
Sample records for trasplante renal abo

  1. Seguimiento del perfil proteico urinario en el trasplante renal


    Facio, María Laura; Madalena, Leticia; Bacqué, María del Carmen; Idiarte, Laura; Pandolfo, Marcela; Angerosa, Margarita; Alejandre, Mariel; Fraind, Susana; Bresciani, Pablo; Pizzolato, Marco


    La nefropatía crónica del trasplante (NCT) se caracteriza por fibrosis intersticial y atrofia tubular, pero su etiología es diversa. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el seguimiento cualitativo de proteínas urinarias en pacientes con más de seis años de trasplante renal y compararlo con parámetros de laboratorio y con biopsia renal. Se evaluaron 17 pacientes durante un año, a través de creatinina sérica, proteinuria y fraccionamiento proteico por electroforesis en geles de poliacrilamida (S...

  2. Factores asociados y consecuencias clínicas de la anemia post trasplante renal

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    Mónica Freiberg


    Full Text Available Un porcentaje considerable de pacientes presentan anemia post trasplante renal. Su origen es multifactorial y sus principales etiologías dependen de la etapa post trasplante que se considere. Estudiamos en un grupo de 134 pacientes los factores asociados con anemia tardía (6 meses post trasplante y sus implicaciones clínicas a mediano plazo. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, la duración de la oliguria post trasplante y el número de episodios de rechazo fueron las variables significativamente asociadas con esta complicación. La supervivencia del órgano mostró una diferencia significativa a los 36 meses entre los grupos (83% en los anémicos versus 96% de los no anémicos p < 0.01. No observamos diferencias en mortalidad o eventos cardiovasculares. Concluimos que la presencia de anemia al sexto mes post trasplante renal está independiente y significativamente asociada con factores que condicionan la masa renal funcionante que explicarían además la menor supervivencia del injerto renal observada en estos pacientes.

  3. Biopsia Renal en receptores de Trasplante Renal: cuidados de enfermería y complicaciones

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    Esther Sanz Izquierdo

    Full Text Available Introducción: La biopsia renal percutánea es una herramienta fundamental para el manejo del paciente trasplantado renal. La prueba es primordial para detectar y/o prevenir cualquier disfunción en el injerto, siendo un procedimiento tanto diagnóstico como preconizador. Objetivo: Describir los cuidados de enfermería e identificar las complicaciones derivadas de la biopsia renal en los receptores de Trasplante Renal. Material y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal realizado en la Unidad de Trasplante Renal, Servicio de Nefrología, del 2008 al 2014. La población objeto de estudio son los receptores de Trasplante Renal (TR. La muestra está compuesta por 368 biopsias renales de seguimiento que ingresan para someterse a una biopsia renal. Los criterios de inclusión son ser mayores de 18 años, trasplantados y que han firmado el consentimiento informado. Se recogen datos sociodemográficos, clínico-asistenciales y complicaciones post-biopsia renal. Resultados: Desde 1980 hasta el 2014 se han llevado a cabo 1868 TR, de 2008 a 2014 se estudiaron 368 biopsias de seguimiento. Se monitoriza la Tensión Arterial y la coagulación pre biopsia. Tras el procedimiento, se controla la presencia de sangrado por micción y constantes vitales. Inicialmente el reposo absoluto era de 24 h, a partir de 2014 se reduce a 6 horas, recomendando reposo relativo al alta, las complicaciones fueron mínimas. Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que la biopsia renal es un procedimiento eficaz, con escasas complicaciones. Destacar el papel de enfermería en la detección precoz de complicaciones.

  4. Discontinuation of steroids in ABO-incompatible renal transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Novosel, Marija Kristina; Bistrup, C.


    A steroid-free protocol for ABO-compatible renal transplantation has been used at our center since 1983. To minimize the adverse effects of steroids, we also developed a steroid sparing protocol for ABO-incompatible renal transplantation in 2008. The present study is a report of our results....... A retrospective review of the first 50 ABO-incompatible renal transplantations performed at a single university center. If no immunological events occurred in the post-transplant period, prednisolone tapering was initiated approximately 3 months after transplantation. Forty-three patients completed prednisolone...... to antirejection treatment. Overall, 1-year rejection rate was 19%. One- and 3-year graft survival was 94% and 91%, respectively. One-year post-transplant median serum creatinine was 123 mol/L. We found acceptable rejection rates, graft survival, and creatinine levels in patients undergoing ABO-incompatible renal...

  5. Factores asociados y consecuencias clínicas de la anemia post trasplante renal


    Mónica Freiberg; Carlos Chiurchiu; Raúl Capra; Andrea Eckhardt; Jorge de la Fuente; Walter Douthat; Javier de Arteaga; Pablo U. Massari


    Un porcentaje considerable de pacientes presentan anemia post trasplante renal. Su origen es multifactorial y sus principales etiologías dependen de la etapa post trasplante que se considere. Estudiamos en un grupo de 134 pacientes los factores asociados con anemia tardía (6 meses post trasplante) y sus implicaciones clínicas a mediano plazo. En el análisis de regresión múltiple, la duración de la oliguria post trasplante y el número de episodios de rechazo fueron las variables significativam...

  6. Perfil antiinflamatorio del paricalcitol en el receptor de trasplante renal

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    Javier Donate-Correa


    Conclusiones: La administración del paricalcitol a receptores de trasplante renal se asocia con efectos beneficiosos sobre su estado inflamatorio, lo que podría asociarse a un potencial beneficio clínico.

  7. Initial Experience with ABO-incompatible Live Donor Renal Transplantation

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    Meng-Kun Tsai


    Full Text Available The serious shortage of cadaveric organs has prompted the development of ABO-incompatible live donor renal transplantation. We report our experience of the initial two live donor ABO incompatible renal transplants at our hospital. The first patient was a 55-year-old type A female who received a kidney from her AB type husband. The second patient was a 27-year-old type O male who received renal transplantation from his type A father. Preconditioning immunosuppressive therapy in the two patients with tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and methylprednisolone was started 7 days before transplantation. During the period of preconditioning, double filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP was employed to remove anti-A and -B antibodies. Laparoscopic splenectomy and renal transplantation were performed after the anti-donor ABO antibodies were reduced to a titer of 1:4. Rituximab, a humanized monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody, was administered to the second patient due to a rebound in the anti-A antibody titer during the preconditioning period. Under a tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive regimen, both patients recovered very well without any evidence of rejection. Serum creatinine levels were 1.0 and 1.4 mg/dL at 6 and 3 months after transplantation, respectively. These cases illustrate that with new immunosuppressive agents, DFPP and splenectomy, ABO-incompatible renal transplantation can be successfully conducted in end-stage renal disease patients whose only available live donors are blood group incompatible.

  8. Inmunidad humoral y trasplante renal posibilidades terapéuticas


    P. Jacqueline Pefaur, Dra.; M. Susana Elgueta, Dra.


    El trasplante renal es el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes con falla renal terminal. Las principales causas de pérdida de injertos son la muerte del paciente con injerto funcionante, especialmente de causa cardiovascular y la nefropatía crónica del injerto, con una pérdida crónica de injertos que resulta en un problema relevante. Dentro de las causas de nefropatía crónica destaca la causa inmunológica. Una de las causas de pérdida de injertos de origen inmunológico son los rechazos ...

  9. Aplasia pura de serie roja post-trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyeticas ABO incompatible

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    E. Bulliorsky


    Full Text Available El trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (TCPH con incompatibilidad ABO entre el donante y el receptor puede en ocasiones asociarse a trastornos en la progenie eritroide desarrollada a partir de la médula ósea trasplantada, caracterizado por un funcionamiento tardío, inadecuado e incompleto de la misma. En este contexto, la aplasia pura de serie roja es la complicación más severa. Se han intentado tratamientos para la aplasia pura de serie roja post-TCPH con eritropoyetina o plasmaféresis, con relativo éxito. Algunos autores han informado también la utilización de globulina antilinfocitaria, asumiendo que dicha aplasia selectiva de la serie roja en la médula ósea trasplantada es mediada por un mecanismo inmune. En este trabajo se describe un paciente portador de una leucemia aguda en quien se realizó un TCPH alogeneico (ABO incompatible con su donante. Teniendo niveles bajos de aglutininas contra el grupo sanguíneo de la donante, desarrolló una aplasia pura de serie roja post - TCPH. La misma no mejoró con tratamiento con eritropoyetina o con un refuerzo de progenitores hematopoyéticos de sangre periférica de la misma donante (boost, resolviéndose totalmente luego de un tratamiento exitoso con globulina antilinfocitaria de origen equino.

  10. Obesidad, diabetes y trasplante

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    Anna Bach Pascual

    Full Text Available El trasplante renal es la mejor opción terapéutica en términos de supervivencia y calidad de vida para los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica. Los pacientes trasplantados son cada vez más mayores y con más pluripatologia asociada. Los avances en inmunosupresión y en el tratamiento han hecho que los pacientes trasplantados fallezcan con el injerto renal funcionante. Existe un incremento de peso del 10% durante el primer año del trasplante, la obesidad se relaciona con la aparición de diabetes mellitus postrasplante. Con el objetivo de analizar la incidencia de obesidad y los factores de riesgo relacionados, en una cohorte de pacientes trasplantados renales realizamos un estudio observacional y prospectivo de estos pacientes, desde enero del 2014 hasta marzo del 2015, con seguimiento de 1 año. Obteniendo como resultado, que los grupos son homogéneos en sexo, tiempo en terapia renal sustitutiva pero distintos en edad. A partir de los 3 meses los pacientes con índice de masa corporal mayor a 25 presentaron mayor incidencia de diabetes mellitus post trasplante respecto al grupo de pacientes con índice de masa corporal inferior a 25.

  11. Fenestración videolaparoscópica de un linfocele sintomático posterior a un trasplante renal

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    Miguel Ángel Martín González


    Full Text Available Este trabajo tiene el objetivo de describir un caso tratado por videolaparoscopia, de un linfocele sintomático posterior a trasplante renal. Se refiere a una mujer de 54 años con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal, secundaria a hipertensión arterial severa, la cual se le realizó en el 2001 un trasplante renal de donante cadáver. Presenta, 3 meses después, molestias en la zona del trasplante, sin síntomas urinarios por la presencia de un catéter ureteral utilizado como férula y en tiempo para ser retirado. Se diagnostica un linfocele sintomático. Posterior al chequeo preoperatorio se efectúa drenaje interno por vía videolaparoscópica sin accidentes ni complicaciones quirúrgicas inmediatas y el retirado del catéter ureteral y el alta a las 24 y 48 h de la operación, respectivamente. Después de 10 meses de evolución no se ha encontrado ninguna complicación. El abordaje videolaparoscópico del linfocele sintomático posterior al trasplante renal constituye la terapéutica de elecciónThis paper is aimed at describing a case of symptomatic lymphocele after kidney transplantation, which was treated with videolaparoscopy. It was a 54 years-old woman with terminal chronic renal failure secondary to several blood hypertension, who was transplanted a kidney from a dead donor in 2001. She presented with some discomfort in the transplant area, without urinary symptoms, owing to a urethral catheter used as rod and due to be withdrawn. The diagnosis was symptomatic lymphocele. After pre-operative checking, internal drainage by videolaparoscopy was performed, with no accidents or immediate surgical complications; the urethral catheter was withdrawn at 24 hours and the patient was discharged at 48 hours. Ten months later, no complication was found. The videolaparoscopic treatment of symptomatic lymphocele after kidney transplantation is the therapy of choice

  12. Aplasia pura de serie roja post-trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyeticas ABO incompatible Pure red cell aplasia after ABO incompatible bone marrow transplantation

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    E. Bulliorsky


    Full Text Available El trasplante alogeneico de células progenitoras hematopoyéticas (TCPH con incompatibilidad ABO entre el donante y el receptor puede en ocasiones asociarse a trastornos en la progenie eritroide desarrollada a partir de la médula ósea trasplantada, caracterizado por un funcionamiento tardío, inadecuado e incompleto de la misma. En este contexto, la aplasia pura de serie roja es la complicación más severa. Se han intentado tratamientos para la aplasia pura de serie roja post-TCPH con eritropoyetina o plasmaféresis, con relativo éxito. Algunos autores han informado también la utilización de globulina antilinfocitaria, asumiendo que dicha aplasia selectiva de la serie roja en la médula ósea trasplantada es mediada por un mecanismo inmune. En este trabajo se describe un paciente portador de una leucemia aguda en quien se realizó un TCPH alogeneico (ABO incompatible con su donante. Teniendo niveles bajos de aglutininas contra el grupo sanguíneo de la donante, desarrolló una aplasia pura de serie roja post - TCPH. La misma no mejoró con tratamiento con eritropoyetina o con un refuerzo de progenitores hematopoyéticos de sangre periférica de la misma donante (boost, resolviéndose totalmente luego de un tratamiento exitoso con globulina antilinfocitaria de origen equino.ABO incompatibility in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation may be associated with incomplete or delayed erythroid engraftment, being pure red cell aplasia (PRCA the most severe complication in this setting. Attempts for the treatment of PRCA have been made with erythropoietin or with plasmapheresis with relative success, and some authors have reported the reversibility of PRCA with antilymphocyte globulin (ALG or ATG, based on the assumption that PRCA might be immunologically mediated. We report herewith a patient with acute leukemia who developed post - BMT pure red cell aplasia. His sibling donor (sister was HLA identical and ABO incompatible, having low agglutinin

  13. Clinical evaluation of the endothelial tie-2 crossmatch in ABO compatible and ABO incompatible renal transplants. (United States)

    Kafetzi, Maria L; Boletis, John N; Melexopoulou, Christine A; Tsakris, Athanassios; Iniotaki, Aliki G; Doxiadis, Ilias I N


    The necessity of detection of other than the classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and MHC class I-related chain A (MICA) directed antibodies prior to organ transplantation has already been repeatedly reported. A commercial flow cytometric endothelial crossmatch (CM) using isolated peripheral blood tie-2 positive cells provides a tool to detect non-MHC antibodies in addition to antibodies directed to MHC class I and II. The vast majority of circulating tie-2 positive cells expresses HLA-DR but not the A, B blood group antigens. Tie-2 cells are circulating surrogate endothelial cells. In this retrospective study we evaluated the endothelial CM in 51 renal transplantations, 30 with ABO compatible grafts and 21 with ABO incompatible grafts. Fifteen of the ABO compatible recipients (group A) developed unexplained rejection episodes (RE) while the remaining 15 had no RE (group B). Five cases of group A and none of group B had a positive tie-2 CM before transplantation (p=0.042). A positive tie-2 CM was also correlated with graft failure in ABO compatible transplants (p=0.02). No significant correlation was found between a positive pre-transplant tie-2 CM and RE in the ABO incompatible group. This study strongly suggest that a positive tie-2 CM may predict post-transplantation complications in ABO compatible grafts while negative reactions are not predictive. The test is not significantly correlated with RE in ABO incompatible grafts possibly due to applied desensitization. Copyright © 2013 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. al trasplante de órganos

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    María Ángeles Pérez San Gregorio


    Full Text Available El trasplante de órganos es una alternativa terapéutica para aquellos pacientes que tienen problemas graves en el funcionamiento de un órgano vital: corazón, hígado, pulmón, etc. Dada la relevancia de este tema, en el presente estudio teórico analizamos los principales problemas psicológicos asociados al trasplante de órganos. Concretamente, hemos tenido en cuenta los siguientes apartados: 1 Repercusiones psicológicas del trasplante de órganos en los pacientes: delirium, trastornos sexuales, trastornos del estado de ánimo, trastornos de ansiedad, fantasías sobre el donante, insatisfacción con la imagen corporal y otros trastornos; 2 variables psicosociales que influyen en las repercusiones psicológicas asociadas al trasplante de órganos: apoyo familiar, trastornos psicológicos en los familiares, hospitalización, expectativas pre y post-trasplante, estrategias de afrontamiento, duración de la enfermedad, etiología del trasplante, procedencia del órgano implantado y otras variables; 3 fases psicológicas en los trasplantados renales, hepáticos y cardíacos en función de diferentes periodos temporales de comparación; 4 calidad de vida en los trasplantados y variables que la predicen: adherencia terapéutica, hospitalización, apoyo familiar, expectativas hacia el trasplante y etiología del trasplante; y 5 repercusiones psicológicas del trasplante de órganos en los familiares, teniendo en cuenta la influencia que ejerce el apoyo social sobre la salud mental de estos familiares.


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    Cesar Armando Rey Anacona


    Full Text Available Se comparó la calidad de vida y las estrategias de afrontamiento en 120 pacientes con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica sometidos a hemodiálisis, diálisis peritoneal o trasplante renal, teniendo en cuenta la edad, sexo, escolaridad, estado civil y ocupación. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron una ficha sociodemográfica, la prueba de calidad de vida WHOQOL-100 (Organización Mundial de la Salud, 1998 y el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento (Lazarus & Folkman, 1985. Se encontró que los pacientes en tratamiento de trasplante reportaban mayor calidad de vida y mejores estrategias de afrontamiento en comparación con los otros tratamientos, siendo mayores las puntuaciones en personas con edad de transición entre adultez media y tardía, mujeres, con estudios universitarios, casados y empleados. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos hallazgos.

  16. Elección de fluidos en el periodo perioperatorio del trasplante renal


    Alejandro Gonzalez-Castro; María Ortiz-Lasa; Yhivian Peñasco; Camilo González; Carmen Blanco; Juan Carlos Rodriguez-Borregan


    El suero salino normal (SSN) ha sido clásicamente el fluido de resucitación elegido en el periodo perioperatorio del trasplante renal frente a aquellas soluciones balanceadas con potasio. Sin embargo, los problemas derivados de la hipercloremia desencadenada por la infusión de SSN han llevado a la realización de estudios que comparaban esta solución con los fluidos equilibrados. Mediante la presente revisión narrativa se deduce que el uso de cristaloides balanceados con contenido de potasio e...

  17. Evolución del peso en pacientes durante el primer año del trasplante renal

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    Pilar López Garrigós

    Full Text Available Durante el primer año de trasplante renal es frecuente una ganancia de peso, debido, entre otros a la dieta, sedentarismo, e inmunosupresores, pudiendo aumentar los factores de riesgo del síndrome metabólico. Objetivos: Conocer la evolución del peso de nuestros pacientes durante el primer año del trasplante, y analizar la influencia con las distintas variables asociadas al paciente, sexo, edad, IMC, tratamiento inmunosupresor entre otras. Determinar la asociación entre la ganancia de peso y la aparición de factores de riesgo, como hipertensión arterial, diabetes y dislipidemia. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo y analítico. Se estudiaron 100 pacientes con un año de evolución en el trasplante, del Hospital Virgen de la Salud de Toledo. Sé analizaron datos antropométricos, demográficos y clínicos. La ganancia de peso se distribuyo según a las variables del estudio. Resultados: La ganancia de peso al año del trasplante afecto a 93 pacientes, con una media de 7,21 kg ±5,87. El 44,1% aumento su peso por encima de la media, y el 23,7% gano > 10 kg. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad antes del trasplante fue 57% y 76% después del trasplante. Los hombres ganaron ligeramente más peso que las mujeres. Los más jóvenes < 49 años ganaron más peso, media 9,3 kg. Mayor incidencia de diabetes, hipertensión y dislipemias en los pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los pacientes aumentaron significativamente de peso al año del trasplante, asociándose con varios de los factores del síndrome metabólico. - Importante la educación, por parte de la enfermería, del paciente para fomentar hábitos de vida saludable.

  18. Trasplante renal con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico: experiencia de la Fundación Valle de Lili, Cali, Colombia


    Caicedo, Luis Armando; Gómez-Vega, Juan Carlos; Duque, Mauricio Francisco; Serrano, Óscar Javier; Manzi, Eliana; Arrunátegui, Ana María; Posada, Juan Guillermo; Mesa, Liliana; Schweineberg, Johanna; Durán, Carlos Eduardo; Villegas, Jorge Iván; Dávalos, Diana María; Echeverri, Gabriel Jaime


    Introducción: En el trasplante renal con HLA idéntico los episodios de rechazo agudo son menores y tienen mejores tasas de supervivencia del injerto, comparado con los receptores con HLA no idéntico; a pesar de esto, persiste el dilema en cuanto al retiro o la disminución de la dosis de inmunosupresión. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la experiencia de los trasplantes renales con HLA idéntico de donante vivo y cadavérico que se han realizado en la Fundación Valle del Lili desde 1995 ...

  19. Calidad de vida y estrategias de afrontamiento en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica sometidos a hemodiálisis, diálisis peritoneal o trasplante renal

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    Paola Andrea Acosta Hernández


    Full Text Available Se comparó la calidad de vida y las estrategias de afrontamiento en 120 pacientes con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica sometidos a hemodiálisis, diálisis peritoneal o trasplante renal, teniendo en cuenta la edad, sexo, escolaridad, estado civil y ocupación. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron una ficha sociodemográfica, la prueba de calidad de vida WHOQOL-100 (Organización Mundial de la Salud, 1998 y el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento (Lazarus & Folkman, 1985. Se encontró que los pacientes en tratamiento de trasplante reportaban mayor calidad de vida y mejores estrategias de afrontamiento en comparación con los otros tratamientos, siendo mayoreslas puntuaciones en personas con edad de transición entre adultez media y tardía, mujeres, con estudios universitarios, casados y empleados. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos hallazgos.

  20. Viviendo con los pacientes el sueño del trasplante: una experiencia enfermera

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    Ana Julia Carrillo Algarra


    Full Text Available El trasplante renal puede ser una solución para personas que sufren insuficiencia renal crónica. Durante este proceso es de vital importancia el cuidado de enfermería en las diferentes etapas a las que el paciente y su familia se ven enfrentados. Este es el relato biográfico de una enfermera con amplia experiencia en el cuidado de pacientes que han vivido el trasplante renal, que describe diferentes aspectos que se deben tener en cuenta en la relación del equipo interdisciplinario, con el paciente y la familia; a través del mismo narra las vivencias y los sentimientos que afloran en el diario vivir de su labor y comenta su opinión respecto al futuro de la Enfermería en trasplantes.

  1. Fatores de risco cardiovascular em pacientes pediátricos após um ano de transplante renal Factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes pediátricos después de un año de trasplante renal Cardiovascular risk factors in pediatric patients after one year of renal transplant

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    Líndia Kalliana da Costa Araújo Alves Carvalho


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar a frequência de diabetes mellitus e a presença de fatores de risco cardiovascular em pacientes pediátricos após um ano de transplante renal. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo, de cunho documental e exploratório, realizado de janeiro de 2000 a janeiro de 2006, abrangendo 111 prontuários de pacientes pediátricos (0 a 18 anos incompletos submetidos a transplante renal no Hospital do Rim e Hipertensão e no Hospital São Paulo da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 111 pacientes, 50,5% utilizavam anti-hipertensivos antes do transplante renal. Um ano após este número caiu para 28%. No pré-transplante 13,5% pacientes apresentaram sobrepeso e após um ano não houve alteração importante (12,6%. O número de pacientes obesos aumentou 50% após um ano de transplante renal. Aproximadamente 1% das crianças desenvolveram diabetes mellitus pós-tranplante renal. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de excesso de peso (sobrepeso e obesidade, hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus são freqüentes em pacientes pediátricos pós-tranplante renal.OBJETIVO: Identificar la frecuencia de diabetes mellitus y la presencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en pacientes pediátricos después de un año de trasplante renal. MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, de orden documental y exploratorio, realizado de enero de 2000 a enero de 2006, abarcando 111 fichas de pacientes pediátricos (0 a 18 años incompletos sometidos a trasplante renal en el Hospital del Riñón e Hipertensión y en el Hospital Sao Paulo de la Universidad Federal de Sao Paulo. RESULTADOS: Fueron analizados 111 pacientes, 50,5% utilizaban anti-hipertensores antes del trasplante renal. Un año después este número cayó para 28%. En el pre-trasplante, 13,5% pacientes presentaron sobrepeso y después de un año no hubo alteración importante (12,6%. El número de pacientes obesos aumentó 50% después de un año de trasplante renal. Aproximadamente 1

  2. Viviendo con trasplante renal, sin protección social en salud: ¿Qué dicen los enfermos sobre las dificultades económicas que enfrentan y sus efectos?

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    Francisco Javier Mercado-Martínez


    Full Text Available El trasplante es el mejor tratamiento para la insuficiencia renal, de acuerdo con la biomedicina; sin embargo, es una tecnología cara. Este artículo examina las dificultades económicas y sus efectos en personas con trasplante renal, pero sin protección social en salud. Para el estudio se desarrolló una investigación cualitativa en México. Participaron 21 pacientes trasplantados; se aplicaron entrevistas semiestructuradas, y se realizó un análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que las personas enfermas enfrentan dificultades económicas, debido a los costes de las terapias renales, particularmente, de las medicinas. Todo ello tiene efectos negativos: las personas con pocos recursos dejan el tratamiento con medicamentos, abandonan el protocolo, no asisten a las consultas médicas y disminuyen los gastos domésticos, incluyendo el de alimentación; además de suponer una merma en los ingresos familiares. En conclusión, el trasplante renal empobrece a las personas enfermas sin protección social en salud; es urgente la implementación de un sistema de protección social para esta población.

  3. Diagnóstico y clasificación molecular del virus BK en receptores de trasplante renal


    Riva, Omar; Cobos, Marisa; Raimondi, J. Clemente


    La infección primaria por virus BK ocurre durante la infancia permaneciendo latente en el tracto urogenital. En individuos que presentan alteraciones en la inmunidad celular, el virus se reactiva haciendo posible su detección en orina y sangre. En receptores de trasplante renal, la nefropatía producida por el virus BK puede llevar a la pérdida de la función del injerto. El virus BK es miembro de la familia Polyomaviridae, presenta un genoma de ADN circular doble cadena unido en forma covalent...

  4. Inmunidad humoral y trasplante renal posibilidades terapéuticas

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    P. Jacqueline Pefaur, Dra.


    Por otra parte y basado en el exitoso tratamiento del RAH, se ha planteado mejorar las expectativas de llegar a realizar un trasplante a los pacientes sensibilizados. Esto es posible conseguir aplicando protocolos de desensibilización que se basan en la utilización de las mismas drogas para tratar RAH, consiguiendo ampliar las posibilidades de trasplante. El éxito de éstas es relativo al tipo de protocolos y a la intensidad de la sensibilización. La sobrevida del injerto en esta situación es plausible en la gran mayoría de los casos, sin embargo existe riesgo de presentar rechazo agudo humoral, y más complejo aún es el hecho que la sobrevida a largo plazo de los injertos sigue siendo todavía desconocida.

  5. Sarcoma de Kaposi en un adulto con trasplante renal Kaposi's sarcoma in an adult with renal transplantation

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    Enrique Emilio Jiménez López


    Full Text Available Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente con trasplante renal, atendido en el Hospital Provincial Docente "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, que a los 12 meses de operado comenzó a presentar lesiones eritematosas en la piel. Los resultados de los exámenes complementarios, incluida la biopsia, confirmaron que se trataba de un sarcoma de Kaposi. El afectado egresó y continuó su seguimiento por consulta externa. A los 3 meses, la dermatopatía había desaparecido totalmente y disminuido a 50 % el índice de filtración glomerular.The case report of a patient with renal transplantion, attended in the «Saturnino Lora Torres» Teaching Provincial Hospital from Santiago de Cuba who, after 12 months of his surgery, began to present erythematous lesions in the skin is presented. The results of the additional tests, including the biopsy, confirmed that it was a Kaposi's sarcoma. He was discharged and continued his follow up through the out patient department. After 3 months, the dermatopathy had totally disappeared and the glomerular filtration index decreased to 50%.

  6. Reanálisis del estudio ESHOL: mortalidad por todas las causas considerando riesgos de competición y tiempo-dependientes para trasplante renal

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    Francisco Maduell


    Conclusiones: Los resultados del reanálisis del estudio ESHOL se confirman cuando se aplica el análisis en la población por intención de tratar sin censurar ninguna observación y considerando la mortalidad por todas las causas dependiente del tiempo y del riesgo competitivo del trasplante renal.

  7. [The kidney transplantation from the ABO-incompatible donors]. (United States)

    Goriaĭnov, V A; Kaabak, M M; Babenko, N N; Shishlo, L A; Morozova, M M; Ragimov, A A; Dashkova, N G; Salimov, É L


    The experience of 28 allotransplantations of ABO-incompatible kidneys was compared with the treatment results of 38 ABO-compatible renal transplantations. The transplanted kidney function, morphological changes of the transplanted kidney and the comparative analysis of actuary survival in both groups showed no significant difference. The results of the study prove the validity of the kidney transplantation from the ABO-incompatible donors.

  8. Supervivencia del injerto y del receptor en el trasplante renal en el hospital Guillermo Gran Benavente (Concepción, Chile

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    Magali Rodríguez Vidal


    Full Text Available Al ser el trasplante renal la mejor opción terapéutica para el tratamiento de la Insuficiencia Renal Terminal, en la ciudad de Concepción (Chile, se inició el programa de Trasplante Renal (TX en el año 1994. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la supervivencia del injerto renal de los TX realizados un hospital, de dicha ciudad mediante un estudio descriptivo, transversal, correlacional y comparativo de los resultados obtenidos en dos periodos, A: de 1994 a 2003 y, B: de 2004 a 2012. El análisis estadístico se realizó con el software SPSSv20.0. La funcion de supervivencia con la prueba no-paramétrica de Kaplan-Meier; y para comparaciones de variables se utilizó el test log-rank. De los resultados obtenidos cabe destacar que la supervivencia del paciente trasplantado en el período A fue mejor el primer al año (96%, pero fue menor a los 3 (90%, 5 (86% y 10 años (72% respecto al período B en que los valores fueron al año 95%, a los 3 el 90% a los 5 y 10 años el 87% y a los 10 años. La supervivencia del injerto también fue mayor en el periodo A que en el B, y mejor cuando hubo un tiempo de isquemia inferior a 24 horas y sin diferencias en relación al sexo del donante y del receptor y al tipo de tratamiento inmunosupreso. Las infeciones fueron la primera causa de muerte del paciente y las complicaciones quirúrgicas la principal causa de la pérdida del injerto.

  9. Trasplante renal y disminución de la mortalidad en los programas de diálisis crónica

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    Walter G. Douthat


    Full Text Available El trasplante renal (TR presenta mejor supervivencia, calidad de vida y costos que la diálisis en la insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC. Estudiamos pacientes en diálisis que recibieron TR durante 2010, las causas de finalización del tratamiento y la supervivencia en diálisis. Evaluamos si criterios más amplios para la aceptación de trasplantes hubieran afectado los resultados del procedimiento en ese período. Incluimos 118 pacientes en diálisis, edad media 56.9 ± 18.4 años, tiempo en diálisis 45.5 ± 59.6 meses, 35 (30% presentaban diabetes como causa de IRC, y 58 (49% estaban en espera del TR. Treinta y cuatro finalizaron diálisis, 18 por TR y 12 por fallecimiento. Las principales causas de muerte fueron cardiovasculares, 6 (50% e infecciones, 2 (17%. La supervivencia al año fue 85% para el grupo total, 98% para los pacientes inscriptos en lista de espera y 72% para no inscriptos. Durante 2010 se realizaron 88 TR (62 con donantes cadavéricos [DC], 18 donantes vivos y 8 dobles trasplantes páncreas-riñón. Los receptores de DC tenían en promedio 50.7 años, 67 meses en diálisis, 8 (13% eran diabéticos, 12 (20% con TR previos y 3 cross match contra panel de anticuerpos > 20%. Los donantes tenían edad media 45 años, 28 (45% con criterios expandidos y 27.7 h de isquemia fría. A los 11.4 meses de seguimiento, 13 (21% presentó rechazo agudo, la supervivencia para injerto fue de 88% y 93% para pacientes. La principal causa de finalización de diálisis fue TR, sin detectarse que el empleo de DC afectara la supervivencia del TR.

  10. Impacto en un programa de trasplante renal de un protocolo de donación tras muerte cardiaca controlada con soporte de ECMO

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    José Luis Cobo Sánchez

    Full Text Available Resumen Objetivo: Analizar el impacto de un protocolo de donación tras muerte cardiaca controlada con soporte de sistema de oxigenación de membrana extracorpórea (PMCC-ECMO en el programa de trasplante renal de nuestro centro. Material y Método: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, descriptivo en una cohorte de injertos renales (IR procedentes de un PMCC-ECMO. Se evalúan los IR procedentes de 8 pacientes con enfermedad irreversible (EI en los que se aplica limitación del esfuerzo terapéutico y se consideran como potenciales donantes durante el último semestre del 2014 y el primer trimestre de 2015. Se excluyeron los IR enviados fuera de la comunidad. Se evaluaron indicadores del proceso de donación (IPD y resultados clínicos de los injertos (RCI. Resultados: IPD: 100% hombres, edad media 60 años, tiempo medio agónico 9,37 minutos; causa EI 62,5% de origen pulmonar, 37,5% de origen neurológico. Se obtuvieron 13 riñones, 3 hígados y 2 pulmones: 2 IR fuera de la comunidad. Los IR provenientes del PMCC-ECMO supusieron un 20% de los IR del 2014 en nuestro centro. RCI: De los 11 IR trasplantados en nuestro centro, sólo 1 no fue viable por trombosis de las venas renales, y otro IR se retrasó la función renal por causas inmunológicas. Valores medios función IR al mes: creatinina sérica 1,88 mg/dl, aclaramiento creatinina 56,82 mL/min, urea 0,798 g/L. Conclusiónes: El PMCC-ECMO ha tenido un alto impacto en el programa de trasplante renal, tanto por incrementar la tasa de donación, como por la alta tasa de viabilidad de los injertos.

  11. ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Schousboe, Karoline; Titlestad, Kjell; Baudier, Francois


    INTRODUCTION: Kidney transplantation is the optimal treatment for many patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Due to shortage of donor kidneys in Denmark, there is a need to expand the possibilities for donation. At the Odense University Hospital (OUH), we have introduced ABO......-incompatible kidney transplantation. We used antigenspecific immunoadsorptions to remove blood group antibodies and anti-CD20 antibody (rituximab) to inhibit the antibody production. The aim of introducing the ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation at the OUH was to increase the rate of living donor kidney...... transplantation without increasing rejection or mortality rates. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective evaluation. Eleven patients received ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation. The patients were followed for 3-26 months. RESULTS: One patient had an antibody-mediated rejection, one patient suffered T...

  12. El cuidado en un programa de trasplante renal: un acompañamiento de vida

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    Ana Julia Carrillo-Algarra


    Full Text Available Objetivo: comprender las experiencias de cuidado de enfermeras integrantes de grupos de trasplante de la ciudad de Bogotá. Materiales y métodos: investigación cualitativa, utilizó la estrategia de grupos focales; la organización y el análisis de datos siguieron la propuesta de codificación de Janice M. Morse; participaron, previo consentimiento informado, 10 de 20 enfermeras de unidades de trasplante. Se realizó triangulación entre las integrantes del equipo investigador y la literatura relevante. Resultados: emergieron 6 ca- tegorías: 1 los múltiples significados del trasplante: cambio, pasión, satisfacción, esperanza, libertad, mayor cercanía, responsabilidad, compromiso, complejidad; 2 las redes de apoyo: familia, asociación de enfermeras, grupo de trabajo interdisciplinario, empresas pro- motoras de salud, industria farmacéutica; 3 implicaciones del día a día: relación cercana con el paciente y la familia, fortalecimiento de la autoestima profesional, estatus dentro del grupo de trasplante, manejo de las cargas; 4 trayectorias del cuidado profesiona l: acom- pañamiento de la enfermera a través del ciclo vital del paciente y posibilidad de identificar necesidades por la estrecha relac ión con él; 5 el perfil de la enfermera: carácter, conocimiento, compromiso, disponibilidad permanente y capacidad de gestión; 6 contradi cciones del trasplante: rechazo al injerto, sufrimiento, desesperanza, sistema de salud; para enfermería, las agotadoras jornadas de tr abajo.

  13. Recurrence of ANCA-associated vasculitis in a patient with kidney trasplant

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    Pedro García Cosmes


    Full Text Available Renal disease secondary to vasculitis associated with anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA can lead to chronic renal disease requiring renal replacement therapy. In these patients, kidney transplantation offers excellent long-term rates of allograft and patient survival; consequently, they can be trasplanted when the clinical disease activity has remitted. However, the risk of disease relapses in the renal allograft remains, although at lower rates due to modern immunosuppressive regimes. We describe the case of a male patient with extracapillary glomerulonephritis type III C-ANCA (+ who developed a recurrence in the renal allograft 8 years after transplantation. Intensive immunosupression with plasmapheresis controlled the disease.

  14. Adaptación psicosocial de los adolescentes pos-trasplante renal, según la teoría de Roy Adaptação psicossocial do adolescente pós-trasplante renal segundo a teoria de Roy Psicosocial adaptation of post-renal transplanted adolescents according to Roy Theory

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    Ana Luisa Brandão de Carvalho Lirax


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer las repercusiones psicosociales del adolescente después del trasplante renal y los mecanismos de adaptación utilizados en su nueva condición de vida. Es un estudio cualitativo, mediante entrevistas estructuradas. Fueron entrevistados diecinueve adolescentes que estaban en acompañamiento en dos hospitales públicos de Ceará-Brasil, después de la aprobación del proyecto por parte del Comité de Ética de las Instituciones y obtención del consentimiento libre e informado. Los resultados fueron analizados conforme a la teoría de la adaptación de Roy. Se identificaron problemas de adaptación, como: limitación física, vergüenza, miedo al rechazo e impotencia. Sin embargo, esos adolescentes pudieron superar tal situación y mejorar la adaptación a su nueva condición. Concluimos que la teoría de Roy permitió un análisis más profundo de los adolescentes, permitiéndoles un tratamiento más eficaz y, consecuentemente, una mejor calidad de vida.É um estudo descritivo, com análise qualitativo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi conhecer as repercussões psicossociais do adolescente após o trasplante renal e os mecanismos adaptativos utilizados por estes na sua nova condição de vida. Foram entrevistados dezenove adolescentes que estavam em acompanhamento ambulatorial em dois hospitais públicos do Ceará-Brasil, após aprovação do projeto pelo Comitê de Ética das Instituições e obtenção do consentimento livre e esclarecido. Os resultados foram analisados conforme a teoria da adaptação de Roy. Foram identificados problemas de adaptação, como: limitação física, vergonha, medo de rejeição e impotência. Contudo, esses adolescentes puderam superar tal situação e melhorar a adaptação à sua nova condição. Concluímos que a teoria de Roy permitiu uma análise mais aprofundada desses adolescentes, permitindo lhes um tratamento mais eficaz e, conseqüentemente, uma melhor qualidade de

  15. Our first experiences in applying an original method for removal of ABO-isoagglutinins in ABO-incompatible kidney recipients

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    Ignjatović Ljiljana


    Full Text Available Background/Aim. Due to improved methods for removal of ABO isoagglutinins and novel immunosuppressive protocols, short and long term outcome in blood group incompatible is similar to blood group compatible kidney transplantation. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of our original method for removal of ABO isoagglutinins from the blood in ABO-incompatible kidney allograft recipients. Method. Between 2006 and 2008 twelve patients were transplanted from ABO incompatible living donors. Titers of ABO isoagglutinins were 4-128 (IgG. Immunosuppressive therapy started 14 days before kidney transplantation with rituximab, followed by a triple therapy (prednisone + tacrolimus + mycophenolate mofetil and the first plasma exchange (PE procedure, in which one plasma volume was substituted with albumin and saline on day 7 before transplantation. For selective extracorporeal immunoadsorption, the removed plasma was mixed with donor blood type filtered red blood cells, centrifuged and the supernatant separated and preserved. In the next PE procedure, the removed plasma was replaced with immunoadsorbed plasma, and so on. Titers of ABO agglutinins, renal allograft function and survival were followed-up. Results. The pre-transplant treatment consisting of 1-5 PE procedures and immunosuppressive therapy resulted in target ABO agglutinins titers below 4. During a 10-24 month follow-up three patients had an early acute rejection, one patient acute rejection and hemolytic anemia, two patients surgical complications and one of them lost his graft. In the post-transplant period, the titers of ABO antibodies remained below 4. All the patients had stable kidney allograft function with mean serum creatinine ±SD of 129 ± 45 μmol/l at the end of the study. Conclusion. Our method for removal of ABO antibodies was effective in a limited series of patients and short-term follow-up.

  16. Effect of Apheresis for ABO and HLA Desensitization on Anti-Measles Antibody Titers in Renal Transplantation

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    Ulf Schönermarck


    Full Text Available Desensitization strategies for ABO-incompatible renal transplants with plasma exchange (PE or specific immunoadsorption (IA decrease immunoglobulin levels. After recent measles outbreak and decreasing vaccination rates, we studied the impact of apheresis on anti-measles antibodies. Anti-measles antibodies were measured before desensitization, before transplantation and during followup in 12 patients with ABO incompatibility (2x PE only, 8x IA only, and 2x IA and PE and 3 patients with donor-specific HLA antibodies (all PE. Patients received rituximab, IVIG, and standard immunosuppressive therapy. All patients had detectable anti-measles antibodies before desensitization (mean 3238 mU/l, range 560–8100. After 3–6 PE sessions, titers decreased significantly to 1710 mU/l (<0.05, in one patient to nondetectable values, while IA only maintained protective titers. After a median followup of 64 days, anti-measles antibodies returned to baseline in all patients. Immunity against measles was temporarily reduced by apheresis but remained detectable in most patients at time of transplantation. Desensitization maintains long-term protective immunity against measles.

  17. La perspectiva de los nefrólogos acerca de la donación y el trasplante renal en la Argentina

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    Javier Roberti


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este trabajo cualitativo fue explorar y describir la perspectiva de los nefrólogos acerca de la situación de la donación y el trasplante en la Argentina. Participaron 22 jefes de equipo de trasplante y/o profesionales a cargo de la toma de decisiones sobre la aceptación de injertos, donantes y candidatos a trasplante, de una muestra intencional. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, semi-estructuradas, que se grabaron, transcribieron, analizaron y codificaron temáticamente. Más de la mitad de los participantes coincidió en la necesidad de promover la donación de órganos; casi la mitad dijo que los centros de diálisis no enviaban todos los pacientes que deberían a realizar estudios para trasplante. La mitad de los participantes confirmó que la información brindada por el equipo de procuración no era confiable. Se identificó la falta de adherencia de los pacientes al tratamiento como un problema serio, principalmente a causa de la situación socio-económica. 5/22 participantes expresaron que la cantidad de trasplantes no aumentaba por bajas tasas de donación, entrenamiento deficiente o falta de información de los nefrólogos. Los participantes percibieron una necesidad de información, entrenamiento y compromiso de los profesionales de la salud en la identificación y derivación de posibles donantes y receptores y señalaron que los problemas socioeconómicos afectan al proceso en diferentes etapas. Estos temas deberían ser tenidos en cuenta para mejorar los resultados del trasplante en un contexto de transparencia y equidad.


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    Soraia Geraldo Rozza Lopes


    Full Text Available El objetivo del estudio fue comprender el significado de espera del trasplante renal para las mujeres en hemodiálisis. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo-interpretativo, realizado con 12 mujeres en hemodiálisis en Florianópolis. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas en profundidad en el domicilio. Fue utilizado el software Etnografh 6.0 para la pre-codificación y posterior al análisis interpretativo emergieron dos categorías: “las sombras del momento actual”, que mostró que las dificultades iniciales de la enfermedad están presentes, pero las mujeres pueden hacer frente mejor a la enfermedad y el tratamiento. La segunda categoría, “la luz del trasplante renal”, muestra la esperanza impulsada por la entrada en la lista de espera para un trasplante.

  19. Early humoral-mediated graft injuries in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation in human beings. (United States)

    Sekijima, M; Shimizu, A; Ishii, Y; Kudo, S; Horita, S; Nakajima, I; Fuchinoue, S; Teraoka, S


    Acute humoral rejection is the most important risk factor for early graft loss in ABO-incompatible (ABO-i) renal transplantation (RTx) and is present from the early period after RTx. However, the characteristics of early humoral-mediated graft injury are pathologically uncertain. To analyze tissue from 10 protocol graft biopsies performed in 10 patients within 30 days post-RTx to clarify the pathologic features of early humoral-mediated graft injuries in ABO-i RTx. Pathologic findings were examined using light and electron microscopy and immunofluorescence studies for C4d. Protocol biopsies were performed within 30 days after RTx in the absence of an episode of dysfunction (creatinine concentration 1.21-1.81 mg/dL). The immunofluorescence study demonstrated C4d deposition in peritubular and glomerular capillaries. Acute glomerulitis with infiltration of mononuclear cells and neutrophils was observed in 3 patients. Furthermore, glomerulitis was accompanied by endothelial cell injuries, widening of subendothelial spaces with a double-contoured glomerular basement membrane, and mesangiolysis. In ABO-i RTx, early humoral-mediated graft injuries were observed in approximately 30% of patients despite normal graft function. They were characterized by C4d deposition and glomerular capillary injury. These findings suggest that renal glomeruli are the first site of graft injury by anti-A or anti-B blood type antibody with complement activation in ABO-i RTx.

  20. Uso de medicamentos inmunosupresores en pacientes con trasplante renal, hepático y de médula ósea, en una clínica de nivel III de Bogotá.

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    Jorge J. López G.


    Full Text Available Antecedentes. El trasplante de órganos en la actualidad es una opción terapéutica para los pacientes que cursan estadíos terminales de ciertas patologías; el uso de inmunosupresores contribuye en gran medida a la efectividad de este tipo de tratamientos, ya que es fundamental para evitar el rechazo. El no seguimiento del consumo de medicamentos nuevos, como es el caso de los inmunosupresores que suelen tener precios relativamente elevados, junto con la ampliación injustificada de indicaciones, puede ocasionar un aumento de los costos de la terapia farmacológica y, lo más importante, causar riesgos en el paciente trasplantado. Objetivos. Describir y caracterizar el uso de medicamentos inmunosupresores en pacientes con trasplante renal, de médula ósea alogénico y hepático. Material y métodos. Estudio observacional-descriptivo de corte transversal con recolección retrospectiva de la información a un año. Se trata de un estudio de utilización de medicamentos sobre hábitos de prescripción. Resultados. El desenlace global de la terapia del trasplante produce resultados satisfactorios en un 92,5 por ciento (49 pacientes, 5,7 por ciento (3 pacientes presentan rechazo con retiro del injerto, mientras que un paciente fallece después de ser sometido al trasplante. El medicamento más prescrito es el micofenolato de mofetil, con 41 prescripciones (28%, mientras que el más consumido es la prednisona con 2,38 dosis diaria definidas /100 pacientes/día. Conclusiones. Se evidencia la presencia de micofenolato, ciclosporina y corticoides en la mayoría de los esquemas con algunas prescripciones de anticuerpos monoclonales y globulina antitimocítica.

  1. Trasplante simultáneo de páncreas y riñón: reporte del primer caso realizado en el Perú

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    José De Vinatea


    Full Text Available El trasplante simultáneo de páncreas y riñón es la opción terapéutica ideal para pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 con insuficiencia renal crónica. Permite recuperar la insulino-independencia y evita la necesidad de diálisis, mejorando notablemente la calidad de vida. Así mismo, la restitución de la euglicemia logra que las complicaciones tardías de la diabetes no progresen e incluso regresionen, prolongando la supervivencia global de estos pacientes. Estos beneficios superan a los riesgos de la cirugía y de la inmunosupresión inherentes al trasplante. A nivel mundial, desde 1966, en que se llevó a cabo el primer trasplante de páncreas en Minnesota (Estados Unidos, se han registrado más de 20 000 trasplantes de páncreas, con resultados cada vez mejores gracias al refinamiento en las técnicas quirúrgicas y a los nuevos esquemas de inmunosupresión. En el presente caso clínico, se reporta y describe la realización del primer trasplante simultáneo de páncreas y riñón en el Perú.

  2. Amiloidosis renal hereditaria por depósito de apolipoproteína AI: un reto diagnóstico

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    Kelly del Rocío Samillán-Sosa


    La amiloidosis por depósito de Apo AI progresa a enfermedad renal crónica terminal en el plazo de de 3 a 15 años. Se diferencia clínicamente de la amiloidosis AL por su menor afectación extrarrenal y su mejor pronóstico. El trasplante renal ofrece una supervivencia del injerto aceptable y el trasplante hepato-renal se podría tener en cuenta en pacientes con disfunción significativa de ambos órganos.

  3. Costo-efectividad de intervenciones para insuficiencia renal crónica terminal

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    Armando Arredondo


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Analisó el costo-efectividad en intervenciones para pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica terminal (IRCT en términos de los costos económicos de cada intervención, los años de vida ganados y la calidad de vida que generan tres alternativas comparables y mutuamente excluyentes: diálisis peritoneal contínua ambulatoria (DPCA, la hemodiálisis (HD y el trasplante renal (TR. MÉTODO: El diseño del estudio fue de tipo longitudinal. Los costos de cada intervención se determinaron mediante la técnica de manejo de caso promedio. Las medidas para evaluar los criterios de efectividad elegidos fueron la probabilidad de sobrevida y el Año de Vida Ajustado por Calidad (QALY, Quality Adjusted Life Year medido por el Indice de Rosser. RSULTADOS: Los costos de manejo anual de caso fueron: diálisis peritoneal $5,643.07, hemodiálisis $9,631.60 y trasplante $3,021.63. En cuanto a la efectividad, la sobrevida del injerto de trasplante renal resultó de 89,9% y 79,6% a uno y tres años respectivamente, mientras que los pacientes sometidos a DPCA tienen una sobrevida de 86,2% y 66,9% a un año y a tres años respectivamente. En cuanto a los QALY's, los resultados para cada intervención fueron: DPCA 0,879; HD 0,864; y para el TR 0,978. CONCLUSIÓN: La intervención más costo-efectiva resultó el trasplante renal con un coeficiente de 3,088.69, seguido de la DPCA y la hemodiálisis, cuyos coeficientes fueron de 6,416.95 y 11,147.68 respectivamente. Por lo tanto se recomienda promover y utilizar el trasplante renal como la intervención más costo-efectiva para pacientes con IRCT.

  4. Donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos


    Caicedo Rusca, Luis Armando; Alex, Castro; Ordóñez, Vasco; Jurado, Fátima; Echeverry, Patricia; Fundación Valle de Lili


    Donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos/¿Crees en la vida después de la vida?/Qué dice la ley colombiana/Tipos de donantes de órganos/el dónate de órganos una urgencia de vida o muerte/ Quién puede ser donante de órganos/ Trayectoria de los trasplantes en la Fundación Valle del Lili/Preguntas y respuestas/ ¿Cuáles son los órganos que más se requieren para trasplante?/¿Qué trasplantes se realizan en Colombia?/¿Cómo hacen para enterarse que una persona es donante de órganos si el paciente es...

  5. Seroprevalencia de citomegalovirus en donantes de órganos y receptores de trasplante renal, Colombia, 2010-2014

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    Yazmín Rocío Arias-Murillo


    Conclusiones. Los resultados del presente estudio evidenciaron que las tasas de infección por citomegalovirus fueron altas y que la categorización del riesgo de los receptores de trasplante señala la necesidad de que los equipos médicos tratantes tomen medidas para minimizar los riesgos.

  6. Análisis comparativo de las complicaciones quirúrgicas en un programa de donación renal en asistolia no controlada


    Guerrero Ramos, Félix, Félix


    La insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) es una enfermedad con una importante incidencia y prevalencia en nuestro país, que conlleva un marcado deterioro de la calidad de vida, una elevada morbimortalidad y una gran carga económica para el sistema sanitario. El tratamiento de dicha condición es la terapia renal sustitutiva, bien con diálisis o con trasplante renal. El mejor tratamiento para los pacientes con IRC terminal es el trasplante de riñón, con beneficios a largo plazo tanto en supervivenc...

  7. Trasplante cardíaco: organización e indicaciones

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    José M. Revuelta


    La experiencia clínica está demostrando que las indicaciones y las contraindicaciones del trasplante cardíaco están en constante cambio, debido principalmente a los avances en los cuidados pre, per y postoperatorios, a los nuevos fármacos y otras novedosas alternativas terapéuticas. La clase funcional (NY HA del paciente es poco precisa para indicar el trasplante cardíaco, por lo que se precisa de otras determinaciones, como el consumo máximo de oxígeno: VO2 máx < 10 ml/kg/min conlleva un mortalidad hospitalaria elevada. Asimismo, la fracción de eyección ventricular izquierda disminuida (FEVI < 20% no debe considerarse como el indicador principal para establecer la indicación de trasplante, siendo necesario valorar otros factores de riesgo preoperatorios. En la última década, la experiencia ha puesto de manifiesto que algunas de las contraindicaciones absolutas, antes vigentes, no siempre deben desaconsejar el trasplante cardíaco.

  8. Sangrado de angiomiolipoma renal en paciente con síndrome de genes contiguos (TSC2/PKD1 tras 17 años de tratamiento renal sustitutivo

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    Mónica Furlano


    Full Text Available Presentamos el caso de un varón de 32 años, con síndrome de genes contiguos TSC2/PKD1, que le ocasiona esclerosis tuberosa (ET y poliquistosis renal autosómica dominante simultáneamente. Evolucionó a enfermedad renal terminal y se realizó trasplante renal a los 12 años. Los riñones presentaban angiomiolipomas (AML, que son tumores benignos frecuentes en pacientes con ET. A los 17 años postrasplante, presentó un cuadro de dolor abdominal, anemización y hematoma retroperitoneal. Dicho hematoma se produjo por el sangrado de los AML. Como tratamiento se realizó embolización selectiva. Nuestro paciente podría haberse beneficiado en el momento del trasplante renal del tratamiento con inhibidores de mTOR. Este fármaco actúa como inmunosupresor y reductor tumoral en la ET, al disminuir el riesgo de rotura y hemorragia. En este paciente no se administró porque cuando se trasplantó no se conocía la relación de los inhibidores de mTOR con la ET. Este caso confirma que, a pesar de tratarse de pacientes trasplantados o en diálisis, el riesgo de sangrado por los AML persiste, por lo cual se propone realizar controles periódicos de los riñones propios y valorar la nefrectomía.

  9. Varicela y herpes zóster en una paciente con trasplante renal Chickenpox and herpes zoster in a patient with kidney transplant

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    Enrique Emilio Jiménez López


    Full Text Available Se describe el caso clínico de una adolescente de 13 años de edad, con trasplante renal, que reingresó a los 10 meses de operada por presentar fiebre, dolor en el costado izquierdo desde el borde esternal de ese lado hasta la columna dorsal y lesiones maculopapulosas sobre una base eritematosa, localizadas en tronco, cuello y cara, que se extendieron primeramente a los miembros inferiores y superiores; pero luego, mientras unas se convirtieron en pústulas y costras típicas de un herpes zóster, las restantes evolucionaron como una varicela. Tratada oportunamente, la paciente mejoró su estado general y egresó con función renal normal a su entorno cotidiano.The clinical report of a 13 years-old adolescent with kidney transplant is described. He was readmitted ten months after the surgery due to fever, pain in the left side from the sternal margin to the thoracic spine and macular-papular injuries over erythematous base, located in the trunk, neck and face that were first spread to the lower and upper limbs, but then, while ones became into pustules and scales typical of herpes zoster, the remaining progressed as chickenpox. Treated at the appropriate time, the patient improved her general condition and she was discharged with normal kidney function to her daily environment.

  10. Factores de riesgo de mortalidad precoz del Trasplante Pulmonar


    Kreis Esmendi, Germán


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada A pesar de la experiencia acumulada, la mortalidad postoperatoria temprana del trasplante pulmonar continua siendo elevada. Los factores asociados a este evento permanecen siendo controvertidos. Objetivo: Revisar la serie de trasplantes pulmonares realizados en el Hospital Vall d' Hebron para establecer la supervivencia acumulada e identificar los factores asociados con riesgo de mortalidad postoperatoria precoz. Pacient...

  11. Trasplante pulmonar: experiencia en clínica las condes

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    C. María Teresa Parada, Dra


    Hace 10 años Clínica Las Condes inicia su programa de trasplante pulmonar el que ha sido pionero nacional en número de injertos realizados y resultados obtenidos a largo plazo. Se realiza una revisión de las indicaciones, complicaciones precoces y tardías, capacidad física posterior al trasplante y sobrevida alejada de los pacientes trasplantados de pulmón en nuestro programa.

  12. Comparison of nutritional parameters after abo incompatible living donor renal transplantation

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    Joon Seok Oh


    By the end of the first year, serum hemoglobin, calcium, albumin, HDL, bilirubin, AST, ALT were increased statistically. But serum phosphate, globulin were decreased statistically. In conclusion, successful ABO incompatible living donor kidney transplantation would restore a normal nutritional status even though the patients were performed plasmapheresis during the pre-transplant period.

  13. Dinámicas científicas, técnicas e institucionales en el desarrollo de la diálisis y los trasplantes renales en la Argentina

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    Romero, Lucía


    Full Text Available This paper analyzes the origin and development of experimental and clinical research about kidney transplant and dialysis in Argentina which were carried out, from 1957, at the Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas (IIM de la Facultad de Medicina, at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA. The aim is to show how these developments were possible due to the convergence of social and cognitive dynamics. The major boost given to research and clinical experience on transplants and dialysis at the IIM was because they were a a central part of the institutional commitment carried out by Alfredo Lanari, the administrative and political authority of the IIM, b a way to continue and take profit of the previous accumulation on local research capacities, human resources and knowledge on transplants and c a consequence of new scientific cooperation links settled between Lanari`s researchers and the international pioneers in this experimental and clinical field, which allowed the acquisition of technical equipment and knowledge applied in the local context. The progressive stabilization of those researches not only gave scientific prestige to the IIM but produced significant changes for Acute Kidney Failure and Chronic Kidney Failure sick people, whose treatment or cure were non-existent for them until then.

    En este trabajo se analiza la emergencia y la evolución de las investigaciones experimentales y clínicas sobre trasplantes renales y diálisis en la Argentina, llevadas a cabo, a partir de 1957, en el Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas (IIM de la Facultad de Medicina, de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA. Se intenta mostrar cómo estas realizaciones fueron posibles gracias a la convergencia de dinámicas sociales y cognitivas. El impulso que recibieron las investigaciones y las prácticas sobre trasplantes y diálisis en el IIM fueron a parte central de las apuestas institucionales llevadas adelante por Alfredo Lanari, director


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    María Teresa Parada C., DRA.


    Los desafíos en la actualidad son el déficit de órganos, que lleva aumento de lista de espera por lo que se han desarrollado técnicas de optimización de injertos, la extensión de la edad de los candidatos a trasplante y se mantiene sin grandes modificaciones la disfunción crónica de injerto.

  15. Frequency of ABO, subgroup ABO and Rh(D) blood groups in major sudanese ethnic groups

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hassan, F.M.


    Background: There are differences in the distribution of ABO, sub group A BO and Rh(D) blood groups in different populations of the world. Relatively little information is available about blood group distributions in Sudanese population. To see the frequency of ABO, subgroup ABO and Rh(D) blood groups in major Sudanese ethnic groups(Danagla Shaygia and Gaaleen). Blood testing for ABO, subgroup ABO and Rh(D) typing was done over six months, in 300 unrelated individuals, from both genders. Blood samples were collected from students of the college of medical laboratory science - Sudan University of Science and Technology using finger prick method and following routine slide method. Blood group 'O' was the most predominant ( 52.7%) in both Rh positive and negative subjects followed by blood group A, B and AB. Majority (98.0%)o f the subjects were Rh(D) positive and only 2% were Rh negative. The predominant subgroup of ABO was A2 (14.1% ). The frequency of ABO blood groups in both Rh positive and negative subjects among the major Sudanese ethnic group was similar to that reported from neighbouring regions. (author)

  16. Formación continuada: Vivir con insuficiencia renal crónica


    Andreu Periz, Lola; Force Sanmartín, Enriqueta


    Actualmente existen en España 27.000 enfermos afectados de insuficiencia renal crónica que requieren tratamiento sustitutivo de la función renal o que han sido trasplantados. Las terapias básicas sustitutivas de la función renal son la hemodiálisis y la diálisis peritoneal. Ambas son generalmente bien toleradas y aunque no exentas de complicaciones, permiten a los pacientes alcanzar una aceptable rehabilitación y calidad de vida. El trasplante renal es, teóricamente, la solución ideal, aunque...

  17. 67. Lecciones aprendidas del trasplante cardiohepático simultáneo

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    F. Gómez


    Full Text Available El trasplante simultáneo combinado de corazón e hígado es una opción de tratamiento en pacientes en fase final de la insuficiencia cardíaca y hepática. Desde su descripción inicial por Starzl en 1985, no ha sido un procedimiento muy expandido, siendo pocos y de escasa cuantía los registros que aparecen en la literatura. Presentamos dos hermanos de 51 y 54 años afectos de amiloidosis familiar en su variedad transtiretina amiloidea (ATTR (mutación gen E89K de la transtirretina, ambos con miocardiopatía restrictiva e hígado congestivo con ingresos previos por descompensación hepática e insuficiencia cardíaca. Tras el estudio pretrasplante cardíaco y hepático completo sin contraindicación al mismo, fueron incluidos en lista de trasplante cardíaco-hepático. Dado el grado avanzado de insuficiencia de ambos órganos, se consideró la opción de trasplante en un solo tiempo como única posibilidad. El trasplante fue llevado a cabo en dos fases, con el implante inicial cardíaco y, una vez terminada la circulación extracorpórea, se procedió a la fase hepática. Se plantean los problemas del trasplante en dos tiempos o simultáneo a partir de órganos de un solo donante, la ubicación en las listas de espera, la técnica quirúrgica, el momento de la administración de protamina, el cierre esternal pre o postrasplante hepático y el manejo intra y postoperatorio. Ambos pacientes presentaron un curso postoperatorio correcto, dándose de alta hospitalaria a los 20 y 27 días del trasplante con correcta función cardíaca y hepática. Los controles ambulatorios de ambos pacientes son favorables, mostrándose en clase funcional I y sin descompensaciones hepáticas.

  18. Relación del estado de salud bucal y condiciones socioeconómicas en el paciente con enfermedad renal crónica en tratamiento


    Navia Jutchenko, María Fernanda; Muñoz López, Eliana Elisa; López Soto, Olga Patricia


    Objetivo Caracterizar la salud bucal en pacientes tratados con diferentes tipos de diálisis o con trasplante renal.Materiales y Método Este trabajo descriptivo consideró 336 pacientes, el 49 % recibía hemodiálisis, 34 % diálisis peritoneal, 7 % prediálisis y 10 % trasplante renal. La información fue tomada de una base de datos inicial que en este artículo aplicó un análisis multivariado. Las variables ilustrativas fueron edad, género, estado civil, ocupación, educación, índice de higiene oral...

  19. Fragilidad y estado nutricional en el periodo pre-trasplante. ¿Existe relación?

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    Maria Vera Casanova

    Full Text Available Resumen Introducción: La malnutrición en la enfermedad renal crónica (ERC está asociada al aumento del riesgo de mortalidad y complicaciones. Sin embargo, el estado nutricional de los pacientes con ERC en lista de espera (LE de trasplante renal (TR, y su relación con el estado de fragilidad ha sido poco evaluado. Objetivo: Analizar el estado nutricional y funcional de una cohorte de pacientes en lista de espera de trasplante renal y su relación con la fragilidad. Pacientes y Método: Estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes incluidos en LE de TR desde Junio 2016 hasta Junio 2017. Se evaluaron a los pacientes mediante distintas escalas de valoración, recogiendo parámetros antropométricos, analíticos y de bioimpedanciometría (BCM. Resultados: De los 177 pacientes incluidos, 55 (31.1% se definieron como frágiles. Dicho grupo eran de mayor edad (64.2 vs 61.2 años; p=0.08, sexo femenino (56.4% vs 32.8%, p<0.01, IMC mayor (29.3±5.8 vs 27.3±5,6 kg/m²; p=0.03 y más frecuentemente diabéticos (DM2 (43.6% vs 30.3%; p=0.08. La evaluación mediante BCM demostró que los pacientes frágiles tenían menos índice de tejido magro (12.3±2.4 vs 14.1±4 kg/m²; p<0.01 y mayor índice de tejido graso (16.2±6.1 vs 11.8±5.6 kg/m²; p<0.01 que los no frágiles. Conclusión: En nuestra lista de espera de TR, los pacientes frágiles son de mayor edad, sexo femenino, mayor grado de obesidad, DMII y con menor masa muscular. Las estrategias encaminadas a liberalizar dietas, aumentar la ingesta proteica y fomentar el ejercicio físico pueden ser relevantes para mejorar los resultados a corto y largo plazo del TR.

  20. Infeccion urinaria temprana en trasplante renal: Factores de riesgo y efecto en la sobrevida del injerto Early urinary tract infection in kidney transplantation: Risk factors and impact on graft sur-vival

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    Pablo A. Cepeda


    Full Text Available La infección urinariatemprana del injerto (IUTI, definida como infección urinaria sintomática en los primeros 3 meses del trasplante, su efecto sobre la sobrevida del injerto y los factores de riesgo han sido poco estudiados. Los objetivos del presente análisis fueron conocer factores de riesgo para IUTI, analizar agentes causantes e impacto en la sobrevida del injerto. En forma retrospectiva se analizaron pacientes que recibieron trasplante renal durante 1997-2000 en el Hospital Privado - Centro Médico de Córdoba. Se dividió en dos grupos de pacientes, según presencia (grupo IUTI o ausencia (grupo control de IUTI. Los factores de riesgo se analizaron con el modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox y la sobrevida del injerto con el método de Kaplan-Meier. Recibieron trasplante renal 226 pacientes consecutivos. La IUTI se presentó en 55 (24.3%. Factores de riesgo asociados con IUTI: antecedentes de maniobras urológicas invasivas (RR=4.34, IC 95% 1.42-13.21, diabetes mellitus (RR=3.79, IC 95% 1.42-10.14, infección por citomegalovirus (RR=2.9, IC 95% 1.02-8.24 y antecedente de trasplante previo (RR=2.83, IC 95% 1.08-7.45. El retardo en la función del injerto (RR=0.38, IC 95% 0.15-0.94 se asoció con menor incidencia de IUTI. Agentes más frecuentes: Klebsiella pneumoniae (36%, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (24% y Escherichia coli (9%. La sobrevida del injerto a los 2 años en el grupo IUTI (87.2% no fue diferente del control (81.2%, P = 0.32. En esta serie las maniobras urológicas invasivas fueron el principal factor de riesgo asociado a IUTI. No hubo disminución de la sobrevida del injerto asociada a IUTI. La alta prevalencia de uropatógenos no coli requiere mayor evaluación.The early urinary tract infection (EUTI in kidney transplant recipients is an infection develop during the first 3 months post transplant surgery. The effect of EUTI on graft survival and risk factors have been scarcely studied. Our objetives were the evaluation of

  1. Effect of ABO blood type on the outcomes of patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitors. (United States)

    Omae, Kenji; Fukuma, Shingo; Ikenoue, Tatsuyoshi; Kondo, Tsunenori; Takagi, Toshio; Ishihara, Hiroki; Tanabe, Kazunari; Fukuhara, Shunichi


    To assess the effect of blood type on survival outcomes and adverse events (AEs) in patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) for metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Patients who received TKIs as first-line therapy for mRCC between 2008 and 2015 at our hospital were included in the study (n = 136). Patients were divided into 2 groups based on their blood type as O and non-O. Survival outcomes and AEs were compared according to blood type. Cox regression models were used for univariate and multivariate survival analyses. Of the 136 patients, 34 (25%) and 102 (75%) had O and non-O blood types, respectively. Blood type O was associated with an increased number of disease sites. There were no differences between the 2 groups with respect to other baseline characteristics. The progression-free survival in patients with O and non-O blood types was 12.1 and 11.6 months, respectively; the overall survival was 34.4 and 24.8 months, respectively. On univariate and multivariate analyses, the ABO blood type was not a significant prognostic factor for progression-free survival or overall survival. Furthermore, the incidences of serious AEs were similar in the 2 blood groups. ABO blood type was not associated with survival outcomes or incidences of serious AEs in mRCC patients treated with TKIs. However, blood type O may be associated with an increased number of disease sites. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  2. ABO blood groups of residents and the ABO host choice of malaria vectors in southern Iran. (United States)

    Anjomruz, Mehdi; Oshaghi, Mohammad A; Sedaghat, Mohammad M; Pourfatollah, Ali A; Raeisi, Ahmad; Vatandoost, Hassan; Mohtarami, Fatemeh; Yeryan, Mohammad; Bakhshi, Hassan; Nikpoor, Fatemeh


    Recent epidemiological evidences revealed the higher prevalence of 'O' blood group in the residents of malaria-endemic areas. Also some data indicated preference of mosquitoes to 'O' group. The aim of this study was to determine ABO group ratio in the residents as well as ABO group preference of Anopheles in two malaria endemic areas in south of Iran. Agglutination method was used for ABO typing of residents. Field blood fed Anopheles specimens were tested against vertebrate DNA using mtDNA-cytB PCR-RFLP and then the human fed specimens were tested for ABO groups using multiplex allele-specific PCR. A total of 409 human blood samples were identified, of which 150(36.7%) were 'O' group followed by 113(27.6%), 109(26.7%), and 37(9.0%) of A, B, and AB groups respectively. Analyzing of 95 blood fed mosquitoes revealed that only four Anopheles stephensi had fed human blood with A(1), B(1), and AB(2) groups. Result of this study revealed high prevalence of O group in south of Iran. To our knowledge, it is the first ABO molecular typing of blood meal in mosquitoes; however, due to low number of human blood fed specimens, ABO host choice of the mosquitoes remains unknown. This study revealed that ABO blood preference of malaria vectors and other arthropod vectors deserves future research. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Evaluación de la función renal en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) sin tratamiento sustitutorio, tras un programa de intervención nutricional (PIN): estudio aleatorizado


    Beltrán López, Antonio


    La Enfermedad Renal Crónica (ERC) se define como la disminución de la función renal, donde se reduce el filtrado glomerular (FG) estimado < 60 ml/min/1,73m2 o como la presencia de daño renal de forma persistente durante al menos tres meses. La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) es una patología progresiva que afecta cada vez más a la población, el daño renal aumenta con el paso del tiempo, siendo su resultado el tratamiento renal sustitutivo, trasplante o incluso la muerte, el gran problema es qu...

  4. Revisión actualizada sobre el trasplante de órganos: estudio de un caso


    Andreu Periz, Lola; Force Sanmartín, Enriqueta


    El trasplante de órganos supone una de las hazañas más importantes de la ciencia moderna. Tras más de 50 años de experiencia, los trasplantes de órganos y tejidos, junto a las nuevas terapias celulares, abren un amplio abanico de posibilidades y son una de las opciones terapéuticas más válidas para algunas enfermedades que hasta hace poco no tenían solución. El trasplante de órganos permite la supervivencia de muchos pacientes y supone una notable mejoría de la calidad de vida. El conocimient...


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    Yolanda M. Guerra García


    Full Text Available Este artículo presenta los lineamientos del Derecho Penal que trascienden los conceptos de trasplantes de órganos y las implicaciones Bioéticas de los mismos. Del mismo modo se establecen algunos de los principales criterios relacionados con el debate bioético en torno al problema de la Donación y Trasplante de Órganos, problemas relacionados con temas como la Muerte Encefálica, el consentimiento informado, Justicia y Distribución, los Xenotrasplantes y la Clonación Embrionaria entre otros.

  6. ABO incompatibility (United States)

    ... before transfusion or transplant can prevent this problem. Alternative Names Transfusion reaction - hemolytic; Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction; AHTR; Blood incompatibility - ABO Images Jaundiced infant Antibodies References Bellone ...


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    Neide da Silva Knihs


    Full Text Available El propósito del estudio fue comparar los datos relacionados a la formación y perfil de los coordinadores de trasplante de Brasil y España para evaluar oportunidades de mejoría en la negativa familiar y el mantenimiento del donante en nuestro país. Una minuciosa evaluación fue realizada, comparando los datos de formación del coordinador de trasplante, perfil del coordinador de trasplante y de la metodología de trasplante de cada país. En Brasil el promedio de horas de capacitación recibida antes de empezar a trabajar con trasplantes es de ocho horas, en España de 42 horas. En Brasil 22,9% de los coordinadores de trasplante son médicos y en España 95% son médicos. El tiempo que actúa el coordinador de trasplantes en Brasil es de nueve meses y 22 días y en España 60 meses. El Modelo de Gestión de la Organización Nacional de Trasplante, puede ser adaptado en Brasil, como una forma de mejoría en la formación del coordinador de trasplante y de cambiar las tasas por negativa familiar y por pérdidas de mantenimiento.

  8. Intervención psiquiátrica en programa de trasplantes

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    G. Octavio Rojas, Dr.


    Full Text Available En los últimos años la Psiquiatría de Enlace e Interconsulta ha experimentado un salto cualitativo, acercándose al espacio común del resto de las especialidades médicas: el hospital general. La participación de psiquiatras en programas clínicos específicos como las unidades de trasplantes de órganos sólidos tiene fundamentaciones técnicas precisas dada la correlación entre síntomas psíquicos y las características clínicas específicas de las enfermedades médicas que requieren de este procedimiento. Cada vez hay una mayor preocupación en los clínicos y cirujanos en relación a los factores psíquicos que obstaculizan la adherencia a los tratamientos e indicaciones médicas tanto antes como después de efectuado el trasplante. La población de pacientes pre y post-trasplantados exhiben elevadas tasas de cuadros psiquiátricos específicos que ameritan un tratamiento coordinado multidisciplinario. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar la experiencia inicial que estamos desarrollando en la Unidad de Trasplantes de Clínica Las Condes.

  9. El criterio inmunológico de selección para el trasplante renal: Un aspecto científico-ético Inmunologic choice criterion for renal transplantation: a scientific-ethical issue

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    Roberto Álvarez Hidalgo


    Full Text Available La insuficiencia renal crónica se considera una de las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles de mayor incidencia (1 / 1000, por lo que constituye un problema de salud en el mundo. En la actualidad es el transplante renal el tratamiento de elección, el cual representa una innovación tecnológica en el contexto de la Revolución Científico técnica, que ha alcanzado niveles altos de eficacia. Uno de los factores que intervienen en el éxito es la selección inmunológica de la pareja donante-receptor en base a los antígenos principales de histocompatibilidad (HLA. Esto asegura la supervivencia del injerto y el paciente a largo plazo. Los dilemas éticos son frecuentes en la donación de órganos tanto en el caso del donante vivo, como en el del cadáver. En la práctica diaria se realizan preguntas tales como: ¿En qué formas distribuir los órganos de donantes cadáver?, ó ¿El xenotrasplante y el trasplante de donante vivo no relacionado son alternativas válidas? Por tanto se pueden hacer ante la escasez de órganos?. Se han diseñado normas para resolver situaciones que exijan la toma de decisiones. Una correcta selección inmunológica sobre bases científicas y éticas asegura la calidad de vida del trasplantado y soluciona su problema de saludChronic renal failure is considered one of the non-transmissible chronic illnesses of higher incidence (1 / 1000, constituting a health problem all over the world. Nowadays, it is renal transplantation the treatment of choice, which represents a technological innovation in the context of the Scientific-Technological Revolution that has reached high levels of effectiveness. One of the factors that intervene in the success is the immunologic selection of the donor-receiver couple based on the main antigens of histocompatibility (HLA. This assures the implant and patient's long term survival. The ethical dilemmas are frequent in the donation of organs either in the case of alive or death donors

  10. Sarcoma de Kaposi bucal en pacientes con trasplante de riñón

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    Gladys Aída Estrada Pereira


    Full Text Available Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 25 pacientes con trasplante renal y sarcoma de Kaposi bucal, atendidos en la consulta estomatológica del Policlínico de Especialidades del Hospital Clinicoquirúrgico Docente "Saturnino Lora Torres" de Santiago de Cuba, desde marzo de 2008 hasta igual mes de 2013, para describir los resultados clínicos e histopatológicos. Entre los hallazgos principales predominaron el sexo masculino, el grupo etario de 40-49 años y los afectados de piel negra. Por otra parte, como alteraciones hísticas sobresalieron los espacios vasculares atípicos, los cuerpos eosinófilos y la extravasación de hematíes; asimismo, la mayoría de las lesiones correspondieron al paladar duro y a la encía. La biopsia resultó ser un medio de diagnóstico valioso para confirmar esta enfermedad

  11. Trasplante hepático pediátrico estudio descriptivo de la experiencia recogida por el grupo de trasplante pediátrico de clínica las condes y hospital luis calvo mackenna

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    M. Mario Uribe, Dr.


    Conclusión: Los resultados del THP en términos de sobrevida y complicaciones es similar a la experiencia de centros extranjeros, la cual es superior a las expectativas y calidad de vida de los pacientes sin trasplante. Las áreas de mayor desarrollo de nuestro centro y que presentan los mayores desafíos son el trasplante hepático en niños menores de 10 kilos, en falla hepática aguda, y el uso de donante vivo.

  12. ABO blood groups and psychiatric disorders: a Croatian study. (United States)

    Pisk, Sandra Vuk; Vuk, Tomislav; Ivezić, Ena; Jukić, Irena; Bingulac-Popović, Jasna; Filipčić, Igor


    The prevalence of ABO alleles is different in different populations, and many studies have shown a correlation between the occurrences of some diseases and different genotypes of ABO blood groups. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a significant association between psychiatric syndromes and ABO blood groups. This case-control study involved 156 psychiatric patients and 303 healthy, unrelated, voluntary blood donors. Genomic DNA was isolated from blood on a QIAcube device using a QIAamp DNA Blood mini QIAcube kit. ABO genotyping on five basic ABO alleles was performed using allele-specific polymerase chain reaction analysis. Compared with healthy subjects, a significantly higher proportion of psychiatric patients had AB blood group (χ 2 =9.359, df=3, p=0.025) and, accordingly, a significantly higher incidence of A1B genotype (χ 2 =8.226, df=3, p=0.042). The odds ratio showed that psychiatric disorders occur almost three times more frequently in carriers of AB group compared to other blood groups. However, no statistically significant difference was found in the distribution of ABO blood groups among patients with different psychiatric diagnoses. Likewise, no correlations were found between ABO blood groups and other characteristics of the psychiatric patients (sex, psychiatric heredity, somatic comorbidity, suicidality). The results of this study support the hypothesis of an association between psychiatric disorders and ABO blood groups. The probability is that psychiatric disorders will occur almost three times more frequently in carriers of AB group compared to other ABO blood groups in the Croatian population.

  13. [Detection and analysis of ABO Hemolytic disease in newborn]. (United States)

    Lin, Zhao-Xia; Dong, Qing-Song


    This study was purposed to investigate the incidence and the model of ABO hemolytic disease in newborn (ABO-HDN) and the results of the three hemolysis test, so as to provide the evidences for clinical diagnosis and therapy. A total of 227 cases of maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility from January 2013 to October 2013 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University were enrolled in the study. The ABO blood group of newborn and mother was detemined and three hemolysis tests (direct antiglobulin test, free antibody test, RBC antibody release test) were performed. The results indicated that in 227 cases of ABO incompatible pregnancies,186 cases were ABO-HDN (81.94%). There was no significant difference in the incidence between O-A and O-B incompatible pregnancies (P > 0.05). The positive ratio of direct antiglobulin test, free antibody test and RBC antibody release test were 59.14% (110/186), 84.78% (156/186) and 94.62% (176/186) respectively. It is concluded that the incidence of ABO-HDN is high. The main models of ABO-HDN were O-A and O-B. There was no significant difference in the incidence between O-A and O-B incompatible pregnancies. Three hemolysis tests are high sensitivity and are helpful in early diagnosis and early treatment of HDN.


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    S. V. Gautier


    Full Text Available Since 2008 up to 2010 eight ABO-incompatible liver transplantations have been performed in our center: one of them was urgent liver transplantation to adult patient from deceased donor, other seven were transplantations of left lateral segment to children from living relative donors. Own experience, as well as world one, proves, that barrier of ABO-incompatibility can be overcome more successfully in liver transplantation, particularly in pediatric population, that in other solid organs transplantation. Good results can be achieved even with less ag- gressive immunosuppressive therapy. Recipient conditioning before operation can significantly improve results of ABO-incompatible liver transplantation, but as own experience has shown, often there’s no need to hold some special preparation of children, because their anti-ABO antibodies are very low or absent before transplantation and do not increase after it. Thereby ABO-incompatible liver transplantation is reasonable in urgent cases and in pediatric population because of the limited pull of living relative donors for children. 

  15. Trasplante después del Fontan. Aspectos quirúrgicos

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    Juan-Miguel Gil-Jaurena


    Conclusiones: Trasplantar a pacientes con Fontan previo es un reto. Podemos anticipar variantes en cada una de las 5 anastomosis previstas. Es recomendable obtener tejido extra del donante (aorta y arco, vena cava superior e innominada, pericardio. Los resultados pueden superponerse a otras series de trasplante cardiaco.

  16. Funcionamiento familiar en situación de trasplante de órganos pediátrico

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    Elisa Kernde Castro


    Full Text Available El presente trabajo revisa recientes hallazgos y examina algunas cuestiones relacionadas a las implicaciones del trasplante de órganos en la infancia para las relaciones familiares. El trasplante de órganos pediátrico es un procedimiento que puede desestabilizar el funcionamiento familiar y puede influenciar la adaptación y manejo del niño con respecto a la enfermedad y tratamiento. Los estudios revisados muestran que se pueden producir cambios importantes en las relaciones familiares cuando se plantea la posibilidad de un trasplante de órganos, especialmente un aumento en el estrés de los padres y la aparición de conductas sobreprotectoras con el niño. Actualmente existen pocos estudios sobre el tema, pero las evidencias revelan que el funcionamiento familiar y la salud mental de los padres son aspectos importantes que pueden influenciar el bienestar psicológico del niño.

  17. Successful ABO-Incompatible Renal Transplantation:  Blood Group A1B Donor Into A2B Recipient With Anti-A1 Isoagglutinins. (United States)

    Fadeyi, Emmanuel A; Stratta, Robert J; Farney, Alan C; Pomper, Gregory J


    Transplantation of the blood group A2B in a recipient was successfully performed in the setting of receiving a deceased donor kidney from an "incompatible" A1B donor. The donor and recipient were both typed for ABO blood group, including ABO genotyping. The donor and recipient were tested for ABO, non-ABO, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies. The donor and recipient were typed for HLA antigens, including T- and B-flow cytometry crossmatch tests. The recipient's RBCs were negative with A1 lectin, and immunoglobulin G anti-A1 was demonstrated in the recipient's plasma. The donor-recipient pair was a four-antigen HLA mismatch, but final T- and B-flow cytometry crossmatch tests were compatible. The transplant procedure was uneventful; the patient experienced immediate graft function with no episodes of rejection or readmissions more than 2 years later. It may be safe to transplant across the A1/A2 blood group AB mismatch barrier in the setting of low titer anti-A1 isoagglutinins without the need for pretransplant desensitization even if the antibody produced reacts with anti-human globulin. © American Society for Clinical Pathology, 2016. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  18. Anticuerpos anti-HLA y rechazo agudo del injerto renal en los niños


    Galeas, Rubén Arturo; Gomezchico-Velasco, Rebeca; Valverde, Saúl; Ramón-García, Guillermo; Velásquez-Jones, Luis; Romero-Navarro, Benjamín; Hernández, Ana María; Vargas, Arindal; Leo, Claudia de; Medeiros, Mara


    Introducción. A pesar de que las nuevas terapias inmunosupresoras han mejorado notablemente la evolución clínica de los trasplantes renales, los rechazos agudo y crónico siguen limitando la sobrevida a largo plazo del injerto. En base a lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la presencia de anticuerpos séricos contra antígenos de histocompatibilidad (HLA) clase I y clase II en niños con rechazo agudo del injerto renal. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio clínico prospectivo en pac...

  19. ABO Blood Group And Reproductive Performance | Gharoro ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ABO Blood Group And Reproductive Performance. ... Blood group A phenotype constituted 22.48%, while AB, B, and O blood groups made up 1.94, 15.28 and 60.3 percent respectively. The mean age of the ... Keywords: ABO Blood Group, Reproductive performance, population mapping, gene frequency. Journal of Mining ...

  20. Capítulo 11. Paciente candidato a trasplante cardiaco

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    Juan E. Gómez


    Conclusión: La necesidad de trasplante cardiaco se plantea una vez se han agotado las terapias farmacológicas y no farmacológicas disponibles. Los candidatos potenciales debe ser remitidos de forma prioritaria para su evaluación y seguimiento en una clínica de falla cardiaca que cuente con esta alternativa.

  1. [Association of abo blood groups with gestational diabetes mellitus]. (United States)

    Huidobro M, Andrea; Torres C, Demetrio; Paredes, Fabio


    ABO and Rhesus blood systems are associated with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2). Gestational Diabetes (GDM) is a model to study DM. To study the association between GDM and ABO and Rhesus groups. A retrospective cohort study was performed in 1,078 women who gave birth to a singleton in Talca Regional Hospital, Chile, during 2008. We analyzed personal, obstetric, medical data and ABO and Rh blood groups. GDM was diagnosed in 6.6% of women. Age and body mass index were significantly associated with GDM. There were no differences in Rh blood groups (p = 0.604), while ABO groups were different between GDM and controls. B antigen was present in 3% of GDM women and in 10.8% of controls (p = 0.037), with an odds ratio of 0.25 after adjusting for other associated risk factors (p = 0.06). ABO group is suggested as a possible protector marker for GDM.

  2. ABO blood groups, Rhesus factor, and Behçet's disease. (United States)

    Ozyurt, Kemal; Oztürk, Perihan; Gül, Mustafa; Benderli, Yasemin Cihan; Cölgeçen, Emine; Inci, Rahime


    Recently, numerous studies have been carried out to explain the genetics and immunopathogenesis of Behçet's disease (BD). There is still insufficient understanding of its etiopathogenesis, but substantial genetic and immune system abnormalities have been suggested. Several studies have shown remarkable associations of ABO blood groups with various diseases. This study investigated the relationship between ABO and Rhesus (D) blood groups and Behçet's disease in Turkish patients. Clinical data on gender, ABO, and Rhesus blood type of patients with BD were collected at the Kayseri Education and Research Hospital from 2005 to 2012. A total of 115 patients with BD were assessed for their association with ABO or Rhesus (D) blood groups and compared with the distribution of the blood groups of 25,701 healthy donors admitted to the Kayseri Education and Research Hospital Blood Center in 2010 and 2011. The distribution of ABO and Rhesus blood groups in patients with BD was similar to the healthy donors. No relationship was found between ABO or Rhesus blood groups and BD at our hospital. Further studies with a larger series and in different centers may be valuable for identifying the association between ABO or Rhesus (D) blood groups and BD.

  3. Infección por virus BK en paciente pediátrico trasplantado renal BK virus infection in a pediatric renal transplant recipient

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    R. Bonaventura


    Full Text Available El poliomavirus humano BK causa infección primaria asintomática en la niñez, estableciendo latencia principalmente en el tracto urinario. En individuos con alteración en la inmunidad celular se puede producir su reactivación desencadenando patología a nivel renal. Por estas razones es particularmente importante en la población pediátrica trasplantada renal, en la que puede producir la infección primaria cuando el paciente está inmunosuprimido. En nuestro trabajo se realizó el seguimiento de un paciente de 5 años trasplantado renal en octubre de 2003 que 45 días post-trasplante sufrió un deterioro del órgano injertado. Desde la fecha del trasplante hasta junio de 2004 se produjeron 3 episodios de alteración en la función renal, durante los cuales se analizaron muestras de sangre, orina, biopsia renal y líquido de linfocele. Para el diagnóstico difererencial entre rechazo agudo versus causa infecciosa se emplearon técnicas de detección para los virus BK, CMV y ADV, además del estudio citológico del tejido renal. Los resultados obtenidos junto con la clínica del paciente indican un probable caso de infección por BK. La importancia de realizar el diagnóstico diferencial entre rechazo agudo y la infección por BK radica en que la conducta en cuanto a la terapia inmunosupresora es opuesta en cada caso.BK Human Polyomavirus causes an asymptomatic primary infection in children, then establishing latency mainly in the urinary tract. Viral reactivation can lead to renal pathology in individuals with impaired cellular immune response. This is particularly important in pediatric transplant recipients, who can suffer a primary infection when immunosupressed. We followed up the case of a 5 years old patient who received a renal transplant in October 2003, and presented damaged graft 45 days after the intervention. The patient suffered 3 episodes of renal function failure between October 2003 and June 2004. Blood, urine, renal biopsy

  4. Desensitization for ABO incompatible kidney transplantation: Experience of a single center in Brazil. ABO incompatible kidney transplantation

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    Maria Cristina Ribeiro Castro


    Objective: To analyze the patient and the graft survival of the first cohort of Brazilian patients receiving ABO-incompatible transplants. Patients and Methods: From October 2012 to June 2016, we performed 10 ABO incompatible kidney transplantation (KT procedures from a living donor. The desensitization protocol was based on rituximab and PP. All patients received induction with Thymoglobulin and long-term steroids. Tacrolimus and mycophenolate sodium were initiated at the time of desensitization and continued after the transplant. Pre-transplant agglutinin titers varied from 1/32 to 1/512. Five patients also presented anti-HLA specific antibodies, being three T and B positive FCXM at baseline. Results: After a mean follow-up of 30 ( ± 13 months, all patients are alive. One patient lost the graft due to cellular rejection that occurred after reduction of immunosuppressive therapy for an aggressive HPV-related vulvar cancer. The mean serum creatinine concentration is 1.4 ± 0.5 mg/dl. Three episodes of rejection occurred in 3 patients: two cellular and one anti-HLA mediated. Conclusion: Desensitization with Rituximab and PP allowed us to perform transplants from living donors to ABO incompatible recipients in a Brazilian population with good results, even in highly-sensitized patients and in those presenting high anti-ABO agglutinin titers.


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    Elisa Kern de Castro


    Full Text Available En el presente artículo los autores revisan algunas cuestiones teóricas y estudios empíricos sobre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud infantil, en especial en niños con enfermedades crónicas que necesitan trasplantes de órganos. Pocas investigaciones han sido realizadas sobre el tema hasta el momento. Sus resultados han mostrado que el trasplante mejora el bienestar físico pero no hay conclusiones definitivas sobre su relación con el bienestar psicológico. Se discute la necesidad de evaluar los efectos del trasplante de órganos pediátrico en cada fase evolutiva, en distintos órganos y en diversas culturas.

  6. ABO blood group distribution and ischaemic heart disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lutfullah, A.; Bhatti, T.A.; Hanif, A.; Shaikh, S.H.


    To study the association of ABO blood groups with ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in our setting. Analytic comparative study. Department of Cardiology, Mayo hospital, Lahore over a period of two years from January 2008 to December 2009. The study group included 907 patients of IHD. The distribution of ABO blood groups in IHD patients was compared with the control group of 907 non-IHD individuals. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16. Chi-square test for significance was used. P-value less than 0.05 was taken as significant. In this study, the following pattern of ABO blood groups was observed in IHD patients and non-IHD patients respectively : Blood group A 251 (27.67%) and 248 (27.34%); Blood group B 329 (36.27%) and 358 (39.47%); Blood group O 235 (25.90%) and 240 (24.46%); Blood group AB 92 (10.14%) and 61 (6.72%), P-value = 0.06. There is no association of ABO blood groups and ischaemic heart disease. (author)

  7. Molecular genotyping of ABO blood groups in some population groups from India. (United States)

    Ray, Sabita; Gorakshakar, Ajit C; Vasantha, K; Nadkarni, Anita; Italia, Yazdi; Ghosh, Kanjaksha


    Indian population is characterized by the presence of various castes and tribal groups. Various genetic polymorphisms have been used to differentiate among these groups. Amongst these, the ABO blood group system has been extensively studied. There is no information on molecular genotyping of ABO blood groups from India. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to characterize the common A, B and O alleles by molecular analysis in some Indian population groups. One hundred samples from the mixed population from Mumbai, 101 samples from the Dhodia tribe and 100 samples from the Parsi community were included in this study. Initially, the samples were phenotyped by standard serologic techniques. PCR followed by single strand conformational polymorphsim (SSCP) was used for molecular ABO genotyping. Samples showing atypical SSCP patterns were further analysed by DNA sequencing to characterize rare alleles. Seven common ABO alleles with 19 different genotypes were found in the mixed population. The Dhodias showed 12 different ABO genotypes and the Parsis revealed 15 different ABO genotypes with six common ABO alleles identified in each of them. Two rare alleles were also identified. This study reports the distribution of molecular genotypes of ABO alleles among some population groups from India. Considering the extremely heterogeneous nature of the Indian population, in terms of various genotype markers like blood groups, red cell enzymes, etc., many more ABO alleles are likely to be encountered.

  8. Estimating the Risk of ABO Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn in Lagos (United States)

    Akanmu, Alani Sulaimon; Oyedeji, Olufemi Abiola; Adeyemo, Titilope Adenike; Ogbenna, Ann Abiola


    Background. ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn is the most common hemolytic consequence of maternofetal blood group incompatibility restricted mostly to non-group-O babies of group O mothers with immune anti-A or anti-B antibodies. Aim. We estimated the risk of ABO HDN with view to determining need for routine screening for ABO incompatibility between mother and fetus. Materials and Methods. Prevalence of ABO blood group phenotypes in blood donors at the donor clinic of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital and arithmetic methods were used to determine population prevalence of ABO genes. We then estimated proportion of pregnancies of group O mothers carrying a non-group-O baby and the risk that maternofetal ABO incompatibility will cause clinical ABO HDN. Results. Blood from 9138 donors was ABO typed. 54.3%, 23%, 19.4%, and 3.3% were blood groups O, A, B, and AB, respectively. Calculated gene frequencies were 0.1416, 0.1209, and 0.7375 for A, B, and O genes, respectively. It was estimated that 14.3% of deliveries will result in a blood group O woman giving birth to a child who is non-group-O. Approximately 4.3% of deliveries are likely to suffer ABO HDN with 2.7% prone to suffer from moderately severe to severe hemolysis. PMID:26491605


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    DR. Mario Ferrario B.


    Resultados: De los 16 enfermos, 9 de ellos fueron hombres, la edad promedio fue 38,7 años al momento del trasplante, el tiempo promedio de diabetes fue 23,5+/-7.3 años. Todos los injertos pancreáticos fueron anastomosados a los vasos ilíacos comunes derechos en forma término-terminal y el duodeno fue anastomosado en 8 casos a la vejiga y en los últimos 8 al íleon. La sobrevida de los pacientes a 10 años fue del 81%, del injerto de páncreas el 82% y del injerto renal el 65%. La complicación post operatoria más importante fue sepsis, causando la muerte en 2 pacientes. Y entre las complicaciones de tipo inmunológico, 8 pacientes presentaron rechazo agudo, siendo manejados con terapia esteroidal de rescate o timo globulina.

  10. Las células T reguladoras y su influencia en la sobrevida del trasplante renal Regulatory T cells and their influence in kidney allograft survival

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    Sonia Y. Velásquez


    Full Text Available La respuesta inmune desencadenada frente a un trasplante alogénico conduce usualmente a una respuesta efectora que resulta en el rechazo del aloinjerto; sin embargo, algunos individuos mantienen un trasplante funcionante a largo plazo sin signos de rechazo (tolerancia operacional, aun en ausencia de inmunosupresión. Se ha sugerido que los mismos mecanismos son responsables para la tolerancia hacia antígenos propios y aloantígenos. Uno de estos mecanismos es la regulación inmune y se han identificado varias subpoblaciones de células con propiedades reguladoras. Entre ellas, la población celular mejor caracterizada corresponde a las células T reguladoras (Tregs. Aunque las Tregs en ratones son CD4+CD25+, en humanos el fenotipo de las Treg está restringida a las células T CD4 con alta expresión de CD25 (CD25high y del factor de transcripción Foxp3. El análisis fenotípico y funcional de las células T reguladoras o supresoras circulantes en pacientes trasplantados tal vez sea útil para la detección de pacientes tolerantes operacionales. Además, una futura manipulación in vitro de estas células con fines terapéuticos podría conducir a lograr la inducción de tolerancia in vivo en el trasplante clínico. Aquí, revisamos la evidencia experimental y clínica del papel de las células reguladoras en la biología del trasplante.The immune response elicited by an allogenic transplant usually leads to an effector response resulting in allograft rejection; however, some individuals maintain a long-term functioning transplant without signs of rejection (operational tolerance even in the absence of immunosuppression. It has been suggested that the same mechanisms are responsible for tolerance to self-antigens and alloantigens. One of such mechanisms is immune regulation and several cell subsets with regulatory properties have been identified. Among them, the best characterized cell populations are the regulatory T cells (Treg. Although

  11. Hemoterapia en el trasplante de médula ósea: Experiencia en el instituto de hematología e inmunología Hemotherapy in bone marrow transplantation: Experience at the Institute of Hematology and Immunology

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    María E Alfonso Valdés


    Full Text Available Se describe la hemoterapia aplicada a 19 pacientes con enfermedades hematológicas malignas que recibieron trasplante de médula ósea autólogo (n=10 y alogénico (n=9. El consumo promedio de concentrados de eritrocitos y concentrados de plaquetas fue de 6,1 y 57,3, respectivamente. El uso de ambos componentes fue mayor en los enfermos que recibieron una médula ósea alogénica. Los pacientes que recibieron tratamiento con ciclosporina requirieron un número menor de concentrados de eritrocitos y plaquetas que los que no recibieron este inmunosupresor. En 3 casos existió incompatibilidad ABO donante-receptor, por lo que se adoptaron diversas medidas para evitar la hemólisis postrasplante. En el caso con incompatibilidad mayor se eliminaron los eritrocitos de la médula ósea, se realizaron 3 plasmaféresis al receptor y se le administró una transfusión de eritrocitos ABO incompatibles. En el caso con incompatibilidad menor se separó el plasma de la médula ósea. En 1 caso con incompatibilidad de tipo mixto se combinaron las medidas de los casos anteriores. En ninguno de los casos se produjo hemólisis postrasplanteThe hemotherapy applied to 19 patients with malignant hematological diseases that underwent autologous bone marrow transplantation (n=10 and allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (n=9 is described. The average consumption of erythrocytes concentrates and of platelets concentrates was 6.1 and 57.3 respectively. The use of both component was higher among those patients that received an allogeneic bone marrow. The patients who were treated with cyclosporine required a higher number of erythrocyte and platelet concentrates than those who did not receive this immunosupressor. As ABO donor-recepient incompatibility was observed in 3 cases, some measures were taken to prevent posttransplantation hemolysis. In the case with mejor incompatibility erythrocytes were eliminated from the bone marrow, the recipient underwent

  12. Trasplante cardíaco pediátrico: pasado, presente y futuro

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    María-Teresa González-López


    Conclusión: El trasplante cardíaco pediátrico presenta óptimos resultados en nuestro medio, superponibles a series mundiales. Aunque el perfil de riesgo está incrementándose, los resultados actuales reflejan los avances en el manejo de estos pacientes.

  13. ABO, rhesus blood groups and transfusion-transmitted infections ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Few studies focused on the study of blood groups in Gabon. This study aimed to determine the phenotypic frequency of ABO and Rhesus antigens in blood donors of Libreville and to assess the association between ABO blood groups and transfusion-transmitted infections. Materials and Methods: The study of ...

  14. ABO-Rh blood groups distribution in cardiac syndrome X patients. (United States)

    Kheradmand, Fatemeh; Rasmi, Yousef; Nemati, Mohaddeseh; Mohammadzad, Mir Hossein Seyed


    Data on frequency distribution of ABO-Rh blood groups in cardiac syndrome X (CSX) patients are not available. We aimed to investigate the distribution of ABO-Rh blood groups in these patients. A total of 247 CSX patients' records were reviewed in a cross-sectional study from 2006 to 2010. One hundred forty six patients (59.1%) were female, and the mean patient age was 52 ± 11 years. The frequency of ABO-Rh blood groups was compared to the frequency of these blood groups in the West-Azerbaijan province, Iran; general population. Blood groups distribution among CSX patients showed phenotypes A, B, AB, O and Rh negative as 33.1%, 21.9%, 9.3%, 35.8%, and 7.9%, respectively. According to our results, there were no differences in ABO-Rh blood groups distribution between CSX patients and normal population. These data suggest that ABO-Rh blood groups might be unassociated with CSX.

  15. Complicaciones cutáneas de la terapia inmunosupresora: estudio en trasplantados renales

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    Diego E. Jaramillo


    Full Text Available Se presenta la experiencia dermatológica obtenida durante el seguimiento prospectivo de 114 pacientes con trasplante renal, atendidos en el Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl, de Medellín; su evolución post-trasplante fluctuaba entre 2 meses y 13 anos y el seguimiento dermatológico fue por dos anos. Se encontró un número elevado de manifestaciones cutáneas (promedio 4,8 por paciente; las más frecuentes fueron: acné, micosis, hirsutismo y xerosis; no se hallaron lesiones malignas. No hubo asociación de las manifestaciones cutáneas con la edad del paciente, el tipo de donante o el esquema Inmunosupresor. Dada la alta frecuencia de patología cutánea se sugiere que estos pacientes sean educados adecuadamente sobre este aspecto y examinados periódicamente con el fin de detectar y manejar a tiempo sus problemas dermatológicos benignos O potencialmente malignos.

  16. ABO blood groups and rheumatic diseases. (United States)

    Çildağ, Songül; Kara, Yasemin; Şentürk, Taşkın


    Various genetic and environmental risk factors have been shown to be associated with the incidence of rheumatic diseases. However, the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases poorly understood. Several studies have shown associations of ABO blood groups with various diseases. Our study aimed to determine whether there is an association between the types of rheumatic diseases and ABO and Rh blood groups. The study included the patients, followed up at the Immunology-Rheumatology clinic between January 2016 and December 2016 for diagnosis of rheumatic disease, who had an ABO Rh blood data. Age, gender, type of rheumatic disease, ABO Rh blood groups were recorded. When 823 patients were assessed for blood types, 42.5% patients had A type, 33.2% had O type, 15.4% had B type, and 8.9% had AB type. There was significant difference in the distribution of blood types in rheumatic diseases. While SpA, vasculitis, UCTD, Behçet's and RA were more common in the patients with A blood type; FMF, SLE, SSc and SjS were more common in the patients with O blood type. In addition, the blood type where all the diseases are observed the least commonly was AB. There was significant difference in the distribution of Rh factor in rheumatic diseases. 92.2% patients were Rh positive and 7.8% patients were Rh negative. In our study, we thought that the higher incidence of different rheumatic diseases in different blood types was associated with different genetic predisposition.

  17. ABO blood group and risk of cancer

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vasan, Senthil K; Hwang, Jinseub; Rostgaard, Klaus


    groups and site-specific cancer risk in a large cohort of healthy blood donors from Sweden and Denmark. RESULTS: A total of 1.6 million donors were followed over 27 million person-years (20 million in Sweden and 7 million in Denmark). We observed 119,584 cancer cases. Blood groups A, AB and B were......INTRODUCTION: The associations between ABO blood group and cancer risk have been studied repeatedly, but results have been variable. Consistent associations have only been reported for pancreatic and gastric cancers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We estimated associations between different ABO blood...... associated either with increased or decreased risk of cancer at 13 anatomical sites (p≤0.05), compared to blood group O. Consistent with assessment using a false discovery rate approach, significant associations with ABO blood group were observed for cancer of the pancreas, breast, and upper gastrointestinal...

  18. En la Cuyuntura entre la Antropología y el Trasplante de Órganos Humanos: Tendencias, Conceptos y Agendas.

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    Alejandro Castillejo Cuéllar.


    Full Text Available Este texto es un resumen de los debates en torno a la tecnología de trasplante de órganos humanos desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales. El artículo se divide en cuatro secciones: por un lado, presenta algunas de las principales corrientes relativas a la ética de los trasplantes de órganos humanos. En segundo lugar, que habita en el encuentro de profesionales y la antropología de la práctica médica. En tercer lugar, el artículo discute los principales problemas con el trasplante de lo que se refiere a la traffcking de órganos humanos. Por último, se alude a los programas de investigación pertinentes posible en América Latina, y particularmente en Colombia.

  19. Gene frequencies of ABO and Rh blood groups in Nigeria: A review

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Abass Toba Anifowoshe


    Dec 5, 2016 ... d Department of Science Technology, The Federal Polytechnic Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria .... germane discoveries lead to reduced mortality due to blood trans- fusion. Human ABO ... the current frequencies of ABO types among populations based ... ABO blood group system extends beyond transfusion medicine/.

  20. "Aprende a cuidar a tus riñones y ellos cuidaran de ti". Programa de educación para la salud dirigido a pacientes con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC)


    Niso Andrade, Rebeca


    La Enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) es una enfermedad crónica que avanza progresivamente. Según la tasa de filtrado glomerular (TFG), se pueden diferenciar 5 estadios dentro de la enfermedad. En el estadio 5, ya es demasiado tarde para trabajar desde la prevención, ya que la TFG, y con ella la función renal, ha disminuido tanto que la supervivencia de los pacientes entra en juego y es necesario iniciar una terapia renal sustitutiva, diálisis o trasplante renal. Los estadios 3 y 4...

  1. Trasplantation of larynx and trachea: both a present and future option Trasplantes de la laringe y tráquea, una opción para el presente y el futuro

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    Francisco Martínez


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    Lost functions of the larynx and the trachea may be restored by different means, but none of them is physiologic and patients are left with functional difficulties and self-esteem disorders that alter the quality of their lives.  Transplantation of these organs is an useful alternative but certain basic requirements concerning revascularization, reinnervation and immunosupression should be fulfilled.  The former has been achieved through the knowledge of vascular territories and the advances in surgical techniques.  Difficulties for reinnervation have no yet been thoroughly overcome but tone can be achieved in the vocal folds and functionality may be obtained by manipulation of their position.  Immunosupression is produced with cyclosporine which requirements were determined in experimental models.  The main reason for carrying out these and other transplantations is to improve the quality of life of persons who have suffered the loss of an organ.  A review is presented on important aspects that have to be taken into account when performing these transplantations.

    Las funciones perdidas de la laringe o la tráquea se pueden reemplazar de diferentes maneras; sin embargo, ninguna alternativa es fisiológica y los trasplantes quedan con dificultades funcionales y de autoestima que alteran la calidad de sus vidas,  El Trasplante de estos órganos es una alternativa útil, pero deben cumplirse ciertos requisitos básicos en cuanto a la revascularización, la reinervación y la imunosupresión.  El primero se logró con el conocimiento de los territorios vasculares y los avances en las técnicas quirúrgicas.  Las dificultades para la reinervación todavía no se han superado totalmente, pero se puede lograr tono en los pliegues vocales y obtener funcionalidad manipulando su posición.  la inmunosupresión se logra con ciclosporina cuyos requerimientos se definieron en modelos experimentales.  La principal razón para hacer estos y

  2. Short-tem Post Renal Trasplant Follow-up at Madinah Al Munawarah

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    Bernieh Bassam


    Full Text Available We reviewed the records of the renal transplant patients followed at our hospital to determine short-term outcome and complications. Sixty-five renal transplant patients, follow-up for two years were included in this study. Of these patients 40 (61.5% were males, 33 (50.7% were Saudis with mean age of 37.2 ± 11.7 years. Donors were living related (LRD in 23 (35%, living non-related (LNRD in 27 (42% and cadaveric (CAD in 15 (23%. Thirty-two transplants were carried out at Medinah, 21 in India and the rest in other centers inside Saudi Arabia. Immunosuppression was based on a triple therapy (Cyclosporin, Azathioprine, and Prednisone. At two years, 52 (80% patients were alive, with functioning graft in 31 (58%. Causes of death among 13 patients (11 LNRD & 2 CAD were infections in 7 (54%, immediate post transplant in three (22.7%, acute myocardial infarction in two (15.7%, CVA in one (7.6%. Complications encountered were acute rejection (23 episodes in 18 923.6% patients, infections in 19 (25%, chronic rejection in 16 (21.5%, surgical in 13 917.1%, diabetes mellitus in 5 (6.5% primary non-function in three (3.8% and Kaposi Sarcoma in two (2.4%. Twenty-six (81.25% out of 32 transplants performed in Madinah were functioning, four (12.5% patients returned to dialysis and two (6.25% patients died. Among the 21 transplants done in India 11 (52% patients died, six (28.6% returned to dialysis, and four (19.4% had function deteriorated in all patients. We conclude that despite limitations, results of renal transplantation carried out at Madinah are encouraging on short-term basis. Live related transplant has a very good outcome, while commercial transplantation carries poor prognosis.

  3. Outcomes Following ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplantation Performed After Desensitization by Nonantigen-Specific Immunoadsorption. (United States)

    Becker, Luis E; Siebert, Daniela; Süsal, Caner; Opelz, Gerhard; Leo, Albrecht; Waldherr, Rüdiger; Macher-Goeppinger, Stephan; Schemmer, Peter; Schaefer, Sebastian Markus; Klein, Katrin; Beimler, Jörg; Zeier, Martin; Schwenger, Vedat; Morath, Christian


    For desensitization of ABO-incompatible kidney transplant recipients we recently proposed nonantigen-specific immunoadsorption (IA) and rituximab. We now compared clinical outcomes of 34 ABO-incompatible living-donor kidney recipients who were transplanted using this protocol with that of 68 matched ABO-compatible patients. In addition, we analyzed efficacy and cost of nonantigen-specific as compared to blood group antigen-specific IA. Before desensitization, the median isoagglutinin titer of 34 ABO-incompatible patients was 1:64 (Coombs technique). Patients received a median of 7 preoperative IA treatments. Twenty-four patients had a median of 2 additional plasmapheresis treatments to reach the preoperative target isoagglutinin titer of 1:8 or less. After a median postoperative follow-up of 22 months, overall graft survival in the ABO-incompatible group was not significantly different from that in ABO-compatible patients (log-rank P = 0.20), whereas patient survival tended to be lower (log-rank P = 0.05). The incidence of rejection episodes was 15% in both groups. The ABO-incompatible kidney recipients had a higher incidence of BK virus replication (P = 0.04) and nephropathy (P = 0.01) and showed more often colonization with multidrug resistant bacteria (P = 0.02). In comparison to blood group antigen-specific IA, nonantigen-specific IA showed equal efficacy but was associated with reduction in cost. Clinical outcomes of ABO-incompatible patients desensitized with a nonantigen-specific IA device and rituximab do not differ from that of matched ABO-compatible patients although a trend toward reduced patient survival was noted. Special attention must be paid to the higher incidence of BK virus infection in recipients of ABO-incompatible grafts.

  4. ABO-Rh blood groups distribution in cardiac syndrome X patients


    Kheradmand, Fatemeh; Rasmi, Yousef; Nemati, Mohaddeseh; Mohammadzad, Mir Hossein Seyed


    Background: Data on frequency distribution of ABO-Rh blood groups in cardiac syndrome X (CSX) patients are not available. We aimed to investigate the distribution of ABO-Rh blood groups in these patients. Materials and Methods: A total of 247 CSX patients’ records were reviewed in a cross-sectional study from 2006 to 2010. One hundred forty six patients (59.1%) were female, and the mean patient age was 52 ± 11 years. The frequency of ABO-Rh blood groups was compared to the frequency of these ...

  5. Late antibody-mediated rejection after ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation during Gram-negative sepsis

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    A. de Weerd (Annelies); A.G. Vonk (Alieke); H. van der Hoek (Hans); M. van Groningen (Marian); W. Weimar (Willem); M.G.H. Betjes (Michiel); M. Agteren (Madelon)


    textabstractBackground: The major challenge in ABO-incompatible transplantation is to minimize antibody-mediated rejection. Effective reduction of the anti-ABO blood group antibodies at the time of transplantation has made ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation a growing practice in our hospital

  6. ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation: first cases in Turkey. (United States)

    Tuncer, M; Yücetin, L; Tekin, S; Demirbas, A


    ABO compatibility has been believed to be necessary in kidney transplantation (Ktx) to prevent acute antibody-mediated rejection. However, developments in immunosuppression and immunoadsorption techniques have overcome acute antibody-mediated rejection caused by ABO incompatibility. Herein, we have presented the first ABO-incompatible Ktx cases in Turkey. All recipients did not have an ABO-compatible donor but presented significant dialysis inadequacy due to vascular access problems. Five dialysis patients with blood groups O or B underwent kidney transplantation from living related donors of blood group type A1 or AB between march 23, 2007 and August 16, 2007. All patients received Rituximab (375 mg/m(2)) at 3-4 weeks before the Ktx. Additionally, we started tacrolimus (0.15 mg/kg), mycophenolate mofetil (2 × 1 g), and simvastatin (1 × 20 mg) 1 week before the operation. Immunoadsorption therapy employing a specific filter (Glycosorbs) to remove anti-A or anti-B antibodies was continued until the titers were 1/8 during the first postoperative week and >1/16 at the second postoperative week. We used 2 standard hemodialysis machines with a connection line to perform immunoabsorption and dialysis during the same session. Acute humoral and cellular rejection was not detected. During the follow-up 1 patient was lost due to a cardiovascular complication. Mean creatinine level was 1.1 ± 0.3 mg/dL. These first ABO-incompatible transplantation cases in Turkey suggest that this source may represent an effective approach to overcome the organ shortage. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Certeza diagnóstica en la mortalidad de una población de pacientes con trasplante cardíaco

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    Marcos Amuchástegui


    Full Text Available RESUMENIntroducciónA pesar de que la morbimortalidad en el trasplante cardíaco ha sido motivo de extensoanálisis, la mayoría de los estudios y registros de mortalidad en pacientes trasplantados sebasan sobre datos clínicos. En la bibliografía existen comunicaciones aisladas de autopsiasen pacientes con trasplante cardíaco.ObjetivoDeterminar la importancia de la realización de estudios anatomopatológicos para el diagnósticode causa de muerte en un programa de trasplante cardíaco.Material y métodosSe incluyeron todos los pacientes con trasplante cardíaco fallecidos entre enero 1990 y enero2005. El diagnóstico definitivo de la causa de muerte fue corroborado por autopsia obiopsia de órgano sólido. Las causas de muerte evaluadas fueron falla precoz del injerto,rechazo celular, infección, enfermedad vascular del injerto, neoplasia y otros.ResultadosDurante el período en estudio 73 pacientes fueron sometidos a trasplante cardíaco; de ellos,fallecieron 31. Se obtuvieron 12 autopsias y 7 biopsias de órgano sólido que certificaron lacausa de muerte (61%. La causa de muerte más frecuente fue el rechazo celular mayor degrado III. En el 12,9%, la anatomía patológica difirió de la sospecha clínica de la causa demuerte.ConclusiónLa información clinicopatológica derivada de estudios post mortem es un indicador de nuestrarealidad asistencial y se constituye en un pilar fundamental para el conocimiento y elmanejo futuro de los pacientes trasplantados, por lo que consideramos que la realización deautopsias en estos pacientes es de vital importancia.REV ARGENT CARDIOL 2008;76:292-294.

  8. Genetic characterization of the ABO blood group in Neandertals

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    Bertranpetit Jaume


    Full Text Available Abstract Background The high polymorphism rate in the human ABO blood group gene seems to be related to susceptibility to different pathogens. It has been estimated that all genetic variation underlying the human ABO alleles appeared along the human lineage, after the divergence from the chimpanzee lineage. A paleogenetic analysis of the ABO blood group gene in Neandertals allows us to directly test for the presence of the ABO alleles in these extinct humans. Results We have analysed two male Neandertals that were retrieved under controlled conditions at the El Sidron site in Asturias (Spain and that appeared to be almost free of modern human DNA contamination. We find a human specific diagnostic deletion for blood group O (O01 haplotype in both Neandertal individuals. Conclusion These results suggest that the genetic change responsible for the O blood group in humans predates the human and Neandertal divergence. A potential selective event associated with the emergence of the O allele may have therefore occurred after humans separated from their common ancestor with chimpanzees and before the human-Neandertal population divergence.

  9. Influence of ABO blood group on sports performance. (United States)

    Lippi, Giuseppe; Gandini, Giorgio; Salvagno, Gian Luca; Skafidas, Spyros; Festa, Luca; Danese, Elisa; Montagnana, Martina; Sanchis-Gomar, Fabian; Tarperi, Cantor; Schena, Federico


    Despite being a recessive trait, the O blood group is the most frequent worldwide among the ABO blood types. Since running performance has been recognized as a major driver of evolutionary advantage in humans, we planned a study to investigate whether the ABO blood group may have an influence on endurance running performance in middle-aged recreational athletes. The study population consisted of 52 recreational, middle-aged, Caucasian athletes (mean age: 49±13 years, body mass index, 23.4±2.3 kg/m 2 ), regularly engaged in endurance activity. The athletes participated to a scientific event called "Run for Science" (R4S), entailing the completion of a 21.1 km (half-marathon) run under competing conditions. The ABO blood type status of the participants was provided by the local Service of Transfusion Medicine. In univariate analysis, running performance was significantly associated with age and weekly training, but not with body mass index. In multiple linear regression analysis, age and weekly training remained significantly associated with running performance. The ABO blood group status was also found to be independently associated with running time, with O blood type athletes performing better than those with non-O blood groups. Overall, age, weekly training and O blood group type explained 62.2% of the total variance of running performance (age, 41.6%; training regimen, 10.5%; ABO blood group, 10.1%). The results of our study show that recreational athletes with O blood group have better endurance performance compared to those with non-O blood group types. This finding may provide additional support to the putative evolutionary advantages of carrying the O blood group.

  10. Qualitative analysis fingertip patterns in ABO blood group


    S. V. KShirsagar


    The inheritance of the dermatoglyphic patterns is polygenic. The genetic basis of the blood group is well established. The correlation between the dermatoglyphic patterns and the ABO blood group is studied by some workers in different populations. In the present study, the correlation between dermatoglyphics and ABO blood group is studied in the Marathwada Region of Maharashtra. The qualitative data included fingertip patterns and three indices. It was observed that, the Arch pattern is more ...

  11. Algunas reflexiones éticas sobre los trasplantes de órganos sólidos

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    P. Patricio Burdiles, Dr.


    Full Text Available Durante el año 2009 se evidenció una disminución en el número de donaciones de órganos en Chile, aún cuando las listas de espera de pacientes que requieren un trasplante de órganos sólidos han seguido aumentando. Estas materias contribuyen a generar gran preocupación en los pacientes, familiares y en los equipos de salud involucrados. La consolidación de los trasplantes como recursos terapéuticos probados y validados por varias décadas de experimentación y experiencias clínicas, trae como consecuencia que se anhele y promueva, desde distintos estamentos médicos, científicos y sociales, aumentar la tasa de donaciones. Sin embargo por ser de suyo un tema relativamente nuevo en nuestra sociedad, que involucra aspectos morales, espirituales y afectivos, es esperable que resulten en cuestionamientos y tensiones éticas. Esto mismo hace necesario que se genere, facilite y profundice en los actores sociales, un debate sobre esta materia, que toca en lo más profundo, nuestras concepciones respecto a la vida, la dignidad e integridad corporal y en torno a la muerte y a sus definiciones. La familiarización con estos temas y la comprensión de los principios y valores que fundamentan los trasplantes, contribuirá a reducir la paradójica realidad del discurso mayoritario a favor de la donación de órganos y el escaso número real de donaciones efectuadas en los últimos años.

  12. La lipocalina asociada con la gelatinasa de neutrófilos como factor temprano de predicción de la función retardada del injerto renal

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    John Fredy Nieto-Ríos


    Conclusión. Los niveles de lipocalina urinaria asociada a la gelatinasa de neutrófilos a las 48 horas del trasplante renal predijeron la función retardada, incluida la necesidad de diálisis, pero no fueron superiores a los de la creatinina sérica para la detección temprana.

  13. Comparative frequency and allelic distribution of ABO and Rh (D ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Allelic distribution of major blood groups (ABO and rhesus) has not been defined in Bangladeshi population. Determinants of blood group frequency in this region have not been studied properly. Aim: To determine ABO and rhesus blood group frequency and allelic distribution in a multiethnic area of ...

  14. ABO blood groups, Rhesus factor, and anaphylactic reactions due to Hymenoptera stings. (United States)

    Pałgan, Krzysztof; Bartuzi, Zbigniew; Chrzaniecka, Elżbieta


    Numerous publications indicate that the prevalence of some infectious, neoplastic and immunological diseases are associated with ABO blood groups. The aim of this study was to verify whether ABO and Rh blood groups are associated with severe anaphylactic reactions after Hymenoptera stings. A study was undertaken of 71,441 Caucasian subjects living in the same geographic area. The study group included 353 patients with diagnosed systemic anaphylaxis to Hymenoptera venom. Control group included 71,088 healthy blood donors. Frequencies of ABO and Rhesus groups in the study and control groups were compared using univariate and multivariate analyses. No statistically significant interactions were observed between the ABO blood group and anaphylactic reactions to Hymenoptera.

  15. Relative Risks of Thrombosis and Bleeding in Different ABO Blood Groups. (United States)

    Franchini, Massimo; Lippi, Giuseppe


    The ABO blood group system is composed of complex carbohydrate molecules (i.e., the A, B, and H determinants) that are widely expressed on the surface of red blood cells and in a variety of other cell and tissues. Along with their pivotal role in transfusion and transplantation medicine, the ABO antigens participate in many other physiological processes and, in particular, are important determinants of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII circulating plasma levels. The precise influence of the ABO system on hemostasis has led the way to the investigation of a putative implication in the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders. Along with the underlying molecular mechanisms, the current knowledge on the role of ABO blood group antigens in both the thrombotic and hemorrhagic risk will be summarized in this narrative review. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  16. Seguridad de la vacuna de la gripe en el receptor de trasplante de órgano sólido


    Bulnes Ramos, Ángel


    La infección por influenza en los pacientes receptores de trasplante de órgano sólido (TOS) se ha asociado con altas tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad, especialmente en los primeros tres meses tras el trasplante. La vacunación de la gripe se ha propuesto como una medida eficaz para la prevención de la infección en estos pacientes. La mayoría de los estudios realizados para evaluar la eficacia de la vacunación en este grupo de pacientes han reflejado una respuesta humoral óptima en el receptor ...

  17. ABO Blood Group and Endometrial Carcinoma: A Preliminary Single-Center Experience from Saudi Arabia. (United States)

    Abu-Zaid, Ahmed; Alsabban, Mohannad; Abuzaid, Mohammed; Alomar, Osama; Al-Badawi, Ismail A; Salem, Hany


    Inherited ABO blood groups have been shown to play possible contributions in the pathogenesis of various gynecologic and non-gynecologic carcinomas. With regard to gynecologic carcinomas, there is a confined number of studies that explored the relationship between ABO blood group and endometrial carcinoma (EC) in the PubMed-indexed literature. To the best of our knowledge, no such study has ever been conducted in Saudi Arabia. Our study has two objectives: (I) to determine the prevalence of ABO blood groups among Saudi patients with EC, and (II) to explore the relationship between ABO blood group and several clinico-pathological prognostic parameters (namely: menopausal status [age], body mass index [BMI], tumor grade, FIGO [Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique] stage and recurrence) in Saudi patients with EC. A retrospective cross-sectional study from 01-January-2010 to 31-July-2014 was conducted at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - a referral tertiary healthcare institute. One-hundred and fourteen patients (n=114) were included in the study. Clinico-pathological data were extrapolated from medical records, and their association with ABO blood groups were evaluated. Categorical data were presented as number of cases (n) and percentages (%). Two-tailed Chi-square test was used for univariate analysis. For all purposes, p values 28 kg/m 2 (84.2%), diagnosed with early FIGO stage I-II (76.3%) and developed no recurrence (86.8%). The frequencies of ABO blood group types A, B, AB, and O were 28.1%, 12.3%, 3.5% and 56.1%, respectively. When ABO blood groups were analyzed as four different types (A, B, AB and O), O-type was the most common ABO blood group in pre- and post-menopausal EC patients (43.8% and 58.2%, respectively; p=0.14). There were no statistically significant correlations between ABO blood groups and all the examined clinico-pathological factors. Moreover, when ABO blood groups were

  18. Donación de órganos para trasplante: una oportunidad para la equidad en chile

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    C. Marcelo Muñoz, Dr.


    Full Text Available La donación efectiva de órganos en Chile se encuentra en un preocupante estancamiento. La tasa de donantes efectivos no sólo no se ha incrementado en el periodo 1998–2008, sino que por el contrario en los últimos años ha disminuido. Cualquier análisis en estas circunstancias debe interpelar a los principios o a priori que fundamentan el actual sistema de donación y trasplante. Un modelo de donación de órganos para trasplante y todas aquellas etapas que permiten el éxito de esta técnica deben fundamentarse en el respeto a un principio ético central que es la equidad y en el resguardo con celo, la eficiencia, transparencia y credibilidad del mismo.

  19. ABO Blood Group Genotyping by Real-time PCR in Kazakh Population

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    Pavel Tarlykov


    Full Text Available Introduction. ABO blood group genotyping is a new technology in hematology that helps prevent adverse transfusion reactions in patients. Identification of antigens on the surface of red blood cells is based on serology; however, genotyping employs a different strategy and is aimed directly at genes that determine the surface proteins. ABO blood group genotyping by real-time PCR has several crucial advantages over other PCR-based techniques, such as high rapidity and reliability of analysis. The purpose of this study was to examine nucleotide substitutions differences by blood types using a PCR-based method on Kazakh blood donors.Methods. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the National Center for Biotechnology. Venous blood samples from 369 healthy Kazakh blood donors, whose blood types had been determined by serological methods, were collected after obtaining informed consent. The phenotypes of the samples included blood group A (n = 99, B (n = 93, O (n = 132, and AB (n = 45. Genomic DNA was extracted using a salting-out method. PCR products of ABO gene were sequenced on an ABI 3730xl DNA analyzer (Applied Biosystems. The resulting nucleotide sequences were compared and aligned against reference sequence NM_020469.2. Real-time PCR analysis was performed on CFX96 Touch™ Real-Time PCR Detection System (BioRad.Results. Direct sequencing of ABO gene in 369 samples revealed that the vast majority of nucleotide substitutions that change the ABO phenotype were limited to exons 6 and 7 of the ABO gene at positions 261, 467, 657, 796, 803, 930 and 1,060. However, genotyping of only three of them (261, 796 and 803 resulted in identification of major ABO genotypes in the Kazakh population. As a result, TaqMan probe based real-time PCR assay for the specific detection of genotypes 261, 796 and 803 was developed. The assay did not take into account several other mutations that may affect the determination of blood group, because they have a

  20. Detección de candidatos a trasplante hepático (1990-1999 en el Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe y determinación de la supervivencia

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    Gonzálo Correa Arango


    Full Text Available

    Determinar en los pacientes cirróticos que consultaron al HPTU
    (1990-1999 los potenciales candidatos a un trasplante hepático, cuáles fueron sus causas de ingreso y la supervivencia actual sin trasplante hepático. Adicionar estos resultados a los obtenidos en el HUSVP para conocer la dinámica del comportamiento del paciente con enfermedad hepática susceptible de un trasplante hepático en la ciudad de Medellín.



  1. ABO incompatibility hemolytic disease following exchange transfusion 96 newborn


    Khatami S.F; Behjati SH.


    Background: ABO incompatibility hemolytic disease of the newborn is a common cause of clinical jaundice and causes two-thirds of the hemolytic disease in newborns. This study was undertaken to determine the frequency of ABO incompatibility hemolytic disease and its complications in newborns undergoing exchange transfusion.Methods: This prospective and descriptive study was performed in jaundiced newborn infants during a three-year period. Inclusion criteria were: maternal blood type O, newbor...

  2. The Classroom-Friendly ABO Blood Types Kit: Blood Agglutination Simulation (United States)

    Arnold, Savittree Rochanasmita; Kruatong, Tussatrin; Dahsah, Chanyah; Suwanjinda, Duongdearn


    The classroom-friendly ABO blood type kit was developed by combining advantages of modelling and a simulation laboratory to teach the topics of ABO blood types and blood transfusion. Teachers can easily simulate the agglutination reaction on a blood type testing plate in the classroom, and show the students how this reaction occurs by using the…

  3. Mecanismos sociales de coordinación en el Sistema Español de Trasplantes

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    Carmen De Pablos Heredero


    Full Text Available El proceso de donación de órganos es complejo y demanda de un conjunto de recursos muy especializados e interconectados que operan con altas restricciones de tiempos. El presente trabajo analiza desde las perspectivas organizativas y sociales el Sistema Nacional de Trasplantes. Por medio de una metodología cualitativa basada en el desarrollo de un análisis Delphi, se presenta y describe el complejo sistema de donación de órganos, a continuación se analizan los factores de éxito del sistema de gestión. Se muestra como los mecanismos de coordinación intrahospitalarios, que promueven los hospitales, así como los extra hospitalarios que facilita la Organización Nacional de Trasplantes, posibilitan la colaboración y el consenso que se requieren para conseguir los resultados exitosos que hacen del modelo español un referente mundial. Los resultados apuntan que se dan un conjunto de elementos de gestión que constituyen factores críticos de éxito en el sistema, como las competencias de coordinación que desarrollan por un lado la Organización de Trasplantes y por otro los coordinadores hospitalarios en materia de donación de órganos, factores como la formación a los especialistas, la sensibilización hacia la importancia de la donación, la gestión y el control de la información y la dualidad en el perfil de los coordinadores constituyen los pilares básicos de este sistema excelente.

  4. Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation with ABO-Incompatible Grafts: A German Single Center Experience

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    Armin D. Goralczyk


    Full Text Available Adult living donor liver transplantations (ALDLTs across the ABO blood group barrier have been reported in Asia, North Americas, and Europe, but not yet in Germany. Several strategies have been established to overcome the detrimental effects that are attached with such a disparity between donor and host, but no gold standard has yet emerged. Here, we present the first experiences with three ABO-incompatible adult living donor liver transplantations in Germany applying different immunosuppressive strategies. Four patient-donor couples were considered for ABO-incompatible ALDLT. In these patients, resident ABO blood group antibodies (isoagglutinins were depleted by plasmapheresis or immunoadsorption and replenishment was inhibited by splenectomy and/or B-cell-targeted immunosuppression. Despite different treatments ALDLT could safely be performed in three patients and all patients had good initial graft function without signs for antibody-mediated rejection (AMR. Two patients had long-term graft survival with stable graft function. We thus propose the feasibility of ABO-incompatible ALDLT with these protocols and advocate further expansion of ABO incompatible ALDLT in multicenter trials to improve efficacy and safety.

  5. Unreliable patient identification warrants ABO typing at admission to check existing records before transfusion. (United States)

    Ferrera-Tourenc, V; Lassale, B; Chiaroni, J; Dettori, I


    This study describes patient identification errors leading to transfusional near-misses in blood issued by the Alps Mediterranean French Blood Establishment (EFSAM) to Marseille Public Hospitals (APHM) over an 18-month period. The EFSAM consolidates 14 blood banks in southeast France. It supplies 149 hospitals and maintains a centralized database on ABO types used at all area hospitals. As an added precaution against incompatible transfusion, the APHM requires ABO testing at each admission regardless of whether the patient has an ABO record. The study goal was to determine if admission testing was warranted. Discrepancies between ABO type determined by admission testing and records in the centralized database were investigated. The root cause for each discrepancy was classified as specimen collection or patient admission error. Causes of patient admission events were further subclassified as namesake (name similarity) or impersonation (identity fraud). The incidence of ABO discrepancies was 1:2334 including a 1:3329 incidence of patient admission events. Impersonation was the main cause of identity events accounting for 90.3% of cases. The APHM's ABO control policy prevented 19 incompatible transfusions. In relation to the 48,593 packed red cell units transfused, this would have corresponded to a risk of 1:2526. Collecting and storing ABO typing results in a centralized database is an essential public health tool. It allows crosschecking of current test results with past records and avoids redundant testing. However, as patient identification remains unreliable, ABO typing at each admission is still warranted to prevent transfusion errors. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  6. Ready-made allogeneic ABO-specific serum eye drops

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Harritshøj, Lene Holm; Nielsen, Connie; Ullum, Henrik


    serum treatment. CONCLUSION: Ready-made ABO-identical allogeneic serum eye drops were straightforwardly produced, quality-assured and registered as a safe standard blood product for the treatment of certain cases of severe dry eye disease. Therapeutic efficacy was comparable to previous reports......PURPOSE: To overcome problems and delays of the preparation of autologous serum eye drops, a production line of ABO-specific allogeneic serum eye drops from male blood donors was set up in a blood bank. Feasibility, clinical routine, safety and efficacy were evaluated in a cohort of patients...

  7. Distribution of ABO and Rh-Hr blood group antigens, alleles and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ABO and Rh-Hr blood group antigens represent a genetically stably determined trait with many-sided biological and clinical significance. The indigenous Ajarian population (105 subjects) was investigated for ABO Rh-Hr red cell blood group antigens. Using immunoserologic methods, seven blood group antigens (A, B, C, c, ...

  8. Abo1, a conserved bromodomain AAA?ATPase, maintains global nucleosome occupancy and organisation


    Gal, Csenge; Murton, Heather E; Subramanian, Lakxmi; Whale, Alex J; Moore, Karen M; Paszkiewicz, Konrad; Codlin, Sandra; B?hler, J?rg; Creamer, Kevin M; Partridge, Janet F; Allshire, Robin C; Kent, Nicholas A; Whitehall, Simon K


    Maintenance of the correct level and organisation of nucleosomes is crucial for genome function. Here, we uncover a role for a conserved bromodomain AAA-ATPase, Abo1, in the maintenance of nucleosome architecture in fission yeast. Cells lacking abo1+ experience both a reduction and mis-positioning of nucleosomes at transcribed sequences in addition to increased intragenic transcription, phenotypes that are hallmarks of defective chromatin re-establishment behind RNA polymerase II. Abo1 is rec...

  9. Intravenous immunoglobulin in ABO and Rh hemolytic diseases of newborn. (United States)

    Nasseri, Fatemeh; Mamouri, Gholam A; Babaei, Homa


    To evaluate whether the use of intravenous immunoglobulin in newborn infants with isoimmune hemolytic jaundice due to Rh and ABO incompatibility is an effective treatment in reducing the need for exchange transfusion. This study included all direct Coombs' test positive Rh and ABO isoimmunized babies, who admitted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Ghaem Hospital of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran, from October 2003 to October 2004. Significant hyperbilirubinemia was defined as rising by >or=0.5 mg/dl per hour. Babies were randomly assigned to received phototherapy with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) 0.5 g/kg over 4 hours, every 12 hours for 3 doses (study group) or phototherapy alone (control group). Exchange transfusion was performed in any group if serum bilirubin exceeded >or=20mg/dl or rose by >or=1mg/dl/h. A total of 34 babies were eligible for this study (17 babies in each group). The number of exchange transfusion, duration of phototherapy and hospitalization days, were significant shorter in the study group versus control group. When we analyzed the outcome results in ABO and Rh hemolytic disease separately, the efficacy of IVIg was significantly better in Rh versus ABO isoimmunization. Late anemia was more common in the IVIg group 11.8% versus 0%, p=0.48. Adverse effects were not observed during IVIg administration. Administration of IVIg to newborns with significant hyperbilirubinemia due to Rh hemolytic disease reduced the need for exchange transfusion but in ABO hemolytic disease there was no significant difference between IVIg and double surface blue light phototherapy.

  10. Selección de donantes y receptores en trasplante pulmonar: procedimientos generales

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    C. María Teresa Parada, Dra.


    Full Text Available El trasplante pulmonar es una alternativa terapéutica que se ha validado en lo últimos 30 años para aquellos pacientes portadores de una enfermedad pulmonar terminal. Las características propias del trasplante pulmonar dadas por su conexión al ambiente a través de la vía aérea y la isquemia presente en las suturas durante el primer mes han constituído por mucho tiempo la principal causa de morbilidad y mortalidad de los pacientes trasplantados pulmonares. Los nuevos medicamentos inmunosupresores, la mejoría de las soluciones de preservación y de las técnicas quirúrgicas han disminuido las complicaciones y mortalidad precoz, siendo el gran desafío aún, el rechazo crónico conocido como el Sindrome de Bronquiolitis Obliterante (SBO. La selección del receptor de acuerdo a la patología de base se ha modificado, promoviendo la derivación precoz en patologías como la fibrosis pulmonar y la fibrosis quística disminuyendo así la mortalidad en la lista de espera.

  11. Transplante de órganos en pacientes con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana: Actualización y recomendaciones

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Barcán


    Full Text Available Hasta hace pocos años la infección por HIV era una contraindicación absoluta para el trasplante de órganos. Desde la introducción del HAART y el aumento de la superivencia de los pacientes, comenzó a evidenciarse alta mortalidad por enfermedades terminales hepáticas y en menor grado renales. Por estos motivos los pacientes HIV+ hoy son reconsiderados para trasplante. En el año 2008, motivada por la creciente experiencia publicada sobre trasplantes renales y hepáticos en esta población, la Sociedad Argentina de Trasplantes (SAT y la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (SADI decidieron conformar un Grupo de Trabajo para realizar una actualización del tema y emitir recomendaciones. La reunión inicial se llevó a cabo el 4 de diciembre de 2008. La principal conclusión de esta reunión fue que el status HIV+ no era una contraindicación para recibir un trasplante de órgano sólido. Posteriormente se revisó la experiencia acumulada y la bibliografía disponible que dieron lugar al documento actual. Los pacientes HIV+ candidatos a trasplante de órganos sólidos deben cumplir con una serie de requisitos clínicos, inmunológicos, virológicos y psicosociales. La supervivencia a corto y mediano plazo de los receptores HIV+ de trasplante renal y hepático es hoy comparable a la de los pacientes HIV negativos. Todavía no existen datos suficientes como para incluir pacientes HIV+ en lista de espera para trasplante de órganos intratorácicos. Las interacciones entre los inmunosupresores y los antirretrovirales (inhibidores de proteasas en especial son muy importantes y requieren una supervisión y vigilancia estrictas de los niveles sanguíneos de inmunosupresores.

  12. The pattern of distribution of ABO blood groups in North Western ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: Everybody over the age of about six months has clinically significant anti-A or Anti-B in their serum, if they lack the corresponding antigens on their red cells. ABO blood group antigens are the most important in blood transfusion services. This study was to determine the current incidence of ABO blood group ...

  13. 42 CFR 493.859 - Standard; ABO group and D (Rho) typing. (United States)


    ... 42 Public Health 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Standard; ABO group and D (Rho) typing. 493.859 Section 493.859 Public Health CENTERS FOR MEDICARE & MEDICAID SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN..., Or Any Combination of These Tests § 493.859 Standard; ABO group and D (Rho) typing. (a) Failure to...

  14. Interfacing with in-Situ Data Networks during the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) (United States)

    McInerney, M.; Griffith, P. C.; Duffy, D.; Hoy, E.; Schnase, J. L.; Sinno, S.; Thompson, J. H.


    The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) is designed to improve understanding of the causes and impacts of ecological changes in Arctic/boreal regions, and will integrate field-based studies, modeling, and data from airborne and satellite remote sensing. ABoVE will result in a fuller understanding of ecosystem vulnerability and resilience to environmental change in the Arctic and boreal regions of western North America, and provide scientific information required to develop options for societal responses to the impacts of these changes. The studies sponsored by NASA during ABoVE will be coordinated with research and in-situ monitoring activities being sponsored by a number of national and international partners. The NASA Center for Climate Simulation at the Goddard Space Flight Center has partnered with the NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Office to create a science cloud designed for this field campaign - the ABoVE Science Cloud (ASC). The ASC combines high performance computing with emerging technologies to create an environment specifically designed for large-scale modeling, analysis of remote sensing data, copious disk storage with integrated data management, and integration of core variables from in-situ networks identified by the ABoVE Science Definition Team. In this talk, we will present the scientific requirements driving the development of the ABoVE Science Cloud, discuss the necessary interfaces, both computational and human, with in-situ monitoring networks, and show examples of how the ASC is being used to meet the needs of the ABoVE campaign.

  15. Association of ABO blood groups and major ischaemic heart disease risk factors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lutf-Ullah, L.; Akhtar, B.; Noor-Us-Saba; Hanif, A.; Khan, B.Z.; Bukhshi, I.M.


    To study the association of ABO blood groups with major ischaemic heart disease risk factors. Setting: Department of Cardiology, Mayo hospital, Lahore over a period of two years from January 2008 to December 2009. Study Design: Analytic comparative study. Subjects and Methods: The study group included 907 patients of ischaemic heart disease (IHD). The distribution of ABO blood groups in IHD patients was compared for presence or absence of major IHD risk factors. Data was analyzed using SPSS 16. ANOVA and Chi-square tests for significance were used. P-value less than 0.05 was taken as significant. Results: In this study, the following pattern of ABO blood groups was observed in IHD patients : blood group A 251 (27.67%); blood group B 329 (36.27%); blood group O 235 (25.91%); blood group AB 92 (10.14%). We found no relation-ship of ABO blood groups with age (p-value = 0.234), gender (p-value = 0.093), hypertension (p-value = 0.230), diabetes mellitus (p-value = 0.801), family history of IHD (p-value = 0.277), transverse ear lobe crease (p-value = 0.231), total cholesterol (p-value = 0.797), triglycerides (p-value = 0.351), low density lipoprotein (p-value = 0.078), high density lipoprotein (p-value = 0.114). Similarly no relationship was found of smoking, weight, height and body mass index with ABO blood groups, p-values 0.428, 0.528, 0.908 and 0.455 respectively. Conclusion: There is no association of ABO blood groups and major ischaemic heart disease risk factors. (author)

  16. Associations between ABO blood groups and biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. (United States)

    Ohno, Yoshio; Ohori, Makoto; Nakashima, Jun; Okubo, Hidenori; Satake, Naoya; Takizawa, Issei; Hashimoto, Takeshi; Hamada, Riu; Nakagami, Yoshihiro; Yoshioka, Kunihiko; Tachibana, Masaaki


    Recent studies have demonstrated associations between ABO blood groups and prognosis in various types of cancers. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between ABO blood groups and biochemical recurrence (BCR) after radical prostatectomy (RP). A total of 555 patients with prostate cancer who underwent RP were included in the study. No patients received neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant therapy. The effect of ABO blood groups on BCR was examined using univariate and multivariate analyses. During the follow-up period (mean, 52.0 months), 166 patients (29.9%) experienced BCR, with a 5-year BCR-free rate of 67.3%. Although the ABO blood group was not a significantly associated with BCR in the univariate analysis, it was an independent predictor of BCR in the multivariate analysis: blood type O patients had a significantly lower risk of BCR compared to type A patients (Hazard ratio, 0.608; 95% confidence interval, 0.410-0.902; P = 0.014). Further analyses revealed that surgical margin status confounded the assessment of the association between the ABO blood group and BCR. In the analyses of patients with a negative surgical margin, the 5-year BCR-free rate in blood type O patients was a significantly higher than that in type A patients (91.2% vs. 71.0%; P = 0.026). Blood type O is significantly associated with a decreased risk of biochemical recurrence after radical prostatectomy. Further studies are needed to clarify the nature of this association.

  17. Do ABO blood group antigens hamper the therapeutic efficacy of mesenchymal stromal cells? (United States)

    Moll, Guido; Hult, Annika; von Bahr, Lena; Alm, Jessica J; Heldring, Nina; Hamad, Osama A; Stenbeck-Funke, Lillemor; Larsson, Stella; Teramura, Yuji; Roelofs, Helene; Nilsson, Bo; Fibbe, Willem E; Olsson, Martin L; Le Blanc, Katarina


    Investigation into predictors for treatment outcome is essential to improve the clinical efficacy of therapeutic multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). We therefore studied the possible harmful impact of immunogenic ABO blood groups antigens - genetically governed antigenic determinants - at all given steps of MSC-therapy, from cell isolation and preparation for clinical use, to final recipient outcome. We found that clinical MSCs do not inherently express or upregulate ABO blood group antigens after inflammatory challenge or in vitro differentiation. Although antigen adsorption from standard culture supplements was minimal, MSCs adsorbed small quantities of ABO antigen from fresh human AB plasma (ABP), dependent on antigen concentration and adsorption time. Compared to cells washed in non-immunogenic human serum albumin (HSA), MSCs washed with ABP elicited stronger blood responses after exposure to blood from healthy O donors in vitro, containing high titers of ABO antibodies. Clinical evaluation of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients found only very low titers of anti-A/B agglutination in these strongly immunocompromised patients at the time of MSC treatment. Patient analysis revealed a trend for lower clinical response in blood group O recipients treated with ABP-exposed MSC products, but not with HSA-exposed products. We conclude, that clinical grade MSCs are ABO-neutral, but the ABP used for washing and infusion of MSCs can contaminate the cells with immunogenic ABO substance and should therefore be substituted by non-immunogenic HSA, particularly when cells are given to immunocompentent individuals.

  18. Sensitive typing of reverse ABO blood groups with a waveguide-mode sensor. (United States)

    Uno, Shigeyuki; Tanaka, Torahiko; Ashiba, Hiroki; Fujimaki, Makoto; Tanaka, Mutsuo; Hatta, Yoshihiro; Takei, Masami; Awazu, Koichi; Makishima, Makoto


    Portable, on-site blood typing methods will help provide life-saving blood transfusions to patients during an emergency or natural calamity, such as significant earthquakes. We have previously developed waveguide-mode (WM) sensors for forward ABO and Rh(D) blood typing and detection of antibodies against hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus. In this study, we evaluated a WM-sensor for reverse ABO blood typing. Since reverse ABO blood typing is a method for detection of antibodies against type A and type B oligosaccharide antigens on the surface of red blood cells (RBCs), we fixed a synthetic type A or type B trisaccharide antigen on the sensor chip of the WM sensor. We obtained significant changes in the reflectance spectra from a WM sensor on type A antigen with type B plasma and type O plasma and on type B antigen with type A plasma and type O plasma, and no spectrum changes on type A antigen or type B antigen with type AB plasma. Signal enhancement with the addition of a peroxidase reaction failed to increase the sensitivity for detection on oligosaccharide chips. By utilizing hemagglutination detection using regent type A and type B RBCs, we successfully determined reverse ABO blood groups with higher sensitivity compared to a method using oligosaccharide antigens. Thus, functionality of a portable device utilizing a WM sensor can be expanded to include reverse ABO blood typing and, in combination with forward ABO typing and antivirus antibody detection, may be useful for on-site blood testing in emergency settings. Copyright © 2018 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. ABO-incompatible blood transfusion and invasive therapeutic approaches during pediatric cardiopulmonary bypass. (United States)

    Aliç, Yasin; Akpek, Elif A; Dönmez, Asli; Ozkan, Süleyman; Perfusionist, Güray Yener; Aslamaci, Sait


    Human error has been identified as a major source of ABO-incompatible blood transfusion which most often results from blood being given to the wrong patient. We present a case of inadvertent administration of ABO-incompatible blood to a 6-mo-old child who underwent congenital heart surgery and discuss the use of invasive therapeutic approaches. Invasive techniques included total circulatory arrest and large-volume exchange transfusion, along with conventional ultrafiltration and plasmapheresis, which could all be performed rapidly and effectively. The combination of standard pharmacologic therapies and alternative invasive techniques after a massive ABO-incompatible blood transfusion led to a favorable outcome in our patient.

  20. Simplification of genotyping techniques of the ABO blood type experiment and exploration of population genetics. (United States)

    Hu, Jian; Zhou, Yi-ren; Ding, Jia-lin; Wang, Zhi-yuan; Liu, Ling; Wang, Ye-kai; Lou, Hui-ling; Qiao, Shou-yi; Wu, Yan-hua


    The ABO blood type is one of the most common and widely used genetic traits in humans. Three glycosyltransferase-encoding gene alleles, I A , I B and i, produce three red blood cell surface antigens, by which the ABO blood type is classified. By using the ABO blood type experiment as an ideal case for genetics teaching, we can easily introduce to the students several genetic concepts, including multiple alleles, gene interaction, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and gene evolution. Herein we have innovated and integrated our ABO blood type genetics experiments. First, in the section of Molecular Genetics, a new method of ABO blood genotyping was established: specific primers based on SNP sites were designed to distinguish three alleles through quantitative real-time PCR. Next, the experimental teaching method of Gene Evolution was innovated in the Population Genetics section: a gene-evolution software was developed to simulate the evolutionary tendency of the ABO genotype encoding alleles under diverse conditions. Our reform aims to extend the contents of genetics experiments, to provide additional teaching approaches, and to improve the learning efficiency of our students eventually.

  1. ABO incompatibility hemolytic disease following exchange transfusion 96 newborn

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Khatami S.F


    Full Text Available Background: ABO incompatibility hemolytic disease of the newborn is a common cause of clinical jaundice and causes two-thirds of the hemolytic disease in newborns. This study was undertaken to determine the frequency of ABO incompatibility hemolytic disease and its complications in newborns undergoing exchange transfusion.Methods: This prospective and descriptive study was performed in jaundiced newborn infants during a three-year period. Inclusion criteria were: maternal blood type O, newborn blood type A or B, rising indirect hyperbilirubinemia in the first two days of life, positive immunohematologic test for newborns and exchange transfusion. Exclusion criteria were: incomplete information, other accompanying diseases that induce hyperbilirubinemia. All newborn infants received phototherapy before and after exchange transfusion. We did not use intravenous immunoglobulin, hemoxygenase inhibitor drugs and blood products before exchange transfusion.Results: Double-volume exchange transfusion via umbilical cord catheter was performed in 96 patients, 19 (20% of whom suffered from ABO incompatibility. Of these 19 newborns, two-thirds (13 were preterm infants. The minimum level of serum bilirubin was 10 mg/dl and the maximum serum bilirubin level was 35 mg/dl. In six patients (32% serum bilirubin levels were >25mg/dl. The most common blood group was type A for newborns. Immunohematologic tests were positive in 84% of the mothers. ABO incompatibility hemolytic disease was the fourth and second most common reasons for blood exchange transfusion in preterm and term infants, respectively. Laboratory complications were more common than clinical complications. The etiology of 48% of the alloimmunization and 42% of the hemolytic disease in these newborns was ABO incompatibility.Conclusions: Mothers with blood group O and newborns with blood group A or B with positive immunohematologic tests in first hours of life are at high risk for hemolytic disease

  2. Non-association between anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and ABO blood group system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    ACF Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Toxoplasma gondii infects humans through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT, which elicits humoral immune response with specific antibodies. The expression of the ABO blood group glycoconjugates also occurs in this same system and may influence the human susceptibility of infection by T. gondii. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between ABO blood group phenotypes and the presence of anti-T. gondii antibodies. Data - including age, results of serology tests for T. gondii infection and ABO blood group phenotypes - were assembled from the medical records of 1,006 pregnant women attended in the Base Hospital of the Medical School of São José do Rio Preto, Brazil, between 2001 and 2004. The chi-square test was used to compare the results with the level of significance set at 5%. Of the studied cases, 64.1% (645/1006 and 35.9% (391/1006 presented respectively positive and negative serology tests for anti-T. gondii antibodies. The mean age of those who tested positive was higher than those with negative serology tests (p = 0.0004. The frequencies of ABO blood group phenotypes were similar in those with and without anti-T. gondii antibodies (p = 0.35. In conclusion, the ABO blood group system is not associated with the presence or absence of anti-T. gondii antibodies.

  3. Clinical use of the ABO-Scoring Index: reliability and subtraction frequency. (United States)

    Lieber, William S; Carlson, Sean K; Baumrind, Sheldon; Poulton, Donald R


    This study tested the reliability and subtraction frequency of the study model-scoring system of the American Board of Orthodontists (ABO). We used a sample of 36 posttreatment study models that were selected randomly from six different orthodontic offices. Intrajudge and interjudge reliability was calculated using nonparametric statistics (Spearman rank coefficient, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and Mann-Whitney tests). We found differences ranging from 3 to 6 subtraction points (total score) for intrajudge scoring between two sessions. For overall total ABO score, the average correlation was .77. Intrajudge correlation was greatest for occlusal relationships and least for interproximal contacts. Interjudge correlation for ABO score averaged r = .85. Correlation was greatest for buccolingual inclination and least for overjet. The data show that some judges, on average, were much more lenient than others and that this resulted in a range of total scores between 19.7 and 27.5. Most of the deductions were found in the buccal segments and most were related to the second molars. We present these findings in the context of clinicians preparing for the ABO phase III examination and for orthodontists in their ongoing evaluation of clinical results.

  4. Association between the ABO locus and hematological traits in Korean

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hong Kyung-Won


    Full Text Available Abstract Background Recently, genome-wide association studies identified a pleiotropic gene locus, ABO, as being significantly associated with hematological traits. To confirm the effects of ABO on hematological traits, we examined the link between the ABO locus and hematological traits in Korean population-based cohorts. Results Six tagging SNPs for ABO were analyzed with regard to their effects on hematological traits [white blood cell count (WBC, red blood cell count (RBC, platelet (Plat, mean corpuscular volume (MCV, and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC]. Linear regression analyses were performed, controlling for recruitment center, sex, and age as covariates. Of the 6 tagging SNPs, 3 (rs2073823, rs8176720, and rs495828 and 3 (rs2073823, rs8176717, and rs687289 were significantly associated with RBC and MCV, respectively (Bonferroni correction p-value criteria r2s = 0.99. Of the remaining 3 SNPs (rs8176720, rs8176717 and rs687289, rs8176717 generated an independent signal with moderate p-value (= 0.045 when it was adjusted for by rs2073823 (the most significant SNP. We also identified a copy number variation (CNV that was tagged by the SNP rs8176717, the minor allele of which correlated with the deletion allele of CNV. Our haplotype analysis indicated that the haplotype that contained the CNV deletion was significantly associated with MCV (β ± se = 0.363 ± 0.118, p =2.09 × 10-3. Conclusions Our findings confirm that ABO is one of the genetic factors that are associated with hematological traits in the Korean population. This result is notable, because GWASs fail to evaluate the link between a CNV and phenotype traits.

  5. The effect of ABO blood incompatibility on corneal transplant failure in conditions with low-risk of graft rejection. (United States)

    Dunn, Steven P; Stark, Walter J; Stulting, R Doyle; Lass, Jonathan H; Sugar, Alan; Pavilack, Mark A; Smith, Patricia W; Tanner, Jean Paul; Dontchev, Mariya; Gal, Robin L; Beck, Roy W; Kollman, Craig; Mannis, Mark J; Holland, Edward J


    To determine whether corneal graft survival over a 5-year follow-up period was affected by ABO blood type compatibility in participants in the Cornea Donor Study undergoing corneal transplantation principally for Fuchs dystrophy or pseudophakic corneal edema, conditions at low-risk for graft rejection. Multi-center prospective, double-masked, clinical trial. ABO blood group compatibility was determined for 1,002 donors and recipients. During a 5-year follow-up period, episodes of graft rejection were documented, and graft failures were classified as to whether or not they were attributable to immunologic rejection. Endothelial cell density was determined by a central reading center for a subset of subjects. ABO donor-recipient incompatibility was not associated with graft failure attributable to any cause including graft failure because of rejection, or with the occurrence of a rejection episode. The 5-year cumulative incidence of graft failure attributable to rejection was 32 (6%) for recipients with ABO recipient-donor compatibility and 12 (4%) for those with ABO incompatibility (hazard ratio, 0.65; 95% confidence interval, 0.33 to 1.25; P = .20). The 5-year incidence for a definite rejection episode, irrespective of whether graft failure ultimately occurred, was 64 (12%) for ABO compatible compared with 25 (8%) for ABO incompatible cases (P = .09). Among clear grafts at 5 years, percent loss of endothelial cells was similar in ABO compatible and incompatible cases. In patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty for Fuchs dystrophy or pseudophakic corneal edema, ABO matching is not indicated since ABO incompatibility does not increase the risk of transplant failure attributable to graft rejection.

  6. Evaluación de una herramienta educativa en conocimiento de donación y trasplante de órganos y tejidos en Colombia


    Gómez Bossa, Mauricio Andrés; Mijares Benavides, Cesar Augusto


    El trasplante de órganos es considerado uno de los avances más significativos de la medicina moderna y es un procedimiento cada vez más exitoso en términos de supervivencia de los pacientes, siendo actualmente la mejor opción de tratamiento para los pacientes con innumerables patologías. El proceso de donación es insuficiente para cubrir las necesidades de trasplante de la población, por lo tanto, se hace necesario el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias para fortalecer la experiencia y efectiv...

  7. Inclusión diferencial de extranjeros/migrantes a trasplantes de órganos: dilemas éticos frente a "prácticas no éticas"

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lourdes Basualdo

    Full Text Available Resumen Este artículo aborda el modo en que ciertos dilemas éticos vinculados al trasplante de órganos a extranjeros "no residentes", son movilizados por el Estado argentino en las normativas que definen un tratamiento diferenciado entre nacionales y no-nacionales en materia de trasplante, y cómo son puestos en relación con la política migratoria. Se muestra que existen mecanismos de inclusión diferencial que garantizan la inscripción a lista de espera sólo a nacionales y extranjeros "residentes" y permiten el trasplante con donante vivo a extranjeros "no residentes". Estos procesos de apertura y cierre de fronteras son posibles porque en el contexto actual coexisten la preocupación estatal en resguardar los bienes sociales proporcionados por el Estado (una de las funciones constitutivas del control migratorio y la obligación moral de los Estados-nación por el cuidado de la vida en el marco del gobierno humanitario.

  8. Frequency distribution of ABO and Rh (D) blood group alleles in Silte Zone, Ethiopia


    Kassahun Tesfaye; Yohannes Petros; Mebeaselassie Andargie


    Background: Frequency distribution of blood groups is important as it is used in modern medicine, genetic research, anthropology, and tracing ancestral relations of humans. The ABO and Rh blood groups are the most important blood groups despite the long list of several other blood groups discovered so far. Aim of the study: To study and document the frequency of ABO and Rh (D) blood groups in three ethnic groups of Silte Zone, Ethiopia. Subjects and methods: ABO and Rh (D) typing was ca...

  9. Clinico-serologic co-relation in bi-directional ABO incompatible hemopoietic stem cell transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sabita Basu


    Full Text Available Background: The ABO blood group system is of prime significance in red cell transfusion and organ transplantation. However, ABO compatibility is not critical in allogenic hemopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT and approximately 40-50% of hemopoietic stem cell transplants are ABO incompatible. This incompatibility may be major, minor or bi-directional. Though there are descriptions of transfusion practice and protocols in ABO incompatible HSCT, there are considerable variations and transfusion support in these patients can be very challenging. Aims: The immunohematologic observations in two cases of bi-directional ABO incompatible HSCT have been described, and clinico-serologic correlation has been attempted. Materials and Methods: In both cases, peripheral blood stem cell harvests were obtained using the Cobe spectra cell separator. Immunohematologic assessments in the donor and recipient were done as a part of pre HSCT evaluation. Both the standard tube technique and column agglutination method (Ortho Biovue Micro Bead System was used. Antibody screen was done by column agglutination method using three cell panel (Surgiscreen cells. Isoagglutinin titration was done by the master dilution method and standard validated techniques were used. Results: The pattern of laboratory findings in the two cases was different and so were the clinical outcomes. Although there was early engraftment in the first case, the second case developed pure red cell aplasia and this was well-reflected in the immunohematologic assessments. Conclusion: Immunohematologic assessment correlated well with the clinical picture and could be used to predict clinical outcome and onset of complications in ABO incompatible HSCT.

  10. ABO blood groups and risk for obesity in Arar, Northern Saudi Arabia. (United States)

    Aboel-Fetoh, Nagah M; Alanazi, Arwa R; Alanazi, Abdullah S; Alruwili, Asma N


    ABO blood groups are associated with some important chronic diseases. Previous studies have observed an association between ABO blood group and risk for obesity. This study aimed to determine whether there is an association between ABO blood groups and obesity in apparently healthy attendees of primary healthcare (PHC) centers in Arar city, Northern Saudi Arabia. This cross-sectional study included 401 participants aged 15 years and older attending three randomly selected PHC centers in Arar city. Data were collected by means of personal interview using a predesigned questionnaire. Anthropometric examination included height and weight measurements with calculation of BMI. ABO and Rh blood groups were determined. The majority of the participants were female (70.8%). The mean±SD age was 28.6±9.1 years. Only 5.7% were underweight. Both normal and overweight participants were equal in number and constituted 28.4%, whereas obese individuals constituted 37.4% with a mean BMI of 28.56±8.0. Blood group O was the most common (44.1%), followed by A (30.9%), B (18.7%), and AB (6.2%). Rh-positive cases constituted 87.0%. Blood group O was the most common type among the obese individuals (44.7%), followed by A, B, and AB groups (30, 20, and 5.3%, respectively). BMI was highest (28.8±9.2) in blood group O. There were no statistically significant differences between different ABO blood groups as regards BMI, Rh, and sex. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference between Rh type and BMI. The prevalence of obesity and overweight is high in the population attending PHC centers of Arar city, Northern Saudi Arabia. There is no association between overweight, obesity, and ABO blood groups or Rh.

  11. Gene frequencies of ABO and Rh blood groups in Nigeria: A review ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: ABO and Rhesus factor (Rh) blood type are germane in human life in genetics and clinical studies. Aim of the study: The review was undertaken with the objective to provide data on the ABO and Rh(D) blood group distribution and gene frequency across Nigeria which is vital for blood transfusion and ...

  12. Rapid ABO genotyping by high-speed droplet allele-specific PCR using crude samples. (United States)

    Taira, Chiaki; Matsuda, Kazuyuki; Takeichi, Naoya; Furukawa, Satomi; Sugano, Mitsutoshi; Uehara, Takeshi; Okumura, Nobuo; Honda, Takayuki


    ABO genotyping has common tools for personal identification of forensic and transplantation field. We developed a new method based on a droplet allele-specific PCR (droplet-AS-PCR) that enabled rapid PCR amplification. We attempted rapid ABO genotyping using crude DNA isolated from dried blood and buccal cells. We designed allele-specific primers for three SNPs (at nucleotides 261, 526, and 803) in exons 6 and 7 of the ABO gene. We pretreated dried blood and buccal cells with proteinase K, and obtained crude DNAs without DNA purification. Droplet-AS-PCR allowed specific amplification of the SNPs at the three loci using crude DNA, with results similar to those for DNA extracted from fresh peripheral blood. The sensitivity of the methods was 5%-10%. The genotyping of extracted DNA and crude DNA were completed within 8 and 9 minutes, respectively. The genotypes determined by the droplet-AS-PCR method were always consistent with those obtained by direct sequencing. The droplet-AS-PCR method enabled rapid and specific amplification of three SNPs of the ABO gene from crude DNA treated with proteinase K. ABO genotyping by the droplet-AS-PCR has the potential to be applied to various fields including a forensic medicine and transplantation medical care. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. A General Model of Negative Frequency Dependent Selection Explains Global Patterns of Human ABO Polymorphism.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando A Villanea

    Full Text Available The ABO locus in humans is characterized by elevated heterozygosity and very similar allele frequencies among populations scattered across the globe. Using knowledge of ABO protein function, we generated a simple model of asymmetric negative frequency dependent selection and genetic drift to explain the maintenance of ABO polymorphism and its loss in human populations. In our models, regardless of the strength of selection, models with large effective population sizes result in ABO allele frequencies that closely match those observed in most continental populations. Populations must be moderately small to fall out of equilibrium and lose either the A or B allele (N(e ≤ 50 and much smaller (N(e ≤ 25 for the complete loss of diversity, which nearly always involved the fixation of the O allele. A pattern of low heterozygosity at the ABO locus where loss of polymorphism occurs in our model is consistent with small populations, such as Native American populations. This study provides a general evolutionary model to explain the observed global patterns of polymorphism at the ABO locus and the pattern of allele loss in small populations. Moreover, these results inform the range of population sizes associated with the recent human colonization of the Americas.

  14. Association of ABO and Rh blood groups with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (United States)

    Meo, S A; Rouq, F A; Suraya, F; Zaidi, S Z


    The phenotypic "ABO" blood groups are inherited antigenic substances which are found on the surface of red blood cells in addition to other tissues. Certain hypothesis advocates that genetic predisposition like "ABO" blood group would be associated with occurrence of diseases including type 2 diabetes. This study aimed to investigate the potential association between "ABO" and "Rhesus" blood groups with type 2 diabetes. We identified 47 research documents in a data based search including ISI-Web of Science, EMBASE and PubMed. Literature was explored using the key terms including "ABO blood groups" "type 2 diabetes". Studies in which "ABO" blood types and diabetes mellitus were discussed included without restrictions of research documents, types, status and language of the publications. Finally, 15 publications which matched our criteria were included, and remaining studies were excluded. Blood group "B" was associated with high incidence of type 2 diabetes and blood group "O" has a minimum association with type 2 diabetes. Blood group "A" and "AB" were almost equally distributed in both diabetic and non-diabetic population. However, we were unable to find an association between "Rh+ve" and "Rh-ve" blood groups with type 2 diabetes. Subjects with blood group "B" are at high risk while individuals with blood group "O" are at low peril of evolving type 2 diabetes. It is suggested that subjects with blood group "B" should be closely monitored by physicians as these subjects have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

  15. Costo-utilidad del trasplante renal frente a la hemodiálisis en el tratamiento de la insuficiencia renal crónica terminal en un hospital peruano Cost utility of renal transplant vs. hemodialysis in the treatment of end stage chronic kidney failure in a peruvian hospital

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    Ricardo E. Loza-Concha


    Full Text Available Objetivos. Determinar y comparar las razones de costo-utilidad de los trasplantes renales con donante cadavérico (TRDC practicados en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen los años 2000-2001, frente a hemodiálisis (HD, cinco años después del inicio del tratamiento. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de costo utilidad, estudiando a todos los pacientes continuadores cinco años post TRDC, a quienes se asignó como controles, dos pacientes con cinco años de HD pareados por edad, sexo y tiempo de enfermedad. Se evaluaron los costos de cada procedimiento, los años de vida ajustados a la calidad (AVAC utilizando el cuestionario SF-36v2TM y se calcularon las razones de costo utilidad (CU y costo utilidad incremental (CUI. Resultados. Se realizaron 58 TRDC los años 2000-2001. Cinco años después, 17 (29 % pacientes fallecieron y 27 (47 % continuaron con su tratamiento post-TRDC. Treinta y uno (53 % TRDC fracasaron; 26 % por rechazo al trasplante, 55 % por complicación y 19 % por tratamiento irregular. Los puntajes SF-36v2TM promedio obtenidos por los TRDC y HD fueron 95±13 y 87±18 puntos respectivamente. En ambos años, los AVAC obtenidos por los TRDC y HD fueron de 251 y 229 puntos respectivamente; las razones de CU para los TRDC y los HD fueron de USD 11 984 y USD 9243, y la razón de CUI fue de USD 40 669. Conclusiones. Los TRDC realizados los años 2000-2001, cinco años después resultaron menos costo útiles que las HD; y los TRDC realizados el 2000 tuvieron una menor razón de costo utilidad incremental que los efectuados el 2001, probablemente por su mayor razón de tratamientos irregulares.Objectives. To assess and compare the cost utility of the cadaveric donor renal transplant (CDRT at the Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen between 2000 to 2001, against haemodialysis (HD, 5 years after treatment initiation. Materials and Methods. A cost utility study design was used, which evaluated every patient

  16. Frequency of ABO/Rhesus Blood Groups in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. (United States)

    Oner, Can; Dogan, Burcu; Telatar, Berrin; Celik Yagan, Canan Fidan; Oguz, Aytekin


    The correlation between ABO/Rh blood groups and diabetes mellitus is still controversial. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between ABO/Rhesus blood groups and diabetes in Turkish population. This cross-sectional study was conducted in Istanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Education and Training Hospital's Diabetes Units. The study group was composed of 421 patients with type-1 diabetes, 484 patients with type-2 diabetes and 432 controls. Blood samples were collected and tested for ABO/Rhesus blood groups. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 17.0. A significant association was found between blood groups and diabetes mellitus. The frequency of AB blood group was significantly higher in type-1 diabetics; and A blood group was significantly higher in type-2 diabetics. Furthermore, Rh negativity were significantly more frequent in type-2 diabetics.

  17. Blood type, ABO genetic variants, and ovarian cancer survival.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gabriella D Cozzi

    Full Text Available Blood type A and the A1 allele have been associated with increased ovarian cancer risk. With only two small studies published to date, evidence for an association between ABO blood type and ovarian cancer survival is limited.We conducted a retrospective cohort study of Tumor Registry confirmed ovarian cancer cases from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center with blood type from linked laboratory reports and ABO variants from linked Illumina Exome BeadChip data. Associations with overall survival (OS were quantified by hazard ratios (HR and confidence intervals (CI from proportional hazards regression models; covariates included age, race, stage, grade, histologic subtype, and year of diagnosis.ABO phenotype (N = 694 and/or genotype (N = 154 data were available for 713 predominantly Caucasian (89.3% cases. In multivariable models, blood type A had significantly better OS compared to either O (HR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.60-0.93 or all non-A (HR: 0.77, 95% CI: 0.63-0.94 cases. Similarly, missense rs1053878 minor allele carriers (A2 had better OS (HR: 0.50, 95% CI: 0.25-0.99. Among Caucasians, this phenotype association was strengthened, but the genotype association was attenuated; instead, four variants sharing moderate linkage disequilibrium with the O variant were associated with better OS (HR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.39-0.99 in unadjusted models.Blood type A was significantly associated with longer ovarian cancer survival in the largest such study to date. This finding was supported by genetic analysis, which implicated the A2 allele, although O related variants also had suggestive associations. Further research on ABO and ovarian cancer survival is warranted.

  18. Common variation in the ABO glycosyltransferase is associated with susceptibility to severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria. (United States)

    Fry, Andrew E; Griffiths, Michael J; Auburn, Sarah; Diakite, Mahamadou; Forton, Julian T; Green, Angela; Richardson, Anna; Wilson, Jonathan; Jallow, Muminatou; Sisay-Joof, Fatou; Pinder, Margaret; Peshu, Norbert; Williams, Thomas N; Marsh, Kevin; Molyneux, Malcolm E; Taylor, Terrie E; Rockett, Kirk A; Kwiatkowski, Dominic P


    There is growing epidemiological and molecular evidence that ABO blood group affects host susceptibility to severe Plasmodium falciparum infection. The high frequency of common ABO alleles means that even modest differences in susceptibility could have a significant impact on the health of people living in malaria endemic regions. We performed an association study, the first to utilize key molecular genetic variation underlying the ABO system, genotyping >9000 individuals across three African populations. Using population- and family-based tests, we demonstrated that alleles producing functional ABO enzymes are associated with greater risk of severe malaria phenotypes (particularly malarial anemia) in comparison with the frameshift deletion underlying blood group O: case-control allelic odds ratio (OR), 1.2; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.09-1.32; P = 0.0003; family-studies allelic OR, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.08-1.32; P = 0.001; pooled across all studies allelic OR, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.11-1.26; P = 2 x 10(-7). We found suggestive evidence of a parent-of-origin effect at the ABO locus by analyzing the family trios. Non-O haplotypes inherited from mothers, but not fathers, are significantly associated with severe malaria (likelihood ratio test of Weinberg, P = 0.046). Finally, we used HapMap data to demonstrate a region of low F(ST) (-0.001) between the three main HapMap population groups across the ABO locus, an outlier in the empirical distribution of F(ST) across chromosome 9 (approximately 99.5-99.9th centile). This low F(ST) region may be a signal of long-standing balancing selection at the ABO locus, caused by multiple infectious pathogens including P. falciparum.

  19. Evolución de la inmunología e influencia en los trasplantes de órganos


    Carretero Vegas, Luz María


    Se profundiza en el conocimiento sobre los mecanismos del sistema inmunológico y la evolución histórica de los mismos para conocer la influencia de la inmunología en los trasplantes y las medidas preventivas más adecuadas para evitar las complicaciones

  20. Costos de intervenciones para pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica Costs of intervention for patients with chronic renal disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Armando Arredondo


    Full Text Available INTRODUCCIÓN: Se presentan resultados sobre un estudio que pretendió identificar los costos de intervenciones en salud en el manejo de pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: El método de costeo se basó en técnicas de consenso y de instrumentación de manejo de caso a través de la identificación de insumos y funciones de producción para la demanda de cada servicio solicitado. Las intervenciones costeadas incluyeron: diálisis peritoneal, hemodiálisis y trasplante renal. RESULTADOS: El costo por evento en US dóllares fué de $3.71, $57.95 y $ 8,778.32 respectivamente. En cuanto al costo de manejo anual de caso los resultados fueron: diálisis peritoneal $5,643.07, hemodiálisis $9,631.60 y trasplante $3,021.67. CONCLUSIONES: La información generada a partir de los costos de eventos difiere considerablemente de la información generada a partir del costo de manejo anual de caso. Estas diferencias resultan significativas para el diseño y evaluación de patrones de asignación de recursosINTRODUÇÃO: Apresentam-se os resultados sobre estudo que pretendeu identificar os custos de intervenções em saúde no manejo de pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: O método de custeio teve como base técnicas de consenso e de instrumentação de manejo de caso a partir da identificação de insumos e funções de produção na demanda de cada serviço solicitado. As intervenções avaliadas nos seus custos foram: diálise peritoneal, hemodiálise e transplate renal. RESULTADOS: O custo por evento (diálise, hemodiálise e transplante em dólares foi de US$3.71, US$57.95 e US$8,778.32, respectivamente. Quanto ao custo do manejo anual de caso os resultados foram: diálise peritoneal US$5,643.07, hemodiálise US$9,631.60 e transplate renal de US$3,021.63. CONCLUSÕES: A informação gerada a partir dos custos de eventos difere consideravelmente do custo de manejo anual de caso.. Essas diferen

  1. Influencia de cuatro distancias de trasplante sobre el rendimiento agrícola del cultivar de arroz Amistad-82.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alexander Calero Hurtado


    Full Text Available El trabajo consistió en comparar cuatro distancias de trasplante sobre el rendimiento agrícola del cultivar de arroz Amistad-82, durante la siembra de primavera de 2012, el trasplante se realizó de forma manual, sobre un suelo pardo sialítico carbonatado en la finca “La Rosita” perteneciente a la CCS “Heriberto Orellane”, en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar, se tomaron posturas jóvenes de 18 días de germinadas, cuatro distancias de plantación 10x15, 15x15, 20x15 y 20x20 cm y una postura por sitio. Se evaluaron los indicadores productivos como el número de tallos, panículas por metro cuadrado, longitud de la panícula, granos por panículas, granos llenos y vanos por panículas, peso de 1000 granos, el rendimiento, así como las ganancias y los costos de producción. Los mejores resultados sobre el rendimiento agrícola del cultivar de arroz Amistad-82 lo alcanzaron las distancias de trasplante 10x15 y 20x15 cm, porque lograron rendimientos superiores a las distancias 15x15 y 20x20 cm, mayor cantidad de granos por panículas y mayores porcentajes de granos llenos por panículas y superaron también el peso en 1000 granos y las ganancias.

  2. Plasmodium falciparum malaria associated with ABO blood ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The present study was carried out to investigate the relationship between blood group types and P. falciparum malaria, as well as malaria preventive measures. The venous blood specimens were collected, processed, Giemsa-stained and examined microscopically. ABO groups were determined by agglutination test using ...

  3. Blood type, ABO genetic variants, and ovarian cancer survival (United States)

    Cozzi, Gabriella D.; Levinson, Rebecca T.; Toole, Hilary; Snyder, Malcolm-Robert; Deng, Angie; Crispens, Marta A.; Khabele, Dineo; Beeghly-Fadiel, Alicia


    Objective Blood type A and the A1 allele have been associated with increased ovarian cancer risk. With only two small studies published to date, evidence for an association between ABO blood type and ovarian cancer survival is limited. Methods We conducted a retrospective cohort study of Tumor Registry confirmed ovarian cancer cases from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center with blood type from linked laboratory reports and ABO variants from linked Illumina Exome BeadChip data. Associations with overall survival (OS) were quantified by hazard ratios (HR) and confidence intervals (CI) from proportional hazards regression models; covariates included age, race, stage, grade, histologic subtype, and year of diagnosis. Results ABO phenotype (N = 694) and/or genotype (N = 154) data were available for 713 predominantly Caucasian (89.3%) cases. In multivariable models, blood type A had significantly better OS compared to either O (HR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.60–0.93) or all non-A (HR: 0.77, 95% CI: 0.63–0.94) cases. Similarly, missense rs1053878 minor allele carriers (A2) had better OS (HR: 0.50, 95% CI: 0.25–0.99). Among Caucasians, this phenotype association was strengthened, but the genotype association was attenuated; instead, four variants sharing moderate linkage disequilibrium with the O variant were associated with better OS (HR: 0.62, 95% CI: 0.39–0.99) in unadjusted models. Conclusions Blood type A was significantly associated with longer ovarian cancer survival in the largest such study to date. This finding was supported by genetic analysis, which implicated the A2 allele, although O related variants also had suggestive associations. Further research on ABO and ovarian cancer survival is warranted. PMID:28448592

  4. Aging and ABO blood type influence von Willebrand factor and factor VIII levels through interrelated mechanisms. (United States)

    Albánez, S; Ogiwara, K; Michels, A; Hopman, W; Grabell, J; James, P; Lillicrap, D


    Essentials von Willebrand factor (VWF) and factor VIII (FVIII) levels are modulated by age and ABO status. The effect of aging and ABO blood type on VWF and FVIII was assessed in 207 normal individuals. Aging and ABO blood type showed combined and bidirectional influences on VWF and FVIII levels. Aging and ABO blood type influence VWF levels through both secretion and clearance mechanisms. Background The effect of aging and ABO blood type on plasma levels of von Willebrand factor (VWF) and factor VIII (FVIII) have been widely reported; however, a comprehensive analysis of their combined effect has not been performed and the mechanisms responsible for the age-related changes have not been determined. Objectives To assess the influence of aging and ABO blood type on VWF and FVIII levels, and to evaluate the contribution of VWF secretion and clearance to the age-related changes. Methods A cross-sectional observational study was performed in a cohort of 207 normal individuals, whose levels of VWF, FVIII, VWF propeptide (VWFpp), VWFpp/VWF:Ag ratio and blood type A antigen content on VWF (A-VWF) were quantified. Results Aging and ABO blood type exerted interrelated effects on VWF and FVIII plasma levels, because the age-related increase in both proteins was significantly higher in type non-O individuals (β = 0.011 vs. 0.005). This increase with age in non-O subjects drove the differences between blood types in VWF levels, as the mean difference increased from 0.13 U/mL in the young to 0.57 U/mL in the old. Moreover, A-VWF was associated with both VWF antigen (β = 0.29; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.09, 0.50) and VWF clearance (β = -0.15; 95% CI, -0.25, -0.06). We also documented an effect of ABO blood type on VWF secretion with aging, as old individuals with blood type non-O showed higher levels of VWFpp (mean difference 0.29 U/mL). Conclusions Aging and ABO blood type have an interrelated effect on VWF and FVIII levels, where the effect of one is significantly

  5. Thorough analysis of unorthodox ABO deletions called by the 1000 Genomes project. (United States)

    Möller, M; Hellberg, Å; Olsson, M L


    ABO remains the clinically most important blood group system, but despite earlier extensive research, significant findings are still being made. The vast majority of catalogued ABO null alleles are based on the c.261delG polymorphism. Apart from c.802G>A, other mechanisms for O alleles are rare. While analysing the data set from the 1000 Genomes (1000G) project, we encountered two previously uncharacterized deletions, which needed further exploration. The Erythrogene database, complemented with bioinformatics software, was used to analyse ABO in 2504 individuals from 1000G. DNA samples from selected 1000G donors and African blood donors were examined by allele-specific PCR and Sanger sequencing to characterize predicted deletions. A 5821-bp deletion encompassing exons 5-7 was called in twenty 1000G individuals, predominantly Africans. This allele was confirmed and its exact deletion point defined by bioinformatic analyses and in vitro experiments. A PCR assay was developed, and screening of African samples revealed three donors heterozygous for this deletion, which was thereby phenotypically established as an O allele. Analysis of upstream genetic markers indicated an ancestral origin from ABO*O.01.02. We estimate this deletion as the 3rd most common mechanism behind O alleles. A 24-bp deletion was called in nine individuals and showed greater diversity regarding ethnic distribution and allelic background. It could neither be confirmed by in silico nor in vitro experiments. A previously uncharacterized ABO deletion among Africans was comprehensively mapped and a genotyping strategy devised. The false prediction of another deletion emphasizes the need for cautious interpretation of NGS data and calls for strict validation routines. © 2017 International Society of Blood Transfusion.

  6. ABO hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: an iatrogenic complication of heterologous assisted reproductive technology-induced pregnancy. (United States)

    Zuppa, Antonio Alberto; Cardiello, Valentina; Lai, Marco; Cataldi, Luigi; D'Andrea, Vito; Romagnoli, Costantino


    ABO hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (ABO HDFN) may manifest itself in cases of mothers belonging to blood group O and newborns of groups A or B and more frequently in group A and less so in group B. The case subjects are twin-birth newborns with ABO HDFN, of group AB born to a mother of group O. These cases of ABO HDFN prove inconsistent with Mendel's law of segregation. This case study finds its explanation in new methods of assisted reproduction, particularly heterologous in vitro fertilization with ovodonation. © 2010 American Association of Blood Banks.

  7. Anemia y fiebre en el postrasplante renal: su relación con el parvovirus humano B19

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    Yanet Parodis López


    Presentamos el caso clínico de un varón de 65 años con trasplante renal de donante cadáver en septiembre de 2014. A los 38 días del trasplante comienza con anemia progresiva y resistente a los agentes estimulantes de la eritropoyesis. A los 64 días se produce hipertermia, con deterioro progresivo de su estado general. La serología vírica resultó negativa, al igual que la PCR inicial en sangre del parvovirus humano B19. A los 4 meses y 19 días se realiza una biopsia de médula ósea en la que se observan eritroblastos gigantes con inclusiones víricas nucleares compatibles con parvovirus, por lo que se realiza una PCR en dicho tejido que confirma el diagnóstico. Una segunda PCR en sangre resultó positiva. Tras el tratamiento con inmunoglobulinas intravenosas (IGIV y la suspensión temporal del micofenolato de mofetilo, se produce una remisión completa de la enfermedad, aunque persistía positiva la PCR para el parvovirus B19 en sangre, lo que hace necesario vigilar probables recidivas.

  8. ABO-Incompatible Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Under the Desensitization Protocol With Rituximab. (United States)

    Song, G-W; Lee, S-G; Hwang, S; Kim, K-H; Ahn, C-S; Moon, D-B; Ha, T-Y; Jung, D-H; Park, G-C; Kim, W-J; Sin, M-H; Yoon, Y-I; Kang, W-H; Kim, S-H; Tak, E-Y


    ABO incompatibility is no longer considered a contraindication for adult living donor liver transplantation (ALDLT) due to various strategies to overcome the ABO blood group barrier. We report the largest single-center experience of ABO-incompatible (ABOi) ALDLT in 235 adult patients. The desensitization protocol included a single dose of rituximab and total plasma exchange. In addition, local graft infusion therapy, cyclophosphamide, or splenectomy was used for a certain time period, but these treatments were eventually discontinued due to adverse events. There were three cases (1.3%) of in-hospital mortality. The cumulative 3-year graft and patient survival rates were 89.2% and 92.3%, respectively, and were comparable to those of the ABO-compatible group (n = 1301). Despite promising survival outcomes, 17 patients (7.2%) experienced antibody-mediated rejection that manifested as diffuse intrahepatic biliary stricture; six cases required retransplantation, and three patients died. ABOi ALDLT is a feasible method for expanding a living liver donor pool, but the efficacy of the desensitization protocol in targeting B cell immunity should be optimized. © Copyright 2015 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  9. Relation of ABO blood groups to the severity of coronary atherosclerosis: an Gensini score assessment. (United States)

    Gong, Ping; Luo, Song-Hui; Li, Xiao-Lin; Guo, Yuan-Lin; Zhu, Cheng-Gang; Xu, Rui-Xia; Li, Sha; Dong, Qian; Liu, Geng; Chen, Juan; Zeng, Rui-Xiang; Li, Jian-Jun


    Although the study on the relationship between ABO blood groups and coronary atherosclerosis has a long history, few data is available regarding ABO to severity of coronary atherosclerosis in a large cohort study. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the relation of the ABO blood groups to the severity of coronary atherosclerosis assessed by Gensini score (GS) in a large Chinese cohort undergoing coronary angiography. A total of 2919 consecutive patients undergoing coronary angiography were enrolled, and their baseline characteristics and ABO blood groups were collected. The GS was calculated as 1st tertile (0-10), 2nd tertile (11-36), 3rd tertile (>36) according to angiographic results. The relation of the ABO blood groups to GS was investigated. The frequency of blood group A was significantly higher in the upper GS tertiles (24.4% vs. 28.2% vs. 29.5%, p = 0.032). Multivariable linear regression analysis revealed that blood group A was independently associated with GS (β = 0.043, p = 0.017). Likewise, multivariable logistic regression analysis showed that group A remained significantly associated with mid-high GS (OR = 1.44, 95% CI 1.16-1.80, p = 0.001), and the group O was showed as a protective factor (OR = 0.77, 95% CI = 0.65-0.92, p = 0.004). In this large Chinese cohort study, the data indicated that there was an association between ABO blood groups and the severity of coronary atherosclerosis. Moreover, the blood group A was an independent risk factor for serious coronary atherosclerosis. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Association of ABO blood groups with diabetes mellitus

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Feb 8, 2010 ... We studied the association of ABO blood groups with DM type 2. Patients and methodology: It was ... dent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM or type 2), characterized by elevated insulin levels ... diabetic ketoacidosis. Sample size was ...

  11. Plasma exchange in small intestinal transplantation between ABO-incompatible individuals: A case report




    The aim of this study was to investigate the application of plasma exchange in small intestinal transplantation between ABO blood type-incompatible patients. A small intestinal transplantation case between ABO-incompatible individuals is hereby presented and analyzed. The main treatment included plasma exchange, splenectomy and immunosuppression. The patient undergoing small intestinal transplantation exhibited stable vital signs. A mild acute rejection reaction developed ~2 weeks after the s...

  12. [Association between ABO blood groups and coronary heart disease in Chinese Guangxi Zhuang population]. (United States)

    Shi, Ying; Lin, Yingzhong; Liu, Hairun; Ji, Qingwei; Lu, Zhihong; Lu, Zhengde; Xu, Nengwen; Yuan, Jun; Liu, Ling


    To investigate this association between ABO blood groups and coronary heart disease (CHD) in the Chinese Guangxi Zhuang population. From August 2010 to April 2013, we performed a case-control study in a Chinese Zhuang population, which included 1 024 CHD cases and 1 024 age and gender-matched non-CHD controls. The ABO blood groups and biological variables were measured by standard laboratory procedures. The Gensini score was used to evaluate the severity of coronary artery stenosis. Compared to non-CHD control group, CHD group had higher levels of fasting blood glucose ((6.71 ± 6.72) mmol/L vs. (4.98 ± 1.55) mmol/L, P blood groups were associated with CHD risk in the Chinese Zhuang population. Compared with group O, the group B individuals had a higher risk of CHD (OR = 2.33, 95% CI 1.88-2.90, P group O subjects in the CHD group, and MACE at 1-year follow-up was similar between ABO blood groups of CHD individuals. ABO blood groups are associated with CHD risk in the Chinese Zhuang population.

  13. Evaluación de desenlace: trasplante meniscal versus segunda meniscectomía


    Manrique Otero, Diana Marcela; Moncaleano Ruiz, Viviana; Peña Cruz, Nancy Tatiana; Ramírez Trujillo, Paula; Romero Mora, Jaime Alberto


    Introducción: El incremento de pacientes sintomáticos de rodilla y la osteoartrosis en jóvenes con limitadas posibilidades terapéuticas después de una meniscectomía, genera la búsqueda de alternativas terapéuticas. A pesar que es poco utilizado en Colombia, el trasplante meniscal es una propuesta para el manejo sintomático. Según cifras norteamericanas, se practican entre 700.000 a 1.500.000 artroscopias de rodilla anualmente, el 50% termina en meniscectomía y de este un 40% persiste...

  14. Intravenous Immunoglobulin G Treatment in ABO Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn, is it Myth or Real? (United States)

    Beken, Serdar; Hirfanoglu, Ibrahim; Turkyilmaz, Canan; Altuntas, Nilgun; Unal, Sezin; Turan, Ozden; Onal, Esra; Ergenekon, Ebru; Koc, Esin; Atalay, Yildiz


    Intravenous Immunoglobulin G (IVIG) therapy has been used as a component of the treatment of hemolytic disease of the newborn. There is still no consensus on its use in ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn routinely. The aim of this study is to determine whether administration of IVIG to newborns with ABO incompatibility is necessary. One hundred and seventeen patients with ABO hemolytic disease and positive Coombs test were enrolled into the study. The subjects were healthy except jaundice. Infants were divided into two groups: Group I (n = 71) received one dose of IVIG (1 g/kg) and LED phototherapy whereas Group II (n = 46) received only LED phototherapy. One patient received erythrocyte transfusion in Group I, no exchange transfusion was performed in both groups. Mean duration of phototherapy was 3.1 ± 1.3 days in Group I and 2.27 ± 0.7 days in Group II (p hemolytic disease. Meticulus follow-up of infants with ABO hemolytic disease and LED phototherapy decreases morbidity. IVIG failed to show preventing hemolysis in ABO hemolytic disease.

  15. Correlation of ABO blood groups with spontaneous recanalization in acute myocardial infarction. (United States)

    Lin, Xian-Liang; Zhou, Bing-Yang; Li, Sha; Li, Xiao-Lin; Luo, Zhu-Rong; Li, Jian-Jun


    Although previous studies have demonstrated the relationship between ABO blood groups and cardiovascular disease, the association of ABO blood type with spontaneous recanalization (SR) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has not been previously investigated. We performed an initial exploratory study on the association of ABO blood groups with the presence of SR in 1209 patients with AMI. They were divided into two groups according to the thrombolysis in myocardial infarction (TIMI) grades: no-SR group (TIMI 0-1, n = 442) and SR group (TIMI 2-3, n = 767). To confirm our primary findings, data from a second AMI population (n = 200) was analyzed. In the initial data, SR group had a significantly higher percentage of blood type O and a lower percentage of blood type A compared to the no-SR group. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that blood type O was positively associated with SR (odds ratio: 1.40, 95% confidence interval: 1.05-1.87, p = .02), and this finding was confirmed in our second population. The present study demonstrates that blood type O was independently and positively associated with an open culprit artery in patients with AMI, suggesting that the ABO blood type is not only associated with the susceptibility to coronary artery disease but also to spontaneous reperfusion in AMI patients.

  16. Distribution of ABO Blood Groups and Coronary Artery Calcium. (United States)

    Wang, Yao; Zhou, Bing-Yang; Zhu, Cheng-Gang; Guo, Yuan-Lin; Wu, Na-Qiong; Qing, Ping; Gao, Ying; Liu, Geng; Dong, Qian; Li, Jian-Jun


    ABO blood groups have been confirmed to be associated with cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease. However, whether ABO blood group is correlated with coronary artery calcium (CAC) is still unknown. 301 patients with coronary artery calcium score (CACS) assessed by computed tomography were consecutively enrolled and divided into two groups: with calcium group (CACS>0, n=104) and without calcium group (CACS=0, n=197). Distribution of ABO blood groups was evaluated between the two groups. The percentage of A blood type was significantly higher (p=0.008) and O blood type was significantly lower (p=0.037) in the calcium group. Univariate regression analysis showed that age, total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, A blood type were positively correlated with CAC, and O blood type was inversely associated with CAC. Multivariate regression analysis showed that A blood type was independently associated with CAC (odds ratio: 2.217, 95% confidence interval: 1.260-3.900, p=0.006) even after further adjustment for variables that were clearly different between the two groups. Our data has suggested for the first time that A blood type was an independent risk marker for CAC. Copyright © 2016 Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS) and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  17. Distribution of abo, rhesus blood groups and haemoglobin ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Summary: The distribution of ABO, Rhesus blood groups and haemoglobin electrophoresis among 200 undergraduate students of Niger Delta University, Bayelsa State, Nigeria randomly selected were studied. Blood samples were collected by venepuncture from the antecubital vein. The blood sample were transferred into ...

  18. Current trends in platelet transfusions practice: The role of ABO-RhD and human leukocyte antigen incompatibility

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    Serena Valsami


    Full Text Available Platelet transfusions have contributed to the revolutionary modern treatment of hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia. Despite the long-term application of platelet transfusion in therapeutics, all aspects of their optimal use (i.e., in cases of ABO and/or Rh (D incompatibility have not been definitively determined yet. We reviewed the available data on transfusion practices and outcome in ABO and RhD incompatibility and platelet refractoriness due to anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA antibodies. Transfusion of platelets with major ABO-incompatibility is related to reduced posttransfusion platelet (PLT count increments, compared to ABO-identical and minor, but still are equally effective in preventing clinical bleeding. ABO-minor incompatible transfusions pose the risk of an acute hemolytic reaction of the recipient that is not always related to high anti-A, B donor titers. ABO-identical PLT transfusion seems to be the most effective and safest therapeutic strategy. Exclusive ABO-identical platelet transfusion policy could be feasible, but alternative approaches could facilitate platelet inventory management. Transfusion of platelets from RhD positive donors to RhD negative patients is considered to be effective and safe though is associated with low rate of anti-D alloimmunization due to contaminating red blood cells. The prevention of D alloimmunization is recommended only for women of childbearing age. HLA alloimmunization is a major cause of platelet refractoriness. Managing patients with refractoriness with cross-matched or HLA-matched platelets is the current practice although data are still lacking for the efficacy of this practice in terms of clinical outcome. Leukoreduction contributes to the reduction of both HLA and anti-D alloimmunization.

  19. PP13, maternal ABO blood groups and the risk assessment of pregnancy complications.

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    Nandor Gabor Than

    Full Text Available Placental Protein 13 (PP13, an early biomarker of preeclampsia, is a placenta-specific galectin that binds beta-galactosides, building-blocks of ABO blood-group antigens, possibly affecting its bioavailability in blood.We studied PP13-binding to erythrocytes, maternal blood-group effect on serum PP13 and its performance as a predictor of preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR. Datasets of maternal serum PP13 in Caucasian (n = 1078 and Hispanic (n = 242 women were analyzed according to blood groups. In vivo, in vitro and in silico PP13-binding to ABO blood-group antigens and erythrocytes were studied by PP13-immunostainings of placental tissue-microarrays, flow-cytometry of erythrocyte-bound PP13, and model-building of PP13--blood-group H antigen complex, respectively. Women with blood group AB had the lowest serum PP13 in the first trimester, while those with blood group B had the highest PP13 throughout pregnancy. In accordance, PP13-binding was the strongest to blood-group AB erythrocytes and weakest to blood-group B erythrocytes. PP13-staining of maternal and fetal erythrocytes was revealed, and a plausible molecular model of PP13 complexed with blood-group H antigen was built. Adjustment of PP13 MoMs to maternal ABO blood group improved the prediction accuracy of first trimester maternal serum PP13 MoMs for preeclampsia and IUGR.ABO blood group can alter PP13-bioavailability in blood, and it may also be a key determinant for other lectins' bioavailability in the circulation. The adjustment of PP13 MoMs to ABO blood group improves the predictive accuracy of this test.

  20. Genetic of the ABO blood system and its link with the immune system A genética do sistema ABO e sua relação com o sistema imune

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    Luiz C. de Mattos


    Full Text Available In the book "Eat Right For Your Type" the author Peter J. D'Adamo writes that the O blood type was the first blood type to appear in humans and affirms that the blood groups are the key to the immune system. Some recent phylogenetic network studies in humans and non-human primates implies that the A gene represents an ancient form of the ABO genes. Relationships between blood groups and infectious and noninfectious diseases and immunodeficiency abnormalities have also been reported in the literature. As D'Adamo's propositions seem to be in opposition with the current knowledge, we present in this paper some comments about the genetics and the evolution of the ABO blood group genes and some links between this blood system and the functioning of the immune system.Peter J. D'Adamo, autor do livro "Eat Right For Your Type", escreve que o grupo O representa o primeiro tipo sangüíneo que surgiu nos humanos e também afirma que os grupos sangüíneos constituem as bases do sistema imune. Recentes estudos filogenéticos realizados em primatas humanos e não humanos estabeleceram que o gene A representa a forma ancestral dos genes que ocupam o locus ABO. Associações entre os grupos sangüíneos ABO, doenças infecciosas, não infecciosas e imunodeficiências também foram relatadas. Diante das proposições do autor, as quais se opõem às informações resultantes de recentes estudos moleculares e filogenéticos, nossa intenção é apresentar algumas reflexões sobre a genética e a evolução dos genes do sistema ABO e as conexões deste sistema com o sistema imune.

  1. Study of ABO blood types by combining membrane electrophoresis with surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (United States)

    Wang, Jing; Lin, Juqiang; Huang, Zufang; Sun, Liqing; Shao, Yonghong; Lu, Peng; Shi, Wei; Lin, Jinyong; Chen, Rong


    The molecular characterization of ABO blood types, which is clinically significant in blood transfusion, has clinical and anthropological importance. Polymerase chain reaction sequence-based typing (PCR-SBT) is one of the most commonly used methods for the analysis of genetic bases of ABO blood types. However, such methods as PCR-SBT are time-consuming and are high in demand of equipments and manipulative skill. Here we showed that membrane electrophoresis based SERS method employed for studying the molecular bases of ABO blood types can provide rapidand easy-operation with high sensitivity and specificity. The plasma proteins were firstly purified by membrane electrophoresis and then mixed with silver nanoparticles to perform SERS detection. We use this method to classify different blood types, including blood type A (n=13), blood type B (n=9) and blood type O (n=10). Combination of principal component analysis (PCA) and liner discriminant analysis (LDA) was then performed on the SERS spectra of purified albumin, showing good classification results among different blood types. Our experimental outcomes represent a critical step towards the rapid, convenient and accurate identification of ABO blood types.

  2. Registro Español de Trasplante Cardíaco. XX Informe oficial de la sección de insuficiencia Cardíaca y Trasplante Cardíaco de la sociedad Española de Cardiología (1984-2008

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    Luis Almenar Bonet


    Conclusiones: La supervivencia obtenida en España con el TC, sobre todo en los últimos años, sitúa al trasplante cardíaco como el tratamiento de elección para cardiopatías irreversibles en situación funcional avanzada y sin otras opciones médicas o quirúrgicas establecidas.

  3. Selective interactions among Rh, ABO, and sex ratio of newborns. (United States)

    Valenzuela, C Y; Walton, R


    The hypothesis that the Rh and ABO blood systems behave like the HLA system in relation to mother-conception tolerance-rejection mechanisms was tested in 25,501 mother-infant pairs. According to this hypothesis, heterozygotes carrying a paternal gene that is not present in their mothers should be better tolerated than homozygotes. Significantly more BO infants born to AO mothers. AO infants born to BO mothers, Rh(+) heterozygotes born to Rh(-) mothers, and less significantly AO infants born to OO mothers confirm the hypothesis. Fewer homozygotes occurred in Rh(-) infants born to Rh(+) mothers and in O infants born to non-O mothers. Deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium found in the ABO system were modified by the Rh and sex of the infant. These data strongly support the hypothesis that at least two feto-maternal systems influence the destiny of pregnancies: the classical known incompatibility system which operates late in pregnancy and a new one which is based on the induction of maternal tolerance early in pregnancy: maternal tolerance seems to be better elicited by heterozygous eggs or embryos carrying a gene not present in the mother. The data also support the hypothesis that the sex ratio is influenced by feto-maternal tolerance-rejection mechanisms associated with the ABO and Rh systems.

  4. Intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) therapy for significant hyperbilirubinemia in ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn. (United States)

    Miqdad, A M; Abdelbasit, O B; Shaheed, M M; Seidahmed, M Z; Abomelha, A M; Arcala, O P


    Although intravenous immunoglobulin G (IVIG) therapy has been reported in hyperbilirubinemia of Rh hemolytic disease, its use in ABO hemolytic disease has been reported in only a few studies. In our institute we have observed that almost 30% of babies with hyperbilirubinemia due to ABO hemolytic disease required exchange transfusion. To determine whether administration of IVIG to newborns with significant hyperbilirubinemia due to ABO hemolytic disease would reduce the need for exchange transfusion as a primary goal in these babies. This was a prospective study involving all newborns with significant hyperbilirubinemia due to direct Coombs-positive ABO hemolytic disease. All healthy term babies with ABO hemolytic disease with positive direct Coombs test in the period between 2000 and 2002 were identified. Significant hyperbilirubinemia was defined as hyperbilirubinemia requiring phototherapy and/or rising by 8.5 micromol/l per h (0.5 mg/dl per h) or more to require exchange transfusion. Babies were randomly assigned into two groups: group 1 (study group) received phototherapy plus IVIG (500 mg/kg); and group 2 (control group) received phototherapy alone. Exchange transfusion was carried out in any group if at any time the bilirubin level reached 340 micromol/l (20 mg/dl) or more, or rose by 8.5 micromol/l per h (0.5 mg/dl per h) in group 2. A total of 112 babies were enrolled over 2 years, 56 in each group. Exchange transfusion was carried out in four babies in the study group, while 16 babies in the control group required exchange. Late anemia was not of concern in either group. No adverse effects related to IVIG administration were recorded. Administration of IVIG to newborns with significant hyperbilirubinemia due to ABO hemolytic disease with positive direct Coomb's test reduces the need for exchange transfusion without producing immediate adverse effects.

  5. Resultados funcionales de la procuración corneal con fines de trasplante realizado por un licenciado en Optometría

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    Oswaldo Manuel Aguirre-Luna


    Conclusiones: Todos los pacientes mejoraron visualmente con rechazo similar a lo reportado en otros estudios. Un licenciado en Optometría capacitado podría ser el profesional de salud idóneo para realizar procuraciones corneales con fines de trasplante.

  6. PP13, Maternal ABO Blood Groups and the Risk Assessment of Pregnancy Complications (United States)

    Than, Nandor Gabor; Romero, Roberto; Meiri, Hamutal; Erez, Offer; Xu, Yi; Tarquini, Federica; Barna, Laszlo; Szilagyi, Andras; Ackerman, Ron; Sammar, Marei; Fule, Tibor; Karaszi, Katalin; Kovalszky, Ilona; Dong, Zhong; Kim, Chong Jai; Zavodszky, Peter; Papp, Zoltan; Gonen, Ron


    Background Placental Protein 13 (PP13), an early biomarker of preeclampsia, is a placenta-specific galectin that binds beta-galactosides, building-blocks of ABO blood-group antigens, possibly affecting its bioavailability in blood. Methods and Findings We studied PP13-binding to erythrocytes, maternal blood-group effect on serum PP13 and its performance as a predictor of preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Datasets of maternal serum PP13 in Caucasian (n = 1078) and Hispanic (n = 242) women were analyzed according to blood groups. In vivo, in vitro and in silico PP13-binding to ABO blood-group antigens and erythrocytes were studied by PP13-immunostainings of placental tissue-microarrays, flow-cytometry of erythrocyte-bound PP13, and model-building of PP13 - blood-group H antigen complex, respectively. Women with blood group AB had the lowest serum PP13 in the first trimester, while those with blood group B had the highest PP13 throughout pregnancy. In accordance, PP13-binding was the strongest to blood-group AB erythrocytes and weakest to blood-group B erythrocytes. PP13-staining of maternal and fetal erythrocytes was revealed, and a plausible molecular model of PP13 complexed with blood-group H antigen was built. Adjustment of PP13 MoMs to maternal ABO blood group improved the prediction accuracy of first trimester maternal serum PP13 MoMs for preeclampsia and IUGR. Conclusions ABO blood group can alter PP13-bioavailability in blood, and it may also be a key determinant for other lectins' bioavailability in the circulation. The adjustment of PP13 MoMs to ABO blood group improves the predictive accuracy of this test. PMID:21799738

  7. Novel association of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 and soluble P-selectin with the ABO blood group in a Chinese population. (United States)

    Zhang, Wenjing; Xu, Qun; Zhuang, Yunlong; Chen, Yuanfeng


    Recent studies have reported that the ABO gene can affect circulating expression levels of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (sICAM-1) and soluble P-selectin (sP-selectin) in Caucasians. However, several factors may affect the association, including the distribution and variations of the ABO gene, ethnic diversity and the inflammatory response status. The aim of the present study was to investigate this issue in Asian subjects of various blood groups. A total of 800 blood samples were randomly selected from healthy blood donors. The ABO blood groups were examined using standard serological tests, and ABO genotypes of group A and group AB specimens were analyzed. Plasma concentrations of sICAM-1 and sP-selectin were detected by standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. In healthy Chinese individuals, blood group A was detected to be significantly associated with lower circulating expression levels of sICAM-1 and sP-selectin, compared with group O. Individuals with ≥1 A1 allele had significantly lower expression levels of sICAM-1 and sP-selectin compared with all other ABO groups. The data indicate the significant association of ABO blood group antigens with sICAM-1 and sP-selectin expression levels in a healthy Chinese population, independent of the specific variations and distributions of ABO blood groups among ethnic populations. This result provides evidence for the previously unidentified role of ABO blood group antigens in the regulation of the inflammatory adhesion process. Accordingly, it can be proposed that ABO blood groups may require consideration when soluble adhesion molecules are identified as predictors for cardiovascular disease.

  8. Relation between ABO blood groups and Helicobacter pylori infection in symptomatic patients

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    Jaff MS


    Full Text Available Mohamad Salih Jaff Pathology Department, College of Medicine, Hawler Medical University (formerly Salahuddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Abstract: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated higher frequencies of the O blood group and the nonsecretor phenotype of ABH antigens among patients suffering from peptic ulcers. Since Helicobacter pylori has been established as the main etiological factor in this disease, controversies about the associations of the ABO and Lewis blood group phenotypes and secretor and nonsecretor phenotypes in relation to susceptibility towards infection by this bacillus have been presented. The aim of this study was to verify the frequencies of ABO and Rhesus (Rh blood groups in H. pylori seropositive symptomatic patients. The study included (n = 1108 patients with dyspepsia symptoms referred from an outpatient clinic in Erbil city for investigation. Age, sex, and residency were recorded as a routine laboratory framework. Patients underwent SD Bioline (Standard Diagnostics Inc, Kyonggi-do, South Korea and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay serologic tests for H. pylori. ABO blood group phenotypes were determined by a standard hemagglutination test. Results showed that 64.8% of patients (n = 718/1108 were seropositive for H. pylori infection, and (35.2% (n = 390/1108 were seronegative. Of the seropositive patients, 40.8% (n = 293/718 were male and 59.2% (n = 425/718 were female; while of the seronegative patients, 46.7% (n = 182/390 were male and 53.3% (n = 208/390 were female. The mean age for seropositives and seronegatives was (38.0 ± 14.6 years and (37.6 ± 15.7 years respectively. The frequency of the ABO and Rh-positive (Rh+ blood groups among seropositive patients was (A = 32.0%, B = 19.5%, AB = 6.7%, O = 41.8%, and Rh+ = 92.5% and was (A = 32.3%, B = 28.2%, AB = 8.0%, O = 31.5%, and Rh+ = 92.5% in seronegatives. The results of this study suggest that ABO blood groups, age, and gender influence

  9. Retrospective analysis of forward and reverse ABO typing discrepancies among patients and blood donors in a tertiary care hospital. (United States)

    Makroo, R N; Kakkar, B; Agrawal, S; Chowdhry, M; Prakash, B; Karna, P


    The aim of our study was to determine the incidence and causes of ABO typing discrepancies among patients and blood donors at our centre. An accurate interpretation of the ABO blood group of an individual is of utmost importance to ensure patient safety and good transfusion practices. A retrospective observational study was carried out in the Department of Transfusion Medicine in our hospital from March 2013 to December 2015. Records of all patient and blood donor samples were retrieved and analysed for ABO typing discrepancies. In total, 135 853 patient and 62 080 donor samples were analysed for ABO typing discrepancies. The incidence among patients and blood donors was found to be 0·1% (138/135853) and 0·02% (14/62080), respectively. The mean age for patients and blood donors was 48·4 and 29·2 years, respectively. The most common cause of ABO typing discrepancies was due to cold autoantibodies among the patients (50·7%) and blood donors (57%) causing discrepant results in reverse typing. The various other causes of reverse typing discrepancies among patients were weak/missing antibody (25·4%), cold-reacting alloantibody (4·3%), warm autoantibody (2·2%), anti-A1 antibody (2·2%), Bombay phenotype (1·5%), transplantation (0·7%) and rouleaux (0·7%), whereas in blood donors, the causes were cold-reacting antibody (7%) and weak antibody (7%). The major cause of forward typing discrepancies among patients (12·3%) and blood donors (29%) was ABO subgroups. The resolution of ABO typing discrepancy is essential to minimise the chance of transfusion of ABO-incompatible blood. © 2018 British Blood Transfusion Society.

  10. Correlation of Lip Prints with Gender, ABO Blood Groups and Intercommissural Distance. (United States)

    Verma, Pradhuman; Sachdeva, Suresh K; Verma, Kanika Gupta; Saharan, Swati; Sachdeva, Kompal


    In forensics, the mouth allows for a myriad of possibilities. Lip print on glass or cigarette butt found at crime scenes may link to a suspect. Hence, a dentist has to actively play his role in personal identification and criminal investigation. To investigate the uniqueness of the lip print patterns in relation to gender, ABO blood groups and intercommissural distance (ICD). The study was conducted on 208 randomly selected students. The lip print of each subject was obtained and pattern was analyzed according to Tsuchihashi classification. The blood group and ICD at rest position was recorded for each. The study showed that Type II (branched) lip pattern to be most prominent. The B+ blood group was the most common in both genders and the ICD is higher in males. The lip print pattern does not show any correlation between ABO blood groups, gender, and ICD. The lip print pattern shows no correlation with gender, ABO blood groups, or ICD. Further studies with larger samples are required to obtain statistical significance of this correlation.

  11. ABO alleles are linked with haplotypes of an erythroid cell-specific regulatory element in intron 1 with a few exceptions attributable to genetic recombination. (United States)

    Nakajima, T; Sano, R; Takahashi, Y; Watanabe, K; Kubo, R; Kobayashi, M; Takahashi, K; Takeshita, H; Kominato, Y


    Recent investigation of transcriptional regulation of the ABO genes has identified a candidate erythroid cell-specific regulatory element, named the +5·8-kb site, in the first intron of ABO. Six haplotypes of the site have been reported previously. The present genetic population study demonstrated that each haplotype was mostly linked with specific ABO alleles with a few exceptions, possibly as a result of hybrid formation between common ABO alleles. Thus, investigation of these haplotypes could provide a clue to further elucidation of ABO alleles. © 2015 International Society of Blood Transfusion.

  12. ABO and Rh blood groups frequency in women with HER2 positive breast cancer. (United States)

    Urun, Y; Utkan, G; Altundag, K; Arslan, O; Onur, H; Arslan, U Y; Kocer, M; Dogan, I; Senler, F C; Yalcin, B; Demirkazik, A; Akbulut, H; Icli, F


    The role of genetic factors in the development of cancer is widely accepted. Data on the role of ABO blood group and Rh factor in breast cancer is inconclusive. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of a possible association between HER2 (+) breast cancer in Turkish women and ABO blood groups and Rh factor. In 294 female patients with HER2 (+) breast cancer, ABO blood groups and Rh factor were examined. The relationship of blood groups with age, menopausal status, and family history of cancer, estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2 status of these patients was evaluated. Blood groups distribution of 22,821 healthy blood donors was also assessed and compared with the patients' blood groups distribution. The median patient age was 47 years (range 20-80) and 56% of the patients were premenopausal. ER and PR were positive in 50 and 60% of the patients, respectively. Overall, the ABO blood group distribution of the 294 HER2 (+) breast cancer patients was similar to that of the healthy blood donors (p=0.36). Likewise there was no correlation between blood type and ER, PR and menopausal status. Rh (-) patients had more frequent family cancer history and this difference was significant for patients with blood group B Rh (-) and O Rh (-) (p = 0.04). In the present study we didn't find any relationship between HER2 status and ABO blood group and Rh factor. However, further studies with larger number of patients are needed to establish the role (if any) of blood groups in patients with breast cancer.

  13. Allelic variance among ABO blood group genotypes in a population from the western region of Saudi Arabia. (United States)

    Mohamed, Abdularahman B O; Hindawi, Salwa Ibrahim; Al-Harthi, Sameer; Alam, Qamre; Alam, Mohammad Zubair; Haque, Absarul; Ahmad, Waseem; Damanhouri, Ghazi A


    Characterization of the ABO blood group at the phenotype and genotype levels is clinically essential for transfusion, forensics, and population studies. This study elucidated ABO phenotypes and genotypes, and performed an evaluation of their distribution in individuals from the western region of Saudi Arabia. One-hundred and seven samples underwent standard serological techniques for ABO blood group phenotype analysis. ABO alleles and genotypes were identified using multiplex polymerase chain reaction, and electrophoretic analysis was performed to evaluate the highly polymorphic ABO locus. A phenotype distribution of 37.4%, 30.8%, 24.3%, and 7.5% was found for blood groups O, A, B, and AB respectively in our study cohort. Genotype analysis identified 10 genotype combinations with the O01/O02 and A102/O02 genotypes being the most frequent with frequencies of 33.6% and 14.95%, respectively. Common genotypes such as A101/A101 , A101/A102 , A101/B101 , B101/B101 , and O01/O01 were not detected. Similarly, the rare genotypes, cis-AB01/O02 , cis-AB01/O01 , and cis-AB01/A102 were not found in our cohort. The most frequently observed allele was O02 (35.98%) followed by the A102 allele (17.76%). Furthermore, our findings are discussed in reference to ABO allele and genotype frequencies found in other ethnic groups. The study has a significant implication on the management of blood bank and transfusion services in Saudi Arabian patients.

  14. Enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido por incompatibilidad ABO Hemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO incompatibility

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    Débora Villegas Cruz


    Full Text Available La enfermedad hemolítica del recién nacido por incompatibilidad ABO es la más frecuente de todas las incompatibilidades de grupo sanguíneo entre la madre y el recién nacido. Se estudiaron 46 recién nacidos a término, afectos de esta enfermedad, que fueron diagnosticados en el Hospital General «Enrique Cabrera» entre junio de 2004 y marzo del 2006. El diagnóstico se realizó por examen físico, exámenes de laboratorio y exámenes inmunohematológicos: fenotipificación de grupo ABO, prueba de Coombs directa y el título de IgG anti-A/B materno. El 60,8 % de los 46 recién nacidos afectados fueron de fenotipo A y procedían de madres de fenotipo O. El Coombs directo fue positivo en 2 casos y el título de IgG materno en estos casos fue mayor o igual a 1024. La fototerapia fue la modalidad de tratamiento más empleada. Aunque esta entidad es la menos grave de todos los conflictos de grupo sanguíneo entre la madre y el recién nacido, se debe estar alerta ante un curso inusual para poder brindar el tratamiento óptimo en el momento adecuado y disminuir la morbilidad.The hemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO incompatibility is the most frequent of all the blood group incompatibilities between the mother and the infant. 46 infants at term, who were diagnosed this disease at Enrique CabreraNational Hospital from June 2004 to March 2006, were studied. The diagnosis was made by physical examination, lab tests and immunohematological tests: ABO phenotyping, direct Coombstest, and the maternal IgG anti-A/B titer. 60.8 % of the newborn infants affected were phenotype A and their mothers were phenotype O. the direct Coombstest yielded positive in 2 cases. The maternal IgG titer in these cases was higher than or equal to 1024. Phototherapy was the most used treatment modality. Although this entity is the least severe of all the blood grouping conflicts between the mother and the infant, one should be alert before an unusual course to apply

  15. The First Fifty ABO Blood Group Incompatible Kidney Transplantations: The Rotterdam Experience

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    Madelon van Agteren


    Full Text Available This study describes the single center experience and long-term results of ABOi kidney transplantation using a pretransplantation protocol involving immunoadsorption combined with rituximab, intravenous immunoglobulins, and triple immune suppression. Fifty patients received an ABOi kidney transplant in the period from 2006 to 2012 with a follow-up of at least one year. Eleven antibody mediated rejections were noted of which 5 were mixed antibody and cellular mediated rejections. Nine cellular mediated rejections were recorded. Two grafts were lost due to rejection in the first year. One-year graft survival of the ABOi grafts was comparable to 100 matched ABO compatible renal grafts, 96% versus 99%. At 5-year follow-up, the graft survival was 90% in the ABOi versus 97% in the control group. Posttransplantation immunoadsorption was not an essential part of the protocol and no association was found between antibody titers and subsequent graft rejection. Steroids could be withdrawn safely 3 months after transplantation. Adverse events specifically related to the ABOi protocol were not observed. The currently used ABOi protocol shows good short and midterm results despite a high rate of antibody mediated rejections in the first years after the start of the program.

  16. The association of ABO blood groups with extent of coronary atherosclerosis in Croatian patients suffering from chronic coronary artery disease. (United States)

    Karabuva, Svjetlana; Carević, Vedran; Radić, Mislav; Fabijanić, Damir


    The aim of study was to: 1) examine the relationship between ABO blood groups and extent of coronary atherosclerosis in patients with chronic coronary artery disease (CAD), 2) compare ABO blood groups distribution in CAD patients and general population, 3) examine possible differences in traditional risk factors frequency in CAD patients with different ABO blood groups. In the 646 chronic CAD patients (72.4% males) coronary angiograms were scored by quantitative assessment using multiple angiographic scoring system, Traditional risk factors were self reported or measured by standard methods. ABO blood distribution of patients was compared with group of 651 healthy blood donors (74.6% males). Among all ABO blood group patients there was no significant difference between the extent of coronary atherosclerosis with regard to all the three scoring systems: number of affected coronary arteries (P = 0.857), Gensini score (P = 0.818), and number of segments narrowed > 50% (P = 0.781). There was no significant difference in ABO blood group distribution between CAD patients and healthy blood donors. Among CAD patients, men with blood group AB were significantly younger than their pairs with non-AB blood groups (P = 0.008). Among CAD patients with AB blood group, males groups (P = 0.003). No association between ABO blood groups and the extent of coronary atherosclerosis in Croatian CAD patients is observed. Observation that AB blood group might possibly identify Croatian males at risk to develop the premature CAD has to be tested in larger cohort of patients.

  17. Frequency of ABO and Rhesus blood groups among blood donors ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    ... the frequency of. ABO and Rhesus blood groups amongst blood donors in Lagos, Nigeria and ... geographical information that can advance the fields of blood transfusion, organ transplantation ..... alternative medicine in the management of ...

  18. Assessing ABO/Rh Blood Group Frequency and Association with Asymptomatic Malaria among Blood Donors Attending Arba Minch Blood Bank, South Ethiopia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Getaneh Alemu


    Full Text Available Background. Determination of the various ABO/Rh blood group distributions and their association with malaria infection has paramount importance in the context of transfusion medicine and malaria control. Methods. Facility based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to June, 2015, to assess ABO/Rh blood groups distribution and their association with asymptomatic malaria. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Blood grouping was done using monoclonal antibodies. Thin and thick blood films were examined for Plasmodium parasites. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0. Results. A total of 416 blood donors participated with median age of 22±0.29 (median ± standard error of the mean. Distribution of ABO phenotypes, in decreasing order, was O (175, 42.1%, A (136, 32.7%, B (87, 20.9%, and AB (18, 4.3%. Most of them were Rh+ (386, 92.8%. The overall malaria prevalence was 4.1% (17/416. ABO blood group is significantly associated with malaria infection (P=0.022. High rate of parasitemia was seen in blood group O donors (6.899, P=0.003 compared to those with other ABO blood groups. Conclusion. Blood groups O and AB phenotypes are the most and the least ABO blood groups, respectively. There is significant association between ABO blood group and asymptomatic malaria parasitemia.

  19. Sarcoma de Kaposi por virus del herpes humano de tipo 8 en un receptor de trasplante hepático pediátrico: Caso clínico


    Malla, Ivone; Pérez, Celeste; Cheang, Yu; Silva, Marcelo


    Los pacientes que reciben tratamiento inmunosupresor están en riesgo de desarrollar tumores malignos. La infección primaria o reactivación del virus del herpes humano de tipo 8 (HHV-8) puede predisponer al sarcoma de Kaposi después del trasplante de un órgano sólido. En los receptores de trasplantes pediátricos, este sarcoma tiene baja incidencia y mal pronóstico. Se informa la presentación clínica de un sarcoma de Kaposi en un ganglio linfático luego de una infección por HHV-8 en un niño a l...

  20. Overuse of preoperative laboratory coagulation testing and ABO blood typing: a French national study. (United States)

    Beloeil, H; Ruchard, D; Drewniak, N; Molliex, S


    Following publication of guidelines on routine preoperative tests, the French Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care (SFAR), in association with French national public health insurance, conducted a survey to evaluate adherence to guidelines and the economic consequences. Using the French Hospital Discharge Database and National Health Insurance Information system, tests performed during the 30 days before surgery were analysed for two situations: (1) standard laboratory coagulation tests and ABO blood typing in children able to walk and scheduled for tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy; and (2) ABO blood typing in adults before laparoscopic cholecystectomy, thyroidectomy, lumbar discectomy or breast surgery. Guidelines do not recommend any preoperative tests in these settings. Between 2013 and 2015, a coagulation test was performed in 49% of the 241 017 children who underwent tonsillectomy and 39% of the 133 790 children who underwent adenoidectomy. A similar pattern was observed for ABO blood typing although re-operation rates for bleeding on the first postoperative day were very low (0.12-0.31% for tonsillectomy and 0.01-0.02% for adenoidectomy). Between 2012 and 2015, ABO blood typing was performed in 32-45% of the 1 114 082 patients who underwent one of the four selected procedures. The transfusion rate was very low (0.02-0.31%). The mean cost for the four procedures over the 4 yr period was €5 310 000 (sd €325 000). Standard laboratory coagulation tests and ABO blood typing are still routinely prescribed before surgery and anaesthesia despite current guidelines. This over-prescription represents a high and unnecessary cost, and should therefore be addressed. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  1. Actitudes y conocimientos de Intensivistas colombianos sobre donación y trasplantes: Implicaciones para la nueva norma nacional de habilitación de servicios de salud.

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    David Andrés Castañeda Millán


    Full Text Available Introducción/Objetivo: Durante los últimos años Colombia se ha enfrentado a un descenso significativo en las tasas de donación de órganos, y por ende a una disminución en la cantidad de trasplantes realizados. En este contexto actualmente se implementa una nueva norma de habilitación para servicios de salud, que entre otras solicita al personal médico de cuidados intensivos capacitarse en gestión operativa de donación y trasplantes con el fin de optimizar la detección temprana y notificación de potenciales donantes; por lo tanto se pretende identificar las actitudes y conocimientos frente a la donación de órganos en médicos intensivistas de Colombia.  Materiales y Método: Estudio transversal descriptivo  realizado entre mayo y junio de 2013 a través de un formulario estructurado vía correo electrónico a los miembros de la Asociación Colombiana de Medicina Crítica y Cuidado Intensivo. Resultados: Se obtuvo un total de 48 participaciones efectivas. Del  total de participantes el 93,75% donaría sus órganos luego de morir, 97,91% donaría los órganos de un familiar fallecido, 95,83% donaría en vida uno de sus órganos para un familiar. El 83,33% ha manifestado a sus familiares la intención personal de donar; el 41,66% conoce alguna campaña de promoción sobre donación y el 12,5% tiene carné de donante. El 22,92% ha donado sangre en el último año; el 66,66% considera que se debe fortalecer la comunicación sobre donación en la unidad de cuidado intensivo, el 60,42% no aborda el tema de donación con  familias de pacientes neurocríticos con pobre pronóstico vital, el 54,17% no conoce la legislación colombiana sobre donación y trasplantes, el 18,75% califica como regular/mala la relación e interacción laboral con los coordinadores de trasplantes y el 43,75% tiene un concepto desfavorable sobre el modelo de trasplantes colombiano. Conclusiones: Los intensivistas colombianos tienen buena actitud  frente a la

  2. ABO blood type and the risk of cancer - Findings from the Shanghai Cohort Study.

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    Joyce Yongxu Huang

    Full Text Available ABO blood type is an inherited characteristic. The associations between ABO blood type and risk of all cancer and specific cancers were examined in a prospective cohort study of 18,244 Chinese men enrolled in 1986. During the 25 years of follow-up, 3,973 men developed cancer including 964 lung cancers, 624 colorectal cancers, 560 gastric cancers, 353 liver cancers, and 172 urinary bladder cancers. Hazard ratios (HR for all cancer and specific cancers by ABO blood type were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models. Compared with blood type A, blood type B was associated with statistically significant reduced risk of all cancers (HR, 0.91, 95% CI:0.84, 0.99. Both blood types B and AB were associated with significantly lower risk of gastrointestinal cancer and colorectal cancer, respectively. Blood type B was also associated with significantly lower risk of stomach cancer and bladder cancer, while blood type AB was associated with significantly increased risk of liver cancer. By histological type, blood types B and AB were associated with lower risk of epidermoid carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, but were not associated with risk of sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia or other cell types of cancer. The findings of this study support a role of genetic traits related to ABO blood type in the development of cancers in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

  3. ABO blood type and the risk of cancer - Findings from the Shanghai Cohort Study. (United States)

    Huang, Joyce Yongxu; Wang, Renwei; Gao, Yu-Tang; Yuan, Jian-Min


    ABO blood type is an inherited characteristic. The associations between ABO blood type and risk of all cancer and specific cancers were examined in a prospective cohort study of 18,244 Chinese men enrolled in 1986. During the 25 years of follow-up, 3,973 men developed cancer including 964 lung cancers, 624 colorectal cancers, 560 gastric cancers, 353 liver cancers, and 172 urinary bladder cancers. Hazard ratios (HR) for all cancer and specific cancers by ABO blood type were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models. Compared with blood type A, blood type B was associated with statistically significant reduced risk of all cancers (HR, 0.91, 95% CI:0.84, 0.99). Both blood types B and AB were associated with significantly lower risk of gastrointestinal cancer and colorectal cancer, respectively. Blood type B was also associated with significantly lower risk of stomach cancer and bladder cancer, while blood type AB was associated with significantly increased risk of liver cancer. By histological type, blood types B and AB were associated with lower risk of epidermoid carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, but were not associated with risk of sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia or other cell types of cancer. The findings of this study support a role of genetic traits related to ABO blood type in the development of cancers in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

  4. Maternal IgG Anti-A and Anti-B Titer Levels Screening in Predicting ABO Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn: A Meta-Analysis. (United States)

    Li, Ping; Pang, Li-Hong; Liang, Hai-Feng; Chen, Hong-Yan; Fan, Xiao-Jing


    Maternal IgG anti-A/B titers have been considered as a susceptible factor to the risk of ABO hemolytic disease in newborn (ABO-HDN). However, the results remain controversial. This meta-analysis aimed to estimate the association between maternal IgG anti-A/B titers and the risk of ABO-HDN. Trials on the relationship between maternal IgG anti-A/B titers and the risk of ABO-HDN were collected by searching Embase, PubMed, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) electronic databases. The inclusion criteria were maternal IgG anti-A/B titers screening and the evaluation of clinical outcomes in relation to ABO-HDN. Stata 12.0 was used to analyze the data. A total of 23 trials were eligible for inclusion, of which four trials with 5,246 participants were suitable for this meta-analysis. Meta-analysis results suggested that maternal IgG anti-A/B titers were significantly associated with the risk of ABO-HDN [OR = 2.86, 95% CI = 2.50-3.28; OR = 4.67, 95% CI = 3.92-5.55; OR = 1.61, 95% CI = 1.36-1.91 in titers (128 to 256) vs. titers (64 or lower), titers (512 or higher) vs. titers (64 or lower), and titers (512 or higher) vs. titers (128-256), respectively]. Our meta-analysis suggests that maternal IgG anti-A/B titers are significantly associated with the risk of ABO-HDN. They contribute to the prediction of risk of ABO-HDN, in addition to the need for invasive treatment for antibody titers ≥512.

  5. Abo And Rhesus Blood Groups Distribution In Mothers And ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: To provide information in the distribution of ABO and Rhesus Blood Group in our population. Study Population/Methods: One hundred and twenty one antenatal mothers who were sequentially booked in antenatal care clinic of University of Jos Health Clinic, Jos, Plateau State after their informed consent.

  6. rights reserved Relationship between ABO Blood Groups and Lipid

    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Key Words: Lipoproteins, Blood groups, cardiovascular diseases, triglycerides. After the discovery of ABO blood groups. (Lansteiner, 1900), several studies have reported that the occurence of some diseases can be correlated with blood group types e.g. carcinoma of stomach (Aird et al., 1953), cardiometabolic diseases ...

  7. The Association between ABO and Rh Blood Groups and Risk of Endometriosis in Iranian Women. (United States)

    Malekzadeh, Farideh; Moini, Ashraf; Amirchaghmaghi, Elham; Daliri, Leila; Akhoond, Mohammad Reza; Talebi, Mehrak; Hosseini, Rihaneh


    Endometriosis is a common gynaecological disease that affects quality of life for women. Several studies have revealed that both environmental and genetic factors contribute to the development of endometriosis. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups in Iranian women with endometriosis who presented to two referral infertility centers in Tehran, Iran. In this case-control study, women who referred to Royan Institute and Arash Women's Hospital for diagnostic laparoscopy between 2013 and 2014 were assessed. Based on the laparoscopy findings, we categorized the women into two groups: endometriosis and control (women without endometriosis and normal pelvis). Chi-square and logistic regression tests were used for data analysis. In this study, we assessed 433 women, of which 213 patients were assigned to the endometriosis group while the remaining 220 subjects comprised the control group. The most frequent ABO blood group was O (40.6%). The least frequent blood group was AB (4.8%). In terms of Rh blood group, Rh+ (90.1%) was more frequent than Rh- (9.9%). There was no significant correlation between ABO (P=0.091) and Rh (P=0.55) blood groups and risk of endometriosis. Also, there was no significant difference between the two groups with regards to the stage of endometriosis and distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups (P>0.05). Although the O blood group was less dominant in Iranian women with endometriosis, we observed no significant correlation between the risk of endometriosis and the ABO and Rh blood groups. Endometriosis severity was not correlated to any of these blood groups. Copyright© by Royan Institute. All rights reserved.

  8. ABO blood groups and oral premalignancies: A clinical study in selected Indian population. (United States)

    Bhateja, S; Arora, G


    Background: The ABO blood group antigens are present on the surface of red blood cells and various epithelial cells. As the majority of human cancers are derived from epithelial cells, changes in blood group antigens constitute an important aspect of human cancers. The aim of the study was to establish clinical usefulness of ABO blood group as a predisposing factor in early diagnosis and management of patients with oral precancerous lesions/conditions. Materials and Methods: The study sample consisted of 50 control and 50 oral precancer (25 leukoplakia and 25 Oral Submucous Fibrosis) confirmed by histopathologic examination. All samples were subjected to blood group testing and their prevalence was compared by Z-test using STATA version 8. Results: The "A" blood group was prevalent among the precancerous group. Significant differences on prevalences of blood groups were found (P blood group. Conclusion: Blood group type should be considered along with other risk factors to understand the individual patient's risk and further studies in larger samples with inclusion of Rh factor is needed to elucidate the relationship with ABO blood group types.

  9. ABO Blood Group and Risk of Thromboembolic and Arterial Disease

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vasan, Senthil K; Rostgaard, Klaus; Majeed, Ammar


    BACKGROUND: ABO blood groups have been shown to be associated with increased risks of venous thromboembolic and arterial disease. However, the reported magnitude of this association is inconsistent and is based on evidence from small-scale studies. METHODS AND RESULTS: We used the SCANDAT2...... (Scandinavian Donations and Transfusions) database of blood donors linked with other nationwide health data registers to investigate the association between ABO blood groups and the incidence of first and recurrent venous thromboembolic and arterial events. Blood donors in Denmark and Sweden between 1987......-up. Compared with blood group O, non-O blood groups were associated with higher incidence of both venous and arterial thromboembolic events. The highest rate ratios were observed for pregnancy-related venous thromboembolism (incidence rate ratio, 2.22; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-2.79), deep vein thrombosis...

  10. Comparison of Lip Print Patterns in Two Indian Subpopulations and Its Correlation in ABO Blood Groups. (United States)

    Sr, Ashwinirani; Suragimath, Girish; Sande, Abhijeet R; Kulkarni, Prasad; Nimbal, Anand; Shankar, T; Gowd, T Snigdha; Shetty, Prajwal K


    The study of lip-print pattern (cheiloscopy) is a scientific method for personal identification and plays a major role in forensic and criminal investigations. To compare the lip print patterns in Kerala and Maharashtra population and correlate between ABO blood groups. Two hundred subjects, 100 from Maharashtra and 100 from Kerala were considered for the study. Lip prints were recorded, analyzed according to Tsuchihashi classification. The lip print patterns were compared in the two populations, correlated in ABO blood groups. The data obtained was statistically analyzed with SPSS software using chi-square test. In our study, predominant lip print pattern observed in Kerala population was type IV (53%) and Maharashtra population was type II (42%). The difference between the two population was statistically significant (pblood groups had type II lip print predominance. Subjects with B+, AB+ and O+ blood groups had type IV predominance. The lip print patterns do not show any correlation in ABO blood groups. Lip prints are unique to each individual and are different even in two persons. Lip print patterns were different in the two sub populations studied, and they showed no correlation in ABO blood groups.

  11. Prevalence of hemoglobinopathy, ABO and rhesus blood groups in rural areas of West Bengal, India


    Bikash Mondal; Soumyajit Maiti; Biplab Kumar Biswas; Debidas Ghosh; Shyamapada Paul


    Background: Hemoglobinopathies are a group of inherited disorders of hemoglobin synthesis. It could be formed a fatal scenario in concern of lacking of actual information. Beside this, ABO and Rh blood grouping are also important matter in transfusion and forensic medicine and to reduce new born hemolytic disease (NHD). Materials and Methods: The spectrum and prevalence of various hemoglobinopathies, ABO and rhesus (Rh) blood groups was screened among patients who visited B.S. Medical College...

  12. 腎移植(<特集>アフェレシスの新しい適応をめぐって)


    甲斐, 耕太郎; Kotaro, Kai; 東京女子医科大学腎臓外科; Department of Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical University Kidney Center


    Apheresis therapies such as plasma exchange or Double-filtration plasmapheresis (DFPP) were performed in renal transplantation to remove preoperative anti-blood type antibody or anti-HLA antibody. These methods were important for ABO incompatible renal transplantation or sensitized recipients. Here we show our preoperative desensitized protocol in ABO incompatible renal transplantation and the impact of pre- or postoperative titers of anti-blood type antibody against graft survival. In additi...


    African Journals Online (AJOL)


    Summary: HIV status and blood groups determination (Rhesus and ABO groups) in 3691 pregnant ... quick test kits and tested for blood group types with anti-sera A,B,AB, and D. Overall, the prevalence of blood group .... Theory,Techniques,.

  14. Comparative frequency and allelic distribution of ABO and Rh (D ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Gourab Dewan


    Feb 18, 2015 ... desh and having borders with India and Myanmar (Fig. 1). It is a hilly area with ..... calculated allelic frequencies for ABO/Rh systems previously. Therefore, allelic .... in backward caste population of Uttar Pradesh, India. Not Sci.

  15. Evolucion de niños post-trasplante hepático luego del primer año de sobrevida Evolution of children one year post liver transplant

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    Miriam Cuarterolo


    Full Text Available El trasplante hepático constituye la única alternativa terapéutica para numerosas enfermedades hepáticas avanzadas. En el seguimiento post-trasplante pueden observarse complicaciones de diversa gravedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la evolución a largo plazo de los pacientes trasplantados con un seguimiento mayor de un año post quirúrgico. En el período 11/92-11/01 se realizaron 264 trasplantes en 238 pacientes; incluyéndose en este trabajo 143 niños con más de un año post-trasplante. La mediana de edad ± DS fue de 5.41 ± 5.26 años (r: 0.58-21.7 años. Catorce (9.79% fueron retrasplantados. Todos los pacientes recibieron ciclosporina (inmunosupresión primaria. Las indicaciones de trasplante fueron: falla hepática fulminante (n: 50; atresia de vías biliares (n: 38; cirrosis (n: 37; colestasis crónica (n: 13 y otras (n: 5. Las indicaciones de retrasplante fueron: cirrosis biliar (n: 7; trombosis de la arteria hepática (n: 4 y rechazo crónico (n: 3. Fueron utilizados injertos reducidos en 73/157 trasplantes(14 donantes vivos relacionados y 11 biparticiones hepáticas. La sobrevida global fue de 93%, paciente y 86%, injerto. El retrasplante y el injerto reducido fueron las variables de mayor significación para el aumento del riesgo de muerte. El déficit de talla y masa ósea se recuperó antes de los 3años post-trasplante. La incidencia de síndrome linfoproliferativo fue del 7.69%. Se diagnosticó hepatitis B de novo en 7 pacientes (4.8%. El riesgo social no afectó la sobrevida. La prevención, detección y tratamiento precoz de las complicaciones en el seguimiento a largo plazo permitió mejorar la evolución de los pacientes.Orthotopic liver transplantation is the only definitive mode of therapy for children with end-stage liver disease. However, it remains challenging because of the necessity to prevent long-term complications. The aim of this study was to analyze the evolution of transplanted patients with

  16. Impacto de la colonización respiratoria y de la bacteria asintomática sobre el riesgo de infección en candidatos a trasplante hepático y cardiaco


    González Padilla, Marcelino


    Existen pocas descripciones de la epidemiología de la infección en pacientes candidatos a trasplante hepático1, y ninguna de pacientes candidatos a trasplante cardíaco. Varios autores han demostrado como el desarrollo de infecciones en pacientes con hepatopatía o cardiopatía avanzada empeoran el pronóstico y son causa de una buena parte de los ingresos hospitalarios de estos pacientes2,3. Existen sin embargo estudios que no encuentran una asociación entre el desarrollo de infecciones previame...

  17. [Neonatal ABO incompatibility underlies a potentially severe hemolytic disease of the newborn and requires adequate care]. (United States)

    Senterre, T; Minon, J-M; Rigo, J


    ABO allo-immunization is the most frequent hemolytic disease of the newborn and ABO incompatibility is present in 15-25 % of pregnancies. True ABO alloimmunization occurs in approximately one out of 150 births. Intensity is generally lower than in RhD allo-immunization. We report on three cases showing that ABO allo-immunization can lead to severe hemolytic disease of the newborn with potentially threatening hyperbilirubinemia and complications. Early diagnosis and adequate care are necessary to prevent complications in ABO incompatibility. A direct antiglobulin test is the cornerstone of diagnosis and should be performed at birth on cord blood sampling in all group infants born to O mothers, especially if of African origin. Risk factor analysis and attentive clinical monitoring during the first days of life are essential. Vigilance is even more important for infants discharged before the age of 72 h. Every newborn should be assessed for the risk of developing severe hyperbilirubinemia and should be examined by a qualified healthcare professional in the first days of life. Treatment depends on the total serum bilirubin level, which may increase very rapidly in the first 48 h of life in cases of hemolytic disease of the newborn. Phototherapy and, in severe cases, exchange transfusion are used to prevent hyperbilirubinemia encephalopathy. Intravenous immunoglobulins are used to reduce exchange transfusion. Treatments of severe hemolytic disease of the newborn should be provided and performed by trained personnel in neonatal intensive care units. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  18. Dieciséis años de experiencia de trasplante hepático en clínica las condes

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    G. Erwin Buckel, Dr.


    Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos por el equipo de trasplante de Clínica Las Condes son en todo comparables a las series publicadas por centros internacionales y confirman la utilidad de esta terapia a nivel nacional. Aún existen nuevos desafíos que vencer en términos de inmunosupresión, infecciones y adherencia al tratamiento.

  19. Conocimientos y actitudes de los médicos de instituciones hospitalarias en Barranquillla sobre donación y trasplante de órganos

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    Rafael Tuesca . M


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Identificar las actitudes y evaluar el conocimiento sobre donación y trasplante de órganos en médicos de instituciones hospitalarias en Barranquilla (Colombia. Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio observacional transversal. Muestra aleatoria estratificada de 305 médicos generales (MG y especialistas de instituciones hospitalarias de Barranquilla. Información de tipo primario, mediante encuestas autodiligenciadas. El cuestionario adaptado de Blanca, De Frutos y Rosel consta de 29 preguntas, divididas en tres capítulos. El primer capítulo: identificación personal (6 ítems; el segundo midió el conocimiento sobre donación y trasplante mediante preguntas de selección múltiple (11 ítems; y el tercero evaluó las actitudes con escala tipo likert (12 ítems. Se contó con el apoyo de los centros hospitalarios. Resultados: Se evaluaron 274 médicos (104 MG que presentaron una media de 48.7 años y desviación estándar de 6.37. La razón de médicos especialistas por médico general fue de 1.6:1. Con respectoalconocimientoteórico,seencontróun50.73%defrecuenciamodal derespuestasregulares y el 41.24% en el rango bueno. Al comparar el conocimiento con el área de trabajo se encontró una diferencia significativa respecto al grado de conocimiento entre médicos generales y especialistas, siendo (OR=2.37IC95%1.42–3.93.Losmédicosdesconocenelmarcolegalqueregulaladonación ytrasplantedeórganos.El72.3%delosencuestadosdesconocelaexistenciadelprogramadedonación y trasplante de órganos en Barranquilla. El 35% manifiestó que se actualiza al consultar libros o revistas especializadas. En cuanto al conocimiento general, existe diferencia significativa entre los médicos generales y especialistas, lo cual arrojó una prueba Z de diferencia de proporciones de 3.91 para una p= 0.00007. Conclusiones:Losinvestigadoressugierenentreotrosaspectos:promocionarydifundirlosprogramas de trasplante y donación de órganos para el público en general y

  20. Diagnóstico Precoz del Rechazo en el Trasplante Experimental de Páncreas Total con Duodeno en el Perro: Citología por Punción-Aspiración con Aguja Fina.


    Rodríguez Abascal, Moisés


    El trasplante de páncreas está indicado fundamentalmente en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo I. En la actualidad las soluciones terapéuticas ofertadas son: regímenes de insulina, bombas de infusión subcutánea de insulina, el páncreas artificial, y el trasplante de páncreas; este último sería la posibilidad que más fisiológicamente regularía el mecanismo de homostasis de la glucosa. Desde que...

  1. Histopathological Study of Central Nervous System Lesions: Emphasizing Association of Neoplasms with ABO Blood Groups. (United States)

    Kumarguru, B N; Pallavi, P; Sunila; Manjunath, G V; Vasan, T S; Rajalakshmi, B R


    The Central Nervous System (CNS) lesions show considerable geographic and racial variations with respect to the incidence and the pattern of distribution of lesions. The ABO blood status is a readily accessible factor in genetic constitution of the patients. It has been shown to be associated with many diseases. But the influence of blood group status on the pathogenesis of brain tumours is still unclear. To study various histopathological patterns of CNS lesions and to evaluate the association of CNS tumours with the distribution of ABO blood groups in documented cases. In the present study, 147 cases were analyzed. It was an analytical type of study, done at JSS Medical College, Mysore, over a period of 2 years and 8 months from January 2009 to August 2011. Histopathology slides were routinely stained by Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stain. Special stains were performed in selected cases. Blood group of the patients and the control group were documented. Blood group distribution pattern was assessed in relation to histopathological diagnosis of various CNS tumours. Histopathological diagnosis of 147 cases included neoplastic lesions (84.35%) and non-neoplastic lesions (15.64%). Neoplastic lesions (84.35%) constituted the majority, which included neuroepithelial tumours (29.25%) as predominant pattern. Non-neoplastic lesions constituted only 15.64%, which included inflammatory lesion (8.16%) as the predominant pattern. ABO blood group data was available in 92 cases (84.4%) of neoplastic lesions, which included 71 cases (48.29%) of primary CNS neoplasms categorized according to WHO grades. The control group constituted 21,067 healthy voluntary donors. Blood group O was the most frequent blood group in neoplastic lesions (40.21%) and primary CNS neoplasms categorized according to WHO grades (45.07%). The association between the CNS neoplasms and ABO blood groups was not statistically significant (p = 0.055). But a definite change in the pattern of distribution of ABO

  2. [Genotyping of ABO Blood Group in Partial Population of Yunnan Province by SNaPshot Technology]. (United States)

    Yu, S X; Zeng, F M; Jin, Y Z; Wan, H J; Zhai, D; Xing, Y M; Cheng, B W


    To detect the genotype of ABO blood group by SNaPshot technology. DNA were extracted from the peripheral blood samples with known blood groups (obtained by serology) of 107 unrelated individuals in Yunnan. Six SNP loci of the 261th, 297th, 681th, 703th, 802th, and 803th nucleotide positions were detected by SNaPshot Multiplex kit, and relevant genetics parameters were calculated. In 107 blood samples, the allele frequencies of types A, B, O A , and O G were 0.355 1, 0.168 2, 0.230 0 and 0.247 6, respectively, while that of types A G and cis AB were not detected. The genotyping results of ABO blood group were consistent with that of serologic testing. SNaPshot technology can be adapted for genotyping of ABO blood group. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Forensic Medicine

  3. Gene frequencies of ABO and rhesus blood groups and ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The distribution and gene frequencies of ABO and rhesus (Rh) blood groups and haemoglobin variants for samples of the Nigerian population at Ogbomoso was determined. Data consisting of records of blood groups and haemoglobin types of different ages ranging from infants to adults for a period of 4 to 6 years (1995 ...

  4. ABO blood type and the risk of cancer – Findings from the Shanghai Cohort Study (United States)

    Wang, Renwei; Gao, Yu-Tang


    ABO blood type is an inherited characteristic. The associations between ABO blood type and risk of all cancer and specific cancers were examined in a prospective cohort study of 18,244 Chinese men enrolled in 1986. During the 25 years of follow-up, 3,973 men developed cancer including 964 lung cancers, 624 colorectal cancers, 560 gastric cancers, 353 liver cancers, and 172 urinary bladder cancers. Hazard ratios (HR) for all cancer and specific cancers by ABO blood type were calculated using Cox proportional hazards models. Compared with blood type A, blood type B was associated with statistically significant reduced risk of all cancers (HR, 0.91, 95% CI:0.84, 0.99). Both blood types B and AB were associated with significantly lower risk of gastrointestinal cancer and colorectal cancer, respectively. Blood type B was also associated with significantly lower risk of stomach cancer and bladder cancer, while blood type AB was associated with significantly increased risk of liver cancer. By histological type, blood types B and AB were associated with lower risk of epidermoid carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, but were not associated with risk of sarcoma, lymphoma, leukemia or other cell types of cancer. The findings of this study support a role of genetic traits related to ABO blood type in the development of cancers in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. PMID:28880901

  5. Association of ABO and Rh blood groups with breast cancer. (United States)

    Meo, Sultan Ayoub; Suraya, Faryal; Jamil, Badar; Rouq, Fwziah Al; Meo, Anusha Sultan; Sattar, Kamran; Ansari, Mohammad Javed; Alasiri, Saleh A


    The aim of this study was to determine the association of "ABO" and "Rhesus" blood groups with incidence of breast cancer. In this study, we identified 70 research documents from data based search engines including "PubMed", "ISI-Web of Knowledge", "Embase" and "Google Scholar". The research papers were selected by using the primary key-terms including "ABO blood type", "Rhesus" blood type and "breast cancer". The research documents in which "ABO" and "Rhesus" blood types and breast cancer was debated were included. After screening, we reviewed 32 papers and finally we selected 25 research papers which met the inclusion criteria and remaining documents were excluded. Blood group "A" has high incidence of breast cancer (45.88%), blood group "O" has (31.69%); "B" (16.16%) and blood group "AB" has (6.27%) incidence of breast cancer. Blood group "A" has highest and blood group "AB" has least association with breast cancer. Furthermore, "Rhesus +ve" blood group has high incidence of breast cancer (88.31%) and "Rhesus -ve" blood group has least association with breast cancer (11.68%). Blood group "A" and "Rhesus +ve" have high risk of breast cancer, while blood type "AB" and "Rhesus -ve" are at low peril of breast cancer. Physicians should carefully monitor the females with blood group "A" and "Rh +ve" as these females are more prone to develop breast cancer. To reduce breast cancer incidence and its burden, preventive and screening programs for breast cancer especially in young women are highly recommended.

  6. Desensitization protocol in highly HLA-sensitized and ABO-incompatible high titer kidney transplantation. (United States)

    Uchida, J; Machida, Y; Iwai, T; Naganuma, T; Kitamoto, K; Iguchi, T; Maeda, S; Kamada, Y; Kuwabara, N; Kim, T; Nakatani, T


    A positive crossmatch indicates the presence of donor-specific alloantibodies and is associated with a graft loss rate of >80%; anti-ABO blood group antibodies develop in response to exposure to foreign blood groups, resulting in immediate graft loss. However, a desensitization protocol for highly HLA-sensitized and ABO-incompatible high-titer kidney transplantation has not yet been established. We treated 6 patients with high (≥1:512) anti-A/B antibody titers and 2 highly HLA-sensitized patients. Our immunosuppression protocol was initiated 1 month before surgery and included mycophenolate mofetil (1 g/d) and/or low-dose steroid (methylprednisolone 8 mg/d). Two doses of the anti-CD20 antibody rituximab (150 mg/m(2)) were administered 2 weeks before and on the day of transplantation. We performed antibody removal with 6-12 sessions of plasmapheresis (plasma exchange or double-filtration plasmapheresis) before transplantation. Splenectomy was also performed on the day of transplantation. Postoperative immunosuppression followed the same regimen as ABO-compatible cases, in which calcineurin inhibitors were initiated 3 days before transplantation, combined with 2 doses of basiliximab. Of the 8 patients, 7 subsequently underwent successful living-donor kidney transplantation. Follow-up of our recipients showed that the patient and graft survival rates were 100%. Acute cellular rejection and antibody-mediated rejection episodes occurred in 1 of the 7 recipients. These findings suggest that our immunosuppression regimen consisting of rituximab infusions, splenectomy, plasmapheresis, and pharmacologic immunosuppression may prove to be effective as a desensitization protocol for highly HLA-sensitized and ABO-incompatible high-titer kidney transplantation. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Blood Mixing Upregulates Platelet Membrane-Bound CD40 Ligand Expression in vitro Independent of Abo Compatibility. (United States)

    Huang, Go-Shine; Hu, Mei-Hua; Lin, Tso-Chou; Lin, Yi-Chang; Tsai, Yi-Ting; Lin, Chih-Yuan; Ke, Hung-Yen; Zheng, Xu-Zhi; Tsai, Chien-Sung


    Platelets play a central role in the inflammation response via CD40 ligand (CD40L) expression, which may lead to transfusion reactions. The precise role of platelet CD40L-mediated inflammation in transfusion reactions is unclear. Therefore, we assessed the effects of in vitro blood mixing on platelet CD40L expression. In addition, we examined the effect of ABO compatibility on CD40L expression. Donor packed red blood cells were acquired from a blood bank, and recipient blood was obtained from patients undergoing cardiac surgery and prepared as washed platelets. Donor blood was mixed with suspended, washed recipient platelets to obtain a final mixing ratio of 1%, 5%, or 10% (vol/vol). The blood mixtures were divided into three groups: Group M, cross-matched blood-type mixing (n = 20); Group S, ABO type-specific uncross-matched blood (n = 20); and Group I, ABO incompatibility (not ABO type-specific blood and not process cross-matched) mixing (n = 20). The blood mixtures were used to detect platelet membrane-bound CD40L expression by flow cytometry. Blood mixing resulted in an increase in CD40L expression in Group M (P role in the induction of CD40L expression.

  8. Análisis preliminar de estado secretor ABO (H en la comunidad mapuche de Anecon Grande (Río Negro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Perosino, María C.


    Full Text Available El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar el Sistema Secretor ABO(H en muestras salivares de 51 individuos (21 varones y 30 mujeres de la comunidad mapuche de Anecón Grande (Prov. de Río Negro. Para su determinación se utilizó la técnica de Inhibición de la Aglutinación cuyo fundamento consiste en que las sustancias solubles ABH son capaces de neutralizar a los anticuerpos específicos. La determinación de la secreción salival ABO(H mostró que el 100% (47 personas de grupo ABO*0 y 4 de grupo ABO*A de la muestra corresponde a secretores (Se _ . Estos resultados concuerdan con lo esperado para poblaciones amerindias y con la información genética y biodemográfica previamente obtenida. Nuestros datos se comparan con los hallados en otras poblaciones aborígenes argentinas y sudamericanas.

  9. ABO and rhesus antigens in a cosmopolitan Nigeria population. (United States)

    Nwauche, C A; Ejele, O A


    Port Harcourt is a cosmopolitan city consisting of several ethnic groupings such as Ikwerre, Ijaw, Igbo, Ogonis, Efik-Ibibio, Edo, Yoruba, Hausa and foreign nationals. ABO and Rhesus D antigens were screened in this cross-sectional study with the aim of generating data that would assist in the running of an efficient blood transfusion service for a cosmopolitan city as Port Harcourt. Blood donors were sampled and screened for ABO and Rhesus D antigens at three Health facilities within Port Harcourt: University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Braithwaite Memorial Hospital and Orogbum Health centre. A total of 936 blood donors were tested in this study. The results of the ABO screening shows that blood group O was the highest with 527 (56.30%) followed by blood group A, B and lastly AB with 212 (22.65%), 178 (19.02%) and 18(2.10%) respectively. The highest contribution to blood group O was from the Ibos with 220 (23.50%) while the Ijaws gave the highest contribution of Rhesus "D" antigen with 370 (39.53%), closely followed by the Igbos with 334 (0.43%). Rhesus negativity values in this study was 7.26% of which the highest contributors were also the Ijaws with 33 (3.53%) and Igbos with 27(2.89%). The increased demand for safe blood calls for an efficient Blood, Transfusion Service at the local, state and national levels. It is hoped that the data generated in this study would assist in the planning and establishment of a functional Blood service that would not only meet the ever increasing demand for blood products, but also play a vital role in the control of HIV/AIDS and . Hepatitis B global scourge.

  10. Association of ABO blood groups with diabetes mellitus | Kamil ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Objective: So far no studies have been performed in Malaysia to look at association of diabetes mellitus (DM) with blood groups. We studied the association of ABO blood groups with DM type 2. Patients and methodology: It was a case control study conducted at Kepala Batas Hospital Batas, Penang, Malaysia in the year ...

  11. Frequencies and ethnic distribution of ABO and RhD blood groups in China: a population-based cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Liu, Jue; Zhang, Shikun; Wang, Qiaomei; Shen, Haiping; Zhang, Yiping; Liu, Min


    ABO and RhD blood groups are key factors affecting blood transfusion safety. The distribution of ABO and RhD blood groups varies globally, but limited data exist for ethnic distributions of these blood groups in Asian populations. We aimed to evaluate the distribution of ABO and RhD blood groups among Chinese ethnic groups. A population-based cross-sectional study. Data on ABO groups and ethnicities were obtained from the National Free Preconception Health Examination Project (NFPHEP) with participants from 220 counties of 31 provinces in China PARTICIPANTS: There were 3 832 034 participants aged 21-49 years who took part in the NFPHEP from January 2010 to December 2012 and were included in this study. The proportion of ABO and RhD blood groups among different ethnic groups was calculated. ABO and RhD blood distribution was significantly different among nine ethnic groups (Pgroups, the Yi group had more A phenotypes (34.0%), and the Manchu (33.7%) and Mongolian (33.3%) ethnic groups had more B phenotypes. The Zhuang group had the greatest proportion of O phenotypes (41.8%), followed by the Miao group (37.7%). AB phenotypes were more frequent in the Uygur ethnic group (10.6%) but lower in the Zhuang group (5.5%). Meanwhile, RhD negativity (RhD-) was greater in the Uygur group (3.3%) than in the Mongolian (0.3%) and Manchu ethnic groups (0.4%). O RhD- blood groups were more frequent in the Uygur group (0.8%) than in the other ethnic groups (0.1%-0.4%, Pblood phenotypes vary across different ethnic groups in China. The diversity in the distribution of the ABO and RhD blood groups in different ethnic groups should be considered when developing rational and evidence-based strategies for blood collection and management. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  12. Distribution of Abo and Rhesus D blood groups among the Bini ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Distribution of Abo and Rhesus D blood groups among the Bini ethnic group of ... (Rh) blood group antigens are hereditary characters and are useful in population ... ethnic groups earlier reported in Nigeria with slight variation in frequency.

  13. Is there an association of ABO blood groups and Rhesus factor with alopecia areata? (United States)

    İslamoğlu, Zeynep Gizem Kaya; Unal, Mehmet


    Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by noncicatricial hair loss localized on hair, beard, mustache, eyebrow, eyelash, and sometimes on the body. Although etiopathogenesis is not fully understood, many studies show remarkable associations between various diseases and ABO blood groups. However, there is no study with AA and blood groups. Healthy people and patients with AA were included in this study. A total of 155 patients with AA and 299 healthy controls were included in the study. ABO blood group distribution in patients with AA and distribution of healthy donors were similar. However, Rhesus factor positivity in the AA group was significantly higher than in healthy donors. The relationship between stress and AA was high as known. But, ABO blood group and Rhesus factor were not in a significant connection with stress. We conclude that there was no association between ABO blood group and AA, but the observed distribution of Rhesus blood group differed slightly but significantly from that of the healthy population. The result of the study shows a small but statistically significant difference in the Rh blood group between patients with AA and the healthy population blood groups. This result is important because it suggests that genetic factors may influence the development of AA. The role of blood groups in the development of AA remains to be determined. We believe that the studies which will be carried out in other centers with wider series will be more valuable to support this hypothesis. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. ABO Blood Group and Dementia Risk--A Scandinavian Record-Linkage Study.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Senthil K Vasan

    Full Text Available Dementia includes a group of neuro-degenerative disorders characterized by varying degrees of cognitive impairment. Recent data indicates that blood group AB is associated with impaired cognition in elderly patients. To date there are no large-scale studies that have examined the relationship between ABO blood group and dementia-related disorders in detail.We used data from the SCANDAT2 database that contains information on over 1.6 million blood donors from 1968 in Sweden and 1981 from Denmark. The database was linked with health outcomes data from nationwide patient and cause of death registers to investigate the relationship between blood groups and risk of different types of dementia. The incident rate ratios were estimated using log-linear Poisson regression models.Among 1,598,294 donors followed over 24 million person-years of observation we ascertained 3,615 cases of Alzheimer's disease, 1,842 cases of vascular dementia, and 9,091 cases of unspecified dementia. Overall, our study showed no association between ABO blood group and risk of Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia or unspecified dementia. This was also true when analyses were restricted to donors aged 70 years or older except for a slight, but significantly decreased risk of all dementia combined in subjects with blood group A (IRR, 0.93; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.88-0.98, compared to those with blood group O.Our results provide no evidence that ABO blood group influences the risk of dementia.

  15. The role of carboxyhemoglobin measured with CO-oximetry in the detection of hemolysis in newborns with ABO alloimmunization. (United States)

    Lozar-Krivec, Jana; Bratanic, Borut; Paro-Panjan, Darja


    To evaluate carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) values measured with a CO-oximeter (Roche-cobas b 221) in jaundiced newborns with or without hemolysis and healthy controls in order to assess whether COHb measurement determined with a CO-oximeter could be used as an indicator of hemolysis in newborns with ABO alloimmunization. A total of 86 term newborn infants were prospectively studied. The study cohort consisted of three subgroups: 18 infants with ABO HDN, 21 infants with hyperbilirubinemia without hemolytic disease who required phototherapy, and 47 healthy controls. The COHb, bilirubin, and Hb levels were measured. The three subgroups did not differ significantly with respect to birth weight, gestational age, gender, Apgar score, or mode of delivery. The ABO HDN infants had significantly higher COHb values than the healthy controls (median 2.4% versus 1.3%, p < 0.0005) and the group with hyperbilirubinemia without hemolytic disease (median 2.4% versus 1.3%, p < 0.0005), although the infants with hyperbilirubinemia without hemolytic disease did not have significantly higher COHb values compared with the healthy controls. The cut-off value of 1.7% COHb had 72% sensitivity and 97% specificity for confirming hemolysis in ABO alloimmunization. Our data show that COHb values determined with CO-oximeters are higher in newborns with hemolysis than in those without hemolysis. COHb measured with CO-oximeters could be used to confirm hemolysis in infants with ABO alloimmunization.

  16. Comparative Analysis of Clinical Samples Showing Weak Serum Reaction on AutoVue System Causing ABO Blood Typing Discrepancies. (United States)

    Jo, Su Yeon; Lee, Ju Mi; Kim, Hye Lim; Sin, Kyeong Hwa; Lee, Hyeon Ji; Chang, Chulhun Ludgerus; Kim, Hyung Hoi


    ABO blood typing in pre-transfusion testing is a major component of the high workload in blood banks that therefore requires automation. We often experienced discrepant results from an automated system, especially weak serum reactions. We evaluated the discrepant results by the reference manual method to confirm ABO blood typing. In total, 13,113 blood samples were tested with the AutoVue system; all samples were run in parallel with the reference manual method according to the laboratory protocol. The AutoVue system confirmed ABO blood typing of 12,816 samples (97.7%), and these results were concordant with those of the manual method. The remaining 297 samples (2.3%) showed discrepant results in the AutoVue system and were confirmed by the manual method. The discrepant results involved weak serum reactions (serum reactions, samples from patients who had received stem cell transplants, ABO subgroups, and specific system error messages. Among the 98 samples showing ≤1+ reaction grade in the AutoVue system, 70 samples (71.4%) showed a normal serum reaction (≥2+ reaction grade) with the manual method, and 28 samples (28.6%) showed weak serum reaction in both methods. ABO blood tying of 97.7% samples could be confirmed by the AutoVue system and a small proportion (2.3%) needed to be re-evaluated by the manual method. Samples with a 2+ reaction grade in serum typing do not need to be evaluated manually, while those with ≤1+ reaction grade do.

  17. ABO Blood Group and Dementia Risk--A Scandinavian Record-Linkage Study

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Vasan, Senthil K; Rostgaard, Klaus; Ullum, Henrik


    ,615 cases of Alzheimer's disease, 1,842 cases of vascular dementia, and 9,091 cases of unspecified dementia. Overall, our study showed no association between ABO blood group and risk of Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia or unspecified dementia. This was also true when analyses were restricted to donors......BACKGROUND: Dementia includes a group of neuro-degenerative disorders characterized by varying degrees of cognitive impairment. Recent data indicates that blood group AB is associated with impaired cognition in elderly patients. To date there are no large-scale studies that have examined...... the relationship between ABO blood group and dementia-related disorders in detail. METHODS: We used data from the SCANDAT2 database that contains information on over 1.6 million blood donors from 1968 in Sweden and 1981 from Denmark. The database was linked with health outcomes data from nationwide patient...

  18. Frequency of ABO blood groups and RhD factor in the female population of District Peshawar


    Nazli, Rubina; Haider, Jamila; Khan, Mohammad Akmal; Akhtar, Tasleem; Aslam, Hina


    Objective: To determine the frequency of ABO blood group and Rhesus (Rh) D antigen in the females of “District” Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 429 women having pregnancy induced hypertension, admitted in the three teaching hospitals of Peshawar, over a period of one year. Blood sample was collected from each subject after taking informed consent. The antigen antibody agglutination slide test for “blood grouping (ABO)” and ...

  19. Distribution of ABO and Rh Blood Groups in Patients With Keratoconus: A Case-Control Study. (United States)

    Naderan, Mohammad; Rajabi, Mohammad Taher; Shoar, Saeed; Kamaleddin, Mohammad Amin; Naderan, Morteza; Rezagholizadeh, Farzaneh; Zolfaghari, Masoome; Pahlevani, Rozhin


    Association of keratoconus (KC) with genetic predisposition and environmental factors has been well documented. However, no single study has investigated the possible relationship between ABO and Rh blood groups and KC. A case-control study was designed in a university hospital enrolling 214 patients with KC in the case group and equal number of age- and sex-matched healthy subjects in the control group. Primary characteristics, ABO blood group, and Rh factors were compared between the two groups. Topographic findings of KC eyes and the severity of the diseases were investigated according to the distribution of the blood groups. Blood group O and Rh(+) phenotype were most frequent in both groups. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of ABO blood groups or Rh factors. Mean keratometery (K), central corneal thickness, thinnest corneal thickness, flat K, steep K, sphere and cylinder, spherical equivalent, and uncorrected visual acuity were all similar between ABO blood groups and Rh(+) and Rh(-) groups. However, the best spectacle-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) had the highest value in AB blood group (0.35 ± 0.22 logMAR, P=0.005). Moreover, the blood group AB revealed the highest frequency for grade 3 KC, followed by grades 1, 2, and 4 (P=0.003). We observed no significant excess of any particular blood group among KC cases compared with healthy subjects. Except BCVA, none of the keratometric or topographic findings was significantly different between blood groups.

  20. Utilidad de la embolización percutánea del injerto renal no funcionante como alternativa a la transplantectomía quirúrgica su influencia en la sensibilización del paciente /


    González Satué, Carlos


    Consultable des del TDX Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada Introducción: La embolización del injerto renal fracasado es una alternativa válida a la exéresis del injerto cuando aparece clínica de intolerancia al injerto no controlable con medicación o que precisa altas dosis de inmunosupresores para su control. La influencia de la embolización sobre la sensibilización del huesped de cara a posteriores trasplantes es un punto de discrepancia, ya que se deja en el organismo un teji...

  1. Estudio comparativo de dos soluciones de preservación en el trasplante hepático:la solución de Celsior y la solución de la Universidad de Wisconsin.


    Deusa Gea, Saulo


    RESUMEN Las mejoras en las formulaciones de los líquidos de preservación han permitido un gran avance en los trasplantes de órganos. Aunque la solución de la Universidad de Wisconsin (SUW) es la solución intracelular más extensamente utilizada por los grupos de trasplante hepático, en los últimos años la aparición de la solución extracelular de Celsior® (SC), inicialmente diseñada como solución cardiopléjica, parece representar una alternativa válida a la SUW en la con...

  2. The Association Between Cancer Of The Breast And The Abo And ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The Association Between Cancer Of The Breast And The Abo And Rhesus D Antigen Phenotypes In Lagos, Nigeria; A Case-Control Study. AS Akammu, AT Ajekighe, FAA Durusinmi-Etti, L Akinsete, EE Emuveyan, FB Abdul-Kaareem, CS Ugwaudu, DA Dawotola ...

  3. Evaluation of an automated microplate technique in the Galileo system for ABO and Rh(D) blood grouping. (United States)

    Xu, Weiyi; Wan, Feng; Lou, Yufeng; Jin, Jiali; Mao, Weilin


    A number of automated devices for pretransfusion testing have recently become available. This study evaluated the Immucor Galileo System, a fully automated device based on the microplate hemagglutination technique for ABO/Rh (D) determinations. Routine ABO/Rh typing tests were performed on 13,045 samples using the Immucor automated instruments. Manual tube method was used to resolve ABO forward and reverse grouping discrepancies. D-negative test results were investigated and confirmed manually by the indirect antiglobulin test (IAT). The system rejected 70 tests for sample inadequacy. 87 samples were read as "No-type-determined" due to forward and reverse grouping discrepancies. 25 tests gave these results because of sample hemolysis. After further tests, we found 34 tests were caused by weakened RBC antibodies, 5 tests were attributable to weak A and/or B antigens, 4 tests were due to mixed-field reactions, and 8 tests had high titer cold agglutinin with blood qualifications which react only at temperatures below 34 degrees C. In the remaining 11 cases, irregular RBC antibodies were identified in 9 samples (seven anti-M and two anti-P) and two subgroups were identified in 2 samples (one A1 and one A2) by a reference laboratory. As for D typing, 2 weak D+ samples missed by automated systems gave negative results, but weak-positive reactions were observed in the IAT. The Immucor Galileo System is reliable and suited for ABO and D blood groups, some reasons may cause a discrepancy in ABO/D typing using a fully automated system. It is suggested that standardization of sample collection may improve the performance of the fully automated system.

  4. Variation at ABO histo-blood group and FUT loci and diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer risk in a European population

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Duell, Eric J; Bonet, Catalina; Muñoz, Xavier


    ABO blood serotype A is known to be associated with risk of gastric cancer (GC), but little is known how ABO alleles and the fucosyltransferase (FUT) enzymes and genes which are involved in Lewis antigen formation [and in Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) binding and pathogenicity] may be related t...

  5. The value of transcutaneous method of bilirubin measurement in newborn population with the risk of ABO hemolytic disease. (United States)

    Stoniene, Dalia; Buinauskiene, Jūrate; Markūniene, Egle


    OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY. To evaluate the correlation between total serum bilirubin (TSB) and transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) levels in newborn infants at risk of ABO hemolytic disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS. During a prospective study, 130 full-term (>or=37 weeks of gestation) newborn infants with diagnosed ABO blood group incompatibility were examined. TSB level was measured at the age of 6 hours; further measurements were performed at 24, 48, and 72 hours following the first measurement. Blood samples were collected from the peripheral veins. In clinical laboratory, total serum bilirubin level was measured using Jendrassik-Grof method. TcB level in the forehead was measured using a noninvasive bilirubinometer BiliCheck (SpectRX Inc, Norcross, GA) according to the manufacturer's instructions within +/-30 min after getting a blood sample. RESULTS. During the study, 387 double tests were performed to measure TSB and TcB levels. TSB level (114.83 [62.85] micromol/L) closely correlated with TcB level (111.51 [61.31] micromol/L) (r=0.92, Por=98 micromol/L, ABO hemolytic disease in newborns may be diagnosed with 100% sensitivity and 98% specificity; positive predictive value was 62% and negative predictive value was 100%. While a newborn's age increases, TcB sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing ABO hemolytic disease decrease. CONCLUSION. While evaluating bilirubin level transcutaneously according to nomograms of serum bilirubin level, the results should be considered with caution, especially for newborns with a risk of ABO hemolytic disease. The hour-specific nomograms of transcutaneous bilirubin level should be used to evaluate hyperbilirubinemia using only a noninvasive method.

  6. Trasplante cardíaco en pacientes con enfermedad de Chagas. Experiencia de un único centro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alfredo Inácio Fiorelli


    Conclusiones: El trasplante cardíaco es el único tratamiento actual eficaz de tratamiento de la enfermedad de Chagas en fase terminal. La reactivación de la enfermedad es un problema real que es fácilmente revertido con la introducción de la terapéutica farmacológica específica, restaurando los padrones histológicos del miocardio sin dejar secuelas. La inmunosupresión, en especial los corticoides, predisponen al desarrollo de neoplasias y a la reactivación de la enfermedad, exigiendo una atención especial su interrupción o reducción precoz.

  7. Effect of ABO blood type on ovarian reserve in Chinese women. (United States)

    Lin, Shengli; Li, Rong; Chi, Hongbin; Huang, Shuo; Zhang, Hua; Zheng, Xiaoying; Liu, Ping; Qiao, Jie


    To explore the effect of ABO blood type on ovarian reserve in Chinese women. Retrospective analysis. University-affiliated IVF center. The retrospective analysis involved 35,479 women who underwent in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET) cycles between 2006 and 2012. None. The association between ABO blood types and diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Among 35,479 Chinese women, 11,395 (32.12%) had blood type B, 10,583 (29.83%) had blood type O, 9,861 (27.79%) had blood type A, and 3,640 (10.26%) had blood type AB. There was a statistically significantly higher percentage of blood type O among those with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels ≤10 IU/L compared with those with FSH levels >10 IU/L. Conversely, among the women with DOR, there was statistically significantly higher percentage of those with blood types B and AB. Blood type A was not associated with DOR occurrence. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that blood type O was statistically significantly less often associated with DOR occurrence, whereas the B antigen (blood type B or AB) was statistically significantly associated with an increased risk of DOR. Our results have shown that there is an association between ABO blood type and DOR occurrence in Chinese women. Women with blood type O were statistically significantly less likely to have DOR, whereas those with B antigen (blood type B or AB) were statistically significantly more likely to have DOR. Blood type A was not associated with ovarian reserve. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  8. The relative incidence of diabetes mellitus in abo/rhesus blood ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    A total of 224 diabetics and 221 non-diabetics (control) were involved in this study, to determine the relative incidence of diabetes mellitus in ABO/Rhesus blood group. The current criteria for the diagnosis f diabetes mellitus were applied in differentiating the diabetics from the non-diabetics. Blood group, fasting blood sugar ...

  9. The relationship between ABO/rhesus blood groups and type 2 ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Blood samples were collected from the patients after consent had been obtained. The samples were tested for ABO and Rh blood groups, using the Beth-Vincent and Simonin-Michon methods. The allele frequencies were calculated according to the Bernstein formulas. Results: The χ2 test results showed that there was no ...

  10. The frequency of ABO blood group maternal-fetal incompatibility, maternal iso-agglutinins, and immune agglutinins quantitation in Osogbo, Osun State, South-West of Nigeria

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    Oseni Bashiru


    Full Text Available Background : ABO incompatibility in maternal-fetal relationship has been shown to cause hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDNB; a survey which is not yet done in this locality. Aim: Frequency of ABO blood group maternal-fetal incompatibility, maternal iso-agglutinins, and immune agglutinins quantitation was carried out in Osogbo, Osun State, South-West of Nigeria. Settings and Designs : A total of 260 subjects comprising 130 postpartum mothers within the age range of 22-35 years having good obstetrics history and normal delivery, with their 130 neonate babies were used for the study. Materials and Methods : ABO cell and serum groupings were carried out on the subjects using standard antisera and cells with appropriate controls. Direct Coomb′s Test was carried out on neonate red cells. Antibody quantitation by double dilution on the maternal serum using red cells containing corresponding antigen to the antibody was determined. A titer, which is the reciprocal of the highest dilution showing agglutination by Indirect Coombs Test, was determined. Another batch of sera was pretreated with 2-mecarptoethanol before determining the titer. Statistical Analysis: The distribution study results obtained were compared in percentages, whereas the antibodies quantitation was expressed as titers using the mode of the titers for compariso-agglutininsn. Results and Conclusions : Thirty-eight percent (50 mothers were ABO incompatible with their babies, whereas 62% (80 mothers were compatible. The distribution of blood groups in the compatible population showed blood group O (45%; A (30%; B (20%; and AB (5%. Mothers O, A, and B carrying incompatible babies had a frequency of 24% each, whereas mothers AB had 28%. Serologist differences occur in maternal ABO antibodies of corresponding incompatible baby ABO antigens. A high incidence of ABO maternal-fetal incompatibility observed without detection of immune agglutinins is indicative of a rare incidence of HDNB due

  11. Citoquinas reguladoras de la respuesta al transplante renal alogénico Regulatory cytokines in the response to the allogeneic renal transplant

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    Rita L. Cardoni


    Full Text Available La aceptación o el rechazo del riñón alogénico dependen principalmente de la respuesta inmune y de su compleja regulación en la cual la red de citoquinas y otros mediadores juegan un importante papel. Actualmente, la biopsia renal es, a pesar de lo invasor del procedimiento, la herramienta de mayor utilidad para el control del rechazo al trasplante y el diagnóstico de las nefropatías asociadas. Por ello, es de gran interés encontrar métodos alternativos para el diagnóstico. La evaluación de citoquinas reguladoras de la respuesta inmune es un procedimiento sencillo y de bajo costo que podría ser de utilidad para incrementar la sensibilidad de la detección de diferencias polimórficas, para pronosticar la aceptación del trasplante y para la detección precoz del rechazo. Los estudios recientes sugieren que la producción exagerada de mediadores pro-inflamatorios, incluyendo a citoquinas Th1, sería desventajosa para la sobrevida del trasplante, mientras que la producción de citoquinas reguladoras anti-inflamatorias, como la interleuquina (IL-10 y el factor de crecimiento tumoral (TGF-b, sería beneficiosa. En las primeras etapas, la respuesta Th1 puede incrementar la actividad citotóxica y la detección de moléculas citotóxicas está asociada al rechazo agudo. Luego podría ser más importante considerar el balance entre la producción de mediadores pro- y anti-inflamatorios y la regulación de sus niveles. Así, el TGF-b es también fibrogénico y su excesiva producción local puede contribuir al daño renal. Por otro lado, el incremento de la producción de IL-10 en respuesta al estímulo alogénico sería, en la mayoría de los casos, un marcador importante para pronosticar la aceptación prolongada.The outcome of the kidney allograft mainly depends on the immune response and on its complex regulation, where the cytokine network and other mediators play an important role. At present, kidney biopsy is the most useful tool for

  12. Freqüências relativas dos fenótipos eritrocitários ABO e Lewis na doença de Jorge Lobo Frequencies of ABO and Lewis blood groups in Jorge Lobo's disease

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    Eliane A. Silva


    Full Text Available A doença de Jorge Lobo é uma micose de evolução crônica, causada pelo Lacazia loboi. Os mecanismos envolvidos na suscetibilidade/resistência do hospedeiro frente ao agente não estão ainda elucidados, dentre eles encontra-se a constituição genética. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a distribuição dos grupos sangüíneos ABO e Lewis de pacientes com doença de Jorge Lobo em relação à população geral. Foram analisados 13 pacientes provenientes do estado do Acre, 60 indivíduos da região de Bauru (SP não acometidos pela doença em estudo (grupo controle Lewis e 2.673 doadores do Banco de Sangue da cidade de Rio Branco (AC como grupo controle ABO. As presenças dos antígenos eritrocitários foram determinadas pela reação de aglutinação em tubo através dos soros anti-AB, anti-A e anti-B para o fenótipo ABO e dos soros anti-Lewis a e Lewis b para fenotipagem Lewis. As freqüências fenotípicas Lewis e ABO nos pacientes e nos controles são, respectivamente: Le (a- b+ = 54,0% X 72,0%, Le (a+ b- = 15,0% X 6,0%, Le (a- b- = 31,0% X 22,0% ; A =15,4% X 33,6%, B = 30,8% X 10,8%, O = 53,8% X 52,9%, AB = 0 X 2,7%. Embora não tenhamos encontrado resultados estatisticamente significantes, nossos achados sugerem existir suscetibilidade à doença de Jorge Lobo em indivíduos com fenótipo B e com menor freqüência fenotípica Lewis b, conferindo assim um grau de importância epidemiológica como grupo de risco naquele meio ambiente.Jorge Lobo's disease is a mycosis with chronic evolution caused by the fungus Lacazia loboi. The mechanisms involved in host resistance and susceptibility to the agent, including aspects relating to the genetic background, are still not clear. The objective of the present study, therefore, is to evaluate the ABO and Lewis blood group distributions in Jorge Lobo's disease patients compared to the general population. Thirteen patients from Acre state, 60 healthy individuals (Lewis control group

  13. Frequency distribution 0f ABO, RH blood groups and blood ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    One hundred and fifty students (150) were randomly selected from the Department of Cell Biology and Genetics of University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria for ABO, RH blood groups and 6 haemoglobin genotypes studies. Blood group O was the highest with the percentage frequency of 55.3%, followed by blood group A (25.3%) ...

  14. The role of ABO blood groups in Crohn's disease and in monitoring response to infliximab treatment. (United States)

    Yu, Qiao; Wang, Lingyun; Zhang, Shenghong; Feng, Ting; Li, Li; Chen, Baili; Chen, Minhu


    The variation in ABO blood groups is reported to be associated with multiple diseases. Infliximab (IFX) has been widely used in the treatment of Crohn's disease (CD). We aim to investigate the distribution of ABO blood groups in Chinese patients with CD and to explore its impact on response to IFX. Patients with CD were consecutively recruited to the study between 2007 and 2014. CD patients receiving IFX therapy were followed for at least two years. In 293 patients with CD, most patients (40.6%) had blood type O (119/293). The odds ratio (OR) of CD in blood type O patients was 1.06 (95%CI: 0.6-1.86; p=0.84) compared to all other blood types. Among those CD patients, 107 patients received IFX treatment. One year after the first course of IFX, a significant association was found between the overall ABO system and outcomes of IFX treatment (pblood type AB (OR=4.42, 95% CI: 1.04-18.76; p=0.044) were more likely to achieve mucosal healing, while CD patients with blood type A had a high risk of losing response (OR=0.38, 95% CI: 0.15-0.96; p=0.040). ABO blood groups are not associated with prevalence of CD. Patients with blood type AB had a better response to IFX while those with blood type A appeared to have a risk of losing response to IFX.

  15. Prognostic role of ABO blood type in patients with extranodal natural killer/T cell lymphoma, nasal type: a triple-center study. (United States)

    Li, Ya-Jun; Yi, Ping-Yong; Li, Ji-Wei; Liu, Xian-Ling; Tang, Tian; Zhang, Pei-Ying; Jiang, Wen-Qi


    The prognostic significance of ABO blood type for lymphoma is largely unknown. We evaluated the prognostic role of ABO blood type in patients with extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma (ENKTL). We retrospectively analyzed clinical data of 697 patients with newly diagnosed ENKTL from three cancer centers. The prognostic value of ABO blood type was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier curves and Cox proportional hazard models. The prognostic values of the International Prognostic Index (IPI) and the Korean Prognostic Index (KPI) were also evaluated. Compared with patients with blood type O, those with blood type non-O tended to display elevated baseline serum C-reactive protein levels (P = 0.038), lower rate of complete remission (P = 0.005), shorter progression-free survival (PFS, P 60 years (P KPI in distinguishing between the intermediate-to-low- and high-to-intermediate-risk groups. ABO blood type was an independent predictor of clinical outcome for patients with ENKTL.

  16. Relation of ABO Blood Groups to the Plaque Characteristic of Coronary Atherosclerosis. (United States)

    Huang, Xingtao; Zou, Yongpeng; Li, Lulu; Chen, Shuyuan; Hou, Jingbo; Yu, Bo


    The ABO blood types related to morphological characteristics of atherosclerosis plaque are not clear. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between ABO blood groups and the coronary plaque characteristic. We retrospectively identified the target lesions in 392 acute coronary syndrome patients who underwent optical coherence tomography examination before stenting. Subjects were divided into different groups according to different blood types. The fibrous cap thickness was significantly thicker in O type compared with non-O type (0.075 ± 0.033 mm versus 0.061 ± 0.024, p blood type groups even between O type and non-O type group ( p > 0.05). The plaques of O type blood group were exhibited more stably compared with non-O type blood group. Moreover, the non-O type blood group have more serious coronary artery stenosis than O type blood group.

  17. Postoperative rebound of antiblood type antibodies and antibody-mediated rejection after ABO-incompatible living-related kidney transplantation. (United States)

    Ishida, Hideki; Kondo, Tsunenori; Shimizu, Tomokazu; Nozaki, Taiji; Tanabe, Kazunari


    The purpose of this study is to examine whether postoperative antiblood type antibody rebound is attributed to kidney allograft rejection in ABO blood type-incompatible (ABO-I) living-related kidney transplantation (KTx). A total of 191 ABO-I recipients who received ABO-I living-related KTx between 2001 and 2013 were divided into two groups: Group 1 consisted of low rebound [(≦1:32), N = 170] and Group 2 consisted of high rebound [(≧1:64), N = 21], according to the levels of the rebounded antiblood type antibodies within 1 year after transplantation. No prophylactic treatment for rejection was administered for elevated antiblood type antibodies, regardless of the levels of the rebounded antibodies. Within 1 year after transplantation, T-cell-mediated rejection was observed in 13 of 170 recipients (13/170, 8%) in Group 1 and in 2 of 21 recipients (2/21, 10%) in Group 2 (Groups 1 vs. 2, P = 0.432). Antibody-mediated rejection was observed in 15 of 170 recipients (15/170, 9%) and 2 of 21 recipients (2/21, 10%) in Groups 1 and 2, respectively (P = 0.898). In this study, we found no correlation between the postoperative antiblood type antibody rebound and the incidence of acute rejection. We concluded that no treatment is necessary for rebounded antiblood type antibodies. © 2014 Steunstichting ESOT.

  18. Diagnóstico precoz del rechazo en el trasplante experimental de páncreas total con duodeno en el perro: citología por punción-aspiración con aguja fina


    Rodríguez Abascal, Moisés


    El trasplante de páncreas está indicado fundamentalmente en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo I. En la actualidad las soluciones terapéuticas ofertadas son: regímenes de insulina, bombas de infusión subcutánea de insulina, el páncreas artificial, y el trasplante de páncreas; este último sería la posibilidad que más fisiológicamente regularía el mecanismo de homostasis de la glucosa. Desde que se descubrió la insulina hace ya más de 70 años, ha cambiado poco el tratamiento del enferm...

  19. The distribution of the ABO blood groups among the diabetes ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The distribution of the ABO blood groups among the diabetes mellitus patients. ... Among diabetic men, the frequency of only blood group B was significantly higher, while on the contrary among diabetic women the frequency of both A and B (29.7% vs. 24.8%; P = 0.03 and 25.5% vs. 20%; P < 0.009, respectively) were ...

  20. ABO blood type is associated with ovarian reserve in Chinese women with subfertility. (United States)

    Mu, Liangshan; Jin, Wumin; Yang, Haiyan; Chen, Xia; Pan, Jiexue; Lin, Jia; Wang, Peiyu; Huang, Xuefeng


    Ovarian reserve reflects both the quantity and quality of oocytes available for procreation, and is affected by many known and unknown factors. ABO blood type is related to a number of infertility processes, but it is unclear whether and how ABO blood type affects ovarian reserve. Here, we explored the relationship between ABO blood type and ovarian reserve in Chinese women with subfertility. Day-3 serum follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and blood type were examined in 14,875 women who underwent IVF or ICSI treatment. Blood type proportions in the patient population were as follows: 30.98% type A, 24.54% type B, 7.57% type AB, and 36.91% type O. A higher percentage of women with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) were blood type O, while a lower percentage had the B antigen (B and AB). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that blood type O was associated with a greater risk of DOR than blood type B and B antigen-positive types. By contrast, the B antigen (B and AB) was associated with a lower incidence of DOR than blood type O. These results suggest that blood type O is a risk factor for DOR while the B antigen (blood type B or AB) is a protective factor for ovarian reserve in Chinese women with subfertility. Further studies are needed to confirm this effect and identify the underlying mechanisms.

  1. Influence of ABO blood type on the outcome after non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. (United States)

    Dubinski, Daniel; Won, Sae-Yeon; Behmanesh, Bedjan; Kashefiolasl, Sepide; Geisen, Christof; Seifert, Volker; Senft, Christian; Konczalla, Juergen


    In patients with non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (NA-SAH), the etiology is unknown and the bleeding source remains unidentified. However, the ABO blood type system has a profound role in patient's hemostasis and thrombosis. To date, the aspect of ABO blood type in incidence, clinical course, and outcome after NA-SAH has not been investigated. In this retrospective analysis, 81 patients with non-traumatic and non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage treated between 2010 and 2014 at the author's institution were included. WFNS admission status, cerebral vasospasm, delayed infarction, ventriculoperitoneal shunt necessity, the Fisher grade, and the modified Rankin Scale were analyzed for their association with ABO blood type. Four hundred seventy patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage served as a control group. The AB blood type is more frequent in NA-SAH compared to aneurysmal patients and the German population (OR 2.45, p ≤ 0.05). Furthermore, NA-SAH with AB blood type showed a similar sequelae compared to aneurysmal patients in terms of shunt necessity (OR 2.00, p ≥ 0.05), cerebral vasospasm (OR 1.66, p ≥ 0.05), and delayed infarctions (OR 1.07, p ≥ 0.05). The clinical course of NA-SAH AB blood type patients shows similar severity as of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Therefore, patients with AB blood type should be under intensified observation.

  2. A Study of Thumb Print Patterns and ABO Blood Group Distribution ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    The aim of this study was to establish a possible relationship between thumb print pattern and ABO blood group distribution. The study involves two hundred and nine-two volunteers comprising 159 female and 133 male. The blood group and finger print patterns were determined using standard techniques. Results ...

  3. Prevalance of ABO and Rhesus Blood Groups in Blood Donors: A Study from a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Kumaon Region of Uttarakhand. (United States)

    Garg, Parul; Upadhyay, Saloni; Chufal, Sanjay Singh; Hasan, Yuman; Tayal, Ishwer


    Backround: ABO and Rhesus (Rh) blood group antigens are hereditary characters and are useful in population genetic studies, in resolving medico-legal issues and more importantly for the immunologic safety of blood during transfusion. This study is aimed to determine the distribution pattern of the ABO and Rh blood groups among blood donors in Kumaon region of Uttarakhand and compare it with other data from similar studies within the India and all over the world. It is a retrospective study carried out at blood bank of Shushila Tewari Hospital of Government Medical College, Haldwani from January 2012 to December 2013. The study was conducted on 12,701 blood donors. ABO and Rh typing was done using slide agglutination method with antisera ABO and Rh (Tulip diagnostics ltd). Doubtful cases were confirmed by tube agglutination method and reverse grouping using known pooled A and B cells. The age group and sex of donors, frequency of ABO and Rh blood groups were reported in simple percentages. The predominant donors belonged to age group between 18-35years (84.28%). Male donors were more than female donors, ratio being 352:1. Replacement donors (99.71%) were much more than voluntary donors (0.91%). The most common blood group was B (32.07%) and least common being AB (10.53%). Blood group 'O' and 'A' had same frequency. The prevalence of Rhesus positive and negative distribution in the studied population was 94.49% and 5.51% respectively. Blood group frequency with respect to ABO and Rhesus positive was found to be shown by formula B> O>A >AB. The frequency for ABO and Rhesus negative was given by the formula B>A>O>AB. Knowledge of frequencies of the different blood groups is very important for blood banks and transfusion service policies that could contribute significantly to the National Health System.

  4. AirSWOT flights and field campaigns for the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) (United States)

    Smith, L. C.; Pavelsky, T.; Lettenmaier, D. P.; Gleason, C. J.; Pietroniro, A.; Applejohn, A.; Arvesen, J. C.; Bjella, K.; Carter, T.; Chao, R.; Cooley, S. W.; Cooper, M. G.; Cretaux, J. F.; Douglass, T.; Faria, D.; Fayne, J.; Fiset, J. M.; Goodman, S.; Hanna, B.; Harlan, M.; Langhorst, T.; Marsh, P.; Moreira, D. M.; Minear, J. T.; Onclin, C.; Overstreet, B. T.; Peters, D.; Pettit, J.; Pitcher, L. H.; Russell, M.; Spence, C.; Topp, S.; Turner, K. W.; Vimal, S.; Wilcox, E.; Woodward, J.; Yang, D.; Zaino, A.


    Some 50% of Canada and 80% of Alaska is thought to be underlain by permafrost, influencing the hydrology, ecology and carbon cycles of Arctic-Boreal landscapes. This influence includes enhanced presence of millions of lakes and wetlands, which release trace gases while supporting critical ecosystems and traditional subsistence economies. Permafrost is challenging to infer from remote sensing and difficult to sample in the field. A series of 2017 AirSWOT flights flown for the NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) will study whether small variations in water surface elevations (WSEs) of Arctic-Boreal lakes are sensitive to presence and/or disturbance of permafrost. AirSWOT is an experimental NASA airborne radar designed to map WSE and a precursor to SWOT, a forthcoming NASA/CNES/CSA satellite mission to map WSE globally with launch in 2021. The ABoVE AirSWOT flight experiments adopted long flight lines of the broader ABoVE effort to traverse broad spatial gradients of permafrost, climate, ecology, and geology. AirSWOT acquisitions consisted of long (1000s of kilometers) strips of Ka-band interferometric radar imagery, and high resolution visible/NIR imagery and DEMs from a digital Cirrus CIR camera. Intensive AirSWOT mapping and ground-based GPS field surveys were conducted at 11 field sites for eight study areas of Canada and Alaska: 1) Saint-Denis, Redberry Lake, North Saskatchewan River (Saskatchewan); 2) Peace-Athabasca Delta (Alberta); 3) Slave River Delta (N.W.T.); 4) Canadian Shield (Yellowknife area, Daring Lake, N.W.T.); 5) Mackenzie River (Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk corridor, N.W.T.); 6) Old Crow Flats (Yukon Territory); 7) Sagavanirktok River (Alaska); 8) Yukon Flats (Alaska). Extensive ground campaigns were conducted by U.S. and Canadian collaborators to collect high quality surveys of lake WSE, river WSE and discharge, and shoreline locations. Field experiments included traditional and novel GPS surveying methods, including custom-built GPS buoys

  5. Genetic Analysis of ABO and Rh Blood Groups in Backward Caste Population of Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Vandana RAI


    Full Text Available A series of glycoproteins and glycolipids on red blood cell surface constitute blood group antigens. These are AB, A, B and O in ABO blood group system and Rh in rhesus blood group system. A total of 1065 unrelated Backward Caste (OBC individuals from Uttar Pradesh were studied for the phenotype and allele frequency distribution of ABO and Rh (D blood groups. Total 1065 samples analyzed, phenotype B blood type has the highest frequency 36.81% (n=392, followed by O (32.68%; n=348, A (23.66%; n=252 and AB (6.85%; n=73. The overall phenotypic frequencies of ABO blood groups were B>O>A>AB. The allelic frequencies of O, A, and B alleles were 0.5819, 0.1674 and 0.2506 respectively. Out of total 1065 samples, 1018 (95.59% samples were Rh-positive and 47 (4.41% were Rh-negative. Phenotypic frequency of Rh-negative in Koari, Yadav, Kurmi and Maurya samples were 0.99%, 4%, 1.4% and 7.6% respectively.

  6. Prognostic Significance of Blood Type A in Patients with Renal Cell Carcinoma. (United States)

    Ko, Kyungtae; Park, Young Hyun; Jeong, Chang Wook; Ku, Ja Hyeon; Kim, Hyeon Hoe; Kwak, Cheol


    In this study, we evaluated the prognostic significance of the ABO blood type in patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) who had undergone partial or radical nephrectomy. Information on the ABO blood type was obtained from 1750 patients with RCC. A total of 1243 men and 507 women (mean age, 55.41 ± 12.43 years) with RCC who had undergone partial or radical nephrectomy were enrolled in this study. The median follow-up duration was 35.0 months (interquartile range [IQR], 16.0-67.0). During the follow-up period, 271 patients experienced RCC recurrence, and 137 patients died from RCC. Type A was the most common blood type (568, 32.5%), followed by type O (525, 30.0%), type B (464, 26.5%), and type AB (193, 11.0%). Generally, blood type was not associated with any clinicopathological factors. Unlike blood type O, the multivariate analysis of progression-free survival (PFS) showed that blood type non-O (A, B, and AB) was an independent prognostic factor for a worse outcome (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.24- 2.37, hazard ratio [HR] = 1.71, P = .001; 95% CI: 1.08-2.13, HR = 1.51, P = .016; 95% CI: 1.03-2.43, HR = 1.58, P = .037, respectively). Cancer-specific survival (CSS) analysis showed that blood type A was an independent factor associated with a worse prognosis for CSS (95% CI: 1.05-2.64, HR 1.66, P = .031, respectively). The ABO blood type is significantly associated with PFS and CSS in patients with RCC following partial or radical nephrectomy. Blood type non-O (A, B, and AB) is an independent prognostic factor for a worse PFS outcome, and blood type A is an independent factor associated with a worse CSS prognosis. .

  7. Comparative Analysis of Clinical Samples Showing Weak Serum Reaction on AutoVue System Causing ABO Blood Typing Discrepancies


    Jo, Su Yeon; Lee, Ju Mi; Kim, Hye Lim; Sin, Kyeong Hwa; Lee, Hyeon Ji; Chang, Chulhun Ludgerus; Kim, Hyung-Hoi


    Background ABO blood typing in pre-transfusion testing is a major component of the high workload in blood banks that therefore requires automation. We often experienced discrepant results from an automated system, especially weak serum reactions. We evaluated the discrepant results by the reference manual method to confirm ABO blood typing. Methods In total, 13,113 blood samples were tested with the AutoVue system; all samples were run in parallel with the reference manual method according to...

  8. Replication and Characterization of Association between ABO SNPs and Red Blood Cell Traits by Meta-Analysis in Europeans.

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    Stela McLachlan

    Full Text Available Red blood cell (RBC traits are routinely measured in clinical practice as important markers of health. Deviations from the physiological ranges are usually a sign of disease, although variation between healthy individuals also occurs, at least partly due to genetic factors. Recent large scale genetic studies identified loci associated with one or more of these traits; further characterization of known loci and identification of new loci is necessary to better understand their role in health and disease and to identify potential molecular mechanisms. We performed meta-analysis of Metabochip association results for six RBC traits-hemoglobin concentration (Hb, hematocrit (Hct, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC, mean corpuscular volume (MCV and red blood cell count (RCC-in 11 093 Europeans from seven studies of the UCL-LSHTM-Edinburgh-Bristol (UCLEB Consortium. We identified 394 non-overlapping SNPs in five loci at genome-wide significance: 6p22.1-6p21.33 (with HFE among others, 6q23.2 (with HBS1L among others, 6q23.3 (contains no genes, 9q34.3 (only ABO gene and 22q13.1 (with TMPRSS6 among others, replicating previous findings of association with RBC traits at these loci and extending them by imputation to 1000 Genomes. We further characterized associations between ABO SNPs and three traits: hemoglobin, hematocrit and red blood cell count, replicating them in an independent cohort. Conditional analyses indicated the independent association of each of these traits with ABO SNPs and a role for blood group O in mediating the association. The 15 most significant RBC-associated ABO SNPs were also associated with five cardiometabolic traits, with discordance in the direction of effect between groups of traits, suggesting that ABO may act through more than one mechanism to influence cardiometabolic risk.

  9. ABO hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn: thirteen years of data after implementing a universal bilirubin screening and management program. (United States)

    Christensen, R D; Baer, V L; MacQueen, B C; O'Brien, E A; Ilstrup, S J


    ABO hemolytic disease occurs among neonates with blood groups A or B delivered to group O women. Extreme neonatal hyperbilirubinemia due to ABO disease has been reported, but its frequency is not well known. We sought to determine the odds of developing severe ABO hemolytic disease in the 13 years since adopting universal bilirubin screening/management in the Intermountain Healthcare system. We conducted a retrospective analysis of neonates born between 2004 and 2016, defining "severe hemolytic disease" as; (1) total serum bilirubin (TSB) >25 mg/dL, or (2) hospital readmission for jaundice, or (3) bilirubin encephalopathy. Neonates born to group O (+) mothers were included and considered either; (1) Controls (not at risk for ABO disease because they were group O), (2) Study subjects (at risk for ABO disease because they were group A or B). Of 400,531 live births, 47% were to group O women; 86% of whom were group O (+). Overall, 42,529 (27%) neonates born to group O (+) women had their blood group determined; 29,729 (68%) were O, 10,682 (25%) A, and 3109 (7%) B. Peak TSBs during the first 10 days were higher in group A (11.0 ± 4.2 mg/dL) and B (11.5 ± 4.3) than group O neonates (10.3 ± 4.1). However the relative risks of a TSB ≥25 mg/dL, readmission for jaundice, or kernicterus, were the same in the control vs. study groups. In our health system, severe hemolytic disease in neonates born to group O (+) woman is not more likely in group A or B neonates than in controls (group O). We recognize that in other practices, particularly those who do not have a universal bilirubin screening/management program, ABO hemolytic disease severity might be different than in our system.

  10. Aspectos ético legales del trasplante de corazón Ethical and legal aspects of heart transplant

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    Fernán del C Mendoza


    Full Text Available El trasplante cardiaco constituye el tratamiento de elección para los pacientes en falla cardiaca refractaria. Desde el punto de vista médico, existen claras indicaciones para realizar el trasplante, pero a nivel local y mundial hay problemas por el escaso número de donantes. Para que se realice un trasplante de corazón, el donante debe reunir criterios de muerte encefálica, la cual se diagnostica por ausencia irreversible de las funciones del tallo encefálico, determinadas por un examen clínico. A pesar de las controversias que existen acerca de cuándo muere una persona, cada vez hay más claridad en este hecho. Existen otros problemas bioéticos que se relacionan con el trasplante como la donación (algunas personas en vida manifiestan su voluntad y autonomía de servir como donantes y otras no, la distribución de órganos y el comercio de órganos y tejidos. Desde el punto de vista legal y ético, se prohíbe la gratificación o pago al donante vivo, a la familia del donante fallecido, al banco de tejidos o de médula ósea, a las clínicas y hospitales, y a las aseguradoras por la donación o suministro de órganos o tejidos humanos. La promoción de la donación y la obtención de componentes anatómicos deberán efectuarse denotando su carácter voluntario, altruista y desinteresado. Debe primar el principio de justicia y excluirse cualquier consideración no equitativa de índole geográfica, racial, sexual, religiosa, etc. Los órganos deben distribuirse con base en criterios médicos; así mismo debe buscarse la más idónea utilización del órgano donado, teniendo como fundamento el manejo equitativo y como principio el respeto por la vida y la dignidad humana.Cardiac transplant is the treatment of choice for patients with refractory cardiac failure. There are clear indications from the medical point of view to perform the transplant, but locally and world - wide there are problems due to the scarce number of donors. In order

  11. Correlation of ABO and Rh blood groups with transfusion administration and fever onset after hip surgery in children. (United States)

    Brdar, Radivoj; Petronic, Ivana; Nikolic, Dejan; Golubovic, Zoran; Bukva, Bojan; Radlovic, Vladimir; Abramovic, Dusan; Ducic, Sinisa; Colovic, Hristina


    Aim of our study was to evaluate distribution of ABO and Rh blood type groups in children after hip surgery regarding transfusion administration and fever presence. Four types of ABO blood groups (A; B; AB; O) and 2 types of Rh blood groups (Rh+; Rh-) were evaluated in group with administered transfusion (tr+) and without given transfusion (tr-); and in group with fever (fev+) and without fever (fev-), in 146 children after hip surgery. Tr+ and fev+ groups were divided into 3 groups (0-24h; 25-48h; 49-72h): for tr+ group (Group 1, Group 2, Group 3), and for fev+ group (Group A, Group B, Group C). AB blood group significantly decreased in Group 1 (χ2= 6.44; pblood group in Group 3 in tr+ group (χ2= 7.68; pblood group significantly increased in Group 3 in tr+ group (χ2= 9.96; pblood group significantly decreased in Groups B (χ2= 12.2; pblood group significantly increased in Group C (χ2= 34.4; pgroup. Administration of transfusion and fever onset in pediatric patients undergoing surgical correction of the hip is not influenced by the ABO and Rh blood groups system in humans. There is correlation between distribution of ABO blood groups with the time of transfusion administration and fever onset in children after hip surgery.

  12. Discrepancy in abo blood grouping

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khan, M.N.; Ahmed, Z.; Khan, T.A.


    Discrepancies in blood typing is one of the major reasons in eliciting a transfusion reaction. These discrepancies can be avoided through detailed analysis for the blood typing. Here, we report a subgroup of blood group type-B in the ABO system. Donor's blood was analyzed by employing commercial antisera for blood grouping. The results of forward (known antisera) and reverse (known antigen) reaction were not complimentary. A detailed analysis using the standard protocols by American Association of Blood Banking revealed the blood type as a variant of blood group-B instead of blood group-O. This is suggestive of the fact that blood group typing should be performed with extreme care and any divergence, if identified, should be properly resolved to avoid transfusion reactions. Moreover, a major study to determine the blood group variants in Pakistani population is needed. (author)

  13. The distribution of the ABO and Rhesus blood groups among an ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Background: In this study, the authors set out to find out the ABO-RhD blood group distribution among Idoma, an indigenous ethnic group in the middle belt of Nigeria in view of the paucity of such information about the ethnic group. Methodology: 2,000 blood donor volunteers were randomly selected from the Idoma ...

  14. ABO (H) secretor status of sickle cell disease patients in Zaria ...

    African Journals Online (AJOL)

    Certain individuals secrete ABO blood group antigens in body fluids and secretions while others do not. In this study, the presence of water soluble agglutinogens in body fluids such as blood, saliva and urine of 64 sickle cell disease patients and 75 AA genotype subjects who served as control were taken and tested by ...

  15. Relationship between ABO blood groups and head and neck cancer among Greek patients. (United States)

    Kakava, Kassiani; Karelas, Ioannis; Koutrafouris, Ioannis; Damianidis, Savvas; Stampouloglou, Paulos; Papadakis, Georgios; Xenos, Antonios; Krania, Foteini; Sarof, Paulos; Tasopoulos, Georgios; Petridis, Nikolaos


    We examined the association of ABO blood groups with the different types of head and neck cancers. 195 diagnosed cases and 801 controls were selected from a Greek tertiary cancer center. Information regarding type of head and neck cancer and ABO blood group was collected and registered. The O blood group was found to be most prevalent followed by A, B and AB among the controls, whereas blood group A followed by O, B and AB was most prevalent among cancer patients. The difference among the distribution between the cases and controls was statistically significant in blood group A (pblood group A had 1.52-fold higher risk of developing head and neck cancer compared to people of other blood groups. Blood group A was found to be a potential risk factor for the development of head and neck cancers.

  16. Growth speed in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing to renal transplantation between 2000 and 2009 in the Hospital Nacional de Ninos: research protocol; Velocidad de crecimiento en pacientes con insuficiencia renal cronica sometidos a trasplante renal entre el ano 2000 y el 2009 en el Hospital Nacional de Ninos: protocolo de investigacion

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Arroyo Molina, Ana Victoria


    The growth speed was investigated in children with chronic renal failure after renal transplantation, in the Hospital Nacional de Ninos during the study period January 2000-December 2009. Factors that have influenced are analyzed: age of onset of renal disease, etiology of renal disease, metabolic acidosis, anemia, renal osteodystrophy, episodes of infection and rejection. Besides, on the growth rate and expected family size, to intervene or prevent them in future cases. Also, the use that has given in the hospital to growth hormone, before and after renal transplantation is determined to eventually use parallel therapies to the transplantation. An echocardiographic study is recommended to perform as part of the treatment of chronic renal failure to identify the existence of left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure, which may occur as a result of complications of the failure [Spanish] La velocidad del crecimiento fue investigada en ninos con insuficiencia renal cronica despues del transplante renal, en el Hospital Nacional de Ninos durante el periodo de estudio enero 2000-diciembre 2009. Factores que han influido son analizados: edad de inicio de la enfermedad renal, etiologia de la enfermedad renal, la acidosis metabolica, la anemia, la osteodistrofia renal, los episodios de infecciones y rechazos. Ademas, sobre la velocidad de crecimiento y la talla familiar esperada, para intervenir en ellos o prevenirlos en casos futuros. Tambien, el uso que se ha dado en el hospital a la hormona de crecimiento, tanto antes como despues del transplante renal es determinado para eventualmente utilizar terapias paralelas al transplante, fueron determinadas. Un estudio ecocardiografico es recomendado realizar como parte del tratamiento de la insuficiencia renal cronica para identificar la existencia de hipertrofia ventricular izquierda e insuficiencia cardiaca, que pueden ocurrir como consecuencia de las complicaciones de la insuficiencia.

  17. Molecular polymorphisms of the ABO locus as informative markers of ancestry in Central Argentina. (United States)

    Tavella, María Pía; García, Angelina; Pauro, Maia; Demarchi, Darío A; Nores, Rodrigo


    The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of molecular polymorphisms of the ABO gene in four population samples from the province of Córdoba, in Central Argentina, and to compare them with other worldwide populations. A total of 110 buccal swab samples from autochthonous individuals of Córdoba were typified. Molecular characterization of the allelic variants was performed by the analysis of exons 6 and 7 of the ABO gene using PCR-RFLP analysis. Additionally, the Native American AIM O1v542 was characterized by direct sequencing. The four Córdoba populations did not show significant geographic structure, although the frequency of the O1v542 haplotype, detected in all the populations studied, ranged from 0.019 to 0.222. The principal component analysis based on O allele distribution showed that the populations from Córdoba clustered close to the admixed populations of Santiago and Mexico City, and at intermediate distances between European and Native American populations, while being distant from the African population. The results demonstrate that the analysis of the ABO system constitutes a useful tool for the study of the genetic structure and evolutionary history of human populations, reflecting accurately the relative contribution of parental continental contribution to the gene pool of admixed populations. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. The Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) 2017 Airborne Campaign (United States)

    Miller, C. E.; Goetz, S. J.; Griffith, P. C.; Hoy, E.; Larson, E. K.; Hodkinson, D. J.; Hansen, C.; Woods, J.; Kasischke, E. S.; Margolis, H. A.


    The 2017 ABoVE Airborne Campaign (AAC) was one of the largest airborne experiments ever conducted by NASA's Earth Science Division. It involved nine aircraft in 17 deployments - more than 100 flights - between April and October and sampled over 4 million km2in Alaska and northwestern Canada. Many of these flights were coordinated with detailed, same-day ground-based measurements to link field-based, process-level studies with geospatial data products derived from satellite remote sensing. A major goal of the 2017 AAC was to collect data that spanned the critical intermediate space and time scales that are essential for a comprehensive understanding of scaling issues across the ABoVE Study Domain and extrapolation to the pan-Arctic. Additionally, the 2017 AAC provided unique opportunities to validate satellite and airborne remote sensing data for northern high latitude ecosystems, develop and advance fundamental remote sensing science, and explore scientific insights from innovative sensor combinations. The 2017 AAC science strategy coupled domain-wide sampling with L-band and P-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR), imaging spectroscopy (AVIRIS-NG), full waveform lidar (LVIS) and atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane with more spatially and temporally focused studies using Ka-band SAR (Ka-SPAR) and solar induced chlorophyll fluorescence (CFIS). Additional measurements were coordinated with the NEON Airborne Observing Platform, the ASCENDS instrument development suite, and the ATOM EV-S2 investigation. Targets of interest included the array of field sites operated by the ABoVE Science Team as well as the intensive sites operated by the DOE NGEE-Arctic team on the Seward Peninsula and in Barrow, NSF's LTER sites at Toolik Lake (North Slope) and Bonanza Creek (Interior Alaska), the Canadian Cold Regions Hydrology sites in the Arctic tundra near Trail Valley Creek NT, the Government of the Northwest Territories Slave River/Slave Delta watershed time series and numerous

  19. Transplante cardíaco: complicações apresentadas por pacientes durante a internação Trasplante de corazón: complicaciones que presentan los pacientes durante la hospitalización Heart Transplantation: complications presented by patients during the hospitalization

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Elaine Araújo da Silva


    Full Text Available Com o avanço da ciência, a insuficiência cardíaca tem como possibilidade de intervenção o transplante cardíaco. Este trabalho teve como objetivos traçar o perfil demográfico dos pacientes submetidos ao transplante cardíaco e identificar as complicações apresentadas durante a internação. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado com 44 prontuários de pacientes submetidos a transplante de junho/2006 a julho/2009 em um Hospital Universitário de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. O projeto atendeu às recomendações da Resolução 196/96. Pelos resultados, a maioria dos pacientes era do sexo masculino, casada, escolaridade de nível fundamental e idade média de 45,2 anos. A miocardiopatia chagásica foi a principal causa de insuficiência cardíaca. As complicações predominantes foram alteração da glicemia, insuficiência renal e infecções. A taxa de mortalidade na internação foi de 20,4%. Além das complicações biológicas só foram registradas ansiedade e depressão. São necessárias pesquisas sobre o tema nos âmbitos psicossociais e espirituais, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento científico.Hoy día, con los avances de la medicina y de la tecnología para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca irreversible, se ha utilizado como última intervención el trasplante cardíaco. Este trabajo se desarrolló con los objetivos de delinear el perfil demográfico de los pacientes sometidos a trasplante cardíaco e identificar las complicaciones presentadas por ellos después del trasplante de corazón. Estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo, realizado en conjunto con los registros de 44 pacientes sometidos a trasplante de corazón desde Jun/2006 hasta Jul/2009, en un Hospital Universitario de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. El proyecto cumplió con las recomendaciones de la Resolución 196/96. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los pacientes eran del sexo masculino, casados, con educaci

  20. Association between Cheiloscopic Patterns and ABO Blood Groups among South Indian Population. (United States)

    Khanapure, Sneha; Suhas, H G; Potdar, Shrudha; Sam, George; Sudeep, C B; Arjun, M R


    Human beings have few characteristics that are unique from others. Lip prints are one of such feature. They are not changed throughout the life and are not influenced by injuries, diseases, or environmental changes. According to the various antigen-antibody reactions in the bloodstream, different individuals have specific blood groups. To study the distribution of lip print patterns among individuals with different ABO and Rh blood groups and also to know the relation between their characters and blood groups. In the present study, lip prints were collected randomly from 85 individuals, and their blood group matching was performed. This is to identify the most common lip print type and to know any association between lip print types and blood groups. Tsuchihashi's classification of lip prints was used to compare with the ABO and Rh blood grouping systems. It was observed that in individuals with B+, A+, and O- blood groups, predominant pattern was Type IV and individuals having blood group O+ and AB+ common lip print pattern was Type II. This study showed strong association between lip print patterns and ABO blood groups as some blood groups were not included in statistical analysis; further studies including larger sample are essential to substantiate the results. Correlating lip print with blood group helps in identification of the suspects. Along with lip prints, another biological record that remains unchanged throughout the lifetime of a person is the blood group. Determining the blood group of a person from the samples obtained at the site of crime and also recovering lip prints from site can help identify a person.

  1. Fingerprints as an Alternative Method to Determine ABO and Rh Blood Groups. (United States)

    Chaudhary, Sonam; Deuja, Sajana; Alam, Munna; Karmacharya, Poonam; Mondal, Monami


    Blood grouping is conventionally done with invasive method by taking blood samples. The objective of this study is to determine blood group with uninvasive procedure by taking fingerprints of the participants and know the associations between their fingerprints and blood groups. Seven hundred participants of both genders with no any age limitation from Manipal Teaching Hospital and Manipal College of Medical Sciences were randomly selected. The blood grouping was done by cross reacting blood sample with the antibodies. The fingerprints were taken with the help of stamp pad imprinting the finger ridges over A4 size white papers. The loop, whorl and arch patterns were studied. O+ve blood group 224 (32%) was most prevalent among 700 participants. The loop pattern was highly distributed 3708 (53%) in all blood groups except in A-ve blood group with highest distribution of whorl 20 (40%). The mean comparisons of specific fingerprint in total and also in individual fingers with different ABO and ABO-Rh blood groups showed no any statistical association with P>0.05. However, the loop distribution in individual finger was highest in right middle finger (M) of B-ve blood group 5 (10%). The whorl distribution in individual finger was highest in right index (I), left thumb (T) and left ring (R) fingers of AB+ve blood group 20 (5.5% each). Similarly, the arch distribution was highest in right index fingers of A-ve blood group 3 (6%). The mean comparison of different fingerprints with ABO and Rh blood groups showed no significant statistical association concluding fingerprints cannot be used for blood grouping.

  2. ABO/Rh Blood Groups and Risk of HIV Infection and Hepatitis B Among Blood Donors of Abidjan, Côte D'ivoire. (United States)

    Siransy, Liliane Kouabla; Nanga, Zizendorf Yves; Zaba, Flore Sandrine; Tufa, Nyasenu Yawo; Dasse, Sery Romuald


    Hepatitis B and HIV infection are two viral infections that represent real global public health problems. In order to improve their management, some hypotheses suggest that genetic predispositions like ABO and Rh blood groups would influence the occurrence of these diseases. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between ABO and Rhesus blood groups and the susceptibility to HIV infection and hepatitis B. We conducted a cross-sectional and analytical study in a population of voluntary blood donors in the Blood Transfusion Center of Abidjan. All blood donors who donated blood between January and June 2014 were tested for HBs antigen and anti-HIV antibodies (ELISA tests) and were ABO typed. The total number of examined blood donors during this period was 45,538, of which 0.32% and 8.07% were respectively infected with HIV and hepatitis B virus. O-group donors were more infected than non-O donors. Our study is an outline concerning the search for a link between ABO and Rh blood groups and hepatitis B and HIV infection. Further studies should be conducted to confirm the interaction between these two infections and contribute to the search for new therapeutic approaches.

  3. 149. Uso del oxigenador de membrana extracorpórea en el perioperatorio de trasplante pulmonar. Análisis de dos casos en nuestro centro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    J.A. Fernández-Divar


    Conclusiones: El sistema ECMO es una herramienta válida para sustituir la CEC y disminuir sus riesgos en el trasplante pulmonar. Se puede mantener ECMO durante el postoperatorio precoz, sobre todo si se trata de pulmones de donante subóptimo o en casos de receptores de riesgo, especialmente aquellos con hipertensión pulmonar grave.

  4. A Laboratory Exercise to Determine Human ABO Blood Type by Noninvasive Methods (United States)

    Martin, Michael P.; Detzel, Stephen M.


    Analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms and their association with diseases and nondisease phenotypes is of growing importance in human biology studies. In this laboratory exercise, students determine the genetic basis for their ABO blood type; however, no blood is drawn. Students isolate genomic DNA from buccal mucosa cells that are present…

  5. Frequency of Systems ABO and Rh in People Who Went to the Welfare Academic Service of Clinical Analyses


    Quispe A., Peter; León M., Enrique; Parreño T., Juan M.


    ABO and Rhesus blood group system were determined from 3655 patients attending The Assitentíal Service of Clinical Ana1ysis bclonging to Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in the period of time betwccn 2003 and 2005, the goal of this study was to estímate the frequency of blood group system ABO and Rh in the population under study and to compare our findings with other investigations. It was used specific anti serum; moreover, all test were conducted...


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    Sarbjit Singh


    Full Text Available BACKGROUND ABO blood groups are associated with some important chronic diseases, obesity being the major risk factor is rising rapidly globally. The present study seeks to determine if there is any association between ABO blood groups and body mass index. MATERIALS AND METHODS The present study involve 200 medical students, 102 boys and 98 girls in the age group of 18-23 years in the Government Medical College, Amritsar. Weight, height for BMI and blood groups were determined in order to find any association between ABO blood group and BMI. RESULTS Overweight and obesity was found more prevalent in boys than girls, 22.5% students were overweight and 15.5% were obese. The prevalence of overweight was (24.52% boys and 20.40% girls and prevalence of obesity was (25.49% boys and 5.10% girls. Blood group B was reported the most common blood groups (37.5% followed by blood group O (32.0%, while blood groups A and AB were found 19.5% and 11% of participants, respectively. The prevalence of overweight (BMI 25-29.9 among participants based on blood group O, A, AB and B was 29.69%, 25.64%, 18.18%, 16.00%, while obesity (BMI >30 among participants based on blood groups B, O, A and AB was 24.00%, 10.94%, 10.26% and 9.09%. CONCLUSION Prevalence of overweight and obesity was more in blood group O and B respectively and was more in males than females

  7. Reconstitución inmune exitosa mediante trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas en un paciente colombiano afectado con enfermedad granulomatosa crónica

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    Yermis Carolina Rocha


    Conclusión. El trasplante de células madre hematopoyéticas permite la reconstitución completa de la función inmunitaria relacionada con la actividad microbicida de las células fagocíticas de pacientes con enfermedad granulomatosa crónica ligada al cromosoma X.

  8. Association between ABO and Rh Blood Groups and Risk of Preeclampsia: A Case-Control Study from Iran. (United States)

    Aghasadeghi, Firoozeh; Saadat, Mostafa


    Preeclampsia (PE) is a major cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. There is a genetic component in the development of PE with estimated heritability around 0.47. Several studies have investigated the association between maternal ABO blood groups (OMIM 110300) and risk of PE, with contradictory results have emerged. Considering that there is no study in this filed from Iranian population, the present case-control study was carried out at Shiraz (south-west Iran). In this study 331 women; 121 pregnant with PE and 210 normotensive pregnant women were included. Using blood group O (for ABO blood groups) or Rh+ (for Rh blood groups) as a reference, odds ratios (ORs) and its 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of PE risk were estimated from logistic regression analysis. Although the A (OR = 0.67, 95% CI = 0.39-1.17, P = 0.165), B (OR = 0.86, 95% CI = 0.48-1.53, P = 0.615) and AB (OR = 1.14, 95% CI = 0.37-3.45, P = 0.812) phenotypes showed lower risks compared with the O blood group, statistical analysis indicated that there was no significant association between ABO phenotypes and risk of PE. The frequency of Rh- phenotype was higher among PE patients compared with the control group. However, the association was not significant (OR = 1.79, 95% CI = 0.69-4.65, P = 0.229). Adjusted ORs for age of participants and parity did not change the above-mentioned associations. Our present findings indicate that there is no association between ABO and Rh blood groups and risk of PE in Iranian population.

  9. Prevalence of hemoglobinopathy, ABO and rhesus blood groups in rural areas of West Bengal, India. (United States)

    Mondal, Bikash; Maiti, Soumyajit; Biswas, Biplab Kumar; Ghosh, Debidas; Paul, Shyamapada


    Hemoglobinopathies are a group of inherited disorders of hemoglobin synthesis. It could be formed a fatal scenario in concern of lacking of actual information. Beside this, ABO and Rh blood grouping are also important matter in transfusion and forensic medicine and to reduce new born hemolytic disease (NHD). The spectrum and prevalence of various hemoglobinopathies, ABO and rhesus (Rh) blood groups was screened among patients who visited B.S. Medical College and Hospital, Bankura, West Bengal, India. This study was carried out on 958 patients of different ages ranging from child to adults from January to June 2011. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), complete blood count (CBC) and hemagglutination technique were performed for the assessment of abnormal hemoglobin variants, ABO and Rh blood groups, respectively. Results from this study had been shown that there was high prevalence of hemoglobinpathies (27.35%) where β-thalassemia in heterozygous state occurred more frequent than other hemoglobinopathies. Out of 958 patients, 72.65% were HbAA and 27.35% were hemoglobinopathies individuals where 17.64% β-thalassemia heterozygous, 2.92% β-thalassemia homozygous, 3.86% HbAE, 1.15% HbAS trait, 1.25% HbE-β thalassemia trait and 0.52% HbS-β thalassemia trait were found. No incidence of HbSS, HbSC, HbCC, HbD and other variants of hemoglobinpathies were observed. The gene frequencies with respect to ABO systems had been shown as O > B > A > AB. Blood group O was the highest (35.8%) and the least percentage distribution was blood group AB (6.68%). Rhesus positive (Rh+) were 97.7%, while the remaining was 2.3% Rhesus negative (Rh-). The frequencies of A(+), B(+), AB(+,) and O(+) blood groups were 22.44%, 33.61%, 6.58%, and 35.07%, respectively. Remarkable percentages of hemoglobinopathies were prevalent from the present study. An extensive screening of the population is needed to assess the prevalence of hemoglobinopathies, which will help in identification of

  10. Histo-blood group ABO antigen in oral potentially malignant lesions and squamous cell carcinoma--genotypic and phenotypic characterization

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gao, Shan; Bennett, Erik Paul; Reibel, Jesper


    Loss of histo-blood group A/B antigens is frequent in oral cancer. It is unclear whether this alteration is due to loss of the chromosomal region encoding the genes. The aim was to investigate genotypic alterations in the ABO locus in oral potentially malignant lesions and carcinomas. Seventy...... to establish the ABO genotype. Total and patchy loss of A/B antigen expression was found in 24/32 carcinomas, 6/7 leukoplakias with severe dysplasia, 12/17 leukoplakias with mild and moderate dysplasia, and 6/17 leukoplakias without dysplasia. Specific A/B allele loss was found in 8/24 cases with carcinoma...

  11. Factores pronósticos de complicaciones postoperatorias en el trasplante hepático Prognostic factors associated with postoperative complications in liver transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    A. Rodríguez-Ariza


    Full Text Available Objetivo: la evolución postoperatoria de los pacientes sometidos a trasplante hepático ortotópico (THO se encuentra frecuentemente asociada a la aparición de diversas complicaciones tales como disfunción renal, rechazo agudo, infecciones y complicaciones neurológicas. Estas complicaciones constituyen las causas más significativas de morbilidad y mortalidad tempranas en pacientes que reciben un THO. El propósito del presente estudio es la identificación de factores relacionados con las distintas complicaciones postoperatorias del THO. Diseño experimental: se llevó a cabo un estudio prospectivo. Pacientes: se analizaron 78 variables en 32 pacientes consecutivos sometidos a THO. Utilizando un análisis de regresión logística se identificaron aquellos factores asociados de forma independiente con la aparición de complicaciones postoperatorias. Resultados: el análisis multivariante demostró que los niveles pretrasplante en suero de malondialdehído y creatinina estaban asociados con el desarrollo de disfunción renal. Los niveles pretrasplante de hemoglobina y las unidades de plaquetas administradas durante la cirugía fueron factores pronósticos de infecciones. El rechazo agudo fue pronosticado por los niveles séricos de γ-glutamil transpeptidasa y de bilirrubina total. Los niveles pretrasplante de sodio y glutaredoxina en suero estuvieron asociados con complicaciones neurológicas. Conclusiones: proponemos estos marcadores para la identificación de pacientes de alto riesgo, permitiendo una vigilancia y/o tratamiento anticipados que mejorarán la morbilidad y la supervivencia en pacientes sometidos a THO.Objectives: the postoperative evolution of patients submitted to orthotopic liver transplant (OLT is frequently associated with the appearance of different types of complications such as renal failure, graft rejection, infections, and neurological disorders. These complications are the most significant causes of early morbidity

  12. Distribution of ABO and Rh-D blood groups in the Benin area of Niger-Delta: Implication for regional blood transfusion

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    Enosolease Mathew


    Full Text Available ABO and Rhesus (Rh blood group antigens are hereditary characters and are useful in population genetic studies, in resolving medico-legal issues and more importantly in compatibility test in blood transfusion practice. Data on frequency distribution of ABO and Rh-D in Niger-Delta region of Nigeria are not available; hence we made an attempt to retrospectively analyze the records on the blood donors, transfusion recipients and patients attending antenatal care or some other medical interventions. Over a twenty-year period between 1986 and 2005, a total of 160,431 blood samples were grouped for ABO and Rh-D at the blood bank of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria. Blood group distribution among these samples showed phenotypes A, B, AB and O as 23.72%, 20.09%, 2.97% and 53.22%, respectively. The Rh-D negative phenotype was found among 6.01% of the samples tested.

  13. Utilidad del Método Delphi para la construcción de acuerdos en la asignación de riñones de donante fallecido en seis hospitales de México


    Guillermo Cantú Quintanilla; Alfonso Reyes; Benjamín Romero Navarro; Mercedes Luque Coqui; Graciela Rodríguez Ortega; Rafael Reyes; María José Sebastián; Mara Medeiros Domingo


    Objetivos: Conocer los criterios médicos y su prioridad en la asignación de riñones de paciente fallecido en Pediatría, entre los integrantes de los Comités Internos de Trasplantes de seis hospitales. Valorar si con el método Delphi es posible construir consensos para mejorar la heterogeneidad de criterios en la asignación de órganos para trasplante renal entre los médicos adscritos a los servicios de Nefrología y Cirugía en seis centros hospitalarios de México. Metodología: Se realizó un est...

  14. Determination of ABO blood grouping from human oral squamous epithelium by the highly sensitive immunohistochemical staining method EnVision+. (United States)

    Noda, Hiroshi; Yokota, Makoto; Tatsumi, Shinji; Sugiyama, Shizuyuki


    Using the highly sensitive immunohistochemical staining method EnVision+, which employs a dextran polymer reagent for the secondary antibody, the detection of the ABH antigens was attempted in the oral squamous epithelium. This new technique uses monoclonal antibody as a primary antibody and it takes about three hours for staining. The time is much shorter than conventional absorption-elution testing or absorption-inhibition testing for the determination of ABO blood grouping. Secretor saliva samples were stained at strong intensity by the antibody, which corresponded to its blood group and anti-H. On the one hand, nonsecretor saliva samples were stained at strong intensity only by the antibody that corresponded to its blood group, and at weak intensity only by anti-H. Since human oral squamous epithelium antigens were stained specifically by this method, we can examine the ABO blood group of saliva samples and perform cytodiagnosis at the same time. Our research suggested that the EnVision+ Method is a useful technique for ABO blood grouping of saliva in forensic cases.

  15. Trasplante no mieloablativo de células hematopoyéticas Nonmyeloablative transplantation of haematopoietic cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Valia Pavón Morán


    Full Text Available El trasplante de células hematopoyéticas es una opción terapéutica para muchas enfermedades. Los tratamientos preparatorios convencionales están asociados con una alta morbimortalidad por toxicidad sobre órganos y tejidos, lo que limita su indicación a individuos jóvenes y con un estado de salud competente. El papel beneficioso del efecto injerto contra tumor y ante la evidencia de inducción de una nueva remisión con infusión de linfocitos del donante, en pacientes que recayeron después de un trasplante alogénico, sentaron las bases para el desarrollo de tratamientos preparatorios menos agresivos, no mieloablativos, pero sí intensamente inmunosupresores, que permitieran lograr la toma del injerto y un estado de quimerismo mixto que pudiera ser modulado a un estado de quimera total. Los resultados demuestran que puede lograrse el implante después de un tratamiento no mieloablativo. Actualmente están por determinarse los esquemas ideales, así como la terapia inmunosupresora postraThe transplantation of haematopoietic cells is a therapeutic option for many diseases. The conventional preparatory treatments are associated with a high morbimortality due to toxicity over organs and tissues, which limits their indications to young individuals and with a competent health status.The beneficial role of the graft versus tumor effect and the evidence of induction of a new remission with infusion of lymphocytes from the donor in patients that relapsed after an allogeneic transplant, laid the foundations for the development of less aggressive and nonmyeloablative but intensively immunosupressor preparatory treatments that would allow the taking of the graft and a state of mixed chimerism that may be modulated by a state of total chimera. The results show that the implant may be attained after a nonmyeloablative treatment. At present, the ideal schemes, as well as the posttransplant immunosupressor therapy are to be determined

  16. ABO and D typing and alloantibody screening in marrow samples: relevance to intraosseous blood transfusion. (United States)

    Bäckman, Sari; Ångerman-Haasmaa, Susanne; Jousi, Milla; Siitonen, Sanna; Salmela, Katja


    Blood transfusion through the intraosseous route is gaining popularity in emergency medicine. Pretransfusion peripheral blood (PB) samples are usually not available in these patients, leading to discrepancies in blood group typing and a possible delay in transferring to group-specific blood products. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of ABO and D typing and red blood cell alloantibody screening in marrow (BM) samples. Direct and reverse ABO typing, D typing, and a two-cell alloantibody screen were performed in EDTA-anticoagulated BM samples with standard manual column agglutination techniques. EDTA-anticoagulated PB samples were used as controls. The mean age of the study subjects (n = 71) was 47 years (range, 1-82 years). All ABO groups and both D+ and D- types were represented. In all subjects, concordant results were observed for all analyses in BM and PB samples. In 15 (21%) of the samples, a discrepancy of one reaction strength step (1+) was observed in at least one of the analyses (Cohen's weighted κ = 0.993); this did not affect interpretation of the results. Blood group typing and alloantibody screening are feasible in BM samples, providing proof-of-concept that intraosseous samples for blood group serologic analyses can be collected from emergency patients before intraosseous blood transfusion. This will enable a timely transfer to group-specific blood products and enable conservation of the valuable universal-donor blood products. © 2018 AABB.

  17. Outcome after Desensitization in HLA or ABO-Incompatible Kidney Transplant Recipients: A Single Center Experience. (United States)

    Kauke, Teresa; Klimaschewski, Sandra; Schoenermarck, Ulf; Fischereder, Michael; Dick, Andrea; Guba, Markus; Stangl, Manfred; Werner, Jens; Meiser, Bruno; Habicht, Antje


    The shortage of deceased donors led to an increase of living donor kidney (LDK) transplantations performed in the presence of donor-specific antibodies (DSA) or ABO incompatibility (ABOi) using various desensitization protocols. We herein analyzed 26 ABOi and 8 Luminex positive DSA patients who were successfully desensitized by anti-CD20, antigen-specific immunoadsorption and/or plasmapheresis to receive an LDK transplant. Twenty LDK recipients with non-donor-specific HLA-antibodies (low risk) and 32 without anti-HLA antibodies (no risk) served as control groups. 1-year graft survival rate and renal function was similar in all 4 groups (creatinine: 1.63 ± 0.5 vs 1.78 ± 0.6 vs 1.64 ± 0.5 vs 1.6 ± 0.3 mg/dl in ABOi, DSA, low risk and no risk group). The incidence of acute T-cell mediated rejections did not differ between the 4 groups (15% vs 12, 5% vs 15% vs 22% in ABOi, DSA, low risk and no risk), while antibody-mediated rejections were only found in the DSA (25%) and ABOi (7.5%) groups. Incidence of BK nephropathy (BKVN) was significantly more frequent after desensitization as compared to controls (5/34 vs 0/52, p = 0.03). We demonstrate favorable short-term allograft outcome in LDK transplant recipients after desensitization. However, the desensitization was associated with an increased risk of BKVN.


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    Francisco Javier Mercado-Martínez


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue revisar los estudios empíricos sobre la visión del personal de salud respecto a la donación y trasplante de órganos. Se hizo una revisión panorámica de la literatura en español, inglés y portugués; realizándose la búsqueda en dos buscadores y ocho bases de datos. El periodo abarca de 1985 al 2013. Se hizo análisis de contenido y frecuencias. De 316 artículos identificados, 248 fueron seleccionados. Según los hallazgos, los trabajos se concentraron en términos temporales y espaciales; predominando aquellos con metodologías cuantitativas. Las publicaciones priorizaron la perspectiva del personal médico y enfermería sobre las de otros actores, como directivos y coordinadores de donación. Las actitudes del personal sanitario hacia la donación de órganos de fallecido fue el tema más estudiado. Se concluye que una producción creciente de tipo cuantitativo analiza la perspectiva de médicos y enfermeras sobre la donación y trasplante de órganos de fallecido.

  19. Phenotypic and allelic distribution of the ABO and Rhesus (D) blood groups in the Cameroonian population. (United States)

    Ndoula, S T; Noubiap, J J N; Nansseu, J R N; Wonkam, A


    Data on blood group phenotypes are important for blood transfusion programs, for disease association and population genetics studies. This study aimed at reporting the phenotypic and allelic distribution of ABO and Rhesus (Rh) groups in various ethnolinguistic groups in the Cameroonians. We obtained ABO and Rhesus blood groups and self-identified ethnicity from 14,546 Cameroonian students. Ethnicity was classified in seven major ethnolinguistic groups: Afro-Asiatic, Nilo-Saharan, Niger-Kordofanian/West Atlantic, Niger-Kordofanian/Adamawa-Ubangui, Niger-Kordofanian/Benue-Congo/Bantu/Grassfield, Niger-Kordofanian/Benue-Congo/Bantu/Mbam and Niger-Kordofanian/Benue-Congo/Bantu/Equatorial. ABO allelic frequencies were determined using the Bernstein method. Differences in phenotypic distribution of blood groups were assessed using the chi-square test; a P value blood groups O, A, B and AB were 48.62%, 25.07%, 21.86% and 4.45%, respectively. Rhesus-positive was 96.32%. The allelic frequencies of O, A and B genes were 0.6978, 0.1605 and 0.1416, respectively. Phenotypic frequencies of the blood groups in the general study population and in the different ethnolinguistic groups were in agreement with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium expectations (P > 0.05). The frequencies of O, A, and B blood phenotypes were significantly lower, respectively, in the Nilo-Saharan group (P = 0.009), the Niger-Kordofanian/Benue-Congo/Bantu groups (P = 0.021) and the Niger-Kordofanian/West-Atlantic group. AB blood group was most frequent in the Niger-Kordofanian/Adamawa-Ubangui group (P = 0.024). Our study provides the first data on ethnic distribution of ABO and Rhesus blood groups in the Cameroonian population and suggests that its general profile is similar to those of several sub-Saharan African populations. We found some significant differences in phenotypic distribution amongst major ethnolinguistic groups. These data may be important for blood donor recruitment policy and blood transfusion

  20. Transplante de órganos en pacientes con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana: Actualización y recomendaciones Organ transplants in HIV infected patients: Update and recommendations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Laura Barcán


    Full Text Available Hasta hace pocos años la infección por HIV era una contraindicación absoluta para el trasplante de órganos. Desde la introducción del HAART y el aumento de la superivencia de los pacientes, comenzó a evidenciarse alta mortalidad por enfermedades terminales hepáticas y en menor grado renales. Por estos motivos los pacientes HIV+ hoy son reconsiderados para trasplante. En el año 2008, motivada por la creciente experiencia publicada sobre trasplantes renales y hepáticos en esta población, la Sociedad Argentina de Trasplantes (SAT y la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología (SADI decidieron conformar un Grupo de Trabajo para realizar una actualización del tema y emitir recomendaciones. La reunión inicial se llevó a cabo el 4 de diciembre de 2008. La principal conclusión de esta reunión fue que el status HIV+ no era una contraindicación para recibir un trasplante de órgano sólido. Posteriormente se revisó la experiencia acumulada y la bibliografía disponible que dieron lugar al documento actual. Los pacientes HIV+ candidatos a trasplante de órganos sólidos deben cumplir con una serie de requisitos clínicos, inmunológicos, virológicos y psicosociales. La supervivencia a corto y mediano plazo de los receptores HIV+ de trasplante renal y hepático es hoy comparable a la de los pacientes HIV negativos. Todavía no existen datos suficientes como para incluir pacientes HIV+ en lista de espera para trasplante de órganos intratorácicos. Las interacciones entre los inmunosupresores y los antirretrovirales (inhibidores de proteasas en especial son muy importantes y requieren una supervisión y vigilancia estrictas de los niveles sanguíneos de inmunosupresores.Until few years ago, HIV infection was an absolute contraindication to consider organ transplants. Since HAART introduction, patient survival increased dramatically, but high mortality due to liver and kidney diseases became evident. For these reasons, this group of patients is

  1. Molecular bases of the ABO blood groups of Indians from the Brazilian Amazon region. (United States)

    Franco, R F; Simões, B P; Guerreiro, J F; Santos, S E; Zago, M A


    Phenotype studies of ABO blood groups in most Amerindian populations revealed the exclusive presence of group O. Since group O is the result of the absence of glycosyltransferase activity, its molecular bases may be heterogeneous. We carried out ABO blood group genotyping by analysis of DNA of 30 Indians from 2 Amazonian tribes (Yanomami and Arara), and compared the findings with other populations (Caucasians and Blacks). Two segments of the glycosyltransferase gene were amplified by PCR and digested with KpnI or AluI to detect deletion or base change at positions 258 and 700, respectively. For all subjects, the gene basis of blood group O is the deletion of a single nucleotide at position 258 of the glycosyltransferase A gene, similar to that observed in Caucasoids and Negroids. DNA sequencing of limited regions of the gene supports this conclusion. This finding does not exclude, however, that a heterogeneity of the O allele may be revealed by a more extensive analysis.

  2. Characterizing vertical heterogeneity of permafrost soils in support of ABoVE radar retrievals (United States)

    Tabatabaeenejad, A.; Chen, R. H.; Silva, A.; Schaefer, K. M.; Moghaddam, M.


    Permafrost-affected soils, including the top active layer and underlying permafrost, have unique seasonal variations in terms of soil temperature, soil moisture, and freeze/thaw-state profiles. The presence of a perennially frozen and impermeable substrate maintains the required temperature gradient for the descending thawing front, and causes meltwater to accumulate and form the saturated zone in the active layer. Radar backscattering measurements are sensitive to dielectric properties of subsurface soils, which are strongly correlated with unfrozen water content and soil texture/composition. To enable accurate radar retrievals, we need to properly characterize soil profile heterogeneity, which can be modeled with layered soil or depth-dependent functions. To this end, we first cross compare the measured radar backscatter and model-predicted radar backscatter using in-situ dielectric profile measurements as well as mathematical or hydrologic-based profile functions. Since radar signal's backscatter has limited penetration, to fully capture the true heterogeneity profile, we determine the optimal profile function by minimizing the error between predicted and measured radar backscatter signals as well as between in-situ and fitted profiles. The in-situ soil profile data (temperature, dielectric constant, unfrozen water content, organic/mineral soils) are collected from the Soil Moisture Sensing Controller And oPtimal Estimator (SoilSCAPE) sensor networks and from the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) field campaign in August 2017 (concurrent with the ABoVE August flights over Alaska North Slope) while the radar data are acquired by NASA's P-band AirMOSS and L-band UAVSAR as part of the ABoVE airborne campaign. The retrieval results using our new heterogeneity model will be compared with the results from retrievals that model soil as a layered medium. This analysis can advance the accuracy of retrieval of active layer properties using low-frequency SAR

  3. Relative Susceptibilities of ABO Blood Groups to Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Ghana. (United States)

    Afoakwah, Richmond; Aubyn, Edmond; Prah, James; Nwaefuna, Ekene Kwabena; Boampong, Johnson N


    The clinical outcome of falciparum malaria in endemic areas is influenced by erythrocyte polymorphisms including the ABO blood groups. Studies have reported association of ABO blood group to resistance, susceptibility, and severity of P. falciparum malaria infection. Individuals with blood group "A" have been found to be highly susceptible to falciparum malaria whereas blood group "O" is said to confer protection against complicated cases. We analyzed samples from 293 young children less than six years old with malaria in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana. It was observed that group O was present in about 16.1% of complicated cases weighed against 40.9% of uncomplicated controls. Individuals with complicated malaria were about twice likely to be of blood groups A and B compared to group O (A versus O, OR = 1.90, 95% CI = 1.59-2.26, P Blood group O participants with complicated diseases had low parasitaemia compared to the other blood groups (P blood group O individuals a survival advantage over the other groups in complicated malaria as suggested. Participants with complicated falciparum malaria were generally anaemic and younger than those with uncomplicated disease.

  4. ABO血型不合供肝在肝移植中的应用%Application of liver grafts from ABO incompatible donor

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    江春平; 丁义涛; 徐庆祥; 吴亚夫


    Objective To discuss the effect of ABO incompatible donor on postoperative liver function and prognosis in liver transplantation and to share our experience of perioperative care in these cases. Methods We analyzed 8 ABO incompatible donor liver transplantation cases carried out in the Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical College from January 2008 to December 2011 and compared with 10 control cases of ABO compatible donor liver transplantation. Postoperative liver function,prothrombin time(PT),intensive care unit(ICU)stay days,the incidence of rejection,biliary tract complication,infection, donor liver initial poor function/primary nonfunction(IPF/PNF)and 1 year survival rate were summarized and compared between marginal donor cases and control cases. Results We found no significant difference between ABO incompatible donor cases and ABO compatible donor cases in all above analyzed parameters (all P>0.05). Conclusion With proper perioperative care,the application of ABO incompatible donor liver in the situation of organ shortage may have similar therapeutic efficacy as ABO compatible donor liver transplantation.%目的探讨ABO血型不合供肝在肝移植的应用对术后肝功能和预后的影响及围手术期的处理经验。方法分析南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院2008年1月至2011年12月ABO血型不合供肝8例,随机选择同期ABO血型相合供肝10例作为对照组,分别监测肝移植术后受体肝功能、凝血酶原时间(PT)、住重症监护病房(ICU)时间,排斥反应、胆道并发症、感染、移植肝功能不良或无功能(IPF/PNF)发生率和患者1年生存率等指标。结果上述指标ABO血型不合供肝组与对照组比较差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论在没有合适供肝的情况下,谨慎使用ABO血型不合供肝,辅以适当的围手术期处理,其治疗结果可与正常供肝组相近。

  5. In-111-labeled leukocytes in the diagnosis of rejection and cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplant patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forstrom, L.A.; Loken, M.K.; Cook, A.; Chandler, R.; McCullough, J.


    Indium-111-labeled (In-111) leukocytes have been shown to be useful in the localization of inflammatory processes, including renal transplant rejection. Using previously reported labeling methods, 63 studies with this agent have been performed in 53 renal transplant patients. Indications for study included suspected rejection or cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. Studies were performed in 33 men and 20 women, with ages ranging from 6 to 68 years. Autologous cells were normally used for labeling, although leukocytes obtained from ABO-compatible donors were used in three subjects. Rectilinear scanner and/or scintillation camera images were obtained at 24 hours after intravenous administration of 0.1 to 0.6 mCi of In-111-leukocytes. There was abnormal uptake of In-111-leukocytes in the transplanted kidney in 11 of 15 cases of rejection. In three additional cases of increased transplant uptake, CMV infection was present in two. Abnormal lung uptake was present in 13 of 14 patients with CMV infection. In four additional cases, increased lung uptake was associated with other pulmonary inflammatory disease. Increased lung activity was not seen in patients with uncomplicated transplant rejection. These results suggest that In-111-leukocyte imaging may be useful in the differential diagnosis of rejection versus CMV infection in renal transplant patients

  6. In-111-labeled leukocytes in the diagnosis of rejection and cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplant patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forstrom, L.A.; Loken, M.K.; Cook, A.; Chandler, R.; McCullough, J.


    Indium-111-labelled (In-111) leukocytes have been shown to be useful in the localization of inflammatory processes, including renal transplant rejection. Using previously reported labelling methods, 63 studies with this agent have been performed in 53 renal transplant patients. Indications for study included suspected rejection or cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection. Studies were performed in 33 men and 20 women, with ages ranging from 6 to 68 years. Autologous cells were normally used for labeling, although leukocytes obtained from ABO-compatible donors were used in three subjects. Rectilinear scanner and/or scintillation camera images were obtained at 24 hours after intravenous administration of 0.1 to 0.6 mCi of In-111 leukocytes. There was abnormal uptake of In-111-leukocytes in the transplanted kidney in 11 of 15 cases of rejection. In three additional cases of increased transplant uptake, CMV infection was present in two. Abnormal lung uptake was present in 13 of 14 patients with CMV infection. In four additional cases, increased lung uptake was associated with other pulmonary inflammatory disease. Increased lung activity was not seen in patients with uncomplicated transplant rejection. These results suggest that In-111-leukocyte imaging may be useful in the differential diagnosis of rejection versus CMV infection in renal transplant patients

  7. Enfermedad Granulomatosa Crónica en paciente pediátrico y trasplante de médula ósea como tratamiento curativo


    Constanza Martínez R.; Valentina Ulloa P.; Claudio Mosso C.


    Introducción: La enfermedad granulomatosa crónica (EGC) es una inmunodeficiencia primaria, caracterizada por la incapacidad de células fagocíticas para producir sustancias necesarias para destruir microorganismos. Actualmente, el trasplante de médula ósea como tratamiento curativo de la EGC ha demostrado ser una prometedora alternativa terapéutica. Presentación del caso: Lactante menor de 8 meses, ingresa a Unidad de Cuidados Especiales Pediátricos por cuadro de nueve días de evolución caract...

  8. Prevalence of hemoglobinopathy, ABO and rhesus blood groups in rural areas of West Bengal, India

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Bikash Mondal


    Full Text Available Background: Hemoglobinopathies are a group of inherited disorders of hemoglobin synthesis. It could be formed a fatal scenario in concern of lacking of actual information. Beside this, ABO and Rh blood grouping are also important matter in transfusion and forensic medicine and to reduce new born hemolytic disease (NHD. Materials and Methods: The spectrum and prevalence of various hemoglobinopathies, ABO and rhesus (Rh blood groups was screened among patients who visited B.S. Medical College and Hospital, Bankura, West Bengal, India. This study was carried out on 958 patients of different ages ranging from child to adults from January to June 2011. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, complete blood count (CBC and hemagglutination technique were performed for the assessment of abnormal hemoglobin variants, ABO and Rh blood groups, respectively. Results: Results from this study had been shown that there was high prevalence of hemoglobinpathies (27.35% where β-thalassemia in heterozygous state occurred more frequent than other hemoglobinopathies. Out of 958 patients, 72.65% were HbAA and 27.35% were hemoglobinopathies individuals where 17.64% β-thalassemia heterozygous, 2.92% β-thalassemia homozygous, 3.86% HbAE, 1.15% HbAS trait, 1.25% HbE-β thalassemia trait and 0.52% HbS-β thalassemia trait were found. No incidence of HbSS, HbSC, HbCC, HbD and other variants of hemoglobinpathies were observed. The gene frequencies with respect to ABO systems had been shown as O > B > A > AB. Blood group O was the highest (35.8% and the least percentage distribution was blood group AB (6.68%. Rhesus positive (Rh+ were 97.7%, while the remaining was 2.3% Rhesus negative (Rh-. The frequencies of A + , B + , AB +, and O + blood groups were 22.44%, 33.61%, 6.58%, and 35.07%, respectively. Conclusions: Remarkable percentages of hemoglobinopathies were prevalent from the present study. An extensive screening of the population is needed to assess the

  9. ABO blood group phenotypes influence parity specific immunity to Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Malawian women

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Senga, Edward; Loscertales, Maria-Paz; Makwakwa, K. E. B.; Liomba, George N.; Dzamalala, Charles; Kazembe, Peter N.; Brabin, Bernard J.


    BACKGROUND: Blood group O has been significantly associated with increased placental malaria infection in primiparae and reduced risk of infection in multiparae in the Gambia, an area with markedly seasonal malaria transmission. This study analyses the association between ABO blood group phenotypes

  10. Relationship between ABO blood groups and von Willebrand factor, ADAMTS13 and factor VIII in patients undergoing hemodialysis. (United States)

    Rios, Danyelle R A; Fernandes, Ana Paula; Figueiredo, Roberta C; Guimarães, Daniela A M; Ferreira, Cláudia N; Simões E Silva, Ana C; Carvalho, Maria G; Gomes, Karina B; Dusse, Luci Maria Sant' Ana


    Several studies have demonstrated that non-O blood groups subjects present an increased VTE risk as compared to those carrying O blood group. The aim of this study was to investigate the ABO blood groups influence on factor VIII (FVIII) activity, von Willebrand factor (VWF), and ADAMTS13 plasma levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). Patients undergoing HD (N=195) and 80 healthy subjects (control group) were eligible for this cross-sectional study. The ABO blood group phenotyping was performed by the reverse technique. FVIII activity was measured through coagulometric method, and VWF and ADAMTS13 antigens were assessed by ELISA. FVIII activity and VWF levels were significantly higher and ADAMTS13 levels was decreased in HD patients, as compared to healthy subjects (P blood groups showed a significant increase in FVIII activity (P = 0.001) and VWF levels (P blood group. However, no significant difference was observed in ADAMTS13 levels (P = 0.767). In the control group, increased in FVIII activity (P = 0.001) and VWF levels (P = 0.002) and decreased in ADAMTS13 levels (P = 0.005) were observed in subjects carrying non-O blood groups as compared to carriers of O blood group.Our data confirmed that ABO blood group is an important risk factor for increased procoagulant factors in plasma, as FVIII and VWF. Admitting the possible role of kidneys in ADAMTS13 synthesis or on its metabolism, HD patients were not able to increase ADAMTS13 levels in order to compensate the increase of VWF levels mediated by ABO blood groups. Considering that non-O blood groups constitute a risk factor for thrombosis, it is reasonable to admit that A, B and AB HD patients need a careful and continuous follow-up in order to minimize thrombotic events.

  11. Distribution and clinal trends of the ABO and Rh genes in select Middle Eastern countries. (United States)

    AlSuhaibani, E S; Kizilbash, N A; Afshan, K; Malik, S


    An understanding of the ABO and Rh blood group systems is important for blood transfusions and is also pertinent due to their potential association with certain morbidities and susceptibilities to infections. To investigate the diversity and differentiation of the ABO and Rh loci in Middle Eastern populations, data from twelve representative Middle Eastern populations were analyzed. Six populations were in conformity with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at the ABO locus. The pooled heterozygosity at both loci was calculated to be highest in the sample from Jordan and lowest in Bahrain. Heterogeneity was pronounced in the Northern compared to the Southern Middle Eastern populations. Overall, the absolute gene diversity was 0.0046 and gene differentiation was calculated to be 0.0100. Genetic diversity of the studied loci across all populations (HT) was estimated to be 0.4594, while the diversity within the populations (HS) was 0.4548. Nei's genetic distance analyses revealed highest affinities between the populations of Kuwait and Qatar, Oman and Yemen, and between Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. These results were displayed through a UGPMA dendrogram and principal component analyses, which established clustering of certain populations. Clinal trends of the allelic systems were observed by generating contour maps that allow a detailed appreciation of the distributions of alleles across the geography of the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East. Taken together, these analyses are helpful in understanding the differentiation of blood group loci and for designing prospective studies for establishing the associations of these loci with health variables in the populations studied.

  12. Association Between ABO Blood Type and Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction in Elderly Patients Undergoing Unilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty Surgery in China. (United States)

    Li, Jie; Zhou, Jun; Wan, Yunqiang; Liu, Li; Ou, Cehua


    BACKGROUND Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a postoperative complication after surgery and anesthesia. Whether ABO blood types are associated with POCD in elderly patients undergoing unilateral total hip arthroplasty surgery in China is unclear. MATERIAL AND METHODS Firstly, 142 elderly patients were divided into a POCD group and a non-POCD group according to the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) scores and ABO blood types were analyzed. Secondly, according to ABO blood type, the selected 226 patients were divided into 4 groups: type A group, type B group, type AB group, and type O group. Then, all patients completed the MMSE before and after surgery. Finally, the occurrence of POCD was recorded and related data were analyzed. RESULTS Firstly, there was a significant difference in both groups in terms of distribution of ABO blood types, and elderly patients who developed POCD were more likely to have type A blood and less likely to have type O blood. Secondly, compared with elderly patients with type A blood, those with type O had higher MMSE scores on the first day and the seventh day after surgery. Finally, the risk of developing POCD was significantly higher in patients with type A blood and on the first day and the seventh day after surgery the risk of developing POCD was significantly lower in patients with type O blood. CONCLUSIONS Elderly patients with type A blood have higher risk of developing early POCD and those with type O blood have less risk of developing early POCD.

  13. Frequencies and ethnic distribution of ABO and Rh(D) blood groups in Mauritania: results of first nationwide study. (United States)

    Hamed, C T; Bollahi, M A; Abdelhamid, I; Med Mahmoud, M A; Ba, B; Ghaber, S; Habti, N; Houmeida, A


    There is no data available on the ABO/Rh(D) frequencies in the Mauritanian population. We retrospectively analysed records of a 5-year database that contained ABO/Rh phenotype and ethnic origin of 10 116 volunteers giving blood at the national blood transfusion centre to derive the frequencies of ABO/Rh(D) groups in the Mauritanian population. The two race categories in the country and their sub-ethnic groups: the Moors (whites and black) and the black Africans (Pulhars, Soninkes and Wolof) were included in this study. Globally, group O had the highest frequency (49.10%) followed by A (28.28%), B (18.56%) and AB (4.05%). This order more common in North African populations was found in four of the five ethnic groups composing our population. Allele frequencies were, respectively, 70.20%, 17.74% and 12.04% giving the same order of O > A > B. We observed no significant variation in these frequencies between the different ethnic groups. Rhesus study showed that with a percentage of 94.23% Rh(D) positive is by far the most prevalent, while Rh(D) negative is present only in 5.77% of the total population. This frequency distribution supports the mixed-race composition of the Mauritanian population. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  14. Blood Groups Distribution and Gene Diversity of the ABO and Rh (D Loci in the Mexican Population

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    Adrián Canizalez-Román


    Full Text Available Objective. To determine the frequency and distribution of ABO and Rh (D antigens and, additionally, investigate gene diversity and the structure of Mexican populations. Materials and Methods. Blood groups were tested in 271,164 subjects from 2014 to 2016. The ABO blood group was determined by agglutination using the antibodies anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti-D for the Rh factor, respectively. Results. The overall distribution of ABO and Rh (D groups in the population studied was as follows: O: 61.82%; A: 27.44%; B: 8.93%; and AB: 1.81%. For the Rh group, 95.58% of people were Rh (D, and 4.42% were Rh (d. Different distributions of blood groups across regions were found; additionally, genetic analysis revealed that the IO and ID allele showed an increasing trend from the north to the center, while the IA and Id allele tended to increase from the center to the north. Also, we found more gene diversity in both loci in the north compared with the center, suggesting population structure in Mexico. Conclusion. This work could help health institutions to identify where they can obtain blood products necessary for medical interventions. Moreover, this piece of information contributes to the knowledge of the genetic structure of the Mexican populations which could have significant implications in different fields of biomedicine.


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    A. Ayala-Sierra


    Full Text Available La presente investigación se realizó con el objeto de evaluar la factibilidad de utilizar sustratos elaborados a base de polvo de coco para la germinación de semillas y desarrollo inicial de plantas para trasplante de seis especies ornamentales y determinar la posibilidad de remplazar al Peat Moss. Las especies seleccionadas para el estudio fueron: Dianthus chinensis (clavelina, Gazania rigens (gazania, Tagetes erecta (marigold, Viola wittrockiana (pensamiento, Antirrhinum majus (dragón y Petunia x hybrida (petunia. Las semillas de las seis especies fueron sembradas en tres sustratos: polvo de coco, Peat Moss y Peat Lite. Previo a la siembra, el polvo de coco fue acondicionado mediante el ajuste del pH a 6.2, la adición de cal dolomítica y KNO3 como carga de nutrientes. Posteriormente, se elaboró una mezcla a base de polvo de coco, perlita y vermiculita a razón de 70, 20 y 10 % (v/v, y Peat Moss, perlita y vermiculita en las mismas proporciones. El Peat Lite contenía 50 % de Peat Moss y 50 % de perlita (v/v. Se evaluó el efecto de los sustratos en la altura de planta, el peso seco del vástago y de raíz, el porcentaje de germinación y el porcentaje de plantas con valor comercial. Aunque el polvo de coco causó una disminución significativa en la altura de plantas de gazania (21 %, dragones (30 % y petunias (13 %, y en el peso seco del vástago de dragones (24 % y en el peso seco de raíz de clavelina (22 %, esto no estuvo asociado con una disminución en la calidad de las plantas. Por lo tanto, se concluye que el polvo de coco puede utilizarse como sustrato para la producción de plantas para trasplante de especies ornamentales.

  16. Documento de consenso para la detección y manejo de la enfermedad renal crónica

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    Alberto Martínez-Castelao


    Full Text Available La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC es un importante problema de salud pública que puede afectar en sus diferentes estadios a cerca del 10% de la población española y que supone una elevada morbimortalidad, así como un importante consumo de recursos al Sistema Nacional de Salud. Diez sociedades científicas involucradas en el manejo del paciente renal nos hemos puesto de acuerdo para hacer una puesta al día del anterior documento de consenso sobre ERC de 2007. El presente es la edición abreviada del documento general extenso, que puede ser consultado en las páginas Web de cada una de las sociedades firmantes. Contiene los siguientes aspectos: definición, epidemiología y factores de riesgo de la ERC; criterios de diagnóstico, evaluación y estadificación de la ERC, albuminuria y estimación del filtrado glomerular; concepto y factores de progresión; criterios de derivación a nefrología; seguimiento del paciente, actitudes y objetivos por especialidad; prevención de la nefrotoxicidad; detección del daño cardiovascular; actitudes, estilo de vida y tratamiento: manejo de la hipertensión arterial, dislipidemia, hiperglucemia, tabaquismo, obesidad, hiperuricemia, anemia, alteraciones del metabolismo mineral y óseo; seguimiento coordinado por atención primaria-otras especialidades-nefrología; manejo del paciente en tratamiento renal sustitutivo, hemodiálisis, diálisis peritoneal y trasplante renal; tratamiento paliativo de la uremia terminal. Esperamos que sirva de gran ayuda en el manejo multidisciplinar del paciente con ERC, a la vista de las recomendaciones más actualizadas.

  17. Sistema ABO e formas anatomoclínicas da doença de Chagas crônica

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    Vicente de Paula Antunes Teixeira


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a distribuição do sistema ABO em 222 controles e em 148 chagásicos crônicos, assintomáticos e sintomáticos, com diferentes formas anatomoclinicas (insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, visceromegalias e morte súbita. O foi calculado a partir de tabelas de contingência e pelo método de Woolf. OX², obtido por estes dois métodos, demonstra que a freqüência do grupo OX² foi significativamente menor nos chagásicos sintomáticos considerados como um todo e naqueles com "megas", em relação aos controles. Nos chagásicos falecidos subitamente observou-se maior freqüência de grupos B que nos controles, sendo o X² significativo apenas quando calculado por tabelas de contingência. A relativa proteção aparentemente conferida aos chagásicos do grupo O, no que se refere à evolução para formas sintomáticas da doença, se explicaria por antigenicidade cruzada entre populações do Trypanosoma cruzi e o sistema ABO ou por outros fatores que se deixam influenciar ou influenciam a distribuição dos grupos sangüíneos.ABO blood group distribution was studied in 222 Controls and in 148 symptomatic and symptomless patients with chronic Chagas' disease with different anatomo-clinics forms (congestive heart failure, visceromegalias and sudden death. The X² was estimated from contingency table and by Woolfs method. The X² obtained by these two methods showed that the group O frequency was significantly less in the symptomatic chagasic group as a whole and in those with "megas" when compared with the controls. B blood group was observed to be more frequent in chagasics with sudden death but the X² was only significant when calculated for contingency tables. The apparent relative protection confered by the O blood group to chagasics with respect to its evolution to symptomatic forms of the disease, could be explained by cross antigenicity among T. cruzi populations and ABO blood group or by other factors influencing or being

  18. ABO and Rh (D group distribution and gene frequency; the first multicentric study in India

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    Amit Agrawal


    Full Text Available Background and Objectives: The study was undertaken with the objective to provide data on the ABO and Rh(D blood group distribution and gene frequency across India. Materials and Methods: A total of 10,000 healthy blood donors donating in blood banks situated in five different geographical regions of the country (North, South, East and Center were included in the study. ABO and Rh (D grouping was performed on all these samples. Data on the frequency of ABO and Rh(D blood groups was reported in simple numbers and percentages. Results: The study showed that O was the most common blood group (37.12% in the country closely followed by B at 32.26%, followed by A at 22.88% while AB was the least prevalent group at 7.74%. 94.61% of the donor population was Rh positive and the rest were Rh negative. Regional variations were observed in the distribution. Using the maximum likelihood method, the frequencies of the I A , I B and I O alleles were calculated and tested according to the Hardy Weinberg law of Equilibrium. The calculated gene frequencies are 0.1653 for I A (p, 0.2254 for I B (q and 0.6093 for I O (r. In Indian Population, O (r records the highest value followed by B (q and A (p; O > B > A. Conclusion: The study provides information about the relative distribution of various alleles in the Indian population both on a pan-India basis as well as region-wise. This vital information may be helpful in planning for future health challenges, particularly planning with regards to blood transfusion services.

  19. Is There a Relation between ABO Blood Groups and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Pemphigoid? A Case-Control Study. (United States)

    Bakhtiari, Sedigheh; Toosi, Parviz; Azimi, Somayyeh; Esmaili, Nafiseh; Montazami, Ali; Rafieian, Nasrin


    Background. Relationship between blood groups and dermatologic diseases remains controversial and was not yet fully elucidated nor explained clearly. The aim of this study was to examine if any relation exists between different types of pemphigoid diseases and ABO blood group. Methods. In this case-control study, 159 pemphigoid patients and 152 healthy matched-controls were evaluated. All blood group (including Rh status) data for the study was obtained from the hospital medical records. Statistical comparisons were completed with chi-square test and logistic regression. Results. Blood group "O" was found in 32.9% of patients and 38.2% of control group. Blood group "A" was found among 30.8% of patients and 34.2% of control group, while group "B" was reported in 27.4% of cases and 21.1% of controls and "AB" was identified among 8.9% of patients and 6.6% of control group. 84.9% of patients were Rh positive, while in the control group 86.2% of patients were Rh positive. No significant differences were found regarding ABO blood groups (P = 0.46) or Rh (P = 0.76) between pemphigoid patients and control group. Also, older females had the higher risk of developing bullous pemphigoid. Conclusion. We found no relationship between ABO blood groups and pemphigoid disease.

  20. Hemoterapia en el trasplante de médula ósea: Experiencia en el instituto de hematología e inmunología


    Alfonso Valdés, María E; Bencomo Hernández, Antonio; Dorticós Balea, Elvira; Hernández Díaz, Patricia; Alfonso Valdés, Yalile; González Otero, Alejandro


    Se describe la hemoterapia aplicada a 19 pacientes con enfermedades hematológicas malignas que recibieron trasplante de médula ósea autólogo (n=10) y alogénico (n=9). El consumo promedio de concentrados de eritrocitos y concentrados de plaquetas fue de 6,1 y 57,3, respectivamente. El uso de ambos componentes fue mayor en los enfermos que recibieron una médula ósea alogénica. Los pacientes que recibieron tratamiento con ciclosporina requirieron un número menor de concentrados de eritrocitos y ...

  1. Choice of fluids in the perioperative period of kidney transplantation

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    Alejandro Gonzalez-Castro


    Full Text Available Normal saline has traditionally been the resuscitation fluid of choice in the perioperative period of kidney transplantation over balanced potassium solutions. However, the problems arising from hyperchloraemia triggered by the infusion of normal saline have led to studies being conducted that compare this solution with balanced solutions. From this narrative review it can be concluded that the use of balanced crystalloids containing potassium in the perioperative period of kidney transplantation can be considered safe. These solutions do not affect serum potassium levels any more than normal saline, whilst maintaining a better acid–base balance in these patients. Resumen: El suero salino normal (SSN ha sido clásicamente el fluido de resucitación elegido en el periodo perioperatorio del trasplante renal frente a aquellas soluciones balanceadas con potasio. Sin embargo, los problemas derivados de la hipercloremia desencadenada por la infusión de SSN han llevado a la realización de estudios que comparaban esta solución con los fluidos equilibrados. Mediante la presente revisión narrativa se deduce que el uso de cristaloides balanceados con contenido de potasio en su formulación, en el perioperatorio de trasplante renal, puede considerarse seguro. Estas soluciones no provocan una alteración del potasio sérico mayor que la provocada por el SSN y mantienen mejor el equilibrio ácido-base en estos enfermos. Keywords: Kidney transplantation, Normal saline, Balanced solutions, Hyperchloraemia, Hyperkalaemia, Palabras clave: Trasplante renal, Suero salino normal, Soluciones balanceadas, Hipercloremia, Hiperpotasemia

  2. Timing of blood transfusion and not ABO blood type is associated with survival in patients treated with radical cystectomy for nonmetastatic bladder cancer: Results from a single high-volume institution. (United States)

    Moschini, Marco; Bianchi, Marco; Rossi, Martina Sofia; Dell׳Oglio, Paolo; Gandaglia, Giorgio; Fossati, Nicola; Mattei, Agostino; Damiano, Rocco; Shariat, Shahrokh F; Salonia, Andrea; Montorsi, Francesco; Briganti, Alberto; Colombo, Renzo; Gallina, Andrea


    Perioperative transfusions have been recently associated to poor outcomes as an indirect consequence of immune-hematological changes related to transfusion itself and blood type. We tested the role of blood transfusion on cancer-specific mortality (CSM) and overall mortality (OM), considering the effect of ABO system, Rh factor, and timing of transfusions. The study focused on 728 patients with bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy at a single tertiary care referral center between January 1995 and August 2013 with complete ABO blood type information. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to assess the effect of transfusions, stratified according to ABO type and Rh factor, on CSM and OM. The same endpoints were tested in Cox regression models, after adjusting for all available confounders. A total of 341 (46.8%), 277 (38.0%), 83 (11.4%), and 27 (3.7%) patients had blood type O, A, B and AB, respectively. Overall, 630 (86.5%) and 98 (13.5%) patients were Rh-and Rh+, respectively. At a median follow-up time of 65 months, 225 (30.9%) and 282 (38.7%) patients recorded CSM and OM, respectively. At univariable analyses, ABO blood type and Rh status were not associated to either CSM or OM (all P>0.2). Similar results were observed when ABO blood type and Rh factor were tested in multivariable models (all P>0.3). Conversely, Charlson score, preoperative hemoglobin, number of nodes removed, pathological T stage, and number of positive nodes were associated to both CSM and OM (all Pblood units in the postoperative period (P>0.05) was associated with an increase of CSM and OM. Although ABO type or Rh factor or both were associated with several adverse outcomes in many cancers, we were not able to confirm this association in bladder cancer. Based on our results, the effect of transfusion on survival is independent by ABO type but is associated to the timing of blood supply administration. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Uso terapéutico de las vesículas extracelulares en insuficiencia renal aguda y crónica

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    Jordi Rovira


    Full Text Available En la década de los 90 se descubrió un nuevo sistema de comunicación célula-célula, que consiste en la liberación de vesículas cargadas con partículas bioactivas (proteínas, mRNA, miRNA, metabolitos, etc. en el espacio extracelular. Este tipo de comunicación se ha conservado durante la evolución, hecho que justificaría que la mayoría de los tipos celulares puedan generarlas. Estas vesículas extracelulares (VE pueden regular diversos procesos fisiológicos, así como el desarrollo y progresión de enfermedades. En los últimos años se ha extendido el estudio de las VE generadas principalmente por células madre adultas o embrionarias, células sanguíneas, células del sistema inmune y nervioso, así como células tumorales. El análisis de VE en fluidos corporales ha sido utilizado como herramienta de diagnóstico en cáncer y recientemente para distintas enfermedades renales. Sin embargo, en esta revisión pretendemos analizar la importancia, función y posible aplicación clínica de las VE generadas por células madre en enfermedades renales y en trasplantes.

  4. Glioblastoma and ABO blood groups: further evidence of an association between the distribution of blood group antigens and brain tumours. (United States)

    Allouh, Mohammed Z; Al Barbarawi, Mohammed M; Hiasat, Mohammad Y; Al-Qaralleh, Mohammed A; Ababneh, Emad I


    Glioblastoma is a highly malignant brain tumour that usually leads to death. Several studies have reported a link between the distribution of ABO blood group antigens and a risk of developing specific types of cancer, although no consensus has been reached. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the distribution of ABO blood group antigens and the incidence of glioblastoma. The study cohort consisted of 115 glioblastoma patients who were diagnosed at King Abdullah University Hospital, Jordan, between 2004 and 2015. Three different patient populations made up three control groups and these were selected from among patients at the same institution between 2014 and 2015 as follows: 3,847 healthy blood donors, 654 accidental trauma patients admitted to the Departments of Neurosurgery and Orthopaedics, and 230 age- and sex-matched control subjects recruited blindly from the Departments of Paediatrics and Internal Medicine. There was a significant association between the distribution of ABO blood group antigens and the incidence of glioblastoma. Post hoc residual analysis revealed that individuals with group A had a higher than expected chance of developing glioblastoma, while individuals with group O had a lower than expected chance. Furthermore, individuals with group A were found to be at a 1.62- to 2.28-fold increased risk of developing glioblastoma compared to individuals with group O. In the present study, we demonstrate that, in Jordan, individuals with group A have an increased risk of developing glioblastoma, while individuals with group O have a reduced risk. These findings suggest that the distribution of ABO blood group antigens is associated with a risk of brain tumours and may play an important role in their development. However, further clinical and experimental investigations are required to confirm this association.

  5. Trans-National Genetic Distance and Genetic Identity of Barak Valley Hindus en Route the Journey of Mankind from Africa for ABO Gene

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    Full Text Available The present study aimed at estimating the genetic distance and genetic identity between Barak Valley Hindus and other twenty four nations for ABO blood group gene along the route of historic journey of mankind from Africa as proposed by Stephen Oppenheimer to gain insights on the evolutionary relationship and genetic closeness of the Hindus with other nations. Barak Valley Zone, located in southern part of Assam state in North East India, has inhabited the major endogamous group, the Hindus, for several centuries. Over the last few decades, they have maintained distinct culture and life style. This study used ABO gene frequency data of these populations to estimate Neis standard genetic distance and genetic identity of population genetics between Barak Valley Hindus and other nations. The historic journey of mankind commenced from Africa about 200,000 years ago ( Genetic distance estimate ranged from 0.07 to 5.18%. Barak Valley Hindus (BVH showed relatively low genetic distance for ABO gene with the populations of Saudi Arabia (0.07%, India (0.13%, Borneo (0.40%, Russia (0.59%, Central Asia (0.60%, Siberia (0.60%, South China (0.71% and Sri Lanka (0.93% suggesting high genetic identity and possible evolutionary relationship of BVH during migration with these nations. But the BVH showed highest genetic distance with Australia (5.18% followed by Norway (4.13%, Sudan (3.89% and Sweden (3.60% indicating low genetic identity of BVH with these nations. Migration was not the key determining factor in changing the ABO gene frequency in human populations.

  6. Trans-National Genetic Distance and Genetic Identity of Barak Valley Hindus en Route the Journey of Mankind from Africa for ABO Gene

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    Full Text Available The present study aimed at estimating the genetic distance and genetic identity between Barak Valley Hindus and other twenty four nations for ABO blood group gene along the route of historic journey of mankind from Africa as proposed by Stephen Oppenheimer to gain insights on the evolutionary relationship and genetic closeness of the Hindus with other nations. Barak Valley Zone, located in southern part of Assam state in North East India, has inhabited the major endogamous group, the Hindus, for several centuries. Over the last few decades, they have maintained distinct culture and life style. This study used ABO gene frequency data of these populations to estimate Nei�s standard genetic distance and genetic identity of population genetics between Barak Valley Hindus and other nations. The historic journey of mankind commenced from Africa about 200,000 years ago ( Genetic distance estimate ranged from 0.07 to 5.18%. Barak Valley Hindus (BVH showed relatively low genetic distance for ABO gene with the populations of Saudi Arabia (0.07%, India (0.13%, Borneo (0.40%, Russia (0.59%, Central Asia (0.60%, Siberia (0.60%, South China (0.71% and Sri Lanka (0.93% suggesting high genetic identity and possible evolutionary relationship of BVH during migration with these nations. But the BVH showed highest genetic distance with Australia (5.18% followed by Norway (4.13%, Sudan (3.89% and Sweden (3.60% indicating low genetic identity of BVH with these nations. Migration was not the key determining factor in changing the ABO gene frequency in human populations.

  7. Relationships between skin cancers and blood groups--link between non-melanomas and ABO/Rh factors. (United States)

    Cihan, Yasemin Benderli; Baykan, Halit; Kavuncuoglu, Erhan; Mutlu, Hasan; Kucukoglu, Mehmet Burhan; Ozyurt, Kemal; Oguz, Arzu


    This investigation focused on possible relationships between skin cancers and ABO/Rh blood groups. Between January 2005 and December 2012, medical data of 255 patients with skin cancers who were admitted to Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Radiation Oncology and Plastic Surgery Outpatient Clinics were retrospectively analyzed. Blood groups of these patients were recorded. The control group consisted of 25701 healthy volunteers who were admitted to Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Blood Donation Center between January 2010 and December 2011. The distribution of the blood groups of the patients with skin cancers was compared to the distribution of ABO/Rh blood groups of healthy controls. The association of the histopathological subtypes of skin cancer with the blood groups was also investigated. Of the patients, 50.2% had A type, 26.3% had O type, 16.1% had B type, and 7.5% had AB blood group with a positive Rh (+) in 77.3%. Of the controls, 44.3% had A type, 31.5% had 0 type, 16.1% had B type, and 8.1% had AB blood group with a positive Rh (+) in 87.8%. There was a statistically significant difference in the distribution of blood groups and Rh factors (A Rh (-) and 0 Rh positive) between the patients and controls. A total of 36.8% and 20.4% of the patients with basal cell carcinoma (BCC) had A Rh (+) and B Rh (+), respectively, while 39.2% and 27.6% of the controls had A Rh (+) and B Rh (+), respectively. A significant relationship was observed between the patients with BCC and controls in terms of A Rh (-) (p=0.001). Our study results demonstrated that there is a significant relationship between non-melanoma skin cancer and ABO/Rh factors.

  8. Associations between ABO blood groups and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: influence on resection status and survival. (United States)

    El Jellas, Khadija; Hoem, Dag; Hagen, Kristin G; Kalvenes, May Britt; Aziz, Sura; Steine, Solrun J; Immervoll, Heike; Johansson, Stefan; Molven, Anders


    Both serology-based and genetic studies have reported an association between pancreatic cancer risk and ABO blood groups. We have investigated this relationship in a cohort of pancreatic cancer patients from Western Norway (n = 237) and two control materials (healthy blood donors, n = 379; unselected hospitalized patients, n = 6149). When comparing patient and blood donor ABO allele frequencies, we found only the A 1 allele to be associated with significantly higher risk for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) (23.8% vs. 17.9%; OR = 1.43, P = 0.018). Analyzing phenotypes, blood group A was more frequent among PDAC cases than blood donors (50.8% vs. 40.6%; OR = 1.51, P = 0.021), an enrichment fully explained by the A 1 subgroup. Blood group O frequency was lower in cases than in blood donors (33.8% vs. 42.7%; OR = 0.69, P = 0.039). This lower frequency was confirmed when cases were compared to hospitalized patients (33.8% vs. 42.9%; OR = 0.68, P = 0.012). Results for blood group B varied according to which control cohort was used for comparison. When patients were classified according to surgical treatment, the enrichment of blood group A was most prominent among unresected cases (54.0%), who also had the lowest prevalence of O (28.7%). There was a statistically significant better survival (P = 0.04) for blood group O cases than non-O cases among unresected but not among resected patients. Secretor status did not show an association with PDAC or survival. Our study demonstrates that pancreatic cancer risk is influenced by ABO status, in particular blood groups O and A 1 , and that this association may reflect also in tumor resectability and survival. © 2017 The Authors. Cancer Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. ABO Blood Groups Influence Macrophage-mediated Phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-infected Erythrocytes (United States)

    Branch, Donald R.; Hult, Annika K.; Olsson, Martin L.; Liles, W. Conrad; Cserti-Gazdewich, Christine M.; Kain, Kevin C.


    Erythrocyte polymorphisms associated with a survival advantage to Plasmodium falciparum infection have undergone positive selection. There is a predominance of blood group O in malaria-endemic regions, and several lines of evidence suggest that ABO blood groups may influence the outcome of P. falciparum infection. Based on the hypothesis that enhanced innate clearance of infected polymorphic erythrocytes is associated with protection from severe malaria, we investigated whether P. falciparum-infected O erythrocytes are more efficiently cleared by macrophages than infected A and B erythrocytes. We show that human macrophages in vitro and mouse monocytes in vivo phagocytose P. falciparum-infected O erythrocytes more avidly than infected A and B erythrocytes and that uptake is associated with increased hemichrome deposition and high molecular weight band 3 aggregates in infected O erythrocytes. Using infected A1, A2, and O erythrocytes, we demonstrate an inverse association of phagocytic capacity with the amount of A antigen on the surface of infected erythrocytes. Finally, we report that enzymatic conversion of B erythrocytes to type as O before infection significantly enhances their uptake by macrophages to observed level comparable to that with infected O wild-type erythrocytes. These data provide the first evidence that ABO blood group antigens influence macrophage clearance of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes and suggest an additional mechanism by which blood group O may confer resistance to severe malaria. PMID:23071435

  10. Relative Susceptibilities of ABO Blood Groups to Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Ghana

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    Richmond Afoakwah


    Full Text Available The clinical outcome of falciparum malaria in endemic areas is influenced by erythrocyte polymorphisms including the ABO blood groups. Studies have reported association of ABO blood group to resistance, susceptibility, and severity of P. falciparum malaria infection. Individuals with blood group “A” have been found to be highly susceptible to falciparum malaria whereas blood group “O” is said to confer protection against complicated cases. We analyzed samples from 293 young children less than six years old with malaria in the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana. It was observed that group O was present in about 16.1% of complicated cases weighed against 40.9% of uncomplicated controls. Individuals with complicated malaria were about twice likely to be of blood groups A and B compared to group O (A versus O, OR = 1.90, 95% CI = 1.59–2.26, P<0.0001; B versus O, OR = 1.82. 95% CI = 1.57–2.23, P<0.0001. Blood group O participants with complicated diseases had low parasitaemia compared to the other blood groups (P<0.0001. This may give blood group O individuals a survival advantage over the other groups in complicated malaria as suggested. Participants with complicated falciparum malaria were generally anaemic and younger than those with uncomplicated disease.

  11. Qualidade de vida da criança com insuficiência renal crônica Cualidad de vida de niños con insuficiencia renal crónica Life quality of children with chronic renal failure

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    Mirna Albuquerque Frota


    Full Text Available O estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade de vida de crianças com insuficiência renal crônica e identificar os domínios mais relevantes. É descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, para a qual se utilizou a aplicação do Autoquestionnaire Qualité de Vie Enfant Imagé (AUQEI. Realizado no Instituto do Rim, em Fortaleza-CE-Brasil, com 13 crianças com diagnóstico de insuficiência renal crônica. Os dados foram analisados por meio da técnica de análise temática e do programa estatístico EXCEL. Emergiram as categorias: Dor no momento da diálise; Hospitalização; Limitações da doença e tratamento; Expectativa do transplante; e Apoio/aproximação familiar. A análise dos dados indicou que 61,53% das crianças possuem qualidade de vida regular, enquanto 38,46% têm essa qualidade prejudicada. As dimensões mais representativas foram: Lazer e Família, sendo Autonomia a dimensão mais comprometida. A qualidade de vida de criança com insuficiência renal crônica é considerada satisfatória, apesar das limitações.El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la cualidad de vida de niños con insuficiencia renal crónica e identificar los dominios más importantes. Es descriptivo, con abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo, donde se utilizó la aplicación del Autoquestionnaire Qualité de Vie Enfant Imagé (AUQEI. Realizado en el Instituto del Riñón, en Fortaleza-CE-Brasil, con 13 niños con diagnóstico de insuficiencia renal crónica. Los datos fueron analizados a través de la técnica de análisis temática y del programa EXCEL. Emergieron las categorías: Dolor en el momento de la diálisis; Hospitalización; limitaciones de la enfermedad y tratamiento; expectativa del trasplante; y apoyo/aproximación familiar. El análisis de los datos indicó que 61,53% de los niños poseen una cualidad de vida regular, mientras 38,46% tienen esta cualidad perjudicada. Las dimensiones más representativas fueron: entretenimiento y familia

  12. Distribution of von Willebrand factor levels in young women with and without bleeding symptoms: influence of ABO blood group and promoter haplotypes

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Lethagen, S.; Hillarp, A.; Ekholm, C.


    menstrual cycle, or the use of oral contraceptives. No case fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for VWD. In conclusion, low VWF:RCo was significantly more frequent in females with bleeding symptoms. However, we found no case fulfilling strict diagnostic criteria for VWD. The ABO blood group was a strong....... It was the objective of the present study to evaluate the distribution of VWF levels in young females with or without bleeding symptoms in this population, and the influence of ABO blood group and promoter haplotypes on VWF levels and to identify a possible increased prevalence of VWD in females with bleeding symptoms...



    Ajit; Dolly


    BACKGROUND: ABO and Rh blood groups are most important blood groups in human beings. The frequency of four main blood group systems varies in population throughout the world and even in different parts of country. Objective if this study was to identify distribution o f ABO and Rh blood group system. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Blood samples from 10680 tribals were collected in Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh during the month of June 2012. Among 10680 tribals, 5670 wer...

  14. Gene frequencies of ABO and Rh blood groups in Nigeria: A review

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    Abass Toba Anifowoshe


    Conclusion: The study provides information on the distribution/frequency of ABO/Rh(D blood group and their corresponding allelic proportion in a large Nigeria study. It also revealed how the Nigerian populations in the North, South, West and East vary with respect to genetic traits. This vital information will be important for population genetics and anthropology studies and may be helpful in planning for future health strategy and blueprint, particularly planning with regards to disease management and blood transfusion medicine.

  15. Does Your Terrestrial Model Capture Key Arctic-Boreal Relationships?: Functional Benchmarks in the ABoVE Model Benchmarking System (United States)

    Stofferahn, E.; Fisher, J. B.; Hayes, D. J.; Schwalm, C. R.; Huntzinger, D. N.; Hantson, W.


    The Arctic-Boreal Region (ABR) is a major source of uncertainties for terrestrial biosphere model (TBM) simulations. These uncertainties are precipitated by a lack of observational data from the region, affecting the parameterizations of cold environment processes in the models. Addressing these uncertainties requires a coordinated effort of data collection and integration of the following key indicators of the ABR ecosystem: disturbance, vegetation / ecosystem structure and function, carbon pools and biogeochemistry, permafrost, and hydrology. We are continuing to develop the model-data integration framework for NASA's Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE), wherein data collection is driven by matching observations and model outputs to the ABoVE indicators via the ABoVE Grid and Projection. The data are used as reference datasets for a benchmarking system which evaluates TBM performance with respect to ABR processes. The benchmarking system utilizes two types of performance metrics to identify model strengths and weaknesses: standard metrics, based on the International Land Model Benchmarking (ILaMB) system, which relate a single observed variable to a single model output variable, and functional benchmarks, wherein the relationship of one variable to one or more variables (e.g. the dependence of vegetation structure on snow cover, the dependence of active layer thickness (ALT) on air temperature and snow cover) is ascertained in both observations and model outputs. This in turn provides guidance to model development teams for reducing uncertainties in TBM simulations of the ABR.

  16. Relationship of ABO and Rh blood groups with history of gastritis in the undergraduate medical and dental students: a cross-sectional study

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    Nilu Manandhar


    Full Text Available Background & Objectives: The various ABO and Rh blood groups with different distribution frequencies in the general population have been found to be associated with different diseases, most notably gastritis. Many studies have claimed Rh groups to be indifferent to such association. Nonetheless, ABO group is found to linked with chronic gastritis. The aim of this study was to estimate the frequencies of ABO and Rh blood groups and the gastritis amongst the first and second year undergraduate medical and dental students; and to study their relationships. Materials & Methods: In a descriptive, cross-sectional study, 247 study participants were enrolled. After procuring clearance from the institutional review committee and the informed and written consent from the study participants, data collection was done on the variables, year of study (first or second year, gender, blood groups (ABO and Rh and history of gastritis (present or absent.Results: Blood group O was the commonest (n=99; 40.1% followed by group B (n=77; 31.2%. Similarly, 239 (96.8% participants were Rh-positive as compared to 8 (3.2% Rh-negative. Interestingly, 46 (18.6% of the participants reported positive history of gastritis. Participants with blood group O had the greatest odds (OR=1.64 of having history of gastritis compared with those with other blood groups combined. Distribution of study participants based on gender and history of gastritis in either systems of blood grouping shoed no significant difference in their proportions (p>0.05. Conclusion: In light of the above findings, further longitudinal studies can be designed to better asses the relationship.

  17. ABO blood type correlates with survival on prostate cancer vaccine therapy. (United States)

    Muthana, Saddam M; Gulley, James L; Hodge, James W; Schlom, Jeffrey; Gildersleeve, Jeffrey C


    Immunotherapies for cancer are transforming patient care, but clinical responses vary considerably from patient to patient. Simple, inexpensive strategies to target treatment to likely responders could substantially improve efficacy while simultaneously reducing health care costs, but identification of reliable biomarkers has proven challenging. Previously, we found that pre-treatment serum IgM to blood group A (BG-A) correlated with survival for patients treated with PROSTVAC-VF, a therapeutic cancer vaccine in phase III clinical trials for the treatment of prostate cancer. These results suggested that ABO blood type might influence efficacy. Unfortunately, blood types were not available in the clinical records for all but 8 patients and insufficient amounts of sera were left for standard blood typing methods. To test the hypothesis, therefore, we developed a new glycan microarray-based method for determining ABO blood type. The method requires only 4 μL of serum, provides 97% accuracy, and allows simultaneous profiling of many other serum anti-glycan antibodies. After validation with 220 healthy subjects of known blood type, the method was then applied to 74 PROSTVAC-VF patients and 37 control patients from a phase II trial. In this retrospective study, we found that type B and O PROSTVAC-VF patients demonstrated markedly improved clinical outcomes relative to A and AB patients, including longer median survival, longer median survival relative to Halabi predicted survival, and improved overall survival via Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (p = 0.006). Consequently, blood type may provide an inexpensive screen to pre-select patients likely to benefit from PROSTVAC-VF therapy.

  18. 148. Utilidad del sistema oxigenador de membrana extracorpórea como puente al trasplante pulmonar y como asistencia quirúrgica para la realización del mismo. una nueva indicación en nuestro centro

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    J.A. Sarralde


    Conclusiones: La ECMO es útil para pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria refractaria a medidas convencionales incluidos en lista de espera, así como para aquellos que precisen circulación extracorpórea para realización del trasplante pulmonar, disminuyendo las posibles complicaciones y aumentando la supervivencia.

  19. Helicobacter pylori infection according to ABO blood group among blood donors in Kosovo


    Bukurije Zhubi; Zana Baruti-Gafurri; Ymer Mekaj; Mimoza Zhubi; Idriz Merovci; Iliriane Bunjaku; Valdete Topciu; Emine Devoli-Disha


    Introduction: Numerous studies have reported a high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection among healthy and non-healthy persons in different places. The Aim of the study is to investigate the seroprevalence of H. pylori infection among Kosovo’s Blood donor associated with ABO/Rhesus blood group.Methods: 671 blood donors are tested for H. pylori antibodies and results are classifi ed by way of donation, age, gender, blood groups and education level. Serum antibodies are analyzed by Enzym...

  20. Evaluation of new indigenous "point-of-care" ABO and Rh grouping device. (United States)

    Tiwari, Aseem Kumar; Setya, Divya; Aggarwal, Geet; Arora, Dinesh; Dara, Ravi C; Ratan, Ankita; Bhardwaj, Gunjan; Acharya, Devi Prasad


    Erycard 2.0 is a "point-of-care" device that is primarily being used for patient blood grouping before transfusion. Erycard 2.0 was compared with conventional slide technology for accuracy and time taken for ABO and Rh forward grouping result with column agglutination technology (CAT) being the gold standard. Erycard 2.0 as a device was also evaluated for its stability under different storage conditions and stability of result till 48 h. In addition, grouping of hemolyzed samples was also tested with Erycard 2.0. Ease of use of Erycard 2.0 was evaluated with a survey among paramedical staff. Erycard 2.0 demonstrated 100% concordance with CAT as compared with slide technique (98.9%). Mean time taken per test by Erycard 2.0 and slide technique was 5.13 min and 1.7 min, respectively. After pretesting storage under different temperature and humidity conditions, Erycard 2.0 did not show any deviation from the result. The result did not change even after 48 h of testing and storage under room temperature. 100% concordance was recorded between pre- and post-hemolyzed blood grouping. Ease of use survey revealed that Erycard 2.0 was more acceptable to paramedical staff for its simplicity, objectivity, and performance than conventional slide technique. Erycard 2.0 can be used as "point-of-care" device for blood donor screening for ABO and Rh blood group and can possibly replace conventional slide technique.

  1. Results of a multicenter prospective clinical study in Japan for evaluating efficacy and safety of desensitization protocol based on rituximab in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation. (United States)

    Takahashi, Kota; Saito, Kazuhide; Takahara, Shiro; Fuchinoue, Shohei; Yagisawa, Takashi; Aikawa, Atsushi; Watarai, Yoshihiko; Yoshimura, Norio; Tanabe, Kazunari; Morozumi, Kunio; Shimazu, Motohide


    Deceased organ donations are rare in Japan, with most kidney transplants performed from a limited number of living donors. Researchers have thus developed highly successful ABO-incompatible transplantation procedures, emphasizing preoperative desensitization and postoperative immunosuppression. A recent open-label, single-arm, multicenter clinical study prospectively examined the efficacy and safety of rituximab/mycophenolate mofetil desensitization in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation without splenectomy. Mycophenolate mofetil and low dose steroid were started 28 days pretransplant, followed by two doses of rituximab 375 mg/m 2 at day -14 and day -1, and postoperative immunosuppression with tacrolimus or ciclosporin and basiliximab. The primary endpoint was the non-occurrence rate of acute antibody-mediated rejection. Patient survival and graft survival were monitored for 1 year posttransplant. Eighteen patients received rituximab and underwent ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation. CD19-positive peripheral B cell count decreased rapidly after the first rituximab infusion and recovered gradually after week 36. The desensitization protocol was tolerable, and most rituximab-related infusion reactions were mild. No anti-A/B antibody-mediated rejection occurred with this series. One patient developed anti-HLA antibody-mediated rejection (Banff 07 type II) on day 2, which was successfully managed. Patient and graft survival were both 100 % after 1 year. Our desensitization protocol was confirmed to be clinically effective and with acceptable toxicities for ABO-I-KTx (University Hospital Medical Information Network Registration Number: UMIN000006635).

  2. Role of ABO secretor status in mucosal innate immunity and H. pylori infection.

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    Sara Lindén


    Full Text Available The fucosylated ABH antigens, which constitute the molecular basis for the ABO blood group system, are also expressed in salivary secretions and gastrointestinal epithelia in individuals of positive secretor status; however, the biological function of the ABO blood group system is unknown. Gastric mucosa biopsies of 41 Rhesus monkeys originating from Southern Asia were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. A majority of these animals were found to be of blood group B and weak-secretor phenotype (i.e., expressing both Lewis a and Lewis b antigens, which are also common in South Asian human populations. A selected group of ten monkeys was inoculated with Helicobacter pylori and studied for changes in gastric mucosal glycosylation during a 10-month period. We observed a loss in mucosal fucosylation and concurrent induction and time-dependent dynamics in gastric mucosal sialylation (carbohydrate marker of inflammation, which affect H. pylori adhesion targets and thus modulate host-bacterial interactions. Of particular relevance, gastric mucosal density of H. pylori, gastritis, and sialylation were all higher in secretor individuals compared to weak-secretors, the latter being apparently "protected." These results demonstrate that the secretor status plays an intrinsic role in resistance to H. pylori infection and suggest that the fucosylated secretor ABH antigens constitute interactive members of the human and primate mucosal innate immune system.

  3. Metabolismo mineral óseo en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica: Revisión sobre su fisiopatología y morbimortalidad

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    Jeanette Bernuy

    Full Text Available La enfermedad mineral ósea (EMO es un término amplio que incluye a las alteraciones séricas del calcio, fósforo, vitamina D, paratohormona, anormalidades en el crecimiento, mineralización ósea y/o a las calcificaciones extraesqueléticas que acompañan al paciente con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC. Está presente en casi la totalidad de pacientes en diálisis y con el trasplante renal puede no siempre mejorar. Se han identificado nuevos factores y hormonas; como klotho y factor de crecimiento de fibroblastos-23 (FGF-23 que interactúan con la vitamina D y con la paratohormona en el manejo renal del calcio y fósforo. Ciertos reportes indican que son marcadores precoces del desarrollo de EMO, incluso cuando la función renal está levemente disminuida y los niveles de paratohormona son normales. La EMO ha sido asociada con mayor mortalidad, principalmente por su vinculación con la calcificación vascular. Este proceso conlleva a un incremento de eventos cardiovasculares que constituyen la principal causa de morbimortalidad en pacientes con ERC, sobre todo aquellos que se encuentran en diálisis, independientemente de la modalidad que los pacientes sigan. La forma de presentación de la EMO puede ser de alto o bajo recambio. Aunque no está completamente definido qué es lo que determina que se exprese una en particular, se ha encontrado que la enfermedad de bajo recambio se relaciona con malnutrición, uso inadecuado de calcitriol y diálisis ineficiente. El conocimiento de la EMO es relevante por su asociación con las complicaciones mencionadas y porque constituye un parámetro para evaluar la terapia instalada

  4. Oral administration of Chinese herbal medicine during gestation period for preventing hemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO incompatibility: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. (United States)

    Cao, Huijuan; Wu, Ruohan; Han, Mei; Caldwell, Patrina Ha Yuen; Liu, Jian-Ping


    About 85.3% of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is caused by maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility. However, there is currently no recommended "best" therapy for ABO incompatibility during pregnancy. To systematically assess the safety and effectiveness of oral Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) for preventing HDN due to ABO incompatibility. The protocol of this review was registered on the PROSPERO website (No. CRD42016038637).Six databases were searched from inception to April 2016. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of CHM for maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility were included. The primary outcome was incidence of HDN. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess the methodological quality of included trials. Risk ratios (RR) and mean differences with 95% confidence interval were used as effect measures. Meta-analyses using Revman 5.3 software were conducted if there were sufficient trials without obvious clinical or statistical heterogeneity available. Totally 28 RCTs involving3413 women were included in the review. The majority of the trials had unclear or high risk of bias. Our study found that the rate of HDN and the incidence of neonatal jaundice might be 70% lower in the herbal medicine group compared with the usual care group (RR from 0.25 to 0.30).After treatment with herbal medicine, women were twice as likely to have antibody titers lower than 1:64 compared with women who received usual care(RR from 2.15 to 3.14) and the umbilical cord blood bilirubin level in the herbal medicine group was 4umol/L lower than in those receiving usual care. There was no difference in Apgar scores or birthweights between the two groups. This review found very low-quality evidence that CHM prevented HDN caused by maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility. No firm conclusions can be drawn regarding the effectiveness or safety of CHM for this condition.

  5. Oral administration of Chinese herbal medicine during gestation period for preventing hemolytic disease of the newborn due to ABO incompatibility: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.

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    Huijuan Cao

    Full Text Available About 85.3% of hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN is caused by maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility. However, there is currently no recommended "best" therapy for ABO incompatibility during pregnancy.To systematically assess the safety and effectiveness of oral Chinese herbal medicine (CHM for preventing HDN due to ABO incompatibility.The protocol of this review was registered on the PROSPERO website (No. CRD42016038637.Six databases were searched from inception to April 2016. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs of CHM for maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility were included. The primary outcome was incidence of HDN. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to assess the methodological quality of included trials. Risk ratios (RR and mean differences with 95% confidence interval were used as effect measures. Meta-analyses using Revman 5.3 software were conducted if there were sufficient trials without obvious clinical or statistical heterogeneity available.Totally 28 RCTs involving3413 women were included in the review. The majority of the trials had unclear or high risk of bias. Our study found that the rate of HDN and the incidence of neonatal jaundice might be 70% lower in the herbal medicine group compared with the usual care group (RR from 0.25 to 0.30.After treatment with herbal medicine, women were twice as likely to have antibody titers lower than 1:64 compared with women who received usual care(RR from 2.15 to 3.14 and the umbilical cord blood bilirubin level in the herbal medicine group was 4umol/L lower than in those receiving usual care. There was no difference in Apgar scores or birthweights between the two groups.This review found very low-quality evidence that CHM prevented HDN caused by maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility. No firm conclusions can be drawn regarding the effectiveness or safety of CHM for this condition.

  6. A retrospective study: ABO and Rh phenotype blood group distribution among blood donors in H.N.B. Base Hospital, Srinagar, Uttarakhand, India

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    Satish Kumar


    Full Text Available Objective: To determine the prevalence of ABO and Rh blood groups based on the antigenic presence on the surface of red blood cells with respect to gender and calculate allele frequency of the blood groups. Globally, approximately 700 type red cell antigens have been identified till now. ABO and Rh blood groups play an important role in the process of blood transfusion, resolving certain medicolegal issues, parental testing, and various genetic studies. Methods: This study was conducted in H.N.B. Base Hospital, Srinagar, Uttarakhand, from January 2012 to December 2016. Relevant data of blood donors were collected from blood bank department of the hospital. Blood grouping was conducted using commercially available standard monoclonal antisera applying test tube and column agglutination techniques. Results: Out of 9883 individuals, 9333 (92.4% were males and 750 (7.6% were female individuals. The most common blood group found was B (31.68% and least common being AB (11.70%. The prevalence of Rhesus positive and negative distribution in the present studied population was found as 93.51% and 6.49%, respectively. Overall, male ABO group pattern found was shown by formula B > A > O > AB which was similar among Rh-positive male individuals while Rh-negative males' pattern was found as A > B = O > AB. In females, ABO group pattern was B > O > A > AB which was similar to Rh-positive female pattern while differs in Rh negative. The estimated allele frequencies were found as 0.2403, 0.2475, and 0.5122 for IA (p, IB (q, and IO (r, respectively. Conclusion: The most common blood group found among the Gharwali donors was B positive while the least common was AB negative, which plays an important contribution for making government policies to develop National Health Program.

  7. Access to Liver Transplantation in Different ABO-Blood Groups and "Exceptions Points" in a Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Allocation System: A Brazilian Single-Center Study. (United States)

    Martino, R B; Waisberg, D R; Dias, A P M; Inoue, V B S; Arantes, R M; Haddad, L B P; Rocha-Santos, V; Pinheiro, R S N; Nacif, L S; D'Albuquerque, L A C


    In the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) system, patients with "MELD exceptions" points may have unfair privilege in the competition for liver grafts. Furthermore, organ distribution following identical ABO blood types may also result in unjust organ allocation. The aim of this study was to investigate access to liver transplantation in a tertiary Brazilian center, regarding "MELD exceptions" situations and among ABO-blood groups. A total of 465 adult patients on the liver waitlist from August 2015 to August 2016 were followed up until August 2017. Patients were divided into groups according to ABO-blood type and presence of "exceptions points." No differences in outcomes were observed among ABO-blood groups. However, patients from B and AB blood types spent less time on the list than patients from A and O groups (median, 46, 176, 415, and 401 days, respectively; P = .03). "Exceptions points" were granted for 141 patients (30.1%), hepatocellular carcinoma being the most common reason (52.4%). Patients with "exceptions points" showed higher transplantation rate, lower mortality on the list, and lower delta-MELD than non-exceptions patients (56.7% vs 19.1% [P blood types, despite shorter time on the waitlist for AB and B groups. The current MELD exception system provides advantages for candidates with "exception points," resulting in superior outcomes compared with those without exceptions. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Cooperación jurídica internacional en materia de donación y trasplante de organos: hacia un nuevo paradigma

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    Joaquín Cayón de las CUEVAS


    Full Text Available RESUMEN El trasplante de órganos puede contribuir decisivamente no sólo a salvar vidas sino también a mejorar la calidad de las mismas. Sin embargo, el problema fundamental al que se enfrenta este tipo de terapias es la desproporción entre la oferta y la demanda. El número de donantes es, por definición, muy limitado y la donación puede no resultar posible por motivos diversos tales como la falta de autorización familiar o la ausencia de condiciones necesarias. Así las cosas, la dificultad en el acceso a las terapias de trasplante constituye el reflejo de una de las desigualdades en salud. Por otra parte, la escasez de órganos hace pervivir el indeseable fenómeno de la comercialización internacional. Resulta evidente que el problema de la insuficiencia de donantes afecta a toda la comunidad trasplantadora internacional dado que las necesidades de trasplantes son equivalentes en las diferentes regiones del mundo. En este sentido, el futuro pasa por propiciar una progresiva integración de las políticas públicas en materia de donación y trasplantes de órganos, superando el actual estadio de cooperación intergubernamental, loable pero insuficiente, para adentrarnos gradualmente en un nuevo paradigma de coordinación internacional de ámbito regional, condicionado a la previa armonización de la legislación de las naciones afectadas, que permita cifras homologables de donantes. Este nuevo paradigma de coordinación debe instrumentar mecanismos de prevención del fenómeno del turismo de trasplantes pero también facilitar y potenciar el intercambio internacional de órganos, removiendo desigualdades en el acceso al tratamiento trasplantador. RESUMO O transplante de órgãos pode ser valiosa não só para salvar vidas, mas também para melhorar a qualidade dos pacientes. No entanto, o problema fundamental dessas terapias é o desequilíbrio entre oferta e demanda. O número de doadores é muito limitado e a doação pode não ser

  9. ABO blood groups: A risk factor for left atrial and left atrial appendage thrombogenic milieu in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. (United States)

    Fu, Yuan; Li, Kuibao; Yang, Xinchun


    Previous studies have identified ABO blood groups as predictors of thromboembolic diseases. In patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), however, potential association between ABO blood groups and the risk of left atrial (LA) and/or left atrial appendage (LAA) thrombogenic milieu (TM) has not been established. This is a retrospective case-control study that included 125 consecutive patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) plus TM, as evidenced by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) during a period from1 January 2010 to 31 December 2016. The controls were selected randomly from 1072 NVAF without TM at a 1:2 ratio. Potential association between ABO blood groups and TM was analyzed using multivariate logistic regression analysis. The risk of TM was higher in patients with blood group A (33.6% vs. 20.2% in non-A blood groups, P=0.005). After adjusting for age, sex, oral anticoagulant use, AF type and duration, and relevant functional measures (e.g., NT-pro BNP level, left atrium diameter, and left ventricular ejection fraction), blood group A remained associated with an increased risk of TM (OR=2.99, 95% CI 1.4-6.388, P=0.005). Blood group A is an independent risk factor for TM in NVAF patients. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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    Luis Causil -Vargas


    Full Text Available Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la frecuencia y distribución de grupos sanguíneos ABO y factor Rh en los estudiantes en la Universidad de Córdo­ba, Colombia, sede Berástegui. Metodología: Mediante la realización de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, en una población total de 1.112, de la cual se obtuvo una muestra de 127 personas entre las edades de 17-27 años. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que el fenotipo A es el fenotipo más común con 51,18%, seguido de tipo fenotipo O con 37%, B con el 8,66% y AB con 3, 14%. Un total de 91,33%, voluntarios son Rh positivo, mientras que el resto son Rh negativo. Conclusión: El grupo sanguíneo A y factor Rh positivo son dominantes en ambos sexos. Palabras claves: Grupo Sanguí¬neo, factor Rh, sistema ABO, fenotipo.

  11. Factores asociados a calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de pacientes trasplantados de riñón

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    Carolina Pérez Blancas


    Full Text Available Introducción: El Trasplante Renal es la terapia renal sustitutiva que proporciona mayores beneficios a los pacientes con Insuficiencia Renal Crónica Terminal. Aún así, el paciente que ha recibido un injerto renal, sigue siendo un enfermo crónico que no tiene resueltos sus problemas de salud y cuya calidad de vida está asociada con diferentes factores que pueden influir en la misma. Objetivo: Conocer la producción científica sobre la CVRS del paciente TR. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos de Pubmed, Science Direct, Google Académico, Scielo y Scopus. Se incluyeron artículos científicos escritos en inglés y español. Posteriormente se analizaron los artículos que trataban sobre la calidad de vida en el paciente trasplantado renal, excluyendo aquellos artículos que no presentaban resultados o no aportaban suficientes datos y aquellos que tenían como objeto de estudio pacientes pediátricos. Resultados: Se han incluido en esta revisión 42 artículos publicados entre el año 2000 y 2015. La mayoría de los estudios son trasversales y observacionales descriptivos y el Short Form-36 Health Survey es el instrumento más usado. Las variables estudiadas han sido género, edad, estado civil, nivel de estudios, datos bioquímicos, empleo, ingresos, tratamiento inmunosupresor, problemas psicológicos, diagnóstico principal, tiempo post TR, tiempo en diálisis, trasplante vivo vs cadáver y comorbilidades. Los datos que han mostrado correlación significativa sobre CVRS han sido género, estado civil, ingresos, nivel de estudios, datos bioquímicos, tratamiento, tiempo en diálisis y comorbilidades. Conclusiones: A la vista de estos resultados podemos afirmar que los factores que influyen de manera positiva sobre la CVRS son el sexo masculino, estar casado o tener pareja, alto nivel de estudios, niveles elevados de hemoglobina y hematocrito, y trasplante renal procedente de donante vivo. El TR presenta mejor CVRS

  12. Frequency and correlation of lip prints, fingerprints and ABO blood groups in population of Sriganganagar District, Rajasthan. (United States)

    Sandhu, Harpreet; Verma, Pradhuman; Padda, Sarfaraz; Raj, Seetharamaiha Sunder


    To investigate the frequency and uniqueness of different lip print patterns, fingerprint patterns in relation to gender and ABO Rh blood groups among a semi-urban population of Sriganganagar, Rajasthan. The study was conducted on 1200 healthy volunteers aged 18-30 years. The cheiloscopic and dermatographic data of each subject were obtained and were analysed according to the Suzuki and Tsuchihashi and Henry systems of classification, respectively. Two forensic experts analyzed the patterns independently. The ABO Rh blood group was also recorded for each subject. The Chi square statistical analysis was done and tests were considered significant when p value blood group was noted as most common in both genders while least common were A- among males and AB- in females. Type II lip pattern was most predominant while the least common was Type I' in males and Type I' and Type V in females. The UL fingerprint pattern was the most common, while RL was least noted in both genders. All the fingerprint patterns showed correlation with different lip print patterns. A correlation was found between different blood groups and lip print patterns except Type I (vertical) lip pattern. A positive correlation was observed between all the blood groups and fingerprint patterns, except for RL pattern. There is an association between lip print patterns, fingerprint patterns and ABO blood groups in both the genders. Thus, correlating the uniqueness of these physical evidences sometimes helps the forensic team members in accurate personal identification or it can at least narrow the search for an individual where there are no possible data referring to the identity of the subject. Copyright © 2017 by Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  13. Reviewing the pathogenesis of antibody-mediated rejection and renal graft pathology after kidney transplantation. (United States)

    Morozumi, Kunio; Takeda, Asami; Otsuka, Yasuhiro; Horike, Keiji; Gotoh, Norihiko; Narumi, Shunji; Watarai, Yoshihiko; Kobayashi, Takaaki


    The clinicopathological context of rejection after kidney transplantation was well recognized. Banff conferences greatly contributed to elucidate the pathogenesis and to establish the pathologic criteria of rejection after kidney transplantation. The most important current problem of renal transplantation is de novo donor-specific antibody (DSA) production leading chronic rejection and graft loss. Microvascular inflammation is considered as a reliable pathological marker for antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) in the presence of DSA. Electron microscopic study allowed us to evaluate early changes in peritubular capillaries in T-lymphocyte mediated rejection and transition to antibody-mediated rejection. Severe endothelial injuries with edema and activated lymphocyte invaded into subendothelial space with early multi-layering of peritubular capillary basement membrane suggest T-lymphocyte mediated rejection induce an unbounded chain of antibody-mediated rejection. The risk factors of AMR after ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation are important issues. Anti-ABO blood type antibody titre of IgG excess 32-fold before transplant operation is the only predictable factor for acute AMR. Characteristics of chronic active antibody-mediated rejection (CAAMR) are one of the most important problems. Light microscopic findings and C4d stain of peritubular capillary and glomerular capillary are useful diagnostic criteria of CAAMR. Microvascular inflammation, double contour of glomerular capillary and thickening of peritubular capillary basement are good predictive factors of the presence of de novo DSA. C4d stain of linear glomerular capillary is a more sensitive marker for CAAMR than positive C4d of peritubular capillary. Early and sensitive diagnostic attempts of diagnosing CAAMR are pivotal to prevent chronic graft failure. © 2016 Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology.

  14. Genetic and epigenetic alterations of the blood group ABO gene in oral squamous cell carcinoma

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Gao, Shan; Worm, Jesper; Guldberg, Per


    Loss of histo-blood group A and B antigen expression is a frequent event in oral carcinomas and is associated with decreased activity of glycosyltransferases encoded by the ABO gene. We examined 30 oral squamous cell carcinomas for expression of A and B antigens and glycosyltransferases. We also....... Collectively, we have identified molecular events that may account for loss of A/B antigen expression in 67% of oral squamous cell carcinomas....

  15. Análisis del impacto de los valores personales en la elección del Tratamiento Sustitutivo Renal

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    Ana Isabel Aguilera Flórez

    Full Text Available Resumen Una de las actividades que se realizan en el proceso educativo con herramientas de ayuda a la toma de decisión (HATD es ayudarles a explorar sus valores mediante las "tarjetas de valores". El objetivo del estudio fue, conocer los valores de las personas con Enfermedad Renal Crónica en la elección de modalidad de Tratamiento Sustitutivo Renal y analizar si existía relación entre los mensajes de las tarjetas y la modalidad de tratamiento. Estudio retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 281 pacientes que pasaron por el proceso de educación con HATD entre los años 2011-2016. Los datos se obtuvieron de los registros de enfermería de la historia clínica. Se estudiaron variables demográficas, tarjetas de valores y elección de tratamiento. La muestra fue de 281 pacientes. Las 3 tarjetas que obtuvieron un mayor porcentaje de elección fueron, Personal sanitario responsable del tratamiento (14,20%, Ser independiente (13,65%, Impacto para la familia (13,30%; según la modalidad de tratamiento elegida, HD: Impacto para la familia (15,94%, Personal sanitario responsable del tratamiento (15,58%, Ser independiente (13,04%. DP: Ser independiente (18,95%, Personal sanitario responsable del tratamiento (15,26%, Impacto para la familia (14,21%. Tratamiento médico conservador: Ser independiente (25,2%, Autonomía e Impacto para la familia (12,5%. Trasplante de donante vivo: Personal sanitario responsable tratamiento (30%, Ser independiente (30%, Autonomía (10%. Podemos concluir que la mayoría de los mensajes de las tarjetas, parecen estar en concordancia con la modalidad elegida. No hay valores propios de una modalidad de tratamiento sustitutivo renal sino personas con diferentes valores que marcan la toma de decisión.

  16. Grupos sanguíneos ABO, RhD y esclerosis múltiple ABO and RhD blood groups in multiple sclerosis

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    Leslie Pérez-Ruiz


    Full Text Available La fisiopatología de la esclerosis múltiple es incierta; la hipótesis más fundada es la existencia de un proceso autoinmune en el que existe predisposición genética. El sistema de grupos sanguíneos está compuesto por antígenos fácilmente detectables, por lo que constituye excelente marcador genético. Para determinar frecuencia de distribución de los grupos sanguíneos en pacientes con esclerosis múltiple, se estudiaron 70 enfermos, de quienes se obtuvieron datos demográficos, clínicos y de escalas evolutivas. Se seleccionaron 180 controles al azar simple mediante muestreo multietápico del universo integrado por 4 747 donantes de sangre. Se determinaron los grupo sanguíneos ABO y RhD. Se calculó X² con precisión del 95 % e intervalo de confianza de las diferencias porcentuales. En ambos grupos fue más frecuente el RhD+ (85,7 % casos y 90 % controles. El grupo sanguíneo A estuvo en el 60 % de los pacientes y el grupo O predominó en los donantes (55 %, con diferencia significativa p=0,003 y OR=2,85. De acuerdo con este estudio, existe una asociación entre el grupo sanguíneo A con la esclerosis múltiple.The physiopathology of multiple sclerosis is uncertain. The best founded hypothesis is the existence of an autoimmune process in which genetic predisposition plays a role. The system of blood groups consists of easily detectable antigens; therefore, it is an excellent genetic marker. To determine the distribution frequency of blood groups in patients with multiple sclerosis, 70 ill persons were studied, about whom demographic, clinical and evolutionary scale data were obtained. 180 controls were selected by simple random multistage sampling of a universe of 4 747 blood donors. Blood groups ABO and RhD were determined. X² was calculated with a 95% accuracy and confidence interval of percent differences. RhD+ was more frequent in both groups (85.7 % cases and 90% controls. Blood group A was found in 60 % patients, whereas

  17. Collaboration During the NASA ABoVE Airborne SAR Campaign: Sampling Strategies Used by NGEE Arctic and Other Partners in Alaska and Western Canada (United States)

    Wullschleger, S. D.; Charsley-Groffman, L.; Baltzer, J. L.; Berg, A. A.; Griffith, P. C.; Jafarov, E. E.; Marsh, P.; Miller, C. E.; Schaefer, K. M.; Siqueira, P.; Wilson, C. J.; Kasischke, E. S.


    There is considerable interest in using L- and P-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data to monitor variations in aboveground woody biomass, soil moisture, and permafrost conditions in high-latitude ecosystems. Such information is useful for quantifying spatial heterogeneity in surface and subsurface properties, and for model development and evaluation. To conduct these studies, it is desirable that field studies share a common sampling strategy so that the data from multiple sites can be combined and used to analyze variations in conditions across different landscape geomorphologies and vegetation types. In 2015, NASA launched the decade-long Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) to study the sensitivity and resilience of these ecosystems to disturbance and environmental change. NASA is able to leverage its remote sensing strengths to collect airborne and satellite observations to capture important ecosystem properties and dynamics across large spatial scales. A critical component of this effort includes collection of ground-based data that can be used to analyze, calibrate and validate remote sensing products. ABoVE researchers at a large number of sites located in important Arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska and western Canada are following common design protocols and strategies for measuring soil moisture, thaw depth, biomass, and wetland inundation. Here we elaborate on those sampling strategies as used in the 2017 summer SAR campaign and address the sampling design and measurement protocols for supporting the ABoVE aerial activities. Plot size, transect length, and distribution of replicates across the landscape systematically allowed investigators to optimally sample a site for soil moisture, thaw depth, and organic layer thickness. Specific examples and data sets are described for the Department of Energy's Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE Arctic) project field sites near Nome and Barrow, Alaska. Future airborne and satellite

  18. Perspectivas futuras de tratamiento en la insuficiencia cardíaca: del trasplante de células a la regeneración cardíaca


    Prosper, F. (Felipe); Herreros, J. (Jesús); Barba, J. (Joaquín)


    En los últimos años hemos asistido a un interés creciente por el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardíaca mediante el trasplante de células madre. Mientras que los estudios con células madre de músculo (mioblastos) se iniciaron hace más de 10 años, la posibilidad de que las células madre de la médula ósea tengan un enorme potencial de diferenciación y proliferación ha estimulado la investigación con otros tipos de células madre. Estos estudios experimentales han demost...

  19. Automated red blood cell depletion in ABO incompatible grafts in the pediatric setting. (United States)

    Del Fante, Claudia; Scudeller, Luigia; Recupero, Santina; Viarengo, Gianluca; Boghen, Stella; Gurrado, Antonella; Zecca, Marco; Seghatchian, Jerard; Perotti, Cesare


    Bone marrow ABO incompatible transplantations require graft manipulation prior to infusion to avoid potentially lethal side effects. We analyzed the influence of pre-manipulation factors (temperature at arrival, transit time, time of storage at 4°C until processing and total time from collection to red blood cell depletion) on the graft quality of 21 red blood cell depletion procedures in ABO incompatible pediatric transplants. Bone marrow collections were processed using the Spectra Optia ® (Terumo BCT) automated device. Temperature at arrival ranged between 4°C and 6°C, median transit time was 9.75h (range 0.33-28), median time of storage at 4°-6°C until processing was 1.8h (range 0.41-18.41) and median time from collection to RBC depletion was 21h (range1-39.4). Median percentage of red blood cell depletion was 97.7 (range 95.4-98.5), median mononuclear cells recovery was 92.2% (range 40-121.2), median CD34+ cell recovery was 93% (range 69.9-161.2), median cell viability was 97.7% (range 94-99.3) and median volume reduction was 83.9% (range 82-92). Graft quality was not significantly different between BM units median age. Our preliminary data show that when all good manifacturing practices are respected the post-manipulation graft quality is excellent also for those units processed after 24h. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Evaluation of new indigenous “point-of-care” ABO and Rh grouping device (United States)

    Tiwari, Aseem Kumar; Setya, Divya; Aggarwal, Geet; Arora, Dinesh; Dara, Ravi C.; Ratan, Ankita; Bhardwaj, Gunjan; Acharya, Devi Prasad


    BACKGROUND: Erycard 2.0 is a “point-of-care” device that is primarily being used for patient blood grouping before transfusion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Erycard 2.0 was compared with conventional slide technology for accuracy and time taken for ABO and Rh forward grouping result with column agglutination technology (CAT) being the gold standard. Erycard 2.0 as a device was also evaluated for its stability under different storage conditions and stability of result till 48 h. In addition, grouping of hemolyzed samples was also tested with Erycard 2.0. Ease of use of Erycard 2.0 was evaluated with a survey among paramedical staff. RESULTS: Erycard 2.0 demonstrated 100% concordance with CAT as compared with slide technique (98.9%). Mean time taken per test by Erycard 2.0 and slide technique was 5.13 min and 1.7 min, respectively. After pretesting storage under different temperature and humidity conditions, Erycard 2.0 did not show any deviation from the result. The result did not change even after 48 h of testing and storage under room temperature. 100% concordance was recorded between pre- and post-hemolyzed blood grouping. Ease of use survey revealed that Erycard 2.0 was more acceptable to paramedical staff for its simplicity, objectivity, and performance than conventional slide technique. CONCLUSION: Erycard 2.0 can be used as “point-of-care” device for blood donor screening for ABO and Rh blood group and can possibly replace conventional slide technique. PMID:29403211

  1. Efficacy of everolimus in ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation: a retrospective study

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    Tsujimura K


    Full Text Available Kazuma Tsujimura,1 Morihito Ota,1 Kiyoshi Chinen,1 Kiyomitsu Nagayama,2 Masato Oroku,2 Morikuni Nishihira,2 Yoshiki Shiohira,2 Kunitoshi Iseki,3 Hideki Ishida,4 Kazunari Tanabe4 1Department of Surgery, 2Department of Nephrology, 3Clinical Research Support Center, Tomishiro Central Hospital, Okinawa, Japan; 4Department of Urology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo, Japan Background: There are limited reports on the use of everolimus for maintaining immunosuppression in ABO-incompatible (ABOi kidney transplantation (KT. As everolimus (EVR is effective for preventing calcineurin inhibitor (CNI nephrotoxicity without increasing the risk of chronic rejection and viral infection, we aimed to assess the efficacy of EVR in ABOi KT.Patients and methods: We retrospectively studied 22 patients who underwent KT and received EVR. Patients in the ABOi KT group (n=7 were compared with those in the ABO-compatible kidney transplantation group (ABOc KT; n=15. We recorded the frequency of CNI nephrotoxicity, chronic rejection, and viral infection in the 2 groups.Results: CNI nephrotoxicity, chronic rejection, and viral infection occurred in the ABOi KT and ANOc KT groups at rates of 28.3% (2/7 patients and 13.3% (2/15 patients (P=0.388, 28.3% (2/7 patients and 26.7% (4/15 patients (P=0.926, and 14.3% (1/7 patients and 26.7% (4/15 patients (P=0.517, respectively.Conclusion: Administration of EVR is effective in preventing CNI nephrotoxicity after KT. The rate of CNI nephrotoxicity was lower in the ABOc KT group than in the ABOi KT group. The rate of chronic rejection and viral infection was comparable between the groups. This study was conducted in a small cohort of patients. Hence, further evaluation with large sample sizes is necessary in the future to confirm the outcomes. Keywords: blood group incompatibility, immunosuppression, kidney transplantation

  2. Influences of ABO blood group, age and gender on plasma coagulation factor VIII, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor and ADAMTS13 levels in a Chinese population. (United States)

    Wang, Zongkui; Dou, Miaomiao; Du, Xi; Ma, Li; Sun, Pan; Cao, Haijun; Ye, Shengliang; Jiang, Peng; Liu, Fengjuan; Lin, Fangzhao; Zhang, Rong; Li, Changqing


    ABO blood group is a hereditary factor of plasma levels of coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) and von Willebrand factor (VWF). Age and gender have been shown to influence FVIII, VWF, fibrinogen (Fbg), and ADAMTS13 (A disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 13). We investigated the effects of ABO type, age, and gender on plasma levels of FVIII, Fbg, VWF, and ADAMTS13 in a Chinese population. A total of 290 healthy volunteers were eligible for this study. ABO blood group was determined by indirect technique. FVIII:C and Fbg were measured by clotting assays. VWF antigen (VWF:Ag), collagen-binding activity (VWF:CBA), and ADAMTS13 antigen were assessed by ELISA, whereas VWF ristocetin cofactor activity (VWF:Rcof) was performed by agglutination of platelets with ristocetin. Mean FVIII:C and VWF levels (VWF:Ag, VWF:CBA, and VWF:Rcof) were significantly higher in non-O than in O type subjects ( p  blood group, age, and gender showed different effects on plasma levels of FVIII:C, Fbg, VWF:Ag, VWF:CBA, VWF:Rcof, and ADAMTS13 antigen. These new data on a Chinese population are quite helpful to compare with other ethnic groups.

  3. Doação e transplante de órgãos: produção científica da enfermagem brasileira Donación y transplante de órganos: producción científica de la enfermería brasileña Organ donation and transplantation: Brazilian nursing publications

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    Emilia Aparecida Cicolo


    Full Text Available Estudo bibliográfico cujos objetivos foram identificar e caracterizar as produções científicas de enfermagem em doação e transplante de órgãos, no período de 1997 a 2007. Realizou-se busca das publicações nacionais nas bases de dados LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, PERIENF E DEDALUS, com as palavras-chave: "enfermagem e transplante" e "enfermagem e doação". Os 30 artigos encontrados foram analisados sob diversos aspectos, obtendo-se como resultados principais: a maioria originou-se do Sudeste, teve abordagem qualitativa, foi da autoria de enfermeiros assistenciais e abordou o tema transplante, especialmente renal e hepático. Conclui-se que se faz necessário um maior número de estudos científicos, desenvolvidos pela enfermagem de todo o país, sobre os diversos aspectos da doação e transplante de órgãos.Estudio bibliográfico cuyos objetivos fueron identificar y caracterizar las producciones científicas de enfermería sobre donación y trasplante de órganos, en el período de 1997 a 2007. Se buscaron publicaciones en las bases de datos LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, PERIENF Y DEDALUS, con las palabras clave: "enfermería y trasplante" y "enfermería y donación", identificándose 30 artículos. Los resultados encontrados mostraron que los trabajos se originaron principalmente en el Sudeste, el enfoque cualitativo fue el más utilizado, los enfermeros fueron los autores principales y los temas utilizados con más frecuencia fueron el trasplante renal y el hepático. Se concluye que es necesario más publicaciones de enfermería brasileña sobre donación y trasplante de órganos.The objectives of this bibliographic study were to identify and to characterize nursing scientific productions of organ donation and transplantation since 1997 to 2007. The LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF, PERIENF AND DEDALUS databases were searched using the following keywords: "nursing and transplantation" and "nursing and donation", identifying 30 articles. The results

  4. ABO blood group and esophageal carcinoma risk: from a case-control study in Chinese population to meta-analysis. (United States)

    Wang, Wei; Liu, Lei; Wang, Zhiwei; Lu, Xiaopeng; Wei, Min; Lin, Tianlong; Zhang, Yixin; Jiang, Songqi; Wang, Qiang; Cao, Ziang; Shi, Minxin


    The association between ABO blood group and the risk of esophageal carcinoma (EC) in previously published studies is uncertain and conflicting. The aim of the current study was to determine the correlation of ABO blood group with EC risk via a case-control study and meta-analysis. We performed a population-based case-control study of 3,595 cases and 41,788 controls in Chinese population to evaluate the association between ABO blood group and EC risk. Then, a comprehensive meta-analysis combining our original data and previously published data was conducted to clearly discern the real relationship. The strength of association was measured by odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). In our case-control study, the risk of EC in blood group B was significantly higher than that in non-B groups (A, O, and AB) (OR = 1.15, 95% CI 1.09-1.21). Compared with non-O groups (A, B, and AB), individuals with blood group O demonstrated a reduced risk of EC (OR = 0.90, 95% CI 0.85-0.94). The meta-analysis also indicated that blood group B was associated with significantly higher EC risk (OR = 1.20, 95% CI 1.10-1.31), and people with blood group O had a decreased EC risk (OR = 0.94, 95% CI 0.90-0.99). Neither the case-control study nor the meta-analysis produced any significant association of blood group A or AB with EC risk. Results from our case-control study and the followed meta-analysis confirmed that there was an increased risk of EC in blood group B individuals, whereas a decreased risk of EC was observed in blood group O individuals.

  5. Facies and age of the Oso Ridge Member (new), Abo Formation, Zuni Mountains, New Mexico (United States)

    Armstrong, A.K.; Stamm, R.G.; Kottlowski, F.E.; Mamet, B.L.; Dutro, J.T.; Weary, D.J.


    The Oso Ridge Member (new), at the base of the Abo Formation, nonconformably overlies Proterozoic rocks. The member consists of some 9m of conglomerate and arkose composed principally of fragments of the underlying Proterozoic metamorphic rocks; thin, fossiliferous limestone lenses are interbedded with the arkose. Biota from the lenses include a phylloid alga, foraminifers, conodonts, brachiopods, and molluscs. The age of the Oso Ridge Member is Virgilian Late Pennsylvanian) to Wolfcampian (Early Permian). -from Authors

  6. ABO blood group phenotype frequency estimation using molecular phenotyping in rhesus and cynomolgus macaques. (United States)

    Kanthaswamy, S; Ng, J; Oldt, R F; Valdivia, L; Houghton, P; Smith, D G


    A much larger sample (N = 2369) was used to evaluate a previously reported distribution of the A, AB and B blood group phenotypes in rhesus and cynomolgus macaques from six different regional populations. These samples, acquired from 15 different breeding and research facilities in the United States, were analyzed using a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay that targets single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) responsible for the macaque A, B and AB phenotypes. The frequency distributions of blood group phenotypes of the two species differ significantly from each other and significant regional differentiation within the geographic ranges of each species was also observed. The B blood group phenotype was prevalent in rhesus macaques, especially those from India, while the frequencies of the A, B and AB phenotypes varied significantly among cynomolgus macaques from different geographic regions. The Mauritian cynomolgus macaques, despite having originated in Indonesia, showed significant (P ≪ .01) divergence from the Indonesian animals at the ABO blood group locus. Most Mauritian animals belonged to the B blood group while the Indonesian animals were mostly A. The close similarity in blood group frequency distributions between the Chinese rhesus and Indochinese cynomolgus macaques demonstrates that the introgression between these two species extends beyond the zone of intergradation in Indochina. This study underscores the importance of ABO blood group phenotyping of the domestic supply of macaques and their biospecimens. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Sistema ABO e formas anatomoclínicas da doença de Chagas crônica

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    Vicente de Paula Antunes Teixeira


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a distribuição do sistema ABO em 222 controles e em 148 chagásicos crônicos, assintomáticos e sintomáticos, com diferentes formas anatomoclinicas (insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, visceromegalias e morte súbita. O foi calculado a partir de tabelas de contingência e pelo método de Woolf. OX², obtido por estes dois métodos, demonstra que a freqüência do grupo OX² foi significativamente menor nos chagásicos sintomáticos considerados como um todo e naqueles com "megas", em relação aos controles. Nos chagásicos falecidos subitamente observou-se maior freqüência de grupos B que nos controles, sendo o X² significativo apenas quando calculado por tabelas de contingência. A relativa proteção aparentemente conferida aos chagásicos do grupo O, no que se refere à evolução para formas sintomáticas da doença, se explicaria por antigenicidade cruzada entre populações do Trypanosoma cruzi e o sistema ABO ou por outros fatores que se deixam influenciar ou influenciam a distribuição dos grupos sangüíneos.

  8. Crecimiento de Morus alba L. durante la etapa de establecimiento, a partir del trasplante de posturas Growth of Morus alba L. during the establishment stage, since seedling transplant

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    Gertrudis Pentón


    Full Text Available El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el comportamiento morfoagronómico de la especie Morus alba L. var.Tigreada durante la primera etapa de establecimiento, a partir del trasplante de posturas. Para ello, se determinó la respuesta del cultivo al manejo de estas para el trasplante, se caracterizó el crecimiento y se determinaron las variables lineales que permiten cuantificar el área foliar de dicha variedad. Las posturas se mantuvieron en el vivero durante 120 días y se trasplantaron en el período lluvioso. Los surcos se orientaron de este a oeste, con un marco de siembra de 1,0 x 0,5 m. Se mantuvo un adecuado control de las malezas, las plagas y las enfermedades. No se regó y se aplicó materia orgánica en el momento del trasplante. Se establecieron dos formas de manejo de las posturas para el trasplante: deshoje total, y corte a la altura de 50 cm y deshoje total. Durante la etapa inicial de crecimiento posterior al trasplante, se obtuvo un ligero aumento en la capacidad de rebrote de las posturas cortadas y deshojadas. Ello no afectó el establecimiento de la especie, pues a los 135 días la producción de biomasa foliar varió entre 100 y 116 g/planta. El crecimiento en los primeros 155 días describió una curva sigmoidea, caracterizada por un ritmo lento durante los primeros 21 días; a ello le siguió un crecimiento intenso entre los 30 y 135 días, el cual se tornó nuevamente lento con el inicio de la época seca o invernal. Se demostró que la medición del largo de la hoja y su ajuste a través de los modelos no lineales Y = B0+B1X+B2X2 y Y = B0+B1X+B2X2+B3X3 permiten estimar el área foliar, y ello se cumple para la condición de que el largo del óvalo foliar mida entre 1,3 y 20,4 cm. La alta correlación encontrada hace apropiado este procedimiento de estimación.The objective of this study was to evaluate the morphoagronomic performance of the specie Morus alba L. var. Tigreada during the first establishment stage

  9. Trasplante de Médula Ósea 10 Años de Experiencia en la Clínica de Marly”.

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    Enrique Pedraza Mesa


    El desarrollo del programa necesitó implementar muchísimos aspectos tanto científicos como de enfermería, protocolos, mejorar el banco de sangre y el laboratorio clínico, la farmacia, ya que el trasplante utiliza una gran cantidad de medicamentos sumamente sofisticados y costosos que inicialmente tuvimos que importar directamente, tuvimos que mejorar el área física, hacer un laboratorio de criopreservación. Las células que se utilizan se obtienen de la sangre periférica de los propios pacientes que van a ser trasplantados o de un donante, en ese caso de un hermano idéntico, y estas células se llevan al laboratorio, se mezclan con un medio de cultivo y con un agente criopreservante y se congelan en nitrógeno líquido; por eso es necesario utilizar unas máquinas que llevan estas células a una temperatura de -170ºC...

  10. Post-test probability for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia based on umbilical cord blood bilirubin, direct antiglobulin test, and ABO compatibility results. (United States)

    Peeters, Bart; Geerts, Inge; Van Mullem, Mia; Micalessi, Isabel; Saegeman, Veroniek; Moerman, Jan


    Many hospitals opt for early postnatal discharge of newborns with a potential risk of readmission for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Assays/algorithms with the possibility to improve prediction of significant neonatal hyperbilirubinemia are needed to optimize screening protocols and safe discharge of neonates. This study investigated the predictive value of umbilical cord blood (UCB) testing for significant hyperbilirubinemia. Neonatal UCB bilirubin, UCB direct antiglobulin test (DAT), and blood group were determined, as well as the maternal blood group and the red blood cell antibody status. Moreover, in newborns with clinically apparent jaundice after visual assessment, plasma total bilirubin (TB) was measured. Clinical factors positively associated with UCB bilirubin were ABO incompatibility, positive DAT, presence of maternal red cell antibodies, alarming visual assessment and significant hyperbilirubinemia in the first 6 days of life. UCB bilirubin performed clinically well with an area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.82 (95 % CI 0.80-0.84). The combined UCB bilirubin, DAT, and blood group analysis outperformed results of these parameters considered separately to detect significant hyperbilirubinemia and correlated exponentially with hyperbilirubinemia post-test probability. Post-test probabilities for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia can be calculated using exponential functions defined by UCB bilirubin, DAT, and ABO compatibility results. • The diagnostic value of the triad umbilical cord blood bilirubin measurement, direct antiglobulin testing and blood group analysis for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia remains unclear in literature. • Currently no guideline recommends screening for hyperbilirubinemia using umbilical cord blood. What is New: • Post-test probability for hyperbilirubinemia correlated exponentially with umbilical cord blood bilirubin in different risk groups defined by direct antiglobulin test and ABO blood group

  11. Modeling Lake Storage Dynamics to support Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) (United States)

    Vimal, S.; Lettenmaier, D. P.; Smith, L. C.; Smith, S.; Bowling, L. C.; Pavelsky, T.


    The Arctic and Boreal Zone (ABZ) of Canada and Alaska includes vast areas of permafrost, lakes, and wetlands. Permafrost thawing in this area is expected to increase due to the projected rise of temperature caused by climate change. Over the long term, this may reduce overall surface water area, but in the near-term, the opposite is being observed, with rising paludification (lake/wetland expansion). One element of NASA's ABoVE field experiment is observations of lake and wetland extent and surface elevations using NASA's AirSWOT airborne interferometric radar, accompanied by a high-resolution camera. One use of the WSE retrievals will be to constrain model estimates of lake storage dynamics. Here, we compare predictions using the lake dynamics algorithm within the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) land surface scheme. The VIC lake algorithm includes representation of sub-grid topography, where the depth and area of seasonally-flooded areas are modeled as a function of topographic wetness index, basin area, and slope. The topography data used is from a new global digital elevation model, MERIT-DEM. We initially set up VIC at sites with varying permafrost conditions (i.e., no permafrost, discontinuous, continuous) in Saskatoon and Yellowknife, Canada, and Toolik Lake, Alaska. We constrained the uncalibrated model with the WSE at the time of the first ABoVE flight, and quantified the model's ability to predict WSE and ΔWSE during the time of the second flight. Finally, we evaluated the sensitivity of the VIC-lakes model and compared the three permafrost conditions. Our results quantify the sensitivity of surface water to permafrost state across the target sites. Furthermore, our evaluation of the lake modeling framework contributes to the modeling and mapping framework for lake and reservoir storage change evaluation globally as part of the SWOT mission, planned for launch in 2021.

  12. Organ transplantation and replacement

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Cerilli, G.J.


    This book contains 49 chapters. Some of the titles are: Molecular, Genetic, and Clinical Aspects of the HLA System; The Normal Immune Response; Significance of the ABO Antigen System; The Role of Dialysis in the Management of End-Stage Renal Disease; Access for Dialysis; Patient Selection for Renal Transplantation; The Living Donor in Kidney Transplantation; and Kidney Preservation by Cold Storage.

  13. Utilidad de la detección de células citomegálicas circulantes en pacientes inmunosuprimidos VIH negativos en el control de la infecci? por citomegalovirus.

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    María Eugenia Castaño


    Full Text Available Objetivo. Buscar la correlación entre la presencia de células citomegálicas circulantes con la antigenemia pp65 para citomegalovirus y el desarrollo de complicaciones clínicas inherentes a infección y enfermedad por citomegalovirus. Materiales y métodos. Entre diciembre de 2002 y julio de 2003 se procesaron 110 muestras de sangre periférica, obtenidas de 46 pacientes inmunosuprimidos. La antigenemia pp65 y la presencia de células citomegálicas circulantes se determinaron mediante inmuno- fluorescencia indirecta utilizando un estuche comercial para la detección del antígeno pp65 de citomegalovirus. En leucocitos de sangre periférica, la antigenemia fue positiva cuando se encontró una o más células con tinción fluorescente, multilobulada y homogénea en el núcleo celular. Se determinó la presencia de células citomegálicas circulantes cuando se observaron células de gran tamaño (35 a 50 mm con un patrón de tinción fluorescente extendido en todo el citoplasma celular en células mononucleares de sangre periférica. Resultados. Se encontraron ocho pruebas con antigenemia positiva, procedentes de siete pacientes (15%. De éstos, cuatro (57% también presentaron células citomegálicas circulantes, tres habían recibido un trasplante renal y uno un trasplante hepático. El número de células positivas en la antigenemia fue mayor en los pacientes con trasplante renal que en el resto de pacientes inmunosuprimidos (457 vs.1,96; p

  14. Delayed hyperacute rejection in a patient who developed clostridium difficile infection after ABO-incompatible kidney transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gerald S Lipshutz


    Full Text Available Gerald S Lipshutz1, Elaine F Reed2, Phuong-Chi Pham3, Jeffrey M Miller4, Jennifer S Singer5, Gabriel M Danovitch6, Alan H Wilkinson6, Dean W Wallace7, Suzanne McGuire6, Phuong-Truc Pham8, Phuong-Thu Pham61Department of Surgery, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 2Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine-Immunogenetics, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 3Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division, UCLA-Olive View Medical Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 4Department of Medicine, Hematology Oncology Division, UCLA-Olive View Medical Center, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 5Department of Surgery and Urology, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program, 6Department of Medicine, Nephrology Division, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 7Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA; 8Department of Science, Penn State University, Worthington-Scranton, Dunmore, PA, USAAbstract: Over the past decade ABO incompatible transplantation has emerged as an important potential source for increasing living kidney transplantation in selected transplant centers. Early reports suggest that patients who have elevated serum anti-blood group antibody titers (anti-A/B before transplantation and a rebound antibody production after antibody removal may be at high immunological risk. With currently available immune modulation protocols and immunosuppressive therapy, excellent short- and long-term patient and graft survival rates have been achieved even in those with high anti-A/B antibody titers before plasmapheresis or immunoadsorption. Nonetheless, acute infection with an organism possessing surface markers analogous to blood group antigens such as carbohydrate structures on

  15. Association between ABO blood type and live-birth outcomes in single-embryo transfer cycles. (United States)

    Pereira, Nigel; Patel, Hency H; Stone, Logan D; Christos, Paul J; Elias, Rony T; Spandorfer, Steven D; Rosenwaks, Zev


    To investigate the association between ABO blood type and live-birth outcomes in patients undergoing IVF with day 5 single-embryo transfer (SET). Retrospective cohort study. University-affiliated center. Normal responders, blood type and live birth, while controlling for confounders. Odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for live birth were estimated. A total of 2,329 patients were included. The mean age of the study cohort was 34.6 ± 4.78 years. The distribution of blood types was as follows: A = 897 (38.5%); B = 397 (17.0%); AB = 120 (5.2%); and, O = 1,915 (39.3%) patients. There was no difference in the baseline demographics, ovarian stimulation, or embryo quality parameters between the blood types. The unadjusted ORs for live birth when comparing blood type A (referent) with blood types B, AB, and O were 0.96 (95% CI, 0.6-1.7), 0.72 (95% CI, 0.4-1.2), and 0.96 (95% CI. 0.6-1.7), respectively. The adjusted ORs for live birth remained not significant when comparing blood type A to blood types B, AB, and O individually. No difference in birth weight or gestational age at delivery was noted among the four blood types. Our findings suggest that ABO blood type is not associated with live-birth rate, birth weight, or gestational age at delivery in patients undergoing IVF with day 5 SET. Copyright © 2017 American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Assessment of relationship of ABO blood groups among tobacco induced oral cancer patients of Kanpur Population, Uttar Pradesh. (United States)

    Ramesh, Gayathri; Katiyar, Anuradha; Raj, Amrita; Kumar, Amit; Nagarajappa, Ramesh; Pandey, Amit


    The possibility of association between ABO blood groups and malignancy was first discussed by Anderson DE & Haas C. The association between blood group and oral cancer is least explored and hence this study was undertaken to evaluate relationship of ABO blood groups with an increased risk for oral cancer. The present study was conducted at various cancer hospitals in Kanpur. The study samples comprised 100 oral cancer patients and 50 controls with tobacco chewing habit. The information regarding the socio demographic profile, history on tobacco habits, type of oral cancer and ABO blood group profile was obtained from the case sheets of the patients. The frequency of squamous cell carcinoma was significantly higher in men (78%) than women (22%) and mostly found in the age range of 45-65 years and also consuming chewing type of tobacco. It was found that out of 100 patients, 53 were of blood group B+ve, 28 of O +ve, 16 of A+ve and 3 had the blood group AB+ve. The high potential risk of developing OSCC was more in B+ve blood group (1.96 times), and relative frequency (%) in blood group O+ve (1.64 times) than in the control group Among locations of oral cancers, squamous cell carcinoma of tongue (25%) and buccal mucosa (15%) was more common in B+ve and Carcinoma of floor of mouth (11%) was more common in O+ve blood group cases. It was found that people with blood group B+ve, followed by O+ve had increased risk of developing OSCC with most prevalent being Well Differentiated OSCC as compared to people of other blood groups. The present study reveals that there is an inherited element in the susceptibility against different types of oral cancers. The people with blood group B+ve and O+ve having tobacco chewing habits can be appraised that they are more at risk to develop oral cancer than people with other blood groups.

  17. Distribution of ABO blood groups in the patients with intracranial aneurysm and association of different risk factors with particular blood type. (United States)

    Bir, Shyamal Chandra; Bollam, Papireddy; Nanda, Anil


    The association between ABO blood groups and intracranial aneurysms is not well-known. Many co-morbid factors are associated with intracranial aneurysms. Our objective was to assess the prevalence of different blood group in patients with intracranial aneurysm and to look for associations between risk factors and these groups. This retrospective study includes 1,491 cases who underwent surgical operations for intracranial aneurysms from 1993-2014. We have evaluated the information related to clinical history, ABO blood groups and associated risk factors in the patients both ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms by chart review of the cases. In our study, out of 1,491 cases, the most common ABO blood groups were group O (668 cases, 44.80%) and Group A (603 cases, 40.44%), and Rh(+) in 1,319 (88.4%) and Rh(-) in 147 (11.6%). Blood Group A (43% vs. 36%) and Group B (16.2% vs. 8.6%) were significantly higher in Caucasian and African Americans respectively. However, in general population, there was no significant difference in blood groups between Caucasians and African Americans. Rh(-) factor was significantly higher in Caucasians compared to African Americans. Incidence of smoking was significantly higher in aneurysm patients with O group compared to others. In addition, incidence of hypercholesterolemia was significantly higher in aneurysm patients with A group compared to others. The racial disparity in the distribution of blood groups, and risk factor association with blood groups in the development of intracranial aneurysm needs to be considered. The findings from our study may be useful in identifying patients at increased risk. Further study may be required to establish the risks from multiple centers studies around the world.

  18. Conocimientos y actitudes de los estudiantes de medicina de instituciones de educación superior de Barranquillla sobre donación y trasplante de órganos. Julio-noviembre de 1999

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    Rafael Tuesca Molina


    Full Text Available Con el objetivo de identificar las actitudes y evaluar el conocimiento sobre donación y trasplante de órganos se realizó este estudio descriptivo transversal en la población de estudiantes de medicina de tres instituciones de educación superior de Barranquilla (Norte, Libre y San Martín tomando una muestra aleatoria de 993 participantes. La información se obtuvo mediante unas encuestas autodiligenciadas. La población de estudiantes encuestados presentó una media de 25 años y desviación estándar de 11.82 años. La razón de estudiantes por nivel (básico-clínico fue de 1.0:1. y larazóndemasculinidadfuede1,1:1.Conrespectoalconocimientoteóricoenlapoblaciónencuestada, se encontró una frecuencia modal de respuestas en el rango de regular de 69.8% y en el rango bueno de 19.7%. Al comparar el conocimiento con la institución educativa se encontró una diferencia significativa a favor de la Universidad Libre, donde el conocimiento positivo correspondió al 25.2%, con un chi cuadrado de 23.23 y un valor de p=0.0007, para 6 grados de libertad. Al comparar el conocimiento teórico entre los estudiantes del área básica con los del área clínica, estos últimos presentaron un mejor conocimiento (OR= 0.38 ICal 95% 0.27-0.53, con un chi cuadrado de 35.08 y p=0.0000. Con relación al marco legal, existe desconocimiento sobre las leyes que regulan la donaciónytrasplantedeórganos,ysepresentóuníndicededesconocimientode15:1.Lagranmayoría de los estudiantes encuestados desconoce la existencia del programa de donación y trasplante de órganos en Barranquilla (89.5%. Con respecto a la manera de obtener información sobre esta temática,el53.6%manifiestóquelahaadquiridoatravésdemediosmasivosdecomunicación,20.4% ha acudido a simposios o cursos sobre esta temática y el 12.7% ha consultado libros o revistas especializadassobreestetema. Los autores consideran ampliar la cátedra sobre donación y trasplante de órganos en los programas de

  19. Is Efficacy of the Anti-Cd20 Antibody Rituximab Preventing Hemolysis Due to Passenger Lymphocyte Syndrome? (United States)

    Tsujimura, Kazuma; Ishida, Hideki; Tanabe, Kazunari


    Passenger lymphocyte syndrome (PLS) often occurs after ABO-mismatched solid organ and/or bone marrow transplantation between a donor and recipient. Viable donor B-lymphocytes transferred during organ transplantation produce antibodies against recipient red cell antigens, leading to hemolysis. The incidence of PLS has been reported to be around 9% after renal transplantation. A previous report showed that rituximab (Rit) was useful for treatment of PLS in allogeneic stem cell transplantation, bowel transplant and severe cases of hemolysis. However, the effectiveness of Rit in preventing PLS after renal transplantation has not yet been evaluated. The participants in this study were 85 patients who had undergone ABO-mismatched renal transplantation from January 2005 to April 2013. Rit was administered to these patients before transplantation. None of the patients that received Rit treatment developed PLS. Thus administration of Rit before transplantation effectively controlled the production of antibodies by B-lymphocytes, which probably prevented the development of PLS. © 2016 International Society for Apheresis, Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy.

  20. Helicobacter pylori infection according to ABO blood group among blood donors in Kosovo

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    Bukurije Zhubi


    Full Text Available Introduction: Numerous studies have reported a high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection among healthy and non-healthy persons in different places. The Aim of the study is to investigate the seroprevalence of H. pylori infection among Kosovo’s Blood donor associated with ABO/Rhesus blood group.Methods: 671 blood donors are tested for H. pylori antibodies and results are classifi ed by way of donation, age, gender, blood groups and education level. Serum antibodies are analyzed by Enzyme Linked Fluorescent Assay test for H. pylori IgG with Biomerieux HPY-VIDAS.Results: The frequency of IgG antibody for H. pylori among healthy blood donors is 56.9%, there is not found any difference between voluntary and non-voluntary blood donors (57.4% respectively 56.3%(OR=1.05; 95% CI 0.76 to 1.43; p=0.8. H pylori IgG antibodies positive are detected in 57.0 % ( 126 of 221 of women, compared with 56.9 % ( 256 of 450 of men(OR=0.99; 95% CI 0.72 to 1.38; p=0.96. Serpositive donors are older than seronegative ones (31.9 years, respectively 29.5 years, p=0.02. Mean value of IgG antibody of H. pylori is 3.61 with no significant difference between males and females (3.72 respectively 3.44; p=0.2. The seroprevalence of H. pylori infection is similar among blood groups: O (57.4%, A (56.2%, B (59.6%, AB (51.4%, RhD positive (56.7% and RhD negative (58.3%.Conclusions: The seropositivity of H. pylori is moderately higher in the non voluntary and familiar blood donors among the total Kosovo blood donors. There is not found a significant relationship between infection with H. pylori and ABO/Rhesus blood group among blood donors.

  1. sup(99m)Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy in renal failure due to various renal diseases

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Hosokawa, S; Daijo, K; Okabe, T; Kawamura, J; Hara, A [Kyoto Univ. (Japan). Hospital


    Renal contours in renal failure were studied by means of sup(99m)Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) renoscintigraphy. Renal cortical images were obtained even in renal failure cases. Causes of renal failure were chronic glomerulonephritis in 7, bilateral renal tuberculosis in 2, chronic pyelonephritis in 3, bilateral renal calculi in 3, diabetic nephropathy in 2, polycystic kidney disease in 2 and stomach cancer in 1.

  2. sup(99m)Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy in renal failure due to various renal diseases

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hosokawa, Shin-ichi; Daijo, Kazuyuki; Okabe, Tatsushiro; Kawamura, Juichi; Hara, Akira


    Renal contours in renal failure were studied by means of sup(99m)Tc-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) renoscintigraphy. Renal cortical images were obtained even in renal failure cases. Causes of renal failure were chronic glomerulonephritis in 7, bilateral renal tuberculosis in 2, chronic pyelonephritis in 3, bilateral renal calculi in 3, diabetic nephropathy in 2, polycystic kidney disease in 2 and stomach cancer in 1. (author)

  3. Determination of natural radioactive elements in Abo Zaabal, Egypt by means of gamma spectroscopy

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Morsy, Zeinab; Abd El-Wahab, Magda; El-Faramawy, Nabil


    Highlights: ► We examined the radioactivity of different type samples from Abo Zaabaal Lake. ► We evaluated the natural nuclide gamma-ray activities and their annual dose rates. ► We evaluated the concentrations of 226 Ra and its hazard indices. ► We assessed the absorbed dose in human. ► All results are within normal ranges. - Abstract: The natural nuclide gamma-ray activities and their respective annual effective dose rates, produced by 238 U, 232 Th, 40 K and 226 Ra, are determined for 10 different natural samples (soil–plant–water) from Abo Zaabaal Lake. This lake is located very close to the Egyptian reactors. The gamma spectra analysis indicates that the photo-gamma lines represent ten radioactive nuclides 234 Th, 239 Pu, 228 Ac, 226 Ra, 212 Pb, 214 Pb, 208 Tl, 212 Bi, 214 Bi and 40 K. These nuclides represent the daughters of the natural radioactive series 238 U and 232 Th with 40 K. The mean activity concentration of 238 U was found to be 6.57, 10.16 and 5.44 Bq kg −1 for (soil–plant–water); 8.46, 8.33 and 6.04 Bq kg −1 of 232 Th, and 136.3, 216.8 and 119.2 Bq kg −1 of 40 K respectively. The mean activity concentrations of 226 Ra were obtained which help to evaluate the radiation hazard indices as radium equivalent, internal and external hazard indices. In addition, to assess the radiation risk to a biosystem, the annual effective dose rate, the absorbed dose in human and the absorbed dose outdoor are also evaluated.

  4. Recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation presenting as anastomotic biliary stricture Presentación del carcinoma hepatocelular recurrente tras el trasplante de hígado en forma de estenosis biliar anastomótica

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    S. Y. Chen


    Full Text Available A 52-year-old man visited our hospital complaining of anorexia and fatigue two months after receiving orthotopic liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. A laboratory investigation demonstrated a clinical picture of obstructive jaundice. T-tube cholangiography showed biliary stricture over the anastomotic site. Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilatation and stenting was attempted but failed. Magnetic resonance cholangiography showed possible tumor recurrence over the site of the anastomotic biliary stricture. A biopsy sample was obtained via ultrasound-guided aspiration and histopathological study revealed inflammatory and fibrotic changes. With high suspicion of recurrence of the hepatocellular carcinoma, surgical exploration was performed and an intraoperative frozen section proved the recurrence. We thus diagnosed this case as a recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after liver transplantation. To our knowledge, there have been no previous reports of early tumor recurrence after liver transplantation being the cause of an anastomotic biliary stricture.Un varón de 52 años visitó nuestro hospital quejándose de anorexia y fatiga a los dos meses de haber recibido un trasplante hepático ortotópico a causa de un carcinoma hepatocelular. La analítica mostró un cuadro clínico de ictericia obstructiva. La colangiografía con tubo en T mostró una estenosis biliar sobre la anastomosis. Se intentó una dilatación transluminal percutánea con globo y colocación de endoprótesis, que fracasó. La colangiografía por resonancia magnética mostró una posible recurrencia tumoral sobre el lugar de la estenosis biliar anastomótica. Se extrajo una muestra de biopsia mediante aspiración bajo guía ecográfica y el estudio histopatológico mostró alteraciones inflamatorias y fibróticas. Al sospecharse la recurrencia del carcinoma hepatocelular, se realizó una exploración quirúrgica; un corte intraoperatorio congelado demostr

  5. Petrophysical Properties of the Yeso, Abo and Cisco Formations in the Permian Basin in New Mexico, U.S.A (United States)

    Mann, Griffin

    The area that comprises the Northwest Shelf in Lea Co., New Mexico has been heavily drilled over the past half century. The main target being shallow reservoirs within the Permian section (San Andres and Grayburg Formations). With a focus shifting towards deeper horizons, there is a need for more petrophysical data pertaining to these formations, which is the focus of this study through a variety of techniques. This study involves the use of contact angle measurements, fluid imbibition tests, Mercury Injection Capillary Pressure (MICP) and log analysis to evaluate the nano-petrophysical properties of the Yeso, Abo and Cisco Formation within the Northwest Shelf area of southeast New Mexico. From contact angle measurements, all of the samples studied were found to be oil-wetting as n-decane spreads on to the rock surface much quicker than the other fluids (deionized water and API brine) tested. Imbibition tests resulted in a well-connected pore network being observed for all of the samples with the highest values of imbibition slopes being recorded for the Abo samples. MICP provided a variety of pore structure data which include porosity, pore-throat size distributions, permeability and tortuosity. The Abo samples saw the highest porosity percentages, which were above 15%, with all the other samples ranging from 4 - 7%. The majority of the pore-throat sizes for most of the samples fell within the 1 - 10 mum range. The only exceptions to this being the Paddock Member within the Yeso Formation, which saw a higher percentage of larger pores (10 - 1000mum) and one of the Cisco Formation samples, which had the majority of its pore sizes fall in the 0.1 - 1 mum range. The log analysis created log calculations and curves for cross-plot porosity and water saturation that were then used to derive a value for permeability. The porosity and permeability values were comparable with those measured from our MICP and literature values.

  6. Frequency of ABO blood groups and RhD factor in the female population of District Peshawar. (United States)

    Nazli, Rubina; Haider, Jamila; Khan, Mohammad Akmal; Akhtar, Tasleem; Aslam, Hina


    To determine the frequency of ABO blood group and Rhesus (Rh) D antigen in the females of "District" Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 429 women having pregnancy induced hypertension, admitted in the three teaching hospitals of Peshawar, over a period of one year. Blood sample was collected from each subject after taking informed consent. The antigen antibody agglutination slide test for "blood grouping (ABO)" and RhD factors was done by using IgM and IgG monoclonal reagents. The antisera used were from Biolaboratory, USA. Data was analyzed for percentage calculation. The blood group distribution was 134 (31.2%), 43 (10.1%), 116 (27%), 136 (31.7%) for blood groups A, AB, O and B, respectively. Subjects having blood group B was slightly more dominant, followed by A and O, while blood group AB was rare in these females. Blood group A Rh negative is more in female 12 (37.5%) followed by group O 10 (31.3%), group B 09 (28.1%) and group AB 01 (3.1%). Frequency of "Rh-positive blood group" is B, A, O and AB, whereas the frequency of the most common Rh-negative blood group are A, O, B and AB respectively. The determination of the frequency of blood groups in the region would not only help in blood transfusion services, but also reduce the risk of erythroblastosis foetalis in the neonates.

  7. Renal computed angiography. Part I: Renal CT phlebography. Renal veins variants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Al-Amin, M.; Krupev, M.; Hadjidekov, V.; Plachkov, I.


    The changing trend in renal surgery, transplantation and minimal invasive urology implies preprocedure evaluation of renal veins. Development of imaging methods offers new possibilities for venographic visualization. The goal of this study is to present authors experience in visualization of renal veins using 64 MDCT and to evaluate the utility in assessments of their variants. 128 patients (68 females and 60 males, mean age 53,3) with urological complaints underwent 64MDCT examination including CT angiography. Contrast enhancement includes 3-4ml/sec injection flow of 90 ml contrast medium followed by 20 ml saline at the same rate. In 23 out of 128 examined patients some of the common variants of the renal vein is found. 64 MDCT angiography visualize very well renal veins and becomes method of choice in preoperative assessment of renal vein anatomy. (authors)

  8. Frequency of abo blood groups among the diabetes mellitus type 2 patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Qureshi, M.A.; Bhatti, R.


    Objective: To study the frequency of ABO blood groups among diabetes mellitus type 2. Results: Comparison of blood groups frequency between the general population and diabetes type 2 patients was carried out in term of percentage. It was noticed that the values were 4.36, 17.15 and 7.34% higher for A, B and AB blood groups respectively in the diabetic patients. On the contrary, the value was 28.94% lower for the blood group O. Conclusion: Present study has supported the hypothesis that diabetes mellitus type 2 and blood groups are interrelated because of the broad genetic immunologic basis in both. It is concluded that the frequency of blood groups B and O is significantly higher and lower respectively in the diabetes mellitus type 2 patients as compared to the general population. (author)

  9. Novel association of ABO histo-blood group antigen with soluble ICAM-1: results of a genome-wide association study of 6,578 women.

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    Guillaume Paré


    Full Text Available While circulating levels of soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (sICAM-1 have been associated with diverse conditions including myocardial infarction, stroke, malaria, and diabetes, comprehensive analysis of the common genetic determinants of sICAM-1 is not available. In a genome-wide association study conducted among 6,578 participants in the Women's Genome Health Study, we find that three SNPs at the ICAM1 (19p13.2 locus (rs1799969, rs5498 and rs281437 are non-redundantly associated with plasma sICAM-1 concentrations at a genome-wide significance level (P<5x10(-8, thus extending prior results from linkage and candidate gene studies. We also find that a single SNP (rs507666, P = 5.1x10(-29 at the ABO (9q34.2 locus is highly correlated with sICAM-1 concentrations. The novel association at the ABO locus provides evidence for a previously unknown regulatory role of histo-blood group antigens in inflammatory adhesion processes.

  10. Renal transplantation at the Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center. (United States)

    Montgomery, Robert A; Cooper, Matthew; Kraus, Edward; Rabb, Hamid; Samaniego, Milagros; Simpkins, Christopher E; Sonnenday, Christopher J; Ugarte, Richard M; Warren, Daniel S; Zachary, Andrea A


    A stagnant supply of transplantable organs in the face of a relentless burgeoning of transplant waiting lists has created a crisis. Necessity continues to be the mother of invention and as the crisis has deepened it has served as a crucible for the development of new ways to think about perennial problems. Our program has taken a 2-pronged approach to increasing the organ supply for our patients. First, through innovations like the laparoscopic donor nephrectomy, ABO-incompatible and positive-crossmatch transplantation protocols, unconventional paired kidney exchanges, and the use of altruistic donors we have more than doubled our utilization of live donor organs. At the same time, we have developed algorithms and interrogative techniques to enhance the intelligent use of kidneys from expanded criteria donors for patients who do not have an available live donor. The laparoscopic nephrectomy has proven to be a safe and effective way of removing a significant barrier to live donation. Our results from 100 ABOi, (+)XM, and PKE transplants are similar to national statistics for compatible live donor transplants, suggesting that existing paradigms of compatibility can be safely expanded. These encouraging early outcomes and the savings they transmit to the health care system have allowed us to obtain insurance coverage for the InKTP programs, setting the stage for further expansion of these opportunities to broaden the options for patients with end-stage renal disease.

  11. Aplicación de técnicas de simulación de bajo coste en un sistema de eLearning en la Organización Nacional de Trasplantes


    Borro Escribano, Blanca


    La Organización Nacional de Trasplantes ha logrado desde su origen en el año 1989 que España pase a ser el país con mayor número de donaciones por millón de habitantes convirtiéndose en el centro de atención de todos aquellos países que tienen un sistema sanitario evolucionado. Estos países quieren aprender del ya conocido como “Modelo Español”, con el objetivo de disminuir las largas listas de espera de receptores. Este trabajo describe el diseño, planificación, sistematización y despl...

  12. Frequency Distribution of Blood Groups ABO, MN and Rh Factor in Philippine Cosmopolitan, Regional and the National Populations


    Ruth Marian S. Guzman; Ricardo Noel R. Gervasio; Ian Kendrich C. Fontanilla; Ernelea P. Cao


    Frequency distribution of blood groups is important as it is used in modern medicine, genetic research, anthropology, and tracing ancestral relations of humans. Blood groups include the ABO, Rh and the MN red cell antigens. The frequency distribution of these three blood groups were obtained and assessed for differences from three populations: (1) a regional population from the town of Cabagan located in Isabela province; (2) a cosmopolitan population from the University of the Philippines’ r...

  13. MicroRNA-29b-1 impairs in vitro cell proliferation, self‑renewal and chemoresistance of human osteosarcoma 3AB-OS cancer stem cells. (United States)

    Di Fiore, Riccardo; Drago-Ferrante, Rosa; Pentimalli, Francesca; Di Marzo, Domenico; Forte, Iris Maria; D'Anneo, Antonella; Carlisi, Daniela; De Blasio, Anna; Giuliano, Michela; Tesoriere, Giovanni; Giordano, Antonio; Vento, Renza


    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common type of bone cancer, with a peak incidence in the early childhood. Emerging evidence suggests that treatments targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs) within a tumor can halt cancer and improve patient survival. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been implicated in the maintenance of the CSC phenotype, thus, identification of CSC-related miRNAs would provide information for a better understanding of CSCs. Downregulation of miRNA-29 family members (miR-29a/b/c; miR‑29s) was observed in human OS, however, little is known about the functions of miR-29s in human OS CSCs. Previously, during the characterization of 3AB-OS cells, a CSC line selected from human OS MG63 cells, we showed a potent downregulation of miR-29b. In this study, after stable transfection of 3AB-OS cells with miR-29b-1, we investigated the role of miR-29b-1 in regulating cell proliferation, sarcosphere-forming ability, clonogenic growth, chemosensitivity, migration and invasive ability of 3AB-OS cells, in vitro. We found that, miR-29b-1 overexpression consistently reduced both, 3AB-OS CSCs growth in two- and three-dimensional culture systems and their sarcosphere- and colony-forming ability. In addition, while miR-29b-1 overexpression sensitized 3AB-OS cells to chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis, it did not influence their migratory and invasive capacities, thus suggesting a context-depending role of miR-29b-1. Using publicly available databases, we proceeded to identify potential miR-29b target genes, known to play a role in the above reported functions. Among these targets we analyzed CD133, N-Myc, CCND2, E2F1 and E2F2, Bcl-2 and IAP-2. We also analyzed the most important stemness markers as Oct3/4, Sox2 and Nanog. Real-time RT-PCR and western-blot analyses showed that miR-29b-1 negatively regulated the expression of these markers. Overall, the results show that miR-29b-1 suppresses stemness properties of 3AB-OS CSCs and suggest that developing miR-29b-1 as a novel

  14. An update on ABO incompatible hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation. (United States)

    Staley, Elizabeth M; Schwartz, Joseph; Pham, Huy P


    Hematopoietic progenitor cell (HPC) transplantation has long been established as the optimal treatment for many hematologic malignancies. In the setting of allogenic HLA matched HPC transplantation, greater than 50% of unrelated donors and 30% of related donors demonstrate some degree of ABO incompatibility (ABOi), which is classified in one of three ways: major, minor, or bidirectional. Major ABOi refers to the presence of recipient isoagglutinins against the donor's A and/or B antigen. Minor ABOi occurs when the HPC product contains the isoagglutinins targeting the recipient's A and/or B antigen. Bidirectional refers to the presence of both major and minor ABOi. Major adverse events associated with ABOi HPC transplantation includes acute and delayed hemolysis, pure red cell aplasia, and delayed engraftment. ABOi HPC transplantation poses a unique challenge to the clinical transplantation unit, the HPC processing lab, and the transfusion medicine service. Therefore, it is essential that these services actively communicate with one another to ensure patient safety. This review will attempt to globally address the challenges related to ABOi HPC transplantation, with an increased focus on aspects related to the laboratory and transfusion medicine services. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. A-B-O and Rh affinities between highland and lowland Quechua-speaking Peruvian populations. (United States)

    Frisancho, A R; Klayman, J E


    According to the accounts of the Spanish chronicles and various historical analyses the Quechua-speaking population inhabiting the Province of Lamas in the Eastern Tropical Lowlands of Peru are descendants of the Chanca Tribes that migrated from the highlands about 500 years ago. The results of the present study indicate that in terms of the A-B-O and Rh systems the lowland Quechua-speaking population from the Province of Lamas and the highland Quechua population from the Province of Junin are more similar to each other than to other tropical tribes. Therefore, it is quite possible that the present lowland Quechua-speaking population from the Province of Lamas may be descendants of Andean populations.

  16. Acute humoral rejection and C4d immunostaining in ABO blood type-incompatible liver transplantation. (United States)

    Haga, Hironori; Egawa, Hiroto; Fujimoto, Yasuhiro; Ueda, Mikiko; Miyagawa-Hayashino, Aya; Sakurai, Takaki; Okuno, Tomoko; Koyanagi, Itsuko; Takada, Yasutsugu; Manabe, Toshiaki


    Complement C4d deposition in graft capillaries has been reported to be associated with antibody-mediated rejection in kidney and other solid organ transplantation. The correlation of C4d deposits and humoral rejection in liver transplants, however, is not well understood. We investigated the C4d immunostaining pattern in 34 patients whose liver biopsy was taken within the first 3 postoperative weeks for suspected acute rejection after ABO blood type-incompatible liver transplantation. The staining pattern was classified as positive (portal stromal staining), indeterminate (endothelial staining only), and negative (no staining). Positive C4d immunostaining was seen in 17 (50%) patients and was significantly associated with high (x64 or more) postoperative antidonor A/B antibody (immunoglobulin M (IgM)) titers (88 vs. 35%, P = 0.002) and poorer overall survival rate (41 vs. 88%, P = 0.007). Ten of 11 (91%) cases with histological acute humoral rejection (periportal edema and necrosis (PEN) or portal hemorrhagic edema) were positive for C4d, all of which showed high postoperative antibody titers. The other histologies associated with C4d positivity was purulent cholangitis (n = 4), coagulative hepatocyte necrosis (n = 1), acute cellular rejection (n = 1), and hepatocanalicular cholestasis (n = 1). Full clinical recovery was observed in only 6 of 17 (35%) C4d-positive patients, and tended to be associated with a lower rejection activity index (RAI). In conclusion, our study indicates that C4d deposits in the portal stroma can be a hallmark of acute humoral rejection in ABO-incompatible liver transplantation, and allograft damage can be reversible in a minority of cases. Copyright 2006 AASLD

  17. Posttreatment and retention outcomes with and without periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics assessed using ABO objective grading system

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Donald J Ferguson


    Full Text Available Background: The posttreatment and retention outcomes following nonextraction orthodontic therapy, with and without corticotomy, were assessed using the American Board of Orthodontists objective grading system (OGS. Purpose: The purpose was to determine if the course of retention was any different following alveolar decortication and augmentation bone grafting, i.e., periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics (PAOO. Materials and Methods: Study casts and panoramic radiographs of patients with and without PAOO (28 subjects each were selected on the basis of the following: (1 comprehensive nonextraction orthodontic treatment using straight wire edgewise appliances for Class I crowding, (2 availability of immediate posttreatment records and retention records at least 1 year post de-bracketing, and (3 use of Hawley removable retainers with similar wearing instructions. Results: Independent and paired t-test statistical testing revealed the following: (1 Posttreatment orthodontic outcomes were the same, with or without corticotomy. (2 During retention, 5 of 8 ABO grading criteria improved for the sample without corticotomy, and 6 of 8 ABO grading criteria improved for the group with corticotomy. (3 Retention outcome scores were lower (better for alignment and marginal ridges in the corticotomy-facilitated group. (4 The total score was significantly lower (better for the corticotomy group at retention and the increment of total score change decreased (improved significantly more during retention following corticotomy. Conclusions: The retention phase was more favorable following corticotomy because the amount of OGS total score change demonstrated a significantly improved retention outcome following PAOO therapy.

  18. Chemical Basis for Qualitative and Quantitative Differences Between ABO Blood Groups and Subgroups: Implications for Organ Transplantation. (United States)

    Jeyakanthan, M; Tao, K; Zou, L; Meloncelli, P J; Lowary, T L; Suzuki, K; Boland, D; Larsen, I; Burch, M; Shaw, N; Beddows, K; Addonizio, L; Zuckerman, W; Afzali, B; Kim, D H; Mengel, M; Shapiro, A M J; West, L J


    Blood group ABH(O) carbohydrate antigens are carried by precursor structures denoted type I-IV chains, creating unique antigen epitopes that may differ in expression between circulating erythrocytes and vascular endothelial cells. Characterization of such differences is invaluable in many clinical settings including transplantation. Monoclonal antibodies were generated and epitope specificities were characterized against chemically synthesized type I-IV ABH and related glycans. Antigen expression was detected on endomyocardial biopsies (n = 50) and spleen (n = 11) by immunohistochemical staining and on erythrocytes by flow cytometry. On vascular endothelial cells of heart and spleen, only type II-based ABH antigens were expressed; type III/IV structures were not detected. Type II-based ABH were expressed on erythrocytes of all blood groups. Group A1 and A2 erythrocytes additionally expressed type III/IV precursors, whereas group B and O erythrocytes did not. Intensity of A/B antigen expression differed among group A1 , A2 , A1 B, A2 B and B erythrocytes. On group A2 erythrocytes, type III H structures were largely un-glycosylated with the terminal "A" sugar α-GalNAc. Together, these studies define qualitative and quantitative differences in ABH antigen expression between erythrocytes and vascular tissues. These expression profiles have important implications that must be considered in clinical settings of ABO-incompatible transplantation when interpreting anti-ABO antibodies measured by hemagglutination assays with reagent erythrocytes. © Copyright 2015 The American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

  19. Continuous renal replacement therapy improves renal recovery from acute renal failure. (United States)

    Jacka, Michael J; Ivancinova, Xenia; Gibney, R T Noel


    Acute renal failure (ARF) occurs in up to 10% of critically ill patients, with significant associated morbidity and mortality. The optimal mode of renal replacement therapy (RRT) remains controversial. This retrospective study compared continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) for RRT in terms of intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital mortality, and renal recovery. We reviewed the records of all patients undergoing RRT for the treatment of ARF over a 12-month period. Patients were compared according to mode of RRT, demographics, physiologic characteristics, and outcomes of ICU and hospital mortality and renal recovery using the Chi square, Student's t test, and multiple logistic regression as appropriate. 116 patients with renal insufficiency underwent RRT during the study period. Of these, 93 had ARF. The severity of illness of CRRT patients was similar to that of IHD patients using APACHE II (25.1 vs 23.5, P = 0.37), but they required significantly more intensive nursing (therapeutic intervention scale 47.8 vs 37.6, P = 0.0001). Mortality was associated with lower pH at presentation (P = 0.003) and increasing age (P = 0.03). Renal recovery was significantly more frequent among patients initially treated with CRRT (21/24 vs 5/14, P = 0.0003). Further investigation to define optimal timing, dose, and duration of RRT may be beneficial. Although further study is needed, this study suggests that renal recovery may be better after CRRT than IHD for ARF. Mortality was not affected significantly by RRT mode.


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    Mónica A. Arango Arango


    Full Text Available El número de pacientes tratados por insuficiencia renal en Colombia es cada vez mayor; por esta razón conocer los costos asociados a esta enfermedad es una necesidad manifiesta de las Entidades Promotoras de Salud con el fin de garantizar la estabilidad del Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud. Este trabajo evalúa financieramente, mediante opciones reales, la posibilidad de hacer un trasplante de riñón en un paciente bajo tratamiento de insuficiencia renal y el Flujo de Caja en Riesgo al tener en cuenta esta opción. Se encontró que al hacer un análisis periódico de los costos asociados a continuar con el tratamiento, existen casos en los que es más eficiente hacer el trasplante, disminuyendo el valor presente de las erogaciones del paciente, mejorando el flujo de caja en riesgo y controlando los gastos futuros de la entidad que lo atiende.Number of patients treated for renal failure in Colombia is increasingly high; for this reason, knowing the costs associated to this disease is a clear need for Health Promoting Entities with the purpose of assuring stability of the Health Social Security System. Through real options, this article is a financial evaluation of the possibility of conducting a kidney transplant in a patient being under a renal failure treatment and the cash flow at risk when having this as an option. It was found that when a periodical analysis of costs associated to continuation of treatment is made, there are cases where transplant is a more efficient option to be executed since the present value of the patient's expenses is decreased, thus improving the cash flow at risk and controlling future expenses of the entity treating the patient.

  1. Renal cell carcinoma in patient with crossed fused renal ectopia

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ozgur Cakmak


    Full Text Available Primary renal cell carcinomas have rarely been reported in patients with crossed fused renal ectopia. We presented a patient with right to left crossed fused kidney harbouring renal tumor. The most frequent tumor encountered in crossed fused renal ectopia is renal cell carcinoma. In this case, partial nephrectomy was performed which pave way to preservation of the uninvolved both renal units. Due to unpredictable anatomy, careful preoperative planning and meticulous delineation of renal vasculature is essential for preservation of the uninvolved renal units.

  2. Implementación y resultados de un nuevo programa de ECMO para trasplante de pulmón y distrés respiratorio agudo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo San Roman


    Full Text Available RESUMEN Objetivo: El desarrollo de la membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea en América Latina representa un desafío para la especialidad. El objetivo de este artículo fue describir los resultados de un nuevo programa de membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. Métodos: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo. Incluye 22 pacientes que requirieron membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea desde Enero de 2011 hasta Junio de 2014. Se evaluaron características basales, indicaciones, duración de la corrida, días de ventilación mecánica, días de unidad de cuidados intensivos, complicaciones y mortalidad hospitalaria. Resultados: Quince pacientes requirieron membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea post-trasplante pulmonar y 7 pacientes por distrés respiratorio agudo. Todos los pacientes trasplantados fueron destetados de membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea, con una duración mediana de 3 días (Rango intercuantil - IQR: 2 - 5, de ventilación mecánica 15,5 días (IQR: 3 - 35, de estadía unidad de cuidados intensivos 31,5 días (IQR: 19 - 53 y de estadía hospitalaria 60 días (IQR: 36 - 89, con una mortalidad de 20%. Los pacientes con distrés respiratorio agudo tuvieron una mediana de duración de membrana de oxigenación extracorpórea de 9 días (IQR: 3 - 14, mediana de ventilación mecánica 25 días (IQR: 13 - 37, de estadía en terapia 31 días (IQR: 11 - 38, y hospitalaria 32 días (IQR: 11 - 41, y 57% de mortalidad. Las principales complicaciones fueron infecciones (80%, insuficiencia renal aguda (43%, sangrados en sitio quirúrgico y de inserción de cánulas (22%, plaquetopenia (60% y coagulopatía (30%. Conclusión: A pesar de encontrarnos transitando una curva de aprendizaje, consideramos la experiencia satisfactoria, con resultados y complicaciones comparables a las reportadas en la literatura.

  3. Chronic renal failure due to unilateral renal agenesis and total renal dysplasia (=aplasia)

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kroepelin, T.; Ziupa, J.; Wimmer, B.


    Three adult patients with unilateral renal agenesis/total dysplasia (= aplasia) and with an early chronic renal failure are presented. One patient had renal agenesis without ureter bud and ureteric ostium on one side, and reflux pyelonephritis on the other; one had small compact total renal dysplasia (= aplasia) on one side, while chronic uric acid nephropathy (chronic renal disease as a cause of gout) was diagnosed on the other; the third patient had a total large multicystic dysplasia on one side, and on the other a segmental large multicystic dysplasia. Radiological steps and radiodiagnostic criteria are discussed and the combination of urogenital and extraurogenital anomalies is referred to. (orig.)

  4. Efficacy of ultrasonography-guided renal biopsy for the evaluation of renal dysfunction following renal transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Young Jae; Choi, Chul Soon; Min, Seon Jeong; Lee, Gyung Kyu; Lee, Eil Seong; Kang, Ik Won; Bae, Sang Hoon


    To evaluate the usefulness and complications of renal biopsy under ultrasonography-guidance in renal dysfunction after renal transplantation. Ultrasonography-guided renal biopsy was done in 47 patients with the transplanted kidney. The subjects consisted of 30 males and 17 females, age ranged from 16 to 66 years (average age=38 years). Biopsies were done once in 27 patients, twice in 17 patients, three times in 3 patients, a total of 70 biopsies. The success rate of renal biopsy for the accurate pathologic diagnosis and the incidence and types of complications following biopsy were evaluated. The success rate of renal biopsy for the accurate pathologic diagnosis was 96%(67/70). Pathologic diagnosis included 27 cases of acute rejection (39%), 8 cases of acute tubular necrosis (11%), 4 cases of acute rejection and acute tubular necrosis (6%), 4 cases of cyclosporin toxicity (6%), 4 cases of primary disease recurrence (6%), 4 cases of infection (6%) and others. Complications after renal biopsy included 15 cases of microscopic hematuria (21%), 1 case of gross hematuria with spontaneous cessation and 1 case of life threatening hemorrhage. Ultrasonography-guided renal biopsy is a safe and effective diagnostic method for the evaluation of renal dysfunction following renal transplantation.

  5. The relation of abo and Rh blood groups, sex, age and myocardial infraction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Siddiqui, Z.H.; Chaudhry, M.A.; Butt, H.


    The present studies have determined the relationship of myocardial infarction with ABO and Rh blood group system gender and age' in the population of Punjab province, Pakistan. One thousand and thirty patients of myocardial infarction were selected from Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Sheikh Zaid Hospital and Jinnah Hospital Lahore. All these patients were diagnosed by physicians according to standard methods. Blood group of patients was determined by agglutination method. Blood group data of same number of normal subjects was collected from blood banks and residential areas of Lahore city for comparison. A significant relationship was observed both for blood group A and Rh-negative in myocardial infarction patients. It was also observed that male individuals in age group of 51 -60 years are more vulnerable to myocardial infarction. (author)

  6. Evaluation of the Secretor Status of ABO Blood Group Antigens in Saliva among Southern Rajasthan Population Using Absorption Inhibition Method. (United States)

    Metgud, Rashmi; Khajuria, Nidhi; Mamta; Ramesh, Gayathri


    The ABO blood group system was the significant element for forensic serological examination of blood and body fluids in the past before the wide adaptation of DNA typing. A significant proportion of individuals (80%) are secretors, meaning that antigens present in the blood are also found in other body fluids such as saliva. Absorption inhibition is one such method that works by reducing strength of an antiserum based on type and amount of antigen present in the stains. To check the efficacy of identifying the blood group antigens in saliva and to know the secretor status using absorption inhibition method among southern Rajasthan population. Blood and saliva samples were collected from 80 individuals comprising 20 individuals in each blood group. The absorption inhibition method was used to determine the blood group antigens in the saliva and then the results were correlated with the blood group of the collected blood sample. The compiled data was statistically analysed using chi-square test. Blood groups A & O revealed 100% secretor status for both males and females. While blood groups B and AB revealed 95% secretor status. Secretor status evaluation of the ABO blood group antigen in saliva using absorption inhibition method can be a useful tool in forensic examination.

  7. Desarrollo de un instrumento para la evaluación del malestar emocional para pacientes renales en diálisis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Helena García-Llana

    Full Text Available Objetivo: Actualmente no existen herramientas validadas para evaluar el malestar emocional en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica, pese a su alta prevalencia en todas las etapas de la patología. Este trabajo describe el desarrollo de un instrumento breve semiestructurado para la Evaluación del malestar Emocional de los pacientes renales en Diálisis (EE-D. Método: El EE-D incluye cinco preguntas con distintos formatos de respuesta (dicotómico, Likert y preguntas abiertas para evaluar tristeza, ansiedad, preocupaciones, recursos para afrontar la enfermedad, signos externos de malestar y observaciones. Los ítems de la primera versión se sometieron a un estudio interjueces (N= 10. Posteriormente se realizó un estudio piloto multicéntrico (N= 25 pacientes en 5 hospitales. Resultados: Tras el estudio interjueces un ítem fue eliminado, y otro añadido. Tras el piloto no hubo modificaciones. La puntuación media (sobre 10 fue 4,16 (DT: 3,41 en tristeza y 3,68 (DT: 3,48 en ansiedad. El 48% refirió preocupaciones familiares, el 44% preocupaciones sobre su estado emocional-psicológico y el 40% sobre su enfermedad/tratamientos. Los principales recursos identificados fueron la esperanza en la posibilidad de trasplante y el apoyo social. A juicio de enfermería el 24% presentan expresión facial de malestar y el 16% otros signos de malestar. Discusión: El EE-D muestra unas garantías psicométricas preliminares. Ha sido distribuido en las Unidades de Diálisis de todo el territorio nacional con el objetivo de su implementación clínica en un marco investigador, lo que permitirá el desarrollo de futuros estudios de validación multicéntricos.

  8. “Transcollateral” Renal Angioplasty for a Completely Occluded Renal Artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chandra, Subash; Chadha, Davinder S.; Swamy, Ajay


    Percutaneous transluminal renal angioplasty with stenting has been effective in the control of hypertension, renal function, and pulmonary edema caused by atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis. However, the role of the procedure has not been fully established in the context of chronic total occlusion of renal artery. We report the successful use of this procedure in 57-year-old male patient who reported for evaluation of a recent episode of accelerated hypertension. A renal angiogram in this patient showed ostial stenosis of the right renal artery, which was filling by way of the collateral artery. Renal angioplasty for chronic total occlusion of right renal artery was successfully performed in a retrograde fashion through a collateral artery, thereby leading to improvement of renal function and blood pressure control.

  9. Influences of renal stone surgeries on renal function; Evaluation of renal function with sup 99m Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Katayama, Yasushi (Niigata Univ. (Japan). School of Medicine)


    From 1984 to 1990, {sup 99m}Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy was performed before and after nephrolithotomy (15 cases), pyelolithotomy (15 cases), percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PNL: 15 cases) and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL: 16 cases, 17 kidneys) in order to evaluate of influences of renal stone surgeries on split renal function. DMSA renal uptake change ratio of treated kidneys of nephrolithotomy (-24.94{+-}5.60%) was significantly lower than that of PNL (-0.06{+-}3.92%), pyelolithotomy (-4.08{+-}4.79%) (p<0.01) and ESWL (-7.72{+-}3.87%) (p<0.05). The average change ratios of contralateral kidneys were as follows: PNL 4.80{+-}4.21% nephrolithotomy 4.67{+-}4.73%, pyelolithotomy -1.46{+-}5.39% and ESWL -2.02{+-}4.44%. One to 3 weeks after PNL, the cold area on the renal image was found in 10 (66.7%) of 15 cases. In cases of ESWL, DMSA renal uptake decreased even 4-10 weeks (mean 7 weeks) after treatment. In conclusion, possibility of deterioration of renal function after ESWL was suggested. (author).

  10. ABO and RhD blood groups and gestational hypertensive disorders: a population-based cohort study. (United States)

    Lee, B K; Zhang, Z; Wikman, A; Lindqvist, P G; Reilly, M


    To examine the association between ABO and RhD blood groups and gestational hypertensive disorders in a large population-based cohort. Cohort study. Risks of gestational hypertensive disorders, pre-eclampsia, and severe pre-eclampsia, estimated by odds ratios for maternal ABO blood group and RhD status. National health registers of Sweden. All singleton deliveries in Sweden born to first-time mothers during the period 1987-2002 [total n = 641 926; any gestational hypertensive disorders, n = 39 011 (6.1%); pre-eclampsia cases, n = 29 337 (4.6%); severe pre-eclampsia cases, n = 8477 (1.3%)]. Using blood group O as a reference, odds ratios of gestational hypertensive disorders, pre-eclampsia, and severe pre-eclampsia were obtained from logistic regression models adjusted for potential confounding factors. Gestational hypertensive disorders, pre-eclampsia, and severe pre-eclampsia. Compared with blood group O, all non-O blood groups had modest but statistically significantly higher odds of pre-eclampsia. Blood group AB had the highest risk for pre-eclampsia (OR = 1.10, 95% CI 1.04-1.16) and severe pre-eclampsia (OR = 1.18, 95% CI 1.07-1.30). RhD-positive mothers had a small increased risk for pre-eclampsia (OR = 1.07, 95% CI 1.03-1.10). In the largest study on this topic to date, women with AB blood group have the highest risks of gestational hypertensive disorders, pre-eclampsia, and severe pre-eclampsia, whereas women with O blood group have the lowest risks of developing these disorders. Although the magnitude of increased risk is small, this finding may help improve our understanding of the etiology of pre-eclampsia. © 2012 The Authors BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology © 2012 RCOG.

  11. Renal Osteodystrophy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aynur Metin Terzibaşoğlu


    Full Text Available Chronic renal insufficiency is a functional definition which is characterized by irreversible and progressive decreasing in renal functions. This impairment is in collaboration with glomeruler filtration rate and serum creatinine levels. Besides this, different grades of bone metabolism disorders develop in chronic renal insufficiency. Pathologic changes in bone tissue due to loss of renal paranchyme is interrelated with calcium, phosphorus vitamine-D and parathyroid hormone. Clinically we can see high turnover bone disease, low turnover bone disease, osteomalacia, osteosclerosis and osteoporosis in renal osteodystropy. In this article we aimed to review pathology of bone metabolism disorders due to chronic renal insufficiency, clinic aspects and treatment approaches briefly.

  12. CT differentiation of infiltrating renal cell carcinoma and renal urothelial tumor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hyo Kyeong; Goo, Dong Erk; Bang, Sun Woo; Lee, Moon Gyu; Cho, Kyoung Sik; Auh, Yong Ho


    It may be difficult to differentiate renal cell carcinoma involving collecting system from renal urothelial tumor invading into renal parenchyma. The purpose of this study was to assess the differences of CT findings between two conditions. CT findings of 5 cases of renal cell carcinoma involving the renal collecting systems and 10 cases of renal urothelial tumors invading the renal parenchyma were compared, and analyzed about the presence or absence of hydronephrosis, normal or abnormal CT nephrogram, renal contour changes due to mass and tentative diagnosis. The diagnoses were confirmed at surgery. Renal cell carcinoma showed hydronephrosis in only 20% and normal CT nephrogram and outward contour bulging in all cases. In contrast, renal urothelial tumor showed hydronephrosis(70%), abnormal CT nephrogram(60%), and preservation of reinform shape(100%). Renal contour changes and CT nephrogram may be useful in distinguishing both disease entities

  13. The renal scan in pregnant renal transplant patients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Goldstein, H.A.; Ziessman, H.A.; Fahey, F.H.; Collea, J.V.; Alijani, M.R.; Helfrich, G.B.


    With the greater frequency of renal transplant surgery, more female pts are becoming pregnant and carrying to term. In the renal allograft blood vessels and ureter may be compressed resulting in impaired renal function and/or, hypertension. Toxemia of pregnancy is seen more frequently than normal. Radionuclide renal scan monitoring may be of significant value in this high risk obstetrical pt. After being maintained during the pregnancy, renal function may also deteriorate in the post partum period. 5 pregnant renal transplant pts who delivered live babies had renal studies with Tc-99m DTPA to assess allograft perfusion and function. No transplanted kidney was lost during or after pregnancy as a result of pregnancy. No congenital anomalies were associated with transplant management. 7 studies were performed on these 5 pts. The 7 scans all showed the uterus/placenta. The bladder was always distorted. The transplanted kidney was rotated to a more vertical position in 3 pts. The radiation dose to the fetus is calculated at 0.024 rad/mCi administered. This study demonstrates the anatomic and physiologic alterations expected in the transplanted kidney during pregnancy when evaluated by renal scan and that the radiation burden may be acceptable in management of these pts

  14. Renal perfusion scintiscan (United States)

    ... Radionuclide renal perfusion scan; Perfusion scintiscan - renal; Scintiscan - renal perfusion Images Kidney anatomy Kidney - blood and urine flow Intravenous pyelogram References Rottenberg G, Andi AC. Renal ...

  15. Study of acute renal insufficiency and chronic renal insufficiency using radioisotopes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Raynaud, C.


    Radioisotopic renal function tests are of assistance to diagnose and follow-up the course of renal insufficiency. The radioisotopic renogram is useful in assessing the response to therapy of child obstructive uropathies and evaluating renal transplant function. The renal scan is helpful, in an emergency service, to differenciate chronic renal insufficiency from acute renal insufficiency. Hg renal uptake test provides informations on physiopathological problems. Among them, the following problems are emphasized: evolution of a nonfunctioning kidney, control of the success of a reparative surgery and of bilateral obstructive uropathies with unilateral symptoms [fr

  16. ABO blood groups and malaria related clinical outcome. (United States)

    Deepa; Alwar, Vanamala A; Rameshkumar, Karuna; Ross, Cecil


    The study was undertaken to correlate the blood groups and clinical presentations in malaria patients and to understand the differential host susceptibility in malaria. From October 2007 to September 2008, malaria positive patients' samples were evaluated in this study. Hemoglobin, total leukocyte count, and platelet count of each patient were done on an automated cell counter. After determining the blood groups, malarial species and the severity of clinical course were correlated. A total of 100 patients were included in the study, of which 63 cases were positive for Plasmodium falciparum and 37 cases were positive for P. vivax infection and 11 patients had mixed infection. The results of the blood groups showed 22 - 'A' group, 42 - 'B' group, 35 - 'O' group and 1 was 'AB' group. When the clinical courses between different groups were compared using the following parameters for severe infection--a parasitic load of >10/1000 RBCs, severe anemia with hemoglobin 101°F and other organ involvement, it was observed that 'O' group had an advantage over other the groups. The difference in rosetting ability between red blood cells of different 'ABO' blood groups with a diminished rosetting potential in blood group 'O' red blood cells was due to the differential host susceptibility. 'O' group had an advantage over the other three blood groups. Based on literature and the results of this study, the diminished rosetting potential in blood group 'O' red blood cells is suggested as the basis for the differential host susceptibility.

  17. ABO and Rhesus blood groups and risk of endometriosis in a French Caucasian population of 633 patients living in the same geographic area. (United States)

    Borghese, Bruno; Chartier, Mélanie; Souza, Carlos; Santulli, Pietro; Lafay-Pillet, Marie-Christine; de Ziegler, Dominique; Chapron, Charles


    The identification of epidemiological factors increasing the risk of endometriosis could shorten the time to diagnosis. Specific blood groups may be more common in patients with endometriosis. We designed a cross-sectional study of 633 Caucasian women living in the same geographic area. Study group included 311 patients with histologically proven endometriosis. Control group included 322 patients without endometriosis as checked during surgery. Frequencies of ABO and Rhesus groups in the study and control groups were compared using univariate and multivariate analyses. We observed a higher proportion of Rh-negative women in the study group, as compared to healthy controls. Multivariate analysis showed that Rh-negative women are twice as likely to develop endometriosis (aOR = 1.90; 95% CI: 1.20-2.90). There was no significant difference in ABO group distribution between patients and controls. There was no difference when taking into account either the clinical forms (superficial endometriosis, endometrioma, and deep infiltration endometriosis) or the rAFS stages. Rh-negative women are twice as likely to develop endometriosis. Chromosome 1p, which contains the genes coding for the Rhesus, could also harbor endometriosis susceptibility genes.

  18. Distal renal tubular acidosis in recurrent renal stone formers

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osther, P J; Hansen, A B; Røhl, H F


    Renal acidification ability was examined in 90 recurrent renal stone formers, using fasting morning urinary pH levels followed by a short ammonium chloride loading test in subjects with pH levels above 6.0. Fifteen patients (16.6%) revealed a distal renal tubular acidification defect: one patient......, this has important therapeutic implications. The pathological sequence in renal stone formers with dRTA is discussed....

  19. Distribution of ABO/Rh blood groups and their association with hepatitis B virus infection in 3.8 million Chinese adults: A population-based cross-sectional study. (United States)

    Liu, J; Zhang, S; Liu, M; Wang, Q; Shen, H; Zhang, Y


    ABO and Rh blood groups play a vital role in blood transfusion safety and clinical practice and are thought to be linked with disease susceptibility. The results from previous studies that focused on the association between blood groups and HBV infection remain controversial. China has the world's largest burden of HBV infection. We assessed the distribution of ABO/Rh blood groups in Chinese adults and examined the association between these groups and HBV infection. We did a nationwide cross-sectional study using data from a physical check-up programme from 31 provinces examined between 2010 and 2012. ELISA was used to test for HBsAg in serologic samples. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate aOR of the association between ABO and Rh blood groups and HBV infection. Among 3 827 125 participants, the proportion of participants with blood group A was highest (30.54%), followed by O (30.37%), B (29.42%) and AB (9.66%). A total of 38 907 (1.02%) were Rh-D negative. The prevalence of HBsAg in blood groups O, A, B and AB were 6.34%, 5.55%, 5.18% and 5.06%, respectively. HBsAg prevalence was 5.65% in Rh-D-positive and 3.96% in Rh-D-negative participants. After controlling for other potential risk factors, multivariate models showed that participants with blood group O (adjusted OR = 1.22, 95% CI: 1.20-1.25) were at higher risk of HBV infection compared with group AB. Rh-D-positive participants (adjusted OR = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.37-1.52) were at higher risk of HBV infection than Rh-D-negative participants. The associations between ABO/Rh blood groups and HBV infection were similar in subgroup analysis. The proportions of O, A, B and AB blood groups were approximately 3:3:3:1, and nearly 1 in 100 people was Rh-D negative among Chinese adults. Blood group O and Rh-D positivity were both associated with increased HBV infection. The risk of HBV infection and blood safety should be taken into consideration in clinical practice, especially when transfusing

  20. Screening renal stone formers for distal renal tubular acidosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Osther, P J; Hansen, A B; Røhl, H F


    A group of 110 consecutive renal stone formers were screened for distal renal tubular acidosis (RTA) using morning fasting urinary pH (mfUpH) levels followed by a short ammonium chloride loading test in patients with levels above 6.0. In 14 patients (12.7%) a renal acidification defect was noted...... RTA in renal stone formers. Regardless of whether the acidification defect is primary or secondary to stone formation, however, all renal stone formers with distal RTA can expect to benefit from prophylactic alkaline therapy and it is recommended that the screening procedure, which is easy to use...

  1. Acute renal infarction Secondary to Atrial Fibrillation Mimicking Renal Stone Picture

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Salih, Salih Bin; Al-Durihim, H.; Al-Jizeeri, A.; Al-Maziad, G.


    Acute renal infarction presents in a similar clinical picture to that of a renal stone. We report a 55-year-old Saudi female, known to have atrial fibrillation secondary to mitral stenosis due to rheumatic heart disease. She presented with a two day history of right flank pain that was treated initially as renal stone. Further investigations confirmed her as a case of renal infarction. Renal infarction is under-diagnosed because the similarity of its presentation to renal stone. Renal infarction should be considered in the differential diagnosis of loin pain, particularly in a patient with atrial fibrillation. (author)

  2. Eritrocitosis post trasplante renal y su tratamiento farmacológico: inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina versus bloqueadores de los receptores de angiotensina en un caso


    Duclos H,Jaime


    A 35 years old male is presented. Eight months after receiving a renal allograft his hypertension worsened and his packed red cell volume raised to 53.7%. Enalapril was started and a 500 ml phlebotomy was performed. In three occasions packed red cell volumes decreased excessively and enalapril was discontinued. Finally, the drug was replaced with losartan, normalizing blood pressure values and stabilizing packed red cell volumes. This case illustrates the different reductions in packed red ce...

  3. Distribution of ABO and Rh types in voluntary Blood donors in Jharkhand area as a study conducted by RIMS, Ranchi


    Singh, Anu; Srivastava, Ramesh Kumar; Deogharia, Kabita S.; Singh, Kranti Kumar


    Background: This study was done to know the distribution and frequencies of blood groups among blood donors attending voluntary blood donation camps organized by the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi, Jharkhand so that demand and supply ratio of the four blood groups can be maintained so that no patient dies due to lack of a particular blood group. Context: Up till now about 400 red cells antigen have been identified. The majority follow Mendelian inheritance. The ABO and ...

  4. The Effects of Renal Denervation on Renal Hemodynamics and Renal Vasculature in a Porcine Model.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Willemien L Verloop

    Full Text Available Recently, the efficacy of renal denervation (RDN has been debated. It is discussed whether RDN is able to adequately target the renal nerves.We aimed to investigate how effective RDN was by means of functional hemodynamic measurements and nerve damage on histology.We performed hemodynamic measurements in both renal arteries of healthy pigs using a Doppler flow and pressure wire. Subsequently unilateral denervation was performed, followed by repeated bilateral hemodynamic measurements. Pigs were terminated directly after RDN or were followed for 3 weeks or 3 months after the procedure. After termination, both treated and control arteries were prepared for histology to evaluate vascular damage and nerve damage. Directly after RDN, resting renal blood flow tended to increase by 29±67% (P = 0.01. In contrast, renal resistance reserve increased from 1.74 (1.28 to 1.88 (1.17 (P = 0.02 during follow-up. Vascular histopathology showed that most nerves around the treated arteries were located outside the lesion areas (8±7 out of 55±25 (14% nerves per pig were observed within a lesion area. Subsequently, a correlation was noted between a more impaired adventitia and a reduction in renal resistance reserve (β: -0.33; P = 0.05 at three weeks of follow-up.Only a small minority of renal nerves was targeted after RDN. Furthermore, more severe adventitial damage was related to a reduction in renal resistance in the treated arteries at follow-up. These hemodynamic and histological observations may indicate that RDN did not sufficiently target the renal nerves. Potentially, this may explain the significant spread in the response after RDN.

  5. The Effects of Renal Denervation on Renal Hemodynamics and Renal Vasculature in a Porcine Model (United States)

    Verloop, Willemien L.; Hubens, Lisette E. G.; Spiering, Wilko; Doevendans, Pieter A.; Goldschmeding, Roel; Bleys, Ronald L. A. W.; Voskuil, Michiel


    Rationale Recently, the efficacy of renal denervation (RDN) has been debated. It is discussed whether RDN is able to adequately target the renal nerves. Objective We aimed to investigate how effective RDN was by means of functional hemodynamic measurements and nerve damage on histology. Methods and Results We performed hemodynamic measurements in both renal arteries of healthy pigs using a Doppler flow and pressure wire. Subsequently unilateral denervation was performed, followed by repeated bilateral hemodynamic measurements. Pigs were terminated directly after RDN or were followed for 3 weeks or 3 months after the procedure. After termination, both treated and control arteries were prepared for histology to evaluate vascular damage and nerve damage. Directly after RDN, resting renal blood flow tended to increase by 29±67% (P = 0.01). In contrast, renal resistance reserve increased from 1.74 (1.28) to 1.88 (1.17) (P = 0.02) during follow-up. Vascular histopathology showed that most nerves around the treated arteries were located outside the lesion areas (8±7 out of 55±25 (14%) nerves per pig were observed within a lesion area). Subsequently, a correlation was noted between a more impaired adventitia and a reduction in renal resistance reserve (β: -0.33; P = 0.05) at three weeks of follow-up. Conclusion Only a small minority of renal nerves was targeted after RDN. Furthermore, more severe adventitial damage was related to a reduction in renal resistance in the treated arteries at follow-up. These hemodynamic and histological observations may indicate that RDN did not sufficiently target the renal nerves. Potentially, this may explain the significant spread in the response after RDN. PMID:26587981

  6. ABO Blood Group and Prevalence of Osteoporosis and Osteopenia in the Elderly Population: An Amirkola Health and Ageing Project (AHAP)-Based Study. (United States)

    Seyfizadeh, Nayer; Seyfizadeh, Narges; Negahdar, Hajar; Hosseini, Seyed Reza; Nooreddini, Hajighorban; Parsian, Hadi

    Osteoporosis is known as a degenerative disease of the skeletal system and its main complication is fracture, which influences quality of life in the elderly. There are 4 major blood groups in humans based on the presence of A and B antigens. According to the investigations, there are reported relations between blood types and some diseases. In this study, the association between the ABO blood group and the prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia in an elderly population was investigated. Medical records of 990 elderly people were investigated in a cross-sectional study and the association between their blood group and the incidence of osteoporosis and osteopenia was analyzed using SPSS version 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The results showed that ABO blood groups had no association with the prevalence of osteoporosis in both elderly men and women. The association between age and osteoporosis was significant and the association between this disorder and gender was significant too. The results also indicate that there is no association between RH + and RH - blood types and osteoporosis and osteopenia in both men and women. Based on this finding, it would be reasonable to conduct extensive studies. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.



    Luis Causil -Vargas; Luis Gómez -Mercado; Daniel Otero- Díaz; Luisa Moscote- Blanco; Luis Monterrosa- Mestra; Dallana Burgos –Flórez; Yonairo Herrera- Benavides


    Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la frecuencia y distribución de grupos sanguíneos ABO y factor Rh en los estudiantes en la Universidad de Córdo­ba, Colombia, sede Berástegui. Metodología: Mediante la realización de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, en una población total de 1.112, de la cual se obtuvo una muestra de 127 personas entre las edades de 17-27 años. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron que el fenotipo A es el fenotipo más común con 51,18%, seguido de tipo fenoti...

  8. Renal pathological implications in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with renal involvement. (United States)

    Li, Li; Zhang, Xiuhui; Li, Zhicheng; Zhang, Rui; Guo, Ruikun; Yin, Qinghua; Yang, Lichuan; Yue, Rongzheng; Su, Baihai; Huang, Songmin; Xu, Huan; He, Cijiang; Liu, Fang


    To investigate the renal pathological implications in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with renal involvement. A total of 328 type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with renal involvement who underwent a renal biopsy and received follow-up for at least one year were recruited in our study. The patients were divided into the diabetic nephropathy (DN), non-diabetic renal disease (NDRD), and NDRD superimposed on DN groups based on the pathological diagnosis. Renal outcomes were defined by the initiation of renal replacement therapy or doubling of the serum creatinine. Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to compare renal survival, and Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to determine the predictors of renal outcomes in the DN group. Renal biopsy findings revealed that 188 patients (57.32%) had pure DN, 121 patients (36.89%) had NDRD alone, and 19 patients (5.79%) had NDRD superimposed on DN. The most frequent subclassification of NDRD was membranous nephropathy (MN). Compared with the NDRD and NDRD superimposed on DN groups, patients with pure DN had poorer renal function and lower renal survival rates. In the DN group, the five-year renal survival rates of glomerular classes of I, IIa, IIb, III and IV were 100%, 84.62%, 60%, 47.5% and 33.33%, respectively. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard analysis showed that the glomerular lesions, proteinuria and serum creatinine were independent risk factors for renal outcomes, while interstitial fibrosis/inflammation and arteriolar hyalinosis were not independently associated with renal outcomes in the DN group. Making an accurate pathologic diagnosis by renal biopsy is crucial for diabetes mellitus (DM) patients with renal involvement. The findings of our present study indicated that patients with pure DN had poorer renal outcomes than patients with NDRD or NDRD superimposed on DN. The classification of glomerular lesions, proteinuria and serum creatinine were independent risk factors for renal outcomes in the DN group

  9. Interfacial coupling and polarization of perovskite ABO3 heterostructures (United States)

    Wu, Lijun; Wang, Zhen; Zhang, Bangmin; Yu, Liping; Chow, G. M.; Tao, Jing; Han, Myung-Geun; Guo, Hangwen; Chen, Lina; Plummer, E. W.; Zhang, Jiandi; Zhu, Yimei


    Interfaces with subtle difference in atomic and electronic structures in perovskite ABO3 heterostructures often yield intriguingly different properties, yet their exact roles remain elusive. In this article, we report an integrated study of unusual transport, magnetic, and structural properties of Pr0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (PSMO) films and La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) films of various thicknesses on SrTiO3 (STO) substrate. In particular, using atomically resolved imaging and electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), we measured interface related local lattice distortion, BO6 octahedral rotation and cation-anion displacement induced polarization. In the very thin PSMO film, an unexpected interface-induced ferromagnetic polaronic insulator phase was observed during the cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition of the substrate STO, due to the enhanced electron-phonon interaction and atomic disorder in the film. On the other hand, for the very thin LSMO films we observed a remarkably deep polarization in non-ferroelectric STO substrate near the interface. Combining the experimental results with first principles calculations, we propose that the observed deep polarization is induced by an electric field originating from oxygen vacancies that extend beyond a dozen unit-cells from the interface, thus providing important evidence of the role of defects in the emergent interface properties of transition metal oxides.

  10. Detection of acute renal allograft rejection by analysis of renal tissue proteomics in rat models of renal transplantation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Dai Yong


    Full Text Available At present, the diagnosis of renal allograft rejection requires a renal biopsy. Clinical management of renal transplant patients would be improved if rapid, noninvasive and reliable biomarkers of rejection were available. This study is designed to determine whether such protein biomarkers can be found in renal-graft tissue proteomic approach. Orthotopic kidney transplantations were performed using Fisher (F344 or Lewis rats as donors and Lewis rats as recipients. Hence, there were two groups of renal transplant models: one is allograft (from F344 to Lewis rats; another is syngrafts (from Lewis to Lewis rats serving as control. Renal tissues were collected 3, 7 and 14 days after transplantation. As many as 18 samples were analyzed by 2-D Electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS. Eleven differentially expressed proteins were identified between groups. In conclusion, proteomic technology can detect renal tissue proteins associated with acute renal allograft rejection. Identification of these proteins as diagnostic markers for rejection in patients′ urine or sera may be useful and non-invasive, and these proteins might serve as novel therapeutic targets that also help to improve the understanding of mechanism of renal rejection.

  11. Renal sympathetic denervation: MDCT evaluation of the renal arteries.

    LENUS (Irish Health Repository)

    Hutchinson, Barry D


    Percutaneous transluminal renal sympathetic denervation is a new treatment of refractory systemic hypertension. The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical utility of MDCT to evaluate the anatomic configuration of the renal arteries in the context of renal sympathetic denervation.

  12. Relationship between renal cortex and parenchyma thickness and renal function: study with CT measurement

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Xu Yufeng; Tang Guangjian; Jiang Xuexiang


    Objective: To study the relationship between renal morphology and renal function, and to assess the value of CT as a criterion to grade renal function. Methods: Enhancement CT were performed in 89 patients with no local renal disease whose split renal glomerular filtration rates (GFR) were measured by renal dynamic imaging with 99 Tc m -DTPA. The 178 kidneys were divided into normal renal function, mild and severe renal impairment groups according to renal function. Differences between three groups respect to the mean thickness of renal cortex and parenchyma were assessed by ANOVA. Using Pearson's correlation test, the correlation between the renal cortex, parenchyma thicknesses and renal GFR were examined. The value of CT in predicting renal function was assessed by using ROC analysis. Results: The renal cortex thicknesses of normal renal function, mild and severe renal impairment groups were (5.9±1.1), (4.6± 1.1), and (3.3±1.0) mm respectively, and the renal parenchyma thicknesses were (26.3±4.2), (21.3±4.6), (16.2±4.6) mm. There were significant differences of renal cortex, parenchyma thicknesses between 3 groups (cortex F=54.78, P<0.01; parenehyma F=43.90, P<0.01). The thicknesses of renal cortex (r=0.752, P<0.01), parenchyma (r=0.738, P<0.01) had positive linear correlation with renal function. ROC analysis of the renal cortex thicknesses measured by CT in predicting mild and severe renal impairment showed that the Az was 0.860 and 0.905 respectively, whereas that of parenchyma was 0.868 and 0.884. Conclusion: The thicknesses of renal cortex, parenchyma measured by CT can reflect renal function. CT was a supplementary method to assess renal function. (authors)

  13. Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation in Renal and Non-Renal Solid Organ Transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hornum, Mads; Feldt-Rasmussen, Bo


    Following transplantation (TX) of both renal and non-renal organs, a large proportion of patients have renal dysfunction. There are multiple causes for this. Chronic nephrotoxicity and high doses of calcineurin inhibitors are important factors. Preoperative and perioperative factors like...... or estimates of renal function in these patients, in order to accurately and safely dose immunosuppressive medication and perform and adjust the treatment and prophylaxis of renal dysfunction. This is a short overview and discussion of relevant studies and possible caveats of estimated glomerular filtration...... rate methods for use in renal and non-renal TX....

  14. Cistitis hemorrágica relacionada al trasplante de médula ósea: primer reporte de casos en el país

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juan Nunura


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Determinar la incidencia, características clínicas y complicaciones de la cistitis hemorrágica (CH. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo sobre pacientes transplantados de médula ósea en la Unidad de Trasplante de Médula Ósea del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, desde noviembre 1994 hasta octubre 2003, y que desarrollaron cistitis hemorrágica. Resultados: En 9 años fueron transplantados 170 pacientes, desarrollando cistitis hemorrágica 8 de ellos (incidencia acumulada 4,7%. El cuadro clínico se caracterizó por disuria más hematuria macroscópica o microscópica. La presentación tardía fue la más frecuente. En 4 pacientes, la cistitis hemorrágica fue severa. Dos de los tres pacientes que desarrollaron el cuadro de cistitis hemorrágica en dos oportunidades, fallecieron. Conclusiones: La mitad de los pocos pacientes que desarrollan CH en la Unidad, lo hacen bajo la forma severa y, si presentan la CH por segunda vez, su pronóstico se complica.

  15. Superselective transcatheter renal arterial embolization for acute renal bleeding in patients with renal insufficiency: its clinical efficacy and safety

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hu Tingyang; Zhou Bing; Yu Wenqiang; Luo Zuyan; Mao Yingmin; Chen Fanghong; Li Bo; Yuan Jianhua


    Objective: To discuss the clinical efficacy and complications of super selective renal arterial embolization in treating acute renal arterial bleeding in patients with renal insufficiency, and to evaluate the influence of the treatment on the renal function. Methods: During the period of January 2000 December 2009, super selective renal arterial embolization was performed in our institution for acute renal bleeding in 13 patients with renal insufficiency. The complete clinical and imaging materials of all patients were properly collected. The clinical effectiveness, the renal function, the extent of embolization and the complications were observed and the relationship between each other was analyzed. Results: The embolization procedure was successfully completed in all patients with a technical success rate of 100%. The mean embolized territory was 22% of a single kidney. Three days after the procedure, the hemoglobin level, hematocrit, blood pressure and heart rate were considerably improved in all patients. Compared to the corresponding preoperative data, all the differences were statistically significant (P 0.05), while the blood urea nitrogen was markedly decreased (P=0.011). Post embolization syndrome occurred in 5 patients and progressive aggravation of the renal function was observed in one patient, who had to receive hemodialysis finally. The embolized territory in patients occurring complications was larger than that in patients without occurring complications (U=1.500, P=0.006). Conclusion: Super selective renal arterial embolization is an effective and safe treatment for acute renal arterial bleeding in patients with renal insufficiency, the therapy will not significantly worsen the renal function. Appropriate and reasonable extent of embolization, as small as possible, is the key point for reducing the complications. (authors)

  16. Detection of acute renal allograft rejection by analysis of Renal TissueProteomics in rat models of renal transplantation

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dai, Y.; Lv, T.; Wang, K.; Li, D.; Huang, Y.; Liu, J.


    At present, the diagnosis of renal allograft rejection requires a renalbiopsy. Clinical management of renal transplant patients would be improved ifrapid, noninvasive and reliable biomarkers of rejection were available. Thisstudy is designed to determine whether such protein biomarkers can be foundin renal graft tissue proteomic approach. Orthotopic kidney transplantationswere performed using Fisher (F344) or Lewis rats as donors and Lewis rats asrecipients. Hence, there were two groups of renal transplant models: one isallograft (from F344 to Lewis rats); another is syngrafts (from Lewis toLewis rats) serving as control. Renal tissues were collected 3, 7 and 14 daysafter transplantation. As many 18 samples were analyzed by 2-DElectrophoresis and mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-TOF-MS). Elevendifferentially expressed proteins were identified between groups. Inconclusion, proteomic technology can detect renal tissue proteins associatedwith acute renal allograft rejection. Identification of these proteins asdiagnostic markers for rejection in patient's urine or sera may be useful andnon-invasive, and these proteins might serve as novel therapeutic targetsthat also help to improve the understanding of mechanisms of renal rejection.(author)

  17. Anatomic Patterns of Renal Arterial Sympathetic Innervation: New Aspects for Renal Denervation. (United States)

    Imnadze, Guram; Balzer, Stefan; Meyer, Baerbel; Neumann, Joerg; Krech, Rainer Horst; Thale, Joachim; Franz, Norbert; Warnecke, Henning; Awad, Khaled; Hayek, Salim S; Devireddy, Chandan


    Initial studies of catheter-based renal arterial sympathetic denervation to lower blood pressure in resistant hypertensive patients renewed interest in the sympathetic nervous system's role in the pathogenesis of hypertension. However, the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 study failed to meet its prespecified blood pressure lowering efficacy endpoint. To date, only a limited number of studies have described the microanatomy of renal nerves, of which, only two involve humans. Renal arteries were harvested from 15 cadavers from the Klinikum Osnabruck and Schuchtermann Klinik, Bad Rothenfelde. Each artery was divided longitudinally in equal thirds (proximal, middle, and distal), with each section then divided into equal superior, inferior, anterior, and posterior quadrants, which were then stained. Segments containing no renal nerves were given a score value = 0, 1-2 nerves with diameter 4 nerves or nerve diameter ≥600 µm a score = 3. A total of 22 renal arteries (9 right-sided, 13 left-sided) were suitable for examination. Overall, 691 sections of 5 mm thickness were prepared. Right renal arteries had significantly higher mean innervation grade (1.56 ± 0.85) compared to left renal arteries (1.09 ± 0.87) (P renal artery has significantly higher innervation scores than the left. The anterior and superior quadrants of the renal arteries scored higher in innervation than the posterior and inferior quadrants did. The distal third of the renal arteries are more innervated than the more proximal segments. These findings warrant further evaluation of the spatial innervation patterns of the renal artery in order to understand how it may enhance catheter-based renal arterial denervation procedural strategy and outcomes. The SYMPLICITY HTN-3 study dealt a blow to the idea of the catheter-based renal arterial sympathetic denervation. We investigated the location and patterns of periarterial renal nerves in cadaveric human renal arteries. To quantify the density of the

  18. Renal Blood Flow, Glomerular Filtration Rate, and Renal Oxygenation in Early Clinical Septic Shock. (United States)

    Skytte Larsson, Jenny; Krumbholz, Vitus; Enskog, Anders; Bragadottir, Gudrun; Redfors, Bengt; Ricksten, Sven-Erik


    Data on renal hemodynamics, function, and oxygenation in early clinical septic shock are lacking. We therefore measured renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, renal oxygen consumption, and oxygenation in patients with early septic shock. Prospective comparative study. General and cardiothoracic ICUs. Patients with norepinephrine-dependent early septic shock (n = 8) were studied within 24 hours after arrival in the ICU and compared with postcardiac surgery patients without acute kidney injury (comparator group, n = 58). None. Data on systemic hemodynamics and renal variables were obtained during two 30-minute periods. Renal blood flow was measured by the infusion clearance of para-aminohippuric acid, corrected for renal extraction of para-aminohippuric acid. Renal filtration fraction was measured by renal extraction of chromium-51 labeled EDTA. Renal oxygenation was estimated from renal oxygen extraction. Renal oxygen delivery (-24%; p = 0.037) and the renal blood flow-to-cardiac index ratio (-21%; p = 0.018) were lower, renal vascular resistance was higher (26%; p = 0.027), whereas renal blood flow tended to be lower (-19%; p = 0.068) in the septic group. Glomerular filtration rate (-32%; p = 0.006) and renal sodium reabsorption (-29%; p = 0.014) were both lower in the septic group. Neither renal filtration fraction nor renal oxygen consumption differed significantly between groups. Renal oxygen extraction was significantly higher in the septic group (28%; p = 0.022). In the septic group, markers of tubular injury were elevated. In early clinical septic shock, renal function was lower, which was accompanied by renal vasoconstriction, a lower renal oxygen delivery, impaired renal oxygenation, and tubular sodium reabsorption at a high oxygen cost compared with controls.

  19. Distribution of ABO and Rh types in voluntary Blood donors in Jharkhand area as a study conducted by RIMS, Ranchi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anu Singh


    Full Text Available Background: This study was done to know the distribution and frequencies of blood groups among blood donors attending voluntary blood donation camps organized by the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand so that demand and supply ratio of the four blood groups can be maintained so that no patient dies due to lack of a particular blood group. Context: Up till now about 400 red cells antigen have been identified. The majority follow Mendelian inheritance. The ABO and Rhesus (Rh blood group system are most important for blood transfusion purposes, parental testing, legal medicine, and in population genetic study. Aims: This study was conducted to determine and compare the frequency and distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups among voluntary blood donors attending blood donation camps in Jharkhand organized by RIMS. The aim is to know the demand and supply ratio of a particular blood group in light of their distribution in the society so that no patient dies due to the deficient supply of blood. Settings and Design: It is a retrospective study carried out at blood bank. Materials and Methods: A study was conducted at Blood bank, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, over a period of 4 years from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2015. Blood group of the blood donors was determined by commercially available standard monoclonal antisera by test tube agglutination technique accompanied by reverse grouping. Results: Out of 20,455 subjects, 18,717 (91.73% were male and 1738 (8.27% were female subjects. The ABO blood group present was B (35.15% followed by O (34.73%, A (22.09%, and AB (8.03% in blood donors while in Rh system, (96.46% donors were Rh +ve and (3.54% donors were Rh −ve. The study has a significant implication regarding the inventory management of blood bank and transfusion services for the indoor patients of RIMS and for emergency supply to other hospitals of Jharkhand in dire need of blood. Conclusions: The knowledge of

  20. Distribution of ABO and Rh types in voluntary Blood donors in Jharkhand area as a study conducted by RIMS, Ranchi. (United States)

    Singh, Anu; Srivastava, Ramesh Kumar; Deogharia, Kabita S; Singh, Kranti Kumar


    This study was done to know the distribution and frequencies of blood groups among blood donors attending voluntary blood donation camps organized by the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi, Jharkhand so that demand and supply ratio of the four blood groups can be maintained so that no patient dies due to lack of a particular blood group. Up till now about 400 red cells antigen have been identified. The majority follow Mendelian inheritance. The ABO and Rhesus (Rh) blood group system are most important for blood transfusion purposes, parental testing, legal medicine, and in population genetic study. This study was conducted to determine and compare the frequency and distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups among voluntary blood donors attending blood donation camps in Jharkhand organized by RIMS. The aim is to know the demand and supply ratio of a particular blood group in light of their distribution in the society so that no patient dies due to the deficient supply of blood. It is a retrospective study carried out at blood bank. Materials and Methods: A study was conducted at Blood bank, RIMS, Ranchi, Jharkhand, over a period of 4 years from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2015. Blood group of the blood donors was determined by commercially available standard monoclonal antisera by test tube agglutination technique accompanied by reverse grouping. Out of 20,455 subjects, 18,717 (91.73%) were male and 1738 (8.27%) were female subjects. The ABO blood group present was B (35.15%) followed by O (34.73%), A (22.09%), and AB (8.03%) in blood donors while in Rh system, (96.46%) donors were Rh +ve and (3.54%) donors were Rh -ve. The study has a significant implication regarding the inventory management of blood bank and transfusion services for the indoor patients of RIMS and for emergency supply to other hospitals of Jharkhand in dire need of blood. The knowledge of distribution of blood group is very important for blood banks and transfusion services

  1. The 64-MSCT study of relationship between renal corticomedullary differentiation, contrast between renal cortex and medulla, renal cortex and medulla CT peak value with the single renal function in hydronephrotic kidney

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wang Yunhua; Hou Weiwei; Liu Ruihong; He Jianjun; Zhi Ke


    Objective: To study 64-MSCT perfusion imaging features about renal corticomedullary differentiation, contrast between renal cortex and medulla (CMC), renal cortex and medulla CT peak value in normal and hydronephrotic kidneys, and to explore the relationship between them and the unilateral renal function. Methods: Thirty-six patients with obstructive nephrohydrosis underwent 64-MSCT perfusion scanning. The split renal glomerular filtration rates (GFR) of their kidneys were measured by SPECT renal dynamic imaging. The 72 kidneys were divided into groups of normal renal function group, mild and severe renal impairment groups according to GFR. Renal corticomedullary differentiation on CT images was graded as clear, obscure, part clear. The CT intensity of cortex and medulla was measured in order to calculate contrast between renal cortex and medulla (CMC). Using Pearson correlation test, the correlation between them and renal GFR were examined. Results: (1) In the 24 kidneys of normal group, all kidneys showed clear CMD. In the 21 kidneys of mild renal impairment group, 14 kidneys showed clear CMD, 2 showed obscure CMD and 5 showed part clear of CMD. In the 27 kidneys of severe renal impairment group, 7 kidneys showed clear CMD, 5 showed obscure CMD and 15 showed part clear of CMD. (2)The CMC of normal group was 0.62 ± 0.20, while it was 0.52 ± 0.14 and 0.37 ± 0.11 for mild renal impairment group and severe renal impairment group CMC respectively. The CMC had positive linear correlation with GFR (r=0.536,P<0.05). (3) The renal cortex and medulla CT peak value of normal group were (133 ± 22) and (104 ± 16) HU; The renal cortex and medulla CT peak value of mild renal impairment group were (91 ± 29) and (76 ± 25) HU; The renal cortex and medulla CT peak value of severe renal impairment group were (68 ± 24) and (57 ± 21) HU(F=42.76 and 32.68,P<0.05). The renal cortex and medulla CT peak value had positive linear correlation with GFR (r=0.672 and 0.623, P<0

  2. Multiple Renal Artery Pseudoaneurysms in Patients Undergoing Renal Artery Embolization Following Partial Nephrectomy: Correlation with RENAL Nephrometry Scores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gupta, Nakul; Patel, Anish; Ensor, Joe; Ahrar, Kamran; Ahrar, Judy; Tam, Alda; Odisio, Bruno; Huang, Stephen; Murthy, Ravi; Mahvash, Armeen; Avritscher, Rony; McRae, Stephen; Sabir, Sharjeel; Wallace, Michael; Matin, Surena; Gupta, Sanjay


    PurposeTo describe the incidence of multiple renal artery pseudoaneurysms (PSA) in patients referred for renal artery embolization following partial nephrectomy and to study its relationship to RENAL nephrometry scores.Materials and MethodsThe medical records of 25 patients referred for renal artery embolization after partial nephrectomy were retrospectively reviewed for the following parameters: size and number of tumors, RENAL nephrometry scores, angiographic abnormalities, technical and clinical outcomes, and estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFRs) after embolization.ResultsTwenty-four patients had primary renal tumors, while 1 patient had a pancreatic tumor invading the kidney. Multiple tumors were resected in 4 patients. Most patients (92 %) were symptomatic, presenting with gross hematuria, flank pain, or both. Angiography revealed PSA with (n = 5) or without (n = 20) AV fistulae. Sixteen patients (64 %) had multiple PSA involving multiple renal vessels. Higher RENAL nephrometry scores were associated with an increasing likelihood of multiple PSA. Multiple vessels were embolized in 14 patients (56 %). Clinical success was achieved after one (n = 22) or two (n = 3) embolization sessions in all patients. Post-embolization eGFR values at different time points after embolization were not significantly different from the post-operative eGFR.ConclusionA majority of patients requiring renal artery embolization following partial nephrectomy have multiple pseudoaneurysms, often requiring selective embolization of multiple vessels. Higher RENAL nephrometry score is associated with an increasing likelihood of multiple pseudoaneurysms. We found transarterial embolization to be a safe and effective treatment option with no long-term adverse effect on renal function in all but one patient with a solitary kidney.

  3. Multiple Renal Artery Pseudoaneurysms in Patients Undergoing Renal Artery Embolization Following Partial Nephrectomy: Correlation with RENAL Nephrometry Scores

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gupta, Nakul [Houston Methodist Hospital (United States); Patel, Anish [The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (United States); Ensor, Joe [Houston Methodist Research Institute, The Houston Methodist Cancer Center (United States); Ahrar, Kamran; Ahrar, Judy; Tam, Alda; Odisio, Bruno; Huang, Stephen; Murthy, Ravi; Mahvash, Armeen; Avritscher, Rony; McRae, Stephen; Sabir, Sharjeel; Wallace, Michael [The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Interventional Radiology (United States); Matin, Surena [The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Urology (United States); Gupta, Sanjay, E-mail: [The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Interventional Radiology (United States)


    PurposeTo describe the incidence of multiple renal artery pseudoaneurysms (PSA) in patients referred for renal artery embolization following partial nephrectomy and to study its relationship to RENAL nephrometry scores.Materials and MethodsThe medical records of 25 patients referred for renal artery embolization after partial nephrectomy were retrospectively reviewed for the following parameters: size and number of tumors, RENAL nephrometry scores, angiographic abnormalities, technical and clinical outcomes, and estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFRs) after embolization.ResultsTwenty-four patients had primary renal tumors, while 1 patient had a pancreatic tumor invading the kidney. Multiple tumors were resected in 4 patients. Most patients (92 %) were symptomatic, presenting with gross hematuria, flank pain, or both. Angiography revealed PSA with (n = 5) or without (n = 20) AV fistulae. Sixteen patients (64 %) had multiple PSA involving multiple renal vessels. Higher RENAL nephrometry scores were associated with an increasing likelihood of multiple PSA. Multiple vessels were embolized in 14 patients (56 %). Clinical success was achieved after one (n = 22) or two (n = 3) embolization sessions in all patients. Post-embolization eGFR values at different time points after embolization were not significantly different from the post-operative eGFR.ConclusionA majority of patients requiring renal artery embolization following partial nephrectomy have multiple pseudoaneurysms, often requiring selective embolization of multiple vessels. Higher RENAL nephrometry score is associated with an increasing likelihood of multiple pseudoaneurysms. We found transarterial embolization to be a safe and effective treatment option with no long-term adverse effect on renal function in all but one patient with a solitary kidney.

  4. Early plasmapheresis and rituximab for acute humoral rejection after ABO-compatible liver transplantation

    Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (English)

    Nassim Kamar; Laurence Lavayssière; Fabrice Muscari; Janick Selves; Céline Guilbeau-Frugier; Isabelle Cardeau; Laure Esposito; Olivier Cointault; Marie Béatrice Nogier; Jean Marie Peron; Philippe Otal; Marylise Fort; Lionel Rostaing


    Acute humoral rejection (AHR) is uncommon after ABOcompatible liver transplantation. Herein, we report two cases of AHR treated with plasmapheresis and rituximab in two ABO-compatible liver-transplant patients with preformed anti-human leukocyte antigen donor-specific antibodies. Patient 1 experienced a biopsy-proven AHR at day 10 post-transplant. She was treated by steroid pulses, and OKT3. Because of persisting signs of biopsy-proven AHR at day 26, she was treated by plasmapheresis and rituximab. Liver enzyme levels did not improve, and she died on day 41. Patient 2 experienced a biopsy-proven AHR on day 10 post-transplant. She was treated by steroid pulses, plasmapheresis, and rituximab.Liver enzymes returned to within normal range 18 dafter diagnosis. Liver biopsies, at 3 and 9 mo post-transplant,showed complete resolution of AHR. We conclude that plasmapheresis should be started as soon as AHR is diagnosed, and be associated with a B-cell depleting agent. Rituximab may be considered as a first-line therapy.

  5. Pabellón de trasplantes en el hospital general de Edimburgo, Gran Bretaña

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Womersley, P.


    Full Text Available The set of buildings includes a medical wing, an administrative wing, and a slightly elevated passage, which connects the Nuffield Foundation with the Hospital, through which patients and donants are taken from the Hospital to the Pavillion. The body of the building, which is tower shaped, has stairs, a lift, water tanks; and in the semi-basement there are mechanical, sanitary, and air conditioning installations. This pavillion has been specially designed to carry out human transplants, mainly kidneys, and meets present complex technical needs in this branch of surgery. From the aesthetic aspect, the total designs gives the visitor the impression of safety and airiness, and induces a sensation of confidence.El conjunto construido consta de: un ala médica; un ala administrativa; y un paso ligeramente elevado, que une Nuffield con el Hospital, utilizado para el traslado de pacientes y donantes desde el Hospital al Pabellón. El cuerpo de edificio, con aspecto de «torre», contiene: la escalera, el ascensor, el depósito de agua, etc.; el semisótano alberga: los equipos mecánicos y los servicios de las instalaciones sanitarias, aire acondicionado, etc. Ha sido especialmente diseñado para realizar operaciones de trasplante de órganos humanos, en particular de riñon, y satisface adecuadamente las complejas exigencias técnicas que reclamaban los recientes avances en esta rama de la cirugía. Desde el punto de vista estético, el conjunto construido produce en el espectador una sensación segura y etérea, que lo hace sumamente atractivo.

  6. A novel paper-based assay for the simultaneous determination of Rh typing and forward and reverse ABO blood groups. (United States)

    Noiphung, Julaluk; Talalak, Kwanrutai; Hongwarittorrn, Irin; Pupinyo, Naricha; Thirabowonkitphithan, Pannawich; Laiwattanapaisal, Wanida


    We propose a new, paper-based analytical device (PAD) for blood typing that allows for the simultaneous determination of ABO and Rh blood groups on the same device. The device was successfully fabricated by using a combination of wax printing and wax dipping methods. A 1:2 blood dilution was used for forward grouping, whereas whole blood could be used for reverse grouping. A 30% cell suspension of A-cells or B-cells was used for haemagglutination on the reverse grouping side. The total assay time was 10 min. The ratio between the distance of red blood cell movement and plasma separation is the criterion for agglutination and indicates the presence of the corresponding antigen or antibody. The proposed PAD has excellent reproducibility in that the same blood groups, namely A, AB, and O, were reported by using different PADs that were fabricated on the same day (n=10). The accuracy for detecting blood group A (n=12), B (n=13), AB (n=9), O (n=14), and Rh (n=48) typing were 92%, 85%, 89%, 93%, and 96%, respectively, in comparison with the conventional slide test method. The haematocrit of the sample affects the accuracy of the results, and appropriate dilution is suggested before typing. In conclusion, this study proposes a novel method that is straightforward, time-saving, and inexpensive for the simultaneous determination of ABO and Rh blood groups, which is promising for use in developing countries. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  7. Significance of ABO-Rh blood groups in response and prognosis in breast cancer patients treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. (United States)

    Cihan, Yasemin Benderli


    To evaluate whether ABO-Rh blood groups have significance in the treatment response and prognosis in patients with non-metastatic breast cancer. We retrospectively evaluated files of 335 patients with breast cancer who were treated between 2005 and 2010. Demographic data, clinic- pathological findings, treatments employed, treatment response, and overall and disease-free survivals were reviewed. Relationships between clinic-pathological findings and blood groups were evaluated. 329 women and 6 men were included to the study. Mean age at diagnosis was 55.2 years (range: 26-86). Of the cases, 95% received chemotherapy while 70% were given radiotherapy and 60.9% adjuvant hormone therapy after surgery. Some 63.0% were A blood group, 17.6% O, 14.3% B and 5.1% AB. In addition, 82.0% of the cases were Rh-positive. Mean follow-up was 24.5 months. Median overall and progression-free survival times were 83.9 and 79.5 months, respectively. Overall and disease-free survival times were found to be higher in patients with A and O blood groups (pgroup (p=0.226). In univariate and multivariate analyses, ABO blood groups were identified as factors that had significant effects on overall and disease-survival times (p=0.011 and p=0.002). It was seen that overall and disease-free survival times were higher in breast cancer patients with A and O blood groups when compared to those with other blood groups. It was seen that A and O blood groups had good prognostic value in patients with breast cancer.

  8. The renal quantitative scintillation camera study for determination of renal function

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Thompson, I.M. Jr.; Boineau, F.G.; Evans, B.B.; Schlegel, J.U.


    The renal quantitative scintillation camera study assesses glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow based upon renal uptake of 99mtechnetium-iron ascorbate and 131iodine-hippuran, respectively. The method was compared to inulin, para-aminohippuric acid and creatinine clearance studies in 7 normal subjects and 9 patients with various degrees of reduced renal function. The reproducibility of the technique was determined in 15 randomly selected pediatric patients. The values of glomerular filtration rate and effective renal plasma flow were not significantly different from those of inulin and para-aminohippuric acid studies. The reproducibility of the technique was comparable to that of inulin and para-aminohippuric acid studies. Patient acceptance of the technique is excellent and the cost is minimal. Renal morphology and excretory dynamics also are demonstrated. The technique is advocated as a clinical measure of renal function

  9. Inhibiting aerobic glycolysis suppresses renal interstitial fibroblast activation and renal fibrosis. (United States)

    Ding, Hao; Jiang, Lei; Xu, Jing; Bai, Feng; Zhou, Yang; Yuan, Qi; Luo, Jing; Zen, Ke; Yang, Junwei


    Chronic kidney diseases generally lead to renal fibrosis. Despite great progress having been made in identifying molecular mediators of fibrosis, the mechanism that governs renal fibrosis remains unclear, and so far no effective therapeutic antifibrosis strategy is available. Here we demonstrated that a switch of metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect) in renal fibroblasts was the primary feature of fibroblast activation during renal fibrosis and that suppressing renal fibroblast aerobic glycolysis could significantly reduce renal fibrosis. Both gene and protein assay showed that the expression of glycolysis enzymes was upregulated in mouse kidneys with unilateral ureter obstruction (UUO) surgery or in transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1)-treated renal interstitial fibroblasts. Aerobic glycolysis flux, indicated by glucose uptake and lactate production, was increased in mouse kidney with UUO nephropathy or TGF-β1-treated renal interstitial fibroblasts and positively correlated with fibrosis process. In line with this, we found that increasing aerobic glycolysis can remarkably induce myofibroblast activation while aerobic glycolysis inhibitors shikonin and 2-deoxyglucose attenuate UUO-induced mouse renal fibrosis and TGF-β1-stimulated myofibroblast activation. Furthermore, mechanistic study indicated that shikonin inhibits renal aerobic glycolysis via reducing phosphorylation of pyruvate kinase type M2, a rate-limiting glycolytic enzyme associated with cell reliance on aerobic glycolysis. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate the critical role of aerobic glycolysis in renal fibrosis and support treatment with aerobic glycolysis inhibitors as a potential antifibrotic strategy. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.


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    A. V. Govorov


    Full Text Available Renal cryoablation is an alternative minimally-invasive method of treatment for localized renal cell carcinoma. The main advantages of this methodology include visualization of the tumor and the forming of "ice ball" in real time, fewer complications compared with other methods of treatment of renal cell carcinoma, as well as the possibility of conducting cryotherapy in patients with concomitant pathology. Compared with other ablative technologies cryoablation has a low rate of repeat sessions and good intermediate oncological results. The studies of long-term oncological and functional results of renal cryoablation are presently under way.

  11. Renal artery pulsatility index and renal volume: Normal fetuses versus growth-retarded fetuses

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lee, Kyung Soon; Woo, Bock Hi


    To evaluate the blood flow velocity waveform of the renal artery and renal volume of growth-retarded fetuses and to compare them with those of normal fetuses. Pulsatility index of the renal artery and renal volume measured by three-dimensional ultrasonography were obtained from seventy eight normal fetuses at the gestational age from twenty five to thirty nine weeks and eighteen intrauterine growth retarded fetuses whose weight was below ten percentile at birth. We studied changes of the pulsatility index of the renal artery and renal volume according to the gestational age and compared with those of growth-retarded fetuses. Pulsatility index (PI) of the fetal renal artery decreased throughout the gestational period (r=0.703, p<0.0001). In growth-retarded fetuses, despite of abnormal doppler velocity waveform of the middle cerebral artery, which was showing fetal hypoxia, the renal PI was not increased significantly. The fetal renal volume increased throughout the gestational period (r=0.834, p<0.0001) whereas in growth-retarded fetuses, all renal volume was below fifth percentile of normal fetuses. In growth-retarded fetuses, fetal renal volume was decreased significantly without change of the renal vascular flow. Therefore, the fetal renal volume measured by three-dimensional ultrasonography may be a helpful parameter in the diagnosis of growth-retarded fetuses.

  12. Renal artery pulsatility index and renal volume: Normal fetuses versus growth-retarded fetuses

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lee, Kyung Soon; Woo, Bock Hi [Ewha Womans University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    To evaluate the blood flow velocity waveform of the renal artery and renal volume of growth-retarded fetuses and to compare them with those of normal fetuses. Pulsatility index of the renal artery and renal volume measured by three-dimensional ultrasonography were obtained from seventy eight normal fetuses at the gestational age from twenty five to thirty nine weeks and eighteen intrauterine growth retarded fetuses whose weight was below ten percentile at birth. We studied changes of the pulsatility index of the renal artery and renal volume according to the gestational age and compared with those of growth-retarded fetuses. Pulsatility index (PI) of the fetal renal artery decreased throughout the gestational period (r=0.703, p<0.0001). In growth-retarded fetuses, despite of abnormal doppler velocity waveform of the middle cerebral artery, which was showing fetal hypoxia, the renal PI was not increased significantly. The fetal renal volume increased throughout the gestational period (r=0.834, p<0.0001) whereas in growth-retarded fetuses, all renal volume was below fifth percentile of normal fetuses. In growth-retarded fetuses, fetal renal volume was decreased significantly without change of the renal vascular flow. Therefore, the fetal renal volume measured by three-dimensional ultrasonography may be a helpful parameter in the diagnosis of growth-retarded fetuses.

  13. Heterozygosity and Fixation Index for ABO Gene in Barak Valley Populations vis-a-vis a Few Exotic Populations

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)



    Full Text Available In a genetic study of 26 human populations including 2 major endogamous populations (Hindus and Muslims of Barak Valley in Assam and 24 exotic populations, observed heterozygosity (Ho, fixation index (F and Panmictic index (P for ABO gene were estimated from gene frequency data to reveal the extent of inbreeding that has taken place in each population during evolution. Observed heterozygosity, a measure of genetic variation, ranged from 0.3254 to 0.6086 in these populations. Expected Hardy-Weinberg heterozygosity of ABO gene was estimated as 0.6666 assuming the occurrence of all the three alleles in equal frequency. Fixation index was the highest in the population of Sudan (51.18% followed by Australia (48.51% and Iceland (38.28% indicating the occurrence of high inbreeding and the presence of more homozygosity in these populations during evolution. But the fixation index was the lowest in the population of South China (8.70% followed by Central Asia (11.82% and Russia (12.96%. It suggested the occurrence of low inbreeding and hence more outbreeding in these populations resulting in the existence of more heterozygosity (high genetic variation in these populations. Panmictic index, a measure of outbreeding, is the opposite of fixation index and it varied from 48.82 (Sudan to 91.30% (South China. The population showing the highest fixation index recorded the lowest panmictic index and vice-versa. In evolutionary context, outbreeding in human populations would be more desirable to reduce the incidence of genetic diseases caused by recessive genes and to enhance heterozygosity for those loci for better adaptation of future generations, possibly at the cost of gradually increasing genetic load in the population.

  14. Obesity and renal hemodynamics

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Bosma, R. J.; Krikken, J. A.; van der Heide, J. J. Homan; de Jong, P. E.; Navis, G. J.


    Obesity is a risk factor for renal damage in native kidney disease and in renal transplant recipients. Obesity is associated with several renal risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes that may convey renal risk, but obesity is also associated with an unfavorable renal hemodynamic profile

  15. Does the presence of accessory renal arteries affect the efficacy of renal denervation? (United States)

    Id, Dani; Kaltenbach, Benjamin; Bertog, Stefan C; Hornung, Marius; Hofmann, Ilona; Vaskelyte, Laura; Sievert, Horst


    This study sought to assess the efficacy of catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation in patients with accessory renal arteries and to compare the blood pressure (BP)-lowering effect with that observed in patients with bilateral single renal arteries after renal denervation. Catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation causes significant BP reductions in patients with resistant hypertension. Seventy-four patients were included in this study. Patients were assigned to 2 main groups: a bilateral single renal arteries group I (n = 54) and an accessory renal arteries group II (n = 20). Group II consisted of 9 patients whose accessory renal arteries were all denervated (group IIa), and 11 patients whose accessory renal arteries were not, or only incompletely, denervated (group IIb). The primary endpoint was the change in office systolic BP after 6 months. The procedure was successful in all patients. Group I: mean BP at baseline was 166.2/89.4 ± 20.5/14.6 mm Hg and decreased by -16.6 (p renal denervation in patients with accessory renal arteries is less pronounced than in patients with bilateral single renal arteries. Copyright © 2013 American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. Radiopharmaceuticals for renal studies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verdera, Silvia


    Between the diagnostic techniques using radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine it find renal studies.A brief description about renal glomerular filtration(GFR) and reliability renal plasma flux (ERPF),renal blood flux measurement agents (RBF),renal scintillation agents and radiation dose estimates by organ physiology was given in this study.tabs

  17. Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation in Renal and Non-Renal Solid Organ Transplantation

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Hornum, Mads; Feldt-Rasmussen, Bo


    Following transplantation (TX) of both renal and non-renal organs, a large proportion of patients have renal dysfunction. There are multiple causes for this. Chronic nephrotoxicity and high doses of calcineurin inhibitors are important factors. Preoperative and perioperative factors like hyperten......Following transplantation (TX) of both renal and non-renal organs, a large proportion of patients have renal dysfunction. There are multiple causes for this. Chronic nephrotoxicity and high doses of calcineurin inhibitors are important factors. Preoperative and perioperative factors like...... hypertension, hypotension, drugs and infections may play a causative role as well. Organ-specific causes include hepatorenal syndrome, cirrhosis, low cardiac function, low respiratory function and diabetes developed both before and after TX. It is important to be able to perform precise and valid measurements...... rate methods for use in renal and non-renal TX....

  18. Treatment of non-neoplastic renal hemorrhage with segmental embolization of renal artery

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zhu Bing


    Objective: To explore the value of segmental embolization of renal artery in dealing with non- neoplastic renal hemorrhage. Methods: Four cases of non-neoplastic hemorrhage, including 2 with bleeding after renal acupuncture biopsy, 2 with bleeding after nephrolithotomy and 1 with congenital renal arteriovenous malformation, were treated with superselective segmental embolization of renal artery. 2 were embolized with coil, 1 with alcohol plus coil and 1 with PVA parcels. Results: Hematuria disappeared in 1-3 days. There was no recurrence in 7-45 months follow up and no complications induced by embolization. Conclusion: It is a safe and reliable therapy to treat non-neoplastic renal hemorrhage with segmental embolization of renal artery. (authors)

  19. Evolución clínica de los enfermos renales crónicos en tratamiento sustitutivo con infección por VIH

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ramón Saracho


    A pesar del uso de las nuevas combinaciones de antivirales, la incidencia de pacientes VIH+ en diálisis se ha incrementado, su mortalidad supera todavía al resto de pacientes, y tienen una tasa de trasplante muy baja. Se hace necesario profundizar en el conocimiento de esta enfermedad para mejorar los resultados.

  20. Bilateral renal artery variation


    Üçerler, Hülya; Üzüm, Yusuf; İkiz, Z. Aslı Aktan


    Each kidney is supplied by a single renal artery, although renal artery variations are common. Variations of the renal arteryhave become important with the increasing number of renal transplantations. Numerous studies describe variations in renalartery anatomy. Especially the left renal artery is among the most critical arterial variations, because it is the referred side forresecting the donor kidney. During routine dissection in a formalin fixed male cadaver, we have found a bilateral renal...

  1. [Aortic dissection spread to the renal arteries: role of renal volumetry after angioplasty]. (United States)

    Vautrin, E; Thony, F; Chavanon, O; Hannachi, I; Barone-Rochette, G; Pierre, H; Baguet, J-P


    Type A or B aortic dissection can extend to renal arteries, causing a renal ischemia which treatment is usually endovascular. The aim of our study is to show the interest of the renal volumetry in the follow-up of these patients. Twenty-two patients (16 men, mean age 63.4±11.8years, BMI 25.2±3.4kg/m(2)) with a type A or B aortic dissection spread to one or to both renal arteries and followed at Grenoble university hospital were consecutively included. All patients underwent renal angiography with aorto-renal pressure gradients measurements and follow-up by renal volumetry (scanner Siemens(®)). A renal ischemia was defined by a decrease of 20% or more of the volumetry. Sixteen patients (73%) were hypertensive before the aortic dissection among which ten (62%) were treated. Eight patients (36%) have a significant renal pressure gradient among which five (62%) underwent renal endovascular therapy. The renal volumetry of these five patients remained unchanged while six of 17 patients (36%) without angioplasty have a decreasing volumetry. Renal volumetry appeared an effective and attractive option for the follow-up of the patients with aortic dissection spread to the renal arteries. These results should be taken into account to put the indication of an endovascular treatment. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



    Prajkta A Thete; Mehera Bhoir; M.V.Ambiye


    Routine dissection of a male cadaver revealed the presence of bilateral double renal arteries. On the right side the accessory renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta just above the main renal artery. On the left side the accessory renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta about 1 cm above the main renal artery. Knowledge of the variations of renal vascular anatomy has importance in exploration and treatment of renal trauma, renal transplantation, renal artery embolization, su...

  3. Computed tomography of renal cell carcinoma in patients with terminal renal impairment

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ferda, Jiri; Hora, Milan; Hes, Ondrej; Reischig, Tomas; Kreuzberg, Boris; Mirka, Hynek; Ferdova, Eva; Ohlidalova, Kristyna; Baxa, Jan; Urge, Tomas


    Purpose: An increased incidence of renal tumors has been observed in patients with end-stage-renal-disease (ESRD). The very strong association with acquired renal cystic disease (ACRD) and increased incidence of the renal tumors (conventional renal cell carcinoma (CRCC), papillary renal cell carcinoma (PRCC) or papillary renal cell adenoma (PRCA)) was reported. This study discusses the role of computed tomography (CT) in detecting renal tumors in patients with renal impairment: pre-dialysis, those receiving dialysis or with renal allograft transplants. Materials and methods: Ten patients (nine male, one female) with renal cell tumors were enrolled into a retrospective study; two were new dialysis patients, three on long-term dialysis, and five were renal transplant recipients with history of dialysis. All patients underwent helical CT, a total of 11 procedures were performed. Sixteen-row detector system was used five times, and a 64-row detector system for the six examinations. All patients underwent nephrectomy of kidney with suspected tumor, 15 nephrectomies were performed, and 1 kidney was assessed during autopsy. CT findings were compared with macroscopic and microscopic assessments of the kidney specimen in 16 cases. Results: Very advanced renal parenchyma atrophy with small cysts corresponding to ESRD was found in nine patients, chronic pyelonephritis in remained one. A spontaneously ruptured tumor was detected incidentally in one case, patient died 2 years later. In the present study, 6.25% (1/16) were multiple PRCA, 12.5% (2/16) were solitary PRCC, 12.5% tumors (2/16) were solitary conventional renal cell carcinomas (CRCC's), 12.5% tumors (2/16) were multiple conventional renal cell carcinomas (CRCC's), 25% (4/16) were CRCC's combined with multiple papillary renal cell carcinomas with adenomas (PRCC's and PRCA's), and 25% (4/16) of the tumors were multiple PRCC's combined with PRCA's without coexisting CRCC's. Bilateral renal tumors were found in our study

  4. Traumatic renal infarction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yashiro, Naobumi; Ohtomo, Kuni; Kokubo, Takashi; Itai, Yuji; Iio, Masahiro


    Four cases of traumatic renal artery occlusion were described and illustrated. In two cases, direct blows to the abdomen compressed the renal artery against the vertebral column. Clinically, they were severely injured with macroscopic hematuria. Aortograms showed abrupt truncation of renal arteries. In the other two, rapid deceleration caused sudden displacement of the kidney producing an intimal tear with resultant thrombosis. Although they showed little injury without macrohematuria, aortograms revealed tapered occlusion of renal arteries. One of them developed hypertension. ''Rim sign'' of post-contrast CT and hypertension resulted from traumatic renal artery occlusion were reviewed. (author)

  5. Imaging chronic renal disease and renal transplant in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carmichael, Jim; Easty, Marina


    At Great Ormond Street Hospital we have the highest number of paediatric renal transplant patients in Europe, taking cases from across the United Kingdom and abroad. Our caseload includes many children with rare complicating medical problems and chronic renal failure related morbidity. This review aims to provide an overview of our experience of imaging children with chronic renal failure and transplants. (orig.)

  6. Radionuclide evaluation of renal transplants

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang Hong; Zhao Deshan


    Radionuclide renal imaging and plasma clearance methods can quickly quantitate renal blood flow and function in renal transplants. They can diagnose acute tubular necrosis and rejection, renal scar, surgical complications such as urine leaks, obstruction and renal artery stenosis after renal transplants. At the same time they can assess the therapy effect of renal transplant complications and can also predict renal transplant survival from early post-operative function studies


    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Lourdes Bolla de Lezcano


    Full Text Available Resumen La calcifilaxis es un síndrome clínico caracterizado por una calcificación vascular progresiva que ocasiona la aparición de lesiones violáceas, frecuentemente dolorosas, en la piel de pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica, diálisis o trasplante renal, asociado usualmente a niveles elevados de hormona paratiroidea. Se presenta el caso clínico de una mujer de 44 años, diabética con insuficiencia renal crónica, en hemodiálisis desde hace 2 años, que fue diagnosticada de calcifilaxis tras sospecha clínica y biopsia de lesiones cutáneas. Abstract Calciphylaxis is a clinical syndrome characterized by progressive vascular calcification that causes the appearance of purplish lesions, often painful, in the skin of patients with chronic renal failure, dialysis or kidney transplantation, usually associated with elevated levels of parathyroid hormone. We report a case of a 44-year-old diabetic woman with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis for 2 years. She was diagnosed with calciphylaxis after clinical suspicion and biopsy of skin lesions.

  8. Factores diagnósticos endoscópicos y pronósticos relacionados con el Helicobacter Pylori en la enfermedad injerto contra huésped tras el trasplante alogénico de células hematopoyéticas


    Velasco Guardado, Antonio


    [ES] INTRODUCCIÓN: El trabajo consta de tres artículos originales relacionados por un lado con el diagnóstico endoscópico e histológico en la Enfermedad de Injerto contra Huésped (EICH) tras el trasplante alogénico de células hematopoyéticas (TACH) y por otro sobre el papel que juega la infección por Helicobacter pylori (HP) en dicha enfermedad. El tracto gastrointestinal es la principal diana de la Enfermedad de Injerto contra Huésped. Su diagnóstico se basa en los hallazgos endoscópicos e ...

  9. Renal Replacement Therapy Modality in the ICU and Renal Recovery at Hospital Discharge. (United States)

    Bonnassieux, Martin; Duclos, Antoine; Schneider, Antoine G; Schmidt, Aurélie; Bénard, Stève; Cancalon, Charlotte; Joannes-Boyau, Olivier; Ichai, Carole; Constantin, Jean-Michel; Lefrant, Jean-Yves; Kellum, John A; Rimmelé, Thomas


    Acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy is a major concern in ICUs. Initial renal replacement therapy modality, continuous renal replacement therapy or intermittent hemodialysis, may impact renal recovery. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of initial renal replacement therapy modality on renal recovery at hospital discharge. Retrospective cohort study of all ICU stays from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2013, with a "renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury" code using the French hospital discharge database. Two hundred ninety-one ICUs in France. A total of 1,031,120 stays: 58,635 with renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury and 25,750 included in the main analysis. None. PPatients alive at hospital discharge were grouped according to initial modality (continuous renal replacement therapy or intermittent hemodialysis) and included in the main analysis to identify predictors of renal recovery. Renal recovery was defined as greater than 3 days without renal replacement therapy before hospital discharge. The main analysis was a hierarchical logistic regression analysis including patient demographics, comorbidities, and severity variables, as well as center characteristics. Three sensitivity analyses were performed. Overall mortality was 56.1%, and overall renal recovery was 86.2%. Intermittent hemodialysis was associated with a lower likelihood of recovery at hospital discharge; odds ratio, 0.910 (95% CI, 0.834-0.992) p value equals to 0.0327. Results were consistent across all sensitivity analyses with odds/hazards ratios ranging from 0.883 to 0.958. In this large retrospective study, intermittent hemodialysis as an initial modality was associated with lower renal recovery at hospital discharge among patients with acute kidney injury, although the difference seems somewhat clinically limited.

  10. Technical aspects of renal denervation in end-stage renal disease patients with challenging anatomy. (United States)

    Spinelli, Alessio; Da Ros, Valerio; Morosetti, Daniele; Onofrio, Silvia D; Rovella, Valentina; Di Daniele, Nicola; Simonetti, Giovanni


    We describe our preliminary experience with percutaneous renal denervation in end-stage renal disease patients with resistant hypertension and challenging anatomy, in terms of the feasibility, safety, and efficacy of this procedure. Four patients with end-stage renal disease patients with resistant hypertension (mean hemodialysis time, 2.3 years) who had been taking at least four antihypertensive medications underwent percutaneous renal denervation. Renal artery eligibility included the absence of prior renal artery interventions, vessel stenosis renal denervation is a feasible approach for end-stage renal disease patients with resistant hypertension with encouraging short-term preliminary results in terms of procedural efficacy and safety.

  11. Blood groups polymorphism (ABO, Ss, Rhesus and Duffy) in the Arabic population of Beni Mellal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    El Ossmani, H.; El Amri, H.; Bouchrif, B.; Glouib, K.; Zaoui, D.; Chafik, A.


    The present study deals with anthropogenetic profile of the Arab speaking population of the Beni Mellal region which separates areas inhabited by Mid-Atlas Berbers from those inhabited by Soth-Morroccan Arabs. The study of blood groups ABO, Rhesus, Ss,and Duffy was conducted on 131 individuals. The result shows that this population has the highest frequencies of the FyO allele (0.860) and s allele (0.524) in comparison to all Arab and Berber populations of North Africa and the Middle East. However genetic distances estimated on the basis of these four markers reveal that the population of Beni Mellal and another in the Beni Hlal region are in the same sub-cluster with populations from the Middle East. This may be attributed to the Oriental Arab ( M achrek ) origin of these two Moroccan Arab populations. (author)

  12. Renal rescue of dopamine D2 receptor function reverses renal injury and high blood pressure (United States)

    Konkalmatt, Prasad R.; Asico, Laureano D.; Zhang, Yanrong; Yang, Yu; Drachenberg, Cinthia; Zheng, Xiaoxu; Han, Fei; Jose, Pedro A.; Armando, Ines


    Dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) deficiency increases renal inflammation and blood pressure in mice. We show here that long-term renal-selective silencing of Drd2 using siRNA increases renal expression of proinflammatory and profibrotic factors and blood pressure in mice. To determine the effects of renal-selective rescue of Drd2 expression in mice, the renal expression of DRD2 was first silenced using siRNA and 14 days later rescued by retrograde renal infusion of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector with DRD2. Renal Drd2 siRNA treatment decreased the renal expression of DRD2 protein by 55%, and DRD2 AAV treatment increased the renal expression of DRD2 protein by 7.5- to 10-fold. Renal-selective DRD2 rescue reduced the expression of proinflammatory factors and kidney injury, preserved renal function, and normalized systolic and diastolic blood pressure. These results demonstrate that the deleterious effects of renal-selective Drd2 silencing on renal function and blood pressure were rescued by renal-selective overexpression of DRD2. Moreover, the deleterious effects of 45-minute bilateral ischemia/reperfusion on renal function and blood pressure in mice were ameliorated by a renal-selective increase in DRD2 expression by the retrograde ureteral infusion of DRD2 AAV immediately after the induction of ischemia/reperfusion injury. Thus, 14 days after ischemia/reperfusion injury, the renal expression of profibrotic factors, serum creatinine, and blood pressure were lower in mice infused with DRD2 AAV than in those infused with control AAV. These results indicate an important role of renal DRD2 in limiting renal injury and preserving normal renal function and blood pressure. PMID:27358912

  13. Tc-99m-DMSA renal uptake rate and renal volume of elderly persons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ohishi, Yukihiko; Machida, Toyohei; Kido, Akira


    Renal function of erderly persons was evaluated by the radionuclide renal function test based on the renal uptake rate and the renal volume determined by Tc-99m-DMSA transectional tomographic images using single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Forty-three erderly cases (13 healthy persons and 30 patients with various types of renal disorders) aged between 60 and 87 on an average of 70 were studied and compared with results obtained from 20 healthy adults (18 - 45 years old). Renal volume was calculated from the summation of voxels in the region districted by equi-count threshold level (percentage to maximum count) on each section of the SPECT image. Attenuation correction was made by GE-STAR protocol utilizing Sorrenson's precorrection method. The renal uptake rate was expressed as a percentage of the total radioactivity detected within the renal volume, against an amount of dose injected. In the 26 kidneys of 13 healthy elderly persons, Tc-99m-DMSA renal uptake was 23 ± 5 %, which was significantly lower (p < 0.01) than that of healthy adults being 27 ± 2 %. A correlation coefficient between renal volume and uptake of 79 kidneys of 43 elderly persons was 0.5081 (p < 0.01). Creatinine clearance (Ccr) was better correlated with the total renal uptake (r = 0.6471, p < 0.01) than with the total renal volume (r = 0.3592, p < 0.01). This method is considered to be useful for clinical purpose as a test of renal function for elderly persons since it requires neither blood nor urine samples. (author)

  14. Blood Pressure Response to Main Renal Artery and Combined Main Renal Artery Plus Branch Renal Denervation in Patients With Resistant Hypertension. (United States)

    Fengler, Karl; Ewen, Sebastian; Höllriegel, Robert; Rommel, Karl-Philipp; Kulenthiran, Saaraaken; Lauder, Lucas; Cremers, Bodo; Schuler, Gerhard; Linke, Axel; Böhm, Michael; Mahfoud, Felix; Lurz, Philipp


    Single-electrode ablation of the main renal artery for renal sympathetic denervation showed mixed blood pressure (BP)-lowering effects. Further improvement of the technique seems crucial to optimize effectiveness of the procedure. Because sympathetic nerve fibers are closer to the lumen in the distal part of the renal artery, treatment of the distal main artery and its branches has been shown to reduce variability in treatment effects in preclinical studies and a recent randomized trial. Whether this optimized technique improves clinical outcomes remains uncertain. We report a 2-center experience of main renal artery and combined main renal artery plus branches renal denervation in patients with resistant hypertension using a multielectrode catheter. Twenty-five patients with therapy-resistant hypertension underwent renal sympathetic denervation with combined main renal artery and renal branch ablation and were compared to matched controls undergoing an ablation of the main renal artery only. BP change was assessed by ambulatory measurement at baseline and after 3 months. At baseline, BP was balanced between the groups. After 3 months, BP changed significantly in the combined ablation group (systolic/diastolic 24-hour mean and daytime mean BP -8.5±9.8/-7.0±10.7 and -9.4±9.8/-7.1±13.5 mm Hg, P renal artery and branches appears to improve BP-lowering efficacy and should be further investigated. © 2017 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley.

  15. Renal angiographic and computed tomographic evaluation of local extension of renal cell carcinoma

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masuda, Fujio; Onishi, Tetsuro; Sasaki, Tadamasa; Arai, Yoshikazu; Shoji, Ryo


    In 23 cases of renal cell carcinoma, the degree of local invasion of carcinoma was diagnosed using renal angiography and CT, and compared with the findings obtained by operation or autopsy. Among 5 cases in which the tumor was confined to the renal capsule, accurate diagnosis could be established with renal angiography in 4 cases and with CT in all of 5 cases. Both renal angiography and CT provided correct diagnosis in 7 of 8 cases in which the tumor showed infiltration extending to the perinephric fat. Out of 5 cases with tumor invasion of renal vein or inferior vena cava, diagnosis could be established correctly by renal angiography and CT in 3 cases. Among the remaining 2 cases the diagnosis could be established by renal angiography and CT in one each case. Among 5 cases with metastases to the regional lymph nodes, diagnosis could be established by renal angiography in only 2 cases, while all of 5 cases could be diagnosed by CT. In 3 cases where the tumor invaded an ajacent organ beyond Gerota's fastia, renal angiography could diagnose in none of the 3 cases while with CT all of 3 cases could successfully be diagnosed. The consistency of degree of local invasion as revealed by renal angiography and CT was seen in 15 of 23 cases (65%) for renal agniography and 20 of 23 cases (87%) for CT, indicating superiority of CT in this respect. In particular, CT appears to be more superior to renal angiography for determining whether the tumor confined to Gerota's fastia or it infiltrated over it. Both combined use of renal angiography and CT, the degree of infiltration of tumor could be diagnosed correctly in 22 of 23 cases (96%). (author)

  16. [Frequencies of blood groups, ABO and Rh D incompatibility in post-delivery women and their liveborn]. (United States)

    Baiochi, Eduardo; Camano, Luiz; Sass, Nelson; Colas, Osmar Ribeiro


    This study aimed to assess the frequency of different blood phenotypes and to predict the risk of Rh D alloimmunization and maternal-fetal incompatibility in a Brazilian population living in the West zone of the city of São Paulo-Brazil. This descriptive study evaluated 2,372 post-delivery women and their liveborn during one year. Blood types were analyzed by means of tube agglutination tests. The blood type frequencies were: 50.67 O, 32.17 A, 13.45 B, 3.75 AB, 90.34 Rh D(+) and 9.66 Rh D(-). ABO maternal-fetal incompatibility was detected in 18.4% and Rh D incompatibility in 7%. The fraction of Rh D(-) population at high risk for Rh D alloimmunization was 82%, emphasizing the importance of Rh D alloimmunization profilaxis.

  17. Clinical application of calculated split renal volume using computed tomography-based renal volumetry after partial nephrectomy: Correlation with technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scan data. (United States)

    Lee, Chan Ho; Park, Young Joo; Ku, Ja Yoon; Ha, Hong Koo


    To evaluate the clinical application of computed tomography-based measurement of renal cortical volume and split renal volume as a single tool to assess the anatomy and renal function in patients with renal tumors before and after partial nephrectomy, and to compare the findings with technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scan. The data of 51 patients with a unilateral renal tumor managed by partial nephrectomy were retrospectively analyzed. The renal cortical volume of tumor-bearing and contralateral kidneys was measured using ImageJ software. Split estimated glomerular filtration rate and split renal volume calculated using this renal cortical volume were compared with the split renal function measured with technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scan. A strong correlation between split renal function and split renal volume of the tumor-bearing kidney was observed before and after surgery (r = 0.89, P volumetry had a strong correlation with the split renal function measured using technetium-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid renal scan. Computed tomography-based split renal volume measurement before and after partial nephrectomy can be used as a single modality for anatomical and functional assessment of the tumor-bearing kidney. © 2017 The Japanese Urological Association.

  18. Assessment of relative individual renal function based on DMSA uptake corrected for renal size

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Estorch, M.; Camacho, V.; Tembl, A.; Mena, I.; Hernandez, A.; Flotats, A.; Carrio, I.; Torres, G.; Prat, L.


    Decreased relative renal DMSA uptake can be a consequence of abnormal kidney size, associated with normal or impaired renal function. The quantification of relative renal function based on DMSA uptake in both kidneys is an established method for the assessment of individual renal function. Aim: To assess relative renal function by means of quantification of renal DMSA uptake corrected for kidney size. Results were compared with relative renal DMSA uptake without size correction, and were validated against the absolute renal DMSA uptake. Material and Methods: Four-hundred-forty-four consecutive patients (147 adults, mean age 14 years) underwent a DMSA study for several renal diseases. The relative renal function, based on the relative DMSA uptake uncorrected and corrected for renal size, and the absolute renal DMSA uptake were calculated. In order to relate the relative DMSA uptake uncorrected and corrected for renal size with the absolute DMSA uptake, subtraction of uncorrected (SU) and corrected (SC) relative uptake percentages of each pair of kidneys was obtained, and these values were correlated to the matched subtraction percentages of absolute uptake (SA). If the individual relative renal function is normal (45%-55%), the subtraction value is less or equal to 10%. Results: In 227 patients (51%) the relative renal DMSA uptake value was normal either uncorrected or corrected for renal size (A), and in 149 patients (34%) it was abnormal by both quantification methods (B). Seventy-seven patients (15%) had the relative renal DMSA uptake abnormal only by the uncorrected method (C). Subtraction value of absolute DMSA uptake percentages was not significantly different of subtraction value of relative DMSA uptake percentages corrected for renal size when relative uncorrected uptake was abnormal and corrected normal. where * p<0.0001, and p=NS. Conclusion: When uncorrected and corrected relative DMSA uptake are abnormal, the absolute uptake is also impaired, while when

  19. Adesão de portadores de insuficiência renal crônica ao tratamento de hemodiálise Adhesión de portadores de insuficiencia renal crónica al tratamiento de hemodiálisis Adherence of chronic renal insufficiency patients to hemodialysis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Antônio Cláudio Madeiro


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar a adesão do cliente com insuficiência renal crônica (IRC ao tratamento de hemodiálise. MÉTODO: Estudo descritivo, quantitativo, realizado em uma unidade de hemodiálise, Fortaleza-CE, alvo foi composta de 45 clientes em hemodiálise, que participaram de uma entrevista. RESULTADOS: Constatou-se como reações dos clientes diante do diagnóstico de IRC: 58% negativas, 33% indiferentes e 9% positivas. Reações diante da hemodiálise: 73,4% negativas, 13,3% indiferentes e 13,3% positivas. Principais dificuldades de adesão: transporte; tempo das sessões; dor da punção da fístula; fatores financeiros; dependência de acompanhantes e déficit de conhecimento. Estratégias de adesão: medo da morte; fé em Deus; esperança de transplante e suporte familiar. CONCLUSÃO: Constatou-se que o cliente portador de IRC adere ao tratamento para sobreviver, mas muitos não se adaptam.OBJETIVO: Evaluar la adhesión del cliente, con insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC, al tratamiento de hemodiálisis. MÉTODO: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo cuantitativo, realizado en una unidad de hemodiálisis, en Fortaleza-CE; la población objeto fue compuesta de 45 clientes que realizaban hemodiálisis, los que fueron entrevistados. RESULTADOS: Delante del diagnóstico se constató como reacciones de los clientes de IRC: 58% negativas, 33% indiferentes y 9% positivas. Las reacciones delante de la hemodiálisis fueron: 73,4% negativas, 13,3% indiferentes y 13,3% positivas. Las principales dificultades en la adhesión fueron: transporte; tiempo de las sesiones; dolor de la punción de la fístula; factores financieros; dependencia de acompañantes; y, déficit de conocimiento. Las estrategias de adhesión fueron: miedo a la muerte; fe en Dios; esperanza de trasplante; y, soporte familiar. CONCLUSIÓN: Se constató que el cliente portador de IRC adhiere al tratamiento para sobrevivir, sin embargo muchos no se adaptan.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the

  20. Alteraciones renales en la drepanocitosis Renal disorders in sickle cell disease

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Aramís Núñez-Quintana


    Full Text Available La drepanocitosis está asociada con un amplio espectro de alteraciones renales que tienen su base en la falciformación de los eritrocitos en los vasos de la médula renal, que conduce a fenómenos de isquemia, microinfartos y anomalías de la función tubular. Se producen también alteraciones glomerulares funcionales reversibles de la autorregulación renal (hiperfiltración, que pueden conducir a cambios anatómicos irreversibles con glomeruloesclerosis segmentaria focal. Estas anomalías se expresan tempranamente como microalbuminuria, proteinuria y de forma mas tardía, como síndrome nefrótico e insuficiencia renal crónica. Medidas terapéuticas como el uso de inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina II, de los bloqueadores del receptor de la angiotensina II, asociados o no con la hidroxiurea, pueden prevenir o retardar el daño glomerular. En el presente trabajo se exponen de forma resumida aspectos relacionados con la fisiopatología del daño renal en la drepanocitosis y su tratamiento.Sickle cell disease is associated with a wide range of renal disorders resulting from the falciformation of erythrocytes in vessels of the renal medulla, leading to ischemia, microinfarctions and tubular function abnormalities. Reversible glomerular functional renal self-regulation disorders (hyperfiltration also occur, which may lead to irreversible anatomical changes with focal segmental glomerular sclerosis. These anomalies are expressed at an early stage as microalbuminuria and proteinuria, and at a later stage as nephrotic syndrome and chronic renal failure. Therapeutic measures such as the use of angiotensin-II converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor blockers, associated or not with hydroxyurea, may either prevent or delay glomerular damage. The paper succinctly presents the physiopathology of renal damage in drepanocytosis and its treatment.

  1. A Renal Perforating Artery Mistaken for Arterial Bleeding after Percutaneous Renal Biopsy: A Case Report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kim, Ye Lim; Lee, Chang Hee; Kim, Kyeong Ah; Park, Cheol Min


    Perirenal hematoma after a renal biopsy is a common complication that usually resolves spontaneously, but this rarely requires transfusions or surgical/radiological intervention. We report here on a case of a renal perforating artery that was mistaken for renal arterial bleeding in a 53-year-old woman who was complicated with perirenal hematoma after undergoing a percutaneous renal biopsy. On the color and pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonography, linear blood flow was seen in the perirenal hematoma, which extended perpendicularly from the renal parenchyma into the perirenal space, and this linear blood flow exhibited an arterial pulse wave. On CT angiography, the renal perforating artery was demonstrated as a curvilinear vessel coursing tangentially to the renal margin and we decided that it was a pseudolesion caused by the renal perforating artery. A renal perforating artery may be mistaken for renal arterial bleeding after a percutaneous renal biopsy. A renal perforating artery and arterial bleeding can be differentiated by the location and shape seen on a color Doppler examination and the pulse waves characteristics

  2. A Renal Perforating Artery Mistaken for Arterial Bleeding after Percutaneous Renal Biopsy: A Case Report

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kim, Ye Lim; Lee, Chang Hee; Kim, Kyeong Ah; Park, Cheol Min [Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul (Korea, Republic of)


    Perirenal hematoma after a renal biopsy is a common complication that usually resolves spontaneously, but this rarely requires transfusions or surgical/radiological intervention. We report here on a case of a renal perforating artery that was mistaken for renal arterial bleeding in a 53-year-old woman who was complicated with perirenal hematoma after undergoing a percutaneous renal biopsy. On the color and pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonography, linear blood flow was seen in the perirenal hematoma, which extended perpendicularly from the renal parenchyma into the perirenal space, and this linear blood flow exhibited an arterial pulse wave. On CT angiography, the renal perforating artery was demonstrated as a curvilinear vessel coursing tangentially to the renal margin and we decided that it was a pseudolesion caused by the renal perforating artery. A renal perforating artery may be mistaken for renal arterial bleeding after a percutaneous renal biopsy. A renal perforating artery and arterial bleeding can be differentiated by the location and shape seen on a color Doppler examination and the pulse waves characteristics

  3. Renal venogram (United States)

    ... be black. Other structures will be shades of gray. Veins are not normally seen in an x- ... Venogram - kidney; Renal vein thrombosis - venogram Images Kidney anatomy Kidney - blood and urine flow Renal veins References ...

  4. Anti-inflammatory profile of paricalcitol in kidney transplant recipients

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Javier Donate-Correa


    Full Text Available Background and objectives: Paricalcitol, a selective vitamin D receptor activator, is used to treat secondary hyperparathyroidism in kidney transplant patients. Experimental and clinical studies in non-transplant kidney disease patients have found this molecule to have anti-inflammatory properties. In this exploratory study, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory profile of paricalcitol in kidney-transplant recipients. Methods: Thirty one kidney transplant recipients with secondary hyperparathyroidism completed 3 months of treatment with oral paricalcitol (1 μg/day. Serum concentrations and gene expression levels of inflammatory cytokines in peripheral blood mononuclear cells were analysed at the beginning and end of the study. Results: Paricalcitol significantly decreased parathyroid hormone levels with no changes in calcium and phosphorous. It also reduced serum concentrations of interleukin (IL-6 and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α by 29% (p < 0.05 and 9.5% (p < 0.05 compared to baseline, respectively. Furthermore, gene expression levels of IL-6 and TNF-α in peripheral blood mononuclear cells decreased by 14.1% (p < 0.001 and 34.1% (p < 0.001, respectively. The ratios between pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6 and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10, both regarding serum concentrations and gene expression, also experienced a significant reduction. Conclusions: Paricalcitol administration to kidney transplant recipients has been found to have beneficial effects on inflammation, which may be associated with potential clinical benefits. Resumen: Antecedentes y objetivos: El paricalcitol, un activador selectivo del receptor de la vitamina D, se utiliza en el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo secundario en el receptor de trasplante renal. Estudios tanto clínicos como experimentales realizados en pacientes renales no trasplantados muestran propiedades antiinflamatorias para esta molécula. En

  5. [Anatomy character of renal artery and treatment of living-donor renal transplantation]. (United States)

    Zhang, Lei; Fei, Ji-guang; Chen, Li-zhong; Wang, Chang-xi; Deng, Su-xiong; Qiu, Jiang; Li, Jun; Chen, Guo-dong; Huang, Gang


    To study the anatomy characters of renal artery and the treatment of multiple arteries in living donor renal grafts. Records of 142 living donors were analyzed in our center. We analyzed the anatomic structure of renal arteries by DSA and CTA pre-transplantation. Thirty-one kidneys with multiple arteries were transplanted after reconstruction. Then clinical effects were compared between multiple-renal-arteries group (n=31) and single-renal-artery group (n=111). The incidence of multiple renal artery was 30.99%, and there was no difference between both sides (left kidney 22.54%, right kidney 22.13%). If the multiple artery occurred in left or right kidney, the incidence of the multiple artery occurred in the other side was 56.25% and 60.00%, respectively. The diameter of left main renal artery was more magnanimous (P=0.001) and the first branch was more closed to abdominal aorta (P=0.004). Operation time and warm/cool ischemia time were longer in the multiple-renal-arteries group. However, estimated blood loss, delayed graft function, acute rejection and flow rate of arcuate artery were similar in both groups, the same as serum creatinine and serum creatinine clearance rate on day 7, 1 month and 3 month post-operation. It was shown by repeated measures ANOVA that graft with multiple arteries didn't affect the tendency of renal function at early time post-operation. Comprehending the character of renal artery and accurate treatment of multiple artery anastomosis are critical for the effect of the living kidney transplantation.

  6. Preemptive Renal Transplantation-The Best Treatment Option for Terminal Chronic Renal Failure. (United States)

    Arze Aimaretti, L; Arze, S


    Renal transplantation is the best therapeutic option for end-stage chronic renal disease. Assuming that it is more advisable if performed early, we aimed to show the clinical, social, and economic advantages in 70% of our patients who were dialyzed only for a short period. For this purpose, we retrospectively collected data over 28 years in 142 kidney transplants performed in patients with renal transplantation with renal failure, especially in developing countries such as Bolivia, where until last year, full public support for renal replacement therapy was unavailable. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Albumin uptake by renal lymphatics with and without obstruction of the renal vein

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Threefoot, S.A.; Pearson, J.E. Jr.; Georgiardis, A.


    Experiments involving injection of radio-iodinated albumin into the left renal arteries or left ureters of dogs indicate that the renal lymphatics are capable of a major contribution in returning to the circulation albumin (or other large molecules) escaping from renal capillaries. I-131-albumin was injected into the jugular vein of controls or into the left renal artery or in retrograde manner into the left ureter of female dogs. Experimental groups included those with no obstruction, occlusion of left renal veins or left renal lymphatics, or both. Collections were made from the right femoral artery, both renal veins, thoracic duct and both ureters at frequent intervals for 2 to 4 hours. Data analysis included I-131 concentration, specific activity, rate of recovery and selected ratios. After renal arterial injection, the percentage of I131 recovered in thoracic duct lymph of dogs without renal venous obstruction was 5 to 10 times that recovered in those that received injections into the jugular vein. In dogs with renal venous obstruction, recovery from the thoracic duct was 10 to 1,000 times that in control dogs. Most of the differences occurred during the first hour, after which time as recirculation and redistribution occurred the rates of appearance in thoracic duct lymph in each group were similar. The differences in the ratios of concentration in thoracic duct lymph to concentration in femoral arterial blood were also much greater when the renal vein was obstructed than in dogs with no obstruction. The greater return of albumin through the thoracic duct in those with impeded renal venous outflow was probably related to both sequestered concentration and increased intrarenal pressure

  8. Incidental renal neoplasms

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rabjerg, Maj; Mikkelsen, Minne Nedergaard; Walter, Steen


    On the basis of associations between tumor size, pathological stage, histological subtype and tumor grade in incidentally detected renal cell carcinoma vs symptomatic renal cell carcinoma, we discussed the need for a screening program of renal cell carcinoma in Denmark. We analyzed a consecutive...... series of 204 patients with renal tumors in 2011 and 2012. The tumors were classified according to detection mode: symptomatic and incidental and compared to pathological parameters. Eighty-nine patients (44%) were symptomatic, 113 (55%) were incidental. Information was not available in two patients...

  9. Renal function study assessed by 99mTc-DMSA renal scintigraphy before and after PNL

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sakurai, Masaki; Hioki, Takuichi; Okuno, Toshiyuki; Sugimura, Yoshiki; Yamakawa, Kensuke; Yanagawa, Makoto; Tajima, Kazuhiro; Tochigi, Hiromi; Kawamura, Juichi


    99m Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy was carried out in 54 patients with unilateral renal stones before and after PNL. Four to 8 weeks after PNL the DMSA renal uptake significantly decreased to 17.2±6.0% from 18.2±6.7% before PNL. DMSA renal uptake did not change in the contralateral side. Since in some patients changes in the DMSA renal uptake of 5-7% were observed after PNL not only in the PNL side but also in the contralateral side, the renal function was assessed by the formula: DMSA renal uptake in the PNL side/DMSA renal uptake in the contralateral side, and the change of this ratio was evaluated in 44 patients, in whom the renal DMSA uptake in the PNL side was less than two times that in the contralateral side. The DMSA renal uptake ratio decreased to 95.6±8.7% from the base line 4-8 weeks after PNL. This change was statistically significant. Some functional risks such as massive bleeding with PNL, the fever after PNL and the number of nephrostomy tract did not affect the decrease in the renal function. In 29 patients in whom renal function was reevaluated one year after PNL, the DMSA renal uptake ratio significantly decreased to 94.2±9.6% from the base line 4-8 weeks after PNL. But the ratio significantly improved to 99.6±11.6% about one year after PNL. In two patients with a cold area on the renal image, the renal function of the operated side still remained at about 80% levels from the base line even one year after PNL. It is concluded that although renal function slightly decreased 4-8 weeks after PNL, it is expected to improve within one year after PNL. But in the case with a cold area on the renal image, the complete functional recovery would not be expected. 99m Tc-DMSA renal scintigraphy is a useful adjunct to evaluate the renal function before and after PNL. (author)

  10. Renal artery and parenchymal changes after renal denervation: assessment by magnetic resonance angiography

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Sanders, Margreet F.; Vink, Eva E.; Blankestijn, Peter J. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, PO Box 85500, Utrecht (Netherlands); Doormaal, Pieter Jan van; Habets, Jesse; Vonken, Evert-Jan; Leiner, Tim [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiology, Utrecht (Netherlands); Beeftink, Martine M.A.; Verloop, Willemien L.; Voskuil, Michiel [University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Cardiology, Utrecht (Netherlands); Bots, Michiel L. [University Medical Center Utrecht, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht (Netherlands); Fadl Elmula, Fadl Elmula M. [Oslo University Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine and Department of Cardiology, Ullevaal, Oslo (Norway); Hammer, Frank [Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Department of Radiology, Brussels (Belgium); Hoffmann, Pavel [Oslo University Hospital, Section for Interventional Cardiology, Department of Cardiology, Ullevaal, Oslo (Norway); Jacobs, Lotte; Staessen, Jan A. [University of Leuven, Studies Coordinating Centre, Research Unit Hypertension and Cardiovascular Epidemiology, KU Leuven Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Leuven (Belgium); Mark, Patrick B.; Taylor, Alison H. [University of Glasgow, Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Glasgow, Scotland (United Kingdom); Persu, Alexandre; Renkin, Jean [Universite Catholique de Louvain, Pole of Cardiovascular Research, Institut de Recherche Experimentale et Clinique, Brussels (Belgium); Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Cardiology Department, Brussels (Belgium); Roditi, Giles [Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Department of Radiology, Glasgow (United Kingdom); Spiering, Wilko [University Medical Centre Utrecht, Department of Vascular Medicine, Utrecht (Netherlands); Collaboration: on behalf of the European Network COordinating research on Renal Denervation (ENCOReD) Consortium


    Relatively little is known about the incidence of long-term renal damage after renal denervation (RDN), a potential new treatment for hypertension. In this study the incidence of renal artery and parenchymal changes, assessed with contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) after RDN, is investigated. This study is an initiative of ENCOReD, a collaboration of hypertension expert centres. Patients in whom an MRA was performed before and after RDN were included. Scans were evaluated by two independent, blinded radiologists. Primary outcome was the change in renal artery morphology and parenchyma. MRAs from 96 patients were analysed. Before RDN, 41 renal anomalies were observed, of which 29 mostly mild renal artery stenoses. After a median time of 366 days post RDN, MRA showed a new stenosis (25-49% lumen reduction) in two patients and progression of pre-existing lumen reduction in a single patient. No other renal changes were observed and renal function remained stable. We observed new or progressed renal artery stenosis in three out of 96 patients, after a median time of 12 months post RDN (3.1%). Procedural angiographies showed that ablations were applied near the observed stenosis in only one of the three patients. (orig.)

  11. An ABO blood grouping discrepancy: Probable B(A) phenotype. (United States)

    Jain, Ashish; Gupta, Anubhav; Malhotra, Sheetal; Marwaha, Neelam; Sharma, Ratti Ram


    In B(A) phenotype, an autosomal dominant phenotype, there is a weak A expression on group B RBCs. We herein report a case of a probable B(A) phenotype in a first time 20-year old male donor. The cell and serum grouping were done using tube technique and also with blood grouping gel card (Diaclone, ABD cards for donors, BioRad, Switzerland). The antisera used were commercial monoclonal IgM type. To check for the weak subgroup of A, cold adsorption and heat elution was performed. The cell grouping was A weak B RhD positive while the serum grouping was B. There was no agglutination with O cells and the autologous control was also negative. It was a group II ABO discrepancy with or without group IV discrepancy. Results for both the eluate and last wash were negative. Hence, the possibility of weak subgroup of A was unlikely. Blood grouping gel card also showed a negative reaction in the anti-A column. One lot of anti-A was showing 'weak +' agglutination while the other lot was showing 'negative' reaction with the donor RBCs by tube technique. There was no agglutination observed with anti-A1 lectin. Our case highlights the serological characteristics of a B(A) phenotype. This case emphasizes the vital role of cell and serum grouping in detecting such discrepancies especially in donors which can lead to mislabeling of the blood unit and may be a potential risk for the transfusion recipient if not resolved appropriately. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. ABO blood grouping in Egyptian children with rotavirus gastroenteritis

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Hala Gouda Elnady


    Full Text Available Introduction : Rotavirus gastroenteritis is an important public health problem all over the world, causing a notable economic burden in both developing and developed countries. Aim: To explore the relationship between blood group typing, rotavirus gastroenteritis, and its severity in Egyptian children. Material and methods: A cross sectional case control study was conducted on 231 cases of acute gastroenteritis attending the outpatient clinic of Al-Zahraa University Hospital. Full history taking, clinical examination, and clinical data collection were done. Blood samples were collected for an ABO grouping. Stool samples were tested for viral gastroenteritis agents. Results : Rota positive cases of GE were significantly more prevalent among cases with blood group A (p < 0.05 and significantly less among cases with blood group B (p < 0.05. The rate of hospitalisation was highly significantly greater among cases with group A (p < 0.005, and significantly lower among cases with group AB and O (p < 0.05. As regards the degree of dehydration, moderate and severe cases were highly significant in groups A and O (p < 0.005. Rota-positive gastroenteritis showed significant positive correlations with indicators of severity such as hospitalisation, degree of dehydration, and duration of fever (p < 0.005. Conclusions : Blood group A is highly associated with paediatric rotavirus gastroenteritis. This could highlight an important risk factor, which could play a significant role for the pathogenesis of rotavirus gastroenteritis and severity as well. Furthermore, more intervention care could be needed for blood group A paediatric patients, if gastroenteritis especially rotavirus affect this group to avoid comorbidities.

  13. Alteraciones glucémicas en los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    G. De’Marziani


    Se propone la realización de PTOG en todo paciente con ERC, ya que permite la detección de todo el rango de disglucemias desconocidas, evitando el subdiagnóstico y favoreciendo la realización de tratamientos para evitar su progresión, en caso de estar ante la presencia de un grupo de riesgo para DM (GAA o TAG, así como la elección de la medicación más adecuada para el trasplante o el inicio del tratamiento de nuevos casos de DM no diagnosticada, para disminuir la morbimortalidad.

  14. Renal Function in Hypothyroidism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Khalid, S.; Khalid, M; Elfaki, M.; Hassan, N.; Suliman, S.M.


    Background Hypothyroidism induces significant changes in the function of organ systems such as the heart, muscles and brain. Renal function is also influenced by thyroid status. Physiological effects include changes in water and electrolyte metabolism, notably hyponatremia, and reliable alterations of renal hemodynamics, including decrements in renal blood flow, renal plasma flow, glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Objective Renal function is profoundly influenced by thyroid status; the purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between renal function and thyroid status of patients with hypothyroidism. Design and Patients In 5 patients with primary hypothyroidism and control group renal functions are measured by serum creatinine and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) using modified in diet renal disease (MDRD) formula. Result In hypothyroidism, mean serum creatinine increased and mean estimated GFR decreased, compared to the control group mean serum creatinine decreased and mean estimated GFR Increased. The hypothyroid patients showed elevated serum creatinine levels (> 1.1mg/dl) compared to control group (p value .000). In patients mean estimated GFR decreased, compared to mean estimated GFR increased in the control group (p value= .002).

  15. Desensitization with plasmapheresis and anti-Cd20 for ABO incompatible kidney transplantation from living donor: experience of a single center in Italy. (United States)

    Silvestre, C; Furian, L; Marson, P; Tison, T; Valente, M; Marchini, F; Rossi, B; Bonfante, L; Valerio, F; Cozzi, E; Rigotti, P


    Blood group incompatibility in kidney transplants from a living donor can be successfully overcome by using various desensitization protocols: intravenous immunoglobulin, plasmapheresis (PP), immunoadsorption, and double filtration PP. From July 2010 to October 2013, we performed 10 ABO incompatible kidney transplantation (KT) procedures from a living donor. The desensitization protocol was based on rituximab and PP+cytomegalovirus immune globulin. All patients received induction with basiliximab, except 1 case treated with Thymoglobuline® (ATG) for the simultaneous presence of donor-specific antibody. Tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil were initiated at the time of desensitization and continued after the transplant. After a mean follow-up of 11.6±10.4 months, all patients are alive with a functioning graft. The mean serum creatinine concentration at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year was 1.48±0.29, 1.47±0.18, 1.47±0.27, and 1.5±0.27 mg/dl. Three episodes of acute cellular rejection occurred in 2 patients. There was only 1 case of BK virus infection, treated with reduction of immunosuppressive therapy. The protocol biopsy specimens at 1, 3, and 6 months were C4d positive in the absence of acute rejection. Desensitization with rituximab, PP, and anti-cytomegalovirus immune globulin allowed us to perform transplants from living donors to ABO incompatible recipients with excellent results and reduced costs. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  16. A research on relationship between ABO blood groups and body mass index among Turkish seafarers. (United States)

    Nas, Selçuk; Fışkın, Remzi


    The present study aims to investigate and to reveal the relationship between ABO blood groups and body mass index (BMI) and obesity among Turkish seafarers by using the health examination reports data obtained from 2009 to 2016. The data on age, gender, weight, height and blood groups obtained from 298,247 medical examination reports of Turkish seafarers were used with the official permission of Directorate General of Health for Border and Coastal Areas. Only 116,871 reports included blood group data. Regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were performed to survey relationship between variables. The results of the study were compared with other studies in the related literature. It has been revealed that AB Rh (-) group was associated the highest mean BMI value (mean: 25.952). It is suggested that seafarers with AB Rh (-) blood group, who have the highest mean BMI value, should pay special attention to their weight.

  17. Renal Sinus Fat Invasion and Tumoral Thrombosis of the Inferior Vena Cava-Renal Vein: Only Confined to Renal Cell Carcinoma


    Turker Acar; Mustafa Harman; Serkan Guneyli; Sait Sen; Nevra Elmas


    Epithelioid angiomyolipoma (E-AML), accounting for 8% of renal angiomyolipoma, is usually associated with tuberous sclerosis (TS) and demonstrates aggressive behavior. E-AML is macroscopically seen as a large infiltrative necrotic tumor with occasional extension into renal vein and/or inferior vena cava. However, without history of TS, renal sinus and venous invasion E-AML would be a challenging diagnosis, which may lead radiologists to misinterpret it as a renal cell carcinoma (RCC). In this...

  18. Acute renal failure in children

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vergesslich, K.A.; Balzar, E.; Weninger, M.; Ponhold, W.; Sommer, G.; Wittich, G.R.; Vienna Univ.


    Acute renal failure (ARF) may be due to obstructive uropathy or renal parenchymal disease. Twenty-five children with acute renal failure secondary to renal parenchymal disease underwent ultrasonographic examination of the kidneys. Changes of renal size and cortical echogenicity were correlated with renal function. All patients presented with bilaterally enlarged kidneys with the exception in renal function resulted in normalization of renal size. With regard to cortical echogenicity two groups were formed. Group A comprised 11 patients whose kidneys had the same echogenicity as the liver, while in group B the kidneys were more echogenic (14 patients). Cortical echogenicity was always increased. Determination of creatinine levels showed a statistically significant difference between group A (3.32 mg% ± 1.40 S.D.) and group B (5.95 mg% ± 1.96 S.D.), p < 0.001. Changes in renal function were paralleled by rapid changes in renal size and cortical echogenicity. (orig.)

  19. Renal tolerance for iopromide (ultravist) in patients with chronic renal failure. Preliminary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Golebiowski, M.; Pruszynski, B.


    The authors present the renal tolerance for nonionic low-osmotic contrast agent iopromide (ultravist) on the ground of literature and of angiographic examinations in 10 patients with chronic renal failure. One patient only had significant temporary deterioration of renal function. The presented results showed that analyzed agent is less nephrotoxic than high osmolality contrast agents. The use of iopromide is strongly recommended in patients with chronic renal failure. The risk of depression of renal function after administration of contrast material is minimized. (author)

  20. Effect of Shenkang injection combined with hemodialysis treatment on renal function, renal anemia and cytokine levels in patients with chronic renal failure

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rui Liu


    Full Text Available Objective: To study the effect of Shenkang injection combined with hemodialysis treatment on renal function, renal anemia and cytokine levels in patients with chronic renal failure. Methods: A total of 68 patients with chronic renal failure who received hemodialysis treatment in our hospital during between October 2013 and February 2016 were selected and randomly divided into two groups, the observation group received Shenkang injection treatment in the process of dialysis, and the control group only received conventional symptomatic and supportive treatment. 8 weeks after treatment, serum was collected to determine the levels of renal function indexes, nutritional status indexes, anemia indexes and cytokines, and urine was collected to determine renal function indexes. Results: β2-MG, UA, Cr, phosphorus, IL-17, IL-23, CTGF, TGF-β1, FGF-2 and FGF-23 levels in serum as well as NGAL, KIM-1 and RBP levels in urine of observation group were significantly lower than those of control group, and TP, Alb, PA, calcium, Hb, EPO, Fe, TRF and FER levels in serum were significantly higher than those of control group. Conclusion: Shenkang injection combined with hemodialysis treatment helps to improve renal function, nutritional status and renal anemia, and reduce the synthesis of inflammation and renal interstitial fibrosis-related cytokines in patients with chronic renal failure.