interval (more than 5 days) of ceasing antithyroid medication prior therapy is suggested to avoid the effects of these drugs. Patients with other types of hyperthyroidism were not frequently required more than one dose and the frequency of persistent hyperthyroidism was almost negligible

  4. Experimental radioimmunotherapy with I-131-antibody against a differentiation antigen

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Badger, C.C.; Krohn, K.A.; Bernstein, I.D.


    The authors have previously shown that I-131-labeled antibodies (Ab) against the Thyl.l antigen can care AKR/Cu (Thyl.2+) mice bearing the AKR/J (Thy 1l.1+) SL2 T-cell lymphoma. The authors have now extended these studies to therapy with I-131-anti-Thyl.1 of SL2 lymphoma in AKR/J mice where Ab reacts with both tumor and normal cells. A 25 μg bolus was rapidly cleared from serum by binding to spleen cells (75% with Tl/2 <60 min.) and only low concentrations of Ab(<2% ID/gm) were present in tumor after infusion. Therapy of AKR/J mice bearing established s.c. lymphoma nodules with 1500 μCi I-131-anti-Thyl.1 resulted in complete regression of the nodule in 6/6 animals although tumor eventually regrew and all animals died of metastatic lymphoma. In contrast, I-131-irrelevant Ab given to produce the same amount of whole body radiation (750 μCi) did not affect tumor growth. These studies suggest that radiolabeled-AB against differentiation antigens may be useful for therapy in spite of binding to normal cell populations

  5. Standard dose 131I therapy for toxic multinodular goiter in an endemic goiter region

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goncalves, E.; Castro, J.A.S.; Gross, J.L.


    The effect of the standard 15 mCi dose of 131 I on the thyroid function of 25 patients from an endemic goiter region with toxic multinodular goiter of different sizes was determined. The patients were followed for 1 to 5 years and 7 months (mean: 2 years and 10 months). Eighteen patients were treated with the antithyroid drugs propylthiouracil or methimazole before 131 I and seven only received 131 I. All but three patients achieved euthyroidism after a single dose of 131 I. Two patients in the antithyroid treatment group became hypothyroid 2 months and 2 years after the isotope therapy, respectively. Pretreatment with antithyroid drugs did not significantly modify the effectiveness of 131 I treatment. This simplified dose regimen of 131 I was effective in the treatment of hyperthyroidism caused by multinodular goiter in an endemic region, and the efficacy was independent of the size of the goiter. (author)

  6. Excretion and toxicity evaluation of 131I-Sennoside A as a necrosis-avid agent. (United States)

    Yin, Zhiqi; Sun, Lidan; Jin, Qiaomei; Song, Shaoli; Feng, Yuanbo; Liao, Hong; Ni, Yicheng; Zhang, Jian; Liu, Wei


    1. Sennoside A (SA) is a newly identified necrosis-avid agent that shows capability for imaging diagnosis and tumor necrosis targeted radiotherapy. As a water-soluble compound, 131 I-Sennoside A ( 131 I-SA) might be excreted predominately through the kidneys with the possibility of nephrotoxicity. 2. To further verify excretion pathway and examine nephrotoxicity of 131 I-SA, excretion and nephrotoxicity were appraised. The pharmacokinetics, hepatotoxicity and hematotoxicity of 131 I-SA were also evaluated to accelerate its possible clinical translation. All these studies were conducted in mice with ethanol-induced muscular necrosis following a single intravenous administration of 131I-SA at 18.5 MBq/kg or 370 MBq/kg. 3. Excretion data revealed that 131 I-SA was predominately (73.5% of the injected dose (% ID)) excreted via the kidneys with 69.5% ID detected in urine within 72 h post injection. Biodistribution study indicated that 131 I-SA exhibited initial high distribution in the kidneys but subsequently a fast renal clearance, which was further confirmed by the results of autoradiography and single-photon emission computed tomography-computed tomography (SPECT-CT) imaging. The maximum necrotic to normal muscle ratio reached to 7.9-fold at 48 h post injection, which further verified the necrosis avidity of 131 I-SA. Pharmacokinetic parameters showed that 131 I-SA had fast blood clearance with an elimination half-life of 6.7 h. Various functional indexes were no significant difference (p > 0.05) between before administration and 1 d, 8 d, 16 d after administration. Histopathology showed no signs of tissue damage. 4. These data suggest 131 I-SA is a safe and promising necrosis-avid agent applicable in imaging diagnosis and tumor necrosis targeted radiotherapy.

  7. The usefulness of 131I radioiodine to thyroid papillary carcinoma with extra thyroidal extension

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shinohara, Shogo; Kikuchi, Masahiro; Naito, Yasushi; Fujiwara, Keizo; Hori, Shinya; Tona, Yosuke; Yamazaki, Hiroshi


    Extra thyroidal extension (ETE) of thyroid papillary carcinoma (PAC) is known as a risk factor of poor prognosis. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) Guideline recommends total thyroidectomy (TT) with radioiodine ablation for patients of PACs with ETE and we have been following this strategy for cases of PACs with ETE. In this paper, we retrospectively examined the patients of PACs with ETE in terms of the following two issues: Does 131 I total body scan ( 131 I-TBS) after TT enable us to detect subclinical distant metastases of PACs? and Can 131 I ablation eliminate microscopic remnants of PACs after TT? The subjects consisted of 68 patients who had PACs with ETE and underwent 131 I-TBS and/or 131 I ablation after TT in our hospital in the past 20 years. Tumor, nodes and metastasis (TNM) classifications of the patients were pT3:pT4=12:56, pN0:pN1a:pN1b=13:15:40, M0:M1=62:6. Twenty-two cases underwent only 131 I-TBS and 46 cases underwent 131 I-ablation. Fourteen cases diagnosed as M0 preoperatively had distant focus detected using 131 I-TBS. Including M1 cases, 20 out of 68 cases (29%) turned out to have clinical or subclinical distant lesions in our study. 131 I ablation eliminated thyroid bed in 18 out of 22 cases, and distant foci in 5 out of 13 cases. However, the distant lesions which had been apparent before operation (M1 cases) did not reach complete response (CR) by 131 I ablation. In 22 out of those 23 cases successfully treated with the ablation, serum-thyroglobulin level was almost undetected after therapy. The overall 10-year survival rate was 82% and the cause-specific survival rate was 91%. (author)

  8. Clinical Investigation and Treatment of Thyroid Disease with Radioactive Iodine (131I)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Mun Ho; Koh, Chang Soon; Ro, Heung Kyu; Koo, In Seu; Suh, Whan Jo; Lee, Kyung Ja; Lee, Hong Kyu; Lee, Chung Sang


    A summary of the clinical data of the 131 I-thyroid function tests and the therapeutic results of 131 I among the 2,658 patients of various thyroid diseases treated over the past 10 years from May 1960 to Oct. 1969 at the Radioisotope Clinic and Laboratory, SNUH were presented and discussed. 1) The patients examined consisted of 929 cases (34.9%) of diffuse toxic goiter, 762 cases (28.7%) of diffuse nontoxic goiter, 699 cases (26.3%) of nodular nontoxic goiter, 58 cases (2.2%) of nodular toxic goiter and 210 cases (7.9%) of hypothyroidism. 2) There were 300 (11.4%) male and 2358 (88.6%) female, showing a ratio of 1 : 8. 3) The majority of patients (79.1%) were in the 3rd-5th decade of their lives. 3) The normal ranges, diagnostic values of 131 I uptake test, 48 hrs serum activity, BMR and main subjective symptoms of various thyroid diseases were discussed. 5) In the 579 patients among 867 cases with hyperthyroidism treated with 131 I, 47.8% were confirmed to be cured completely after single therapeutic doses. 6) The complications of 131 I therapy were discussed and myxedema had developed in 6.75% of our patients. 7) The results of 131 I thyroid function tests were analysed among the 160 cases of thyroid diseases which were confirmed the diagnosis with histopathological measures.

  9. Reabsorción radicular inflamatoria en sujetos con tratamiento ortodóntico. Cartagena (Colombia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Farith González Martínez


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la ocurrencia de Reabsorción Radicular Inflamatoria en sujetos sometidos a movimiento dental con cuatro técnicas de ortodoncia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de cohorte con seguimiento a un año, evaluando la reabsorción radicular inflamatoria con cuatro técnicas de ortodoncia, a partir de la escala de Levander and Malmgren. Las mediciones se realizaron en 176 dientes, usando tres radiografías periapicales por participante cada tres meses. Los datos fueron analizados a través de proporciones de incidencia. El Riesgo Relativo se utilizó para la asociación entre la presencia de reabsorción y la técnica de ortodoncia, con intervalos de confianza del 95 %. Para la significancia estadística se aplicaron los test de Kruskal Wallis, Mc-Nemar y Fischer. Se realizó un análisis multivariable por regresión logística. Resultados: La incidencia de Reabsorción Radicular fue del 68,2 %, presentándose a los nueve y doce meses. Se observaron cambios radiculares con grado 1 en 8,5 % de los dientes y grado 2 con 2,8 %, siendo laterales los de mayor proporción (6,3%. En los dientes sometidos a la técnica de Arco de canto se encontró un riesgo 3,3 veces mayor en comparación con las técnicas pre-ajustadas. Conclusiones: Existe Reabsorción Radicular en los dientes sometidos a movimiento dental durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia, sin embargo, estos cambios se consideran leves y dependen de la biomecánica utilizada en cada técnica.

  10. Differentiated thyroid cancer following radioiodide 131I therapy of hyperthyroidism: a case report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Nemec, J; Soumar, J; Zeman, V; Nahodil, V; Zamrazil, V; Smejkal, V Jr


    Differentiated (papillary) thyroid cancer was detected 17 years following radioiodide 131I treatment for toxic multinodular goiter. Twenty-one cases of thyroid cancers with previous 131I therapy for hyperthyroidism were summarized. This combination is rare compared to the incidence of thyroid cancers following external irradiation. This may be due to higher absorbed dose to thyroid in 131I treatment.

  11. Design and construction of a shielded process box for the production of radiopharmaceuticals labelled with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bonetto, O.; Goso, R.; Guerrero, G.; Huala, H.E.; Logusso, N.A.; Marques, R.; Mitta, A.E.A.


    A leakproof process box, shielded with a 5 mm lead wall, for the labelling, purification, pH adjutment and dispensing of Rose Bengal 131 I, Hippuran 131 I, Diprocon 131 I, Hipaque 131 I, Bromosuphthalein 131 I, etc. is described. (author) [es

  12. Intercomparison of 131I activity measurements in nuclear medicine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, G. Y.; Yang, H. K.; Lim, C. I.; Lee, H. K.; Jeong, H. K.


    Activity measurements in nuclear medicine using a dose calibrator have been performed for several decades and their reliability has varied. To minimise the radiation dose to patients with radionuclides, it is necessary to ensure that the sample administered is accurately assayed. Recognizing the importance of intercomparison in nuclear medicine and the need to make access to activity standards traceable to the international measurement system, the KFDA, as a national secondary standard dosimetry laboratory (SSDL), started an intercomparison program in 2002. This program was initiated by survey to all nuclear medicine centres regarding general information about their dose calibrators, radioisotopes etc. 71 nuclear medicine centres (79 dose calibrators) participated in the intercomparison program with 131 I isotope. To assess the accuracy of clinical measurements of the activity of 131 I solutions and to determine the reason for the disagreement, an intercomparison was conducted using 4 ml aliquots in 10 ml P6 vial with a total activity in the region of 10 -20 MBq. The reference time of decay for all solutions was 0:00 on 25 September 2002. The half-life used was 8.04 days. For the evaluation of solution in KFDA, a sealed, high pressure and re-entrant ionisation chamber, NPL-CRC radionuclide calibrators were used. The verification of our calibration quality was by means of a comparison with the Korea Primary Standard Laboratory (KRISS). The activity ratio of KFDA to KRISS for the 131 I solutions is 1.011. The difference between the value quoted by the clinic, A hospital and the value obtained by the KFDA, A KFDA , is expressed as a percent deviation, i.e. DEV(%) 100x(A hospital -A KFDA )/A KFDA . From the data obtained it was found that 61% of the calibrators showed a deviation within +/-5%; 23% had a deviation in the range 5% 131 I solution activity measurements, using dose calibrators in Koreas, and also to provide the participants with a traceable standard to

  13. Synthesis labeling and biological studies of 16-131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sato, M.K.


    The increasing interest in obtaining radiopharmaceuticals for metabolic imaging of heart muscle led us to prepare 16-IODINE HEXADECANOIC ACID by tosilation of the corresponding hydroxy acid, following iodination with NaI and finally, introducing radioiodine (Na 131 I) by isotopic exchange reaction. The reaction products were identified by determination of melting point, elementary and spectroscopic analysis such as infra-red absortion and magnetic nuclear resonance. The radiopharmaceutical after radiochemical and other specific control procedures for injetable such as sterility and apyrogenicity, was firstly utilized in dogs: preferencial uptake by the heart, as well as by the liver was confirmed. Then, studies in patients with or without heart diseases were performed. The biodistribution of 16- 131 I-HEXADECANOIC ACID was carried out in Wistar rats. The scintigraphic images in animals and in humans demonstrated that 16- 131 -HEXADECANOIC ACID is suitable for studying viable areas as well as energetic exchange of heart muscle. (author) [pt

  14. Preparation and biodistribution of 131I labeled 3-Amino-1-hydroxypropylidene-1, 1-bisphosphonate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin Rushan; Yang Yuanyou; Liu Ning; Liao Jiali; Jin Jiannan; Pu Manfei


    3-amino-1-hydroxypropylidene-1, 1-bisphosphonate (ABP) was synthesized and labeled with 131 I using N-succinimidyl-5-(tri-butylstannyl)-3-pyridinecarboxylate (SPC) as a bi-functional linker. 131 I could be coupled to ABP via a 131 I-SIPC intermediate with a labeling yield of more than 64%, and a radiochemical purity of more than 99% after HPLC purification. After 72 h at room temperature, the radiochemical purity was still more than 98.8%, implying that the 131 I-SIPC-ABP is stable in vitro. Biodistribution experiments in mice show that 131 I-SIPC-ABP has high affinity to bone and high stability in vivo as well as in vitro. (authors)

  15. Adrenal scintigraphy using 131I-Adosterol

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Fukunaga, Masao; Dokoh, Shigeharu; Yamamoto, Itsuo; Morita, Rikushi; Torizuka, Kanji


    131 I-Adosterol (6β-iodomethyl-19-norcholest-5(10)-3β-ol) was administered to evaluate adrenal grand in 20 patients including 9 patients with primary aldosteronism, 5 with Cushing's syndrome, one with pheochromocytoma, one with retroperitoneal tumor, 3 with essential hypertension and one with obesity. Standard scintigraphies were performed at 3rd day and again 6th day after administration of 131 I-adosterol (1-1.5 mCi). Suppression scintigraphies were obtained while the patients were taking dexamethasone 2 to 3 mg daily from 3 days prior to injection of the tracer until adrenal imaging. In the cases with essential hypertension and obesity, both adrenal glands were delineated equally by standard scintigraphy, and in one patient, undergone suppression scintigraphy, the uptake of 131 I-adosterol by both glands were completely inhibited by dexamethasone administration. In primary aldosteronism, six of the 9 patients demonstrated the increased radioactivity in one side, and were diagnosed as aldosteronoma. In 3 cases, failed to show the lesions on standard scintigraphy, the lesions could be detected by suppression scintigraphy, and aldosteronomas measuring 1 x 1 x 0.7, 2 x 2 x 1 and 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm were confirmed by operation. In Cushing's syndrome, standard scintigraphy could easily distinguish between adenoma (one case) and bilateral hyperplasia (4 cases). Adrenal scintigraphy was also a useful method in order to assess the effect of pituitary irradiation therapy in the case of hyperplasia. In pheochromocytoma and retroperitoneal tumor, the side of the lesion was identified by the absence of a functioning gland. Suppression scintigraphy was particularly useful in detecting the localization of the small tumor in primary aldosteronism. (auth.)

  16. Delayed results of therapy of thyrotoxicosis with sup(131)I and posttherapeutic hypothyrosis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Khelds, A O; Ozols, V K; Shtelmane, I A


    A total of 1587 patients with thyrotoxicosis (1387 women and 266 men) were examined over time after /sup 131/I therapy. The radioactive drug was given once to 808 patients, two times to 337 patients, 3 times to 198 and 4 times to 82 patients. 669 patients received 74-185 MBq of /sup 131/I. 649 patients 222-370 MBq, 128 patients 407-555 MBq and 94 patients 592-740 MBq. The other 47 patients received /sup 131/I of higher activity. Posttherapeutic hypothyrosis was revealed in 5.4% of the cases. In half of the patients hypothyrosis developed after a single administration of /sup 131/I. In all the patients with posttherapeutic hypothyrosis, i.v. administration of thyroliberin resulted in a significant rise of the thyrotropin level indicating to great importance of this test. A follow up of such patients is necessary as hypothyrosis can develop at different time after treatment of thyrotoxicosis patients with /sup 131/I.

  17. A new method activation analysis of 131I in charcoal cartridge sampler

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lai Caifeng; Xu Jiayun; Qin Jianguo; Wang Dalun


    Instead of the traditional method for measuring 1311 activation by calibrating the detecting efficiency, MCNP5 calculation and ill-posed equation solution were used in a new method for analysing 131 I activation and depth distribution in sample box. Because of no necessary to prepare for standard sample and calibrate the efficiency, it makes the survey of 131 I more quickly and accurately and is able to take into account the physics processes of 131 I in the sample box. (authors)

  18. Clinical study of 1003 cases with Graves' disease treated with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Qinfen; Zhang Chenggang; Zhao Xiaobin; Shi Longbao


    Objective: To explore the treatment effects of individual 131 I dose treatment of Graves' disease. Methods: Graves' disease patients were given individual 131 I dose ( 131 I MBq/per gram thyroid tissue), which ranged at 1.48-4.07 MBq/g. A total of 1003 cases (76.9%) were successfully followed up. The mean administered dose of 131 I was (329.3 ± 307.1, 44.4-3700) MBq. The term of follow-up was (16.4 ± 10.0, 3.0-44.7) months. Results: After one dose 131 I treatment, 593 patients (59.1%) were with euthyroid, 200 patients (19.9%) hypothyroidism, 190 patients (18.9%) were partially remitted, 20 patients (2.0%) showed no changes; 259 patients (25.8%) suffered from early hypothyroidism, 88 patients were with transient hypothyroidism. Logistic stepwise regression analysis revealed that hard thyroid texture was a risk factor for developing early hypothyroidism, whereas large goiter was a protective factor for developing permanent hypothyroidism. Partial-correlations analysis showed that curative effects correlated negatively with the weight of goiter mass, the course of disease and the use of antithyroid drugs (ATD). After 131 I treatment, for 195 patients (41.7%) the ophthalmopathy was cured, 155 patients (33.1%) were partially remitted, 105 patients (22.4%) showed no effects, 13 patients (2.8%)were deteriorated. For 56 patients (77.8%) their hyperthyroid heart disease was cured, 10 patients(13.9%) were partially remitted, 6 patients (8.3%) were of no effects. For 60 patients (85.7%) periodic paralysis associated with thyrotoxicosis were cured, 2 patients (2.9%) were partially remitted, 8 patients (11.4%) were of no effects. Of 249 patients with large goiter (≥90 g), 219 cases (88.0%) were completely remitted. Conclusions: The individual 131 I dose treatment for Graves' disease exerts good therapeutic efficiencies. 131 I treatment for ophthalmopathy, hyperthyroid heart disease and Graves' disease with lager goiter is effective and safe. (authors)

  19. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador / Tratamiento de camuflaje de una maloclusión clase III con exodoncia de un incisivo central inferior / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por biprotrusión y DAD con exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares / Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase I por DAD con extracciones asimétricas


    González Torres, Carlos Rodrigo


    Describe el tratamiento de cinco casos clínicos de ortodoncia, atendidos en la Clínica Especializada de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de San Martín de Porres durante el periodo Agosto 2009 - Marzo 2012, tratándose de: 1. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 1 utilizando un aparato expansor y exodoncias de 4 primeras premolares. 2. Tratamiento de una maloclusión clase II división 2 tipo B utilizando un aparato distalizador. 3. Tratamiento de camuflaje de una...

  20. Detection and tracing of the medical radioisotope 131I in the Canberra environment

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gilfillan Nathan R.


    Full Text Available The transport and radioecology of the therapeutical radioisotope 131I has been studied in Canberra, Australia. The isotope has been detected in water samples and its activity quantified via characteristic J-ray photo peaks. A comparison of measurements on samples from upstream and downstream of the Canberra waste water treatment plant shows that 131I is discharged from the plant outflow into the local Molonglo river. This is consistent with observations in other urban environments. A time-correlation between the measured activities in the outflow and the therapeutical treatment cycle at the hospital identifies the medical treatment as the source of the isotope. Enhanced activity levels of 131I have been measured for fish samples. This may permit conclusions on 131I uptake by the biosphere. Due to the well-defined and intermittent input of 131I into the sewage, the Canberra situation is ideally suited for radioecological studies. Furthermore, the 131I activity may be applied in tracer studies of sewage transport to and through the treatment plant and as an indicator of outflow dilution following discharge to the environment.

  1. An experimental study on the antitumor effect of 131I-17-AAG in vitro and in vivo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tu Wenyong; Liu Lu; Chen Daozhen; Huang Ying; Yin Weidong


    The objective of this study was to observe the antitumor effect of 131 I-17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin ( 131 I-17-AAG) in vitro/in vivo and explore its antitumor mechanism with a view to its potential therapeutic application. 131 I-17-AAG was prepared by the reaction of 17-AAG with Na [ 131 I] in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The effects of 131 17-AAG on cell growth inhibition and cell cycle distribution in vitro were studied in BEL-7402 cells lines. Following BEL-7402 tumor implantation by subcutaneous xenografts into nude mice, the reagents were injected through the tail vein, and the tumor volume was measured and analyzed. At the end of the experiment, tumor specimens were processed for histopathological analysis. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) was used to investigate apoptosis. The expression change of Akt2 was tested by Western-blot analysis. Methyl-thiazolyl-tetrazolium assay showed inhibition rates of 27.7±5.3%, 57.3±4.3%, and 63.7±3.1%, in Na 131 I group, 17-AAG group, and 131 I-17-AAG group, respectively. The inhibition rate in the 131 I-17-AAG group differed significantly between Na 131 I group and 17-AAG group (F=229.49, P 131 I group, 17-AAG group, and 131 I-17-AAG group, respectively. Following infusion for 32 days, the tumor volumes in the 131 I-17-AAG group were significantly smaller than those in the DMSO group (F=24.18, P 131 I group (F=20.68, P 131 I-17-AAG inhibited the proliferation of tumor cells and induced apoptosis. The expression of Akt2 in 131 I-17-AAG was significantly lower than that in the DMSO group or 131 I group. 131 I-17-AAG can effectively inhibit the growth of BEL-7402 tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. 131 I-17-AAG is a promising agent for the treatment of BEL-7402 cell tumor. (author)

  2. Tratamiento con estatinas en pacientes pediátricos con síndrome nefrótico resistente a esteroides. Reporte de dos casos

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    C Sánchez-García


    Full Text Available El síndrome nefrótico se define por la asociación de proteinuria, hipoalbuminemia, hiperlipidemia y edema. El 80% de los pacientes pediátricos con síndrome nefrótico primario responde a la terapia con esteroides; el 20% restante requiere asociar otros medicamentos para alcanzar la remisión (ciclofosfamida, ciclosporina. La hiperlipidemia en el síndrome nefrótico es debida tanto a un incremento en la síntesis acompañada de disminución en la eliminación de los lípidos de la sangre; siendo la causa directa de esto la proteinuria. La hiperlipidemia incrementa el riesgo cardiovascular, así como el daño glomerular. Con base en esto, la hiperlipidemia persistente en el síndrome nefrótico resistente a esteroides debe ser tratada. Los inhibidores de la 3-hidroxi-3-metilglutaril-coenzima A (HMG-CoA reductasa han demostrado efecto antiinflamatorio, inmunomodulador y antiproliferativo. Por ello el papel de las estatinas en el síndrome nefrótico va más allá de su efecto hipolipemiante. Presentamos dos casos de pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico de síndrome nefrótico resistente a esteroides y su evolución durante el tratamiento con ciclosporina y estatinas.

  3. Preparation of [[sup 131]I]lipiodol as a hepatoma therapeutic agent

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiunnguang Lo; Aiyih Wang; Yuanyaw Wei (National Tsinghua Univ., Hsinchu (Taiwan). Inst. of Nuclear Science); Wingyiu Lui; Chinwen Chi (Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)); Wingkai Chan (Academia Sinica, Taipei (Taiwan). Inst. of Biomedical Sciences)


    An isotopic exchange method was used to label lipiodol with [sup 131]I. The labelling efficiency was > 92.5%, and the radiochemical purity of [[sup 131]I]lipiodol was above 98% as determined by ITLC. The influencing factors e.g. the heating temperature, reaction, pH and storage conditions were studied and the optimum conditions were determined. In a pilot study injecting [[sup 131]I]lipiodol for the treatment of hepatoma, about 70% of hepatoma patients had a response to the treatment with a reduction of [alpha]-fetoprotein and decrease of hepatoma sizes. The overall median survival was 9 months (range 2-17 months). (author).

  4. Diagnosis of Constitutional Hyperbilirubinemias by Sequential Scanning with 131I-BSP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ueda, Hideo; Lio, Masahiro; Yamada, Hideo; Kamada, Haruo; Luchi, Masahiko; Ishiwa, Mamoru


    Sequential liver scanning was introduced for the diagnosis of medical and surgical jaundices by Yamada and Taplin (1) using 131 I-Rose Bengal. Following this trial authors have reevaluated the 131 I-BSP (monoiodide) (2) and applied this dye successfully for the same purpose as well as for hepatic function study (2). In this paper, taking note of the fact that 131 I-BSP sequential scanning method makes visible the mechanism of liver uptake, intrahepatic transport and biliary excretion of this dye, the authors aimed to make clear the classification of constitutional hyperbilirubinemias and the pathophysiology of this disease subjects, which are still controversial among researchers.

  5. Uso del ultrasonido terapéutico pulsado en el tratamiento de personas con osteoartritis de rodilla


    Eliana Isabel Rodríguez Grande; Liliana Carolina Ramírez Ramírez


    La osteoartritis de rodilla es una patología crónica y degenerativa caracterizada por la destrucción del cartílago articular, para la cual en la actualidad no existen intervenciones terapéuticas que detengan el deterioro. Una de las modalidades utilizadas en fisioterapia para el tratamiento de la osteoartritis es el ultrasonido terapéutico, sin embargo los resultados reportados en la literatura sobre el efecto del ultrasonido terapéutico en pacientes con osteoartritis de rodilla son contradic...

  6. Calculation of the activity incorporated in the therapy with I 131

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chica, L.G.; Puerta, J.A.


    By means of the product S(T--S). A-s-(T-e-). the absorbed dose to thyroid delivered by I-131 incorporated is calculated. Where S(T--S) is the absorbed dose in the thyroid per nuclear transformations (tn.) of I-131 localized in the thyroid and as a potential function of the mass is expressed. A-s-(T-e-) is the number of tn. of I-131 in the thyroid since the moment of the incorporation until the time T-e- (the effective middle time); to find A-s-(T-e-) to normal as different pathological conditions, the metabolic model of the iodo proposed by the ICRP is used. Of the expression of the doses, the incorporated activity, I-o- is obtained

  7. The use of lithium carbonate in the treatment of Graves' disease with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang Yuguo; Chen Miao; Kuang Anren


    Lithium carbonate involving radioactive iodine uptake, goiter volume, thyroid hormone and applying range is reviewed briefly. Lithium may elongate the T 1/2 of iodine in thyroid gland, decrease 131 I dosage and enhance curative effect. Lithium carbonate inhibit iodine uptake and thyroid hormone synthesize, blocks the release of iodine and thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland, which lead to reduce the 131 I dosage the patients need and to decrease the surge of serum FT 3 and FT 4 levels caused by 131 I therapy. so lithium carbonate can alleviate the symptoms caused by 131 I treatment. For lithium carbonate can increase leucocyte amount, there are some merits with lithium carbonate in treating Graves' disease by 131 I. (authors)

  8. Chronic hepatitis C treatment in a cystic fibrosis patient in the pulmonary pre-transplant stage Tratamiento de hepatitis crónica C en un paciente con fibrosis quística en situación de pretrasplante pulmonar

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    L. Adán Merino


    Full Text Available The standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C, pegylated interferon and ribavirin (pegI/R, has many limitations in both effectiveness and secondary effects, which makes it unsuitable or even contraindicated for some patients. In hepatitis C virus-infected cystic fibrosis patients this treatment could increase respiratory infections with subsequent pulmonary function deterioration. On the contrary, hepatitis C virus (HCV infection may make lung transplant (LT unfeasible. We present the case of a cystic fibrosis-young man diagnosed with HCV infection during LT assessment who was treated with pegI/R. In spite of the lung function worsening and respiratory infections, he managed to complete treatment and even sustained virological response (SVR. At present he is on LT waiting list.El tratamiento estándar de la hepatitis crónica C, interferón pegilado (INF-peg y ribavirina (RBV, puede ser inadecuado o incluso estar contraindicado en algunos pacientes debido a sus limitaciones en cuanto a eficacia y efectos adversos. En pacientes con fibrosis quística infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C (VHC el tratamiento antiviral podría aumentar las infecciones respiratorias con el consiguiente empeoramiento de la función pulmonar. Por contra, la infección por VHC podría desestimar a estos pacientes para un necesario trasplante pulmonar. Presentamos el caso de un varón con fibrosis quística diagnosticado de infección VHC durante su evaluación previa al trasplante pulmonar. El paciente fue tratado con INF-peg y RBV. A pesar del empeoramiento en la función pulmonar y numerosas infecciones respiratorias intercurrentes, logró completar el tratamiento y obtener respuesta viral sostenida, encontrándose actualmente en lista de espera.

  9. Multiple factor analysis of the therapeutic effect of 131I in treating 783 cases of Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Min; Li Xianfeng; Li Sijin; Chen Haibin


    Objective: To study the factors influencing therapeutic effect of 131 I in treating 783 cases of Graves disease. Methods: The values of various indexes were quantized on influencing factors such as age, sex, course of disease, mass of thyroid gland, the absorbed dose of 131 I per gram of thryoid gland, the given dose of 131 I, thyroid 24 h 131 I uptaking percentage, thyroid hormone and thyroid autoantibodys. The assessment of the therapeutic effect was made according to complete remission (including hypothyroidism) and partial remission after 131 I therapy. CMH χ 2 , Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Logistic regression were used to analyze the variable parameters before the treatment. Results: The therapeutic effect of 131 I is significant in the follow-up period (CMH χ 2 =69.21, P 131 I therapy for 12 months. The therapeutic effect was related to such factors as age thyroid mass, the absorbed dose of 131 I per gram of thryoid gland, thyroid 24 h 131 I uptaking percentage, etc (all the values of P 131 I uptaking percentage is higher, thyroid mass is bigger, thyroid gland is with noduses, the given dose of 131 I should be increased. Conversely decreased. (authors)

  10. Determination of 131I as contaminant in samples of fission 99Mo

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Aghazarian, V.P.; Nunez, O.J.; Duran, Adrian P.; Mondino, Angel V.


    A method for 99 Mo production from fission products was developed at the Ezeiza Atomic Center 15 years ago. A complete quality control of the product, preceding its use in nuclear medicine, is a basic requirement. One of the main purposes of this work was to improve the resolution of the 364.5 keV and 366.4 keV peaks, from respectively 131 I and 99 Mo, due to the fact that the former could not be detected in the presence of high activities of the later. A new procedure is described for determination of 131 I impurity contents present in the 99 Mo samples. A highly specific 131 I separation from an alkaline solution has been developed, which utilizes porous metallic silver. Elemental silver was prepared by reduction of Ag + with ascorbic acid. The isotopes of iodine were fixed as Ag 131 I and then, the iodide ion was eluted from the column with a Na 2 S solution. Finally, the 131 I activity could be quantitatively determined. All the parameters were fitted in order to obtain a suitable statistic in counting times within 2000-5000 seconds, short enough for on-line controls. (author)

  11. Radiological protection guidance for radioactive patients -new data for therapeutic 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hilditch, T.E.; Watson, W.S.; Connell, J.M.C.; Davies, D.L.; Alexander, W.D.


    Thyroidal retention of 131 I was measured in 77 thyrotoxic patients over a period of 1-50 days after a first therapeutic administration of the radionuclide. Mean 131 I activity in the gland (± S.D.) at 1 day was 56.1 ± 11.1% of the administered dose activity and thereafter retention followed a single exponential decay pattern with a mean effective half-life (± S.E.M.) of 6.35 ± 0.14 days. In patients who required further 131 I therapy, there was evidence that retention could be markedly reduced if there was virtual ablation of thyroid tissue. It is proposed that these retention data can be used to determine body radioactivity at any interval after the administration of 131 I for treatment of thyrotoxicosis, thus obviating the need for serial measurements in every individual patient. (author)

  12. Tratamiento de rehabilitación en niños con escoliosis

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    Galia Fonseca


    Full Text Available Existe una amplia gama de intervenciones únicas o combinadas que van a garantizar que la curvatura en la mayoría de los casos permanezca estable y en otros que disminuya hasta que se complete el periodo de crecimiento del niño. La elección del tipo de intervención (observación, ortesis, vendaje en yeso o quirúrgico dependerá de la madurez esquelética y de la clasificación que se haga de la escoliosis. Cada vez que se inicia la intervención en un paciente con escoliosis se debe realizar un análisis individual de cada situación, por esto los servicios de Rehabilitación cuentan con un equipo interdisciplinario que busca, ante todo, el cumplimiento del tratamiento elegido. La escoliosis puede corresponder a una curva estructural susceptible o no de ser corregida, pero ésta corrección no puede ser mantenida. También puede tratarse de una curvatura no estructural en donde no hay cambios intrínsecos en la columna o sus estructuras de sostén; en esta la inclinación lateral es simétrica y las vertebras afectadas no están fijas en una posición de rotación.

  13. Radioimmunoimaging of nude mice bearing human lung adenocarcinoma xenografts after injecting 131I-McAbs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Liang


    Monoclonal antibodies (Lc86a-C5, Lc86a-H8) directed against human lung adenocarcinoma cell line LTEP-a-2 and normal BALB/c IgG were labelled with iodine-131 by chloramine T. The 131 I-McAbs and 131 I-IgG were respectively injected into the peritoneal cavities of nude mice bearing transplanted human lung adenocarcinoma cell line LTEP-a-2. After 72 h, the tumor tissue in nude mice injected with 131 I-McAbs was distinguishable from normal tissues as a very clear image obtained during gamma scintigraphy. No difference was found between tumor and normal tissues in the nude mice injected with 131 I-IgG. The tumor: blood ration was 3.1:1 in nude injected with 131 I McAb(H8) and 0.9:1 in nude mice injected with 131 I-IgG respectively. This indicates that the tumor tissue image was the result of specific binding of the 131 I-McAbs, which have high specificity and affinity both in vitro and in vivo, to tumor cells, and these monoclonal antibodies may serve as potential agents in tumor diagnosis and treatment

  14. Computer-aided pathophysiological analysis of 131I rose bengal hepatogram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Matsumoto, Akira


    The author analysed 131 I-rose bengal (R.B.) hepatograms over the liver region using digital simulation technique to determine the hepatobiliary functions separately and to compare the rate constants obtained from the kinetic model and the results obtained from conventional liver function tests. A total of 112 cases were observed including various liver and gallbladder diseases and 8 normal subjects. Fasting patients were given intravenous injections of 300 μCi of 131 I-R.B. Hepatic uptake and excretion of radioactivity were measured for 120 minutes using a gamma camera. Two regions, one over the right lobe and the other over the gallbladder, were studied. The author applied a 3 compartment analysis to the 131 I-R.B. hepatogram. Measured 131 I-R.B. hepatogram was printed out on a line printer with curve pattern indices. Assumed rate constants and relative volume indices were placed on punch cards. Computer-aided simulation curves were printed on a line printer with curve pattern indices. The measured hepatogram and the simulated hepatogram were compared. The blood flow index (K 21 ), the hepatocellular function index (K 32 ) and the intrahepatic biliary excretion index (K 03 ) were obtained with the schematic presentation of the curves. Rate constants from the kinetic model correlated well with conventional liver function tests. In normal liver and hepatobiliary diseases, there were high statistical correlations between K 21 and Ksub(L) 131 I-R.B. Retention (%), between K 32 and Cholinesterase, and between K 03 and Alkaliphosphatase. However, there was a low statistical correlation between the results of the simulation study and the results of liver function tests in the cases of obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic cholestasis. (Evans, J.)

  15. Tratamiento de las adiciones en los establecimientos penitenciarios


    Cerezo Sánchez, Carmen


    Bajo la ponencia titulada “Tratamiento de las adicciones en los establecimientos penitenciarios”, la comunicación está dirigida a dar a conocer la forma en la que, de acuerdo con la normativa vigente, actúan los profesionales con aquellos internos que sufren algún tipo de adicción en prisión. Se exponen las novedades que han sido incorporadas en las últimas reformas, manifestando de manera sucinta cómo afectan al tratamiento de las adicciones en los centros penitenciarios, haciendo un recorri...

  16. Tratamiento del síndrome neuroléptico maligno


    Franklin Escobar Córdoba; Irina Goretty Polanía-Dussán; Sandra Milena Toro-Herrera


    El síndrome neuroléptico maligno es una complicación grave del tratamiento con psicofármacos. La principal característica es la hipertermia, acompañada de hipertonía muscular, alteración del nivel de conciencia e inestabilidad autonómica. Identificar el tratamiento adecuado para los pacientes con síndrome neuroléptico maligno según la gravedad y la apropiada evaluación de riesgos y beneficios de las opciones terapéuticas. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed con los términos MESH: síndrome neuro...

  17. Three cases of respiratory failure after I-131 radioiodine therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Watanabe, Ken; Uchiyama, Masayuki; Fukuda, Kunihiko


    We report three cases of respiratory failure after I-131 radioiodine therapy. All cases involved relapsed cervical lesions, and two showed edema of the larynx. Emergency tracheostomy was performed to treat the respiratory failure in one case while the others were treated conservatively. All patients showed improvements without after-effects. Patients who undergo I-131 radioiodine therapy, especially those with cervical lesions, should be carefully monitored for this rare complication after treatment. (author)

  18. Comparison of {sup 131}I whole-body imaging, {sup 131}I SPECT/CT, and {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT in the detection of metastatic thyroid cancer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oh, Jong-Ryool; Chong, Ari; Kim, Jahae; Kang, Sae-Ryung; Song, Ho-Chun; Bom, Hee-Seung [Chonnam National University Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Medicine Research Center, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Byun, Byung-Hyun; Hong, Sun-Pyo; Yoo, Su-Woong [Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Medicine Research Center, Hwasun, Jeonnam (Korea, Republic of); Kim, Dong-Yeon [Dongguk University, Department of Chemistry, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Chonnam National University Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Medicine Research Center, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of); Min, Jung-Joon [Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Medicine Research Center, Hwasun, Jeonnam (Korea, Republic of); Center for Biomedical Human Resources at Chonnam National University, Brain Korea 21 Project, Gwangju (Korea, Republic of)


    The aim of this study was to compare {sup 131}I whole-body scintigraphy (WBS), WBS with {sup 131}I single photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT), and {sup 18}F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET)/CT in the detection of distant metastases of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). A total of 140 patients with 258 foci of suspected distant metastases were evaluated. {sup 131}I WBS, {sup 131}I SPECT/CT, and {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT images were interpreted separately. The final diagnosis was obtained from histopathologic study, serum thyroglobulin level, other imaging modalities, and/or clinical follow-up. Of the 140 patients with 258 foci, 46 patients with 166 foci were diagnosed as positive for distant metastasis. The sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of each imaging modality were 65, 55, and 59%, respectively, for {sup 131}I WBS; 65, 95, and 85% for {sup 131}I SPECT/CT, respectively; and 61, 98, and 86%, respectively, for {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT in patient-based analyses. Lesion-based analyses demonstrated that both SPECT/CT and PET/CT were superior to WBS (p<0.001) in all patient groups. SPECT/CT was superior to WBS and PET/CT (p<0.001) in patients who received a single challenge of radioiodine therapy, whereas PET/CT was superior to WBS (p=0.005) and SPECT/CT (p=0.013) in patients who received multiple challenges. Both SPECT/CT and PET/CT demonstrated high diagnostic performance in detecting metastatic thyroid cancer. SPECT/CT was highly accurate in patients who underwent a single challenge of radioiodine therapy. In contrast, {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT presented the highest diagnostic performance in patients who underwent multiple challenges of radioiodine therapy. (orig.)

  19. Radioimmunotherapy in refractory b-cell nonhodgkins lymphoma with I-131-labeled chimeric anti cd-20 c2b8 (I-131 rituximab): preliminary result

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang, Hye Jin; Park, Yeon Hee; Kim, Sung Eun and others


    Recently, the native chimeric human-mouse anti CD-20 antibody IDEC-C2B8 (Rituximab) has been widely applied in NHL. This ongoing phase study was to evaluate whether radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with I-131 rituximab is effective in refractory B-cell NHL. Inclusion criteria were as follows: B-cell NHL with relapsed or refractory to primary standard therapy, measurable disease, adequate hematologic, renal, and hepatic function, informed consent. The rituximab (Mabthera, Roach) was radiolabeled with iodine-131(I-131) using a modified chloramine T method with high radiochemical purity (95%) and preservation of immuno-reactivity. All patients received loading doses of unlabeled rituximab (median, 40 mg: range, 20∼70 mg) immediately prior to administration of therapeutic dose (51.4∼152.2 MBq/kg), and then underwent gamma camera scan. 11 patients were enrolled (4 low-grade B-cell NHL, 7 DLBCL, median age 63 years). Patients had received a median of three prior chemotherapy regimens. The objective response rate was 36.4% (1 CR, 3 PRs). These all responses were observed in low-grade B-cell NHL, except one with DLBCL. Adverse events were primarily hematologic toxicities; the incidence of grade 3/4 neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia was 27.3%, 45.5%, and 18.2%, respectively. The treatment-related mortality was observed in one patient, who had been previously treated with high-dose chemotherapy plus TBI with autologous stem cell transplantation. RIT with I-131 rituximab seems to be effective tolerable in refractory low-grade B-cell NHL, although modest activity in refractory DLBCL. Further studies to define the efficacy of I-131 rituximab in DLBCL are warranted

  20. Radioimmunotherapy in refractory b-cell nonhodgkins lymphoma with I-131-labeled chimeric anti cd-20 c2b8 (I-131 rituximab): preliminary result

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kang, Hye Jin; Park, Yeon Hee; Kim, Sung Eun and others [Korea University Medical School, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Recently, the native chimeric human-mouse anti CD-20 antibody IDEC-C2B8 (Rituximab) has been widely applied in NHL. This ongoing phase study was to evaluate whether radioimmunotherapy (RIT) with I-131 rituximab is effective in refractory B-cell NHL. Inclusion criteria were as follows: B-cell NHL with relapsed or refractory to primary standard therapy, measurable disease, adequate hematologic, renal, and hepatic function, informed consent. The rituximab (Mabthera, Roach) was radiolabeled with iodine-131(I-131) using a modified chloramine T method with high radiochemical purity (95%) and preservation of immuno-reactivity. All patients received loading doses of unlabeled rituximab (median, 40 mg: range, 20{approx}70 mg) immediately prior to administration of therapeutic dose (51.4{approx}152.2 MBq/kg), and then underwent gamma camera scan. 11 patients were enrolled (4 low-grade B-cell NHL, 7 DLBCL, median age 63 years). Patients had received a median of three prior chemotherapy regimens. The objective response rate was 36.4% (1 CR, 3 PRs). These all responses were observed in low-grade B-cell NHL, except one with DLBCL. Adverse events were primarily hematologic toxicities; the incidence of grade 3/4 neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, and anemia was 27.3%, 45.5%, and 18.2%, respectively. The treatment-related mortality was observed in one patient, who had been previously treated with high-dose chemotherapy plus TBI with autologous stem cell transplantation. RIT with I-131 rituximab seems to be effective tolerable in refractory low-grade B-cell NHL, although modest activity in refractory DLBCL. Further studies to define the efficacy of I-131 rituximab in DLBCL are warranted.

  1. Adherencia al tratamiento nutricional en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asisten a un programa educativo


    Mariela A. Carvajal


    El objetivo de este estudió fue evaluar la adherencia al tratamiento nutricional por medio de la hemoglobina glicosilada en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que asistieron a un programa educativo en diabetes en la ciudad de Guatemala, así como evaluar los principales factores que influyen en ella. Se realizó un estudio de tipo prospectivo, longitudinal, experimental, pareado de intervención no medicamentosa. Se utilizó la prueba de Morinsky-Green Levine para evaluar la adherencia al tra...

  2. The comprehensive assessment of 131I and ATD therapy for the patients with hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Haoyu; Xiao Min; Liang Changhua; Li Xinhui


    Objective: To comprehensively mark the treatment of hyperthyroidism with 131 I and antithyroid drugs (ATD) and to quantitatively assess the advantages and the disadvantages of them. Methods: In two therapeutic methods of hyperthyroidism those being cured were marked 0, those getting better were marked 1, those remaining unchanged were marked 2. After treatment the patients demonstrated ophthalmopathy or more severe ophthalmopathy, hyperthyroid heart disease, liver function damage and leukopenia were marked 2, those showed temporary hypothyroidism and permanent hypothyroidism were marked 1,2, respectively. Those who had a relapse of the disease after being cured were marked 2. Both individual kinds of marks and total marks were compared. Results: The total mark of group treated with 131 I was 319, and the average mark was 1.39; the total mark of group treated with ATD was 569, and the average mark was 2.20, the difference between the two groups was significant (P 131 I (P 131 I contracted hypothyroidism more often than those treated with ATD ( P = 0.001). The patients cured with 131 I their hyperthyroidism relapse obviously less occurred than in those cured with ATD. In the patients treated with 131 I the incidences of hyperthyroid heart disease, liver function damage, leukopenia and so on were less than in those treated with ATD (P 131 I therapy excels the ATD in treatment of the patients with hyperthyroidism. Although there is certain incidence of hypothyroidism, ophthalmopathy and so on after 131 I treatment, its total curative effect is better than that of ATD

  3. Influence of prilocaine in the interchange of 131I between aqueous humour and blood

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Arbex, S.T.; Neder, A.C.; Mattos Filho, T.R. de; Ramos, A.O.; Nascimento Filho, V.F. do


    The experiment had two groups: Group I - (six dogs) - 131 I was injected into the aqueous humour and the radioactivity was measured in the blood at 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 and 128 minutes after the administration. Group II - (eight animals) - 131 I was injected intravenously and the radioactivity was measured in the aqueous humour at 5 and 10 minutes after the administration. Each group was subdivided in two sub-groups, one of them besides the 131 I received 5 mg/Kg of prilocaine. 131 I in the iodite form was always injected in 0.1 ml volumes, corresponding to 312.5 μCi. The radioactivity was measured and the results were as follows: a) Group I - the prilocaine markedly decreased the radioactivity in the blood, suggesting a smaller passage of 131 I from the aqueous humour to the blood. b) Group II - the prilocaine increased the radioactivity in the aqueous humour, suggesting an accumulation of iodite in that compartment. (Author) [pt

  4. I131-MIBG in early diagnose of neuroblastoma in symptomatic children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saddadi, F.S.; Kargarzadeh, F.K.; Yaghoobi, N.Y.


    Aim: Neuroblastoma is the second most common solid tumors in childhood which derivates from neural crest. It is very malignant and almost always patient comes with metastasis. However there are some diagnostic tools to detection of lesion in the early stage of tumor. We decided to have a review with using I-131 MIBG in patients suspected and/or proved to have neuroblastoma. Material and Methods: 300-500 μci I 131 MIBG was injected intravenously in patients (5 patients with age range 4 years old) referred for their bone pain and pelvic mass(detected with anatomical tools). Images were obtained 24 to 72 hours throughout the body with ADAC gamma camera and SPECT was performed in each local abnormal uptake. Each patient has already had a WBBS with TcMDP. Results: All abnormal tracer uptakes were seen in bone scan were revealed clearly in I131 MIBG. However, three to five other abnormal tracer activities were only seen in MIBG scan. The main tumoral lesions were showed perfectly in pelvic,that was not seen in WBBS. With a statistical analysis, I131 MIBG has 94% sensitivity 85-100% specificity, compare to Tc99m-MDP that was 78% and 51% respectively. Conclusions: We found that I131 MIBG is the most useful method to diagnose of patients with neuroblastoma and reproved that it has a competitive role in management, follow-up of these tumors especially in detection of metastasis

  5. [131I therapy in hyperthyroidism. Results of treatment from 1960-1974]. (United States)

    Heinze, H G; Schenk, F


    488 PATIENTS WITH Graves' disease were treated by 131Iodine between 1960 and 1974. 427 (87,5%) of these patients were reexamined several times (clinically, 131I-uptake, PB127I, T4 (CPB-A), T3-uptake, and since 1973 TRH-test). The 131I was given as an individually calculated single dose treatment, using 7 000 -- 10 000 rd before 1965 and 6 000 rd thereafter. Two thirds of the patients became euthyroid after a single 131I-dose. In 20% the treatment had to be repeated. These patients show evidently a different biological behaviour of their disease, since multiple treatments revealed a higher rate of failure (33--35%). There is no principal difference between the out-come after 131I-therapy and surgery concerning the rate of failure, respectively relapse (3--4%) and hypothyroidism. Early incidence of hypothyrodism is dose--dependent, as could be shown in patients treated with higher doses before 1965. The reduction of the irradiation dose to 6 000 rd was followed by a drop of hypothyroidism from 18% to 7%. The reasons of late incidence of hypothyroidism are discussed. The incidence of hypothroidism was calculated by three different methods (over-all incidence, incidence within the observed interval after therapy, life-table method). All three methods revealed different results. This has to be taken into account comparing results after radioiodine as well as after surgery. Radioiodine therapy for hyperthyroidism offers a true alternative to surgery.

  6. Adrenal imaging with 131I-Adosterol (NCL-6-131I) by diverging and pinhole methods, 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakajo, Masayuki


    The analysis of the adrenal diverging and pinhole images with 131 I-Adosterol was made to establish adrenal imaging patterns, in 43 patients with various adrenal disorders, 4 with adrenal adjacent tumors and one with arrhenoblastoma of the ovary whose images were also included. From this analysis and review of literature, three principles (1. Accumulation in cortical tumors, 2. Relation to endogenous ACTH and 3. Nonaccumulation in noncortical tumors) and several additional factors to make various adrenal imaging patterns with 131 I-iodocholesterols could be induced. The accuracy of locating the adrenal tumor-bearing glands was 97% (28/29) with pinhole images and 70% (21/30) with diverging images in baseline conditions. Various adrenal high/low ratios could not be used as confidential indicators to locate the tumorbearing glands, especially in primary aldosteronism, although the left higher ratios on both views showed high discrepancy between normal and abnormal subjects. The ''Pinhole method'' is recommended as a simple technique of adrenal imaging, because it provides a high-resolution adrenal image which results in a high diagnostic value. A pinhole collimator is available in any institute which has a gamma camera. (author)

  7. Actualizaciones en el diagnóstico y tratamiento quirúrgico de los pacientes con cáncer de colon

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dr. López K. Francisco


    Full Text Available El cáncer de colon se encuentra dentro de las primeras causas de muertes por cáncer en la mayoría de los países desarrollados y en Chile estamos viviendo una realidad similar ya que en los últimos años hemos visto un marcado aumento de su mortalidad. En la actualidad existen estrategias para lograr una detección precoz y prevención secundaria que podrían salvar muchas vidas sin embargo, aún estamos lejos para que sean incorporadas por el sistema público de salud. En la última década hemos visto grandes avances en su tratamiento con alternativas quirúrgicas de menor invasión y el desarrollo de equipos multidisciplinarios para definir el mejor tratamiento multimodal.

  8. The early development of hypothyroidism after 131I treatment for hyperthyroid Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kang Zengshou; Zhou Qian; Liu Shizhen


    827 patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism following 131 I treatment were followed up at 3 monthly intervals for 12∼36 months from 1985 to 1991. Physical examination and serum total T 3 , T 4 , TSH measurements were made at each visit. According to the authors data, 90% early hypothyroidism occurred within 2∼3 months after 131 I treatment, thereby, careful follow-up study is very important during this period. T 4 was much more sensitive than T 3 in diagnosing early hypothyroidism, while the TSH level shows thyroid reservation function, and is less sensitive than T 4 in diagnosing 131 I induced hypothyroidism. The study confirmed the view that the early incidence of post 131 I therapy hypothyroidism was strongly dose dependent

  9. 131I therapy of teen-age hyperthyroidism: the primary results in 46 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Kaiming


    Objective: To explore various conditions of teen-age hyperthyroidism with 131 I therapy. Methods: 46 patients were administrated with 131 I, the changes of T 3 and T 4 level of serum were tested by radioimmunoassay. The improvement of clinical symptoms has been observed in 46 cases with teen-age hyperthyroidism by 131 I before and after treatment. Results: 39 of 46 (84%) has been proved complete responses (CR), partial responses (PR) 7 cases. 3 months later; we found that 39 patients have hypothyroidism symptoms, T 3 and T 4 level of serum decreased. There are significance increases of TSH 23 percent patients. Conclusion: It has been proved that treatment of teen-age hyperthyroidism by 131 I is effective and safe

  10. The dose analysis of 131I treatment in pediatric patients with Graves hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zheng Yan; Zhao Deshan; Fu Songhai; Feng Fei; Geng Huixia; Sun Qiting; Lu Keyi; Li Baojun; Li Sijin


    Objective: To analyze the radioactive 131 I dose of treatment in pediatric patients with Graves hyperthyroidism. Method: Fifty one pediatric patients with hyperthyroidism and 150 adult patients with hyperthyroidism were retrospectively analyzed, who were contraindicated or refractory for medical therapy and treated with 131 I in this study. All pediatric and adult patients treated with 131 I were divided into five groups according to the thyroid weight. Group 1: ≤30 g,Group 2: 31∼50 g, Group 3: 51∼70 g, Group 4: 71 ∼90 g and Group 5: >90 g. The pediatric patients were comparable to the adult patients in data distribution of the thyroid weight. All pediatric patients who were either contraindicated or refractory to antithyroid drugs treatment and adult patients received radioactive 131 I treatment with a dose of (2.41±0.71), (3.27±0.97) MBq/g thyroid tissue respectively. The total administrated doses of 131 I in all pediatric and adult patients were (224.36±130.10) MBq and (354.88 ±308.04) MBq respectively. All the pediatric and adult patients treated with 131 I were followed-up (median 32 months, range 24 to 83 months; median 23 months,range 15 to 62 months, respectively). The treatment results were divided into euthyroid, hyperthyroidism, late-onset hypothyroidism and relapsed. Results: The results by followed-up found that 16 and 65 patients became euthyroid, 22 and 56 patients developed late-onset hypothyroidism, 12 and 25 patients still had hyperthyroidism, 1 and 4 patients relapsed after radioiodine therapy in pediatric group and adult group who were treated with 131 I, respectively. The total efficiency was 98% and 97.3%, respectively. There were no statistical significance of treatment effect between pediatric and adult patients (χ 2 =0.058, P>0.05). Conclusion: When the radioactive 131 I dose was administrated in pediatric patients with hyperthyroidism, who were contraindicated or refractory for medical therapy, it is recommended that the

  11. Hypertension complicating 131I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine therapy for neuroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kosmin, Michael A.; Cork, Nicholas J.; Gaze, Mark N.; Bomanji, Jamshed B.; Shankar, Ananth


    Radiolabelled meta-iodobenzylguanidine (mIBG), used as targeted therapy for neuroblastoma, is known to have effects on blood pressure (BP). In this study we audited BP changes in patients receiving 131 I-mIBG therapy for neuroblastoma to identify BP-related adverse events (AE) and possible predictive factors. Between 2003 and 2010, 50 patients with neuroblastoma received 110 131 I-mIBG administrations. BP measurements before and after administration were compared with age- and sex-matched centile values. AE were analysed, and possible predisposing factors identified. This population had a baseline BP distribution higher than that of their age- and sex-matched peers, with 16% of preadministration systolic BP values above the 95th centile. Changes in BP after administration showed an approximately normal distribution with similar numbers of reduced and increased values. Four AE, all related to hypertension, occurred with one patient having generalized seizures. One AE was immediate, others occurred between 20 and 25 h after administration. No significant association between AE and patient age or sex was demonstrated. However, a significant association between AE and high preadministration BP was shown, both above the 90th centile (p = 0.0022) and above the 95th centile (p = 0.0135). Clinically relevant hypertension following 131 I-mIBG therapy affected less than 5% of administrations, but was more common in those patients with preexisting hypertension. As hypertensive episodes may occur many hours after treatment, close monitoring of BP needs to be continued for at least 48 h after administration of 131 I-mIBG. (orig.)

  12. Tratamiento quirúrgico de la pancreatitis aguda con técnica de Puestow modificada

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Enrique Vázquez Merayo

    Full Text Available La pancreatitis crónica representa uno de los mayores desafíos de la Gastroenterología, y su etiología sigue siendo difícil de establecer en 10-30 % de los pacientes. Se presenta un paciente masculino, de 13 años, con diagnóstico de pancreatitis crónica de tipo inmunológico, con estenosis del conducto pancreático principal. Necesitó tratamiento quirúrgico pancreaticoyeyunostomía longitudinal en Y de Roux, conocido como técnica de Puestow modificada. Se logró mejoría clínica, normalidad de sus enzimas en una semana, no hubo complicaciones, tuvo evolución posoperatoria satisfactoria, y una estadía hospitalaria de 14 días. Actualmente se mantiene con 4 años de evolución satisfactoria. La técnica efectuada en el paciente es considerada por muchos como la ideal, por su baja incidencia de mortalidad (menos del 3 % y por el alivio del dolor en más del 75 % de los pacientes. Por ello, se considera que esta técnica quirúrgica pudiera ser una opción terapéutica eficaz para este tipo de paciente.

  13. Hypothyroidism caused by 131I treatment for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deng Shouzhen; Lin Xiangtong; He Wanting; Zhang Kaili; Zhang Jinming; Kuai Dayu


    The refollow-up has been carried out in hypothyroidism caused by 131 I treatment for Graves disease. The serum HS-TSH(IRMA), FT3, TSH(RIA), TT3, TT4, FT4I, MCA, TGA, Cholesterol and Triglyceride has been measured in 26 patient after 131 I treatment for 9.5 years in average. At the same time TRH stimulation test was also performed, and the clinical symptoms and signs assessed. The results showed that TSH is the most sensitive criterion for hypothyroidism, followed by Cholesterol and FT 4 I. The occurence of hypothyroidism may be related to the presence of thyroid antibody as demonstrated by the elevation of serum MCA, TGA. Therefore measurement of serum TSH, FT 4 I and Cholesterol during long term follow-up is beneficial for early diagnosis of hypothyroidism and evaluating the effect of substitution treatment

  14. Tratamiento de la EPOC basado en los fármacos broncodilatadores

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)


    Full Text Available Los broncodilatadores de acción prolongada constituyen la piedra angular del tratamiento de mantenimiento de la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC en pacientes sintomáticos. Hay una sólida evidencia de que el tratamiento regular con estos fármacos es más eficiente que el realizado con broncodilatadores de acción corta.

  15. Comparison of thyroid uptake of 131I capsule and solution in rabbits and graves disease patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Xinjian; Li Fang; Lu Jingqiao; Chen Daming; Zhang Ruilin


    Objective: To observe the difference between thyroid uptake rates (TUR) of 131 I capsule and solution in rabbits and Graves disease patients. Methods: Part one: 6 rabbits randomized into two groups received capsule or solution of 131 I 7.4 MBq. Then with SPECT scintigraphy 2,4,6 and 24 h thyroid pure counts in percentage of stomach counts (first frame) were determined. Part two: 1) Measured 131 I capsule standard. 2) 104 patients with Graves disease were administered tracing and therapeutic dose of 131 I capsule (capsule group), 118 of 131 I solution (solution group). Compared the tracing and therapeutic 131 I TUR at 24 h. Results: Part one: There were no significant difference at 2,4,6,24 h TUR between capsule and solution group. For 1 case the maximum TUR was at 6 h in capsule group and 2 cases in solution groups. Part two: 1) For the 131 I capsule administered immediately after being dissolved in 30 mL of water, the activity counts measured were higher by (13.8 +- 2.8)% than it was administered directly, t8.97, P 0.05) and in solution group were (71.3 +- 12.3)% and (65.1 +- 13.0)% (t = 3.82, P 131 I capsule standard should be dissolved before being measured. 3) 131 I capsules can be used as a standard formulation for Graves disease patients. 4) The dose of 131 I should be increased as tracer TUR is larger than 80.0%

  16. Radioiodine (131I) in animal thyroids during nuclear tests in both hemispheres

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Van Middlesworth, L.


    In mid-1974 a small increase of 131 I was observed in animal thyroids following a nuclear test in China. In late 1974 there was no public announcement of an atmospheric nuclear test in the Northern Hemisphere, but 131 I was readily measured in animal thyroids. This latter increase occurred while animals in the Southern Hemisphere accumulated 131 I from nuclear tests in the Southern Hemisphere. It is suggested that in late 1974 the Northern Hemisphere was contaminated by either late fallout from tests in June or by interhemispheric mixing or by a combination of these sources. (author)

  17. Fiebre petequial experimental de las montañas rocosas: resultado del tratamiento con algunas drogas (1

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Edward A. Steinhaus


    Full Text Available En 1939, Topping informó que el Prontosil y la sulfadiazina aparentemente no tenían valor en el tratamiento de la fiebre petequial de las Montañas Rocosas, en los curíes. Estudios recientes han conducido a los autores a la misma observación con respecto al Sulfatiazol, Sulfatiazol sódico, Sulfaguanidina, Sulfadiazina, Atebrina y Tirotricina (2. Se usó una cepa de alta y fatal virulencia, de Fiebre Petequial de las Montañas Rocosas del oeste de Montana. La dosificación de cada una de las drogas varió de acuerdo con el grado de toxicidad. En general, por lo menos se usaron 3 dosificaciones y de estas se administraban una vez, 2 ó 3 veces al día. Todos los datos se resumen en el Cuadro N° 1.

  18. Alternativa de tratamiento en prótesis fija con acupuntura Alternative treatment with acupuncture in fixed denture.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcia Hortensia Corona Carpio


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 48 años de edad con antecedentes alérgicos a la anestesia dental y preocupación de rehabilitar su estética con prótesis fija. Se decidió aplicar anestesia acupuntural en la preparación de los pilares para recibir el puente fijo. Se exponen las técnicas y los resultados obtenidos. No se manifestaron reacciones adversas y la paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente con el tratamiento alternativo realizado.The case of a female patient aged 48 years with a history of allergy to dental anesthesia and interested in restoring her aesthetic image by using a fixed denture. It was decided to administer acupunctural anesthesia to prepare the pillars to receive the fixed bridge. The techniques and the results were described. There were no adverse reactions, and the patient recovered satisfactorily after the alternative treatment.

  19. Radiation exposure estimation from patient treated by I-131

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lahfi, Y.; Anjak, O.


    Radioactive iodine is the main radiopharmaceutical substance in the nuclear medicine field which used in diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from thyroid cancer; thus it can be considered as the main source of the public and patient relative exposure. In this study, 192 patients were selected randomly and their radiation dose rate was measured at different levels of the patient's body (thyroid, knee, bladder) after one, twenty four and forty eight hours from availing the prescript quantity of the I-131. The collected data may serve in estimating the worker and public exposure related to the patient treated by I-131. (authors)

  20. 131I-19-iodocholesterol adrenal scanning in Cushing's syndrome

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Charbonnel, B.; Chatal, J.F.; Chupin, M.; Guillon, J.


    7 patients were investigated: 2 bilateral hyperplasia due to pituitary ACTH excess showed bilateral adrenal activity. 1 post-surgical remnant with recurrent Cushing's syndrome was detected. 1 adenoma showed unilateral intense activity and absent activity in the controlateral gland, even after ACTH treatment. 2 carcinomas were weakly imaged. In 1 case, hepatic metastasis showed 131 I-19-iodocholesterol uptake. Adrenal imaging with 131 I-19-iodocholesterol is not a good procedure for assessing hormonal function. It is a valuable and safe tool in the localization and diagnosis of adrenal lesions causing Cushing's syndrome, perhaps better than radiologic procedures. Radiation dosimetry is acceptable [fr

  1. Estudio comparativo de dos tratamientos con antibióticos sobre la calidad bacteriológica y espermática del semen bovino.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Trujillo A Luis Emilio


    Full Text Available Para investigar el efecto antibacteriano y sobre la calidad del semen bovino se aplicaron dos tratamientos con antibióticos al diluyente de conservación. Una terapia consideró el uso de una nueva combinación de antibióticos (100 μg/ml de tilosina, 500 μg/ml de gentamicina, 300 μg/ml de lincomicina y 600 μgl/ml de espectinomicina y la otra utilizó la combinación tradicional de 1000 Ul/ml de penicilina y 1 μg/ml de sulfato de estreptomicina. La investigacion se realizó en el Laboratorio de Procesamiento de Semen de San Pablo de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín bajo condiciones bioclimáticas correspondientes a una zona de vida de bosque húmedo montano bajo (bh-MB. El semen recibió el tratamiento antibiótico en la fracción A del diluyente a una temperatura de 32C y se le permitió interactuar por espacio de 10 minutos antes de darse inicio al descenso de la temperatura hasta 5C, momento en el cual se adicionó la fracción B del diluyente con el crioprotector, se estabilizó durante tres horas y se congeló en pajillas francesas de 0,5 ml. Para efecto de la evaluación del crecimiento bacterial e identificación de las colonias las muestras fueron sometidas a cultivo y aislamiento en agar sangre y agar MacConkey. La calidad seminal se evaluó por el porcentaje de espermas móviles, porcentaje de espermas vivos y morfología espermática. El efecto de los tratamientos se analizó por análisis de varianza y los promedios fueron comparados por la prueba de los rangos múltiples de Duncan. El 62,5% de las muestras presentaron contaminación bacteriana por Escherichia coli, Proteus spp o Klebsiella spp.y el promedio de unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC en las muestras contaminadas fue de 6,416 UFC/ml de semen, variando entre cero (0 y 30.000. Los dos tratamientos con antibióticos ejercieron un efecto bactericida que permaneció durante el proceso de congelación y descongelación del semen. No se presentaron

  2. An experimental study on the antitumor effect of 131I-17-AAG in vitro and in vivo. (United States)

    Wenyong, Tu; Lu, Liu; Daozhen, Chen; Weidong, Yin; Ying, Huang


    To observe the antitumor effect of (131)I-17-allylamino-17-demethoxygeldanamycin ((131)I-17-AAG) in vitro/in vivo and explore its antitumor mechanism with a view to its potential therapeutic application. (131)I-17-AAG was prepared by the reaction of 17-AAG with Na [(131)I] in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The effects of (131)17-AAG on cell growth inhibition and cell cycle distribution in vitro were studied in BEL-7402 cells lines. Following BEL-7402 tumor implantation by subcutaneous xenografts into nude mice, the reagents were injected through the tail vein, and the tumor volume was measured and analyzed. At the end of the experiment, tumor specimens were processed for histopathological analysis. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) was used to investigate apoptosis. The expression change of Akt2 was tested by Western-blot analysis. Methyl-thiazolyl-tetrazolium assay showed inhibition rates of 27.7 +/- 5.3%, 57.3 +/- 4.3%, and 63.7 +/- 3.1%, in Na(131)I group, 17-AAG group, and (131)I-17-AAG group, respectively. The inhibition rate in the (131)I-17-AAG group differed significantly between N(a131)I group and 17-AAG group (F = 229.49, P AAG group, and (131)I-17-AAG group, respectively. Following infusion for 32 days, the tumor volumes in the (131)I-17-AAG group were significantly smaller than those in the DMSO group (F = 24.18, P AAG inhibited the proliferation of tumor cells and induced apoptosis. The expression of Akt2 in (131)I-17-AAG was significantly lower than that in the DMSO group or (131)I group. (131)I-17-AAG can effectively inhibit the growth of BEL-7402 tumor cells in vitro and in vivo. (131)I-17-AAG is a promising agent for the treatment of BEL-7402 cell tumor.





    La pectina es un polisacárido contenido en la pared celular de la mayoría de los vegetales y frutas, con propiedades benéficas para la salud y muy utilizado en la industria alimentaria. El objetivo del estudio fue la evaluación del efecto de pre-tratamiento con ultrasonido (US) en la extracción de pectina contenidas en el albedo del maracuyá, las muestras fueron expuestas a 40 KHz a una temperatura de 30, 45 y 60°C durante 10, 20 y 30 minutos. A continuación las muestras se sometieron a extra...

  4. Investigation of therapeutic efficiency of phenytoin (PHT) labeled with radioactive 131I in the cancer cell lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cansu Uzaras; Ugur Avcibasi; Hasan Demiroglu; Emin Ilker Medine; Ayfer Yurt KiIcar; Fazilet Zuemruet Biber Mueftueler; Perihan Uenak


    The aim of this study is to determine the incorporations of PHT radiolabeled with 131 I ( 131 I-PHT) on U-87 MG, Daoy and A549 cancerous cell lines. For this, cold and radio-labeling studies were carried out. The radiolabeling yield of 131 I-PHT was obtained about 95 %. Subsequently, cell culture studies were carried out and radio-labeling yields of 131 I, 131 I-PHT on U-87 MG, Daoy and A549 cancerous cells were investigated. Cell culture studies demonstrated that the incorporation values of 131 IPHT on the three cell lines decreased with increasing radioactivity. Consequently, 131 I-PHT may be a good radiopharmaceutical for targeting radionuclide therapy of Central Nervous System Tumors. (author)

  5. The curative effect analysis of 131I-therapy on patients with Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Qin; Lu Shujun; Lu Tianhe


    To investigate the curative effect of 131 I-therapy on Graves' disease, the authors analyse conditions of patients who have received 131 I-therapy (n -674). These results showed that the incidence of fully recover, improve, Graves' disease and invalid is 80.11%, 7.28%, 11.87% and 0.74% respectively. Therefore, 131 I-therapy on Graves' disease is convenient. It has little side effect, low cost and better curative effect, it is one of the best therapeutic methods to treat hyperthyroidism

  6. Consecutive Renal Scanning with {sup 131}I And {sup 203}Hg in Obstructive Uropathy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Poshyachinda, V. [Chulalongkorn Hospital, Bangkok (Thailand)


    Two patients with obstructive uropathy were scanned after injections of {sup 131}I sodium orthoiodohippurate (OlH) and {sup 203}Hg chlormerodrin. The {sup 131}I OIH scan was performed 30 min after the injection with the patient in the prone position. The {sup 203}Hg chlormerodrin was injected as soon as a negligible amount of {sup 131}I OIH was detected over the kidney, and the patient was scanned again 30 min later. A third patient and a normal subject were scanned 20 min after the simultaneous injection of {sup 131}I OIH and {sup 203}Hg chlormerodrin. Three scans with different analyser settings were done in sequence. The first scan was done with a window setting for {sup 131}I, and the second scan included both {sup 131}I and {sup 203}Hg; in the third scan, the analyser was set for {sup 203}Hg only. Evidence of hydronephroses, hydroureter and the residual functioning renal tissue were demonstrated by this scanning technique. The intravenous pyelograms in all three cases had failed to give satisfactory results. The simultaneous injection technique was found advantageous over the separate injection technique. (author)

  7. The observation of the therapeutic effectiveness of 131I on 260 youngster with Grave's hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Binwen; Gao Xiusheng; Zhang Yahua; Pu Dongli


    Objective: To study the therapeutic effect and find new ways on treatment of Grave's hyperthyroidism in youngsters. Methods: 260 Grave's hyperthyroidism patients (age under 21 years) treated with 131 I were followed up 1-16 years later. Results: 118 of all patients were cured and 55 cases improved, failed treatment 2 cases, subclinical hypothyroidism 9 cases, clinical hypothyroidism 6 cases. 35 cases were treated with 131 I two or three times. All the patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and clinical hypothyroidism caused by 131 I were cured with medicine. 131 I treatment had no effect on growth and mentality and didn't cause leukemia nor thyroid cancer. Conclusions: The therapy of youngsters with Grave's hyperthyroidism with 131 I has the same effectiveness as adult. To the youngster Grave's patients who failed medical treatment, therapy with 131 I is safe and effective. It leads to temporary hypothyroidism which can be cured with medicine, no delayed hypothyroidism has been found

  8. Thyroid uptake of I-131 during anti-thyroid drug treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoque, M.; Alam, F.; Haque, F.S.; Karim, M.A.; Fariduddin, M.


    Hyperthyroidism is a global ailment and its treatment is very promising either by ant-thyroid drug or by radioiodine. Iodine-131 uptake test is very important for evaluation of hyperthyroid in respect to its therapy and to exclude thyroiditis. This study was performed to observe the thyroid uptake pattern during intake of anti-thyroid medicine and workout the possibility to start I-131 therapy just after withdraw of antithyroid drug without waiting few days. In this study total 252 patient's I-131 uptake test is performed. Among the patient 135 (53.57%) were female, 117 (64.43%) were male. All this patients were hyperthyroid both clinically and biochemically. Thyroid uptake was taken to all patients at 24 hours after oral administration of 5 to 10 micro-curie of I -131. Uptake was taken by an uptake system and recorded as percentage uptake. These patients are grouped into three categories. Group-A-newly diagnosed cases, who have not taken antithyroid drug or I-131 therapy, there were 82 patients in this group, and their mean uptake was 37.12 ±18.5%. Group B - this group of patients were studied during intake of antithyroid medicine, there were 130 patients in this group and their mean uptake was 34.34±16.0%. Group-B patients were further divided in two sub-groups, patients having antithyroid drug for 1 to 3 weeks (group-B 1), group B1 have mean uptake 37±21% and those were taking antithyroid for 3 weeks to 2 years (group-B2), group B2 have uptake 34.34±20%. Group C- these patients are taken from those patients who had withdrawn antithyroid drug for 3 days to 3 months, there were 40 such patients. Group C further divided into two sub-group, group-C1 (stopped for 3-10 days) and group C2 (stopped for 11 days to 3 months). Group C1 had mean uptake 38±16% and group C2 had mean uptake 35±19%. From this study it is observed that Iodine-131 uptake percentage of untreated hyperthyroid; during antithyroid drug treatment and after withdraw of antithyroid drug almost

  9. Preliminary clinical experience of pulmonary scintigraphy using [sup 131]I-HIPDM

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Jiahe, Tian [Department of Medicine, The Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing (China); and others


    The metabolic imaging of lungs using [sup 131]I-HIPDM, a tracer known to bind to the amino-receptor in pancreas and lungs, was carried out on 44 subjects. In the normal non-smoker group (n = 8), the tracer was found to be uniformly distributed throughout the lung, with slow clearance in bi-exponential mode after peak of concentration in about 30 sec; while in the normal smoker (n = 8), patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) of both smoker (n = 7) and non-smoker (n = 12), and patients with asthma (n = 5), the distribution as well as the parameters of clearance of [sup 131]I-HIPDM were significantly different. In conclusion: (1) [sup 131]I-HEPDM could reveal some characteristics of pulmonary metabolism of amine in various physiological as well as pathological status; (2) the washout of the tracer from lung was correlated with clinical ventilation functions; (3) smoking is one of the determinant factors of lung metabolic function; (4) the pulmonary metabolic imaging using [sup 131]I-HIPDM was of value in detecting lung disease, especially the functional damages caused by various factors.

  10. Usefulness of {sup 131}I-SPECT/CT and {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT in evaluating successful {sup 131}I and retinoic acid combined therapy in a patient with metastatics struma ovarii

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Hyo Jung; Lee, In Ki; Kang, Keon Wook; Lee, Dong Soo; Chung, June Key [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Ryu, Young Hoon [Dept. of Nuclear Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Min, Hye Sook [Dept. of Pathology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul (Korea, Republic of); Lee, Dae Hee [Dept. of Oncology, GSAM Hosptial, Gunpo (Korea, Republic of)


    Metastatic struma ovarii is an extremely rare disease, and the treatment of choice has not been established. Here, we introduce the case of a 36-year-old female pregnant patient with metastatic struma ovarii. Initial treatment was an exploratory laparotomy to remove multiple peritoneal masses. After delivery, a total thyroidectomy was done for the further {sup 131}I-therapy. {sup 131}I-SPECT/CT and {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT showed multiple hepatic metastases and extensive peritoneal seeding nodules. Multiple {sup 131}I and retinoic acid combination therapies were performed, resulting in marked improvement. {sup 131}I-SPECT/CT and {sup 18}F-FDG PET/CT were quite useful for evaluating the biologic characteristics of the metastase.

  11. Efectividad de la auriculoterapia en el tratamiento de la ansiedad en el adulto mayor

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    María Onelia Díaz Rivadeneira


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio experimental, para determinar la efectividad de la auriculoterapia en pacientes adultos mayores con ansiedad, comparada con el tratamiento convencional, remitidos a la consulta de Medicina Tradicional y Natural del policlínico “Julio Antonio Mella”, Camagüey, Cuba; en el período comprendido entre enero y diciembre de 2013, previa valoración por psiquiatría. El universo fue de 520 pacientes adultos mayores con diagnóstico de ansiedad generalizada, remitidos de la consulta de psiquiatría de la entidad antes mencionada. La muestra quedó constituida por 60 de ellos, que además no habían ingerido psicofármacos en un período menor a seis semanas. Se formaron dos grupos, uno control (30, con tratamiento convencional, y otro de estudio (30, con auriculoterapia. La asignación de los sujetos a cada grupo fue por el método aleatorio simple. Al grupo de estudio se le aplicó esquema de tratamiento con auriculoterapia y al grupo control se le aplicó tratamiento farmacológico convencional. En los resultados obtenidos se observó que el grupo de edades más afectadas por la ansiedad fue el de 70 a 74 años y predominó el sexo femenino. El insomnio, la irritabilidad y la dificultad de memoria fueron los síntomas que más se observaron en el estudio. Al finalizar el tratamiento los síntomas disminuyeron de forma más apreciable en el grupo tratado con auriculoterapia. La auriculoterapia fue más eficaz en el tratamiento de la ansiedad y es una técnica prácticamente inocua, con la cual se puede disminuir la utilización de psicofármacos

  12. Artrosis de cadera: tratamiento no protésico y alternativas de manejo con células madres mesenquimáticas

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    Dr. P. Rodrigo Mardones


    Full Text Available La artrosis de cadera, ya sea focal o generalizada, constituye una patología frecuente y de difícil manejo, que genera dolor y discapacidad. El tratamiento médico está basado en el uso de analgésicos y antiinflamatorios, incluyendo aquellos de origen natural. Sin embargo, además de las complicaciones asociadas a su uso prolongado, a medida que la enfermedad avanza se van haciendo menos efectivos. En este punto cobra importancia las alternativas intervencionales de diferente grado. El tratamiento se dificulta debido a la localización y esfericidad de la articulación y generalmente está limitado a la artroplastia total de cadera en artrosis generalizada. Previo a ésta, existen alternativas para el tratamiento de lesiones condrales profundas o artrosis focal que incluyen la resección, debridamiento, condroplastía térmica y/o microfracturas con o sin coadyudancia biológica (Ácido Hialurónico, Plasma Rico en Plaquetas (PRP y Células Madre Mesenquimáticas (CMM. Esta revisión se enfoca en el uso de nuevas tecnologías que pudieran mejorar los resultados obtenidos con las técnicas convencionales, incluyendo las infiltraciones (Corticoides/Ácido Hialurónico/PRP/CMM. Se detalla el uso de terapias biológicas en base al uso de CMM, correspondientes a las inyecciones intraarticulares de CMM expandidas, concentrado de células mononucleares en una matriz de PRP y CMM expandidas sembradas en una membrana de colágeno.

  13. Avances en el tratamiento de los pacientes con Leucemia Promielocítica Aguda en Recaída

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    A. Sanz Miguel


    Full Text Available Hasta la demostración de la actividad sobresaliente del trióxido de arsénico (ATO en recaídas de pacientes con leucemia promielocítica (LPA, el tratamiento de rescate en esta enfermedad consistía en la readministración de ácido holo-trans retinóico (ATRA y quimioterapia para inducir la remisión, generalmente conteniendo citarabina a altas dosis, seguido de consolidación y/o trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos (TPH.

  14. Nose swabs and urinalysis as indicators of exposure to I-131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barrall, R. C.


    During a maintenance operation on the Aromour Research Reactor, a heat lamp, which was drying a valve, caused a small quantity of I/sup 131/ become airborne. A continuous air monitor sampling in the area gave the alarm and the area ntified by the use of a 256 channel analyzer. Nose swabs of the personnel involved were taken and 24 hour urine samples were obtained. A single channel analyzer was set up, calibrated for I/sup 131/ and thyroid counts were started several hours after the incident. The thyroid count rose during the first 24 hour period and then declined closely following the 8 day half life of I/sup 131/. The urine Samples were analyzed by two different gamma counting techniques. Portions of the 24 hour urine sample were also sent to a commercial urinalysis service and analysis for I/sup 131/specifically requested. The results of the commercial service in this instance appeared to be poor. Nose swabs taken immediately after the incident were analyzed using a NaI well crystal. The average value of the ratio mu c on nose swabs to mu c in thyroid was found to be 2.6 x 1-/sup -1/ with all values within a factor of 6. The average value of the ratio mu c in 24 hour urine sample to mu c in thyroid was 5.7 with all values within a factor of 2. It would appear that at short times after a suspected exposure to I/sup 131/ nose swabs and urine samples are both useful in making a rapid assessment of exposure. The data presented are based on 10 subjects. (auth)

  15. Aprendiendo química con el tratamiento culinario de frutas, hortalizas y verduras

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sánchez Guadix, Mª.A.


    Full Text Available La necesidad de acercar la ciencia a la realidad cotidiana del alumnado obliga a buscar nuevos recursos que tradicionalmente no eran tratados en la enseñanza formal: la química presente en la cocina y desarrollada a través de los trucos que han funcionadoen los tratamientos culinarios. En el presente artículo encontramos una reflexión acerca de la urgencia alfabetizar científicamente y de introducir saberes considerados femeninos en las aulas, una estrategia de búsqueda de recursos: la interpretacióncientífica y las aplicaciones didácticas de distintos trucos de cocina relacionados con frutas, hortalizas y verduras, y por último, algunas sugerencias para llevar a cabo distintas actividades en el aula de secundaria.

  16. The effect of 131I on apoptosis of thyrocytes in patients with Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cai Min; Li Xianfeng; Feng Xiaoyan; Chen Haibin; Liu Jianzhong; Zhao Deshan; Li Sijin; He Zouxiang


    Objective: To investigate the effect of 131 I on apoptosis of thyrocytes in patients with Graves disease. Methods: Forty-seven patients with Graves disease were divided into two groups, two week group (G 2w ) and four week group (G 4w ). All patients underwent thyroid needle biopsy before 131 I treatment and the repeated biopsy at two weeks (G 2w ) or four weeks (G 4w ) after 131 I treatment. The positive units of pro-apoptotic proteins (Fas, FasL) and anti-apoptotic protein (Bcl-2) were studied with immunohistochemistry staining. The differences of the two groups were compared with t-test. Liner correlation analysis was applied to study the correlation between 131 I dose and apoptosis-related proteins and that between serum sTSH after 131 I treatment and apoptosis-related proteins. Results: Fas, FasL and Bcl-2 expression (positive units) were significantly increased in both groups after 131 I treatment, G 2w :22.84±9.31 vs 16.20±6.75, 21.13±6.29 vs 14.56±4.06, 21.69±7.83 vs 15.22±5.94, t=-3.08, -3.73, -4.05 (all P 4w : 21.69±4.52 vs 15.83±5.03, 19.11±3.75 vs 14.02±4.98, 19.06±3.44 vs 16.63±4.73, t =-5.26, -5.00, -2.41 (all P 2w and G 4w (t =0.53, 0.82, 1.46, all P>0.05). Significant correlation was found between 131 I 0.727, r FasL =0.763 (both P Bcl-2 =- 0.094, 0.102(both P > 0.05). There were significant correlation between serum sTSH three months after 131 I treatment and apoptosis-related proteins, r Fas = 0.433, r FasL = 0. 601, r Bcln2 = - 0.397, (all P 131 I can induce thyrocytes to express the pro-apoptotic proteins in patients with Graves disease. (authors)

  17. Clinical comparison of I-131 orthoiodohippurate and the kit formulation of Tc-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Taylor, A. Jr.; Ziffer, J.A.; Steves, A.; Eshima, D.; Delaney, V.B.; Welchel, J.D.


    Previous studies in animals and humans have shown that technetium-99m mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) purified by high-performance liquid chromatography is a renal tubular agent with characteristics similar to those of iodine-131 orthoiodohippurate (OIH). A kit formulation for Tc-99m MAG3 has been developed and compared with I-131 OIH in 17 patients with suspected renal dysfunction and three potential kidney donors. There were no adverse reactions. Tc-99m MAG3 images were of good quality and consistently better than I-131 OIH images. There was no significant difference in the relative renal uptake of Tc-99m MAG3 and I-131 OIH. The 30-minute urinary excretion of Tc-99m MAG3 was 36.4%, versus 40.4% for I-131 OIH. The average plasma clearance of Tc-99m MAG3 (138 mL/min +/- 117) was less than that of I-131 OIH (272 mL/min +/- 205) (P less than .001); however, there was good correlation between the Tc-99m MAG3 and I-131 OIH clearances (r = .87). The volume of distribution of Tc-99m MAG3 (5.96 L +/- 1.94) was less than that of I-131 OIH (9.41 L +/- 3.73) (P less than .001). These characteristics and the advantages of a simple kit formulation should lead to widespread clinical use

  18. 131I-therapy of graves' disease and non-immunogenic thyrotoxicosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hoeschel, M.; Heinze, H.G.


    From 1977 to 1982, 315 patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis with diffuse and/or nodular goitre or Graves' disease were treated with 131 I. In 246 patients, the results of treatment after 7 months to 5 1/2 years could be evaluated. After a single treatment with 131 I, 72% of the patients with hyperthyroid nodular goitre and 61% of those with diffuse goitre, but only 36% of the patients with Graves' disease showed normal thyroid function. By repeated 131 I treatments - as many as 5 for those with Graves' disease - normal thyroid function could be achieved in nearly all patients examined. Patients with immune thyrotoxicosis, type Graves' disease, showed a high resistance to therapy. A dependence was found between the results of these treatments and previous antithyroidal drug therapy or surgery. The rate of hypothyroidism varied between 4 and 15%. The highest rate of hypothyroidism was observed in operated patients with persistent or recurring thyrotoxicosis. (orig.) [de

  19. 131I-metaiodobenzylguanidine in the treatment of neuroblastoma at diagnosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mastrangelo, R.; Troncone, L.; Lasorella, A.; Riccardi, R.; Montemaggi, P.; Rufini, V.


    Radioactive metaiodobenzylguanidine ( 131 I-MIBG) is taken up specifically by neuroblastoma cells and appears to represent a new treatment modality in patients with advanced neuroblastoma. Taking into account the fact that all patients so far treated were heavily pretreated and resistant to chemotherapy, the results obtained appear encouraging. In order to explore further the potential role of this new drug in untreated patients, we treated with 131 I-MIBG a child with stage III neuroblastoma at diagnosis. We observed the complete disappearance of a large abdominal tumor mass after a relatively low dosage of 131 I-MIBG, with minimal hematologic toxicity. No further treatment was given and, at present, the patient is alive with no evidence of disease 18 months from diagnosis. This child represents, to our knowledge, the only case of neuroblastoma thus far treated at diagnosis and the excellent response obtained suggests the need for further investigations of this therapy in untreated patients

  20. The treatment of hyperthyroidism in adolescents and children with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Fei; Zhao Deshan


    Hyperthyroidism in adolescents and children is a common endocrinium disorder, which disturbs the development of diverse body systems, especially of skeletal and central nervous systems. The patients with hyperthyroidism have a lower long-term, spontaneous remission of the disease. The majority of adolescents and children patients with hyperthyroidism have to receive an effective, safe therapy. Currently, there are three methods for treating hyperthyroidism. They include in antithyroid drugs (ATD), surgery and radioactive iodine ( 131 I) therapy. ATD always is the first line way to these patients with hyperthyroidism for endocrinologist yet. But the remission rate of hyperthyroidism for ATD is lower, the remission of hyperthyroidism also need spend longer time, and side effects of ATD are more common in adolescents and children than in adult. The success ratio and complications of surgery are mainly depended on the technic of surgeons, 131 I has been used as the treatment of hyperthyroidism for more than six decades. So far, there are still no enough evidences to show that the incidence of thyroid cancer and other malignant diseases, the patients fertility rate, rate of abortion and malformation of descendants in hyperthyroidism patients following 131 I were marked difference with that in other people. The remission rate of hyperthyroidism following 131 I was higher and its side effects were less. 131 I therapy can be the first choice to adolescents and children with hyperthyroidism who are no suitable to ATD therapy. Hypothyroidism is most often one outcome of pediatric patients with hyperthyroidism after 131 I therapy. Hence, the patients with hypothyroidism have to receive the replacement treatment of thyroxine. Since the development of adolescents and children are more dependent on thyroxine and adolescents and children are more sensitive to the radioactive rays than adults, it is more suitable to get ideal control with a relative lower dosage of mi to

  1. Preparation of a radioactive boron compound (B-I-131-lipiodol) for neutron capture therapy of hepatoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chou, F.I.; Chung, H.P.; Chung, R.J.; Wen, H.W.; Wei, Y.Y.; Kai, J.J.; Lui, W.Y.; Chi, C.W.


    In our research, a radioactive boron compound, B-I-131-lipiodol, that can be selectively retained in hepatoma cells was prepared. Combining the effect of α particles produced by boron neutron capture reaction with the β particles released by radionuclides in the radioactive boron compounds will produce a synergistic killing effect on cancer cells. Human hepatoma HepG2 cell cultures were used to examine the stability and the intracellular distribution of the radioactive boron drug. Microscopes were used to examine the interaction and retention of B-I-131-lipiodol globules in the individual hepatoma cell. Moreover, ICP-AES and NaI scintillation counter were performed to determine boron concentrations and I-131 radioactivity, respectively. Results showed that B-I-131-lipiodol with a boron concentration and a specific radioactivity ranged from 500-2000 ppm and 0.05-10 mCi/mL respectively was stably retained in serum. The radiochemical purity of B-I-131-lipiodol was 98%. After supplement with a medium containing B-I-131-lipiodol, the HepG2 cells had intracellular B-I-131-lipiodol globules in the cytoplasm as seen by inverted light microscope, the I-131 and boron can be stably retained in HepG2 cells. (author)

  2. Optimization of the therapeutic dose of {sup 131}I for thyroid differentiated carcinoma; Otimizacao da dose terapeutica com {sup 131}I para carcinoma diferenciado da tiroide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lima, Fabiana Farias de


    I-131 thyroid cancer therapy is based on the strategy of concentrating radioactive iodine in the thyroid tissue, to completetly eliminate thyroid tissue and functioning thyroid cancer metastases remaining after thyroidectomy. In Brazil, fixed activities of {sup 131} I generally are given, sometimes either delivering insufficient activities to ablate all of the remnants, or unnecessarily high activities, with patients remaining in the hospital for some period of time. This investigation proposes a protocol of individualized planning of ablative doses, based on individual patients metabolisms and measured thyroid remnant masses. Simulated thyroid remnants were fabricated in various forms, volumes and activities, and optimum image acquisition parameters were determined using Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography 9SPECT). Resultant images were evaluated, to determine the apparent volumes and the {sup 131} I concentrations. I-131 metabolism was studied in 9 patients who had undergone thyroidectomies. Their thyroid remnant masses were determined applying the same parameters used in SPECT simulation studies, and the optimum activity for their therapy was calculated and compared to the established fixed activity of 3.7 GBq (100 mCi), which would have normally been assigned. Background subtraction using the method of percent maximum counts, using a value of 67.5%, combined with scatter correction (triple energy window method), was shown to be optimum for SPECT quantification of volumes between 3-10 ml. Errors in the method were below 9% for sources with regular geometries and around 11% for sources with irregular geometries. In the patient studies, it was observed that 78% of patients could have received reduced activities of {sup 131} (from 0.8-3-2. GBq (20-87 nCi). In addition, 33% of these patients could have received low enough activities to have discharged from the hospital, using an individualized administration scheme. This could also have resulted in a dose

  3. Comparative study between 131I-MIBG scintigraphy and other tumor markers in diagnosis of neuroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohsawa, Yoshihiro; Iwafuchi, Makoto; Odano, Ikuo; Yamagiwa, Iwao.


    In order to prove the clinical usefulness in diagnosis of neuroblastoma, comparative studies between iodine-131 metaiodobenzylguanidine ( 131 I-MIBG) scintigraphy and other related tumor markers were attempted. Sixteen children diagnosed as having a neuroblastoma in recent 2 years were examined. In 5 postoperative patients in complete remission, who were negative to other tumor markers, showed no pathological accumulation of 131 I-MIBG (specificity 100%). In other 11 patients with remains of neuroblastoma, 131 I-MIBG was negative only in 2 patients (sensitivity 82%) and these 2 patients showed negative urinary excretion of catecholamine metabolites (VMA). (Negative urinary VMA was proved in 3 of 11 patients). Serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) was elevated in all 8 preoperative patients, but only in 2 of 11 postoperative patients. On the other hand 131 I-MIBG was positive in 9 among these 11 postoperative patients in whom neuroblastoma remained. Similar relationship was obtained between 131 I-MIBG scintigraphy and serum LDH. On the basis of our present experience, we like to regard 131 I-MIBG scintigraphy as one of the most sensitive parameters for neuroblastoma during a follow-up period after treatment. (author)

  4. Estenosis esofágicas benignas: tratamiento con las bujías de Savary-Gilliard

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    Trini Fragoso Arbelo


    Full Text Available Se estudiaron 60 pacientes menores de 15 años con estenosis esofágica, 40 de ellos por ingestión de cáusticos y 20 por otras causas, susceptibles de tratamiento de dilatación endoscópica. Esta se realizó bajo anestesia general con un endoscopio GIF-XP10 de la casa Olympus y bajo pantalla fluoroscópica con las bujías de Savary-Gilliard modelo pediátrico. En las estenosis esofágicas secundarias a ingestión de cáustico se asoció al tratamiento inyectoterapia endoscópica con betametasona. El 66,6 % de la serie fue por ingestión de cáustico y en segundo lugar las ocurridas por causas posquirúrgicas, para el 20 %. El 70 % de las poscáusticos se clasificó según radiografía como severo. La localización más frecuente de las estenosis fue el tercio superior del esófago, con predominio de la variedad tubular en las debidas a cáusticos, y la anular en las otras causas. En las poscáusticos se realizaron 919 dilataciones en 288 sesiones, mientras que en las originadas por otras causas se efectuaron 223 en 67 sesiones. Como complicación se reportan 8 perforaciones, 1 sepsis y 3 seudodivertículos en el grupo de los cáusticos. No se observó mortalidad. El grupo secundario a cáustico necesitó mayor número de sesiones y de dilataciones promedio con respecto al otro grupo y con el 47,5 % de curación y el 95 % en las de otras causas. Se demostró que el método de dilataciones esofágicas de Savary-Gilliard es seguro, eficaz y con un mínimo de complicaciones.60 patients under 15 with esophageal stenosis, 40 of them due to caustic ingestion and 20 by other causes, susceptible to the treatment of endoscopic dilatation, were studied. It was performed with general anesthesia, using an Olympus GIF-XP10 endoscope and under fluoroscopic screen with Savary-Gilliard bougies, pediatric model. In the esophageal stenoses secondary to caustic ingestion, endoscopic betamethasone injection therapy was associated with the treatment. 66.6 % of the


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    Felisa Alonso Garcia,


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Estudiar las variaciones hemodinámicas y metabólicas de las primeras fases del Shock Séptico Experimental (SSE, inducidas por el tratamiento con distinta asociación de aminas. METODO: Investigación experimental en 22 perros. Se les indujo SSE mediante la administración de endotoxina de E. Coli (Serotipo 0111 B.M. Difco Laboratories. Michigan. USA. En función del tiempo se establecieron 5 fases: Basal ó "t=0" (considerado tiempo 0, SSE ó "t=30" (a los 30 minutos del inicio de la infusión del estímulo séptico, "t = 60", "t = 90" y "t = 120" a los 60, 90 y 120 minutos respectivamente de la administración de la endotoxina. En relación al tratamiento administrado, se distinguieron 3 grupos: Grupo A (n=7: tratamiento de soporte; Grupo B (n=8: Dopamina a 10 mcg/kg/min y Dobutamina a 5 mcg/kg/min (DPDB en la fase "t=60", DPDB más Noradrenalina (NA a 0,5 mcg/kg/min (NA0,5 en la fase "t=90"; DPDB más NA a 1 mcg/kg/min (NA1 en la fase "t=120"; Grupo C (n=7: Dopexamina a 12 mcg/kg/min (DX en la fase "t=60", DX más NA0,5 en la fase "t=90" y DX más NA1 en la fase "t=120". La comparación estadística se realizó mediante: "t" de Student-Fisher, Análisis de la Varianza, Chi Cuadrado y cálculo de la potencia estadística en caso necesario. RESULTADOS: Grupo B respecto al A: DP-DB NA0.5 aumentó la Frecuencia cardiaca (FC; DPDB-NA1 además incrementó la Presión diastólica (TAD. Grupo C respecto al A: DX- NA0,5 aumentó la FC; DX- NA1, incrementó la FC y TAD. CONCLUSIONES: La FC, TAS y TAD, se modificaron significativamente con las diversas asociaciones de aminas, mientras que no se evidenciaron variaciones intergrupo de la glucemia y plaquetas. Los cambios significativos en las últimas fases de la investigación experimental, de la glucemia y de las plaquetas, fueron secundarios a la progresión del shock séptico experimental y no a la diferente terapia recibida en cada grupo (ya que se comportaron de forma independiente al


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    Fernando Novoa S., Dr.


    Full Text Available Las enfermedades raras se definen por su reducida frecuencia en la población, lo que supone numerosas consecuencias adversas, tanto a nivel médico como social. Estas patologías, al ser poco conocidas, tienen un diagnóstico tardío y no cuentan con tratamientos específicos para muchas de ellas. Se caracterizan por ser enfermedades crónicas, degenerativas, invalidantes con calidad de vida disminuida, pérdida de autonomía, alto nivel de dolor y sufrimiento de la persona y su familia, y generalmente ponen en riesgo la vida. Aquellas que tienen un tratamiento específico son de tan alto costo que no pueden ser financiadas por el paciente sin el aporte estatal. Esta situación implica desde el punto de vista ético la necesidad de considerar el principio de Beneficencia y de Justicia Social en las decisiones que se adopten.

  7. Fracturas de tibia: tratamiento con clavo intramedular no fresado (UTN. Experiencia en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia

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    Carlos Ruiz Semba


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la utilidad del uso del clavo sólido intramedular no fresado (UTN en el tratamiento de las fracturas diafisiarias de tibia cerradas, expuestas y en seudoartrosis. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo y longitudinal en 12 pacientes con fractura diafisiaria de tibia tratados en el servicio de traumatología del Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia desde febrero 2000 hasta junio del 2001. La técnica usada para colocar el UTN fue la descrita en el Manual de Técnicas Quirúrgicas de la AO. El tiempo de seguimiento total fue de 1 año. Resultados: La consolidación con el uso de este clavo se dio en promedio a las 16 semanas, no presentándose ningún caso de no unión. A pesar de que algunos de nuestros pacientes presentaron lesiones en piel y tejidos blandos, no observamos infecciones superficiales ni profundas. Por otro lado el movimiento de la rodilla, tobillo y articulación subtalar, se inicio en el postoperatorio inmediato, logrando los pacientes hasta el momento un rango articular normal. Conclusiones: El Clavo Intramedular no fresado, es una buena alternativa en el tratamiento quirúrgico de las fracturas diafisiarias de tibia tanto cerradas y expuestas de Iº grado, así como en seudoartrosis, debido a todas las ventajas y buenos resultados obtenidos.(Rev Med Hered 2004; 15:70-75.

  8. Clinical investigation of 131I therapy combined with low-dose lithium carbonate for Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Haiqing; Wu Bian


    Objective: To investigate the clinical curative effects of 131 I therapy combined with low-dose lithium carbonate for Graves disease. Methods: Patients with Graves disease took lithium carbonate (250 mg, once per day) orally for 5 weeks. Then they were treated with 131 I (doses=3.15 MBq(80 uCi)/g, based on 60%-70% of the thyroid size). We kept track from 6 to 24 months (averaging 14 months) and classified the results into three: cured, improved or no effect. Results: After a single cycle of 131 I therapy combined with low-dose lithium carbonate, 106 patients with Graves disease were cured, 28 were improved and 8 saw no effects, respectively 74.6%, 19.7% and 5.6% among the 142 patients. We then treated 23 of them with another 131 I therapy (without lithium carbonate). 10 of such were cured (43.5%), 8 were improved (34.8%) and the other 5 saw no effects. Among all patients, hypothyroidism was observed from 25(17.6%), 6 months after the first 131 I therapy. Conclusions: Notable curative results were observed from 131 I therapy combined with low-dose lithium carbonate for Graves disease. Moreover, the dosage of 131 I was therefore decreased, which also lowered the toxicity response. (authors)

  9. Indication of doxorubicin cardiotoxicity by impairment of pIPPA I 131 utilization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lenzhofer, R.; Dudczak, R.


    The present study was designed to evaluate if doxorubicin (D) can impair myocardial fatty acid utilization. To this end we studied the myocardial utilization of pIPPA I 131 in untreated (Co, n=6) and D (20 mg/kg intraperitoneal) treated rats. D was given 24 h (24 D, n=6) and 48 hours (48 D, n=6) before tracer administration. One min after i.v. pIPPA I 131 (50 μCi) injection, the hearts were rapidly removed, frozen in liquid nitrogen, weighed, and counted. Following lipid extraction of homogenized heart extracts 131 I radioactivity distribution was analyzed by thin-layer chromatographity (TLC). In additional rat experiments, high energy phosphates (12 rats/group) and carnitine (20 rats/group) were determined enzymatically in heart extracts. The mean pIPPA uptake in rat heart (%dose/g) was 2.49 in Co, 1.74 in 24 D, and 2.36 in 48 D rats. Usually five peaks were separated by TLC, that with a mean Rf value of 0.92 corresponding to pIPPA I 131, the remaining four representing catabolites of pIPPA metabolism. The mean relative amount of unmetabolized pIPPA I 131 as compared to the sum of pIPPA I 131 catabolites was less in Co than in 24 D or 48 D rats (P<0.05) (anti x: 46.5% vs 72.4% vs 59.4%, respectively). The mean carnitine content of H extracts was higher in Co (0.55 μM/g) than in D treated rats (24 D, 0.42 μM/g; 48 D, 0.46 μM/g) (P<0.05). The total amount of higher energy phosphates was not different between the groups. However the mean ATP/AMP ratio was higher in Co (35.9) than in 24 D (22.3) or 48 D (27.1) rats (P<0.05). We conclude that D therapy is accompanied by a partial reversible impairment in myocardial pIPPA utilization, possibly mediated by carnitine deficiency. Thus, pIPPA I 131 might be useful in patients on D therapy to evaluate eventual D-induced effects on myocardial fatty acid utilization. (orig.)

  10. Early change of thyroid hormone concentration after 131I treatment in patients with solitary toxic adenoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pirnat, E.; Fidler, V.; Zaletel, K.; Gaberscek, S.; Hojker, S.


    Aim: In spite of extensive use of 131 I for treatment of hyperthyroidism, the results of early outcome are variable. In our prospective clinical study we tested whether 131 I induced necrosis causing clinical aggravation of hyperthyroidism and increasing the free thyroid hormone concentration in the serum of patients with solitary toxic adenoma not pretreated with antithyroid drugs. Patients and methods: 30 consecutive patients were treated with 925 MBq 131 I. Serum concentration of thyrotropin (TSH), free thyroxine (fT 4 ), free triiodothyronine (fT 3 ), thyroglobulin (Tg), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) were measured before and after application of 131 I. Results: After application of 131 I no clinical worsening was observed. FT 4 and fT 3 concentration did not change significantly within the first five days, whereas both of them significantly decreased after 12 days (p 131 I induced necrosis of thyroid cells was found. Therefore, the application of 131 I may be considered as a safe and effective treatment for patients with hyperthyroidism due to toxic adenoma. (orig.)

  11. Thyroidal uptake and retention of 131I by pregnant and fetal guinea pigs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Book, S.A.; McNeill, D.A.


    Preliminary studies on thyroidal 131 I concentration by fetal guinea pigs indicate a peak uptake approximately 7 times that of the maternal gland, with an effective half-life of less than 2 days. The resultant dose was estimated to be 37 rads for the maternal gland and from 60 to 81 rads for the fetal gland per microcurie administered. From 1 to 11 days after maternal injection of 131 I, amniotic fluid contained more 131 I per liter than did fetal blood which in turn had a greater concentration than did maternal blood

  12. Study of antiretroviral mutants in HIV patients with treatment failures and the effect of risk factors in the virological failures Estudio de mutantes resistentes a los antiretrovirales en pacientes con VIH con falla terapeutica y efecto de los factores de riesgo en el tratamiento

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    Lizeth Taylor-Castillo


    analizadas con Trugene o LIPA para la detección de mutantes de resistencia en la transcriptasa reversa (TR y en la proteasa (PT del VIH. Se seleccionaron sesenta y ocho controles y se recolectó información relevante en un cuestionario. La mala adherencia, la presencia de mutaciones y el número de cambios de tratamiento fueron los únicos factores con significancia encontrados. (p = 0.03, 0.04 and 0.04 respectively. De 66 muestras secuenciadas, 78%, 50% y 50% mostraron resistencia a los inhibidores análogos y no análogos de nucleótidos para la TR y la PT respectivamente. La mutaciones más frecuentes fueron M41L, M184V, y T215FY en la TR y L62PI, L10FIRV y M36I en la PT. La adherencia fue el factor más importante relacionado con la respuesta al tratamiento. Las mutaciones encontradas en la TR estaban relacionadas al tratamiento mientras que las de la PT fueron mutaciones secundarias que propician la aparición de las mutaciones asociadas a resistencia en esa región. Este estudio revela la necesidad de detectar mutantes de resistencia en pacientes con FV y de estudiar las muestras basales. Además la importancia de reforzar la adherencia en los pacientes para una mejor respuesta al tratamiento.

  13. 131I treatment for thyroid cancer and risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism: a cohort study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lin, Chien-Mu; Doyle, Pat; Tsan, Yu-Tse; Lee, Chang-Hsing; Wang, Jung-Der; Chen, Pau-Chung


    To evaluate the association between 131 I therapy for thyroid cancer and risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism. This was a nationwide population-based cohort study of patients with thyroid cancer diagnosed during the period 1997-2008. The data were obtained from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research dataset. The cumulative 131 I dose in each patient was calculated. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using a proportional hazards model to estimate the effect of 131 I therapy on the risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism in the cohort. A total of 8,946 patients with thyroid cancer were eligible for the final analysis. Among these patients, 8 developed primary hyperparathyroidism during the follow-up period that represented 38,248 person-years giving an incidence rate of 20.9 per 10 5 person-years. 131 I was used in the treatment of 6,153 patients (68.8 %) with a median cumulative dose of 3.7 GBq. The adjusted HRs were 0.21 (95% CI 0.02-1.86) and 0.46 (95% CI 0.10-2.10) for those receiving a cumulative 131 I dose of 0.1-3.6 GBq and ≥3.7 GBq, respectively, compared to no therapy. The risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism did not increase with increasing 131 I dose (test for trend p = 0.51). No interaction was found between 131 I dose and age (p = 0.94) or 131 I dose and sex (p = 0.99). 131 I treatment for thyroid cancer did not increase risk of primary hyperparathyroidism during a 10-year follow-up in this study population. Further research with a longer follow-up period is needed to assess late adverse effects beyond 10 years. (orig.)

  14. 131I treatment for thyroid cancer and risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism: a cohort study. (United States)

    Lin, Chien-Mu; Doyle, Pat; Tsan, Yu-Tse; Lee, Chang-Hsing; Wang, Jung-Der; Chen, Pau-Chung


    To evaluate the association between (131)I therapy for thyroid cancer and risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism. This was a nationwide population-based cohort study of patients with thyroid cancer diagnosed during the period 1997-2008. The data were obtained from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research dataset. The cumulative (131)I dose in each patient was calculated. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using a proportional hazards model to estimate the effect of (131)I therapy on the risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism in the cohort. A total of 8,946 patients with thyroid cancer were eligible for the final analysis. Among these patients, 8 developed primary hyperparathyroidism during the follow-up period that represented 38,248 person-years giving an incidence rate of 20.9 per 10(5) person-years. (131)I was used in the treatment of 6,153 patients (68.8%) with a median cumulative dose of 3.7 GBq. The adjusted HRs were 0.21 (95% CI 0.02-1.86) and 0.46 (95% CI 0.10-2.10) for those receiving a cumulative (131)I dose of 0.1-3.6 GBq and ≥3.7 GBq, respectively, compared to no therapy. The risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism did not increase with increasing (131)I dose (test for trend p = 0.51). No interaction was found between (131)I dose and age (p = 0.94) or (131)I dose and sex (p = 0.99). (131)I treatment for thyroid cancer did not increase risk of primary hyperparathyroidism during a 10-year follow-up in this study population. Further research with a longer follow-up period is needed to assess late adverse effects beyond 10 years.

  15. Localization of 131I-chTNT in a nude mice model with human hepatoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Shaoliang; Sun Xiaoguang; Xiu Yan; Zhong Gaoren; Qiao Weiwei; Xu Lanwen; Li Wenzheng


    Purpose: In order to evaluate the targeting activity in the animal model with human hepatoma, the 131 I-chTNT radioimmunoimaging was explored. Methods: Radioimmunoimages were taken on different intervals after injection of 131 I-chTNT 5.55 MBq to the nude mice, and tissue distribution was measured. The results of 131 I-chTNT monoclonal antibody group were compared with that of 131 I control group. Results: The experimental group developed tumor positive images after one day of radio-labelled monoclonal antibodies injection and held on until the end of the experiment. The radioactivity in tumor mass was stable, and the half life of 131 I-chTNT in hepatoma mass was 6.0 +- 1.6 days. there was no special radioactivity accumulation in normal liver tissue in the nude mice and the radioactivity in it disappeared rapidly. Statistics indicated the tumor/liver ratio in 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 days were 1.03, 2.43, 5.71, 7.96, 10.67, respectively. Conclusions: The results suggest that 131 I-chTNT monoclonal antibody has a considerable targeting activity, and provide an evidence for that it can be used as a new radiopharmaceutical agent for the imaging and radio therapy of hepatoma

  16. Tratamiento de quistes óseos aneurismáticos con aloinjerto. [Treatment of aneurysmal bone cysts with allograft].

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    Dany Olivera Nùñez


    Full Text Available Antecedentes Los pacientes con quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA plantean dificultades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Han sido descritas múltiples opciones terapéuticas. Objetivos Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar los resultados obtenidos en pacientes tratados con curetaje y relleno con aloinjerto óseo. Material y métodos  Fue analizado un total de 16 quistes, correspondientes a 15 pacientes, con un seguimiento mínimo de 28 meses y una mediana de seguimiento de 83 meses. Resultados La edad media de los niños fue de 10 años (rango: 3-16 . La principal complicación fue la recidiva en el 37,5% de los pacientes, siendo más frecuente cuando existió compromiso fisario (62,5%  vs. 12,5% sin compromiso; p=0,05. La frecuencia de recidiva no varió para ambos sexos, para las distintas edades analizadas y respecto al uso o no de fresa de alta velocidad. Conclusión Pensamos que el tratamiento realizado es seguro, pero tiene una alta tasa de recidivas, similar a las publicadas en otras series.

  17. Evaluación de variables psicológicas en el tratamiento de personas con addición: propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario VIP

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    Eduardo J. Pedrero-Pérez

    Full Text Available Resumen El Cuestionario de Variables de Interacción Psicosocial fue propuesto hace una década para explorar variables psicológicas críticamente relacionadas con la adicción: autoestima, autoeficacia general, optimismo, locus de control, habilidades sociales, autocontrol y estilos de afrontamiento. En el presente estudio se ha realizado un análisis factorial confirmatorio sobre una muestra de 1242 sujetos en tratamiento por adicción, y se ha estudiado la fiabilidad de las escalas y su validez predictiva sobre variables de salud y estrés percibido. El estudio factorial mostró una adecuada validez de constructo y todas las escalas han mostrado adecuada fiabilidad, salvo la de locus de control, con sólo tres ítems. Varias escalas muestran correlaciones de gran magnitud con estrés percibido, calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y riesgo de mala salud mental. Destaca la capacidad predictiva de la escala de optimismo sobre estas tres variables, siendo probablemente la menos estudiada en relación a la adicción. El tratamiento efectivo de las drogodependencias está íntimamente ligado a la evaluación y posible intervención sobre características psicológicas individuales que pueden condicionar el resultado terapéutico. Por ello, es preciso contar con instrumentos de evaluación fiables y válidos que permitan delimitar las características personales, fortalezas y debilidades, de las personas que van a realizar un tratamiento. El VIP parece ser una herramienta útil en la evaluación psicológica, en la medida en que proporciona, en una sola administración, datos sobre un buen número de variables psicológicas, es una prueba gratuita, de libre disposición para los clínicos e investigadores y fácil corrección e interpretación.

  18. Evaluación preliminar en un modelo animal de la terapia con larvas de Lucilia sericata para el tratamiento de la leishmaniasis cutánea


    Jazzmin Arrivillaga; Jaime Rodríguez; Milagros Oviedo


    Introducción. La terapia con larvas ha sido ampliamente utilizada para el tratamiento de lesiones ulcerativas de la piel; existen registros de enfermedades, como podopatía diabética, osteomielitis y úlceras varicosas, en las cuales el uso de la terapia con larvas ha promovido la cicatrización de la lesión en presencia de patógenos bacterianos resistentes a los antibióticos convencionales. Objetivo. Realizar una prueba piloto de terapia con larvas de Lucilia sericata sobre lesiones cutáneas...


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    Adriana Forero Hernandez


    Full Text Available Con el objeto de evaluar el destino de los metales pesados en los suelos agrícolas, provenientes de los lodos de las aguas residuales de plantas de tratamiento, se determinó la especiación química en los suelos después de 9 semanas de aplicación, para lo cual se realizaron ensayos de incubación utilizando una dosis de 2,5% de lodo p/p equivalente a 81,5 Ton lodo/ha de suelo. Las unidadesexperimentales consistieron en materos con una mezcla suelo-lodo que se mantuvieron entre 17 y 25 ºC, humedad acapacidad de campo, dispuestos en invernadero con un diseño estadístico completamente aleatorizado con cuatroréplicas y siete tratamientos. Se encontró que los niveles de concentración total en el lodo de Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb y Zn fueron muy inferiores a los establecidos por la normatividad del Environmental Protection Agency (EPA para su utilización en suelos.Además, el contenido de carbono orgánico, nitrógeno y fósforo disponible estuvo en el intervalo normal reportado para fertilizantes orgánicos.La adición de lodo al suelo produjo un incremento significativo de la fracción de Cd enlazada a materia orgánica comparada con las fracciones intercambiable y unida a óxidos de hierro-manganeso, el Cu presentó mayor afinidad por la fracción de óxidos de hierro- manganeso, el Pb mostró una fracción enlazada a materia orgánica la cual estaba ausente en el suelo testigo, el Zn tuvo una mayor proporción en la fracción asociada a óxidos de hierro-manganesoy el Mn en comparación con los otros metales fue el que presentó la mayor fracción intercambiable.

  20. Multimodality imaging of 131I uptake in nude mice thyroid based on Cerenkov radiation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Zhenhua; Liang Jimin; Qu Xiaochao; Yang Weidong; Ma Xiaowei; Wang Jing; Tian Jie


    Objective: To perform the multimodality 131 I thyroid imaging using Cerenkov luminescence tomography (CLT) and gamma imaging, and to compare the results of CLT and gamma imaging. Methods The nude mice (n=4, mass: (21 ±3) g) were injected with 1.67 ×10 7 Bq 131 I. CLT and gamma imaging were acquired at 0.5, 3, 12 and 24 h after the injection. Three-dimensional biodistribution of 131 I uptake in thyroid was reconstructed using Cerenkov source reconstruction method based on the diffusion equation (DE), and the reconstructed power of 131 I in different acquisition time points was obtained. Additionally, the ROIs were drawn over the gamma images of the mouse neck, and the counts were read. The correlation between the reconstructed power of CLT and gamma ray counts of gamma imaging was analyzed. Results: The power of 131 I uptake in thyroid at 0.5, 3, 12 and 24 h were 7.80 ×10 -13 , 1.62×10 -12 , 2.20×10 -12 and 2.68 × 10 -12 W, respectively. CLT results showed that reconstructed power increased with the increasing of acquisition time. Gamma imaging results indicated that 131 I uptake decreased in abdomen and increased in thyroid with the collection time. The results of CLT were consistent with that of gamma imaging (r 2 =0.7620, P<0.05). Conclusion: CLT has the potential to identify and monitor functioning thyroid tissue at before and (or) after 131 I treatment. (authors)

  1. Evaluation of systematic I-131 thyroid measurements for nuclear medicine workers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Puscalau, M.A.


    In Nuclear Medicine, I-131 is used intensively for the diagnosis and for the treatment of the different severities maladies of the thyroid. This radionuclide generates an important internal contamination to the patients, because of its oral administration, and, also, through inhalation, to the workers involved in the radiopharmaceuticals production , to the nursing staff and to the physicians that care and treat the patients in the hospitals. The paper presents the data obtained by systematically thyroid monitoring of the physicians and nurses from the Endocrinology Hospital, that are contaminated by I-131 inhalation because of their permanent relation with the patients treated with 3.7 MBq I-131 for investigation and with activities in the range 1100 MBq - 4000 MBq for therapy. The measurements were carried out with our Body Counter equipped with a NaI(Tl) scintillation detector, 50 mm thickness and 40mm diameter. Values of the estimated committed equivalent doses are, also, reported

  2. Experience by the use of /sup 131/I-19-iodocholesterol

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kinoshita, H; Tsuru, Y; Inazuki, S; Fujimoto, S; Futagawa, S [Nagasaki Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    Clinical application of /sup 131/I-iodocholesterol to adrenal scintigraphy of the total 50 times was made in 36 patients suggestive of adrenal disease. The index and ratio of bilateral adrenal alands were calculated by ROI processing on the computer scintigram, which was assumed useful for diagnosis of adrenocortical hypofunction as well as its hyperfunction as formerly said. Adrenal scintigraphy with /sup 131/I-iodocholesterol is routine examination which should be positively applied to patients with adrenal cortex disease, because its exposure dose is as small as it matters little except for repeating frequently.

  3. 131I-MIBG in Neuroblastoma, is Not Simply the Uptake in the Primary Mass

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El-Maghraby, T.A.; Nasr, H.A.; Hassan, M.


    Neuroblastoma is the third most common malignancy of childhood. Nowadays. MlBG has become a central procedure for staging and defining extent and location of neuroblastoma tumors. The recommendations of the International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) indicate that MlBG scintigraphy must be performed in patients with neuroblastoma at the time of initial staging and as a followup tool during therapy. Purpose: Of this study is to identify the role of 131 I M lBG scintigraphy in neuroblastoma patients and to correlate it with other diagnostic modalities for staging and follow up of neuroblastoma. Methods: The study was conducted on 26 patients provisionally diagnosed to have neuroblastoma. On histopathologic verification 5 of these 26 patients were re diagnosed as non-neuroblastoma. Since the study aims at assessing the diagnostic power of 131 I M IBG scan, these 5 cases were not excluded. The 21 histopathologically diagnosed as neuroblastoma were 11 patients in stage IV, 7 in stage III and 1 patient in each of stages I, 11 and IVS. Each. patient underwent a standard comprehensive diagnostic work up, Radiological imaging by conventional X-ray. ultrasound. CT and/or MRI was carried out. In all patients I3II M IBG scintigraphy was performed, among them 15 patients underwent additional 99m Tc-MDP bone scan as well. The 21 neuroblastoma patients were studied according to the results obtained from CT, MRI and 131 I M lBG scanning. The outcome demonstrated that CT and MR1 were able to detect lesions in 19 out of 2] patients; while in 2 patients no lesions were detected. 131 I M IBG scan showed actively functioning lesions in ] 6 out of the above] 9 patients. while in 3 patients MIBG scan was negative. There was no false positive result by 131 I M IBG scan. Accordingly. 131 1 M IBG is able to detect neuroblastoma lesions with an overall sensitivity of 84.2%. specificity of 100% and an accuracy of 85.7%. Detection of primary lesions by 131 I M lBG was significantly

  4. Efectividad del PRP en el tratamiento de la artrosis de rodilla: Estudio de casos


    Fernández Valverde, Noelia; Fidalgo González, Verónica


    La artrosis es una enfermedad degenerativa de elevada prevalencia para la cual, en la actualidad, no hay tratamiento curativo. Una de las localizaciones más frecuentes es la rodilla. La utilización de infiltraciones de plasma rico en plaquetas constituye una alternativa en el tratamiento de esta patología. Objetivo: demostrar la efectividad y la seguridad de las infiltraciones con PRP en el tratamiento de pacientes con artrosis de rodilla. Resultado: este trabajo muestra una...

  5. Tratamiento del maxilar posterior atrófico mediante técnica de reconstrucción tridimensional con elevación de seno y abordaje «en tunel»

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    Andrés Restoy


    Conclusiones: El tratamiento del sector posterior maxilar atrófico mediante reconstrucción tridimensional con autoinjerto óseo, elevación sinusal y abordaje por tunelización es una técnica que proporciona resultados predecibles y estables, permitiendo la rehabilitación con coronas sobre implantes dentales de dimensiones adecuadas.

  6. Comparative Analysis of Direct and Indirect 131I Measurement Methods from the Stack to Outdoor

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    G. Suhariyono


    Full Text Available The radioisotope production facility at PUSPIPTEK Serpong produces and processes 131I that can disperse to the settlements (community and the environment around the Serpong Nuclear Area (SNA. 131I is produced routinely for medical uses in hospitals and pharmacies, for both domestic uses and export. 131I is a beta and gamma emitting radioactive material and can cause thyroid cancer. The problem was that there was so far no research and in-depth assessment of the aerial dispersion of 131I radioactivity emitted from the radioisotope production stack to the environment at actual conditions. The research was conducted through simultaneous measurement of 131I radioactivity in the stack of the 131I radioisotope production facility, Serpong, and outdoor in house courtyards around SNA in normal condition (no accident based on the variations of the distance and wind direction. Direct measurements were carried out with a portable in-situ NaI(Tl detector at outdoor, and with a LaBr3 detector in the stack. Indirect measurements were carried out by using charcoal filter and vacuum pump in the stack and outdoor. The direct measurement method has many advantages over the indirect measurement. The direct measurement method was found to be more accurate, less expensive, easier to operate, needing just one operator in its implementation, portable, and can be operated continuously and for long durations. The overall activity concentrations of 131I on average obtained by either direct or indirect method were still below the upper limit of 131I activity concentration in the air (530 Bq/m3 stipulated by the Regulation of the Chairman of BAPETEN (Perka BAPETEN No. 7/2013. 

  7. Synthesis and 131I labelling of epidepride as a dopamine D2 receptor imaging agent

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Min; Hu Mingyang; Pei Zhuguo; Wang Bocheng; Zhou Xingqin


    S-(-)-N-[(1-ethyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)methyl]-5-iodo-2, 3-dimethoxybenzamide (Epidepride) and its iodine labeling precursor S-(-)-N-[(1-Ethyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)methyl]-5-tributyltin-2, 3-dimethoxybenzamide are synthesized from 3-methoxy salicylic acid. The labeling precursor is labeled with 131 I by hydrogen peroxide method, and 131 I-epidepride is gained, its radiolabelling yield (RLY) and the radiochemical purity (RCP) are all over 95%. The RCP of 131 I-epidepride is over 90% under 4 degree C after 15 days. 131 I-epidepride has high affinity to dopamine D 2 receptor. The striatal uptake can be blocked completely by spiperone. The striatum and cerebellum uptake ratio can reach 237 at 320 min in rats. The results show that 131 I-epidepride may be used as a dopamine D 2 receptor imaging agent for SPECT

  8. Differential diagnosis of thyroid diseases with 131I and 201TlCl scintigraphy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kumano, Machiko; Ishida, Osamu


    Scintigraphic study with 131 I and 201 TlCl was performed on the differential diagnosis of various kinds of thyroid disease. When thyroid nodules are cold by scintigraphy with 131 I and hot with 201 TlCl, the lesions were proved to be solid tumor, that is, mostly follicular adenoma and carcinoma, and also most probably chronic thyroiditis. Accumulation of 201 TlCl, however, is not observed in cystic lesions, and is very high with high frequency in metastatic lesion of the lymph nodes as well as the thyroid cancer, especially in well differentiated follicular carcinoma. Therefore 201 TlCl was very useful to confirm the metastatic tumors from the thyroid cancer. These features in accumulation of 131 I and 201 TlCl in thyroid disease suggest the imaging technique with 201 TlCl combined with 131 I seem to provide more pathological information on the thyroid and metastatic lesions. (author)

  9. Hernia discal lumbar: Tratamiento conservador


    López-Sastre Núñez, Antonio; Candau Pérez, Ernesto


    Existe una gran demanda de patología lumbar crónica y aguda que debe de tratarse conjuntamente entre el especialista en Rehabilitación y el Cirujano de columna vertebral. En este trabajo se detallan las posibilidades del tratamiento conservador antes de optar por la cirugía. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los resultados conservadores del tratamiento de la lumbociática de origen discal comparando aquellos estudios publicados con validez estadística. Se detallan las modernas pautas de...

  10. Measurement of radiation exposure in attendants of thyroid cancer patients treated with {sup 131}I; Medicion de la exposicion a la radiacion en familiares de pacientes tratados con {sup 131}I por patologia tiroidea

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ramirez G, Y. T.


    Patients treated with {sup 131}I for differentiated thyroid cancer present radiological risk to relatives, occupational exposed workers and general public. Recently, the IAEA issued document K-9010241, 2010, which recommends that patient discharge from hospital must be based on the particular status of each patient, unlike the current criteria applied in Mexico based on the exposure rate at a 1 m distance. In this work thermoluminescent dosimeters were used during a 15 day period to measure the effective dose received by 40 family caregivers of patients treated with {sup 131}I, after their release from hospital 'Instituto Nacional de Cancerologia', Mexico. Relatives were classified in two groups, ambulatory (outpatients) and hospitalized (inpatients), according to the release mode of the patient. Measurements were performed for 20 family caregivers in each group. The effective dose received by all family members of outpatient and inpatient groups was found to be smaller that 5 mSv. In addition, 70 and 90% of inpatient and outpatient groups, respectively, received doses lower than 1 mSv. These data provide information which allow to give recommendations of possible modifications to current regulations in Mexico regarding discharge from hospital of patients treated with radiopharmaceuticals. (Author)

  11. A pioneer experience in Malaysia on In-house Radio-labelling of (131)I-rituximab in the treatment of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and a case report of high dose (131)I-rituximab-BEAM conditioning autologous transplant. (United States)

    Kuan, Jew Win; Law, Chiong Soon; Wong, Xiang Qi; Ko, Ching Tiong; Awang, Zool Hilmi; Chew, Lee Ping; Chang, Kian Meng


    Radioimmunotherapy is an established treatment modality in Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The only two commercially available radioimmunotherapies - (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan is expensive and (131)I-tositumomab has been discontinued from commercial production. In resource limited environment, self-labelling (131)I-rituximab might be the only viable practical option. We reported our pioneer experience in Malaysia on self-labelling (131)I-rituximab, substituting autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and a patient, the first reported case, received high dose (131)I-rituximab (6000MBq/163mCi) combined with BEAM conditioning for autologous HSCT. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Labeling of - N-Isopropil - p - I-Anphetamine (IMP-131I) and its biological distribution in rats

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barboza, M.F. de; Goncalves, R.S.V.; Muramoto, E.


    The described labeling and purification preparation of N-Isopropil-p 131 I-anphetamine ( 131 I-IMP) represents a fast and efficient method to obtains a compound that fullfills all criterions of purity for its application 'IN VIVO'. The labeling yield was 68-78% and the radiochemical purity performed by paper chromatography and electrophorese was 97-99%. As demostrated in animal experiments, the cerebral affinity offers a possibility to study brain diseases in clinical studies when the product will be labelled with 123 I. (author) [pt

  13. Histological changes in the thyroid gland after treatment of hyperthyroidism with 131I, 2

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Takeichi, Nobuo; Inoue, Shozo; Hirose, Fumio; Nagata, Nobuo; Niimoto, Minoru


    At first, degeneration and destruction of follicular epithelium appears and its regeneration occurred after the first time administration of 131 I to hyperthyroidism. This regenerated follicule was tidy and could be called regeneration with low grade atypism. The second time administration of 131 I was made in the most active regeneration period, that is, 3.5 - 5 months after the first administration of 131 I. Degeneration and destruction of follicular epithelium were occurred strongly again, and after that, regeneration was occurred again. Regenerated folliculer epitherium in this case shaped comparatively distortion, and it could be called 'regereration with high grade atypism'. In the groups administered 131 I two or three time, the regenerated figure which is highly atypical remained for a long time, and at the same time, many adenoma-like proliferation figures were found in cases taking long clinical course of this group. It was thought that this process would give a lead to clarify the cause of occurrence of thyroid gland tumors following treatment with 131 I. (Tsunoda, M.)

  14. Microwave assistance of labeling hippuric acid by I-131

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sherlock Huang, Lin-Chiang; Wu, Kou-Hung; Ko, Pi-Wen; Hsieh, Cheng-Ying; Pao, Kuan-Chuan; Chou, Shih-Ching; Shieh, Fa-Kuen; Sureshbabu, Radhakrishnan; Hsu, Ming-Hua


    This work presents a novel approach for labeling hippuric acid with I-131 using microwaves. It utilizes copper(II) acetate as a catalyst of the labeling. The process involves the use of this catalytic copper(II) acetate at low dilutions that were nevertheless sufficient to produce labeled hippuric acid with high radiochemical purity in a short time. Therefore, the novel technique overcomes the limitations of previously reported conventional methods that involve heating. - Highlights: • We report the microwave assisted radiochemical labeling of hippuric acid by I-131. • Cu(OAc) 2 can be used as catalyst to get labeled product in lower dilution condition. • Advantages of our method are lesser time scale and high radiochemical purity.

  15. The chromatography plant in Wuerzburg for the decontamination of sewage containing 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lassmann, M.; Haenscheid, H.; Alt, P.; Boerner, W.


    The effluents of the radioiodine therapy ward of the Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin der Universitaet Wuerzburg are decontaminated by a new plant working by the chromatography principle. The decontamination effect is caused by adsorption of 131 I to activated coal. From January 1992 to September 1993 1280 GBq 131 I were administered to patients. During this period 1028 m 3 of sewage was gathered in the plant corresponding to an input of 0.15 m 3 per patient and day. The water leaving the chromatography plant was contaminated with less than 7 kBq/m 3 131 I. (orig.) [de

  16. Tratamiento del síndrome neuroléptico maligno

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Franklin Escobar Córdoba


    Full Text Available El síndrome neuroléptico maligno es una complicación grave del tratamiento con psicofármacos. La principal característica es la hipertermia, acompañada de hipertonía muscular, alteración del nivel de conciencia e inestabilidad autonómica. Identificar el tratamiento adecuado para los pacientes con síndrome neuroléptico maligno según la gravedad y la apropiada evaluación de riesgos y beneficios de las opciones terapéuticas. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed con los términos MESH: síndrome neuroléptico maligno, tratamiento y terapia; utilizando como límites: ensayos clínicos controlados, metaanálisis, guías de práctica clínica, revisiones, población adulta e idiomas: inglés, francés y alemán. Se hallaron 25 artículos, los cuales fueron analizados, y se encontró que el tratamiento se fundamenta en la sospecha clínica precoz y en la suspensión inmediata de los neurolépticos, la hidratación, el apoyo hemodinámico, corregir el desequilibrio del estado ácido-base y la hipoxemia. La administración de agonistas de la dopamina, dantrolene y benzodiacepinas puede ser de utilidad en algunos casos. El tratamiento debe ser escogido de forma individualizada, con base en la severidad de la enfermedad. Para casos leves, el soporte hídrico y metabólico puede ser suficiente; en casos severos se deben tomar medidas que incluyen agentes farmacológicos, terapia electroconvulsiva y monitorización en cuidados intensivos.

  17. Effect of thyroid auto-antibodies on hypothyroidism of adolescents with graves disease after 131I treatment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Feng Xuemin; Wang Junqi; Qin Lan


    To investigate the effect of TSH receptor antibody (TRAb) and thyroid peroxidase antibody (TPOAb) levels in adolescents with Graves disease (GD) before 131 I treatment on the incidence of hypothyroidism after 131 I therapy. The total 264 adolescent with GD were treated with 131 I. All patients before the treatment were divided into A, B, C, D, E and F groups in accordance with the levels of TRAb and TPOAb in various combinations. The serum TSH, FT 3 , FT 4 , TRAb and TPOAb levels in all patients were measured after 131 I treatment. The incidence of hypothyroidism within three years were observed in each group. The results showed that the incidence of hypothyroidism in TRAb negative group was higher than that of positive group (χ 2 =4.67, P 2 =4.10, 4.34, 5.66, P 131 I therapy. It could be cautious in treatment of GD adolescents of TRAb negative and TPOAb positive with 131 I. (authors)

  18. The present status of I-131 therapy for Graves' hyperthyroidism in Japan. Survey by questionnaire

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ikekubo, Katsuji; Kusakabe, Kiyoko; Kanaya, Shinichi; Nakada, Kunihiro; Mori, Yutaka


    A survey on the I-131 therapy of Graves' hyperthyroidism was undertaken by questionnaire in 1,246 hospitals of Japan. One thousand and ninety seven of them (88.0%) responded to the questionnaire. In this paper, we report the results and analysis of the replies to the questionnaire. In the 121 hospitals (11.03%) of the respondents, I-131 therapy is being performed for Graves' hyperthyroidism. A gradual increase was observed in the annual number of I-131 treated Graves' disease patients during the period of 1998-2001, from 1,740 to 2,484. I-131 treatment was selected mainly for the cases with side effects from antithyroid drug (ATD) therapy, followed by the cases with complication of heart or hepatic diseases, recurrences of hyperthyroidism after surgery, radioiodine treatment, and long-term ATD treatment. The 41% of respondents used I-131 in order to restore euthyroidism, 34% aimed for hyperthyroidism and 41% used the dose properly between the two according to the patients. Administration dosage of I-131 was estimated mainly on the basis of thyroid uptake and volume in 93% of the respondents and 48% calculated the radiation dose by also determining the effective half-life in the thyroid gland. Thyroid size was estimated by scintigram (51%), ultrasonography (US) (33%), CT (22%) and palpation (12%). ATD treatment was used before I-131 administration by 70% of the respondents and 34% after radioiodine therapy. A low-iodine diet was given to the patients for a week (46%) or two weeks (47%) before I-131 administration. However, after treatment only 46% of the respondents continued low-iodine diet for a week. (author)

  19. Treatment of Graves' disease with I131: Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sanchez Povis, J.E.; Sandoval Okuma, J.C.; Contreras Carreno, S.E.; Cabello Morales, E.


    Objective: To describe the response and complications in children and teenagers suffering Graves' disease who received radioactive iodine therapy. Material and Methods: The clinical records of the patients attended at Paediatric Endocrinology Unit of Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia who received therapy with I 131 were reviewed. Demographic characteristics, thyroid weight, radioactive iodine uptake, I 131 dose and clinical and thyroid function evolution were registered. Results: We include thirteen patients: 1 male and 12 females. The mean thyroid weight obtained was 47.56 ± 10.70 gr. Initial calculated dose was 3.92 ± 0.95 mCi, with a total dose of 4.47 ± 1.66 mCi, and mean following period of 2.76 years. Ten patients received only one dose, 2 patients received two doses and one patient received three doses; all cases remitted. Patients who received only 1 dose showed disease remission at 13.13 weeks and mean remission period of the population was 24.62 weeks. Hypothyroidism prevalence up to six months from initiating treatment was 66.66%, and up to 257 weeks 83.33%. Conclusions: We conclude that I 131 was 100% effective in the treatment of children and adolescents suffering Graves' disease in this small series. (author)

  20. pacientes con falla cardiaca

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Diana Marcela Achury Saldaña


    Full Text Available Objetivo: determinar la adherencia al tratamiento de pacientes con falla cardiaca hospitalizados, al aplicar un plan educativo quefomenta el autocuidado.Método: estudio cuasiexperimental (entrevistas enfermera-paciente realizado entre diciembre de 2004 y mayo de 2006, con unamuestra de 50 pacientes seleccionados por conveniencia. Se diseñó un instrumento para evaluar los comportamientos de los pacientes,con base en algunos resultados de la adherencia y sus respectivos indicadores de la taxonomía NOC (Nursing out comes classification. Laadherencia al tratamiento fue medida en dos momentos: el primero durante la hospitalización, seguido de la aplicación del plan educativoantes del alta, que proporcionaba información en el manejo de su enfermedad desde una dimensión física, psicológica y social quepromueve el autocuidado; y el segundo un mes después del alta en su domicilio.Resultados: diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P=0,0001 que demuestran cómo mediante la capacitación al paciente enel manejo de su tratamiento farmacológico y no farmacológico, el establecimiento de una sana relación entre el profesional de enfermeríay el paciente, y la participación de la familia, se logra una total adherencia al tratamiento.Conclusiones: para lograr una adherencia total del paciente con falla cardiaca al tratamiento es necesario un proceso educativo y unseguimiento continuo y personalizado que motive permanentemente al paciente y se le reconozca el papel protagónico en su cuidado y manejo de la enfermedad.

  1. Theoretical calibration of a NaI(Tl) detector for the measurement of {sup 131}I in a thyroid phantom; Calibracao teorica de um detetor NaI(Tl) para a determinacao de {sup 131}I em um simulador de tireoide

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Venturini, Luzia [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil). Dept. de Metrologia das Radiacoes]. E-mail:


    This paper describes the theoretical calibration of a NaI(Tl) detector using Monte Carlo Method, for the measurement of {sup 131} I in a thyroid phantom. The thyroid is represented by the region between two concentric cylinders, where the inner one represents the trachea and the outer one represents the neck. {sup 133} Ba was used for experimental calibration. The results shows that the calibration procedure is suitable for {sup 131} I measurements. (author)

  2. Cuanta más psicología, mejor: eficacia para dejar de fumar de la terapia cognitiva conductual intensiva y de los parches de nicotina combinados con terapia cognitiva conductual intensiva y menos intensiva


    Fernández Arias, Ignacio Gabino; García-Vera, María Paz; Sanz, Jesús


    Para comparar la eficacia para dejar de fumar de la terapia cognitiva conductual intensiva (TCC/I), la TCC/I con parches de nicotina (TCC/I+PN) y la terapia cognitiva conductual no intensiva con parches de nicotina (TCC/NI+PN) se realizó un estudio experimental de medidas repetidas con 235 fumadores adultos asignados aleatoriamente a uno de esos tres tratamientos. Entre los pacientes que completaron el tratamiento (n = 152) la TCC/I+PN mostró tasas de abstinencia a los 6 meses y al año, mayor...

  3. Estimation of foetal brain dose from I-131 in the foetal thyroid

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    O'Hare, N.J.; Murphy, D.; Malone, J.F.; Gilligan, P.


    The ingestion of I-131 by pregnant women can have consequences for the developing foetus, in particular brain function. As the foetal thyroid accumulates iodine from the twelfth week of gestation onwards, the determination of foetal brain dose resulting from such I-131 accumulation is essential. Normal dosimetric methods fail to treat the case of the foetus. Using an approximation method based on the MIRD approach, a foetal dose estimation scheme is developed to allow the determination of foetal brain dose from foetal thyroid irradiation. Dose values are obtained for the foetus based on the maternal intake of I-131. It was found that the choice of biokinetic model for the mother/foetus has a large impact on the determined dose estimate. (author)

  4. Air-to-vegetation transport of /sup 131/I as hypoiodous acid (HOI)

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Voilleque, P G [Science Applications, Inc., Idaho Falls, ID (USA); Keller, J H [Exxon Nuclear Idaho Co., Inc., Idaho Falls, ID (USA)


    A significant fraction of the /sup 131/I in ventilation air in both BWRs and PWRs is present as hypoiodous acid (HOI). While HOI has been observed in the atmosphere its transport through the critical pathway has not been studied in detail. Of particular importance and interest is the deposition velocity used to characterize air-to-vegetation transport. This note describes the measurement of air-to-vegetation transport of HOI in a laboratory environmental chamber. The deposition velocity for HOI is compared with those for elemental I/sub 2/, methyl iodide and iodine associated with airborne particulates to show the relative importance of HOI in transport of /sup 131/I through the air-grass-cow-milk food chain. The data can be used to estimate relative contributions of the four /sup 131/I species to doses via the critical pathway.

  5. Hypertension complicating {sup 131}I-meta-iodobenzylguanidine therapy for neuroblastoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kosmin, Michael A.; Cork, Nicholas J.; Gaze, Mark N. [University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Oncology, London (United Kingdom); Bomanji, Jamshed B. [University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Nuclear Medicine, London (United Kingdom); Shankar, Ananth [University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Department of Paediatric Oncology, London (United Kingdom)


    Radiolabelled meta-iodobenzylguanidine (mIBG), used as targeted therapy for neuroblastoma, is known to have effects on blood pressure (BP). In this study we audited BP changes in patients receiving {sup 131}I-mIBG therapy for neuroblastoma to identify BP-related adverse events (AE) and possible predictive factors. Between 2003 and 2010, 50 patients with neuroblastoma received 110 {sup 131}I-mIBG administrations. BP measurements before and after administration were compared with age- and sex-matched centile values. AE were analysed, and possible predisposing factors identified. This population had a baseline BP distribution higher than that of their age- and sex-matched peers, with 16% of preadministration systolic BP values above the 95th centile. Changes in BP after administration showed an approximately normal distribution with similar numbers of reduced and increased values. Four AE, all related to hypertension, occurred with one patient having generalized seizures. One AE was immediate, others occurred between 20 and 25 h after administration. No significant association between AE and patient age or sex was demonstrated. However, a significant association between AE and high preadministration BP was shown, both above the 90th centile (p = 0.0022) and above the 95th centile (p = 0.0135). Clinically relevant hypertension following {sup 131}I-mIBG therapy affected less than 5% of administrations, but was more common in those patients with preexisting hypertension. As hypertensive episodes may occur many hours after treatment, close monitoring of BP needs to be continued for at least 48 h after administration of {sup 131}I-mIBG. (orig.)

  6. Computer-aided pathophysiological analysis of /sup 131/I rose bengal hepatogram

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Matsumoto, A [Kobe Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine


    The author analysed /sup 131/I-rose bengal (R.B.) hepatograms over the liver region using digital simulation technique to determine the hepatobiliary functions separately and to compare the rate constants obtained from the kinetic model and the results obtained from conventional liver function tests. A total of 112 cases were observed including various liver and gallbladder diseases and 8 normal subjects. Fasting patients were given intravenous injections of 300 of /sup 131/I-R.B. Hepatic uptake and excretion of radioactivity were measured for 120 minutes using a gamma camera. Two regions, one over the right lobe and the other over the gallbladder, were studied. The author applied a 3 compartment analysis to the /sup 131/I-R.B. hepatogram. Measured /sup 131/I-R.B. hepatogram was printed out on a line printer with curve pattern indices. Assumed rate constants and relative volume indices were placed on punch cards. Computer-aided simulation curves were printed on a line printer with curve pattern indices. The measured hepatogram and the simulated hepatogram were compared. The blood flow index (K/sub 21/), the hepatocellular function index (K/sub 32/) and the intrahepatic biliary excretion index (K/sub 03/) were obtained with the schematic presentation of the curves. Rate constants from the kinetic model correlated well with conventional liver function tests. In normal liver and hepatobiliary diseases, there were high statistical correlations between K/sub 21/ and Ksub(L) /sup 131/I-R.B. Retention (%), between K/sub 32/ and Cholinesterase, and between K/sub 03/ and Alkaliphosphatase. However, there was a low statistical correlation between the results of the simulation study and the results of liver function tests in the cases of obstructive jaundice and intrahepatic cholestasis.

  7. Evaluation of results of more than 20 years treating hyperthyroidism by I-131

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phan, S.A.; Mai, T.K.; Tran, D.H.


    The authors have summarized their works of more than 20 years using I-131 for treatment and close observation of 723 patients with hyperthyroidism in 1000 ones in the Nuclear Medicine Department, Bach Mai University Hospital in Hanoi to collect data and draw experience for the report. Patient selection for the treatment is based on clinical features and laboratory tests results by the Nuclear Medicine Department such as thyroid uptake, scintigraphy and RIA determinations of thyroid hormones. I-131 dose is determined in compliance with a prevailing formula. The average dose is 6.2 ± 1.1 mCi (that is 233.1 ± 40.7 MBq). The average number of times is 1.3 time for one patient. The results are as follows: Euthyroid status after 4- year following- up from date of I-131 dose administration: 72.3%; Persistent or recurrent hyperthyroidism: 20.0%; Hypothyroid complications: appear 4 to 12 months after date of I-131 administration: 3.0%; appear 4 years after date of I-131 administration: 7.7%; appear 6 years after date of I-131 administration. 14.0%; so the cumulative hypothyroid rate is 2.3% per year. No occurrence of other serious complications by all the observed patients. This is therefore a safe, efficient treatment method to be applied on a large scale including adolescents and children. However, much more study has still to be made on the dose due to high rate of recurrence of the therapeutic method although the hypothyroid complications cases are not serious. Hyperthyroidism is a common health problem in Viet Nam. Previously, only anti-thyroid drugs and surgery were used. Use of I-131 was firstly introduced to Viet Nam in the Nuclear Medicine Department in Bach Mai in 1974 and afterwards applied larger nationwide. Initial therapeutic results have been published in national medical magazines. This is a general study aiming at analyzing the way to carry out the work and get experience and recommendation from gained results for further work in the future. (author)

  8. The change of serum TRAb after 131I radiotherapy in patients of Graves' hyperthyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cui Bangping; Jiang Changbin; Hu Wei; Yang Jianhua; Guo Zugao


    Objective: The clinical value of thyrotrophin receptor antibody (TRAb) in patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism was investigated during 131 I radiotherapy. Methods: A total of 130 patients with Graves' hyperthyroidism and 50 normal controls were included in the study. Serum concentration of TRAb was measured by radioreceptor assay (RRA) before and at 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after 131 I radiotherapy. Results: Abnormally higher TRAb level [(92.93±68.99)U/L] was noted in patients before treatment(P 131 I radiotherapy, the TRAb [(12.99±5.52) U/L] was back to normal with no difference to that of controls (P>0.05). Conclusion: Serum concentration of TRAb was of clinical significance in the diagnosis of Graves' hyperthyroidism and in the monitoring of 131 I radiotherapy. (authors)

  9. Tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de la adicción a videojuegos de rol online: fundamentos de propuesta de tratamiento y estudio de caso


    Clara Marco; Mariano Chóliz


    El propósito de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta de tratamiento cognitivo-conductual para la intervención en la adicción a video juegos. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 21 años con problemas con el uso de los videojuegos. Se expone el procedimiento en cada una de las fases de las que consta el tratamiento, así como los resultados de su eficacia en un estudio de caso. Después de trece semanas de intervención se aprecian importantes cambios en el nivel de dependencia. Los resultados m...

  10. 131I-MIBG Scintigraphy in the Evaluation of Suspected Pheochromocytoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Oh, Sei Jung; Yoo, Hyung Sik; Park, Chang Yun; Lee, So Jin


    Pheochromocytomas are catecholamine producing tumors of neuroectodermal origin. Diagnosis of pheochromocytoma is significant due to potentially curable hypertension. But they have a significant associated morbidity due to uncontrolled hypertension and mortality since 10% are malignant. From Aug. 1989 to Jul. 1992, 12 patients of our institution had 131 I-MIBG scan during work up of suspected primary or recurrent pheochromocytoma. In our studies conclude that 131 I-MIBG scan is recommended as the initial localizing study of choice (especially for the detection of extraadrenal disease and postoperative recurrence) as a guide for CT and/or MR and specific functional confirmation of their findings.

  11. Benign oral pathology as a cause of false positive 131I uptake in thyroid carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mansberg, R.; Wadhwa, S.S.; Fernandes, V.B.


    Full text: We present three thyroidectomised patients with a history of thyroid carcinoma who had non-metastatic 131 I uptake due to benign oral pathology. A salivary gland study suggested impaired function but no obstruction was demonstrated on a sialogram. The symptoms resolved on antibiotic therapy and a subsequent 131 I study was normal. A subsequent thallium study demonstrated physiological tracer distribution. A 35-year-old female with papillary cell carcinoma of the thyroid demonstrated a focus of uptake on the right hemi-mandible following both a diagnostic and a therapeutic dose of 131 I. This area was tender and an OPG confirmed an area of liquefaction at this site. A 53-year-old female with medullary cell carcinoma of the thyroid demonstrated a focus of uptake in the right side of the maxilla following a diagnostic administration of 131 I. An OPG confirmed an area of liquefaction around the apex of the right upper centre. These three cases illustrate salivary gland and dental inflammation as causes of false positive 131 I uptake. It is important to differentiate non-metastatic 131 I uptake from that due to functioning metastatic thyroid carcinoma in order to avoid inappropriate treatment with large additional doses of 131 I. As in these patients, clinical assessment and the use of anatomical imaging or other isotopes such as thallium or technetium can be helpful in ruling out a mistaken diagnosis of metastasis

  12. Tratamiento con bisfosfonatos y fracturas atípicas Treatment with bisphosphonates and atypical fractures

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    Francisco R. Spivacow


    Full Text Available En los últimos veinticinco años los aminobisfosfonatos se han convertido en las drogas de elección para el tratamiento de la osteoporosis. Son potentes inhibidores de la actividad osteoclástica y reducen la incidencia de nuevas fracturas en pacientes con osteoporosis establecida, pero su prolongada vida media y sus efectos crónicos sobre la fisiología ósea son motivos de preocupación. Teóricamente, una prolongada inhibición del remodelado óseo podría traer aparejada graves efectos adversos, tales como la acumulación de microfracturas y, paradójicamente, la ocurrencia de nuevas fracturas atípicas. Pocos casos de estas infrecuentes fracturas han sido hasta ahora publicados en la literatura mundial. Todas ellas comparten algunas características comunes, además del tratamiento crónico con bisfosfonatos por osteoporosis. La más frecuente es la localización atípica de las mismas. La mayoría ocurren en una o ambas diáfisis femorales, pero también otros huesos pueden estar afectados, entre ellos sacro, isquión, costillas y rama pubiana. Las fracturas son atraumáticas o ante mínimos traumatismos, y en algunos casos fueron precedidas por un dolor prodrómico en la zona de la fractura. Todos los casos tuvieron evidencias bioquímicas o histomorfométricas de bajo recambio óseo. El objetivo de este trabajo es informar sobre tres nuevos casos de pacientes que cumplen con todos los criterios diagnósticos de esta nueva entidad, dos de ellos con fracturas de diáfisis femorales y el restante con fractura de pelvis.In the last twenty five years aminobisphosphonates have became the drugs of choice for the treatment of osteoporosis. They strongly inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption and reduce the incidence of new fractures in patients with established osteoporosis, but their long half-life and their chronic effects on bone physiology are a matter of concern. Theoretically a harmful consequence of a prolonged inhibition of bone

  13. Adaptación transcultural de la escala de incertidumbre de M. Mishel, en personas con insuficiencia renal crónica en tratamiento con hemodiálisis


    Torres-Ortega, Clara-María


    [ES]Disponer de la escala de Incertidumbre de Mishel, en el contexto español, puede aportar a las enfermeras las claves para el conocimiento del enfermo renal en tratamiento con hemodiálisis. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido realizar una adaptación transcultural de la escala de Incertidumbre de Mishel en pacientes de hemodiálisis de Jaén. Se realizó una adaptación de la escala mediante traducción- retrotraducción y se calculó la validez de contenido mediante consenso de expertos. Par...

  14. The {sup 131}I cytogenetic effect preceded by the REC-HTSH administration in Wistar rats; Efeito citogenetico do {sup 131}I precedido por administracao de Rec-hTSH em ratos Wistar

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Silva, Marcia Augusta da [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]|[Centro Universitario Sao Camilo, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ribela, Maria Teresa Carvalho Pinto; Suzuki, Miriam Fussae; Bartolini, Paolo; Okazaki, Kayo [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)]. E-mail:; Guimaraes, Maria Ines Calil Cury; Buchpiguel, Carlos Alberto [Sao Paulo Univ., SP (Brazil). Centro de Medicina Nuclear]. E-mail:


    In nuclear medicine, the {sup 131}I is one of the most used radionuclides in thyroid disorders, for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The target of the present study was to analyze the cytogenetic effects of the {sup 131}I, precede by stimulus with rec-hTSH, produced at IPEN/CNEN-SP, in an animal model by means of the chromosome aberration technique. The rec-hTSH is a glycoprotein administered in patients submitted to thyroidectomy as an alternative to the suspension of the hormone therapy for increasing the TSH level and, consequently, the {sup 131}I collection by the metastatic tissue, thus maintaining the euthyroid state. For this aim, Wistar rats were used (SPF, females, 200 g heavy), divided in 2 groups: animals treated only with {sup 131}I (G1) (11.1 MBq gastric gavage) and animals submitted to rec-hTSH-IPEN (1.2 {mu}g by intramuscular injection), 24 hours before the {sup 131}I (G2) administration. The blood samples were collected before (basal), 24 hours, 1 week and 1 month after the treatment, for cytogenetic evaluation. The cytogenetic data obtained showed an increase un the frequency of cells with chromosome aberration as well as the number of chromosome/cell aberrations, 24 hours after the {sup 131}I administration, when compared with the basal values, both for animals in group G1 and for in group G2. After 7 and 30 days of the radioiodine administration, a slight fall in the frequency of the chromosome aberrations was verified. The animals pre-treated with rec-hTSH-IPEN showed higher percentage of cells with chromosome aberration and chromosome/cell aberrations than the animals of group G1, in both de 24 hour-after administration of {sup 131}I samples and 7 day-sample, although the difference is not statistically significant (p>0,05). The results obtained allow the extrapolation for humans, in the more accurate evaluation of the biological risks involved by people exposed to the radioiodine, and also for the optimizations of a therapeutic

  15. Tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas

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    Natalia Rodríguez-Gil


    Full Text Available Introducción: Del tipo de tratamiento y la eficacia del mismo depende la evolución y la mejora en la calidad de vida del paciente con heridas crónicas; existen diversos tratamientos para las heridas crónicas de acuerdo con el tipo de lesión, la duración del tratamiento y los factores individuales del paciente. Los diversos tratamientos innovadores demuestran resultados favorables en cuanto a la reducción del tiempo y el tamaño de las heridas crónicas. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir los tratamientos innovadores utilizados en el manejo de las heridas crónicas, de uso poco frecuente en las clínicas de heridas. Metodología: revisión de la literatura estructurada en tres fases: recolección de artículos en bases de datos como Scopus, Pubmed, Dialnet, Ebscohots, y Elsevier; uso de palabras clave como pie diabético, herida crónica y úlcera por presión; revisión y clasificación de 50 artículos en idioma español, inglés y portugués. Resultados: se registraron 12 tratamientos innovadores para el manejo de las heridas cónicas, cada uno con evidencia científica de su utilidad en los distintos tipos de heridas crónicas. Conclusión: conocer nuevos tratamientos ayuda al enfermero a ampliar las opciones de intervención, presentar alternativas de tratamiento de menor costo, o más rápida dependiendo del tipo de herida y la condición del paciente.

  16. The therapeutic use of I-131 meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) in neuroblastoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hartmann, O.; Lumbroso, J.D.; Lemerle, J.; Schlumberger, M.; Parmentier, C.; Ricard, M.; Aubert, B.; Coornaert, S.; Merlin, L.


    Despite the use of intensified conventional chemotherapy the complete response rate of advanced neuroblastoma remains low. The use of high-dose chemo-radiotherapy followed by bone marrow transplantation (BMT) improved the duration of disease free survival but, even after these high-dose regimens the relapse rate remains high. Metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) labelled with I-131 or I-123 can be used for scintigraphic imaging of neuroblastoma. In order to evaluate the therapeutic role of I-131-MIBG in the treatment of neuroblastoma patients, a phase II study was performed in 12 patients. Results are presented in this paper

  17. Diagnostic I-131 scintigraphy in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer. No additional value of higher scan dose

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Phan, T.T.H.; Tol, K.M. van; Links, T.P.; Piers, D.A.; Vries, E.G.E. de; Dullaart, R.P.F.; Jager, P.L.


    After initial treatment with total thyroidectomy and radio iodine ablation, most follow-up protocols for patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma contain cyclic diagnostic I-131 imaging and serum thyroglobulin (Tg) measurements. The applied diagnostic I-131 doses vary between 37 and 370 MBq. The aim of this study was to determine the yield of a diagnostic scan with 370 MBq I-131 in patients with a negative diagnostic scan with 74 MBq I-131. Retrospective evaluation of 158 patients who received a high-dose diagnostic scan with 370 MBq I-131 because of a negative low-dose diagnostic scan with 74 MBq I-131. Special attention was paid to the patients with positive high-dose diagnostic scanning and undetectable serum Tg levels after thyroid hormone withdrawal. In 127 (80%) of patients the 370 MBq I-131 scan was negative, just like the preceding low-dose scan. In 31 (20%) of patients abnormal uptake was present on the 370 MBq diagnostic scan. In 19 of these 31 patients serum Tg was undetectable. In 15/19 the high-dose diagnostic scan proved either false positive or demonstrated clinically irrelevant minor ablation rests. In only four patients (2.5%) did the high-dose diagnostic scans reveal possibly relevant uptake caused by residual differentiated thyroid cancer. In 98% of patients a 370 MBq dose of I-131 for diagnostic whole-body scintigraphy (WBS) had no additional value. The combination of a low-dose diagnostic I-131 scan using only 74 MBq combined with a serum Tg level measurement proved sufficient for correct clinical decision making regarding whether the patient requires additional I-131 therapy. (authors)

  18. Experimental transmission of M. leprae in the testis of mice, born from 131I-injected females

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sushida, Kiyo


    Six strains of M. leprae taken from lepromatous leprosy patients were inoculated into the testes of '' 131 I-F 1 '' mice, which were divided into two groups. The first group was born of females which had been subcutaneously injected with 131 I-100 μc during pregnancy; the second group was born of females which had been injected before pregnancy. The '' 131 I-F 1 '' mice which were born of females injected with 131 I-100 μc, during pregnancy were then inoculated with leprous bacilli described above, showed the presence of the so-called ''globi'' in the testes. When samples of leprous bacilli (LL28, LL32, LL33) taken from patients who had not been receiving anti-leprous drug treatments were injected into the 131 I-F 1 mice, globi were also found. When leprous bacilli from leproma removed from patients under treatment were injected into mice born from females which had been injected with 131 I-100 μc either during or before their pregnancy, no globi were found. Even though bacilli (LL32, LL33, LL34) from untreated patients were injected into mice born of females who were injected with 131 I-100 μc before pregnancy, no globi were found. (auth.)

  19. Experimental study on 131I-labelled anti-alpha-fetoprotein antibodies in the diagnosis of rat hepatoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Terashima, Hiromi


    The tumor-specificity of 131 I-labelled anti-α-fetoprotein antibodies was evaluated in rats using α-fetoprotein-producing AH66C4 rat hepatoma as a model. 1) Following the 12 hour incubation of 125 I-labelled anti-α-fetoprotein antibodies and tumor cells, microautoradiography revealed marked radioactivity in and around the tumor cells. This suggested that the labelled antibodies accumulated around the cells and were combined with the α-fetoprotein secreted from the cells. 2) The tumor was transplanted subcutaneously into the thighs of rats. There was marked accumulation of 131 I-antibodies in the tumor with cyst formation, but there was none in the tumor without cyst formation. The accumulation was enhanced by the administration of non-labelled antibodies to the rats before the administration of 131 I-antibodies. The α-fetoprotein level was higher in the cyst than in any other organ. 131 I-labelled horse-γ-globulins administered as a control, also accumulated in the tumor with cyst but the degree of accumulation did not exceed that of the 131 I-antibodies. The amount of 131 I-antibodies accumulated increased, while that of 131 I-horse-γ-globulins decreased with time. This indicated that the accumulation of the γ-globulins in the tumor was nonspecific and that it was related to the blood pool. These results strongly suggest that the accumulation of 131 I-antibodies in the tumor with cyst formation was a specific antigen-antibody reaction, and the present procedure reported is applicable in the specific diagnosis of such kinds of α-fetoprotein secreting tumor. (author)

  20. Physico-chemical quality control 131I-sodium 2-iodohippurate

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morin, J.; Olive, E.; Issac, M.; Cruz, J.


    Some physico-chemical methods for analytical control 131 I-sodium 2-iodohippurate are compared. The most convenient to applicate in hospital and in more especialized quality control laboratories are recommended

  1. Hypothyroidism in patients after thyroid elimination by 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vana, S.; Nemec, J.; Reisenauer, R.


    Patients after elimination of the thyroid gland with radioiodine 131 I develop hypothyroidism only slowly, the peripheral parameters lagging behind the protein bound iodine especially till the fiftieth day after elimination. In young patients the Achilles tendon reflex and the preejection period lag behind symmetrically, in older patients the effect of the supply of thyroid hormones to the skeletal muscles disappear faster, whereas the heart retains the reserves of the thyroid hormones or systems dependent on thyroid hormones affecting the rapidity of myocardial contraction for a relatively longer period of time. Thus, in older patients after elimination of the thyroid gland with radioiodine 131 I the Achilles tendon reflex is a better criterion of hypothyroidism than the preejection period of heart contraction. (author)

  2. Tratamiento de aguas residuales con tecnologías alternativas en una pequeña unidad doméstica–productiva

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    Cynthia Pérez Rodríguez


    Full Text Available Se evaluó el sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales instalado en una pequeña unidad doméstica-productiva ubicada en la zona de Escazú de la provincia de San José, mediante la medición de la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, demanda química de oxígeno, fosfatos solubles, nitratos, sólidos totales, sólidos sedimentables, turbiedad, pH y coliformes fecales, en seis muestreos. Además, se realizaron tres muestreos en el Río Catalina, receptor del efluente final, en épocas de transición seca-lluviosa, lluviosa, transición lluviosa-seca, en los que se evaluaron oxígeno disuelto, fosfatos solubles, nitratos, sólidos totales, turbiedad, pH, coliformes fecales y macroinvertebrados bentónicos. La calidad del agua del río se expresó mediante el Índice de la Calidad de Agua de la Fundación Nacional de Sanidad de los Estados Unidos de América (ICAFNS y el índice biótico BMWP-CR. El sistema estudiado resultó efectivo en la remoción de los contaminantes del agua, y con excepción de los coliformes fecales, el efluente final cumplió con los límites permisibles para cada uno de los parámetros establecidos para el reúso de aguas residuales tratadas con fines agrícolas y para el vertido de aguas residuales en cuerpos receptores. En términos generales, puede concluirse que el efluente del sistema de tratamiento no afecta la calidad del agua del Río Catalina.

  3. Cost-utility analysis of antithyroid drug therapy versus 131I therapy for Graves' disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hayashi, Katsumi; Abe, Katsumi; Sakata, Ikuko; Sakaguchi, Chiharu; Yamamoto, Kentaro; Kosuda, Shigeru


    There is no comparative cost-utility study between 131 I therapy and antithyroid drugs (ATD) therapy for Graves' disease, though 131 I therapy has higher remission rate and less side effects. The objective of the study was to analyze the cost-utility of ATD therapy versus 131 I therapy by calculating life-long medical costs and utility, based on the responses of Graves' disease patients to questionnaires. To determine the expected cost and expected utility, a decision tree analysis was designed on the basis of the 2 competing strategies of ATD therapy versus 131 I therapy. A simulation of 1,000 female patients weighing≥50 kg who assumed to experience the onset of Graves' disease at the age of 30, to first complain of thyrotoxic symptoms and moderate goiter 2-3 mo. previously, and to undergo a 40-years-long cohort study, was created for each strategy using a decision tree and baselines of other relevant variables. The variables and costs were based on the literature and hospital bills. The maximum and minimum values of utility were defined as 1.0 and 0.0, respectively. Future costs and utilities were discounted 5%. The medical costs and utilities were 85,739-88,650 yen/patient/40 years and 16.47-16.56/patient/40 years, respectively, for the ATD therapy strategy, and 81,842 yen/patient/40 years and 17.41/patient/40 years, respectively, for the 131 I therapy strategy. These results quantitatively demonstrated that the 131 I therapy strategy was superior to the ATD therapy strategy in terms of both cost and utility. 131 I therapy should be used more widely in Japan because of its greater utility and lower cost. (author)

  4. The calculation of 131I dose in second treatment for Graves' disease and the selection of patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Jisheng; Wang Qiang; Hu Mingzao; Zuo Lei; Peng Xiaoyan


    Objective: To improve the method of 131 I dose calculation in second treatment for Graves' disease (GD) and to make a criterion for selection of patients. Methods: From 87 GD patients not recovered more than half a year after 131 I treatment, authors selected 41 cases (group A) whose thyroid weight were ≥30 g and gave them second 131 I treatment. The absorbed dose (d 2 ) of 131 I was calculated by the formula we designed: (m 1 /m 2 ):d 1 =(m 2 /m 3 ): d 2 ; i.e. d 2 (Gy) = d 1 m 2 2 /m 1 m 3 . The total dose (D) was calculated by the classical formula: D(37 KBq or μ Ci)= d 2 x 8 x m 2 (g)/1.6 x max. uptake % of 131 I x T 1/2eff (days). m 1 and m 2 was the thyroid weight before and after the first 131 I treatment respectively, m 3 was the pre-estimated thyroid weight after the second treatment, d 1 was the unit dose of the first treatment. Results were compared with 97 patients (group B) who had received second 131 I treatment before using this calculation method. The resting 46 cases (group C) whose thyroid weight were 131 I treatment of group A was 73.2% (30/41 cases), it was remarkably higher than that of group B (19.6%), but the early-permanent hypothyroidism rate was lower in group A. The recovery rate of group C was 91.3% (42/46 case) in two years (averaged 8.8 months). Conclusion: The calculating method can make the dose of second 131 I treatment for GD relatively optimal. Thyroid weight ≥30 g can be used as the main criterion for selection of patients 131 I treatment. Patients whose thyroid weight 131 I treatment and the therapeutic effect was poor

  5. Retención y Penetración en Estacones de Eucalyptus Saligna. Sometidos a Tratamiento con CuSO4 y Sal CCC, en Baño Caliente y frio y Vacio-Presión

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    Escobar C. Oscar


    Full Text Available Este trabajo describe y da los resultados obtenidos con el pretratamiento de estacones de Eucalyptus saligna a tres soluciones de CUS04 y su posterior tratamiento con sales CCA (OSMOSE K-33. El sulfato de cobre se aplicó por el método de baño caliente y frío, seguido por el proceso de difusión durante una semana; para los anteriores tratamientos se usó madera verde o parcialmente seca al aire; las sales CCA se aplicaron a madera seca por el método de vacío-presión. Una de las razones para llevar a cabo este refuerzo de las sales CCA, es haber encontrado postes de eucalipto severamente atacados por hongos, en especial con pudrición blanda. Los estacones fueron tratados inicialmente con soluciones de sulfato de cobre a 1 %, 2% y 3% de concentración; luego los estacones fueron tratados con una solución de sal CCA al 2.5% de concentración por vacío-presión. Se usaron 40 estacones distribuídos en 4 grupos de 10: tres (3 grupos fueron usados para el tratamiento con las soluciones de CUS04 y solución de CCA; el grupo restante fue tratado con la sal CCA únicamente, el cual fue usado como grupo testigo para fines de comparación en los ensayos de campo (cementerios.

  6. {sup 131}I treatment for thyroid cancer and risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism: a cohort study

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lin, Chien-Mu [Taipei Medical University - Shuang Ho Hospital, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Taipei (China); Taipei Medical University, Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Taipei (China); Doyle, Pat [London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London (United Kingdom); Tsan, Yu-Tse [National Taiwan University College of Public Health, Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, Taipei (China); Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Department of Emergency Medicine, Taichung (China); Chung Shan Medical University, School of Medicine, Taichung (China); Lee, Chang-Hsing [Ton Yen General Hospital, Department of Occupational Medicine, Hsinchu County (China); Wang, Jung-Der [National Taiwan University College of Public Health, Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, Taipei (China); National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine, Department of Public Health, Tainan (China); Chen, Pau-Chung [National Taiwan University College of Public Health, Institute of Occupational Medicine and Industrial Hygiene, Taipei (China); National Taiwan University College of Public Health, Department of Public Health, Taipei (China); National Taiwan University College of Medicine and Hospital, Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Taipei (China); Collaboration: Health Data Analysis in Taiwan (hDATa) Research Group


    To evaluate the association between {sup 131}I therapy for thyroid cancer and risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism. This was a nationwide population-based cohort study of patients with thyroid cancer diagnosed during the period 1997-2008. The data were obtained from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research dataset. The cumulative {sup 131}I dose in each patient was calculated. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using a proportional hazards model to estimate the effect of {sup 131}I therapy on the risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism in the cohort. A total of 8,946 patients with thyroid cancer were eligible for the final analysis. Among these patients, 8 developed primary hyperparathyroidism during the follow-up period that represented 38,248 person-years giving an incidence rate of 20.9 per 10{sup 5} person-years. {sup 131}I was used in the treatment of 6,153 patients (68.8 %) with a median cumulative dose of 3.7 GBq. The adjusted HRs were 0.21 (95% CI 0.02-1.86) and 0.46 (95% CI 0.10-2.10) for those receiving a cumulative {sup 131}I dose of 0.1-3.6 GBq and ≥3.7 GBq, respectively, compared to no therapy. The risk of developing primary hyperparathyroidism did not increase with increasing {sup 131}I dose (test for trend p = 0.51). No interaction was found between {sup 131}I dose and age (p = 0.94) or {sup 131}I dose and sex (p = 0.99). {sup 131}I treatment for thyroid cancer did not increase risk of primary hyperparathyroidism during a 10-year follow-up in this study population. Further research with a longer follow-up period is needed to assess late adverse effects beyond 10 years. (orig.)

  7. False-positive I-131 scan by contaminated muffler in a patient with thyroid carcinoma

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Seo, Han Kyung; Kim, Min Woo; Jeong, Hwan Jeong; Sohn, Myung Hee [Chonbuk National University Hospital, Chonju (Korea, Republic of)


    A 39-year-old female patient who had undergone a total thyroidectomy for a papillary thyroid carcinoma underwent a whole body scan with I-131. The I-131 scan was performed 72 hours after administering 185 MBq (5 mGi) of an I-131 solution. The anterior image of head, neck, and upper chest showed multiple areas of increased uptake in the mediastinal area considering of functional metastasis. However, radioactivity was not evident in the image taken after removing her clothes and muffler. The image obtained after placing the muffler on the pallet showed that the radioactivity was still present. It is well known that artifacts on an I-131 scan can be produced by styling hair sputum, drooling during sleep, chewing gum, and paper or a cloth handkerchief that is contaminated with the radioactive iodine from either perspiration or saliva. This activity might be mistaken for a functional metastasis. Therefore, it is essential that an image be obtained after removing the patient's clothes. In this study, artifacts due to a contaminated muffler on the I-131 scan were found. These mimicked a functional metastasis of the mediastinal area in a patient with a papillary thyroid carcinoma.

  8. A pioneer experience in Malaysia on In-house Radio-labelling of "1"3"1I-rituximab in the treatment of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and a case report of high dose "1"3"1I-rituximab-BEAM conditioning autologous transplant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kuan, Jew Win; Law, Chiong Soon; Wong, Xiang Qi; Ko, Ching Tiong; Awang, Zool Hilmi; Chew, Lee Ping; Chang, Kian Meng


    Radioimmunotherapy is an established treatment modality in Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The only two commercially available radioimmunotherapies – "9"0Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan is expensive and "1"3"1I-tositumomab has been discontinued from commercial production. In resource limited environment, self-labelling "1"3"1I-rituximab might be the only viable practical option. We reported our pioneer experience in Malaysia on self-labelling "1"3"1I-rituximab, substituting autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and a patient, the first reported case, received high dose "1"3"1I-rituximab (6000 MBq/163 mCi) combined with BEAM conditioning for autologous HSCT. - Highlights: • Usual dose: Day 0 (dosimetry) – 5 mCi, Day 7 (therapeutic) 0.75 Gy to whole body. • High dose: 6000 MBq (163 mCi) on Day − 18, BEAM conditioning starts on Day − 8. • Self-labelled "1"3"1I-rituximab is a viable treatment in resource limited environment. • "1"3"1I-rituximab may substitute autologous transplant. • High dose "1"3"1I-rituximab-BEAM is a feasible conditioning regime.

  9. Long-term follow-up of autonomous hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules treated with 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhou Qian


    30 cases of hyperthyroidism caused by solitary autonomous functioning thyroid nodules (AFTN) and treated with 131 I 4 to 24 years earlier (mean, 14.13 years) were studied. In comparison, a control group of 15 cases with AFTN, trated surgically 4 to 22 years ago (mean, 8.66 years), was also examined. The results showed that: (1) Thyroid scintigraphy is not only the determinant criterion for the diagnosis of AFTN, but also the most reliable measure for evaluating the effect of treatment and prognosis. Disappearance of the hot nodule and restoration of the function of suppressed thyroid tissue indicate cure of the disease. (2) Solitary toxic thyroid nodules are frequently polyclonal and occur in nodular goiters with scattered small multifocal hot areas. Therefore, recurrence of the disease is unavoidable either after 131 I therapy or partial thyroidectomy. (3) After treatment of this disease, an absent or low response to TRH test dose not indicate ineffective cure, and an exaggerated response also dose not predict hypothyroidims. (4) Use 131 I and surgery are almost equally effective for the treatment of this disease. All the patients are clinically euthyroid. According to the scintigraphic pattern, all the surgically treated patients are cured, but there are 1 recurrent and 1 with persistent hot nodule in the 131 I therapy group. (5) The 131 I dose calculated individually is more reasonable than a standard does

  10. Avances en el tratamiento de la aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica

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    Peña Durán A


    Full Text Available Los objetivos del tratamiento de la aspergilosis broncopulmonar alérgica (ABPA son la reducción de la inflamación pulmonar, el control del asma, el tratamiento del estadio agudo de ABPA, prevenir las exacerbaciones, evitar la apari- ción o progresión a la bronquiectasia y la aspergilosis pulmonar crónica. El tratamiento utilizado hasta la actualidad han sido corticoides a largo plazo, azoles y LABA/CI. En pacientes graves sin respuesta al tratamiento con corticoides ora- les y antifúngico recientemente se han utilizado otros tratamientos como omalizumab y antiIL5 (mepolizumab.

  11. Hernia incisional grande: Resultado del tratamiento quirúrgico con material protésico

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    Juan Francisco Puerta Alvarez


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio observacional y prospectivo para evaluar el tratamiento quirúrgico de las grandes hernias incisionales, con material protésico en 75 pacientes operados en el Hospital Militar Docente "Joaquín Castillo Duany" de Santiago de Cuba, desde febrero de 1990 hasta julio de 1994. Se conformaron 2 grupos: de estudio con 50 pacientes (subdividido en 2 de 25 cada uno y testigo con 25. En este último la pared abdominal se cerró por planos con sutura irreabsorbible y sin material protésico, y al del estudio, en uno se practicó igual procedimiento pero utilizando malla de Mersilene y en el otro se sustituyó por duramadre homóloga. Las hernias incisionales grandes fueron más frecuentes en mujeres de 40 a 60 años con incisiones primarias medias; la mayoría de ellas obesas y diabéticas. Se comprobó que no hubo rechazo a la duramadre homóloga, grupo éste que mostró el menor índice de recidivas y complicaciones, y con los mejores resultados a los 5 años de seguimiento posoperatorioAn observation and prospective study was carried out to assess the surgical treatment of the big incisional hernias with prosthetic material in 75 operated patients in the "Joaquín Castillo Duany" Educational Military Hospital, at Santiago de Cuba, from February 1990 to July 1994. Two groups were formed: a study group with 50 patients, subdivided in two groups of 25 each, and a witness group with 25 patients. In this last group the abdominal wall was closed by planes with non reabsorbable suture and without prosthetic material, and in the study group, in one 25 patients subgroup the same procedure was carried out, but using Mersilene mesh, and in the other subgroup the mesh was substituted with homologous duramater. The big incisional hernias were more frequent in women from 40 to 60 years old with partial primary incision, mostly obese and diabetic. There was a confirmation of no reject to the homologous duramater. This group showed the smallets

  12. Análisis del impacto de los valores personales en la elección del Tratamiento Sustitutivo Renal

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    Ana Isabel Aguilera Flórez

    Full Text Available Resumen Una de las actividades que se realizan en el proceso educativo con herramientas de ayuda a la toma de decisión (HATD es ayudarles a explorar sus valores mediante las "tarjetas de valores". El objetivo del estudio fue, conocer los valores de las personas con Enfermedad Renal Crónica en la elección de modalidad de Tratamiento Sustitutivo Renal y analizar si existía relación entre los mensajes de las tarjetas y la modalidad de tratamiento. Estudio retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 281 pacientes que pasaron por el proceso de educación con HATD entre los años 2011-2016. Los datos se obtuvieron de los registros de enfermería de la historia clínica. Se estudiaron variables demográficas, tarjetas de valores y elección de tratamiento. La muestra fue de 281 pacientes. Las 3 tarjetas que obtuvieron un mayor porcentaje de elección fueron, Personal sanitario responsable del tratamiento (14,20%, Ser independiente (13,65%, Impacto para la familia (13,30%; según la modalidad de tratamiento elegida, HD: Impacto para la familia (15,94%, Personal sanitario responsable del tratamiento (15,58%, Ser independiente (13,04%. DP: Ser independiente (18,95%, Personal sanitario responsable del tratamiento (15,26%, Impacto para la familia (14,21%. Tratamiento médico conservador: Ser independiente (25,2%, Autonomía e Impacto para la familia (12,5%. Trasplante de donante vivo: Personal sanitario responsable tratamiento (30%, Ser independiente (30%, Autonomía (10%. Podemos concluir que la mayoría de los mensajes de las tarjetas, parecen estar en concordancia con la modalidad elegida. No hay valores propios de una modalidad de tratamiento sustitutivo renal sino personas con diferentes valores que marcan la toma de decisión.

  13. Measurements of iodine uptake in thyroid after diagnostic administration of 131I

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Osko, J.; Pliszczynski, T.


    The measurements performed up to now, showed that the spectrometric measurements can be useful in selection of the patients who need special consideration during the 131 I diagnostics and treatment. The next step of the work will include the measurements of the real activity of 131 I in thyroid gland, after the therapeutic administration of radioiodine. A special collimator was designed for this purpose and the thyroid counter was calibrated using a phantom with inserts simulating different shapes of pathologically changed thyroid glands. It can be expected that the improvement of accuracy of the diagnostic measurements and better control of real activity of 131 I in thyroid gland after the therapeutic administration will contribute to the process of optimisation of radiation doses to the patients and medical personnel. (authors)

  14. Fitoterapia como coadyuvante en el tratamiento de la obesidad


    López-Regueiro, Sofía; Ramos Sáiz, Eva María; López-Picado, Amanda; Burgos-Alonso, Natalia; Arana-Salaberría, Ainara


    La obesidad es uno de los problemas de salud más importantes a nivel mundial debido a su relación con numerosas patologías como la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, la hipertensión y el aumento importante en el riesgo cardiovascular. La base del tratamiento es la dieta y el ejercicio físico, pero en muchos casos no es sufi ciente y es necesario combinarlo con tratamiento farmacológico. Recientemente se ha retirado sibutramina del mercado por lo que sólo se dispone de orlistat, que no está exento de c...

  15. Tc-99m imaging in thyroidectomized differentiated thyroid cancer patients immediately before I-131 treatment. (United States)

    Tsai, Chi-Jung; Cheng, Cheng-Yi; Shen, Daniel Hueng-Yuan; Kuo, Shou Jen; Wang, Lien-Yen; Lee, Chiang-Hsuan; Wang, Jhi-Joung; Chang, Ming-Che; Huang, Wen-Sheng


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical role of technetium-99m pertechnetate (Tc-99m) imaging in thyroidectomized differentiated thyroid cancer patients immediately before radioiodine-131 (I-131) treatment (Tx). Eighty-six consecutive post-total-thyroidectomy patients (15 men, 71 women; mean age: 46.8 years) with pathologically diagnosed differentiated thyroid cancer were retrospectively studied. Tc-99m imaging immediately before I-131 Tx using both patient-based and lesion-based measurements were analyzed and were further compared with those of post-Tx I-131 whole-body scans. For patients with unequivocally positive Tc-99m uptake, the sensitivity was 77% (patient-based) and 59% (site-based). The positive predictive value (PPV) was 100% for both patient-based and site-based measurements. If equivocal Tc-99m uptake was counted as positive, the sensitivity was 83 and 67%, and the PPV was 100 and 99% for patient-based and site-based measurements, respectively. (a) To increase sensitivity yet maintaining high PPV, equivocal Tc-99m uptake should be considered a positive finding. (b) The nearly 100% PPV of Tc-99m imaging immediately before I-131 Tx for remnant detection suggests that Tc-99m imaging not only serves as an alternative to low-dose I-131 scanning in the low-risk post-thyroidectomy patients but also provides a clue for the subsequent I-131 therapeutic dosage and even for the outcome prediction.

  16. Rehabilitación oral con prótesis fija


    Watanabe Velásquez, Romel; Salcedo Moncada, Doris; Ochoa Tataje, Julio; Horna Palomino, Hernán; Herrera Cisneros, Marco; Paz Fernández, Juan José


    El tratamiento fue realizado a un paciente de sexo masculino, de 58 años de edad, con antecedente de accidente de tránsito de hace dos años, con pérdida de dientes, fracturas, necrosis pulpar, y alteración del plano oclusal. Debido a la patología existente, se realizó un tratamiento multidisciplinario con Periodoncia, Endodoncia, Cirugía y Ortodoncia, y en lo referente a prótesis se colocaron espigos, coronas y puentes fijos. El tratamiento fue realizado en un lapso de 5 meses. This treatm...

  17. Evaluation of absorbed dose in studies of renal function due to 123I/131I (hippuran) e 111In (DPTA)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vasquez, M.V.; Castillo, C.E.; Rojas, R.; Cabrera, C.; Abanto, D.; Morgan, A.; Diaz, E.E.


    The absorbed dose of the kidneys during renal function studies of adult patients is estimated through biokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals containing the 123 I/ 131 I (hippuran) e 111 In (DPTA). Using the methodology MIRD and representation Cristy-Eckerman for adult kidneys, it is shown that dosimetric contributions of organs of biokinetics 123 I/ 131 I (hippuran) e 111 In (DPTA) are significant, in estimative of dose for renal function studies. Dosimetric contributions (body and whole bladder, kidneys excluding) are given by 11.90% (for 123 I), 4.97% (for 131 I) and 28.32% (for 111 In). In all cases, the dosimetric contributions are mainly due to photons issued by the whole body

  18. Tratamiento de la obesidad con catgupuntura y diagnóstico oriental en el hospital “Dr. Ernesto Guevara” de Las Tunas, enero- diciembre del 2012

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alejandro Cervantes Palomino


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio prospectivo longitudinal en el Hospital “Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna”,  en el período comprendido de enero a diciembre del 2013, con un universo y muestra de 286 pacientes, que acudieron a la consulta de Medicina Natural y Tradicional de forma voluntaria, o que  fueron remitidos por otras especialidades médicas con diagnóstico de obesidad y podían o no estar acompañados de otra patología (asma, diabetes mellitus, gota, hipertensión arterial, etc.. A estos pacientes se les realizó diagnóstico oriental, para posterior tratamiento con catgupuntura, la que se aplicó en los puntos escogidos al efecto. Del total de los pacientes (193 femeninas, 93 masculinos evolucionaron de forma satisfactoria 178 y no así el resto. El grupo de edades que más acudió fue el de 26 a 35 años y este mismo grupo etario fue el que mejor respuesta al tratamiento tuvo,  poniéndose de manifiesto la efectividad de la terapia aplicada, a la que se le conjugaron dietoterapia y ejercicios.

  19. Post-laryngectomy localization of I-131 at tracheostomy site on a total body scan

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kirk, G.A.; Schulz, E.E.


    A post-thyroidectomy, post-I-131-therapy patient had a laryngectomy and neck dissection for recurrent papillary thyroid carcinoma. A subsequent I-131 total body scan revealed persistent anterior neck activity, which disappeared upon removal of the tracheostomy tube and dressings

  20. Retention of elemental 131I by activated carbons under accident conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deuber, H.


    Under simulated accident conditions (maximum temperature: 130 0 C) no significant difference was found in the retention of I-131 loaded as elemental iodine, by various fresh and aged commercial activated carbons. In all the cases, the I-131 passing through deep beds of activated carbon was in a non-elemental form. It is concluded that a minimum retention of 99.99% for elemental radioiodine, as required by the RSK guidelines for PWR accident filters, can be equally well achieved with various commercial activated carbons. (orig.) [de

  1. Radiolabeling and Preclinical Evaluation of 131I-anti-CD20 for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas Therapy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kullaprawittaya, Usa; Khongpetch, Pranom; Ngamprayad, Tippanan; Nuanchuen, Suphatphong


    Full text: In this study, a monoclonal anti-CD20 was developed for radioimmunotherapy of non-Hodgkin's B-cell lymphoma by reacting anti-CD20 with iodine-131 using iodogen procedure. It was found that radiochemical yield was > 95 % independently of incubation time and the antibody could be conjugated with iodine-131 up to 10 mCi/mg. The radiolabeled antibody exhibited excellent retention of immunoreactivity with radio incorporations >95% for 6 hr at 4 o C. In vitro stability tests showed minimal loss of iodine-131 from the conjugate in the presence of cysteine and in human serum at 37 o C. Biodistribution study in normal ICR mice showed higher uptake by the liver, kidney and intestines but lower thyroid uptake compared to 131 I -MIBG. Biodistribution studies confirmed the in vitro stability of 131 I -anti-CD20. In particular, excellent in vivo retention of iodine-131 was demonstrated by lower thyroid accumulation over 48 hr. A favorable biological distribution of 131 I -anti-CD20 suggests this radiopharmaceutical may be effectively used in the therapy of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

  2. Dose-specific transcriptional responses in thyroid tissue in mice after 131I administration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rudqvist, Nils; Schüler, Emil; Parris, Toshima Z.; Langen, Britta; Helou, Khalil; Forssell-Aronsson, Eva


    Introduction: In the present investigation, microarray analysis was used to monitor transcriptional activity in thyroids in mice 24 h after 131 I exposure. The aims of this study were to 1) assess the transcriptional patterns associated with 131 I exposure in normal mouse thyroid tissue and 2) propose biomarkers for 131 I exposure of the thyroid. Methods: Adult BALB/c nude mice were i.v. injected with 13, 130 or 260 kBq of 131 I and killed 24 h after injection (absorbed dose to thyroid: 0.85, 8.5, or 17 Gy). Mock-treated mice were used as controls. Total RNA was extracted from thyroids and processed using the Illumina platform. Results: In total, 497, 546, and 90 transcripts were regulated (fold change ≥ 1.5) in the thyroid after 0.85, 8.5, and 17 Gy, respectively. These were involved in several biological functions, e.g. oxygen access, inflammation and immune response, and apoptosis/anti-apoptosis. Approximately 50% of the involved transcripts at each absorbed dose level were dose-specific, and 18 transcripts were commonly detected at all absorbed dose levels. The Agpat9, Plau, Prf1, and S100a8 gene expression displayed a monotone decrease in regulation with absorbed dose, and further studies need to be performed to evaluate if they may be useful as dose-related biomarkers for 131I exposure. Conclusion: Distinct and substantial differences in gene expression and affected biological functions were detected at the different absorbed dose levels. The transcriptional profiles were specific for the different absorbed dose levels. We propose that the Agpat9, Plau, Prf1, and S100a8 genes might be novel potential absorbed dose-related biomarkers to 131 I exposure of thyroid. Advances in knowledge: During the recent years, genomic techniques have been developed; however, they have not been fully utilized in nuclear medicine and radiation biology. We have used RNA microarrays to investigate genome-wide transcriptional regulations in thyroid tissue in mice after low

  3. Efficacy of different I-131 doses for thyroid remnant ablation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nguyen, X.C.; Thiep, T.V.; Hung, N.C.


    Full text: Radioactive iodine 131 I has been widely used as a treatment modality of differentiated thyroid carcinoma. The need for high dose radioiodine ablation of thyroid remnant is still in question. The aim of this prospective study was to assess the efficacy of 131 I different single and fractionated doses in ablation of post-operative thyroid remnant. Patients and methods: One hundred-twelve patients were included in this study. Sixty-one patients with TSH≥30 μU/ml were treated 30 mCi in group 1 (36 patients) or 100 mCi in group 2 (25 patients). Fifty one patients with TSH 131 I high dose of 100 mCi and no severe adverse effect in the other groups. Conclusion: Single high dose (100 mCi) may be more efficient than single low dose (30 mCi) for post-operative remnant ablation with serum TSH≥30 μU/ml and the efficacy of low fractionated doses (30+30 mCi) was comparable with high-fractionated dose (30+100 mCi) for post-operative remnant ablation with low serum TSH in differentiated thyroid carcinoma. (author)



    Ovalle S,Alfredo; Gómez M,Ricardo; Martínez T,M. Angélica; Aspillaga M,Carlos; Dolz C,Sergio


    Objetivos: Determinar la eficacia del tratamiento antibiótico en los resultados neonatales en embarazadas con factores universales de riesgo de infección e infección vaginal por Streptococcus grupo B (SGB) y conocer los factores de riesgo para infección neonatal por esta bacteria. Diseño del estudio: Las mujeres con infección vaginal por SGB en una población de cuatrocientos cuarenta y tres embarazadas con riesgo universal de infección bacteriana fueron incorporadas en este estudio. Se consid...

  5. 131I-m IBG preparation and clinical applications

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yassine, T.; Bakeir, M. A.; Al-Shnan, S.; Al-Asad, M.


    The factors affecting the preparation of 131 I-mIBG were studied and the optimal labelling and preparation conditions were determined in a manner that the requirements of GRP and GMP are satisfied. The m-IBG was labeled by isotopic exchange method where in situ produced Cu (II) was used as a catalyst. The Cu (II) was in situ produced by the effect of thiosulfate on Cu(II) ions in the presence of acetic acid. The optimal conditions were determined as: (The ratio of acetic acid to the iodide-131 solution is 0.5-1.5, the reaction temperature is (160 Centigrade), the reaction period is 60 minutes, and the quantity of m-IBG must be more than 1mg). At these conditions, high labelling yield of 98% was obtained. Further purification lead to an increase in the RCP to more than 99%. All preparations produced sterile and Pyrogen free solutions. The biodistribution studies in rats showed random distribution, which were slightly higher than that were shown in literature. These differences were attributed to the absence of stable iodine saturation of the rats prior to the injection of 131 I-mIBG in this study. Clinical studies using our products showed high localization in the tumors in case of neuroblastoma patients and in adrenal gland in case of pheochromocytoma patients. (author)

  6. Long-term radiobiological effects in rats after exposure of 131I in utero

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    V. V. Talko


    Full Text Available Remote radiobiological effects in male rats prenatally exposed by 131I in different periods of gestation were studied. It was established that the negative effects of irradiation of 131I in utero in the distant period are manifested by disorders of the functioning of the pituitary-thyroid link of endocrine regulation, pro-antioxidant equilibrium, changes in the lipid-lipoprotein spectrum of blood serum. As a result of irradiation of 131I in utero throughout the period of gestation, discoordination in the functioning of the pituitary-thyroid link of endocrine regulation, a violation of the pro-antioxidant balance by increasing the intensity of lipoperoxidation processes and the activity reducing of enzymes of antioxidant defense, the atherogenic orientation of changes in the lipid-lipoprotein spectrum was established. As a result of irradiation by 131I in utero during the third trimester of gestation, the development of hypothyroidism, changes in pro-antioxidant balance due to the activation of antioxidant defense, and the reduction of the concentration of the main classes of lipids have been established.

  7. Studies on the airborne radioiodine-contamination in thyroid therapy with /sup 131/I doses of approx 370 MBq

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krzesniak, J W; Czerminska, M [Centralne Lab. Ochrony Radiologicznej, Warsaw (Poland); Chomicki, O A [Centrum Medyczne Ksztalcenia Podyplomowego, Warsaw (Poland)


    The equipment and methods are described and the results presented of /sup 131/I levels in various physical and chemical forms measured at the Endocrinology Clinic of the Center for Postgraduate Medical Training in Warsaw. The analysis was made of the radiation hazards to the personnel and ''nonradioisotope'' patient from /sup 131/I inhaled. Even though the /sup 131/I levels in the air exceeded the permissible levels by a factor 2-5, when the time spent in corresponding areas was taken into consideration, the /sup 131/I uptake in the above persons constituted only between 1 and 10% of the maximum permissible level of the /sup 131/I inhaled. The dynamics of radioiodine exhalation in the euthyroid and hyperthyroid patients treated with /sup 131/I is discussed. No statistical difference was found between the exhalation curves when /sup 131/I was administered as a liquid or in the form of closed capsules.

  8. Determinación de la distribución de dosis en tratamientos de cáncer de mama con fuentes de 192 Ir HDR / Determination of doses distributions on breast cancer treatments with 192 Ir HDR sources


    Beltrán Gómez, Cristian Camilo


    La Braquiterapia de alta tasa de dosis HDR es una moderna técnica de tratamiento que ha venido teniendo un rápido crecimiento en su uso clínico, reemplazando a la braquiterapia de baja tasa de dosis LDR. La braquiterapia HDR se caracteriza por utilizar fuentes radiactivas con tasas de dosis mayores a 12 Gy/h, por tanto con propósitos de protección radiológica debe ser realizada con equipos de carga remota, es común en los tratamientos de braquiterapia HDR depositar altas dosis por fracción, c...

  9. Internal dosimetry of nuclear medicine workers through the analysis of 131I in aerosols

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes C, L.; Lucena, E. A.; Da Silva S, C.; Almeida D, A. L.; Oliveira S, W.; Souza S, M.; Maranhao D, B.


    131 I is widely used in nuclear medicine for diagnostic and therapy of thyroid diseases. Depending of workplace safety conditions, routine handling of this radionuclide may result in a significant risk of exposure of the workers subject to chronic intake by inhalation of aerosols. A previous study including in vivo and in vitro measurements performed recently among nuclear medicine personnel in Brazil showed the occurrence of 131 I incorporation by workers involved in the handling of solutions used for radioiodine therapy. The present work describes the development, optimization and application of a methodology to collect and analyze aerosol samples aiming to assess internal doses based on the activity of 131 I present in a radiopharmacy laboratory. Portable samplers were positioned at one meter distant from the place where non-sealed liquid sources of 131 I are handled. Samples were collected over one hour using high-efficiency filters containing activated carbon and analyzed by gamma spectrometry with a high purity germanium detection system. Results have shown that, although a fume hood is available in the laboratory, 131 I in the form of vapor was detected in the workplace. The average activity concentration was found to be of 7.4 Bq /m 3 . This value is about three orders of magnitude below the Derived Air Concentration (Dac) of 8.4 kBq/m 3 . Assuming that the worker is exposed by inhalation of iodine vapor during one hour, 131 I concentration detected corresponds to an intake of 3.6 Bq which results in a committed effective dose of 7.13 x 10 -5 mSv. These results show that the radiopharmacy laboratory evaluated is safe in terms of internal exposure of the workers. However it is recommended that the presence of 131 I should be periodically re-assessed since it may increase individual effective doses. It should also be pointed out that the results obtained so far reflect a survey carried out in a specific workplace. Thus, it is suggested to apply the

  10. Ketoconazole therapy: an efficacious alternative to achieve eucortisolism in patients with Cushing&'s syndrome Tratamiento con ketoconazol: Una alternativa eficaz para lograr el eucortisolismo en pacientes con síndrome de Cushing

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    Daniel Moncet


    Full Text Available Cushing&'s syndrome (CS is a serious condition requiring drug management in diverse clinical settings. Fifty four patients (44 females, 10 males with CS, aged 14-63, received ketoconazole (KTZ prior to surgery (n= 27, as complementary therapy after surgery and/or radiotherapy (n= 16, or as primary treatment (n= 11. It was given at a 600 (500 - 600 mg/day (median - CI95 maintenance dose for periods ranging from 15 days to 13 years. Clinical signs, hepatic enzymes and urinary free cortisol (UFC were evaluated before and during KTZ treatment. UFC normalised or decreased to subnormal values in 85% of the patients, in 5 to 150 days after starting treatment; although failing to normalise, UFC decreased to 12-48% of pre-treatment values in the remaining patients. Clinical signs improved throughout. Side effects were adrenal insufficiency (18.5%, reversible hepatic toxicity (11%, allergic skin rash (5.5% and gastric intolerance (3.7%; in 11% of patients, an "escape phenomenon" was observed. Twenty-four out of the total (44.4% were treated for prolonged periods, from one up to 13 years. In conclusion, this study confirms that KTZ is an effective and generally well tolerated treatment for CS particularly: a shortly before surgery, b because of persistent hypercortisolism after surgery or awaiting the results of radiotherapy, c as a reasonable option in patients with CS of unknown aetiology and, d as long-term therapy in any case of unsolved hypercortisolism after failure of current treatments.El síndrome de Cushing (SC es un trastorno grave que requiere frecuentemente tratamiento medicamentoso. Cincuenta y cuatro pacientes (44 mujeres, 10 varones de 14-63 años de edad con SC, recibieron ketoconazol (KTZ previo a cirugía (n=27, como complemento luego de cirugía y/o radioterapia (n=16, o como tratamiento primario (n=11. La dosis de mantenimiento fue de 600 (500 - 600 mg/día (mediana-IC95 durante 15 días a 13 años. Los signos clínicos, hepatograma y

  11. The therapy for huge goiter together with hyperthyroidism through 131I case studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    He Jianhua; Yu Wencai; Zeng Qingwen; Wu Congjun


    Objective: 214 cases of the treatment of huge goiter with hyperthyroidism are revised to collect clinic material for the improvement of therapy to hyperthyroidism indications through 131 I. Methods: In all of these cases, patients take a full dose of 131 I based on MC Garack's formula for one time. Results: Among them, 154 resolved, accounting for 72%, 139 of the cases were reduced to normal size, which accounted for 64.9% of the patients. Only 114 cases of patients had side-effect, and during one year 12.1% of them have symptoms of hypothyroidism. Conclusion: The statistics shows that 131 I is convenient, safe, well and with reduces suffering from treating huge goiter with hyperthyroidism

  12. Determination of thephysico-chemical 131I species in the exhausts and stack effluent of a PWR power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deuber, H.; Wilhelm, J.G.


    To quantify the credit that can be granted in the assessment of the 131 I ingestion doses and the improvement that can be achieved in the ventilation systems if differences of the physico-chemical 131 I species with respect to the environmental impact are taken into account, the fractions of the 131 I species were determined in the stack effluent and in various exhausts of a 1300 MW/sub e/ PWR power plant during a period of 3 months. Based on these measurements, calculations for different cases of filtration of the main exhausts for iodine were carried out. The average fractions of elemental and organic 131 I were about 70 and 30% respectively in the stack effluent during the time indicated. Elem. 131 I orginated mainly from the hoods in which samples of the primary coolant are taken and processed. Org. 131 I was mainly contributed by the equipment compartments. If the hood exhaust had been filtered, as was the case with the equipment compartment exhaust, the fractions of elem. and org. 131 I would have been on the order of 50% each and the calculated 131 I ingestion doses would have been a factor of 3 lower

  13. Biological dosimetry of patients with differenced carcinoma of thyroid treated with Iodine-131; Dosimetria biologica de pacientes con carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides tratados con Iodo-131

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vallerga, M. B.; Rojo, A.M.; Taja, M.R.; Deluca, G.; Di Giorgio, M. [Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear Av. Del Libertador 8250 (C1429BNP). Buenos Aires (Argentina); Fadel, A. [Hospital General de Agudos Dr. Carlos Durand Av. Diaz Velez 5044. Buenos Aires (Argentina); Cabrejas, M.; Valdivieso, C. [Hospital de Clfnicas Jose de San Martin Av. Cordoba 2351 (CP1120). Buenos Aires (Argentina)]. e-mail:


    The administration of I-131 to patient with Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma (CaDiT) it is used inside the therapeutic outline as later step to the thyroidectomy. However, the good activity to give is of difficult determination due to factors such as, the variability in the capacity of tumoral reception of the I-131, distribution of the pharmaceutical, physiologic status, other associate pathologies, grade of advance of the illness, and previous treatments. Additionally, the activity to administer is dependent of the dose of tolerance in the healthy tissues; superior dose to 2 Gy in bone marrow, its could drive to myelotoxicity. At the moment, the form more extended of administration it is the empiric prescription that considers clinical parameters and of laboratory for their determination. Presently work, the protocol of applied treatment incorporates the evaluation for internal dosimetry and biological dosimetry to estimate absorbed dose in bone marrow. The biological estimate of the dose of these patients is based on the quantification of chromosomal aberrations whose frequency is referred to a curve-dose response in which the lymphocytes is irradiated in vitro with I-131, allowing to determine the in vivo dose to the patient's circulating lymphocytes. The objective of the present work is to determine the applicability of different cytogenetic essays in the estimate of the absorbed dose to the whole body or specific organs. Three patients were evaluated with CaDiT. Their treatment protocol consisted on a tracer administration of radioactive iodine of 74 - 111 MBq (2 - 3 mCi) and a therapy 7,4 - 11,1 GBq (200 - 300 mCi). Previous to the tracer administration and 8 days post-therapeutic administration took samples of veined blood that were evaluated by biological dosimetry by means of the application of the techniques: conventional cytogenetic Micronucleus and FISH (Hybridization in situ by Fluorescence). Starting from the frequencies of observed chromosomal

  14. Theoretical calibration of a NaI(Tl) detector for the measurement of 131I in a thyroid phantom

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Venturini, Luzia


    This paper describes the theoretical calibration of a NaI(Tl) detector using Monte Carlo Method, for the measurement of 131 I in a thyroid phantom. The thyroid is represented by the region between two concentric cylinders, where the inner one represents the trachea and the outer one represents the neck. 133 Ba was used for experimental calibration. The results shows that the calibration procedure is suitable for 131 I measurements. (author)

  15. Assessment of exposures to 131I in the continental United States resulting from the Nevada atmospheric nuclear tests

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bouville, A.; Wachholz, B.W.; Dreicer, M.


    The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is conducting an assessment of the exposure to 131 I that the American people received from the fallout resulting from the atmospheric bomb tests carried out at the Nevada Test Site (NTS). It is estimated that about 5 EBq of 131 I were released into the atmosphere as a result of approximately 100 tests carried out mainly in the 1950s. The most important source of human exposure from fallout 131 I was due to the ingestion of cows' milk but other routes of exposure (ingestion of goats' milk, leafy vegetables, eggs, and cottage cheese as well as inhalation) are also considered. The exposure to 131 I are assessed on a test-by-test and county-by-county basis. In order to make these estimates for locations throughout the United States, it is necessary to determine: The activities of 131 I deposited on soil and vegetation, the amount of 131 I consumed by dairy cows and the resulting 131 I concentrations in cow's milk, and the 131 I ingested by people. The overall methodology currently used in the assessment of the 131 I exposures is presented. Particular attention is devoted to the methodology developed to estimate the intake of contaminated pasture by dairy cows, milk production, and milk distribution for each county of the continental United States during the 1950s

  16. Afrontamiento al VIH, apoyo social y adherencia como factores mediadores en la calidad de vida en personas con VIH en tratamiento antirretroviral, con o sin diagnósticos múltiples por abuso de drogas


    Vicioso Etxevarria, María Carmen


    454 p. La infección por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) constituye un paradigma del carácter multifactorial de la salud, con componentes biológicos, psicológicos y sociales que interactúan entre sí y convergen en un mejor o peor pronóstico en la calidad de la vida.Objetivo general: Consiste en analizar los factores que influyen en la calidad de vida de las personas con VIH en tratamiento antirretroviral (TARGA) que asisten a Centros de atención psicosocial en Bizkaia. Se estu...

  17. Tratamiento Protésico en un Lactante con amputación de miembro inferior por Bridas Amnióticas. Presentación de caso.


    Yeney Díaz Díaz; Juan Carlos Gómez Benítez; Carlos César Santín Alfaro


    Las bridas amnióticas son cordones de sacos llenos de líquido que rodean a un bebé en el útero y que pueden causar una deformidad congénita. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo con diseño experimental .Con el objetivo de explicar mediante la presentación de un caso con amputación de miembro inferior a causa de una malformación congénita por bridas amnióticas, el tratamiento rehabilitador y la elaboración de la prótesis en la edad pediátrica. Se muestra el caso de una lactante ...

  18. Efectividad del oleozón en el tratamiento de la estomatitis subprótesis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Victoria Carreira Piloto


    Full Text Available Se evaluó la efectividad del aceite ozonizado en el tratamiento de la estomatitis subprótesis grados I y II. Se seleccionaron 64 pacientes del Servicio de Prótesis Estomatológica de la Facultad de Estomatología, que requerían nuevo tratamiento protésico y presentaban estomatitis subprótesis. A 32 pacientes se les aplicó el oleozón y otros 32 se tomaron como grupo control, a los cuales se les aplicó la nistatina en crema. Ambos grupos (estudio y control se subdividieron en 2 subgrupos, según el grado de estomatitis I y II, con 16 pacientes en cada uno. Se confeccionaron tablas que muestran los resultados generales alcanzados según el número de aplicaciones diarias. Según los resultados obtenidos podemos inferir que el tratamiento con ambos medicamentos ha sido efectivo, pero con la aplicación del oleozón los resultados alcanzados en la curva de la estomatitis subprótesis fueron más rápidos y se necesitó un menor número de aplicaciones.The effectivenes of ozonized oil in the treatment of degree I and II denture stomatitis was evaluated. 64 patients patients from the Dental Prosthesis Service of the Faculty of Stomatology that required new prosthetic treatment and had denture stomatitis were selected. Oleozón was applied to 32 patients, whereas nystatin cream was used in the other 32 considered as controls. Both groups (study and control were subdivided into 2 subgroups, according to degree I and II stomatitis, with 16 patients each. Tables showing the general results attained in accordance with the number of daily applications were included. We can conclude that the treatment with both drugs has been effective, but with the application of oleozón the results obtained in the curve of denture stomatitis were faster and less applications were needed.

  19. Radiochemical analysis of a wide range of 131I activities in water and milk using well-type germanium detector

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xin Li; Bradt, C.J.; Umme-Farzana Syed; Abdul Bari; Torres, M.A.; Kimi Nishikawa; Khan, A.J.; Menia, T.A.; Semkow, T.M.; University at Albany, State University of New York, Rensselaer, NY


    We report a study of a fast radiochemical method to determine the activity of 131 I via the radiochemical recovery obtained with a 129 I tracer. Previous methods were valid for low levels of 131 I activities. In the new method, we developed a correction using the 29.7-keV X-ray peak from Xe, taking into consideration that this peak originates from both and 131 I decay. This enables quantitation of high levels of 131 I activity. Furthermore, for a very high 131 I activity, one can use the 39.6-keV gamma peak which is unique to 129 I. Combining both approaches enables quantitation of 131 I activities up to 200 times that of the 129 I recovery tracer. (author)

  20. Tratamiento de Artritis reumatoide con antagonistas del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa y su asociación con el desarrollo de melanoma cutáneo: revisión sistemática de la literatura y meta-análisis.


    Aldana Silva, Carolina; Chaparro Reyes, Laura Daniela


    Introducción: El tratamiento con antagonistas del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (anti TNF) ha impactado el pronóstico y la calidad de vida de los pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR) positivamente, sin embargo, se interroga un incremento en el riesgo de desarrollar melanoma. Objetivo: Conocer la asociación entre el uso de anti TNF y el desarrollo de melanoma maligno en pacientes con AR. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE LIBRARY y ...