
Sample records for transientes em reatores

  1. Utilização de reator de leito fluidizado trifásico aeróbio em sistema de tratamento combinado de águas residuárias


    Campos, Rosane Hein de


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos estudos em um sistema de tratamento combinando reator anaeróbio (tanque séptico) com reator aeróbio (leito fluidizado trifásico), tendo como objetivo avaliar o comportamento do reator aeróbio no tratamento de esgoto sanitário e do restaurante universitário (RU), da UFSC. Utilizou-se um reator de leito fluidizado trifásico...

  2. Simulação computacional do processamento catalítico do glicerol em reator de leito gotejante para a obtenção 1,2-propanodiol e etilenoglicol


    MELO, Rafael Araújo


    O uso de sistemas contínuos é extensivamente empregado na indústria química uma vez que essa prática acarreta em processos mais eficientes que os descontínuos. No patamar atual, a reação de hidrogenólise do glicerol foi conduzida em reatores descontínuos do tipo leito de lama, tais reatores são indicados apenas para uso em produções em baixa escala como laboratórios e pequenas unidades industriais. Esse trabalho visou à possibilidade da implantação desta reação em reator de leito gotejante (c...

  3. Tratamento de efluente sintético de laticínio em reatores em batelada inoculados com Aspergillus niger AN400

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    Luana Viana Costa e Silva


    Full Text Available Indústrias de laticínios contêm elevada concentração de matéria orgânica que podem causar poluição. Este trabalho propôs estudar a remoção de matéria orgânica e de nutrientes de um efluente sintético de laticínio, disposto em reatores em bateladas repetidas inoculados com Aspergillus niger AN400. O sistema foi composto por reatores com diferentes configurações e, para cada tipo de montagem, variou-se o material-suporte. O estudo foi realizado em quatro ciclos de cinco dias, com retiradas diárias de alíquotas. A análise dos resultados mostrou eficiência de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio com picos de até 71,7%, concluindo-se que a tecnologia mostrou-se viável na remoção de matéria orgânica. Em relação aos nutrientes, o sistema pôde remover satisfatoriamente nitrato; contudo, para remoção de amônia, não se apresentou promissor.

  4. Modelagem e simulação de um reator trickle-bed para hidrogenação de propeno


    Rodrigo Simion Hunger


    Neste trabalho foi modelado um reator catalítico heterogêneo, pressurizado, adiabático e provido de reciclo. O leito deste reator está dividido em duas partes, sendo que a primeira opera como um reator trickle-bed, enquanto a segunda opera como um reator de leito fixo, onde os regentes estão em fase líquida. Um Sistema de Hidrogenação de Propeno em operação no Pólo Petroquímico do Sul foi utilizado para fornecer os dados necessários à validação do modelo proposto. Neste sistema, a reação de h...

  5. Avaliação microscópica da endogenia microbiana em reatores UASB concêntricos, tratando água residuária do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro por via úmida - doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v33i2.8291

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    Júlia Ferreira da Silva


    Full Text Available Com a utilização de duas técnicas de microscopia, eletrônica de varredura (MEV e de epifluorescência, objetivou-se investigar o processo de endogenia da biomassa presente em reatores de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente (UASB, do inglês upflow anaerobic sludge blancket. Dois reatores UASB concêntricos, funcionando em série, inseridos em um sistema-piloto de tratamento de águas residuárias do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro por via úmida, foram monitorados quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Os reatores UASB operaram em campo, com oscilação de temperatura ambiente entre 16,5 e 38,8°C; as temperaturas do afluente e efluente dos reatores variaram de 16,3 a 27,3°C, respectivamente. Os dados iniciais obtidos para a demanda química de oxigênio (DQO foram de 1.349 e 1.173 mg L-1, sendo, ao final do monitoramento atingido os valores de 120 e 102 mg L-1 para os reatores 1 e 2, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que a microscopia aplicada ao perfil de sólidos dos reatores é muito importante e deve ser empregada como parâmetro de qualificação do lodo cultivado em reatores UASB, especialmente quando do decaimento bacteriano.

  6. Síntese em reator de hidrometalurgia de nanopartícula de ferrita de cobalto


    Araújo, Elton John Nunes de


    Investigamos a síntese de nanopartículas de ferrita de cobalto por precipitação hidrotérmica, em reator de hidrometalurgia em temperaturas entre 100 e 250°C. Foram variados os parâmetros: temperatura de síntese, composição do meio reacional, concentração da base e presença de agente complexante. As nanopartículas obtidas foram caracterizadas do ponto de vista estrutural por difração de raios-X, sua composição foi verifica por medidas de espectroscopia por energia dispersiva de raios-x (EDX) e...

  7. Tratabilidade do lodo biológico têxtil e produção de biogás em reator UASB em diferentes temperaturas

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    Júnia Schultz

    Full Text Available RESUMO Neste trabalho avaliou-se o comportamento de um reator UASB em escala laboratorial (16 L no tratamento de lodo biológico têxtil com produção de biogás, operando em diferentes temperaturas, 35 (mesofílica, 45 e 55ºC (termofílica, com tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH constante de 24 h. O reator UASB apresentou-se apto a tratar o lodo têxtil, sendo influenciado positivamente pelo incremento da temperatura, mostrando maiores remoções nas temperaturas termofílicas e com altas taxas de remoção de todos os parâmetros físico-químicos monitorados: demanda química de oxigênio (DQO (97% em 45 e 55ºC, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO (95% em 45ºC e 94% em 55ºC, fósforo total (P-total (95% a 45 e 55ºC e nitrogênio total (N-total (94% a 45 e 55ºC. Quanto à produção de biogás e à concentração de metano, os maiores valores foram observados a 45ºC. Com base nos resultados alcançados, confirmam-se a tratabilidade do lodo têxtil e a produção de biogás em UASB, com melhor performance a 45ºC.

  8. Unidade piloto em regime de batelada com sistema de reatores anaeróbios + microalgas + wetlands construídos em fluxo vertical

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    Matheus Wink


    Full Text Available Três configurações para operar em batelada sistemas integrados que evoluíram para Reatores Anaeróbios + Microalgas + Wetlands Construídos de Fluxo Vertical (RA + MA + WCFV foram investigadas neste trabalho, tendo as configurações as seguintes características: combinação de tanque de MA com 90L de volume útil, dotado de recirculação interna em cone de acrílico e externa com tanque de 20L, também em acrílico, sendo integrado com WCFV com tempo de detenção hidráulico (TDH de 3 dias com a macrófita Hymenachne grumosa. A configuração do sistema RAs +MA + WCFV vem em operação nos últimos 8 meses, mostrando reduções totais de N-NH4+ (com concentração inicial de 68 mg L-1 , associando 50% de redução de DQO e 70% de fósforo total. Melhorias para o controle de remoção de algas residuais devem ser feitas para aplicação do WCFV, especialmente quanto a carga volumétrica, que deverá ser com até 20 cm dia-1. Para continuidade da evolução foram considerados que devem ser pesquisados os seguintes aspectos: impossibilidade de operação do sistema em fluxo contínuo; drenagem do sistema de lodo não permite sua remoção completa nos Reatores Anaeróbios (RAs e impossibilidade de recarga simultânea dos sistemas.

  9. Desenvolvimento de um sensor por software para avaliação de biomassa em reatores anaeróbios


    Rodríguez, Jaime Eduardo Navarrete


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química. Um sensor por software para a determinação da concentração de biomassa em reatores anaeróbicos, em regime acetoclástico é apresentado. O sensor por software é baseado em medições de pressão do sistema experimental e um observador de estados não linear. O projeto do observador de estados é realizado a partir dos balanços de massa das espécies químicas e bioló...

  10. Transferência de oxigênio em reatores de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos em meios bifásico e trifásico com variação da relação entre diâmetros


    Araújo,Leandro Santos de; Dall'Aglio Sobrinho,Milton; Gebara,Dib


    A eficiência do reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos depende das condições hidrodinâmicas que influem na transferência de oxigênio ao biofilme. Este trabalho investigou a influência da relação entre diâmetros dos tubos e da concentração de meio suporte (areia), sobre o coeficiente global de transferência de oxigênio (K La). Os ensaios - em reatores de 2,6 m de altura, com diâmetro externo de 250 mm e internos de 100, 125, 150 e 200 mm - empregaram vazões de ar até 2...

  11. Pós-tratamento de efluente nitrificado da parboilização de arroz utilizando desnitrificação em reator UASB Post-treatment a nitrified parboilized rice wastewater using denitrification in UASB reactor

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    Loraine Andre Isoldi


    Full Text Available Um sistema combinado reator UASB-reator aeróbio foi utilizado para a remoção de nitrogênio total e DQO de efluente de parboilização de arroz. O experimento foi realizado em reatores de bancada, com volumes de 4 L (UASB e 3,6 L (reator aeróbio. Os parâmetros de operação pH, temperatura, alcalinidade e concentração de ácidos voláteis foram monitorados durante o período experimental. Para o reator aeróbio de mistura completa, foi determinada, também, a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido. O sistema combinado reator UASB-reator aeróbio apresentou uma eficiência de remoção de carbono de 84% e uma eficiência de remoção de nitrogênio total Kjeldahl de 83%. O sistema proposto, nas condições experimentais, demonstrou ser adequado para remoção, simultânea, de DQO e de compostos oxidados de nitrogênio, em reator UASB.An UASB-aerobic reactor system was used for the removal of total nitrogen and COD of effluent from industries of parboilized rice. The experiment was performed in reactors with volumes of 4 L (UASB reactor and 3,6 L (aerobic reactor, respectevely. Temperature, pH, alkalinity and volatile acids concentration were monitored during the experiment. Dissolved oxygen concentration was determined for the aerobic reactor. The UASB-aerobic reactor system showed 84% carbon removal efficiency and 83% total Kjeldahl nitrogen removal efficiency. This system was able to remove, efficiently, COD and nitrogen in an UASB reactor.

  12. Determinação das espécies de cromo nas cinzas da incineração de couro wet-blue em reatores de leito fixo e leito fluidizado


    Clauren Moura Martins


    Este trabalho tem como objetivo a determinação quantitativa da concentração de cromo (III, VI e total) nas cinzas de serragem de couro wet-blue, incineradas em reatores de leito fixo nas temperaturas de 450, 550 e 650 C e reator de leito fluidizado nas temperaturas de 730, 780, 830 e 850 C, verificando se estes resultados estão dentro dos limites permitidos pelas normas ambientais brasileiras e, consequentemente, se em relação à concentração de cromo, os processos de incineração utilizados sã...

  13. Partida de reator anaeróbio compartimentado em série com um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo, utilizando parâmetros de sedimentabilidade para formação da biomassa

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    Cristine Serafine Neves


    Full Text Available RESUMO Este estudo objetivou avaliar a formação da biomassa de boa qualidade tanto no reator anaeróbio compartimentado (RAC quanto no reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB, aplicando parâmetros adequados à sedimentação dos sólidos sedimentáveis (SS presentes na água residuária de suinocultura (ARS. O RAC e o UASB operaram em série com os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDHs de 15 e 9h, respectivamente, correspondendo a cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COVs médias de 53,8 e 36,2 kg.m³.d¹ em termos de DQOT, respectivamente. As eficiências médias de remoção de DBO520°C, durante o processo de partida e formação da biomassa, foram: 68% para RAC e 55% para UASB, e em termos de DQO: 78% para RAC e 70% para UASB, respectivamente. Os autores concluíram que é possível, mediante os parâmetros de sedimentação adotados, formar uma biomassa peletizada, mesmo operando o sistema com altas cargas orgânicas.

  14. Tratamento anaeróbio de águas residuárias do beneficiamento de café por via úmida em reatores UASB em dois estágios Anaerobic treatment of wastewater from coffee pulping in upflow anaerobic sludge blanquet (UASB in two stages

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    Marcelo Bruno


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a eficiência do tratamento de águas residuárias do beneficiamento de café por via úmida em reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB, em dois estágios, em escala de bancada, submetidos a tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH de 4,0; 5,2 e 6,2 dias e cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV de 5,8; 3,0 e 3,6 g DQO total (L d-1, no primeiro reator (R1, e TDH de 2,0; 2,6 e 3,1 dias e COV de 5,8; 0,5 e 0,4 g DQO total (L d-1, no segundo reator (R2. Os valores médios de DQO do afluente variaram de 15.440 a 23.040 mg O2 L-1. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQO total e SST foram de 66 a 98% e de 93 a 97%, respectivamente, nos reatores UASB, em dois estágios. O teor médio de metano no biogás variou de 69 a 89%, no reator R1, e de 52 a 73%, no reator R2. A produção volumétrica máxima de metano de 0,708 L CH4 (L reator d-1 foi obtida com COV de 3,6 g DQO (Ld-1 e TDH de 6,2 d, no reator R1. Os valores médios de pH variaram de 4,7 a 7,7 e de 4,9 a 8,0 nos efluentes dos reatores R1 e R2, respectivamente. As concentrações de ácidos voláteis totais nos efluentes mantiveram-se estáveis com valores inferiores a 100 mg L-1, com TDH de 5,2 e 6,2 dias, no reator R1, e TDH de 2,6 e 3,1 dias, no reator R2. As concentrações médias de fenóis totais no afluente variaram de 80 a 97 mg L-1 e as eficiências médias de remoção nos reatores UASB, em dois estágios, foram de 72 a 90%.In this work, it was evaluated the efficiency of two stage up flow anaerobic sludge blanquet (UASB reactors, in bench scale, treating a liquid effluent from the coffee pulping, submitted to hydraulic detention time (HDT of 4.0; 5.2 and 6.2 days, resulting in organic loading rate (OLR of 5.8; 3.6 and 3.0 g COD (L d-1 in the first reactor (R1 and HDT of 2.0; 2.6 and 3.1 days with OLR of 5.8; 0.5 and 0.4 g DQO total (L d-1 in the second reactor (R2. The medium values of total COD affluent varied from 15,440 to 23,040 mg

  15. Tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura em reator anaeróbio operado em batelada sequencial Treatment of swine wastewater in anaerobic sequencing batch reactor

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    Roberto Alves de Oliveira


    Full Text Available Neste estudo avaliou-se o desempenho de um reator anaeróbio operado em batelada sequencial, em escala piloto, com volume total de 280 L, no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura. As cargas orgânicas volumétricas aplicadas no reator foram de 4,42; 5,27; 9,33 e 11,79 g DQOtotal (L d-1. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal, sólidos suspensos totais (SST e sólidos suspensos voláteis (SSV variaram de 56 a 87%. O nitrogênio total Kjedahl (NTK, fósforo total (P-total e magnésio (Mg foram removidos com eficiências médias de 26 a 39%. As produções volumétricas de metano variaram de 0,50 a 0,64 L CH4 (L reator d-1 e não foram observadas diferenças significativas. As relações sólidos voláteis/sólidos totais (SV/ST do lodo de tal reator variaram de 0,74 a 0,58. As maiores concentrações médias de nutrientes no lodo do reator foram para o nitrogênio, fósforo, ferro e cálcio, com valores de 30.610 a 64.400, 1.590 a 9.870, 6.180 a 8.700 e 1.180 a 6.760 mg kg-1 base seca, respectivamente.In the present study, we evaluated an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor, in pilot scale and with a total volume of 280 L, for the treatment of swine wastewater. The organic loading rates applied in such reactor were 4.42; 5.27; 9.33 and 11.79 g CODtotal (L d-1. The average efficiencies of removal of CODtotal total solids suspension (TSS and volatile suspension solids (VSS varied from 56 to 87%. The nutrients total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN, total phosphorus (total P and Mg were removed with average efficiencies from 26 to 39%. The volumetric methane productions varied from 0.50 to 0.64 L CH4 (L reactor d-1 and did not present significant differences. The VS/TS relations of the aforementioned reactor's sludge varied from 0.74 to 0.58. The highest mean concentrations of nutrients in the reactor sludge were those of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron and calcium, with values from 30.610 to 64.400, 1.590 to 9.870, 6.180 to 8.700 and 1.180 to 6

  16. Desempenho de um reator Fenton em escala industrial aplicado à remoção de fenóis em uma planta de recuperação de resíduos da indústria de papel e celulose

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    Everton Skoronski


    Full Text Available Este trabalho descreve o desempenho de um reator Fenton em grande escala usado para remoção de fenol em uma planta de valorização dos resíduos da indústria de papel e celulose. O efluente consiste em óleo vegetal e fenol. A estação de tratamento objetiva tratar 4 m3 h-1 e é constituída por um pré-tratamento para remoção de óleo, reator Fenton, Flotador de Ar Dissolvido - FAD e uma lagoa de aeração. Para a avaliação da estação de tratamento foram comparadas análises próprias do efluente com análises feitas em laboratório certificado. A eficiência global de remoção de fenol é maior do que 99,7%. Foi demonstrado que a combinação do processo de oxidação avançada com o biológico constitui-se em um sistema de tratamentos interessante a fim de remover contaminantes recalcitrantes.

  17. Síntese de redes de reatores para condições isotérmicas - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v30i2.5494

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    Lincoln Kotsuka da Silva


    Full Text Available No presente trabalho apresenta-se um procedimento computacional para síntese de redes de reatores (SRR operando em condições isotérmicas. Uma superestrutura de rede de reatores formada por reatores ideais CSTR e PFR é proposta e o problema apresenta uma formulação de programação não linear (PNL. São consideradas reações complexas (série/paralelas. A função objetivo é baseada no rendimento ou na seletividade em relação ao produto desejado, sujeito a diferentes condições de operação. As restrições ao problema são provenientes dos balanços de massa e da configuração da superestrutura considerada. No procedimento computacional é proposto um Algoritmo Genético (AG para obtenção do arranjo ótimo de reatores com máximo rendimento ou seletividade com menor volume reacional. Os resultados obtidos são condizentes com os obtidos na literatura.

  18. Desempenho de reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo em dois estágios tratando águas residuárias de suinocultura Performance of two-stage up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors treating swine wastewater

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    Adriana M. de Santana


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho de dois reatores anaeróbios de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB em escala-piloto com volumes de 908 L e 188 L, instalados em série, alimentados com águas residuárias de suinocultura com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST variando de 2.216 mg L-1 a 7.131 mg L-1 e submetidos a tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH de 62,3 e 31,1 h, no primeiro reator, e de 12,9 e 6,5 h, no segundo reator. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal variaram de 74,0% a 89,6% no Reator 1 e de 34,3% a 45,1% no Reator 2, resultando em valores médios de 86,6% a 93,1% para o sistema de tratamento em dois estágios com carga orgânica volumétrica (COV na faixa de 3,40 a 14,44 kg DQOtotal m-3 reator d-1 no Reator 1. As concentrações de metano no biogás foram acima de 75% para o Reator 1 e de 80% para o Reator 2. Os valores médios de pH variaram na faixa de 6,9 a 8,2 para o efluente do Reator 1 e de 7,0 a 8,3 para o efluente do Reator 2. Os ácidos voláteis totais mantiveram-se estáveis com concentrações médias abaixo de 200 mg L-1. Esses resultados indicaram que as condições de carga orgânica, em termos de DQO e SSV, impostas ao sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em dois estágios, não foram limitantes para que houvesse o desenvolvimento de lodo com microbiota adaptada e com alta atividade, propiciando altas eficiências médias de remoção de matéria orgânica (86,6 a 93,1% para DQOtotal e 85,6 a 88,2% para SSV e taxas de produção de metano de 0,156 a 0,289 m³ CH4 kg-1 de DQO removida.The objective of this work was monitoring the performance of two up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors (UASB in a pilot-scale testing with volumes of 908 L and 188 L, installed in series, loaded with swine wastewater with total suspended solids (TSS ranging from 2216 to 7131 mg L-1, submitted to an hydraulic detention time (HDT of 62.3 and 31.1 h, in the first reactor, and 12.9 and 6.5 h, in the second


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    T. B. Magassy


    Full Text Available Este projeto avaliou o desempenho de um sistema para tratamento de esgoto sanitário operando de modo contínuo e sem recirculação da fase líquida. O trabalho se diferencia por utilizar a bucha vegetal de curcubitácea como material suporte do reator, pouco estudada para essa finalidade de tratamento biológico de efluentes. Esse material se caracteriza por ser leve, barato e facilmente encontrado na região do alto sertão alagoano, além de ser integralmente natural e com características favoráveis à imobilização de biomassa. A bucha curcubitácea vem se mostrando bastante eficiente para o tratamento de efluentes líquidos, relacionando os conceitos de sustentabilidade e eficiência. Foi utilizado um reator anaeróbio, em escala de bancada, de leito fixo e fluxo contínuo de escoamento ascendente. O desempenho do sistema foi avaliado em três diferentes tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH, 8, 6 e 4 horas. Os valores efluentes médios para nitrogênio amoniacal foram de 22,71 mg N/L; 27,97 mg N/L; e 32,40 mg N/L para tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH, 8, 6 e 4 horas, respectivamente. Em termos de remoção de matéria orgânica representada pela DQO, o reator apresentou eficiência média de 73,0%, 59,7% e 64,0% para cada tempo estudado. Nesta pesquisa, foi desenvolvido um sistema de tratamento de esgoto sanitário estável, confiável e eficiente, em escala de bancada (experimental, baseado nos princípios do tratamento de efluentes por via biológica.

  20. Efeito do retorno de lodo aeróbio sobre as características da biomassa presente em reatores UASB tratando esgoto sanitário Effect of aerobic sludge return on the characteristics of anaerobic biomass present in UASB reactors treating domestic sewage

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    Patrícia Procópio Pontes


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho buscou avaliar a influência do retorno do lodo produzido em filtros biológicos percoladores (FBP sobre as características da biomassa em reatores UASB utilizados para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em reatores em escala piloto e em escala de demonstração, sendo que os reatores UASB foram operados com e sem retorno do lodo produzido nos FBP. Os resultados obtidos indicaram uma diminuição no diâmetro das partículas de lodo, durante as fases com retorno de lodo, mas apenas para as amostras de lodo tomadas nos pontos mais altos dos reatores anaeróbios. A estabilidade e a atividade metanogênica específica do lodo anaeróbio praticamente não se modificaram com o retorno de lodo. Conforme esperado, a produção específica de lodo anaeróbio aumentou com o retorno de lodo.This work aimed at evaluating the influence of the return of excess aerobic sludge produced in trickling filters (TF upon the biomass characteristics in UASB reactors used for the treatment of domestic sewage. The experiments were carried out in pilot and demonstration-scale reactors, with the UASB reactors being operated with and without the return of sludge produced in the TF. Smaller sludge particle sizes were observed when the aerobic sludge was returned to the UASB reactor, but only for sludge samples collected in the upper parts of the anaerobic reactors. Sludge stability and specific methanogenic activity were not affected by the return of sludge. As expected, the specific anaerobic sludge production increased with the return of sludge.

  1. Nuclear reactors transients identification and classification system; Sistema de identificacao e classificacao de transientes em reatores nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Bianchi, Paulo Henrique


    This work describes the study and test of a system capable to identify and classify transients in thermo-hydraulic systems, using a neural network technique of the self-organizing maps (SOM) type, with the objective of implanting it on the new generations of nuclear reactors. The technique developed in this work consists on the use of multiple networks to do the classification and identification of the transient states, being each network a specialist at one respective transient of the system, that compete with each other using the quantization error, that is a measure given by this type of neural network. This technique showed very promising characteristics that allow the development of new functionalities in future projects. One of these characteristics consists on the potential of each network, besides responding what transient is in course, could give additional information about that transient. (author)

  2. Remoção de BTEX por fungos em reator aeróbio de escoamento contínuo

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    Kelly Rodrigues


    Full Text Available RESUMO Foi estudada a remoção de compostos BTEX (benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xilenos em reator de escoamento contínuo e mistura perfeita, com inóculo de Aspergillus niger AN 400, operado sob o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH de 12 horas para avaliar a eficiência do sistema na biorremediação de água poluída com gasolina na presença (Etapa I e na ausência (Etapa II de glicose (0,5 g.L-1. A água poluída com gasolina foi preparada na proporção de 10:1000 mL (gasolina:água. Na primeira etapa foi ainda estudada a influência da adição de nutrientes no afluente sobre a eficiência do processo. A adição de nutrientes foi benéfica ao processo e, mesmo com a retirada da glicose, a eficiência foi mantida, devido à metabolização do etanol - presente na gasolina brasileira em 25% - pelos fungos, sendo ambos fontes de carbono de assimilação mais fácil para obtenção de energia; o etanol e a glicose, foram usados como cossubstratos na degradação dos BTEX. Assim, na Etapa 2, quando somente havia o etanol no meio, chegou-se a percentuais médios de 88% para benzeno, 90% para tolueno, 90% para etilbenzeno, e de 91% para meta, para e orto-xileno (m, p e o-xileno, com formação de subprodutos fenólicos. A população fúngica predominou no meio ao longo de toda a operação do reator.

  3. Eficiência de lagoas de polimento no pós-tratamento de reator UASB no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura

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    A.C.A. Pinto


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho de um sistema de lagoas seriadas que recebeu efluentes de reator UASB, no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura. O sistema foi composto de reator anaeróbio de chicanas (RAC, reator UASB, em escala real, e uma série de lagoas (uma lagoa facultativa e três de maturação, em escala piloto. As análises físico-químicas realizadas foram: pH, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, demanda química de oxigênio (DQO, sólidos suspensos totais (SST, sólidos suspensos voláteis (SSV, nitrogênio amoniacal (N-am., fósforo total (Pt, coliformes totais (CT e Escherichia coli (EC. As lagoas de pós-tratamento contribuíram eficientemente para remoção de nutrientes, matéria orgânica e sólidos, fornecendo um efluente com qualidade para o reuso agrícola ou lançamento em corpos d'água.

  4. Modelagem de um reator integral aplicado na reação de reforma a vapor de metano - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v29i2.705

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    Giane Gonçalves Lenzi


    Full Text Available Freqüentemente, a validação de modelos matemáticos aplicados a reatores industriais esbarra na dificuldade de obtenção de medidas experimentais confiáveis. Uma maneira de contornar esta limitação corresponde à implantação de uma unidade em escala de bancada devidamente instrumentada, na qual são obtidos dados experimentais em condições controladas. Neste contexto, foram efetuados ensaios em um reator integral de reforma a vapor de metano em escala de bancada, em diversas condições experimentais. As medidas de temperatura no leito foram efetuadas por meio de um termopar multiponto em seis posições axiais distintas, enquanto a composição do efluente do reator foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa. Estes dados experimentais foram comparados com as previsões de um modelo pseudo-homogêneo, unidimensional e dinâmico. Os resultados indicam que o modelo é adequado, sendo que tanto a atividade catalítica como a conversão são sensíveis à temperatura operacional, enquanto a temperatura do leito é praticamente insensível à vazão nas condições experimentais exploradas.

  5. Reator anaeróbio compartimentado para o tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura

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    Roberto Alves de Oliveira


    Full Text Available A poluição da água e do solo causada pela suinocultura provoca impactos ambientais severos nas regiões produtoras. Uma alternativa eficiente para atenuar esse problema pode ser a utilização de reatores anaeróbios de alta taxa. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito das águas residuárias de suinocultura com concentrações de sólidos suspensos totais em torno de 6.000 mg.L−1 no desempenho do reator anaeróbio compartimentado, com três câmaras. O volume da primeira câmara foi de 210 L e da segunda e terceira de 160 L. O reator anaeróbio compartimentado foi submetido a tempos de detenção hidráulica de 56, 28 e 18 horas e a cargas orgânicas volumétricas de 5,0 a 10,1 g DQOtotal (L.d−1. As maiores remoções de demanda química de oxigênio total, de 42 a 68%, e das produções volumétricas de metano, de 0,261 a 0,454 L CH4 (L reator d−1, ocorreram na segunda câmara.

  6. Aplicação da via curta para remoção biológica de nitrogênio de lixiviado de aterro sanitário utilizando reator em batelada sequencial

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    Luiz Felipe Tavares De Santana


    Full Text Available A presente pesquisa teve o objetivo de estudar a remoção biológica de nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3 e matéria orgânica biodegradável presente em lixiviado de aterro sanitário, aplicando a nitrificação por meio da via curta, operando um reator de polietileno, em bateladas sequenciais, com volumes úteis superiores a 400 L, ou seja, em escala piloto, aerado por meio de compressor de 1 cv. O experimento foi realizado no aterro sanitário em operação há onze anos, localizado no município de Camaçari - Bahia e operado pela empresa LIMPEC, responsável pelos serviços de coleta, transporte e destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos e industriais não perigosos, gerados nos municípios de Camaçari e Dias D’Ávila, Bahia. O experimento foi conduzido durante 165 dias. Foram realizados: 7 (sete ciclos de tratamento utilizando razões de troca volumétrica de 10% e aerando o conteúdo do reator por 18 horas; 5 (cinco ciclos com razão de troca volumétrica de 20% e aerando o conteúdo do reator por 18 horas e, finalmente, 7 (sete ciclos com razão de troca volumétrica igual a 20% e aerando o conteúdo do reator por 24 horas. Todos os ciclos de tratamento foram operados com o conteúdo do reator a temperatura ambiente, sem correção de pH, e a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD, durante a aeração, foi sempre inferior a 1,0 mg O2/L. Os melhores resultados de eficiência de remoção de poluentes de interesse foram obtidos quando o sistema foi operado com RTV iguais a 10 e 20% e tempos de aeração iguais a 18 e 24 horas respectivamente. Nessas condições operacionais, a remoção de N-NH3 variou entre 56 e 100%, correspondendo a concentrações efluentes entre 0,0 e 84,0 mg N-NH3/L, ou seja, durante 11 ciclos de tratamento o efluente atendeu à Resolução CONAMA 430/2011. O alcance do acúmulo de nitrito, avaliado por meio da razão nitrito/nitrogênio oxidado, mostrou-se estável durante todo o experimento. Ao longo

  7. Enriquecimento de microrganismos metanotróficos a partir de lodo de reator UASB tratando esgotos domésticos

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    Luciene Alves Batista Siniscalchi


    Full Text Available RESUMO Nesse estudo, microrganismos metanotróficos foram enriquecidos a partir de lodo proveniente de um reator UASB tratando esgotos domésticos em reator em batelada sequencial (RBS com meio autotrófico contendo nitrito e nitrato. As eficiências médias de remoção de nitrito e nitrato foram de 68% e 53%, respectivamente, provavelmente devido à atividade heterotrófica desnitrificante. A detecção de arquéias dos grupos ANME-I e ANME-II foram realizadas por PCR durante todo período de cultivo. A estrutura da comunidade microbiana presente no inóculo e enriquecida no RBS após 100 dias de operação foi estudada por pirosequenciamento. Os resultados das análises demonstraram que a comunidade enriquecida no reator foi diferente à inoculada. Os filos dominantes no inóculo foram Synergistestes , Firmicutes e Euryarchaeota , ao passo que na biomassa enriquecida Planctomycetes, Verrucomicrobia, Chloroflexi e Proteobacteria predominaram. As condições de cultivo do RBS reduziram a abundância de Methanobacterium (8% para 1% e selecionaram bactérias metanotróficas como Methylocaldum , Methylocistis e Methylosinus . As sequências de Methylocaldum sp. apresentaram abundância relativa de 2.5%. A presença e elevada predominância do filo Verrucomicrobia na biomassa enriquecida do RBS sugere que outras espécies de metanotróficas, ainda pouco conhecidas, relacionadas a este filo podem estar presentes no reator. O potencial de oxidação anaeróbia do metano foi determinado para ambas amostras e revelaram que a atividade metanotrófica da biomassa foi aproximadamente três vezes maior que a do inóculo. Em suma, estes resultados sugerem que o inóculo usado e as condições de cultivo aplicadas foram adequados para o enriquecimento de metanotróficas.


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    Bruno Oliveira Freitas


    Full Text Available RESUMO: Dentre as soluções existentes para efetuar o tratamento de esgoto, o reator anaeróbio do tipo UASB é largamente utilizado no Brasil, porém esta tecnologia apresenta problemas em atender aos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira para lançamento de efluente em termos de nitrogênio amoniacal, fósforo e matéria orgânica, necessitando de pós-tratamento. Diante do potencial para remoção de matéria orgânica e sólidos suspensos pela flotação e da eficiência que a zeólita apresenta na remoção de amônia, a floto-filtração-adsortiva em zeólita pode ser uma promissora alternativa para tratamento deste efluente. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visou avaliar a eficiência de um sistema de flotação associado à filtração-adsortiva, utilizando zeólita como meio filtrante, para pós-tratamento de efluente de reator UASB. Para tal, foram realizados ensaios de coagulação/floculação, flotação e filtração-adsortiva com um floteste adaptado com filtros adsorventes, utilizando efluente de reator anaeróbio do tipo UASB. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo atenderam aos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira para lançamento de efluentes em corpos d’água, alcançando 100 % de remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal, permitindo que esse efluente possa ser aproveitado para reuso. Desse modo, o sistema de flotação com a filtração-adsortiva utilizando zeólita como meio filtrante mostrou-se eficiente na remoção de todos os poluentes avaliados. Esta pesquisa teve como principal contribuição a avaliação de alternativa promissora para pós-tratamento de efluente de reator UASB buscando atender as exigências da legislação brasileira e melhorar da qualidade dos efluentes sanitários. ABSTRACT: Among the existing solutions to sewage treatment, the UASB reactor is widely used in Brazil, but this technology has problem to attend the limits established by Brazilian law for discharging of effluent

  9. Remoção de sulfato de águas residuárias industriais em reator anaeróbio de leito fixo operado em bateladas sequenciais Sulfate removal from industrial wastewaters in fixed film anaerobic sequential batch reactor

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    Arnaldo Sarti


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o potencial de uso reator anaeróbio operado em bateladas seqüenciais com biomassa imobilizada (ASBBR, em escala piloto, no tratamento de água residuária industrial contendo elevadas concentrações de sulfato. O ASBBR, com volume total de 1.2 m³, foi preenchido com carvão mineral como meio suporte para imobilização da biomassa (leito fixo. Foram aplicadas cargas de 0,15; 0,30; 0,65; 1,30 e 1,90 kg SO4-2/ciclo (ou batelada com duração de 48 h, correspondendo, respectivamente, às concentrações de sulfato no afluente de 0,25; 0,50; 1,0; 2,0 e 3,0 gSO4-2.l-1. Utilizou-se etanol como doador de elétrons para a redução do sulfato. O reator foi operado à temperatura ambiente (29±8ºC, tendo sido obtidas eficiências médias na redução de sulfato entre 88 e 92% em 92 ciclos (275 dias. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que o uso de reatores ASBBR constitui-se em alternativa eficiente para a remoção de sulfatos de águas residuárias com características semelhantes às utilizadas neste trabalho.The potential use of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR in pilot-scale for the treatment of a sulfate-rich industrial wastewater was evaluated. The pilot 1.2 m³ ASBBR reactor was filled with mineral coal for biomass immobilization (fixed film. The sulfate loading rates applied were 0.15; 0.30; 0.65; 1.30 and 1.90 kg SO4-2/cycle (or batch. Each cycle lasted 48 h. The influent concentrations were, respectively, 0.25; 0.50; 1.0; 2.0 and 3.0 gSO4-2.l-1. Ethanol was used as electron donor for sulfate reduction. The reactor operated at ambient temperature (29±8ºC, and the mean efficiencies of sulfate removal were in the range 88 to 92% in the 92 run cycles. The total operating period comprised 275 days. Based on the results obtained in this research, it could be concluded that the ASBBR can be an efficient alternative for the removal of sulfate from other industrial wastewaters with similar characteristics.

  10. Levantamento de parâmetros cinéticos medidos em reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB em escala-piloto tratando efluentes de laticínio = Survey of kinetic parameters measured in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB in pilot-scale treatment of dairy wastewater

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    Bruno Botelho Saléh


    Full Text Available O objeto desta pesquisa foi à obtenção e avaliação dos parâmetros cinéticos do reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB-Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket na remoção da carga orgânica poluidora dos despejos da atividade laticinista. O sistema com suas principais unidades foi composto de tratamento preliminar (caixa de areia e flotadores,tanque de contato (TC, reator UASB, filtro anaeróbio (FAB e lodo ativo em batelada (LAB. Os TDH’s (tempos de detenção hidráulicos e a temperatura adotados para o reator UASB foram de 44, 35, 30, 26 e 20h após a fase de estabilização do sistema, com temperatura média de 24,8ºC ± 1,8ºC. O volume do reator era de 394 L. A partir dos dadosDQOT (mg L-1, Sólidos Totais Fixos e Voláteis (mg L-1, Temperatura (°C, Vazão (L dia-1 e Perfil de Lodo no reator (Sólidos Voláteis Totais em mg L-1, monitorados durante todo o período de pesquisa na estação-piloto, em cada um dos tempos de detenção hidráulicos(TDH’s no reator UASB, foi conduzido o estudo para obtenção dos parâmetros cinéticos: coeficiente de crescimento ‘Y’ (mg DQO mg SVT-1 d-1, coeficiente de decaimento ‘Kd’ (d-1, taxa máxima de crescimento ‘μmáx’ (d-1 e concentração de substrato limitante ‘Ks’ (mg DQO L-1. Os parâmetros cinéticos determinados se basearam em estudos de regressão linear para determinação de Y, Kd, μmáx e Ks, respectivamente, dando, assim, respaldo técnico-científicoaos dados físico-químicos levantados durante a operacionalização do sistema.The goal of this research was to obtain and withdraw the kinetic parameters from an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket – UASB in removing the organic load from the waste by-product of a dairy activity. The treatment system was composed of a Sand Interceptor (Grit Chamber, Grease Intercept Chambers, Stirred Contact Tank (CT, a UASB reactor, Anaerobic Filter (AF, and Batch Activated Sludge System (BASS. The HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time and

  11. Avaliação de um reator de lodo ativado aplicado à nitrificação utilizando ensaios cinéticos = Evaluation of an activated sludge reactor applied to nitrification using kinetic assays

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    Valeria Reginatto


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, um reator em escala laboratorial de lodo ativado, aplicado ao processo da nitrificação, foi acompanhado por meio de ensaios cinéticos de atividade específica. A atividade de nitrificação da biomassa foi determinada por respirometria nacaracterização do inóculo e na avaliação da biomassa do reator em duas condições: durante a alimentação do reator com meio sintético autotrófico; e após a sua alimentação com efluente de um reator UASB, utilizado para desnitrificação. O reator atingiu uma eficiência em torno de 90% de nitrificação em ambas as condições de operação. O modelo cinético de Andrews, que inclui uma constante da inibição pelo substrato (Ki, ajustou-se melhor aos resultados obtidos nos testes de atividade do que o de Monod. Entretanto, observou-se aumento daconstante de inibição (Ki do lodo após operação do reator em relação ao inóculo, demonstrando a adaptação da biomassa às novas condições (cargas de nitrificação.In this work, an activated sludge lab-scale reactor used fornitrification was monitored by specific activity kinetic assays. The nitrification biomass activity was carried out by respirometric methods in order to characterize the inoculum and the reactor sludge after two different operation conditions: during the feeding of the reactor with synthetic autotrophic medium, and after feeding it with effluent from an UASB reactor used for denitrification. The efficiency of nitrification reached 90% in both operation conditions. Results obtained by the kinetic activity assays were better adjusted by the kinetic model of Andrews, which includes the inhibition constant by the substrate (Ki, than the Monod model. However, an increase was observed in the inhibition constant (Ki of the sludge after the operation of the reactor as compared with the inoculum. This effect demonstrates an adaptation of the biomass to the new nitrification conditions (loading rate.

  12. PC-Reactor-core transient simulation code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nakata, H.


    PC-REATOR, a reactor core transient simulation code has been developed for the real-time operator training on a IBM-PC microcomputer. The program presents capabilities for on-line exchange of the operating parameters during the transient simulation, by friendly keyboard instructions. The model is based on the point-kinetics approximation, with 2 delayed neutron percursors and up to 11 decay power generating groups. (author) [pt

  13. Tratamento de água com hidrocarbonetos aromáticos por uso de reator em bateladas sequenciais com inoculo fúngico Treatment of water with aromatic hydrocarbons by use of sequential batch reactor with fungi inoculum

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    Kelly Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Um reator em batelada, aerado, com biomassa imobilizada de Aspergillus niger AN400 foi operado durante 10 ciclos de 7 dias para remover benzeno (200 mg.L-1, tolueno (200 mg.L-1 e xileno (50 mg.L-1 - BTX - e de nutrientes de meio basal. O reator era alimentado semanalmente com 4 L do meio e glicose - 1 g.L-1, na Fase I, e 0,5 g.L-1, na Fase II. Os BTX foram detectados até o quarto dia de operação, em todos os ciclos. As melhores eficiências médias de remoção foram na Fase I: 75%de matéria orgânica solúvel, 80% de ortofosfato e 77% de amônia. O reator pode ser uma alternativa viável para tratamento de águas poluídas com BTX, porém há a necessidade de estudar o comportamento do reator durante período de operação mais longo e com ciclos reacionais mais curtos, bem como da identificação dos metabólitos produzidos.A batch reactor with air and immobilized biomass of Aspergillus niger AN400 was operated during 10 cycles of 7 days to remove benzene (200 mg.L-1, toluene (200 mg.L-1, and xylene (50 mg.L-1 - BTX - and nutrients from basal medium. The reactor was weekly fed with 4 L of the medium and glucose - 1 g.L-1 (Phase I and 0.5 g.L-1 (Phase II. The BTX had been detected until the fourth day of operation in all cycles. The best efficiencies of removal had been in Phase I: 75% of soluble organic matter, 80% of orthophosphate and 77% of ammonia. The reactor can be a viable alternative for the contaminated water treatment with BTX. However it has the necessity to study behavior of the reactor during longer period of operation and with shorter reaction cycles, as well as the identification of the produced metabolites.

  14. Reactor network synthesis for isothermal conditions = Síntese de redes de reatores para condições isotérmicas

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    Lincoln Kotsuka da Silva


    Full Text Available In the present paper, a computational systematic procedure for isothermal Reactor Network Synthesis (RNS is presented. A superstructure of ideal CSTR and PFR reactors is proposed and the model is formulated as a constrained Nonlinear Programming (NLP problem. Complex reactions (series/parallel reactions are considered. The objective function is based on yield or selectivity, depending on the desired product, subject to different operational conditions. The problem constraints are mass balances in the reactorsand in the considered reactor network superstructure. A systematic computational procedure is proposed and a Genetic Algorithm (GA is developed to obtain the optimal reactor arrangement with the maximum yield or selectivity and minimum reactor volume. Results are as good as or better than those reported in the literature.No presentetrabalho apresenta-se um procedimento computacional para síntese de redes de reatores (SRR operando em condições isotérmicas. Uma superestrutura de rede de reatores formada por reatores ideais CSTR e PFR é proposta e o problema apresenta uma formulação de programação não linear (PNL. São consideradas reações complexas (série/paralelas. A função objetivo é baseada no rendimento ou na seletividade em relação ao produto desejado, sujeito a diferentes condições de operação. As restrições ao problema são provenientes dos balanços de massa e da configuração da superestrutura considerada.No procedimento computacional é proposto um Algoritmo Genético (AG para obtenção do arranjo ótimo de reatores com máximo rendimento ou seletividade com menor volume reacional. Os resultados obtidos são condizentes com os obtidos na literatura.

  15. Tratamento de efluentes de abatedouro de frangos por meio de reator UASB seguido de filtro anaeróbio

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    L.S. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de aves do mundo e se destaca na exportação de carne de frango, que tem papel relevante na economia do país. Como resultado do crescimento da indústria de processamento do frango, há também um significativo aumento na geração de efluentes. Uma alternativa interessante para o tratamento desses resíduos são os reatores anaeróbios. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho do sistema reator UASB-Filtro anaeróbio no tratamento de efluentes de abate de frangos. O estudo foi desenvolvido em um abatedouro avícola, situado na região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. O sistema de tratamento foi composto por peneira estática, caixa de gordura, reator UASB e filtro anaeróbio. A vazão média diária de efluentes do abatedouro foi de 30m³/dia. A carga orgânica aplicada no reator UASB foi de 0,71kg DQO/m³.d. O monitoramento do sistema foi realizado por meio de análises físico-químicas do afluente e dos efluentes da caixa de gordura, reator UASB e filtro anaeróbio. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: temperatura, pH, demanda química de oxigênio (DQO, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, sólidos suspensos totais (SST, e sólidos suspensos voláteis (SSV. Os valores efluentes médios encontrados para DBO, DQO e SST foram 106, 290 e 56mg/L, respectivamente. A eficiência de remoção do sistema para DBO variou de 83 a 99%, e para DQO de 50 a 98%. A eficiência de remoção média de SST e SSV foi de 92%. Conclui-se que o sistema reator UASB seguido de filtro anaeróbio apresentou alto desempenho na remoção de sólidos e carga orgânica. Dessa forma, esses reatores tornam-se uma alternativa viável para o tratamento de águas residuárias de frigoríficos, já que oferecem bons resultados de remoção de poluentes.

  16. Comparativo Do Potencial De Produção De Metano Utilizando Glicerol E Sacarose Como Substrato Orgânico, Em Reatores Operados De Forma Descontínua Alimentada

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    Indianara Cataneo


    Full Text Available A crise energética que vem preocupando, não só o Brasil, mas todo o mundo, traz a necessidade da busca por fontes energéticas alternativas, ou seja, energias que causem menos impacto ao meio ambiente. Outro problema enfrentado atualmente é a geração de resíduos e efluentes, que demandam tratamentos e controles adequados. A utilização de biogás como fonte renovável de energia vem se mostrando atrativa, considerando a utilização de resíduos e efluentes como substrato orgânico, com produção energética através de processos de digestão anaeróbia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar o potencial de geração de biogás e metano gerado pelo glicerol, subproduto oriundo de indústrias de fabricação de biodiesel, e sacarose, caracterizada por possuir fácil degradabilidade. Foram testados sistemas de digestão anaeróbia de operação descontínua alimentada em reatores de bancada (19,2L de volume útil. Três situações foram avaliadas, 3, 6 e 9% de matéria orgânica em relação ao volume útil dos reatores. O tempo de detenção hidráulica foi de 15 dias para cada situação proposta. Finalizado os experimentos, verificou-se que o glicerol possui maior potencial para a geração de biogás e metano em relação à sacarose, nas concentrações de alimentação utilizadas.

  17. Aproveitamento de biogás e lodo excedente de reatores UASB como fonte de energia renovável em estações de tratamento de esgoto


    André Pereira Rosa


    A pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o aproveitamento dos subprodutos biogás e lodo excedente de reatores UASB como fonte de energia renovável em estações de tratamento de esgoto. O objetivo 1 foi desenvolvido a partir de uma ampla revisão de literatura e visitas a ETEs que promovem a recuperação energética na Europa. No âmbito do objetivo 2, os trabalhos foram desenvolvidos na ETE Laboreaux, Itabira-MG através da caracterização do potencial energético do lodo e do biogás e a proposta de det...

  18. Desempenho de reator anaeróbio-aeróbio de leito fixo no tratamento de esgoto sanitário Performance of anaerobic-aerobic packed-bed reactor in the treatment of domestic sewage

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    Sérgio Brasil Abreu


    Full Text Available Este artigo relata a avaliação do desempenho de um reator anaeróbio-aeróbio, preenchido com espuma de poliuretano, para tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Inicialmente, foram testados diferentes tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH no reator que operou apenas em condições anaeróbias. Em seguida, foi operado o reator combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio. O melhor resultado para o reator em operação exclusivamente anaeróbia foi para o TDH de 10 horas, no qual se conseguiu reduzir a DQO de 389 ± 70 mg/L para 137 ± 16 mg/L. Para o reator anaeróbio-aeróbio, a DQO foi reduzida de 259 ± 69 mg/L para 93 ± 31 mg/L para TDH de 12 h (6 h no estágio anaeróbio e 6 h no aeróbio. A comparação de todos os resultados obtidos evidenciou a importância do pós-tratamento aeróbio na remoção de parcela de matéria orgânica não removida em tratamento unicamente anaeróbio.This paper reports on the performance evaluation of an upflow anaerobic-aerobic reactor, filled with polyurethane matrices, for domestic sewage treatment. Initially, different hydraulic retention times were assayed with the reactor operating exclusively in anaerobic condition. Afterwards, anaerobic-aerobic combined reactor was operated. The anaerobic operation with HRT of 10 h provided the best organic matter removal with COD reduction from 389 ± 70 mg/L to 137 ± 16 mg/L. Under anaerobic-aerobic condition, the COD dropped from 259 ± 69 mg/L to 93 ± 31 mg/L with HRT of 12 h (6 h in anaerobic and 6 h in aerobic stages. Finally, comparing all the obtained results, it was possible to verify the importance of the aerobic post treatment in the removal of part of the organic matter not removed in an exclusively anaerobic treatment.

  19. Avaliação do processo de tratamento biológico de águas residuárias sanitária e industrial em sistema combinado com reator biológico de contato seguido de filtro aerado submerso


    Hércules Antonio de Oliveira


    Este estudo apresenta os resultados da operação de uma planta piloto de tratamento biológico para águas residuárias, em testes realizados em duas fases de estudo, sendo a primeira relacionada com a operação de um reator biológico de contato (RBC) e a segunda com a operação em sistema combinado, com um biofiltro aerado submerso (BAS) à jusante do RBC. As unidades RBC e BAS foram ensaiadas no tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A vazão média de alimentação foi de 82,9 Lh-1, e vazão de recirculação ...

  20. Avaliação do desempenho de sistemas alagados construídos de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial tratando efluente de reator UASB, com base em quatro anos de monitoramento

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    Jocilene Ferreira Costa

    Full Text Available RESUMO Um sistema composto por um reator anaeróbio tipo upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB, seguido de um sistema de alagados construídos (SAC de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial compreendendo duas unidades em paralelo (50 habitantes cada, foi avaliado para o tratamento de águas residuárias geradas na cidade de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Uma unidade foi plantada com Typha latifolia e a outra não foi vegetada. Amostras semanais do efluente do reator UASB e do efluente das unidades do SAC foram avaliadas por um período de quatro anos de operação do sistema. Nas taxas de aplicação praticadas (média de 0,11 m3.m-2.d-1, o efluente final apresentou excelente qualidade em termos de matéria orgânica e sólidos suspensos, mas baixa capacidade de remoção de nitrogênio. Os valores médios de concentração no efluente das unidades plantadas e não plantadas foram, respectivamente, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio: 25 e 23 mg.L-1; demanda química de oxigênio: 50 e 55 mg.L-1; sólidos suspensos totais: 10 e 8 mg.L-1; nitrogênio Kjeldahl total: 30 e 31 mg.L-1; e nitrogênio amoniacal: 27 e 28 mg.L-1. Não se observou diferença significativa entre as concentrações efluentes das unidades plantada e não plantada para a maioria dos constituintes investigados.

  1. Simulação numérica aplicada para avaliar o efeito da pré-polimerização no comportamento de reatores tubulares Numerical simulation to evaluate the effect from pre-polymerization on the behavior of tubular reactors

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    André L. Nogueira


    Full Text Available O presente estudo utiliza um modelo matemático fenomenológico para simular um sistema de polimerização contínuo em dois estágios. Este sistema é composto por um reator contínuo tipo tanque agitado (CSTR, para pré-polimerização do monômero (primeiro estágio, associado em série a um reator tubular para conduzir a reação até elevados valores de conversão (segundo estágio. Um modelo detalhado, considerando variações axiais e radiais, assim como operação não-isotérmica, foi utilizado para simular o comportamento do reator tubular em diferentes situações. Um modelo de caracterização também foi desenvolvido para fornecer estimativas do peso molecular médio e do índice de polidispersão do polímero. Os resultados mostram que reações de polimerização conduzidas em sistemas contínuos de dois estágios fornecem um polímero com propriedades menos heterogêneas do que um polímero obtido em um sistema reacional composto por apenas um reator tubular. Além disso, quanto maior a viscosidade da mistura reacional alimentada ao reator tubular, mais homogêneo é o polímero obtido.The present study uses a phenomenological model to simulate a continuous, two-stage polymerization process. This system is composed by a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR for monomer pre-polymerization (first stage, connected to a tubular reactor (second stage to carry out the reaction up to high conversion values. A comprehensive non-isothermal 2-D model (axial and radial variations was used to predict the tubular reactor behavior. A polymer characterization model was also developed to provide estimates of the polymer average molecular weight and polydispersity. According to the results, polymerization reactions carried out in a continuous two-stage system provide a polymer with less heterogeneous properties than the one obtained in a single tubular reactor. Besides, it is possible to produce a more homogeneous polymer increasing the viscosity

  2. Higienização de lodo de esgoto em reator com aquecimento solar: inativação de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli

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    Odinei Fogolari

    Full Text Available RESUMO O uso de lodo de esgoto na agricultura se tornou prática corrente em diversos países, sendo atrativa em muitos aspectos, principalmente no fornecimento de matéria orgânica e nutrientes ao solo. Embora os benefícios ambientais e agrícolas do uso de lodo sejam consideráveis, tal prática deve ser realizada de forma sanitariamente segura. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência de um processo de higienização térmica de lodo de esgoto utilizando energia solar. O lodo era aquecido através de um trocador de calor, construído com tubos de cobre e instalado dentro do reator, no qual circula água aquecida em coletores solares planos. Foram realizados 16 ensaios experimentais em diferentes condições de irradiação solar. A inativação térmica da Escherichia coli foi avaliada através do modelo cinético de primeira ordem em condições não isotérmicas. O processo mostrou-se eficiente em ensaios realizados com irradiação solar média do período acima de 500 W.h.m-2, com redução de E. coli entre 4,2 e 7,1 log10 e de coliformes totais entre 4,8 e 7,4 log10. Os ensaios realizados em dias com menores índices de irradiação solar tiveram a eficiência de higienização comprometida, devido às baixas temperaturas atingidas pelo lodo.

  3. Modelagem e simulação de reator trifasico aplicado a oleos pesados com reações de hidrocraqueamento termico e catalitico, desmetalização e deposição de coque na mistura e no catalisador


    Letivan Gonçalves de Mendonça Filho


    Resumo: Esta dissertação apresenta a modelagem e simulação de um reator tipo ?slurry bubble column? que opera em leito fluidizado trifásico (gás-liquido-solido) com arraste de sólidos para promover a hidroconversão de resíduos de vácuo em condições severas de temperatura e pressão. Nosso objetivo foi reproduzir os fenômenos responsáveis pelas paradas típicas de reatores de hidroconversão de leito fluidizado trifásico, que são separação de fases devido a precipitação ds asfaltenos, a deposição...

  4. Otimização do processo de nitrificação com o uso de conchas de ostras como material suporte em reatores aeróbios com biomassa fixa

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    Maria Elisa Magri


    Full Text Available A preservação dos mananciais de água traz como ponto de atuação primordial o tratamento dos esgotos sanitários a nível terciário. A partir daí destaca-se a necessidade de otimizar os sistemas de remoção de nutrientes, buscando-se processos mais estáveis, economicamente viáveis e ambientalmente sustentáveis. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar conchas de ostras como material de preenchimento em um biofiltro aerado submerso, assumindo-se a hipótese de que as mesmas podem interagir com a fase líquida do reator, fornecendo alcalinidade necessária à estabilidade do processo de nitrificação autotrófica. Uma série de condições operacionais foi avaliada visando à nitrificação; portanto, foi possível concluir que, no biofiltro aerado submerso com conchas de ostras, podem ser aplicadas taxas hidráulicas >5,2 m³.m-2.d-1 e tempo de detenção hidráulico <7,5 horas, desde que a relação carbono: nitrogênio seja mantida abaixo de quatro. As conchas de ostras mantiveram o sistema tamponado (pH=7,5±0,3, mesmo com uma intensa atividade nitrificante no reator (100%.

  5. Comportamento de reator de leito fluidizado trifásico aeróbico utilizando diferentes materiais suporte


    Martins, Cláudia Lavina


    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental. Este trabalho apresenta estudos realizados com reator de leito fluidizado trifásico aeróbio (RLFTA), aplicado ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário, tendo como objetivo avaliar seu comportamento utilizando diferentes materiais suporte: PET, OSBG® e PVC. Foram aplicadas cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV) de 13 a 29 Kg DQO/m3.dia e tempo de retenção hidráulica ...

  6. Modelagem de um reator integral aplicado na reação de reforma a vapor de metano = Modeling of integral reactor applied methane steam reforming

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    Giane Gonçalves


    Full Text Available Freqüentemente, a validação de modelos matemáticos aplicados a reatores industriais esbarra na dificuldade de obtenção de medidas experimentais confiáveis. Uma maneira de contornar esta limitação corresponde à implantação de uma unidade em escala de bancada devidamente instrumentada, na qual são obtidos dados experimentais emcondições controladas. Neste contexto, foram efetuados ensaios em um reator integral de reforma a vapor de metano em escala de bancada, em diversas condições experimentais. As medidas de temperatura no leito foram efetuadas por meio de um termopar multiponto em seis posições axiais distintas, enquanto a composição do efluente do reator foi determinada por cromatografia gasosa. Estes dados experimentais foram comparados com as previsões de um modelo pseudo-homogêneo, unidimensional e dinâmico. Os resultados indicam que o modelo é adequado, sendo que tanto a atividade catalítica como a conversão são sensíveis à temperatura operacional, enquanto a temperatura do leito é praticamente insensível à vazão nas condições experimentais exploradas.Frequently, the validation of applied mathematical models of industrial reactors dash into the difficulty of obtaining reliable experimental data. A way to overcome this limitation is the proper use and operation or a in bench scale, experimental setup from whichexperimental data can be obtained in controlled conditions. In this context, experiments were carried out in an integral reactor of steam reform, in different experimental conditions. Thermocouples were placed along the catalyst bed to allow for temperature monitoring in six equally spaced and distinct positions of the reactor, the composition of the effluent of the reactor was determined by gas chromatography. These experimental data were compared with the theoretical results of a pseudo-homogeneous one-dimensional,dynamic mathematical model. The results indicate that the model can successfully

  7. Operação de filtros biológicos percoladores pós-reatores UASB sem a etapa de decantação secundária Operation of trickling filters post-UASB reactors without the secondary sedimentation stage

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    Paulo Gustavo Sertório de Almeida


    Full Text Available A pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar filtros biológicos percoladores (FBP pós-reatores UASB operando sem a etapa de decantação secundária, em termos da remoção da demanda bioquímica e química de oxigênio (DBO e DQO e sólidos suspensos totais (SST. O aparato experimental consistia em um reator UASB que alimentava quatro FBP em paralelo, preenchidos com diferentes materiais suporte. O reator UASB operou em regime hidráulico permanente, e três condições operacionais foram impostas aos FBP durante o período experimental. Em geral, os sistemas UASB/FBP foram capazes de promover o atendimento aos padrões de lançamento. Em condições de baixas cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV, o uso de materiais de enchimento de maior área superficial específica não proporcionou ganhos expressivos em termos de desempenho. Contudo, o uso de meio suporte baseado em espumas de poliuretano propiciou melhoria significativa na qualidade do efluente final. O uso de sistemas UASB/FBP sem decantadores secundários parece ser uma promissora alternativa para a simplificação operacional da tecnologia, e uma importante estratégia para o tratamento de efluentes domésticos em países em desenvolvimento. No entanto, o sucesso do emprego desta tecnologia fica condicionado ao correto gerenciamento do lodo anaeróbio do reator UASB, a fim de que sejam evitadas sobrecargas nos FBP.The research aimed at evaluating the operation of trickling filters (TF post-UASB reactors without the secondary sedimentation stage, in terms of biochemical and chemical oxygen demand (BOD and COD and total suspended solids (TSS removal. The experimental apparatus consisted of one UASB reactor followed by four TF in parallel, each one filled with a different packing media. The UASB reactor was operated at a permanent hydraulic regime, while three operational conditions were imposed to the TF during the experimental period. In general, the UASB/TF systems were able to comply with

  8. Uso de modelação matemática para projeto de câmaras mecanizadas de floculação em série em estações de tratamento de água The use of mathematical modeling to the design of continous flow completely mixed chambers in series for flocculation in water treatment plants

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    Luiz Di Bernardo


    Full Text Available A metodologia encontrada na literatura para a otimização do gradiente de velocidade médio em reatores de mistura completa, com câmaras em série de escoamento contínuo, a partir de ensaios em reator estático tipo jarteste, baseia-se em modelos matemáticos que descrevem a cinética dos encontros entre partículas durante a floculação. Considerando-se que a aplicabilidade desta metodologia tem-se revelado inconsistente, como observado por diversos autores, este trabalho propõe uma metodologia racional para utilizar e otimizar os dados experimentais obtidos em reatores estáticos e, utilizando modelos matemáticos, obter dados para o projeto de floculadores mecanizados em série em estações de tratamento de água.The existing methodology in the literature to optimize the velocity gradients in continuous flow completely mixed reactors using batch test data (static reactors is based on mathematical models that describe the flocculation kinetics. Since this methodology has been shown to be inconsistent, as observed by several researchers, this work was carried out in order to propose a rational methodology to optimize the static reactors experimental data to obtain the design parameters of mechanized flocculation systems for water treatment plants.

  9. Performance of UASB reactors in two stages under different HRT and OLR treating residual waters of swine farming Desempenho de reatores UASB em dois estágios sob diferentes TDH e COV tratando águas residuárias de suinocultura

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    Estevão Urbinati


    Full Text Available In this study it was evaluated the effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT and Organic Loading Rate (OLR on the performance of UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactors in two stages treating residual waters of swine farming. The system consisted of two UASB reactors in pilot scale, installed in series, with volumes of 908 and 188 L, for the first and second stages (R1 and R2, respectively. The HRT applied in the system of anaerobic treatment in two stages (R1 + R2 was of 19.3, 29.0 and 57.9 h. The OLR applied in the R1 ranged from 5.5 to 40.1 kg CODtotal (m³ d-1. The average removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD and total suspended solids (TSS ranged, respectively, from 66.3 to 88.2% and 62.5 to 89.3% in the R1, and from 85.5 to 95.5% and 76.4 to 96.1% in the system (R1 + R2. The volumetric production of methane in the system (R1 + R2 ranged from 0.295 to 0.721 m³CH4 (m³ reactor d-1. It was found that the OLR applied were not limiting to obtain high efficiencies of CODtotal and TSS removal and methane production. The inclusion of the UASB reactor in the second stage contributed to increase the efficiencies of CODtotal and TSS removal, especially, when the treatment system was submitted to the lowest HRT and the highest OLR.Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH e da carga orgânica volumétrica (COV no desempenho de reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket, em dois estágios, tratando águas residuárias de suinocultura. O sistema foi constituído por dois reatores UASB em escala-piloto, instalados em série, com volumes de 908 e 188 L, para o primeiro e segundo estágios (R1 e R2, respectivamente. Os TDH, aplicados no sistema de tratamento anaeróbio, em dois estágios (R1 + R2, foram de 19,3; 29,0 e 57,9 h. As COVs aplicadas no R1 variaram de 5,5 a 40,1 kg DQOtotal (m³ d-1. As eficiências médias de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio total (DQOtotal e s

  10. Transferência de oxigênio em reatores de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos em meios bifásico e trifásico com variação da relação entre diâmetros Oxygen transfer in two and three-phase internal-loop airlift reactor with riser diameter variation

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    Leandro Santos de Araújo


    Full Text Available A eficiência do reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos depende das condições hidrodinâmicas que influem na transferência de oxigênio ao biofilme. Este trabalho investigou a influência da relação entre diâmetros dos tubos e da concentração de meio suporte (areia, sobre o coeficiente global de transferência de oxigênio (K La. Os ensaios - em reatores de 2,6 m de altura, com diâmetro externo de 250 mm e internos de 100, 125, 150 e 200 mm - empregaram vazões de ar até 2.500 L.h-1 e concentrações de até 150 g.L-1 de areia. O K La aumentou ligeiramente com 30 g.L-1 e diminuiu para concentrações maiores, confirmando relatos da literatura em condições semelhantes. Um modelo para K La em meio bifásico foi ajustado para as diversas relações ensaiadas entre a área externa e a interna, postulando-se uma redução na razão entre a transferência na fase líquida e o diâmetro da bolha com o aumento da vazão de ar.The efficiency of the concentric tubes internal-loop airlift reactor depends on the hydrodynamic conditions that affect oxygen transfer to the biofilm. This work studied the effects of the relation between diameters of the tubes and of the carrier (sand concentration on the global oxygen transfer coefficient (K La. The tests - in 2,6 m high reactors with 250 mm external diameter and 100, 125, 150 and 200 mm internal diameters - were performed with air flow taxes up to 2,500 L.h-1 and sand concentrations up to 150 g.L-1. The K La increased slightly for 30 g.L-1 and decreased for higher concentrations, in accordance with related data for similar conditions. A model for K La in biphasic medium was fitted embracing all the external/internal area relationships tested, based on the reduction of the liquid phase transfer coefficient and the bubble diameter ratio with increasing air flow rates.

  11. Degradação dos homólogos do alquilbenzeno linear sulfonato em lodo anaeróbio disperso

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    Luiz Galdino Silva

    Full Text Available RESUMO: Avaliou-se a degradação anaeróbia do alquilbenzeno linear sulfonato (LAS e seus homólogos em experimento em escala de laboratório. Foi usado lodo disperso para minimizar o efeito da adsorção. Em primeiro lugar, determinaram-se a maior concentração de LAS (substrato e a menor concentração de etanol (cossubstrato que manteriam os micro-organismos ativos, resultando em 25 e 200 mg.L-1, nessa ordem. Posteriormente, o experimento (90 dias foi realizado em um reator somente com etanol (controle e outro (reator teste, triplicata com ambos os substratos nas concentrações anteriores. Os micro-organismos apresentaram crescimento exponencial em 48 h para os 2 reatores; não ocorreu toxicidade pelo LAS no reator teste durante esse período inicial, quando o etanol foi todo consumido. Após então, houve decréscimo de micro-organismos, indicando possível toxicidade por LAS ou intermediários. Observou-se também a diminuição ou ausência da produção de ácidos graxos voláteis e de metano. Portanto, com lodo disperso, a maior parcela da remoção foi por conta da biodegradação, porém, com formação de intermediários que não o acetato nem o metano, apontando a inibição à acidogênese e à metanogênese. Ao final, a remoção do LAS foi de 35% por biodegradação e apenas 0,35% por adsorção ao lodo. A ordem preferencial de biodegradação para os homólogos foi de C13 para C12, C11 e C10, com percentual de degradação em relação à massa inicial de 49, 31, 24 e 17%, respectivamente. A mesma ordem deu-se para a adsorção, da maior para a menor cadeia alquílica, sendo a remoção por adsorção de 0,85; 0,32; 0,13 e 0,01%, respectivamente.

  12. Duas epidemias de tuberculose em crianças menores de três anos de idade, vacinadas com BCG oral, numa creche do município de São Paulo, Brasil Two epidemics of tuberculosis in children under three years of age vaccinated with oral BCG in a day-nursery in S. Paulo county, Brazil

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    Roberto Brólio


    Full Text Available São descritas duas epidemias de tuberculose em crianças menores de 3 anos de idade vacinadas com BCG oral, ocorridas numa creche para crianças menores de 5 anos de idade, no município de São Paulo, nos anos de 1967 e 1969. Em 1967 havia no estabelecimento 96 crianças, inicialmente não reatoras ao teste tuberculínico padronizado (PPD, Rt-23, 2 UT. Foram encontrados 19 reatores, sendo 12 reatores fortes (63,2% e 7 reatores fracos (36,8% e imagens radiológicas indicativas de anormalidade pulmonar em 15 crianças ou 78,9% dos reatores. Em 1969 havia no estabelecimento mais 62 crianças não reatoras, que foram acompanhadas separadamente em relação ao grupo de 1967, embora convivessem no mesmo ambiente. Foram encontrados 36 reatores à tuberculina, sendo 29 reatores fortes (80,5% e 7 reatores fracos (19,5% e imagens radiológicas indicativas de anormalidade pulmonar em 11 crianças, ou 30,5% dos reatores. Nesse mesmo ano houve viragem tuberculínica em mais 7 crianças pertencentes ao grupo de não reatores de 1967, sendo 5 reatores fortes e 2 reatores fracos. Nas duas epidemias, as viragens tuberculínicas e as alterações radiológicas pulmonares foram constatadas apenas nas crianças menores de 3 anos de idade, em sua maioria vacinadas previamente com 3 doses de BCG oral, com intervalo de uma semana entre uma dose e outra. A fonte de infecção foi um operário que trabalhou no estabelecimento durante aproximadamente dois meses em 1967 e um mês em 1969, nos locais onde eram mantidas as crianças menores de 3 anos de idade. A vacina administrada por esse método não parece ter influenciado nas conversões tuberculínicas e no desenvolvimento de imunidade específica.Two epidemics of tuberculosis in children under three years of age vaccinated with oral BCG, in the year of 1967 and 1969, in a day-nursery in S. Paulo borough, are here described. In 1967 there were 96 children in the place, at first non-reactors, to the standard

  13. Tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura em reator UASB e filtro anaeróbio em série seguidos de filtro biológico percolador Treatment of swine wastewater in UASB reactor and anaerobic filter in series followed of trickling filter

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    Rose Maria Duda


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho de um reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente com manta de lodo (UASB seguido de um filtro anaeróbio, instalados em série, com volume total de 300 L e 190 L, respectivamente, no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura. As cargas orgânicas volumétricas aplicadas no reator UASB foram de 12,4;15,5; 23,2 e 26,3 g DQOtotal (L d-1. Para o pós-tratamento do efluente do sistema anaeróbio em dois estágios utilizou-se um filtro biológico percolador com volume total de 250 L. O meio suporte utilizado nos filtros anaeróbio e biológico percolador foi composto por anéis de bambu. No sistema de tratamento anaeróbio e de pós-tratamento foram observadas eficiências médias de remoção de demanda química de oxigênio total (DQOtotal, sólidos suspensos totais (SST, nitrogênio total (NT, fósforo total (P-total, Cu e Zn de até 98, 99, 78, 84, 99 e 98%, respectivamente.The performance of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB followed by the anaerobic filter, installed in series, was evaluated for the treatment of swine wastewater. The total volume of UASB and anaerobic filter were of 300 L and 190 L, respectively. The organic load rate applied on the reactor UASB were of 12.4, 15.5, 23.2 and 26.3 g total COD (L d-1. For the post-treatment of effluent the anaerobic system was used a trickling filter with total volume of 250 L. The supports used in the anaerobic filter and trickling filter were composed by bamboo rings. The efficiencies of removal the chemical oxygen demand, total solids suspended, nitrogen, total phosphorus, Cu and Zn were of up to 98, 99, 78, 84, 99 and 98%, respectively, for the anaerobic and aerobic treatment system.

  14. Remoção de demanda química de oxigênio e nitrogênio total Kjeldahl de efluente de indústria de vegetais congelados por Reator em Batelada Sequencial

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    Thaís Luciana Betto


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o tratamento biológico de efluente de indústria de vegetais congelados em Reator em Batelada Sequencial (RBS, verificando o efeito da concentração de Sólidos Suspensos Voláteis (SSV, Demanda Química de Oxigênio inicial (DQOi e aeração na remoção biológica de carbono e nitrogênio, a fim de obter um efluente tratado que atenda aos padrões de lançamento recomendados pela legislação ambiental brasileira. Nesta pesquisa, o tratamento dos efluentes foi feito em um RBS, utilizando concentração de SSV variando entre 2000 mg.L-1 e 4000 mg.L-1, DQOi variando entre 300 mg.L-1 e 600 mg.L-1, e quantidade de aeração variando entre 3 L.min-1 e 6 L.min-1. Os resultados mostram que a maior eficiência de remoção para DQO foi de 88%, e para nitrogênio total Kjeldahl (NTK foi de 74,9%. As condições otimizadas para remoção de DQO e NTK do efluente estudado foram: DQO inicial de 600 mg.L-1, aeração de 4,5 L.min-1 e concentração de SSV de 2000 mg.L-1

  15. Tratamento térmico de lodo anaeróbio com utilização do biogás gerado em reatores UASB: avaliação da autossustentabilidade do sistema e do efeito sobre a higienização e a desidratação do lodo Thermal treatment of anaerobic sludge utilizing biogas produced in UASB reactors: evaluation of system self-sustainability and the effect on sludge hygienization and dehydration

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    Eduardo Sales Machado Borges


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetiva avaliar a eficiência do biogás gerado em reatores UASB como fonte de energia para higienização térmica do lodo excedente, atentando-se ainda para a autossustentabilidade do sistema e para a avaliação do desaguamento do lodo tratado termicamente. Foi desenvolvido em um aparato experimental em escala de demonstração constituído de reator UASB, reservatório de biogás, reator térmico e leitos de secagem. A autossustentabilidade foi verificada por meio de balanço térmico teórico e de testes experimentais de higienização térmica. Estes testes indicaram que o aproveitamento da energia térmica do biogás foi suficiente para aquecer o lodo em temperaturas de 55 a 65ºC, durante três a cinco horas, possibilitando a completa eliminação de ovos viáveis de helmintos. No entanto, o processo de desidratação se mostrou muito mais difícil para o lodo tratado termicamente.The objective of this research was to determine how effectively biogas produced in UASB reactors could be used as a source of heat for the thermal hygienization of excess anaerobic sludge, whether the system can operate on a self-sustained basis and how the dehydration of the thermally treated sludge behave. The experiments were conducted in a demonstration-scale setup comprising UASB reactor, biogas holder, thermal reactor and sludge drying beds. The self-sustainability of the system was evaluated by the systemâ€TMs theoretical thermal balance and by experimental hygienization tests. These tests indicated that the recovery of thermal energy from the biogas was sufficient to heat the sludge at temperatures in the range of 55 to 65ºC, for three to five hours, allowing the complete elimination of viable helminth eggs. However, the dehydration process showed to be much more difficult for the thermally treated sludge.

  16. Avaliação de desempenho de reator UASB no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura Evaluation of performance of UASB reactor in swine wastewater treatment

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    Luciano S. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento e a avaliação de um sistema de tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura constituído de decantador e seguido de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (reator UASB, em escala real. O reator UASB foi construído de alvenaria e concreto armado. Coletaram-se amostras do esgoto bruto e do efluente do decantador e reator UASB, e se monitoraram os seguintes parâmetros: temperatura, pH, alcalinidade, ácidos voláteis totais (AVT, sólidos suspensos totais (SST, sólidos suspensos voláteis (SSV, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO e demanda química de oxigênio (DQO, de acordo com os métodos estabelecidos pelo Standard Methods (APHA, 1998. Os resultados médios de remoção total de DQO e de DBO foram de 93 e 92%, respectivamente. As concentrações médias de DQO, DBO e SST no efluente final foram de 0,8, 1,8 e 0,8 g L-1, respectivamente. A carga orgânica volumétrica (COV aplicada no reator UASB variou de 1,1 a 17,5 kg DQO m-3 d-1. O sistema decantador-reator UASB apresenta-se como alternativa promissora para o tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura.This research presents the development and evaluation of a system for treatment of swine wastewaters constituted by slat settler, followed by upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB reactor, at full scale. The UASB reactor was completely made of masonry and reinforced concrete. The evaluation of the treatment system was carried out through samples collected in the influent and effluent from the settler and UASB reactor. The following parameters were analyzed: temperature, pH, alkalinity, total volatile acids (VFA, suspended solids (TSS, volatile suspended solids (VSS, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD, according to the methods established by the Standard Methods (APHA, 1998. The mean results of COD and BOD removal were 93 and 92%, respectively. The mean concentrations of COD, BOD and TSS in the final effluent were

  17. Remoção de nitrogênio de água residuária de produção intensiva de tilápias com recirculação utilizando reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos


    Sánchez Ortiz, Iván Andrés [UNESP


    O presente projeto de pesquisa avaliou o desempenho de remoção de nitrogênio num sistema de tratamento biológico das águas residuárias de produção intensiva de Tilápia Nilótica com recirculação utilizando decantador horizontal e um reator aeróbio de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos. Utilizou-se como material suporte carvão ativado granular com densidade aparente de 1,64g/cm3 e tamanho efetivo de 0,34mm numa concentração de 80g/L. Foram avaliadas as velocidades de circulaç...

  18. Tratamento anaeróbio de pentaclorofenol em reator de leito fluidificado alimentado com água residuária sintética contendo glicose como fonte única de carbono Anaerobic treatment of pentachlorophenol in a fluidized bed reactor fed with synthetic wastewater containing glucose as a single carbon source

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    Flavio Bentes Freire


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foi utilizado um reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado (RALF, tratando água residuária sintética contendo pentaclorofenol (PCP, submetido a condições operacionais menos idealizadas. Utilizou-se um reator com volume de 16 litros, com partículas de carvão ativado granular como meio suporte. O desempenho do reator foi verificado pelas análises usuais de monitoramento (pH, alcalinidade, DQO, ácidos voláteis e também por análises de microscopia e concentração de PCP. A presença de PCP no sistema, nas concentrações utilizadas, não alterou de maneira significativa a qualidade da biomassa presente, e nem os parâmetros de monitoramento. Em concentrações afluentes de PCP variando de 1 a 6 mg/L, foram observadas eficiências médias de remoção de 92% e 70%, respectivamente.In the present work, an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor (AFBR was used for the treatment of a synthetic wastewater containing pentachlorophenol (PCP subjected to less idealized operating conditions. The reactor was a 16 litres tank with granular activated carbon particles as support media. Evaluation of AFBR performance was done by the analysis of usual monitoring parameters (pH, alkalinity, COD, volatile acids together with microscopy and PCP concentration analysis. The presence of PCP under the concentrations used did not significantly alter the amount of biomass and the performance monitoring parameters. Removal average efficiencies of the order of 92% and 70% were obtained for PCP inflow concentrations in the range of 1 to 6mg/l.

  19. Avaliação de desempenho de wetlands construídos para o tratamento de efluente de reator UASB: estudo de caso da ete vog ville

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    Luciano de Souza Ferreira


    Full Text Available Um sistema de tratamento de esgoto sanitário, em escala real, composto por reator UASB seguido de wetlands construídos de fluxo horizontal subsuperficial foi avaliado quanto ao comportamento, eficiências de remoção de poluentes e seus aspectos operacionais. O processo foi estudado em duas etapas caracterizadas pela presença e ausência da recirculação do efluente final em duas unidades de wetlands construídos plantadas com diferentes espécies de macrófitas. As faixas de valores das concentrações efluentes dos parâmetros analisados foram: matéria orgânica medida como DQO, 26 a 96 mgO2/L; Sólidos em Suspensão Totais, 2 a 29 mg/L; Sólidos em Suspensão Voláteis, 0 a 27 mg/L; Nitrogênio Total Kjedhal, 17,9 a 72,8 mg/L; nitrogênio amoniacal, 15,4 e 58,8 mg/L; P-PO43-: 3,9 a 9,4 mg/L; fósforo total, 5,6 a 8,5 mg/L; Coliformes Termotolerantes: 104 a 105 NMP/100mL e Coliformes Totais: 105 a 106 NMP/100mL. A aplicação do teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney em nível de significância igual a 5% mostrou que não houve diferença significativa entre o desempenho de remoção de poluentes durante as duas etapas da pesquisa, nem entre as unidades plantadas com macrófitas distintas. O presente estudo mostrou que wetlands construídos de fluxo horizontal subsuperficial tratando o efluente de reator UASB são capazes de atender a maioria dos padrões de lançamento preconizados na legislação ambiental vigente. O estudo, também, permitiu concluir que há necessidade de uma operação intensa e contínua para se garantir condições adequadas de funcionamento de tais sistemas. 

  20. Avaliação do comportamento hidrodinâmico de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente com diferentes configurações do sistema de distribuição do afluente utilizando fluidodinâmica computacional

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    Diego Bongiorno Cruz

    Full Text Available RESUMO Compreender o comportamento hidrodinâmico de reatores biológicos pode auxiliar na detecção de problemas associados a falhas operacionais e de projeto, situações que prejudicam a eficiência do tratamento. Neste artigo, realizaram-se simulações da fluidodinâmica computacional (CFD de escoamento de duas fases sólida-líquida de um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente (UASB, em escala piloto (160 L, com tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH de 10 h e vazão de 16 L.h-1. Um modelo Euler-Euler simplificado foi formulado para simular o comportamento hidrodinâmico da zona de reação, influenciada pela configuração do sistema de distribuição do afluente. Foram avaliadas quatro configurações do sistema de distribuição do afluente no reator: uma entrada na parte central (1 e duas entradas centrais (2, de fluxo ascendente; duas entradas nas laterais (3, de fluxo radial; e três entradas de fluxo descendente (4, utilizando geometrias bidimensionais e tridimensionais para verificar a formação de zonas mortas, curtos-circuitos hidráulicos e caminhos preferenciais. As melhores características hidrodinâmicas e a melhor distribuição do afluente foram verificadas na configuração 4, com melhor perfil de mistura do lodo com a fase líquida, na comparação com as demais configurações. Foi notada formação de vórtices na parte inferior do reator com maior concentração do lodo anaeróbio nessa configuração e de caminhos preferenciais nas laterais do reator na configuração 3, indicando mistura ineficiente do afluente com o lodo anaeróbio. O modelo demonstrou que a configuração do sistema de distribuição do afluente influencia significativamente o comportamento hidrodinâmico do reator UASB.

  1. Tratamento de efluentes de refinaria de petróleo em reatores com Aspergillus niger Treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater by reactors inoculated with Aspergillus niger

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    Sandra Tédde Santaella


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH no desempenho de três reatores aeróbios inoculados com Aspergillus niger AN400, usados para tratamento de efluentes de refinarias de petróleo. Cada reator foi operado com um tempo de detenção hidráulica diferente: 4, 8 e 12 horas, durante 152 dias. Eles possuíam leito fixo de espuma de poliuretano e o escoamento era ascendente e contínuo. Determinaram-se: pH, fenóis, demanda química de oxigênio (DQO, amônia, nitrito e nitrato, no afluente e efluentes dos reatores. O TDH de oito horas foi o melhor para remoção de DQOsolúvel e não houve diferença entre os TDHs para remoção de fenóis totais. No período estável não houve remoção de nitrato; no entanto ocorreu remoção de nitrito de aproximadamente 99%. Além disto, houve produção de amônia devido à amonificação a partir do nitrito presente no meio.This paper evaluated the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT on the performance of three upflow aerobic reactors, with polyurethane foam as support material, inoculated with Aspergillus niger AN400, used for the treatment of petroleum refinery wastewater. Each reactor was operated with a different HRT: 4, 8 and 12 hours, during 152 days. The performance was evaluated based on pH; phenols; COD, nitrate and nitrite. The results show that for the COD removal, it is more reasonable to operate the reactor with HRT of eight hours. However, there was no difference among results of phenol removal efficiency of the different HRTs. During steady state condition, nitrite was removed in approximately 99%, but there was no reduction on the nitrate concentration. Ammonia was produced in all reactors, probably due to ammonification of nitrite.

  2. LLL transient-electromagnetics-measurement facility

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deadrick, F.J.; Miller, E.K.; Hudson, H.G.


    The operation and hardware of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's transient-electromagnetics (EM)-measurement facility are described. The transient-EM range is useful for determining the time-domain transient responses of structures to incident EM pulses. To illustrate the accuracy and utility of the EM-measurement facility, actual experimental measurements are compared to numerically computed values

  3. Tratamento de efluentes têxteis usando reator de leito fluidizado trifásico aeróbio com pré ou pós-ozonização /


    Alves, Kelli Cristina Grando


    Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. No presente trabalho foram desenvolvidos estudos combinando processo biológico com pré ou pós-ozonização de efluentes têxteis, para avaliar a eficiência de remoção de DQO e COD, bem como a cor do efluente. Consistiu-se basicamente de duas etapas. Na primeira, foram realizados estudos com efluente têxtil sintético em reator aeróbio de leito fluidizado trifásico para remoção da matéria orgânica, seguido da o...

  4. Influência da imobilização de biomassa e do tamanho da partícula na fluidodinâmica de um reator anaeróbio de leito fluidizado = The influence of immobilized biomass and particle size on the fluid dynamics of an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor

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    Flavio Bentes Freire


    Full Text Available O estudo da fluidodinâmica é muito comum em diversas áreas relacionadas com a engenharia química, tais como nos processos de secagem e nos reatores químicos. Entretanto, em reatores biológicos empregados no tratamento de águas residuárias, esses aspectos ainda necessitam de investigações mais aprofundadas. Deste modo, é fundamental avaliar a influência da presença do biofilme no comportamento fluidodinâmico do reator, por meio de importantes parâmetros como, por exemplo, a velocidade de mínima fluidização, a expansão, a porosidade do leito e a velocidade terminal da partícula. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma investigação da fluidodinâmica de um reator anaeróbio de leito fluidizado, tratando uma água residuária sintética preparada a partir da solução utilizada para determinação de DBO, tendo o carvão ativado como meio suportepara a imobilização de biomassa. Especificamente, no trabalho, verificou-se que a biomassa imobilizada aumentou a densidade das partículas e alterou os principais parâmetros fluidodinâmicos avaliados.Fluid dynamic analysis is an important branch of several chemical engineering related areas, such as drying processes and chemical reactors. However, aspects concerning fluid dynamics in wastewater treatment bioreactors still require further investigation, as they highly influence process efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate the influence of biofilm on the reactor fluid dynamicbehavior, through the analysis of a few important parameters, such as minimum fluidization velocity, bed expansion and porosity, and particle terminal velocity. The main objective of the present work was to investigate the fluid dynamics of an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor, having activated carbon particles as support media for biomass immobilization. Reactor performance was tested using synthetic residual water, which was prepared using the solution employed in BOD determination. The results

  5. Tratamento anaeróbio de chorume em conjunto com esgoto sanitário


    Felipe de Melo Sales Santos, André


    O tratamento de chorume conjuntamente com esgoto sanitário, em reatores tipo UASB, é uma alternativa que possui vantagens e desvantagens como qualquer tecnologia. Os tratamentos anaeróbios são bastante dificultados quando utilizados no tratamento de chorume bruto devido às altas concentrações de substâncias orgânicas, inorgânicas e tóxicas os microrganismos anaeróbios. A diluição do chorume em esgotos sanitário favorece o tratamento anaeróbio pela redução das concentrações de n...

  6. Influência do tempo de detenção hidráulica em um sistema UASB seguido de um reator biológico com fungos para tratar efluentes de indústria de castanha de caju Influence of the time of detention hidraulic of a sistem UASB followed by a biological reactor with fungi to treat efluent of cashew nut industry

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    Emília Maria Alves Santos


    Full Text Available Nesta pesquisa, estudou-se a influência do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH em um sistema constituído de um reator anaeróbio tipo UASB seguido de um reator biológico com fungos (RBF para tratar efluente de uma indústria de beneficiamento de castanha de caju. O presente trabalho foi dividido em uma fase de fluxo descontínuo (batelada e uma fase de fluxo contínuo (UASB - RBF, que constituiu-se de sete etapas ( 8h e 2h, 8h e 1h, 4h e 8h, 4h e 6h, 4h e 4h, 4h e 2h e 4h e 1h, onde foi avaliada a influência do TDH na remoção de: DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio, amônia, nitrato e ortofosfato. Uma combinação que apresentou melhores resultados, foi a etapa de 4h (TDH do reator UASB e 2h (TDH do RBF, apresentando remoções de: 93,8% de DQO, 86,7% de nitrato, 38,3% de amônia e 16% de ortofosfato.In this research, it was studied the effect of hydraulic retention time (HRT in a system comprised of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB reactor and a Biological Reactor with Fungi (BRF for treatment of the efluent of the industry of cashew nut improvement. The work was divided in two phases: batch reactors using shaking flasks and continuous-feed reactors (UASB-BRF. The UASB reactor was operated at HRT of 4 and 8 h, whereas the BRF was operated at HRT varying from 1 to 8 h. The performance of both reactors was evaluated based on the removal efficiency of chemical oxygen demand (COD, ammonium, nitrate, and orthophosfate. The results show that the best results were achieved when the UASB was operated at HRT of 4 h and the BRF was operated at HRT of 2 h, when the system removed 93,8% of the COD, 86,7% of the nitrate, 38,3% of the ammonium and 16% of the orthophosfate.

  7. Eficiência do reator seqüencial em batelada (RSB na remoção de nitrogênio no tratamento de esgoto doméstico com DQO baixa The sequencing batch reactor (SBR efficiency in the removal of nitrogen on the treatment of domestic sewage with low COD

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    Luiz Fernando de Abreu Cybis


    Full Text Available Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a eficiência e a estabilidade do RSB na remoção de nitrogênio no tratamento de esgoto doméstico com DQO baixa. O reator utilizado no experimento possui volume de trabalho de 600 L e trata 1200 L/d de esgoto bruto em três bateladas de oito horas. A partir dos dados obtidos na pesquisa, observou-se que o reator seqüencial em batelada possibilitou a remoção média de nitrogênio total igual a 88 % no tratamento de esgoto doméstico com DQO média de 257 mg/L. A remoção de DQO foi de 90 %, a média da alcalinidade total no efluente foi 72 mgCaCO3/L e o índice volumétrico de lodo médio ficou em 86 mL/g. Estes resultados indicam que é possível utilizar RSB para o tratamento de esgoto doméstico com matéria orgânica reduzida sem comprometer a qualidade do efluente, a remoção de nitrogênio e a estabilidade operacional do sistema.This work had the objective of evaluating the SBR efficiency and stability in the removal of nitrogen on the treatment of domestic sewage with low COD. The reactor used in the experiment has a working volume of 600 L, and treats 1200 L/d of raw sewage in three 8-hour cycles. From the data gathered during the research, it was realized that the SBR fostered an average removal of total nitrogen equal to 88% in the treatment of a domestic sewage with an average COD of 257 mg/L. The COD removal was 90%, the final effluent total alkalinity was 72 mgCaCO3/L, and the sludge volumetric index was 86 mL/g. The results indicate that is possible to use SBR for the treatment of domestic sewage with low organic matter without compromising the final effluent quality, the nitrogen removal ability, and the stability of the system.

  8. Modelagem e simulação de reator de leito expandido aplicado ao hidroprocessamento de oleos pesados e residuos de destilação


    João Capistrano Nobre de Abreu


    Resumo: O presente trabalho apresenta a modelagem e simulação de um reator de leito fluidizado trifásico aplicado ao hidroprocessamento de óleos pesados e resíduos de destilação. Duas reações principais foram consideradas no desenvolvimento do modelo, o hidrocraqueamento e a hidrodemetalização tendo sido a primeira considerada como exclusivamente térmica e a segunda como catalítica. O grau de mistura do reator foi representado de duas maneiras distintas. Inicialmente, considerou-se o sistem...

  9. Remoção de macronutrientes de efluente da indústria de castanha de caju por uso de reator aeróbio em batelada com inóculo fúngico Removal of macronutrients from effluent of a cashew nut industry by using a batch aerobic reactor with fungal inoculums

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    Marina Santos da Silva Lopes


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a eficiência da remoção de nitrogênio e fósforo do efluente de indústria de castanha de caju, por uso de reator aeróbio em batelada com inóculo de Aspergillus niger AN400. O reator recebeu 5 L de água residuária, acrescida de glicose, na concentração de 1 g.L-1 (Etapa I e de 5 g.L-1 (Etapa II . Cada etapa teve seis ciclos operacionais, cada um com tempo de reação total de sete dias. Os valores de pH dos efluentes na Etapa I variaram de 6,4 a 8,7 e na Etapa II , de 3,1 a 7,0. Durante a Etapa II , o reator alcançou bons resultados para remoção de nutrientes sem acúmulo de sua concentração no meio: 49% de fósforo total, 60% de ortofosfato, 79% de amônia, 78% de nitrato e 90% de nitrito, indicando que a menor liberação de nutrientes pelos micro-organismos ocorreu na presença de concentração elevada de glicose.It was studied the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus from effluent of a cashew nut industry by using an aerobic reactor operated in repetitive batch, inoculated with Aspergillus niger AN400. The reactor was fed with 5 L of wastewater, supplemented with glucose in the concentration of 1 g.L-1 (Phase I and 5 g.L-1 (Phase II . Each phase had six operational cycles, with total reaction time of seven days per cycle. The pH values of the effluents in Phase I varied from 6.4 to 8.7 and in Phase II , it varied from 3.1 to 7.0. The reactor achieved good results of removal without nutrients accumulated in the medium, during Phase II : 49% to total phosphorus, 60% to orthophosphate, 79% to ammonia, 78% to nitrate, and 90% to nitrite, indicating that the lesser release of nutrients by microorganisms occurred in the presence of higher glucose concentration.

  10. Influência da concentração de lodo sobre o consumo de energia para aeração em sistemas de lodo ativado

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    Silvânia Lucas dos Santos

    Full Text Available RESUMO Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quantitativamente a influência da concentração de lodo sobre os fatores que afetam a capacidade de aeração em sistemas de lodo ativado. A investigação experimental foi desenvolvida aplicando a técnica da respirometria, que possibilitou a determinação da taxa de consumo de oxigênio e das variáveis que afetam a transferência de oxigênio. Os resultados experimentais indicam que a concentração de lodo afeta de maneira significativa a capacidade de aeração em sistemas de lodo ativado e, consequentemente, aumenta consideravelmente o consumo de energia. A viabilidade econômica de sistemas que permitem aumento da concentração de lodo, como reatores biológicos com membranas e reatores biológicos com leito móvel, é questionável quando se comparam os custos de implementação com os benefícios resultantes.

  11. Avaliação do desempenho do reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (uasb em escala laboratorial na remoção da carga orgânica de águas residuárias da suinocultura Performance evaluation of a lab-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB removing organic loading rate from swine manure

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    Cláudio Milton Montenegro Campos


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar o desempenho do reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB-Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket construído em escala laboratorial na redução da carga orgânica poluidora dos despejos suinícolas brutos. O sistema completo foi composto de um tanque de acidificação e equalização, reator UASB e lagoa aerada facultativa. O tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH e temperatura adotada para o reator UASB foram de 30 horas e 30 ºC, respectivamente. Os valores médios afluentes de DQO T, ST e SVT foram de 1806, 1810 e 1240 mg.L-1. As eficiências de remoção de DQO T, ST e SVT foram de 84, 58 e 73%, respectivamente. O sistema se apresentou-se estável, com boas condições de tamponamento, retenção e digestibilidade de sólidos, demonstrando que os critérios adotados foram adequados, principalmente aqueles referentes ao TDH, carga orgânica volumétrica (COV e temperatura.The present work was carried out in order to evaluate the performance of a lab scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor (UASB treating liquid effluent from swine manure without solids separation. The treatment system consisted of one acidification tank, which also equalized the substrate, an UASB reactor, and an aerated facultative pound. The hydraulic retention time (HRT and temperature adopted for the UASB reactor were 30h and 30ºC, respectively. The influent average values of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD, Total Solids (TS and Total Volatile Solids (TVS were 1806, 1810 and 1240 mg.L-1. The removal efficiencies were 84, 58 and 73 %, respectively. The system presented good stability and buffering conditions, and also a good solids digestibility, showing that the research criteria adopted was adequate, mainly those parameters referred to the HRT, Volumetric Organic Loading Rate (VOLR and temperature.

  12. Tratamento de resíduos sólidos de centrais de abastecimento e feiras livres em reator anaeróbio de batelada Treatment of solid waste from supply centers and free markets in batch anaerobic reactor

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    Valderi D. Leite


    Full Text Available Em feiras livres e centrais de abastecimento são produzidas quantidades bastante significativas de resíduos sólidos, com características favoráveis ao aproveitamento integral em processo de bioestabilização anaeróbia. O processo de bioestabilização é realizado em reatores anaeróbios de batelada (RAB, com tempo de detenção de sólidos variando de 250 a 300 dias originando, como produtos finais, o biogás, com cerca de 60% de gás metano, além de composto orgânico parcialmente bioestabilizado. Neste trabalho, foram utilizados resíduos sólidos orgânicos tipicamente vegetais, advindos de centrais de abastecimento, feiras livres e lodo de esgoto sanitário. O sistema experimental utilizado era constituído basicamente por um reator anaeróbio de batelada, com capacidade unitária de 2200 litros, além de outros dispositivos complementares. O sistema experimental foi instalado e monitorado na Estação Experimental de Tratamento Biológico de Esgoto Sanitário, situada no Bairro do Tambor, na cidade de Campina Grande, Estado da Paraíba, no período de janeiro a setembro de 2001. No processo de monitoração foram realizadas caracterizações sistemáticas das frações sólidas, líquidas e gasosas. Após análise dos dados, ficou evidenciada a viabilidade desta alternativa de tratamento, restando ser investigada ainda a viabilidade econômica, quando comparada com outras alternativas tecnológicas de tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos.Significant quantity of organic solid waste with favorable characteristics for integral utilization in anaerobic biostabilization is produced in free markets and supply centers. The process is conducted in anaerobic batch reactors (ABR, with detention time of solids varying from 250 to 300 days, producing biogas with about 60% of methane, besides the partially biostabilized organic compost as the final product. In this study, the organic solid waste used was typically of vegetables

  13. Produção de biogás no tratamento dos efluentes líquidos do processamento de Coffea arabica L. em reator anaeróbico UASB para o potencial aproveitamento na secagem do café Biogas production in the treatment of Coffea arabica L. processing wastewaters in UASB anaerobic reactor for the potential use in the coffee drying

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    Marco Antônio Calil Prado


    Full Text Available Estudou-se a produção de biogás proveniente do tratamento das águas residuárias do processamento por via úmida do café (ARC coco em sistema de tratamento anaeróbio em escala laboratorial. O sistema foi composto de um tanque de acidificação e equalização (TAE, um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo e fluxo ascendente (UASB, uma lagoa aerada facultativa (LAF, um equalizador de pressão e um gasômetro. O tratamento foi realizado durante 190 dias e o pH foi controlado por certos períodos de tempo, pela adição de NaOH no TAE ou no reator UASB. No reator UASB, os valores máximos e mínimos obtidos na entrada foram de 235 a 7.064 mg.L-1 para DQO; 200 a 3.913 mg.L-1 para DBO5, 500 a 11.153 mg.L-1 para STV e 4,57 a 7,75 para o pH. Na saída do reator UASB, os valores foram de 39 a 2.333 mg.L-1 para DQO; 15 a 1.300 mg.L-1 para DBO5, 272 a 2.749 mg.L-1 para STV e 6,16 a 7,93 para o pH. Os valores mínimos e máximos de vazão afluente foram de 0,18 a 1,56 L.h-1. O biogás apresentou uma produção teórica de 0,545 a de 0,602 m³.kg-1DBO5 e porcentagem de metano de 48,60 a 68,14%.It was studied the biogas production through the treatment of the wet processing coffee wastewaters (ARC in an anaerobic treatment system in laboratorial scale. The system used was composed by one acidification and equalization tank (TAE, one anaerobic upflow sludge blanket reactor (UASB, one facultative aerated pond, one equalization tank and one gas tank. The treatment was carried out for 190 days and the pH was controlled for some periods by adding NaOH inside of the TAE or in the UASB. In the UASB reactor the maximum and minimum values obtained in the inlet were 235 to 7064 mg.L-1 for COD; 200 to 3913 mg.L-1 for BOD5, 500 to 11.153 mg.L-1 for TVS and 4,57 to 7,75 for pH. In the outlet of the UASB, the values were 39 to 2333 mg.L-1 for COD; 15 to 1300 mg.L-1 for BOD5, 272 to 2749 mg.L-1 for TVS and 6,16 to 7,93 for pH. The minimum and maximum values of the inlet


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    Guillermo Chaux F


    Full Text Available Algunos filtros anaeróbicos con lecho de piedra construidos en el departamento del Cauca (Colombia, están presentando problemas de colmatación. Si se reemplaza la piedra por placas verticales paralelas, se elimina el problema de obstrucción. Este documento presenta el desarrollo y resultados de una investigación que evaluó a escala de laboratorio el potencial de los reactores anaeróbicos de placas verticales paralelas en acrílico para remover contaminantes (materia orgánica y sólidos suspendidos. El reactor anaeróbico de placas paralelas en acrílico se desempeñó como tratamiento secundario; se alimentó con agua residual efluente de un Tanque Imhoff con concentraciones medias de 156 ± 14 mg/L de DB05, 438 ± 32 mg/L de DQO y 98 ±22 mg/L de sólidos suspendidos totales. Las remociones de DQO y DB05 en el reactor sobrepasan el 50% y la remoción de sólidos suspendidos sobrepasó el 60% para tiempos de detención de 24 horas. La facilidad en la operación del reactor lo hace viable como tratamiento biológico anaeróbico de aguas residuales previamente decantadasAlguns filtros anaeróbios com recheio de pedras construída no departamento de Cauca (Colombia estão apresentando problemas de obstrução. Se a pedra é substituída por placas verticais paralelas, evita o problema da obstrução. Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento e os resultados e no estudo realizado em escala de laboratório que avaliaram o potencial de reatores anaeróbios de placas verticais paralelas em acrílico para remover os contaminantes (sólidos suspensos e matéria orgânica. 0 reator anaeróbio de placas paralelas de acrílico serviu como tratamento secundário; foi alimentado com água residuária do efluente de um tanque Imhoff com concentrações médias de 156 ± 14 mg/L DB05, 438 ± 32 mg/L de DQO e 98 ±22 mg/L de sólidos suspensos totais. A remoção de DQO e DB05 no reator são mais de 50% ea remoção de sólidos em suspensão superior a 60

  15. Lodo em lagoas de polimento: acúmulo e implicações no comportamento hidrodinâmico e no desempenho do sistema


    Thiago Emanuel Possmoser Figueiredo Nascimento


    Lagoas de polimento são uma tecnologia com grande potencial de aplicação em países em desenvolvimento por se tratarem de unidades que combinam o tratamento aeróbio a um tratamento anaeróbio eficiente (reator UASB). Essa combinação possibilita a redução de área comparado a sistemas de lagoas facultativas e controle de emanação de odores quando comparado a sistemas que empregam lagoas anaeróbias, mantendo a eficiência e certa simplicidade. Por outro lado, é inerente a esses sistemas o acúmulo d...

  16. Estudo da influência da agitação e da estratégia de alimentação sobre o desempenho de um ASBR em escala piloto aplicado ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário


    Luciano Farias de Novaes


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da intensidade de agitação e tipo de impelidor, bem como a estratégia de alimentação, em reator anaeróbio operado em batelada seqüencial, escala piloto (\\'da ordem de\\' 1 \\'M POT.3\\'), com agitação mecânica e em duas configurações: uma com biomassa granulada (ASBR) e outra com biomassa imobilizada em suporte inerte de espuma de poliuretano (ASBBR), aplicadas ao tratamento de esgoto doméstico. No estudo da intensidade de agitação e t...

  17. Avaliação da utilização das cinzas da escuma gerada em Reator Anaeróbico de Manta de Lodo e Fluxo Ascendente como pigmento inorgânico de coloração alaranjada

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    Tanna Elyn Rodrigues Fiuza

    Full Text Available RESUMO A escuma é um resíduo gerado durante o tratamento anaeróbico de efluentes domésticos que necessita de periódica remoção para não comprometer a eficiência do processo. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo utilizar as cinzas da escuma gerada em Reator Anaeróbico de Manta de Lodo e Fluxo Ascendente (RALF como pigmentos inorgânicos. Amostras de escumas coletadas em diferentes meses foram submetidas a tratamento térmico a 900°C por 1h para remoção da matéria orgânica. As cinzas obtidas foram desaglomeradas em peneira e submetidas às análises química (Fluorescência de raios X - FRX, mineralógica (Difração de raios X - DRX, morfológica (Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura por Efeito de Campo - FE-MEV e de coloração (espectroscopia de reflectância difusa na região do Ultravioleta-Visível - UV-Vis. As amostras apresentaram composição majoritária de elementos comuns no ambiente, sendo as fases principais identificadas o quartzo (dióxido de silício - SiO2, a anidrita (sulfato de cálcio - CaSO4 e a hematita (óxido de ferro - Fe2O3. A granulometria das amostras é adequada para a aplicação como pigmento cerâmico; a coloração obtida foi alaranjada intensa e boas propriedades foram identificadas, como boa opacidade, omitindo a coloração do suporte cerâmico, além de não existirem defeitos superficiais que indicassem matéria orgânica residual ou incompatibilidade com o esmalte utilizado. Sendo assim, as cinzas da escuma gerada em RALF apresentaram características interessantes para a aplicação como pigmentos cerâmicos.

  18. Tratamento de resíduo líquido de laticínios utilizando Caixas de Gordura e Reator Anaeróbio Compartimentado seguido de Leitos Cultivados

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    Ana Cristina Ferreira Moreira da Silva


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho foram avaliados o desempenho e a eficiência de um sistema de tratamento de resíduos líquidos de laticínios na remoção da carga orgânica do resíduo em uma indústria de laticínios, utilizando um sistema composto por caixas de gordura, reator anaeróbio compartimentado e leitos cultivados de fluxo subsuperficial vegetado com Typha sp. e utilizando como meio suporte brita #1, sob diferentes tempos de detenção hidráulica (3 e 5 dias nos leitos cultivados. Como média geral na remoção de DBO e de DQO, o tratamento utilizando tempo de detenção de 3 dias conseguiu remover 98,87% de DBO e  99,77% de DQO, enquanto o tratamento utilizando 5 dias de detenção hidráulica removeu, em média, 99,51% de DBO e 99,56% de DQO. Os resultados indicam que o sistema foi eficiente no tratamento de resíduos líquidos de laticínios.



    T. B. Magassy; J. V. C. Fagundes; A. S. Araújo; A. P. de Oliveira Netto


    Este projeto avaliou o desempenho de um sistema para tratamento de esgoto sanitário operando de modo contínuo e sem recirculação da fase líquida. O trabalho se diferencia por utilizar a bucha vegetal de curcubitácea como material suporte do reator, pouco estudada para essa finalidade de tratamento biológico de efluentes. Esse material se caracteriza por ser leve, barato e facilmente encontrado na região do alto sertão alagoano, além de ser integralmente natural e com características favorávei...

  20. Remoção da cor no tratamento combinado de lixiviado de aterro sanitário e esgoto doméstico via processo PACT®

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    Ángel Santiago Fernández Bou


    Full Text Available RESUMO Misturas diferentes de lixiviado de aterro sanitário e esgoto doméstico foram aplicadas em 16 reatores em batelada usando o processo PACT® (lodos ativados com adição de carvão ativado em pó - CAP. O objetivo do trabalho foi representar a remoção de cor utilizando dois ajustes matemáticos: o primeiro combinou as variáveis concentração de CAP (0 a 6 g.L-1 e mistura lixiviado/esgoto (0 a 10%, em volume; e o segundo, a concentração de CAP e a cor da mistura (276 a 1.199 uH. A metodologia de superfície de resposta (MSR foi escolhida para representar a resposta dos ajustes. Os resultados indicaram que, conforme a concentração de lixiviado aumentou até 5%, a adição de CAP resultou em um maior percentual de remoção de cor. No entanto, para a mistura com 10% de lixiviado, os reatores perderam eficácia, com exceção do reator com 6 g.L-1 de CAP, que apresentou os melhores resultados de remoção de cor.

  1. Partida de um reator anaeróbio horizontal para tratamento de efluentes do processamento dos frutos do cafeeiro Start-up of an anaerobic horizontal-flow reactor for treating wastewater from a coffee fruits processing

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    Alisson C. Borges


    Full Text Available O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a partida e a adaptação de um reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF no tratamento de águas residuárias do processamento primário dos frutos do cafeeiro (ARC. O reator foi construído com tubos de PVC de 0,2 m de diâmetro e 3,2 m de comprimento. O sistema foi preenchido com cubos de espuma de poliuretano para imobilização de biomassa ativa. O reator apresentou volume total de 0,1 m³ e volume útil equivalente a 0,04 m³. Em média, houve remoção de 49% da matéria orgânica, com o reator trabalhando sob carga orgânica volumétrica média de 2,66 kg m-3 d-1, medida como DQO. A suplementação de alcalinidade, somada à inoculação prévia de biomassa, proporcionou partida estável do RAHLF, confirmada pelo consumo de ácidos voláteis e adaptação da microbiota ao resíduo. O sistema apresentou resistência às variações de vazão e de carga orgânica observadas, e os teores de fenol e potássio monitorados não causaram inibição da atividade biológica no RAHLF. O maior controle sobre as variações de carga é fator importante na continuidade dos estudos.This study aimed to evaluate the start-up and the adaptation of an anaerobic horizontal-flow immobilized biomass (HAIB reactor in order to treat wastewater from a primary processing of coffee fruits. The reactor was built with PVC tubes of 0.2 m in diameter and 3.2 m in length. The system was filled with cubes of polyurethane foam for immobilization of active biomass. The reactor presented a total capacity of 0.1 m³ and reaction volume equal to 0.04 m³. 49% of organic matter. Removal efficiency was observed, with medium organic volumetric loads equal to 2.66 kg m-3 d-1 (as chemical oxygen demand. The supplementary addition of alkalinity and the previous biomass inoculation provided a stable start-up of the reactor, as confirmed by the reduction of volatile acids and an adaptation of the present microbiology community

  2. Desenvolvimento e operação de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB no tratamento dos efluentes da suinocultura em escala laboratorial Development and operation of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB treating liquid effluent from swine manure in laboratory scale

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    Cláudio Milton Montenegro Campos


    Full Text Available A atividade suinícola vem, desde meados da década de 70, sendo uma das mais poluidoras atividades agroindustriais no Estado de Minas Gerais. Sendo assim, objetivou-se desenvolver um Reator Anaeróbio de Manta de Lodo (UASB-Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket visando tratar os dejetos produzidos com máxima eficiência dentro de um tempo e com custo reduzidos. Para tanto um experimento em escala laboratorial foi projetado e monitorado no Laboratório de Análise de Água do Departamento de Engenharia da Universidade Federal de Lavras (LAADEG, sendo composto por um Tanque de Acidificação e Equalização (TAE, um Reator Anaeróbio de Manta de Lodo e uma Lagoa Aerada Facultativa (LAF, o qual foi alimentado com fluxo contínuo. As análises físico-químicas realizadas foram: DQO, DBO5, Sólidos Totais (Fixos e Voláteis, Temperatura, pH, Nitrogênio, Fósforo, Acidez e Alcalinidade Total. O sistema proporcionou eficiência de remoção média de 93% de DQO, 84% de DBO5 e 85% de Sólidos Totais Voláteis, demonstrando adequada adaptação aos diversos tempos de detenção hidráulica adotados (55, 40, 30, 25, 18 e 15 horas. Os parâmetros adotados na partida do reator UASB foram: COV: 1,11kgDQO.m-3.d-1, COB: 0,019 kgDBO5.kgSVT-1.d-1 e TDH: 55h.The swine production, since 70th , is one of the most pollutant agro-industrial activities in the Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The objective of this research was to develop an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB, aiming at treating the effluent generated within a maximum efficiency and minimum time and cost. Therefore, a lab-scale reactor was built up and monitored in the laboratory of Engineering Department at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA. The system consisted of an Acidification and Equalization Tank (AET, an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor (UASB, and an Aerated Facultative Pond (AFP. The system was fed continuously. The physical-chemical analyses carried out were: COD, BOD5, Total

  3. Método de número mais provável para avaliação de grupos fisiológicos de microrganismos em digestão anaeróbia de água residuária de mandioca / Most probable number method for microorganism physiologic group's evaluation in anaerobic digestion of cassava wastewater

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    Maria Magdalena Ferreira Ribas


    Full Text Available ResumoA avaliação da microbiologia anaeróbia é um método caro e muito difícil. Técnicas simples são disponíveis para avaliação de microrganismos de diversos usos como médico, alimentar, ambiental e sistemas anaeróbios para tratamento de efluentes. Uma metodologia desenvolvida foi usada para avaliar a atividade de grupos de microrganismos em digestão anaeróbia com possível aplicação a substratos específicos. A técnica usa gases isentos de oxigênio em frascos tipo penicilina e fechados com tampa de borracha e selo de alumínio, onde foi adicionado um indicador de redução, complementos nutricionais e agentes redutores após a esterilização. O metabolismo dos microrganismos foi observado nesses frascos fechados depois de um período de incubação de quatorze dias pela variação da turbidez, de pH medido em indicador de Arrhenius e de gás capturado em tubos Duran. A técnica do Número Mais Provável (NMP foi usada para contagem de microrganismos em meio de cultivo adaptado para grupos específicos de microrganismos que eram esperados para se desenvolver em água residuária de mandioca com amido e seus hidrolisados (dextrina, maltose e glicose como fonte de energia. Para aferir o método, amostras foram coletadas de um reator acidogênico de mistura completa ligado a um reator metanogênico de leito fixo, ambos alimentados com água residuária de mandioca. O gás capturado nos tubos Duran dos frascos de penicilina foi analisado por cromatografia quanto ao conteúdo de metano. O uso dos meios permitiu separar os microrganismos em três grupos usando meio de cultivo seletivo: Meio Mínimo (MM sem substratos orgânicos, Meio Completo (MC com uma mistura de amido de mandioca e seus hidrolisados e Meio Diferencial (MD usando cada derivado de amido isoladamente. O sistema de tratamento anaeróbio no período analisado operou com um bom desempenho e a microbiologia confirmou estes resultados. No efluente do reator acidog

  4. Oxygen transfer in two and three-phase internal-loop airlift reactor with riser diameter variation


    Araújo, Leandro Santos de; Dall'Aglio Sobrinho, Milton [UNESP; Gebara, Dib [UNESP


    A eficiência do reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos depende das condições hidrodinâmicas que influem na transferência de oxigênio ao biofilme. Este trabalho investigou a influência da relação entre diâmetros dos tubos e da concentração de meio suporte (areia), sobre o coeficiente global de transferência de oxigênio (K La). Os ensaios - em reatores de 2,6 m de altura, com diâmetro externo de 250 mm e internos de 100, 125, 150 e 200 mm - empregaram vazões de ar até 2...

  5. Simetria das medidas timpanométricas e as respostas das emissões otoacústicas transientes em neonatos

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    Liliane Aparecida Fagundes Silva


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: verificar a ocorrência de simetria maior ou igual à 70%, entre as orelhas, comparando os resultados da timpanometria nas frequências de 226 e 1000Hz com as respostas das emissões otoacústicas em neonatos. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 39 neonatos, em média com 60 horas de vida, sendo 20 do sexo feminino e 19 do sexo masculino. Cada recém-nascido foi submetido à avaliação timpanométrica com as sondas de 226 e 1000 Hz, e avaliação das emissões otoacústicas transientes em ambas as orelhas. Os resultados foram submetidos a testes estatísticos. RESULTADOS: na análise da amostra pode-se observar ocorrência de simetria <70% nas respostas das emissões otoacústicas em 74,4% do total de neonatos. Por outro lado, na timpanometria, houve uma maior ocorrência de simetria ≥ 70%, tanto para sonda de 226 quanto para 1000Hz (76,9% e 84,6%, respectivamente. No que diz respeito ao gênero e orelha, as diferenças encontradas em cada teste não foram significantes, embora tenha sido observada maior amplitude de respostas de emissões otoacústicas na orelha direita. CONCLUSÃO: os resultados sugerem haver simetria no sistema auditivo em sua porção mais periférica, e início de assimetrias a partir da cóclea.


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    Geani Mohr


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a toxicidade aguda do efluente de um sistema de tratamento de água em pequena propriedade rural, utilizando Daphnia magna Straus como organismo-teste. Os processos empregados no tratamento foram: tratamento primário (reatores anaeróbios, tratamento secundário/terciário (Wetlands construídos - WC’s e tratamento final (sistema de desinfecção Ultra Violeta - UV. Entre os meses de dezembro e junho de 2012, foram coletadas 30 amostras de cinco fases distintas (Bruto - P1, Água da Chuva - P2, Reator anaeróbico de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (UASB - P3, WC’s-P4 e desinfecção com UV - P5. Os resultados indicaram toxicidade aguda em P1, com uma CE(I50% 48h de 25,8 ± 23,64% (n = 6; CV = 109,2%, correspondendo a uma amostra altamente tóxica. Nos pontos P2 e P3, as amostras apresentaram uma CE(I50% 48h de 5,1% ± 3,5% (n = 6; CV = 145,7% e 36,7 ± 23,9% (n = 6; CV = 153,5%, correspondendo a uma amostra extremamente tóxica e altamente tóxica, respectivamente. Os efluentes dos pontos P4 (n = 6 e P5 (n = 6 não apresentaram toxicidade. Desta forma, os resultados demonstraram a eficiência da capacidade de detoxificação dos processosWC’s e UV.

  7. Pós-tratamento de efluente de reator anaeróbio em lagoa com lemna


    Lubarino, Elizângela Alves


    A ausência de tratamento e a disposição inadequada de efluentes domésticos contribuem para a deterioração de corpos receptores. Porém, dentre as alternativas propostas para o pós-tratamento de águas residuárias estão as lagoas de lemnas. Essas lagoas são capazes de captar nutrientes do esgoto com eficiência, bem como, reduzir uma grande quantidade de sólidos em suspensão. Também atuam na inibição de algas, e geram biomassa rica em proteínas que tem utilidades como ração animal e adubo. Esta p...

  8. Evaluation of thermochemical biomass conversion in fluidized bed = (United States)

    Neves, Daniel dos Santos Felix das

    Dado o aumento acelerado dos precos dos combustiveis fosseis e as incertezas quanto a sua disponibilidade futura, tem surgido um novo interesse nas tecnologias da biomassa aplicadas a producao de calor, eletricidade ou combustiveis sinteticos. Nao obstante, para a conversao termoquimica de uma particula de biomassa solida concorrem fenomenos bastante complexos que levam, em primeiro lugar, a secagem do combustivel, depois a pirolise e finalmente a combustao ou gasificacao propriamente ditas. Uma descricao relativamente incompleta de alguns desses estagios de conversao constitui ainda um obstaculo ao desenvolvimento das tecnologias que importa ultrapassar. Em particular, a presenca de elevados conteudos de materia volatil na biomassa poe em evidencia o interesse pratico do estudo da pirolise. A importância da pirolise durante a combustao de biomassa foi evidenciada neste trabalho atraves de ensaios realizados num reator piloto de leito fluidizado borbulhante. Verificou-se que o processo ocorre em grande parte a superficie do leito com chamas de difusao devido a libertacao de volateis, o que dificulta o controlo da temperatura do reator acima do leito. No caso da gasificacao de biomassa a pirolise pode inclusivamente determinar a eficiencia quimica do processo. Isso foi mostrado neste trabalho durante ensaios de gasificacao num reator de leito fluidizado de 2MWth, onde um novo metodo de medicao permitiu fechar o balanco de massa ao gasificador e monitorizar o grau de conversao da biomassa. A partir destes resultados tornou-se clara a necessidade de descrever adequadamente a pirolise de biomassa com vista ao projeto e controlo dos processos. Em aplicacoes de engenharia ha particular interesse na estequiometria e propriedades dos principais produtos piroliticos. Neste trabalho procurou-se responder a esta necessidade, inicialmente atraves da estruturacao de dados bibliograficos sobre rendimentos de carbonizado, liquidos piroliticos e gases, assim como composicoes

  9. Avaliação e otimização de um sistema para aplicação de processo oxidativo avançado uv/h2o2 no tratamento de efluentes visando o reúso


    Loch, Fernando


    Este trabalho consiste na análise de três configurações de reatores fotoquímicos aplicados a processos oxidativos avançados através do processo UV/H2O2. As configurações desses reatores foram analisadas em três vazões diferentes, 20 L h-1, 25 L h-1 e 30 L h-1. Foram realizadas avaliações hidrodinâmicas através da passagem em fluxo conforme as vazões mencionadas de uma solução 5% de traçador, de corante vermelho Bordeaux, que permitiu construir as curvas de distribuição do tempo de residência ...

  10. Síntese de Al2O3/SiC em forno de microondas: estudo de parâmetros do processo Synthesis of Al2O3/SiC in microwave oven: study of the processing parameters

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    T. P. Deksnys


    Full Text Available Estudos demonstram a eficiência do método de moagem prévia do aluminossilicato precursor para a síntese da fase Al2O3/SiC por meio da reação de redução carbotérmica em forno de microondas. No presente trabalho, além da moagem do precursor, outros parâmetros de reação foram estudados, como tempo de reação, potência da radiação emitida e fluxo de gás. As reações foram realizadas em forno de microondas semi-industrial, com adaptação para inserção de gás inerte. Dois tipos de reatores foram avaliados: um reator cilíndrico, termicamente isolado, e um reator tubular de leito fixo, nos quais foram colocados os precursores peletizados. Existe uma relação direta entre a saturação da atmosfera de reação com a cinética de redução carbotérmica do aluminossilicato. Esse comportamento, aliado a elevadas potências de emissão, favorecem a formação da fase Al2O3/SiC em períodos de tempo reduzidos.Results presented elsewhere have confirmed the feasibility of the previous milling process of the starting materials for the synthesis of Al2O3/SiC by the microwave-assisted carbothermal reduction. In the present work, parameters such as precursor milling, reaction time, microwave's power level and gas flow have been investigated. Reactions were carried out in a semi-industrial microwave oven (Cober Inc., USA, which allowed the inert gas insertion. Two reactions arrangement were developed to perform the synthesis: a cylindrical reactor, thermally insulated and a pipe fluidized bed reactor. Into both reactors, the precursor was applied in a palletized form to react. There is a direct relation between the reaction atmosphere saturation and the kinetics of the carbothermal reduction. This behavior, in addiction to high power levels of microwave radiation (>1.5 KW, favors the formation of Al2O3/SiC in a short time.

  11. Avaliação de desempenho de lagoa de polimento para pós-tratamento de reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB no tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura Evaluation of the performance of a polishing pond for the post-treatment of the effluent from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB reactor treating swine wastewater

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    L.S. Rodrigues


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se o desempenho de uma lagoa de polimento, no tratamento de efluentes de águas residuárias de suinocultura de um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB. O sistema foi composto de decantador, reator UASB, em escala real, e lagoa de polimento em escala experimental. As análises físico-químicas realizadas foram: temperatura, pH, demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO, demanda química de oxigênio (DQO, sólidos suspensos totais (SST e sólidos suspensos voláteis (SSV, nitrogênio total kjedhal (NTK, nitrogênio amoniacal (N-am. e orgânico (N-org., fósforo total (Pt, coliformes totais e termotolerantes. A lagoa de polimento apresentou alto desempenho, com remoção média de 58,9% de DBO, 60,1% de NTK, 57% de N-am. e 95,34% de coliformes termotolerantes.The performance of a polishing pond for treating swine wastewater from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB reactor was evaluated. The system was assembled with a slat settler, followed by an UASB reactor, on a real scale, and a post-treatment pond, on a demonstration scale. The following parameters were analyzed: temperature, pH, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD, chemical oxygen demand (COD, total suspended solids (TSS, volatile suspended solids (VSS, total Kjedahl nitrogen (NTK, ammonia nitrogen (N-am., organic nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total and thermotolerant coliforms. The polishing pond was highly efficient, removing an average of 58.9% of BOD, 60.1% of NTK, 57% of N-am., and 95.34% of thermotolerant coliforms.

  12. Development of a digital card to simulate period transients in research reactors; Desenvolvimento de um cartao digital para simulacao da variacao do periodo em reatores de pesquisa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Masotti, Paulo Henrique Ferraz


    This work presents the development of a card to be used in a 'slot' of a micro-computer for evaluation of a nuclear channel used to monitor the start up of nuclear reactors. The results of the bench tests showed good linearity and 2% error deviation in the entire range of operation. Fields tests, performed with the start up channel of IEA-R1 research reactor showed that the card is an excellent device to verify the performance of the channel during steady state, and transient conditions. (author)

  13. Emissões otoacústicas evocadas transientes e por produto de distorção em escolares Transient evoked otoacustic emissions and distortion product in school children

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    Rosângela Melo Vasconcelos


    Full Text Available Após os cinco anos de idade, a principal queixa em crianças que não ouvem normalmente é a dificuldade de aprendizagem. OBJETIVOS: Comparar os resultados suspeitos de perda auditiva pela triagem com os exames de emissões otoacústicas evocadas (EOAE transientes (EOAT e por produto de distorção (EOAPD, com dados dos exames audiométricos; observar qual dos dois procedimentos de EOAE responde melhor para triagem em escolares. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Avaliar 451 escolares da 1ª série do ensino fundamental, em escolas públicas de São Luís. Foram feitos, na própria escola, os exames otoscópicos com remoção de cerume quando necessário e os exames de EOAT e EOAPD em todos os escolares. Nas crianças que apresentaram alteração em algum dos exames de EOAT e/ou EOAPD foram realizadas a audiometria e imitanciometria. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Prospectivo Transversal. RESULTADOS: Freqüência de 18,6% de rolhas de cerume. Após triagem com EOAT e EOAPD não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparamos os resultados dos exames que falharam somente nas EOAT e EOAPD com dados dos exames audiométricos, no entanto quando comparado esses dados com falha nos dois exames houve diferença significante (pPast five years of age, the main complaint of children who are hard of hearing is that they have difficulty in learning. AIM: Compare these results to suspected hearing loss, through triage with the exams of evoked otoacoustic emissions (EOAE transients (TEOAE and by distortion product (DPEOAE, using data from audiometric exams; observe which of the procedures of EOAE better respond to school children triage. MATERIALS AND METHODS: To evaluate 451 school children, grade one students, from the public schools in São Luís. At school, otoscopic exams with the removal of wax and the TEOAE and DPEOAE exams were also carried on all school children. Audiometry and acoustic impedance were performed on the children who presented

  14. Computer simulation of thermal-hydraulic transient events in multi-circuits with multipumps; Simulacao computacional de eventos termo-hidraulicos transitorios em multicircuitos com multibombas

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veloso, Marcelo Antonio


    PANTERA-2 (from Programa para Analise Termo-hidraulica de Reatores a Agua - Program for Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of Water Reactors, Version 2), whose fundamentals are described in this work, is intended to carry out rod bundle subchannel analysis in conjunction with multiloop simulation. It solves simultaneously the conservation equations of mass, axial and lateral momentum, and energy for subchannel geometry coupled with the balance equations that describe the fluid flows in any number of coolant loops connected to a pressure vessel containing the rod bundle. As far as subchannel analysis is concerned, the basic computational strategy of PANTERA-2 comes from COBRA codes, but an alternative implicit solution method oriented to the pressure field has been used to solve the finite difference approximations for the balance laws. The results provided by the subchannel model comprise the fluid density, enthalpy, flow rate, and pressure fields in the subchannels. The loop model predicts the individual loop flows, total flow through the pressure vessel, and pump rotational speeds as a function of time subsequent to the failure of any number of the coolant pumps. The flow transients in the loops may initiated by partial, total or sequential loss of electric power to the operating pumps. Transient events caused by either shaft break or rotor locking may also be simulated. The changes in rotational speed of the pumps as a function of rime are determined from a torque balance. Pump dynamic head and hydraulic torque are calculated as a function of rotational speed and volumetric flow from two polar homologous curves supplied to the code in the tabular form. In order to illustrate the analytical capability of PANTERA-2, three sample problems are presented and discussed. Comparisons between calculated and measured results indicate that the program reproduces with a good accuracy experimental data for subchannel exit temperatures and critical heat fluxes in 5x5 rod bundles. It

  15. Uso de leitos cultivados de fluxo vertical por batelada no pós-tratamento de efluente de reator anaeróbio compartimentado Post-treatment of effluent of anaerobic baffled reactor using batchwise vertical flow constructed wetland beds

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    Marcelo Mazzola


    Full Text Available Neste trabalho avaliou-se o desempenho de um Reator Anaeróbio Compartimentado (RAC de duas câmaras em série, seguido de três leitos cultivados (constructed wetlands de fluxo vertical por batelada. A unidade experimental, em escala piloto, foi instalada na Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola - UNICAMP, Campinas, SP, Brasil. O volume total do reator era de 2,3 m³ (TDH de 12 h. O efluente do RAC foi tratado em três leitos, dois cultivados com macrófitas (gêneros Typha sp. e Eleocharis sp. e um utilizado como controle (não cultivado. Os leitos, com 2,0 m³ cada um e brita #2 (24 - 35 mm como meio suporte, operaram com fluxo vertical por batelada (com tempos de reação de 24, 48, 72 e 96 h. Na avaliação do RAC, observou-se tendência de estabilização dos parâmetros pH, alcalinidade, ácidos voláteis, sólidos sedimentáveis e suspensos totais, porém a remoção de DQO revelou-se limitada (50%. Nos leitos cultivados o aumento do tempo de reação (até 72 h foi acompanhado pelo aumento de remoção de turbidez, DQO, fósforo e nitrato. O melhor desempenho de remoção de fósforo total foi obtido no leito vegetado com Typha sp para os tempos de 72 e 96 h, respectivamente, de 30 e 25%.This study evaluated the performance of vertical constructed wetlands treating effluent of anaerobic baffled reactor. The anaerobic reactor volume was 2.3 m³; it was operated with daily flow of 4.6 m³ (12 hours Hydraulic Retention Time. The reactor effluent was split into three wetlands beds, two of them cultivated with macrophytes (Typha sp. and Eleocharis sp., and one control. The wetlands were operated as a batch reactor. The medium utilized was gravel, the size ranging from 7 to 12 mm. The reaction time for each cycle (filling - reaction - drainage was 24, 48, 72, and 96 h. The anaerobic reactor achieved the following removal rates: settable solids, 93%; suspended solids, 80%; and COD 39%. The increase in reaction time (up to 72 h for the constructed

  16. Encapsulamento do Dióxido de Titânio (TiO2 pela Técnica de Polimerização em Emulsão

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    Oliveira Adriano M.


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de encapsulamento do TiO2 pela técnica de polimerização em emulsão. O pigmento foi previamente modificado por um titanato em heptano. O titanato usado foi o tri-isoestearato iso-propoxi de titânio, que reage com os grupos hidroxilas da superfície do TiO2. O pigmento modificado foi encapsulado por metacrilato de metila (MMA, usando persulfato de amônio como iniciador e dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS como emulsificante. A reação de encapsulamento foi conduzida em um reator de vidro encamisado, utilizando dois processos de polimerização diferentes: batelada e semi-contínuo. A caracterização do pigmento modificado foi feita pela técnica de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR. Os rendimentos das reações de modificação e de encapsulamento foram determinados pela técnica de Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA.


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    Damaris Guimarães


    Full Text Available A proposta do presente trabalho foi estudar uma forma de tratamento alternativo para efluentes líquidos ácidos ricos em metais utilizando para isso um efluente sulfetogênico gerado em um reator anaeróbio (UASB e cal. Os ensaios foram realizados em batelada utilizando dois efluentes ácidos distintos: (i um efluente proveniente de ensaios de lixiviação e (ii um efluente ácido proveniente de um laboratório de pesquisas na área de Bio&Hidrometalurgia. O efluente dos ensaios de lixiviação apresentou pH inicial de 1,7 e elevadas concentrações dos metais: Al (545,5mg/L, Ca (668,1mg/L, Cu (37,6mg/L, Fe (1148,4mg/L, Mg (1105,9mg/L e Ni (82,3mg/L, enquanto que o efluente do laboratório era composto por Cu (4,8mg/L, Fe (342,2mg/L e Ni (3,1mg/L, sendo o pH inicial de 0,14. O tratamento consistiu em adicionar o efluente sulfetogênico aos efluentes ácidos, em diferentes proporções, sendo observadas remoções consideráveis dos metais, principalmente, Fe e Ni, e uma elevação no valor de pH. Em seguida, a fim de se obter melhores resultados de remoção para os metais, os efluentes foram tratados com cal, enquadrando-se aos padrões do CONAMA para o lançamento de efluentes.

  18. Avaliação da suscetibilidade à corrosão sob tensão da ZAC do aço inoxidável AISI 316L em ambiente de reator nuclear PWR Stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel AISI 316L HAZ in PWR Nuclear reactor environment

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    Mônica Maria de Abreu Mendonça Schvartzman


    Full Text Available Aços carbono de baixa liga e aços inoxidáveis são amplamente utilizados nos circuitos primários de reatores nucleares do tipo PWR (Pressurized Water Reactor. Ligas de níquel são empregadas na soldagem destes materiais devido a características como elevadas resistências mecânica e à corrosão, coeficiente de expansão térmica adequado, etc. Nos últimos 30 anos, a corrosão sob tensão (CST tem sido observada principalmente nas regiões das soldas entre materiais dissimilares existentes nestes reatores. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar, por comparação, a suscetibilidade à corrosão sob tensão da zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC do aço inoxidável austenítico AISI 316L quando submetida a um ambiente similar ao do circuito primário de um reator nuclear PWR nas temperaturas de 303ºC e 325ºC. Para esta avaliação empregou-se o ensaio de taxa de deformação lenta - SSRT (Slow Strain Rate Test. Os resultados indicaram que a CST é ativada termicamente e que a 325ºC pode-se observar a presença mais significativa de fratura frágil decorrente do processo de corrosão sob tensão.In pressurized water reactors (PWRs, low alloy carbon steels and stainless steel are widely used in the primary water circuits. In most cases, Ni alloys are used to joint these materials and form dissimilar welds. These alloys are known to accommodate the differences in composition and thermal expansion of the two materials. Stress corrosion cracking of metals and alloys is caused by synergistic effects of environment, material condition and stress. Over the last thirty years, CST has been observed in dissimilar metal welds. This study presents a comparative work between the CST in the HAZ (Heat Affected Zone of the AISI 316L in two different temperatures (303ºC and 325ºC. The susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking was assessed using the slow strain rate tensile (SSRT test. The results of the SSRT tests indicated that CST is a thermally

  19. Biodigestão anaeróbia de dejetos de caprinos e ovinos em reator contínuo de PVC flexível Anaerobic digestion of goat and sheep wastes in a continuous reactor of flexible PVC

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    Danilo G. de Quadros


    Full Text Available A escassez de fontes energéticas e as altas taxas de mortalidade do rebanho são dois grandes problemas para os agricultores familiares no semiárido brasileiro. De setembro de 2006 a abril de 2007 um reator contínuo com gasômetro em PVC flexível, com 33 m³ de volume, instalado na Estação Experimental da EBDA, Jaguarari, Estado da Bahia, foi monitorado quanto aos parâmetros bioquímicos, microbiológicos e parasitários do afluente e efluente, sendo avaliadas a produção e a composição do biogás, além da utilização do biofertilizante em capim-elefante. Com o manejo adequado, o poder poluente dos dejetos foi reduzido significativamente. Microbiologicamente, a eficiência de remoção de coliformes totais e fecais se manteve acima de 98% enquanto os ovos dos principais endoparasitos foram eliminados com o tratamento. A produção de biogás foi de 0,061 m³ kg-1 de esterco. Basicamente, o biogás apresentou, em sua composição, 58 e 34% de metano e gás carbônico, respectivamente. O biofertilizante (pH 7,5 foi uma boa fonte de nutrientes, sobretudo de nitrogênio (64 g 100L-1, 80% na forma amoniacal e potássio (214 g 100L-1, aumentando a produção de forragem sem alterações significativas na composição bromatológica, digestibilidade "in vitro" da matéria seca e teor de minerais.The scarcity of energy resources and the high livestock mortality rates are perpetual problems for small farmers of the Brazilian semi-arid region. From September 2006 to April 2007 a continuous reactor, of 33 m³ with gasometer in PVC flexible film, was installed at the EBDA Experimental Station, Jaguarari, Bahia State and the affluent and effluent biochemical, microbiological, and parasitological characteristics were monitored, the biogas production and composition being evaluated, as well as the use of the biofertilizer in elephant grass. With adequate management, the pollution power of residues reduced significantly. Microbiologically, the

  20. Uso de fotorreatores UV para a remoção de diclofenaco, bezafibrato e etinilestradiol de esgoto tratado em sistema UASB-FBP

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    Eros de Faria


    Full Text Available RESUMOEste trabalho avaliou a remoção de diclofenaco (DCF, bezafibrato (BZF e etinilestradiol (EE2 de efluentes de sistema UASB-FBP (reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo seguido de filtro biológico percolador em fotorreatores UV de lâmpadas imersas (FRI e emersas (FRE. Os resultados mostram que baixa eficiência de remoção de tais compostos foi obtida em ambos fotorreatores quando se utilizou baixo tempo de contato (~10 min e baixa concentração inicial de fármacos (0,5 µg.L-1 para EE2, e 21 µg.L-1 para DCF e BZF. O aumento da concentração inicial de DCF (para 20 mg.L-1 e do tempo de contato (para 20 min resultaram em aumento da eficiência de remoção (de 31 para 83% no FRI e de 36 para 86% no FRE, indicando que compostos dissolvidos presentes no efluente biológico afetaram adversamente a remoção de fármacos nos fotorreatores devido a competição pela radiação UV incidente.

  1. Monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial em indivíduos com resposta exagerada dos níveis pressóricos em esforço. Influência do condicionamento físico Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in individuals with exaggerated blood pressure response to exercise, influence of exercise training

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    Eliudem Galvão Lima


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Avaliar em indivíduos hiper-reatores ao teste ergométrico (TE, a influência de um programa regular de exercícios sobre os parâmetros ergométricos e da MAPA. MÉTODOS: Estudaram-se 22 indivíduos (44±1 anos, sedentários, assintomáticos, normotensos e que apresentavam elevação exagerada da pressão sistólica (PAS >220mmHg durante o TE, divididos, através de amostragem casual simples, em dois grupos: grupo hiper-reator sedentário (GHS e grupo hiper-reator condicionado (GHC. Os indivíduos do GHS foram orientados a não realizar qualquer tipo de exercício físico regular durante o período de 4 meses e o GHC composto de 10 indivíduos submetidos a programa de condicionamento físico aeróbico durante o mesmo período. RESULTADOS: Um programa de exercícios aeróbicos de moderada intensidade não promove redução significativa dos níveis pressóricos durante a monitorização (P>0,05; mas, durante a realização do TE nesses indivíduos, verificamos redução (pPURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of exercise training on ergometric test and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM in normotensive individuals with exaggerated blood pressure response to exercise. METHODS: We studied 22 sedentary and normotensive subjects (mean 44±1 years old showing an exaggerated systolic blood pressure response (SBP>220mmHg during a cycloergometric test. These individuals were divided in two groups: sedentary hyperreactive group (SHG and trained hyperreactive group (THG. The THG was submitted to a 4 month aerobic exercise training program. RESULTS: A program of moderate aerobic exercise did not reduce (P>0.05 ABPM blood pressure levels. However, in the submaximal loads of dynamic exercise we observed a significant fall in the SBP and heart rate (P<0.05. CONCLUSION: Normotensive individuals with exaggerated blood pressure response to dynamical exercise submitted to physical training presented a reduction in their systolic blood pressure and

  2. Tratamento combinado de lixiviado de aterro sanitário e esgoto doméstico: Aspectos operacionais e microbiológicos

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    Alexandre Lioi Nascentes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou a influência da presença de lixiviado de aterro sanitário nas condições operacionais e na microbiota de um sistema de lodos ativados tratando esgoto doméstico. Para isto, foram utilizados dois reatores em escala de bancada. O reator 1 foi alimentado com misturas de lixiviado e esgoto sintético a 0,5% e 5% e o reator 2 funcionou como controle (apenas esgoto sintético. A alimentação se deu por meio de bomba dosadora e o fornecimento de ar foi realizado por bombas de aquário. Os reatores foram operados com TRH de 16 e 23 horas, tendo-se registrado micrografias para identificação dos microrganismos de importância no processo. Ao longo do experimento foi possível observar que logo após a introdução ou aumento da concentração de lixiviado houve queda significativa de biodiversidade e redução na atividade dos microrganismos e que após alguns dias a diversidade e a atividade se reestabeleciam no sistema, mostrando que apesar da introdução de uma matriz mais complexa, os microrganismos foram capazes de se adaptar.

  3. Tratamento combinado de lixiviado de aterro sanitário e esgoto doméstico - Aspectos operacionais e microbiológicos

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    Alexandre Lioi Nascentes


    Full Text Available Este trabalho avaliou a influência da presença de lixiviado de aterro sanitário nas condições operacionais e na microbiota de um sistema de lodos ativados tratando esgoto doméstico. Para isto, foram utilizados dois reatores em escala de bancada. O reator 1 foi alimentado com misturas de lixiviado e esgoto sintético a 0,5% e 5% e o reator 2 funcionou como controle (apenas esgoto sintético. A alimentação se deu por meio de bomba dosadora e o fornecimento de ar foi realizado por bombas de aquário. Os reatores foram operados com TRH de 16 e 23 horas, tendo-se registrado micrografias para identificação dos microrganismos de importância no processo. Ao longo do experimento foi possível observar que logo após a introdução ou aumento da concentração de lixiviado houve queda significativa de biodiversidade e redução na atividade dos microrganismos e que após alguns dias a diversidade e a atividade se reestabeleciam no sistema, mostrando que apesar da introdução de uma matriz mais complexa, os microrganismos foram capazes de se adaptar

  4. Localization and Broadband Follow-Up of the Gravitational-Wave Transient GW150914

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    P. Abbott, B.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.


    A gravitational-wave (GW) transient was identified in data recorded by the Advanced Laser InterferometerGravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors on 2015 September 14. The event, initially designated G184098and later given the name GW150914, is described in detail elsewhere. By prior...... of the observations. As this event turned out to be a binary black hole merger,there is little expectation of a detectable electromagnetic (EM) signature. Nevertheless, this first broadbandcampaign to search for a counterpart of an Advanced LIGO source represents a milestone and highlights the broadcapabilities...... of the transient astronomy community and the observing strategies that have been developed to pursueneutron star binary merger events. Detailed investigations of the EM data and results of the EM follow-upcampaign are being disseminated in papers by the individual teams....

  5. Estimativa da prevalência de infeccções micobacterianas em escolares na Guanabara, através de testes intradérmicos com PPD-Rt 23 E PPD-B

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    Eliana Dessaune Madeira Christovão


    Full Text Available Foram testados 543 escolares do Estado da Guanabara, Brasil, na faixa etária de 12 a 14 anos, quanto à hipersensibilidade tuberculínica ao PPD-Rt 23 e ao PPD-B. Confirmou-se a alta prevalência de sensibilidade às tuberculoproteínas em crianças, obtendo-se 33,65% de reatores fortes ao PPD-Rt 23. Da população estudada 85,63% reagiu ao PPD-B, sendo que 6,26% apresentou reação maior a esta tuberculina que ao PPD-Rt 23, sugerindo uma hipersensibilização pelo bacilo Battey, ou outra microbactéria mais relacionada antigenicamente a esse microrganismo que ao Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

  6. Avaliação do potencial de produção de biogás e da eficiência de tratamento do reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB alimentado com dejetos de suínos Potential evaluation of biogas production and treatment efficiency of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB fed with swine manure liquid effluent

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    Cláudio Milton Montenegro Campos


    Full Text Available Com o presente trabalho de pesquisa objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência na remoção de poluentes orgânicos e a produção de biogás de um sistema de tratamento de efluentes de dejetos de suínos em escala laboratorial (bancada. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida no Laboratório de Análise de Água do Departamento de Engenharia (LAADEG da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA. O sistema de tratamento foi constituído por um Tanque de Acidificação e Equalização (TAE, Reator Anaeróbio de Manta de Lodo (UASB com medidor de biogás (gasômetro e uma Lagoa Aerada Facultativa (LAF. A alimentação foi realizada em bateladas no TAE, onde o efluente líquido era bombeado para um sistema de aquecimento sendo então introduzido no reator UASB e finalmente conduzido para polimento na LAF. O biogás acumulado na parte superior do UASB, após passar por um equalizador de pressão, era canalizado e armazenado no gasômetro. O valor médio do Tempo de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH foi de 30 horas. Os valores médios de remoção da DQO T, DBO5, ST, STF e STV, foram: 1755, 670, 1089; 142 e 948 mg.L-1, respectivamente. As eficiências de remoção da DQO T e DBO5 no reator UASB foram de 78 e 75%, respectivamente. A produção média de biogás e metano (CH4 foi de 0,14 e 0,10 L.d-1. O potencial de produção de CH4 em termos de DBO5 removida foi de 0,01 m³CH4.(kg.DBO removida -1. O sistema apresentou boa eficiência quanto a remoção de DQO T, DBO5 e Sólidos.The present research aimed at evaluating in lab-scale system the removal of pollutants and biogas production efficiency in treating a swine liquid effluent. The research was carried out in the Laboratory of Water Analysis from the Engineering Department of Federal University of Lavras (LAADEG. The system parts built up were: Acidification Equalization Tank (AET, an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket reactor (UASB with biogas measurement and an Aerated Facultative Pond (AFP. The batch feeding process was carried

  7. Tratamento anaeróbio de resíduos orgânicos com baixa concentração de sólidos Anaerobic treatment of organic wastes with low concentration of solids

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    Maria L. D. de Luna


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de reator anaeróbio compartimentado no tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos com baixa concentração de sólidos. O reator anaeróbio compartimentado possuía capacidade unitária de 2.200 litros, era dividido em seis câmaras de iguais dimensões e foi operado com tempo de retenção de sólidos de 90 dias. Os resíduos sólidos orgânicos utilizados para alimentação do reator eram constituídos de resíduos sólidos vegetais e de lodo de esgoto sanitário na proporção de 80% e 20%, respectivamente. A mistura desses dois tipos de resíduos originava o substrato, o qual, após a correção da umidade para 95% (percentagem em massa, era alimentado ao reator. A eficiência de redução de material carbonáceo situou-se em torno de 80%, com carga orgânica aplicada de 9,3 kg R SO m-3 dia-1. A taxa de produção de biogás obtida foi de 5,6 L kg-1substrato (base úmida, com percentagem em volume de 50% de gás metano.The object of this study was to evaluate the use of a compartmented anaerobic reactor to treat organic solid waste with low concentration of solids. The reactor with a total capacity of 2.200 liters, divided into 6 equal chambers, was operated at a solid retention time of 90 days. The organic solids used to feed the reactor were comprised by vegetable residues and sanitary sludge in the proportion 80% and 20% respectively. The mixture of these two types of residues after the humidity correction to 95% (percentage by weight was used to feed the reactor. The removal efficiency of carbonaceous material was approximately 80% at an organic loading of 9.3 kg residual organic solids m-3 d-1. The rate of biogas production was 5.6 L kg-1substrate (wet weight with a methane concentration of 50% by volume.

  8. Efeito do bicarbonato de sódio no tratamento de vinhaça em AnSBBR operado a 55 e 35ºC Effect of the sodium bicarbonate in the treatment of vinasse in AnSBBR operated at 55 and 35ºC

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    Maria Magdalena Ribas Döll


    Full Text Available Avaliou-se a influência do bicarbonato de sódio (NaHCO3 no desempenho do reator anaeróbio batelada sequencial com biomassa imobilizada tratando vinhaça a 55 e a 35ºC. O reator foi preenchido com espuma de poliuretano e agitado a 300 rpm. A adaptação a 55ºC estendeu-se por 50 dias, tendo o reator sido alimentado com vinhaça (DQO de 0,3 a 1,0 g/L. Para a operação a 35ºC, procedeu-se inicialmente ao enriquecimento da população metanogênica, durante 21 dias, com substrato à base de etanol (2,5 gDQO/L. Posteriormente, cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV de 0,85 a 5,70 gDQO/L.d foram aplicadas no reator a 55ºC, com suplementação de 1,2 a 0,4 gHCO3-/gDQO. A 35ºC, o reator foi submetido a COV de 2,85 a 36,0 gDQO/L.d com 0,4 a 0,2 gHCO3-/gDQO. A remoção de DQO variou de 43 a 78% a 55ºC e de 75 a 85% a 35ºC. A suplementação de alcalinidade mostrou-se essencial para a estabilidade do processo, sendo requerida em menor quantidade a 35ºC.The influence of the sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 on the performance of an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor treating vinasse at 55 and 35ºC was evaluated. The reactor was filled with polyurethane foam and agitated at 300 rpm. The acclimatization period at 55ºC lasted 50 days, and the reactor was fed with vinasse (COD from 0.3 to 1.0 g/L. A previous enrichment of methanogenic population was provided for the reactor operated at 35ºC, feeding it with an ethanol based substrate (2.5 gCOD/L during 21 days. Further on, organic loading rates (OLR ranging from 0.85 to 5.70 gCOD/L.d were applied to the reactor at 55ºC, supplemented with 1.2 to 0.4 gHCO3-/gCOD. At 35ºC the reactor was subjected to OLR ranging from 2.85 to 36.0 gCOD/L.d with 0.4 to 0.2 gHCO3-/gCOD. COD removal ranged from 43 to 78% at 55ºC and from 75 to 85% at 35ºC. Alkalinity supplementation was found to be essential for process stability, but the amount required was lower at 35ºC.

  9. Conversão catalítica do etanol sobre catalisadores suportados em ZSM-5

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    D. S. Lima

    Full Text Available Resumo O petróleo, fonte de energia não renovável, é a principal matéria-prima usada na produção de derivados como combustíveis, lubrificantes e petroquímicos básicos. Neste contexto o etanol, uma matéria-prima renovável, torna-se fonte para a obtenção de hidrocarbonetos de maior valor agregado, tais como, benzeno, tolueno, etc. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes metais suportados em zeólita HZSM-5 para a conversão do etanol em produtos com maior valor agregado. Duas séries de catalisadores foram preparadas com diferentes metais e diferentes teores de Ni em HZSM-5 comercial. As amostras foram caracterizadas por área específica SBET, DRX, TPD-NH3 e TPO. Os ensaios de atividade foram realizados em um reator tubular de leito fixo na faixa de temperatura entre 300 e 400 °C, usando etanol como reagente. Os resultados sugerem que o tipo e a quantidade de metal usado na modificação da zeólita HZSM-5 comercial influencia a seletividade para formação dos hidrocarbonetos superiores, bem como a temperatura de reação. A utilização de menores vazões favoreceu a formação de produtos pesados. A formação dos hidrocarbonetos superiores diminuiu ao longo da reação devido à deposição de carbono sobre a superfície do catalisador.

  10. Establishment of anammox process in sludge samples collected from swine wastewater treatment system Estabelecimento do processo anammox a partir de lodo de sistema de tratamento de efluente da suinocultura

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    Caroline G Casagrande


    Full Text Available The high load of nitrogen present in swine wastewater is one of the biggest management challenges of the activity. The Anammox process emerges as a good alternative for biological removal of nitrogen. This study aims to acclimate sludge collected from swine effluent treatment systems to establish the Anammox process. Two sludge samples were collected at Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Concordia - SC, Brazil, one from the bottom of an inactive anaerobic pond (inoculum A and another from an aeration tank (inoculum B. Both were acclimated until the depletion of NO3-N, being subsequently inoculated in two reactors (Reactor A - Inoculum A and Reactor B - Inoculum B. The Reactor A showed activity after 110 days of operation, while the Reactor B needed 170 days. The difference in the start-up time could be explained by the different environmental conditions to which each sludge was submitted. FISH and PCR analyses confirmed the presence of microorganisms with Anammox activity, demonstrating that the sludge of swine wastewater treatment systems is a good source of inoculum for the development of the Anammox process.A elevada carga de nitrogênio presente em efluentes da suinocultura é um dos maiores desafios de manejo da atividade. O processo Anammox surge como boa alternativa para a remoção biológica desse nutriente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo aclimatar diferentes amostras de lodos de sistemas de tratamento de efluentes da suinocultura com vistas ao estabelecimento do processo Anammox. Dois inóculos foram coletados na Embrapa Suínos e Aves, Concórdia - SC, um dos quais no fundo de uma lagoa anaeróbia inativa (Inóculo A e o outro, em um tanque de aeração (Inóculo B. Ambos foram aclimatados até cessar o consumo de N-NO3- e, posteriormente, inoculados em dois reatores (Reator A - Inóculo A e Reator B - Inóculo B. O Reator A apresentou atividade, após aproximadamente 110 dias de operação, enquanto o Reator B precisou de aproximadamente



    Bervey Schwerz


    Com a expansão da sociedade industrial, se iniciou uma geração de resíduos de forma intensa, surgindo uma questão latente, referente a destinar-se corretamente todos os resíduos gerados durante o processo industrial. Mais especificamente, o processamento de carne gera durante suas inúmeras etapas uma enorme vazão de efluentes líquidos. Uma alternativa para o tratamento deste tipo de resíduo são os reatores de biodiscos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a construção e aplicação...

  12. Adaptive sampling of AEM transients (United States)

    Di Massa, Domenico; Florio, Giovanni; Viezzoli, Andrea


    This paper focuses on the sampling of the electromagnetic transient as acquired by airborne time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) systems. Typically, the sampling of the electromagnetic transient is done using a fixed number of gates whose width grows logarithmically (log-gating). The log-gating has two main benefits: improving the signal to noise (S/N) ratio at late times, when the electromagnetic signal has amplitudes equal or lower than the natural background noise, and ensuring a good resolution at the early times. However, as a result of fixed time gates, the conventional log-gating does not consider any geological variations in the surveyed area, nor the possibly varying characteristics of the measured signal. We show, using synthetic models, how a different, flexible sampling scheme can increase the resolution of resistivity models. We propose a new sampling method, which adapts the gating on the base of the slope variations in the electromagnetic (EM) transient. The use of such an alternative sampling scheme aims to get more accurate inverse models by extracting the geoelectrical information from the measured data in an optimal way.

  13. Eletroflotação aplicada ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário


    Joel Alonso Palomino Romero


    Este trabalho avaliou o desempenho de um reator piloto de eletroflotação, que utilizou placas de alumínio em arranjo monopolar em paralelo como eletrodos de sacrifício para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário. O processo foi auxiliado pela adição de cloreto de sódio para melhorar a condutividade do esgoto bruto. Preliminarmente, testaram-se em ensaios de eletroflotação em bancada, densidades de corrente entre 8 e 21 A m-2 e determinou-se que o melhor desempenho na diminuição da turbidez era obti...

  14. A neural networks based ``trip`` analysis system for PWR-type reactors; Um sistema de analise de ``trip`` em reatores PWR usando redes neuronais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Antonio Carlos Pinto Dias


    The analysis short after automatic shutdown (trip) of a PWR-type nuclear reactor takes a considerable amount of time, not only because of the great number of variables involved in transients, but also the various equipment that compose a reactor of this kind. On the other hand, the transients`inter-relationship, intended to the detection of the type of the accident is an arduous task, since some of these accidents (like loss of FEEDWATER and station BLACKOUT, for example), generate transients similar in behavior (as cold leg temperature and steam generators mixture levels, for example). Also, the sequence-of-events analysis is not always sufficient for correctly pin point the causes of the trip. (author) 11 refs., 39 figs.

  15. A neural networks based ``trip`` analysis system for PWR-type reactors; Um sistema de analise de ``trip`` em reatores PWR usando redes neuronais

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Alves, Antonio Carlos Pinto Dias


    The analysis short after automatic shutdown (trip) of a PWR-type nuclear reactor takes a considerable amount of time, not only because of the great number of variables involved in transients, but also the various equipment that compose a reactor of this kind. On the other hand, the transients`inter-relationship, intended to the detection of the type of the accident is an arduous task, since some of these accidents (like loss of FEEDWATER and station BLACKOUT, for example), generate transients similar in behavior (as cold leg temperature and steam generators mixture levels, for example). Also, the sequence-of-events analysis is not always sufficient for correctly pin point the causes of the trip. (author) 11 refs., 39 figs.

  16. Prevalência de tuberculose: infecção entre trabalhadores da Fabriljuta de Parintins

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    Mourad I. Belaciano


    Full Text Available Através do teste PPD procurou-se estabelecer o comportamento da infecção tuberculosa em uma fábrica de beneficiamento de juta, examinando 355 operários, áveis: divididos segundo as variádade: idade, sexo, tempo e local de serviço. Observou-se associação significativa entre maior prevalência de reatoresfortes e as variáveis: sexo e trabalho em local "não-aglomerado". Em termos globais, a prevalência de reatores fortes foi igual a 38%.

  17. Fabrication procedures for manufacturing high uranium concentration dispersion fuel elements


    SOUZA, JOSE A.B. de


    O IPEN-CNEN/SP desenvolveu e disponibilizou para produção rotineira a tecnologia de fabricação de elementos combustíveis tipo dispersão, para uso em reatores nucleares de pesquisas. O combustível fabricado no IPEN-CNEN/SP está limitado à concentração de urânio de 3,0gU/cm3, para dispersões a base de U3Si2-Al, e de 2,3gU/cm3, para dispersões a base de U3O8-Al. O aumento da concentração de urânio nas placas combustíveis possibilita aumentar a reatividade do núcleo do reator e a vida útil do com...

  18. Ciclo de vida de Aedes (Stegomyia aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae em águas com diferentes características Life cycle of Aedes (Stegomyia aegypti (Diptera, Culicidae in water with different characteristics

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    Eduardo B. Beserra


    Full Text Available O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da qualidade da água no desenvolvimento de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762. O ciclo de vida desse vetor foi estudado em águas de esgoto bruto, efluente de reator UASB, efluente de lagoa de polimento, efluente de filtro anaeróbio, água de chuva e água desclorada. Diariamente avaliaram-se o período de desenvolvimento e as viabilidades de ovo, larva, pupa, longevidade e a fecundidade dos adultos. A duração do período larval variou de 5,6 a 9,1 dias, sendo a sobrevivência baixa em águas de esgoto bruto, efluente de reator UASB, efluente de lagoa de polimento e efluente de filtro anaeróbio. Não foram observadas diferenças nas durações e viabilidades das fases de ovo e pupa, longevidade e fecundidade dos adultos. Constatou-se que, apesar da baixa viabilidade larval, é possível o desenvolvimento do A. aegypti em águas com elevados graus de poluição e que todos os tratamentos permitiram o desenvolvimento desse vetor.The present work aimed to estimate the effect of water quality in the development of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762. The life cycle of this vector was studied in raw sewage water, effluent of UASB reactor, effluent of polishing lagoon, effluent of anaerobic filter, rainwater and de-chlorinated water. The development period, egg viability and larval and pupal survival were evaluated daily as well as the adult longevity and fecundity. The duration of larval period showed a variation of 5.6 to 9.1 days. Survival was considered low in raw sewage water, effluent of UASB reactor, effluent of polishing lagoon and effluent of anaerobic filter. No difference in terms of the duration and egg and pupal viability nor in the adult longevity and fecundity was detected. It was verified that despite a reduction in larval viability, A. aegypti could accomplish total development in waters with high pollution degree and that all the treatments were suitable to the development of this vector.

  19. Eficiência de uma ETE em escala real composta por reator UASB seguido de lodo ativado


    Ferraz, Danillo Luiz de Magalhães


    No Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brasil existe cerca de 80 sistemas de tratamento de esgotos sendo a tecnologia das lagoas de estabilização a predominantemente utilizada. A ETE do Baldo, devido a sua localização e disponibilidade de área foi concebida como um sistema convencional híbrido (UASB lodos ativados com biodiscos) em nível terciário, sendo a ETE mais avançada do Estado e com maior capacidade de tratamento (1620 m 3 /h). O tra...

  20. Effect of temperature on two-phase anaerobic reactors treating slaughterhouse wastewater

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    Simone Beux


    Full Text Available The effectiveness of the anaerobic treatment of effluent from a swine and bovine slaughterhouse was assessed in two sets of two-phase anaerobic digesters, operated with or without temperature control. Set A, consisting of an acidogenic reactor with recirculation and an upflow biological filter as the methanogenic phase, was operated at room temperature, while set B, consisting of an acidogenic reactor without recirculation and an upflow biological filter as the methanogenic phase, was maintained at 32°C. The methanogenic reactors showed COD (Chemical Demand of Oxygen removal above 60% for HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time values of 20, 15, 10, 8, 6, 4, and 2 days. When the HRT value in those reactors was changed to 1 day, the COD percentage removal decreased to 50%. The temperature variations did not have harmful effects on the performance of reactors in set A.Avaliou-se a eficiência do tratamento anaeróbio de efluente de matadouro de suínos e bovinos em dois conjuntos de biodigestores anaeróbios de duas fases, operados com e sem controle de temperatura. O conjunto A, formado por um reator acidogênico com recirculação e um filtro biológico de fluxo ascendente, foi operado a temperatura ambiente e o conjunto B, formado por um reator de fluxo ascendente e um filtro biológico de fluxo ascendente, foi mantido a 32°C. Os reatores metanogênicos apresentaram remoção de DQO acima de 60 % para os TRHs de 20, 15, 10, oito, seis, quatro e dois dias. Quando o TRH destes reatores foi mudado para um dia observou-se uma queda da porcentagem de remoção de DQO para 50 %. As variações de temperatura parecem não ter prejudicado o desempenho dos reatores do conjunto A.

  1. Expressão transiente do gene gus, sob regulação de quatro promotores, em diferentes tecidos de mamoeiro (Carica papaya L. e videira (Vitis sp. Transient expression of the gus gene, under the regulation of four promoters, on different tissues of papaya (Carica papaya l. and grape (Vitis sp.

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    Adelar Almeida Pinto


    Full Text Available O mamoeiro (Carica papaya L. e a videira (Vitis vinifera L. destacam-se entre as fruteiras produzidas no Brasil por serem plantadas em quase todo o território nacional e apresentarem importância econômica e social. A tecnologia de produção de organismos geneticamente modificados, também conhecidos como "transgênicos", tem grande potencial de uso no desenvolvimento de fruteiras melhoradas. Porém, questões de propriedade intelectual limitam o uso da engenharia genética por países em desenvolvimento, que normalmente não detêm direitos sobre processos ou produtos necessários ao uso desta. Neste contexto, o presente estudo buscou avaliar promotores de expressão gênica alternativos ao CaMV 35S, que é o mais utilizado no desenvolvimento de transgênicos, mas é patenteado. Para tanto, construções gênicas com o gene gus sob a regulação de diferentes promotores foram testadas para expressão transiente em diversos tecidos de mamoeiro e videira. Expressão transiente foi avaliada em embriões somáticos, folhas, caules, raízes e frutos. O promotor do gene UBQ3, que é constitutivo e se encontra em domínio publico, mostrou ser uma alternativa promissora para futuros trabalhos de transformação genética de mamoeiro, mas não de videira.Papaya (Carica papaya L. and grapes (Vitis vinifera L. are among the most important fruit crops produced in Brazil, and are cultivated in several regions around the country being of economical and social importance. Genetic engineering has great potential on the development of genetically improved fruit crops. However, intellectual property issues constantly limit the commercial use of this technology in developing countries. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate gene promoters as alternatives to the 35S CaMV, which is the most used so far in the development of transgenic plants, but it is patented. In order to do that, the expression of the gus gene under the regulation of distinct promoters was


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    Luciano Matos Queiroz


    Full Text Available O presente trabalho objetivou a realização de uma análise crítica sobre a aplicação de wetlands construídoscomo unidades de polimento de efluentes de reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactors.O estudo foi realizado a partir de informações e dados obtidos por meio de trabalhos técnicos e científicospublicados entre os anos de 2000 e 2009, os quais estudaram a capacidade de degradação da matériaorgânica e o grau de remoção de nutrientes em sistemas de wetlands construídos exclusivamente paraessa finalidade. Foi realizada uma análise estatística relacionando cada um dos parâmetros chave adotadosnos projetos dos sistemas (taxas de aplicação superficial, tipos de substrato e macrófitas com a eficiênciade remoção de poluentes. As técnicas utilizadas para verificação da correlação entre as variáveis estudadasforam a estatística descritiva e análise de regressão linear multivariada. Todos os dados foram tratados emnível de significância de 95%. Os resultados permitiram concluir que, de maneira geral, os sistemas dewetlands construídos estudados apresentaram valores médios de eficiência de remoção de 78,3%, 54,4% e66,9% para matéria orgânica, medida como DQO, Nitrogênio Total Kjedhal (NTK e fósforo (P,respectivamente. O excelente desempenho da tecnologia para remoção de DQO foi ratificado pelo teste dehipótese. Os resultados mostram que o tipo de substrato utilizado (areia e brita não é significativo para aobtenção de elevadas eficiências e remoção de poluentes nos sistemas; por outro lado, o tipo de macrófitautilizado mostrou-se relevante para a remoção de NTK e P.

  3. An Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for Amplitude Estimation of Saturated Optical Transient Signals.

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kagie, Matthew J. [Sandia National Lab. (SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Lanterman, Aaron D. [Georgia Inst. of Technology, Atlanta, GA (United States)


    This paper addresses parameter estimation for an optical transient signal when the received data has been right-censored. We develop an expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate the amplitude of a Poisson intensity with a known shape in the presence of additive background counts, where the measurements are subject to saturation effects. We compare the results of our algorithm with those of an EM algorithm that is unaware of the censoring.

  4. Resolução de um modelo de reator de leito fixo não adiabático com dispersão axial utilizando redes neurais artificiais - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v25i1.2238

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    Luiz Henry Monken e Silva


    Full Text Available As capacidades de interpolação de redes perceptron multicamada (MLP foram utilizadas para resolver um sistema de equações diferencias ordinárias que modela um reator não-adiabático com leito fixo e dispersão axial. As metodologias descritas neste artigo seguem as propostas por Lagaris et al. (1998, 2000, estendidas para modelos com condições de contorno mistas e pelo uso do método da penalidade para converter o problema de otimização original de restrito para irrestrito no treinamento das redes MLP. Os resultados são compatíveis com aqueles apresentados em Luize e Biscaia (1991, que foram obtidos com técnicas numéricas já consagradas, como elementos finitos e colocação ortogonal. O método de neuro-interpolação adotado neste artigo é de fácil manuseio se comparado com os métodos clássicos para solução numérica de equações diferenciais, particularmente para sistemas diferenciais não-lineares, e define uma aproximação global, na forma analítica, para a solução de problemas.

  5. Start-up of horizontal anaerobic reactors with sludge blanket and fixed bed for wastewater treatment from coffee processing by wet method Partida de reatores anaeróbios horizontais com manta de lodo e de leito fixo para tratamento de águas residuárias do beneficiamento de frutos do cafeeiro por via úmida

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    Roberto A. de Oliveira


    Full Text Available In this study it was evaluated the start-up procedures of anaerobic treatment system with three horizontal anaerobic reactors (R1, R2 and R3, installed in series, with volume of 1.2 L each. R1 had sludge blanket, and R2 and R3 had half supporter of bamboo and coconut fiber, respectively. As an affluent, it was synthesized wastewater from mechanical pulping of the coffee fruit by wet method, with a mean value of total chemical oxygen demand (CODtotal of 16,003 mg L-1. The hydraulic retention time (HRT in each reactor was 30 h. The volumetric organic loading (VOL applied in R1 varied from 8.9 to 25.0 g of CODtotal (L d-1. The mean removal efficiencies of CODtotal varied from 43 to 97% in the treatment system (R1+R2+R3, stabilizing above 80% after 30 days of operation. The mean content of methane in the biogas were of 70 to 76%, the mean volumetric production was 1.7 L CH4 (L reactor d-1 in the system, and the higher conversions were around at 0.20 L CH4 (g CODremoved-1 in R1 and R2. The mean values of pH in the effluents ranged from 6.8 to 8.3 and the mean values of total volatile acids remained below 200 mg L-1 in the effluent of R3. The concentrations of total phenols of the affluent ranged from 45 to 278 mg L-1, and the mean removal efficiency was of 52%. The start-up of the anaerobic treatment system occurred after 30 days of operation as a result of inoculation with anaerobic sludge with active microbiota.Foram avaliados os procedimentos de partida de sistema de tratamento com três reatores anaeróbios horizontais (R1, R2 e R3, instalados em série, com volume de 1,2 L cada. O R1 com manta de lodo e o R2 e R3 através de suporte de bambu e fibra de coco, respectivamente. Como afluente,foram sintetizadas águas residuárias do despolpamento mecânico dos frutos do cafeeiro por via úmida, com valor médio de demanda química de oxigênio total (DQOtotal de 16.003 mg L-1. O tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH em cada reator foi de 30 h. As

  6. Physical-chemical and operational performance of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR treating swine wastewater = Desempenho físico-químico e operacional de um reator anaeróbio compartimentado (RAC como tratamento biológico preliminar de efluentes de suinocultura

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    Erlon Lopes Pereira


    Full Text Available Since hog raising concentrates a huge amount of swine manure in smallareas, it is considered by the environmental government organizations to be one of the most potentially pollutant activities. Therefore the main objective of this research was to evaluate by operational criteria and removal efficiency, the performance of a Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR, working as a biological pre-treatment of swine culture effluents. The physical-chemical analyses carried out were: total COD, BOD5, total solids (TS, fix (TFS and volatiles (TVS, temperature, pH, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, phosphorus, total acidity and alkalinity. The ABR unit worked with an average efficiency of 65.2 and 76.2%, respectively, concerning total COD and BOD5, with a hydraulic retention time (HRT about 15 hours. The results for volumetric organic loading rate (VOLR, organic loading rate (OLR andhydraulic loading rate (HLR were: 4.46 kg BOD m-3 day-1; 1.81 kg BOD5 kg TVS-1 day-1 and 1.57 m3 m-3 day-1, respectively. The average efficiency of the whole treatment system for total COD and BOD5 removal were 66.5 and 77.8%, showing an adequate performancein removing the organic matter from swine wastewater.A suinocultura por ser uma atividade pecuária concentradora de dejetos em pequenas áreas é considerada, pelos órgãos de gerência ambiental, como uma das atividades mais degradadoras do meio ambiente. Nesta pesquisa objetivou-se, por conseguinte, avaliar a utilização de um reator anaeróbio compartimentado (RAC, como unidade de prétratamento de um reator tipo UASB, em escala piloto, na adequação ambiental dos efluentes de suinocultura, avaliando critérios operacionais e a eficiência. As análises físico-químicasrealizadas foram: DQOtotal, DBO5, sólidos totais (ST, fixos (SF e voláteis (SV, temperatura, pH, nitrogênio total Kjeldahl, fósforo, acidez total e alcalinidade. A unidade RAC trabalhou com eficiência de 65,2 e 76,2% para a remoção de DQOtotal e DBO5

  7. Avaliação das concentrações de metano gerado em um biorreator de bancada com base em parâmetros físico-químicos

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    Natalí Acioly de Luna Ferreira

    Full Text Available RESUMO O monitoramento do metano (CH4 gerado em biorreatores permite avaliar o desenvolvimento da biodegradação anaeróbia dos resíduos sólidos orgânicos (RSO. O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar as interposições ocasionadas por fatores físico-químicos nas concentrações de metano gerado em um biorreator de bancada preenchido com RSO provenientes de uma escola da cidade de Campina Grande (PB, Brasil. A metodologia empregada na pesquisa consistiu na confecção e instrumentação de um biorreator de bancada de 0,03 m3 de capacidade, no qual foi realizado o monitoramento das concentrações de metano, análise microbiológica e dos parâmetros físico-químicos durante um período de 355 dias. A partir da análise dos resultados, foi constatado que o pH esteve acima de 7,0 durante a maior parte do monitoramento, indicando que a alcalinidade apresentada pelo material utilizado no preenchimento do biorreator foi suficiente para impedir que o acúmulo de ácidos voláteis ocorrido na fase inicial do monitoramento acarretasse a desestabilização do sistema. Dessa forma, foi possível concluir que os parâmetros físico-químicos analisados contribuíram de forma satisfatória para a biodegradação dos resíduos, levando em consideração que as concentrações de metano atingiram os níveis esperados para esse tipo de reator, chegando a valores próximos a 60%.


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    Lucas Rios Drummond


    Full Text Available RESUMO Introdução: A capacidade intrínseca para o exercício aeróbico está relacionada com o inotropismo cardíaco. Por outro lado, a participação do óxido nítrico (NO como mensageiro intracelular sobre a dinâmica do Ca2+ ainda permanece desconhecida em ratos com diferentes capacidades intrínsecas para o exercício. Objetivo: Avaliar se o NO modula diferentemente o transiente intracelular de Ca2+ e liberações espontâneas de Ca2+(sparks em cardiomiócitos de ratos com diferentes capacidades intrínsecas para o exercício. Métodos: Ratos machos Wistar foram selecionados como desempenho padrão (DP e alto desempenho (AD, de acordo com a capacidade de exercício até a fadiga, mensurada através de teste de esforço progressivo em esteira. Os cardiomiócitos dos ratos foram utilizados para determinar o transiente intracelular de Ca2+ e Ca2+sparks em microscópio confocal. Para estimar a contribuição do NO foi utilizado o inibidor das sínteses do NO (L-NAME, 100 µM. Os dados foram analisados através de ANOVA two-way seguido do pós-teste de Tukey e apresentados como médias ± EPM. Resultados: Os cardiomiócitos de ratos AD exibiram aumentos na amplitude do transiente de Ca2+ em comparação aos DP. Entretanto, o L-NAME aumentou a amplitude do transiente de Ca2+ somente em ratos DP. Não foram encontradas diferenças na constante de tempo de decaimento do transiente de Ca2+ (t em cardiomiócitos de ratos com DP e AP, contudo, a administração do L-NAME diminuiu o t em cardiomiócitos em ambos os grupos. cardiomiócitos de ratos AD apresentaram menor amplitude e frequência de Ca2+sparks em comparação ao grupo DP. A administração de L-NAME aumentou a amplitude de Ca2+sparks em cardiomiócitos do grupo AD. Conclusão: O NO modula o transiente de Ca2+ e as sparks de Ca2+ em cardiomiócitos de ratos com diferentes capacidades intrínsecas para o exercício.

  9. Variational calculus (optimal control applied to the optimization of the enzymatic synthesis of ampicillin

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    Marcelo Perencin de Arruda Ribeiro


    Full Text Available In this work, optimal control techniques were used to optimize the feed of reactants during the enzymatic synthesis of ampicillin in a semi-batch reactor. Simulation results showed that a semi-batch integrated reactor (with product crystallization might achieve 88% 6-APA (6-aminepenicillanic acid conversion and 92% of PGME (phenylglycine methyl ester yield, with a productivity between 3.5 and 5.5 mM min-1.A síntese enzimática de ampicilina oferece menor impacto ambiental em relação ao processo utilizado atualmente pela indústria farmacêutica. Mas seu rendimento e produtividade devem ser melhorados para tornar essa rota competitiva. Alguns estudos empíricos para otimizar a rota enzimática de síntese de antibióticos beta-lactâmicos vêm sendo realizados. Entretanto, a utilização sistemática de métodos matemáticos de otimização nesse processo não é encontrada na literatura. Neste trabalho, utilizaram-se técnicas de controle ótimo para otimizar a alimentação de reagentes na síntese enzimática de ampicilina em reator operando em batelada alimentada. Resultados simulados mostram que, em reator integrado (com precipitação dos produtos operado em batelada alimentada, conversões de 6-APA e rendimento de EMFG de 88% a 92% são factíveis, assim como produtividades entre 3,5 e 5,5 mM.min-1.

  10. Tratamento de esgotos sanitários em sistemas reatores UASB/wetlands construídas de fluxo horizontal: eficiência e estabilidade de remoção de matéria orgânica, sólidos, nutrientes e coliformes Domestic wastewater treatment in UASB-horizontal flow constructed wetlands systems: organic matter, solids, nutrients and coliforms removal

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    Maria Lúcia Calijuri


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresentou os resultados de um estudo realizado durante 19 meses sobre o comportamento de wetlands construídas na remoção de matéria orgânica, sólidos, nutrientes e coliformes, em unidades em escala piloto de fluxo horizontal, subsuperficial e superficial, com tempo de detenção hidráulica entre 1,3 a 5,3 dias, operando como pós-tratamento de efluentes de reatores UASB (esgotos sanitários. A remoção de matéria orgânica e de sólidos mostrou-se elevada e estável, com eficiências médias de 70, 80 e 60% para SST, DBO5 e DQO, respectivamente. A remoção de nutrientes, após início promissor, mostrou-se instável e aparentemente influenciada pela temperatura. O sistema de tratamento revelou elevado potencial de remoção de coliformes, embora com variações relativamente amplas ao longo do período de operação: ≈ 2 log10 de remoção de coliformes totais e 2-4 log10 de remoção de Escherichia coli.This work presented the results of a 19-month study on the performance of constructed wetlands in terms of organic matter, solids, nutrients and coliforms removal in pilot scale unities with horizontal, subsurface and surface flow, with hydraulic retention time from 1.3 to 5.3 days, as post-treatment of UASB effluents (domestic wastewater. Organic matter and solids were effectively and consistently removed, with average values of 70, 80 and 60% for TSS, BOD5 and COD, respectively. Nutrients removal, after a promising start up, became unstable and apparently influenced by temperature. The treatment system has also shown high potential to remove coliforms, although with relatively wide variations over the study period: ≈ 2 log10 reduction of total coliforms and 2-4 log10 reduction of Escherichia coli.

  11. Análise dinâmica de um forno rotativo piloto contínuo para produção de gesso beta com glp


    Felipe Barros Gomes, Carlos


    Fornos rotativos a contato direto são equipamentos bastante utilizados na indústria em diversas aplicações. O estudo do tempo de residência das partículas nesses reatores é de fundamental importância no desenvolvimento de sistemas controlados e otimizados. No presente trabalho foi desenvolvida a técnica de distribuição dos tempos de residência (DTR) no forno rotativo em escala piloto de 5,45 m de comprimento e 0,90 m de diâmetro interno com controle computadorizado das variáveis operacionais....


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M.; Mezzani, F.; Miao, H.; Michel, C.; Middleton, H.; Mikhailov, E. E.; Milano, L.; Miller, J.; Millhouse, M.; Minenkov, Y.; Ming, J.; Mirshekari, S.; Mishra, C.; Mitra, S.; Mitrofanov, V. P.; Mitselmakher, G.; Mittleman, R.; Moggi, A.; Mohan, M.; Mohapatra, S. R. P.; Montani, M.; Moore, B.C.; Moore, J.C.; Moraru, D.; Gutierrez Moreno, M.; Morriss, S. R.; Mossavi, K.; Mours, B.; Mow-Lowry, C. M.; Mueller, C. L.; Mueller, G.; Muir, A. W.; Mukherjee, A.; Mukherjee, S.D.; Mukherjee, S.; Mukund, N.; Mullavey, A.; Munch, J.; Murphy, D. J.; Murray, P.G.; Mytidis, A.; Nardecchia, I.; Naticchioni, L.; Nayak, R. K.; Necula, V.; Nedkova, K.; Nelemans, G.; Gutierrez-Neri, M.; Neunzert, A.; Newton-Howes, G.; Nguyen, T. T.; Nielsen, A. B.; Nissanke, S.; Nitz, A.; Nocera, F.; Nolting, D.; Normandin, M. E. N.; Nuttall, L. K.; Oberling, J.; Ochsner, E.; O'Dell, J.; Oelker, E.; Ogin, G. H.; Oh, J.; Oh, S. H.; Ohme, F.; Oliver, M. B.; Oppermann, P.; Oram, Richard J.; O'Reilly, B.; O'Shaughnessy, R.; Ottaway, D. J.; Ottens, R. S.; Overmier, H.; Owen, B. J.; Pai, A.; Pai, S. A.; Palamos, J. R.; Palashov, O.; Palliyaguru, N.; Palomba, C.; Pal-Singh, A.; Pan, H.; Pankow, C.; Pannarale, F.; Pant, B. C.; Paoletti, F.; Paoli, A.; Papa, M. A.; Paris, H. R.; Parker, W.S; Pascucci, D.; Pasqualetti, A.; Passaquieti, R.; Passuello, D.; Patricelli, B.; Patrick, Z.; Pearlstone, B. L.; Pedraza, M.; Pedurand, R.; Pekowsky, L.; Pele, A.; Penn, S.; Perreca, A.; Phelps, M.; Piccinni, O. J.; Pichot, M.; Piergiovanni, F.; Pierro, V.; Pillant, G.; Pinard, L.; Pinto, I. M.; Pitkin, M.; Poggiani, R.; Popolizio, P.; Post, A.; Powell, J.; Prasad, J.; Predoi, V.; Premachandra, S. S.; Prestegard, T.; Price, L. R.; Prijatelj, M.; Principe, M.; Privitera, S.; Prodi, G. A.; Prokhorov, L. G.; Puncken, O.; Punturo, M.; Puppo, P.; Puerrer, M.; Qi, H.; Qin, J.; Quetschke, V.; Quintero, E. A.; Quitzow-James, R.; Raab, F. J.; Rabeling, D. S.; Radkins, H.; Raffai, P.; Raja, S.; Rakhmanov, M.; Rapagnani, P.; Raymond, V.; Razzano, M.; Re, V.; Read, J.; Reed, C. M.; Regimbau, T.; Rei, L.; Reid, S.; Reitze, D. H.; Rew, H.; Reyes, S. D.; Ricci, F.; Riles, K.; Robertson, N. A.; Robie, R.; Robinet, F.; Rocchi, A.; Rolland, L.; Rollins, J. G.; Roma, V. J.; Romano, R.; Romanov, G.; Romie, J. H.; Rosinska, D.; Rowan, S.; Ruediger, A.; Ruggi, P.; Ryan, K.A.; Sachdev, P.S.; Sadecki, T.; Sadeghian, L.; Salconi, L.; Saleem, M.; Salemi, F.; Samajdar, A.; Sammut, L.; Sanchez, E. J.; Sandberg, V.; Sandeen, B.; Sanders, J. R.; Sassolas, B.; Sathyaprakash, B. S.; Saulson, P. R.; Sauter, O.; Savage, R. L.; Sawadsky, A.; Schale, P.; Schilling, R.; Schmidt, J; Schmidt, P.; Schnabel, R.B.; Schofield, R. M. S.; Schoenbeck, A.; Schreiber, K.E.C.; Schuette, D.; Schutz, B. F.; Scott, J.; Scott, M.S.; Sellers, D.; Sentenac, D.; Sequino, V.; Sergeev, A.; Serna, G.; Setyawati, Y.; Sevigny, A.; Shaddock, D. A.; Shah, S.; Shahriar, M. S.; Shaltev, M.; Shao, Z.M.; Shapiro, B.; Shawhan, P.; Sheperd, A.; Shoemaker, D. H.; Shoemaker, D. M.; Siellez, K.; Siemens, X.; Sigg, D.; Silva, António Dias da; Simakov, D.; Singer, A; Singh, A.; Singh, R.; Singhal, A.; Sintes, A. M.; Slagmolen, B. J. J.; Smith, R. J. E.; Smith, N.D.; Smith, R. J. E.; Son, E. J.; Sorazu, B.; Sorrentino, F.; Souradeep, T.; Srivastava, A. K.; Staley, A.; Steinke, M.; Steinlechner, J.; Steinlechner, S.; Steinmeyer, D.; Stephens, B. C.; Stone, J.R.; Strain, K. A.; Straniero, N.; Stratta, G.; Strauss, N. A.; Strigin, S. E.; Sturani, R.; Stuver, A. L.; Summerscales, T. Z.; Sun, L.; Sutton, P. J.; Swinkels, B. L.; Szczepanczyk, M. J.; Tacca, M.D.; Talukder, D.; Tanner, D. B.; Tpai, M.; Tarabrin, S. P.; Taracchini, A.; Taylor, W.R.; Theeg, T.; Thirugnanasambandam, M. P.; Thomas, E. G.; Thomas, M.; Thomas, P.; Thorne, K. A.; Thorne, K. S.; Thrane, E.; Tiwari, S.; Tiwari, V.; Tokmakov, K. V.; Tomlinson, C.; Tonelli, M.; Torres, C. V.; Torrie, C. I.; Tyr, D.; Travasso, F.; Traylor, G.; Trifiro, D.; Tringali, M. C.; Trozzo, L.; Tse, M.; Turconi, M.; Tuyenbayev, D.; Ugolini, D.; Unnikrishnan, C. S.; Urban, A. L.; Usman, S. A.; Vahlbruch, H.; Vajente, G.; Valdes, G.; van Bakel, N.; Van Beuzekom, Martin; van den Brand, J. F. J.; Van Den Broeck, C.F.F.; Vander-Hyde, D. C.; van der Schaaf, L.; van Heijningen, J. V.; van Veggel, A. A.; Vardaro, M.; Vass, S.; Vasuth, M.; Vaulin, R.; Vecchio, A.; Vedovato, G.; Veitch, J.; Veitch, P.J.; Venkateswara, K.; Verkindt, D.; Vetrano, F.; Vicere, A.; Vinciguerra, S.; Vine, D. J.; Vinet, J. -Y.; Vitale, S.; Vo, T.; Vocca, H.; Vorvick, C.; Voss, D. V.; Vousden, W. D.; Vyatchanin, S. P.; Wade, A. R.; Wade, L. E.; Wade, MT; Walker, M.; Wallace, L.; Walsh, S.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, M.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Ward, R. L.; Warner, J.; Was, M.; Weaver, B.; Wei, L. -W.; Weinert, M.; Weinstein, A. J.; Weiss, R.; Welborn, T.; Wen, L.M.; Wessels, P.; Westphal, T.; Wette, K.; Whelan, J. T.; White, D. J.; Whiting, B. F.; Williams, D.R.; Williamson, A. R.; Willis, J. L.; Willke, B.; Wimmer, M. H.; Winkler, W.; Wipf, C. C.; Wittel, H.; Woan, G.; Worden, J.; Wright, J.L.; Wu, G.; Yablon, J.; Yam, W.; Yamamoto, H.; Yancey, C. C.; Yap, M. J.; Yu, H. -F.; Yvert, M.; Zadrozny, A.; Zangrando, L.; Zanolin, M.; Zendri, J. -P.; Zevin, M.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, C.; Zhou, M.; Zhou, Z.; Zhu, X. J.; Zucker, M. E.; Zuraw, S. E.; Zweizig, J.; Allison, J.; Bannister, K.; Bell, E.M.; Chatterjee, S.; Chippendale, A. P.; Edwards, P. G.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Heywood, Ian; Hotan, A.; Indermuehle, B.; Marvil, J.; McConnell, D.; Murphy, Michael T.; Popping, A.; Reynolds, J.; Sault, R. J.; Voronkov, M. A.; Whiting, M. T.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Cunniffe, R.; Jelinek, M.; Tello, J. C.; Oates, S. R.; Hu, Y. M.; Kubanek, P.; Guziy, S.; Castellon, A.; Garcia-Cerezo, A.; Munoz, V. F.; Perez del Pulgar, C.; Castillo-Carrion, S.; Castro Ceron, J. M.; Hudec, R.; Caballero-Garcia, M. 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A.; Gutierrez, A.G.; Herner, K.; Honscheid, K.; James, J.D.M.; Johnson, M.D.; Johnson, M. W. G.; Karliner, I.; Kasen, D.; Kent, S.; Kessler, R.; Kim, A. G.; Kind, M. C.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Li, T. G. F.; Lima, M.; Lin, H.H.; Maia, M. A. G.; Margutti, R.; Marriner, J.; San Martini, P.; Matheson, T.; Melchior, P.; Metzger, B. D.; Miller, C. J.; Miquel, R.; Neilsen, E.; Nichol, R. C.; Nord, B.; Nugent, P.; Ogando, R.; Petravick, D.; Plazas, A. A.; Quataert, E.; Roe, N. A.; Romer, A. K.; Roodman, A.; Rosell, A. C.; Rykoff, E. S.; Sako, M.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schindler, R. H.; Schubnell, M.; Scolnic, D.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Sheldon, E.; Smith, N.; Smith, R. C.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Stebbins, A.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M. E. C.; Tarle, G.; Thaler, J.; Thomas, D.; Thomas, C.R.; Tucker, D. L.; Vikram, V.; Walker, A. R.; Wechsler, R. H.; Wester, W.; Yanny, B.; Zhang, Y.; Zuntz, J.; Connaughton, V.; Burns, J.E.; Goldstein, A.; Briggs, M. 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R.; Bhalerao, V.; Miller, A. L.; Barlow, T.; Bellm, E.; Manulis, I.; Rana, J.; Laher, R.; Masci, F.; Surace, J.; Rebbapragada, U.; Cook, D.; Van Sistine, A.; Sesar, B.; Perley, D.; Ferreti, R.; Thivichon-Prince, Béatrice; Kendrick, R.; Horesh, A.; Hurley, K.; Golenetskii, S. V.; Aptekar, R. L.; Frederiks, D. D.; Svinkin, D. S.; Rau, A.; von Kienlin, A.; Zhang, X.; Smith, M.D.; Cline, T.; Krimm, H.; Abe, F.; Doi, Masao; Fujisawa, K.; Kawabata, K. S.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Tanaka, M.; Ohta, K.; Yanagisawa, K.; Yoshida, M; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, J.D.; Ellman, N.; Rostami, S.; Bersier, D. F.; Bode, M. F.; Collins, C. A.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Darnley, M. J.; Galloway, D. K.; Gomboc, A.; Kobayashi, S.; Mazzali, P.; Mundell, C. G.; Piascik, A. S.; Pollacco, Don; Steele, I. A.; Ulaczyk, K.; Broderick, J. W.; Fender, R. P.; Jonker, P. G.; Rowlinson, A.; Stappers, B. W.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Lipunov, V.; Gorbovskoy, E.; Tyurina, N.; Kornilov, V.; Balanutsa, P.; Kuznetsov, Y.A.; Buckley, C.D.; Rebolo, R.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Israelian, G.; Budnev, N. M.; Gress, O.; Ivanov, M.K.; Poleshuk, V.; Tlatov, A.; Yurkov, V.; Kawai, N.; Serino, M.; Negoro, H.; Nakahira, S.; Mihara, T.; Tomida, H.; Ueno, S.; Tsunemi, H.; Matsuoka, M.; Croft, S.; Feng, L.; Franzen, T. M. O.; Gaensler, B. M.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Kaplan, D. L.; Morales, M. F.; Tingay, S. J.; Wayth, R. B.; Williams, A.; Smartt, S. J.; Chambers, K. C.; Smith, K. W.; Huber, M. E.; Young, D. R.; Wright, D.E.; Schultz, A.; Denneau, L.; Flewelling, H.; Magnier, E. A.; Primak, N.; Rest, A.; Sherstyuk, A.; Stalder, B.; Stubbs, C. W.; Tonry, J.; Waters, C.; Willman, M.; Olivares E, F.; Campbell, H.; Kotak, R.; Sollerman, J.; Smith, M.; Dennefeld, M.; Anderson, J. P.; Botticella, M. T.; Chen, T. -W.; Valle, M. D.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, R.M.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Kupfer, T.; Harmanen, J.; Galbany, L.; Le Guillou, L.; Lyman, J. D.; Maguire, K.; Mitra, A.; Nicholl, M.; Razza, A.; Terreran, G.; Valenti, S.; Gal-Yam, A.; Cwiek, A.; Cwiok, M.; Mankiewicz, L.; Opiela, R.; Zaremba, M.; Zarnecki, A. F.; Onken, C. A.; Scalzo, R. A.; Schmidt, B. P.; Wolf, C.; Yuan, F.; Evans, P.A.; Kennea, J. A.; Burrows, D. N.; Campana, S.; Cenko, S. B.; Giommi, P.; Marshall, F. E.; Nousek, J.; O'Brien, P.; Osborne, J. P.; Palmer, D.; Perri, L. M.; Siegel, M.J.; Tagliaferri, G.; Klotz, A.; Turpin, D.; Laugier, R.; Beroiz, M.; Penuela, T.; Macri, L. M.; Oelkers, R. J.; Lambas, D. G.; Vrech, R.; Cabral, J.; Colazo, C.; Dominguez, M.; Sanchez, B.; Gurovich, S.; Lares, M.; Marshall, J.L.; Depoy, D. L.; Padilla, N.D.; Pereyra, N. A.; Benacquista, M.; Tanvir, N. R.; Wiersema, K.; Levan, A. J.; Steeghs, D.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J.P.U.; Malesani, D.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Watson, D.; Irwin, M.; Fernandez, G.C.; McMahon, R. G.; Banerji, M.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Schulze-Topphoff, U.; Postigo, A. de U.; Thoene, C. C.; Cano, Z.; Rosswog, S.

    This Supplement provides supporting material for Abbott et al. (2016a). We briefly summarize past electromagnetic (EM) follow-up efforts as well as the organization and policy of the current EM follow-up program. We compare the four probability sky maps produced for the gravitational-wave transient

  13. Uso de lagoa aerada facultativa como polimento do reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo UASB no tratamento de dejetos de suínos em escala laboratorial The efficiency of an aerated pond used for treating the effluent of an UASB reactor (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor treating swine manure in a lab-scale system

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    Fernanda Ribeiro do Carmo


    Full Text Available As atividades agroindustriais têm se voltado não somente para o aumento da produtividade, mas também para a conservação do meio ambiente. A suinocultura é, sem dúvida, uma das atividades agroindustriais mais poluidoras, principalmente no Estado de Minas Gerais. Sendo assim, objetivou-se desenvolver e operar uma Lagoa Aerada Facultativa (LAF em escala de bancada (laboratorial, e como polimento de um Reator Anaeróbio de Manta de Lodo (UASB, visando a tratar os dejetos de suínos com máxima eficiência e custo mínimo. O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Análise de Água do Departamento de Engenharia (LAADEG da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA, sendo composto por um tanque de acidificação e equalização (TAE, um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo (UASB e uma lagoa aerada facultativa (LAF para polimento. As análises fisico-químicas realizadas foram: pH, DBO5, DQO T, Sólidos Totais (fixos e voláteis, Temperatura, Nitrogênio, Fósforo, Alcalinidade e Acidez Total. A unidade LAF mostrou uma eficiência média de 83 e 42% de DQO T e Nitrogênio Total, respectivamente. O sistema proporcionou remoção média de 93, 84 e 85% de DQO T, DBO5 e Sólidos Totais Voláteis, respectivamente.Nowadays the agro-industry activities have not only focused its direction to the production increasing, but also, to the environmental preservation. The swine production is amo doubt, an activity, which can be considered, one of the most pollutants, mainly in the Minas Gerais State (BRAZIL. Therefore, this research aimed at developing and operating an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB, followed by an Aerobic Facultative Pound (AFP (Lab-Scale, with the objective of treating the liquid effluent originated from swine with the maximum efficiency and lower costs. The experiment was carried out in the Laboratory of Water Analysis of the Engineering Department of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA. The system was assembled with an

  14. Supplement: “Localization And Broadband Follow-Up of the Gravitational-Wave Transient GW150914” (2016, Apjl, 826, L13)

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    P. Abbott, B.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.


    This Supplement provides supporting material for Abbott et al. (2016a). We briefly summarize pastelectromagnetic (EM) follow-up efforts as well as the organization and policy of the current EM follow-upprogram. We compare the four probability sky maps produced for the gravitational-wave transient...... GW150914, andprovide additional details of the EM follow-up observations that were performed in the different bands....

  15. Styrene photocatalytic degradation reaction kinetics


    Taffarel, Silvio R.; Lansarin, Marla A.; Moro, Celso C.


    A reação de degradação fotocatalítica do estireno foi estudada utilizando-se TiO2 P-25 (Degussa) como catalisador. Os experimentos foram realizados em um reator “slurry” em bateladas, com controle de temperatura, empregando-se uma lâmpada UV. Foram estudados os efeitos do pH, da concentração inicial de estireno, da concentração do catalisador e da adição de H2O2 sobre a velocidade da reação. Os resultados mostraram que, em 90 min, cerca de 95% da quantidade inicial da molécula foi consumida p...

  16. Hydrolysis of whey lactose by immobilized β-Galactosidase

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    Marcela Panaro Mariotti


    Full Text Available Hydrolysis of whey lactose to glucose and galactose by immobilized galactosidase comes as an alternative to enlarge the possibilities of commercial use of this feedstock. To be applied at industrial scale, the process should be performed continuously .This work aimed to study the hydrolysis of whey lactose by an immobilized enzyme reactor. b-Galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae was immobilized on silica and activity and stability were evaluated. The best immobilization results were attained by using glutaraldehyde as support's activator and enzyme stabilizer. The optimized enzyme proportion for immobilization was 15-20 mg g-1 of support. Treatments of whey were performed (microfiltration, thermal treatment and ultrafiltration, seeking the elimination of sludge, and the effects on operating the fixed bed reactor were evaluated. Ultrafiltration was the best treatment towards a proper substrate solution for feeding the reactor.A hidrólise de lactose de soro de leite, resultando em glicose e galactose, apresenta-se como uma alternativa para ampliar as possibilidades de uso comercial deste insumo. Para ser aplicado em escala industrial, o processo deve ser operado de modo contínuo. Reporta-se o estudo de um sistema objetivando hidrólise de lactose de soro de leite através de um reator com enzima imobilizada. b-Galactosidase de Aspergillus oryzae foi imobilizada em sílica, sendo avaliadas a estabilidade e atividade. Os melhores resultados de imobilização foram obtidos usando glutaraldeído como ativante do suporte e estabilizador da enzima. A proporção otimizada entre enzima e suporte foi 15-20 mg.g-1. Foram estudadas formas de tratamento do soro (microfiltração, tratamento térmico e ultrafiltração, objetivando eliminação de material suspenso, e avaliando os efeitos na operação de reator de leito fixo. A ultrafiltração foi o melhor tratamento, na busca de uma solução de substrato apropriada para o reator contínuo.

  17. Avaliação de 166 ETEs em operação no país, compreendendo diversas tecnologias. Parte 1: análise de desempenho Evaluation of 166 treatment plants operating in Brazil, comprising several technologies. Part 1: performance analysis

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    Sílvia M. A. Corrêa Oliveira


    Full Text Available O trabalho apresenta uma análise de desempenho de 166 estações de tratamento de esgotos urbanos em operação nos estados de Minas Gerais e de São Paulo. Foram investigadas seis modalidades de tratamento diferentes, compreendendo os processos: (a fossa séptica seguida de filtro anaeróbio, (b lagoas facultativas, (c lagoas anaeróbias seguidas por lagoas facultativas, (d lodos ativados, (e reatores UASB operando isoladamente e (f reatores UASB seguidos por pós-tratamento. A avaliação considerou as concentrações efluentes e as eficiências de remoção dos constituintes DBO, DQO, SST, NTK, PT e coliformes (organismos termotolerantes, que foram comparadas com valores típicos reportados na literatura técnica. Em geral, o desempenho na remoção de matéria orgânica esteve dentro do esperado. As eficiências de remoção de SST estiveram abaixo, enquanto a remoção de coliformes foi maior que a descrita na literatura. A remoção de nutrientes foi baixa, já que nenhuma das modalidades analisadas foi projetada com este objetivo.The paper analyses the performance of 166 wastewater treatment plants operating in Brazil. Six different treatment technologies have been investigated, comprising the following processes: septic tank + anaerobic filter, facultative pond, anaerobic pond + facultative pond, activated sludge, UASB reactors alone, UASB reactors followed by post-treatment. The objective of the research was to evaluate the effluent quality and the removal efficiencies of the parameters BOD, COD, TSS, coliforms, TKN and phosphorus. The paper compares the effluent quality and the removal efficiencies with typical values reported by the technical literature. In general, the performance in the removal of organic matter was as expected. TSS removal efficiencies were lower than reported, but coliform removal was higher than described in the literature. Nutrient removal was low, but none of the treatment processes have been designed with

  18. Supplement: “Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914” (2016, ApJL, 826, L13) (United States)

    Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K.; Aggarwal, N.; Aguiar, O. D.; Aiello, L.; Ain, A.; Ajith, P.; Allen, B.; Allocca, A.; Altin, P. A.; Anderson, S. B.; Anderson, W. G.; Arai, K.; Araya, M. C.; Arceneaux, C. C.; Areeda, J. S.; Arnaud, N.; Arun, K. G.; Ascenzi, S.; Ashton, G.; Ast, M.; Aston, S. M.; Astone, P.; Aufmuth, P.; Aulbert, C.; Babak, S.; Bacon, P.; Bader, M. K. M.; Baker, P. T.; Baldaccini, F.; Ballardin, G.; Ballmer, S. W.; Barayoga, J. C.; Barclay, S. E.; Barish, B. C.; Barker, D.; Barone, F.; Barr, B.; Barsotti, L.; Barsuglia, M.; Barta, D.; Barthelmy, S.; Bartlett, J.; Bartos, I.; Bassiri, R.; Basti, A.; Batch, J. C.; Baune, C.; Bavigadda, V.; Bazzan, M.; Behnke, B.; Bejger, M.; Bell, A. S.; Bell, C. J.; Berger, B. K.; Bergman, J.; Bergmann, G.; Berry, C. P. L.; Bersanetti, D.; Bertolini, A.; Betzwieser, J.; Bhagwat, S.; Bhandare, R.; Bilenko, I. A.; Billingsley, G.; Birch, J.; Birney, R.; Biscans, S.; Bisht, A.; Bitossi, M.; Biwer, C.; Bizouard, M. A.; Blackburn, J. K.; Blair, C. D.; Blair, D. G.; Blair, R. M.; Bloemen, S.; Bock, O.; Bodiya, T. P.; Boer, M.; Bogaert, G.; Bogan, C.; Bohe, A.; Bojtos, P.; Bond, C.; Bondu, F.; Bonnand, R.; Boom, B. A.; Bork, R.; Boschi, V.; Bose, S.; Bouffanais, Y.; Bozzi, A.; Bradaschia, C.; Brady, P. R.; Braginsky, V. B.; Branchesi, M.; Brau, J. E.; Briant, T.; Brillet, A.; Brinkmann, M.; Brisson, V.; Brockill, P.; Brooks, A. F.; Brown, D. A.; Brown, D. D.; Brown, N. M.; Buchanan, C. C.; Buikema, A.; Bulik, T.; Bulten, H. J.; Buonanno, A.; Buskulic, D.; Buy, C.; Byer, R. L.; Cadonati, L.; Cagnoli, G.; Cahillane, C.; Bustillo, J. C.; Callister, T.; Calloni, E.; Camp, J. B.; Cannon, K. C.; Cao, J.; Capano, C. D.; Capocasa, E.; Carbognani, F.; Caride, S.; Diaz, J. 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S.; Dattilo, V.; Dave, I.; Daveloza, H. P.; Davier, M.; Davies, G. S.; Daw, E. J.; Day, R.; DeBra, D.; Debreczeni, G.; Degallaix, J.; De Laurentis, M.; Deléglise, S.; Del Pozzo, W.; Denker, T.; Dent, T.; Dereli, H.; Dergachev, V.; DeRosa, R. T.; De Rosa, R.; DeSalvo, R.; Dhurandhar, S.; Díaz, M. C.; Di Fiore, L.; Di Giovanni, M.; Di Lieto, A.; Di Pace, S.; Di Palma, I.; Di Virgilio, A.; Dojcinoski, G.; Dolique, V.; Donovan, F.; Dooley, K. L.; Doravari, S.; Douglas, R.; Downes, T. P.; Drago, M.; Drever, R. W. P.; Driggers, J. C.; Du, Z.; Ducrot, M.; Dwyer, S. E.; Edo, T. B.; Edwards, M. C.; Effler, A.; Eggenstein, H.-B.; Ehrens, P.; Eichholz, J.; Eikenberry, S. S.; Engels, W.; Essick, R. C.; Etzel, T.; Evans, M.; Evans, T. M.; Everett, R.; Factourovich, M.; Fafone, V.; Fair, H.; Fairhurst, S.; Fan, X.; Fang, Q.; Farinon, S.; Farr, B.; Farr, W. M.; Favata, M.; Fays, M.; Fehrmann, H.; Fejer, M. M.; Ferrante, I.; Ferreira, E. C.; Ferrini, F.; Fidecaro, F.; Fiori, I.; Fiorucci, D.; Fisher, R. P.; Flaminio, R.; Fletcher, M.; Fournier, J.-D.; Franco, S.; Frasca, S.; Frasconi, F.; Frei, Z.; Freise, A.; Frey, R.; Frey, V.; Fricke, T. T.; Fritschel, P.; Frolov, V. V.; Fulda, P.; Fyffe, M.; Gabbard, H. A. G.; Gair, J. R.; Gammaitoni, L.; Gaonkar, S. G.; Garufi, F.; Gatto, A.; Gaur, G.; Gehrels, N.; Gemme, G.; Gendre, B.; Genin, E.; Gennai, A.; George, J.; Gergely, L.; Germain, V.; Ghosh, A.; Ghosh, S.; Giaime, J. A.; Giardina, K. D.; Giazotto, A.; Gill, K.; Glaefke, A.; Goetz, E.; Goetz, R.; Gondan, L.; González, G.; Castro, J. M. G.; Gopakumar, A.; Gordon, N. A.; Gorodetsky, M. L.; Gossan, S. E.; Gosselin, M.; Gouaty, R.; Graef, C.; Graff, P. B.; Granata, M.; Grant, A.; Gras, S.; Gray, C.; Greco, G.; Green, A. C.; Groot, P.; Grote, H.; Grunewald, S.; Guidi, G. M.; Guo, X.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, M. K.; Gushwa, K. E.; Gustafson, E. K.; Gustafson, R.; Hacker, J. J.; Hall, B. R.; Hall, E. 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S.; Shaltev, M.; Shao, Z.; Shapiro, B.; Shawhan, P.; Sheperd, A.; Shoemaker, D. H.; Shoemaker, D. M.; Siellez, K.; Siemens, X.; Sigg, D.; Silva, A. D.; Simakov, D.; Singer, A.; Singh, A.; Singh, R.; Singhal, A.; Sintes, A. M.; Slagmolen, B. J. J.; Smith, J. R.; Smith, N. D.; Smith, R. J. E.; Son, E. J.; Sorazu, B.; Sorrentino, F.; Souradeep, T.; Srivastava, A. K.; Staley, A.; Steinke, M.; Steinlechner, J.; Steinlechner, S.; Steinmeyer, D.; Stephens, B. C.; Stone, R.; Strain, K. A.; Straniero, N.; Stratta, G.; Strauss, N. A.; Strigin, S.; Sturani, R.; Stuver, A. L.; Summerscales, T. Z.; Sun, L.; Sutton, P. J.; Swinkels, B. L.; Szczepańczyk, M. J.; Tacca, M.; Talukder, D.; Tanner, D. B.; Tápai, M.; Tarabrin, S. P.; Taracchini, A.; Taylor, R.; Theeg, T.; Thirugnanasambandam, M. P.; Thomas, E. G.; Thomas, M.; Thomas, P.; Thorne, K. A.; Thorne, K. S.; Thrane, E.; Tiwari, S.; Tiwari, V.; Tokmakov, K. V.; Tomlinson, C.; Tonelli, M.; Torres, C. V.; Torrie, C. I.; Töyrä, D.; Travasso, F.; Traylor, G.; Trifirò, D.; Tringali, M. C.; Trozzo, L.; Tse, M.; Turconi, M.; Tuyenbayev, D.; Ugolini, D.; Unnikrishnan, C. S.; Urban, A. L.; Usman, S. A.; Vahlbruch, H.; Vajente, G.; Valdes, G.; van Bakel, N.; van Beuzekom, M.; van den Brand, J. F. J.; Van Den Broeck, C.; Vander-Hyde, D. C.; van der Schaaf, L.; van Heijningen, J. V.; van Veggel, A. A.; Vardaro, M.; Vass, S.; Vasúth, M.; Vaulin, R.; Vecchio, A.; Vedovato, G.; Veitch, J.; Veitch, P. J.; Venkateswara, K.; Verkindt, D.; Vetrano, F.; Viceré, A.; Vinciguerra, S.; Vine, D. J.; Vinet, J.-Y.; Vitale, S.; Vo, T.; Vocca, H.; Vorvick, C.; Voss, D.; Vousden, W. D.; Vyatchanin, S. P.; Wade, A. R.; Wade, L. E.; Wade, M.; Walker, M.; Wallace, L.; Walsh, S.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, M.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Ward, R. L.; Warner, J.; Was, M.; Weaver, B.; Wei, L.-W.; Weinert, M.; Weinstein, A. J.; Weiss, R.; Welborn, T.; Wen, L.; Wessels, P.; Westphal, T.; Wette, K.; Whelan, J. T.; White, D. J.; Whiting, B. F.; Williams, R. D.; Williamson, A. R.; Willis, J. L.; Willke, B.; Wimmer, M. H.; Winkler, W.; Wipf, C. C.; Wittel, H.; Woan, G.; Worden, J.; Wright, J. L.; Wu, G.; Yablon, J.; Yam, W.; Yamamoto, H.; Yancey, C. C.; Yap, M. J.; Yu, H.; Yvert, M.; Zadrożny, A.; Zangrando, L.; Zanolin, M.; Zendri, J.-P.; Zevin, M.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, C.; Zhou, M.; Zhou, Z.; Zhu, X. J.; Zucker, M. E.; Zuraw, S. E.; Zweizig, J.; LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; Allison, J.; Bannister, K.; Bell, M. E.; Chatterjee, S.; Chippendale, A. P.; Edwards, P. G.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Heywood, Ian; Hotan, A.; Indermuehle, B.; Marvil, J.; McConnell, D.; Murphy, T.; Popping, A.; Reynolds, J.; Sault, R. J.; Voronkov, M. A.; Whiting, M. T.; Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP Collaboration); Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Cunniffe, R.; Jelínek, M.; Tello, J. C.; Oates, S. R.; Hu, Y.-D.; Kubánek, P.; Guziy, S.; Castellón, A.; García-Cerezo, A.; Muñoz, V. F.; Pérez del Pulgar, C.; Castillo-Carrión, S.; Castro Cerón, J. M.; Hudec, R.; Caballero-García, M. D.; Páta, P.; Vitek, S.; Adame, J. A.; Konig, S.; Rendón, F.; Mateo Sanguino, T. de J.; Fernández-Muñoz, R.; Yock, P. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Allen, W. H.; Querel, R.; Jeong, S.; Park, I. H.; Bai, J.; Cui, Ch.; Fan, Y.; Wang, Ch.; Hiriart, D.; Lee, W. H.; Claret, A.; Sánchez-Ramírez, R.; Pandey, S. B.; Mediavilla, T.; Sabau-Graziati, L.; BOOTES Collaboration; Abbott, T. M. C.; Abdalla, F. B.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Armstrong, R.; Benoit-Lévy, A.; Berger, E.; Bernstein, R. A.; Bertin, E.; Brout, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Burke, D. L.; Capozzi, D.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F. J.; Chornock, R.; Cowperthwaite, P. S.; Crocce, M.; Cunha, C. E.; D'Andrea, C. B.; da Costa, L. N.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H. T.; Dietrich, J. P.; Doctor, Z.; Drlica-Wagner, A.; Drout, M. R.; Eifler, T. F.; Estrada, J.; Evrard, A. E.; Fernandez, E.; Finley, D. A.; Flaugher, B.; Foley, R. J.; Fong, W.-F.; Fosalba, P.; Fox, D. B.; Frieman, J.; Fryer, C. L.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D. W.; Goldstein, D. A.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R. A.; Gutierrez, G.; Herner, K.; Honscheid, K.; James, D. J.; Johnson, M. D.; Johnson, M. W. G.; Karliner, I.; Kasen, D.; Kent, S.; Kessler, R.; Kim, A. G.; Carrasco Kind, M.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Li, T. S.; Lima, M.; Lin, H.; Maia, M. A. G.; Margutti, R.; Marriner, J.; Martini, P.; Matheson, T.; Melchior, P.; Metzger, B. D.; Miller, C. J.; Miquel, R.; Neilsen, E.; Nichol, R. C.; Nord, B.; Nugent, P.; Ogando, R.; Petravick, D.; Plazas, A. A.; Quataert, E.; Roe, N.; Romer, A. K.; Roodman, A.; Rosell, A. C.; Rykoff, E. S.; Sako, M.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schindler, R.; Schubnell, M.; Scolnic, D.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Sheldon, E.; Smith, N.; Smith, R. C.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Stebbins, A.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M. E. C.; Tarle, G.; Thaler, J.; Thomas, D.; Thomas, R. C.; Tucker, D. L.; Vikram, V.; Walker, A. R.; Wechsler, R. H.; Wester, W.; Yanny, B.; Zhang, Y.; Zuntz, J.; Dark Energy Survey Collaboration; Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration; Connaughton, V.; Burns, E.; Goldstein, A.; Briggs, M. S.; Zhang, B.-B.; Hui, C. M.; Jenke, P.; Wilson-Hodge, C. A.; Bhat, P. N.; Bissaldi, E.; Cleveland, W.; Fitzpatrick, G.; Giles, M. M.; Gibby, M. H.; Greiner, J.; von Kienlin, A.; Kippen, R. M.; McBreen, S.; Mailyan, B.; Meegan, C. A.; Paciesas, W. S.; Preece, R. D.; Roberts, O.; Sparke, L.; Stanbro, M.; Toelge, K.; Veres, P.; Yu, H.-F.; Blackburn, L.; Fermi GBM Collaboration; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Albert, A.; Anderson, B.; Atwood, W. B.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bellazzini, R.; Bissaldi, E.; Blandford, R. D.; Bloom, E. D.; Bonino, R.; Bottacini, E.; Brandt, T. J.; Bruel, P.; Buson, S.; Caliandro, G. A.; Cameron, R. A.; Caragiulo, M.; Caraveo, P. A.; Cavazzuti, E.; Charles, E.; Chekhtman, A.; Chiang, J.; Chiaro, G.; Ciprini, S.; Cohen-Tanugi, J.; Cominsky, L. R.; Costanza, F.; Cuoco, A.; D'Ammando, F.; de Palma, F.; Desiante, R.; Digel, S. W.; Di Lalla, N.; Di Mauro, M.; Di Venere, L.; Domínguez, A.; Drell, P. S.; Dubois, R.; Favuzzi, C.; Ferrara, E. C.; Franckowiak, A.; Fukazawa, Y.; Funk, S.; Fusco, P.; Gargano, F.; Gasparrini, D.; Giglietto, N.; Giommi, P.; Giordano, F.; Giroletti, M.; Glanzman, T.; Godfrey, G.; Gomez-Vargas, G. A.; Green, D.; Grenier, I. A.; Grove, J. E.; Guiriec, S.; Hadasch, D.; Harding, A. K.; Hays, E.; Hewitt, J. W.; Hill, A. B.; Horan, D.; Jogler, T.; Jóhannesson, G.; Johnson, A. S.; Kensei, S.; Kocevski, D.; Kuss, M.; La Mura, G.; Larsson, S.; Latronico, L.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Longo, F.; Loparco, F.; Lovellette, M. N.; Lubrano, P.; Magill, J.; Maldera, S.; Manfreda, A.; Marelli, M.; Mayer, M.; Mazziotta, M. N.; McEnery, J. E.; Meyer, M.; Michelson, P. F.; Mirabal, N.; Mizuno, T.; Moiseev, A. A.; Monzani, M. E.; Moretti, E.; Morselli, A.; Moskalenko, I. V.; Negro, M.; Nuss, E.; Ohsugi, T.; Omodei, N.; Orienti, M.; Orlando, E.; Ormes, J. F.; Paneque, D.; Perkins, J. S.; Pesce-Rollins, M.; Piron, F.; Pivato, G.; Porter, T. A.; Racusin, J. L.; Rainò, S.; Rando, R.; Razzaque, S.; Reimer, A.; Reimer, O.; Salvetti, D.; Saz Parkinson, P. M.; Sgrò, C.; Simone, D.; Siskind, E. J.; Spada, F.; Spandre, G.; Spinelli, P.; Suson, D. J.; Tajima, H.; Thayer, J. B.; Thompson, D. J.; Tibaldo, L.; Torres, D. F.; Troja, E.; Uchiyama, Y.; Venters, T. M.; Vianello, G.; Wood, K. S.; Wood, M.; Zhu, S.; Zimmer, S.; Fermi LAT Collaboration; Brocato, E.; Cappellaro, E.; Covino, S.; Grado, A.; Nicastro, L.; Palazzi, E.; Pian, E.; Amati, L.; Antonelli, L. A.; Capaccioli, M.; D'Avanzo, P.; D'Elia, V.; Getman, F.; Giuffrida, G.; Iannicola, G.; Limatola, L.; Lisi, M.; Marinoni, S.; Marrese, P.; Melandri, A.; Piranomonte, S.; Possenti, A.; Pulone, L.; Rossi, A.; Stamerra, A.; Stella, L.; Testa, V.; Tomasella, L.; Yang, S.; GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA); Bazzano, A.; Bozzo, E.; Brandt, S.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Ferrigno, C.; Hanlon, L.; Kuulkers, E.; Laurent, P.; Mereghetti, S.; Roques, J. P.; Savchenko, V.; Ubertini, P.; INTEGRAL Collaboration; Kasliwal, M. M.; Singer, L. P.; Cao, Y.; Duggan, G.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Bhalerao, V.; Miller, A. A.; Barlow, T.; Bellm, E.; Manulis, I.; Rana, J.; Laher, R.; Masci, F.; Surace, J.; Rebbapragada, U.; Cook, D.; Van Sistine, A.; Sesar, B.; Perley, D.; Ferreti, R.; Prince, T.; Kendrick, R.; Horesh, A.; Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF Collaboration); Hurley, K.; Golenetskii, S. V.; Aptekar, R. L.; Frederiks, D. D.; Svinkin, D. S.; Rau, A.; von Kienlin, A.; Zhang, X.; Smith, D. M.; Cline, T.; Krimm, H.; InterPlanetary Network; Abe, F.; Doi, M.; Fujisawa, K.; Kawabata, K. S.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Tanaka, M.; Ohta, K.; Yanagisawa, K.; Yoshida, M.; J-GEM Collaboration; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Ellman, N.; Rostami, S.; La Silla-QUEST Survey; Bersier, D. F.; Bode, M. F.; Collins, C. A.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Darnley, M. J.; Galloway, D. K.; Gomboc, A.; Kobayashi, S.; Mazzali, P.; Mundell, C. G.; Piascik, A. S.; Pollacco, Don; Steele, I. A.; Ulaczyk, K.; Liverpool Telescope Collaboration; Broderick, J. W.; Fender, R. P.; Jonker, P. G.; Rowlinson, A.; Stappers, B. W.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Low Frequency Array (LOFAR Collaboration); Lipunov, V.; Gorbovskoy, E.; Tyurina, N.; Kornilov, V.; Balanutsa, P.; Kuznetsov, A.; Buckley, D.; Rebolo, R.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Israelian, G.; Budnev, N. M.; Gress, O.; Ivanov, K.; Poleshuk, V.; Tlatov, A.; Yurkov, V.; MASTER Collaboration; Kawai, N.; Serino, M.; Negoro, H.; Nakahira, S.; Mihara, T.; Tomida, H.; Ueno, S.; Tsunemi, H.; Matsuoka, M.; MAXI Collaboration; Croft, S.; Feng, L.; Franzen, T. M. O.; Gaensler, B. M.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Kaplan, D. L.; Morales, M. F.; Tingay, S. J.; Wayth, R. B.; Williams, A.; Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA Collaboration); Smartt, S. J.; Chambers, K. C.; Smith, K. W.; Huber, M. E.; Young, D. R.; Wright, D. E.; Schultz, A.; Denneau, L.; Flewelling, H.; Magnier, E. A.; Primak, N.; Rest, A.; Sherstyuk, A.; Stalder, B.; Stubbs, C. W.; Tonry, J.; Waters, C.; Willman, M.; Pan-STARRS Collaboration; Olivares E., F.; Campbell, H.; Kotak, R.; Sollerman, J.; Smith, M.; Dennefeld, M.; Anderson, J. P.; Botticella, M. T.; Chen, T.-W.; Della Valle, M.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, M.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Kupfer, T.; Harmanen, J.; Galbany, L.; Le Guillou, L.; Lyman, J. D.; Maguire, K.; Mitra, A.; Nicholl, M.; Razza, A.; Terreran, G.; Valenti, S.; Gal-Yam, A.; PESSTO Collaboration; Ćwiek, A.; Ćwiok, M.; Mankiewicz, L.; Opiela, R.; Zaremba, M.; Żarnecki, A. F.; Pi of Sky Collaboration; Onken, C. A.; Scalzo, R. A.; Schmidt, B. P.; Wolf, C.; Yuan, F.; SkyMapper Collaboration; Evans, P. A.; Kennea, J. A.; Burrows, D. N.; Campana, S.; Cenko, S. B.; Giommi, P.; Marshall, F. E.; Nousek, J.; O'Brien, P.; Osborne, J. P.; Palmer, D.; Perri, M.; Siegel, M.; Tagliaferri, G.; Swift Collaboration; Klotz, A.; Turpin, D.; Laugier, R.; TAROT Collaboration; Zadko Collaboration; Algerian National Observatory, Algerian Collaboration; C2PU Collaboration; Beroiz, M.; Peñuela, T.; Macri, L. M.; Oelkers, R. J.; Lambas, D. G.; Vrech, R.; Cabral, J.; Colazo, C.; Dominguez, M.; Sanchez, B.; Gurovich, S.; Lares, M.; Marshall, J. L.; DePoy, D. L.; Padilla, N.; Pereyra, N. A.; Benacquista, M.; TOROS Collaboration; Tanvir, N. R.; Wiersema, K.; Levan, A. J.; Steeghs, D.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Malesani, D.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Watson, D.; Irwin, M.; Fernandez, C. G.; McMahon, R. G.; Banerji, M.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Schulze, S.; Postigo, A. de U.; Thoene, C. C.; Cano, Z.; Rosswog, S.; VISTA Collaboration


    This Supplement provides supporting material for Abbott et al. (2016a). We briefly summarize past electromagnetic (EM) follow-up efforts as well as the organization and policy of the current EM follow-up program. We compare the four probability sky maps produced for the gravitational-wave transient GW150914, and provide additional details of the EM follow-up observations that were performed in the different bands.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abernathy, M. R.; Adhikari, R. X. [LIGO, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Abbott, T. D. [Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Acernese, F.; Addesso, P. [Università di Salerno, Fisciano, I-84084 Salerno (Italy); Ackley, K. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (United States); Adams, C. [LIGO Livingston Observatory, Livingston, LA 70754 (United States); Adams, T. [Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS/IN2P3, F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux (France); Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Allen, B. [Albert-Einstein-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, D-30167 Hannover (Germany); Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K. [Nikhef, Science Park, 1098 XG Amsterdam (Netherlands); Aggarwal, N. [LIGO, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Aguiar, O. D. [Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, 12227-010 São José dos Campos, SP (Brazil); Aiello, L. [INFN, Gran Sasso Science Institute, I-67100 L’Aquila (Italy); Ain, A. [Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune 411007 (India); Ajith, P., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore 560012 (India); Collaboration: LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration; Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Collaboration; BOOTES Collaboration; Dark Energy Survey and the Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaborations; Fermi GBM Collaboration; Fermi LAT Collaboration; GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA); INTEGRAL Collaboration; Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) Collaboration; InterPlanetary Network; J-GEM Collaboration; La Silla–QUEST Survey; Liverpool Telescope Collaboration; Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) Collaboration; MASTER Collaboration; MAXI Collaboration; Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA) Collaboration; Pan-STARRS Collaboration; PESSTO Collaboration; Pi of the Sky Collaboration; SkyMapper Collaboration; Swift Collaboration; TAROT, Zadko, Algerian National Observatory, and C2PU Collaboration; TOROS Collaboration; VISTA Collaboration; and others


    This Supplement provides supporting material for Abbott et al. (2016a). We briefly summarize past electromagnetic (EM) follow-up efforts as well as the organization and policy of the current EM follow-up program. We compare the four probability sky maps produced for the gravitational-wave transient GW150914, and provide additional details of the EM follow-up observations that were performed in the different bands.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abernathy, M. R.; Adhikari, R. X.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Addesso, P.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Allen, B.; Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K.; Aggarwal, N.; Aguiar, O. D.; Aiello, L.; Ain, A.; Ajith, P.


    This Supplement provides supporting material for Abbott et al. (2016a). We briefly summarize past electromagnetic (EM) follow-up efforts as well as the organization and policy of the current EM follow-up program. We compare the four probability sky maps produced for the gravitational-wave transient GW150914, and provide additional details of the EM follow-up observations that were performed in the different bands.

  1. Desenvolvimento e aplicações de redes neurais wavelets e da teoria de regularização na modelagem de processos


    Claumann, Carlos Alberto


    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Química. Neste trabalho foram propostas modificações na wavenet para melhorar a capacidade de generalização e reduzir o número de neurônios. O desempenho da nova rede foi superior quando comparada com as tradicionais redes feedforward e de base radial na identificação de processos não-lineares: um atrator caótico, um reator biológico em que ocorre inibição do crescimento d...

  2. Caracterização e tratabilidade biológica dos efluentes líquidos gerados em cabines de pintura de uma indústria moveleira Characterization and treatability of wastewater from a dying hood of a furniture industry

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Anselmo R. Lage Santos


    Full Text Available O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os efluentes gerados em cabines de pintura de uma indústria moveleira e avaliar a eficiência de sistemas biológicos (anaeróbio e aeróbio para o seu tratamento. O efluente industrial apresentou elevado teor de matéria orgânica (DQO total de 634 a 2.790 mg.L-1; DBO5 total de 360 a 972 mg.L-1 e baixos teores de macronutrientes (NTK de 1,9 mg.L-1 e Ptotal de 0,5 mg.L- e metais tóxicos. Os ensaios de tratabilidade em reator UASB (~25ºC e tempo de detenção hidráulica - TDH = 10 horas, indicaram uma eficiência máxima de remoção de matéria orgânica de 90% na composição volumétrica 70:30 (efluente industrial:esgoto sanitário. A alimentação do reator UASB só com efluente industrial resultou em acúmulo de ácidos graxos voláteis e inibição microbiana, mas o uso de pós-tratamento aeróbio (TDH = 96h garantiu elevada eficiência global (~88% de remoção de matéria orgânica.The main objective of this work was to characterize the wastewater from the dying hood of a woven furniture industry, and to assess the efficiency of biological processes (anaerobic and aerobic for its treatment. The physical-chemical characterization of the industrial wastewater showed a high organic matter content (total COD from 634 to 2,790 mg.L-1; total BOD5 from 360 to 972 mg.L-1, low content of macronutrients (NTK of 1.9 mg.L-1 and P of 0.5 mg.L-1 and toxic metals. The anaerobic degradation tests in a bench-scale UASB reactor (25ºC and hydraulic retention time - HRT = 10 hours showed that a maximum removal efficiency of 90% was obtained when the reactor was fed with 30% raw sewage and 70% industrial wastewater. The feeding of UASB reactor with only industrial wastewater resulted in volatile fatty acids accumulation and microbial inhibition; however, the use of aerobic post-treatment (HRT = 96 hours granted a high (~88% organic matter removal efficiency.

  3. Computer simulation of thermal-hydraulic transient events in multi-circuits with multipumps

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Veloso, Marcelo Antonio


    PANTERA-2 (from Programa para Analise Termo-hidraulica de Reatores a Agua - Program for Thermal-hydraulic Analysis of Water Reactors, Version 2), whose fundamentals are described in this work, is intended to carry out rod bundle subchannel analysis in conjunction with multiloop simulation. It solves simultaneously the conservation equations of mass, axial and lateral momentum, and energy for subchannel geometry coupled with the balance equations that describe the fluid flows in any number of coolant loops connected to a pressure vessel containing the rod bundle. As far as subchannel analysis is concerned, the basic computational strategy of PANTERA-2 comes from COBRA codes, but an alternative implicit solution method oriented to the pressure field has been used to solve the finite difference approximations for the balance laws. The results provided by the subchannel model comprise the fluid density, enthalpy, flow rate, and pressure fields in the subchannels. The loop model predicts the individual loop flows, total flow through the pressure vessel, and pump rotational speeds as a function of time subsequent to the failure of any number of the coolant pumps. The flow transients in the loops may initiated by partial, total or sequential loss of electric power to the operating pumps. Transient events caused by either shaft break or rotor locking may also be simulated. The changes in rotational speed of the pumps as a function of rime are determined from a torque balance. Pump dynamic head and hydraulic torque are calculated as a function of rotational speed and volumetric flow from two polar homologous curves supplied to the code in the tabular form. In order to illustrate the analytical capability of PANTERA-2, three sample problems are presented and discussed. Comparisons between calculated and measured results indicate that the program reproduces with a good accuracy experimental data for subchannel exit temperatures and critical heat fluxes in 5x5 rod bundles. It

  4. Localization and Broadband Follow-up of the Gravitational-wave Transient GW150914 (United States)

    Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Addesso, P.; Adhikari, R. X.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K.; Aggarwal, N.; Aguiar, O. D.; Aiello, L.; Ain, A.; Ajith, P.; Allen, B.; Allocca, A.; Altin, P. A.; Anderson, S. B.; Anderson, W. G.; Arai, K.; Araya, M. C.; Arceneaux, C. C.; Areeda, J. S.; Arnaud, N.; Arun, K. G.; Ascenzi, S.; Ashton, G.; Ast, M.; Aston, S. M.; Astone, P.; Aufmuth, P.; Aulbert, C.; Babak, S.; Bacon, P.; Bader, M. K. M.; Baker, P. T.; Baldaccini, F.; Ballardin, G.; Ballmer, S. W.; Barayoga, J. C.; Barclay, S. E.; Barish, B. C.; Barker, D.; Barone, F.; Barr, B.; Barsotti, L.; Barsuglia, M.; Barta, D.; Barthelmy, S.; Bartlett, J.; Bartos, I.; Bassiri, R.; Basti, A.; Batch, J. C.; Baune, C.; Bavigadda, V.; Bazzan, M.; Behnke, B.; Bejger, M.; Bell, A. S.; Bell, C. J.; Berger, B. K.; Bergman, J.; Bergmann, G.; Berry, C. P. L.; Bersanetti, D.; Bertolini, A.; Betzwieser, J.; Bhagwat, S.; Bhandare, R.; Bilenko, I. A.; Billingsley, G.; Birch, J.; Birney, R.; Biscans, S.; Bisht, A.; Bitossi, M.; Biwer, C.; Bizouard, M. A.; Blackburn, J. K.; Blair, C. D.; Blair, D. G.; Blair, R. M.; Bloemen, S.; Bock, O.; Bodiya, T. P.; Boer, M.; Bogaert, G.; Bogan, C.; Bohe, A.; Bojtos, P.; Bond, C.; Bondu, F.; Bonnand, R.; Boom, B. A.; Bork, R.; Boschi, V.; Bose, S.; Bouffanais, Y.; Bozzi, A.; Bradaschia, C.; Brady, P. R.; Braginsky, V. B.; Branchesi, M.; Brau, J. E.; Briant, T.; Brillet, A.; Brinkmann, M.; Brisson, V.; Brockill, P.; Brooks, A. F.; Brown, D. A.; Brown, D. D.; Brown, N. M.; Buchanan, C. C.; Buikema, A.; Bulik, T.; Bulten, H. J.; Buonanno, A.; Buskulic, D.; Buy, C.; Byer, R. L.; Cadonati, L.; Cagnoli, G.; Cahillane, C.; Bustillo, J. C.; Callister, T.; Calloni, E.; Camp, J. B.; Cannon, K. C.; Cao, J.; Capano, C. D.; Capocasa, E.; Carbognani, F.; Caride, S.; Diaz, J. C.; Casentini, C.; Caudill, S.; Cavagliá, M.; Cavalier, F.; Cavalieri, R.; Cella, G.; Cepeda, C. B.; Baiardi, L. C.; Cerretani, G.; Cesarini, E.; Chakraborty, R.; Chalermsongsak, T.; Chamberlin, S. J.; Chan, M.; Chao, S.; Charlton, P.; Chassande-Mottin, E.; Chen, H. Y.; Chen, Y.; Cheng, C.; Chincarini, A.; Chiummo, A.; Cho, H. S.; Cho, M.; Chow, J. H.; Christensen, N.; Chu, Q.; Chua, S.; Chung, S.; Ciani, G.; Clara, F.; Clark, J. A.; Cleva, F.; Coccia, E.; Cohadon, P.-F.; Colla, A.; Collette, C. G.; Cominsky, L.; Constancio, M., Jr.; Conte, A.; Conti, L.; Cook, D.; Corbitt, T. R.; Cornish, N.; Corsi, A.; Cortese, S.; Costa, C. A.; Coughlin, M. W.; Coughlin, S. B.; Coulon, J.-P.; Countryman, S. T.; Couvares, P.; Cowan, E. E.; Coward, D. M.; Cowart, M. J.; Coyne, D. C.; Coyne, R.; Craig, K.; Creighton, J. D. E.; Cripe, J.; Crowder, S. G.; Cumming, A.; Cunningham, L.; Cuoco, E.; Dal Canton, T.; Danilishin, S. L.; D'Antonio, S.; Danzmann, K.; Darman, N. S.; Dattilo, V.; Dave, I.; Daveloza, H. P.; Davier, M.; Davies, G. S.; Daw, E. J.; Day, R.; DeBra, D.; Debreczeni, G.; Degallaix, J.; De Laurentis, M.; Deléglise, S.; Del Pozzo, W.; Denker, T.; Dent, T.; Dereli, H.; Dergachev, V.; DeRosa, R. T.; De Rosa, R.; DeSalvo, R.; Dhurandhar, S.; Díaz, M. C.; Di Fiore, L.; Di Giovanni, M.; Di Lieto, A.; Di Pace, S.; Di Palma, I.; Di Virgilio, A.; Dojcinoski, G.; Dolique, V.; Donovan, F.; Dooley, K. L.; Doravari, S.; Douglas, R.; Downes, T. P.; Drago, M.; Drever, R. W. P.; Driggers, J. C.; Du, Z.; Ducrot, M.; Dwyer, S. E.; Edo, T. B.; Edwards, M. C.; Effler, A.; Eggenstein, H.-B.; Ehrens, P.; Eichholz, J.; Eikenberry, S. S.; Engels, W.; Essick, R. C.; Etzel, T.; Evans, M.; Evans, T. M.; Everett, R.; Factourovich, M.; Fafone, V.; Fair, H.; Fairhurst, S.; Fan, X.; Fang, Q.; Farinon, S.; Farr, B.; Farr, W. M.; Favata, M.; Fays, M.; Fehrmann, H.; Fejer, M. M.; Ferrante, I.; Ferreira, E. C.; Ferrini, F.; Fidecaro, F.; Fiori, I.; Fiorucci, D.; Fisher, R. P.; Flaminio, R.; Fletcher, M.; Fournier, J.-D.; Franco, S.; Frasca, S.; Frasconi, F.; Frei, Z.; Freise, A.; Frey, R.; Frey, V.; Fricke, T. T.; Fritschel, P.; Frolov, V. V.; Fulda, P.; Fyffe, M.; Gabbard, H. A. G.; Gair, J. R.; Gammaitoni, L.; Gaonkar, S. G.; Garufi, F.; Gatto, A.; Gaur, G.; Gehrels, N.; Gemme, G.; Gendre, B.; Genin, E.; Gennai, A.; George, J.; Gergely, L.; Germain, V.; Ghosh, A.; Ghosh, S.; Giaime, J. A.; Giardina, K. D.; Giazotto, A.; Gill, K.; Glaefke, A.; Goetz, E.; Goetz, R.; Gondan, L.; González, G.; Castro, J. M. G.; Gopakumar, A.; Gordon, N. A.; Gorodetsky, M. L.; Gossan, S. E.; Gosselin, M.; Gouaty, R.; Graef, C.; Graff, P. B.; Granata, M.; Grant, A.; Gras, S.; Gray, C.; Greco, G.; Green, A. C.; Groot, P.; Grote, H.; Grunewald, S.; Guidi, G. M.; Guo, X.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, M. K.; Gushwa, K. E.; Gustafson, E. K.; Gustafson, R.; Hacker, J. J.; Hall, B. R.; Hall, E. D.; Hammond, G.; Haney, M.; Hanke, M. M.; Hanks, J.; Hanna, C.; Hannam, M. D.; Hanson, J.; Hardwick, T.; Haris, K.; Harms, J.; Harry, G. M.; Harry, I. W.; Hart, M. J.; Hartman, M. T.; Haster, C.-J.; Haughian, K.; Heidmann, A.; Heintze, M. C.; Heitmann, H.; Hello, P.; Hemming, G.; Hendry, M.; Heng, I. S.; Hennig, J.; Heptonstall, A. W.; Heurs, M.; Hild, S.; Hoak, D.; Hodge, K. A.; Hofman, D.; Hollitt, S. E.; Holt, K.; Holz, D. E.; Hopkins, P.; Hosken, D. J.; Hough, J.; Houston, E. A.; Howell, E. J.; Hu, Y. M.; Huang, S.; Huerta, E. A.; Huet, D.; Hughey, B.; Husa, S.; Huttner, S. H.; Huynh-Dinh, T.; Idrisy, A.; Indik, N.; Ingram, D. R.; Inta, R.; Isa, H. N.; Isac, J.-M.; Isi, M.; Islas, G.; Isogai, T.; Iyer, B. R.; Izumi, K.; Jacqmin, T.; Jang, H.; Jani, K.; Jaranowski, P.; Jawahar, S.; Jiménez-Forteza, F.; Johnson, W. W.; Jones, D. I.; Jones, R.; Jonker, R. J. G.; Ju, L.; Kalaghatgi, C. V.; Kalogera, V.; Kandhasamy, S.; Kang, G.; Kanner, J. B.; Karki, S.; Kasprzack, M.; Katsavounidis, E.; Katzman, W.; Kaufer, S.; Kaur, T.; Kawabe, K.; Kawazoe, F.; Kéfélian, F.; Kehl, M. S.; Keitel, D.; Kelley, D. B.; Kells, W.; Kennedy, R.; Key, J. S.; Khalaidovski, A.; Khalili, F. Y.; Khan, I.; Khan, S.; Khan, Z.; Khazanov, E. A.; Kijbunchoo, N.; Kim, C.; Kim, J.; Kim, K.; Kim, N.; Kim, N.; Kim, Y.-M.; King, E. J.; King, P. J.; Kinzel, D. L.; Kissel, J. S.; Kleybolte, L.; Klimenko, S.; Koehlenbeck, S. M.; Kokeyama, K.; Koley, S.; Kondrashov, V.; Kontos, A.; Korobko, M.; Korth, W. Z.; Kowalska, I.; Kozak, D. B.; Kringel, V.; Królak, A.; Krueger, C.; Kuehn, G.; Kumar, P.; Kuo, L.; Kutynia, A.; Lackey, B. D.; Landry, M.; Lange, J.; Lantz, B.; Lasky, P. D.; Lazzarini, A.; Lazzaro, C.; Leaci, P.; Leavey, S.; Lebigot, E. O.; Lee, C. H.; Lee, H. K.; Lee, H. M.; Lee, K.; Lenon, A.; Leonardi, M.; Leong, J. R.; Leroy, N.; Letendre, N.; Levin, Y.; Levine, B. M.; Li, T. G. F.; Libson, A.; Littenberg, T. B.; Lockerbie, N. A.; Logue, J.; Lombardi, A. L.; Lord, J. E.; Lorenzini, M.; Loriette, V.; Lormand, M.; Losurdo, G.; Lough, J. D.; Lück, H.; Lundgren, A. P.; Luo, J.; Lynch, R.; Ma, Y.; MacDonald, T.; Machenschalk, B.; MacInnis, M.; Macleod, D. M.; Magaña-Sandoval, F.; Magee, R. M.; Mageswaran, M.; Majorana, E.; Maksimovic, I.; Malvezzi, V.; Man, N.; Mandel, I.; Mandic, V.; Mangano, V.; Mansell, G. L.; Manske, M.; Mantovani, M.; Marchesoni, F.; Marion, F.; Márka, S.; Márka, Z.; Markosyan, A. S.; Maros, E.; Martelli, F.; Martellini, L.; Martin, I. W.; Martin, R. M.; Martynov, D. V.; Marx, J. N.; Mason, K.; Masserot, A.; Massinger, T. J.; Masso-Reid, M.; Matichard, F.; Matone, L.; Mavalvala, N.; Mazumder, N.; Mazzolo, G.; McCarthy, R.; McClelland, D. E.; McCormick, S.; McGuire, S. C.; McIntyre, G.; McIver, J.; McManus, D. J.; McWilliams, S. T.; Meacher, D.; Meadors, G. D.; Meidam, J.; Melatos, A.; Mendell, G.; Mendoza-Gandara, D.; Mercer, R. A.; Merilh, E.; Merzougui, M.; Meshkov, S.; Messenger, C.; Messick, C.; Meyers, P. M.; Mezzani, F.; Miao, H.; Michel, C.; Middleton, H.; Mikhailov, E. E.; Milano, L.; Miller, J.; Millhouse, M.; Minenkov, Y.; Ming, J.; Mirshekari, S.; Mishra, C.; Mitra, S.; Mitrofanov, V. P.; Mitselmakher, G.; Mittleman, R.; Moggi, A.; Mohan, M.; Mohapatra, S. R. P.; Montani, M.; Moore, B. C.; Moore, C. J.; Moraru, D.; Moreno, G.; Morriss, S. R.; Mossavi, K.; Mours, B.; Mow-Lowry, C. M.; Mueller, C. L.; Mueller, G.; Muir, A. W.; Mukherjee, A.; Mukherjee, D.; Mukherjee, S.; Mukund, N.; Mullavey, A.; Munch, J.; Murphy, D. J.; Murray, P. G.; Mytidis, A.; Nardecchia, I.; Naticchioni, L.; Nayak, R. K.; Necula, V.; Nedkova, K.; Nelemans, G.; Neri, M.; Neunzert, A.; Newton, G.; Nguyen, T. T.; Nielsen, A. B.; Nissanke, S.; Nitz, A.; Nocera, F.; Nolting, D.; Normandin, M. E. N.; Nuttall, L. K.; Oberling, J.; Ochsner, E.; O'Dell, J.; Oelker, E.; Ogin, G. H.; Oh, J. J.; Oh, S. H.; Ohme, F.; Oliver, M.; Oppermann, P.; Oram, R. J.; O'Reilly, B.; O'Shaughnessy, R.; Ottaway, D. J.; Ottens, R. S.; Overmier, H.; Owen, B. J.; Pai, A.; Pai, S. A.; Palamos, J. R.; Palashov, O.; Palliyaguru, N.; Palomba, C.; Pal-Singh, A.; Pan, H.; Pankow, C.; Pannarale, F.; Pant, B. C.; Paoletti, F.; Paoli, A.; Papa, M. A.; Paris, H. R.; Parker, W.; Pascucci, D.; Pasqualetti, A.; Passaquieti, R.; Passuello, D.; Patricelli, B.; Patrick, Z.; Pearlstone, B. L.; Pedraza, M.; Pedurand, R.; Pekowsky, L.; Pele, A.; Penn, S.; Perreca, A.; Phelps, M.; Piccinni, O.; Pichot, M.; Piergiovanni, F.; Pierro, V.; Pillant, G.; Pinard, L.; Pinto, I. M.; Pitkin, M.; Poggiani, R.; Popolizio, P.; Post, A.; Powell, J.; Prasad, J.; Predoi, V.; Premachandra, S. S.; Prestegard, T.; Price, L. R.; Prijatelj, M.; Principe, M.; Privitera, S.; Prodi, G. A.; Prokhorov, L.; Puncken, O.; Punturo, M.; Puppo, P.; Pürrer, M.; Qi, H.; Qin, J.; Quetschke, V.; Quintero, E. A.; Quitzow-James, R.; Raab, F. J.; Rabeling, D. S.; Radkins, H.; Raffai, P.; Raja, S.; Rakhmanov, M.; Rapagnani, P.; Raymond, V.; Razzano, M.; Re, V.; Read, J.; Reed, C. M.; Regimbau, T.; Rei, L.; Reid, S.; Reitze, D. H.; Rew, H.; Reyes, S. D.; Ricci, F.; Riles, K.; Robertson, N. A.; Robie, R.; Robinet, F.; Rocchi, A.; Rolland, L.; Rollins, J. G.; Roma, V. J.; Romano, R.; Romanov, G.; Romie, J. H.; Rosińska, D.; Rowan, S.; Rüdiger, A.; Ruggi, P.; Ryan, K.; Sachdev, S.; Sadecki, T.; Sadeghian, L.; Salconi, L.; Saleem, M.; Salemi, F.; Samajdar, A.; Sammut, L.; Sanchez, E. J.; Sandberg, V.; Sandeen, B.; Sanders, J. R.; Sassolas, B.; Sathyaprakash, B. S.; Saulson, P. R.; Sauter, O.; Savage, R. L.; Sawadsky, A.; Schale, P.; Schilling, R.; Schmidt, J.; Schmidt, P.; Schnabel, R.; Schofield, R. M. S.; Schönbeck, A.; Schreiber, E.; Schuette, D.; Schutz, B. F.; Scott, J.; Scott, S. M.; Sellers, D.; Sentenac, D.; Sequino, V.; Sergeev, A.; Serna, G.; Setyawati, Y.; Sevigny, A.; Shaddock, D. A.; Shah, S.; Shahriar, M. S.; Shaltev, M.; Shao, Z.; Shapiro, B.; Shawhan, P.; Sheperd, A.; Shoemaker, D. H.; Shoemaker, D. M.; Siellez, K.; Siemens, X.; Sigg, D.; Silva, A. D.; Simakov, D.; Singer, A.; Singh, A.; Singh, R.; Singhal, A.; Sintes, A. M.; Slagmolen, B. J. J.; Smith, J. R.; Smith, N. D.; Smith, R. J. E.; Son, E. J.; Sorazu, B.; Sorrentino, F.; Souradeep, T.; Srivastava, A. K.; Staley, A.; Steinke, M.; Steinlechner, J.; Steinlechner, S.; Steinmeyer, D.; Stephens, B. C.; Stone, R.; Strain, K. A.; Straniero, N.; Stratta, G.; Strauss, N. A.; Strigin, S.; Sturani, R.; Stuver, A. L.; Summerscales, T. Z.; Sun, L.; Sutton, P. J.; Swinkels, B. L.; Szczepańczyk, M. J.; Tacca, M.; Talukder, D.; Tanner, D. B.; Tápai, M.; Tarabrin, S. P.; Taracchini, A.; Taylor, R.; Theeg, T.; Thirugnanasambandam, M. P.; Thomas, E. G.; Thomas, M.; Thomas, P.; Thorne, K. A.; Thorne, K. S.; Thrane, E.; Tiwari, S.; Tiwari, V.; Tokmakov, K. V.; Tomlinson, C.; Tonelli, M.; Torres, C. V.; Torrie, C. I.; Töyrä, D.; Travasso, F.; Traylor, G.; Trifirò, D.; Tringali, M. C.; Trozzo, L.; Tse, M.; Turconi, M.; Tuyenbayev, D.; Ugolini, D.; Unnikrishnan, C. S.; Urban, A. L.; Usman, S. A.; Vahlbruch, H.; Vajente, G.; Valdes, G.; van Bakel, N.; van Beuzekom, M.; van den Brand, J. F. J.; Van Den Broeck, C.; Vander-Hyde, D. C.; van der Schaaf, L.; van Heijningen, J. V.; van Veggel, A. A.; Vardaro, M.; Vass, S.; Vasúth, M.; Vaulin, R.; Vecchio, A.; Vedovato, G.; Veitch, J.; Veitch, P. J.; Venkateswara, K.; Verkindt, D.; Vetrano, F.; Viceré, A.; Vinciguerra, S.; Vine, D. J.; Vinet, J.-Y.; Vitale, S.; Vo, T.; Vocca, H.; Vorvick, C.; Voss, D.; Vousden, W. D.; Vyatchanin, S. P.; Wade, A. R.; Wade, L. E.; Wade, M.; Walker, M.; Wallace, L.; Walsh, S.; Wang, G.; Wang, H.; Wang, M.; Wang, X.; Wang, Y.; Ward, R. L.; Warner, J.; Was, M.; Weaver, B.; Wei, L.-W.; Weinert, M.; Weinstein, A. J.; Weiss, R.; Welborn, T.; Wen, L.; Weßels, P.; Westphal, T.; Wette, K.; Whelan, J. T.; White, D. J.; Whiting, B. F.; Williams, R. D.; Williamson, A. R.; Willis, J. L.; Willke, B.; Wimmer, M. H.; Winkler, W.; Wipf, C. C.; Wittel, H.; Woan, G.; Worden, J.; Wright, J. L.; Wu, G.; Yablon, J.; Yam, W.; Yamamoto, H.; Yancey, C. C.; Yap, M. J.; Yu, H.; Yvert, M.; Zadrożny, A.; Zangrando, L.; Zanolin, M.; Zendri, J.-P.; Zevin, M.; Zhang, F.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, C.; Zhou, M.; Zhou, Z.; Zhu, X. J.; Zucker, M. E.; Zuraw, S. E.; Zweizig, J.; LIGO Scientific Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; Allison, J.; Bannister, K.; Bell, M. E.; Chatterjee, S.; Chippendale, A. P.; Edwards, P. G.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Heywood, Ian; Hotan, A.; Indermuehle, B.; Marvil, J.; McConnell, D.; Murphy, T.; Popping, A.; Reynolds, J.; Sault, R. J.; Voronkov, M. A.; Whiting, M. T.; Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP Collaboration); Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Cunniffe, R.; Jelínek, M.; Tello, J. C.; Oates, S. R.; Hu, Y.-D.; Kubánek, P.; Guziy, S.; Castellón, A.; García-Cerezo, A.; Muñoz, V. F.; Pérez del Pulgar, C.; Castillo-Carrión, S.; Castro Cerón, J. M.; Hudec, R.; Caballero-García, M. D.; Páta, P.; Vitek, S.; Adame, J. A.; Konig, S.; Rendón, F.; Mateo Sanguino, T. de J.; Fernández-Muñoz, R.; Yock, P. C.; Rattenbury, N.; Allen, W. H.; Querel, R.; Jeong, S.; Park, I. H.; Bai, J.; Cui, Ch.; Fan, Y.; Wang, Ch.; Hiriart, D.; Lee, W. H.; Claret, A.; Sánchez-Ramírez, R.; Pandey, S. B.; Mediavilla, T.; Sabau-Graziati, L.; BOOTES Collaboration; Abbott, T. M. C.; Abdalla, F. B.; Allam, S.; Annis, J.; Armstrong, R.; Benoit-Lévy, A.; Berger, E.; Bernstein, R. A.; Bertin, E.; Brout, D.; Buckley-Geer, E.; Burke, D. L.; Capozzi, D.; Carretero, J.; Castander, F. J.; Chornock, R.; Cowperthwaite, P. S.; Crocce, M.; Cunha, C. E.; D'Andrea, C. B.; da Costa, L. N.; Desai, S.; Diehl, H. T.; Dietrich, J. P.; Doctor, Z.; Drlica-Wagner, A.; Drout, M. R.; Eifler, T. F.; Estrada, J.; Evrard, A. E.; Fernandez, E.; Finley, D. A.; Flaugher, B.; Foley, R. J.; Fong, W.-F.; Fosalba, P.; Fox, D. B.; Frieman, J.; Fryer, C. L.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gerdes, D. W.; Goldstein, D. A.; Gruen, D.; Gruendl, R. A.; Gutierrez, G.; Herner, K.; Honscheid, K.; James, D. J.; Johnson, M. D.; Johnson, M. W. G.; Karliner, I.; Kasen, D.; Kent, S.; Kessler, R.; Kim, A. G.; Kind, M. C.; Kuehn, K.; Kuropatkin, N.; Lahav, O.; Li, T. S.; Lima, M.; Lin, H.; Maia, M. A. G.; Margutti, R.; Marriner, J.; Martini, P.; Matheson, T.; Melchior, P.; Metzger, B. D.; Miller, C. J.; Miquel, R.; Neilsen, E.; Nichol, R. C.; Nord, B.; Nugent, P.; Ogando, R.; Petravick, D.; Plazas, A. A.; Quataert, E.; Roe, N.; Romer, A. K.; Roodman, A.; Rosell, A. C.; Rykoff, E. S.; Sako, M.; Sanchez, E.; Scarpine, V.; Schindler, R.; Schubnell, M.; Scolnic, D.; Sevilla-Noarbe, I.; Sheldon, E.; Smith, N.; Smith, R. C.; Soares-Santos, M.; Sobreira, F.; Stebbins, A.; Suchyta, E.; Swanson, M. E. C.; Tarle, G.; Thaler, J.; Thomas, D.; Thomas, R. C.; Tucker, D. L.; Vikram, V.; Walker, A. R.; Wechsler, R. H.; Wester, W.; Yanny, B.; Zhang, Y.; Zuntz, J.; Dark Energy Survey Collaboration; Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaboration; Connaughton, V.; Burns, E.; Goldstein, A.; Briggs, M. S.; Zhang, B.-B.; Hui, C. M.; Jenke, P.; Wilson-Hodge, C. A.; Bhat, P. N.; Bissaldi, E.; Cleveland, W.; Fitzpatrick, G.; Giles, M. M.; Gibby, M. H.; Greiner, J.; von Kienlin, A.; Kippen, R. M.; McBreen, S.; Mailyan, B.; Meegan, C. A.; Paciesas, W. S.; Preece, R. D.; Roberts, O.; Sparke, L.; Stanbro, M.; Toelge, K.; Veres, P.; Yu, H.-F.; Blackburn, L.; Fermi GBM Collaboration; Ackermann, M.; Ajello, M.; Albert, A.; Anderson, B.; Atwood, W. B.; Axelsson, M.; Baldini, L.; Barbiellini, G.; Bastieri, D.; Bellazzini, R.; Bissaldi, E.; Blandford, R. D.; Bloom, E. D.; Bonino, R.; Bottacini, E.; Brandt, T. J.; Bruel, P.; Buson, S.; Caliandro, G. A.; Cameron, R. A.; Caragiulo, M.; Caraveo, P. A.; Cavazzuti, E.; Charles, E.; Chekhtman, A.; Chiang, J.; Chiaro, G.; Ciprini, S.; Cohen-Tanugi, J.; Cominsky, L. R.; Costanza, F.; Cuoco, A.; D'Ammando, F.; de Palma, F.; Desiante, R.; Digel, S. W.; Di Lalla, N.; Di Mauro, M.; Di Venere, L.; Domínguez, A.; Drell, P. S.; Dubois, R.; Favuzzi, C.; Ferrara, E. C.; Franckowiak, A.; Fukazawa, Y.; Funk, S.; Fusco, P.; Gargano, F.; Gasparrini, D.; Giglietto, N.; Giommi, P.; Giordano, F.; Giroletti, M.; Glanzman, T.; Godfrey, G.; Gomez-Vargas, G. A.; Green, D.; Grenier, I. A.; Grove, J. E.; Guiriec, S.; Hadasch, D.; Harding, A. K.; Hays, E.; Hewitt, J. W.; Hill, A. B.; Horan, D.; Jogler, T.; Jóhannesson, G.; Johnson, A. S.; Kensei, S.; Kocevski, D.; Kuss, M.; La Mura, G.; Larsson, S.; Latronico, L.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Longo, F.; Loparco, F.; Lovellette, M. N.; Lubrano, P.; Magill, J.; Maldera, S.; Manfreda, A.; Marelli, M.; Mayer, M.; Mazziotta, M. N.; McEnery, J. E.; Meyer, M.; Michelson, P. F.; Mirabal, N.; Mizuno, T.; Moiseev, A. A.; Monzani, M. E.; Moretti, E.; Morselli, A.; Moskalenko, I. V.; Negro, M.; Nuss, E.; Ohsugi, T.; Omodei, N.; Orienti, M.; Orlando, E.; Ormes, J. F.; Paneque, D.; Perkins, J. S.; Pesce-Rollins, M.; Piron, F.; Pivato, G.; Porter, T. A.; Racusin, J. L.; Rainò, S.; Rando, R.; Razzaque, S.; Reimer, A.; Reimer, O.; Salvetti, D.; Saz Parkinson, P. M.; Sgrò, C.; Simone, D.; Siskind, E. J.; Spada, F.; Spandre, G.; Spinelli, P.; Suson, D. J.; Tajima, H.; Thayer, J. B.; Thompson, D. J.; Tibaldo, L.; Torres, D. F.; Troja, E.; Uchiyama, Y.; Venters, T. M.; Vianello, G.; Wood, K. S.; Wood, M.; Zhu, S.; Zimmer, S.; Fermi LAT Collaboration; Brocato, E.; Cappellaro, E.; Covino, S.; Grado, A.; Nicastro, L.; Palazzi, E.; Pian, E.; Amati, L.; Antonelli, L. A.; Capaccioli, M.; D'Avanzo, P.; D'Elia, V.; Getman, F.; Giuffrida, G.; Iannicola, G.; Limatola, L.; Lisi, M.; Marinoni, S.; Marrese, P.; Melandri, A.; Piranomonte, S.; Possenti, A.; Pulone, L.; Rossi, A.; Stamerra, A.; Stella, L.; Testa, V.; Tomasella, L.; Yang, S.; GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA); Bazzano, A.; Bozzo, E.; Brandt, S.; Courvoisier, T. J.-L.; Ferrigno, C.; Hanlon, L.; Kuulkers, E.; Laurent, P.; Mereghetti, S.; Roques, J. P.; Savchenko, V.; Ubertini, P.; INTEGRAL Collaboration; Kasliwal, M. M.; Singer, L. P.; Cao, Y.; Duggan, G.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Bhalerao, V.; Miller, A. A.; Barlow, T.; Bellm, E.; Manulis, I.; Rana, J.; Laher, R.; Masci, F.; Surace, J.; Rebbapragada, U.; Cook, D.; Van Sistine, A.; Sesar, B.; Perley, D.; Ferreti, R.; Prince, T.; Kendrick, R.; Horesh, A.; Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF Collaboration); Hurley, K.; Golenetskii, S. V.; Aptekar, R. L.; Frederiks, D. D.; Svinkin, D. S.; Rau, A.; von Kienlin, A.; Zhang, X.; Smith, D. M.; Cline, T.; Krimm, H.; InterPlanetary Network; Abe, F.; Doi, M.; Fujisawa, K.; Kawabata, K. S.; Morokuma, T.; Motohara, K.; Tanaka, M.; Ohta, K.; Yanagisawa, K.; Yoshida, M.; J-GEM Collaboration; Baltay, C.; Rabinowitz, D.; Ellman, N.; Rostami, S.; La Silla-QUEST Survey; Bersier, D. F.; Bode, M. F.; Collins, C. A.; Copperwheat, C. M.; Darnley, M. J.; Galloway, D. K.; Gomboc, A.; Kobayashi, S.; Mazzali, P.; Mundell, C. G.; Piascik, A. S.; Pollacco, Don; Steele, I. A.; Ulaczyk, K.; Liverpool Telescope Collaboration; Broderick, J. W.; Fender, R. P.; Jonker, P. G.; Rowlinson, A.; Stappers, B. W.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Low Frequency Array (LOFAR Collaboration); Lipunov, V.; Gorbovskoy, E.; Tyurina, N.; Kornilov, V.; Balanutsa, P.; Kuznetsov, A.; Buckley, D.; Rebolo, R.; Serra-Ricart, M.; Israelian, G.; Budnev, N. M.; Gress, O.; Ivanov, K.; Poleshuk, V.; Tlatov, A.; Yurkov, V.; MASTER Collaboration; Kawai, N.; Serino, M.; Negoro, H.; Nakahira, S.; Mihara, T.; Tomida, H.; Ueno, S.; Tsunemi, H.; Matsuoka, M.; MAXI Collaboration; Croft, S.; Feng, L.; Franzen, T. M. O.; Gaensler, B. M.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Kaplan, D. L.; Morales, M. F.; Tingay, S. J.; Wayth, R. B.; Williams, A.; Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA Collaboration); Smartt, S. J.; Chambers, K. C.; Smith, K. W.; Huber, M. E.; Young, D. R.; Wright, D. E.; Schultz, A.; Denneau, L.; Flewelling, H.; Magnier, E. A.; Primak, N.; Rest, A.; Sherstyuk, A.; Stalder, B.; Stubbs, C. W.; Tonry, J.; Waters, C.; Willman, M.; Pan-STARRS Collaboration; Olivares E., F.; Campbell, H.; Kotak, R.; Sollerman, J.; Smith, M.; Dennefeld, M.; Anderson, J. P.; Botticella, M. T.; Chen, T.-W.; Della Valle, M.; Elias-Rosa, N.; Fraser, M.; Inserra, C.; Kankare, E.; Kupfer, T.; Harmanen, J.; Galbany, L.; Le Guillou, L.; Lyman, J. D.; Maguire, K.; Mitra, A.; Nicholl, M.; Razza, A.; Terreran, G.; Valenti, S.; Gal-Yam, A.; PESSTO Collaboration; Ćwiek, A.; Ćwiok, M.; Mankiewicz, L.; Opiela, R.; Zaremba, M.; Żarnecki, A. F.; Pi of Sky Collaboration; Onken, C. A.; Scalzo, R. A.; Schmidt, B. P.; Wolf, C.; Yuan, F.; SkyMapper Collaboration; Evans, P. A.; Kennea, J. A.; Burrows, D. N.; Campana, S.; Cenko, S. B.; Giommi, P.; Marshall, F. E.; Nousek, J.; O'Brien, P.; Osborne, J. P.; Palmer, D.; Perri, M.; Siegel, M.; Tagliaferri, G.; Swift Collaboration; Klotz, A.; Turpin, D.; Laugier, R.; TAROT Collaboration; Zadko Collaboration; Algerian National Observatory Collaboration; C2PU Collaboration; Beroiz, M.; Peñuela, T.; Macri, L. M.; Oelkers, R. J.; Lambas, D. G.; Vrech, R.; Cabral, J.; Colazo, C.; Dominguez, M.; Sanchez, B.; Gurovich, S.; Lares, M.; Marshall, J. L.; DePoy, D. L.; Padilla, N.; Pereyra, N. A.; Benacquista, M.; TOROS Collaboration; Tanvir, N. R.; Wiersema, K.; Levan, A. J.; Steeghs, D.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J. P. U.; Malesani, D.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Watson, D.; Irwin, M.; Fernandez, C. G.; McMahon, R. G.; Banerji, M.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Schulze, S.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Thoene, C. C.; Cano, Z.; Rosswog, S.; VISTA Collaboration


    A gravitational-wave (GW) transient was identified in data recorded by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors on 2015 September 14. The event, initially designated G184098 and later given the name GW150914, is described in detail elsewhere. By prior arrangement, preliminary estimates of the time, significance, and sky location of the event were shared with 63 teams of observers covering radio, optical, near-infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths with ground- and space-based facilities. In this Letter we describe the low-latency analysis of the GW data and present the sky localization of the first observed compact binary merger. We summarize the follow-up observations reported by 25 teams via private Gamma-ray Coordinates Network circulars, giving an overview of the participating facilities, the GW sky localization coverage, the timeline, and depth of the observations. As this event turned out to be a binary black hole merger, there is little expectation of a detectable electromagnetic (EM) signature. Nevertheless, this first broadband campaign to search for a counterpart of an Advanced LIGO source represents a milestone and highlights the broad capabilities of the transient astronomy community and the observing strategies that have been developed to pursue neutron star binary merger events. Detailed investigations of the EM data and results of the EM follow-up campaign are being disseminated in papers by the individual teams.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abernathy, M. R.; Adhikari, R. X. [LIGO, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Abbott, T. D. [Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (United States); Acernese, F.; Addesso, P. [Università di Salerno, Fisciano, I-84084 Salerno (Italy); Ackley, K. [University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (United States); Adams, C. [LIGO Livingston Observatory, Livingston, LA 70754 (United States); Adams, T. [Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS/IN2P3, F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux (France); Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Allen, B. [Albert-Einstein-Institut, Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik, D-30167 Hannover (Germany); Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K. [Nikhef, Science Park, 1098 XG Amsterdam (Netherlands); Aggarwal, N. [LIGO, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 (United States); Aguiar, O. D. [Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, 12227-010 São José dos Campos, SP (Brazil); Aiello, L. [INFN, Gran Sasso Science Institute, I-67100 L’Aquila (Italy); Ain, A. [Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune 411007 (India); Ajith, P., E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail: [International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore 560012 (India); Collaboration: LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration; Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Collaboration; BOOTES Collaboration; Dark Energy Survey and the Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collaborations; Fermi GBM Collaboration; Fermi LAT Collaboration; GRAvitational Wave Inaf TeAm (GRAWITA); INTEGRAL Collaboration; Intermediate Palomar Transient Factory (iPTF) Collaboration; InterPlanetary Network; J-GEM Collaboration; La Silla–QUEST Survey; Liverpool Telescope Collaboration; Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) Collaboration; MASTER Collaboration; MAXI Collaboration; Murchison Wide-field Array (MWA) Collaboration; Pan-STARRS Collaboration; PESSTO Collaboration; Pi of the Sky Collaboration; SkyMapper Collaboration; Swift Collaboration; TAROT, Zadko, Algerian National Observatory, and C2PU Collaboration; TOROS Collaboration; VISTA Collaboration; and others


    A gravitational-wave (GW) transient was identified in data recorded by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors on 2015 September 14. The event, initially designated G184098 and later given the name GW150914, is described in detail elsewhere. By prior arrangement, preliminary estimates of the time, significance, and sky location of the event were shared with 63 teams of observers covering radio, optical, near-infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths with ground- and space-based facilities. In this Letter we describe the low-latency analysis of the GW data and present the sky localization of the first observed compact binary merger. We summarize the follow-up observations reported by 25 teams via private Gamma-ray Coordinates Network circulars, giving an overview of the participating facilities, the GW sky localization coverage, the timeline, and depth of the observations. As this event turned out to be a binary black hole merger, there is little expectation of a detectable electromagnetic (EM) signature. Nevertheless, this first broadband campaign to search for a counterpart of an Advanced LIGO source represents a milestone and highlights the broad capabilities of the transient astronomy community and the observing strategies that have been developed to pursue neutron star binary merger events. Detailed investigations of the EM data and results of the EM follow-up campaign are being disseminated in papers by the individual teams.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abernathy, M. R.; Adhikari, R. X.; Abbott, T. D.; Acernese, F.; Addesso, P.; Ackley, K.; Adams, C.; Adams, T.; Adya, V. B.; Affeldt, C.; Allen, B.; Agathos, M.; Agatsuma, K.; Aggarwal, N.; Aguiar, O. D.; Aiello, L.; Ain, A.; Ajith, P.


    A gravitational-wave (GW) transient was identified in data recorded by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors on 2015 September 14. The event, initially designated G184098 and later given the name GW150914, is described in detail elsewhere. By prior arrangement, preliminary estimates of the time, significance, and sky location of the event were shared with 63 teams of observers covering radio, optical, near-infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths with ground- and space-based facilities. In this Letter we describe the low-latency analysis of the GW data and present the sky localization of the first observed compact binary merger. We summarize the follow-up observations reported by 25 teams via private Gamma-ray Coordinates Network circulars, giving an overview of the participating facilities, the GW sky localization coverage, the timeline, and depth of the observations. As this event turned out to be a binary black hole merger, there is little expectation of a detectable electromagnetic (EM) signature. Nevertheless, this first broadband campaign to search for a counterpart of an Advanced LIGO source represents a milestone and highlights the broad capabilities of the transient astronomy community and the observing strategies that have been developed to pursue neutron star binary merger events. Detailed investigations of the EM data and results of the EM follow-up campaign are being disseminated in papers by the individual teams.

  7. Aplicação de espumas cerâmicas produzidas via "gelcasting" em biorreator para tratamento anaeróbio de águas residuárias Use of ceramic foams produced via gelcasting in bioreactor for anaerobic treatment of wastewater

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    F. S. Ortega


    Full Text Available O desenvolvimento da biotecnologia anaeróbia de tratamento de águas residuárias, resultou em novas configurações de biorreatores, nas quais uma importante característica é a existência de condições favoráveis à imobilização de biomassa ativa responsável pela degradação biológica de resíduos poluentes. Características como a resistência à degradação biológica e boa resistência mecânica associadas a uma estrutura celular fazem das espumas cerâmicas excelentes candidatas à fabricação de suportes para imobilização da biomassa. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se o processo "gelcasting" associado à aeração de uma suspensão para produzir suportes de espuma cerâmica. Foram utilizadas alumina e caulinita, materiais estes em que predominam cargas superficiais positiva e negativa, respectivamente, na faixa de pH 7, em que operam os reatores. Após a queima, as espumas foram caracterizadas quanto à densidade aparente e à permeabilidade, e em seguida submetidas a um ciclo de 35 dias em reator diferencial alimentado com esgoto sanitário sintético. Materiais como argila expandida e borracha de etileno-propileno (EPR foram submetidos a ciclo similar e comparados aos materiais cerâmicos. Os resultados permitem avaliar as vantagens e desvantagens das espumas cerâmicas como suporte para a imobilização de microorganismos frente a outros materiais.The development of anaerobic biotechnology for treatment of wastewater has led to new configurations of bioreactors, which have as an important feature the establishment of favorable conditions for the fixation of biomass that will degrade organic material present in wastewaters. Characteristics such as high resistance to biological degradation and high mechanical strength, coupled to cellular structure make ceramic foams an excellent option for the production of supports for biomass immobilization. In this work, the gelcasting process in association with the aeration of a ceramic

  8. Avaliação da Redução da Poluição do Chorume Tratado por Processo Fotoquímico

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    Núbia Natália Brito


    Full Text Available Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a redução da poluição do chorume proveniente do aterro sanitário da cidade de Limeira-SP, através de tratamento por processo fotoquímico utilizando H2O2/UV. Os estudos foram realizados em um reator de vidro Pyrex de capacidade volumétrica de 1.7 L (100 mm de diâmetro interno, 145 mm de diâmetro externo e altura total de 300 mm equipado com sistema de refrigeração à água e recirculação do chorume. Os melhores resultados de reduções dos valores de alguns parâmetros de controle ambiental foram: 46 % de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT, 93 % de fenóis totais, 97 % de nitrogênio amoniacal e 91 % de redução da cor do chorume. Estes resultados foram alcançados utilizando as seguintes condições experimentais otimizadas: volume de H2O2 35 mL, adicionados ao reator em alíquotas de 15, 10, e 10 mL, temperatura 45oC, lâmpada de 400 Watts e tempo de tratamento de 90 minutos.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Mingarelli, Chiara M. F. [TAPIR, MC 350-17, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Levin, Janna [Institute for Strings, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (ISCAP), Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 (United States); Lazio, T. Joseph W. [Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109 (United States)


    Most black holes (BHs) will absorb a neutron star (NS) companion fully intact without tidal disruption, suggesting the pair will remain dark to telescopes. Even without tidal disruption, electromagnetic (EM) luminosity is generated from the battery phase of the binary when the BH interacts with the NS magnetic field. Originally, the luminosity was expected to be in high-energy X-rays or gamma-rays, however, we conjecture that some of the battery power is emitted in the radio bandwidth. While the luminosity and timescale are suggestive of fast radio bursts (FRBs; millisecond-scale radio transients) NS–BH coalescence rates are too low to make these a primary FRB source. Instead, we propose that the transients form a FRB sub-population, distinguishable by a double peak with a precursor. The rapid ramp-up in luminosity manifests as a precursor to the burst which is 20%–80% as luminous given 0.5 ms timing resolution. The main burst arises from the peak luminosity before the merger. The post-merger burst follows from the NS magnetic field migration to the BH, causing a shock. NS–BH pairs are especially desirable for ground-based gravitational wave (GW) observatories since the pair might not otherwise be detected, with EM counterparts greatly augmenting the scientific leverage beyond the GW signal. The EM signal’s ability to break degeneracies in the parameters encoded in the GW and probe the NS magnetic field strength is quite valuable, yielding insights into open problems in NS magnetic field decay.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mingarelli, Chiara M. F.; Levin, Janna; Lazio, T. Joseph W.


    Most black holes (BHs) will absorb a neutron star (NS) companion fully intact without tidal disruption, suggesting the pair will remain dark to telescopes. Even without tidal disruption, electromagnetic (EM) luminosity is generated from the battery phase of the binary when the BH interacts with the NS magnetic field. Originally, the luminosity was expected to be in high-energy X-rays or gamma-rays, however, we conjecture that some of the battery power is emitted in the radio bandwidth. While the luminosity and timescale are suggestive of fast radio bursts (FRBs; millisecond-scale radio transients) NS–BH coalescence rates are too low to make these a primary FRB source. Instead, we propose that the transients form a FRB sub-population, distinguishable by a double peak with a precursor. The rapid ramp-up in luminosity manifests as a precursor to the burst which is 20%–80% as luminous given 0.5 ms timing resolution. The main burst arises from the peak luminosity before the merger. The post-merger burst follows from the NS magnetic field migration to the BH, causing a shock. NS–BH pairs are especially desirable for ground-based gravitational wave (GW) observatories since the pair might not otherwise be detected, with EM counterparts greatly augmenting the scientific leverage beyond the GW signal. The EM signal’s ability to break degeneracies in the parameters encoded in the GW and probe the NS magnetic field strength is quite valuable, yielding insights into open problems in NS magnetic field decay

  11. Test of the Weak Equivalence Principle using LIGO observations of GW150914 and Fermi observations of GBM transient 150914

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    Molin Liu


    Full Text Available About 0.4 s after the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO detected a transient gravitational-wave (GW signal GW150914, the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM also found a weak electromagnetic transient (GBM transient 150914. Time and location coincidences favor a possible association between GW150904 and GBM transient 150914. Under this possible association, we adopt Fermi's electromagnetic (EM localization and derive constraints on possible violations of the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP from the observations of two events. Our calculations are based on four comparisons: (1 The first is the comparison of the initial GWs detected at the two LIGO sites. From the different polarizations of these initial GWs, we obtain a limit on any difference in the parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN parameter Δγ≲10−10. (2 The second is a comparison of GWs and possible EM waves. Using a traditional super-Eddington accretion model for GBM transient 150914, we again obtain an upper limit Δγ≲10−10. Compared with previous results for photons and neutrinos, our limits are five orders of magnitude stronger than those from PeV neutrinos in blazar flares, and seven orders stronger than those from MeV neutrinos in SN1987A. (3 The third is a comparison of GWs with different frequencies in the range [35 Hz, 250 Hz]. (4 The fourth is a comparison of EM waves with different energies in the range [1 keV, 10 MeV]. These last two comparisons lead to an even stronger limit, Δγ≲10−8. Our results highlight the potential of multi-messenger signals exploiting different emission channels to strengthen existing tests of the WEP.

  12. Remoção de nitrogênio de efluente agroindustrial utilizando biorreatores = Nitrogen removal from agro-industrial wastewater using bioreactors

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    Roberta Miranda Teixeira


    Full Text Available O trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a remoção de nitrogênio do efluente de uma indústria frigorífica utilizando biorreatores de nitrificação e desnitrificação. O sistema foi composto por dois reatores de fluxo contínuo operados em série: um reator híbrido(anaeróbio/anóxico conectado a um reator tipo filtro biológico de fluxo ascendente com aeração, o qual possuía um reciclo para o reator híbrido. A alimentação foi realizada com água residuária proveniente da estação de tratamento de uma indústria processadora de avese suínos. O acompanhamento do processo foi realizado por análises periódicas da concentração de amônia, nitrato, nitrito, alcalinidade, demanda química de oxigênio (DQO e pH. A eficiência do sistema na remoção de nitrogênio foi comparada com a eficiência teórica máxima para a razão de reciclo utilizada.This work evaluates the process of nitrogen removal from wastewater at a meat processing plant, using nitrification and denitrification in bioreactors. The system was composed of two reactors with continuous flow operated in series: a hybrid reactor(anaerobic/anoxic connected to an ascending flow biological filter with aeration, which recycled into the hybrid reactor. Feeding was accomplished with wastewater from the treatment station of a poultry and swine processing plant. The process was monitored by periodic analysis of the concentrations of ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD and pH. The nitrogen removal efficiency of the system was compared with the maximum theoretical efficiency for the recycle rate used.

  13. Caracterização de Polímeros e Determinação de Constituintes Inorgânicos em Embalagens Plásticas Metalizadas

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    Soares Eufemia P.


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta os resultados analíticos da determinação de elementos químicos em materiais plásticos metalizados, obtidos por análise por ativação com nêutrons (NAA e os resultados da identificação de polímeros por espectroscopia no infravermelho (IR e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC. Foram coletadas amostras de plásticos metalizados de embalagens de alimentos e cosméticos. Os resultados dos testes IR e DSC indicaram que os tipos de polímeros usados em plásticos metalizados são polietileno, polipropileno, poli(tereftalato de etileno e poliestireno. A NAA consistiu em irradiar as amostras e padrões com fluxo de nêutrons térmicos do reator nuclear IEA-R1, seguido da medida da atividade dos raios gama induzidos usando um detector de Germânio hiperpuro acoplado ao espectrômetro de raios gama. Elementos tóxicos como arsênio, cádmio, cromo, níquel e antimônio assim como elementos não tóxicos como bário, cálcio, cobalto, ferro, escândio, selênio e zinco foram determinados e suas concentrações apresentaram grande variabilidade entre as amostras. A análise de polímeros e elementos tóxicos é de grande interesse para o desenvolvimento de processos adequados e seguros para reciclagem e incineração de embalagens plásticas metalizadas, sem causar danos ao ambiente.

  14. Análise da resistência à corrosão por pite em soldas de reparo pelo processo TIG em aço inoxidável superduplex UNS S32750 Analysis of pitting corrosion resistance in welding repair by GTAW procedure in a superduplex stainless steel UNS S32750

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    Juliana Primo Basílio de Souza


    Full Text Available Atualmente, os aços inoxidáveis superduplex (AISD estão sendo muito empregados no Brasil em setores industriais tais como petroquímico, energético, naval e plataformas offshore, tendo vasta aplicação em vasos de pressão em processos críticos, trocadores de calor, reatores, tubulações, umbilicais, digestores, bombas e naqueles componentes onde a produtividade contínua é essencial e o custo não é a maior limitação. No entanto, durante processos de fabricação e montagem, assim como na vida em serviço destes componentes de processo pode existir a necessidade eventual de efetuar soldagens de reparo. Deste modo, o presente trabalho, visa avaliar a microestrutura e os valores de resistência à corrosão por pites na zona termicamente afetada (ZTA e metal de solda do AISD UNS S32750 durante a simulação de um processo de reparo mediante a utilização do processo de soldagem TIG (GTAW. Os resultados obtidos permitem estabelecer diretrizes para a realização de procedimentos de soldagem de reparo em AISD.Currently superduplex stainless steels (SDSS are being extensively employed in the petrochemical, power generation, naval and offshore industries. The uses of these materials are: pressure vessels for critical processes, heat exchangers, reactors, pipes, umbilicals, digesters, pumps and other facilities where continuous use is essential and cost is not the main limitation. However, during fabrication and assembly, or as consequence of service, repair welding operations may be necessary. Thus, in this study a simulation of welding repair by GTAW process was performed in a SDSS UNS S32750. The objective of this work was to evaluate the microstructure and the values of critical pitting resistance (CPT in the weld metal, heat affected zone and base metal. The results obtained allows the determination of welding procedures and recommendations useful to the welding repair of SDSS.

  15. Effects of multiple resistive shells and transient electromagnetic torque on the dynamics of mode locking in reversed field pinch plasmas

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo, S.C.; Chu, M.S.


    The effects of multiple resistive shells and transient electromagnetic torque on the dynamics of mode locking in the reversed field pinch (RFP) plasmas are studied. Most RFP machines are equipped with one or more metal shells outside of the vacuum vessel. These shells have finite resistivities. The eddy currents induced in each of the shells contribute to the braking electromagnetic (EM) torque which slows down the plasma rotation. In this work we study the electromagnetic torque acting on the plasma (tearing) modes produced by a system of resistive shells. These shells may consist of several nested thin shells or several thin shells enclosed within a thick shell. The dynamics of the plasma mode is investigated by balancing the EM torque from the resistive shells with the plasma viscous torque. Both the steady state theory and the time-dependent theory are developed. The steady state theory is shown to provide an accurate account of the resultant EM torque if (dω/dt)ω -2 <<1 and the time scale of interest is much longer than the response (L/R) time of the shell. Otherwise, the transient theory should be adopted. As applications, the steady state theory is used to evaluate the changes of the EM torque response from the resistive shells in two variants of two RFP machines: (1) modification from Reversed Field Experiment (RFX) [Gnesotto et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 25, 335 (1995)] to the modified RFX: both of them are equipped with one thin shell plus one thick shell; (2) modification from Extrap T2 to Extrap T2R [Brunsell et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion 43, 1457 (2001)]: both of them are equipped with two thin shells. The transient theory has been applied numerically to study the time evolution of the EM torque during the unlocking of a locked tearing mode in the modified RFX

  16. Produção de biodisel : processo e caracterizações


    Nivea de Lima da Silv


    Resumo: O biodiesel (ésteres) é um combustível que pode ser produzido a partir de óleos vegetais, gorduras animais e óleo de origem microbiana (algas, fungos e bactérias). As matérias-primas são convertidas em biodiesel por meio de uma reação química envolvendo álcool e catalisador. Esta reação é chamada de transesterificação ou etanólise, caso o álcool for o etanol. Neste trabalho, foi realizada a produção de biodiesel utilizando os seguintes sistemas: reator em batelada, processo de destila...

  17. Baixa prevalência de PPD reativo prévia ao uso de infliximabe: estudo comparativo em população amostral do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza Low prevalence of reactive PPD prior to infliximab use: comparative study on a population sample of Hospital Geral de Fortaleza

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    Maria Roseli Monteiro Callado


    Full Text Available OBJETIVO: Identificar infecção tuberculosa em pacientes reumatológicos em uso de infliximabe, através do PPD realizado como pré-requisito ao início da terapia. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 157 pacientes em uso de infliximabe e 734 outros pacientes sob triagem de infecção tuberculosa, procedentes de diversas clínicas. O PPD foi realizado pela técnica de Mantoux e considerado reator a partir de 5 mm. RESULTADOS: No grupo infliximabe, o PPD foi reator em 13% e, entre os outros pacientes, a reatividade foi de 27% (χ2 = 13; P = 0,0003. Estes foram subdivididos em adultos portadores de doenças crônicas, com 22% de reatividade ao PPD e demais controles com 31% de positividade, demonstrando heterogeneidade de resposta nessa população (χ2 = 7; P OBJECTIVE: To identify tuberculosis infection in rheumatic patients on infliximab by use of PPD testing prior to immunobiologic therapy. METHODS: This study comprised 157 patients undergoing infliximab treatment and 734 other patients undergoing laboratory screening for tuberculosis infection originating from several services. The Mantoux technique was used for PPD testing, and an induration of at least 5 mm was considered reactive status. RESULTS: In the infliximab group, 13% of the patients reacted to PPD, while, in the other group, 27% of the patients reacted to PPD (χ2 = 13; P = 0.0003. These patients were divided into categories: adults with chronic diseases, PPD reactivity of 22%; and other controls, PPD reactivity of 31%. This shows the heterogeneous response of that population (χ2 = 7; P < 0.009. In the infliximab group, subdivided according to pathologies [rheumatoid arthritis (RA, ankylosing spondylitis (AS, and psoriatic arthritis (PA], different reactivity rates were observed, the lowest value occurring among RA patients: (RA x AS: OR = 0.13; CI: 0.03-0.47; χ2 = 12; P = 0.0004 and (RA x PA: OR = 0.16; CI: 0.02-1.04; χ2Yates corrected = 3.6; P = 0.05. The PPD reactivity in the RA

  18. Morphological study of biomass during the start-up period of a fixed-bed anaerobic reactor treating domestic sewage

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    Cláudio Antonio Andrade Lima


    Full Text Available This work focused on a morphological study of the microorganisms attached to polyurethane foam matrices in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB reactor treating domestic sewage. The experiments consisted of monitoring the biomass colonization process of foam matrices in terms of the amount of retained biomass and the morphological characteristics of the cells attached to the support during the start-up period. Non-fluorescent rods and cocci were found to predominate in the process of attachment to the polyurethane foam surface. From the 10th week of operation onwards, an increase was observed in the morphological diversity, mainly due to rods, cocci, and Methanosaeta-like archaeal cells. Hydrodynamic problems, such as bed clogging and channeling occurred in the fixed-bed reactor, mainly due to the production of extracellular polymeric substances and their accumulation in the interstices of the bed causing a gradual deterioration of its performance, which eventually led to the system's collapse. These results demonstrated the importance and usefulness of monitoring the dynamics of the formation of biofilm during the start-up period of HAIB reactors, since it allowed the identification of operational problems.Este trabalho apresenta um estudo morfológico de microrganismos aderidos à espuma de poliuretano em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF, aplicado ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário. O processo de colonização do suporte pela biomassa anaeróbia e as características morfológicas das células aderidas foram monitorados durante o período de partida do reator. Bacilos e cocos não fluorescentes foram predominantes no processo de aderência direta à espuma de poliuretano. Aumento na diversidade biológica foi observado a partir da 10ª semana de operação do reator, com predominância de bacilos, cocos e arqueas metanogênicas semelhantes a Methanosaeta. Problemas hidrodinâmicos, tais como formação de

  19. Remoção de matéria orgânica e sólidos suspensos por nova configuração de biofiltro aeróbio submerso no pós-tratamento de efluente de reator UASB Removal of organic matter and suspended solids by a new configuration of biological aerated filter in the post-treatment of UASB reactor effluent

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    Saulo Varela Della Giustina


    Full Text Available O pós-tratamento de efluentes de reatores anaeróbios é um processo necessário para o atendimento dos padrões de emissão. Os resultados aqui apresentados mostram a viabilidade de uso de uma nova configuração de biofiltro aeróbio submerso (BAS no pós-tratamento desses efluentes. Os BAS multiestágio apresentam uma câmara anaeróbia (V=12,6L, seguido de uma câmara aeróbia (V=30L e uma câmara anóxica (V=26,4L, todas em série (V total=70L. Neste estudo, foi analisada a remoção de sólidos suspensos (SS, DQO e DBO5. Foram utilizados três BAS multi-estágio preenchidos com três diferentes materiais-suporte: tampas e gargalos PET (165m²/m³, pedra britada n. 4 (50m²/m³ e anéis Pall 1,5'' (135m²/m³. Os reatores foram operados com valores de tempos de detenção hidráulicas (TDH de 4,1, 8,2 e 12,3 horas, e três taxas de aplicação superficial (TAS (21, 12 e 8m³/m².d. A associação dos reatores UASB+BAS possibilitou remoções de DQO total superiores a 90% para os BAS 1 e 3, e 85% para o BAS 2, sendo independente do TDH aplicado. A remoção de SS foi maior no BAS contendo anéis Pall, provavelmente devido ao maior índice de vazios desse material.The post-treatment of effluents from anaerobic reactors is normally a mandatory step to meet the emission standards. The results presented here show the feasibility of using a new configuration of biological aerated filter (BAF in the post-treatment of UASB reactors. The multi-stage BAF presents an anaerobic chamber (V=12.6L, followed by an aerobic chamber (V=30L and an anoxic chamber (V=26.4L, all in series (total V=70L. This study examined the removal of suspended solids (SS, COD and BOD5. Three multi-stage BAF filled with three different packing materials were used: lids and bottlenecks of PET bottles (165m²/m³, gravel n. 4 (50m²/m³ and Pall rings 1.5'' (135m²/m³. The reactors were operated with the values of hydraulic detention time (HDT of 4.1, 8.2 and 12.3 hours, and


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    Juliana Rosa Carrijo


    Full Text Available The present study was conducted to evaluate the helminth eggs presence in sewage sludge, previously treated in anerobic digestion process like anaerobic liquid fluid reactor. First of all were evaluated different kinds of materials to choose the best filter which permitted to filter the <em>Taenia saginata em>eggs. The filter that showed better adaptation was the fine toilet paper one sheet. The helminth eggs were classified for their genera, according to their morphology. The <em>Taenia> sp, <em>Trichuris>, <em>Dipylidium> and <em>Strongyloides> were find only in one collect. The number of nematode eggs prevailed on the cestodes. The quantity of helminths eggs found was variable, indicatting complementary treatments process to the sewage sludge. It was concluded that the filter tested was efficient to <em>Taenia> sp eggs and to other helminth eggs present in sewage sludge. KEY WORDS: Biossolid, filter, <em>Taenia> sp. O presente trabalho avaliou a presença de ovos de helmintos em lodo de esgoto, previamente tratado em sistema de digestão anaeróbia do tipo reator anaeróbio de lodo fluidizado (RALF. Primeiramente testaram-se diferentes tipos de materiais para a escolha do filtro que possibilitasse a passagem de ovos de <em>Taenia saginataem>. O filtro mais adequado foi o papel higiênico fino, folha única. Classificaram-se os ovos de helmintos por gênero, de acordo com sua morfologia. Encontraram-se ovos de <em>Taenia> sp, <em>Trichuris>, <em>Dipylidium> e <em>Strongyloides

  1. Balanço de massa no tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos provenientes de restaurantes em biorreator

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    João Girardi Neto

    Full Text Available RESUMO O tratamento de resíduos sólidos orgânicos por digestão anaeróbia é realizado por um consórcio de micro-organismos, no qual as archaea metanogênicas são as limitantes do processo, por serem mais sensíveis às mudanças nas condições do meio e possuírem crescimento lento. Para acompanhar a evolução do tratamento, algumas variáveis do processo de digestão anaeróbia são monitoradas, dentre elas, a demanda química de oxigênio (DQO, geralmente utilizada para estimar a matéria degradável e passível de ser convertida em biogás. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência do processo de conversão de biomassa em metano, este artigo se baseou no balanço de massa adaptado da literatura, utilizando valores de DQO e volume de biogás gerado no reator anaeróbio, aqui chamado de biorreator. A produção de biogás foi monitorada diariamente utilizando o método de deslocamento de água, com o auxílio de um contador eletrônico. Com base no balanço de massa, o tratamento mostrou-se viável, visto que 50% da concentração de DQO que entrou no sistema foi convertida em gás metano. Comparando-se aos valores descritos na literatura, que se encontram na faixa de 50 a 70%, a eficiência do tratamento poderá ser elevada com ajustes nos parâmetros de controle que influenciam o processo de digestão anaeróbia, tais como manter a temperatura constante em 37°C e o pH e a alcalinidade equilibrados, o que poderá melhorar as condições do meio em todas as etapas de degradação da matéria orgânica e aumentar a conversão em gás metano.

  2. Computational models for electromagnetic transients in ITER vacuum vessel, cryostat and thermal shield

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Alekseev, A.; Arslanova, D.; Belov, A.; Belyakov, V.; Gapionok, E.; Gornikel, I.; Gribov, Y.; Ioki, K.; Kukhtin, V.; Lamzin, E.; Sugihara, M.; Sychevsky, S.; Terasawa, A.; Utin, Y.


    A set of detailed computational models are reviewed that covers integrally the system “vacuum vessel (VV), cryostat, and thermal shields (TS)” to study transient electromagnetics (EMs) in the ITER machine. The models have been developed in the course of activities requested and supervised by the ITER Organization. EM analysis is enabled for all ITER operational scenarios. The input data are derived from results of DINA code simulations. The external EM fields are modeled accurate to the input data description. The known magnetic shell approach can be effectively applied to simulate thin-walled structures of the ITER machine. Using an integral–differential formulation, a single unknown is determined within the shells in terms of the vector electric potential taken only at the nodes of a finite-element (FE) mesh of the conducting structures. As a result, the FE mesh encompasses only the system “VV + Cryostat + TS”. The 3D model requires much higher computational resources as compared to a shell model based on the equivalent approximation. The shell models have been developed for all principal conducting structures in the system “VV + Cryostat + TS” including regular ports and neutral beam ports. The structures are described in details in accordance with the latest design. The models have also been applied for simulations of EM transients in components of diagnostic systems and cryopumps and estimation of the 3D effects of the ITER structures on the plasma performance. The developed models have been elaborated and applied for the last 15 years to support the ITER design activities. The finalization of the ITER VV design enables this set of models to be considered ready to use in plasma-physics computations and the development of ITER simulators

  3. Operação periódica de um leito gotejante de carvão ativado para redução da emissão do poluente atmosférico SO2 com geração de ácido sulfúrico.


    Sandro Megale Pizzo


    O desempenho dos modos periódico e contínuo de operação para o tratamento de uma mistura gasosa de SO2 em ar foi analisado utilizando-se um reator de aço inox, em escala de bancada de 77,92mm de diâmetro interno, contendo leito fixo de carvão ativado de 80,00mm de altura, com partículas de 2,00 a 2,36mm. Foram obtidas as eficiências médias de remoção do gás e as concentrações de ácido sulfúrico produzido nas soluções líquidas de saída, em função da concentração inicial de SO2 (500, 1.000 e 1....

  4. Localização de faltas em linhas de transmissão em corrente contínua segmentadas

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Eduardo Gonzaga Silveira


    Full Text Available Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica para a localização de faltas em sistemas de transmissão High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC constituídos por linhas aéreas e cabos isolados. O método foi baseado na coleta de dados de dois terminais nas extremidades do elo de corrente contínua e pela detecção de faltas através de coeficientes da Transformada Wavelet Discreta tipo Haar. A partir do problema proposto, foi simulado com o auxílio do Alternative Transient Program (ATP, um sistema de transmissão em corrente contínua monopolar com conversores a tiristor Current Source Converter (CSC, constituído de duas linhas aéreas de 150 km e 80 km, e um segmento intermediário de cabo subterrâneo com 80 km. Os dados das respostas transitórias de curtos-circuitos em diferentes segmentos do elo foram carregados em uma interface gráfica criada no Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB, para realizar as rotinas de pré-processamento, além de detectar e localizar a falta. O método foi testado para diferentes taxas de amostragem e impedâncias de falta, ele apresentou resultados satisfatórios na localização de faltas em todos os segmentos da linha, com erros em torno de 0,5% do comprimento total do elo, além do baixo custo computacional, o que mostra a viabilidade de sua implementação prática.Palavras-chave: HVDC. Localização de faltas. ATP. Transformada Wavelet.Location of faults in transmission lines in continuous segmented streamAbstractThis paper presents a technique for location of faults in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC transmission systems constituted of overhead lines and cables. The method was based on data collection of two terminals on the extremity of the continuous stream link, and through the fault detection using the Discrete Wavelet Transform coefficients of Haar type. From the proposed problem, it was simulated, with the support of the Alternative Transient Program (ATP, a transmission system in monopolar continuous stream with

  5. Estudo da descoloração e degradação de corantes azo mediante processo oxidativo avançado: UV/H2O2


    Adailton Alves


    Este estudo teve como objetivo o uso de Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POA\\'s), para a descoloração e degradação dos corantes azo (Congo Red) e (Acid Yellow 42) em solução aquosa, sendo realizado em escala de bancada (processo batelada), utilizando-se reator tubular. Utililizou-se o Processo Oxidativo Avançado UV/H2O2, avaliando a influência dos seguintes fatores: concentração dos corantes, pH, temperatura, concentração do H2O2, concentração do NaCl e concentração do Na2SO4. Para a otimizaçã...

  6. Avaliação dos níveis de resposta das emissões otoacústicas em neonatos com asfixia perinatal

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    Georgea Espindola Ribeiro


    Full Text Available Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da asfixia perinatal sobre os níveis de resposta das emissões otoacústicas por estímulo transiente em lactentes. Métodos: Foi realizado, para comparação, o registro das emissões otoacústicas transientes em 154 neonatos: 54 bebês que sofreram asfixia perinatal, medida pela escala de Apgar e diagnóstico médico ao nascimento, e 100 bebês sem risco. Escores abaixo de 4 no primeiro minuto e/ou menores que 6 no quinto minuto foram considerados "Apgar baixo". A análise estatística do conjunto de dados foi efetuada utilizando-se os testes não paramétricos de Kruskal, Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Foram observados menores níveis de resposta nas emissões otoacústicas transientes para o grupo que sofreu asfixia perinatal, com valores estatisticamente significantes para as frequências de 2000, 3000 e 4000Hz na orelha direita e 2000 e 4000Hz na orelha esquerda. Conclusão: A análise das características intrínsecas do exame de emissões otoacústicas transientes mostrou baixo desempenho das células ciliadas externas em neonatos que tiveram asfixia perinatal, o que pode afetar o desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas nessa população.



    André Cordeiro De Paoli; Marcos von Sperling


    Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento hidrodinâmico de duas wetlands construídas (WC) de escoamento horizontal subsuperficial e analisar comparativamente os respectivos parâmetros hidrodinâmicos gerados em cada sistema. No intuito de entender esse comportamento, foi realizado um teste simultâneo com elemento traçador (82Br) nas duas wetlands, uma plantada (WP) e outra não plantada (WNP), recebendo efluente sanitário de reator UASB (equivalente populacional de 50 habitantes...

  8. Implementation and Testing of the First Prompt for Electromagnetic Counterparts to Gravitational Wave Transients (United States)

    Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M.; Accadia, T.; Acernese, F.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R.; Affeldt, C.; hide


    A transient astrophysical event observed in both gravitational wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) channels would yield rich scientific rewards. A first program initiating EM follow-ups to possible transient GW events has been developed and exercised by the LIGO and Virgo community in association with several partners. In this paper, we describe and evaluate the methods used to promptly identify and localize GW event candidates and to request images of targeted sky locations. Methods. During two observing periods (Dec 17 2009 to Jan 8 2010 and Sep 2 to Oct 20 2010), a low-latency analysis pipeline was used to identify GW-event candidates and to reconstruct-maps of possible sky locations. A catalog of nearby galaxies and Milky Way globular clusters was used to select the most promising sky positions to be imaged, and this directional information was delivered to EM observatories with time lags of about thirty minutes. A Monte Carlo simulation has been used to evaluate the low-latency GW pipeline s ability to reconstruct source positions correctly. Results. For signals near the detection threshold, our low-latency algorithms often localized simulated GW burst signals to tens of square degrees, while neutron star/neutron star inspirals and neutron star/black hole inspirals were localized to a few hundred square degrees. Localization precision improves for moderately stronger signals. The correct sky location of signals well above threshold and originating from nearby galaxies may be observed with 50% or better probability with a few pointings of wide-field telescopes.

  9. Biotecnologia e Sustentabilidade: Potencial de digestão anaeróbia na redução de resíduos, na produção de energia e de biofertizantes

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    Alfiado Victorino


    Full Text Available Este artigo visa instalar e qualificar uma unidade sustentável: Projeto “Vitrine da Sustentabilidade”, demonstrativa de produção e uso de bioenergia e biofertilizantes. Analisa o desempenho de um reator tubular de PVC de 10 m3 no tratamento de resíduos alimentares do Restaurante da Universidade de Brasília. Analisou-se: taxa de carga orgânica, pH, temperatura, taxa de remoção de sólidos, produção de biogás e sua composição. O reator operou experimentalmente em condições de relativa estabilidade térmica, durante quatro meses em ambiente mesofílico (22-33ºC com taxa orgânica média de 23,9 kgSV/m3 dia. Apresentou uma taxa de produção média de biogás de 13,8 dm3/kgSVdia, taxa de remoção de sólidos totais (96% e taxa de remoção de sólidos voláteis (18.7%. O biogás apresentou maior concentração de CO2 e frações de outros gases, sem apresentar concentrações consideráveis de metano. O projeto tem potencial de eficiência e replicabilidade para inovação tecnológica na produção de Biogás e Biofertilizante.

  10. Sistemas microfluídicos amperométricos utilizando enzimas imobilizadas


    Luís Marcos Cerdeira Ferreira


    Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um sistema microfluídico, contendo, como componente principal, um reator enzimático constituído de um microcanal fabricado em substrato de poli(metacrilato de metila) e um sistema amperométrico como detector. Para a construção de microcanais foi utilizando equipamento de usinagem a laser de CO2 para escavar os microcanais, que a seguir foram selados termicamente. A superfície interna desse microcanal foi submetida à modificação química com poli(etil...

  11. Transient Go: A Mobile App for Transient Astronomy Outreach (United States)

    Crichton, D.; Mahabal, A.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Drake, A.; Early, J.; Ivezic, Z.; Jacoby, S.; Kanbur, S.


    Augmented Reality (AR) is set to revolutionize human interaction with the real world as demonstrated by the phenomenal success of `Pokemon Go'. That very technology can be used to rekindle the interest in science at the school level. We are in the process of developing a prototype app based on sky maps that will use AR to introduce different classes of astronomical transients to students as they are discovered i.e. in real-time. This will involve transient streams from surveys such as the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) today and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) in the near future. The transient streams will be combined with archival and latest image cut-outs and other auxiliary data as well as historical and statistical perspectives on each of the transient types being served. Such an app could easily be adapted to work with various NASA missions and NSF projects to enrich the student experience.

  12. Desinfecção de água cinza por fotocatálise heterogênea

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    Anderson Teodoro


    Full Text Available RESUMO A desinfecção adequada de águas cinzas é necessária para garantir a segurança de sua reutilização, principalmente em aplicações com potencial de exposição humana. Diversos processos oxidativos avançados têm sido empregados nos últimos anos para a degradação de contaminantes orgânicos, bem como para desinfecção de águas e efluentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar TiO2 suportado em microtubos para desinfetar águas cinzas por meio da fotocatálise heterogênea, visando ao reúso hídrico em bacia sanitária. A água cinza utilizada nos experimentos foi coletada após passar por um sistema de tratamento composto de um tanque de evapotranspiração seguido de banhado construído de fluxo horizontal. Foram realizados testes em batelada utilizando-se um reator fotoquímico cilíndrico de 1,0 L (volume total do reator, preenchido com pequenos cilindros de vidro do tipo Pyrex com TiO2 suportado. Para os testes de desinfecção, foram utilizados os processos UV, H2O2, UV/TiO2, UV/H2O2 e UV/TiO2/H2O2. Foi possível obter uma camada homogênea de TiO2 depositada nos pequenos tubos de vidro Pyrex, com espessura média de 35,3 µm, capaz de promover um incremento na desinfecção de águas cinzas. Porém, mesmo com um maior poder de desinfecção do TiO2 - se comparado com a fotólise (UV -, os processos em que se empregou o peróxido de hidrogênio foram bem mais eficientes, tanto na desinfecção (inativação total de coliformes totais, enterococos e Pseudomonas aeruginosa quanto na remoção de matéria orgânica em termos de demanda química de oxigênio (em torno de 60%. As amostras mantidas em temperatura ambiente e envolvidas por plástico escuro não apresentaram recrescimento bacteriano com 24h de armazenamento após os experimentos, mostrando assim a viabilidade da água cinza tratada em reúso doméstico.

  13. Evaluation of <em>HER2em> Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer Using Nuclei Microarray <em>in em>S>itu em>Hybridization

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    Xuefeng Zhang


    Full Text Available Fluorescence<em> em>>in situ em>hybridization (FISH assay is considered the “gold standard” in evaluating <em>HER2/neu (HER2em> gene status. However, FISH detection is costly and time consuming. Thus, we established nuclei microarray with extracted intact nuclei from paraffin embedded breast cancer tissues for FISH detection. The nuclei microarray FISH (NMFISH technology serves as a useful platform for analyzing <em>HER2em> gene/chromosome 17 centromere ratio. We examined <em>HER2em> gene status in 152 cases of invasive ductal carcinomas of the breast that were resected surgically with FISH and NMFISH. <em>HER2em> gene amplification status was classified according to the guidelines of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and College of American Pathologists (ASCO/CAP. Comparison of the cut-off values for <em>HER2em>/chromosome 17 centromere copy number ratio obtained by NMFISH and FISH showed that there was almost perfect agreement between the two methods (κ coefficient 0.920. The results of the two methods were almost consistent for the evaluation of <em>HER2em> gene counts. The present study proved that NMFISH is comparable with FISH for evaluating <em>HER2em> gene status. The use of nuclei microarray technology is highly efficient, time and reagent conserving and inexpensive.

  14. First NuSTAR Limits on Quiet Sun Hard X-Ray Transient Events

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Marsh, Andrew J.; Smith, David M.; Glesener, Lindsay


    We present the first results of a search for transient hard X-ray (HXR) emission in the quiet solar corona with the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) satellite. While NuSTAR was designed as an astrophysics mission, it can observe the Sun above 2 keV with unprecedented sensitivity due...... to its pioneering use of focusing optics. NuSTAR first observed quiet-Sun regions on 2014 November 1, although out-of-view active regions contributed a notable amount of background in the form of single-bounce (unfocused) X-rays. We conducted a search for quiet-Sun transient brightenings on timescales...... as model-independent photon fluxes. The limits in both bands are well below previous HXR microflare detections, though not low enough to detect events of equivalent T and EM as quiet-Sun brightenings seen in soft X-ray observations. We expect future observations during solar minimum to increase the Nu...

  15. Neonatal Phosphate Nutrition Alters <em>in em>Vivo> and <em>in em>Vitro> Satellite Cell Activity in Pigs

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    Chad H. Stahl


    Full Text Available Satellite cell activity is necessary for postnatal skeletal muscle growth. Severe phosphate (PO4 deficiency can alter satellite cell activity, however the role of neonatal PO4 nutrition on satellite cell biology remains obscure. Twenty-one piglets (1 day of age, 1.8 ± 0.2 kg BW were pair-fed liquid diets that were either PO4 adequate (0.9% total P, supra-adequate (1.2% total P in PO4 requirement or deficient (0.7% total P in PO4 content for 12 days. Body weight was recorded daily and blood samples collected every 6 days. At day 12, pigs were orally dosed with BrdU and 12 h later, satellite cells were isolated. Satellite cells were also cultured <em>in vitroem> for 7 days to determine if PO4 nutrition alters their ability to proceed through their myogenic lineage. Dietary PO4 deficiency resulted in reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 sera PO4 and parathyroid hormone (PTH concentrations, while supra-adequate dietary PO4 improved (<em>P> < 0.05 feed conversion efficiency as compared to the PO4 adequate group. <em>In vivoem> satellite cell proliferation was reduced (<em>P> < 0.05 among the PO4 deficient pigs, and these cells had altered <em>in vitroem> expression of markers of myogenic progression. Further work to better understand early nutritional programming of satellite cells and the potential benefits of emphasizing early PO4 nutrition for future lean growth potential is warranted.

  16. Patterns identification in supervisory systems of nuclear reactors installations and gas pipelines systems using self-organizing maps; Identificacao de padroes em sistemas supervisorios de instalacoes de reatores nucleares e em sistemas de gasodutos utilizando mapas auto-organizaveis

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Doraskevicius Junior, Waldemar


    Self-Organizing Maps, SOM, of Kohonen were studied, implemented and tested with the aim of developing, for the energy branch, an effective tool especially for transient identification in nuclear reactors and for gas pipelines networks logistic supervision, by classifying operations and identifying transients or abnormalities. The digital system for the test was developed in Java platform, for the portability and scalability, and for belonging to free development platforms. The system, executed in personal computers, showed satisfactory results to aid in decision taking, by classifying IRIS (International Reactor Innovative and Secure) reactor operation conditions (data from simulator) and by classifying Southeast (owner: TRANSPETRO - Brazil) gas pipeline network. Various adaptations were needed for such business, as new topologies for the output layer of artificial neural network and particular preparation for the input data. (author)

  17. Implementation and Testing of the First Prompt Search for Gravitational Wave Transients with Electromagnetic Counterparts (United States)

    Abadie, J.; Abbott, B. P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M.; Accadia, T.; Acernese, F.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R.; Affeldt, C.; hide


    Aims. A transient astrophysical event observed in both gravitational wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) channels would yield rich scientific rewards. A first program initiating EM follow-ups to possible transient GW events has been developed and exercised by the LIGO and Virgo community in association with several partners. In this paper, we describe and evaluate the methods used to promptly identify and localize GW event candidates and to request images of targeted sky locations. Methods. During two observing periods (Dec. 17, 2009 to Jan. 8, 2010 and Sep. 2 to Oct. 20, 2010), a low-latency analysis pipeline was used to identify GW event candidates and to reconstruct maps of possible sky locations. A catalog of nearby galaxies and MilkyWay globular clusters was used to select the most promising sky positions to be imaged, and this directional information was delivered to EM observatories with time lags of about thirty minutes. A Monte Carlo simulation has been used to evaluate the low-latency GW pipeline's ability to reconstruct source positions correctly. Results. For signals near the detection threshold, our low-latency algorithms often localized simulated GW burst signals to tens of square degrees, while neutron star/neutron star inspirals and neutron star/black hole inspirals were localized to a few hundred square degrees. Localization precision improves for moderately stronger signals. The correct sky location of signals well above threshold and originating from nearby galaxies may be observed with 50% or better probability with a few pointings of wide-field telescopes.

  18. A nodal model for the simulation of a PWR core

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Souza Pinto, R. de.


    A computer program FORTRAN language was developed to simulate the neutronic and thermal-hydraulic transient behaviour of a PWR reactor core. The reator power is calculated using a point kinectics model with six groups of delayed neutron precursors. The fission product decay heat was considered assuming three effective decay heat groups. A nodal model was employed for the treatment of heat transfer in the fuel rod, with integration of the heat equation by the lumped parameter technique. Axial conduction was neglected. A single-channel nodal model was developed for the thermo-hydrodynamic simulation using mass and energy conservation equations for the control volumes. The effect of the axial pressure variation was neglected. The computer program was tested, with good results, through the simulation of the transient behaviour of postulated accidents in a typical PWR. (Author) [pt

  19. Transferência de calor transiente na agitação linear intermitente de latas Transient heat transfer by intermittent shake of cans

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Homero Ferracini Gumerato


    Full Text Available Foi estudada a transferência de calor transiente na agitação linear e intermitente (ALI de embalagens metálicas contendo simulantes de alimentos, objetivando-se sua aplicação em processos de pasteurização ou esterilização e conseqüentes tratamentos térmicos mais eficientes, homogêneos e com produto de melhor qualidade. Foram utilizados quatro meios fluidos simulantes de alimentos de diferentes viscosidades e massas específicas: três óleos e água. Foram combinados efeitos de cinco tratamentos, sendo: meio simulante (4 níveis, espaço livre (3 níveis, freqüência de agitação (4 níveis, amplitude de agitação (2 níveis e posição das latas (4 níveis. Os ensaios de aquecimento e resfriamento foram feitos em tanque com água à temperatura de 98 °C e 17-20 °C, respectivamente. Com os dados de penetração de calor em cada experimento, foram calculados os parâmetros de penetração de calor fh, jh, fc e jc. Os resultados foram modelados utilizando-se grupos de números adimensionais e expressos em termos de Nusselt, Prandtl, Reynolds e funções trigonométricas (com medidas de amplitude e freqüência de agitação, espaço livre e dimensões da embalagem. Foram estabelecidas as duas Equações gerais para as fases de aquecimento e resfriamento: Nu = ReA –0,199.Pr –0,288.sen(xa/AM0,406.cos(xf/FA–1,039.cos((xf/FA.(EL/H.p–4,556 Aquecimento Nu = 0,1295.ReA–0,047.Pr –0,193.sen(xa/AM0,114.cos(xf/FA–0,641.cos((xf/FA.(EL/H.p–2,476 Resfriamento O processo de ALI pode ser aplicado em pasteurizadores ou autoclaves estáticas horizontais e verticais, com modificações simples. Concluiu-se que a ALI aumenta significativamente a taxa de transferência de calor, tanto no aquecimento como no resfriamento.The transient heat transfer during the intermittent and linear shaking of tin plate cans containing simulating food was studied in order to apply this technology in the pasteurization and sterilization processes, achieving

  20. Estudo químico de logo gerado num sistema anaeróbico de tratamento de efluentes de origem residencial

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    Vagner Guedes


    Full Text Available processos biológicos aeróbios e ou anaeróbios que apresentam dispositivos de ordem variável e geram resíduos definidos como sólidos segundo a ABNT 10004/2004. Um dos dispositivos que podem estar presentes numa ETE que utiliza processo anaeróbio é o reator de manta de lodo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar quimicamente a composição do lodo gerado num destes reatores através da fluorescência de raios X, pH, carbono orgânico (CO, matéria orgânica (MO, nitrogênio total Kjeldahl (NTK, relação C/N, capacidade de troca catiônica efetiva (CTC, relação CTC/CO, potássio (K, fósforo orgânico (PO, fósforo mineral (PM e determinar a concentração de Cr, Cu, Ni, Ag, Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cd e Ba nos extratos obtidos através do método de Tessier. Através da fluorescência de raios X, observou-se que a somatória das porcentagens dos elementos Al, Si, Fe, S, Ca, P, Ti, K e Zn está próxima de 99 %. Que os valores médios da MO, NTK e CTC são respectivamente 20,2%, 0,64 % e 19,6 cmolc kg-1, e que a disposição desse material no meio ambiente pode ser associada a algum risco devido às concentrações de ferro, manganês, zinco e cádmio, em presença de um redutor, ferro em presença de um oxidante e manganes em presença de pH=5 estarem acima do VMP da Resolução CONAMA 430 /11.

  1. Current interruption transients calculation

    CERN Document Server

    Peelo, David F


    Provides an original, detailed and practical description of current interruption transients, origins, and the circuits involved, and how they can be calculated Current Interruption Transients Calculationis a comprehensive resource for the understanding, calculation and analysis of the transient recovery voltages (TRVs) and related re-ignition or re-striking transients associated with fault current interruption and the switching of inductive and capacitive load currents in circuits. This book provides an original, detailed and practical description of current interruption transients, origins,

  2. Transient ischemic attack presenting in an elderly patient with transient ophthalmic manifestations

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    Sparshi Jain


    Full Text Available Transient ischemic attack (TIA is a transient neurological deficit of cerebrovascular origin without infarction which may last only for a short period and can have varying presentations. We report a case of 58-year-old male with presenting features of sudden onset transient vertical diplopia and transient rotatory nystagmus which self-resolved within 12 h. Patient had no history of any systemic illness. On investigating, hematological investigations and neuroimaging could not explain these sudden and transient findings. A TIA could possibly explain these sudden and transient ocular findings in our patient. This case report aims to highlight the importance of TIA for ophthalmologists. We must not ignore these findings as these could be warning signs of an impending stroke which may or may not be detected on neuroimaging. Thus, early recognition, primary prevention strategies, and timely intervention are needed.

  3. Microbial succession within an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR treating cane vinasse at 55ºC

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    Maria Magdalena Ferreira Ribas


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to investigate the anaerobic biomass formation capable of treating vinasse from the production of sugar cane alcohol, which was evolved within an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (ASBBR as immobilized biomass on cubes of polyurethane foam at the temperature of 55ºC. The reactor was inoculated with mesophilic granular sludge originally treating poultry slaughterhouse wastewater. The evolution of the biofilm in the polyurethane foam matrices was assessed during seven experimental phases which were thus characterized by the changes in the organic matter concentrations as COD (1.0 to 20.0 g/L. Biomass characterization proceeded with the examination of sludge samples under optical and scanning electron microscopy. The reactor showed high microbial morphological diversity along the trial. The predominance of Methanosaeta-like cells was observed up to the organic load of 2.5 gCOD/L.d. On the other hand, Methanosarcinalike microorganisms were the predominant archaeal population within the foam matrices at high organic loading ratios above 3.3 gCOD/L.d. This was suggested to be associated to a higher specific rate of acetate consumption by the later organisms.Este trabalho investigou a formação de um biofilme anaeróbio capaz de tratar vinhaça da produção de álcool de cana-de-açúcar, que evoluiu dentro de um reator operado em bateladas seqüenciais com biofilme (ASBBR tendo a biomassa imobilizada em cubos de espuma de poliuretano na temperatura de 55ºC. O reator foi inoculado com lodo granular mesofílico tratando água residuária de abatedouro de aves. A evolução do biofilme nas matrizes de espuma de poliuretano foi observada durante sete fases experimentais que foram caracterizadas por mudanças nas concentrações de matéria orgânica como DQO (1,0 a 20,0 g/L. A caracterização da biomassa foi feita por exames de amostras do lodo em microscopia ótica e eletrônica de varredura. O reator apresentou

  4. Transient analyzer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Muir, M.D.


    The design and design philosophy of a high performance, extremely versatile transient analyzer is described. This sub-system was designed to be controlled through the data acquisition computer system which allows hands off operation. Thus it may be placed on the experiment side of the high voltage safety break between the experimental device and the control room. This analyzer provides control features which are extremely useful for data acquisition from PPPL diagnostics. These include dynamic sample rate changing, which may be intermixed with multiple post trigger operations with variable length blocks using normal, peak to peak or integrate modes. Included in the discussion are general remarks on the advantages of adding intelligence to transient analyzers, a detailed description of the characteristics of the PPPL transient analyzer, a description of the hardware, firmware, control language and operation of the PPPL transient analyzer, and general remarks on future trends in this type of instrumentation both at PPPL and in general

  5. Reference Gene Selection in the Desert Plant <em>Eremosparton songoricuem>m>

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    Dao-Yuan Zhang


    Full Text Available <em>Eremosparton songoricum em>(Litv. Vass. (<em>E. songoricumem> is a rare and extremely drought-tolerant desert plant that holds promise as a model organism for the identification of genes associated with water deficit stress. Here, we cloned and evaluated the expression of eight candidate reference genes using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reactions. The expression of these candidate reference genes was analyzed in a diverse set of 20 samples including various <em>E. songoricumem> plant tissues exposed to multiple environmental stresses. GeNorm analysis indicated that expression stability varied between the reference genes in the different experimental conditions, but the two most stable reference genes were sufficient for normalization in most conditions.<em> EsEFem> and <em>Esα-TUB> were sufficient for various stress conditions, <em>EsEF> and <em>EsACT> were suitable for samples of differing germination stages, and <em>EsGAPDH>and <em>Es>UBQ em>were most stable across multiple adult tissue samples. The <em>Es18Sem> gene was unsuitable as a reference gene in our analysis. In addition, the expression level of the drought-stress related transcription factor <em>EsDREB2em>> em>verified the utility of<em> E. songoricumem> reference genes and indicated that no single gene was adequate for normalization on its own. This is the first systematic report on the selection of reference genes in <em>E. songoricumem>, and these data will facilitate future work on gene expression in this species.

  6. Transient drainage summary report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    This report summarizes the history of transient drainage issues on the Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project. It defines and describes the UMTRA Project disposal cell transient drainage process and chronicles UMTRA Project treatment of the transient drainage phenomenon. Section 4.0 includes a conceptual cross section of each UMTRA Project disposal site and summarizes design and construction information, the ground water protection strategy, and the potential for transient drainage



    AFRL-RY-WP-TR-2017-0169 TRANSIENT ELECTRONICS CATEGORIZATION Dr. Burhan Bayraktaroglu Devices for Sensing Branch Aerospace Components & Subsystems...SUBTITLE TRANSIENT ELECTRONICS CATEGORIZATION 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER In-house 5b. GRANT NUMBER N/A 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER N/A 6. AUTHOR(S) Dr. Burhan...88ABW-2017-3747, Clearance Date 31 July 2017. Paper contains color. 14. ABSTRACT Transient electronics is an emerging technology area that lacks proper



    Silva, Vanessa Farias da


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de filtro anaeróbio de chicanas (FAC) no pós-tratamento de efluente anaeróbio, usando garrafas PET como material de enchimento. O experimento foi realizado em três fases, delimitado pelos três tempos de detenção hidráulicas, 7, 9 e 10 dias, respectivamente. As análises dos efluentes do reator UASB e do FAC foram realizadas semanalmente, averiguando a remoção de matéria orgânica na forma de DBO5 e DQO, sólidos e suas...

  9. Time Domain Radar Laboratory Operating System Development and Transient EM Analysis. (United States)


    2140__ jFOURIERTRANSFORM IOPTI: 2200- 1 1 25 SEPER&~TES TARGET 27001 FROM RAGE NOISE ____ -I )ANTUP 13000- 9UPAEANNA 3080 14PARARETE RS IOPTIM 13100- 19...s% n% Se, 60 0006- U % % 0% 0 %. .... e.o. ..l N CcZ so.\\%00%%.. a e*soW Iso .% Q. % % % % o o. 3 s. em N so 4 c%0% 0% ".%.-o *oomoe.. .eNNL \\.%%0...vm C=f 00 ISO . MOD %/ M mm L. @9 0J0 9 MI o I W . 0w d, .4 U .L =0 OZ U sNoI I wd mom m 5su U 0S as. %% X.., of v-9 ON L2 No o- =9 If =s mi Zo z 4A W

  10. PSH Transient Simulation Modeling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Muljadi, Eduard [National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO (United States)


    PSH Transient Simulation Modeling presentation from the WPTO FY14 - FY16 Peer Review. Transient effects are an important consideration when designing a PSH system, yet numerical techniques for hydraulic transient analysis still need improvements for adjustable-speed (AS) reversible pump-turbine applications.

  11. A specimen of <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> in Barn Owl's pellets from Murge plateau (Apulia, Italy / Su di un <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> (Insectivora, Soricidae rinvenuto in borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge (Puglia, Italia

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    Giovanni Ferrara


    Full Text Available Abstract In a lot of Barn Owl's pellets from the Murge plateau a specimen of <em>Sorex> sp. was detected. Thank to some morphological and morphometrical features, the cranial bones can be tentatively attributed to <em>Sorex samniticusem> Altobello, 1926. The genus <em>Sorex> was not yet included in the Apulia's fauna southwards of the Gargano district; the origin and significance of the above record is briefly discussed, the actual presence of a natural population of <em>Sorex> in the Murge being not yet proved. Riassunto Viene segnalato il rinvenimento di un esemplare di <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>samniticus> da borre di <em>Tyto albaem> delle Murge. Poiché il genere non era stato ancora segnalato nella Puglia a sud del Gargano, viene discusso il significato faunistico del reperto.

  12. Efecto de extractos vegetales de <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem>, <em>Solanum nigrumem> y <em>Calliandra pittieriem> sobre el gusano cogollero (<em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem>

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    Lizarazo H. Karol


    Full Text Available

    El gusano cogollero <em>Spodoptera frugiperdaem> es una de las plagas que más afectan los cultivos en la región de Sumapaz (Cundinamarca, Colombia. En la actualidad se controla principalmente aplicando productos de síntesis química, sin embargo la aplicación de extractos vegetales surge como una alternativa de menor impacto sobre el ambiente. Este control se emplea debido a que las plantas contienen metabolitos secundarios que pueden inhibir el desarrollo de los insectos. Por tal motivo, la presente investigación evaluó el efecto insecticida y antialimentario de extractos vegetales de barbasco <em>Polygonum hydropiperoidesem> (Polygonaceae, carbonero <em>Calliandra pittieriem> (Mimosaceae y hierba mora <em>Solanum nigrumem> (Solanaceae sobre larvas de <em>S. frugiperdaem> biotipo maíz. Se estableció una cría masiva del insecto en el laboratorio utilizando una dieta natural con hojas de maíz. Posteriormente se obtuvieron extractos vegetales utilizando solventes de alta polaridad (agua y etanol y media polaridad (diclorometano los cuales se aplicaron sobre las larvas de segundo instar. Los resultados más destacados se presentaron con extractos de <em>P. hydropiperoidesem>, obtenidos con diclorometano en sus diferentes dosis, con los cuales se alcanzó una mortalidad de 100% 12 días después de la aplicación y un efecto antialimentario representado por un consumo de follaje de maíz inferior al 4%, efectos similares a los del testigo comercial (Clorpiriphos.


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    Glaydson Simões dos Reis


    Full Text Available O aumento exponencial na produção de lodo de esgoto, decorrente da melhoria dossistemas de tratamento sanitário em grandes centro urbanos, pode representar um problemaambiental se este não for disposto adequadamente. Converter lodo de esgoto em adsorventesatravés da pirólise tem sido proposto desde 1971 como alternativa a destinação final desteresíduo. Como alternativa para disposição do excesso de lodo que é retirado do reator UASBna Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto Subaé, Feira de Santana, Bahia, a proposta deste trabalhofoi obter carvão ativado em diferentes fases de estabilização do lodo de esgoto e avaliar suacapacidade de adsorção na remoção do azul de metileno em solução aquosa. As propriedadesdo lodo como sólidos totais e voláteis totais, carbono orgânico, nitrogênio, foramdeterminadas seguindo recomendações do Standard Methods APHA. As amostras de lodoforam pirolisadas a 450°C sob atmosfera inerte e o carvão ativado produzido foi caracterizadopor CHN, adsorção de nitrogênio e ensaios de adsorção. Pelas análises físico-químicas, o lodode esgoto apresentou baixos teores de carbono e nutrientes, independentemente do tempo deretenção no leito de secagem, quando comparados a típicos Iodos de sistemas anaeróbios. Osespectros de infravermelho confirmam a presença de grande quantidade de silicatosdecorrente da baixa eficiência da ETE-Subaé. Os ensaios de adsorção, usando o azul demetileno como adsorvato, mostraram que estes carvões são adsorventes potenciais pararemoção de corantes em efluentes líquidos. As isotermas de adsorção foram estudadas e osresultados foram ajustados pelos modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich. O modelo de Langmuirdescreveu melhor o processo de adsorção. Os resultados da adsorção, grau de enriquecimentode carbono e a razão molar N/C, indicaram que a melhor amostra para preparar carvão ativadoda ETE-Subaé é o lodo LES08, àquela que permaneceu mais tempo no leito

  14. Effect of water losses by evaporation and chemical reaction in an industrial slaker reactor

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    Ricardo Andreola


    Full Text Available A dynamic model of the slaker reactor was developed and validated for Klabin Paraná Papéis causticizing system, responsable for white liquor generation used by the plant. The model considered water losses by evaporation and chemical reaction. The model showed a good agreement with the industrial plant measures of active alkali, total titratable alkali and temperature, without the need of adjustment of any parameter. The simulated results showed that the water consumption by the slaking reaction and evaporation exerted significant influence on the volumetric flow rate of limed liquor, which imposed a decrease of 4.6% in the amount of water in reactor outlet.Foi desenvolvido e testado um modelo dinâmico do reator de apagamento do sistema de caustificação da Klabin Paraná Papéis, responsável pela geração do licor branco utilizado na planta. O modelo contempla perdas de água por evaporação e por reação química e apresentou boa concordância com dados industriais de álcali ativo, álcali total titulável e temperatura, sem a necessidade de ajuste de nenhum parâmetro. Os resultados obtidos a partir de simulações revelam que o consumo de água pela reação de apagamento, bem como pela evaporação, exercem uma influência significativa sobre a vazão volumétrica na saída do reator, impondo uma diminuição de 4,6% sobre o teor de água na corrente de saída do reator em relação à alimentação.

  15. Rapid Development of Microsatellite Markers with 454 Pyrosequencing in a Vulnerable Fish<em>,> the Mottled Skate<em>, Raja em>pulchra>

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    Jung-Ha Kang


    Full Text Available The mottled skate, <em>Raja pulchraem>, is an economically valuable fish. However, due to a severe population decline, it is listed as a vulnerable species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. To analyze its genetic structure and diversity, microsatellite markers were developed using 454 pyrosequencing. A total of 17,033 reads containing dinucleotide microsatellite repeat units (mean, 487 base pairs were identified from 453,549 reads. Among 32 loci containing more than nine repeat units, 20 primer sets (62% produced strong PCR products, of which 14 were polymorphic. In an analysis of 60 individuals from two <em>R. pulchra em>populations, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 1–10, and the mean allelic richness was 4.7. No linkage disequilibrium was found between any pair of loci, indicating that the markers were independent. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test showed significant deviation in two of the 28 single-loci after sequential Bonferroni’s correction. Using 11 primer sets, cross-species amplification was demonstrated in nine related species from four families within two classes. Among the 11 loci amplified from three other <em>Rajidae> family species; three loci were polymorphic. A monomorphic locus was amplified in all three <em>Rajidae> family species and the <em>Dasyatidae> family. Two <em>Rajidae> polymorphic loci amplified monomorphic target DNAs in four species belonging to the Carcharhiniformes class, and another was polymorphic in two Carcharhiniformes species.

  16. Transient analysis on the SMART-P anticipated transients without scram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, S. H.; Bae, K. H.; Kim, H. C.; Zee, S. Q.


    Anticipated transients without scram (ATWS) are anticipated operational occurrences accompanied by a failure of an automatic reactor trip when required. Although the occurrence probability of the ATWS events is considerably low, these events can result in unacceptable consequences, i.e. the pressurization of the reactor coolant system (RCS) up to an unacceptable range and a core-melting situation. Therefore, the regulatory body requests the installation of a protection system against the ATWS events. According to the request, a diverse protection system (DPS) is installed in the SMART-P (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor-Pilot). This paper presents the results of the transient analysis performed to identify the performance of the SMART-P against the ATWS. In the analysis, the TASS/SMR (Transients And Setpoint Simulation/Small and Medium Reactor) code is applied to identify the thermal hydraulic response of the RCS during the transients

  17. Sea pollution by nuclear reactors. Poluicao marinha pelos reatores nucleares

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tommasi, L A [Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    The capacity of radionuclides accumulation by organisms of a estuary is described he gives examples about what happen with the St. Jacques shell, in Ems estuary, in Columbia river and others. The talks about the biological effects, the radionuclides behaviour in environment of estuary, the thermal effects and finishes with some considerable notices. (C.M.).

  18. Sistema integrado de tratamento de efluentes sanitários com reatores anaeróbios sequenciais em batelada e wetlands construídos de fluxos alternados

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    Gustavo Stolzenberg Colares


    Full Text Available A concepção de um sistema integrado de wetlands construídos (WCs, de diferentes configurações, foi desenvolvida neste trabalho visando melhorias para remoção de nitrogênio e fósforo de efluentes de águas negras e amarelas, bem como da não utilização de suporte fixo para plantio das mudas de Hymenachne grumosa em parte do sistema. Canos de PVC foram utilizados em parte para montagem do sistema nas unidades de wetlands construídos flutuantes de fluxo horizontal + flutuantes de fluxo alternado + de fluxo vertical. No último estágio foram aplicadas britas de números 1 e 2 para o sistema suporte. Os estudos foram feitos no campus da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC, RS. As taxas de aplicação de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT, nitrogênio amoniacal e fósforo solúvel foram controladas para não ultrapassar respectivamente os limites de 26, 1,2 e 0,2 g m-1 dia-1 nos três sistemas integrados, considerando tempo de detenção de 7 dias para cada compartimento. As disposições das macrófitas foram de 24 até 32 mudas m-2, sendo que lentilhas (Lemna sp. e alfaces d’água (Pistia stratiotes foram utilizadas para controle de espaços em aberto na superfície do líquido nas configurações flutuante de fluxo horizontal (WCFFH e flutuante de fluxo horizontal alternado (WCFFA. Os resultados revelaram faixas de reduções da carga poluente após os WCs de 50-72% para o COT; de 77,7-93,7% para N-NH3 e de 88,8-94,7% para fósforo solúvel. O desenvolvimento do sistema radicular das macrófitas dos sistemas flutuantes ainda não atingiu a potencial plenitude de até 40 cm, sendo, portanto, possíveis melhores resultados com o decorrer dos estudos.

  19. Cryo-EM structure of the cytoplasmic domain of murine transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 6 (TRPC6). (United States)

    Azumaya, Caleigh M; Sierra-Valdez, Francisco; Cordero-Morales, Julio F; Nakagawa, Terunaga


    The kidney maintains the internal milieu by regulating the retention and excretion of proteins, ions, and small molecules. The glomerular podocyte forms the slit diaphragm of the ultrafiltration filter, whose damage leads to progressive kidney failure and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). The canonical transient receptor potential 6 (TRPC6) ion channel is expressed in the podocyte and mutations in its cytoplasmic domain cause FSGS in humans. In vitro evaluation of disease-causing mutations in TRPC6 has revealed that these genetic alterations result in abnormal ion channel gating. However, the mechanism whereby the cytoplasmic domain modulates TRPC6 function is largely unknown. Here we report a cryoEM structure of the cytoplasmic domain of murine TRPC6 at 3.8Å resolution. The cytoplasmic fold of TRPC6 is characterized by an inverted dome-like chamber pierced by four radial horizontal helices that converge into a vertical coiled-coil at the central axis. Unlike in other TRP channels, TRPC6 displays a unique domain swap that occurs at the junction of the horizontal helices and coiled-coil. Multiple FSGS mutations converge at the buried interface between the vertical coiled-coil and the ankyrin repeats, which form the dome, suggesting these regions are critical for allosteric gating modulation. This functionally critical interface is a potential target for drug design. Importantly, dysfunction in other family members leads to learning deficits (TRPC1/4/5) and ataxia (TRPC3). Our data provide a structural framework for the mechanistic investigation of the TRPC family. Published under license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  20. A New Natural Lactone from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. Seeds

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    Zhongjun Li


    Full Text Available A new natural product named longanlactone was isolated from <em>Dimocarpus> <em>longan> Lour. seeds. Its structure was determined as 3-(2-acetyl-1<em>H>-pyrrol-1-yl-5-(prop-2-yn-1-yldihydrofuran-2(3H-one by spectroscopic methods and HRESIMS.

  1. Purification, Characterization and Antioxidant Activities <em>in Vitroem>> em>and <em>in Vivoem> of the Polysaccharides from <em>Boletus edulisem> Bull

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yijun Fan


    Full Text Available A water-soluble polysaccharide (BEBP was extracted from <em>Boletus edulis em>Bull using hot water extraction followed by ethanol precipitation. The polysaccharide BEBP was further purified by chromatography on a DEAE-cellulose column, giving three major polysaccharide fractions termed BEBP-1, BEBP-2 and BEBP-3. In the next experiment, the average molecular weight (Mw, IR and monosaccharide compositional analysis of the three polysaccharide fractions were determined. The evaluation of antioxidant activities both <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivo em>suggested that BEBP-3 had good potential antioxidant activity, and should be explored as a novel potential antioxidant.

  2. <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> in red foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and badgers (<em>Meles melesem> from Central and Northern Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marta Magi


    Full Text Available Abstract During 2004-2005 and 2007-2008, 189 foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> and 6 badgers (<em>Meles melesem> were collected in different areas of Central Northern Italy (Piedmont, Liguria and Tuscany and examined for <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> infection. The prevalence of the infection was significantly different in the areas considered, with the highest values in the district of Imperia (80%, Liguria and in Montezemolo (70%, southern Piedmont; the prevalence in Tuscany was 7%. One badger collected in the area of Imperia turned out to be infected, representing the first report of the parasite in this species in Italy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the role played by fox populations as reservoirs of infection and the probability of its spreading to domestic dogs.
    Riassunto <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem> nella volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e nel tasso (<em>Meles melesem> in Italia centro-settentrionale. Nel 2004-2005 e 2007-2008, 189 volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> e 6 tassi (<em>Meles melesem> provenienti da differenti aree dell'Italia settentrionale e centrale (Piemonte, Liguria Toscana, sono stati esaminati per la ricerca di <em>Angiostrongylus vasorumem>. La prevalenza del nematode è risultata significativamente diversa nelle varie zone, con valori elevati nelle zone di Imperia (80% e di Montezemolo (70%, provincia di Cuneo; la prevalenza in Toscana è risultata del 7%. Un tasso proveniente dall'area di Imperia è risultato positivo per A. vasorum; questa è la prima segnalazione del parassita in tale specie in Italia. Ulteriori studi sono necessari per valutare il potenziale della volpe come serbatoio e la possibilità di diffusione della parassitosi ai cani domestici.


  3. Transient flow combustion (United States)

    Tacina, R. R.


    Non-steady combustion problems can result from engine sources such as accelerations, decelerations, nozzle adjustments, augmentor ignition, and air perturbations into and out of the compressor. Also non-steady combustion can be generated internally from combustion instability or self-induced oscillations. A premixed-prevaporized combustor would be particularly sensitive to flow transients because of its susceptability to flashback-autoignition and blowout. An experimental program, the Transient Flow Combustion Study is in progress to study the effects of air and fuel flow transients on a premixed-prevaporized combustor. Preliminary tests performed at an inlet air temperature of 600 K, a reference velocity of 30 m/s, and a pressure of 700 kPa. The airflow was reduced to 1/3 of its original value in a 40 ms ramp before flashback occurred. Ramping the airflow up has shown that blowout is more sensitive than flashback to flow transients. Blowout occurred with a 25 percent increase in airflow (at a constant fuel-air ratio) in a 20 ms ramp. Combustion resonance was found at some conditions and may be important in determining the effects of flow transients.

  4. Assessment of Genetic Fidelity in <em>Rauvolfia em>s>erpentina em>Plantlets Grown from Synthetic (Encapsulated Seeds Following <em>in Vitroem> Storage at 4 °C

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    Mohammad Anis


    Full Text Available An efficient method was developed for plant regeneration and establishment from alginate encapsulated synthetic seeds of <em>Rauvolfia serpentinaem>. Synthetic seeds were produced using <em>in vitroem> proliferated microshoots upon complexation of 3% sodium alginate prepared in Llyod and McCown woody plant medium (WPM and 100 mM calcium chloride. Re-growth ability of encapsulated nodal segments was evaluated after storage at 4 °C for 0, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks and compared with non-encapsulated buds. Effects of different media <em>viz>; Murashige and Skoog medium; Lloyd and McCown woody Plant medium, Gamborg’s B5 medium and Schenk and Hildebrandt medium was also investigated for conversion into plantlets. The maximum frequency of conversion into plantlets from encapsulated nodal segments stored at 4 °C for 4 weeks was achieved on woody plant medium supplement with 5.0 μM BA and 1.0 μM NAA. Rooting in plantlets was achieved in half-strength Murashige and Skoog liquid medium containing 0.5 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA on filter paper bridges. Plantlets obtained from stored synseeds were hardened, established successfully <em>ex vitroem> and were morphologically similar to each other as well as their mother plant. The genetic fidelity of <em>Rauvolfia em>clones raised from synthetic seeds following four weeks of storage at 4 °C were assessed by using random amplified polymorphic<em> em>DNA (RAPD and inter-simple sequence repeat<em> em>(ISSR markers. All the RAPD and ISSR profiles from generated plantlets were monomorphic and comparable<em> em>to the mother plant, which confirms the genetic<em> em>stability among the clones. This synseed protocol could be useful for establishing a particular system for conservation, short-term storage and production of genetically identical and stable plants before it is released for commercial purposes.

  5. Sulla presenza di <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, <em>Neomys anomalusem> (Insectivora, Soricidae e <em>Talpa caecaem> (Insectivora, Talpidae in Umbria

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    A.M. Paci


    Full Text Available Lo scopo del contributo è di fornire un aggiornamento sulla presenza del Toporagno del Vallese <em>Sorex antinoriiem>, del Toporagno acquatico di Miller <em>Neomys anomalusem> e della Talpa cieca <em>Talpa caecaem> in Umbria, dove le specie risultano accertate ormai da qualche anno. A tal fine sono stati rivisitati i reperti collezionati e la bibliografia conosciuta. Toporagno del Vallese: elevato di recente a livello di specie da Brünner et al. (2002, altrimenti considerato sottospecie del Toporagno comune (<em>S. araneus antinoriiem>. È conservato uno di tre crani incompleti (mancano mandibole ed incisivi superiori al momento prudenzialmente riferiti a <em>Sorex> cfr. <em>antinorii>, provenienti dall?Appennino umbro-marchigiano settentrionale (dintorni di Scalocchio - PG, 590 m. s.l.m. e determinati sulla base della pigmentazione rossa degli ipoconi del M1 e M2; Toporagno acquatico di Miller: tre crani (Breda in Paci e Romano op. cit. e un esemplare intero (Paci, ined. sono stati trovati a pochi chilometri di distanza gli uni dall?altro tra i comuni di Assisi e Valfabbrica, in ambienti mediocollinari limitrofi al Parco Regionale del M.te Subasio (Perugia. In provincia di Terni la specie viene segnalata da Isotti (op. cit. per i dintorni di Orvieto. Talpa cieca: sono noti una femmina e un maschio raccolti nel comune di Pietralunga (PG, rispettivamente in una conifereta a <em>Pinus nigraem> (m. 630 s.l.m. e nelle vicinanze di un bosco misto collinare a prevalenza di <em>Quercus cerrisem> (m. 640 s.l.m.. Recentemente un terzo individuo è stato rinvenuto nel comune di Sigillo (PG, all?interno del Parco Regionale di M.te Cucco, sul margine di una faggeta a 1100 m s.l.m. In entrambi i casi l?areale della specie è risultato parapatrico con quello di <em>Talpa europaeaem>.

  6. Four Novel Cellulose Synthase (CESA Genes from <em>Birch> (<em>Betula platyphylla em>Suk. Involved in Primary and Secondary Cell Wall Biosynthesis

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    Xuemei Liu


    Full Text Available Cellulose synthase (CESA, which is an essential catalyst for the generation of plant cell wall biomass, is mainly encoded by the <em>CesA> gene family that contains ten or more members. In this study; four full-length cDNAs encoding CESA were isolated from<em> Betula platyphyllaem> Suk., which is an important timber species, using RT-PCR combined with the RACE method and were named as <em>BplCesA3em>, <em>−4em>,> −7 em>and> −8em>. These deduced CESAs contained the same typical domains and regions as their <em>Arabidopsis> homologs. The cDNA lengths differed among these four genes, as did the locations of the various protein domains inferred from the deduced amino acid sequences, which shared amino acid sequence identities ranging from only 63.8% to 70.5%. Real-time RT-PCR showed that all four <em>BplCesAs> were expressed at different levels in diverse tissues. Results indicated that BplCESA8 might be involved in secondary cell wall biosynthesis and floral development. BplCESA3 appeared in a unique expression pattern and was possibly involved in primary cell wall biosynthesis and seed development; it might also be related to the homogalacturonan synthesis. BplCESA7 and BplCESA4 may be related to the formation of a cellulose synthase complex and participate mainly in secondary cell wall biosynthesis. The extremely low expression abundance of the four BplCESAs in mature pollen suggested very little involvement of them in mature pollen formation in <em>Betula>. The distinct expression pattern of the four <em>BplCesAs> suggested they might participate in developments of various tissues and that they are possibly controlled by distinct mechanisms in <em>Betula.>

  7. Microsatellite Loci in the Gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatum em>(Brassicaceae, and Transferability to Other <em>Lepidieae>

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    José Gabriel Segarra-Moragues


    Full Text Available Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the Ibero-North African, strict gypsophyte <em>Lepidium subulatumem> to unravel the effects of habitat fragmentation in levels of genetic diversity, genetic structure and gene flow among its populations. Using 454 pyrosequencing 12 microsatellite loci including di- and tri-nucleotide repeats were characterized in <em>L. subulatumem>. They amplified a total of 80 alleles (2–12 alleles per locus in a sample of 35 individuals of <em>L. subulatumem>, showing relatively high levels of genetic diversity, <em>H>O = 0.645, <em>H>E = 0.627. Cross-species transferability of all 12 loci was successful for the Iberian endemics <em>Lepidium cardaminesem>, <em>Lepidium stylatumem>, and the widespread, <em>Lepidium graminifoliumem> and one species each of two related genera, <em>Cardaria drabaem> and <em>Coronopus didymusem>. These microsatellite primers will be useful to investigate genetic diversity, population structure and to address conservation genetics in species of <em>Lepidium>.

  8. Flow-injection spectrophotometric determination of captopril in pharmaceutical formulations using a new solid-phase reactor containing AgSCN immobilized in a polyurethane resin

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    Fernando Campanhã Vicentini


    Full Text Available A simple flow-injection analysis procedure was developed for determining captopril in pharmaceutical formulations employing a novel solid-phase reactor containing silver thiocyanate immobilized in a castor oil derivative polyurethane resin. The method was based on silver mercaptide formation between the captopril and Ag(I in the solid-phase reactor. During such a reaction, the SCN- anion was released and reacted with Fe3+, which generated the FeSCN2+ complex that was continuously monitored at 480 nm. The analytical curve was linear in the captopril concentration range from 3.0 × 10-4 mol L-1 to 1.1 × 10-3 mol L-1 with a detection limit of 8.0 × 10-5 mol L-1. Recoveries between 97.5% and 103% and a relative standard deviation of 2% for a solution containing 6.0 × 10-4 mol L-1 captopril (n = 12 were obtained. The sample throughput was 40 h-1 and the results obtained for captopril in pharmaceutical formulations using this procedure and those obtained using a pharmacopoeia procedure were in agreement at a 95% confidence level.Um procedimento simples de análise por injeção em fluxo foi desenvolvido para a determinação de captopril em formulações farmacêuticas empregando um novo reator em fase sólida contendo tiocianato de prata imobilizado em resina poliuretana obtida a partir de óleo de mamona. O método foi baseado na formação de um mercapto composto de prata, no reator em fase sólida, obtido entre o captopril e Ag (I imobilizada. Durante a reação, íons SCN- eram liberados e reagiam com Fe3+, gerando o complexo FeSCN2+, que foi continuamente monitorado em 480 nm. A curva analítica foi linear no intervalo de concentração de captopril entre 3,0 × 10-4 a 1,1 × 10-3 mol L-1 com um limite de detecção de 8,0 × 10-5 mol L-1. Recuperações entre 97,5-103% e desvio padrão relativo de 2% para uma solução contendo 6,0 × 10-4 mol L-1 de captopril (n = 12 foram obtidos. A frequência de amostragem foi de 40 h-1 e os resultados

  9. Constituents from <em>Vigna em>vexillata> and Their Anti-Inflammatory Activity

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    Guo-Feng Chen


    Full Text Available The seeds of <em>Vigna em>genus are important food resources and there have already been many reports regarding their bioactivities. In our preliminary bioassay, the chloroform layer of methanol extracts of<em> V. vexillata em>demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory bioactivity. Therefore, the present research is aimed to purify and identify the anti-inflammatory principles of <em>V. vexillataem>. One new sterol (1 and two new isoflavones (2,3 were reported from the natural sources for the first time and their chemical structures were determined by the spectroscopic and mass spectrometric analyses. In addition, 37 known compounds were identified by comparison of their physical and spectroscopic data with those reported in the literature. Among the isolates, daidzein (23, abscisic acid (25, and quercetin (40 displayed the most significant inhibition of superoxide anion generation and elastase release.

  10. Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Luminescent Property of Cd (II Complex with <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine

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    Xishi Tai


    Full Text Available A new trinuclear Cd (II complex [Cd3(L6(2,2-bipyridine3] [L =<em> Nem>-phenylsulfonyl-L>-leucinato] has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, IR and X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. The results show that the complex belongs to the orthorhombic, space group<em> Pem>212121 with<em> aem> = 16.877(3 Å, <em>b> em>= 22.875(5 Å, <em>c em>= 29.495(6 Å, <em>α> em>= <emem>= <emem>= 90°, <em>V> em>= 11387(4 Å3, <em>Z> em>= 4, <em>Dc>= 1.416 μg·m−3, <emem>= 0.737 mm−1, <em>F> em>(000 = 4992, and final <em>R>1 = 0.0390, <em>ωR>2 = 0.0989. The complex comprises two seven-coordinated Cd (II atoms, with a N2O5 distorted pengonal bipyramidal coordination environment and a six-coordinated Cd (II atom, with a N2O4 distorted octahedral coordination environment. The molecules form one dimensional chain structure by the interaction of bridged carboxylato groups, hydrogen bonds and p-p interaction of 2,2-bipyridine. The luminescent properties of the Cd (II complex and <em>N-Benzenesulphonyl-L>-leucine in solid and in CH3OH solution also have been investigated.

  11. <em>N>-Substituted 5-Chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-ones: Synthesis, Insecticidal Activity Against <em>Plutella xylostella em>(L. and SAR Study

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    Song Yang


    Full Text Available A series of <em>N>-substituted 5-chloro-6-phenylpyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one derivatives were synthesized based on our previous work; all compounds were characterized by spectral data and tested for <em>in vitroem> insecticidal activity against <em>Plutella xylostellaem>. The results showed that the synthesized pyridazin-3(2<em>H>-one compounds possessed good insecticidal activities, especially the compounds 4b, 4d, and 4h which showed > 90% activity at 100 mg/L. The structure-activity relationships (SAR for these compounds were also discussed.

  12. Transients: The regulator's view

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Sheron, B.W.; Speis, T.P.


    This chapter attempts to clarify the basis for the regulator's concerns for transient events. Transients are defined as both anticipated operational occurrences and postulated accidents. Recent operational experience, supplemented by improved probabilistic risk analysis methods, has demonstrated that non-LOCA transient events can be significant contributors to overall risk. Topics considered include lessons learned from events and issues, the regulations governing plant transients, multiple failures, different failure frequencies, operator errors, and public pressure. It is concluded that the formation of Owners Groups and Regulatory Response Groups within the owners groups are positive signs of the industry's concern for safety and responsible dealing with the issues affecting both the US NRC and the industry

  13. Estudo da sintese enzimatica de dextrana na presença de maltose como aceptor


    Sueli Rodrigues


    Resumo: O principal objetivo do trabalho foi o estudo de um processo para obtenção de dextrana de massa molar controlada, via síntese enzimática, para com isso reduzir os custos da obtenção de dextrana clínica. Para isso foi considerada a modelagem de um reator contínuo com re-aproveitamento da enzima através da adsorção em resinas trocadoras de íons. Entretanto, os ensaios de adsorção demonstraram que a presença de dextrana impede a adsorção da enzima e seu re-aproveitamento a...

  14. Análise da viabilidade de filtro anaeróbio de chicanas no pós-tratamento de esgotos sanitários.


    Silva, Vanessa Farias da


    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de filtro anaeróbio de chicanas (FAC) no pós-tratamento de efluente anaeróbio, usando garrafas PET como material de enchimento. O experimento foi realizado em três fases, delimitado pelos três tempos de detenção hidráulicas, 7, 9 e 10 dias, respectivamente. As análises dos efluentes do reator UASB e do FAC foram realizadas semanalmente, averiguando a remoção de matéria orgânica na forma de DBO5 e DQO, sólidos e suas frações, nutrient...


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    Guy Hamelin


    Full Text Available Na sua obra, Pedro Abelardo (1079-1142 destaca duas noções metafísicas que fundamentam sua teoria lógica: o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">statusem> e o <em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">dictum propositionisem>, ao causar, respectivamente, a imposição (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">impositioem> dos termos universais e o valor de verdade das proposições. Trata-se de expressões que se referem a naturezas ontológicas peculiares, na medida em que não são consideradas coisas (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">resem>, mesmo que constituem causas. Todavia, também não são nada. Abelardo as chama de ‘quase coisas’ (<em style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal;">quasi resem>. No presente artigo, explicamos, primeiro, essas duas noções essenciais da lógica abelardiana, antes de tentar, em seguida, encontrar a fonte dessa metafísica particular. Em oposição a comentadores importantes da lógica de Abelardo, que estimam que haja uma forte influência platônica sobre essa concepção específica, defendemos antes, com apoio de textos significativos e de acordo com o nominalismo abelardiano, que a maior ascendência sobre a metafísica do nosso autor é a do estoicismo, sobretudo, antigo.In his work, Peter Abelard (1079-1142 highlights two metaphysical notions, which sustain his logical theory: the <em>status> and the <em>dictum propositionisem>, causing respectively both the imposition (<em>impositio> of universal terms and the thuth-value of propositions. Both expressions refer to peculiar ontological natures, in so far as they are not considered things (<em>res>, even if they constitute causes. Nevertheless, neither are they ‘nothing’. Abelard calls them ‘quasi-things’ (<em>quasi resem>. In the present article, we expound first these two essential notions of Abelardian logic before then trying to find the source of this particular metaphysics. Contrary to some important

  16. Searching for MHz Transients with the VLA Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE) (United States)

    Polisensky, Emil; Peters, Wendy; Giacintucci, Simona; Clarke, Tracy; Kassim, Namir E.; hyman, Scott D.; van der Horst, Alexander; Linford, Justin; Waldron, Zach; Frail, Dale


    NRL and NRAO have expanded the low frequency capabilities of the VLA through the VLA Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE, ), effectively making the instrument two telescopes in one. VLITE is a commensal observing system that harvests data from the prime focus in parallel with normal Cassegrain focus observing on a subset of VLA antennas. VLITE provides over 6000 observing hours per year in a > 5 square degree field-of-view using 64 MHz bandwidth centered on 352 MHz. By operating in parallel, VLITE offers invaluable low frequency data to targeted observations of transient sources detected at higher frequencies. With arcsec resolution and mJy sensitivity, VLITE additionally offers great potential for blind searches of rarer radio-selected transients. We use catalog matching software on the imaging products from the daily astrophysics pipeline and the LOFAR Transients Pipeline (TraP) on repeated observations of the same fields to search for coherent and incoherent astronomical transients on timescales of a few seconds to years. We present the current status of the VLITE transient science program from its initial deployment on 10 antennas in November 2014 through its expansion to 16 antennas in the summer of 2017. Transient limits from VLITE’s first year of operation (Polisensky et al. 2016) are updated per the most recent analysis.

  17. Un desarrollo científico-tecnológico autónomo: la construcción del RA-1

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    Zulema Marzorat


    Full Text Available En 1958, a pocos años de los orígenes del desarrollo nuclear en nuestro país, entró en criticidad el primer reactor experimental construido en Argentina con tecnología propia, a diferencia de otros países periféricos que decidieron comprarlos "llave en mano". Tomando como ejemplo este logro a nivel local, nuestro trabajo pretende contribuir a los estudios sociales de la ciencia acerca de la relación centro-periferia, en función de que es posible realizar desarrollos científico-tecnológicos autónomos, de trascendencia a nivel internacional, en los países en vías de desarrollo.Em 1958, poucos anos depois das origens do desenvolvimento nuclear na Argentina, o primeiro reator experimental, construído com tecnologia nacional, entrou numa fase crítica. Isto se deu em oposição ao critério de outros países da região que tinham decidido comprar reatores "feitos". Partindo do exemplo deste sucesso a nível local, nosso trabalho procura contribuir aos estudos sociais da ciência dentro das relações centro-periferia, mostrando como países ditos "em desenvolvimento" podem atingir níveis de desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico autônomo, reconhecidos internacionalmente.In 1958, few years after the origins of the nuclear development in Argentina, the first experimental reactor entered in a critical phase, built with technology of the country, in opposition to other countries of the region that had decided to buy reactors "key in hand". Taking as example this achievement at a local level, the paper seeks to contribute to the social studies of the science as concerns the relationships center-periphery, showing that developing countries can carry out autonomous scientific-technological developments, acknowledged at international level.

  18. Simulação numérica da dispersão do sulfeto de hidrogênio emitido por um reator UASB para tratamento de esgoto doméstico

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    Matheus Ribeiro Augusto


    Full Text Available O tratamento anaeróbio de águas residuárias pode produzir elevadas concentrações de sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S, substância que apresenta forte odor, além de ser corrosivo e tóxico. Alguns dos métodos existentes para o controle do H2S demandam elevado custo de implantação e operação e, portanto, não são adotados. Dessa forma, o planejamento adequado da instalação de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto (ETE pode auxiliar na prevenção do impacto e de possíveis problemas com a população. Modelos matemáticos de dispersão atmosférica podem ser aplicados previamente para verificar o alcance do poluente e, portanto, subsidiar a definição do local mais adequado para instalação de uma ETE. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a dispersão atmosférica do H2S proveniente de uma unidade anaeróbia de tratamento de águas residuárias localizada em um bairro rural do município de Itajubá, MG, Brasil. Para isso, foi aplicado o modelo gaussiano AERMOD utilizando-se dados reais da taxa de emissão do poluente no reator anaeróbio, além de informações meteorológicas e geofísicas (relevo e uso do solo. Como resultado das simulações verificou-se que a pluma de odor foi orientada pelo relevo e se concentrou nas proximidades da unidade de tratamento, limitando o impacto ao bairro rural. O vento também exerceu influência direta na orientação do H2S para o período 1. No entanto, para o período 2, não se verificou a mesma tendência. Dessa maneira, constatou-se que a análise de características meteorológicas (principalmente a direção predominante dos ventos e geofísicas da região e a aplicação de modelos matemáticos podem auxiliar na escolha do local mais adequado para a instalação de uma ETE.

  19. Modelling and transient simulation of water flow in pipelines using WANDA Transient software

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    P.U. Akpan


    Full Text Available Pressure transients in conduits such as pipelines are unsteady flow conditions caused by a sudden change in the flow velocity. These conditions might cause damage to the pipelines and its fittings if the extreme pressure (high or low is experienced within the pipeline. In order to avoid this occurrence, engineers usually carry out pressure transient analysis in the hydraulic design phase of pipeline network systems. Modelling and simulation of transients in pipelines is an acceptable and cost effective method of assessing this problem and finding technical solutions. This research predicts the pressure surge for different flow conditions in two different pipeline systems using WANDA Transient simulation software. Computer models were set-up in WANDA Transient for two different systems namely; the Graze experiment (miniature system and a simple main water riser system based on some initial laboratory data and system parameters. The initial laboratory data and system parameters were used for all the simulations. Results obtained from the computer model simulations compared favourably with the experimental results at Polytropic index of 1.2.

  20. Natural Products from Antarctic Colonial Ascidians of the Genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum>: Variability and Defensive Role

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    Conxita Avila


    Full Text Available Ascidians have developed multiple defensive strategies mostly related to physical, nutritional or chemical properties of the tunic. One of such is chemical defense based on secondary metabolites. We analyzed a series of colonial Antarctic ascidians from deep-water collections belonging to the genera <em>Aplidium> and <em>Synoicum> to evaluate the incidence of organic deterrents and their variability. The ether fractions from 15 samples including specimens of the species <em>A.> <em>falklandicum>, <em>A.> <em>fuegiense>, <em>A.> <em>meridianum>, <em>A.> <em>millari> and <em>S.> <em>adareanum> were subjected to feeding assays towards two relevant sympatric predators: the starfish <em>Odontaster> <em>validus>, and the amphipod <em>Cheirimedon> <em>femoratus>. All samples revealed repellency. Nonetheless, some colonies concentrated defensive chemicals in internal body-regions rather than in the tunic. Four ascidian-derived meroterpenoids, rossinones B and the three derivatives 2,3-epoxy-rossinone B, 3-epi-rossinone B, 5,6-epoxy-rossinone B, and the indole alkaloids meridianins A–G, along with other minoritary meridianin compounds were isolated from several samples. Some purified metabolites were tested in feeding assays exhibiting potent unpalatabilities, thus revealing their role in predation avoidance. Ascidian extracts and purified compound-fractions were further assessed in antibacterial tests against a marine Antarctic bacterium. Only the meridianins showed inhibition activity, demonstrating a multifunctional defensive role. According to their occurrence in nature and within our colonial specimens, the possible origin of both types of metabolites is discussed.

  1. RFI flagging implications for short-duration transients (United States)

    Cendes, Y.; Prasad, P.; Rowlinson, A.; Wijers, R. A. M. J.; Swinbank, J. D.; Law, C. J.; van der Horst, A. J.; Carbone, D.; Broderick, J. W.; Staley, T. D.; Stewart, A. J.; Huizinga, F.; Molenaar, G.; Alexov, A.; Bell, M. E.; Coenen, T.; Corbel, S.; Eislöffel, J.; Fender, R.; Grießmeier, J.-M.; Jonker, P.; Kramer, M.; Kuniyoshi, M.; Pietka, M.; Stappers, B.; Wise, M.; Zarka, P.


    With their wide fields of view and often relatively long coverage of any position in the sky in imaging survey mode, modern radio telescopes provide a data stream that is naturally suited to searching for rare transients. However, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) can show up in the data stream in similar ways to such transients, and thus the normal pre-treatment of filtering RFI (flagging) may also remove astrophysical transients from the data stream before imaging. In this paper we investigate how standard flagging affects the detectability of such transients by examining the case of transient detection in an observing mode used for Low Frequency Array (LOFAR; van Haarlem et al., 2013) surveys. We quantify the fluence range of transients that would be detected, and the reduction of their SNR due to partial flagging. We find that transients with a duration close to the integration sampling time, as well as bright transients with durations on the order of tens of seconds, are completely flagged. For longer transients on the order of several tens of seconds to minutes, the flagging effects are not as severe, although part of the signal is lost. For these transients, we present a modified flagging strategy which mitigates the effect of flagging on transient signals. We also present a script which uses the differences between the two strategies, and known differences between transient RFI and astrophysical transients, to notify the observer when a potential transient is in the data stream.

  2. Evidence of Hierarchy in the Complex Fractured System of Geropotamos (Crete, Greece), as Extracted from Transient Electromagnetic Responses (United States)

    Vallianatos, Filippos; Kouli, Maria; Kalisperi, Despina


    The essential goals of this paper are to test the transient electromagnetic (TEM) response in a fractured geological complex medium and to better understand the physics introduced by associating a roughness parameter β to the geological formation. An anomalous fractional diffusion approach is incorporated to describe the electromagnetic induction in rough multi-scaled geological structures. The multi-scaling characteristics of Geropotamos basin in Crete are revealed through the analysis of transient step-off response of an EM loop antenna. The semi-empirical parameters derived from late-time TEM measurements are correlated with the multi-scale heterogeneities of the medium. Certain interesting properties of the late-time slope γ(β) and the power law of near surface resistivity distribution, as extracted from TEM inversion for different depth, are presented. The analysis of the parameter γ(β) which scales the induced voltage in the loop in the late stage of the electromagnetic response leads to a different view of the EM geophysical data interpretation. We show that it is strongly correlated with areas of high fracture density within the geological formations of the Geropotamos area. For that reason, it is proposed as a local multi-scaling empirical index. The results of this paper suggest that anomalous diffusion could be a viable physical mechanism for the fractal transport of charge carriers, explaining observed late-time TEM responses across a variety of natural geological settings.

  3. Fumigant Antifungal Activity of Myrtaceae Essential Oils and Constituents from <em>Leptospermum petersoniiem> against Three <em>Aspergillus> Species

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    Il-Kwon Park


    Full Text Available Commercial plant essential oils obtained from 11 Myrtaceae plant species were tested for their fumigant antifungal activity against <em>Aspergillus ochraceusem>, <em>A. flavusem>, and <em>A. nigerem>. Essential oils extracted from<em> em>Leptospermum> <em>petersonii> at air concentrations of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL and 28 × 10−3 mg/mL completely inhibited the growth of the three <em>Aspergillus> species. However, at an air concentration of 14 × 10−3 mg/mL, inhibition rates of <em>L. petersoniiem> essential oils were reduced to 20.2% and 18.8% in the case of <em>A. flavusem> and <em>A. nigerem>, respectively. The other Myrtaceae essential oils (56 × 10−3 mg/mL only weakly inhibited the fungi or had no detectable affect. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis identified 16 compounds in <em>L. petersoniiem>> em>essential> em>oil.> em>The antifungal activity of the identified compounds was tested individually by using standard or synthesized compounds. Of these, neral and geranial inhibited growth by 100%, at an air concentration of 56 × 10−3 mg/mL, whereas the activity of citronellol was somewhat lover (80%. The other compounds exhibited only moderate or weak antifungal activity. The antifungal activities of blends of constituents identified in <em>L. petersoniiem> oil indicated that neral and geranial were the major contributors to the fumigant and antifungal activities.

  4. Clinical Relevance of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-Methylation in Serum of Cervical Cancer Patients

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    Günther K. Bonn


    Full Text Available This study was designed to investigate the DNA-methylation status of <em>E>-cadherin (<em>CDH1em> and <em>H>-cadherin (<em>CDH13em> in serum samples of cervical cancer patients and control patients with no malignant diseases and to evaluate the clinical utility of these markers. DNA-methylation status of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> was analyzed by means of MethyLight-technology in serum samples from 49 cervical cancer patients and 40 patients with diseases other than cancer. To compare this methylation analysis with another technique, we analyzed the samples with a denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC PCR-method. The specificity and sensitivity of <em>CDH1em> DNA-methylation measured by MethyLight was 75% and 55%, and for <em>CDH13em> DNA-methylation 95% and 10%. We identified a specificity of 92.5% and a sensitivity of only 27% for the <em>CDH1em> DHPLC-PCR analysis. Multivariate analysis showed that serum <em>CDH1em> methylation-positive patients had a 7.8-fold risk for death (95% CI: 2.2–27.7; <em>p> = 0.001 and a 92.8-fold risk for relapse (95% CI: 3.9–2207.1; <em>p> = 0.005. We concluded that the serological detection of <em>CDH1em> and <em>CDH13em> DNA-hypermethylation is not an ideal diagnostic tool due to low diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. However, it was validated that <em>CDH1em> methylation analysis in serum samples may be of potential use as a prognostic marker for cervical cancer patients.

  5. Transient coupled calculations of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor using the Transient Fission Matrix approach

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Laureau, A., E-mail:; Heuer, D.; Merle-Lucotte, E.; Rubiolo, P.R.; Allibert, M.; Aufiero, M.


    Highlights: • Neutronic ‘Transient Fission Matrix’ approach coupled to the CFD OpenFOAM code. • Fission Matrix interpolation model for fast spectrum homogeneous reactors. • Application for coupled calculations of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor. • Load following, over-cooling and reactivity insertion transient studies. • Validation of the reactor intrinsic stability for normal and accidental transients. - Abstract: In this paper we present transient studies of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR). This generation IV reactor is characterized by a liquid fuel circulating in the core cavity, requiring specific simulation tools. An innovative neutronic approach called “Transient Fission Matrix” is used to perform spatial kinetic calculations with a reduced computational cost through a pre-calculation of the Monte Carlo spatial and temporal response of the system. Coupled to this neutronic approach, the Computational Fluid Dynamics code OpenFOAM is used to model the complex flow pattern in the core. An accurate interpolation model developed to take into account the thermal hydraulics feedback on the neutronics including reactivity and neutron flux variation is presented. Finally different transient studies of the reactor in normal and accidental operating conditions are detailed such as reactivity insertion and load following capacities. The results of these studies illustrate the excellent behavior of the MSFR during such transients.

  6. Transient coupled calculations of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor using the Transient Fission Matrix approach

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laureau, A.; Heuer, D.; Merle-Lucotte, E.; Rubiolo, P.R.; Allibert, M.; Aufiero, M.


    Highlights: • Neutronic ‘Transient Fission Matrix’ approach coupled to the CFD OpenFOAM code. • Fission Matrix interpolation model for fast spectrum homogeneous reactors. • Application for coupled calculations of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor. • Load following, over-cooling and reactivity insertion transient studies. • Validation of the reactor intrinsic stability for normal and accidental transients. - Abstract: In this paper we present transient studies of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR). This generation IV reactor is characterized by a liquid fuel circulating in the core cavity, requiring specific simulation tools. An innovative neutronic approach called “Transient Fission Matrix” is used to perform spatial kinetic calculations with a reduced computational cost through a pre-calculation of the Monte Carlo spatial and temporal response of the system. Coupled to this neutronic approach, the Computational Fluid Dynamics code OpenFOAM is used to model the complex flow pattern in the core. An accurate interpolation model developed to take into account the thermal hydraulics feedback on the neutronics including reactivity and neutron flux variation is presented. Finally different transient studies of the reactor in normal and accidental operating conditions are detailed such as reactivity insertion and load following capacities. The results of these studies illustrate the excellent behavior of the MSFR during such transients.

  7. Extraction of Dihydroquercetin<em> em>from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> em>with Ultrasound-Assisted and Microwave-Assisted Alternant Digestion

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available An ultrasound and microwave assisted alternant extraction method (UMAE was applied for extracting dihydroquercetin (DHQ from <em>Larix gmeliniem>i> wood. This investigation was conducted using 60% ethanol as solvent, 1:12 solid to liquid ratio, and 3 h soaking time. The optimum treatment time was ultrasound 40 min, microwave 20 min, respectively, and the extraction was performed once. Under the optimized conditions, satisfactory extraction yield of the target analyte was obtained. Relative to ultrasound-assisted or microwave-assisted method, the proposed approach provides higher extraction yield. The effect of DHQ of different concentrations and synthetic antioxidants on oxidative stability in soy bean oil stored for 20 days at different temperatures (25 °C and 60 °C was compared. DHQ was more effective in restraining soy bean oil oxidation, and a dose-response relationship was observed. The antioxidant activity of DHQ was a little stronger than that of BHA and BHT. Soy bean oil supplemented with 0.08 mg/g DHQ exhibited favorable antioxidant effects and is preferable for effectively avoiding oxidation. The <em>L. gmeliniiem> wood samples before and after extraction were characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that the UMAE method is a simple and efficient technique for sample preparation.

  8. How <em>Varroa> Parasitism Affects the Immunological and Nutritional Status of the Honey Bee, <em>Apis melliferaem>

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    Katherine A. Aronstein


    Full Text Available We investigated the effect of the parasitic mite <em>Varroa destructorem> on the immunological and nutritional condition of honey bees, <em>Apis melliferaem>, from the perspective of the individual bee and the colony. Pupae, newly-emerged adults and foraging adults were sampled from honey bee colonies at one site in S. Texas, USA. <em>Varroa>‑infested bees displayed elevated titer of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV, suggestive of depressed capacity to limit viral replication. Expression of genes coding three anti-microbial peptides (<em>defensin1, abaecin, hymenoptaecinem> was either not significantly different between <em>Varroa>-infested and uninfested bees or was significantly elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested bees, varying with sampling date and bee developmental age. The effect of <em>Varroa> on nutritional indices of the bees was complex, with protein, triglyceride, glycogen and sugar levels strongly influenced by life-stage of the bee and individual colony. Protein content was depressed and free amino acid content elevated in <em>Varroa>-infested pupae, suggesting that protein synthesis, and consequently growth, may be limited in these insects. No simple relationship between the values of nutritional and immune-related indices was observed, and colony-scale effects were indicated by the reduced weight of pupae in colonies with high <em>Varroa> abundance, irrespective of whether the individual pupa bore <em>Varroa>.

  9. MHD aspects of coronal transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Anzer, U.


    If one defines coronal transients as events which occur in the solar corona on rapid time scales (< approx. several hours) then one would have to include a large variety of solar phenomena: flares, sprays, erupting prominences, X-ray transients, white light transients, etc. Here we shall focus our attention on the latter two phenomena. (orig.) 891 WL/orig. 892 RDG

  10. Trophic systems and chorology: data from shrews, moles and voles of Italy preyed by the barn owl / Sistemi trofici e corologia: dati su <em>Soricidae>, <em>Talpidae> ed <em>Arvicolidae> d'Italia predati da <em>Tyto albaem> (Scopoli 1769

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    Longino Contoli


    Full Text Available Abstract In small Mammals biogeography, available data are up to now by far too scanty for elucidate the distribution of a lot of taxa, especially with regard to the absence from a given area. In this respect, standardized quantitative sampling techniques, like Owl pellets analysis can enable not only to enhance faunistic knowledges, but also to estimate the actual absence probability of a given taxon "m", lacking from the diet of an individual raptor. For the last purpose, the relevant frequencies of "m" in the other ecologically similar sites of the same raptor species diets are averaged ($f_m$ : the relevant standard error (multiplicated by a coefficient, according to the desired degree of accuracy, in relation of the integral of probabilities subtracted ($overline{F}_m - a E$: then, the probability that a single specimen is not pertaining to "m" is obtained ($P_0 = 1 - F_m + a E$; lastly, the desiderate accuracy probability ($P_d$ is chosen. Now, "$N_d$" (the number of individuals of all prey species in a single site needed for obtain, with the desired probability, a specimen at least of "m" is obtained through $$N = frac{ln P_d}{ln P_0}$$ Obviously, every site-diet with more than "N" preyed individuals and without any "i" specimen is considered to be lacking of such taxon. A "usefulness index" for the above purposes is outlined and checked about three raptors. Some exanples about usefulness of the Owl pellet analysis method in biogeography are given, concerning <em>Tyto albaem> diets in peninsular Italy about: - <em>Sorex minutusem>, lacking in some quite insulated areas; - <em>Sorex araneusem> (sensu stricto, after GRAF et al., 1979, present also in lowland areas in Emilia-Romagna; - <em>Crocidura suaveolensem> and - <em>Suncus etruscusem>, present also in the southermost part of Calabria (Reggio province; - <em>Talpa caecaem>, present also in the Antiapennines of Latium (Cimini mounts; - <em>Talpa romanaem

  11. Transient-Switch-Signal Suppressor (United States)

    Bozeman, Richard J., Jr.


    Circuit delays transmission of switch-opening or switch-closing signal until after preset suppression time. Used to prevent transmission of undesired momentary switch signal. Basic mode of operation simple. Beginning of switch signal initiates timing sequence. If switch signal persists after preset suppression time, circuit transmits switch signal to external circuitry. If switch signal no longer present after suppression time, switch signal deemed transient, and circuit does not pass signal on to external circuitry, as though no transient switch signal. Suppression time preset at value large enough to allow for damping of underlying pressure wave or other mechanical transient.

  12. Summary of transient analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Saha, P.


    This chapter reviews the papers on the pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR) transient analyses given at the American Nuclear Society Topical Meeting on Anticipated and Abnormal Plant Transients in Light Water Reactors. Most of the papers were based on the systems calculations performed using the TRAC-PWR, RELAP5 and RETRAN codes. The status of the nuclear industry in the code applications area is discussed. It is concluded that even though comprehensive computer codes are available for plant transient analysis, there is still a need to exercise engineering judgment, simpler tools and even hand calculations to supplement these codes

  13. Experience with transients in German NPPs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lindauer, E.


    This chapter examines reactor accidents in the Federal Republic of Germany based on the formal reporting system for licensee event reports (LERs) and a special investigation on all unplanned power variations in 3 PWRs. The significant transients experienced by BWR type reactors are analyzed. The main goal is to find weak points which caused the transient or influenced its course in an unfavorable way in order to improve the affected plant and others. The complete survey of all transients, with normally little or no safety relevance, allows statistical evaluations and the analysis of trends. It is concluded that significant transients were mainly experienced at older plants, whereas plants of an advanced design produced very few significant transients. The most frequent human errors which lead to transients are failure search in electronic systems and errors during design and commissioning


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    Full Text Available RESUMO O morango é uma fruta de alto valor comercial e tem uma rápida deterioração, como a demanda por produtos saudáveis, seguros sob o ponto de vista microbiológico e livre de produtos químicos aumenta cada vez mais, o método de aplicação do gás ozônio em uma atmosfera controlada foi proposto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a eficiência do gás ozônio produzido por um reator, a fim de que os pequenos produtores de morangos possam usá-lo, contribuindo, assim, para as economias regionais. Morangos (Fragaria ananassa variedade Oso Grande, colhidasna região de Minas Gerais foram divididas dois grupos: o primeiro recebeu tratamento com ozônio e o segundo não. No primeiro grupo, o ozônio foi aplicado durante 20 minutos a partir de um reator de Corona. Os frutos foram armazenados a 4 ° C, por períodos de 5, 10 e 15 dias. A qualidade dos frutos foi relata a partir dos níveis de sólidos solúveis totais (SS, acidez titulável (AT , pH, compostos fenólicos (CF, ácido ascórbico (AA, perda de massa fresca (PM% e análise microbiológica (AM, em diferentes tempos de armazenamento de frutos ozonizados e não ozonizados. O uso de gás ozônio foi eficiente para a pós-colheita de morango. Os níveis de microrganismos estão dentro dos limites aceitáveis e as propriedades físicas e químicas foram mantidas.

  15. Nuclear power plant transients: where are we

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Majumdar, D.


    This document is in part a postconference review and summary of the American Nuclear Society sponsored Anticipated and Abnormal Plant Transients in Light Water Reactors Conference held in Jackson, Wyoming, September 26-29, 1983, and in part a reflection upon the issues of plant transients and their impact on the viability of nuclear power. This document discusses state-of-the-art knowledge, deficiencies, and future directions in the plant transients area as seen through this conference. It describes briefly what was reported in this conference, emphasizes areas where it is felt there is confidence in the nuclear industry, and also discusses where the experts did not have a consensus. Areas covered in the document include major issues in operational transients, transient management, transient events experience base, the status of the analytical tools and their capabilities, probabilistic risk assessment applications in operational transients, and human factors impact on plant transients management

  16. PWR systems transient analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kennedy, M.F.; Peeler, G.B.; Abramson, P.B.


    Analysis of transients in pressurized water reactor (PWR) systems involves the assessment of the response of the total plant, including primary and secondary coolant systems, steam piping and turbine (possibly including the complete feedwater train), and various control and safety systems. Transient analysis is performed as part of the plant safety analysis to insure the adequacy of the reactor design and operating procedures and to verify the applicable plant emergency guidelines. Event sequences which must be examined are developed by considering possible failures or maloperations of plant components. These vary in severity (and calculational difficulty) from a series of normal operational transients, such as minor load changes, reactor trips, valve and pump malfunctions, up to the double-ended guillotine rupture of a primary reactor coolant system pipe known as a Large Break Loss of Coolant Accident (LBLOCA). The focus of this paper is the analysis of all those transients and accidents except loss of coolant accidents

  17. Transient osteoporosis of the hip

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    McWalter, Patricia; Hassan Ahmed


    Transient osteoporosis of the hip is an uncommon cause of hip pain, mostly affecting healthy middle-aged men and also women in the third trimester of pregnancy. We present a case of transient osteoporosis of the hip in a 33-year-old non-pregnant female patient. This case highlights the importance of considering a diagnosis of transient osteoporosis of the hip in patients who present with hip pain. (author)

  18. A COMETHE version with transient capability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Vliet, J. van; Lebon, G.; Mathieu, P.


    A version of the COMETHE code is under development to simulate transient situations. This paper focuses on some aspects of the transient heat transfer models. Initially the coupling between transient heat transfer and other thermomechanical models is discussed. An estimation of the thermal characteristic times shows that the cladding temperatures are often in quasi-steady state. In order to reduce the computing time, calculations are therefore switched from a transient to a quasi-static numerical procedure as soon as such a quasi-equilibrium is detected. The temperature calculation is performed by use of the Lebon-Lambermont restricted variational principle, with piecewise polynoms as trial functions. The method has been checked by comparison with some exact results and yields good agreement for transient as well as for quasi-static situations. This method therefore provides a valuable tool for the simulation of the transient behaviour of nuclear reactor fuel rods. (orig.)

  19. Proximate Composition, Nutritional Attributes and Mineral Composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L. (Ketumpangan Air Grown in Malaysia

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    Maznah Ismail


    Full Text Available This study presents the proximate and mineral composition of <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> L., an underexploited weed plant in Malaysia. Proximate analysis was performed using standard AOAC methods and mineral contents were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry. The results indicated <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> to be rich in crude protein, carbohydrate and total ash contents. The high amount of total ash (31.22% suggests a high-value mineral composition comprising potassium, calcium and iron as the main elements. The present study inferred that <em>Peperomia> <em>pellucida> would serve as a good source of protein and energy as well as micronutrients in the form of a leafy vegetable for human consumption.

  20. Evaluation of Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extracts and Fractionation of Different Parts of <em>Elsholtzia em>ciliata>

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant and free-radical scavenging activity of extract and fractions from various parts of <em>Elsholtzia ciliataem>. The inflorescences, leaves, stems and roots of <em>E. ciliataem> were extracted separately and two phenolic component enrichment methods: ethyl acetate-water liquid-liquid extraction and macroporous resin adsorption-desorption, were adopted in this study. The antioxidant activities of water extracts and fractions of <em>E. ciliataem> were examined using different assay model systems <em>in vitroem>. The fraction root E (purified by HPD300 macroporous resin exhibited the highest total phenolics content (497.2 ± 24.9 mg GAE/g, accompanied with the highest antioxidant activity against various antioxidant systems <em>in vitroem> compared to other fractions. On the basis of the results obtained, <em>E. ciliataem> extracts can be used potentially as a ready accessible and valuable bioactive source of natural antioxidants.

  1. Pirólise rápida de casca de arroz: estudo de parâmetros e caracterização de produtos


    Suelen Rodrigues Almeida


    A pirólise (aquecimento em atmosfera inerte) é uma das formas de aproveitamento dos resíduos da agroindústria, gerando o bio-óleo (produto condensável), gases e resíduo sólido (sílico-carbonoso) com utilidades diversas, tanto para fins energéticos como outras utilizações industriais. Neste trabalho estudou-se a pirólise rápida da casca de arroz usando um forno tubular e um reator de leito fixo. Após otimização do processo de pirólise (7 g de casca de arroz moída, pirolisada a 700ºC com uma ta...

  2. Análise de culturas mistas produtoras de PHAs por microscopia


    Botelho, Joana Caldeira


    Hoje em dia há uma necessidade crescente de encontrar uma solução viável, económica e sustentável para a substituição dos plásticos convencionais, que utilizam recursos não renováveis como matéria-prima para a sua produção. Além disso, quando depositados no ambiente tornam-se resíduos devido à sua alta resistência à biodegradação. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal o controlo biológico, através de análise microscópica, de doze reatores, sendo nove anaeróbios para acidifica...

  3. Cálculos neutrônicos, termo-hidráulicos e de segurança de um dispositivo para irradiação de miniplacas (DIM) de elementos conbustíveis tipo dispersão


    Douglas Borges Domingos


    Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos calculos neutrônicos, termo-hidráulicos e de segurança para avaliar a seguranca operacional de um dispositivo de irradiação a ser colocado no núcleo do reator IEA-R1 do IPEN-CNEN/SP. Este dispositivo de irradiação é utilizado para alojar miniplacas de combustvel do tipo dispers~ao de U3O8-Al e U3Si2-Al, com 19,75% em peso de 235U e densidades, respectivamente, de ate 3,2 gU/cm3 e 4,8 gU/cm3. Estas miniplacas serão irradiadas a queimas acima de 50% do 235U, d...

  4. Research of the transient management in TQNPC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Guo Longzhang; Lin Chuanqing


    Transient management is the basic technical subject in nuclear power plant. Since the Third Qinshan nuclear power company (TQNPC) successful completes the commissioning in 2003, the transient management work start at the transient management item selection and the flow definition. Now TQNPC have a complete transient management system and the management flow. In the last two years, TNQPC have finished the historic transient data collection for two units, and confirmed that the plant's key systems and equipments are at safe state. The development of the transient management subject would build a reliable foundation for the plant safe operation, plant lifetime management and periodic safety review. (author)

  5. Compressive Transient Imaging

    KAUST Repository

    Sun, Qilin


    High resolution transient/3D imaging technology is of high interest in both scientific research and commercial application. Nowadays, all of the transient imaging methods suffer from low resolution or time consuming mechanical scanning. We proposed a new method based on TCSPC and Compressive Sensing to achieve a high resolution transient imaging with a several seconds capturing process. Picosecond laser sends a serious of equal interval pulse while synchronized SPAD camera\\'s detecting gate window has a precise phase delay at each cycle. After capturing enough points, we are able to make up a whole signal. By inserting a DMD device into the system, we are able to modulate all the frames of data using binary random patterns to reconstruct a super resolution transient/3D image later. Because the low fill factor of SPAD sensor will make a compressive sensing scenario ill-conditioned, We designed and fabricated a diffractive microlens array. We proposed a new CS reconstruction algorithm which is able to denoise at the same time for the measurements suffering from Poisson noise. Instead of a single SPAD senor, we chose a SPAD array because it can drastically reduce the requirement for the number of measurements and its reconstruction time. Further more, it not easy to reconstruct a high resolution image with only one single sensor while for an array, it just needs to reconstruct small patches and a few measurements. In this thesis, we evaluated the reconstruction methods using both clean measurements and the version corrupted by Poisson noise. The results show how the integration over the layers influence the image quality and our algorithm works well while the measurements suffer from non-trival Poisson noise. It\\'s a breakthrough in the areas of both transient imaging and compressive sensing.

  6. Development of computational program for studying the reactor control system in PWR plants; Desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para estudo do sistema de controle do reator em plantas PWR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Oliveira, Jose Ricardo de; Soares, Adalberto Jose [Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (IPEN), Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    In this work a computational program is presented which has been developed for specific application on the study of the reactor control system of a typical PWR plant. As to the basic function of simulating power transients the program has the following structure: a representative mathematical model of the dynamic and stationary behaviors of the primary circuit; a group of equations associated to the reactor power control and system pressure control; screens for the entry of reference data as well as of control blocks and control bar speed programming module parameters; main entering screens for the configuration of the excitement/transient function as well as of simulation time and control mood; and graphical output of all the process variables incorporated to the model. As premise it has been considered as sufficient the modeling of the primary circuit, a differential equation being used which associates the average temperature of the coolant within the steam generator with the potency transferred to the secondary circuit, denominated 'secondary potency', as an interface with the secondary circuit. Every transient - ramp or step - is established upon the 'turbine power' variable, which in turn is related to the 'secondary power' variable by means of a differential equation that represents a first - order delay, having adjustable parameters on the data - entry screen. In the neutronic model as defined for the reactor, the reactivity feedback effects due to primary circuit pressure variation, as well as fuel and coolant temperature variation, were taken into consideration. Thermo-hydraulics constants and project data taken from the available bibliography, adapted to a particular small PWR unit conception , were employed for loading the program. With the open-loop simulation results a positive qualitative evaluation of the program was obtained, in comparison to published results related to simulators bearing equal purposes, more

  7. A transient absorption study of allophycocyanin

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)

    Transient dynamics of allophycocyanin trimers and monomers are observed by using the pump-probe, transient absorption technique. The origin of spectral components of the transient absorption spectra is discussed in terms of both kinetics and spectroscopy. We find that the energy gap between the ground and excited ...

  8. The joy of transient chaos

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tél, Tamás [Institute for Theoretical Physics, Eötvös University, and MTA-ELTE Theoretical Physics Research Group, Pázmány P. s. 1/A, Budapest H-1117 (Hungary)


    We intend to show that transient chaos is a very appealing, but still not widely appreciated, subfield of nonlinear dynamics. Besides flashing its basic properties and giving a brief overview of the many applications, a few recent transient-chaos-related subjects are introduced in some detail. These include the dynamics of decision making, dispersion, and sedimentation of volcanic ash, doubly transient chaos of undriven autonomous mechanical systems, and a dynamical systems approach to energy absorption or explosion.

  9. The joy of transient chaos. (United States)

    Tél, Tamás


    We intend to show that transient chaos is a very appealing, but still not widely appreciated, subfield of nonlinear dynamics. Besides flashing its basic properties and giving a brief overview of the many applications, a few recent transient-chaos-related subjects are introduced in some detail. These include the dynamics of decision making, dispersion, and sedimentation of volcanic ash, doubly transient chaos of undriven autonomous mechanical systems, and a dynamical systems approach to energy absorption or explosion.

  10. The ZTF Bright Transient Survey (United States)

    Fremling, C.; Sharma, Y.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Miller, A. A.; Taggart, K.; Perley, D. A.; Gooba, A.


    As a supplement to the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; ATel #11266) public alerts (ATel #11685) we plan to report (following ATel #11615) bright probable supernovae identified in the raw alert stream from the ZTF Northern Sky Survey ("Celestial Cinematography"; see Bellm & Kulkarni, 2017, Nature Astronomy 1, 71) to the Transient Name Server ( on a daily basis; the ZTF Bright Transient Survey (BTS; see Kulkarni et al., 2018; arXiv:1710.04223).

  11. Allometric and Isometric variations in the Italian <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> with respect to the conditions of allopatry and sympatry / Variazioni allometriche e isometriche in <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> e <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> italiani, rispetto alle condizioni di allopatria e simpatria

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    Giovanni Amori


    Full Text Available Abstract In Italy there are two species of <em>Apodemus> (<em>Sylvaemus>: <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem> on the mainland and the main island, and <em>Apodemus flavicollisem> only on the mainland. The trend of some morphometric characters of the skull (incisive foramen length - FI; interorbital breadth = IO; length of palatal bridge = PP; upper alveolar length = $M^1M^3$ was analized and some theoretical models verified for <em>A. sylvaticusem>. If one considers the sympatric population of <em>A. sylvaticusem> and <em>A. flavicollisem> simultaneously the characters PP, IO and $M^1M^3$ appear significantly isometric being directly correlated ($P leq O.O1$, while FI character results allometric with respect to the previous ones, as expected. If one considers the sympatric populations of each of the species separately, the scenario is different. For <em>A. sylvaticusem> only PP and $M^1M^3$ are isometric ($P leq 0.05$. For <em>A. flavicollisem> only $M^1M^3$ and FI appear to be correlated, although not as significantly as for <em>A. sylvaticusem> ($P le 0.05$; one tail. The insular populations of <em>A. sylvaticusem> do not show significant correlations, except for FI and $M^1M^3$ ($P le 0.05$. On the contrary, considering all populations, sympatric and allopatric, of <em>A. sylvaticusem> at the same time are significant correlations ($P le 0.05$ in all combinations of characters, except for those involving the IO. We suggest that the isometric relations in sympatric assemblages are confined within a morphological range available to the genus <em>Apodemus>. In such a space, the two species are split in two different and innerly homogeneous distributions. We found no evidence to confirm the niche variation hypothesis. On the contrary, the variability expressed as SO or CV's appears higher in the sympatric populations than in the allopatric ones, for three of the four characters, confirming previous results

  12. A Novel Apoptosis Correlated Molecule: Expression and Characterization of Protein Latcripin-1 from <em>Lentinula em>edodes> C91–3

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    Min Huang


    Full Text Available An apoptosis correlated molecule—protein Latcripin-1 of <em>Lentinula> edodesem> C91-3—was expressed and characterized in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115. The total RNA was obtained from <em>Lentinula edodesem> C91–3. According to the transcriptome, the full-length gene of Latcripin-1 was isolated with 3'-Full Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE and 5'-Full RACE methods. The full-length gene was inserted into the secretory expression vector pPIC9K. The protein Latcripin-1 was expressed in <em>Pichia pastorisem> GS115 and analyzed by Sodium Dodecylsulfonate Polyacrylate Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The Western blot showed that the protein was expressed successfully. The biological function of protein Latcripin-1 on A549 cells was studied with flow cytometry and the 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-Diphenyl-tetrazolium Bromide (MTT method. The toxic effect of protein Latcripin-1 was detected with the MTT method by co-culturing the characterized protein with chick embryo fibroblasts. The MTT assay results showed that there was a great difference between protein Latcripin-1 groups and the control group (<em>p em>< 0.05. There was no toxic effect of the characterized protein on chick embryo fibroblasts. The flow cytometry showed that there was a significant difference between the protein groups of interest and the control group according to apoptosis function (<em>p em>< 0.05. At the same time, cell ultrastructure observed by transmission electron microscopy supported the results of flow cytometry. The work demonstrates that protein Latcripin-1 can induce apoptosis of human lung cancer cells A549 and brings new insights into and advantages to finding anti-tumor proteins.

  13. Explosive and radio-selected Transients: Transient Astronomy with ...

    Indian Academy of Sciences (India)


    sitive measurements will lead to very accurate mass loss estimation in these supernovae. .... transients are powerful probes of intervening media owing to dispersion ...... A., & Chandra, P. 2011, Nature Communications,. 2, 175. Chakraborti, S.

  14. Ultrafast triggered transient energy storage by atomic layer deposition into porous silicon for integrated transient electronics (United States)

    Douglas, Anna; Muralidharan, Nitin; Carter, Rachel; Share, Keith; Pint, Cary L.


    Here we demonstrate the first on-chip silicon-integrated rechargeable transient power source based on atomic layer deposition (ALD) coating of vanadium oxide (VOx) into porous silicon. A stable specific capacitance above 20 F g-1 is achieved until the device is triggered with alkaline solutions. Due to the rational design of the active VOx coating enabled by ALD, transience occurs through a rapid disabling step that occurs within seconds, followed by full dissolution of all active materials within 30 minutes of the initial trigger. This work demonstrates how engineered materials for energy storage can provide a basis for next-generation transient systems and highlights porous silicon as a versatile scaffold to integrate transient energy storage into transient electronics.Here we demonstrate the first on-chip silicon-integrated rechargeable transient power source based on atomic layer deposition (ALD) coating of vanadium oxide (VOx) into porous silicon. A stable specific capacitance above 20 F g-1 is achieved until the device is triggered with alkaline solutions. Due to the rational design of the active VOx coating enabled by ALD, transience occurs through a rapid disabling step that occurs within seconds, followed by full dissolution of all active materials within 30 minutes of the initial trigger. This work demonstrates how engineered materials for energy storage can provide a basis for next-generation transient systems and highlights porous silicon as a versatile scaffold to integrate transient energy storage into transient electronics. Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: (i) Experimental details for ALD and material fabrication, ellipsometry film thickness, preparation of gel electrolyte and separator, details for electrochemical measurements, HRTEM image of VOx coated porous silicon, Raman spectroscopy for VOx as-deposited as well as annealed in air for 1 hour at 450 °C, SEM and transient behavior dissolution tests of uniformly coated VOx on

  15. Electromagnetic transients in power cables

    CERN Document Server

    da Silva, Filipe Faria


    From the more basic concepts to the most advanced ones where long and laborious simulation models are required, Electromagnetic Transients in Power Cables provides a thorough insight into the study of electromagnetic transients and underground power cables. Explanations and demonstrations of different electromagnetic transient phenomena are provided, from simple lumped-parameter circuits to complex cable-based high voltage networks, as well as instructions on how to model the cables.Supported throughout by illustrations, circuit diagrams and simulation results, each chapter contains exercises,

  16. Spectroscopic classification of transients

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stritzinger, M. D.; Fraser, M.; Hummelmose, N. N.


    We report the spectroscopic classification of several transients based on observations taken with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) equipped with ALFOSC, over the nights 23-25 August 2017.......We report the spectroscopic classification of several transients based on observations taken with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) equipped with ALFOSC, over the nights 23-25 August 2017....

  17. Transient or permanent fisheye views

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Jakobsen, Mikkel Rønne; Hornbæk, Kasper


    Transient use of information visualization may support specific tasks without permanently changing the user interface. Transient visualizations provide immediate and transient use of information visualization close to and in the context of the user’s focus of attention. Little is known, however......, about the benefits and limitations of transient visualizations. We describe an experiment that compares the usability of a fisheye view that participants could call up temporarily, a permanent fisheye view, and a linear view: all interfaces gave access to source code in the editor of a widespread...... programming environment. Fourteen participants performed varied tasks involving navigation and understanding of source code. Participants used the three interfaces for between four and six hours in all. Time and accuracy measures were inconclusive, but subjective data showed a preference for the permanent...

  18. Studies on an Electromagnetic Transient Model of Offshore Wind Turbines and Lightning Transient Overvoltage Considering Lightning Channel Wave Impedance

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Li Zhang


    Full Text Available In recent years, with the rapid development of offshore wind turbines (WTs, the problem of lightning strikes has become more and more prominent. In order to reduce the failure rate caused by the transient overvoltage of lightning struck offshore WTs, the influencing factors and the response rules of transient overvoltage are analyzed. In this paper, a new integrated electromagnetic transient model of offshore WTs is established by using the numerical calculation method of the electromagnetic field first. Then, based on the lightning model and considering the impedance of the lightning channel, the transient overvoltage of lightning is analyzed. Last, the electromagnetic transient model of offshore WTs is simulated and analyzed by using the alternative transients program electro-magnetic transient program (ATP-EMTP software. The influence factors of lightning transient overvoltage are studied. The main influencing factors include the sea depth, the blade length, the tower height, the lightning flow parameters, the lightning strike point, and the blade rotation position. The simulation results show that the influencing factors mentioned above have different effects on the lightning transient overvoltage. The results of the study have some guiding significance for the design of the lightning protection of the engine room.

  19. Momentos em freios e em embraiagens


    Mimoso, Rui Miguel Pereira


    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Mecânica Nesta dissertação reúnem-se os modelos de cálculo utilizados na determinação dos momentos em freios e em embraiagens. Neste trabalho consideram-se os casos de freios e embraiagens de atrito seco e atrito viscoso. Nos freios de atrito viscoso são considerados casos em que as características dos fluidos não são induzidas, e outros em que são induzidas modificações a essas mesmas características. São a...

  20. Parasitic zoonoses: survey in foxes (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in the northern Apennines / Zoonosi parassitarie: indagini in volpi (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> dell'Appennino settentrionale

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Vittorio Guberti


    Full Text Available Abstract A parasitological survey on 153 foxes was carried out in the northern Apennines, during the period 1984-1987. The following parasites were identified: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46.4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11.8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11.1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3.9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3.3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3.3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2.6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. All foxes were negative for <em>Trichinella> sp. A statistical analysis was performed to evaluate differences in the parasitic fauna according to the sex and age classes of the hosts. The role that the fox could have as a reservoir of helminthic zoonoses is discussed. The results are compared with those of similar studies carried out in Italy. Riassunto Nel periodo 1984-1987 è stata condotta un'indagine parassitologica su 153 volpi abbattute nell'Appennino romagnolo. Sono stati reperiti i seguenti parassiti: <em>Toxocara canisem> (46,4%, <em>Taenia> sp. (17%, <em>Uncinaria stenocephalaem> (11,8%, <em>Mesocestoides lineatusem> (11,1%, <em>Ancylostoma caninumem> (3,9%, <em>Taenia hydatigenaem> (3,3%, <em>Trichuris vulpisem> (3,3%, <em>Dipylidium caninumem> (2,6%, <em>Taenia crassicepsem> (2%. Tutte le volpi esaminate sono risultate negative per <em>Trichinella> sp. È stata effettuata l'analisi statistica dei dati per evidenziare eventuali differenze della fauna parassitaria in relazione al sesso e all'età delle volpi. Sulla base dei dati ottenuti viene discussa l'importanza che la Volpe può assumere come serbatoio di zoonosi elmintiche. I risultati acquisiti sono inoltre comparati con quelli ottenuti in analoghe ricerche condotte in Italia.

  1. Quantification of metabolically active transient storage (MATS) in two reaches with contrasting transient storage and ecosystem respiration (United States)

    Alba Argerich; Roy Haggerty; Eugènia Martí; Francesc Sabater; Jay. Zarnetske


    Water transient storage zones are hotspots for metabolic activity in streams although the contribution of different types of transient storage zones to the whole�]reach metabolic activity is difficult to quantify. In this study we present a method to measure the fraction of the transient storage that is metabolically active (MATS) in two consecutive reaches...

  2. Transient magnetoviscosity of dilute ferrofluids

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Soto-Aquino, Denisse; Rinaldi, Carlos


    The magnetic field induced change in the viscosity of a ferrofluid, commonly known as the magnetoviscous effect and parameterized through the magnetoviscosity, is one of the most interesting and practically relevant aspects of ferrofluid phenomena. Although the steady state behavior of ferrofluids under conditions of applied constant magnetic fields has received considerable attention, comparatively little attention has been given to the transient response of the magnetoviscosity to changes in the applied magnetic field or rate of shear deformation. Such transient response can provide further insight into the dynamics of ferrofluids and find practical application in the design of devices that take advantage of the magnetoviscous effect and inevitably must deal with changes in the applied magnetic field and deformation. In this contribution Brownian dynamics simulations and a simple model based on the ferrohydrodynamics equations are applied to explore the dependence of the transient magnetoviscosity for two cases: (I) a ferrofluid in a constant shear flow wherein the magnetic field is suddenly turned on, and (II) a ferrofluid in a constant magnetic field wherein the shear flow is suddenly started. Both simulations and analysis show that the transient approach to a steady state magnetoviscosity can be either monotonic or oscillatory depending on the relative magnitudes of the applied magnetic field and shear rate. - Research Highlights: →Rotational Brownian dynamics simulations were used to study the transient behavior of the magnetoviscosity of ferrofluids. →Damped and oscillatory approach to steady state magnetoviscosity was observed for step changes in shear rate and magnetic field. →A model based on the ferrohydrodynamics equations qualitatively captured the damped and oscillatory features of the transient response →The transient behavior is due to the interplay of hydrodynamic, magnetic, and Brownian torques on the suspended particles.

  3. Pressure transients across HEPA filters

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gregory, W.; Reynolds, G.; Ricketts, C.; Smith, P.R.


    Nuclear fuel cycle facilities require ventilation for health and safety reasons. High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters are located within ventilation systems to trap radioactive dust released in reprocessing and fabrication operations. Pressure transients within the air cleaning systems may be such that the effectiveness of the filtration system is questioned under certain accident conditions. These pressure transients can result from both natural and man-caused phenomena: atmospheric pressure drop caused by a tornado or explosions and nuclear excursions initiate pressure pulses that could create undesirable conditions across HEPA filters. Tornado depressurization is a relatively slow transient as compared to pressure pulses that result from combustible hydrogen-air mixtures. Experimental investigation of these pressure transients across air cleaning equipment has been undertaken by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and New Mexico State University. An experimental apparatus has been constructed to impose pressure pulses across HEPA filters. The experimental equipment is described as well as preliminary results using variable pressurization rates. Two modes of filtration of an aerosol injected upstream of the filter is examined. A laser instrumentation for measuring the aerosol release, during the transient, is described

  4. Recent development of transient electronics

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    Huanyu Cheng


    Full Text Available Transient electronics are an emerging class of electronics with the unique characteristic to completely dissolve within a programmed period of time. Since no harmful byproducts are released, these electronics can be used in the human body as a diagnostic tool, for instance, or they can be used as environmentally friendly alternatives to existing electronics which disintegrate when exposed to water. Thus, the most crucial aspect of transient electronics is their ability to disintegrate in a practical manner and a review of the literature on this topic is essential for understanding the current capabilities of transient electronics and areas of future research. In the past, only partial dissolution of transient electronics was possible, however, total dissolution has been achieved with a recent discovery that silicon nanomembrane undergoes hydrolysis. The use of single- and multi-layered structures has also been explored as a way to extend the lifetime of the electronics. Analytical models have been developed to study the dissolution of various functional materials as well as the devices constructed from this set of functional materials and these models prove to be useful in the design of the transient electronics.

  5. <em>In Vivoem> Histamine Optical Nanosensors

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    Heather A. Clark


    Full Text Available In this communication we discuss the development of ionophore based nanosensors for the detection and monitoring of histamine levels <em>in vivoem>. This approach is based on the use of an amine-reactive, broad spectrum ionophore which is capable of recognizing and binding to histamine. We pair this ionophore with our already established nanosensor platform, and demonstrate <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem> monitoring of histamine levels. This approach enables capturing rapid kinetics of histamine after injection, which are more difficult to measure with standard approaches such as blood sampling, especially on small research models. The coupling together of <em>in vivoem> nanosensors with ionophores such as nonactin provide a way to generate nanosensors for novel targets without the difficult process of designing and synthesizing novel ionophores.

  6. Variabilità morfologica ed ecologica in <em>Neomys fodiensem> e <em>Neomys anomalusem> nell'Appennino settentrionale

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    Dino Scaravelli


    Full Text Available I due <em>Neomys> italiani sono ancora da chiarire dal punto di vista della loro caratterizzazione morfologica e ecologica. Il lavoro prende in considerazione un campione di entrambe le specie proveniente da habitat forestali dell?Appennino settentrionale per i quali sono stati identificati i principali parametri ambientali. Vengono quindi descritte la variabilità dei tratti morfologici delle due specie in aree localizzate nel Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi, Monte Falterona e Campigna nell?Appennino tosco-romagnolo. Risultano di sicuro effetto discriminatorio la maschera facciale, il rapporto piede posteriore/coda e i caratteri cranici. Sulla base dei criteri identificativi si sono realizzate rilevazioni di misure corporee per le due specie e una comparazione degli habitat utilizzati. <em>N. fodiensem> appare unica specie nelle faggete-abetine e dominante nei castagneti, mentre nell?Ontaneta e nelle zone aperte e termofile si registra la sola presenza di <em>N. anomalusem>. Mancano entrambi nei prati cespugliati, nella pecceta e nella cerreta. I gradienti presenti sono quindi illustrati. Non appare una differenza altitudinale nel campione esaminato, posto in stazioni tra i 400 e i 1300 m, ma per entrambe vi sono maggiori riscontri nella fascia tra 700 e 850 m. Nell?analisi multivariata rispetto alle altre specie e alle variabili ambientali si riscontra sempre una discreta correlazione con la presenza di acqua di una certa ampiezza, che comunque è significativa solo per <em>N. fodiensem>, mentre risulta di interesse la positiva correlazione di <em>N. anomalusem> con <em>Apodemus sylvaticusem>.

  7. Echolocation calls and morphology in the Mehelyi’s (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> and mediterranean (<em>R. euryaleem> horseshoe bats: implications for resource partitioning

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Egoitz Salsamendi


    Full Text Available Abstract <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> and <em>R. mehelyiem> are morphologically very similar species and their distributions overlap extensively in the Mediterranean basin. We modelled their foraging behaviour using echolocation calls and wing morphology and, assuming niche segregation occurs between the two species, we explored how it is shaped by these factors. Resting frequency of echolocation calls was recorded and weight, forearm length, wing loading, aspect ratio and wing tip shape index were measured. <em>R. mehelyiem> showed a significantly higher resting frequency than <em>R. euryaleem>, but differences are deemed insufficient for dietary niche segregation. Weight and forearm length were significantly larger in <em>R. mehelyiem>. The higher values of aspect ratio and wing loading and a lower value of wing tip shape index in <em>R. melehyiem> restrict its flight manoeuvrability and agility. Therefore, the flight ability of <em>R. mehelyiem> may decrease as habitat complexity increases. Thus, the principal mechanism for resource partitioning seems to be based on differing habitat use arising from differences in wing morphology. Riassunto Ecolocalizzazione e morfologia nei rinolofi di Mehely (<em>Rhinolophus mehelyiem> e euriale (<em>R. euryaleem>: implicazioni nella segregazione delle risorse trofiche. <em>Rhinolophus euryaleem> e <em>R. mehelyiem> sono specie morfologicamente molto simili, la cui distribuzione risulta largamente coincidente in area mediterranea. Il comportamento di foraggiamento delle due specie è stato analizzato in funzione delle caratteristiche dei segnali di ecolocalizzazione e della morfologia alare, ed è stata valutata l’incidenza di questi fattori nell’ipotesi di una segregazione delle nicchie. È stata rilevata la frequenza a riposo dei segnali ultrasonori, così come il peso, la lunghezza dell’avambraccio, il carico alare, e due

  8. Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitory Activities of <em>Amaranthus cruentusem> L. and <em>Amaranthus hybridusem> L. Extracts

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Jeanne F. Millogo


    Full Text Available This paper describes a preliminary assessment of the nutraceutical value of <em>Amaranthus cruentus (A. cruentusem> and <em>Amaranthus hybridus (A. hybridusem>, two food plant species found in Burkina Faso. Hydroacetonic (HAE, methanolic (ME, and aqueous extracts (AE from the aerial parts were screened for <em>in vitroem> antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities. Phytochemical analyses revealed the presence of polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, saponins and betalains. Hydroacetonic extracts have shown the most diversity for secondary metabolites. The TLC analyses of flavonoids from HAE extracts showed the presence of rutin and other unidentified compounds. The phenolic compound contents of the HAE, ME and AE extracts were determined using the Folin–Ciocalteu method and ranged from 7.55 to 10.18 mg Gallic acid equivalent GAE/100 mg. Tannins, flavonoids, and flavonols ranged from 2.83 to 10.17 mg tannic acid equivalent (TAE/100 mg, 0.37 to 7.06 mg quercetin equivalent (QE /100 mg, and 0.09 to 1.31 mg QE/100 mg, respectively. The betacyanin contents were 40.42 and 6.35 mg Amaranthin Equivalent/100 g aerial parts (dry weight in <em>A. cruentusem> and <em>A. hybridusem>, respectively. Free-radical scavenging activity expressed as IC50 (DPPH method and iron reducing power (FRAP method ranged from 56 to 423 µg/mL and from 2.26 to 2.56 mmol AAE/g, respectively. Xanthine oxidase inhibitory activities of extracts of <em>A. cruentus em>and <em>A. hybridusem> were 3.18% and 38.22%, respectively.<em> em>The> A. hybridusem> extract showed the best antioxidant and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities. The results indicated that the phytochemical contents of the two species justify their traditional uses as nutraceutical food plants.

  9. Transient performance of EBR-II driver fuel

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Buzzell, J.A.; Hudman, G.D.; Porter, D.L.


    The first phases of qualification of the EBR-II driver fuel for repeated transient overpower operation have recently been completed. The accomplishments include prediction of the transient fuel and cladding performance through ex-core testing and fuel-element modeling studies, localized in-core power testing during steady-state operation, and whole-core multiple transient testing. The metallic driver fuel successfully survived 56 transients, spaced over a 45-day period, with power increases of approx. 160% at rates of approx. 1%/s with a 720-second hold at full power. The performance results obtained from both ex-core and n-core tests indicate that the fuel is capable of repeated transient operation

  10. Dermatoses em renais cronicos em terapia dialitica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Luis Alberto Batista Peres


    Full Text Available Objetivo: As desordens cutâneas e das mucosas são comuns em pacientes em hemodiálise a longo prazo. A diálise prolonga a expectativa de vida, dando tempo para a manifestação destas anormalidades. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar a prevalência de problemas dermatológicos em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC em hemodiálise. Métodos: Cento e quarenta e cinco pacientes com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise foram estudados. Todos os pacientes foram completamente analisados para as alterações cutâneas, de cabelos, mucosas e unhas por um único examinador e foram coletados dados de exames laboratoriais. Os dados foram armazenados em um banco de dados do Microsolft Excel e analisados por estatística descritiva. As variáveis contínuas foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student e as variáveis categóricas utilizando o teste do qui-quadrado ou o teste Exato de Fischer, conforme adequado. Resultados: O estudo incluiu 145 pacientes, com idade média de 53,6 ± 14,7 anos, predominantemente do sexo masculino (64,1% e caucasianos (90,0%. O tempo médio de diálise foi de 43,3 ± 42,3 meses. As principais doenças subjacentes foram: hipertensão arterial em 33,8%, diabetes mellitus em 29,6% e glomerulonefrite crônica em 13,1%. As principais manifestações dermatológicas observadas foram: xerose em 109 (75,2%, equimose em 87 (60,0%, prurido em 78 (53,8% e lentigo em 33 (22,8% pacientes. Conclusão: O nosso estudo mostrou a presença de mais do que uma dermatose por paciente. As alterações cutâneas são frequentes em pacientes em diálise. Mais estudos são necessários para melhor caracterização e manejo destas dermatoses.

  11. Cytotoxicity and Glycan-Binding Properties of an 18 kDa Lectin Isolated from the Marine Sponge <em>Halichondria em>okadai>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Yasuhiro Ozeki


    Full Text Available A divalent cation-independent lectin—HOL-18, with cytotoxic activity against leukemia cells, was purified from a demosponge, <em>Halichondria okadaiem>. HOL-18 is a 72 kDa tetrameric lectin that consists of four non-covalently bonded 18 kDa subunits. Hemagglutination activity of the lectin was strongly inhibited by chitotriose (GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAcβ1-4GlcNAc, fetuin and mucins from porcine stomach and bovine submaxillary gland. Lectin activity was stable at pH 4–12 and temperatures lower than 60 °C. Frontal affinity chromatography with 16 types of pyridylaminated oligosaccharides indicated that the lectin had an affinity for <em>N>-linked complex-type and sphingolipid-type oligosaccharides with <em>N>-acetylated hexosamines and neuramic acid at the non-reducing termini. The lectin killed Jurkat leukemia T cells and K562 erythroleukemia cells in a dose- and carbohydrate-dependent manner.

  12. The OECD/NEA/NSC PBMR 400 MW coupled neutronics thermal hydraulics transient benchmark: transient results - 290

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Strydom, G.; Reitsma, F.; Ngeleka, P.T.; Ivanov, K.N.


    The PBMR is a High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) concept developed to be built in South Africa. The analysis tools used for core neutronic design and core safety analysis need to be verified and validated, and code-to-code comparisons are an essential part of the V and V plans. As part of this plan the PBMR 400 MWth design and a representative set of transient exercises are defined as an OECD benchmark. The scope of the benchmark is to establish a series of well defined multi-dimensional computational benchmark problems with a common given set of cross sections, to compare methods and tools in coupled neutronics and thermal hydraulics analysis with a specific focus on transient events. This paper describes the current status of the benchmark project and shows the results for the six transient exercises, consisting of three Loss of Cooling Accidents, two Control Rod Withdrawal transients, a power load-follow transient, and a Helium over-cooling Accident. The participants' results are compared using a statistical method and possible areas of future code improvement are identified. (authors)

  13. Over-Expression of CYP2E1 mRNA and Protein: Implications of Xenobiotic Induced Damage in Patients with <em>De Novoem> Acute Myeloid Leukemia with inv(16(p13.1q22; <em>CBFβ>-MYH11em>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos E. Bueso-Ramos


    Full Text Available Environmental exposure to benzene occurs through cigarette smoke, unleaded gasoline and certain types of plastic. Benzene is converted to hematotoxic metabolites by the hepatic phase-I enzyme CYP2E1, and these metabolites are detoxified by the phase-II enzyme NQO1. The genes encoding these enzymes are highly polymorphic and studies of these polymorphisms have shown different pathogenic and prognostic features in various hematological malignancies. The potential role of different cytochrome p450 metabolizing enzymes in the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML in an area of active interest. In this study, we demonstrate aberrant CYP2E1 mRNA over-expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction in 11 cases of <em>de novoem> AML with inv(16; CBFβ-MYH11. CYP2E1 mRNA levels correlated with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and with bone marrow blast counts in all cases. CYP2E1 over-expression correlated positively with NQO1 mRNA levels (R2 = 0.934, n = 7. By immunohistochemistry, CYP2E1 protein was more frequently expressed in AML with inv(16 compared with other types of AML (<em>p> < 0.001. We obtained serial bone marrow samples from two patients with AML with inv(16 before and after treatment. CYP2E1 mRNA expression levels decreased in parallel with <em>CBFβ>-MYH11 em>transcript levels and blast counts following chemotherapy. In contrast, CYP1A2 transcript levels did not change in either patient. This is the first study to demonstrate concurrent over-expression of CYP2E1 and NQO1 mRNA in AML with inv(16. These findings also suggest that a balance between CYP2E1 and NQO1 may be important in the pathogenesis of AML with inv(16.

  14. Irradiation creep transients in Ni-4 at.% Si

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Nagakawa, J.


    In the course of irradiation creep experiments on Ni-4 at.% Si alloy, two types of creep transients were observed on the termination of irradiation. The short term transient was completed within one minute while the long term transient persisted for nearly ten hours. A change in the temperature distribution was excluded from the possible causes, partly because the stress dependence of the observed transient strains was not linear, and partly because the strain increase expected from the temperature change was much smaller than the observed value. Transient behavior of point defects was examined in conjunction with the climb-glide mechanism and the steady-state irradiation creep data. Calculated creep transient due to excess vacancy flux to dislocations was in good agreement with the observed short term transient. The long term transient appears to be a result of dislocation microstructure change. The present results suggest an enhanced irradiation creep under cyclic irradiation conditions which will be encountered in the early generations of fusion reactors. (orig.)

  15. Wide Field Radio Transient Surveys (United States)

    Bower, Geoffrey


    The time domain of the radio wavelength sky has been only sparsely explored. Nevertheless, serendipitous discovery and results from limited surveys indicate that there is much to be found on timescales from nanoseconds to years and at wavelengths from meters to millimeters. These observations have revealed unexpected phenomena such as rotating radio transients and coherent pulses from brown dwarfs. Additionally, archival studies have revealed an unknown class of radio transients without radio, optical, or high-energy hosts. The new generation of centimeter-wave radio telescopes such as the Allen Telescope Array (ATA) will exploit wide fields of view and flexible digital signal processing to systematically explore radio transient parameter space, as well as lay the scientific and technical foundation for the Square Kilometer Array. Known unknowns that will be the target of future transient surveys include orphan gamma-ray burst afterglows, radio supernovae, tidally-disrupted stars, flare stars, and magnetars. While probing the variable sky, these surveys will also provide unprecedented information on the static radio sky. I will present results from three large ATA surveys (the Fly's Eye survey, the ATA Twenty CM Survey (ATATS), and the Pi GHz Survey (PiGSS)) and several small ATA transient searches. Finally, I will discuss the landscape and opportunities for future instruments at centimeter wavelengths.

  16. Transient multivariable sensor evaluation

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Vilim, Richard B.; Heifetz, Alexander


    A method and system for performing transient multivariable sensor evaluation. The method and system includes a computer system for identifying a model form, providing training measurement data, generating a basis vector, monitoring system data from sensor, loading the system data in a non-transient memory, performing an estimation to provide desired data and comparing the system data to the desired data and outputting an alarm for a defective sensor.

  17. Transient analysis for resolving safety issues

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chao, J.; Layman, W.


    The Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (NSAC) has a Generic Safety Analysis Program to help resolve high priority generic safety issues. This paper describes several high priority safety issues considered at NSAC and how they were resolved by transient analysis using thermal hydraulics and neutronics codes. These issues are pressurized thermal shock (PTS), anticipated transients without scram (ATWS), steam generator tube rupture (SGTR), and reactivity transients in light of the Chernobyl accident

  18. Positron deep-level transient spectroscopy in semi-insulating-GaAs using the positron velocity transient method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Tsia, M.; Fung, S.; Beling, C.D.


    Recently a new semiconductor defect spectroscopy, namely positron deep level transient spectroscopy (PDLTS) has been proposed that combines the energy selectivity of deep level transient spectroscopy with the structural sensitivity of positron annihilation spectroscopy. This paper focuses on one variant of PDLTS, namely positron velocity PDLTS, which has no sensitivity towards vacancy defects but nevertheless is useful in studying deep levels in semi-insulators. In the present study the electric field within the depletion region of semi-insulating GaAs is monitored through the measurement of the small Doppler shift in the annihilation radiation that comes from this region as a result of positron drift. The drift is the result of an increasing electric field produced by space charge building up from ionizing deep level defects. Doppler shift transients are measured between 50-300 K. The EL2 level emission transients are clearly seen at temperatures around 300 K that yield E C -0.78±0.08eV for the energy of EL2. The EL2 electron capture rate is found to have an activation energy of 0.61±0.08eV which most probably arises from freeze out of conduction electrons. We find the surprising result that emission and capture transients can be seen at temperatures below 200 K. Possible reasons for these transients are discussed. (orig.)

  19. Pressure transients in pipeline systems

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Voigt, Kristian


    This text is to give an overview of the necessary background to do investigation of pressure transients via simulations. It will describe briefly the Method of Characteristics which is the defacto standard for simulating pressure transients. Much of the text has been adopted from the book Pressur...

  20. Flow transients experiments with refrigerant-12

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Celata, G.P.; D'Annibale, F.; Farello, G.E.; Setaro, T.


    Flow transients have been investigated in a wide range of thermal-hydraulics situations with Refrigerannt-12. Six pressures (including the reference to PWR and BWR characteristic liquid to vapour densities ratios), several periods of the flowrate transients coastdown during the simulated flow decays, and different specific mass flowrate have been studied emploiyng a circular duct test section (Dsub(i)=7,5 mm). Two heated lengths of the test section have been considered (L = 2300 and 1180 mm). Experimental data have shown the complete inadequacy of steady-state critical heat flux correlations in predicting the onset of boiling crisis during fast flow transients (half-flow decay time, tsub(h)lt5.0-6.0 s). The flow transient does not show dependence, in terms of DNB conditions ,upon the length of the test section: the ratio between transient and steady-state critical mass flowrate is not dependent on the tested geometry. The time interval from the start of the flowrate transient to the onset of DNB (time to crisis), has been experimentally determined for all the runs. Data analysis for a better theoretical prediction of the phenomenon has been accomplished, and a design correlation for DNB conditons and time to crisis prediction has been proposed

  1. Transient two-phase flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hsu, Y.Y.


    The following papers related to two-phase flow are summarized: current assumptions made in two-phase flow modeling; two-phase unsteady blowdown from pipes, flow pattern in Laval nozzle and two-phase flow dynamics; dependence of radial heat and momentum diffusion; transient behavior of the liquid film around the expanding gas slug in a vertical tube; flooding phenomena in BWR fuel bundles; and transient effects in bubble two-phase flow. (U.S.)

  2. Surgical prophylaxis secundary to cryptogenic stroke or transient ischemic attack in patients with patent foramen ovale Profilaxia cirúrgica secundária do acidente vascular cerebral ou ataque isquêmico transitório de origem indeterminada em pacientes com forame oval persistente

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Michele E.A. Guffi


    Full Text Available INTRODUCTION: Prevention of recurrent cryptogenic strokes or transient ischemic attacks in adults with patent foramen ovale (PFO represents a therapeutic challenge. Antithrombotic pharmacological treatment is widely used, but its indication is limited because of its significant complications. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the efficacy of the surgical closure of patent foramen ovale (PFO as prophylaxis secondary to cryptogenic strokes or transient ischemic attacks of undetermined origin. METHOD: In this study, 31 men and 16 women with previous ischemic cerebral events underwent direct surgical closure of the PFO. Mean age was 40 years (from 27 to 59 years. No coexisting cause of the stroke was found after extensive investigation, including blood coagulation tests, transesophageal contrast echocardiography (TEE, extracranial and transcranial doppler ultrasonography, 24-hour electrocardiographic monitoring, brain magnetic resonance (BMR and CT scan. Criteria for operation also included at least two of the following: atrial septal aneurysm, multiple cerebral infarcts, multiple cerebral events and a history of Valsalva strain before stroke. Before operation, only one patient had two shunts (1 PFO and 1 intrapulmonary shunt. RESULTS: No complications occurred during or after the operation, but a few hours after the operation transient arrhythmias developed in four patients without atrial fibrillation, hemodynamic instability nor embolism. All patients survived in class I (NYHA and during a mean follow-up of 36 months, no patient had recurrence of the stroke or transient ischemic attacks. All patients prospectively underwent BMR and contrast TEE with simultaneous transcranial doppler ultrasonography. A residual right-to-left shunt, smaller than the preoperative one, was observed in only one patient, whereas no lesion was seen on the BMR. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that surgical closure of PFO in patients with presumed paradoxical embolism is safe and

  3. A follow-up of transients. Stage 1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Enekull, Aa.; Wallner, B.


    A follow-up of the transients of temperature and pressure in the primary pressurized system of a nuclear power plant has been completed for the Barsebaeck-1 reactor. The investigation consists of the following steps:- the collation of transients - drawing up load data based on transients-analyses of stress - recommendations for future programs. It was found that the lifetime of the system will exceed 40 years excluding some of the pipes for feed water. The appendices give a detailed description of the transients.(G.B.)

  4. Characterizing transient noise in the LIGO detectors (United States)

    Nuttall, L. K.


    Data from the LIGO detectors typically contain many non-Gaussian noise transients which arise due to instrumental and environmental conditions. These non-Gaussian transients can be an issue for the modelled and unmodelled transient gravitational-wave searches, as they can mask or mimic a true signal. Data quality can change quite rapidly, making it imperative to track and find new sources of transient noise so that data are minimally contaminated. Several examples of transient noise and the tools used to track them are presented. These instances serve to highlight the diverse range of noise sources present at the LIGO detectors during their second observing run. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue `The promises of gravitational-wave astronomy'.

  5. Reliability studies in research reactors; Estudo de confiabilidade em reatores de pesquisa

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Albuquerque, Tob Rodrigues de


    Fault trees and event trees are widely used in industry to model and to evaluate the reliability of safety systems. Detailed analyzes in nuclear installations require the combination of these two techniques. This study uses the methods of FT (Fault Tree) and ET (Event Tree) to accomplish the PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment) in research reactors. According to IAEA (lnternational Atomic Energy Agency), the PSA is divided into Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. At the Level 1, conceptually, the security systems perform to prevent the occurrence of accidents, At the Level 2, once accidents happened, this Level seeks to minimize consequences, known as stage management of accident, and at Level 3 accident impacts are determined. This study focuses on analyzing the Level 1, and searching through the acquisition of knowledge, the consolidation of methodologies for future reliability studies. The Greek Research Reactor, GRR-1, is a case example. The LOCA (Loss of Coolant Accident) was chosen as the initiating event and from it, using ET, possible accidental sequences were developed, which could lead damage to the core. Moreover, for each of affected systems, probabilities of each event top of FT were developed and evaluated in possible accidental sequences. Also, the estimates of importance measures for basic events are presented in this work. The studies of this research were conducted using a commercial computational tool SAPHIRE. Additionally, achieved results thus were considered satisfactory for the performance or the failure of analyzed systems. (author)

  6. Enriquecimento de bactérias anaeróbias oxidadoras de amônia - anammox Enrichment of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria - anammox

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Juliana Calábria de Araújo


    Full Text Available Bactérias anaeróbias oxidadoras de amônia (bactérias Anammox, do inglês anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria foram enriquecidas em reator em batelada sequencial (RBS, a partir de lodo proveniente de um sistema convencional de lodos ativados tratando esgoto doméstico de Belo Horizonte (MG. Após três meses de cultivo, atividade Anammox foi detectada no sistema pelo consumo de quantidades estequiométricas de NO2- e NH4+. Análises de hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH, do inglês fluorescent in situ hybridization confirmaram a presença de bactérias Anammox, provavelmente Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans, e revelaram que estas representavam 53% do total de células (após 6 meses de cultivo. O desempenho do reator ao longo dos sete meses de operação demonstrou remoção quase que total de nitrito, baseada em concentração afluente de 61 a 95 mg N-NO2-/L. A eficiência máxima de remoção de amônia alcançada foi de 95%, a partir de concentração afluente de 55 a 82 mg N-NH4+/L.Anaerobic ammonium-oxidizing (Anammox bacteria were enriched from sludge collected at a conventional activated sludge system treating domestic wastewater of Belo Horizonte(MG, Brazil, employing a sequencing batch reactor (SBR. After three months of cultivation, Anammox activity was detected in the system by the consumption of stoichiometric amounts of NO2- and NH4+. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH results revealed the presence of Anammox bacteria (probably Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans and showed that they accounted for 53% of the total bacterial population (after 6 months of cultivation. The reactor performance during the seven months of operation showed a near perfect removal of nitrite, based on the influent NO2--N concentration of 61-95 mg/L. The maximum ammonia removal efficiency was 95% from the influent N-NH4+ concentration of 55-82 mg/L.

  7. Influence of static magnetic fields on S. cerevisae biomass growth

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    João B. Muniz


    Full Text Available Biomass growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae DAUFPE-1012 was studied in eight batch fermentations exposed to steady magnetic fields (SMF running at 23ºC (± 1ºC, for 24 h in a double cylindrical tube reactor with synchronic agitation. For every batch, one tube was exposed to 220mT flow intensity SMF, produced by NdFeB rod magnets attached diametrically opposed (N to S magnets on one tube. In the other tube, without magnets, the fermentation occurred in the same conditions. The biomass growth in culture (yeast extract + glucose 2% was monitored by spectrometry to obtain the absorbance and later, the corresponding cell dry weight. The culture glucose concentration was monitored every two hours so as the pH, which was maintained between 4 and 5. As a result, the biomass (g/L increment was 2.5 times greater in magnetized cultures (n=8 as compared with SMF non-exposed cultures (n=8. The differential (SMF-control biomass growth rate (135% was slightly higher than the glucose consumption rate (130 % leading to increased biomass production of the magnetized cells.O crescimento da biomassa da Saccharomyces cerevisiae DAUFPE-1012 foi estudado em oito bateladas de fermentação, cada uma exposta aos campos magnéticos contínuos (CMC, à 23ºC (± 1ºC, durante um período de 24 horas em um reator duplo com agitação sincrônica. Em cada batelada,um tubo foi exposto ao CMC, com 220mT de intensidade de fluxo, produzidos por imãs de NdFeB fixados diametralmente opostos (N para S em um tubo do reator de fermentação. Em outro tubo, sem imãs, a fermentação ocorreu nas mesmas condições. O crescimento da biomassa nas culturas (extrato de fermento + glicose 2% foi monitorado através de espectrometria e correlacionado ao peso seco de levedura. A concentração de glicose nas culturas foi monitorada a cada duas horas e o pH foi mantido entre 4 e 5. Como resultado, a biomassa (g/L aumentou 2,5 vezes nas culturas magnetizadas (n=8 quando comparadas com as

  8. Efeito da adubação orgânica sobre a matéria seca do girassol irrigado com água residuária

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Tainara Tâmara Santiago Silva


    Full Text Available Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar os efeitos da irrigação com água residuária doméstica tratada e da adubação com composto de resíduo sólido urbano na matéria seca de plantas de girassol. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação na Universidade Federal de Campina Grande – PB; a cultura utilizada foi o Girassol (Helianthus annuus L., variável EMBRAPA 122/V2000, cultivadas em vasos preenchidos com solo classificado como Neossolo Regolítico eutrófico. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos inteiramente casualizados em esquema fatorial 6 x 2, com 3 repetições, que foram 6 doses de nitrogênio disponível em composto de resíduo sólido (0, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220 kg. N. ha-1 e 2 tipos de água (água de abastecimento e água residuária doméstica tratada. A água residuária foi tratada por meio de reator UASB (Reator anaeróbico de fluxo ascendente e a água de abastecimento foi proveniente do sistema de abastecimento público municipal. Verificou-se que a qualidade de água influenciou a produção de massa seca da parte aérea a 5% de probabilidade; já a variação das doses de nitrogênio não exerceu efeito significativo para a variável analisada.Effect of organic manure on the dry matter of the sunflower irrigated with wastewaterAbstract: is aimed with this work was to evaluate the effects of irrigation with treated domestic wastewater and fertilization with municipal solid waste compost on the dry matter of sunflower plants. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Campina Grande - PB; culture used was the Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., variable EMBRAPA 122 / V2000, grown in pots filled with soil classified as eutrophic Entisol. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a factorial 6 x 2, with three repetitions, which were 6 levels of nitrogen available in compound of solid waste (0, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220 kg. N ha-1 and 2 types of water (water supply domestic

  9. Transient Analysis and Dosimetry of the Tokaimura Criticality Incident

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pain, Christopher C.; Oliveira, Cassiano R.E. de; Goddard, Antony J. H.; Eaton, Matthew D.; Gundry, Sarah; Umpleby, Adrian P.


    This paper describes research on the application of the finite element transient criticality (FETCH) code to modeling and neutron dosimetry of the Tokaimura criticality incident. FETCH has been developed to model criticality transients in single and multiphase media and is applied here to fissile solution transient criticality. Since the initial transient behavior has different time scales and physics to the longer transient behavior, the transient modeling is divided into two parts: modeling the initial transient over a time scale of seconds in which radiolytic gases and free-surface sloshing play an important role in the transient - this provides information about the dose to workers; and modeling the long-term transient behavior following the initial transient that has a time scale over hours.The neutron dosimetry of worker A who received the largest dose during the Tokaimura criticality incident is also investigated here. This dose was received mainly in the first few seconds of the ensuing nuclear criticality transient. In addition to the multiorgan dosimetry of worker A, this work provides a method of helping to evaluate the yield in the initial phase of the criticality incident; it also shows how kinetic simulations can be calibrated so that they can be applied to investigate the physics behind the incident

  10. Thermal Studies of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II Complexes of Some <em>N-Alkyl-N>-Phenyl-Dithiocarbamates

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Peter A. Ajibade


    Full Text Available The thermal decomposition of Zn(II, Cd(II and Hg(II complexes of <em>N-ethyl-N>-phenyl and <em>N-butyl-N>-phenyl dithiocarbamates have been studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC. The products of the decomposition, at two different temperatures, were further characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX. The results show that while the zinc and cadmium complexes undergo decomposition to form metal sulphides, and further undergo oxidation forming metal oxides as final products, the mercury complexes gave unstable volatiles as the final product.

  11. Imaging findings and cerebral perfusion in arterial ischemic stroke due to transient cerebral arteriopathy in children; Achados de imagem e perfusao arterial cerebral em acidente vascular cerebral isquemico devido a arteriopatia transitoria em crianca

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barbosa Junior, Alcino Alves, E-mail: [Departamento de Diagnostico por Imagem, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - HIAE, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Ellovitch, Saada Resende de Souza [Neuropediatria, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein - HIAE, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil); Pincerato, Rita de Cassia Maciel [Hospital Samaritano, Sao Paulo, SP (Brazil)


    We report the case of a 4-year-old female child who developed an arterial ischemic stroke in the left middle cerebral artery territory, due to a proximal stenosis of the supraclinoid internal carotid artery, most probably related to transient cerebral arteriopathy of childhood. Computed tomography scan, magnetic resonance imaging, perfusion magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance angiography are presented, as well as follow-up by magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance angiography exams. Changes in cerebral perfusion and diffusion-perfusion mismatch call attention. As far as we know, this is the first report of magnetic resonance perfusion findings in transient cerebral arteriopathy. (author)

  12. HEDL experimental transient overpower program

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hikido, T.; Culley, G.E.


    HEDL is conducting a series of experiments to evaluate the performance of Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) prototypic fuel pins up to the point of cladding breach. A primary objective of the program is to demonstrate the adequacy of fuel pin and Plant Protective System (PPS) designs for terminated transients. Transient tests of prototypic FFTF fuel pins previously irradiated in the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) have demonstrated the adequacy of the PPS and fuel pin designs and indicate that a very substantial margin exists between PPS-terminated transients and that required to produce fuel pin cladding failure. Additional experiments are planned to extend the data base to high burnup, high fluence fuel pin specimens

  13. Learning from anticipated and abnormal plant transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Varnado, B.


    A report is given of the American Nuclear Society topical meeting on Anticipated and Abnormal Transients in Light Water Reactors held in Jackson, Wyoming in September 1983. Industry involvement in the evaluation of operating experience, human error contributions, transient management, thermal hydraulic modelling, the role of probabilistic risk assessment and the cost of transient incidents are discussed. (U.K.)

  14. Single-event transients (SET) in analog circuits

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chen Panxun; Zhou Kaiming


    A new phenomenon of single- event upset is introduced. The transient signal is produced in the output of analog circuits after a heavy ion strikes. The transient upset can influence the circuit connected with the output of analog circuits. For example, the output of operational amplifier can be connected with the input of a digital counter, and the pulse of sufficiently high transient output induced by an ion can increase counts of the counter. On the other hand, the transient voltage signal at the output of analog circuits can change the stage of other circuits. (authors)

  15. Transient phenomena in electrical power systems

    CERN Document Server

    Venikov, V A; Higinbotham, W


    Electronics and Instrumentation, Volume 24: Transient Phenomena in Electrical Power Systems presents the methods for calculating the stability and the transient behavior of systems with forced excitation control. This book provides information pertinent to the analysis of transient phenomena in electro-mechanical systems.Organized into five chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the principal requirements in an excitation system. This text then explains the electromagnetic and electro-mechanical phenomena, taking into account the mutual action between the components of the system. Ot

  16. Transient burnout in flow reduction condition

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Iwamura, Takamichi; Kuroyanagi, Toshiyuki


    A transient flow reduction burnout experiment was conducted with water in a uniformly heated, vertically oriented tube. Test pressures ranged from 0.5 to 3.9 MPa. An analytical method was developed to obtain transient burnout conditions at the exit. A simple correlation to predict the deviation of the transient burnout mass velocity at the tube exit from the steady state mass velocity obtained as a function of steam-water density ratio and flow reduction rate. The correlation was also compared with the other data. (author)

  17. Characterizing SI Engine Transient Fuel Consumption in ALPHA (United States)

    Examine typical transient engine operation encountered over the EPA's vehicle and engine testing drive cycles to characterize that transient fuel usage, and then describe the changes made to ALPHA to better model transient engine operation.

  18. Nuclear reactors transients identification and classification system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bianchi, Paulo Henrique


    This work describes the study and test of a system capable to identify and classify transients in thermo-hydraulic systems, using a neural network technique of the self-organizing maps (SOM) type, with the objective of implanting it on the new generations of nuclear reactors. The technique developed in this work consists on the use of multiple networks to do the classification and identification of the transient states, being each network a specialist at one respective transient of the system, that compete with each other using the quantization error, that is a measure given by this type of neural network. This technique showed very promising characteristics that allow the development of new functionalities in future projects. One of these characteristics consists on the potential of each network, besides responding what transient is in course, could give additional information about that transient. (author)

  19. Conservazione e gestione della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Francesco Riga


    Full Text Available Il recente riconoscimento dello <em>status> specifico della Lepre italica (<em>Lepus corsicanusem> e l?accertamento dell?areale distributivo rappresentano le azioni più importanti per la conservazione di un <em>taxon endemicoem> che si era creduto estinto. Nella penisola la specie presenta un areale discontinuo, il cui limite settentrionale è dato dal comune di Manciano (GR, sul versante tirrenico e da una linea che dalla provincia de L'Aquila arriva al Gargano. In Sicilia la distribuzione è relativamente continua anche in aree non protette. Dati genetici hanno permesso di confermare la presenza in Corsica. Al contrario, nell?Isola d'Elba, a seguito di estese ricerche, sono stati identificati solo esemplari di <em>L. europaeusem>. Nell?Italia peninsulare <em>L. corsicanusem> è spesso presente in simpatria con popolazioni di <em>L. europaeusem>, mentre in Sicilia la lepre europea non ha originato popolazioni stabili, nonostante l?immissione di molte migliaia di individui. La distribuzione ecologica di <em>L. corsicanusem> ed analisi ambientali specifiche, suggeriscono l?adattamento prevalente agli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, benché essa sia presente anche a quote elevate (> 1.500 m s.l.m.. Dati preliminari di abbondanza relativa hanno evidenziato una situazione diversificata tra la penisola e la Sicilia e tra aree a diverso regime di gestione; un confronto tra le aree protette ha evidenziato rispettivamente valori di 5,54 e 11,73 ind./km². La riduzione quali-quantitativa e la frammentazione dell?<em>habitat> delle lepri è un fenomeno potenzialmente pericoloso per la sopravvivenza delle popolazioni, determinando fenomeni di estinzione locale dovuti alle basse densità di popolazione, inducendo fenomeni di erosione della variabilità genetica e di riduzione della <em>fitness> degli individui. L?introduzione di <em>L. europaeusem> può costituire un importante fattore limitante sia per la possibile competizione

  20. Methyl 2-Benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alami Anouar


    Full Text Available The heterocyclic carboxylic α-aminoester methyl 2-benzamido-2-(1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethoxyacetate is obtained by <em>O>-alkylation of methyl α-azido glycinate <em>N>-benzoylated with 1<em>H>-benzimidazol-1-ylmethanol.

  1. Advanced Instrumentation for Transient Reactor Testing

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Corradini, Michael L.; Anderson, Mark; Imel, George; Blue, Tom; Roberts, Jeremy; Davis, Kurt


    Transient testing involves placing fuel or material into the core of specialized materials test reactors that are capable of simulating a range of design basis accidents, including reactivity insertion accidents, that require the reactor produce short bursts of intense highpower neutron flux and gamma radiation. Testing fuel behavior in a prototypic neutron environment under high-power, accident-simulation conditions is a key step in licensing nuclear fuels for use in existing and future nuclear power plants. Transient testing of nuclear fuels is needed to develop and prove the safety basis for advanced reactors and fuels. In addition, modern fuel development and design increasingly relies on modeling and simulation efforts that must be informed and validated using specially designed material performance separate effects studies. These studies will require experimental facilities that are able to support variable scale, highly instrumented tests providing data that have appropriate spatial and temporal resolution. Finally, there are efforts now underway to develop advanced light water reactor (LWR) fuels with enhanced performance and accident tolerance. These advanced reactor designs will also require new fuel types. These new fuels need to be tested in a controlled environment in order to learn how they respond to accident conditions. For these applications, transient reactor testing is needed to help design fuels with improved performance. In order to maximize the value of transient testing, there is a need for in-situ transient realtime imaging technology (e.g., the neutron detection and imaging system like the hodoscope) to see fuel motion during rapid transient excursions with a higher degree of spatial and temporal resolution and accuracy. There also exists a need for new small, compact local sensors and instrumentation that are capable of collecting data during transients (e.g., local displacements, temperatures, thermal conductivity, neutron flux, etc.).

  2. Transient survivability of LMR oxide fuel pins

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Weber, E.T.; Pitner, A.L.; Bard, F.E.; Culley, G.E.; Hunter, C.W.


    Fuel pin integrity during transient events must be assessed for both the core design and safety analysis phases of a reactor project. A significant increase in the experience related to limits of integrity for oxide fuel pins in transient overpower events has been realized from testing of fuel pins irradiated in FFTF and PFR. Fourteen FFTF irradiated fuel pins were tested in TREAT, representing a range of burnups, overpower ramp rates and maximum overpower conditions. Results of these tests along with similar testing in the PFR/TREAT program, provide a demonstration of significant safety margins for oxide fuel pins. Useful information applied in analytical extrapolation of fuel pin test data have been developed from laboratory transient tests on irradiated fuel cladding (FCTT) and on unirradiated fuel pellet deformation. These refinements in oxide fuel transient performance are being applied in assessment of transient capabilities of long lifetime fuel designs using ferritic cladding

  3. The FORTRAN NALAP code adapted to a microcomputer compiler

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lobo, Paulo David de Castro; Borges, Eduardo Madeira; Braz Filho, Francisco Antonio; Guimaraes, Lamartine Nogueira Frutuoso


    The Nuclear Energy Division of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEAv) is conducting the TERRA project (TEcnologia de Reatores Rapidos Avancados), Technology for Advanced Fast Reactors project, aimed at a space reactor application. In this work, to attend the TERRA project, the NALAP code adapted to a microcomputer compiler called Compaq Visual Fortran (Version 6.6) is presented. This code, adapted from the light water reactor transient code RELAP 3B, simulates thermal-hydraulic responses for sodium cooled fast reactors. The strategy to run the code in a PC was divided in some steps mainly to remove unnecessary routines, to eliminate old statements, to introduce new ones and also to include extension precision mode. The source program was able to solve three sample cases under conditions of protected transients suggested in literature: the normal reactor shutdown, with a delay of 200 ms to start the control rod movement and a delay of 500 ms to stop the pumps; reactor scram after transient of loss of flow; and transients protected from overpower. Comparisons were made with results from the time when the NALAP code was acquired by the IEAv, back in the 80's. All the responses for these three simulations reproduced the calculations performed with the CDC compiler in 1985. Further modifications will include the usage of gas as coolant for the nuclear reactor to allow a Closed Brayton Cycle Loop - CBCL - to be used as a heat/electric converter. (author)

  4. The FORTRAN NALAP code adapted to a microcomputer compiler

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Lobo, Paulo David de Castro; Borges, Eduardo Madeira; Braz Filho, Francisco Antonio; Guimaraes, Lamartine Nogueira Frutuoso, E-mail:, E-mail: eduardo@ieav.cta.b, E-mail: fbraz@ieav.cta.b, E-mail: guimarae@ieav.cta.b [Instituto de Estudos Avancados (IEAv/CTA), Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (Brazil)


    The Nuclear Energy Division of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IEAv) is conducting the TERRA project (TEcnologia de Reatores Rapidos Avancados), Technology for Advanced Fast Reactors project, aimed at a space reactor application. In this work, to attend the TERRA project, the NALAP code adapted to a microcomputer compiler called Compaq Visual Fortran (Version 6.6) is presented. This code, adapted from the light water reactor transient code RELAP 3B, simulates thermal-hydraulic responses for sodium cooled fast reactors. The strategy to run the code in a PC was divided in some steps mainly to remove unnecessary routines, to eliminate old statements, to introduce new ones and also to include extension precision mode. The source program was able to solve three sample cases under conditions of protected transients suggested in literature: the normal reactor shutdown, with a delay of 200 ms to start the control rod movement and a delay of 500 ms to stop the pumps; reactor scram after transient of loss of flow; and transients protected from overpower. Comparisons were made with results from the time when the NALAP code was acquired by the IEAv, back in the 80's. All the responses for these three simulations reproduced the calculations performed with the CDC compiler in 1985. Further modifications will include the usage of gas as coolant for the nuclear reactor to allow a Closed Brayton Cycle Loop - CBCL - to be used as a heat/electric converter. (author)

  5. Development of 101 Gene-based Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Markers in Sea Cucumber, <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wei Lu


    Full Text Available Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs are currently the marker of choice in a variety of genetic studies. Using the high resolution melting (HRM genotyping approach, 101 gene-based SNP markers were developed for <em>Apostichopus japonicusem>, a sea cucumber species with economic significance for the aquaculture industry in East Asian countries. HRM analysis revealed that all the loci showed polymorphisms when evaluated using 40 <em>A. japonicusem> individuals collected from a natural population. The minor allele frequency ranged from 0.035 to 0.489. The observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.050 to 0.833 and 0.073 to 0.907, respectively. Thirteen loci were found to depart significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE after Bonferroni corrections. Significant linkage disequilibrium (LD was detected in one pair of markers. These SNP markers are expected to be useful for future quantitative trait loci (QTL analysis, and to facilitate marker-assisted selection (MAS in <em>A. japonicusem>.

  6. Activity-Guided Isolation of Antioxidant Compounds from <em>Rhizophora apiculataem>

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    Hongbin Xiao


    Full Text Available <em>Rhizophora apiculataem> (<em>R. apiculataem> contains an abundance of biologically active compounds due its special salt-tolerant living surroundings. In this study, the total phenolic content and antioxidant activities of various extract and fractions of stem of <em>R. apiculataem> were investigated. Results indicated that butanol fraction possesses the highest total phenolic content (181.84 mg/g GAE/g dry extract with strongest antioxidant abilities. Following <em>in vitroem> antioxidant activity-guided phytochemical separation procedures, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-arabinopyranoside (1, lyoniresinol-3α-<em>O>-β-rhamnoside (2, and afzelechin-3-<em>O>-L-rhamno-pyranoside (3 were separated from the butanol fraction. These compounds showed more noticeable antioxidant activity than a BHT standard in the DPPH, ABTS and hydroxyl radical scavenging assays. HPLC analysis results showed that among different plant parts, the highest content of 13 was located in the bark (0.068%, 0.066% and 0.011%, respectively. The results imply that the <em>R. apiculataem> might be a potential source of natural antioxidants and 13 are antioxidant ingredients in <em>R. apiculataem>.

  7. Fission gas behavior during fast thermal transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esteves, R.G.


    The behavior of non-equilibrium fission in fuel elements undergoing fast thermal transients is analyzed. To facilitate the analysis, a new variable, the equilibrium variable (EV) is defined. This variable, together with bubble radius, completely specifies a bubble with respect to its size and equilibrium condition. The analysis is coded using a two-variable (radius and EV) multigroup numerical approximation that accepts as input the time-temperature history, the time-fission rate history, and the time-thermal gradient history of the fuel element. Studies were performed to test the code for convergence with respect to the time interval and the number of groups chosen. For a series of transient simulation studies, the measurements obtained at HEDL (microscopic examination of intragranular porosity in oxide fuel transient-tested in TREAT) are used. Two different transient histories were selected; the first, a high-temperature transient (HTT) with a peak at 2477 0 K and the second, a low-temperature transient (LTT) with a peak-temperature at 2000 0 K. The LTT was simulated for three different conditions: Bubbles were allowed to move via (a) only biased migration, (b) via random migration, and (c) via both mechanisms. The HTT was also run for both mechanisms. The agreement with HEDL microscopic observations was fair for bubbles smaller than 964 A in diameter, and poor for larger bubbles. Bubbles that grew during the heat-up part of the transient were frozen at a larger size during the cool down

  8. Synthesis and Spectroscopic Analysis of Novel 1<em>H-Benzo[d>]imidazoles Phenyl Sulfonylpiperazines

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    Amjad M. Qandil


    Full Text Available A group of benzimidazole analogs of sildenafil, 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-phenylsulfonylpiperazines 2–4 and 3-benzimidazolyl-4-methoxy-<em>N,N>-dimethyl- benzenesulfonamide (5, were efficiently synthesized. Compounds 2–5 were characterized by NMR and MS and contrary to the reported mass spectra of sildenafil, the spectra of the piperazine-containing compounds 2–4 showed a novel fragmentation pattern leading to an <em>m/z> = 316. A mechanism for the formation of this fragment was proposed.

  9. The economic impact of reactor transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rossin, A.D.; Vine, G.L.


    This chapter discusses the cost estimation of transients and the causal relationship between transients and accidents. It is suggested that the calculation of the actual cost of a transient that has occurred is impossible without computerized records. Six months of operating experience reports, based on a survey of pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs) conducted by the Nuclear Safety Analysis Center (NSAC), are analyzed. The significant costs of a reactor transient are the repair costs resulting from severe damage to plant equipment, the cost of scrams (the actions the system is designed to take to avoid safety risks), US NRC fines, negative publicity, utility rates and revenues. It is estimated that the Three Mile Island-2 accident cost the US over $100 billion in nuclear plant delays and cancellations, more expensive fuel, oil imports, backfits, bureaucratic, administrative and legal costs, and lost productivity

  10. Chernobyl reactor transient simulation study

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gaber, F.A.; El Messiry, A.M.


    This paper deals with the Chernobyl nuclear power station transient simulation study. The Chernobyl (RBMK) reactor is a graphite moderated pressure tube type reactor. It is cooled by circulating light water that boils in the upper parts of vertical pressure tubes to produce steam. At equilibrium fuel irradiation, the RBMK reactor has a positive void reactivity coefficient. However, the fuel temperature coefficient is negative and the net effect of a power change depends upon the power level. Under normal operating conditions the net effect (power coefficient) is negative at full power and becomes positive under certain transient conditions. A series of dynamic performance transient analysis for RBMK reactor, pressurized water reactor (PWR) and fast breeder reactor (FBR) have been performed using digital simulator codes, the purpose of this transient study is to show that an accident of Chernobyl's severity does not occur in PWR or FBR nuclear power reactors. This appears from the study of the inherent, stability of RBMK, PWR and FBR under certain transient conditions. This inherent stability is related to the effect of the feed back reactivity. The power distribution stability in the graphite RBMK reactor is difficult to maintain throughout its entire life, so the reactor has an inherent instability. PWR has larger negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, therefore, the PWR by itself has a large amount of natural stability, so PWR is inherently safe. FBR has positive sodium expansion coefficient, therefore it has insufficient stability it has been concluded that PWR has safe operation than FBR and RBMK reactors

  11. Synchronizing noisy nonidentical oscillators by transient uncoupling

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Tandon, Aditya, E-mail:; Mannattil, Manu, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016 (India); Schröder, Malte, E-mail: [Network Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), 37077 Göttingen (Germany); Timme, Marc, E-mail: [Network Dynamics, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPIDS), 37077 Göttingen (Germany); Department of Physics, Technical University of Darmstadt, 64289 Darmstadt (Germany); Chakraborty, Sagar, E-mail: [Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016 (India); Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Group, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016 (India)


    Synchronization is the process of achieving identical dynamics among coupled identical units. If the units are different from each other, their dynamics cannot become identical; yet, after transients, there may emerge a functional relationship between them—a phenomenon termed “generalized synchronization.” Here, we show that the concept of transient uncoupling, recently introduced for synchronizing identical units, also supports generalized synchronization among nonidentical chaotic units. Generalized synchronization can be achieved by transient uncoupling even when it is impossible by regular coupling. We furthermore demonstrate that transient uncoupling stabilizes synchronization in the presence of common noise. Transient uncoupling works best if the units stay uncoupled whenever the driven orbit visits regions that are locally diverging in its phase space. Thus, to select a favorable uncoupling region, we propose an intuitive method that measures the local divergence at the phase points of the driven unit's trajectory by linearizing the flow and subsequently suppresses the divergence by uncoupling.

  12. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Verspertilionidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Abstract Captivity observation on body weight cycle and digestive efficiency in <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> and <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae Many bat species of cold-temperate climate are subject to seasonal variation of temperature and food availability. Fat reserve during summer-autumn is therefore a physiological adaptation to spend the winter months by hibernating or to sustain migration. During a research on bats in urban areas, two juveniles of Kuhl's bat (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 females and two juveniles of Savi's bat (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 male and 1 female were collected in 1997 in the urban area of Florence (central Italy. Bats were kept in a cage of 50x40x30 cm with a temperature between 17° and 22° C. Every day they were weighted with an electronic balance before eating mealworms (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. Digestive efficiency, calculated on dry material, was about 90% for both species. In about six months <em>P. kuhliiem> and <em>H. saviiem> increased on the average of 450% and 280% in weight respectively. Deposition of fat reserve seemed to be faster in <em>P. kuhliiem> than in <em>H. saviiem>. Both species showed a circannual cycle in the variation of weight. Riassunto Molte specie di pipistrelli dei climi temperato-freddi sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in tarda estate-autunno è quindi un adattamento fisiologico per trascorrere in ibernazione i mesi invernali o per intraprendere la migrazione. Nell'ambito di una ricerca pluriennale sui pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, 4 esemplari giovani, di cui 2 di Pipistrello albolimbato (<em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem>, 2 femmine e due di Pipistrello di Savi (<em>Hypsugo saviiem>, 1 maschio e 1 femmina, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l'estate del 1997 e mantenuti in un contenitore di 50x40x30 cm ad

  13. Analysis of transient signals by Wavelet transform

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Penha, Rosani Libardi da; Silva, Aucyone A. da; Ting, Daniel K.S.; Oliveira Neto, Jose Messias de


    The objective of this work is to apply the Wavelet Transform in transient signals. The Wavelet technique can outline the short time events that are not easily detected using traditional techniques. In this work, the Wavelet Transform is compared with Fourier Transform, by using simulated data and rotor rig data. This data contain known transients. The wavelet could follow all the transients, what do not happen to the Fourier techniques. (author)

  14. Pressurizer and steam-generator behavior under PWR transient conditions

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wahba, A.B.; Berta, V.T.; Pointner, W.


    Experiments have been conducted in the Loss-of-Fluid Test (LOFT) pressurized water reactor (PWR), at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, in which transient phenomena arising from accident events with and without reactor scram were studied. The main purpose of the LOFT facility is to provide data for the development of computer codes for PWR transient analyses. Significant thermal-hydraulic differences have been observed between the measured and calculated results for those transients in which the pressurizer and steam generator strongly influence the dominant transient phenomena. Pressurizer and steam generator phenomena that occurred during four specific PWR transients in the LOFT facility are discussed. Two transients were accompanied by pressurizer inflow and a reduction of the heat transfer in the steam generator to a very small value. The other two transients were accompanied by pressurizer outflow while the steam generator behavior was controlled

  15. Transient analysis capabilities at ABB-CE

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kling, C.L.


    The transient capabilities at ABB-Combustion Engineering (ABB-CE) Nuclear Power are a function of the computer hardware and related network used, the computer software that has evolved over the years, and the commercial technical exchange agreements with other related organizations and customers. ABB-CEA is changing from a mainframe/personal computer network to a distributed workstation/personal computer local area network. The paper discusses computer hardware, mainframe computing, personal computers, mainframe/personal computer networks, workstations, transient analysis computer software, design/operation transient analysis codes, safety (licensed) analysis codes, cooperation with ABB-Atom, and customer support

  16. Transient analysis of DTT rakes

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kamath, P.S.; Lahey, R.T. Jr.


    This paper presents an analytical model for the determination of the cross-sectionally averaged transient mass flux of a two-phase fluid flowing in a conduit instrumented by a Drag-Disk Turbine Transducer (DTT) Rake and a multibeam gamma densitometer. Parametric studies indicate that for a typical blowdown transient, dynamic effects such as rotor inertia can be important for the turbine-meter. In contrast, for the drag-disk, a frequency response analysis showed that the quasisteady solution is valid below a forcing frequency of about 10 Hz, which is faster than the time scale normally encountered during blowdowns. The model showed reasonably good agreement with full scale transient rake data, where the flow regimes were mostly homogeneous or stratified, thus indicating that the model is suitable for the analysis of a DTT rake. (orig.)

  17. Fuel cladding mechanical properties for transient analysis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Johnson, G.D.; Hunter, C.W.; Hanson, J.E.


    Out-of-pile simulated transient tests have been conducted on irradiated fast-reactor fuel pin cladding specimens at heating rates of 10 0 F/s (5.6 0 K/s) and 200 0 F/s (111 0 K/s) to generate mechanical property information for use in describing cladding behavior during off-normal events. Mechanical property data were then analyzed, applying the Larson-Miller Parameter to the effects of heating rate and neutron fluence. Data from simulated transient tests on TREAT-tested fuel pins demonstrate that Plant Protective System termination of 3$/s transients prevents significant damage to cladding. The breach opening produced during simulated transient testing is shown to decrease in size with increasing neutron fluence

  18. RFSP simulations of Darlington FINCH refuelling transient

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Carruthers, E.V.; Chow, H.C.


    Immediately after refuelling of a channel, the fresh bundles are free of fission products. Xenon-135, the most notable of the saturating fission products, builds up to an equilibrium level in about 30 h. The channel power of the refuelled channel would therefore initially peak and then drop to a steady-state level. The RFSP code can track saturating-fission-product transients and power transients. The Fully INstrumented CHannels (FINCHs) in Darlington NGS provides channel power data on the refuelling power transients. In this paper, such data has been used to identify the physical evidence of the fission-product transient effect on channel power, and to validate RFSP fission-product-driver calculation results. (author)

  19. Obtenção de piches mesofásicos em dois estágios a partir de piche de petróleo Preparation in two stages of mesophase pitches from petroleum pitch

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    Carlos H. M. C. Dutra


    Full Text Available A obtenção de piches mesofásicos para a produção de fibras de carbono de alta performance foi investigada por meio de tratamento térmico de três piches de petróleo, em dois estágios em um reator com agitação magnética e capacidade de 700 g. O primeiro estágio consistiu de um pré-tratamento sob agitação e atmosfera de nitrogênio a 0,9 MPa, a 390, 410 e 430 °C, durante três horas. No segundo estágio, o tratamento térmico foi realizado por mais três horas, sob pressão atmosférica. Durante os experimentos, amostras foram recolhidas e analisadas por meio de medidas de solubilidade em tolueno e quinolina, ponto de amolecimento e o percentual de mesofase. Foi verificado que, para todos os piches produzidos, nas temperaturas de 390 e 410 °C a variação dos parâmetros físico-químicos foi muito pequena e que os tratamentos térmicos no patamar de 430 °C produziram piches com pontos de amolecimento acima de 300 °C, e percentual de mesofase próximo a 70%.Mesophase pitches, precursors of high-performance carbon fibers, were prepared from petroleum pitch by a two-stage heat treatment, in a reactor capable of heat treating 700 g of petroleum pitch under stirring. The process consisted of a pretreatment under pressure at 390, 410 and 430 °C under nitrogen atmosphere, at 0.9 MPa, for three hours, as the first stage, followed by another heat treatment under atmospheric pressure, as the second stage. To study the properties of the petroleum pitch samples, during the experiment, they were removed from the system. Quinoline insolubles, toluene insolubles, mesophase content and softening point of the samples were used to follow the pyrolysis process. The results revealed slight variations in the properties for the pitches produced at 390 and 410 °C. However, the pitch samples produced at 430 °C had softening points higher than 300 °C, and mesophase contents of around 70%.

  20. Medidas imitanciométricas em crianças com ausência de emissões otoacústicas Acoustic immittance in children without otoacoustic emissions

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    Ana Emilia Linares


    Full Text Available Partindo da hipótese de que alterações da função de orelha média possam prejudicar a captação das EOAs, é possível que a ausência destas, em lactentes, esteja associada a discretas alterações timpanométricas. OBJETIVO: Verificar a associação entre resposta de EOAT e alteração imitanciométrica com a sonda de 226Hz em lactentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte contemporânea com corte transversal. Foram avaliados 20 lactentes com ausência de EOAT (grupo pesquisa e 101 lactentes com presença de EOAT (grupo comparação, com idades variando entre o nascimento e oito meses. Os lactentes foram submetidos a: timpanometria; pesquisa dos limiares de reflexo acústico contralateral com estímulos de 0,5k, 1k, 2k, 4kHz e ruído de faixa larga; emissões otoacústicas (transiente e por produtos de distorção. O potencial evocado auditivo de tronco encefálico para pesquisa do limiar de resposta foi realizado no grupo pesquisa. RESULTADOS: Observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos (pConsidering the hypothesis that middle ear changes can impair the recording of otoacoustic emissions, it is possible that absent otoacoustic emissions in infants could be associated with a light tympanometric change. AIM: To study the association between transient otoacoustic emissions and changes in acoustic immittance measurements with 226Hz probe tone in neonates. METHODS: Cross-sectional contemporary cohort study. 20 infants with no transient otoacoustic emissions (study group and 101 infants with transient otoacoustic emissions (control group, with ages ranged from birth to eight months, were assessed. Infants were submitted to: admittance tympanometry; contralateral acoustic reflex threshold with stimulus of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz and broad band noise; transient and distortion product otoacoustic emissions. The auditory brain response was used to study the threshold in neonates without transient otoacoustic emissions. RESULTS

  1. The LOFAR Transients Key Science Project

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Stappers, B.; Fender, R.; Wijers, R.


    The Transients Key Science Project (TKP) is one of six Key Science Projects of the next generation radio telescope LOFAR. Its aim is the study of transient and variable low-frequency radio sources with an extremely broad science case ranging from relativistic jet sources to pulsars, exoplanets,

  2. Transient cognitive dynamics, metastability, and decision making.

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    Mikhail I Rabinovich


    Full Text Available The idea that cognitive activity can be understood using nonlinear dynamics has been intensively discussed at length for the last 15 years. One of the popular points of view is that metastable states play a key role in the execution of cognitive functions. Experimental and modeling studies suggest that most of these functions are the result of transient activity of large-scale brain networks in the presence of noise. Such transients may consist of a sequential switching between different metastable cognitive states. The main problem faced when using dynamical theory to describe transient cognitive processes is the fundamental contradiction between reproducibility and flexibility of transient behavior. In this paper, we propose a theoretical description of transient cognitive dynamics based on the interaction of functionally dependent metastable cognitive states. The mathematical image of such transient activity is a stable heteroclinic channel, i.e., a set of trajectories in the vicinity of a heteroclinic skeleton that consists of saddles and unstable separatrices that connect their surroundings. We suggest a basic mathematical model, a strongly dissipative dynamical system, and formulate the conditions for the robustness and reproducibility of cognitive transients that satisfy the competing requirements for stability and flexibility. Based on this approach, we describe here an effective solution for the problem of sequential decision making, represented as a fixed time game: a player takes sequential actions in a changing noisy environment so as to maximize a cumulative reward. As we predict and verify in computer simulations, noise plays an important role in optimizing the gain.

  3. Transient analysis for Laguna Verde nuclear power plant

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ramos Pablos, J.C.


    Relationship between transients analysis and safety of Laguna Verde nuclear power plant is described a general panorama of safety thermal limits of a nuclear station, as well as transients classification and events simulation codes are exposed. Activities of a group of transients analysis of electrical research institute are also mentioned (Author)

  4. [Transient amnesia in the elderly]. (United States)

    Sellal, François


    The two main aetiologies of transient amnesia in the elderly are idiopathic transient global amnesia (TGA) and iatrogenic or toxic amnesia. Vascular and epileptic amnesia are less common. According to the literature, transient psychogenic amnesia, which is a frequent cause of amnesia at age 30 to 50, is very rare in the elderly. TGA is the prototypical picture of transient amnesia. It occurs more often after age 50, with no identified cause, even if some authors accept emotional stress or minor head trauma as occasional precipitants. The mechanism of TGA remains a matter of discussion. It may be the consequence of a spreading depression similar to that described in migraine with aura, but other arguments support an ischemic mechanism. Iatrogenic amnesias are mainly caused by benzodiazepines (BZs) or anticholinergics. The former may occur in a non-anxious subject, who is not a usual consumer of BZ and takes a single dose. The latter are more often due to a hypersensitivity to anticholinergic drugs, in particular in patients presenting with a covert, incipient Alzheimer's disease. A vascular origin must be considered when amnesia is accompanied by other neurological symptoms, and when the regression of the amnesic disorder is slow, lasting several days. It results from lesions involving various mechanisms and locations, mainly subcortical. Partial seizures, most often mesio-temporal, more rarely frontal, may be the cause of transient amnesia in the elderly, in the absence of a past history of epilepsy. The red flag supportive of an epileptic origin is the repetition of stereotyped amnesic episodes. EEG demonstration of seizures may be difficult and the response to antiepileptic drugs effective on partial seizures is usually good.

  5. Deslocamento miscível de nitrato e fosfato proveniente de água residuária da suinocultura em colunas de solo Miscible displacement of nitrate and phosphate from swine wastewater in soil columns

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    Marcelo H. Anami


    Full Text Available A fertirrigação com águas residuárias da suinocultura vem sendo muito difundida no País, principalmente na região sul do Brasil, entretanto, o alto potencial poluidor dos dejetos pode tornar-se uma ameaça de contaminação de solos e águas superficiais e subterrâneas se utilizados em quantidades excessivas. Neste trabalho o objetivo principal foi avaliar o processo de lixiviação de íons nitrato e fosfato em colunas de solo, obtendo-se os coeficientes de dispersão hidrodinâmico e o fator de retardamento para a determinação do potencial de contaminação dos lençóis de água subterrâneos. Verificou-se, ainda, o efeito da aplicação de águas residuárias da suinocultura tratada com reatores anaeróbios sobre as propriedades físico-químicas do solo, cujos resultados indicaram que o potencial de contaminação dos lençóis de água subterrâneos pelo íon nitrato é elevado, ao contrário do que ocorre com o íon fosfato, que apresentou baixo potencial de contaminação em função da sua alta reatividade.Fertigation with wastewater from swine is very much used, mainly in the southern region of Brazil. However, the high polluting potential of these wastewaters represents a threat of soil contamination of surface and underground waters if used in excessive amounts. The objective of this work was to evaluate the leaching process of nitrate and phosphate ions in soil columns, getting the hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient and factor of retardation and potential of contamination of underground water. The effect of wastewater application on physical and chemical properties of the soil was verified. The results showed that the potential for contamination of underground water by nitrate ions is high, in contrast to what occurs with phosphate ions that presented low potential of contamination due to their high reactivity.

  6. Fast relaxation transients in a kicked damped oscillator

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Urquizu, Merce [Laboratori d' Estudis Geofisics ' Eduard Fontsere' , IEC, Barcelona (Spain); Correig, Antoni M. [Departament d' Astronomical i Meteorologia, Laboratori d' Estudis Geofisics Eduard Fontsere, UB Marti Franques 1, E-08028 Barcelona (Spain) and Laboratori d' Estudis Geofisics ' Eduard Fontsere' , IEC, Barcelona (Spain)]. E-mail:


    Although nonlinear relaxation transients are very common in nature, very few studies are devoted to its characterization, mainly due to its short time duration. In this paper, we present a study about the nature of relaxation transients in a kicked damped oscillator, in which transients are generated in terms of continuous fast changes in the parameters of the system. We have found that transient dynamics can be described, rather than in terms of bifurcation dynamics, in terms of instantaneous stretching factors, which are related to the stability of fixed points of the corresponding stroboscopic maps.

  7. Development of a transient criticality evaluation method

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Pain, C.C.; Eaton, M.D.; Miles, B.; Ziver, A.K.; Gomes, J.L.M.A.; Umpleby, A.P.; Piggott, M.D.; Goddard, A.J.H.; Oliveira, C.R.E. de


    In developing a transient criticality evaluation method we model, in full spatial/temporal detail, the neutron fluxes and consequent power and the evolving material properties - their flows, energies, phase changes etc. These methods are embodied in the generic method FETCH code which is based as far as possible on basic principles and is capable of use in exploring safety-related situations somewhat beyond the range of experiment. FETCH is a general geometry code capable of addressing a range of criticality issues in fissile materials. The code embodies both transient radiation transport and transient fluid dynamics. Work on powders, granular materials, porous media and solutions is reviewed. The capability for modelling transient criticality for chemical plant, waste matrices and advanced reactors is also outlined. (author)

  8. Transient hypothyroidism after 131I treatment of Graves disease

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Liu Jianfeng; Fang Yi; Zhang Xiuli; Ye Genyao; Xing Jialiu; Zhang Youren


    Objective: To evaluate the results of the transient hypothyroidism after 131 I treatment of Graves disease. Methods: A total of 32 transient hypothyroidism patients treated with 131 I for Graves disease were studied and followed up. Results: Transient hypothyroidism occurred within 2-6 months after 131 I treatment and 19 patients were symptomatic. At diagnosis of transient hypothyroidism, T 3 and T 4 levels were decreased had normal, TSH levels were increased, normal or low. Follow-up examination found that 20 patients were normal and 12 patients had relapse of hyperthyroidism. Conclusions: Therapy of Graves disease with low doses of 131 I causes a high incidence of transient hypothyroidism. After recovery of transient hypothyroidism, some patients have relapse of hyperthyroidism

  9. Transients in the Vivitron

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Cooke, C.M.; Frick, G.; Roumie, M.


    Electrical measurements are presented for the construction of a model for the study of transients in the Vivitron. Observation of the transmission of electrical pulses in the porticos clearly shows transmission-line behaviour. Measurements of the vector impedance of the outer porticos show the same transmission-line properties, but also gives a description of the modification from a pure transmission line due to the circular electrodes. The results of this investigation should allow the construction of a computer model which predicts the evolution of the transients in the case of a spark in the Vivitron. (orig.)

  10. LWR fuel performance during anticipated transients with scram

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martinson, Z.R.; McCardell, R.K.; MacDonanl, P.E.; Rowland, T.C.; Tokar, M.


    Operational transients occur occasionally in light water reactors when minor malfunctions of certain system components affect the reactor core. Potential effects of such malfunctions include a loss of the secondary heat sink, an increase in system pressure, and, in boiling water reactors, void collapse and a brief increase in reactor power. The most severe postulated Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) anticipated transient is characterized by a power peak of up to 495% rated power for about 1 second (according to a recent General Electric Co., generic analysis). The results of a series of fuel behaviour tests in the Power Burst Facility (PBF) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory are presented in this paper. Four progressively higher and broader power transients at a constant coolant flow rate were performed. The first transient simulated a BWR-5 turbine trip without steam bypass with fuel rods operating at BWR-6 core average rod powers. The second transient simulated a generator load rejection without steam bypass with fuel rods operating at above core average powers. The last two transients were performed at higher powers than safety analysis predicts to be possible in commercial reactors to be defined failure threshold margins. The test rods did not fail and were not damaged during any of the four transients. (author)

  11. Instrument response during overpower transients at TREAT

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Meek, C.C.; Bauer, T.H.; Hill, D.J.; Froehle, P.H.; Klickman, A.E.; Tylka, J.P.; Doerner, R.C.; Wright, A.E.


    A program to empirically analyze data residuals or noise to determine instrument response that occurs during in-pile transient tests is out-lined. As an example, thermocouple response in the Mark III loop during a severe overpower transient in TREAT is studied both in frequency space and in real-time. Time intervals studied included both constant power and burst portions of the power transient. Thermocouple time constants were computed. Benefits and limitations of the method are discussed

  12. Gamma-ray transients and related astrophysical phenomena

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lingenfelter, R.E.; Hudson, H.S.; Worrall, D.M.


    The workshop covered the study of the explosive phenomena responsible for the various gamma ray transients. X-ray burster observations and theories were also reviewed with emphasis on their relationship to gamma ray bursts. Recent observational data, particularly from the SMM, HEAO, and VENERA satellites made the workshop especially timely. Major headings include: gamma-ray transients, x-ray bursts, solar transients, and instrumental concepts. Individual items from the workshop were prepared separately for the data base

  13. Glycosylation of Vanillin and 8-Nordihydrocapsaicin by Cultured <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> Cells

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Naoji Kubota


    Full Text Available Glycosylation of vanilloids such as vanillin and 8-nordihydrocapsaicin by cultured plant cells of <em>Eucalyptus perrinianaem> was studied. Vanillin was converted into vanillin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside, vanillyl alcohol, and 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranosylvanillyl alcohol by <em>E. perriniana em>cells. Incubation of cultured <em>E. perrinianaem> cells with 8-nor- dihydrocapsaicin gave 8-nordihydrocapsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-glucopyranoside and 8-nordihydro- capsaicin 4-<em>O>-b-D-gentiobioside.

  14. Transient cataract and hypermetropization in diabetes mellitus: case report Catarata transitória e hipermetropização em diabetes mellitus: relato de caso

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Fernando Trindade


    Full Text Available A 13-year-old male patient with a recent history of hyperglycemia developed an acute bilateral posterior subcapsular cataract, consisting of fine feathery streak-like opacities. On examination, his uncorrected visual acuity was 20/50 and J4 at near in both eyes. Under cycloplegia, a moderate hypermetropic refraction was noted in both eyes. He was diagnosed with acute posterior subcapsular cataract secondary to diabetes mellitus. Two weeks after resolution of the hyperglycemic state, the bilateral feathery streak-like posterior subcapsular opacities regressed completely, hypermetropic refraction decreased and uncorrected visual acuity improved to 20/20 and J1 in both eyes.Paciente de 13 anos, com história recente de hiperglicemia, desenvolveu subitamente, catarata subcapsular posterior em ambos os olhos, consistindo de finas opacidades dispostas em forma de pena. A acuidade visual não corrigida era de 20/50 e de J4 para perto, em ambos os olhos. Sob cicloplegia, verificou-se em ambos os olhos uma moderada refração hipermetrópica. Foi, então, diagnosticado caso agudo de catarata subcapsular posterior secundária ao diabetes mellitus. Observou-se resolução total da opacidade subcapsular posterior em ambos os olhos duas semanas após regressão do quadro hiperglicêmico, assim como redução da refração hipermetrópica com melhoria da acuidade visual.

  15. Twenty-five years of transient counting experience in French PWR units

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Barthelet, B. [Electricite de France (EDF DPN), 93 - Saint-Denis (France); Savoldelli, D.; Fritz, R. [Electricite de France (EDF DPN), 93 - Noisy le Grand (France)


    For nearly twenty five years, EDF has been checking that the actual operating transients are neither more severe nor more numerous than the design basis transients. This activity of transient cycle counting and bookkeeping has enabled EDF to own a database of more than 800 reactor.years for the PWR units. The current method of transient cycle counting is presented. In the paper, we will point out the main results of transient cycle counting and lessons learned. In general, the frequencies of transients are lower than the design frequencies. In few cases, they are higher, such as the transient frequencies of the RCS lines connected to auxiliary systems often due to operating procedures or particular periodic testing. Few periodic tests were not taken into account in the design basis transient file ; they have been detected thanks to the transient cycle counting. In the last 1980's, we achieved the first updating of the design basis transient file for the PWR 900 MWe series. In the early 1990's, we updated the design basis transient file of the PWR 1300 MWe series. In fact, since design and start-up, the operating conditions have been modified (fuel cycle with stretch-out, modification of the hot leg and cold leg temperatures for the PWR 1300 MWe,...). This was the cause of many unclassified transients. In the new design basis transient file, we have created new transients and increased the frequencies of some of them. This has enabled to consider the updated design basis transient file more representative of actual operating transients. For some years, we have increasingly associated the operators with the transient cycle counting concern. We noticed progress (decreased frequencies of most transients). (authors)

  16. Twenty-five years of transient counting experience in French PWR units

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Barthelet, B.; Savoldelli, D.; Fritz, R.


    For nearly twenty five years, EDF has been checking that the actual operating transients are neither more severe nor more numerous than the design basis transients. This activity of transient cycle counting and bookkeeping has enabled EDF to own a database of more than 800 reactor.years for the PWR units. The current method of transient cycle counting is presented. In the paper, we will point out the main results of transient cycle counting and lessons learned. In general, the frequencies of transients are lower than the design frequencies. In few cases, they are higher, such as the transient frequencies of the RCS lines connected to auxiliary systems often due to operating procedures or particular periodic testing. Few periodic tests were not taken into account in the design basis transient file ; they have been detected thanks to the transient cycle counting. In the last 1980's, we achieved the first updating of the design basis transient file for the PWR 900 MWe series. In the early 1990's, we updated the design basis transient file of the PWR 1300 MWe series. In fact, since design and start-up, the operating conditions have been modified (fuel cycle with stretch-out, modification of the hot leg and cold leg temperatures for the PWR 1300 MWe,...). This was the cause of many unclassified transients. In the new design basis transient file, we have created new transients and increased the frequencies of some of them. This has enabled to consider the updated design basis transient file more representative of actual operating transients. For some years, we have increasingly associated the operators with the transient cycle counting concern. We noticed progress (decreased frequencies of most transients). (authors)

  17. Comparison of DNBR estimation methods in the Westinghouse and KWU reactor cores

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Camargo, C.T.M.; Pontedeiro, A.C.


    A method for foreseeing departure from nucleate boiling phenomenon in Westinghouse reator cores (OTΔT- signal for reator shut down) is described. The results from investigations done with the OTΔT system and in the efficiency of different methods used in the Westinghouse and KWU nuclear power plants to estimate thermohydraulic conditions of the PWR reactor cores, are presented. The investigations were done, by support of computer codes. The modifications, purposed by Westinghouse, in the original project of Angra-1 OTΔT system are analysed. (M.C.K.) [pt

  18. Modelagem da polimerização simultânea de estireno em suspensão e emulsão Modeling styrene simultaneous suspension and emulsion polymerization systems

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marcelo K. Lenzi


    Full Text Available Apesar dos processos de polimerização em suspensão e emulsão serem processos heterogêneos, cada um origina características peculiares para a distribuição de tamanho de partículas, distribuição de pesos moleculares, taxa de nucleação das partículas de polímero, taxa de polimerização, entre outras. Neste trabalho, são realizadas polimerizações de estireno simultaneamente em suspensão e emulsão. A carga inicial do reator equivale à receita de uma polimerização em suspensão tradicional, enquanto os constituintes da emulsão são adicionados ao longo da batelada. Analisa-se como as propriedades finais do polímero e o curso da polimerização dependem do momento em que a carga característica da emulsão é adicionada à polimerização em suspensão. Apresenta-se, também, um modelo matemático para a descrição do sistema, sendo que o modelo proposto possui boa concordância com dados experimentais de conversão, pesos moleculares médios e curva de distribuição de pesos moleculares. A morfologia da partícula de polímero e os pesos moleculares médios mudam significativamente, dependendo do momento da adição da emulsão, podendo até mesmo ser obtidas curvas de distribuição de pesos moleculares bimodais. Verificou-se que as partículas apresentam características do tipo núcleo/casca, sendo o núcleo formado pelas partículas obtidas pela polimerização em suspensão e a casca formada pelas partículas do processo em emulsão.Although both emulsion and suspension polymerization processes are performed in heterogeneous media, each process presents its own typical characteristics, such as the particle size distribution, molecular weight distribution, polymer particle nucleation rates, rates of polymerization, and so on. In this work styrene polymerizations are carried out in suspension and emulsion processes simultaneously. The initial reactor charge resembles the recipe of standard styrene suspension

  19. COMETHE III-M for transient fuel rod behaviour prediction

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Billaux, M.; Vliet, J. van


    The COMETHE III-M version is being developed in order to provide fuel rod behaviour prediction capability both in steady-state and in transient situations. It also allows to estimate the fuel rod enthalpy evolution versus time or burnup which may be important in core-related safety studies. This paper describes the transient heat transfer models, including transient heat conduction inside the fuel rod, and a subchannel model providing transient flow as well as enthalpy calculation capability. Transient fission gas release is also modelled on basis of the change rate of oxide temperature. The models are illustrated by a few calculation examples. (author)

  20. Search for Transient Gravitational Waves in Coincidence with Short-Duration Radio Transients During 2007-2013 (United States)

    Abbott, B. P.; Hughey, Brennan; Zanolin, Michele; Szczepanczyk, Marek; Gill, Kiranjyot; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T. D.; Abernathy, M. R.; Acernese, F.; Ackley, K.; hide


    We present an archival search for transient gravitational-wave bursts in coincidence with 27 single-pulse triggers from Green Bank Telescope pulsar surveys, using the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory), Virgo (Variability of Solar Irradiance and Gravity Oscillations) and GEO (German-UK Interferometric Detector) interferometer network. We also discuss a check for gravitational-wave signals in coincidence with Parkes fast radio bursts using similar methods. Data analyzed in these searches were collected between 2007 and 2013. Possible sources of emission of both short-duration radio signals and transient gravitational-wave emission include star quakes on neutron stars, binary coalescence of neutron stars, and cosmic string cusps. While no evidence for gravitational-wave emission in coincidence with these radio transients was found, the current analysis serves as a prototype for similar future searches using more sensitive second-generation interferometers.

  1. New developments in French transient monitoring: SYSFAC

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    L'huby, Y.; Genette, P.; Faidy, C.; Kappler, F.; Balley, J.; Bimont, G.


    After more than ten years of experience with Transient Monitoring and Logging Procedure (TMLP) and six years of successfully experience with Fatiguemeters, EDF has decided to study a new concept of Fatigue Monitoring System: SYSFAC. This new automatic system which is developed to be operating in all the French PWR units is composed of three modules: mechanical transient logging, functional transient logging and fatiguemeters. This application must be connected to the on-site data acquisition system without complementary instrumentation on the plant. (author)

  2. Preferencia alimenticia del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. en condiciones controladas

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    Muñoz Karen


    Full Text Available

    Se evaluó la preferencia de presas de <em>Balaustium> sp., enemigo natural de diferentes artrópodos plaga, y el cual es nativo de la Sabana de Bogotá. En unidades experimentales construidas con foliolos de plantas de rosa se colocaron independientemente individuos de <em>Balaustium> sp. y se registró el número de presas consumidas. De esta manera se determinó la preferencia de los tres estados móviles del ácaro depredador <em>Balaustium> sp. por diferentes edades de tres presas. Las especies y edades de las presas estudiadas fueron: huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Trialeurodes vaporariorumem>, huevos, ninfas y adultos de <em>Tetranychus urticaeem>, y larvas de primer y segundo instar y adultos de <em>Frankliniella occidentalisem>. Los estados menos desarrollados fueron preferidos, aunque se observó que los adultos del depredador tienen gran habilidad para consumir adultos de <em>T. vaporariorumem>. La presa preferida por las larvas de <em>Balaustium> sp. fue los huevos de <em>T. urticaeem> con una proporción de consumo de 0,54 de los huevos que se ofrecieron de esta presa; las deutoninfas del depredador eligieron huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,537 o de <em>T. urticaeem> (0,497 y los adultos de <em>Balaustium> sp. prefrieron los huevos de <em>T. vaporariorumem> (0,588.

  3. Catalisadores sol-gel de Ni-SiO2 e Ni-Al2O3 aplicados na reforma de metano com CO2 - DOI: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v27i1.1492

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    Giane Gonçalves


    Full Text Available A reação de reforma do metano com CO2 apresenta-se como um processo promissor de geração de gás de síntese e hidrogênio. Neste sentido, foram preparados catalisadores de níquel-sílica e níquel-alumina pelo método sol-gel, com carga metálica nominal de 8% em massa. Os catalisadores foram caracterizados por redução à temperatura programada, análise termogravimétrica e determinação da área superficial específica. A reação de reforma do metano com CO2 foi realizada em um micro-reator contendo 500 mg de catalisador, previamente ativado em uma mistura redutora contendo hidrogênio. Os ensaios de reforma a seco do metano foram realizados a 800C, na pressão atmosférica, por um período de 12 horas, com uma razão molar de alimentação de [CO2:CH4] = 6. Os produtos da reação foram analisados por cromatografia gasosa. Dentre os catalisadores avaliados, nas condições de reação estudadas, o catalisador de níquel suportado em sílica foi o que apresentou o melhor desempenho

  4. Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Carnosic Acid and Rosmarinic Acid Using Ionic Liquid Solution from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Chunjian Zhao


    Full Text Available Ionic liquid based, ultrasound-assisted extraction was successfully applied to the extraction of phenolcarboxylic acids, carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid, from <em>Rosmarinus officinalisem>. Eight ionic liquids, with different cations and anions, were investigated in this work and [C8mim]Br was selected as the optimal solvent. Ultrasound extraction parameters, including soaking time, solid–liquid ratio, ultrasound power and time, and the number of extraction cycles, were discussed by single factor experiments and the main influence factors were optimized by response surface methodology. The proposed approach was demonstrated as having higher efficiency, shorter extraction time and as a new alternative for the extraction of carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid from <em>R. officinalisem>> em>compared with traditional reference extraction methods. Ionic liquids are considered to be green solvents, in the ultrasound-assisted extraction of key chemicals from medicinal plants, and show great potential.

  5. Climatic feedbacks between stationary and transient eddies

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Branscome, L.E.


    Stationary eddies make a significant contribution to poleward heat transport during Northern Hemisphere winter, equaling the transport by transient eddies. On the other hand, stationary eddy transport during the summer is negligible. The effect of topography on time-mean stationary waves and low-frequency variability has been widely studied. In contrast, little attention has been given to the climatic feedbacks associated with stationary eddies. Furthermore, the relationship between stationary and transient eddies in the context of global and regional climate is not well understood. The response of the climate system to anthropogenic forcing is likely to have some dependence on stationary wave transport and its interaction with transient eddies. Some early GCM simulations and observational analyses indicate a strong feedback between the meridional heat fluxes of stationary and transient eddies

  6. Transient Seepage for Levee Engineering Analyses (United States)

    Tracy, F. T.


    Historically, steady-state seepage analyses have been a key tool for designing levees by practicing engineers. However, with the advances in computer modeling, transient seepage analysis has become a potentially viable tool. A complication is that the levees usually have partially saturated flow, and this is significantly more complicated in transient flow. This poster illustrates four elements of our research in partially saturated flow relating to the use of transient seepage for levee design: (1) a comparison of results from SEEP2D, SEEP/W, and SLIDE for a generic levee cross section common to the southeastern United States; (2) the results of a sensitivity study of varying saturated hydraulic conductivity, the volumetric water content function (as represented by van Genuchten), and volumetric compressibility; (3) a comparison of when soils do and do not exhibit hysteresis, and (4) a description of proper and improper use of transient seepage in levee design. The variables considered for the sensitivity and hysteresis studies are pore pressure beneath the confining layer at the toe, the flow rate through the levee system, and a levee saturation coefficient varying between 0 and 1. Getting results for SEEP2D, SEEP/W, and SLIDE to match proved more difficult than expected. After some effort, the results matched reasonably well. Differences in results were caused by various factors, including bugs, different finite element meshes, different numerical formulations of the system of nonlinear equations to be solved, and differences in convergence criteria. Varying volumetric compressibility affected the above test variables the most. The levee saturation coefficient was most affected by the use of hysteresis. The improper use of pore pressures from a transient finite element seepage solution imported into a slope stability computation was found to be the most grievous mistake in using transient seepage in the design of levees.

  7. Transient voltage oscillations in coils

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Chowdhuri, P.


    Magnet coils may be excited into internal voltage oscillations by transient voltages. Such oscillations may electrically stress the magnet's dielectric components to many times its normal stress. This may precipitate a dielectric failure, and the attendant prolonged loss of service and costly repair work. Therefore, it is important to know the natural frequencies of oscillations of a magnet during the design stage, and to determine whether the expected switching transient voltages can excite the magnet into high-voltage internal oscillations. The series capacitance of a winding significantly affects its natural frequencies. However, the series capacitance is difficult to calculate, because it may comprise complex capacitance network, consisting of intra- and inter-coil turn-to-turn capacitances of the coil sections. A method of calculating the series capacitance of a winding is proposed. This method is rigorous but simple to execute. The time-varying transient voltages along the winding are also calculated

  8. Interpreting signals from astrophysical transient experiments. (United States)

    O'Brien, Paul T; Smartt, Stephen J


    Time-domain astronomy has come of age with astronomers now able to monitor the sky at high cadence, both across the electromagnetic spectrum and using neutrinos and gravitational waves. The advent of new observing facilities permits new science, but the ever-increasing throughput of facilities demands efficient communication of coincident detections and better subsequent coordination among the scientific community so as to turn detections into scientific discoveries. To discuss the revolution occurring in our ability to monitor the Universe and the challenges it brings, on 25-26 April 2012, a group of scientists from observational and theoretical teams studying transients met with representatives of the major international transient observing facilities at the Kavli Royal Society International Centre, UK. This immediately followed the Royal Society Discussion Meeting 'New windows on transients across the Universe' held in London. Here, we present a summary of the Kavli meeting at which the participants discussed the science goals common to the transient astronomy community and analysed how to better meet the challenges ahead as ever more powerful observational facilities come on stream.

  9. RETRAN sensitivity studies of light water reactor transients. Final report

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Burrell, N.S.; Gose, G.C.; Harrison, J.F.; Sawtelle, G.R.


    This report presents the results of sensitivity studies performed using the RETRAN/RELAP4 transient analysis code to identify critical parameters and models which influence light water reactor transient predictions. Various plant transients for both boiling water reactors and pressurized water reactors are examined. These studies represent the first detailed evaluation of the RETRAN/RELAP4 transient code capability in predicting a variety of plant transient responses. The wide range of transients analyzed in conjunction with the parameter and modeling studies performed identify several sensitive areas as well as areas requiring future study and model development

  10. Scanning ion deep level transient spectroscopy: I. Theory

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Laird, J S; Jagadish, C; Jamieson, D N; Legge, G J F


    Theoretical aspects of a new technique for the MeV ion microbeam are described in detail for the first time. The basis of the technique, termed scanning ion deep level transient spectroscopy (SIDLTS), is the imaging of defect distributions within semiconductor devices. The principles of SIDLTS are similar to those behind other deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) techniques with the main difference stemming from the injection of carriers into traps using the localized energy-loss of a focused MeV ion beam. Energy-loss of an MeV ion generates an electron-hole pair plasma, providing the equivalent of a DLTS trap filling pulse with a duration which depends on space-charge screening of the applied electric field and ambipolar erosion of the plasma for short ranging ions. Some nanoseconds later, the detrapping current transient is monitored as a charge transient. Scanning the beam in conjunction with transient analysis allows the imaging of defect levels. As with DLTS, the temperature dependence of the transient can be used to extract trap activation levels. In this, the first of a two-part paper, we introduce the various stages of corner capture and derive a simple expression for the observed charge transient. The second paper will illustrate the technique on a MeV ion implanted Au-Si Schottky junction

  11. Timing of transients: quantifying reaching times and transient behavior in complex systems (United States)

    Kittel, Tim; Heitzig, Jobst; Webster, Kevin; Kurths, Jürgen


    In dynamical systems, one may ask how long it takes for a trajectory to reach the attractor, i.e. how long it spends in the transient phase. Although for a single trajectory the mathematically precise answer may be infinity, it still makes sense to compare different trajectories and quantify which of them approaches the attractor earlier. In this article, we categorize several problems of quantifying such transient times. To treat them, we propose two metrics, area under distance curve and regularized reaching time, that capture two complementary aspects of transient dynamics. The first, area under distance curve, is the distance of the trajectory to the attractor integrated over time. It measures which trajectories are ‘reluctant’, i.e. stay distant from the attractor for long, or ‘eager’ to approach it right away. Regularized reaching time, on the other hand, quantifies the additional time (positive or negative) that a trajectory starting at a chosen initial condition needs to approach the attractor as compared to some reference trajectory. A positive or negative value means that it approaches the attractor by this much ‘earlier’ or ‘later’ than the reference, respectively. We demonstrated their substantial potential for application with multiple paradigmatic examples uncovering new features.

  12. Transient osteoporosis: Not just the hip to worry about

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    Nicola Berman, MD


    Full Text Available Transient osteoporosis (TO is a clinical syndrome characterized by joint pain and the presence of bone marrow edema on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, both of which spontaneously resolve over time. Transient osteoporosis most commonly affects the hip, but also may involve other lower extremity sites. TO likely represents a disorder that may be monoarticular or “migratory” with involvement of two or more lower extremity sites sequentially affected over a number of months. We report on two cases of transient osteoporosis, one involving the knee and one involving the hip, demonstrating the utility of serial bone mineral density measurements at both sites. Additionally, we are able to report on the microarchitectural changes seen at the distal femur on ultra-high resolution (7 T MRI. Case #1 describes a recurrence of transient osteoporosis of the hip three years after a similar presentation at the contralateral hip and highlights the findings of rapidly changing bone mineral density in this clinical syndrome. In contrast to the spine, hip and forearm, peripheral bone density measurements at the knee are rarely reported and to our knowledge Case #2 represents the first report of transient osteoporosis of the knee demonstrating bone density findings similar to that seen in the hip. We postulate that transient osteoporosis of the knee is part of a clinical spectrum most commonly seen in the hip and one that is marked by lower extremity joint pain, bone marrow edema on MRI and transient decreases in bone mineral density all of which spontaneously resolve without sequelae. Keywords: Transient osteoporosis, Transient osteoporosis of the hip, Transient osteoporosis of the knee, Bone marrow edema, High resolution 7 T MRI

  13. Fuel-pin cladding transient failure strain criterion

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bard, F.E.; Duncan, D.R.; Hunter, C.W.


    A criterion for cladding failure based on accumulated strain was developed for mixed uranium-plutonium oxide fuel pins and used to interpret the calculated strain results from failed transient fuel pin experiments conducted in the Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) facility. The new STRAIN criterion replaced a stress-based criterion that depends on the DORN parameter and that incorrectly predicted fuel pin failure for transient tested fuel pins. This paper describes the STRAIN criterion and compares its prediction with those of the stress-based criterion

  14. Transient hardened power FETs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dawes, W.R. Jr.; Fischer, T.A.; Huang, C.C.C.; Meyer, W.J.; Smith, C.S.; Blanchard, R.A.; Fortier, T.J.


    N-channel power FETs offer significant advantages in power conditioning circuits. Similiarily to all MOS technologies, power FET devices are vulnerable to ionizing radiation, and are particularily susceptible to burn-out in high dose rate irradiations (>1E10 rads(Si)/sec.), which precludes their use in many military environments. This paper will summarize the physical mechanisms responsible for burn-out, and discuss various fabrication techniques designed to improve the transient hardness of power FETs. Power FET devices were fabricated with several of these techniques, and data will be presented which demonstrates that transient hardness levels in excess of 1E12 rads(Si)/sec. are easily achievable

  15. Antioxidant Profile of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L.

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Heidy Schwartsova


    Full Text Available In order to examine the antioxidant properties of five different extracts of <em>Trifolium pratenseem> L. (Leguminosae leaves, various assays which measure free radical scavenging ability were carried out: 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, hydroxyl, superoxide anion and nitric oxide radical scavenger capacity tests and lipid peroxidation assay. In all of the tests, only the H2O and (to some extent the EtOAc extracts showed a potent antioxidant effect compared with BHT and BHA, well-known synthetic antioxidants. In addition, <em>in vivo em>experiments were conducted with antioxidant systems (activities of GSHPx, GSHR, Px, CAT, XOD, GSH content and intensity of LPx in liver homogenate and blood of mice after their treatment with extracts of <em>T. pratenseem> leaves, or in combination with CCl4. Besides, in the extracts examined the total phenolic and flavonoid amounts were also determined, together with presence of the selected flavonoids: quercetin, luteolin, apigenin, naringenin and kaempferol, which were studied using a HPLC-DAD technique. HPLC-DAD analysis showed a noticeable content of natural products according to which the examined <em>Trifolium pratenseem> species could well be regarded as a promising new source of bioactive natural compounds, which can be used both as a food supplement and a remedy.

  16. Four RNA families with functional transient structures. (United States)

    Zhu, Jing Yun A; Meyer, Irmtraud M


    Protein-coding and non-coding RNA transcripts perform a wide variety of cellular functions in diverse organisms. Several of their functional roles are expressed and modulated via RNA structure. A given transcript, however, can have more than a single functional RNA structure throughout its life, a fact which has been previously overlooked. Transient RNA structures, for example, are only present during specific time intervals and cellular conditions. We here introduce four RNA families with transient RNA structures that play distinct and diverse functional roles. Moreover, we show that these transient RNA structures are structurally well-defined and evolutionarily conserved. Since Rfam annotates one structure for each family, there is either no annotation for these transient structures or no such family. Thus, our alignments either significantly update and extend the existing Rfam families or introduce a new RNA family to Rfam. For each of the four RNA families, we compile a multiple-sequence alignment based on experimentally verified transient and dominant (dominant in terms of either the thermodynamic stability and/or attention received so far) RNA secondary structures using a combination of automated search via covariance model and manual curation. The first alignment is the Trp operon leader which regulates the operon transcription in response to tryptophan abundance through alternative structures. The second alignment is the HDV ribozyme which we extend to the 5' flanking sequence. This flanking sequence is involved in the regulation of the transcript's self-cleavage activity. The third alignment is the 5' UTR of the maturation protein from Levivirus which contains a transient structure that temporarily postpones the formation of the final inhibitory structure to allow translation of maturation protein. The fourth and last alignment is the SAM riboswitch which regulates the downstream gene expression by assuming alternative structures upon binding of SAM. All

  17. Switching transients in a superconducting coil

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Owen, E.W.; Shimer, D.W.


    A study is made of the transients caused by the fast dump of large superconducting coils. Theoretical analysis, computer simulation, and actual measurements are used. Theoretical analysis can only be applied to the simplest of models. In the computer simulations two models are used, one in which the coil is divided into ten segments and another in which a single coil is employed. The circuit breaker that interrupts the current to the power supply, causing a fast dump, is represented by a time and current dependent conductance. Actual measurements are limited to measurements made incidental to performance tests on the MFTF Yin-yang coils. It is found that the breaker opening time is the critical factor in determining the size and shape of the transient. Instantaneous opening of the breaker causes a lightly damped transient with large amplitude voltages to ground. Increasing the opening time causes the transient to become a monopulse of decreasing amplitude. The voltages at the external terminals are determined by the parameters of the external circuit. For fast opening times the frequency depends on the dump resistor inductance, the circuit capacitance, and the amplitude on the coil current. For slower openings the dump resistor inductance and the current determine the amplitude of the voltage to ground at the terminals. Voltages to ground are less in the interior of the coil, where transients related to the parameters of the coil itself are observed

  18. Congestion management enhancing transient stability of power systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Esmaili, Masoud; Shayanfar, Heidar Ali; Amjady, Nima


    In a competitive electricity market, where market parties try to maximize their profits, it is necessary to keep an acceptable level of power system security to retain the continuity of electricity services to customers at a reasonable cost. Congestion in a power system is turned up due to network limits. After relieving congestion, the network may be operated with a reduced transient stability margin because of increasing the contribution of risky participants. In this paper, a novel congestion management method based on a new transient stability criterion is introduced. Using the sensitivity of corrected transient stability margin with respect to generations and demands, the proposed method so alleviates the congestion that the network can more retain its transient security compared with earlier methods. The proposed transient stability index is constructed considering the likelihood of credible faults. Indeed, market parties participate by their security-effective bids rather than raw bids. Results of testing the proposed method along with the earlier ones on the New-England test system elaborate the efficiency of the proposed method from the viewpoint of providing a better transient stability margin with a lower security cost. (author)

  19. Bioassay-Guided Antidiabetic Study of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> Fruit Extract

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mohd Z. Asmawi


    Full Text Available An earlier anti-hyperglycemic study with serial crude extracts of <em>Phaleria macrocarpaem> (PM fruit indicated methanol extract (ME as the most effective. In the present investigation, the methanol extract was further fractionated to obtain chloroform (CF, ethyl acetate (EAF, <em>n>-butanol (NBF and aqueous (AF fractions, which were tested for antidiabetic activity. The NBF reduced blood glucose (<em>p> < 0.05 15 min after administration, in an intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test (IPGTT similar to metformin. Moreover, it lowered blood glucose in diabetic rats by 66.67% (<em>p> em>< 0.05, similar to metformin (51.11%, glibenclamide (66.67% and insulin (71.43% after a 12-day treatment, hence considered to be the most active fraction. Further fractionation of NBF yielded sub-fractions I (SFI and II (SFII, and only SFI lowered blood glucose (<em>p em>< 0.05, in IPGTT similar to glibenclamide. The ME, NBF, and SFI correspondingly lowered plasma insulin (<em>p em>< 0.05 and dose-dependently inhibited glucose transport across isolated rat jejunum implying an extra-pancreatic mechanism. Phytochemical screening showed the presence of flavonoids, terpenes and tannins, in ME, NBF and SFI, and LC-MS analyses revealed 9.52%, 33.30% and 22.50% mangiferin respectively. PM fruit possesses anti-hyperglycemic effect, exerted probably through extra-pancreatic action. Magniferin, contained therein may be responsible for this reported activity.

  20. Transient formation of forbidden lines

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Rosmej, F.B.; Rosmej, O.N.


    An explanation of anomalously long time scales in the transient formation of forbidden lines is proposed. The concept is based on a collisionally induced density dependence of the relaxation times of metastable level populations in transient plasma. Generalization leads to an incorporation of diffusion phenomena. We demonstrate this new concept for the simplest atomic system: the He-like isoelectronic sequence. A new interpretation of the observed long duration and anomalously high intensity of spin-forbidden emission in hot plasmas is given. (author)

  1. Transient formation of forbidden lines

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Rosmej, F.B. [Bochum Univ., Ruhr (Germany). Inst. fuer Experimentalphysik V; Rosmej, O.N. [VNIIFTRI, Moscow Region (Russian Federation). MISDC


    An explanation of anomalously long time scales in the transient formation of forbidden lines is proposed. The concept is based on a collisionally induced density dependence of the relaxation times of metastable level populations in transient plasma. Generalization leads to an incorporation of diffusion phenomena. We demonstrate this new concept for the simplest atomic system: the He-like isoelectronic sequence. A new interpretation of the observed long duration and anomalously high intensity of spin-forbidden emission in hot plasmas is given. (author).

  2. Transient Heat Conduction

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Rode, Carsten


    Analytical theory of transient heat conduction.Fourier's law. General heat conducation equation. Thermal diffusivity. Biot and Fourier numbers. Lumped analysis and time constant. Semi-infinite body: fixed surface temperature, convective heat transfer at the surface, or constant surface heat flux...

  3. Thermo-fluid analysis of water cooled research reactors in natural convection; Analise termofluidodinamica de reatores nucleares de pesquisa refrigerados a agua em regime de conveccao natural

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Veloso, Maria Auxiliadora Fortini


    The STHIRP-1 computer program, which fundamentals are described in this work, uses the principles of the subchannels analysis and has the capacity to simulate, under steady state and transient conditions, the thermal and hydraulic phenomena which occur inside the core of a water-refrigerated research reactor under a natural convection regime. The models and empirical correlations necessary to describe the flow phenomena which can not be described by theoretical relations were selected according to the characteristics of the reactor operation. Although the primary objective is the calculation of research reactors, the formulation used to describe the fluid flow and the thermal conduction in the heater elements is sufficiently generalized to extend the use of the program for applications in power reactors and other thermal systems with the same features represented by the program formulations. To demonstrate the analytical capacity of STHIRP-l, there were made comparisons between the results calculated and measured in the research reactor TRIGA IPR-R1 of CDTN/CNEN. The comparisons indicate that the program reproduces the experimental data with good precision. Nevertheless, in the future there must be used more consistent experimental data to corroborate the validation of the program. (author)

  4. EBR-II high-ramp transients under computer control

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Forrester, R.J.; Larson, H.A.; Christensen, L.J.; Booty, W.F.; Dean, E.M.


    During reactor run 122, EBR-II was subjected to 13 computer-controlled overpower transients at ramps of 4 MWt/s to qualify the facility and fuel for transient testing of LMFBR oxide fuels as part of the EBR-II operational-reliability-testing (ORT) program. A computer-controlled automatic control-rod drive system (ACRDS), designed by EBR-II personnel, permitted automatic control on demand power during the transients


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    E. B. Jesus


    Full Text Available Um teste com um traçador foi utilizado para avaliar as características de um circuito de cianetação envolvendo nove reatores. Amostras foram coletadas na saída do primeiro, segundo, terceiro e nono tanques da cascata. As distribuições de tempos de residência foram determinadas e analisadas. Arranjos de reatores ideais foram utilizados para modelar as distribuições e os parâmetros foram ajustados aos dados experimentais através do método dos mínimos quadrados. Os tempos médios de residência dos circuitos foram sempre menores que os tempos nominais de residência, o que sugere a redução do volume útil dos tanques. As análises das distribuições indicam a presença de discretas zonas de estagnação ao longo da cascata. A modelagem dos resultados sugere que cerca de 63% dos volumes dos circuitos podem ser explicados pela associação de reatores de mistura perfeita.

  6. Plasma transport studies using transient techniques

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Simonen, T.C.; Brower, D.L.; Efthimion, P.


    Selected topics from the Transient Transport sessions of the Transport Task Force Workshop, held February 19-23, 1990, in Hilton Head, South Carolina are summarized. Presentations on sawtooth propagation, ECH modulation, particle modulation, and H-mode transitions are included. The research results presented indicated a growing theoretical understanding and experimental sophistication in the application of transient techniques to transport studies. (Author)

  7. MR imaging of transient synovitis: differentiation from septic arthritis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yang, W.J.; Im, S.A.; Lim, G.Y.; Chun, H.J.; Jung, N.Y.; Sung, M.S.; Choi, B.G.


    Transient synovitis is the most common cause of acute hip pain in children. However, MR imaging findings in transient synovitis and the role of MR imaging in differentiating transient synovitis from septic arthritis have not been fully reported. To describe the MR findings of transient synovitis and to determine whether the MR characteristics can differentiate this disease entity from septic arthritis. Clinical findings and MR images of 49 patients with transient synovitis (male/female 36/13, mean age 6.1 years) and 18 patients with septic arthritis (male/female 10/8, mean age 4.9 years) were retrospectively reviewed. MR findings of transient synovitis were symptomatic joint effusion, synovial enhancement, contralateral joint effusion, synovial thickening, and signal intensity (SI) alterations and enhancement in surrounding soft tissue. Among these, SI alterations and enhancement in bone marrow and soft tissue, contralateral joint effusion, and synovial thickening were statistically significant MR findings in differentiating transient synovitis from septic arthritis. The statistically significant MR findings in transient synovitis are contralateral (asymptomatic) joint effusions and the absence of SI abnormalities of the bone marrow. It is less common to have SI alterations and contrast enhancement of the soft tissues. The statistically significant MR findings in septic arthritis are SI alterations of the bone marrow, and SI alterations and contrast enhancement of the soft tissue. Ipsilateral effusion and synovial thickening and enhancement are present in both diseases

  8. Transient radiative transfer in a scattering slab considering polarization. (United States)

    Yi, Hongliang; Ben, Xun; Tan, Heping


    The characteristics of the transient and polarization must be considered for a complete and correct description of short-pulse laser transfer in a scattering medium. A Monte Carlo (MC) method combined with a time shift and superposition principle is developed to simulate transient vector (polarized) radiative transfer in a scattering medium. The transient vector radiative transfer matrix (TVRTM) is defined to describe the transient polarization behavior of short-pulse laser propagating in the scattering medium. According to the definition of reflectivity, a new criterion of reflection at Fresnel surface is presented. In order to improve the computational efficiency and accuracy, a time shift and superposition principle is applied to the MC model for transient vector radiative transfer. The results for transient scalar radiative transfer and steady-state vector radiative transfer are compared with those in published literatures, respectively, and an excellent agreement between them is observed, which validates the correctness of the present model. Finally, transient radiative transfer is simulated considering the polarization effect of short-pulse laser in a scattering medium, and the distributions of Stokes vector in angular and temporal space are presented.

  9. Alimentazione di <em>Marmota marmotaem> in praterie altimontane delle dolomiti bellunesi

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Rudatis


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of <em>Marmota marmotaem> in the mountain prairie of south-eastern Italian Alps. Diet composition of two family groups of alpine marmots was investigated in two areas of the Agordino’s Dolomites (Italian Alps in June-September 2001, by means of microscopic analysis of faeces and of direct observation of feeding activity. During the whole period of activity, a high consume of Angiosperms was confirmed, especially plants in flower; among them the “graminoids” seemed to play an important role only during the initial part of the active period. Generally vegetative parts predominated over flowers. The ingestion of animal preys was not confirmed by the analysis of droppings. Comparing diet composition of the two groups, Graminaceae (<em>Poa>, <em>Phleum>, Compositae (<em>Achillea>, Cyperaceae/Juncaceae, Leguminosae (<em>Anthyllis>, Rosaceae, and Labiatae (<em>Prunella>, <em>Stachys> formed the bulk of marmot diet in the study areas. Diet showed low diversity considering the abundance of plant species in the surrounding environment. Food resources were probably used in relation to their easy digestibility, with a high content in proteins, sugar and water. The knowledge of vegetation features in relation to marmot trophic habits can represent a useful tool for the management of this species. Riassunto Il regime alimentare di due gruppi di Marmotta alpina è stato studiato in giugno-settembre 2001 in due aree delle Dolomiti agordine (SE Italia, attraverso l’analisi microscopica delle feci e l’osservazione diretta dell’attività alimentare. Durante tutto il periodo di attività si è notato un forte consumo di Angiosperme, specialmente piante a fiore, mentre le ”graminoidi” sembra giochino un ruolo importante all’inizio della stagione. In generale le parti vegetali predominano sui fiori. L’ingestione di prede animali non è stata

  10. Accelerating transient drainage from UMTRA Project tailings piles

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)


    The period between the completion of construction of the tailings disposal cell and the establishment of equilibrium moisture content and seepage conditions is considered to be the period of transient drainage. Transient drainage may be due to factors such as construction water, precipitation, or residual water from the milling process. Transient seepage rates usually exceed steady state seepage rates. If the transient seepage rate causes contaminant levels to exceed groundwater compliance standards, then an alternative groundwater compliance strategy or technical approach to reduce or mitigate the effects of the drainage must be adopted. This study examines methods to accelerate the transient drainage of soils and hence to remove excess pore water from tailings in UMTRA Project disposal cells. The technical and economic feasibility of possible methods is examined. In order to perform comparative economical analyses of the various methods, an example tailings pile is postulated. This pile is considered to be 300 meters by 300 meters by 10 meters in thickness

  11. CosmoQuest Transient Tracker: Opensource Photometry & Astrometry software (United States)

    Myers, Joseph L.; Lehan, Cory; Gay, Pamela; Richardson, Matthew; CosmoQuest Team


    CosmoQuest is moving from online citizen science, to observational astronomy with the creation of Transient Trackers. This open source software is designed to identify asteroids and other transient/variable objects in image sets. Transient Tracker’s features in final form will include: astrometric and photometric solutions, identification of moving/transient objects, identification of variable objects, and lightcurve analysis. In this poster we present our initial, v0.1 release and seek community input.This software builds on the existing NIH funded ImageJ libraries. Creation of this suite of opensource image manipulation routines is lead by Wayne Rasband and is released primarily under the MIT license. In this release, we are building on these libraries to add source identification for point / point-like sources, and to do astrometry. Our materials released under the Apache 2.0 license on github ( and documentation can be found at


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    Patricia Torres


    Full Text Available En países con grandes problemas de saneamiento y pocos recursos, como los que están en vías de desarrollo, se requieren plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas -PTARD- apropiadas y sostenibles; dado que estos países se localizan en general en regiones de clima tropical y subtropical (temperaturas superiores a 20 °C, la digestión anaerobia es una tecnología clave que genera subproductos con valor agregado (bioenergía, nutrientes y agua para reúso. América Latina es la región con mayor número de PTARD anaerobias, siendo el reactor UASB el de mayor aplicación para el tratamiento del ARD; su implementación a escala tan grande como la de la PTARD Onça (Belo Horizonte, Brasil demuestra que es una tecnología consolidada, con eficiencias de reducción entre 65 % y 80 % de DQO y TRH entre 6 y 10 horas. Sin embargo, es necesario continuar avanzando en el mejoramiento y perfeccionamiento de los actuales métodos de tratamiento que permitan soluciones tecnológicas respetuosas con el ambiente y adecuadas a las condiciones socioeconómicas y culturales propias de cada región. Este documento plantea un análisis y reflexión sobre el tratamiento anaerobio de ARD en países en desarrollo y sobre las perspectivas de aplicación en pequeña y gran escala.Em países com grandes problemas de saneamento e poucos recursos como os países que estão em desenvolvimento, se requerem estações de tratamento de esgotos -ETE- apropriadas e sustentáveis; dado que estes países localizam-se em geral em regiões de clima tropical e subtropical (temperaturas superiores a 20 °C, a digestão anaeróbia é uma tecnologia chave que gera subprodutos com valor agregado (bioenergia, nutrientes e água para reuso. América Latina é a região com maior número de ETE anaeróbias, sendo o reator UASB o de maior aplicação para o tratamento de esgotos domésticos; sua implementação em escala tão grande como a da ETE Onça (Belo Horizonte, Brasil

  13. Understanding Epileptiform After-Discharges as Rhythmic Oscillatory Transients. (United States)

    Baier, Gerold; Taylor, Peter N; Wang, Yujiang


    Electro-cortical activity in patients with epilepsy may show abnormal rhythmic transients in response to stimulation. Even when using the same stimulation parameters in the same patient, wide variability in the duration of transient response has been reported. These transients have long been considered important for the mapping of the excitability levels in the epileptic brain but their dynamic mechanism is still not well understood. To investigate the occurrence of abnormal transients dynamically, we use a thalamo-cortical neural population model of epileptic spike-wave activity and study the interaction between slow and fast subsystems. In a reduced version of the thalamo-cortical model, slow wave oscillations arise from a fold of cycles (FoC) bifurcation. This marks the onset of a region of bistability between a high amplitude oscillatory rhythm and the background state. In vicinity of the bistability in parameter space, the model has excitable dynamics, showing prolonged rhythmic transients in response to suprathreshold pulse stimulation. We analyse the state space geometry of the bistable and excitable states, and find that the rhythmic transient arises when the impending FoC bifurcation deforms the state space and creates an area of locally reduced attraction to the fixed point. This area essentially allows trajectories to dwell there before escaping to the stable steady state, thus creating rhythmic transients. In the full thalamo-cortical model, we find a similar FoC bifurcation structure. Based on the analysis, we propose an explanation of why stimulation induced epileptiform activity may vary between trials, and predict how the variability could be related to ongoing oscillatory background activity. We compare our dynamic mechanism with other mechanisms (such as a slow parameter change) to generate excitable transients, and we discuss the proposed excitability mechanism in the context of stimulation responses in the epileptic cortex.

  14. Analytical Assessment for Transient Stability Under Stochastic Continuous Disturbances

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Ju, Ping [Hohai Univ., Nanjing (China); Li, Hongyu [Hohai Univ., Nanjing (China); Gan, Chun [The Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States); Liu, Yong [The Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States); Yu, Yiping [Hohai Univ., Nanjing (China); Liu, Yilu [Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN (United States)


    Here, with the growing integration of renewable power generation, plug-in electric vehicles, and other sources of uncertainty, increasing stochastic continuous disturbances are brought to power systems. The impact of stochastic continuous disturbances on power system transient stability attracts significant attention. To address this problem, this paper proposes an analytical assessment method for transient stability of multi-machine power systems under stochastic continuous disturbances. In the proposed method, a probability measure of transient stability is presented and analytically solved by stochastic averaging. Compared with the conventional method (Monte Carlo simulation), the proposed method is many orders of magnitude faster, which makes it very attractive in practice when many plans for transient stability must be compared or when transient stability must be analyzed quickly. Also, it is found that the evolution of system energy over time is almost a simple diffusion process by the proposed method, which explains the impact mechanism of stochastic continuous disturbances on transient stability in theory.

  15. Analysis of the FFTF primary pipe rupture transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Perkins, K.R.; Bari, R.A.; Chen, L.C.; Albright, D.C.


    The response of the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) to hypothetical ruptures of the high pressure primary piping has been analyzed using two LMFBR plant systems codes, namely IANUS and DEMO. Comparisons of the average channel temperatures predicted by the two codes show good agreement for identical transients. However, the hot channel temperatures predicted by DEMO are about 60K higher than the corresponding IANUS predictions for severe transients. This difference is attributed to the dynamic hot channel factors employed in DEMO which discount the thermal inertia of the duct walls for rapid transients. DEMO also predicts more severe transients for hot-leg ruptures in FFTF than previously reported analyses for the CRBR

  16. A new transiently chaotic flow with ellipsoid equilibria (United States)

    Panahi, Shirin; Aram, Zainab; Jafari, Sajad; Pham, Viet-Thanh; Volos, Christos; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan


    In this article, a simple autonomous transiently chaotic flow with cubic nonlinearities is proposed. This system represents some unusual features such as having a surface of equilibria. We shall describe some dynamical properties and behaviours of this system in terms of eigenvalue structures, bifurcation diagrams, time series, and phase portraits. Various behaviours of this system such as periodic and transiently chaotic dynamics can be shown by setting special parameters in proper values. Our system belongs to a newly introduced category of transiently chaotic systems: systems with hidden attractors. Transiently chaotic behaviour of our proposed system has been implemented and tested by the OrCAD-PSpise software. We have found a proper qualitative similarity between circuit and simulation results.

  17. <em>Ipomoea aquaticaem> Extract Shows Protective Action Against Thioacetamide-Induced Hepatotoxicity

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    A. Hamid A. Hadi


    Full Text Available In the Indian system of traditional medicine (Ayurveda it is recommended to consume <em>Ipomoea em>aquatica> to mitigate disorders like jaundice. In this study, the protective effects of ethanol extract of <em>I. aquaticaem> against liver damage were evaluated in thioacetamide (TAA-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in rats. There was no sign of toxicity in the acute toxicity study, in which Sprague-Dawley (SD rats were orally fed with <em>I. aquaticaem> (250 and 500 mg/kg for two months along with administration of TAA (i.p injection 200 mg/kg three times a week for two months. The results showed that the treatment of <em>I. aquaticaem> significantly lowered the TAA-induced serum levels of hepatic enzyme markers (ALP, ALT, AST, protein, albumin, bilirubin and prothrombin time. The hepatic content of activities and expressions SOD and CAT that were reduced by TAA were brought back to control levels by the plant extract supplement. Meanwhile, the rise in MDA level in the TAA receiving groups also were significantly reduced by <em>I. aquaticaem> treatment. Histopathology of hepatic tissues by H&E and Masson trichrome stains displayed that <em>I. aquaticaem> has reduced the incidence of liver lesions, including hepatic cells cloudy swelling, infiltration, hepatic necrosis, and fibrous connective tissue proliferation induced by TAA in rats. Therefore, the results of this study show that the protective effect of <em>I. aquaticaem> in TAA-induced liver damage might be contributed to its modulation on detoxification enzymes and its antioxidant and free radical scavenger effects. Moreover, it confirms a scientific basis for the traditional use of <em>I. aquaticaem> for the treatment of liver disorders.

  18. Classe social: conceitos e esquemas operacionais em pesquisa em saude

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Rita Barradas Barata


    Full Text Available Discute-se a utilização do conceito de classe em pesquisas em saúde, as diferentes abordagens sociológicas de estratificação social e de estrutura de classes, o potencial explicativo do conceito em estudos de determinação social e desigualdades em saúde, os modelos de operacionalização elaborados para uso em pesquisas sociológicas, demográficas ou de saúde e os limites e possibilidades desses modelos. Foram destacados quatro modelos de operacionalização: de Singer para estudo da distribuição de renda no Brasil, adaptado por Barros para uso em pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Bronfman & Tuirán para o censo demográfico mexicano, adaptado por Lombardi et al para pesquisas epidemiológicas; de Goldthorpe para estudos socioeconômicos ingleses, adaptado pela Sociedade Espanhola de Epidemiologia; e o modelo de Wright para pesquisa em sociologia e ciência política, também usado em inquéritos populacionais em saúde. Em conclusão, conceitualmente cada um dos modelos apresentados é coerente com a concepção teórica que os embasam, mas não há como optar por qualquer deles, descartando os demais.

  19. Transient receptor potential channels in essential hypertension

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Liu, Daoyan; Scholze, Alexandra; Zhu, Zhiming


    The role of nonselective cation channels of the transient receptor potential channel (TRPC) family in essential hypertension has not yet been investigated.......The role of nonselective cation channels of the transient receptor potential channel (TRPC) family in essential hypertension has not yet been investigated....

  20. Transient Diagnosis and Prognosis for Secondary System in Nuclear Power Plants

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Sangjun Park


    Full Text Available This paper introduces the development of a transient monitoring system to detect the early stage of a transient, to identify the type of the transient scenario, and to inform an operator with the remaining time to turbine trip when there is no operator's relevant control. This study focused on the transients originating from a secondary system in nuclear power plants (NPPs, because the secondary system was recognized to be a more dominant factor to make unplanned turbine-generator trips which can ultimately result in reactor trips. In order to make the proposed methodology practical forward, all the transient scenarios registered in a simulator of a 1,000 MWe pressurized water reactor were archived in the transient pattern database. The transient patterns show plant behavior until turbine-generator trip when there is no operator's intervention. Meanwhile, the operating data periodically captured from a plant computer is compared with an individual transient pattern in the database and a highly matched section among the transient patterns enables isolation of the type of transient and prediction of the expected remaining time to trip. The transient pattern database consists of hundreds of variables, so it is difficult to speedily compare patterns and to draw a conclusion in a timely manner. The transient pattern database and the operating data are, therefore, converted into a smaller dimension using the principal component analysis (PCA. This paper describes the process of constructing the transient pattern database, dealing with principal components, and optimizing similarity measures.

  1. Studies on the electrochemical disinfection of water containing Escherichia coli using a Dimensionally Stable Anode

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Isabel Celeste Caíres Pereira Gusmão


    Full Text Available The aim of this work was to investigate the disinfectant effect of electrolysis on chlorine-free water, artificially contaminated with Escherichia coli (CCT-1457 and to evaluate the bactericidal activity of electrolysis and kinetic behavior of a single-cell reactor, with a DSA (Dimensionally Stable Anode electrode to develop a scaled-up system. A high-density E. coli suspension (10(6 CFU mL-1 was electrolyzed in this reactor at 25, 50 and 75 mA cm-2 for up to 60 min, at flow rates of 200 and 500 L h-1. Bacterial survival fell by 98.9% without addition of chlorinated compounds and a power consumption rate not more than 5.60 kWh m-3 at flow rate of 200 L h-1 and 75 mA cm-2. The process produced a germicidal effect that reached this inactivation rate within a relatively short contact time. Also, a solution of electrolyzed 0.08 M Na2SO4 added to the inoculum showed residual bactericidal effect. The efficiency of disinfection was regulated by both the contact time and current density applied, and a kinetic function for the survival rate was developed for the purpose of scaling up.Água contaminada é uma das maiores origens de doenças em seres humanos. Em todo o mundo, a cloração é o método mais utilizado para promover desinfecção em águas de abastecimento devido ao seu efeito residual, quando adequadamente calculado. Contudo, se a água apresentar matéria orgânica, pode haver a geração de organoclorados, os quais são genotóxicos e carcinogênicos. Sob esta óptica, investigamos o efeito bactericida da aplicação da eletrólise em água sem cloro contaminada com Escherichia coli (CCT-1457. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o poder de desinfecção e o comportamento cinético da eletrólise realizada em reator de compartimento único e usando eletrodos ADE (Anodo Dimensionalmente Estável, visando ampliação de escala. Uma suspensão contendo elevada concentração de E. coli (10(6 UFC mL-1 foi submetida ao tratamento no reator em 25

  2. SPIRITS: Uncovering Unusual Infrared Transients with Spitzer

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kasliwal, Mansi M.; Jencson, Jacob E.; Tinyanont, Samaporn; Cao, Yi; Cook, David; Bally, John; Masci, Frank; Armus, Lee; Cody, Ann Marie; Bond, Howard E.; Contreras, Carlos; Dykhoff, Devin A.; Amodeo, Samuel; Carlon, Robert L.; Cass, Alexander C.; Corgan, David T.; Faella, Joseph; Boyer, Martha; Cantiello, Matteo; Fox, Ori D.


    We present an ongoing, five-year systematic search for extragalactic infrared transients, dubbed SPIRITS—SPitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients Survey. In the first year, using Spitzer /IRAC, we searched 190 nearby galaxies with cadence baselines of one month and six months. We discovered over 1958 variables and 43 transients. Here, we describe the survey design and highlight 14 unusual infrared transients with no optical counterparts to deep limits, which we refer to as SPRITEs (eSPecially Red Intermediate-luminosity Transient Events). SPRITEs are in the infrared luminosity gap between novae and supernovae, with [4.5] absolute magnitudes between −11 and −14 (Vega-mag) and [3.6]–[4.5] colors between 0.3 mag and 1.6 mag. The photometric evolution of SPRITEs is diverse, ranging from <0.1 mag yr −1 to >7 mag yr −1 . SPRITEs occur in star-forming galaxies. We present an in-depth study of one of them, SPIRITS 14ajc in Messier 83, which shows shock-excited molecular hydrogen emission. This shock may have been triggered by the dynamic decay of a non-hierarchical system of massive stars that led to either the formation of a binary or a protostellar merger.

  3. SPIRITS: Uncovering Unusual Infrared Transients with Spitzer

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Kasliwal, Mansi M.; Jencson, Jacob E.; Tinyanont, Samaporn; Cao, Yi; Cook, David [Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Bally, John [Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy, University of Colorado, 389 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309 (United States); Masci, Frank; Armus, Lee [Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (United States); Cody, Ann Marie [NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035 (United States); Bond, Howard E. [Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Contreras, Carlos [Las Campanas Observatory, Carnegie Observatories, Casilla 601, La Serena (Chile); Dykhoff, Devin A.; Amodeo, Samuel; Carlon, Robert L.; Cass, Alexander C.; Corgan, David T.; Faella, Joseph [Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, 116 Church Street, S. E., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (United States); Boyer, Martha [NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, MC 665, 8800 Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Cantiello, Matteo [Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, 162 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010 (United States); Fox, Ori D. [Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218 (United States); and others


    We present an ongoing, five-year systematic search for extragalactic infrared transients, dubbed SPIRITS—SPitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients Survey. In the first year, using Spitzer /IRAC, we searched 190 nearby galaxies with cadence baselines of one month and six months. We discovered over 1958 variables and 43 transients. Here, we describe the survey design and highlight 14 unusual infrared transients with no optical counterparts to deep limits, which we refer to as SPRITEs (eSPecially Red Intermediate-luminosity Transient Events). SPRITEs are in the infrared luminosity gap between novae and supernovae, with [4.5] absolute magnitudes between −11 and −14 (Vega-mag) and [3.6]–[4.5] colors between 0.3 mag and 1.6 mag. The photometric evolution of SPRITEs is diverse, ranging from <0.1 mag yr{sup −1} to >7 mag yr{sup −1}. SPRITEs occur in star-forming galaxies. We present an in-depth study of one of them, SPIRITS 14ajc in Messier 83, which shows shock-excited molecular hydrogen emission. This shock may have been triggered by the dynamic decay of a non-hierarchical system of massive stars that led to either the formation of a binary or a protostellar merger.

  4. Review of HEDL fuel pin transient analyses analytical programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Scott, J.H.; Baars, R.E.


    Methods for analysis of transient fuel pin performance are described, as represented by the steady-state SIEX code and the PECT series of codes used for steady-state and transient mechanical analyses. The empirical fuel failure correlation currently in use for analysis of transient overpower accidents is described. (U.S.)

  5. Transient analysis of multicavity klystrons

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Lavine, T.L.; Miller, R.H.; Morton, P.L.; Ruth, R.D.


    We describe a model for analytic analysis of transients in multicavity klystron output power and phase. Cavities are modeled as resonant circuits, while bunching of the beam is modeled using linear space-charge wave theory. Our analysis has been implemented in a computer program which we use in designing multicavity klystrons with stable output power and phase. We present as examples transient analysis of a relativistic klystron using a magnetic pulse compression modulator, and of a conventional klystron designed to use phase shifting techniques for RF pulse compression. 4 refs., 4 figs

  6. Effects of transients in LIGO suspensions on searches for gravitational waves. (United States)

    Walker, M; Abbott, T D; Aston, S M; González, G; Macleod, D M; McIver, J; Abbott, B P; Abbott, R; Adams, C; Adhikari, R X; Anderson, S B; Ananyeva, A; Appert, S; Arai, K; Ballmer, S W; Barker, D; Barr, B; Barsotti, L; Bartlett, J; Bartos, I; Batch, J C; Bell, A S; Betzwieser, J; Billingsley, G; Birch, J; Biscans, S; Biwer, C; Blair, C D; Bork, R; Brooks, A F; Ciani, G; Clara, F; Countryman, S T; Cowart, M J; Coyne, D C; Cumming, A; Cunningham, L; Danzmann, K; Da Silva Costa, C F; Daw, E J; DeBra, D; DeRosa, R T; DeSalvo, R; Dooley, K L; Doravari, S; Driggers, J C; Dwyer, S E; Effler, A; Etzel, T; Evans, M; Evans, T M; Factourovich, M; Fair, H; Fernández Galiana, A; Fisher, R P; Fritschel, P; Frolov, V V; Fulda, P; Fyffe, M; Giaime, J A; Giardina, K D; Goetz, E; Goetz, R; Gras, S; Gray, C; Grote, H; Gushwa, K E; Gustafson, E K; Gustafson, R; Hall, E D; Hammond, G; Hanks, J; Hanson, J; Hardwick, T; Harry, G M; Heintze, M C; Heptonstall, A W; Hough, J; Izumi, K; Jones, R; Kandhasamy, S; Karki, S; Kasprzack, M; Kaufer, S; Kawabe, K; Kijbunchoo, N; King, E J; King, P J; Kissel, J S; Korth, W Z; Kuehn, G; Landry, M; Lantz, B; Lockerbie, N A; Lormand, M; Lundgren, A P; MacInnis, M; Márka, S; Márka, Z; Markosyan, A S; Maros, E; Martin, I W; Martynov, D V; Mason, K; Massinger, T J; Matichard, F; Mavalvala, N; McCarthy, R; McClelland, D E; McCormick, S; McIntyre, G; Mendell, G; Merilh, E L; Meyers, P M; Miller, J; Mittleman, R; Moreno, G; Mueller, G; Mullavey, A; Munch, J; Nuttall, L K; Oberling, J; Oliver, M; Oppermann, P; Oram, Richard J; O'Reilly, B; Ottaway, D J; Overmier, H; Palamos, J R; Paris, H R; Parker, W; Pele, A; Penn, S; Phelps, M; Pierro, V; Pinto, I; Principe, M; Prokhorov, L G; Puncken, O; Quetschke, V; Quintero, E A; Raab, F J; Radkins, H; Raffai, P; Reid, S; Reitze, D H; Robertson, N A; Rollins, J G; Roma, V J; Romie, J H; Rowan, S; Ryan, K; Sadecki, T; Sanchez, E J; Sandberg, V; Savage, R L; Schofield, R M S; Sellers, D; Shaddock, D A; Shaffer, T J; Shapiro, B; Shawhan, P; Shoemaker, D H; Sigg, D; Slagmolen, B J J; Smith, B; Smith, J R; Sorazu, B; Staley, A; Strain, K A; Tanner, D B; Taylor, R; Thomas, M; Thomas, P; Thorne, K A; Thrane, E; Torrie, C I; Traylor, G; Tuyenbayev, D; Vajente, G; Valdes, G; van Veggel, A A; Vecchio, A; Veitch, P J; Venkateswara, K; Vo, T; Vorvick, C; Ward, R L; Warner, J; Weaver, B; Weiss, R; Weßels, P; Willke, B; Wipf, C C; Worden, J; Wu, G; Yamamoto, H; Yancey, C C; Yu, Hang; Yu, Haocun; Zhang, L; Zucker, M E; Zweizig, J


    This paper presents an analysis of the transient behavior of the Advanced LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) suspensions used to seismically isolate the optics. We have characterized the transients in the longitudinal motion of the quadruple suspensions during Advanced LIGO's first observing run. Propagation of transients between stages is consistent with modeled transfer functions, such that transient motion originating at the top of the suspension chain is significantly reduced in amplitude at the test mass. We find that there are transients seen by the longitudinal motion monitors of quadruple suspensions, but they are not significantly correlated with transient motion above the noise floor in the gravitational wave strain data, and therefore do not present a dominant source of background noise in the searches for transient gravitational wave signals. Using the suspension transfer functions, we compared the transients in a week of gravitational wave strain data with transients from a quadruple suspension. Of the strain transients between 10 and 60 Hz, 84% are loud enough that they would have appeared above the sensor noise in the top stage quadruple suspension monitors if they had originated at that stage at the same frequencies. We find no significant temporal correlation with the suspension transients in that stage, so we can rule out suspension motion originating at the top stage as the cause of those transients. However, only 3.2% of the gravitational wave strain transients are loud enough that they would have been seen by the second stage suspension sensors, and none of them are above the sensor noise levels of the penultimate stage. Therefore, we cannot eliminate the possibility of transient noise in the detectors originating in the intermediate stages of the suspension below the sensing noise.

  7. Transient Exciplex Formation Electron Transfer Mechanism


    Michael G. Kuzmin; Irina V. Soboleva; Elena V. Dolotova


    Transient exciplex formation mechanism of excited-state electron transfer reactions is analyzed in terms of experimental data on thermodynamics and kinetics of exciplex formation and decay. Experimental profiles of free energy, enthalpy, and entropy for transient exciplex formation and decay are considered for several electron transfer reactions in various solvents. Strong electronic coupling in contact pairs of reactants causes substantial decrease of activation energy relative to that for c...

  8. Transient Wave Scattering and Its Influence on Transient Analysis and Leak Detection in Urban Water Supply Systems: Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Validation

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Huan-Feng Duan


    Full Text Available This paper investigates the impacts of non-uniformities of pipe diameter (i.e., an inhomogeneous cross-sectional area along pipelines on transient wave behavior and propagation in water supply pipelines. The multi-scale wave perturbation method is firstly used to derive analytical solutions for the amplitude evolution of transient pressure wave propagation in pipelines, considering regular and random variations of cross-sectional area, respectively. The analytical analysis is based on the one-dimensional (1D transient wave equation for pipe flow. Both derived results show that transient waves can be attenuated and scattered significantly along the longitudinal direction of the pipeline due to the regular and random non-uniformities of pipe diameter. The obtained analytical results are then validated by extensive 1D numerical simulations under different incident wave and non-uniform pipe conditions. The comparative results indicate that the derived analytical solutions are applicable and useful to describe the wave scattering effect in complex pipeline systems. Finally, the practical implications and influence of wave scattering effects on transient flow analysis and transient-based leak detection in urban water supply systems are discussed in the paper.

  9. A fast reactor transient analysis methodology for PCs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ott, K.O.


    This Manual describes a PC program for LMR Transient Calculations, LTC, written in GW-BASIC. It calculates the power and temperature trajectories for unscrammed TOP and LOHS transients. The LOF transient treatment is not operational in the GW-BASIC program because of storage limitations. The corresponding mathematical model, which allows a rapid treatment of the kinetics and the various feedback effects, is described in Ref. 1. It is briefly reviewed in Sec. 1. The program structure is outlined in Sec. 2, followed by a more detailed description in Sec. 3. Computational details are presented in Appendix A. A complete listing of the GW-BASIC program is given in Appendix B. Appendix C shows input-echo and output for a TOP sample problem, and Appendix D is a Glossary of all quantities used in the LTC program. The limitations of the GW-BASIC storage (to about 60K) are removed if it is run within Quick-BASIC. This then allows the extension of this program to treat LOF transients. Running LTC in Quick-BASIC permits also larger ''Dimensions'' for TOP and LOHS transients

  10. Transient performance of S-prism

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dubberley, A.E.; Boardman, C.E.; Gamble, R.E.; Hiu, M.M.; Lipps, A.J.; Wu, T.


    S-PRISM is an advanced Fast Reactor plant design that utilizes compact modular pool-type reactors sized to enable factory fabrication and an affordable prototype test of a single Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) for design certification at minimum cost and risk. Based on the success of the previous DOE sponsored Advanced Liquid Metal Reactor (ALMR) program GE has continued to develop and assess the technical viability and economic potential of an up-rated plant called SuperPRISM (S-PRISM). This paper presents the results of transient analyses performed to assess the ability of S-PRISM to accommodate severe accident initiator events. A unique safety capability of S-PRISM is accommodation of the ''higher probability'' accident initiators that led to core melt accidents in prior large LMRs. These events, the Anticipated Transients Without Scram (ATWS) events, are thus the focus of passive safety confirmation analyses. The events included in this assessment are: Unprotected Loss of Flow, Unprotected Loss of Heat Sink, Unprotected Loss of Flow and Heat sink, Unprotected Transient Overpower and Unprotected Safe Shutdown Earthquake. (author)

  11. The diet of the fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in woodlands of Orobie Alps (Lombardy region, Northern Italy / Alimentazione della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Marco Cantini


    Full Text Available Abstract The diet of the fox was investigated by analysis of 273 scats, collected along standard trails from April to November 1987 and 1988. Food habits of foxes were described for three altitudinal ranges. Mammals, mainly <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> and <em>Microtus multiplexem>, were the staple food (percentage of frequency 42.8%, followed by fruits and other vegetables (26.7% and 37.3% respectively. Birds, Invertebrates (mainly Insects and garbage were little eaten. The game species (ungulates, hares, pheasants occurred with a low frequency (8.4% in the diet. The trophic niche breadth varied little through the altitudinal ranges and the seasons. The trophic niche overlap between the fox and the genus <em>Martes> (190 scats of <em>M. martesem> and <em>M. foinaem> were examined is relatively wide (O=0.868. Riassunto La dieta della Volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in aree boscate delle Alpi Orobie (Val Lesina è stata indagata nel periodo aprile-novembre 1987 e 1988 mediante l'analisi di 273 feci, raccolte lungo percorsi-campione ricadenti in tre piani vegetazionali. I Mammiferi, in particolare <em>Clethrionomys glareolusem> e <em>Microtus multiplexem>, sono la componente principale della dieta (frequenza percentuale 42,8%. Rilevante è anche il consumo di frutti (soprattutto in estate e autunno e di altri vegetali (26,7% e 37,3% rispettivamente, mentre poco frequente è quello di Uccelli, Invertebrati e rifiuti. Complessivamente ridotta è l'azione predatoria della Volpe nei confronti delle specie di interesse venatorio (Ungulati, lepri, Galliformi. L'ampiezza della nicchia trofica mostra modeste variazioni stagionali e altitudinali. I1 grado di sovrapposizione tra la nicchia trofica della Volpe e quella del genere <em>Martes>, quest'ultima ricavata dall'analisi di 190 feci di Martora (<em>M. martesem> e Faina (<em>M. foinaem>, è elevato (O=0,868. Tuttavia, poiché in condizioni di

  12. The fast transient sky with Gaia (United States)

    Wevers, Thomas; Jonker, Peter G.; Hodgkin, Simon T.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Zuzanna; Harrison, Diana L.; Rixon, Guy; Nelemans, Gijs; Roelens, Maroussia; Eyer, Laurent; van Leeuwen, Floor; Yoldas, Abdullah


    The ESA Gaia satellite scans the whole sky with a temporal sampling ranging from seconds and hours to months. Each time a source passes within the Gaia field of view, it moves over 10 charge coupled devices (CCDs) in 45 s and a light curve with 4.5 s sampling (the crossing time per CCD) is registered. Given that the 4.5 s sampling represents a virtually unexplored parameter space in optical time domain astronomy, this data set potentially provides a unique opportunity to open up the fast transient sky. We present a method to start mining the wealth of information in the per CCD Gaia data. We perform extensive data filtering to eliminate known onboard and data processing artefacts, and present a statistical method to identify sources that show transient brightness variations on ≲2 h time-scales. We illustrate that by using the Gaia photometric CCD measurements, we can detect transient brightness variations down to an amplitude of 0.3 mag on time-scales ranging from 15 s to several hours. We search an area of ∼23.5 deg2 on the sky and find four strong candidate fast transients. Two candidates are tentatively classified as flares on M-dwarf stars, while one is probably a flare on a giant star and one potentially a flare on a solar-type star. These classifications are based on archival data and the time-scales involved. We argue that the method presented here can be added to the existing Gaia Science Alerts infrastructure for the near real-time public dissemination of fast transient events.

  13. Osservazioni in cattività sul ciclo stagionale del peso corporeo e sull'efficienza digestiva di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> e <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Gianna Dondini


    Full Text Available Molte specie di pipistrelli delle fasce climatiche temperato-fredde sono soggette a marcate variazioni stagionali di temperatura e disponibilità di cibo. L'accumulo di grasso in autunno è quindi un adattamento per trascorrere, in uno stato di profondo torpore definibile ibernazione, i mesi invernali, aumentando così la probabilità di sopravvivenza durante tale periodo. Nell?ambito di una attività pluriennale relativa alla raccolta, studio e, quando possibile, riabilitazione di pipistrelli in ambienti urbani, due esemplari di <em>Pipistrellus kuhliiem> (2 femmine e due di <em>Hypsugo saviiem> (1 maschio e 1 femmina, in entrambi casi giovani che ancora non avevano acquisito una sufficiente capacità nel volo e quindi non liberabili, sono stati raccolti nella pianura di Firenze durante l?estate del 1998 e mantenuti in condizioni di temperatura ambientale oscillante tra i 17 e i 22°C, in un contenitore di 150x40x30 cm. Ogni sera sono stati pesati, prima della somministrazione di cibo e acqua, con una bilancia elettronica con precisione di 0.1 g (modello Tanita 1479. L'alimentazione è stata a base di vermi della farina (<em>Tenebrio molitorem>. L?efficienza digestiva è calcolata nel seguente modo, su materiale disidratato: (quantità ingerita ? quantità escrementi/quantità ingerita*100. Per il calcolo di tale indice gli esemplari delle due specie sono stati separati e mantenuti per 24 ore a partire dalla successiva sera dell?ultima somministrazione, favorendo così lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Successivamente, per due giorni è stato fornito del cibo <em>ad libitumem>, pesando i singoli esemplari una volta terminata la fase di alimentazione, per determinare la quantità ingerita. Al termine abbiamo mantenuto gli esemplari a digiuno per 24 ore successive all?ultima somministrazione per permettere lo svuotamento dell?intestino. Gli escrementi raccolti sono stati posti in forno elettrico a 90 °C per 24 ore e successivamente pesati


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bhat, N. D. R.; Chengalur, J. N.; Gupta, Y.; Prasad, J.; Roy, J.; Kudale, S. S.; Cox, P. J.; Bailes, M.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Van Straten, W.


    Next-generation radio arrays, including the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its pathfinders, will open up new avenues for exciting transient science at radio wavelengths. Their innovative designs, comprising a large number of small elements, pose several challenges in digital processing and optimal observing strategies. The Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) presents an excellent test-bed for developing and validating suitable observing modes and strategies for transient experiments with future arrays. Here we describe the first phase of the ongoing development of a transient detection system for GMRT that is planned to eventually function in a commensal mode with other observing programs. It capitalizes on the GMRT's interferometric and sub-array capabilities, and the versatility of a new software backend. We outline considerations in the plan and design of transient exploration programs with interferometric arrays, and describe a pilot survey that was undertaken to aid in the development of algorithms and associated analysis software. This survey was conducted at 325 and 610 MHz, and covered 360 deg 2 of the sky with short dwell times. It provides large volumes of real data that can be used to test the efficacies of various algorithms and observing strategies applicable for transient detection. We present examples that illustrate the methodologies of detecting short-duration transients, including the use of sub-arrays for higher resilience to spurious events of terrestrial origin, localization of candidate events via imaging, and the use of a phased array for improved signal detection and confirmation. In addition to demonstrating applications of interferometric arrays for fast transient exploration, our efforts mark important steps in the roadmap toward SKA-era science.

  15. Detection of Fast Transients with Radio Interferometric Arrays (United States)

    Bhat, N. D. R.; Chengalur, J. N.; Cox, P. J.; Gupta, Y.; Prasad, J.; Roy, J.; Bailes, M.; Burke-Spolaor, S.; Kudale, S. S.; van Straten, W.


    Next-generation radio arrays, including the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and its pathfinders, will open up new avenues for exciting transient science at radio wavelengths. Their innovative designs, comprising a large number of small elements, pose several challenges in digital processing and optimal observing strategies. The Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope (GMRT) presents an excellent test-bed for developing and validating suitable observing modes and strategies for transient experiments with future arrays. Here we describe the first phase of the ongoing development of a transient detection system for GMRT that is planned to eventually function in a commensal mode with other observing programs. It capitalizes on the GMRT's interferometric and sub-array capabilities, and the versatility of a new software backend. We outline considerations in the plan and design of transient exploration programs with interferometric arrays, and describe a pilot survey that was undertaken to aid in the development of algorithms and associated analysis software. This survey was conducted at 325 and 610 MHz, and covered 360 deg2 of the sky with short dwell times. It provides large volumes of real data that can be used to test the efficacies of various algorithms and observing strategies applicable for transient detection. We present examples that illustrate the methodologies of detecting short-duration transients, including the use of sub-arrays for higher resilience to spurious events of terrestrial origin, localization of candidate events via imaging, and the use of a phased array for improved signal detection and confirmation. In addition to demonstrating applications of interferometric arrays for fast transient exploration, our efforts mark important steps in the roadmap toward SKA-era science.

  16. Transient Phenomena in Multiphase and Multicomponent Systems: Research Report (United States)

    Zur Beurteilung von Stoffen in der Landwirtschaft, Senatskommission


    Due to the reinforced risk and safety-analysis of industrial plants in chemical and energy-engineering there has been increased demand in industry for more information on thermo- and fluiddynamic effects of non-equilibria during strong transients. Therefore, the 'Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft' initiated a special research program focusing on the study of transient phenomena in multiphase systems with one or several components. This book describes macroscopic as well as microscopic transient situations. A large part of the book deals with numerical methods for describing transients in two-phase mixtures. New developments in measuring techniques are also presented.

  17. Net Energy, CO2 Emission and Land-Based Cost-Benefit Analyses of <em>Jatropha> em>Biodiesel: A Case Study of the Panzhihua Region of Sichuan Province in China

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Xiangzheng Deng


    Full Text Available Bioenergy is currently regarded as a renewable energy source with a high growth potential. Forest-based biodiesel, with the significant advantage of not competing with grain production on cultivated land, has been considered as a promising substitute for diesel fuel by many countries, including China. Consequently, extracting biodiesel from <em>Jatropha> curcasem> has become a growing industry. However, many key issues related to the development of this industry are still not fully resolved and the prospects for this industry are complicated. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the net energy, CO2 emission, and cost efficiency of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel as a substitute fuel in China to help resolve some of the key issues by studying data from this region of China that is well suited to growing <em>Jatropha>. Our results show that: (1 <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is preferable for global warming mitigation over diesel fuel in terms of the carbon sink during <em>Jatropha> tree growth. (2 The net energy yield of <em>Jatropha> biodiesel is much lower than that of fossil fuel, induced by the high energy consumption during <em>Jatropha> plantation establishment and the conversion from seed oil to diesel fuel step. Therefore, the energy efficiencies of the production of <em>Jatropha> and its conversion to biodiesel need to be improved. (3 Due to current low profit and high risk in the study area, farmers have little incentive to continue or increase <em>Jatropha> production. (4 It is necessary to provide more subsidies and preferential policies for <em>Jatropha> plantations if this industry is to grow. It is also necessary for local government to set realistic objectives and make rational plans to choose proper sites for <em>Jatropha> biodiesel development and the work reported here should assist that effort. Future research focused on breading high-yield varieties, development of efficient field

  18. Transient particle emission measurement with optical techniques (United States)

    Bermúdez, Vicente; Luján, José M.; Serrano, José R.; Pla, Benjamín


    Particulate matter is responsible for some respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is one of the most important pollutants of high-speed direct injection (HSDI) passenger car engines. Current legislation requires particulate dilution tunnels for particulate matter measuring. However for development work, dilution tunnels are expensive and sometimes not useful since they are not able to quantify real-time particulate emissions during transient operation. In this study, the use of a continuous measurement opacimeter and a fast response HFID is proven to be a good alternative to obtain instantaneous particle mass emissions during transient operation (due to particulate matter consisting mainly of soot and SOF). Some methods and correlations available from literature, but developed for steady conditions, are evaluated during transient operation by comparing with mini-tunnel measurements during the entire MVEG-A transient cycle. A new correlation was also derived from this evaluation. Results for soot and SOF (obtained from the new correlation proposed) are compared with soot and SOF captured with particulate filters, which have been separated by means of an SOF extraction method. Finally, as an example of ECU design strategies using these sort of correlations, the EGR valve opening is optimized during transient operation. The optimization is performed while simultaneously taking into account instantaneous fuel consumption, particulate emissions (calculated with the proposed correlation) and other regulated engine pollutants.

  19. NALAP: an LMFBR system transient code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Martin, B.A.; Agrawal, A.K.; Albright, D.C.; Epel, L.G.; Maise, G.


    NALAP is a LMFBR system transient code. This code, adapted from the light water reactor transient code RELAP 3B, simulates thermal-hydraulic response of sodium cooled fast breeder reactors when subjected to postulated accidents such as a massive pipe break as well as a variety of other upset conditions that do not disrupt the system geometry. Various components of the plant are represented by control volumes. These control volumes are connected by junctions some of which may be leak or fill junctions. The fluid flow equations are modeled as compressible, single-stream flow with momentum flux in one dimension. The transient response is computed by integrating the thermal-hydraulic conservation equations from user-initialized operating conditions by an implicit numerical scheme. Point kinetics approximation is used to represent the time dependent heat generation in the reactor core

  20. Transient Exciplex Formation Electron Transfer Mechanism

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    Michael G. Kuzmin


    Full Text Available Transient exciplex formation mechanism of excited-state electron transfer reactions is analyzed in terms of experimental data on thermodynamics and kinetics of exciplex formation and decay. Experimental profiles of free energy, enthalpy, and entropy for transient exciplex formation and decay are considered for several electron transfer reactions in various solvents. Strong electronic coupling in contact pairs of reactants causes substantial decrease of activation energy relative to that for conventional long-range ET mechanism, especially for endergonic reactions, and provides the possibility for medium reorganization concatenated to gradual charge shift in contrast to conventional preliminary medium and reactants reorganization. Experimental criteria for transient exciplex formation (concatenated mechanism of excited-state electron transfer are considered. Available experimental data show that this mechanism dominates for endergonic ET reactions and provides a natural explanation for a lot of known paradoxes of ET reactions.

  1. Threatening “the Good Order”: West Meets East in Cecil B. DeMille’s <em>The Cheatem> and John Updike’s <em>Terrorist>

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    Bradley M. Freeman


    Full Text Available

    Despite almost a hundred years of separation, both Cecil B. DeMille’s film <em>The Cheatem> (1915 and John Updike’s novel <em>Terrorist> (2006 deploy a clear-cut territorial divide between Western and Eastern spaces in order to envision a unified American space. These narratives superimpose a “natural” division on these historically opposed spaces and thereby suggest that any contact between these spaces will have dangerous consequences. These consequences include the potential dissolution and eventual destruction of American productivity, surveillance, and territorial integrity. DeMille’s film and Updike’s novel represent America as a nation-state that must be protected from the East. In 1915, <em>The Cheatem> warned against an interracial America and the upsurge in immigration that characterized the turn of the century. Nearly a century later, <em>Terrorist> presupposes an interracial America but still constructs an East that threatens the security of America. While registering the particular concerns of two distinct historical moments, these narratives represent a larger attempt in American aesthetics to imagine an East that jeopardizes the utopian possibilities of an overly idealized American space.

  2. <em>In Vitro em>Phytotoxicity and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Flavonoids

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    Rita Patrizia Aquino


    Full Text Available The knowledge of flavonoids involved in plant-plant interactions and their mechanisms of action are poor and, moreover, the structural characteristics required for these biological activities are scarcely known. The objective of this work was to study the possible <em>in vitro em>phytotoxic effects of 27 flavonoids on the germination and early radical growth of <em>Raphanus sativus em>L.> and <em>Lepidium sativumem> L., with the aim to evaluate the possible structure/activity relationship. Moreover, the antioxidant activity of the same compounds was also evaluated. Generally, in response to various tested flavonoids, germination was only slightly affected, whereas significant differences were observed in the activity of the various tested flavonoids against radical elongation. DPPH test confirms the antioxidant activity of luteolin, quercetin, catechol, morin, and catechin. The biological activity recorded is discussed in relation to the structure of compounds and their capability to interact with cell structures and physiology. No correlation was found between phytotoxic and antioxidant activities.

  3. PWR plant transient analyses using TRAC-PF1

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ireland, J.R.; Boyack, B.E.


    This paper describes some of the pressurized water reactor (PWR) transient analyses performed at Los Alamos for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission using the Transient Reactor Analysis Code (TRAC-PF1). Many of the transient analyses performed directly address current PWR safety issues. Included in this paper are examples of two safety issues addressed by TRAC-PF1. These examples are pressurized thermal shock (PTS) and feed-and-bleed cooling for Oconee-1. The calculations performed were plant specific in that details of both the primary and secondary sides were modeled in addition to models of the plant integrated control systems. The results of these analyses show that for these two transients, the reactor cores remained covered and cooled at all times posing no real threat to the reactor system nor to the public

  4. Transient analysis of house load operation for LNPP

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Junying; Zheng Bin


    The author analysis the transient of house load operation for Ling'ao Nuclear Power Plant by using the methods of dynamic simulation and closed loops of primary and secondary system. The transient of house load operation from 100% FP is the most severe that can occur on the unit in normal operation because it causes immediately shedding of 95% of turbine load and requires the unit to operate steadily at reduced power. The results show that the transient can be successful both at beginning of core life and manual house load operation. However, more attentions must be paid to automatic house load operation caused by grid fault at toward end of core life because the success of the transient could be threatened by the actuation of the protection of high flux and high flux rate

  5. A transient overpower experiment in EBR-II

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Herzog, J.P.; Tsai, H.; Dean, E.M.; Aoyama, T.; Yamamoto, K.


    The TOPI-IE test was a transient overpower test on irradiate mixed-oxide fuel pins in the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II). The test, the fifth in a series, was part of a cooperative program between the US Department of Energy and the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation of Japan to conduct operational transient testing on mixed-oxide fuel pins in the metal-fueled EBR-II. The principle objective of the TOPI-1E test was to assess breaching margins for irradiated mixed-oxide fuel pins over the Plant Protection System (PPS) thresholds during a slow, extended overpower transient. This paper describes the effect of the TOPI-1E experiment on reactor components and the impact of the experiment on the long-term operability of the reactor. The paper discusses the role that SASSYS played in the pre-test safety analysis of the experiment. The ability of SASSYS to model transient overpower events is detailed by comparisons of data from the experiment with computed reactor variables from a SASSYS post-test simulation of the experiment

  6. Transient eddy feedback and low-frequency variability

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Robinson, W.A.


    Superposed on any externally driven secular climatic change are fluctuations that arise from the internal nonlinear dynamics of the climate system. These internally generated variations may involve interactions between the atmosphere and the ocean, as in the case of El Nino, or they may arise from the dynamics of the atmosphere alone. Here we discuss the dynamics of interactions between transient eddies and lower-frequency motions in the atmosphere. The interactions between more transient and more persistent motions can be divided into two types. Nonlinear interactions among the transient motions can act as an essentially random source of low-frequency motion. The idea that the low-frequencies respond in a linear way to stochastic forcing from higher frequencies has been applied to the generation of planetary waves and to the forcing of changes in global angular momentum. In addition to stochastic coupling, there are systematic interactions, denoted feedbacks, through which the persistent motions modulate their own forcing by the transient eddies. This paper discusses the dynamics of these feedbacks

  7. A fast reactor transient analysis methodology for personal computers

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Ott, K.O.


    A simplified model for a liquid-metal-cooled reactor (LMR) transient analysis, in which point kinetics as well as lumped descriptions of the heat transfer equations in all components are applied, is converted from a differential into an integral formulation. All 30 differential balance equations are implicitly solved in terms of convolution integrals. The prompt jump approximation is applied as the strong negative feedback effectively keeps the net reactivity well below prompt critical. After implicit finite differencing of the convolution integrals, the kinetics equation assumes a new form, i.e., the quadratic dynamics equation. In this integral formulation, the initial value problem of typical LMR transients can be solved with large item steps (initially 1 s, later up to 256 s). This then makes transient problems amenable to a treatment on personal computer. The resulting mathematical model forms the basis for the GW-BASIC program LMR transient calculation (LTC) program. The LTC program has also been converted to QuickBASIC. The running time for a 10-h transient overpower transient is then ∼40 to 10 s, depending on the hardware version (286, 386, or 486 with math coprocessors)

  8. M. I. T. studies of transient X-ray phenomena

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Canizares, C R [Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge (USA). Dept. of Physics


    A variety of transient X-ray phenomena have been studied by the M.I.T. X-ray Astronomy Group. Data from the OSO-7 satellite reveal both long and short time-scale transients. Extensive observations have been made of the Lupus X-ray Nova (3U1543-47) and of GX339-4 (MX1658-48) which may represent a very different type of transient source. A unique, intense X-ray flare lasting ten minutes was also recorded, and the X-ray emission from the active galaxy Cen A was found to vary significantly over a period of several days. In a recent balloon flight the Crab pulsar, NP0532, was observed to exhibit a transient pulsed component distinct from the usual main pulse and interpulse. A sounding-rocket experiment detected an ultrasoft transient X-ray source tentatively associated with SS Cygni, and preliminary results from SAS-3 show a very hard spectrum for the new source A0535+26. On the other hand, extensive OSO-7 null observations of both Type I and II supernovae and of the flaring radio star Algol make it unlikely that these types of objects are potent transient X-ray emitters.

  9. Triagem auditiva neonatal em recém-nascidos de mães soropositivas para o HIV


    Manfredi, Alessandra Kerli da Silva; Zuanetti, Patrícia Aparecida; Mishima, Fabíola; Granzotti, Raphaela Barroso Guedes


    OBJETIVO: Analisar as emissões otoacústicas de crianças nascidas de mães soropositivas para o HIV na triagem auditiva neonatal. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se a pesquisa das Emissões Otoacústicas Evocadas por Transiente (EOAT) e do reflexo cócleo-palpebral (RCP) em 247 neonatos, todos nascidos a termo e sem fatores de risco para a audição. O Grupo Controle (GC) foi composto por 167 neonatos e o Grupo Pesquisa (GP) por 80 neonatos expostos ao HIV durante a gestação. Considerou-se "falha" quando o neonat...

  10. The transient radiation effects and hardness of programmed device

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Du Chuanhua; Xu Xianguo; Zhao Hailin


    A review and summary of research and development in the investigation of transient ionizing radiation effects in device and cirviut is presented. The transient ionizing radiation effects in two type of programmed device, that's 32 bit Microcontroller and antifuse FPGA, were studied. The expeiment test data indicate: The transient ionizing radiation effects of 32 bit Microcontroller manifested self-motion restart and Latchup, the Latchup threshold was 5 × 10"7 Gy (Si)/s. The transient ionizing radiation effects of FPGA was reset, no Latchup. The relationship of circuit effects to physical mechanisms was analized. A new method of hardness in circiut design was put forward. (authors)

  11. Transient Ischemic Attack Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia

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    Ufuk Emre


    Full Text Available Transient Ischemic Attack Caused by Iron Deficiency Anemia Transient ischemic attacks are episodes of transient focal ischemia involving the brain or brainstem. They are commonly two to thirty minutes in duration and lasting less than 24 hours. Anemia of iron deficiency isn’t frequently cause for transient ischemic attack. It has been reported as a risk factor for childhood ischemic strokes. In the iron deficiency anemia, T‹A may develop as result of hypercoagulable state and increased viscosity that is caused by anemic hypoxia that is result of reduce hemoglobine level, seconder thrombosis and microcytose As iron deficiency anemia has been reported so rarely in adult patients with transient ischemic attacks as a cause, we aimed to discuss the clinical and outcome features of two cases with iron deficiency anemia and transient ischemic attacks in this study. Materials and methods: Routine neurologic examination, biochemical screen, serological tests, vasculitic markers, thyroid function tests, vitamin B 12 level, cranial imaging, vertebral carotid doppler USG examination was conducted in the two patients. Anemia of iron deficiency was found as the only risk factor for TIA and the two patients were treated with replacement of iron and antiagregan therapy. Neurological examination revealed no abnormality through the two years of follow-up. The iron deficiency anemia may be cause of many neurologic problems such a irritability, lethargy, headache, development retardation except from T‹A. In the iron deficiency anemia, early diagnosis and treatment is important

  12. High temperature transient deformation of mixed oxide fuels

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Slagle, O.D.


    The purpose of this paper is to present recent experimental results on fuel creep under transient conditions at high temperatures. The effect of temperature, stress, heating rate, density and grain size were considered. An empirical formulation is derived for the relationship between strain, stress, temperature and heating rate. This relationship provides a means for incorporating stress relief into the analysis of fuel-cladding interaction during an overpower transient. The effect of sample density and initial grain size is considered by varying the sample parameters. Previously derived steady-state creep relationships for the high temperature creep of mixed oxide fuel were combined with the time dependency of creep found for UO 2 to calculate a transient creep relationship for mixed oxide fuel. These calculated results were found to be in good agreement with the measured high temperature transient creep results

  13. Response of steam-water mixtures to pressure transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hull, L.M.


    During the transition phase of a hypothetical core-disruptive accident in a liquid-metal fast breeder reactor, melting fuel-steel mixtures may begin to boil, resulting in a two-phase mixture of molten reactor fuel and steel vapor. Dispersal of this mixture by pressure transients may prevent recriticality of the fuel material. This paper describes the results of a series of experiments that investigated the response of two-phase mixtures to pressure transients. Simulant fluids (steam/water) were used in a transparent 10.2-cm-dia, 63.5-cm-long acrylic tube. The pressure transient was provided by releasing pressurized nitrogen from a supply tank. The data obtained are in the form of pressure-time records and high-speed movies. The varied parameters are initial void fraction (10% and 40%) and transient pressure magnitude (3.45 and 310 kPa)

  14. Busca de estruturas em grandes escalas em altos redshifts (United States)

    Boris, N. V.; Sodré, L., Jr.; Cypriano, E.


    A busca por estruturas em grandes escalas (aglomerados de galáxias, por exemplo) é um ativo tópico de pesquisas hoje em dia, pois a detecção de um único aglomerado em altos redshifts pode por vínculos fortes sobre os modelos cosmológicos. Neste projeto estamos fazendo uma busca de estruturas distantes em campos contendo pares de quasares próximos entre si em z Â3 0.9. Os pares de quasares foram extraídos do catálogo de Véron-Cetty & Véron (2001) e estão sendo observados com os telescópios: 2,2m da University of Hawaii (UH), 2,5m do Observatório de Las Campanas e com o GEMINI. Apresentamos aqui a análise preliminar de um par de quasares observado nos filtros i'(7800 Å) e z'(9500 Å) com o GEMINI. A cor (i'-z') mostrou-se útil para detectar objetos "early-type" em redshifts menores que 1.1. No estudo do par 131046+0006/J131055+0008, com redshift ~ 0.9, o uso deste método possibilitou a detecção de sete objetos candidatos a galáxias "early-type". Num mapa da distribuição projetada dos objetos para 22 escala. Um outro argumento em favor dessa hipótese é que eles obedecem uma relação do tipo Kormendy (raio equivalente X brilho superficial dentro desse raio), como a apresentada pelas galáxias elípticas em z = 0.

  15. Encapsulation-Induced Stress Helps <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>Resist Convertible Lignocellulose Derived Inhibitors

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    Johan O. Westman


    Full Text Available The ability of macroencapsulated <em>Saccharomyces cerevisiae em>CBS8066<em> em>to withstand readily and not readily <em>in situem> convertible lignocellulose-derived inhibitors was investigated in anaerobic batch cultivations. It was shown that encapsulation increased the tolerance against readily convertible furan aldehyde inhibitors and to dilute acid spruce hydrolysate, but not to organic acid inhibitors that cannot be metabolized anaerobically. Gene expression analysis showed that the protective effect arising from the encapsulation is evident also on the transcriptome level, as the expression of the stress-related genes <em>YAP1em>, <em>ATR1em> and <em>FLR1em> was induced upon encapsulation. The transcript levels were increased due to encapsulation already in the medium without added inhibitors, indicating that the cells sensed low stress level arising from the encapsulation itself. We present a model, where the stress response is induced by nutrient limitation, that this helps the cells to cope with the increased stress added by a toxic medium, and that superficial cells in the capsules degrade convertible inhibitors, alleviating the inhibition for the cells deeper in the capsule.

  16. Transient analysis for PWR reactor core using neural networks predictors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gueray, B.S.


    In this study, transient analysis for a Pressurized Water Reactor core has been performed. A lumped parameter approximation is preferred for that purpose, to describe the reactor core together with mechanism which play an important role in dynamic analysis. The dynamic behavior of the reactor core during transients is analyzed considering the transient initiating events, wich are an essential part of Safety Analysis Reports. several transients are simulated based on the employed core model. Simulation results are in accord the physical expectations. A neural network is developed to predict the future response of the reactor core, in advance. The neural network is trained using the simulation results of a number of representative transients. Structure of the neural network is optimized by proper selection of transfer functions for the neurons. Trained neural network is used to predict the future responses following an early observation of the changes in system variables. Estimated behaviour using the neural network is in good agreement with the simulation results for various for types of transients. Results of this study indicate that the designed neural network can be used as an estimator of the time dependent behavior of the reactor core under transient conditions

  17. Use of plant operating history to define transient loads

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dwivedy, K.K.


    Fatigue and crack growth analyses of components subjected to transient loads have been under continuous development during the recent past to include effects of environment on the components. The accuracy of the evaluation method on the predicted reliability of the components in the operating environment has become a focus of attention. Methods have integrated available material/component test data to improve evaluation techniques. However, in the area of definition of thermal transient loads the analyst still has to remain conservative, because no realistic guidelines have been developed to define thermal transients and their sequences. Fatigue re-evaluations of components are becoming increasingly necessary in operating plants as they age due to two reasons: (1) Components show age related degradation and cannot be repaired/replaced due to economic/logistic reasons. (2) Components experience transient conditions which were not considered in the original design. In either case, the evaluation of remaining life of components involves definition of transients and their sequence from the time the component was put in service until the end of life. As a common practice, initial plant design transients are used in a conservative definition of sequences to obtain results unrealistic for the situation, which sometimes leads to inaccurate estimate of the remaining life of components. The objective of this paper is to use plant operating history and plant monitoring data to provide procedures and techniques to define realistic transients for evaluation

  18. Morphological identification of the Soprano Pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pygmaeusem> Leach, 1825 in Croatia.

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    Igor Pavlinić


    Full Text Available Abstract After the discovery of two different phonic types within the common pipistrelle (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem>, mtDNA analysis confirmed the existence of two separate species named as common pipistrelle (<em>P. pipistrellusem> and soprano pipistrelle (<em>P. pygmaeusem>. The discrimination of these two cryptic species using external characters and measures has proved to be somewhat problematic. We examined two colonies of soprano pipistrelle from Donji Miholjac, Croatia. As a result, only two characters proved to be of help for field identification: wing venation (89% of cases and penis morphology and colour for males. The difference in length between the 2nd and 3rd phalanxes of the 3rd finger should be discarded as diagnostic trait between <em>P. pipistrellusem> and <em>P. pygmaeusem> in Croatia. Riassunto Identificazione su basi morfologiche del pipistrello pigmeo (<em>Pipistrellus pygmeausem>, Leach, 1825 in Croazia. A seguito della descrizione di due differenti "tipi fonici" nel pipistrello nano (<em>Pipistrellus pipistrellusem> e della successiva conferma su basi genetiche dell'esistenza di due specie distinte, designate come pipistrello nano (<em>P. pipistrellusem> e pipistrello pigmeo (<em>P. pygmaeusem>, la distinzione delle due specie in base a caratteristiche morfologiche esterne si è dimostrata un problema di difficile soluzione. Sulla base delle caratteristiche distintive e delle differenze biometriche proposte da altri Autori, sono state esaminate due colonie di pipistrello pigmeo a Donji Miholjac, in Croazia. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano che, tra tutti i potenziali caratteri sinora proposti, solo due risultano utili per un'identificazione diretta sul campo: la venatura delle ali, risultata utile alla discriminazione nell'89% degli esemplari analizzati, e la colorazione e morfologia del pene nei maschi. La

  19. Experimental Setup with Transient Behavior of Fuel Cladding of SFR

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Shin, Sang Hun; Kim, Jun Hwan; Kim, June-Hyung; Ryu, Woo Seog; Park, Sang Gyu; Kim, Sung Ho [Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon (Korea, Republic of)


    Nowadays, in Korea, advanced cladding such as FC92 is developed and its transient behaviors are required for the safety analysis of SFR. Design and safety analyses of sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) require understanding fuel pin responses to a wide range of off-normal events. In a loss-of-flow (LOF) or transient over-power (TOP), the temperature of the cladding is rapidly increased above its steady-state service temperature. Transient tests have been performed in sections of fuel pin cladding and a large data base has been established for austenitic stainless steel such as 20% cold-worked 316 SS and ferritic/martensitic steels such as HT9. This paper summarizes the technical status of transient testing facilities and their results. Previous researches showed the transient behaviors of HT9 cladding. For the safety analyses in SFR in Korea, simulated transient tests with newly developed FC92 as well as HT9 cladding are being carried out.

  20. Altitudinal distribution of the common longeared bat <em>Plecotus auritusem> (Linnaeus, 1758 and grey long-eared bat <em>Plecotus austriacusem> (J. B. Fischer, 1829 (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae in the Tatra mountains (southern Poland

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    Krzysztof Piksa


    Full Text Available Riassunto Distribuzione altitudinale di Orecchione bruno (<em>Plecotus auritusem> e Orecchione meridionale (<em>Plecotus austriacusem> nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale. Vengono riportati nuovi dati relativi alla distribuzione altitudinale nei Monti Tatra (Polonia meridionale di <em>Plecotus auritusem> e <em>P. austriacusem>. Tali segnalazioni incrementano le conoscenze relative alla presenza di questi chirotteri a quote elevate, in particolare per la Polonia. In inverno <em>P. auritusem> è stato rinvenuto a 1921 m s.l.m. mentre in estate è stato rinvenuto a 2250 m s.l.m.; in aggiunta, sono stati ritrovati resti ossei a 1929 m s.l.m. <em>P. austriacusem> è stato segnalato in ibernazione a 1294 m s.l.m.

  1. Action of Chitosan Against <em>Xanthomonas> Pathogenic Bacteria Isolated from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>

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    Yanli Wang


    Full Text Available The antibacterial activity and mechanism of two kinds of chitosan were investigated against twelve <em>Xanthomonas> strains recovered from <em>Euphorbia pulcherrimaem>. Results indicated that both chitosans markedly inhibited bacterial growth based on OD loss. Furthermore, the release of DNA and RNA from three selected strains was increased by both chitosans. However, the release of intracellular proteins was inhibited by both chitosans at different concentration and incubation times, except chitosan A at 0.1 mg/mL for 0.5 h incubation and 0.2 mg/mL for 2.0 h incubation increased the release of proteins, indicating the complexity of the interaction and cell membranes, which was affected by incubation time, bacterial species, chitosan type and concentration. Transmission electron microscopic observations revealed that chitosan caused changes in protoplast concentration and surface morphology. In some cells, the membranes and walls were badly distorted and disrupted, while other cells were enveloped by a thick and compact ribbon-like layer. The contrary influence on cell morphology may explain the differential effect in the release of material. In addition, scanning electron microscope and biofilm formation test revealed that both chitosans removed biofilm biomass. Overall, this study showed that membrane and biofilm play an important role in the antibacterial mechanism of chitosan.

  2. Study of the <em>in Vitroem> Antiplasmodial, Antileishmanial and Antitrypanosomal Activities of Medicinal Plants from Saudi Arabia

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    Nawal M. Al-Musayeib


    Full Text Available The present study investigated the <em>in vitroem> antiprotozoal activity of sixteen selected medicinal plants. Plant materials were extracted with methanol and screened <em>in vitroem> against erythrocytic schizonts of <em>Plasmodium falciparumem>, intracellular amastigotes of <em>Leishmania infantum em>and <em>Trypanosoma cruzi em>and free trypomastigotes of<em> T. bruceiem>. Cytotoxic activity was determined against MRC-5 cells to assess selectivity<em>. em>The criterion for activity was an IC50 < 10 µg/mL (4. Antiplasmodial activity was found in the<em> em>extracts of<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem> and <em>Punica granatumem>. Antileishmanial activity<em> em>against <em>L. infantumem> was demonstrated in <em>Caralluma sinaicaem> and <em>Periploca aphylla.em> Amastigotes of<em> T. cruzi em>were affected by the methanol extract of<em> em>>Albizia lebbeckem>> em>pericarp, <em>Caralluma sinaicaem>,> Periploca aphylla em>and <em>Prosopius julifloraem>. Activity against<em> T. brucei em>was obtained in<em> em>>Prosopis julifloraem>. Cytotoxicity (MRC-5 IC50 < 10 µg/mL and hence non-specific activities were observed for<em> em>>Conocarpus lancifoliusem>.>


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    Ana Sousa


    Full Text Available Inconsistencies about dynamic asymmetry between the on- and off- transient responses in oxygen uptake are found in the literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to characterize the oxygen uptake off-transient kinetics during a maximal 200-m front crawl effort, as examining the degree to which the on/off regularity of the oxygen uptake kinetics response was preserved. Eight high level male swimmers performed a 200-m front crawl at maximal speed during which oxygen uptake was directly measured through breath-by-breath oxymetry (averaged every 5 s. This apparatus was connected to the swimmer by a low hydrodynamic resistance respiratory snorkel and valve system. Results: The on- and off-transient phases were symmetrical in shape (mirror image once they were adequately fitted by a single-exponential regression models, and no slow component for the oxygen uptake response was developed. Mean (± SD peak oxygen uptake was 69.0 (± 6.3 mL·kg-1·min-1, significantly correlated with time constant of the off- transient period (r = 0.76, p < 0.05 but not with any of the other oxygen off-transient kinetic parameters studied. A direct relationship between time constant of the off-transient period and mean swimming speed of the 200-m (r = 0.77, p < 0.05, and with the amplitude of the fast component of the effort period (r = 0.72, p < 0.05 were observed. The mean amplitude and time constant of the off-transient period values were significantly greater than the respective on- transient. In conclusion, although an asymmetry between the on- and off kinetic parameters was verified, both the 200-m effort and the respectively recovery period were better characterized by a single exponential regression model

  4. On transient events in the upper atmosphere generated away of thunderstorm regions (United States)

    Morozenko, V.; Garipov, G.; Khrenov, B.; Klimov, P.; Panasyuk, M.; Sharakin, S.; Zotov, M.


    Experimental data on transient events in UV and Red-IR ranges obtained in the MSU missions "Unversitetsky-Tatiana" (wavelengths 300-400 nm) and "Unversitetsky-Tatiana-2" (wavelengths 300-400 nm and 600-800 nm), published by Garipov et al, in 2010 at COSPAR session, at TEPA conference and in 2011 by Sadovnichy et al, Solar System Research, 45, #1, 3-29 (2011); Vedenkin et al, JETP, v. 140, issue 3(9), 1-11 (2011) demonstrated existence of transients at large distances (up to thousands km) away of cloud thunderstorm regions. Those "remote" transients are short (1-5 msec) and are less luminous than the transients above thunderstorm regions. The ratio of Red-IR to UV photon numbers in those transients indicates high altitude of their origin (~70 km). Important observation facts are also: 1. a change of the exponent in transient distribution on luminosity Q ("-1" for photon numbers Q=1020 -1023 to "-2" for Q>1023), 2. a change of global distribution of transient with their luminosity (transients with Q>1023 are concentrated in equatorial range above continents, while transients with low luminosity are distributed more uniformly), 3. a phenomenon of transient sequences in one satellite orbit which is close to geomagnetic meridian. In the present paper phenomenological features of transients are explained in assumption that the observed transients have to be divided in two classes: 1. transients related to local, lower in the atmosphere, lightning at distance not more than hundreds km from satellite detector field of view in the atmosphere and 2. transients generated by far away lightning. Local transients are luminous and presumably are events called "transient luminous events" (TLE). In distribution on luminosity those events have some threshold Q~1023 and their differential luminosity distribution is approximated by power law exponent "-2". Remote transients have to be considered separately. Their

  5. Transient fault tolerant control for vehicle brake-by-wire systems

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Huang, Shuang; Zhou, Chunjie; Yang, Lili; Qin, Yuanqing; Huang, Xiongfeng; Hu, Bowen


    Brake-by-wire (BBW) systems that have no mechanical linkage between the brake pedal and the brake mechanism are expected to improve vehicle safety through better braking capability. However, transient faults in BBW systems can cause dangerous driving situations. Most existing research in this area focuses on the brake control mechanism, but very few studies try to solve the problem associated with transient fault propagation and evolution in the brake control system hierarchy. In this paper, a hierarchical transient fault tolerant scheme with embedded intelligence and resilient coordination for BBW system is proposed based on the analysis of transient fault propagation characteristics. In this scheme, most transient faults are tackled rapidly by a signature-based detection method at the node level, and the remaining transient faults, which cannot be detected directly at the node level and could degrade the system performance through fault propagation and evolution, are detected and recovered through function and structure models at the system level. To jointly accommodate these BBW transient faults at the system level, a sliding mode control algorithm and a task reallocation strategy are designed. A simulation platform based on Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) is established to evaluate the task reallocation strategy, and a hardware-in-the-loop simulation is carried out to validate the proposed scheme systematically. Experimental results show the effectiveness of this new approach to BBW systems. - Highlights: • We propose a hierarchical transient fault tolerant scheme for BBW systems. • A sliding mode algorithm and a task strategy are designed to tackle transient fault. • The effectiveness of the scheme is verified in both simulation and HIL environments.

  6. Gain reduction measurements in transient stimulated Raman scattering

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Heeman, R.J.; Godfried, H.P


    Threshold energy measurements of transient rotational stimulated Raman scattering are compared to Raman conversion calculations from semiclassical theories using a simple concept of a gain reduction factor which expresses the reduction of the gain from its steady-state value due to transient

  7. Characterization of electrical appliances in transient state (United States)

    Wójcik, Augustyn; Winiecki, Wiesław


    The article contains the study about electrical appliance characterization on the basis of power grid signals. To represent devices, parameters of current and voltage signals recorded during transient states are used. In this paper only transients occurring as a result of switching on devices are considered. The way of data acquisition performed in specialized measurement setup developed for electricity load monitoring is described. The paper presents the method of transients detection and the method of appliance parameters calculation. Using the set of acquired measurement data and appropriate software the set of parameters for several household appliances operating in different operating conditions was processed. Usefulness of appliances characterization in Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring System (NIALMS) with the use of proposed method is discussed focusing on obtained results.

  8. <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> como promotor del crecimiento vegetal del maracuyá (<em>Passiflora edulisem> var. <em>flavicarpa> Degener

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Cubillos-Hinojosa Juan


    Full Text Available

    Se realizó un experimento en condiciones de laboratorio e invernadero, con el propósito de evaluar el efecto de la cepa nativa TCN-014 y la cepa comercial TCC-005 de <em>Trichoderma harzianumem> sobre la germinación y el crecimiento temprano del maracuyá. Se adecuaron inóculos de 104, 106 y 108 conidias/mL para cada cepa y se aplicaron a semillas de maracuyá; se evaluó el número de semillas germinadas durante 15 días; se calculó el porcentaje de germinación, el índice de velocidad de germinación y el tiempo medio de germinación. Posteriormente las semillas germinadas se llevaron a condiciones de invernadero y transcurridos dos meses se midió la altura de las plántulas, el grosor del tallo, el número de hojas, la longitud de la raíz y el peso seco total. Todos los tratamientos estimularon la germinación de las semillas y el desarrollo de las plántulas; sin embargo la cepa nativa en concentraciones 106 y 108 conidias/mL mostró resultados superiores frente a la cepa comercial. Los resultados sugieren una acción efectiva de <em>T. harzianumem> como promotor de crecimiento vegetal, mostrando que tiene potencial para la elaboración de un bioproducto útil para el manejo ecológico del cultivo de maracuyá.

  9. Radio and white-light observations of coronal transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Dulk, G.A.


    Optical, radio and X-ray evidence of violent mass motions in the corona has existed for some years but only recently have the form, nature, frequency and implication of the transients become obvious. The author reviews the observed properties of coronal transients, concentrating on the white-light and radio manifestations. The classification according to speeds seems to be meaningful, with the slow transients having thermal emissions at radio wavelengths and the fast ones non-thermal. The possible mechanisms involved in the radio bursts are discussed and the estimates of various forms of energy are reviewed. It appears that the magnetic energy transported from the Sun by the transient exceeds that of any other form, and that magnetic forces dominate in the dynamics of the motions. The conversion of magnetic energy into mechanical energy, by expansion of the fields, provides a possible driving force for the coronal and interplanetary shock waves. (Auth.)

  10. Transient selection in multicellular immune networks (United States)

    Ivanchenko, M. V.


    We analyze the dynamics of a multi-clonotype naive T-cell population competing for survival signals from antigen-presenting cells. We find that this competition provides with an efficacious selection of clonotypes, making the less able and more repetitive get extinct. We uncover the scaling principles for large systems the extinction rate obeys and calibrate the model parameters to their experimental counterparts. For the first time, we estimate the physiological values of the T-cell receptor-antigen presentation profile recognition probability and T-cell clonotypes niche overlap. We demonstrate that, while the ultimate state is a stable fixed point, sequential transients dominate the dynamics over large timescales that may span over years, if not decades, in real time. We argue that what is currently viewed as "homeostasis" is a complex sequential transient process, while being quasi-stationary in the total number of T-cells only. The discovered type of sequential transient dynamics in large random networks is a novel alternative to the stable heteroclinic channel mechanism.

  11. Turbofan compressor dynamics during afterburner transients (United States)

    Kurkov, A. P.


    The effects of afterburner light-off and shut-down transients on the compressor stability are investigated. The reported experimental results are based on detailed high response pressure and temperature measurements on the TF30-P-3 turbofan engine. The tests were performed in an altitude test chamber simulating high altitude engine operation. It is shown that during both types of transients, flow breaks down in the forward part of the fan bypass duct. At a sufficiently low engine inlet pressure this resulted in a compressor stall. Complete flow breakdown within the compressor was preceded by a rotating stall. At some locations in the compressor, rotating stall cells initially extended only through part of the blade span. For the shutdown transient the time between first and last detected occurrence of rotating stall is related to the flow Reynolds number. An attempt was made to deduce the number and speed of propagation of rotating stall cells.

  12. Segregation of lipids near acetylcholine-receptor channels imaged by cryo-EM

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Nigel Unwin


    Full Text Available Rapid communication at the chemical synapse depends on the action of ion channels residing in the postsynaptic membrane. The channels open transiently upon the binding of a neurotransmitter released from the presynaptic nerve terminal, eliciting an electrical response. Membrane lipids also play a vital but poorly understood role in this process of synaptic transmission. The present study examines the lipid distribution around nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh receptors in tubular vesicles made from postsynaptic membranes of the Torpedo ray, taking advantage of the recent advances in cryo-EM. A segregated distribution of lipid molecules is found in the outer leaflet of the bilayer. Apparent cholesterol-rich patches are located in specific annular regions next to the transmembrane helices and also in a more extended `microdomain' between the apposed δ subunits of neighbouring receptors. The particular lipid distribution can be interpreted straightforwardly in relation to the gating movements revealed by an earlier time-resolved cryo-EM study, in which the membranes were exposed briefly to ACh. The results suggest that in addition to stabilizing the protein, cholesterol may play a mechanical role by conferring local rigidity to the membrane so that there is productive coupling between the extracellular and membrane domains, leading to opening of the channel.

  13. Study and program implementation of transient curves' piecewise linearization

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Shi Yang; Zu Hongbiao


    Background: Transient curves are essential for the stress analysis of related equipment in nuclear power plant (NPP). The actually operating data or the design transient data of a NPP usually consist of a large number of data points with very short time intervals. To simplify the analysis, transient curves are generally piecewise linearized in advance. Up to now, the piecewise linearization of transient curves is accomplished manually, Purpose: The aim is to develop a method for the piecewise linearization of transient curves, and to implement it by programming. Methods: First of all, the fitting line of a number of data points was obtained by the least square method. The segment of the fitting line is set while the accumulation error of linearization exceeds the preset limit with the increasing number of points. Then the linearization of subsequent data points was begun from the last point of the preceding curve segment to get the next segment in the same way, and continue until the final data point involved. Finally, averaging of junction points is taken for the segment connection. Results: A computer program named PLTC (Piecewise Linearization for Transient Curves) was implemented and verified by the linearization of the standard sine curve and typical transient curves of a NPP. Conclusion: The method and the PLTC program can be well used to the piecewise linearization of transient curves, with improving efficiency and precision. (authors)

  14. OGLE-IV Transient Search report 26 August 2016 (United States)

    Wyrzykowski, L.; Sitek, M.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Udalski, A.; Kozlowski, S.; Klencki, J.


    The OGLE-IV Transient Detection System (Wyrzykowski et al. 2014, AcA,64,197; Kozlowski et al. 2013; Klencki et al. 2016, AcA, 66,15) announces resumption of operation in the beginning of 2016B season and discovery of 45 new on-going transients.

  15. Analysis of forced convective transient boiling by homogeneous model of two-phase flow

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kataoka, Isao


    Transient forced convective boiling is of practical importance in relation to the accident analysis of nuclear reactor etc. For large length-to-diameter ratio, the transient boiling characteristics are predicted by transient two-phase flow calculations. Based on homogeneous model of two-phase flow, the transient forced convective boiling for power and flow transients are analysed. Analytical expressions of various parameters of transient two-phase flow have been obtained for several simple cases of power and flow transients. Based on these results, heat flux, velocity and time at transient CHF condition are predicted analytically for step and exponential power increases, and step, exponential and linear velocity decreases. The effects of various parameters on heat flux, velocity and time at transient CHF condition have been clarified. Numerical approach combined with analytical method is proposed for more complicated cases. Solution method for pressure transient are also described. (author)

  16. Estudo da Reação da Desitratação da Gipsita Em Meio Aquoso Num Reator de Batelada (parr) Para Produção de Gesso Alfa


    Pereira, Pedro Leiz de Mendonça


    A partir da reação de desidratação da gipsita (CaSO4.2H2O) pode-se obter o Gesso (CaSO4.1/2H2O) do tipo alfa e do tipo beta, dependendo das condições nas quais ocorre a reação. A produção do gesso alfa é mais complexa, por tratar-se de um produto com características de maior valor agregado e com aplicação diferenciada. O presente trabalho visa o estudo dos aspectos termocinéticos da reação de desidratação da gipsita para obtenção do gesso alfa em meio aquoso, e procura trazer maiores informaç...

  17. Effect of β,β-Dimethylacrylshikonin on Inhibition of Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth <em>in Vitro em>and <em>in Vivoem>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ting Feng


    Full Text Available In traditional Chinese medicine, shikonin and its derivatives, has been used in East Asia for several years for the prevention and treatment of several diseases, including cancer. We previously identified that β,β-dimethylacrylshikonin (DA could inhibit hepatocellular carcinoma growth. In the present study, we investigated the inhibitory effects of DA on human colorectal cancer (CRC cell line HCT-116 <em>in vitroem> and <em>in vivoem>. A viability assay showed that DA could inhibit tumor cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Flow cytometry showed that DA blocks the cell cycle at G0/G1 phase. Western blotting results demonstrated that the induction of apoptosis by DA correlated with the induction of pro-apoptotic proteins Bax, and Bid, and a decrease in the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl. Furthermore, treatment of HCT-116 bearing nude mice with DA significantly retarded the growth of xenografts. Consistent with the results <em>in vitroem>, the DA-mediated suppression of HCT-116 xenografts correlated with Bax and Bcl-2. Taken together, these results suggest that DA could be a novel and promising approach to the treatment of CRC.

  18. Enrichment and Purification of Syringin, Eleutheroside E and Isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus> by Macroporous Resin

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    Yuangang Zu


    Full Text Available In order to screen a suitable resin for the preparative simultaneous separation and purification of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin from <em>Acanthopanax> <em>senticosus>, the adsorption and desorption properties of 17 widely used commercial macroporous resins were evaluated. According to our results, HPD100C, which adsorbs by the molecular tiers model, was the best macroporous resin, offering higher adsorption and desorption capacities and higher adsorption speed for syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin than other resins. Dynamic adsorption and desorption tests were carried out to optimize the process parameters. The optimal conditions were as follows: for adsorption, processing volume: 24 BV, flow rate: 2 BV/h; for desorption, ethanol–water solution: 60:40 (v/v, eluent volume: 4 BV, flow rate: 3 BV/h. Under the above conditions, the contents of syringin, eleutheroside E and isofraxidin increased 174-fold, 20-fold and 5-fold and their recoveries were 80.93%, 93.97% and 93.79%, respectively.

  19. Os deletérios impactos da crise nuclear no Japão

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    Paulo Marques


    Full Text Available O artigo aborda o acidente nuclear no Japão em 11 de março de 2011. Em decorrência do terremoto seguido de tsunami, foram danificados três dos seis reatores existentes no complexo Daiichi-Fukushima. Ocorreram explosões, seguidas da liberação de materiais radiativos ao meio ambiente. São mostrados os efeitos danosos nos casos da exposição do homem a radiações. Comenta-se a existência do principal nó górdio da geração nucleoelétrica, que é a produção do indescartável lixo atômico.This work reports the severe nuclear incident occurred in Japan on March 11, 2011, due a earthquake followed by tsunami, where three of six existing reactors in Daiichi-Fukushima were damaged. The explosions with releasing of radioactive materials to environment have been discussed. It has shown the harmful effects of radiations to the exposed human being. Besides, the existence of the main impediment of the nuclear electric generation represented by production of non-disposable atomic waste has been discussed.

  20. 47 CFR 90.214 - Transient frequency behavior. (United States)


    ... 47 Telecommunication 5 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Transient frequency behavior. 90.214 Section 90... PRIVATE LAND MOBILE RADIO SERVICES General Technical Standards § 90.214 Transient frequency behavior... Behavior for Equipment Designed to Operate on 25 kHz Channels t1 4 ±25.0 kHz 5.0 ms 10.0 ms t2 ±12.5 kHz 20...

  1. Training for Defense? From Stochastic Traits to Synchrony in Giant Honey Bees (<em>Apis dorsataem>

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    Gerald Kastberger


    Full Text Available In Giant Honey Bees, abdomen flipping happens in a variety of contexts. It can be either synchronous or cascaded, such as in the collective defense traits of shimmering and rearing-up, or it can happen as single-agent behavior. Abdomen flipping is also involved in flickering behavior, which occurs regularly under quiescent colony state displaying singular or collective traits, with stochastic, and (semi- synchronized properties. It presumably acts via visual, mechanoceptive, and pheromonal pathways and its goals are still unknown. This study questions whether flickering is preliminary to shimmering which is subject of the <em>fs em>(flickering-shimmering-transition> hypothesis? We tested the respective prediction that trigger sites (<em>ts> at the nest surface (where shimmering waves had been generated show higher flickering activity than the alternative non-trigger sites (<em>nts>. We measured the flickering activity of <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-surface bees from two experimental nests, before and after the colony had been aroused by a dummy wasp. Arousal increased rate and intensity of the flickering activity of both <em>ts>- and <em>nts> cohorts (P < 0.05, whereby the flickering intensity of <em>ts>-bees were higher than that of <em>nts>-bees (P < 0.05. Under arousal, the colonies also increased the number of flickering-active <em>ts>- and <em>nts>-cohorts (P < 0.05. This provides evidence that cohorts which are specialist at launching shimmering waves are found across the quiescent nest zone. It also proves that arousal may reinforce the responsiveness of quiescent curtain bees for participating in shimmering, practically by recruiting additional trigger site bees for expanding repetition of rate and intensity of shimmering waves. This finding confirms the <em>fs-transition> hypothesis and constitutes evidence that flickering is part of a basal colony-intrinsic information system


    Mishulin, Aleksey; Ghandi, Sachin; Apple, Daniel; Lin, Xihui; Hu, Jonathan; Abrams, Gary W


    To report a case of inducible transient central retinal artery vasospasm with associated imaging. Observational case report. A 51-year-old man presented for outpatient follow-up for recurrent inducible transient vision loss in his right eye. He experienced an episode during examination and was found to have central retinal artery vasospasm. Fundus photography and fluorescein angiography obtained during his vasospastic attack confirmed retinal arterial vasospasm. Treatment with a calcium-channel blocker (nifedipine) has been effective in preventing recurrent attacks. Idiopathic primary vasospasm is a rare cause of transient vision loss that is difficult to confirm because of the transient nature. We obtained imaging showing the initiation and resolution of the vasospastic event. The patient was then successfully treated with a calcium-channel blocker.

  3. Transient behaviour of small HTR for cogeneration

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Verkerk, E.C.; Van Heek, A.I.


    The Dutch market for combined generation of heat and power identifies a unit size of 40 MW thermal for the conceptual design of a nuclear cogeneration plant. The ACACIA system provides 14 MWe electricity combined with 17 t/h of high temperature steam (220 deg C, 10 bar) with a pebble-bed high temperature reactor directly coupled with a helium compressor and a helium turbine. The design of this small CHP unit that is used for industrial applications is mainly based on a pre-feasibility study in 1996, performed by a joint working group of five Dutch organisations, in which technical feasibility was shown. Thermal hydraulic and reactor physics analyses show favourable control characteristics during normal operation and a benign response to loss of helium coolant and loss of flow conditions. Throughout the response on these highly infrequent conditions, ample margin exists between the highest fuel temperatures and the temperature above which fuel degradation will occur. To come to quantitative statements about the ACACIA transient behaviour, a calculational coupling between the high temperature reactor core analysis code package PANTHER/DIREKT and the thermal hydraulic code RELAP5 for the energy conversion system has been made. This coupling offers a more realistic simulation of the entire system, since it removes the necessity of forcing boundary conditions on the simulation models at the data transfer points. In this paper, the models used for the dynamic components of the energy conversion system are described, and the results of the calculation for two operational transients in order to demonstrate the effects of the interaction between reactor core and its energy conversion system are shown. Several transient cases that are representative as operational transients for an HTR will be discussed, including one representing a load rejection case that shows the functioning of the control system, in particular the bypass valve. Another transient is a load following

  4. The Pan-STARRS Survey for Transients (PSST) (United States)

    Huber, Mark; Carter Chambers, Kenneth; Flewelling, Heather; Smartt, Stephen J.; Smith, Ken; Wright, Darryl


    The Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) Science Consortium finished the 3Pi survey of the whole sky north of -30 degrees between 2010-2014 in grizy (PS1 specific filters) and the PS1 telescope has been running a wide-field survey for near earth objects, funded by NASA through the NEO Observation Program. This survey takes data in a w-band (wide-band filter spanning g,r,i) in dark time, and combinations of r, i, z and y during bright time. We are now processing these data through the Pan-STARRS IPP difference imaging pipeline and recovering stationary transients. Effectively the 3Pi survey for transients that started during the PS1 Science Consortium is being continued under the new NEO optimized operations mode. The observing procedure in this case is to take a quad of exposures, typically 30-45 seconds separated by 10-20 minutes each, typically revealing high confidence transients (greater than 5-sigma) to depths of i~ 20.7, y~18.3 (AB mags). This cadence may be repeated on subsequent nights in a return pointing.Continuing the public release of the first 880 transients from the PS1 3Pi survey during the search period September 2013 - January 2014, beginning February 2015, the transient events using the data from the the Pan-STARRS NEO Science Consortium are now regularly added. These are mostly supernova candidates, but the list also contains some variable stars, AGN, and nuclear transients. The light curves are too sparsely sampled to be of standalone use, but they may be of use to the community in combining with existing data (e.g. Fraser et al. 2013, ApJ, 779, L8), constraining explosion and rise times (e.g. Nicholl et al. 2013, Nature, 502, 346) as well as many being new discoveries.For additional details visit

  5. Theory of strong-field attosecond transient absorption

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Wu, Mengxi; Chen, Shaohao; Camp, Seth; Schafer, Kenneth J; Gaarde, Mette B


    Attosecond transient absorption is one of the promising new techniques being developed to exploit the availability of sub-femtosecond extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses to study the dynamics of the electron on its natural time scale. The temporal resolution in a transient absorption setup comes from the control of the relative delay and coherence between pump and probe pulses, while the spectral resolution comes from the characteristic width of the features that are being probed. In this review we focus on transient absorption scenarios where an attosecond pulse of XUV radiation creates a broadband excitation that is subsequently probed by a few cycle infrared (IR) laser. Because the attosecond XUV pulses are locked to the IR field cycle, the exchange of energy in the laser–matter interaction can be studied with unprecedented precision. We focus on the transient absorption by helium atoms of XUV radiation around the first ionization threshold, where we can simultaneoulsy solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for the single atom response and the Maxwell wave equation for the collective response of the nonlinear medium. We use a time-domain method that allows us to treat on an equal footing all the different linear and nonlinear processes by which the medium can exchange energy with the fields. We present several simple models, based on a few-level system interacting with a strong IR field, to explain many of the novel features found in attosecond transient absorption spectrograms. These include the presence of light-induced states, which demonstrate the ability to probe the dressed states of the atom. We also present a time-domain interpretation of the resonant pulse propagation features that appear in absorption spectra in dense, macroscopic media. We close by reviewing several recent experimental results that can be explained in terms of the models we discuss. Our aim is to present a road map for understanding future attosecond transient absorption

  6. Radio and white-light observations of coronal transients (United States)

    Dulk, G. A.


    Optical, radio and X-ray evidence of violent mass motions in the corona has existed for some years but only recently have the form, nature, frequency and implication of the transients become obvious. In this paper the observed properties of coronal transients are reviewed, with concentration on the white-light and radio manifestations. The classification according to speeds seems to be meaningful, with the slow transients having thermal emissions at radio wavelengths and the fast ones nonthermal. The possible mechanisms involved in the radio bursts are then discussed and estimates of various forms of energy are reviewed. It appears that the magnetic energy transported from the sun by the transient exceeds that of any other form, and that magnetic forces dominate in the dynamics of the motions. The conversion of magnetic energy into mechanical energy, by expansion of the field, provides a possible driving force for the coronal and interplanetary shock waves.

  7. Complete BWR--EM LOCA analysis using the WRAP--EM system

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Beckmeyer, R.R.; Gregory, M.V.; Buckner, M.R.


    The Water Reactor Analysis Package, Evaluation Model (WRAP--EM), provides a complete analysis of postulated loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA's) in light--water nuclear power reactors. The system is being developed at the Savannah River Laboratory (SRL) for use by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to interpret and evaluate reactor vendor, evaluation model (EM) analyses. The initial version of the WRAP--EM system for analysis of boiling water reactors (BWR's) is operational. To demonstrate the complete capability of the WRAP--BWR--EM system, a LOCA analysis has been performed for the Hope Creek Plant

  8. Transients and burn dynamics in advanced tokamak fusion reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Mantsinen, M.J.; Salomaa, R.R.E.


    Transient behavior of D 3 He-tokamak reactors is investigated numerically using a zero-dimensional code with prescribed profiles. Pure D 3 He start-up is compared to DT-assisted and DT-ignited start-ups. We have considered two categories of transients which could extinguish steady fusion burn: fuelling interruptions and sudden confinement changes similar to the L → H transients occurring in present-day tokamaks. Shutdown with various current and density ramp-down scenarios are studied, too. (author)

  9. Supercritical Fluid Extraction of <em>Eucalyptus globulusem> Bark—A Promising Approach for Triterpenoid Production<em>>

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Carlos M. Silva


    Full Text Available Eucalyptus bark contains significant amounts of triterpenoids with demonstrated bioactivity, namely triterpenic acids and their acetyl derivatives (ursolic, betulinic, oleanolic, betulonic, 3-acetylursolic, and 3-acetyloleanolic acids. In this work, the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE of <em>Eucalyptus> <em>globulus> deciduous bark was carried out with pure and modified carbon dioxide to recover this fraction, and the results were compared with those obtained by Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane. The effects of pressure (100–200 bar, co-solvent (ethanol content (0, 5 and 8% wt, and multistep operation were studied in order to evaluate the applicability of SFE for their selective and efficient production. The individual extraction curves of the main families of compounds were measured, and the extracts analyzed by GC-MS. Results pointed out the influence of pressure and the important role played by the co-solvent. Ethanol can be used with advantage, since its effect is more important than increasing pressure by several tens of bar. At 160 bar and 40 °C, the introduction of 8% (wt of ethanol greatly improves the yield of triterpenoids more than threefold.

  10. <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> Disrupts Host Cell Membranes, Initiating a Repair Response and Cell Proliferation

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    Hsueh-Fen Juan


    Full Text Available <em>Helicobacter pyloriem> (<em>H. pyloriem>, the human stomach pathogen, lives on the inner surface of the stomach and causes chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. Plasma membrane repair response is a matter of life and death for human cells against physical and biological damage. We here test the hypothesis that <em>H. pyloriem> also causes plasma membrane disruption injury, and that not only a membrane repair response but also a cell proliferation response are thereby activated. Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA and cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA have been considered to be major <em>H. pyloriem> virulence factors. Gastric cancer cells were infected with <em>H. pyloriem> wild type (vacA+/cagA+, single mutant (ΔvacA or ΔcagA or double mutant (ΔvacA/ΔcagA strains and plasma membrane disruption events and consequent activation of membrane repair components monitored. <em>H. pyloriem> disrupts the host cell plasma membrane, allowing localized dye and extracellular Ca2+ influx. Ca2+-triggered members of the annexin family, A1 and A4, translocate, in response to injury, to the plasma membrane, and cell surface expression of an exocytotic maker of repair, LAMP-2, increases. Additional forms of plasma membrane disruption, unrelated to <em>H.> pylori em>exposure, also promote host cell proliferation. We propose that <em>H. pyloriem> activation of a plasma membrane repair is pro-proliferative. This study might therefore provide new insight into potential mechanisms of <em>H. pyloriem>-induced gastric carcinogenesis.

  11. Separative performance transients in a gas centrifuge

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Olander, D.R.


    A general method has been developed to calculate the behavior of the exit compositions from a gas centrifuge under unsteady conditions. The method utilizes the basic enrichment gradient equations derived by Cohen, which, in this case, contain time derivatives of the partial 235 U inventories. These partial differential equations are converted to ordinary differential equations by a linear approximation to the axial concentration distribution for use in the inventory terms only. With this simplification, analytical solution is possible for the feed concentration transient. The transient driven by a change in the feed flow rate, however, requires numerical solution. For analysis of ideal cascades in the unsteady state, the transient flow and separation characteristics of the centrifuge must be combined with total uranium and 235 U material balances on each stage

  12. Transient risk factors of acute occupational injuries

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Østerlund, Anna H; Lander, Flemming; Nielsen, Kent


    Objectives The objectives of this study were to (i) identify transient risk factors of occupational injuries and (ii) determine if the risk varies with age, injury severity, job task, and industry risk level. Method A case-crossover design was used to examine the effect of seven specific transient...... risk factors (time pressure, disagreement with someone, feeling sick, being distracted by someone, non-routine task, altered surroundings, and broken machinery and materials) for occupational injuries. In the study, 1693 patients with occupational injuries were recruited from a total of 4002...... in relation to sex, age, job task, industry risk level, or injury severity. Conclusion Use of a case-crossover design identified several worker-related transient risk factors (time pressure, feeling sick, being distracted by someone) that led to significantly increased risks for occupational injuries...

  13. Hydrological controls on transient aquifer storage in a karst watershed (United States)

    Spellman, P.; Martin, J.; Gulley, J. D.


    While surface storage of floodwaters is well-known to attenuate flood peaks, transient storage of floodwaters in aquifers is a less recognized mechanism of flood peak attenuation. The hydraulic gradient from aquifer to river controls the magnitude of transient aquifer storage and is ultimately a function of aquifer hydraulic conductivity, and effective porosity. Because bedrock and granular aquifers tend to have lower hydraulic conductivities and porosities, their ability to attenuate flood peaks is generally small. In karst aquifers, however, extensive cave systems create high hydraulic conductivities and porosities that create low antecedent hydraulic gradients between aquifers and rivers. Cave springs can reverse flow during high discharges in rivers, temporarily storing floodwaters in the aquifer thus reducing the magnitude of flood discharge downstream. To date however, very few studies have quantified the magnitude or controls of transient aquifer storage in karst watersheds. We therefore investigate controls on transient aquifer storage by using 10 years of river and groundwater data from the Suwannee River Basin, which flows over the karstic upper Floridan aquifer in north-central Florida. We use multiple linear regression to compare the effects of three hydrological controls on the magnitude of transient aquifer storage: antecedent stage, recharge and slope of hydrograph rise. We show the dominant control on transient aquifer storage is antecedent stage, whereby lower stages result in greater magnitudes of transient aquifer storage. Our results suggest that measures of groundwater levels prior to an event can be useful in determining whether transient aquifer storage will occur and may provide a useful metric for improving predictions of flood magnitudes.

  14. Bright PanSTARRS Nuclear Transients – what are they?

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Smartt S.


    Full Text Available We present an initial analysis of 49 bright transients occurring in the nuclei of galaxies with no previous known Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN. They have been discovered as part of the PanSTARRs 3π survey, and followed up with the Liverpool Telescope. Based on colours, light curve shape, and a small number with optical spectra, these transients seem to fall into three groups. Red/fast transients are nuclear supernovae of various types. Some bright nuclear transients are blue and decay on a timescale of a few months; these may be candidates for tidal disruption events. However most of the events we have found are blue and are either still rising or decaying slowly, on a timescale of years; the few spectra we have show AGN at z ∼ 1. We argue that these transients are background AGN microlensed by stars in foreground galaxies by a factor 10–100. Monitoring such events gives us very promising prospects for measuring the structure of AGN and so testing current theories.

  15. Boom or bust? A comparative analysis of transient population dynamics in plants

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Stott, Iain; Franco, Miguel; Carslake, David


    researchers as further possible effectors of complicated dynamics. Previously published methods of transient analysis have tended to require knowledge of initial population structure. However, this has been overcome by the recent development of the parametric Kreiss bound (which describes how large...... a population must become before reaching its maximum possible transient amplification following a disturbance) and the extension of this and other transient indices to simultaneously describe both amplified and attenuated transient dynamics. We apply the Kreiss bound and other transient indices to a data base...... worrying artefact of basic model parameterization. Synthesis. Transient indices describe how big or how small plant populations can get, en route to long-term stable rates of increase or decline. The patterns we found in the potential for transient dynamics, across many species of plants, suggest...


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    Alfredo Carlos Storck


    Full Text Available

    In a very famous passage of his <em>Institutes>, the ancient jurist Gaius had divided the Roman Private Law in two parts: the Civil Law and the Law of People. The former is the Law created by the Roman people, whereas the latter is the Law followed by every nation.

    Despite its classical origin, there is some disagreement among specialists about the right way to interpret this distinction. By the beginning of the 20th century, historians like Michel Villey had seen in this distinction the influence of Greek philosophy (Stoic but even Aristotelian among the Roman jurists. But Levy and more recently Kelly have challenged this view and proposed that, in the roman period, philosophers and jurists had completely distinct notions of nature and natural law. The aim of this paper is not to prove the exact influence of Greek philosophy among jurists, but only to suggest that it is not possible to give an interpretation of the classical texts without ascribing to them a theoretical notion of the natural law.

    Em uma famosa passagem de suas <em>Institutas>, o jurista romano Gaio dividiu o direito privado em duas partes: o direito civil e o direito dos povos. O primeiro é o direito criado pelo povo romano enquanto o segundo é o direito seguido por todas as nações. A despeito de sua origem clássica, os especialistas discordam acerca do modo de interpretar essa tese. No início do século XX, historiadores como Michel Villey viram na distinção sinais da influência da filosofia grega (estóica e mesmo aristotélica entre os juristas romanos. Posteriormente Levy e mais recentemente Kelly contestaram essa afirmação e defenderam que filósofos e juristas possuíam, no período clássico, noções de natureza e direito natural completamente distintas. O objetivo desse artigo não está em provar a exata influência da filosofia grega entre os juristas, mas apenas em sugerir que não é possível fornecer uma interpretação dos

  17. Transient waves in visco-elastic media

    CERN Document Server

    Ricker, Norman


    Developments in Solid Earth Geophysics 10: Transient Waves in Visco-Elastic Media deals with the propagation of transient elastic disturbances in visco-elastic media. More specifically, it explores the visco-elastic behavior of a medium, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid, for very-small-amplitude disturbances. This volume provides a historical overview of the theory of the propagation of elastic waves in solid bodies, along with seismic prospecting and the nature of seismograms. It also discusses the seismic experiments, the behavior of waves propagated in accordance with the Stokes wave

  18. Transient elastography for liver fibrosis diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ellen Sloth; Christensen, Peer Brehm; Weis, Nina


    Liver biopsy is considered the "golden standard" for assessment of hepatic fibrosis. However, the procedure has limitations because of inconvenience and rare but serious complications as bleeding. Furthermore, sampling errors are frequent, and interobserver variability often poses problems....... Recently, a modified ultrasound scanner (transient elastography) has been developed to assess fibrosis. The device measures liver elasticity, which correlates well with the degree of fibrosis. Studies have shown that transient elastography is more accurate in diagnosing cirrhosis than minor to moderate...... to be a valuable diagnostic procedure and follow-up of patients with chronic liver diseases....

  19. Transient elastography for liver fibrosis diagnosis

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Andersen, Ellen Sloth; Christensen, Peer Brehm; Weis, Nina


    Liver biopsy is considered the "golden standard" for assessment of hepatic fibrosis. However, the procedure has limitations because of inconvenience and rare but serious complications as bleeding. Furthermore, sampling errors are frequent, and interobserver variability often poses problems....... Recently, a modified ultrasound scanner (transient elastography) has been developed to assess fibrosis. The device measures liver elasticity, which correlates well with the degree of fibrosis. Studies have shown that transient elastography is more accurate in diagnosing cirrhosis than minor to moderate...... to be a valuable diagnostic procedure and follow-up of patients with chronic liver diseases....

  20. Local feeding specialization of the red fox (<em>Vulpes vulpesem> in response to eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> introduction (NW Italy

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Balestrieri


    Full Text Available Abstract To appreciate the influence of the introduction of the Eastern cottontail (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> on the food habits of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes, between June 1998 and February 2000 fox diet was investigated by means of scat analysis (N=115 in a 250 ha wide Natural Reserve of NW Italy, and compared with data collected in the same area prior to cottontail colonization (1988-1989. Comparison included also the diet of badgers (<em>Meles melesem>, considered as potential competitors for food resources. Alien lagomorphs (mean percent volume, Vm% = 68% represented by far the most exploited resource, only three other food items reaching values of mean percent volume barely higher than 5%. Cottontails frequency of occurrence did not vary according either to season or to their reproductive cycle (II-IX vs. X-I, whilst diet niche breadth varied inversely proportional to the use of this key-resource. Overall fox trophic niche breadth varied from 0.64 in 1988-89 to 0.31 in 1998-00 (B, Levin’s index. These findings led us to consider the feeding habits of the fox in the study area as a result of local specialization of a typical generalist carnivore, according to the predictions of optimal foraging theory. No variation occurred in the badger niche breadth since cottontail introduction, whilst niche overlap between foxes and badgers decreased from 0.59 to 0.13 (O, Pianka’s index, possibly reducing competition for food in summer. Riassunto Specializzazione alimentare a livello locale della Volpe <em>Vulpes vulpesem> in risposta all’introduzione del Silvilago <em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> (Italia nord occidentale. Per valutare gli effetti dell’introduzione del Silvilago (<em>Sylvilagus floridanusem> sul comportamento alimentare della volpe (<em>Vulpes vulpesem>, nel periodo giugno 1998-febbraio 2000, la dieta del carnivoro è stata definita tramite l’analisi di 115

  1. Transient virulence of emerging pathogens. (United States)

    Bolker, Benjamin M; Nanda, Arjun; Shah, Dharmini


    Should emerging pathogens be unusually virulent? If so, why? Existing theories of virulence evolution based on a tradeoff between high transmission rates and long infectious periods imply that epidemic growth conditions will select for higher virulence, possibly leading to a transient peak in virulence near the beginning of an epidemic. This transient selection could lead to high virulence in emerging pathogens. Using a simple model of the epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of emerging pathogens, along with rough estimates of parameters for pathogens such as severe acute respiratory syndrome, West Nile virus and myxomatosis, we estimated the potential magnitude and timing of such transient virulence peaks. Pathogens that are moderately evolvable, highly transmissible, and highly virulent at equilibrium could briefly double their virulence during an epidemic; thus, epidemic-phase selection could contribute significantly to the virulence of emerging pathogens. In order to further assess the potential significance of this mechanism, we bring together data from the literature for the shapes of tradeoff curves for several pathogens (myxomatosis, HIV, and a parasite of Daphnia) and the level of genetic variation for virulence for one (myxomatosis). We discuss the need for better data on tradeoff curves and genetic variance in order to evaluate the plausibility of various scenarios of virulence evolution.

  2. Transient osteoporosis of hip

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Mahesh M Choudhary


    Full Text Available We report a case of transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH in a 50-year-old man including the clinical presentation, diagnostic studies, management, and clinical progress. TOH is a rare self-limiting condition that typically affects middle-aged men or, less frequently, women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Affected individuals present clinically with acute hip pain, limping gait, and limited ranges of hip motion. TOH may begin spontaneously or after a minor trauma. Radiographs are typically unremarkable but magnetic resonance (MR imaging studies yield findings consistent with bone marrow edema. TOH is referred to as regional migratory osteoporosis (RMO if it travels to other joints or the contralateral hip. TOH often resembles osteonecrosis but the two conditions must be differentiated due to different prognoses and management approaches. The term TOH is often used interchangeably and synonymously with transient bone marrow edema (TBME.

  3. Opportunities for practical improvements in the management of plant transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zebroski, E.L.


    This chapter attempts to provide some perspectives on the steps involved in analyzing, evaluating, and implementing remedies for transients and for potentially severe events. The importance of improved response and control of plant transients is stressed. The main steps involved in the attainment of improved control of plant transients are listed. Topics considered include the acquisition of plant data, sensitivity and risk analysis, the options for improvements, the managerial role, and some priorities for data, analysis, and evaluation. The ten most frequent types of transients for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs) are listed according to frequency of occurrence. It is concluded that the two main needs of transient management are to avoid preoccupation with end-of-spectrum accidents and to improve the rate of technology transfer from best-available analysis and implementation

  4. Association of transient hyperthyroidism and severity of hyperemesis gravidarum. (United States)

    Malek, Nor Zila Hassan; Kalok, Aida; Hanafiah, Zainal Abidin; Shah, Shamsul Azhar; Ismail, Nor Azlin Mohamed


    Background Transient non-immune hyperthyroidism in early pregnancy is hyperthyroidism diagnosed for the first time in early pregnancy, without evidence of thyroid autoimmunity or clinical findings of Grave's disease and resolved spontaneously as the pregnancy progressed. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is the commonest cause with 66%-73% of women with severe HG were found to have elevated thyroid function. Materials and methods We conducted a cross sectional study to determine the prevalence of transient hyperthyroidism in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum and its relation to the severity of nausea and vomiting. Severity of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy was assessed using the modified pregnancy-unique quantification of emesis (PUQE) scoring system. Each patient had urine and blood investigations which also included a full blood count and thyroid and renal function tests. Patients with abnormal thyroid function were retested at 20 weeks of gestation. The patients' demographic data, electrolyte levels, thyroid function and their respective PUQE score were analyzed. Results The prevalence of transient hyperthyroidism in women with hyperemesis gravidarum was 4.8%. Although there was a significant association between the severity of the PUQE score and hypokalemia (p = 0.001), there was no significant association with transient hyperthyroidism in early pregnancy (p = 0.072). Free T4 and TSH values of all women with transient hyperthyroidism were normalized by 20 weeks of gestation. Conclusion Transient hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is not significantly associated with the severity of the PUQE score. Women with transient hyperthyroidism in pregnancy are normally clinically euthyroid, hence a routine thyroid function test is unnecessary unless they exhibit clinical signs or symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

  5. Transient Analysis of a Gas-cooled Fast Reactor for Single Control Assembly Withdrawal

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Choi, Hangbok


    The Energy Multiplier Module (EMZ) system response has been evaluated for control assembly withdrawal transients. Currently the EM2 core is equipped with six cylindrical drum-type control assemblies in the reflector zone for excess reactivity control and power maneuvering during the operating core life. This study investigates the system response to the control assembly withdrawal accident with various rotational speeds and reactivity worth to determine feasible control assembly design requirements from the physics viewpoint. The simulations have been conducted for single control assembly withdrawal transients without scram by a gas-cooled reactor plant simulator, which is based on a simplified plant nodal model, including the point reactor kinetics, single channel core thermal-fluid model, and a turbo-machinery performance model. Simulations were conducted for the middle-of- cycle core, when the excess reactivity of the core is the highest. Control assembly withdrawal times were varied from 1 (runaway) to 180 sec and reactivity worth was varied from 100 to 400 pcm. For a single control assembly withdrawal, the simulation has shown that the peak fuel temperature is expected to be ~1820°C when the assembly worth is 200 pcm and the runaway time is 1 sec per 180 degree rotation. The peak temperature could be reduced to ~1780°C if the assembly is rotated out in a moderate speed such as 1 degree/sec. These peak temperatures give a thermal margin of 22 to 24% to the melting point of uranium carbide fuel. The results also indicate that the current design with a single control assembly worth of 314 pcm may need adjustments in the future design. (author)

  6. Cable system transients theory, modeling and simulation

    CERN Document Server

    Ametani, Akihiro; Nagaoka, Naoto


    A systematic and comprehensive introduction to electromagnetic transient in cable systems, written by the internationally renowned pioneer in this field Presents a systematic and comprehensive introduction to electromagnetic transient in cable systems Written by the internationally renowned pioneer in the field Thorough coverage of the state of the art on the topic, presented in a well-organized, logical style, from fundamentals and practical applications A companion website is available

  7. Design criteria of integrated reactors based on transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Zanocco, P.; Gimenez, M.; Delmastro, D.


    A new tendency in integrated reactors conceptual design is to include safety criteria through accident analysis. In this work, the effect of design parameters in a Loss of Heat Sink transient using design maps is analyzed. Particularly, geometry related parameters and reactivity coefficients are studied. Also the effect of primary relief/safety valve during the transient is evaluated. A design map for valve area vs. coolant density reactivity coefficient is obtained. A computer code (HUARPE) is developed in order to simulate these transients. Coolant, steam dome, pressure vessel structures and core models are implemented. This code is checked against TRAC with satisfactory results. (author)

  8. Simulation of hot-channel transients for PHWR reactors

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Masriera, N.A.


    For the simulation of transients a whole-plant code is needed. These codes model the core in a very simplified way. When local variables have to be calculated a different kind of code is needed: a subchannel-code. This report studies the use of the cobra code as a subchannel-code, for the simulation of a PHWR fuel channel, considering that this code was developed for PWR cores calculation. A special effort is made to obtain optimized models for different calculations: steady state, soft transients and severe transients. These models differ in number of subchannels, axial nodes, and the choice of the most important variables. (Author) [es

  9. Advanced hybrid transient stability and EMT simulation for VSC-HVDC systems

    NARCIS (Netherlands)

    Van Der Meer, A.A.; Gibescu, M.; Van Der Meijden, M.A.M.M.; Kling, W.L.; Ferreira, J.A.


    This paper deals with advanced hybrid transient stability and electromagnetic-transient (EMT) simulation of combined ac/dc power systems containing large amounts of renewable energy sources interfaced through voltage-source converter-high-voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC). The concerning transient

  10. OGLE-IV Transient Search report 07 August 2015 (United States)

    Wyrzykowski, L.; Kostrzewa-Rutkowska, Z.; Udalski, A.; Kozlowski, S.; Poleski, R.; Pietrzynski, G.; Sitek, M.


    The OGLE-IV Transient Detection System (Wyrzykowski et al. 2014, AcA,64,197; Kozlowski et al. 2013) reports the discovery of 10 new transients. Most of them appeared near or on top of apparent galaxies and their light curves resemble those of supernovae near or after their peak brightness.

  11. Pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário tratado em reator anaeróbio com o uso de serragem de couro curtido tipo \\"wet blue\\" como meio suporte de filtros percoladores


    Sérgio Luis Siebra Moreira


    A proposta desta pesquisa foi fazer um teste preliminar da hipótese que serragem de couro tipo wet blue seria adequado meio suporte para filtros percoladores destinados ao pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Para verificar a possível ação biológica e a eficiência desse material, neste estudo foram realizadas: avaliação do desempenho dos filtros percoladores no pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário, utilizando como meio suporte serragem desse tipo, gerada em curtumes - essa é uma forma de resolve...

  12. Apparatus and method for transient thermal infrared emission spectrometry (United States)

    McClelland, John F.; Jones, Roger W.


    A method and apparatus for enabling analysis of a solid material (16, 42) by applying energy from an energy source (20, 70) top a surface region of the solid material sufficient to cause transient heating in a thin surface layer portion of the solid material (16, 42) so as to enable transient thermal emission of infrared radiation from the thin surface layer portion, and by detecting with a spectrometer/detector (28, 58) substantially only the transient thermal emission of infrared radiation from the thin surface layer portion of the solid material. The detected transient thermal emission of infrared radiation is sufficiently free of self-absorption by the solid material of emitted infrared radiation, so as to be indicative of characteristics relating to molecular composition of the solid material.

  13. Metabolic Profiling of <em>Lactococcus lactisem> Under Different Culture Conditions

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Normah Mohd Noor


    Full Text Available Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS and headspace gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS/GC-MS were used to study metabolites produced by <em>Lactococcus lactisem> subsp. <em>cremoris> MG1363 grown at a temperature of 30 °C with and without agitation at 150 rpm, and at 37 °C without agitation. It was observed that <em>L. lactisem> produced more organic acids under agitation. Primary alcohols, aldehydes, ketones and polyols were identified as the corresponding trimethylsilyl (TMS derivatives, whereas amino acids and organic acids, including fatty acids, were detected through methyl chloroformate derivatization. HS analysis indicated that branched-chain methyl aldehydes, including 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, and 2-methylpropanal are degdradation products of isoleucine, leucine or valine. Multivariate analysis (MVA using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA revealed the major differences between treatments were due to changes of amino acids and fermentation products.


    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Krimm, H. A.; Holland, S. T.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Pearlman, A. B.; Baumgartner, W. H.; Cummings, J. R. [Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology (CRESST) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Romano, P. [INAF, Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Via U. La Malfa 153, I-90146 Palermo (Italy); Kennea, J. A. [Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 (United States); Bloom, J. S. [Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-3411 (United States); Barthelmy, S. D.; Gehrels, N.; Lien, A. Y.; Markwardt, C. B.; Ukwatta, T. N. [NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 (United States); Palmer, D. M. [Los Alamos National Laboratory, B244, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (United States); Sakamoto, T. [Department of Physics and Mathematics, College of Science and Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, 5-10-1 Fuchinobe, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa 252-5258 (Japan); Stamatikos, M. [Department of Physics and Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210 (United States)


    The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) hard X-ray transient monitor provides near real-time coverage of the X-ray sky in the energy range 15-50 keV. The BAT observes 88% of the sky each day with a detection sensitivity of 5.3 mCrab for a full-day observation and a time resolution as fine as 64 s. The three main purposes of the monitor are (1) the discovery of new transient X-ray sources, (2) the detection of outbursts or other changes in the flux of known X-ray sources, and (3) the generation of light curves of more than 900 sources spanning over eight years. The primary interface for the BAT transient monitor is a public Web site. Between 2005 February 12 and 2013 April 30, 245 sources have been detected in the monitor, 146 of them persistent and 99 detected only in outburst. Among these sources, 17 were previously unknown and were discovered in the transient monitor. In this paper, we discuss the methodology and the data processing and filtering for the BAT transient monitor and review its sensitivity and exposure. We provide a summary of the source detections and classify them according to the variability of their light curves. Finally, we review all new BAT monitor discoveries. For the new sources that are previously unpublished, we present basic data analysis and interpretations.

  15. The Swift/BAT Hard X-ray Transient Monitor (United States)

    Krimm, H. A.; Holland, S. T.; Corbet, R.H.D.; Pearlman, A. B.; Romano, P.; Kennea, J. A.; Bloom, J. S.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Baumgartner, W. H.; Cummings, J. R.; hide


    The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) hard X-ray transient monitor provides near real-time coverage of the X-ray sky in the energy range 15-50 keV. The BAT observes 88% of the sky each day with a detection sensitivity of 5.3 mCrab for a full-day observation and a time resolution as ne as 64 seconds. The three main purposes of the monitor are (1) the discovery of new transient X-ray sources, (2) the detection of outbursts or other changes in the ux of known X-ray sources, and (3) the generation of light curves of more than 900 sources spanning over eight years. The primary interface for the BAT transient monitor is a public web page. Since 2005 February, 242 sources have been detected in the monitor, 149 of them persistent and 93 detected only in outburst. Among these sources, 16 were previously unknown and discovered in the transient monitor. In this paper, we discuss the methodology and the data processing and ltering for the BAT transient monitor and review its sensitivity and exposure. We provide a summary of the source detections and classify them according to the variability of their light curves. Finally, we review all new BAT monitor discoveries and present basic data analysis and interpretations for those sources with previously unpublished results.

  16. The Swift-BAT Hard X-Ray Transient Monitor (United States)

    Krimm, H. A.; Holland, S. T.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Pearlman, A. B.; Romano, P.; Kennea, J. A.; Bloom, J. S.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Baumgartner, W. H.; Cummings, J. R.; hide


    The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) hard X-ray transient monitor provides near real-time coverage of the X-ray sky in the energy range 15-50 keV. The BAT observes 88% of the sky each day with a detection sensitivity of 5.3 mCrab for a full-day observation and a time resolution as fine as 64 s. The three main purposes of the monitor are (1) the discovery of new transient X-ray sources, (2) the detection of outbursts or other changes in the flux of known X-ray sources, and (3) the generation of light curves of more than 900 sources spanning over eight years. The primary interface for the BAT transient monitor is a public Web site. Between 2005 February 12 and 2013 April 30, 245 sources have been detected in the monitor, 146 of them persistent and 99 detected only in outburst. Among these sources, 17 were previously unknown and were discovered in the transient monitor. In this paper, we discuss the methodology and the data processing and filtering for the BAT transient monitor and review its sensitivity and exposure.We provide a summary of the source detections and classify them according to the variability of their light curves. Finally, we review all new BAT monitor discoveries. For the new sources that are previously unpublished, we present basic data analysis and interpretations.


    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Krimm, H. A.; Holland, S. T.; Corbet, R. H. D.; Pearlman, A. B.; Baumgartner, W. H.; Cummings, J. R.; Romano, P.; Kennea, J. A.; Bloom, J. S.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Gehrels, N.; Lien, A. Y.; Markwardt, C. B.; Ukwatta, T. N.; Palmer, D. M.; Sakamoto, T.; Stamatikos, M.


    The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) hard X-ray transient monitor provides near real-time coverage of the X-ray sky in the energy range 15-50 keV. The BAT observes 88% of the sky each day with a detection sensitivity of 5.3 mCrab for a full-day observation and a time resolution as fine as 64 s. The three main purposes of the monitor are (1) the discovery of new transient X-ray sources, (2) the detection of outbursts or other changes in the flux of known X-ray sources, and (3) the generation of light curves of more than 900 sources spanning over eight years. The primary interface for the BAT transient monitor is a public Web site. Between 2005 February 12 and 2013 April 30, 245 sources have been detected in the monitor, 146 of them persistent and 99 detected only in outburst. Among these sources, 17 were previously unknown and were discovered in the transient monitor. In this paper, we discuss the methodology and the data processing and filtering for the BAT transient monitor and review its sensitivity and exposure. We provide a summary of the source detections and classify them according to the variability of their light curves. Finally, we review all new BAT monitor discoveries. For the new sources that are previously unpublished, we present basic data analysis and interpretations

  18. Matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó, comercializadas no estado de São Paulo

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    CORREIA Marlene


    Full Text Available Com objetivos de padronizar metodologias para matérias estranhas em canela em pó e páprica em pó e de avaliar as condições higiênicas desses condimentos, foram adquiridas, no período de agosto a novembro de 1998, 78 amostras de canela em pó e 56 de páprica em pó, em estabelecimentos comerciais de seis cidades do Estado de São Paulo. Foram utilizados métodos da Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (AOAC - 1995, 16.14.12/968.38b para canela em pó e 16.14.22/977.25B para páprica em pó. Os métodos mostraram-se adequados, sem resíduos interferentes no papel de filtro que dificultasse o diagnóstico da análise e viáveis de serem utilizados nos laboratórios de Microscopia de Alimentos. Os resultados obtidos indicaram 100% das amostras contendo fragmentos de insetos; pêlos de roedor foram isolados em 73,1% de amostras de canela em pó e 34,0% de páprica em pó, enquanto ácaros mortos apareceram, respectivamente, em 37,2% e 12,5% de amostras. É necessário revisão da legislação de alimentos em vigor, com o estabelecimento de níveis de tolerância para fragmentos de insetos.

  19. An efficient Neuro-Fuzzy approach to nuclear power plant transient identification

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Gomes da Costa, Rafael [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear - CNEN, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia Nucleares, Via Cinco, s/no, Cidade Universitaria, Rua Helio de Almeida, 75, Postal Box 68550, Zip Code 21941-906 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Abreu Mol, Antonio Carlos de, E-mail: [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear - CNEN, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia Nucleares, Via Cinco, s/no, Cidade Universitaria, Rua Helio de Almeida, 75, Postal Box 68550, Zip Code 21941-906 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Instituto Nacional de C and T de Reatores Nucleares Inovadores (Brazil); Carvalho, Paulo Victor R. de, E-mail: [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear - CNEN, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia Nucleares, Via Cinco, s/no, Cidade Universitaria, Rua Helio de Almeida, 75, Postal Box 68550, Zip Code 21941-906 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Lapa, Celso Marcelo Franklin, E-mail: [Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear - CNEN, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencia e Tecnologia Nucleares, Via Cinco, s/no, Cidade Universitaria, Rua Helio de Almeida, 75, Postal Box 68550, Zip Code 21941-906 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Instituto Nacional de C and T de Reatores Nucleares Inovadores (Brazil)


    Highlights: > We investigate a Neuro-Fuzzy modeling tool use for able transient identification. > The prelusive transient type identification is done by an artificial neural network. > After, the fuzzy-logic system analyzes the results emitting reliability degree of it. > The research support was made in a PWR simulator at the Brazilian Nuclear Engineering Institute. > The results show the potential to help operators' decisions in a nuclear power plant. - Abstract: Transient identification in nuclear power plants (NPP) is often a computational very hard task and may involve a great amount of human cognition. The early identification of unexpected departures from steady state behavior is an essential step for the operation, control and accident management in NPPs. The bases for the transient identification relay on the evidence that different system faults and anomalies lead to different pattern evolution in the involved process variables. During an abnormal event, the operator must monitor a great amount of information from the instruments that represents a specific type of event. Recently, several works have been developed for transient identification. These works frequently present a non reliable response, using the 'don't know' as the system output. In this work, we investigate the possibility of using a Neuro-Fuzzy modeling tool for efficient transient identification, aiming to helping the operator crew to take decisions relative to the procedure to be followed in situations of accidents/transients at NPPs. The proposed system uses artificial neural networks (ANN) as first level transient diagnostic. After the ANN has done the preliminary transient type identification, a fuzzy-logic system analyzes the results emitting reliability degree of it. A validation of this identification system was made at the three loops Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) simulator of the Human-System Interface Laboratory (LABIHS) of the Nuclear Engineering Institute

  20. An efficient Neuro-Fuzzy approach to nuclear power plant transient identification

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Gomes da Costa, Rafael; Abreu Mol, Antonio Carlos de; Carvalho, Paulo Victor R. de; Lapa, Celso Marcelo Franklin


    Highlights: → We investigate a Neuro-Fuzzy modeling tool use for able transient identification. → The prelusive transient type identification is done by an artificial neural network. → After, the fuzzy-logic system analyzes the results emitting reliability degree of it. → The research support was made in a PWR simulator at the Brazilian Nuclear Engineering Institute. → The results show the potential to help operators' decisions in a nuclear power plant. - Abstract: Transient identification in nuclear power plants (NPP) is often a computational very hard task and may involve a great amount of human cognition. The early identification of unexpected departures from steady state behavior is an essential step for the operation, control and accident management in NPPs. The bases for the transient identification relay on the evidence that different system faults and anomalies lead to different pattern evolution in the involved process variables. During an abnormal event, the operator must monitor a great amount of information from the instruments that represents a specific type of event. Recently, several works have been developed for transient identification. These works frequently present a non reliable response, using the 'don't know' as the system output. In this work, we investigate the possibility of using a Neuro-Fuzzy modeling tool for efficient transient identification, aiming to helping the operator crew to take decisions relative to the procedure to be followed in situations of accidents/transients at NPPs. The proposed system uses artificial neural networks (ANN) as first level transient diagnostic. After the ANN has done the preliminary transient type identification, a fuzzy-logic system analyzes the results emitting reliability degree of it. A validation of this identification system was made at the three loops Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) simulator of the Human-System Interface Laboratory (LABIHS) of the Nuclear Engineering Institute (IEN

  1. Transient measurements with an ultrafast scanning tunneling microscope on semiconductor surfaces

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Keil, Ulrich Dieter Felix; Jensen, Jacob Riis; Hvam, Jørn Märcher


    We demonstrate: the use of an ultrafast scanning tunneling microscope on a semiconductor surface. Laser-induced transient signals with 1.8 ps rise time are detected, The investigated sample is a low-temperature grown GaAs layer plated on a sapphire substrate with a thin gold layer that serves as st...... bias contact, For comparison, the measurements are performed with the tip in contact to the sample as well as in tunneling above the surface, In contact and under bias, the transient signals are identified as a transient photocurrent, An additional signal is generated by a transient voltage induced...... by the nonuniform carrier density created by the absorption of the light (photo Dember effect). The transient depends in sign and in shape on the direction of optical excitation. This signal is the dominating transient in tunneling mode. The signals are explained by a capacitive coupling across the tunneling gap...

  2. The development of a transient neutron flux solution in the PANTHER code

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Hutt, P.K.; Knight, M.P.


    In the United Kingdom a new three-dimensional, two-group, homogeneous reactor diffusion code, PANTHER, has been developed for the analysis of pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and advanced gas-cooled reactors (AGRs). The code can perform a comprehensive range of calculations, steady state, depletion, and transient with either a finite difference or analytic nodal flux solution. The nodal solution allows the representation of within-node burnup variation and pin-power reconstruction in either steady-state or transient mode. Specific steady-state and transient thermal feedback modules are included for both PWRs and AGRs. The code is being developed to perform a complete range of reactor calculations from online operational support to fuel management and fault transient analysis. In the area of transient analysis, the code is currently being used for a number of PWR fault transient assessments, including rod ejection and steam-line break. In addition, work is proceeding to incorporate the PANTHER 3D nodal transient solution in the TRAC-P code. This paper outlines the development of the transient flux solutions within PANTHER

  3. Modeling of environmentally induced transients within satellites (United States)

    Stevens, N. John; Barbay, Gordon J.; Jones, Michael R.; Viswanathan, R.


    A technique is described that allows an estimation of possible spacecraft charging hazards. This technique, called SCREENS (spacecraft response to environments of space), utilizes the NASA charging analyzer program (NASCAP) to estimate the electrical stress locations and the charge stored in the dielectric coatings due to spacecraft encounter with a geomagnetic substorm environment. This information can then be used to determine the response of the spacecraft electrical system to a surface discharge by means of lumped element models. The coupling into the electronics is assumed to be due to magnetic linkage from the transient currents flowing as a result of the discharge transient. The behavior of a spinning spacecraft encountering a severe substorm is predicted using this technique. It is found that systems are potentially vulnerable to upset if transient signals enter through the ground lines.

  4. Estudo da aplicação de foto-Fenton (Fe2+/H2O2 solar no pré-tratamento do chorume

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Alessandro Sampaio Cavalcanti


    Full Text Available O chorume em estudo é proveniente da cidade de Cachoeira Paulista no interior do estado de São Paulo apresenta as concentrações dos parâmetros COT (368.6 mg C L-1, DQO (3552.2 mg O2 L-1 e DBO (397.4 mg O2 L-1 que mostram a baixa razão de        biodegradabilidade (DBO/DQO = 0.11. Neste contexto, os processos oxidativos avançados surgem como alternativa para o seu pré-tratamento. O objetivo desse trabalho é utilizar a fotocatálise homogênea, empregando foto-Fenton (H2O2 + Fe2+ Solar num reator aberto com volume constante do efluente (3 L para verificar a eficiência e a avaliação econômica de remoção da carga orgânica. O reator possui um suporte de madeira que está direcionado ao Equador com um ângulo de inclinação de 23º, com uma placa metálica sem pigmentação denominada branco, numa vazão constante (13 L . min-1. Ao mesmo tempo, o volume do reagente de Fe2+ (0.82 mol L-1 foi adicionado totalmente no início da reação e o H2O2 (30 %  m/ m durante 60 min do tempo total de 2 h, sendo a radiação solar medida através de um radiômetro portátil. O processo foi otimizado por um planejamento fatorial fracionado (24-1, e os fatores estudados foram: pH, intervalo da radiação solar, quantidades de H2O2 (g e Fe2+ (g. A maior redução percentual de COT (Carbono Orgânico Total foi 82.12%, com um aumento de sua biodegradabilidade para 0.41 aliado ao custo otimizado de US$ 0.188 / 3 L. Desta forma, o processo fotocatalítico proposto mostrou grande viabilidade técnico-econômico em relação à degradação da carga orgânica do chorume.


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    Tiago Bender Wermuth


    Full Text Available O tingimento é um dos processos de acabamento das pedras semi-preciosas até a sua comercialização. Este é muito usado na indústria da ágata utilizando elevada demanda de água o que gera uma grande quantidade de águas residuárias, contendo moléculas corantes complexas, como a Rodamina B, que apresenta características de poluente orgânico com ecotoxicidade e genotoxicidade elevadas. Neste trabalho objetivou-se buscar o desenvolvimento de POA’s capazes de degradar os efluentes sintéticos provenientes do tingimento de pedras semi-preciosas contendo o corante Rodamina B (C.I 45170. Para uma melhor eficiência de remoção da Rodamina B, utilizou-se dois métodos distintos de fixação do catalisador utilizado. Primeiramente se trabalho com sílica-gel branca (1-3 mm, Tyvek e posteriormente com o Polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD. Realizada a preparação dos materiais, investigou-se algumas combinações de métodos como UV/TiO2/SiO2/O3, UV/TiO2/PEBD/O3 bem como, o monitoramento de alguns parâmetros, como pH e a absorbância de amostras sintéticas. Os testes foram realizados em um reator em acrílico composto de lâmpada germicida (SCT – G13/T8/15W, onde se trabalhou com um volume útil de 1 L.Compondo ainda o reator, utilizou-se uma proveta de 1 litro e uma bomba peristáltica. A concentração de Rodamina B utilizada foi de 20 mg L-1. A partir dos resultados obtidos foi possível verificar que a combinação do UV/TiO2/PEBD/O3 mostrou-se ser mais eficiente. Essa combinação proporcionou um valor de constante cinética na ordem de 28,6 x 10-3 min-1. Se comparado aos demais processos investigados, pode-se observar que se teve um aumento do valor de k.

  6. Transient Aspects of Wave Propagation Connected with Spatial Coherence

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Ezzat G. Bakhoum


    Full Text Available This study presents transient aspects of light wave propagation connected with spatial coherence. It is shown that reflection and refraction phenomena involve spatial patterns which are created within a certain transient time interval. After this transient time interval, these patterns act like a memory, determining the wave vector for subsequent sets of reflected/refracted waves. The validity of this model is based on intuitive aspects regarding phase conservation of energy for waves reflected/refracted by multiple centers in a certain material medium.

  7. Development of MCP transient operation strategy for the SMART-P

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Yoo, S. E.; Choi, B. S.; Kang, H. O.; Yoon, J. H.; Ji, S. K.


    SMART-P MCP(Main Coolant Pump) transient operation strategies are developed. A Modular Modeling System (MMS) computer code is used for the evaluation of the developed operation strategies. In the SMART-P, normal operating modes are classified into MCP high speed(3600 rpm) mode and MCP low speed mode. Also, natural circulation mode is defined as a performance test case. MCP operation transients occur when changing modes from one to another, and system parameters(core power, system pressure, temperature) are having transients. These transients affect on system performance and, in some cases, limit system operation. In this study, MCP operation strategies are developed and obtained acceptable results

  8. Identification of <em>Colletotrichum> species causing anthracnose on Tahiti lime, tree tomato and mango

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Martínez Erika P.


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    In Colombia, citrus, tree tomato and mango crops are likely to suffer considerable losses from anthracnose caused by several <em>Colletotrichum> species, which were identified by the present study on infected organs of the three fruit crops, sampled in different regions of the country. Identification was based on their morphological and molecular characteristics, as well as on fungicide (benomyl and copper hydroxide sensitivity and pathogenicity tests. The latter assessed infectivity on both the original hosting crop and the other two crops (crossed infection, by putting the fungi in contact with organs taken from the three fruit crops. Molecular identification of the <em>Colletotrichum> species was carried out through amplification of rDNA ITS regions by means of <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> (CgInt and <em>C. acutatumem> (CaInt2 specific primer PCR combining the use of ITS4 universal primer. The results indicate that <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in Tahiti lime and tree tomato, and so is <em>C. gloeosporioidesem> in mango. Although <em>C. acutatumem> is the infectious agent in two diferent fruit species, the strains proved to be specific of their original hosts.

  9. Nonlinear Diffusion and Transient Osmosis

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Igarashi, Akira; Rondoni, Lamberto; Botrugno, Antonio; Pizzi, Marco


    We investigate both analytically and numerically the concentration dynamics of a solution in two containers connected by a narrow and short channel, in which diffusion obeys a porous medium equation. We also consider the variation of the pressure in the containers due to the flow of matter in the channel. In particular, we identify a phenomenon, which depends on the transport of matter across nano-porous membranes, which we call ''transient osmosis . We find that nonlinear diffusion of the porous medium equation type allows numerous different osmotic-like phenomena, which are not present in the case of ordinary Fickian diffusion. Experimental results suggest one possible candidate for transiently osmotic processes. (electromagnetism, optics, acoustics, heat transfer, classical mechanics, and fluid dynamics)

  10. Electromagnetic Transients in Power Cables

    DEFF Research Database (Denmark)

    Silva, Filipe Faria Da; Bak, Claus Leth

    . The chapter ends by proposing a systematic method that can be used when doing the insulation co-ordination study for a line, as well as the modelling requirements, both modelling depth and modelling detail of the equipment, for the study of the different types of transients followed by a step-by-step generic...... typically used for the screens of cables (both-ends bonding and cross-boding) and also presents methods that can be used to estimate the maximum current of a cable for different types of soils, i.e. thermal calculations. The end of the chapter introduces the shunt reactor, which is an important element...... detail of the equipment, for the study of the different types of transients followed by a step-by-step generic example....

  11. Isolamento de micobactérias em Felis concolor em cativeiro

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    María Julia Traversa


    Full Text Available Este trabalho foi realizado em uma reserva natural da Argentina com antecedentes de tuberculose em uma suçuarana adulta. O objetivo foi identificar por meio de técnicas bacteriológicas e de biologia molecular as espécies isoladas da orofaringe de cinco suçuaranas que apresentavam sinais clínicos inespecíficos. As amostras foram colhidas das suçuaranas após sedação. Posteriormente foram processadas para obtenção do isolamento e identificação por meio de provas bioquímicas do gênero Mycobacterium pela técnica de PCR. Investigou-se a presença das seqüências de inserção IS6110 e IS1081 e hsp65. Obtiveram-se resultados positivos à coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen de quatro amostras, isolando cinco cepas de crescimento lento. As cepas foram classificadas como M. gordonae em dois casos e M. simiae, M scrofulaceum e M. avium/intracellulare em um. Por PRA, identificou-se o padrão de M. gordonae em três cepas e M. avium III ou M. simiae em dois.

  12. Marketing em moda


    Leães, Sabrina Durgante


    Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Marketing O actual estado do Marketing em Moda é uma das questões ainda complexa com que se debate a sociedade global. As questões do Marketing em Moda percorrem alguns aspectos fundamentais tais como as constantes mutações do meio envolvente, a forma de como é percebida e comunicada a identidade das marcas de moda, em busca da melhor forma de segmentar o mercado e definir o seu posicionamento, bem como a reacção ao produto de moda do consumidor final. ...

  13. The excess radio background and fast radio transients

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Kehayias, John; Kephart, Thomas W.; Weiler, Thomas J.


    In the last few years ARCADE 2, combined with older experiments, has detected an additional radio background, measured as a temperature and ranging in frequency from 22 MHz to 10 GHz, not accounted for by known radio sources and the cosmic microwave background. One type of source which has not been considered in the radio background is that of fast transients (those with event times much less than the observing time). We present a simple estimate, and a more detailed calculation, for the contribution of radio transients to the diffuse background. As a timely example, we estimate the contribution from the recently-discovered fast radio bursts (FRBs). Although their contribution is likely 6 or 7 orders of magnitude too small (though there are large uncertainties in FRB parameters) to account for the ARCADE 2 excess, our development is general and so can be applied to any fast transient sources, discovered or yet to be discovered. We estimate parameter values necessary for transient sources to noticeably contribute to the radio background

  14. Transient analysis of a variable speed rotary compressor

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Park, Youn Cheol


    A transient simulation model of a rolling piston type rotary compressor is developed to predict the dynamic characteristics of a variable speed compressor. The model is based on the principles of conservation, real gas equations, kinematics of the crankshaft and roller, mass flow loss due to leakage, and heat transfer. For the computer simulation of the compressor, the experimental data were obtained from motor performance tests at various operating frequencies. Using the developed model, re-expansion loss, friction loss, mass flow loss and heat transfer loss is estimated as a function of the crankshaft speed in a variable speed compressor. In addition, the compressor efficiency and energy losses are predicted at various compressor-operating frequencies. Since the transient state of the compressor strongly depends on the system, the developed model is combined with a transient system simulation program to get transient variations of the compression process in the system. Motor efficiency, mechanical efficiency, motor torque and volumetric efficiency are calculated with respect to variation of the driving frequency in a rotary compressor.

  15. Automated transient identification in the Dark Energy Survey

    Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

    Goldstein, D. A. [Univ. of California, Berkeley, CA (United States); Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL), Berkeley, CA (United States). et al.


    We describe an algorithm for identifying point-source transients and moving objects on reference-subtracted optical images containing artifacts of processing and instrumentation. The algorithm makes use of the supervised machine learning technique known as Random Forest. We present results from its use in the Dark Energy Survey Supernova program (DES-SN), where it was trained using a sample of 898,963 signal and background events generated by the transient detection pipeline. After reprocessing the data collected during the first DES-SN observing season (2013 September through 2014 February) using the algorithm, the number of transient candidates eligible for human scanning decreased by a factor of 13.4, while only 1.0 percent of the artificial Type Ia supernovae (SNe) injected into search images to monitor survey efficiency were lost, most of which were very faint events. Here we characterize the algorithm's performance in detail, and we discuss how it can inform pipeline design decisions for future time-domain imaging surveys, such as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the Zwicky Transient Facility.

  16. Synthesis and Antibacterial Evaluation of New <em>N>-acylhydrazone Derivatives from Dehydroabietic Acid

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    Wen Gu


    Full Text Available A series of new <em>N>-acylhydrazone derivatives were synthesized in good yields through the reactions of dehydroabietic acid hydrazide with a variety of substituted arylaldehydes. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR, ESI-MS, elemental analysis and single crystal X-ray diffraction. From the crystal structure of compound 4l, the C=N double bonds of these <em>N>-acylhydrazones showed (<em>E>-configuration, while the NMR data of compounds 4aq indicated the existence of two rotamers for each compound in solution. The target compounds were evaluated for their antibacterial activities against four microbial strains. The result suggested that several compounds exhibited pronounced antibacterial activities. Particularly, compound 4p exhibited good antibacterial activity against <em>Staphylococcus aureusem> and <em>Bacillus subtilisem> comparable to positive control. The possible antibacterial metabolism and the strategy for further optimization of this compound were also discussed.

  17. PC operated acoustic transient spectroscopy of deep levels in MIS structures

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Bury, P.; Jamnicky, I.


    A new version of acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy is presented to study the traps at the insulator-semiconductor interface. The acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy uses an acoustoelectric response signal produced by the MIS structure interface when a longitudinal acoustic wave propagates through a structure. The acoustoelectric response signal is extremely sensitive to external conditions of the structure and reflects any changes in the charge distribution, connected also with charged traps. In comparison with previous version of acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy that closely coincides with the principle of the original deep-level transient spectroscopy technique, the present technique is based on the computer-evaluated isothermal transients and represents an improved, more efficient and time saving technique. Many tests on the software used for calculation as well as on experimental setup have been performed. The improved acoustic deep-level transient spectroscopy method has been applied for the Si(p) MIS structures. The deep-level parameters as activation energy and capture cross-section have been determined. (authors)

  18. Transient global amnesia: emergency department evaluation and management [digest]. (United States)

    Faust, Jeremy Samuel; Nemes, Andreea; Zaurova, Milana


    Transient global amnesia is a clinically distinct syndrome characterized by the acute inability to form new memories. It can last up to 24 hours. The diagnosis is dependent on eliminating other more serious etiologies including toxic ingestions, acute strokes, complex partial seizures, and central nervous system infections. Transient global amnesia confers no known long-term risks; however, when abnormal signs or symptoms are present, they take precedence and guide the formulation of a differential diagnosis and investigation. In witnessed transient global amnesia with classic features, a minimalist approach is reasonable, avoiding overtesting, inappropriate medication, and medical interventions in favor of observation, ensuring patient safety, and reassuring patients and their families. This review provides a detailed framework for distinguishing transient global amnesia from its dangerous mimics and managing its course in the emergency department. [Points & Pearls is a digest of Emergency Medicine Practice].

  19. Estudo de Caso de Sistemas Meteorológicos em Altos Níveis Sobre a América do Sul: Análise Sinótica

    Directory of Open Access Journals (Sweden)

    André Becker Nunes


    Full Text Available O Vórtice ciclônico de altos níveis (VCAN sobre o nordeste brasileiro (NeB e a Alta da Bolívia (AB são os típicos sistemas de pressão em altos níveis (250 hPa da América do Sul, especialmente nas estações mais quentes. Somados a eles, também pode-se considerar o VCAN extratropical, de característica transiente e encontrado o ano todo. Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma análise sinótica, baseada na literatura especializada, de um caso observado em 01 de fevereiro de 2005 em que os três sistemas ocorreram simultaneamente. Algumas características encontradas na literatura foram observadas nos sistemas deste caso. O campo de temperatura mais associado ao sistema extratropical foi o de 500 hPa, e não o de 250 hPa. Os movimentos verticais mais relevantes foram encontrados somente no sistema extratropical: intensos movimentos ascendentes à sotavento do eixo do cavado em altos níveis. Não se encontrou um sistema em superfície especificamente associado ao VCAN do NeB, enquanto que se observou a baixa continental (ou Baixa do Chaco associada à Alta da Bolívia e um intenso ciclone extratropical associado ao VCAN extratropical. Tal ciclone em superfície acarretou em vento sul e consequente resfriamento da camada, o que pôde ser observado pela amplitude do cavado em altos níveis, o que é raro para esta época do ano.

  20. Analysis of transient fuel failure mechanisms: selected ANL programs

    International Nuclear Information System (INIS)

    Deitrich, L.W.


    Analytical programs at Argonne National Laboratory related to fuel pin failure mechanisms in fast-reactor accident transients are described. The studies include transient fuel pin mechanics, mechanics of unclad fuel, and mechanical effects concerning potential fuel failure propagation. (U.S.).